2270512B_DNOS_System_Design__Nov83 2270512B DNOS System Design Nov83
2270512B_DNOS_System_Design__Nov83 2270512B_DNOS_System_Design__Nov83
User Manual: 2270512B_DNOS_System_Design__Nov83
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DNOS ~ System Design Document Part No. 2270512·9701 *8 15 November 1983 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS © Texas Instruments Incorporated 1981, 1982, 1983 All Rights Reserved, Printed in U.S.A. The information and/or drawings set forth in this document and all rights in and to inventions disclosed herein and patents which might be granted thereon disclosing or employing the materials, methods, techniques or apparatus described herein, are the exclusive property of Texas Instruments Incorporated. MANUAL REVISION HISTORY DNOS System Design Document (2270512-9701) Original Issue .................................. . 1 August 1981 Revision . ....................................... 1 October 1982 Revision . ....................................... 15 November 1983 The total number of pages in this publication is 706. The computers offered in this agreement, as well as the programs that TI has created to use with them, are tools that can help people better manage the information used in their business; but tools-including TI computers-cannot replace sound judgment nor make the manager's business decisions. Consequently, TI cannot warrant that its systems are suitable for any specific customer application. The manager must rely on judgment of what is best for his or her business. DNOS Software Manuals N N ....... o This diagram shows the manuals supporting ONOS, arranged according to user type. Refer to the block identified by your user group and all blocks above that set to determine which manuals are most beneficial to your needs . ~ N to ....... All DNOS Users: ~ ONOS Concepts and Facilities 2270501·9701 ONOS System Command Interpreter (SCI) Reference Manual 2270503-9701 ONOS Messages and Codes Reference Manual 2270506·9701 ONOS Operations Guide 2270502·9701 ONOS Text Editor Reference Manual 2270504·9701 ONOS Reference Handbook 2270505·9701 High-Level Language Users: COBOL Reference Manual 2270518·9701 ONOSCOBOL Programmer's Guide 2270516·9701 ONOS Performance Package Documentation 2272109·9701 TI Pascal Reference Manual 2270519·9701 ONOS TI Pascal Programmer's Guide 2270517·9701 FORTRAN·78 Reference Manual 2268681·9701 . Assembly Language Users: 990/99000 Assembly Language Reference Manual 2270509·9701 ONOS Assembly Language Programmer's Guide 2270508·9701 ONOS Link Editor Reference Manual 2270522·9701 ONOS Supervisor Call (SVC) Reference Manual 2270507·9701 Productivity Tools Users: ONOS ONCS/SNA User's Guide 2302663·9701 ONOS System Generation Reference Manual 2270511·9701 ONOSTIFORM Reference Manual 2276573·9701 ONOSONCS Operations Guide 2302662·9701 ONOS Systems Programmer's Guide 2270510·9701 ONOS Query-990 User's Guide 2276554·9701 ONOS ONCS 914A User's Guide 2302664·9701 ONOS Data Base Management System Programmer's Guide 2272058·9701 ONOS 3270 Interactive Communications Software (ICS) User's Guide 2302670·9701 ONOS Online Diagnostics and System Log Analysis Tasks User's Guide 2270532·9701 ONOS Data Base Administndor User's Guide 2272059·9701 ONOS 3780/2780 Emulator User's Guide 2270520·9701 Data Dictionary User's Guide 2276582·9701 MATHSTAT·78 Programmer's Reference Manual 2268687·9701 ONOSTIPE Reference Manual 2308786·9701 TI BASIC Reference Manual 2308769·9701 RPG II Programmer's Guide 939524·9701 Security Managers: ONOS Security Manager's Guide 2308954·9701 Systems Programmers: ONOS Sort/Merge User's Guide 2272060·9701 ONOS FORTRAN·78 Pr3rammer's Guide 22 680·9701 FORTRAN·78 ISA Extensions Manual 2268696·9701 Communications Software Users: ONOS Master Index to Operating System Manuals 2270500·9701 ONOSTIPE Exercise Guide 2308787·9701 ONOS COBOL Program Generator User's Guide 2234375·9701 ROM Loader User's Guide 2270534·9701 ONOS ONCS System Generation Reference Manual 2302648·9701 ONOS ONCS X.25 Remote File Transfer (RFn User's Guide 2302640·9701 ONOS Remote Terminal Subsystem (RTS) User's Guide 2302676·9701 Source Code Users: ONOSSystem Design Document 2270512·9701 ONOS SCI and Utilities Design Document 2270513-9701 DNOS Software Manuals Summary Concepts and Facilities Presents an overview of DNOS with topics grouped by operating system functions. All new users (or evaluators) of DNOS should read this manual. ONOS Operations Guide Explains fundamental operations for a DNOS system. Includes detailed instructions on how to use each device supported by DNOS. System Command Interpreter (SCI) Reference Manual Describes how to use SCI in both interactive and batch jobs. Describes command procedures and gives a detailed presentation of all SCI commands in alphabetical order for easy reference. Text Editor Reference Manual Explains how to use the Text Editor on DNOS and describes each of the editing commands. Messages and Codes Reference Manual Lists the error messages, informative messages, and error codes reported by DNOS. ONOS Reference Handbook Provides a summary of commonly used information for quick reference. Mastor Index to Operating System Manuals Contains a composite index to topics in the DNOS operating system manuals. Programmer's Guides and Reference Manuals for Languages Contain information about the languages supported by DNOS. Each programmer's guide covers operating system information relevant to the use of that language on DNOS. Each reference manual covers details of the language itself, including language syntax and programming considerations. Performance Package Documentation Describes the enhanced capabilities that the DNOS Performance Package provides on the Model 990/12 Computer and Business System 800. Link Editor Reference Manual I Describes how to use the Link Editor on DNOS to combine separately generated object modules to form a single linked output. Supervisor Call (SVC) Reference Manual Presents detailed information about each DNOS supervisor call and DNOS services. DNOS System Generation Reference Manual Explains how to generate a DNOS system for your particular configuration and environment. User's Guides for Productivity Tools Describe the features, functions, and use of each productivity tool supported by DNOS. User's Guides for Communications Software Describe the features, functions, and use of the communications software available for execution under DNOS. Systems Programmer's Guide Discusses the DNOS subsystems and how to modify the system for specific application environments. Online Diagnostics and System log Analysis Tasks User's Guide Explains how to execute the online diagnostic tasks and the system log analysis task and how to interpret the results. ROM loader User's Guide Explains how to load the operating system using the ROM loader and describes the error conditions. DNOS Design Documents Contain design information about the DNOS system, SCI, and the utilities. ONOS Security Manager's Guide Describes the file access security features available with DNOS. iv 2270512·9701 DNOS System Design Document PREFACE This DNOS system design document contains the information that is needed to understand the operation of the system but is not provided in other DNOS manuals. The document describes the flow of control of the operating system in general and of each of its subsystems in particular. It also includes data structure pictures, link streams, and directory information for DNOS modules. Revisions made to this manual since DNOS 1.1 are marked with revision bars in the margins. This manual is divided into the following sections: Section 1 How to Use the Design Document -- Explains how to use this manual. 2 Overview of DNOS -- Discusses the DNOS system. 3 Naming and Coding Conventions Explains conventions used in writing DNOS modules. 4 DNOS Structure and Nucleus Functions -- Discusses the overall structure of DNOS, COmmon interface routines, map file usage, major data structures, and queue server structures. 5 IPL and System Loaders Describes the Initial Program Load and the structures system loading. 6 SVC Processing -- Discusses the preprocessing done by the system, the several paths of control through supervisor call (SVC) processing, and how new SVC processors can be added to DNOS. 7 Segment Management Explains the structures, function, and use of segment management facilities of DNOS. 8 Job Management -- Discusses the job management flow of control and the data structures that support job management. 9 Program Management -- Describes the flow of control and the data structures used by DNOS in controlling bidding, loading, and synchronizing tasks. 2270512-9701 v the general features of the process of that support DNOS System Design Document 10 I/O Subsystem -* Reviews the overall I/O processing structure and the details of handling of device I/O, I/O utility calls, interprocess communication (IPC), file security, and name management. 11 Disk Structures and File I/O ** Includes an overview of file management, a description of disk and inmemory file structures, and a detailed description of key indexed file management. 12 DNOS System Tasks -- Discusses the conventions used in writing DNOS system tasks and provides detailed descriptions of many system tasks provided with DNOS. 13 System Generation Utility -- Provides an overview of the system generation utility and the data structures used. 14 Logging and Accounting the flow of control accounting functions. 15 DNOS Performance Package -- Discusses the conventions used in system source code to enable the performance package and describes the routines executed in microcode. 16 DNOS Development and Analysis Tools Describes several tools available' to Texas Instruments internal users for development purposes only and several tools and' command procedures available for general access. 17 Analyzing a System Crash -~ Describes the ANALZ utility functions and how to use them in analyzing a system crash file or in studying a running system. 18 XOP Processing .- Describes the XOP processors DNOS and how to add a new XOP processor. 19 Special SVCs -Describes operating system. 20 Linking Information for DNOS -~ Explains how to link DNOS and provides examples of link streams and link maps from building a DSR link, a link of a system task, and the link of the DNOS root. 21 DNOS Source Describes the Disk Structure -* with a DNOS source directories and files provided kit. Texas Instruments vi ~4 Describes the functions and for the system log and job SVCs used only by in the 2270512*9701 DNOS System Design Document 22 A Data Structure Pictures Provides data structure pictures for DNOS data structures commonly needed to understand the system. Keycap Cross-Reference - Discusses the generic keycap names that apply to all terminals that are used for keys on keyboards through out this manual. For further information related to the use of DNOS, refer following document and those shown in the frontispiece. Title Part Number DNOS Source Installation Guide 2270512-9701 vii/viii 2270515-9701 to the DNOS System Design Document TABLE of CONTENTS TABLE of CONTENTS Paragraph Title SECTION 1 HOW TO USE THE DESIGN DOCUMENT SECTION 2 2•1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3•1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.3 4.4 4.5 4 .5 • 1 4 .5 .2 4 .5 .3 4 .5 .4 4 .5 .5 '+.5.6 1+.5.7 1+ .6 4 .6. 1 4 .6 • 2 j~.6.3 • • .. ...... 2-2 NAMING AND CODING CONVENTIONS 3-1 3-4 3-6 3-10 3-13 3-13 DNOS STRUCTURE AND NUCLEUS FUNCTIONS OVERVIEW • • • • • • • • • • • SYSTEM MEMORY MAPPING SYSTEM DATA STRUCTURES • • • • • • • SYSTEM FILES ••••••••••• NUCLEUS SUPPORT FUNCTIONS •••• Linkage Support •••• • ••••••••• Queuing Support ••• • • • • • • • Synchronization and Coordination Inhibiting Scheduling ••• Map File Changing ••••••••• Table Area Management ••••••••••• System Crash Routine • •• • •••••• NUCLEUS FUNCTIONS FOR TASK SCHEDULING AND EXECUTION Data Structures Execution Priorities Time Slicing •• • • 2270512-9701 2-1 2-1 2-4 NAMES OF ROUTINES ••••••••••• GLOBAL DATA AND STRUCTURE TEMPLATES ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CODING CONVENTIONS PASCAL CODING CONVENTIONS ERROR HANDLING •• • • • • GENERATING NEW ERROR CODES SECTION 4 4•1 4.2 OVERVIEW OF DNOS INTRODUCTION •• • • • GENERAL STRUCTURE FLOW OF CONTROL OF DNOS DXIO COMPATIBILITY SECTION 3 Page ...... ix ....... ... 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-16 TABLE of CONTENTS 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.7 4.7.1 4 .7 .2 4 .7 .3 4.8 4.9 4.10 ..... ........... ........... ............. Task Bid Task Activation Table Area Scheduling INTERRUPT PROCESSING Clock Interru~t Processor Internal Interrupt Processor •• Power-Up and Power-Down Interrupt Processors SVC PROCESSING •••••••••• TASK TERMINATION • • • • • • • • SPECIAL COpy ROUTINE . . .. . . SECTION 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5 .3. 1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 5.4.9 5.4.10 5.4.11 5.4.12 5.4.13 6.1 6.2 6 .3 6.4 6.5 6 .5 • 1 6 .5 .2 6 .5 .3 6.5.4 6.5.5 6.6 6 .6. 1 6 .6 .2 IPL AND SYSTEM LOADERS ..... . . . . . . .. .. .. .. IPL SEQUENCE • • • • • • •• • SYSTEM LOADER OVERVIEW SYSTEM LOADER DATA STRUCTURES Disk Volume Information •••••••••••• WCS File •••••••••••••••••• Kernel Program File ••••••••• System Loader Internal Working Storage FLOW OF CONTROL THROUGH THE SYSTEM LOADER Relocating ~he Loader • •• •• • • Load Device Initialization ••••••••• Opening a File for I/O •••••••• ~ Loading the System Root •••••••••••• Loading a Module ••• •••••• ••• Initializing the Crash File ••• • •••• CPU Type Dependent Initialization Loading the Special Table Areas •••••• Loading the JCAs •••••••••••••••• Loading the DSRs •••••••••••••••• Loading Memory-Resident Tasks • • • • • Disk System Initialization ••••••••• Installing Disk Volumes ••••• • •• ... $ SECTION 6 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-21 • • • • • • 5-1 5-2 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-10 5-10 5-11 5-11 5-13 5-13 5-13 5-14 5-14 5-15 5-15 5-16 SVC REQUEST PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF SVC PROCESSING •• • • • • • • • • • • MODULES USED FOR REQUEST PROCESSING • • • • • •••••••••••••••• MAPPING STRUCTURE DATA STRUCTURES USED FOR SVC PROCESSING • • • DETAILS OF SVC PROCESSING • • • • • • Decoding Routine (RPROOT) ••••••••• SVC Buffering Routine (RPBUF) ••••••• Dequeuing and Unbuffering Routine (RPDQUE) ••• Other Request Processor Support Routines DNOS SVCs and Processors ••• ••••••• USER-WRITTEN SVC PROCESSORS • • • • • • • User SVC Table Processors for User-Written SVCs ...... x 6-1 6-3 6-5 6-5 6-8 6-8 6-10 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-14 6-14 6-18 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document TABLE of CONTENTS SECTION 7 7 •1 7 .2 7 .3 7 .4 7 .4 • 1 7 .4 .2 7 .4 .3 7 .4 .4 7 .4 .5 7 .4 .6 7 .4 .7 7 .4.8 7 .4.9 7.4.10 7.4.11 7.4.12 7.4.13 7.4.14 7 .5 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• ARCHITECTURE OF SEGMENT MANAGEMENT SEGMENT MANAGEMENT DATA STRUCTURES ••• SEGMENT MANAGEMENT ROUTINES SVC Preprocessor (SMPREP) ••• • ••• Change Segment Processor (SMCHGS) ••••• Create Segment Processor (SMCRES) ••••••• Reserve Segment Processor (SMRSVE) ••••••• Release Reserved Segment Processor (SMRLSE) Check Segment Status Processor (SMCHKS) •• Forced Write Segment Processor (SMFWRS) Release Job Segments Processor (SMJRLS) •••• Set/Reset Modified and Releasable (SMMDFY) ••• Bias Segment Address Within Task (SMBIAS) ••• Set Exclusive Use of a Segment (SMEXCU) •• Reset Exclusive Use of a Segment (SMREXC) ••• Load a Segment (SMLOAD) •••••••••• Unload a Segment (SMUNLD) • •• • ••• SEGMENT MANAGEMENT TABLE AREA • • • • • • SECTION 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 8.6.5 8.6.6 8 .6 • 7 8.6.8 8.6.9 8.6.10 8.6.11 8.7 9 •1 9.2 9.3 9 .3 • 1 9 .3 • 2 7-12 7-12 7-12 7-13 7-13 7-13 7-14 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-6 8-6 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-9 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA STRUCTURES USED BY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT DETAILS OF PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ROUTINES • • • • Task Bid Processor (PMTBID) • • • • • • • • Task Loader (PMTLDR) •••••••••••••• 2270512-9701 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-7 7-9 7-9 7-10 7-10 7-11 JOB MANAGEMENT JOB CONSTRUCT • • • • • •• ••••••• OVERVIEW OF JOB MANAGEMENT •••••••• ARCHITECTURE OF JOB MANAGEMENT •••••••• JOB MANAGEMENT DATA STRUCTURES • •• • •• JOB STATES •••••••••••••••••••• DETAILS OF JOB MANAGER ROUTINES • • • • • Job Manager Preprocessor (JMPREP) ••••••• Job Manager Request Processing Task (JMMAIN) •• Create Job Processor (JMC$) •••••••••• Halt Job Processor (JMHALT) ••• • •• Resume Job Processor (JMRESU) • • • • • Modify Job Priority Processor (JMPRIO) ••• Map Job Name Processor (JMMAP) •••• • •• Get Job Information Processor (JMINFO) ••••• Kill Job Processor (JMKILL) • • • • • • • • Job Clean-Up Routine (JMD$) •••••• Verify Job ID Routine (JMVRFY) ••• IMPLICATIONS OF JOB BOUNDARIES • • • • SECTION 9 7-1 7-1 xi 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-2 9-3 TABLE of CONTENTS 9 .3 .3 9.4 9 .4 • 1 9.4.2 9.4.3 Task Termination Processor (PMTERM) TASK SYNCHRONIZATION • • • • Semaphores ••••• Lo c k s •••••••• Event Synchronization ......... SECTION 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3.1 I/O SUBSYSTEM OVERVIEW..... • •• • •••• DEVICE I/O DATA STRUCTURES •• • • •• •• DEVICE I/O HANDLING ••••••••• • ••• Details of I/O System Routines •• • •• 10.3~2 I/O Processing by the DSR ••••••••••• 10.3.3 Returning Information to the Requester ••••• 10.3.4 Bidding a Task from a DSR ••••••••••• 10.3.5 Handling Large I/O Buffers ••••••••• 10.3.6 Converting a DXI0 DSR for DNOS ••• 10.4 TELEPRINTER TERMINAL DSR ••••••••• 10.4.1 DSRTPD Structures ••• • ••••• 10.4.2 PDT Structures ••••••• 10.4.3 DSRTPD Functions • • • • •• 10.4.4 DSRTPD Details • • • •• • ••••••• 10.4.5 DSRTPD Defaults .•••••••••• 10.5 ASYNCHRONOUS DSR STRUCTURE •• • ••••••• 10.5.1 Data Structures Linkage ••• • •••••• 10.5.2 Data Structure Allocation •• • •••• 10.5.3 PDT Extension Definitions ••••••••• Asynchronous Local PDT Extension ••••••• Asynchronous Long-Distance Device Extension CI401 HSR Local Extension •••••••••• CI401 HSR Long-Distance Extension •• CI403/CI404 HSR Local Extension ••••• CI403/CI404 HSR Long-Distance Extension ••• 9902/9903 HSR Local Extension •••••••• 9902/9903 HSR Long-Distance Extension •••• 931/940 TSR/ISR Local Extension ••••••• 931/940 TSR/ISR Long-Distance Extension ••• Serial Printer HSR Local Extension •••••• Serial Printer HSR Long-Distance Extension •• 10.6 I/O UTILITY (IOU) •••••••••• 10.6.1 Configurability • • • • • ••• 10.6.2 Memory Layout •••••••• • •••• 10.6.3 Structures Maintained by IOU •• Directory Tree Construction •• • •• LDT Structure •••••••••••••••• 10.6.4 Details of IOU Processing ••••••••• IOU Preprocessor (IUPREP) •••••••• Initial Processing in the IOU Task ••••• Channel Operations •••••••••••••• Concatenated Files and Multifile Sets Temporary Files •••••••• • •• 10.6.5 Operating System Support SVCs ••••••• xii 9-6 9-7 9-7 9-8 9-9 10-1 10-2 10-4 10-4 10-8 10-11 10-13 10-14 10-16 10-22 10-23 10-22 10-25 10-25 10-27 10-27 10-31 10-31 10-31 10-32 10-35 10-37 10-39 10-41 10-43 10-44 10-46 10-48 10-51 10-54 10-56 10-57 10-58 10-58 10-58 10-60 10-61 10-64 10-64 10-66 10-66 10-68 10-69 10-70 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document TABLE of CONTENTS 10.7 DEVICE I/O UTILITY (DIOU) •••••••••• 10.7.1 DIOU Functions ••••• • ••••••• 10.7.2 DIOU Data Base •• •• ••• • ••••• 10.7.3 Data Structures Used by DIOU ••• • •••• 10.8 FILE ACCESS SECURITY ••••••••••••• 10.8.1 Establishing a Job's Security Environment ••• 10.8.2 Enforcing Security ••• • • • • •• •• File Manager • • • • ••••• Program Manager ••• • ••••••• Segment Manager ••• • ••••••••• Sysgen... • •••••••• 10.8.3 Volume Security • • • • •• 10.8.4 Networking...... • •••••••••• Manipulation of the Access Control List ••• 10.9 INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION (IPC) ••• 10.9.1 IPC SVC Interface ••••• • ••••••• 10.9.2 Channel Characteristics •••••••••• Symmetric Channel Activity •••••• Master/Slave Channel Activity •••••• 10.9.3 Details of IPC Processing •• • •••• Structures Used for IPC Processing •••• 10.9.4 Detailed Operation of IPC Routines ••• IPC Preprocessor (IPCPRE) •••• IPC Queue Server (IPCTSK) IPC XOP level request processor (IPCXOP) IPC request processors (IPCPRO, IPCMRD and IPCMWT) ••••••••••• IPC Support Routines ••••• 10.10 NAME MANAGEMENT •••••••••• 10.10.1 Architecture of the Name Manager ••• 10.10.2 Data Structures Used by the Name Manager 10.10.3 Name Manager SVC Preprocessing 10.10.4 Details of Name Manager Modules 10.10.5 Stage Scope Rules •••••• .. ........ SECTION 11 10-90 10-92 10-94 10-95 10-95 10-99 10-100 10-105 DISK STRUCTURES AND FILE I/O .... 11. 1 OVERVIEW OF FILE MANAGEMENT 11 .2 STRUCTURE OF A NEW DISK DISK DATA STRUCTURES 11 .3 ••• Volume Information 11.3.1 Allocation Bit Map 11.3.2 11 .4 FILE STRUCTURES 11.4.1 Relative Record Files Unblocked Relative Record Files Blocked Relative Record Files 11.4.2 Sequential Files •••••••• 11.4.3 Key Indexed Files • • • • • • • 11.4.4 Program Files • • • • • • • 11.4.5 Directory Files • • • • 11.4.6 Image Files •••••••••• 11 .5 ALLOCATION OF SPACE FOR EXPANDABLE FILES . . . . .. ...... . ....... .. 2270512-9701 10-70 10-71 10-71 10-72 10-76 10-76 10-78 10-78 10-79 10-79 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-80 10-82 10-83 10-83 10-83 10-86 10-87 10-87 10-88 10-88 10-89 10-90 xiii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••••• ••••• 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-4 11-4 11-5 11-5 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-10 11-13 11-21 11-23 11-23 TABLE of CONTENTS 11 .6 IN-MEMORY DATA STRUCTURES XOP-Level Preprocessing 11.6.1 Task-Level Processing 11.6.2 Flow of Control in File Management 11.6.3 Overlay Management • • • • • • 11.6.4 Buffer Management •••••••• 11.6.5 Details of I/O Sub-Opcode Processors 11.6.6 Read Write ••••••••••• Clo se •••••••••••••••••• Multiple-Record Read Multiple-Record Write Lower Level Support Routines 11.6.7 Concatenated Files and Multifile Sets Unblocked Relative Record Files Blocked Relative Record Files Sequential Files Multifile KIF Sets Closing Blocked Files Unblocked Relative Record Files Blocked Files ••••••• Record Transfers Relative Record Files Sequential Files Blank Adjustment KIF MANAGEMENT •• • • 11 .7 KIF Data Structures 11.7.1 KIF Management Code Structure 11.7.2 Details of KIF Operations 11.7.3 Close •••••••••• Open Random •••••••• ••• Rea~ Greater and Read Greater or Equal •• Read by Key, Read Current, and Read by Primary .. ·. ·. ..... .... Ke y •••••• ••• . . . . . ·. .. . . • • • • Read Next ••••••••••••• Read Previous • • • • • • • • •• Insert ••• • •••••••• Rewrite ••••••••••••••• Delete by Key and Delete by Current Set Currency Equal, Greater, Equal or Greater Forward Space, Backspace, Read ASCII, Rewind Details of KIF Subroutines ••••••••• 11.7.4 SECTION 12 12 • 1 12.2 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 11-50 11-51 11-51 11-51 11-52 11-52 11-53 11-53 11-54 DNOS SYSTEM TASKS SYSTEH TASK ENVIRONMENT AND CONVENTIONS ••••• WRITING AND LINKING AN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE TASK USING OVERLAYS IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SYSTEM TASKS Overlay Data Structures •••••• System Support Routines for Overlays Size of Overlay Areas ••••• Coding Overlays ••• • •••• xiv 11-26 11-30 11-32 11-32 11-36 11-39 11-40 11-40 11-41 11-41 11-41 11-42 11-42 11-42 11-42 11-42 11-43 11-43 11-43 11-43 11-43 11-43 11-44 11-44 11-44 11-44 11-45 11-48 11-49 11-50 11-50 11-50 12-1 12-1 12-2 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 12.3.5 12.3.6 12.4 12.5 12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3 12.5.4 TABLE of CONTENTS Calling Routines in an Overlay Internal Design Considerations WRITING AND LINKING A PASCAL SYSTEM TASK DETAILS OF DNOS SYSTEM TASKS Log-On Task (LOGON) System Initialization Tasks (RESTART and RESTART2) RPRCP IOBREAK SECTION 13 14.1 14.2 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.3 .. .. 13-1 13-1 13-3 13-3 13-3 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-6 13-6 13-6 13-6 13-7 13-7 13-7 13-9 13-11 13-12 13-12 13-13 13-15 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-19 13-20 13-21 LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING TASKS LGFORM LGACCT SUPPORT ROUTINES 2270512-9701 12-13 12-13 12-15 SYSTEM GENERATION UTILITY 13.1 OVERVIEW SYSJEN STRUCTURE 13.2 DETAILS OF THE SYSJEN ROOT PHASE 13.3 STOPRT 13.3.1 Support Routines 13.3.2 13.4 DETAILS OF THE INITIALIZATION PHASE 13.4.1 INIT 13.4.2 INITAL 13.4.3 INITCN 13.4.4 INITDB INITHD 13.4.5 13.4.6 INITOP DETAILS OF THE INTERACTIVE PHASE 13 .5 General Support Routines 13.5.1 Asking System Questions 13.5.2 Defining Structures 13.5.3 Changing Structures 13.5.4 Deleting Structures 13.5.5 Listing Structures 13.5.6 DETAILS OF THE BUILDING PHASE 13.6 JENDAT FILE 13.7 Interactive Use of the JENDAT File 13.7.1 Number Questions Name Questions Element Questions 13 .. 7 • 1 .3 Pathname Questions Yes/No Questions BUILD Use of the JENDAT File 13.7.2 Sample Copy Module 13.7.3 JENDAT EDITOR 13.8 SECTION 14 12-6 12-6 12-7 12-9 12-11 xv 14-1 14-2 14-2 14-2 14-3 TABLE of CONTENTS 14.4 SECTION 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.4.1 15.4.2 15.4.3 15.4.4 15.4.5 17 • 1 1 7 .4 15-1 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-3 15-3 15-4 15-4 15-4 DEVELOPMENT AND ANALYSIS TOOLS OVERVIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SHOW RELATIVE TO FILE INTERACTIVELY UTILITY (SRF1) THE TIGRESS TEST FACILITY • • •• • • Details of Tigress Commands •• Directives of Tigress ••• User Defined Commands For Tigress THE SYSTEM DEBUG UTILITY •• • • • Details of Debug Commands ••••••••••• Establishing the Debug Environment THE PICT UTILITY •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Assembly Language Output • • • • • • • • • • Pascal Template Output • •• ••• • • • PICT Picture Output •••••••••• • • Input Format •••••••••••••••••• THE JENDAT EDITOR •••••••••••••• XJENED Command Procedure JENED Commands EDIT Command PRINT Command QUIT Command REMOVE Command SHOW Command VERSION Command MOVE Command . . .. .. ........ ........ ............ ... .. .. . . · . .. .. .. . . . . .· .. .. . . ·.... SECTION 17 17 .2 17 .3 14-3 DNOS PERFORMANCE PACKAGE OV E RV I EW • • •• •••••••• • • • DNOS SOURCE CONVENTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••• MICROCODE CHARACTERISTICS MICROCODE CODING CONVENTIONS • • • • • • • Standard Syntax For Microcode States •••• Labeling Conventions • • • • • • • • •• Commenting Conventions • • • • • • • • • • • Common Routines • • •• •••••• Debugging •••••• • •••••••• SECTION 16 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.5 16.5.1 16.5.2 16.5.3 16.5.4 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.8.1 16.8.2 16.8.3 16.8.4 16.8.5 16.8.6 16.8.7 .............. MISCELLANEOUS MODULES 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-4 16-12 16-13 16-13 16-14 16-19 16-22 16-25 16-27 16-30 16-33 16-35 16-35 16-36 16-37 16-40 16-40 16-40 16-41 16-41 16-41 ANALYZING A SYSTEM CRASH OVERVIEW • • • • • • • • • DETAILS OF CRASH ANALYSIS COMMANDS GUIDELINES FOR CRASH ANALYSIS HARDWARE TRACE INFORMATION •• • • xvi ...... 17-1 17-3 17-12 17-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document SECTION IB IB.l 18.2 18.3 IB.3.1 18.3.2 TABLE of CONTENTS INTERRUPTS AND XOP PROCESSING . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ....... OVERVIEW OF INTERRUPT PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF XOP PROCESSING ••• BUILDING AN XOP PROCESSOR ••• System Generation Requirements for User XOPs XOP Processor Details ••••••••••• SECTION 19 ••••••••• • • •• ••• Write UART Registers ••••••••••• Read UART Registers ••••••••••• 19.2.B TILINE Diagnostic Port (Subopcode )16) ••• 19.2.9 Read with Initial Value (Subopcode )17) •• 19.2.10 Assign Diagnostic Device (Subopcode )94) •• 19.2.11 Attach File (Subopcode)AO) •••• 19.2.12 Detach File (Subopcode )Al) •••••••• 19.2.13 Detach File by Number (Subopcode )A3) ••• 19.2.14 Modify FDR Bit (Subopcode )A4) •••••.•• 19.2.15 Release LUNO in Another Job (Subopcode )A5) 19.2.16 Assign System LUNO FF (Subopcode )A6) ••••• 19.2.17 Release File Structures (Subopcode )A7) •• 19.2.1B DIOU Operations (Subopcodes )C2, )C3, )C6, )C7) )C2 - Get Selected Device Parameters ••• )C3 - Set Selected Device Parameters ••• )C6 - Get CDE From CDT •• • •• • •• )C7 - Process Device Task Bid •••••• 19.3 SPECIAL FEATURE OF EXECUTE TASK SVC ••• 19.4 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT ••••••••• • •• 19.5 NAME MANAGEMENT ••••••• • ••••• 2270512-9701 xvii IB- 2 1B-3 SPECIAL SVCs OVERVIEW •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19.1 I/O SVCs ••••• • ••••••••••• 19.2 DSRTPD Diagnostics Control (Subopcode )OB) ••• 19.2.1 Write Interface Image •••••••••••• Read Interface Image •• • • • • • • • Communications DSR Diagnostics Control 19.2.2 (Subopcode )OB) •••••••••• Open Unblocked (Subopcode )13) •••• • •• 19.2.3 Close Without Updating FDR (Subopcode )14) ••• 19.2.4 DSRTPD Communications Control - (Subopcode )15) 19.2.5 Set File Transfer Parameters )lC ••••• Modify Timing Characteristics )16 •• Modify Line Chara~teristics )17 ••• •• Modify Terminal Type )18 •• • •••••• Modify Special Characters )19 •••••••• Connect )IA ••••••••••••••••• Flush Character Queue )lB •••• Set Exclusive Access )lD ••••••••• 19.2.5.B Set Shared Access )lE •••••••••• VDT Extended Edit Flags (Subopcode )15) •• 19.2.6 Asynchronous Multiplexor Operation (Subopcode 19.2.7 ) 15 ) 1B-1 1B-2 1B-2 19-1 19-1 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-7 19-B 19-8 19-9 19-9 19-10 19-10 19-10 19-10 19-11 19-12 19-14 19-16 19-20 19-21 19-22 19-23 19-24 19-25 19-26 19-27 19-2B 19-2B 19-31 19-32 19-33 19-34 19-34 19-35 19-35 TABLE of CONTENTS ·· Determine Next Pathname (Subopcode >01) 19.5.1 (Subopcode > 03) Append Pathname to Name 19.5.2 (Subopcode Return Next Name >05) 19.5.3 Purge Names (Subopcode >06) 19.5.4 (Subopcode >07) Enter New Stage 19.5.5 Return to Previous Stage (Subopcode >08) 19.5.6 19.5.7 Return Next Error Entry (Subopcode >09) Determine Segment Size (Subopcode >OA) 19.5.8 Copy Name s to New Segment (Subopcode >OB) 19.5.9 Creating an Empty Name Segment (Subopcode >OD) 19.5.10 Saving a Name Segment (Subopcode >OE) 19.5.11 MODIFY BTA OR JCA SIZE 19.6 HALT/RESUME TASK 19.7 • EXPAND JCA 19.8 ·· ·· · · · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · ·· · · · ·· · · · · · · ... . . . . . . . . ·· ·· · · ·· ·· · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· SECTION 20 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 LINKING INFORMATION FOR DNOS OVERVIEW • • • • •• ••••••••• LINKING A SYSTEM TASK • • • • LINKING A DSR •••••••••• LINKING THE DNOS SEED •• LINK CONTROL FILES BUILT DURING SYSTEM GENERATION SECTION 21 21 • 1 21.2 21.3 21.4 DIRECTORY STRUCTURE •••••• COMPONENTS USED IN BUILDING DNOS THE PROCEDURE FOR BUILDING DNOS DNOS PROGRAM FILES •••••••• OV ERV I E W ·..... 21-1 21-3 21-8 21-8 DATA STRUCTURE PICTURES OVERVIEW •• • • • • • • • • • • STRUCTURES FROM THE COMMON DIRECTORY STRUCTURES FROM THE ATABLE DIRECTORY APPENDIX A A. 1 ·. 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-6 DNOS SOURCE DISK STRUCTURE SECTION 22 22.1 22.2 22.3 19-41 19-42 19-43 19-44 19-45 19-45 19-47 19-47 19-48 19-48 19-49 19-50 19-51 19-52 ·.... 22-1 22-6 22-27 KEYCAP CROSS-REFERENCE ..................... xv iii A-I 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document LIST of FIGURES LIST of FIGURES Figure 2-1 4-1 4-2 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 9-1 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 11-1 11-2 11-3 11- 4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 Page Title Flow of Control in DNOS DNOS Nap Files • Flow of Control in Task Scheduling • System Loader Subroutine Calls • SVC Entry Form in RPSTAB • Examples of RDB and RIB Structures Format of RPUDAT Module Flow of Control in Segment Manager Flow of Control in Change Segment Flow of Control During Initial Load Flow of Control in Create Segment Flow of Control in Forced Write Flow of Control in Release Job Segments Segment Manager Table Organization • Flow of Control in Task Loader • Overview of Device I/O Handling Beginning Device Request Processing DSR Control Paths Returning Information to the Requester • Device I/O Buffering • DSR Link Control Stream DSR Structure Asynchronous Data Structure Linkages • Asynchronous Local PDT Extension • Asynchronous Long-Distance PDT Extension LDT Chains • Symmetric Channel States • Owner SVCs for Master/Slave Channels • Name Segment Structure • Sequential File Format • Blank-Suppressed Record Key Indexed File B-Tree Program File Format Program File Available Space List Task Description Entry • Procedure/Segment Description Entry Overlay Description Entry Directory File Structure • Computing a Hash Key • Dump of Directory File • In-Memory File Representation Flow of Control in File Management • Overlay Area Structure • Buffered KIF Request • KIF Currency Block • Example of Root Node Split • Example of Regular B-Tree Node Split 2270512-9701 xix • 2-3 4-3 4-18 5-8 6-6 6-7 6-17 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-11 7-12 7-15 9-6 10-4 10-5 10-11 10-13 10-16 10-21 10- 28 10-33 10-34 10-36 10-63 10-85 10-87 10-96 11-8 11-10 11-12 11-14 11-16 11-17 11-19 11-20 11-22 11-22 11-25 11-27 11-33 11-38 11-45 11-47 11-55 11-56 LIST 12-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 18-1 19-1 19-2 Example of Link Control for System Task PCKREC Input Format • • DORG Input Format • • Template Picture Format XOP Processor • Write UART Register Format • Read DART Registers Format ··· .. ·· ·· ·· ..... .. · · · ··· xx 0 f FIGURES · · ·• · ··· · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·• ·· ·· ·· · ·· · · · · 12-2 16-34 16-34 16-35 18-4 19-13 19-15 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document LIST of TABLES LIST of TABLES Table 1-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 12-1 12-2 15-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 17-1 17-2 18-1 21-1 21-2 21-3 22-1 22-2 Title Page .. Acronyms Used in this Manual DNOS Subsystem Abbreviations Major Directories of DNOS Macros from DSC.MACROS.FUNC System Loader Phases • • • •• • • Major Request Processor Routines •••••• SVC Processors and Modules • •• •• • Request Definition Block (RDB) Format Return Information Block (RIB) Format •••• Location of Support Subroutines for DSRs ••• Asynchronous DSR Module Functions • • • DSR/TSR Entry Points •••••••••• • •• Asynchronous Local PDT Extension Template ••••• Asynchronous Long-Distance PDT Extension Template Format Information for Available Disks •••• Capabilities of Available Disks •••• File Management Mod~les •• ••• • • • KIF Main Routines • •• •••••• KIF Subroutines • • • • • • • • • • • DNOS System Tasks ••••••• System Tasks to Support SCI and Utilities Location of the Microaddress Bus ••• Types of Arguments for Tigress Commands ••• Predefined Labels for Tigress Commands •••• Tigress Commands ••••••••••••••• Parameter Types for Debug Commands •••••• Commands for System Debug Program •• • • • • • • • Verbs Used in Generating Structures •• • ••• Crash Analysis Commands • • • • • • • • • • • • Format of Hardware Trace Information ••••• System Generation Prompts for XOPs DNOS Batch Stream Files ••• Map of Utility Program File •••••• Map of System Program File • • •• •••• Template Acronyms • • • • • • • •• • • Templates Described in SCI and Utilities Document 2270512-9701 xxi/xxii 1-2 3-2 3-3 3-10 5-3 6-4 6-12 6-15 6-16 10-21 10-29 10-30 10-35 10-36 11-3 11-3 11-28 11-48 11-49 12-10 12-11 15-5 16-5 16-5 16-7 16-14 16-15 16-24 17-3 17-15 18-3 21-6 21-9 21-11 22-3 22-5 DNOS System Design Document SECTION 1 HOW TO USE THE DESIGN DOCUMENT The description of DNOS design is divided into sections according to major operating system functions. The nucleus routines are described first, along with their data structures and the overall operating system structure. This section is followed by separate sections describing each of the major subsystems in DNOS. For an overview of all subsystems, skim through this document, reading carefully the overview portion of each subsystem section. For details on a particular subsystem or module within a subsystem, consult the detailed diagrams and discussion that follow the overview. Section 3 details naming conventions for the DNOS modules. When searching for details about a particular module, use the module name to determine which subsystem description is relevant. For details about particular data structures being used, consult the section on data structure pictures. The section on linking information provides example link control streams used to build pieces of the operating system. To build a device service routine (DSR) or a new system task, use these link examples as a guide in building the required link streams. Link streams are also shown for several other parts of the operating system to show how these pieces are structured. The DNOS link streams should be considered the primary source of information about the modules included to support a particular task or subsystem. The link streams are also the primary source for full pathnames for modules in DNOS. Most data structure pictures in this document are built directly from the templates copied into operating system source code. The structures are shown with hexadecimal byte counts, special comments, flags, and a diagram. Most of the special terms used to describe DNOS can be found in the glossary in the DNOS Concepts and Facilities manual. Other terms are defined in this document as they are needed. Acronyms' for system structures and routine names are introduced at various points throughout the manual. If you read a section from the manual without reading all preceding sections, an acronym may be encountered without an explanation of its meaning. Table 1-1 lists most of the acronyms used in the manual. Refer to this list in conjunction with the glossary for a complete description of the term. 2270512-9701 1-1 How to Use DNOS System Design Document Table 1-1 Acronym ACC ADR ADU BRB BRO BTA BTB CCB CDE CDR CDT DIA DIB DOR DPO DPR DSR FCB FOB FDR FlO FIR FMT FSC IOU IPC IRB JCA JIT JMR JSB KCB KDB KDR KIB KIT KSB LDT LFD LPO LSE MRB NOB NDS How to Use Acronyms Used in this Manual Meaning Accounting record contents Alias descriptor record Allocatable disk unit Buffered request block Buffered request overhead Buffer table area B-tree block Channel control block Command definition entry Channel descriptor record Command definition table Diagnostic status Device information block Directory overhead record Disk PDT extension data DIOU Device Parameters Device Service Routine File control block File directory block File descriptor record File identification File information record File management task area File structure common I/O utility task Interprocess Communication I/O request block Job communication area Job information table Job manager request block Job status block KIF currency block KIF descriptor block Key descriptor record KIF information block KIF task area Keyboard status block Logical device table Log file definition Line printer PDT extension Load segment entry Master Read/Master Write buffer Name definition block Name definition segment 1- 2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 1-1 Acronyms Used in this Manual (Continued) Acronym NRB OAD OAW OSE OVB OVT PBM PDT PFI PFZ PRM QHR RDB RIB RLT ROB ROM RPB RST SAT SCO SCI SDB SGB SLB SMT SOB SSB STA STE TDL TOL TPCS TSB UDR WCS WOM XTK 2270512-9701 Meaning Name manager request block Overlay area description Overlay area wait block Owned Segment Entry Overhead beet Overlay table entry Partial bit map Physical device table Program file directory index Program file record zero DIOU/IOU Parameters Queue header Request definition block Return information block Record lock table Resource ownership block Read-only memory Resource privilege block Reserve segment table Secondary allocation table' Track 0, sector 0 format System Command Interpreter Stage descriptor block Segment group block System log block formats Segment manager table Segment Owner block Segment status block System table area Swap table entry Time delay list entry Time-ordered list TILINE peripheral control space Task status block User descriptor record Writable control store Waiting for memory queue Extension for a terminal with keyboard 1-3/1-4 How to Use DNOS System Design Document SECTION 2 OVERVIEW OF DNOS 2.1 INTRODUCTION DNOS, a general purpose operating system for the 990 computer, is designed to meet a variety of computing needs. DNOS is a configurable operating system, allowing users to generate small systems with minimal software development capability; medium~ range systems with a limited number of options; and large systems with a wide variety of system options. Among the special features available for DNOS are program and overlay loading, program swapping, key indexed files, dynamic job creation, output spooling, dynamic system configuration, interprocess communication (IPC), multiprogramming support, file access security, and a wide variety of utilities. A performance package is available for DNOS. It uses microcode implementations of a number of DNOS routines to enhance the processing speed of DNOS. 2.2 GENERAL STRUCTURE DNOS is composed of memory-resident and disk-resident code. portion includes the following: The memory~resident * * * * * Many supervisor call (SVC) processors * Task scheduler * * Nucleus support functions Device service routines Interrupt processors Extended operation (XOP) processors System tables and device buffers Memory-resident tasks 2270512-9701 2-1 Overview DNOS System Design Document These parts are ~inked when DNOS is generated, and they are loaded into memory during initial program load (IPL). This memory-resident portion is referred to as the kernel of DNOS. The first portion of the kernel is referred to as the root; it forms the first segment of the mapping structure for kernel activities and for system tasks. Disk-resident parts of DNOS include system tasks and overlays for some system tasks. These tasks include the I/O Utility, the Job Manager, and a number of miscellaneous SVC processors. These tasks are loaded into memory whenever their services are required. Most of the DNOS functions are performed by routines that serve queues of requests. A queue is a f~rst-in, first·out list of data to be processed. Each queue consists of a queue anchor, from which blocks of data are linked. Most queue anchors are located in the system root; those for file management are in the job communication area of the user job. The queues are singly linked, and the anchor points to the first data block, the first block points to the second, and so on. The anchor also points to the last block in the queue to enable efficient queue handling. The queue header format is displayed in the section of data structure pictures as the QHR. 2.3 FLOW OF CONTROL OF DNOS While DNOS is running user jobs, the control paths vary. The diagram in Figure 2-1 shows an overview of DNOS initialization, functioning, and termination. Detailed paths for the various subsystems are described in the following sections. Overview 2-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Halt-Load Sequence on 990 Front Panel I V Initial Program Load (loads kernel and memory~resident tasks, installs disk volumes, etc.) I V System Restart Task (sets up system log and accounting log, bids required system tasks, etc.) I V Serve a Request of the Functioning System I V > I I I I V V V V Execute Task Code I Process SVC Request I *-410- ........... \ / \ / Time Slice Expired Process Hardware Interrupt or XOP I I I ? no Provide Op~rating System Support for Memory Management, Timing, Performance, etc. I I I I V V yes error path only I I Forced error condition, error in I a system task, error in DNOS, or I error in hardware V DNOS Crash Routine I V System Halt Figure 2-1 2270512-9701 Flow of Control in DNOS 2-3 Overview DNOS System Design Document 2.4 DXIO COMPATIBILITY For a number of users, DNOS is an upgrade from the DXIO operating system. Most software that executes under DXIO executes without source change under DNOS. It needs only to be relinked with DNOS run·time support. The notable exceptions are user·written DSRs, XOP processors, system tasks and utilities, and SVC processors. Several sections of this document describe the changes needed to make these pieces of software function under DNOS. Several system for use in DNOSj a new SVC. Overview SVCs that were used with DX10 are not available in most cases, their functions are performed by 2- 4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document SECTION 3 NAMING AND CODING CONVENTIONS 3.1 NAMES OF ROUTINES DNOS modules are written in either assembly language or Pascal. In most cases, a module consists of one routine. When several small routines perform related functions, those routines appear in a single module. Each routine and module is named using the form aabbbb where aa is an abbreviation for the subsystem in which the routine fits and bbbb is a set of characters that describe the function of the routine. For example, JMHALT is the job management routine that processes the Halt Job SVC. Abbreviations for subsystems in utilities are shown in Table 3·1. the DNOS kernel and major Modules are organized into directories that correspond to DNOS subsystems. Table 3-2 lists the major directories that comprise DNOS and indicates the section in which each directory is described. Other directories include modules for the various utilities of DNOS. The major directories labeled DNOS are detailed in this document; those labeled SCI, UTILITIES are detailed in the DNOS SCI and Utilities Design Document. The source library for DNOS has one or more subdirectories for each of the directories: of the following PSOURCE for Pascal source * * * * * * * MSOURCE for /12 microcode * UTILITY for code I FSOURCE for Fortran source SOURCE for Assembly language source MOBJECT for assembled microcode MLIST for Microcode assembly listing TSOURCE for Link Editor modules needing to transliterated from POPs code to assembly language 2270512-9701 the transliteration 3-1 utilities for be linker Coding Conventions ·DNOS System Design Document Table 3-1 Abbreviation D$ DM DS DU E$ FM 10 IP IU JM KM LG MB NF NM 01 PL PM RP SE SL SM SO SP TP UT aaa Coding Conventions DNOS Subsystem Abbreviations Subsystem or Utility Debugger Disk management Device service routines (DSRs) Device I/O Utility Text Editor File management I/O routines Interprocess communication (IPC) I/O utilities Job management Key indexed file (KIF) management System log and accounting log Mailbox Nucleus functions Name management Operator Interface Pasca1·to*assemb1y*language interface Program and memory management Request processing • SVC support Security System loaders Segment management System overlay management Output spooler Teleprinter device utilities Subroutines common to several utilities SCI utilities * aa or aaa is the SCI command 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 3"'2 -Directory .......... ......... .,.. ANALZ BATCH DEBUG DEBUGGER DEVDSR DIOU DISKMGR EDITOR FILEMGR IOMGR IOU IPC JOBMGR KIFMGR LINK LOADERS LOG LOGON MACROS MAILBOX MESSAGES NAMMGR NUCLEUS OPERATOR PASASM PERFORM PROGMGR REQPROC RESTART S$ SCI990 SECURITY SEGMGR SPOOLER SYSJEN SYSOVLY TEMPLATE TIGRESS TPCALANS UTCOMN 2270512-9701 Major Directories of DNOS Location of Documentation .... * •• * ..... ••• * ...... ..~~ ~..,.~~ DNOS DNOS DNOS SCI, DNOS DNOS DNOS SCI, DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS SC I, SC I, DNOS DNOS SCI, DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS SC I, SCI, DNOS DNOS SCI, DNOS DNOS DNOS DNOS SCI, SCI, 3-3 ... Section Section ... Section UTILITIES .... Section .... Section ... Section UTILITIES ... Section ..;. Section Section ... Section ... Section Section Section ... Section ... Section Section .... Section UTILITIES UTILITIES Section Section UTILITIES Section Section ... Section ... Section Section UTILITIES UTILITIES Section ... Section UTILITIES ... Section Section ... Section ... Section UTILITIES UTILITIES ... -- -- .. ~ - - 17 21 16 10 10 12 11 10 10 10 8 11 20 5 14 12 3 10 4 3 15 9 6 12 10 7 13 12 3,22 16 Coding Conventions DNOS System Design Document 3.2 GLOBAL DATA AND STRUCTURE TEMPLATES Names of system tables and data structures are generally three characters long, with the characters chosen to reflect the structure name. Fields within the structure have six~character names (whether part of Pascal records or assembly language code); the first three characters are the same as the structure label. Flag fields within the structure are detailed using equates, with each flag bit (or set of bits) identified by aaFbbb where aa represents the first two characters of the structure name, F indicates a flag, and bbb describes the flag. For example, the task status block is thi TSB. TSBPRI is the name a field within the TSB that carries the task priority. TSFSYS names a flag in the TSB that indicates whether a task is a system task. Global constants and error equates are named using these WDaaaa ERRaa BYTEaa DATA BYTE EQU formats: >aaaa >aa ERRaa where a is a hexadecimal digit and hexadecimal value. > is used to represent a The TEMPLATE directory contains the global constants and variables used by DNOS source code. In the following list of subdirectories of the TEMPLATE directory, DSC is a synonym for the entire DNOS source directory. All of these directories, except the PREAMBLE directory, also appear in the linkable parts directory .S$OSLINK on an installed DNOS system. DSC.TEMPLATE.ATABLE DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON DSC.TEMPLATE.DECLARE DSC.TEMPLATE.PREAMBLE DSC.TEMPLATE.PTABLE The DSC.TEMPLATE.ATABLE directory contains templates for DNOS data structures that are used by assembly language routines. Files in this directory are copied into an assembly language module to reference fields within the data structures. A module accesses a particular field in a structure by using a template offset with a pointer. The pointer can be passed to the module or retrieved from some other DNOS structure. This directory also includes a template of system crash codes (NFCRSH) and a template of task states (NFSTAT). Files from this directory are shown in detail in the section on data structure pictures. They are built using the picture macros described in the section on DNOS Development and Analysis Tools. Coding Conventions 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON directory contains the Common data used by assembly language routines. It consists of files of CSEG blocks, including the following major files: * DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFDATA • current state of the system * DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERnO - Byte constants (>nO through >nF) and equates for system error codes (16 such templates) * DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFPTR lists and structures * DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFWORD - Word constants Global data values for System pointers to the global Any assembly language module that makes use of a byte constant or a word constant copies the appropriate common template and uses the constant in that module. Similarly, NFPTR an~ NFDATA are copied into a module to allow access to a system pointer or global data item. Use of the templates provides documentation of all uses of a particular error code, constant, or system variable. NFPTR includes pointers to system queues, pointers to beginnings of structure lists, addresses of segment management tables, pointers to device information, and several miscellaneous pointers. Full details on NFPTR appear in the section on data structure pictures. NFDATA includes anchors for several system data structures, counts for jobs and tasks in the system, parameters for system time units, sizes of the system and system files, scheduling data, a word of flags which define system options chosen at system generation, and several other items. Details of NFDATA are shown in the section on data structure pictures. The DSC.TEMPLATE.DECLARE directory is used by Pascal routines. It consists of files of procedure declarations, which are copied into Pascal modules. Each subsystem or utility written in Pascal has a file of declarations for its own set of modules. Also, declarations are included for run-time routines and for interface routines from Pascal code to assembly language modules. The DSC.TEMPLATE.PREAMBLE directory has documentation preambles to assembly language modules. 2270512-9701 3-5 the and templates for Pascal source Coding Conventions DNOS System Design Document The DSC.TEMPLATE.PTABLE directory has data structure templates and common segment templates for use by Pascal code. The directory includes files corresponding to each of those in the DSC.TEMPLATE.ATABLE and DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON directories. Also, it has a number of files that have no counterparts in the other directories but are needed by Pascal routines. 3.3 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CODING CONVENTIONS Each assembly language module begins with a preamble that describes that module. Fields in the preamble template that are not used for a particular module are omitted in that module. In the assembler template, the following are required sections: copyright statement routine name abstract entry exit I I errors revision environment IDT name PSKG, code, and END When more than one routine is included in a module, each routine is preceded by a description that includes abstract, entry, exit, and error information. The abstract gives a brief English description of the general purpose of the module, while the algorithm section describes how the routine works. The environment section points out what table areas are used by the module. Revision information is provided in the format shown below. Other entries are self·explanatory. * * * REVISION:- - - repeated, with latest revision last where: is a pair of decimal digits, beginning with 01. is the form mm/dd/yy, where each field is decimal. is description of the change, including the number of any STR on design request being satisfied by this revision. is the release for which this revision was prepared. Coding Conventions 2270512~970l DNOS System Design Document To keep track of which lines of code were revisions, each added line is flagged. In columns of the line added to an assembly language module, Rmn are inserted, where is the revision ID this revision in the preamble. added for what 58 through 60 the characters specified for Templates copied into assembly language programs with the COpy statement are by default UNListed. (Data templates and other structures are surrounded by UNL and LIST. To see the copied items, the program may be assembled with the FUNLST (F) option of the assembler enabled.) For the most part, assembly language code uses tab settings of 1, 8, 13, 31, and a right margin of 60 to make the assembly listing as legible as possible. Comments are included in the preamble and in atoms within each routine. An atom is several lines of comments, set off from the code it describes. Labels used within an assembly language routine are composed of three characters followed by three digits (for example, OPNI00 for a label in a routine performing open processing). The characters are chosen from the routine name unless another set of characters is clearly more useful. The numeric portion ends in zero to allow room for inserted labels, and labels appear in ascending numeric order from beginning to end of a module. The format of the assembly language preamble is as follows: 2270512-9701 Coding Conventions DNOS System Design Document TITL * * * * * * * ** ** ** * ** ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** '(MODULE ID - SHORT DESCRIPTION)' (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1983. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS RESTRICTED RIGHTS • USE, DUPLICATION INCORPORATED. OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. ROUTINE NAME: (NAME OF ROUTINE(S) ABSTRACT: (DESCRIBE THE GENERAL PURPOSE OF THIS ROUTINE) ENTRY: (INSTRUCTION/STATEMENT/INTERRUPT USED TO ENTER) «RN») (DESCRIPTION) EXIT: «RN») ERRORS: (ACTION OR CODE) IF (CONDITION) STACK REQUIREMENTS: (N) WORDS (DESCRIPTION OF ALGORITHM IF NECESSARY) ALGORITHM: REVISION: (VALUE) IF (CONDITION) (CREATION DATE IN MM/DD/YY) - ORIGINAL (REVISION DATE; LATEST LAST) - (NATURE) ENVIRONMENT: 990/10 ASSEMBLER CALLABLE FROM (assembler,Pascal) TABLE SEGMENTS MAPPED IN WHEN ENTERED: (LIST) TABLE SEGMENTS MAPPED IN DURING ROUTINE: (LIST) NOTES: (SPECIAL CONDITIONS/ASSUMPTIONS OR OTHER SPECIAL INFORMATION) SUBROUTINE REFS: REF (NAME) (DESCRIPTION) CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY: (VARIABLE) (DESCRIPTION) MACROS TO BE USED: LIBIN DSC.MACROS.TEMPLATE LIBIN DSC.(MACRO LIBRARY PATHNAME) EQUATES: (NAME) EQU (VALUE) (DESCRIPTION) * (INSERT COPIES OF EQUATE FILES IF ANY) ** GLOBAL DATA (TO SHARE AND ACCESS DATA IN COMMON AREAS) Coding Conventions 3-8 DNOS System Design Document ** 41) It returns space Otherwise, all cannot be an initiated event results directly to the requester task the SVC request is buffered into the STA. While a task is having an SVC decoded, that task cannot lose its time slice or be preempted by the scheduler. When the SVC issued 2270512-9701 6-1 SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document is one that finishes quickly, the request is decoded and is processed, and control returns to the requester task before the scheduler can schedule another task for execution. Essentially, the sequence of events is as follows: 2. Decoding routine is entered from the XOP interface determines finishes quickly that this 4. Decoder copies some or all processor routine registers 5. Decoder transfers control by is of a XOP @block,l~ Requester task issues (or equivalent) 3. Decoder the SVC using 1. request request which block into to processor 6. Processor performs requested information to requester task service and returns 7. Processor returns control to requester task If the SVC request issued is not a fast request, the SVC decoder copies the request block into a buffer in STA and then follows one of two possible paths. For requests that require much time and effort, usually the request is queued to a processor task and the requester task is suspended until the request completes. Processors that are disk-resident tasks follow this path. Such processors are either seldom used or very large in size. Certain special processors, such as those for I/O and job management use an alternate path for processing buffered requests. Some preprocessing is required before control goes to a processing task. When following this path, the decoder copies the request block into a buffer in STA or JCA and transfers control to the preprocessor. The preprocessor examines the buffered request and performs whatever processing it can. For some subopcodes, all processing is completed in the preprocessor. In these cases, control is returned to the requester task. In other cases, the preprocessor queues the request to the processor task and suspends the requester task. When the requester task is suspended while the SVC is being processed, the requester task may be removed from memory to make room for another task. When the SVC request is finished, the buffered request must be returned to the requester task; then the requester task can again be scheduled for execution. To allow this, the SVC processor queues the finished buffered request block to the requester task's TSB (or to the task's JSB if the TSB is not in memory). When ready for a new task, the scheduler examines these blocks, ensures that the task is in memory, calls SVC Processing 6-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document a routine to return information to the task, task for execution. and schedules the The decoding routine examines the SVC request not only to determine whether processing will be fast or slow, but also to verify several other characteristics. Some SVC requests must be aligned on a word boundary in order to execute properly. This is the first characteristic the decoder checks for. If the request block is not aligned but should be, an error code of )Fl is returned in the return code field of the request block, and the requesting task resumes control. Another characteristic to be checked is the privilege level of the request. Some SVC requests can only be issued by operating system tasks. If this requirement is not met, an error code of )F2 is returned in the return code field of the request block, and the requesting task resumes control. Some SVC requests require that the requesting task be installed as software privileged. If this requirement is not met, the task receives an error code of )F3, and the requesting task resumes control. Since some of the SVC requests (and their processors) are configurable when a DNOS system is generated, it is possible for a task to issue an SVC that is not supported on a particular DNOS system. When this occurs, an error code of )FO is returned to the request block, and control returns to the requesting task. This error code is also returned when a request specifies an SVC code that is not defined in the DNOS set. Some DNOS users extend the capabilities of the operating system by adding their own SVC codes and processors during sysgen. (Such user-defined SVCs have operation codes )80 or greater.) The same checks are performed on user-defined SVCs as on the DNOS SVCs, and the same set of error codes is used for these checks. 6.2 MODULES USED FOR REQUEST PROCESSING Most of the routines for processing SVC requests are written in 990 assembly language; several are written in Pascal. The routines are found in modules either in the subsystems that they directly support, or in the DSC.REQPROC directory. Modules in REQPROC support the decoding, buffering, and unbuffering of requests and also process some of the requests that do not belong in any other DNOS subsystem. Table 6-1 lists and describes some of the request processor modules found in the REQPROC directory. 2270512-9701 6-3 SVC Processing I DNOS System Design Document Table 6-1 Name RPBUF RPCONV RPDQUE RPGSVC RPIDSC RPINV RPINVI RPINV2 RPINV3 RPINV4 RPIOR RPIV RPPRCK RPPEVT RPPSVC RPRCDA RPRCP RPRETR RPROOT RPSDAT RPSGCK RPUDAT RPUTIL RPVOL RPWAIT RPWTIO Major Request Processor Routines Description Routine that copies request blocks to buffers in STA Processors for SVC OA,OB,OC,OD (data conversion) Routine that dequeues and unbuffers SVC requests to requester tasks Processors for SVC 02,03,06,07,09,OE,11,2E,2F,3S, 3B,3E (miscellaneous general-support SVCs) Processor for SVC 38 (Initialize New Disk Volume) Main driver for the initialize new task volume Routines used to support the ini~ialize volume process Same as RPINV1 Routines used to initialize disc process Utility routines for the initialize new volume process Utility routines for the IV, UV, and INV SVC handlers Handles the main portion of installation of a disc volume Routine that checks for memory protection violations Processor for SVC )4F (Post Event) Processors for SVC 04,10,lB,24,2B,2C,33 (miscellaneous) (program-support SVCs) Data base for SVC 4C (Return Code Processor) Processor for SVC 4C (Return Code Processor ) Processor for SVC 3F (Retrieve System Data ) Decoder for SVC requests Module that includes the system static buffer and a table (RPSTAB) built during sysgen, . showing characteristics and processors for DNOS SVCs Routine that checks for mapping violations Includes the table RPUTAB built during sysgen, showing characteristics and processors for user-defined SVCs Utility routines and data areas for the IV, UV, and INV SVC handlers Processors for SVC 20,34 (Install Disk and Unload Disk) Processor for SVC 42 (Wait for Event) Processors for SVC 01,36 (Wait for I/O) Other modules that process SVC requests are found in the subsystems for I/O, name management, job management, program management, and segment management. Short descriptions of the SVC Processing 6-4 2270S12-9701 DNOS System Design Document routines that process SVCs can be found in the relevant subsystem descriptions. 6.3 MAPPING STRUCTURE Due to the large number of SVC processors, one map file segment cannot contain all of them. Therefore, two arrangements of map file 0 are set up during sysgen. One arrangement has these three segments mapped in: system root, requester JCA, scheduler/first SVC segment. The other arrangement has these three,segments mapped in: system root, requester JCA, second set of SVC processors. A flag in the RPSTAB entry shows which of the map arrangements is needed for processing a particular SVC. Before passing control to the processor, the decoding routine makes sure that the correct map file is being used. When the processor terminates, the return routines ensure that the map file with the scheduler segment is restored. 6.4 DATA STRUCTURES USED FOR SVC PROCESSING The primary structure used by the SVC decoding routine is the SVC definition table built during sysgen. This table, RPSTAB, is created to define completely all DNOS SVCs included in the current system configuration. Users who supply any of their own SVCs must build a similar table, RPUTAB, to describe those SVCs. The RPSTAB table is located in a module named RPSDAT; the user defined table is placed into a file named .S$SGU$.USERSVC.RPUDAT. Each DNOS-supported SVC code has a two-word description field in RPSTAB. For codes that are undefined in a particular configuration, both words are zero. Figure 6-1 shows the twoword description format. 2270512-9701 6-5 SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document BYTE 0 - FLAG BIT 0 1 2 BYTE - 0= Do not check alignment; l=check alignment - 0= Use registers to buffer; 1=use table area - 0= Use first SVC segment of processors; 1= Use second SVC segment of processors 3,4 - Reserved 5-7 - Length to buffer, if going to registers; otherwise 0 BYTE 1 - LENGTH BYTE )00 if buffering in table area Length of whole call block if buffering in registers BYTES 2,3 - ADDRESS WORD Address of request definition block (RDB) if buffering in STA Address of processor if buffering in registers Figure 6-1 SVC Entry Form in RPSTAB SVC processors that execute quickly and require little information from the SVC call block have the required information buffered in registers. Upon entry to the SVC processor, the following registers are set: * * * * * * RO - bytes 0,1 of call block (or zero if unused) R1 - bytes 2,3 of call block (or zero if unused) R2 - bytes 4,5 of call block (or zero if unused) R3 R4 R5 requester call block address requester TSB address requester map file pointer in TSB When using a buffer in STA, a structure called the request definition block (RDB) is used to tell how much and which fields to buffer. The RDB is defined in the module with the memoryresident processor or preprocessor, if one is used. For SVCs processed by tasks with no preprocessors or for SVCs that are configurable options of DNOS, the RDB is defined in the RPSDAT module. The RDB is labeled RDBSxx for system SVC opcode xx. A template for the RDB is shown in the section on data structure pictures. Figure 6-2 shows examples of RDBs. For many of the requests buffered according to an RDB, information must be returned from the processed buffered request to the requesting task. The structure used to govern this transfer is the return information block (RIB) built for the SVC. A RIB is needed if information in addition to the return code SVC Processing 6-6 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document must be passed back to the requester task. The RIB for system opcode xx is RIBSxx and is shown in detail in the section on data structure pictures. Figure 6-2 shows an example of an RIB. RDBS14 EQU DATA DATA DATA DATA BYTE BYTE DATA $ )0800 OVYQUE o )0007 )07 o o LOAD OVERLAY RDB' USE DYNAMIC BUFFER IN STA OVERLAY QUEUE SERVER HEAD NO RIB NEEDED MAX BUFFER SIZE BASIC BLOCK LENGTH ACCOUNTING FACTOR RESERVED RDBS48 EQU $ DATA )1800 DATA JMPREP DATA RIBS48 DATA )0010 BYTE )10 BYTE 0 DATA 0 JOB MANAGER RDB PREPROCESSOR, DYNAMIC BUFFER ADDRESS OF PREPROCESSOR RIB ADDRESS MAX BUFFER NEEDED IS 16 BYTES BUFFER 16 BYTES ACCOUNTING FACTOR RESERVED RIBS48 EQU $ DATA o BYTE o BYTE )10 DATA o NO POST PROCESSOR "NEEDED START UNBUFFERING AT BYTE 0 UNBUFFER 16 BYTES END OF RIB Figure 6-2 Examples of RDB and RIB Structures The job management SVC is one example of an SVC that must be rebuffered for certain sub-opcodes. The flags defined in the RDB for expansion govern that rebuffering. This technique is used because request blocks for sub-opcodes within the SVC opcode vary in size. The preprocessor of the SVC must make a call to RPBUF with a revised RDB to rebuffer special cases. SVC processing uses several data structures in addition to the RDB, RIB, and RPSDAT. Among these are the queue headers for the queue server SVC processing tasks. The queue headers 'are described in the section on nucleus functions. The SVC decoder uses the queue header pointer in the RDB to queue a buffered request to a queue server. SVC processing uses TSBs of the requesting tasks to file information and to return completed requests. It to return completed requests if the TSBs are not Other structures are used by particular SVC processors the decoder or buffering routines. 2270512-9701 6-7 access map uses JSBs available. but not by SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document 6.5 DETAILS OF SVC PROCESSING SVC processing begins in the routine RPROOT. This routine accesses tables to locate the appropriate processor and to determine buffering details. The routine RPBUF is used to copy (buffer) the SVC request into a temporary work area. The routine RPDQUE is used to return the finished request to the task issuing the SVC. A set of miscellaneous routines is used throughout processing. 6.5.1 Decoding Routine (RPROOT). When an SVC is executed, the hardware transfers control via the interrupt processing routines to the SVC decoding routine RPROOT. RPROOT first checks for a special SVC (XOP 15,15) used by the SCI Debugger. If this special call was issued, a flag is set in the requesting task's TSB. I I A check is then made for the Initiate Event SVC. If that SVC is specified, it is now processed in RPROOT. The SVC being initiated is checked to ensure that it is a legal opcode and can be initiated. (In the current version of DNOS, only I/O and semaphore operations can be initiated.) If no errors occur, the initiated SVC is processed like any other request. At this point I/O and Segment Manager SVCs are checked for alignment and then routed directly to their preprocessors. This is done to speed up the processing of those SVCs. RPROOT then examines the RPSTAB entry for the requested SVC. The first check verifies that the opcode is defined in this configuration. If there is no RPSTAB entry and no RPUTAB entry, error code )FO is returned, SVC processing terminates, and control returns to the requester task. If the SVC is defined, the next check is for alignment. If the RPSTAB or RPUTAB entry shows that the request must be aligned on a word boundary, the address of the request is checked. If it is not legal, error code )Fl is returned, and SVC processing terminates. The RPSTAB entry for the requested operation is checked to see whether buffering occurs in registers or in STA. If the request is to be buffered in registers, RPROOT performs the follOWing: the 1. Checks violations call block for mapping and protection 2. Transfers the required amount of information from requester call block to registers RO, Rl, and R2 3. Ensures SVC Processing that the correct map file 6-8 the is in use 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 4. Transfers control to the processor. When the processor completes its work, it transfers control back to the requester task If the RPSTAB entry for the SVC shows that the buffered into STA, RPROOT performs the following: 1. Accesses SVC is to be the RDB 2. Checks the violations 3. Calls the buffering routine RPBUF to transfer information from the requester call block to STA according to the RDB, creating a BRB (Buffered Request Block) call block for mapping and protection 4. Checks whether the request is to be queued to a queue header for a task or sent on to a processor in memory a. If the request is to be queued, RPROOT queues the buffered block to the queue header and suspends the requester task b. If the request is to be sent to a processor, RPROOT transfers control to the processor, which either returns to the requester or queues the buffered request to a task After RPROOT transfers control to an SVC processor, that processor may return control to the scheduler by branching to NFSRTN or NFTRTN. It may also return to RPROOT in case an error occurs in the processing logic. The return points are as follows: * RPRTNE - an error completion. RPROOT must check whether this was an initiated event and return only the error byte to the requester task. * RPRTNF - a task error in the requester task. RPROOT must check whether this was an initiated event and terminate the requester task with the task error passed from the SVC processor. If the SVC processor itself encounters a logic error, RPROOT terminates the requester task with task error )04 to show an SVC processor error. ~ 2270512-9701 6-9 SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document 6.5.2 SVC Buffering Routine (RPBUF). RPBUF is a general request buffering routine called by RPROOT and by several SVC preprocessors that have received a partially buffered block from RPROOT. RPBUF uses the RDB provided by the caller to determine how to buffer the information. RPBUF first checks the RDB flags to see if this buffering is to use the single system static buffer (provided as part of the RPSTAB module) or a dynamic buffer. If a dynamic buffer is to be used, a flag is checked to see whether the buffer COmes from STA or from the requester JCA. A dynamic buffer of the size specified in the RDBMAX field of the RDB is then allocated via the nucleus routine NFGTA. If RPROOT called for this buffering, RPBUF now sets up the buffered request by first building the buffered request overhead (BRO). The BRO is shown in the section of data structure pictures. It includes a pointer to the requester TSB and JSB, the address of the call block in the requester task, a set of flags, and several fields filled during SVC processing. After the BRO is completed, RPBUF includes as much of the call block as indicated in the RDBBAS field of the RDB. RPBUF then checks to see if expansions to this basic block are to be included. If so, the next several words of the RDB indicate where to buffer the information (table area or JCA), how much to buffer, and at which offset into the buffered information to place the new information. If the buffering request is for revision of a partially buffered block, RPBUF copies the BRO and the basic request block from the partially buffered block to the newly acquired block. The old block of memory is released via the nucleus function NFRTA, and expansions are treated like those in buffering for RPROOT. 6.5.3 Dequeuing and Unbuffering Routine (RPDQUE). When a task is to be scheduled for execution, the scheduler examines the TSB to see if any SVC requests are to be unbuffered to the requester task. If so, RPDQUE is called to remove all queued SVC requests. RPDQUE works with each queued request, returning information from the buffered request block to the requester task. It passes back the return code byte and then uses an RIB to pass back any other information, if the RIB is defined. RPDQUE returns the number of bytes specified in RIBLEN from the offset RIBOFF in the BRB to the offset RIBOFF in the requester call block. Several sets of paired specifications may be present, terminated by pair of zeros. When these pairs are completed, a postprocessor is called, if one is specified in the SVC Processing 6-10 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document RIBPRO field. When unbuffering is complete, RPDQUE releases the buffer via the nucleus routine NFRTA and returns to its caller. A Wait for Event SVC requires special handling by RPDQUE, which checks the requester task TSB to see which event flags have completed. The flags being tested in the Wait for Event block are then matched against those in the TSB to generate a correct reply in the requester task area. 6.5.4 Other Request Processor Support Routines. RPMAP2 This routine is part of the DNOS root. It is used by RPROOT to access a processor in the second SVC map file. RPMAP2 adjusts global pointer CURMAP, loads the second map file, and transfers control to the processor routine. If the processor returns to RPROOT, it passes back through RPMAP2, restoring the original map file. RPPRCK This routine checks the memory-protection attributes of a portion of memory. It first examines the protection bit in the status word of the task. If protection is enabled, RPPRCK then checks to see if the map" regi ster limi t indicates write protection. If so, an error is returned. To allow unbuffering of SVC request results, write protection must not be enabled; thus, the error causes the task to terminate. RPSGCK The requester call block must be mapped in by a single base and limit register pair to simplify processing. RPSGCK verifies this condition. Given any address and length, RPSGCK uses the relevant map file to ensure that the block addressed is correctly mapped. If not, an error is returned, which may cause the task to terminate. 6.5.5 DNOS SVCs and Processors. Table 6-2 shows the processors for each of the system-defined SVC opcodes for DNOS. In Some cases, a preprocessor is shown, since that module is the one accessed from RPROOT; it may in turn call one of several processors. Some small processors that perform related functions have been collected into a single module; the listing shows both the module name and the processor name for these processors. 2270512-9701 6-11 SVC Processing I DNOS System Design Document Table 6-2 NOTATION: A I (Not Supported) (pre) P (P) S (S) (task) [nn] SVC /I 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA SVC Processors and Modules MEANING Alignment on word boundary required May be initiated with SVC 41 This SVC code is intentionally omitted. This is a preprocessor Software privileged task required Some of the set require software privilege System task required Some of the set require a system task This processor runs as a task Name of module containing processor Name Notes I/O Operations A,I,(P) Wait for I/O A Time Delay A Get Date and Time A End of Task (Not Supported) Suspend Task Activate Suspended Task (Not Supported) Extend Time Slice Convert Binary to Decimal Convert Decimal to Binary Convert Binary to Hexadecimal Convert Hexadecimal to Binary Activate Time-Delayed Task Abort I/O Request by LUNO Get Common Data Address Change Task Priority Get Memory A A Release Memory Load Overlay A (Not Supported) (Not Supported) Get Task Bid Parameters A (Not Supported) (Not Supported) (Not Supported) SVC Processing 6-12 Processor/Preprocessor [Module if Different] lOP REP RPWTOI RPTDLY RPGDT RPENDT (pre) [RPWTIO] [RPGSV C] [RPGSVC] [RPPSVC] RPUNCW [RPGSVC] RPAST [RPGSVC] RPETS RPCBDA RPCDAB RPCBHA RPCHAB RPATDL IOABRT PMGRCM RPCTP PMGRMM PMGRMM PMOVYL [RPGSVC] [RPCONV] [RPCONV] [RPCONV] [RPCONV] [RPGSVC] (task) RPGTBP [ RP G SV C] [RPGSVC] 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 6-2 SVC Processors and Modules (Continued) SVC II IB lC ID IE IF 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Name Notes Return Common Data Address Put Data Get Data (Not Supported) Scheduled Bid Task Install Disk Volume System Log Queue Request Disk Management (Not Supported) Suspend for Queue Input Install Task Install Procedure/Segment Install Overlay Delete Task Delete Procedure/Segment Delete Overlay Bid Task Read/Write TSB Read/Write Task Self Identification Get End Action Status (Not Supported) Map Program Name to ID (Not Supported) Kill Task Unload Disk Volume Poll Status of Task Wait for Multiple I/O Assign Program File Space Initialize New Disk Volume (Not Supported) (Not Supported) Set Date and Time (Not Supported) Semaphore Operations Reset End Action Status Retrieve System Data Segment Management Initiate Event Wait for Event Name Management Reserved Get Encrypted Value Get Decrypted Value Log Accounting Entry Job Management 2270512-9701 6-13 A A A A,P A A,S [Module if Different] PMGRCM PMGDAT PMGDAT RPXSBT [RPPSVC] RPVOL (task) LGSVC DMTASK (task) A A RPQSUS PMPINS PMPINS PMPINS PMPDEL PMPDEL PMPDEL RPXTSK PMRWTB PMRWTK RPGSID RPGEAS A PMPMAP (task) A A,P A,P RPKILT RPVOL RPPTS RPWT36 PMPASP RPINV [RPP SV C] (task) [RPGSVC] [RPWTIO] (task) (task) A RPIDT [RPGSVC] S A,P A,P A,P A,P A,P A,P A A,P A,P A,P [RPPSVC] (task) (task) (task) (task) (task) (task) [RPP SVC] (task) [RPGSVC] [RPGSVC] A,I PMSEMA RPREA [RPGSVC] RPRETR A A, (S) SMPREP (pre) RPROOT A RPWAIT A A NMPREP (pre) A A A A SECRYP SECRYP PMACCT JMPREP (pre) SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document Table 6-2 SVC Processors and Modules (Continued) SVC # Name Notes ----- 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 Get Accounting Info from TSB Modify BTA or JCA Size Halt/Resume Task Return Code Processor (Not Supported) Comm I/O Post Event DNOS Performance Functions 80+ User-defined SVCs 6.6 USER-WRITTEN SVC PROCESSORS [Module if Different] --------------------- A PMACCT PMSBUF (task) PMHALT RPRCP (task) A RPPEVT A A,P A,P The standard set of SVCs uses operation codes that range from )0 through )7F. The user may implement SVCs using codes from )80 through )FF. One or more codes may be specified, using any codes within the user-defined range. The user must design- the SVC block, build an RDB to describe buffering, build an RIB if information is to be unbuffered, and set up a module of information with the IDT name RPUDAT. During sysgen, the user supplies a file name for the module containing RPUDAT object and ensures that object modules for the SVC processor(s) are in the directory .S$SGU$.USERSVC of the data disk. 6.6.1 User SVC Table. The user specifies the RDB and RIB information, as well as a set of general information about all SVCs being defined, in a module of tables that contains the following: * * * * An IDT name of RPUDAT DEF statements for RPUMAX and RPUTAB REF statements for each SVC processor entry point A byte named RPUMAX with a value of the largest userdefined SVC code * A table named RPUTAB with a two-word entry for code in the range )80 through RPUMAX * An RDB for each user-defined SVC code SVC Processing 6-14 each SVC 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document * An RIB for each user-defined information to the caller SVC that must return The entries in the table RPUTAB consist of two words each. The first word is the value )EOOO and the second word is the address of the RDB for the SVC code being defined. The first entry in the table is for SVC code )80. Each successive entry is for the next sequential SVC code. If a particular code is not defined in the system being generated, the entry in RPUTAB must consist of two words of zero. Figure 6-3 includes the format of RPUTAB when the user is defining several SVCs. An RDB for a user-defined SVC includes the address of the SVC processor, flags showing how to copy the call block for processing,· and the address of an RIB used to return information to the calling task. Table 6-3 shows the format of an RDB. Table 6-3 Request Definition Block (RDB) Format Field Size Contents Word Word Word Flags, )1000 for user-defin~d SVCs Address of the SVC processor Address of the RIB fbr thi~ SVC (zero if no RIB is defined) Size of the call block in bytes Number of bytes of call block to be copied by the operating system Zero Zero Word Byte Byte Word Figure 6-3 shows several RDB definitions for user-defined SVCs. An RIB is used by the operating system to return data from the system copy of the call block to the task that issued the SVC. If only the error byte of the call block must be returned, no RIB is needed. If any other information is to be returned, an RIB must be specified in the RPUDAT module. Table 6-4 shows the format of an RIB for a user-defined SVC. The pair of byte fields may be repeated if information is to be returned from several noncontiguous areas in the call block. 2270512-9701 6-15 SVC Processing I I DNOS System Design Document Table 6-4 Return Information Block (RIB) Field Size Word Byte Byte Word Format Contents Zero Offset in the call block from which the return of data should begin Number of bytes to return Zero The RPUDAT module must be assembled and its object module pathname must be supplied during sysgen in response to the question about the user SVC table. Figure 6-3 shows a source module for defining two user SVCs, using SVC opcodes >80 and >82. Assume that there is Some legitimate reason to omit opcode >81. SVC Processing 6-16 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document *-----* THIS MODULE HAS THE DATA TABLES TO ENABLE PROCESSING OF * USER-DEFINED SVCS. RPUTAB IS THE TABLE OF RDB AND PROCESSOR * ADDRESSES FOR THE SVCS. THE SET OF RDB DEFINITIONS FOLLOWS, * AND RIB DEFINITIONS ARE INCLUDED FOR RELEVANT CASES. IN * ADDITION, RPUMAX IS DEFINED TO BE THE MAXIMUM USER-DEFINED * SVC CODE. *------ IDT DEF REF RPUTAB DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA RPUMAX BYTE *RDBU80 DATA DATA DATA DATA BYTE BYTE DATA RDBU82 DATA DATA DATA DATA BYTE BYTE DATA RIBU80 DATA BYTE DATA RIBU82 DATA BYTE BYTE DATA END 'RPUDAT' RPUMAX,RPUTAB L~BELS TO ACCESS USER DATA SVC080,SVC082 LABELS OF ENTRY POINTS )EOOO SVC80 - FIN~ CPU TIME RDBU80 i SKIP SVC81 0 0 )EOOO SVC82 - SPECIAL ADD RDBU82 )82 MAXIMUM USER-DEFINED CODE )1000 SVC080 RIBU80 6 2 0 0 )1000 SVC082 RIBU82 16 16 0 0 0 2,4 0 0 2 ,6 12,4 0 Figure 6-3 2270512-9701 FLAGS PROCESSOR RETURN INFORMATION BLOCK MAXIMUM CALL BLOCK SIZE COpy ONLY TWO BYTES RESERVED RESERVED FLAGS PROCESSOR RETURN INFORMATION BLOCK MAXIMUM CALL BLOCK SIZE COpy ALL RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED START AT OFFSET 2 , RETURN 4 BYTES RESERVED RESERVED START AT OFFSET 2, RETURN 6 BYTES AND AT OFFSET 12, RETURN 4 BYTES Forma t 6-17 of RPUDAT Module SVC Processing DNOS System Design Document 6.6.2 I Processors for User-Written SVCs. The SVC processor must define (DEF) its own entry point. It needs to use SPUSH 1 on entry to save Rl and SPOP 1 to return to the OS. The processor runs as part of the operating system kernel, making use of an operating system workspace. Upon entry to the processor, the following registers are set: * Rl - Points to the system copy of block * * * R4 * * * R5 - the requesting Points to the requester TSB Points to the requester saved map file R13 - The requesting task workspace pointer (WP) R14 - The requesting task program counter ( PC) R15 - The RIO call Points to an internal operating system stack requesting task status register (ST) The SVC processor must not alter registers 13, 14, and 15. Register 10 should be used only for pushing and popping items on the stack. Register 1 points to the system copy of the requester's call block. The processor usually gathers all of the information it needs from this copy. The processor alters the copied call block to pass information back to the requesting task; the second byte of the call block should always be used for returning a status code. If necessary, the processor can also access the requester task area to get or return data by using long distance instructions with register 5 as the map file pointer. The call block as received by the processor has several words of overhead as detailed in the buffered request overhead (BRO) template. This overhead includes the requester's TSB address, JSB address, call block address, and several other pieces of information. Each of these is accessible using negative offsets from the buffered call block pointer in register 1. I When the processor finishes its work, it must return to the operating system by issuing the instruction SPOP 1. The operating system returns information as specified in the RIB for the SVC performed. Control is then passed back to the task that yssued the SVC. The DNOS Systems Programmer's Guide includes an example of a user-written SVC processor. SVC Processing 6-18 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document SECTION 7 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT 7.1 OVERVIEW The segment management subsystem enables tasks to dynamically change the segment~set mapped by the task. Segment management also enables a task to guarantee accessibility to a segment until it is no longer needed. Finally, segment management enables a task to write segments to disk if their attributes allow this function. Segment management also provides the operating system with mechanisms to manipulate data structures even when they are not contained in the same address space. Since DNOS is a joboriented operating system, system data structures whose scopes are contained within a job are located in separate segments. Thus, the operating system is able to service job-level requests by mapping only the job-level system data structures. Segment management enables the file management subsystem to manage file buffers. By treating file buffers as segments, file management is able to access any buffer, whether in memory or on disk. 7.2 ARCHITECTURE OF SEGMENT MANAGEMENT The Segment Manager is im~lemented as three distinct levels of support. The first level contains routines for mapping the various table areas (JCAs and special table areas), finding Segment Status Blocks (SSB) for specific segments, creatin~ and deleting SSBs and Segment Group Blocks (SGB), and causing segments to be loaded into memory. These routines reside in the system root and are described in the section on nucleus functions. The second level of segment management consists of SVC processors. These processors reside in the second SVC processor segment of map file O. This level consists of an SVC preprocessor and several SVC processors. These processors enable user and system tasks to dynamically change the address spaces of their tasks. 2270512-9701 7-1 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document The third level of segment management is task-level support that enables the Segment Manager to read a program file directory entry for a segment. This support is needed when a Change Segment SVC is executed on a program file segment whose SSB is not in memory. The program file directory is read to get the segment attributes, length, load address, image record number, and attached procedure IDs (task segment). The task loader contains this support. A special interface is used between the task loader and the segment management SVC processors to perform the segment change after the directory is read. 7.3 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT DATA STRUCTURES Program files are used to support segment management. A program segment entry is located in the procedure section of the program file, thus limiting the total number of procedures and program segments in a program file to 255. The Install Program Segment SVC builds a segment entry. The format is shown as the program file directory index entry (PFI) in the section on data structure details. The SGB is the in-memory anchor for a set of segments. The SGB resides in the segment management table area. The FCB points to the SGB for a file. If all segments of a group cannot be contained in the same table area, an overflow SGB is created in a different table area and the SGB points to it. Each segment group consists of one or more segments. Each segment is described by an SSB, which is allocated in the segment management table area. Special table area SSB's are in STA. An SSB is created by Segment Manager when a task requests a segment that does not currently exist. The overhead beet (OVB) is used to contain information about a segment when it is in memory. The OVB is located in the beet (32 bytes) preceding the segment. The reserved segment table (RST) contains a list of segments reserved by a job. The job information table (JIT) contains a pointer to the RST chain, which resides in the JCA. The RST is built when the first Reserve Segment SVC is done or when the current RST overflows. The RST is deleted when it contains no more segment entries or when the job terminates (after releasing all of the segments). The format of the RST is shown in the section on data structure pictures. A Set Exclusive Use operation creates an Owned Segment Entry (OSE) which points "to the owned segment. The SSB points to an Segment Owner Block (SOB) which points back to the TSB of the task that has exclusive use of it. A Load Segment operation creates a Load Segment Entry (LSE) which points to the segment to Segment Management 7-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document be loaded. OSEs and LSEs are chained off the TSB in the SOBs are allocated in the segment management table area. JCA. The segment management SVC block is shown in the section on data structure pictures as the SMR structure. 7.4 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT ROUTINES Segment management SVC processing begins in the preprocessor routine SMPREP. Depending on which subopcode is specified, control then is transferred to the appropriate subopcode processor. 7.4.1 SVC Preprocessor (SMPREP). SMPREP receives control from the SVC decoder, RPROOT, with the pointer to the SVC call block in the task as input. SMPREP verifies that the following conditions are met: * * * All of the call block is within the task. The subopcode is within range. If the operation is a Change or Create Segment, the I/O count and the initiate count for the task are zero, unless the task is software privileged. NOTE The OS does not provide general support for proper completion of I/O when the call block or buffer is mapped out of the task. When DNOS unbuffers the data of an IPC read-type operation, it does not use the task map file, so mapping out IPC read or master read buffers is supported. * If a LUNO is specified, it is assigned to a valid type and in certain cases, is open. file of a SMPREP uses a pointer in the Logical Device Table (LDT) for the specified LUNO to determine the File Descriptor Packet (FDP) that contains the File- Management Table and File Control Block (FMT,FCB) pair. The FMT,FCB addresses are saved in the segment management SVC block. If the memory-based segment group is specified, an FMT,FCB address of zero is used. The FMT,FCB pair is used to identify the segment group in which the requested 2270512-9701 7-3 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document segment resides. If the operation is not change or create segment t the SMT,SSB pair for the specified segment is obtained. If it cannot be found, an error is returned. Figure 7-1 shows the overall flow of control to and from SMPREP. XOP +-----------+ 1 REQUESTER 1 -----------1 I V TASK 1 +-----------+ +--------+ I RPROOT I +--------+ I V +--------+ I SMPREP I +--------+ I (BL) V +----------+ I SVC I IPROCESSORSI +----------+ I I I I I SMLOAD-Load a Segment SMUNLD-Unload a Segment SMEXCU-Set Exclusive Use of a Segment SMREXC-Reset Exclusive Use of a Segment SMCHGS-Change Segment SMCRES-Create Segment SMRSVE-Reserve Segment SMRLSE-Release a Reserved Segment SMCHKS-Check Segment Status SMFWRS-Forced Write Segment SMJRLS-Job Manager Release Segment SMMDFY-Set/Reset Modified and Releasable 5MBIAS-Bias Segment Address Within Task V See SVC Processing Description for interface to return to user. Figure 7-1 7.4.2 Flow of Control in Segment Manager Change Segment Processor (SMCHGS). The Change Segment operation enables a task to change the segment set that comprises its logical address space. The caller specifies either the LUNO for the file in which the segment resides or a flag to signify a memory-based segment. An ID (installed or run-time) uniquely identifies the new segment. The segment to be mapped out of the task is identified by a run-time ID or a map position number. The Change Segment processor first decides whether the caller is adding t removing, or changing a segment. If the caller is removing a segment, the last segment of the task is unmapped unless it is a task segment. (This removal constitutes an error.) The routine SMRMVE is called to decrement the count of tasks that currently require the segment to be in memory (the Segment Management 7-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document task-in-memory count). When this count goes to zero, the segment can be swapped or released from memory; therefore, SMRMVE is responsible for either caching or releasing the segment. (Refer to the program management section for more details.) Add Segment and Change Segment processing are essentially the same except that during an add there is no old segment to be removed from the task. The routine SMSRCH is called to search for the requested new segment. If it is found, SMSRCH verifies that it may be used by the requesting task. SMSRCH first calls SMFSID to see if the segment is defined. SMFSID uses the FDP and ID to uniquely identify the segment. If the segment is found, the SSB address is returned. SMSRCH then validates the segment attributes for the task. If a non-task segment is share protected, SMCHUC is called to verify that it is used only by the requesting task before SMCHGS is allowed to map it. If a segment is owned but not by this task, mapping is not allowed. If the segment is replicatable and in use, SMSRCH duplicates the SSB. If SMFSID does not find the segment defined in memory, SMSRCH calls 5MBLDS to build an SSB. If the segment is a file management buffer or is memory-based, the SSB can be defined completely. However, if the segment is a program file segment, the program file directory on disk must be read to obtain the segment information. Thus, 5MBLDS will place program file segments in the initial load state to be processed by the task loader. Control is received in SMCHGS with the new SSB address. If the new segment is an initial load segment, control is passed immediately to the routine SMEXIT. Otherwise, certain conditions are checked before the segment change is allowed. The task must fit into user memory with the new segment, and the task must not map more than 64K bytes. Also, if any segment other than the last one in the task is being changed, the new segment must be the same size as the old segment. An exception to this rule is made for system tasks, which may change in different-sized segments; however, the segments' logical starting addresses do not change. If these conditions are met, the old segment is removed from the task address space. SMRMVE disposes of it accordingly (not required when adding a segment). SMEXIT is' then called to map the new segment. The routine SMEXIT is responsible for incrementing the use count in the SSB, updating the WCS bit in the status register., building the limit register for the new segment, and updating the protection bits in the limit register. SMEXIT decides whether the new segment is in memory. If not, the calling task is deactivated and suspended while waiting for memory. If the new segment is in memory, its task-in-memory count is incremented, the map base value is calculated, and the calling task is placed into execution with the new segment in its address space. 2270512-9701 7-5 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document When an initial load segment is processed, SMEXIT suspends the task on the WOM list. This places the task loader into execution and determines that an initial l~ad segment is being requested (TSBSBN is nonzero). The task loader then tests the SSBs to see if the task is in the initial load state. If so the program file directory entry for the segment is read and the SSB fields are initialized. Now that a segment SSB with the specified ID exists in memory, the task loader calls SMCHGS via an interface routine, PMSMIR. SMCHGS processes the Change Segment as usual except that control is returned to the task loader from SMEXIT (instead of suspending the calling task or placing it into execution). The task loader then loads the task as usual. Figure 7-2 shows the. flow of control through the Change Segment processor. +----------+ 1 SMCHGS 1 +----------+ (BL) +-----------------------------+ V V +----------+ +----------+ SMSRCH I SMRMVE I +----------+ +----------+ (BL) I (B) +--------------+ V V V +----------+ +----------+ 1+----------+ 1 SMFSID I II 5MBLDS I I SMEXIT I +----------+ V1+----------+ +----------+ I +-------------+ +----------+ (B) (B) I SMCHUC I +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ I NFTRTN I I NFSRTN I +----------+ +----------+ 1 1 1 Figure 7-2 Flow of Control in Change Segment Figure 7-3 shows the flow of control if an initial is being accessed. Segment Management 7,-6 load segment 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +----------+ I SMCHGS I +----------+ (BL) +-----------------------------+ I (B) V +----------+ I SMSRCH I +----------+ (BL) +--------------+ V V +----------+ +----------+ I SMFSID I 5MBLDS I I +----------+ +----------+ V +----------+ I SMEXIT I +----------+ I (B) V +----------+ I NFSRTN I +----------+ TASK LOADER ACTIVATED WHEN ENTRY PLACED ON ITS QUEUE BY SMEXIT +----------+ I I TASK LOADER I I +----------+ (BLWP) +--------------V V +----------+ +----------+ I NFMAPO I I LOAD I +----------+ I TASK I (BL) +----------+ V +----------+ I PMSMIR I +----------+ (BL) V EXECUTE SMCHGS EXCEPT THAT SMEXIT WILL RETURN TO PMSMIR Figure 7-3 7.4.3 Flow of Control During Initial Load Create Segment Processor (SMCRES). The Create Segment operation enables a task to create an empty segment of a certain size with specific attributes. Two types of segments may be created: relative record segments and memorybased segments. 2270512-9701 7-7 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document When relative record segments are created, the segment length is the physical record size of the file (obtained from the FCB). The length and attributes for memory-based segments are defined in the call block. Default attributes are readable, nonsystem, disk resident, nonreplicatable, non-WCS, reusable, and noncopyable, though the user may set or reset the execute-protect and share-protect attributes through the call block. The writeprotect and updatable attributes are set based on the file protection flags. The Create Segment processor first decides whether the request is to add an empty segment or to change one. Much of the same validation is required here as in Change Segment to ensure that the new segment can be mapped by the calling task. If the specified conditions are met, 5MBLDS is called to build the SSB for the empty segment. An empty segment flag is set in the SSB to inform the task loader that the segment does not reside on disk. If a segment is not being added, SMRMVE is called to dispose of the old segment. SMEXIT is called to fin~sh processing before returning control to the calling task. The task is suspended by SMEXIT since the empty segment is not in memory at this time. Special processing is required by Create Segment for relative record segments. Before a new SSB is built, a check is made to see if a segment with the same ID already exists in memory. If so', an error is returned. Figure 7-4 shows the flow of control through the Create Segment processor. +----------+ I SMCRES I +----------+ (BL) +------------+------------+------------+ I I I (B) V V V V +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ I SMFSID I I 5MBLDS I I SMRMVE I I SMEXIT I +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ (FILE (B) BUFFERS ONLY) + I V +----------+ I NFSRTN I +----------+ Figure 7-4 Segment Management Flow of Control in Create Segment 7-8 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 7.4.4 Reserve Segment Processor (SMRSVE). The Reserve Segment operation enables a task to maintain access to a nonupdatable segment when needed, even though the segment is not in any task's address space. Since segments which are not memory-resident may be released from memory when they are no longer in use, this operation is needed to retain access to these segments. The segment is reserved at the job level until a Release Reserved Segment operation is executed or the job terminates. All segments reserved by tasks within a job are contained in the RST to which the JIT points. Segments are removed from the RST whenever a Release Reserved Segment operation is done. When the job terminates and the RST is not empty, the job management subsystem is responsible for releasing the remaining segments. Reserved segments are swapped if their memory is needed. The SSB for the reserved segment remains in memory as long as the segment is reserved. SMRSVE searches the RST chain for segment's run-time ID. If no built. The reserve count in the then returned to the calling subsystem. 7.4.5 a free entry to contain this free entries exist, a new RST is SSB is incremented. Control is task via the Request Processing Release Reserved Segment Processor (SMRLSE). The Release Reserved Segment operation is used to release a segment that has previously been reserved within the job. The RST includes an entry for the segment if it was reserved in the job. The processor returns an error if an entry is not found; in effect, a job cannot release segments it has not reserved. SMRLSE first decides if the requested segment was reserved by the job. If so, the entry is deleted from the RST. If the RST is empty, it is delinked from the RST chain and deleted. The SMT, SSB pair is used to find the segment that is being released. The reserve count is decremented. If the segment is no longer in use or reserved, the segment is left cached or is deleted from memory. SMDSSB does the following processing. If the segment is in memory and is reusable, the segment remains cached in memory (unless the releasable flag is set in the SSB, in which case the segment is deleted). If the segment is in memory but is not reusable, the segment is queued for deleting by the task loader, and the 8SB is deleted. If the segment is not in memory, the swap table entry for the segment is deleted along with the SSB. Control then returns to the calling task via the request processing subsystem. 2270512-9701 7-9 Segment Management I DNOS System Design Document 7.4.6 Check Segment Status Processor (SMCHKS). The Check Segment Status processor returns information about a certain segment. Such information includes the segment run-time and installed IDs, length, attributes, whether the segment is a task and whether the segment is memory-based. If the segment is mapped by the task, the logical address of the segment is returned. The segment need not be mapped or reserved by the task requesting the status. If the segment is mapped by the task, the status information returned along with the logical address. If the segment is found in the task, the segment group is searched. If specified ID is found, the status information for the segment returned. 7.4.7 is not the is Forced Write Segment Processor (SMFWRS). The Forced Write Segment processor writes a segment to its home file position (if updatable and modified). The segment is represented by an SMT and SSB. The task requesting the write is suspended until completion of the write. The disk I/O is accomplished by a dedicated queue server of the write queue, PMWRIT. If the segment does not exist, an error is returned. If the segment exists, a check is made to determine if it is updateable. If not, an error is returned. If it is updateable, is in memory, and is modified, the write will occur. The OVB for the segment is queued to the write queue. The calling task is then suspended until completion of the write. PMWRIT is activated whenever an entry is placed on the write queue. PMWRIT calls the file management routine FMIO to write the segment to its home file. It determines whether the segment is a program file or data file segment. If it is a program file segment, the home file wecord number is contained in the SSB word SSBREC. For a data file segment, this record number is contained in the installed ID field of the SSB. After FMIO is called to perform the disk I/O, SMDSSB is called. Finally, if a task is suspended for the write (that is, the OVB points to a forced write call block through the OVBBRB field), the task is placed back into execution via NFEOBR. Figure 7-5 is a diagram of the flow of control through the Forced Write proce~sor and task. Segment Management 7-10 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +----------+ I SMFWRS I +----------+ (BL) +-----------------------------+ I (B) V V +----------+ I NFQOVB I +----------+ +----------+ I NFSRTN I +----------+ FORCED WRITE TASK(PMWRIT) ACTIVATED WHEN ENTRY PLACED ON ON ITS QUEUE BY SMFWRS +----------+ I PMWRIT I +----------+ (BL) +--------------V I V (THROUGH NFMAPO INTERFACE) +----------+ I +----------+ I FMIO I I I NFEOBR I +----------+ II +----------+ I +--------+ > PLACES CALLING TASK BACK I SMDSSB I INTO EXECUTION +--------+ Figure 7-5 7.4.8 Flow of Control in Forced Write Release Job Segments Processor (SMJRLS). This operation is used by job management to release reserved segments in a specified job when the Job Manager is terminating that job. This operation may be executed only by a system task (specifically Job Manager). SMJRLS is called with the SMT,SSB address and the JSB of the terminating job. The JCA of the terminating job is mapped in for the segment to be released. SMRLSE is called to process the Release Segment operation as usual. SMRLSE then returns control to SMJRLS, which returns control to the caller via the request processing subsystem. Figure 7-6 shows the flow of control through the Release Job Segments processor. 2270512-9701 7-11 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document +----------+ I SMJRLS I +----------+ (BL) +------------+-----------------------------+ I I V V V RETURN TO TASK VIA +----------+ +----------+ REQUEST PROCESSING I SMMJCA I I SMRLSE I SUBSYSTEM +----------+ +----------+ Figure 7-6 7.4.9 Flow of Control in Release Job Segments Set/Reset Modified and Releasable (SMMDFY). The Set/Reset Modified and Releasable operation is used to mark a segment of a task as releasable or nonreleasable and to mark an updatable segment as modified or not modified. The default conditions for segments are nonreleasable and not modified. The SSB of releasable request. 7.4.10 the and segment is located, states are modified and set the flags for the according to the SVC Bias Segment Address Within Task (SMBIAS). The Bias Segment Address Within Task operation is used to position segment two or three of a task at a new logical address. This is used primarily by the System Configuration Utility. This subopcode (>08) is not available to users. 7.4.11 Set Exclusive Use of a Segment (SMEXCU). The Set Exclusive Use of a Segment operation is used to extend the share-protection attribute to segments not currently mapped in by a task. A segment which has had exclusive use set is said to be an owned segment. Other users who try to map in the owned segment will get a shared segment violation error (unless it is replicatable, in which case a replicated copy will be mapped). The set operation also has the functionality of a reserve segment operation. That is, even if an owned segment has use and reserve counts of zero, the segment will not be deallocated. Segment Management 7-12 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document If the operation is to succeed, met: the following conditions must be * The segment must not currently be owned task issuing the SVC or another task. * The segment must issuing task. not be in by either the use by any task but the SMEXCU calls SMCHUC (Segment Management Check Use Count) to perform this function. Exclusive use of special table areas (SMTs, FMTs, PBMs) is not allowed. Once it is determined that the preceding conditions are met, a segment owner block (SOB) is linked to the SSB, indicating which task owns this segment. An owned segment entry (OSE) is linked to the issuing task's TSB, indicating which segments the task owns. 7.4.12 Reset Exclusive Use of a Segment (SMREXC). The Reset Exclusive Use of a Segment operation relinquishes a task's ownership of a segment. The operation will succeed only if the segment is currently owned by the task issuing the SVC. The SOB is delinked from the SSB and its memory released. The OSE is removed from the list of owned segments linked to the TSB and its memory released. If the segment is not in use or reserved, it is deleted. 7.4.13 Load a Segment (SMLOAD). The Load Segment operation assures the user that the specified segment will be in memory while the task that issued the SVC is executing. The segment will not be mapped into the task address space. A segment may be loaded by more than one task regardless of its attributes. When loading a segment, a load segment entry (LSE) is built and attached to the loading task's TSB. SMLOAD is not only an SVC processor but is accessed with a BL interface by nucleus routines. It executes in Map O. 7.4.14 Unload a Segment (SMUNLD). The Unload Segment operation detaches the segment from the task so the segment does not need to be in memory when the task is in memory. An error is returned if the segment was not loaded by the task. The LSE is delinked from the TSB. If the reserve, use and exclusive use counts are zero, the segment may be cached or deleted. SMUNLD is not only an SVC processor but is accessed with interface by nucleus routines. It executes in Map O. 2270512-9701 7-13 a BL Segment Management DNOS System Design Document 7.5 SEGMENT MANAGEMENT TABLE AREA Segment Manager maintains its internal data structures in special table areas that are separate from the STA. These blocks contain SSBs and SGBs. During sysgen, a variable number (one or more) of these areas are defined to fit into the second segment of the system mapping scheme (replaces JCA segment). Sysgen creates an SSB in the STA for each segment management table area. These SSBs are used by the Segment Manager to access each table area. The tables reside in the memory-based segment group; thus, a memory-based SGB resides in the STA. Each table area has the standard memory management overhead along with a pointer to the first SGB in the table and information required to generate run-time IDs for SSBs. The Get and Release table area routines (NFGTA and NFRTA, respectively) are used to allocate memory in the special table areas. Whenever a new segment group is being created, Segment Manager decides which table area has the most unused memory and allocates the segment group into this area. Segment Manager will attempt to allocate all segments of a group within the same table area. If this is not possible, an overflow SGB is created in a different table area. The overflow SGB contains the same information as the SGB (which points to the overflow 8GB). Thus, Segment Manager can search all segments of a group by searching the segments that reside in the table, then search the segments that reside in a table to which the overflow SGB points. Figure 7-7 is a general diagram of the Segment Manager table scheme (given two tabl~ areas). Segment Management 7-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +-------------------------------------------+ Contains Memory-based SGB and SSBs 1 for special table areas, ROOT and 1 11 +-----+ COMMON. 1 STA 1 SGB 1--+ 1 1 1 +-----+ +-----+ 1 1 +-----+ 1 1 1 +--) 1 S S B 1- -) 1 S S B 1- ••• --) 0 1 1 1 +-----+ +-----+ 1 +-----1-------------------------------------+ 1 1 Overflow SGB pointer +-----1-------------------------------------+ 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 +-----+ 1 SGB 1--+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-)1 SSB 1--)1 SSB 1- ••• --)0 +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ 1 SGB 1--+ 1 1 ISpecial table #1 1 1 1 +-----+ +-----+ 1 1 1 +-----+ +-)1 SSB 1--)1 SSB 1- ••• --)0 1 1 +-----+ +-----+ 1 +-----1-------------------------------------+ 1 1 overflow SGB pointer +-----I-------------------~-----------------+ 1 1 1 1 V 1 +-----+ 1 SGB 1--+ +-----+ I +-----+ +-----+ +-)1 SSB 1--)1 SSB 1- ••• --)0 +-----+ +-----+ 11 ISpecial table #2 1 ETC. +-------------------------------------------+ Figure 7-7 2270512-9701 Segment Manager Table Organization 7-15/7-16 Segment Management DNOS System Design Document SECTION 8 JOB MANAGEMENT 8.1 JOB CONSTRUCT A job is the fundamental work unit to which DNOS logical resources are allocated. These resources include files, devices, IPC channels, and environments of names. The goals of the job construct in DNOS are the following: * To provide a structure for the information about a group of related tasks (for example, r~sources allocated, security level, and accounting information) * To provide the capability active physical terminal * To provide a vehicle for easy migration of applications between DNOS configurations by isolating a set of tasks from all others in a system of divorcing tasks from an A job consists of one or more tasks, a set of job-local variables, a set of resources, a set of job-local LUNOs, and a job ID. The operating system constitutes a job in that it owns files, devices, and channels and consists of a group of cooperating tasks. A job has an associated priority. This priority is used for scheduling various system services. Such as disk events and positioning requests into the spooler queue. Management of resource allocation by jobs in DNOS provides a level of isolation between different jobs. Once resources have been allocated to a job, the execution of the job can be independent of the existence of other jobs. Hence, jobs also provide a migration vehicle from a singleto a multipleapplication environment. 8.2 OVERVIEW OF JOB MANAGEMENT The Job Manager assigns and manages job identifiers, limits the number of jobs in the system, and provides system access To support these functions, the Job Manager processes security. 2270512-9701 8-1 Job Management DNOS System Design Document the following SVCs: * * * * * * * Create Job Halt Job Resume Job Modify Job Priority Map Job Name Get Job Information Kill Job A task requests creation of a job via the Create Job operation of the Job Management SVC ()48). The Job Manager performs security checks to validate the integrity of the request and generates a unique job ID. The job is created and is set into execution if it will not exceed the system job limit. If this is a batch job, it must not exceed the background job limit also. If either limit will be exceeded, the job is placed on a queue, waiting for some other job to terminate. Security on the Halt, Resume, Kill, Get Job Information, and Modify Job Priority oper«tions is provided so that only a user with the same user ID or a part of the system job may perform these operations. A job determines its own job ID through the use of the Self Identification SVC ()2E). Status information on jobs is obtained via system utilities. 8.3 ARCHITECTURE OF JOB MANAGEMENT Job Manager is a system task that executes in the system job. It is coded in Pascal with minimal run-time support and is a diskresident queue server. It has an assembly language initialization routine, which contains the stack space for the Pascal routines. Like other system tasks written in Pascal, Job Manager uses routines in DSC.PASASM to call nucleus functions. Job Manager serves a singly linked list of entries. The Job Manager logical address space consists of the system root, a JCA segment, and task code. Any task requesting a Job Management SVC is suspended until the request has completed. 8.4 JOB MANAGEMENT DATA STRUCTURES Among the structures data structures used by Job Manager are several particular to segment management and nuclens Job Management 8-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document functions. These include SSBs, BRBs, and TSBs. structures ~rimarily used by Job Manager include and JIT. The the job-related JCA, JSB, The JCA contains all data structures local to a given job. The JCA is allocated from free memory and can be swapped when all the tasks in a job are swapped out of memory. The JCA may be expanded, as necessary, up to the maximum size specified during sysgen. The JSB carries all global data about the address of the JCA, job ID, job name, allocated from the STA. The job management SVC request block is job, including the and priority. It is the JMR. The JIT contains the list headers for structures is allocated as the first portion of the JCA. in the JCA and Details of each of these structures are shown in the section on data structure pictures. 8.5 JOB STATES The state of a job is maintained in its JSB and changes only in response to SVCs initiated by the user. The following states are possible: * Creating A job is in this state only during the execution of the SVC that creates that job, or while waiting for the active or background job count to drop below this limit. * Halted - A job is in this state when halted by a Halt Job SVC. Only queue server tasks in this job can continue to execute. Any other tasks that attempt to become active while the job is in this state are suspended. * Executable - A job in the executable state can have tasks scheduled for memory and CPU. * Terminating A job is placed in this state when it is killed or after its last task has terminated. At this point, no more tasks may be bid in the job, and Job Manager begins releasing all resources and data structures within the job. 2270512-9701 8-3 its Job Management DNOS System Design Document * JCA being expanded - A job is placed in this state while its job communication area is being expanded due to job requirements for more data structures than the current JCA can accommodate. In addition to these job states, Job Manager can also cause a task to enter the job suspended state. This state is used when halting a job. 8.6 DETAILS OF JOB MANAGER ROUTINES Job management SVC processing begins in the routine JMPREP. Depending on which operation is requested, control then is transferred to the appropriate operation processor. 8.6.1 Job Manager Preprocessor (JMPREP). JMPREP is a small a~sembly language routine that resides in the scheduler segment of map file O. It causes the BRBs for certain sub-opcodes to be rebuffered to include more information than originally buffered by the SVC decoder. To rebuffer; JMPREP builds an RDB showing what to rebuffer and calls the request processor buffering routine, RPBUF, to perform the data movement. JMPREP then queues the BRB to the Job Manager queue for processing and returns to the scheduler to suspend the requester task. 8.6.2 Job Manager Request Processing Task (JMMAIN). JMMAIN is the main module for Job Manager. It acquires and releases segments as necessary and initializes local variables. It also provides all functions COmmon to the SVC processors, such as retrieving the BRB and getting the proper JCA. At the end of SVC processing, it will start any jobs on the waiting queue, provided that the job limit and batch job limit are not exceeded. 8.6.3 Create Job Processor (JMC$). JMC$ must map in the caller's JCA area and retrieve some of the values stored in the JIT. When the new user ID flag is not set in the flag word of the BRB, then the user ID, passcode, account number, and privilege level are copied out of the caller's JCA into the BRB for use at a later time. Job Management 8-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Once the call block is buffered, a JSB is built in the STA. A unique job ID is generated and is used to identify the job while it remains in the operating system. This ID is placed in the JSB and is returned to the caller in the BRB. The job priority is checked to see if it is in the range of 0 through 31. If not, the request is returned with an error status. Otherwise, the JSB state is set to indicate that it is being created. Next, Job Manager obtains memory for the JCA area by executing a Create Segment SVC. This segment is placed in the second map segment of Job Manager, replacing the system JCA segment. The size of this JCA area is specified in the call block as 1, 2, or 3. The code 1 is for the smallest JCA size; the code 3 is the maximum JCA size. The logon default is the medium JCA size. All of the memory management overhead is initialized in the JCA, and segment manager SSB addresses for the JCA are stored in the JSB. The queue headers for the job level queue servers are initialized, and the JCA segment is reserved. The station ID of the job being bid is next verified to be sure that the station specified exists and is available for use. If an illegal station is specified, the job creation request is denied and an error is returned. If the station is legal, creation continues, with Job Manager assigning a job-local LUNO to DUMY. The requester may specify a logical name and synonym segment in the SVC block. (The function of this segment is detailed in the section on I/O.) When this field is zero, no action is taken. Otherwise, the segment is checked to see if it is a memory-based segment. When it is located, the segment manager SSB addresses are stored in the JIT, and the segment is included in the job reserved segment list. If the segment is not found or is not memory based, the request to bid the job is aborted and an error is returned to the user. After the synonym segment is processed, the user ID and passcode are verified. When the new user ID flag is set, all information must be verified before it can be used. The user ID and passcode are k e p t o n dis kin a p re d e fin e d s y s t emf i Ie. A sea r chi s' ma de for this user ID in this file. Once the ID is found, the passcode specified is encrypted and compared against the encrypted passcode on disk. Any error in this process aborts job creation. If the file .S$ACCVAL exists, the account ID is verified against the file entries. If a match is not found, the job is aborted. If the file .S$ACCVAL does not exist, no checking is done. The final step in creating a job is to bid the initial task. First, the JSB is linked into the system JSB list. Then the parameters for the task are built into a Bid Task SVC, which is issued from Job Manager. {Note that because Job Manager is issuing the SVC, the specified program file LUNO must be global 2270512-9701 8-5 Job Management DNOS System Design Document so that it appears in the new job's LUND hierarchy.) Any error returned from the Bid Task SVC is placed in the BRB and aborts the Create Job SVC. The new task is initially bid in a halted state. After the bid has been completed, a job initialization entry is placed on the accounting queue and the job is put on a wait queue. Whenever the Create Job SVC has been aborted, the JCA and JSB must be returned to free memory. The BRB for the call is sent back to the caller, along with the error. A temporary BRB is created to indicate job termination and is placed on the Job. Manager queue. This entry is processed by JMD$, releasing all the resources the job had and returning them to the system. 8.6.4 Halt Job Processor (JMHALT). JMHALT calls the verify routine, JMVRFY, to verify that the specified job ID exists and that the requesting job has the authnrity to perform the halt. The job state is then checked to ensure that the job is active. If it is not active, an error is returned. Otherwise, the job state is changed to halted. The TSB list for the job is then searched for all active tasks. During this search, the scheduler must be inhibited to prevent any change in the list. When active tasks are found, if they are not queue server tasks they are delinked from the job active list and the task state is changed to indicate that the job is suspended. After all of the active tasks are found, the scheduler is enabled and the BRB is returned to the caller with a successful completion code. While the job is in a halted state, only queue server tasks in the job can be made active. If any other task tries to become active, the nucleus function NFPACT places the task in the job suspended state. 8.6.5 Resume Job Processor (JMRESU). After JMRESU calls JMVRFY, if no error was found, it checks the job state to see if it is halted. If it is not halted, an error is returned to the caller. If the job is halted, the job state is changed to executable, and the TSB list is searched for tasks in the job suspended state. When such a task is found, Job Manager calls NFPACT to place the task back on the active list. The scheduler must be inhibited during the TSB search so that the TSB list is not altered. After the search, a successful completion code is placed in the BRB, and the BRB is returned to the requester. Job Management 8-6 2270512-9701 DNOS System. Design Document 8.6.6 Modify Job Priority Processor (JMPRIO). JMPRIO calls JMVRFY and, if no error was found, it checks that the caller is the system operator. If not, an error is returned. The new job priority is checked to see if it is within the valid priority range. If not, the request is aborted. Otherwise, the tasks within the job are updated to reflect the new priority. Job Manager calls a nucleus routine to obtain the new task priorities. During this time, the scheduler must be inhibited. After all of the priorities are modified, Job Manager delinks the first active task in the job and then relinks it. This inserts the JSB in the right position for the scheduling queue. The new priorities take effect when Job Manager completes its SVC requests. Job Manager then enables the scheduler and returns the BRB with a successful completion code. 8.6.7 Map Job Name Processor (JMMAP). The Map Job Name processor searches the JSB list for the job name specified in the BRB block. It returns the job ID of the first job that it finds with the same user ID as the calling task. Jobs in terminating state are not considered. An error is returned if no matching job name is found under that user ID, or if the job name is duplicated. In the latter case, the job ID of the first matching job is returned. The user ID and job names of each job are kept in the JSB (which is memory resident) to avoid excessive swapping during this operation. 8.6.8 Get Job Information Processor (JMINFO). The Get Job Information processor returns information about the job identified by the job ID in the requestor call block. If an ID of zero is specified, information about the caller's job is returned. JMVRFY is called, and if no error is returned, this processor returns the job name, priority, user ID, account ID, privilege level, and the run ID of the calling task. 8.6.9 Kill Job Processor (JMKILL). The Kill Job processor terminates jobs within the system. JMKILL verifies that the user has access to the specified job and that the job exists. The job state is then checked to see if the job is already in a terminating state. If it is, an error is returned in the BRB to indicate this condition. When the job is in the create state, it must be deleted from the waiting-toexecute job queue. At this point, the job state is changed to terminating so that no new tasks are bid in this job. The scheduler is then inhibited during the kill process for each task. 2270512-9701 8-7 Job Management DNOS System Design Document Job Manager kills each task by calling the nucleus function NFTERM. The TSB contains a flag to indicate whether end action is allowed on a kill request. If it is not set, the task may take end action but will not be able to reset its own end action bit. A time-out value for end action prevents the task from executing indefinitely. Job Manager returns a successful completion code in the BRB when all of the tasks have been processed through NFTERM. Job Manager suspends (awaiting queue input) at this point to allow all of the tasks to terminate. The termination processor, PMTERM, places an entry on the Job Manager queue to notify Job Manager that the last task has terminated. When the entry arrives, control is given to JMD$ to complete the job termination process. 8.6.10 Job Clean-Up Routine (JMD$). JMD$ is a support routine that can be activated only by an aborted Create Job SVC or by PMTERM. The call is made when the last task of a job has terminated. JMD$ is responsible for releasing any attached resources and all memory blocks associated with the job. JMD$ may be called during the create process to clean up an aborted Create Job SVC. JMD$ first determines if the JCA area for the job exists. Job manager releases the JSB if the JCA was not created. The first set of operations required for the JCA is to release any job-local LUNas still assigned. The I/O sub-opcode to Release LUNa in Another Job is used for this purpose. The entire list of LUNas is searched, and a call block for each of these LUNas is created and passed on to the I/O Utility (IOU). After all of the LUNas have been released, all resources that have been attached by the job are released via calls to IOU for each resource found. The resource list is searched, and for each entry found a Detach by Number SVC sub-opcode is issued. The next structure to be deleted is the reserved segment list. For each reserved segment, a call is made to the Segment Manager to cancel the reserve. This includes the reserve on the JCA segment. The JCA segment is mapped into Job Manager during this release process and is not released from memory until Job Manager changes its second map segment. All other segments, such as logical name and synonym segments, are released and become eligible for deletion if no other job has reserved them. All clean-up of memory-based segments is accomplished by Segment Manager when Job Manager releases the reserved segments. The table memory for the reserved blocks is also released from the JCA by Segment Manager during this process. Job Management 8-8 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document not should have At this point in the clean-up process, the JCA allocations no other job has any dynamic memory in it. If put the before the job in this JCA segment was reserved state, this JCA is deleted as soon as Job Manager terminated releases it from its address space. The last step in JMD$ is to release the JSB from the STA. The JSB is deleted from the JSB list, and the memory is returned. A job termination entry is placed on the accounting queue and the active job count is decremented. 8.6.11 Verify Job ID Routine (JMVRFY). The verify routine is used by JMKILL, JMINFO, JMRESU, JMHALT, and JMPRIO to determine if the caller is allowed to execute the SVC in question. This routine searches the JSB chain to find the appropriate job ID. Jobs in terminating state are not considered. If the job ID is not found, an error is placed in the BRB and the request is aborted. Otherwise, JMVRFY checks to see if the operation is being executed on the system job. Any attempt to perform one of these SVCs on the system job receives an error. The last check made is to verify that the requesting task has the privilege to perform the SVC. Valid requesters are the system operator, tasks whose jobs have a flag set to bypass ownership tests, and tasks whose jobs have the same user ID. All other requesters receive errors. On successful completion, JMVRFY returns to the calling routine with the JCA of the requested job mapped into the second map file segment of Job Manager and with the JSB address of the job requested. 8.7 IMPLICATIONS OF JOB BOUNDARIES In theory, a task running in a job is not aware of any other job. It may interact with the system job by issuing an SVC or it may interact with another job by using a global IPC channel, but it theoretically is independent of and unaware of any other job. In reality, it may be necessary for two tasks in different jobs to communicate with each other. There are two major mechanisms supported by DNOS for cross-j~b communication: global IPC channels, and event SVCs. The major difficulty with global channels is that the owner task must be the first task to assign a LUNO to the channel, but, aside from that, they have all the power that the various channel configurations provide. Events provide a more limited capability, being mainly a synchronization feature. Any task which knows another task's job ID and task run-time ID can issue a Post-Event SVC which causes a specified event to complete for the task specified by the job ID and run-time ID. The specified task must issue a Wait for Event SVC for the event number of the 2270512-9701 8-9 Job Management I DNOS System Design Document I expected event. SVC is issued. Job Management It will then be activated when 8-10 the Post Event 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document SECTION 9 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 9.1 OVERVIEW Program management supports task-level requests to execute tasks, load overlays, and terminate tasks. Support is also available to perform sychronization operations, to read and write task memory or TSBs, to get and release user memory, and to get and release system common. Program management includes processors for the full set of SVCs to support program files. Program management is implemented in three distinct levels. The first level includes support routines that reside in the root of the operating system. These routines are callable by various program management routines and perform specific functions. The second level is the set of processors for the program management SVCs which execute at XOP level. The third level is the processors for program management SVCs that execute as queue serving tasks. Many program management SVCs are implemented in the second level only, but some require a third level (for example, disk I/O may be performed only at the third level). 9.2 DATA STRUCTURES USED BY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT In addition to JSBs, TSBs, various segment management structures, and the JCA, program management uses a number of lists and queues to coordinate the efforts of its components. These structures include the following: Waiting-on-Memory (WOM) list A list of JSBs anchored by the NFPTR field WOMJSB, with each JSB having one or more TSBs for tasks that must be loaded. The TSBs of each job are linked from the JITWOM anchor in the JIT of the JCA. The JSBs are ordered by JSB waiting priority as carried in the JSBWPR field. Loader Queue A linked list of OVBs, each representing a block of user memory to be released. The queue is anchored at LDRQUE in NFQHDR. 2270512-9701 9-1 Program Management DNOS System Design Document Cache List A linked list of OVBs for segments currently not currently used by any active task. (These recently used segments, and they may be deallocated.) This list is anchored at CHELST in memory but are the most used later or in NFDATA. Active List A list of JSBs for jobs with tasks ready to execute. This list is anchored in the NFPTR field ACTJSB, organized by priority JSBAPR. The TSBs for the active tasks are linked from the JITACT anchor in the JCA. Time-ordered List (TOL) A list of task segments (OVBs) representing all tasks in the system eligible for the active list, ordered by most recently loaded. Time Delay List the NFPTR A linked list of time delay entries, anchored by list header TDLHDR. The entries reside in the STA and consist of task identification information and time delay values. Wait for Event SVC's are also linked on this list. Swap Table A linked list of swap table entries used to keep track of allocated space and segments on the swap file. Whenever a segment is swapped to the swap file, a swap table entry is built for that segment in the system JCA, and a pointer to it is placed in the SSB. This table is used by the segment swapper task to keep track of which records are allocated in the swap file. The anchor for this list is ROLDIR in PMDATA. 9.3 DETAILS OF PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ROUTINES Program management routines perform the functions of bidding a task, loading a task for execution, and deallocating resources when a task terminates. 9.3.1 Task Bid Processor (PMTBID). When a Bid Task SVC ()2B) is executed, the nucleus function NFTBID attempts to add the task to the active list. If NFTBID is unable to bid the task, the SVC block is placed on the task bid queue that places the queue server PMTBID into execution. PMTBID performs the initial setup for a task. It ensures that the task exists by locating the task segment in memory or by reading the program file directory. Then, the procedure segments Program Management 9-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document (if any) are located in memory, or they are built from the program file directory. The map file limit registers are built for the task and the TSB for the task is placed on the WOM list so that its segments will be loaded by the task loader. Execution of PMTBID proceeds as follows. The routine PMGSSB is called to find or build an SSB for the task segment. The routine SMSRCH is called to search the program file segment group for the requested segment. If found, it is used by the task being bid (assuming the segment attributes allow this). If the segment is not found, 5MBLDS is called to build an initial load SSB for the segment. (For details see the description of segment management.) When control is returned to PMGSSB and if the SSB returned is in the initial load state (that is, the program file directory has not been read for the segment), PMRDIR is called to read the program file directory entry for the segment. PMMPRI is then called to calculate the initial runtime priority. Next, PMTBID calls PMITSB which calls PMGSSB for the attached procedures, sets up the map file limit registers (including protection), determines the total mapped length and memory used, and initializes the task status. A loaded segment entry (LSE) is built for the JCA of the task, so that the JCA will be loaded into memory when the task is loaded. PMTBID calls PMNMGR to inform the name manager that a new task exists in the job, then links the TSB into the TSB tree and activates the task. The task is now ready to be loaded by the task loader. Finally, the calling task, if any, is killed or suspended if such action is requested in the SVC block. 9.3.2 Task Loader (PMTLDR). PMTLDR loads tasks into memory when they are initially bid, when they have been swapped out of memory and are rescheduled to run, and when a Change Segment or Create Segment operation is done for a segment that is not in memory. The task loader serves the loader queue and the WOM list. Included in the task loader task are the get and release user memory routines and the task swapping routine. PMTLDR begins to execute whenever an entry is placed on the loader queue or WOM list. The loader queue is processed first. It contains a list of segments whose memory must be deallocated. The return user memory (PMRUM) routine is called for each segment. After processing the loader queue, PMTLDR checks the WOM list for a task to be loaded. If one is found, PMTLDR attempts to load the task into memory. PMTLDR first ch~cks to see if the task is doing a Change Segment operation which requires initialization of an SSB. If so, PMRDIR and PMSMIR is called to allow the segment manager to complete its processing. PMTLDR calls the routine PMALSG to allocate memory for the task's JCA and later for each 2270512-9701 9-3 Program Management DNOS System Design Document segment of the task. The JCA must be in memory before the task can be loaded, since the JCA contains the TSB. PMALSG first checks to see if the segment is already in memory. If so, the segment is removed from the cache list if the task-in-memory count is zero. If the segment is not in memory, the get user memory (PMGUM) routine is called to allocate memory. If memory is available, PMALSG increments the task-in-memory count and returns the segment to PMTLDR. If memory is not available, PMROLL is called to attempt to obtain memory for the segment. I I After memory is allocated for all of the task segments, PMLDSG is called to load each segment into memory. If the segment is already in memory or is empty, the load is skipped. Otherwise, the segment is loaded from its home file or roll file. The record number for the segment is computed, and the file management routine FMIO is called to load the segment from disk into memory. After the load is completed, the OVB is initialized and control is returned to PMTLDR. After all of the task segments are loaded, the map file bias registers are calculated and. the task segment is placed on the TOL by calling NFATOL. The task is put on the active list, and PMTLDR continues processing the loader queue and the WOM list. If insufficient memory is available to load a task, the task loader calls a swapping routine (PMROLL) to attempt to free memory by temporarily writing segments to the swap file. The swapping routine includes two phases. The first phase processes the cache list (segments in memory that are reusable but not currently in use), freeing any available memory. If the first phase does not yield enough memory, the second phase begins processing the TOL to find a task that can be deactivated and swapped. I Processing the cache list involves searching the list, last to first, for available segments. A segment on the cache list can be swapped if its TILINE I/O count is zero. A maximum count for buffer segments and program file segments is maintained to ensure that memory does not become too fragmented by cached segments. (See the roll parameters shown in the NFDATA template in the section on data structure pictur~s.) PMROLL tries to prevent the rolling of JCAs and, in an attempt to improve performance, tasks doing file I/O and file buffer segments. When a swap candidate is found, it is queued to the write queue to be written to its home file, written to the swap file, or released, based on its attributes, use count, and whether it was modified. PMROLL returns a code of zero if it was able to free enough memory before returning. However, PMROLL might have queued an entry on the write queue, in which case PMROLL returns a code of 2 to the task loader, indicating that memory will not be available until I/O completes. If PMROLL finds an eligible segment doing file I/O, it returns a code of 4, indicating that Program Management 9-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document task loader should serve the file I/O request first. If none of these conditions arises after processing the cache list, PMROLL processes the TaL. The TaL is searched, last to first, to find the most eligible task for deactivation and swapping. The following are three categories of tasks on the TaL, listed in the order of most eligible to least eligible for swapping: 1. tasks suspended for more than a minimum amount of time or suspended while waiting for coroutine activation. The longer the suspension, the more eligible for swapping. 2. Tasks of lower priority than the task being loaded by the task loader. The lower the priority, the more eligible the tasks are for swapping. 3. Tasks that have the same priority as the task being loaded by the task loader and that have executed for a minimum amount of time since they were last loaded. The longer the execution time, the more eligible the tasks are for swapping. After an eligible task entry is found on the TaL, the task is deactivated and its segments are placed on the cache list if they are not being used by other active tasks. The cache list is then processed again before returning to the task loader with the return code from the cache list processor. If no eligible entries are found on the TaL, a return code of 3 is given to the task lo~der, indicating that no memory was found to release. Figure 9-1 shows the flow of control through the task loader. 2270512-9701 9-5 Program Management I I DNOS System Design Document ENTRY PLACED ON LOADER QUEUE OR WOM LIST I V +----------+ I PMTLDR I +----------+ (BL) I V +--------------------+ I I I I I I I I V +----------+ I PMRUM I +----------+ Loader Queue V +-----------------+----------------------+ I for JCA and I I Veach segment +----------+ I PMALSG I +----------+ (BL) +----------+ I PMLDSG I +----------+ (BL) I +------+-----+ (BL) V I V V +----------+ I NFPACT I +----.:;.-----+ I I I I I I V (BL) I V V ACTIVATES TASK V +----------+ +---------+ +----------+ I PMGUM I I PMROLL I I FMIO I +----------+ +---------+ +----------+ Figure 9-1 9.3.3 I I Flow of Control in Task Loader Task Termination Processor (PMTERM). When a task terminates by issuing an End Task SVC or is killed by another task or by the operating system, the initial processing is done by NFTERM (see the section on nucleus functions). That processing includes placing an entry on the task termination queue, which is served by PMTERM. PMTERM cleans up the memory structures associated with the task (TSB). If there is no end-action and the task was a task- or job-local channel owner, PMTERM notifies IPC. For each LUNO on the TSBLDT chain PMTERM issues an abort request. If no end-action is specified, PMTERM closes the LUNO and waits for I/O to complete. Program Management 9-6 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Then PMTERM either waits for or causes all other outstanding requests to complete and if end-action is specified, the task is activated. Otherwise, PMTERM releases all LUNOs, logs a task error (if necessary), informs the name manager that a task is terminating, and delinks the TSH from the TSB tree. This may involve killing descendant tasks or activating a parent task. If there is only one task left in the job (file manager), it is killed. If there are no more tasks left, job manager is activated to terminate the job. 9.4 TASK SYNCHRONIZATION DNOS provides synchronization on several functional levels. These levels correspond to the assumed commonality between the tasks requiring synchronization. The synchronization tools involved are interprocess communication (IPC) messages, semaphores, locks, and events. IPC is discussed in the section on I/O. 9.4. 1 Semaphores. Semaphores enable two tasks to exchange timing signals. A semaphore is implemented as an integer variable and a queue of waiting tasks. The integer variable indicates the number of unconsumed timing signals. If no signals are present,the integer indicates the number of tasks waiting for a timing signal. Semaphore operations are provided on job-local variables via SVC )3D. The subopcodes in this SVC have the following meanings: Subopcode 0 : SIGNAL The value of the semaphore specified by byte 3 of the SVC call block is incremented. The oldest task queued on the semaphore queue is activated. Subopcode 1 WAIT The value of the semaphore specified by byte 3 the SVC of call block is decremented. If the resulting semaphore value is negative, the task is suspended and queued to the specified semaphore. Subopcode 2 TEST The value of the semaphore specified by byte 3 of the SVC call block is returned in bytes 4 and 5 of the SVC block. Subopcode 3 : INITIALIZE The semaphore specified by byte 3 of the SVC call block is initialized to the value specified in bytes 4 and 5 of the SVG block. If any tasks are queued waiting for this 2270512-9701 9-7 Program Management DNOS System Design Document semaphore, the action taken depends on the new value of semaphore as follows: * If the new value is greater than or equal all suspended tasks. * Given that n· is (new value - old value), if the new value is less than and n is greater than 0, activate n tasks, starting with the oldest queued task. the to 0, activate ° Subopcode 4: MODIFY The semaphore specified by byte 3 is set to the sum of its old value and the two's complement (negative) value furnished in bytes 4 and 5 of the SVC block. If any tasks are queued waiting for the semaphore, the action taken depends on the new value of the semaphore, as described in the initialize operation. The modify operation combines the test and initialize operations so that correct results are obtained, even if other tasks are using that semaphore. Semaphore values are represented as signed integers ranging from the negative value of -128 to a positive value of 127. A positive value indicates the number of signals sent but not received. A negative value represents the number of receivers waiting for signals unless the semaphore has been negative since the last time it was changed in a negative direction to a negative value by an initialize or modify operation. 9.4.2 Locks. The synchronization tool available to tasks that share the same task address space is the lock. Locks enable tasks to implement mutual exclusion on critical sections of their code or data. Locks are represented as boolean data items, which indicate the state of the lock. Locks can be implemented in assembly language by using the ABS and SETO instructions on a data variable. If tasks spend relatively little time executing in locked regions, the following code will achieve the desired mutual exclusion: INITLK SETO LOCK AGAIN ABS JLT SVC JMP GOTLOK • LOCK GOTLOK TDELAY AGAIN SETa LOCK Program Management 9-8 initialize the lock test the lock * got the lock, use it * no, delay and retry * free the lock 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The higher-level synchronization primitives (SVC semaphores and IPC messages) are available to tasks at this level that do not meet the general assumptions about locks. 9.4.3 Event Synchronization. To improve throughput, DNOS allows the execution of some SVCs in parallel with the task execution. The Initiate Event SVC ()41) provides this concurrency. It also eliminates polling in those situations where polling might be used because concurrency is unavailable. A set of 32 event flags is maintained in each TSB, showing which of the allowed 32 events is currently initiated or completed for the task. The Initiate Event SVC points to an SVC to be initiated. An event number is generated by DNOS to identify this event. Event numbers range from 0 through decimal 31. In the current release of DNOS, I/O SVCs and semaphore SVCs can be initiated. If the operating system permits the specified SVC to be initiated, control is returned to the task after that request block has been buffered. If not, an error is returned to the user. The user must exercise caution, since the operating system may return information to the initiated SVC block at any time. The Wait for Event SVC ()42) allows a task to wait for any of a set of events to occur. This SVC waits until one of several events has completed or until the maximum wait time is exceeded. The events to be waited for are specified by an event mask. The leftmost bit of the first word of the event mask corresponds to event O. If this bit is set in the mask, the task is activated when event 0 is completed. The event flags returned to the call block indicate which (one or more) of the 32 events have completed. The Post Event SVC ()4F) permits the user to post any event in any task in any job but the system job. This means that any Wait For Event may be aborted before its event is completed or its wait time has expired. The Post Event SVC should not be used to abort a wait for a valid initiated event; it should be used to provide a cross-job synchronization mechanism. If task A in job ONE executes a Wait For Event with a large time delay without initiating an event, then it will delay until either its time delay expires or it is posted, either from job ONE or from another job. This provides a method to deactivate and reactivate user-written queue server tasks, across job boundaries. To facilitate this operation, issuing a Wait For Event with a maximum time delay of -1 ()FFFF) is special cased to cause a virtually infinite maximum delay time. 2270512-9701 9-9/9-10 Program Management DNOS System Design Document SECTION 10 I/O SUBSYSTEM 10.1 OVERVIEW The I/O subsystem moves data between any combination of logical and physical I/O resources and programs (tasks) that process the data. The logical resources are the files located on disk or magnetic tape and the channels between programs. The physical resources are the devices attached to the computer. An I/O request enters the I/O system via the SVC interface. This interface provides resource-independent, resource-specific, and utility paths through a single SVC opcode, SVC 00. Most I/O is achieved via the resource-independent call because programmers usually want only to obtain data, process that data, and output the processed data without knowledge of special features of the I/O resource. However, some special-purpose programs require knowledge of the I/O resource. They must use specific techniques and formats to obtain, process, and output data. These programs use resourcedependent I/O. The utility path allows for dynamic management of resources without intervention from outside the computer. Actions such as reserving a resource, specifying access privileges, and releasing access are performed via the utility path. The general form of the I/O SVC request block (IRB) is shown in the section on data structure pictures. The basic block is 12 bytes long, while the full IRB for complex requests is considerably longer. An I/O request enters the I/O subsystem from RPROOT, the SVC decoder. The I/O system screens out the utility requests via the subopcode and passes them to the I/O Utility (IOU). The I/O system then finds the request routing information for those that are not utility requests. The routing information provides for checking on the operations allowed to the requester. A copy of the request call block is made in the STA so that the requester's memory space may be free for other tasks while the request is being processed. The routing information correct resource handler. 2270512-9701 is used to move the request to the Channel requests are handed to the IPC 10-1 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document processor. File requests are given to the file management (FM) processor. Device requests are handed to the device manager. The device manager is responsible for setting up the data buffer. The request data buffer is moved to the buffer table area (BTA) if the destination resource transfers data relatively slowly. This copy of the request data buffer is made so that the task memory space may be released while the request is being processed. Resources that move data quickly need not have the data buffer copied; they access the data directly from the requester task memory space. The device manager passes the buffered request copies to the physical device handler, the DSR, for processing. The DSR moves the data between computer memory and the physical device. This transfer usually occurs at the maximum rate of the device. During this transfer, the scheduler selects other programs to execute. When the transfer has completed, the hardware causes a device interrupt to signal the DSR, indicating that the request has completed. The DSR sets up conditions such that the next time the scheduler selects a program to execute, it finds that the request has finished processing. The scheduler then activates the requesting task. Also, any request waiting to be processed by that DSR is passed to the DSR. When a program is activated by the scheduler, a check is made before the program is allowed to execute to see if any buffered SVC requests are to be returned to the program. For I/O SVCs, status information and buffered data are returned. 10.2 DEVICE I/O DATA STRUCTURES Data structures used for handling device I/O are of two types. One set describes the devices and is built by the system generation utility. The other type of structure is built by the I/O and I/O Utility subsystems when requests are made to use devices. The following structures are built during system generation: * Physical device table (PDT) Memory-resident data structure, one built for each device defined for the system. Contains information about the device name, characteristics, and workspace for the device service routine. * Alternate subdevices of an ASR identifies I/O Subsystem PDT A short version of a PDT, built for of a device. An example is the cassette unit terminal. The DSFAiD flag in the field PDTDSF the PDT as an alternate. The field PDTDIB 10- 2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document points to the master PDT, that is, the PDT for which this represents a subdevice. The byte PDTTYP is a binary indicator of the subdevice. There can be no more than 256 subdevices per master PDT. Note that these structures must be carefully avoided by Some processors; power-up must bypass all alternate PDTs, for example, and abort processing must also avoid them. * Disk PDT extension (DPD) - Structure appended to the PDT for a disk device. Used as a work area by the device service routine and the Disk Manager. * Keyboard status block (KSB) - Structure appended to the PDT for a device with a keyboard. Used as a workspace by the device service routine when handling the keyboard. * Line printer PDT extension (LPD) - Structure appended to the PDT for a line printer device. Carries flags and pointers for use by the device service routine. * Magnetic tape PDT extension (MTX) Structure appended to the PDT for a mag tape device. Carries flags and counters for use by the DSR. * Extension Structure keyboard. * Extension for a 940 or 931 terminal Structures appended to the KSB for a 940 or 931 terminal. These are described in the paragraph on asynchronous DSRs. for a terminal with appended to the KSB The following structures are built when a device: a keyboard (XTK) for a device with a request is issued to * Logical device table (LDT) - Built by the I/O utility to carry the logical unit number to be used for requests, characteristics of the device, and the current processing state. * I/O request block (IRB) - Built by the I/O preprocessor as a buffered copy of the I/O SVC issued by the requester. * Buffered request overhead (BRO) - Built by the request processing root and by the I/O subsystem to describe the originator of the IRB and the current state of the request, this is appended to the front of the IRB. 2270512-9701 10-3 a I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document 10.3 DEVICE I/O HANDLING Figure 10-1 and Figure 10-2 show the flow of control through device handling. Figure 10-1 is an overall view, while Figure 10-2 details the entrance to device processing. The figures show the major I/O modules involved, as well as support routines from the nucleus and SVC request processing systems. +----------+ +------------(XOP)-IREQUESTER 1 1 TASK 1 V +----------+ +----------+ 1 RPROOT 1 +----------+ I V I I 1 +----------+ 1 V -)--------1 1 lOP REP 1 1 +----------+ 1 V +----------+ 1 1 NFSRTN 1 1 +----------+ 1 1 +----------+ 1 1 NFTRTN 1 V I I 1 +----------+ 1 V I I 1 IODEVR 1 1 +----------+ 1 V-----)---+----------+ 1 1 NFSCHD 1 1 +----------+ 1 1 +----------+ 1 1 RPDQUE 1 .--------)--1 1 +----------+ 1<--------------------- +-------)-----)---------------- +----------+ ... ... ----)---- Figure 10-1 10.3.1 ... Overview of Device I/O Handling Details of I/O System Routines. When the requester task issues an I/O SVC, control is passed to the SVC decoder, RPROOT. After determining that request is for the I/O system, RPROOT passes it directly to the I/O request preparation routine, IOPREP. IOPREP functions as a preprocessor that is a uniform entrance into the I/O system and prepares the I/O request for the destination resource. If any error is detected by IOPREP, the error bit is set in the user call block flags, and IOPREP exits to RPRTNE in RPROOT. RPRTNE returns the error byte to the user call block and checks flags for initiated events. I/O Subsystem 10-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +----------+ +------------(XOP)-IREQUESTER I 1 TASK 1 I V +----------+ +----------+ 1 RPROOT 1 +----------+ (B) 1 V +----------+ 1 IOPREP 1 +----------+ (B) 1 V +----------+ 1 IOCHKX 1 +----------+ (B) 1----------------+----------------+-----------------+ V V V V +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ 1 IODEVR 1 1 IUPREP 1 1 IPCPRE 1 1 FMPREP 1 +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ (BL) I--(B)------------------+-----------------------+ V V V +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ 1 IOPEL 1 1 NFSRTN 1 1 NFTRTN 1 +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ (BL) 1-----------------------+-----------------------+ V V V +-.---------+ +----------+ +----------+ 1 IODBGN 1 1 LGDEV 1 1 NFEOBR 1 +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ (BLWP) 1 V +----------+ 1 DSR 1 +----------+ (BL) 1-----------------------+ V V +----------+ +----------+ OTHER DSR SUPPORT ROUTINES 1 IONRCD 1 +----------+ +----------+ Figure 10-2 2270512-9701 Beginning Device Request Processing 10-5 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document IOPREP passes the request and control to IUPREP if the request is a utility request. Otherwise it builds a copy of the request in the STA static buffer, SYSBUF, including buffered request overhead (BRO) and the entire call block. IOPREP then calls IOFLDT to locate the LDT. The LDT contains information about the destination resource as a logical unit number (LUNO). If the resource pointer in the LDT is zero, the request is for the dummy device (DUMY); consequently, the request is simply returned as complete via RPRTNE. For a device other than DUMY, the LDT is examined to see if the device has been opened, that is, some task has issued an I/O SVC with the Open subopcode. If the device is open, the LDT carries the TSB and JSB addresses of the task that opened it. The task attempting to use the resource must be the task that opened the LUNO. If the LUNO is open to the requester task, various subopcodes in the I/O requests are treated differently. The Modify Access Privilege subopcode is treated as an Open. Otherwise, control is transferred around the open process. Read Characteristics subopcode requests are allowed to bypass the requirement that the LUNO be open. I If the LUNO is not open, the subopcode is checked to see that it is an Open. The open process checks for a Resource Privilege Block (RPB) to see if the Open is allowed. If it is, the LDT is opened and the access privileges are placed into the LDT and RPB. Requests of all subopcodes are channeled through the next part of IOPREP, which tests again to determine if the request is allowed with the current access privileges. If the request is legal, control is passed to IOCHKX for further processing. IOCHKX buffers the remaining portion of the request into SYSBUF according to the device type specified in the LDT. The STA is used since it is available to devices and file management when the JCA is not in memory. The data buffer is not allocated or buffered at this time. Using more information from the LDT, control transfers to the IPC processor, IPCPR2; to the file management processor, FMPREP; or to the device processor, IODEVR. IODEVR functions as It has an alternate system tasks that primary entry point from the BTA and decisions are made, together. a uniform I/O entrance to device resources. entry point (IODDIO) for direct device I/O of must bypass checks on general requests. The determines if a buffer should be allocated if data should be buffered. After these the paths from the two entry points come IODEVR now checks to see if the device in use is represented by an alternate PDT, that is, is a subdevice of Some master device. If so, the flag BRFAPI is set in the field BROOF2 of the buffered request overhead of the I/O request block. The binary ID of the I/O Subsystem 10-6 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document device is copied from the alternate PDT to the field BROAID. master PDT pointer is retrieved from PDTDIB of the alternate and now used as the PDT pointer for processing. The PDT The request is then inserted on the PDT waiting queue, PDTWQ, and control is given to the PDT end-of-record logic routine, 10PEL. When control returns from 10PEL, the request is checked to see if it is complete in 10RTN. If so, control passes to the nucleus return routine, NFTRTN. If the request is not complete and it is not an initiate mode request, the task state is set to suspended for I/O, and control is given to the nucleus suspend routine, NFSRTN. If the request is an initiate mode request, control is given to NFTRTN. IOPEL functions as a device control module outside of hardware interrupts, setting up requests to devices and returning requests to tasks. The loop for processing begins by calling a system log routine, LGDEV, to log any errors stored in the PDT. Requests are set up for the device if the PDT saved request block address, PDTSRB, is zero and PDTWQ is not zero. Before any processing, IOPEL sets the hardware interrupt level in the status register to prevent interrupts. The first request is removed from PDTWQ, the device map file is changed to map in the request, the data buffer address in the BRB is adjusted, and control is given to the device begin routine, IODBGN. When control returns from IODBGN or if PDTSRB is nonzero, the PDT spent request queue, PDTSRQ, is examined. If PDTSRQ is nonzero, a request is removed from it, and NFEOBR is called to insert the request on the TSBEOR queue. This then loops back to the logging process. If the device is busy or there are no more waiting requests and no more completed requests, control returns to the calling routine. IODBGN is an interface routine that changes the map file from the current state to a state in which the DSR is mapped with its data buffer. IODBGN must be in the first of the three segments of map file 0 in order to perform this function. After the new map file has been set up, the DSR is entered at the request entry point (one of several entry points). Alternate entry points in IODBGN correspond to some of the other entry points in the DSR. These alternate entry points are IODREE for system interrupt entry, IODABT for request abort, and IODTO for time-out, IODPDS for priority scheduling, and IODPU for power-up. Before giving control to the DSR, IODBGN saves the address of the PDT workspace for power failure. 2270512-9701 10-7 I/O Subsystem I DNOS System Design Document 10.3.2 I/O Processing by the DSR. A DSR is the request processor for a physical resource. The first, five instructions beginning at relative location 0 of the DSR must be branch instructions. These branch instructions correspond to five alternate entry points in the DSR. A sixth branch instruction must be included if the DSR uses priority DSR scheduling. The branch instructions correspond to the following alternate entry points. * Hardware interrupt, the routine that handles from the device * System interrupt, the routine that handles the request for the system to reenter at approximately 50 milliseconds later. * * Power up, the routine that interrupts initializes the device. Request abort, the routine that handles request that the DSR is processing the abort of a * Request time-out, the routine that processes·· the condition in which the device has not responded in a certain length of time. * Initial request processing. If priority DSR scheduling is used then this must be a branch instruction to the routine that handles initial request processing. If priority DSR scheduling is not used, then initial request processing code begins here. * Priority DSR scheduler (optional) If priority DSR scheduling is used, the instruction folloWing the initial request processing entry point is the routine for processing requests for priority DSR scheduling. Priority DSR scheduling is used by DSRs which need to be reentered but do not want to wait the 50 milliseconds for a system interrupt. This mechanism reenters the DSR after all interrupt processing to the system is complete but before the task scheduler initiates any task execution. DSRs which use priority scheduling must link in the routine IOPDSQ. The DSR requests priority scheduling by issuing a BLWP @IOPDSQ instruction. The routine IOPDSQ will queue the PDT to the priority scheduling queue. NFSCHD and NFTRTN check for PDTs on this queue and reenter the DSR at the earliest opportunity. This is intended for use only by high priority interrupt processing. Using this mechanism arbitrarily may interfere with other devices that use this entry point. I/O Subsystem 10-8 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document When a hardware interrupt occurs, the interrupt vector tables (initialized during sysgen) are used to transfer to the appropriate interrupt decoder. There are four decoders provided with DNOS, each serving a class of devices: * * * A single device at a unique interrupt level MUltiple devices at a single interrupt level An expansion chassis at a single interrupt level with multiple devices, each at a unique interrupt level within the chassis or multiple devices sharing a unique interrupt level within the chassis. * Single device or device controller Each interrupt decoder process the interrupt: multiple goes devices through 1. Save the current system map file CURMAP). 2. Set CURMAP to appropriate DSR. the on a multiplexed following steps pointer (accessed via for the 5. When the DSR completes, restore CURMAP to point to previous system map file. the the DSR map file pointer to 3. Load the map file using CURMAP. 4. Enter the DSR at the hardware interrupt entry. 6. Load the map file using CURMAP. 7. Exit via NFTRTN. The text of the interrupt decoder can be found in the section on writing a DSR in the DNOS Systems Programmer's Guide. Whether handling hardware interrupts or entering the DSR at other points, the DSR uses the PDT for the device as a reference point. The section on data structure pictures includes details on the PDT. A queue header in the PDT allows the DSR to accept multiple requests for the device and to call the DSR end-of-record routine, ENDRCD, as many times as necessary to dispose of completed requests. (ENDRCD is one of several routines in the module IONRCD.) To handle the multiple requests, the DSR must remove the request from PDTSRB (clearing PDTSRB) and insert the request on the PDT hidden request queue, PDTHRQ. By clearing 2270512-9701 10-9 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document PDTSRB, the DSR appears to be not busy. PDTHRQ is used as an internal queue anchor for the DSR; the operating system can use PDTHRQ to abort requests or to allow the task to wait for requests. ENDRCD is the first step in returning the request to the task. Not much can be done at this level because of the time spent with hardware interrupts masked to the interrupt level of the device. ENDRCD expects PDTSRB to contain the address of the request that has just completed. If PDTSRB is zero, ENDRCD returns to the DSR. If PDTSRB is nonzero, ENDRCD removes the request from PDTSRB, clears PDTSRB, and inserts the request at the end of PDTSRQ. If the PDT end-of-record queue (PDTERQ) is zero, the PDT is inserted at the end of the list of PDTs that need end-ofrecord processing. This list is anchored by EORNKR, found in NFPTR, and has PDTs queued via their PDTERQ fields. The priority of the executing task is compared with the priority for the requesting task. If the request priority is higher, the global forced reschedule flag, RESCHD (found in NFDATA), is set to preempt the running task. Control then returns to the DSR. Figure 10-3 shows timing, system interrupt, hardware interrupt, and end-of-record support for DSRs. The figure highlights only the main modules or routines. The task scheduler, NFSCHD, interacts with the I/O system to handle system interrupt and end-of-record functions. When a system time unit (SO milliseconds) has elapsed, NFSCHD calls the device timer routine, IODTMR. IODTMR traverses the PDT list, examining it for flags set to reenter a DSR and to wait for request time-out. When the reenter me flag is on, it is turned off and IODREE· is called. If the PDT is busy, the time-out flag is on, and the PDT times out, an error code for device time-out is placed in the active request and IODTO is called. (IODREE and IODTO are alternate entry points to module IODBGN.) NFSCHD determines that device end-of-record processing is required by finding a nonzero value in the global queue anchor, EORNKR. When this occurs, the end-of-request routine for PDTs, IOEOR, is called. IOEOR removes the first PDT on EORNKR and then calls IOPEL to process the end-of-record. IOEOR removes each PDT from the list until it is empty. IOEOR then returns to the scheduler. I/O Subsystem 10-10 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +----~-----+ NFSCHD +----------+ (BL) I ------------------------+ I I V +----------+ I IODTMR I +----------+ (BL) I I I I I I I V +----------+I IOEOR I +----------+ (BL) I V +----------+ I IOPEL I +----------+ (BL) I +---------------------+-----------------------+ V V V V +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ I IODBGN I LGDEV I I I NFEOBR I +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ ( BLWP) (BLWP) +----------+ I V------(------------I hardware I +----------+ I interrupti I DSR I I decoder I +----------+ +----------+ ( BL) 1-----------------------+V V +----------+ +--------------------------+ 10THER DSR SUPPORT ROUTINESI I IONRCD I +----------+ +--------------------------+ I Figure 10-3 10.3.3 DSR Control Paths Returning Information to the Requester. Figure 10-4 shows how information is returned to the requester task. After a task is scheduled and prior to execution, NFTRTN is called. (NFTRTN is also the exit point for nonsuspending SVC processors.) Before NFTRTN returns control to the requester task, the TSBEOR field of its TSB is examined for a nonzero value. When TSBEOR is zero, control drops through for the other checks. Otherwise, RPDQUE is called. 2270512-9701 10-11 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document NFSRTN is similar in nature to NFTRTN except that it is the exit for SVCs that suspend task scheduling. Before suspending the task, NFTRTN examines TSBEOR for a nonzero value. When it is zero~ control drops through and the task is suspended. Otherwise, RPDQUE is called. ~oint RPDQUE removes the first entry from TSBEOR. RPDQUE examines the SVC code in the BRB, unbuffers the error code, and calls the SVC post processor if one exists. The post processor for I/O is IOPOST. When control returns from IOPOST, RPDQUE releases the BRB, checks for another entry on the queue and processes any. When no entries remain, it returns to its caller. IOPOST examines the subopcode to determine if it is an I/O utility opcode. If so, parameter buffers are released and other information is unbuffered to the task. If the request was made through IODDIO in IODEVR, the LDT address is zero and requests are not unbuffered. Otherwise, the system flags are unbuffered. For relative record files, the record number is returned to the task. For VDT requests, the extended user information is unbuffered. The SVC subopcode is then used to index into a table to unbuffer Open, Read, and Write information. For Open subopcodes, the resource type is returned to the task. If an error code is in the BRB for an Open or a Close, both the LDT and the RPB are closed. For a Read subopcode, the data buffer is move'd to the task data buffer if the buffer beet address in the BRO, BROBBA, is a nonzero value. If BROBBA is zero, the buffer has already been moved by Some other processor. Control then passes back to the caller, RPDQUE. I/O Subsystem 10-12 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +----------+ IREQUESTER 1<-------------------------+ 1 TASK I 1 +----------+ I I +----------+ +-----------+ I I V I V 1 +----------+ I +----------+ I +----------+ J J NFSRTN J 1 I NFSCHD 1 I I NFTRTN J 1 +----------+ I +----------+ J +----------+ J (BL) I (B) I (BL) I I-(B)--------+ +-----------+ J 1 I I--(RTWP)+ 1 +---------------------------------------------+ V V +----------+ I RPDQUE I +----------+ (BL) 1-----------------------+ V V +----------+ I IOPOST I +----------+ Figure 10-4 10.3.4 +-------------------------+ 10THER SVC POST PROCESSORSI +-------------------------+ Returning Information to the Requester Bidding a Task from a DSR. DNOS provides a means to bid a task from a DSR. A two character sequence must be entered to initiate the task bid. The- first character entered is the arming character, Attention. The second character entered is used to identify the task to be bid. For example, the sequence Attention! can be used to bid SCI. In addition to the task bid sequences, DNOS processes the following character pairs as indicated: Attention Attention - halt current output to screen, resume output Attention Return - abort I/O to the screen Attention Control-X - break - terminate current task Attention N - bid the network logon task These can be redefined or more character sequences can be defined by the user. For each task to bid, the user must supply a Command Definition Entry (CDE). The CDE is associated with the type of device at which the bid can be made. During IPL, a file of CDE tables is initialized for each type of device that might be used for task bidding. This file is assumed to be in VOL.S$CDT.xxx, where VOL is a synonym for the disk volume being 2270512-9701 10-13 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document used as a data disk and xxx is the name of the generated system. The format of a CDE is shown in the section on data structure pictures. Each CDE includes a task ID for a logon task to be bid, as well as a task ID for the task to be bid by the logon task, flags, and parameters for the task to be bid by the logon task. The logon task is either the task supplied with DNOS or some user-written substitute. The supplied logon task solicits user ID and passcode, verifies their accuracy, and bids the task specified in byte 3 of the CDE. (More detail on the logon task can be found in the section on system tasks.) When a keystroke defined by a CDE is used at a terminal, the DSR makes several entries to system data structures. If no other task is currently awaiting bid for the terminal in question, the PDTCHR field of the terminal PDT is set to the character entered. The PDT is linked to the global list of PDTs with pending bids, using the PDTBQ field as a link field. The global list is anchored at BIDREQ, located in NFPTR. When the scheduler is scanning lists to find an activity to begin, it examines the BIDREQ anchor to see if any PDT needs a task bid. If the anchor is nonzero, the scheduler bids the system task IOTBID to serve the queue of requests. IOTBID takes the first request from the queue and examines it for validity. It first ensures that the terminal is on-line and available for use. IOTBID then issues a Bid Task from a DSR ()C7) subopcode of the I/O SVC to bid the appropriate task as defined by the CDE. Refer to the section on the device I/O utility (DIOU) for more details of that bid process. 10.3.5 Handling Large I/O Buffers. The use of full-duplex operations for communication requires a strategy to handle many large data buffers. DNOS uses the BTA for large buffers rather than allocating them from STA. Figure 10-5 shows in general how buffers are mapped with I/O processing. The BTA was designed to accommodate transient buffers; therefore, the BTA dynamically expands and contracts. During sysgen, static allocation limits are set. By using the Static Buffer Forced Roll SVC ()4A), the system can interrogate, increase, or decrease the size of the BTA. The BTA immediately precedes available user memory; when increased, the BTA causes user memory to decrease. This may cause forced swap of user segments that are occupying the requested area. SVC )4A is detailed in the section on special SVC support. I/O Subsystem 10-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Since the buffers are not in STA, it is possible to dynamically get and release BTA buffers from a DSR. Subroutines are provided for the DSR to get BTA (IOGBLK) or release BTA (IORBLK). To use IOGBLK, BL to the subroutine with workspace register 10 (RIO) containing the size of the buffer (bytes). On returning from the subroutine, workspace register 0 contains the status code for the request. It will be 0 if no errors occurred while getting BTA. RIO will contain the beet address of the allocated memory. The value returned in RIO should be stored in the buffered beet address field (BROBBA) of the BRB that will be receiving this buffer. The I/O system uses BROBBA as a beet address within the BTA to release the buffer. The first usable address relative to the start of the allocated BTA buffer is the value of BBAOFF found in the CSEG NFWORD. The BTA can be addressed locally by the DSR if the BTA is mapped in. Before mapping in the BTA, it is necessary to map out the buffer currently mapped in (if one is present and if it is different from the new one). This is accomplished by a call to the subroutine IOMPOT, which uses RI as a pointer to the BRB containing the pointer to the buffer to be mapped out. Mapping in the new buffer is achieved by pointing RI and PDTSRB to the desired BRB and by placing the value of BBAOFF in the IRBDBA field of the BRB. Then the DSR calls the subroutine IOMPIN to map in the BTA. This causes the IRBDBA field to contain a buffer address within the logical address space of the DSR. To release BTA, the DSR calls the subroutine IORBLK, with RIO containing the beet address in the BTA of the buffer to release. On returning from the subroutine, RO contains the status code for the request. RO will be zero if no error was detected. After a buffer in the BTA is released, BROBBA in the corresponding BRB must be set to zero. Control of buffering for a DSR is specified by information contained in the PDT of each device. PDTDSF contains the two flags, DSFBI and DSFBO. DSFBI controls the input. When it is 1, a buffer is allocated in the BTA for a read request. When it is 0, a buffer is not allocated for read requests. DSFBO controls the output. When it is 1, a buffer is allocated in the BTA for a write request, and the output data is copied to the buffer from the task address space. When DSFBO is 0, a buffer is not allocated and not copied for write requests. 2270512-9701 10-15 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document Physical memory +----------------------------------------------------------+ 1 DNOSIMemory-Resident 1 1 Root 1 1 DNOS Code 1 IMemory-Resident 1 Buffer DNOS Code 1 Table 1 1 Area 1 DSRI 1 User 1 Task 1 1 Memory 1 1 1 +-1--------------------1------------------1---------1------+ 1 1 1 1 1 +---------------1 1 1 +----------------------1 1 1 1 +--1--1------+ 1 1 1 1 1 +-----------------+ 1 1 1 +--1-----1--1------1---+ 1 DNOS 1 Root 1 Data 1 Buffer 1 1 1 DSR 1 +----------------------+ o 6000 DSR Logical Memory Figure 10-5 10.3.6 Device I/O Buffering Converting a DX10 DSR for DNOS. Because of different internal operating system structures and because of some added functions, DNOS DSRs are slightly different from their DXIO counterparts. A user who has his own DXIO DSR must change his DSR to meet DNOS standards. Before making any code changes, the user should study the relevant data structure templates used in DNOS: the PDT, IRB, BRO, and any other templates whose counterparts were used in the DXIO DSR. Within the DSR code itself, the set of definitions (DEFs) and references (REFs) must be changed. The DNOS I/O system uses no DEFs supplied by the DSR. The only DEFs that must be supplied are those required by modules used by the user's DSR. Any other DEFs may be deleted. Several DXIO REFs are not used by the DNOS DSR. Delete the REFs to the subroutines SETWPS, BZYCHK, and MAPCHK. Replacements for these references are discussed in the following paragraphs. The REF for KEYFUN should be replaced by IOFCDT, and the template for NFPTR, DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFPTR, should be copied into the DSR. The REF for BRCALL or JMCALL should be replaced by BRSTAT. REFs to byte and/or word constants should be deleted and replaced by copying in the appropriate template: I/O Subsystem 10-16 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document BYTEOO BYTEIO BYTE20 BYTE30 BYTE40 BYTE50 BYTE60 BYTE70 BYTE80 BYTE90 BYTEAO BYTEBO BYTECO BYTEDO BYTEEO BYTEFO WDOOOI - BYTEOF - BYTE1F - BYTE2F - BYTE3F - BYTE4F - BYTE5F - BYTE6F - BYTE7F - BYTE8F - BYTE9F - BYTEAF - BYTEBF - BYTECF - BYTEDF - BYTEEF - BYTEFF - WD8000 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFEROO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERIO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER20 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER30 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER40 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER50 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER60 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER70 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER80 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFER90 DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERAO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERBO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERCO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERDO DSC.TEMP~ATE.COMMON.NFEREO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFERFO DSC.TEMPLATE.COMMON.NFWORD To allow for the addition of new devices at IPL and for the reinstallation of a new, modified, or corrected DSR without linking the entire system, the first addresses of the DSR must be the following instructions: B B B B B B •• B @Hardware interrupt entry address @System reenter me entry address @Power up entry address @Abort entry address @Time-out entry address @Request entry address @Priority DSR scheduler No data or subroutine code can precede these instructions. replace the following DX10 entry points: DATA power-up entry address DATA abort entry address DSR executable code for In DXIO, the following is the first They request entry DSR executable code: LIMI 0 BL @SETWPS This code is not required and should be deleted for DNOS because the I/O system performs this function prior to entering the DSR. Two differences in the data structures affect code in the DSR. They involve the pointers in Rl and R4 of the PDT. Rl is the pointer to the BRB. The BRB, a concatenation of the BRO and the IRB, is called the UCB in DX10. The relevant change in DNOS is the position to which Rl points in the BRB. In DXIO, Rl pointed 2270512-9701 10-17 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document to the word containing the subopcode and LUNO of the BRB. In DNOS, Rl points to the word containing the SVC code and error byte. PDTSRB points to the same place. The DSR code must be changed to reflect the new pointer. Any references to the DXIO structures named PRB and UCB must be changed to the equivalent references to the DNOS structure named IRB. R4 points to the device information block (DIB) of the PDT. (The device information block is the PDT and any PDT extensions.) In DXIO, R4 pointed to the word beyond the end of the PDT. In DNOS, R4 points to the first word of the PDT, the PDT link word PDTPDT. The DSR must be changed to reflect the new pointer location. References to DXIO PDT offsets must be changed to equivalent references to PDT template offsets. PDT labels should be used rather than hard-coded offset values. The subopcode processor, BRCALL or JMCALL, has been enhanced to collect information for on-line diagnostics. BRCALL can still be called, but note that RIO will be modified. The replacement subroutine call is to BRSTAT. It uses RIO as a pointer to a byte table that contains relative offsets into the PDT. If RIO is zero, it is not used as a pointer. The table is built with entries for each subopcode. The on-line diagnostics code counts types of requests for physical I/O. The entries in the byte table are chosen from 0, PDTRC, PDTWC, or PDTMC; these correspond to the null request counter, the read request counter, the write request counter, and the miscellaneous request counter, respectively. Build the diagnostics table appropriately for the physical device if this function is chosen. The table for BRSTAT is the same as for BRCALL. One of the subroutines for keyboard devices has a different name in DNOS and DXIO. The subroutine KEYFUN in DXIO is named IOFCDT in DNOS. IOFCDT performs the same function as KEYFUN; it also performs a new function, bidding a task from a DSR. (See the paragraphs describing bidding a task from a DSR for details.) All task bids in a DX10 DSR must be removed in the DNOS equivalent. IOFCDT controls processing of all bids, including the bid of SCI at the terminal. (SCI may be bid with or without the logon task.) IOFCDT also processes the hard break sequence, bidding the IOBREAK task. The keys used to bid SCI and the hard break sequence are defined in the CDE for the terminal type during IPL. I/O Subsystem 10-18 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document For devices with no KSB associated with the PDT, a bid can be accomplished by direct queue manipulation in place of a call to IOFCDT. To place the entry on the queue, first examine the byte field PDTCHR. If the field is nonzero, a task is waiting to be bid and another entry is not allowed. If PDTCHR is zero, place the character in the PDTCHR field. Mask interrupts to level 2 and find the end of the queue whose anchor is BIDREQ (found in NFPTR). Link the PDT to the last one on the queue using the field PDTBQ. Clear PDTBQ in this PDT, and enable interrupts to the proper level. The REFs for BZYCHK, SETWPS, and MAPCHK must be deleted. the call to BZYCHK with code like the following: Replace MOV @PDTSRB(R4),R7 device busy code JNE RTWP The function previously performed by MAPCHK is now performed by the I/O system prior to entering the DSR. Therefore, any code that references MAPCHK must be removed from the DXI0 DSR for use with DNOS. In addition to the features already mentioned, some others are provided by the I/O system. The error code is placed into the BRB in power-up and abort situations. The error flag for the IRB is set in the BRB whenever a nonzero value is detected in the error byte of the BRB. For processing an end-of-record for a DSR, the subroutine ENDRCD has been enhanced to accommodate successive calls to perform mUltiple end-of-record requests. To take advantage of this feature, correctly set up the pointer PDTSRB before calling ENDRCD. PDTSRB is the point~r to the saved request block and must point to the SVC and error byte of the BRB. If PDTSRB is zero, nothing occurs in the subroutine ENDRCD. For a DSR that must multiplex its input and output, a queue anchor for this purpose is included in the PDT. When a DSR wishes to receive a second request, it must appear to the I/O system to be not busy. The DSR achieves this by mapping out the current request and clearing PDTSRB. It must then keep the first request available by queuing it to the hidden request queue, PDTHRQ, using the link word BROBRO in the BRB. In this way, the I/O system can find a request ?eing aborted and flag the error byte with a )10 error code. During an abort, the DSR is entered at the abort entry and must examine PDTHRQ and abort the requests marked with an error code of )10. If the DSR multiplexes two or more requests at the same time, it must be careful when accessing a buffer. The buffer for only the request given to the DSR is mapped into the DSR address space. 2270512-9701 10-19 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document The mapping information for the other request remains with the request. Therefore, the subroutine lOMPOT must be called to map out a request buffer before inserting the request on the queue anchor PDTHRQ. R1 must point to the SVC and error code byte of the BRB. To map the request buffer into the DSR address space, the subroutine lOMPlN must be called. R1 must point to the word of the BRB that contains the SVC code and error byte. Neither of these subroutines modifies PDTSRB. While it should cause no code changes, DNOS is larger than that in DX10. the size of the PDT in Special problems that will cause some re-design of the DSR are the inaccessibility of the LDT and the TSB. Although pointers exist in the BRO portion of the BRB, the segments containing the structures may be swapped out of memory. No mechanism is provided to the DSR to place one of these structures into memory or to map the structure into the logical address space of the DSR. Typical problems encountered while debugging the converted DSR are attempts to access flags contained in the PDT registers and improper use of the pointers in R1 and R4. Check the PDT flags used by the DSR to make certain that they exist and are referenced by label. The problems associated with R1 and R4 usually result from using the same method of reference in DNOS as in DX10. Since the values in R1 and R4 are pointers to the start of a structure, referencing must be via the appropriate template fields as follows: DX10 •• MOV MOV ABS *R 1 , ••• *R4, ••• *R4 MOV MOV ••• , *R 1 ••• , *R4 DNO S •••••••• @lRBSOC(R1) , ••• MOV MOV @PDTSIZ(R4), ••• ABS @PDTSIZ(R4) or MOV MOV ••• ,@IRBSOC(R1) ••• ,@PDTSIZ(R4) After assembling the DSR, it must be linked with all of the required support subroutines. This must be done with each release of the operatLng system, not with each sysgen between releases. Figure 10-6 shows a typical link control stream used to link a DSR. I/O Subsystem 10- 20 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document NOPAGE ERROR FORMAT COMPRESSED PROCEDURE DUMROOT DUHMY INCLUDE VOL.S$SGU$.DUMROOT PHASE O,DUMROOT DUMMY PHASE I,DSRname,PROG )COOO INCLUDE VOL.DSRobject pathname INCLUDE VOL.IOMGR.OBJECT.IONRCD (include any other support routines) END Figure 10-6 DSR Link Control Stream The linked object should be placed in the file VOL.S$SGU$.DSRname. VOL is a synonym for the volume name of the data disk being used for sysgen. Table 10-1 shows the modules required for the support subroutines and the registers altered by each of the subroutines. Table 10-1 Location of Support Subroutines for DSRs Module Name Subroutine Registers Changed VOL.IOMGR.OBJECT.IOBMGT IOMPIN 10MPOT IOGBLK IORBLK RO RO RO,RI0 RO VOL.IOMGR.OBJECT.IOKB 10FCDT CMODE PUTEBF PUTCBF GETC ASCCHK ASCCK2 R6 R5,R7,R9,RIO VOL.IOMGR.OBJECT.IONRCD BRSTAT BRCALL ENDRCD RO,RIO RO,RI0 RO,RIO VOL.IOMGR.OBJECT.IOTILN GTADDR XFERM TILERR 2270512-9701 10-21 R9 RIO RIO R9,RI0 R6,R9,RI0 R8,R9 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document 10.4 TELEPRINTER TERMINAL DSR DNOS contains several hardcopy terminal-driver DSR's: DSR TERMINALS DSRTPD FUNCTIONALITY 703,707,743,745,763,765, 78X,820,825 713, 742, 782 DSRKSR Local, remote KSR Local, remote KSR This section describes details about DSRTPD as a detailed example of a DNOS DSR. Direct connection for teleprinter terminals the following cable combinations: TERMINALSI is supported using CON T R 0 L L E R S -------+---------------------------------------------------------I I 743/745 TTY/EIA COMMIF /10A 9902 PORT S300 AUX 2 PORT CI402 CI422 +---------------------------------------------------------0948968-0001 763/765 2265151-0001 +2263351-0001 +2200051-0001 78X/820 2262093-0001 0946117-0001 +2263351-0001 +0983848-0001 0946117-0001 +2263351-0001 +2200051-0001 0946117-0001 +2263351-0001 +2207634-0001 or0946117 +0993210-0001 703/707 2303077-0001 2230504 2303077-0001 2230504 Full-duplex modems compatible with Bell 103, 212a, 113, and Vadic VA3400 series are supported, with cable 2265151-0001 from the TTY/EIA board, cable 946117-0001 from the COMM board, cable 2303070-0001 from non S300 9902 ports, and cable 2532883-0001 from S300 9902 ports. Half-duplex operation is not available to these terminals through the TTY/EIA interface module. Auto-call support is provided through the Teleprinter Device Utilities of SCI. DNOS has each kind interface dedicated approach, terminals hardware operating adopted a philosophy of generat.ing a dedicated DSR for of I/O device supported, and of limiting access to cards (within a given configuration) to one of these DSRs. DSRTPD is to some extent a departure from this as it allows a number of different kinds of computer to be serviced from one DSR and one piece of interface at different times without re-generation of the system. SCI functions with DSRTPD and the DNOS sysgen I/O Subsystem 10-22 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document processor comprehends by DSRTPD. 10.4.1 the parameters and PDT structure required DSRTPD Structures. The teleprinter device family (designated KSR) is identified by sysgen to include a wide variety of teleprinter terminals. The teleprinter device type code returned by an open operation is )0001 for this device family. The resource type returned on an assign luno for the teleprinter device family is )0902. 10.4.2 PDT Structures. The TPD PDT is structured as follows: +------------------------+ PDT (built by SYSGEN) non-interrupt WS DNOS flags xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KSB (built by SYSGEN) interrupt WS DNOS flags xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <---+I I ----+ ----+ DIB (built by SYSGEN) working parameter set scratch area default parameter set error counters KSBCBF input character buffer (built by SYSGEN) I I I I I I I I I <---+ The Device Information Block (DIB) is a data structure appended to the PDT which contains information about the current status of the device as well as information about how it was configured during system generation. The DSRTPD DIB has the following structure: '*' DENOTES FIELDS INITIALIZED BY SYSGEN DIBACR DATA 0 DIBHWR BYTE 0 * * 2270512-9701 *ACU CRU ADDRESS()FFFF *INTERFACE TYPE I=COMM/IF 2=FCCC 10-23 IF NONE) I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document * * * * DIBRTO DIBWTO DIBDTI DIBDT2 DIBGFL BYTE 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 D'ATA 0 DATA 0 FLAGS 8 FLAG GFLECO BITS 1 FLAG GFLXPE BITS 2 * * * * FLAG GFLRPE BITS 2 DIBSTF FLAGS 8 FLAG STFONL FLAG STFCIP FLAG STFOP N FLAG STFDLE FLAG STFHDX FLAG STFRSD DIBLNF FLAGS 8 FLAG LNFHDX FLAG LNFSWT FLAG LNFRCL FLAG LNFADE FLAG LNFDLE FLAG LNFSCF FLAG LNFEXC FLAG LNFHDL DIBTFL FLAGS 8 FLAG TFLECO BITS 1 FLAG TFLXPE BITS 2 FLAG TFLRPE DIBSPD BYTE a * * * * * * * * I/O Subsystem 3=BCAIM 4=HSCC 5=TTY/EIA 6= 9902 RESERVED *READ TIMEOUT (IN 1/4 SECONDS) *WRITE TIMEOUT(IN 1/4 SECONDS) *FIRST DIRECT TIMEOUT (IN 1/4 SEC) *SECOND DIRECT TIMEOUT (IN 1/4 SEC) *SYSGEN FLAGS (SAME AS DIBTFL) ECHO (I=NO ECHO) UNUSED XMIT PARITY ENABLED(I=ENABLED) XMIT PARITY TYPE OO=EVEN 01=ODD 10=HARK II=SPACE RECEIVE PARITY ENABLED RECEIVE PARITY TYPE STATE FLAGS O=ONLINE I=CONNECT IN PROGRESS 2=OPEN 3= DLE RE CE I VED 4=HDUX LINE BELONGS TO REMOTE 5=RESEND FLAG 6=UNUSED 7-8=BIT DATA QUEUEING *LINE FLAGS *HALF DUPLEX (I=HALF DUPLEX) *SWITCHED LINE (l=SWITCHED) REFUSE CALL AUTO-DISCONNECT ENABLED DLE/EOT FOR DISCONNECT SCF READY/BUSY MONITOR FILE XFER EXCLUSIVE ACCESS HALF DUPLEX LTA ENABLE TEMPORARY ACCESS FLAGS ECHO (l=NO ECHO) UNUSED XMIT PARITY ENABLED UNUSED RECEIVE PARITY ENABLED *BAUD RATE (SPEED) -1=300 OR 1200 SELECTED BY 212 MODEM 0= 11 0 1=300 2=600 3=1200 4=2400 5=4800 10-24 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document *DIBEOR DIBEOF DIBLTA DIBSUB DIBDLA DIBPCR DIBPSR DIBMXC DIBTRM DIBLCR DIBXFL DIBSVE DIBGSP DIBISR DIBGTO DIBPEC DIBLCC DIBSIZ 10.4.3 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 FLAGS 16 BYTE 0 BYTE 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 DATA 0 EQU $-DIBBGN 6=9600 *END OF RECORD (=CR) *END OF MEDIUM (=EM) *LINE TURNAROUND (=EOT) *PARITY ERROR SUBSTITUTE (='?') CARRIAGE RETURN DELAY INTERVAL PARITY CHECK ROUTINE ADDRESS PARITY SET ROUTINE ADDRESS MAXIMUM CHARACTERS BUFFERED *TERMINAL TYPE (=TYPE-700) LAST CHARACTER RECEIVED SAVED EXTENDED FLAGS SAVED ERROR CODE FROM DSR *CURRENT SPEED (SAME AS DIBSPD) RESERVED *GENNED TIMEOUT(IN 1/4 SECONDS) NUMBER OF PARITY ERRORS NUMBER OF LOST CHARACTERS SIZE OF DIB DSRTPD Functions. The DSR has a power up entry point labelled PWRON. Powerup processing consists of copying default paramete~s to the DIB, setting the state of the interface module accordingly, and setting values for the EIA lines which are appropriate to the line mode: 1. For switched lines, all lines are forced low until Ring Indicate is sensed or until the modem's online signal is detected: Data Carrier Detect for full duplex, Data Set Ready for half-duplex. Because DCD is not present for the 9902 port on the /lOA controller, switched line is nDt supported for that configuration. 2. For unswitched lines, Data Terminal Ready is asserted and the DSR looks for Data Set Ready before each character is transmitted. Abort The DSR has an abort I/O entry point labelled ABORT. I/O processing consists of terminating any I/O in progress with ~he abort error code ()10) and returning the DSR to the idle state. Timeouts appear to DNOS to be disabled, but the DSR handles timeouts internally. 10.4.4 DSRTPD Details. DSRTPD is built of five modules: DSRTPD, DSCOMISR, DSTTYISR, DSISR402, and DSTPDCOM. The DSR uses a vector table to access various hardware-related functions. 2270512-9701 10-25 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document DSRTPD This module is the request processor interface. Its code is completely hardware independent. When a hardware-dependent function needs to be performed, it goes through a vector table and enters the appropriate hardware-dependent module. This module uses the PDT workspace exclusively. It maintains a set of state tables that are used to control interrupt-driven functions. DSCOMISR The COMM board driver module is named DSCOMISR. It contains code that is executed from both the PDT and KSB workspaces. DSTTYISR Th~ TTY/EIA driver is called DSTTYISR. DSISR402 All 9902 controllers (CI402, CI421, CI422, 110A 9902 port) use this hardware driver. It contains code that is executed frum both PDT and KSB workspaces. DSTPDCOM This module performs character processing for DSTTYISR, DSCOMISR and DSISR402. It is entered when read interrupts are detected. This module places characters in the KSB fifo in such a way that event and Katakana characters are recognizeable to DNOS. When reads are outstanding to the port, it enters DSRTPD at the interrupt level via a BLWP for processing the Read request. Vector Table The vector table contains entries for discrete hardwarerelated functions. A subroutine call to a fixed table offset indexed by the table address is sufficient to transfer into hardware-dependent code. Vector table entries are provided for the following functions: 1. Initialize power up 2. Disconnect 3. Control half-duplex Modem 4. Select speed 5. Output 8-bit characters 6. Report carrier and Data Set Ready status 7. Read interface image 8. Write interface image I/O Subsystem 10-26 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 9. Start timer and schedule completion processor 10. Decode interrupt and service 11. Monito~ line for through state table incoming call 12. Establish connection 13. Abort without waiting to drop RTS 10.4.5 DSRTPD Defaults. The defaults maintained by DSRTPD correspond to the current 990 operating parameters for the terminal family and to the mode of operation used by DNOS utilities (such as SCI). Parameters pertaining to communication line management and to modem operation default to the following set: 1. Accept incoming call. 2. Disconnect on receipt of DLE EOT. 3. Transmit even parity 4. Set receive parity bit to O. 5. End of record character 6. End of file character 7. LTA character = CR EM EOT 8. Parity error substitute character = ? 10.5 ASYNCHRONOUS DSR STRUCTURE A unique DSR structure has been designed for asynchronous device support. Information about this structure and the routines used to write a custom DSR can be found in the DNOS System Programmer's Guide. The material in this manual is implementation detail about the asynchrous DSRs. The information in the DNOS System Programmer's Guide should be read before this section. 2270512-9701 10-27 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document OPERATING SYSTEM /1\ I I \1/ +-------------+ I I I I I TSR Terminal Service Routine I I I I I +-------------+ /1\ I BL I TSR ISchedule I +-------------+ ISR I Interrupt I Service I Routine I I I I I I I +-------------+ I / \ BLI I \ / \ 1/ +-------------+ I HSR I I Controller I Service I Routine I I I I I Controller Interrupt +-------------+ /1\ I I \1/ +---------------------+ I CONTROLLER I +---------------------+ Figure 10-7 I/O Subsystem DSR Structure 10- 28 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The asynchronus DSR design separates controller and device support into different software modules. The DSR consists of three basic modules. The controller support is provided by the HSR (Hardware controller Service Routine) module. The device support is provided by the TSR (Terminal Service Routine) module. The ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) has interrupt and high priority processing responsibility. Table 10-2 lists the basic functions of the DSR components. The functions are discussed in detail in the DNOS Systems Programmer's Guide. Table 10-2 TSR - TERMINAL SERVICE ROUTINE * Asynchronous DSR Module Functions * * * * All DSR entry points (Request/Initial, Power up, Abort/Timeout, Delayed Reentry, and Interrupt Entry) Request and completion reporting I/F to DNOS Runs in PDT workspace Provides software interface to device Contains device-dependent logic ISR - INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE * * * Interface to HSR for interrupt processing High priority receive character processing Runs in DSR interrupt workspace HSR - CONTROLLER SERVICE ROUTINE * Generic (subroutine) software interface to the controller hardware Contains all controller-dependent logic Contains all direct access to controller Emulation of buffered controller - Hardware/Software FIFOs * * * There are two mechanisms for scheduling the TSR from an ISR: * * Reenter-me DSR priority schedule Both of these mechanisms enter the DSR in the PDT workspace. The DSR is reentered when the next system clock interval expires if the reenter-me mechanism is invoked. Refer to the description of the reenter-me mechanism in the section on device I/O handling for further details. Another mechanism for scheduling DSR noninterrupt processing (TSR) from DSR interrupt processing (ISR) is the DSR priority schedule mechanism. This mechanism reenters the DSR after all interrupt processing for the system is complete, but before the operating system task scheduler or any task executes. This is a more direct reentry path to the DSR. It is intended only for the highest priority (non-interrupt) processing. If this mechanism is used arbitrarily, it can 2270512-9701 10-29 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document interfere with high priority processing of other DSRs. Table 10-3 describes the requirements for DSR (TSR) entry points when the DSR priority schedule mechanism is used. The DSR priority schedule entry point is at relative address )14. Table 10-3 0000 0004 0008 OOOC 0010 0014 0018 B B B B B B B @HINT @SINT @PWRUP @ABORT @TIMOUT @REQUEST @PRISCH DSR/TSR Entry Points Hardware interrupt entry System interrupt entry Power-up entry I/O abort entry Timeout entry Request processing Priority scheduler entry Refer to the description of the DSR priority schedule mechanism in the section on Device I/O Handling for further details. Other interface mechanisms between the TSR and ISR can be defined by the user within the constraints of the operating system. The interface to the HSR will be defined in a separate section. Each class contains several subroutines. These subroutines provide one or more HSR functions. The other subroutines are documented in the DNOS Systems Programmer's Guide. A list of the HSR subroutine classes are as follows: * * * * * * * Power-up initialization. Write output signal or function. Read input signal or function. Enable/disable status change notification. Transmit a character. Write operational parameters. Read operational parameters. * Request * * Controller interrupt decoding. timer interval notification. CI403/CI404 UART direct access. The HSR consists of a set of subroutines. All HSR subroutines are called via branch and link (BL) instructions, and thus, use the caller's workspace during execution. Parameters required by the subroutines are passed to the HSR in workspace registers. Information is returned to the caller in one of two ways. Data is returned to the caller in workspace registers. Status I/O Subsystem 10-30 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document information is returned via alternate subroutine returns. The caller specifies alternate return addresses as operands of DATA assembler directives immediately following the BL subroutine call. BL @HSRSUB DATA ALT1 DATA ALT2 **** Subroutine Call First Alternate Return Second Alternate Return Normal Return (Code) The caller execution resumes at one of the alternate return addresses or at the normal return address (the instruction following all alternate return DATA statements). The number of alternate returns varies for different HSR subroutines. Some general register conventions are followed by HSR subroutines. In general, RO and RIO are used as working registers by HSR subroutines. In general, these two registers are used when parameters are passed to or from the HSR. Exceptions will be noted for some HSR subroutines. R7, in most cases, is used as a pointer to the PDT. 10.5.1 Figure DSRs. 10.5.2 Data Structures Linkage. 10-10 illustrates data structure linkages for asynchronous Data Structure Allocation. The PDT extension is divided into two segments. One segment is physically contiguous to the PDT, and it contains data requiring the most efficient access. The other segment contains data for which the increased access time is not as great a penalty relative to overall performance. The second segment must be accessed using long-distance instructions. Other data structures included in the long-distance extension are VDT screen images for screen image DSRs. All the data structures not accessed via long-distance instructions are allocated during system generation. These data structures are available when the operating system is loaded into memory from disk. The long-distance data structures must be allocated during initial powerup code by the DSR. The method used for this allocation is described in the next section. 10.5.3 PDT Extension Definitions. The section documents PDT extensions used by the asynchronous DSR to support specific devices and controllers. Software use of these data structures for a set of specific hardware is also 2270512-9701 10- 31 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document for discussed. Controller information is documented following set of asynchronous controllers: * * * CI403/CI404 CI401 9902/9903 Extensions are also peripheral devices: * * the Four channel multiplexers Communications Interface Module TMS9902 and TMS9903 based controllers: - S300 Base Station - CI421 - CI422 - 990/10A 9902 port - CI402 documented for the following set of 931 and 940 VDTs Serial Printers Asynchronous Local PDT Extension. The asynchronous DSR structure requires a PDT extension as defined in Figure 10-11. Table 10-4 contains a template used by source code to reference the local PDT extension. The' pathname for this template is DSALLLEX. It is available in the DNOS directory (vol>.S$OSLINK.TEMPLATE.ATABLE with the other system data structure templates. Notice that the detailed descriptions indicate a zero based index for the extension. However, in reality the extension entries will be accessed using an index relative to the beginning of the PDT as is indicated by the DORG directive of the template in Table 10-4. This extension starts immediately after the KSB. The first two words of this extension are used to access a second DSR data structure (PDT extension) outside the local address space of the DSR. The next five words, PDXFLG through PDXCP3, are reserved for HSR use. The remaining local PDT extension words are for TSR/ISR use. Detailed descriptions of asynchronous PDT extensions are presented in separate sections. There are descriptions for each controller type and each device type. I/O Subsystem 10-32 2270512-9701 t; N Z N -......J o CIl o V1 ..... N 931 940 ATTACHED PRINTER DATA STRUCTURE 931940 PDT DATA STRUCTURE I SERIAL PRINTER ON CI403 DATA STRUCTURE CIl ' 14 EXTPER This word is used as a counter by the HSR. receive 'parity error CI403/CI404 HSR Local Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name >00 PDXSMB This word contains the inverted value of the byte count requested for the long distance buffer. The DSR initializes this word during the power-u~ sequence. )02 PDXSMP address This word contains the beet bias of the long distance buffer requested by the DSR the sequence. DSR The during power-up the system requests the buffer by calling routine IOGUB. >04 PDXFLG contains the This byte bit flags for HSR. CI403/CI404 The flags are defined as follows: Bit 0 Transmit in hold. This flag is set to one whenever one or both of the following conditions exists: the common transmit FIFO is near full, or the channel-specific transmit FIFO is full. This flag bit 0 is reset whenever all holding conditions have been satisfied. See the explanation below for bits 2 and 3. Bi t 1 Reserved. Bi t 2 Controller transmit hold. Whenever the common transmit FIFO is near full, the controller issues the halt transfer status (status 4, substatus 1) to the HSR; this bit is set to one, and bit 0 is set to one. 'Bit 2 is reset when the Common transmit FIFO is empty and the controller issues the resume transfer status (status 4, substatus 2) to the HSR. Bit 3 FIFO exhausted transmit hold. the Whenever HSR FIFO count goes to zero, the HSR sets this bit to one, sets bit one, and to 0 enables transmit FIFO empty interrupt. The HSR resets the controller bit whenever 3 the HSR that the channel specific notifies FIFO is empty. 2270512-9701 Description 10-41 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document Bit 4 Data Character Detect (DCD) notification flag. This bit is set to one when the TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HESDCD to enable notification of DCD status changes. This bit is set to zero when the HDSnCD subroutine is called to disable notification of DCD status changes. Bit 5 Ring Indicator (RI) change notification flag. This bit is set to one when the TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HESRI to enable notification of RI status changes. This bit is set to zero when the HDSRI subroutine is called to disable notification of RI status changes. Bit 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) change notification flag. This bit is set to one when the TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HESDSR to enable notification of DSR status changes. This bit is set to zero when the HDSDSR subroutine is called to disable notification of DSR status changes. Bit 7 Clear To Send (CTS) change notification flag. This bit is set to one when the TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HESCTS to enable notification of CTS status changes. This bit is set to zero when the HDSCTS subroutine is called to disable notification of CTS status changes. )05 PDXCHN This byte contains the channel number of the CI403/CI404. It is specified during system generation and initialized by the system generation program. )06 PDXFCT This word contains the byte count of the available CI403/CI404 channel-specific transmit FIFO as maintained by the HSR. This word is not necessarily an accurate representation of the actual state of the controller FIFOs. )08 PDXCP1 This word contains bit flags for the HSR. The CI403/CI404 flags are defined as follows: Bit 0 I/O Subsystem Reset mode. This flag is set to one when TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HSTCR reset a particular channel. While this is set to one, all controller interrupts ignored. This bit is reset to zero when 10-42 the to bit are the 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine allow controller interrupts. Bit 1 HRTCR to Secondary Data Character Detect (SDCD) change notification flag. This bit is set to one when the TSR/ISR calls the HSR subroutine HESSDC to enable notification of SDCD status changes. This bit is set to zero when the HDSSDC subroutine is called to disable notification of SDCD status changes. Bit 2-r Reserved. )OA PDXCP2 Reserved. )OC PDXCP3 Reserved. )OE-)24 PDXCP4 Reserved for TSR/ISR usage. CI403/CI404 HSR Long-Distance Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name )00 EXTTMR HSR timer duration value. This word is decremented once every 250 milliseconds until it reaches zero. The TSR/ISR is notified of timer expiration when this value is decremented to zero. The timer count is set by calling the HSR subroutine HTIMER. )02 EXTRG3 This word contains a copy of the ACE register 3 contents for the specified channel. )04 EXTRG4 This word contains a copy of the ACE register 4 contents for the specified channel. )06 EXTRG7 This word contains a copy of the ACE register 7 contents for the specified channel. )08 EXTSPD This byte contains a copy of the speed code that is currently programmed in the ACE. If the TSR/ISR specified an illegal speed then this byte contains an )FF. The second byte of the word is reserved. )OA EXTRO This word contains a copy of the TSR's RO whenever the HSR is delaying after a write to an ACE register. )OC EXTR7 This word contains a copy of the TSR's whenever the HSR is delaying after a write an ACE register. 2270512-9701 Description 10-43 R7 to I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document )OE EXTRII This word contains a copy of the TSR's Rl1 whenever the HSR is delaying after a write to an ACE register. 9902/9903 HSR Local Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name )00 PDXSNB This word contains the inverted value of the byte count requested for the long distance buffer. The DSR initializes this word during the power-up sequence. )02 PDXSMP address This word contains the beet bias of the long distance buffer requested by the DSR the sequence. The DSR during power-up requests the buffer the system by calling routine IOGUB. )04 PDXFLG byte contains bit This flags are HSR. The flags 9902/9903 follows: Description the for defined as Bit 0 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) State. ~his flag is set to one when the current state of the DCD signal is on (logic 1), and is set to zero when the current state of the DCD signal is off (logic 0). Bit 1 Ring Indicator (RI) to one when the signal is on (logic when the cur- rent off (logic 0). Bi t 2 Da t a Set Re ad y (D S R) S tat e to one when the current signal is on (logic 1), when the current state of off (logic 0). Bi 3 Clear To Send (CTS) State. This flag is set to one when the current state of the CTS signal is on (logic 1), and is set to zero when the current state of the CTS signal is off (logic 0). Bit 4 Data Character Detect (DCD) Notify Flag. This flag indicates if notification of status change has been requested. This flag is set to one when the ~ESDCD HSR subroutine is called to enable notification of status I/O Subsystem t 10-44 State. This flag is set current state of the RI 1), and is set to zero state of the RI signal is• Th is f lag i s s e t state of the DSR and is set to zero the DSR signal is 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document chan~e. This flag is set to zero when the HnSDCD subroutine is called to disable notification of status change. )05 Bit 5 Ring Indicator(RI) Notify Flag. This flag indicates if notification of status change has be~n requested. This flag is set to one when the HESRI HSR subroutine is called to enable notification of status change. This flag is set to zero when the HDSRI subroutine is called to disable notification of status change. Bit 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) Notify Flag. This flag indicates if. notification of status change has been requested. This flag is set to one when the HESDSR HSR subroutine is called to enable notification of status change. This flag is set to zero when the HDSDSR subroutine is called to disable notification of status change. Bit 7 Clear To Send (CTS) Notify Flag. This flag indicates if notification of status change has been requested. This flag is set to one when the HESCTS HSR subroutine is called to enable notification of status change. This flag is set to zero when the HDSCTS subroutine is called to disable notification of status change. PDXCHN This byte 9902/9903 contains bit flags flags are HSR. The for the defined as follows: Bit 0 Reserved. Bit 1 Secondary Data Carrier Detect (SDCD) State. This flag is set to one when the current state of the SDCD signal is on (logic 1)~ and is set to zero when the current state of the SDCD signal is off (logic 0). Bit 2 Transmit Shift Register Empty (TSRE) State. This flag is set to one when the current state of the TSRE signal is on (logic 1), and is set to zero when the current state of the TSRE signal is off (logic 0). Bit 3 Reserved. Bit 4 Reserved. 2270512-9701 10-45 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document Bit 5 Secondary Data Character Detect Notify Flag. This flag indicates if notification of status c han g e has bee n r e que s ted. Thi s f I a g i s s e t to one when the HESSDC HSR subroutine is called to enable notification of status change. This flag is set to zero when the HDSSDC subroutine is called to disable notification of status change. Bi t 6 Transmit Shift Register Empty (TSRE) Notify Flag. This flag indicates if notification of status change has been requested. This flag is set to one when the HESTSR HSR subroutine is called. This flag is set to zero when the HDSTSR subroutine is called. Bi t 7 Reserved. )06 PDXFCT This word contains the entry byte count for a software transmit FIFO maintained by the HSR. )08 PDXCP1 This word contains the insertion pointer for the software FIFO maintained by the HSR. It contains the address of the next FIFO location in which to store a transmit character. )OA PDXCP2 This word contains the removal pointer for the software transmit FIFO maintained by the HSR. It contains the address of the next transmit FIFO entry to be removed. )OC PDXCP3 This word is used by the HSR as a transmit state vector. It contains an address of an HSR transmit routine. The HSR changes this address as the HSR transmit state changes. )OE-)27 PDXCP4 Reserved for TSR/ISR usage. 9902/9903 HSR Long-Distance Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name )00 EXTTMR HSR timer word. This word is decremented once every 250 milliseconds until it reaches zero.' The ISR is notified of timer expiration when this value is decremented to zero. The timer count is set by calling the HSR routine HTIMER. )02 EXTCDY HSR timer word. approximately I/O Subsystem Description 10-46 This word once every is decremented 16 milliseconds 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document until it reaches zero. The EXTTMR word is then decremented, and this word is restored from EXTCST. )04 EXTCST HSR timer word. This word is loaded at initial DSR power-up entry to be used to determine how many 9902/9903 timer interrupts are required to time 250 milliseconds. )06 EXTFLG This word is used as a bit flag word by the HSR. The flag definitions are as follows: Bit 0 Channel transmit halt flag. When this flag is set to one the HSR accepts transmit data from the TSR/ISR until the software FIFO fills, but does not transmit data on the communication line. This flag is set to one by a call to the HSTCTH HSR subroutine. It is set to zero by a call to the HRTCTH HSR subroutine. 1 the HSR. the This flag indicates mode of thi s When flag is set to one the channel is in a channel reset mode. A call to the HSTCR HSR subroutine sets this flag to one. Once the channel reset a call to the in mode, HSR HRTCR reset (Reset channel mode) set the flag to subroutine is required to zero and restore the HSR to normal operation. When in the channel reset mode, no 9902/9903 interrupts are enabled. Bit 2 UART Internal Loopback Enabled Flag. This flag is set to one when the TSR requests that the 9902/9903 chip be placed in UART loop back mode. This bit is set to one by a call to the HSTUIL HSR subroutine. It is set to zero by a call to the HRTUIL HSR subroutine. Bit 3 Transmit Break Enabled Flag. This flag is set to one when the TSR requests that the 9902/9903 chip transmit a break condition. This bit is set to one by a call to the HSTTB HSR subroutine. It is set to zero by a call to the HRTTB HSR subroutine. Bit Bit 4-F Reserved. )08 EXTTMP This word is by the HSR. used as a temporary storage word )OA EXTTHI This word is used as a by the HSR. temporary storage word 2270512-9701 10-47 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document )OC EXTSPD This word contains the speed selection code. It contains the value passed as a parameter to the HSPSPD subroutine. The contents of this word are returned by the HSR subroutine HRPSPD. )OE EXTPSL This word contains the data format parameters. It contains the value of the parameters passed to the HSR subroutine HSPPSL. The contents of this word are returned to the caller of the HSR subroutine HRPPSL. )10 EXTLDC This word contains the CRD instruction required to load the 9902/9903 DART with transmit data for the communications line. )12 EXTTYP This word is set up at initial DSR entry on power-up, to define the hardware interface type as follows: Value o 2 4 6 8 )A )14 to )BF Port 990/10A 9902 CI402 9902 CI4219902 CI422 9902 S300 Base Station 9902 CI421 9903 These words development. are reserved for Device Type )0007 )0008 )0009 )OOOA )0006 )0030 future HSR 931/940 TSR/ISR Local Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name )00 PDXSMB This word contains the inverted value of the byte count requested for the long distance buffer. The DSR initializes this word during the power-up sequence. )02 PDXSMP This word contains the beet bias address of the long distance buffer requested by the DSR during the power-up sequence. The DSR requests the buffer by calling the system routine IOGUB. )04-)OD )OE Description HSR Information. PDXCP4 I/O Subsystem System generation puts in this word the location of RO of the attached printer if one is present. At power-up time, this is moved 10-48 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document to the remote extension, and the word is used user as the TSR's copy of the IRB extended flags. >10 PDXCP5 System -generation puts in this word the speed of the communication line and a flag indicating if the line is a dial-in line. At power-up time, this is moved to the remote extension, and the word is used as the current cursor position by the TSR. >12 PDXCP6 This word is a TSR flag word. Bit 0 Terminal Type. the terminal is a 940. Bi t 1 Re adS c he d u Ie. Th i s f I a g i s s e t to _0 n e wh en the TSR requests to be resecheduled upon receipt of a read character. Bi 2 Printer Has Channel. when the printer has t This flag is set to one if is a 931 and set to zero if it This flag is set to one control of the channel. Bit 3 Printer Wants Channel. This flag is set to one when the printer requests control of the channel, and the CRT currently has control of the channel. Bit 4 CRT Has Channel. This flag when the CRT has control of is set to the channel. one Bi t 5 CRT Wants Channel. This flag is set to one when the CRT requests control of the channel, and a printer currently has control of the channel. Bi t 6 Cursor Is On. This flag the cursor is on. Bi t 7 Cursor Not Eeen Moved. This flag indicates that the cursor is not physically at the location that the internal pointer says it is located. This is to avoid sending unnecessary commands. Bit 8 Graphics Flag. This flag indicates that the command has been made to the terminal to be in graphics mode. Bit 9 Graphics Input Flag. This flag indicates that the t~rminal has notified the host that input from the terminal will be in graphics 2270512-9701 10-49 is set to one when I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document mode. Bit 10 Reserved. Bit 11 Clear Flag. This flag indicates that the screen has been cleared and nothing has yet been sent to it. This is to avoid sending unnecessary commands. Bit 12 Cursor is Blinking. This flag when the cursor is blinking. Bit 13 Initialized Flag. This flag indicates the terminal has been initialized. Bi t indicates that the Extent Flag. This flag command has been made to the terminal to define the end of the current field for insert and delete. 14 Bit 15 is set Insert Flag. This flag TSR is in insert mode. indicates This word is used address by the TSR. an to one that tha t the )14 PDXCP7 )16-)IA PDXCP7-A These words are temporary save the TSR. )IC PDXCPB This word contains to the terminal. )IE PDXCPC This word contains optimization routine. )20 PDXCPD This word contains an internal TSR counter. )22 PDXCPE This word is an opcode 15 flag. as internal buffer locations for the current attribute sent the counter for the Bit 0 Pass Through. This flag is set to one when the data is to be sent and received with no conversion. The only characters that are acted upon are DCI and DC3 (ready/busy). Bi t 1 ETX Flag. Terminate a Pass Through receipt of an "ETX" character. Read on Bi t 2 ESC Flag. Terminate a Pass Through Read receipt of an "ESC )" character string. on Bi t 3 Extended Event Flag. This flag allows extra 940 characters to be entered. I/O Subsystem 10-50 the 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Bit 4 Reserved. Bit 5 Special Attribute Flag. This flag is set to one when the the TSR will allow "SI" , "SO", or "ESC 4" to be sent to the terminal from a user buffer. Bit 6 Disable Attributes. This flag means that no attributes are to be sent to the terminal by the TSR. Bit Reserved. 7 Bit 8 Modified Flag. This flag indicates that any data has been modified in a field, task should be notified. Bit 9 Extended Character Validation. This flag indicates that the character validation is to be handled before the character is echoed. Bit Null Truncation flag. 10 Bits 11-15 )24 PDXCPF Reserved. This word contains the current state of as follows: Hex. Byte input o Meaning Ignore input and do not produce output. 4 Accept input and produce output. Value if the 931/940 TSR/ISR Long-Distance Extension. Field Name Description HSR Words. )00-)8F contains the current fill character that )90 VDTFIL This byte character. )91 VDTEVT This byte contains the event terminated the read. )92 VDTDEF This word contains the sequential cursor position of the beginning of the current field. )94 VDTPSR This word is a temporary location printer portion of the TSR. 2270512-9701 10-51 for the I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document )96 VDTPTP This byte contains as follows: Value 0 Meaning 150 cps 1 75 cp s 2 40 cps 3 20 cps 4 300 cps the current )97 Rese rved. )98 Run-time location for )9A Mask to determin~ connected. Value )9C )AOOO Meaning DCD and DSR )2000 DSR only printer type speed in PDXCPS. if the terminal is Remote Flags: Bi t 0 Reserved. Bi t 1 Blinking. This flag is set if blinking allowed for the terminal (940 only). is Bit 2 Wait for Positive Feedback. This flag is set when a printer buffer has been sent and the TSR is waiting for terminal acknowledgement (931 only). Bit 3 Schedule on Positive Feedback. This flag is set when a printer buffer has been sent and the TSR wants to be scheduled when the terminal acknowledges the buffer (931 only). Bi t 4 Terminal has started power-up, completed yet. Bi t 5 An immediate open has occurred on the CRT, the next close will be an immediate close. Bit 6 An immediate open has occurred on the printer, the next close will be an immediate close. I/O Subsystem 10-52 but has not 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Bit 7-D Reserved. Bit E ESC Found. This flag indicates that an was just found in a string in the TSR. Bit F Rese rved. ESC )9E VDTERR This word is used to pass an error code the ISR to the TSR. )AO VDTOVR a This word is counter overrun e-r ror s detected. of the number of )A2 VDTPAR a counter This word is parity errors detected. of the number of )A4 VDTFRM This word is a counter framing errors detected. of the number of )A6 VDTPTR Run-time PDXCP4. address in )A8 PRTTIM Timer for printer delay (940 only). )AA VDTEDL This word is an opcode 15 Edit Flag. Bi t location for printer 0 Erase Field is an Event. Bit 1 Right Field is an Event. Bit 2 Cursor Left out of a Fi,eld is an Event. Bi t Tab is an Event. 3 Bit 4 Reserved. Bit 5 Skip is an Event. Bit 6 Home is an Event. Bit 7 Return is an Event. Bi t Erase Input 8 is an Event. Bit 9 Reserved. Bit A Delete Character is an Event. Bit B Insert Bit C Cursor Right out of a Field is an Event. Bi t Enter is an Event. 2270512-9701 D from Character is an Event. 10-53 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design DDcument )AE Bi t E Left Field is an Event. Bi t F Rese rve d. STATBD This word contains the state of follows: Value 0 )BO STATGR STATFN Board connected. 8 Board waiting on time ou t. 12 Board waiting on ring. 16 Board is in DSR diagnostic mode. This word contains the graphics. Meaning Input is not graphics. 4 Input Value state o Thi sword mapping. as Meaning Board disconnected. 4 Value )B2 the board of the input is graphics. contains the state o Meaning Regular keys. 4 ESC was received. 8 Aid was received. 12 Pass Through Mode. 16 DSR Diagnostic Mode. 20 Read of the key Status Mode. Serial Printer HSR Local Extension. Hex. Byte Field Name )00 PDXSMB This word contains the inverted value of the byte count requested for the long distance buffer. The DSR initializes this word during the power-up sequence. )02 PDXSMP This word I/O Subsystem Description contains 10-54 the beet bias address of 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document the long distance buffer requested by the DSR during the power-up sequence. The DSR requests the buffer by calling ~he system routine IOGUB. )04 )10 )OF Reserved for PDXCP4 HSR use. This byte contains bit flags printer HSR. The flags follows: for are the serial defined as Bit 0 Reserved. Bit This bi t , when set to one, indicates tha t write SCB is being processed by the TSR. 1 a Bit 2 Rese rve d. Bit 3 This bit, when set non-write command TSR. Bit 4 This bit, when set to one, indicates that data transmission to the device has been stopped because the data set ready (DSR) signal is not present. Bi t 5 This bit, when set to one, indicates that data transmission to the device has been stopped due to reception of a DC3 character from the device. Bit 6 This bit, when set to one, indicates that a KATAKANA mode select character is being transmitted. Bit 7 This bit, when set to one, indicates that the device supports extended print (lower case letters). to one, indicates tha t' a is being processed by the Bit 8 Reserved. Bit 9 This bit, when set to one, indicates that the ISR section has detected a condition that requires scheduling of the TSR section. Bit 10 Reserved. Bit 11 Reserved. Bi 12 This bit, when set to one, indicates that the TSR is not able to operate due to Some condition (hardware interface not present, 2270512-9701 t 10-55 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document not supported by the requested baud rate hardware interface, power up failure, and so on) • Bit 13 This bit, when set to one, indicates initial power-up has occurred. Bit 14 Reserved. Bit 15 Reserved. that )12 PDXCP5 This word contains the transmit and receive baud rate word. This word is initialized by sysgen or the MVPC command. )14 PDXCP6 the operation This word contains word for the hardware interface. )16 PDXCP7 This word contains the total error count seen by the TSR ( the count of all parity errors, overrun errors, framing errors, and so on). Hex. Byte )00 - pa rame te r Serial Printer HSR Long-Distance Extension. Field Name )8F Description These words are reserved for use by the HSRs. )90 RTEXTO This word is a count of the number of receive break conditions sensed. )92 RTEXT 1 This word is a count of the number of framing errors received. )94 RTEXT2 This word is a count of the number of errors received. )96 RTEXT3 This word is a count of the receiver overrun errors received. )98 RTEXT4 This word is a count of the number errors received. )9A RTEXT5 This word is a count of the number of UART interrupts received. illegal These words are reserved for use. ISR/TSR )9C - )BF I/O Subsystem 10-56 parity number future of of other 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 10.6 I/O UTILITY (IOU) The initial processing of a utility request is similar to that for device I/O. The SVC is decoded by RPROOT, which passes control to IOPREP, the I/O preprocessor. IOPREP passes control to the I/O Utility preprocessor, IUPREP, when it recognizes an IOU SVC. The IOU preprocessor buffers the call block and any extensions to the call block as required by the individual subopcodes. Call block extensions include pathname, key definitions, and parameters. The preprocessor checks for illegal subopcodes and mapping errors during the buffering process. BRBs for SVCs that do not require an access name (or whose access name begins with a period) are placed directly on the input queue for the IOU task. Other BRBs are first queued for the Name Manager task for resolution of any logical names. After logical name resolution, Name Manager places the BRB on the input queue for the IOU task. The IOU task has a main driver that calls other routines to process the individual IOU subopcodes. The IOU task consists of a root segment and three or four system overlays depending upon the sysgen options chosen. Assign LUNa, Release LUNa, and Delete File SVCs are handled by code in the IOU root segment. Create File SVCs are handled by code residing in one overlay; Add Alias, Delete Alias, and Rename ~file in a second overlay; and the remaining IOU SVCs are handled by code in the third overlay. A fourth overlay to handle security is included if the security option was chosen during sysgen. File security will be discussed in a separate section. The main driver, a stack, and subroutines required by all overlays are included in the IOU root segment. When IOU is activated, it dequeues an entry from its queue and processes the entry. If the IOU SVC processor that handles the SVC resides in an overlay, the overlay is loaded into memory (unless it already resides in memory). The SVC processor is called to perform the required operations; when it complet~s, control is returned to the IOU main driver. The processing of the SVC may require that the BRB be queued for processing by a channel owner task. If so, the request is passed to the IPC preprocessor for routing to the channel owner. The IOU main driver takes the appropriate exit path after the SVC processor has handled the SVC. If the request was queued to a channel owner, the BRB will be unbuffered later, after it has been processed by the channel owner and placed back on the IOU input queue by IPC. If the SVC required the creation of a job temporary file, the BRB is placed on the input queue for Name Manager for final processing and unbuffering. If neither of these special conditions exists, the BRB is queued for 2270512-9701 10-57 I/O Subsystem I DNOS System Design Document unbuffering to the calling task. IOU then requests the next entry from its queue. If the input queue is empty, IOU suspends, awaiting queue input. The range of IOU operations includes those that process SVC requests to create and delete files, assign and release LUNOs, rename files, protect and unprotect files, add and delete aliases for filenames, and create and delete channels. IOU also processes requests for special operating system services such as releasing LUNOs in another job. 10.6.1 Configurability. IOU is configurable during sysgen when the user specifies the features desired. The modules to process these features are then selected for inclusion in the IOU task. The following feature levels can be selected: * * 10.6.2 Dynamic KIF creation and deletion File access security Memory Layout. IOU runs as a system task in map file 1. are used as follows: Its three map segments * The first * The second segment changes during processing contains either the user JCA, the system job JCA, file management table area (FMT). * The third segment contains the IOU code. 10.6.3 segment contains the system root. and or a Structures Maintained by IOU. The file management table areas (FMTs) are memory resident segments, the number and size of which are defined during sysgen. The FMT is used primarily for in memory representation of files currently in use. One may monitor the usage of the FMT by using the Execute Performance Display (XPD) command. If the system is approaching maximum utilization, the error message INSUFFICIENT FILE MANAGEMENT TABLE AREA AVAILABLE will be issued. In any case, if it is determined that more table area is needed, the Modify System Table (MST) command may be issued to increase the FMT size up to 256K bytes. I/O Subsystem 10-58 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The following structures are built by or used by IOU, and they are found in several different areas, as noted in the descriptions. Detailed descriptions of the structures are shown in the section on data structure pictures. * Directory overhead record (DOR) - Disk structure that shows the number of files in a directory, the number of available entries, the number of temporary files, and several other pieces of miscellaneous directory data. * File descriptor record (FDR) Disk directory record that describes the name, location, and characteristics of a disk file and the ID of the user who created the file. * Alias descriptor record (ADR) Disk structure that contains an alternate pathname component for some file pathname and points to the FDR for which this name is an alias. * Key descriptor record (KDR) Disk structure that describes the keys of a key indexed file; a KDR for a multifile KIF set contains additional fields to detect illegal attempts to combine files. * Channel descriptor record (CDR) - Disk directory record that describes the name and characteristics of an IPC channel. The CDR is located in the directory containing the FDR of the program file that contains the channel owner task, and it contains the record number of that FDR. * File structure common (FSC) and FCB variants. * File directory block (FDB) - A single node of the inmemory directory tree structure located in the file management table areas. Provides tree linkage and the information required to perform direct disk I/O to a directory. An FDB is created for each pathname component on an assign or attach operation. The FDB is a variant of the FSC structure. * File control block (FCB) - In-memory equivalent of the FDR, located in the file management table area. The FCB is built for only the last component of a file pathname. The FCB points to its corresponding FDB. The FCB is a variant of the FSC structure. * Resource ownership block (ROB) - The ROB represents a job's ownership of a file resulting from an Attach Resource operation. The ROB points to an FCB. ROBs are always built in the JCA and are chained in a list 2270512-9701 10-59 - Template to define the FDB I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document anchored by JITROB. * Channel control block (CCB) - In-memory equivalent of a CDR, built on an Assign LUNO to an IPC channel. CCBs contain a pointer to the File Descriptor Packet (FDP) of the program file containing the channel owner task and the eight-character name of the last component of the channel pathname. CCBs for global channels are built in the STA, and are anchored from CCBSTR in NFPTR. CCBs for job-local and task-local channels are chained in a single list anchored from JITCCB in the JCA. The CCB points to the JSB and TSB of the owner task. * Logical device table (LDT) The LDT includes a description of an I/O resource, usage flags, ownership information, and file rights. Job-local and task-local LDTs are built in the JCA and are anchored from JITLDT and TSBLDT, respectively. Global LDTs are built in the STA and are anchored from LDTLST in NFPTR. LDTRLK points to a CCB, FCB, or PDT, depending on the LUNO assignment. * Resource privilege block (RPB) - The RPB is a structure used to control access privileges for resources. The RPB is built on each Assign LUNO to a device, file, or IPC channel. The RPB contains the open access privilege flags (2 bits), the address of its associated LDT, and the JSB address of the job that assigned the LUNO (the JSB field is zero for global LUNOS). An RPB for a device is chained to the PDT, an RPB for a channel is linked to the CCB, and an RPB for file is chained to the FCB. The RPB contains currency information for LUNOs assigned to files. Directory Tree Construction. In DNOS, an FDB is built in the file management table area for each component of a file pathname, and an FCB is built there for the last component of the pathname. Each disk PDT extension for a file contains the address of the VCATALOG FDB and the SSB address of the file management table area in which it resides. The VCATALOG entry is placed there by IPL for all devices which are on line during IPL. They are placed there by Install Volume (IV) otherwise. IOU maps this area into its second segment to begin the tree search. Each pointer to a node of the tree contains the SSB address of the file management table area where that node resides. Since each FDB could potentially reside in a different table area, IOU must be sure that it has the correct segment mapped in before following an FDB pointer. I/O Subsystem 10-60 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document When a new node is to be added to the tree, an attempt is made to allocate it in the same table area as its parent. If no space remains, other file management table areas are checked, if any exist. FMSTR in NFPTR contains the SSB address of the first file management table area, and FMEND contains the SSB address of the last. The SSBs for the table areas are chained together. IOU maps in each successive table area and attempts to obtain space for the FDB. The requester is given an error if no table space is available. When linking a new FDB into the tree, IOU must be sure it has the correct table mapped in when changing parent and sibling FDB linkages. For files the STA. to which global LUNas are assigned, LDT Structure. the LDT is built in The LDT is composed of two parts built by IOU when a LUNa is assigned to an I/O resource. These parts are the LDT and an RPB. The LDT is linked into the LDT chain. The RPB for a file is allocated in the same segment as the FDB of the corresponding node. It is impractical to chain together all LDTs assigned to a file because the LDTs may be distributed to various JCAs. The RPB chain is the chain that can be traversed to find all users of a given resource. Figure 10-13 shows typical LDT chains for a task that is associated with a station and a task that is not associated with a station. When a LUNa is opened, IOPREP searches the RPB chain to check for access privilege conflicts. Each RPB contains a two-bit field representing its access privileges and a flag indicating an open LUNa. A privilege conflict could occur with other open LUNas. If no conflicts arise, the access privileges are recorded in the RPB and it is marked open. The RPB contains currency information (including the current file index set up by file management for concatenated files). Currency for any LUNas assigned to a file may be updated by File Management as necessary by updating the currency in the RPB. (Note that this is not the same as the KIF currency informati~n.) Parameters may be included in the parameter field of an IOU operation. The following parameters may be included, organized in the sublists shown. See the format of parameters described in the Name Management paragraph in the section on Special SVCs. 2270512-9701 10-61 I/O Subsystem I DNOS System Design Document Sublist Type 00 Parameter Number 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OD OE OF 10 11 12 14 15 16 02 04 05 Pa rame ter Description Job access level File type Job local temporary file Initial file allocation Secondary allocation Logical record length Physical record length Expandable Forced write Blank suppressed Max /I of tasks Max /I of procedures Max /I of overlays Max /I of directory entries Default physical record size KIF definition block User ID parameter (see UIP template) Modify file name security option Continue LAN session on release Luno Each of the parameters is optional and mayor may not have been specified by the user. If a system parameter is chosen (those with a sublist # of 0), the parameter overrides what is given in the call block. System parameters are used to communicate information between NAMMGR and IOU. They are not intended for general use. Parameters 2, 4 and 5 are described in more detail in the SVC manual. I/O Subsystem 10-62 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document System Table Area *-----------------------------------------------* I LDT LDT LDT I I +-------+ ------) I • -------) I I I ------- I I I Iglobal I ILUNO nIl I I I I +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ I • -------). • • --) I 00 I I ------- I I ------- I Iglobal I Iglobal I ILUNO n21 ILUNO nnl +-------+ +-------+ I I I I I I II *-----------------------------------------------* Job Communications Area *-----------1---------------------------------------------------* LDT +------+ 1---) I I I I I I I LDT +-------+ • -----------) I 1------1 I job I PDT Ilocal--)+----+ ILUNO 01 IDUMYI +------+ +----+ • -----. .-----)1 I I +- - - - - + task ·------)1 TSB +-----+ I I I I .----)--1 1-------1 I job I I local I ILUNO nnl +-------+ 1---<----I I LDT I +-------+ I .---- • • • )1 .----)-1 I ------ I I ------- I I t ask I I t ask I Ilocal--Ilocal I ILUNO 01 I ILUNO nIl +------+ I +-------+ I 1-------1 I t ask I Ilocal I ILUNO nnl +-------+ PDT I +-------+ --------------) I for I Istationl +-------+ not at a station B - • .-) I 1-------1 I job I I local I ILUNO nIl +-------+ task A - at a station TSB +-----+ I I LDT LDT +------+ +-------+ I I I LDT +-------+ LDT +-------+ I .-----)1 .-----. • ·)1 .----)------------)------1------ I I I I ------- I +-----+ Itask I I task I I local I Ilocal I I LUNO nIl ILUNO nnl +-------+ +-------+ I I LDT +-------+ Fig u reI 0 - 1 1 2270512-9701 10-63 L DT Ch a ins I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document 10.6.4 Details of IOU Processing. IOU processing occurs in a number of modules. Those described here include the preprocessor, IUPREP, the IOU task, and a number of modules that support special functions. IOU P~eprocessor (IU1REP). IUPREP runs in map file 0 as XOP-level code. The call block is buffered according to the format required by each subopcode. IOU processes the following subopcodes. (Starred codes are NOT documented in user manuals; they are to be used only by operating system tasks.) * * * * * * * * * 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E AO Al A3 A4 AS A6 A7 Create File Assign LUNO to Pathname Delete File Re lease LUNO from Pathname Assign Diagnostic Device Rename File (Assign New Filename) Unprotect File Write Protect File Delete Protect File Verify Pathname Add Alias Delete Alias Define Forced Write Mode Create IPC Channel Delete IPC Channe 1 Attach Resource Detach Resource Detach Resource by Number Modify FDR Bit Release LUNO in Another Job Assign System LUNO FF Release File Structures Not dncumented to users. Pathname characters must be in the following ranges to allow for international character support by DNOS: )24, )28, )29, )2E, )30 through )39, )41 through )SA, )61 through )7A (standard English pathnames) )SB through )SD (European characters) )A6 through )DF (Katakana characters) Pathname length is checked for all subopcodes that have a pathname. If the length is zero or is greater than 48, error code )92 (Bad Pathname Syntax) is set in the user call block, and an exit is made to RPRTNE in RPROOT. I/O Subsystem 10-64 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The module IUVRFY is used to verify pathname syntax. It can be linked with any code that performs pathname verification. When the routine is called, register 1 must have the address of the buffer containing the pathname. The buffer has the length of the pathname in its first byte. Register 10 must be a seven word buffer to be used as a stack by IUVRFY. Register 0 will be modified by IUVRFY, but no other registers of the calling code will be modified. If the pathname is correct in syntax, register o receives a value )0000. If the pathname is incorrect, register o receives )9200. There are two entry points in IUVRFY. IUVPND is used if the pathname can contain both upper and lower case letters, numerals, the dollar sign, periods, left and right parentheses around the last pathname element, and the pound sign(#). The katakana character set and special European characters are also permitted. The entry point IUVLET is used if the pound sign is not permitted in the pathname. Entry to the routine is via a branch and link (BL) to IUVPND or IUVLET, with a data word following the BL instruction containing the return address for error conditions. The IOU preprocessor defines an RDB that specifies the buffering of the standard IOU call block. IUPREP builds RDB expansions dynamically to specify additional buffering as follows: * If the subopcode requires a pathname, it is set up to be buffered in the STA along with the call block, with the pathname pointer placed in the BRB. * A flag in IRBFLG indicates whether the IRB parameter pointer is valid on Assign LUNO operations. If it is valid, the parameter list is buffered into the caller's JCA and the parameter pointer is set in the BRB. The use of parameters on Assign LUNO is for the operating system only and is not documented in user manuals. * If the utility flags following may apply: specify KIF, either of the If the subopcode is )91 (Assign Luno) and either the temporary file bit or the autocreate bit is set, buffer the keys to the STA and set a pointer in the BRB. If the subopcode is )90 (Create File), buffer the keys to the STA and set a pointer in the BRB. A call is issued to the RPBUF, to perform the expansion definitions. request processor buffering routine, buffering as defined by the RDB and RDB BRBs for all subopcodes that have pathnames are placed on the Name Manager queue, unless the first character of the pathname is 2270512-9701 10-65 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document a period. In the last queue for the IOU task. case, the BRB is placed directly on the Name Manager checks to see if the access name is a logical name. If so, the true pathname(s) are buffered into the STA, and the buffered pathname pointer is reset. Name Manager may add parameters to the IRB. If parameters exist on an Assign LUNO, they are buffered into the STA, the IRB parameter pointer is set, and the IRB flag is set indicating that the parameter pointer is valid. Initial Processing in the IOU Task. If the IRB flag indicates that the parameter pointer IUPRM is called to process the parameter list. is valid, IUPRM is a table-driven module. Each parameter has an associated parameter ID. The parameter ID is used as an index into the table of subroutine entry points. Each subroutine translates a parameter from Name Manager format to the call block format and places the parameter in the correct position of the call block. (See the paragraphs on name management for the format of a parameter list.) For parameters that have no place in the IRB, the parameter (or its address) is saved in the IOU address space for later processing. Channel Operations. In a Create Channel operation, the channel pathname must be identical to that of the program file containing the owner task, except for the last component. For example, for a program file named .DIRECT.PROGFILE, a valid channel pathname is .DIRECT.CHANNEL. If the SVC call block specifies LUNO 0 as the program file LUNO for the owner task, IOU assumes that the owner task resides on program file .S$SHARED. The SVC returns an error if the owner task is the owner of an existing channel with different scope or if the specified scope is task local and the owner is already the owner of an existing task-local channel. The SVC causes a CDR to be built in the same directory as the FDR for the program file. The CDR contains the channel description, the installed ID of the owner task, and the record number of the FDR for the program file. The CDR is similar to an ADR and is linked into the chain of ADRs (that is, each CDR or ADR contains the record number of the next CDR or ADR). The CDR can be protected from an accidental Delete Channel operation. The channel access name can be specified in the delete-protect and unprotect I/O operations. When a program file is deleted, its CDRs and ADRs are also deleted. Only the delete-protect flag for the program file is checked when the program file is deleted. See the section on data structure pictures for details of the ADR and CDR. I/O Subsystem 10-66 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document In a Delete Channel operation, the CDR for the specified channel name is deleted. The program file containing the owner task is not affected. Channel LDTs have a flag to indicate that they are assigned to a channel. The LDT points to the CCB. The LDT shows the default resource type and type flags carried in the CCB. Each time a LUNO is assigned to a channel, the LUNO count in the CCB is incremented. The count is decremented as LUNOS are released, and the CCB is deleted when the count equals zero. IOU cannot distinguish an Assign to a channel from an Assign to a file until the CDR is read. After it is read, an FDB and FCB are created for the program file of the owner task. The Assign causes the creation of the CCB and the bidding of the owner task (unless the relevant structures already exist). The"CCB contains the eight-character name of the last pathname component for the channel. After an owner task is bid, the run-time ID is used to search the TSB list for the TSB address of the owner task. The calling job JSB address and owner task TSB address are placed in the CCB. Each CCB created by an Assign points to an FDP of the program file containing the owner task. To search for an existing CCB, IOU searches for a CCB with an FMT,FCB pair that matches the desired program file FMT,FCB pair. This indicates that the owner task came from the same program file. The installed ID of the owner task must match that of the owner task of the channel to which the caller is assigning; a match on the last pathname component for the channel is also required. To establish a global channel, the owner task must be running and issue an Assign to the channel. The CCB is built in the STA, and subsequent Assigns to the channel cause the creation of LDTs that point to this same CCB. Any requester Assigns that precede the owner's Assign will receive errors. The owner of a global channel is identified by its installed ID and the value for TSBFMT and TSBFCB, the description of the program file from which the task was bid. The first Assign to a job-local channel causes a CCB to be built in the caller's JCA. The owner task is bid by IOU in the caller's job via the SVC option that allows a task to be bid in a different job. Subsequent Assigns to the same channel use the same CCB and owner task. For task-local channels, a CCB is created and an owner task is bid on each Assign to the channel (excluding Assigns by the owner task). IOU must match up the owner task's Assign with the correct CCB, which was previously created. An error is returned if the owner is the first to assign to a task-local channel. During initial IOU processing of an Assign to a channel for which the owner processes Assigns, an LDT flag is set to indicate that the LDT is nonusable. The address of the LDT is placed in the 2270512-9701 10-67 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document BRO, and a BRO flag is set to indicate that IOU has partially processed this request. IRBSID (session ID) is cleared. An NFMAPO call is issued to the IPC pre-processor to transmit the BRB to the owner task. Parameters associated with this call are passed to the owner task along with the call block. After the owner task processes the Assign, IPC returns the BRB to the IOU queue. The BRO flag tells IOU that the request has already been processed. The LDT address is obtained from the BRO. If the IRB error code is nonzero, the CCB LUNO count is decremented, and the LDT is released. If no error occurred, the LDT is completed. The resource type is placed in the LDT, and the nonusable flag in the LDT is cleared. The LDT is built before the owner processes the Assign because the number being assigned must be checked for conflicts before owner task processing. In addition, while the owner is processing the Assign, it must be ensured that no other task assigns the same job-local or global LUNO. Concatenated Files and Multifile Sets. FCBs for concatenated files are linked together via pointers in the FCBs. The FCBs are flagged as being members of a concatenation, and the first FCB of the set contains th~ number of files in the concatenation. Concatenated files may be shared as a set. IOU provides error checking to prevent concurrent use of individual files of a set. This provides protection against unanticipated changes in the structure of the concatenated file set. (For example, this prevents another task from changing the end-of-medium on the second of three concatenated files.) A zero in the first byte of the pathname indicates that multiple pathnames are present. The second byte contains the number of pathnames. Only Name Manager can provide a pathname in this format, because the IOU preprocessor disallows a zero-length pathname. The Name Manager generates a pathname when processing a logical name for the concatenated file. IOU builds an FCB for each file of a concatenated set. An error is returned if the files are special usage files or if not all of the files are of the same file type. If LUNOS are assigned to any of the individual files, an error is returned. The FCBs are flagged and linked, and the number of files is placed in the first FCB. An RPB is built and linked to the first FCB. Access privileges for concatenated files apply to the set of files, not to each individual file. Open processing checks access privileges for the set of files by searching the RPB chain for the first FCB only. On an attempt to share a concatenated set, IOU provides error checking. IOU checks to see that the same number of files is specified, and that the requested files are in the same order as I/O Subsystem 10-68 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document those already concatenated. An error is returned if these conditions do not hold. Each usage of the concatenated set causes the creation of an RPB chained to the first FCB. When the concatenated set is no longer in use (when the last RPB is deleted), all FCBs in the set are released. When key indexed files are combined, they are not considered to be concatenated, but are called a multifile set. This is because after files are concatenated, they can still be used as individual files. This is not true for key indexed files; once a set of files has been combined into a multifile KIF set, they cannot, be handled separately using KIF operations. Multifile KIF sets require special handling. IOU uses the FDR end-of-medium field to determine whether a key indexed file is empty. If all the specified files being combined are empty, and are not members of an existing multifile set, IOU formats them as a single file. The creation date and time of the first file are placed in the KDR of each file in the set. Each file is given a sequence number, which is an integer value that ranges from one to the number of files being combined. The sequence number of each file is also stored in the KDR of the file. The KDR for the first file contains the total number of files in this set. Error checking is provided when nonempty key indexed files are combined. Each KDR must contain the same creation date and time. Also, the total number of files from the KDR must be the same as the number of files specified in the current combination request. The sequence numbers of the files must start at one and continue sequentially up to the total number indicated in the first KDR. If any of the above conditions is not met, an error is returned. An empty key indexed file may be used as the last (and ONLY the last) file of a nonempty multifile set. The new file must not be a member of an existing multifile set. The new file is formatted and given a sequence number and a time and date to match the other file(s). The file count in the first KDR is incremented. When a LUNO is assigned to a single key indexed file, the KDR is checked for a sequence number. If one is present, a flag is set in the FCB to indicate that the file can be opened only' for unblocked I/O. This is the mode used by the directory utilities, for example. Temporary Files. DNOS supports two types of temporary files: task and job local. Task temporary files are created either by using the temporary file bit in the Create File operation, or by issuing an Assign LUNO with the temporary file bit set. When the Create File is used, a standard file name can be specified; when an Assign LUNO is used, a name is created in the form Un, where n is a 7-digit integer. Task temporary files are often used as scratch files by system utilities. They are deleted when the last LUNO assigned 2270512-9701 10-69 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document to the file is released. Job temporary files are created by specifying the temporary option on an Assign Logical Name operation. The job temporary file is created when an Assign LUNa is done to the logical name or when a Create File specifies the logical name. The access name associated with the logical name is the disk or volume name on which the file is to be created. I IOU creates job temporary files under VCATALOG, and it sets the temporary flag in the FDR. After the file is created, IOU automatically attaches the resource to the job. The file is not detached until the job terminates or the logical name is released. The file is deleted when the count of attaches and LUNas assigned in the FCB is zero. After a job temporary file is created, the file name must be entered in the Name Manager data base. For job temporary files, the Name Manager allocates 18 bytes for the pathnBme (enough for the length, eight-character volume name, period, and eightcharacter file name). The actual length of the disk or volume name is in the first byte of the pathname buffer. IOU places the length and file name of the newly created file in the buffer. The already-processed flag is set in the BRa, and the BRB is placed on the Name Manager's queue. Name Manager is responsible for calling the routine to queue the BRB for unbuffering. 10.6.5 Operating System Support SVCs. IOU provides SVC support for several subopcodes that are not available to the general user community. These codes, described in detail in the section on special SVC support, include the following: Subopcode 94 AO Al A3 A4 A5 10.7 Purpose Assign Diagnostic Device Attach Resource Detach Resource Detach Resource by Number Modify FDR Bit Release LUNa in Another Job DEVICE I/O UTILITY (DIOU) Device utility functions (bidding tasks from a device; changing device state; disarming hard break at a terminal; allowing 8-bit characters) are performed by issuing device utility operations'. These operations are IOU subopcodes and are transportable through I/O Subsystem 10-70 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document IPC. Since none of these subopcodes conflict with other IOU subopcodes, they are processed by the DIOU task to get concurrency. Some of the subopcodes require software privilege. The operations and their subopcodes are: Subopcode C2 C3 C6 C7 10.7.1 Purpose Get Selected Device Parameters Set Selected Device Parameters Get CDE From CDT Process Device Task Bid DIOU Functions. All I/O subopcodes are passed by the SVC request processor RPROOT to IOPREP, the I/O preprocessor. IOPREP hands all I/O subopcodes greater than )90 to IUPREP. IUPREP verifies that DIOU subopcodes are in the proper range. IUPREP buffers the parameter field (if specified) along with the call block in system table area. Control is then transferred to to DUMAIN for specific subopcode processing. DSRs bid tasks by calling IOFCDT. IOFCDT places the bid character in the PDT and then places the PDT on the BIDREQ queue. When the scheduler finds something on the BIDREQ queue, it activates IOTBID. IOTBID gets the device number and bid character from the PDT and places them in a Process Device Task Bid ()C7) call block. The PDT is removed from the BIDREQ queue, the bid character is cleared in the PDT, and the call is issued to DIOU. When the CDFPEA flag is set to"l, DIOU passes the bid character in the first byte of the first parameter and leaves the second byte O. The device number is placed in the second parameter. Logon tasks that need to CDE can then perform a Get CDE from CDT operation ()C6). If the task is to be bid in the same job as PDTJOB, the CDE parameters are placed in the )2B call block parameter fields CDEPV1 and CDEPV2. 10.7.2 DIOU Data Base. There is one data file for each operating system generated. The file is in the directory S$CDT under VCATALOG. The file within S$CDT has the same name as the system to which it is associated. Each file has 25 CDTs. The file is initialized by the Modify Command Definition Table (MCDT) command using SCI, or by DIOU during IPL if it does not exist. 2270512-9701 10-71 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document Each record of the CDT file is a command definition table (CDT). Each record contains the SCI command definition entry (CDE) and hard break CDE, the DXP CDE, and 13 zeroed CDEs. That is, each CDT has a maximum of 16 COEs. The last four characters of the CDT contains the characters CDT. Each time a system is loaded, OlOU runs device numbers into the PDTs. the PDT list and places Each device has a three-byte field in its PDT to represent the CDEs that apply to it. One byte indicates the CDT to use and a word represents the CDEs in the table that are valid for the device. If the first bit is on in the word, the first COE will be valid for the device; second bit, second CDE; and so on. This way each device may have an unique set of CDEs, with a maximum of sixteen. 10.7.3 Data Structures Used by OlOU. System data structures used by DIOU include the PDT and template of parameters. Relevant fields in the PDT include * * POTNAM - an eight-byte device name field * POTCHR 10FCOT * * POTCDT - a one-byte COT number PDTNUM - PDTCDE - a a two-byte device number a one-byte field for the bid character set by the CDE mask for this device's CDT The structure template for device parameters (DPR) is a set of equates, one for each field in the DIOU data base (multiple flags are stored in one field). Any not marked as read only require either software privilege, hardware privilege or system task status to modify. I/O Subsystem 10-72 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document UNL *********************************************************** * * ( DPR) DUTIL DEVICE PARAMETERS 03/11/83 * * * * CHANGES TO THIS TEMPLATE REQUIRE CORRESPONDING * * CHANGES TO THE PASCAL TEMPLATE "DPRPAS". ************************************************************ * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * THE DPR TEMPLATE DESCRIBES THE DEVICE PARAMETERS MANAGED BY THE DEVICE I/O UTILITY (DUTIL). IT INCLUDES PARAMETERS IN THE FOLLOWING RANGES: PARAMETER RANGE )01 - )5F )60 - )FF PARAMETER USAGE OPERATING SYSTEM RESERVED NOT SUPPORTED IN THE FIELD COMMENTS, RO INDICATES THAT A PARAMETER IS READ ONLY AND CANNOT BE MODIFIED. SPECIAL FIELD COMMENTS: DPRNAM - ONE TO EIGHT ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTERS WITH A LETTER AS THE FIRST CHARACTER. DPRNUM - ONE WORD NUMBER BETWEEN )0001 AND )07FF, EXCLUDING 100 THROUGH 255 ()64 THROUGH )FF). DPRTYP LIKE THE PDTTYP FIELD. ON AN ASSIGN LUNO, THE VALUE OF THIS FIELD IS PUT INTO THE LDTTYP FIELD OF THE LDT AND IS RETURNED TO THE CALL BLOCK IN THE UPPER BYTE OF THE DATA BUFFER FIELD. DPRJOB - JSB OF THE FIRST JOB TO ASSIGN A LUNO TO A TERMINAL. *DPRNAM DPRNUM DPRFLG DPRDSF DPRTYP DPRJOB DPRRPB DPRLC DPRCDT DPRCDE DPRPDT DPRDTF DPRSTK DPROHD DPRWTK DPRDRS DPRFMS DPRFDB DPRTFL DPRECT DPRVNM DPRCHR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 2270512-9701 )01 )02 )03 )04 )05 )06 )07 )08 )09 )OA )OB )OC )OD )OE )OF )10 )11 )12 )13 )14 )15 )16 RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO *DEVICE NAME *DEVICE NUMBER *WORD OF FLAGS *DEVICE STATUS *DEVICE TYPE *OWNER JOB *RPB LIST HEADER *LUNO COUNT *CDT NUMBER *CDE MASK *PDT ADDRESS *DEVICE TYPE FLAGS *SECTORS PER TRACK *OVERHEAD PER RECORD *WORDS PER TRACK *DEFAULT PHYSICAL RECORD SIZE *VCAT FD SPECIAL AREA SSB ADDRESS *VCATALOG FDB ADDRESS *TEMPORARY FILE NAME SEED *RETRY COUNT *VOLUME NAME *BID CHARACTER 10-73 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document DPRBLN EQU )17 *BUFFER LEN OR # VIRT TERMINALS DPRMAX EQU )18 * THE LIMIT FOR CURRENT OS PARMS DPROSM EQU )5F *MAXIMUM O.S. PARAMETER * EQUATES FOR DPRFLG DP1IRB EQU 0 RO *COPY IRB TO SYSTEM LOG DP1RSI EQU 1 RO *RESERVED DPIRS2 EQU 2 RO *RESERVED DPISTA EQU 3 * DEVICE STATE 00 - ONLINE * * 01 - OFFLINE * 10 - DIAGNOSTIC * 11 - SPOOLER DP10PF EQU 5 RO *OPEN FAILED * EQUATE FOR DPRDSF DP2RSI EQU 0 RO *RESERVED DP2AID EQU 1 RO *ALTERNATE PDT DP2BI EQU 2 RO *BUFFER INPUT DP2BO EQU 3 RO *BUFFER OUTPUT DP2JIS EQU 4 *JISCII, 8-BIT ASCII MODE 5 RO DP2REN EQU *RE ENTER ME DP2JAR EQU 6 RO *JISCII RECEIVE DP2JAT EQU 7 RO *JISCII TRANSMIT DP2RS2 EQU 8 RO *RESERVED DP2RS3 EQU 9 RO *RESERVED DP2WPM EQU)A RO *WORD PROCESSING MODE DP2IRE EQU)B RO *INITIAL REQUEST DP2INT EQU)C RO *DEVICE INTERRUPT LEVEL MASK * EQAUTES FOR DPRDTF - DEVICE TYPE FLAGS DP3FIL EQU 0 RO *FILE ORIENTED DP3TIL EQU 1 RO *TILINE DEVICE DP3TIM EQU 2 RO *ENABLE TIME-OUT DP3PRI EQU 3 RO *PRIVILEDGED DEVICE DP3KSB EQU 4 RO *TERMINAL WITH A KSB DP3COM EQU 5 RO *COMM DEVICE DP3SYD EQU 6 RO *SYSTEM DISC SP3RES EQU 7 RO *RESERVED LIST DPRNAM One to eight alphanumeric characters with a letter as the first character. DPRNUM A one word number between through 255. )0001 and )07FF excluding 100 DPRFLG DPRFLG is a flag word with the following bit definitions. I/O Subsystem 10-74 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document DPIIRB ( X ••••••••••••••• DPIRSI = ( • X •••••••••••••• DPIRS2 ( •• X ••••••••••••• DPlSTA ( ••• XX ••••••••••• DPIOPF DPIRS3 ) ) ) ) ( ••••••••••••• X •• ) ( •••••••••••••• XX) - - COpy IRB TO SY STEM LOG RO RESERVED RESERVED RO DEVICE STATE ONLINE 00 OFFLINE 01 DIAGNOSTIC 10 SPOOLER 11 OPEN FAILED RO - - DPRDSF DSPDSF is a flag word with the following bit definitions. DP2RSl DP2AID DP2BI DP2BO DP2JIS DP2REN DP2JAR DP2JAT DP2RS2 DP2RS3 DP2WPM DP2 IRE DP2INT ··... ... ·... ··... ... ... ·... ··... ... ···... ... ··... ( .. . . ... · ... ... . · ... ··...... ·... ... . ... . ·... ··... ( .. .. ·... ... ( . . .. ·... · ... .... ·... ·... ... ( .. .. · ... · = ( . . .. ( ( ( ( X ••• • X •• •• X. ••• X ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) X ••• ) ) • X •• ) • • X. ) • •• X X ••• ) ) • X •• ) • • X. ) • •• X XXXX) ·... ·... RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RESERVED ALTERNATE PDT BUFFER INPUT BUFFER OUTPUT JISCII, 8-BIT ASCII MODE RE ENTER ME JISCII RECEIVE JISCII TRANSMIT RESERVED RESERVED WORD PROCESSING MODE INITIAL REQUEST DEVICE INTERRUPT LEVEL MASK DPRTYP The DPRTYP field corresponds to the PDTTYP field. On an Assign LUNO, the value of this field is placed in the LDTTYP field of the LDT as well as being returned in the upper byte of the data buffer field of the Assign LUNO call block. DPRJOB DPRJOB is the same as PDTJOB. It is only valid for devices with a KSB (terminals). The JSB of the first JOB to assign a LUNO to terminal is placed in DPRJOB. This prevents any other JOB from assigning a LUNO to the terminal. DPRRPB is the same as PDTRPB. For devices that validate DPRRPB opens an RPB must be generated during assign LUNO processing. DPRRPB contains the address of the beginning of the RPB list. DPRLC DPRLC is the same as PDTLC. This field contains a count of the'number of LUNOs assigned to the device. DPRCDT The first terminal. 2270512-9701 byte The of DPRCDT identifies the CDT next two bytes are the word 10-75 for this mask that I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document identifies the CDEs within the CDT that are valid terminal. I 10.8 for this FILE ACCESS SECURITY DNOS 1.2 includes security on a per file basis. Directory security and volume security are not implemented in this release. A user's security environment is defined at the job level. Associated with each job in the system is a user ID and the list of access groups of which he is a member. A collection of users which are expected to have similar access to files belong to an access group. All secured files have a list of access groups and rights which determine who may access the file and in what manner. This list is called an access control list. Permission is granted if the user is a member of an access group in the access control list. Since security is enforced on a per job basis, it is not possible for a server job to accept files from other jobs and perform operations on those files with the original user's security. The spooler is an example of such a server job. To solve this problem, an option for secured IOU SVCs is supported. A task can specify the user ID with which the access rights for the LDT will be generated. Such a task must have the security bypass feature and enforce its own security, unless the passcode for the user ID is also specified. Specific operations that have this feature include Assign LUNa, Create File, Delete File, Modify File Name, and the Modify File Protection SVCs. Assigning a LUNa to the disk (using direct disk I/O) and bidding a task in another job are potential security bypass operations that are not restricted by the operating system. These are better handled through the use of functional security or by allowing tasks to be members of access groups, features that may be implemented in a future release. 10.8.1 Establishing a Job's Security Environment. A user's security environment is determined during job creation. The logon task solicits a user ID and passcode. If logon is turned off through use of the MTS command, this information is located in the S$SCA file. The user ID and passcode are validated against the entries in the S$CLF file. Job Manager, during create job processing, validates the user ID and passcode against the S$CLF. This check is necessary since not all create jobs are issued by the logon task. Job manager reads the S$CLF to find the user ID, passcode and access groups. The user ID is copied into the JSB. The encoded passcode is I/O Subsystem 10-76 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document copied into the JIT. A capability list is built. This list includes a count of access groups followed by a list of encrypted access group names, each name followed by a flag word. This list resides in the JCA, pointed to by JITCAP. The security manager function is performed by an overlay of IOU. This overlay is not included as part of the kernel program file if the security option is not chosen during sysgen. In general, a user's security access to a file is determined during assign LUNO processing. The rights are stored in the LDT. Subsequent operations to the file check the rights in the LDT to determine whether the user has appropriate access. All IOU operations are first processed by IUMAIN. IUMAIN maintains a table of secured IOU operations. These operations include Create File, Assign LUNO, Delete File, Modify File Name, Unprotect File, Write Protect File and Delete Protect File. Several conditions must be met before security checking is done: the system must be secured, one of the above secured subopcodes must have been encountered, and the pathname must be longer than a single node (indicating possibly a file as opposed to a device). IUSPRE is the security manager preprocessor routine. If a user ID parameter is passed with the IRB, IUSPRE verifies that it is valid. If the parameter was not specified by a security bypass task, the passcode is also verified. A capabilities list is generated from the S$CLF file instead of using the capabilities list pointed to by JITCAP. For all secured suboperations except Create File, IUSPRE calls IUGAR to generate the user's access rights to the file. IUGAR calls the IOU routines that build the FDB tree and FCB for the file. It calls a routine to compare the capabilities list with the file's access control list. If the access group in the capabilities list is SYSMGR, the user receives total access to the file. If no access groups are associated with the job the user will receive PUBLIC access to the file. If no access groups are found and no PUBLIC rights are specified, the operation will fail. The user will be returned a security violation error. If some access is determined, control is returned to IUSPRE. If the operation is an Assign LUNO, the rights are saved off to be later entered into the LDT during the Assign LUNO routines. If the operation is a Delete File or a Modify Protection SVC, the proper access is verified. In the case of a Modify File Name, the access is verified for the new pathname, if it existed. The access for the old pathname is verified by looking at the LDT rights field. A Modify File Name of a directory is specifically not allowed. A Modify File Name option exists which allows the user to keep the security of the new pathname. If this option is specified, 2270512-9701 10-77 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document the security is copied to system table area in a structure known as an access control packet. After the Modify File Name takes place, the security is copied from the access control packet to the file and the packet is released. If the option is not chosen, the default results of the Modify File Name leave the file secured with the old pathname's access rights. If a LUNO is being assigned to a concatenated the file, concatenated file processor calls the security routines to determine the access rights for each file. These rights are ANDed to determine the final access rights. In the case of file creation or Assign LUNO with auto-creation of a file, IUSPRE calls a routine to search the capability list to find the creation access groupIf no such group is specified, the default is taken as PUBLIC. When the file is created, the encrypted group name is written to the FDR with all access right flags set, and the public bits are turned off. Aliases inherit the security of the file to which they refer. The addition or deletion of aliases is not secured. Minimal channel security is implemented. IUSPRE saves the rights to the channel owner program file. Before a channel owner is auto bid by an assign LUNO to the channel, the rights are checked for execute access. 10.8.2 Enforcing Security. The security manager does Some set up of the security environment and enforces security for IOU operations. Security is enforced in each process that performs a protected or a particularly dangerous function. File Manager. There are differences between open access privileges and security rights. The access privileges specified on an Open operation enable a user to limit access by others while performing a file operation. It may be desirable for a user who has only read access rights to a file, for example, to open it with exclusive use. That is, he may only read the file, but while doing so, no operation to this file by others may take place. File manager enforces read and write security to files. The file manager routine IOPREP compares the I/O subopcode against a table of allowable operations. The tables and required access are given below. I/O Subsystem 10-78 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document File operations allowed only if - )09 )OA )41 )42 )44 )45 )48 )59 - Read ASCII Read Direct Read Greater Read by Key, Read Current Read Greater Than Read Next Read Previous Multiple Record Read File operations allowed only if )02 )OB )OC )OD )10 )46 )47 )49 )5B the requestor has read access: the requestor has write access: - Close with EOF - Write ASCII - Write Direct - Write logical EOF - Rewrite - Insert - Rewrite - Delete by Key - Multiple Record Write File operations which will succeed if Assign LUNO was successful: Open Set Currency Forward, Backward Space LUNO Read File Characteristics Unlock Close Specify Write Mode Rewind Program Manager. Program management enforces security on task bids and overlay loads. NFTBID checks the program file LDT for execute access when bidding tasks. Overlay loads are checked by PMOVYL. Task installations, deletions and assigning program space are enforced by file manager when the user tries to read or write to the program file. S$SHARED is assumed to be a public program file and cannot be secured. When LUNO )FF is specified, no security check is made since execute access to the program file has already been established. Segment Manager. In order to do a Change Segment operation for a program file segment, the user must have execute access to the program file. In order to do relative record I/O using a Change Segment SVC, 2270512-9701 10-79 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document the user must have read and write access to the relative record file. In order to do relative record I/O using a Create Segment SVC, the user must have write access to the relative record file. The above is enforced by segment management in SMPREP. Sysgen. In DNOS 1.1, if the SVC for security was specified the Encrypt and Decrypt SVCs were included. In DNOS 1.2, the ENCRYPTION SVC group includes those SVCs. In DNOS 1.2, a YES response to the global SECURITY question causes the system option word security bit in NFDATA is to be set, the security overlay for IOU to be added to the kernel program file, and the encryption SVC group to be included. 10.8.3 Volume Security. A utility called Modify Volume Security (MVS) is supplied to make it impossible to install a secured DNOS volume on a DX10 or an unsecured DNOS system. It is located in the .S$SECURE program file. This task modifies a field in sector zero which indicates to the install volume processor that this can only be installed on a secure system. 10.8.4 Networking. For DNOS 1.2, the security access one will receive doing remote I/O will be the access of the remote LAN job, as the SVCs are issued remotely by this job. When performing a remote logon, one acquires the security associated with the user ID used to log on. Manipulation of the Access Control List. Modifications to the access control list for a file are made by a system task called MSAR. This utility task allows a user to modify the security access rights of any file for which the user has the control access right. It also allows a user to display the list of access groups which currently have access to the file and what access rights each group has to the file. MSAR is bid by the MSAR and LSAR SCI command procedures. PARMS list is as follows: I/O Subsystem 10-80 The 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document PARM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Definition ---------- Function code: O=LSAR ;' User's passcode File pathname Listing access name Access group name access (YES/NO) Read access (YES/NO) Write Delete access (YES/NO) Execute access (YES/NO) Control access (YES/NO) I=MSAR (not (not (not (not (not (not (not used used used used used used used for for for for for for for MSAR) LSAR) LSAR) LSAR) LSAR) LSAR) LSAR) The MSAR task consists of the modules MSMAIN, MSMSAR, MSLSAR, and MSRCLF from the VOLOBJ.MSAR.OBJECT MSDOOR, MSDDIO, MSFUDR, directory, several low level subroutines from the VOLOBJ.IOU.OBJECT directory, the passcode encryption subroutine from the VOLOBJ.SECURITY.OBJECT directory, and stardard UTCOMN and S$ routines. MSMAIN verifies that the utility is being run on a DNOS 1.2 (or later) system. It then assigns and opens a LUNO to .S$CLF, picks up the user's ID from the JSB, finds the user deScriptor record (UDR) within .S$CLF for the user, and verifies the passcode entered by the user. If the passcode verifies, MSMAIN then assigns a LUNO to the user specified file, finds the LDT for the LUNO just assigned, and verifies that the file is a local file, not a directory, and that the user has the control access right for the file. If all goes well, MSMAIN then calls IUGFCB to map in the FCB for the file and saves the FCB address for later direct disk I/O operations. MSMAIN then goes to either MSLSAR or MSMSAR depending on the operation specified. MSLSAR closes and releases the LUNO to .S$CLF as the utility is done with that file. It then calls S$OPNS to open the listing file with the security rights of the requesting user ID. This special entry point in the S$OPEN routine must be used because the MSAR task is installed with the security bypass attribute, but the user must not be allowed to put the listing on top of files to which he does not have write access. MSLSAR then calls MSRFDR to read the FDR for the user specified file and formats the listing to show the various access groups that have access to the file and the access rights for each group. MSMSAR calls S$PARM to get the user specified access group name. If the name is SYSMGR, MSMSAR terminates with an error message. Otherwise, MSMSAR verifies that the access group name is valid on this system. If the name is PUBLIC, then it is considered valid. Otherwise, MSMSAR calls MSRCLF to read records from .S$CLF and verifies that the name is a valid existing access group name. At this point, MSMSAR closes and releases the LUNO to .S$CLF since 2270512-9701 10-81 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document the utility is now done with that file. MSMSAR then calls S$PARM several times to determine the various access rights which the specified for the access group to have. MSMSAR then calls MSDCLO to close the door on the directory in which the FDR for the user specified file resides, calls MSRFDR to read the FDR for the file, changes the access control list appropriately, calls MSWFDR to write the FDR back to disk, and then calls MSDOPN to open the door for the directory. MSMSAR then releases the LUNO to the user specified file and terminates. I 10.9 INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION (IPC) IPC provides the capability for two or more tasks to exchange information. The information exchanged may take the form of a synchronization signal, a short message, a request for a service, or a high-volume data transfer. The distinction between these categories is often blurred in practice. The primary IPC operations are to read and write messages. The task to which a write or read is addressed may be identified in several ways. In a message-oriented IPC mechanism, no permanent channel exists between the two communicating processes. Writes and reads are addressed to specifically named processes, and the IPC supervisor must utilize a rendezvous table to resolve matching operations. The IPC approach in DNOS is channel oriented. Channels are created and exist independently of the tasks that use them; IPC requests are directed to the appropriate channels. In DNOS, a channel is defined as an IPC path between two different tasks within the same computer, with one of the tasks designated as the owner of the channel. A channel owner has control over how the channel is used, while the second task (the requester) has less flexibility and fewer privileges. IPC processing in DNOS has the following characteristics: * Each write or read operation is addressed to a to which a LUNO has been assigned. * Each operation issued to a channel by a requester must be matched by ~n operation of the channel owner. Depending on the operation issued and the current environment, the requester mayor may not be suspended until the operation completes. * Each channel has a queue of pending requests owner, ordered chronologically. IPC channels may be used via SCI like other I/O DNOS system. Some of the SCI commands available I/O Subsystem 10-82 channel, to the resources on a for use with IPC 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document channels are the Create IPC Channel (CIC), (DIC), and Show Channel Status (SCS) commands. 10.9.1 Delete IPC Channel IPC SVC Interface. All program-level access to the IPC facility is through the DNOS SVC mechanism. The general SVC parameter block used for IPC service calls to symmetric channels is like that used for resource-independent I/O. The SVC parameter block used for request SVCs to master-slave channels may be like that used. for resource-specific I/O. The parameter block for utility calls is like that used for file and I/O utility calls. The IPC opcodes are shared with the DNOS I/O facility, with the operation performed depending on the context. Every channel has one owner. The owner of a channel is always involved in every message exchange or other operation on that channel. Any user other than the owner of the channel may communicate only with the owner. This results from the matching rules used by IPC when handling requests to channels. These rules are given in the description of the IPC support routine, IPCGQR. 10.9.2 Channel Characteristics. DNOS channels can be defined as either symmetric or master/slave. Symmetric channels function with simple read and write requests, where one correspondent on the channel issues a read while another issues a write. The data written is passed to the reader's buffer when a pair of requests match. In a master/slave channel, the master task receives the entire buffered SVC block for processing. The master task processes and returns the modified request to the requester (slave) task. Symmetric Channel Activity. Symmetric channels are used for communicating messages or data in a relatively restricted fashion. Tasks may be written in highlevel languages or in assembly language to synchronize, exchange information, or facilitate use of COmmon files. The operations addressed to the channel by such tasks are limited to Open, Close, Close EOF, Read Status, Read, Write, and Write EOF. From the point of view of an owner or requester task, channel is always in one of three states: * Closed - * Open - The task may issue any operation that this channel access mode. 2270512-9701 The task must a symmetric issue an Open to use channel. 10-83 is legal in I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document * Dormant - The task must issue a Close and then may again open and use the channel. The transitions between states are shown in Figure 10-14. An Open to a channel, when fielded by the I/O preprocessor, is checked against current access privileges held by other requesters. The same rules apply for channels as for other I/O resources when granting or denying access to any user after the first. For example, if one requester opens a channel with privileges of exclusive all, no other requester can open the channel. Most symmetric channel requesters issue Opens with shared access. When the requester wishes to be the only requester served, the channel should be created as a non-shared channel. IPC uses the access privileges specified on an Open to allow or deny particular I/O operations to a symmetric channel. For example, a user who opens with read only privileges might issue a Write. That Write is not allowed (just as it is not allowed to a read-only device like a card reader). Although requesters may not be aware of the fact, the channel definition may dictate more stringent access privileges ~han they specify. For example, a symmetric channel established as a nonshared channel can be opened by a requester in any mode, but it will function with only one requester at a time. This is necessary for the read/write channel resource mode of a symmetric channel, since the owner task has no way of differentiating between requesters. A Close may be issued by an owner or a requester, or it may issued by DNOS when processing an abnormal termination by a on the channel. IPC adjusts the CCB to reflect the Close; I/O postprocessor modifies the LDT as it does for devices. queued requests from the closing task are removed from queues. be task the Any CCB When a Close is issued by an owner, IPC fields the request and the channel is marked as dormant for all requesters currently open. This setting causes requesters to receive errors on any operations except Open and Close. As soon as a requester on a dormant channel issues a Close, the channel is again closed for that requester; however,it is available to be opened. Opens to a dormant channel are queued to the CCB until each Close has been processed and the channel owner can again issue an Open. A Read Device Status operation is queued to IPC for processing as soon as the IPC task executes. I/O Subsystem 10-84 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +---------------+ req. open ICLOSED to 1---------+ 1 owner 1 1 1 1 1CLOSED to 1 requester 1 1 1 OOP=NO 1 (-------+ 1 OCL=NO I req. hangs I RCL=NO I req.+----)I OPN=O 1(---+ closel +---------------+ I I I lowner close +----------+ I ownerl lowner 1 +--------+ req. req. gets I close 1 lopen 1 owner owner non)A7 error 1 I 1 I nongets )E6 close I I I I 1 close error I I I I 1 1 1 1 V I 1 VII V +------------------+ ICLOSED to 1 I owner I IDORMANT to I I requester I I OOP=NO I 1 OCL=YES I 1 RCL=NO I I OPN=1 I +------------------+ lowner open I(owner I hangs) I +-----)-----+ OOP OCL RCL OPN - +-----------------+ +-----------------+ 10PEN to I IDORMANT to I I owner I I owner I ICLOSED to I ICLOSED to I I requester I I requester I 1 OOP=YES I I OOP=YES I I OCL=NO I 1 OCL=NO I 1 RCL=NO I I RCL=YES I I OPN=l I 1 OPN=1 I +-----------------+ +-----------------+ I I I Ireq. I Ireq. I Ireq. Iclose I lopen I lopen I(shared I +--(---+ I I channel) I (hang) owner I V I I closel +------------------+ Ireq. close +---(--IOPEN to owner I--)--+(non-shared IOPEN to requester I channel) I OOP=YES I I OCL=NO I Owner Open I RCL=NO I Owner Closed I OPN=2 I Requester Closed +------------------+ IAII operations Number of tasks open I lexcluding opens +----(--+and closes Figure 10-12 Symmetric Channel States On other operations to a symmetric channel, a match must be found by IPC before the operation will be performed. That is, one task must issue a Read and the other a Write before either operation will be processed. 2270512-9701 10-85 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document The owner task may have only one request outstanding to a particular channel at anyone time. If an owner issues a request to a channel to which an owner request is already pending, the second request will be returned with an error. Master/Slave Channel Activity. A master/slave channel is established so that an owner task may process all requests of the requester tasks. The master/slave owner task can be written in assembly language using the Master Read, Master Write, Redirect Assign Luno, and Read Call Block operations. It may be written in a high-level language with subroutine support to issue these SVCs. When accessing a master/slave channel, a requester may need to pass a set of parameters to the master (owner) task. These parameters may be specified as part of an Assign Logical Name command and passed to the owner task via an Assign LUNO operation. In this and other cases an owner task may process requester Assign LUNO and Release LUNO operations, gathering and supplying data from and to IOU. This option is specified by the Create IPC Channel SVC operation or SCI command. The owner receives the request with Master Read and modifies it to reflect appropriate processing. The owner task then issues a Master Write of the Assign LUNO call block. IPC queues the request back to IOU to be completed. The owner task must not modify certain fields in the SVC block, so that IPC can correctly return the block. Similarly, the owner may process Abort I/O SVCs ()OF) or I/O utility operations other than Assign LUNO and Release LUNO. These options can be specified by the Create IPC Channel SVC operation or SCI command. I While using a master/slave channel, a requester task may issue any I/O operation to a channel, and the owner task processes the operation depending on how the owner task is designed. The owner task issues a Master Read to obtain a request for processing and a matching Master Write to return messages or status information to the requester. Owners of master-slave channels may have only one request outstanding to a particular channel at anyone time. The Master Write and Redirect Assign LUNO operations are exceptions to this rule. An owner may issue either a Master Write or a Redirect Assign LUNO while a Master Read, Read Call Block, or Read Status operation is pending. All I/O operations issued by the requester are passed to the owner task by IPC. Figure 10-15 shows the operations used by the owner task. I/O Subsystem 10-86 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document *----------------------------------------------------------* 00 Open I I IPCexecutes the Open checks for legal access 1 ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------I 01 1 Close 1 IPC executes the Close I ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------I 05 1 Read Status I Owner receives status data 1 ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------+ 19 1 Master Read 1 1 1 Owner gets whole of requester call blockl 1 ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------I lA 1 Read Call Block 1 1 1 Owner gets first part requester call block of 1 1 ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------I IB 1 Master Write 1 Owner sends information l i t o requester 1 1 ----------+-----------------+-----------------------------I lC 1 Redirect Assign 1 LUNO 1 1 IPC sends call block to another channel owner 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------* Figure 10-13 10.9.3 Details of Owner SVCs for Master/Slave Channels IPC Processing. Service calls to IPC channels are first routed through the I/O preprocessor, IOPREP, for common I/O handling. They are then passed on to the IPC preprocessor, IPCPRE. This routine checks for some error conditions. If no error is found, IPCPRE determines whether fast transfer is possible. If fast transfer is possible, the exchange is performed immediately. Otherwise, the request is queued to the IPC queue server, IPCTSK, and the requester task is suspended. Structures Used for IPC Processing. Each channel is represented by a channel control block (CCB) in the system table area or the job communication area. The CCB contains two queue headers: the pending queue (CCBPBQ) and the already-processed queue (CCBABQ). All requests awaiting processing by IPC other than Master Write and Redirect Assign LUNO requests are placed on the CCBPBQ. Master Write and Redirect Assign LUNO requests are placed on the CCBABQ. Requester call blocks which have been master read but have not yet been master written or redirected are stored on the CCBABQ. There is never more than one owner request on any queue. If there is an owner request on a queue, it will always be the first entry on the queue. 2270512-9701 10-87 I/O Subsystem DNOS System ,Design Document The IPCQUE, which is in the system table area, contains requests for task level IPC processing. The queued requests are pr~cessed by the IPC queue server IPCTSK. The queue entry is a QIR, shown in the section on data structure pictures. The queue link field is used to chain all current requests to be performed by IPCTSK. If the channel being used for this queue entry is global, the JSB address (to find the CCB) is zero. This indicates that the CCB and BRBs are in the STA. For other typ~s of channels, the JSB is used to find the segment information so that the JCA segment can be loaded into memory and the CCB and BRBs can be located. The anchor for IPCQUE is in the STA. The anchor is a standard DNOS queue header, shown by the QHR template in the section on data structure pictures. When NFQUEH places an entry on the IPC queue, IPCTSK is bid. IPCTSK processes each queue request by examining the CCBABQ and CCBPBQ for the CCB specified in the QIR and matching as many requests as possible. 10.9.4 I Detailed Operation of IPC Routines. There are two paths through the IPC subsystem: a task level path and an XOP level (fast transfer) path. All IPC requests are handled by the IPC preprocessor, IPCPRE. IPCPRE. determines whether a request can be handled in fast transfer mode. '. If so, IPCXFR is called to transfer the request to the IPC task (which must be in memory). The IPC task, running in XOP mode (map 0), processes the request. The routine IPCXOP in the IPC task handles the request. If IPCPRE determines that fast transfer is not possible, the request is queued and later processed by the IPC queue server, IPCTSK. The same code (IPCPRO, IPCMRD and IPCMWT) is used to perform both XOP level and task level IPC processing. Fast transfer is only possible when the IPC task and all necessary buffer segments are in memory. If a channel owner releases its LUNO to the channel, or if the owner of a task-local or job-local channel terminates, the channel is considered dead. This is indicated by the CCB flag CCFDED. IOU or PMTERM will set the CCFDED flag, build a QIR for that channel, and queue it to IPCQUE in order to activate IPC. IPC will return outstanding and subsequent requester requests with an owner aborted error, (error code )A7). IPC Preprocessor (IPCPRE). IPCPRE runs at XOP level when an I/O or IOU call buffered by IOPREP or IUPREP is detected as being for a channel or remote resource. The following is a description of the IPCPRE algorithm: I/O Subsystem 10-88 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document IF the request is an I/O request or an Abort I/O request THEN BEGIN IF the request requires a buffer THEN call IPCCB to build a Buffer Address Packet (BAP) for the buffer. IF the channel is not busy and the IPC task is in memory and the request is not a Redirect THEN BEGIN call IPCXFR to process request in fast transfer mode. IF IPCXFR returns without error THEN return. If IPCXFR returns an error, one of the task * segments or buffer segments was not in memory, * so fast transfer was not possible. The request * ha~ been queued by IPCXOP to the CCB. All we * have to do now is queue a QIR to the end of IPCQUE * END ELSE IF request is a Master Write or Redirect Assign LUNO THEN queue request to head of CCBABQ. ELSE IF request is an owner request THEN queue request to head of CCBPBQ. ELSE queue request to end of CCBPBQ. END generate a Queued IPC Request (QIR). queue the QIR to the end of IPCQUE. set the Channel Busy flag in the CCB. return. IPC Queue Server (IPCTSK). When a request cannot be processed in XOP mode, the request is processed at the task level by IPCTSK. IPCTSK is activated by NFQUEH when a QIR is queued to IPCQUE. The following is a description of the IPCTSK algorithm. 2270512-9701 10-89 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document WHILE the IPCQUE is not empty BEGIN get request from IPCQUE. IF channel is job or task local THEN map the JCA that contains the CCB WHILE there exist processable requests on the CCBPBQ or CCBABQ BEGIN call IPCGQR to get a request or a pair of requests. IF IPCGQR returned an owner request THEN IF the owner request requires a buffer THEN load the buffer segment. IF IPCGQR returned a requester request THEN IF the requester request requires a buffer THEN load the buffer segment. IF this is a master/slave channel and the owner request is not a Redirect or a Read Call Block THEN load all requester task segments. call IPCPRO to execute the data exchange. IF owner request was not processed THEN requeue the request to the CCB. IF requester request was not processed THEN requeue the request to the CCB. unload any task segments that were loaded. END reset the Channel Busy flag in the CCB. END I I IPC XOP level request processor (IPCXOP). The routine IPCXOP is in the IPC task, although it is only executed in map O. If IPCPRE determines that the IPC task is in memory, a branch and link is performed to IPCXFR, which transfers con~rol to IPCXOP. IPCXOP queues the request to the CCB and calls IPCGQR to get a request or pair of requests from the CCBABQ or CCBPBQ. The subroutine IPCCHK is called to determine whether the requests returned by IPCGQR can be processed in fast transfer mode. If a request cannot be processed, either because of an error or because fast transfer is not possible, the request is requeued for processing by IPCTSK. IPCXOP continues to process requests from the CCBPBQ until a request cannot be processed. IPCPRO, IPC request processors (IPCPRO, IPCMRD, and IPCMWT are I/O Subsystem the 10-90 IPCMRD and routines and CCBABQ IPCMWT). in the IPC task that 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document actually perform the data exchange between requests. IPCPRO is called by IPCTSK or IPCXOP for all requests. IPCPRO calls IPCMRD and IPCMWT to process Master Reads, Master Writes and Redirect Assign LUNa operations. Other operations to master/slave channels and all operations to symmetric channels are performed directly by IPCPRO. On a Master Read or Read Call Block, IPCMRD or IPCPRO copies the requester's call block into the master task's master read buffer (MRB). On a Master Read, the call is dequeued from the CCBPBQ and placed on the CCBABQ to await a Master Write or a Redirect Assign LUNa. On a Read Call block operation, the requester call block is left on the CCBPBQ. On a Master Write, IPCMWT unbuffers selected fields of the requester call block from the copy in the MRB into the copy buffered in system table area. Assign LUNa and Release LUNa call blocks are queued for reprocessing by IOU. End of record processing is performed on all other call blocks. The initial processing of the Redirect Assign LUNa operation is similar to that of a Master Write of an Assign LUNa call block. Selected fields of the call block are unbuffered from the MRB into the copy of the call block in system table area. Additional processing required for Redirect Assign LUNa is as follows: 1. The LDT that was built by IOU while it was processing the requester call block must be deleted. IPC accomplishes this by obtaining some table area, building a call block for an )A5 I/O operation, and queueing it to IOU. An )A5 is a Release Luno in Another Job SVC. It is documented in the section on special SVCs. The call block must look to IOU as if it has already been processed once by IOU (otherwise, IOU will note that the channel processes assigns and releases and will give the call block back to IPC). IOU normally converts an )A5 into a )93 (Release Luno) by changing the subopcode to )93, setting the )A5 flag (BRFA5) and the Already Seen flag (BRFARS) in the BRa flags, and swapping the JSB and TSB in the )A5 call block with the BROJSB and BROTSB. IPC must duplicate all of these actions. When IOU processes the call block, the LDT will be deleted. 2. The pathname in the MRB must be buffered into the requester call block in system table area. IPC does a Get Table Area SVC, copies the pathname into the table area buffer, and changes the pathname pointer in the requester call block (IRBPNA) to point to the new pathname. This pathname specifies the channel to which the Assign LUNO is to be redirected. The field IRBRPN (redirected resolved pathname), which is a null pointer for all call blocks that have not been redirected, is set to the previous value of IRBPNA. Subsequent 2270512-9701 10-91 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document redirects of this call block will not alter the IRBRPN field. The IRBRPN field points to the resolved original pathname. 3. The Already Seen flag (BRFARS) in the BRO flags is reset so that the Assign LUNO call block appears not to have been processed by IOU. The call block is then queued to Name Manager. Name Manager will queue the call block to IOU, and IOU will build a new LDT for this Assign LUNO call block. 4. End of record processing is done on the Redirect Assign LUNO call block. IPC Support Routines. IPCEOR IPCEOR performs end of record processing on requests. The BAP is released and any buffer segments are unreserved. If the processing is being done in map 1, IPCEOR calls NFEOR to perform end of record processing. If in map 0, IPCEOR calls IPCOBR to complete the end of record processing. IPCOBR (in module IPCXFR) IPCOBR loads the scheduler map file, calls NFEOBR to perform end of record processing, and then reloads the IPC map file. IPCCB IPCCB creates a BAP, which is described in the section on data structure pictures. The BAP describes the data buffer of an IPC request. IPCXFR IPCXFR transfers control between the SVCSHD segment and the IPC code segment in map 0, both of which must be mapped as the third segment. The IPC map file is loaded and IPCXOP is called. After IPCXOP returns, the original map file is reloaded and control returns to IPCPRE. IPCGQR IPCGQR dequeues entries from an IPC channel for processing by IPC opcode processors using the following algorithm: I/O Subsystem 10-92 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document WHILE there are processable requests on the CCBABQ or CCBPBQ BEGIN IF there is an owner request on the CCBABQ THEN BEGIN dequeue the owner request. get the MRBSSI and MRBRCB fields from the call block in the MRB. IF there is a requester PRB on the CCBABQ at the address specified by the MRBSSI and the BRORCB field equals the MRBRCB field. THEN BEGIN dequeue the requester call block from the CCBABQ. RETURN to the calling task, returning the matched pair of requests. END ELSE do end-of-record processing on the Master Write, returning a NO MATCHING REQUEST error. END ELSE IF the channel is dead (CCFDED is set) and there is a request on the CCBABQ THEN dequeue and RETURN the request. ELSE IF there is a request on the CCBPBQ THEN BEGIN IF the request is not from an owner THEN IF the request does not require a matching owner request OR IF the channel is dead THEN dequeue and RETURN the request. ELSE RETURN no requests (no match is available since owner requests always precede requester requests on the queue) ELSE BEGIN dequeue the request IF the owner request does not require a matching request THEN RETURN the request ELSE IF there is a requester request on the CCBPBQ THEN IF the requester request requires a match THEN dequeue the requester request and RETURN both requests. ELSE BEGIN requeue the owner request. RETURN the requester request. END ELSE requeue the owner request END 2270512-9701 10-93 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document IPCOPY IPCOPY is used by the IPC request processing routine to copy data buffers. IPCOPY uses the nucleus routines NFXCPY and NFCOPY to perform the data transfer. IPCOPY expects a source address, a destination address, and the number of bytes to transfer. The addresses are either specified as BAPs (for long distance data transfer) or local addresses. 10.10 NAME MANAGEMENT The Name Manager task handles synonym and logical name segments for jobs running under DNOS. It serves SVC requests from user tasks and supplies support functions to various pieces of the I/O subsystem and to task management. The form of the Name Management SVC block is shown in the section on data structure pictures as the NRB. Each DNOS task operates with a set of synonyms and/or logical names which is known as a stage. A stage descriptor block (SDB) is maintained in the synonym and logical name segment to describe the stage and its relationship with other stages within a job. Stages are maintained in a hierarchical order. When a daughter stage is created, it is given a snapshot of its paient's names. This is implemented logically rather than making physical copies. The stage under which a task is executing when it issues an SVC is known as the current stage of the task. The Name Manager serves a queue of requests that include userissued SVCs for SVC opcode )43 and task management entries to show when a task is bid or terminated. Also, IOU queues BRBs for the following I/O SVCs: I/O Subsystem 10-94 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Subopcode 90 91 92 94 9S 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9D 9E AO Al A4 Description Create File Assign LUNO Delete File Assign Diagnostic Device Rename Fi Ie Unprotect File Write Protect File Delete Protect File Verify Pathname Add Alias Delete Alias Create IPC Channel Delete IPC Channel At tach Resource Detach Resource Modify FDR Bit Several of the Name Management SVC subopcodes are described in the DNOS SVC Reference Manual, since they are useful in userwritten code. The subopcodes not described in that manual are described in the section on special SVCs in this manual. For IOU requests, the Name Manager resolves logical names and then places the BRBs on the IOU queue along with any applicable information, such as parameters. These entries may be placed back on the Name Manager queue by IOU if a pathname for a job temporary file has been autogenerated. 10.10.1 Architecture of the Name Manager. The Name Manager consists of a preprocessor that works in conjunction with the SVC request processor to completely buffer the request, a queue server task, and a special postprocessor that works in conjunction with the main SVC unbuffering routine to return ipformation into the user's address space. 10.10.2 Data Structures Used by the Name Manager. Each name segment used by Name Manager uses several data structures. Names are organized in stages, with each stage representing a complete environment of names. Each stage is described by a Stage Definition Block (SDB), including a pointer to the stage from which it was built, a task count of the number of tasks using the stage, and a pointer to the descendent error 1 i st. Names and their values are organized in balanced binary trees of Name Definition Blocks (NDB). An NDB has the name, pointers to 2270512-9701 10-95 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document the left and right son, a pointer to the lexical pointer to the parent name, and a pointer to the block (SVB) list. successor, a stage value The SVB has flags, a stage number, a pointer to a value definition block (VDB) and a pointer to the next SVB. The SVBs are kept in descending numerical order of stage number. The VDB has a value of a name, a count of the number of SVBs with this value, and a pointer to a value continuation block (VCB). The VCB has a value and a pointer to another VCB. A VCB is used when a name has concatenated files or parameters as values. Figure 10-14 shows the relationship of these various structures for a segment with three names: A, B, and C. Name A is used in three stages and has the value .X.Y.FILE. NDS +-------+ +-----)1 B 1<-------+ 1 +-------+ 1 NDS V NDS 1 A V +-----+ 1 c 1 +-----+ +------+ 1 +------+ 1 V SVC +-----+ 1 4 1------+ +-----+ 1 V SVB 1 1 1 +-----+ 1 1------+ +-----+ 1 2 1 V SVB 1 V VDB +-----+ +-+---------+ 1 1 1-----)131 X.Y.FILEI +-----+ +-+---------+ 1 Figure 10-14 Name Segment Structure Logical names which are defined to have parameters make use of a parameter list structure in the logical name segment. The structure is chained to the VCB and is of the following form: I/O Subsystem 10-96 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Dec 0 Hex 0 *--------------------+--------------------* -------I Lengt h I 0 I +--------------------+--------------------+ 1 Type for Sublist I Length of Sublist I +--------------------+--------------------+ Required 4 4 I I Parameter Entry Blocks 2+n 2+n I I +--------------------+--------------------+ -------4+n 4+n I Type for Sublist I Length of Sublist I +--------------------+--------------------+ 6+n 6+n I I Optional Parameter Entry Blocks 2+n+m 2+n+ml 2 2 *-----------------------------------------* The parameter list contains the following: BYTE CONTENTS o Length of entire structure; the sum of 1 plus two times the number of sublists. 1 Zero. One or more sets of the following fields: 2 Type for sublist. The type of the parameters in the sublist. Types of parameters are: o - System parameters 1 - Spooler parameters 2-)7F - Reserved )80-)FF - User IPC parameters 3 Length of sublist. The sum of the lengths of all parameter entry blocks in the sublist, referred to as n. 4-3+n Parameter entry blocks, one for each parameter. Formats of parameter entry blocks are described in subsequent paragraphs. Three formats are defined for parameter entry blocks, one for each of the parameter sizes. A parameter may be a single-bit binary value, a byte value, or a value of more than one byte. Each parameter format includes a parameter number, and one or two bits that identify the format. The parameter entry block format for a single-bit value is: 2270512-9701 10-97 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document *----------------+-+-* Parameter No. IIIVI *----------------+-+-* The parameter entry block contains the BIT foll~wing: CONTENTS 0-5 Parameter number, 0 through 63. Parameter numbers need not be assigned or ordered in sequence, but must be unique within the sublist. 6 1 7 Value, 0 or 1. The parameter entry block format for a one-byte parameter is: *----------------+-+-* I Parameter No. 10101 +----------------+-+-+ I Value I *--------------------* The parameter entry block contains the following: BYTE CONTENTS o Parameter number byte: Bits 0-5 - Parameter number, 0 through 63. Parameter numbers need not be assigned or ordered in sequence, but must be unique within the sublist. Bit 6 - 0 Bit 7 - 0 1 A numeric value, 0 through 255, or an ASCII character. I/O Subsystem 10-98 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The parameter entry block format for a multi-byte parameter is: *----------------+-+-* I Parameter No. 10111 +----------------+-+-+ I Parameter Length I +--------------------+ I I Parameter Value *--------------------* The parameter entry block contains the following: BYTE CONTENTS o Parameter number byte: Bits 0-5 - Parameter number, 0 through 63. Parameter numbers need not be assigned or 6rdered in sequence, but must be unique within the sublist. Bit 6 - 0 Bit 7 - 1 1 Parameter length. The number of bytes required for the parameter value. 2-nn Parameter value. The numbers or characters of the parameter. The parameter list consists of one or two sublists. All parameters in a sublist are of the same type. Each parameter is identified by a parameter number in the range of 0 through 63. The parameters in a sublist must have unique parameter numbers. They may be numbered in any sequence, skipping numbers, or not, as required. 10.10.3 Name Manager SVC Preprocessing. When a Name Manager SVC is issued, control is passed to the SVC decoding routine. This routine buffers the user call block into STA along with the BRO. The decoding routine then passes control to the Name Manager preprocessor, with the BRB on the Name Manager queue. This BRB has the form: 2270512-9701 10-99 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document Buffered Request Overhead _ User's call block as follows: SVC code 43, error code subopcode , flags other fields depending on the entry type Space for extra words of Name Manager information The Name Manager preprocessor works with the SVC buffering routine to buffer call block extensions as needed, depending on the SVC number and subopcode. It also retrieves (from the user's JCA) the ID of the requesting task,. the stage number, and the name segment SSB address. It stores these values in the extra words of space for Name Manager information. Before an IOU request reaches the Name Manager, the IOU preprocessor also gathers the stage number and the name segment SSB address and stores them in a three-word block following the standard buffered I/O request block. 10.10.4 Details of Name Manager Modules. The Name Manager consists of several processors and a short section of code that selects one of these processors dep~nding on the SVC code and the subopcode. The entries are: NMMAPN NMGNPN NMSETN NMAPNV NMDELN NMFLEX NMPURG NMENS NMRTPS NMGDEL NMGSSZ NMSAVE NMCTC NMIOU NMREST Determine Name's Value Determine Next Pathname of Name's Value Create Logical Name/Assign Synonym Append Pathname to Present Value of Name Delete Name Find Lexical Successor Purge Names Enter New Stage Return to Previous Stage Get Next Descendent Error List Entry Get Segment Size Save Names to a File Notice of Task Bid or Termination Pass SVC to IOU after Resolving Logical Names Restore Names from a File A description of each of the entry processors follows. NMMAPN - Determine Name's Value For either synonyms or logical names, this operation returns the value of the name to the requester. If the Name Manager finds the name specified, it returns the value string to the buffer specified by bytes 6 and 7 in the call block. For logical names, any parameters defined for the name are also returned, using the buffer to which bytes 8 and 9 of the I/O Subsystem 10-100 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document call block point. Byte 10 is set to O. If the logical name is assigned to a set of files that have been logically concatenated, only the first file pathname is returned and byte 11 is set to the value 1. Otherwise, byte 11 is set to O. NMGNPN - Determine Next Pathname of Name's Value This is used to determine the various pathnames in a set of logically concatenated files. OnlY one pathname is returned by this operation. This pathname corresponds to the pathname number specified in bytes 10 and 11. (The number 0 returns the first pathname, 1 returns the second, and so on.) In addition to returning a pathname, the processor also increments this word (bytes 10 and 11) if the pathname returned is not the last one in the list of concatenated files. If the pathname is the last one, the processor returns 0 to bytes 10 and 11. NMSETN - Create Logical Name/Assign Synonym This serves either of two functions, depending on the flag set by the user to tell whether this is a synonym or a logical name operation. If it is a synonym operation, the Assign Synonym operation is performed, using the name as a synonym name and giving that name the specified value. Any previous value for the synonym is replaced with the new value. Stage scope rules (described in paragraphs that follow) are strictly followed in the process of assigning the new value to the name. If a logical name operation is indicated, a Create Logical Name operation is performed. The specified name is given its value (pathname), and any parameters specified are associated with the logical name. As with synonyms, any previous value for the logical name is replaced, and stage scope rules are strictly followed. If the logical name is for a pathname that is to have its last component filled in by IOU (unique pathname to be autogenerated), space for the pathname to be supplied is reserved at the end of the value field within the table entry. However, the length of the value is recorded as the length specified by the user and does not change until IOU notifies the Name Manager of the full pathname. NMAPNV - Append Pathname to Present Value of Name This operation adds to a logical name that represents a set of logically concatenated files. The pathname for the first file and all parameters to be associated with the logical name are specified with the Create Logical Name operation. Additional pathnames may then be appended, one at a time, by using this operation. The additional pathnames are stored separately in the logical name segment to avoid having to move the previous name definition to a location large enough to accommodate the additional pathnames. The additional 2270512-9701 10-101 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document I pathnames are linked to the name definition in the order they are supplied by the user. NMDELN - Delete Name Depending on the flag setting, the name is deleted from the synonym table or the logical name table. Any appended pathnames are also deleted. If the name represents a joblocal temporary file, a Detach Resource operation is performed on the resolved name. Stage scope rules are strictly followed so that deleting the name does not affect the definition seen by other stages within the same job. NMFLEX - Find Lexical Successor This routine searches the synonym or logical name definitions, as specified, for the name (if one exists) that is the immediate alphabetic predecessor or successor of the specified name (pointed to by bytes 4 and 5). Whether the predecessor or successor is found depends on the value of the word at bytes 10 and 11 (0 indicates successor, -1 indicates predecessor). If the desired name is found, its name replaces the specified name (pointed to by bytes 4 and 5) and its value is placed in the buffer pointed to by bytes 6 and 7. If parameters are associated with the name and the parameters buffer pointer (bytes 8 and 9) is nonzero and points to a nonzero-length buffer, the parameters are returned in the buffer. If no name is found to meet the requirements, a null string (zero length) replaces the specified name. If the specified name points to a zerolength string, the alphabetically smallest name and its value is returned if the successor was requested; the alphabetically largest name and its value are returned if the predecessor was requested. If the value pointer originally is zero or points to a zero-length string, any name found is returned as usual, but its corresponding value is omitted. The name buffer to which the call block points must be large enough to hold the maximum results possible, even though the first byte shows only the length of the string that currently occupies the buffer. This routine cannot check to ensure that the buffer is large enough. NMPURG - Purge Names This SVC provides the capability to delete a series of names that are (in some sense) logically related. It searches all names for those that have the first n-l bytes exactly the same as the first n-l bytes of the specified name. Each time such a name is found, the nth bytes are compared. If the nth byte of the name is greater than or equal to the nth byte of the specified name, the name found is deleted. Otherwise, the name is left intact. The length of the name deleted may be greater than or equal to the specified name. I/O Subsystem 10-102 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document NMENS - Enter New Stage A new stage is created with a stage number equal to the lowest number not currently used in the job, and the requesting task is placed into the new stage. This involves allocating an SDB for the new stage, and placing a new stage number in the TSB of the requestor. NMRTPS - Return to Previous Stage This operation returns the task to the stage in which it was running previous to its last Enter New Stage operation. This operation is valid only when the task is returning to a stage from which it issued an Enter New Stage SVC. If the task count of the current stage is greater than one, the task count is decremented and the stage number field is adjusted in the TSB of the requesting task. If the task count is only one, the current stage must be deleted. This requires the following: * Appending any entries in the current stage's descendant error list onto the descendant error list of the parent stage for the current stage * Searching the current stage's synonyms for $$CC and, if it is found, building another entry on parent the stage's descendent error list * Deleting all synonyms and logical names that are defined at the level of the current stage * Delinking and deallocating the current stage's SDB The descendent error list is a set of synonyms used for SCI to pass error information from one stage to its parent and to allow a background task to report error information to the foreground SCI. It consists of values for the synonyms $$CC, $$ES, $$FN, $$MN, and $$VT. Whether or not the stage is to be deleted, the requesting task may also specify a list of synonym names to be passed to the parent stage. The names must be placed back-to-back in a buffer to which bytes 4 and 5 point, with the length of each name (in bytes) immediately preceding the name. The length of the entire list must be specified in the first byte of the buffer. NMGDEL - Get Next Descendent Error List Entry This returns the first entry on the descendent error list and then deletes that entry. The entry is returned in the 2270512-9701 10-103 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document value buffer to which bytes 6 and 7 point and consists of the values that the synonyms $$CC, $$ES, $$MN, $$FN t and $$VT had when the entry was made. Entries are made when a daughter stage that has values defined for these five synonyms terminates. The values are returned back-to-back in the buffer. The first byte of the buffer must be set up by the requester to indicate the length of the buffer. Upon completion of the SVC, the first byte contains the length of the entry returned (0 if none). NMGSSZ - Get Segment Size This returns no error if the otherwise, an error is returned. job contains synonyms; NMSAVE - Save Names to a File This physically copies all currently accessible names to the file whose pathname is specified in bytes 4 and 5. The file is built with only the names that are linked to the SDB for that stage. The file can be on any disk. The pathname is of the same format used to assign LUNOs. NMCTC - Notice of Task Creation or Termination Since the Name Manager must maintain a task count for each stage, task management places an entry on the Name Manager queue whenever a task is bid and whenever a task t~rminates. Task management does not suspend while this entry is processed. A task inherits its stage number from the creator task. The initial task of a job gets a stage number of zero. The call block format for this call is shown as the name request block (NRB) in the section on data structure pictures. It uses a pseudo-subopcode )OC. NMIOU - Pass SVC to IOU after Resolving Logical Names All IOU operations that have an access name as one of their arguments are queued to the Name Manager to be processed and passed to IOU. The Name Manager resolves any logical names to their full pathnames and then passes the BRB to IOU. The Name Manager allocates STA for the full pathname and for any associated parameters and modifies the BRB to point to those structures. When IOU autogenerates a pathname for a logical name, it places the BRB back on the Name Manager queue so that the Name Manager can update the logical name with the full pathname. NMREST - Restore Names from a File Names are restored to a name segment from the file pointed to by bytes 4 and 5 of the call block. The name segment ID is returned in bytes 12 and 13 of the call block. Only one stage exists in this segment, stage O. I/O Subsystem 10-104 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 10.10.5 Stage Scope Rules. Stage scope rules are used to ensure that each stage has its own set of synonyms and logical names. These rules also enable one stage to make changes to these names without affecting the values of these same names for other stages. These rules are circumvented only when executing a Return to Previous Stage operation with names specified or when executing an IOU request that involves autocreation of a file whose logical name was previously assigned. Rule 1 When a previously undefined name is defined, the value definition block is queued to the NDB of the requesting stage only and is not accessible by other stages. Rule 2 When a name's value (as seen by the requesting stage) is changed, the previous (if any) value definition block in the chain of the requesting stage is discarded and a value definition block for the name is built and queued to the SDB of the requesting stage only and is not accessible by other stages. 2270512-9701 10-105/10-106 I/O Subsystem DNOS System Design Document SECTION 11 DISK STRUCTURES AND FILE I/O 11. 1 OVERVIEW OF FILE MANAGEMENT File management handles I/O operations directed to disk files. Code in the subsystem runs at either task level or XOP level, depending on the stage of processing and the particular operation involved. As with other I/O operations, handling begins in the request processing modules of the operating system, with some preliminary work handled by the general I/O preprocessor IOPREP; then, action is taken by the file management code itself. The initial work of file management occurs at the XOP level, with the JCA of the calling job mapped into the second segment of map file O. Processing proceeds until an SVC (or direct I/O) must be issued. At this point, a change is made to the file management task-level code. STRUCTURE OF A NEW DISK 11 • 2 Before a disk can be initialized for use by file management, it must be checked for surface defects. This is done by the Initialize Disk Surface (IDS) utility. Any defective tracks found by vendor testing must be entered when the IDS command is executed. The IDS utility does not always find all defective tracks on a disk. When using the IDS utility, the user has the option of initializing the disk for DNOS use or leaving the disk uninitialized. When left uninitialized for DNOS, the format of the disk after running the IDS utility is as follows: 1. Track 0, sector 0 has all zeros except in the word that shows the state of the disk (SCOSTA). This word has the value 2. 2. Track 0, sector 1 contains a list of bad (defective) tracks. The list consists of pairs of words terminated by a word of zero. The first word of each pair contains the head and cylinder number of the first track of a contiguous set of bad tracks. The head number is in bits 0 through 4 of the word, and the 2270512-9701 11-1 File I/O DNOS System Design Document cylinder number is in bits 5 through 15. The second word of each pair is the number of bad tracks in this contiguous set. The disk surface is required to be initialized with IDS only once. The disk may then be initialized for use by DNOS with the Initialize New Volume (INV) command as often as needed. The information about defective tracks is preserved when an INV is done, but the information can be extended by specifying additional defective tracks. The INV utility functions only if the disk has a value of 2 or 3 in SCOSTA of track 0, sector O. The value of 2 is placed there by the IDS utility, and the value of 3 is placed there by INV. For all other values of SCOSTA, the disk is considered not to have the surface initialized. 11.3 DISK DATA STRUCTURES File management uses a number of data structures on disk volumes as well as a number of in-memory data structures to process disk I/O requests. The structures on disk include information describing the disk and structures describing each file on the volume. Each of these structures is described in the section on data structure pictures. Under DNOS, all tracks on disks are initialized in physical records of one sector per record. Note that this record is a disk characteristic and is not the same as the physical record size specified when files are created. I DNOS disks are logically divided into allocatable disk units (ADUs), an integral number of sectors on the disk; the number of sectors per ADU varies according to disk size (see Table 11-1). The number of ADUs is always less than 65,536 (that is, each ADU on the disk can be addressed in a 16-bit word). The number of sectors per ADU is always 1 or a multiple of 3. ADUs are numbered from 0, with the first starting on track 0, sector 0. Table 11-2 shows the capabilities of available disks. File I/O 11-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 11-1 Forma t Avail Space (MB) No. of ADUs DSI0 4.7 DS25 22.3 DS31/DS32 2.81 DS50 44.6 DS200 169.5 FDI000 1 .15 CMD 16 13.5 CMD 80 67.3 DS80 62.7 DS300 238.3 WD800-18 18.5 WD800-43 43.2 WD800A-43 42.8 WD800A-100 99.9 WD500 4.75 WD500A 17.0 16320 25840 9744 51616 65381 4004 53196 44330 40819 62045 22311 52059 55744 65034 18560 22208 Disk Type ----------- --------- No. of Bytes No. of Sectors Sectors Heads Cylinders /Track /Sector /ADU ------ ------ ----- --------- ------ Table 11-2 Disk Type Information for Available Disks Read With Strobing -------- DSI0 DS25 DS31/DS32 DS50 DS200 FDI000 CMD 16 CMD 80 DS80 DS300 WD800-18 WD800-43 WD500 WD500A WD800A-43 WD800A-IOO 2270512-9701 NO YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES 2 5 2 5 19 2 408 408 203 815 815 77 806 806 803 803 603 603 871 871 145 694 1 5 5 19 3 7 3 7 4 3 20 38 24 38 38 26 66 66 61 61 37 37 64 64 32 32 ------- ------1 3 1 3 9 1 1 6 6 15 3 3 3 6 1 3 288 288 288 288 288 288 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 Capabilities of Available Disks Variable Read Bad With InterTrack Diagnostic Transfer Offsets leave Mapping Cylinders Inhibit ------- -------- ---------- -------- ------NO YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO 11-3 NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO YES YES File I/O DNOS System Design Document I All disks that have been following physical layout: initialized under DNOS have * Track 0, sector 0 -- Contains information about the disk volume, such as the volume name and pointers to the volume directory (VCATALOG). Template sca describes the information here. * Track 0, sector 1 -- Contains a list of bad (physically imperfect) areas on the disk. Each entry is two words: the first word is the address of the first bad ADU; the second word is the address of the last bad ADD. A zero word terminates the list. I * The remainder of track 0 contains information in the form of bit maps. I * Track 1, sectors 0 to N-2 -- Optionally reserved for disk program image loader. * Track 1, sector O. * Track 1, last sector -- A copy of track 0, sector 1. * Highest numbered (innermost) cylinder -Diagnostic information. This appears on disk maps as the file .S$DIAG. * The remaining tracks are available for I 11.3.1 Volume next to last sector disk the allocation -- A copy of the track 0, file allocation. Information. The information contained in track 0, sector 0 of all disks initialized under DNOS is called volume information. This block is detailed in the section on data structure pictures as SCO, Sector 0, Track 0. 11.3.2 Allocation Bit Map. To keep track of which areas on the disk are allocated and which are free, the DNOS disk manager maintains a bit map of allocated ADUs. The bit map is located on track 0 of each disk, starting at sector 2 and continuing through as many sectors as necessary. The bit map is divided into 1~8-word partial bit maps (PBMs). Each PBM is located in a separate sector on track O. The first word of each PBM contains the number of the ADU that begins the largest block of free disk space located in the part of the disk that is mapped by the PBM. Each bit in the remaining 127 words represents an ADU. If a bit is 0, the ADU is free; if a bit is File I/O 11-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 1, the ADU is allocated or bad. Each PBM words of information and maps 2,032 ADUs. 11.4 contains 127 16-bit FILE STRUCTURES DNOS supports three file types: relative record files (blocked and unblocked), sequential files, and key indexed files. All file types are based on the unblocked relative record type, with extra system overhead need~d to implement sequential and key indexed files. Also, three special types of relative record files are available: program files, directory files, and image files. In the following discussion of file types and structures, a physical record of a file is the amount of data actually transferred by the operating system during an I/O operation to the file; a logical record of a file is the amount of information the user transfers in one (not multiple) Read or Write SVC call. The ratio of the logical record size to the physical record size is called the blocking factor. 1 1 .4. 1 Relative Record Files. A relative record file is a file in which all logical records are of a fixed length and each record can be randomly accessed by its unique record number. Relative record files may be unblocked (physical record size accommodates only one logical record) or blocked (physical record size accommodates more than one logical record). 1 1 .4. 1 • 1 Unblocked Relative Record Files. Each logical record of an unblocked relative record file occupies one physical record of the file. A physical record may be any integral multiple of contiguous sectors. File accesses require reading or writing this number of sectors (reads and writes of multiple contiguous sectors can be accomplished via one disk access). Records read from unblocked relative record files are transferred directly from the disk to the user buffer, without intermediate system buffering. When the user specifies a particular record of the file, the record number is converted by file management to an absolute ADU number and a sector offset within the ADU. The absolute disk address is then passed to the disk DSR to perform the actual data transfer. The disk DSR converts the ADU and relative sector to a physical track and sector disk address to communicate with the disk controller hardware. 2270512-9701 11-5 File I/O DNOS System Design Document The diagrams that follow show examples of long unblocked relative record files and short unblocked relative record files. Assume that the disk in use has 9 sectors per ADU. In the first example, the record might span 3 ADUs, perhaps occupying a total of 25 sectors. Thus, 2 sectors are wasted per physical record. In the second example, each physical record might occupy 2 sectors, wasting 1 sector of each ADU. Long Unblocked Relative Record File Record Size > ADU Size LONG UNBLOCKED RELATIVE RECORD. RECORD SIZE> ADU 51 ZE RECORD I \ I ALL DATA I ,I \ ALL DATA I V " I I V ADU ADU , D ALL DATA UNUSED I V ADU 2278129 Unblocked Relative Record File Record Size < ADU Size PHYSICAL ,,-_ _....../A\,._ _ _"'" DATA ~ DATA ~ DATA ~ DATA ~ ~ ~-------------------------------~v~----------------------------------~ ADU 2278486 Note that each physical record must begin on a sector boundary. Also, a physical record that starts in the middle of an ADU may not span the ADU boundary. Blocked Relative Record Files. Files of blocked relative unblocked files except that File I/O records are treated the multiple logical records 11-6 same as may be 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document stored in each physical record. Logical records may not span physical records. Records are transferred via intermediate blocking buffers, which are ~urnished from the general pool of user space by buffer management. Note that each physical record must begin on a sector boundary and that a physical record that starts within an ADU cannot span theADU boundary. Also, when physical records are less than an ADU, the number of sectors actually taken up by a physical record is the number of sectors per ADO divided by the number of physical records per ADU. In the figure which follows, assume that the disk in use has 9 sectors per ADU. If a physical record occupies 3 sectors, three of these physical records would fit into each ADO. Each physical record begins on a sector boundary, so there is no unused space at the end of each ADU, but there may be unused space at the end of each physical record if the logical record size is not an exact multiple of the physical record size. The figure shows each physical record composed of 4 logical records and some unused space. Blocked Relative Record File PHYSICAL RECORD 1 PHYSICAL RECORD 2 IREC1IREC2IREC3IREC4~ IREC5IREC6IREC7IREC8~ 4 LOGICAL RECORDS UNUSED 4 LOGICAL RECORDS UNUSED PHYSICAL RECORD 3 IREC9 1Rfg I Rff IR1Ef ~ 4 LOGICAL RECORDS UNUSED \~------------------------------------~v~---------------------------------------JI ADU 2278485 11•4 •2 Sequential Files. Sequential files are blocked relative record files with variablelength logical records. Logical records may span physical record boundaries regardless of ADO boundaries. When a logical record spans a physical record boundary, it is broken into partial records contained in separate blocks. The first word of each physical record has two flags indicating whether the first logical record is continued from the preceding physical record and whether the last logical record is continued in the following physical record. 2270512-9701 11-7 File I/O I DNOS System Design Document PHYSICAL RECORD 0 BYTE o o 1, I FLAGS 2 8 RECORD 0 HEADER C 8 RECORD 0 TRAI LER E E RECORD 1 HEADER 4 LOGICAL RECORD 0 DATA 6 8 A 10 12 14 16 LOCICAL RECORD 1 DATA 18 1A tc 1E E RECORD 1 TRAI LER 20 8 RECORD 2 HEADER (PARTIAL) 8 RECORD 2 TRAI LER (PARTIAL) 22 24 LOGICAL RECORD 2 DATA 26 28 2A PHYSICAL RECORD 1 1 101 FLAGS 4 RECORD 2 HEADER (PARTIAL) 4 RECORD 2 TRAI LER (PARTI AL) A RECORD 3 HEADER A RECORD 3 TRAI LER A RECORD 4 HEADER A RECORD 4 TRAI LER LOGICAL RECORD 2 DATA LOGICAL RECORD 3 DATA LOGICAL RECORD 4 DATA 0 0 2 THIS WORD POI N rs BACK ro EOF HEADER NEXT RECORD STARTS IN NEX r BLOCK 2278132 Figure 11-1 File I/O Sequential 11-8 File Format 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document When set to 1, flag bits have ~h~ following meanings: * Bit 0 - First logical reco~d in this physical record continued from the precedin~ record * Bit 1 Last logical record in this physical record continues in the next record is Each logical record or partial record is preceded by a header word and followed by a trailer word. The content of the header and trailer is the number of bytes of data between them. An endof-file is signified by a zero value header and trailer •. A zero length record is indicated by a header and trailer containing )FFFF. A special condition exists when a record or last partial record ends with only one or two words remaining in the physical block. Since there is not room for another partial record (header/data/trailer), the next record begins in the following block. The last word of the current block contains the number in the last trailer plus the number of unused bytes (two or four). Figure 11-1 shows how a sequential file is arranged. Logical records of a sequential file may be blank-suppressed (defined as blank-suppressed when created). In blank-suppressed files, all full words of blanks -are removed. A blank-suppressed logical record includes a header word, a set of data, and a trailer word. The set of data includes one or more repetitions of a byte containing a count of words of blanks, a byte containing a count of words of characters with no words of blanks, and data characters. If a logical record has a length of zero, the physical record shows two words of FFFF. Figure 11-2 shows a blank-suppressed record. 2270512-9701 11-9 File I/O I DNOS System Design Document Input Record: column: 0 0 1 5 1 o 1 5 FIRST 2 o 3 o LAST Physical Record on File: *----------------------* 0016 / / +----------+-----------+ J 00 J 03 J +----------+-----------+ J 46 J 49 J +----------+-----------+ J 52 J 53 J +----------+-----------+ J 54 J 20 J +----------+-----------+ J 04 J 02 J +----------+-----------+ J 4C J 41 J +----------+-----------+ J 53 I 54 J +----------+-----------+ I 05 J 02 I +----------+-----------+ J 20 J 41 I +----------+-----------+ J 47 J 45 I +----------+-----------+ I 18 J 00 I +----------+-----------+ / 0016 / *----------------------* Figure 11-2 11.4.3 2 5 AGE 4 3 5 o 4 5 50-80 (columns 33-80 blank) (counts in diagram in hex, characters in hex ASCII) header record (0 words blanks, 3 words data) F I R S T blank (4 words blanks, 2 words data) L A S T (5 words blanks, 2 words data) blank A G E (24 words blanks, 0 words data) trailer record Blank-Suppressed Record Key Indexed Files. Key indexed files have variable-length logical records that can be accessed either randomly, by any of up to 14 keys, or sequentially, in the sort order using any key. On the disk, a key indexed file with n keys is arranged as follows: * The first 18n+3 (n=number of keys) physical records are the KIF prelog blocks. Be fore a record in the file is modified, it is written into a prelog block to prevent data loss case in an error of ( for example, power the failure) during data transfer case or in the File I/O 11-10 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document operation is parti~lly compfeted when an error occurs. If an error occurs, ihe loiged blocks are written back into the original ·file 'reco~d when the file is next opened (in the case of a system crash) or before the operation terminates (in the case of user errors), and the file operation may be~~t~ied. * The next n physical records are the roots of the balanced trees (B-trees) that are used to locate each logical record within the file by key. Every defined key has a corresponding B-tree (up to 14 B-trees); therefore, each key indexed file has n B-tree roots. * Following the B-tree root nodes are physical records that contain data as well as ·those that contain other Btree nodes. B-trees are made up of a root node, branch nodes, and leaf nodes. A root node is the first node of the tree. Leaf nodes contain pointers to the data records. Branch nodes are all of the nodes between the root and leaf nodes. A·root node may be a leaf node, in which case there are no branch nodes. A DNOS B-tree has multiple branches per node and all leaf nodes are at the same level. DNOS,"B-trees may not exceed nine levels. Figure 11-3 shows a sample B-tree in which the key values are single letters. Each node of a B-tree occupies one physical record of a key indexed file, and is called a B-tree block (BTB). Each BTB contains 18 bytes of overhead and several pointer/key value entries. These entries are sorted in increasing order of key value (smallest key value is the first entry). If the block is not a leaf entry, each pointer field points to a subtree that contains key values less than or equal to the key value associated with the pointer. In fact, the highest key value contained in the subtree is the key value associated with the pointer (as shown in the sample B-tree). Further information on general B-tree structure is available The Art of Computer Programming, Volume III by Donald Knuth. 2270512-9701 11-11 in File I/O DNOS System Design Document File I/O 11-12 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document All of the data records (logical records) of a key indexed file are contained in data blocks • . A. data block is a physical record of the file and contains 14 bytes of overhead and several logical records. The word following the ~ast logical record has a zero value. The structure of a KIF in£ormation block (KIB) is shown in the section on data structure pictures. Whenever a data record is to be-inserted in a data block, it is assigned an ID that is unique within the block. The data record is then inserted after the last logical record in the block. 11.4.4 Program Files. In ad~ition to the three basic file types, three special uses of the relative record file warrant description: program files, directory files, and image files. Program files are unblocked relative record files with a logical record size of one sector. The sector size is hardware dependent, with the smallest se~tor size being 256 bytes. Figure 11-4 shows the format of a program file. The program file directory index entry (PFI) and the program file record zero (PFZ) are shown in detail in the section on data structure pictures. The sections of information describing the contents of the program file do not always start at the beginning of records or in the same place for all program files. The following equations define the record number and the offset into the record which defines the beginning of the information. In the equations, R designates a record and F designates the offset. R1 F1 1 0 R2 R1 + {«MAX # TASKS +2)/2) F2 remainder of {«MAX # TASKS +2)/2) R3 R2 + {(MAX # TASKS +1) F3 remainder of {(MAX # TASKS +1) R4 R3 +{«MAX # PRoes +2)/2) F4 remainder of R5 R4 +{(MAX # PRoes +1) F5 remainder of R6 R5 +{«MAX # OVLYS +2)/2) 2270512-9701 * * )10) + F1} )10 + F2} * * {(MAX # PROeS +1) * 11-13 * )10 + F1} / )100 )10 + F3} )10 + F4} * )100 )10 + F2} / * {«MAX # PRoes +2)/2) * / / / / )100 )100 )100 )10 + F3} / )100 )100 )10 + F4} / )10 + F5} / )100 )100 File I/O DNOS System Design Document remainder of { ( (MAX II OVLYS +2)/2) F6 F7 = R6 +{(MAX II OVLYS +1) * )10 + F6} / F7 remainder of {(MAX # OVLYS +1) R8 R7 + {«MAX # HOLES * 4) "+2) F8 = remainder of {«MAX # HOLES * * )10 + F5} / )100 )100 )10 + F6} / )100 + F7} /)100 * 4) +2) + F7} / )100 If F8 is not equal to zero, then R8 = R8 + 1 Rl,Fl: R2,F2: R3,F3: R4,F4: R5,F5: R6,F6: R7,F7: R8: Record Record Record Record Record Record Record Record number number number number number number number number and offset for and offset for and offset for and offset for and offset for and offset for and offset for of first image names of tasks. task directory entries. names of procedures. procedures directory entries. names of overlays. overlay directory entries. unused space directory. record. The first record (record number 0) of a program file contains six bit maps. These bit maps, in order of occurrence within record 0, are for memory-resident tasks, memory-resident procedures or segments, all tasks, all procedures, all nonreplicatable tasks, and all overlays. o 1 R2:02 R3:03 R4:04 R5:05 R6 :06 R7:07 R8 *-----------------------------------------------------* OVERHEAD RECORD I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I NAME ENTRIES FOR TASKS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I DESCRIPTION ENTRIES FOR TASKS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I NAME ENTRIES FOR PROCEDURES/SEGMENTS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I DESCRIPTION ENTRIES FOR PROCEDURES/SEGMENTS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I NAME ENTRIES FOR OVERLAYS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I DESCRIPTION ENTRIES FOR OVERLAYS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I AVAILABLE SPACE LIST I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I IMAGE FORMATS FOR TASKS, PROCEDURES AND OVERLAYS I *-----------------------------------------------------* Figure 11-4 Program File Format When record 0 is initialized, all bits in the bit map are 0 except the first bit in the tasks, procedures/segments, overlays, File I/O 11-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document and nonreplicatable tasks bit maps (the bit maps occupying bytes )54 through )D3). The first bit of these is a 1, restricting user tasks from allocating ID O. Each bit map has 16 words, with 16 bits per word; therefore, each bit map can represent 256 IDs. A bit set to 1 indicates that the ID corresponding to the bit position (0 through 255) is assigned to a task, procedure, or overlay segment installed in the file. The format of record 0 of the program file is shown in the section on data structure pictures as PFZ, Program File - Record Zero. When a program file is created, the maximum number of tasks, procedures/segments, and overlays to be set into bytes )D4, )D8, and )DC of record 0 are defined by the creator of the program file. The maximum number of holes, which equals the sum of these three values, is used to calculate the number of bytes required in the overhead records for the available space list. This list is headed by a word containing the number of entries in the list. The rest of the list consists of two-word entries that describe the unallocated spaces (holes) in the image portion of the program file. Each entry contains the starting record number and the number of available records in each hole. A hole appears when an image is deleted. The hole. is recorded to be used again if a new image that is the same size or smaller than the deleted one is installed in the file. Adjacent images, when deleted, create only one hole. Figure 11-5 sho~s the format of the available space list. 2270512-9701 11-15 File I/O DNOS System Design Document *-----------------------------------------------------* NUMBER OF ENTRIES I +-----------------------------------------------------+--+ I RECORD NUMBER I I +-----------------------------------------------------+ ENTRY I RECORDS AVAILABLE I I +-----------------------------------------------------+--+ I I 1 / I +-----------------------------------------------------+--+ I RECORD NUMBER I I +-----------------------------------------------------+ ENTRY I RECORDS AVAILABLE I I *-----------------------------------------------------*--+ Figure 11-5 n Program File Available Space List The available space list uses the entire record, not 256 bytes of it as the other overhead records do. Therefore, if the list spans records, an entry is split across two records. (The first word of the entry is the last word of one record, and the second word of the entry is the first word of the next record.) The available space list is initialized at the same time record a is initialized. Its values are as follows: *--------------------------* 1 +--------------------------+ I R8 I +--------------------------+ I )FFFF-R8 I *--------------------------* R8 is the record number of the available space list. ONE HOLE BEGINS AT RECORD 8 IS )FFFF - the first R8 RECORDS LONG record following The maximum number of records permitted in a program is )FFFF. Thus, the maximum number of image records permitted in a program file is )FFFF minus the number of overhead records. The actual image of a task, procedure, or overlay must start on a record boundary in the program file. If the segment has a relocation bit map, the map begins at the first word folloWing the program segment image. However, any part of a program file can be split across secondary allocations. The relocation bit map begins at the first word following the program segment image. The length of the relocation bit map is the length of the program segment image, in bytes, divided by eight and rounded to a word boundary File I/O 11-16 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document The task, procedure/segment, and overlay name entries in the program file contain the names oj ~ll tasks, procedures/segments, and overlays installed in the program file. A name entry is eight bytes long, blank-filled to the right. The name entry is placed in the name block positio~ that corresponds to the ID assigned to that segment. For example, if task GENTX is assigned ID 1, the name GENTX is entered in bytes 8 through 15 (second position) of the name entries block for tasks. The task, procedure/segment, and overlay description entries in the program file contain information about all segments installed in the program file as well as pointers to the segment images. Each description is 16 bytes long. The figures that follow show the formats of the program file description entries, with field descriptions following each format. Figure 11-6 shows the format of the task description; Figure 11-7 shows the format of a procedure/segment description; and Figure 11-8 shows the format of an overlay description. Hex. Byte )00 )02 )04 )06 )08 )OA )OC )OE )10 *-----------------------------------------------------* LENGTH OF TASK SEGMENT +-----------------------------------------------------+ I FLAGS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I RECORD NUMBER I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I DATE INSTALLED I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I LOAD ADDRESS I +--------------------------+--------------------------+ I OVERLAY LINK I PRIORITY OF THE TASK I +--------------------------+--------------------------+ I PROCEDURE 1 ID I PROCEDURE 2 ID I +--------------------------+--------------------------+ I TASK LENGTH I *-----------------------------------------------------* maximum size Figure 11-6 2270512-9701 Task Description Entry 11-17 File I/O DNOS System Design Document Hex. Byte Description of Selected Fields )00 Length of task segment in bytes. Length of task root plus length of the task's longest overlay path. )02 Flags, as follows: Bit o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 )04 )06 Meaning When Set Privileged System Memory resident Delete protected Replicatable Procedure 1 is on the system program file Procedure 2 is on the system program file Directory entry in use Overflow Writable control store (WCS) Execute protected Software privileged Updatable Reusable Copyable Security bypass Record number. Logical record number of of the task ima~e in the program file. Date installed, i~ the following format: Bit 0-6 7-15 the start Meaning Year (displacement) Julian date )08 Load address. Relative starting address within a mapped task segment. Must be on a beet boundary. )OA Overlay link. The ID of the most recently installed overlay associated with the task~ Each overlay entry is in turn linked to the next entry so that tasks can be associated with their overlays when status or delete commands are executed. A value of 0 is used to terminate the list. )OE Task length. Last defined task code. If a BSS is the last instruction in the task, its length is not included in the value. File I/O 11-18 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Hex. Byte )00 )02 )04 )06 )08 )OA *-----------------------------------------------------* I LENGTH OF PROCEDURE/SEGMENT (BYTES) I +-----------------------------------------------------+ 1 FLAGS 1 +-----------------------------------------------------+ I RECORD NUMBER I +------------------------~----------------------------+ I I DATE INSTALLED +---------------------~-------------------------------+ I I LOAD ADDRESS +-----------------------------------------------------+ I I UNUSED (=0) )10 *-----------------------------------------------------* * maximum size Figure 11-7 Procedure/S~gment Description Entry Hex. Byte )02 Description of Selected Fields Flags, as follows: Bit o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 )04 Meaning When Set Unused (set to zero) System (segment only) Memory resident Delete protected Replicatab1e (segment only) Share protected Unused (set to zero) Directory entry in use Unused (set to zero) Writable-control store(WCS) Execute protected Write protected Updatab1e (segment only) Reusable (segment only) Copyab1e (segment only) Unused (set to zero) Record number. 2270512-9701 Logical record number of 11-19 the start File I/O DNOS System Design Document of the procedure image in the program file. )06 Date install~d, in the following Bit Meaning 0-6 7-15 )08 Hex. Byte format: -----------------Year (displacement) Julian date Load address. Relative starting address within a mapped procedure segment. Must be on a beet boundary. )OC *-----------------------------------------------------* LENGTH OF OVERLAY SEGMENT (BYTES) I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I FLAGS I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I RECORD NUMBER I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I DATE INSTALLED I +-----------------------------------------------------+ I LOAD ADDRESS I +--------------------------+--------------------------+ I LINK TO NEXT OVERLAY I ID OF ASSOCIATED TASK I +--------------------------+--------------------------+ I UNUSED (=O) )10 *-----------------------------------------------------* * maximum size )00 )02 )04 )06 )08 )OA J I I Figure 11-8 Hex. Byte )02 Description of Selected Fields Flags, as follows: Meaning When Set Bit o 1-2 3 4-6 7 8-15 )04 File I/O Overlay Description Entry Relocation bit map is present Unused (set to zero) Delete protected Unused (set to ~ero) Directory entry in use Unused (set to zero) Record number. Logical 11-20 record number of the starting 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document address of the overlay image )06 Date installed, Bit 0-6 7-15 )08 in the following format: Meaning Year (displacement) Julian date Load address. Relative mapped overlay segment. 11.4.5 in the program file. starting address within a Must be on a beet boundary. Directory Files. Directory files are unblocked relative record files and have a record length of )86 or .)100 characters. Record 0 of the directory file contains an overhead record. The remaining records in the file may contain one of the following types of data blocks: * File Descriptor Record (FDR) -- Every file cataloged in the directory is represented by an FDR, which describes the file and its locatibn on the disk. * Alias Descriptor Record (ADR) -- Every alias of a file cataloged in the directory is represented by an ADR, which gives the location of the file and points to the FDR of the actual file. * Channel Descriptor Record (CDR) -- Every channel that has an owner task in a program file in the directory is represented by a CDR, which describes ·the channel characteristics and identifies its owner task. * Key Descriptor Record (KDR) Each key indexed file cataloged in the directory is represented by an FDR, which in turn points to another record, the KDR. The KDR describes all of the keys (1 through 14) that are defined for the file. Note that the use of the KDR implies that each key indexed file cataloged in a directory uses two directory entries. Figure 11-9 shows the general structure of a directory file. Entries are made by hashing the name of the file being entered. The hash algorithm results in a record number from 1 through n, where n is the last record in the directory file. Figure 11-10 shows the hash algorithm. If the directory file record is unused, an FDR for the file being inserted is placed in that record. If the record is already used, a free record is found by a linear search from the hashed record. 2270512-9701 11-21 File I/O DNOS System Design Document Re co rd No. o 1 2 n *---------------------------* I OVERHEAD RECORD I +---------------------------+ I I +---------------------------+ I I +---------------------------+ +---------------------------+ I I *---------------------------* Figure 11-9 \ I I > DIRECTORY ENTRIES I I / Directory File Structure PROCEDURE HASH (N : number of records in directory minus NAME : name of the file being entered) BEGIN KEY : = 1; I : = 1; C := NAME[I]; WHILE C <> ' , AND I < 9 DO BEGIN KEY := «KEY * C) MOD N) + 1; I := I + 1; C : = N AM E [ I ] ; END END Figure 11-10 1, Computing a Hash Key If the file being inserted is a key indexed file, another directory record must be found to contain the KDR. This record is found by searching linearly from the FDR for the file. The KDR is inserted into the first available directory record following the FDR. The different types following paragraphs. of directory The directory overhead record directories, contains: * * records are described in the (DOR), which is record 0 of all The maximum number of records (entries) in the directory The number of currently defined f~les File I/O 11-22 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document * * The number of available rec~rds (entries) The file name of the directory * number of the directory in the disk hierarchy The level (VCATALOG) is level 0) * * The file name of the parent directory The default physical record length Each file cataloged under the directory is represented by an FDR. Files can be given other names, each name being a separate alias. Each alias is hashed to find an entry in the directory just like a file name, and an ADR is inserted in that entry. The ADR points to the actual file. It also points to the next alias for the file. Figure 11-11 shows a dump of the directory file .JB.DIR. The directory contains a sequential file (.JB.DIR.SEQ), an image file (.JB.DIR.IMAG), a program file (.JB.DIR.PROG), and a key indexed file (.JF.DIR.KIF). The directory also contains an alias for the key indexed file. The directory was created to have 11 entries in addition to record 0 which is the DOR. 11.4.6 Image Files. Image files are contiguous nonexpandable, unblocked relative record files that contain memory images of programs. They are not organized in any format; that is, each sector of the image file, starting with the first sector, is completely filled with data. There are no overhead records or words. Image files are designed so that a program image can be read into memory in a single disk access. 11.5 ALLOCATION OF SPACE FOR EXPANDABLE FILES When a file must be expanded, the amount allocated for the expansion depends on how much space is needed and where the space is available on the disk. If there is a space available contiguous with the last allocation of the file, that space is allocated for the expansion. In this case, the amount of space allocated may be less than that asked for by the file definition. If space is not available contiguous with the current file allocation, one of two secondary allocations is made. If a contiguous block is available with the size requested, that block is allocated. Otherwise, the largest available contiguous block of space is allocated as the secondary allocation. 2270512-9701 11-23 File I/O DNOS System Design Document The amount of space asked for initially is the larger of SAS * (2 ** USA) and TIMTBL(UEXT) converted to ADUs where: is the defined secondary allocation size in ADUs is the number of noncontiguous secondary allocations (ranging from 0 through 16) UEXT is the number of file extensions, ranging from 0 through 15, initialized to USA when a LUND is assigned TIMTBL(O) is 1 physical record TIMTBL(I) is 2 physical records TIMTBL(2) is 4 physical records TIMTBL(3) is 8 physical records TIMTBL(4) is 12 physical records TIMTBL(5) is 16 physical records TIMTBL(6) is 20 physical records TIMTBL(7) through TIMTBL(15) are 24 physical records SAS USA I Each type of file can have secondary allocations. An image program file can also have a secondary allocation. File I/O 11-24 in a 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document FILE ACCESS NAME: .JB.DIR F:EC OF:D: (11)01)(") OOOB (u)04 1)(105 0000 444';- 5220 :20F! 2(,20 ')(H)i) on 1I) ilt)!).: :;AME (IOFE 4A4 2 i02 i) 2020 2020 O:?,I)(.' 0000 [11 ,_'B O(l(l(i R 1)(li)(1 HECORD: OI)(Jl)Ol 0000 0002 0(~1 5345 5120 202(~ 2020 Sf C' ({IOO O(Il)O .P 2289 1)001 O(I(ln ()(/()] ;)1:'20 0000 0000 0000 0000 (1000 O(h)O i~IMH~) liH~li) 0(1::::(· i)({H) 0000 1)000 (17Be 020:: 095B 07B(: 0203 (li)40 0'7'5B 01(11 (1(100 (/(lOO (t(/(h) (10(10 (1000 0000 SAME (1090 4A4F 594:;: 4520 202(! ')000 0000 ,)00(1 000(1 ,JO Y·C E 0(;00 RECOF:[t: 000002 (1(1()(i 0000 0001 494[1 4147 2(120 2020 0000 0000 (1010 C420 (.i 120 (1120 0022 3952 0001 ()(;OO (H) (I!) .... O(l1(! I)AOO (361) (1)51) O(Ji) 1 SAME .[ .[ i)OFE SAME 1M 0036 (l7BC 0203 09[16 07Be 0203 09[16 010:; 0000 .:.~ .. .V (11)90 ,JO YC E '~;AME 4A4F 5943 4ti2(J 2020 SAME (I0FE (1(I(;el ({IOI) 0000 0000 0000 RECORD: 00000.3 0000 00(11 000:3 414(: 4941 5:320 2020 (10(10 000(1 Alj H ..' IJ AL IA 001(1 !)A 10 0000 0000 0000 0000 (1)00 0000 0000 0020 (10(11 1)000 000(1 (if)O!) (iI)')(l 0000 1)i)O(l 0000 9R r " SAME (lOFE ()(II"j(. RECORD: 1)(Jn(lil4 (1000 1)t:IO(t 0000 0000 SAME OOFE 1.I!JiJt) (H)(Il) 0000 OOCH) O(li)(l (tOOO RECORD: 000005 (1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 O!)(IO SAME (I(IFE 0000 RECORD: 0(i0006 0000 0000 (1t)(l0 0000 0000 0000 (11)(11) 0000 0000 SAME (I0FE (1000 RECORD: 000007 (10(10 0001 0007 (011) :3C20 0120 0020 0000 (104A (1030 0000 0000 0040 OBF!;' 010:3 SAME 5(152 4F47 2020 0120 001 D 3B2A OOO() (I04A 0000 0000 07B(: 020:3 0000 0000 0000 2(21) 0000 0000 •• FR 013 0001 0000 00(11) 0000 0000 0000 OBFC 07BC 0203 0000 0000 0000 (1090 4A4F 5943 4520 2020 0000 (1000 0000 (1000 SAME (lOFE 00(11) if • .J • ,J .. ( ," .'. ,JO YC E RECORD: 000008 (1000 (i(II)(! 1)(100 0000 0000 0000 0000 1)000 0000 SAME OOFE 0000 RECORD: 000009 (1000 (1001 0(;09 4B45 5946 494C 0010 lEO:3 00140 (h)50 OOBO 72B9 0020 0000 0000 (III/XI 0016 0001 0030 0011:. 01F7 t~I(~H~)A 07BC 020:3 U!)40 (ten (ito.? .)(H)A (H)(I(! (h)Ot) SAME (li)'iO 4A4F 594:3 4520 2020 (lI)(H) :3AME KE YF IL E 4520 000(1 0000 0022 0000 .P .0 rot " 1)1)1)1) 0000 0016 0015 Oe23 (i7BC 0203 0009 0000 0000 .# 000(1 0000 (1000 ,JO YC E OOFE 0000 HECOF:D: OOOOOA 0000 0000 FFFD () 1F4 0001 (,BOA 0000 0000 0000 SAME (I0FE 0000 Figure 11-11 2270512-9701 Dump of Directory File 11- 25 File I/O DNOS System 11 .6 D~sign Document IN-MEMORY DATA STRUCTURES The primary data structure used by file management during its execution is a record of the state of the request being processed, the File Manager work area (FWA). With each FM request, extra storage is allocated for the FWA when the IRB is processed by FMPREP. The extra storage is required for the following information: * * * A workspace for execution Information about the request including block numbers, offsets, several fields of the FeB needed when the FCB is not available", a description of the user buffer, a description of the blocking buffer, and vectors used to terminate processing at XOP level and reactivate at task level A stack in which called routines save registers The part of the buffered request allocated for working storage is pointed to by register 15 (RI5), except in FMPREP and FMTASK, and is addressed with the template FWA. The FWA is detailed in the section on data structure pictures, as are the other -in-memory structures. Other in-memory following: structures used by file management include the * File Control Block (FCB) In-memory structure representing the last component of a file pathname, used to access the file for direct disk I/O in conjunction with the file directory block * File Directory Block (FDB) directory tree structure table area. Provides tree to perform direct disk I/O * File Descriptor Packet (FDP) A two-word structure that is used to access an FCB * Logical Device Table (LDT) - A description of the file resource, including usage flags, ownership information, parameters, and a pointer to the relevant FDP * Resource Privilege Block (RPB) A structure used to control access privileges for resources - Single node of the in-memory located in the file management linkage and information needed to the file Figure 11-12 shows the location and relationships various file structures maintained in memory in DNOS. File I/O 11-26 in-memory between the 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document File Management Table Area +---------~--------------------+ I FDB I +--------+ I IVCATALOGI<----------------I I I I I FDB FDB I I +--------+ +---+ +---+ I I I ---)Iforl---)Ifor --I I I I ---------1 A 1<---1 B I FDB +---+ +---+ I I +---+ I I I--)Iforl<-------I I I I I C I I I I I +---+ I +-----------------------1------+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I +----------------------+1 I I I FCB II I +-1---+-------+ +------+-+ I I I for I I for II I I I .B II I I I .A.C .+-------+ +------+1 I I +------------------1---+-------+ +-----------------------I I Segment Manager Table Area I I +-------------------------------+ I I I SGB SSB SSB I +---+ +---+ I I I I +---+ ---)1 1---)1 1---···---)1 I I I +---+ +---+ I I I +---+ I I I I I SGB SSB SSB I +---+ +---+ I I I +---+ --------)1 1---)1 1---···---)1 I I +---+ +---+ I I +---+ +--------------------------------+ Figure 11-12 In-Memory File Representation File management routines fall into the following categories: * * XOP-Ievel preprocessing * Address space management, including transfers between XOP-Ievel and task-level code and the management of overlays Task-level preprocessing 2270512-9701 11-27 File I/O DNOS System Design Document * * Buffer management * Low-level processing Routines to perform file routines I/O operations that support (IODRCT) I/O SVC sub-opcode File management code resides in four different areas. Some code is found in the map 0 segment SVCSHD with other SVC processors, some is in the variable part of the operating system root, some is in the file management task segment, and some is found in overlays on disk. Table 11-3 shows the major modules found in the file management source directory and where they fit into the six major categories of routines. In addition to those listed, modules of stub routines are included for those systems that do not support particular file management options. The names of these modules include an S after the functional module name (for example, FMBKOFS is the stub for FMBKOF). Stubs are found in modules FMBKOFS, FMCKEXS, FMFBSQS, FMOPSXS, FMRDBFS, FMRDUBS, FMRWSQS, FMSQORS, FMWRBFS, FMWRUBS, and KMBEGS. The last stub is for systems that do not support KIF. Table 11-3 File Management Modules XOP-Level Preprocessing FMACTV Driver for opcode processors FMPREP XOP-Ievel preprocessing - base routine Task-Level Preprocessing FMTASK Task-level driver Address and Overlay Ma na geme nt FMOVLO Overlay header tables, one for each overlay Overlay header tables, one for each overlay FMOVL1 FMOVL2 Overlay header tables, one for each overlay Overlay header tables, one for each ove rIa y FMOVL3 memory-resident FMOVLYC Overlay code location tables systems Overlay code location tables - disk-resident FMOVLYD systems Set of overlay pool management routines FMPMGR Transfer at XOP level between SVCSHD and FMTASK FMTRAN Buffer Management FMBIO Set of routines to buffer I/O and map blocked files Copy buffer - blocked file FMCPB Interface routine for FMCPB FMCPBI - File I/O 11-28 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 11-3 File Manag~ment Modules (Continued) I/O SVC Sub-opcode Processors FMCLEF Close with EOF processor FMCLOS Close operation processor FMFBSP Forward Space/Backspace operation processor FMFBSQ Forward Space/Backspace processor for sequential files FMOPEN Open operation processor FMOPRW Open Rewind operation processor FMOPSX Open Extend sequential file operation processor FMOPUB Unblocked Open operation processor FMOPXT Open Extend operation processor FMRDF Read operation processor FMRDUF Read Unblocked operation processor FMRWF Rewrite operation processor FMSQOR Open Rewind for sequential files Unlock operation processor FMLKUL FMWEOF Write with EOF operation processor FMWTF Write operation processor FMWTUF Write Unblocked operation processor Lower Level Support Routines FMBKAD File extension FMBKOF Block number computation FMBLAJ Blank adjustment FMBSRT Blank suppression routines FMCKEX Check file extension File extension FMEXFL FMMREC Compute ADU and sector from block number FMFIO Unblocked relative record I/O interface to FMIO FMIO Read/write file block FMLKNF Lock operation processor; set of routines to check for locks; add them, and remove them FMLSET Creates LUNO for FMBIO on first buffer I/O of each FM task FMRDBR Read blocked relative record files FMRDSQ Read sequential file Read file status FMRDST FMRDUB Unblocked read of blocked files Rewrite blank compressed counter FMRWBC Rewrite sequential file FMRWSQ Update FDR FMUPFD Set of routines to check EOM; set FMUTLY parameters, and find structures FMWTBR Write blocked relative record file FMWTCK Check write privileges on a file FMWTSQ Write sequential files Unblocked write of a blocked file FMWTUB 2270512-9701 11-29 File I/O DNOS System Design Document To avoid the extra overhead required for preprocessing SVCs and I/O calls, a special interface to I/O, FMIO, is used to perform file reads and writes. This same interface is used by the task loader to perform reads and writes to the swap file, and by IOU and the File Manager to update FDR records. The calling program obtains a block of STA sufficient to buffer the disk I/O call block and initializes it as follows: BROOFL SMT address for segment containing buffer BROBBA SSB address for segment containing buffer BROLDT = PDT address for device desired BRORCB 0 (supplied by IODRCT) BROTSB EXTSB BROJSB = EXJSB BROBRO = 0 IRBSOC = 0 SVC opcode/error code IRBOC = 09/0B subopcode/O (no LUNO) IRBSFL 0 system/user flags = 0 IRBDBA = offset into buffer segment IRBICC = character count IRBOCC = character count IRBRNI ADU of disk device to be read/written IRBRN2 sector in ADU to be read/written The call block built is passed to the direct I/O routine; IODRCT. It then proceeds like an I/O SVC, but the overhead of SVC processing has been avoided. 11.6.1 XOP-Level Preprocessing. FMPREP initiates XOP-Ievel preprocessing for the File Manager, and resides in SVCSHD. It takes the I/O call block buffered by IOPREP and creates the FWA needed by the File Manager to execute at XOPlevel. I The routines in FMTRAN (File Manager task call, FMTCAL, and File Manager task return, FMTRTN) change map file 0 to map in the File Manager task segment so that it can execute at XOP level. When XOP-Ievel work completes, control is transferred back to FMPREP; consequently, the map file must be changed to its previous state. Some requests can complete execution at XOP level without changing to task-level code. The follOWing conditions must be met for execution of a file management request to complete at XOP level; such execution is referred to as fast transfer. * If the operation is active (such as write, rewrite), no other operations are outstanding for the FCB; if the operation is passive (such as read), no active operation is outstanding for the same FCB. * No requests are outstanding for the LUNO initiate I/O count must be zero). File I/O 11-30 (that is, the 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document * The overlay area is available when the opcode requires a system overlay. * If the operation is Read or Write, file. * * The LDT does not have the unblocked I/O flag set. If the forced. * request is a write bit set. Write, the file is a I blocked the LDT does not have the The required blocks are in memory. A file management request begins execution at XOP level. If a transfer to task-level code is required, the routine FMTSET from module FMUTLY is called. Such conditions can be detected at several points, both in FMACTV and in the operation processor. The following processing occurs at the level indicated: 1. (XOP) IOPREP sets the bu~y flag in the IRB prior to calling FMPREP. FMPREP passes control to FMACTV, which can call FMTSET to enter task mode. Other routines may also call FMTSET. 2. (XOP) FMPREP sets up the vector in FWAXWP (in the FMT) such that a BLWP instruction transfers control to FMTRTN (in FMUTLY). I I 3. (XOP) FMTSET checks to see if execution is already in task mode. If so, it exits. If not, it executes a BLWP instruction through FWAXWP (RI5). The only purpose of the error is to enable the caller to determine the previous execution mode. 4. (XOP) The BLWP executed by FMTSET takes control to FMTRTN, which changes the map 0 file back to SVCSHD and branches into FMPREP at label FMFXRT, which checks the busy flag in the IRB. If the flag is clear, the request is complete and the call block is directly unbuffered. Initiate event flags are checked; if one is set, the event is marked in the TSB as completed. Upon completion of the unbuffering, FMFXRT returns via a branch to NFTRTN. 5. (XOP) If the request is not complete, the value in R14 from the BLWP is stored in FWAPC (in the FWA). The busy flag is still set, causing FMPREP to queue the operation for task-level file management and exit through IORTN. The busy flag causes IORTN to suspend the calling task (if this is not initiate I/O) and exit to the scheduler. 6. (TASK) Eventually, either the scheduler chooses a management task for execution (starting at FMTASK), 2270512-9701 11-31 file or a File I/O DNOS System Design Document file management task already in execution dequeues the operation. If a buffer is required, the segment of the user program containing the buffer is also loaded. The JCA is mapped in. 7. (TASK) FMTASK puts the contents of FWAPC into its R14, computes the WP address in R13, and puts its own status in RIS. The FWAXWP and FWAXPC vector is set up to point to FMP210 in FMTASK. An RTWP is executed, thus resuming the activity in FMTSET immediately following the BLWP that transferred control to FMTRTN. FMTSET sets no error and exits. 11.6.2 Task-Level Processing. FMTASK is the driver routine that processes the start-up procedure and handles the processing between requests at task level. FMTASK is activated by the operating system queue server mechanism. When a file management task begins, the STA is mapped into the first segment, the user job JCA into the second segment, and the file management code into the third segment. FMTASK uses a workspace and stack that is allocated the first time the task is bid. That workspace is associated with the task, not with a BRB, and is used for the dequeuing and queuing calls and for acquiring the execution environment needed by the activity. FMTASK transfers execution to the point of suspension in XOP-level processing by activating the workspace in the BRB via an RTWP instruction. File management overlays are read into and executed in a pool of overlay areas allocated with the file management task segment. A set of subroutines is used to transfer control between the file management root and an overlay. 11.6.3 Flow of Control in File Management. Figure 11-13 shows the flow of control through the various parts of the file management processor and how a request is handled. Each transition in the figure is numbered. These numbered transitions are described in the list that follows. File I/O 11-32 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document +--------+ 1 +-------------+ 2 +--------+ I IOPREP 1-----) I FMPREP 1------------------) I FMTCAL I +--------+ I I +--------+ I I I 3 I I V I I +--------+ 6 +--------+ I I I FMTSET 1<----1 FMACTV 1<---+ I I +--------+<-+ +--------+ I J I I * 4 I / \ I V I * 10 YES I / OP \ 1 9 +--------+ 17 V +--------- @SOVLTO LI LI BL DATA TO ENTER DMRTN2 R9,DMOV37+)800 area R8, @SOVLTO .ERRFIL * * * * * * * RSET(LUNO) - * for reading Open a sequential file for writing CLOS(LUNO) - Close a sequential file MEOF(LUNO) - Detect end-of-file BKSPAC(LUNO) RWSEQ(LUNO) - X, to the user or batch listing file Open a sequential file REWRIT(LUNO) - at Backspace Read/write the LUNO buffer TXT ENCOD(STR,LOC,X,P,B) - Write X into field STR, at LOC in base B, with P digits of precision. starting DECODE(STR,LOC,STAT,VALUE) Read number VALUE from the, field STR, starting at the location LOC, putting status of the operation in STAT. The string manipulation utilities add strings to the output buffer TXT. They all use the common variable BC to point to the location at which the insertion begins in the text. The routines and their uses and parameters are as follows: * * ADDNMB(X) - ADDHEX(X) (includes » * ADDNAM(X,LEN) - * ADDPAT(X) Insert - - System Generation decimal number X (left Insert X as a Insert Insert justified) four-digit hexadecimal number the name X of length LEN a pathname 13-4 to which X points 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 13.4 DETAILS OF THE INITIALIZATION PHASE There are six routines in the INIT INITDB, INITHD, INITAL, and INITOP. overlay: INIT, INITCN, * INIT - Opens the JENDAT file and verifies compatibility between the file and the program. It also opens the interactive device and checks the values of synonyms assigned by the SCI command procedure used to start sysgen. * INITCN - * INITDB Initializes list headers, implication tables, the XOP tables, all answers to system questions, questions unanswered by the user, questions that are nonlistable, and questions that are preanswered to be false * * * INITOP - Initializes the SVC tables INITAL - Assigns LUNOs to input and output files INITHD - Initializes preanswered questions 13.4.1 Loads the arrays of constants used by SYSJEN INIT. INIT first finds the value of $$MO. This indicates whether the program is running in batch mode. Then, the value of $CSNAM is found to indicate the name of the system being built. The station is opened next. A Read Device Characteristics SVC is issued to find the number of lines used by the device. The listing routine uses this number to get a maximum amount of data to the screen before waiting for the user to signal acknowledgment. Finally, JENDAT is opened, and the first record (record 0) is read to find the version number of the file. If an incompatibility is found, an error message is sent to the user and processing stops. If no problem is found, INITCN is called, followed by a call to INITDB. 13.4.2 INITAL. INITAL creates the S$SGU$ directory on the target disk, if one does not exist. It then creates' the configuration directory in the S$SGU$ directory, if one does not exist. It then creates all output files needed by sysgen and assigns LUNOs for use by the program. 2270512-9701 13-5 System Generation DNOS System Design Document 13.4.3 INITCN. INITCN begins by printing an informative message to the user indicating that execution has begun. Next, the array indicating the presence of TILINE devices (TILPRE) is set to zero. All positions on the seven expansion chassis are marked unused. Six sets of devices are filled with devices containing the desired characteristics. These are LEGALDEVICES, TILINETYPES, XCESSREQUIRED, TIMEOUTDEVICES, CHARQTYPES and ASYNCTYPES. The array of device names (DEVNAM) is filled. Array QTX is initialized with constants from file JDICONS. QTX holds the pointers to question text in the JENDAT file. TQ, the array of system question types, is the last array to be filled in this routine. 13.4.4 INITDB. INITDB initializes all answers to system questions (QANS), questions unanswered by the user (QANSBUS), all questions that are nonlistable (QLIST), and all questions that are preanswered (QHASDEF) to be false. Next, all implications are cleared (that is, YESINF and NOINF are made false). Now the implica~ions are made. All names and pathnames for system questions are allocated from the heap. The list headers are made null, and the array of PDT names (PDTNAM) is initialized with text. 13.4.5 INITHD. INITHD establishes preanswered questions. QANS is made true or false (as needed), QANSBUS is made true, QHASDEF is made true, and NUMBIN is filled where needed. (NUMBIN holds either a number or a pointer to a name or pathname.) 13.4.6 INITOP. INITOP begins by initializing all SVC information to false. The array, (DESVC), is two dimensional; of size NOSVCGROUPS by SVCPARMS. NOSVCGROUPS is a small integer constant, currently 14. SVCPARMS is a scalar, with components DESIRED, and REQOND. These components represent whether the user wants to include the SVC and whether it is required. The array of SVC IDs (OPSVC) is initialized to false. This array is used to build RPSDAT and to decide which optional processors to include in the link stream built in the BUILD phase. INITOP then initializes DESVC by assigning those values that are initially true. Next the SVCGRP array is filled. This array is used in the BUILD phase to decide which SVCs have been chosen. A value of 0 indicates that the SVC is required, -2 indicates nonexistence, -3 indicates that the SVC System Generation 13-6 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document is included if the COmmon option is chosen, indicate an SVC group chosen by group name. 13.5 and other numbers DETAILS OF THE INTERACTIVE PHASE Major routines in the INTERACTIVE phase are ASKQST, DEFSTR, COMMND, CHANRT, DELRT, and LISTRT. The translation routine, TRAN, is also in this overlay and is called by any routine needing a response parsed. Several other support routines are available throughout the phase. 13.5.1 General Support Routines. TRAN TRAN parses the user response and returns a token in common variable TR. If the user terminates a call with the CMD key, TRAN directly calls COMMND. This routine removes blanks from the answer. It also intercepts a STOP any time one is entered by a user. COMMND entered. Then the COMMND calls TRAN on each user command proper routine is called to perform the desired function. CHANRT, DELRT, and The routines called from COMMND are an escape from the LISTRT. The INQUIRE command causes COMMND routine. SETUP SETUP is used by INITI to convert answers what looks like configuration file to collected data. read from a interactively Error Routines Two error routines in the INTERACTIVE phase are ERRMSG and PUNT. ERRMSG produces the set of questions and error messages that result from answering a question incorrectly that was asked by ASKNAM, ASKNMB, ASKYN, OR ASKPAT. If the error occurs while a configuration is being read, PUNT is called to indicate which record was in error. PUNT terminates the program. 13.5.2 Asking System Questions. The ASKQST routine asks all system questions by looking for the question type of QTA in array TQ. Then, one of the five prompting routines (ASKNAM, ASKNMB, ASKYN, ASKPAT, ASKELM) is called to prompt for and validate the answer. This is one of two major drivers in the INQUIRE mode. These five routines all use the numeric fields of the JENDAT file for information about 2270512-9701 13-7 System Generation I DNOS System Design Document acceptable answers to the question. The fields that contain answer information are DEFt AAT t LB t UB and NEXT. DEF contains a default answer. AAT is .the acceptable answer type. LB and UB are lower and upper bounds on the answers. NEXT is the record number which logically follows this question. ASKNAM ASKNAM is used to ask name questions. This routine uses the DEF field to represent the ordinal of the default answer, if any exists. The possible values for AAT are as follows: 0 indicates that any answer is acceptable; 1 indicates that the only acceptable answer is either LB or UB (that is, an answer must begin with a letter whose ordinal is LB or UB); and 2 indicates that the question must be answered. If DEF is 0, no default answer exists. ASKNMB ASKNMB uses DEF as the default numeric answer. The possible vBlues for AAT are as follows: 0 indicates that any answer is acceptable; 1 means that an answer must be larger than LB to be acceptable; 2 indicates that the answer must be between LB and UB inclusively; and 3 indicates that the only acceptable answers are LB or UB. This routine is a function. ASKYN ASKYN uses DEF in a type transfer to Boolean values as the default answer, such that 0 represents false and 1 represents true. The possible values for AAT are as follows: 0 indicates that a default exists and 1 indicates that no default exists. This routine is a function. ASKPAT producing prompts and ASKPAT uses the logic of ASKNAM for error messages. Then, this routine checks for valid pathname syntax, producing any prompting necessary because of pathname syntax. ASKELM uses the logic of FNDANS. It will not stop unless ASKELM the answer is found or the command key is entered. FNDANS NEXT, comparing the TXT FNPANS starts with record number fi~ld of each record with the answer supplied by the user. When a match is found, the DEF field is returned as the an s·w e r • F NDAN S i s a fun c t ion, ret urn i n g f a I s e i f noma t c h is found. System Generation 13-8 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 13.5.3 Defining Structures. DEFSTR, the other driver in the INQUIRE mode, defines devices, XOPs, and system-supplied optional supervisor calls. The routines used are ADDDEV, ADDXOP, and ADDSVC. They include the logic needed to call the prompt~ng routines for user interaction, answer validation, and error message production. ADDDEV ADDDEV asks questions that allow the user to define devices. Also included are the routines ADV2, ADV3, ADV4, DEVINT, RENAME, ADDTPD, ADDVDT, ADDSD, and ADDCOM, which are continuations of ADDDEV. ADDDEV initializes a local copy of an empty device definition and calls DEVINT to ask interrupt and address-related questions. ADV2, ADV3 and ADV4 are called to ask other devi£e questions. These routines ask all of the unanswered questions. Then, RENAME is called to revison bar off name this device. If the user answers all questions, a permanent copy is created from the heap and linked to all other devices on a singly linked list. ADDTPD is called to ask more TPD questions. ADDVDT is called to ask more VDT questions. ADDCOM is called to ask more communications device questions. ADDSD is called from ADV3 to ask more special device questions. The declaration for a device is as follows: DEVICE = RECORD LINK DVTP INTRPT POSITION CHASSIS SYSNAME TIMEOUT CHARQ XCESS CRUBIT NODR INTERFACE CHNNMB ADDRESS CASE DEVTYPE OF DS, DK : ( RECSIZ DEVPTR; DEVTYPE; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; ARRAY [1 •• 4] 0 F WRD; INTEGER; INTEGER; BOOLEAN; (* RECORD INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; : TRUE *) INTEGER ) ; LP : ( WIDTH PMODE XCHAR MULATOR LP SPEED INTEGER; BOOLEAN; BOOLEAN; INTEGER; INTEGER; (* (* SERIAL = TRUE *) EXTENDED = TRUE *) ) ; 2270512-9701 13-9 System Generation DNOS System Design Document VDT ( KSR ( ASR ( INTEGER; BOOLEAN; INTEGER; BOOLEAN; INTEGER; VDT TYPE GOT-A PRINTER SPEEDSWITCHED OUTPUT FIFO ); TERMINAL TYPE BAUD RATE ACU PRESENT ACU-ADDRESS ECHO FULL DUPLEX COMM- INTERFACE SWITCHED LINE INTEGER; INTEGER; BOOLEAN; INTEGER; BOOLEAN; BOOLEAN; INTEGER; BOOLEAN ); CASXCESS : " BOOLEAN ); COM RECORD = TRUE ( BOARDTP USRBRDTP SPNAME BUFSIZ NOMDL IPCNOSES PROTOCLS COMBRDTP; COMBRDTP; WRD; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; ARRAY [0 •• 3] OF PROTO_REC; ) ; SD VT ( SDNUMB SDTIL ( VTNUMB INTEGER; BOOLEAN); INTEGER); " SD NUMBER " TILINE DEVICE ." " 0 F VT END; ADDSVC ADDSVC adds system optional SVCs to the user-generated system. This routine asks for a group name. The user enters an abbreviation or the whole name, and ADDSVC calls FNDANS to find the group number of that group name. If this group is available on the generated system, it is added to the table of desired SVCs (DESVC). Otherwise, an error message results. The definition of the DESVC is as follows: SVCPARMS = ( DESIRED, REQOND, NSONC); DESVC : ARRAY [1 •• NOSVCGROUPS,SVCPARMS] OF BOOLEAN; ADDXOP ADDXOP asks for the level of the XOP first. If that level is available the user is asked for the entry point of the XOP processor, the workspace pointer (WP) of the processor, and the pathname of the object code of the processor. The information is kept in the table XOPA. The pathname is kept in the heap as are all other pathnames. The definition of XOPA is as follows: System Generation 13-10 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document XOPVECTOR = RECORD HERE BOOLEAN;:" XOP DEFINED XOPPC ASMNAM; -'" ENTRY POINT LABEL XOPWP ASMNAM; "WORKSPACE LABEL XOPNAHE PPTH " PATHNAME OF OBJECT POINTER END; XOPA : ARRAY [0 •• 14] OF XOPVECTOR; 13.5.4 Changing Structures. To change a structure, the user must first identify it. The system then searches for the specified structure. If it is found, it is deleted and redefined. The routine CHADEV handles this processing for devices, ~hile CHANRT handles it for XOPs. CHANRT calls routines FNDQST, CSYQST, FNDXOP, and ADDXOP. CHADEV calls FNDDEV, DELDEV, RENAME, and ADDDEV. FNDQST is used by CHANRT to decide which question is being FNDQST abbreviated by the user. The questions are scanned sequentially until one that has been correctly abbreviated is found. To correctly abbreviate a keyword, both the keyword and the abbreviation must begin' with the same letter. All letters in. the abbreviation must appear in the keyword and in the same order. The first letter following a blank in the keyword must match the first otherwise unmatched letter in the abbreviation. If the abbreviation is unmatched, the value returned by this function is false. CSYQST changes system questions. If the question is CSYQST currently preanswered, it is marked unanswered and made listable. Any other questions between this question and the expansion card questions are unanswered. FNDDEV FNDDEV asks for the device name and searches the device list for a device with that name. The pointer to the device is returned, if found, or an error message is produced. FNDXOP been defined on the FNDXOP verifies that a given XOP has level that the user enters. If that level has not been defined, an error message is produced. If the XOP was defined, the value is returned in common variable CXOP. DELDEV This delete routine deletes an item by linking around the item and disposing of the heap space used by the structure. Devices are kept in singly linked lists in the heap. XOPS are kept in an array in common; consequently, they require 2270512-9701 13-11 System Generation I I I I I I I I DNOS System Design Document no delete 13.5.5 routine. Deleting Structures. DELRT operates similarly to CHANRT except that DELRT never issues a call to add a new structure; it issues calls only to the routine that finds the desired item and to the routine that deletes that item. 13.5.6 I Listing Structures. LISTRT is the routine that produces configuration listings. These listings may be produced at the station for viewing by the user or to a file to be read by another use of SYSJEN or for later reference. The routines used by LISTRT are FORM, SHOWDV, and LIST2. LIST2 is a continuation of LISTRT, which calls FRMXOP. These routines all call DUMYUP and LOOK which transfer text from the JENDAT file to the output buffer, eliminating string constants from the program. All of these routines call ADDHEX, ADDNAM, ADDNMB, and ADDPAT for string operations~ DISPAT is called by all of these routines. It directs the output to either a file or the interactive device. If the program is, in the INTERACTIVE phase, the' user sees the list; otherwise, the information is written to the CONFIG file. FORM FORM is used to fill in the answers to system questions. The type of question is found in array TQ, and the answer is added to a line of text read from the JENDAT file. LOOK LOOK reads a record from JENDAT, scans for the question mark in the text field, and initializes common variable BC to point to the question mark. Thus, answers may be encoded into the field. I SHOWDV SHOWDV uses the logic of information about a device. I FORMDV, FRMXOP FORMDV, and FRMXOP build the lines of information about devices and XOPs to or the user. FORMDV to show all pertinent text for displaying the configuration file FILLTB FILLTB is called after every system question is answered to update the question-answered table by implication. This routine uses common arrays YESINF and NOINF to answer certain questions for the user. System Generation 13-12 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 13.6 DETAILS OF THE BUILDING PHASE The flow through the BUILD phase is linear. The first module called is INITBL, which initializes data structures that cannot be initialized as long as the user can change his mind. The next routine called is SYSJCA, which defines the system job. BLDWSR is called to build interrupt decoder tables. PDTBLD builds the PDTs. BLDSSB builds the SSBs. If communications devices are genned, BLDSWS and BLDDSR build the files required to build the communications software scheduler and communications device service routines, respectively. Throughout the process, all of these routines and BILDRT itself depend heavily on the COpy routine. Although the COpy routine is physically split into 17 different routines, they all function as one routine. COpy is used to access data in the JENDAT file, process it as specified in that file, and output it to the files for the built system. INITBL INITBL marks the SVCs required by system common and system disk in addition to those that were chosen by the user. The OPSVC array is then filled by assigning the values indicated by SVCGRP and the DESVC array. The use of each interrupt level is then determined (INTUSE) and expansion chassis .use is marked in array CHSINUSE. INITBL marks the combinations of communications boards and protocols which have been chosen by the user. This information will be saved in the COMSTATUS array. If communications devices have been genned, INITBL will call INITCM to create all files required for communications link. Finally, INITBL will set the flags used 0 load the DSR overlays. SYSJCA SYSJCA scans the job list, O. If such a job exists, it this job does not exist, used to prevent special case later routines. looking for a job with an ID becomes the system job. it is created. This routine coding for the system job of If is in BLDWSR first builds the workspaces for the interrupt BLDWSR decoder. This routine uses array INTUSE, which was initialized in INITBL to decide what devices are available at each interrupt level. The workspace is different for single device per interrupt, multiple device per interrupt, one or more asynchronous TILINE controllers per interrupt, and each of the expansion chassis. If an interrupt level has more than one device, a multiple interrupt decoder table is built for that interrupt level. The table consists of interrupt bit positions used for polling in the interrupt decoder, and interrupt vector pointers. The table is of variable length. If an interrupt level has one or more 2270512-9701 13-13 System Generation I I DNOS System Design Document I I I I I asynchronous TILINE controllers, a multiple interface table is built. This table consists of the controller address and a pointer to the table of channel entries. The table of channel entries consists of the interrupt vector pointers and the controller chanriel number. If a device has been defined on an expansion chassis, a table of interrupt vector pointers for that chassis is built. The size of the table is 24 entries. Then, all interrupt vectors are built, one for each device that shared an interrupt level on the main chassis and each device on an expansion chassis. PDTBLD PDTBLD is the main driver used in building PDTs. Note, however, that PDTFIL builds the fields needed to fill in the template kept in the JENDAT file, and PDTGO calls for the correct pieces of the template that are kept in the JRNDAT file. PDTBLD sets either a flag in the common variable DCODE to indicate that the current device is the first device of a multiple drive cont~oller, or a flag in COmmon variable CASFLAG, to indicate that the current device is a cassette drive. PDTBLD also chooses the correct name to be used in filling the PDT template. PDTBLD is also responsible for producing the trailer equate for the end of the PDT chain. Note that this trailer equate is not produced if RTS is present. PDTFIL defines the values of flag words, labels, and special constants used in filling the template. These include the device type flags, device status flags, the address, and the interrupt level. PDTGO decides where to begin copying in the JENDAT file. Some PDTs have no extensions, while others have as many as three. BLDSSB builds the SGB in the system table area, then builds BLDSSB SSBs for the segment management table area, file management table area, system root, and system COmmon. The fields that must be initialized are the link field, run-time ID, segment attributes, use count, segment group block pointer, segment beet address, and length of the segment. This routine initializes these fields and calls the correct copy routine to build the SSBs of the STA. System Generation 13-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 13.7 I JENDAT FILE SYSJEN maintains a large amount of data in the JENDAT file, which is a random file of Pascal records. The definition of the record type is as follows: TYPE GENMSG = RECORD DEF AAT LB UB NEXT LEN TXT INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; INTEGER; PACKED ARRAY [1 •• 76] OF CHAR END; The uses of each field are described first for the INTERACTIVE phase of SYSJEN and then for the BUILD phase. (The uses differ greatly.) Since the field names are based on their original uses in the INTERACTIVE phase, they do not accurately portray their uses in the BUILD phase. The names were chosen from the following uses of each field: Name DEF AAT LB UB NEXT LEN TXT 13.7.1 Use Default answer Acceptable answer type Lower bound on answers Upper bound on answers Record number that logically follows Length of the text that follows Message text Interactive Use of the JENDAT File. The length field is used in the call block as the number of characters to be written. The text field contains the message to be written to the user's screen. Five types of questions asked by sysgen determine how the fields of the record are to be used. The types of questions asked are as follows: * Number questions * Name questions * * Element questions Pathname questions 2270512-9701 13-15 System Generation I DNOS System Design Document * YES/NO questions Number Questions. Number questions use the default field to find the answer to be used if the user hits the RETURN key in response to a question.63No conversion is necessary. The value in the AAT field signifies the following: o 1 2 3 any numerical answer is acceptable any number greater than LB is acceptable any number X such that LB <= X <= UB is acceptable only LB or UB is acceptable This scheme allows the ASKNMB routine to determine the validity of answers without special case code for each question that requires a number answer. If only one of three or more noncontiguous numbers are acceptable, special case code is still required. Consider the following example: REC /I 20 DEF AAT 60 3 LB 50 UB NEXT LEN TXT 60 21 20 LINE FREQUENCY? (60) Record number 20 asks for the frequency of the line voltage. The default answer is 60. The default is always included in parentheses in the text to inform the user of the default. Since AAT = 3, the only acceptable answers are 50 or 60. The length of the text string to be written is 20 characters. This permits the response to be accepted directly after the question, without scanning the text string. The NEXT field indicates that if the user responds by entering a ? or incorrectly answers the question, the longer form of the question is at location 21. This permits many changes to be made to the JENDAT file with no changes in program logic, and recompiling is not necessary. Often, several records are logically followed by the same record. Such is the case when, in answering the second question, the user incorrectly defines the interrupt levels. All of these error messages may be provided with the same text, as shown in the following example. (Note that all of the text will not fit across the page in this example.) REC /I DEF AAT 179 9 2 REC /I DEF AAT 180 7 2 LB 3 LB 3 UB NEXT LEN TXT 15 185 49 WHAT IS THE UB NEXT LEN TXT 15 185 46 WHAT IS THE INTERRUPT LEVEL INTERRUPT LEVEL This example asks for the interrupt level of a tape unit and then the interrupt level of a flexible diskette. The default is either 9 or 7. The acceptable- answers are the same, but the question lengths differ slightly. N~tice that the next logical System Generation 13-16 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document record is the same for each. question. use the same text at recor.d 185. Seven other questions also Often, the value of NEXT is O. This indicates that record is the last of a chain. This will be the last the current request will di.splay. the current record that Name Questions. Name questions assume that only the first character of the answer is significant. The default contains the ordinal of the first character of the name. The value of AAT is as follows: 0 indicates that any answer is acceptable, 1 indicates that only ORD(LB) or ORD(UB) is acceptable, and 2 indicates that the user must answer the question. If AAT is 1 and DEF is 0, no default exists. As a result. the question (or a similar question) is asked until it is answered correctly. The following example asks for the type of line printer being defined. The user is expected to answer either serial or parallel. The default is serial. The ordinal of S is 83, and the ordinal of P is 70. Thus the user may hit the RETURN key to indicate serial (the default). Any answer except a RETURN or words that begin in S or P are treated as incorrect answers. REC II 272 DEF AAT 83 1 LB 70 UB NEXT LEN TXT 83 273 20 PRINT MODE? (SERIAL) In the next example, the user is asked for the workspace label of a special DSR. Any answer is acceptable, but note that an answer must be given. REC II 344 DEF AAT o 2 LB o UB NEXT LEN TXT 0 345 14 DSR WORKSPACE? Element Questions. Element questions use the default answer if AAT is 1 and the user hits the RETURN key in response to the answer. Otherwise the value of NEXT points to a list of valid answers. The list can then be searched using ASKELM, which compares the user response to the TXT (message TEXT). If a match is found, the DEF field is returned as the answer. Otherwise, the next logical record is searched. (The next logical record is pointed to by the field NEXT. If NEXT is 0, this signifies the end of the list). This process is continued until a match is found or the CMD key is pressed. If an invalid answer is entered, then the longer form of question is asked. An example of an element question is one follows: 2270512-9701 13-17 that asks baud rate, as System Generation DNOS System Design Document REC # 1820 DEF ATT LB 000 UB NEXT LEN TXT o 1822 10 BAUD RATE? The next physical record of the file has the first line of the explanation of the question and records starting at 1822 have the valid options. The entries for the valid responses include as the DEF field the internal value needed by SYSJEN. NOTE The first line of the longer question must be physically after the short question. The valid answers must be logically after the short form. This applies only for the element questions. WARNING The internal value (the DEF field) usually plays a significant role during the build (and sometimes the inquiry phase) of Sysgen. When adding or deleting elements from these lists, great caution should be used. Pathname Questions. Some questions are answered by pathnames. These questions use the logic of the name questions. When a valid name has been entered, (almost anything is an acceptable name), the syntax of pathnames is checked. Thus, no special entries are made in the file. In the following example, the user is forced to enter a name. The syntax requirements are treated in no special way in the JENDAT file; only the text gives any indication of the requirements of the answer. REC# 870 DEF AAT o 2 LB o UB NEXT LEN TXT 0 867 25 APPLICATION PROGRAM FILE? In the following example (defining the KSB for a special device), the user is not forced to answer the question; this means that the device does not have a keyboard. REC# 337 DEF AAT o 0 System Generation LB o UB NEXT LEN TXT 0 338 11 KSB? (NONE) 13-18 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Yes/No Questions. Yes/No questions have as default answers the internal Pascal representation of true and false, 1 and O. The value of AAT is as follows: 0 indicates that a default exists, 1 indicates that no default exists and the user. must answer. In the following example, the user is defining a line printer. The question determines whether an extended character set is available on that printer.REC II 277 DEF AAT LB 000 UB NEXT LEN TXT o 278 14 EXTENDED? The default is NO, and the user default. 13.7.2 may press (NO) RETURN to get the BUILD Use of the JENDAT File. The JENDAT file is predominantly used for building source code in the various modules that describe the system being generated by SYSJEN in the BUILD phase. The DEF field is used as follows: if DEF is 0, no processing is required on the field; if DEF is 1, AAT contains the type of modification that is required. This value is used as the case statement variable of the COpy routines in SYSGEN. The use of the values of NEXT and LEN in the BUILD phase is similar to their use in the INTERACTIVE phase. The remaining fields are of variable usage. The LB field is almost always a pointer into the record. This value is the column number of the first column that requires modification. In the example that follows, a label is inserted on a PDT. REC II 378 The DEF used to If the and the DEF AAT LB 103 UB NEXT LEN TXT o 379 13 PS EQU $ flag signals that the record must be modified. Case 0 is indicate adding the current device name into location LB. current device is DSOl, this name is inserted at column 3 record is modified as follows: PSDSOI EQU $ Generally, the UB field is O. However, it is sometimes used to mark a second column for modifications, as in the following example where an interrupt vector is being defined. REC II 594 DEF AAT 1 29 LB 15 UB NEXT LEN TXT 29 0 57 IV DATA ,SG3BGN,MP The device name is added at co~umn 15, and an offset determined by the device type is added at location 30. Internal logic also adds the name at column 3 and a field determined by the device 2270512-9701 13-19 System Generation DNOS System Design Document type at column 13. If the device type were VDT and the current name were STI6, the record would be modified as follows: IVST16 DATA KBSTI6,SG3BGN,MPSTI6 Sometimes the UB field does not hold a location in a specific record; instead, it holds the current location in a section of records. For example, consider building the expansion chassis interrupt decoder table. This table is 24 records long, each containing either 0 or a label of an interrupt vector (as in the previous example). REC # 830 DEF AAT 1 28 LB 15 UB NEXT LEN TXT 6 831 14 DATA IV In this example the UB signifies that the user is building the seventh entry, the entry for interrupt position 6. If the current device name was STI6, the seventh entry in the interrupt table would become: DATA IVST16 This use of UB is prevalent in the table building portions of sysgen, although its use as a column number is more COmmon. The only accurate means of determining its use is to examine the source in the COPY modules. 13.7.3 Sample Copy Module. The following copy module indicates the BUILD usage from the SYSJEN program. The entries are divided into groups of ten to simplify the requirements on the compiler. The COpy module has a case statement that uses the AAT field.divided by ten to determine which sub-COPY module to call to process the record. The ATT field is a hexadecimal number. To determine which subCOpy module is going to be used, convert ATT to decimal and divide by ten. The example given determines whether to include the given record in the link stream. The record in question should be included if the system is a DNOS/D. REC # 1621 DEF AAT 1 SF LB o UB NEXT LEN TXT 0 1622 20 PHASE 3,CFDFOV the COpy The AAT field of SF indicates that case number 95 of module is called to process this record. The code is taken from COPY9. System Generation 13-20 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document BEGIN DISK := QANS[DISKQST]; KIF := QANS[KIFQST]; CD := QANS[CDFQST]; FM := QANS[FMQST]; CASE JMSG.AAT MOD 10 OF o PRFLAG:= QANS[EXFQST]; 1 PRFLAG:= NOT FM; 2 PRFLAG:= NOT CD; 3 PRFLAG:= FM; 4 PRFLAG.- CD; 5 PRFLAG:= DISK; 6 PRFLAG:= NOT DISK; 7 PRFLAG:= NOT KIF; 8 PRFLAG:= KIF; 9 PRFLAG:= NOT QANS[EXFQST]; OTHERWISE ; END; END; The variable PRFLAG indicates that the record should be printed if the value is true; otherwise it should not be printed. 13.8 JENDAT EDITOR A special editing program is available to the DNOS development staff to maintain and modify the JENDAT file. This editing program is documented in the section on DNOS tools. 2270512-9701 13-21/13-22 System Generation DNOS System Design Document SECTION 14 LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING 14.1 LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS The DNOS logging system logs information (.S$LOGI and .S$LOG2) and "an optionally The log is used to inform the operator the hardware and/or oper~ting system. following types of messages: to the system log files specified log device. or user of the state of The log contains the * Device errors with after an operation * * * * * * * Device errors with the offending call block the controller images before and Abnormal task termination Statistics from a DSR Operating system informative messages User messages (from SVC )21) Cache memory errors Memory parity errors The DNOS accounting system logs information concerning use of system resources by user tasks to the system accounting files (.S$ACT1 and .S$ACT2). Entries are made for the following events: * * * * * * Job initialization Task termination Job termination Spooler device use Initial program load (IPL) User-defined 2270512-9701 (from SVC )47) 14-1 Logging and Accounting DNOS System Design Document 14.2 LOGGING AND ACCOUNTING TASKS The logging and accounting systems each have a queue server task to write data to the disk files. Whenever data is to be written to either the log or accounting files, an entry containing the data is put on the appropriate queue to be processed by the queue server. Since the function of writing data to the disk files is similar in both queue servers, several subroutines are shared between the tasks. If errors are encountered while writing to the files, then a message is generated for the log device and th~ attention device. 14.2.1 LGFORM. The system log formatter task (LGFORM) serves the system log queue. This queue has system log blocks (SLBs) generated by user tasks using SVC )21 and from a variety of operating system sources. LGFORM first ensures that logging is functional. It then dequeues one entry after another until the queue is empty. For each log entry, LGFORM builds one or more lines of system log text and outputs it to the system log file (one of two possible system files) and, optionally, to a system log device. Since the log queue is a finite limit, there may be times when more messages are sent to the queue than will fit. In that case, DNOS increments a lost message count in the newest entry on the log queue. When LGFORM processes a log entry, it checks the lost message count. If it is greater than zero, LGFORM outputs a message showing how many log entries were lost. Other error conditions are also monitored and reported. If the files and/or log device should become inoperative, a message is sent to the attention device specified during system generation. When one of the log files becomes full, a message is also sent to the attention device. The alternate file will then become the log file in use. 14.2.2 LGACCT. For each LGACCT is the task that processes the accounting queue. entry on the accounting queue, LGACCT builds an accounting record and writes it to the accounting file that is currently in use. Like the log files, when one accounting file is filled, LGACCT switches to the other accounting file. Errors in the accounting files are also reported to the log attention device. Unlike the log files, the accounting files contain binary data instead of text. For information on processing the data in the accounting files see the DNOS System Programmer's Guide. Logging and Accounting 14-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 14.3 SUPPORT ROUTINES Since many of the functions of the log and accounting system are similar, many of the following routines are linked into both systems. LGALUN LGALUN is used to assign a LUNO to the output in use. It may be used for either the log accounting files. LGATTN LGATTN is used to write a message one has been specified. file currently files or the to the attention device if LGCHEK If an error is encountered while writing to the log files and log device, then LGCHEK will delay and continue retrying the request until it succeeds. LGSWTH When an output file fills up, LGSWTH is called to close the current file and open the other file. The new file is marked as the current file. If there is a task specified to process the files, then that task is bid after the files are switched. If both a system-supplied task and a user-defined task are supplied, the system-supplied task is bid first. This routine can be used for either the log or accounting files. LGWACC outputs LGWACC accounting file. an accounting record LGWDEV LGWDEV writes a message to a device. log device or the attention device. to the current It may be used for the LGWLOG LGWLOG outputs a log message to the current log file. It also ensures that the log files are switched when one fills up and that the message goes to the log device if one has been specified. 14.4 MISCELLANEOUS MODULES Several modules are used throughout DNOS to generate log entries. LGACHN It receives LGACHN is a task that runs in the spooler job. system containing device spooler IPC messages from the 2270512-9701 14-3 Logging and Accounting DNOS System Design Document accounting records. LGACHN is responsible for putting those accounting records on the accounting queue. LGDEV LGDEV is a routine in the DNOS kernel that is used to generate log messages 'for device errors. It calls LGQBLK after setting up a device message. LGGLOG system restart to LGGLOG is a task that is invoked during read the crash dump from the previous crash and retrieve any log messages that were generated before the crash but did not make it to the log file. Those messages are then written to the log file. LGQACC LGQACC is a kernel routine to the accounting queue. LGQBLK LGQBLK is a kernel log queue. that queues an accounting record routine that queues a log message to the LGRCRT is a task that is invoked when the log or accounting LGRCRT files need to be created or recreated. When recreating a pair of files, it ensures that the new files are created before destroying the old files. LGSVC LGSVC is the module in the DNOS kernel that processes user log message SVCs (SVC )21). It generates a log record to be queued to the log queue. PMACCT PMACCT is the kernel routine that processes the accounting SVCs (SVCs )47 and )49). For the log accounting entry SVC ()47), it creates an accounting record and queues it to the accounting queue. For the get accounting information SVC ()49), it returns the accounting information for the requested task in the call block. Logging and Accaunting 14-4 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document' ~ECTION 15 DNOS PERFORMANCE PACKAGE 15 • 1 OVERVIEW The DNOS Performance Package uses the 990/12 writable control store (WCS) to enhance DNOS speed. This section describes the WCS component and also describes the way DNOS operates without the WCS component. 15.2 DNOS SOURCE CONVENTIONS DNOS source has two components that enable use of WCS for speed enhancement. These are a set of XOPs and a' routine in the NUCLEUS source directory named NFMAT. For a number of system routines, the execution takes place in WCS when the performance package is available and otherwise, takes place in memory (referred to as default code). The access to the system routines is via XOP instructions, placed into the DNOS source code by macros. These macros are described briefly in the section on naming and coding conventions. In addition, NFTBID ensures that all system tasks that are bid have their WCS status bits turned on. This will cause routine calls to go to microcode. The XOP assignments are as follows. XOP XOP XOP XOP XOP XOP XOP 10,Rl 10,R2 10,R3 10,R4 10,R5 11,RX 12,RX RPPRCK RPSGCK NFRTA NFGTA NFGTAO NFPOPX NFPSHX It is important to note that the microcode assumes that bit 11 of the instruction is a zero. This is used to quickly decide what map file the caller is in. This means that only direct register addressing can be used in the XOP instructions. Any violation of this rule generates unpredictable results. NFMAT is NFMAT is a data area that starts at location )EO. used to tell the microcode the location of things it wants to access 2270512-9701 15-1 DNOS Performance Package DNOS System Design Document in memory. For example, it cont~ins the address of JCASTR. Since the microcode uses its own equates, the order of the data in NFMAT must not be changed without changing both the default and performance microcode modules. Data used to crash and provide addresses for the default microcode starts at location )100. Since the microcode can only map an eight bit constant, this area is addressed by shifting an eight bit number to the left one bit and using that as the address. For this reason, some addresses have equates in the microcode that are only half of their expected value. This also means that if new data is added after )100, the corresponding equate in the microcode must be divided by two to force it into eight bits and 'multiplied by two to generate the correct value. The end of NFMAT contains a set of ASSUME statements. These ASSUME macros are needed because the microcode will reference fields within a block (like TSBMLl). If these assumes should fail, then the equates in the default and performance code must be changed. If the microcode should ever need to crash, the PC will be placed into Rl1 and the crash code written to location )104. The program will then return out of microcode at location )100 which contains a BLWP to NFCRSH. 15.3 I MICROCODE CHARACTERISTICS The microcode is divided into two modules: the performance code and the default code. The performance code is used to speed up DNOS and the default cOlde provides an interface when performance code is not installed so "that a 990/12 can execute XOPs efficiently. XOPs are decoded in the following manner: 1. The XOP instruction is vectored into WCS 2. The XOP level provides a first I 3. The correct routine is found level of decoding from a branch table The default control store is used so that XOPs can be executed on a 990/12 quickly_ Since it is always loaded, it is linked in with the IPL procedure. If SLWCS finds no WCS image file on disk, it moves the default code into the WCS segment. Located before the WCS object is a module called PFWCSO. This module simulates the overhead found in an image file. It contains the number of microwords in the file, the start address, and other information. If default code is being changed, PFWCSO must be changed to reflect the new length. Equates for new symbols must also be added to the microcode. DNOS Performance Package 15-2 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document 15.4 MICROCODE CODING CONVENTIONS This section describes th~ standard conventions used to write microcode. It specifies the",syntax, labels, and comments that microcode should contain. It is assumed that the reader has read the 990/12 Microcode Development System Programmer's Guide or that he knows 990/12 microcode language. 15.4.1 Standard Syntax For Microcode States. Since the microassembler does not specify an order in which microcode mnemonics are written, an informal standard has been adopted for DNOS microcode. This order makes the microcode states more orderly and facilitates reading. The format of a state is: LABEL: READ, ALUI. XAC, or an expression whose value is numeric Alphanumeric characters surrounded by quo t e rna r k s (") 1 to 6 ASCII characters Number String Label An expression is any combination of numbers or addresses using addition or subtraction. The addresses used in an expression may be stated as labels that have been previously defined to have a numeric value. Arguments to the commands may also use signed numbers, preceding the number by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. Indirect arguments can be specified by preceding the argument with an asterisk (*). In addition to labels defined by the user with the EQU command, there are a number of predefined labels. Table 16-2 lists and defines the predefined labels. Table 16-2 Predefined Labels for Tigress Commands La bel Meaning ADDRND CMDSCB DATSCB ECHSCB LSTSCB NEWMEM PC First illegal (upper) Tigress address Address of SVC b~ock used to read commands Address of SVC block used to read data file Address of SVC blo~k used to write echo Address of SVC block used for listing file Start of memory acquired with GET command The record number of the current command Tigress user registers 0 through 15 Address of start of the SVC block used by Tigress to issue user specified SVCs Address of stack of arguments from last BRL command RO - R15 SVCB STK The labels in Table 16-2 can be used in the DSP command to find the location of special Tigress structures. These labels cannot be redefined by the user. The address 2270512-9701 space used by TIGRESS looks as follows: 16-5 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document 0000 +---------------------------------+ I REGISTERS RO - RlS I 0032 +---------------------------------+ I SERVICE CALL CONTROL BLOCK I ? +---------------------------------+ I USER DEFINABLE ADDRESS SPACE I I I I I ,I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I X I +---------------------------------+ I FIRST INVALID ADDRESS I The entire set of command options is listed in Table 16-3. In addition to these, users may specify a comment line in a cOmmand file by placing an asterisk in the first column of the line. The 3 letter command must begin in column 1 and the argument list must begin in column S. Each argument, except strings, generates 2 bytes of data. The commands are described in the paragraphs following the table. DNOS Tools 16-6 2270S12-9701 DNOS System Design Document Table 16-3 Command BRL DSP END EQU GET INC INP JMP JPB JPF LBL MSG MVI MVS RBT RTE RTN SBS SBR SBT SCB SEI SRI SLI SNI SES SHS SLS SNS SVC 2270512-9701 Tigress Commands Parameters label [ ••• number/address/string] number,address string,number number address,number address,number1,number2 number "label" "label" "string" string address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] addressl,number,address2 address,number address,number address,number address,number numberl,[,number2] address,numberl,number2[,number3 address,numberl,number2[,number3 address,numberl,number2[,number3 address,numberl,number2[,number3 addressl,number,address2 addressl,number,address2 addressl.,number,address2 address1,number,address2 [num be r , ••• ] 16-7 ••• ••• ••• ••• ] ] ] ] DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document BRL [label, ••• string] The branch and link to subroutine command saves the current value of PC, builds an argument list in the stack area, and branches to a specified subroutine. (See also RTN and RTE.) For example, BRL SUBl,)0400,@)100,A,B,23,"ABC" would cause subroutine SUBI to be called with a stack as follows: PC )0400 @)100 A B 23 )4142 )4320 14 Location of the BRL command within the command file Whatever 16 bit address this Whatever this is equated to Whatever this is equated to resolves to AB C The length of the argument list in bytes The value of STK is changed to point to the length word (the 14 in the above example). The stack itself resides within the Tigress task area, but is not modifiable by the user. It is expected that a subroutine would pick up its arguments as follows: EQU EQU "ARGIAD",STK-*STK "ARG2AD",ARGIAD+2 EQU "ARG1",*ARGIAD NOTE (1) Subroutines may call other subroutines several levels deep if needed. However, the total stack area is 120 bytes. An error will occur if a BRL is attempted which will overflow the 120 bytes limit and the BRL will be ignored. (2)Text strings may be passed as arguments. They are put directly in the stack with a blank at the end if the length would be odd. The subroutine must either be capable of determining the length or the length should be passed as a separate argument. Also, such strings will quickly consume the 120 bytes of stack space, so use this feature with discretion. Since a variable length string in the stack would make it inconvenient to find an argument which followed the string, DNOS Tools 16-8 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document it is recommended that only the last argument (if any) of a subroutine be such a string. (3) The subroutine address (SUBl in the above example) must have been previously defined with an EQU command before the subroutine can be called. DSP number,address This command displays the number of bytes specified, starting at the address specified. The address is rounded to an even numbered address if necessary. Memory is displayed in multiples of 8 words per line of output. Each line of output shows the memory address of the first word displayed, eight words of data in hexadecimal, and the same eight words of data in ASCII. END The END command is used to terminate execution of Tigress. A termination message is output, and control returns to the task that activated Tigress. EQU string,number This command is used to assign a value to a label. The label can then be used as a parameter or as part of an expression in other commands. The string specified is the label to be used, and the number specified (or expression that evaluates to a number) is the value retrieved whenever the label is used. GET number This command gets 32 times the number of bytes of memory to be included in the Tigress address space. The address of the first word of this block of memory is equated to the string NEWMEM. Note that NEWMEM is undefined until this command is executed. On subsequent executions of the command, NEWMEM points to the start of the new block of memory acquired. INC address,number The number specified address specified. is added to the current value at the INP address,number1,number2 This command causes number1 bytes of data to be read from the data file into memory at the address specified, starting from record number2 of the file. JMP number This causes Tigress to execute next the command that is located at a distance specified by number. JMP 0 indicates 2270512-9701 16-9 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document that this same command should be executed. JMP -2 indicates that Tigress should proceed to the command preceding this command by two, JMP 3 indicates that the next two commands should be skipped. This command is not meaningful if command input is from a terminal. (Comments count as commands.) JMP is an unconditional command but can be used with the skip commands below to accomplish branching. JPB "label" The jump backward to label causes a jump back in the command file until an LBL command is found with the same string operand as is on the JPB command. For example, JPB "ABC" jumps back in the file until a command of LBL "ABC" is encountered. The operand must be in quotes since it is not entered in the symbol tahle. It is treated as an ASCII string. The string may be of any length, but only the first six characters are used in the comparison. JPF "label" The jump forward to label command works like JPB except that the jump is in the forward direction rather than backward through the command file. LBL "string" This command denotes a place for a destination of a- JPF or JPB command. The string may be from 1 to 6 characters long. MSG string The string specified is output to the listing file. This is useful for noting success or failure in a test stream and for documenting the test in progress. MVI address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] This command causes a move to the address specified of numberl bytes of data specified in number2 through the last parameter. Each argument creates two bytes of data. Example: MVI ADDR,l,)FF will move zero not )FF since the data value is )OOFF. MVS addressl,numberl,address2 This command causes a move to addressl of numberl bytes from address2. RBT address,number This command resets (sets to zero) the bit at specified by the number argument in the specified address. DNOS Tools 16-10 the position word at the 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document RTE the current The return with error command returns from subroutine to the second command after the BRL which was of last encountered. The stack is popped so that the value STK is changed to the location of the saved argument list for the previous subroutine call (if any). RTN The return from subroutine command returns from the current subroutine to the first command after the BRL which was last encountered. As with RTE, the stack is popped. SBR address,number The SBR command tests the bit at the given position number in the specified address and skips the next command if the bit is reset (equal to zero). SBS address,number The SBS command tests the bit at the given position number in the word at the specified address and skips the next command if the bit is set to one. SBT address,number This command sets to 1 the bit at the given position number in the word at the specified'address. SCB numberl[,number2] This command builds the SVC at the address specified by the first argument, with the argument list beginning at the second argument address, and executes the SVC. If only one argument is specified, then the currently existing SVC at that address is executed. (This is similar to the SVC command except that the address is specified instead of defaulting to location SVCB) SEI address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] SRI address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] SLI address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] SNI address,numberl,number2[,number3 ••• ] Each of these commands compares the string of length numberl at the address specified with the value expressed in number2 through the last argument. If the comparison succeeds, the next command is skipped. SEI causes a skip if the comparison is equal, SRI if the first argument is high, SLI if the first argument is low, and SNI if the first argument is not equal to the immediate data. These commands are not meaningful if command input is from a terminal. 2270512-9701 16-11 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document SES addressl,number,address2 SHS addressl,number,address2 SLS addressl,number,address2 SNS addressl,number,address2 Each of these commands compares the number of bytes specified at addressl with the data at address2. If the comparison succeeds, the next command is skipped. SES causes a skip if the comparison. is equal, SHS if the first argument is high, SLS if the first argument is low, and SNS if the arguments are not equal. These commands are not meaningful if command input is from a terminal.· SVC [number, ••• ] If the argument list is null, the SVC currently at address SVCB is executed. If an argument list is presented, it replaces the data currently at SVCB, and the new SVC specified at SVCB is executed. 16.3.2 Directives of Tigress. There are two directives which can be used to modify the manner in which Tigress reads and processes commands. These directives allow for buffering of Tigress commands to reduce file I/O interference for test instructions and test data. Like commands they consist of 3 characters and must begin in column 1 with column 4 left blank. Columns 5 through 80 may contain comments and are ignored. Directives are treated as commands and comments by the jump and skip commands. The directives are as follows: BUF this directive Tigress proceeds to read Upon encountering Approximately 200 and buffer commands in its memory space. commands may be buffered. UNB Upon encountering this directive Tigress discontinues buffering commands and begins executing commands in memory beginning with the first command buffered. If a jump is made from a buffered command to a command outside the range of buffered commands the buffered mode is discontinued. If a jump is made into an area of buffered commands buffering mode is not initiated because Tigress did not encounter the BUF command. A BUF command following a BUF command but preceding the UNB command causes no action. An UNB command not preceeded by a BUF command causes no action. While in buffering mode any messages output by the MSG command will also be buffered. If MSG commands are included in a BUF-UNB. block of commands then the DNOS Tools 16-12 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document number of commands which may be buffered is reduced. Echo output while in buffer mode i~ suppressed. The DSP command output is not affected by the buffet mode of operation. 16.3.3 User Defined Commands For Tigress. When Tigress encounters a command it searches its definition table and if the command is found a BLWP is made with the value of the command in the table being the address of the start of the code to be executed for that command. This method of implementing command execution enables the user to define his own command as if if it were a Tigress command. The procedure for doing this is to equate a 3 character label to a location at which code is to be executed. By using MVI commands the machine code is placed in memor-y. The last machine instruction must be a RTWP ( )0380). When the code is to be executed simply enter the label equated as a command. Tigress will search the table of equates and, finding the label, will process it as a command. This feature can be used for things such as initiate mode I/O where a separate call block must be built and executed. 16.4 THE SYSTEM DEBUG UTILITY Since it is not always possible or convenient to use the SCI debugger or some other testing task, an interactive system debug program is available. This program allows the user to display and/or modify the workspace pointer, program counter, registers, and memory; to set as many as 16 software breakpoints in the code being debugged, and to step through the code one instruction at a time. The program interacts with the user by doing I/O to a 911 VDT or an ASR device. This program does not work on a 940 or 931 VDT. About twenty-five commands are available for use with the debug program. Each command is specified by a single character. When the character is recognized as a command, the debug program calls the appropriate processor, that may in turn require additional parameters to be input. Whenever the program is expecting a command to be input, it prompts with a question mark (?). Parameters that are entered are usually hexadecimal constants of up to four digits. A parameter is terminated by the fourth digit or by a period or Return key if less than four digits are specified. If an invalid digit is typed, the entire parameter is ignored and may be reentered for most commands. In Some cases, invalid input causes the debug program to terminate. 2270512-9701 16-13 DNOS Tools I I DNOS System Design Document 16.4.1 Details of Debug Commands. The entire set of commands and parameters is shown in Table 16-5. Each command is detailed in the paragraphs that follow. Commands that allow the user to modify contents of some location first display the current value. If no value is entered, no change is made. Table 16-4 shows the command parameter types and their meanings. Brackets indicate optional parameters. Table 16-4 Parameter Types for Debug Commands Type Meaning reI adr bt Offset relative to the current base address Absolute address in a task Beet bias address for the segment being addressed, located via map file information carried in the TSB NOTE Breakpoints should not be used on instructions that change CURMAP (for example, instructions that move something to the OS label CURMAP) or on instructions that change map file (for example, LMF Rn,O). They must never be set on interruptable instructions; that is, XOP, MOVS, and a number of /12 instructions. ° DNOS Tools 16-14 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Ta ble 16-5 Command ------- Commands for System Debug Program Description A adrl[ bt adr2] Display and alter memory long distance B reI Set a breakpoint relative to current base Display condition code in C status register D a dr 1 adr2[ bt adr] Display memory long distance Examine locations relative to E rell[ re12] current base F Display and alter following memory long distance Inspect local memory I [adrl adr2] Show all local workspace registers J List all instruction breakpoints L Display and alter contents of M adr memory address Display and alter contents of N next" memory address Set add res s for bas e 0 f" reI a t i ve 0 offsets Display and alter current program P counter Quit debugging session Q Display and alter contents of Rn register n (Hex) Set breakpoint at address in local S adr address space Unset one or all breakpoints U [adrJ Display and alter address of W workspace pointer Execute a single instruction and X stop Continue after current breakpoint Z Add the numbers nand m + n m Subtract the number n from m - n m Display a menu of all commands ? A - Display and alter memory long distance This command is used to display and alter memory that is not mapped into the current task address space. The form of the command is A xxxx bbbb yyyy where xxxx is the address of the memory location to be displayed and altered and bbbb is the starting beet bias of the segment in which the memory 'location resides. The optional yyyy parameter specifies a logical address at which the segment bbbb is supposed to 2270512-9701 16-15 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document start. The appropriate beet bias can be determined from the map file information in the task status block (TSB) or the segment status block (SSB) of the task being debugged. The bbbb and yyyy values default to their previous values. B - Set a breakpoint relative to current base This command is valid only if the base address has been set correctly using the 0 command or the base address of the program being debugged is zero. The form of the command is B xxxx where xxxx is the offset from the base value at which a breakpoint should be set. When the program is executing and reaches the breakpoint, all current workspace. registers are displayed; and the debug program prompts for a debug command. C - Display condition code in status register The form of this command is C=xxxx yyyy where xxxx is displayed as the current contents of the status register and yyyy is entered by the user as the new status register contents. D - Display memory long distance This command is used to inspect a portion of memory that is not mapped in the current task address space. The form of the command is D xxxx yyyy bbbb zzzz where xxxx is the starting address of the to memory to be displayed, yyyy is the ending address, and bbbb is the starting beet bias of the segment in which this portion of memory resides. The bbbb and ZZ&Z default to their previous values. The optional zzzz specifies the starting logical address of the segment at bbbb. The beet bias can be retrieved from the task status block (TSB) of the task being debugged (use TSBML1, TSBML2, or TSBML3 depending on whether segment 1, 2, or 3 is being examined), or use the SSB to get the address. Like the I command, this command displays memory in blocks of )10 bytes, showing the starting address of each line of the display. E - Examine locations relative to current base This command is valid only when the base address has been set using the 0 command or the starting address of the program being debugged is zero. The form of the command is E xxxx where xxxx is an offset from the current base. _The )20 bytes of memory starting at the offset is displayed in the same format as used for the I command. F - Display and alter following memory location long distance This command can be used after an A command to examine the following memory location, similar to the N command is used after an M command. DNOS Tools 16-16 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document· I - Inspect local memory This command allows the user to inspect a range of memory locations in the local task address space. The form of the command is I xxxx yyyy where xxxx is the starting address of the range to be inspected and yyyy is the ending address of the range. If an invalid address is specified, the debug program will terminate. Both the starting address and ending address are optional. If neither is specified, )20 bytes of memory are displayed, starting at the current program counter address.. The display shows )10 bytes per line of the display, preceding the data with the first address of the data. If only the starting address is specified, )20 bytes of memory are displayed, starting at that address. If both arguments are supplied, a multiple of )10 bytes is shown, starting at an even address and including at least the amount specified. - Show all local workspace registers This command displays all workspace registers on one line of the display. L - List all instruction breakpoints This command lists all breakpoints currently set in the program. If an initial base address has been set using the o command, this list includes the relative offset from the base for each breakpoint as well as the absolute address of each breakpoint. M - Display and alter contents of memory address This displays M xxxx=yyyy zzzz where yyyy is the current value at local memory address xxxx and zzzz is the desired new value at that address. Only addresses currently mapped in the task space may be modified with this command. N - Display and alter contents of next memory address This command is used after an R, M, or another N instruction to display and/or alter the next memory address after the address examined previously. The command form is N xxxx=yyyy zzzz where xxxx is the address displayed by the debug program, yyyy is the current value, and zzzz is the new value supplied by the user. o - Set address for base of relative offsets The form of this command is 0 xxxx yyyy where xxxx is supplied by the debug program to show the current base and yyyy is supplied by the user as the new base. After this command has been used to specify the initial address of a program, the Band E commands can be used to set breakpoints and examine memory locations according to offsets from that base. This feature enables a user to work from an assembly language listing and easily determine where to stop J 2270512-9701 16-17 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document execution and where to examine data. P - Display and alter program counter This displays PC=xxxx yyyy where yyyy is typed by the user to indicate the new value desired for the program counter. Q - Quit debugging session The Q command terminates the debug program. If the debug program is linked as part of the operating system, this causes the system to idle. If linked with a user task, the Q command terminates that task. Rn - Display and alter register n This displays Rn=xxxx yyyy where yyyy is typed by the user to indicate the new value desired in register n. S - Set a breakpoint With this command, the user can set a breakpoint at any address currently mapped in the task space. The form of the command is S xxxx where xxxx is the local memory address at which execution should halt. When the breakpoint is reached, all current workspace registers are displayed; and the debug program prompts for a debug command. U - Unset one or all breakpoints The form of this command is U xxxx where xxxx is the address at which a breakpoint has been set by either the S or the B command. The breakpoint specified is unset. If xxxx is not specified, all currently set breakpoints are unset. W - Display and alter workspace pointer This displays WP=xxxx yyyy where yyyy is typed by the user to indicate the new value desired for the workspace pointer. x - Execute a single instruction This command allows the user to step through the program being debugged, one instruction at a time. After one instruction is executed, all current workspace registers are displayed; and the debug program prompts for a "debug command. This command may not work predictably when used on a breakpoint which is currently set. Z - Continue after breakpoint When this command is issued, execution proceeds from the current breakpoint to the next breakpoint, if there is any. Unless a U command is used, the breakpoint that was just used rema~ns in th~ code and can be reached again. + - Add numbers The form of this command is + xxxx yyyy zzzz where user types xxxx and yyyy and the debug program computes as xxxx+yyyy. DNOS Tools 16-18 the zzzz 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document Subtract numbers The form of this command is - xxx x yyyy zzzz where the user types xxxx and yyyy and the debug program computes zzzz as yyyy-xxxx. ? - Display a menu This displays the menu of all available debug commands, showing the characters required and an English description of the commands. 16.4.2 Establishing the Debug Environment. The system debugger can be added to the disk image of a DNOS system by executing the DEBUG command, located in the .S$SYSTEM.S$$CMDS command library. Before executing the DEBUG command, the following preparations should be made: 1. Verify that the DEBUG procedure ID 1. procedure is in .S$SHARED as 2. Make the two root segments on the image program file updateable. This can be done by issuing the XSCU and QSCU commands. Issue the XSCU command with the following responses. [] XS CU EXECUTE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION UTILITY SYSTEM VOLUME: SYSTEM NAME: where: An LDC listing appears. Press the Command key. Now issue the QSCU command with the following response: [] QS CU QUIT CONFIGURATION UTILITY SESSION ABORT?: 2270512-9701 16-19 NO DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document 3. Determine the illegal XOP WP and PC values the LSM command with these responses: [] by issuing L SM LIST SYSTEM MEMORY OVERLAY NAME OR ID: STARTING ADDRESS: NUMBER OF BYTES: LISTING ACCESS NAME: ROOT >SO 040 Record the first two values starting at address OOSO (for example, 2CA8, CS6A). These are the illegal XOP WP and PC values, respectively. 4. Now you are ready to install the debugger. to give access to the DEBUn command S$SYSTEM.S$$CMDS, .S$CMDS). S. Then enter [] Enter ( [ ] .USE .USE the DEBUG command: DEBUG ADD/REMOVE SYSTEM DEBUGGER ADD/REMOVE/MODIFY?: TARGET DISK/VOLUME: SYSTEM NAME: XOP LEVEL ( 0 - 14 ): DEBUG TERMINAL CRU: DEBUG TERMINAL TYPE: ILLEGAL XOP WP: ILLEGAL XOP PC: alphanumeric device name@ (*) alphanumeric (*) integer (1) integer (>100) {9I1,KSR,ASR,VDT,EIA,TTY} (911) integer (>2C48) integer (>CS6A) Use the debug command to add or remove the system debugger from the disk image of a DNOS system, which is located in program file . . The command may also be used to modify the operating characteristics (for example, debug terminal CRU address) of a previously installed system debugger. PROMPT DETAILS: ADD/REMOVE/MODIFY? Enter ADD to add the debugger to a system. Enter REMOVE to delete the debugger from a system. Enter MODIFY to change the operating characteristics of a previously added debugger. DNOS Tools 16- 20 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document TARGET DISK/VOLUME Enter the name of~ the disk volume containing the system to be debugged. SYSTEH NAME Enter the name of the system to be changed. The system kernel image file resides on a program file with the name 2C40) set by the B instruction, will change. 6. Note the third word of the display returned by the DEBUG command. This is the value which will be used as the breakpoint instruction. It should be equivalent to the assembly language instruction XOP RO, where fourth 2270512-9701 is the number you entered for the prompt of the DEBUG command. Using listings and 16- 21 DNOS Tools I DNOS System Design Document linkmaps, choose the address of the task (DSR, SVC processor, etc.) where you wish to set your initial breakpoint. Use the MPI (or MRF) command to modify the executable code image at that address to contain the value noted above. Remember the proper value so that the instruction can be be restored when you are debugging. 7. Reboot the system or execute the task or whatever it takes to cause entry to the code of interest at the selected address. Use the M debug command to restore the code at the initial breakpoint address, then set up the debug environment that you require. Use the X or Z debug command to proceed with the execution of the code to be debugged. 16.5 THE PICT UTILITY The PICT utility is used in the DNOS source library to create tables from the assembly language templates to be used by Pascal code and to generate documentation pictures of the assembly input, generating Pascal record descriptions and/or line- drawing picture files. PICT is controlled by the use of macros (verbs) in the assembly language input files. These macros expand to appropriate assembly language code when used with the macros defined in the DNOS file .S$OSLINK.MACROS.TEMPLATE directory. The PICT utility can be accessed by using the PICT command in the .S$SYSTEM.S$$CMDS directory. The command has the following prompts, with descriptions as outlined below. PICT (CREATE DATA TABLE PICTURE) SOURCE FILE(S): filename PICTURE FILE: [filename] PASCAL OUTPUT FILE: [filename] PAGE CONTROL?: (YES,NO,Y,N) I (YES) Prompt Details: SOURCE FILE(S) Specify the file or files you want to have examined by the picture processor. If more than one file is specified, the files are concatenated and processed as a single file. PICTURE FILE Specify the pathname for DNOS Tools the picture file 16-22 to be created 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document PASCAL OUTPUT FILE Specify the pathname statements. for the file of equivalent Pascal PAGE CONTROL? Specify NO if you want no embedded carriage control in the picture file that is being built. Specify YES if you want carriage control. If you specify YES, the picture file will have a notation of (CONTINUED) after every 55 lines. The complete set of verbs available with PICT is shown 16-6 along with the intended purpose of each verb. in Table The verbs are shown with brackets [] to indicate optional arguments and braces {} to indicate that a choice must be made from the indicated options. .~ Since the assembly language macros automatically generate the label xyzSIZ for the structure named xyz, users must avoid using their own labels of the same format. The verbs are used in appropriate groupings to define various types of structures. The major structures are framed by DORG and RORG, CSEG and CEND, and PCKREC and ENDREC. The" first pair of verbs is used to to define an assembly language DSEG and a corresponding Pascal packed record variable declaration. The second is used to define an assembly language CSEG (with data to be initialized in an assembly language routine) and a corresponding Pascal packed record variable declaration. The third pair of framing verbs provide an assembly language DSEG and a Pascal packed record type declaration. The first and second set of framing verbs are intended to be close to the work done in assembly language, while the third set provides easy definition of Pascal packed record structures with variants. 2270512-9701 16-23 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document Table 16-6 Verbs Used in Generating Structures VERB [label] ADDR) [label] ARRAY BITS BSS BYTE CEND [label] CHAR COpy CSEG [label] DATA DORG ECHO ENDREC label EQU [label] EVEN FLAG [label] FLAGS [label] INT LIST [label] LONG PAGE PCKREC [label] POSINT [ I a be 1] P TR [label] REC [label] [label] RORG UNL VARNT [label] WORD o number of elements, [comment] {INT,LONG,POSINT,WORD} or a type defined with PCKREC [label,] number of bits [comment] number of bytes [comment] o [comment] number of characters filename 'label' o n or label [comment] [comment] [comment] o [comment] [comment] [comment] [comment] [comment] [comment] o [comment] label [comment] [comment] [comment] [comment] n or label label {8,16} o type type specified by PCKREC above n or label o [comment] [comment] The COpy verb is used to bring in a file before the PICT utility processes the entire input file. If the input file refers to a user-defined type or constant, the appropriate file must be copied in to supply the definition. Any number of COpy verbs may be used, but they cannot be nested. That is, a file may not copy in a file which uses the COpy verb. Most of the other verbs can be used independently of each other, and they can appear in any of the three framing verb pairs. An exception is the set of verbs used to define flags fields. The verbs FLAGS, FLAG, and BITS must be used in a relatively restricted fashion. The FLAGS verb must appear first, defining the number of flags being generated to be either 8 or 16. This can be followed by an appropriate number of FLAG and or BITS verbs to complete the field of 8 or 16. The entire field does DNOS Tools 16- 24 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document not need to be explicitly defined. PICT will generate a filler label and allocation in the Pascal structure, and the assembly language macros generate only the required equates for the flags defined. For many of the verbs, the operand field is optional. However, if a comment is used, the,operand field must be supplied to avoid parsing part of the comment as operand. 16.5.1 Assembly Language Output. The following paragraphs describe the effect of each of the verbs for the assembly language output. The succeeding set of paragraphs describe the Pascal output, and a third set of paragraphs describe the picture output generated by PICT. I [ 1 abe 1] AD DR 0 This generates a one word integer [label] ARRAY n,type This generates an optionally labeled field with a BSS for the appropriate number of bytes to allocate n instances of the type specified. BITS [label,]n If a label is specified, an EQU is generated with the label equated to the current autogenerated bit number within the FLAG field. [ 1 a be 1] B S S 5 This is a standard assembly language directive. [label] BYTE 0 This is a standard assembly language directive. CEND This is a standard assembly language directive. [ 1 a be 1] CHAR n This generates a BSS for the number of characters specified. COpy filename This is a standard assembly language directive. CSEG label This is a standard assembly language directive. [label] DATA 0 This is a standard assembly language directive. DORG n or This label is a standard assembly language directive. 2270512-9701 16-25 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document ECHO This is ignored. ENDREC This terminates a record definition begun with PCKREC. generates a size equate aaaSIZ where aaa is the name of packed record and an RORG 0 statement. label EQU n or label This is a standard BLOCK 3 assembly language directive. It the RESERVE [label] EVEN This is a standard assembly language directive. FLAG label This generates an EQU, with the label equated to the current autogenerated bit position within the FLAGS field. The first flag position is always position O. [label] FLAGS {8,I6} If the operand is 8, this generates a BSS 1. is 16, it generates a BSS 2. IF the operand [label] INT 0 This generates a BSS 2. LIST This is a standard assembly language directive. [label] LONG 0 This generates a BSS 4. PAGE This is a standard assembly language directive. PCKREC name This begins a packed record, indicated by a DORG O. Notice that if the packed record is to be assembled as well as used with PICT, the structure name is limited to a maximum of three characters. [label] POSINT 0 This generates a BSS 2. [label] PTR type of pointer This generates a BSS 2. [label] REC type This uses the aaaSIZ equate built during processing of a PCKREC to generate a BSS of the appropriate size. DNOS Tools 16- 26 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document RORG This is a standard as~embly language directive. UNL This is a standard ,assembly language directive. VARNT n or label This generates a DORG n, where n is the value of the label. the supplied value or [label] WORD 0 This generates a BSS '2. 16.5.2 Pascal Template Output. The following paragraphs describe the output generated by PICT for use in Pascal code. In cases where a label is output to the Pascal file but no label is supplied by the input line, PICT generates a label of the form FILLxy where xy begins at 00 and is incremented by 1 with each new filler label used. In most cases, the comment found on an input line which generates an output line is also found on that output line. The exceptions are output lines of PACKED RECORD, CASE INTEGER OF, and variant labels. Each output file is intended to be unlisted in a Pascal program. The first line is always (*$ NO LIST *) and the last line is always (*$ RESUME LIST *). [label] ADDR This generates: label: ADDRESS; (ADDRESS is defined DNOS file .TEMPLATE.PTABLE.TYPES as O •• #FFFF) [label] ARRAY n,type This generates: label in the PACKED ARRAY [1 •• n] OF type; BITS [labe1,]n This generates: label: O •• m; where m is the maximum value which can be expressed in n bits. For example, BITS ALPHA,3 generates ALPHA: 0 •• 7; [label] BSS n This generates: labe,l PACKED ARRAY [1 •• n] OF BYTE; [label] BYTE 0 This generates: label: BYTE; (BYTE is defined in the file .TEMPLATE.PTABLE.TYPES as O •• #FF) DNOS CEND This generates: 2270512-9701 END; for a CSEG file. 16- 27 DNOS Tools DNOS [label] CHAR n This generates: label System Design Document PACKED ARRAY[l •• n] OF CHAR; COpy filename This causes no Pascal output. CSEC label This is the beginning of a packed record named by the label. It generates: label = PACKED RECORD (where label has no quotes, though the CSEC label does) [label] DATA 0 This generates: label: WORD; (WORD is defined file .TEMPLATE.PTABLE.TYPES as O •• #FFFF) CSEC the in the DNOS. DORC n or label Depending on where it appears in an input file, this might be the start of a packed record or the beginning of a variant in the packed record. It is recommended that PCKREC be used when creating new structures and that DORC be used only for compatibility purposes. (DORC will also be needed if the structure must have a starting location counter value that is non-zero.) When encountered the first time in a file, DORG 0 generates xxx = PACKED RECORD where xxx is the first three characters in the next line with a label (unless that line has an EQU directive, in which case it is skipped). When encountered in succeeding lines of the file, DORG generates a variant at the current level. Thus several DORC statements in succession with the same operand will generate variants at the same level. A new operand on a succeeding DORC defines a deeper level of nesting. It is necessary, of course, to have all variants (and variants within variants) at the end of the structure being defined. (See the description of VARNT for further details.) ECHO The entire input file is ignored and no Pascal output is generated other than the NO LIST and RESUME LIST directives. The ECHO option is intended for files of equates needed only for assembly language use. ENDREC This generates: construction. END; for the packed record under label EQU n or label This generates no Pascal output. [label] EVEN Th i s i s i g nor e d • DNOS Tools 16-28 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document [label] FLAGS {8,16} This begins a flags boolean values. It FLAG label This identified a [label] INT 0 This generates: field, that is label a gen~rates: packed record PACKED RECORD flag and generates: label label INTEGER; label LONGINT; of BOOLEAN; LIST This is ignored. [label] LONG 0 This generates: PAGE This is ignored. PCKREC name This generates: name = PACKED RECORD [label] POSINT 0 This generates: label: POSINT; (POSINT is defined in the DNOS file .TEMPLATE.PTABLE.TYPES as O •• #7FFF) [label] PTR type of pointer This generates: label @type; [label] REC type This generates: type; label RORG T his i sus edt 0 t e r min a t.e 'a pac ked r e cor d It generates END; s tar ted by DO R GO. UNL This is ignored. 2270512-9701 16-29 DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document VARNT n or label This begins a variant of the current packed record at the current level if the operand is the same as the start of the current level. If the operand is not the same, a next level of variant is begun. This requires that variants be defined in correct order of nesting. That is, variants of a structure (or of variants) appear at the end of the structure. At the first VARNT of a given level, the following is generated: CASE INTEGER OF 1: ( Succeeding variants at the same level generate succeeding integer labels and open parentheses for the case statement. Variants of variants generate a CASE statement and the label 1: ( for the first such variant and succeeding integer labels and open parentheses for the following variants. The termination of the structure (ENDREC, RORG, or CEND) cause the output of all required matching parentheses to close the CASE(s) currently open. [label] WORD 0 This generates: label: WORD; (WORD is defined in the file .TEMPLATE.PTABLE.TYPES as O •• #FFFF) 16.5.3 DNOS PICT Picture Output. The following paragraphs describe the output generated by PICT in its picture output file. Consult Figure 16-3 for an example of some of the output generated. Any structure that must output more than four words of unlabeled blocks outputs a broken picture but maintains an accurate location counter value. Fields that must start on word boundaries do so, with the picture showing an unlabeled byte preceding that word boundary. Each line of the picture carries the associated comment of the input line, as well as portraying the space occupied by the verb in use on that line. Some input lines do not affect the picture but are used for information which appears after that picture. Flag details, equate information, and special comments follow the picture. A PAGE verb must appear at the end of the input file to cause output of flag details, equate information, and special comments. [label] ADDR This outputs a labeled block of one word on a word boundary. [label] ARRAY n,type This generates a labeled block of one byte (if the array occupies only one byte or begins on an odd byte boundary) or DNOS Tools 16-30 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document a labeled block of one word, filling out the structure. followed by unlabeled blocks B.I T S [la be I , ] n This generates an entry in the equates listing at the end of the picture file, specifying the label and its location in the structure. [label] BSS n This generates a labeled block of one byte in the diagram and an appropriate number of unlabeled blocks. [ I a be 1] BYTE 0 This generates a labeled block of one byte. CEND This is ignored. [label] CHAR n This generates a labeled block of appropriate number of unlabeled blocks. one and byte an COpy filename This is ignored. CSEG label This is assumed to occur only at the start of the picture. Thus all initial conditions hold -- the location counter is zero, no output is generated. [label] DATA 0 This generates boundary. a labeled block of one word on a word DORG n or label This sets the location counter to the operand value, terminates any picture in progress, outputs the comment on the DORG line, and sets conditions to start another picture segment (indicated by *----------+----------*). ECHO This causes the entire input file to be written to the picture file as it is read. It is assumed to be a file which otherwise generates no meaningful picture. ENDREC This finishes a picture section, drawing a line below any partially completed block and outputting the size of the packed record just completed. It also outputs the message **END OF PACKED RECORD. label EQU n or label This generates a 2270512-9701 line of output in the 16-31 listing of equates DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document which follows the picture. [label] EVEN If the picture is currently not at a word boundary, an unlabeled block of one byte is output. [label] FLAGS {8,16} A labeled block of one byte is output if the operand is 8; a block of one word on a word boundary is output if the operand is 16. FLAG label This generates an entry in the flags descriptions which follow the picture. Each flag is shown with its relative position in the field as well as any comment describing that flag. Comments on lines following the FLAG input line are also echoed in the flags description in the picture output file. [label] INT.O This generates boundary. a labeled block of one word on a word LIST This is ignored. [label] LONG 0 This generates two words, with the first label and appearing on a word boundary. word carrying the PAGE This is used to determine that the end of the structure has been reached. It causes flags and equate descriptions to be output. Any comment lines which follow the PAGE line will be output at the end of the picture listing under the heading COMMENTS ON THIS STRUCTURE. This verb is REQUIRED in order to output flags and equates information to the picture file. PCKREC name This begins a picture section, with the location counter set to zero. It outputs a line with **BEGINNING PACKED RECORD name. [label] POSINT 0 This outputs a labeled block of one word on a word boundary. [label] PTR type of pointer This outputs a labeled block of one word on a word boundary. [label] REC type This outputs a labeled word on a word boundary and an appropriate number of unlabeled blocks to encompass the DNOS Tools 16-32 2270512-9701 DNOS System Design Document total required by the type specified. RORG This is ignored. This is ignored. UNL VARNT n or label This finishes the current picture section, sets the location counter to the operand specified, and initiates a new section. It outputs any comment on the VARNT input. line. [ I a be I] WO RD 0 This outputs a labeled block of one word on a word boundary. 16.5.4 Input Format. The input file may be in one of several forms, one of which is shown in Figure 16-1 and another which is shown in Figure 16-2. The name of the structure is shown as aaa. The heading comments are of the form used for DNOS structures and are not enforced by the PICT utility. Any comments that precede the first structure verb appear in the output files before the structure. Comments to be printed at the end of the picture file must appear after a PAGE statement. Figure 16-3 shows the format of the picture drawn by PICT. line of the drawing is preceded by the hexadecimal offset the template. Each field carries its own label. 2270512-9701 16-33 Each into DNOS Tools DNOS System Design Document UNL ************************************************************ * * ** «aaa» * * * * LOCATION: ************************************************************ PCKREC name