230786 001_Intel_Software_Handbook_1984 001 Intel Software Handbook 1984
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SOFTWARE HANDBOOK 1984 Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel software products are copyrighted by and shall remain the property of Intel Corporation. Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions stated in Intel's software license, or as defined in ASPR 7-104.9(a) (9). lritel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other circuit patent licenses are implied. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Intel Corporation. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may only be used to identify Intel products: t. BITBUS, COMMputer, CREDIT, Data Pipeline, GENIUS, i, ICE, iCS, iDBp, iDIS, 12 1CE, iLBX, i m , iMMX, Insite, Intel, intel, intelBOS, Intelevision, inteligent Identifier, inteligent Programming, Intellec, Intellink, iOSP, iPDS, iSBC, iSBX, iSDM, iSXM, Library tVianager, MCS, Megachassis, MICROMAINFRAME, MULTI BUS, MULTICHANNEL, MULTIMODULE, Plug-ABubble, PROMPT, Promware, QUEST, QUEX, Ripplemode, RMXl80, Rl:JPI, Seamless, SOLO, SYSTEM 2000, and UPI, and the combination of ICE, iCS, iRMX, iSBC, MCS, or UPI and a numerical suffix. The following are trademarks of the companies indicated and may only be used to identify products of the owners. CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. DEC, DEC-10, DEC-20, PDP-H, DECnet, DECwriter, RSTS, and VAX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MD&!! is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporatio.n. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. C> Intel Corporation. 1983 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 . OVERVIEW Introduction. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . ... . .. . . .... ...... .. .. .. ... ... . . . .. ... .. .. ... . .. 1-1 CHAPTER 2 OPERATING SYSTEMS Introduction ....................................................•.•...•••..... . . . . . . 8080/8085 Microprocessor Family DATA SHEET Digital Research Inc. CP/M 2.2 Operating System.................................. 8086/8088 Microprocessor Family DATA SHEETS iRMX 86 Operating System ...................................................... iRMX 88 Real-Time Multitasking Executive ........................................ Preconfigured iRMX 86 Operating System ........................................ iOSP 86 iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 Support Package ............................. iMMX 800 MULTI BUS Message Exchange Software........................... ..... FACT SHEET XENIX 286 Operating Systems ....................•.............................. APPLICATION NOTE AP-130 Using Operating Systems Processor's to Simplify Microcomputer DeSigns .... ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-236 Let Operating Systems Aid in Component Designs ......................... AR-286 Software That Resides in Silicon .......................................... AR-287 Putting Real-Time Operating Systems to Work ............................. AR-288 Intel's Matchmaking Strategy: Marry iRMX Operating System with Hardware .•....•.....................•.....•........•..•.... AR-289 iRMX 86 Has Functionality, Configurability ................................ 2-1 2-2 2-5 2-25 2-31 2-37 2-41 2-45 2-51 2-102 2-110 2-116 2-128 2-131 CHAPTER 3 TRANSLATORS AND UTILITIES FOR PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Introduction .......................................... , . .. ... .. .. ...•. .. . ... . . . . . . . . MCS®-80/85 Microprocessor Family DATA SHEETS PUM 80 High Level Programming Language ...................................... FORTRAN 808080/8085 ANS FORTRAN 77 Intellec Resident Compiler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microsoft, Inc. MACRO-80 Utility Software Package ...............•............... Microsoft, Inc. BASIC-80 Interpreter Software Package ...•........................ Microsoft, Inc. Pascal-80 Software Package ....................................... iAPX 86, 88 Software Development Packages for Series II/PDS ..................... iAPX 86/88/186/188/286 Microprocessor Family DATA SHEETS PUM 86/88/186/188 Software Package ............................ 0>.............. Pascal 86/88 Software Package ........................••..........•............. FORTRAN 86/88 Software Package .............................................. C-86 C Compiler for the 8086 .......................•............................ 8087 Software Support Package .............................•................... 8087 Support Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8089 lOP Software Support Package ........•...........•........................ iAPX 286 Software Development Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iAPX 286 Evaluation Package .................................................... PUM 286 Software Package ...................•......................•.......... VAXlVMX Resident iAPX 86/88/186 Software Development Packages ................ iSDM 86 System Debug Monitor ....................................•............ iSDM 286 iAPX 286 System Debug Monitor ....................................... FACT SHEETS iRMX Languages .................•.......••........•.....•................•.•.• iRMX Operating Systems .................•............•...•..........•.......... XENIX Languages .....................•..•..................................,... iii 3-1 3-3 3-6 3-10 3-12 3-15 3-18 3-28 3-32 3-35 3-39 3-43 3-46 3-50 3-53 3-58 3-60 3-64 3-71 3-76 3-79 3-84 3-90 inter Single Chip Mlcrocontroller Software DATA SHEETS 2920 Software Support Package ..................•......•.......•...•....•...... ' 3-94 MC5-48 Diskette-Based Software Support Package . ~ ....•••.•..•........•••.•••.•• 3-105 8051 Software Development Package ..•.........•....•...............•...•....... 3-107 PUM 51 Software ............................................................... 3-110 MCS-96 Software Support Package ....•...•..............•.......•.••......•.... ' 3-114 CHAPTER 4 PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS AND COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE Introduction ..•..•..•..•.......••••.••••............••..•........•..••. ; • . . . . . . . . • . . Program Development and Management Tools ,DATA SHEETS PSCOPE High-Level Program Debugger .••.•.•..........•.•• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . Program Management Tools .......•..................................•.......... ISIS-II Software Toolbox ............................' .......,..................... 8086 Software Toolbox ...................................'....................... AEDIT Text Editor ........................................................... ~ . . CREDIT CRT-Based Text Editor. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CommunlcaUon Software DATA SHEETS Mainframe Link for Distributed Development...................................... Intel Asynchronous Communications Link ......................•................., iNA 960 Network Software ......•................................................ NOS-II Electronic Mail ........................................................•• 4-1 4-2 4-7 4-10 4-12 4-14 4-16 4-20 4-23 4-26 4-38 CHAPTERS SYSTEM AND APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE FACT SHEETS XENIX Productivity Software Tools............................................... iTPS Transaction Processing Systems Terminal Application Processing System (iTAPS) .........................•..............•......... iTPS Transaction Processing Systems Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . System 2000 Database Management System Sperry (Univac) 1100 Series ............ 5-1 5-9 5-12 5-16 CHAPTER 6 COMPONENT SOFTWARE DATA SHEETS 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 iRMX 86 Operating System Processors ..............••............................... 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86/50, iAPX 88/50, 186/50, 188/50 CPIM 86 Operating Sys!em Processors ......•.•.•.....•.•... ,........................ 6-1 6-23 CHAPTER 7 , USER LIBRARY , Introduction. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . User Library Insite User's Prog(am Library ...............•...............•••..........•....... Insite Submittal Requirements .........................•.•....................... Insite Index of Program ................•.•.•..•......•.......•..........•. ,...... 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-5 APPENDIX A Software Standards...... ........ ......... .... .................. .......... .............. A-1 APPENDIX B Software Support... ............................................... ..................... iv B-1 Software Handbook Overview 1 inter SOFTWARE HANDBOOK OVERVIEW Welcome to the Intel Software Handbook. This handbook is a complete guide to the software products and services offered by Intel. Intel's software products follow the open systems strategy that allows Intel products to be purchased at the customers' desired level of integration. Hence these products are available for component, board, or systems applications. This open systems philosophy is backed by software standards that insure that the software can operate at numerous levels of integration. These software standards are described in the appendix. Software for Intel's products is available both from Intel and from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). For a complete listing of software available from ISVs, see the Intel Yellow Pages which is published annually by Intel. This handbook describes software products that are available through Intel, consisting of Intel-developed and ISV-developed products. Products that are offered by Intel have all been evaluated and tested to meet Intel's quality standard. They are backed by an extensive support organization described in the appendix. 1-1 Operating Systems 2 OPERATING SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION The ability to convert advanced microprocessor technology into solutions for modern day problems begins with effective and efficient designs for new hardware products and architecture. However, a most critical element in the success of any microcomputer solution is the availability of a high quality, reliable operating system. Without this software counterpart, the technological advances cannot be fully implemen,ted, nor their benefits fully realized. The classic role of the microcomputer operating system can be outlined by viewing its major functions and purposes. The functions of the microcomputer operating system are threefold: 1) to manage system resources and the allocation of these resources to users; 2) to provide automatic functions such as initialization and start-up procedures; and 3) to provide an efficient, straightforward and consistent method for user programs to interface with the hardware subsystems, including a simple and friendly human interface. Typically, the operating systems have one of two main purposes. First, they can be used to develop a new software system that runs on another machine. These systems are usually large and fairly sophisticated. ISIS and 'XENIX are examples of such developmental operating systems. The second purpose for microcomputer operating systems is directed toward the execution of software programs for targeted application. The largest number of operating systems are of this type, including the RMX systems. The most critical requirement is for these systems to be effective and efficient since they are usually small, fast systems dedicated to a specific real-time application. This rather neat and simple categorization of microcomputer operating systems, which has been useful in the past, is quickly becoming blurred. The rapid developments in microcomputer technology have increased the power and decreased the cost of microcomputers, allowing them to become applicable to the solution of a broader variety and more sophisticated set of problems. Microcomputer systems must increasingly provide such capabilities as multiprogramming, multitasking, multiprocessing, networking, as well as scheduling and priority determination. As systems become more complex, they must still remain responsive to real-tim! applications. Operating systems must be able to capitalize on the trends toward plaCing more and more software into silicon. This trend is blurring the distinction between the hardware and software subsystems. Microcomputer systems are also evolving to encompass both the developmental and target application purposes into one system. These dramatic changes in technology place additional demands on operating systems. We see operating systems undergoing changes to consider the need for: 1) modularity and ease of configurability; 2) evolutionary, not revolutionary, path of growth; and 3) standardization in languages, networks and the operating system itself. The first need is required to allow the system to be a powerful development tool yet configurable to more specialized applications. The last two items are needed to provide protection of a firm's software investment, including the option to move toward silicon software. The operating systems and executives in this section are state-of-the-art microcomputer systems that have taken to task the challenges posed by advancing microprocessor technology. These operating systems offer the widest range of solutions with the highest quality and most future-oriented software available today. Consequently, our customers can select the appropriately optimized option to achieve their price/pel10rmance goals and give them time-to-market advantage over their competitors. 'XENIX is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. 2-1 DIGITAL RESEARCH INC. CP/M* 2.2 OPERATING SYSTEM • More than 1,000 commercially available compatible software products • High-performance, single-console operating system • Simple, reliable file system matched to microcomputer resources • Table-driven architecture allows field reconfiguration to match a wide variety of disk capacities and needs • Extensive documentation covers all facts of CP/M applications • General-purpose subroutines and table-driven data-access algorithms provide a truly universal data management system • Upward compatibility from all previous versions CP/M 2.2 is a monitor control program for microcomputer system and application uses on InteI8080/8085-based microcomputer (see the CP/M-86' Operating System data sheet for information on CP/M for Intel 8086/8088based systems). CP/M provides a general environment for program ex~cution, construction, storage, and editing, along with. the program assembly and check-out facilities. The CP/M monitor provides rapid access to programs through a comprehensive file management package. The file subsystem supports a named file structure, allowing dynamic allocation of file space as well as sequential and random file access. Using this system, a large number of distinct programs can be stored in both sourceand machine-executable form. CP/M also supports a powerful context editor, Intel-compatible assembler, and debugger subsystems. Nearly all personal software programs can be bought configured to run under CP/M, several of which are available from Intel. FEATURES CP/M is logically divided into four distinct modules: -Uses less than 4K of memory allowing plenty of memory space for applications programs -Uses less than 4K of memory . BIOS-Basic 1/0 System -Makes programs transportable from system to system -Provides primitive operations for access to disk drives and interface to standard peripherals (teletype, CRT, paper tape reader/punch, bubble memory, and user-defined peripherals) -Entry points include the following primitive operations which can be programmatically accessed: -Allows user modification for tailoring to a particular hardware environment BOOS-Basic Disk Operating System SEARCH Look for a particular disk file by name OPEN Open a file for further operations CLOSE Close a file after processing -Provides disk management for one to sixteen disk drives containing independent file directories RENAME Chan,ge the name of a particular file READ Read a record from a particular file -Implements disk allocation strategies for fully dynamic file construct1on and minimization of head movement acrOss the disk WRITE Write a record to a particular file SELECT Select a particular disk drive for further operations ©INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 2-2 MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210288-003 inter DIGITAL RESEARCH, INC. CP/M 2.2 CCP-Console Command Processor ASM -Provides primary user interface by reading and interpreting commands entered through the console Fast 8080 Assembler-uses standard Intel mnemonics and pseudo operations with free-format input, and conditional assembly features DDT Dynamic Debugging Tool-contains an integral assembler/disassembler module that lets the user patch,and display memory in either assembler mnemonic or hexadecimal form and trace program execution with full register and status display; instructions can be executed between breakpoints in real-time, or run fully monitored, one instruction at a time SUBMIT Allows a group of CP/M commands to be batched together and submitted to the operating system by a single command STAT -Programs created under CP/M can be checked out by loading and executing these programs in theTPA Lists the number of bytes of storage remaining on the currently logged disks, provides statistical information about particular files, and displays or alters device assignments LOAD -User programs, loaded into the TPA, may use the CCP area for the program's data area Converts Intel hex format to absolute binary, ready for direct load and execution in the CP/M environment SYSGEN Creates new CP/M system disks for back-up purposes -Loads and transfers.control to transient programs, such as assemblers, editors, and debuggers -Processes built-in standard commands including: ERA Erase specified files DIR List file names in the directory REN Rename the specified file SAVE Save memory contents in a file TYPE Display the contents of a file on the console TPA-Transient Program Area -Holds programs which are loaded from the disk under command of the CCP -Transient commands are specified in the same manner as built-in commands MOVCPM Provides regeneration of CP/M systems for various memory configurations and works in conjunction with SYSGEN to provide additional copies of CP/M -Additional commands can be easily defined by the user -Defined transient commands include: PIP ED Peripheral Interchange Program -implements the basic media transfer operations necessary to load, print, punch, copy, and combine disk files; PIP also performs various reformatting and concatenation functions. Formatting options include parity-bit removal, case conversion, Intel hex file validation, subfile extraction, tab expansion, line number generation, and pagination BENEFITS -Easy implementation on any computer configuration which uses an Intel 8080/8085 Central Processing Unit (see the CP/M-86 data sheet for CP/M applications on the iAPX86 CPU) -iPDS version supports bubble memory option as an additional diskette drive. Also allows diskette duplication with a single drive Text Editor-allows creation and modification of ASCII files using extensive context editing commands: string substitution, string search, insert, delete and block move; ED allows text to be located by context, line number, or relative position with a macro command for making extensive text changes with a single command line -Extensive selection of CP/M-compatible programs allows production and support of a comprehensive software package at low cost -Field programmability for special-purpose operating system requirements -Upward compatibility from previous versions of CP/M release 1 2-3 AFN-02"'C inter DIGITAL RESEARCH, INC. CP/M 2.2 -Provides field specification of one to sixteen logical drives, each containing up to eight megabytes -Files may contain up to 65,536 records of 128 bytes each but may not exceed the size of any single disk -Each disk is designed for 64 distinct files-more directory entries may be allocated if necessary -Individual users are physically separated by user numbers, with facilities for file copy operations from one user area to another -Relative-record random-access functions provide direct access to any of the 65,536 records of an eight-megabyte file SPECIFICATIONS Hardware Required Shipping Media -Model 800 with 720 kit (Specify by Alpha Character when ordering.) -OS 235 kit or MDS 225 with 720 kit (integral drive supported except as system boot device) B-double density A-single density (IBM 3740/1 compatible) -iPDS Personal Development System Optional: RAM up to 64K F-double-sided, double density 5%" floppy (iPDS format) -Additional floppy disk drives Order Code -Single density via 201 controller -Bubble memory and optional Shugart 460 5%" disk drive for iPDS Documentation Package Title CP/M 2.2 documentation consisting of 7 manuals: An Introduction to CP/M Features and Facilities CP/M 2.2 User's Guide CP/M Assembler (ASM) User's GUide CP/M Dynamic Debugging Tool (DDT) User's Guide ED: A Context Editor for the CP/M Disk System User's Manual CP/M 2 Interface Guide CP/M 2 Alteration Guide Product Description See Price List CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers) is a disk-based operating system for the Intel SOSO/SOS5-based systems. CP/M provides a general environment for program development, test, execution and storage. CP/M storage is available via a comprehensive, named-file structure supporting both sequential and random access. CP/M support tools include a Text Editor, a debugger, and an SOSO/SOS5 assembler. SUPPORT: Intel offers several levels of support for this product. depending on the system configuration in which it is used. Please consult the price list for a detailed description of the support options available. An Intel Software License required. 'CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research. Inc. 'CP/M-8S, MP/M, CP/NETand MP/NET are trademarks of Digital ResearCh, Inc. 2-4 AFN-02111C iRMX™ 86 OPERATING SYSTEM • Real-time processor management for time-critical iAPX 86 and iAPX 88 applications • Multi-terminal support with multi-user human interface • Broad range of device drivers included for industry standard MULTIBUS® peripheral controllers • On-target system development with Universal Development Interface (UDI) • Configurable system size and function for diverse application requirements • Expandable to multi-processor systems with iMMX™ 800 Message Exchange Software • All iRMX™ 86 code can be (P)ROM'ed to support totally solid state designs • Compatible operating system services for iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors (iOSPTM 86) • Extendable to iAPX 286 systems with iRMX™ 286R option • Powerful utilities for interactive configuration and real-time debugging The iRMX™ 86 Operating System is an easy-to-use, real-time, multi-tasking and muiti-programmming software system designed to manage and extend the resources of iSBC® 86 and iSBC 88 Single Board Computers, as well as other iAPX 86- and iAPX 88-based microcomputers. iRMX 86 functions are available in silicon with the iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors, in a user configurable software package, and fully integrated into the SYSTEM 86/300 Family of Microcomputer Systems. The Operating System provides a number of standard interfaces that allow iRMX 86 applications to take advantage of industry standard device controllers, hardware components, and a multitude of software packages developed by Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). Many high-performance features extend the utility of iRMX 86 Systems into applications such as data collection, transaction processing, and process control where immediate access to advances in VLSI technology is paramount. These systems may deliver real-time performance and explicit control over resources; yet also support applications with multiple users needing to simultaneously access terminals. The configurable layers of the System provide services ranging from interrupt management and standard device drivers for many sophisticated controllers, to data-file maintenance commands provided by a comprehensive multi-user human interface. By providing access to the standard Universal Development Interface (UDt) for each user terminal, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can pass program development and target application customization capabilities to their users. HUMAN INTERFACE USER APPLICATIONS iRMXTM 86 VLSI Operating System The toIowlng are trademarks of Intel CorporatIOn and may be used only to descnbe Intel products Intel, ICE, IMMX, IOSP, IRMX, ISse, ISex, ISXM, MULTIBUS, MULTICHANNEL and MULTI MODULE Inlel Corporation assumes no responslblhty tor the use of any CircUitry other than CirCUitry embodied In an Intel product No other ClfCUIt patent hcenses are Implied INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 2-5 January, 1983 Order Number' 210111-001 iRMX™ 86 The iRMX 86 Operating System is a complete set of system software modules that' provide the res()urce management functions needed by computer systems. These management functions allow Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to best use resources available in microcomputer systems while getting their products to market quickly, saving time and money. Engineers are relieved of writing complex system software and can concentrate instead on their application software. Process Management To implement multi-tasking application systems, programmers require a method of managing the different processes of their application, and for allowing the processes to communicate with each other. The Nucleus layer of the iRMX 86 System provides a number of facilities to efficiently manage these processes, and to effectively communicate between them. These facilities are provided by system calls that manipulate data structures called tasks, jobs, semaphores, regions, and mailboxes. The iRMX 86 System refers to these structures as "objects". This data sheet describes the major features of the iRMX 86 Operating System. The benefits provided to engineers who write application software and to users who want to take advantage of improving microcomputer price and performance are explained. The first section outlines the system resource management functions of the Operating System and describes several system calls. The second section gives a detailed overview of iRMX 86 features aimed at serving both the iRMX 86 system designer and programmer, as well as the end users of the product into which the Operating System is incorporated. Tasks are the basic element of all applications built on the iRMX 86 Operating System. Each task is an entity capable of executing CPU instructions and issuing system calls in order to perform a function. Tasks are characterized by their register values (including those of an optional 8087 Numeric Processor Extension), a priority between 0 and 255, and the resources associated with them. Each iRMX 86 task in the system is scheduled for operation by the iRMX 86 nucleus. Figure 1 shows the five states in which each task may be placed, and some examples of how a task may move from one state to another. The iRMX 86 nucleus ensures that each task is placed in the correct state, defined by the events in its external environment and by the task issuing system calls. Each task has a priority to indicate its relative importance and need to respond to its environment. The nucleus guarantees that the highest priority ready-to-run task is the task that runs. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION To take best advantage of iAPX 86 and 88 microprocessors in applications where the computer is required to perform many functions simultaneously, the iRMX 86 Operating System provides a multiprogramming environment in which many independent, multi-tasking application programs may run. The flexibility of independent environments allows application programmers to separately manage each application's resources during both the development and test phases. Jobs are used to define the operating environment of a group of tasks. J09s effectively limit the scope of an application by collecting all of its tasks and other objects into one group. Because the environment for execution of an application is defined by an iRMX 86 job, separate applications can be efficiently developed by separate development teams. The resource management functions of the iRMX 86 System are supported by a number of configurable software layers. While many of the functions supplied by the innermost layer, the Nucleus, are required by all systems, all other functions are optional. The I/O systems, for example, need not be included in systems having no secondary storage requirement. Each layer provides functions that encourage application programmers to use modular design techniques which aid in quick development of easily maintainable programs. The iRMX 86 Operating System provides two primary techniques for real-time event synchronization in mUltitask applications: regions and semaphores. Regions are used to restrict access to critical sections The components of the iRMX 86 Operating System provide both implicit and explicit management of system resources. These resources include processor scheduling, up to one megabyte of system memory., up to 57 independent interrupt sources, all input and output devices, as well as' directory and data files contained on mass storage ,devices and accessed by a number of independent users. Management of each of these system resources and how the resources can be shared between multiple processors and users is discussed in the following sections. of code and data. Once the iRMX 86 Operating System gives a task access to resources guarded by a region, no other tasks may make use of the resources, and the task is given protection against deletion and suspension. Regions are typically used to protect data structures from being simultaneously updated by multiple tasks. Semaphores are used to provide mutual exclusion be- tween tasks. They contain abstract "units" that are sent between the tasks, and can be used to implement the cooperative sharing of re~ources. Or~er Number 210885-001 2-6 inter iRMX™ 86 any task can gain access to the object by knowing its name, and job environment that contains the directory. Three example jobs are shown in Figure 2 to demon· strate how two tasks can share an object that was not known to the programmers at the time the tasks were developed. Both Job 'A' and Job 'B' exist within the en· vironment of the 'Root Job' that forms the foundation of all iRMX 86 systems. Each job possesses a directory in which tasks may catalog the name of an object. Sema· phore 'RS', for example, is accessable by all tasks in the system, because its name is cataloged in the directory of the Root Job. Mailbox 'AN' can be used to transfer objects between Tasks 'A2' and 'A3' because its token is accessable in the object directory for Job 'A' (Si (9i Table 1 lists the major functions of the iRMX 86 Nucleus that manage system processes. ! (10) (NON EXISTENT) SYSTEM ROOT JOB NOT·ES: (1) Task (S created JOB A JOB B (2) Task becomes highest Priority ready task TASK A1 (3) Task gets pre·empted by one with higher Priority (0 TASK B1 MAILBOX (4) Task calls SLEEP or task walts at an exchange b (5) Task sleep period has ended. message was sent to waiting task or walt has ended TASK 82 SEMAPHORE (6) Task calis SUSPEND on self (7) Task suspended by other than self (8) Task suspended by other than self or a resume that did not bring suspension depth to zero OBJECT DIRECTORY MAILBOX AM MAILBOX AN TASK A3 (9) Task was resumed by other task (10) Task IS deleted OBJECT DIRECTORY TASK B2 OBJECT DIRECTORY MAILBOX RM.l.QLA SEMAPHORE RS.IQLJI TASK B2 Figure 1. Task State Diagram Multi-tasking applications must communicate information and share system resources among cooperating tasks. The iRMX 86 Operating System assigns a unique 16-bit number, called a token, to each object created in the System. Any task in possession of this token is able to access the object. The iRMX 86 Nucleus allows tasks to gain access to objects, and hence system resources, at run-time with two additional mechanisms: mailboxes and object directories. Figure 2. Object Directories Memory Management Each job in an iRMX 86 System defines the amount of the one megabyte of addressable memory to be used by its tasks. The iRMX 86 Operating System manages system memory and allows jobs to share this critical resource by providing another object type: segments. Mailboxes are used by tasks wishing to share objects with other tasks. A task may share an object by sending the object's token via a mailbox. The receiving task can check to see if a token is there, or can wait at the mailbox until a token is present. Segments are contiguous pieces of memory, between 16 Bytes and 64K Bytes in length, that exist within the environment of the job in which they were created. Segments form the fundamental piece of system memory used for task stacks, data storage, system buffers, loading programs from secondary storage, passing information between tasks, etc. Object Directories are also used to make an object available to other tasks. An object is made public by cataloging its token and name in a directory. In this manner, Order Number 2' 0885·00 1 2-7 inter . iRMX™86 Table 1. Process Management System Calls System Call Function Performed RQ$CREATE$JOB Creates an environment for a number of tasks and other objects, as well as creating an initial task and its stack. RQ$DELETE$JOB Deletes a job and all the objects currently defined within its bounds. All memory used is returned to the job from which the deleted job was created. RQ$OFFSPRING Provides a list of all the current jobs created by the specified job. RQ$CATALOG$OBJECT Enters a name and token for an object into the object directory of a job. RQ$UNCATALOG$OBJECT Removes an object's token and its name from a job's object directory. RQ$LOOKUP$OBJECT Returns a token for the object with the specified name found in the object directory of the specified job. RQ$GET$TYPE Returns a code for the type of Object referred to by the specified token. RQ$CREATE$MAILBOX Creates a mailbox with queues for waiting tasks and objects with FIFO or PRIORITY discipline. RQ$DELETE$MAILBOX Deletes a mailbox. RQ$SEND$MESSAGE Sends an object to a specified mailbox. If a task is waiting, the object is passed to the appropriate task according to the queuing discipline. If no task is waiting, the object is queued at the mailbox. RQ$RECEIVE$MESSAGE Attempts to receive an object token from a specified mailbox. The calling task may choose to wait for a specified number of system time units if no token is available. RQ$DISABLE$DELETION Prevents the deletion of a specified object by increasing its disable count by one. RQ$ENABLE$DELETION Reduces the disable count of an object by one, and if zero, enables deletion of that object. RQ$FORCE$DELETE Forces the deletion of a specified object if the disable count is either 0 or 1. RQ$GREATE$TASK Creates a task with the specified priority and stack area. RQ$DELETE$TASK Deletes a task from the system, and removes it from any queues in which it may be waiting. RQ$SUSPEND$TASK Suspends the operation of a task. If the task is already suspended, its suspension depth is increased by one. RQ$RESUME$TASK Resumes a task. If the task had been suspended multiple times, the suspension depth is reduced by one, and it remains suspended. I RQ$SLEEP Causes a task to enter the ASLEEP state for a specified number of system time units. RQ$GET$TASK$TOKENS Gets the token for the calling task or associated objects within its environment. RQ$SET$PRIORITY Dynamically alters the priority of the specified task. RQ$GET$PRIORITY Obtains the current priority of a specified task. RQ$CREATE$REGION Creates a region, with an associated queue of FIFO or PRIORITY ordering discipline. RQ$DELETE$REGION Deletes the specified region if it is not currently in use. RQ$ACCEPT$CONTROL Gains control of a region only if the region is immediately available. RQ$RECEIVE$CONTROL Gains control of a region. The calling task may specify the number of system time • units it wishes to wait if the region is not immediately available. RQ$SEND$CONTROL Relinquishes control of a region. RQ$CREATE$SEMAPHORE Creates a semaphore. RQ$DELETE$SEMAPHORE Deletes a semaphore. RQ$SEND$UNITS Increases a semaphore counter by the specified number of units. RQ$RECEIVE$UNITS Attempts to gain a specified number of units from a semaphore. If the units are not immediately available, the calling task may choose to wait. Order Number 210885-001 2-8 iRMX™ 86 The example in Figure 2 also demonstrates when information IS shared between Tasks 'A2' and 'A3'; 'A2' only needs to create a segment, put the information in the memory allocated, and send it via the Mailbox 'AM' using the RQ$SEND$MESSAGE system call (see Table 1}.Task 'A3' would get the message by using the RQ$ RECEIVE$MESSAGE system call. The Figure also shows how the receiving task could signal the sending task by sending an acknowledgement via the second Mailbox 'AN'. to make any iRMX 86 system call. While an interrupt task is servicing an interrupt, interrupts of lower priority are not allowed to pre-empt the system. Table 3 shows the iRMX 86 System Calls provided to manage interrupts. INTERRUPT MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE Figure 3 illustrates how the iRMX 86 Interrupt System may be used to output strings of characters to a printer. In the example, a mailbox named 'PRINT' is used by all tasks in the system to queue messages to be printed. Application tasks put the characters in segments that are transmitted to the printer interrupt service task via the PRINT Mailbox. Once printing is complete, the same interrupt task passes the messages on to another application via the FINISHED Mailbox so that an operator message can be displayed. Each job is created with both maximum and minimum limits set for its memory pool. Memory required by all objects and resources created in the job is taken from this pool. If more memory is required, a job may be allowed to borrow memory from the pool of its containing job (the job from which it was created). In this manner, initial jobs may efficienty allocate memory to jobs they subsequently create, without exactly knowing their requirements. The iRMX 86 Operating System supplies other memory managment functions to search specific address ranges for available memory. The System performs this search at system initialization, and can be configured to ignore non-existent memory and addresses reserved for 1/0 devices and other application requirements. Table 2 lists the major system calls used to manage the system memory. Interrupt Management . . . Real-time systems, by their nature, must respond to asynchronous and unpredictable events quickly. The iRMX 86 Operating System uses interrupts and the eventdriven nucleus described earlier to give real-time response to events. Use of a pre-emptive scheduling technique ensures that the servicing high priority events always take precedence over other system activities. Figure 3. Interrupt Management Example BASIC 110 SYSTEM The Basic 110 System (BIOS) provides the direct access to 110 devices needed by real-time applications. The BIOS allows I/O functions to overlap other system functions. In this manner, application tasks make asynchronous calls to the iRMX 86 BIOS, and proceed to perform other activities. When the 110 request must be completed before an application can continue, the task waits at a mailbox for the result of the operation. The iRMX 86 Operating System gives applications the flexibility to optimize either interrupt response time or interrupt response capability by providing two tiers of Interrupt Management. These two distinct tiers are managed by Interrupt Handlers and Interrupt Tasks. Interrupt Handlers are the first tier of interrupt service. For small, simple functions, interrupt handlers are often the most efficient means of responding to an event. They provide faster response than interrupt tasks, but must be kept simple since interrupts (except the iAPX 86 and 88 non-maskable interrupt) are masked during their execution. When extended interrupt service. is required, interrupt handlers "signal" a waiting interrupt task that, in turn, performs more complicated functions. Some system calls provided by the BIOS are listed in Table 4. The Basic 110 System communicates with peripheral devices through device drivers. These device drivers provide the System with four basic functions needed to control and communicate with devices: Initialize 110, Finish 110, Queue 110, and Cancel 110. Using the device driver interface, users of non-standard devices may write custom drivers compatible with the I/O System. Interrupt Tasks are distinct tasks whose priority is associated with a hardware interrupt level. They are permitted Order Number 21088!l 001 2-9 inter iRMX™ 86 Table 2. Memory Management System Calls Function Performed System Call RQSCREATESSEGMENT Dynamically allocates a memory segtnent of the specified size. RQSDELETESSEGMENT Deletes the specified segment by deallocating the memory. RQSGETSPOOLSATTRIBUTES Returns attributes such as the minimum and maximum, as well as current size of the memory in the environment of the calling task's job. RQSGETSSIZE Returns the size (in bytes) of a segment. RQSSETSPOOLSMIN Dynamically changes the minimum memory requirements of the job environment containing the calling task. Table 3. Interrupt Management System Calls Function Performed System Call RQSSETSINTERRUPT Assigns an interrupt handler and, if desired, an interrupt task to the specified interrupt level. Usually the calling task becomes the interrupt task. RQSRESETSINTERRUPT Disables an interrupt level, and cancels the assignment of the interrupt handler for that level. If an interrupt task was assigned, it is deleted. RQSGETSLEVEL Returns the number of the highest priority interrupt level currently being processed. RQSSIGNALSINTERRUPT Used by an interrupt handler to signal the associated interrupt task that an interrupt has occurred. RQSWAITSINTERRUPT Used by an interrupt task to SLEEP until the associated interrupt handler signals the occurrence of an interrupt. RQSEXITSINTERRUPT Used by an interrupt handler to relinquish control of the System. RQSENABLE Enables the hardware to accept interrupts from a specified level. RQSDISABLE Disables the hardware from accepting interrlolpts at or below a specified level. Table 4. Key BIOS I/O Management System Calls System Call Function Performed RQSASATTACHSFILE Creates a Connection to an existing file. RQSASCHANGESACCESS Changes the types of accesses permitted to the specified user(s) for a specific file. _ RQSASCLOSE Closes the Connection to the specified file so that it may be used again, or so that the type of access may be changed. RQSASCREATESDIRECTORY Creates a Named File used to store the names and locations of other Named Files. RQSASCREATESFILE Creates a data file with the specified access rights. RQSASDELETESCONNECTION Deletes the Connection to the specified file. RQSASGETSFILESSTATUS Returns the current status of a specified file. RQSASOPEN Opens a file for either read, write, or update access. RQSASREAD Reads a number of bytes from the current position in a specified file. RQSASSEEK Moves the current data pOinter of a Named or Physical file. RQSASWRITE Writes.a number of bytes at the current position in a file. RQSWAITSIO Synchronizes a task with the I/O System by causing it to wait for I/O operation results. Order Number 210885·001 2-10 inter iRMX™86 files. Whereas the BIOS provides users with the basic system calls needed for direct management of 1/0 resources, many users prefer to have the system perform all the buttering and synchronization of 1/0 requests automatically. The EIOS allows users to access 1/0 devices without having to write procedures for buffering data, or to specify particular devices with constant device names. The iRMX 86 Operating System includes a number of device drivers to allow applications to use standard USART serial communication devices, multiple CRTs and keyboards, bubble memories, diskettes, disks, a Centronics-type parallel printer, and many of Intel's iSBC and iSBX™ device controllers (see Table 9). If an application requires use of a non-standard device, users need only write a device driver to be included with the BIOS, and access it as if it were part of the standard system. For most random-access devices, this job is further simplified by using standard routines provided with the System. Use of this technique ensures that applications can remain device independent. By performing device buffering automatically, the iRMX 86 EIOS optimizes accesses to disks and other devices. Often, when an application task asks the System to READ a portion of a file, the System is able to respond immediately with the data it has read in advance of the request. Similarly, the EIOS will not delay a task for writing data to a device unless it is specifically told to, or if its output buffers are filled. MULTI-TERMINAL SUPPORT The iRMX 86 Terminal Support provides line editing and terminal control capabilities. The Terminal Support communicates with devices through simple drivers that do only character 1/0 functions. Dynamic terminal reconfiguration is provided so that attributes such as terminal type and line speed may be changed without modifying the application or the Operating System. Dynamic configuration may be typed in, generated programmatically or stored in a file and copied to a terminal 1/0 connection. Logical file and device names are provided by the EIOS to give applications complete file and device independence. Applications may send data to the 'line printer' (:LP:) without needing to know which specific device will be used as the printer. This logical name may, in fact, not be a printer at all, but it could be a disk file that is later scheduled for printing. The EIOS uses the functions provided by the BIOS to synchronize individual 1/0 requests with results returned by device drivers. Most EIOS system calls are similar to the BIOS calls, except that they appear to suspend the operation of the calling task until the 1/0 requests are completed. The iRMX 86 Terminal Support provides automatic translation of control characters to specific control sequences for each terminal. This translation enables applications . using standard control characters to function with nonstandard terminals. The translation requirements for each terminal can be stored in terminal description files and copied to a connection, as described above. Table 5. BIOS Typical Performance DISK I/O PERFORMANCE Function Table 5 shows iRMX 86 performance obtained using the iSBC 215 Winchester Disk and iSBX 218 Diskette Controllers under the specified conditions. Average Character Throughput Byte. per Second· Wlnche.ter DI.k Each device driver can be used to interface to a number of separate and, in some cases, different devices (See Figure 4). The iSBC 215 Device Driver, supplied with the system, is capable of supporting the iSBC 215 Winchester Disk Controller, the iSBC 220 SMD Disk Controller, and the iSBX 218 Flexible Disk Controller (when mounted on an iSBC 215 board). Each device controller may, in turn, control a number of separate device units. In addition, each driver may control a number of like device controllers. This capability allows the use of large storage systems with a minimum of 1/0 system code to write or maintain. Single File Read 42,000 Two File Read (Same Device) 36,800 Diskette . 15,800 5,700 Single File Write 23,800 5,400 Two File Write (Different Devices) 36,200 6,900 Read/Write Two Files (Different Devices) 38,900 6,000 • These measurements were made in the followong enVIronment: Entire IRMX ™ 86 operatong system and application code and data located in on-board RAM of a 8-MHz ISBC"' 86/30 Songle Board Computer. Named files, each with a flie size of 128 KByles, were used with a device and volume granularity of 1 KByles and six 1 KByle buffers. The disk interleave factor was 2. The iSSC 215 Winchester Controller was attached to two 20-Mbyle drives, and supported the ISBXTM 218 Diskette Controller that, In turn, was attached to two double denSity 8" diskette drives. ThiS performance IS, to a large part, restricted by the mechanical speed of the devices. EXTENDED I/O SYSTEM The iRMX 86 Extended 110 System (EIOS) adds a number of 1/0 management capabilities to simplify access to Order Number 210885-001 2-11 intJ iRMX™86 APPLICATION SOFTWARE TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK STREAM FilE DRIVER PHYSICAL FilE DRIVER Isac' iSBX'· 215 iSBC' DEVICE DRIVER 254 ,SBC' 218 215 DEVICE CONT· ROllER DEVICE CONT· ROllER UN· CONN. DEVICE UNIT DEVICE DRIVER ,SBC' 254 BUBBLE MEMORY FilE CONN. DEVICE UNITS CONDUITS REPRESENT DEVICE CONNECTIONS WIRES iN CONDUITS REPRESENT FilE CONNECTIONS Figure 4. Device Driver and Controller Relationships File Management Whenever a request is made involving a file name, the System will search the appropriate directory in order to find the necessary information about the file's size, access rights, and specific location on the storage device. The iRMX 86 Operating System provides three distinct types of files to ensure efficient management of both program and data files: Named Files, Physical Files, and Stream Files. Each file type provides access to 110 devices through the standard device drivers mentioned earlier. The same device driver is used to access physical and named files for a given device. The iRMX 86 BIOS uses an efficient format for writing the directory and data information into secondary storage. This standard iRMX 86 format is fully compatible with the ISO Media standard, and other Intel systems such as the iRMX 88 Operating System. This structure enables the system to directly access any byte in a file, often without having to do additional 110 to access space allocation information. The maximum size of an individual file is 2 32 (4.3 billion) bytes. NAMED FILES Named files allow users to access information on secondary storage by referring to a file with its ASCII name. The , names of files stored on a device are stored in special files called directories. As directories are themselves named files, the iRMX 86 File System allows directories to contain the names of other directories. Figure 5 illustrates the resulting hierarchical file structure. This structure is useful for isolating file names to particular user applications, and for tailoring system data to the requirements of users and applications sharing storage devices. Using different branches on the directory tree, different users do not have to coordinate in naming their files to ensure unique names. EASE OF ACCESS The hierarchical file structure is provided to isolate and organize collections of named files. To give operators fast and simple access to any level within the file tree, an ATTACHFILE command is provided. This command allows operators to give a logical name to a point in the tree so that a long sequence of characters need not be typed each time a file is referred to. Order Number 210885·001 2-12 intel' IRMX TII 86 SIM SOURCE SIM OBJECT TEST OBJECT ? I I = DIRECTORY 1\ ~ = NAMED DATA FILE BATCH·' BATCH 2 Figure 5. Hierarchical Named File Structure ACCESS PROTECTION grams, for example, wishing to preserve file and device independence allowing data sent to a printer one time, to a disk file another time, and to another program on a different occasion. Access to each Named File is protected by the rights assigned to each user by the owner of the file. Rights to read, append, update, and delete may be selectively granted to other users of the system. In general, users of Named Files are classified into one of three categories: User, .Group, and World. Users and Groups are used when different programmers and programs need to share information stored in a file. The World classification is used when rights are to be granted to all who can use the system. BOOTSTRAP AND APPLICATION LOADERS Two utilities are supplied with the System to load programs and data into system memory from secondary storage devices: The IRMX 86 Bootstrap Loader can be configured to a size of less than 600 bytes of P(ROM). and is typically used to load the initial system from the system disk into memory, and begin its execution. PHYSICAL FILES Physical Files allow more direct device access than Named Files. Each Physical File occupies an entire de· vice, treated as a single stream of individually accessable bytes. No access control is provided for Physical Files as they are typically used for such applications as.driving a printing device, translating from one device format to another, driving a paper tape device, and controlling analog mechanisms. The Application Loader is typically used by application programs already running in the system to load additional programs and data from any secondary storage device. The Human Interface layer, for example, uses the Application Loader to load the non-resident Human Interface Commands. The Application Loader is capable of loading both relocatable and absolute code, as well as program overlays. STREAM FILES Human Interface Stream Files provide applications with a method of using iRMX 86 file management methods for data that does not need to go into secondary storage. Stream Files act as direct ch,annels, through system memory, from one task to another. These channels are very useful to pro- The flexibility of the interface between computer controlled machines and their users often determines the usability and ultimate success of the machines, Table 12 lists iRMX 86 Human Interface functions giving users Order Number 2-13 21018~.()C)1 IRMX TIII 86 and applications simple access to the file and system management capabilities described earlier. The process, interrupt, and memory managment functions described earlier, are performed automatically for Human Interface users. The initial program specified for each terminal can be a special application program, a custom Human Interface, or the standard iRMX 86 Command Line Interpreter (CLI). For example, you may choose to use the Microsoft Basic Interpreter as this initial program. After system start-up, each terminal user would be able to run the interpreter without asking for it to be loaded. From the BASIC interpreter an operator, for example, could run a data collection program, written in BASIC, that communicates with several laboratory instruments, and prints charts and reports based on certain test results. When finished entering, changing, or running a BASIC program, the terminal would remain in BASIC for the next user. MULTI·USER ACCESS Using the multi-terminal support provided by the BIOS, the iRMX 86 Human Interface can support several simultaneous users. The real-time nature of the system is maintained by providing a priority for each user, and using the event-driven iRMX 86 Nucleus to schedule tasks. High-performance interrupt response is guaranteed even while users interact with various application packages. For example, multi-terminal support allows one person to be using the iRMX 86 Editor, while another. compiles a FORTRAN 86 or PASCAL 86 program, while several others load and access applications. Specifying an application program as a terminal's initial program makes the interface between operators and the computer system much simpler. Each operator need only be aware of the function of a particular application; not needing to interact with any unfamiliar functions also available on h.is application system. Specifying the standard iRMX 86 Human Interface CLI as the initial program enables users of the terminals to access all iRMX 86 functions. This CLI makes it easy to manage iRMX 86 files, load and execute Intel-supplied and custom programs, and submit command files for later execution. Each terminal attached to the iRMX 86 multi-user Human Interface is automatically associated with a user, a memory pool, and an initial program to run when the terminal is connected. This association is made using a file that may be changed at any time. Changes are effective the next time the system is initialized. Table 6. IRMXTM Real·Tlme Performance Real·Tlme Function Execution Time (msec) .SUSPEND TASK I 0.45 INTERRUPT LATENCY (to Handler) INTERRUPT LATENCY (to Handler) SYSTEM BUFFERS AND DATA 0.20 (Max) " APPLICATION CODE OPERATOR CONSOLE APPLICATIONS RAM 0.03 I I BACKGROUND APPLICATION 0.68 (Max) BIOS I EIOS WINCHESTER DISK I DRIVER SEND MESSAGE (no context switch) 0.30 0.57 SEND CONTROL (no context switch) 0.19 BOOTSTRAP LOADER BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM RAM SEND CONTROL (with context switching) 0.50 RECEIVE CONTROL (no waiting) 0.25 FLOPPY DISK DRIVER NUCLEUS PROM SEND MESSAGE (with context switch) I HUMAN INTERFACE (Typical) CONTEXT SWITCH CAUSED BY INTERRUPT COMMON UTILITIES f SYSTEM BUFFERS DATA 16K BYTES APPLICATION CODE PROM Context switch time is the time between executing In the context of a task. and the first instruction to execute In the context of another task. SK BYTES NUCLEUS CODE oOSP 66 INTERFACE 801300SF ,sec' DATA COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER These times were measured using an 8 MHz 86/30 Single Board Computer with the standard configuration supported by the Preconfigured System, and all program and data stored In on-board dynamiC RAM, Figure 6. Typical iRMXTM 86 Configurations Order Number 210885-001 2-14 iRMX™ 86 MULTIPROGRAMMING SPECTRUM FLEXIBILITY PERFORMANCE FEATURES ..... ------~ LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS STRUCTURED DESIGN EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT FEATURE OVERVIEW software package to divide and coordinate various system activities among multiple processors. Typical iRMX 86 system performance characteristics are shown in Table 6. The iRMX 86 Operating System is well suited to serve the demanding needs of real-time applications executing on complex microprocessor systems. The iRMX 86 System also provides many tools and features needed by real-time system developers and programmers. The following sections describe features useful in both the development and execution environments. The description of each feature outlines the advantages given to hardware and software engineers concerned with overall system cost, expandability with custom and industry standard options, and long-term maintenance of iRMX 86-based systems. The development environment features also Clescribe the ease with which the iRMX 86 Operating System can be incorporated into overall system designs. Many real-time systems require high-performance operation. To meet this requirement, all of iRMX 86 (except for the Human Interface commands) can be put into zero wait-state P(ROM). ThiS approach eliminates the possibility of disk access times slowing down performance, while allowing system designers to take advantage of high performance memory devices. CONFIGURABILITY ... The iRMX 86 Operating System is configurable by system layer, and by system call within each layer. In addition, all the I/O port addresses used by the System are configurable by the user. This flexibility gives designers the freedom to choose configurations of hardware and software that best suit their size and functional requirements. Two example configurations are shown in Figure 6. Execution Environment Features REAL-TIME PERFORMANCE Most configuration options are selected during system design stages. Qthers may be selected during system operation. For example, the amount of memory devoted to queues within a Mailbox can be specified at the time the Mailbox is created. Devoting more memory to the Mailbox allows more messages to be transmitted to other tasks without having to degrade system perfoJmance to allocate additional memory dynamically. The iRMX 86 Operating System is designed to offer the high performance, multi-tasking functions required by real-time systems. Designers can make use of the latest VLSI devices such as the 8087 Numeric Processor Extension, and the 80130 Operating System Firmware Component to improve their system cost/performance ratio, or the iMMX'" 800 MULTIBUS@Message Exchange Order Number 21018&·001 2-15 iRMXTM 86 The chart shown in Table 7 indicates the actual memory size required to support these different configurations of the iRMX 86 System. Systems requiring only Nucleus level functions may require no more than 13 KBytes for the Operating System (Use of the iAPX 86/30 requires only 4K Bytes of RAM). Other applications, needing 110 management functions, may select portions of additional layers that fit their needs and size constraints. The iRMX 86 System provides easy-to-use support for applications to access multiple terminals. It also enables multiple and different users to access different applications concurrently. Figure 7 illustrates a typical iRMX 86 application simultaneously supporting multi-terminal data collection and real-time environments. Shown is a group of terminals used by"machinists on a shop floor to communicate with ajob management program, a building security system that constantly monitors energy usage requirements, a system operator console capable of accessing all system functions, and a group of terminals in the Production Engineering department used to monitor job costs while developing new device control specifications and instructions. The iSBC 544 Intelligent Terminal Interface supports multiple user terminals without degrading system performance to handle character 110. This configurability also applies to the Terminal Handler and Debugger layers. They need be included only when the iRMX 86 Debugger is needed (usually only during system development) or wilen a serial terminal interface is needed in a system that otherwise doesn't need an 1/0 System. MULTI-PROCESSING The resources provided by a single processor are often not enough to perform certain functions. With the standard interfaces provided by the iMMX 800 MULTIBUS Message Exchange package, the iRMX 86 Operating System su~ ports a loosely-coupled multi-processing environment. Tasks running on one processor may communicate with tasks running on other processors, even if they operate under different operating systems. The iMMX 800 software is capable of sending messages over the MULTIBUS to tasks operating under either the iRMX 80 8-bit MultiTasking Executive, the iRMX 88 Executive, or the iRMX 86 Operating System. Using this message exchange mechanism, applications may increase their system performance quite easily, improve overall Interrupt response, gain access to the iSBC 550 Ethernet Controller, and leave room for future product enhancements. I ,sac -g ~ DATA COLLECTION TERMINALS h ~ fJQ MULTI-USER ACCESS Many real-time systems must provide a vanety of users access to system control functions and collected data. System Layer 544 . Figure 7. Multi-Terminal and Real-Time System Multi~User Table 7. iRMXTM 86 Configuration Size Chart Bootstrap Loader Nucleus BIOS Application Loader EIOS Human Interface UDI Terminal Handler Debugger Human Interface Commands Interactive Configuration Utility Min. ROMabie Size Max . Size Data Size O.5K 1.5K 6K' 10.5K 26K 24K 2K 78K 1K 4K 10K 2K 10.5K 12.5K 1K 22K 22K 15K 11K 11K 0 3K 3K O.3K 28.5K 28.5K 1K 116K 308K • Usable by System after bootloadlng. Order Number 210885-001 2-16 iRMX™86 EXTENDABILITY EXCEPTiON HANDLING The iRMX 86 Operating System provides three means of extensions. This extendability is essential for support of OEM and volume end user value added features. This ability is provided by: Ilser-defined operating system calls, user-defined objects (similar to Jobs, Tasks, etc.), and the ability to add functions later in the product life cycle. The modular, layered structure of the System easily facilitates later additions to iRMX 86 applications. Userdefined objects are supported by the functions listed in Table 8. The System includes predefined exception handlers for typical 1/0 and parameter error conditions. The error handling mechanism is both configurable and extendable. SUPPORT OF STANDARDS The iRMX 86 Operating System supports the many hardware and software standards needed by most application systems to ensure that commonly available hardware and software packages may be interfaced with a minimum of cost and effort. The iRMX 86 System supports the iSBC family of products built on the Intel MULTIBUS (IEEE Standard 796), and a number of standard software interfaces such as the UDI and the common device driver interface (See Figure 8). The procedural interfaces of Using standard iRMX 86 system calls users may define custom objects, enabling applications to easily manipulate commonly used structures as if they were part of the original operating system. Table 8. User Extension System Calls Function Performed System Call RO$CREATE$COMPOSITE Creates a custom object built of previously defined objects. RO$DELETE$COMPOSITE Deletes the custom object, but riot the vanous objects from which it was built. RO$INSPECT$COMPOSITE Returns a list of Token Identifiers for the component objects from which the specified composite object is built. RQ$ALTER$COMPOSITE Replaces a component object of a composite object RQ$CREATE$EXTENSION Creates a new type of object and assigns a mailbox used for collecting these objects when they are deleted. RQ$DELETE$EXTENSION Deletes an extension definition. Figure 8. iRMXTM 86 Standard Interfaces Order Number 21088S 001 2-17 iRMXTM 86 minal 110 by locally managing input and Ol,ltput buffers. The iSBC 544 firmware provided with the operating system can off-load the system CPU by as much as 75%. . the UDI, a software analogy to the MULTIBUS, 'are listed in Table 10. . The Operating System includes support for the proposed IEEE 80·bit extended real·variable format of the 8087 Numeric Data Processor, the IEEE 796 (MULTIBUS) hardware interface, and the Intel· Universal Run·time In· terface (URI). Other standards such as the iMMX 800 MULTIBUS Message Exchange, and an Ethernet· com· munication interface, are supported by optional software packages available to run on the IRMX 86 System. The i$BC 534 Four-Channel USART Controller Device Driver also provides support for multiple controller boards each supporting up to 4 standard RS232 terminals. Table 9. Supported Devices \ iSBCI!> Device Controller SPECTRUM OF CPU PERFORMANCE TheiRMX 86 System supports 8086 and 8088 based systems directly at a variety of processor clock speeds. With the iRMX 286R Operating System option, completely compatible systems can be built around the iAPX 286 processor. By choosing the appropriate CPU, designers can select from a wide range of performance without having to change application software. iSBCI!> 86,88 ISBC® 204 ISBC® 206 iSBC® 208 COMPONENT LEVEL SUPPORT iSBC® 215 iSBCI!> 220 iSBC® 254 iSBC® 534,544 The iRMX 86 System may be tailored to support specific hardware configurations. In addition to system memory, only an iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 microprocessor, an 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller, and either an 8253 or 8254 Programmable Interval Timer are required. In addition, the iRMX 86 Operating System may be used to augment the functions of the 80130 Operating System Firmware Component that not only provides these hardware functions, but eliminates the need for approximately 14 KBytes of the iRMX 86 Nucleus code (see Figure 6). For systems requiring extended mathematics capability, an 8087 Numeric Data Processor may be added to perform these functions up to 100 times faster than equivalent software. For applications servicing more than 8 Interrupt sources, additional 8259A's may be configured as slave controllers. iSBXTM 218 iSBXTM 270 Supported Devices Serial Port to CRT, Parallel Port to Centronics-type Printer, InterVal Timer, and Interr.upt Controller Single Density Diskette Cartridge-type Hard Disk Single & Double Density, Single & Double Sided. 8" & 5.25" Diskette Standard Winchester Disks Standard Storage Module Disks Bubble Memory Board 4-Channel.Serial Ports to CRTs. Modems Single & Double Density, Single & Double Sided, 8" & 5.25" Diskette (When used on an iSBel!> 215 Winchester Controller) Black and White CRT's and full ASCII keyboards Development Environment Features The iRMX 86 Operating System supports the efficient utilization of programming time by providing important tools for program development. Some of the tools necessary to develop and debug real-time systems are included with the Operating System. Others, such as language compilers, are available from Intel and from leading Independent Software Vendors. BOARD LEVEL SUPPORT The iRMX 86 Operating System includes device drivers to support a broad range of MULTIBUS device controllers. The particular boards and types of devices supported are listed in Table 9. The device controllers all adhere to industry standard electrical and functional interfaces. 'LANGUAGES In addition to the on-CPU board terminal drivers, the iRMX 86 BIOS includes two iSBC board-level device drivers to support multiple terminal interfaces: The iRMX 86 Operating System supports a group of 31 standard system calls known as the Universal Development Interface (UDI). Figure 8 shows that the additional features of this standard interface provide iRMX 86 systems the capability: of using many compilers and language translators. These include the iAPX 86 and 88 Macro Assembler, and the Pascal 86/88, PUM 86/88, and FORTRAN 86/88 compilers available from Intel. They also include a number of other Intel development tools, The iSBC 544 Intelligent Four-Channel Terminal Interface Device Driver provides support for multiple controllers each supporting up to 4 standard RS232 terminals. The iSBC 1544 driver takes advantage of an on-board 8085 processor to greatly reduce the system processor time required for ter• Ethernet IS a trademark of Xerox Corporation. Order Number 210885·001 2-18 iRMX™ 86 and language translators and utilities available from other software vendors. A subset of the UOI SYlltem Calls provides another standard interface called the Universal Runtime Interface (URI). The URI calls are those required to execute a compiled,program, while the full set of UOI calls is required to run a compiler. These standard software interfaces (the URI and the UOI) ensure that users of the iRMX 86 Operating System may transport their applications to future releases of the iRMX 86 Operating System and other Intel and independent vendor software products. The calls available in the URI and UOI are shown in Table 10. Table 10. URI and UOI System Calls Function Performed System Call Memory Management: OQ$ALLOCA TE Crea!es a Segment of a specified size. OQ$FREE Returns the specified segment to the System. OO$GET$SIZE" Returns the size of the specified Segment. OO$RESERVE$IO$MEMORY" Reserves memory to OPEN and ATTACH files. File Management: OO$ATTACH , I Creates a Connection to a specified file. OQ$CHANGE$ACCESS" Changes the user access rights associated With a file or directory OO$CHANGE$EXTENSION Changes the extension of a file name In'memory DQ$CLOSE Closes the specified file Connecllon OO$CREATE Creates a Named File. OO$OELETE Oeletes a Named File. OQ$OETACH Closes a Named File and deletes Its Connection. OQ$OPEN Opens a file for a particular type of access OQ$GET$CON NECTION$STATUS' Returns the current status of the specified file Connection OQ$FILE$INFO' Returns data about a file Connection OO$REAO Reads the next sequence of bytes from a file. DQ$RENAME' Renames the specified Named File OO$SEEK Moves the position pointer of a file. OO$TRUNCATE Truncates a file. OO$WRITE Writes a sequence of bytes to a file. Process Management: OQ$EXIT Exits from the current application job. OQ$OVERLAY' Causes the specified overlay to be. loaded OQ$SPECIAL Performs special 110 related functions on terminals With speCial control features. OQ$TRAP$CC Captures control when CNTRLlC IS typed. Exception Handling: OQ$GET$EXCEPTION$HANOLER Returns a pointer to the program currently being used to process errors. OQ$OECOOE$EXCEPTION Returns a short description of the specified error code OQ$TRAP$EXCEPTION Identifies a custom exception processing program for a particular type of error Application Assistance: OQ$OECOOE$TIME Returns system time and date in binary and ASCII character format. OQ$GET$ARGUMENT" Returns the next argument from the character string used to invoke the application program OQ$GET$SYSTEM$IO" Returns the name of the underlYing operating system supporting the UDI. Od$GET$TIME" Returns the current t"ime of day as kept by the underlying operating system. DQ$SWITCH$BUFFER Selects a new buffer from which to process commands. • Calls available only through the UDI Order Number ?10RAr, 2-19 ~Ol iRMX™86 .. The high performance of the iRMX 86 Operating System enhances the throughput of compUers and other·development utilities. Table 11 indicates the average performance of typical development environment functions operating in the same configuration described in Table 5. Table 12. Major Human Interface Utilities (Con't.) Command Table 11. Development Environment Performance Function TIME Set the system time-of-day clock. VERIFY Verify the structure of an iRMXTM 86 Named File.volume, and check for possible disk data errors. Average EX8Cuti9n Time INTERACTIVE CONFIGURATION UTILITY Directory Command (S Format with 25 files) 5.3 sec Load the COpy Commal)Q 1.2 sec Copy a 1K Byte File (Winchester to Winchester) 1.0 sec Copy a 16K Byte File 1.7 sec Copy a 64K Byte File Copy a 1K Byte File (Winchester to Diskette) 3.9 sec Compile PUM 86 3931pm Compile PASCAL 86 Program 4531pm The iRMX 86 Operating System is designed to provide OEMs the ability to configure for specific system hardware and software requirements. The Interactive Configuration Utility (ICU) builds iRMX 86 configurations by asking appropriate questions and making reasonable assumptions. It runs on either an Intellec® Series III Development System or iRMX 86 System supporting the UDI and a hard disk. Table 13 lists the hardware and support software requirements of different iRMX 86 development system environments. 1.4 sec Table 13. IRMXTM 86 Development Environment Intellecl!> Series III: MDS 313 PUM 86/88 Compiler One hard disk and one diskette drive TOOLS Certain tools are necessary for the development of microcomputer applications. The IRMX 86 Human Interface includes many of these tools as non-resident commands. They can be included on the system disk of an application system, and brought into memory when needed to per.form functions as listed in Table 12. iRMXTM 86 Preconfigured System iRMXTM 860 Utility iRMXTM 863 PUM 86/88 Compiler iSBCI!> 957B Monitor 448K Bytes of RAM 5M Byte On· Line Storage and one double-density diskette drive - Table 12. Major Human Interface Utilities Command Function Function BACKUP Copy directories and files from one device to another. COpy Copy one or more files to one or more destination files. CREATEDIR Create a directory file to store the names of other files. DIR List the names, sizes. owners, etc. of the files contained in a directory. ATIACHFILE Give a logical name to a specified location in a file directory tree. PERMIT Grant or rescind user access to a file. RENAME Change the name of a file. SUBMIT Start the processing of a series of commands stored in a file. SUPER Change operator's ID to that of the System Manager with global access rights and privileges. SYSTEM 86/330 Microcomputer System Basic configuration Figure 9 shows one of the many screens displayed during the process of defining a configuration. It shows the abbreviations for each choice on the left, a more complete description with the range of possible answers in the center, and the current (sometimes default) choice on the right. The bottom of the screen shows three changes made by the operator (lower case lettering), and a request for help on the Exception Mode question. In response to a request for help, the ICU displays an additional screen outlining possible choices and some overall sys· tem effects. The ICU requests only information required as a result of previous choices. For example, if no Extended I/O System functions are required, the ICU will not ask any further questions about the EIOS. Once a configuration session is complete, the operator may save all the information in a file. Later, when small changes are necesOrder Number 210885·001 2-20 iRMX™86 sary, this file can be modified. A completely new'session is not required. Nucleus (ASC) (PV) (ROD) (MTS) (DEH) (NiH) (EM) (NR) AHSysca1ls{'t'tslNo1 PoromtIef V_,on (VHINoI Root Object Dllary Sue 10-1IfftIh1 ",,_ Tllnsfer Silt ~- OFfFFHI Excepbon Hlndler (V1IINoIDeII/Use1 Narneot Ex Hindle< ObJICI Maclute 1.-32ch'1 E.cep1~n _ IN..../Program/Envrron/AIiI Nucleus In ROIIIVHINoI Del,," execution are accessable from a terminal connected directly to the iAPX 86 or 88 system. Yes Yes OO.CH 0040H rNTELLEC SERIES MOOEL 210 Ves UPP CHANNEL Never No En." Changes IAbbre_no 'I, ne.·VlIueI ASC, N pv:no rod ,48 SERIAL CH2 em' Figure 9. ICU Screen for IRMXTM 86 Nucleus Figure 10. Typical iSBC® 957B Configuration REAL-TIME DEBUGGING TOOLS The iRMX 86 Operating System supports three distinct debugging environments: Static, Dynamic, and PostMortem. While the iRMX 86 Operating System does support a mUlti-user Human Interface, these real-time debugging aids are usually most useful in a single-user environment where modifications made to the system cannot affect other users. The static debugging aid is the iSBC 957B Monitor (included in the first shipment of some iRMX 86 options). The Monitor provides a basic debugging capability for both system and application code. The iRMX 86 Debugger provides a dynamic system debugging tool for testing and debugging real-time systems. The Debugger allows programmers to stop and inspect one task while the rest of the system continues to operate. The iRMX 86 Crash/ Dump Analyzer enables programmers to intpect a system's structure after a problem has caused it to stop normal operation. Each of these debugging facilities are described below. iRMX™ 86 Debugger The iRMX 86 Debugger runs as part of an iRMX 86 application. It may be used at any time during program development, or may be integrated into an OEM system to aid in the discovery of latent errors. The Debugger can be used to search for errors in any task, even while the other tasks in the system are running. The iRMX 86 Debugger communicates with the developer via a terminal handler that supports full line editing. System Crash/Dump Analyzer The often difficult job of debugging real-time applications is made much simpler with the System Crash/Dump Analyzer. The analyzer allows program developers to record system memory for later analysis even if the system has halted. This analYSis lists such vital Information as which jobs have active tasks, which system queues contain which tasks, and what segments contain which - data. iSBC@ 957B Monitor The information used by the Analyzer is obtained from a copy of iRMX 86 data structures after a fault has caused an unexpected halt (crash). The processor also may be halted deliberately to perform a system analysis. The system information is created by a two-step process: The iSBC 957B Monitor can be used either as a standalone monitor for static debugging and system start-up, or as a communication link to an Intellec Development System. A number of PROMs are included along with the necessary cables to control a hardware configuration such as is pictured in Figure 10. All programs necessary for the Intellec system and the target system are included. Configuration tools for users wishing to support different hardware configurations are also included. 1. Transferring an image 01 iRMX 86 system memory to a disk file on an Intellec Senes III Microcomputer Development system, 2. Later printing an analyzed and formatted printout description of the stale of the system. Debugging of any iAPX 86 or 88 application is accomplished in an interactive manner via either of the two ter: minals shown in Figure 10. If an Intellec Development System is not present, all debugging instructions necessary to view and modify register and memory contents, set execution breakpoints and provide single instruction Figure 11 shows a portion of a Crash/Dump Analyser display for an iRMX 86 Mailbox. The display identifies the mailbox by its token and shows its key attributes. This information is followed by a list of tokens for objects (if any) queued at the mailbox. Order Number 2-21 21088~·OO' IRMXT,M as Ii Ii - -- ---- - - --- ------------------ - ------------Ii Ii _ .......,taUn=4AM PRIORITY Ii OUEUE ~ Ii - -------- ------ or- ---- - ---- ... --- ------- ----- ...... c-mng Jab 484D Tllkq_hood Dbjectcochtdeplll DOOO Ie Dbject queue 484DJ14A83G 484DJl4A6DG 0 - dllciplont Dbjectquouehood PRJ W3 NO TASKS WAITING 484DJ14A1I'G 484DJ14A68G JFOR CONTAINING JOB 484DJ14A6FG 484DJ14A69G the full Complement of devices shown in Figure 12. The shaded area of the Figure represents the minimum hardware required by the start-up system. Other combinations of the devices, up to the full compliment shown, that support additional on-line storage are also possible. The Preconfigured System includes all iRMX 86 System Calls and the complete Universal Development Interface (UDI). The UDI supports Intel High-Level Languages and many applications available from Intel and many Independent Software Vendors. G FOR SEGMENT ONOUEUE ~..,~" Figure 11. Mailbox Analysis Report The analysis displays all the mailboxes (among other things) which exist within each job. Thus a user might learn critical information by observing a number of objects different from that expected. ,saC'S34 •••••• ' . ..... Performance problems can be identified under some circumstances. Noticing that certain mailboxes frequently have many objects queued may suggest an increase in the high performance cache size for the mailbox to improve its throughput, or give the designer cause to investigate the receiving task operation to see why the queue is so large. The analyzer automatically. checks for system inconsistencies such as corrupted data structures, incorrect object types, and stack overflow. Reports of such problems accompany the, reports on specific system objects. PARAMETER VALIDATION Some iRMX 86 System Calls require parameters that may change during the course of developing iRMX 86 applications. The iRMX 86 Operating System includes an optional set of routines to validate these parameters to ensure that correct numeric values are used, and that correct object types are used where the System expects to manipulate an object. For systems based only on the iRMX 86 Nucleus, these routines may be removed to improve the performance and code size of the System once the development phase is completed. ~ • ""!J:. . ,"',' -"~ FLOPPIES WINCHESTERS Fig~re 12. Pre-Configured iRMXTM 86 System The Preconfigured System is intended to aid the initial use of iRMX 86.features. Any 808fH)ased system currently supporting an iRMX 86 environment with a double density diskette may simply plug in the start-up system and run. Further, thiS start-up system may be used to run the ICU (!fa Winchester disk is attached to the system) to develop custom configurations such as those pictured in Figure 7. As shipped, the Human Interface supports a single user terminal. However, the Preconfigured System user terminal file may be altered easily to support from two to five users. . A ready-to-run, multi-user, Preconfigured System is included in each iRMX 86 KIT. Its configuration supports This System is also available as a separate product (order code RMX 86PC E) for-those iRMX 86 users that do not require the ability to tailor their system to custom hardware and software configurations. The SYSTEM 86/300 Family of Microcomputer Systems also provide users immediate access to programming tools and system applications with a ready-to-Ioad preconfigured iRMX 86 Operating System. SPECIFICATIONS iRMX 860 iRMX 86 Development Utilities Package including the iAPX 86 and 88 Linker, L.:ocater, Macro Assembler, Librarian, and the iRMX 86 Editor iRMX 861 PASCAL 86/88 Compiler PRECONFIGURED SYSTEM Supported Software Products iRMX 286R iRMX 86-compatible Operating System extension for iAPX 80286 Order Number 210885·001 iRMX TII 86 iRMX 862 FORTRAN 86/88 Compiler iRMX863 PUM 86/88 Compiler Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System (9803124-04) iRMX864 TX Screen-oriented Editor .iRMX 86 Operator's Manual (144523-001) iMMX800 MULTIBUS Message Exchange software package for iRMX 80, 86, and 88 application systems Master Index for iRMX 86 Release 5 Documentation (145015-001) iOSP86 Support Package for iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors Getting Started With The Release 5 iRMX 86 System (145073-001) . iRMX 86 Installation Guide (9803125-05) iRMX Configuration Guide (9803126-05) iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual (9803122-04) Supported Hardware Products iRMX 86 Terminal Handler Reference Manual (143324-002) CPMPONENTS iRMX 86 Debugger Reference Manual (143323-002) iAPX 86 and 88 Microprocessors IRMX 86 Basic 110 System Reference Manual (9803123-05) iAPX 286 Microprocessors (with iRMX 286R) 8087 Numeric Data Processor Extension IRMX 86 Loader Reference Manual (143318-002) iAPX 86/30 (80130) Operating System Firmware Component (with iOSP 86) IRMX 86 Extended 110 System Reference Manual ( 143308-002) 8253 and 8254 Programmable Interval Timers IRMX 86 Human Interface Reference Manual (9803202-003) 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller 8251A USART GUide to Writing DeVice Drivers for the iRMX 86 and iRMX 88110 Systems (142926-004) 8255 Programmable Parallel Interface IRMX 86 Programming Techniques (142982-003) User's Guide For The ISBC 957B IAPX 86, 88 Interface and Execution Package (143979-002) , iSBC® MULTIBUS@ BOARD AND SYSTEM PRODUCTS iSBC 86/12A, 86/05, 86/14, 86/30, 88/25, and 88/40 Single Board Computers iRMX 86 Disk Verification Utility Reference Manual (144133-002) iSBC 286110 Single Board Computer (With iRMX 286R) Runtime Support Manual for iAPX 86, 88 Applications (121776-002) iSBC 204 Diskette Controller iSBC 206 Hard Disk Controller IRMX 86 Crash Analyzer Reference Manual (144522-001) iSBC 208 Diskette Controller iSBC 215 Winchester Disk Controller , OPTIONAL REFERENCE MATERIALS iSBC 220 SMD Disk Controller iSBC 254 Bubble Memory System Edit Reference Manual (143587-002) iSBC 534 4-Channel Terminal Interface Guide to Using iRMX 86 Languages (142907-001) iSBC 544 Intelligent 4-channel Terminal Interface and Controller APPLICATION NOTES iSBX 218 Diskette Controller (with iSBC 215) Ap Note 86 - iRMX 86 Realtime Multitasking Operating System iSBX 350 Parallel Port (Centronics-type Printer Interface) Ap Note 130 - Using Operating System Processors to Simplify Microcomputer Designs iSBX 351 Serial Communications Port iSBX 270 CRT, Light Pen and Keyboard Interface SYSTEM 86/330 Computer System TRAINING COURSES SYSTEM 86/380 Computer System Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System Advanced 'iRMX 86 Operating System Concepts Available Literature CUSTOMER SEMINARS The iRMX 86 Documentation Set is comprised of following reference manuals. Each is also be available under the order numbers shown. Contact Local Intel Sales Office for details on available video-tape and slide presentations. Order Number 210885 001 2-23 ORDERING INFORMATION RMX 86 KIT ERO: The iRMX 86 Operating System is available under a number of different licensing options as noted here. Except for source listings (available on microfichel all options are provided on either single or double density ISIS-formatted diskettes, or on double density iRMX 86-formatted diskettes. ISIS-format diskettes may be used on Intel Intellec Development Systems. The iRMX 86-format may be used on any iRMX 86-based system supporting the appropriate compilers and 'development environment. Other licensing options include prepayment of all future incorporation fees, single use rights for a single machine, use at a second development site, one-year support service extensions, the right to make copies for a(ldltional development systems, and source listing materials. Each option includes 90 days of support service that provides a periodic NEWSLETTER, Software Problem Report Service, and copies of System updates that occur during this period. Except for source listings, all initial licenses include the iSBC 957B iAPX 86 and 88 System Monitor, and a complete set of iRMX 86 Documentation. The OEM license options listed here allow users to incorporate the iRMX 86 Operating System into their applications. Each use requires payment of an Incorporation Fee. Order Code Description RMX 86 KIT ARO: Single density OEM license. RMX 86 KIT BRO: Double density OEM license. Double density iRMX 86-Format OEM license for use on iRMX 86-based environments. As with all Intel software, purchase of any of these options requires the execution of a standard Intel Master Software License. The specific rights granted to users depend on the specific option and the License signed. 2-24 iRMX™ 88 REAL·TIME MULTITASKING EXECUTIVE • Event-driven multitasking executive software supports iSBC® 86/05, • Supports component or iSBC™·based system generation through Interactive Configuration Utility 86/12A, 86/14, 86/30, 88/25, 88/40, 88145 or iAPX 86, 88 based applications • I/O system provides compatible iRMX™ 86 files and device independent 110 interface • Small, high·performance, PROMable executive supports high sample rates • Provides simple, intertask communica· tions and synchronization • 110 system supports the User Run·time Interface (URI) for PUM, PASCAL and FORTRAN coded application tasks • Supports the 8087 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) for arithmetic applications • Memory management of full megabyte iAPX 86, 88 memory The iRMX 88 Real·Time Multitasking Executive is a small, event-driven single-user executive system. Designed for dedicated computer applications using iSBC 86/05, 86/12A, 86/14, 86/30, 88/25, 88/40, 88/45 or iAPX 86, 88 custom products, the modular software package provides real-time application support for PASCAL, FORTRAN, PUM and assembler coded tasks. Application tasks utilize intertask communications, synchronous I/O control, priority-based resource allocation and file support for the iSBC 204, 206, 208, 215/218, and 220 Disk Controllers, and the iSBC 254 Bubble Memory product. The small, high performance iRMX 88 Executive can be located in EPROM or bootstrapped into RAM memory. The iRMX 88 Executive offers features that are suitable for performance·critical process control applications, production test stand units, sophisticated laboratory analysis, instrumentation, specialized data acquisition systems or monitoring stations. The iRMX 88 design, based upon the iRMX 80 Real·Time Executive, offers iRMX 80·like interfaces for those 8·bit applications which are upgrading to 16·bit solutions for the 1 Megabyte addressing, expanded application functions, and higher performance data sam· piing requirements. USER APPLICATION Figure 1. Module Representation The follOWing are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to desCribe Intel products Intel, CREDIT, Index, Instte, Intellec, library Manager, Megachanls, Mlcromap, MULTIBUS, PROMPT, UPI, ,"Scope, Promware, MeS, ICE, tRMX, .SSC, .sex, MULTIMODULE and teS Intel CorporatIOn assumes no responsibility lor the use alany cIrcuitry other than Circuitry embodied in an Intel product No other circuit patent licenses are Implied © INTEL CORPORATION, 1981 October, 1;81 Order Number: '.3130.002 2-25 intJ iRMX™ 88 . ance flexibility since it masks all Interrupts and supports burst-rate data sample gathering. The interrupt task Is useful for lower frequency interrupts, masking only lower priority interrupts.. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The IRMX 88 Real-Time Multitasking Executive Software package provides facilities for executing tasks concurrently, managing resources and servIcing asynch'ronous events to users of Intel's single board computers and custom iAPX 86, 88-based products. The foundation modules support real-time dedicated computer applications with priority-based task scheduling, interrupt dispatching, real-time clock control with 1 ms resolution, multiple event monitoring and control, and file services for flexible, hard, Winchester, SMD disk units and bubble memory devices. The software package includes the primary modules: Nucleus, Free Space Manager, Terminal Handler, I/O System and Bootstrap Loader. The Interactive Configuration Utility (ICU) executes on a Series III Intellec System, or iRMX 86 Operating System with a Universal Development Interface·(UDI). Small High-Performance Executive The iRMX 88 Executive software utilizes a simple, straightforward architecture which minimizes the memory requirements, as shown in Table 1. In addition, the modules are deSigned to be totally EPROM resident for those systems where mass storage devices cannot be used because of the danger of ,contamination. Real-time microcomputer solutions require the recognition of' interrupts. The performance of the system is with respect to data sample rates, If there is no activity in progress when an interrupt occurs, the time to handle that interrupt is dependent on the number of instructions executed, e.g., 52 microseconds interrupt latency time on an iSBC 86/12A board. Most real-time solutions have mUltiple events occurring and background operations in progress. Seldom does a background task have critical sections of code which cannot be interrupted. FEATURE OVERVIEW Event-Driven Multitasking The i RMX 88 Executive provides a control software foundation called a Nucleus. The iRMX88 Nucleus provides two major functions: first, the facility for concurrent task execution; secondly, the facility for handling simultaneous asynchronous events. Intertask Communications The iRMX 88 Nucleus provides a simple, easy-touse intertask communications mechanism based upon a message. Messages are transferred between tasks with two basic procedure calls, a send (ROSEND) and a wait (ROWAIl'). Task "A" requests the Nucleus to ROSEND the pOinter to a message buffer to Task "B" (see Figure 2). The Nucleus controls the message flow by activating the higherpriority Task B, or queuing the message If a lowerpriority Task B is not waiting for the message. The receiving task does an ROWAIT to get the message pOinter and can now access the data which may be for synchronization or real-time control operations. The structured multitasking environment permits segmenting of the application tasks. The number of tasks, managed by the Nucleus, Is limited only by the available 1 Megabyte memory space. The tasks are prioritized such that the highest-ranked' task is executing, e.g., an alarm event preempts the lower priority executing task. The Nucleus supports 255 priority levels. Since internal or external events (interrupts) occur randomly, the Nucleus synchronizes the event with a task. The Nucleus ~upports either an interrupt service routi.ne or an interrupt task. The interrupt service routine offers high-speed perform- Table 1. IRMX™ 88 Module Memory Requirements MODULE EPROM· (K bytes) NUCLEUS 4.0 TERMINAL HANDLER FREE SPACE MANAGER PHYSICAL** NAMED** BOOTSTRAP * * • 2.5 1.5 20.0 32.0 1.5 1/0 SYSTEM • amount 01 code configured In EPROM; all numbers are approximate •• includes one 3K byte deVIce driver (named Iile plus phYSIcal lile is 34.0K bytes) ••• includes an O,5K byte device driver AFN'()1108A 2-26 intJ IRMX™ 88 Numeric Data Processor TASK ENTRY POINT TASK A The iRMX 88 Nucleus fully supports the 8087 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) functions for high·speed arithmetic functions of real·time ap· plications. High·performance numeric processing applications, which utilize 8·, 16·,32· and 64·bit in· tegers, 32·, 64· and 80·bit floating pOint or 18·digit BCD operations, are accelerated up to 100 times over a iAPX 86, 88 software solution. The NPX functions, including trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functionals, are essential in scientific, engineering, navigational or military ap· plications. INITIALIZE TASK • PERFORM FUNCTION INITIALIZE OPERATION (ROSEN D) (SEND MESSAGE) 1. WAIT FOR RESPONSE (ROWAIT) TASK ENTRY POINT TASK B INITIALIZE TASK Nucleus Primitives WAIT FOR MESSAGE (ROWAIT) FROM TASK A The Nucleus performs other functions as shown in Table 2, in addition to the message communica· tions management. Some primitives like CREATE TASK and DELETE TASK allow dynamic crea· tion/deletion of tasks during run·time. This dynamic capability allows the Nucleus tables to PERFORM FUNCTION 1. SEND RESPONSE (ROSEN D) TO TASK A Figure 2. Intertask Communications Table 2. Nucleus Primitives NAME ACCEPT FUNCTION Accept a message from specified exchange. Returns message ad· dress if available, zero otherwise. CREATE TASK Create task by building new Task Descriptor based on specified Static Task Descriptor. CREATE EXCHANGE Create exchange at specified RAM address. DISABLE INTERRUPT Disable specified interrupt level. DELETE EXCHANGE Delete specified exchange. DELETE TASK Delete the task specified. ENABLE INTERRUPT Initialize' message portion of the Interrupt Exchange Descriptor associated with the specified interrupt level (the first time called only), and enable specified interrupt level. END INTERRUPT Signals specific end·of-interrupt for the specified interrupt exchange in a user-supplied interrupt service routine. INTERRUPT SEND Send an interrupt message to the specified interrupt exchange. RESUME Resume a task that has previously been suspended. SEND Send the message located-at "msg-addr" to the exchange specified by "exch-addr." SET INTERRUPT Set interrupt vector address. An interrupt is to be serviced by the user-supplied routine starting at the address, thus bypassing Nucleus interrupt software. SUSPEND TASK Suspend execution of the task specified by the Task Descriptor. WAIT Wait at the specified exchange until a message is available or time limit expires. Return address of system timeout message or liser message. AFN 01108A 2-27 intJ IRMX™88 expand and accommodate infrequently used tasks which are loaded into memory from a mass storage device. files can be "double buffered" so that the task can be processing data in one buffer while the IDS is filing another. Interactive System Generation The IDS provides access to two types of files: • Named Flies allow applications to refer to collections of bytes (files) by using a name. These names are cataloged in a directory which allows files to be accessed by different tasks. • Physical Files allow applications to make a physical connection to a storage device. Typically used for simple devices such as printers, terminals or sequential data logging where file structures are not necessary. The iRMX 88 Executive is constructed in a' thoroughly modular manner with the ful~ range of facilities being offered in library mOdules. By selecting the appropriate features and combining them with the user-written application tasks the generated system is tailored to the application's requirements minimizing memory overhead for ; unused features. An Int'eractive Configuration Utility provides a query-based tool that configures the i RMX 88-based application_ Responding to questions from the ICU utility program executing on a Series IIIlnteliec Microcomputer Development System or an iRMX 86-based system, the user quickly tailors the real-time application system. The file types are a compatible subset of the iRMX 86 Basic 110 System with a flat (non-hierarchical) directory. Bootstrap Loader 110 System The iRMX 88 110 System provides an extensive facility for device-independent 110. Through a series of supplied iRMX 86 compatible device drivers, the 110 System supports a wide-range of iSBC peripheral controllers. Custom peripheral controllers are supported through user-written , device drivers which are integrated with the 110 System at system configuration time. The deviceindependent nature of the system allows use of different devices without application redesign. The 110 System (IDS) procedures manage real-time file operations supporting both sequential and random access (see Table 3). The IDS maximizes system throughput by allowing multiple disk operations to proceed in parallel. For example, The iRMX 88 IDS has a Bootstrap Loader which loads a file from mass storage into system memory. The configurable Bootstrap Loader loads the file from a specific device, automatically from the first-ready device of, a designated device list, or accepts the file name from a terminal. Storing the system software on disk allows easier future changes to the application system. Run-Time Interface The iRMX88 Executive provides the User Run-time Interface (URI). This URI interface, in addition to encompassing the 110 System services, provides additional functionality for tasks. The additional functionality includes a trap function and memory management routines which provide the run-time foundation for PASCAL-86, FORTRAN-86, or PUM-86 coded application tasks. Table 3_ 1/0 System Services Data Transfer Services. File Connection Services Volume Preparation SERVICE FUNCTION CLOSE OPEN READ SEEK TRUNCATE WRITE ATTACH CREATE CONNECTION STATUS DELETE DETACH RENAME FORMAT Closes a file connection·. Opens a file connection for access. Reads a number of bytes from a file. Seeks to the indicated position within a file. Truncates a file. Writes a number of bytes to that file. Attaches to a file connection. Creates a file and returns a file connection. Returns the file connection status. Marks the file for deletion. Detaches a file connection. Renames an existing file. Formats the disk for files. AFN'()1706A 2-28 intJ iRMXTM 88 SPECIFICATIONS Intellec® System Configuration and Generation Requirements Series III Intellec Microcomputer Development System with UDI support and a minimum of 2 diskette drives. IRMX™·Based Configuration and Generation Requirements iRMX 86-based system with UDI support and a minimum of2 diskette drives. Supported Hardware ISBC™ SUPPORTED MICROCOMPUTERS iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC 86/05 Board 86/12A Board 86/14 Board 86/30 Board 88/25 Board 88/40 Board 88/45 Board MULTIMODULE™ BOARDS iSBX 218 Flexible Disk Controller (when used with the iSBC 215 Controller) iSBC 337 Numeric Data Processor iSBX 351 Serial 110 Board CUSTOM IAPX 86, 88·BASED SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS 8253 or 8254 Programmable Interval Timer 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller 8251A USART or iSBX 351 board (when the Terminal Handler is configured into the system). 8087 Numeric Processor Extension (when NPX tasks are configured into the system). Reference Manuals (supplied) 143238 - Introduction to the iRMX 80/88 RealTime Multitasking Executives 143241 - iRMX 88 Installation Instructions MASS STORAGE 143232 - iRMX 88 Reference Manual iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC iSBC 142603 - iRMX 80/88 Interactive Configuration User's Guide 204 Flexible Diskette Controller 206 Flexible Disk Controller 208 Flexible Disk Controller 215A Winchester Disk Controller 215B Winchester Disk Controller 220 SMD Disk Controller 254 Bubble Memory Board 142926 - Guide to Writing Device Drivers for the iRMX 86 and iRMX 88 110 Systems AFN·OI708A 2-29 iRMX™ 88 ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description Part Number Description RMX 88 ABY Single Density ISIS media. In· cludes incorporation fee buyout. RMX 88 BBY Double Density ISIS media. In· cludes incorporation fee buyout. RMX88 DBY Single Density RMX·86 media. Includes incorporation fee buyout. RMX88 AWX One year Single Density ISIS media update service. RMX88 BWX One year Double Density ISIS media update service. RMX 88 DWX One year Single Density RMX·88 media update service. RMX 88 LST Human readable source lis.tings for iRMX 88 software. RMX 88 LWX Update service for human readable source listings. RMX 88 RF Incorporation fee. RMX88 RMX88 ARO A licensed product which in· cludes Nucleus, Terminal Handler, Free Space Manager, and 110 System object modules. Package also includes UDI· compatible Interactive Config· uration Utility program for system generation and a com· plete set of manuals. Purchase price includes an iRMX 88 Customer Training Course credit. Single Density ISIS media. Re· quires derivative work incor· poration fee. RMX 88 BRO Double Density ISIS media. Re· quires derivative work incor· poration fee. RMX 88 ORO Single Density RMX·86 media. Requires derivative work incor· poration fee. 2-30 PRECONFIGURED iRMX™ 86 OPERATING SYSTEM • Ready-to-run Preconflgured iRMX™ 86 Operating System for ISB~ systems • Direct support for Intel on-target compilers and development tools • Efficient realtime multitasking scheduler with 255 priority levels • Simple program load and debug with Bootstrap and Monitor In 2732A EPROMs • Device drivers included for diskettes, Winchester hard disks, serial terminal Interface, and parallel line printer • Complete support of 8087 numeric processor extension • Direct support of Independent software vendor compilers and applications • A complete, high-performance, execution engine for UDI applications The Intel Preconfigured iRMX 86 Operating System is a flexible, realtime; and multitasking system which is configured to run on a low-cost, iSBC 86-based hardware system_ The iRMX 86 Operating System is designed to provide a structured and efficient environment for many time- and performance-critical applications such as factory automation, business data and text processing, medical electronics, data communications and process control. The Preconfigured System provides this environment without requiring specific hardware and software configurations. Based on the UOI software interface architecture for optional compilers and interpreters, the iRMX 86 PC System supports development of sophisticated applications using the target hardware. A ready-to-use comprehensive human interface provides advanced services including creating and maintaining a hierarchical file system, entering the debug monitor and backing-up diskette volumes. SOFTWARE INTERFACE ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT INTERFACE (UDlj UNIVERSAL RUN· TIME INTERFACE IUIUI STANDARD I/O INTERFACES REAL TIME NUCLEUS MUL TlPAOCESSING SYSTEMS IUS MULTIBUS Figure 1. IRMXTM 88 PC Support for Standard Interfacas The follOWing are trademaltt. of Intel Corporation and may be used only to desCribe Inte' products Intel, CREDIT. Index, Inslte, Intallee, Library Manager, Megachaasls, Mlcromap. MULTIBUS, PROMPT. UPI,,,$cope, Promware, MCS, ICE, IRMX••sac, MULTI MODULE and ICS Inte' Corporation IllUmes no responsibility for the use of any CircUitry other than CirCUitry emboched In an Inte' product No other CirCUit patent IIc.n••••r. Implied ,sax, © INTEL CORPORATION. 1982 M." •• 1982 0 _ Nu...... : 21CMH-OOl 2-31 IRMX™ 86 PC The Preconfigured iRMX 86 Operating System is a complete set of system software modules that are ready-to-run in a simple MULTIBUS system consisting of an iSBC 86 computer, memory, and a diskette controlleJ board. All the features of the iRMX 86 Operating System are provided along with a bootstrap monitor to load the system diskette into the system. These commands are especialiy useful for managing user programs and data stored on diskettes. File Management The iRMX 86 PC file management system allows users to access information on diskettes by referring to a file with its ASCII name. The names of files stored on a disk are catalogued in special files called directories. As directories are themselves named files, the iRMX 86 file system allows directories to contain the names of other directories. This leads to a hierarchical file structure as illustrated in Figure 2. This structure is useful for isolating file names of particular applications, and for tailoring the system's data to the requirements of users and applications sharing storage devices. The Preconfigured iRMX 86 System provides both implicit and explicit management of system resources. These resources include the processor's time and registers, up to one megabyte of system memory, independent interrupt sources, all input and output devices, as well as directory and data files contained on diskettes or 8" Winchester disks. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION In applications where computers are required to perform many functions simultaneously, the iRMX 86 Operating System provides a multiprogramming environment in which many independent, and optionally multitasking, applications may run. Each application environment may be treated separately to allow application programmers the flexibility to separately manage each application's resources. A complete description of the iRMX 86 Operating System can be found in the iRMX 86 Data Sheet (Order Number: 210330). 6 D FILE DIRECTORY DIR (OTHER) User Commands The iRMX 86 PC System provides a number of powerful tools necessary for the development of microcomputer applications. They are included on the system disk and brought into memory when needed to perform the functions listed in Table 1. URXSML URXCOM URXLRG UOI LIB LIB LIB EXT Figure 2. IRMXTM 86 PC System Disk Directory Tree I Table 1. IRMXTM 86 PC Commands Command AITACHDEVICE BACKUP COpy CREATEDIR DATE DELETE DEBUG DETACH DEVICE DIR FORMAT RENAME RESTORE SUBMIT TIME VERIFY Function Gives a logical name to a specific disk, CRT, or Printer device Copy directories and files from one device to another Copy one or more files to one or more destination files Create a directory file to store the names of ~ther files Set the system calendar Delete a file or directory Enter the System Monitor Remove a device from the system List the names, sizes, owners, etc. of the files. contained in a directory Prepare a new diskette volume for use Change the name of a file Recreates a volume saved by BACKUP Start the processing of a series of commands stored in a file Set the system time-of-day clock Verify the structure of an iRMX 86 Named File volume, and check for possible disk data errors AFN·02202A 2-32 IRMX™ 86 PC Figure 2 also shows the siructure of the directories on the iRMX 86 PC system diskette. It contains all the programs and commands that make up the iRMX 86 PC System. Users may add other files and directories anywhere in the structure. Whenever an operator makes a request to use one of these files, the System will search the appropriate directory tree in order to find the necessary informati,on about the file's size, access rights, and specific location on the diskette. Applications may also refer to a specific file or group of files by specifying the directory from which to start the search. Universal Development Interface (UDI). Figure 1 shows how this interface provides iRMX 86 systems the capability of using many compilers and language translators. Th~se include the iAPX 86 and 88 Macro Assembler, and the PASCAL 86/88, PLiM 86/88, and FORTRAN 86/88 compilers available from Intel. They also include a number of other Intel development tools, and language translators and applications available from independent software vendors. The standard UDI software interface establishes a path to future Intel software products and opens the door to a host of compilers, interpreters, and application programs available from independent software vendors. These UDI calls are easy-to-use and are listed in Table 2. A more complete list of all the system calls provided by the iRMX 86 PC System can be found in the iRMX 86 Data Sheet. Standard Interfaces The iRMX 86 PC System supports a group of 31 easy-to-use standard system calls known as the Table 2. UDI System Calls System Call Function Performed Memory Management: DQ$ALLOCATE DQ$FREE DQ$GET$SIZE DQ$RESERVE$10$MEMORY Creates a segment of a specified size for use by the application. Returns the specified segment to the system'. Returns the size of the specified segment. Reserves memory for use by 110 operations. File Management: DQ$AITACH DQ$CHANGE$EXTENSION DQ$CLOSE DQ$CREATE DQ$DELETE DQ$DETACH DQ$OPEN DQ$READ DQ$RENAME DQ$SEEK DQ$TRUNCATE DQ$WRITE DQ$FILE$INFO DQ$CHANGE$ACCESS Creates a connection to a specified file. Changes or adds an extension to a file name. Closes the specified file connection. Creates a Named File for use by the application. Deletes a Named File. Closes a file and deletes its connection. Opens a file for a particular type of access. Reads the next sequence of bytes from a file. Renames the specified Named File. Moves the current position pointer of a file. Truncates a file. Writes a sequence of bytes to a file. Returns information about the specified file. Changes the access rights of the specified file. Process Management: DQ$EXIT DQ$GET$CONNECTIONS$STATUS DQ$OVERLAY DQ$SPECIAL Exception Handling: DQ$GET$EXCEPTION$HANDLER DQ$DECODE$EXCEPTION Exits from the current application job. Returns the current status of the specified file connection. Causes the specified overlay to be loaded. Performs speci,al 1/0 related functions on terminals with special control features. Returns a pointer to the program currently being used to process errors. Returns a short description of the specified error code. AFN 02202A 2-33 IRMX™86 PC Table 2. UOI System Calls (con't.) Function Performed System Can Exception Handlirig (con't.) DO$TRAP$EXCEPTION Identifies a custom exception processing program for a particular type of error. Identifies a custom handler for processing CNTUC keyboard inputs. DO$TRAP$CC Application Assistance: DO$GET$ARGUMENT Returns the next argument from the character string used to invoke the application program. Returns the name of the underlying operating system supporting the UDI. Returns the current time of day as kept by the underlying operating system. Selects a new buffer from which to process commands. Returns date and time in ASCII characters. DO$GET$SYSTEM$ID DO$GET$TlME DO$SWITCH$BUFFER DO$DECODE$TIME iRMX 86 System directly. The iRMX 86 PC System includes a separate diskette with the complete set of iRMX 86 multitasking system call declarations for those programmers requiring more function than is supplied by the UDI. Simple System Start-Up The iRMX 86 PC system includes a comprehensive Monitor and Bootstrap Loader in four 2732A EPROMs. These programs have been configured to support the hardware shown in Figure 3. As shown, the Monitor is capable of communicating with an Intellec Microcomputer Development System. This communications link can be used to transfer programs and data between an iRMX 86 System and the Intellec Development System. Debugging Aids The iRMX 86 PC System includes a System Monitor that provides the capability of debugging one task at a time. The monitor includes instructions for examining and modifying the contents of all 8086 and 8087 registers, setting system breakpOints, single-stepping, examining and modifying system memory, executing CPU I/O, and disassembling program instructions. This start·up system provides a perfect environment for the development and efficient execution of applications programs. When these programs require different I/O devices or a different software configuration, they can be moved to any other INTEllEC" DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PARAllEL PORT 2732A EPROMS (WITHl~~~~~T:~~ _ _-H,--_..j. MONITOR) MEMORY BOARD(S) Figure 3. Hardware Configuration of PC System AFN·02202A 2-34 . IRMX™ 86 PC SPECIFICATIONS Getting Started with the iRMX 86 System (144340-001) (Included in PC System Package) Optional Intel@ Software Products Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System (9803124-03) iRMX 86 Fully configurable iRMX 86 Realtime Operating System iRMX 860 iRMX 86 Development Utilities Package including the iAPX 86 and 88 linker, Locater, and Macro Assembler, librarian, and the iRMX 86 Editor iRMX 861 PASCAL 86/88 Compiler for execution on iRMX 86 Systems iRMX 862 FORTRAN 86/88 Compiler for execution on iRMX 86 Systems iRMX 863 PUM 86/88 Compiler for execution on iRMX 86 Systems iSBC 957B iAPX 86 System Monitor and Microcomputer Development System Com· munications link iRMX 86 Installation Guide (9803125-04) iRMX 86 Configuration Guide (9803126-04) iRMX 86 NUCLEUS Reference Manual (9803122-03) iRMX 86 Terminal Handler Reference Manual (143324-01) iRMX 86 Debugger Reference Manual (143323-01) iRMX 86 Basic 1/0 System Reference Manual (9803123-04) iRMX 86 Loader Reference Manual (143318-01) iRMX 86 Extended 1/0 System Reference Manual (143318-001) iRMX 86 Human Interface Reference Manual (9803202-002) Supported Hardware Products ISBC® MULTIBUS® PRODUCTS iRMX 86 System Programmer's Reference Manual (142721-003) iSBC 86/12A, 86/14, and 86130 Single Board Com· puters Guide to Writing Device Drivers for the iRMX 86 and iRMX 88110 Systems (142926-003) iSBC 208 Flexible Disk Controller iRMX 86 Programming Techniques (142982-002) User's Guide for the iSBC 8578 iAPX 86,88 Interface and Execution Package (143979-002) PERIPHERAL DEVICE CRT - RS232 at 9600 Baud Printer - Centronics-type Parallel Interface iRMX 86 Disk Verification Utility Reference Manual (144133-001 ) Diskettes - 2 to 4 Single- or Double-Density, Single- or Double·Sided iRMX 86 Pocket Reference (142861-002) Edit Reference Manual (143587-001) Memory Requirements Runtime Support Manual for iAPX 86,88 Applications (121776-001) 200K Bytes to support applications less than 16K Bytes. . Guide to Using iRMX 86 Languages (143907-001) 384K Bytes to support Intel's PASCAL 86 Compiler. Reference material may be ordered from any Intel sales representative, distributor oftice, or from Intel literature Department, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051. 256K Bytes to support Microsoft's Basic Interpreter and a 32K Byte user program and data space. Training Courses Reference Material Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System iRMX 86 Operating System Data Sheet (210330) iRMX 86 1/0 System Concepts AFN 02202A 2-35 ORDERING INFORMATION The IRMX 86 PC System Is provided on a doubledensity, iRMX 86 compatible system diskette (format type E). The iRMX 86 PC System is shipped with a comprehensive users' manual ("Getting Started With The iRMX 86 System), Bootloader and Monitor EPROMs, and the complete iRMX 86 Interface Libraries contained on a second diskette. A full year of Intel Support Level D (Software Problem Report Service) is included. This Intel copyrighted system is licensed as a single-use software product as defined by Intel's Master Software Licenses. Order Code Description RMX 86PC E Complete Preconfigured iRMX 86 Operating System with interface libraries, bootstrap monitor, and user documentation. \ 2-36 inter iOSP™ 86 iAPX 86/30 AND iAPX 88/30 SUPPORT PACKAGE • Compatible with Intel PL/M 86/88, PASCAL 86/88, FORTRAN 86/88, and iAPX 86/88 ASSEMBLER • Development and run·time support for iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors • Supports (P)ROM or RAM based system • Total iRMX™ 86 Operating System software compatibility • Complete system initialization aids • Complete system configuration aids • Extendable with iRMX™ 86 Operating System calls • OSP Interactive. Configuration Utility The Intel iOSP 86 Support Package for the iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors contains a comprehensive set of easy-to-use tools necessary to develop (P)ROM or RAM-based applications that use the 80130 Operating System Firmware component. All of the system initialization and run-time facilities are provided in libraries that may be configured to specific requirements, and linked to application programs 'written in either iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 Assembler or a high level programming language such as PASCAL 86 and PUM 86. The iOSP 86 Package provides users with the basic initialization and interface routines needed to build application software based on the fundamental operating system functions of the iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors. The iOSP 86 Package also enables users to add higher level I/O functions from the fully compatible iRMX 86 Operating System, or to form custom, real-time systems. - The fOllOWing are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel products Intel, CREDIT, Index, Inslte, 1ntellee, Library Manager, MegachasSl5. Mlcromap. MULTISUS, PROMPT, UP!, p.Scope. Promware, MeS, ICE, ,RMX, ,sac, tSBX, MUlTIMODULE, IOSP and les Intel Corporation assumes no responsibilIty for the useel any circUitry other than Circuitry embodied In an Intel product No other Circuit patent hcense~ afe ~n1phed , t OCIO~', 1881 Order Numb.r: 2102,..001 INTELCORPORATION.1981 2-37 iOSP™ 86 FUNCTIONA,L DESCRIPTION The iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 Operating System, Processors (OSPs) provide an easy-to-use foundation on which many real-time applications may be built. They provide the functions and system support needed to implement bot~ simple and complex applications that require multiple tasks to run concurrently (see Figure 1). These services are made possible by the addition of the five new data types integrated into the 80130 Operating System Firmware (OSF) component. The 80130 OSF extends the basic data types of the CPU (integer, byte, character, etc.) by adding new system data types (JOB's, TASK's, MAILBOX's, SEGMENT's, and REGION's), and extensive timer, interrupt, memory, and error management designed to give real-time response to multitasking and multiprogramming applications. As shown in the second half of the figure, other operating system functions such as mass storage 1/0 services and an easy·to-use Human Interface can be added easily, by using modules from the complete operating system services of the i RMX 86 Operating System. The iOSP 86 Support Package provides both an interface between application software and the Operating System Processors, and development tools designed to make the implementation and initialization of real-time, multitasking systems much simpler. The iOSP 86 Support Package provides system developers with the configuration options necessary to tailor the iAPX 86/30 and 88/30 Operating System Processors to custom applications. Central to the entire configuration process is the OSP Interactive Configuration Utility (OSPICU). This utility is an easyto-use tool which allows you to make configuration decisions by responding to screen-oriented displays. Using the ICU, users can form easy-to-use initializa- tion routines, and support code. The interface libraries form a simple interface between application software and the operating system primitives of the 80130 OSF component. The various configuration options include: Memory and 110 Addressing The 80130 OSF requires a 16K byte block of memory address space to be reserved for accessjng internal functions. The iOSP 86 Support Package is used to specify the base address of the 80130 and the beginning of the initialization routines. All, Interrupt and Timer management of the OSF is controlled via a reserved 16-byte I/O address block that may be selected by the user. In addition, from 1 to 7 slave 8259A interrupt controllers can be specified in order to provide the system with up to 57 priority interrupt sources. The OSF baud rate generator may also be configured to support an optional terminal interface. Ex~ending the 80130 OSF The 80130 OSF allows users to add their own operating system extensions. These extensions may take advantage of the detailed and efficient intertask communication and synchronization primitives already provided by the 80130, and/or may utilize custom functions tailored to specific applications. The Support Package also enables users to extend the OSF with the extensive services of Intel's iRMX 86 Operating System, thereby allowing applications to grow without having to change or alter application software already written, or having to write other operating system software. Use of the 80130 with the iRMX 86 Operating system greatly reduces the amount of memory needed for the i RMX 86 Nucleus layer, and enables applications to take advantage of the increased COMPLEX APPLICATION SOFTWARE COMPILERS MULTITASKING. REAL·TlME APPLICATION SOFTWI.RE HUMAN INTERFACE EIOS BASIC 110 SYSTEM IRMX" 86 NUCLEUS 10SP" ,6 INTERFACE LIBRARIES ~7 (OPTIONAL) I 10SP" 86 INTERFACE LIBRARIES ~6 OR ~6 I 80130 8087 (OPTIONAL) I 8086 OR ~8 I 80130 Figure 1_ Structure of Typical Systems AFN-- 60 THEN 00, AC*CVCLE.cDUNT-o. CM.L. RCiISIGNALIINTERRUPTCACIINTERRUPTILEVEL. eAC'EXCEPT~OOE) • END. aBE CALL RClM:X]TIINTERRUPT(ACIINTERRUPTILEVEL. IACtEXCEPTICODE) I END At.HANDLER, Example 5. eG-l1z A.c' Interrupt Handler , In its initialization phase, TIME$TASK sets up the interrupt handler by calling the RQ$SET$ INTERRUPT routine. The body ofTIME$TASK (the execution phase) is just a series of nested loops counting hours, minutes, and seconds. When TIME$TASK calls .RQ$WAIT$INTERRUPT inside its biner-most loop, the OSP suspends execution of the task until AC$HANDLER signals that another second's worth of A.C. cycles has elapsed. Thus, interrupt handlers can serve to "pace" interrupt tasks. After a day, TIME$TASK completes and deletes itself. DECLARE SECONDtCOUNT BYTE. PlINVTE.CDUNl' BVTE. HOURtcOUNT BVTE. Tlf'tE'TASK • PROCEDURE. DECLARE Tlf1E.EXCEPT'CDDE WORD. AC.CYCLE'COUNT-O. CALL RGUET.INTERRUPTCAC.INTERRUPT.LEVEL.01H. INTERRUPTfPTR (ACfHANDLER ). DATA.BEQ.AImR BASE. tTItE.EXCEPT.CODE) • CALL "GtRESUI1E'TA~K( INlT.TASK.TOKEN. tTIME'EXCEPT.CODE). DO HOURfCOUNT=O TO 23. DO l'lINUTE'COUNT- = '0') AND (CONSOLEtCHAR THEN DO. Initialization Task DO CASE '9') (CONSOLE.CHAR- '0'), CALL PRINT_TOO, CALL PRINT.STATUS, Now that the application tasks have been written, we can write the initialization task. CALL RO.SUSPENDtTASK(CRTtOUTtTASKtTOKEN. .COMMANDtEXCEPT.CODE) , CALL RO.RESUME$TASK (CRT$OUT.TASK.TOKEN, .COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE) , CALL RQSDISABLE(AC.INTERRUPTSLEVEL, @COMMAND.EXCEPT$CODEl, CALL RQ.ENABLE(AC.INTERRUPT.LEVEL, @COMMAND.EXCEPT$CODEl, CALL ROSSUSPEND.T ASK (MOTORST ASKSTOKEN, aCOMMAND.EXCEPTtCODE) , CALL RO$RESUME.TASK (MOTOR$TASK$TOKEN, @COMMAND.EXCEPTtCODE). CALL RQ$SUSPEND$TASK(STATUS.TASK.TOKEN, aCOMMANDSEXCEPTtCODE) • CALL ROSRESUMESTASK (STATUS$TASK$TOKEN, ctCOMMAND.EXCEPTtCODE) • END, 1* OF CASE-LIST *1 1* OF COMMAND PROCESSING *1 All applications require a special type of task to initialize system variables and peripherals and create tasks and other objects used by the application. It, too, is written as a PUM procedure, and can thus be divided conceptually into the same three phases. Example 12 shows such a task for the demonstration system. The first thing INIT$TASK does is determine the base address of the job data segment by assigning pointer DATA$SEG$PTR with its own address. Next it calls the RQ$GET$TASK$TOKENS routine, which tells the task what token value the OSP assigned it at run time. It then initializes the system peripherals by creating the hardware initialization task discussed above; this code could have been integrated into INIT$TASK itself just as easily. During its own "execution" phase, INIT$TASK calls routines to create the OSP data structures shared by the application tasks: the REGION controlling access to the USART, and the MAILBOX repository for output messages. INIT$TASK creates the application tasks themselves by calling RQ$CREATE$TASK. END END; END, COMMAND"TASK,' Example 11. Task to Accept and Process Keyboard Commands INITSTASK PROCEDURE PUBLIC. DECLARE INIT'EXCEf!TSCODE WORD, DATA.SEGSPTR=@INITSTASKSTOKEN. I*LOAD DATA SEGMENT BASE*I CRT.MAILBOX$TOKEN=ROSCREATE$MAILBOX (0, I1INIT$EXCEPTSCODE), CRT.REG ION$TOKEN=RQSCREATESREGION( 0, ItINITSEXCEPTSCODE), INIUTASK.TOl'.EN=RG.GETSTASK.TOKENS (a. (tINJ T'iiEXCEPT.CODE), HARDWARE. I N I T.T ASK.TOKEN=RO$CREATE.TASK (110. I1HARDWARESINIT.TASK. DATA.SEG.ADDR BASE. O. 300. O.I:INlTtEXCEPT.CODEl, CALL RG.SUSPEND$TASK (0, (UNIT.EXCEPT.CODE)! STATUS.TASKSTOKEN=RG.CREATE.TASK( 110•• STATUS.TASK, DATAtSEG.ADOR BASE. 0. 300, 0. GtINIT.EXCEPTSCOOE) j CALL ROtSUSPENO.TASK(O, (!INIT.EXCEPTtCODEl, MOTORSTASK$TOKEN-RQ$CREATE'TASK( 110, IMOTORtTASK, DATAtSEGSADDR BASE, 0, 300. 0. (fINITtEXCEPT$COOE). CALL RG.SUSPEND.TASK(O, Cl:INIT$EXCEPT.CODEl. TIME$TASKSTOKEN""ROSCREATE$TASK (I~O.I!TIME'TASK, DATA$SEG$ADDR BASE. 0, 300, 0, .INIT$EXCEPTSCODE), CALL ROSSUSPENO$TASK(O.@INIT.EXCEPTSCOOE), CRTSOUT.TASK.TOKEN"'ROSCREATESTASKC 120, IICRTSOUT$TASK, DATASSEGSADOR BASE, 0, 300, O. (!INITSEXCEPT$CODE). CALL RQ.SUSPEND$TASKCO,@INITSEXCEPT$CODE), COMMANOtTASKSTOKEN=RQ.CREATE.TASK( 130. (!CQMMAND$TASK. DATASSEGSADDR BASE, 0. 300. O. \lINITtEXCEPT$CODEl, CALL RGSSUSPENDSTASK C0, @INIT.EXCEPT$COOE). CALL RQSENO$INITSTASK, CALL RQSDELETESTASK (0, @INIT.EXCEPT$COOE), END INIT$TASK. Though not always required, it is common practice for the overall initialization task to suspend itself after creating each offspring, to let the newborn task get started. Under this convention, each offspring task must resume the initialization task by calling the Example 12. Task to Initialize System Software Table 2. Special Console Commands --- -- ---- Key Function 0 Send Time-of-day message to CRT. - -~ .. - --- 1 Send status update message to CRT. 2 Suspend CRT output task. The OSP will automatically save messages tll the task in the CRT mailbox queue. 3 4 5 6 7 Resume CRT output task. Queued messages will be displayed. Disable 6O-Hz interrupt-driven time base. Time-of-day clock will stop. Enable 6O-Hz time base to resume clock execution. Suspend motor control task. Motor will stop. Resume motor control task. Note that if task was suspended 17 times, it must be resumed 17 times. Suspend status polling task. Lights indicating system status will freeze in current state. Resume status polling task. 8 9 <'"" CAll PROTECTED.CRT.CUT(eR), CALL PROTECTED.CRT.O~T (IF), 2-73 AP-130 RQ$RESUME$TASK routine when its own local initialization is complete. This convention is called synchronous initialization; its purpose is to ensure that each task is allowed to complete its own start-up phase before the next task is created. Otherwise, there's a risk that higher-priority tasks created later could start executing before earlier tasks were ready for them, with (at best) unpredicatable results. Functions which return a byte or word value (i.e., typed procedures) do so in the CPU AL or AX registers. Pointers are returned through the ES:AX register pair. The PLiM Programming Manual explains these conventions more fully. One way to see how an assembly language routine would interface with PUM is to first write a dummy PUM procedure using th.e same parameter sequence as the desired assembly language routine. Compile this procedure with the compiler CODE switch set. The listing will then include the appropriate assembly language instruction sequence, and may be followed as a pattern for the final routine. When all the tasks have been created, INIT$TASK has served its purpose. It must then call RQ$SEND$ INIT$TASK. This short procedure (actually selfcontained in an OSP Support Package interface library, not built into the 80130) tells the OSP that all the offspring tasks have been created for a given job. At this point, INIT$TASK could continue with non-initialization activities. The code for KEYBOARD$TASK might have been implemented here, for example. Since this example has nothing more to do, INIT$TASK deletes itself with a final call to RQ$DELETE$TASK. SOFTWARE CONFIGURATIONS & INTEGRATION When the application code has been written and compiled, the hardest part of program development is over. Before the code may be executed, though, the OSP must be told various things about the system hardware environment, desired software options, application job characteristics, and so forth. Code Translation That's all, folks. Mix together the above code fragments, declare literals and global variables, and compile until done (about four minutes). The source file name selected for this example is AP130.PLM. The compiler will produce two files: an annotated source listing (named AP130.LST) reproduced in toto in Appendix B, and a relocatable object file (AP130.0BJ) which will be used in the installation procedure discussed next. High-Level Parameter Passing Conventions This information is conveyed during a multi-phase sequence of steps collectively called the Configuration process. Though the process is somewhat lengthy and time-consuming, it is also v.ery "mechanical"; the person doing the work d,oes not need to understand any of the application code or even know what it does. Normally, configuration would be performed by a technician or a single member of the programming team, aided . by appropriate SUBMIT command files. This chapter shows the full configuration and installation process for the demonstration system. For more details, refer to the osp User's Manual. Well-designed programs generally rely on subprograms ("procedures" in PLiM terminology) for oftenrepeated instruction sequences, or to perform machine-Ievel.operations within High-Level Language programs. PUM-86 and other Intel high-level languages use a standard set of conventions to pass parameters and results between procedures; assembly language . programmers are advised to adhere to these conventions for software compatibility. The three phases of the configuration are: I. Generating, linking, and locating OSP support code .required for the EPROM immediately above the 80130 address space; 2. Linking and locating the object file for the application job developed in Section IV; 3. Creating, linking, and locating a short module (called the Root Job) which initializes the OSP and application jobs when system is reset. Before calling a subroutine or function, input parameters must be pushed sequentially onto the stack, in the order (Ieft-to-right) they appear in the procedure parameter list. When eight-bit parameters are pushed, the high-order byte associated with them is undefined. Thirty-two-bit pointer values are pushed in two steps, offset word before base word. The stack "grows" down, so the left-most parameter will have highestnumbered address. Finally, of course, the absolute code resulting from each phase must be programmed into EPROMs or loaded into a test system before it can be executed. Before starting, though, it is beneficial to draw up a memory map for host system hardware, to determine what sections of memory are available. This map will be filled in as each module is linked and located. 2-74 AFN-02058A AP·130 The prototype system memory space has two areas of interest: addresses OOOOOH through 01FFFH contain RAM, while OFCOOOH through OFFFFFH contain EPROM. Since the CPU uses the first lK bytes of RAM for the CPU interrupt pointers, and the last 16 bytes for the restart sequence, these areas should be recorded on the map. For reference purposes, Figure 11 also indicates that addresses OF8000H through OFBFFFH enable the 80130 firmware. All this is shown in Figure 11. Generating the OSP Support Code The OSP support code "customizes" the OSP firmware for a particular hardware environment, initializes the system, and supports extended software capabilities. To define the hardware environment, the user creates a source file which invokes a series of Intel-supplied macros. Parameters for these macros specify the 80130 I/O base address, SYSTICK interval (in system clock cycles), and how the interrupt request pins will be used. For instance, the code example in Figure 12 defines the prototype system hardware. This source file must be assembled, linked with several libraries from the OSP support disk, and located to produce the actual OSP support code. Figure 13 shows the actual sequence of commands needed. The DATA starting address specified within the LOC86 parameter list (00400H) is the first free byte of system RAM (see Figure 11); the CODE address (OF8000H) is simply the 80130 firmware starting address. {--- STARTING ENDING ADDRESS ADDRESS OFFFF:O OFFFF:F MEMORY MODULE EPROM (212764) OFCOO:O 80130 MEMORY SPACE OF8OO:O OFBFF:F O1FF:F " RAM 8088 INTERRUPT VECTOR 0000:0 003F:F APPLICATION JOB STARTING ADDRESS: _ _ _ __ ~JOBSTARTlNGA~ESS: _____________ Figure 11. Example System Memory Map 'TITLE(S0130 DEVICE CONFIQURATION TABLE) NAMEODEVCF SINCLUDE( Fl NDEVCF MAC) l(,MASTER_PIC(80130. 2000H. O. 0) ,SLAVE_PIC( SLAVE_TYPE. BASE_PORT. EDGE_VSj.EVEL. MASTER .LEVEL ) l(,TIMER (80130. 2008H. 28H. 12500) • NDP _SUPPORT ( ENCODED,.LEVEL ) END Figure 12. 80130 Device Configuration Table 2-75 AP-130 FO ASMB6 . Fl' SUP 130 AS6 F'RINT( Fl SUP130 Lsn ERRORPRINT t,. MACRO(BO) PAQEWIDTH( 132) FO LIN~B6 eFI OSX LIB (OSX96. OSXCNF). FI NUCI LIB(NBEQINl. FI ODEVCF OB~. FI OSX LIB. Fl NUCl LIB. FI.OSX LIB. FI. NUC2 LIB. . FI OSX LIB. FI NUC4 LIB. Fl OSX LIB, Fl. NURSLV LIB. a. " a. a- " I< I< 8< I< 8c 8c 8c Fl OSX LIB TO FI SUPI30 LNK MAP PRINT( FI SUPI30 MPI) NAME (MINIMAL_BOI30) FO LOCS6 FI SUPI30 LNK TO SEQSIZE(STACK(O» • &: FI SUPI30 MAP PRINT( FI SUPI30 MP2) SC(3) 8< I< ADDRESSESCCLASSES(CODE COFSOOOH), DATAC00400H») ORDER (CLASSES (DATA. STACK) ) OB~ECTCONTROLS(NOLINES. 8c &: NOCOMMENTS. NOSYMBOLS) Figure 13. Support Code Conflguratlon'Commands A reliable and relatively straightforward way to perform this step is to create a file containing the exact command sequence shown in Figure 13 and execute this file using the SUBMIT utility program. Of course, the example assumes SUBMIT, ASM86, LlNK86, and LOC86 are all on drive :FO:, and that the various libraries have been copied from the support disk to drive :Fl:. / (An alternate, support-code configuration scheme lets the user modify the OSP software characteristics in special situations. A programmer working with iRMX 86; for instance, may wish to augment the OSP firmware to support all the iRMX Nucleus primitives. This would be done by editing and assembling file OTABLE.A86 to select from a menu of software options, and modifying the linkage step slightly to include one of the iRMX 86 libraries. The OSP built-in features are more than sufficient for the purposes of this note, though, so only the first approach is illustrated.) Appendix D reproduces the Locate map file produced during this phase. Near the end of file SUP130.MP2 is a table of memory usage, showing that the last bytes of RAM and ROM consumed are OOA6: FH and OFC61: FH, respectively. Update Figure 11 with this information. (The final version 'of the demonstration-system memory map appears in Appendix C.) This phase needn't be repeated unless the system hardware characteristics change. Application Code Configuration After compiling the application job, it must be linked with a library of interface routines from the support diskette; and located within· available memory. Use RPIFC.LlB or RPIFL.LlB, depending on whether the job was compiled with the Compact or Large software model. Figure 14 is a command sequence file suggested for this purpose. Again, the starting addresses specified for LOC86 are taken from the system memory map. Whenever the support code is reconfigured, check SUP130.MP2 to see if its memory needs have changed. If so, the application-job-configuration command file . will need to be edited. This is still aJot simpler (not to mention more reliable) than retyping ~e whole sequence each time application jobs are revised. Readers familiar with the capabilities of the SUBMIT program may prefer to represent these variables by parameters, such that they may be easily specified each time the command file is invoked. As in the first phase, examine the locate map ("AP130.MP2", reproduced in Appendix E) after the application code has been configured and update the memory map. Also, note the segment and offset values assi8ned to the initialization task. These will be needed later. 2-76 AP-130 Creating the Root Job By now, all of the code needed to execute the application program has been prepared and is ready to run -except it has no way to get it started! The OSP hardware and system data structures must be initialized before INIT$TASK can be created. A short module called the Root Job performs this function. Figure 15 is the Root Job source file for the demonstration system, dubbed RJB130.A86. It consists ofjust five macro calls. The %JOB macro defines certain characteristics of the applicationjob; for a full description see the asp User's Manual. One of these parameters is the initialization-task starting address (noted in the last step), which will likely change with each iteration of the application software. The process closely resembles the one which produced the OSP support code. First, determine various system characteristics. Then create a file defining these characteristics as macro input parameters. Finally, assemble, link, and locate the file to produce the final code. The two %SAB macros define "System Address Blocks" -sections ofthe overall memory space which the OSP should not consider "free space." Note that the first invocation blocks off the RAM addresses consumed so far in the memory map, plus an extra 140H bytes reserved for the Root Job initialization stack. SUBMIT FILE TO LINK APPLICATION ..JOB TO INTERFACE LIBRARY AND LOCATE RESULTING OUTPUT. REVISED 10/23/91 - .JHW LINK86 Fl AP130.0BJ. Fl'RPIFC LIB TO MAP PRINT(' Fl' AP130 MPl) Fl.AP130 LNK &: LOC86 Fl AP130 LNK TO : Fl AP130 & ORDER CCLASSES(DATA, STACK. MEMORY» @, SEQSIZE (STACK (0» &! ADDRESSES (CLASSES (DATA (OOA70H). ~ CODE (OFC620H») & MAP PRINT ( Fl AP130 MP2) &: OB,JECTCONTROLS (NOLINES. NOCOMMENTS. NOPUBLICS. NOSYMBOLS) OHB6 Fl AP130 TO COPY Fl AP130 MPl TO . LP: Fl AP130. H86 COPY Fl AP130 MP2 TO LP Figure 14. Job Configuration Commands ,SOURCE PROGRAM DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF ROOT .JOB FOR ,AP-130 DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM (JHW - 10/2'/81) SINCLUDE( Fl CTABLE MAC) 'Y.SAB(O. ooeo. U) 'Y.SAB C0200. FFFF. U) 'Y.JOBCO. DeOH. loaH. OFFFFH. OFFFFH. 1.00.1. 0,100. OFC62' 06B5. O. 0 0, 200H. 0) 'Y.DSX WFBOOOH, N) 'Y.SYSTEM(FBOQ, Q, 4. N. N. 1) END Figure 15. Root Job Configuration File 2-77 AFN-0206IIA AP-130 (After completing this phase, examine RJB130.MP2 to confirm that 140H is the correct number.) The second %SAB invocation excludes addresses 02000H through OFFFFFH, all of which is non-RAM, either EPROM, 80130 firmware, or non-existent. The %SYSTEM macro defines system-wide software parameters. UPM memory buffer. The three commands in Figure 18 perform this function. When the final system is reset, execution must branch into the root job initialization sequence. When the absolute code modules have finished loading, manually patch a jump instruction into the buffer area corresponding to the CPU reset vector. The opcode for the 8086 or 8088 intersegmentjump is OEAH; the instruction's address field must contain the address assigned to label RQ$START$ADDRESS (read from the root job locate map), the 16-bit segment offset (low byte first) followed by the segment base address (ditto). The UPM CHANGE command shQuld be used to make this patch, as illustrated in Figure 19. Figure 16 is a command file to translate, link, and locate the root job. Once again, the LOC86 parameters come from Figure 11. The listings produced during this phase are reproduced in Appendix R The final memory map appears in Appendix C. EPROM Programming We are now ready to program EPROMs with the program modules linked and located above. Intel's Universal PROM Programmer (UPP) and a control program called the Universal Prom Mapper (UPM) will be used in this step. Particular commands to the UPM will vary with program size, memory location, and EPROM type, but the general sequence should resemble that shown here. ' The UPM memory buffer now contains a complete image of the code needed for the system EPROMs. Up , until now, all software-related steps-'-source code preparation, translation, linking and locating-have been the same for 8086- or 8088-based systems. At this point, however, the software installation procedures diverge slightly. The first step is to invoke UPM and initialize the programming system, following a command sequence similar to that in Figure 17. The example system incorporates two 2764 devices, so 16K bytes of memory buffer are cleared. Recall that the 8086 fetches instructions 16 bits at a time, from coordinated pairs ofEPROMs. One contains only even-numbered program bytes, the other, odd. To separate the linear UPM buffer into high- and low-order bytes for iAPX 86/30 designs, use the UPM STRIP command as shown in Figure 20. Next, all the final code modules produced above (e.g., SUP130, AP130, and RJB 130) must be loaded into the Now "burn" the EPROMs with the PROGRAM command in Figure 21. LINK AND LOCATE THE lRMX 86 ROOT JOB MODIFIED FOR TWO-DRIVE OPERATION REVISED 10/25 - JHW ASM86 f1 RJB130 AB6 MACRO(75) LINK86 .p1 CT'oot 11b(root), ~ .p1 RJB13Q obJ. & fi croot llb &: TO .pi RJD130 1nk & MAP PRINT( fl1 RJB130 mp 1) LoeS6 f:1 RJB130 Ink TO Fl RJIiI130 MAP PRINT( f l RJB130 mp2) De Figure A-1. Example System Schematics I AP-130 G1 1 A11 EN1G 2 S1A A12 3 S1B ElilCS 11 ~ • ,VO 5 IV1 mcs 6 IY2 EIi4CS 7 IV3 GN~ Vee ~+5 • 15 EN2G S2A ,. O! r!!1 f8 S2B 13 2YO 12 OR1CS 2V1 11 OR2CS 2Y2 10 OR3CS OR.CS 2V3 9 GND 3 D3 03 AO 13 12 1 2 8 03 12 13 04 11 10 9 F1 A15 A13 A1' (80130)= USART 1 • 3 f---1 EN1G S1A S1B IVO IV1 e-s 6 IY2 .PRll'e-s 7 IV3 ~ f8 ~GNO Vee JL+5 15 EN2G S2A 1L-A1. S2B ~A15 12 'VO 2Y1 11 2Y2 10 2V3 9 ? LEPCS (2764) MEMCS (80130) MEPCS (2764) Figure A-1. Example System Schematics (continued) 2-82 AfN.()2058A AP-130 APPENDIX B , SOURCE CODE LISTINGS 2-83 AFN-GaoIl8A AP-130 ISIS-II PIJM-86 V2.0 COMPILATION OF MODULE DEM0130 OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN :F1:AP130.0BJ COMPILER INVOKED BY' PLM86 :F1:AP130.PLM DATE(12/21) tDEBUG COMPACT ROM TITLE('AP-130 APPENDIX B DEMOt130: 1* 12/21/81') DO; SYSTEM-WIDE LITERAL DECLARATIONS: *1 DECLARE FOREVER LITERALLY 'WHILE OlH'; 1* 110 PORT DEFINITIONS: *1 3 DECLARE CHARtS1 LITERALLY '4000H', CMDtS1 LITERALLY '4002H', STAT$Sl LITERALLY '4002H'; 4 DECLARE PPI$A LIlERAlLY '6001H', PPItB LITERALLY '6003H', PPItC LITERALLY '600SH', PPItCMD LITERALLY '6007H', PPISSTAT I.ITERA'LLY '6007H'; 5 DECL.ARE TI MERtCMD LI TERALL Y '200EH', BAUDtTIMER LITERAL.LY '200CH'; 6 DECLARE ACtINTERRUPTtLEVEL LITERALLY '00111000B'; 7 DECLARE CR LITERALLY 'ODH', LF,LITERALLY 'OAH', BEL LITERALLY '07H'; 8 DECLARE ASCIltCODE (16) BYTE DATA ('01234S6789ABCDEF'); $EJECT $INCLUDE (.Fl:NUCLUS.EXT) tSAVE NOLIST tINCLUDE (: r1: NEXCEP. LIT> tsave nolist 1* GLOBAL VARIABLE 'DECLARATIONS: *1 299 DECLARE DATAtSEGtPTR POINTER, DATAtSEGtADDR STRUCTURE (OFFSET WORD, BASE WORD) AT (@DATAtSEG$PTR); 300 DECLARE HARDWARE$INIT$TASK$TOKEN WORD, STATUStTASKtTOKEN WORD, MOTOR$TASK$TOKEN WORD, TIME$TASKtTOKEN WORD,' AC$HANDL.ER$TOKEN WORD, CRT$OUT$TASK$TOKEN WORD, COMMAND$TASK$TOKEN WORD, INIT$TASK$TOKEN WORD; 301 DECLARE CRl$MAlL.BOX$TOKEN WORD, CRT$REGION$TOKEN WORD; 2-84 AFN-ll2058A AP-130 SEJECT 1* 302 303 304 2 2 30t? 306 30'7 2 2 308 30Y ~ ~ 310 31J 312 1 3 3 2 2 CODE EXAMPLE 2, SIMPLE CRT INPUT AND OUTPUT ROUTINES, *1 CSOUT, PROCEDURE (CHARII DECLARE CHAR BYTE I DO WHILE (INPUT(STATSS11 AND 01HI=01 1* NOTHING *1 ENDI OUTPUT(CHARS511=CHARI END CSOUTI CSIN' PROCEDURE BYTE. DO WHILE (INPUT(STATS51I AND 02HI=01 1* NOTHING *1 ENDI RETURN INPUT (CHARSS1 I; END CUN; SEJECT 1* 31:.3 314 1 "2 31~ :2 316 317 2 2 318 2 319 320 321 322 3"23 3;:4 2 :1~5 , 20 "27 ;,';>8 329 330 331 CODE EXAMPLE 1, HARDWARE INITIALIZATION TASK, *1 HARDWARESINITSTASK: PROCEDUREI DECLARE HARDSINITSEXCEPTSCODE WORDl DECLARE PARAMSSI (*1 BYTE DATA (40H.,9DH. OOH. 40H. 4EH. 27HI; DECL.ARE PARAMS51$INDEX BYTE; DECLARE SIGNSONSMESSAGE (*1 BYTE DATA (CR. LF. 'iAPX 96/30 HARDWARE INITIALIZED'. CR. LFII DECLARE'. SIGNSONSINDEX BYTE; OUTPUT (PP ISCMD I =90Hl OUTPUT(TIMERSCMDI=OB6HI OUTPUT(BAUDSTIMERI=331 I*GENERATES 9600 BAUD FROM 5 MHZ*I OUTPU1(BAUDSTIMERI=01 DO PARAMS51SINDEX=0 TO (SIZE(PARAMS511-111 OUTPUT (CMDSS1 I=PARAMSS1 (PARAMSS1SINOEXII END. I*OF USART INITIALIZATION DO-LOOP*I DO SIGNSONSINDEX=O TO (SIZE(SIGNSONSMESSAGEI-111 CAI.L CSOUT< SIGNSONSMESSAGE (SIGNSONSINDEX 1)1 ENOl I*OF SIGN-ON DO-LOOP*I CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.eHAROSINITSEXCEPTSCODE)I CALL RGSDELETESTASK(o.eHAROSINITsEXCEPTSCOOEII eND HARDWARESINITSTASKI 2 2 ;< 2 3 :.; 2 :i 3 "2 2 2 SEJe-CT 1* 3a2 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 34"2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 CODE EXAMPLE 3. STATUS POLLING AND REPORTING TASK. *1 STATUSSTASK' PROCEDUREI DECLARE STATUSSCOUNTER BYTEI DECLARE STATUSSEXCEPTSCODE WORDI STATUSSCOUNTER=OI CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.eSTATUSSEXCEPTSCOOEII DO FOREVER. OUTPUT(PPISBI=INPUT(PPI.AI XOR STATUSSCOUNTERI STATUSSCOUNTER=STATUS.COUNTER+l1 CALL RG.SLEEP(100.eSTATUS.EXCEPT.COOEII END; END STATUS.TASKl 2-85 AFN-02QII8A AP.130 $E.JECT 1* CODE EXAMPLE 4. STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL TASK. *1 DECLARE CW$STEP$DELAY BYTE. CCW$STEP$DELAY, BYTE. CW$PAUSE$DELAY BYTE. CCWSPAUSESDELAY BYTE, 343 344 345 346 1 2 2 347 2 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 2 2 2 2 :2 MOTOR$TASK: PROCEDUREI DECLARE MOTORSEXCEPT$CODE WORD, DECLARE MOTOR$POSITION BYTE. MOTOR$PHASE BYTE, DECLARE PHASE$CODE (41 BYTE DATA (00000101B;0000~110B.00001010B.00001001Bl' = CW$STEP$DELAY=501 I*INITIAL STEP DELAYS 1/4 SECOND*I CCWSSTEP$DELAY=50, CWSPAUSE$DELAY=:200, I*PAUSES AFTER ROTATION = 1 SECOND*I CCWSPAUSESDELAY-200, CALL ROSRESUMESTASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.@MOTORSEXCEPTSCODEl, DO FOREVER, DO MOTORSPOSITION=O TO 100, MOTOR$PHASE-MOTORSPOSITION AND 0003H, OUTPUT(PPISC I =PHASESCODE (MOTOR$PHASE I , CALL ROSSLEEP(CWSSTEP$D~LAY.@MOTORSEXCEPT$CODEl' END, CALL RO$SLEEP(CW$PAUSESDELAY.@MOTORSEXCEPTSCODEl, DO MOTORSPOSITION~O TO 100, MOTORSPHASE=(100-MOTORSPOSITIONI AND 0003H, OUTPUT(PPISCl=PHASESCODE(MOTOR$PHASEl, CALL ROSSLEEP(CCW$STEP$DELAY.@MOTOR$EXCEPTSCODEl, END, \ CALL ROSSLEEP(CCWSPAUSESDELAYj@MOTORSEXCEPT$CODE), END, END MOTORSTASK, 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 :2 $E.JECT 1* 368 INTERRUPT HANDLER TO TRACK 60 HZ INPUT. *1 DECLARE AC$CYCLESCOUNT BYTE; 369 370 2 371 372 373 2 2 2 376 3 3 377 378 3 379 2 375 CODE EXAMPLE 5. 2 ACSHANDLER: PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 59, DECLARE ACSEXCEPTSCODE WORDI I*VECTOR FOR 80130 INT3*1 CALL ROSENTER$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL.@AC$EXCEPT$CODEl' AC$CYCLE$COUNT=AC$CYCLE$COUNT+l, IF AC$CYCLE$COUNT >= 60 THEN DO, AC$CYCLE$COUNT=OI CALL RO$SIGNAL$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL. @ACSEXCEPT$CODEl; END, ELSE CALL RO$EXIT$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL. @AC$EXCEPT$CODEl, END AC$HANDLERI 2-86 AP-130 $EJECT I~ 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 CODE EXAMPLE 7. PROTECTED CRT OUTPUT SUBROUTINE. *1 PROTECTED$CRT$OUT: PROCEDURE (CHAR) REENTRANT. DECLARE CHAR BYTE. DECLARE CRT$EXCEPTSCODE WORD; CALL RGSRECEIVESCONTROL(CRTSREGIONSTOKEN.@CRT$EXCEPTSCODE), DO WHILE (INPUT(STAT$51) AND 01H)=O. 1* NOTHING *1 END. OUTPUT(CHAR$51)=CHAR; CALL RGSSENDSCONTROL(@CRTSEXCEPTSCODE); END PROTECTED$CRTSOUT; $EJECT 1* 389 INTERRUPT TASK TO MONITOR CLOCK TIME. *1 DECLARE SECONDSCOUNT BYTE. MINUTESCOUNT BYTE. HOlJR$COUNT BYTE; 390 391 1 2 392 393 2 2 394 395 396 397 398 2 2 3 4 5 399 5 401 402 403 404 5 4 3 405 406 CODE EXAMPLE O. 2 2 2 TIMESTASK: PROCEDURE; DECLARE TIMESEXCEPTSCODE WORD; ACSCYCLESCOUNT=O. CALL RGSSET$INTERRUPT(ACSINTERRUPTSLEVEL.01H. INTERRUPT$PTR(ACSHANDLER).DATASSEGSADDR.BASE. @TIMESEXCEPTSCODEl; CALL RGSRESUME$TASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.@TIMESEXCEPTSCODE); DO HOUR$COUNT=O TO 23. DO MINUTESCOUNT=O TO 59. DO SECONDSCOUNT=O TO 59. CALL RGSWAITS INTERRUPT (ACSINTERRUPT$LEVEL, @TIMESEXCEPTSCODE) • IF SECONDSCOUNT MOD 5 = 0 THEN CALL PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(BEL). END; 1* SECOND LOOP *1 END; 1* MINUTE LOOP *1 END. 1* HOUR LOOP *1 CALL RGSRESETSINTERRUPT(ACSINTERRUPTSLEVEL. @TIMESEXCEPTSCODE). CALL RGSDELETESTASK(O.@TIMESEXCEPTSCODE). END TIMESTASK. 2-87 $E.JECT 1* 407 408 409 410 2 2 2 411 412 2 413 414 2 2 ~: 415 416 417 418 419 2 2 2 420 3 2 422 2 2 2 423 424 425 2 427 2 2 428 2 2 426 42<'1J SUBROUTINE TO CREATE TIME-OF-DAY MESSAGE. *1 TOD$MESSAGE$TOKEN=RQ$CREATE$SEGMENT(2S.@TOD$EXCEPT$CODE); TOD$SEGMENT$BASE=TOD$MESSAGE$TOKEN; TDD$SEGMENT$OFFSET=O; DO TOD$STRING$INDEX=O TO 27; TOD$STRING(TOD$STRING$INDEX)= TOD$TEMPLATE(TOD$STRING$INDEX); END; TOD$STRING(17)=ASCII$CODE(HOUR$COUNT/I0); TOD$STRING(18)=ASCII$CODE(HOUR$COUNT MOD 10); TOD$STRING(20)=ASCII$CODE(MINUTE$COUNT/I0); TOD$STRING(21i=ASCII$CODE(MINUTE$COUNT MOD 10); . TOD$STR I NG (23) =ASC I I $CODE (SECOND$COUNT 110) ; TOD$STRING(24)=ASCII$CODE(SECOND$COUNT MOD 10); CALL RQ$SEND$MESSAGE(CRT$MAILBOX$TOKEN. TOD$MESSAGE$TOKEN.O.@TOD$EXCEPT$CODE); RETURN; END PRINT$TOD; 2 3 421 CODE EXAMPLE S. PRINT$TOD: PROCEDURE; DECLARE TOD$MESSAGE$TOKEN WORD; DECLARE TOD$EXCEPT$CODE WORD; DECLARE TOD$SEGMENT$OFFSET WORD. TOD$SEGMENT$BASE WORD; DECLARE TOD$SEGMENT$PNTR POINTER AT (@TOD$SEGMENT$OFFSET); DECLARE TOD$TEMPLATE (2S) BYTE DATA (27. 'THE TIME IS NOW hh:mm:ss. '.CR.LF); DECLARE TOD$STRING BASED TOD$SEGMENT$PNTR (2S) BYTE; DECLARE TOD$STRING$INDEX BYTE; $E.JE·CT 1* 430 431 432 :2 2 433 ~ 434 2 435 2 4:l6 437 438 :2 439 2 440 441 -, -, 2 2 2 442 2 443 3 444 445 44" 447 3 448 449 4:;0 3 451 2 2 2 3 3 2 CODE EXAMPLE 9. SUBROUTINE TO CREAT,E SWITCH STATUS MESSAGE. *1 PRINT$STATUS: PROCEDURE; DECLARE STATUS$MESSAGE$TOKEN WORD; DECLARE STATUS$EXCEPT$CODE WORD; DECLARE STATUS$SEGMENT$OFFSET WORD. STATUS$SEGMENT$BASE WORD; DECLARE STATUS$SEGMENT$PNTR POINTER AT (@STATUS$SEGMENT$OFFSET); DECLARE STATUS$TEMPLATE (40) BYTE DATA <:39. 'THE SW ITCHES ARE NOW SET TO ........ B •• CR. LF); DECLARE STATUS$STRING BASED STATUS$SEGMENT$PNTR (40) BYTE; DECLARE STATUS$STRING$INDEX BYTE; DECLARE BIT$PATTERN BYTE; STATUS$MESSAGE$TOKEN=RQ$CREATE$SEGMENT(40. @STATUS$EXCEPT$CODE); STATUS$SEGMENT$BASE=STATUS$MESSAGE$TOKEN; STATUS$SEGMENT$OFFSET=O; DO STATUS$STRING$INDEX=O TO 39, STATUS$STRING(STATUS$STRING$INDEX)= STATUS$TEMPLATE(STATUS$STRING$INDEX); END; BIT$PATTERN=INPUT(PPI$A); DO STATUS$STRING$INDEX=29 TO 36; STATUS$STRING(STATUssSTRINGsINDEX)= ASCII$CODE(BITsPATTERN AND OlH). BIT$PATTERN=ROR(BITsPATTERN.1); END; CALL RQ$SENDsMESSAGE(CRTsMAILBOX$TOKEN. STATUS$MESSAGEsTOKEN.O.@STATUS$EXCEPTsCODE); END PRINTsSTATUS; 2-88 AFN-Q20S8A Ap·130 SEJECT /.* 2 2 ;:> '" 2 ;8 ;;> 4:,9 :2 46() "' 4 c 461 3 46:3 464 46:, 466 467 468 3 46 C? ::J 3 2 470 4"11 CAL.L RGSRESUMESTASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.@MESSAGESEXCEPTSCODE), DO FOREVER. MESSAGESTOKEN=RGSRECE I VESMESSAGE (CRTSMAILBOXSTOKEN. OFF FFH. @RESPONSESTOKEN.@MESSAGESEXCEPTSCODE), MESSAGESSEGMENTSOFFSET=O, MESSAGESSEGMENTSBASE=MESSAGESTOKEN. MESSAGESLENGTH=MESSAGESSTRINGSCHAR. DO MESSAGESSEGMENTSOFFSET=l TO MESSAGESLENGTH. CALL PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(MESSAGESSTRINGSCHAR), END. CALL RGSDELETESSEGMENT(MESSAGESTOKEN.@MESSAGESEXCEPTSCODE), END) 1* OF FOREVER-LOOP *1 END CRTSOUTSTASK, 2 46Z! TASK TO RECEIVE MESSAGES AND TRANSMIT THEM TO CRT. CRTSOUTSTASK' PROCEDURE. DECLARE MESSAGESLENGTH BYTE, DECLARE MESSAGESTOKEN WORD, DECLARE RESPONSESTOKEN WORD. DECLARE MESSAGESEXCEPTSCODE WORD, DECLARE MESSAGESSEGMENTSOFFSET WORD. MESSAGESSEGMENTSBASE WORD, DECLARE MESSAGESSEGMENTSPNTR POINTER AT (@MESSAGESSEGMENTSOFFSET), DECL.ARE MESSAGESSTRINGSCHAR BASED MESSAGESSEGMENTSPNTR BYTE, 452 45:l 454 45 c, 456 457 CODE EXAMPLE 10. ~::: 3 :J 4 4 SEJECT /* 472 473 474 4"15 476 477 :;' d 478 479 :l 481 J 483 484 48:5 48" 487 488 4 4 4 489 5 490 5 491 5 492 5 ~ 5 5 493 5 494 5 49::; 5 496 497 498 499 4 3 2 TASK TO POLL KEYBOARD AND PROCESS COMMANDS. COMMANDSTASK: PROCEDURE, DECLARE CONSOLESCHAR BYTE, DECLARE COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE WORD. ;:> 2 3 3 CODE EXAMPLE 11. 5 , CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(INITSTASKSTOKEN.@COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE») DO FOREVER, CONSOLESCHAR=CSIN AND 7FH, CAL.L PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(CONSOLESCHAR), IF CONSOLESCHAR=CR THEN CALL PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(LF), IF (CONSOLESCHAR >= '0') AND (CONSOLESCHAR <= '9') THEN DO, CALL PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(CR), CALL PROTECTEDSCRTSOUT(LF), DO CASE (CONSOLESCHAR-'O'), CALL PRINTSTOD, CALL PRINTSSTATUS, CALL RGSSUSPENDSTASK(CRTSOUTSTASKSTOKEN. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), . CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(CRTSOUTSTASKSTOKEN. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), CALL RGSDISABLE(ACSINTERRUPTSLEVEL. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), CALL RGSENABLE(ACSINTERRUPTSLEVEL. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), CALL RGSSUSPENDSTASK(MOTORSTASKSTOKEN. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE). CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(MOTORSTASKSTOKEN. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), CALL RGSSUSPENDSTASK(STATUSSTASKSTOKEN. . @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE), CALL RGSRESUMESTASK(STATUSSTASKSTOKEN. @COMMANDSEXCEPTSCODE») END, 1* OF CASE-LIST *1 END, 1* OF COMMAND PROCESSING *1 END, END COMMANDSTASK, 2-89 *1 *1 AP-130 SEJECT 1* 500 501 1 2 502 503 504 505 506 2 2 2 2 50~' 508 2 2 509 510 2 511 512 2 513 514 2 2 515 516 2 2 517 518 519 520 2 2 2 2 TASK TO INITIALIZE OSP SOFTWARE. *1 INITSTASK: PROCEDURE PUBLIC. DECLARE INITSEXCEPTSCODE WORD, DATASSEGSPTR=@INITSTASKSTOKEN. I*LOAD DATA SEGMENT BASE*I CRTSMAILBOXSTOKEN=ROSCREATE$MAILBOXCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEl. CRTSREGIONSTOKEN=ROSCREATESREGIONCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI, INITSTASKSTOKEN=ROSGETSTASKSTOKENSCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI;. HARDWARESINITSTASKSTOKEN=RO_CREATESTASK (110.@HARDWARESINITSTASK.DATASSEGSADDR.BASE.O.300. O.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL RO$SUSPENDSTASKCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. STATUSSTASKSTOKEN=ROSCREATESTASKCII0.@STATUSSTASK. DATASSEGSADDR. BASE.O.300.0.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSSUSPENDSTASKCO,@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. MOTORSTASKSTOKEN=ROSCREATESTASKCI10.@MOTORSTASK. DATASSEGSADDR. BASE.O.300.0.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSSUSPENDSTASK(O.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. TIMESTASKSTOKEN=ROSCREATESTASKC120.@TIMESTASK. DATASSEGSADDR. BASE.0.300.0.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSSUSPENDSTASKCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CRTSOUTSTASKSTOKEN=RQSCREATESTASKC120.@CRTSOUTSTASK. DATASSEGSADDR.BASE.O.300.0.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSSUSPENDSTASK(O.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. COMMANDSTASKSTOKEN=ROSCREATESTASKCI30.@COMMANDSTASK. DATASSEGSADDR.BASE.0.300.0.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSSUSPENDSTASKCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. CALL ROSENDSINITSTASK. CALL ROSDELETESTASKCO.@INITSEXCEPTSCODEI. END INITSTASK, 2 2 2 521 CODE EXAMPLE 12. END DEMO' 130. MODULE INFORMATION. CODE AREA SIZE - 084CH CONSTANT AREA SIZE • OOOOH VARIABLE AREA SIZE • 0052H MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 0026H 848 LI NES READ PROGRAM ERRORCS) 21240 00 820 380 ° END OF PL/M-86 COMPILATION 2-90 AFN-020S8A AP-130 APPENDIXC SYSTEM MEMORY MAP 2-91 AP~130 EXAMPLE SYSTEM MEMORY MAP MEMORY MODULE 8088 RESiART VECTOR ROOT JDB CODE AREA STARTING ADDRESS OFFFF:O OFD18:0 ENDING ADDRESS OFFFF:F OFD36:6 OFC62:0 OFD17:B { RAM OFCOO.o OFC61:F 80130 MEMORY SPACE 0F800:0 OFBFF:F FREE SYSTEM RAM) OOGO:O 01 FF:F ROOT JOB DATA AREA OOAD:O OOBF:F APPLICATION JOB DATA AREA OOA7:0 OOAC:1 DSP SUPPORT DATA AREA 0040:0 OOA6:F 8086 INTERRUPT VECTOR 0000:0 INITIALIZATION TASK STARTING ADDRESS: 003F:F FC62:06B5 ROOT JOB STARTING ADDRESS: _ _..!FD=18"':001=1'--_ _ 2-92 AFN-02QSBA AP·130 APPENDIX D SUPPORT CODE LOCATE MAP 2-93 AFN'()2068A AP-130 ISIS-I I Me8-86 LOCATER. VI 2 INVOKED BY FO LOCBb & FI SUPI30 LNK TO FI SUPI30 MAP PRINT( FI SUP130 1'1P2) SC(3) .. SEOSIZE(STACK(O) ) ADDRESSES (CLASSES (CODE (OF8000H) , OAT /lit (00400H) ) } ORDER (CLASSES(DATA, STACK» OBJECTCONTROLS(NOLINES, NOCOMMENTS, NOSYMBOLS) WARNING 2b DECREASING SIZE OF SEGMENT SEOMENT STACK . . " SYMBOL TABLE OF 110DULE MINIMAL_BOI30 READ FROM FILE Fl SUPI30 LNK WRITTEN TO FILE FI SUPI30 BASE OFFSET TYPE SYMBOL BASE OFFSET TYPE SYMBOL BASE OFFSET TYPE SVt'llDL 0040H 0040H OOOOH 014BH PUB PUB 0040H 0040H 0120H 0040H 0040H 0144H 0040H 01~l!H PUB 0040H 0"4H 0040H 0040H 01~BH 015EH PUB PUB 0040H 0040H 015AH OlbOH 0040H 0164H 0040H 0166H 0040H 017BH 0040H 01EBH DEFAULTJ OBH 05lSH 052FH 053FH 055AH OS68H Q5S8H 059DH 05ADH OSB2H OSBFH 05DOH O~EOH O~FAH 0610H 661CH 063CH Ob5CH Ob7CH 069CH 06B3H 06SSH MESSAGESEGMENl SA -SE BAS , MESSAGESTR I NGCHA LR SYM CONSOLECHAR LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN INITTASK \4--, INITIALIZATION TASK STARTING ADDRESS 302 30. 307 309 311 313 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 336 338 340 342 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 362 364 366 369 372 37' 377 379 383 385 387 ::190 393 395 397 399 401 403 40' 407 416 418 420 422 424 426 428 430 440 442 444 446 448 4.0 452 461 463 465 467 469 471 475 477 479 481 484 486 488 490 492 494 496 499 502 2-98 AFN-oaoSBA AP·130 FC62H FC62H FC62H FC62H FCocH FC62H FC62H FC6~H FC62H FC6.;!H 06C4H 06E6H 071FH 075SH 07BBH 07C1H 07F7H OB2DH OB3DH 0084H LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN ~03 ~O~ ~07 509 511 ~13 ~1~ 517 519 521 FC62H • FC62H FC62H FC62H 06D5H 06.6H 072CH 0762H FC62H FC62H FC62H 079BH OB04H LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN LIN FC62H FC62H OB3AH OEl4AH LIN 07CEH LIN 504 506 ~OB 510 512 514 .16 51B 520 MEHORY MAP OF MODULE DEM0130 READ FROM FILE Fl AP130 LNK WRITTEN TO FILE Fl AP130 SEGMENT MAP START STOP LENGTH AL I GN NAME CLASS W DATA 00AC1H 0052H __________ 100A70H L;.;:~=-----,==~_.:..:..:= DA_t_A..J~ LAST DATA BYTE OF APPLICATION JOB OOAC2H OOADOH 00AC2H OOADOH OOOOH W STACK OOOOH G ........SEG STACK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OB5CH ____ ---,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C_OD_E..J~WUITCODE~EOFA~TION~OB I~FC620H W _ CODE FD17BH FD11CH FD17CH OOOOH W GROUP MAP ADDRESS FC620H QROUP OR SEGMENT NAME CGROUP 00A70H CODE DQROUP DATA MEMORY MEMORY AP-130 APPENDIX F ROOT JOB LOCATE MAP 2-100 AFN-02058A Ap·130 ISIS-II MCS-8b LOCATER. Vl 2 INVOKED BY LDC86 fl R.JB130 lnk L TO . Fl RJB130 MAP PRINT( fl'R.JB130 mp2) & ac (no1 i. 1'I0p L 11oc:m. no.b) & PC(noll. pI. nocm, nosb) & & SEGSIZE (9tilC k (0» ORDER(cl ••••• (d.t •• stack. memoT'Y» ADDRESSES ( c 1a5 ••• (code (OFDIBOH), d.tilCOOADOH» ) WARNING 26 DECREASING SIZE OF SEGMENT SEGMENT STACK " ~ & SYMBOL TABLE OF MODULE ROOT READ FROM FILE Fl R.JB130 LNK WRITTEN TO FILE Fl RJB130 BASE OFFSET TYPE SYMBOL BASE OFFSET TYPE SYMBOL FD18H OlSOH FD18H 0184H IFD18H PUB PUB 0Ol1H ooaOH FDIBH FOIBH FD18H FDIBH 0030H OllaH 0124H FD18H OOADH 014bH OOOOH PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB NUC_INIT _ENTRY RGSTARTADDRES6'~ CRASH ROOTTASK RGCREATEJOB ROSUSPENDTASK RG_N_C_RETURN_40 -JQBNUMBER ROOT JOB FD18H FD18H FD1BH FD18H FD18H OO:;zAH OlOCH 011EH 012AH 0162H OOADH 0OO2H PUB CODEDATA STARTING ADDRESS PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB FD18H OOlOH PUB RGROOT JOBVERSION SYSTEMSUIC IDE RQGETTASKTOKENS RG_N_C_RETURN_Q RGERROR ROaTT ASKSTATUS t1EMORY MAP OF MODULE ROOT READ FROM FILE Fl R-J)H30 LNK WRITTEN TO FILE Fl RJB130 MODULE START ADDRESS SEGMENT MAP START OOADOH IOOAD4H OOCOOH OOcaOH FD1S0H FD33AH STOP OOAD3H OOBFFH aocaOH OOCOOH FD339H F034SH PARAGRAPH = F01BH OFFSET LENGTH AL I ON NAME 0OO4H 012CH OOOOH OOOOH OlSAH OOOCH W W W G W W DATA INIT_STACK = OOllH CLASS DATA STACK STACK STACK "''''SEG CODE SAB...oESCRIPTOR CODE t-- LAST DATA BYTE OF ROOT JOB CODE -5 FD346H FD368H FD366H FD368H 0021H OOOOH W W _~_J_DESCRIPTOR MEMORY CODE i'4---LAST CODE BYTE OF RDDT JOB MEMORY GROUP MAP ADDRESS OOADOH GROUP OR SEGMENT NAME DGROUP DATA FD180H COROUP CODE SAB OESeR IPTQRS U_,·COESCRIPTORS 2-101 INTERROR . ARTICLE . REPRINT AR-236 November, 1982 AopttnIOd _ permloolan from Com"",", Deoign - September 1882. _ ; CGpyrIgId 11182 by eornp.- Doooan Pubilohing Co. 2-102 LET OPERATING SYSTEMS AID IN COMPONENT DESIGNS The iRMX 86 operating system processor package offers hardware designers a set of thoroughly tested software primitives upon which to build present and future custom hardware designs by George Heider C omponent users build application systems by integrating standard and custom hardware, software, and packaging. Microprocessors and other very large scale integration cOPlponents are replacing much custom hardware with larger, more powerful standard hardware modules. Microprocessors lead to powerful systems, but they often require complex system management software. While this complex software often comprises one third or less of the final system software, it may require two thirds or more of the storage development effort. Worse, bugs in system management software sometimes do not show up until late in development or after the product is at the customer's site. One solution to this problem is to employ standard management software such as operating systems. More. complex, multifunction applications in a realtime environment benefit greatly from operating systems. Examples of these applications include file subsystems, public automatic branch exchange (PABX) systems, and transaction processing systems. But implementing George Heider is a senior applications engineer at Intel's OEM Microcomputer Systems Div, 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Hillsboro. OR 97123. He works primarily with 16-bit software applications, including the iRMX 86 operating system. Previous experience includes telecommunications systems engineering. microprocessor systems, microprocessor operating system development, and disk storage system software. Mr Heider holds an MS in computer science from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a BSEEfrom Oregon State University. . Fig 1 iRMX operating system arcbltectnu. Kernel consists of primitives also implemented In bardware In iAPX 16/30 and iAPX 18/30 OSP. operating system functions in a component design requires new software tools, education, and expertise. Also, these functions are often specific to the particular design, so tools and expertise developed for one application are not suitable for subsequent designs. . These problems are directly addressed by the Intel iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 operating system processors (OSP) and the iRMX· 86 operating system. The iRMX 86 is a ful!featured, realtime multitasking operating system for iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 based systems. The Intel OSP implements the iRMX 86 kernel functions in hardware consisting of an iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 central processor coupled with an operating system firmware (OSF) component, the Intel 80130. The OSF extends the base iAPX 86 and iAPX 88 architecture by adding 37 operating system primitive instructions to the base iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 instruction set; systems can be built directly on the OSP. System implementation time is thus decreased by having fully debugged operating system functions in hardware. Further capabilities can be added by IRMXTM is a trademark of Intel Corp Compute, Deelgn • September, 1982 2-103 AR-236 extending the set of the OSP primitives or by integrating portions of the iRMX 86 on top of the OSP. Operating syllam architecture TABLE 1 OSPprlmitivea Primitive JOB CREATE JOB Description Creates a iob partition including memory pool, task list. The iRMX 86 architecture shown in and stack area. Fig I consists of the nucleus and layers for the basic input/output TASK CREATE TASK Creates a task with specified environment and priority. (I/O) system, extended I/O system, Task is created in ready state. Checks for insufficient application loader, and human memory available within containing job. interface. The system also provides DELETE TASK Deletes a task from system as well as from any queues a debugger, a terminal handler, a it is awaiting. Task's state and stack segment are bootstrap loader, and a patch deallocated. facility. SUSPEND TASK Suspends a task (changes its status to suspended) or While the nucleus is the lowest increases task's suspension count by 1. A sleeping task layer of the operating system, funmay also be suspended and will awaken suspended damental system functions are unless resumed. handled by the nucleus kernel, RESUME TASK Decreases suspension count of a task by 1. If at that point count is reduced to 0, task state is made ready. If which is the core of any operating it was suspend-asleep, it is put backJo sleep. system. The kernel controls memory SLEEP Puts task in asleep state; up to 10 ms units can be allocation, allocates processor specified. resources, communicates between GET TASK TOKENS Gives token for a task or task's job partition. processes, and manages interrupts. In the Intel OSP these functions are INTERRUPT implemented in hardware. (OSP SET PRIORITY , Changes task's priority to value passed in primitive. functions are described in Table I; Assigns an interrupt handler to a level. Task that makes ·SET INTERRUPT additional functions supported by this call is made interrupt task for same level. unless call the iRMX 86 nucleus are shown in indicates there is no interrupt task. Table 2.) Software development can Disables an interrupt level; cancels interrupt handler; RESET INTERRUPT deletes interrupt task for level if assigned. be based on either the OSP or the . iRMX 86, allowing software developReturns number of, the interrupt level for highest priority GET LEVEL interrupt handler currently in operation (several interrupt ment to proceed in parallel with handlers can be operating). hardware development. Completes interrupt processing and sends end of EXIT INTERRUPT In addition to the operating system interrupt signal to hardware. primitives, the OSP contains timers Invokes interrupt task aSSigned to a level from that SIGNAL INTERRUPT and interrupt control logic expandable level's interrupt handler. from 8 to 57 interrupt levels. The Suspends interrupt task state pending a signal interrupt WAIT INTERRUPT timers include a system clock, Refrom an interrupt handler. Used by an interrupt task to served delay timer, and baud rate signal its readiness to service an interrupt. generator. The 40-pin OSP has bus bufSets dala seg";ent base for an interrupt handler. ENTER INTERRUPT fers and demultiplex logic, which Enables external interrupt level. ENABLE allows it to interface directly to the Disables an external interrupt level. DISABLE iAPX 86 or iAPX 88 multiplexed bus. Reads location and exception handling mode of current GET EXCEPTION The OSP can be located at any 16 byte OSP exception handler for a task. HANDLER address boundary in the 1M-byte Establishes location and exception handling mode of SET EXCEPTION system address space. Application incurrent OSP exception handler for task. HANDLER terface to OSP stepping and revision SIGNAL EXCEPTION Notifies current OSP exception handler of exception. levels is independent. A block diagram of the 80130 is shown in Fig 2. Minimum hardware· requirements for the iRMX 86 requests are made by system calls, or primitives, which operating system shown in Fig 3 are 1.8k bytes of random are comparable to subroutine calls for system actions. access memory (RAM), about 16k bytes of kernel code Since the kernel manages much of the system hardware, memory, and integrated circuits. By comparison, the OSP the application code need not concern itself with many shown in Fig 4 stilI requires I.8k bytes of RAM, but does hardware details. This independence is not absolute, not require the kernel code, the programmable interrupt however: system hardware or resources not managed by controller, or the programmable interrupt timer. These are the kernel still require application code. Basic kernel concepts can be explained using a general all replaced by the OSP. Approximately I k bytes of required system configuration code are not shown in Figs 3 and 4. purpose system (Fig S). Input data can be characters. analog signals, or digital signals; processing can be numerical analysis, editing, spectrum analysis, process Karnal functions Since it defines system architecture, application requests control algorithms, or virtually any other transformafor system operations like interrupt management and tion. Processed data must be sent to an interrupt driven memory allocation must go through the kernel. These output device-a display, a communications line, ' Computer D..llln • September, 1982 2-104 AR-236 Prlmltlve SEGMENT CREATE SEGMENT DELETE SEGMENT Oe.crlptlon Dynamically allocates area of memory of specified length In 16·byte paragraph units up to 64k·byte maximUm leg, for use as buffer). Returns location token for segment allocated. Deallocates memory segment Indicated by parameter token. ENABLE DELETION Allows deletion of system data type value Indicated by location token. DISABLE DELETION MAILBOX CREATE MAILBOX DELETE MAILBOX Prevents deletion of system data type value Indicated by location token. Creates a mailbox With specified task queuing dlsclplone. Returns location token. Deletes a mailbox and returns Its memory. If tasks are waiting for mailbox, they are awakened (Ie, their state made ready) with appropriate exception condition. If messages are waiting for tasks, they are discarded IS system initialization, The input task requests each buffer, or memory segment, from the kernel by making the kernel system call "create segment" with 128 bytes, If a larger buffer is needed, the create segment call needs a larger value for the size parameter, When the buffer is full, the input task gives the segment to the process task, When the buffer is no longer needed, it can be returned to the system memory pool by a "delete segment" system call, Because the kernel dynamically manages memory allocation and buffer access, no additional code for these functions is necessary, Communication and synchronization through mailboxes The sample system needs a dispatching algorithm to send the segments from task to task, Such an Sends message segment to mailbox. SEND MESSAGE algorithm can be written without an RECEIVE MESSAGE Task IS ready to receive message at mailbox. Task IS operating system, For example, the placed on mailbox task queue. Task can walt for response Indefinitely, walt (generally 10 ms) Units, or input task can fill a buffer and call not wait. When complete, primitive returns to task the the process task, When the process location token of message segment received. task finishes, it can call the output task; the output task can finish with REGION CREATE REGION data type value, specifying queUing Creates region the buffer and return, When control discipline. Returns token for region. returns to the input task, system Deletes region If the region IS not In use. DELETE REGION processing for that buffer is comGains control of regIOn if region immediately' available, ACCEPT CONTROL plete, Another method is to have a but does not wait If not available. polling task occasionally check if RECEIVE CONTROL Same pnrvitlve as accept control but task that performs buffers are ready to be sent to other it may elect to walt. tasks. Both methods are inefficient and rigid, requiring that each task SEND CONTROL Relinquishes region, finish processing data in each buffer OTHER before another task can run, SET OS EXTENSION Links new primitive With kernel. With an operating system, the GET TYPE Gives system type code of a system data type. buffers can be sent from task to task through "mailboxes" -places where tasks can send or receive data. (See Fig 6.) Task A sends a message (segment) to mailbox I and specifies mailbox 2 as a return mailbox, Task A then waits for a return message at mailbox 2, Task B receives the message (segment) from mailbox I, then sends a return message with status to mailbox 2. control hardware, or mass storage, In this general pur- Task A receives the return message, which contains task pose system, input, process, and output are the only B status, and synchronizes the two tasks, functions, or tasks, that make up the system, In general, each task o,Ptains a segment, modifies its contents, sends the segment to the next task, and waits Buffer management . for another segment. The input task first gets a segment Assume input data wiJI be placed into 128-byte buffers using "create segment." When the segment is full, the by the input task. Without help from the operating input task uses the kernel call "send message" to send system, the buffers must be prelocated in RAM. Soft- the segment to mailbox A, The process task uses .the ware is needed to manage the buffers, which must be "receive message" system call to wait at mailbox A for given to the tasks.in the correct sequence and returned the segment. The process task receives the segment, pro. for reuse when empty, If the buffers are too small, or if cesses the data, puts the new data in the segment, and RAM is moved, the software must handle these changes, sends the segment to mailbox B, The process task then If an operating system or osp is used, the locations waits at mailbox A for the next segment from the input and sizes of RAM are made known to the kernel during task, The output task takes the segment from mailbox B Computer Design • September, 1982 2-105 inter AR-236 TABLE 2 AcIcIltional primitive•• upported by Ihe iRMX B6 nucleus CATALOGING SYSTEM DATA TYPES CATALOG OBJECT UNCATALOG OBJECT LOOKUP OBJECT Catalogs "system data type token under name gIven bV task In Job partition directory. Removes name and token from Job partition directory. Uses name to fInd token cataloged in Job partItIon Idirectory. NEW SYSTEM DATA TYPES CREATE EXTENSION Notifies kernel of new system data type code for new system data type. DELETE EXTENSiON Removes ~ystem data type code and deletes aJI composite sy'stem data types with that system data type code. CREA TE COMPOSITE Creates new system data type from list of current system data types and system data type code received from create extension. DELETE COMPOSITE Deletes new syste,m data type. INSPECT COMPOSITE Gives list of system data types that form new ALTER COMPO'SiTE Changes Itst of svstem data types that form new system data type. system data type. SEMAPHORES CREA TE SEMAPHORE Creates semaphore system data type. DELETE SEMAPHORE Deletes semaphore system data type SEND UNITS Task adds a number of Units to semaphore. RECEIVE UNITS Task asks for a number of units from semaphore Task can walt for response indeflnately, walt appear, an error routine can alert the system operator that processing has stopped. The mailbox method has several advantages over synchronization algorithms and polling tasks. The entire process is synch,ronized by the availability of data in segments, eliminating the need for algorithms and extra code; the same process applies whether the tasks operate at the same or different speeds. Also, burst input or output rates can be handled by adding buffers. For instance, if too much data arrives for the process or output tasks to handle immediately, the input task fills multiple buffers and passes them to mailbox A. The process task takes each segment in turn. After processing is completed, the segments are all sent to mailbox C, and the process waits for the next burst of data. The only interfaces between the tasks are mailboxes and segments, so tasks can be easily replaced or added to the processing loop; the same scheme works for larger or smaller segments. Tasks and task scheduling Tasks are independent bodies of executing code, initialized and (generally 10 ms). or not wait. scheduled by the kernel. Therefore, OTHER tasks must have iRMx 86 parameters PRIMITIVES like priority, initi'll memory Gives priority level of task. GET PRIORITY resources, entry address, and other Deletes system data type even if disabled delete has FORCE DELETE iRMX 86 data. A task is like an been called for system data type. expanded subroutine managed by Gives byte size of memory segment. GET SIZE an operating system. The actual application code is written much the ADDITIONAL JOB PRIMITIVES same as it is without an operating Returns child Job partitions created by a task In OFFSPRING system except that requests are parent Job partition. made using kernel calls. GET POOL ATTRIBUTES Gives memory pool attributes of job partition, Even though the system's multiincluding pool minimum, pool maximum, iOitlal Size, ple independent tasks appear to run number of bytes used, and number of bytes simultaneously, only one task available. actually runs at one time. Some Changes p'ool minimum for Job partitIOn. SET POOL MINIMUM method of scheduling is needed to Deletes job partition and returns Its memory to parent DELETE JOB decide which task receives control of job partition. the system processor; this schedand outputs the data. The output task has two choices: uling depends on the task priority. Since data coming it can either delete the segment, letting the input task into a system must not be missed, the input task has the create more segments, or it can send the segment to hi~hest priority. Data going out of the system are next in mailbox C. After sending or deleting the segment, the importance, so the output task has second priority; the output task waits at mailbox B for the next segment sequential process task has the lowest priority. The from the process task. If the output task sent the seg- scheduling algQrithm is simple-the highest priority task ment to mailbox C, the input task segments from the that is ready to run will get control of the processor. output task, synchronizing the input task with the out- This is an example of preemptive priority. In this case, put task. If the output task deleted the segment, the ready to run means that a task is complete-it has a seginput task creates a new segment and waits for input ment to fill and data coming in (input task), data to prodata. - The entire process runs continuously, synchro- cess (process task), or data to output (output task). For nized by mailboxes and segment availability. Addi- instance, if input data arrives when the process task is tionally, the tasks can elect to wait for a specified running and the input task has a buffer waiting for data, amount of time at mailboxes, and if no segments the input task will preempt the process task to receive Computer Dallign • September, 1882 2-106 inter AR-236 scheduling functions. A system with work balanced among the tasks runs as though all tasks perform simultaneously. The net result of task scheduling is that the system runs as fast as it can. When data come in, the input task will always get control of the processor. The output task will execute whenever it has data to send and the input task is not running. The process task will run whenever it has data and no other tasks are running. Also, tuning the system is easier with the standardized mailbox interfaces: slower tasks can be easily removed and replaced , with faster tasks, and remaining tasks will not be affected. In a multitasking system, multiple independent tasks execute concurrently. Buffer transfers occur through mailboxes rather than through a direct interface to tasks. and system functions not related to the primary data processing functions can be handled by other tasks. For example. a supervisory task that monitors a system console for operator requests can be added to the system at a lower priority than the process task. No changes to any scheduling algorithm would be required. r------OPFRAr;G~~TT\4V;;;i------l I, KERNEL CON1ROl STORE DllA¥ BAUD RAn 3 ClUCK <;IAruS ADDRESS : _ DATA BUS I L ________ ~~~~~ _______ I ~:A~ONTROl !NTERRUPT ~ Fit 1 101:10 Brmware eomponent performs clock and Interrupt control funellons, and supplies operatin& system primitives. Interrupt management the data. If the input task is not running and the hardware driven by the output task is ready to output another data value, the output task will receive control of the processor. Since the operating system schedules the tasks, each task is designed as though it has sole control of the processor. Tasks make system calls such as receive message, which may cause another task to run because no message is waiting. In addition, interrupts will likely cause a different task to run. ');he kernel can schedule the tasks because only interrupts or system calls can cause a higher priority task to become ready, and both of these are handled by the kernel. Thus any time an interrupt occurs or a "System call is made, the kernel runs the highest priority task that is ready. The tasks are written without any code to manage scheduling. The kernel scheduling is general purpose, so adding new tasks to the system does not require modifying the The iRMX 86 kernel and the OSP provide two classes of interrupt management: interrupt handlers and interrupt tasks. An interrupt handler is a short procedure whose only function is to respond to the interrupt as quickly as possible. All interrupts become disabled in order to let the interrupt handler execute at top speed. Interrupt handlers can make only a few system calls. In the sample system. the interrupt procedure receives a data value, places it in a buffer, and returns. When the buffer is full, the interrupt handler notifies the interrupt task. Typical response time for an 8-MHz iAPX 86 processor, from the time an interrupt occurs until the interrupt handler gets control is 30 to SO ,.s. In the unlikely event of a worst-case time, response time is about 160 ,.s. Higher priority interrupts are enabled when an interrupt handler gets control, is 30 to SO In the unlikely task uses a mailbox to pass the fun buffet on to the next task. Since both interrupts and tasks have priorities assigned to them, the kernel uses the task priority to ,.5. ,APX 86110 OR ,APX 88110 INT£RRUPT INTERRUPT LINES FIt 3 Iwx .. lIardware requlremenll. Operatin& system iiroeeuor fill Into basic hardware system for Iwx .. and brillp wltll It fllllCtions of kemel .._ory, I259A proarammable inlenapt controller, ud 1253 proarammable Interrupt timer. Computer DMlgn • SepI8mIIet, 11112 2-107 inter r:-----' I I I I : CLOCK INTERRUPT --~ I I I I I . ,APX 86110 OR ,API 88110 STATUS PROGRAM MEMORY DATA MEMORY I I r--...l..--~_ _---lw:;"" INTERRUPT STATUS I I 80130 I BAUD RATE DELAV TIMER TIMER SYSTEM TIMER ,APX 86/30,88/30 Fla 4 Billie hardware system with iAPX OSP. OSP replaces kernel code, programmahle interrupt ' controUer, and pro....mmable interval timer. determine if interrupts should be disabled or enabled. If the task priority is higher than an interrupt priority, that interrupt is disabled while the task is running. A priority level can be given to a task that disables all. some, or none' of the interrupts: ie, defining a task that is more important than all interrupts (initialization task), more important than some interrupts (input task), or less important than all interrupts (processing task). Multiprogramming System parameters in a component system are normally well defined: RAM locations are fixed, code addresses are known, and address and I/O ports are specified. Application code usually depends on these parameters. If the system changes, substantial alterations are often needed in the application code. However, if an iRMX 86 operating system is used, the kernel is made aware of system resources during system configuration. System configuration assigns these resources to "jobs." Jobs do not do work but instead serve as resource boundaries, containing tasks that accomplish system functions. Many component applications systems, including the sample system, will have only one job. All system resources are given to the job and all tasks are contained there. When the system is initialized, the job is created and control is passed to the first task in the job . . Multiprogramming occurs when a system has two or more 'jobs. The system boundari~s provided by jobs confine errors and define limits for system resources such as memory. These boundaries limit the effect of one job on another. For instance, the system debugger is a separate job. During development, the sample processing system would look like Fig 7. After'development, the debugger would be removed, leaving only the application system. The job environment of the processing system IS not affected by adding or removing the debugger. The overall system will, of course, be affected la) MAILBOX Ib) Fig 5 General purpose system consists of 3 basic functions. AppUcadon code receives data, places data in buffer, then proceues it. Processed data are sent to interrupt driven output devices. Fig 6 MaDboxes allow intertask communication by providing places to send and receive messages (a). Synchronization is easy since tasks can poll a maDb'ox and walt for messageS. Mailboxes also form interfaces between tasks in application system (b) so tasks can be easUy added or removed without changing code. . Computer De8ign • September, 1982 2-108 AR-236 because removing the debugger will cause more. system resources to be available for other jobs. The jobs, tasks, segments, and mailboxes are part of a large set of system data types which are data structures managed by the operating system. System data types are manipulated only through system calls, which enforce the rules that govern their use. Together system data types and system calls form the application interface to the operating 1.1 101 APPLICATION S¥STEM Fig 7 Job structure for development provides distinct boundaries so tbat a debugger (a) or otber piece of development software can be used during system system. This interface provides not development and later removed wltbout disturbing application job (b). only a good boundary for error detection and debugging, but also common architecture process can be in the same job and use the mailbox that can be carried from application to application. interfaces to send data to one output task. If system designers are careful, they can design systems whose functions can be added in the field. Thus, expensive Debugging The i RMX 86 operating system has a debugger that inter- custom software will not have to be rewritten for each prets and uses system data types, and manipulates them new application. to control the system. For example, the processing flow Users with a wide range of applications will find that in the sample system can be halted by the debugger this approach allows them to implement a correswhen a segment is sent to mailbox A. Data flow through ponding range of capabilities, expanding an OSP based the system can be traced by halting or break pointing the system up to a high level human interface. A complete system as the segment goes from mailbox to mailbox. iRMX 86 operating system includes extensive 110 Debugging is further aided by the modularity of the capabilities, a debugger, an application loader, a tasks and jobs. Modules limit error effects; the inter- bootstrap loader, and integrated user console functions. faces between the modules are well defined; and the Such a system can perform general purpose processing modules are easily inserted or removed. A standard and still provide all iRMX 86 facilities. With these system debugger can be used for all applications, features, one operating system can be used for current avoiding the need to develop specific diagnostic tools. projects and expanded for future ones, minimizing software learning curves for new applications. Conclusion Multiprogramming and multitasking promote application code modularity, allowing applications to be created by adding new functions to old software. The same scheduling and kernel interfaces work for systems with only a few tasks, or systems 'with many tasks performing multiple processes. An entirely new process can be added to the example by adding more tasks. If the new and existing processes have nothing in common, the new process can be in a different job. If both processes can share general purpose tasks, such as output, the new Bibliography Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System. no 9803124, Intel Corp, Santa Clara, Calif. 1982 iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual. no 9803122. Intel Corp. Santa Clara, Calif, 1981 Using the iRMX 86 Operating System on iAPX 86 Component Designs, Application Note APIIO. Intel Corp, Santa Clara, Calif, 1981 J. Zarella, Operating Systems Concepts and Principles, Microcomputer Applications, Suisun City, Calif, 1979 2-109 intJ ARTICLE REPRINT AR-286 June 1983 Reprinted with permission from VLSI Design magazine. MarchiAprill983. Copyrlght© 1983. 2-110 210341-004 inter AR-286 Software That Resides In SUlcon Ron Slamp and Jim Person, Intel Corporation S ilicon software sounds like a contradiction in terms. The casting of software in silicon implies that the software cannot be changed; yet software does and must change. For example, it must be possible to alter a microprocessor operating system so that the system will support different hardware and software designs, as well as accommodate new hardware components and applications. And if the software has been committed to silicon, then a way must exist to overcome any bugs that are discovered later. Design Considerations Silicon software consists of two kinds of code; on-chip code and off-chip code (see Figure I). In a typical case, some of the off-chip code works closely with the on-chip code, and IS developed as part of the silicon software package. This special offchip (or "support") code might contain initialization, interface, system, and version update codes. For silicon software to tolerate change and be usable In more than one system, the on-chip code must have three qualities: position independence, configuration independence and stepping independence. Position Independence Because the most advanced microprocessors address at least I megabyte of memory, system software that resides in silicon must work right regardless of its location in memory. Absolute addresses in the read-only, on-chip code or data restricts the configuration of the system. Because the on-chip code recognizes only offsets, absolute addresses are unacceptable. On· chip code cannot presume to know the location of any code or data, it can only presume to know the structure of the data which it accesses. It cannot know, except relatively, where in memory it (or any other code) resides. If the on-chip code is to be position independent, then any absolute addresses needed by the on-chip code must be obtained via the processor's registers. Position independence is not a new concept; in fact, it is' rather an obvious requirement for silicon software. Compilers and relocatable assemblers allow linking and locating, thus making it easier to produce positIOn-independent code. But most of these tools can also produce code that is not position independent. Silicon software developers need to be aware of the positIon-Independence reqUIrement throughout the design, implementation and test phases for their products. Configuration Independence The second requirement for silicon-resident software is that the on-chip code must not depend on the underlying hardware and software configuration of the system. Instead, the on-chip code must have indirect access to other code or data, and must then check the run-time data to deduce the system configuration. VLSI DESIGN March/April 1983 On-Chip Code Oft-Chlp Code r---., I I SlilCOfl Software I ~~J:~r~ Other Code I I I I I I System Memory IL _ _ _ JI FIGURE I. SlllcOD software Is divided IDtO oD-chip code and offchip code. The off-chip code either directly supports the oD-chlp code or contains other appllcailons code. Because of the read-only nature of silicon software, constants can cause problems when they are located within the on-chip code. Values representing a hardware device must not reside on-chip if that device can be located anywhere in the system, or when values support several devices having similar functions but different programming interfaces. Indirect access is necessary for all values that vary depending on the configuration of the system. Slepping Independence Stepping independence is an expansion of configuration independence, and is perhaps the most elusive of the requirements to be met by software intended for residence in silicon. A "step" is an updated version of the on-chip code. The on-chip code and the off-chip code must remain compatible, regardless of changes in either of them. Stepping independence exists when all vc"ions of the on-chip code work with all versions of the off-chip code. If stepping indepcndence is taken into consideration when the silicon software i, developed, then provisions can be made for the subsequent additions of options without changing the on-chip code. Otherwise, the static nature of the on-chip code might make it impossible to add options. Although configuration independence can be designed into software from the start, stepping independence can be achieved only if a system's existII1g silicon software does not include features that p~event it. One type of data that is likely to change between steps is the value representing the size of a data area. If the software is to be stepping independent, it cannot know the sizes of the data areas accessed by on-chip code prior to run time. (No problems arise if on-chip and off-chip code agree on the size of the data area.) But what happens if the on-chip code is not from the same version of the product as the off-chip code, and if the size of the data area has changed between versions'! If the size of the data area is defined by a constant in the on-chip code, then that area might be smaller than the off-chip code expects it to be. This misunderstanding can lead to disaster as the off-chip code reads and writes beyond the data area. 2-111 210341_ AR-286 This problem is solved when the on-chip code ascertains the size of the data area from off-chip data. Thus, the size of the data areas for the system becomes a configuration option. Getting the Bugs Out of Sll1con Software Every large program contains bugs. Designers usually remove bugs by modifying the program to correct the problem, and then discarding the old program. However, a program in silicon cannot be modified without stepping the component. And even so, it is undesirable to discard the outdated component. Software designed for silicon should include a facility for fixing bugs in on-chip code. One way to fix an on-chip bug is to prevent access to the routine containing the bug. A correct version of the routine is provided off-chip, and program execution is forced to branch to the off-chip version whenever the routine is invoked. Modular programming practices during development help reduce the cost of such off-chip duplication. This on-chip bug-fix works well over time. Each component step has an associated collection of bug-fix modules. The collection is updated for each new version of the product, as component steps fix known bugs. During system configuration, the user specifies which component step is being used; the fixes for that step are included automatically in the off-chip code. Because of this facility, one step looks just like another to the user. nGURE 2. The OSF componenl works With systems that use Ihe IAPX 86, 88, 186, or 188 microprocessor. Close coupling of Ihe CPU and Ihe OSF allows maximum .ero-watl-slate performance of Ihe OSF software. On-Chi p Code Ofl-GhlpCocIe r I 80130 Kernel Control Store Intel's OSF: A Software Component The 80130: The iRMX~M 86 Kernel in Silicon Intel's first software-on-silicon product is the 80130. It provides a fUl)ctional subset of the iRMX™ 86 Nucleus, which is the heart of the iRMX 86 operating system (OS). The iRMX 86 OS is a real-time, multi-tasking, mUltiprogramming operating system intended for 16-bit microprocessor designs. The iRMX 86 family of standard software modules includes a nucleus, a stand-along terminal handler, a stand-alone debugger, an asynchronous 110 system, a synchronous 110 system, a loader, a human interface, ahd options required for real-time applications. The nucleus manages the creation and dynamic deletion of all system architectural features (tasks, program environments, memory segments, data~communication managers, etc.). It also schedules tasks, based on priority, interrupt management, memory management, validation of parameters, management of exceptional conditions, and co-processor support. How the 80130 Satisfies the Silicon Software Criteria The iRMX 86 Nucleus provides both the on-chip and off-chip codes needed to implement the operating system. The on-chip code resides in the 16K-byte ROM space of the 80130. It is the main portion of the Nucleus code, and includes the kernel of the Software , I I , User ExecutoO!"l I ~ ~~u,estfor . . _ I ~~~I~g~ment ! ~servlce ~ I L....._ _ _---' The Operating System Firmware (OSF) component consists of several hardware modules (see Figure 2). These modules provide two functions that are essential to operating systems: interrupts and timers. The OSF modules include a Control Store (16K bytes of fast RO M) to contain the silicon software, three programmable interval timers, an eight-input programmable interrupt controller, a bus interface, control logic, a data buffer, and address latch logiC. Su~rt- _K."m ~ L _?:::J + nGURE 3. The posltion·lndependenl Inlerface supplies data locatIOn and run-time values, and slart. on·chlp ezecution of Ihe software. operating system and the primitives, which are present in the basic 80130 configuration. The off-chip code is stored in external RAM or ROM. It consists of initialization code, and code that either cannot be position independent or cannot be known before a given system is configured. Position independence is guaranteed if entry to the on-chip code is possible only through an interface in the off-chip code that sets up the necessary registers. The off-chip positionindependence interface (see Figure 3) provides an absolute data location and begins on-chip execution by the siliconresident code. All run-time values can be determined based on the data location. On-chip execution gives the processor a location in the on-chip code from which other on-chip locations can be calculated. It was relatively easy to make the 80130 configuration independent, because (like most operating-system kernels) it contains only general-purpose functions. The off-chip code contains all the drivers for particular peripheral chips. The Interactive Configuration Utility integrates the drivers with the 80130. The interface between the off-chip and on-chip codes remains stable across component steps. The steppingindependence interface (see Figure 4) resides on the chip, and is a map of the on-chip code. This interface gives the off-chip code indirect access to all on-chip "publics" (e.g., externally accessible routines, modules, and labels). It is also a chart that routes execution to the proper on-chip location. The off-chip code uses an index of this chart to specify which public should 2-112 VLSI DESIGN March/April 1983 210341·004 inter AR-286 On-chipCod. 0 11i:r.fI ....... 80'30 I T..... I '-"'=-......-: I 1~.:utlon ' Logoca' 0 I.ocatlon CCP Code ~ ...~... Set:Up I~ I CCP Code CCP Data +800 BOOS Coda "IilURE 4. All on-chip acce._ are routed through the on-c:lI.lp .t.pplng-lDd.pend.nce Int.dace, wll.tcll. proYld•• compatl· bUlt, betw••n on-c:1I.1p and oU-cll.1p cod.: B.cau•• til.. Int.dac. stnrc:ture stays const_t, til.. ext.mal referenc. also stays coDltant, wlI.Ue til.. on-cII.Ip OFFSET change. to point to til.. DeW location of til.. on·cll.tp cod•. BOOS Code be accessed. The index of a given routine remains the same BIOS across component steps, even though the actual address (offset into the component) of the public has changed. For different versions of the on-chip and off-chip codes to work correctly, all access from outside the component must be routed through the stepping-independence interface. BOOS Constants and mnaag_ BIOS Const.nt. and meueges +,61< (a) 16-byta cold-boot initialization (11.) "GURE 5. (a) Til.••tandard disk-based CP IM-16 modul.1I on. long structur. contalD1ng both cod. and data. (b) IDt.1 reorgaDII.d til.. ballc CP IM-a6 arcll.ttecture to fit th. op.ratlng .,st.m Into til.. 80150 OS flrmwar. compon.nt. I. A preconJigured-mode system, for which the system de- signer needs to do no operating-system code development or extension. 2. A configurable-mode system, for which the designer makes a selection from among the Intel drivers supplied, and makes changes as required to meet hardware needs. 8251A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 8274 Multi-Protocol Serial Controller (MPSC) 825SA Programmable Parallel Interface (PPI) 8275 Floppy-Disk eontroller 8237 Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller If the 80150 is used as a co-processor with the iAPX 186 or the 188, then the on-chip peripherals of these processors (DMA, timers, interrupt controller, chip-select logic) are also used. Configuration independence is achieved via the Configuration Block (CB), with which whole BIOS drivers, data structures, and built-in utilities can be selected independently by the system integrator. CP/M-86 n-ansformations Intel and Digital Research together addressed the issues of position dependence and intermixed code, dllta, buffers, and stacks. The CCP and BDOS were reorganized to consolidate code and to use the 80150's ROM space efficiently. CP/M-86 was originally developed using an 8080 model structure. The use of this structure implied that the code and data groups would overlap, as they do in the classical 8080-based CP/M design. Each module contained set-aside buffer areas, and included separate data stacks. Therefore, all variable areas 2-113 March/April 1983 CCP ~ The CP/M-86 operating system consists of three modules. The Console Command Processor (CCP) handles command line processing, and executes built-in utilities. The Basic Disk Operating System (BDOS) performs logical disk I/O, including disk reading and writing, directory management, and sector allocation. The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), which contains the configuration-dependent code and data, also provides I/O for specific peripheral chips. CP/M-86 is a single-user, single-tasking operating system written in position-dependent code. The 80150 contains the entire CP/M-86 operating system; for many configurations, it requires no off-chip code. Intel's goal was to use the configuration-independent CCP and BDOS elements as a base, and add to them a BIOS that supported a variety of peripheral components but was still configuration independent. The 80150 BIOS supports the following two functional configuration options: VLSI DESIGN Constants and meuages Code The CP/M-86 Architecture tnuhmarlt. of Org,'al R~'('a,cll. 1m BIOS Data Intel's decision to implement CP/M-86 operating system in silicon (the 80150) raised a different design problem. With the 80130, Intel only had to deal with Intel-designed software. Code design, implementation, extensions, corrections, support, and the subsequent effect on the end user were all under Intel's control. The selection of an independent software system such as CP/M-86 (a product of Digital Research, Inc.) introduced new factors into the implementation. ~PIM-86 16 II Coda +2500 The 80150: CP/II-86* 1D SWC:OD The 80150 BIOS includes drivers for the following chips: BOOS inter AR-286 ;' . CCP Constants and Messages BOOS Constants and Messages / / / / E~or BIOS and Stack (a) _ _ Start of 810S -t---==:..::.:.==--t " " ' , ............. ' ............ ....... ~ I'............ ............ ............ ........... !'-.., ............ messages .......... """ ............. Input/output control blocks CRT 1'-. -"" \ - '---............ .......................: : : : ............ ~~~~UT ......... ..... BIOS code CONIN _____ CONOUT _____ _ -------- CONST--~-- Keyboard Printer Disk Disk-parameter header Disk-parameter block Olsk~skew tables BOOS Van ables, Buffer ~~~ST " " AUXST Disk read DI.Sk write Vanables, Bu Her and Stack Addres&-BIOS - ,_ _ Addresses of user entry POIn~ CONIN ~ CONOUT ,""'-..c LlSTST BIOS Constants and Messages CCP Vanables. Buffer and Stack Address-BOOS BIOS stack "" l&-dlsk-dnve disk-parameter headers All dlsk-pararneter blocks Check vectors Allocation vectors Track/sector disk buffers ' L____________ __ ~.---- --~ (e) (b) nGOE 6. The Configuration Block (CB) reconfigures the 80150 for specific hardware systems. a) The CB constants read down from the 80150, and vanables used at run-time. b) The BIOS portion of the CB conta1Ds configuration-dependent data. c)These addres.es proTide access to the 80150 on-chip code, to alter e"ecullon paths for different coDfiguratlons and stepplngl. and stack areas had to be removed from code that would reside in ROM. Figure 5(a) shows the general structure of the original CCP and BOOS. Although a natural separation between code and data is clear, Digital Research did not distinguish between constants, literal messages, and pure scratch storage. Intel's first step in the transformation of CP/M-86 was to group all variables within each module, including buffers and stacks. We then placed thIS data grouping at the end of the constants and literal mes,age, for each of the CCP and BOOS modules. The new structure (Figure 5(b)) includes all code, constants, and internal messages, as well as a 16-byte initial-programo·load (IPL) boot resident in the 16K-byte OSF ROM; We removed all variables from the body of CP/M-86, and put them in an eXternal RAM-based structure. . Second, the implementation of CP/M via the Intel 8086 "small model" (separate code and data segments) rather than via the 8080 model (intermixed code and data), meant that the necessary additional variable data space would be available at 80150 execution time. The segmented architecture of the iAPX 86 family made this implementation easy, because separate CPU registers were available for data and code addresses. As part of the BIOS initialization, we moved the constant data structures for the CCP, BDOS, and BIOS to the base of a RAM-resident Configuration Block (CB). An additional amount of RAM equivalent to the total variable space was also allocated and preset to zero. This 8086 "small-model" transformation not only made it easy to separate code and data, but also made the code more efficient and eliminated approximately 2100 bytes. We achieved configuration and stepping independence via the off-chip RAM-based Configuration Block. Figure 6(a) shows the overall structure of the CB as constructed during BIOS initialization. During initializatiOJi, the 80150 BIOS copies the CCP, BOOS, and BIOS constant and literal structures into the Configuration Block, and appends additional space for variable and scratch-pad storage. Even the location of the CB is alterable, based on the address stored in locations 0:3FE-3FF. Figure 6(b) shows expanded portions of the CB. The data area contains pointers that can be changed to select custom off-chip code instead of the standard on-chip code. The entire BIOS can be replaced. (The BIOS code insert in Figure 6(c) and the various code labels are reflected back to the CB.) Complete I/O control block structures are Pcovided for each CP/M logical device, including CRT, keyboard, list, auxiliary, and disk. The control block includes port addresses, protocol support, and other default data needed to detect and control the status of each peripheral. Figure 6(b) also expands the systems 'tables and buffers created for disk support. The addresses in Figure 6(b) indicate how stepping independence is achieved. Any off-chip routines changed by the user can be selected by altering the address of the CB. If Intel updates an on-chip routine, the address in the CB is updated automatically when the 80150 copies its constant structures into the CB. As explained above, full stepping independence is maintained, because any ROM changes can also be imple- 2-114 VLSI DESIGN March/April 1983 210341·004 intJ AR-286 men ted off-chip by- having the address in the CB point to an off-chip patch. (The CB contains BDOS entry points (shown in Figure 6(b» that make thiS change possible.) RAM data is somewhat more innovative. One silicon-related specter that haunts software designers is the fear of "committing code before its time." But software designers can never expect to produce bug-free code the first time: And system designers cannot always predict the capabilities or the implementation requirements of peripheral devices that have yet to be built. Nevertheless, software designers who use the general silicon-implementation strategies of position independence and configuration independence, and who provide for stepping independence, can create standard silicon hardware 0 without fear of component obsolescence. The Configuration-Independent Interlace Use ofthe predefined configuration requires that the 80150 be installed at the top of the 8086 memory address space (FCOO:O). The I6-byte internal hardware boot is activated at all POWER ON and hardware resets. and passes control to the 80150. The 80150 initialization sequence uses this positioning to indicate the default hardware configuration (floppy disk, printer port, serial console, or auxiliary port). Each device has predefined port addresses, interrupt assignments, and protocols. The iAPX 186 or 188 CPU supports programmable chip-selection and the on-chip DMA drives the floppy disk controller. If the configuration must be altered, or if the BIOS code needs revision, the 80150 can be installed on any 16K code boundary except at the very top or bottom of memory. A PROM that contains off-chip code and data for a user's particular configuration is also installed at the top of memory. The 80150 initializes the default system hardware tables, then calls an EPROM to complete or revise the existing data in the off-chip CB RAM area. At this point, the CB contains the addresses that select either on-chip or off-chip code. When the configuration is complete, control is returned to the 80150. The 80150 completes the CP/M initialization, displaying the familiar CP/M "A" sign-on. About the Authors Ron Stamp received the AS. degree in software technology from Portland Community College, and gained much of his skill in electronics at Clark Community College in Vancouver, Washington. He has worked In Intel's OEM Module Operation III Hawthorne, Oregon since 1978 and IS currently the project leader for component software. Jim Person received the B. S degree Conclusion Converting software to silicon is not new. But redesigning software to consist of on-chip ROM code and configurable In mathemattcs in 1962 from the UOIverslty of Arizona. He was the engmeenng project manager at Intel for the 80150 "CP/M-on-achip." 2-115 210341·004 inter . ARTICLE REPRINT· AR·287 June 1983 Reprinted with permission from Electronics, March 24,1983. Copyrlght© 1983. McGrayrHllllnc. All nghts reserved 2-116 210341-004 intJ AR-287 SPECIAL REPORT Punching in for real-time jobs in industry, R&D, and offices, operating systems use special software structures to squeeze better-than-ever performance out of 16-bit microprocessors by Stephen Evanczuk, Software Editor oA special class of operating systems is hard at work in the 16-bit microsystem world. For controlling environmental processes, acquiring data at high speed, or even handling transactions at a commercial bank, these operating systems contain mechanisms that enable them to respond rapidly to external events and that differentiate them from the more familiar general-purpose operating systems. In fact, all the operating systems for 16-bit microprocessors respond in a reasonable period of time. But the general-purpose, or developmental, operating systems like CPIM, Bell Laboratories' Unix, and MSDOS are intended for standard programming activities like editing, compiling, and file management [Electronics, March 24, 1982, p. 113]. As such, they lack certain software structures needed for reliable control of processes producing data at a high speed. Real-time operating systems tend to fall into two general categories-multipurpose and embedded, reflecting the type of hardware they run on. Multipurpose real-time systems are typically built around fullfledged microcomputer systems with terminal, keyboard, plenty of system memory, and mass storage. Furthermore, in process-control or data-acquisition applications, some special-purpose hardware is usually included in these systems to serve equipment or high-speed data input operations. Besides the familiar applications for research and development, transaction-processing environments are an' example of situations needing multipurpose real-time systems. No doubt the largest class in volume because of their growing use in consumer items, embedded systems are minimal hardware systems, often just onechip microprocessors that control limited parts of a larger system. Programmers ordinarily employ a special development system to create the software, which is loaded into the target system for use and ideally is never seen again. To meet the needs of these two classes of applications, real-time operating systems 'come in three flavors for 16-bit microprocessors. Serving multipurpose real-time systems, one type-discussed in the first part of this report (see p. 106)-includes all the software development support found in their generalpurpose counterparts. Furthermore, many can be stripped of the layers needed in the developmental environment and placed in programmable read-only memory for use in an embedded system. For "'ose who swear by Unix, the group of Unixbased operating systems discussed in the second part (see p. 111) may mean no need to swear at it in real-time applications. A growing number of vendors are starting to convert this admittedly non.:..real-time operating system into versions that can be used to handle external processes. Although the industry is cautious, if not downright skeptical, of real-time versions of Unix, the fact that C-the language of Unix-is so highly regarded for use in real-time applications may help swing this group iDto the forefront. The potential for distributed-control systems based on embedded microprocessors hinges largely on the availability of high-performance real-time operating systems that can be plugged into the application with the same ease as an integrated circuit. Called silicon software, these operating systems discussed in the last part (see p. 114) have been deSigned to be stored in read-only memory. Providing a fixed set of system calls, they present programmers with a consistent set of high-level commands to perform the low-level functions usually built from scratch. Building system-level software from scratch has long been the hallmark of real-time programmers, even a mark of honor. Fortunately, however, the increased acceptance of ready-made operating systems using well-understood algorithms (described in the first part) is helping to replace this software "random logiC" with rather more standardized packages. On still another level, the unique responsiveness and throughput demonstrated by real-time operating systems is a truly user-friendly feature. For this reason, these systems should find their way into less obvious real-time applications, such as transaction processing, word processing, and personal work stations for office automation. 2-117 IIMlronlcal March 24, 1983 210341-<10< AR·287 AI90rithms star in multipurpose slJstems o Whatever environment it finds itself in, the function of an operating system is the efficient management of shared resources by a number of users, whether these are human beings accessing a computer through teiminals or programs vying for a single central processing unit. In fact, the degree of sophistication of an operating system is reflected by the number and types of physical resources it manages and by the fineness of control it exercises in their management. And operating systems targeted for control of the external environment must wrestle with the most demanding resource of all-time. The degree of care with which such software is designed to manage time is what determines its suitability for the real-time environment. Schedule,. and queu•• Two critical aspects of the r~-time environment are the random nature of physical events and the simultaneous occurrence of physical processes. Consequently, interrupt handling and multitasking are primary attributes of a real-time operating system. In fact, it might be EXECUTING PROCESS Cl TASK WAITING TO EXECUTE RELATIVE PRIORITY I.) ROUND·RDBIN SCHEDULING EXECUTING PROCESS Ib) PRIORITY'BASED PREEMPTIVE SCHEDULING 1. PriOrlti.s.)n round-robin scheduling (a), tasks (or processes) talle equal turns executing, while a higher-priority task Will supersede a lower-priority one in priority-based preemptive scheduhng (b) Most schedulers employ some combination of these techniques. argued that the mechanism for handling multitaskingthe scheduler-is the heart of the operating system. The rest of the operating system lies atop this kernel and serves the specific demands of the application environment. In particular, the lists, or queues, and their managers that surround the scheduler are constructed to deal with the different physical resources supported by the operating system, Thus, one queue may contain those tasks (processes, or programs in the course' of being run) that are ready to execute on the processor, another queue may be tasks waiting for access to input/output hardware, and another queue may contain tasks waiting for some specified event to occur. In any multitasking operating system, the scheduler uses the queues as input. Its output, on the other hand, is a single task that has been activated and allowed to execute on the central processing unit. The scheduling algorithm in large part defines the operating system. In one system, the scheduler may simply select a task on a first-come, first-served basis, allowing it to run until completion or, until some specified period of time has elapsed. This type of relatively primitive algorithm was commonly used in mainframe computers running simple batch-oriented operating systems. In a slightly more sophisticated operating system that can be used interactively through terminals, the scheduler may select tasks on a round-robin basis and permit each of them to run for a specified period -of time (Fig. 1). Once the task exceeds its time slice, it is placed at the end of the queue and forced to wait until all other tasks have had a chance to execute. Round-robin scheduling with equal time slices is adequate if every task is no more important than any other task. However, if some are considered to possess a higher priority, then a more sophisticated scheduling algorithm must be used-one that recognizes that some tasks are more important, but that no task should be excluded from using the CPU. One solution is the use of several queues, where the length of the time slice is related to the priority of elements in the queue. In this case, the scheduler would allow all tasks in each queue of a different priority to execute on the cPu, but lower-priority tasks would be given less time. A further refinement permits higher-priority tasks to suspend a running task. This technique, called preemptive scheduling, is an important feature for real-time environments, in which the delayed execution of a highpriority task could have disastrous results, rather than simply disappointing the user. In scheduling algorithms, tasks may exist in a number of logical states, depending on their readiness to run. In the Versatile Real-TimeExecutive (VRTX) from Hunter 2-118 Ilectronlcsl March 24. 1983 210341-004 AR·287 & Ready Inc .• Palo Alto. Calif.• for example. tasks are the task may be reactivated. Thus at each clock tick only the counter in the element at the head of the queue need be decremented, rather than every counter in every queue element. This method takes longer to insert new elements into the queue and so requires slightly higher overhead for insertion than when the total time is maintained by each counter; however. that overhead is more than offset by the time saved by Updating only a single counter. Real-time environments pose a special set of problems for resource allocation. Besides all the more familiar problems of scheduling. a real-time operating system must maintain reliable behavior under extremes of load when it is driven by a high rate of external stimuli. From the system user's point of view, the system must maintain a predictable level of respOnse and throughput. In an interactive environment, users sitting at terminals measure response as the time the system needs to react to a keystroke. In general, system response is the time that the system needs to detect and collect data from some external stimulus. Throughput, in an interactive environment. is seen as the number of users able to utilize the installation simultaneously. In a more general Another u.. for queu.. real-time environment. throughput is the rate at which In addition to having queues serving the scheduler the system is able to collect, proces$, and store data. directly. most systems use them as the preferred means In fact, although response and throughput share some of associating a task with a required resource. For exam- common software elements, operating-system designers ple. one capability commonly found in real-time operat- will invariably find themselves forced to make choices ing systems is the ability to suspend a task for a specified that will tend to optimize one at the expense of the other. period of time. Typically. the operating system contains a Often. the interrupt-handling requirements of a real-time special queue for this function. Each element in the operating system force this choice. Interrupt processing is hardware and software integraqueue is a task in a suspended state. Associated with each task is a counter that contains the number of clock tion at its most demanding (see "Handling hardware interrupts," p. 108). To handle interrupts, operating systicks remaining until it should be reactivated. , For example. in iRMX-86 from Intel Corp., Santa tems often place layers of software between the user and Clara. Calif.. the counters keep track of the incremental the microprocessor in order to allow different levels of time remaining with respect to the previous element in performance and capability. Intel's RMX-86 is a typical example of distinct levels the queue. rather than the total time remaining before of software used to perform basic interrupt processing. At the lowest level. an interrupt handler works intimately with the hardware to execute some operation, such as sending a message character by character to a printer. Code for interrupt handlers is kept compact and simple, since system interrupts afe disabled during their operation. The higher level, called the interrupt task. works at a prionty a.~sociated with the particular hardware it services. Interrupt tasks act as interfaces between application tasks, working with specific interrupt handlers to complete execution of operations dealing with external devices. RMX makes this interrupt-handling mechanism available to application programs through a special set of system calls. driven through four possible states by external events. by other tasks and system utilities. or by their own system calls (Fig. 2). For example. an executing task may delete itself-in which case it enters a dormant state-or may cause itself to be blocked either explicitly through a call to suspend itself or implicitly through a call to perform some I/O function. On the other hand. once suspended. a task may reschedule itself through a system call. or ·an external real-time event may bring the task back into the ready queue. Recognizing the importance of scheduler design. at least one software vendor has made it easier for real-time users to build systems around a prepared kernel. yPited States Software of Portland. Ore.. is offering a basic scheduler that assembles into less than 100 bytes of object code for the target microprocessor [Electronics. Nov. 17. 1982. p.206]. Furthermore. in anticipation of realtime systems targeted for specific application areas. U. S. Software supplies a list of design notes detailing extensions to the basic kernel. 2. T,... ...... As one task (or process) runs, others may be in various states of readiness. In Hunter & Ready's VRTX, for example, tasks can be ready (able to run immediately), suspended (waiting for a resource), or dormant (deleted by a system call). Protection and communication Once the interrupt software has completed its function. tasks that use the data are indistinguishable from any other task in the system as far as the operating system is concerned. Unless special care is taken, conflicts could still arise between two separate tasks that might need to use the same resource, such as the same location in memory. MP/M-86. for example. employs a special queue. called a mutual exclusion queue, that contains a unique message representing the shared resource. In or- 2-119 Electronlc./March 24. 1983 210:141 __ inter AR-287 der to use the resource, a, task must first capture the message, much as a node in a token-passing network must first obtain the token before being at liberty to trapsmit. Per Brinch Hansen l identified such shared resources as key elements in multitasking systems. Sections of code that access critical resources are called critical regions. The simple expedient of ensuring that only one task at a time is allowed in a critical region guarantees that multiple tasks may share the same critical resource without fear that its integrity may be compromised when two of them attempt to access it simultaneously (Fig. 3). This concept of the mutual exclusion of tasks from critical regions is implemented in a structure called a monitor, in which critical regions are gathered in one section of code and protected from use by more than one task at a time. The MSP operating system from Hemenway Corp. of Boston [Electronics, Jan. 27, 1983, p. 119] explicitly supports mutual exclusion through monitors in its internal structure. Furthermore, user-written routines needing monitor protection are provided with four functions in MSP that are implemented using hardware traps for rapid access: Entermon, Exitmon, Wait, and Signal. Entermon and Exitmon serve as monitor entry and exit points, respectively, performing required housekeeping functions. Entermon disables system interrupts and preserves all registers, while Exitmon reverses these actions. Wait and Signal, on the other hand, work in tandem to control access to a critical resource. Wait queues up tasks needing an unavailable resource. Signal releases them from the queue when the resource becomes available. Wait and Signal are examples of an intertask communication mechanism, called semaphores, found in most real-time operating systems. As noted, these commands simply queue up and release tasks needing a critical resource. Such a resource may be an 110 device, a memory location, or simply a go-ahead' signal that synchronizes a pair of tasks. For example, task A may execute only after task B, has completed. In this case, task A would begin with a Wait (flag) command, where the flag is used as an associated variable. Task B, on the other hand, would end with a Signal (flag) command. In this way, task A would be blocked until task B had executed its Signal command at the end of its processing. But exchanging simple go-no-go signals is not sufficient for many multitasking environments. For longer messages, real-time operating systems offer extensive intertask communication facilities called mailboxes. Mailboxes are essentially semaphores with storage. As such, tasks needing data from another task will wait until the other has loaded the mailbox with the information. Intel's object-oriented RMX-86 transfers any of the defined objects in the system through mailboxes. Hemen, way's MSP, on the other hand, provides a buffer of fixed size that may be used without restriction on its contents, as long as the 256-byte buffer is not exceeded. With its' Multibus message exchange (iMMX) extension to RMX for =~/IOIiOn:,' "', ", . , i ",i""".,·'"",' ""!~ 'lMf:detail$ol 'slmJM.~1!ht _01111",' Dies theeoll'lPlelc nal.l;lteol '~~' ,'" ';'w-- as II v9h1c~ tor lotf~"" '~~In1hillfiekl, ' ',I '. , " ' , '~;llf_~i';!:" ' ",~,~_ '>' '. ' , ' "" :"'" , AMandard $01Iwaf',~systemlna mi«~''':',: _(l'$dthekeyb~dMOnltor, ilI~"fOf;~' ,; wlIh the harGware in.,. sy&lem to wIil! ,~ ~pOiIIIS by I'IIturnlnfll\ltli: 'MemorY add",_, oI'boftI;,,;, ~he Inltrru,,-h8ndIing aubrOllllhe anased software has evolved into complete operating systems in memory, engendering the term silicon software. Complementing hardware for distributed-processing architectures, such silicon-software systems signal a migration of application software into dedicated microcomputers previously considered unable to gain full systems capability. For developers of dedicated microcomputers embedded in some larger real-time system, silicon software spells the end of the need to reinvent the wheel to carry out the fundamental functions of a real-time operating system. protection, timing, and communication problems (see pp. 106-111). In fact, the development problems extend beyond the purely logistical exercise of maintaining a separate ROM-based instruction store and one for variables that need to be placed in system read-write memory. Treading a fine edge between the full function of a general operating system and the fine-tuned performance of special-purpose software, silicon systems need to balance the need for a wide range of system functions with the requirement that they squeeze into a minimal amount of ROM. Flexlbll~ for exPansIon Still, once a system meets a reasonable compromise between capahility and size, it should not irrevocably lock the user into accepting its choices. For example, many real-time applications require some custom peripheral-device drivers and system-level functions. Consequently, the program should provide a mechanism for logically incorporating user-written extensions to the operating system, such as the user-defined pointers in the VRTX system from Hunter & Ready, Palo Alto, Calif. lldendlng the mlcroproceaor In VRTX, a configuration table (Table 2) in system Functionally, silicon operating systems extend the mi- random-access memory allows specification of a custom croprocessor's instruction set to include system-level in- routine that is to be executed whenever the system is structions that perform operations on software structures, initialized. For even more delicate control of system oplike queues and tables, rather than on hardware registers. erations by custom software, a trio of pointers in the Application-program developers are then presented with table specifies user-written routines to be accessed whena virtual machine-one that is perceived by the program- ever a task is created or deleted or whenever a context mer as different from the actual host processor. In these switch is performed. Hunter & Ready also includes a virtual operating-system machines, their instruction set location in this baseline configuration table for its anticiincludes a well-defined set of system calls as well as the pated file-management extensions to VRTX. basic machine instructions of the host microprocessor. The 80130, an RMX-86 kernel in silicon from Intel For example, with systems like VRTX and RMX, the virtu- Corp., Santa Clara, Calif., generalizes this approach al microprocessor has a special set of instructions for through an index table containing pointers to system handling interrupts (see Table I). routines. If circumstances require the replacement of an For system developers, however, the problems in devel- existing system routine, the index-table pointer is merely oping reliable silicon software extend beyond resource altered to indicate the address of the new routine. In an Ileotronlca/March 24, 1983 2-126 210341.(104 AR·287 TABL l 1 SYSTE:-M (ALl S FOR HANDIINC, JNHRHlJP1S TABLE 2 VRTX CONFIGURATION TABLE J£~H~~:~~~::~~ Versatile Real Time Executive (VRTX) UI POST sys RAM addr deposit message from Interrupt system beginning address handler UI EXIT UI TIMER timer mterrupt UI RXCHR receiver ready Interrupt UITXRDY transmitter ready mterrupt assign Interrupt handler ROSRESETSINTER RUPT deassign Interrupt handler ROSGETSLEVEL return number of highest-priority mterrupt level currently belOg processed ROSSIGNALSI NTE R RUPT system memory size system stack size user RAM-addr starting address for available memory In Initial partition oRMX-86 ROSSETSI NTE R R UPT sys RAM-Size sys-stack-slze eXit from mterrupt handler signal from mterrupt handler that user-RAM-size size of Inlt.al partition user-block-size size of memory block for dynamiC allocation user-stack-slze size of stack for user tasks user-task-addr address of first user task user-task-count maximum number of tasks Sys-Inlt-addr address of user-supplied Initialization routine sys-tcreate-addr address of user-supplied routme accessed when a task IS created sys-tdelete-addr address of user·supplted routine accessed when a task IS deleted sys·tswap-addr address of user-supplied routme accessed when a context SWitch occurs (RESERVEDI address of Hunter & Ready future extensions to VATX event has occurred ROSWAITSINTERRUPT walt for occurrence of event ROSEXITSINTERRUPT relinquish control of the system ROSENABLE enable hardware to accept mterrupts ROSDISABLE disable hardware from acceptmg Interrupt!> embedded system, this new routine could be placed in ROM along with application software. Now that programs in ROM have matured into silicon systems, the development of software for embedded systems may now follow a more hospitable development cycle. The particular method used to create embedded systems will, in general, fall into one of two paths represented by the two major camps. On one hand, kernels in silicon from systems such as RMX-86 or the MSP from Hemenway Corp., Boston, Mass., for the 68000 or Z8000 are self-contained subsets of the full operating system. Consequently, software programmers may use the full development version of the same operating system as that in the eventual target to create the application package. On the other hand, development of application programs around the ZRTS system from Zilog Corp., Cupertino, Calif., or Hunter & Ready's VRTX for the Z8002, iAPX-86 family, or 68000 relies on the use of a separate development system to create software for the target microprocessor, since this software does not have development versions. Two approach.s The significance of these two approaches as usual depends on the intended application. Hunter & Ready views VRTX as a set of processor-independent building blocks that programmers use to construct application packages for embedded systems. As such, the programmers employ the same development systems that they might use to build application code, but now with the benefit of a sophisticated set of ready-made system-software components. In playing its part in Intel's systematic drive toward providing an Integrated enVironment around the iAPX86 family, the K0130 holds the anchor position in an interlocked set of components. Able to function independently of the upper layers of the operating system, it provides a hardware base for the rest of RMX-86. Serving as a viewport IIlto this system-software base for the central processing unit, Intel's universal run-time and development interfaces offer the mechanism for software portability needed for the next stage in the company's plan to grow into higher-performance microprocessors, such as the 186, 286, and 386. While interlocking with the software in this way, the 80130 also must play its role in the complementary relationships being established at the hardware level. As such, it includes on-chip hardware support for systemlevel functions, including timers, interrupt controller, bus control, and bus interface. Meanwhile, Intel's plan for software-in-silicon becomes evident as it gathers the other pieces of the puzzle, such as the 82730 text-coprocessor chip, the 82586 local-network coprocessor, and the 82720 graphics processor chip. Similar to the 80130 software connection, the 82720 graphics part interlocks with the rest of the system at the software level through its support of another well-defined software interface-the virtual device interface. Yet to come are pieces for voice 1/0 support, as well as some level of hardware support for data-base access. 0 2-127 Electronics/ March 24, 1983 210341-004 ARTICLE REPRINT AR-288 June 1983 Copynght© 1983. CMP PublicatIOns. Inc I 111 E Shore, Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030 Repnnted wIth permission from Electronic Englneenng TImes. 2-128 210341·004 AR-288 Intel's Matchmaking Strategy: Marry iRMXTM Operating System With Hardware Intel's major software product, the iRM)(TM-86 I6-bit operating system, which is now in its fifth release, represented a three-year development investment which most independent software vendors would have found a daunting prospect in 1978 when the project was conceived. The investment was essential. By the mid-I970s, feedback from OEMs working with Intel's hardware revealed problems with system integration-the marriage of software with hardware. It consequently slowed sales, with the prospect of even greater problems at higher levels of circuit integration. Intel management, looking for ways of coping with the ballooning software requirements of the rapidly accelerating hardware program, began stepping up software development programs in the mid-I970s. Object-oriented programming is a method which has worked best in creating a software program blending with the component approach. By hiding data representation within an object with its own object manager, changes in the hardware environment that affect the data can be accommodated without having to change the rest of the software. "The RMX program illustrates a number of things one needs to keep in mind with developing a real-time operating system;' explained Bill Lattin, Intel's OEM microcomputer systems manager. "Foundations must be well laid so the system can grow and evolve over time. And there is a need for the system to be open to modification by typical OEM-specific applications. "Although the RMX program has been around since 1978, it has only recently hit its stride, as processor technology has advanced to use the full range of its features;' Lattin said. The fast-paced microcomputer market had created a new situation for systems designers in terms of a radical shift in the hardware/software cost ratio. Earlier hardware generations involved various expensive centralized facilities. Not only was software cheap in comparison, but the hardware environment changed slowly, so that it was also feasible to rewrite systems as needed. A price is paid in terms of program size with this approach, however. And it was difficult at the time to justify this kind of liability with the existing onboard memories of the 8-bit generation. Bill Stevens, iRMX-86 program manager for release five, explained the difficult decisions that had to be made at the outset of the program. "Every engineering decision involves a trade-off. We wanted to optimize program productivity and we had to have modularity. The consequence of this was large size. It turned out that a minimum configuration was 12 kbytes wide and the full configuration was 128 kbytes. At the time we did not have 64k dynamic RAMs and 64k EPROMs, so we didn't have the technology to realize the systems of initial specifications times. Bruce Schafer has to take credit for making that decision to go ahead anyway, early on. . . it was a gutsy decision, and it turned out to be absolutely righe' But when the price of a computer drops to as low as $5, the hardware environment becomes volatile and software turns into a major investment. Intel was finding that customers might invest as much as two-thirds of their development costs in software, only to see it eclipsed by evolving VLSI technology. It became evident that merely supplying components would become increasingly counterproductive. Thus, the Intel "total solution" emerged-a consistent systems approach to hardware sales, which naturally depends heavily on a viable software program. 2-129 210341.004 AR-288 Had Intel known of th~ difficulty it was about to encounter in producing its 64-kbyte RAM, Schafer may have had second thoughts. processing aspects of real-time applications required a special test apparatus to simulate a real-world environment. Schafer joined Intel in 1976 and began working on iRMX-80. "It was a nice little system;' Schafer said. "A miniature dispatcher had evolved to handle multiple asynchronous events and became a primitive OEM operating system. It was tempting to do an enlarged version of it, mainly because I was already working on it for the 16-bit generation!' What they came up with is a nucleus executing directly on the 8086 and 8088 processors as the basic building block of the system. Together with the next Iayer-a basic I/O system-a minimal operating system can be configured, which has been found useful in many applications. Schafer soon found himself centrally involved in the task of heading off the 16-bit software crunch, laying groundwork for a system that could cover a wide range of applications, many of them unknown at the time, and a system which could also evolve with hardware advances. "When you set out to design a system of that scope, you don't just sit down and start writing code. It's definitely a top-down process;' explained Schafer. He discovered early in the project that the purely technical hurdles in writing software were minor compared to orchestrating a team of engineers on such a comprehensive project. The iRMX-86 system is multi-layered, and the project had to be coordinated across these layers along with the sequence of planning, design and implementation. On top of that, a thorough testing program had to be coordinated with all phases. "I had a difficult time convincing engineers on the project that documentation of their work was as important as the work itself. Specifications were absolutely crucial to the development phase!' said Schafer. Schafer began with a customer survey to discover the kind of problems OEMs were experiencing with system design. He wrote a production implementation plan, which was critiqued by marketing and engineering personnel. This was approved in June 1978 and formed the basis for engineering specifications. A critiquing process evolved as the organizing principle behind initial product design; engineers on the project would exchange qocumentation and then meet to evaluate the progress of the system. The sessions were lively and the problems of coordinating implementation, testing and design along with the pressure of deadlines for the whole progr"ilm generated quite a bit of excitement. Development testing turned out to be a particularly thorny problem-the asynchronous interrupts and multiple- However, it was necessary to develop an application on the Series-III development system even though the target was going to be RMX. "We quickly realized that users want to be able to do development work on the machine they target on;' said Schafer. "This is particularly important for field maintenance ... you can't drag a Series-III out to an oil derrick!' To realize this goal, Intel built higher layers around iRMX so that program development could be done without a Series-III. Higher layers involve extended I/O and human interface facilities. After this, customer-written software can be added in high-level languages. A major objective has been to provide a stable base for independent software vendors; with its latest release, Intel also announced an ISV program initially involving three major vendors; Microsoft, Digital Research and Mark Williams Inc. The first release of iRMX-86 came out in April 1980. Since then, the system has been refined and released four more times, with release five al?pearing last December. An Interactive Configuration Utility appeared for the first time with release five, a further attempt to aid OEMs in putting their systems together. The system designer runs the ICU program on a terminal and is quizzed on his requirements, after which the program generates the unique iRMX software for his application. "It has been a successful product in its own right, apart from its role in the hardware program, but I doubt that anyone would have wanted to invest in a three-year development process before, there was a chance at some return;' observed Stevens, who has been most excited by the diverse applications he has seen. "I've really enjoyed the iRMX symposiums. There is always some new system demonstrated. In Tokyo, I just saw an 8086-based scientific system with really first-class graphics put together by Seiko. Another time I saw a blood analyzer based on the system. There are even RMX-based personal computers!' 2-130 21OM1.Q04 ARTICLE REPRINT AR-289 June 1983 21034'-004 Copynghl© 1983 by Techntcal Pubhshmg, a dlVls10n of Dun-Donnelley Publication Corp, a company of Dun & Bradstreet Corp, Hudson, Mass 01749 2-131 intel· AR-289 iRMX™ 86 Has Functionality, Configurability The iRMXTM 86 operating system provides a modular set of building blocks from which users can create a wide variety of applications. iRMX 86 features include: multitasking; interrupt support; multiprogramming support; device independence; tree-structured directories, file access control; and interactive debugging. The iRMX 86 operating system combines the concepts of objects, types, and type extension to form a highlyfunctional and highly-configurable foundation for applications software. The operating system is designed for use with programs executing on the iAPX 86 and iAPX 88 processors. The 8087 numeric data processor is supported as on option. Execution Environment The iRMX 86 Operating System can be used with a variety of hardware configurations. Interactive disk-based systems as well as ROM-resident systems can be constructed. Any part of the operating system's code can reside in ROM/PROM memory. Alternatively, ail or part of this code can be "bootstrapped" into RAM using a small, configurable bootstrap loader provided with the product. The application code can similarly be committed to PROM or bootstrapped into RAM. The operating system divides the execution envirqnment into jobs and tasks. A task is described by a set of processor registers, a stack, a priority, and a state. Jobs provide resources for tasks. A job can be viewed as a task environment. In the simplest case a job represents a memory pool. Tasks executing in the same lob share the same pool of memory. When a job is deleted, all tasks within the job are also deleted and all memory allocated to these tasks is deallocated. The design of the iRMX 86 Operating System is based on a set of objsct types. The operating system supports dynamic object creation. Each time an object is created, the operating system allocates the proper resources to the object and returns a 16-bit virtual address called the object's token. This token is subsequently used by the application to identify the specific object. By implementing this object-oriented approach, the iRMX 86 Operating System hides implementation details from the application software. The iRMX 86 Nucleus also allows users to add custom object types without changing the Nucleus. I/O Devices I/O devices can be manipulated in two ways. The first approach allows the application to receive interrupts directly from the I/O device. The second approach utilizes the iRMX 86 Basic I/O System. With this approach, a device driver must be written for initiation of I/O requests and for interrupt handling. The application software interfaces to these drivers through the Basic 110 System by making read, write, seek, and special-function requests. The iRMX 86 Operating System currently includes device drivers for diskettes, Winchester disks, magnetic bubble storage devices, and Storage Module Device (SMD) interfaces. The iRMX ,6 Extended 110 System defines the concept of a logical device. Using this feature, each device is assigned a logical name. Application programs refer to logical devices without knowing which physical device is associated witl) each logical device. In this manner, the physic'al devic~ can be changed without changing the application programs. The iRMX 86 system is composed of several layers. The innermost layer is the Nucleus, which provides multitasking, interrupt control, and multiprogramming support. The first optional layer , the Basic I/O System, supports device-independence, directories, random access, and file access control. The Basic 110 System provides asynchronous 110 functions. Each asynchronous function is initiated by a procedure call that queues the request. The procedure call returns immediately with an indication of whether the request was successfully queued. When the request is actually completed, a response message is sent to the mailbox specified. "On top" of this layer, users may add the Extended I/O System (providing services such as automatic buffering) or the Application Loader (which supports loading both absolute code and locatable code). The Human Interface uses these inner layers to support user-defined commands in addition to a set of standard commands. The Extended I/O System automatically synchronizes I/O requests. Again, a procedure call is used to initiate 110. The procedure, however, does not return until the request is complete. To enhance efficiency when this automatic synchronization is used, the Extended I/O System permits read-ahead and write-behind. 210341-004 2-132 AR-289 The iRMX 86 Human Interface automatically parses input lines and invokes the appropriate program based on the first word in each line. A program executing under the iRMX 86 Human Interface can request command execution by providing the text for these commands to the command line interpreter. Scheduling requires changing the state of the task and placing the task in a queue of ready tasks. Whenever a task is scheduled or descheduled, the Nucleus checks the ready queue and allocates the processor to the highest priority ready task. In order to ensure event-driven scheduling, the iRMX 86 Nucleus is designed to place an absolute limit on the interval during which interrupts are masked. One attribute of the job type is a memory pool. Each memory pool represents the memory resources available to the tasks executing within a job. All objects created by these tasks are allocated memory from the pool. The iRMX 86 Human Interface is supplied with a basic set of commands to manipulate files. These commands include directory display, create directory, rename file, copy file, delete file, and submit a set of commands. Users can add custom commands to this set. The iRMX 86 Debugger provides the capability to debug one or more tasks while the rest of the system continues to execute. The Debugger allows a user to specify that a task be suspended when the task executes a particular instruction and when the task communicates with other tasks. The iRMX 86 Operating System supports three file types. In all cases, application programs read and write data without knowing the device or the file type that is used. The following file types are supported: The most general communication mechanism provided by the iRMX 86 Nucleus is the mailbox object type. Each object of this type is described by two queues-a queue of messages waiting to be handled by tasks and a queue of tasks waiting for messages. An additional attribute of a mailbox is the specification of whether the queue of tasks is to be handled first-in, first-out or on a relative priority basis. 2) Stream-Stream files do not exist on actual physical devices; rather, data is transmitted directly from one program to another. The iRMX 86 Operating System also provides a semaphore object type. Each semaphore is described by a queue of waiting tasks and a unit count. This unit count is equivalent to a count of empty messages at a mailbox, but, because no actual messages are involved, a semaphore is a more efficient mechanism than a mailbox. Since semaphores allow multiple units to be sent at the same time, semaphores are used to create deadlock allocation functions. To provide additional efficiency, the iRMX 86 Nucleus also provides a special type of semaphore called a region. Each iRMX 86 task has a dynamic priority attribute. This priority describes the relative importance of the Task's function with respect to other system functions. The iRMX 86 Nucleus always runs the highest priority ready task. When several tasks of the same priority are ready, the Nucleus arbitrarily chooses between them. 1) Physical-A device accessed as a physical file is treated as a contiguous sequence of bytes. 3) Named-Named files represent the traditional notion of files. Named files are described by a path through a tree-structured network of directories. The name of an iRMX 86 file is given as a path through a tree-structured network of directories. Each directory in this structure can point directly to data files and to other directories. One directory on each device is considered the root directory. All paths on a particular device begin in this directory. The basic file functions for all three file types are: open, close, read, and write. When random file access is required, the seek system call is added to this set. For named files, additional functions are needed. These functions include the rename function, the truncate function, and the change-access funcHon. When a file is opened, the calling program specifies the type of file access required. For a data file, three types of access are permitted: read, write, and the read/write combination. The 110 system verifies that the specified access is available and grants the open request only if the requested access is available. 210361-004 2-133 ,. Translators and Utilities for Program Development 3 inter TRANSLATORS AND UTILITIES FOR PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Intel offers an extensive selection of program development tools for its microprocessor (8080, 8086, 8088, 80186, 80286) and microcontroller (8048, 8051, 8096 etc.) families. These tools include translators and programming utilities such as linkers, relocators, and library managers. These program development tools are high quality, time tested tools for the professional. Based on a set of well-defined standards, they provide an integrated development environment. The result is an extremely flexible and prod uctive program development environment. A LANGUAGE FOR EVERY NEED The iAPX-86 family has the most comprehensive set of translators available for a microprocessor. These include a macro assembler and compilers for PUM, Pascal, FORTRAN, and C (see Table 1). The macro assembler produces the most optimum code. PL/M is the most popular 8086 language for systems programming and provides the best of both optimal code and high level language capabilities. The main advantage of 'C' is portability across different target machines. Pascal and FORTRAN are used extensively for applications programming. To allow applications to be portable, Pascal and FORTRAN conform to ISO and ANSI77 standards respectively, with many useful extensions for microprocessor applications. Intel's microcontrollerfamily (8048, 8051, 8096 etc.) is similarly the best supported in the industry. PUM-51 was the first high level language ever to be introduced for a microcontroller. The 8096 is similarly supported with PUM-96. Every microcontroller in the family is supported with an assembler and linkage utilities. USE A MIXTURE OF LANGUAGES FOR MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY Programs are typically decomposed into modules to exploit the many benefits of modular programming. Intel's integrated programming technology allows different modules of the same program to be programmed in a variety of languages. For instance, the most performance-sensitive system modules may be coded in assembler or in PUM. The application modules, on the other hand, can be written in Pascal to speed up programming. The system and application modules can then be linked into one program using the linker. Hence, the various modules of a program can each be coded in the most suitable-programming language. UTILITIES ENHANCE PROGRAMMING PRODUCTIVITY A set of utilities is provided to support modular and position independent programming. The linkers combine the constituent modules of a program into one system. A locator is provided to position the code in memory. This allows code to be placed in appropriate ROM and RAM locations. Also, coding can be done in a position-independent way. The librarian provides a structured way of organizing frequently used routines. The routines needed by a particular program can be linked in by the linker. The linker automatically selects only those modules from the libaray that are needed by the program. For the protected, virtual-memory, and multi-tasking processor iAPX 286, a sophisticated operating system configuration utility BUILD-286, is provided. FULL RANGE OF DEBUG SUPPORT The programming tools are integrated with the debugging tools via the well-defined Intel object module format standard. iAPX-86 family programs may be debugged using any of the Intel 8086 debug tools. This includes PSCOPE which provides source level software debug, and' the ICE products which provide in-target real-time debug. Microcontroller software is similarly supported by the various emulators and ICE units. CHOOSE FROM A VARIETY OF HOST CONFIGURATIONS The programming tools are provided on a variety of development host environments to meet the needs of different project sizes and development budgets (see Table 1). The environments span personal development systems (iPDS), stand alone development systems (Series III, Series IV), network development systems (NDS-II) and even theWAXNMS microcomputer. The programming tools work identically, no matter which of the available host configuratons is chosen. This allows the user to grow his development environment, as his needs grow, without impacting previous investment in software. * VAXNMS is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. 3-1 inter Table 1. Intel Translator/Host Summary Language Component Family Macro Assembler + Utilities 2920 MCS-85 Family MCS-48 Family MCS-51 Family iACX-96 Family iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 1,2 1 1 1 2 1,2,3, 2,3* PUM MCS-85 Family MCS-51 Family iACX-96 Family iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 1 1 2* 1,2,3, 2,3* PASCAL MCS-85 Family iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 1 2,3 2,3* FORTRAN MCS-85 Family iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 1 2 3* lie" iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 2,3* 2*,3* Ada iAPX-86 Family iAPX-286 (Protected Mode) 3* 3* NOTE: • = Planned HOST CODES 1 = Intel 8085 Based Development System (iPDS, MDX Series liE) 2 = Intel iAPX-86 Based Development System (Series III, Series IV) 3 = VAX/VMS Minicomputer 3-2 Host Code PL/M 80 HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE • Provides Resident Operation on Intellec® Microcomputer Development System and Intellec® Series" Microcomputer Development Systems • Speeds Project Completion with Increased Programmer Productivity • Produces Relocatable and Linkable Object Code • Improves Product Reliability with Simplified Language and Consequent Error Reduction • Cuts Software Development and Maintenance Costs • Sophisticated Code Optimization Reduces Application Memory Requirements • Eases Enhancement as System Capabilities Expand The PLIM SO High Level Programming Language Intellec Resident Compiler is an advanced, high level programming language for Intel SOSO and SOS5 microprocessors, iSBC-SO OEM computer systems, and Intellec microcomputer development systems. PL/M has been substantially enhanced since its introduction in 1973 and has become one of the most effective and powerful microprocessor systems implementation tools available. It is easy to learn, facilitates rapid program development and debugging, and significantly reduces maintenance costs. PL/M is an algorithmic language in which program statements naturally express the algorithm to be programmed, thus freeing programmers to concentrate on system development rather than assembly language details (such as register allocation, meanings of assembler mnemonics, etc.). The PLIM compiler effiCiently converts free-form PLIM programs into equivalent SOSO/SOS5 instructions. Substantially fewer PLIM statements are necessary for a given application than would be using assembly language or machine code. Since PL/M programs are problem oriented and thus more compact, programming in PLIM results in a high degree of productivity during development efforts, resulting in Significant cost reduction in software development and maintenance for the user. MAY 1983 © INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 ' ORDER NUMBER:210327-G02 3-3 inter PLIM 80 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Block Structure - aids in utilization of structured programming techniques. The PUM compi-Ier is an efficient multi phase compi.ler that accepts source programs, translates them into object code, and produces requested listings. After compilation, the object program may be first linked to other modules, then located to a specific area of memory, and finally executed. The diagram shown-in Figure 1 illustrates a program development cycle where the program consists of three modules: PUM, FORTRAN, and assembly language. A typical PUM compiler procedure is shown in Table 1. Access - provided by high level PUM statements to hardware resourc.es (interrupt systems, absolute addresses, CPU input/output ports). Data Definition - enables complex data structures to be defined at a high level. Re-entrant Procedures option. may be specified as a user Benefits PUM is designed to be an efficient, cost-effective solution to the speCial requirements of microcomputer soft~ ware development as illustrated by the following benefits of PUM use: Features Major features of the Intel PUM 80 compiler and programming language include: Low Learning Effort - even for the novice programmer, because PUM is easy to learn. Resident Operation - on Intellec microcomputer development systems eliminates the need for a large inhouse computer or costly timesharing system. Earlier Project Completion - on critical projects, because PUM substantially increases programmmer productivity while reducing program development time. Object Code Generation - of relocatable and linkable object codes permits PUM program development and debugging in small modules, which may be easily linked with other modules and/or library routines to form a complete application. Lower Development Cost - because increased programmer productivity requiring less programming resources for a given function translates into lower software development costs. Extensive Code Optimization - including compile time arithmetic, constant sUbscript resolution, and common subexpression elimination, results in generation of short, efficient CPU instruction sequences. Increased Reliability - because of PUM's use of simple statements in the program algorithm, which are easier to correct and thus substantially reduce the risk of costly errors in systems that have already reached full production status. Symbolic Debugging - fully supported in the PUM compiler and ICE-85 in-circuit emulators. Easier Enhancement and Maintenance - because programs written in PUM are easier to read and easier to understand than assembly language, and thus are easier to enhance and maintain as system capabilities expand and future products are developed. Compile Time Options - includes general listing format commands, symbol table listing, cross reference listing, and "innerlist" of generated assembly language instructions. I Figure 1_ Program Development Cycle Block Diagram 3-4 AFN-008188 PUM 80 ging software for 8080 and 8085 microcomputers, and the use of expensive (and remote) timesharing or large computers is consequently not required. Simpler Project Development - because the Intellec microcomputer development system with resident PUM 80 is all that is needed for developing and debug· Table 1. PUM·80 Compiler Sample Factorial Generator Procedure $OBJECT(:F1 :FACT.OB2) $DEBUG $XREF $TITLE('FACTORIAL GENERATOR $PAGEWIDTH(80) PROCEDURE') FACT: DO; 2 DECLARE NUMCH BYTE PUBLIC; 3 4 5 6 1 2 2 2 FACTORIAL: PROCEDURE (NUM,PTR) PUBLIC; DECLARE NUM BYTE, PTR ADDRESS; DECLARE DIGITS BASED PTR (161) BYTE; DECLARE (I,C,M) BYTE; 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 NUMCH = 1; DIGITS(1)= 1; DO M = 1 TO NUM; C=O; DO 1=1 TO NUMCH; DIGITS(I) = DIGITS(I)*M + C; C= DIGITS(I)/10; DIGITS(I)= DIGITS(I) - 10*C; END; 16 17 18 20 21 22 3 3 4 4 4 4 IF C<>O THEN DO; NUMCH = NUMCH + 1; DIGITS(NUMCH) = C; C= DIGITS(NUMCH)/10; DIGITS(NUMCH)= DIGITS(NUMCH) - 10*C; END END; 24 2 9 END FACTORIAL; 25 END; SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATION Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series II, Series III, Series IV) Intel Personal Development System PLiM 80 Programming Manual ISIS-II PL/M 80 Compiler Operator's Manual ORDERING INFORMATION SUPPORT: Product Code MDS *-PLM Hotline Telephone Support. Software Performance Report (SPR), Software Updates. Technical Reports. and Monthly Technical NeWSletters are available. Description PLiM 80 High Level Language Compiler. Needs Software License. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product or trademark MDS@ is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-5 AFN·00818B FORTRAN 80 8080/8085 ANS FORTRAN 77 INTELLEC® RESIDENT COMPILER • Meets ANS FORTRAN 77 Subset Language Specification plus adds Intel~ microprocessor extensions • Supports full symbolic debugging with ICE-SOTM and ICE-S5™ • Produces relocatable and linkable object code compatible with resident PL/M SO and SOSO/SOS5 Macro Assembler • Supports Intel Floating Point Standard with the FORTRAN 80 software routines, the iSBC-310™ High Speed Mathematics Board, or the iSBC-332™ math multimodule • Provides optional run-time library to execute in RMX-SOTM environment • Executes on Intellec Microcomputer Development System, Intellec Series " Microcomputer Development System, , and Personal Development System • Has well defined I/O interface for configuration with user-supplied drivers FORTRAN 80 is a computer industry-standard. high-level programming language and compiler that translates FORTRAN statements into relocatable object modules, When the object modules are linked together and located into absolute program modules. they are suitable for execution on Intel 8080/8085 Microprocessors. iSBC-~O OEM Computer Systems. Intellec Microcomputer Development Systems and Personal Development Systems, FORTRAN 80 meets the ANS FORTRAN 77 Language Subset Specification1 , In addition. extensions designed specifically for microprocessor applications are inc,luded. The compiler operates on the Intellec Microcomputer Development System and Personal Development System under the ISIS-II Disk Operating Systems and produces efficient relocatable object modules that are compatible for linkage with PL/M 80 and 8080/8085 Macro Assembler modules, The ANS FORTRAN 77 language specification offers many powerful extensions to the FORTRAN language that are , especially well suited to Intel 808018085 Microprocessor software development. Because FORTRAN 80 conforms to the ANS FORTRAN 77 standard. the user is assured of compatibility with existing FORTRAN software that meets the standard as well as a guarantee of upward compatibility to other computer systems supporting an ANS FORTRAN 77 Compiler. 1ANSI X3J3190 MAY 1983 (9INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 ORDER NUMBER:40061o-001 3-6 intJ FORTRAN 80 • The INCLUDE control permits specified source files to be combined into a compilation unit at compile lime. FORTRAN 80 LANGUAGE FEATURES Major ANS FORTRAN 77 features supported by the Intel FORTRAN 80 Programming Language include: • Structured Programming is supported with the IF ... THEN ... ELSE IF ... ELSE ... END IF constructs. • Transparent Interface for software and hardware floating pOint support, allowing either to be chosen at time of linking. • CHARACTER data type permits alphanumeric data to be handled as strings rather than characters stored in array elements. • Full 1/0 capabilities include: Sequential and Direct Access files Error handling facilities Formatted, Free-formatted, and Unformatted data representation Internal (in-memory) file units provide capability to format and reformat data in internal memory buffers List Di rected Formatting • Supports arrays of up to seven dimensions. • Supports logical operators .EOV. - Logical equivalence .NEOV. - Logical nonequivalence Major extensions to FORTRAN 77 in Intel FORTRAN-80 Include: • Direct 8080/8085 port 1/0 supported by intrinsic subroutines. • Binary and Hexadecimal integer constants. • Well defined interface to FORTRAN-80 1/0 statements (READ, OPEN, etc.), allowing easy use of user-supplied 1/0 drivers. • User-defined INTEGER storage lengths of 1, 2 or 4 bytes. • User-defined LOGICAL storage lengths of 1, 2 or 4 bytes. • REAL STORAGE lengths of 4 bytes. • Bitwise Boolean operations using logical operators on integer values. • Hollerith data constants. • Implicit extension of the length of an integer or logical expression to the length of the left-hand side in an assignment statement. • A format descriptor to suppress carriage return on a terminal output device at the end of the record. FORTRAN 80 BENEFITS FORTRAN 80 provides a means of developing application software for Intel MCS-80/85 products in a familiar, widely accepted, and computer Industrystandardized programming language. FORTRAN 80 will greatly enhance the user's ability to provide costeffective solutions to software development for Intel microprocessors as illustrated by the following: • Completely Complementary to Existing Intel Software Design Tools - Object modules are linkable with new or existing Assembly Language and PUM Modules. • Incremental Runtime Library Support - Runtime overhead is limited only to facilities required by the program. • Low Learning Effort - FORTRAN 80, like PUM, Is easy to learn and use. Existing FORTRAN software can be ported to FORTRAN 80, and programs developed in FORTRAN 80 can be run on any other computer with ANS FORTRAN 77. • Earlier Project Completion - Critical projects are completed earlier than otherwise possible because FORTRAN 80 will substantially increase programmer productivity, and is complementary to PUM Modules by providing comprehensive arithmetic, I/O formatting, and data management support in the language. • Lower Development Cost - Increases in programmer productivity translates into lower software development costs because less programming resources are required for a given function. • Increased Reliability - The nature of high-level languages, including FORTAN 80, IS that they lend themselves to simple statements of the program algorithm. This substantially reduces the risk of costly errors in systems that have already reached production status. • Easier Enhancements and Maintenance - Like PUM, program modules written in FORTRAN 80 are easier to read and understand than assembly language. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain FORTRAN 80 programs as system capabilities expand and future prod\lcts are developed. FORTRAN 80 COMPILER FEATURES • Supports multiple compilation units in single source file. . • Optional Assembly Language code listing. • Comprehensive cross-reference, symbol attribute and error listing. • Compiler controls and directives are compatible with other Intel language translators. • • • • • Comprehensive, Yet Simple Project Development The Intellec Microcomputer Development System and Personal Development System, with the 8080/8085 Macro Assembler, PL/M 80 and FORTRAN 80 are the most comprehensive software design facilities available for the Intel MCS-80/85 Microprocessor family. This reduces development time and cost because expentive (and remote) timesharing or large computers are not required. Optional Reentrancy. User-defined default storage lengths. Optional FORTRAN 66 Do Loop semantics. Source files may be prepared in free format. 3-7 AFN-00241C FORTRAN 80 SAMPLE FORTRAN·aO SOURCE PROGRAM LISTING • • •• THIS PROGRAM IS AN EXAMPLE OF ISIS-II FORTRAN-80 THAT •• ,CONVERTS TEMPERATURE BETWEEN CELSIUS AND FARENHEIT PROGRAM CONVRT CHARACTER·1 CHOICE, SCALE PRINT 100 •• ENTER CONVERSION SCALE (C OR F) PRINT 200 READ (5,300) SCALE • 10 IF (SCALE ,EQ. 'C') THEN, PRINT 400 •• ENTER THE NUMBER OF DEGREES FARENHEIT READ (5,.) DEGF DEGC = 5./9 .• (DEGF-32) •• PRINT THE ANSWER WRITE (6,500) DEGF,DEGC •• RUN AGAIN? PRINT 600 READ (5,300) CHOICE IF (CHOICE .EQ. 'Y') + THEN GOTO 10 ELSE IF (CHOICE .EQ. 'N') + THEN CALL EXIT ELSE GOTO 20 END IF ELSE IF (SCALE .EQ. 'F') + THEN -- CONVERT FROM FARgNHEIT TO CELSIUS PRINT 100 , READ (5,-) DEGC DEGF = 9./5.-DEGC+32. -. PRINT THE ANSWER WRITE (6,800) DEGC,DEGF GOTO 20 ELSE •• NOT A VALID ENTRY FOR THE SCALE WRITE (6,900) SCALE GOTO 10 END IF FORMAT(' TEMPERATURE CONVERSION PROGRAM',II, +' TYPE C FOR FARENHEIT TO CELSIUS OR' ,I, +' TYPE F FOR CELSIUS TO FARENHEIT',II) FORMAT(/,' CONVERSION? ',$) FORMAT (A 1) FORMAT(/,'ENTER DEGREES FARENHEIT: ',$) FORMAT(/,F1.2, DEGREES FARENHEIT = ',F1.2,' DEGREES CELSIUS') FORMAT(/,' AGAIN (Y OR N)? ',$) FORMAT(/,' ENTER DEGREES CELSIUS: ',$) FORMAT(/,F1.2,' DEGREES CELSIUS = ',F1.2,' DEGREES FARENHEIT' ,I) FORMAT(/,1H ,A1,' NOT A VALID CHOICE - TRY AGAIN I , ,I) END ' + • • • 20 - - - 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 800 900 3-8 intJ FORTRAN 80 The FORTRAN 80 Compiler is an efficient, multi phase compiler that accepts source programs, translates them into relocatable object code, and produces requested listings. After compilation, the object program may be linked to other modules, located to a specific area of memory,. then executed. The diagram shown below illustrates a program devel· opment cycle where the program consists of modules created by FORTRAN 80, PUM 80 and the 808018085 Macro . Assembler. ISI5-11 LOADER ISIS·II TEXT EDITOR FORTRANBO SOURCE DEBUG VIA MONITOR ISIS·II PUMBO SOURCE TEXT EDITOR LOCATE DPTIONAL ICE-IO™ ICE-I5™ IN·CIRCUIT EMULATOR ISI5-11 TEXT EDITOR ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SOURCE RELOCATABLE OBJECT MODULE PROM PROGRAMMER SPECIFICATIONS DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE OPERATING ENVIRONMENT FORTRAN-SO Programming Manual Required Hardware: ISIS-II FORTRAN-SO Compiler Operator's Manual •1. Intel Microcomputer Development Systems -MDS-800 and Series II FORTRAN-SO Programming Reference Card or 2. Personal Development System ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESCRIPTION Model MDS-301 FORTRAN 80 Compiler for Intellec Microcomputer Development Systems SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this product which are explained in detail in the price list. Please consult the price list for a description of the support options available. Requires Software License. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data SCiences Corporation. 3-9 AFN·OO2<1C MICROSOFT*~ INC. MACRO-80 UT,ILITY SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Includes the MACRO-SO macro assembler, LINK-SO linking loader, and CREF-SO cross-reference facility • Assembly rate of over 1000 lines per minute • Provides "big computer" assembler I features without sacrificing speed or memory space • Supports a complete, Intel-standard MACRO facility, including IRP, IRPC, REPEAT, local variables, and EXITM • Provides a complete set of listing controls • Supports conditional assembly, including testing of assembly pass, , symbol definition, and parameters to MACROs • LINK-SO loads relocatable modules at user-specified locations • CREF-SO cross-reference facility alphabetizes program variables and shows where each is defined and referenced • Code is assembled in relocatable modules for easy manipulation by the LINK-SO linking loader The Microsoft Utility Software Package is a complete system for developing assembly language programs, routines, and subroutines. The Utility Software Package includes the MACRO-80 macro assembler, the LlNK-80 linking loader, and the CREF-80 cross-reference facility. The CP/M' version also includes the LlB-80 Library Manager. The Utility Software Package is supplied with all Microsoft compiiers to provide assembly language subroutine support to main programs in the high-level programming languages. The LlNK-80 linking loader is used by all Microsoft compilers for linking and loading compiled relocatable modules. Thus, LlNK-80 allows the programmer to link together relocatable modules from different Microsoft languages. FEATURES MACRO-SO Macro Assembler More MACR0-80 features: MACRO-80 incorporates almost all "big computer" assembler features without sacrificing speed or memory space. The assembler supports a complete, Intel-standard macro facility, including IRP, IRPC, REPEAT, local variables, and EXITM. Macro names take precedence over instruction mnemonics and pseudo operations. Nesting of macros is limited only by memory. Code is assembled in relocatable modules that are easily manipulated with the flexible linking loader. Conditional assembly capability is greatly enhanced by an expanded set of conditional . pseudo operations that include testing of assembly pass, symbol definition, and parameters to macros. Conditionals may be nested up to 255 levels. © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 3-10 -Comment blocks -Variable input radix from base 2 to base 16 -Octal or hex listings -INCLUDE statement assembles an alternate source file into the current program -PRINTX statement for printing assembly or diagnostic messages -PHASE/DEPHASE statements allow code to reside'in one area of memory but execute in another -Complete set of listing controls MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210243-003 inter MICROSOFT, INC. MACRO-aO UTILITY LlNK-ao linking Loader CREF-ao Cross-Reference Faclllt~ With LINK-SO, any number of programs may be loaded with one command, relocatable modules may be loaded in user-specified locations, and external references between modules are resolved automatically by the loader. The loader also performs library searches for system subroutines and generates a memory load map showing the locations of the main program and subroutines. The Cross-Reference Facility that is included with the Utility Software Package supplies a convenient alphabetic list of all program variable names, along with line numbers where they are referenced and defined. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment Required Software MACRO-SO resides in approximately 19K bytes of memory. LlNK-80 resides in approximately 14K bytes of memory. CREF-SO requires about 6K bytes. The MACRO-SO Utility Software Package is compatible with the CP/M" operating system. CP/M Operating System or MP/M-U* Operating System. Required Hardware One copy of each manual is supplied with the software package. Documentation Package Intellec® Microcomputer Development System -iPDS (Personal Development System) -minimum of 1 diskette drive Description Microsoft Utility Software Manual ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code SD106CPMSOF Description Microsoft MACRO-SO Utility Software Package. CP/M v~rsion (iPDS Format) SUPPORT: Intel offers several levels of support for this product, depending on the system configuration in which it is used. Please consult the price list for a detailed description of the support options available. An Intel Software License reqUired. "Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft. Inc. "CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research. Inc. "MP/M-II is a trademark of Digital Research. Inc. 3-11 AFN·0208SC MICROSOFT*, INC. BASIC-SO INTERPRETER SOFTWARE PACKAGE ' Ii Meets the requirements for the ANSI • Compatible with other Microsoft BASIC compilers and interpreters subset standard for BASIC, and supports many enhancem~nts • Sophisticated string handling and structured programming features for applications development • Extensive text edIting features built-in • Automatic line number generation and renumbering • Direct transfer of BASIC programs to the 8085, 8086 and 8088 • Supports assembly language subroutine calls • Random and sequential file manipulation where random file record length is user-definable • Trace facilities for easier debugging • Read or write memory location capabilities BASIC Release 5.0 from Microsoft is an extensive implementation of BASIC. Microsoft BASIC gives users what they want from a BASIC-ease of use plus the features that are comparable to a minicomputer or large mainframe. BASIC-80 meets the requirements for the ANSI subset standard for BASIC, as set forth in document BSRX3.601978. It supports many unique features rarely found in other BASICs. FEATURES -Four variable types: Integer (-32768, +32767), String (up to 255 characters), Single-Precision Floating Point (7 digits), Double-Precision Floating Point (16 digits). -Formatted output using the PRINT USING facility, including asterisk fill, floating dollar sign, scientific notation, trailing sign, and comma insertion. -Trace facilities (TRON/TROFF) for easier debugging. -Direct acCess to I/O ports with the INP and OUT functions. -Error trapping l:lsing the ON ERROR GOTO statement. -Extensive program editing facilities via EDIT command and EDIT mode subcommands. -PEEK and POKE statements to read or write any memory location. -Assembly language subroutine calls (up to 10 per program) are supported. -Automatic line number generation and renumbering, including reference line numbers. -IF/THEN/ELSE and nested IF/THEN/ELSE constructs. -Matrices with up to' 255 dimensions. -Supports variable-length random and sequential disk files with a complete set of file manipulation statements: OPEN, CLOSE, GET, pur, KILL, NAME, MERGE. -Boolean operators OR, AND, NOT, XOR, EQV, IMP. MAY 1983 ©INTEL CORPORATION. 1983. AFN-02086C 3-12 inter MICROSOFT, INC. BASIC-80 INTERPRETER Arithmetic Functions BASIC-80 Commands, Statements, Functions AUTO' LIST NULL TROFF CLEAR LOAD RENUM WIDTH CONT MERGE RUN DELETE RANDOMIZE COMMON DEF FN ERROR POKE , RESUME SWAP DEFDBL DEFSTR DEFSNG DEFINT LOG FIX COS RND TAN String Functions Program Statements CALL GOSUB END GOTO STOP WHILE/ WEND CHAIN DEF USR LET REM SIN CDBL CSNG CINT SOR ABS INT SGN ATN EXP NAME SAVE EDIT NEW TRON ASC LEN STRING$ CHR$ LEFT$ RETURN WAIT ON GOSUB DIM FOR/NEXT/ STEP IF/THEN/ ELSE ON ERROR GOTO OPTION BASE INSTR RIGHT$ MID$ SPACES STR$ HEX$ OCT$ VAL Operators II <= < > <> XOR NOT EOV MOD IMP OR AND + \ >= Input/Output Statements and Functions CLOSE KILL OUT RESTORE READ TAB DATA LINE INPUT PRINT WRITE LPRINT GET POS FIELD LSET/RSET PRINT USING LOC MKI$ MKS$ MKD$ LLiST LPOS NAME PUT EOF SPC INKEY$ INPUT OPEN CVD CVI CVS Special Functions ERL USR VARPTR PEEK ERR FRE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment Required Software The standard disk version of Microsoft BASIC-80 occupies 24K bytes of memory. Microsoft BASIC-80 Interpreter is compatible with Intel's ISIS operating system or CP/M" operating system. ISIS Operating System or CP/M Operating System. Documentation Package Required Hardware. One copy of each manual is supplied with the software package. Intellec Microcomputer Development System -iPDS (Personal Development System) -minimum of 1 diskette drive Description BASIC-SO Reference Manual BASIC Reference Book 3-13 AFN·02086C MICROSOFT, INC. BASIC-80 INTERPRETER ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code Description SD102CPM80F Microsoft BASIC-BO Interpreter Software Package, CP/M version (Double-Sided, Double Density 5W Floppy) iPDS format SD1021SS80F Microsoft BASIC-80 Interpreter Software Package, ISIS version (Double-Sided, Double Density 5W Floppy) iPDS format SUPPORT Int~1 offers several levels of support for this product, depending on the system configuration in which it is used. Please consult the price list for a detailed description of the support options available. An Inlel Software License required. 'MIcrosoft IS a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. 'CP/M is a regIstered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. 'MP/M-II is a trademark of DIgital Research, Inc. 3-14 AFN-Q2086C MICROSOFT*, INC. PASCAL-80 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Native code compiler with language extensions designed for system software implementation • Assembly language routines callable from PASCAL programs • Global optimizer produces compact, fast compiled code • Meets current ISO draft standard • Fully portable, with machineindependent front end • Three levels of implementation- • standard, extended and system -to conform to different levels of standardization and levels of machine interface • Can replace assembly language for most system software programming tasks A critical need is emerging for more and more software "tools"-compilers, jnterpreters, operating systems, database managers, and dedicated application programs. The demand for system software with ashor! development time and a long lifespan is rapidly making assembly language impractical: As a result, the trend in system software is toward a new "tool maker"-a system-oriented language. Microsoft Pascal-SO is a high-level language compiler specifically designed for microprocessor system software implementation. The language is ISO-standard Pascal, with the addition of many system-oriented extensions. The compiler includes a global optimizer and modular code generator identical to other Microsoft Pascal products. With Pascal-SO, system software is highly readable, modular, and transportable. Plus, Pascal's clean block structure and procedure orientation make system programming more efficient than with assembly language. FEATURES THE PASCAL-80 COMPILER DESCRIPTION Pascal-SO was designed to generate state-of-the-art compact system software. Many extensions have been made to the language that not only adapt it to system programming, but make it easier to use in any application .. -Expanded string support with variable-size LSTRING type -UNITS and USES interfaces for clean separate compilation -Machine-oriented WORD type and operators -Dynamic and conform ant arrays using SUPER array types -Attributes for variables and procedures -Machine address types and operators All the enhancements to Pascal:SO are natural extensions of the existing language. Care has been taken to maintain the structured nature of Pascal while assimilating new features. Many low-level escapes have also been provided, such as direct access to memory locations, calls to assembly language subroutines, and a RETYPE function. ©INTELCORtORATION,1983 3-15 The compiler operates in three phases. The front-end phase translates the source into an intermediate form and does all error checking and listing generation. The global optimizer phase analyzes the intermediate code and does constant folding, common subexpression elimination, strength reduction, and other optimizations. The code generator phase translates the intermediate code into relocatable object code and does register allocation and peephole optimizations. All phases are written in Pascal. The runtime system handles program initialization and termination, runtime error reporting, floating point arithmetic, string handling, set operations, dynamic variable allocation, input/output interfacing to the operating system, and low-level utility routines. Pascal-SO is designed to interface easily to operating system and floating point packages. Pasca1-S0 uses Microsoft's Linking Loader which allows independent code and data segment Iqcation, MAY 1983 ORDER NO: 2102_ MICROSOFT, INC. PASCAL-80 library searching, global memory maps, and combination of Pascal-SO output with the output of Microsoft's other compilers and assembler. -Attributes can be given to variables and procedures: Variables: STATIC READONLY PORT Procedures: INTERRUPT PURE Either: PUBLIC EXTERN ORIGIN. Language Description OPERATORS AND INTRINSICS The Pascal-80 language is organized into three levels (Standard, Extended, and System) based on the degree of portability provided. Standard level includes all features in the pending ISO standard DP7185. Standard level also contains the metalanguage, which controls error checking, listing format, and other options. Programs using only Standard level are portable across all Pascals that conform to the standard. -Bitwise AND, OR, and NOT on WORDs and INTEGERs -String constants can be concatenated with "*" -String-oriented intrinsics: STRING/LSTRING: POSITN SCAN EO SCANNE LSTRING only: CONCAT INSERT DELETE -Standard library includes 19 more routines -FORTRAN library includes 17 more REAL functions -Extended instrinsic procedures and functions: LOWER, UPPER get bounds of array, set, subrange . ABORT invokes runtime error handler SIZEOF returns size of variable in bytes MicrosoFT's extensions to Pascal appear in the Extended level and the System level. The Extended level contains high-level features that are natural to Pascal and are machine independent. Programs using only Standard and Extended levels are portable across Microsoft Pascal target machines. The System level contains 10w~level extensions that provide an escape from Pascal restrictions or are machine dependent. CONTROL FLOW AND STRUCTURE -CONST, TYPE, VAR, VALUE sections in any order -MODULE source' file for separate compilation Standard Level Features INPUT/OUTPUT AND FILES -READ enumerated, pointer, BOOLEAN, STRING, LSTRING -WRITE enumerated, pOinter, LSTRING -READ and WRITE for hexadecimal, octal and binary -Negative field width justifies left instead of right -Temporary files, file name created automatically -ASSIGN and CLOSE procedures --FILEMODES type, access with file.MODE -Error trapping, access with file.TRAP and file.ERRS LISTING INFORMATION -Object listing shows generated code, with line numbers. METALANGUAGE DIRECTIVES -7 directives control specific runtime error checks. Extended Level Features DATA TYPES AND MODES -Numeric constants in hexadecimal, octal, or binary -BYTE/WORD types for S/16-bit unsigned operations -SUPER array types permit passing any size array to a procedure or allocating any size array on the heap -LSTRING type provides variable-length array of characters; current length access with Istring. LEN -STRING and LSTRING predeclared super array types -CONST parameter type passes long constant by reference -Functions can return arrays, records, or sets 3-16 SYSTEM LEVEL FEATURES -Record types can give explicit byte offset to fields -All file types identical to special FCBFOO record type -System intrinsic byte movers: MOVEL MOVER FILLC -Address types permit low-level machine access ADR OF type declares address (all ADRs compatible) ADR prefix operator gets variable or constant address adr. R gives WORD address value, adr gives data at address AFN-02093C MICROSOFT, INC PASCAL·80 Utility Software Package LINK-SO linking loader, and the CREF-SO CrossReference Facility. Refer to the description of the Microsoft Utility Software Package for full details. The PASCAL-SO package includes the Microsoft Utility Software Package. The Utility Software Package includes the MACRO-SO macro assembler, the SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment Required Software The Pascal compiler running under CP/M resides in approximately 40K bytes of memory and requires an additionalSK byte minimum (or4BK bytes minimum) plus symbol table space when compiling. ' CP/M* Operating System or MP/M-II* Operating System. Documentation Package Required Hardware One copy of each manual is provided with the software package. Intellec Microcomputer Development System -iPDS (Personal Development System) -minimum of 1 diskette drive Description PASCAL-SO Reference Manual Microsoft Utility Software Manual ORDERING INFORMATION Description Order Code SD105CPMSOF Microsoft Pascal-SO Software Package, CP/M version (iPDS Format) SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this product, depending on the system configuration in which it is used. Please consult the price list for a detailed description of the support options available. An Intel Software License required 'Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. 'CP/M IS a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. 'MP/M-II IS a trademark of Digital Research. Inc 3-17 AFN·02093C iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS • PLIM 86/88 High L.:evel Programming Language • ASM 86/88 Macro Assembler for iAPX 86,88 Assembly Language Programming • LINK 86/88 and LOC 86/88 Linkage and Relocation Utilities • CONY 86/88 Converter for Conversion of 8080/8085 Assembly Language Source Code to iAPX 86, 88 Assembly Language Source Code • OH 86/88 Object-to-Hexadecimal Converter • LIB 86/88 Library Manager . The iAPX 86,88 Software Development Packages for Series II provide a set of software development tools for the iAPX 86/88 CPUs and the iSBC 86/12A single board computer. The packages operate under the ISIS-II operating system on Intel Microcomputer Development Systems-Model 800, Series II or the Personal Development System (PDS)-thus minimizing requirements for additional hardware or training for Intel Microcomputer Develbpment System users. These packages permit 8080/8085 users to efficiently upgrade existing programs into iAPX 86/88 code from either 8080/8085 assembly language source code or PLIM 80 source code. For the new Intel Microcomputer Development System user, the packages operating on a PDS or an Intellec Series II, such as a Model 235, provide total iAPX 86,88 software development capability. © INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 MAY 1983 3-18 AFN·01239E inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS PUM 86/88 COMPILER FOR SERIES II/PDS • Language is Upward Compatible from PUM 80, Assuring MCS®-80/85 Design Portability • Produces Relocatable Object Code Which is Linkable to All Other 8086 Object Modules • Supports 16-blt Signed Integer and 32-blt Floating Point Arithmetic in Accordance with IEEE Proposed Standard • Supports Full Extended Addressing Features of the iAPX 86/10 and 88/10 Microprocessors (Up to 1 Mbyte) • Easy-to-Learn, Block-Structured Language Encourages Program Modularity • Code Optimization Assures Efficient Code Generation and Minimum Application Memory Utilization Like its counterpart for MCS-80/85 program development, PL/M 86/88 is an advanced, structured high-level programming language. The PL/M 86/88 compiler was created specifically for performing software development for the Intel iAPX 86,88 Microprocessors. PL/M 86/88 has significant new capabilities over PL/M 80 that take advantage of the new facilities provided by the iAPX 86,88 microsystem, yet the PL/M 86/88 language remains compatible witli PL/M 80. With the exception of hardware-dependent modules, such as interrupt handlers, PL/M 80 applications may be recompiled with PL/M 86/88 with little r,eeed for modification. PL/M 86/88, like PL/M 80, is easy to learn, facilitates rapid program development, and reduces program mai~tenance costs. PLIM is a powerful, structured, high-level system implementation language in which program statements can naturally express the program algorithm. This frees the programmer to concentrate on the logic of the program without concern for burdensome details of machine or assembly language programming (such as register allocation, meanings of assembler mnemonics, etc.). The PLIM 86/88 compiler efficiently converts free-form PL/M language statements into equivalent 86/88 machine instructions. Substantially fewer PLIM statements are necessary for a given application than if it were programmed at the assembly language or machine code level. The use of PLIM high-level language for system programming, instead of assembly language, results in a high degree of engineering productivity during project development. This translates Into significant reductions in initial software development and follow-on maintenance costs for the user FEATURES structure allows the use of REENTRANT which is especially useful in system design. Major features of the Intel PLIM 86/88 compiler and programming language include: Language Compatibility Block Structure PL/M 86/88 object modules are compatible with object modules generated by all other 86/88 translators. This means that PLIM programs may be linked to programs written in any other 86/88 language. PLIM source code is developed in a series of modules, procedures, and blocks. Encouraging program modularity in this manner makes programs more readable, and easier to maintain and debug. The language becomes more flexible by clearly defining the scope of user variables (local to a private procedure, global to a public module, for example). Object modules are compatible with ICE-88 and ICE-86 units; DEBUG compiler control provides the In-Circuit Emulators with symbolic debugging capabilities. PLIM 86/88 Language is upward-compatible with PL/M 80, so that application programs may be easily ported to run on the iAPX 86 or 88. The use of procedures to break down a large problem is paramount to productive software development. The PL/M 86/88 implementation of a block 3-19 AFN·01239E inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS Supports Five Data Types Interrupt Handling PUM makes use of five data types for various applications. These data types range from 'one to four bytes, and facilitate various arithmetic, logic, and addressing functions: PUM has the facility for generating interrupts to the iAPX 86 or 88 via software. A procedure may be defined with the INTERRUPT attribute, and the compiler will automatically initialize an interrupt vector at the appropriate memory location. The compiler will also generate code to same and restore the processor status', for execution of the user-defined interrupt handler routine. The procedure SET$INTERRUPT, the function retuning an INTERRUPT$PTR, and the PL/M statement CAUSE$INTERRUPT all add flexibility to user programs involving interrupt handling. -Byte: -Word: -Integer: -Real: -Pointer: 8-bit unsigned number 16-bit unsigned number i6-bit signed number 32-bit floating point number 16-bit or 32-bit memory address indicator Another powerful facility allows the use of BASED variables that map more than one variable to the same memory location. This is especially useful for passing parameters, relative and absolute addressing, and memory allocation. Two Data Structuring Facilities In addition to the five data types and based variables, PL/M supports two data structuring facilities. These add flexibility to the referencing of data stored in large. groups. -Array: -Structure: Indexed list of same type data elements Named collection of same or different type data elements -Combinations of Each: Arrays of structures or structures of arrays 8087 Numerics Support PUM programs that use 32-bit REAL data may be executed using the Numeric Data Processor for improved performance. All floating-point operations supported by PUM may be executed on the 8087 NDP, or the 8087 Emulator (a software module) provided with the package. Determination of use of the chip or emulator takes place at link-time, allowing compilations to be run-time independent. Segmentation Control The PUM 86/88 compiler takes full advantage of program addressing with the SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM, and LARGE segmentation controls. Programs with less than 64KB total code space can exploit the most efficient memory addressing schemes, which lowers total memory requirements. Larger programs can exploit the flexibility of extended one-megabyte addressing. Code Optimization The PUM 86/88 compiler offers four levels of optimization for Significantly reducing overall program size. -Combination or "folding" of constant expressions; and short-circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions. -"Strength reductions" (such as a shift left rather than multiply by 2); and elimination of common sub-expressions within the same block. -Machine code optimizations; elimination of superfluous branches; re-use of duplicate code; removal of unreadable code. -Byte comparisons (rather than 20-bit address calculations) for pointer variables; optimization of based-variable operations. Compiler Controls Built-In String Handling Facilities The PUM 86/88 compiler offers more than 25 controls that facilitate such features as: The PUM 86/88 language contains built-in functions for string manipulaiton. These byte and word functions perform the following operations on character strings: MOVE, COMPARE, TRANSLATE, SEARCH, SKIP, and SET. -Conditional compilation -Intra- and Inter-module cross reference -Corresponding assembly language code in the listing file -Setting overflow conditions for run-time handling 3-20 AFN-01239E inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS BENEFITS because less programming resources are required for a given programmed function. PL/M 86/88 is designed to be an efficient, costeffective solution to the special requirements of iAPX 86 or 88 Microsystem Software Development, as illustrated by the following benefits of PUM use: Increased Reliability PUM 86/88 is designed to aid in the development of reliable software (PUM 86/88 programs are simple statements ofthe program algorithm). This substantially reduces the risk of costly correction of errors in systems that have already reached full production status, as the more simply stated the program is, the more likely it is to perform its intended function. Low Learning Effort PUM 86/88 is easy to learn and to use, even for the novice programmer. Earlier Project Completion Critical projects are completed much earlier than otherwise possible because PL/M 86/88, a structured high-level language, increases programmer productivity. Easier Enhancements and Maintenance Programs written in PL/M tend to be selfdocumenting, thus easier to read and understand. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain PUM programs as the system capabilities expand and future products are developed. Lower Development Cost Increases in programmer productivity translate immediately into lower software development costs iAPX 86,88 MACRO ASSEMBLER FOR SERIES II/PDS • Powerful and Flexible Text Macro Facility with Three Macro Listing Options to Aid Debugging • High-Level Data Structuring Facilities Such as "STRUCTUREs" and "RECORDs" • Highly Mnemonic and Compact Language, Most Mnemonics Represent Several Distinct Machine Instructions • Over 120 Detailed and Fully Documented Error Messages • "Strongly Typed" Assembler Hetps Detect Errors at Assembly Time • Produces Relocatable and Linkable Object Code ASM 86/88 is the "high-level" macro assembler for the iAPX 86,88 assembly language. ASM 86/88 translates symbolic 86/10, 88/10 assembly language mnemonics into 86/10, 88/10 relocatable object code. ASM 86/88 should be used where maximum code effici~ncy and hardware control is needed. The iAPX 86,88 assembly language includes approximately 100 instruction mnemonics. From these few mnemonics the assembler can generate over 3,800 distinct machine instructions. Therefore, the software development task is simplified, as the programmer need know only 100 mnemonics to generate all possible 86/10, 88/10 machine instructions. ASM 86/88 will generate the shortest machine instruction possible given no forward referencing or given explicit information as to the characteristics of forward referenced symbols. ASM 86/88 offers many features normally found only in high-level languages. The iAPX 86,88 assembly language is strongly typed. The assembler performs extensive checks on the usage of variables and labels. The assembler uses the attributes which are derived explicitly when a variable or I~bel is first defined, then makes sure that each use of the symbol in later instructions conforms to the usage defined for that symbol. This means that many programming errors will be detected when the program is assembled, long before it is being debugged on hardware. 3-21 AFN-01239E ,inter iAPX 86~88 SOFTWARE ,DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS FEATURES Over 120 Detailed Error Messages Major featu res of the Intel iAPX 86,88 assembler and assembly language include: - Powerful and Flexible Text Macro Facility - - Macro calls may appear anywhere Allows user to define the syntax of each macro Built-in functions conditional assembly (IF-THEN-ELSE, WHILE) repetition (REPEAT) string processing functions (MATCH) support of assembly ti me I/O to console (IN, OUT), Three Macro Listing Options include a GEN mode which provides a complete trace of all macro calls and expansions High-Level Data Structuring Capability - - STRUCTURES: Defined to be a template and then used to allocate storage, The familiar dot notation may be used to form instruction addresses with structure fields. ARRAYS: Indexed list of same type data elements. RECORDS: Allows bit-templates to be defined and used as instruction operands and/or to alloc~te storage. Appear both in regular listfile and error print file. User documentation fully explains the occurrence of each error and suggests a method to correct it. Support for ICE-86 Emulation and Symbolic Debugging - Debug options for inclusion of symbol table in object modules for In-Circuit Emulation with symbolic debugging, Generates Relocatable and Linkable Object Code-Fully Compatible with LINK 86/88, LOC 86/88 and LIB 86/88 - Permits ASM 86/88 programs to be developed and debugged in small modules. These modules can be easily linked with other ASM 86/88 or PL/M 86/88 object modules and/or library routines to form a complete application system. Fully Supports iAPX 86,88 Addressing Modes - - BENEFITS Provides for complex address expressions involving base and indexing registers and (structure) field offsets. Powerf,ul EQU facility allows complicated expreSSions to be named and the name can be used as a synonym for the expression throughout the module. The iAPX 86,88 macro assembler allows the extensive capabilities of the 86/88 CPU's to be fully exploited. In any application, time and space critical routines can be effectively written in ASM 86/88. The 86,88 assemqler outputs relocatable and linkable object modules, These object modules may be easily combined with object modules written in PLIM 86/88-lntel's structured, high-level programming language. ASM 86/88 compliments PLIM 86/88 as the programmer may choose to write each module in the language most appropriate to the task and then combine the modules into the complete applications program using the iAPX 86,88 relocation and linkage utilities. Powerful STRING MANIPULATION INSTRUCTIONS - Permit direct transfers to or from memory or the accumulator. Can be prefixed with a repeat operator for repetitive execution with a count-down and a condition test. 3-22 N'N-01239E ' inter IAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS CONV 86/88 MC~·80/85 to iAPX 86,88 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CONVERTER UTILITY PROGRAM • Translates 8080/8085 Assembly Language Source Code to iAPX 86,88 Assembly Language Source Code • Automatically Generates Proper ASM 86/88 Directives to Set Up a "Virtual 8080" Environment that is Compatible with PL/M 86/88 • Provides a Fast and Accurate Means to Convert 8080/8085 Programs to the iAPX 86/88 Facilitating Program Portability In support of Intel's commitment to software portability, CONV 86/88 is offered as a tool to move 8080/8085 programs to the iAPX 86/88. A comprehensive manual, "MCS-86 Assembly Language Converter Operating Instructions for ISIS-II Users," covers the entire conversion process. Detailed methodology of the conversion process is fully described therein. - CONV 86/88 will accept as input an error-free 8080/8085 assembly-language source file and optional controls, and produce as output, optional PRINT and OUTPUT files. - The PRINT file is a formatted copy of the 8080/8085 source and the 86/88 source file with embedded caution messages. • Because CONV 86/88 is a transliteration proc'ess, there is the possibility of as much as a 15%-20% code expansion over the 8080/8085 code, For compactness and efficiency it is recommended that critical portions of programs be re-coded in iAPX 86,88 assembly language. - The OUTPUT file is an 86/88 source file. Also, as a consequence of the transliteration, some manual editing may be required for converting instruction sequences dependent on: - CONV 86/88 issues a caution message when it detects a potential problem in the converted 86/88 code. -instruction length, timing, or encoding -interrupt processing" -PL/M parameter passing conventions" - A transliteration of the 8080/8085 programs occurs, with each 8080/8085 construct mapped to its exact 86/88 counterpart: "Mechanical editing procedures for these are suggested in the converter manual. Registers Condition flags Instruction Operands Assembler directives Assembler control lines Macros The accompanying figure illustrates the flow of the conversion process. Initially, the abstract program may be represented in 8080/8085 or iAPX 86,88 assembly language to execute on that respective target machine, The conversion process is porting a source destined for the 8080/8085 to the 86/88 via CONV 86/88. 3-23 AFN·01239E inter IAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES jl/PDS ABSTRACT PROGRAM SOURCE CODE IN 8080/1085 ASSEMBLY LANG -~ ----------------------- ASSEMBLE FOR 88110,88110 CONV88/88 FOR 8080/1085 EXECUTE ON 8080/8085 SOURCE CODE IN 88110, 88110 ASSEMBLY LANG - ALGORITHM EQUIVALENT FUNCTION -------------------_ _..... EXECUTE ON 88110,88110 Figure 1. Porting 8080/8085 Source Code to the IAPX 86/10 and 88/10 LINK 86/88 • Automatic Combination of Separately Complied or Assembled IAPX 86, 88 Programs Into a Relocatable Module • Automatic Generation of a Summary Map Giving Results of the LINK 86/88 , Process • Automatic Selection of Required Modules from Specified Libraries to Satisfy Symbolic References • Abbreviated Control Syntax • Reloca.able Modules may be Merged Into a Single Module Suitable for Inclusion in a Library • Supports "Incremental" Linking • Supports Type Checking of Public and External Symbols • Extensive Debug Symbol Manipulation, Allowing Line Numbers, Local Symbols, and Public Symbols to be Purged and Listed Selectively LINK 86/88 combines object modules specified in the LINK 86/88 input list into a single output module, LINK 86/88 combines segments from the input modules according to the order in which the modules are listed. LINK 86/88 will accept libraries and object modules built from PL/M 86188, ASM 86/88, or any other translator generating Intel's iAPX 86/88 Relocatable Object Modules. ' Support for incremental linking is provided since an output module produced by LINK 86/88 can be an input to another link. At each stage in the incremental linking process, unneeded public symbols may be purged. LINK 86/88 supports type checking of PUBLIC and EXTERNAL symbols reporting an error if their types are not consistent. ' LINK 86/88 will link any valid set of input modules without any controls. However, controls are available to control the output of diagnostic information in the LINK 86/88 process and to control the content of the output module. o LINK 86188 allows the user to create'a large program as the combination of several smaller, separately compiled modules. After development and debugging of these component modules the user can link them together, locate them using LOC 86/88 and enter final testing with much of the work accomplished. 3-24 AFN-Q1239E Inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS LIB 86/88 • LIB 86/88 is a Library Manager Program which Allows You to: • Libraries Can be Used as Input to LINK 86/88 Which Will Automatically Link Modules from the Library that Satisfy External References in the Modules Being Linked Create Specially Formatted Files to Contain Libraries of Object Modules Maintain These Libraries by Adding or Deleting Modules Print a Listing of the Modules and Public Symbols in a Library File • Abbreviated Control Syntax Libraries aid in the job of building programs. The library' manager program LIB 86/88 creates and maintains files containing object modules. The operation of LIB 86/88 is controlled by commands to indicate which operation LIB 86/88 is to perform. The commands are: CREATE: ADD: DELETE: LIST: EXIT: creates an empty library file adds object modules to a library file deletes modules from a library file lists the module directory of library files terminates the LIB 86 program and returns control to ISIS-II When using object libraries, the linker will call only those object modules that are required to satisfy external references, thus saving memory space. Loe 86/88 • Automatic Generation of a Summary Map Giving Starting Address, Segment Addresses and Lengths, and Debug Symbols and their Addresses • Automatic and Independent Relocation of Segments. Segments May Be Relocated to Best Match Users Memory Configuration • Extensive Capability to Manipulate the Order and Placement of Segments in iAPX 86/88 Memory • Extensive Debug Symbol Manipulation, Allowing Line Numbers, Local Symbols, and Public Symbols to be Purged and Listed Selectively • Abbreviated Control Syntax Relocatability allows the programmer to code programs or sections of programs without having to know the final arrangement of the object code in memory. LOC 86/88 converts relative addresses in an input module to absolute addresses. LOC 86/88 orders the segments in the input module and assigns absolute addresses to the segments. The sequence in which the segments in the input module are assigned absolute addresses is determined by their order in the input module and the controls supplied with the command. LOC 86/88 will relocate any valid input module without any controls. However, controls are available to control the output of diagnostic information in the LOC 86/88 process, to control the content of the output module, or both. The program you are developing will almost certainly use some mix of random access memory (RAM), readonly memory (ROM), andlor programmable read-only memory (PROM). Therefore, the location of your program affects both cost and performance in your application. The relocation feature allows you to develop your program on the Intellec development system and then simply relocate the object code to suit your application. 3-25 AFN-01239E inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PAC.KAGES FOR SERIES' II/PDS OH 86/88 • Converts an iAPX 86/88 Absolute Object Module to Symbolic Hexadecimal Format • Converts an Absolute Module to a More Readable Format that can be Displayed on a CRT or Printed for Debugging • Facilitates Preparing a File for Later Loading by a Symbolic Hexadecimal Loader, such as the iSBC™ M9nitor SDK-86 Loader, or Universal PROM Mapper The OH 86/88 utility converts an 86/88 absolute object module to the hexadecimal format. This conversion may be necessary to format a module for later loading by a hexadecimal loader such as the iSBC 86/12 monitor or Universal PROM Mapper. The conversion may also be made to put the module in a more readable format than can be displayed or printed. The module to be converted must be in absolute format; the output from LaC 86/88 is in absolute format. Figure 2. iAPX 86,88 So.ftware Development Cycle 3-26 AFN-01239E ·inter iAPX 86,88 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGES FOR SERIES II/PDS ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment iAPX 86,88 Software Development Packages for Series II: Intel Microcomputer Development Systems Intel Personal Development System Part No. Documentation Description PL/M-86 Programming Manual MDS-30S* Assembler and Utilities Package MDS-309* PUM compiler and Utilities Package MCS-86 Assembly Language Converter Operating Instructions for 1515-1/ Users MDS-311* PUM compiler, Assembler, and Utilities Package Universal PROM Programmer User's Manual All Packages Require Software Licenses 1515-1/ PL/M-86 Compiler Operator's Manual MCS-86 User's Manual MCS-86 Software Development Utilities Operating Instructions for 1515-1/ Users MCS-86 Macro Assembly Language Reference Manual MCS-86 Macro Assembler Operating Instructions for 1515-1/ Users SUPPORT: Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Reports (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, Monthly Newsletters are available. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS® is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-27 AFN-01239E PL/M 86/88/186/188 Software Package Systems Programming Language for • the iAPX 86/88/1861188 Processors Improved Compiler Performance Now • Supports More User Symbols and Faster Compilation Speeds Language Is Upward COn:'patible from • PUM 80, Assuring MCS®·80185 Design . Produc!Js Relocatable Object Code • Which Is Linkable to All Other 8086 Portability Object Modules Structured System Imp/a• Advanced mentation Language for Algorithm Optimization Assures Efficient • Code Code Generation and Minimum Development Application Memory Utilization Supports 16·Bit Signed Integer and • 32·Bit Floating Point Arithmetic in Built·ln Syntax Checker Doubles Per· • formance for Compiling Programs Accordance with IEEE Proposed Standard Containing Errors Resident on iAPX 86 Intel Micro• computer Development Systems Easy-to-Learn Block-Structured • Language Encourages Program Modularity PUM 86 is an advanced, structured, high-level systems programming language. The RUM 86 compiler was created specifically for performing software development for the Intel 8086, 8088, 80186 and 80188 Microprocessors. PL/M was designed so that program statements naturally express the program algorithm. This frees the programmer to concentrate on the logic of the program without concern for burdensome details of machine or assembly language programming (such as register allocation, meanings of assembler mnemonics, etc.). The PUM 86 compiler efficiently converts free-form PUM language statements into machine instructions. Substantially fewer PLiM statements are necessary for a given application than if it were programmed at the assembly language or machine code level. The use of PUM high-level language for system programming, instead of assembly language, results in a high degree of engineering productivity during project development. This translates into significant reductions in initial software development and follow-up maintenance costs for the user. NOTE' The Intellec~ Development System pictured here IS not Included with the PlfM 86/88 Software package but merely depIcts a language In Its operating environment. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and Its afflhates and may be used only to Identify Intel products. exp, CREDIT, I, ICE, ICS, 1m, In site, intel, INTEL, IntelevlSlon, Intel ink, Intellec, IMMX, IOSP, IPDS, IRMX, ISBC, ,SBX, library Manager, MeS, MULTI MODULE, Megachassis Micromainframe, MULTlaUS, Multichannel, Plug·A-Bubble, PROMPT, Promware, AUPI, RMX/80, System 2000, UPI, and the combination ICS, iAMX, ISaC, iSBX, ICE, ,2ICE, MCS, or UPI and numerical suffix Intel Corporation Assumes NoResponsibility for the use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel product No Other Patent licenses are Implied ©INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210689-002 3-28 PL/M 86188/186 SOFTWARE PACKAGE Another powerful facility allows the use of BASED variables that map more than one variable to the same memory location. This is especially useful for passing parameters, relative and absolute addressing, and memory allocation. FEATURES Major features of the Intel PLIM 86 compiler and programming language include: Block Structure Two Data Structuring Facilities PLIM source code is developed in a series of modules, procedures, and blocks. Encouraging program modularity in this manner makes programs more readable, and easier to maintain and debug. The language becomes more flexible, by clearly defining the scope of user variables (local to a private procedure). In addition to the five data types and based variables, PLIM supports two data structuring facilities. These help the user to organize data into logical groups. - Array: Indexed list of same type data elements - Structure: Named collection of same or different type data elements ~ Combinations of Each: Arrays of structures or structures of arrays The use of procedures to break down a large problem is paramount to productive software development. The PLIM 86 implementation of a block structure allows the use of REENTRANT (recursive) procedures, which are especially useful in system design. 8087 Numerics Support PLIM programs that use 32-bit REAL data may be executed using the Numeric Data Processor for improved performance. All floating-point operations supported by PLIM may be executed on the iAPX 86/20 or 88/20 NDP, or the 8087 Emulator (a software module) provided with the package. Determination of use of the chip or Emulator takes place at linktime, allowing compilations to be run-time independent. Language Compatibility PLIM 86 object modules are compatible with object modules generated by all other iAPX 86 translators. This means that PLIM programs may be linked to programs written in any other iAPX 86 language. Object modules are compatible with In-Circuit Emulators; DEBUG compiler control provides the In-Circuit Emulators with symbolic debugging capabilities. . Built·ln String Handling Facilities PLIM 86 Language is upward compatible with PLIM 80, so that application programs may be easily ported to run on the iAPX 86. The PLIM 86 language contains built-in functions for string manipulation. These byte and word functions perform the following operations on character strings: MOVE, COMPARE, TRANSLATE, SEARCH, SKIP, and SET. Supports Seven Data Types Interrupt Handling PL/M makes use of seven data types for various applications. These data types range from one to four bytes, and facilitate various arithmetic, logic, and addressing functions: PL/M has the facility for handling interrupts. A procedure may be defined with the INTERRUPT attrioute, and the compiler will automatically initialize an interrupt vector at the appropriate memory location. The compiler will also generate code to save and restore the processor status, for execution of the user-defined interrupt handler routine. The procedure SET$INTERRUPT, the function retuning an INTERRUPT$PTR, and the PLIM statement CAUSE$INTERRUPT all add flexibility to user programs involving interrupt and handling. -Byte: 8-bit unsigned number -Word: 16-bit unsigned number -DWORD: 32-bit unsigned number -Integer: 16-bit signed number -Read: 32-bit floating point number -Pointer: 16-bit or 32-bit memory address indicator -Selector: 16-bit base portion of a pointer 3-29 AFN·01881C inter PL/M 86/88/186 SOFTWARE PACKAGE Compiler Controls Including several that have been mentioned, the PLIM 86 compiler offers more than 25 controls that facilitate such features as: - Conditional compilation - Including additional PLIM source files from disk - Corresponding assembly language code in the listing file - Setting overflow conditions for run-time handling - Combination or "folding" of constant expressions; and short-circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions - "Strength reductions" (such as a shift left rather than multiply by 2); and elimination of common sub-expressions within the same block - Machine code optimizations; elimination of superfluous branches; re-use of duplicate code; removal of unreachable code - Byte comparisons (rather than 20-bit address calculations) for pointer variables; optimization of based-variable operations Segmentation Control The PLIM 86 compiler takes full advantage of program addressing with the SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM, and LARGE segmentation controls_ Programs with less than 64KB total code space can exploit the most efficient memory addressing schemes, which lowers total memory requirements. Larger programs can exploit the flexibility of extended one-megabyte addressing. Error Checking The PLIM 86 compiler has a very powerful feature to speed up compilations. If a syntax or program error is detected, the compiler will skip the code generation and optimization passes. This usually yields a 2X performance increase for compilation of programs with errors. A fully detailed set of programming and compilation errors is provided by the compiler. Code Optimization The PLIM 86 compiler offers four levels of optimization for significantly reducing overall program size. MOO. 1* Beglnnmg of module 'I SORTPROC PROCEDURE (PTR. COUNT. RECSIZE. KEYINDEX) ~ I PUBLIC and EXTERNAL attributes promote ~L___ programmodulanty DECLARE PTR POINTER. (COUNT. RECSIZE. KEYINDEX) INTEGER. l j* Parameters PTA IS pOinter to ftrst record ' COUNT IS number 01 records to be sorted RECSIZE IS number of bytes In each record-max IS 128 KEYINDEX IS byte pOSItion wlthm each record of a BYTE scalar \' "Based" Vanables allow manipulation of external data by to be used as sort key '/ -~--~ ~~~~~I~~~~h~a~~~bW:~aa~: ~~~J\~~ep~r~~I~tt;Pp:s~~g, and DECLARE @ECORDBASEDPTBJ(1) BYTE, the execution time to perform many STACK operatIons CURRENT (128) BYTE, (I. J) INTEGER. SORT FIND DO J~ 1 TO COUNT-l. CALL MOVB(@RECORD(J'RECSIZE). ""'.:..::....:.-_, I""J, - __ DO WHILE I ,0 AND RECORD((I- WRECSIZE-KEYINDEX) ·CURRENT(KEYINDEX). CALL MOVB(@RECORD((I-l)'RECSIZE). @RECORO(I·RECSIZE). RECSIZE). The "AT" operator returns the address of a variable, Instead of Its contents Th,s IS very useful In passIng pOInters for based variables. I~I-l. END FIND. CALLCM~B~CURRENT. @RECORD(I·RECSIZE). RECSIZE). END SORT. One of several PL/M bwltMtn procedures for stnng manIpulatIon END SORTPROC. END M. rEnd of module"! Figure 1. Sample PLIM 88 Program. 3-30 AFN-Ol661C PLIM 861881186 SOFTWARE PACKAGE BENEFITS Lower Development Cost PLIM 86 is designed to be an efficient, cost-effective solution to the special requirements of iAPX 86 Microsystem Software Development, as illustrated by the following benefits of PLIM use: Increases in programmer productivity translate immediately into lower software development costs because fewer programming resources are required for a given programmed function. Increased Reliability Cost· Effective Alternative to Assembly Language PLiM 86 is designed to aid in 'the development of reliable software (PLIM 86 programs are simple statements of the program algorithm). This substantially reduces the risk of costly correction of errors in systems that have already reached full production status, as the more simply stated the prograll1 is, the more likely it is to perform its intended function. PLIM 86 programs are code efficient. PLIM 86 combines all of the benefits of a high-level language (ease of use, high productivity) with the ability to access the iAPX 86 architecture. Consequently, for the development of systems software, PLiM 86 is the cost-effective alternative to assembly ianguage programming. Easier Enhancements and Maintenance Low Learning Effort PLiM is easy to learn and to use, even for the novice programmer. Programs written in PLiM tend to be selfdocumenting, thus easier to read and understand. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain PLiM programs as the system capabilities expand and future products are developed. Earlier Project Completion Critical projects are completed much earlier than otherwise possible because PLiM 86, a structured high-level language, increases programmer productivity. SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment PLlM-86 User's Guide for 8086-based Development Systems (121636) REQUIRED HARDWARE: Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series III/Series IV) SUPPORT: Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Reporting (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, Monthly Newsletter available. ORDERING INFORMATION Requires Software License Part Number MDS-313* 'MDS IS an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS'" is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. Description PLiM 86 Software Package 3-31 AFN·OI661C intJ PASCAL 86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Resident on IAPX 86 Based Intel Microcomputer Development Systems • Object Compatible and Linkable with PLIM 86/88, ASM 86/88 and FORTRAN 86/88 • ICE™ Symbolic Deb~gglng Fully Supported • PSCOPE Source Level Debugging Fully Supported • Implements REALMATH for Consistent and Reliable Results • Unlimited User Program Symbols • Supports iAPX86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processors • Strict Implementation of ISO Standard Pascal • Useful Extensions Essential for Microcomputer Applications • Separate Compilation with TypeChecking Enforced Between Pascal Modules • Complier Option to Support Full RunTime Range-Checking PASCAL 86{88 conforms to and implements the ISO Draft Proposed Pascal standard. The language is enhanced to support microcomputer applications with special features, such as separate compilation, interrupt handling and direct port I{O. To assist the development of portable software, the compiler can be directed to flag all non-standard features. The PASCAL 86/88 compiler runs on Series III and Series IV Microcomputer Development Systems. A well-defined I/O interface is provided for run-time support. This allows a user-written operating system to support application programs as an alternate to the development system environment. Program modules compiled under PASCAL 86/88 are colllpatible and linkable with modules written in PUM 86/88, ASM 86/88 or FORTRAN 86/88. With a complete family of compatible programming languages for the iAPX 86,88, 186, 188 one can implement each module in the language most appropriate to the task at hand. PASCAL 86{88 object modules contain symbol and type information for program debugging using ICE™ emulators and PSCOPE source language debugger. For final production version, the compiler can remove this extra information and code. MAY 1983 @INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 ORDER NUMBER:400670-001 3-32 PASCAL 86/88 FEATURES Supports numerous compiler options to control the compilation process, to INCLUDE files, flag nonstandard Pascal statements and others to control program listings and object modules. Includes all the language features of Jensen & Wirth Pascal as defined in the ISO Draft Proposed Pascal Standard. Supports required extensions for microcomputer applications. Utilizes the IEEE standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (the Intel REALMATH standard) for arithmetic operations. Well-defined and documented run-time operating system interfaces allow the user to execute the applications under user-designed operating systems. -Interrupt handling -Direct port I/O Separate compilation extensions allow: Predefined type extensions allow: -Modular decomposition of large programs -Create precision in read, integer, and unsigned calculations. -Linkage with other Pascal modules as well as PUM 86/88/186/188, ASM 86/88/186/188 and FORTRAN 86/88. -Means to check 8087 erl'Ors -Circumvention of rigid type checking on calls to non-Pascal routines -Enforcement of type-checking at LINK-time Provides run-time support for co-processors. All real-type arithmetic is performed on the 86/20 numeric data processor unit or software emulator. Run-time library routines, common between Pascal and other Intel languages (such as FORTRAN), permit efficient and consistently accurate results. BENEFITS Provides a standard Pascal for iAPX 86, 88,186,188 based applications. -Pascal has gained wide acceptance as the portable application language for microcomputer applications Extended relocation and linkage support allows the user to link Pascal program modules with routines written in other languages for certain parts of the program. For example, realtime or hardware dependent routines written in ASM 86/88/186/188 or PUM 86/88/186/188 can be linked to Pascal routines, further extending the user's ability to write structured and modular programs. -It is being taught in many colleges and universities around the world -It is easy to learn, originally intended as a vehicle for teaching computer programming -Improves maintainability: Type mechanism is both strictly enforced and user extendable -Few machine specific language constructs PASCAL 86/88 programs "talk" to the resident operating system using Intel's standard interface for translated programs. This allows users to replace the development operating system by their own operating systems in the final application. Strict implementation of the proposed ISO standard for Pascal aids portability of application programs. A compile time option checks conformance to the standard making it easy to write conforming programs. PASCAL 86/88 takes full advantage of iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 high level language architecture to generate effiCient machine code. PASCAL 86/88 extensions via predefined procedures for interrupt handling and direct port I/O make it possible to code an entire application in Pascal without compromising portability. Compiler options can be used to control the program listings and object modules. While debugging, the user may generate additional information such as the symbol record information required and useful for debugging using PSCOPE or ICE emulation. After debugging, the production version may be streamlined by removing this additional information. Standard Intel REALMATH is easy to use and provides reliable results, consistent with other Intel languages and other implementations of the IEEE proposed Floating-Point standard. 3-33 AFN.()1652B PASCAL 86/88 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment Documentation Package REQUIRED HARDWARE PASCAL 86 User's Guide Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series III, Series IV) ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description MDS*-314 PASCAL 86/88 Software Package Requires software license . • MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS" is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Science. SUPPORT: Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Report (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, and Monthly Technical Newsletters are available. 3-34 AFN·01652B intJ FORTRAN 86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Features high-level language support for floating-point calculations, transcendentals, Interrupt procedures, and run-time exception handling • Offers powerful extensions tailored to microprocessor applications • Meets ANS FORTRAN 77 Subset Language Specifications • Provides FORTRAN run-time support for iAPX 86,88,186,188-based design • Offers upward compatibility with FORTRAN 80 • Supports IAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor for fast and efficient execution of numeric instructions • Provides users ability to do formatted and unformatted 1/0 with sequential or direct access methods • Uses REALMATH Floating-Point Standard for consistent and reliable results • ICE™ Symbolic Debugging Fully Supported • Supports Arrays Larger Than 64K • PSCOPE Source Level Debugging Fully Supported • Unlimited User Program Symbols FORTRAN 86{88 meets the ANS FORTRAN 77 Language Subset Specification'and includes many features of the full standard. Therefore, the user is assured of portability of most existing ANS FORTRAN programs and of full portability from other computer systems with an' ANS FORTRAN 77 Compiler. FORTRAN 86{88 programs developed and debugged on the Intel Microcomputer Development Systems may be tested with the prototype using ICE symbolic debugging, and executed on an RMX-86 operating system, or on a user's iAPX 86,88,186,188-based operating system. FORTRAN 86{88 is one of a complete family of compatible programming languages for iAPX 86,88,186,188 development: PL)M, Pascal, FORTRAN, and Assembler. Therefore, users may choose the language best suited for a specific problem solution. MAY 1983 @INTELCORPORATION. 1983 ORDER NUMBER:400630-001 3-35 FORTRAN 86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE FEATURES Intel® MicroproCeSsor Support Extensive High-Level Language Numeric Processing Support FORTRAN 86/88 language features sUPPort of iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor Single (32-bit), double (64-bit), and double extended precision (80-bit) floating-point data types Compiler generates in-line iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor object code for floating-point arithmetic (See Figure 1) REALMATH Proposed IEEE Floating-Point Standard) for consistent and reli@ble results Intrinsics allow user to control iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor, Full support for all other data types: integer, logical, character iAPX 86,88,186,188 architectural advantages used , for indexing and character-string handling Ability to use hardware (iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor) or software (sin:1Ulator) floatingpoint support chosen at link time Symbolic debugging of application using ICE emulators ANS FORTRAN 77 Standard Source level debugging using PSCOPE. FLOATING-POINT-STATMENT TEMPER = (PRESS - VOLUM I ~UEK) - i.45 I (PRESS - VOLUM - (PRESS - VOLUM I QUEK) • (PRESS - VOLUM I QUEK) & I QUEK) OBJECT CODE GENERATED Intel FDRTRAN-86 Compl.ler IAPX 86/20, 88/20 MACHINE CODE 0013 0018 0010 0022 0025 0028 002E 0031 0034 0037 003A 0030 0040 0045 9809060COO 9808360000 9B082E0800 980001 9B2E083EOOaO 9B09C9 980002 980EE9 9B09C1 9808C8 9BOOC2 9BOEE1 98091E0400 98 ASSEMBLER MNEMONICS FLJ FDIV ,F sus ~ FST FOIV~ FXCIiG r:ST FSUBRP FLO FMUL FFREE FSUSP FSTP I., IIOLUM STATEMENT " 2 ~UEK PRESS T:JS+1H CS:iilCONST TOS+1H TOS+2H T:JS+1H TOS TOS+2H TEMPER lolA IT Figure 1. Object Code Generated by FORTRAN 86/88 for a Floating-Point Calculation Using IAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Processor 3-36 AFN-Ol6S38 inter FORTRAN 86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE Microprocessor Application Support Early Project Completion -Direct byte- or word-oriented port 1/0 FORTRAN is an industry-standard, high-level numerics processing language. FORTRAN programmers can use FORTRAN 86/88 on microprocessor projects with little retraining. Existing FORTRAN software can be compiled with FORTRAN 86/88 and programs developed in FORTRAN 86/88 can run on other computers with ANS FORTRAN 77 with little or no change. Libraries of mathematical programs using ANS 77 standards may be compiled with FORTRAN 86/88. -Reentrant procedures -Interrupt procedures Flexible Run-Time Support Application object code may be executed in iAPX 86, 88,186,188-based environment of user's choice: -a Series III or Series IV Intellec Development System -an iAPX 86,88,186,188-based system with iRMX-86 Operating System Application Object Code Portability for a Processor Family -an iAPX 86,88,186,188-based system with userdesigned Operating System FORTRAN 86/88 modules "talk" to the resident Intellec development operating system using Intel's standard interface for all development-system software. This allows an application developed under the ISIS\I operating system to execute on iRMXl86, or a usersupplied operating system by linking in the iRMXl86 or other appropriate interface library. A standard logical-record interface enables communication with non-standard I/O devices. Run-time exception handling for fixed-point numerics, floating-point numerics, and 1/0 errors Relocatable object libraries for complete run-time support of I/O and arithmetic functions. In-line code execution is generated for iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor BENEFITS FORTRAN 86/88 provides a means of developing ap- ' plication software for the Intel iAPX 86,88,186,188 products lines in a familiar, widely accepted, and industry-standard programming language. FORTRAN 86,88 will greatly enhance the user's ability to provide cost-effective software development for Intel microprocessors as illustrated by the following: I Comprehensive, Reliable and Efficient Numeric Processing The unique combination of FORTRAN 86/88, iAPX 86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processor, and REALMATH (Proposed IEEE Floating-Point Standard) provide universal consistency in results of numeric computations and efficient object code generation. SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment FORTRAN 86/88 User's Guide Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series III/Series IV) 3-37 AFN·01Ml8 intJ FORTRAN 86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description MDS*-315 FORTRAN 86/88 Software Package Requires Software License SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this product which are explained in detail in the price list. Please consult the price list for a description of the support options available. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-38 AFN·01653B C-86 C COMPILER FOR THE 8086 • Implements full C Language •. Produces high density code rivaling assembler • Supports Intel Object Module Format (OMF) • Supports both small and large models of computation • Supports ICE ™ 86 and DEBUG- 86/88 • Supports IEEE Floating Point Math with 8087 coprocessor • Supports Bit Fields • Supports full standard 110 Library (STDIO) • Written in C • Runs under the Intel UDI on Intel Development Systems and iRMX™ 86 • Available for the VAX/VMS* Operating System The C Programming Language was originally designed in 1972 and has become increasingly popular as a systems development language. C is not a "very high level" language and is not tied to any specific application area. Although it is used for writing operating systems, it has been used equally well to write numerical, textprocessing and data base programs. C combines the flexibility and programming speed of a higher level language with the efficiency and comrol of assembly language. Intel C-86 brings the full power of the C programming language to 8086 and 8088 based microprocessor systems. Intel C-86 supports the full C language as described in the Kernighan and Ritchie book, "The C Programming Language," (Prentice-Hall, 1978). Also included are the latest enhancements to the C language: structure as~ignments, functions taking structure arguments and returning structures, and the "void" and "enum" data types. C is rapidly becoming the standard microprocessor system implementation language because it provides: 1. the ability to manipulate the fundamental objects of the machine (including machine addresses) as easily as assembly language. 2. the power and speed of a structured language supporting a large number of data types, storage classes, expressions and statements, 3. processor independence (most programs developed for other processors can be easily transported to the 8086), and . 4. code that rivals assembly language in efficiency INTEL C-86 COMPILER DESCRIPTION semantic error checking. The code generator phase converts the parser's output into an efficient intermediate binary code, performs constant folding, and features an extremely efficient' register allocator, ensuring high quality code. The optimizer phase converts the output of the code generator into The C-86 compiler operates in four phases: preprocessor, parser, code generator, and optimizer. The preprocessor phase interprets directives in C source code, including conditional compilations (#define). The parser phase converts the C program into an intermediate free form and does all syntactic and MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210768-002 3-39 intJ C-86* C COMPILER FOR THE 8086 relocatable Intel Object Module Format (OMF) code, without creating an intermediate assembly file. Optionally, the C-86 compiler can produce a symbolic assembly like file. The C-86 optimizer eliminates common code, eliminates redundant loads and stores" and resolves span dependencies (shortens branches) within a program. The C-86 runtime library consists of a number of functions which the C programmer can call. The runtime system includes the standard lIO library (STDIO), conversion routines, routines for manipulating strings, special routines to perform functions not available on the 8086 (32-bit arithmetic and emulated floating point), and (where appropriate) routines for interfacing with the operating system. C-86 uses Intel's linker and locator and generates debug records for symbols and lines on request, permitting access to Intel's ICE-86 and DEBUG-86 to aid in program testing. FEATURES Support for Small and Large Models Intel C-86 supports both the SMALL and LARGE modes of segmentation. A SMALL model program can have up to 64K bytes of code and 64K bytes of data, with all pointers occupying two bytes. Because two byte pointers permit the generation of highly compact and efficient code, this model is recommended for programs that can meet the size restrictions. The LARGE segmentation model is used by programs that require access to the full addressing space of the 8086/8088 processors. In this model, each source file generates a distinct pair of code and data segments of up to 64k bytes in length. All point. ers are four bytes long. ments from arrays, and extract fields from structures or unions Arithmetic operators: add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulus ,Relational operators: greater than, greater than or equal, less than, less than or equal, not equal Unary operators: indirect through a pOinter, compute an address, logical negation, ones complement, provide the size in bytes of an operand. • Logical operators: AND, OR Bitwise operators: AND, exclusive OR, inclusive OR, bitwise complement Preprocessor Directives Data Types and Storage Classes #define-defines a macro Data in C is described by its type and storage class. The type determines its representation and use, and the storage class determines its lifetime, scope, and storage allocation. The following data types-are fully supported by C-86: #include- includes code outside of the program source file #if - conditionally includes or excludes code Other preprocessor directives include #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif, and #line. char Statements int an 8 bit signed integer a 16 bit signed integer The C language supports a variety of statements: short Conditionals: IF, IF-ELSE same as int (on the 8086) Loops: WHILE, DO-WHILE, FOR long Selection of cases: SWITCH, CASE, DEFAULT a 32 bit signed integer Exit from a function: RETURN unsigned a modifier for integer data types (char, int, short, and long) which doubles the positive range of values Loop cqntrol: CONTINUE, BREAK Branching: GOTO float Expressions and Operators a32 bit floating point number which utilizes the 8087 or a software floating point library The C language includes a rich set of expressions and operators. double Primary expression: invoke functions, select ele- a 64 bit floating point number 3-40 AFN-Q0144B inter C-S6· C COMPILER FOR THE SOS6 void a special type that cannot be used as an operand in expressions; normally used for functions called only for effect (to prevent their use in contexts where a value is required). extern a variable defined outside of the function where it is declared; retaining its value throughout the entire program and accessible to other modules enum an enumerated data type auto a local variable, created when a block of code is entered and discarded when the block is existed These fundamental data types may be used to create other data types including: arrays, functions, structures, pointers, and unions. static a local variable that retains its value until the termination of the entire program The storage classes available in C-86 include: register suggests that a variable be kept in a machine register, often enhancing code density and speed typedef defines a new data type name from existing data types BENEFITS variety of machines can easily be transported to the 8086. Faster Compilation Intel C-86 compiles C programs substantially faster than standard C compilers because it produces Intel OMF code directly, eliminating the traditional intermediate process of generating an assembly file. Rapid Program Development Intel C-86 provides the programmer with detailed error messages and access to ICE-86 and DEBUG-86 to speed program development. Generates High Quality Code For typical programs using the SMALL model, the Intel C-86 Compiler produces code that is 14-16% smaller than on a Digital Equipment PDP-11. Full Manipulation of the 8086 Intel C-86 enables the programmer to utilize features of the C language to control bit fields, pointers, addresses and register allocation, taking full advantage of the fundamental concepts of the 8086. ' Portability of Code Because Intel C-86 supports the .STDIO and produces Intel OMF code, programs developed on a SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment -Dual Diskette Drives, Single or Doubl~ Density The C-86 compiler runs host resident on both the Intel Series III Microcomputer DevelopmentSystem under ISIS-II and on the System 86/330 under the iRMX 86 operating system. C-86 can also run as a cross compiler on a VAX 11/780 computer under the VMS operating system. 96 KBytes of User Memory is required on all versions. Specify desired version when ordering. -System Console; CRT or Hardcopy Interactive Device iRMX 86 version: -Any iAPX 86/88, iSBC'" 86/88, iTPS 86/XXX, or SYS 86/3XX based system capable of running the iRMX 86 Operating System Required Hardware Development System Version VAX version: -Intellec® Microcomputer Development System; Series III or Series IV -Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780 or compatible computer 3-41 AFN-001''''8 inter C-86* C COMPILER FOR THE 8086 Optional Hardware iRMX 86 version: ISIS-II version: -No,ne -ICE-86 VAX version: iRMX 86 version: -MDS·-384 Kit-Mainframe Link for distributed development, or iMDX-394'Asynchronous Communications Link. -Numeric Data Processors for support of the REALMATH standard -VAX-IAPX 86/88/186 MACRO Assembler and utilities package (iMDX-341VX) VAX version: -None Documentation Package Required Software ISIS-II version: The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie (1978 Prentice-Hall) -ISIS-II Diske!te Operating System C-B6 User Manual -Series III Operating System Shipping Media iRMX 86 version: Development System Version: -One single and one douQle density ISIS-II format 8" diskette, one S-25" Series IV Format -iRMX 86 Realtime Multiprogramming Operating System -iRMX 860 Utilities Package iRMX 86 version: VAX version: -Double Density iRMX 86 format 8" diskette -VMS Operating System -Double Density iRMX 86 format 5V4' diskette VAX version: Optional Software -1600 bpi, 9 track Magnetic tape Development System Version: -One single and one double density ISIS-II format 8" diskette -None ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code iMDX-317 SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this product which are explained in detail in the price list. Please consult the price list for a description of the support options available. Description C-86 Compiler for ISIS-II iRMX-866 C-86 Compiler for iRMX 86 IMDX-347 C-86 Cross Compiler for VAXNMS Intel Software License required. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-42 AFN-00144B 8087 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE • Program Generation for the 8087 Numeric Data Processor on 8080/8085 Based Intel Microcomputer Development Systems • 8087 Emulator Duplicates Each 8087 Floating-Point Instruction in Software, for Evaluation of Prototyping, or for Use in an End Product • Macro Assembler and 8087 Emulator are Fully Compatible with Other 8086/8088 Development Software • Consists of: 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembler, 8087 Software Emulator • Macro Assembler Generates Code for 8087 Processor or Emulator, While Also Supporting the 8086/8088 Instruction Set • Implementation of the IEEE Proposed Floating-Point Standard (the Intel® Realmath Standard) The 8087 Software Support Package is an optional extent ion of Intel's 8086/8088 Software Development Package that runs under ISIS-II. The 8087 Software Support Package consists of the 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembler, and the Full 8087 Emulator. The assembler is a functional superset of the 8086/8088 Macro Assembler, and includes instructions for over sixty new floating-point operations, plus new data types supported by the 8087. The 8087 Emulator is an 8086/8088 object module that simulates the environment of the 8087, and executes each floating-point operation using software algorithms. This emulator functionally duplicates the operation of the 8087 Numeric Data Processor. Also included in this package are interface libraries to link with 8086/8087/8088 object modules, which are used for specifying whether the 8087 Processor or the 8087 Emulator is to be used. This enables the run-time environment to be invisible to the programmer at assembly time. The followmg are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to Identify Intel products exp, CREDIT, Intellee, Multlbu$, I, .SBC, Multlmodule, ICE, ISBX, PROMPT, IRMX, IGS. Library Manager, Promware, Inslte, MeS, RMX, Intel, Megachassls, UPI, InteleVISlon, Mlcromap, IJ.Scope and the combination of ICE, IGS, .SBC, [SBX, MeS, or RMX and a numerical suffix @INTELCORPORATION. 1983 MAY 1983 3-43 ORDER NUMBER:402150-001 8087 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE floating-point instructions, the macro assembler also introduces two new 8087 data types: QWORD (8 bytes) and TBYTE (ten bytes). These support the highest precision of data processed by the 8087. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembler The 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembler translates symbolic macro assembly language instructions into appropriate machine instructions. It is an extended version of the 8086/8088 Macro Assembler, and therefore supports all of the same features and functions, such as limited type checking, conditional assembly, data structures, macros, etc. The extensions are the new instructions and data types to support floating-point operations. Realmath floating-point instructions (see Table 1) generate code capable of being converted to either 8087 instructions or interrupts for the 8087 Emulator. The Processor/Emulator selection is made via interface libraries at LINK-time. In addition to the new Full 8087 Emulator The Full 8087 Emulator is a 16-kilobyte object module that is linked to the application program for floating-point operations. Its functionality is identical to the 8087 chip, and is ideal for prototyping and debugging floating-point applications. The Emulator is an alternative to the use 01 the 8087 chip, although the latter executes floating-point applications up to 100 times faster than an 8086 with the 8087 Emulator. Furthermore, since the 8087 is a "co-processor," use of the chip will allow many operations to be performed in parallel with the 8086. Table 1. 8087 Instructions Processor Control Instructions Arithmetic Instructions Addition FADD FADDP FIADD Add real Add real and pop Integer add Subtraction FSUB FSUBP FISUB FSUBR FSUBRP FISUBR Subtract real Subtract real and pop Integer subtract Subtract real reversed Subtract real reversed and pop Integer subtract reversed Multiplication FMUL FMULP FIMUL Multiply real Multiply real and pop Integer multiply Division FDIV FDIVP FIDIV FDIVR' FDIVRP FIDIVR Divide real Divide real and pop Integer divide Divide real reversed Divide real reversed arid pop Integer divide reversed FABS FCHS Initialize processor Disable interrup,ts FENI/FNENI Enable interrupts FLDCW Load control word FSTCW/FNSTCW Store control word FSTSW/FNSTSW Store status word FCLEX/FNCLEX Clear exceptions FSTENV/FNSTENV Store environment FLDENV Load environment FSAVE/FNSAVE Save state FRSTOR Restore state FINCSTP Increment stack pointer FDECSTP Decrement stack pointer FFREE Free register FNOP No operation FWAIT CPU wait Comparison Instructions FCOM Other Operations FSQRT FSCALE FPREM FRNDINT FXTRACT FINIT/FNINIT FDISI/FNDISI Square root Scale Partial remainder Round to integer Extract exponent and significand Absolute value Change sign Compare real and pop FCOMPP Compare real and pop twice Integer cOl}1pare FICOM 3,-44 Compare real FCOMP FICOMP Integer compare and pop FTST Test FXAM Examine AFN·01574B 8087 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE Table 1. 8087 Instructions (cont'd) Data Transfer Instructions Transcendental Instructions FPTAN Partial tangent FPATAN Partial arctangent F2XM1 2'-1 FYL2X y. 10g,X FYL2XP1 y. log2(X+ 1) Real Transfers FLO FST FSTP FXCH Constant Instructions Load +00 FLD1 Load + 1.0 FLDPI Load rr FLDL2T Load log21O FLDL2E Load log2e FLDLG2 Load log '02 FLDLN2 Load log,2 Integer load Integer store Integer store and pop Packed Decimal Transfers FBLD FBSTP Packed decimal (BCD) load Packed decimal (BCD) store and pop SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment BOB6/BOB7/B08B Macro Assembly Language Reference Manual for BOBO/BOBS-Based Development Systems REQUIRED HARDWARE Intel Microcomputer Development Systems -Model BOO -Series II -Personal Development System -Series IV BOB6/BOB7/BOBB Macro Assembler Operating Instructions for BOBO/B08S-Based Development Systems The 8086 Family Users Manual Supplement for the 8087 Numeric Data Processor REQUIRED SOFTWARE BOB6/BOBB Software Development Package ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description MDS*-3B7 BOB7 Software Support Package ; Integer Transfers FILD FIST FISTP FLDZ I Load real Store real Store real an d pop Exchange registers Requires Software License SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this product which are explained in detail .in the price list. Please consult the price list for a description of the support options available. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-45 I I I i 8087 SUPPORT LIBRARY • Full 8087 Software Emulator for soft· ware debugging without the 8087 component • Library to support floating point arithmetic in PUM·86 and ASM·86 • Common elementary function library provides trigonometric, logarithmic and other useful functions • Accurate, verified and efficient imple· mentation of algorithms for functions • Decimal conversion module supports blnary·decimal conversions • Supports proposed IEEE Floating Point Standard for high accuracy and software portability • Error·handler module simplifies floating point error recovery The 8087 Support LibrarY provides PUM-86 and ASM-86 users with the equivalent numeric data processing capability of Fortran-86. With the Library, it is easy for PUM-86 and ASM-86 programs to do floating point arithmetic. Programs can link in modules to do trigonometric, logarithmic and other numeric functions, and the user is guaranteed accurate, reliable results for all appropriate inputs. The 8087 Support Library implements Intel's REALMATH standard and also supports the proposed IEEE Floating Point Standard. Consequently, by using this Library, the PUM-86 user not only saves software development time, but is guaranteed that the numeric software meets industry standards and is portable-his software investment is maintained. The 8087 Support Library consists of the common elementary function library, the decimal conversion module, the error handler module, the full 8087 Software emulator and interface libraries to the 8087 and to the 8087 emulator. B.PLM A.PLM DECLARE (INPUT VALUE OUTPUT VALUE) REAL 1----1 OUTPUT VAWE.mqe,TNN(INFUT ,. Now .. "h,h.,e01.npu' OUTPUT o 5511290J, PLM·86 1---1 VALUE) VALUE .. a.bou' D.ASM C.ASM 'l'!tloEXTIIM mu"oppe.,ou, .. deoloIiSEGMEMTEHDS pa". UTRNmq.,TNH FAR INPUT VALVE OUTPUT DO 40 62 VALUE DO I--'-----I~ LINK 86 ~:;~:ll"Hon " • I.ot 1---1 LINKED USER OBJECT MODULE ' The loU"",ngcode duphcate.th •• bovePLtN ''''gnmenl .aIlWie, sla'.m~nt .,a.p' ",lit LONG /lEAL Loodthpo,ome,e,Onlo ,h. SOS1 .,.cI: CALLmqlt,TNH fSTPOUTPUT VALUE , ••• ,heh".."bo],cl."Q_nt ,Io,elheon.we,ondpoplh. a087.'ack W,th ,h. le,l InP"! OUTPUT VALUE,st>O",,,bou1 055112603 ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:121653-001 3-46 8087 SUPPORT LIBRARY CEL87.LIB THE COMMON ELEMENTARY FUNCTION LIBRARY CEl87.LlB contains commonly used floating pOint functions. It is used along with the 8087 numeric coprocessor or the 8087 emulator and it provides a complete package of elementary functions, giving valid results for all appropriate inputs. This library provides PUM·86 and ASM·86 users all the math functions supported intrinsically by the Fortran-86. Following is a summary of CEl87 functions, grouped by functionality. Rounding and Truncation Functions: mqerlEX, mqerlE2, and mqerlE4 round a real number to the nearest integer; to the even integer if there is a tie. The answer returned is real, a 16-bit integer or a 32-bit integer respectively. mqerlAX, mqerlA2, mqerlA4 round a real number to the nearest integer, to the integer away from zero if there is a tie; the answer returned is real, a 16-bit integer or a 32-bit integer, respectively. mqerlCX, mqerlC2, mqerlC4 truncate the fractional part of a real input; the answer is real, a 16-bit integer or a 32-bit integer, respectively. Logarithmic and Exponential Functions: mqerlGD computes decimal (base 10) logarithms. mqerLGE computes natural (base e) logarithms. mqerEXP computes exponentials to the base e. mqerY2X computes exponentials to any base. mqerYI2 raises an input real to a 16-bit integer power. mqerYI4 is as mqerYl2, except to a 32-bit integer power. mqerYIS is as mqerYl2, but it accommodates PUM-86 users. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions: mqerSIN, mqerCOS, mqerTAN compute sine, cosine, and tangent. mqerASN, mqerACS, mqerATN compute the corresponding inverse functions. mqerSNH, mqerCSH, mqerTNH compute the corresponding hyperbolic functions. mqerAT2 is a special version of the arc tangent function that accepts rectangular coordinate inputs. Other Functions: mqerDIM is FORTRAN's positive difference function. mqerMAX returns the maximum of two real inputs. mqerMIN returns the minimum of two real inputs. mqerSGH combines thE! sign of one input with the magnitude of the other input. mqerMOD computes a modulus, retaining the sign of the dividend. mqerRMD computes a modulus, giving the value closest to zero. DCON87.LlB THE DECIMAL CONVERSION LIBRARY DCON87.LlB is a library of procedures which convert binary representations of floating point numbers and ASCIIencoded string of digits. The binary-to-decimal procedure mqcBIN DECLOW accepts a binary number in any of the formats used for the representation of floating point numbers in the 8087. Because there are so many output formats for floating point numbers, mqcBIN_DEClOW does not attempt to provide a finished, formatted text string. Instead, it provides the "building blocks" for you to use to construct the output string which meets your exact format specification. 3-47 AFN-02063B 8087 SUPPORT LIBRARY 7 . The decimal-ta-binary procedure mqcDEC_BIN accepts a text string which consists of a decimal number with optional sign, decimal pOint, and/or power-of-ten exponent. It translates the string into the caller's choice ·of binary formats. . Decimal-to-binary procedure mqcDECLOW_BIN is provided for callers who have already broken the decimal number Into its constituent parts. The procedures mqcLONG_TEMP, mqcSHORT_TEMP, mqcTEMP_LONG, and mqcTEMP_SHORT convert floating point numbers between the longest binary format, TEMP_REAL, and the shorter formats .. EHS7.LlB THE ERROR HANDLER MODULE EH87.LlB Is a library of five utility procedures which a user can utilize for writing trap handlers. Trap handlers are called when an unmasked 8087 error occurs. The 8087 error reporting mechanism can be used not only to report error conditions, but also to let software implement IEEE standard options not directly supported by the chip. The three such extensions to the 8087 are: normalizing mode, non-trapping not-a-number (NaN), and non-ordered comparison. The utility procedures support these extra features. DECODE is called near the beginning of the trap handler. It preserves the complete state of the 8087, and also identifies what function called the trap handler, and returns available arguments and/or results. DECODE eliminates much of the effort needed to determine what error caused the trap handler to be called. NORMAL provides the "normalizing mode" capability for handling the "D" exception. By calling NORMAL in your trap handler, you eliminate the need to write code in your application program which tests for non-normal inputs. SIEVE provides two capabilities for handling the "I" exception. It implements non-trapping NaN's and non-ordered comparisons. These two IEEE standard features are useful for diagnostic work. ENCODE is called near the end of the trap handler. It restores the state of the 8087 saved by dECODE, and performs a choice of concluding actions, by either retrying the offending function or returning a specified result. FILTER calls each of the above four procedures. If your error handler does nothing more than detect fatal errors and implement the features supported by SIEVE and NORMAL, then your interface to EH87.LlB can be accomplished with a single call to FILTER. ESOS7 THE FULL SOS7 EMULATOR E8087 is an object module that functionally emulates the 8087 coprocessor chip. It is ideal for use during prototyping and debugging floating point programs. However, the target system should use the 8087 component because it executes 1000 times faster and uses Significantly less memory. 3-48 AFN·02063B inter 8087 SUPPORT LIBRARY E8087.L1B, 8087.L1B, 87NULL.LIB INTERFACE LIBRARIES EBOB7. LIB, BOB7.LlB and B7NULL. LIB libraries configure a user's application program for his run·time environment: running with the emulator, with the BOB7 component or without floating point arithmetic, respectively. SPECIFICATIONS TARGET ENVIRONMENT Required Software BOB6/BOBB Based Microcomputer System For Series II: BOB6/80BB Software Development Package DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT Required Hardware Documentation Package All Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series II. Numeric Support Library Manual Series III/Series IV) • Recommended ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description MDS*·319 BOB7 Support Library Requires Software License SUPPORT Intel offers several levels of support for this prodiJct which are explained in detail in the price list. Please consult the price list for a description of the support options available. *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-49 AFN-02063B 8089 lOP SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE #407200 • Program Generation for the 8089 1/0 Processor on the Intellec® Microcomputer Development System • Supports 8089·Based Addressing Modes with a Structure Facility that Enables Easy Access to Based Data • Contains 8089 Macro Assemhler, plus Relocation and Linkage Utilities • Powerful Macro Capabilities • Relocatable Object Module Compatible with All iAPX 86 and iAPX 88 Object Modules • Provides Timing Information in Assembly Listing • Fully Supports Symbolic Debugging with the RBF·89 Software Debugger • Fully Detailed Set of Error Messages The lOP Software Support Package extends Intellec Microcomputer Development System support to the 8089 I/O Processor. The macro assembler translates symbolic 8089 macro assembly language instructions into relocatable machine code. The relocation and linkage utilities provide compatibility with iAPX 86, iAPX 88, and 8089 modules. and make structured, modular programming easier. ' The macro assemb.ler also provides symbolic debugging capability when used with the RBF-89 software debugger. 8089 program modularity is supported with inter-segment jumps and calls. The macro assembler also provides instruction cycle counts in the listing file, for giving the programmer execution timing information. The programs in the 8089 Software Support Package run on any Intellec Series II or Model 800 with 64K bytes of memory. • • The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to Identify Intel products exp, CREDIT, Intallee, Multlbus. I, ,sec, Multlmodule, ICE, ,sex, PROMPT, les, tRMX, l-Ibrary Manager, Promware,lnslte, MeS, RMX, Intel, Megachassts, UP!, InteleVISlon, Mlcromap, /-,Scope and the combination of ICE, .sec, ISBX, MeS. or RMX and a numerical suffiX MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210853-002 © INTEL CORPORATION 1983 3-50 8089 lOP SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE so that any changes to that sequence need to be made in only one place in the program. Common code sequences that differ only slightly can also be referred to with a macro call, and the differences can be substituted with macro parameters. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The lOP Software Support Package contains: ASM89 -The 8089 Macro Assembler. LlNK86 - Resolves control transfer references between 8089 object modules, and data references in 8086, 8088, and 8089 modules. ASM89 provides symbolic debugging information in the object file. The RBF-89 debugger makes use of this information, so the programmer can symbolically debug 8089 programs. ASM89 also provides cycle counts for each instruction in the assembly listing file (see Table 1). These cycle counts help the programmer determine how long· a particular routine or code sequence will take to execute on the 8089. LOC86 -Assigns absolute memory addresses to 8089 object modules. OH86 -Converts absolute object modules to hexadecimal format. UPM - The Universal PROM Mapper, which supports PROM programming In all IAPX 86/11 and iAPX 88/11 applications. ASM89 provides relocatable object module compatibility with the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors. This object module compatibility, along with the 8086/8088 relocation and linkage utilities, facilitates the designing of iAPX 86/11 and iAPX 88/11 systems. ASM89 translates symbolic 8089 macro assembly language instructions into the appropriate machine codes. The ability to refer to both program and data addresses with symbolic n'ames makes it easier to develop and modify programs, and avoids the errors of hand translation. The powerful macro facility allows frequently used code sequences to be referred to by a single name, ASM89 fully supports the based addressing modes of the 8089. A structure facility allows the user to define a template that enables accessing of based data symbolically. SPECIFICATIONS Shipping Media Operating Environment -Single and Double Density Diskettes Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Model 800, Series II, Series III, Series IV) ORDERING INFORMATION Support Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Report (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, and Monthly Technical Newsletters are available. Part Number Description MDS*-312 8089 lOP Software Support Package Requires Software License Documentation Package 8089 Macro Assembler User's Guide (9800938) 8089 Macro Assembler Pocket Reference (9800936) MCS-86 Software Development Utilities Operating Instructions for ISIS-II Users (9800639) 'MDS is an ordering code only and IS not used as a product name or trademark MDS'" IS a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation Universal PROM Programmer .User's Manual (9800819) 3-51 AFN·OO8408C 8089 lOP SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE Table 1. Sample Program Listing i~rS-11 H83 ttR(,I(oJ .. 3)t:"8!.E~ 1005 IolS~Ett8L{ OF ItOflUL£ TASk oe'Ef '40DUlf PLACEiJ !'I rl r",s. OS) 1I4YOt "'~~E~81.fR OilHl.T CO[fE !I'4C "lie L rHE souitC£ ....... "" , ........... ~ ...... ~ .. '1· .......... •• .. •• ...... •• ...... •••• ...... • .. : e86~ BIIB iI !'Ill.!'!' TASK T >I Sf. £ grams can use built-in functions and predefined p rocedu res-I N I T$R E AL$ M ATH$ UNIT, SET$REAL$MODE. GET$REAL$ERROR, SAVE$REAL$STATUS, RESTORE$REAL$STATUS -to control the operation of the 80287 within the scope of the language. Language Compatibility PL/M 286 object modules are compatible with object modules generated by all other 286 translators. This means that PL/M programs may be linked to programs written in any other 286 language. Object modules are compatible with In-Circuit Emulators; DEBUG compiler control prol(ides the InCircuit Emulators with full symbolic debugging capabilities. Built-In String Handling Facilities PL/M 286 language is upward compatible with PLiM 86 and PL/M 80 so that application programs may be easily ported to run on the protected mode iAPX 286. The PL/M 286 language contains built-in functions for string manipulation. These byte and word functions perform the following operations on character strings: MOVE, COMPARE, TRANSLATE, SEARCH, SKIp, and SET. Supports Seven Data Types PL/M makes use of seven data types for various applications. -These data types range from one to four bytes and facilitate various arithmetic, logic, and addressing functions: Built-In Port I/O PL/M 286 directly supports input and output from the iAPX 286 ports for single BYTE and WORD transfers. For BLOCK transfers, PLiM 286 programs can make calls to predefined procedures. -Byte: 8-bit unsigned number -Word: 16-bit unsigned number -Dword: 32-bit unsigned number -Integer: 16-bit signed number -Real: 32-bit flo~ting-point number -Pointer: 16-bit or 32-bit memory address indicator -Selector: 16-bit pointer base. Interrupt Handling PL/M 286 has the facility for generating and handling interrupts on the iAPX 286. A procedure may be defined as an interrupt handler through use of the INTERRUPT attribute. The compiler will then generate code to save and restore the processor status on each execution of the user-defined Another powerful facility allows the use of BASED variables which permit run-time mapping of var- 3-61 AFN-OOM3B infel' PUM 286 SOFTWARE PACKAGE interrupt handler routine. The PLIM statement CAUSE$INTERRUPT allows the user to trigger a software interrupt from within the program. -"Strength reductions": a shift left ratheT than multiply by 2; and elimination of common subexpressions within the same block -Machine code optimizations; elimination of superfluous branches; reuse of duplicate code; removal of unreachable code -Optimization of based-variable operations and cross-statement loadl store. Protection Model PLIM 286 supports the implementation of protected operating system software by providing built-in procedures and variables to access the protection mechanism of the iAPX 286. Predefined variablesTASK$REGISTER, LOCAL$TABLE, MACHINE$ STATUS, etc.-allow direct access and modification of the protection system. Untyped procedures and functions-SAVE$GLOBAl$TABLE, RESTORE$ GLOBAL$TABLE, SAVE$INTERRUPT$TABLE, RESTORE$INTERRUPT$TABLE, ClEAR$TASK$ SWITCHED$FLAG, GET$ACCESS$RIGHTS, GET $SEGMENT$lIMIT, SEGMENT$READABLE, SEGMENT$WRITABLE, ADJUST$RPL-provide all the facilities needed to implement efficient operating system software. Error Checking The Pl/M 286 compiler has a very powerful feature to speed up compilations. If a syntax or program error is detected, the compiler will skip the code generation and optimization passes. This usually yields a 2X performarce increase for compilation of programs with errors. A fully detailed and helpful set of programming and compilation error messages is provided by the compiler and user's guide. .:1"'" BENEFITS Complier Controls PLIM 286 is designed to be an efficient, costeffective solution to the special requirements of protected mode iAPX 286 Microsystem Software Development, as illustrated by the following benefits of PLIM use: The PL/M 286 compiler offers controls that facilitate such features as: -Optimization -CQnditional compilation -The inclusion of additional PL/M source files from disk -Cross-reference of symbols -Optional assembly language code in the listing file - The setting of overflow conditions for run-time handling. Low Learning Effort PL/M 286 is easy to learn and use, even for the novice programmer. Earlier Project Completion Addressing Control Critical projects are completed much earlier than otherwise possible because PL/M 286, a structured high-level language, increases programmer productivity. The PL/M 286 compiler uses the SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM, and LARGE controls to generate optimum addressing instructions for programs. Programs of any size can be easily modularized into "subsystems" to exploit the most efficient memory addressing schemes. This lowers total memory requirements and improves run-time execution of programs. Lower Development Cost Increases in programmer productivity translate immediately into lower software development costs because less programming resources are required for a given programmed function. Code Optimization Increased Reliability The PL/M 286 compiler offers four levels of optimization for significantly reducing overall program size. PL/M 286 is designed to aid in the development of reliable software (PL/M 286 programs are simple statements of the program algorithm). This substantially reduces the risk of costly correction of errors in -Combination or "folding" of constant expressions; and short·circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions 3-62 AFN-00643B PL/M 286 SOFTWARE PACKAGE systems that have already reached full production status, as the more simply stated the program is, the more likely it is to perform its intended function. Cost-Effective Alternative to Assembly Language Programs written in PL/M tend to be saitdocumenting, thus easier to read and understand. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain PL/M programs as the system capabilities expand and future products are developed. PL/M 286 programs are code efficient. PLIM 286 combines all of the benefits of a high-level language (ease of use, high productivity) with the ability to access the iAPX 286 architecture, This includes language features for control of the iAPX 286 protection mechanism. Consequently, for the development of systems software, PLIM 286 is the cost-effective alternative to assembly language programming. SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment PL/M 286 User's Guide Easier Enhancements and Maintenance Intel Microcomputer Development System (Series III/Series IV) ORDERING INFORMATION SUPPORT: Part Number Description iMDX 323 PL/M 286 Software Package Hotline Telephone Support. Software Performance Report (SPR). Software Updates. Technical Reports. and Monthly Technical Newsletters are available. Requires Software License 3-63 AFN-CKMI438 inter VAX*/VMS* RESIDENT iAPX-86/88/186 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMEN.T PACKAGES • Execut~s on DEC VAX· MInicomputer under VMS· Operating System to translate PUM-86, Pascal-86 and ASM-86 Programs for iAPX-86, 88 and 186 Microprocessors. • Packages include Pascal-86; PUM-86; ASM-86; Link and Relocation Utilities; OH-86 Absolute Object Module to Hexadecimal Format Converter; and Libra.ry Manager Program. • Output linkable with Code Generated on Intellec® Development Systems. The VAX.NMS Resident Software Development Packages contain software development tools for the iAPX-86, 88, and 186 microprocessors. The package lets the user de~elop, compile, maintain libraries, and link and locate programs on ~ VAX. running the VMS operating system. The translator output is object module compatible with programs translated by the corresponding version of the translator on an Intellec Development System. Three packages are available: 1. An ASM-86 Assembler Package which includes the Assembler, the Link Utility, the Locate Utility, the absolute object to hexadecimal format conversion utility and the Library Manager Program. 2. A PLlM-86 Compiler Package which contains the PLlM-86 Compiler and Runtime Support Libraries. 3. A Pascal-86 Compiler Package which contains the Pascal-86 Compiler and Runtime Support Libraries. The VAXIVMS resident development packages and the Inteliec Development System development packages are built from the same technology base. Therefore, the VAXIVMS resident development packages and the Intellec Developmerrl System development packages are very similar. . Version numbers can be used to Identify features correspondence. The VAXNMS resident development packages will have the same features as the Intellec Development System product with the same version . number. Support for the iAPX-186 processor will be provided as an update to the iAPX-86, 88 software. The object modules produced by the translators contain symbol and type information for programming debugging using ICET• translators and/or the PSCOPE debugger. For final production version, the compiler can remove this extra information and code. ·VAX, DEC, and VMS are trademarks of DIgital EqUipment Corporation @INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 ORDER 3-64 MAY 1983 NUMBER:21~ VAX*IVMS* RESIDENT VAX*-PL/M-86/88/186 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Executes on VAX*Minicomputer Under the VMS* Operating System iii Supports 16~Bit Signed Integer and 32-Bit Floating Point Arithmetic in Accordance with IEEE Proposed Standard • Code Optimization Assures Efficient Code Generation and Minimum Application Memory Utilization • Bunt-In Syntax Checker Doubles Performance for Compiling Programs Containing Errors • Easy-To-Learn Block-Structured Language Encourages Program Modularity • Source Input/Object Output Compatible with PL/M-86 Hosted on an Intellec® Development System • Produces Relocatable Object Code Which is Linkable to All Other Intel 8086 Object Modules, Generated on Either a VAX* or Intellec® Development Systems • ICE™, PSCOPE Symbolic Debugging Fully Supported Like its counterpart for MCS®-80/85 program development, and Intellec® hosted IAPX-86 program development, VAX-PL/M-86 is an advanced, structured high-level programming language. The VAX-PLlM-86 compiler was created specifically for performing software development for the Intel iAPX-86, 88, and 186 Microprocessors. PL/M is a powerful, structured, high-level system implementation language In which program statements can naturally express the program algorithm. This frees the programmer to concentrate on the logic of the program without concern for burdensome details of machine or assembly language programming (such as register allocation, meanings of assembler mnemonics, etc.). The VAX-PLlM-86 compiler efficiently converts free-form PLiM language statements into equivalent iAPX-86/88/186 machine instructions. Substantially fewer PLiM statements are necessary for a given application than if it were programmed at the assembly language or machine code level. The use Qf PLiM high-level language for system programming, instead of assembly language, results in a high degree of engineering productivity during project development. This translates into significant reductions in initial software development and follow-on maintenance costs for the user. 'VAX, DEC. and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation 3-65 AFN·OO680C VAX·NMS· RESIDENT VAX*-PASCAL-86/88 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • Executes on VAX· Minicomputer Under the VMS· Operating System • Strict Implementation of ISO Standard Pascal • Produces Relocatable Object Code Which Is Linkable to All Other Intel 8086 Object Modules, Generated on Either a VAX· or Intellec® Development Systems • Useful Extensions Essential for Microcomputer Applications • Separate Compilation with TypeChecking Enforced Between Pascal Modules • ICE™, PSCOPE Symbolic Debugging Fully Supported • Compiler Option to Support Full RunTime Range-Checking • Implements REALMATH for Consistent and Reliable Results • Source Input/Object Output Compatible with Pascal-86 Hosted on a Intellec Development System • Supports iAPX-86/20, 88/20 Numeric Data Processors VAX-PASCAL-86 conforms to and implements the ISO Pascal standard. The language is enhanced to support microcomputer applications with special features, such as separate compilation, interrupt handling and direct port I/O. Other extensions include additional data types not required by the standard and miscellaneous enhancements such as an allowed underscore in names, an OTHERWISE clause in CASE construction and so forth. To assist the development of portable software, the compiler can be directed to flag all non-standard features. The VAX-PASCAL-86 compiler runs on the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX under the VMS Operating System A well-defined I/O interface is provided for run-time support. This allows a userwritten operating system to support application programs on the target system as an alternate to the development system environment. Program modules compiled under PASCAL-86 are compatilble and linkable with modules written in PUM-86, and ASM-86. With a.complete family of compatible programming languages for the iAPX-86, 88, and 186 one can implement each module in the language most appropriate to the task at hand. 'VAX, DEC, and VMS are trademarks of Dlgllal Equipment Corporation 3-66 AFN-0068OC VAX*/vMS* RESIDENT VAX*-iAPX-86/88/186 MACRO ASSEMBLER • Executes on VAX· Minicomputer Under The VMS· Operating System • "Strongly Typed" Assembler Helps Detect Errors at Assembly Time • Produces Relocatable Object Code Which Is Linkable to All Other Intel iAPX-86/88/186 Object Modules, Generated on Either a VAX· or Intellec® Development Systems • High-Level Data Structuring Facilities Such as "STRUCTURES" and "RECORDS" • Over 120 Detailed and Fully Documented Error Messages • Powerful and Flexible Text Macro Facility with Three Macro Listing Options to Aid Debugging • Produces Relocatable and Linkable Object Code • Source Input/Object Output Compatible with ASM-86 hosted on an Intellec Development System • Highly Mnemonic and Compact Language, Most Mnemonics Represent Several Distinct Machine Instructions VAX-ASM-86 is the "high-level" macro assembler for the iAPX-86/88/186 assembly language. VAX-ASM-86 translates symbolic iAPX-86/88/186 assembly language mnemonics into iAPX-86/88/186 relocatable object code. VAX-ASM-86 should be used where maximum code efficiency and hardware control is needed. The iAPX-86/88/186 assembly language includes approximately 100 instruction mnemonics. From these few mnemonics the assembler can generate over 3,800 distinct machine instructions. Therefore, the software development task is simplified, as the programmer need know only 100 mnemonics to generate all possible iAPX-86/88/186 machine instructions. VAX-ASM-86 will generate the shortest machine instruction possible given no forward referencing or given explicit information as to the characteristics of forward referenced symbols. VAX-ASM-86 offers many features normally found only in high-level languages. The iAPX-86/88/186 assembly language is strongly typed. The assembler performs extensive checks on the usage of variable and labels. The assembler uses the attributes which are derived explicity when a variable or label is first defined, then makes sure that each use of the symbol in later instructions conforms to the usage defined for that symbol. This means that many programming errors will be detected when the program is assembled, long before it is being debugged on hardware. ·VAX, DEC. and VMS are trademarks of Ol91tal Equipment Corporatlon 3-67 AFN-0068OC VAX*IVMS*RESIDENT VAX*-LIB-86 • Executes on VAX* Minicomputer Under the VMS* Operating System • Libraries Can be Used as Input to VAX*-LINK-86.Which Will Automatically Link Modules from the Library that Satisfy External References in the Modules Being Linked • VAX*-LIB-86 is a Library Manager Program which Allows You to: Create Specifically Formatted Files to Contain Libraries of Object Modules Maintain These Libraries by Adding or . Deleting Modules Print a Listing of the Modules and Public Symbols in a Library File • Abbreviated Control Syntax Libraries aid in the job of building programs. The library manager program VAX-LlB-86 creates and maintains files containing object modules. The operation of VAX-UB-86 is control/ed by commands to indicate which operation VAX-LlB-86 is to perform. The commands are: CREATE: ADD: DELETE: LIST: EXIT: creates an empty library file adds object modules to a library file deletes modules from a library file lists the module directory of library files terminates the LlB-86 program and returns control to VMS When using object libraries, the linker will call only those object modules that are required to satisfy external references, thus saving memory space. VAX-OH-86 • Facilitates Preparing a file for Loading by $ymbolic Hexadecimal Loader (e.g. iSBC™ Monitor SDK-86 Loader), or Universal PROM Mapper • Executes on VAX* Minicomputer Under the VMS* Operating System • Converts an iAPX 86/88/186 Absolute Object Module to Symbolic Hexadecimal Format • Converts an Absolute Module to a More Readable Format that can be Displayed on a CRT or Printed for Debugging The VAX-OH-86 utility converts an 86/88 absolute object module to the hexadecimal format. This conversion may be necessary for later loading by a hexadecimal loader such as the iSBC 86/1·2 monitor or the Universal PROM Mapper. The conversion may also be made to put the module in a more readable format that can be displayed or printed. The module to be converted must be in absolute form; the output from VAX-LOC-86 is in absolute format. 'VAX, VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 3-68 AFN·OO68QC intJ VAX*IVMS*RESIDENT VAX*-LINK-86 • Automatic Generation of a Summary Map Giving Results of the LINK-86 Process • Executes on VAX* Minicomputer Under the VMS* Operating System • Automatic Combination of Separately Compiled or Assembled 86/88/186 Programs Into a Relocatable Module, Generated on Either a VAX or an Intellec® Development System • Abbreviated Control Syntax • Relocatable modules may be Merged into a Single Module Suitable for Inclusion in a Library • Automatic Selection of Required Modules from Specified Libraries to Satisfy Symbolic References • Supports "Incremental" Linking • Supports Type Checking of Public and External Symbols • Extensive Debug Symbol Manipulation, allowing Line Numbers, Local Symbols,. and Public Symbols to be Purged and Listed Selectively VAX-lINK-86 combines object modules specified in the VAX-lINK-86 input list into a single output module. VAX-lINK-86 combines segments from the input modules according to the order in which the modules are listed. ' VAX-lINK-86 will accept libraries and object modules built from VAX-PLlM-86, VAX-PASCAL-86, VAX-ASM86, or any other Intel translator generating 8086 Relocatable Object Modules, such as the Series III resident translators. Support for incremental linking is provided since an output module produced by VAX-lINK-86 can be an input to another link. At each stage in the incremental linking process, unneeded public symbols may be purged. VAX-lINK-86 supports type checking of PUBLIC and EXTERNAL symbols reporting a warning if their types are not consistent. VAX-lINK-86 will link any valid set of input modules without any controls. However, controls are available to control the output of diagnostic information in the VAX-lINK-86 process and to control the content of the output module. VAX-lINK-86 allows the user to create a large program as the combination of several smaller, separately compiled modules. After development and debugging of these component modules the user can link them together, locate them using VAX-LOC-86 and enter final testing with much of the work accomplished. ·VAX, DEC, and VMS are trademarks of Digital EqUipment Corporation 3-69 AFN·OO8IOC VAX*/VMS*RESIDENT VAX*-LOC-86 • Executes on the VAX* Minicomputer Under the VMS* Operating. System • Abbreviated Control Syntax • Automatic and Independent Relocation of Independent Relocation of Segments. Segments May be Relocated to Best Match Users Memory Configuration • Automatic Generation of a Summary Map Giving Starting Address, Segment Addresses and Length, and Debug Symbols and their Addresses • Extensive Debug Symbol Manipulation, Allowing Line Numbers, Local Symbols, and Public Symbols to be Purged and Listed Selectively • Extensive Capability to Manipulate the Order and Placement of Segments in 8086/80$8 Memory ReJocatability allows the programmer to code programs or sections of programs without having to know the final arrangement of the object code in memory. VAX-LOC-B6 converts relative addresses in an input module in iAPX-B6/BB/1B6 object module format to absolute addresses. VAX-LOC-B6 orders the segments in the input module and assigns absolute addresses to the segments. The sequence in which the segments in the input module are assigned absolute addresses is determined by their order in the input module and the controls supplied with the command. VAX-LOC-B6 will relocate any valid input module without any controls. However, controls are available to control the output of diagnostic information in the VAX-LOC-B6 process, to control the content of the output module, or both. The program you are developing will almost certainly use some mix of random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), and/or programmable read-only memory (PROM). Therefore, the location of your program affects both cost and performance in your application. The relocation feature allows you to develop your program and then simply relocate the object code to suit your application. SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment iAPX-B6, BB Development Software Installation Manual and User's Guide for VAXNMS, Order number 121950-001 Required Hardware VAX' 11/7BO, 11/7B2, 11/750, or 11/730 9 Track Magnetic Tape Drive, 1600 BPI Shipping Media 9 Track Magnetic Tape 1600 bpi Required Software ORDERING INFORMATION -VMS Operating System V3.0 or Later. All of the development packages are delivered as unlinked VAX object code which can be linked to VMS as designed for the system where the development package is to be us",d. VMS command files to perform the link are provided. Part Number Description iMDX-341VX VAX-ASM-86, VAX-LiNK-B6, VAXLOC-B6, VAX-LlB-B6, VAX-OH-86, Package iMDX-343VX VAX-PLM-B6 Package IMDX-344VX VAX-PASCAL-B6 Package REQUIRES SOFTWARE LICENSE 'VAX, DEC, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation 3-70 AFN-0068OC iSDM™ 86 SYSTEM DEBUG MONITOR • Supports application access to ISIS-II files • Supports target system debugging 10r iSBC® liAPX 86,88,186 and 188-based applications • Provides interactive debugging commands including single-step code execution and symbolic displays of results • Supports 8087 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) for high-speed math applications • Allows building of custom commands through the Command Extension Interface (CEI) • Provides program load capability from an Intellec® Development System • Contains configuration facilities which allow an applications bootstrap from iRMX™ 86 and 88 file compatible peripherals • Modular to allow use from an Intellec Development System or from a stlJndalone terminal The Intel iSDMTM 86 System Debug Monitor package contains the necessary hardware, software, cables, EPROMs and documentation required to interface, through a serial or parallel connection, an iSBC® 86/05, 86/12A, 86/14, 86/30,88/25,88/40,88/45,186/03,186/51,188/48, or iAPX 86, 88,186 or 188 target system to an MDS 800, Series II or Series IIIlntellec® Microcomputer Development System for execution and interactive debugging of applications software on the target system. The Monitor can: load programs into the target system; execute the programs instruction by instruction or at full speed; set breakpoints; and examinelmodify CPU registers, memory content, and other crucial environmental details. Additional custom commands can be built using the Command Extension Interface (CEI). The Monitor supports the OEM's choice of the iRMXTM 86 Operating System, the iRMX 88 Real-Time MUltitasking Executive or a custom system for the target application system. OEM's may utilize any iRMX 86,88 supported target system peripheral for a bootstrap of the application system or have full access to the ISI8-11 files of the Intellec System. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel products" Intel, ICE, IMMX, lRMX, iSBe, Isex, ISXM, MUl TI8US, Multichannel and MULTIMODULE Intel Corporation assumes no responsIbility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied In an Intel product. No other Circuit patent He.nses are Implied Information contained heretn supercedes previously published specifICations on these deVices from Intel © INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 3-71 October. 1983 Order Number: 230812-001 inter iSDM™ 86 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION features included are: bootstrap of application software; selective execution of program modules based on breakpoints or single stepping requests; examination, modification and movement of memory contents; examination and modification of CPU registers, including NPX registers. All results are displayed in clearly understandable formats. Refer to Table 1 for a more detailed list of the iSDM 86 monitor commands. Overview The iSDM 86 Monitor extends the software development capabilities of the Intellee system so the user can effectively develop applications to ensure timely product availability. The iSDM 86 package consists of ,four parts: Numeric Data Processor Support • The loader program Arithmetic applications utilizing the 8087 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) are fully supported by the iSDM 86 Monitor. In addition to executing applications with the full NPX performance, users may examine and modify the NPX's registers using decimal and real number format. • . The iSDM 86 Monitor • The Command Extension Interface (CEI) • The ISIS-II Interface The user can use the ISDM 86 package to load programs into the target system from the development system, execute programs in an instruction-by-instruction manner, and add custom commands through the command extension interface. The user also has the option of using just the iSDM 86 Monitor and the CEI in a stand-alone application, without the use of an Intellec development system. This feature allows the user to feel confident that correct and meaningful numbers are entered for the application without having to encode and decode complex real, integer, and BCD hexadecimal formats. Command Extension Interface (CEI) The Command Extension Interface (CEI) allows the addition of custom commands to the i8DM 86 Monitor commands. The CEI consists of various procedures that can be used to generate custom commands. Up to three custom commands (or sets of commands) can be added. Powerful Debugging"Commands The iSDM 86 Monitor contains a powerful set of como. mands to support the debugging process. Some of the Table 1. Monitor Commands Command B Function Bootstrap application program from target systems peripheral device C Compare two memory blocks D Display contents of memory block E' Exit from loader program to ISIS-II Interface F G Find speCified constant in a memory block I Execute application program Input and display data obtained from input port L' Load absolute Intellec® object'file into target system memory M Move contents of memory block to another location N Display and exec::ute single instruction 0 Output data to output port P Print values of literals R' Load and execute absolute Intellec® object file in target system memory S Display and (optionally) modify contents of memory T' Transfer block of memory'to anlntellec® file U,V,W X User defined custom commands extensions Examine and (optionally) modify CPU and NPX registers • Commands require an attached Series II/Series III. 3-72 inter iSDM™ 86 of the target system. Pre-configured EPROM-resident monitors are supplied by Intel for the iSBC 86105, 86/12A, 86/14,86/30,88/45,186/03,186/51, and 188/48 boards. The monitor must be configured by the user for the iSBC 88/25, 88/40 boards and for other iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 applications. iRMX 86 and iRMX 88 system users may use the configuration facilities to include the iAPX 86, 88 Bootstrap Loader (V5.0 or newer) in the monitor. to the monitor without programming new EPROMs or changing the monitor's source code. iSiS-ii Interface The ISIS-II interface consists of libraries which contain interlaces to ISIS-II 1/0 calls. A program running on an iAPX 86, 88, 186 or 188-based system can use the ISIS-II interlace and access the individual ISIS-II 110 calls. The interlace allows the inclusion of these calls into the program; however, most of the calls require a Series III Series III system. Table 2 contains a summary of the major 1/0 calls and parameters. Variety of Connections Available The physical interface between the Intellec Microcomputer Development System and the target system can' be established in one of three ways. The systems can be connected via a serial link, a parallel link or a fast paraliellink. The fast parallel link requires the use of an iSBC 108(A), 116(A), 517 or 5191/0 expansion board in the Inteliec system and is only available for connections with the Series IIISeries III systems. The cabling arrangement is different depending upon the development system being used. Figure 1 displays the cable connections needed between an Inteliec Series III system and a target system for a serial interlace. Program Load Capability The iSDM 86 loader allows the loading of iAPX 86, 88, 186 or 188-based programs into the target system. It executes on a Intellec Microcomputer Development System and communicates with the target system through a serial or a parallel load interlace. If a Series IIISeries III system containing an Intel 1/0 expansion board is being used, the board can be used as a fast parallel load interface, freeing up the UPP port for application use. The iSDM 86 Monitor does not require the use of a development system. The monitor can be used by simply attaching a stand-alone terminal to the target system. Figure 1 also displays the cable connections needed for· this arrangement. Configuration Facility The monitor contains a full set of configuration facilities which allow it to be carefully tailored to the requirements Table 2. Routines for ISIS·II Services Available to Target System Applications Target System Function Routine ATTRIB Changes to ISIS-II file attribute CI Returns a character input from the console CO Transfers a character for console output CLOSE Clo~es DELETE Deletes the specified ISIS-II file DQ$CFG Returns information about monitor's communication link and type an opened ISIS-II file ERROR Displays an error message on the Intellec@ console EXIT Exits to the target system monitor LOAD Loads target system memory with ISIS-II object code file OPEN Opens an ISIS-II file for access READ Reads up to 4096 bytes from an ISIS-II file to memory RENAME Renames an ISIS-II disk file SEEK Seeks to the specified ISIS-II file location WRITE Writes up to 4096 bytes from memory to an ISIS-II file 3-73 iSDMTM 86 SERIAL 110 PORT A fo /' I APPROPRIATE ISBC· BOARD OEM RS232C CABLE INTELLEC® SERIES '" DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM Figure 1. Typical iSDM ™ 86 Serial Connection Environment SPECIFICATIONS • For Serial link: - 8251A USART or 8274 Multiprotocol Serial Controller, and 8253/4 or 80130 or iAPX 186/188 timer, or Development System Environment The Intellec Microcomputer Development System may be utilized for application program development and, if used, requires the following to support the iSDM 86 package: - 82530 Serial Communications Controller, including 82530 timer Hardware • 48 Kbytes memory • Supported iSBC Microcomputers: • Double density or single density diskette subsystem iSBC 86/05 Single Board Computer • ISIS-II Operating System and associated language translators iSBC86/12A iSBC 86/14 Single Board Computer iSBC 86/30 Single Board Computer iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 TARGET SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT To support the iSDM 86 package, the target system must contain the following: • 2K read-write memory beginning at location OH • 16K read-only memory beginning at location FCOOOH Single Board Computer iSBC 88/25 Single Board Computer iSBC 88/40 iSBC 88/45 Single Board Computer iSBC 186/03 Single Board Computer iSBC 186/51 Single Board Computer iSBC 188/48 Single Board Computer Single Board Computer • Supported iSBX MULTIMODULETM Boards: iSBX 350 Parallel I/O MULTIMODULE Board • For Parallel link: - 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface iSBX 351 Serial I/O MULTIMODULE Board 3-74 inter iSDMTM 86 System Monitor EPROMs: iSDM™ 86 Package Contents Cables: Microcomputer 1- Parallel I/O Cable (upload/download) iSBC®86/05 2- RS232 Cables iSBC® 86/12A Adaptors: iSBC® 86/14 1- Parallel Status Adaptor iSBC® 86/30 1- Parallel Adaptor iSBC® 88/45 I/O Drivers and Terminators: iSBC® 186/03 4- Pull-up Resistor Packs iSBC® 186/51 4- Pull-up/down Resistor Packs iSBC® 188/48 4- Line Driver Packs Single Density, ISIS Compatible 1- Double Density, ISIS Compatible Description iSDM 86 Intellec to target system interface and target system monitor, suitable for use on iSBC 86, 88, 186, 188 computers, or other iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 microcomputers. Package includes cables, EPROMs, software and operator manual. The iSDM 86 package includes SPR Service for, 90 days after shipment. As with all Intel Software, purchase of any of these options requires execution of a standard Intel Master Software License. iSDM 86 RO Object Software iSDM 86 BSR Machine Readable Source Two 2764 EPROMs Two 2764 EPROMs Two 2764 EPROMs 146165-001 - iSDM 86 System Debug Monitor Reference Manual ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Four 2732A EPROMs Reference Manual (Supplied): Interface and Execution Software Diskettes: 1- EPROM 3-75 iSDM™ 286 iAPX 286 SYSTEM DEBUG MONITOR , • Development support of iSBC® 286·and iAPX 286·based applications • Supports 80287 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) for high-speed math applications • Real Address Mode (RAM) and Protected Virtual Address Mode (PVAM) support • Universal Development Interface (UDI) support via development system connection • Underlying debugging tool for iRMX™ 286R applications • Program load capability from Intellec® Series III Development Systems • Bootstrap Loader for iRMX™ 286R, 86, and 88 file compatible peripherals • iAPX 286 single step operation allowed The Intel iSDMTM 286 System Debug Monitor package contains the necessary hardware, software, cables, EPROMs, and documentation required to interface in iSBC® 286 board or iAPX 286 component applications to an Intell'ec® Series III through a high-speed link. The System Debug Monitor supports an OEM's choice of .the iRMXTM 286R Real-Time Multitasking Operating System or custom operating system, with debugging tools to examine CPU registers, memory content, CPU descriptor tables, and other crucial environmental details. The Monitor also allows programs to access files on the development system via the internal UDI support and the serial communication link . .. 3-76 iSDM™ 286 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Single-step CPU operation Overview Change between Real Address Mode and Protected Virtual Address Mode The iSOM 286 System Oebug Monitor provides programmers of iAPX 286-based applications with the debugging tools needed to test new applications ranging from single-user systems to complex operating systems. Programmers are given direct access to both the Real Address (ram) and Protected Virtual Address (pvam) Modes of the CPU via a simple terminal interface, or via an Intellec Series'" Oevelopment System. data structures Into clearly understandable displays. ThiS display gives programmers a formatted view of CPU registers such as LOTs, GOTs, lOTs, Segment Selectors, and Task State Segments - not Just a senes of unconnected digits. Universal Development Interface Numeric Data Processor Support Any iRMX 86, Series III, or other UOI-based application can be supported by the iSOM 286 Monitor. The Monitor emulates many of the UOI calls (ram or pvam), and passes all requests for a file system to the host development station. UOI applications such as compilers and other programs available from Independent Software Vendors can be tested in the target iAPX 286 environment Immediately. In addition to executing 80287 Numenc Processor Extension (NPX) applications with full NPX performance, programmers may examine and modify NPX registers using decimal and real number format. Any locallon In memory known to contain numenc values in standard real format (IEEE P754) may be examined or modified using normal decimal notation. In thiS manner programmers may feel confident that correct and meaningful numbers are available to applications without having to encode and decode complex real, integer, and BCO hexadecimal formats. Formatted Displays The 150M 285 MonItor formats all iAPX 286 pre·defined Powerful. Debugging Commands A powerful set of user functions includes commands to: Examine and Modify CPU Registers High-Speed Serial Connection Examine, Modify, and Move memory locations Target application hardware is connected to the development system via a serial link cap~ble of 19.2K baud. • All control operations and UOI file manipulations occur over this link through the cables supplied. As shown in Figure 1, the serial link is supported by the iSBC 86 USART port of the ~evelopment system. Symbolic reference to variable names Find and compare memory contents Set program breakpoints Bootstrap load application software SERIAL I/O PORT ,sec 286/10 Figure 1. Typical i5DM Til 286 Environment AFN-01B04A 3-77 iSDM™ 286 SPECIFICATIONS Development System Environment Intellec MOS Series III with 64 KBytes. Target System Environment Any iAPX 286 system with 8274 (non-vectored mode) serial link and 8254 timer, such as the iSBC 286110 Single Board Computer. The 8259A interrupt controller is optional. EPROMs are supplied for locations OFF8000H through OFFFFFFH. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description SDM 286 iSBC 286 and iAPX 286 System Debug Monitor package including cables, EPROMs, software, and operator manual. Also available with the iSBC 286/10 ES Kit or with the iRMX 286R Kit. A Software License Agreement must be or have been executed. SDM 286 BSR Machine Readable source for SOM 286. Special source code license agreement is required in addition to Soft\ ware License Agreement. AFN·1804A 3-78 intJ iRMX™ LANGUAGES • Industry-standard languages and utilities for developing applications on iRMX-based systems. Includes FORTRAN, Pascal, C, BASIC, PL/M, assembler, text editor • Complete set of utilities to create and manage object modules • Mix languages on single application system with VDI standard • Intel 8087 math coprocessor support • Worldwide post-sales service and support organization ;~~~~~~~ trademark of Bel! Laboratones 3-79 Because the high-level languages are actually resident on the iRMX-based system, OEMs can pass application software directly on to end users. End users may then tailor the OEM's system to better meet application needs by writing programs uSing the same languages. Language-Independent Application Development Intel's Universal Run-time Interface (URI) and Object Module Format (OMF) enable several users to write different modules of an application, in different languages, then link them together. Full Language Support for iRMXTM -Based Systems Intel's iRMX™ 86 and 286R-based systems are completely supported by a wide variety of popular languages and utilities with which to build fast, real-time, multi-tasking applications. Included are the latest versions of FORTRAN, Pascal, BASIC, C, PUM and Assembler for Intel's iAPX 86 and iAPX 286 processors. Previously developed applications using any of these languages port easily to iRMX-based systems with minimal source code modifications. In addition to the wealth of languages available, iRMX-based systems are complemented by utilities with which to create and manage object modules. This latitude in configurability allows programmers to team their efforts in order to achieve a shorter development time than would otherwise be possible. The OMF provides users with the ability to mix languages on a single application system, affording the luxury of choosing exactly the right language tools for specific pieces of the application, rather than compromising specialized tasks for the sake of one, project-wide language. iRMX languages are fully compatible with the Intel Series III Development System, should the ilser choose to develop applications on a specialized development system. Applications are easily moved to the final target system for test, debug and· minor redevelopment. Fast, Lean Programs For Rapid Processing The iRMX language products enable programmers to write the smallest, fastest programs available in high-level languages, due to the compiler's superior ability to optimize code. It is also possible to make iRMX operating system calls directly from FORTRAN, PASCAL and PUM. This means that application developers can take full advantage of the iRMX multiiasking capability, whereby multiple applications execute concurrently on the operating system. Multi-tasking, a requirement of most real-time systems, is sometimes as necessary in application software development as in an operating system environment. 3-80 Standardized REALMATH Support All the iRMX languages (except BASIC and C) support the REALMATH floating point standard. This ensures universal consistency in numeric computation results and enables the user to take advantage of the Intel iAPX 86/20 and iAPX 88/20 Numeric Data Processor or iSBC® 337 MULTIMODULpM boards, which boost performance two to four times over that possible on a minicomputer. All the Utilities Needed to Link Languages Utilities for iRMX operating systems include Intel's own EDIT, LINK, LOCATE and LIBRARIAN. The iRMX EDIT program meets the needs of both novice and sophisticated users with powerful lineoriented editing facilities. Using the iRMX LINK program, users may link individually compiled object modules to form a single; relocatable object module. This provides the ability to merge work from several programmers into one cohesive application system. The iRMX LOCATE utility maps relocatable object code into the processor memory segments, allowing user definition of module/memory type allocation. For example, often-used portions of an application may be mapped to (P)ROM. The LIBRARIAN object code library manager affords easy creation, collection and maintenance of related object code to reduce the overhead of separately maintained modules. I I TARGET Finally, the iRMX Assembler for the iAPX 86 and iAPX 286 processors generate extremely efficient code and invoke 8086/8087 machme instructions, iRMXTM 86 Pascal iRMX Pascal meets the proposed ISO language standard and implements several mIcrocomputer extensions. A compile-time option checks conformance to the standard, making it easy to write uniform code. Industry-standard specifications contribute to portability of application programs and provide greater reliability. . iRMX 86 Pascal supports extensions, such as an interrupt-handler and direct port I/O extension, that allow programs to be written specifically for microcomputers. Separate module compilation allows linkage of Pascal modules with modules written in other high-level languages. For more information on iRMX 86 Pascal see the Pascal 86 Software Package data sheet (Intel order number 400670). iRMXTM 86 FORTRAN The iRMX 86 FORTRAN compiler provides total compatibility with FORTRAN 3-81 66 language standards, plus most new features provided by the FORTRAN 77 language standard (the only significant exception is complex numbers). iRMX 86 FORTRAN includes extensions specifically for microcomputer application development. Programming is simplified by relocatable object libraries, which provide run-time support for execution time activities. . iRMX 86 FORTRAN supports the 8087 math coprocessor for the most powerful microcomputer solution available in number-intensive applications. For more information on iRMX 86 FORTRAN see tbe FORTRAN 86 Software Package data sheet (Intel order number 400630). iRMX™ 86 PL/M PLiM offers full access to micro com• puter architecture while simultaneously offering all tbe benefits of a high-level language. Invented by Intel in 1976, PLiM 80 was the first microcomputerspecific; block-structured, high-level language available. Since then, tbousands of users have generated code for millions of microcomputerbased systems using PLiM 80 and PLiM 86. Software written for 8-bit processors (PLIM 80) are easily ported to the more powerful 16-bit (PLIM 86) environment. The same portability will be available future VLSI. For more information about iRMX 86 PLiM see tbe PLiM 86/88 Software Package data sheet (Intel order number 210689). segmentation models, enabling applications to be written efficiently. The iRMX 86 C compiler combines assembly language efficiency witb high-level language convenience; it can manipulate on a machine-address level while maintaining tbe power and speed of a structured language. The iRMX 86 C compiler affords easy portability of existing C programs to iRMX-based systems. For more information on tbe iRMX C compiler see tbe iRMx 86 C Software Package data sheet (Intel order number 210768). iRMXTM 86 Text Editor The iRMX 86 Text Editor is screenoriented, menu-driven and easy to learn. Guided by tbe menu of commands always before him, tbe user can edit text and programs easily and efficiently. iRMX 86 Text Editor allows tbe simultaneous edit of two files. This allows easy trans(erral of text between files and use of existing material in tbe creation of new files. Creating macros, strings of freqnently-used commands, is also very simple. The editor' 'remembers" tbe selected commands and allows the user to re-use them repeatedly. iRMX™ 86 BASIC Intel's offering of Microsoft BASIC is a standardized version of tbe most popular high-level language in the world. Existing BASIC programs are easily ported to iRMX-based systems. BASIC is an excellent pass-through language by which an OEM can offer customers the ability to wri te and modify their own applications. iRMX™ 86 C Compiler l' The popular new programming language, C (Mark William's Company version), is fully supported on iRMX-based systems. iRMX 86 C offers both small and large Intel Has Total Solutions for Real-Time Systems iRMX 86 and 286R are the fastest, most powerful operating systems available for multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time applications. Complemented by a wide range of industry-standard languages and utilities, 'the iRMX-based systems are highly flexible and configurable . Application development for iRMXbased systems is possible at tbe board or tbe system level. OEMs can integrate functionality at the most profitable level of product design, using one system for both development and target use. Intel's choice of industry standard high-level languages enables the end user to extend OEM-provided functionality even further, if desired. Who is better qualified to write and supply software for Intel VLSI tban Intel? Today you have the ability to tap into hundreds of available application software packages, languages and utilities, peripherals and controllers and MULTIBUS® boards. Tomorrow, and ten years down the road, you will be able to tap into tbe latest, high-performance VLSI - without losing today's software i~vesttnent. Worldwide Service and Support All iRMX systems are completely supported by Intel's worldwide staff of trained hardware and software engineers. iRMX Language customers receive a warranty that includes Hotline Support, Software Updates, and Subscription Service. Complete documentation is provided for all operating system and application software languages, as well as for system hardware components. An Intel system is not a collection of hardware and software pieces as much as a cohesive whole that is supported and serviced as such. ,-•- ~~iRMXLANGUAGES@---3-82 Specifications Required Hardware Required Software • Any iAPX 861286 based or iSBC 861 286 based system including Intel's System 86/300 and 286/300 family. In addition, object code from the compilers will run on iAPX 88 based systems. The lKMX 86 Operanng Syslem Rdea,e 5 or later including the nucleus, basic I/O system, extended I/O system and human interface • I40KB of memory The iRMX 286 Operating System Release 2 or later including the nucleus, basic I/O system, extended I/O system and human interface • Two iRMX 86 compatible floppy disks or one hard disk • One 8" double density or 5.25" doubledensity floppy disk drive for distribution of software • System console device -Of- Purchase of any RMX language requires signing of Intel's OEM License Agreement (OLA). Ordering Information Language Order Code Product Contents Warranty ASM86, Utilities RMX860 Two 8" disk and two 5.25" diskettes Edit Reference Manual-143587 iAPX 86/88 FamIly Utilities User's Guide-121616 Macro Assembler Operating Instructions -121628 ASM 86 Language Reference Manual121703 8087 Support Library Reference Manual -121725 90 days: Pascal RMX861 Two8" diskettes and two 5.25" diskettes Pascal 86 User's Guide-121539 90 days: Software Updates, Subscription Service, Hotline Support FORTRAN RMX862 Two 8" diskettes and two 5.25" diskettes FORTRAN 86 User's Guide-121570 90 days: One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette PLiM 86 User's Guide-121636 90 days: PLiM RMX863 Software Updates, Subscription Service, Hotline Support Software Updates, Subscription Service, HotlIne Support Software Updates, Subscription Service, Hotline Support TX Editor RMX864 One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette TX Screen Echter User's Guide-14541O 90 days: Software Updates, SubscnptlOn Service BASIC RMX865 One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette BASIC Reference Manual-121806 BASIC 86 User's Guide-121986 One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette 90 days: Software Updates, Subscription Service One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie (Prentice Hall) C 86 Compiler User's Guide-122085 90 days: C RMX866 3-83 • Software Updates, Subscription Service, Hotline Support intJ iRMX™ • High performance, real-time, multitasking operating system for Intel's 861300 and 2861300 microcomputer systems. OPERATING SYSTEMS • Highly configurable, modular structure for easy system expansion. • Wealth of desigu facilities and industrystandard languages to support fast, easy development. • Application software portable to next generation of Intel VLSI • • Supported by Intel's post-sales software support organization. © INTEL CORPORATION, SEPTEMBER 1983 3-84 ORDER NUMBER' 230751-001 with tasks running on other boards, even if they operate under different Intel oper ating systems or microprocessors. The Total Solution for the Real-Time Application OEM Intel's iRMXTII 86 and iRMX 286R Operating Systems are real-time, multitasking, multiuser, multiprogramming operating systems designed to support high performance, time-critical applications such as factory automation, industrial control and communications networks. The iRMX operating systems serve as optimized event-driven executives for managing and extending the resources of Intel's 861300 and 286/300 systems in real-time applications where high speed and low interrupt latency are required. Added performance for demanding numeric-intensive tasks comes from support of Intel's floating point math coprocessors. Comprised of modular layers, Intel's iRMX operating systems are highly configurable, allowing the OEM to easily customize the system to meet the needs of target applications. In addition to application customization, the iRMX operating systems provide OEMs with complete development capabilities. They have systems debuggers, crash analyzers, screen editors, utilities, and an Interactive Configuration Utility (ICU)everything the development engineer needs to design and configure efficiently. possible the utilization of the highperformance capabilities of Intel's iAPX 286 microprocessor for those demanding high-speed applications. Further accelerating processing power in number-crunching and floating point math applications is iRMX operating system's support of Intel's math coprocessors . Modular Software for Versatile, Easy Configuration The iRMX operating systems shipped with Intel's 86/300 and 286/300 hardware systems are preconfigured at the factory to support a standard board set; however, the OEM can additionally configure or Our 8087 numeric data processor in our iRMX 86-based systems can perform floating point operations four times faster than competitive minicomputers with hardware math processors. For even greater performance, OEMs can select the iAPX 286 and the 80287 coprocessor working in tandem in iRMX 286R-based systems. A complete set of industry-standard languages enables OEMs to take advantage of existing application software which further reduces development time. Shaving months off development time is a key advantage to the competitive OEM. The superior price/performance ratio that results from combining Intel's iRMX operating systems and the System 300 family makes the choice clear: a more competitive Intel micro-based system over a more expensive minicomputerbased system. Speed, the Name of the Real-Time Game Add More Processors for More Power, More Speed In a real-time system the computer must respond to interrupts instantly; time is always at a premium. Intel's iRMX operating systems deliver superior realtime performance, thanks to ultra-fast context switching, task synchronization and memory-based message passing. Need still more micro-muscle in your application? In an iRMX-based system. additional intelligent boards can be added to enhance system throughput. The iRMX 286R Operating System manages the resources of the 286/300 systems in real-address mode. iRMX 286R makes MUltiprocessing is possible due to the hardware capabilities of Intel's System 300 MULTIBUS System Bus and the software support provided by iMMX 800. Overall system performance and flexibility can be greatly enhanced by off-loading the main CPU with such intelligent llO boards as Intel's quad serial communication controller, digital controller or Ethernet communications controller. With the iMMX™ 800 (MULTIBUSiIIl , Message Exchange) software package, the iRMX 86 and iRMX 286R Operating Systems support a loosely-coupled multiprocessing environment. Tasks running on one board may communicate 3-85 HUMAN INTERFACE USER APPLICATIONS extend the operating system to meet specific needs. standard peripherals. You simply select the ones you need. The Interactive Configuration Utility (ICU) is a built-in facility for assisting the OEM in the configuration'process. The lCU prompts the user for system parameters and requirements, then builds a command file to compile, assemble, link, and locate necessary files. Intel's iRMX operating systems are configurable by system layer and by system call within each layer. Such flexibility gives designers the ability to choose software featores that best suit their application's size and functional requirements. The iRMX operating systems also include I/O drivers for many of Intel's MULTIBUS boards and industry- The net results for the OEM: fast, easy system configuration with quick timeto-marke~ benefits. For customizing and extending your iRMX system, Intel has provided all the "hooks" necessary to make the job easy. The iRMX 86 and iRMX 286R Operating Systems contain extendability features that enable the OEM to add custom operating system calls, custom features, and custom functionality to his application-at any time in the application's life. The ability to add functions late in a product's life is key to an OEM's competitive edge in a fast-changing market. iRMX™ Operating System has All the Fundamentals Too! The Human Interface function give users and applications simple access to the file and system management capabilities. Using the multiterminal support provided by the Basic I/O system, the Human Interface can support several simultaneous users. For example, multi-terminal support allows one person to be using the iRMX Editor, while another compiles a FORTRAN or Pascal program, while several others load and access applications. On-Target Development: One System Does It All The beauty of Intel systems lies in their flexibility. Engineers developing an iRMX-based target system can use the same iRMX-based system in the development process; the development and target systems are one in the same. The bottom-line benefit is low entry-level costs for the OEM. On-target development contributes immeasurably to a shorter development curve and decreased time-to-market, since it isn't necessary to purchase and learn separate development systems. With Intel's iRMX-based system, one system does it all. In addition to multiprocessing, Intel's iRMX operating systems have all the basics you would expect to find in a minicomputer operating system ... capabilities such as multitasking, mUltiprogramming, and multiterminal support. Multitasking requires a method of managing the different processes of an application and for allowing these processes to communicate with each other. The iRMX Nucleus provides these facilities plus task scheduling. The Basic I/O System provides users with the system calls for direct management ofI/O devices needed for real-time applications. The Extended I/O System adds a number ofI/O management capabilities to simplify access to files, such as automatic buffering and synchronization ofI/O requests. 3-86 Tap into a Wide Range of Languages and Utilities An Intel iRMX-based system supports many industry-standard and widely available languages: FORTRAN 77, Pascal (ISO Draft Standard) and PUM compilers; Intel Assemblers, and popular independent vendor products, such as Microsoft's BASIC and Mark Williams' Ccompiler. iRMX operating systems also have a An OEM who builds his product around year increments after the initial 90-day menu-dt~ver., ane of !nte! 's RMX -board systems is as- '''fB-rran!y Hotline servkp- i~ available sured of multi vendor hardware/software alternatives and a future upgrade path. In today's highly competitive markets, that is the only kind of system to build. separately to customers needing quick response software support. All software is completely documented, and users receive monthly technical reports, newsletters and access to the iRMX users group and software libraries. screen oriented text editor and a varieLy of utilities for manipulating object code to facilitate the development process. Multiple-language support is made possible by a set of systems calls known as the Universal Development Interface (UOl) which enables the iRMX systems to interface with many compilers and language translators. UDI ensures that users will be able to transport applications to future releases of iRMX operating systems as well as use language and utilities of other software vendors that support UDL (For more information on Intel iRMX languages, see the iRMX Language Fact Sheet) Intel's Open Systems Approach Means Freedom to Grow At Intel, we believe that systems need to expand in order to meet the needs. of a changing market; and that is how we design our products. Standards are the key to systems that are open to future expansion, future technology and future markets. Today, you'll have the ability to tap into readily available application software packages, languages, and utilities, MULTIBUS boards, and peripherals. Tomorrow, you will be able to tap into the latest, high-performance VLSI without sacrificing today's software investment. Applications written on iRMX 86 (for Intel's iAPX 86) are completely portable to iRMX 286R running on Intel's iAPX 286-based systems. Not to be forgotten are the advantages of starting from the systems level to begin with. Intel has invested hundreds of man-years in software and hardware development for its systems products. For the OEM trying to meet a market window, time-to-market is much faster when starting with a system instead of boards or components. It makes good business sense to let Intel provide the "microengine ", so you can concentrate on your area of expertise and get to market sooner! Worldwide Service and Support The iRMX 86 Operating System is a mature proven product with thousands of installations at the component, board and systems levels. Post-sales software support is available to Intel iRMX 86 and iRMX 286R Operating Systems OEMs in the form of software updates and routine systems software maintenance. Software support is extendable in one- Intel's iRMX operating systems are built from the inside-out with industry standards: UDI (Universal Development Interface), R TI (Runtime Interface), MULTIBUS System Bus (IEEE 796), iMMX 800 Package (MULTIBUS multi processing), Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), extended math format (IEEE P754), and industry-standard peripheral device interfaces. iRMX users can also take advantage of Intel's worldwide staff of trained hardware and software engineers for application design assistance. We offer . complete training for operating system .software and associated system hardware, bringing OEM's up to speed and helping get their products to market quickly. Intel, the Technology Leader ... With the Total Solution Intel started the microprocessor revolution with the 4004 arid has been the market leader with every generation of advanced microprocessor VLSI since. We not only invented the microprocessor but MULTIBUS single board computers, as well. Intel's technology leadership has, by necessity, extended from microprocessors into operating system software. iRMX is recognized as the industry standard real-time VLSI operating system. It has evolved since 1978 utilizing the experience of thousands of installations to contribute to enhancing the performance and quality of the product. OEMs can enhance their product's marketability by leveraging their value-added on top of the solid foundation of an iRMX -based Intel 300 microcomputer system. Intel's solution offers the most price/performance with the least risk to progressive OEMs ... because we know the real-time game from the inside out. • MX OPERATING Specifications Supported Software Products iRMX 860 iRMX 86 Development Utilities Package including the iAPX 86 and 88 Linker, LOcator, Macro Assembler, Librarian, and the iRMX 86 Editor iSBC254 Bubble Memory System iSBC534 4-Channel Terminal Interface iSBC544 Intelligent 4-Channel Terminal Interface and Controller iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual (9803122-04) . iRMX 86 Terminal Handler Reference Manual (143324-002) iRMX 86 Debugger Reference Manual (143323-002) iSBX218 Flexible Disk Controller iSBX350 Parallel Port (Centronix-type Printer Interface) iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Reference Manual (9803123-05) iRMX 861 Pascal 86/88 Compiler iRMX 862 FORTRAN 86/88 Compiler iSBX351 Serial Communications Port iRMX 86 Loader Reference Manual (143318-002) iSBX270 CRT, Light Pen and Keyboard Interface iRMX 86 Extended I/O System Reference Manual (143308-002) iRMX 863 PUM 86/88 Compiler iRMX 864 TX-Screen-Oriented Editor iRMX 865 BASIC Interpreter iRMX 866 C Compiler iMMX 800 MULTIBUS® Message Exchange software package for iRMX 80, 86, 88, and 286 application systems Supported Hardware Products iSBC· MULTIBUS· Products iSBC 204 Flexible Disk Controller Hard Disk Controller iRMX 86 Human Interface Reference Manual (9803202-003) iRMX 286R Operating System Installation and Configuration Guide for Release 1 (145556-001) Guide to Writing Device Drivers for the iRMX 86 and iRMX 88 I/O Systems (142926-004) All of the manuals listed below are supplied with iRMX 86 Release 5 and are available separately under the order numbers shown. iRMX 86 Programming Techniques (142982-003) Introduction to the iRMX 86 Operating System (9803124-04) iSBC 86/12A, 86/05, 86/14, 86/30, 88/25,88/40, and 286/10 Single Board Computers iSBC 206 Available Literature iRMX 86 Operator's Manual (144523-001) Master Index for iRMX 86 Release 5 Documentation (145015-00t) Getting Started With The Release 5 iRMX 86 System (145073-001) iSBC 208 Flexible Disk Controller iSBC 215 Winchester Disk Controller iSBC 220 SMD Disk Controller iRMX 86 Installation Guide (9803125-05) . iSBC 251 Bubble Memory System (iRMX 286R only) iRMX Configuration Guide (9803126-05) User's Guide for the iSBC 957B, iAPX 86, 88 Interface and Execution Package (143979-002) iRMX 86 Disk Verification Utility Reference Manual (144133-002) Runtime Support Manual for iAPX 86, 88 Applications (1211776-002) iRMX 86 Crash Analyzer Reference Manual (144522-001) iRMX™ 86/286R Configuration Size Chart System Layer Bootstrap loader Nucleus BIOS Application loader EIOS Human Interface UDI Terminal Handler Debugger Human Interface Commands Interactive Configuration Utility System 86/300 Memory: Maximum Addressable Memory: Minimum Memory Required with ICU loaded: 'Usable by System after BooUoadlng 348KB 1MB 448KB 3-88 Min. ROMabie Size Max. Size Data Size 0.5K 10.5K 26K 4K 10.5K 22K 11K 3K 28.5K 1.5K 24K 78K 10K 12.5K 22K 11K 3K 28.5K 6K* 2K 1K 2K 1K 15K o 0.3K 1K 116K 308K intJ Ordering Information Each iRMX operating system includes a preconfigured version supporting Intel's System 300 standard hardware, a configurable iRMX operating system, iRMX 860 (Assembler, Linker, Locator, Libraries, Editor, Utilities), iRMX 863 (PLIM Language), iRMX System Software License and are prepaid incorporation Fee. Also included: Software Problem Reporting Service (iPR), and a 90 day System Software Subscription (new s/w release updates). Also includes System Software documentation. NOTE: iRMX operating systems for Intel's System 300 mIcrocomputers are available kltted with System 300 hardware only. Refer to Intel's OEM price list, OEM Microcomputer System section, for ordering information. 3-89 inter XENIX· LANGUAGES • COBOL and FORTRAN support for XENIX·based systems . • Conformation to international standards: ANSI 77 subset FORfRAN and ANSI X3.231974 COBOL to Federal High Level •. Powert1\J microcomputer extensions to ANSI standards • Easy porting of mainframe and minicomputer applications to micro environment • Intel 8087 math coprocessor support • Worldwide service and support organization ' High-level Language Support for XENIXBased Systems Intel's Xenix operating system, aVllllable for component, board, or system-level integration, is a multi-user operating system well suited for both technical and commercial interactive applications. Typical applications include small business systems, software development/ engineering workstations, distributed data processing and graphics. For OEM and end-user application development on Xenix, Intel has provided two industry-standard, high-level languages-FORTRAN and COBOLwith which to build microcomputer-based solutions for systems products or component and board-level applications. Xenix FORTRAN and COBOL accommodate easy porting of existing mainframe and mini-based applications to the micro environment. XENIX FORTRAN for Scientific and Technical Applications FORTRAN is the most popular programming language for scientific and numerical applications. There are thousands of existing FORTRAN programs and subroutines written in mainframe and minicomputer environments, most of which can be ported to a micro environment via Intel's offering of Microsoft FORTRAN. Compliance with the X3.91978 ANSI standard for FORTRAN at the subset level ensures portability with minimal source code modifications. By moving to a microcomputer-based system, you lose none of your mainframe and minideveloped software investment. Speed and Accuracy Where They're Needed Scientific, math-oriented applications usually require fast, highly accurate processing. Xenix FORTRAN delivers accuracy with double-precision arithmetic which handles numbers containing 14 significant digits. High speed results from Xenix FORTRAN support of the Intel 8087 floating point coprocessor, as well as from an extensive subroutine library, which includes subroutines for 16- and 32-bit integer arithmetic and 32- and 64-bit floating-point arithmetic. Because of Xenix FORTRAN's 8087 math coprocessor support, some programs written in Xenix FORTRAN will execute from two to four times faster than their Calls to "c" and ASM 86 are possible, making it easy to interface non-standard peripherals to Xenix FORTRAN programs. FORTRAN XENIX COBOL for the Micro Environment Intel's offering of Microfocus COBOL is a mainframe-caliber compiler for ANSI 1974 COBOL programs, enabling Xenix-based systems to compile and run existing COBOL programs with minimal source code modification. Xenix COBOL aiso contains features specifi- . cally aimed at facilitating the interactive I///////////////""""""IIIIIIIIIIIIII~. defined communications module provides the user with a standard mechanism for program-to-program messagepassihg in multi-user networks such as those found in an "office of the future" setting. Forms-2™ SUpport for Screen-Painting program development of new applications in a microcomputer environment. These features include a facility for dynamically loading sub-programs from disk as required which effectively removes limits on the size of the application code that can be run. Xenix COBOL augments the functionality of the ANSI standard with additional compiler features, such as interactive screenhandling, that further increase convenience and programmer productivity. Xenix COBOL supports FORMS-2, a powerful visual programming tool that speeds the creation of programs involving interactive screen-handling. In an extremely user-friendly environment, the user "paints" a form on the screen, and FORMS-2 generates the COBOL source code to support it. FORMS-2 results in greatly improved programmer productivity in a microcomputer, screenbuilding environment. Worldwide Service and Support All Xenix systems are fully supported by Intel's worldwide staff of trained hardware and software engineers. Complete documentation is provided for all , operating systems and application software languages, as well as for system hardware components. The Xenix and Xenix Languages warranty includes Hotline support, Software Updates, and Subscription Service. Total Solutions for Interactive, MultiUser Applications Intel's Xenix-based systems offer the most complete solutions for interactive, multi-user applications requiring fast, accurate throughput and a friendly, programming environment. Xenix is complemented by industry-standard, high-level languages with which OEMs can create flexible and open end-user systems. Xenix languages are completely portable - from one level of integration to another (chip to board to system). Intel is paving the way into the future of VLSI and pioneering VLSI-based systems. We are committed to providing customers with smooth, uninterrupted application development on the latest VLSI-based systems - today and tomorrow. Users can license a separate run-time support package. This enables OEMs to pass COBOL applications onto customers at a much lower cost than that involved in transferring full COBOL packages. Xenix COBOL is one of only eleven COBOL compilers in existence-and the only one for microcomputers-that has been GSA-certified as error-free at the High Level. A special ANSI- ',IIIIIIIII.'XENIX LANGUAGES 3-92 inter Specifications Required Hardware: Required Software: • Any iAPX 86/286 based or iSBC® 86/286 based system including Intel's System 86/300, 286/300 family and iDIS systems • Intel's Xenix 86 or Xenix 286" Operating System • 128 KB memory • Two floppy disks or one hard disk • Purchase of any Xenix Language requires signing of Intel's OEM License Agreement (OLA) *The flrst release of FORTRAN will support only Xenlx 86 • One 8" double-density or 5.25" double-density floppy disk drive for distribution of media Ordering Information Language Orc;lerCode Product Contents warranty COBOL XNX867 One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette Level II COBOL Language Reference Manual-122l58 Level II COBOL Opentting Guide-1221S9 Forms II Utility Manual-122l60 Level II COBOL Pocket Guide-122l6l 90 days: Software Updates, Subscription Service XNX868 Incorporation Fee for passing through the COBOL Runtime System XNX862 One 8" diskette and one 5.25" diskette Fortran Reference Manual Fortran User's Guide , FORTRAN FORMS-2 is a trademark of Micro Focus 3-93 90 days: Software Updates, Subscription Service 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE • Complete software design and development support for the 2920 • Extends Intellec® Microcomputer Development System to support 2920 software development The 2920 Software Support Package furnishes a 2920 Signal Processing Applications Software/Compiler, 2920 Assembler, and 2920 Software Simulator. These three softwilre design and development tools run on the Intellec@ Microcomputer Development System. The 2920 'Signal Processing Application Software/Compiler is an interactive tool' for designing software to be executed on the 2920 Signal Processor. The compiler accepts English-like statements from the user and generates 2920 assembly language code. The assembler tra,lslates symbolic 2920 assembly language programs into the machine operation code. The user can load the code into the simulator for 2920 simulation or to the Universal PROM Programmer for 2920 EPROM programming. The simulator, operating entirely in software, allows the user to test and symbolically debug 2920 programs. The user can specify input signals, simulate program execution, set up breakpoints, display input and output, and display and alter the contents of the 2920 registers and memory locations. The simulator can also stop or trace the program and constructively give the user access to the key elements inside a 2920 for analyzing his program. The compiler, assembler, and simulator enable the designer to develop and test an entire program without a complete prototype design. The 2920 designer works on the Intellec® Microcomputer Development System rather than on' a breadboard. The development system can program, store and recall programs or routines and aid in 2920 program design. • • • 2920 Software Support Package The foilowlng are trademarks of Intel Corproallon and may be used only to Identify Intel products eXP,lnteliec Mulhbus, I, .SBC, Muilimodule ICE .• sax PROMPT les. library Manager Prom ware Inslte, MeS RMX Intel. Megachassis UPI JnteleVISlon. Mlcroamp. ~Scope and the combination of tCE. les .SBC ,SBX MeS or AMX and a numerical suffiX Sept 1980 1662208 Intel Corporation 1980 3-94 inter 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE 2920 SIGNAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE/COMPILER • Interactive software support tool for 2920 Signal Processor • Compiler generates 2920 Assembly Language Code • Extensive command set for designing electrical filters • Extends Intellec® Microcomputer Development System support of the 2920 • Graphics capability enhances analysis of filter response or piecewise linear function approximations • Contains MACRO library for several standard filters and Signal processing functions • Powerful MACRO capability for executing frequently used routines The 2920 Signal Processing Applications Software/Compiler (SPAS20) is an interactive tool for designing software to execute on the 2920 Signal Processor The SPAS20 package can be visualized as being comprised of four inter-related sections: A cpmpiler section, a filter design section, a curve fitting section, and a MACRO section. Among the abilities of SPAS20 are: ability to generate 2920 assembly language code directly from specifications of Signal processing building blocks such as filters and waveform generators; ability to generate 2920 assembly language code for several classes of algebraic equations such as Y C· X, Y C· Y, and Y C· X + Y where X, Yare variables and C is a constant; ability to generate 2920 assembly language code for one variable function Y(X) = F(X); ability to examine time and frequency responses of filter sections specified by continuous or sampled poles and zeroes; ability to examine piecewise linear approximation of specific function; ability for users to implement more complex commands by grouping sets of commonly used commands into a MACRO. = = = The SPAS20 package runs under ISIS-II on any Intellec® Microcomputer Development System with 64K RAM. The output of SPAS20 can be assembled with the 2920 assembler, tested with the 2920 Simulator, and programmed into the 2920 chip with the Universal PROM Programmer for prototyping. 3-95 AFN 01386A intJ - 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DATA The 2920 Signal Processing Applications Software! Compiler gives the analog designer a "high level language" for his 2920 applications-it decreases the need to code 2920 assembly language. Furthermore, the compiler Is interactive. This feature enables the designer to define a filter, or transfer function, graph their response, and change their parameters many times, without having to program and test in an actual 2920 implementation. This command allows for specification of a set of vertices (Le. X - Y coordinate pairs) which determine a piecewise linear approximation of some defined function, filter. response characteristics, etc. HOLD Command to correct attenuation due to sample-and-hold distortion: if ON, it corrects absolute gain by sin(x)!x and phase by adding x, where x=TS*FREQ*". It corrects group delay by subtracting ,,*TS. Once a filter is realized by moving poles and zeros in the continuous and sampled planes, the filter may be coded and written onto an ISIS file. Similarly, after a function Y = F(X) has been defined, the code for a piecewise linear approximation can be stored onto an ISIS file. Several other file commands are available to store and retrieve command sequences for SPAS20 sessions. EVALUATE Gives the decimal numeric value of any expression. CODE Creates 2920 assembly language code for given poles, and zeros, equations, and user defined functions. SPAS20 Command Language The SPAS20 compiler also recognizes the following commands for file handling: DEFINE This command defines a p'ole or zero by associating it with a number (Le., POLE 3), and with. real and imaginary coordinates in the continuous or sampled plane. This command also defines a symbol by associating a name with a numeric value, or a MACRO by providing a pointer to a specified command sequence. GRAPH! OGRAPH MOVE This command graphically displays the values of obJect(s) specified, For example, GRAPH GAIN and GRAPH PHASE are used to display filter response. The OGRAPH command will "overgraph", the new respons.e over the old response, after any changes have been made. (Y.ou may also graph Group Delay, Step, and Impulse.) Allows the definition of a pole or zero to be changed-its coordinates, its plane, or both. REMOVE Deletes the definition of a pole, zero, symbol, or macro. HELP Types an explanatory message on the console, pertaining to a command or its attributbs. FIT This command performs curve fitting, Le. it approximates an arbitrary user supplied function with a piecewise linear function. ' PUT I APPEND Writes out objects (commands) to a specified file, either creating a new one or appending an existing one. This enables the user to store all or' part of a SPAS20 session on a diskette to be brought back la,ter with the INCLUDE command. DISPLAY Copies the contents of a file to the console. INCLUDE Executes a sequence of instructions from a diskette file as if they were typed in fro'm the co'nsole. LIST Creates a file containing conso,le interactions. all In addition to naming macros for specific command sequences, compound and conditional commands may be formed using all of the above .statements, These compound commands are: IF Establishes conditional flow of control within a block of commands. REPEAT Used for repetition of a block of commands; executes indefinitely or until a condition is met (using WHILE, UNTIL, and END statements). COUNT Establishes the number of times a command sequence is to, be executed, in a looping fashion. 3-96 AFN·01386A intJ 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE Intel also supplies several MACRO library files containing the following commonly needed MACROs: SPAS20 MACRO Facility A macro is a sequence of commands that is stored on a temporary diskette file. The command sequence is executed when the macro name is entered as a command. This saves repetitive entry of the sequence, and permits alogorithms to be saved or. diskette for future use, This SPAS20 facility allows you to do the following: Filter design MACROS - Butterworth filter - Chebyshev filter - Bilinear transform - Evaluate gain or phase of digital filter In paraliel form - Time response simulation Function design MACROs - Code and error optimization - Calculate instertitial error MACROs for generation of 2920 code - Code for all-POLE filter - Input and AID conversion - Multiplication - Division - Logarithm functions - Square-root functions - Sinewave oscillator Display the text of any macro. • Define a macro, specifying its name and any parameters that are to be used by the block. This definition is followed by the contents of the macro (commands) and the EM statement to end its definition. • Invoke a macro by entering its name and appropriate values for any parameters. • List the names of all defined macros. Removeanyor~lmacros, SAMPLE SPAS20 FILTER DESIGN SESSION -' Fl : SPAS20 • SFT · ·· ISIS-II 2920 SIGNAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS COMPILER. V2.0 ; CREATE. POLE IN CONTINUOUS i-PLANE .DEFINE POLE 1 • -707.707 •• : POcE 1 • LISI ALL POLES AN~ ZEROS -707 00000.707 OOOOO.CONTINUOUS .rS(.ALE • 100.10000 .V'>~HLE -45,1 ; ESTABLISHES .REQUENC' ~ANGE OF INTEREST ESTASLISHES "AGNITUDE rESPONSE RANGE OF INTEREST PLOT "AGNITUDE RESPONSE OF POLE FAIR G~ i M LO -'5"" _"? ••~ - :.J. " - 1 ~. -! L' ! - 1 ':<. ') -1 L" -2,. : - 2(1. ~ - 2'5. ~ -z~, - - 3L ~ -H. ) -3.;.2 -33.4 - .1). ':. - 41'. ~ - .. S. \) De I HZ ......... , "... 100 150 200 , ........ ... 300 A ~oo " ... 500 ..... ' . ' ... ,. 700 1000 '" I~OO 2000 3000 5000 10000 •. THE UNITS USED IN GRAPHING GAIN ARE SHOW~ IH THE LOWER LEFT CORNER GAIN IN DECIBELS IS GRAPHEO YERSES FREQUENCV IN HERTZ .; PPEPARE TO "OYE TO THE OIGITAL OO"AIN •. SA"PLE RATE MUST BE SPEC1FIED .Ii • 1/13020 TS = 7 .805004/10 •• 5 RATE FOR 1'2 IHSTRUCTION PROGRA" ANO 10"H2 CLOC¥ AFN·01386A 3-97 intJ 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE SAMPLE SPAS20 FILTER DESIGN SESSION (Cont'd.) COHYE'T FILTER TO .""VE POLE TO Z I POLES/ZE'OES "OYED VIA "ATCHED-Z TRANSFOR"ATION DIGIT~L o oP LIST TRANSFO'"ED POLE POLE 1 • 0 71092836,0 341183'9, Z o (O"PARE RESPONSES OF THE ANALOG AHD DIGITAL FILTERS BY GRAPNIHG THE HEW RESPONSE OVER THE OLD 0; 0' t ................. , ............ t.1 ~ .... A •••• ~ ................. " ~ • • • •• ..., " --------------------------- •.. : .~ ... '). '* . . .; ~ + -. .. 1 ,). I) -1 Z. I - I4•3 +- : ... ! +' +' - • + -• • + ' -- .. ++ ~. ~ .. Z(t, .' . +' • ... : .~. :: ~ ... .? l. ~ -.t'$.7. •• .+ -H. ... '3 •• ... 3" ~ ++ .+ o,t) -3·;, ~ -H.4 -04;). .: .. ... 4 Z. :: -0$ I). ) C'BIHZ •• ••• • • • • • • 0, FLUS SIGNS INDICATE OLO CURVE HOTE THAT THE DIGITAL FILTER RESPONSE BEGINS TO INCREASE ACAIN ~T HALF THE SA"PLE RATE ( '510 HZ I, 0; THE PHASE CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS FILTER CAN 8E EXAMINEO 0, " • OY$C~LE OCR~PH , 100' i 50 .200' .. 300 .~ 00 . 500' '100' i 00 0 • i .joo . 2000' . 3coo .... 5000 ..... i 00 00 • -PI.PI , ESTABLISHES RAHGE OF INTE.EST PHASE PHttSE 1 .• I •••• v" ........................... ~ ................................. A ••••••• A ••••••••• ' 2.$4 ~.~4 2.24 I." I •• 5 l.n I. 05 0.75 0 .• 5 O.! 5 -0.15 -0.45 -0. ~5 -1.05 ., I ~I " .. _ _ _ _ - - ,,' # - .. " .. - -1.35 -1." -I. , . -2.24 -2.54 -2.84 -3'14 RAD I HZ P. i 00 . i;o . 200 ... 300 .400' 500 .. 700' i 000 . i 400 . 2000' •iooo .... 5000 ..... i 00 00 ) ..... • n .17 0.:!7 ",'n n.l~ 0.14 0.09 0.(1) ".on ! ............................................................................ ! 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 n.s 0.6 0.7 n.~ O.? 1.on * n,nn *OGRAPIf '(**3 FllnCTIOtl ; TIIF. 1l[ltFERANCr. RF.TI1F.F.N TUE CnlJF:1> Arm Tiff. ACTUAl. APiJP.ARS AS "+". ! ................................................................................... ! I.no +' n.qs +~ o.qn + •• +. +++ - n.Rit O.AI 0.7h n.7I ++. 0.~7 n. (,2 + - ++. ' 0.~7 n.;2 0.48 +.+++.' 0.41 +.' n.1R n.ll 0.29 +.-+ n.~4 n .19 ++.-~ ++.--' 0.14 n.IO + •• --' +++++++ ••• --' , n.OI) n.no , !::::::::::: :::::::: ............. t ..................... ........................... r n.oo 0.1 0.2 0.1 n.4 o.s 0.6 0.1 O.R 0.9 1.00 (X.*3)-DATA(X) ; T'IR P.RROR WILL Rt CRAP11RO. FUNCTInN ! .............................................................................. ! 0.041 *G~A 0.04) 0.039 n.f)'H, n.n32 0.n28 0.025 0.021 0.017 0.014 n.O-IO n.OM 0.001 -o.nol -0.005 -O.noA -n.012 -0.016 -0.n20 -0.021 -0.027 -0.n31 * *r.XlT ! ................................................................................. 1 O.R 0.00 0.1 n.2 0.3 0.4 O. ~ n.7 1.00 T~AT· S AU FOI.KS 3-100 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE 2920 ASSEMBLER 2920 program development on Intellec@ Microcomputer Development Systems Produces Assembly Listing, Object Code File, and Error Diagnostics Translates symbolic assembly language Instructions into 2920 machine code Output used for 2920 programming with the Int~lIec PROM Programmer or the 2920 Simulator for program debug The 2920 Assembler translates symbolic 2920 Assembly Language instructions into the appropriate machine operation codes. Through this facility, the programmer is able to symbolically program 2920 hardware operations. Compared to machine code, these symbolic references provide faster programming, easier debugging, and greater reliability. The Assembler produces an object code file (executable machine code), a complete assembly listing, and error diagnostics. The object code output from the Assembler may be loaded directly into the lnlel Universal PROM Programmer for programming the 2920 EPROM. The object code may also be loaded to the 2920 Simulator for 2920 system design and debug. The 2920 Assembler runs under the 1515·11 Operating System on the Intellec Microcomputer Development Systems. Sample 2920 Assembly Listing PAGE ISIS-II 2'20 ASSEMBLEI XI02 RS'EMILER IH¥OKED BY' AS2'20 SAW A'M DEBUG SAWTOOTH YA¥E GEHER.TOI LINE LOC OBJECT SOUICE STATEMENT $TITLE(' SAYTOOTH . .VE GENERATOR' ) 0 OOOOEF I OOOOEF 2 OOOOH 3 OOeAEB OOIAOA 0044EF 7A8AEI> 6000EF 7082EF 4044 EF 10 4000EF 11 4000H 12 4000EF \3 8000EF 14 8000EF 15 8000H I i 'OOOH 17 8000EF 18 8000EF 8000H , ,• 8 :0 :1 !2 :3 :4 :5 16 :7 :,:8 10 ZI 12 Z3 24 15 , I' SYMBOL: INO INO INO SUI SUI LOR ADD cns ) SAMPLE INPUT CHANNEL 0 Y. KPI.INO Y.KPt.RloIHO DAI. Y.INO ) Y. KP7 .CHDS LDA Y.KPO.CHOS LOA DAI.Y HOP HOP HOP OUTO OUTO OUTO EOI' OUTO OUTO OUT a SIMULTAHEOUSLY CALCULATE SAWTOOTH IV SUBTRACTING 3/1' FROM V ALSO CHECK SIGN 81T OF Y IF V NtGATIVE START HEXT TOOTH CONYERT SAMPLED INPUT TO DIGITAL (SIGN 81T) SUPPRESS SAWTOOTH IF IHPUT WAS < 0 PREPRRE TO OUTPUT SAWTOOTH RNALOG LEYEL MUST SETTLE OUTPUT SAWTOOTH PROGRAM WILL END IN THREE MDRE IHSTRUCTIONS EHD VALUE' a ASSEMBLY COMPLETE ERROl'S o .. A1tHINGS • o RIIIHS!ZE I lOftS lZE 20 3-101 AFN Q'386A inter 2920 SOFTWARE SUPPO.,T PACKAGE 2920 SIMULATOR Speeds test and debug of 2920 programs Output and, internal data can be saved on disk for further analysis. Simulates 2920 Intern~1 operation Operates on Intellecl!l Microcomputer Development Systems Provides ability to set breakpoints and to collect trace information Easy·to·learn commands Allows users to specify 2920 input signals, and display or alter ROM, RAM, and system variables The 2920 Simulator is a software facility that provides testing and symbolic debugging of 2920 programs in an Inteliec Microcomputer Development Systems environment. The 2920 designers have the capability to specify the 2920 input signals, to set breakpoints, to coliect and display 2920 input, output, system variables,.and ROM and RAM data values during simulation. The 2920 Simulator accepts the hex format object files produced by the 2920 assembler. Output values and internal trace data may be saved on ISIS-II disk files for further analysis. Functional Description 2920 Input Signal Specification The four analog signal inputs to the 2920 processor can be specified as algebraic combinations of basic functions of time. The basic functions are SIN, COS, EXP, LOG, SOR, SAW, saw, ABS, 2920 Simulation The simulation of 2920 machine instructions is performed in software. All 2920 internal registers, memory, input values, output values, and other sys~em variables can be examined and modified. The internal processing of the 2920 is simulated. Time constants for the sample and hold capacitators are assumed to be zero. Calculation of input signals is performed in single precision floating point. The speed of simulation varies with the complexity of the input signal, breakpoinl setting, and trace condition. Exclusive of 1/0 time requirements, 2920 instructions will be simulated at a rate of approximately several hundred instructions per second. Breakpoint Capabilities After' each instruction is Simulated, the breakpoint is evaluated to determine whether to stop or continue simulation. Conditional breakpoints are also provided for debugging purposes. Simulation can be manua1ly stopped at any time by pressing the ESC key on the Intellec console. Trace Capabilities Based on the qualifier's condition, trace data records can be collected during simulation. The trace data records are stored in In!ellec resident memory and ,are optionally written to the console for display or to a disk, fi Ie for record. Symbolic Debugging Capabilities The 2920 Simulator allows the user to refer to program addresses symbolically. The user can load or save the symbols generated from the hex format object files or created .OOI12 ; ~I"ULATF. FOR TWO CYCLP.~ *RASV.-O ; S~T THF. BAS" Tn OEct~AL *smULAT .. FROII 0 ; BEGIN SlllllLATION ,. nAR RA!1 1 3-103 "FN 0'380" inter 292(1 SOFTWARE SI}PpbRT PACK.A~E c; l'WT.ATION J\F,r.UN 0.00010000 0.00020000 0.00030000 0.00040000 0.00050000 0.B3QR4175 0.R4277334 0.~R359375 0.~R554~83 0.12734375 0.21093750 0.52R320lh 0.17109370 0.213R6714 0.00060000 O.0546R750 0.0566405~ 0.00070000 O.OOOROOOO 0.00090000 0.0 0 10 0000 0.00110000 0.00120000 0.00130000 -0.10156250 0.73828125 0.18203125 0.42578125 0.26953125 0.10937500 -0.046B7500 0.89941396 0.74218745 0.5R496089 0.1~7IR710 o• 'I 2 7 7 371 3 3 0.27050776 0.11328119 0.95605459 SHIULATION TE,RMINAT£n *GRAPll ON ; qWITCHES TqE DISPLAY '100£ TO CRAPHICS *TRACF.-T,O,DAR,RA:1.aSC , -I I - l . l , l ; 'iETS ITEMS TO BE TRACED .ose-ONE i INITIALIZE THE RAI1 LOCATION *SHWLATF. FRO~f"O T DAR RAil I -I SHfULATION RF.GUN ~AH -I -)* o * I I o • o * I I o • I I * • I I I I· I o * o * o * o * I 2 I SIMULATION TERMINATED 3 . * ·EXIT SPECI FICATIONS Optional Software Operating Equipment FORTRAN·80 (Product Code MDS·301) Required Hardware . . Intellec® Microcomputer Development System RUNNING ISIS Documentation Package 2920 Assembly User's Guide (9800987) 2920 Simulator User's Guide (980098?) 2920 Signal Processing Application Compiler User's Guide (121529) Required Software ISIS·II Diskette Operating System Optional Hardware Shipping Media line Printer Universal PROM Programmer Flexible Diskettes . ORDERING INFORMATION Product Code Description MCI·20-SPS 2920 Software Support Package Includes 2920 Signal Processing Application Software/Compiler and 2920 Assembler/Similator Software 3-104 AFN·01386A MCS@-48 DISKETTE-BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE • Extends Intellec microcomputer development system to support MC8-48 development • MCS-48 assembler provides conditional assembly and macro capability • Takes advantage of powerfullSIS·n file handling and storage capabilities • Provides assembler output in standard Intel hex format The MCS-48 assembler translates symbolic 8048 assembly language instructions into the appropriate machine operation codes, and provides both conditional and macroassembler programming. Output may be loaded either to an ICE-49 module for debugging or into the iUP Universal PROM Programmer for 8748 PROM programming. The MCS-48 assembler operates under the ISIS-II operating system on Intel Development systems. MAY 1983 ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 3-105 AFN·00619D inter FUNCTIONAL MCS@·48 DES~RIPTION Table 1_ Simple MC8-48 Dlskette-Blsed The MCS-48 assembler translates symbolic 8048 assembly language Instructions ihto the appropriate machine operation codes. The ability to refer to program addresses with symbolic names eliminates the errors of hand translation and makes it easier to modify programs when adding or deleting instructions. Conditional assembly permits the programmer to specify which portions of the master source document should be included or deleted in variations on a basic system deSign, such as the code required to handle optional external devices. Macro capability allows the programmer use of a single label to define a routine. The MCS-48 assembler will assemble the code required by the reserved routine whenever the macro label is inserted in the text. Output from the assembler is in standard Intel hex format. It may be either loaded directly to an in-circuit emulator (lCE-49) module for integrated hardware/software debugging, or loaded into the iUP Universal PROM Progtammer for 8748 PROM programming. A sample assembly listing is shown in Table 1. .... , ISI8 "8D4I MACAOASSEMBLEA, V1 0 LOC 0tIJ SOURCE STATEMENT . .0 ,DECIMAL ADDITION ROUTINE ADO BCD NUMBER • 5 e .,." "" "" 0100 881E 0102 Bt28 · "" ,000) INIT MaY 'U,IADDNO • L1 MOV ENDM At.ICNT " '3 ALPHA . 14 BETA 15 COUNT eQU eQU eQU , 22 FO 01011 11 0108 57 DIOA AI 010a 18 Oloe:;: IV 0100 EA07 USER SYMBOLS ALPHA ooolE LI 0102 LP COUNT 0005 "UOND,ADONe,CNT AD,'AUGND I 30 40 OIIG 'OOH INIT ALPHA BETA COUNT AO 'ALPHA R1 taETA R2 ICOUNT MOV "" BETA 0028 MACAO MOY 19+Ll 0104 BAU 0108 97 0107 7 ..."..." .". " 0100 AT LOCATION 'BETA' TO ICD NUMBER AT Al..PHA WITH ,RESULT IN 'ALPHA LENGTH OF NUMBER IS 'COUNT' DIGIT ,PAIAS IASSUME BOTH 8ETA AND ALPHA ARE SAME LENGTH .AND HAVE eVEN NUMIER OF DIGITS OR M80 IS 0 IF MOV .OY C", MOY AOor.: DA .OY INC INC OJ"" 'NO C A ORO : .,'" OR1 ORO A "' LP LP 0107 ASSEMBLY COMPLETE NO ERRORS ISIS II ASSEMBLER SYMBOl CROSS REfERENCE VIO PAGE 1 SYMBOL CROSS REfERENCE The MCS 48 assembler supports the 8048, 8049. 8050, 8020. 8021.8022. 8041 and 8042. The MCS 48 assembler can also support CMOS versions of the 8048 family. ALPHA 1a. 17 BETA cOUla 1M '''' 17 17 7. 11 INIT Ll 1M LP 221 28 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment (All) Documentation Package Intel Microcomputer Development Systems (Series II. Series III/Se~jes Titles of: IV) Intel Personal Development System Ordering Information Part Number User Guides Operating Instructions Reference Manuals SUPPORT: Hotline Telephone Support. Software Performance Reports (SPR). Software Updates. Technical Reports. Monthly Newsletters are available. ~8Crlption MDS-D48' MCS-48 Disk Based Assembler Requires Software License *MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark'. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 3-106 AFN-00619D inter 8051 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE • Symbolic relocatable assembly language programming for 8051 mlcrocontrollers • Extends Intellec® Microcomputer Development System to support 8051 program development • Produces Relocatable Object Code which is linkable to other 8051 Object Modules • Encourage modular program design for maintainability and reliability • Macro Assembler features conditional assembly and macro capabilities • CONV51 Converter for translation of 8048 assembly language source code to 8051 assembly language source code • Provides upward compatibility from the MCS·48™ family of single·chip microcontrollers The 8051 software development package provides development system support for the powerful 8051 family of single chip microcomputers. The package contains a'symbolic macro assembler and MCS·48 source code converter. The assembler produces relocatable object modules from 8051 macro assembly language instructions. The object code modules can be linked and located to absolute memory locations. This absolute object code may be used to pro· gram the 8751 EPROM version of the chip. The assembler output may also be debugged using the ICE-51TM in-circuit emulator. The converter translates 8048 assembly language instructions into 8051 source instructions to provide software compatibility between the two families of microcontrollers. MAY 1983 ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 ORDER NUMBER:162771-Q01 3-107 inter 8051 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE 8051 MACRO ASSEMBLER • Supports 8051 family program development on IntelleC® Microcomputer Development Systems • Gives symbolic access to powerful 8051 hardware features • Produces object file~ listing file and error diagnostics • Object files are linkable and locatable • Provides software support for many addressing and data allocation capabilities • SymboliC Assembler supports symbol table, cross·reference, macro capabilities, and conditional assembly The 8051 Macro Assembler (ASM51) translates symbolic 8051 macro assembly language modules in.to linkable and locatable object code modules. Assembly I~nguage mnemonics are easier to program and are more readable than binary or hexadecimal machine instructions. By allowing the programmer to give symbolic names to memory locations rather than absolute addresses, software design and debug are performed more quickly and reliably. Furthermore, since modules are linkable and relocatable, the programmer can do his software in modular fashion. This makes programs easy to understand, maintainable and reliable. The assembler supports macro definitions and calls. This is a convenient way to program a frequently used code sequence only once. The assembler also provides conditional assembly capabilities·. Cross referencing is provided in the symbol table listing, showing the user the lines in which each symbol was defined and referenced. ASM51 provides symbolic access to the many useful addressing features of the 8051 architecture. These features include referencing for bit and byte locations, and for providing 4-bit ope~ations for BCD arithmetic. The assembler also provides symbolic access to hardware registers, 1/0 ports, control bits, and RAM addresses. ASM51 can support all members of the 8051 family. Math routines are enhanced by the MUltiply and DIVide instructions. If an 8051 program contains errors, the assembler provides a comprehensive set of error diagnostics, which are included in the assembly listing or on another file. Program testing may be performed by using the iUP Universal Programmer and iUP F87/51 personality module to program the 8751 EPROM version of the Chip. ICE51 and EMV51 are available for program debugging. RL51 LINKER AND RELOCATOR PROGRAM • Links modules generated by the assembler • Enables modular programming of soft· ware for effiCient program development • Locates the linked object to absolute memory locations • Modular programs are easy to understand, maintainable and reliable The 8051 linker and relocator (RL51) is a utility which enables 8051 programmers to develop software in a modular fashion. The linker resolves all references between modules and the relocator assigns absolute memory locations to all. the relocatable segments, co.mbining relocatable partial segments with the same name. With this utility, software can be developed more quickly because small functional modules are easier to understand, design and test than large programs. The number of symbols in the software is very large because the assembler symbol limit applies only per module not the entire program. Therefore programs can be more readable and better documented. Modules can be saved and used on different programs. Therefore the software investment of the customer is maintained. RL51 produces two files. The absolute object module file can be directly executed by the 8051 family. The listing file shows the results of the link/locate process. 3-108 AFN-OI944C 8051 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE CO NV51 8048 TO 8051 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CONVERTER UTILITY PROGRAM. • Enables software written for the MCS·48 family to be upgraded to run on the 8051 • Preserves comments; translates 8048 macro definitions and calls • Provides diagnostic information and warning messages embedded In the output listing • Maps each 8048 Instruction to a corre· spondlng 8051 Instruction The 8048 to 8051 Assembly Language Converter is a utility to help users of the MCS-48 family of microcomputers upgrade their delsgns with the high performance 8051 architecture. By converting 8048 source code to 8051 source code, the software Investment developed for the 8048 is maintained when the system is upgraded. The goal of the converter (CONV51) is to attain functional equivalence with the 8048 code by mapping each 8048 instruction to a corresponding 8051 instruction. In some cases a different instruction is produced because of the enhanced instruction set (e.g., bit CLR instead of ANL). Although CONV51 tries to attain functional equivalence with each instruction, certain 8048 code sequences cannot be automatically converted. For example, a delay routine which depends on 8048 execution speed would require manual adjustment. A few instructions, in fact, have no 8051 equivalent (such as those involving P4-P7). Finally, there are a few areas of possible intervention such as PSW manipulation and interrupt processing, which at least require the user to confirm proper translation. The converter always warns the user when it cannot guarantee complete co~version. CONV51 produces two files. The output file contains the ASM51 source program produced from the 8048 instructions. The listing file produces correlated listings of the input and output files, with warning messages In the output file to point out areas that may require users' intervention in the conversion. SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Documentation Package: MCS-51 Macro Assembler User's Guide MCS-51 Utilities User's Guide for 8080/8085 Based Development System MCS-51 8048-to-8051 Assembly Language Converter Operating Instructions for ISIS-II Users All Intel Microcomputer Development Systems or Intel Personal Development System ORDERING INFORMATION SUPPORT: Part Number Description MCI-51-ASM 8051 Software Development Package Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Reporting (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, Monthly Newsletter available. 'Requires Software License 3-109 AFN'()1944C PUM 51 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • High-level programming language for the Intel MCS®-51 slngle-chlp microcomputer family • Compatible with PL/M 80 assuring MCS®-ao/85 design portability • Enhanced to support boolean processing . • Tailored to provide an optimum balance among on-chlp RAM usage, code size and code execution time • Allows programmer to have complete control of microcomputer resources • Produces relocatable object code which Is linkable to object modules generated by all other 8051 translators • Extends high-level language programming advantages to microcontroller software development • Improved reliability, lower maintenance costs, Increased programmer productivity and software portability • Includes the linking and relocating utility and the library manager • Supports all members of the Intel MCS®-51 architecture PL/M 51 is a structured, high-level programming language for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcomputers. The PL/M 51 language and compiler have been designed to support the unique software development requirements of the single-chip microcomputer environment. The PLiM language has been enhanced to support Boolean processing and efficient access to the microcomputer functions. New compiler controls allow the programmer complete control over what microcomputer resources are used by PL/M programs. PL/M 51 is largely compatible with PL/M 80 and PL/M 86. A significant proportion of existing PL/M software can be ported to the.MCS-51 with modifications to support the MCS-51 architecture. Existing PL/M programmers can start programming for the MCS-51 with a small relearning effort. PL/M 5.1 is the high-level alternative to assembly language programming for the MCS-51. When code size and code execution speed are not critical factors, PL/M 51 is the cost-effective approach to developing reliable, maintainable software. The PL/M 51 compiler has been designed to support efficiently all phases of software implementation with features like a syntax checker, multiple levels of optimization, cross-reference generation and debug record generation. LEGEND o ~.J:~~:';?=:OOLS r. ~ MC5-51 SOFTWARE TOOLS -__-":J O O USER..cODED SOFTWARE Figure 1. MCS®-S1 Program Development Process MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:210566-001 3-110 inter PL/M 51 SOFTWARE PACKAGE PL/M 51 Compiler FEATURES Interrupt Handling Major features of the Intel PL/M 51 compiler and programming language include: A procedure may be defined with the INTERRUPT attribute. The compiler will generate code to save and restore the processor status, for execution of the user-defined interrupt handler routines. Structured Programming PL/M source code is developed in a series of modules, procedures, and blocks. Encouraging program modularity in this manner makes programs more readable, and easier to maintain and debug. The language becomes more flexible, by clearly defining the scope of user variables (local to a private procedure, for example). Language Compatiblity PL/M 51 object modules are compatible with object modules generated by all other MCS-51 translators. This means that PL/M programs may be linked to programs written in any other MCS-51 language. Object modules are compatible with In-Circuit Emulators and Emulation Vehicles for MCS-51 processors; the DEBUG compiler control provides these tools with symbolic debugging capabilities. Compiler Controls The PL/M 51 compiler offers controls that facilitate such features as: -Including additional PL/M 51 source files from disk -Cross-reference -Corresponding assembly language code in the listing file Program Addressing Control The PL/M 51 compiler takes full advantage of program addressing with the ROM (SMALL/ MEDIUM/LARGE) control. Programs with less than 2 KB code space can use the SMALL or MEDIUM option to generate optimum addressing instructions. Larger programs can address over the full 64 KB range. Supports Three Data Types PL/M makes use of three data types for various applications. These data types range from one to sixteen bits and facilitate various arithmetic, logic, and address functions: -Bit: a binary digit -Byte: a-bit unsigned number or, -Word: 16-bit unsigned number. Another powerful facility allows the use of BASED variables that map more than one variable to the same memory location. This is especially useful for passing parameters, relative and absolute addressing, and memory allocation. Code Optimization The PL/M 51 compiler offers four levels of optimization for significantly reducing overall program size. -Combination or "folding" of constant expressions; "Strength reductions" (a shift left rather than mUltiply by 2) -Machine code optimizations; elimination of superfluous branches -Automatic overlaying of on-chip RAM variables -Register history: an off-chip variable will not be reloaded if its value is available in a register. Error Checking Two Data Structuring Facilities PL/M 51 supports two data structuring facilities. These add flexibility to the referencing of data stored in large groups. -Array: Indexed list of same type data elements -Structure: Named collection of same or different type data elements -Combinations of Both: Arrays of structures or structures of arrays. The PLIM 51 compiler has a very powerful feature to speed up compilations. If a syntax or program error is detected, the compiler will skip the code generation and optimization passes. This usually yields a 2X performance increase for compilation of programs with errors. A fully detailed set of programming and compilation error messages is provided by the compiler and user's guide. 3-111 AFN.()()047B inter PL/M 51 SOFTWARE PACKAGE BENEFITS Lower Development Cost PLIM 51 is designed to be an efficient, cost-effective solution to the special requirements of MCS-51 Microsystem Software Development, as illustrated by the following benefits of PL/M use: Increases in programmer productivity translate immediately into lower software development costs because less programming resources are required for a given programmed function. Increased Reliabilty Low Learning Effort PL/M 51 is easy to learn and to use, even for the novice programmer. Earlier Project Completion I Critical projects are completed much earlier than otherwise" possible because PL/M 51, a structured high-level language, increases programmer productivity. PL/M 51 is designed to aid in the development of reliable software (PL/M programs are simple statements of the program algorithm). This substantially reduces the risk of costly correction of errors in systems that have already reached full production status, as the more simply stated the program is, the more likely it is to perform its intended function. Easier Enhancements and Maintenance Programs written in PL/M tend to be selfdocumenting, thus easier to read and understand. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain PL/M programs as the system capabilities expand and future products are developed. RL51 Linker and Relocator • Links modules generated by the assembler and the PL/M compiler • Enables modular programming of software-efficient program development • Locates the linked object to absolute memory locations • Modular programs are easy to understand, maintainable and reliable The MCS-51 linker and relocator (RL51) is a utility which enables MCS-51 programmers to develop software in a modular fashion. The utility resolves all references between modules and assigns absolute memory locations to all the relocatable segments, combining relocatable partial segments with the same name. With this utility, software can be developed more quickly because small functional modules are easier to understand, design and test than large. programs. The total number of allowed symbols in user-developed software is very large because the assembler number of symbols' limit applies only per module, not to the entire program. Therefore programs can be more readable and better documented. Modules can be saved and used on different programs. Therefore the software investment of the customer is maintained. RL51 produces two files. The absolute object module file can be directly executed by the MCS-51 family. The listing file shows the results of the link/locate process. 3-112 AFN.Q0047e intJ PL/M 51 SOFTWARE PACKAGE LlB51 Librarian The LlB51 utility enables MCS-51 programmers to create and maintain libraries of software object modules. With this utility, the customer can develop standard software modules and place them in libraries, which programs can access through a standard interface. When using object libraries, the linker will call only object modules that are required to satisfy external references. Consequently, the librarian enables the customer to port and reuse software on different projects -thereby maintaining the customer's software investment. SPECIFICATIONS Documentation Package Operating Environment PLIM 51 User's Guide MC5-51 Utilities User's Guide All Intel Microcomputer Development Systems or Intel Personal Development Systems ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description iMDX 352 Requires Software License PL/M 51 Software Package SUPPORT: Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Report (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, and monthly Technical Newsletters are available. 3-113 AFN·00041B MCS@·96 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE • Symbolic relocatable assembly language programming for the 8096 microcontroller family • System Utilities for Program Linking and Relocation • Extends Intellec® Microcomputer Development System to support MCS-96 program development • Encourages modular program design for maintainability and reliability The MCS-96 Software Support Package provides development system support for the MCS-96 family of 16 bit single chip microcomputers. The support package includes a macro assembler and system utilities. The assembler produces relocatab!e object modules from MCS-96 macro assembly language instructions. The object modules then are linked and located to absolute memory locations. The assembler and utilities run on the Intellec Serie,s III or equivalent Microcomputer Development System. . MCS·96 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE ~ / ASM·96 MACRO ASSEMBLER RL·96 LINKER AND RELOCATOR LIB·96 SOFTWARE LIBRARIAN Figure 1. MCS-96 Software Support Package MARCH 1983 ORDER NUMBER:230613-002 © INTEL CORPORATION 1983 3-114 MCS@·96 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE 8096 MACRO ASSEMBLER • Supports 8096 family program development on Intellec® Microcomputer Development System • Gives symbolic access to powerful 8096 hardware features • Object files are linkable and locatable • Symbolic Assembler supports macro capabilities, cross reference, symbol table and conditional assembly ASM-96 is the macro assembler for the iACX family of microcontrollers. ASM-96 translates symbolic assembly language mnemonics into relocatable object code. Since the object modules are linkable and locatable, ASM-96 encourages modular programming practices. The macro facility in ASM-96 allows programmers to save development and maintenance time since common code sequences only have to be done once. The assembler also provides conditional assembly capabilities. ASM-96 supports symbolic access to the many features of the 8096 architecture. An "Include" file is provided with all of the 8096 hardware registers defined. Alternatively~ the user can define any subset of the 8096 hardware register set. Math routines are supported with mnemonics for 16 x 16-bit multiply or 32/16-bit divide instructions. The assembler runs on a Series III/Series IV Inteilec Development Systems for high performance. RL96 LINKER AND RELOCATOR PROGRAM • Links modules generated by the assembler • Locates the linked object module to absolute memory locations • Encourages modular programming for faster program development • Automated selection of required modules from Libraries to sa.tlsfy symbolic references RL96 is a utility that performs two functions useful in MCS-96 software development: -The link function which combines a number of MCS-96 object modules into a single program. -The locate functions which assigns an absolute address to ail relocatable addresses in the MCS-96 object module. RL96 resolves all external symbol references between modules and will select object modules from library files if necessary. . RL96 creates two files: - The program or absolute object module file that can be executed by the targeted member of the MCS-96 family. - The listing file that shows the results of link/locate, including a memory map symbol table and an optional cross reference listing. The relocator allows programmers to concentrate on software functionality and not worry about the al;lsolute addresses of the object code. RL96 promotes modular programming. The application can be broken down into separate modules that are easier to deSign, test and maintain. Standard modules can be developed and used in different applications thus saving software development time. 3-115 230613-002 "m_le> , 111'tr MC$@-98 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE LIB 96 The LIB 96 utility creates and maintains libraries of software object modl,lIes. The customer can develop standard modules and place them in libraries. Application programs can then call these modules using predefined interfaces. LIB 96 uses the following set of commands: -CREAT,E: Creates an empty library file. -ADD: Adds object mOdufes to a library file. -DELETE: Deletes object modules from a library file. -LIST: Lists the modules in the library file. -EXIT: Terminates 'LIB 96 When using object libraries,' RL96 will Include only those object modules that are required to satisfy external references, thus saving memory space. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Environment Documentation Package: REQUIRED HARDWARE: Intellec Microcomputer Development System -Series III/Series IV MCS-96 MACRO ASSEMBLER USER'S GUIDE MCS-96 UTILITIES USER'S GUIDE MCS-96 ASSEMBLER AND UTILITIES POCKET REFERENCE CARD ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description iMDX·355 MCS-96 SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE Requires Software License 3-116 Productivity Tools and Communications Software 4 inter PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS AND COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE INTRODUCTION Improving an engineering team's productivity is a never ending task in loday's competitive envfronments.lntel offers software tools and communication systems that optimize the usage of expensive engineering personnel and capital equipment. Software tools boost a programming team·s productivity, thtHeby lowering development costs and shortening product development times. Communication software provides further productivity gains by linking mUlti-computer engineering environments into highly effective networks. One software tool that substantially increases software productivity is PSCOPE, a source level symbolic debugger. The PSCOPE debugger allows the high-level language programmer to completely debug his code at the same level at which it was written. Breakpointing, tracing, and patching are all done in a faster and less error-prone manner than through obsolete machine-level debuggers. As software testing and maintenance consume a greater portion of development life-cycle time and cost, PSCOPE debugging can significantly improve programming efficiency. Another set of valuable software tools are Intel's Program Management Tools (PMTs), which provide the essential ingredients to manage large software development projects. PMTs decrease the time spent on tracking program changes and manually generating new systems, thereby giving engineers more time for software design, development, and testing. PMTs consist of a Software Version Control System (SVCS), and an automated software generation facility (MAKE). Together these tools control, examine, and automate the management of a software system that may contain many versions consisting of numerous modules. Intel's software toolboxes are collections of utilities that perform a variety of productivity-oriented functions. The ISIS-II Software Toolbox offers conditional submit file control tools, source management tools, and other tools that operate at the ISIS-II command level. The 8086 Software Toolbox is a collection of 16-bit software tools that are valuable for text formatting and preparation, software testing and performance analysis, 286/287 software development, and a multitude of other applications. Intel also offers AEDIT ,an advanced editor that significantly improves programmer productivity. AEDIT was designed with the programmer in mind, and offers full screen editing, the ability to edit two files at once, features f9r manipulating large blocks of text, and dynamic macro command definition. In addition, Intel continues to offer and support CREDIT, an 8-bit CRT-based editor. The trend toward distributed data processing is well supported by Intel's complete line of communication software and systems. Mainframe Link integrates user mainframe computers with Intellec Development systems by emulating the operation of an IBM 2780 or 3780 Remote Job Entry terminal. The Asynchronous Communication Link enables one or more Intel Microcomputer Development Systems to communicate with a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX computer. The iNA 950 and iNA 960 are ready-to-use communication software building blocks for OEM suppliers of networked systems for both technical and commercial applications. Finally, NOS-II Electronic Mail enables users to send and receive messages and files between any nodes on the NOS-II network. 4-1 inter PSCOPE HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAM DEBUGGER • Compatible with Intel's 12 1CE T. Integrated Instrumentation and InCircuit Emulation System for Target System Debugging • Source-Level Debugging for Higl) Productivity • Breakpoint, Single-Step and Execution Trace by Statement Numbers, Procedure Names and Labels • Native CPU Execution for iAPX 88 and 86 Architectures I • Supports PL/M, Pascal, and FORTRAN Program Debugging • High-Level Code Patching PSCOPE is an interactive, symbolic debugger for high-level language programs. It allows users to scrutinize program execution at the source level, using high-level statement numbers, procedure and variable names and labels. This is typically a more productive way of debugging high-level language (HLL) programs than at the machine level. Source-level debugging means that traditional functions, such as setting breakpoints or tracing execution flow, are more powerful in PSCOPE. For example, tracing procedure entry (or exit) points conveys much more information than tracing machine instructions. Single-step execution is more powerful, using statements and procedures, as well. The productivity improvement from debugging in a high-level language is analogous to programming in a high-level language, when compared to assembly-level programming and debugging. PSCOPE users may define high-level code patches, which are "compiled" and patched into the user's program. Code patches may be stored on diSk, so they may be later incorporated into the program source file. PSCOPE is an integral part of the advanced 12 1CE Integrated Instrumentation and In-Circuit Emulation System. This allows a smooth migration from program debugging to target system debugging. PSCOPE's symbol capacity is virtually unlimited. Symbols are paged to disk when necessary. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE MODULES SOURCE-LEVEL DEBUGGING ~ V HIGH·LEVEL MODULE'S: PSCOPE: CPU·LEVEL DEBUGGING REGISTERS - -V PL/M-86 PASCAL-86 -V BREAKPOINTS TRACE POINTS SINGLE STEP EXAMINE/MODIFY CODE PATCHING PSCOPE AND INSTRUMENTATION: ~ PSCOPE: HIGH-LEVEL DEBUGGING ~ TARGET SYSTEM INTEGRATION REAL· TIME EMULATION HIGH·LEVEL DEBUGGING CPU·LEVEL DEBUGGING - FORTRAN-86 Figure 1. Debugging Methodology with PSCOPE 4-2 MAY 1983 ORDER NUMBER:21035CHl03 PSCOPE HIGH-LEVEL PROGRAM DEBUGGER inter SAMPLE DEBUGGER SESSION SERIES-III Pascal-86, VI.l Sourc~ Elle~ :F2:~AXMIN.PAS ObJect F.le: :F2:MAXMIN.OBJ DEBUG. Controls SpecIfIed: STMT LINE NESTING 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 ~ 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 5 G 7 8 11 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 14 18 19 20 16 21 18 20 22 23 21 21 21 22 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 0 0 SOURCE T~XT: :F2:MAXMIN.PAS proyram calc(input,output)i va!'" a,b: Integer; procedure sum(x,Y:lnteger); var Z: Integer; begIn Z:=X*Yi writeln('The sum IS I,Z); end; procedure difference(x,Y:lnteger); var Z: Integer; begin z:=aos(x-y); wflteln('The dIfference IS ',Z)i end; procedure maxmin{x,y:integer); begIn If x ') 'break? I .11 1 t eI == I y' then return true else return fals~ endlf * ""def Ine proc PRI This illustrates the facility where a debug procedure (PR1) is called when reaching a breakpoint at line #21. Here, some values are displayed, and a condition is evaluated (in this case, a query to the user). Had the condition been false, program execution would continue with no break. The high-level constructs in the command language make this a very powerful facility. .*end *d br B3 = aZI call PRl *go uSlng b3 INPUT TWO INTEGERS: (Input) 23 24 THE SUI"! IS 47 TH~ DIFFERENCE IS 1 'fHE MAXIMUM IS 24 THE MINIMUM IS 24 the numbers and the product are: +23 +24 +552 Dreak ? 'i . [Hr~ak at #21 J *ex 1 t PSCOPE terllllnated 4-6 AFN-02166C inter PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TOOLS, • Increase Software Engineering Productivity • Decrease Software Administration Overhead • Allow Users to Control, Automate and Examine the Evolution of a Software Project • Enhance the Capability of Networked (NOS-II) and Standalone Development Systems • SVCS Simplifies Administration of Software Modules and Systems • MAKE Automatically Generates New Releases of Software Systems • Both Tools Easily Incorporated Into Existing Software Development Methodologies Intel's Program Management Tools (PMTs) provide the essential ingredients to manage large software development projects. PMTs decrease the time spent on tracking program changes and manually generating new systems, thereby giving engineers more time for software deSign, development, and testing. PMTs consist of a "Software Version Control System" (SVCS), and an automated software generation facility (MAKE). Together these tools control, examine, and automate the management of a software system that may contain many versions consisting of numerous modules. SVCS controls and documents software changes for all file types. SVCS handles storage and retrieval of different versions of a given module, controls update privileges, prevents different users from making changes independently, and requires all changes be thoroughly documented by recording who made what changes, when and why. MAKE produces the specification of a "minimum-work" job required to generate a new system. This job (Le. submit file) typically includes compiles and links of the latest versions of specified source and object modules. If a newer source module exists for any specified object module, MAKE will specify a compile of this module, replacing the older module in the completed program. Unnecessary links and compiles, however, are eliminated. MAKE does the minimum work required to ensure consistent, up-to-date software, thus saving many hours of compiles and links. Incorporating PMTs ,into an existing project is easy. PMTs work with existing operating systems and software tools (editors, compilers, utilities) and require very little relearning. New users can quickly gain expertise in using PMTs by working through the examples contained in the PMT Tutorial Manual and Diskette, which are included with every PMT software package. Program Management Tools are ideal in a networked (NOS-II) environment, where multi-version software control is critical. PMTs are also extremely valuable on standalone systems (with Winchester disk) as well. i i iI SVCS Get the source module out of database. AEDIT Make code changes using editor. SVCS Put module back into database. MAKE Automatically generate new version of system. OPTIMAL CONTROL OF A SOFTWARE PROJECT. Intel COrporation Assumes No Responslbtllty lOr tile Use of Any Circuitry OIlIer Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other ClrcuR Patent lJcenses are implied 4-7 MAY 1983 C INTEL CORPORATION, 1983. ORDER NUM8ER:210567-G03 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TOOLS SOFTWARE VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM (SVCS) • Simplifies Administ~ation of Software Modules and Systems • Maintains Change History Information on Every Module • Prevents Users From Accidently Deleting System Software or Making Simultaneous Module Changes • Offers an Effective Software Version Generation and Control Mechanism Intel's Software Version Control System (SVCS) is a utility that greatly simplifies "software system housekeeping. SVCS automatically controls and documents software modules in a large project, eliminating costly manual administration by a project leader or librarian. SVCS maintains a system database of software modules called units. Each unit is divided into four classes: Source, which contains the unit's source code; Object, which contains the unit's object code; History, which contains the unit's history file; and Composition, which can be arbitrarily used by the user. Users interact with the database by using SVCS administrative and access commands. Project managers use administrative commands to create new system databases, add and delete database units, set unit access rights, and create and name new system variants. Programmers use SVCS access commands to check out and return database modules when making system changes. For every change made, SVCS records what changed, who changed it, when it was changed, and why. SVCS variant generation and control enable project administrators to effectively create and identify new versions of software systems. Stable versions may be write protected and placed in the public domain, working versions may be identified and accessible only to programming personnel, and special versions may be created for customized releases. In addition, version control can minimize software archival, maintenance, and support administrative overhead. AUTOMATED SOFTWARE GENERATION (MAKE) • Automatically Creates New Software Systems, Using the Latest Versions of Source Modules • Automatically Determines Which Source Modules Need Recompiling • Works Closely with SVCS for Generating Complete, Up-To-Date Systems • Easily Adopted into Existing Developm,nt Methodologies • Offers Many Powerful Macro Constructs • Eliminates Unnecessary Compiles and Links MAKE is a utility that greatly simplifies the generation of software systems. MAKE produces a "minimum-work" submit file that can generate a complete, up-to-date system without any unnecessary compiles and links. MAKE can reduce system generation times trom hours to minutes while concurrently minimizing administrative overhead. 4-8 ORDER NUMBER:21056NI03 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TOOLS MAKE accepts a text input file that instructs it how to generate a new software system. The input file specifies all modules required to generate the new system and includes a description of system dependencies. It also specifies specific system operations, such as compiles, links, SVCS operations, line-printer spoolings, and other system commands. MAKE uses this input file in conjunction with the time and date stamps on each module to determine the optimum system generation procedure that eliminates all unnecessary compiles and links. Typically a MAKE input file is created once at the start of a project. Very occasionally during the life of the project it may need modification. A powerful set of macros makes the creation and subsequent modification of a generation procedure an easy task. Overall, the management of the MAKE input file is negligible compared to maintaining numerous submit files for system generations. The close relationship between SVCS and MAKE help simplify the overall job of software control at all levels. For example, the very latest version of a source module may not be stable enough to be included in a generation. A less functional, but more reliable version may exist. Since SVCS keeps unique versions distinct, an SVCS-module containing the more reliable version may be specified in the MAKE input file. BENEFITS: SVCS AND MAKE Intel's Program Management Tools eliminate common problems such as: "We've modified module FOO, which has introduced a new set of problems. Now we can't restore it back to the'earlier version." "Module FOO2 has been modified; no one seems to know who changed it, or why." "We often have several programmers making changes to the same modules. Trying to avoid simultaneous changes is a lot of effort, and we waste time synthesizing two sets of changes int!> one module." "To ensure that we release up-to-date, correct software, we periodically go into "release mode" for a few days. Everyone stops work completely while we find the latest versions, and then start the generation from the ground up. It literally takes days, when we could be making productive changes," SVCS and MAKE together provide a service that fits easily into your existing design methodology, and solves administrative problems such as those described above. SPECIFICATIONS· Networked, Multi-User Software Control NOS-II with at least one Intellec Microcomputer Development System iNDX, ISIS-III(N) System Software Standalone Use Intellec Series III with Model 750 Winchester Disk or Intellec Series IV SVCS and MAKE will not operate on ISIS-II local floppies or Model 740 Hard Disks. SVCS and MAKE may be exported from any workstation in an NDS;II configuration. Documentation ''A User's Guide to Program Management Tools" (121958) SOFTWARE SUPPORT This product includes a 9O-day initial support consisting of new software releases, updates, subscription services (software performance reports and technical reports), and telephone hotline support. Additional software support services are available separately. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number iMDX-332 Description Intel Program Management Tools ORDER NUMBER:21056HI03 ISIS-II SOFTWARE TOOLBOX • Significantly Improves Programmer Productivity • Provides Source File Management, Showing Source Changes, and Performing Version Control • Collection of Utilities that Speed Up Software Design • Provides Conditional Control and I'Structured Programming" to Submit Files • Enhances Capabilities of ISIS-II Operating System • Runs on Model 800, Series II, Series III, and Series IV Intellec® Development Systems • Most Utilities will Operate on NDSII Workstations and Remote Directories The ISIS-II Software Toolbox is a collection of system utilities that perform a variety of "productivityoriented" functions. There are two major subsets of Toolbox tools, in addition to numerous ad hoc utilities. These subsets provide Conditional Submit File Control and Source File Management. The Conditional Submit File Control tools provide "structured programming" at the ISIS-II command level. Jumps, Calls, Returns, etc. are supported, as well as conditional command execution, based on assertions such as file existence, program errors, file matching, and string matching. The. Source Management Tools support version number tracking, and allow users to identify which versions of each source module were used to create a load module. There is also a tool which compares source files and reports all differences. The tools outside of the two major subsets assist the programmer in some very specific development and debugging tasks. One tool manages all PUBLIC/EXTERNAL declarations in a system. Another merges the locate maps into a program listing, giving absolute symbolic debugging information. There's a directory sorter, a file compactor, and a tool to display just the last block of a file. PASSIF LATEST COM PAR GENPEX U fJ MERGBO MERG8S MRKOBJ ERRS LAST CHKLOD MANY TOOLS IN THE TOOLBOX ENHANCE SPECIFIC PHASES OF THE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE OTHERS IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY IN ALL PHASES. The lollowmg are trademarks of Intel Corporallon and may be used only to Identify Intel prOducts BXP. CflEOIT, t. ICE. les. 1m. Instte, Intel, mtel, InteleVISlon, Intellee, tRMX, Library Manager. MeS, Megachassls, Mlcromap, MUitlbus, Multlrnodule. PROMPT. Promware. RMXI80. System 2000, UP!' ~Scope, and the combmatlon of ICE. leS, ,sac tsex. lRMX .• sec. ,SBX, MeS, or AMX and a numencal suffiX @In,.,Corpora',onI981 4-10 ORDER NUMBER:210567-oD3 ISIS-II SOFTWARE TOOLBOX GENPEX-produces include file for PLIM external declarations (source level) PASSIF-general purpose assertion checking, testing, and reporting tool FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Submit File Execution Control Text Processing IF/ELSE/ENDIF-conditional submit file execution based on file existence, program errors, pattern matching, plus several other conditions GOTO-causes submit execution to resume at a specified label RETURN-causes execution to return to the "submitter" (calling file) EXIT-halts sub,mit file execution LOOP-forces execution to resume at the beginning of the submit file RESCAN-allows submit execution to begin anywhere in file NOTE-allows "progress report" notes to be placed in submit files WAIT-displays a message, and waits for user input to continue or abort STOPIF-halts submit file execution if specified listing contains errors COMPAR-performs line-oriented text file comparison (shows source changes) UPPER-changes all letters in an ASCII text file to uppercase LOWER-changes all letters in an ASCII text file to lowercase LAST-displays the last 512 bytes of a file SORT-sophisticated line-oriented text file sorting tool Disk Backup and File Processing DCOPY-fast track-by-track diskette copying HOBACK - sophisticated hard disk to floppy disk backup program PACK-compacts text files by removing strings of blanks UNPACK-reconstitutes "packed" files Source Management Disk Recovery XLATE2-submit-like tool with intelligent parameter substitution (for version control) MRKOBJ-"marks" object modules with source version information CHKLOD-lists source version data put in load modules by MRKOBJ CLEAN-deletes all old versions off a specified disk LATEST-displays latest version numbers of specified files GANEF*-interactively reads and writes floppy or hard disk data blocks Program Identification WHICH-displays version number of Software Toolbox Programs "These programs will not operate on NOS-II remote directories. This product includes a 90-day initial support consisting of new software releases, updates, subscription services (software performance reports and technical reports), and telephone hotline support. Additional software support services are available separately. Operating System Functions CONSOL-reassigns console input and console output as directed DSORT*-alphabetically sorts floppy disk and hard disk directories RELAB*-changes disk name to any other specified name ORDERING INFORMATION Program Development and Debugging Product Code MDS-363 t ERRS-fast display of program errors in PLI M 80, PLIM 86, and ASM 86 listings MERG80-merges debug data from locate maps into PLIM 80 listings MERG86-merges debug data from symbol maps into PLIM 86 and Pascal 86 listings Description ISIS~II SOFTWARE TOOLBOX Requires software license. 'MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Science. 4-'1 ORDER NUMBER:210HHI03 8086 SOFTWARE TOOLBOX • Collection of Tools That Speed Software Development • OMC 286 and 287 EMULATOR Aid 80286 and 80287 Software Development • MPl, a Standalone Macro Processor, is Ideal for Debugging Macros • Many Other Valuable 16-Bit Software Tools Are Included • SCRIBl and SPEll Assist Text Preparation • Runs on Series III and Series IV Microcomputer Dev,lopment Systems The 8086 Software Toolbox isa collection of 16-bit software tools that can significantly improve programmer productivity. These tools are valuable for text formatting and preparation, software testing and performance analysis, 286/287 software development, and a multitude of other applications. Text processing tools ease document formatting and preparation. SCRIBl is a text formatting program that uses commands embedded in text to do paging, centering, left and right margins, subscripts, etc. SPEll finds misspelled words in a text file and comes with a user expandable dictionary. COMP compares two text or source files and displays their differences. Test and performance analysis tools aid software testing and performance evaluation. PERF, a performance analysis tool for 8086 software, is ideal for isolating code "hot spots." PASS IF is a general-purpose assertion qhecking and reporting tool perfect for running test suites. Software development for 286/287 components is assisted by two software tools: OMC 286, an 8086 to 80286 object module convertor, and 287 EMULATOR, an 80287 emulator that runs on the 80286. Additional tools are included that aid 16-bit sQftware development efforts. All tools run on Series III and Series IV Microcomputer Development Systems. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT & TESTING TEXT PROCESSING SCRIBl PERF SPELL GRAPHIT MPL PASSIF WSORT COMP 286/287 DEVELOPMENT MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS OMC 286 FUNC 287 EMULATOR XREF DC HSORT ,8086 SOFTWARE TOOLBOX TOOLS Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Use of Any Circuiby Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are implied OCTOBER 1983 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983. 4-12 ORDER HUMBER:210567-CI03 inter 8086 SOFTWARE TOOLBOX FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNC-allows user to redefine the keys on a Series III keyboard and define function keys. Requires the iMDX 511 firmware. Text Processing SCRIBl-text formatting program that does paging, centering, left and right margins, justification, page headers and footers, underlines, boldface type, subscripts and superscripts, upper and lower case, and much more. Formatting commands are embedded in text. XREF-produces cross-reference tables from translator list files. Cross-references aii symbolsvariables, labels, literallies, and quoted strings. DC-floating pOint desk calculator program; allows variable definitions. MPl-standalone macro processor that processes the macro language used in 8086, 80286, 8089, and 8051 assembler-s. Can be used interactively which makes it ideal for debugging macros, MPL can be used to ~reprocess any text file. HSORT-general heap sort utility. SPECIFICATIONS SPEll-finds misspelled words in a text file. Dictionary of correctly spelled words is user expandable. Operating Environment Required Hardware WSORT-utility for creating the SPELL dictionary. Series III or Series IV Microcomputer Development System COMP-performs line-oriented text file comparison (shows source changes). Also understands 8086 object module formats for comparing 8086 object files. Required Software ISIS-II (W), ISIS-III (N), or iNDX Operating System Performance Measurement and Testing PASSIF-general-purpose assertion checking, testing; and reporting tool. Helps automate the software testing process. PERF-performance analysis tool for 8086 software. Monitors references in the code segment; segment monitored is user defined. Works with small or compact bound loadable modules. Ideal for isolating code "hot spots." Will only run on the Series III. GRAFIT-'"graphing utility for use with PERF. Miscellaneous Tools OMC286 - object module convertor that converts 8086 object modules into 80286 object modules. 287 EMULATOR-an 80287 emulator that runs on the 80286. 4-13 Documentaton "8086 Software Toolbox." (122203) Software Support This product includes a 90-day initial support consisting of new software releases, updates, subscription services (software performance reports and technical reports), and telephone hotline support. Additional software support services are available separately. ORDERING INFORMATION Product Code Description iMDX-364 8086 Software Toolbox ORDER NUMBER:210567-OO3 AEDIT TEXT EDITOR • • • AEDIT -80 Operates on any . Intelleas> Series II, Model 800, or IPDS Development System AEDlT-86 Operates on any Intellec® Series III or Series IV system Full Screen Editing Capabilities • • • • Menu-Driven, Easy-to-Use Designed for the Programmer Dual File Editing Easy Handling of Large Blocks of Text AEDIT is a programmer-oriented screen editor for lise on any Intellec Development System. It is designed to be easy to learn and easy to use. The user is guided by a menu which is used not only to select commands, but also to select options to commands-thu6the user is guided at all times. AEDIT provides full screen editing capabilities. In addition, AEDIT offers features to easily handle (move, copy, delete) large blocks of text. Additional commands are available to find and selectively replace text. AEDIT allows commands to be prefixed with a count, so commands can be repetitively applied to large portions of th'e file being edited. To facilitate command entry, the last command and last text strings (for FIND and REPLACE) are retained for convenient re-use. AEDIT has been designed with the programmer in mind. Two files can be edited during one session. The user can easily switch between files and transfer text between the files. AEDIT has options to automatically indent text to help with the entry of high-level language source. This can considerably shorten the programmer's editing task. . AEDIT can optionally use blanks instead of tabs to indent text. This means that compiler-produced listing files will have the same indentation as the programmer-created source file. Many other features make AEDIT the editor of the programmer's chOice. AEDIT can edit files of any size and optionally creates back-up copies of the file being edited. The user need not bother with complex and incomqrehensible command macro's-with AEDIT a macro is created simply by executing it. AEDIT remembers the user's actions for re-use, and stores them on file if requested. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and its affiliates and may be used only to identify Intel products: BXP, CREDIT, i,lCE, iCS, 1m, Inslte, Intel INTEL, Intelevision, Intellec, iMMX, iOSP, iPDS, iRMX, iSBC, ISBX, Library manager, MCS, MUlTiMODUlE, Megachassis, Micromainframe, Micromap, MULTI BUS, Multichannel, Plug·A·Bubble, PROMPT, Promware, RMX/80, System 2000, UPI, and the combination of ICS, iRMX, ISBC, iSBX, ICE, MCS, or UPI and a numerical suffix, Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other Patent licenses are implied. © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 MAY 1983 4-14 ORDER NUMBER:210996-002 AEDIT TEXT EDITOR MANUALS ORDERING INFORMATION AEDIT is supplied with a user manual documen· ting all the aspects of the editor, and a pocket reference card. The manual includes an in· troductory tutorial. iMDX·335 AEDIT·SO Text Editor. Includes 8" single and double den· sity diskeHes for Series liE, Series II, or Model SOO. and a 5%" diskette for iPDS. iMDX·334 AEDIT·S6 Text Editor Includes S" single and double density diskettes for Series III. HOST SYSTEM AEDIT·SO is an SOSO/SOS5·based utility and can be run on any Intellec Development System, Series liE, Series II, Model SOD, or iPDS, as well as on ISIS Cluster workstations. The higher·performance AEDIT·S6 is an SOS6·based utility that can be run on any Intellec Series IIIE, Se· ries III, or Series IV Development system. Any Series liE, Series II or Model SOD system can be upgraded to Series III functionality. AEDIT can be configured to run with non·lntel terminals. Tested configurations are available for the following popular terminals: ADDS Regent 200, Viewpoint 3A + Beehive Mini·Bee DEC VT52, VT100 Hazeltine 1510 Lear·Seigler ADM·3A Zentec ZMS·35 Regent 200 is a trademark of ADDS Mini·Bee is a trademark of Beehive DEC designated Digital Equipment Corporation ADM·3A is a trademark of Lear·Siegler 4·15 CREDIT™ CRT-BASED TEXT EDITOR MICROCOMPUTER DEVELbpMENT SYSTEMS • Provides Interactive Editing of ASCII Text Files • Displays Full Page of Text • CRT Screen Display with Cursor-Based Editing Using Single Character Commands for Insertion, Deletion, Page Forward and Backward • Dynamic Macro Command Definition • Operates Under the ISIS-II Operating System on Intellec® and Intellec® , Series II Microcomputer Development Systems • Command Line Editing with String Search, Deletion, Insertion and Move CREDIT is a CRT-based text editor that aids in the creation and editing of ASCII text files on Intellec Microcomputer Development Systems. Once the text has been edited to the programmer's satisfaction, it can be directed to the appropriate language processor for compilation, assembly or interpretation. CREDIT features are easy to use and simplify the change or rearrangement of text files. CREDIT runs under ISIS-II on any Intellec or Intellec Series II Microcomputer Development System with an Intel supplied CRT, disk drive(s) and 64K bytes of memory. Alternatively, it may be configured to run with non-Intel CRTs supporting cursor controls. There are two editing modes in CREDIT: a screen mode and a command line mode. The screen mode makes full use of the display characteristics of the CRT. The cursor pOSition is visible on the screen and can.be positioned by use of the cursor control keys. Display text can be corrected in two ways-either by sim"ply retyping the text, or by using the Single-stroke control keys. Specifically, the Single-character control keys are used for change, deletion, insertion and paging forward and page backward. In addition to screen editing, there is command line editing, whiQh includes commands for more powerful and complex editing tasks. Some examples of functions available in the command line mode are search, block move and copy, macro definition and manipulation of external files. These easily used, high-level commands facilitate complex editing and speed microcomputer development. 4-16 CREDlfTM EDITOR CREDIT™ EDITOR FEATURES • Change CREDIT features with ALTER command • Two editing modes: cursor-driven screen editing and command line context editing • Conditional iteration • User-defined tab settings • Symbolic tag positions CRT Editing Inoludes: • Automatic disk full warning • Runs under ISIS-II SUBMIT facility • Option to exit at any time with original file intact • Displays full page of text • Single control key commands for insertion, deletion, page forward and backward • HELP command • Type-over correction and replacement • Immediate feedback of the results of each operation BENEFITS OF CREDIT™ EDITOR • Speeds source program creatipn and editing-lowers the cost of these functions • The current state of the text is always represented on the display • Easy to learn and use-source text is clearly displayed -Single command keys used for CRT editing -HELP command is available for easy reference when needed Command Line Editing Includes: • String search and substitute • String delete, change or insert • Complements existing software - source text used for PLlM, PASCAL, FORTRAN, BASIC, and Assemblers • Block move • Block copy • User-defined macros • Aids in the management of source file libraries • Offers .full use of Intel supplied CRT cursor functions • External file handling ISIS-II LOADER DEBUG VIA MONITOR OPTIONAL ICE T" IN-CIRCUIT EMULATOR PROM PMGRAMMER Figure 1. Microcomputer Program Development AFN~1083B 4-17 CREDIT™ EDITOR SCREEN MODE COMMANDS MOVE CURSOR: Use the directional arrow keys on the keyboard. REPLACE: Type over existing text with replacement new text. INSERT: Insert one character. Insert more character. DELETE: than one Delete one character. Set boundaries and delete all text between them. PAGE: Next Page: Get next screenful of text. Previous Page: Get previous screenful. View Page: Rewrite current page with possible reframing. COMMAND MODE COMMANDS HELP: Display summary commands. PRINT: Print n lines or up to tag. JUMP: Move cursor position characters or to tag. TAGS: EXIT: of any INSERT: Insert before CP between delimiters. text DELETE: Delete n characters, characters up to tag. or Delete n lines backward. or n Transfer Copy block of text . from tag1, for n lines or through tag2, to cursor position. MACROS: forward Search for text; move pointer if found. SUBST: newtext replaces oldtext if oldtext is found. (Optional query to user before replacement.) FILES: Open file "filename" Reading or Writing. Close the current Read (Write) file. Define a macro. Delete a macro, or all macros if name=*. all FIND: Transfer move: like Transfer Copy but the old copy is deleted. ADVANCED EDITING COMMANDS Normal exit. Exit Quit: Abandon changes to edit file. Move cursor position n lines forward or backward. MOVE: Set tag n, n = 0-9. Tag n is referenced as Tn. for external Go to beginning of current Read file. Expand and execute macro contents, command mode. Expand and execute macro contents, screen mode. Read and insert n lines from the Read file. Print names and definitions of all macros. Write n lines to the external Write file. AFN·01083B 4-18 intJ CREDIT™ EDITOR GET: . Get contents command line. QUERY: Query User: set Query Flag accordingly. Do command only if Query Flag is True. YES: of file into Do command only if Query Flag is False. Do command only if Yes (Search) Flag is False. Do command only if (Search) Flag is False. Yes LOOP: Exit current iteration loop. ALTER: Configure the command input keys to work with alternative CRTs. USER: Copy text to the console. HELP: Display summary commands. SPECIFICATIONS Required Software Operating Environment ISIS-II Diskette Operating System -Single or double density of Required Hardware Documentation Package Intellec® Microcomputer Development System -Model 800 or Series II with 64k bytes of RAM memory -Series III Diskette Drive(s) -Single or double density System Console -Intel supplied CRT or alternative CRT supporting cursor controls CREDIT'" (CRT-Based Text Editor) User's Guide (9800902) CREDIT'" Pocket Reference (9800903) Shipping Media Flexible Diskettes -Single or double density Optional Hardware Line Printer Additional diskette drive(s) ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description MDS-360* ISIS-II CREDIT CRT-Based Text Editor Requires Software License *MDS is an ordering code ·only, and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS'" is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. SUPPORT CATEGORY: Level B 4-19 intJ MAINFf'AME LINK FOR DISTRIBUTED DEVELOPMENT • Integrate. u.er mainframe re.ouree. with Intellec· Development Sy.tem•. • U.e. IBM 2780/3780 ..andarel BISYNC protocol .upported by a maJority of mainframe. and mlnlcompute,.. • Protocol .upporta full error detection with automatic retry. • Software run. under ISIS-II on any Intellee· Development Sy.tem. • Communicate. with remote .y.tem. on dedicated or .wltched (dial-up) telephone line.. • Package al.o Include. te.t. and a connector for loop-back .elf-te.t capability. The Mainframe Link consists of software, moclem cable to connect the development system to the modem and a loopback connector for diagnostic 'testing. The software runs under ISI8-11 on Intellec Development Systems. It emulates the operation of an IBM 2780 or 3780 Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminal to (1) transmit ISI8-11 files to a remote system or (2) receive files from a remote system using standard BISYNC 2780/3780 protocol. The remote system can be any mainframe or minicomputer which supports the IBM 2780 or 3780 communica· tions interface staDdard. Files may contain ASCII or binary data so that either program source files (ASCII) or program object files (binary) may be transmitted. The Mainframe Link allows the user to integrate in-house mainframe resources with Intellec Microcomputer Development resources. The mainframe can be used for storage, maintenance and management of program source and object, files. The program source can be downloaded to a development system for compilation, assembly, linkage, and/or location. The linked modules can be transmitted and saved on the mainframe to be shared by all programmers. The linked program can then be downloaded to a development system for debugging using ICE emulation. USE MAINFRAME TO • • • • • • • CREATE SOURCE PROG USING MULTIPLE CRT'. STORE BACKUP & MAINTAIN LARGE DISK FILES LIST PROGRAMS USING FAST PRINTERS TRACK UPDATES & VERSION CONTROL PROTECT ACCESS TO SOURCE/OBJECT FILES SHARE COMMON LIBRARIES & MASTER PROGRAMS ORGANIZE. CONTROL, MANAGE LARGE PROJECTS USE MDS FOR: • SYMBOLIC DEBUGGING USING ICE The following ore _ 01 Intel Corporoban and may lie ulOll only 10 ~ Intel produ": I. Int.I.INTEL. INTEI.LEC. MCS. Im.1CB. ICE. IIPI. BXP.18Iic. _.IN8ITE. _ . _ lCSond._'" CREOIT.RMXAIO.,.llcope.Mu_.PIOF1'.-.~.Lobrwy _ _.MAlNMULnaoouLl.ond"' _ IUIIIx: e.g.. is/IC.8O. "'MCS.ICE.SBC._ .. MAY 1883 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 AFN'()l549C 4-20 intJ MAINFRAME LINK FEATURES Automatic translation from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice verse • Runs under ISI8-11 on any Intellec· Microcomputer Development System. Receive' chaining for receiving multiple files • Communicates with a remote system using IBM 278013780 standard BISYNC protocol, which is supported by a majority of minicomputers and mainframes, on dedicated or switched (dial-up) telephone lines. • The modem cable supplied with the package can be used to connect the Intellec. Development System to the modem (or modem eliminator) using the standard RS232C port. • Supports user selectable data transmission rates of up to 9600 baud. • Package includes diagnostic tests used to verity the operation of the Intellec· Development System using the loop-back connector supplied and data transmission up to the modem using the analog loop-back feature. • System can be configured to match the requirements of the installation, i.e., using modem eliminators for connections up to fifty (SO) feet, or by using modems and telephone lines. • Software can be configured from several configuration options such as: • Intel mode is used mainly for file transfers between two Intellec· Development Systems. The files are duplicated exactly. ;;; Console commands support all standard features including: SEND data in Transparent or Non-transparent mode, with or without translation to EBCDIC RECEIVE in Transparent or Noh-transparent mode, with or without translation to EBCDIC. Support for an IBM RJE console (such as HASP) • Special utility programs are provided. STRZ strips extra binary zero's from the end of object files. CONSOL assigns system console input to an ISISII disk file. • Can process commands interactively from the console or sequentially from an ISI8-11 file under the SUBMIT facility for semi-automatic batch operation. • Error detection in line transmission and error recovery by automatic retransmission. • A special command such as DIAGNOSE. allows logging of all data activity on the line, during transmission and reception. 2780, 3780 or Intel Mode • When not used for communicating with the mainframe, the Intellec· Development System is available as a complete, stand-alone system. Transparent mode for binary data Non-transparent mode for ASCII data BENEFITS • Allows the customer to use an in-house mainframe or minicomputer for program sourcepreparation, editing, back-up and maintenance using inexpensive CRT's and multi-terminal access. The common files may be shared and others protected. • Many programmers can use and share the highperformance devices normally available on large computer systems, e.g., fast printers to reduce listing time, the large capacity disks with their fast access time to store large program files. • The source files can be downloaded using the Mainframe Link to an Intellec Development System (e.g., Model 240 or 245) for compilation, linking and locating. 4-21 • The compiled and/or linked object files may be transmitted back to the remote for storage. Updates and version numbers and dates can be tracked to ensure that the latest ,verSion is always used and back-up files are available. Binary object files can be later downloaded to an Intellec Development System for debugging using' an ICE emulator. • In short, provides a powerful and flexible tool combining the best of both micro and mainframe worlds, i.e., powerful CPU with large disk capacity, file sharing, multi-terminal access, etc., from a 'mainframe or minicomputer with Intel's versatile and compatible software support systems (including PUM, PASCAL, FORTRAN, Assembler, R & L) and sophisticated debugging tools such as ICE emUlators. AFN-01549C inter MAINFRAME LINK SPECIFICATIONS Remote System Requirements Operating Environment • IBM 278013780 BISYNC protocol as supported by a majority of mainframes and minicomputers including: all IBM-360/370 Systems, PDP-11/70, VAX-111780, Data General ECLIPSE. Required Hardware: • Users should purchase this standard software package from the remote system vendor and any additional required hardware such as a synchronous communications interlace. Intellec· Microcompute'r Development System Model 800 Models 220, 225. 230, 235, 240 or 245 • The operating system at the remote must be configured (SYSGEN'ed) with correct options such as line address, 2780 or 3780, ... 64KB of Memory One Diskette Drive Single or Double Density Communication Equipment Requirements System Console Intel CRT or non-Intel CRT The Intellee Development System may be connected to the remote system using anyone of the following methods: Recommended Hardware for Compilation: Hard Disk (Models 240, 245, or Model 740 Upgrade) Additional Hardware Required for Model 800 iSBC-955 T11 , iSBC-534T11 • For short distances (up to 50 feet), use a synchronous modem eliminator (e.g., SPECTRON ME-81 FS-2). • For distances up to folir miles, use short haul synchronous modems and telephone lines. Required Software: • For distances greater than four miles, use synchronous modems and telephone lines. The following BELL modems or their equivalents are recommended: ISIS-II Diskette Operating System Single or Double Density BELL 201C 2400 bits/second (half duplex, switched line) BELL 208A 4800 bits/second (full duplex, leased line) BELL 208B 4800 bits/.second (half duplex, switched line) BELL 209A 9800 bits/second (full duplex, leased line) Documentation Package Mainframe Link User's Guide (121565-001) Shipping Media Flexible Diskettes Single and Double Density • Modems at either end must be compatible. ORDERING INFORMATION 'art Number DeSCription *MDS-384 Kit Mainframe Link for Distributed Development "MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MOS· is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. 4-22 AFN-Q1549C inter INTEL ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS LINK Communications software for VAX· • host computer and Intel microcomputer development systems Compatible with VAXlVMS· and UNIXt • operating systems Intel's Model 800, • Supports Series II, and Series III microcomputer Intellec~ development systems • Supports NOS-II workstations Allows development system console to • function as a host terminal Operates through direct cable • connection or over telephone lines selectable transmission rate • Software from 300 to 9600 baud Intel's Asynchronous Communications Link (ACL) enables one or more Intel microcomputer development systems to communicate with a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX family computer. The link supports Intel Model 800, Intellec Series II, or Intellec Series III development systems and NOS-II workstations. Programmers can use the editing and file management tools of the host computer and then download to the Intel microcomputer development system for debugging and execution. Programmers can use their microcomputer development system as a host terminal and control the host directly without changing terminals. VAX WORK INTELLEC" WORK ASYNCHRONOUS CIRCUIT STATION I SERIES-lIIas STATION INTELLEC@ I SERIES·III ETHERNET" I I WORK WORK STATION STATION INTELLEC" SERIES.m INTELLEC" SERIES III 1 HRM The following are tradem"arks of Intel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel products: Intel, ICE, IRMX, iSBC, iSBX, iSXM, MULTIBUS, MULTICHANNEL, MULTIMODULE and iCS. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other circuit patent licenses are implied. • ·VAX and VAXIVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation" t UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories. "Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corp. MAY 1983 ~ INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 4-23 ORDER NUMBER:210903-002 INTEL ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS, ,LIN'I( FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION HARDWARE CONNECTION The Asynchronous Communication Link (ACL) consists of cooperating programs: one that runs on the host computer, and others that run on each microcomputer development system. The development system programs execute under the ISIS-II or ISIS-III(N) operating sys\em and use Its file system. They invoke the companion program on the VAX-11/7XX, which 'runs under either the VAXlVMS or UNIX operatln~ system. The Link sends data over an RS232C cable. The communication line from the host computer connects directly to a development system port. TELECOMMUNICATIONS USING THE LINK The ACL is ideal for cross-host program development using a commercial timesharing service. This configuration requires RS232C compatible modems and a telecommunications line. Depending on the anticipated level of usage, wide-area telephone service (WATS), a leased line, or a data communications network may be chosen to keep operating overhead low. I The link provides three modes of communication: on-line transmission, single-line transmission, and file transfer. In on-line mode, the development system' functions as a host terminal, enabling the programmer to develop programs using the host computer's editing, compilation, and file-management tools directly from the development system's console. Later, switching to file transfer mode, text flies and obJect code can be downloaded from the host to the development system for debugging and- execution. Alternatively, flies can be sent back to the host for editing or storage. In single line mode, the programmer can send single-line commands to the host computer while remaining in the ISIS-II or ISIS-III(N) environment. The user can select transmission rates over the link from 300 to 9600 baud. The link transmits in encapsulated blocks. The receiver program validates the transmission by checking recordnumber and checksum information In each block's header. In the event of a transmission error, the receiving program recognizes a bad block and requests the sender to retransmit the correct block. The result Is highly reliable data commun ications. SOFTWARE PACKAGE The Asynchronous Communications Link Package contains either a VAX/VMS or UNIX compatible magnetic tape, a single- or doubledensity diskette compatible with, the Intellec development system, and the Asynchronqus CommunIcations Link User's Guide containing installation, configuration, and operation infor· matlon. ND8-11 ACCESS USING THE LINK The ACL is Ideal for Interconnecting VAX host· computers with NOS-II. This configuration requires that an NOS-II workstation be connected to the VAX host computer using the RS232C interface and to NOS-II using the Ethernet Interface. All three modes of communication operate identically ,on NOS-II. In the on-line, mode, the development workstation operates as a host terminal, and concurrently, as an NOS-II workstation. It is easy to tranSition between the VAX and ISIS-III(N) operating systems environments as LOGONILOGOFF sequences are not required to re-enter environments. In file transfer mode, text and object files can be transferred from the VAX directly to the Winchester Disk at the NRM wit~out first copying the files to the workstation local floppy disk. - Similarly, flies residing on the NOS-II Network File System (the Winchester Disk at the NRM) can be transferred directly to the VAX without using local workstation storage. U.slng the EXPORTIIMPORT mechanisms of NOS-II, a network workstation which, is not directly connected to the VAX can cause flies to be transferred between the VAX and NRM. For example, any NOS-II workstation can "EXPORT" ACL commands to another "IMPORT"lng NOS-II / 4-24 AFN-210903B INTEL ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS LINK workstation which is physically connected to a VAX. The "IMPORT"ing workstation executes the ACL command file causing the desired ac· tion to occur. VAX ACCESS USING THE LINK Users who want multiple workstations concur· rently operating as VAX terminals (the ONLINE mode) must physically connect each work· station to the VAX. However, users who want multiple workstations to be able to upload/ download files, for example, must only physical· Iy connect one workstation to the VAX: By using the EXPORT/IMPORT mechanism of NOS-II as described above, the user can have multiple workstations accessing the VAX using only one connection. SPECIFICATIONS Required Intel Development System Configuration Software Model 800, Intellec Series II, or Intellec Series III under ISIS-II Asynchronous Communications Link develop· ment system programs VAXIVMS or UNIX companion program Required Connection Media RS232C compatible - cable 3M-3349/25 or equivalent; 25-pin connector 3M-3482-1000 or equivalent Single- or double-density ISIS-II compatible disk· ette Recommended Modems for Telecommunications 60b-ft. 1600 bpi magnetic tape, VAX/VMS or UNIX compatible 300 baud - Bell* 103 modem; VAOICt 3455 modem or equivalent Manual 1200 baud - Bell 202 modem; VAOIC 3451 modem or equivalent Asynchronous Communications Guide, Order No. 172174-001 Link User's Required Host Configuration VAX-11/7XX running VAX/VMS (Version 2.4) or fourth Berkeley distribution of UNIX 32V 9600 baud - Bell 209A (full duplex, leased line) or equivalent Note: Since one of the two Model 800 ports uses a cur· rent loop interface, Model 800 users need a ter· mlnal or modem that is current loop compatible, or a current 100plRS232C converter. ORDERING INFORMATION Product Name , Ordering Code* Asynchronous Communications Link iMOX 395 for UNIX systems iMOX 394 for VAX/VMS systems "Bell is a trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph. t VAOIC Is a trademark of Racal·Vadlc Inc. * See price book for proper suffixes for options and media salectlon. 4-25 AFN'01083C iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE • -Collection of network usage statistics . -Setting and inspecting of transport and data link parameters -Fault isolation and detection -Boot Server ISO Transport (8073) Class 4 services -Guaranteed message integrity -Data rate matching (flow control) -Multiple connection capability -Variable length messages -Expedited delivery -Negotiation of virtual circuit characteristics during opens • • Additional functionality -Connection less transport (Datagram) -External Data Link • IEEE 802.3 Data Link protocol (CSMAlCD) supported • • Comprehensive Network Management services • Compatible with multiple system environments -Runs as an iRMX™ 86 job -Supports host operating system independent designs based on 8086, 8088 or 80168 and 82586 components Runs on iSBC® 186/51 COMMputer™ Board Size configurable to suit specific application requirements iNA 960 is a general purpose local area network software' package implementing the class 4 services of the ISO transport proposed specification and network management functions in system designs based on the 8086, 8088 and 80186 microprocessors and the 82586 communications co-processor. iNA 960 also supports Intel's board level LAN products, the iSBC® 550 KIT and the iSBC® 186/51. Combined with the iSBC 186/51 COMMputer T• board, iNA 960 offers a high performance, costeffective network solution for MULTIBUS®/iRMX'M 86 users. See Figure 1 for iNA 960 functionality and operating environments. iNA 960 is a ready-to-use software building block for OEM suppliers of networked systems for both technical and commercial applications. Examples for such applications include networked design stations, manufacturing process control, communicating word processors, and financial services workstations. Using the iNA 960 software the OEM can minimize development cost and time while achieving compatibility with a growing number of equipment suppliers adapting the IEEE and ISO standards. I ISO MODEL TYPICAL INA 960 HARDWARE ENVIRONMENTS END-USER APPLICATION PROCESS ! APPLICATION PRESENTATION SESSION TRANSPORT .1 NETWORK MANAGEMENT ~ ISBC' 186151 COMMputer BOARD IMPLE- NETWORK DATA LINK LAYER DATA LINK INTERFACE .... ---- -- _.... ---i -_PHYSICAL DATA LINK I PHYSICAL >-~~~J:~6 IMPLEMENTED BY 82586/82501 BASED HARDWARE ISBC' 550 ETHERNET CONTROLLER Figure 1. Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are Implied. Information Contained Herein Supercedes PreVIously Published Specifications On These Devices From Intel. 4-26 ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1983. AUGUST 1983 ORDER NUMBER: 230777-001 inter iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW dedicated 8086, 8088 or 80186 processor coupled with an 82586 to provide a communications front end processor. The iNA 960 design is a standard implementation of the Class 4 transport protocol defined by the ISO OSI model. The Transport Layer provides a reliable fullduplex message delivery service on top of the "best effort" IEEE 802.3 standard packet delivery service implemented by the 82586 (or equivalent) physical and data link functions. The software also includes a Network Management service. This facility enables the user to monitor and adjust the network's operation in order to optimize its performance. Consisting of linkable modules, the software can be configured to implement a range of optional capabilities and interface protocols. In addition to reliable process-to-process message delivery, the options include a datagram service, a boot server, a direct user access to the Data Link Layer, and a comprehensive network management facility. The current release of iNA 960 includes a "null" Network Layer supporting the Data Link and Transport Layers without providing internetwork routing service. This capability will be implemented in later releases of iNA 960. For a conceptual block diagram of iNA 960, refer to Figure 2. iNA 960 can be configured to run under iRMX 86 along with the user software, or to run on top of a iRMX'" 86 OR REMOTE HOST INTERFACE I CLIENT I I INTERFACE MODULE j + ~ r- - - - - - ...." - - - - - - - , TRANSPORT LAYER ISO DP 8773 NETWORK LAYER DATA LINK LAYER I DATAGRAM (OPTIONAL) I I VIRTUAL CIRCUIT IL.. _ _ _ _ _ ....L....-_ _ _ _ 1~ ....I ~ iNA 960 ___N_U_L_L~LA_Y_E_R ___ ~r.-- r - - - - - ~ r-t-------. I '1 I EXTERNAL DATA LINK DATA LINK INTERFACE I I ::; I : o~Q : I bffi~ • I mwl- (/)e. •I L.. _ _ _ -J I '- - - - - - L-rl-----...J t DATA LINK AND PHYSICAL LAYERS }HAFiDWARE NETWORK Figure 2. iNA 960 Conceptual Block Diagram 4-27 iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE TRANSPORT LAYER The Transport Layer proVides message delivery services between client processes running on computers (network "hosts" or "nodes") anywhere in the network. Client processes are identified by a combination of a network address defining the node and a transport service access point defining the interface point through which the client accesses the transport services. The combined parameters, called the transport address, are supplied by the user for both the local and the remote client processes to be connected. The iNA 960 transport layer implements two kinds of message delivery services: virtual circuit and datagram. The virtual circuit provides a reliable pointto-point message delivery service ensuring maximum data integrity, and it is fully. compatible with the ISO 8073 Class 4 protocol. The datagram service provides a best effort message delivery between client processes requiring less overhead and therefore allowing higher throughput than virtual Circuits. .. Virtual Circuit Services -Reliable Delivery: Data is delivered to the destination in the exact order it was sent by the source, with no errors, duplications or losses, regardless of the quality of service available from the underlying network service. -Data Rate Matching (flow control): The Transport Layer attempts to maximize throughput while conserving communication subsystem resources by controlling the rate at which messages are sent. That rate is based on the availablity of receive buffers at the destination and its own resources. -Multiple Connection Capability (Process Multiplexing): Several processes can be simultaneously using the Transport Layer with no risk that progress or lack of progress by one process will interfere with others. -Variable Length Messages: The client software can submit arbitrarily short or long messages for .transmittal without regard for the minimum or maximum network service data unit (NSDU) .Iengths supported by the underlying network services. -Expedited Delivery: With this service the client can transmit up to 16 bytes of urgent data bypassing the normal flow control. The expedited data is guaranteed to arrive before any normal data submitted afterward. Connection less Transport (Datagram) Service The datagram service option transfers data between client processes without establishing a virtual circuit. The service is a "best effort" capability and data may be lost or misordered. Data can be transferred at one time to a single destination or to several destinations (multicast). NETWORK MANAGEMENT (NM) The network management option provides the users of the network with planning, operation, maintenance and initialization services described below. -Planning: This service captures network usage statistics on the various layers to help plan network expansion. Statistics are maintained by the layers themselves and are made available to users via an interface with the NM . -Operation: This service allows the user to monitor network functions and to' inspect and adjust network parameters. The goal is to provide the tools for performance optimization on the network. -Maintenance: This service deals with detecting, isolating and correcting network faults. It also provides the capabilitY\to determine the presence of hosts and the viability of their connection to the network. -Initialization: NM provides initialization and remote loading facilities. Network management provides distributed management of the network; the user can request any of the services to be performed on a remote as well as a local node. The NM interfaces to every other network layer both to utilize their services and to access their internal data bases. In support of the above services, the NM capabilities include layer management, echo testing, limited debugging facilities, and the ability to down line load and up line dump a remote system. 4-28 inter iNA 960, NETWORK SOFTWARE Layer management deals with manipulating the internal database of a layer. The elements of these data bases are termed objects. Some examples for objects are the number of collisions, retransmission time-out limit, the number of packets sent, and the list of nodes to boot. NM can examine and (I)odity objects in a layer's data base. An echo facility is provided. Using this facility the host can determine if a node is present on the network or not, test the communication path to that node and determine whether the remote node is functional. NM enables the user to read or write memory in any host present on the network. This feature is provided as an aid to debugging. NM can down line load any system present on the network. A simple Data Link protocol is used to ensure reliability. This facility can be used to load databases, to boot systems without local mass storage or to boot a set of nodes remotely, thus ensuring that they have the same version of software, etc. ·Up line dumping is an operation equivalent to memory read from the user's standpoint; however, up line dumping uses the Data Link facilities while memory read uses the transport facilities. USER ENVIRONMENT iNA 960 is designed to run on hardware based on the 8086, 8088 or 80186 microprocessors and the 82586 LAN Coprocessor. The software can be configured to run under iRMX 86 or on a dedicated 8086', 8088 or 80186 processor separately from the host. The roilowing section describes these two operating environments. iRMX Environment In this configuration, both the user program and iNA 960 are running under iRMX 86. The communications software is implemented as an iRMX 86 job requiring the nucleus only for most operations. The only exception is the boot server option which also needs the Basic I/O System. iNA 960 will run in any iRMX environment including configurations based on the 80130. See Figure 3 for an illustration of iNA 960 running under iRMX 86. Some of the typical hardware implementations include the iSBC 550 KIT combined with an 8086, 8088 or 80186 based host or the iSBC 186/51 COMMputer'· board integrating the host processor and the communications controller into a Single, high performance MULTI BUS board. See Figure 4A and 4B for a conceptual block diagram of these configurations. Operating System/Processor Independent Implementation The External Data Link option allows the user to access the functionalities of the Data Link Layer directly instead of having to go through the network and transport layers. This flexibility is useful when the user needs custom higher layer software, or does not need the Network Layer and Transport Layer services (e.g., when sending "best effort" messages, or running customer diagnostics). In those systems where iRMX 86 is not the primary operating system, where off-loading the host of the communications tasks is necessary for performance reasons, or where an existing communications frontend processor configuration is being upgraded, the user may wish to dedicate a processor for communications purposes. iNA 960 can be configured to support such implementations by providing network services on an 8086, 8088 or 80186 processor. Figure 5 depicts the conceptual block diagram of this configuration. Through the EDL the capabilities supporting the lower layers in iNA 960 are made directly available to the user. EDL enables the user to establish and delete data link connections, transmit packets to individual and multiple receivers, and configure the data link software to meet the requirements of the given network environment. This approach provides the component and system designer with an ISO standard communications software building block that can be adapted to his system's needs with a minimum interfacing effort. For added flexibility, iNA 960 provides the user with the alternative of using the included interface module or writing his own module, if necessary. EXTERNAL DATA LINK (EDl) 4-29 iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE Figure 3. As an iRMX T• Job, iNA 960 uses nucleus calls and, when the Boot Server Is present, BIOS calls. . NETWORK Isec 86/30 ISBC' 550 KIT WITH iRMX" 86 AND INA 960 MULTIBUS' Figure 4A. 'TYpical configuration using ISBC® 550 kit, ISBC® 86/30, iRMX 86 4-30 T • and iNA 960. INA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE ~~_______N~E~TW~OR~K~______~t- ISBC" 186/51 WITH IRMX86 AND INA 960 Figure 4B. Configuration using iSBC® 186/51, IRMX 86 and iNA 960. -1 r- NETWORK ,. . ________ J_________ -.. ( ~ MEMORY (iNA 960 PLUS LOCAL RAM/ROM) I 82586 8086 OR 80186 I I I I I I I I I . SYSTEM BUS INTERFACE _________ I DEDICATED I COMMUNICATIONS I PROCESSOR I _________ J ) Figure 5. In the operating system/processor independent implementation iNA 960 Is running on a dedicated 8086, 8088 or 80186 processor. 4-31 iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE iNA 960 is designed to run both under iRMX 86 and on a dedicated communications front end processor separately from the host. In both environments, the interface is based on exchanging memory segments called request blocks between iNA 960 and the client. The format and contents of the request blocks remain the same in both configurations; only the request block delivery mechanism changes. See Figure 6 for a simplified interface diagram. Request blocks are memory segments containing the data to be passed from the user to iNA 960 (commands), or from iNA 960 to the user (responses). The iNA 960 request blocks consist of fixed format fields identical across all user commands and argument fields unique to the individual commands. Refer to Figure 7 for the standard request block format. Issuing an iNA 960 command consists of filling in the request block fields and transferring the block to iNA 960 for execution. After processing the command, iNA 960 returns the request block with one of the pre-defined response codes placed in the response code field of the request block. The response code indicates whether the command was executed suc- . cessfully or whether an error occurred. By examining the response code, the user can take appropriate action for that command. For iRMX users, iNA 960 also provides a procedural interface option to simplify writing the application software interface. In this case, the allocation and formatting of request blocks are replaced by a procedure call with parameters that specify the user's command options. The procedure execution will create a request block and fill in the appropriate fields from the user's parameter list. CLIENT iNA 960 For component users the request block delivery mechanism is the means by which- the host processor and the communications processor running iNA 960 software exchange the request blocks. iNA 960 provides several such mechanisms as well as permitting user-defined techniques to be utilized. Figure 6. WORD/BYTE Reserved (2) Length User I.D. Response Port Return Mailbox Token Segment Token Subsystem Opcode Response Code Arguments WORD BYTE . WORD BYTE WORD WORD BYTE BYTE WORD BYTE FIXED FORMAT FIELDS (same for all commands) I Figure 7. iNA 960 Request Block Format 4-32 ARGUMENTS (changes by command) iNA 960 NETWOR~ SOFTWARE Transport Layer User Interface The following table summarizes the user commands and the corresponding transport layer responses. Command , Function 1. OPEN Allocates memory for the connection data base of a virtual circuit (or connection) to be established. The connection database contains data concerning the connection. 2. SEND CONNECT Requests connection to a fully specified remote transport address using specified ISO connection negotiation options. REQUEST - 3. AWAIT CONNECT REQUESTrrRAN Indicates that the transport client is willing to consider incoming connection requests based on pre-established acceptance criteria. 4. AWAIT CONNECT Indicates that the transport client is willing to consider incoming connection requests. If the request meets the address and negotiation option criteria, it is passed to the client for further consideration. REQUEST/USER 5. ACCEPT CONNECT REQUEST 6. SEND DATA or SEND EOM DATA Indicates that the connection requested by a remote transport service is accepted by the client. With this command, the client requests the transmission of the data in the buffers using the normal delivery service of the specified connection. The SEND EOM DATA command signals that the end of the data marks the end of the transport service data unit. 7. RECEIVE DATA Posts normal receive data buffers for a specific connection or for a buffer pool used by a class of connections. 8. WITHDRAW RECEIVE Withdraws normal receive data buffers previously posted by a RECEIVE DATA command. BUFFER 9. SEND EXPEDITED DATA Transmits up to 16 bytes of data using the expedited delivery service. The expedited data is guaranteed to arrive at the destination before any normal data submitted afterward. 10. RECEIVE EXPEDITED DATA Posts receive data- buffers for expedited delivery for a specific connection or for a pool of buffers used by a class of connections. 11. WITHDRAW EXPEDITED DATA BUFFER Withdraws expedited receive data buffers previously posted by a RECEIVE EXPEDITED DATA command. 12. CLOSE Terminates an existing connection or rejects an incoming connection request. Any normal or expedited data queued up to be sent will not be sent. 13. AWAIT CLOSE Requests notification of the client of the termination of a specified connection. 14. STATUS and DEFERRED Places status information about transport and, optionally, about a specified connection into a supplied buffer. STATUS 4-33 I INA $60 NETWORK SOFTWARE Command Function 15. SEND DATAGRAM Requests transmission of the data in the buffers using the transport datagram service. 16. RECEIVE DATAGRAM Posts a receive buffer for a specific receiver or a class of receivers to ' receive data from a transport datagram. 17. WITHDRAW DATAGRAM , BUFFER Withdraws datagram receive buffers previously posted by a RECEIVE DATAGRAM command. Network Management Layer User Interface Function Command " 1. READ OBJECT Returns the value of the Specified object to the client. 2. SET OBJECT Sets the value of an object as specified by the client. 3. READ AND CLEAR OBJECT Returns the value of the specified object to the client then clears the Object. 4. ECHO This function is used to determine the presence of a node, to test the communication path to the node and to ascertain the viability and functionality of the remote host addressed. 5. UP LINE DUMP Requests a remote node to dump a specified memory area. 6. READ MEMORY Reads memory of the specified network node. 7. SET MEMORY Sets memory of the specified network node. 8. FORCE LOAD Causes a node to attempt a remote load from another node. External Data Link Interface Command Function 1. CONNECT With this command the client establishes a data link connection. 2. DISCONNECT Eliminates a previously established connection. 3. TRANSMIT Transmits data contained in buffers specified by the client. 4. posr RECEIVE PACKET DESCRIPTOR Allocates memory for maintaining records on receive data buffers. Also may be used to allocate memory for buffering receive data. 5. POST RECEIVE BUFFER Allocates memory for buffering receive data. 6. ADD MULTICAST ADDRESS Adds an address to the list of data link multicast addresses. 7. REMOVE MULTICAST ADDRESS Removes an address from the list of data link multicast addresses. 8. SeT DATA LINK 1.0. Sets up a unique data link 1.0. for the station. 4-34 iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE CONFIGURING iNA 960 in the desired module to set up for the iRMX 86 or the operating system independent configurations. In order to adapt iNA 960 to his specific application, the user must configure the software to define the Layer parameters and confiuration options are first edited into layer configuration files, then assembled and linked into INA 960. Layer parameters adjust the network's operation to match the usage pattern and the available resources. For example, within the Transport Layer,' the flow control parameters, the retransmission timer parameters, the transport data base parameters, etc. can be set via this process. desired functions, to select the appropriate interface, to set the layer parameters and to set up for the required hardware configuration. There are four optional functionalities the user may elect to implement in his application: the datagram service, the External Data Link interface, network management, and the boot server. These capabilities can be made available simply by linking in the corresponding software modules. The interface options are also implemented in a modular fashion; the user links HARDWARE REQUIRED: The user also sets up for the required hardware configuration, such as port addresses and interrupt levels, during this process. For the flow diagram of configuring iNA 960, refer to Figure 8. INPUTS _ I OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS _ USER ENVIRONMENT _ LAYER PARAMETERS _ H/W CONFIGURATION -MDS SERIES III OR -86/300 AND iRMX'" 86 -UNIVERSAL PROM PROGRAMMER IF USER SYSTEM IS IN FIRMWARE SOFTWARE UTILITIES REQUIRED: -TEXT EDITOR -ASM 86 -LINK 86 -LOC.86 Figure 8. The Configuration Process for iNA 960 4-35 inter iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS· Available Llterature/ Reference Materials: -iNA 960 Programmer's Reference Manual (11/83) -iSBC 186/51 Data Sheet (Now) -iSBC 186/51 Hardware Reference Manual (11/83) Hardware Supported: -iSBC 186/51 Communicating Computer. -iSBC 550 KIT Ethernet controller board(s) configured to run with iSBC 86/30 or iSBC 86/12B Multibus processor boards. -Custom designs based on 8086, 8088 and 80186 microprocessors and the 82586 Local Communications Controller. Ordering Information The following is a list of ordering options for the iNA 960 Network Software. All options include a full year of update service that provides a periodic NEWSLETTER, Software Problem Report Service, and copies of system updates that occur during this period. All of the object code options listed are available on either ISIS or RMX compatible double density diskettes. lYplcal Throughput at transport: Environments: 186/51 and 50K to 200K bytes/sec iRMX86 Dedicated 80186/ 100K to 300K bytes/sec 82586 COMMengine As with all Intel software, purchase of any of these options requires the execution of a standard Intel Master Software License. The specific rights granted to users depend on the specific option and the License signed. Memory Requirements: (in bytes) Base Transport System Net Management Option Datagram Option External Data Link Option Boot Server Option 32K plus configurable Buffer Memory 1K to 5K 2K plus Data Base Memory 3K 5K 4-36 inter iNA 960 NETWORK SOFTWARE Description Order Code iNA 960 BRO OEM object code license requiring the payment of incorporation fees for each derivative work based on iNA 960; ISIS formatted diskettes iNA 960 ERO Same as above; RMX tormatted diskettes iNA 960 BST . Object code license to use the product at a second site or facility; ISIS formatted diskettes iNA 960 EST Same as above; RMX formatted diskettes INA 960 BBY Object code buy-out license requiring no further payment of incorporation fees; ISIS formatted diskettes iNA 960 EBY Same as above; RMX formatted diskettes iNA 960 BSU Object code single use license only; ISIS formatted diskettes iNA 960 ESU Same as above; RMX formatted diskettes iNA 960 BSR License for machine readable source code of iNA 960; ISIS formatted diskettes iNA 960 ESR Same as above; RMX formatted diskettes iNA 960 LST Source listing of iNA 960 provided on microfiche under a special source code license agreement iNA 960 LWX One year extension of software support service for source listings iNA 960 BWX Same as above for ISIS customers iNA 960 EWX Same as above for RMX customers iNA 960 RF Order code for the payment of incorporation fees 4-37 NOS-II ELECTRONIC MAIL • Improves Project Coordination and Communication • MAIL Operates Either Interactively or in Command-Tail Format • Minimizes "Phone Tag" and Excess Paperwork • User, Group, and "Bulletin Board" Mailboxes Can Be Created • Users Can Send and Receive Text or Object Files • Operates on any Workstation in the NOS-II Development Environment Electronic Mail enables users to send and receive messages and files between any nodes on the NOS-II network. In dOing so, Electronic Mail improves the communication and coordination between members, reduces "phone tag" and paper generation, aids project configuration management by enabling simplified file transfers, and increases flexibility in workstation location. Mail maintains a directory, called the "post office," which contains user, group, and bulletin board mailboxes. Each NOS-II user has a mailbox which is only accessible to that user. Group mailboxes are accessible by a defined group of users, and bulletin board mailboxes are accessible by all users. Both group and bulletin board mailboxes can be easily created by any system user. Users can send a message to any of the mailbox types listed above. Messages can consist of text generated when Mail is invoked, or a text or object file. Options available when sending mail include using a subject string to categorize a message, specifying a message expiration date and time, delaying message delivery until a specific date and time, marking the message URGENT, and maintaining a log of all messages sent. Users can interactively read their mail and perform the following operations: print messages on their workstation console, delete messages from a mailbqx, save messages in a file, forward messages to other users, and reply to message senders. In addition, users can request a mailbox summary which includes, for each message, the sender'S name, date sent, subject, urgency, code type (text or object), and message number. NOS-II Electronic Mail executes on all existing NOS-II workstations using either the iNOX or ISIS-III(N)!ISIS Cluster operating systems. TYPICAL MAIL USAGE TYPICAL MAIL BENEFITS • DISTRIBUTE SUPERUSER MESSAGES • IMPROVE TEAM COMMUNICATION AND • CREATE AND SEND INTERNAL MEMOS COORDINATION • COLLECT PROJECT MILESTONE DATA • REDUCE PHONE TAG • REPORT PROGRAM BUGS AND • MINIMIZE PAPER GENERATION RECOMMEND SYS'fEM CHANGES • AID PROJECT CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT • SEND SOURCE AND OBJECT FILES • INCREASE WORKSTATION LOCATION FLEXIBILITY • USE AS TELEPHONE MESSAGE CENTER • OVERALL, BOOST DEVELOPMENT TEAM PRODUCTIVITY NOS-II ELECTRONIC MAIL Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other Circu~ Patent Licenses are implied OCTOBER 1983 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983. 4-38 ORDER NUMBER:2105870003 NDS·II ELECTRONIC MAIL OPERATING ENVIRONMENT SOFTWARE SUPPORT This product includes a 90-day initial support consisting of new software releases, updates, subscription services (software performance reports and technical reports), and telephone hotline support. Additional software support services are available separately. Required Hardware NOS-II Environment with any 8 or 16 bit Microcomputer Deve!opment System Workstation Required Software iNOX or ISIS-III(N)/ISIS Cluster System Software ORDERING INFORMATION DOCUMENTATION "NOS-II Electronic Mail User's Guide" (122146) 4-39 Product Code Description iMOX-337 NOS-II Electronic Mail ORDER NUMBER:210587-DD3 Systems and Applications Software 5 XENIX* • iWORD Processing • iPLAN (Multiplan*) Spreadsheet • iMENU Development System Productivity Software Tools il 1983 Intel Corporation 'XENIX and Multiplan are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation 5-1 NOVEMBER 1983 ORDER NUMBER 230844-001 XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS INTRODUCTION Software tools for the XENIX environment Intel's "Software Backplane" Intel's productivity software tools are designed to meet the basic information processing needs of the office environment. Thilored specifically for the XENIX* operating system, the software tools are available as individual packages which can be applied to specific end-user tasks. Intel's application packages are also offered as a Seamless™ set of software tools, integrated with a hardware/software system such as Intel's Database Information System (iDIS™ 861735). Seamless software tools support the transparent sharing of data files among various application packages with complete data integrity. With Seamless software, results from one application package are readily accessible and compatible as input for another form of processing. IWORD* • Standard text editing/formatting commands The powerful, versatile word processing tool • Designed especially for the XENIX operating system Inters iWORD package is a sophisticated, yet friendly word processing tool for preparing business documents, such as reports, letters, memoranda, technical papers, and more. Written in the ·C" language and tailored to the XENIX operating system, the iWORD package can run in both multi-user and single-user en: vironments. Menu-driven and screenoriented, the iWORD package supports all standard text editing, storage, and formatting development functions. • Easy-to-use for beginners, powerful for experts • Full-screen text editor • Access to XENIX typesetter and printer drivers . • Embedded commands for global formatting • On-screen display of formatted text • On-line Help facility, spelling/dictionary module, and mail/merge facility • Worldwide service. and support An effiCient, easy-to-use text processor Inexperienced users will find the iWORD software concepts intuitively easy. For example, the user accesses a documejlt file by opening a "drawer," and editing commands follow familiar "cut and paste" procedures. All commands are in plain English. No memorization is necessary, and many operations are executed by a "IWORD is a version of Horizon Wlrd Processing, a trademark of Horizon Software Systems, Inc. 5-2 single keystroke. Concise command menus and an .on-line Help facility are continuously available so that novice users can quickly advance in their word processing abilities. The iWORD system is sufficiently powerful to meet the needs of more experienced users as well. Designed around office needs "Inters iWORD software is based on the simple concept of an office file cabinet, defined by a collection of drawers, each of which contains files (documents) . The user may: • Open an existing drawer or make a new drawer • Create a new file or select an existing file • Rename a drawer or file • Add to, change, copy, move or delete the selected file. There is no limit to the number of user-created drawers other than the availability of disk storage space. inter XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS On-screen display of formatted text The word processor allows users to visually format documents and print them as they are displayed on the terminal, or to format them with the powerful text processing filcilities inherent to the XENIX operating system. This on-screen display capability is particularly helpful in preparing documents for typesetting. The results of text formatting co!TImands appear immediately on the screen. Examples of these commands include: • Right justification • Underlining • Indentation • Centering • Alignment. Advanced word processing features Inexperienced users may execute commands from a simple menu (and related Help screens), while more proficient users may opt to use up to 64 function keys without accessing the menu. The iWORD system allows simultaneous support for multiple character andlor line printers at the local or system level; printer selection is an operator option at print time. The iWORD package includes a spelling checker and correction filcility with an extensive on-line dictionary. A Mail/Merge facility is available to combine mailing lists and document files (e.g., form letters) for printer output. MaillMerge also provides the capability of incorporating paragraphs ' from a third file. The iWORD processing allows onscreen sorting of numeric or alphabetic text. Special editing commands • Find commands ("string search") to locate characters or words in text for possible changes or additions • Deletion commands for removing words, sentences, lines, paragraphs and entire files • Fill commands to fit as many words as possible in a finite space • Form command to type over existing text • Command to mark location of the cursor within text • Paste-in command to copy a section of text • Replace command that replaces one text area with another • Tab setting commands Embedded "dot" commands When formatting or printing needs are complex, the user has easy access to more powerful embedded "dot" commands. "Dot" commands are most useful for medium-sized and long documents requiring sophisticated formatting functions like subscripts, superscripts, and footnotes. "Dot" commands are fully compatible with NROFF and TROFF, the XENIXsupplied printing and typesetting utilities, The results of "dot" commands are displayed on-screen before the document is printed, Embedded commands for global formatting include: • Page layout • Justification • Automatic hyphenation • Running headers and footers • Footnotes • Superscripts and subscripts • Automatic page numbering • XENIX typesetting commands (TROFF) • XENIX printing commands (NROFF). 5-3 Editing two files simultaneously The iWORD package provides a moveable "window" into a file for fullscreen text editing. The user may slmultaneousiy display two areas of the same document or two different documents in two screen "windows:' Employing this "split screen" capability, the user may review two different files at the same time, as well as move text between files. 'Designed for experienced and novice users The iWORD software provides the experienced word processing user the full strength of XENIX text preparation commands, such as NROFF and TROFP. The iWORD package also offers a compn;hensive menu shell which makes the word processing software easy to use for even the most inexperienced computer user. In conclusion, the iWORD system is a powerful, "user friendly," and flexible word processing package intended for all levels of computer proficiency. . XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS The iPLAN matrix format The most advanced electronic spreadsheet IPLAN· Th~ • Indilstry standard advanced electronk~~&h~t~n~ou • SOphisticated formatting options • Easy-to-use English commands • Exteulve, on-line Help facilities • ScroUIng features and multiwindow/multi-table display • Links and updates multiple interrelated sp~&h~ts • Automatk:aUy updates calculations • Wlrldwlde service and support iPLAN Multiplan Spreadsheet software is one of the most powerful, easy-to-use "electronic worksheet" programs available. Developed by Microsoft Corporation, Multiplan has been enhanced for Intel hardware environments operating under XENIX. The iPLAN package is a multipurpose tool capable of a wide variety of business and scientific applications: financial modeling, planning, forecasting, tabulations, calculation of engineering formulas,' and much more. It supports "what-if' decision-modeling with a versatile two-dimensional matrix that can be custom-tailored for specific use. Unlike other sp~adsheets, the iPLAN system is designed to meet the needs of both inexperienced and sophisticated computer users. It also offers versatile presentation and reporting capabilities. The iPLAN softwclre displays numerical data, text, or formulas in matrix (row/column) format. The spreadsheet screen is divided into 'cells' which are referenced by row and column numbers. Cells may contain numeric data, formulas, text, or labels. Commands are listed at the bottom of the screen along with the current addressed cell, the amount of unused spreadsheet storage space, and the name of the file in use. Designed for ease-of-use Beginning iPLAN users can start building worksheets after a couple hours of initial use. While simple to operate, the iPLAN system functionality is enhanced by the skill of the user. • IPLAN ~ a venIon of Microsoft Multlplan~ a trademark of Mlcnisoft Corporation. ,. ~----~~~---------:--------~-----------===::::====::::~~~~::::::~~~IVE 2 3 BORDERED #2 WINDOW 112 3 1 3 Sales 4 5 Cost 6 7 8 MENU SELECTION 2 3 2 COLUMNS (1-63) 9 10 Total Costs 11 12 13 14 ( 15 Gross Profits 16 $20000.00 $20000.00 4 5 Material $4000.00 Labor $7000.00 Overhead $4000.00 6 7 8 9 $15000.00 10 11 DOLLAR FORMAT $4000.00 $7000.00 $4000.00 $15000.00 $5000.00 17 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 $5000.00 CELL POINTER 18 STORAGE REMAINING MESSAGE ---+-- COMMAND: Alpha Blank Copy Delete Ed~ Format Goto Help Inset Lock Move Name Options Print Qu" Sort Transfer Value Window Xternal Select option or type command letter R10C3 SUM(R6:8C3) 95% Free LOCATION --:::::::.~--- AND CONTENTS OF~IVECELL ABSOLUTE REFERENCE Typical Multiplan Screen Display 5-4 SHEET NAME XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS The iPLAN package does not use cryptic, abbreviated commands or reference codes (e.g. "AZ23"). Instead, it uses plain English commands (e.g. COPY) and reference names (e.g. COSTS or SALES). Completely menudriven, the iPLAN software prompts the user with simple commands that can be executed with a single keystroke. To help in command selection, the user can access a reference guide. Notable iPLAN features include: • Ability to build formulas by highlighting cells • Menu-driven functions and command prompting • Plain English command words and formulas • Comprehensive on-line reference guide • Eight-window display option • Full-screen display of worksheet formulas. A dynamiC, versatile workspace The iPLAN package offers an effective workspace that is 63 columns wide by 255 rows long. Worksheets are easily designed to fit project requirements. Moreover, worksheets can be linked to automatically receive or transmit data into other related iPLAN worksheets. Column width can be varied to accept long (or short) words and numerals; lines of text can be typed across several columns. Up to eight windows are available with vertical and horizontal scrolling, such that different areas of a very large worksheet can be viewed simultaneously. The windows can be aligned, scrolled together, opened, or closed at the user's choice. Built-in data security Flexible presentation features The iPLAN system enables users to produce printed reports of professional caliber. The program includes special formatting, alignment, and printing functions that support the printing of presentauon-quaiity reports. The iPLAN software can automatically break a spreadsheet into multiple pages, and the user can specify the appropriate margins. Powerful modeling capabilities Highlights of iPLAN modeling features include: • Alphabetical or numerical sorting capabilities • Links and automatically updates up to eight interrelated worksheets • Automatically updates· subtotals, totals, percentages, growth curves and other calculations • Performs multiple iterations to solve closed-loop problems • Automatically revises formulas when reordering rows and columns in displays • ,Cells and areas can be named for clarity • Continuous formatting allows entries across cell boundaries • Formulas moved to various worksheet locations without retyping • Includes special editing area for quick additions or deletions • Sheet display may be redesigned or formatted in various ways without altering the stored data • Formulas, words, or numerals can be entered into any location so that printed sheets have titles and descriptions • Offers a rich repertoire of advanced math functions and operators. . The iPLAN software features cell locking to protect worksheet data. When data and formulas have been entered, tie specified information can be "locked" in place so that vital data cannot be accidentally erased or altered. iMENU· • Hierarchical control of menu screens to organize application program use • On-line application development/maintenance system • A menu screen design and menu development system for non-programmers • On-line Help facility • Written in the "C" language, specifically for XENIX • Supports turnkey application development • Worldwide service and support Simplifies use, development and maintenance of XENIX-based applications The iMENU software package is a hierarchical user interface and application development tool that ties together XENIX-based applications to achieve a high level of software integration. The iMENU package allows applications developers to create integrated, logical, and friendly interfaces to XENIX applications. In effect, the iMENU system allows the XENIX operating system to appear transparent to the non-te~hnical user, while it offers all the power and functionality inherent to XENIX to the more experienced user. The iMENU package interfaces with virtually all character-oriented terminals. 'Aids application development and software packaging Programmers and experienced users can apply the iMENU system in maintaining or creating menus, forms, or Help screens for existing or new applications. • iMENU is a version of Schmidt's Imenus, a trademark of Schmidt Associates. 5-5 XENIX PR·ODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS FIlii XENIXfunctio~ality is retained and simplified with the iMENU software. Experienced users have the option of skipping step-by-step menu selection via the fast menu selection mode. Advanced users can also modify the menu system to reflect changes in existing applications or to incorporate new applications. Standard iMENU package functions include: • Definition of login IDs • Add, delete, and list login IDs • Authorization control • Define, update, delete and list menu items and attributes • Screen and forms building • Interaction with XENIX shell commands • Powerful macros • Fast menu selection mode for experienced users • On-line Help facility. 5-6 The iMENU software includes a Menu Development Subsystem, which is a menu-driven set of maintenance functions allowing: • Menu screen maintenance • Form screen maintenance • Help screen maintenance • Menu selection maintenance • Macro maintenance • Shellscript maintenance • Login ID maintenance • Deauthorization maintenance • Backup/restore. inter XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS Comprehensive on-line Help system complete data integrity. The iDIS system is a multi-user, multi-tasking XENIX-based microcomputer available with the iWORD processor, the iPLAN spreadsheet, the iMENU development system, iXTRACT communication facilities for downloading mainframe databases, thc iDB DBMS for local relational database management, and software that supports networking of personal computers. Application development tools and high-level programming languages are also offered with the iDIS system. Data can be transferred among the Seamless software packages, and the iDIS menu system and iHELP facility provide a friendly, common user interface. The iDIS system is an example of how Intel provides hardware/software components at all levels of integration to meet individual system needs. The Help system is an interactive user-assistance facility. The Help system is completely integrated with the iMENU package so the user need no! rely on bulky reference manuals to operate a particular application. In the event the user encounters problems or has questions, explanatory solutions can be made available at all times. Using the iMENU system itself, programmers and experienced users can extend or modify the Help system to include new applications. Expands markets and increases profits Systems integrators will find the iMENU system to be an indispensible tool for packaging XENIX-based applications software and integrated hardware/software systems. Using the iMENU package, application developers can: • Extend the user-interface to wrap around new and existing applications software • Customize existing applications to meet varying customer needs • Develop application demos • Create applications that are easily used by non-programmers • Package separate programs into integrated applications. The iMENU software enhances the cost-effectiveness of application development by: • Improving time to market for new software products • Reducing software development time • Reducing the need for training and support • Decreasing software installation time • Cutting documentation expenses • Unifying a family of software products for consistent screen appearance and operation. Worldwide service and support All Intel software included under an active software maintenance agreement is fully supported by Intel's staff of trained software engineers. Depending on the system configuration, several levels of support are available. Each package is offered with complete documentation, including a comprehensive user manual and installation guide. SPECIFICATIONS Required Hardware: • Any 8086 or 80286-based system including Intel's SYSTEM 86/300, 286/300 family and iDIS systems • Minimum of 128 KB memory • At least two floppy disks or one hard disk • One 8 in. or 5.25 in. double-density floppy disk drive for distribution media Required Software: Integrated software for the iOIS system • Intel's XENIX 86/286 Operating System Intel's Database Information System (iDIS 86/735) provides end users and systems builders with a vehicle for incorporating a Seamless set of software productivity tools. Seamless software supports the transparent sharing of data files among application packages with Warranty: 90 days for: Software Updates and application support. Continuing support services available with subscription to a Software maintenance agreement. 5-7 XENIX PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLS The following' are Irademarks of Inlel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel producls: BXp, CREDIT, i, ICE, 12 1CE, ICS, iOBp, iOIS, iLBX, i m , iMMX, Insile, INTEL, , Inlelevision, Intellec, Inleligenl IdentifierT", IntelBOS, inteligent Programming™, Intellink, iOSP, IPOS, iRMS, iSBC, iSBX, iSDM, iSXM, Library Manager, MCS, Megachassis, Micromainlt'ame, MULTIBUS, Multichannel™ Plug-A-B(Jbble, Seamless, MULTIMOOULE, PROMPT, Ripplemode, RMX/BO, RUPI, SYSTEM 2000, Data Pipeline, lOIS, iDBp, and UPI, and the combination of ICE, ICS, iRMX, iSBX, MCS, or UPI and a numerical suffix. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other patent licenses are implied. Specifications are subject to change without notice. iWORD is a version of Honzon Word Processing, a trademark of Horizon Software Systems, Inc. iPLAN is a version of Microsoft's multiplan, a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IMENU is a version of Schmidt's Imenus, a trademark of Schmidt Associates. Information contained herein supercedes previously published specifications on these devices from Intel. 5-8 • Complete on-line transaction processing monitor • Easy-to-use, interactive screen building utiliti($ • Flexible, on-line transaction development facilities • Reduced user coding with standardized functions and processing modules • Variable indexed sequential database structure • Powerful interactive query language with Boolean logic capability • Multilevel user-defined security • Real-time report writer • Menu-prompting iTPS Transaction Processing Systems Terminal Application Processing System (iTAPS) ' APIItL 1983 ORDER NUMBER' 210415-002 © INTEL CORPORATION. 1983 5-9 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTlON Intel's Terminal Application Processing System (iTAPS) is the on-line '. transaction processing software package customized for Intel's Transaction Processing System (iTPS). iTAPS consists of an interactive application development facility and a reliable high-performance run-time transaction processing monitor. In addition to providing ready-to-use software for building data files and maintaining data relafionships and structures, iTAPS interfaces with user-specific processing modules. written in COBOL or Pascal, iTAPS also supports a powerful query language that provides direct, easy and fast access to data contained· in user database files. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Application development As a complete transaction processing application development tool, iTAPS frees programmers from the coding complexities normally associated with development environments tb.at include database management, telecommunications and multiprogramming-multiuser on-line systems. iTAPS enables programmers to write complex transaction processing applications with simple commands and easy-to-use interactive utilities. iTAPS is primarily intended for application programmers and requires minimal. systems programmer involvement. iTAPS furnishes an on-line faciliry to define screen formats, including the variables to be processed and their video characteristics. iTAPS simply requests the programmer to "paint" the screen as it should appear to the system user, and fields are then defined interactively by filling in a form on the screen. iTAPS also provides a number of standard modules used repetitively in any transaction processing application. These modules greatly simplify the development and maintenance tasks by automating such functions as: • Initialization • Addition of. a record to the database • Modification of a record in the database • Deletion of a record from the database • • • • Index structure update Data validation Uniqueness checking Dynamic specification of display format • File writing • Database searching • Sorting the. ilpecified transaction, and manages all the disk input/output. Because "Intel's Transaction Processing System has been optimized for transaction procesSing, the system overhead is kept at a minimum. Superior performance results as measured in terms of both throughput and response time. In addition to the standard iTAPS modules, the programmer may write user-specific COBOL or Pascal programs to address specific application processing requirements. These programs combined with the iTAPS standard modules make up an application transaction. The COBOL or Pascal program calls upon iTAPS to provide all database and terminal I/O functions. The program can also access non-iTAPS files using standard 110 programming. .iTAPS provides first level data validation. Errors are detected as they occur and before the more complex application processing takes place. Thus iTAPS significantly assists not only in validation and immediate correction of the input data, but also in realizing a more efficiently performing system by reducing unnecessary processing. All these features add up to increased system and programmer productivity. Programmers can spend more time designing and implementing their applications and less time worrying about multiuser on-line systems requirements. As a result, applications come on-line faster. Furthermore, the consistent organization of iTAPS application systems minimizes maintenance and enhancement problems. iTAPS produces extensive application documentation. Even if the program's author has departed, very little time will be lost reconstructing or enhancing the application. This means that iTAPS reduces the cost of application software both in the development phase and in the maintenance phase. Run-time transaction processing At run-time, iTAPS provides a complete multiuser on-line transaction processing environment with five levels of predefined security checks: sign-on, application system selection, data add/delete, field read/write, and field index. Two menu levels to select the application system and the desired tramaction are provided. When iTAPS receives a request from a terminal to initiate execution of a particular transaction, it allocates the resources between that terminal and 5-10 iTAPS supports a powerful query facility based on predefined commands and on the use of English words to describe each data element. Compound Boolean inquiries can be formulated using aliases, data values and logical operators. The response to an inquiry can be displayed at the terminal or printed on the system printer. System Organization iTAPS is composed of five modules: • • • • • The Executive The Communication Manager The Application Manager The Data Manager The iTAPS terminal As shown, these modules interact with the operating system, the user's software, the terminal, and the database. This segmentation enables programmers to develop each module as an independent entity and to modify it without having to alter the entire application. Each module is designed to simplify application development, implementation and execution. The iTAPS Executive The Executive provides the interface with the iRMX 86 operating system and acts as the run-time transaction processing monitor. The Executive controls sign-on and menu displays, performs security-checking, and maintains a log which posts the appropriate "before" and/or "after" image of any data file change. Based on this log, the Executive provides defined recovery capabilities: • • At the network level: Following a terminal or communication line failure, the last transaction is retrieved from storage 'and retransmitted to the terminal upo~ entry of a command by the operator. At the file level: Following a system failure the recovery log is read to update the file and back-out the incomplete transactions. Full recovery is also provided by the recovery log in conjunction with the last back-up. In addition, the Executive provides statistical services to evaluate system use and performance, auditing facilities to isolate illegal transmissions, and documentation facilities to record the application and data structures. The iTAPS Communication Manager The Communication Manager controls the communications network. lt collects data that has been transmitted from a terminal, sends messages back to the terminals, and maintains the network buffers. Supporting both block and TAPS modes, the Communication Manager is designed to optimize line transmission. The Communication Manager is completely transparent to the application programmer as well as to the user. The iTAPS Application Manager The Application Manager controls the application processing sequence of each terminal within the network. Upon receipt of a request from the Communication Manager, the Application Manager determines the transaction type, schedules the appropriate processing modules, transfers data, and generally manages the logic of the application. The iTAPS Data Manager The Data Manager interfaces iTAPS \vith the database. It perfof!Ps th~ additions, changes, deletions and extractions requested by the Application Manager. It can be executed from a user module during the processing of a transaction or when the query language is used. The Data Manager uses a valued, inverted structure called Variable Indexed Sequential Access Method (VIS AM) to format the database. Each VISAM database is composed of a keyed access index file and a direct access primary file. The primary file contains the data records, and the index file contains all the pointers to the primary file records. Virtually all fields in the database can be accessed by keyed value. Both structured and unstrl,lctured (text) fields can be indexed. The iTAPS terminal When the TAPS mode feature is used in the iTPS terminal, major iTAPS functions are handled at the terminal leveL Screen-formatting, edit-checking, and data-validation are performed by the terminaL This frees the central processor from the burden of performing these tasks. iTAPS supports both block and TAPS modes in the intelligent terminals. The TAPS mode terminal feature enables an operator to correct an error while the source document is readily available. IAMX OPERATING SYSTEM Summary iTAPS has been specifically designed to satisfy the requirements of transaction processing. It is a complete software system with an efficient architecture, a simplified programming style, and a wide array of features designed to optimize both applications development and on-line transaction processing. When Intel's iTPS is enhanced with iTAPS, the result is application development productivity and a complete user friendly secure run-time system. 5-11 iTPS Transaction Processing "Systems Communications • Extensive array of remote communication connection options • Emulation of IBM 2780/3780 RJE station • Emulation of IBM 3270 BISYNC cluster controller -Intel Transaction Processing System (iTPS) looks like IBM 3271 control unit with up to 32 devices attached -iTPS terminals look like IBM 3277 terminals iTPS printers look like IBM 3284 printers • Emulation of IBM 3270 SDLC/SNA cluster controller -iTPS looks like IBM 3274 control unit with up to 16 devices attached -iTPS terminals look like IBM 3278 model 2 terminals -iTPS printers look like the IBM 3287 printer • Communication speeds up to 19,200 bits per second (bps) • Leased or switched communication lines APAL 1883 .... I I ",,' ® PROCESSES FULL BUFFER , I ._._j Figure 7. Multiple Buffer Example SIGNAL INTERRUPT Used by an INTERRUPT HANDLER to activate an Interrupt Task. WAIT INTERRUPT Suspends the calling Interrupt Task until the INTERRUPT HANDLER performs a .SIGNAL INTERRUPT to invoke it. If a SIGNAL INTERRUPT for the task has occurred, it is processed. CREATE SEGMENT primitive explicitly allocates a memory area when one is needed by the TASK. For example, a TASK may explicitly allocate a SEGMENT for use as a memory buffer The SEGMENT length can be any multiple of 16 bytes between 16 bytes and 64K bytes in length. The programmer may specify any number of bytes from 1 byte to 64 KB, the OSP will transparently round the value up to the appropriate segment size. The two explicit memory allocatlon/deallocatlon primitives are: FREE MEMORY MANAGEMENT The OSP Free Memory Manager manages the memory pool which is allocated to each JOB for its execution needs. (The CREATE JOB primitive allocates the new JOB's memory pool from the memory pool of the parent JOB.) The memory pool IS part of the JOB resources but is not yet allocated between the tasks of the JOB. When a TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION system data type structure is created within that JOB, the OSP implicitly allocates memory for it from the JOB's memory pool, so that a , separate call to allocate memory is not required. OSP primitives that use free memory management implicitly include CREATE JOB, CREATE TASK, DELETE TASK, CREATE MAILBOX, DELETE MAILBOX, CREATE REGION, and DELETE REGION. The CREATE SEGMENT Allocates a SEGMENT of specified length (in 16-byte-long paragraphs) from the JOB Memory Pool. DELETE SEGMENT Deallocates the SEGMENT's memory area, and returns It to the JOB memory pool. Intertask Communication The asp has built-in intertask synchronization and communication, permitting TASKs to pass and share information with each other. OSP MAILBOXes contain controlled handshaking facilities which guarantee that a complete message will always be sent from a sending TASK to a receiving TASK. Each MAILBOX consists of two interlocked que'ues, one of TASKs 6-9 AFN·02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 and the other of Messages. Four OSP primitives for itltertask synchronization and communication are provided: There are five OSP primitives for mutual exclusion: CREATE REGION Create a REGION (lock). SEND CONTROL Give up the REGION. ' CREATE MAILBOX Creates intertask message exchange. ACCEPT CONTROL DELETE MAILBOX Deletes an intertask message exchange. Request the REGION, but do not wait if it is not available. RECEIVE CONTROL RECEIVE MESSAGE Calling TASK receivesamessage from the MAILBOX. Request a REGION, wait if not immediately available. DELETE REGION Delete a REGION. SEND MESSAGE Calling TASK sends a message to the MAILBOX. The CREATE MAILBOX primitive allocates a MAILBOX for use as an information exchange between TASKs. The OSP will post information at the MAILBOX in a FIFO (First-In First-Out) manner when a SEND MESSAGE instruction is issued. Similarily, a message is retrieved by the OSP if a TASK issues a RECEIVE MESSAGE primitive. The TASK which creates the MAILBOX may make it available to other TASKs to use. The OSP also provides dynamic priority adjustment for TASKs within priority REGIONs: If a higher- . priority TASK issues a RECEIVE CONTROL primitive, while a (lower-priority) TASK has the use of the same REGION, the lower-priority TASK will be transparently, and temporarily, elevated to the waiting TASK's priority until it relinquishes the REGION via SEND CONTROL. At that point, since it is no longer using the critical resource, the TASK will have its normal priority restored. OSP Control Facilities If no message is available, the TASK attempting to receive a message may choose to wait for one or continue executing. The OSP also includes system primitives that provide both control and customization capabilities to a multitasking system. These primitives are used to control the deletion of SOTs and the recovery of free memory in a system, to allow interrogation of operating system status, and to provide uniform means of adding user SOTs and type managers. The queue management method for the task queue (FIFO or PRIORITY) determines which TASK in the MAILBOX TASK queue will receive a message from the MAILBOX. The method is specified in the CREATE MAILBOX primitive. DELETION CONTROL Deletion of each OSP system data type is explicitly controlled by the applications programmer by setting a deletion attribute for that structure. For example, if a SEGMENT is to be kept in memory until DMA activity is completed, its deletion attribute should be disabled. Each TASK, MAILBOX, REGION, and SEGMENT SOT is created with its deletion attribute enabled (i.e., they may be deleted). Two OSP primitives control the deletion attribute: ENABLE DELETION and DISABLE DELETION. Intertask Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion Mutual exclusion is essential to multiprogramming and i multiprocessing systems. The REGION system data type implements mutual exclusion. A REGION is represented by a queue of TASKS waiting to use a resource which must be accessed by only one TASK at a time. The OSP provides primitives to use REGIONs to manage mutually exclusive data and resources. Both critical code sections and shared' data structures can be protected by these primitives from simultaneous use by more than one task. REGIONs support both FIFO (First-In First-Out) or Priority queueing disciplines for the TASKS seeking I to enter the REGION. The REGION SOT can also be used to implement software locks. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The OSP provides inquiry and control operations which help the user interrogate the application envi~ ronment and implement flexible exception handling. These features aid in run-time decision making and in application error processing and recovery. There are five OSP environmental control primitives. Multiple REGIONs are allowed, and are automatically exited in the reverse order of entry. While in a REGION, a TASK cannot be suspended by itself or any other TASK, and thereby avoids deadlock. OS EXTENSIONS The OSP architecture is defined to allow new userdefined System Data Types and the primitives to manipulate them to be--added to OSP capabilities 6-10 AFN·02059B inter 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 allow the OSP primitives to report parameter errors in pr.imitive calls, and errors in primitive usage. Exception handling procedures are flexible and can be individually programmed by the application. In general, an exception handler if called will perform one or more of the following functions: provided by the built-in System Data Types. The type managers created for the user-defined SOTs are called user OS extensions and are installed in the system by the SET OS EXTENSION primitive. Once :nstal!ed, the functions of the type manager may be invoked with user primitives conforming to the OSP interface. For well-structured extended architectures, each OS extension should support a separate user-defined system data type, and every OS extension should provide the same calling sequence and program interface for the user as is provided for a built-in SOT. The type manager for the extension would be written to suit the needs of the application. OSP interrupt vector entries (224-255) are reserved for user OS extensions and are not used by the OSP. After assigning an interrupt number to the extension, the extension user may then call it with the standard OSP call sequence (Figure 4), and the unique software interrupt number assigned to the extension. ENABLE DELETION Allows a specific SEGMENT, TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION SOT to be deleted. DISABLE DELETION Prevents a specific SEGMENT, TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION SOT from being deleted. GET TYPE Given a token for an instance of a system data type, returns the type code. GET TASK TOKENS Returns to the caller information about the current task environment. -Log the Error. -Delete/Suspend the Task that caused the exception. -Ignore the error, presumably because it is not serious. An EXCEPTION HANDLER is written as a procedure. If PLM/86 is used, the "compact," "medium" or "large" model of computation should be specified for the compilation of the program. The mode in which the EXCEPTION HANDI;.ER operates may be specified in the SET EXCEPTION HANDLER primitive. The return information from a primitive call is shown in Figure 4. CX is used to return standard system error conditions. Table 7 shows a list of these conditions, using the default EXCEPTION HANDLER of the OSP. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The 80130 operates in a closely coupled mode with the iAPX 86/10 or 88/10 CPU. The 80130 resides on the CPU local multiplexed bus (Figure 8). The main processor is always configured for maximum mode operation. The 80130 automatically selects between its 88/30 and 86/30 operating modes. The 80130 used in the 86/30 configuration, as shown in Figure 8 (or a similar 88/30 configuration), operates at both 5 and 8 MHz without requiring processor wait states. Wait state memories are fully supported, however. The 80130 may be configured with both an 8087 NPX"and an 8089 lOP, and provides full context control over the 8087. GET EXCEPTION HANDLER Returns information about the calling TASK's current information handler: its address, and when it is used. SET EXCEPTION HANDLER Provides the address and usage of an exception handler for a TASK. SET OS EXTENSION Modifies one of the interrupt vector entries' reserved for ~ OS extensions (224-255) to point to a user OS extension procedure. SIGNAL EXCEPTION For use in OS extension error processing. The 80130 (shown'in Figure 3) is internally divided into a control unit (CU) and operating system unit (OSU). The OSU contains facilities for OSP kernel support including the system timers for scheduling and timing waits, and the interrupt controller for interrupt management support. iAPX 86/30, iAPX 88/30 System Configuration The 80130 is both I/O and memory mapped to the local CPU bus. The CPU's status SO/-S21 is decoded along with 10CSI (with BHE and AD3ADo) or MEMCSI (with AD13-ADo). The pins are internally latched. See Table 1 for the decoding of these lines. EXCEPTION HANDLING The OSP supports exception handlers. These are similar to CPU exception handlers such as OVERFLOW and ILLEGAL OPERATION. Their purpose is to 6-11 AFN·02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30,88/30,186/30,188/30 Memory Mapping RAM Requirements Address lines A19 -A14 can be used to form MEMCS/ since the 80130's memory-mapped portion is aligned along a 16K-byte boundry. The 80130 can reside on any 16K-byte boundry excluding the highest (FCOOOH-FFFFFH) and lowest (00000H-003FFH). The 80130 control store code is position-independent except as limited above, in order to make it compatible with many decoding logic designs. AD13-ADo are decoded by the 80130's kernel control store. The OSP manages its own interrupt vector, which is assigned to low RAM memory. Working RAM storage is required as stack space and data area. The memory space must be allocated in user RAM. OSP interrupt vector memory locations OH-3FFH must be RAM based. The OSP requires 2 bytes of allocated RAM. The processor working storage is dynamically ,allocated from free memory. Approximately BOO bytes of stack should be allocated for each OSP task. I/O Mapping The I/O-mapped portion of the 80130 must be aligned along a 16-byte boundry. Address lines A1S -A4 should be used to form 10CS/. TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Figure 8 shows the processing cluster of a "typical" iAPX 86/30 or iAPX 88/30 OSP system. Not shown are subsystems likely to vary with the application. The configuration includes an 8086 (or 8088) operating in maximum mode, an 8284A clock generator and an 8288 system controlier. Note that the 80130 is located on the CPU side of any latches or transceivers. See Intel Application Note 130 for further details on configuration. System Performance The approximate performance of representitive OSP primitives is given in Table 5. These times are shown for a typical iAPX 86/30 implementation with an 8 MHz clock. These execution times are very comparable t9 the execution times of similar functions in minicomputers (where available) and are an order of magnitude faster than previous generation microprocessors. OSP Timers Initialization The OSP Timers are connected to the lower half of the data bus and are addressed at even addresses. The timers are read as two successive bytes, always LSB followed by MSB, The MSB is always latched on a read operation and remains latched until read. Timers are not gatable. Both application system initialization and OSPspecific initialization/configuration are required to use the OSP. Configuration is based on a "database" provided by the user to the iOSP 86 support package. The OSP-specific initialization and configuration information area is assigned to a user memory address adjacent to the 80130's memory-mapped location. (See Application Note 130 for f.urther'details.) The configuration data defines whether 8087 support is configured in the system, specifies if slave 8259A interrupt controllers are used in addition to the 80130, and sets the operating system ti me base (Tick Interval). Also located in the configuration area are the exception handler control parameters, the address location of the (separate) application system configuration area and the OSP extensions in use. The OSP application system configuration area may be located anywhere in the user memory and must include the starting address of the application instruction code to be executed, plus the locations of the RAM memory blocks to be managed by the OSP free memory manager. Complete application system support and the req'uired 80130 configuration support are provided by the iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 OPERATING SYSTEM PROCESSOR SUPPORT PACKAGE (iOSP 86). Baud Rate Generator The baud rate generator is 8254 compatible (square wave mode 3). Its output, BAUD, is initially high and remains high until tpe Count Register is loaded. The first falling edge of the clock after the Count Register is loaded causes the transfer of the internal counter to the Count Register. The output stays high for N/2 [(N+l)/2 if N is odd] and then goes low for N/2 [(N-l)/2 if N is oddJ. On the falling edge of the clock which signifies the final count for the output in low state, the output returns to high state and the Count Register is transferred to the internal counter, The whole process is then repeated. Baud Rates are shown in Table 6. The baud rate generator is located at OCH (12), relative to the 16-byte boundary in the I/O space in which the 80130 component is located ("OSF" in the following example), the timer control word is located at 6-12 ~AFN·02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 CONTROL tJ B086 aHE aHE '19 '" ADORESS INTA .00 LOCAL AND SYSTEM RESOURCES '0 D15 8286 DATA DE ----J) DO INTERRUPT REQUESTS Figure 8. Typical OSP Configuration Interrupt Controller relative address, OEH(14). Timers are addressed with IOCS=O. Timers 0 and 1 are assigned to the use by the OSP, and should not be altered by the user. The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), is also an integral unit of the 80130. Its eight input pins handle eight vectored priority interrupts. One of these pins must be used for the SYSTICK time function in timing waits, using an external connection as shown. During the 80130 initialization and configuration sequence, each 80130 interrupt pin is individually programmed as either level or edge sensitive. External slave 8259A interrupt controllers can be used to expand the total number of OSP external interrupts to 57. For most baud-rate generator applications, the command byte OB6H Read/Write Baud-Rate Delay Value will be used. A typical sequence to set a baud rate of 9600 using a count value of 52 follows (see Table 6): MOV AX.OB6H ;Prepare to Write Delay to Timer 3. ;Control Word. OUT OSF+14,AX MOV AX, 52 OUT OSF+12,AL ;LSB written first XCHG AL,AH OUT OSF + 12,AL ;MSB written after. In addition to standard PIC funtions, 80130 PIC unit has an LlR output signal, which when low indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle. LlR=O is provided to control the 8289 Bus Arbiter SYSB/RESB pin. This will avoid the need of requesting the system bus to acknowledge local bus non-slave interrupts. The user defines the interrupt system as part of the configuration. The 80130 timers are subset compatible with 8254 timers. 6-13 AFN·02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 signal which drives one of 80130 edge-triggered interrupt request pins once each A.C. cycle. The Interrupt Handler responds to the interrupts, keeping track of one second's A.C. cycles. The Interrupt Task counts the seconds and after a day deletes itself. In typical systems it might perform a data logging operation once each day. The Interrupt Handler and InterruptTask are written as separate modular programs. INTERRUPT SEQUENCE The OSP interrupt sequence is as follol/Vs: 1. One or more of the interrupts is set by a low-tohigh transition on edge-sensitivelR inputs or by a high input on level-sensitive IR inputs. 2. The 80130 evaluates these requests, and sends an INT to the CPU, if appropriate. 3. The CPU acknowledges the INT and responds with an interrupt acknowledge cycle which is encoded in S2-S0' 4. Upon receiving the first interrupt acknowledge from the CPU, the highest-priority interrupt is set by the 80130 and the corresponding edge detect latch is reset. The 80130 does not drive the address/data bus during this bus cycle but does acknowledge the cycle by making ACK=O and sending the LlR value for the IR input being acknowledged. The Interrupt Handler will actually service interrupt 59 when it occurs. It simply counts each interrupt, and at a count of 60 performs a SIGNAL INTERRUPT to notify the InterruptTask that a second has elapsed. The Interrupt Handler (ACS HANDLER) was assigned to this level by the SET INTERRUPT primitive. After doing this, the InterruptTask performed the Primitive RESUME TASK to resume the application task (INITS TASKS TOKEN). The main body of the task is the counting loop. The InterruptTask is Signaled by the SIGNAL INTERRUPT primitive in the Interrupt Handler (at interrupt level ACS INTERRUPTS LEVEL). When the task is signalled by the Interrupt Handler it will execute the loop exactly one time, increasing the time count variables. Then it will execute the WAIT INTERRUPT primitive, and wait until awakened by the Interrupt Handler. Normally, the task will now wait some period of time for the next signal. However, since the interface between the Handler and the Task is asynchronous, the handler may have already queued the interrupt for servicing, the writer of the task does not have to worry about this possibility. 5. The CPU will th.en initiate a second interrupt acknowledge cycle. During this cycle, the 80130 will supply the cascade address of the interrupting input at T1 on the bus and also release an 8-bit pointer onto the bus if appropriate, where it is read by the CPU. If the 80130 does supply the pointer, then ACK will be low for the cycle. This cycle also has the value LlR for the IR input being acknowledged. 6. This completes the interrupt cycle. The ISR bit remains set until an appropriate EXIT INTERRUPT primitive (EOI command) is called at the end of the Interrupt Handler. At the end of the day, the task will exit the loop and execute RESET INTERRUPT, which disables the interrupt level, and deletes the interrupt task. The OSP now reclaims the memory used by the Task and schedules another task. If an exception occurs, the coded value for the exception is available in TIMES EXCEPTS CODE after the execution of the primitive. OSP APPLICATION EXAMPLE Figure 5 shows an application of the OSP primitives to keep track of time of day in a simplified example. The system design uses a 60 Hz A.C. signal as a time base. The power supply provides a TTL-compatible A typical PL/M-86 calling sequence is illustrated by the call to RESET INTERRUPT shown in Figure 5. 6-14 AFN·02059B intel' 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 8B/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 2, OSP System Data Type Summary Job I , Task Jobs are the means of organizing the program environment and resources. An application consists of one or more jobs. Each IAPX 86/30 system data type IS contained In some job.,Jobs are independent of each other, but they may share access to resources. Each job has one or more tasks, one of which is an Initial task. Joi')s are given pools at memory, ana lney may c,,,ai .. subordinate offspring jobs, which may borrow memory from thel r parents. Tasks are the means by which computations are accomplished. A task IS an instruction stream with its own execution stack and private data. Each task is part of a job and is restricted to the resources provided by Its job. Tasks may perform general Interrupt handling as well as other computational functions Each task has a set of attributes, which is maintained for it by the IAPX 86/30, which characterize its status These attributes are' its ItS Its ItS ItS its Its containing job register context Priority (0-255) execution state (asleep, suspended, ready, running, asleep/suspended). suspension depth user-se!ected exception handler optional 8087 extended task state Segment Segments are the units of memory allocation A segment IS a phYSically contiguous sequence of 16-byte, 8086 paragraph-length, units. Segments are created dynamically from the free memory space of a Job as one of its Tasks requests memory for ItS use. A segment IS deleted when it IS no longer needed The IAPX 86/30 maintains and manages free memory in an orderly fashion, it obtains memory space from the pool assigned to the containing job of the requesting task and returns the space to the Job memory pool (or the parent Job pool) when it IS no longer needed. It does not allocate memory to create a segment if sufficient free memory IS not available,to it, in that case it returns an error exception code Mailbox Mailboxes are the means of mtertask communication. Mailboxes are used by tasks to send and receive message segments The IAPX 86/30 creates and manages two queues for each mailbox. One of these queues contains message segments sent to the mailbox but not yet received by any task. The other mailbox queue consists of tasks that are waiting to receive messages. The IAPX 86/30 operation assures that waiting tasks receive messages as soon as messages are available Thus at any moment one or possibly both of two mailbox queues Will be empty. Region Regions are the means of serialization and mutual exclUSion. Regions are familiar as '"critical code regions'" The iAPX 86/30 region data type consists of a queue of tasks. Each task walts to execute in mutually exclUSive code or to access a shared data region, for example to update a file record. Tokens I I The OSP Interface makes use of a 16-bltTOKEN data type to identify individual OSF data structures. Each of these (each Instance) has Its own unique TOKEN. When a primitive is called, it is passed the TOKENs of the data structures on which it Will operate. 6-15 AFN·02059B 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 3. System Data Type Codes and Attributes Code Jobs 1 Tasks Memory Pool S.o.T. Directory Tasks 2 Priority Stack Code State Exceptton Handler Mailboxes 3 Queue of S.o.T.s (generally segments) Queue ofTasks waiting for S.o.T.s 5 Queue of Tasks waiting for mutually exclusive code or data 6 Buffer Length I I I Region ~ Table 4. Class Attributes S.D.T. OSP Primitive OS~Primitives Interrupt Number Entry Code inAX Parameters On Caller's Stack CREATE JOB 184 0100H 'See 80130 User Manual CREATE TASK 184 0200H DELETE TASK SUSPEND TASK RESUME TASK SET PRIORITY SLEEP 184 184 184 184 184 0201H 0202H 0203H 0209H 0204H PriOrity, IP Ptr, Data Segment, Stack Seg, Stack Size Task Information, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, PriOrity, ExcptPtr Time Llmlt,ExcptPtr DISABLE ENABLE ENTER INTERRUPT EXIT INTERRUPT GET LEVEL RESET INTERRUPT SET INTERRUPT 190 184 184 186 188 184 184 0705H 0704H 0703H NONE 0702H ,0706H 0701H SIGNAL INTERRUPT WAIT INTERRUPT 185 187 NONE NONE J I 0 r B I I i I T A S K I I N T E i I I R R U P T Level, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level, Interrupt Task Flag Interrupt Handler Ptr, Interrupt Handler DataSeg ExcptPtr Level, ExcptPtr Level, ExcptPtr f - - - -..--.--+---------f------~-------_t_---.-~---------- I i s i 6-16 AFN-02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 4. OSP Primitives (Continued) Parameters On Caller's Stack OSP Primitive Interrupt Number Entry Code in AX CREATE MAILBOX DELETE MAILBOX RECEIVE MESSAGE 184 184 184 0300H 0301H 0303H SEND MESSAGE 184 0302H Mailbox flags. ExcptPtr MAILBOX. ExcptPtr MAILBOX. Time Limit ResponsePtr. ExcptPtr MAILBOX. Message Response. ExcptPtr R E G I 0 N ACCEPT CONTROL CREATE REGION DELETE REGION RECEIVE CONTROL SEND CONTROL 184 184 184 184 184 0504H 0500H 0501H 0503H 0502H REGION. ExcptPtr Region Flags. ExcptPtr REGION, ExcptPtr REGION. ExcptPtr ExcptPtr E N V I R 0 N M E N T DISABLE DELETION ENABLE DELETION GET EXCEPTION HANDLER GETTYPE GET TASK TOKENS SET EXCEPTION HANDLER SET OS EXTENSION SIGNAL EXCEPTION 184 184 000lH 0OO2H TOKEN.ExcptPtr TOKEN.ExcptPtr 184 184 184 0800H OOOOH 0206H Ptr.ExcptPtr TOKEN.ExcptPtr Request. ExcptPlr 184 184 0801H 0700H Plr, ExcptPtr Code,lnsIPtr. ExcptPtr 184 0802H Exception Code. Parameter Number, StackPtr.O.O.ExcptPtr Class M A I L B 0 X A L NOTES: All parameters are pushed onto the asp stack Each parameter is one word See Figure 3 for Call Sequence. Explanation of the Symbols JOB TASK REGION MAILBOX SEGMENT TOKEN Level ExcptPtr Message Ptr Seg asp JOB SOT Token asp TASK SOT Token asp REGION SOT Token asp MAILBOX SOT Token asp SEGMENT SOT Token Any SOT Token Interrupt Level Number POinter to Exception Code Message Token POinter to Code. Stack etc. Address Value Loaded mto appropriate Segment Register Value Parameter 6-17 AFN·02059B 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 5. OSP Primitive Performance Examples Primitive Execution Speed· (microseconds) Datatype' Class JOB TASK SEGMENT MAILBOX CREATE JOB CREATE TASK (no preemption) CREATE SEGMENT SEND MESSAGE (with task switch) SEND MESSAGE (no task switch) RECEIVE MESSAGE (task waiting) RECEIVE MESSAGE (message waiting) SEND CONTROL RECEIVE CONTROL REGION 2950 1360 700 475 265 540 260 170 205 's MHz iAPX 86/30 asp Configuation, Table 6. Baud Rate Count Values (16X) Baud Rate 8 MHz Count Value 5 MHz Count Value 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 1667 833 417 208 104 52 1042 521 260 130 65 33 6-18 AFN,02059B 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 7a. Mnemonic Codes for Unavoidable Exceptions E$OK Exception Code Value = 0 the operation was successful E$TIME Exception Code Value = 1 the specified time limit expired before completion of the operations was possible E$MEM Exception Code Value = 2 insufficient nucleus memory IS available to satisfy the request E$BUSY Exception Code Value - 3 specified region is currently busy E$LlMIT Exception Code Value = 4 attempted violation of a job, semaphore, or system limit E$CONTEXT Exception Code Value - 5 I the primitove was called In an Illegal context (e.g., call to enable for an already enabled interrupt) , E$EXIST Exception Code Value - 6 a token argument does not currently refer to any object; note that the object could have been deleted at any time by its owner E$STATE Exception Code Value = 7 l ~~~~~~~~~____-ra~t_te_m~p~te_d~I~'II_eg~a_l~s~ta_t_e_t_ra~n_s_it_io_n__b_y_a_t_a_s_k______________________._________4 E$NOT$CONFIGURED Exception Code Value = 8 the primitive called is not configured In this system ~E·~I~N~T~E~R~R~U~P~T~$~S~AT~U~R~AT~I~O~N~E~x-C-e-p~tio-n~C~0~d-e~V~al~u-e-=~9---------------------------------------·- The interrupt task on the requested level has reached Its user specified saturation pOint for Interrupt service requests. No further interrupts will be allowed on the level until the interrupt task executes a WAIT$INTERRUPT. (This error IS only returned, in line, to ~~~~~~~~~~~-+~ln-t-er-r~u~p-t-h=an-d~l-e~rs~.)~--~------------_______________________________ 1 E$INTERRUPT$OVERFLOW Exception Code Value = 10 I I The interrupt task on the requested level preViously reached its saturation pOint and caused an E$INTERRUPT$SATURATION condition. It subsequently executed an ENABLE allowing further interrupts to come in and has received another SIG- I NAL$INTERRUPTcall, bringing It over its speCified saturation pOint for Interrupt service requests. (This error is only returned, in line, to interrupt handlers). -.J II Table 7b. Mnemonic Codes for Avoidable Exceptions E$ZERO$DIVIDE Exception Code Value = 8000H diVide by zero Interrupt occurred E$OVERFLOW Exception Code Value - 8001 H oVEjrflow interrupt occurred E$TYPE Exception Code Value = 8002H a token argument referred to an object tha was not of required type E$BOUNDS Exception Code Value = 8003H an offset argument is out of segment bounds E$PARAM Exception Code Value = 8004H a (non-token,non-offset) argument has an illegal value E$BAD$CALL Exception Code Value = 8005H an entry code for which there is no corresponding primitive was passed 1 Ii -------1 ! .----~.~ E$ARRAY$BOUNDS = 8006H Hardware or Language has detected an array overflow E$NDP$ERROR Exception Code Value = 8007H an 8087 (Numeric data Processor) error has been detected; (the 8087 status Information ! is contained in a parameter to the exception handler) J 6-19 AFN-02059B intel' 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30,88/30,186/30,188/30 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may ca'use permanent damage to the device, This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended period may affect device reliability. e Ambient Temperature Under Bins ......... O°C to 700 Storage Temperature ................. -65°C to 150°C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground .................. - 1.0V to + 7V Power Dissipation ........................... 1.0 Watts D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Min. Max. Units V'L V,H Input low Voltage - 0.5 0.8 V Input High Voltage 2.0 Output low Voltage Vcc +.5 0.45 V VOL VOH Output High Voltage Test Conditions V IOL V = 2mA Icc Power Supply Current 200 mA IOH = -400~A TA = 25 C lu Input Leakage Current 10 ~A 0< V,N < Vcc ILR IR Input Load Current 10 -300 ~A Y'N Y'N 2.4 /J.A ILO Output leakage Current. 10 Vcu VCHI Clock Input Low 0.6 /J.A V C'N C,O Input Capacitance 10 pF 110 Capacitance 15 pF Icu Clock Input Leakage Current 10 150 10 /J.A Clock Input High A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol - (TA = DoC to 70°C, Vee = 4.5 to 5.5V) Parameter 3.9 (TA = 0-70°C, Vcc Parameter = = ~A ~A Max. - 125 ns Units lCLCH ClK low Time 90 - 55 - TC~CL ClK High Time 69 2000 44 2000 ns TSVCH TCHSV TSHCL Status Active Setup Time 80 - 65 ns Status Inactive Hold Time 10 - - 10 - ns Status Inactive Setup Time 55 - - ns TCLSH Status Active Hold Time 10 - 55 10 - ns TASCH Address Valid Setup Time 8 - 8 - ns - 10 ns 100 - 100 Read Data Valid Delay - 140 105 ns Read Data Hold Time 10 10 - ns Read Data to Floating 10 - - 100 10 100 ns - 85 - 65 ns Chip Select Hold Time 0 Write Data Setup Time 80 TCHDH TJLJH TCLDV Write Data Hold Time IR low Time 10 TCLDH TCLDX TCLCA Cascade Address Delay Time 20 0 60 10 Test Conditions ns - 10 20 . 80130-2 ClK Cycle Period Address Hold Time Vcc Ground) TCLCL Chip Select Setup Time = Y'N = Vcc Y'N = 2.5V Y'N = OV Min. TCSCL TCHCS TDSCL Vcc 0 .45 = Y'N 80130 Min, Max. TCLAH = V 4.5-5.5 Volt, Vss 200 = ns ns ns ns ns CL = 200 pE 6-20 AFN·02059B 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol Min. Parameter Cascade Addre::,st: Hold Time TCLCF T,AVE INTA Status t Acknowledge TCHEH Acknowledge Hold Time TCSAK TSACK Chip Select to ACK TAACK Address to ACK TCLOO Timer Output Delay Time TCLOO1 - ----- f----0 - -- - f-----.----- Units 10 - n~ 80 - 80 ns - 0 - ns - 110 ns _. 110 140 - - - - f------ . _ - - f------ 90 --200 Tlmer1 Output Delay Time - 200 TJHIH INT Output Delay - 200 T'ACL IR Input Set Up -. 80130-2 Min. Max. - 10 ._- Status to ACK 80130 Max. 140 ----- 90 -. - --f-- 200 200 200 - f------ ns Notes ----~----. ns -.- -~.-- 20 ns ns ns CL - 100pF CL 100pF ,. --- ns WAVEFORMS A.C. elK $VSTICK DELAY BAUD ______________ _____ ~x elK IA INT ! i I-~ TIRCl ----I I~- TJHIH .. -- 6-21 AFN 020598 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 WAVEFORMS A.C. . n T' .. TCHCL • I -' ClK ~TCHSV"I 52. $1. S 0 \ ~ ~I ~A VAUD 'k---J r ADDRESS VALID :T J 'fJ{f}IX -I I. . . . . TCSAK '\ -I TAACK FLOAT I -I TCtDX ~ TCLDV READ DATAVAlIQ I ~ I~ FLOAT ~ \ TSACK TCLeF 2ND IN TA CYCLE -ADo I WRITE DATA VAllO ADDRESS VALID I I~ --.-J A TDSCL_ _ REA o CYCLE K :;5 reseL I A AC I S I AO'5- j I:SHC~ I WRI TE CYCLE AD I I 'T' S"T T' TW :cls~1 r--- I T3 \ relel lSVCH BHE A 8HE, AD I T2 I reLCH I----FLOAT CD CASCADE ADDRESS FLOAT ® POINTER TIAVE I \ K \ 0 \ IR TIAVE @ ~ /--T,CHEH --t~ TCHEH J NOTES 1 CASCADE ADDRESS PRESENTED ON AD8, AD9 AND ADt 0 CORRESPONDING TO CASO CAS 1 AND CAS2 RESPECTIVELY AD1 1-AD1 5 UNES ARE ACTIVE AI\ID HAVE UNKNOWN VALUES AOO-AD7 ARE TRISTATE, 2 POINTER VALUE IS ACTIVE ONLY IF POINTER IS GENERATED FROM THE 80150 AND NOT FROM EXTERNAL SLAVE UNIT , ACTIVE LOW ONLY WHEN POINTER DATA IS,BE'NG SUPPLIED BY THE 80150 LOW ONLY FOR LOCAL INTERRuPT 6-22 AFN-02059B inter 80150/80150-2 JA\@WJA\OO©~ OOOIF@IRl~JA\ii'O@OO iAPX 86/50, 88/SO, 186/50, 188150 CP/M-86* OPERATING SYSTEM PROCESSORS • High·Performance Two·Chip Data Processors Containing the Complete CP/M·86 Operating System • Memory Disk Makes Possible Diskless CP/M·86 Systems • Standard On·Chip BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) Contains Drivers for 8272A, 8274, 8255A, 8251A • Bullt·ln Operating System Timers and Interrupt Controller • No License or Serialization Required • 8086/80150/80150-2/8088/80186/80188 • BIOS Extensible with User· Supplied Peripheral Drivers Compatible At Up To 8 MHz Without wait States • User Intervention Points Allow Addition of New System Commands The Intel iAPX 86/50, 88/50; 186/50, and 188/50 are two-chip microprocessors offering general-purpose CPU instructions combined with the CP/M-86 operating system. Respectively, they consist of the 8- and 16-bit software compatible 8086,8088,80186, and 80188 CPU plus the 80150 CP/M-86 operating system extension. CP/M-86 is a single-user operating system designed for computers based on the Intel iAPX 86, 88, 186, and 188 microprocessors. The system allows full utilization of the one megabyte of memory available for application programs. The 80150 stores CP/M-86 in its 16K bytes of on-chip memory. The 80150 will run third-party applications software written to run under standard Digital Research CP/M-86. The 80150 is implemented in N-Channel, depletion-load, silicon-gate technology (HMOS), and is housed in a 40-pin package. Included on the 80150 are the CP/M-86 operating system, Version 1.1, plus hardware support for eight interrupts, a system timer, a delay timer, and a baud rate generator. *CPfM·86 Is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. ,-------1 I I I I 8284A CLOCK DRIVER RDY I I I 8088 OR B086 INTERRUPT PROGRAM MEMORY OATA MEMORY I STATUS : I I BUS INTERFACE I~~--~----~~ I INTERRUPT STATUS CS.LlR 1 - - - - - -.... I 80150 INTERRUPT I REQUESTS _J~ BAUD RATE TIMER DELAY TIMER SYSTEM TIMER IAPX 88150, 88150 Figure 1_ iAPX 86150, 86150 Block Diagram The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and its affiliates and may be used only to identify Intel products. exp, CREDIT, 1,ICE.leS, 1m, Insite, Intel. INTEL, Intelevislon.lntelllnk, ~~.~~~~~~~: ~~::~~~~: ~~:7~sc:;~:~~~r:n~~~~;R~~~;S~~~;~~,~~~~~~1.:g~;u~:c:~;:~n~:;;~:~u~~:~~~~~~~~~~;~~ ::!.~~~b=:~rt~~~~~'s. of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other Patent Licenses are implied ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1982. 6-23 SEPTEMBER 1982 ORDER NUMBER: 210705-4102 inter 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 ! I MAX '::sE V•• Vss Vee 1.01. 1.015 1.01. Vee 1.015 1.013 BHE 1.013 1.16/53 1.012 IR7 AD12 1.017/5' 1.011 IRS AD11 1.18155 4010 IRS AD10 1.19/56 ADS IRO AD9 AD8 IR3 ADa MN/MX 1.07 IR2 1.07 iiii ADS IR1 ADS iiQ{c'ffi ADs IRO ADS ROtGT1 AD< 'NT AD. LOCk AD3 iii AD3 52 BHE/S7 (HIGH) 1.02 51 AD2 Si 1.01 so AD1 so ADO ACK ADO OSO LlR NMI OSl MEMCS IOCS INTR SY$TICK TEST elK DELAY ClK READY V'S BAUD Vss RESET Figure 2. iAPX 86150, 88150 Pin Configuration Table 1. 80150 Pin Description Symbol AD15-ADo BFiE/S7 TYpe I/O I Name and Function Address Data: These pins constitute the time multiplexed memory address (T1) and data (T2, T3, Tw, T4) bus. These lines are active HIGH. The address presented during T1 of a bus cycle will be latched internally and interpreted as an 80150 internal address if MEMCS or lacs is active for the invoked primitives. The 80150 pins float whenever it is not chip selected, and drive these pins only during T2- T4 of a read cycle and T1 of an INTA cycle. Bus High Enable: The 80150 uses the SHE signal from the processor to determine whether to respond with data on the upper or lower data pins, or both. The signal is active LOW. SHE is latched by the 80150 on the trailing edge of ALE. It controls the 80150 output data as shown. SHE 0 0 1 1 S2. Sl. So I Ao 0 1 0 1 Word on AD15-ADo Upper byte on AD15 - ADs Lower byte on AD7-ADo Upper byte on AD7-ADo Status: For the 80150, the status pins are !,!sed as inputs only. 80150encoding follows: S2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 s;0 0 1 1 0 0 1 So 0 1 0 1 0 1 X INTA lOAD IOWA Passive Instruction fetch MEMAD Passive 6-24 AFN·01487A inter 80150/80150·2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 Table 1. 80150 Pin Description (Continued) lYpe Name and Function CLK I Clock: The system clock provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing. The 80130 uses the system clock as an input to the SYSTICK and BAUD timers and to synchronize operation with the host CPU INT 0 Interrupt: INT is HIGH whenever a valid interrupt request is asserted. It is normally used to interrupt the CPU by connecting it to INTR. IR7 - IRo I Interrupt Requests: An interrupt request can be generated by raising an IR input (LOW to HIGH) and holding it HIGH until it is acknowledged (Edge-Triggered Mode), or just by a HIGH level on an IR input (Level-Triggered Mode). ACK 0 Acknowledge: This line is LOW whenever an 80150 resource is being accessed. It is also LOW during the first INTA cycle and second INTA cycle if the 80150 is supplying the interrupt vector information. This signal can be used as a bus ready acknowledgement and/or bus transceiver control. MEMCS I Memory Chip Select: This input must be driven LOW whell'l a kernel primitive is being fetched by the CPU. AD13-ADo are used to select the instruction. IOCS' I Input/Output Chip Select: When this input is low, during an lORD or IOWR cycle, the 80150's kernel primitives are acceSSing the appropriate peripheral function as specified by the following table: Symbol -- BHE A3 A2 Al Ao 0 X X X 0 0 1 1 1 1 X X 1 0 0 0 1 1 X X X X 0 1 X 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 1 1 LIR 0 Q 1 - Passive Passive Passive Interrupt Controller Systick Timer Delay Counter Baud Rate Timer Timer Control Local Bus Interrupt Request: This signal is LOW when the interrupt request is for a non-slave input or slave input programmed as being a local slave. Vee Power: Vee is the +5V supply pin. VSS Ground: VSS is the ground pin. SYSTICK 0 System Clock Tick: Timer 0 Output. DELAY 0 DELAY Timer: Output of timer 1. BAUD 0 Baud Rate Generator: 8254 Mode 3 compatible output. Output of 80150 Timer 2. The 80150 breaks new ground in operating system software-on-silicon components. It is unique because it is the first time that an industrystandard personal/small business computer operating system is being put in silicon. The 80150 contains Digital Research's CP/M-86 operating system, which is designed for Intel's line of software- and interface-colTJpatible iAPX 86, 88, 186, and 188 microprocessors. Since the entire CP/M-86 operating system is contained on the chip, it is now possible to design a diskless computer that runs proven and commonly available applications software. The 80150 is a - true operating system extension to the host microprocessor, since it also integrates key operating system-related peripheral functions onto the chip. MODULAR DESIGN Based on a proven, modular design, the system includes the: • CCP: Console C.ommand Processor The CCP is the human interface to the operating system and' performs decoding and 6-25 AFN·Ol«17A inter 80150/80150-2 iAPX' 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50, t!.\@Wt!.\OO©~ O~IF@IR1~t!.\iiO@OO ' creased significantly. Since CP/M-86 is now always in the system as a standard hardware operating system, a properly functioning system diskette is not required. CP/M-86 in hardware can no longer be overwritten accidentally by a runaway program. System reliability is enhanced by the decreased dependence on floppy disks and fewer chips and interconnections required by the highly integrated 80150. execution of user commands. • BOOS: Basic Disk Operating System The BOOS is the logical, invariant portion of the operating system; it supports a named file system with a maximum of 16 logical drives, containing up to 8 megabytes each for a potential of 128 megabytes of on-line storage. • BIOS: Basic Input/Output System ' 4. The microcomputer system boots up CP/M-86 on power-on, rather than requiring the user to go through a complicated boot sequence thus lowering the user expertise required. ' The physical, variant portion of the operating system, the BIOS contains the systemdependent input/output device handlers. CP/M* COMPATIBILITY 5. Diskless CP/M-based systems are now easy to design. Since CP/M is already in the microcomputer hardware, there is no need for a disk drive in the system if it is not desired. Without a disk , drive, a system is more portable, simpler to use, less costly, and more reliable. CP/M-86 files are completely compatible with CP/M for 8080- and 8085-based microcomputer systems. This simplifies the conversion of software developed under CP/M to take full advantage of iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188-based systems. The user will notice no significant difference between CP/M and CP/M-86. Commands such as olR, TYPE, REN, and ERA respond the same way, in both systems. CP/M-86 uses the iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 registers corresponding to 8080 registers for system call and return parameters to further simplify software transport. The 80150 allows application code and data segments to overlap, making the mixture of code and data that often appears in CP/M applications acceptable to the iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188. 6. The administrative costs associated with distributing CP/M-86 are eliminated. Since CP/M-86 is now resident on the 80150 in the microcomputer system, there is no end-user licensing required nor is there any serialization requirement' for the 80150 (because no CP/M diskette is used). 7. End-users will value having their CP/M operating system resident in their computer rather than on a diskette. They will no longer have to back up the operating system or have a diskette working properly to bring the system up in CP/M, increasing their confidence in the integrity, reliability, and usability of the system. Unique Capabllitle,s of CP/M·86 in Silicon 1. CP/M-86 on-a-chipreduces software development required by the system designer. It can change the implementation of the operating system into the simple inclusion of the 80150 on the CPU board. 80150 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 80150 is a processor extension that is fully compatible with the 8086, 8088, 80186, and 80188 microprocessors. When the 80150 is combined with the microprocessor, the two-chip set is called' an Operating System Processor and is denoted as the iAPX 86/50, 88/50,186/50, or 188/50. The basic system configuration is shown in Figure 1. The 80150 connects"directly to the multiplexed address/data bu's and runs up to 8 MHz without wait states. 'As described later, the designer can either simply incorporate the Intel chip without the need for writing even a single line of additional code, or he can add additional device drivers by writing only the small amount of additional code required. 2. The 80150 is the most cost-effective way to imple~ent CP/M-86 in a microcomputer. The integration of CP/M-86 with, the 16K bytes of system memory It requires, the two boot ROMS required in a diskette-based CP/M-86, and, the on-chip peripherals (interrupt controller and timers) lead to savings in software, parts cost, board space, and Interconnect wiring. A. Hardware. Figure 3 is a functional diagram of the 80150 itself. CP/M-86 is stored in the 16K-bytes of control store. The timers are compatible with the ~tandard 8254 timer. The inter- . rupt controlier, with its eight programmable interrupt Inputs and one interrupt output, is compatible with the 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller. ,External slave 8259A inter- 3. The reliability of the microcomputer is in- ·CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. ' 6-26 AFN·OI487A, inter 80150/80150·2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50, 188/50 l!.\W\V7l!.\OO©~ DOOIF@OOIMll!.\'ii'D@OO ,----------------------------------,I I 1 OPERATING SYSTEM UNIT I 00-7 I I : I I r I_ I I ' PROGRAMMABLE I IN~~~~~PT I / ( INTERRUPT INPUTS I I I CONTROL j STORE '--------'i I ~ : r-------~: I~ : :: C·· : ,S SYSTEM DELAY .>I : l~ I: I "- 16 I BAUD RATE GENERATOR 1 ADDRESS, I DATA BUS I I I L DELAY I:LLI_~ ~ BAUD RATE - -- -- ---------1 r:- I rl-- . DATA BUFFER I TIMER Ir--------~ /'--L."7'--N...1 SYSTEM II-rV~--------~: f------------- - - - - - - - -- ! ~ TIMER: r--r-hl,.-v""L;:~~===~: _ :~------~ INTERRUPT OUT (:=====~=J & BUS INTERFACE AND ADDRESS CONTROL. LATCH ~ ~ I CLOCK STATUS 4 I~, ~ BUS CONTAOL ~ LOCAL CONTROL UNIT __________________________________ I I ~ INTERRUPT ([ijli) Figure 3. 80150 Internal Block Diagram rupt controllers can be cascaded with the 80150 to expand the total number of interrupts to 57. vided to format diskettes, transfer files between devices (based on Digital Research's Peripheral Interchange Program PIP), and alter and display I/O device and file status (based on Digital Research's STAT). . B. Software. Digital Research's version 1.1 of CP/M·86 forms the basis of the 80150. CP/M consists of three major parts: the Console Command Processor (CCP), the Basic Disk Operating System (BOOS), and the Basic In· put/Output System (BIOS). Details on CP/M·86 are provided in Digital Research's CPIM-86 Operating System User's Guide and CPIM-86 Operating System System Guide. Through User Intervention Points, the standard CP/M-86 CCP.is enhanced to allow the user to add new built-in commands to further customize a CP/M-86 system. BOOS - Basic Disk Operating System Once the CCP has parsed a command, it sends it to the BOOS, which performs system services such as managing disk directories and flies. Some of the standard BOOS functions provide: Console Status Console Input and Output List Output Select Drive Set Track and Sector CCP - Console Command Processor The CCP provides all of the capabilities provided by Digital Research's CCP. Bullt·in commands have been expanded to include capabilities normally included as transient utilities on the Digital Research CP/M-86 diskette: Commands are pro6-27 AFN-Ol467B 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 fered on the 80150 or substitute or add any additional device drivers of his choice. ReadlWrite Sector Load Program The 8DOS in the 80150 provides the same functions as the standard Digital Research CP/M-86 BOOS. BIOS - Basic Input/Output System The BIOS contains the system-dependent I/O drivers. The 80150 BIOS offers two fundamental configuration options: These two options negate the potential softwareon-silicon pitfall of inflexibility in system design. The OEM can customize the end system as desired. The predefined configuration offers a choice among several peripheral chip drivers Included on the 80150. Drivers for the following chips are included in the 80150 BIOS: 8251A 1. A predefined configuration which supports minimum cost CPIM~86 microcomputer systems and which requires no operating system development by the system designer. 8274 2. An OEM-configurable mode, where the designer can choose among several drivers.of· 8272A 8255A Universal Synchronous/ Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) Multi-Protocol Serial Controller (MPSC) Programmable Parallel Interface (PPI) Floppy Disk Controller FLOPl DISK 808818086180186180188 CPU 8272A 80150 ADDRESS/DATA BUS 8251A cONLLE 8255A PRIL~ Figure 4. Predefined Configuration 6-28 AFN.()14678 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 Even In the predefined configuration, the system designer (or end user, if the system designer desires) may select parameters such as the baud rates for the console and printer, and the floppy disk size (standard 8" or 5Y4" mini-floppy) and format (FM single density or MFM double density, single-sided or double-sided). peripheral chips, such as bubble memories or more complex CRT controliers. These drivers would be stored in memory external to the 80150 itself. By providing the configurability option, the 80150 is applicable to a far broader range of designs that it would be with an inflexible BIOS. Drivers for the 80150 on-chip timers and interrupt controller are also included in the BIOS. MEMORY ORGANIZATION When using the predefined configuration of the 80150 BIOS, the 80150 must be placed in the top 16K of the address space of the microprocessor (starting at location FCOOOH) so that the 80150 gains control when the microprocessor is reset. Upon receipt of control, the 80150 writes a configuration block into the bottom of the micro, processor's address space, which must be in RAM. The 80150 uses the area after the interrupt vectors for system configuration information and scratch-pad storage. The 80150 takes advantage of the 80186 and 80188 on-chip peripherals in an iAPX 186/50 or 188/50 system. For example, the integrated DMA controlier is used. Also fully utilized are the integrated memory chip selects and I/O chip selects. Since ali microcomputer configurations cannot be anticipated, the OEM-configurable rhode allows the system designer to use any set of peripheral chips desired. This configuration is shown in Figure 5. By simply changing the jump addresses in a configuration table, the designer can also gain the flexibility of adding custom BIOS drivers for other When using the OEM-configurable mode of the 80150 BIOS, the 80150 is placed on any 16K boun- FLOPPY DISK I 8088/808~~~86/80188 f---- 80150 OTHER PERIPHERALS 8272A ADDRESS/DATA BUS 8255A 8251A I ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS, CONSOLE, SERIAL PRINTER I KEYBOARD, PARALLEL PRINTER 8274 I SYNCHRONOUS LINE, SERIAL PRINTER, CONSOLE 'Figure 5. OEM Configurable System 6-29 AFN-01467B inter 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50, 188/50 dary of memory except the highest (FCOOOH) or lowest (OOOOOH). The user writes interface code (in the form of a simple boot ROM) to Incorporate and link additional features and changes into the standard 80150 environment. The configuration block may be located as desired in the address space, and its size may vary widely depending on the application. &@W&IJ\I.J©~ OIJ\l.J!F@OOfi\1l&'ii'O@1J\I.J a number of ways: a. b. c. d. e. telephone lines via a modem. ROM-based software. a ne.twork. bubble memory based software. low-cost cassettes. TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Memory Disk A unique capability offered by the 80150 is the Memory Disk. The Memory Disk consists of a block of RAM whose size can be selected by the designer. The Memory Disk is treated by the aDOS as any standard floppy diSk, and is one of the 16 disks that CPIM can address. Thus files can be opened and closed, programs stored, and statistics gathered on the amount of Memory Disk space left. The Memory Disk opens the possibility of a portable low-cost diskless microcomputer or network station. Applications software can be provided in Figure 6 shows the processing cluster of a "typical" iAPX 86/50 or lAPX 88/50 OSP system. Not shown are subsystems likely to vary with the application. The configuration includes an 8086 (or 8088) operating in maximum mode, an 8284A clock generator and an 8288 system controller. Note that the 80150 is located on the CPU side of any I~tches or transceivers. Timers The Timers are connected to the lower half of the data bus and are addressed at even addresses. The timers are read as two successive bytes, ClK 0 f- CONTROL 52 elK S!!r-- ~ 8086 8288 ~ .,. SHE ~RESS/o~ SHE AI' 8282 ADDRESS 1ADO INT - LOCAL AND SYSTEM RESOURCES AO ...---015 ... "- 8286 , _ INT 52 ~ VI- AD~~ ClK ADO 10CS r:-r- MEMes DECODE lOGIC r~ " b ,~ ill . L1R IRO r- BAUD DO L- 1 A INTERRUPT REQUESTS IR7 $YSTICK ~ Figure 6. Typical OSP Configuration 6-30 AFN'()I467B 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 always LSB followed by MSB. The MSB is always latched on a read operation and remains latched until read. Timers are not gatable. An external 8254 Programmable Interval Timer may be added to the system. In addition to standard PIC functions, the 80150 PIC unit has an LlR output signal, which when low indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle. LlR=O is provided to control the 8289 Bus Arbiter SYSB/RE:SB pin. This will avoid the need of requesting the system bus to acknowledge local bus non-slave interrupts. The user defines the interrupt system as part of the configuration. Baud Rate Generator The baud rate generator operates like an 8254 (square wave mode 3). Its output, BAUD, is initially high and remains high until the Count Register is loaded. The first falling edge of the clock after the Count Register is loaded causes the transfer of the internal counter to the Count Register. The output stays high for N/2 [(N + 1)/2 if N is odd] and then goes low for N/2 [(N - 1)/2 if N is odd]. On the falling edge of the clock which signifies the final count for the output in low state, the output returns to high state and ,the Count Register is transferred to the internal counter. The baud rates can vary from 300 to 9600 baud. INTERRUPT SEQUENCE The interrupt sequence is as follows: 1. One or more of the interrupts is set by a lowto-high transition on edge-sensitive IR inputs or by a high input on level-sensitive IR inputs. 2. The 80150 evaluates these requests, and sends an INT to the CPU, if appropriate. 3. The CPU acknowledges the INT and responds with an interrupt acknowledge cycle which is encoded in S2 - SO, The baud rate generator is located at OCH (12), relative to the 16-byte boundary in the I/O space in which the 80150 component is located. T~e timer control word is located at relative address, OEH(14). Timers are addressed with 10CS = O. Timers 0 and 1 are assigned to use by the OSP, and should not be altered by the user. 4. Upon receiving the first interrupt acknowledge from the CPU, the highest-priority interrupt is set by the 80150 and the corresponding edge detect latch is reset. The 80150 does not drive the address/data bus during this bus cycle but does acknowledge the ~cle by making ACK = 0 and sending the LlR value for the IR input being acknowledged. ' The 80150 timers are subset compatible with 8254 timers. 5. The CPU will then initiate a second interrupt acknowledge cycle. During this cycle, the 80150 will supply the cascade address of the interrupting input at T 1 on the bus and also release an 8-bit pointer onto the bus if appropriate, where it is read by the CPU. If the 80150 does supply the pOinter, then ACK will be low for the cycle. This cycle also has the value LlR for the IR input being acknowledged. Interrupt Controller The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), is also an integral unit of the 80150. Its eight input pins handle eigl'lt vectored priority interrupts. One of these pins must be used for the SYSTICK time function in timing waits, using an external connection as shown. During the 80150 initialization and configuration sequence, each 80150 interrupt pin is individually programmed as either level or edge sensitive. External slave 8259A interrupt controllers can be used to expand the total number of interrupts to 57. 6. This completes the interrupt cycle. The ISR bit remains set until an appropriate EXIT INTERRUPT primitive (EOI command) is called at the end of the Interrupt Handler. 6-31 AFN·01467B 80150/80150·2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended period may affect device reliability. Ambient Temperature .Under Bias ........ o·e to 70·e Storage Temperature ................. -65·C to 150·C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground .................. -1.0V to + 7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.0 Watts D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol VIL VIH VOL VOH lee ILl ILR ILo VCLi VeHI CIN CIO leu Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current IR Input Load Current TCLCL ,fCLCH TCHCL TSVCH TCHSV TSHCL TCLSH TASCH TCLAH TCSCL TCHCS TDSCL TCHDH TJWH ' TCLDV TCLDH TCLDX TCLCA Test Conditions Min. Max. Units - 0.5 2.0 0.8 V V V V mA 10L ~ 2mA IOH ~ - 400!LA TA = 25 C !LA 0< VIN < Vee ~A VIN = Vee VIN = 0 .45 :5 VIN " Vec Vee +.5 0.45 2.4 200 10 10 -300 10 0.6 Output Leakage Current Clock Input LOW Clock Input High Input Capacitance 110 Capacitance Clock Input Leakage Current A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = o·c to TO·C. Vee = 4.5 to 5.5V) Parameter !LA !LA V V pF pF 3.9 '10 15 10 150 10 !LA ~A !LA .. VIN = Vee VIN = 2.5V VIN = OV (TA = 0-70·C, Vee = 4.5-5,5 Volt, Vss = Ground) Parameter Mil!. CLK Cycle Period CLKLowTIme CLK High Time 200 90 69 Status Active Setup Time Status Inactive Hold Time Status Inactive Setup Time Status Active Hold Time Apdress Valid Setup Time Address Hold Time. Chip Select Setup Time Chip Select Hold Time Write Data Setup Time Wr~e Data Hold Time IRLowTIme Read Data Valid Delay Read Data Hold Time Read Data to Floating cascade Address Dalay Time 80 10 55 10 8 10 20 0 80 10 100 10 10 - 80150 Max. Min. - 125 - 2000 55 44 2000 - - - - 80150·2 Max. - 65 10 55 10 - - - 8 10 20 0 60 10 100 140 - 105 1- 100 85 - - - 10 10 - > 100 65 Units Test Conditions ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ils ns ns ns ns ns ns CL - 200pF 6-32 AFN·01467B 80150/80150·2 iAPX 86150,88/50,186/50,188/50 inter ~@\Vl~OO©~ OOOIF@!raIMJ~'IT'O@OO A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) 80150 Parameter Symbol TCLCF Cascade Addresse Hold TIme T\AVE INTA Status t Acknowledge Acknowledge Hold Time Chip Select to ACK TCHEH TCSAK TSACK TAACK TCLOO TCLC01 TJHIH T1RCL 80150-2 Min. Max. Min. Max. 10 - 10 - 80 - - 0 - Status to ACK Address to ACK Timer Output Delay Time - Timerl Output Delay Time - 200 - INT Output Delay IR Input Set Up 20 0 80 - 110 - 110 140 - 140 90 200 - 200 - 90 - 200 - 200 200 20 - - Units ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Notes CL ~ 100pF CL ~ 100pF WAVEFORMS A.C. eLK -- _____ ____________ TelOO SV$TICK. DELAY, BAUD I ~x~ CUI IR INT 6-33 . AFN.()1467B inter 80150/80150·2 iA~X 86150,88/50, 18~/50,1,88/SO tA\1P>WtA\OO©rg OOOIP@OOIM]b.\'U'O@OO WAVEFORMS A.c. TCHCL .- ClK .~ S2. 11. SO I TelCH \ I 12 T1 T4 T3 TW I TSVCH I TClS" TCLCl I F~1----- ~ I T4 , I 'r I I BHE. AI',-Ao VALID BHE.AD "TO r:;s TCSCl I B"T S , AD I ADDRESS VALID '{ 'f..JI'f.NX -I f9 TDSCL L WRI TEC'tCLE r TCSAK ~ TAACK I READ CYCLE J K I I WAITE DATA VALID 1--1 FLOAT AODRESS VALID TCLDX ~.,:r"1 rCLOV REAO DATA VALID I I ~ 2ND INTAC'tCLE AJs ~ \ T5ACK I FlOAT CD CASCADE ADDRESS F9 FLOAT 1M FLOAT ® POINTER TlAVE ® I --I j-TCHEH I \ iTR TIAVE I @ , NOICS 1 CASCADE ADDRESS PRESENTED ON AD8, AD9 AND "D10 CORRESPONDING TO CABO, CAS1 AND CAS2 RESPECTIVELY ADl1-AD15 UNES ARE ACTIVE AND HAVE UNKNOWN YAUJE8. NJO-/lD7 ARE TRISTATE 2 POMER VALUE IS ACTIVE ONLY IF POINTER IS GENERATED FROM THE 80150 AND NOT FROM EXTERNAL SLAVE UNIT ACTIVE LOW ONLY WHEN POINTER DATA JS BaNG SUPPLIED BY THE 80150 LOW ONLV FOR LOCAL 1NTERRlPJ' -.:fFTCHEH User Library 7 inter USER LIBRARY The Insite User's Program Library Is an Intel-sponsored software library supporting Intel microcomputer products. There are currently over 325 programs in the Library collection. Insite offices are located in the U.S., Brussels, PariS, Germany, the U.K., and Japan, serving about 1,500 members worldwide. As the Library collection is built on programs submitted by I ntel employees as well.as customers, we encourage and welcome all program contributions. These contributionsllre essential to the growth and success of Insite. In the following pages you will be introduced to more in-depth information about Inslte. Membership and program submittal forms, including a complete program index listing, are also included for your convenience. 7-1 inter INSITE'M USER'S PROGRAM LIBRARY • Programs for 8048, 8051, 8080/8085, and 808618087/8088 Processors • Diskettes, ,Paper Tapes, and Listings ' Available for Library Programs • Accepted Program Submittals Entitle You to a Free Membership or Free Program Package • Program Library Catalog Offering Hundreds of Programs • Updates of New Programs Sent During SubSCription Period • Worldwide Offices to Serve You Insite, Intel's Software Index and Technology Exchange Library, is a varied collection of programs and routines that have been written by users of Intel microcomputers, single-board computers, and develop· ment systems. This expanding library of programs covers a broad range of software tools that includes monitors, conversion routines, peripheral drivers, translators, math packages, and even games. As a library member, you can acquire a copy of any program wlth'n the library on any of its available types of media. By taking advantage of the availability of existing library programs, numerous hours of coding and debugging time can be saved and routine or redundant programming operations can be eliminated. The Insite Program Library also serves as a learning tool fbr individuals unfamiliar with assembly or high·level languages associated with Intel's family of microcomputers. Membership. Membership in Insite Is available on an annual basis. Intel customers may become members through an accepted program contribution or paid membership fee. Program Submittals. The Insite Library is built on program submittals contributed by users. Customers are encouraged to submit their programs. (Details and forms are available through the Insite Library.) For each accepted program, submittors will receive a choice of three free programs (A, e, C, or D ca,tegory), or free membership with Insite for one year. Program Library Service. PAPER TAPES, DISKETTES OR SOURCE LISTINGS are available for every program in Insite. Diskettes are available on single or double density. Membership Is required to purchase programs. Inslte™ Program Library Catalog. Each member will be sent the Program Library Catalog consisting of an abstract for each program indicating the function of the routine, required hardware and software, and memory requirements. Insite members will be updated with abstracts of new programs submitted to the Library during the sub· scription period. For catalog and yearly subscription fee please refer to the Intel OEM Price List or contact the nearest IlJsite or Intel Sales Office. INSITE OFFICES ARE WORLDWIDE, WITH FIVE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: THE ORIENT Intel Japan K.K. 5-6 Tohkohdai, Toyosato-cho, Tsukuba·gun, Ibarakl, 300-26, Japan ATTN: Inslte User's Program Library Telephone: 029747·8511 NORTH AMERICA Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, California 95051 ATTN: Inslte User's Program Library Telephone: 408-987-8080 Intel Corporation S.A.R.L. 5 Place de la Balance SlIIc 223 94528 Rungls Cedex, France ATTN: Inslte User's Program Library Telephone: 0687·22·21 EUROPE Intel Semiconductor GmbH Seldlstrasse 27 8000 Muenchen 2 West Germany ATTN: Inslte User's Program Library Telephone: 089-5389-1 7-2 Intel Corporation (U.K.) Ltd. Pipers Way Swlndon SN3 LRJ Wiltshire, England ATTN: Inslte User's Program Library Telephone: 0793-488·388 inter SUBMlnAL REQUIREMENTS Programs submitted for Insite review must follow the guidelines listed below: Programs must be written in a language capable of compilation and assembly by the currently-supported version of an Intel standard compiler/assembler. Accepted languages are documented In the following manuals available through Intel's Literature Department. - BASIC-80 Reference Manual, Order No. 980758 - ICIS-COBOL Language Reference Manual, Order No. 980927 - FORTRAN-80 Programming Manual, Order No. 980481 - FORTRAN-86 User's Guide, Order No. 121570 - Pascal-80 User's Guide, Order No. 981015 - Pascal-86 User's Guide, Order No. 121539 - PUM-80 Programming Manual, Order No. 980268 - PUM-86 Programming Manual, Order No. 980466 - MCS-48 and UPI-41 A Assembly Language Manual, 'Order No. 980255 - MCS-86 Macro Assembly Language Reference Manual. Order No. 121703 - 8080/8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual, Order No. 980940 - 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembly Language Reference Manual for 80185 Based Development System, Order No. 121623 - 8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembly Language Reference Manual for 80/86 Based Development System, Order No. 121703 - 8089 Assembly Language Reference Manual, Order No. 980255 - Microsoft BASIC Compiler Reference Manual, Order No. 121805 - Mi~rosoft BASIC-80 Reference Manual, Order No. 121806 - Microsoft BASIC Reference Book, Order No. 121857 - Microsoft FORTRAN-80 Reference Manual, Order No. 121798 - Microsoft FORTRAN-80 User's Manual, Order No. 121799 - Microsoft M/Sort Reference Manual, Order No. 121809 - Microsoft Utility Software Manual, Order No. 121797 A well-documented source code furnished on an ISIS-formatted 8" diskette, CP/M-formatted 8" diskette, PDS 5 W' diskette, or ASCII-coded paper tape. A source listing of the program must be included. This must be the output listing of a compilation or an assembly. No consideration will be given to incomplete programs or duplications of programs already in the Library. A link and locate listing. A demonstration program which assures the validity of the contributed program must be included. This must show the accurate operation of the program. A complete submittal form. Licensed software or copyrighted material must be accompanied by a written release from the appropriate, authorized person. 7-3 ,'ner INSllET- USER'S PROGRAM LIBRARY SUBMITTAL FORM Processor 0 8048 08051 0 808018085 o 808818087/8088 0 Other Indicate the MDS series model the program was created on by checking the appropriate box, and Identify other MDS serles'~odels the program·may be compatible with. . Program Title , Function Required Hardware Required Software j Input Parameters Output Results , Regl.t.... Modlfl.d: Prog...mm.r: RAM Required: Compeny: ROM Required: Addre..: Maximum Subroutine N••tlnll Lev.l: City: A...mbl.rtComp".r Und: Stat.: T_phone: Progremmlng Leng".",: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT To tho boot of my knowledge, I hove tho right to contributothlo program motorial without breaching any obligation concomlng nondlacl08u", of proprietary or confidential Information of other persons or organlzatlon~. I am contributing this program material on a nonconfldentlal nonobligatory boolsto tho Inolto Uoofo Llb",ry lor InclU810n In It. prog,..m library, and I agree that tho Library may u.o, duplicate,. modlly, publish. and sell the program material without obligation or liability of any kind. The Inslte Unr's Library may publish my name and address, as the contributor, to facilitate user Inqulrl.. pertaining to thle program material. Signature Dato 7-4 LIST OF PROGRAMS ALPHABETICAL, BY APPLICATION Program Title Order No. ADD AND SUBTRACT: BCD Numbers ............................................... ASSEMBLER: 8080 MACRO, V4.1 .................................................. ASSEMBLER, CROSS: 8008 Code. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ASSEMBLER, CROSS: 8048 On DG Nova .................................... . . . . . .. ASSEMBLER, CROSS: DEC PDP-8 or PDP-11 ....................................... ASSEMBLER, CROSS: DEC PDP-11 ................................................ ASSEMBLER, CROSS: DEC PDP-11 ................................................ ASSEMBLER, CROSS: MCS-48 .................................................... ASSEMBLER, ON-LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. CB11 BF4 BC5 BC6 BC2 BC3 BC4 BC1 BF5 BAUD RATE: Modify ...................................... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. BAUD RATE: Modify Under CP/M ................................................... BIT HANDLING: 8048 ............................................................. BRANCH: MCS-48 Branch Table Routine ............................................ BREAKPOINT: 8089 ............................................................... BG25 BG26 BG35 BG37 BD15 CALCULATE: CHECKSUM ......................................................... CALCULATE: Sine or Cosine Routine ................................................ CALCULATE: Square Root ......................................................... CALCULATION: Least Squares Quadratic Fitting ....... : .............................. CALCULATION: Natural Logarithm ............................... '.... , .............. CHANGE: Load Addresses, iAPX-86/88 Object File .................................. , CHECKBOOK ...... ,............................................................. CLOCK: 8748 Clock and LCD Tachometer ........................................... CLOCK: MICRO/SYS MC1460 Real Time Clock Board Utilities ......................... CLOCK: Real Time ................................................................ COMMANDS: Meta-Programs ...................................................... COMMUNICATION: DEC PDP-11 to Intellec Development System ...................... COMMUNICATION: HP Calculator with Intellec Development System-800 ................ COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System 220/230 with SDK-85, V1.0 ............ COMMUNICATION: Intellec Model 220/230 to-Timesharing Computer ................... COMMUNICATION: Intellec Model 800 to/from DEC PDP-10 ..... _................ , .... COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System to/from DEC ......................... COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System to/from Tektronix 8001 ................ COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System Series-II with Minicomputer ............ COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System Series-II with PROMPT-48 ............. COMMUNICATION: Intellec Development System to PROMPT-48 or -80 ................. COMMUNICATION: Intellec System to Serial Output Device .............. , ............. COMMUNICATION: Intel DevelOpment System to/from Hewlett-Packard Computer ........ COMMUNICATION: Intel Development System to/from VAX 11 ............. '...... : ..... COMMUNICATION: Intel MDS-Data I/O Programmer Interface .......................... COMMUNICATION: NDS-II to/from iPDS Running CP/M-80 ." .... , ... , ... , .... , ... , ... COMMUNICATION: Tektronix DAS 9100 Digital Analysis System to Intel Development System ... " .. - ... "., .... , ... , .. , .. , ..... , ... ,., ........ , .. COMMUNICATION: Two Intellec Series-II Development Systems ....... , .. , .. , .. , ...... , COMMUNICATION: Xerox File Transfer Facility ............. ,."." ...... , ......... ". COMPARE: 8048 or 8049 ROMS .. , ... , ......... , ...... , .. , , ... , .... , ..... , . . . . . . . .. COMPARE: Files ... _.... , . , .. , ...... , .... , ... , , .. , , .. , .. , , . , ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. COMPILER: Pascal ...... , , ... , .. , ... , ..... , , . , .... , , .. , ......... , , .. , .... , .. , . , . .. CONSOLE ACCESS: Input and Output for Series III ... , .... , ......... , ..... ,.,........ CONTROLLER: 8278 Keyboard/Display ... , . , . , ....... , ... , .... , . , ...... , . , ........ " CONTROLLER: 8292 on 8741A ., .. " .. , ... , .......... , ......... " ................ ,. CONTROLLER: Dual Floppy Disk Drive, .. , . , . , .. , .. , ............ , ...... , .. , ... , , .. " CONTROLLER: Firmware for iSBC-589 , .. ,., .... , .................... , .. , ...... , .. ,. BD16 CB13 CB5 CB3 CB4 BG42 BA6 BG30 BG31 BG29 BG38 BB16 AD1 AD4 AD6 AD8 AD10 AD11 AD9 AD2 AD3 AD14 AD15 AD13 BE8 AD17 7-5 AD12 AD7 AD16 AE11 BD11 BF1 BD36 AC3 AC4 AB11 AC7 inter Program ntle Order No. CONTROLLER: PID Control Loops .................................................. CONTROLLER: PROMPT-48 Interactive ....... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CONTROLLER: UP1-41 8-Digit LED Display .......................................... CONTROLLER: UP1-41A142 Digital Cassette, V2.5 ......................... , ........... CONVERSION: ASCII-Decimal to/from FPAL Number ................................. CONVERSION: ASCII Floating Point Numbers to AM9711 and Intel 8231 4 Byte FP Fomiat ..................................................... CONVERSION: ASCII to Floating Point .............................................. CONVERSION: ASCII to/from EBCDIC .............................................. CONVERSION: ASCII to/from Floating Point ......................................... CONVERSION: ASCII ~ode to/from Intel Floating Point ................................ CONVERSION: Binary to BCD ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CONVERSION: Binary to BCD ...................................................... CONVERSION: Convert/Format/Print ................................................ CONVERSION: Decimal to/from Floating Point ....................................... CONVERSION: FORTRAN or FPAL Floating Point to/from Decimal ..................... CONVERSION: Hex to ASCII ....................................................... CONVERSION: ISIS-II to/from CP/M ......................•......................... CONVERSION: MCON-6800 Source Code to 8086/88 Source Code ..................... CONVERSION: ZCON-Z80 to 8086/88 Source Converter .............................. CONVERT: Doubleword to ASCII String ......................................... ',' . .. CONVERT: Fixed Point to Floating Point ............................................. COPY: Disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. COPY: Diskette ................................................................... COPY: Diskette ................................................................... COPY: iPDS CP/M-80 Diskette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. COPY: PDP-11 Disk File to Intel ISIS-II Disk File ...................................... COUNT: ICE-80 Machine Cycles ............ , ....................................... COUNT: Program Usage ........................................................... CREDIT: Tutorial .................................................................. CREDIT: Used on Modified Hazeltine 1500 ........................................... AB20 AB2 AC1 AC5 BB13 DEBUG: CAT.88 (iRMX88 Task Debugger) ........................................... DEMO: 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DEMO: iAPX-88 ................................................................... DEMO: iRMX 86 Multitasking spectrum Analysis ...................................... DEMO SOFTWARE: 8275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DEVICE, I/O: UPI-41 A Combination ................................................. DIAGNOSTIC: S080 110 .. , ................................................. .' . . . . . .. DIAGNOSTIC: Microcomputer Development System 230 ............................... DISASM ........ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DISASSEMBLER: 8048 Object Code ..............................................•. DISASSEMBLER: 8080 Code ....................................................... DISASSEMBLER: 8080 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DISASSEMBLER: 8080 Object Code .... '............................................ DISASSEMBLER: ICE-SO Ver 2.1 ................................................... DISASSEMBLER: ISIS-II Object Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DIVISION: 32-Bit by 16-Bit ......................................................... DOWNLOAD: iPDS to Serial Port ..................................... , ............. DRIVER: 8048 Seven-Segment Display .............................................. DRIVER: 8085 Serial 110 ...........................................•............... DRIVER: Audio Cassette Recorder .................................................. DRIVER: Bios and Boot Program for CP/M-80 ........................................ DRIVER: Cassette Operating System ................................................ DRIVER: Dumb Terminal Simulator .................................................. DRIV,ER: Intellec Development System Series-II as Dumb Terminal ............... : . . . . .. DRIVER: iPDS Dumb Terminal .....................................•................ BD34 AE7 AE13 AE8 AE6 AC2 AE2 AE9 BD6 BD8 BD1 BD4 BD2, BD3 BD5 CB12 AD18 AB5 AB1 AB6 AB22 AB7 AB10 AB9 AB23 7-6 ~~5 BB14 BB1 BB11 BB12 BB6 BB7 BB8 BB9 BB10 BB2 BB18 BB3 BB4 BB22 BB21 BG28 BG27 B~43 BG45 BB15 BD10 BG40 E6 BG33 Program Title Order No. DRIVER: iSBC 86/12 Real Time Clock Driver 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: PROM Programmer 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-80, for the iSBC 254 Bubble Memory with 80/10 Board 0000000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-80, for the iSBC 254 Bubble Memory with 80/20/30 Board 0000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-86, for the iSBC 254 Bubble Memory Board 00000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-80 for iSBC 534 0000 0000000000000 "0 0000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-80 for SBC 215 Controller Board 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: RMX-86, for the iPAB-128, iPAB-256, iSBX-251 Bubble Memory Products 0000000 DRIVER: RMX-86, High Performance Driver for iSBC-550 Ethemet CommunicatiOnS Controller 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: SYCOR 135 Cassette Operating System 0' 0000000000000000000000000000000000 DRIVER: Tektronix 4010 Graphic Screen 00000000000000000000000000• 000000000000000000 DRIVER: Tol. Omni 810 Lineprinter 00000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000 DRIVER: USART for iSBC-86/XX 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000• 00000000 DUMP: Diskette 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DUMP: Diskette File 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DUMP: Diskette File 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DUMP: iAPX-86/88 Absolute Object File 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DUMP: iSBC 86/12 Memory 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DUMP: Symbol Table 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 AB19 BE7 AB14 AB15 AB16 AB12 AB13 ABH EDIT: Disk 00000000000000000000000000000000000000... 0... 00000. 000. 0000000. 000000000 EDIT: Hex File 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EDIT: Inspect and Change File 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EDIT: Text 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EDITOR: Text, Intel X111 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EXECUTIVE: Real Time 0000000000000000000000000000000000000. 0000000000000000000000 EXERCISE: Data Translation MULTIBUS Analog I/O Boards 0000000000000000000000000000 BD33 BD31 BD32 BA4 BA3 AA8 BE6 AB 18 AB8 AB3 AB4 AB21 BD27 BD28 BD26 BD30 BD29 BD21 FIFO 00000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 BG13 FIFO 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000. BG12 GAME: Bandit 00000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000 o. 0000000.000000 '03 GAME: Black Box . 00000000000000000000. 00000000000000000000.. 00000. 000000000000000 015 GAME: Breakout . 000000000.00000000000000000000000000000. 0000000000000000000000000 013 GAME: Craps 0000000. 0000000... 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 05 GAME: Darts 00000000000000. 00. 0000. 00. 00000. 00. 000000000000000000000. 0000. 0000000 06 GAME: Fruit Machine 000000000000. 00000. 00000. 00000000000. 0000000000000000000000000 04 GAME: Hangman 00000000000.. 00000000. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 07 GAME: Mastermind 0000000000000. 000000000000000000000000. 0000000000000000000000000 09 GAME: Maze 0000. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000. 0.00000. 000000000000000000 02 GAME: Maze 000000000000000000. 000000000000000000000000000000• 0000000000000000• 00 01 GAME: Othello 000000000. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000• 00000000000000: 00• 00 010 GAME: Poker 00000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000. 000000000000000000000000 I 014 GAME: Slalom, V104 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000• 00• 0000 08 GAME: Tiny Chess 86 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000 012 GENERATE: 16-Bit Random Number 00000000000000000000.0000000000.000000000000. 000 CB2 GENERATE: Calendar 00000. 0000000000000000. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 BA8 GENERATE: CCITT Cyclic Redundancy Check 000. 0000000• 0000000000000000000000000o. BD37 GENERATE: Disk Directory Library 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000 0 BA15 GENERATE: Fast Generation of IBM Bi-Sync CRC16 0000000000000000000000000000000000 BD20 GENERATE: Graph 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000• 000000000000000000000 CB7 GENERATE: High and Low Bytes from 8086 Hex File 00000.00.000000000000000000000000 BD35 GENERATE: Histogram o. 00000000000000000000000000000• 00000000• 0000000000000000000 CB8 GENERATE: IBM Bi-Sync CRC16 0000000000000000000000.: 0000000o. 0.000000.000000000 BD19 GENERATE: Music for SDK-85 0000000000000000000000000000000000• 000000000000000000 011 GENERATE: Output Signal . 0000000000000000. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BG5 7-7 Program Title Order No. GENERATE: PLIM Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B025 GENERATE: PROM Checksum Calculation ........................................... B018 GENERATE: Public Symbol Cross Reference ......................................... B038 GENERATE: 'Random Number ...................................................... COO GENER~TE: Software Documentation ............................................... BA14 GENERATE: 'Stochastic Variates and Histograms ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CA23 GENERATE: Symbol List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B024 GENERATE: Symbol Table for BASIC-80 . : .......................................•. " 8023 GENERATE: Tabs .................................................................. BA16 GENERATE: X-V Graph ............................................................ CB9 HANDLER: RMXl80 Minimal Terminal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BE2 INCREMENT: Program Counter ..................................................... INITIALIZE: Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. INITIALIZE: Baud Rate .................. " ........ , ................................ INTERPRETER: 8086 Tiny BASIC .................................................. INTERPRETER: Interactive 8087 Instruction Interpreter .............................. ,. INTERPRETER: LISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. INTERPRETER: LLL BASIC-II ...................................................... INTERPRETER: LLUChernack BASIC ............................................... INTERPRETER: MCS-51 Tiny BASIC, V2.2 .......................................... INTERPRETER: PILOT-80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. INTERPRETER: RMX/80 Command Line ............................................. INTERPRETER: Single-Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B039 BG24 BG23 BF9 AA12 BF3 BF7 BF8 BF10 BF2 BG4 BD7 LINKAGE: Series III i8087 Linkage Modules .......................................... LIST: Directory, ISIS Diskette/NOS Disk ................. , ............................ LIST: Diskette Directory ......................................................'.. " .. LIST: File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. LIST: File .............................................. , ........................... LIST: File Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LIST: PL/M Compiler Errors ........................................................ L1ST/P.RINT/TYPE , ........................... , .................................... LIST: Save Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LOAD/SAVE: RAM ................................................................ BG36 8G18 BG17 BG15 BG16 B012 BD13 BG14 B014 BG1 MACROS: Block Structures ......................................................... MACROS: Block Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MAIL 'LIST ......................................... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MAIL LIST ............................. : .......................................... MAIL LISTS FOR BASIC 80 ........................................................ MATH PACKAGE 8231 .............................................................. MATH PACKAGE 8051 ............................................................. MATH PACKAGE: 8080/8085 Fundamental Support Package ........................... MATH PACKAGE: 8231 Arithmetic Processing Unit .................................... MATH PACKAGE: Arithmetic Functions .............................................. MATH PACKAGE: Arithmetic Functions for MCS-48 ................................... MATH PACKAGE: Double Precision Floating Point .................................... MATH PACKAGE: Double Precision Integer ........................................... MATH PACKAGE: Fixed and Floating Point ........................................... MATH PACKAGE: Floating Point, .................................................... MATH PACKAGE:,Floating Point .................................................... MATH PACKAGE: Floating Point .................................................... MATH PACKAGE: Floating Point .................................................... MATH PACKAGE: Floating Point Library/8086 ......................................... MATH PACKAGE: Floating Point Utilities for FPAL.L1B ................................. BG10 BG11 BA9 BA11 BA 12 CA17 CA18 CA20 CA16 CA11 CA22 CA12 CA4 CA5 CA2 CA1 CA7 CA6 CA13 CA8 7-8 Program Title Order No. MATH PACKAGE: HigH Speed Binary Math Package for 8031/8051 ..................... MATH PACKAGE: Multiple Precision Arithmetic/8086 .................................. MATH PACKAGE: Multiply/Divide .................................................... MATH PACKAGE: Optimized Floating Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MATH PACKAGE: Optimized Floating Point ........................................... MATH PACKAGE: PLIM Multiple Precision ........................................... MATH PACKAGE: 'Recursive Computation of Mean and Standard Deviation .............• MERGE: Mailing List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . ... MONITOR: Intellec 8/MOD80 ....................................................... MONITOR: Bubble Memory Development Software for Intel BPK-72 ..................... MONITOR: HSE-49 Expansion Monitor.. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .... MONITOR: Intellec Development System, V2.0 ....................................... MONITOR: iSBC 250 1-MegabitBubble Memory ...................................... MONITOR: iSBC 254 Bubble Memory Board Monitor .................................. MONITOR: iSBC 544 .............................................................. MONITOR: iSBC 80/05 or 80/04 .................................................... MONITOR: iSBC 80/10 ............................................................. MONITOR: iSBC 80/10 or 80/10A ................................................... MONITOR: iSBC 80/20 or 80/20-4 . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. MONITOR: iSBC 80/24 .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. MONITOR: ISBC BO/30 ............................................................. MONITOR: iSBC 86/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MONITOR: SDK-85, V2.0 .................. , .......... , .... , .................. ,... MONITOR: SDK-86 Keypad ................................. , ... , ........... ,...... MONITOR: SDK-85 Serial, V1.1 .............................. , ...... , ............. ,. MONITOR: Super Monitor 80 .................... , ... , .......................... ,... MONITOR: Super Monitor 86 ........................... , ............. , ......... , ... MONITOR: Super Monitor 86 for the iSBC 88/45 ...................................... MORSE CODE TUTOR V2.0 .......................... , ........................ ,... MULTIPLICATION: 8748 BCD ........................................ , .............. MULTIPLICATION: 4O-Bit ........................................................... CA21 CA 14 CA15 CA9 CA10 CA3 CA19 BA 10 AA 1 AA10 AA 13 AA6 AA9 AA 11 AA7 AA14 AA15 AA16 AA 17 AA 18 AA19 PRINT: Cover Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PRINT: Discounted Cash Flow ...................................................... PRINT: File ....................................................................... PRINT: Files ...................................................................... PRINT: Files ....................................................... " . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PRINT: High Speed Utility .......................................................... PROCEDURE: Pascal 86 Screen/Cursor Control ...................................... PROCEDURE: PLIM DOCASE ..................................................... PROCEDURES: PLIM Output ...................................................... PROCEDURES: PLIM Utilities ...................................................... PROCESSOR: Macro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PROCESSOR: Text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PROGRAM: 8741A as iSBC 941 ..................................................... PROGRAMMER: EPROM-8755A .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. PROGRAMMER: EPROMS 2708/16132 .............................................. BA 1 BA7 BA 17 BA18 BA19 BG32 BG34 BG9 BG8 BG7 BF6 BA5 AC6 BE5 BE4 READ: Paper Tape to SDK-85 RAM ................................................. RECEIVE ........................................................................ RECOVER: Diskette ............................................................... RECOVERY: Diskette File .......................................................... RELOCATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. REPORT: Status of Exported Job ................................................... BE3 AD5 BG2 BA2 BG41 BG44 AA2 AA3 AA5 AA4 AA20 AA21 AA22 E3 CB10 CB14 SIMULATE: iACX-96 .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BD40 SIMULATOR: 8048/49 Code, V1.3 ................................................... BB19 7-9 inter Program Title 'i' Order No. SIMULATOR: 8048/49 Simulator .................................................... SORT: BUbble Sort and Binary Search Routines : ........ : .... .' .. :.................... SORT: Disk Directory ............................................... : ........ : ..... SORT: Disk Directory .................................................. '. . . . . . . . . . .. SORT: Diskette File ......................................................... "....... SORT: General ...................................... '..................... '~ : . . . . . .. SORT: Public Symbols ................................................' ............. ' SORT: Symbol Table from an Absolute File ........................................... SOURCE FILES: iAPX-86/SS System Workshop Summary and Review .................. SOURCE FILES: MCS-SO/S5 System Workshop Summary and Review .................. SPELL .................... ; ............ , ......................................... SUBMIT: ISIS Command String ............................... :..................... BB20 BG22 BG19 BG20 BG21 , BA13 BD39 BD22 E1 E2 BA21 BG6 TEST: 80S0 CPU .......................................................... : ....... TEST: iSBC SO/10 I/O Ports ........'................................................ TEST: Error Correcting Code ....................................................... TEST: MCS-4S Family CPU ........................................................ TEST: Memory ..................................................................... TEST: Memory .................................................................... TEST: PROM/ROM Checksum Self-Test. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. THERMOMETER: Thermistor Controlled ............................................. TRACE: ICE-SO ..................................... :............................. TRANSFORM:' Discrete Fourier .................................................. ; .. AE1 AE3 AE12 AE10 AE5 AE4 BD17 BE1 BD9 CB1 UTILITIES: Circular Lists ........................................................... UTILITIES: Menu ............................ : ..................................... UTILI'TIES: RT11 Diskette Utility for Intellec SOO ....................................... UTILITIES: Talk ................................................................... BG3 E5 B817 E4 WORD PROCESSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BA20 7-10 Appendix A INTEL SOFTWARE STANDARDS Intel's software is built on standards which facilitate software portability and provide an open system for software. Intel's soft.ware utilizes the emerging standards in graphics, networking, database and portable operating system interfaces. This base system software provides a mapping from architectural and operating system dependencies to a standard interface. High-level applications are built from the standard interfaces and remain portable across multiple configurations and operating systems. Figure 1 illustrates the open software model relationship. OPEN SOFTWARE MODEL Applications 8ase System Software Operating Systems Microprocessors Languages R&L UDI Word Processing I Language Run-Time Mail & Document Filling Spread Sheet t LAN J RMX, Xenix CPIM, MS-DOS Business Graphics Graphics Project Management 1 Database 86,186,286,386 Figure 1 Intel has supported its fundamental software across multiple operating systems through the UDI operating system interface. By writing software to use ttTe UDI interface which provides memory management, 1/0 routines, and exception handling-Intel is able to port high level languages, language run-time, and fundamental software to a new release or new operating system tn minimal time. Thus Intel's software is operating system independent. Intel's local area netwo(king products use the IEEE 802.3 CSMAlCD Access Method and physical layer. The work for this standard was done jointly by Intel, DEC, and Xerox and is commonly known as the Ethernet protocol. The transport layer uses the proposed ISO transport protocol specification. A-1 Intel supports the ANSI graphios standardization effort and will offer produots whioh utilize these standards. The Virtual Devioe Interfaoe (VOl) standard developed by the ANSI X3H3 oommittee is intended to provide a single standard whioh supports mulitple graphios devioes with the same set of graphios funotions. A oompanion standard Virtual Devioe Metafile (VDM) will give a means of storing or transmitting piotures as streams of VOl funotions. A third graphics standard being supported by Intel is the North American Presentation Level Protoool Syntax (NAPLPS). NAPL!;,S is suited for raster-soan display (both CRT and hardoopy) and is ourrently in final approval stage by ANSI. intel's Pasoal-and FORTRAN adhere to the ANSI standard and support optional extensions. All Intel languages (ASM-86, PUM, FORTRAN, and Pasoal) use oommon data types and parameter passing conventions to allow inter-language calis The real number data types in these languages utilize the IEEE real math standard and use the numerics coprocessor or an emulator to support the real math operations and funotions. The objeot module formats (OMF) are oommonly used by all of the 86 language produots as well as many language produots supplied by independent software vendors. INTEL SOFTWARE STANDARDS DOCUMENTS Standard Document UDI Run-Time Support Manual For iAPX 86, 88 Applioations, Appendix A (Intel 121776-002) Intel's Guide To Understanding The ANSI Videotex Presentation Level Protoool (Intel 145;412-001) Draft of proposed American Standard for the Virtual Device Metafile, ANSI X3H33 Virtual Device Interface Task Group NAPLPS VDM, VOl Local Area Network - Data link and physical layer (Ethernet) - Transport layer FORTRAN 77 Pascal Real Math Language Data Types. and Parameter Passing - Pascal - FORTRAN Object Module Formats -86 -286 Draft IEEE Standard 802.3 CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, IEEE Computer Society ISO draft proposal 8073 Information Proce~sing Systems, Open Systems Interconnection-Connection Oriented Transport Protocol Specification Intel's extension to ANSI FORTRAN 77 specified in FORTRAN-86 User's Guide (Intel 121570-002) Intel's extension to ANSI Pascal specified in Pascal-86 User's,Guide (Intel 1215~9-001) Draft 10.0 of IEEE Task P754, Deoember 1982. 8087 Support Library Reference Manual (Intel 121725-001 ). Pascal-86 User's Guide, A~pendix J (Intel 121539-003) FORT~AN-86 User's Guide, Appendix H (InteI1?1570-002) 8086 Relocatable Object Module Formats (Intel 121748-001) The Concrete Representation of 80286 Object Modules, Intel internal document iAPX 286 Compilers Writer's GiJide, (Intel-in preparation) --------------- A-2 ----~-.-~ Appendix B SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES A FULL SERVICE SUPPORT PROGRAM Intel's Software Support Services is a comprehensive range of post-sales support programs for software and systems purchased from Intel. Its objectives are to maximize the system's performance and minimize unnecessary downtime for greater productivity. These services are provroed for all Intel developed and most Intel marketed third-party software. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Software support services will be available for the Customer as follows: Initial Sl,Ipport Initial support provides each Intel system and licensed product with gO-day support after product delivery. It includes automatic updates and new releaSes, Software Performance Reporting (SPR) Service, technical reports and monthly technical bulletin. Also available on designated products will be telephone assistance for product specific technical information and assistance with work-arounds, patches, and other solutions for Intel defined product deficiencies. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE (available for Individual software products) 1. Technical Reports A technical report will be published quarterly for active products and semi-annually for mature products. This Will contain a Configuration and Compatibility Guide, a product performance exceptions list providing solutions to known problems and a review of important current Software Performance Reports (SPR's) submitted by customers. A listing of product manuals available from Intel is also provided. 2. Software Performance Reporting Service (SPR) Intel will respond to written questions (submitted on a standard SPR form) on product-specific software, system, or documentation issues. Intel will verify receipt ofthe SPR within 48 hours and will respond within 3 weeks. Intel does not guarantee a resolution will always be available to specific problems. SOFTWARE INFORMATION SERVICE This service provides the Customer with direct communication with an Intel Software Support Engineer (SSE). The Customer may call a single service number (U.S.) between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., (Pacific Time) for product-specific inquiries. This service enables the Customer to: 1. Obtain assistance in using the product. __ documentation clarification. __ operational understanding. 2. Obtain product specific information. __ problem identification. __ work-around, patch, or other solution when available. __ information on existing SPRs. 3. If the reported condition is not an already documented SPR, obtain assistance in problem isolation techniques. As part of the Software Information Service, Software Support Services maintain a list of reported problems and problem resolutions. Software Information Services does not include user application or engineering time to derive a resolution to a problem if none is currently available. (See Phone Consulting under Consulting Services). However, the Software Support Engineer will submit a problem report into the SPR system under the Customer name when appropriate. Software Information Service is offered as a supplemental tool for obtaining maximum utilization of Intel software products. It is expected that the Customer will avail himself of training classes as appropriate, and will make reasonable efforts to utilize all product documentation. The Customer must designate one System Manager and one alternate as authorized callers. Additional persons can be authorized for an additional charge. This service is offered on a one-year period. 8-1 SYSTEM/SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGES We have structured very specific support packages to assist our customers with the installation and reconfiguration of such systems as NDS-II and 86/330. NDS-II Installation Package. . Includes software installation, system generation, and network orientation . NDS-II Network Reconfiguration Pkg. Includes regeneration and installation of NDS-II System Software. RMX System Installation Package. Includes installation and customer orientation of the RMX operating system on the 86/330 or 86/380 System. RMX 86 Installation Package. Includes one day installation, configuration and/or assistance; ~ training credit for one RMX86 class; 16 hours of phone consulting. XENIX System Installation Package. Includes up to 2 days of installation and customer orientation of the XENIX Operating System on the 86i330 AX or 86/380 AX System. 121CE Installation Package. Includes the installation of and orientation to the host and probe software for the 121CE on a Series III or Series IV Intellec Development System. CONSULTING SERVICES Consulting Services provides customized support for system, board, and component level customers. Consulting services provide a wide range of support - from system designs to solving difficult development problems to complete project management and project implementation. 1. Field Consulting - The Customer may contract for an Intel Software Support Engineer to come on-site to assist and advise the customer in utilizing Intel software products. This service is available on a Time and Material basis. Minimum period: 1 day (8 hours). Travel time and expenses are billed separately as specified in the price list. 2. Phone Consulting - The Customer may contract for an Intel Software Support Engineer in the Customer Support Group to provide customer or application-specific research, effort, or consultation. Blocks oftime may be purchased and utilized in minimum fifteen (15) minute increments. UPDATES Updates and new releases for licensed products are offered on a per update basis. Each update will be separately priced for any registered Intel customer to purchase. Notification of updates and who requires which updates, will be provided through the monthly technical bulletin, ;COMMENTS, and each productspecific technical report. INSITE USER'S PROGRAM LIBRARY Intel's Software Index and Technology Library is a library of programs that have been submitted by users of Intel microcomputers, single-board computers, and development systems. Membership in INSITE enables the Customer to order programs at a nominal charge. Members are provided a program catalog and catalog updates. LIMITATIONS A. Software Support Services are limited to standard Intel system configurations supported by software products, as defined in the applicable software product data sheet. Services will be performed within a 12-month period from effective date of the purchased services. B. Software support services do not include hardware maintenance. C. Any change in the equipment site of the system within the U.S. may affect Intel's ability to deliver the support services ordered and may result in increased charges. If the system is moved outside the continental U.S., it shall not be eligible for continued service as ordered, but may be eligible for continued service under I ntel's local terms and conditions then in effect for a like system in the country or territory of reinstallation. B-2 OTHER INFORMATION A. Software Support Services is Intel's commitment to providing the customer with consistent, high-quality, post-sales software and system support. It is our way of delivering guaranteed support which the customer can rely on. To tailor a full service software/system support program that addresses specific needs, contact the local Intel sales or service office for more information. B. Term: Service will be provided for the period specified in the price list. Subscription services will automatically be renewed on an annual basis unless specified otherwise in writing by the customer. C. Charges: There are three kinds of billings utilized with the service offerings: front-end billing, monthly billing (not less than $100 per month):and post-service billing. The customer will be billed on one of the referenced types of billings, depending on the type of service. Prices will be those specified in the current Intel price list. D. In order to obtain maximum service from Software Support Services, it is advised that the customer maintain the system to the latest reviSion level, and assign a System Manager who will be the key contact for Software Support Services. E. Guidelines: 1. The customer must have signed an Intel Master Software License agreement. All services and materials made available to the customer through Software Support Services, including documentation and program materials, are subject to the terms and conditions of the license/sale. 2. The License Fee or List Price for covered software products includes a period of Initial Support as defined in individual product descriptions. Additional support services may be obtained as listed in the price list. 3. Updates are available separately for software products. Each update to a specified software product has a Single charge and is purchased separately. The customer must have a valid software license that covers the software product to obtain any update or new release. The following chart summarizes the services available for various operating system environments at different levels of integration. Software Support Services PRODUCT NAil. PAMMU.BIlR .S.S INDX INITIAL Included In hcense fee or pnce of SYS SYS SUPPORT OPERATING SYSTEM XENIX+ lUX'· SYS BAD SYS BRD CP/ .. ··80 I SYS each product I CONTRACT SERVICE SubSCription Service SPR-TECH-REP Hotlme Service HOTLINE SYS UPDATES Each update has a umque part number SYS ~PPORT I Ii I SYS I PACKAGES NOS-II NOS-II RMX-86 RMX Systems XENIX Sys 12ICE'- ~~:~~:\~~~~tt J, SYS I SYS BRD SYS BRD SYS BRD SYS BRD SYS SYS SYS BRD SVS BRD SYS SYS SYS SYS SYS CONSULT-FIELD SYS CONSULT-LT SYS iI I SYS CONSULT-EXP INSITI! U••R'. PROGRAM LIBRARY N/A KEY SYS BAD COMP:= SYS I I I I I I I SYS, BRD SYS I SYS SYS, BRD COMP SYS, BRD COMP SYS SYS, BRD COMP SYS, BRD COMP SYS SYS, BRD COMP SYS, BRD COMP Consulting Expenses I I I CONSULT-PHONE I SYS I I SP86330XINSTALL j SPII1520lNSTALL Long-term SYS I SPNDS2TNSTALL SPNDS2RECON CONSULTING S.RVIC •• Phone I Consultmg Field Consultmg I I i SYS SYS COMP I SYS COMP Travel and liVing expenses Incurred for dellvenng Consulting and Support Package User submitted and non-licensed software products and programs used on or In conjunction With JnteJ Components, Boards and Systems I AI! Intel standard system hardware, languages and software packages deSigned to operate on or Within the partICular Operating System SelVlce prOVided for thiS Operatmg System and assOCiated language and software deSigned to operate on standard Intel Smgle Board Computer configuratIons Support dunng the development of a user's system based on an Intel microprocessor component and usmg an Intel operatmg system and Its assOCiated languages and software ·CP/M IS a trademark of Digital Research, Inc +XENIX IS a trademark of Microsoft Corp B-3 intJ DOMESTIC SALES OFFICES ............. Intel Corp 303 Williams Avenue, S W SUite 1422 riw,I&'o'lliti 35BOI Tel (205) 533-9353 AIIIZQNA ~ntel Corp 11225 N 28th OrNe Suite 214D Phoenix 85029 Tel (S02) 869-4980 CAUFORNIA Intel Corp 1010 Hurley Way Suite 300 Sacramenlo 95825 Tel (916) 929-4078 Intel Corp ~~?t~ ?f~OI1unlty Road r7~4) D2m~35~3111 Corp· 2000 East 4th Slreet Intel Suite 100 Santa Ana 92705 ~x (7~{6_5~~:1~442 Intel Corp· 1350 Shorebird Way MI Vtew 94043 Tel (415) 968-8086 T\NX 910-339-9279 910-338-0255 Intel Corp· 5530 Corblr Avenue SUite 120 Tarzana 91356 Tel (213) 708-0333 TWX 9tC-49b ::-045 COLORADO Intel Corp 4445 Norlhpark Dn... e Suite 100 Colorado Springs 80907 Tei {303) 594-6622 Intel Corp· 650 S. Cherry Street SUlle 720 Denver 80222 ~ (3~1~_9~~~~g~6 ILliNOIS NEW MEXICO TEXAS Intel Corp· 2550 Goll Road SIJ'te 815 intel Corp 1120 Juan Tabo N E "tWX 910-651-5881 Nlw YOAK Intel Corp' 12300 Ford !-mad Suite 380 Dallas 75234 Tel (214) 241 808 7 TWX 910 860-5617 INDIANA Intel Corp' 300 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway ~n~i C~~ ~ 9100 Porous Road fJ30An~teA~d~~~'ngnve Intel Corp· 211 While Spruce Boulevard Intel Co,p 8400 W l1t)lh Stleet SlIlts '70 Overland Pari< 66210 Tel (qI3) 642-8080 T-Squared LOUISIANA T-Squared "1353 Pittsford Victor Road Victor 14564 Tel (716) 924-9101 TWX 510-254-854? Industrial Digital Systems Corp 2332 Severn Avenue Swle 202 Metairie 70001 (504) 831-6492 MARYLAND Intel Corp· ~~~~1I:a1foa16 Dnve t~ (3~116_ls~~;~~~0 Iniei Corp 1620 Elton Road Silver Spring 20903 Tel (30t) 431-1200 MA&SACHUSETTS Inte! Corp· 2 i Industrial Avenue Chelmsford 01824 i~ (6gJ_3~~~6:,a3U~ EMC Corp 385 Elhot Street Nemor 02164 26500 Norlhwestern Hwy Suite 401 Soulhfleld 48075 Tel (313) 353-0920 TWX 810-24404915 MINNESOTA Intel Corp ~J~I ~r~altland SUite 205 Maitland 32751 ~ (3g1~_8~~9~~~3 GEORGIA Intel Corp 3300 Holcombe Bridge Road SUite 225 Norcross 30092 Tel (404) 449-0t>41 SUIte 360 ~:(6J~~~:~~~~i~~2 MISSOURI Tel TWX Intel Corp 268 West 400 South ¥!t" (~b~j ~~~"8~~~01 VIRGINIA Inlel Corp 1603 Santa Rosa Road Swte 109 NORTH CAROUttA Richmond 23288 Tel (804) 282-5668 Intel Corp 2306 W MeadOWView Road SUite 206 Greensboro 27407 Tel (919) 294-1541 WASHtNGTON Intel Corp 110 Hath Avenue N E SUite 510 ""'0 Bellevue 96004 ~x (2~~4!~~J~~~6 Intel Corp· 6500 Poe Avenue Dayton 45414 Te! (513) 890-5350 TWX 810-450-2528 Intel Corp· Chagflo-Braloara Bldg. No 6~~v~~aZha~~1~2touleva'd WISCONSIN 300 Intel Corp 450 N Sunnyslope Road SUite 130 Brookfieid 53005 Tel (414) 184·9060 Tel (216) 464-6915 TWX 810·427-9298 CANADA OKLAHOMA ONTARIO Intel Corp 4157 S Harvard Al/eTlue SUite 123 Tulsa 74135 Tel (918) f49-8688 lotel Semiconductor of Canada, lid 39 Hwy 7, Bell Mews Napean K2H BR2 Tel (613) 829-9714 TELEX 053-4115 OREGON Intel Corp 10700 S W Bea-.erton Hillsdale Highway SUite 22 Beaverton 97005 ~x (5glJ_4~j~8~~~6 Intel Semiconductor 01 Canada, ltd 50 Galaxy Boulevard SUite 12 Aexdale M9W 4Y5 Tel (416J 675·,2105 TELEX 06983574 Inlel Semlconduc1or of Ganada, ltd 201 Coosumer~ Road Intel Corp· SUite 200 Wdlowdrue M2J 4GB Tel (416) 494·6831 TELEX 4946831 n~ ~~~~~fg~a 1~~~ue _IEC PENNSYLVANIA Tel TWX (215) 641-1000 510-661-2077 Intel Semiconductor 01 3860 Cote Vertu Road SUIte 210 canads, LId 51 laurent H4R 1V4 f~LE*51 ~5_~~!,~~60 (314) 291-1990 l[1tel Corp· Raman Plaza Itl Rantan Center Edison 08837 Tel (:?Ol) 225-3000 UTAH (315) 463-85'12 710-541-0St>4 ~~ g~ 630~5 NEW JERSEY TeJ ~~:;cu~~d'~~20~oad Inlel Corp 4203 Earth City Expressway Tel Austin 78752 (512) 454·3628 510·253-7391 3500 W 60th Street 62nd Street SUite 104 Ft Lauderdale 33300 Tel (305) 771-0600 TWX 510-956-9407 ~~I {Otdefson Lane Suite 314 Roc-hester 14623 Tel (716) 424"1050 TWX ~x (271~~~~i~~66 ~~~ CJ~ c KAN.... MICHIGAN Intel Corp· FLORIDA N Cedar Replds 52402 Tel (319) 393-5510 Tel Induslrlal DI91tai Syslems Corp 5925 Sovereign SUite 101 HOIJston 77036 Tel (713)988-9421 ~ (9J{L~1~o~~~3 Intel Corp Tel (517) 244-4740 1VVX 922531 393 Center Street Intel Corp 80 Washington Street PoughkeepSie 12601 IOWA Freeway SUite 1490 Houston 77074 i~x (7~~6_898~82~~~6 510.227-6236 TWX Suite 400 Indianapolis 46258 Tei (317) 8750623 Intel Corp 36 Padanaram Road DanbUry 06810 ~~1I11O'3? 2O:~~91 ~:Iuprtl~~e 21;~~~oo Intel Corp CONNEcncUT EMC Corp Albuquerqu*", 87112 Tel (505) 292-6086 i~III'731~'l~tt;20~OO(l8 QED .!::lectrQ:l'Os 300 N York Road Hatboro 19040 Tel (215) 674-9600 1WX 710-480-6238 "Flel('! Application Location inter DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTORS AUIIWIA ~..!.':r'~ Huntmlle 35405 Tel (205) 882-2730 So , - - ~r,sow~' - fArrow ElectrolllCl, Inc InC 2380 - . . . S1 LoutS 63141 wT~~: ~(3J:~7~~ tHamliton/A .... neI EleetronICS 13743 Shoreline Court EarIh Tel (314 344-1200 TWX 91 762-0684 -C'[ 63045 tHamlllon/Avnet ElectfOnlCl Pm -- ~~C'~~vnetAo~JectronICS NEWoIIRMY Overland Park 66215 ~EleCtrOr'IICS, Inc M~aI~rnue ~(9~flb~~ ~(2:i~~~ IWIYLMD tHamlllon/Avnet ElectronIcs 6822 Oak Halt lane fArrow ElecIronIc8, Inc Columbia 21045 ~(3W~ I'I.ORmA , ~W 1~~0V0nve CorporaIlOn t~9J~~C8s~ ¥.:"<3mr\i:~:~ Suite 108 Ft Lauderdale 33309 Tel (305) 776-7790 TWX 510-955·9456 tHam'lton/Avnet ElectroniCS 71{).828·9702 t_ 9100 GIlIIher Road GodheB.'1. 20877 ~ (3?~61i:~'~ .... ........". tHamIllon/Avnet EI8ctromc8 10 Irduetnal FaIrfield 07006 Tel (201) 575-3390 TWX 710-734-4388 r~~ICS"nc Woburn 01801 ~ (6jI61t:r.6W8 t~.~={Ao:. E~1C8 Woburh 01801 ~(6iJ6~Of tHarvey/Boeton tMTI Systems Sales 383 Route 46 W Fairfield 07006 Tel (201) 227-5552 NEW IlEXICO 44 HartweU Avenue ; ~~~ '::die Springs Suile 412 t~ia~e32701 tPloneer/Ft Lauderdale 1500 82nc1 8tf8et NW Saale 506 Ft lauderdale 33309 - ~C3£5~~~= Klerulff ElectronIC&. Inc 14101 Frankbn Avenue Tustin 92680 ~(7J1~~:~ ~n~)~l~200 TWX 710-326-6617 11tArrow ElectroniCS, Inc 3810 Varsrty DI'fV8 Ann Arbor 48104 ~(3J~6-:~ NEW YOIIIC t I", Road fArrow ElectronIC8, Inc 2979 Pacific Drtve Inc Norcross 30071 Road ~(4£4J.7~~2 KI8rUIff EIecIronICI. Inc 2586 Commerce Way Coo ~ 9004. Inc ~!2J,~ fArrow ElectronICS, Inc 20 Clef Avenue H"'~117 •• Tel (51 231·1000 TWX 51 27-6623 tMlCfOOOmputer Syatem Technical Demonstrator Centen DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTORS _(Cont'tII TEXAI _ I I ) tPioneer/Dayton tHamItton/Avnet EIeCtronIca 8750 Weft Park 4433 Interpo/nI Boule'lard ~·\'M54I:""'" ALRRTA _ I I ) Ho8uton 71063 ~ (7J~6~f-5Wa' TWX 810-459-1622 t_ta-nd ~=ilo.. AutUn 78758 4800 E 13111 SIreeI Cleveland 44105 - ~(218'1M5f~:~ Z_ ~ ~~th Avenue N.E ~312~7~21 -LA Varah, Ltd 2077 Alberta Stree1 Vancouver V5Y 1C4 ~.(5J,~~~ ~.(eg:~=;~' tArrow Electronics, Inc 4719 S Memorial Dri'Ie Tulsa 74145 Tel (918) 665-7700 -- IIANITOIIA ~~S.~"':8,~ 8eaYerton 97005 ~(5:~~~~0 ~:"r~Av.=n ~onlea Bldg L.A Varah, Lid VTAH tHamllton/Avnet Electronics 1585 Welt 2100 South Sail lake CI~ 84119 w_ = ~(~~,~r ~~~30 -...""'" ac, Salt Lake City 84104 Tel tArrow Electronics. Inc 850 Seco Road Monroeville 15146 Tel (412) 856-7000 (801) 974·9953 ~(~~~=2 ~,~~valley Hanham, ..... tHamllton/Avnet ElectronICs 14212 NE 21st Street Bellevue 98005 TEXAI ~(2:L~2~J4 tP\oneer/CiroHna w_ 103 Induatrlal Avenue Greensboro 27406 - ~ (9~~6.9~~tm' tArrow Electronics, inc 7620 McEwen Road CentervIlle 45459 ~(5J~6...~1~ tArrow Electronics, Inc 6238 Cochran Road Solon 44139 ~(2J~~~= tHamIltOn/Avnet Electronics 954 Senate Drive Oa~~ 45459 ~(5~~6..t~~\0 tHamHton/Avnet Etectronic& 4588 Emery IncluafrIal Parkway ~C~~=44128 tArrow Electronics. Inc 430 W RauaBOn Avenue Oakcreek 53154 tArrow Electronics. InC 10899 Klnghurat Suite 100 Houston 77099 ~(7~~6~~C: LA~:;woniC8, Inc Austin 78758 ~ ("J~6.~~~g~o LA Varah, Ltd 505 K8nOI'I!Ii Avenue Hamilton L8E 3P2 Tel (416) 561-9311 TWX 061..e349 Zenlr0nk:8 8 TIlbury Court E\ramptoi'I LtiT 3T4 Tel (416) 451·9600 lW)( 06-976·78 Z........ 564110 Weber Street North 590 Berry Street fV~n~)R?~~~ GUIIIEC tHamllton/Avnet EIectrontcs Rutland 78757 HaI'lIlton/Avnet EIIIctronIca 210 Colonnade Road South NepeI!Iin K2E 7L5 Tel' (613) 226-1700 lWX 05-349-71 Z"""""'" ALRRTA ~ (5Jf6.8~~~~~' ~("Jn...~~~~2 ~~g'i~~==onIcs CANADA AllsUn Hamillon/Avnet Eteclrof'llC8 6845 Rexwood Road UntI8 G & H MI8Sl888UQIII L4V lR2 Walerloo N2L 5C6 Tel (519) 884·5700 ~ (5~6.l7~~~C: 2401 -- ~ (4Jt6.kr.= New BerlIn 53151 10125 Street ~rrns.) ~~5-~\ unl1 8 tAlmac E\ectronk:& Corporation 14360 S E Eastgale Way Bellevue 98007 ~(2~f~~~ ~) Z........ 590 Berry Sireet ~(~~9~~'W C, Suite 10 ~1~~32 K~R E~fd Tel 633-6190 TWX 07-55·365 tHamllton/Avnel ElectronICs 2816 21st Street N E ~~~2~3~Z3ke ~,r':n{C::. ~~~ lWX 03-827-642 Irving 75062 tLA Varah. ltd ~(2J1~': 4742 14th Street N E ~2~~~5 HamiHon/Avnet EtectronIc8 2670 Sabourin Street $I Laurent H4S 1M2 ~ (5J~L~~~~3 Zantronlc8 505 locke Street St laurent H4T lX7 Tel (514) 735-5361 TWX 05-827·535 tMfcroc::ornpuI System Techmcal Demons1rator Center1 intJ EUROPEAN SALES OFFICES BELGtUM FRANCE (Cont'd) ISRAEL Intel CorporatIon S A Inlel CorporatIOn, S A A l Immeuble BBC 4 Qual des Elrarla 69005 lyon Tel (7) 642 40 89 TElEX 305153 Intel Semiconductor Ltd' PO Box 1659 Haifa Tel 4/524 TELEX 46511 ~:: Jue%OUlin a Paplef 51 Boite 1 8-1160 Brussels Tel (02}6f: 07 11 TELEX 28414 ITALY WEST GERMANY DENIIAIIK Spa' Inlet SemICOnductor GmbW Seldlsuasse 27 _. Intel Sweden A.8· Box. 20092 Archlmedesvagen 5 S·16120 Brooima Tel (08) 98 53 85 TELEX 12261 SWITZERLAND 0-8000 Muenchen 2 Tel (89) 53891 TELEX 05-23177 INTl 0 Intel' Semiconductor GmbH' Malnzer SlrUie 75 FlNLMD Intel Finland OY Hameentl9 103 SF - 00550 Helsinki 55 Tel 0/716 955 TELEX 123 332 0-6200 WI9sbaden 1 Tel (6121) 70 08 74 TELEX 04186183 INTW 0 Inlel SemIConductor GmbH Brueckslraase 81 7012 Fellbach FRANCE Intel Corporation, S A A L • 5 Place de la Balance Sllle 223 ~:F2101~U6R~ 2:d~: TELEX 270475 West Germany Tel (7tt) 58 00 82 TELEX 7254826 INTB 0 Intel Semiconductor GmbH' HohenzoUern Suasse 5' 3000 Hannover 1 i~lE*51~2;~254~N~~ 0 NETHERLANDS Intel Semiconductor Nederland B V· ~::~deM":~ul~~ng 3068 Rotterdam Tel (10) 21 23 77 TELEX 22283 NORWAY ~~I ~~~2 AIS Hvamvelen 4 N-2013 ~;Ie~) TELEX UNITED kINGDOM Intel Corporallon (UK) Lid' 5 Hospital Street NantwlOO, Cheshlre CW5 5RE Tel (0270) 626 560 TELEX 36e20 Intel Corporation (U K) Ltd' PIpers Way SWlndon, WIRshlre SN3 lRJ Tel (0793) 488 388 TELEX 444447 INT SWN 742 420 18018 Inter SemlCOnduclOl' GmbH Ober-Ralherstrasse 2 0-4000 Dusseldorf 30 f~LE*21~_~~9}~ T~TL 0 "Field Appllcabon Location EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTORS/REPRESENTATIVES AUSTRIA FRANCE (Cont'd) ITALY (COnt'cI) Bacher Eleklronlsche Geraete GmbH Tekelec Alrtromc Cite des oBruyeres Rue carte Vernel F-92310 Sevres Tel (Ot) 534 75 35 TELEX 204552 Intesl Mllanfion Pal E/5 20090 Assago Milano Tel (02) 82470 TELEX 311351 WEST GERMANY NETHERLANDS SWITZERLAND ElectroniC 2000 Vertrlebs A G Neumarkter Strasse 75 [).8oo0 Munich 80 Tel (89) 43 40 61 TElEX 522561 EIEC 0 ~~~~ l!:aan 2544 EN's Gravenhage Tel 31 (70) 210101 TELEX 31528 Industrade AG Gemsenstrasse 2 Postcheck 80 - 21190 CH-8021 Zurich Tel (Ot) 363 23 20 TELEX 56788 INOEL CH NORWAY UNITED KINGDOM Nordisk Elekll'onic (Norge) A/S Postofhce Box 122 ~~d8~~~;I~d 4 Bytech Ltd Unit 57 london Road Earley, Reading Berkshire Tel (0734) 61031 TELEX 848215 ~tf,~~e~renS: 26 Tef (222) 83 63 96 TELEX 11532 BASAT A BELGIUM DENMARK MultlKomponent AlS Fabnksparken 3t OK·2600 Gloskrup ~' Jg~t545 66 45 ScandlnSVl8n SemlcondllClOr Supply AIS ~~2~38a~ode8nhSQer1 Tel (01) 83 50 90 TELEX 19037 FINlAND ~lk~~~~~iC 2~BA SF·00210 HelSinki 21 Tel (0) 692 60 22 TELEX 124 224 Flron SF FRANCE Genenm 2 I de Courtaboeuf Avenue de la Balllque 91943 les uris Cedex-B P 88 Tel (6) 907 78 79 TELEX F691700 Jermyn SA rue Jules Ferry 35 ¥~17~,)B~~~OI~~ TELEX 04 - ~'Wa~h Grr~~ Schulstrasse 48 0-6277 Bad Cambetg Tel (06434) 231 TELEX 484426 JEAM 0 Celdls Enatechnlk Syslems GmbH Gutenbetgstrasse 4 2359 Henstedt-Ulzburg 1 Tel (04193) 4026 TELEX 2180260 PORTUGAL Proelectron VerITlebs GmbH Max Planck Strasse 1-3 6072 Drelelch bel Frankfurt Tel (6103) 33564 TELEX 417983 Dlnem Componentes E Etectrol'Hca LOA 133 Tel' (19) 545 313 TELEX 1;4182 8neks-P IRELAND SPAIII MICro Msrkellng Glenageary Office Park Glenageary Co OublIO Tel (1) 85 62 88 TELEX 31584 Interface SA Ronda San Pedro 22,3 Barcelona 10 ~X {3~d8J 78 5f .......L Easlronlcs Ltd 11 Rozanls Street POBox 39300 Tel AvIV 61390 Tel (3) 47 51 51 TELEX 33638 21810 F Metrologle La Tour d' Asnleres " Avenue Laurent eely 92606-Asnteres Tel (1) 791 44 44 TELEX 611-448 Tei (2) 786 210 TELEX 77546 ITALY Eledrs 3S SPA Vlale Elve'<'la, 18 I 20154 Milano Tel (2) 34 97 51 TELEX 332332 ~~oo~lt~:bo~mbarda, lIT SESA MIguel Angel 23-3 Madrid 10 Tel (1) 419 54 00 TELEX 27707 _N A8 Gosla Backstrom Box 12009 Aistroemergatan 22 8-10221 Stockholm 12 Tel (8) 541 080 TELEX 10135 SWEDEN (Cont'd) Comway MlCI'osystems ltd Market $lreet UK-BraCl
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