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2008 November

the importance of
by Jim Hill
Several years ago I was walking through a market in downtown
Sofia, Bulgaria. As I eyed the various trinkets that the vendors
were selling, I was approached by a young man carrying some
handmade carvings. I knew he was hoping to convince me
to buy one, but he made his sales pitch in a language I didn’t
understand so all I could do to answer him was simply smile
and politely shake my head no.
I turned and walked away from the young man, but instead of
moving on to another potential customer, he followed me—
everywhere I went. Each time I stopped, he would resume what
sounded like the same sales pitch and each time I smiled and
shook my head no. After what seemed like an hour, I realized
that this very persistent salesman was not going to quit until
I either bought one of his carvings or somehow made him
understand that I was not interested.
I finally relented and bought one of the carvings, but instead of
appearing to be thankful, the young man went away in a huff.
What had just happened?
Later that evening I shared the story with some college
students who, with a bit of humor, informed me that the Balkan
area of Europe is one of the only places in the world where
shaking your head no actually means yes. This breakdown
in communication had caused both the salesman and me to
become very frustrated.
As a pastor, I’ve found I have my own communication
problems, even without a language barrier. I was recently
asked the probing question, “If you could go back

and change one thing about the early years
of your ministry, what would it be?” Without

hesitation, I responded, “I would work harder at being a better
Now, please understand me here. When I talk about being a
communicator, I’m not referring to being a better preacher.
I’m talking about being better at all facets of communication.
If there is one hard lesson I’ve learned over the years, it’s the
fact that communication is key to success in any endeavor that
includes more than one person.
Because of this, it’s important to understand that the essence
of communication is sharing information, bringing things to
light, and helping others see what we see. Though this is a
major facet of the preaching ministry, we as pastors need to
learn that we cannot build the church from the pulpit alone.
People have to be recruited and congregants have to be
brought into the loop of information. How does this happen?
By communicating!
[ continued inside ]


J. J. James,
Claremore, Oklahoma
Church University
Books on Stewardship
and Finances

Communication has to be integrated into every fiber of the church’s
being. Let me share with you a few simple thoughts about being a
better communicator:
1. Connect with those around you. As Stan Toler says, “Connecting
with your constituency is key to quality leadership.”1
2. Be honest and open at all times.
3. Don’t be afraid to let people know what is going on.
4. Overachieve with communication if that is what is necessary to
help people get on board.
5. Follow the examples of the greatest communicator—Jesus
Fellow pastors, let’s make every effort to avoid unnecessary frustrations by improving how we communicate with those around us.
Stan Toler’s Leadership Newsletter, April 2008



— Jim Hill, Senior Pastor
Calvary Church of the Nazarene
Bethany, Oklahoma
For more on intentional leadership . . .
On-Purpose Leadership

J. J. James, senior pastor
Church of the Nazarene
claremore, oklahoma

About six months before I began my preaching
ministry, I asked about twenty different pastors
this question: If you were to provide one piece of
wisdom to a new pastor, what would that be? Out
of the twenty pastors, I received—yes, you guessed
it—twenty different answers. Don’t take yourself
too seriously. Choose your battles carefully. Devote
yourself to your devotions. God never expects you to
go it alone. Spend time with your family. And so on.
Though seven years have since passed, I still carry
their words of wisdom with me. As I look back over
these seven years, I can’t help but thank God for
those who took time to impart their wisdom—and
thus invest in me. Even now, others are investing in
my life as I am in theirs.
But isn’t that what God calls us to do? Doesn’t He
call us to invest in others as He has done in us?

COZZ978-0-8341-2026-6 $15.99

One way this has played out in my life is as an
encourager. I have been very intentional about
smiling more, showing more appreciation, helping
others more, and sharing words of encouragement.
God has opened so many doors for me to make
this investment. For instance, the other day I found
$20 while at a restaurant. You should have seen our
waitress when I handed it to her—it touched her so
much she started crying.
On a broader scale, the Church of the Nazarene
celebrated one hundred years of global investment
last month. As I think about those years of
investment, I realize how fortunate I am to be
a part of a church that invests in proclaiming
holiness to the nations. I believe God truly does
bless those who give gracious blessings to others.
Pastors, let’s continue to be thankful for those who
have invested in us. Let us not forget our daily
privilege to invest in the lives of those around us
with the good deposit that God has given us.

For more on investing in others and leaving a legacy . . .
Your Unforgettable Life
COZZ978-0-8341-2187-4 $12.99

first church of the nazarene
nampa, idaho
nathan roskam, youth and christian education

WHAT: Nampa First Church University (NFCU)—a comprehensive Christian education program for
youth designed to provide a framework for learning and growing in the faith.
WHY: When I came to Nampa First Church in 2005, our Sunday School hour had become a
catchall for our youth. It was our largest gathering of students. We sought to meet their relational,
educational, and spiritual needs all in one fail swoop. However, we found that the structure of this
hour was keeping us from truly teaching our students who they are—God’s children—and how to
live the life God wants for them. By restructuring the ministry, we are able to teach our students
the core of living as a Wesleyan-Holiness people.

Stewardship and

HOW: The first—and best—step we made was forming a Board of Directors. From there, we
established five core values that are crucial to adolescent faith development and to defining who
we are. The basic structure of the program is five sessions comprised of five classes that last six
weeks. In each session, the five classes are rooted in one of the core values. From Church History
to Understanding Biblical Context to Nazarene Theology to Finances, these classes engage
students where they are in their journeys and walk them into an ownership of faith they might
not otherwise experience.
RESULTS: Through this intentional (and successful) university-style learning format, we are
fostering an environment where young people are not simply taught, they are joined in the
journey. Our next step is to embrace a philosophy of intergenerational ministry that allows
students to learn from and alongside adults.
(For more information on Church University, call Nate at (208)466-3549 or e-mail him at nroskam@nfcnaz.org.)

SALT - Financial Wo

My Money
$9.00, Victorious Christia
International, 2007
This workbook is part of
Life Training (SALT) mate
as a stand alone for a fou
group study or as part of
SALT leader’s guide is als


A Way with Words. . .
“We become what we think about all day long.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Copyright Thom Tapp. Used by permission.

Corny Pastor Joke
One balmy day in the South Pacific, a navy ship discovered smoke coming from
one of three huts on an uncharted island. When they arrived at the shore, they
were met by a shipwreck survivor.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” he exclaimed. “I’ve been alone on this island for more
than five years!”
“If you’re all alone on the island,” asked the captain, “why do I see three huts?”
“Oh,” the survivor answered, “well, I live in one and go to church in another.”
“What about the third hut?” asked the captain.
“That’s where I used to go to church.”

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV®). Copyright © 1973,
1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Wisdom and Wealth, DVD + Book

Teen Pregnancy

Lessons for Faith Communities
Greg Womack
$24.99, Beacon Hill Press, 2008

The Principle-Centered Financial Series


an Living

the Seven Areas of
erial but can be used
ur to six-week smallf a preaching series. A
so available.


This inSight media resource
features the book Wisdom and Wealth
and includes six video lessons from
author Greg Womack, a certified
financial planner. This is a great
six-week study for small groups
interested in stewardship or money
management. It’s also a great resource
for a sermon series on using the
wisdom of Solomon to “put your
money where your faith is.”

Managing Your Money, Living Debt Free, and Learning to Invest
Matt Schoenfeld
$16.99, Beacon Hill Press, 2008
These books provide a basic understanding of how to
overcome and avoid financial difficulties and successfully
manage your money. Using simple terms and explanations,
Matt Schoenfeld explores money management, debt
reduction, and investment options and explains how to
develop a healthy, achievable financial plan. These are great
gift books for college students and young couples.

The Cycle of Victorious Giving
Your Time, Your Talent, Your Treasure
Stan and Linda Toler
$7.99, Beacon Hill Press, 2004
This insightful book outlines a positive plan for
stewardship in all areas of life. It explores the
relationship between giving, faith, spiritual growth,
and, ultimately, an eternal reward. It’s excellent
material for a sermon or a small-group study.

To the great concern of parents and
educators, the number of unwed
moms 18 or younger has jumped
significantly in recent months.
Peer pressure, recent hit movies
such as Juno and Knocked Up!, the
entertainment industry in general,
and perhaps a poor local economy
have been identified as key factors
in the “fashionableness” of having
a baby as a teenager. Last summer,
Time Magazine reported on a high
school in Gloucester, MA, that
had 17 girls who were expecting.
Rumors surfaced that several of the
girls had made a pregnancy pact.
When asked why they would do
this, a classmate of one of the girls
replied, “No one has offered them
a better option.”1 Perhaps your
church and youth ministry can.
Kathleen Kingsbury, “Pregnancy Boom at
Gloucester High,” Time Magazine, June 18, 2008,


Back to the Future Lawn Care

Celebrate Christmas

Jamaican style!
Kids will love this musical filled with
songs that groove to a Caribbean beat.
Based around a theme of giving, the
message of this musical is perfect for the
Christmas season.
Visit our website for a complete list of
companion products.

In an effort to be “green,” conserve
gas, or perhaps shed a few extra
pounds, many people are turning
back the pages of time to mow
the lawn “the old-fashioned” way.
That’s right, the Reel mower is
making a come back! (That’s a
100% manual lawn mower for all
you youngins’ who’ve never heard
its brand name.) American Lawn
Mower Company, in Shelbyville, IN,
notes that sales of Reel mowers are
up 70% over last year.1 Apparently,
the cutting edge in clipping grass
requires a little blast from the past.
Associated Press, “Sales of Push-Reel Mowers
Rising,” Hartford Courant News, June 29, 2008,


Some of the books and articles featured in Communicator have not been reviewed for theological content and are not endorsed by Nazarene
Publishing House or the Church of the Nazarene. They may have significant value, but readers should exercise theological discretion.

and Suggestions


A Lesson on Thanksgiving
The first Thanksgiving was held
sometime between Sept. 21st and
Nov. 11th in 1621, by 50 Pilgrims from
Plymouth, Massachusetts, and their
90 Wampanoag Indian neighbors.
After that, Thanksgiving was held
pretty randomly. A national
Thanksgiving Day celebration was
proclaimed annually by the US
Congress from 1777 to 1783 which,
except for 1782, were all celebrated
in December. Thanksgiving
celebrations were also declared by
George Washington in 1789 and
1795, by John Adams in 1798 and
1799, and twice by James Madison
in 1815; but none of these were
celebrated in the autumn. Over the
years Thanksgiving became a yearly
custom, but it wasn’t until President
Roosevelt signed a bill on
November 26, 1941, that
Thanksgiving became an official
national holiday to be celebrated on the
fourth Thursday in November.
—excerpted from www.didyouknow.cd/thanksgiving.htm.

Downloadable Thanksgiving Skit
Blessing Dressing (item 10351) is
a humorous Thanksgiving monologue
that’s available for $10 from
Lillenas Drama. It’s a great drama
option to consider using for your
Thanksgiving services. To download,
visit www.lillenasdrama.com.

VBS 2009—Let the Mystery Begin!
In May 2009, kids across the country will
flock to the theater to see the Smithsonian
come to life in the new Night at the
Museum 2 movie. Your church can
continue the adventure and help kids
experience the wonder of God’s great love
by offering the VBS mystery adventure
Museum@12627.* Kids of all ages will be
wonderfully engaged and impacted as
they work to solve the mysterious, cryptic
messages left by the museum’s founder
Dr. O’Malley before he died.
*It’s not too early to order WordAction’s Museum@12627 Starter Kit.
Visit www.vbs2009.com for more details.

www.vbs2009.com – Museum@12627
This is the official website for WordAction’s 2009 Vacation Bible School program called
Museum@12627. It offers online ordering, customer service support, decorating ideas,
and more.
www.texarkanafirst.org – First Church of the Nazarene, Texarkana, TX

This site helps browsers view the church as warm, inviting, and fun. It conveys a “family
feel” with a professional style.

www.nazarenehospitalfoundation.org – Nazarene Hospital Foundation,

Many, O Lord my God, are the
wonders you have done. The
things you planned for us no
one can recount to you; were I
to speak and tell of them, they
would be too many to declare.

Medford, OR
This site is a great place to learn more about the Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New
Guinea and how your church can help them this Thanksgiving.

[Psalm 40:5 NIV]

A Word from Matt
“Money.” The very mention of the word evokes a flurry of emotions in us that we cannot help. Like a hive of busy bees, our minds
activate on the subject of money—we search for how to get more, how to do more with what we have, how to apply it better to God’s
will, and how it preoccupies us as a society.
Consider that nearly every child born in America today is inheriting several thousands of dollars in national debt and that most
American families average about $20,000 in non-mortgage debt.1 Consider how the ministries at your church could be freed up if your
church could rid itself of some debt.
Money, or the lack of it, can control people’s lives. So much so that even the thankfulness of Thanksgiving can be bittersweet for some
because the burden of debt is so great. As January approaches, consider having financial resources and money management tools
available to help people fulfill their New Year’s resolution to finally get a handle on their finances and eliminate their debt. Just imagine
how happy it will make next year’s Thanksgiving.
All of us at NPH wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
Money-zine.com, “Eliminate Credit Card Debt,” http://www.money-zine.com/Financial-Planning/Debt-Consolidation/Eliminate-Credit-Card-Debt.


— Matthew S. Zimmer, Editor, Church Resources Manager
Nazarene Publishing House

Communicator features. . .




The Cycle of Victorious Giving*			




An Island Christmas				




Silent God* 				




On-Purpose Leadership*			




Perfect Wave*				




The Principle-Centered Financial Series		




SALT - Financial Workbook*			




Wisdom and Wealth, DVD + Book* 		




Your Unforgettable Life*			



* Quantity discounts available




Actual postage is charged when product is shipped. Prices subject to change without notice.


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