270830 003_Intel_80C186EB_80C188EB_Microprocessor_Users_Manual_1995 003 Intel 80C186EB 80C188EB Microprocessor Users Manual 1995
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intet 80C186EB/80C188EB Microprocessor User's Manual February 1995 I Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products. Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a comm~ment to update the information contained herein. Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark of Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation and Intel's FASTPATH are not affiliated w~h Kinetics, a division of Excelan, Inc. or its FASTPATH trademark or products. 'Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Additional copies of this document or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Intel Corporation Literature Sales P.O. Box 7641 Mt. Prospect, IL 60056-7641 or call 1-800-879-4683 @INTELCORPORATION. 1995 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL. ...................................................................................... 1-2 RELATED DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................. 1-3 1.2 CUSTOMER SERVICE .................................................................................................. 1-4 1.3 1.3.1 How to Use Intel's FaxBack Service ......................................................................... 1-5 How to Use Intel's Application BBS .......................................................................... 1-5 1.3.2 1.3.3 How to Find the Latest ApBUILDER Files, Hypertext Manuals, and Data Sheets on the BBS ............................................................................................1-6 CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.1 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Execution Unit ...........................................................................................................2-2 2.1.2 Bus Interface Unit .....................................................................................................2-3 2.1.3 General Registers .....................................................................................................2-4 2.1.4 Segment Registers ...................................................................................................2-5 2.1.5 Instruction Pointer .....................................................................................................2-6 2.1.6 Flags .........................................................................................................................2-7 2.1.7 Memory Segmentation ..............................................................................................2-8 2.1.8 Logical Addresses ...................................................................................................2-1 0 2.1.9 Dynamically Relocatable Code ...............................................................................2-13 2.1.10 Stack Implementation .............................................................................................2-15 2.1.11 Reserved Memory and 1/0 Space ...........................................................................2-15 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 2-17 2.2 2.2.1 Instruction Set .........................................................................................................2-17 Data Transfer Instructions .............................................................................2-18 Arithmetic Instructions ...................................................................................2-19 Bit Manipulation Instructions .........................................................................2-21 String Instructions ..........................................................................................2-22 Program Transfer Instructions .......................................................................2-23 Processor Control Instructions ......................................................................2-27 2.2.2 Addressing Modes ..................................................................................................2-27 Register and Immediate Operand Addressing Modes ................................... 2-27 Memory Addressing Modes ...........................................................................2-28 1/0 Port Addressing .......................................................................................2-36 Data Types Used in the 80C186 Modular Core Family .................................2-37 ,INTERRUPTS AND EXCEPTION HANDLING ............................................................ 2-39 2.3 2.3.1 Interrupt/Exception Processing ...............................................................................2-39 Non-Maskable Interrupts ...............................................................................2-42 Maskable Interrupts .......................................................................................2-43 Exceptions .....................................................................................................2-43 I iii intet~ CONTENTS 2.3.2 '2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 Software Interrupts ..................................................................................................2-45 Interrupt Latency .....................................................................................................2-45 Interrupt Response Time ........................................................................................ 2-46 Interrupt and Exception Priority ............................................................................... 2-46 CHAPTER 3 BUS INTERFACE UNIT 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA BUS ................................................................ 3-1 ADDRESS AND DATA BUS CONCEPTS ..................................................................... 3-1 16-Bit Data Bus .........................................................................................................3-1 a-Bit Data Bus ...........................................................................................................3-5 MEMORY AND I/O INTERFACES ................................................................................. 3-6 16-Bit Bus Memory and I/O Requirements ............................................................... 3-7 a-Bit Bus Memory and I/O Requirements .................................................................3-7 BUS CYCLE OPERATION ............................................................................................ 3-7 Address/Status Phase ............................................................................................3-1 0 Data Phase .............................................................................................................3-13 Wait States .............................................................................................................. 3-13 Idle States ...............................................................................................................3-18 3~5 BUS CYCLES OO~~OO"" •••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• 3-20 3.5.1 Read Bus Cycles ....................................................................................................3-20 Refresh Bus Cycles ....................................................................................... 3-22 3.5.2 Write Bus Cycles .....................................................................................................3-22 Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle ........................................................................... 3-25 3.5.3 System Design Considerations ..................................................................... 3-27 3.5.4 HALT Bus Cycle ......................................................................................................3-28 3.5.5 Temporarily Exiting the HALT Bus State ................................................................. 3-30 3.5.6 Exiting HALT ...........................................................................................................3-32 3.6 SYSTEM DESIGN ALTERNATIVES ........................................................................... 3-34 Buffering the Data Bus ............................................................................................3-35 3.6.1 3.6.2 Synchronizing Software and Hardware Events ....................................................... 3-37 3.6.3 Using a Locked Bus ................................................................................................3-38 3.7 MULTI-MASTER BUS SYSTEM DESiGNS ................................................................. 3-39 3.7.1 Entering Bus HOLD ................................................................................................3-39 HOLD Bus Latency ........................................................................................3-40 Refresh Operation During a Bus HOLD ........................................................ 3-41 3.7.2 Exiting HOLD ..........................................................................................................3-43 3.8 BUS CYCLE PRIORITIES ........................................................................................... 3-44 iv I intet CONTENTS CHAPTER 4 PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK 4.1 PERIPHERAL CONTROL REGiSTERS ........................................................................ 4-1 4.2 PCB RELOCATION REGiSTER .................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 RESERVED LOCATIONS ............................................................................................. 4-4 4.4 ACCESSING THE PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK .................................................. 4-4 4.4.1 Bus Cycles ...............................................................................................................4-4 READY Signals and Wait States .............................................................................4-4 4.4.2 4.4.3 F-Bus Operation .......................................................................................................4-5 Writing the PCB Relocation Register ...............................................................4-6 Accessing the Peripheral Control Registers ....................................................4-6 Accessing Reserved Locations .......................................................................4-6 SETTING THE PCB BASE LOCATION ......................................................................... 4-6 4.5 4.5.1 Considerations for the 80C187 Math Coprocessor Interface ....................................4-7 CHAPTERS CLOCK GENERATION AND POWER MANAGEMENT 5.1 CLOCK GENERATION .................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Crystal Oscillator .......................................................................................................5-1 Oscillator Operation .........................................................................................5-2 Selecting Crystals ............................................................................................5-5 5.1.2 Using an External Oscillator ......................................................................................5-6 Output from the Clock Generator ..............................................................................5-6 5.1.3 5.1.4 Reset and Clock Synchronization .............................................................................5-6 5.2 POWER MANAGEMENT............................................................................................. 5-10 5.2.1 Idle Mode ................................................................................................................5-11 Entering Idle Mode ........................................................................................5-11 Bus Operation During Idle Mode ...................................................................5-13 Leaving Idle Mode .........................................................................................5-14 Example Idle Mode Initialization Code .......................................................... 5-15 5.2.2 Powerdown Mode ...................................................................................................5-16 Entering Powerdown Mode ...........................................................................5-17 Leaving Powerdown Mode ............................................................................5-18 Implementing a Power Management Scheme ........................................................ 5-19 5.2.3 CHAPTER 6 CHIP-SELECT UNIT 6.1 COMMON METHODS FOR GENERATING CHiP-SELECTS ....................................... 6-1 6.2 CHIP-SELECT UNIT FEATURES AND BENEFITS ...................................................... 6-1 CHIP-SELECT UNIT FUNCTIONAL OVERViEW ......................................................... 6-2 6.3 PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................................... 6-5 6.4 Initialization Sequence ..............................................................................................6-6 6.4.1 Start Address ..........................................................................................................6-1 0 6.4.2 Stop Address ..........................................................................................................6-10 6.4.3 I v CONTENTS 6.4.4 Enabling and Disabling Chip-Selects ......................................................................6-11 6.4.5 Bus Wait State and Ready Control .........................................................................6-11 6.4.6 Overlapping Chip-Selects .......................................................................................6-12 6.4.7 Memory or I/O Bus Cycle Decoding ........................................................................6-14 6.4.8 Programming Considerations ..................................................................................6-14 6.5 CHIP-SELECTS AND BUS HOLD ............................................................................... 6-15 6.6 EXAMPLES ................................................................................................................. 6-15 6.6.1 Example 1: Typical System Configuration .............................................................. 6-15 6.6.2 Example 2: Detecting Attempts to Access Guarded Memory ................................. 6-20 CHAPTER 7 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT 7.1 THE ROLE OF THE REFRESH CONTROL UNIT......................................................... 7-2 7.2 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT CAPABILITIES ................................................................. 7-2 7.3 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT OPERATION .................................................................... 7-2 7.4 REFRESH ADDRESSES ............................................................................................... 7-4 7.5 REFRESH BUS CYCLES .............................................................................................. 7-5 7.6 GUIDELINES FOR DESIGNING DRAM CONTROLLERS ............................................ 7-5 7.7 PROGRAMMING THE REFRESH CONTROL UNIT..................................................... 7-7 7.7.1 Calculating the Refresh Interval ................................................................................7-7 7.7.2 Refresh Control Unit Registers .................................................................................7-7 Refresh Base Address Register ......................................................................7-7 Refresh Clock Interval Register .......................................................................7-8 Refresh Control Register ................................................................................. 7-9 Refresh Address Register .............................................................................7-10 7.7.3 Programming Example ...........................................................................................7-11 7.8 REFRESH OPERATION AND BUS HOLD .................................................................. 7-13 CHAPTER 8 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERViEW ............................................................................................ 8-1 8.1.1 Generic Functions .....................................................................................................8-2 Interrupt Masking .............................................................................................8-2 Interrupt Priority ...............................................................................................8-3 Interrupt Nesting ..............................................................................................8-4 8.2 FUNCTIONAL OPERATION .......................................................................................... 8-4 8.2.1 Typical Interrupt Sequence ....................................................................................... 8-5 8.2.2 Priority Resolution .....................................................................................................8-5 Priority Resolution Example ............................................................................8-6 Interrupts That Share a Single Source ............................................................ 8-7 8.2.3 Cascading with External 8259As ..............................................................................8-7 Special Fully Nested Mode ..............................................................................8-8 Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence .............................................................................8-9 8.2.4 Polling .......................................................................................................................8-9 8.2.5 vi I intet~ CONTENTS 8.2.6 Edge and Level Triggering ...................................................................................... 8-10 8.2.7 Additional Latency and Response Time ................................................................. 8-10 8.3 PROGRAMMING THE INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT ............................................... 8-11 8.3.1 Interrupt Control Registers ...................................................................................... 8-12 8.3.2 Interrupt Request Register ...................................................................................... 8-16 Interrupt Mask Register ........................................................................................... 8-17 8.3.3 8.3.4 Priority Mask Register .............................................................................................8-18 8.3.5 In-Service Register ................................................................................................. 8-18 8.3.6 Poll and Poll Status Registers ................................................................................. 8-19 8.3.7 End-ot-Interrupt (EOI) Register ............................................................................... 8-21 8.3.8 Interrupt Status Register ......................................................................................... 8-22 Initializing the Interrupt Control Unit ........................................................................ 8-23 8.3.9 CHAPTER 9 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT 9.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERViEW ............................................................................................ 9-1 9.2 PROGRAMMING THE TIMER/COUNTER UNIT .......................................................... 9-6 Initialization Sequence ............................................................................................ 9-11 9.2.1 Clock Sources .........................................................................................................9-12 9.2.2 9.2.3 Counting Modes ......................................................................................................9-12 Retriggering ...................................................................................................9-13 Pulsed and Variable Duty Cycle Output .................................................................. 9-14 9.2.4 9.2.5 Enabling/Disabling Counters ................................................................................... 9-15 9.2.6 Timer Interrupts .......................................................................................................9-16 9.2.7 Programming Considerations .................................................................................. 9-16 9.3 TIMING ........................................................................................................................ 9-16 9.3.1 Input Setup and Hold Timings ................................................................................. 9-16 9.3.2 Synchronization and Maximum Frequency ............................................................. 9-17 Timer/Counter Unit Application Examples ..................................................... 9-17 9.3.3 Real-Time Clock ..................................................................................................... 9-17 9.3.4 Square-Wave Generator ......................................................................................... 9-17 Digital One-Shot ......................................................................................................9-17 9.3.5 CHAPTER 10 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 10.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.1 Asynchronous Communications .............................................................................. 10-1 RX Machine ................................................................................................... 10-2 TX Machine ................................................................................................... 10-4 Modes 1, 3 and 4 ........................................................................................... 10-6 Mode 2 .......................................................................................................... 10-7 10.1.2 Synchronous Communications ............................................................................... 10-8 10.2 PROGRAMMING ......................................................................................................... 10-9 10.2.1 Baud Rates ...........................................................................................................10-10 I vii CONTENTS intet~ 10.2.2 Asynchronous Mode Programming ....................................................................... 10-13 Modes 1, 3 and 4 for Stand-alone Serial Communications ......................... 10-13 Modes 2 and 3 for Multiprocessor Communications ................................... 10-14 Sending and Receiving a Break Character ................................................. 10-14 10.2.3 Programming in Mode 0 ........................................................................................ 10-18 10.3 HARDWARE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE SERIAL PORT ................................... 10-18 10.3.1 CTS Pin Timings ...................................................................................................10-18 10.3.2 BCLK Pin Timings ................................................................................................. 10-18 10.3.3 Mode 0 Timings ....................................................................................................10-20 CLKOUT as Baud Timebase Clock ............................................................. 10-20 BCLK as Baud Timebase Clock .................................................................. 10-21 10.4 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT INTERRUPTS .................................................. 10-21 10.4.1 Channel 0 Interrupts .............................................................................................10-21 10.4.2 Channel 1 Interrupts .............................................................................................10-21 10.5 SERIAL PORT EXAMPLES ....................................................................................... 10-23 10.5.1 Asynchronous Mode Example ..............................................................................10-23 10.5.2 Mode 0 Example ...................................................................................................10-26 10.5.3 MasterlSlave Example ..........................................................................................10-27 CHAPTER 11 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 11.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERViEW .......................................................................................... 11-1 11.1.1 Bidirectional Port ..................................................................................................... 11-1 11.1.2 InputPort ................................................................................................................ 11-3 11.1.3 Output Port .............................................................................................................. 11-3 11.1.4 Open-Drain Bidirectional Port ................................................................................. 11-3 11.1.5 Port Pin Organization .............................................................................................. 11-3 Port 1 Organization ....................................................................................... 11-7 Port 2 Organization ....................................................................................... 11-7 11.2 PROGRAMMING THE 1/0 PORT UNIT....................................................................... 11-7 11.2.1 Port Control Register .............................................................................................. 11-8 11.2.2 Port Direction Register ............................................................................................ 11-8 11.2.3 Port Data Latch Register ......................................................................................... 11-9 11.2.4 Port Pin State Register ......................................................................................... 11-10 11.2.5 Initializing the 1/0 Ports ......................................................................................... 11-11 11.3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE ..................................................................................... 11-12 CHAPTER 12 MATH COPROCESSING 12.1 OVERVIEW OF MATH COPROCESSING .................................................................. 12-1 12.2 AVAILABILITY OF MATH COPROCESSING .............................................................. 12-1 12.3 THE 80C187 MATH COPROCESSOR. ....................................................................... 12-2 12.3.1 80C187 Instruction Set ........................................................................................... 12-2 Data Transfer Instructions ............................................................................. 12-3 viii I CONTENTS Arithmetic Instructions ................................................................................... 12-3 Comparison Instructions ................................................................................ 12-5 Transcendental Instructions .......................................................................... 12-5 Constant Instructions ..................................................................................... 12-6 Processor Control Instructions ...................................................................... 12-6 12.3.2 8OC187 Data Types ................................................................................................ 12-7 12.4 MICROPROCESSOR AND COPROCESSOR OPERATION ...................................... 12-7 12.4.1 Clocking the 80C187 ............................................................................................. 12-10 12.4.2 Processor Bus Cycles Accessing the 80C187 ...................................................... 12-10 12.4.3 System Design Tips ..............................................................................................12-11 12.4.4 Exception Trapping ............................................................ '" ................................ 12-13 CHAPTER 13 ONCE MODE 13.1 ENTERING/LEAVING ONCE MODE ........................................................................... 13-1 APPENDIX A 8OC186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS A.1 8OC186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS ................................................................... A-1 A.1.1 Data Transfer Instructions ...................................................................................... A-1 A.1.2 String Instructions ................................................................................................... A-2 High-Level Instructions ........................................................................................... A-2 A.1.3 A.2 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................... A-8 A.2.1 Data Transfer Instructions ...................................................................................... A-8 A.2.2 Arithmetic Instructions ............................................................................................ A-9 A.2.3 Bit Manipulation Instructions ................................................................................... A-9 A.2.3.1 Shift Instructions ............................................................................................. A-9 A.2.3.2 Rotate Instructions ....................................................................................... A-10 APPENDIX B INPUT SYNCHRONIZATION B.1 WHY SYNCHRONIZERS ARE REQUiRED ................................................................. B-1 B.2 ASYNCHRONOUS PiNS .............................................................................................. B-2 APPENDIX C INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS APPENDIX D INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES INDEX I ix CONTENTS FIGURES Figure 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 x Page Simplified Functional Block Diagram of the 80C186 Family CPU ................................ 2-2 Physical Address Generation .......................................................................................2-3 General Registers ........................................................................................................2-4 Segment Registers ........................................................................................................2-6 Processor Status Word ................................................................................................2-9 Segment Locations in Physical Memory..................................................................... 2-10 Currently Addressable Segments ...............................................................................2-11 Logical and Physical Address ....................................................................................2-12 Dynamic Code Relocation ..........................................................................................2-14 Stack Operation ..........................................................................................................2-16 Flag Storage Format ..................................................................................................2-19 Memory Address Computation ...................................................................................2-29 Direct Addressing .......................................................................................................2-30 Register Indirect Addressing ......................................................................................2-31 Based Addressing ......................................................................................................2-31 Accessing a Structure with Based Addressing ........................................................... 2-32 Indexed Addressing ....................................................................................................2-33 Accessing an Array with Indexed Addressing ............................... ;............................ 2-33 Based Index Addressing ............................................................................................2-34 Accessing a Stacked Array with Based Index Addressing ......................................... 2-35 String Operand ...........................................................................................................2-36 I/O Port Addressing ....................................................................................................2-36 80C186 Modular Core Family Supported Data Types ................................................ 2-38 Interrupt Control Unit ..................................................................................................2-39 Interrupt Vector Table .................................................................................................2-40 Interrupt Sequence .....................................................................................................2-41 Interrupt Response Factors ........................................................................................2-46 Simultaneous NMI and Exception ..............................................................................2-47 Simultaneous NMI and Single Step Interrupts............................................................ 2-48 Simultaneous NMI, Single Step and Maskable Interrupt.. .......................................... 2-49 Physical Data Bus Models ............................................................................................3-2 16-Bit Data Bus Byte Transfers ....................................................................................3-3 16-Bit Data Bus Even Word Transfers .........................................................................3-4 16-Bit Data Bus Odd Word Transfers ...........................................................................3-5 8-Bit Data Bus Word Transfers .....................................................................................3-6 Typical Bus Cycle .........................................................................................................3-8 T-State Relation to CLKOUT ........................................................................................3-8 BIU State Diagram .......................................................................................................3-9 T-State and Bus Phases ............................................................................................3-10 Address/Status Phase Signal Relationships .............................................................. 3-11 Demultiplexing Address Information ...........................................................................3-12 Data Phase Signal Relationships ...............................................................................3-14 Typical Bus Cycle with Wait States ............................................................................3-15 READY Pin Block Diagram .........................................................................................3-15 I intet CONTENTS FIGURES Figure 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 4-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 I Page Generating a Normally Not·Ready Bus Signal ........................................................... 3-16 Generating a Normally Ready Bus Signal .................................................................. 3-17 Normally Not·Ready System Timing ..........................................................................3-18 Normally Ready System Timings ...............................................................................3-19 Typical Read Bus Cycle .............................................................................................3-21 Read·Only Device Interface .......................................................................................3-22 Typical Write Bus Cycle ..............................................................................................3-23 16-Bit Bus ReadlWrite Device Interface ..................................................................... 3-24 Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle ...............................................................................3-26 Typical 82C59A Interface ...........................................................................................3-27 HALT Bus Cycle .........................................................................................................3-30 Returning to HALT After a HOLD/HLDA Bus Exchange ............................................ 3-31 Returning to HALT After a Refresh Bus Cycle ........................................................... 3-32 Exiting HALT (Powerdown Mode) ..............................................................................3-33 Exiting HALT (Active/Idle Mode) .................................................................................3-34 DEN and DT/R Timing Relationships .........................................................................3.35 Buffered AD Bus System ............................................................................................3-36 Qualifying DEN with Chip· Selects ..............................................................................3-37 Timing Sequence Entering HOLD ..............................................................................3-40 Refresh Request During HOLD ..................................................................................3-42 Latching HLDA ...........................................................................................................3-43 Exiting HOLD ..............................................................................................................3-44 PCB Relocation Register ..............................................................................................4-2 Clock Generator ...........................................................................................................5-1 Ideal Operation of Pierce Oscillator ..............................................................................5-2 Crystal Connections to Microprocessor ........................................................................ 5-3 Equations for Crystal Calculations ................................................................................ 5-4 Simple RC Circuit for Powerup Reset ..........................................................................5-7 Cold Reset Waveform ..................................................................................................5-8 Warm Reset Waveform ................................................................................................5-9 Clock Synchronization at Reset.. ................................................................................5-10 Power Control Register ..............................................................................................5-12 Entering Idle Mode .....................................................................................................5-13 HOLD/HLDA During Idle Mode ...................................................................................5-14 Entering Powerdown Mode ........................................................................................5-17 Powerdown Timer Circuit ...........................................................................................5-18 Common Chip·Select Generation Methods .................................................................. 6-2 Chip·Select Block Diagram ...........................................................................................6-3 Chip·Select Relative Timings .......................................................................................6-4 UCS Reset Configuration ............................................................................................. 6.5 START Register Definition ...........................................................................................6-7 STOP Register Definition .............................................................................................6-8 Wait State and Ready Control Functions ................................................................... 6-12 Overlapping Chip·Selects ........................................................................................... 6-13 xi intel~ CONTENTS FIGURES Figure Page Using Chip-Selects During HOLD ..............................................................................6-15 6-9 6-10 Typical System ...........................................................................................................6-16 Guarded Memory Detector .........................................................................................6-20 6-11 7-1 Refresh Control Unit Block Diagram .............................................................................7-1 7-2 Refresh Control Unit Operation Flow Chart .................................................................. 7-3 7-3 Refresh Address Formation ..........................................................................................7-4 Suggested DRAM Control Signal Timing Relationships .............................................•. 7-6 7-4 7-5 Formula for Calculating Refresh Interval for RFTIME Register .................................... 7-7 7-6 Refresh Base Address Register ...................................................................................7-8 Refresh Clock Interval Register ....................................................................................7-9 7-7 7-8 Refresh Control Register .... ........................................................................................7-10 7-9 Refresh Address Register .......................................................................................... 7-11 7-10 Regaining Bus Control to Run a DRAM Refresh Bus Cycle ...................................... 7-14 8-1 Interrupt Control Unit Block Diagram ............................................................................8-2 8-2 Using External 8259A Modules in Cascade Mode .......................................................8-8 8-3 Interrupt Control Unit Latency and Response Time ................................................... 8-11 8-4 Interrupt Control Register for Internal Sources ........................................................... 8-13 8-5 Interrupt Control Register for Noncascadable External Pins ...................................... 8-14 Interrupt Control Register for Cascadable Interrupt Pins ............................................ 8-15 8-6 Interrupt Request Register .........................................................................................8-16 8-7 Interrupt Mask Register ..............................................................................................8-17 8-8 Priority Mask Register ................................................................................................8-18 8-9 8-10 In-Service Register .....................................................................................................8-19 8-11 Poll Register ...............................................................................................................8-20 8-12 Poll Status Register ....................................................................................................8-21 8-13 End-ot-Interrupt Register ............................................................................................8-22 8-14 Interrupt Status Register ............................................................................................8-23 9-1 Timer/Counter Unit Block Diagram ...............................................................................9-2 9-2 Counter Element Multiplexing and Timer Input Synchronization .................................. 9-3 Timers 0 and 1 Flow Chart ...........................................................................................9-4 9-3 Timer/Counter Unit Output Modes................................................................................9-6 9-4 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Control Registers ........................................................................ 9-7 9-5 Timer 2 Control Register ..............................................................................................9-9 9-6 Timer Count Registers................................................................................................9-10 9-7 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers ..........................................................................9- 11 9-8 TxOUT Signal Timing .................................................................................................9-15 9-9 Typical 10-Bit Asynchronous Data Frame .................................................................. 10-2 10-1 10-2 RX Machine ................................................................................................................ 10-3 10-3 TX Machine ................................................................................................................ 10-5 Mode 1 Waveform ...................................................................................................... 10-6 10-4 Mode 3 Waveform ...................................................................................................... 10-7 10-5 Mode 4 Waveform .............................................. ,....................................................... 10-7 10-6 10-7 Mode 0 Waveforms .................................................................................................... 10-8 Serial Receive Buffer Register (SxRBUF) .................................................................. 10-9 10-8 xii I CONTENTS FIGURES Figure 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 13-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 B-1 I Page Serial Transmit Buffer Register (SxTBUF) ............................................................... 10-10 Baud Rate Counter Register (BxCNT) ..................................................................... 10-11 Baud Rate Compare Register (BxCMP} ................................................................... 10-12 Calculating the BxCMP Value for a Specific Baud Rate ........................................... 10-12 Serial Port Control Register (SxCON) ...................................................................... 10-15 Serial Port Status Register (SxSTS} ......................................................................... 10-16 CTS Recognition Sequence ..................................................................................... 10-19 BCLK Synchronization ............................................................................................. 10-19 Mode 0, BxCMP > 2 ................................................................................................. 10-20 Channel 0 Interrupts ................................................................................................. 10-22 Channel 1 Interrupts ................................................................................................. 10-22 Master/Slave Example ............................................................................................. 10-28 Simplified Logic Diagram of a Bidirectional Port Pin .................................................. 11-2 Simplified Logic Diagram of an Input Port Pin ............................................................ 11-4 Simplified Logic Diagram of an Output Port Pin ......................................................... 11-5 Simplified Logic Diagram of an Open-Drain Bidirectional Port... ................................ 11-6 Port Control Register (PxCON) .................................................................................. 11-8 Port Direction Register (PxDIR} .................................................................................. 11-9 Port Data Latch Register (PxLTCH) ......................................................................... 11-1 0 Port Pin State Register (PxPIN) ............................................................................... 11-11 80C187-Supported Data Types .................................................................................. 12-8 8OC186 Modular Core Family/80C187 System Configuration .................................... 12-9 80C187 Configuration with a Partially Buffered Bus ................................................. 12-12 80C187 Exception Trapping via Processor Interrupt Pin .......................................... 12-14 Entering/Leaving ONCE Mode ................................................................................... 13-1 Formal Definition of ENTER ........................................................................................ A-3 Variable Access in Nested Procedures ....................................................................... A-4 Stack Frame for Main at LevelL ................................................................................. A-4 Stack Frame for Procedure A at Level 2 ..................................................................... A-5 Stack Frame for Procedure B at Level 3 Called from A. .............................................. A-6 Stack Frame for Procedure C at Level 3 Called from B .............................................. A-7 Input Synchronization Circuit. ...................................................................................... B-1 xiii CONTENTS TABLES Table 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-1 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 7-1 8-1 8-2 8-3 9-1 9-2 10-1 11-1 11-2 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 C-l xiv Page Comparison of 80C186 Modular Core Family Products ............................................... 1-2 Related Documents and Software ................................................................................ 1-3 Implicit Use of General Registers .................................................................................2-5 Logical Address Sources ............................................................................................2-13 Data Transfer Instructions ..........................................................................................2-18 Arithmetic Instructions ................................................................................................2-20 Arithmetic Interpretation of 8-Bit Numbers .................................................................2-21 Bit Manipulation Instructions ......................................................................................2-21 String Instructions .......................................................................................................2-22 String Instruction Register and Flag Use ..................•................................................. 2-23 Program Transfer Instructions ....................................................................................2-25 Interpretation of Conditional Transfers .......................................................................2-26 Processor Control Instructions ...................................................................................2-27 Supported Data Types ...............................................................................................2-37 Bus Cycle Types ......................................................................................................•.3-12 Read Bus Cycle Types ...............................................................................................3-20 Read Cycle Critical Timing Parameters ...................................................................... 3-20 Write Bus Cycle Types ''',',''''''''''',','','','''','''', ........................................................... 3-23 Write Cycle Critical Timing Parameters ......................................................................3-25 HALT Bus Cycle Pin States ........................................................................................3-29 Signal Condition Entering HOLD ................................................................................3-40 Peripheral Control Block ...............................................................................................4-3 Suggested Values for Inductor L 1 in Third Overtone Oscillator Circuit ........................ 5-4 Summary of Power Management Modes ................................................................... 5-19 Chip-Select Unit Registers ...........................................................................................6-5 Memory and I/O Compare Addresses ........................................................................ 6-10 Example Adjustments for Overlapping Chip-Selects .................................................. 6-14 Identification of Refresh Bus Cycles .............................................................................7-5 Default Interrupt Priorities .............................................................................................8-3 Fixed Interrupt Types ...................................................................................................8-9 Interrupt Control Unit Registers ..................................................................................8-11 Timer 0 and 1 Clock Sources .....................................................................................9-12 Timer Retriggering ...............................................................................,...................... 9-13 BxCMP Values for Typical Baud Rates and CPU Frequencies ................................ l0-13 Port 1 Multiplexing Options ........................................................................................ 11-7 Port 2 Multiplexing Options ........................................................................................11-7 80C187 Data Transfer Instructions............................................................................. 12-3 80C187 Arithmetic Instructions................................................................................... 12-4 80C187 Comparison Instructions ............................................................................... 12-5 80C187 Transcendental Instructions .......................................................................... 12-5 80C187 Constant Instructions .................................................................................... 12-6 80C187 Processor Control Instructions ...................................................................... 12-6 80C 187 I/O Port Assignments .................................................................................. 12-10 Instruction Format Variables ........................................................................................ C-l I intel~ CONTENTS TABLES Table C-2 C-3 C-4 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 I Page Instruction Operands ................................................................................................... C-2 Flag Bit Functions ... ..................................................................................................... C-3 Instruction Set ... .......................................................................................................... C-4 Operand Variables ...................................................................................................... 0-1 Instruction Set Summary ............................................................................................. 0-2 Machine Instruction Oecoding Guide........................................................................... 0-9 Mnemonic Encoding Matrix (Left Half) ...................................................................... 0-20 Abbreviations for Mnemonic Encoding Matrix ........................................................... 0-22 xv CONTENTS EXAMPLES Example Page 5-1 Initializing the Power Management Unit for Idle or Powerdown Mode ....................... 5-16 6-1 Initializing the Chip-Select Unit... ................................................................................ 6-17 7-1 Initializing the Refresh Control Unit ............................................................................7-12 8-1 Initializing the Interrupt Control Unit ...........................................................................8-24 9-1 Configuring a Real-Time Clock...................................................................................9-18 9-2 Configuring a Square-Wave Generator ......................................................................9-21 9-3 Configuring a Digital One-Shot ................................................................................... 9-22 10-1 Asynchronous Mode 4 Example ............................................................................... 10-23 10-2 Mode 0 Example ......................................................................................................10-26 10-3 Master/Slave - Implementing the Master/Slave Routines ............ : ......................... 10-29 10-4 Master/Slave - The _selecCslave Routine ............................................................. 10-30 10-5 Master/Slave - The slave_1 Routine ...................................................................... 10-32 10-6 Master/Slave - The _send_slave_command Routine ............................................ 10-35 11-1 I/O Port Programming Example ................................................................................ 11-12 12-1 Initialization Sequence for 80C 187 Math Coprocessor ............................................ 12-15 12-2 Floating Point Math Routine Using FSI NCOS .......................................................... 12-16 xvi I in1:et 1 Introduction I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIO'N The 8086 microprocessor was first introduced in 1978 and gained rapid support as the microcomputer engine of choice. There are literally millions of 8086/8088-based systems in the world today. The amount of software written for the 8086/8088 is rivaled by no other architecture. By the early 1980's, however, it was clear that a replacement for the 8086/8088 was necessary. An 8086/8088 system required dozens of support chips to implement even a moderately complex design. Intel recognized the need to integrate commonly used system peripherals onto the same silicon die as the CPU. In 1982 Intel addressed this need by introducing the 80186/80188 family of embedded microprocessors. The original 80186/80188 integrated an enhanced 808618088 CPU with six commonly used system peripherals. A parallel effort within Intel also gave rise to the 80286 microprocessor in 1982. The 80286 began the trend toward the very high performance Intel architecture that today includes the Inte1386™, Intel486™ and Pentium™ microprocessors. As technology advanced and turned toward small geometry CMOS processes, it became clear that a new 80186 was needed. In 1987 Intel announced the second generation ofthe 80186 family: the 8OC186/C188. The 80C186 family is pin compatible with the 80186 family, while adding an enhanced feature set. The high-performance CHMOS III process allowed the 80C186 to run at twice the clock rate of the NMOS 80186, while consuming less than one-fourth the power. The 80186 family took another major step in 1990 with the introduction of the 80C186EB family. The 80C 186EB heralded many changes for the 80186 family. First, the enhanced 8086/8088 CPU was redesigned as a static, stand-alone module known as the 80C186 Modular Core. Second, the 80186 family peripherals were also redesigned as static modules with standard interfaces. The goal behind this redesign effort was to give Intel the capability to proliferate the 80186 family rapidly, in order to provide solutions for an even wider range of customer applications. The 80C186EB/C188EB was the first product to use the new modular capability. The 8OC186EB/C188EB includes a different peripheral set than the original 80186 family. Power consumption was dramatically reduced as a direct result of the static design, power management features and advanced CHMOS N process. The 80C186EB/C188EB has found acceptance in a wide array of portable equipment ranging from cellular phones to personal organizers. In 1991 the 80C186 Modular Core family was again extended with the introduction of three new products: the 80C186XL, the 80C186EA and the 80C186EC. The 80C186XL/C188XL is a higher performance, lower power replacement for the 8OC186/C188. The 8OC186EAlC188EA combines the feature set of the 8OC186 with new power management features for power-critical applications. The 80C 186EC/C 188EC offers the highest level of integration of any of the 80C 186 Modular Core family products, with 14 on-chip peripherals (see Table 1-1). I 1-1 INTRODUCTION The 80C186 Modular Core family is the direct result often years ofIntel development. It offers the designer the peace of mind of a well-established architecture with the benefits of state-of-theart technology. Table 1-1. Comparison of 80C186 Modular Core Family Products 1.1 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual uses phrases such as 80C186 Modular Core Family or 80C188 Modular Core, as well as references to specific products such as 80C188EA. Each phrase refers to a specific set of 80C186 family products. The phrases and the products they refer to are as follows: 80C186 Modular Core Family: This phrase refers to any device that uses the modular 80C186/C188 CPU core architecture. At this time these include the 80C186EAlC188EA, 80CI86EB/CI88EB, 80C186EC/C188EC and 8OC186XLlC188XL. 80C186 Modular Core: Without the word/amity, this phrase refers only to the 16-bit bus members of the 80C 186 Modular Core Family. 80C188 Modular Core: This phrase refers to the 8-bit bus products. 80C188EC: A specific product reference refers only to the named device. For example, On the 80C188EC. .. refers strictly to the 80C188EC and not to any other device. 1-2 I INTRODUCTION Each chapter covers a specific section of the device, beginning with the CPU core. Each peripheral chapter includes programming examples intended to aid in your understanding of device operation. Please read the comments carefully, as not all of the examples include all the code necessary for a specific application. This user's guide is a supplement to the device data sheet. Specific timing values are not discussed in this guide. When designing a system, always consult the most recent version of the device data sheet for up-to-date specifications. 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS The following table lists documents and software that are useful in designing systems that incorporate the 80C186 Modular Core Family. These documents are available through Intel Literature. In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-548-4725 to order. In Europe and other international locations, please contact your local Intel sales office or distributor. NOTE If you will be transferring a design from the 80186/80188 or 8OC186/80C188 to the 80C186XL/80C188XL, refer to FaxBack Document No. 2132. Table 1-2. Related Documents and Software Document/Software Title I Document Order No. Embedded Microprocessors (includes 186 family data sheets) 272396 186 Embedded Microprocessor Line Card 272079 80186/80188 High-Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor Data Sheet 272430 80C186XUC188XL-20, -12 16-Bit High-Integration Embedded Microprocessor Data Sheet 272431 80C186EAl80C188EA-20, -12 and 80L 186EAl80L188EA-13, -8 (low power versions) 16-Bit High-Integration Embedded Microprocessor Data Sheet 272432 80C186EB/80C188EB-20, -13 and 80L 186EB/80L188EB-13, -8 (low power versions) 16-Bit High-Integration Embedded Microprocessor Data Sheet 272433 80C186EC/80C188EC-20, -13 and 80L 186EC/80L188EC-13, -8 (low power versions) 16-Bit High-Integration Embedded Microprocessor Data Sheet 272434 80C187 80-Bit Math Coprocessor Data Sheet 270640 Low Voltage Embedded Design 272324 80C186/C188, 80C186XUC188XL Microprocessor User's Manual 272164 80C186EAl80C188EA Microprocessor User's Manual 270950 80C186EB/80C188EB Microprocessor User's Manual 270830 80C186EC/80C188EC Microprocessor User's Manual 272047 8086/8088/8087/80186/80188 Programmer's Pocket Reference Guide 231017 1-3 INTRODUCTION Table 1-2. Related Documents and Software (Continued) Document/Software Title 8086/8088 User's Manual Programmer's and Hardware Reference Manual Document Order No. 240487 ApBUILDER Software 272216 80C186EA Hypertext Manual 272275 80C186EB Hypertext Manual 272296 80C186EC Hypertext Manual 272298 80C186XL Hypertext Manual 272630 ZCON - Z80 Code Converter Available on BBS 1.3 CUSTOMER SERVICE This section provides telephone numbers and describes various customer services. • Customer Support (U.S. and Canada) 800-628-8686 • Customer Training (U.S. and Canada) 800-234-8806 • Literature Fulfillment - 800-548-4725 (U.S. and Canada) - +44(0)793-431155 (Europe) • FaxBack* Service 800-628-2283 (U.S. and Canada) +44(0)793-496646 (Europe) 916-356-3105 (worldwide) • Application Bulletin Board System 916-356-3600 (worldwide, up to 14.4-Kbaud line) 916-356-7209 (worldwide, dedicated 2400-baud line) +44(0)793-496340 (Europe) Intel provides 24-hour automated technical support through the use of our FaxBack service and our centralized Intel Application Bulletin Board System (BBS). The FaxBack service is a simpleto-use information system that lets you order technical documents by phone for immediate delivery to your fax machine. The BBS is a centralized computer bulletin board system that provides updated application-specific information about Intel products. 1-4 I intet 1.3.1 INTRODUCTION How to Use Intel's FaxBack Service Think of the FaxBack service as a library of technical documents that you can access with your phone. Just dial the telephone number (see page 1-4) and respond to the system prompts. After you select a document, the system sends a copy to your fax machine. Each document is assigned an order number and is listed in a subject catalog. First-time users should order the appropriate subject catalogs to get a complete listing of document order numbers. The following catalogs and information packets are available: 1. Microcontroller, Flash, and iPLD catalog 2. Development tool catalog 3. System catalog 4. DVI and multimedia catalog 5. BBS catalog 6. Microprocessor and peripheral catalog 7. Quality and reliability catalog 8. Technical questionnaire 1.3.2 How to Use Intel's Application BBS The Application Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides centralized access to information, software drivers, firmware upgrades, and revised software. Any user with a modem and computer can access the BBS. Use the following modem settings. • 14400, N, 8, 1 If your modem does not support 14.4K baud, the system provides auto configuration support for 1200- through 14.4K-baud modems. To access the BBS, just dial the telephone number (see page 1-4) and respond to the system prompts. During your first session, the system asks you to register with the system operator by entering your name and location. The system operator will then set up your access account within 24 hours. At that time, you can access the files on the BBS. For a listing of files, call the FaxBack service and order catalog #6 (the BBS catalog). I 1-5 INTRODUCTION intela. If you ~ncounter any difficulty accessing our high-speed modem, try our dedicated 2400-baud modem (see page 1-4). Use the following modem settings. • 2400 baud, N, 8, 1 1.3.3 How to Find the Latest ApBUILDER Flies, Hypertext Manuals, and Data Sheets on the BBS The latest ApBUILDER files and hypertext manuals and data sheets are available first from the BBS. To access the files: 1. Select [F] from the BBS Main menu. 2. Select [L] from the Intel Apps Files menu. 3. The BBS displays the list of all area levels and prompts for the area number. 4. Select [25] to choose the ApBUILDER I Hypertext area. 5. Area level 25 has four sublevels: (1) GeJ;leral, (2) 196 Files, (3) 186 Files, and (4) 8051 Files. 6. Select [1] to find the latest ApBUILDER files or the number of the appropriate productfamily sublevel to find the hypertext manuals and data sheets. 7. Enter the file number to tag the files you wish to download. The BBS displays the approximate download time for tagged files. 1-6 I 2 Overview of the 80C186 Family Architecture I CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE The 8OC186 Modular Microprocessor Core shares a common base architecture with the 8086, 8088, 80186, 80188, 80286, Intel386™ and Intel486™ processors. The 8OC186 Modular Core maintains full object-code compatibility with the 8086/8088 family of 16-bit microprocessors, while adding hardware and software performance enhancements. Most instructions require fewer clocks to execute on the 8OC186 Modular Core because of hardware enhancements in the Bus Interface Unit and the Execution Unit. Several additional instructions simplify programming and reduce code size (see Appendix A, "8OC186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions"). 2.1 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW The 8OC186 Modular Microprocessor Core incorporates two separate processing units: an Execution Unit (EU) and a Bus Interface Unit (BIU). The Execution Unit is functionally identical among all family members. The Bus Interface Unit is configured for a 16-bit external data bus for the 80C186 core and an 8-bit external data bus for the 8OC188 core. The two units interface via an instruction prefetch queue. The Execution Unit executes instructions; the Bus Interface Unit fetches instructions, reads operands and writes results. Whenever the Execution Unit requires another opcode byte, it takes the byte out of the prefetch queue. The two units can operate independently of one another and are able, under most circumstances, to overlap instruction fetches and execution. The 80C186 Modular Core family has a 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The Arithmetic Logic Unit performs 8-bit or 16-bit arithmetic and logical operations. It provides for data movement between registers, memory and 110 space. The 8OC186 Modular Core family CPU allows for high-speed data transfer from one area of memory to another using string move instructions and between an 110 port and memory using block 110 instructions. The CPU also provides many conditional branch and control instructions. The 8OC186 Modular Core architecture features 14 basic registers grouped as general registers, segment registers, pointer registers and status and control registers. The four 16-bit general-purpose registers (AX, BX, CX and DX) can be used as open~nds for most arithmetic operations as either 8- or 16-bit units. The four 16-bit pointer registers (SI, 01, BP and SP) can be used in arithmetic operations and in accessing memory-based variables. Four 16-bit segment registers (CS, DS, SS and ES) allow simple memory partitioning to aid modular programming. The status and control registers consist of an Instruction Pointer (IP) and the Processor Status Word (PSW) register, which contains flag bits. Figure 2-1 is a simplified CPU block diagram. I 2-1 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Address Bus (20 Bits) I 1: General Registers AH BH CH OH AL BL CL OL Data Bus (16 Bits) I' SP BP SI CS 01 ES OS SS IP ALU Data Bus (16 Bits) I' I r Temporary Registers 1M .I . I EU Control System ~ Flags I Execution Unit (EU) I Internal Communications Registers II' I I I Bus I Control I Logic I I I I Instruction Queue '"'-- External Bus ~~1 213141516~ : " Q Bus (8 Bits) I I I Bus Interface Unit (BIU) A1012-0A Figure 2-1. Simplified Functional Block Diagram of the 80C186 Family CPU 2.1.1 Execution Unit The Execution Unit executes all instructions, provides data and addresses to the Bus Interface Unit and manipulates the general registers and the Processor Status Word. The 16-bit ALU within the Execution Unit maintains the CPU status and control flags and manipulates the general registers and instruction operands. All registers and data paths in the Execution Unit are 16 bits wide for fast internal transfers. 2-2 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE The Execution Unit does not connect directly to the system bus. It obtains instructions from a queue maintained by the Bus Interface Unit. When an instruction requires access to memory or a peripheral device, the Execution Unit requests the Bus Interface Unit to read and write data. Addresses manipulated by the Execution Unit are 16 bits wide. The Bus Interface Unit, however, performs an address calculation that allows the Execution Unit to access the full megabyte of memory space. To execute an instruction, the Execution Unit must first fetch the object code byte from the instruction queue and then execute the instruction. If the queue is empty when the Execution Unit is ready to fetch an instruction byte, the Execution Unit waits for the Bus Interface Unit to fetch the instruction byte. 2.1.2 Bus Interface Unit The 8OC186 Modular Core and 8OC188 Modular Core Bus Interface Units are functionally identical. They are implemented differently to match the structure and performance characteristics of their respective system buses. The Bus Interface Unit executes all external bus cycles. This unit consists of the segment registers, the Instruction Pointer, the instruction code queue and several miscellaneous registers. The Bus Interface Unit transfers data to and from the Execution Unit on the ALU data bus. The Bus Interface Unit generates a 20-bit physical address in a dedicated adder. The adder shifts a 16-bit segment value left 4 bits and then adds a 16-bit offset. This offset is denved from combinations of the pointer registers, the Instruction Pointer and immediate values (see Figure 2-2). Any carry from this addition is ignored. 1 2 15 3 4 o Segment Base ) Offset Logical Address + Physical Address = To Memory A1500·0A Figure 2-2. Physical Address Generation I 2-3 in1et. OVERVIEW OF THE aoC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE During periods when the Execution Unit is busy executing instructions, the Bus Interface Unit sequentially prefetches instructions from memory. As long as the prefetch queue is partially full, the Execution Unit fetches instructions. 2.1.3 General Registers The 8OC186 Modular Core family CPU has eight 16-bit general registers (see Figure 2-3). The general registers are subdivided into two sets of four registers. These sets are the data registers (also called the H & L group for high and low) and the pointer and index registers (also called the P& I group). H L o 15 AX ..................................-:.................................. AH !: Accumulator AL BX ··································T···················.............. Data Group BH :! BL Base CX ...................................,.................................. Count CH ! CL OX ....................................................................................... DH !! DL Pointer and Index Group Data SP Stack Pointer BP Base Pointer SI Source Index 01 Destination Index Al033-0A Figure 2-3. General Registers 2-4 I in1et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE The data registers can be addressed by their upper or lower halves. Each data register can be used interchangeably as a 16-bit register or two 8-bit registers. The pointer registers are always accessed as 16-bit values. The CPU can use data registers without constraint in most arithmetic and logic operations. Arithmetic and logic operations can also use the pointer and index registers. Some instructions use certain registers implicitly (see Table 2-1), allowing compact encoding. Table 2-1. Implicit Use of General Registers Register Operations AX Word Multiply, Word Divide, Word 1/0 AL Byte Multiply, Byte Divide, Byte 1/0, Translate, Decimal Arithmetic AH Byte Multiply, Byte Divide BX Translate CX String Operations, Loops CL Variable Shift and Rotate OX Word Multiply, Word Divide, Indirect 1/0 SP Stack Operations SI String Operations 01 String Operations The contents of the general-purpose registers are undefined following a processor reset. 2.1.4 Segment Registers The 80C186 Modular Core family memory space is 1 Mbyte in size and divided into logical segments of up to 64 Kbytes each. The CPU has direct access to four segments at a time. The segment registers contain the base addresses (starting locations) of these memory segments (see Figure 2-4). The CS register points to the current code segment, which contains instructions to be fetched. The SS register points to the current stack segment, which is used for all stack operations. The DS register points to the current data segment, which generally contains program variables. The ES register points to the current extra segment, which is typically used for data storage. The CS register initializes to OFFFFH, and the SS, DS and ES registers initialize to OOOOH. Programs can access and manipulate thetgment registers with several instructions. &5""1c I 2-5 intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE o 15 CS DS I Code Segment r-----------------------~ Data Segment 1--__________S_S_________---1 Stack Segment ES Extra Segment ~----------------------~ Figure 2-4. Segment Registers 2.1.5 Instruction Pointer The Bus Interface Unit updates the 16-bit Instruction Pointer (IP) register so it contains the offset of the next instruction to be fetched. Programs do not have direct access to the Instruction Pointer, but it can change, be saved or be restored as a result of program execution. For example, if the Instruction Pointer is saved on the stack, it is first automatically adjusted to point to the next instruction to be executed. / \ Reset initializes the Instruction Pointer to OOOOH. The CS and IP values comprise a starting execution address of OFFFFOH (see "Logical Addresses" on page 2-10 for a description of address formation). 2-6 I intet, 2.1.6 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Flags The 80C186 Modular Core family has six status flags (see Figure 2-5) that the Execution Unit posts as the result of arithmetic or logical operations. Program branch instructions allow a program to alter its execution depending on conditions flagged by a prior operation. Different instructions affect the status flags differently, generally reflecting the following states: • If the Auxiliary Flag (AF) is set, there has been a carry out from the low nibble into the high nibble or a borrow from the high nibble into the low nibble of an 8-bit quantity (low-order byte of a 16-bit quantity). This flag is used by decimal arithmetic instructions. • If the Carry Flag (CF) is set, there has been a carry out of or a borrow into the high-order bit of the instruction result (8- or 16-bit). This flag is used by instructions that add or subtract multibyte numbers. Rotate instructions can also isolate a bit in memory or a register by placing it in the Carry Flag. • If the Overflow Flag (OF) is set, an arithmetic overflow has occurred. A significant digit has been lost because the size of the result exceeded the capacity of its destination location. An Interrupt On Overflow instruction is available that will generate an interrupt in this situation. • If the Sign Flag (SF) is set, the high-order bit of the result is a 1. Since negative binary numbers are represented in standard two's complement notation, SF indicates the sign of the result (0 = positive, 1 =negative). • If the Parity Flag (PF) is set, the result has even parity, an even number of 1 bits. This flag can be used to check for data transmission errors. • If the Zero Flag (ZF) is set, the result of the operation is zero. Additional control flags (see Figure 2-5) can be set or cleared by programs to alter prpcessor operations: • Setting the Direction Flag (DF) causes string operations to auto-decrement. Strings are processed from high address to low address (or "right to left"). Clearing DF causes string operations to auto-increment. Strings are processed from low address to high address (or "left to right"). • Setting the Interrupt Enable Flag (IF) allows the CPU to recognize maskable external or internal interrupt requests. Clearing IF disables these interrupts. The Interrupt Enable Flag has no effect on software interrupts or non-maskable interrupts. • Setting the Trap Flag (TF) bit puts the processor into single-step mode for debugging. In this mode, the CPU automatically generates an interrupt after each instruction. This allows a program to be inspected instruction by instruction during execution. The status and control flags are contained in a 16-bit Processor Status Word (see Figure 2-5). Reset initializes the Processor Status Word to OFOOOH. I 2-7 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.1.7 Memory Segmentation Programs for the 8OC186 Modular Core family view the 1 Mbyte memory space as a group of user-defined segments. A segment is a logical unit of memory that can be up to 64 Kbytes long. Each segment is composed of contiguous memory locations. Segments are independent and separately addressable. Software assigns every segment a base address (starting location) in memory space. All segments begin on 16-byte memory boundaries. There are no other restrictions on segment locations. Segments can be adjacent, disjoint, partially overlapped or fully overlapped (see Figure 2-6). A physical memory location can be mapped into (covered by) one or more logical segments. 2-8 I intet~ OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Register Name: Processor Status Word Register Mnemonic: PSW (FLAGS) Register Function: Posts CPU status information. o 0 I T F F F F s Z F F Al035-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State OF Overflow Flag 0 If OF Is set, an arithmetic overflow has occurred. OF Direction Flag 0 If OF Is set, string Instructions are processed high address to low address. If OF Is clear, strings are processed low address to high address. IF Interrupt Enable Flag 0 If IF is set, the CPU recognizes maskable interrupt requests. If IF is clear, maskable Interrupts are ignored. TF Trap Flag 0 If TF is set, the processor enters single-step mode. SF Sign Flag 0 If SF is set, the high-order bit of the result of an operation Is 1, indicating It Is negative. ZF Zero Flag 0 If ZF Is set, the result of an operation Is zero. Function AF Auxiliary Flag 0 If AF Is set, there has been a carry from the low nibble to the high or a borrow from the high nibble to the low nibble of an a-bit quantity. Used In BCD operations. PF Parity Flag 0 If PF is set, the result of an operation has even parity. CF Carry Flag 0 If CF Is set, there has been a carry out of, or a borrow Into, the hlgh-order bit of the result of an instruction. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 2-5. Processor Status Word I 2-9 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Fully Overlapped Logical Segments ~t-----+--l---t-}--+-}---......I(} OH 10000H 20000H Physical Memory 30000H Al036-0A Figure 2-6. Segment Locations in Physical Memory The four segment registers point to four "currently addressable" segments (see Figure 2-7). The currently addressable segments provide a work space consisting of 64 Kbytes for code, a 64 Kbytes for stack and 128 Kbytes for data storage. Programs access code and data in another segment by updating the segment register to point to the new segment. 2.1.8 Logical Addresses It is useful to think of every memory location as having two kinds of addresses, physical and logical. A physical address is a 20-bit value that identifies a unique byte location in the memory space. Physical addresses range from OH to OFFFFFH. All exchanges between the CPU and memory use physical addresses. Programs deal with logical rather than physical addresses. Program code can be developed without prior knowledge of where the code will be located in memory. A logical address consists of a segment base value and an offset value. For any given memory location, the segment base value locates the first byte of the segment. The offset value represents the distance, in bytes, of the target location from the beginning of the segment. Segment base and offset values are unsigned 16-bit quantities. Many different logical addresses can map to the same physical location. In Figure 2-8, physical memory location 2C3H is contained in two different overlapping segments, one beginning at 2BOH and the other at 2COH. 2-10 I intet~ OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE FFFFFH A B Data: DS: B ~-------- Code: CS: E ~------1 Stack: SS: H ~--- Extra: ES: J ~, G D I I I I I I I I E L. G H 0 OH A1037-{)A Figure 2-7. Currently Addressable Segments The segment register is automatically selected according to the rules in Table 2-2. All information in one segment type generally shares the same logical attributes (e.g., code or data). This leads to programs that are shorter, faster and better structured. The Bus Interface Unit must obtain the logical address before generating the physical address. The logical address of a memory location can come from different sources, depending on the type of reference that is being made (see Table 2-2). Segment registers always hold the segment base addresses. The Bus Interface Unit determines which segment register contains the base address according to the type of memory reference made. However, the programmer can explicitly direct the Bus Interface Unit to use any currently . addressable segment (except for the destination operand of a string instruction). In assembly language, this is done by preceding an instruction with a segment override prefix. I 2-11 OVERVIEW OF THE aoC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE " ,.... " ,.... 2 C4H Physical Address 2C3H J " 2 C2H Offset (3H) 2 C1H Segment~ 2 COH Base 2 BFH 2 BEH 2 BOH 2 BCH 2 BBH Offset (13H) Logical Addresses 2 BAH 2 B9H 2 B8H 2 B7H 2 B6H 2 BSH 2 B4H 2 B3H 2 B2H 2 B1H - Segment Base 2 BOH " ~ " ~ Al038-0A Figure 2-8. Logical and Physical Address 2·12 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Table 2-2. Logical Address Sources Default Segment Base Alternate Segment Base Instruction Fetch CS NONE IP Stack Operation SS NONE SP Variable (except following) DS CS, ES, SS Effective Address Type of Memory Reference Offset String Source DS CS, ES, SS SI String Destination ES NONE DI BP Used as Base Register SS CS,DS,ES Effective Address Instructions are always fetched from the current code segment. The IP register contains the instruction's offset from the beginning of the segment. Stack instructions always operate on the current stack segment. The Stack Pointer (SP) register contains the offset of the top of the stack from the base of the stack. Most variables (memory operands) are assumed to reside in the current data segment, but a program can instruct the Bus Interface Unit to override this assumption. Often, the offset of a memory variable is not directly available and must be calculated at execution time. The addressing mode specified in the instruction determines how this offset is calculated (see "Addressing Modes" on page 2-27). The result is called the operand's Effective Address (EA). Strings are addressed differently than other variables. The source operand of a string instruction is assumed to lie in the current data segment. However, the program can use another currently addressable segment. The operand's offset is taken from the Source Index (SI) register. The destination operand of a string instruction always resides in the current extra segment. The destination's offset is taken from the Destination Index (DI) register. The string instructions automatically adjust the SI and DI registers as they process the strings one byte or word at a time. When an instruction designates the Base Pointer (BP) register as a base register, the variable is assumed to reside in the current stack segment. The BP register provides a convenient way to access data on the stack. The BP register can also be used to access data in any other currently addressable segment. 2.1.9 Dynamically Relocatable Code The segmented memory structure of the 80C 186 Modular Core family allows creation of dynamically relocatable (position-independent) programs. Dynamic relocation allows a multiprogramming or multitasking system to make effective use of available memory. The processor can write inactive programs to a disk and reallocate the space they occupied to other programs. A disk-resident program can then be read back into available memory locations and restarted whenever it is needed. If a program needs a large contiguous block of storage and the total amount is available only in non-adjacent fragments, other program segments can be compacted to free enough continuous space. This process is illustrated in Figure 2-9. I 2-13 OVERVIEW OF THE SOC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE After Relocation Before Relocation Code Segment 'I - Stack Segment r-- CS SS OS ES CS SS OS ES I-I- Code Segment Data Segment Stack Segment Data Segment Extra Segment Extra Segment " DFreespace Al039-0A Figure 2-9. Dynamic Code Relocation To be dynamically relocatable, a program must not load or alter its segment registers and must not transfer directly to a location outside the current code segment. All program offsets must be relative to the segment registers. This allows the program to be moved anywhere in memory, provided that the segment registers are updated to point to the new base addresses. 2-14 I intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.1.10 Stack Implementation Stacks in the 80C 186 Modular Core family reside in memory space. They are located by the Stack Segment register (SS) and the Stack Pointer (SP). A system can have multiple stacks, but only one stack is directly addressable at a time. A stack can be up to 64 Kbytes long, the maximum length of a segment. Growing a stack segment beyond 64 Kbytes overwrites the beginning of the segment. The SS register contains the base address of the current stack. The top of the stack, not the base address, is the origination point of the stack. The SP register contains an offset that points to the Top of Stack (TOS). Stacks are 16 bits wide. Instructions operating on a stack add and remove stack elements one word at a time. An element is pushed onto the stack (see Figure 2-10) by first decrementing the SP register by 2 and then writing the data word. An element is popped off the stack by copying it from the top of the stack and then incrementing the SP register by 2. The stack grows J!own in memory toward its base address. Stack operations never move or erase elements on the stack. The top of the stack changes only as a result of updating the stack pointer. 2.1.11 Reserved Memory and 110 Space Two specific areas in memory and one area in I/O space are reserved in the 8OC186 Core family. • Locations OH through 3FFH in low memory are used for the Interrupt Vector Table. Programs should not be loaded here. • Locations OFFFFOH through OFFFFFH in high memory are used for system reset code because the processor begins execution at OFFFFOH. • Locations OF8H through OFFH in I/O space are reserved for communication with other Intel hardware products and must not be used. On the 8OC186 core, these addresses are used as I/O ports for the 80C187 numerics processor extension. I 2-15 intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE POP AX POPBX Existing Stack ",r"' ",r"' , 112 1 34 ~-.... ~ "'~ 1 BB 1 AA I---i 11 1062 00 11 1060 22 33 1060 22 33 1ii '0 105E 44 55 105E 44 55 77 E 105B 66 77 77 88 99 105A 88 99 105B TOS .... 105A 66 =0 III 88 99 AA BB 1058 AA BB 1058 AA BB 34 12 1056 34 12 1054 45 67 1054 45 67 1052 89 AB 1052 89 AB 11 1060 22 33 105E 44 55 105B 66 105A TOS .... 1058 1056 01 23 1054 45 67 89 ~ ~ 0 I· ~ c:~ CD 0 III as !US Coc: '0 0 AB r'05O CD: EF :. z 1 10 50 SS I 00 08 I 1---- 00 00 1052 110 1 50 1062 1062 ' 1 PUSH AX SP TOS .... 1056 ..,i __ I 1 1 1 r'05O CD: EF : [050 : CD: EF 1 10 50 SS I 00 06 I SP I I 10 50 1SS 00 OA SP Stack operation for code sequence PUSH AX POP AX POPBX Al013-0A Figure 2-10. Stack Operation 2-16 I in1et 2.2 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE SOFTWARE OVERVIEW All 80C186 Modular Core family members execute the same instructions. This includes all the 8086/8088 instructions plus several additions and enhancements (see Appendix A, "8OC186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions"). The following sections describe the instructions by category and provide a detailed discussion of the operand addressing modes. Software for 80C186 core family systems need not be written in assembly language. The processor provides direct hardware support for programs written in the many high-level languages available. The hardware addressing modes provide straightforward implementations of based variables, arrays, arrays of structures and other high-level language data constructs. A powerful set of memory-to-memory string operations allow efficient character data manipulation. Finally, routines with critical performance requirements can be written in assembly language and linked with high-level code. 2.2.1 Instruction Set The 80C 186 Modular Core family instructions treat different types of operands uniformly. Nearly every instruction can operate on either byte or word data. Register, memory and immediate operands can be specified interchangeably in most instructions. Immediate values are exceptions: they must serve as source operands and not destination operands. Memory variables can be manipulated (added to, subtracted from, shifted, compared) without being moved into and out of registers. This saves instructions, registers and execution time in assembly language programs. In high-level languages, where most variables are memory-based, compilers can produce faster and shorter object programs. The 80C186 Modular Core family instruction set can be viewed as existing on two levels. One is the assembly level and the other is the machine level. To the assembly language programmer, the 80C186 Modular Core family appears to have about 100 instructions. One MOV (data move) instruction, for example, transfers a byte or a word from a register, a memory location or an immediate value to either a register or a memory location. The 80C186 Modular Core family CPUs, however, recognize 28 different machine versions of the MOV instruction. The two levels of instruction sets address two requirements: efficiency and simplicity. Approximately 300 forms of machine-level instructions make very efficient use of storage. For example, the machine instruction that increments a memory operand is three or four bytes long because the address of the operand must be encoded in the instruction. Incrementing a register, however, requires less information, so the instruction can be shorter. The 80C186 Core family has eight single-byte machine-level instructions that increment different 16-bit registers. The assembly level instructions simplify the programmer's view of the instruction set. The programmer writes one form of an INC (increment) instruction and the assembler examines the operand to determine which machine level instruction to generate. The following paragraphs provide a functional description of the assembly-level instructions. I 2-17 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE intet Data Transfer Instructions The instruction set contains 14 data transfer instructions. These instructions move single bytes and words between memory and registers. They also move single bytes and words between the AL or AX register and 110 ports. Table 2-3 lists the four types of data transfer instructions and their functions. Table 2-3. Data Transfer Instructions General-Purpose MOV Move byte or word PUSH Push word onto stack POP Pop word off stack PUSHA Push registers onto stack POPA Pop registers off stack XCHG Exchange byte or word XLAT Translate byte Input/Output IN Input byte or word OUT Output byte or word Address Object and Stack Frame LEA Load effective address LOS Load pOinter using OS LES Load pOinter using ES ENTER Build stack frame LEAVE Tear down stack frame Flag Transfer LAHF Load AH register from flags SAHF Store AH register in flags PUSHF Push flags from stack POPF Pop flags off stack Data transfer instructions are categorized as general purpose, input/output, address object and flag transfer. The stack manipulation instructions, used for transferring flag contents and instructions used for loading segment registers are also included in this group. Figure 2-11 shows the flag storage formats. The address object instructions manipulate the addresses of variables instead of the values of the variables. 2-18 I int:et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE LAHF S,Z,U,A,U,P,U,C SAHF 7 6 5 4 321 0 U = Undefined; Value is indeterminate o = Overflow Flag D = Direction Flag I = Interrupt Enable Flag T=Trap Flag S = Sign Flag Z = Zero Flag A = Auxiliary Carry Flag P = Parity Flag C = Carry Flag A1014-0A Figure 2-11. Flag Storage Format Arithmetic Instructions The arithmetic instructions (see Table 2-4) operate on four types of numbers: • Unsigned binary • Signed binary (integers) • Unsigned packed decimal • Unsigned unpacked decimal I 2-19 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Table 2-5 shows the interpretations of various bit patterns according to number type. Binary numbers can be 8 or 16 bits long. Decimal numbers are stored in bytes, two digits per byte for packed decimal and one digit per byte for unpacked decimal. The processor assumes that the operands in arithmetic instructions contain data that represents valid numbers for that instruction. Invalid data may produce unpredictable results. The Execution Unit analyzes the results of arithmetic instructions and adjusts status flags accordingly. Table 2-4. Arithmetic Instructions Addition ADD Add byte or word ADC Add byte or word with carry INC Increment byte or word by 1 AAA ASCII adjust for addition DAA Decimal adjust for addition Subtraction SUB Subtract byte or word SBB Subtract byte or word with borrow DEC Decrement byte or word by 1 NEG Negate byte or word CMP Compare byte or word AAS ASCII adjust for subtraction DAS Decimal adjust for subtraction Multiplication MUL Multiply byte or word unsigned IMUL Integer multiply byte or word AAM ASCII adjust for multiplication Division 2-20 DIV Divide byte or word unsigned IDIV Integer divide byte or word AAD ASCII adjust for division CBW Convert byte to word CWD Convert word to double-word I intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Table 2-5. Arithmetic Interpretation of 8-Bit Numbers Unsigned Binary Signed Binary Unpacked Decimal Packed Decimal Hex Bit Pattern 07 00000111 7 +7 7 7 89 10001001 137 -119 invalid 89 C5 11000101 197 -59 invalid invalid Bit Manipulation Instructions There are three groups of instructions for manipulating bits within bytes and words. These three groups are logical, shifts and rotates. Table 2-6 lists the bit manipulation instructions and their functions. Table 2-6. Bit Manipulation Instructions Logicals NOT "Not" byte or word AND "And" byte or word OR "Inclusive or" byte or word XOR "Exclusive or" byte or word TEST ''Test'' byte or word Shifts SHUSAL Shift logical/arithmetic left byte or word SHR Shift logical right byte or word SAR Shift arithmetic right byte or word Rotates ROL Rotate left byte or word ROR Rotate right byte or word RCL Rotate through carry left byte or word RCR Rotate through carry right byte or word Logical instructions include the Boolean operators NOT, AND, OR and exclusive OR (XOR), as well as a TEST instruction. The TEST instruction sets the flags as a result of a Boolean AND operation but does not alter either of its operands. Individual bits in bytes and words can be shifted either arithmetically or logically. Up to 32 shifts can be performed, according to the value of the count operand coded in the instruction. The count can be specified as an immediate value or as a variable in the CL register. This allows the shift count to be a supplied at execution time. Arithmetic shifts can be used to multiply and divide binary numbers by powers of two. Logical shifts can be used to isolate bits in bytes or words. I 2-21 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE intel· Individual bits in bytes and words can also be rotated. The processor does not discard the bits rotated out of an operand. The bits circle back to the other end of the operand. The number of bits to be rotated is taken from the count operand, which can specify either an immediate value or the CL register. The carry flag can act as an extension of the operand in two of the rotate instructions. This allows a bit to be isolated in the Carry Flag (CF) and then tested by a IC (jump if carry) or JNC (jump if not carry) instruction. String Instructions Five basic string operations process strings of bytes or words, one element (byte or word) at a time. Strings of up to 64 Kbytes can be manipulated with these instructions. Instructions are available to move, compare or scan for a value, as well as to move string elements to and from the accumulator. Table 2-7 lists the string instructions. These basic operations can be preceded by a one-byte prefix that causes the instruction to be repeated by the hardware, allowing long strings to be processed much faster than is possible with a software loop. The repetitions can be terminated by a variety of conditions. Repeated operations can be interrupted and resumed. Table 2-7. String Instructions REP Repeat REPElREPZ Repeat while equaVzero REPNElREPNZ Repeat while not equaVnot zero MOVSBIMOVSW Move byte string/word string MOVS Move byte or word string INS Input byte or word string OUTS Output byte or word string CMPS Compare byte or word string SCAS Scan byte or word string LODS Load byte or word string STOS Store byte or word string String instructions operate similarly in many respects (see Table 2-8). A string instruction can· have a source operand, a destination operand, or both. The hardware assumes that a source string resides in the current data segment. A segment prefix can override this assumption. A destination string must be in the current extra segment. The assembler does not use the operand names to address strings. Instead, the contents of the Source Index (SI) register are used as an offset to address the current element of the source string. The contents of the Destination Index (01) register are taken as the offset of the current destination string element. These registers must be initialized to point to the source and destination strings before executing the string instructions. The LOS, LES and LEA instructions are useful in performing this function. 2-22 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE String instructions automatically update the SI register, the DI register, or both, before processing the next string element. The Direction Flag (DF) determines whether the index registers are autoincremented (DF = 0) or auto-decremented (DF = I). The processor adjusts the DI, SI, or both registers by one for byte strings or by two for word strings. If a repeat prefix is used, the count register (CX) is decremented by one after each repetition of· the string instruction. The CX register must be initialized to the number of repetitions before the string instruction is executed. If the CX register is 0, the string instruction is not executed and control goes to the following instruction. Table 2-8. String Instruction Register and Flag Use SI Index (offset) for source string 01 Index (offset) for destination string ex Repetition counter AUAX Scan value Destination for LODS Source for STOS OF Direction Flag 0= auto-increment SI, 01 1 = auto-decrement SI, 01 ZF Scan/compare terminator Program Transfer Instructions The contents of the Code Segment (CS) and Instruction Pointer (IP) registers determine the instruction execution sequence in the 8OCl86 Modular Core family. The CS register contains the base address of the current code segment. The Instruction Pointer register points to the memory location of the next instruction to be fetched. In most operating conditions, the next instruction will already have been fetched and will be waiting in the CPU instruction queue. Program transfer instructions operate on the IP and CS registers. Changing the contents of these registers causes normal sequential operation to be altered. When a program transfer occurs, the queue no longer contains the correct instruction. The Bus Interface Unit obtains the next instruction from memory using the new IP and CS values. It then passes the instruction directly to the Execution Unit and begins refilling the queue from the new loc~tion. The 8OC186 Modular Core family offers four groups of program transfer instructions (see Table 2-9). These are unconditional transfers, conditional transfers, iteration control instructions and interrupt-related instructions. I 2-23 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Unconditional transfer instructions can transfer control either to a target instruction within the current code segment (intrasegment transfer) or to a different code segment (intersegment transfer). The assembler terms an intrasegment transfer SHORT or NEAR and an intersegment transfer FAR. The transfer is made unconditionally when the instruction is executed. CALL, RET and JMP are all unconditional transfers. CALL is used to transfer the program to a procedure. A CALL can be NEAR or FAR. A NEAR CALL stacks only the Instruction Pointer, while a FAR CALL stacks both the Instruction Pointer and the Code Segment register. The RET instruction uses the information pushed onto the stack to determine where to return when the procedure finishes. Note that the RET and CALL instructions must be the same type. This can be a problem when the CALL and RET instructions are in separately assembled programs. The JMP instruction does not push any information onto the stack. A JMP instruction can be NEAR or FAR. Conditional transfer instructions are jumps that mayor may not transfer control, depending on the state of the CPU flags when the instruction is executed. Each conditional transfer instruction tests a different combination of flags for a condition (see Table 2-10). If the condition is logically TRUE, control is transferred to the target specified in the instruction. If the condition is FALSE, control passes to the instruction following the conditional jump. All conditional jumps are SHORT. The target must be in the current code segment within -128 to +127 bytes of the next instruction's first byte. For example, JMP OOH causes a jump to the first byte of the next instruction. Jumps are made by adding the relative displacement of the target to the Instruction Pointer. All conditional jumps are self-relative and are appropriate for position-independent routines. 2-24 I int"et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Table 2-9. Program Transfer Instructions Conditional Transfers JAlJNBE Jump if above/not below nor equal JAE/JNB Jump if above or equal/not below JB/JNAE Jump if below/not above nor equal JBE/JNA Jump if below or equaVnot above JC Jump if carry JElJZ Jump if equal/zero JG/JNLE Jump if greater/not less nor equal JGElJNL Jump if greater or equal/not less JUJNGE Jump if less/not greater nor equal JLE/JNG Jump if less or equaVnot greater JNC Jump if not carry JNElJNZ Jump if not equaVnot zero JNO Jump if not overflow JNP/JPO Jump if not parity/parity odd JNS Jump if not sign JO Jump if overflow JP/JPE Jump if parity/parity even JS Jump if sign Unconditional Transfers CALL Call procedure RET Return from procedure JMP Jump Iteration Control LOOP Loop LOOPEILOOPZ Loop if equal/zero LOOPNEILOOPNZ Loop if not equaVnot zero JCXZ Jump if register CX=O Interrupts I INT Interrupt INTO Interrupt if overflow BOUND Interrupt if out of array bounds IRET Interrupt return 2-25 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Iteration control instructions can be used to regulate the repetition of software loops. These instructions use the ex register as a counter. Like the conditional transfers, the iteration control instructions are self-relative and can transfer only to targets that are within -128 to +127 bytes of themselves. They are SHORT transfers. The interrupt instructions allow programs and external hardware devices to activate interrupt service routines. The effect of a software interrupt is similar to that of a hardware-initiated interrupt. The processor cannot execute an interrupt acknowledge bus cycle if the interrupt originates in software or with an NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt). Table 2-10. Interpretation of Conditional Transfers Mnemonic Condition Tested "Jump if ••• " JAlJNBE (CF orZF)=O above/not below nor equal JAElJNB CF=O above or equal/not below JB/JNAE CF=1 below/not above nor equal JBElJNA (CF or ZF)=1 below or equal/not above JC CF=1 carry JElJZ ZF=1 equal/zero JG/JNLE «SF xor OF) or ZF)=O greater/not less nor equal JGElJNL (SF xor OF)=O greliter or equal/not less JLlJNGE (SF xor OF)=1 less/not greater nor equal JLE/JNG «SF xor OF) or ZF)=1 less or equal/not greater JNC CF=O not carry JNElJNZ ZF=O not equal/not zero JNO OF=O not overflow JNP/JPO PF=O not parity/parity odd JNS SF=O not sign JO OF=1 overflow JP/JPE PF=1 parity/parity equal JS SF=1 sign NOTE: The terms above and below refer to the relationship of two unsigned values; greater and less refer to the relationship of two signed values. 2-26 I intet~ OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Processor Control Instructions Processor control instructions (see Table 2-11) allow programs to control various CPU functions. Seven of these instructions update flags, four of them are used to synchronize the microprocessor with external events, and the remaining instruction causes the CPU to do nothing. Except for flag operations, processor control instructions do not affect the flags. Table 2-11. Processor Control Instructions Flag Operations STC Set Carry flag CLC Clear Carry flag CMC Complement Carry flag STD Set Direction flag CLD Clear Direction flag STI Set Interrupt Enable flag CLI Clear Interrupt Enable flag External Synchronization HLT Halt until interrupt or reset WAIT Wait for TEST pin active ESC Escape to external processor LOCK Lock bus during next instruction No Operation NOP 2.2.2 No operation Addressing Modes The 80C186 Modular Core family members access instruction operands in several ways. Operands can be contained either in registers, in the instruction itself, in memory or at I/O ports. Addresses of memory and I/O port operands can be calculated in many ways. These addressing modes greatly extend the flexibility and convenience of the instruction set. The following paragraphs briefly describe register and immediate modes of operand addressing. A detailed description of the memory and I/O addressing modes is also provided. Register and Immediate Operand Addressing Modes Usually, the fastest, most compact operand addressing forms specify only register operands. This is because the register operand addresses are encoded in instructions in just a few bits and no bus cycles are run (the operation occurs within the CPU). Registers can serve as source operands, destination operands, or both. I 2-27 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE intet~ Immediate operands are constant data contained in an instruction. Immediate data can be either 8 or 16 bits in length. Immediate operands are available directly from the instruction queue and can be accessed quickly. As with a register operand, no bus cycles need to be run to get an immediate operand. Immediate operands can be only source operands and must have a constant value. Memory Addressing Modes Although the Execution Unit has direct access to register and immediate operands, memory operands must be transferred to and from the CPU over the bus. When the Execution Unit needs to read or write a memory operand, it must pass an offset value to the Bus Interface Unit. The Bus Interface Unit adds the offset to the shifted contents of a segment register, producing a 20-bit physical address. One or more bus cycles are then run to access the operand. The offset that the Execution Unit calculates for memory operand is called the operand's Effective Address (EA). This address is an unsigned 16-bit number that expresses the operand's distance, in bytes, from the beginning of the segment in which it resides. The Execution Unit can calculate the effective address in several ways. Information encoded in the second byte of the instruction tells the Execution Unit how to calculate the effective address of each memory operand. A compiler or assembler derives this information from the instruction written by the programmer. Assembly language programmers have access to all addressing modes. The Execution Unit calculates the Effective Address by summing a displacement, the contents of a base register and the contents of an index register (see Figure 2-12). Any combination of these can be present in a given instruction. This allows a variety of memory addressing modes. 2-28 I int"et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Single Index Double Index Encoded in the Instruction EU Explicit in the Instruction .-------~----. Displacement 1 1______ - - - - - ' Assumed Unless Overridden by Prefix Effective Address BIU Physical Addr Al015-0A Figure 2-12. Memory Address Computation The displacement is an 8- or 16-bit number contained in the instruction. The displacement generally is derived from the position of the operand's name (a variable or label) in the program. The programmer can modify this value or explicitly specify the displacement. I 2-29 intet, OVERVIEW OF THE 8OC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE The BX or BP register can be specified as the base register for an effective address calculation. Similarly, either the SI or the DI register can be specified as the index register. The displacement value is a constant. The contents of the base and index registers can change during execution. This allows one instruction to access different memory locations depending upon the current values in the base or base and index registers. The default base register for effective address calculations with the BP register is SS, although DS or ES can be specified. Direct addressing is the simplest memory addressing mode (see Figure 2-13). No registers are involved, and the effective address is taken directly from the displacement of the instruction. Programmers typically use direct addressing to access scalar variables, With register indirect addressing, the effective address of a memory operand can be taken directly from one of the base or index registers (see Figure 2-14). One instruction can operate on various memory locations if the base or index register is updated accordingly. Any 16-bit general register can be used for register indirect addressing with the lMP or CALL instructions. In based addressing, the effective address is the sum of a displacement value and the contents of the BX or BP register (see Figure 2-15). Specifying the BP register as a base register directs the Bus Interface Unit to obtain the operand from the current stack segment (unless a segment override prefix is present). This makes based addressing with the BP register a convenient way to access stack data. I~--------~----------~----------r---------~ Opcode I Mod RIM I Displacement r---------~--------~~--------_r---------~ I EA I Al016-0A Figure 2-13. Direct Addressing 2-30 I in1et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Opcode Mod RIM BX or BP or SI or EA DI Al017-0A Figure 2-14. Register Indirect Addressing I Opcode --------- .. I Mod RIM I I Displacement I - - - - ______ 1 I BX ~ It or ~ + BP It I EA I Al018-0A Figure 2-15. Based Addressing Based addressing provides a simple way to address data structures that may be located in different places in memory (see Figure 2-16). A base register can be pointed at the structure. Elements of the structure can then be addressed by their displacements. Different copies of the same structure can be accessed by simply changing the base register. I 2-31 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILV ARCHITECTURE Displacement High Address Age Displacement Status Rate I-I I I I I I I I II I I I Vac Sick Dept Div Employee ~----------------~ Age Vac Sick Dept Div Employee Low Address A1019-0A Figure 2-16. Accessing a Structure with Based Addressing With indexed addressing, the effective address is calculated by summing a displacement and the contents of an index register (SI or DI, see Figure 2-17). Indexed addressing is often used to access elements in an array (see Figure 2-18). The displacement locates the beginning of the array, and the value of the index register selects one element. If the index register contains OOOOH, the processor selects the first element. Since all array elements are the same length, simple arithmetic on the register can select any element. 2-32 I intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE I Opcode ---------- I Mod RIM I I Displacement I - - - - ______ 1 I SI or DI + I I EA Al020-0A Figure 2-17. Indexed Addressing High Address Array (8) Array (7) Array (6) Array (5) Index Register Array (4) Index Register 14 Array (3) 2 Array (2) Array (1) Array (0) 1 Word Low Address Al021-0A Figure 2-18. Accessing an Array with Indexed Addressing I 2-33 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Based index addressing generates an effective address that is the sum of a base register, an index register and a displacement (see Figure 2-19). The two address components can be determined at execution time, making this a very flexible addressing mode. I Opcode -------- I Mod RIM I Displacement --------- BX or BP I I _I + It SI or DI ~ I + EA I A1022·OA Figure 2-19. Based Index Addressing Based index addressing provides a convenient way for a procedure to address an array located on a stack (see Figure 2-20). The BP register can contain the offset of a reference point on the stack. This is typically the top of the stack after the procedure has saved registers and allocated local storage. The offset of the beginning of the array from the reference point can be expressed by a displacement value. The index register can be used to access individual array elements. Arrays contained in structures and matrices (two-dimensional arrays) can also be accessed with based indexed addressing. String instructions do not use normal memory addressing modes to access operands. Instead, the index registers are used implicitly (see Figure 2-21). When a string instruction executes, the SI register must point to the first byte or word of the source string, and the 01 register must point to the first byte or word of the destination string. In a repeated string operation, the CPU will automatically adjust the SI and 01 registers to obtain subsequent bytes or words. For string instructions, the OS register is the default segment register for the SI register and the ES register is the default segment register for the 01 register. This allows string instructions to operate on data located anywhere within the 1 Mbyte address space. 2-34 I in1et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILV ARCHITECTURE High Address Displacement Parm2 Displacement Parm 1 IP Old BP OldBX Old AX Array (6) Index Register Array (5) 12 Array (4) Array (3) Array (2) Array (1) ----.-- Array (0) ----.-- I Cou~ I ~r---------~ --------------~ I ________________ J_ Temp Status ~ ~-------------rJ I I l _____________ J ~1word~ Low Address A1024-0A Figure 2-20. Accessing a Stacked Array with Based Index Addressing I 2-35 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Opcode ~__S_I__Ji----~-~I___s_ou_~_ce__EA __~ _I 01 Destination EA A1025-0A Figure 2·21. String Operand 110 Port Addressing Any memory operand addressing modes can be used to access an 110 port if the port is memorymapped. String instructions can also be used to transfer data to memory-mapped ports with an appropriate hardware interface. Two addressing modes.can be used to access ports located in the 110 space (see Figure 2-22). For direct 110 port addressing, the port number is an 8-bit immediate operand. This allows fixed access to ports numbered 0 to 255. Indirect 110 port addressing is similar to register indirect addressing of memory operands. The OX register contains the port number, which can range from 0 to 65,535. Adjusting the contents of the OX register allows one instruction to access any port in the I/O space. A group of adjacent ports can be accessed using a simple software loop that adjusts the value of the OX register. Port Address OX Direct Port Addressing Indirect Port Addressing Port Address A1026-0A Figure 2·22. 110 Port Addressing 2-36 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Data Types Used in the 80C186 Modular Core Family The 80C186 Modular Core family supports the data types described in Table 2-12 and illustrated in Figure 2-23. In general, individual data elements must fit within defined segment limits. Table 2·12. Supported Data Types Type Integer Description A signed 8- or 16-bit binary numeric value (signed byte or word). All operations assume a 2's complement representation. The 80C18? numerics processor extension, when added to an 80C186 Modular Core system, directly supports signed 32- and 64-bit integers (signed double-words and quad-words). The 80C188 Modular Core does not support the 80C18? Ordinal An unsigned 8- or 16-bit binary numeric value (unsigned byte or word). BCD A byte (unpacked) representation of a single decimal digit (0-9). ASCII A byte representation of alphanumeric and control characters using the ASCII standard. Packed BCD A byte (packed) representation of two decimal digits (0-9).One digit is stored in each nibble (4 bits) of the byte. String A contiguous sequence of bytes or words. A string can contain from 1 byte to 64 Kbytes. Pointer A 16- or 32-bit quantity. A 16-bit pointer consists of a 16-bit offset component; a 32-bit pointer consists of the combination of a 16-bit base component (selector) plus a 16-bit offset component. Floating Point A signed 32-, 64-, or 80-bit real number representation. The 80C18? numerics processor extension, when added to an 80C186 Modular Core system, directly supports floating point operands. The 80C188 Modular Core does not support the 80C18? I 2-37 OVE;RVIEW OF THE SOC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 7 Signed Byte 0 7 Iii iii iii Unsigned Byte Sign Bit .J L. Magnitude--.J 1514 +1 Signed Word II iii Sign Bit .J L.MSB 87 0 II I i I . I +2 2423 I I I I I I +1 1615 I I Sign Bit .J IL.MSB Signed Quad Word" i0 I L.MSB +1 Unsigned 15 i i I Ii Word I L.MSB 0 iii Ii iii i +3 31 i I L- Magnitude--.J t.=.:.::..::.:: Magmtude---..J Signed Double Word" I I I I I I 0 Ii 0 I Magnitude 0 87 II I i i i87 i I 0 I I Magnitude 63+7 +6 4847 +5 +4 3231 +3 +2 1615 +1 I I I II 0 0 I Sign Bit .J 'IL.MSB ---------Magnltude----------' 7 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) I +n BCD Digit Ii 7 ASCII 0 iii +1 I ••• 0 +n 7 Iii iii iii +n 7 ••• L---...I 7 +n 07 7 +1 07 Iii iii iii 31 Iii i I I 0 o iii iii oI L---...I 0 +1 7 Ii ••• ByteWord n POinter 0 Least Significant Digit iii Iii i I +3 I BCD Digit 0 Most Significant Digit String o i ASCII Character 1 ASCII Character 0 I ••• i +1 o iii Iii iii iii iii Iii i I o Iii iii 07 BCD Digit 1 ASCII Character n Packed BCD 7 Iii iii 2423 +2 iii 07 o o iii iii Byte Word 1 Byte Word 0 +1 o 1615 o I I I I Selector· - - - - " - - - - - O f f s e t - - - -....I I I I I I I I I I I I Iii I +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 0 Floating Ir=.-I--.---.----,---.---.--,.----,.---,----,r--'I Point" . . . 79 +9 Sign Bit .J L-Exponent--.......- - - - - - - - M a g n i t u d e - - - - - - - - - ' NOTE: 'Directly supported if the system contains an 80C187. Al027-0B Figure 2-23. 80C186 Modular Core Family Supported Data Types 2-38 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.3 INTERRUPTS AND EXCEPTION HANDLING Interrupts and exceptions alter program execution in response to an external event or an error condition. An interrupt handles asynchronous external events, for example an NMI. Exceptions result directly from the execution of an instruction, usually an instruction fault. The user can cause a software interrupt by executing an "INTn" instruction. The CPU processes software interrupts il! the same way that it handles exceptions. The 8OC186 Modular Core responds to interrupts and exceptions in the same way for all devices within the 80C 186 Modular Core family. However, devices-within the family may have different Interrupt Control Units. The Interrupt Control Unit handles all external interrupt sources and presents them to the 80C186 Modular Core via one maskable interrupt request (see Figure 2-24). This discussion covers only those areas of interrupts and exceptions that are common to the 80C 186 Modular Core family. The Interrupt Control Unit is proliferation-dependent; see Chapter 8, "Interrupt Control Unit," for additional information. NMI Maskable Interrupt Request Interrupt Control Unit CPU External Interrupt Sources Interrupt Acknowledge ~ Al028-0A. Figure 2-24. Interrupt Control Unit 2.3.1 Interrupt/Exception Processing The 80C 186 Modular Core can service up to 256 different interrupts and exceptions. A 256-entry Interrupt Vector Table (Figure 2-25) contains the pointers to interrupt service routines. Each entry consists of four bytes, which contain the Code Segment (CS) and Instruction Pointer (IP) of the first instruction in the interrupt service routine. Each interrupt or exception is given a type number, 0 through 255, corresponding to its position in the Interrupt Vector Table. Note that interrupt types 0-31 are reserved for Intel and should not be used by an application program. I 2-39 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Memory Address I, 3FE 3FC . Table Entry Vector Definition I} CS IP ·· Memory Address 25~ 2E Type 2C User , 2A Available 28 • 26 24 ~. 22 Type 31 20 : Reserved 1E , 1C • 1A .. Type 22 18 6 Type 21 14 -Serial 0 Trans 12 Type 20 10 c I~ - Serial 0 OE Type 1 - Timer 2 OC I~ OA pe 18 - Timer 1 08 ~ 06 Type 17 -INT4 04 i~ 02 Type 16 - Numerics 00 I~ (80C186EB only) CS IP CS IP CS IP CS 82ml · I IP CS IP 80 7E 7C , ·. I sA 52 ~ CS IP <6E) 5t..e: 5'f ..e S2-4A5b ...a .E..a 'Ie 44 cs IP CS IP cs IP CS IP '114<10£ liT; ~ tll1ee JIll ee cs qz. lit) 3E SA CS/ as ae !P' 3C e+ 3" 33' . IP ~/ / I.... /CS IP CS IP 2 Bytes / Type 15 - INT3 V'-,/ Table Entry IP/ ~ / III( /IP CS IP CS IP CS IP CS IP CS IP CS IP CS IP 2 Bytes Definiti~~ FY~Z. ... .. . .,.~ 1/ rze 9-11 - Reserved / Type 8 - Timer 0 I. Type 7 - ESC Opcode I. Type 6 - Unused I~ Opcode .. Type 5 - Array I~ Bounds .. Type 4 - Overflow I~ .. Type 3 - Breakpoint I~ "Type 2 - NMI I.. Type 1 - Single-Step .~ ~ Type 0 - Divide Error ..1 -I .~ Type 14 - INT2 ~ -I CS =Code Segment Value IP = Instruction Pointer Value A101D-01 ($1iF 7/11/15 ~).1!j~~ ) Figure 2-25. Interrupt Vector Table ( When an interrupt is acknowledged, a common event sequence (Figure 2-26) allows the processor to execute the interrupt service routine. 1. 2-40 The processor saves a partial machine status by pushing the Processor Status Word onto the stack. I in1et OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2. The Trap Flag bit and Interrupt Enable bit are cleared in the Processor Status Word. This prevents maskable interrupts or single step exceptions from interrupting the processor during the interrupt service routine. 3. The current CS and IP are pushed onto the stack. 4. The CPU fetches the new CS and IP for the interrupt vector routine from the Interrupt Vector Table and begins executing from that point. The CPU is now executing the interrupt service routine. The programmer must save (usually by pushing onto the stack) all registers used in the interrupt service routine; otherwise, their contents will be lost. To allow nesting of maskable interrupts, the programmer must set the Interrupt Enable bit in the Processor Status Word. When exiting an interrupt service routine, the programmer must restore (usually by popping off the stack) the saved registers and execute an IRET instruction, which performs the following steps. 1. Loads the return CS and IP by popping them off the stack. 2. Pops and restores the old Processor Status Word from the stack. The CPU now executes from the point at which the interrupt or exception occurred. I 2-41 intet~ OVERVIEW OF THE 8OC186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Stack ...-----..., Interrupt Enable Bit Trap Flag ® PSW CS SP Processor Status Word IP Code Segment Register ~------~ Instruction Pointer CS IP Interrupt Vector Table A1029-0A Figure 2-26. Interrupt Sequence Non-Maskable Interrupts The Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is the highest priority interrupt. It is usually reserved for a catastrophic event such as impending power failure. An NMI cannot be prevented (or masked) by software. When the NMI input is asserted, the interrupt processing sequence begins after execution of the current instruction completes (see "Interrupt Latency" on page 2-45). The CPU au• tomatically generates a type 2 interrupt vector. The NMI input is asynchronous. Setup and hold times are given only to guarantee recognition on a specific clock edge. To be recognized, NMI must be asserted for at least one CLKOUT period and meet the correct setup and hold times. NMI is edge-triggered and level-latched. Multiple NMI requests cause multiple NMI service routines to be executed. NMI can be nested in this manner an infinite number of times. 2-42 I intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Maskable Interrupts Maskable interrupts are the most common way to service external hardware interrupts. Software can globally enable or disable maskable interrupts. This is done by setting or clearing the Interrupt Enable bit in the Processor Status Word. The Interrupt Control Unit processes the multiple sources of maskable interrupts and presents them to the core via a single maskable interrupt input. The Interrupt Control Unit provides the interrupt vector type to the 80CI86 Modular Core. The Interrupt Control Unit differs among members of the 80CI86 Modular Core family; see Chapter 8, "Interrupt Control Unit," for information. Exceptions Exceptions occur when an unusual condition prevents further instruction processing until the exception is corrected. The CPU handles software interrupts and exceptions in the same way. The interrupt type for an exception is either predefined or supplied by the instruction. Exceptions are classified as either faults or traps, depending on when the exception is detected and whether the instruction that caused the exception can be restarted. Faults are detected and serviced before the faulting instruction can be executed. The return address pushed onto the stack in the interrupt processing instruction points to the beginning of the faulting instruction. This allows the instruction to be restarted. Traps are detected and serviced immediately after the instruction that caused the trap. The return address pushed onto the stack during the interrupt processing points to the instruction following the trapping instruction. Divide Error - Type 0 A Divide Error trap is invoked when the quotient of an attempted division exceeds the maximum value of the destination. A divide-by-zero is a common example. Single Step - Type 1 The Single Step trap occurs after the CPU executes one instruction with the Trap Flag (TF) bit set in the Processor Status Word. This allows programs to execute one instruction at a time. Interrupts are not generated after prefix instructions (e.g., REP), after instructions that modify segment registers (e.g., POP DS) or after the WAIT instruction. Vectoring to the single-step interrupt service routine clears the Trap Flag bit. An IRET instruction in the interrupt service routine restores the Trap Flag bit to logic "I" and transfers control to the next instruction to be single-stepped. I 2-43 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Breakpoint Interrupt -1)rpe 3 The Breakpoint Interrupt is a single-byte version of the INT instruction. It is commonly used by software debuggers to set breakpoints in RAM. Because the instruction is only one byte long, it can substitute for any instruction. Interrupt on Overflow -1)rpe 4 The Interrupt on Overflow trap occurs if the Overflow Flag (OF) bit is set in the Processor Status Word and the INTO instruction is executed. Interrupt on Overflow is a common method for handling arithmetic overflows conditionally. Array Bounds Check -1)rpe 5 An Array Bounds trap occurs when the array index is outside the array bounds during execution of the BOUND instruction (see Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions"). Invalid Opcode -1)rpe 6 Execution of an undefined opcode causes an Invalid Opcode trap. Escape Opcode -1)rpe 7 The Escape Opcode fault is used for floating point emulation. With 80C 186 Modular Core family members, this fault is enabled by setting the Escape Trap (ET) bit in the Relocation Register (see Chapter 4, "Peripheral Control Block"). When a floating point instruction is executed with the Escape Trap bit set, the Escape Opcode fault occurs, and the Escape Opcode service routine emulates the floating point instruction. If the Escape Trap bit is cleared, the CPU sends the floating point instruction to an external8OCl87. 8OC188 Modular Core Family members do not support the 8OC187 interface and always generate the Escape Opcode Fault. Numerics Coprocessor Fault -1)rpe 16 The Numerics Coprocessor fault is caused by an external 80C187 numerics coprocessor. The 80C187 reports the exception by asserting the ERROR pin. The 8OC186 Modular Core checks the ERROR pin only when executing a numerics instruction. A Numerics Coprocessor Fault indicates that the previous numerics instruction caused the exception. The 80C187 saves the address of the floating point instruction that caused the exception. The return address pushed onto the stack during the interrupt processing points to the numerics instruction that detected the exception. This way, the last numerics instruction can be restarted. 2-44 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.3.2 Software Interrupts A Software Interrupt is caused by executing an "INTn" instruction. The n parameter corresponds to the specific interrupt type to be executed. The interrupt type can be any number between 0 and 255. If the n parameter corresponds to an interrupt type associated with a hardware interrupt (NMI, Timers), the vectors are fetched and the routine is executed, but the corresponding bits in the Interrupt Status register are not altered. The CPU processes software interrupts and exceptions in the same way. Software interrupts, exceptions and traps cannot be masked. 2.3.3 Interrupt Latency Interrupt latency is the amount of time it takes for the CPU to recognize the existence of an interrupt. The CPU generally recognizes interrupts only between instructions or on instruction boundaries. Therefore, the current instruction must finish executing before an interrupt can be recognized. The worst-case 8OC186 instruction execution time is an integer divide instruction with segment override prefix. The instruction takes 69 clocks, assuming an 80C 186 Modular Core family member and a zero wait-state external bus. The execution time for an 80C188 Modular Core family member may be longer, depending on the queue. This is one factor in determining interrupt latency. In addition, the following are also factors in determining maximum latency: 1. The CPU does not recognize the Maskable Interrupt unless the Interrupt Enable bit is set. 2. The CPU does not recognize interrupts during HOLD. 3. Once communication is completely established with an 80C187, the CPU does not recognize interrupts until the numerics instruction is finished. The CPU can recognize interrupts only on valid instruction boundaries. A valid instruction boundary usually occurs when the current instruction finishes. The following is a list of exceptions: 1. MOVs and POPs referencing a segment register delay the servicing of interrupts until after the following instruction. The delay allows a 32-bit load to the SS and SP without an interrupt occurring between the two loads. 2. The CPU allows interrupts between repeated string instructions. If multiple prefixes precede a string instruction and the instruction is interrupted, only the one prefix preceding the string primitive is restored. 3. The CPU can be interrupted during a WAIT instruction. The CPU will return to the WAIT instruction. I 2-45 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 2.3.4 Interrupt Response Time Interrupt response time is the time from the CPU recognizing an interrupt until the first instruction in the service routine is executed. Interrupt response time is less for interrupts or exceptions which supply their own vector type. The maskable interrupt has a longer response time because the vector type must be supplied by the Interrupt Control Unit (see Chapter 8, "Interrupt Control Unit"). Figure 2-27 shows the events that dictate interrupt response time for the interrupts that supply their type. Note that an on-chip bus master, such as the DRAM Refresh Unit, can make use of idle bus cycles. This can increase interrupt response time. Clocks Idle 5 4 5 ReadlP Idle Read CS 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 Idle Push Flags Idle Push CS PushlP Idle First Instruction Fetch ...................................... From Interrupt Routine ~ Total 42 A1030-0A Figure 2-27. Interrupt Response Factors 2.3.5 Interrupt and Exception Priority Interrupts can be recognized only on valid instruction boundaries. If an NMI and a maskable interrupt are both recognized on the same instruction boundary, NMI has precedence. The maskable interrupt will not be recognized until the Interrupt Enable bit is set and it is the highest priority. 2-46 I intet OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Only the single step exception can occur concurrently with another exception. At most, two exceptions can occur at the same instruction boundary and one of those exceptions must be the single step. Single step is a special case; it is discussed on page 2-48. Ignoring single step (for now), only one exception can occur at any given instruction boundary. An exception has priority over both NMI and the maskable interrupt. However, a pending NMI can interrupt the CPU at any valid instruction boundary. Therefore, NMI can interrupt an exception service routine. If an exception and NMI occur simultaneously, the exception vector is taken, then is followed immediately by the NMI vector (see Figure 2-28). While the exception has higher priority at the instruction boundary, the NMI interrupt service routine is executed first. F=1 NMI Divide Error Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch Divide Error Vector Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch NMI Vector Execute NMI Service Routine IRET Execute Divide Service Routine IRET A1031-0A Figure 2-28. Simultaneous NMI and Exception I 2-47 OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Single step priority is a special case. If an interrupt (NMI or maskable) occurs at the same instruction boundary as a single step, the interrupt vector is taken first, then is followed immediately by the single step vector. However, the single step service routine is executed before the interrupt service routine (see Figure 2-29). If the single step service routine re-enables single step by executing the IRET, the interrupt service routine will also be single stepped. This can severely limit the real-time response of the CPU to an interrupt. To prevent the single-step routine from executing before a maskable interrupt, disable interrupts while single stepping an instruction, then enable interrupts in the single step service routine. The maskable interrupt is serviced from within the single step service routine and that interrupt service routine is not single-stepped. To prevent single stepping before an NMI, the single-step service routine must compare the return address on the stack to the NMI vector. If they are the same, return to the NMI service routine immediately without executing the single step service routine. NMI , Trap Flag Instruction I =1 Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch Divide Error Vector Trap Flag I =0 f , Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch Single Step Vector Execute Single Step Service Routine •••••• Trap Flag IRET =??? Al032-0A Figure 2-29. Simultaneous NMI and Single Step Interrupts The most complicated case is when an NMI, a maskable interrupt, a single step and another exception are pending on the same instruction boundary. Figure 2-30 shows how this case is prioritized by the CPU. Note that if the single-step routine sets the Trap Flag (TF) bit before executing the IRET instruction, the NMI routine will also be single stepped. 2-48 I OVERVIEW OF THE 80C186 FAMILV ARCHITECTURE Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) Trap Flag (TF) = 1 NMI =1 Timer Interrupt Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) Trap Flag (TF) =0 =0 Push PSW, CS, IP Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) Fetch NMI Vector Trap Flag (TF) =0 =0 Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch Divide Error Vector Push PSW, CS, IP Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) Fetch Single Step Vector Trap Flag (TF) =0 ...... =0 Execute Single Step Service Routine ~-------' IRET Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) = 0 Trap Flag (TF) = ??? Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) = 1 Trap Flag (TF) = X Push PSW, CS, IP Fetch Single Step Vector Interrupt Enable Bit (IE) Trap Flag (TF) =X =1 Execute Single Step Service Routine IRET A1034-0A Figure 2-30. Simultaneous NMI, Single Step and Maskable Interrupt I 2-49 3 Bus Interface Unit I in1et CHAPTER 3 BUS INTERFACE UNIT The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) generates bus cycles that prefetch instructions from memory, pass data to and from the execution unit, and pass data to and from the integrated peripheral units. The BIU drives address, data, status and control information to define a bus cycle. The start of a bus cycle presents the address of a memory or 110 location and status information defining the type of bus cycle. Read or write control signals follow the address and define the direction of data flow. A read cycle requires data to flow from the selected memory or 110 device to the BIU. In a write cycle, the data flows from the BIU to the selected memory or 110 device. Upon termination of the bus cycle, the BIU latches read data or removes write data. 3.1 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS AND DATA BUS The BIU has a combined address and data bus, commonly referred to as a time-multiplexed bus. Time multiplexing address and data information makes the most efficient use of device package pins. A system with address latching provided within the memory and 110 devices can directly connect to the address/data bus (or local bus). The local bus can be demultiplexed with a single set of address latches to provide non-multiplexed address and data information to the system. 3.2 ADDRESS AND DATA BUS CONCEPTS The programmer views the memory or 110 address space as a sequence of bytes. Memory space consists of 1 Mbyte, while 110 space consists of 64 Kbytes. Any byte can contain an 8-bit data element, and any two consecutive bytes can contain a 16-bit data element (identified as a word). The discussions in this section apply to both memory and 110 bus cycles. For brevity, memory bus cycles are used for examples and illustration. 3.2.1 16-Bit Data Bus The memory address space on a 16-bit data bus is physically implemented by dividing the address space into two banks of up to 512 Kbytes each (see Figure 3-1). One bank connects to the lower half of the data bus and contains even-addressed bytes (AO=O). The other bank connects to the upper half of the data bus and contains odd-addressed bytes (AO=1). Address lines A19:1 select a specific byte within each bank. AO and Byte High Enable (BHE) determine whether one bank or both banks participate in the data transfer. I 3-1 BUS INTERFACE UNIT Physical Implementation of the Address Space for 16-Bit Systems Physical Implementation of the Address Space for 8-Bit Systems 1 MByte 512 KBytes 512 KBytes FFFFF FFFFE FFFFF FFFFO FFFFE FFFFC ~ ~ 2 1 0 .. ~ '1'" I 07:0 A19:1 .... A19:0 P- -V .... 5 3 1 r:> 0- 4 2 0 :... AI. 1"- '1'" .... 7' 015:8 BHE 07:0 AO AllOTcw and Tow define the minimum data setup requirements. The value calculated by their respective equations must be greater than the device req~irements. To increase the calculated value, insert wait states. LA15:1 RD --------1 1/01:8 AD7:0 1/01:8 AD15:8 t--+--aWE t--+--aCS1 LAO WR SHE L-....t----O WE LCS ------_.-----aCS1 A1106-0A Figure 3-22. 16-Bit Bus ReadIWrlte Device Interface 3-24 I intet BUS INTERFACE UNIT The minimum device data hold time (from WR high) is defined by TDH' The calculated value must be greater than the minimum device requirements; however, the value can be changed only by decreasing the clock rate. Table 3-5. Write Cycle Critical Timing Parameters Memory Device Parameter Description Equation Twc Write cycle time 4T TAW Address valid to end of write strobe (WR high) 3T - TAOLTCH Tcw Chip enable (LCS) to end of write strobe (WR high) 3T TWR Write recover time TWHLH Tow Data valid to write strobe (WR high) 2T TOH Data hold from write strobe (WR high) TWHOX Twp Write pulse width TWLWH Twe and Twp define the minimum time (maximum frequency) a device can process write bus cycles. TWR determines the minimum time from the end of the current write cycle to the start of the next write cycle. All three parameters require that calculated values be &:~~~t~r.than device requirements. The calculated Twe and Twp values increase with the insertion of wait states. The calculated TWR value, however, can be changed only by decreasing the clock rate. 3.5.3 Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle Interrupt expansion is accomplished by interfacing the Interrupt Control Unit with a peripheral device such as the 82C59A Programmable Interrupt Controller. (See Chapter 8, "Interrupt Control Unit," for more information.) The BIU controls the bus cycles required to fetch vector information from the peripheral device, then passes the information to the CPU. These bus cycles, collectively known as Interrupt Acknowledge bus cycles, operate similarly to read bus cycles. However, instead of generating RD to enable the peripheral, the INTA signal is used. Figure 3-23 illustrates a typical Interrupt Acknowledge (or INTA) bus cycle. An Interrupt Acknowledge bus cycle consists of two consecutive bus cycles. LOCK is generated to indicate the sequential bus operation. The second bus cycle strobes vector information only from the lower half ofthe bus (D7:0).In a 16-bit bus system, D15:13 contain cascade address information and D12:8 float. . I 3-25 intet BUS INTERFACE UNIT T4 T2 T3 TI TI T1 TI T2 T3 T4 CLKOUT I I I I ALE 52:0 rn In I I I I I I I I I I I I INTAO INTA1 AD15:0 [AD7:0] I I LOCK i\ I I DT/R II I I I I I I DEN A19:16 [A 15:8] SHE -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \i I I I I I I I I I I I \ III I ! I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I II I I I i \i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \1I I I I I r I { I A15:8 are unknown A19:16 are driven low ~ RD,WR NOTE: Vector Type is read from AD7:0 only. Al064-0A Figure 3-23. Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle 3-26 I int:et BUS INTERFACE UNIT Figure 3-24 shows a typical 82C59A interface example. Bus ready must be provided to terminate both bus cycles in the interrupt acknowledge sequence. NOTE Due to an internal condition, external ready is ignored if the device is configured in Cascade mode and the Peripheral Control Block (PCB) is located at OOOOH in JIG space. In this case, wait states cannot be added to interrupt acknowledge bus cycles. However, you can add wait states to interrupt acknowledge cycles if the PCB is located at any other address. System Design Considerations Although ALE is generated for both bus cycles, the BIU does not drive valid address information. Actually, all address bits except A19:16 float during the time ALE becomes active (on both 8and 16-bit bus devices). Address-decoding circuitry must be disabled for Interrupt Acknowledge bus cycles to prevent erroneous operation. 82C59A Processor INTO 14-----1 . -c---- INT IRO • A I~--- \ RD I----~~ WR I----~~ GCSO , LA1~ /L--A AD7:0 1~7\rWR CS AO D7:0 _111...---------'\1- K~~---------------vr A1065·0A Figure 3-24. Typical 82C59A Interface I 3-27 BUS INTERFACE UNIT 3.5.4 HALT Bus Cycle Suspending the CPU reduces device power consumption and potentially reduces interrupt latency time. The HLT instruction initiates two events: l. Suspends the Execution Unit. 2. Instructs the BIU to execute a HALT bus cycle. The Idle or Powerdown power management mode (or the absence of both of them, known as Active Mode) affects the operation of the bus HALT cycle. The effects relating to BIU operation and the HALT bus cycle are described in this chapter. Chapter 5, "Clock Generation and Power Man~ agement," discusses the concepts of Active, Idle and Powerdown power management modes. After executing a HALT bus cycle, the BIU suspends operation until one of the following events occurs: • An interrupt is generated. • A bus HOLD is generated (except when Powerdown mode is enabled). • A refresh request is generated (except when Powerdown mode is enabled). Figure 3-25 shows the operation of a HALT bus cycle. The address/data bus either floats or drives during Tl, depending on the next bus cycle to be executed by the BIU. Under most instruction sequences, the BIU floats the address/data bus because the next operation would most likely be an instruction prefetch. However, if the HALT occurs just after a bus write operation, the address/data bus drives either data or address information during Tl. A19:16 continue to drive the previous bus cycle information under most instruction sequences (otherwise, they drive the next prefetch address). The BIU always operates in the same way for any given instruction sequence. The Chip-Select Unit prevents a programmed chip-select from going active during a HALT bus cycle. However, chip-selects generated by external decoder circuits must be disabled for HALT bus cycles. 3-28 I intelQt BUS INTERFACE UNIT After several TI bus states, all address/data, address/status and bus control pins drive to a known state when Powerdown or Idle Mode is enabled. The address/data and address/status bus pins force a low (0) state. Bus control pins force their inactive state. Figure 3-3 lists the state of each pin after entering the HALT bus state. Table 3-6. HALT Bus Cycle Pin States Pin State Pln(s) .rm Powerdown or Idle Mode I Powerdown or Idle Mode AD15:0 (AD7:0 for S·bit) Float Drive Zero A15:S (S-bit) Drive Address Drive Zero A19:16 Drive SH or Zero Drive Zero BHE (16-bit) Drive Last Value Drive One RD, WR, DEN, DTIR, RFSH (S-blt), S2:0 Drive One Drive One 3-29 intel~ BUS INTERFACE UNIT T1 TI TI CLKOUT ALE I 52:0 \ \ 011 / AD1S:0 [AD7:0] Note [A1S:8] Note A19:16 \ SHE [RF5H = 1] 7 NOTE: The AD15:0 [AD7:0] bus can be floating, driving a previous write data value, or driving the next instruction prefetch address value. For an 8-bit device, A15:8 either drives the previous bus address value or the next instruction prefetch address value. A1066-0A Figure 3·25. HALT Bus Cycle 3.5.5 Temporarily Exiting the HALT Bus State A refresh request or bus hold request causes the BID to exit the HALT bus state temporarily. This can occur only when in the Active or Idle power management mode. The BIU returns to the HALT bus state after it completes the desired bus operation. However, the BID does not execute another bus HALT cycle (i.e., ALE and bus cycle status are not regenerated). Figures 3-26 and 3-27 illustrate how the BID temporarily exits and then returns to the HALT bus state. 3-30 I BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT ....,'-- HOLD J HLDA _____--Ir _____ l AD15:0 ------------------~I~I--------------[ AD7:0 A15:SJ 1 A19:16 ------------~~~I-------------- CONTROL Note ______v_a_lid____-J~~I--------------- NOTE: A19:16 and control signals remain floating until a valid cycle occur (Le., the BIU exists HALT or a refresh bus cycle is generated.) A1067-0A Figure 3-26. Returning to HALT After a HOLD/HLDA Bus Exchange I 3-31 intet BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT ~ n ALE ---u 82:0 ---il \'--___-J! AD1S:0 ---il [AD7:0] [A1S:8] ---il A19:16 ---il R~~~ ~ I INote 1X Note 1 ~,--_ _ _A_1_9:_16_=_O_ _ _ __ Address -'-"Not;"2l\ - -- -Not; "3 -- -- f NOTE: 1. Previous bus cycle value. 2. Only occurs for SHE on the first refresh bus cycle after entering HALT. 3. SHE = 1 for 16-bit device, RFSH =0 for a-bit device. Al068-0A Figure 3-27. Returning to HALT After a Refresh Bus Cycle 3.5.6 Exiting HALT Any NMI or maskable interrupt forces the BID to exit the HALT bus state (in any power management mode). The first bus operations to occur after exiting HALT are read cycles to reload the CS:IP registers. Figure 3-28 and Figure 3-29 show how the HALT bus state is exited when an NMI or INTn occurs. 3-32 I int"et~ BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT ------I~ :~ l ALE .: 8 1/2 clocks to first vector fetch I .------, I ------I~I-4I------------~I~1--~ 82:0 I I ------I~I~I------------~I~I----~-------------- \'-----AD15:0 [AD7:0] I -----II ------II [A 15:8] Note ------II _ _ BHE [RF8H = 1] ------II A19: 16 ------II L.....-_.....J}--- II :: X II I II-I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Time is determi,ned by PDTMR NMI J\ (41/2 clocks mln;?t--_______________ NOTE: Previous bus cycle address value, A1069·0A Figure 3-28. Exiting HALT (Powerdown Mode) I 3-33 intet~ BUS INTERFACE UNIT Valid -2-=--=---=--=---=--=-- C§0-- ---n----+-E---_---_-- N~te -JX Address _ _--1Ir---_ _ _ _ _ _ _......:....:N.=..ot:.;:;e-=3;........_ _ _ _ _ Note 4 \ Note 3 \ 1. For NMI, delay =4112 clocks. For INTx, delay =7112 clocks (min). 2. If previous bus cycle was a read, bus will float. If previous bus cycle was a write, bus will drive data value. 3. Previous bus cycle value. 4. If previous bus cycle was a refresh cycle, value will be 8H (A19 = 1); otherwise, value will be O. A1070·0A Figure 3-29. Exiting HALT (Active/Idle Mode) 3.6 SYSTEM DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Most system designs require no signals other than those already provided by the BIU. However, heavily loaded bus conditions, slow memory or peripheral device performance and off-board device interfaces may not be supported directly without modifying the BIU interface. The following sections deal with topics to enhance or modify the operation of the BIU. 3-34 I intet 3.6.1 BUS INTERFACE UNIT Buffering the Data Bus The BIU generates two control signals, DEN and DTIR, to control bidirectional buffers or transceivers. The timing relationship of DEN and DTIR is shown in Figure 3-30. The following conditions require transceivers: • The capacitive load on the address/data bus gets too large. • The current load on the address/data bus exceeds device specifications. • Additional VOL and V OH drive is required. • A memory or 110 device cannot float its outputs in time to prevent bus contention, even at reset. T2 T1 T3 T4 T1 CLKOUT \\.-_ _---11 RD,WR DT/R DEN ~ _ _ _ -oJI . \ \ _\"---__. .1. . _/ Write Cycle Operation Read Cycle Operation Al094-AO Figure 3-30. DEN and DT/R Timing Relationships The circuit shown in Figure 3-31 illustrates how to use transceivers to buffer the address/data bus. The connection between the processor and the transceiver is known as the local bus. A connection between the transceiver and other memory or 110 devices is known as the buffered bus. Afully buffered system has no devices attached to the local bus. A partially buffered system has devices on both the local and buffered buses. I 3-35 intet BUS INTERFACE UNIT ALE A19:1V Processor Latch Address Bus ~ V Address -- - DT/R DEN -=> CPU Local Bus Transceiver ~a1aB~ Data Memory or CS ~ 1/0 Device Buffered Bus A1095-0A Figure 3-31. Buffered AD Bus System In a fully buffered system, DEN directly drives the transceiver output enable. A partially buffered system requires that DEN be qualified with another signal to prevent the transceiver from going active for local bus accesses. Figure 3-32 illustrates how to use chip-selects to qualify DEN. DTtR always connects directly to the transceiver. However, an inverter may be required if the polarity of DTtR does not match the transceiver. DTtR goes 19w (0) only for memory and I/O read, instruction prefetch and interrupt acknowledge bus cycles. 3-36 I BUS INTERFACE UNIT AD15:8 DEN GCSO 8/ A / ~ L/ -... OE ---.. T AD7:0 8/ , / D15:8 Buffer' Buffered Data Bus A OE DT/R 8/ B B ,8/ ... D7:0 ... T Buffer 8/ / 8/ / } Local Data Bus Al096-01 Figure 3-32. Qualifying DEN with Chip-Selects 3.6.2 Synchronizing Software and Hardware Events The execution sequence of a program and hardware events occurring within a system are often asynchronous to each other_ In some systems there may be a requirement to suspend program execution until an event (or events) occurs, then continue program execution. One way to synchronize software execution with hardware events requires the use of interrupts. Executing a HALT instruction suspends program execution until an unmasked interrupt occurs. However, there is a delay associated with servicing the interrupt before program execution can proceed. Using the WAIT instruction removes the delay associated with servicing interrupts_ I 3-37 BUS INTERFACE UNIT The WAIT instruction suspends program execution until one of two events occurs: an interrupt is generated, or the TEST input pin is sampled low. Unlike interrupts, the TEST input pin does not require that program execution be transferred to a new location (i.e., an interrupt routine is not executed). In processing the WAIT instruction, program execution remains suspended as long as TEST remains high (at least until an interrupt occurs). When TEST is sampled low, program execution resumes. The TEST input and WAIT instruction provide a mechanism to delay program execution until a hardware event occurs, without having to absorb the delay associated with servicing an interrupt. 3.6.3 Using a Locked Bus To address the problems of controlling accesses to shared resources, the BIU provides a hardware LOCK output. The execution of a LOCK prefix instruction activates the LOCK output. LOCK goes active in phase 1 of TI of the first bus cycle following execution of the LOCK prefix instruction. It remains active until phase 1 of TI of the first bus cycle following the execution of the instruction following the LOCK prefix. To provide bus access control in multiprocessor systems, the LOCK signal should be incorporated into the system bus arbitration logic residing in the CPU. During normal multiprocessor system operation, priority of the shared system bus is determined by the arbitration circuits on a cycle by cycle basis. As each CPU requires a transfer over the system bus, it requests access to the bus via its resident bus arbitration logic. When the CPU gains priority (determined by the system bus arbitration scheme and any associated logic), it takes control of the bus, performs its bus cycle and either maintains bus control, voluntarily releases the bus or is forced off the bus by the loss of priority. The lock mechanism prevents the CPU from losing bus control (either voluntarily or by force) and guarantees that the CPU can execute multiple bus cycles without intervention and possible corruption of the data by another CPU. A classic use of the mechanism is the "TEST and SET semaphore," during which a CPU must read from a shared memory location and return data to the location without allowing another CPU to reference the same location during the test and set operations. Another application of LOCK for multiprocessor systems consists of a locked block move, which allows high speed message transfer from one CPU's message buffer to another. During the locked instruction (i.e., while LOCK is active), a bus hold or refresh request is recorded, but is not acknowledged until completion of the locked instruction. However, LOCK has no effect on interrupts. As an example, a locked HALT instruction causes bus hold or refresh bus requests to be ignored, but still allows the CPU to exit the HALT state on an interrupt. 3-38 I BUS INTERFACE UNIT In general, prefix bytes (such as LOCK) are considered extensions of the instructions they precede. Interrupts and refresh requests that occur during execution of the prefix are not acknowledged until the instruction following the prefix completes (except for instructions that are servicing interrupts during their execution, such as HALT, WAIT and repeated string primitives). Note that multiple prefix bytes can precede an instruction. Another example is a string primitive preceded by the repetition prefix (REP), which can be interrupted after each execution of the string primitive, even if the REP prefix is combined with the LOCK prefix. This prevents interrupts from being locked out during a block move or other repeated string operations. However, bus hold and refresh requests remain locked out until LOCK is removed (either when the block operation completes or after an interrupt occurs). 3.7 MULTI-MASTER BUS SYSTEM DESIGNS The BIU supports protocols for transferring control of the local bus between itself and other devices capable of acting as bus masters. To support such a protocol, the BIU uses a hold request input (HOLD) and a hold acknowledge output (HLDA) as bus transfer handshake signals. To gain control of the bus, a device asserts the HOLD input, then waits until the HLDA output goes active before driving the bus. After HLDA goes active, the requesting device can take control of the local bus and remains in control of the bus until HOLD is removed. 3.7.1 Entering Bus HOLD In responding to the hold request input, the BIU floats the entire address and data bus, and many of the control signals. Figure 3-33 illustrates the timing sequence when acknowledging the hold request. Table 3-7 lists the states of the BIU pins when HLDA is asserted. All device pins not mentioned in Table 3-7 or shown in Figure 3-33 remain either active (e.g., CLKOUT and T1 OUT) or inactive (e.g., UCS and INTA). Refer to the data sheet for specific details of pin functions during a bus hold. I 3-39 BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT HOLD HLDA AD15:0 DEN A19:16 RD,W~ DT/R S2:0,BHE LOCK NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. T CLiS T CHOF T CLOF T CLOY : HOLD input to clock low : Clock high to output float : Clock low to output fl?at : Clock low to HLDA high Al097-0A Figure 3-33. Timing Sequence Entering HOLD Table 3-7. Signal Condition Entering HOLD Signal HOLD Condition A19:16, S2:0, RD, WR, DT/R, BHE (RFSH), LOCK These signals float one-half clock before HLDA is generated (Le., p'hase 2). AD15:0 (16-bit), AD7:0 (S-bit), A15:S (S-bit), DEN These signals float during the same clock in which HLDA is generated (Le., phase 1). HOLD Bus Latency The duration between the time that the external device asserts HOLD and the time that the BIU asserts HLDA is known as bus latency. In Figure 3-33, the two-clock delay between HOLD and HLDA represents the shortest bus latency. Normally this occurs only if the bus is idle or halted or if the bus hold request occurs just before the BIU begins another bus cycle. 3-40 I in1et BUS INTERFACE UNIT The major factors that influence bus latency are listed below (in order from longest delay to shortest delay). 1. Bus Not Ready serviced. 2. Locked Bus Cycle - As long as LOCK remains asserted, a bus hold request cannot be serviced. Performing a locked move string operation can take several thousands of clocks. 3. Completion of Current Bus Cycle - A bus hold request cannot be serviced until the current bus cycle completes. A bus hold request will not separate bus cycles required to move odd-aligned word data. Also, bus cycles with long wait states will delay the servicing of a bus hold request. 4. Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle - A bus hold request is not serviced until after an INTA bus cycle has completed. An INTA bus cycle drives LOCK active. 5. Refresh Bus Cycles - A bus hold request is not serviced until after the refresh bus cycle has completed. Refresh bus cycles have a higher priority than hold bus requests. As long as the bus remains not ready, a bus hold request cannot be Refresh Operation During a Bus HOLD Under normal operating conditions, once HLDA has been asserted it remains asserted until HOLD is removed. However, when a refresh bus request is generated, the HLDA output is removed (driven low) to signal the need for the BIU to regain control of the local bus. The BIU does not gain control of the bus until HOLD is removed. This procedure prevents the BID from just arbitrarily regaining control of the bus. Figure 3-34 shows the timing associated with the occurrence of a refresh request while HLDA is active. Note that HLDA can be as short as one clock in duration. This happens when a refresh request occurs just after HLDA is granted. A refresh request has higher priority than a bus hold request; therefore, when the two occur simultaneously, the refresh request occurs before HLDA becomes active. I 3-41 BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT HOLD HLDA AD15:0 DEN RD,WR, BHE, 52:0 DT/R, -------1 -------4 \-__________-{ ~______ A19:16 LOCK NOTES: 1. : HLDA is deasserted, signaling need to run refresh bus cycle 2. : External bus master terminates use of the bus 3. : HOLD deasserted 4. : Hold may be reasserted after one clock 5. : BIU runs refresh cycle . A109B'()A Figure 3-34. Refresh Request During HOLD The device requesting a bus hold must be able to detect a HLDA pulse that is one clock in duration. A bus lockup (hang) condition can result if the requesting device fails to detect the short HLDA pulse and continues to wait for HLDA to be asserted while the BIU waits for HOLD to be deasserted. The circuit shown in Figure 3-35 can be used to latch HLDA. 3-42 I BUS INTERFACE UNIT +5 +5 PRE D QI---- Latched HLDA HLDA CLR RESOUT HOLD A1310-0A Figure 3-35. Latching HLDA The removal of HOLD must be detected for at least one clock cycle to allow the BIU to regain the bus and execute a refresh bus cycle- Should HOLD go active before the refresh bus cycle is complete, the BIU will release the bus and generate HLDA. 3.7.2 Exiting HOLD Figure 3-36 shows the timing associated with exiting the bus hold state_ Normally a bus operation (e.g., an instruction prefetch) occurs just after HOLD is released. However, if no bus cycle is pending when leaving a bus hold state, the bus and associated control signals remain floating, if the system is in normal operating mode. (For signal states associated with Idle and Powerdown modes, see "Temporarily Exiting the HALT Bus State" on page 3-30). I 3-43 intet~ BUS INTERFACE UNIT CLKOUT HOLD HLDA AD15:0 DEN RD, WR, SHE, DT IR, 82:0, A19:16 NOTES: 1. T CLiS : HOLD recognition setup to clock low : HOLD internally synchronized 3. T CLOV : Clock low to HLDA low 4. T CHOV : Clock high to signal active (high or low) 5. T CLOV : Clock low to signal active (high or low) 2.~ A1099·0A Figure 3-36. Exiting HOLD 3.8 BUS CYCLE PRIORITIES The BIU arbitrates requests for bus cycles from the Execution Unit, the integrated peripherals (e.g., Interrupt Control Unit) and external bus masters (Le., bus hold requests). The list below summarizes the priorities for all bus cycle requests (from highest to lowest). 1. Instruction execution read/write following a non-pipelined effective address calculation. 2. Refresh bus cycles. 3. Bus hold request. 4. Single step interrupt vectoring sequence. S. Non-Maskable interrupt vectoring sequence. 3-44 I intet, BUS INTERFACE UNIT 6. Internal error (e.g., divide error, overflow) interrupt vectoring sequence. 7. Hardware (e.g., INTO) interrupt vectoring sequence. 8. 8OC187 Math Coprocessor error interrupt vectoring sequence. 9. General instruction execution. This category includes read/write operations following a pipelined effective address calculation, vectoring sequences for software interrupts and numerics code execution. The following points apply to sequences of related execution cycles. - The second read/write cycle of an odd-addressed word operation is inseparable from the first bus cycle. - The second read/write cycle of an instruction with both load and store accesses (e.g., XCHG) can be separated from the frrst cycle by other bus cycles. - Successive bus cycles of string instructions (e.g., MOVS) can be separated by other bus cycles. - When a locked instruction begins, its associated bus cycles become the highest priority and cannot be separated (or preempted) until completed. 10. Bus cycles necessary to fill the prefetch queue. I 3-45 intel· 4 Peripheral Control Block I CHAPTER·· 4 PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLoak: All integrated peripherals in the 80C186 Modular Core family are controlled by sets of registers within an integrated Peripheral Control Block (PCB). The peripheral control registers are physically located in the peripheral devices they control, but they are addressed as a single block of registers. The Peripheral Control Block encompasses 256 contiguous bytes and can be located on any 256-byte boundary of memory or 110 space. The PCB Relocation Register, which is also located within the Peripheral Control Block, controls the location of the PCB. 4.1 PERIPHERAL CONTROL REGISTERS Each of the integrated peripherals' control and status registers is located at a fixed offset above the programmed base location of the Peripheral Control Block (see Table 4-1). These registers are described in the chapters that cover the associated peripheral. "Accessing the Peripheral Control Block" on page 4-4 discusses how the registers are accessed and outlines considerations for reading and writing them. 4.2 PCB RELOCATION REGISTER In addition to control registers for the integrated peripherals, the Peripheral Control Block contains the PCB Relocation Register (Figure 4-1). The Relocation Register is located at a fixed offset within the Peripheral Control Block (Table 4-1). If the Peripheral Control Block is moved, the Relocation Register also moves. The PCB Relocation Register allows the Peripheral Control Block to be relocated to any 256-byte boundary within memory or 110 space. The Memory 110 bit (MEM) selects either memory space or 110 space, and the R19:8 bits specify the starting (base) address of the PCB. The remaining bit, Escape Trap (ET), controls access to the math coprocessor interface. "Setting the PCB Base Location" on page 4-6 describes how to set the base location and outlines some restrictions on the Peripheral Control Block location. I 4-1 PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK Register Name: PCB Relocation Register Register Mnemonic: RELREG Register Function: Relocates the PCB within memory or 1/0 space. o R R R R 111 1 9 876 R R R 1 1 1 543 R 1 2 R R R R 1 1 9 8 1 0 A1263-0A Bit Mnemonic Reset State BltName Function ET Escape Trap 0 The ET bit controls access to the math coprocessor. If ET Is set, the CPU will trap (resulting In a Type 7 Interrupt) when an ESC Instruction is executed. NOTE: The 8-blt bus version of the device automatically traps an ESC opcode to the Type 7 Interrupt, regardless of the state of the ET bit. MEM Memory 1/0 0 The MEM bit specifies the PCB location. Set MEM to locate the PCB In memory space, or clear it to locate the PCB In I/O space. R19:8 PCB Base Address Upper Bits OFFH R19:8 define the upper address bits of the PCB base address. All lower bits are zero. R19:16 are Ignored when the PCB is mapped to I/O space. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 4-1. PCB Relocation Register 4-2 I PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK Table 4-1. Peripheral Control Block PCB Offset I Function PCB Offset Function PCB Offset Function PCB Offset Function OOH Reserved 40H T2CNT 80H GCSOST COH 02H EOI 42H T2CMPA 82H GCSOSP C2H Reserved 04H POLL 44H Reserved 84H GCS1ST C4H Reserved 06H POLLSTS 46H T2CON 86H GCS1SP C6H Reserved Reserved 08H IMASK 48H Reserved 88H GCS2ST C8H Reserved OAH PRIMSK 4AH Reserved 8AH GCS2SP CAH Reserved OCH INSERV 4CH Reserved 8CH GCS3ST CCH Reserved OEH REQST 4EH Reserved 8EH GCS3SP CEH Reserved 10H INSTS 50H P1DIR 90H GCS4ST DOH Reserved 12H TCUCON 52H P1PIN 92H GCS4SP D2H Reserved 14H SCUCON 54H P1CON 94H GCS5ST D4H Reserved 16H 14CON 56H P1LTCH 96H GCS5SP D6H Reserved 18H IOCON 58H P2DIR 98H GCS6ST D8H Reserved 1AH 11CON 5AH P2PIN 9AH GCS6SP DAH Reserved 1CH 12CON 5CH P2CON 9CH GCS7ST DCH Reserved 1EH 13CON 5EH P2LTCH 9EH GCS7SP DEH Reserved 20H Reserved 60H BOCMP AOH LCSST EOH Reserved 22H Reserved 62H BOCNT A2H LCSSP E2H Reserved 24H Reserved 64H SOCON A4H UCSST E4H Reserved 26H Reserved 66H SOSTS A6H UCSSP E6H Reserved 28H Reserved 68H SORBUF A8H RELREG E8H Reserved 2AH Reserved 6AH SOTBUF AAH Reserved EAH Reserved 2CH Reserved 6CH Reserved ACH Reserved ECH Reserved 2EH Reserved 6EH Reserved AEH Reserved EEH Reserved 30H TOCNT 70H B1CMP BOH RFBASE FOH Reserved 32H TOCMPA 72H B1CNT B2H RFTIME F2H Reserved 34H TOCMPB 74H S1CON B4H RFCON F4H Reserved 36H TOCON 76H S1STS B6H RFADDR F6H Reserved 38H T1CNT 78H S1RBUF B8H PWRCON F8H Reserved 3AH T1CMPA 7AH S1TBUF BAH Reserved FAH Reserved 3CH T1CMPB 7CH Reserved BCH STEPID FCH Reserved 3EH T1CON 7EH Reserved BEH Reserved FEH Reserved 4-3 int"et PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK 4.3 RESERVED LOCATIONS Many locations within the Peripheral Control Block are not assigned to any peripheral. Unused locations are reserved. Reading from these locations yields an undefined result. If reserved registers are written (for example, during a block MOV instruction) they must be set to OR. NOTE Failure to follow this guideline could result in incompatibilities with future 80Cl86 Modular Core family products. 4.4 ACCESSING THE PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK All communication between integrated peripherals and the Modular CPU Core occurs over a special bus, called the F-Bus, which always carries 16-bit data. The Peripheral Control Block, like all integrated peripherals, is always accessed 16 bits at a time. 4.4.1 Bus Cycles The processor runs an external bus cycle for any memory or 110 cycle accessing a location within the Peripheral Control Block. Address, data and control information is driven on the external pins as with an ordinary bus cycle. Information returned by an external device is ignored, even if the access does not correspond to the location of an integrated peripheral control register. This is also true for the 80CI88 Modular Core family, except that word accesses made to integrated registers are performed in two bus cycles. 4.4.2 READY Signals and Wait States The processor generates an internal READY signal whenever an integrated peripheral is accessed. External READY is ignored. READY is also generated if an access is made to a location within the Peripheral Control Block that does not correspond to an integrated peripheral control register. For accesses to timer control and counting registers, the processor inserts one wait state. This is required to properly multiplex processor and counter element accesses to the timer control registers. For accesses to the remaining locations in the Peripheral Control Block, the processor does not insert wait states. 4-4 I PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK 4.4.3 F-Bus Operation The F-Bus functions differently than the external data bus for byte and word accesses. All write transfers on the F-Bus occur as words, regardless of how they are encoded. For example, the instruction OUT OX, AL (OX is even) will write the entire AX register to the Peripheral Control Block register at location [OX]. If OX were an odd location, AL would be placed in [OX] and AH would be placed at [OX-I]. A word operation to an odd address would write [OX] and [OX1] with AL and AH, respectively. This differs from normal external bus operation where unaligned word writes modify [OX] and [OX+ 1]. In summary, do not use odd-aligned byte or word writes to the PCB. Aligned word reads work normally. Unaligned word reads work differently. For example, IN AX, OX (OX is odd) will transfer [OX] into AL and [OX-I] into AH. Byte reads from even or odd addresses work normally, but only a byte will be read. For example, IN AL, OX will not transfer [OX] into AX (only AL is modified). No problems will arise if the following recommendations are adhered to. Word reads Aligned word reads of the PCB work normally. Access only evenaligned words with IN AX, OX or MOV word register, even PCB address. Byte reads Byte reads of the PCB work normally. Beware of reading word-wide PCB registers that may change value between successive reads (e.g., timer count value). Word writes Always write even-aligned words to the PCB. Writing an oddaligned word will give unexpected results. For the 80CI86 Modular Core, use either - OUT OX, AX or - OUT OX, AL or - MOV even PCB address, word register. For the 80CI88 Modular Core, using OUT OX, AX will perform an unnecessary bus cycle and is not recommended. Use either - OUT OX, AL or - MOV even-aligned byte PCB address, byte register low byte. Byte writes I Always use even-aligned byte writes to the PCB. Even-aligned byte writes will modify the entire word PCB location. Do not perform unaligned byte writes to the PCB. 4-5 PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK Writing the PCB Relocation Register Whenever mapping the Peripheral Control Block to another location, the user should program the Relocation Register with a byte write (Le., OUT DX, AL). Internally, the Relocation Register is written with 16 bits of the AX register, while externally the Bus Interface Unit runs a single 8-bit bus cycle. If a word instruction (i.e., OUT DX, AX) is used with an 80C188 Modular Core family member, the Relocation Register is written on the first bus cycle. The Bus Interface Unit then runs an unnecessary second bus cycle. The address of the second bus cycle is no longer within the control block, since the Peripheral Control Block was moved on the first cycle. External READY must now be generated to complete the cycle. For this reason, we recommend byte operations for the Relocation Register. Accessing the Peripheral Control Registers Byte instructions should be used for the registers in the Peripheral Control Block of an 80C188 Modular Core family member. This requires half the bus cycles of word operations. Byte operations are valid only for even-addressed writes to the Peripheral Control Block. A word read (e.g., IN AX, DX) must be performed to read a 16-bit Peripheral Control Block register when possible. Accessing Reserved Locations Unused locations are reserved. If a write is made to these locations, a bus cycle occurs, but data is not stored. If a subsequent read is made to the same location, the value written is not read back. If reserved registers are written (for example, during a block MOV instruction) they must be cleared to OH. NOTE Failure to follow this guideline could result in incompatibilities with future 80C186 Modular Core family products. 4.5 SETTING THE PCB BASE LOCATION Upon reset, the PCB Relocation Register (see Figure 4-1 on page 4-2) contains the value OOFFH, which causes the Peripheral Control Block to be located at the top of I/O space (OFFOOH to OFFFFH). Writing the PCB Relocation Register allows the user to change that location. 4-6 I in1et PERIPHERAL CONTROL BLOCK As an example, to relocate the Peripheral Control Block to the memory range lOOOO-lOOFFH, the user would program the PCB Relocation Register with the value llOOH. Since the Relocation Register is part of the Peripheral Control Block, it relocates to word lOOOOH plus its fixed offset. NOTE Due to an internal condition, external ready is ignored if the device is configured in Cascade mode and the Peripheral Control Block (PCB) is located at OOOOH in 110 space. In this case, wait states cannot be added to interrupt acknowledge bus cycles. However, you can add wait states to interrupt acknowledge cycles if the PCB is located at any other address. 4.5.1 Considerations for the 80C187 Math Coprocessor Interface Systems using the 80C 187 math coprocessor interface must not relocate the Peripheral Control Block to location OOOOH in 110 space. The 80C187 interface uses 110 locations OF8H through OFFH. If the Peripheral Control Block resides in these locations, the processor communicates with the Peripheral Control Block, not the 80C187 interface circuitry. NOTE If the PCB is located at OOOOH in 110 space and access to the math coprocessor interface is enabled (the Escape Trap bit is clear), a numerics (ESC) instruction causes indeterminate system operation. Since the 8-bit bus version of the device does not support the 80C187, it automatically traps an ESC instruction to the Type 7 interrupt, regardless of the state of the Escape Trap (ET) bit. For details on the math coprocessor interface, see Chapter 12, "Math Coprocessing." I 4-7 in1:et 5 Clock Generation and Power Management I int'et CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATION AND POWER MANAGEMENT The clock generation and distribution circuits provide uniform clock signals for the Execution Unit, the Bus Interface Unit and all integrated peripherals. The 80C186 Modular Core Family processors have additional logic that controls the clock signals to provide power management functions. 5.1 (fl-/'" CLOCK GENERATION I,!; t'~) ~.-.-'\)I.wA/) X bUi'.,} "'" The clock generation circuit (Figure 5-1) includes a crystal oscillator, a divide-by-two counterjM and reset circuitry. See "Power Management" on page 5-10 for a discussion of power management options. ~~~---------------------e--------- Active Mode 01 -> Powerdown Mode 02 -> Idle Mode 03 -> Active Mode None Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages PWRCON equ xxxxH -power.Jl\gt -power_mgt lib_80C186 ;substitute PWRCON register ;offset segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80C186 public -power_mgt proc far push mov push push bp bp, sp ax dx equ word ptr[bp+6] mov mov and out hlt pop pop pop ret endp ends end dx, PWRCON ax, _mode ax, 3 dx, ax ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack ;save registers that will ;be modified ;get parameter off the ; stack ;select Power Control Reg ;get mode ;mask off unwanted bits dx ;enter mode ;restore saved registers ax bp ;restore caller's bp Example 5-1. Initializing the Power Management Unit for Idle or Powerdown Mode 5.2.2 Powerdown Mode Powerdown mode freezes the clock to the entire device (core and peripherals) and disables the crystal oscillator. All internal devices (registers, state machines, etc.) maintain their states as long as Vee is applied. The BIU will not honor DRAM refresh and HOLD requests in Powerdown mode because the clocks for those functions are off. CLKOUT freezes in a logic high state. Current consumption in Powerdown mode consists of just transistor leakage (typically less than 100 microaIIlps). 5-16 I CLOCK GENERATION AND POWER MANAGEMENT Entering Powerdown Mode Powerdown mode is entered by executing the HLT instruction after setting the PWRDN bit in the Power Control Register (see Figure 5-9 on page 5-12). The HALT cycle turns off both the core and peripheral clocks and disables the crystal oscillator. See Chapter 3, "Bus Interface Unit," for detailed information on HALT bus cycles. Figure 5-12 shows the internal and external waveforms during entry into Powerdown mode. elKIN toggles only when external frequency input is used: Halt Cycle :On T4 or T1 T1 T2 TI I ClKIN I I I I -----------, Indeterminate I 08COUT ------------1 ClKOUT CPU Core Clock Internal Peripheral Clock 82:0 \ ALE I if 011 \ Al121-0A Figure 5-12. Entering Powerdown Mode During the T2 phase of the HLT instruction, the core generates a signal called EntecPowerdown. EntecPowerdown immediately disables the internal CPU core and peripheral clocks. The processor disables the oscillator inverter during the next CLKOUT cycle. If the design uses a crystal oscillator, the oscillator stops immediately. When c:LKINoriginates from an external frequency iJ!ItuUEFI), Powerdown isolates the signal on theCLKIN pin from the internal circuitry. Therefore, the circuit may drive CLKIN during Powerdown mode, although it will not clock the device. I 5-17 intet CLOCK GENERATION AND POWER MANAGEMENT Leaving Powerdown Mode An NMI or reset returns the processor to Active mode. If the device leaves Powerdown mode by an NMI, a delay must follow the interrupt request to allow the crystal oscillator to stabilize before gating it to the internal phase clocks. An external timing pin sets this delay as described below. Leaving Powerdown by an NMI does not clear the PWRDN bit in the Power Control Register. A reset also takes the processor out of Powerdown mode. Since the oscillator is off, the user should follow the oscillator cold start guidelines (see "Reset and Clock Synchronization" on page 5-6). The Powerdown timer circuit (Figure 5-13) has a PDTMR pin. Connecting this pin to an external capacitor gives the user control over the gating of the crystal oscillator to the internal clocks. The strong P-channel device is always on except during exit from Powerdown mode. This pullup keeps the powerdown capacitor C PD charged up to Vee. C PD discharges slowly. At the same time, the circuit turns on the feedback inverter on the crystal oscillator and oscillation starts. The Schmitt trigger connected to the PDTMR pin asserts the internal OSC_OK signal when the voltage at the pin drops below its switching threshold. The OSC_OK signal gates the crystal oscillator output to the internal clock circuitry. One CLKOUT cycle runs before the internal clocks turn back on. It takes two additional CLKOUT cycles for an NMI request to reach the CPU and another six clocks for the vector to be fetched, 0, Except when leaving Powerdown Strong P-Channel Pullup PDTMR Pin I Weak N-Channel Pulldown r--- Exit Powerdown A1122-0A Figure 5-13. Powerdown Timer Circuit 5-18 I int:et CLOCK GENERATION AND POWER MANAGEMENT The first step in determining the proper CPD value is startup time characterization for the crystal oscillator circuit. This step can be done with a storage oscilloscope if you compensate for scope probe loading effects. Characterize startup over the full range of operating voltages and temperatures. The oscillator starts up on the order of a couple of milliseconds. After determining the oscillator startup time, refer to "PD1MR Pin Delay Calculation" in the data sheet. Multiply the startup time (in seconds) by the given constant to get the CPD value. Typical values are less than 1!JF. If the design uses an external oscillator instead of a crystal, the external oscillator continues running during Powerdown mode. Leave the PDTMR pin unconnected and the processor can exit Powerdown mode immediately. 5.2.3 Implementing a Power Management Scheme Table 5-2 summarizes the power management options available to the user. Overall power consumption has two parts: switching power dissipated by driving loads such as the address/data bus, and device power dissipated internally by the microprocessor whether or not it is connected to external devices. A power management scheme should consider loading as well as the raw specifications in the processor's data sheet. Table 5·2. Summary of Power Management Modes User Overhead Relative Power Typical Power Active Full 250 mW at 16 MHz Idle Low 175 mW at 16 MHz Low Powerdown Lowest 250llW Low to Moderate Mode - Chief Advantage Full-speed operation Peripherals are unaffected Long battery life NOTE If an NMI or external maskable interrupt service routine is used to enter a power management mode, the interrupt request signal should be deassefted before entering the power management mode. I 5-19 6 Chip-Select Unit I CHAPTER 6 CHIP-SELECT UNIT Every system requires some form of component-selection mechanism to enable the CPU to access a specific memory or peripheral device. The signal that selects the memory or peripheral device is referred to as a chip-select. Besides selecting a specific device, each chip-select can be used to control the number of wait states inserted into the bus cycle. Devices that are too slow to keep up with the maximum bus bandwidth can use wait states to slow the bus down. 6.1 COMMON METHODS FOR GENERATING CHIP-SELECTS One method of generating chip-selects uses latched address signals directly. An example interface is shown in Figure 6-1(A). In the example, an inverted A16 is connected to an SRAM device with an active-low chip-select. Any bus cycle with an address between 10000H and IFFFFH (A16 1) enables the SRAM device. Also note that any bus cycle with an address starting at 30000H, 50000H, 70000H and so on also selects the SRAM device. = Decoding more address bits solves the problem of a chip-select being active over multiple address ranges. In Figure 6-1 (B), a one-of-eight decoder is connected to the uppermost address bits. Each decoded output is active for one-eighth of the 1 Mbyte address space. However, each chip-select has a fixed starting address and range. Future system memory changes could require circuit changes to accommodate the additional memory. 6.2 CHIP-SELECT UNIT FEATURES AND BENEFITS The Chip-Select Unit overcomes limitations of the designs shown in Figure 6-1 and has the following features: • Ten chip-select outputs • Programmable start and stop addresses • Memory or I/O bus cycle decoder • Programmable wait-state generator • Provision to disable a chip-select • Provision to override bus ready Figure 6-2 illustrates the logic blocks that generate a chip-select. Each chip-select has a duplicate set of logic. I 6-1 CHIP-SELECT UNIT 27C256 74AC138 07:0 A19 Selects 896K to 1M A18 Selects 768K to 896K A17 RO---OIOE ALE HLOA Selects 128K to 256K A16 Selects 0 to 128K (A) Chip-Selects Using Addresses Directly (8) Chip-Selects Using Simple Decoder Al168-0A Figure 6-1. Common Chip-Select Generation Methods 6.3 CHIP-SELECT UNIT FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW The Chip-Select Unit (CSU) decodes bus cycle address and status information and enables the appropriate chip-select. Figure 6-3 illustrates the timing of a chip-select during a bus cycle. Note that the chip-select goes active in the same bus state as address goesactive, eliminating any delay through address latches and decoder circuits. The Chip-Select Unit activates a chip-select for bus cycles initiated by the CPU or Refresh Control Unit. Any of the ten chip-selects can map into either memory or I/O address space. A memory-mapped chip-select can start and end on any 1 Kbyte address location. An I/O-mapped chip-select can start and end on any 64 byte address location. The chip-selects typically associate with memory and peripheral devices as follows: 6-2 I intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT Ignore Stop Address ISTOP Stop Value Memory/IO Selector MEM Internal Address Bus Chip Select Enable CSEN Stop Value < Comparator Chip Select Address Shifter Start Value Start Value ~ Peripheral Control Block Access Indicator Al16Q-OA Figure 6-2. Chip-Select Block Diagram Mapped to the upper memory address space; selects the BOOT memory device (EPROM or Flash memory types). Mapped to the lower memory address space; selects a static memory (SRAM) device that stores the interrupt vector table, local stack, local data, and scratch pad data. GCS7:0 I Mapped to memory or I/O address space; selects additional SRAM memory, DRAM memory, local peripherals, system bus, etc. 6-3 intet~ CHIP-SELECT UNIT T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 I CLKOUT ALE A15:0 A19:16 GCS7:0 LCS,UCS S2:0 I I : : I : KAddr6ss valid)>---i-------+-------i-----! I I : I I . I I I I I I ~ I I : l\. . --~--~--~----~--~--~~~ J ~ : I . I : I :t----{:~'--~:----~:----~--~:~--~---+----~I~ :'---. : K: :7 : !\J 1 !\1...--i---_--i----tJl/: ! i I i i I I StatuS : : RD,WR I I I ' : : I I I I I I I I I I I A115Q-OA Figure 6-3. Chip-Select Relative Timings A chip-select goes active when it meets all of the following criteria: 1. The chip-select is enabled. 2. The bus cycle status matches the programmed type (memory or 110). 3. The bus cycle address is equal to or greater than the start address value. 4. The bus cycle address is less than the stop address value or the stop address is ignored. 5. The bus cycle is not accessing the Peripheral Control Block. A memory address applies to memory read, memory write and instruction prefetch bus cycles. An 110 address applies to 110 read and 110 write bus cycles. Interrupt acknowledge and HALT bus cycles never activate a chip-select, regardless of the address generated. After power-on or system reset, only the UCS chip-select is initialized and active (see Figure 6-4). 6-4 I intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT Address Flash Ready 1MB ,.... __,Data 1023K Active For Top 1 KByte Processor Memory Map o NOTE: 1. 15 Wait states automatically inserted. Bus READY must be provided. A1162·0A Figure 6-4. UCS Reset Configuration 6.4 PROGRAMMING Two registers, START and STOP, determine the operating characteristics of each chip-select. The Peripheral Control Block defines the location of the Chip-Select Unit registers. Table 6-1 lists the registers and their associated programming names. Table 6-1. Chip-Select Unit Registers START Register Mnemonic I STOP Register Mnemonic Chip-Select Affected GCSOST GCSOSP GCSO GCS1ST GCS1SP GCS1 GCS2ST GCS2SP GCS2 GCS3ST GCS3SP GCS3 GCS4ST GCS4SP GCS4 GCS5ST GCS5SP GCS5 GCS6ST GCS6SP GCS6 GCS7ST GCS7SP GCS7 UCSST UCSSP UCS LCSST LCSSP LCS 6-5 CHIP-SELECT UNIT The START register (Figure 6-5) defines the starting address and the wait state requirements. The STOP register (Figure 6-6) defines the ending address and the bus ready, bus cycle and enable requirements. 6.4.1 / Initialization Sequence Chip-selects do not have to be initialized in any specific order. However, the following guidelines help prevent a system failure. 1. Initialize local memory chip-selects 2. Initialize local peripheral chip-selects 3. Perform local diagnostics 4. Initialize off-board memory and peripheral chip-selects 5. Complete system diagnostics An unmasked interrupt or NMI must not occur until the interrupt vector addresses have been written to memory. Failure to prevent an interrupt from occurring during initialization will cause a system failure. Use external logic to generate the chip-select if interrupts cannot be masked prior to initialization.. 6·6 I CHIP-SELECT UNIT Register Name: Chip-Select Start Register Register Mnemonic: UCSST, LCSST, GCSxST (x=O-7) Register Function: Defines chip-select start address and number of bus wait states. o w w w w s s s S 15 C C C C C C C C S S S S S S S S 9 8 7 6 543 2 C S C S o 3 2 1 0 A1163-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function CS9:0 Start Address 3FFH Defines the starting (base) address for the chipselect. CS9:0 are compared with the A19:10 (memory bus cycles) or A 15:6 (1/0 bus cycles) address bits. An equal to or greater than result enables the chip-select. WS3:0 Wait State Value OFH WS3:0 define the minimum number of wait states inserted into the bus cycle_ A zero value means no wait states. Additional wait states can be inserted into the bus cycle using bus ready. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading_ Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 6-5. START Register Definition I 6-7 CHIP-SELECT UNIT Register Name: Chip-Select Stop Register Register Mnemonic: UCSSP, LCSSP, GCSxSP (x=O-7) Register Function: Defines chip-select stop address and other control functions. o 15 C S C S C S C S 9 8 7 6 C S 5 C S 4 C S 3 C S 2 C S C S C 1 0 E N S I S M T M E R D Y 0 P A1164-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function CS9:0 Stop Address 3FFH Defines the ending address for the chip-select. CS9:0 are compared with the A19:10 (memory bus cycles) or A15:6 (I/O bus cycles) address bits. A less than result enables the chip-select. CS9:0 are ignored if ISTOP is set. CSEN Chip-Select Enable 0 (Note) Disables the chip-select when cleared. Setting CSEN enables the chip-select. ISTOP Ignore Stop Address 0 (Note) Setting this bit disables stop address checking, which automatically sets the ending address at OFFFFFH (memory) or OFFFFH (I/O). When ISTOP is cleared, the stop address requirements must be met to enable the chip-select. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. The reset state of CSEN and ISTOP is '1' for the UCSSP register. Figure 6-6. STOP Register Definition 6-8 I CHIP-SELECT UNIT Register Name: Chip-Select Stop Register Register Mnemonic: UCSSP, LCSSP, GCSxSP (x=O-7) Register Function: Defines chip-select stop address and other control functions. o 15 C S C S C S C S C S C S C S C S C S C S C I S 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E S T 0 P N M E M R 0 Y A1164-0A Bit Mnemonic MEM Bit Name Bus Cycle Selector Reset State 1 Function When MEM is set, the chip-select goes active for memory bus cycles. Clearing MEM activates the chip-select for 1/0 bus cycles. MEM defines which address bits are used by the start and stop address comparators. When MEM is cleared, address bits A15:6 are routed to the comparators. When MEM is set, address bits A19:10 are routed to the comparators. ROY NOTE: Bus Ready Enable 1 Setting ROY requires that bus ready be active to complete a bus cycle. Bus ready is ignored when ROY is cleared. ROY must be set to extend wait states beyond the number determined by WS3:0. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. The reset state of CSEN and ISTOP is '1' for the UCSSP register. Figure 6-6. STOP Register Definition (Continued) The correct sequence to program a non-enabled chip-select is as follows. (If the chip-select is already enabled, either reverse the sequence or disable the chip-select before reprogramming it.) 1. Program the START register 2. Program the STOP register I 6-9 intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT 6.4.2 Start Address The START register of each chip-select defines its starting (base) address. The start address value is compared to the ten most-significant address bits of the bus cycle. A bus cycle whose ten mostsignificant address bits are equal to or greater than the start address value causes the chip-select to go active. Table 6-2 defines the address bits that are compared with the start address value for memory and I/O bus cycles. It is not possible to have a chip-select start on any arbitrary byte boundary. A chip-select configured for memory accesses can start only on multiples of 1 Kbyte. A chip-select configured for I/O accesses can start only on multiples of 64 bytes. The equations below calculate the physical start address for a given start address value. For memory accesses:Start Value (Decimal) x 1024 = Physical Start Address (Decimal) For I/O accesses:Start Value (Decimal) x 64= Physical Start Address (Decimal) Table 6-2. Memory and VO Compare Addresses Address Range Number of Bits Comparator Input Memory 1 Mbyte 20 A19:A10 1 Kbyte I/O 64 Kbyte 16 A15:A6 64 Bytes Address Space 6.4.3 Resolution Stop Address The STOP register of each chip-select defines its ending address. The stop address value is compared to the ten most-significant address bits of the bus cycle. A bus cycle whose ten most-significant bits of address are less than the stop address value causes the chip-select to go active. Table 6-2 defines the address bits that are compared with the stop address value for memory and I/O bus cycles. It is not possible to have a chip-select end on any arbitrary byte boundary. A chip-select configured for memory accesses can end only on multiples of 1 Kbyte. A chip-select configured for I/O accesses can end only on multiples of 64 bytes. The equations below define the ending address for the chip-select. For memory accesses:(Stop Value (Decimal) x 1024) -1= Physical Ending Address (Decimal) For I/O accesses:(Stop Value (Decimal) x 64) -1= Physical Ending Address (Decimal) 6-10 I CHIP-SELECT UNIT In the previous equations, a stop value of 1023 (03FFH) results in a physical ending address of OFFBFFH (memory) or OFFBFH (I/O). These addresses do not represent the top of the memory or I/O address space. To have a chip-select enabled to the end of the physical address space, the ISTOP control bit must be set. The IS TOP control bit overrides the stop address comparator output (see Figure 6-2 on page 6-3). 6.4.4 Enabling and Disabling Chip-Selects The ability to enable or disable a chip-select is important when multiple memory devices share (or can share) the same physical address space. Examples of where two or more devices would occupy the same address space include shadowed memory, bank switching and paging. The STOP register holds the CSEN control bit, which determines whether the chip-select should go active. A chip-select never goes active if its CSEN control bit is cleared. Chip-selects can be disabled by programming the stop address value less than the start address value or by programming the start address value greater than the stop address value. However, the ISTOP control bit cannot be set when chip-selects are disabled in this manner. 6.4.5 Bus Wait State and Ready Control Normally, the bus ready input must be inactive at the appropriate time to insert wait states into the bus cycle. The Chip-Select Unit can ignore the state of the bus ready input to extend and complete the bus cycle automatically. Most memory and peripheral devices operate properly using fifteen or fewer wait states. However, accessing such devices as a dual-port memory, an expansion bus interface, a system bus interface or remote peripheral devices can require more than fifteen wait states to complete a bus cycle. The START register holds a four-bit value (WS3:0) that defines the number of wait states to insert into the bus cycle. Figure 6-7 shows a simplified logic diagram of the wait state and ready control functions. I 6-11 intet~ CHIP-SELECT UNIT BUSREADY-----------4 READY Control Bit -----\ READY Wait State Value (WS3:0) Wait State Counter A1165-0A Figure 6-7. Wait State and Ready Control Functions The STOP register defines the RDY control bit to extend bus cycles beyond fifteen wait states. The RDY control bit determines whether the bus cycle should complete normally (i.e., require bus ready) or unconditionally (i.e., ignore bus ready). Chip-selects connected to devices requiring fifteen wait states or fewer can program RDY inactive to automatically complete the bus cycle. Devices that may require more than fifteen wait states must program RDY active. A bus cycle with wait states automatically inserted cannot be shortened. A bus cycle that ignores bus ready cannot be lengthened. 6.4.6 Overlapping Chip-Selects The Chip-Select Unit activates all enabled chip-selects programmed to cover the same physical address space. This is true if any portion of the chip-selects' address ranges overlap (i.e., chipselects' ranges do not need to overlap completely to all go active). There are various reasons for overlapping chip-selects. For example, a system might have a need for overlapping a portion of read-only memory with read/write memory or copying data to two devices siumltaneously. If overlapping chip-selects do not have identical wait state and bus ready programming, the ChipSelect Unit will adjust itself based on the criteria shown in Figure 6-8. 6-12 I intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT No Wait Minimum WS3:0 Wait Maximum WS3:0 Wait State No Complete Bus Cycle Yes All66-0A Figure 6-8. Overlapping Chip-Selects I 6-13 CHIP-SELECT UNIT Table 6-3 lists example wait state and bus ready requirements for overlapping chip-selects and the resulting requirements for accesses to the overlapped region. Table6-3. Example Adjustments for Overlapping Chip-Selects Chip-Select X Chip-Select Y Overlapped Region Access Wait States Bus Ready Walt States Bus Ready Walt States Bus Ready 3 ignored 9 ignored 9 ignored 5 required 0 ignored 0 required 2 required 2 required 2 required Be cautious when overlapping chip-selects with different wait state or bus ready programming. The following two conditions require special attention to ensure proper system operation: 1. When all overlapping chip-selects ignore bus ready but have different wait states, verify that each chip-select still works properly using the highest wait state value. A system failure may result when too few or too many wait states occur in the bus cycle. 2. If one or more of the overlapping chip-selects requires bus ready, verify that all chipselects that ignore bus ready still work properly using both the smallest wait state value and the longest possible bus cycle. A system failure may result when too few or too many wait states occur in the bus cycle. 6.4.7 Memory or VO Bus Cycle Decoding The Chip-Select Unit decodes bus cycle status and address information to determine whether a chip-select goes active. The MEM control bit in the STOP register defines whether memory or I/O address space is decoded. Memory address space accesses consist of memory read, memory write and instruction prefetch bus cycles. I/O address space accesses consist of I/O read and I/O write bus cycles. Chip-selects go active for bus cycles initiated by the CPU and Refresh Control Unit. 6.4.8 Programming Considerations When programming chip-selects active for I/O bus cycles, remember that eight bytes of I/O are reserved by Intel. These eight bytes (locations OOF8H through OOFFH) control the interface to an 8OC187 math coprocessor. A chip-select can overlap this reserved space provided there is no intention of using the 80C 187. However, to avoid possible future compatibility issues, Intel recommends that no chip-select start at I/O address location OOCOH. 6-14 I intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT The GCS chip-select outputs are multiplexed with output port functions. The register that controls the multiplexed outputs resides in the 110 Port Unit. (See Table II-Ion page 11-7 and Figure 11-5 on page 11-8.) 6.5 CHIP-SELECTS AND BUS HOLD The Chip-Select Unit decodes only internally generated address and bus state information. An external bus master cannot make use of the Chip-Select Unit. During HLDA, all chip-selects remain inactive. The circuit shown in Figure 6-9 allows an external bus master to access a device during bus HOLD. CSU Chip Select - - - , ~ :=====:~ External Master Chip Select -----' Device select A1167·0A Figure 6-9. USing Chip-Selects During HOLD 6.6 EXAMPLES The following sections provide examples of programming the Chip-Select Unit to meet the needs of a particular application. The examples do not go into hardware analysis or design issues. 6.6.1 Example 1: Typical System Configuration Figure 6-10 illustrates a block diagram of a typical system design with a 128 Kbyte EPROM and a 32 Kbyte SRAM. The peripherals are mapped to 110 address space. Example 6.1 shows a program template for initializing the Chip-Select Unit. I 6-15 CHIP-SELECT UNIT READY ~ r-- ALE A19:16 AD15:0 ~ ~ L 20 a t c I- r+-h '-- EPROM 128K 0 R A M 512K Address/ Bus ~ CE U ~ ~ SRAM 32K r+- CE I I - CE Floppy Disk I - - Control J ~ AO ----. CE I I DMA 4 ... HLDA I~ AO:3 HOLD 'CE I HOLD HLDA UCS GCS1 LCS GCS2 GCSO -- Al146-0A Figure 6-10. Typical System 6-16 I CHIP-SELECT UNIT TITLE MOD186XREF NAME $ $ (Chip-Select Unit Initialization) External reference from this module include (PCBMAP. INC) $ ;File declares Register ;Locations and names. Module equates Configuration equates TRUE FALSE READY CSEN ISTOP MEM 10 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU OFFH NOT TRUE 0001H 0008H 0004H 0002H OOOOH ;BuS ready control modifier ;Chip-Select enable modifier ;Stop address modifier ;Memory select modifier ;1/0 select modifier ;Below is a list of the default system memory and I/O environment. These ;defaults configure the Chip-Select Unit for proper system operation. ;EPROM memory is located from OEOOOO to OFFFFF (128 Kbytes). ;Wait states are calculated assuming 16MHz operation. ;UCS# controls the accesses to EPROM memory space. EPROM_SIZEEQU EPROM_BASEEQU EPROM_WAITEQU 128 ; Size in Kbytes 1024 - EPROM_SIZE;Start address in Kbytes 1 ;Wait states ;The UCS# START and STOP register values are calculated using the above system ;constraints and the equations below. UCSST_VALEQU UCSSP_VALEQU (EPROM_BASE SHL 6) OR (EPROM_WAIT) (CSEN) OR (ISTOP) OR (MEM) ;SRAM memory starts at OH and continues to 7FFFH (32 Kbytes). ;Wait states are calculated assuming 16MHz operation. ;LCS# controls the accesses to SRAM memory space. SRAM_SIZEEQU SRAM_BASEEQU SRAM_WAITEQU 32 o o ;Size in Kbytes ;Start address in Kbytes ;Wait states ;The LCS# START and STOP register values are calculated using the above system ;constraints and the equations below LCSST_VALEQU LCSSP_VALEQU & (SRAM_BASE SHL 6) OR (SRAM_WAIT) (((SRAM_BASE) OR (SRAM_SIZE» SHL 6) OR (CSEN) OR (MEM) A DRAM interface is selected by the GCS1# chip-select. The BASE value defines the starting address of the DRAM window. The SIZE value (along with the BASE value) defines the ending address. Zero wait state performance is assumed. The Refresh Control Unit uses DRAM_BASE to properly configure refresh operation. Example 6-1. Initializing the Chip-Select Unit I 6-17 intet CHIP-SELECT UNIT DRAM_BASEEQU DRAM_SIZEEQU DRAM_WAITEQU 128 512 Window start address in Kbytes Window size in Kbytes Wait states (change to match system) o ;The GCS1# START and STOP register values are calculated using the above systen ;constraints and the equations below GCS1ST_VALEQU GCS1SP_VALEQU & (DRAM_BASE SHL 6) OR (DRAM_WAIT) «(DRAM_BASE) OR (DRAM_SIZE» SHL 6) OR (CSEN) OR (MEM) ;I/O is selected using the GCS2# chip-select. Wait states assume operation at ;16MHz. The SIZE and BASE values must be modulo 64 bytes. For this example, the ;Floppy Disk Controller is connected to GCS2# and GCSO# is connected to ;the DMA Controller. IO_SIZEEQU IO_BASEEQU IO_WAITEQU 64 256 4 ;Size in bytes ;Start address in bytes ;Wait states DMA_BASEEQU DMA_WAITEQU 512 ;Start address in bytes ;Wait states ;Size assumed to be 64 bytes o ;The GCSO# and GCS2# START and STOP register values are calculated using the ;above system contraints and the equations below. GCS2ST_VALEQU GCS2SP_VALEQU «IO_BASE/64) SHL 6) OR (IO_WAIT) «(IO_BASE/64) OR (IO_SIZE/64» SHL 6) OR (CSEN) OR (IO) GCSOST_VALEQU GCSOSP_VALEQU «DMA_BASE/64) SHL 6) OR (DACK_WAIT) «(DMA_BASE/64) + 1) SHL 6) OR (CSEN) OR (IO) & ;The following statements define the default assumptions for SEGMENT locations. ASSUMECS:CODE ASSUMEDS:DATA ASSUMESS:DATA ASSUMEES:DATA CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC 'CODE' ;ENTRY POINT ON POWER UP: ;The power-on or reset code does a jump here after the UCS register is ; programmed. FW_STARTLABEL FAR CLI ;Forces far jump ;Make sure interrupts are ;globally disabled ;Place register initialization code here Example 6-1. Initializing the Chip-Select Unit (Continued) 6-18 I CHIP-SELECT UNIT ;SET UP CHIP SELECTS UCS# LCS# GCS1# GCS2# GCSO# - EPROM Select SRAM Select DRAM Select FLOPPY Select DMA Select DX, UCSSP UCSSP_VAL DX, AL MOV MOV OUT AX. , MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT DX, LCSST LCSST_VAL DX, AL DX, LCSSP AX. , LCSSP_VAL DX, AL ;Set up LCS# DX, GCS1ST GCS1ST_VAL DX, AL AX. , GCS1SP_VAL DX, GCS1SP DX, AL ;Set up GCS1# MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT MOV MOV OUT ;Finish setting up UCS# ; Remember, byte writes work ok AX. , ; Remember, byte writes work ok AX. , ; Remember, byte writes work ok DX, GCSOST GCSOST_VAL DX, AL AX. , GCSOSP_VAL DX, GCSOSP DX, AL ;Set up GCSO# DX, GCS2ST GCS2ST_VAL DX, AL DX, GCS2SP AX. , GCS2SP_VAL DX, AL ;Set up GCS2# AX. , ; Remember, byte writes work ok AX. , ; Remember, byte writes work ok ;Place remaining User Code here. CODE ENDS ;POWER ON RESET CODE TO GET STARTED ASSUME CS:POWER_ON POWER_ON SEGMENT AT OFFFFH MOV MOV OUT JMP DX, UCSST UCSST_VAL DX, AL FW_START AX. , ;Point to UCS register ;Reprogram UCS# for EPROM size ;Jump to start of init code POWER_ON ENDS Example 6-1. Initializing the Chip-Select Unit (Continued) I 6-19 CHIP-SELECT UNIT DATA SEGMENT DATA SEGMENT PUBLIC 'DATA' 256 DUP (?) DD ;Reserved for Interrupt Vectors ;Place additional memory variable here DW STACK_TOP LABEL DATA ENDS ;Stack allocation 500 DUP (?) WORD ;Program Ends END Example 6-1. Initializing the Chip-Select Unit (Continued) 6.6.2 Example 2: Detecting Attempts to Access Guarded Memory A chip-select is configured to set an interrupt when the bus accesses a physical address region that does not contain a valid memory or peripheral device. Figure 6-11 illustrates how a simple circuit detects the errant bus cycle and generates an NMI. System software then deals with the error. The purpose of using the chip-select is to generate a bus ready and prevent a bus "hang" condition. Processor NMI GCS5 ,... ..... A1158-0A Figure 6-11. Guarded Memory Detector 6-20 I infel. 7 Refresh Control Unit I intet CHAPTER 7 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT The Refresh Control Unit (RCU) simplifies dynamic memory controller design with its integrated address and clock counters. Figure 7-1 shows the relationship between the B us Interface Unit and the Refresh Control Unit. Integrating the Refresh Control Unit into the processor allows an external DRAM controller to use chip-selects, wait state logic and status lines. ~ .A ... '4 I" ) CPU Clock ... F-Bus .A ... '4 I" K ) Refresh Clock Interval Register V 9-Bit Down Counter Refresh Request BIU Interface CLR Refresh Acknowledge REO Refresh Control Register 12-Bit Address Counter .A ... '4 I" K - ) Refresh Base Address Register 7 ;' Refresh Address Register ... v 13 vi-' ;" 20-Bit Refresh Address A1264-01 Figure 7-1. Refresh Control Unit Block Diagram I 7-1 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT 7.1 THE ROLE OF THE REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Like a DMA controller, the Refresh Control Unit runs bus cycles independent of CPU execution. Unlike a DMA controller, however, the Refresh Control Unit does not run bus cycle bursts nor does it transfer data. The DRAM refresh process freshens individual DRAM rows in "dummy read" cycles, while cycling through all necessary addresses. The microprocessor interface to DRAMs is more complicated than other memory interfaces. A complete DRAM controller requires circuitry beyond that provided by the processor even in the simplest configurations. This circuitry must respond correctly to reads, writes and DRAM refresh cycles. The external DRAM controller generates the Row Address Strobe (RAS), Column Address Strobe (CAS) and other DRAM control signals. Pseudo-static RAMs use dynamic memory cells but generate address strobes and refresh addresses internally. The address counters still need external timing pulses. These pulses are easy to derive from the processor's bus control signals. Pseudo-static RAMs do not need a full DRAM controller. 7.2 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT CAPABILITIES A 12-bit address counter forms the refresh addresses, supporting any dynamic memory devices with up to 12 rows of memory cells (12 refresh address bits). This includes all practical DRAM sizes for the processor's 1 Mbyte address space. 7.3 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT OPERATION Figure 7-2 illustrates Refresh Control Unit counting, address generation and BIU bus cycle generation in flowchart form. The nine-bit down-counter loads from the Refresh Interval Register on the falling edge of CLKOUT. Once loaded, it decrements every falling CLKOUT edge until it reaches one. Then the down-counter reloads and starts counting again, simultaneously triggering a refresh request. Once enabled, the DRAM refresh process continues indefinitely until the user reprograms the Refresh Control Unit, a reset occurs, or the processor enters Powerdown mode. The refresh request remains active until the bus becomes available. When the bus is free, the BIU will run its "dummy read" cycle. Refresh bus requests have higher priority than most CPU bus cycles, all DMA bus cycles and all interrupt vectoring sequences. Refresh bus cycles also have a higher priority than the HOLDIHLDA bus arbitration protocol (see "Refresh Operation and Bus HOLD" on page 7-13). 7-2 I REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Refresh Control Unit Operation BIU Refresh Bus Operation Set "E" Bit Refresh Request Acknowledged Execute Memory Read Load Counter From Refresh Clock Interval Register Executed Every Clock Continue Decrement Counter A1265-0A Figure 7-2. Refresh Control Unit Operation Flow Chart The nine-bit refresh clock counter does not wait until the BIU services the refresh request to continue counting. This operation ensures that refresh requests occur at the correct interval. Otherwise, the time between refresh requests would be a function of varying bus activity. When the BIU services the refresh request, it clears the request and increments the refresh address. I 7-3 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT The BIU does not queue DRAM refresh requests. If the Refresh Control Unit generates another request before the BIU handles the present request, the BIU loses the present request. However, the address associated with the request is not lost. The refresh address changes only after the BIU runs a refresh bus cycle. If a DRAM refresh cycle is excessively delayed, there is still a chance that the processor will successfully refresh the corresponding row of cells in the DRAM, retaining the data. 7.4 REFRESH ADDRESSES Figure 7-3 shows the physical address generated during a refresh bus cycle. This figure applies to both the 8-bit and 16-bit data bus microprocessor versions. Refresh address bits RA 19: 13 come from the Refresh Base Address Register. (See "Refresh Base Address Register" on page 7-7.) From Refresh Base Address Register From Refresh Address Counter Fixed ~~--------~----~iir------------------------------~I'-' 20-Bit Refresh Address A1266-0A Figure 7-3. Refresh Address Formation A linear-feedback shift counter generates address bits RA12:1 and RAO is always one. The counter does not count linearly from 0 through FFFH. However, the counting algorithm cycles uniquely through all possible 12-bit values. It matters only that each row of DRAM memory cells is refreshed at a specific interval. The order of the rows is unimportant. Address bit AO is fixed at one during all refresh operations. In applications based on a 16-bit data bus processor, AO typically selects memory devices placed on the low (even) half of the bus. Applications based on an 8-bit data bus processor typically use AO as a true address bit. The DRAM controller must not route AO to row address pins on the DRAMs. 7-4 I REFRESH CONTROL UNIT 7.5 REFRESH BUS CYCLES Refresh bus cycles look exactly like ordinary memory read bus cycles except for the control signals listed in Table 7-1. These signals can be ANDed in a DRAM controller to detect a refresh bus cycle. The 16-bit bus processor drives both the BHE and AO pins high during refresh cycles. The 8-bit bus version replaces the BHE pin with RFSH, which has the same timings. The 8-bit bus processor drives RFSH low and AO high during refresh cycles. Table 7-1. Identification of Refresh Bus Cycles BHEIRFSH AO 16-Bit Device 1 1 a-Bit Device 0 1 Data Bus Width 7.6 GUIDELINES FOR DESIGNING DRAM CONTROLLERS The basic DRAM access method consists of four phases: I. The DRAM controller supplies a row address to the DRAMs. 2. The DRAM controller asserts a Row Address Strobe (RAS), which latches the row address inside the DRAMs. 3. The DRAM controller supplies a column address to the DRAMs. 4. The DRAM controller asserts a Column Address Strobe (CAS), which latches the column address inside the DRAMs. Most 8OC186 Modular Core family DRAM interfaces use only this method. Others are not discussed here. The DRAM controller's purpose is to use the processor's address, status and control lines to generate the multiplexed addresses and strobes. These signals must be appropriate for three bus cycle types: read, write and refresh. They must also meet specific pulse width, setup and hold timing requirements. DRAM interface designs need special attention to transmission line effects, since DRAMs represent significant loads on the bus. DRAM controllers may be either clocked or unclocked. An unclocked DRAM controller requires a tapped digital delay line to derive the proper timings. Clocked DRAM controllers may use either discrete or programmable logic devices. A state machine design is appropriate, especially if the circuit must provide wait state control (beyond that possible with the processor's Chip-Select Unit). Because of the microprocessor's four-clock bus, clocking some logic elements on each CLKOUT phase is advantageous (see Figure 7-4). I 7-5 infelQP REFRESH CONTROL UNIT T1 T4 T2 T3fTW T4 CLKOUT Muxed Address \ NOTES: 1. CAS is unnecessary for refresh cycles only. 2. WE is necessary for write cycles only. A1267·0A Figure 7-4. Suggested DRAM Control Signal Timing Relationships The cycle begins with presentation of the row address. RAS should go active on the falling edge of T2. At the rising edge of T2, the address lines should switch to a column address. CAS goes active on the falling edge of T3. Refresh cycles do not require CAS. When CAS is present, the "dummy read" cycle becomes a true read cycle (the DRAM drives the bus), and the DRAM row still gets refreshed. Both RAS and CAS stay active during any wait states. They go inactive on the falling edge ofT4. At the rising edge of T4, the address multiplexer shifts to its original selection (row addressing), preparing for the next DRAM access. 7-6 I REFRESH CONTROL UNIT 7.7 PROGRAMMING THE REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Given a specific processor operating frequency and information about the DRAMs in the system, the user can program the Refresh Control Unit registers. 7.7.1 Calculating the Refresh Interval DRAM data sheets show DRAM refresh requirements as a number of refresh cycles necessary and the maximum period to run the cycles. (The number of refresh cycles is the same as the number of rows.) You must compensate for bus latency - the time it takes for the Refresh Control Unit to gain control of the bus. This is typically 1-5%, but if an external bus master will be extremely slow to release the bus, increase the overhead percentage. At standard operating frequencies, DRAM refresh bus overhead totals 2-3% of the total bus bandwidth. Given this information and the CPU operating frequency, use the formula in Figure 7-5 to determine the correct value for the RFfIME Register value. RpERIOD X Fcpu - - - - - - - - - - = RFTIME RegisterValue Rows + (ROWS x Overhead%) Maximum refresh period specified by DRAM manufacturer (in I1s). Operating frequency (in MHz). Total number of rows to be refreshed. Overhead % = Derating factor to compensate for missed refresh requests (typically 1 - 5 %). Figure 7-5. Formula for Calculating Refresh Interval for RFTIME Register 7.7.2 Refresh Control Unit Registers Three contiguous Peripheral Control Block registers operate the Refresh Control Unit: the Refresh Base Address Register, Refresh Clock Interval Register and the Refresh Control Register. A fourth register, the Refresh Address Register, permits examination of the refresh address bits generated by the Refresh Control Unit. Refresh Base Address Register The Refresh Base Address Register (Figure 7-6) programs the base (upper seven bits) of the refresh address. Seven-bit mapping places the refresh address at any 4 Kbyte boundary within the 1 Mbyte address space. When the partial refresh address from the 12-bit address counter (see Figure 7-1 and "Refresh Control Unit Capabilities" on page 7-2) passes FFFH, the Refresh Control Unit does not increment the refresh base address. Setting the base address ensures that the address driven during a refresh bus cycle activates the DRAM chip select. I 7-7 infel~ REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Refresh Base Address Register Register Mnemonic: RFBASE Register Function: Determines upper 7 bits of refresh address. o R A 1 R A 1 R A 1 R A 1 R A 1 R A 1 R A 1 987 6 5 4 3 A100B-OA Bit Mnemonic RA19:13 NOTE: Bit Name Refresh Base Reset State OOH Function Uppermost address bits for DRAM r~fresh cycles. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 7-6. Refresh Base Address Register Refresh Clock Interval Register The Refresh Clock Interval Register (Figure 7-7) defines the time between refresh requests. The higher the value, the longer the time between requests. The down-counter decrements every falling CLKOUT edge, regardless of core activity. When the counter reaches one, the Refresh Control Unit generates a refresh request, and the counter reloads the value from the register. 7·8 I REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Refresh Clock Interval Register Register Mnemonic: RFTIME Register Function: Sets refresh rate. o R C R C R C R C R C R C R C R C 765 4 321 0 A1288'OA Bit Mnemonic RC8:0 NOTE: Bit Name Refresh Counter Reload Value Reset State OOOH Function Sets the desired clock count between refresh cycles. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 7-7. Refresh Clock Interval Register Refresh Control Register Figure 7-8 shows the Refresh Control Register. The user may read or write the REN bit at any time to turn the Refresh Control Unit on or off. The lower nine bits contain the current nine-bit down-counter value. The user cannot program these bits. Disabling the Refresh Control Unit clears both the counter and the corresponding counter bits in the control register. I 7-9 intet~ REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Refresh Control Register Register Mnemonic: RFCON Register Function: Controls Refresh Unit operation. o R C R C R C R C 7 6 5 4 R R R C C C 321 R C 0 A1311-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function REN Refresh Control Unit Enable 0 Setting REN enables the Refresh Unit. Clearing REN disables the Refresh Unit. RC8:0 Refresh Counter OOOH These bits contain the present value of the down-counter that triggers refresh requests. The user cannot program these bits. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 7-8. Refresh Control Register Refresh Address Register The Refresh Address Register (Figure 7-9) contains address bits RAI2:1, which will appear on the bus as A12: I on the next refresh bus cycle. Bit 0 is fixed as a one in the register and in all refresh addresses. 7-10 I REFRESH CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Refresh Address Register Register Mnemonic: RFADDR Register Function: Contains the generated refresh address bits. o R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R R R R A A A A 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A1501-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function RA12:1 Refresh Address Bits OOOH These bits comprise A12:1 of the refresh address. RAO Refresh Bit 0 1 AO of the refresh address. This bit is always 1 and is read-only. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 7-9. Refresh Address Register 7.7.3 Programming Example Example 7-1 contains sample code to initialize the Refresh Control Unit. I 7-11 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT $mod186 name FUNCTION: This function initializes the DRAM Refresh Control Unit to refresh the DRAM starting at dram_addr at cloc~time intervals. SYNTAX: extern void far config_rcu(int dr~addr, int clock_time}; INPUTS: dram_addr - Base address of DRAM to refresh clock_time - DRAM refresh rate OUTPUTS: None NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. RFBASE RFTIME RFCON Enable equ equ equ equ xxxxh ;substitute register offset xxxxh xxxxh 8000h ;enable bit segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80186 public _config_rcu proc far _clock_time _dr~addr push bp mov bp, sp ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack equ equ word ptr[bp+6] word ptr [bp+8] ;get parameters off ;the stack push push push push ax cx ;save registers that ;will be modified dx di Example 7-1. Initializing the Refresh Control Unit 7-12 I intet REFRESH CONTROL UNIT mov mov out dx, RFBASE ax, _dram_addr dx, al ;set upper 7 address bits mov mov out dx, RFTIME ax, _clock_time dx, al ;set clock pre_scaler mov mov out dx, RFCON ax, Enable dx, al ;Enable RCU mov cx, 8 xor di, di ;8 dummy cycles are ;required by DRAMs ;before actual use _exercise_ram: mov word ptr [dil, 0 loop _exercise_ram pop pop pop pop pop _config_rcu lib_80186 di dx cx ax bp ;restore saved registers ;restore caller's bp ret endp ends end Example 7-1. Initializing the Refresh Control Unit (Continued) 7.8 REFRESH OPERATION AND BUS HOLD When another bus master controls the bus, the processor keeps HLDA active as long as the HOLD input remains active. If the Refresh Control Unit generates a refresh request during bus hold, the processor drives the HLDA signal inactive, indicating to the current bus master that it wishes to regain bus control (see Figure 7-10). The BIU begins a refresh bus cycle only after the alternate master removes HOLD. The user must design the system so that the processor can regain bus control. If the alternate master asserts HOLD after the processor starts the refresh cycle, the CPU will relinquish control by asserting HLDA when the refresh cycle is complete. I 7-13 REFRESH CONTROL UNIT T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T4 CLKOUT HOLD AD15:0 DEN----~----~~~----~----~----~-T----~ RD,WR, BHE,S2~O ____T-____~~~__-T______~____~__~ DT JR, A19:16 NOTES: 1. HLDA is deasserted; signaling need to run DRAM refresh cycles less than TCLOV' 2. External bus master terminates use of the bus. 3. HOLD deasserted; greater than TCLiS' 4. Hold may be reasserted after one clock. 5. Lines come out of float in order to run DRAM refresh cycle. A1269-0A Figure 7-10. Regaining Bus Control to Run a DRAM Refresh Bus Cycle 7-14 I 8 Interrupt Control Unit I in1et CHAPTER 8 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT The 80C186 Modular Core has a single maskable interrupt input. (See "Interrupts and Exception Handling" on page 2-39.) The Interrupt Control Unit (ICU) expands the interrupt capabilities beyond a single input. It receives and processes maskable interrupts from multiple sources and presents them to the CPU through the maskable interrupt input. Interrupts can originate from the onchip peripherals and from five external interrupt pins. The Interrupt Control Unit synchronizes and prioritizes the interrupts and provides the interrupt type vector to the CPU. (See Figure 8-1.) The Interrupt Control Unit has the following features: • Programmable priority of each interrupt source • Individual masking of each interrupt source • Nesting of interrupt sources • Support for polled operation • Support for cascading external 8259A modules to expand external interrupt sources 8.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW All microcomputer systems must communicate in some way with the external world. A typical system might have a keyboard, a disk drive and a communications port, all requiring CPU attention at different times. There are two distinct ways to process peripheral I/O requests: polling and interrupts. Polling requires that the CPU check each peripheral device in the system periodically to seewhether it requires servicing. It would not be unusual to poll a low-speed peripheral (a serial port, for instance) thousands of times before it required servicing. In most cases, the use of polling has a detrimental effect on system throughput. Any time used to check the peripherals is time spent away from the main processing tasks. Interrupts eliminate the need for polling by signalling the CPU that a peripheral device requires servicing. The CPU then stops executing the main task, saves its state and transfers execution to the peripheral-servicing code (the interrupt handler). At the end of the interrupt handler, the CPU's original state is restored and execution continues at the point of interruption in the main task. I 8-1 intet INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT til Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 Serial Serial Receive Transmit INTO INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 Interrupt Priority Resolver Vector Generation Logic To CPU Interrupt Request F - Bus NOTE: The three timers are multiplexed into a single input, as are the two serial interrupts. A1203-AO Figure 8·1. Interrupt Control Unit Block Diagram (~ 7/J'/~s ~) 8.1.1 Generic Functions Several functions of the Interrupt Control Unit are common among most interrupt controllers. This section describes how those generic functions are implemented in the Interrupt Control Unit. Interrupt Masking There are circumstances in which a programmer may need to disable an interrupt source temporarily (for example, while executing a time-critical section of code or servicing a high-priority task). This temporary disabling is called interrupt masking. All interrupts from the Interrupt Control Unit can be masked either globally or individually. 8-2 I intet INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT The Interrupt Enable bit in the Processor Status Word globally enables or disables the maskable interrupt request from the Interrupt Control Unit. The programmer controls the Interrupt Enable bit with the STI (set interrupt) and CLI (clear interrupt) instructions. Besides being globally enabled or disabled by the Interrupt Enable bit, each interrupt source can be individually enabled or disabled. The Interrupt Mask register has a single bit for each interrupt source. The programming can selectively mask (disable) or unmask (enable) each interrupt source by setting or clearing the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Mask register. Interrupt Priority One critical function of the Interrupt Control Unit is to prioritize interrupt requests. When multiple interrupts are pending, priority determines which interrupt request is serviced first. In many systems, an interrupt handler may itself be interrupted by another interrupt source. This is known as interrupt nesting. With interrupt nesting, priority determines whether an interrupt source can preempt an interrupt handler that is currently executing. Each interrupt source is assigned a..Qrioritybetween zero (hi~hest) and seven (lowest). After reset, the interrupts default to the prioriti~~~sho'wn in Table 8-1. Because the timers share an interrupt source, they also share a priority. Within the assigned priority, each has a relative priority (Timer o has the highest relative priority and Timer 2 has the lowest). The serial channel 0 receive and transmit interrupts also share a priority. Within the assigned priority, the receive interrupt has the higher relative priority. Table 8-1. Default Interrupt Priorities AIAwl&' ?1l..1Ctf.\lj Interrupt Name Relative Priority 2- Timer 0 /IV/O 3 Timer 1 jlvT I 'I IIVTlI- Timer 2 o (a) o (b) o (c) 1(a) 1(b) I~T"2.. S- Serial Channel 0 Receive /~T3 ~ Serial Channel 0 Transmit The priority of each source is programmable. The Interrupt Control register enables the programmer to assign each source a priority that differs from the default. The priority must still be between zero (highest) and seven (lowest). Interrupt sources can be programmed to share a priority. The Interrupt Control Unit uses the default priorities (see Table 8-1) within the shared priority level to determine which interrupt to service first. For example, assume that INTO and INTI are both programmed to priority seven. Because INTO has the higher default priority, it is serviced first. I 8-3 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT intet Interrupt sources can be masked on the basis of their priority. The Priority Mask register masks all interrupts with priorities lower than its programmed value. After reset, the ~ori!Y M~Kreg ister contains priority seven, which effectively enabl~s al1int~rruJ?ts. The programmer can then . program the register with any valid priority level. Interrupt Nesting When entering an interrupt handler, the CPU pushes the Processor Status Word onto the stack and clears the Interrupt Enable bit. The processor enters all interrupt handlers with maskable interrupts disabled. Maskable interrupts remain disabled until either the IRET instruction restores the Interrupt Enable bit or the programmer explicitly enables interrupts. Enabling maskable interrupts within an interrupt handler allows interrupts to be nested. Otherwise, interrupts are processed sequentially; one interrupt handler must finish before another executes. The simplest way to use the Interrupt Control Unit is without nesting. The operation and servicing of all sources of maskable interrupts is straightforward. However, the application tradeoff is that an interrupt handler will finish executing even if a higher priority interrupt occurs. This can add considerable latency to the higher priority interrupt. In the simplest terms, the Interrupt Control Unit asserts the maskable interrupt request to the CPU, waits for the interrupt acknowledge, then presents the interrupt type of the highest priority unmasked interrupt to the CPU. The CPU then executes the interrupt handler for that interrupt. Because the interrupt handler never sets the Interrupt Enable bit, it can never be interrupted. The function of the Interrupt Control Unit is more complicated with interrupt nesting. In this case, an interrupt can occur during execution of an interrupt handler. That is, one interrupt can preempt· another. Two rules apply for interrupt nesting: • An interrupt source cannot preempt interrupts of higher priority. • An interrupt source cannot preempt itself. The interrupt handler must finish executing before the interrupt is serviced again. (Special Fully Nested Mode is an exception. See "Special Fully Nested Mode" on page 8-8.) 8.2 FUNCTIONAL OPERATION This section covers the process in which the Interrupt Control Unit receives interrupts and asserts the maskable interrupt request to the CPU. 8-4 I INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.2.1 TYpical Interrupt Sequence When the Interrupt Control Unit first detects an interrupt, it sets the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Request register to indicate that the interrupt is pending. The Interrupt Control Unit checks all pending interrupt sources. If the interrupt is unmasked and meets the priority criteria (see "Priority Resolution" on page 8-5), the Interrupt Control Unit asserts the maskable interrupt request to the CPU, then waits for the interrupt acknowledge. When the Interrupt Control Unit receives the interrupt acknowledge, it passes the interrupt type to the CPU. At that point, the CPU begin the interrupt processing sequence.(See "InterruptlException Processing" on page 2-39 for details.) The Interrupt Control Unit always passes the vector that has the highest priority at the time the acknowledge is received. If a higher priority interrupt occurs before the interrupt acknowledge, the higher priority interrupt has precedence. When it receives the interrupt acknowledge, the Interrupt Control Unit clears the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Request register and sets the corresponding bit in the In-Service register. The In-Service register keeps track of which interrupt handlers are being processed. At the end of an interrupt handler, the programmer must issue an End-of-Interrupt (EOl) command to explicitly clear the In-Service register bit. If the bit remains set, the Interrupt Control Unit cannot process any additional interrupts from that source. 8.2.2 Priority Resolution The decision to assert the maskable interrupt request to the CPU is somewhat complicated. The complexity is needed to support interrupt nesting. First, an interrupt occurs and the corresponding Interrupt Request register bit is set The Interrupt Control Unit 'then asserts the maskable interrupt request to the CPU, if the pending interrupt satisfies these requirements: 1. its Interrupt Mask bit is cleared (it is unmasked) 2. its priority is higher than the value in the Priority Mask register 3. its In-Service bit is cleared 4. its priority is equal to or greater than that of any interrupt whose In-Service bit is set The In-Service register keeps track of interrupt handler execution. The Interrupt Control Unit uses this information to decide whether another interrupt source has sufficient priority to preempt an interrupt handler that is executing. I 8-5 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Priority Resolution Exampte This example illustrates priority resolution. Assume these initial conditions: • the Interrupt Control Unit has been initialized • no interrupts are pending • no In-Service bits are set • the Interrupt Enable bit is set • all interrupts are unmasked • the default priority scheme is being used • the Priority Mask register is set to the lowest priority (seven) The example uses two external interrupt sources, INTO and INTI, to describe the process. 1. A low-to-high transition on INTO sets its Interrupt Request bit. The interrupt is now pending. 2. Because INTO is the only pending interrupt, it meets all the priority criteria. The Interrupt Control Unit asserts the interrupt request to the CPU and waits for an acknowledge. 3. The CPU acknowledges the interrupt. 4. The Interrupt Control Unit passes the interrupt type (in this case, type 12) to the CPU. S. The Interrupt Control Unit clears the INTO bit in the Interrupt Request register and sets the INTO bit in the In-Service register. 6. The CPU executes the interrupt processing sequence and begins executing the interrupt handler for INTO. 7. During execution of the INTO interrupt handler, a low-to-high transition on INT3 sets its Interrupt Request bit. 8. The Interrupt Control Unit determines that INT3 has a lower priority than INTO, which is currently executing (INTO's In-Service bit is set). INT3 does not meet the priority criteria, so no interrupt request is sent to the CPU. (If INT3were programmed with a higher priority than INTO, the request would be sent.) INT3 remains pending in the Interrupt Request register. 9. The INTO interrupt handler completes and sends an EO! command to clear the INTO bit in the In-Service register. 10. INT3 is still pending and now meets all the priority criteria. The Interrupt Control Unit asserts the interrupt request to the CPU and the process begins again. 8-6 I INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Interrupts That Share a Single Source Multiple interrupt requests can share a single interrupt input to the Interrupt Control Unit. (For example, the three timers share a single input.) Although these interrupts share an input, each has its own interrupt vector. (For example, when a Timer 0 interrupt occurs, the Timer 0 interrupt handler is executed.) This section uses the three timers as an example to describe how these interrupts are prioritized and serviced. The Interrupt Status register acts as a second-level request register to process the timer interrupts. It contains a bit for each timer interrupt. When a timer interrupt occurs, both the individual Inter- rupt Status register bit and the shared Interrupt Request register bit are set. From this point, the interrupt is processed like any other interrupt source. When the shared interrupt is acknowledged, the timer interrupt with the highest priority (see Table 8-1 on page 8-3) at that time is serviced first and that timer's Interrupt Status bit is cleared. If no other timer Interrupt Status bits are set, the shared Interrupt Request bit is also cleared. If other timer interrupts are pending, the Interrupt Request bit remains set. When the timer interrupt is acknowledged, the shared In-Service bit is set. No other timer interrupts can occur when the In-Service bit is set. If a second timer interrupt occurs while another timer interrupt is being serviced, the second interrupt remains pending until the interrupt handler for the first interrupt finishes and clears the In-Service bit. (This is true even if the second interrupt has a higher priority than the first.) 8.2.3 Cascading with External 8259As For applications that require more external interrupt pins than the number provided on the Interrupt Control Unit, external 8259A modules can be used to increase the number of external interrupt pins. The cascade mode of the Interrupt Control Unit supports the external 8259As. The INT2IINTAO and INT3IINTAI pins can serve either of two functions. Outside cascade mode, they serve as external interrupt inputs. In cascade mode, they serve as interrupt acknowledge outputs. INTAO is the acknowledge for INTO, and INTAI is the acknowledge for INTI. (See Figure 8-2.) The INT2IINTAO and INT3/INTAl pins are inputs after reset until the pins are confiugred as outputs. The pull up resistors ensure that the INTA pins never float (which would cause a spurious interrupt acknowledge to the 8259A). The value of the resistors must be high enough to prevent excessive loading on the pins. I 8-7 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT INT 8259A or 82C59A INTO VCC -r ~ -- :> INTA INTAO Interrupt Control Unit INT 8259A or 82C59A -- INT1 VCC -INTA :> ~ -- INTA1 A1211·AO Figure 8-2. Using External 8259A Modules in Cascade Mode Special Fully Nested Mode Special fully nested mode is an optional feature normally used with cascade mode. It is applicable only to INTO and INTI. In special fully nested mode, an interrupt request is serviced even if its In-Service bit is set. In cascade mode, an 8259A controls up to eight external interrupts that share a single interrupt input pin. Special fully nested mode allows the 8259A's priority structure to be maintained. For example, assume that the CPU is servicing a low-priority interrupt from the 8259A. While the interrupt handler is executing, the 8259A receives a higher priority interrupt from one of its sources. The 8259A applies its own priority criteria to that interrupt and asserts its interrupt to the Interrupt Control Unit. Special fully nested mode allows the higher priority interrupt to be serviced even though the In-Service bit for that source is already set. A higher priority interrupt has preempted a lower priority interrupt, and interrupt nesting is fully maintained. Special fully nested mode can also be used without cascade mode. In this case, it allows a single external interrupt pin (either INTO or INTI) to preempt itself. 8-8 I intet 8.2.4 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence During the interrupt acknowledge sequence, the Interrupt Control Unit passes the interrupt type to the CPU. The CPU then multiplies the interrupt type by four to derive the interrupt vector address in the interrupt vector table. ("InterruptlException Processing" on page 2-39 describes the interrupt acknowledge sequence and Figure 2-25 on page 2-40 illustrates the interrupt vector table.) The interrupt types for all sources are fixed and unalterable (see Table 8-2). The Interrupt Control Unit passes these types to the CPU internally. The first external indication of the interrupt acknowledge sequence is the CPU fetch from the interrupt vector table. In cascade mode, the external 8259A supplies the interrupt type. In this case, the CPU runs an external interrupt acknowledge cycle to fetch the interrupt type from the 8259A (see "Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycle" on page 3-25). Table 8-2. Fixed Interrupt Types 8.2.5 Interrupt Name Interrupt Type limerO 8 limer 1 18 limer2 19 Serial Channel 0 Receive 20 Serial Channel 0 Transmit 21 INT4 17 INTO 12 INT1 13 INT2 14 INT3 15 Polling In some applications, it is desirable to poll the Interrupt Control Unit. The CPU polls the Interrupt Control Unit for any pending interrupts, and software can service interrupts whenever it is convenient. The Poll and Poll Status registers support polling. Software reads the Poll register to get the type of the highest priority pending interrupt, then calls the corresponding interrupt handler. Reading the Poll register also acknowledges the interrupt. This clears the Interrupt Request bit and sets the In-Service bit for the interrupt. The Poll Status register has the same format as the Poll register, but reading the Poll Status register does not acknowledge the interrupt. I 8-9 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.2.6 Edge and Level Triggering ~( The external interrupts (INT4:0) can be programmed for either edge or level triggering (see "In\ terruptControl Registers" on page 8-12). Both types of triggering are active high. An edge-trig) gered interrupt is generated by a zero-to-one transition on an external interrupt pin. The pin must I, remain high until after the CPU acknowledges the interrupt, then must go low to reset the edge,/ detection circuitry. (See the current data sheet for timing requirements.) The edge-detection cir. / cuitry must be reset to enable further interrupts to occur. 2/ A level-triggered interrupt is generated by a valid logic one on the external interrupt pin. The pin must remain high until after the CPU acknowledges the interrupt. Unlike edge-triggered interrupts, level-triggered interrupts will continue to occur if the pin remains high. A level-triggered external interrupt pin must go low before the EOI command to prevent another interrupt. NOTE When external 8259As are cascaded into the Interrupt Control Unit, INTO and INTI must be programmed for level-triggered interrupts. 8.2.7 Additional Latency and Response Time The Interrupt Control Unit adds 5 clocks to the interrupt latency of the CPU. Cascade mode adds 13 clocks to the interrupt response time because the CPU must run the interrupt acknowledge bus cycles. (See Figure 8-3 on page 8-11 and Figure 2-27 on page 2-46.) 8-10 I intet~ INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Clocks Interrupt presented to control unit .......................~ 5 Interrupt presented to CPU .......................~ INTA First instruction fetch from interrupt routine 4 } :~~~ !5 IDLE READ IP IDLE READCS IDLE PUSH FLAGS IDLE PUSH CS PUSH IP IDLE 4 3 (5 if not cascade mode) 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 ...................................... Cascade Mode Only ~ Total 55 A1212·AO Figure 8-3. Interrupt Control Unit Latency and Response Time 8.3 PROGRAMMING THE INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Table 8-3 lists the Interrupt Control Unit registers with their Peripheral Control Block offset addresses. The remainder of this section describes the functions of the registers. Table 8-3. Interrupt Control Unit Registers Register Name I Offset Address INT3 Control 1EH INT2 Control 1CH INn Control 1AH INTO Control 18H INT4 Control 16H Serial Control 14H Timer Control 12H Interrupt Status 10H Interrupt Request OEH 8-11 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Table 8-3. Interrupt Control Unit Registers (Continued) Register Name In-Service Priority Mask Interrupt Mask Poll Status Poll EOI 8.3.1 Offset Address OCH OAH 08H 06H 04H 02H Interrupt Control Registers Each interrupt source has its own Interrupt Control register. The Interrupt Control register allows you to define the behavior of each interrupt source. Figure 8-4 shows the registers for the timers and serial channel, Figure 8-5 shows the registers for INT4:2, and Figure 8-6 shows the registers for INTO and INTI. All Interrupt Control registers have a three-bit field (PM2:0) that defines the priority level for the interrupt source and a mask bit (MSK) that enables or disables the interrupt source. The mask bit is the same as the one in the Interrupt Mask register. Modifying a bit in either register also modifies that same bit in the other register. The Interrupt Control registers for the external interrupt pins also have a bit (LVL) that selects level-triggered or edge-triggered mode for that interrupt. (See "Edge and Level Triggering" on page 8-10.) The Interrupt Control registers for the cascadable external interrupt pins (INTO and INTI) have two additional bits to support the external 8259As. The CAS bit enables cascade mode, and the SFNM bit enables special fully nested mode. 8-12 I INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Interrupt Control Register (intemal sources) Register Mnemonic: TCUCON, SCUCON, Register Function: Control register for the internal interrupt sources o M S K P M 2 P M 1 P M 0 A121~AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function MSK Interrupt Mask 1 Clear to enable Interrupts from this source. PM2:0 Priority Level 111 Defines the priority level for this source. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bHs must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-4. Interrupt Control Register for Internal Sources I 8-13 int'et INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Interrupt Control Register (non-cascadable pins) Register Mnemonic: 12CON, 13CON, 14CON Register Function: Control register for the non-cascadable external internal interrupt pins o M S K P M 2 P M 1 P M 0 A1214-AO Bit Mnemonic LVL Bit Name Level-trigger Reset State 0 Function Selects the interrupt triggering mode: o= edge triggering 1 = level triggering. MSK Interrupt Mask PM2:0 Priority Level NOTE: . 1 Clear to enable interrupts from this source. 111 Defines the priority level for this source. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-5. Interrupt Control Register for Noncascadable External Pins 8-14 I int:et INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Interrupt Control Register (cascadable pins) Register Mnemonic: IOCON, 11 CON Register Function: Control register interrupt pins for the C A S L V L cascadable external 0 S F N M M S K P M 2 P M 1 P M 0 A1215-AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function SFNM Special Fully Nested Mode 0 Set to enable special fully nested mode. CAS cascade Mode 0 Set to enable cascade mode. LVL Level-trigger 0 Selects the interrupt triggering mode: o =edge triggering 1 =level triggering. The LVL bH must be set when extemal 8259As are cascaded Into the Interrupt Control Unit. MSK Interrupt Mask 1 Clear to enable interrupts from this source. PM2:0 Priority Level 111 Defines the priority level for this source. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bHs must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-6. Interrupt Control Register for Cascadable Interrupt Pins I 8-15 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.3.2 Interrupt Request Register The Interrupt Request register (Figure 8-7) has one bit for each interrupt source. When a source requests an interrupt, its Interrupt Request bit is set (without regard to whether the interrupt is masked). The Interrupt Request bit is cleared when the interrupt is acknowledged. An external interrupt pin must remain asserted until its interrupt is acknowledged. Otherwise, the Interrupt Request bit will be cleared, but the interrupt will not be serviced. Register Name: Interrupt Request Register Register Mnemonic: REQST Register Function: Stores pending interrupt requests IIII Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State I I I I I N N N N T T T T N E T 0 4 321 S R A12()6.AQ Function INT3:0,INT4 External Interrupts 0000 0 A bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding external interrupt pin. SER Serial Channel 0 Interrupt 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt from serial channel 0 (either a receive or a transmit interrupt). TMR Timer Interrupt 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt from one of the timers. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-7. Interrupt Request Register 8-16 I INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.3.3 Interrupt Mask Register The Interrupt Mask register (Figure 8-8) contains a mask bit for each interrupt source. This register allows you to mask (disable) individual interrupts. Set a mask bit to disable interrupts from the corresponding source. The mask bit is the same as the one in the Interrupt Control register. Modifying a bit in either register also modifies that same bit in the other register. Register Name: Interrupt Mask Register Register Mnemonic: IMASK Register Function: Masks individual interrupt sources 0 I N T 3 I N T 2 I N T 1 I N T 0 I N T 4 S E R A1207-AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function INT3:0,INT4 External Interrupt Mask -eeee-eF'h.) Ih Set a bit to mask (disable) interrupt requests from the corresponding extemallnterrupt pin. SER Serial Channel 0 Interrupt Mask \~ Set to mask (disable) interrupt requests from serial channel O. TMR Timer Interrupt Mask i~ Set to mask (disable) interrupt requests from the timers. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-8. Interrupt Mask Register (f'Z.-/t4/fS- ~) I 8-17 intet~ INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 8.3.4 i Priority Mask Register The Priority Mask register (Figure 8-9) contains a three-level field that holds a priority value. This register allows you to mask interrupts based on their priority levels. Write a priority value to the PM2:0 field to specify the lowest priority interrupt to be serviced. This disables (masks) any interrupt source whose priority is lower than the PM2:0 value. After reset, the Priority Mask register is set to the lowest priority (seven), which enables all interrupts of any priority. Register Name: Priority Mask Register Register Mnemonic: PRIMSK Register Function: Masks lower-priority interrupt sources o 15 IIII Bit Mnemonic PM2:0 NOTE: Bit Name Priority Mask Reset State 111 P P P M M M 210 A1216-AO Function , Defines a priority-based interrupt mask. Interrupts whose priority is lower than this value are masked. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-9. Priority Mask Register 8.3.5 In-Service Register The In-Service register has a bit for each interrupt source. The bits indicate which source's interrupt handlers are currently executing. The In-Service bit is set when an interrupt is acknowledged; the interrupt handler must clear it with an End-of-Interrupt (EO!) command. The Interrupt Control Unit uses the In-Service rtbgister to support interrupt nesting. 8-18 I intel~ INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: In-Service Register Register Mnemonic: INSERV Register Function: Indicates which interrupt handlers are in process o 15 IIII Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State I I I I I N N N N T T T T T 3 4 2 1 0 S N E R A1204-AO Function INT3:0,INT4 External Interrupt InService 0000 0 A bit is set to indicate that the corresponding external interrupt is being serviced_ SER Serial Channel 0 Interrupt InService 0 This bit Is set to indicate that a serial channel interrupt is being serviced. TMR Timer Interrupt InService 0 This bit is set to indicate that a timer interrupt Is being serviced. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-10. In-Service Register 8.3.6 Poll and Poll Status Registers The Poll and Poll Status registers allow you to poll the Interrupt Control Unit and service interrupts through software. You can read these registers to determine whether an interrupt is pending and, if so, the interrupt type. The registers contain identical information, but reading them produces different results. I 8-19 intet~ INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Reading the Poll register (Figure 8-11) acknowledges the pending interrupt, just as if the CPU had started the interrupt vectoring sequence. The Interrupt Control Unit updates the Interrupt Request, In-Service, Poll, and Poll Status registers, as it does in the normal interrupt acknowledge sequence. However, the processor does not run an interrupt acknowledge sequence or fetch the vector from the vector table. Instead, software must read the interrupt type and execute the proper routine to service the pending interrupt. Reading the P~llStatus register (Figure 8-12) will merely transmit the status of the polling bits without modifying any of the other Interrupt Controller registers. Register Name: Poll Register Register Mnemonic: POLL Register Function: Read to check for and acknowledge pending interrupts when polling o v v v V T T T 321 0 T A120B-AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function IREO Interrupt Request 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt. VT4:0 Vector Type 0 Contains the interrupt type of the highest priority pending interrupt. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-11. Poll Register 8·20 I INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Poll Status Register Register Mnemonic: POLLSTS Register Function: Read to check for pending interrupts when polling o v T V T v T V T 3 2 1 0 A1209-AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function IREO Interrupt Request 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt. VT4:0 Vector Type 0 Contains the interrupt type of the highest priority pending interrupt. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-12. Poll Status Register 8.3.7 End-ot-Interrupt (EOI) Register The End-of-Interrupt register (Figure 8-13) issues an End-of-Interrupt (EOI) command to the Interrupt Control Unit, which clears the In-Service bit for the associated interrupt. An interrupt handler typically ends with an EOI command. There are two types of EOI commands: nonspecific and specific. A nonspecific EOI simply clears the In-Service bit of the highest priority interrupt. To issue a nonspecific EOI command, set the NSPEC bit. (Write 8000H to the EO! register.) A specific EOI clears a particular In-Service bit. To issue a specific EOI command, clear the NSPEC bit and write the VT4:0 bits with the interrupt type of the interrupt whose In-Service bit you wish to clear. For example, to clear the In-Service bit for INT2, write OOOEH to the EOI register. The timer interrupts share an In-Service bit. To clear the In-Service bit for any timer interrupt with a specific EOI, write 0OO8H (interrupt type 8) to the EOI register. I 8-21 intet, INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: End-of-Interrupt Register Register Mnemonic: EOI Register Function: Used to issue an EOI command o v v v V T T T T 321 0 A121()'AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function NSPEC Nonspecific EOI 0 Set to issue a nonspecific EOL VT4:0 Interrupt Type 00000 Write with the interrupt type of the interrupt whose In-Service bit is to be cleared. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logiC zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-13. End-ot-Interrupt Register 8.3.8 Interrupt Status Register The Interrupt Status register (Figure 8-14) contains one bit for each interrupt that shares an interrupt source and one bit for the nonmaskable interrupt (NMI). A bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt and is cleared when the interrupt request is acknowledged. Any number of bits can be set at anyone time. 8-22 I intet INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT Register Name: Interrupt Status Register Register Mnemonic: INTSTS Register Function: Indicates pending NMI or shared-source interrupts 0 S R X T M R 2 T M R 1 T M R 0 A1205-AO Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function NMI Nonmaskable Interrupt 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending NMI. STX Serial Transmit 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending serial transmit interrupt. SRX Serial Receive 0 This bit is set to indicate a pending serial receive interrupt. TMR2:0 Timer 0 A bit is set to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding timer. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 8-14. Interrupt Status Register 8.3.9 Initializing the Interrupt Control Unit Follow these steps to initialize the Interrupt Control Unit. 1. Determine which interrupt sources you want to use. 2. Determine whether to use the default priority scheme or devise your own. I 8-23 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT 3. Program the Interrupt Control register for each interrupt source. - For external interrupt pins, select edge or level triggering. -For INTO or INTI, enable cascade mode, special fully nested mode, or both, if you wish to use them. - If you are using a custom priority scheme, program the priority level for each interrupt source. 4. Program the Priority Mask with a priority mask level, if you wish to mask interrupts based on priority. (The default is level seven, which enables all interrupt levels.) 5. Set the mask bit in the Interrupt Mask register for any interrupts that you wish to disable. Example 8-1 shows sample code to initialize the Interrupt Control Unit. $modl86 name ;This routine configures the interrupt controller to provide two cascaded ;interrupt inputs (through an external 8259A connected to INTO and INTAO#) ;and two direct interrupt inputs connected to INTl and INT3. The default ;priorities are used. ;The example assumes that the register addresses have been properly defined. code segment assume cs:code proc near push dx push ax mov ax,OllOlllB mov dx,IOCON out dx,ax mov ax,OlOOllOlB mov dx,IMASK out dx,ax pop ax pop dx ret endp ends end ;cascade mode, priority seven ;INTO control register ;unmask INTl and INT3 Example 8-1. Initializing the Interrupt Control Unit 8-24 I intet 9 Timer/Counter Unit I intet~ CHAPTER 9 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT The Timer/Counter Unit can be used in many applications. Some of these applications include a real-time clock, a square-wave generator and a digital one-shot. All of these can be implemented in a system design. A real-time clock can be used to update time-dependent memory variables. A square-wave generator can be used to provide a system clock tick for peripheral devices. (See "Timer/Counter Unit Application Examples" on page 9-17 for code examples that configure the Timer/Counter Unit for these applications.) 9.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW The Timer/Counter Unit is composed of three independent 16-bit timers (see Figure 9-1). The operation of these timers is independent of the CPU. The internal TImer/Counter Unit can be modeled as a single counter element, time-multiplexed to three register banks. The register banks are dual-ported between the counter element and the CPU. During a given bus cycle, the counter element and CPU can both access the register banks; these accesses are synchronized. The Timer/Counter Unit is serviced over four clock periods, one timer during each clock, with an idle clock at the end (see Figure 9-2). No connection exists between the counter element's sequencing through timer register banks and the Bus Interface Unit's sequencing through T-states. Timer operation and bus interface operation are asynchronous. This time-multiplexed scheme results in a delay of 2Yz to 6Y2 CLKOUT periods from timer input to timer output. Each timer keeps its own running count and has a user-defined maximum count value. Timers 0 and 1 can use one maximum count value (single maximum count mode) or two alternating maximum count values (dual maximum count mode). TImer 2 can use only one maximum count value. The control register for each timer determines the counting mode to be used. When a timer is serviced, its present count value is incremented and compared to the maximum count for that timer. If these two values match, the count value resets to zero. The timers can be configured either to stop after a single cycle or to run continuously. Timers 0 and 1 are functionally identical. Figure 9-3 illustrates their operation. Each has a latched, synchronized input pin and a single output pin. Each timer can be clocked internally or externally. Internally, the timer can either increment at v.. CLKOUT frequency or be prescaled by Timer 2. A timer that is prescaled by Timer 2 increments when Timer 2 reaches its maximum count value. I 9-1 int'et TIMER/COUNTER UNIT TO In T1 In Transition Latch/ Synchronizer Transition Latch/ Synchronizer TO CPU Counter Element Out T1 Out CPU Clock----' A1292-0A Figure 9-1. Timer/Counter Unit Block Diagram 9-2 I TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 0 TImer 1 Timer 2 Serviced Serviced Serviced Dead Serviced Serviced Serviced Dead ,.....-' ..........,...."'" TOIN T11N TOOUT T10UT NOTES: 1. TOIN resolution time (setup time met). 2. T1IN resolution time (setup time not met). 3. Modified count value written into Timer 0 count register. 4. T1IN resolution time, count value written into Timer 1 count register. 5. T1IN resolution time. A1293-0A Figure 9·2. Counter Element Multiplexing and Timer Input Synchronization I 9-3 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT A1294-0A Figure 9-3. Timers 0 and 1 Flow Chart 9-4 I intet TIMER/COUNTER UNIT No A1295-0A Figure 9-3. Trmers 0 and 1 Flow Chart (Continued) (1?'/'Lf/'f" I:.~) I 9-5 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT When configured for internal clocking, the Timer/Counter Unit uses the input pins either to enable timer counting or to retrigger the associated timer. Externally, a timer increments on low-tohigh transitions on its input pin (up to 1;4 CLKOUT frequency). Timers 0 and 1 each have a single output pin. Timer output can be either a single pulse, indicating the end of a timing cycle, or a variable duty cycle wave. These two output options correspond to single maximum count mode and dual maximum count mode, respectively (Figure 9-4). Interrupts can be generated at the end of every timing cycle. Timer 2 has no input or output pins and can be operated only in single maximum count mode (Figure 9-4). It can be used as a free-running clock and as a prescaler to Timers 0 and 1. Timer 2 can be clocked only internally, at 1;4 CLKOUT frequency. Timer 2 can also generate interrupts at the end of every timing cycle. : Maxcount A . Dual Maximum Count Mode MaxcountA . Maxcount B .. • One CPU Clock • . Single Maximum Count Mode A1296-0A Figure 9-4. Timer/Counter Unit Output Modes 9.2 PROGRAMMING THE TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Each timer has three registers: a Timer Control register (Figure 9-5 and Figure 9-6), a Timer Count register (Figure 9-7) and a Timer Maxcount Compare register (Figure 9-8). Timers 0 and 1 also have access to an additional Maxcount Compare register. The Timer Control register controls timer operation. The Timer Count register holds the current timer count value, and the Maxcount Compare register holds the maximum timer count value. 9-6 I intet TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Register Name: Timer 0 and 1 Control Registers Register Mnemonic: TOCON, T1CON Register Function: Defines Timer 0 and 1 operation. o 15 E N I N H I N T M R C T R I U P G E X T A L T C 0 N T A1297-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function EN Enable 0 Set to enable the timer. This bit can be written only when the INH bit is set. INH Inhibit X Set to enable writes to the EN bit. Clear to ignore writes to the EN bit. The INH bit is not stored; it always reads as zero. INT Interrupt X Set to generate an interrupt request when the Count register equals a Maximum Count register. Clear to disable interrupt requests. RIU Register In Use X Indicates which compare register is in use. When set, the current compare register is Maxcount Compare B; when clear, it is Maxcount Compare A. MC Maximum Count X This bit is set when the counter reaches a maximum count. The MC bit must be cleared by writing to the Timer Control register. This is not done automatically. If MC is clear, the counter has not reached a maximum count. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 9-5. Timer 0 and Timer 1 Control Registers I 9-7 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Register Name: Timer 0 and 1 Control Registers Register Mnemonic: TOCON, T1 CON Register Function: Defines Timer 0 and 1 operation. 15 0 E I N N H Bit Mnemonic I N T R I U IIII Bit Name Reset State M C R T G P E X T A L T C 0 N T A1297-0A Function RTG Retrigger X This bit specifies the action caused by a low-to-high transition on the TMR INx input. Set RTG to reset the count; clear RTG to enable counting. This bit is ignored with external clocking (EXT=1). P Prescaler X Set to increment the timer when Timer 2 reaches its maximum count. Clear to increment the timer at ¥I CLKOUT. This bit is ignored with external clocking (EXT=1). EXT External Clock X Set to use external clock; clear to use internal clock. The RTG and P bits are ignored with external clocking (EXT set). ALT Alternate Compare Register X This bit controls whether the timer runs in single or dual maximum count mode (see Figure 9-4 on page 9-6). Set to specify dual maximum count mode; clear to specify single maximum count mode. CONT Continuous Mode X Set to cause the timer to run continuously. Clear to disable the counter (clear the EN bit) after each counting sequence. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 9-5. Timer 0 and Timer 1 Control Registers (Continued) 9-8 I TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Register Name: Timer 2 Control Register Register Mnemonic: T2CON Register Function: . Defines Timer 2 operation. 15 E N I N I N H T Al:t\111-UA Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function EN Enable 0 Set to enable the timer. This bit can be written only when the INH bit is set. INH Inhibit X Set to enable writes to the EN bit. Clear to ignore writes to the EN bit. The INH bit is not stored; it always reads as zero. INT Interrupt X Set to generate an interrupt request when the Count register equals a Maximum Count register. Clear to disable interrupt requests. MC Maximum Count X This bit is set when the counter reaches a maximum count. The Me bit must be cleared by writing to the Timer Control register. This is not done automatlca"y. If MC Is clear, the counter has not reached a maximum count. CONT Continuous Mode X Set to cause the timer to run continuously. Clear to disable the counter (clear the EN bit) after each counting sequence. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 9-6. Timer 2 Control Register I 9-9 infel~ TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Register Name: Timer Count Register Register Mnemonic: TOCNT, T1 CNT, T2CNT Register Function: Contains the current timer count. o 15 T C 1 5 T C 1 T C 1 T C 1 4 3 2 T C 1 1 T C 1 0 T C 9 T C T C T C 8 7 6 T C 5 T C T C T C 4 3 2 T C 1 T C 0 A1299-0A Bit Mnemonic TC15:0 Bit Name Timer Count Value Reset State XXXXH Function Contains the current count of the associated timer_ Figure 9-7. Timer Count Registers 9·10 I TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Register Name: Timer Maxcount Compare Register Register Mnemonic: TOCMPA, TOCMPB, T1CMPA, T1CMPB, T2CMPA Register Function: Contains timer maximum count value. o 15 T C 1 5 T C 1 T C 1 T C 1 4 3 2 T C 1 1 T C 1 0 T C T C 9 8 T C 7 T C 6 T C 5 T C T C T C 4 3 2 T C 1 T C 0 A1300-0A Bit Mnemonic TC15:0 Bit Name Timer Compare Value Reset State XXXXH Function Contains the maximum value a timer will count to before resetting its Count register to zero_ Figure 9·8. Timer Maxcount Compare Registers 9.2.1 Initialization Sequence When initializing the Timer/Counter Unit, the following sequence is suggested: 1. If timer interrupts will be used, program interrupt vectors into the Interrupt Vector Table. 2. Clear the Timer Count register. This must be done before the timer is enabled because the count register is undefined at reset Clearing the count register ensures that counting begins at zero. 3. Write the desired maximum count value to the Timer Maxcount Compare register. For dual maximum count mode, write a value to both Maxcount Compare A and B. Program the Timer Control register to enable the timer. When using Timer 2 to prescale another timer, enable Timer 2 last If Timer 2 is enabled first, it will be at an unknown point in its timing cycle when the timer to be prescaled is enabled. This results in an unpredictable duration of the first timing cycle for the prescaled timer. I 9-11 int"et TIMER/COUNTER UNIT 9.2.2 Clock Sources The 16-bit Timer Count register increments once for each timer event. A timer event can be a lowto-high transition on a timer input pin (Timers 0 and 1), a pulse generated every fourth CPU clock (all timers) or a timeout of Timer 2 (Timers 0 and 1). Up to 65536 (2 16) events can be counted. Timers 0 and 1 can be programmed to count low-to-high transitions on their input pins as timer events by setting the External (EXT) bit in their control registers. Transitions on the external pin are synchronized to the CPU clock before being presented to the timer circuitry. The timer counts transitions on this pin. The input signal must go low, then high, to cause the timer to increment. The maximum count-rate for the timers is ':4 the CPU clock rate (measured at CLKOUT) because the timers are serviced only once every four clocks. All timers can use transitions of the CPU clock as timer events. For internal clocking, the timer increments every fourth CPU clock due to the counter element's time-multiplexed servicing scheme. Timer 2 can use only the internal clock as a timer event. Timers 0 and 1 can also use Timer 2 reaching its maximum count as a timer event. In this configuration, Timer 0 or Timer 1 increments each time Timer 2 reaches its maximum count. See Table 9-1 for a summary of clock sources for Timers 0 and 1. Timer 2 must be initialized and running in order to increment values in other timer/counters. Table 9-1. Timer 0 and 1 Clock Sources 9.2.3 EXT P 0 0 Timer clocked internally at 0 1 Timer clocked internally. prescaled by Timer 2. 1 X Timer clocked externally at up to Clock Source ~ CLKOUT frequency. ~ CLKOUT frequency. Counting Modes All timers have a Timer Count register and a Maxcount Compare A register. Timers 0 and 1 also have access to a second Maxcount Compare B register. Whenever the contents of the Timer Count register equal the contents of the Maxcount Compare register, the count register resets to zero. The maximum count value will never be stored in the count register. This is because the counter element increments, compares and resets a timer in one clock cycle. Therefore, the maximum value is never written back to the count register. The Maxcount Compare register can be written at any time during timer operation. The timer counting from its initial count (usually zero) to its maximum count (either Maxcount Compare A or B) and resetting to zero defines one timing cycle. A Maxcount Compare value of oimplies a maximum count of 65536, a Maxcount Compare value of 1 implies a maximum count of 1, etc. 9·12 I intet TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Only equivalence between the Timer Count and Maxcount Compare registers is checked. The count does not reset to zero if its value is greater than the maximum count. If the count value exceeds the Maxcount Compare value, the timer counts to OFFFFH, increments to zero, then counts to the value in the Maxcount Compare register. Upon reaching a maximum count value, the Maximum Count (MC) bit in the Timer Control register sets. The MC bit must be cleared by writing to the Timer Control register. This is not done automatically. The Timer/Counter Unit can be configured to execute different counting sequences. The timers can operate in single maximum count mode (all timers) or dual maximum count mode (Timers 0 and 1 only). They can also be programmed to run continuously in either of these modes. The Alternate (ALT) bit in the Timer Control register determines the counting modes used by Timers 0 and 1. All timers can use single maximum count mode, where only Maxcount Compare A is used. The timer will count to the value contained in Maxcount Compare A and reset to zero. Timer 2 can operate only in this mode. Timers 0 and 1 can also use dual maximum count mode. In this mode, Maxcount Compare A and Maxcount Compare B are both used. The timer counts to the value contained in Maxcount Compare A, resets to zero, counts to the value contained in Maxcount Compare B, and resets to zero again. The Register In Use (RIU) bit in the TImer Control register indicates which Maxcount Compare register is currently in use. The timers can be programmed to run continuously in single maximum count and dual maximum count modes. The Continuous (CaNT) bit in the Timer Control register determines whether a timer is disabled after a single counting sequence. Retriggering The timer input pins affect timer counting in three ways (see Table 9-2). The programming of the External (EXT) and Retrigger (RTG) bits in the Timer Control register determines how the input signals are used. When the timers are clocked internally, the RTG bit determines whether the input pin enables timer counting or retriggers the current timing cycle. Table 9-2. Timer Retriggering I Timer Operation EXT RTG 0 0 Timer counts internal events, if input pin remains high. 0 1 Timer counts internal events; count resets to zero on every low-to-high transition on the input pin. 1 X Timer input acts as clock source. 9-13 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT When the EXT and RTG bits are clear, the timer counts internal timer events. In this mode, the input is level-sensitive, not edge-sensitive. A low-to-high transition on the timer input is not required for operation. The input pin acts as an external enable. If the input is high, the timer will count through its sequence, provided the timer remains enabled. When the EXT bit is clear and the RTG bit is set, every low-ta-high transition on the timer input pin causes the Count register to reset to zero. After the timer is enabled, counting begins only after the first low-to-high transition on the input pin. If another low-to-high transition occurs before the end of the timer cycle, the timer count resets to zero and the timer cycle begins again. In dual maximum count mode, the Register In Use (RIU) bit does not clear when a low-to-high transition occurs. For example, if the timer retriggers while Maxcount Compare B is in use, the timer resets to zero and counts to maximum count B before the RIU bit clears. In dual maximum count mode, the timer retriggering extends the use of the current Maxcount Compare register. 9.2.4 Pulsed and Variable Duty Cycle Output Timers 0 and 1 each have an output pin that can perform two functions. First, the output can be a single pulse, indicating the end of a timing cycle (single maximum count mode). Second, the output can be a level, indicating the Maxcount Compare register currently in use (dual maximum count mode). The output occurs one clock after the counter element services the timer when the maximum count is reached (see Figure 9-9). With external clocking, the time between a transition on a timer input and the corresponding transition of the timer output varies from 2'12 to 6'12 clocks. This delay occurs due to the time-multiplexed servicing scheme of the Timer/Counter Unit. The exact timing depends on when the input occurs relative to the counter element's servicing of the timer. Figure 9-2 on page 9-3 shows the two extremes in timer output delay. Timer 0 demonstrates the best possible case, where the input occurs immediately before the timer is serviced. Timer 1 demonstrates the worst possible case, where the input is latched, but the setup time is not met and the input is not recognized until the counter element services the timer again. In single maximum count mode, the timer output pin goes low for one CPU clock period (see Figure 9-4 on page 9-6). This occurs when the count value equals the Maxcount Compare A value. If programmed to run continuously, the timer generates periodic pulses. 9-14 I int:et, TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Timer 0 Serviced Internal Count Value Maxcount -1 o TxOUT Pin NOTE: 1. TCLOV1 Al301-0A Figure 9-9. TxOUT Signal Timing In dual maximum count mode, the timer output pin indicates which Maxcount Compare register is currently in use. A low output indicates Maxcount Compare B, and a high output indicates Maxcount Compare A (see Figure 9-4 on page 9-6). If programmed to run continuously, a repetitive waveform can be generated. For example, if Maxcount Compare A contains 10, Maxcount Compare B contains 20, and CLKOUT is 12.5 MHz, the timer generates a 33 percent duty cycle waveform at 104 KHz. The output pin always goes high at the end of the counting sequence (even if the timer is not programmed to run continuously). 9.2.5 Enabling/Disabling Counters Each timer has an Enable (EN) bit in its Control register to allow or prevent timer counting. The Inhibit (INH) bit controls write accesses to the EN bit. Timers 0 and 1 can be programmed to use their input pins as enable functions also. If a timer is disabled, the count register does not increment when the counter element services the timer. The Enable bit can be altered by programming or the timers can be programmed to disable themselves at the end of a counting sequence with the Continuous (CaNT) bit. If the timer is not programmed for continuous operation, the Enable bit automatically clears at the end of a counting sequence. In single maximum count mode, this occurs after Maxcount Compare A is reached. In dual maximum count mode, this occurs after Maxcount Compare B is reached (Timers 0 and 1 only). I 9-15 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT intele The input pins for Timers 0 and 1 provide an alternate method for enabling and disabling timer counting. When using internal clocking, the input pin can be programmed either to enable the timer or to reset the timer count, depending on the state of the Retrigger (RTG) bit in the control register. When used as an enable function, the input pin either allows (input high) or prevents (input low) timer counting. To ensure recognition of an input level, it must be valid for four CPU clocks. This is due to the counter element's time-multiplexed servicing scheme for the timers. 9.2.6 Timer Interrupts { All timers can generate internal interrupt requests. Although all three timers share a single inter) rupt request to the CPU, each has its own vector location and internal priority. Timer 0 has the I highest interrupt priority and Timer' 2 has the lowest. Timer Interrupts are enabled or disabled by the Interrupt (!NT) bit in the Timer Control register. If enabled, an interrupt is generated every time a maximum count value is reached. In dual maximum count mode, an interrupt is generated each time the value in Maxcount Compare A or Maxcount Compare B is reached. If the interrupt is disabled after a request has been generated, but before a pending interrupt is serviced, the interrupt request remains active (the Interrupt Controller latches the request). If a timer generates a second interrupt request before the CPU services the first interrupt request, the first request is lost. 9.2.7 Programming Considerations Timer registers can be read or written whether the timer is operating or not. Since processor accesses to timer registers are synchronized with counter element accesses, a half-modified count register will never be read. ~ Whe~ Timer 0 and Timer 1 use an internal clock source, the ,input pin. ~ust be high to enable ,countmg. ) 9.3 TIMING Certain timing considerations need to be made with the Timer/Counter Unit. These include input setup and hold times, synchronization and operating frequency. 9.3.1 Input Setup and Hold Timings To ensure recognition, setup and hold times must be met with respect to CPU clock edges. The timer input signal must be valid T CHIS before the rising edge of CLKOUT and must remain valid T CHIH after the same rising edge. If these timing requirements are not met, the input will not be recognized until the next clock edge. 9-16 I in1et 9.3.2 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT Synchronization and Maximum Frequency All timer inputs are latched and synchronized with the CPU clock. Because of the internal logic required to synchronize the external signals, and the multiplexing of the counter element, the Timer/Counter Unit can operate only up to 1A of the CLKOUT frequency. Clocking at greater frequencies will result in missed clocks. Timer/Counter Unit Application Examples The following examples are possible applications of the Timer/Counter Unit. They include a realtime clock, a square wave generator and a digital one-shot. 9.3.3 Real-Time Clock Example 9-1 contains sample code to configure Timer 2 to generate an interrupt request every 10 milliseconds. The CPU then increments memory-based clock variables. 9.3.4 Square-Wave Generator A square-wave generator can be useful to act as a system clock tick. Example 9-2 illustrates how to configure Timer 1 to operate this way. 9.3.5 Digital One-Shot Example 9-3 configures Timer 1 to act as a digital one-shot. I 9-17 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT $mod186 name examp1e_80186_family_timer_code ; FUNCTION: This function sets up the timer and interrupt controller to cause the timer to generate an interrupt every 10 milliseconds and to service interrupts to implement a real time clock. Timer 2 is used in this example because no input or output signals are required. ; SYNTAX: extern void far set_time (hour, minute, second, T2Compare) ; INPUTS: hour - hour to set minute - minute to second - second to T2Compare - T2CMPA ;OUTPUTS: None ;NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages time to. set time to. set time to. value (see note below) For a CLKOUT of l6Mhz, f(timer2) T2CMPA(10ms) l6Mhz/4 4Mhz 0.25us for T2CMPA 1 10ms/0.25us 10e-3/0.25e-6 40000 ;substitute register offsets T2CON T2CMPA T2CNT TCUCON EOI INTSTS timer_2_int equ equ equ equ equ equ equ xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh 19 ;Timer 2 Control register ;Timer 2 Compare register ;Timer 2 Counter register ;Int. Control register ;End Of Interrupt register ;Interrupt Status register ;timer 2:vector type 19 data segment public 'data' public _hour, _minute, _second, _msec _hour _minute _second _msec db db db db ? ? ? ? data ends Example 9-1. Configuring a Real-Time Clock 9-18 I intet TIMER/COUNTER UNIT 'lib_80186 segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80186, ds:data public _set_time _set_time proc far push mov bp bp, sp ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack hour equ word ptr[bp+6] ;get parameters off stack minute equ word ptr[bp+8] second equ word ptr[bp+10] T2Compare equ word ptr[bp+12] push push push ax dx si ;save registers used push xor mov mov mov ds ax, ax ;set interrupt vector ds, ax si, 4*timer_2_int word ptr ds:[si], offset timer_2_interrupt_routine inc si inc si mov ds: [si], cs pop ds mov mov mov mov mov mov mov ax, hour _hour, al ax, minute _minute, al ax, second _second, al _msec, 0 ;set time mov xor out dx, T2CNT ;clear Count register ax, ax mov mov out mov mov out dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, dx, mov xor out ax, ax dx, al T2CMPA T2Compare al T2CON OEOO1H al dx, TCUCON ;set maximum count value ;see note in header above ;set up the control word: ;enable counting, ;generate interrupt on MC, ;continuous counting ;set up interrupt controller ;unmask highest priority interrupt dx, al Example 9-1. Configuring a Real-Time Clock (Continued) I 9-19 intet TIMER/COUNTER UNIT sti ;enable interrupts pop si pop dx pop ax pop bp ret set_time endp push push cmp jae ,inc jmp ax ;restore saved registers ;restore caller's bp ;save registers used dx _msec, 99 bump_second _msec short reset_int_ctl ;has 1 sec passed? ;if above or equal ... bump_second: mov cmp jae inc jmp _msec, 0 _minute, 59 bump_minute _second short reset_int_ctl ;reset millisecond ;has 1 minute passed? bump_minute: mov cmp j ae inc jmp _second, 0 _minute, 59 bump_hour _minute short reset_int_ctl ;reset second ;has 1 hour passed? bump_hour: mov cmp jae inc jmp -Ylinute, 0 _hour, 12 reset_hour _hour reset_int_ctl ;reset minute ;have 12 hours passed? reset_hour: mov _hour, 1 ;reset hour dx, EOr ax, 8000h dx, al ;non-specific end of interrupt mov mov out pop pop iret dx ax ends end Example 9-1. Configuring a Real-Time Clock (Continued) 9-20 I TIMER/COUNTER UNIT $mod186 name ; FUNCTION: example_timer1_square_wave_code This function generates a square wave of given frequency and duty cycle on Timer 1 output pin. SYNTAX: extern void far clock(int mark, int space) INPUTS: mark - This is the mark (1) time. space - This is the space (0) time. The register compare value for a given time can be easily calculated from the formula below. Comparevalue = OUTPUTS: (re~ulse_width*f)/4 None NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level Languages T1CMPA T1CMPB T1CNT T1CON equ equ equ equ xxxxH ;substitute register offsets xxxxH xxxxH xxxxH lib_80186 segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80186 public _clock _clock proc far push mov _space _mark bp bp, sp equ word ptr[bp+6] equ word ptr[bp+8] ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack ;get parameters off the stack push push push ax bx dx ;save registers that will be ;modified mov mov out dx, T1CMPA ax, _mark dx, al ;set mark time mov mov out dx, T1CMPB ax, _space dx, al ;set space time mov xor out dx, T1CNT ax, ax dx, al ;Clear Timer 1 Counter mov mov out dx, T1CON ax, C003H dx, al ;start Timer 1 Example 9-2. Configuring a Square-Wave Generator I 9-21 TIMER/COUNTER UNIT pop pop pop pop ret _clock lib_80186 end dx bx ax ;restore saved registers bp ;restore caller's bp endp ends Example 9-2. Configuring a Square-Wave Generator (Continued) $mod186 name example_timerl_l_shot_code FUNCTION: This function generates an active-low one-shot pulse on Timer 1 output pin. SYNTAX: extern void far one_shot(int CMPB); INPUTS: CMPB - This is the TICMPB value required to generate a pulse of a given pulse width. This value is calculated from the formula below, CMPB = (re~ulse_width*f)/4 OUTPUTS: None NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages TlCNT equ xxxxH TICMPA equ xxxxH TICMPB equ xxxxH TICON equ xxxxH MaxCount equ 0020H ;substitute register offsets lib_80186 segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80186 public _one_shot push mov _one_shot proc far bp bp, sp ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack Example 9-3. Configuring a Digital One-Shot 9-22 I TIMER/COUNTER UNIT _CMPB equ word ptr [bp+6] ;get parameter off the stack push push mov xor out mov mov out mov mov out mov mov out ax dx dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, dx, ;save registers that will be ; modified ;Clear Timer 1 Counter T1CNT ax a1 TICMPA 1 a1 T1CMPB _CMPB al T1CON C002H al ;set time before t_shot to 0 ;set pulse time ;start Timer 1 CountDown: test jz and out in ax, dx ax, MaxCount CountDown ax, not MaxCount dx, al ;read in T1CON ;max count occurred? ;nQ: then wait ;c1ear max count bit ;update T1CON pop pop pop ret one shot lib_ 80186 end dx ax bp ;restore saved registers ;restore caller's bp endp ends Example 9-3. Configuring a Digital One-Shot (Continued) I 9-23 in1:et 10 Serial Communications Unit I intet CHAPTER 10 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 10.1 INTRODUCTION The Serial Communications Unit is composed of two identical serial ports, or channels. Each serial port is independent of the other. This chapter describes the operation of a single serial port. The serial port implements several industry-standard asynchronous communications protocols, and it readily interfaces to many different processors over a standard serial interface. Several processors and systems can be connected to a common serial bus using a multiprocessor protocol. The serial port also implements a simple synchronous protocol. The synchronous protocol is most commonly used to expand the number of I/O pins with shift registers. Features: • Full duplex operation • Programmable seven, eight or nine data bits in asynchronous mode • Independent baud rate generator • Maximum baud rate of 1116 the processor clock • Double-buffered transmit and receive • Clear-to-Send feature for transmission • Break character transmission and detection • Programmable even, odd or no parity • Detects both framing and overrun errors • Supports interrupt on transmit and receive 10.1.1 Asynchronous Communications Asynchronous communications protocols allow different devices to communicate without a common reference clock. The devices communicate at a common baud rate, or bits per second. Data is transmitted and received in frames . Aframe is a sequence of bits shifted serially onto or off the communications line. Each asynchronous frame consists of a start bit (always a logic zero), followed by the data bits and a terminating stop bit. The serial port can transmit and receive seven, eight or nine data bits. The last data bit can optionally be replaced by an even or odd parity bit. Figure 10-1 shows a typical to-bit frame. I 10-1 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A1274-0A Figure 10-1. Typical10-Bit Asynchronous Data Frame When discussing asynchronous communications, it makes sense to talk about the receive machine (RX machine) and the transmit machine (TX machine) separately. Each is completely independent. Transmission and reception can occur simultaneously, making the asynchronous modes full-duplex. RX Machine The RX machine (Figure 10-2) shifts the received serial data into the receive shift register. When the reception has completed, the data is then moved into the Serial Receive Buffer (SxRBUF) Register. From there, the user can read the received data byte. The RX machine samples the RXD pin, looking for a logical low (start bit) signifying the beginning of a reception. Once the logical low has been detected, the RX machine begins the receive process. Each expected bit-time is divided into eight samples by the 8X baud clock. The RX machine takes the three middle samples and, based on a two-out-of-three majority, determines the data bit value. This oversampling is common for asynchronous serial ports and improves noise immunity. This majority value is then shifted into the receive shift register. Using this method, the RX machine can tolerate incoming baud rates that differ from its own internal baud rates by 2.5% overspeed and 5.5% underspeed. These limits exceed the CCIIT extended signaling rate specifications. A stop bit is expected by the RX machine after the proper number of data bits. When the stop bit has been validated, the data from the shift register is copied into SxRBUF and the Receive Interrupt (RI) bit is set. Note that the stop bit is actually validated right after its middle three samples are taken. Therefore, the data is moved into SxRBUF and the RI bit is set approximately in the middle of the stop bit time. 10-2 I - -- ToPCS RXD Pin l @ ~ RXD Sampler I "'w"::I'm'"''''='::I'''m'''''''''=:J'''''''m~'=r~'',''«@m':::I=_''''"'=r"''''@''"''':::I'''''''''''''''''''':::r,,,,%m»,» ~ ." Shift Clock I cO· ... e CD ..... 0I ~ ::D >< 3: DI n =- ::s CD I en I I m Channel Status Logic ::D l> rRI Request Signal 0 0 3: 3: c: Z ..... 9 (,) II • • •• ToPCS 0 ~ • ::I SxSTS 0 z en c: z =t SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT The RX machine can detect several error conditions that may occur during reception: 1. Parity errors - A parity error flag is set when the parity of the received data is incorrect. 2. Framing errors - If a valid stop bit is not received when expected by the RX machine, a framing error flag is set. 3. Overrun errors - If SxRBUF is not read before another reception completes, the old data in SxRBUF is overwritten and an overrun error flag is set. This indicates that data from an earlier reception has been lost. The RX machine also recognizes two different break characters. The shorter break character is M bit times, where M is equal to the total number of bits (start + data + stop) in a frame. The longer break character is 2M + 3 bit times. A break character results in at least one null (all zero) character with a framing error being received. Other error flags could be set depending on the length of the break character and the mode of the serial port. TX Machine A block diagram of the TX machine is shown in Figure 10-3. The TX machine logic supports the following features: • parity generation (even, odd or none) • Clear-to-Send • break character transmission • double-buffered operation A transmission begins by writing a byte to the Serial Transmit Buffer (SxTBUF) Register. SxTBUF is a holding register for the transmit shift register. The contents of SxTBUF are transferred to the transmit shift register as soon as it is empty. If no transmission is in progress (i.e., the transmit shift register is empty), SxTBUF is copied immediately to the transmit shift register. If parity is enabled, the parity bits are calculated and appended to the transmit shift register during the transfer. The start and stop bits are added when the data is transmitted. The Transmit Interrupt bit (TI) is set at the beginning of the stop bit time. Double buffering is a useful feature of the TX machine. When the transmit shift register is empty, the user can write two sequential bytes to SxTBUF. The first byte is transmitted immediately and the second byte is held in SxTBUF until the first byte has been transmitted. 10-4 I _. - £ @ "'11 ca" e ... CD o ~ >;! s: ~ =. :J CD (J) m :II Baud Clock Transmit Shift Register 01 o s: s: c: z c; ~ ~ oz ~ c: '"'"f" ..... 9 l> r o (J) z ::j intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT The Transmit machine can be disabled by an external source by using the Clear-to-Send feature. When the Clear-to-Send feature is enabled, the TX machine will not transmit until the CTS pin is asserted. The CTS pin is level sensitive. Asserting the CTS pin before a pending transmission for at least 1'12 clock cycles ensures that the entire frame will be transmitted. See "CTS Pin Timings" on page 10-19 for details. The TX machine can also transmit a break character. Setting the SBRK bit forces the TXD pin immediately low. The TXD pin remains low until the user clears SBRK. The TX machine will continue the transmission sequence even if SBRK is set. Use caution when setting SBRK or characters will be lost. Modes 1, 3 and 4 The three asynchronous modes of the serial ports, Modes 1, 3 and 4, operate in approximately the same manner. Mode 1 is the 8-bit asynchronous communications mode. Each frame consists of a start bit, eight data bits and a stop bit, as shown in Figure 10-4. When parity is used, the eighth data bit becomes the parity bit. Both the RX and TX machines use this frame in Mode 1 with no exceptions. Mode 3 is the 9-bit asynchronous communications mode (see Figure 10-5). Mode 3 is the same as Mode 1 except that a frame contains nine data bits. The ninth data bit becomes the parity bit when the parity feature is enabled. When parity is disabled, the ninth data bit is controlled by the user. (See "Modes 2 and 3 for Multiprocessor Communications" on page 10-14.) Mode 3 can be used with Mode 2 for mUltiprocessor communications or alone for "8 data bits + parity" frames. Mode 4 is the 7-bit asynchronous communications mode. Each frame consists of a start bit, seven data bits and a stop bit, as shown in Figure 10-6. Parity is not available in Mode 4. Both the RX and TXmachines use this frame in Mode 4 with no exceptions. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stop Bit A1285-0A Figure 10-4. Mode 1 Waveform 10-6 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 11 Stop Bit A1286-0A Figure 10-5. Mode 3 Waveform 9 Stop Bit A1287·0A Figure 10-6. Mode 4 Waveform Mode 2 Asynchronous Mode 2 is referred to as the "address recognition mode." Mode 2 is used together with Mode 3 for multiprocessor communications over a common serial link. In Mode 2, the RX machine will not complete a reception unless the ninth data bit is a one. Any character received with the ninth bit equal to zero is ignored. No flags are set, no interrupts occur and no data is transferred to SxRBUF. In Mode 3, characters are received regardless of the state of the ninth data bit. The following is brief example of using Modes 2 and 3. See "Master/Slave Example" on page 10-28 for more information. Assume one master serial port connects to multiple slave serial ports over a serial link. The slaves are initially in Mode 2, and the master is always in Mode 3. The master communicates with one sl~ve at a time. The CPU overhead of the serial communications burdens only the master and the target slave device. 1. The master transmits the "address" of the target slave, with the ninth bit set, over the serial link. 2. All slaves receive the character and check whether that address is theirs. 3. The target slave switches to Mode 3; all other slaves remain in Mode 2. 4. The master and the target slave continue the communication with all ninth data bits equal to zero. The other slave devices ignore the activity on the serial link. I 10-7 intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 5. At the end of the communication, the target slave switches back to Mode 2 and waits for another address. The parity feature cannot be used when implementing multiprocessor communications with Modes 2 and 3, as the ninth data bit is a control bit and cannot be used as the parity bit. 10.1.2 Synchronous Communications The synchronous mode (Mode 0) is useful primarily with shift register-based peripheral devices. The device outputs a synchronizing clock on TXD and transmits and receives data on RXD in 8bit frames (Figure 10-7). The serial port always provides the synchronizing clock; it can never receive a synchronous clock on TXD. Communication in the synchronous mode is half-duplex. The RXD pin cannot transmit and receive data at the same time. Because the serial port always acts as the master in Mode 0, all transmissions and receptions are controlled by the serial port. In Mode 0, the parity functions and break character detection functions are not available. Mode 0 Transmit Mode 0 Receive A1289-0A Figure 10-7. Mode 0 Waveforms 10-8 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 10.2 PROGRAMMING This section describes how to program the serial port using the appropriate registers. The Serial Receive Buffer Register (SxRBUF) is shown in Figure 10-8 and the Serial Transmit Buffer Register (SxTBUF) is shown in Figure 10-9. These registers have the same functions in any serial port mode. Register Name: Serial Receive Buffer Register ;Register Mnemonic: SxRBUF Register Function: Received data bytes are stored in SxRBUF. o R R R R R R R R 888 7 6 5 8 4 8 8 8 8 321 0 Al290-0A Bit Mnemonic RB7:0 NOTE: Bit Name Received Data Reset State 0 Function Received data byte. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 10-S. Serial Receive Buffer Register (SxRBUF) I 10-9 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Register Name: Serial Transmit Buffer Register Register Mnemonic: SxTBUF Register Function: Bytes are written to SxTBUF to be transmitted. o 15 IIII Bit Mnemonic TB7:0 NOTE: Bit Name Transmit Data Field T T T T T T T T B B B B B B B B 7 321 6 5 4 0 A1291·0A Reset State 0 Function Data byte to be transmitted. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 10-9. Serial Transmit Buffer Register (SxTBUF) 10.2.1 Baud Rates The baud rate generator is composed of a IS-bit counter register (BxCNT) and a IS-bit compare register (BxCMP). BxCNT (Figure 10-10) is a free-running counter that is incremented by the baud timebase clock. The baud timebase clock can be either the internal CPU clock or an external clock applied to the BCLK pin. BxCMP (Figure 10-11) is programmed by the user to determine the baud rate. The most-significant bit ofBxCMP (ICLK) selects which source is used as the baud timebase clock. BxCNT is incremented by the baud timebase clock and compared to BxCMP. When BxCNT and BxCMP are equal, the baud rate generator outputs a pulse and resets BxCNT. This pulse train is the actual baud clock used by the RX and TX machines. The baud clock is eight times the baud rate in the asynchronous modes because of the sampling requirements. The baud clock equals the baud rate in the synchronous mode. 10-10 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Register Name: Baud Rate Counter Register Register Mnemonic: BxCNT Register Function: 1S-bit baud rate counter value. 0 B B B C C C 1 1 1 432 B C 1 1 B C 1 0 B C 9 B C 8 B C 7 B C 6 B C 5 B C 4 B C 3 B C 2 B C 1 B C 0 A1275-0A Bit Mnemonic BC14:0 NOTE: Bit Name Baud rate counter field Reset State 0 Function Reflects current value of the baud rate counter. NOTE: Writing to this register while the serial port is transmitting causes indeterminate operation. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 10-10. Baud Rate Counter Register (BxCNT) I 10-11 intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Register Name: Baud Rate Compare Register Register Mnemonic: BxCMP . Register Function: Determines baud rate for the serial port. o 15 I C L K B R 1 4 B R 1 B R 1 3 2 B R 1 1 B R 1 0 B R B R 9 8 B R 7 B R B R 6 5 B R 4 B R B R 3 2 B R 1 B R 0 A1276-0A Bit Mnemonic ICLK Bit Name Internal Clocking Reset State Function Selects the input clock: 0 o =BCLK is input to baud clock. 1 BR14:0 Baud Rate Compare Field =CPU clock is input to baud clock. Sets the compare value for the baud rate clock. 0 Figure 10-11. Baud Rate Compare Register (BxCMP) The equations in Figure 10-12 show how to calculate the proper BxCMP value for a specific baud rate (where Fcpu = CPU operating frequency = ~ CLKIN frequency). Mode 0 If CPU clock is baud timebase clock: If BCLK is baud timebase clock: BxCMP = BxCMP = F cpu Mode 1-4 BxCMP = F cpu baudrate baudrate x 8 BCLK baud rate BxCMP = _.=B..::C..::L:..:K_ baudrate x 8 -1 Figure 10-12. Calculating the BxCMP Value for a Specific Baud Rate 10-12 I intel~ SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Due to internal synchronization requirements, the maximum input frequency to BCLK is one-half the CPU operating frequency. See "BCLK Pin Timings" on page 10-19 for more information. Table 10-1 shows the correct BxCMP values for common baud rates. Table 10-1. BxCMP Values for Typical Baud Rates and CPU Frequencies CPU Frequency Baud Rate 25 MHz 20 MHz BxCMP Value Error BxCMP Value % 16 MHz % Error BxCMP Value 8 MHz % Error BxCMP Value % Error 19,200 80A2H -0.14 8081H 0.16 8067H 0.16 8033H 0.16 9,600 8145H -0.14 8103H 0.16 80CFH 0.16 8067H 0.16 4,800 828AH 0.00 8208H -0.03 81AOH -0.08 80CFH 0.16 2,400 8515H 0.00 8411H -0.03 8340H 0.04 81AOH -0.08 1,200 8A2BH 0.00 8822H 0.01 8682H -0.02 8340H 0.04 NOTE A zero or one value for BxCMP is illegal and results in unpredictable operation. Programming BxCMP during a transmission or reception causes indeterminate operation. 10.2.2 Asynchronous Mode Programming The serial port operation is controlled by two registers. The Serial Port Control (SxCON) Register controls the mode of operation of the serial port (see Figure 10-13). The Serial Port Status (SxSTS) Register acts as the flags register, reporting on errors and the state of the RX and TX machines (see Figure 10-14). Depending on the serial port mode, these registers can have different functionality. This section outlines how to use SxCON and SxSTS to obtain the desired operation from the serial port. Modes 1, 3 and 4 for Stand-alone Serial Communications When using these modes for their respective seven, eight or nine bit data modes, operation is fairly straightforward. The serial port must be initialized correctly (through SxCON), then SxSTS needs to be interpreted. To configure the serial port, first program the baud rate through the BxCMP register, then program SxCON (Figure 10-13 on page 10-16) as follows. 1. Determine the values for M2:0 for the desired serial port mode. 2. If parity is used, enable it with the PEN bit. Set the sense of parity (even or odd) with the EVN bit. Note that parity is not available in Mode 4 (seven bit data). I 10-13 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT intel~ 3. If the Clear-to-Send feature is used, set the CEN bit to enable it. 4. If receptions are desired, set the REN bit to enable the RX machine. Note the TX machine need not be explicitly enabled. At this point, you will be able to transmit and receive in the mode specified. Now that the serial port is operating, you must correctly interpret its status. This is done by reading the SxSTS register (Figure 10-14 on page 10-17) and interpreting its contents. Reading SxSTS clears all bits except the CTS and TXE bits. SxSTS must first be saved in memory and then each bit can be interpreted individually. The RI, TI and TXE bits indicate the condition of the transmit and receive buffers. RI and TI are also used with the Interrupt Control Unit for interrupt-based communications. The OE, FE and PE bits indicate any errors when a character is received. Once an error occurs, the appropriate bit remains set until SxSTS is read. For example, assume a character is received with a parity error (PE set) and a subsequent error-free character is received. If the SxSTS register was not read between the two receptions, the PE bit remains set. Modes 2 and 3 for Multiprocessor Communications Programming for multiprocessor communications is much the same as the stand-alone operation. The only added complexity is that the ninth data bit must be controlled and interpreted correctly. The ninth data bit is set for transmissions by setting the TB8 bit in SxCON. TB8 is cleared after every transmission. TB8 is not double-buffered. This is usually not a problem, as very few bytes are actually transmitted with TB8 equal to one. When writing TB8, make sure that the other bits in SxCON are written with their appropriate value. In Modes 2 and 3, the state of the ninth data bit can be determined by the RB8 bit in SxSTS. RB8 reflects the ninth bit for the character currently in SxRBUF. Note that the RB8 bit shares functionality with the PE bit in SxSTS. When parity is enabled, the PE bit has precedence over RB8. Sending and Receiving a Break Character The serial port can send as well as receive BREAK characters. A BREAK character is a long string of zeros. To send a BREAK character, set the SBRK bit in SxCON. SBRK drives the TXD pin immediately low, regardless of the current serial port mode. The user controls the length of the BREAK character in software by controlling the length of time that SBRK remains set. When writing SBRK, make sure the other bits in SxCON retain their current states. 10-14 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Register Name: Serial Port Control Register Register Mnemonic: SxCON Register Function: Controls serial port operating modes. o 15 T eRE BEE V aNN N P E N M 2 M 1 M 0 A1277-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function SBRK Send Break 0 Setting SBRK drives TXD low. TXD remains low until SBRK is cleared. TBa Transmitted Bit a 0 TBa is the eighth data bit transmitted in modes 2 and 3. CEN Clear-toSend Enable O When CEN is set, no transmissions will occur until the CTS pin is asserted. REN Receive Enable 0 Set to enable the receive machine. EVN Even Parity Select 0 When parity is enabled, EVN selects between even and odd parity. Set for even, clear for odd parity. PEN Parily Enable 0 Selting PEN enables the parity generation/checking for alilransmissionslreceplions_ M2:0 Serial Port Mode Field 0 Operaling mode for Ihe serial port channel. NOTE: M2 M1 MO 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mode Synchronous ModeO 10-Bil Asynch Mode1 11-Bil Asynch Mode2 11-Bil Asynch Mode3 9-Bit Asynch Mode4 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bils must be written to a logic zero to ensure compalibility wilh future Inlel producls. Figure 10-13. Serial Port Control Register (SxCON) I 10-15 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT The serial port receives BREAK characters of two different lengths. If a BREAK character longer than M bit-times is detected, the DBRKO bit in SxSTS is set. If the BREAK character is longer than 2M+3 bit-times, DBRKI in SxSTS is set. M is equal to the total number of bits in a frame. For example, M is equal to 11 (decimal) in Mode 3. Register Name: Serial Status Register Register Mnemonic: SxSTS Register Function: Indicates the status of the serial port. 0 R R T B I I D B R D B R K 1 K P 0 E 81 F E T 0 C X E T S E A1278-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function DBRK1 Detect Break 1 a Set when a break longer than 2M+3 bits occurs. DBRKa Detect Break a a Set when a break longer than M bits occurs. RBS/PE Received BitS/Parity Error a Contains the 9th received data bit in modes 2 and 3. PE is set when a parity error occurs. PE is valid only when parity is enabled in Mode 1, 20r3. RI Receive Interrupt a RI is set when a character has been received and placed in SxRBUF. Note that RI need not be explicitly cleared to receive more characters. Writing a one to this bit will not cause an interrupt. TI Transmit Interrupt a TI is set when a character has finished transmitting. TI determines when one more character can be transmitted. Writing a one to this bit will not cause an interrupt. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 10-14. Serial Port Status Register (SxSTS) 10-16 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Register Name: Serial Status Register Register Mnemonic: SxSTS Register Function: Indicates the status of the serial port. 0 15 D 8 R K 1 D 8 R K 0 R 8 8/ P E R T F T I I E X 0 E E C T S A1278-0A Bit Mnemonic Bit Name Reset State Function FE Framing Error 0 FE is set when a framing error occurs. A framing error occurs when a valid stop bit is not detected. TXE Transmitter Empty 1 TXE is set when both SxTBUF and the transmit shift register are empty. TXE determines when two consecutive bytes can be written to SxTBUF for transmission. Accessing SxSTS does not clear TXE. OE Overrun Error 0 OE is set when an overrun error occurs. An overrun error occurs when the character in SxRBUF is not read before another complete character is received. SxRBUF always contains the most recent reception. CTS Clear To Send 0 CTS is the complement of the value on the CTF pin. Accessing SxSTS does not clear CTS. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 10-14. Serial Port Status Register (Continued) When either BREAK character is detected, an overrun error occurs (DE is set). SxRBUF will contain at least one null character. I 10-17 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT intet~ 10.2.3 Programming in Mode 0 Programming is much easier in Mode 0 than in the asynchronous modes. Configuring SxCON (Figure 10-13 on page 10-16) for Mode 0 requires only two steps: 1. Program M2:0 with the correct combination for Mode O. 2. If the Clear-to-Send feature is desired, set the CEN bit. The serial port is now configured for Mode O. To transmit, write a character to SxTBUF. The TI and TXE bits reflect the status of SxTBUF and the transmit shift register. Note that the SBRK bit is independent of serial port mode functions in Mode O. Receptions in Mode 0 are controlled by software. To begin a reception, set the REN bit in SxCON. The RI bit must be zero or the reception will not begin. Data begins shifting in on RXD as soon as REN is set. The asynchronous error flags (DE, FE and PE) and break flags (DBRKO and DBRKl) are invalid in Mode O. 10.3 HARDWARE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE SERIAL PORT There are several interface considerations when using the serial port. 10.3.1 CTS Pin Timings When the Clear-to-Send ~*ur;e.,~q!lble<1 transmissions will not begin until the CTS pin is asserted while a transmission is pending. Figure 10-15 shows the recognition of a valid CTS. , The CTS pin is sampled by the rising edge of CLKOUT. The CLKOUT high time synchronizes , the CTS signal. On the falling edge of CLKOUT, the synchronized CTS signal is presented to the serial port. CTS is an asynchronous signal. The setup and hold times are given only to ensure recognition at a specific clock edge. When CTS is asynchronously, it should be asserted for at least 1Y:z clock cycles to guarantee that the signal is recognized. CTS is not latched internally. If CTS is asserted before a transmission starts, the subsequent transmission will not begin. A write to SxTBUF "arms" the CTS sense circuitry. 10.3.2 BCLK Pin Timings The BCLK pin can be configured as the input to the baud timebase clock. The baud time base clock increments the BxCNT register. However, the BCLK signal does not run directly into the baud timebase clock. BCLK is first synchronized to the CPU clock (Figure 10-16.) The internal synchronization logic uses a low-to-high level transition on BCLK to generate the baud timebase clock that increments the BxCNT register. The CPU recognizes a low-to-high transition by sampling the BCLK pin low, then high. 10-18 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT The CPU samples BCLK on the rising edge of CLKOUT. The CLKOUT high time synchronizes the BCLK signal. On the falling edge of CLKOUT, the synchronized BCLK signal is presented to the baud timebase clock. CTS Resolved During CLKOUT High Time CLKOUT :.: :-- TCHIH TCHIS - : :-.; CTS CTS (Internal) A1279-0A Figure 10-15. CTS Recognition Sequence CLKOUT • . :-: :-.... TCHIH :--TCHIH TCHIS-i :-; :-.; ~ TCHIS - : BCLK Increment BCNT (Internal) ~ I _ _----'I A12BO-OA Figure 10-16. BCLK Synchronization I 10-19 intet~ SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT BCLK is an asynchronous input. However, the pin does have setup and hold times, which guarantee recognition at a specific CLKOUT. If the BCLK input signal has high and low times that are both at least 1~ CLKOUT periods, than synchronization to CLKOUT is not necessary. However, when the BCLK signal has a high or a low time of less than 1~ CLKOUT periods, meeting the setup and hold times to CLKOUT is necessary to avoid missing BCLK transitions. The maximum input frequency to BCLK is one-half the frequency of CLKOUT (CPU operating frequency). 10.3.3 Mode 0 Timings This section shows the timings of the TXD and RXD pins in Mode O. In Mode 0, TXD never floats. When not transmitting or receiving, TXD is high. RXD floats except when transmitting a character. CLKOUT as Baud Timebase Clock The behavior of the transmit/receive clock (on TXD) is governed by the value of BxCMP. When the BxCMP value is greater than or equal to two. The TXD pin is low for two CLKOUT periods and is high for (BxCMP - 1) CLKOUT periods (see Figure 10-17). BxCMP cannot be equal to a one, otherwise the serial port buffer registers (SxRBUF) will not receive the correct data. CLKOUT TXD ····L High For N-1 Clocks RXD l,--_B_IT_O_ _ _.....JX,-__B_IT_1_ __ A12B2-A Figure 10-17. Mode 0, BxCMP > 2 For transmissions, the RXD pin changes on the next CLKOUT falling edge following a low-tohigh transition on TXD. Therefore, the data on the RXD pin is guaranteed to be valid on the rising edges of TXD. Use the rising edge ofTXD to latch the value on RXD. For receptions, the incoming serial data must meet the setup and hold timings with respect to the rising edge of TXD. These timings can be found in the AC timings section of the data sheet. 10-20 I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT BCLK as Baud Timebase Clock BCLK does not run directly into the baud timebase clock, but is first synchronized to the CPU clock. BCLK causes the baud timebase clock to increment, but transitions on TXD and RXD (for transmissions) still occur relative to CLKOUT. A low-to-high transition on BCLK increments BxCNT. If BxCNT is equal to BxCMP, TXD goes low approximately 4% CLKOUTs later. TXD will always remain low for two CLKOUT periods and then go high. TXD will go low again 4V2 CLKOUTs after BxCNT equals BxCMP. Therefore, the output frequency on TXD is roughly equal to the input frequency on BCLK multiplied by BxCMP. There will be some clock jitter, as the output on TXD will always be some mUltiple of CLKOUTs. This is due to the internal synchronization. 10.4 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT INTERRUPTS Serial communication is usually interrupt-driven. An interrupt needs to occur on each reception and on each transmission of a character. The RI and TI flags in the SxSTS register (Figure 10-14 on page 10-17) provide the interrupt mechanism for the serial ports. The two serial ports, or channels, have different interrupt circuitry. Serial channel 0 is directly supported by the integrated Interrupt Control Unit. Serial channell is supported by the SINTl output. 10.4.1 Channel 0 Interrupts Figure 10-18 illustrates the channel 0 interrupt circuitry. Channel 0 receptions assert an internal signal, Receive_InterrupcRequescO. This signal is routed both to the Interrupt Control Unit and to the SOSTS register, where it sets the RI bit. The RI bit has no effect on the internal interrupt request. Writing to RI does not cause an interrupt, and setting it does not prevent interrupts. Channel 0 transmissions assert an internal signal, TransmiCInterrupCRequesCO. Like the Receive_InterrupcRequesCO signal, this signal is routed to the Interrupt Control Unit and to the SOSTS register. This signal sets the TI bit in SOSTS. Like the RI bit, TI has no effect on the internal interrupt request. Writing to TI does not cause an interrupt, and setting it does not prevent interrupts. 10.4.2 Channel 1 Interrupts Figure 10-18 illustrates the channell interrupt circuitry. Channell receptions assert an internal Receive_InterrupCRequesC1 signal and transmISSIOns assert an internal TransmiCInterrupCRequesC1 signal. Serial channell is supported by the SINTl output. Each internal signal is routed to the SlSTS register, where it sets the RI or TI bit. The RI and TI bits are ORed into the SINTl signal, so setting either bit asserts SINTl. Reading S 1STS clears the RI and TI bits and deasserts SINTl. (This is the only method available for de asserting SINTl.) I 10-21 intet~ SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT ChanneLO_lnterrupt_Request R TransmiUnterrupCRequest_O TII-----I S R RII-----I Receive_lnterrupCRequesCO S A127o-A Figure 10-18. Channel 0 Interrupts Read S1STS ......... R . TransmiUnterrupCRequesC1 TII-----. S SINT1 Receive_lnterrupCRequesC 1 RII------' S A1271-0A Figure 10-19. Channel 1 Interrupts 10-22 I int'et SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 10.5 SERIAL PORT EXAMPLES This section contains examples that show ways to use the serial port. NOTE The examples assume that the Peripheral Control Block is located in I/O space. 10.5.1 Asynchronous Mode Example Example 10-1 contains sample code to initialize Serial Port 0 for 9600-baud operation in asynchronous Mode 4. $mod186 name , ;This file contains an example of initialization code for the 80C186EB ;Serial Communications Unit. The example has three procedures: ;ASYNC_CHANNEL_SETUP sets up channel 0 as 9600 baud, full duplex, ; 7 data bits+parity, with CTS# control. ;ASYNC~REC_INT_PROC is an interrupt handler for a reception. The procedure is nearly empty, since the code to perform error checking ; and receive buffer handling is application dependent. ;ASYNC_XMIT_INT_PROC is an interrupt handler for a transmission. This procedure, too, is nearly devoid of code. A typical application would test the TXE bit, then copy data from the transmit buffer in memory to the SOTBUF register. ;We assume serial port registers have been correctly defined and the PCB , is located in I/O space. equ Oxxxx ;channel 0 baud rate compare BOCMP equ Oxxxx ;channel 0 control SOCON equ Oxxxx ;channel 0 status SOSTS equ Oxxxx ;channel 0 receive buffer SORBUF equ Oxxxx ;channel 0 transmit buffer SOTBUF RI_TYPE equ xx ; receive is interrupt type 20 TI_TYPE equ 21 ;transmit is interrupt type 21 equ Off02h ;end-of-interrupt register EOI equ Off14h ;SCU interrupt control register SCUCON code_seg assume segment public cs:code_seg ;First, set up the interrupt handler vectors xor aX,ax mov ds, ax mov mov mov mov mov bx, RI_TYPE* 4 ax,offset ASYNC_REC_INT_PROC [bx] ,ax ax, seg ASYNC_REC_INT_PROC [bx+2] ,ax ;need DS to point to interrupt vector ;table at Oh Example 10-1. Asynchronous Mode 4 Example I 10-23 intet~ SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT mov mov mov mov mov bx, TI_TYPE*4 aX,offset ASYNC_XMIT_INT_PROC [bxl,ax ax, seg ASYNC_XMIT_INT_PROC [bx+21,ax ;Now set up channel 0 options mov mov out mov ax,8067h dx, BOCMP dx,ax aX,0059H mov out dx, SOCON dx,ax ;for 9600 baud from l6MHz CPU clock ;set baud rate ;CEN=l (CTS enabled) ;REN=O (receiver not yet enabled) ;EVN=l (even parity) ;PEN=l (parity turned on) ;MODE=l (lO-bit frame) ;write to serial control register ;Clear any pending RI or TI, just for safety mov in dx, SOSTS ax,dx ;clear any old RI or TI ;Clear interrupt mask bit in interrupt unit to allow SCU interrupts mov in and out dx,SCUCON ax,dx aX,0007h dx,ax ;Turn on the receiver mov dx, SOCON in ax,dx or aX,0020 out dx,ax ;SCU interrupt control ;clear mask bit to enable ;read SOCON ;set REN bit (REN=l, receiver enabled) ;write SOCON ret ASYNC CHANNEL_SETUP endp ;Now the receiver is enabled and sampling of the RXD line begins. ;Any write to SOTBUF will initiate a transmission. ;The next procedure is executed every time a reception is completed. mov in test jnz test jnz test jnz dx, SOSTS ax, dx al, lOOOOOOOb parity_error aI, OOOlOOOOb framing_error aI, OOOOOlOOb overrun_error ;get status info ;test for parity error ;test for framing error ;test for overrun error ;At this point, we know the received data is OK. Example 10-1. Asynchronous Mode 4 Example (Continued) 10-24 I int:et SERIAL COMMUNICAnONS UNIT mov in and dx, SORBUF ax, dx ax, 07fh ;read received data ;strip off parity bit ;Code to store the data in a receive buffer would go here. It has been omitted ;since this is heavily application dependent. parity_error: ;Code for parity error handling goes here. framing_error: ;Code for framing error handling goes here. overrun_error: ;Code for overrun error handling goes here. ;Now we must issue the end-of-interrupt command to the interrupt unit. mov dx,EOI mov aX,8000h dx, ax out iret ;issue non-specific EOI ;This procedure is entered whenever a transmission completes. Typical code ;would be inserted here to transmit the next byte from a transmit buffer ;set up in memory. since the configuration of such a buffer is application ; dependent, this section is omitted. ;Now we must issue the end-of-interrupt command to the interrupt unit. mov dx,EOI mov aX,8000h out dx, ax iret ;issue non-specific EOI ends Example 10-1. Asynchronous Mode 4 Example (Continued) I 10-25 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 10.5.2 Mode 0 Example Example 10-2 shows a sample Mode 0 application. $mod186 name i***************************************************** ********* FUNCTION: This function transmits the user's data, user_data, serially over RXD1. TXD1 provides the transmit clock. The transmission frequency is calculated as follows: tran_freq = (0.5*CLKIN/BAUDRATE)-1 A 0-1-0 pulse on P1.0 indicates the end of transmission. , SYNTAX: extern void far parallel_serial (char user_data,int tran_freq) INPUTS: user_data - byte to send out serially tran_freq - baud rate compare value None Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. OUTPUTS: NOTE: i***************************************************** ********* equ equ equ equ B1CMP SlCON SlSTS SlTBUF iXXXX - xxxxH xxxxH xxxxH xxxxH ; Channel ; Channel ; Channel ; Channel 1 1 1 1 Baud Rate Compare Control Status Receive Buffer substitute register offset ;Example assumes that all the port pins are configured correctly and ;PCB is located in I/O space. lib_80186 segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80186 public -parallel_serial -parallel_serialproc far push bp mov bp, sp user_data tran_freq ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack equ word ptr [bp+6];get parameters off the stack equ word ptr [bp+8] push ax push dx ;save registers that ;will be modifiled mov ;clear any pending exceptions dx, SlSTS Example 10-2. Mode 0 Example 10-26 I intet Check_4_TI: SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT mov in and out mov mov or out dx, ax, ax, dx, dx, ax, ax, dx, mov mov out dx, P2CON ax, Offh dx, al ;set Port 2.1 for TXD mov mov out mov xor Qut mov dx, ax, dx, dx, ;send user's data P1CON dx Ofeh al B1CMP tran_freq 8000h ax SlTBUF user_data al SlCON ax ~x, dx, ax dx, SlSTS ax, dx in test ax, 0020h Check_4_TI jz ;Get state of port 1 controls ; make sure PI. 0 is port ;set internal clocking bit ; Mode 0, 1 million bps ;Mode 0, No CTS, Transmit ; check for TI bit mov xor out dx, P1LTCH ax, ax dx, al ;pulse PI. 0 not out ax dx, al ;set PLO high not out ax dx, al ;set PI. 0 low pop pop pop ret dx ax bp ; restore saved registers ; restore user's bp ...parallel_serial endp lib_80186 ends end Example 10-2. Mode 0 Example (Continued) 10.5.3 Master/Slave Example This section shows an example of a Mode 2 and 3 master/slave network. Figure 10-20 shows the proper connection of the master to the slaves. The buffer is necessary to avoid contention on the receive line. Alternatively, an open-collector buffer could be used and the port pin function could be deleted. I 10-27 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT MASTER 186 Core Device Master Transmit Line TXD~~------------~'-----------~~--~ Master Receive Line RXD~~--~----------~~~------~--~-- Port Pin 80C51 Port Pin 80C196 Port Pin 186 Core Device SLAVES A1273-0A Figure 10-20. MfsterSlave Exam.J?!~) ($€IL 7 {3 1 f5" ~ Example 10-3 demonstrates how to implement a master/slave network in a typical system. The remaining three examples show the routines used in the implementation. Example 10-4 is a master routine that addresses a slave and waits for it to respond. Example 10-5 is a slave routine that responds to commands sent by the master. Equation 10-6 is the master routine that sends commands to the slave. 10-28 I intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT $mod186 name i***************************************************** ************** FUNCTION: This function demonstrates how to implement the three masterlslave routines {_slave_1, _select_slave, and _send_slave_commandl in a typical setup. NOTE: It is assumed that the network is set up as shown in Figure 10-20, that the slave unit is running the _slave_1 code, and that the PCB is located in 1/0 space. ; i***************************************************** ************** Slave1 Flash Disc False equ equ equ equ 01h 01h Ofh OOh extrn extrn lib_80186 segment public 'code' select_slave: far _send_slave_cmd:far ends ;address assigned to slave unit 1 ;command to flash EVAL board LEDs ;command to disconnect from network ;declare external routines segment public 'code' assume cs:code code _main proc near push Slave1 ;get slave unit 1 address ;send the address over the network call far ptr _select_slave add sp, 2 ;adjust sp cmp ax, false ;was slave 1 properly selected? je SlaveExi t ; no: then exi t public _main push Flash ;yes: then send Flash command ;send it call far ptr add sp, 2 send_slave_cmd ;adjust sp ;insert a delay routine to allow completion of last command push Disc ;prepare to disconnect slave ;send it call far ptr add sp, 2 SlaveExit: _main code send_slave_cmd ;adjust sp ret endp ends end _main Example 10-3. Master/Slave-Implementing the Master/Slave Routines I 10-29 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT $mod186 name i***************************************************** *********; FUNCTION: This function transmits a slave address, _slave_addr, over the serial network, with data bit 9 set to one. It then waits for the addressed slave to respond with its (slave) address. If this address does not match the originally transmitted slave address, or if there is no response within a set time, the function will return false (ax = 0). Otherwise, the function will return true (ax <> 0). SYNTAX: extern int far select_slave(int slave_addr); INPUTS: _slave_addr - address of the slave on the network OUTPUTS: True/False NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. Example assumes that PCB is located in I/O space. ; i***************************************************** ********* ; substitute register offset in place of xxxxh P1CON P2CON SlCON SlSTS SlTBUF SlRBUF equ equ equ equ equ equ xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh lib_80l86 segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80l86 public _select_slave _select_slave proc far push bp mov bp, sp ;get slave address off the stack _slave_addr equ word ptr [bp+6] push cx push dx mov in and out mov mov out dx, P1CON ax, dx ax, OfOh dx, al dx, P2CON ax, Offh dx, al ;Port 1 ; Port 2 ; Serial ; serial ; Serial ; Serial Control register Control register Port 1 Control register Port 1 Status register Port 1 Transmit Buffer Port 1 Receive Buffer ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack ;save registers that will be ; modi fied ;Get state of port 1 controls ;make sure Pl.0:3 is port ;set Port 2.1 for TXD1, P2.0 RXDl Example 10-4. Master/Slave - The _selecCslave Routine 10-30 I intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT mov in mov mov out mov mov Check_4_RI: out SlSTS ;clear any pending exceptions dx ; prepare to send address SlCON 0083h ;d9=1, mode 3 ax SlTBUF ;select slave slave_addr ;get slave address dx, al ;send it mov mov out dx, SlCON ax, 0023h dx, ax ;set REN ; enable receiver xor cx, cx ; reset time-out counter mov dx, SlSTS ; check to see i f data is waiting dec jnz cx NoTimeOut ; decrement time-out counter ;time-out=false:then continue xor ax, ax jmp NoTimeOut: dx, ax, dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, ;time-out=true:set return ;value false (0) short SlaveExit ax, dx in test ax, 0040h ;test for RI bit jz Check_4_RI ; keep checking till data received mov in and dx, SlRBUF ax, dx ax, Offh ;get slave response xor ax, _slave_addr;did addressed slave respond? ;ax=O:true else false ax ;invert state of ax to be consistent ;with false(O) and true(non zero) dx ; restore saved registers cx bp ;restore caller's bp not SlaveExit: pop pop pop ret lib_80l86 ends end Example 10-4. Master/Slave - I ;mask off unwanted bits The _select_slave Routine (Continued) 10-31 intet~ SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT $mod186 name ,.**************************************************************., slave_i FUNCTION: This function represents a slave unit connected to a multiprocessor master/slave network. This slave responds to two commands: Flash the LEOs on the EVAL Board, and Disconnect from the Network. Other commands are easily added. SYNTAX: extern void far slave_i!void); INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. The slave should be running this code before the master calls the slave. Example assumes PCB is in I/O space. , i***************************************************** ********* ;substitute register offsets in place of xxxxh PiCON PiLTCH P2CON SlCON SlSTS SlTBUF SlRBUF equ equ equ equ equ equ equ xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh ; Port 1 ; Port 1 ; Port 2 ; Serial ; Serial ; serial ;Serial Control register Latch register Control register Port 1 Control register Port 1 Status register Port 1 Transmit Buffer Port 1 Receive Buffer segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80i86 MY_Address TriStateEna TriStateDis FlashLEDs Disconnect public _slave_i equ Oih equ 08h equ OOh equ Oih equ Ofh _slave_i proc far ;slave 1 network address ;Tri-state buffer enable ;Tri-state buffer disable ;list of commands unit 1 responds to push push push push ;save registers that will be modified ax bx cx dx Example 10-5. Master/Slave - 10-32 The slave_1 Routine I SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT DisconnectMode: SelStatus: Check_4_RI: mov in mov in and out mov mov out mov mov out dx, SISTS ax,dx dx, PICON ax, dx ax, OfOh dx, ax dx, P2CON ax, Offh dx, ax dx, PILTCH ax, TriStateDis dx, ax mov mov out dx, SICON ax, 0022h dx, ax select control register receive, Mode 2 mov in test jz dx, SISTS ax, dx ax, 0040h Check_4_RI select status register get status data waiting? no: then keep checking mov in cmp jne dx, SlSRUF ax, dx aI, My_Address SelStatus yes: then get data mov mov out dx, SICON ax, 0003h dx, ax yes: then switch to Mode 3, transmit Mode 3 mov mov out mov mov out dx, ax, dx, dx, ax, dx, mov mov out dx, SICON ax, 0023h dx, ax switch to receive mode Mode 3, receive mov in test jz dx, SISTS ax, dx ax, 0040h Wait_4_Cmd select status register get status command waiting? no: then keep checking mov in dx, SIRBUF ax, dx yes: then get command cmp je al, Disconnect; Disconnect command? DisconnectMode; yes: then disconnect RXD from network get state of port I controls make sure PI.O:PI.3 is port set P2.1 for TXDI, P2.0for RXDI make sure TXD latch is tristated set PI.7 to zero is slave_l being addressed? no: then ignore PILTCH enable tristate buffer TriStateEna ax gate TXD onto master's RXD SITBUF echo MY_Address to the master MY_Address ax Example 10-5. Master/Slave - I clear any pending exceptions The slave_1 Routine (Continued) 10-33 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT cmp jne al. FlashLEDs Wait_4_Cmd Flash LEDs command no: then ignore mov mov xor dx. P1LTCH ex. 20 ax. ax yes: then flash LEDs 10 times Send: not ax out dx. ax mov bx. Offffh Dly1: dec jnz bx Dly1 dec jnz ex Send jmp short Wait_4_Cmd pop pop pop pop ex bx dx ax ret endp ends end Example 10-5. MasterlSlave - 10-34 The slave_1 Routine (Continued) l intet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT $mod186 name ;************************************************************************ SYNTAX: send_slave_cmd This function transmits a slave command, _slave_cmd, over the serial network to a previously addressed slave. extern void far send_slave_cmd (int slave_cmd) INPUTS: _slave_cmd (command to send to addressed slave) OUTPUTS: None NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. Example assumes PCB is in 1/0 space. FUNCTION: ; i************************************************************************i ; substitute register offsets in place of xxxxh SISTS SICON SITBUF equ equ equ xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh serial Port 1 Status register serial Port 1 Control register Serial Port 1 Transmit Buffer register segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_80l86 public _send_slave_cmd _send_slave_cmd proc far push bp ; save caller's bp mov bp, sp ; get current top of stack ; get slave command off the stack _slave_cmd equ word ptr [bp+6] push ax push dx save registers that are modified clear any pending exceptions mov in mov mov out dx, ax, dx, ax, dx, mov mov out dx, SITBUF ax, slave_cmd dx, al select slave get command to send to slave send it pop pop pop ret dx ax bx restore saved registers SISTS dx SICON 0OO3h ax prepare to send command Mode 3 restore caller's bp ends end Example 10-6. Master/Slave - I The _send_slave_command Routine 10-35 intel . 11 Input/Output Ports I CHAPTER 11 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Many applications do not require full use of all the on-chip peripheral functions. For example, the Chip-Select Unit provides a total of ten chip-select lines; only a large design would require all ten. For smaller designs that require fewer than ten chip-selects, these pins would be wasted. The input/output ports give system designers the flexibility to replace the functions of unused peripheral pins with general-purpose I/O ports. Many of the on-chip peripheral pin functions are multiplexed with an I/O port. If a particular peripheral pin function is unnecessary in an application, that pin can be used for I/O. The 80C186EB/8OC188EB has four types of ports: bidirectional, input-only, output-only, and open-drain bidirectional. 11.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW All port pin types are derived from a common bidirectional port logic module. Unidirectional and open-drain ports are a subset of the bidirectional module. The following sections describe each port type. The bidirectional port is described in detail, as it is the basis for all of the other port types. The descriptions for the unidirectional and open-drain ports only highlight their specific differences from the common bidirectional module. 11.1.1 Bidirectional Port Figure, 11-1 shows a simplified schematic of a bidirectional port pin. The overall function of a bidirectional port pin is controlled by the state of the Port Control Latch. The output of the Port Control Latch selects the source of output data and the source of the control signal for the threestate output driver. When the port is programmed to act as a peripheral pin, both the data for the pin and the directional control signal for the pin come from the associated integrated peripheral. When a bidirectional port pin is programmed as an I/O port, all port parameters are under software control. The output of the Port Direction latch enables (or disables) the three-state output driver when the pin is programmed as an I/O port. The three-state output driver is enabled by clearing the Port Direction latch. The data driven on an output port pin is held in the Port Data latch. Setting the Port Direction latch disables the three-state output driver, making the pin an input. The signal present on the device pin is routed through a synchronizer to a three-state latch that connects to the internal data bus. The state of the pin can be read at any time, regardless of whether the pin is used as an I/O port or for a peripheral function. I 11-1 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS From Integrated Peripheral :;;::::::;:;;;::::;::==~ Read Port Data latch ) - - - - - - - - - - - , Port/Peripheral Data Multiplexer Output Driver Q QI---"''''''' Write Port Data Latch Port Data Latch Read Port Pin State ....-HSyNC Read Port Direction Control Q Internal Data Bus (F-Bus) Q 1----.--+--+-1 Write Port Direction Read Port Direction Port Direction Latch o Q t---tl........-+-+.... 1...--4----1 Port Control Latch To Integrated Peripheral 1------;:::::::;::=====,---' Peripheral Direction Control A1247·0A Figure 11-1. Simplified Logic Diagram of a Bidirectional Port Pin 11-2 I INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 11.1.2 Input Port Figure 11-3 shows the internal construction of an input port pin. An internal connection permanently disables the three-state output driver. The Port Pin register holds the current state (synchronized to the CPU clock) of the input pin. The Port Direction and Port Data bits are not used for an input-only port pin; they can be used for storage. 11.1.3 Output Port Figure 11-3 shows the internal construction of an output port pin. An internal connection permanently enables the three-state output driver. The Port Control latch selects the source of data for the pin, which can be either the on-chip peripheral or the Port Data latch. The Port Direction bit has no effect on an output-only pin; it can be used for storage. 11.1.4 Open-Drain Bidirectional Port Figure 11-4 shows the internal control logic for the open-drain bidirectional port pin. The logic is slightly different from that for the other port types. When the open-drain port pin is configured as an output, clearing the Port Data latch turns on the N-channel driver, resulting in a "hard zero" being present at the pin. A one value in the Port Data Latch shuts off the driver, resulting in a high impedance (input) state at the pin. The open-drain pin can be floated directly by setting its Port Direction bit. The open-drain ports are not multiplexed with on-board peripherals. The port/peripheral data multiplexer exists for open-drain ports, even though the pins are not shared with peripheral functions. The open-drain port pin floats if the Port Control latch is programmed to select the nonexistent peripheral function. 11.1.5 Port Pin Organization The port pins are organized as two functional groups, Port 1 and Port 2. Port 1 consists of eight output-only pins. Port 2 has one bidirectional, two output-only, three input-only, and two opendrain bidirectional pins. Most of the port pins are multiplexed with peripheral functions. I 11-3 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS From Integrated Peripheral Port/Peripheral Data Multiplexer Read Port Data Latch Output Driver (Permanently Disabled) Q D QI--..........J L..-....t,.l_..J Port Data Latch SYNC Q Internal Data Bus (F-Bus) Q Write Port Direction Read Port Direction Port Direction Latch Q D Port Control Latch To Integrated 1------..;..---------1 Peripheral A1505-0A Figure 11-2. Simplified Logic Diagram of an Input Port Pin 11-4 I in1et INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Output Driver (Permenantly Disabled) Q Pin D QI----4.......... Write Port Data Latch Port Data Latch Read Port Pin State SYNC Read Port Direction Control Q Internal Data Bus (F-Bus) Q Write Port Direction Read Port Direction Port Direction Latch Q D Q t----1I----t...... L..--4'--...J Control Port Control Latch To Integrated 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' Peripheral A1248-0A Figure 11-3. Simplified Logic Diagram of an Output Port Pin I 11-5 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS From Port Direction Latch Port Data Latch Pin = SYNC I--_...J From Port Control Latch A1249-0A Figure 11-4. Simplified Logic Diagram of an Open-Drain Bidirectional Port 11-6 I intet~ INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Port 1 Organization Port 1 consists of eight output-only port pins. The Port 1 pins are multiplexed with the generalpurpose chip-selects (GCS7:0). Table 11-1 shows the multiplexing options for Port 1. Table 11-1. Port 1 Multiplexing Options Pin Name Peripheral Function Port Function P1.7/GCS7 GCS7 P1.7 P1.6/GCS6 GCS6 P1.6 P1.5/GCS5 GCS5 P1.5 P1.4/GCS4 GCS4 P1.4 P1.3/GCS3 GCS3 P1.3 P1.2/GCS2 GCS2 P1.2 P1.1/GCS1 GCS1 P1.1 P1.0/GCSO GCSO P1.0 Port 2 Organization Six of the Port 2 pins are multiplexed with serial channel functions; the other two provide opendrain bidirectional port pin functions. Table 11-2 shows the Port 2 multiplexing options. Table 11-2. Port 2 Multiplexing Options Pin Name Peripheral Function Port Function P2.7 None P2.7 (Open-drain) P2.6 P2.5/BClKO None BClKO P2.6 (Open-drain) (Input) P2.5 P2.4/CTS1 CTS1 (Input) P2.4 P2.3/SINT1 SINT1 (Output) P2.3 P2.2/BClK1 BClK1 (Input) P2.2 P2.1/TXD1 TXD1 (Output) P2.1 P2.0/RXD1 RXD1 (1/0) P2.0 11.2 PROGRAMMING THE I/O PORT UNIT Each port is controlled by a set of four Peripheral Control Block registers: the Port Control Register (PxCON), the Port Direction Register (PxDIR), the Port Data Latch Register (PxLTCH) and the Port Pin State Register (PxPIN). I 11-7 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 11.2.1 Port Control Register The Port Control Register (Figure 11-5) selects the overall function for each port pin: peripheral or port. For I/O ports, the Port Control Register is used to assign the pin to either the associated on-chip peripheral or to a general-purpose I/O port. For output-only ports, the Port Control Register selects the source of data for the pin: either an on-chip peripheral or the Port Data latch. Register Name: Port Control Register Register Mnemonic: PxCON (P1 CON, P2CON) Register Function: Selects port or peripheral function for a port pin. o 15 p C 7 p C 6 p C 5 p C 4 p p p C C C C 3 2 1 p 0 A1312-0A Bit Mnemonic PC7:0 NOTE: Bit Name Port Control 7:0 Reset State FFH Function When the PC bit for a specific pin is set, the associated integrated peripheral controls both pin direction and pin data. Clearing the PC bit makes the pin a general-purpose 1/0 port. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 11-5. Port Control Register (PxCON) 11.2.2 Port Direction Register The Port Direction Register (Figure 11-6) controls the direction (input or output) for each pin programmed as a general-purpose I/O port. The Port Direction bit has no effect on output-only port pins. These unused direction control bits can be used for bit storage. The Port Direction Register is read/write. When read, the register returns the value written to it previously. Pins with their direction fixed return the value in this register, not a value indicating their true direction. The direction of a port pin assigned to a peripheral function is controlled by the peripheral; the Port Direction value is ignored. 11-8 I INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Register Name: Port Direction Register Register Mnemonic: PxDIR (P1 DIR, P2DIR) Register Function: Controls the direction of pins programmed as 1/0 ports. o 15 p 0 7 p 0 6 p 0 5 p 0 4 p 0 3 p 0 2 p 0 p 0 1 0 A1313-0A Bit Mnemonic PD7:0 Bit Name Port Direction 7:0 Reset State FFH Function Setting the PD bit for a pin programmed as a general-purpose I/O port selects the pin as an input. Clearing the PD bit selects the pin as an output. NOTE: Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 11-6. Port Direction Register (PxDIR) 11.2.3 Port Data Latch Register The Port Data Latch Register (Figure 11-7) holds the value to be driven on an output or bidirectional pin. This value appears at the pin only if it is programmed as a port. The Port Data Latch Register is read/write. Reading a Port Data Latch Register returns the value of the latch itself and not that of the associated port pin. I 11-9 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Register Name: Port Data Latch Register Register Mnemonic: PxLTCH (P1LTCH, P2LTCH) Register Function: Contains the data driven on pins programmed as output ports. o p P p L L L 7 6 5 P L 4 P L 3 P L P L 2 1 P L o A1314-0A Bit Mnemonic PL7:0 NOTE: Bit Name Port Data Latch 7:0 Reset State FFH Function The data written to a PL bit appears on pins programmed as general-purpose output ports. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading. Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 11-7. Port Data Latch Register (PxLTCH) 11.2.4 Port Pin State Register The Port Pin State Register (Figure 11-8) is a read-only register that is used to determine the state of a port pin. When the Port Pin State Register is read, the current state of the port pins is gated to the internal data bus. 11-10 I INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Register Name: Port Pin State Register Register Mnemonic: PxPIN (P1 PIN, P2PIN) Register Function: Reads the logic state at a port pin. o p p p p p P p P 7 6 5 4 p P 3 p P 2 p p p 1 0 P A1315-0A Bit Mnemonic PP7:0 NOTE: Reset State Bit Name Port Pin State 7:0 XXXXH Function Reading the Port Pin State register returns the logic state present on the associated pin. Reserved register bits are shown with gray shading_ Reserved bits must be written to a logic zero to ensure compatibility with future Intel products. Figure 11-8. Port Pin State Register (PxPIN) 11.2.5 Initializing the VO Ports The state of the I/O ports following a reset is as follows: • Port 1 is configured for peripheral function (general-purpose chip-selects, GCS7:0). • Port 2 is configured for peripheral function. The direction of each pin is the default direction for the peripheral function (e.g., P2.lITXDl is an output, P2.5IBCLKO is an input). See Table 11-2 on page 11-7 for details. There are no set rules for initializing the I/O ports. The Port Data Latch should be programmed before selecting a pin as an output port (to prevent unknown Port Data Latch values from reaching the pins). I 11-11 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 11.3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE Example 11-1 shows a typical ASM86 routine to configure the 110 ports. GCS7 through GCS4 are routed to the pins, while Pl.O through P1.4 are used as output ports. The binary value 0101 is written to P1.0 through P1.3. The states of pins P2.6 and P2.7 are read and stored in the AL register. $modl86 name , ;This file contains sample programming code for the 80Cl86EB I/O Port Unit. , ;PCB EQUates in an include file. #include PCBMAP.inc segment public assume cs:code_seg I O_UNIT_EXAMPL proc near ;write OIOIB to data latch for pins PI.3 through PI.O mov mov out dx,PILTCH aI, OIOlb dx,al ;Gate data latch to output pins. PI.3 to PI.O are port pins. mov mov out dx,PICON al,OFOh dx,al ;Read P2.6 and P2.7.We assume they have not been changed to output pins since ;reset. mov in and dx,P2PIN al,dx al,OCOh; strip unused bits ;AL now holds the states of the P2.6 and P2.7 pins. code_seg end ends Example 11·1. VO Port Programming Example 11-12 I 12 • Math Coprocesslog I CHAPTER 12 MATH COPROCESSING The 80C186 Modular Core Family meets the need for a general-purpose embedded microprocessor. In most data control applications, efficient data movement and control instructions are foremost and arithmetic performed on the data is simple. However, some applications do require more powerful arithmetic instructions and more complex data types than those provided by the 80C 186 Modular Core. 12.1 OVERVIEW OF MATH COPROCESSING Applications needing advanced mathematics capabilities have the following characteristics. • Numeric data values are non-integral or vary over a wide range • Algorithms produce very large or very small intermediate results • Computations must be precise (i.e., calculations must retain several significant digits) • Computations must be reliable without dependence on programmed algorithms • Overall math performance exceeds that afforded by a general-purpose processor and software alone For the 80C186 Modular Core family, the 8OC187 math coprocessor satisfies the need for powerful mathematics. The 80C 187 can increase the math performance of the microprocessor system by 50 to 100 times. 12.2 AVAILABILITY OF MATH COPROCESSING The 80C 186 Modular Core supports the 80C 187 with a hardware interface under microcode control. However, not all proliferations support the 80C187. Some package types have insufficient leads to support the required external handshaking requirements. The 3-volt versions of the processor do not specify math coprocessing because the 80C 187 has only a 5-volt rating. Please refer to the current data sheets for details. The core has an Escape Trap (ET) bit in the PCB Relocation Register (Figure 4-1 on page 4-2) to control the availability of math coprocessing. If the ET bit is set, an attempted numerics execution results in a Type 7 interrupt. The 80C187 will not work with the 8-bit bus version of the processor because a1l80C187 accesses must be 16-bit. The 80C188 Modular Core automatically traps ESC (numerics) opcodes to the Type 7 interrupt, regardless of Relocation Register programming. I 12-1 MATH COPROCESSING intet 12.3 THE 80C187 MATH COPROCESSOR The 80C187's high performance is due to its 80-bit internal architecture. It contains three units: a Floating Point Unit, a Data Interface and Control Unit and a Bus Control Logic Unit. The foundation of the Floating Point Unit is an 8-element register file, which can be used either as individually addressable registers or as a register stack. The register file allows storage of intermediate results in the 80-bit format. The Floating Point Unit operates under supervision of the Data Interface and Control Unit. The Bus Control Logic Unit maintains handshaking and communications with the host microprocessor. The 8OC187 has built-in exception handling. The 80C187 executes code written for the Intel387™ DX and Intel387 SX math coprocessors. The 8OC187 conforms to ANSIIIEEE Standard 754-1985. 12.3.1 80C187 Instruction Set 8OC187 instructions fall into six functional groups: data transfer, arithmetic, comparison, transcendental, constant and processor control. Typical 8OC187 instructions accept one or two operands and produce a single result. Operands are usually located in memory or the 8OC187 stack. Some operands are predefined; for example, FSQRT always takes the square root of the number in the top stack element. Other instructions allow or require the programmer to specify the operand(s) explicitly along with the instruction mnemonic. Still other instructions accept one explicit operand and one implicit operand (usually the top stack element). As with the basic (non-numerics) instruction set, there are two types of operands for coprocessor instructions, source and destination. Instruction execution does not alter a source operand. Even when an instruction converts the source operand from one format to another (for example, real to integer), the coprocessor performs the conversion in a work area to preserve the source operand. A destination operand differs from a source operand because the 8OC187 can alter the register when it receives the result of the operation. For most destination operands, the coprocessor usually replaces the destinations with results. 12·2 I MATH COPROCESSING Data Transfer Instructions Data transfer instructions move operands between elements of the 80C187 register stack or between stack top and memory. Instructions can convert any data type to temporary real and load it onto the stack in a single operation. Conversely, instructions can convert a temporary real operand on the stack to any data type and store it to memory in a single operation. Table 12-1 summarizes the data transfer instructions. Table 12-1. 80C187 Data Transfer Instructions Real Transfers FLD Load real FST Store real FSTP Store real and pop FXCH Exchange registers Integer Transfers FILD Integer load FIST Integer store FISTP Integer store and pop Packed Decimal Transfers FBLD Packed decimal (BCD) load FBSTP Packed decimal (BCD) store and pop Arithmetic Instructions The 80C187's arithmetic instruction set includes many variations of add, subtract, multiply, and divide operations and several other useful functions. Examples include a simple absolute value and a square root instruction that executes faster than ordinary division. Other arithmetic instructions perform exact modulo division, round real numbers to integers and scale values by powers of two. Table 12-2 summarizes the available operation and operand forms for basic arithmetic. In addition to the four normal operations, "reversed" instructions make subtraction and division "symmetrical" like addition and multiplication. In summary, the arithmetic instructions are highly flexible for these reasons: • the 80C187 uses register or memory operands • the 80C 187 can save results in a choice of registers I 12-3 intel~ MATH COPROCESSING Available data types include temporary real, long real, short real, short integer and word integer. The 80C187 performs automatic type conversion to temporary real. Table 12-2. 80C187 Arithmetic Instructions Addition Division Divide real FADD Add real FDIV FADDP Add real and pop FDIVP Divide real and pop FIADD Integer add FIDIV Integer divide FDIVR Divide real reversed Subtraction FSUB Subtract real FDIVRP Divide real reversed and pop FSUBP Subtract real and pop FIDIVR Integer divide reversed FISUB Integer subtract FSUBR Subtract real reversed FSQRT Square root FSUBRP Subtract real reversed and pop FSCALE Scale FISUBR Integer subtract reversed FPREM Partial remainder FRNDINT Round to integer Multiplication Other Operations FMUL Multiply real FXTRACT Extract exponent and significand FMULP Multiply real and pop FABS Absolute value FIMUL Integer multiply FCHS Change sign FPREMI Partial remainder (IEEE) 12-4 I intet MATH COPROCESSING Comparison Instructions Each comparison instruction (see Table 12-3) analyzes the stack top element, often in relationship to another operand. Then it reports the result in the Status Word condition code. The basic operations are compare, test (compare with zero) and examine (report tag, sign and normalization). Table 12-3. 80C187 Comparison Instructions FCOM Compare real FCOMP Compare real and pop FCOMPP Compare real and pop twice FICOM Integer compare FICOMP Integer compare and pop FTST Test FXAM Examine FUCOM Unordered compare FUCOMP Unordered compare and pop FUCOMPP Unordered compare and pop twice Transcendental Instructions Transcendental instructions (see Table 12-4) perform the core calculations for common trigonometric, hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic, logarithmic and exponential functions. Use prologue code to reduce arguments to a range accepted by the instruction. Use epilogue code to adjust the result to the range of the original arguments. The transcendentals operate on the top one or two stack elements and return their results to the stack. Table 12-4. 80C187 Transcendental Instructions I FPTAN Partial tangent FPATAN Partial arctangent F2XM1 2x-1- FYL2X Y log2X FYL2XP1 Y log2(X+1) FCOS Cosine FSIN Sine FSINCOS Sine and Cosine 12-5 int'et MATH COPROCESSING Constant Instructions Each constant instruction (see Table 12-5) loads a commonly used constant onto the stack. The . values have full SO-bit precision and are accurate to about 19 decimal digits. Since a temporary real constant occupies 10 memory bytes, the constant instructions, only 2 bytes long, save memory space. Table 12-5. 80C187 Constant Instructions FLDZ Load + 0.1 FLD1 Load +1.0 FLDPI Load FLDL2T Loadlog2 1o FLDL2E Load IOg2e FLDLG2 Load IOg102 FLDLN2 Load log. 2 Processor Control Instructions Computations do not use the processor control instructions; these instructions are available for activities at the operating system level. This group (see Table 12-6) include~ initialization, exception handling and task switching instructions. Table 12-6. 80C187 Processor Control Instructions 12-6 FINIT/FNINIT Initialize processor FLDENV Load environment FDISI/FNDISI Disable interrupts FSAVElFNSAVE Save state FENI/FNENI Enable interrupts FRSTOR Restore state FLDCW Load control word FINCSTP Increment stack pOinter FSTCW/FNSTCW Store control word FDECSTP Decrement stack pointer FSTSW/FNSTSW Store status word FFREE Free register FCLEXlFNCLEX Clear exceptions FNOP No operation FSTENVIFNSTENV Store environment FWAIT CPU wait I MATH COPROCESSING 12.3.2 80C187 Data Types The microprocessor/math coprocessor combination supports seven data types: • Word Integer representation. A signed 16-bit numeric value. All operations assume a 2's complement • Short Integer - A signed 32-bit numeric value (double word). All operations assume a 2's complement representation. • Long Integer - A signed 64-bit numeric value (quad word). All operations assume a 2's complement representation. • Packed Decimal- A signed numeric value contained in an 80-bit BCD format. • Short Real - A signed 32-bit floating point numeric value. • Long Real- A signed 64-bit floating point numeric value. • Temporary Real - A signed 80-bit floating point numeric value. Temporary real is the native 8OC187 format. Figure 12-1 graphically represents these data types. 12.4 MICROPROCESSOR AND COPROCESSOR OPERATION The 8OC187 interfaces directly to the microprocessor (as shown in Figure 12-2) and operates as an I/O-mapped slave peripheral device. Hardware handshaking requires connections between the 8OC187 and four special pins on the processor: NCS, BUSY, PEREQ and ERROR. These pins are not available in some package types. Refer to the data sheet for details. I 12-7 intet MATH COPROCESSING Increasing Significance lIE Word Integer Short Integer (Two's Complement) lsi I (Two's Complement) Magnitude 0 31 Long Integer lsi I Magnitude 63 (Two's Complement) 0 Packed Decimal Short Real Long Real lsi Biased Exponent 63 Temporary Real lsi 79 I Significand Biased Exponent 64~ I 0 52"'-1 ... Significand I 0 NOTES: S = Sign bit (0 = positive, 1 = negative) dn = Decimal digit (two per byte) X = Bits have no significance; 80C187 ignores when loading. zeros when storing . ... = Position of implicit binary point I = Integer bit of significand; stored in temporary real, implicit in short and long real Exponent Bias (normalized values): Short Real: 127 (7FH) Long Real: 1023 (3FFH) Temporary Real: 16383 (FFFH) A1257·0A Figure 12-1. 80C187-Supported Data Types 12-8 I MATH COPROCESSING External Latch Oscillator Buffer D15:8 AD15:0 ALE I---+-CLKOUT I---~ 80C186 Modular Core RESOUT RESET WR NPWR RD NPRD BUSY BUSY ERROR ERROR PEREQ PEREQ Buffer D7:0 NCS OE T NPS1 CS DEN DTiR A1255-01 Figure 12-2. 80C186 Modular Core Family/80C187 System Configuration I 12-9 intet MATH COPROCESSING 12.4.1 Clocking the 80C187 The microprocessor and math coprocessor operate asynchronously, and their clock rates may differ. The 80C187 has a CKM pin that determines whether it uses the input clock directly or divided by two. Direct clocking works up to 12.5 MHz, which makes it convenient to feed the clock input from the microprocessor's CLKOUT pin. Beyond 12.5 MHz, the 80C187 must use a multiplyby-two clock input up to a maximum of 32 MHz. The microprocessor and the math coprocessor have correct timing relationships, even with operation at different frequencies. 12..4.2 Processor Bus Cycles Accessing the 80C187 Data transfers between the microprocessor and the 80C187 occur through the dedicated, 16-bit 110 ports shown in Table 12-7. When the processor encounters a numerics opcode, it first writes the opcode to the 80C187. The 8OC187 decodes the instruction and passes elementary instruction information (Opcode Status Word) back to the processor. Since the 80C187 is a slave processor, the Modular Core processor performs all loads and stores to memory. Including the overhead in the microprocessor's microcode, each data transfer between memory and the 80C187 (via the microprocessor) takes at least 17 processor clocks. Table 12-7. 80C187 VO Port Assignments I/O Address Read Definition Write Definition OOFBH Status/Control Opcode OOFAH Data Data OOFCH Reserved CS:IP, DS:EA OOFEH Opcode Status Reserved The microprocessor cannot process any numerics (ESC) opcodes alone. If the CPU encounters a numerics opcode when the Escape Trap (ET) bit in the Relocation Register is a zero and the 8OC187 is not present, its operation is indeterminate. Even the FINITIFNINIT initialization instruction (used in the past to test the presence of a coprocessor) fails without the 8OC187. If an application offers the 80C187 as an option, problems can be prevented in one ofthree ways: • Remove all numerics (ESC) instructions, including code that checks for the presence of the 8OC187. • Use a jumper or switch setting to indicate the presence of the 80C187. The program can interrogate the jumper or switch setting and branch away from numerics instructions when the 80C 187 socket is empty. • Trick the microprocessor into predictable operation when the 80C187 socket is empty. The fix is placing pull-up or pull-down resistors on certain data and handshaking lines so the CPU reads a recognizable Opcode Status Word. This solution requires a detailed knowledge of the interface. 12-10 I MATH COPROCESSING Bus cycles involving the 8OC187 Math Coprocessor behave exactly like other 110 bus cycles with respect to the processor's control pins. See "System Design Tips" for information on integrating the 80C187 into the overall system. 12.4.3 System Design Tips All 8OC187 operations require that bus ready be asserted. The simplest way to return the ready indication is through hardware connected to the processor's external ready pin. If you program a chip-select to cover the math coprocessor port addresses, its ready programming is in force and can provide bus ready for coprocessor accesses. The user must verify that there are no conflicts from other hardware connected to that chip-select pin. A chip-select pin goes active on 80C 187 accesses if you program it for a range including the math coprocessor 110 ports. The converse is not true - a non-80C187 access cannot activate NCS (numerics coprocessor select), regardless of programming. In a buffered system, it is customary to place the 8OC187 on the local bus. Since DTR and DEN function normally during 80C187 transfers, you must qualify DEN with NCS (see Figure 12-3). Otherwise, contention between the 8OC187 and the transceivers occurs on read cycles to the 8OC187. The microprocessor's local bus is available to the integrated peripherals during numerics execution whenever the CPU is not communicating with the 80C 187. The idle bus allows the processor to intersperse DRAM refresh cycles with accesses to the 8OC187. The microprocessor's local bus is available to alternate bus masters during execution of numerics instructions when the CPU does not need it. Bus cycles driven by alternate masters (via the HOLDIHLDA protocol) can suspend coprocessor bus cycles for an indefinite period. The programmer can lock 80C187 instructions. The CPU asserts the LOCK pin for the entire duration of a numerics instruction, monopolizing the bus for a very long time. I 12-11 MATH COPROCESSING External Oscillator Latch Buffer D15:8 AD15:0 ALE 1---+- CLKOUT 1 - - - - 80C186 Modular Core RESOUT RESET WR NPWR RD NPRD BUSY BUSY Buffer D7:0 ERROR ERROR PEREQ PEREQ NCS OE T NPS1 CS DEN DT/R A1255-01 Figure 12-3. 80C187 Configuration with a Partially Buffered Bus 12-12 I MATH COPROCESSING 12.4.4 Exception Trapping The 80C 187 detects six error conditions that can occur during instruction execution. The 80C 187 can apply default fix-ups or signal exceptions to the microprocessor's ERROR pin. The processor tests ERROR at the beginning of numerics instructions, so it traps an exception on the next attempted numerics instruction after it occurs. When ERROR tests active, the processor executes a Type 16 interrupt. There is no automatic exception-trapping on the last numerics instruction of a series. If the last numerics instruction writes an invalid result to memory, subsequent non-numerics instructions can use that result as if it is valid, further compounding the original error. Insert the FNOP instruction at the end of the 80C 187 routine to force an ERROR check. If the program is written in a high-level language, it is impossible to insert FNOP. In this case, route the error signal through an inverter to an interrupt pin on the microprocessor (see Figure 12-4). With this arrangement, use a flip-flop to latch BUSY upon assertion of ERROR. The latch gets cleared during the exception-handler routine. Use an additional flip-flop to latch PEREQ to maintain the correct handshaking sequence with the microprocessor. 12.5 Example Math Coprocessor Routines Example 12-1 shows the initialization sequence for the 80C187. Example 12-2 is an example of a floating point routine using the 80C187. The FSINCOS instruction yields both sine and cosine in one operation. I 12-13 MATH CO PROCESSING 80C186 Modular Core ERROR RESOUT CSx INTx latch BUSY PEREa ALE NCS A19:A16 AD15:0 RD WR ClKOUT A D D R E S S C '74 S 015:0 a Q ClK A2 A19:0 D A1 CMD1 NPWR CMDO NPRD 80C187 NPS1 CKM PEREa BUSY NPS2 e4--~D C a~~~ '74 S ERROR RESET A1256-01 Figure 12-4. 80C187 Exception Trapping via Processor Interrupt Pin 12-14 I MATH COPROCESSING $modlB6 name example_BOClB7_init ; FUNCTION: This function initializes the BOClB7 numerics coprocessor. ; SYNTAX: extern unsigned char far lB7_init(void); ; INPUTS: None ;OUTPUTS: unsigned char - OOOOh -> False -> coprocessor not initialized ffffh -> True -> coprocessor initialized ;NOTE: Parameters are passed on the stack as required by high-level languages. segment public 'code' assume cs:lib_BOlB6 push mov bp bp, sp cli fninit fnstcw ;disable maskable interrupts [bp-2] sti Ok: ;save caller's bp ;get current top of stack ;init BOClB7 processor ;get current control word ;enable interrupts mov and cmp je xor pop ret ax, [bp-2] ax, 0300h ax, 0300h Ok ax, ax bp and fldcw [bp-2], Offfeh [bp-2] ;unmask possible exceptions mov pop ret aX,Offffh bp ;return true (BOClB7 ok) ;restore caller's bp ;mask off unwanted control bits ;PC bits = 11 ;yes: processor ok ;return false (BOClB7 not ok) ;restore caller's bp _lB7_initendp lib_BOlB6ends end Example 12-1. Initialization Sequence for 80C187 Math Coprocessor I 12-15 intet~ MATH COPROCESSING $modl86 $modcl87 name ; DESCRIPTION: This code section uses the 80Cl87 FSINCOS transcendental instruction to convert the locus of a point from polar to Cartesian coordinates. ;VARIABLES: The variables consist of the radius, r, and the angle, theta. Both are expressed as 32-bit reals and 0 <= theta <= pil4. ;RESULTS: The results of the computation are the coordinates x and y expressed as 32-bit reals. ;NOTES: This routine is coded for Intel ASM86. It is not set up as an HLL-callable routine. This code assumes that the 80Cl87 has already been initialized. assume cs:code, ds:data data segment at OlOOh r dd x.xxxx theta dd x.xxxx x dd ? dd ? Y ends code segment at 0080h mov mov proc far ax, data ds, ax data convert fld fld fsincos fmul fstp fmul fstp r theta st, st(2) x y ;substitute real operand ;substitute real operand ;load radius ;load angle ;st=cos, st(l)=sin ;compute x ;store to memory and pop ;compute Y ;store to memory and pop convert endp code ends end Example 12-2. Floating Point Math Routine Using FSINCOS 12-16 I int:et 13 ONCE Mode I in1et CHAPTER 13 ONCE MODE ONCE (pronounced "ahnce") Mode provides the ability to three-state all output, bidirectional, or weakly held high/low pins except OSCOUT. To allow device operation with a crystal network, OSCOUT does not three-state. ONCE Mode electrically isolates the device from the rest of the board logic. This isolation allows a bed-of-nails tester to drive the device pins directly for more accurate and thorough testing. An in-circuit emulation probe uses ONCE Mode to isolate a surface-mounted device from board logic and essentially "take over" operation of the board (without removing the soldered device from the board). 13.1 ENTERING/LEAVING ONCE MODE Forcing AI9/0NCE low while RESIN is asserted (low) enables ONCE Mode (see Figure 13-1). Maintaining AI9/0NCE and RESIN low continues to keep ONCE Mode active. Returning AI9/0NCE high exits ONCE Mode. However, it is possible to keep ONCE Mode always active by deasserting RESIN while keeping AI9/0NCE low. Removing RESIN "latches" ONCE Mode and allows AI9/0NCE to be driven to any level. A 19/0NCE must remain low for at least one clock beyond the time RESIN is driven high. Asserting RESIN exits ONCE Mode, assuming AI9/0NCE does not also remain low (see Figure 13-1). A19/0NCE All output, bidirectional, weakly held pins except OSCOUT NOTES: 1. Entering ONCE Mode. 2. Latching ONCE Mode. 3. Leaving ONCE Mode (assuming 2 occurred). A1260-0A Figure 13-1. Entering/Leaving ONCE Mode I 13-1 intet A 80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS The 80C 186 Modular Core family instruction set differs from the original 8086/8088 instruction set in two ways. First, several instructions that were not available in the 8086/8088 instruction set have been added. Second, several 8086/8088 instructions have been enhanced for the 80C186 Modular Core family instruction set. A.1 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS This section describes the seven instructions that were added to the base 8086/8088 instruction set to make the instruction set for the 80C186 Modular Core family. These instructions did not exist in the 8086/8088 instruction set. • Data transfer instructions PUSHA POPA • String instructions INS OUTS • High-level instructions ENTER LEAVE BOUND A.1.1 Data Transfer Instructions PUSHAIPOPA PUSHA (push all) and POPA (pop all) allow all general-purpose registers to be stacked and unstacked. The PUSHA instruction pushes all CPU registers (except as noted below) onto the stack. The POPA instruction pops all registers pushed by PUSHA off of the stack. The registers are pushed onto the stack in the following order: AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, DI. The Stack Pointer (SP) value pushed is the Stack Pointer value before the AX register was pushed. When POPA is executed, the Stack Pointer value is popped, but ignored. Note that this instruction does not save segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES), the Instruction Pointer (IP), the Processor Status Word or any integrated peripheral registers. I A-1 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS A.1.2 in1et String Instructions INS source_string, port INS (in string) performs block input from an I/O port to memory. The port address is placed in the DX register. The memory address is placed in the DI register. This instruction uses the ES segment register (which cannot be overridden). After the data transfer takes place, the pointer register (DI) increments or decrements, depending on the value of the Direction Flag (DF). The pointer register changes by one for byte transfers or by two for word transfers. OUTS port, destination_string OUTS (out string) performs block output from memory to an I/O port. The port address is placed in the DX register. The memory address is placed in the SI register. This instruction uses the DS segment register, but this may be changed with a segment override instruction. After the data transfer takes place, the pointer register (SI) increments or decrements, depending on the value of the Direction Flag (DF). The pointer register changes by one for byte transfers or by two for word transfers. A.1.3 High-Level Instructions ENTER size, level ENTER creates the stack frame required by most block-structured high-level languages. The first parameter, size, specifies the number of bytes of dynamic storage to be allocated for the procedure being entered (I6-bitvalue). The second parameter, level, is the lexical nesting level of the procedure (8-bit value). Note that the higher the lexical nesting level, the lower the procedure is in the nesting hierarchy. The lexical nesting level determines the number of pointers to higher level stack frames copied into the current stack frame. This list of pointers is called the display. The first word of the display points to the previous stack frame. The display allows access to variables of higher level (lower lexical nesting level) procedures. After ENTER creates a display for the current procedure, it allocates dynamic storage space. The Stack Pointer decrements by the number of bytes specified by size. All PUSH and POP operations in the procedure use this value of the Stack Pointer as a base. Two forms of ENTER exist: non-nested and nested. A lexical nesting level of 0 specifies the nonnested form. In this situation, BP is pushed, then the Stack Pointer is copied to BP and decremented by the size of the frame. If the lexical nesting level is greater than 0, the nested form is used. Figure A-I gives the formal definition of ENTER. A-2 I intet~ 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS The following listing gives the formal definition of the ENTER instruction for all cases. LEVEL denotes the value of the second operand. Push BP Set a temporary value FRAME_PTR: = SP If LEVEL > 0 then Repeat (LEVEL - 1) times: BP:=BP - 2 Push the word pointed to by BP End Repeat Push FRAME_PTR End if BP:=FRAME_PTR sp:=sp - first operand Figure A-1. Formal Definition of ENTER ENTER treats a reentrant procedure as a procedure calling another procedure at the same lexical level. A reentrant procedure can address only its own variables and variables of higher-level calling procedures. ENTER ensures this by copying only stack frame pointers from higher-level procedures. Block-structured high-level languages use lexical nesting levels to control access to variables of previously nested procedures. For example, assume for Figure A-2 that Procedure A calls Procedure B, which calls Procedure C, which calls Procedure D. Procedure C will have access to the variables of Main and Procedure A, but not to those of Procedure B because Procedures C and B operate at the same lexical nesting level. The following is a summary of the variable access for Figure A-2. 1. Main has variables at fixed locations. 2. Procedure A can access only the fixed variables of Main. 3. Procedure B can access only the variables of Procedure A and Main. Procedure B cannot access the variables of Procedure C or Procedure D. 4. Procedure C can access only the variables of Procedure A and Main. Procedure C cannot access the variables of Procedure B or Procedure D. 5. Procedure D can access the variables of Procedure C, Procedure A and Main. Procedure D cannot access the variables of Procedure B. I A-3 intet 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS Main Program (Lexical Level 1) Procedure A (Lexical Level 2) Procedure B (Lexical Level 3) Procedure C (Lexical Level 3) Procedure D (Lexical Level 4) A1001-0A Figure A-2. Variable Access in Nested Procedures The first ENTER, executed in the Main Program, allocates dynamic storage space for Main, but no pointers are copied_ The only word in the display points to itself because no previous value exists to return to after LEAVE is executed (see Figure A-3)_ 0 15 OldBP BPM BP SP • Display Main Dynamic Storage Main ~ * BPM = BP Value for MAIN A1002-0A Figure A-3. Stack Frame for Main at Level 1 After Main calls Procedure A, ENTER creates a new display for Procedure A. The first word points to the previous value of BP (BPM). The second word points to the current value of BP (BPA). BPM contains the base for dynamic storage in Main. All dynamic variables for Main will be at a fixed offset from this value (see Figure A-4)_ A-4 I intet 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS 15 0 OldBP BPM BP BPM --" ~ BPM BPA· } DisplayA } Dynamic Storage A SP •BPA -- BP Value for Procedure A Al003·0A Figure A-4. Stack Frame for Procedure A at Level 2 After Procedure A calls Procedure B, ENTER creates the display for Procedure B. The first word of the display points to the previous value of BP (BPA). The second word points to the value of BP for MAIN (BPM). The third word points to the BP for Procedure A (BPA). The last word points to the current BP (BPB). Procedure B can access variables in Procedure A or Main via the appropriate BP in the display (see Figure A-5). After Procedure B calls Procedure C, ENTER creates the display for Procedure C. The first word of the display points to the previous value of BP (BPB). The second word points to the value of BP for MAIN (BPM). The third word points to the value of BP for Procedure A (BPA). The fourth word points to the current BP (BPC). Because Procedure B and Procedure C have the same lexical nesting level, Procedure C cannot access variables in Procedure B. The only pointer to Procedure B in the display of Procedure C exists to allow the LEAVE instruction to collapse the Procedure C stack frame (see Figure A-6). I A-5 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS 15 0 OldBP BPM BPM BPM BPA BP ~ BPA BPM BPA BPB } Display B } Dynamic Storage B SP - A1004-0A Figure A-S. Stack Frame for Procedure B at Level 3 Called from A A-6 I 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS 15 0 OldBP BPM BPM BPM BPA BPA BPM BPA BPB BPB BPM BPA BPC BP SP } } DisplayC Dynamic Storage C -"" ~ A1005-0A Figure A-6. Stack Frame for Procedure C at Level 3 Called from B LEAVE LEAVE reverses the action of the most recent ENTER instruction. It collapses the last stack frame created. First, LEAVE copies the current BP to the Stack Pointer, releasing the stack space allocated to the current procedure. Second, LEAVE pops the old value ofBP from the stack, to return to the calling procedure's stack frame. A RET instruction will remove arguments stacked by the calling procedure for use by the called procedure. I A-7 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS BOUND register, address BOUND verifies that the signed value in the specified register lies within specified limits. If the value does not lie within the bounds, an array bounds exception (type 5) occurs. BOUND is useful for checking array bounds before attempting to access an array element. This prevents the program from overwriting information outside the limits of the array. BOUND has two operands. The first, register, specifies the register being tested. The second, address, contains the effective relative address of the two signed boundary values. The lower limit word is at this address and the upper limit word immediately follows. The limit values cannot be register operands (if they are, an invalid opcode exception occurs). A.2 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ENHANCEMENTS This section describes ten instructions that were available with the 8086/8088 but have been enhanced for the 80C186 Modular Core family. • Data transfer instructions - PUSH • Arithmetic instructions IMUL • Bit manipulation instructions (shifts and rotates) SAL SHL SAR SHR ROL ROR RCL RCR A.2.1 Data Transfer Instructions PUSH data PUSH (push immediate) allows an immediate argument, data, to be pushed onto the stack. The value can be either a byte or a word. Byte values are sign extended to word size before being pushed. A-8 I intet A.2.2 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS Arithmetic Instructions IMUL destination, source, data IMUL (integer immediate multiply, signed) allows a value to be multiplied by an immediate operand. IMUL requires three operands. The first, destination, is the register where the result will be placed. The second, source, is the effective address of the multiplier. The source may be the same register as the destination, another register or a memory location. The third, data, is an immediate value used as the multiplicand. The data operand may be a byte or word. If data is a byte, it is sign extended to 16 bits. Only the lower 16 bits of the result are saved. The result must be placed in a general-purpose register. A.2.3 Bit Manipulation Instructions This section describes the eight enhanced bit-manipulation instructions. A.2.3.1 Shift Instructions SAL destination, count SAL (immediate shift arithmetic left) shifts the destination operand left by an immediate value. SAL has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be shifted. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of shifts to be made. The CPU will AND count with IFH before shifting, to allow no more than 32 shifts. Zeros shift in on the right. SHL destination, count SHL (immediate shift logical left) is physically the same instruction as SAL (immediate shift arithmetic left). SAR destination, count SAR (immediate shift arithmetic right) shifts the destination operand right by an immediate value. SAL has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be shifted. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of shifts to be made. The CPU will AND count with IFH before shifting, to allow no more than 32 shifts. The value of the original sign bit shifts into the most-significant bit to preserve the initial sign. SHR destination, count SHR (immediate shift logical right) is physically the same instruction as SAR (immediate shift arithmetic right). I A·9 80C186 INSTRUCTION SET ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS A.2.3.2 Rotate Instructions ROL destination, count ROL (immediate rotate left) rotates the destination byte or word left by an immediate value. ROL has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be rotated. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of rotations to be made. The most-significant bit of destination rotates into the least-significant bit. ROR destination, count ROR (immediate rotate right) rotates the destination byte or word right by an immediate value. ROR has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be rotated. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of rotations to be made. The least-significant bit of destination rotates into the most-significant bit. RCL destination, count RCL (immediate rotate through carry left) rotates the destination byte or word left by an immediate value. RCL has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be rotated. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of rotations to be made. The Carry Flag (CF) rotates into the least-significant bit of destination. The most-significant bit of destination rotates into the Carry Flag. RCR destination, count RCR (immediate rotate through carry right) rotates the destination byte or word right by an immediate value. RCR has two operands. The first, destination, is the effective address to be rotated. The second, count, is an immediate byte value representing the number of rotations to be made. The Carry Flag (CF) rotates into the most-significant bit of destination. The least-significant bit of destination rotates into the Carry Flag. A-10 I intel· B Input Synchronization I APPENDIX B INPUT SYNCHRONIZATION Many input signals to an embedded processor are asynchronous. Asynchronous signals do not require a specified setup or hold time to ensure the device does not incur a failure. However, asynchronous setup and hold times are specified in the data sheet to ensure recognition. Associated with each of these inputs is a synchronizing circuit (see Figure B-1) that samples the asynchronous signal and synchronizes it to the internal operating clock. The output of the synchronizing circuit is then safely routed to the logic units. Asynchronous Input 1----10 9 or (AF) = 1 then (AL) ~ (AL) + 6 (AH) ~ (AH) + 1 (AF) ~ 1 (CF) ~ (AF) (AL) ~ (AL) and OFH Flags Affected AF ./ CF ./ DFIF OF? PF? SF? TF ZF? (AL) ~ (AH) x OAH + (AL) (AH) ~O AF? CF? DFIF OF? PF ./ SF ./ TF ZF ./ (AH) ~ (AL) / OAH (AL) ~ (AL) % OAH AF? CF? DFIF OF? PF ./ SF ./ TF ZF ./ Modifies the numerator in AL before dividing two valid unpacked decimal operands so that the quotient produced by the division will be a valid unpacked decimal number. AH must be zero for the subsequent DIV to produce the correct result. The quotient is returned in AL, and the remainder is returned in AH; both highorder half-bytes are zeroed. Instruction Operands: none AAM ASCII Adjust for Multiply: AAM Corrects the result of a previous multiplication of two valid unpacked decimal operands. A valid 2-digit unpacked decimal humber is derived from the content of AH and AL and is returned to AH and AL. The high-order half-bytes of the multiplied operands must have been OH for AAM to produce a correct result. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: C-4 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follOWS: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction Is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ./the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I int'et INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name AAS ASCII Adjust for Subtraction: AAS Corrects the result of a previous subtraction of two valid unpacked decimal operands (the destination operand must have been specified as register AL). Changes the content of AL to a valid unpacked decimal number; the high-order half-byte is zeroed. Flags Affected Operation if ((AL) and OFH) > 9 or (AF) then (AL) f- (AL) - 6 (AH) f- (AH) - 1 (AF) f- 1 (CF) f- (AF) (AL) f- (AL) and OFH =1 AF v' CF v' DFIF OF? PF? SF? TF ZF? Instruction Operands: none ADC Add with Carry: ADC desf, src Sums the operands, which may be bytes or words, adds one if CF is set and replaces the destination operand with the result. Both operands may be signed or unsigned binary numbers (see AAA and DAA). Since ADC incorporates a carry from a previous operation, it can be used to write routines to add numbers longer than 16 bits. if = (CF) 1 then (dest) f- (dest) + (src) + 1 else (dest) f- (dest) + (src) AF v' CF v' DFIF OF v' PF v' SF v' TF ZF v' Instruction Operands: ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC NOTE: I reg, reg reg, mem mem, reg reg, immed mem, immed accurh, immed The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed v'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-5 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C~4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name ADD Description Addition: Operation Flags Affected (dest) +- (dest) + (src) AF ,/ CF ,/ DFIF OF ,/ PF ,/ SF ,/ TF ZF ,/ (dest) +- (dest) and (src) (CF) +- 0 (OF) +- 0 AF? CF ,/ DFIF OF ,/ PF ,/ SF ,/ TF ZF ,/ ADD dest, src Sums two operands, which may be bytes or words, replaces the destination operand. Both operands may be signed or unsigned binary numbers (see AAA and DAA). Instruction Operands: ADD reg, reg ADD reg, mem ADDmem, reg ADD reg, immed ADD mem, immed ADD accum, immed AND And Logical: AND dest, src Performs the logical "and" of the two operands (byte or word) and retums the result to the destination operand. A bit in the result is set If both corresponding bits of the original operands are set; otherwise the bit Is cleared. Instruction Operands: AND reg, reg AND reg, mem ANDmem, reg AND reg, Immed AND mem, immed AND accum, immed NOTE: C-6 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '/the flag is updated after the Instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name BOUND Description Detect Value Out of Range: BOUND dest, src Provides array bounds checking in hardware. The calculated array index is placed in one of the general purpose registers, and the upper and lower bounds of the array are placed in two consecutive memory locations. The contents of the register are compared with the memory location values, and if the register value is less than the first location or greater than the second memory location, a trap type 5 is generated. Operation if ({dest) < (src) or (dest) > ((src) + 2) then (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1 : (SP)) ~ FLAGS (IF)~O (TF) ~ 0 (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1 : (SP)) ~ (CS) (CS) ~ (1EH) (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1 : (SP)) ~ (IP) (IP) ~ (1CH) Flags Affected AF CFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - Instruction Operands: BOUND reg, mem CALL Call Procedure: CALL procedure-name Activates an out-of-line procedure, saving information on the stack to permit a RET (return) instruction in the procedure to transfer control back to the instruction following the CALL. The assembler generates a different type of CALL instruction depending on whether the programmer has defined the procedure name as NEAR or FAR. if Inter-segment then (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) ~ (CS) (CS)~SEG (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 ((SP) +1:(SP)) ~ (IP) (IP) ~ dest AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - Instruction Operands: CALL near-proc CALL far-proc CALL memptr16 CALL regptr16 CALL memptr32 NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-7 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name CBW Convert Byte to Word: CBW Extends the sign of the byte in register AL throughout register AH. Use to produce a double-length (word) dividend from a byte prior to performing byte division. Operation if (AL) < SOH then (AH) ~ 0 else (AH) ~ FFH Instruction Operands: Flags Affected AFCFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - none CLC Clear Carry flag: (CF) ~ 0 AFCF ,( OFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - (OF) ~ 0 AFCFOF ,( IF OFPF SF TF ZF - CLC Zeroes the carry flag (CF) and affects no other flags. Useful in conjunction with the rotate through carry left (RCL) and the rotate through carry right (RCR) instructions. Instruction Operands: none CLO Clear Direction flag: CLO Zeroes the direction flag (OF) causing the string instructions to autoincrement the source index (SI) and/or destination index (01) registers. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: C-8 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I int'et INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name CLI Clear Interrupt-enable Flag: Operation (IF)~O CLI Zeroes the interrupt-enable flag (I F). When the interrupt-enable flag is cleared, the 8086 and 8088 do not recognize an external interrupt request that appears on the INTR line; in other words maskable interrupts are disabled. A non-maskable interrupt appearing on NMI line, however, is honored, as is a software interrupt. Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - '" Instruction Operands: none CMC Complement Carry Flag: CMC Toggles complement carry flag (CF) to its opposite state and affects no other flags. if AF - (CF)=O then (CF)~ 1 else CF '" DFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (CF)~O Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the Instruction is executed "'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-g intel«t INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name CMP Compare: Operation Flags Affected (dest) - (src) AF v' CF v' OFIF OFv' PF v' SF v' TF ZF v' (dest-string) - (src-string) if (OF) = 0 then (SI) +- (SI) + DELTA (01) +- (01) + DELTA else (SI) +- (SI) - DELTA (01) +- (01) - DELTA AF v' CF v' OFIF OFv' PF v' SF v' TF ZF v' CMP dest, src Subtracts the source from the desti· nation, which may be bytes or words, but does not return the result. The operands are unchanged, but the flags are updated and can be tested by a subsequent conditional Jump Instruction. The comparison reflected In the flags Is that of the destination to the source. If a CMP Instruction Is followed by a JG Oump if greater) Instruction, for example, the Jump Is taken if the destination operand is greater than the source operand. Instruction Operands: CMP reg, reg CMP reg, mem CMPmem, reg CMP reg, immed CMP mem, Immed CMP accum, immed CMPS Compare String: CMPS dest-string, src-string Subtracts the destination byte or word from the source byte or word. The destination byte or word Is addressed by the destination Index (01) register and the source byte or word is addresses by the source index (SI) register. CMPS updates the flags to reflect the relationship of the destination element to the source element but does not alter either operand and updates SI and 01 to pOint to the next string element. Instruction Operands: CMP dest-string, src-string CMP (repeat) dest-string, src-strlng NOTE: The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the Instruction Is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the Instruction Is executed v'the flag is updated after the instruction Is executed C-10 I intet~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name CWO Description Convert Word to Doubleword: CWO Extends the sign of the word in register AX throughout register OX. Use to produce a double·length (doubleword) dividend from a word prior to performing word division. Flags Affected Operation if AFCFOFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - (AX) < BOOOH then (OX) f- 0 else (OX) f- FFFFH Instruction Operands: none OAA Decimal Adjust for Addition: OAA Corrects the result of previously adding two valid packed decimal operands (the destination operand must have been register AL). Changes the content of AL to a pair of valid packed decimal digits. Instruction Operands: if ((AL) and OFH) > 9 or (AF) then (AL) f- (AL) + 6 (AF) f- 1 if (AL) > 9FH or (CF) 1 then (AL) f- (AL) + 60H (CF) f- 1 =1 = AF v' CF v' OFIF OF? PF v' SF v' TF ZF v' none OAS Decimal Adjust for Subtraction: OAS Corrects the result of a previous subtraction of two valid packed decimal operands (the destination operand must have been specified as register AL). Changes the content of AL to a pair of valid packed decimal digits. if ((AL) and OFH) > 9 or (AF) then (AL) f- (AL) - 6 (AF) f- 1 if (AL) > 9FH or (CF) 1 then (AL) f- (AL) - 60H (CF) f- 1 =1 = AF v' CF v' OFIF OF? PF v' SF v' TF ZF v' Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed v'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-11 intet~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name DEC Description Decrement: Operation (dest) ~ (dest) - 1 DEC dest Subtracts one from the destination operand. The operand may be a byte or a word and is treated as an unsigned binary number (see AAA and DAA). Instruction Operands: Flags Affected AF ,f CFDFIF OF ,f PF ,f SF ,f TF ZF ,f DEC reg DECmem NOTE: C-12 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ,fthe flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name OIV Divide: OIV src Performs an unsigned division of the accumulator (and its extension) by the source operand. If the source operand is a byte, it is divided into the two-byte dividend assumed to be in registers AL and AH. The byte quotient is returned in AL, and the byte remainder is returned in AH. If the source operand is a word, it is divided into the two-word dividend in registers AX and OX. The word quotient is returned in AX, and the word remainder is returned in OX. If the quotient exceeds the capacity of its destination register (FFH for byte source, FFFFH for word source), as when division by zero is attempted, a type 0 interrupt is generated, and the quotient and remainder are undefined. Nonintegral quotients are truncated to integers. Instruction Operands: OIV reg OIVmem NOTE: I Operation When Source Operand Is a Byte: (temp) f- (byte-src) if (temp) I (AX) > FFH then (type 0 interrupt is generated) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- FLAGS (IF) f- 0 (TF) f- 0 (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (CS) (CS) f- (2) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (IP) (IP) f- (0) else (AL) f- (temp) I (AX) (AH) f- (temp) % (AX) Flags Affected AF? CF? OFIF OF? PF? SF? TF ZF? When Source Operand is a Word: (temp) f- (word-src) if (temp) I (OX:AX) > FFFFH then (type 0 interrupt is generated) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- FLAGS (IF) f- 0 (TF) f- 0 (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (CS) (CS) f- (2) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (IP) (lP) f- (0) else (AX) f- (temp) I (OX:AX) (OX) f- (temp) % (OX:AX) The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed .Ithe flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-13 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name ENTER Description Procedure Entry: ENTER locals, levels Executes the calling sequence for a high-level language. It saves the current frame pOinter in BP, copies the frame pOinters from procedures below the current call (to allow access to local variables in these procedures) and allocates space on the stack for the local variables of the current procedure invocation. Instruction Operands: ENTER locals, level ESC Escape: ESC Provides a mechanism by which other processors (coprocessors) may receive their instructions from the 8086 or 8088 instruction stream and make use of the 8086 or 8088 addressing modes. The CPU (8086 or 8088) does a no operation (NOP) for the ESC instruction other than to access a memory operand and place it on the bus. Operation Flags Affected (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (BP) (FP) f- (SP) if level> then repeat (level - 1) times (BP) f- (BP) - 2 (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (BP) end repeat (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (FP) end if (BP) f- (FP) (SP) f- (SP) - (locals) AF CFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF - if AF CFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - a mod;c 11 then data bus f- (EA) Instruction Operands: ESC immed, mem ESC immed, reg NOTE: C-14 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name HLT Halt: Operation None HLT Causes the CPU to enter the halt state. The processor leaves the halt state upon activation of the RESET line, upon receipt of a non-maskable interrupt request on NMI, or upon receipt of a maskable interrupt request on INTR (if interrupts are enabled). Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-15 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name IDIV Description Integer Divide: IOIV src Performs a signed division of the accumulator (and its extension) by the source operand. If the source operand is a byte, it is divided into the doublelength dividend assumed to be in registers AL and AH; the single-length quotient is returned in AL, and the single-length remainder is returned in AH. For byte integer division, the maximum positive quotient is +127 (7FH) and the minimum negative quotient is -127 (81 H). If the source operand is a word, it is divided into the double-length dividend in registers AX and OX; the singlelength quotient is returned in AX, and the single-length remainder is returned in OX. For word integer division, the maximum positive quotient is +32,767 (7FFFH) and the minimum negative quotient is-32,767 (8001H). If the quotient is positive and exceeds the maximum, or is negative and is less than the minimum, the quotient and remainder are undefined, and a type 0 interrupt is generated. In particular, this occurs if division by 0 is attempted. Nonintegral quotients are truncated (toward 0) to integers, and the remainder has the same sign as the dividend. Instruction Operands: IOIV reg IOIVmem NOTE. C-16 Operation When Source Operand is a Byte: (temp) f- (byte-src) if (temp) / (AX) > 0 and (temp) I (AX) > 7FH or (temp) I (AX) < 0 and (temp) I (AX) < 0 - 7FH - 1 then (type 0 interrupt is generated) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- FLAGS (IF) f- 0 (TF) f- 0 (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (CS) (CS) f- (2) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (IP) (IP) f- (0) else (AL) f- (temp) / (AX) (AH) f- (temp) % (AX) Flags Affected AF? CF? OFIF OF? PF? SF? TF ZF? When Source Operand is a Word: (temp) f- (word-src) if (temp) I (OX:AX) > 0 and (temp) I (OX:AX) > 7FFFH or (temp) I (OX:AX) < 0 and (temp) I (OX:AX) < 0 - 7FFFH - 1 then (type 0 interrupt is generated) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- FLAGS (IF) f- 0 (TF) f- 0 (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (CS) (CS) f- (2) (SP) f- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) f- (IP) (IP) f- (0) else (AX) f- (temp) I (OX:AX) (OX) f- (temp) % (OX:AX) The three symbols used In the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4_ Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name IMUL Integer Multiply: IMUL sre Performs a signed multiplication of the source operand and the accumulator. If the source is a byte, then it is multiplied by register AL, and the double-length result is returned in AH and AL. If the source is a word, then it is multiplied by register AX, and the double-length result is returned in registers OX and AX. If the upper half of the result (AH for byte source, OX for word source) is not the sign extension of the lower half of the result, CF and OF are set; otherwise they are cleared. When CF and OF are set, they indicate that AH or OX contains significant digits of the result. Operation When Source Operand is a Byte: (AX) f- (byte-src) x (AL) if (AH) =sign-extension of (AL) then (CF) f- 0 else (CF) f- 1 (OF) f- (CF) Flags Affected AF? CF ,( OFIF OF ,( PF? SF? TF ZF? When Source Operand is a Word: (OX:AX) f- (word-src) x (AX) if (OX) =sign-extension of (AX) then (CF) f- 0 else (CF) f- 1 (OF) f- (CF) Instruction Operands: IMUL reg IMULmem IMULimmed Input Byte or Word: IN IN aeeum, port Transfers a byte or a word from an input port to the AL register or the AX register, respectively. The port number may be specified either with an immediate byte constant, allowing access to ports numbered 0 through 255, or with a number previously placed in the OX register, allowing variable access (by changing the value in OX) to ports numbered from 0 through 65,535. When Source Operand is a Byte: (AL) f- (port) When Source Operand is a Word: (AX) f- (port) AF CFOFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - Instruction Operands: IN AL, immed8 IN AX, OX NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-17 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name INC Increment: Operation (dest) ~ (dest) + 1 INC dest Adds one to the destination operand. The operand may be byte or a word and is treated as an unsigned binary number (see AAA and OAA). Instruction Operands: INC reg INCmem INS In String: (dest) ~ (src) INS dest-string, port Performs block input from an 1/0 port to memory. The port address is placed in the OX register. The memory address is placed in the 01 register. This instruction uses the ES register (which cannot be overridden). After the data transfer takes place, the 01 register increments or decrements, depending on the value of the direction flag (OF). The 01 register changes by 1 for byte transfers or 2 for word transfers. Flags Affected AF ,/ CFOFIF OF ,/ PF ,/ SF ,/ TF ZF ,/ AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Instruction Operands: INS dest-string, port INS (repeat) dest-string, port NOTE: C-18 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '/the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name INT Description Interrupt: INT interrupt-type Activates the interrupt procedure specified by the interrupt-type operand. Decrements the stack pointer by two, pushes the flags onto the stack, and clears the trap (TF) and interrupt-enable (IF) flags to disable single-step and maskable interrupts. The flags are stored in the format used by the PUSHF instruction. SP is decremented again by two, and the CS register is pushed onto the stack. Operation (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 «SP) + 1:(SP)) ~ FLAGS (IF) ~ 0 (TF) ~ 0 (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 «SP) + 1:(SP)) ~ (CS) (CS) ~ (interrupt-type x 4 + 2) (SP) ~ (SP) - 2 «SP) + 1:(SP)) ~ (I P) (IP) ~ (interrupt-type x 4) Flags Affected AFCFDFIF ,/ OFPF SF TF ,/ ZF - The address of the interrupt pointer is calculated by multiplying interrupttype by four; the second word of the interrupt painter replaces CS. SP again is decremented by two, and I P is pushed onto the stack and is replaced by the first word of the interrupt painter. If interrupt-type 3, the assembler generates a short (1 byte) form of the instruction, known as the breakpoint interrupt. = Instruction Operands: INT immed8 NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '/the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-19 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name INTO Description Interrupt on Overflow: INTO Generates a software interrupt if the overflow flag (OF) is set; otherwise control proceeds to the following instruction without activating an interrupt procedure. INTO addresses the target Interrupt procedure (its type is 4) through the interrupt pOinter at location 10H; it clears the TF and IF flags and otherwise operates like INT. INTO may be written following an arithmetic or logical operation to activate an interrupt procedure if overflow occurs. Operation if (OF) = 1 then (SP) +- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP» +- FLAGS (IF) +- 0 (TF) +- 0 (SP) +- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP» +- (CS) (CS) +- (12H) (SP) +- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP» +- (IP) (IP) +- (10H) Flags Affected AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Instruction Operands: none IRET Interrupt Return: IRET Transfers control back to the point of interruption by popping IP, CS, and the flags from the stack. IRET thus affects all flags by restoring them to previously saved values. IRET is used to exit any interrupt procedure, whether activated by hardware or software. (IP) +- ((SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) +- (SP) + 2 (CS) +- ((SP) + 1 :(SP» (SP) +- (SP) + 2 FLAGS +- ((SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) +- (SP) + 2 AF CF OF IF OF PF SF TF ZF if AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ Instruction Operands: none JA JNBE Jump on Above: Jump on Not Below or Equal: JA disp8 JNBE disp8 ((CF) = 0) or ((ZF) = 0) then (IP) +- (lP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition ((CF=O) or (ZF=O» is true. Instruction Operands: JA short-label JNBE short-label NOTE: C-20 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ./the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name JAE JNB Description Jump on Above or Equal: Jump on Not Below: JAE disp8 JNB disp8 Operation if (CF) = 0 then (I P) f- (I P) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (CF = 0) is true. Instruction Operands: JAE short-label JNB short-label JB JNAE Jump on Below: Jump on Not Above or Equal: JB disp8 JNAE disp8 if (CF) = 1 then (IP) f- (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (CF = 1) is true. Instruction Operands: JB short-label JNAE short-label JBE JNA Jump on Below or Equal: Jump on Not Above: JBE disp8 JNA disp8 if «CF) = 1) or «ZF) = 1) then (I P) f- (I P) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition «C =1) or (ZF=1)) is true. Instruction Operands: Flags Affected AF CFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF AF CFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - JBE short-label JNA short-label JC Jump on Carry: JC disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (CF=1) is true. if (CF) = 1 then (IP) f- (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: JC short-label NOTE: I AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ,l'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-21 intel· INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name JCXZ Description Jump If ex Zero: JCXZ dispB Transfers control to the target location if CX is O. Useful at the beginning of a loop to bypass the loop If CX has a zero value, I.e., to execute the loop zero times. Operation If (CX) = 0 then (IP) +- (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - JCXZ short-label JE JZ Jump on Equal: Jump on Zero: JE dispB JZ dispB If (ZF) = 1 then (IP) +- (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location If the condition tested (ZF = 1) is true. Instruction Operands: JE short-label JZ short-label JG JNLE Jump on Greater Than: Jump on Not Less Than or Equal: JG dlspB JNLE dlspB if «SF) = (OF» and «ZF) = 0) then (IP) +- (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the condition tested (SF = OF) and (ZF=O) is true. Instruction Operands: AFCFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - JG short-label JNLE short-label JGE JNL Jump on Greater Than or Equal: Jump on Not Less Than: JGE dispB JNL dlspB If (SF) = (OF) then (IP) +- (IP) + dlsp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location Hthe condition tested (SF=OF) is true. Instruction Operands: JGE short-label JNL short-label NOTE: C-22 AFCFDFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the Instruction Is executed "'the flag Is updated after the Instruction Is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name JL JNGE Description Jump on Less Than: Jump on Not Greater Than or Equal: JL disp8 JNGE disp8 Operation if (SF) "'- (OF) then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the condition tested (SF~F) is true. Instruction Operands: JL short-label JNGE short-label JLE JNG Jump on Less Than or Equal: Jump on Not Greater Than: JGE disp8 JNL disp8 if ((SF) "'- (OF)) or ((ZF) = 1) then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location If the condition tested ((SF"'-OF) or (ZF=O)) is true. Instruction Operands: Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - JGE short-label JNL short-label JMP Jump Unconditionally: JMP target Transfers control to the target location. Instruction Operands: if Inter-segment then (CS) ~ SEG (IP) ~ dest JMP short-label JMP near-label JMP far-label JMP memptr JMP regptr JNC Jump on Not Carry: JNC disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (CF=O) is true. if (CF) = 0 then (I P) ~ (I P) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: JNC short-label NOTE: I AF CFDFIF OFPFSF TF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-23 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name JNE JNZ Description Jump on Not Equal: Jump on Not Zero: JNE disp8 JNZ disp8 Operation if (ZF) = 0 then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (ZF = 0) is true. Instruction Operands: JNE short-label JNZ short-label JNO Jump on Not Overflow: JNO disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (OF = 0) is true. if (OF) = 0 then (I P) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: JNO short-label JNS Jump on Not Sign: JNS disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (SF = 0) is true. if (SF) = 0 then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: JNS short-label JNP JPO Jump on Not Parity: Jump on Parity Odd: JNO disp8 JPO disp8 if (PF) = 0 then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (PF=O) is true. Instruction Operands: JNO short-label JPO short-label NOTE: C-24 Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF AF CFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF AF CFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name JO Operation Jump on Overflow: if = JO disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (OF 1) is true. = (OF) 1 then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Operands: JO short-label JP JPE Jump on Parity: Jump on Parity Equal: if = (PF) 1 then (IP) ~ (lP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) JP disp8 JPE disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (PF 1) is true. = Instruction Format: JP short-label JPE short-label JS Jump on Sign: if = JS disp8 Transfers control to the target location if the tested condition (SF 1) is true. = (SF) 1 then (I P) ~ (I P) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) Instruction Format: JS short-label LAHF Load Register AH From Flags: (AH) ~ (SF):(ZF):X:(AF):X:(PF):X:(CF) LAHF Copies SF, ZF, AF, PF and CF (the 8080/8085 flags) into bits 7, 6, 4, 2 and 0, respectively, of register AH. The content of bits 5, 3, and 1 are undefined. LAHF is provided primarily for converting 8080/8085 assembly language programs to run on an 8086 or 8088. Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTFZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-25 int"et~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name LOS Load Pointer Using DS: LOS dest, src Operation Flags Affected (dest) +- (EA) (OS) +- (EA + 2) AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (dest) +- EA AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (SP) +- (BP) (BP) +- ((SP) + 1:(SP)) (SP) +- (SP) + 2 AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Transfers a 32-bit pointer variable from the source operand, which must be a memory operand, to the destination operand and register OS. The offset word of the pOinter is transferred to the destination operand, which may be any 16-bit general register. The segment word of the pointer is transferred to register OS. Instruction Operands: LOS reg16, mem32 LEA Load Effective Address: LEA dest, src Transfers the offset of the source operand (rather than its value) to the destination operand. Instruction Operands: LEA reg16, mem16 LEAVE Leave: LEAVE Reverses the action of the most recent ENTER instruction. Collapses the last stack frame created. First, LEAVE copies the current BP to the stack pointer releasing the stack space allocated to the current procedure. Second, LEAVE pops the old value of BP from the stack, to return to the calling procedure's stack frame. A return (RET) instruction will remove arguments stacked by the calling procedure for use by the called procedure. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: C-26 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name LES Description Load Pointer Using ES: LES dest, src Operation Flags Affected (dest) ~ (EA) (ES) ~ (EA + 2) AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - none AFCFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF - Transfers a 32-bit pOinter variable from the source operand to the destination operand and register ES. The offset word of the pOinter is transferred to the destination operand. The segment word of the pointer is transferred to register ES. Instruction Operands: LES reg16, mem32 LOCK Lock the Bus: LOCK Causes the 8088 (configured in maximum mode) to assert its bus LOCK signal while the following instruction executes. The instruction most useful in this context is an exchange register with memory. The LOCK prefix may be combined with the segment override and/or REP prefixes. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-27 intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name LOD5 Description Load String (Byte or Word): LOD5 src-string Transfers the byte or word string element addressed by 51 to register AL or AX and updates 51 to point to the next element in the string. This instruction is not ordinarily repeated since the accumulator would be overwritten by each repetition, and only the last element would be retained. Instruction Operands: LOD5 src-string LOD5 (repeat) src-string LOOP Loop: LOOP disp8 Decrements CX by 1 and transfers control to the target location if CX is not 0; otherwise the instruction following LOOP is executed. Operation When Source Operand is a Byte: (AL) ~ (src-string) if (DF) =0 then (51) ~ (51) + DELTA else (51) ~ (51) - DELTA When Source Operand is a Word: (CX) ~ (CX) - 1 if (CX) *-0 then (IP) ~ (IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) AF CFDFIF OFPF 5F TF ZF - (CX) ~ (CX) - 1 if (ZF) = 1 and (CX) *- 0 then (IP)~(IP) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) AF CFDFIF OFPF 5F TF ZF - LOOP short-label Loop While Equal: Loop While Zero: LOOPE disp8 LOOPZ disp8 Decrements CX by 1 and transfers control is to the target location if CX is not 0 and if ZF is set; otherwise the next sequential instruction is executed. AF CFDFIF OFPF 5F TF ZF - (AX) ~ (src-string) if (DF) =0 then (51) ~ (51) + DELTA else (51) ~ (51) - DELTA Instruction Operands: LOOPE LOOPZ Flags Affected Instruction Operands: LOOPE short-label LOOPZ short-label NOTE: C-28 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name Description LOOPNE LOOPNZ Loop While Not Equal: Loop While Not Zero: LOOPNE disp8 LOOPNZ disp8 Decrements CX by 1 and transfers control to the target location if CX is not 0 and if ZF is clear; otherwise the next sequential instruction is executed. Operation Flags Affected (CX) to- (CX) - 1 if (ZF) 0 and (CX) *" 0 then (I P) to- (I P) + disp8 (sign-ext to 16 bits) AFCFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF - (dest)to-(src) AF CFDFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - = Instruction Operands: LOOPNE short-label LOOPNZ short-label MOV Move (Byte or Word): MOV dest, src Transfers a byte or a word from the source operand to the destination operand. Instruction Operands: MOV mem, accum MOV accum, mem MOV reg, reg MOVreg, mem MOVmem, reg MOV reg, immed MOV mem, immed MOV seg-reg, reg16 MOV seg-reg, mem16 MOV reg16, seg-reg MOV mem16, seg-reg NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-29 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name MOV5 Description Move String: Operation (dest-string) ~ (src-string) MOV5 dest·strlng, src-string Transfers a byte or a word from the source string (addressed by SI) to the destination string (addressed by 01) and updates 51 and 01 to point to the next string element. When used In conjunction with REP, MOVS performs a memory-to-memory block transfer. Flags Affected AFCFOFIF OFPF5FTF ZF - Instruction Operands: MOVS dest-string, src-string MOVS (repeat) dest-string, src-string MUL Multiply: MULsrc Performs an unsigned multiplication of the source operand and the accumulator. If the source is a byte, then it is multiplied by register AL, and the double-length result is retumed In AH and AL. If the source operand Is a word, then It is multiplied by register AX, and the double-length result is returned In registers OX and AX. The operands are treated as unsigned binary numbers (see AAM). If the upper half of the result (AH for byte source, OX for word source) is nonzero, CF and OF are set; otherwise they are cleared. Instruction Operands: When Source Operand Is a Byte: (AX) ~ (AL) x (src) If (AH) 0 then (CF) ~O else (CF) ~ 1 (OF) ~ (CF) = AF? CF ,( OFIF OF ,( PF? SF? TF ZF? When Source Operand Is a Word: (OX:AX) ~ (AX) x (src) if (OX) 0 then (CF) ~O else (CF) ~ 1 (OF) ~(CF) = MUL reg MULmem NOTE: C-30 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction Is executed ? the contents of the flag Is undefined after the Instruction Is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name NEG Description Negate: NEG dest Operation When Source Operand is a Byte: (dest) (dest) ~ FFH - (dest) (dest) + 1 (affecting flags) ~ Subtracts the destination operand, which may be a byte or a word, from 0 When Source Operand is a Word: and returns the result to the desti(dest) ~ FFFFH - (dest) nation. This forms the two's (dest) ~ (dest) + 1 (affecting flags) complement of the number, effectively reversing the sign of an integer. If the operand is zero, its sign is not changed. Attempting to negate a byte containing -128 or a word containing32,768 causes no change to the operand and sets OF. Flags Affected AF .;' CF .;' DFIF OF.;' PF .;' SF .;' TF ZF .;' Instruction Operands: NEG reg NEG mem NOP No Operation: AFCFDFIF OFPFSF TF ZF - None NOP Causes the CPU to do nothing. Instruction Operands: none NOT Logical Not: NOT dest Inverts the bits (forms the one's complement) of the byte or word operand. When Source Operand is a Byte: (dest) ~ FFH - (dest) When Source Operand is a Word: (dest) ~ FFFFH - (dest) Instruction Operands: NOT reg NOTmem NOTE: I AFCFDFIF OFPF SFTF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed .;'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-31 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name OR Logical OR: OR dest,src Performs the logical "inclusive or" of the two operands (bytes or words) and retums the result to the destination operand. A bit in the result is set if either or both corresponding bits in the original operands are set; otherwise the result bit is cleared. Operation (dest) +- (dest) or (src) (CF) +- 0 (OF) +- 0 Flags Affected AF? CF ,( OFIF OF'( PF ,( SF ,( TFZF ,( Instruction Operands: OR reg, reg OR reg, mem ORmem, reg OR accum, Immed OR reg, Immed OR mem, immed OUT Output: (dest) +- (src) OUT port, accumulator Transfers a byte or a word from the AL register or the AX register, respectively, to an output port. The port number may be specified either with ....... ; ............ 80.... 100+.0. h,.t.a. I'nnC!tant alln,.,inn tall ... lIlu;;n,.........."" ..,., .."" ...."""1 .... _11.' _ .. _ ..... ~ access to ports numbered 0 through 255, or with a number previously placed In register OX, allowing variable access (by changing the value in OX) to ports numbered from 0 through 65,535. Instruction Operands: AFCFOFIF OFPFSFTF - ZF - OUT immed8, AL OUT OX, AX NOTE: The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follOWS: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ,(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-32 I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name OUTS Description Out String: Operation Flags Affected (dst) ~ (src) AF CFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (dest) ~ «SP) + 1 :(SP)) (SP) ~ (SP) + 2 AFCFOFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - OUTS port, src_string Performs block output from memory to an 1/0 port. The port address is placed in the OX register. The memory address is placed in the SI register. This instruction uses the OS segment register, but this may be changed with a segment override instruction. After the data transfer takes place, the pointer register (SI) increments or decrements, depending on the value of the direction flag (OF). The pOinter register changes by 1 for byte transfers or 2 for word transfers. Instruction Operands: OUTS port, src_string OUTS (repeat) port, src_string POP Pop: POP dest Transfers the word at the current top of stack (pointed to by SP) to the destination operand and then increments SP by two to point to the new top of stack. Instruction Operands: POP reg POP seg-reg (CS illegal) POP mem NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-33 intet~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name POPA Description Pop All: POPA Pops all data, pointer, and index registers off of the stack. The SP value popped is discarded. Instruction Operands: none POPF Pop Flags: POPF Operation Flags Affected (01) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (SI) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (BP) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (BX) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (OX) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (CX) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 (AX) f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 AFCFOFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Flags f- «SP) + 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 AF CF OF IF OF PF SF TF ZF (SP) f- (SP) - 2 «SP) + 1:(SP» f- (src) AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - Transfers specific bits from the word at the current top of stack (pointed to by register SP) into the 8086/8088 flags, replacing whatever values the flags previously contained. SP is then incremented by two to point to the new top of stack. 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ ------------. -.--------- In ..t ...".lnn nn.....n'h.· none PUSH Push: PUSH src Decrements SP by two and then transfers a word from the source operand to the top of stack now pointed to by SP. Instruction Operands: PUSH reg PUSH seg-reg (CS legal) PUSH mem NOTE: C-34 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction Is executed o/the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name PUSHA Push All: PUSHA Pushes all data, pOinter, and index registers onto the stack. The order in which the registers are saved is: AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, and DI. The SP value pushed is the SP value before the first register (AX) is pushed. Instruction Operands: none PUSHF Push Flags: PUSHF Operation temp t- (SP) (SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1: (SP)) t(SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t- (AX) (CX) (DX) (BX) (BP) (SI) (DI) (SP) t- (SP) - 2 ((SP) + 1:(SP)) t- Flags Instruction Operands: none I AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - (temp) Decrements SP by two and then transfers all flags to the word at the top of stack pOinted to by SP. NOTE: Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed -"the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-35 int:et INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name RCL Description Rotate Through Carry Left: RCL dest, count Rotates the bits in the byte or word destination operand to the left by the number of bits specified in the count operand. The carry flag (CF) is treated as "part of" the destination operand; that is, its value is rotated into the loworder bit of the destination, and itself is replaced by the high-order bit of the destination. Instruction Operands: RCL RCL RCL RCL RCR reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL Rotate Through Carry Right: RCR dest, count Operates exactly like RCL except that the bits are rotated right instead of left. Instruction Operands: RCR RCR RCR RCR reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL Flags Affected Operation (temp) ~ count do while (temp) 0 (tmpcf) ~ (CF) (CF) ~ high-order bit of (dest) (dest) ~ (dest) x 2 + (tmpcf) (temp) ~ (temp) - 1 if count 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) (CF) then (OF) ~ 1 else * = AF CF ,( DFIF OF ,( PF SF TF ZF - * (OF)~O else (OF) undefined (temp) ~ count do while (temp) 0 (tmpcf) ~ (CF) (CF) ~ low-order bit of (dest) (dest) ~ (dest) 12 high-order bit of (dest) ~ (tmpcf) (temp) ~ (temp) - 1 * ii = count 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) next-to-high-order bit of (dest) then AFCF ,( DFIF OF ,( PF SF - ...... ,.- ZF - * (OF)~1 else (OF)~O else (OF) undefined NOTE: C-36 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name REP REPE REPZ REPNE REPNZ Repeat: Repeat While Repeat While Repeat While Repeat While Equal: Zero: Not Equal: Not Zero: Controls subsequent string instruction repetition. The different mnemonics are provided to improve program clarity. REP is used in conjunction with the MOVS (Move String) and STOS (Store String) instructions and is interpreted as "repeat while not end-of-string' (CX not 0). Operation do while (CX) * 0 service pending interrupts (if any) execute primitive string Operation in succeeding byte (CX) +- (CX) - 1 if primitive operation Is CMPB, CMPW, SCAB, or SCAW and (ZF) *0 then exit from while loop Flags Affected AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - REPE and REPZ operate identically and are physically the same prefix byte as REP. These instructions are used with the CMPS (Compare String) and SCAS (Scan String) instructions and require ZF (posted by these instructions) to be set before initiating the next repetition. REPNE and REPNZ are mnemonics for the same prefix byte. These instructions function the same as REPE and REPZ except that the zero flag must be cleared or the repetition is terminated. ZF does not need to be initialized before executing the repeated string instruction. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-37 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name RET Return: RET optional-pop-value Transfers control from a procedure back to the instruction following the CALL that activated the procedure. The assembler generates an intrasegment RET if the programmer has defined the procedure near, or an intersegment RET if the procedure has been defined as far. RET pops the word at the top of the stack (pointed to by register SP) into the instruction pOinter and increments SP by two. If RET is intersegment, the word at the new top of stack is popped into the CS register, and SP is again incremented by two. If an optional pop value has been specified, RET adds that value to SP. Flags Affected Operation = (IP) f- «SP) 1:(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 if inter-segment then (CS) f- «SP) + 1 :(SP» (SP) f- (SP) + 2 if add immed8 to SP then (SP) f- (SP) + data AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (temp) f- count do while (temp) 0 (CF) f- nign-oraer bit of (dest) (dest) f- (dest) x 2 + (CF) (temp) f- (temp) - 1 if count 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) (CF) then (OF) f-1 else (OF) f- 0 else (OF) undefined AF CF ,( Instruction Operands: RETimmed8 ROL Rotate Left: ROL dest. count Rotates the destination byte or word left by the number of bits specified in the count operand. Instruction Operands: ROL reg, n ROLmem, n ROL reg, CL ROLmem CL NOTE: C-38 "* = "* DFIF OF ,( PF SF TF ZF - The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name ROR Description Rotate Right: ROR dest, count Operates similar to ROL except that the bits in the destination byte or word are rotated right instead of left. Instruction Operands: ROR reg, n ROR mem, n ROR reg, CL RORmem, CL SAHF Store Register AH Into Flags: Operation (temp) (- count do while (temp) ;t 0 (CF) (-low-order bit of (dest) (dest) (- (dest) /2 high-order bit of (dest) (- (CF) (temp) (- (temp) - 1 if count 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) ;t next-to-high-order bit of (dest) then (OF) (- 1 else (OF) (- 0 else (OF) undefined AF CF v' DFIF OFv' PF SF TF ZF - (SF):(ZF):X:(AF):X:(PF):X:(CF) (- (AH) AF v' CF v' DFIF OFPF v' SF v' TF ZF v' = SAHF Transfers bits 7, 6, 4, 2, and 0 from register AH into SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF, respectively, replacing whatever values these flags previously had. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I Flags Affected The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed v'the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-39 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name SHL SAL Description Shift Logical Left: Shift Arithmetic Left: SHL dest, SAL dest, count count Shifts the destination byte or word left by the number of bits specified in the count operand. Zeros are shifted in on the right. If the sign bit retains its original value, then OF is cleared. Instruction Operands: SHL SHL SHL SHL SAR reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL SAL SAL SAL SAL reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL Shift Arithmetic Right: SAR dest, count Shifts the bits in the destination operand (byte or wprd) to the right by the number of bits specified in the count operand. Bits equal to the original high-order (sign) bit are shifted in on the left, preserving the sign of the original value. Note that SAR does not produce the same result as the dividend of an "equivalent" IDIV instruction if the destination operand is negative and 1 bits are shifted out. For example, shifting -5 right by one bit yields -3, while integer division -5 by 2 yields -2. The difference in the instructions is that IDIV truncates all numbers toward zero, while SAR truncates positive numbers toward zero and negative numbers toward negative infinity. Operation (temp) ~ count do while (temp) '" 0 (CF) ~ high-order bit of (dest) (dest) ~ (dest) x 2 (temp) ~ (temp) - 1 if count = 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) '" (CE) then Flags Affected AF? CF ,( DFIF OF ,( PF ,( SF ,( TF ZF ,( (OF)~1 else (OF)~O else (OF) undefined (temp) ~ count do while (temp) '" 0 (CF) ~ low-order bit of (dest) (dest) ~ (dest) 12 (temp) ~ (temp) - 1 if count = 1 then " " high-order bit of (dest) '" AF? CF ,( DFIF OF ,( PF ,( SF ,( TF "71::' £.1 ./ • next-to-high-order bit of (dest) then (OF)~1 else (OF)~O else (OF)~O Instruction Operands: SAR SAR SAR SAR NOTE: C-40 reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '(the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I · INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name SBB Description Subtract With Borrow: SBS dest, src Subtracts the source from the destination, subtracts one if CF is set, and returns the result to the destination operand. Both operands may be bytes or words. Both operands may be signed or unsigned binary numbers (see AAS and DAS) Operation if (CF) = 1 then (dest) =(dest) - (src) - 1 else (dest) ~ (dest) - (src) Flags Affected AF ,/ CF ,/ DFIF OF ,/ PF ,/ SF ,/ TF ZF ,/ Instruction Operands: SSB reg, reg SBB reg, mem SBB mem, reg SBB accum, immed SSB reg, immed SBS mem, immed NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed '/the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-41 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name SCAS Description Operation Scan String: When Source Operand Is a Byte: SCAS dest-string Subtracts the destination string element (byte or word) addressed by 01 from the content of AL (byte string) or AX (word string) and updates the flags, but does not alter the destination string or the accumulator. SCAS also updates 01 to point to the next string element and AF, CF, OF, PF, SF and ZF to reflect the relationship of the scan value in AUAX to the string element. If SCAS is prefixed with REPE or REPZ, the operation is interpreted as "scan while not end-ofstring (CX not 0) and string-element scan-value (ZF 1)." This form may be used to scan for departure from a given value. If SCAS is prefixed with REPNE or REPNZ, the operation is interpreted as "scan while not end-ofstring (CX not 0) and string-element is not equal to scan-value (ZF 0)." = = (AL) - (byte-string) if (OF) 0 then (01) +- (01) + OELTA else (01) +- (01) - OELTA = When Source Operand is a Word: Flags Affected AF ./ CF ./ OFIF OF ./ PF ./ SF ./ TF ZF ./ (AX) - (word-string) if (OF) 0 then (01) +- (01) + OELTA else (01) +- (01) - OELTA = = Instruction Operands: SCAS dest-string SCAS (repeat) dest-string NOTE: C-42 The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ./the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name SHR Description Shift Logical Right: SHR dest, src Shifts the bits in the destination operand (byte or word) to the right by the number of bits specified in the count operand. Zeros are shifted in on the left. If the sign bit retains its original value, then OF is cleared. Instruction Operands: SHR SHR SHR SHR STC reg, n mem, n reg, CL mem, CL Set Carry Flag: Operation (temp) +- count do while (temp) *- 0 (CF) +-Iow·order bit of (dest) (dest) +- (dest) 12 (temp) +- (temp) - 1 if count 1 then if high-order bit of (dest) *next-to-high-order bit of (dest) then (OF) +-1 else (OF) +- 0 else (OF) undefined AF? CF V" OFIF OF V" PF V" SF V" TF ZF V" (CF) +- 1 AFCF V" OFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - (OF) +- 1 AF CFOF V" IF OFPFSFTF ZF - = STC Sets CF to 1. Instruction Operands: none STO Set Direction Flag: STD Sets OF to 1 causing the string instructions to auto-decrement the SI and/or 01 index registers. Instruction Operands: none NOTE: I Flags Affected The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed V"the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-43 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Description Name STI Set Interrupt-enable Flag: Operation (IF) ~ 1 Flags Affected AFCFDFIF ~ OFPFSFTF ZF - STI Sets IF to 1, enabling processor recognition of maskable interrupt requests appearing on the INTR line. Note however, that a pending interrupt will not actually be recognized until the instruction following STI has executed. Instruction Operands: none STOS Store (Byte or Word) String: (DEST) Transfers a byte or word from register AL or AX to the string element addressed by DI and updates DI to point to the next location in the string. As a repeated operation. if Instruction Operands: STOS dest-string STOS (repeat) dest-string NOTE: C-44 When Source Operand Is a Byte: STOS dest·string ~ (AL) (DF) = 0 then (DI) ~ (DI) + DELTA else (DI) ~ (DI) - DELTA When Source Operand Is a Word: AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (DEST) ~ (AX) If (DF) =0 then (DI) ~ (DI) + DELTA else (DI) ~ (DI) - DELTA The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed ~the flag is updated after the instruction Is executed I intet INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name SUB Description Subtract: Operation (dest) (- (dest) - (src) SUB dest, src The source operand is subtracted from the destination operand, and the result replaces the destination operand. The operands may be bytes or words. Both operands may be signed or unsigned binary numbers (see AAS and DAS). TEST AF" CF" DFIF OF" PF" SF" TF ZF " Instruction Operands: SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB Flags Affected reg, reg reg, mem mem, reg accum, immed reg, immed mem, immed Test: TEST dest, src Performs the logical "and" of the two operands (bytes or words), updates the flags, but does not return the result, i.e., neither operand is changed. If a TEST instruction is followed by a JNZ Oump if not zero) instruction, the jump will be taken if there are any corresponding one bits in both operands. (dest) and (src) (CF) (- 0 (OF) (- 0 AF? CF" DFIF OF" PF" SF" TF ZF " Instruction Operands: TEST reg, reg TEST reg, mem TEST accum, immed TEST reg, immed TEST mem, immed NOTE: I The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed "the flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-45 INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name WAiT Description Wait: Operation None AFCFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - (temp) f- (dest) (dest) f- (src) (src) f- (temp) AF CFDFIF OFPF SF TF ZF - WAIT Causes the CPU to enter the wait state while its test line is not active. Instruction Operands: none XCHG Exchange: XCHG dest, src Switches the contents of the source and destination operands (bytes or words). When used in conjunction with the LOCK prefix, XCHG can test and set a semaphore that controls access to a resource shared by multiple processors. Flags Affected Instruction Operands: XCHG accum, reg XCHG mem, reg XCHG reg, reg NOTE: C-46 The three symbols used ill the F!ags Affected co!umn are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed v"the flag is updated after the instruction is executed I infel~ INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONS Table C-4. Instruction Set (Continued) Name XLAT Description Translate: Operation Flags Affected AL t- ((BX) + (AL» AFCFDFIF OFPFSFTF ZF - (dest) t- (dest) xor (src) (CF) t- 0 (OF) t- 0 AF? CF .I DFIF OF .I PF .I SF .I TF ZF .I XLAT translate-table Replaces a byte in the AL register with a byte from a 2S6-byte, user-coded translation table. Register BX is assumed to pOint to the beginning of the table. The byte in AL is used as an index into the table and is replaced by the byte at the offset in the table corresponding to AL's binary value. The first byte in the table has an offset of O. For example, if AL contains SH, and the sixth element of the translation table contains 33H, then AL will contain 33H following the instruction. XLAT is useful for translating characters from one code to another, the classic example being ASCII to EBCDIC or the reverse. Instruction Operands: XLAT src-table XOR Exclusive Or: XOR dest, src Performs the logical "exclusive or' of the two operands and returns the result to the destination operand. A bit in the result is set if the corresponding bits of the original operands contain opposite values (one is set, the other is cleared); otherwise the result bit is cleared. Instruction Operands: XOR XOR XOR XOR XOR XOR NOTE: I reg, reg reg, mem mem, reg accum, immed reg, immed mem, immed The three symbols used in the Flags Affected column are defined as follows: - the contents of the flag remain unchanged after the instruction is executed ? the contents of the flag is undefined after the instruction is executed .Ithe flag is updated after the instruction is executed C-47 intel· D Instruction Set Opcodes and Clock Cycles I APPENDIX D INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES This appendix provides reference information for the 8OC186 Modular Core family instruction set. Table D-I defines the variables used in Table D-2, which lists the instructions with their formats and execution times. Table D-3 is a guide for decoding machine instructions. Table D-4 is a guide for encoding instruction mnemonics, and Table D-S defines Table D-4 abbreviations. Table 0-1. Operand Variables Variable mod Description mod and rim determine the Effective Address (EA). rim rim and mod determine the Effective Address (EA). reg reg represents a register. MMM MMM and PPP are opcodes to the math coprocessor. PPP PPP and MMM are opcodes to the math coprocessor. Tn TTT defines which shift or rotate instruction is executed. rim EA Calculation mod Effect on EA Calculation 000 (BX) + (SI) + OISP 00 if rim ,. 110, OISP =0; disp-Iow and disp-high are absent 001 (BX) + (01) + OISP 00 if rim =110, EA =disp-high:disp-Iow 010 (BP) + (SI) + OISP 01 OISP 011 (BP) + (01) + OISP 10 OISP 100 (SI) +OISP 11 rim 1 01 (OI)+OISP OISP follows the second byte of the instruction (before any required data). 110 (BP) + OISP, if mod ,. 00 (BX)+OISP reg is treated as a reg field Physical addresses of operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. Physical addresses of destination operands of string primitives (addressed by the 01 register) are computed using the ES segment register, which cannot be overridden. disp-high:disp-Iow, if mod =00 111 =disp-Iow, sign-extended to 16 bits; disp-high is absent =disp-high:disp-Iow 16-bit(w=1) a-bit (w=O) 000 AX AL TTT Instruction 000 ROL 001 CX CL 001 ROR 010 OX OL 010 RCL 011 BP BL 011 RCR 100 SP AH 100 SHUSAL 101 BP CH 101 SHR 110 SI OH 110 - 111 01 BH 111 SAR I D-1 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary Function Format Clocks Notes DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS MOV=Move register to register/memory 1000100w mod reg rim register/memory to register 1000101w mod reg rim immediate to register/memory 1100011 w mod 000 rim data immediate to register 1011 w reg data memory to accumulator 1010000w addr·low accumulator to memory 1010001w addr·low addr·high register/memory to segment register 10001110 modO reg rim 219 segment register to register/memory 10001100 modO reg rim 2111 2112 219 data ifw=l 12113 (1) data ffw=l 314 (1) addr·high 9 8 PUSH = Push XCHG = Exchange register/memory with register 4/17 register with accumulator 3 DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) ...------, XLAT = Translate byte to AL 11010111 11 IN = Input from fixed port 10 variable port 8 OUT = Output from fixed port \1110010W \ port 9 NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-bitl16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. 4. If TEST =0 Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and ExtenSions," for details. 0-2 I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Format variable port Clocks Notes 7 LEA = Load EA to register 6 LOS = Load pointer to DS 18 SAHF = Store AH into flags 3 PUSHF = Push flags 9 POPF = Pop flags 8 ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS AOO = Add reg/memory with register to either OOOOOOdw mod reg rim immediate to register/memory 100000sw mod 000 rim data 4116 immediate to accumulator 0000010w data data ifw=1 314 reg/memory with register to either 000100dw mod reg rim immediate to register/memory 100000sw mod 010 rim data 4116 immediate to accumulator 0001010w data data ifw=1 3/4 register/memory 1111111w mod 000 rim register 3110 (1) AOC = Add with carry 3110 (1) INC = Increment 3115 01000 reg 3 AAA = ASCII adjust for addition 00110111 8 OAA = Decimal adjust for addition 00100111 4 NOTES: 1 . Clock cycles are given for 8-bitl16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. If TEST = 0 4. Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C 186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. I 0-3 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Format Clocks Notes SUB = Subtract reglmemory with register to either 001010dw mod reg rim immediate from register/memory 100000sw mod 101 rIm data immediate from accumulator 0001110w data data Hw=1 reg/memory with register to either 000110dw mod reg rIm immediate from registerlmemory 100000sw mod 011 rIm data immediate from accumulator 0OO1110w data data ifw=1 3110 I I data if sw=OI I 4116 314 (1) SBB = Subtract with borrow 3110 J data if sw=OI I I 4116 314 (1) ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) DEC = Decrement registerlmemory lllllllw register 01001 reg NEG = Change sign mod 001 rim J 3115 3 111101 1 w mod reg rIm 3 register/memory with register 0011101 w mod reg rIm 3110 register with registerlmemory 0011100w mod reg rIm immediate with register/memory 100000sw mod 111 rim data Irnrnediate with accumu:ator 0011110w data data If ....;;;;1 CMP = Compare AAS = ASCII adjust for subtraction 00111111 DAS = Decimal adjust for subtraction 00101111 MUL = multiply (unsigned) 1111011 w 3110 I ! data if sw=OI I 3/10 314 7 4 mod 100 rim register-byte 26-28 register-word 35-37 memory-byte 32-34 memory-word IMUL = Integer multiply (signed) register-byte 11111011W (1) I mod 101 rIm 41-43 I 25-28 register-word 34-37 memory-byte 31-34 NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-bit/16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. 4. If TEST = 0 Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. D-4 I INSTRUCTION SET OPCOOES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Format memory-word Clocks Notes 40-43 ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS (Continuerd)'---_ _ _ _. -_ _ _ _---. AAM = ASCII adjust for multiply 11010100 DIV = Divide (unsigned) 1111011 w 19 register-byte 29 register-word 38 memory-byte 35 memory-word IDIV = Integer divide (signed) 11 1 1101 1 w 44 I mod 111 rim register-byte 29 register-word 38 memory-byte 35 memory-word 44 15 11010101 CBW = Convert byte to word 10011000 2 CWO = Convert word to double-word 10011001 4 BIT MANIPULATION INSTRUCTIONS NOT= Invert register/memory 11111011w 00001010 I AAD = ASCII adjust for divide I 3 mod 010 rim AND = And reg/memory and register to either 001000dw mod reg rim immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 100 rim data immediate to accumulator 0010010w data data ifw=1 3110 4/16 314 (1) BIT MANIPULATION INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) OR=Or reg/memory and register to either immediate to register/memory 000010dw 3110 1000000w 4/10 NOTES: 1 . Clock cycles are given for 8-bitl16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. 4. If TEST = 0 Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. I 0-5 INSTRUCTION SET OPCOOES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function immediate to accumulator Format 10000110W I data I data ifw=1 Clocks Notes 314 (1) XOR = Exclusive or reg/memory and register to either 001100dw mod reg rIm immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 110 rIm data immediate to accumulator 0011010w data data ifw=1 mod reg rIm 3110 4110 314 (1) TEST= And function to flags, no result register/memory and register 1000010w immediate data and register/memory 1111011 w mod 000 rIm data 4110 immediate data and accumulator 1010100w data data ifw=1 314 3110 (1) ShlftS/Romles register/memory by 1 2115 15 LODS = Load byte/word to AIJAX 12 STOS = Store byte/word from AIJAX 10 Repeated by counl In CX: SCAS = Scan byte/word 5+15n LODS = Load byte/word to AIJAX 6+11n STOS = Store byte/word from AIJAX 6+9n NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-biU16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. 4. If TEST = 0 Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. 0-6 I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Format Clocks Notes PROGRAM TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Conditional Transfers - jump il: JElJZ= equaVzero 01110100 disp 4/13 (2) JUJNGE = less/not greater or equal 01111100 disp 4/13 (2) JLElJNG = less or equaVnot greater 011111 10 disp 4/13 (2) JBJJNAE = below/not above or equal 01110010 disp 4/13 (2) JC = carry 01110010 disp 4/13 (2) JBElJNA = below or equal/not above 01110110 disp 4/13 (2) JP/JPE = parity/parity even 01111010 disp 4/13 (2) JO= overflow 01110000 disp 4/13 (2) JS = sign 01111000 disp 4/13 (2) JNElJNZ = not equal/not zero 01110101 disp 4/13 (2) disp 4/13 (2) PROGRAM TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) JNUJGE = not less/greater or equal 01111101 JNLElJG = not less or equaVgreater 01111111 disp 4/13 (2) JNBJJAE = not below/above or equal 01110011 disp 4/13 (2) JNC = not carry 011 10011 disp 4/13 (2) JNBElJA = not below or equaVabove 01 1 10111 disp 4/13 (2) JNP/JPO = not parity/parity odd 01 1 11011 disp 4/13 (2) JNO = not overflow 01110001 disp 4/13 (2) JNS = not sign 01111001 disp 5/15 (2) direct within segment 11101000 disp-Iow reg/memory indirect within segment 11111111 mod 010 rim indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 011 rim direct intersegment 10011010 segment offset Unconditional Transfers CALL = Call procedure disp-high I 15 13/19 (mod?11) 38 23 selector RET = Return from procedure within segment 111000011 I 16 NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-bit/16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for jnterrupt taken/interrupt not taken. If TEST = 0 4. Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and ExtenSions," for details. I 0-7 intet INSTRUCTION SET OPCOOES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Format within segment adding immed to SP 11000010 intersegment 11001011 intersegment adding immed to SP 11001010 data-low Clocks Notes 18 22 data-low 25 disp-Iow 14 PROGRAM TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) JMP = Unconditional jump shortllong 11101011 direct within segment 11101001 disp-Iow reg/memory indirect within segment 11111111 mod 100 rim indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 101 rim direct intersegment 11101010 segment offset disp-high 14 26 (mod ?11) 11/17 14 selector Iteration Control LOOP = Loop CX times 11100010 disp 6/16 (2) LOOPZILOOPE =Loop while zero/equal 11100001 disp 5/16 (2) LOOPNZlLOOPNE = Loop while not zero/not equal 11100000 disp 5/16 (2) JCXZ = Jump if CX = zero 11100011 disp 6/16 (2) Interrupts INT = Interrupt , Type specified 47 Type 3 45 PROCESSOR CONTROL INSTRUCTlONrS_ _ _ _ _-, CLC = Clear carry I 11111000 2 NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-bitl16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken_ 4. If TEST 0 Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. = D-8 I intel~ INSTRUCTION SET OPCOOES ANO CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-2. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Function Clocks Format CMC = Complement carry 11110101 2 STC = Set carry 11111001 2 CLD = Clear direction 11111100 2 2 STD = Set direction 11111101 CU = Clear interrupt 11111010 2 sn = Set interrupt 11111011 2 HLT= Halt 11110100 2 WAIT = Wait 10011011 6 LOCK = Bus lock prefix 11110000 2 modPPP rIm I ESC = Math coprocessor escape 11011 MMM NOP = No operation 10010000 3 CS 00101110 2 SS 00110110 2 Notes (4) 6 SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX OS 00111110 2 ES 00100110 2 NOTES: 1. Clock cycles are given for 8-bitl16-bit operations. 2. Clock cycles are given for jump not taken/jump taken. 3. Clock cycles are given for interrupt taken/interrupt not taken. 4. If TEST = a Shading indicates additions and enhancements to the 8086/8088 instruction set. See Appendix A, "80C186 Instruction Set Additions and Extensions," for details. Table 0-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide Byte 1 I ASM-86 Instruction Format Bytes 3-6 Byte 2 Hex Binary 00 00000000 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) add 01 00000001 mod reg rIm (dlsp-Io),(dlsp-hi) add regl61mem18,reg16 02 00000010 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp·hl) add reg8,reg8lmem8 03 00000011 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) add reg16,regl61mem16 04 00000100 data·8 add AL,immed8 05 0000 0101 data·lo add AX,lmmed16 06 0000 0110 push ES 07 0000 0111 pop ES 06 0000 0100 or reg8lmem8,reg8 mod reg rIm data·hi (disp·lo),(disp·hi) reg8lmem8, reg8 0-9 intet INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Hex Binary Bytas3-6 Byte 2 ASM-86 Instruction Format 09 0000 1001 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) or regl61mernl6,regl6 OA 0000 1010 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) or reg8,reg6lmern8 OB 0000 1011 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) or reg16,reg161rnem 16 OC 0000 1100 data-8 or AL,lmmed8 00 0000 1101 data-Io OE 0000 1110 OF 00001111 10 00010000 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) ade data-hi or AX,immed16 push CS reg8lmem8,reg8 11 00010001 mod reg rim (dlsp-Io),(disp-hi) ade regl61meml6,regl6 12 00010010 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) ade reg8,reg8lmem8 13 00010011 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) 14 00010100 data-8 15 00010101 data-Io data-hi ade reg18,reg161rnem16 ade AL,immed8 ade AX,Immed16 SS 16 00010110 push 17 00010111 pop SS 18 00011000 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) sbb reg8lmem8,regB 19 00011001 mod reg rim (dlsp-Io),(disp-hi) sbb regl61meml6,regl6 lA 00011010 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) sbb regB,reg8lmem8 lB 00011011 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sbb reg16,reg161rnem 16 lC 00011100 data-B sbb AL,lmmed8 10 00011101 data-Io sbb AX,immed16 IE 00011110 push OS IF 00011111 pop OS 20 00100000 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) and reg8lmemB,regB 21 0010 0001 mod reg rim (dlsp-Io),(disp-hl) and regl61meml6,regl6 22 00100010 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) and regB,reg8lmemB 23 00100011 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) and regl6,regl61meml6 24 0010 0100 data-B and AL,immedB 25 00100101 data-Io and AX,Immed16 26 00100110 ES: (segment override prefix) 27 00100111 daa 2B 0010 1000 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sub 29 0010 1001 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(dlsp-hl) sub regl61meml6,regl6 2A 0010 1010 mod reg rim (dlsp-Io),(disp-hl) sub regB,reg61memB 2B 0010 1011 mod reg rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sub reg16,reg161rnem16 2C 0010 1100 data-8 sub AL,lmmed8 20 0010 1101 data-Io sub AX,immed16 0-10 data-hi data-hi data-hi reg8lmemB,regB I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Bytes 3-6 Byte 2 Hex I ASM-86 Instruction Format Binary 2E 00101110 os: 2F 00101111 das 30 00110000 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor 31 00110001 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor 32 00110010 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor 33 00110011 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) 34 00110100 data-8 35 00110101 data-Io data-hi (segment override prefix) reg8lmem8,reg8 reg161mem16,reg16 reg8,reg8lmem8 xor reg16,reg161mem16 xor AL,immed8 xor AX,immed16 (segment override prefix) 36 00110110 SS: 37 00110111 aaa 38 00111000 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor reg8lmem8, reg8 39 00111001 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor reg161mem16,reg16 reg8,reg8lmem8 3A 00111010 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor 3B 00111011 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) xor reg16,reg161mem16 3C 00111100 data-8 xor AL,immed8 30 00111101 data-Io xor AX,immed16 3E 00111110 OS: (segment override prefix) 3F 00111111 aas 40 01000000 inc AX 41 01000001 inc CX 42 01000010 inc OX 43 01000011 inc BX 44 01000100 inc SP 45 01000101 inc BP SI data-hi 46 01000110 inc 47 01000111 inc 01 48 01001000 dec AX 49 01001001 dec CX 4A 01001010 dec OX 4B 01001011 dec BX 4C 0100 1100 dec SP 40 01001101 dec BP 4E 01001110 dec SI 4F 01001111 dec 01 50 01010000 push AX 51 01010001 push CX 52 01010010 push OX 0-11 int:et INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Byte 2 Hex ASM-86 Instruction Format Bytes 3-6 Binary 53 0101 0011 push BX 54 0101 0100 push 5P 55 0101 0101 push BP 56 0101 0110 push 51 57 01010111 push 01 58 0101 1000 59 01011001 5A 01011010 pop OX 5B 01011011 pop BX 5C 0101 1100 pop 5P 50 01011101 pop BP 5E 0101 1110 pop 51 5F 01011111 pop 01 60 01100000 pusha 61 01100001 62 01100010 63 01100011 64 01100100 65 01100101 66 01100110 67 01100111 < pop AX pop CX popa mod reg rIm bound reg16,mem16 - 68 01101000 data-Io data-hi push immed16 69 01101001 mod reg rIm data-Io, data-hi imul immed16 70 0111 0000 IP-inc-8 jo short-label 71 0111 0001 IP-inc-B jno short-label 72 01110010 IP-inc-8 jb~naeljc 73 01110011 IP-inc-8 jnbljae~nc 74 0111 0100 IP-inc-8 je~z short-label 75 01110101 IP-inc-8 jneljnz short-label 76 0111 0110 IP-inc-8 jb~na short-label 77 01110111 IP-inc-8 jnbe~a short-label 78 01111000 IP-inc-8 js short-label 79 01111001 IP-inc-8 jns short-label 7A 0111 1010 IP-inc-8 jp/jpe short-label 7B 0111 1011 IP-inc-8 jnp/jpo short-label 7C 0111 1100 IP-inc-8 jl/jnge short-label 70 01111101 IP-inc-8 jnVjge short-label D-12 short-label short-label I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Byte 2 Hex Bytes 3-6 7E 0111 1110 IP-inc-8 jle/jng 7F 0111 1111 IP-inc-8 jnle/jg short-label 80 10000000 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 add reg8imem8,immed8 mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 or reg8imem8,immed8 mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 adc reg8imem8,immed8 mod 011 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 sbb reg8imem8,immed8 mod 100 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 and reg8imem8,immed8 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 sub reg8imem8,immed8 reg8imem8,immed8 mod 101 81 81 82 10000001 10000001 10000010 83 10000011 short-label mod 110 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 xor mod 111 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-8 cmp reg8imem8,immed8 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi add reg16/mem16,immed16 mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(dlsp"hi), data-Io,data-hi or reg161mem16,immed16 mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi adc reg16/mem16,immed16 mod 011 regl61mem16,immed16 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi sbb mod 100 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi and reg16/mem16,immed16 mod 101 rim {disp-Io),(disp-hij, data-Io,data-hi sub reg16/mem16,immed16 mod 110 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi xor regl61mem16,immed16 mod 111 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-Io,data-hi cmp regl61mem16,immed16 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-8 add reg8imem8,immed8 mod 001 rim mod 010 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-8 mod 011 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-8 adc reg8imem8,immed8 sbb reg8imem8,immed8 - mod 100 rim mod 101 rim mod 110 rim mod 111 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-8 cmp reg8imem8,immed8 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-SX add reg 16/mem 16,immed8 mod 001 rim mod 010 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-SX (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-SX mod 011 rim mod 100 rim mod 101 rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-8 sub reg8imem8,immed8 adc reg16/mem16,immed8 sbb reg 16/mem 16,immed8 (disp-Io),{disp-hi), data-SX sub reg16/mem16,immed8 - mod 110 rim I ASM-86 Instruction Format Binary mod 111 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi), data-SX cmp reg16/mem16,immed8 reg8imem8,reg8 84 10000100 mod reg rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi) test 85 10000101 mod reg rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi) test reg 16/mem 16, reg 16 86 10000110 mod reg rim (disp-Io),{disp-hi) xchg reg8,reg8imem8 0-13 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 . Hex Byte 2 ASM-86 Instruction Format Bytes 3-6 Binary 87 10000111 mod reg rIm (dlsp-Io),(disp-hi) xchg reg16,regl61mem 16 88 10000100 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) moY reg8lmem8,reg8 89 1000 1001 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) moy regl61mem16,reg16 8A 1000 1010 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) moy reg8,reg8lmem8 8B 10001011 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) moy reg16,regl61mem16 8C 10001100 mod OSR rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) moy regl61mem16,SEGREG 80 10001101 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) lea reg16,mem16 8E 10001110 mod OSR rIm (dlsp-Io),(disp-hi) moy SEGREG,regl61mem16 - mod 1- rIm - mod 1- rIm 8F 1000 1111 pop 90 10010000 nop mem16 (xchg AX.AX) 91 10010001 xchg AX,CX 92 10010010 xchg AX,OX 93 10010011 xchg AX,BX 94 10010100 xchg AX,SP 95 10010101 xchg AX,BP 96 10010110 xchg AX,SI 97 10010111 xchg AX,OI 98 10011000 cbw 99 10011001 9A 10011010 9B 10011011 wait 9C 10011100 push! 90 10011101 pop! 9E 10011110 sah! cwd disp-Io disp-hi,seg-Io,seg-hi call far-proc 9F 10011111 AO 10100000 addr-Io addr-hi moy AL,mem8 Al 10100001 addr-Io addr-hl moY AX,mem16 A2 10100010 addr-Io addr-hi moy mem8,AL A3 10100011 addr-Io addr-hi mov mem16,AL A4 10100100 moys dest-strB,src-strB A5 10100101 moys dest-str16,src-str16 A6 10100110 crnps dest-str8,src-strB A7 10100111 crnps dest-str16,src-str16 A8 10101000 data-8 test AL,immed8 A9 10101001 data-Io test AX,Immed16 0-14 lah! data-hi I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Byte 2 Hex AA 10101010 ASM-86 Instruction Format AB AC slos desl-slrS 10101011 slos desl-slrlB 10101100 lods sre-slrS AD 10101101 lods sre-slrlB AE 10101110 seas desl-slrS AF 10101111 seas desl-slrlB BO 10110000 dala-8 mov AL,immedS Bl 10110001 dala-B mov CL,immedB 82 10110010 dala-B mov DL,immedB 83 10110011 dala-B mov 8L,immedB 84 10110100 dala-B mov AH,immedB 85 10110101 dala-B mov CH,immedS 8B 10110110 dala-B mov DH,immedS 87 10110111 dala-8 mov 8H,immedS 8B 10111000 dala-Io dala-hi mov AX,immedlB 89 10111001 dala-Io dala-hi mov CX,immedlB 8A 10111010 dala-Io dala-hi mov DX,immedl6 88 10111011 data-Io data-hi mov 8X,immedl6 8C 10111100 data-Io data-hi mov SP,immedl6 8D 10111101 data-Io data-hi mov 8P,immedl6 8E 10111110 data-Io data-hi mov SI,immedl6 8F 10111111 data-Io data-hi mov DI,immedlB CO 11000000 Cl 11000001 mod 000 rIm dala-B ral regB/memS, immedB mod 001 rIm data-B rar regB/memS, immedS mod 010 rIm dala-B rei regB/memB, immedB mod 011 rIm data-B rer regB/memB, immedS mod 100 rIm data-B shl/sal regB/memB, immedB mod 101 rIm data-B shr regB/memB, immedB - mod 110 rIm mod 111 rIm data-B sar regB/memB, immedB mod 000 rIm data-B rol reglB/memI6, immedB mod 001 rIm data-B ror reglB/memI6, immedB mod 010 rIm dala-B rei reglB/memI6, immedB mod 011 rIm data-B rer reglB/memI6, immedB mod 100 rIm data-B shl/sal reglBlmeml6, immedB mod 101 rIm data-8 shr reglB/memI6, immedB mod 110 rIm I Bytes :Hi Binary D-15 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 C2 ASM-86 Instruction Format Bytes 3-6 Byte 2 Hex Binary 11000010 mod 111 rIm data-8 sar regl61meml6, immed8 data-Io data-hi ret immed16 (intrasegment) (disp-Io),(disp-hi) C3 11000011 C4 1100 0100 mod reg rIm C5 11000101 mod reg rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) Ids reg16,mem16 C6 11000110 mod 000 rIm (disp-lo),(disp-hi),data-8 mov mem8,immed8 mod 010 rIm mod 011 rIm mod 101 rIm mod 110 rIm - C6 11000110 mod 111 rIm C7 11000111 mod 000 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi),data-Io,data-hi mod 011 rIm mod 101 rIm - mod 110 rIm - mod 100 rIm - mod 111 rIm data-Io mem16,immed16 - mod 010 rIm C9 mov - mod 001 rIm 11001001 reg16,mem16 - mod 100 rIm 11001000 (intrasegment) les - mod 001 rIm C8 ret data-hi, level • enter immed16, immed8 leave CA 11001010 ret immed16 (intersegment) CB 1100 1011 ret (intersegment) CC 11001100 int 3 CD 11001101 int immed8 CE 11001110 CF 11001111 DO 11010000 data-Io data-hi data-8 into iret mod 000 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rol reg8lmem8,1 mod 001 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) ror reg8lmem8,1 mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rei reg8lmem8,1 mod 011 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rer reg8lmem8,1 mod 100 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) saVshl reg8lmem8,1 mod 101 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hi) shr reg8lmem8,1 - mod 110 rIm mod 111 rIm 0-16 (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sar reg8lmem8,1 I intet INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Byte 2 Hex Bytes 3-6 01 11010001 01 11010001 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rol reg161mem16,1 mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) ror reg161mern16,1 mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rei reg161mem16,1 mod 011 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rcr reg161mem 16,1 mod 100 rim (dlsp-Io),(disp-hi) salish I reg161mern 16,1 rim (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) shr reg161mem16,1 mod 101 - mod 110 rim rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sar reg161mern16,1 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rol reg6lmem8,CL mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) ror reg6lmem8,CL mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rei reg6lmem8,CL mod 011 rim (disp~o),(disp-hi) rcr reg6lmemB,CL mod 100 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sal/shl reg6lmemB,CL rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) shr reg6lmem8,CL mod 111 02 11010010 mod 101 - mod 110 rim 03 11010011 mod 111 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sar reg6lmem8,CL mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rol reg161mern16,CL mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) ror reg161mem16,CL mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rei reg161mem16,CL rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) rcr reg161mem16,CL mod 100 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) saVshl reg161mem16,CL rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) shr reg161mem16,CL mod 011 mod 101 - mod 110 rim mod 111 I ASM-86 Instruction Format Binary rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) sar reg161mem16,CL 04 11010100 0000 1010 aam 05 11010101 00001010 aad 06 11010110 07 11010111 xlat source-table DB 11011000 mod 000 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opcode,source 09 11011001 mod 001 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opcode,source OA 11011010 mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opoode,source DB 11011011 mod 011 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opcode,source DC 11011100 mod 100 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opoode,source DO 11011101 mod 101 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opcode,source DE 11011110 mod 110 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opoode,source OJ;' 11011111 mod 111 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hi) esc opcode,souree EO 11100000 IP-inc-B loopnelloopnz short-label - 0-17 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D·3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Hex Binary Bytes 3-6 Byte 2 ASM-86 Instruction Format El 11100001 IP-inc-8 loopeJloopz short-label E2 11100010 IP-lnc-8 loop short-label E3 11100011 IP-inc-8 icxz short-label E4 11100100 dala-8 in AL,immed8 E5 11100101 data-8 In AX,Immed8 E6 11100110 dala-8 out AL,lmmed8 out AX,immed8 E7 11100111 data-8 E8 11101000 IP-inc-Io IP-Inc-hl call near-proc E9 11101001 IP-inc-Io IP-inc-hi jmp near-label EA 11101010 IP-Io IP-hl,CS-lo,CS-hi imp far-label EB 11101011 IP-inc-8 imp short-label EC 11101100 In AL,DX ED 11101101 in AX,DX EE 11101110 out AL,DX EF 11101111 out AX,DX FO 11110000 lock (prefix) Fl 11110001 - F2 11110010 repne/repnz F3 11110011 replrepe/repz F4 11110100 hh F5 11110101 F6 11110110 erne mod 000 rIm (disp-lo),(dlsp-hi),data-8 11110111 mod 010 rIm (dlsp-Io),(dlsp-hi) not reg8lmem8 mod 011 rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) neg reg8lmem8 mod 100 rIm (dlsp-Io),(dlsp-hl) mul reg8/mem8 mod 101 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hl) Imul regB/mem8 mod 110 rIm (disp-Io),(disp-hl) dly reg8lmem8 mod 111 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) Idiy regB/mem8 mod 000 rIm (dlsp-lo),(dlsp-hi),dala-IO,dala-hi test regl81mem16,immed16 - mod 001 rIm 0-18 reg8lmem8,immed8 - mod 001 rim F7 test mod 010 rim (disp-Io),(disp-hl) not regl61mem16 mod 011 rIm (dlsp-Io),(disp-hl) neg regl61mem16 mod 100 rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hi) mul regl61mem16 mod 101 rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hl) Imul regl61mem16 mod 110 rIm (disp-Io),(dlsp-hl) diy regl61mem16 mod 111 rIm (dlsp-Io),(dlsp-hi) idiy regl61mem16 L intel~ INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-3. Machine Instruction Decoding Guide (Continued) Byte 1 Byte 2 Hex Fa 11111000 dc F9 11111001 sIC cli FA 11111010 FB 11111011 sti Fe 11111100 cld FD 11111101 FE 11111110 sId mod 000 rIm (disp..lo).(disp-hi) inc mem16 mod 001 rIm (dlsp-Io).(disp..hi) dec mem16 - mod 010 rIm FE 11111110 mod 011 rIm mod 100 rIm mod 101 rIm mod 110 rIm mod 111 rIm FF 11111111 mod 000 rIm (disp-Io).(disp..hi) inc 'mem16 mod 001 rIm mod 010 rIm (disp-Io).(disp..hi) dec mem16 (disp-Io).(disp..hi) cali regl61mem16 (inlrasegmenl) mod 011 rIm (disp-Io).(disp-hi) cali mem16 (inlersegmenl) mod 100 rIm (disp..lo).(disp-hi) jmp regl61mem16 (inlrasegmenl) mod 101 rIm (disp-Io).(disp-hi) jmp mem16 (inlersegmenl) mod 110 rIm (disp..lo).(disp-hi) push mem16 mod 111 rIm I ASM-8& Instruction Format Bytes 3-6 Binary - D-19 INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table D-4. Mnemonic Encoding Matrix (Left Half) KG x1 ADD x2 x3 x4 x6 ADD ADD ADD x6 Ox 1x 2x AM 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x Ax Bx ex Dx Ex Fx NOTE: Table 0·5 defines abbreviations used In this matrix. Shading indicates reserved opcodes. 0·20 I INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0-4. Mnemonic Encoding Matrix (Right Half) x8 x9 xA xB xC xO xE OR OR OR OR OR OR PUSH b.t.r/m w.t.r/m SBB b.t.r/m SBB w.t.r/m SBB b.i SBB -"'Ii SBB _CS PUSH b,t.r/m w,t.r/m b,t.r/m w,t,r/m SUB SUB SUB SUB b,i SUB w,i SUB OS SEG -- b,t,r/m w.t,r/m b,t,r/m w.t,r/m CMP CMP CMP CMP b.i CMP w,i CMP =CS SEG AAS b,t.r/m w.t.r/m b,t,r/m w,t,r/m DEC DEC DEC DEC b,i DEC w.i DEC =OS DEC DEC AX POP CX POP OX POP BX POP SP POP BP POP SI POP POP AX PUSH CX IMUL OX PUSH BX IMUL SP INS BP INS SI OUTS OUTS w.i JS w,i JNS b,i w JU JNU JPE w,i JNPI JPO b JPI JNGE JGE b JLEI JNG w JNLEI JG LEA MOV POP sr.t.r/m rim SAHF LAHF SBB OS OAS 1x 2x 3x 01 01 MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV b.t.r/m w.t.r/m w.t.r/m sr.t.r/m CBW CWO b.t.r/m CALL WAIT PUSHF TEST TEST L,O STOS bJa_ MOV 'JV,ia MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV i.... AX ENTER i....CX LEAVE i.... OX RET i.... BX RET i....SP INT i.... BP INT i.... SI INTO i.... OI IRET I ESC (any) ESC l(i+SP) ESC tvpe3 ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC a 1 3 4 5 6 7 CALL JMP 2 JMP JMP IN IN OUT OUT CLC STC CLI STI CLS STD Grp2 Grp2 b,r/m w,r/m POPF Ox POP 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x STOS LOOS LOOS SCAS SCAS Ax Bx CX OX Ex Fx NOTE: Table 0-5 defines abbreviations used in this matrix. Shading indicates reserved opcodes. I D-21 intelQt INSTRUCTION SET OPCODES AND CLOCK CYCLES Table 0·5. Abbreviations for Mnemonic Encoding Matrix Abbr Definition Abbr Definition Abbr Definition Abbr Definition t to CPU register byte operation ia immediate to 8!1Cumulator m. memory d direct id Indirect rIm EA is second byte v variable f from CPU register Is immediate byte, sign extended si short intrasegment word operation i immediate I long (intersegment) sr segment register w z b zero Byte 2 Immed mod 000 rIm mod 001 rIm mod 010 rim ADC RCL NOT CALL id mod 011 rim SBB RCR NEG CALLI, id mod 100 rIm AND SHLIBAL MUL JMPld mod 101 rIm SUB SHR IMUL JMPi,ld Shift Grp1 ADD ROL lEST INC OR ROR - DEC Grp2 mod 110 rim XOR - DIV PUSH mod 111 rIm CMP BAR IDIV - mod and rhn determine the Effective Address (EA) calculation. See Table 0-1 for definttlons. 0·22 I Index I in1et INDEX 80C187 Math Coprocessor, 12-2-12-8 accessing, 12-10-12-11 arithmetic instructions, 12-3-12-4 bus cycles, 12-11 clocking, 12-10 code examples, 12-13-12-16 comparison instructions, 12-5 constant instructions, 12-6 data transfer instructions, 12-3 data types, 12-7-12-8 design considerations, 12-10-12-11 example floating point routine, 12-16 exceptions, 12-13 I/O port assignments, 12-10 initialization example, 12-13-12-16 instruction set, 12-2 interface, 12-7-12-13 and chip-selects, 6-14, 12-11 and PCB location, 4-7 exception trapping, 12-13 generating READY, 12-11 processor control instructions, 12-6 testing for presence, 12-10 transcendental instructions, 12-5 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controllers, 8-1 and special fully nested mode, 8-8 cascading, 8-7, 8-8 interrupt type, 8-9 priority structure, 8-8 82C59A Programmable Interrupt Controller interfacing with, 3-25-3-27 A Address and data bus, 3-1-3-6 16-bit, 3-1-3-5 considerations, 3-7 .8-bit, 3-5-3-6 considerations, 3-7 See also Bus cycles, Data transfers Address bus, See Address and data bus Address space, See Memory space, I/O space Addressing modes, 2-27-2-36 and string instructions, 2-34 based, 2-30,2-31,2-32 I based index, 2-34,2-35 direct, 2-29 immediate operands, 2-28 indexed, 2-32, 2-33 indirect, 2-36 memory operands, 2-28 register indirect, 2-30, 2-31 register operands, 2-27 AH register, 2-5 AL register, 2-5,2-18,2-23 ApBUILDER files, obtaining from BBS, 1-6 Application BBS, 1-5 Architecture CPU block diagram, 2-2 device feature comparisons, 1-2 family introduction, 1-1 overview, 1-1,2-1 Arithmetic instructions, 2-19-2-20 interpretation of 8-bit numbers, 2-20 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), 2-1 Array bounds trap (Type 5 exception), 2-44 ASCII, defined, 2-37 Asynchronous inputs, synchronizing, B-2 Auxiliary Flag (AP), 2-7,2-9 AX register, 2-1,2-5,2-18,2-23,3-6 B Base Pointer (BP), See BP register Baud Rate Compare Register (BxCMP), 10-12 Baud Rate Counter Register (BxCNT), 10-11 BBS, 1-5 BCD, defined, 2-37 Bit manipulation instructions, 2-21-2-22 BOUND instruction, 2-44, A-8 BP register, 2-1,2-13,2-30,2-34 Breakpoint interrupt (Type 3 exception), 2-44 Bus cycles, 3-20-3-45 address/status phase, 3-10-3-12 and 80C187, 12-11 and CSU; 6-14 and Idle mode, 5-13 and PCB accesses, 4-4 and Powerdown mode, 5-16 Index-1 INDEX and T-states, 3-9 data phase, 3-13 HALT cycle, 3-28-3-34 and chip-selects, 6-4 HALT state, exiting, 3-30-3-34 idle states, 3-18 instruction prefetch, 3-20 interrupt acknowledge (INTA) cycles, 3-6, 3-25-3-26,8-9 and chip-selects, 6-4 operation, 3-7-3-20 priorities, 3-44-3-45, 7-2 read cycles, 3-20-3-21 refresh cycles, 3-22, 7-4, 7-5 control signals, 7-5,7-6 during HOLD, 3-41-3-43,7-13-7-14 wait states, 3-13-3-18 write cycles, 3-22-3-25 See also Data transfers Bus hold protocol, 3-39-3-44 and CLKOUT, 5-6 and CSU, 6-15 and Idle mode, 5-14 and refresh cycles, 3-41-3-43, 7-13-7-14 and reset, 5-9 latency, 3-40-3-41 Bus Interface Unit (BID), 2-1,2-3,2-11,3-1-3-45 and DRAM refresh requests, 7-4 and TCU, 9-1 buffering the data bus, 3-35-3-37 modifying interface, 3-34-3-37, 3-37 relationship to RCU, 7-1 synchronizing software and hardware events, 3-37-3-38 using a locked bus, 3-38-3-39 using multiple bus masters, 3-39-3-44 BX register, 2-1, 2-5, 2-30 C Carry Flag (CP), 2-7,2-9 Chip-Select Unit (CSU), 6-1 and HALT bus cycles, 3-28 and READY, 6-11-6-12 and wait states, 6-11-6-12 block diagram, 6-3 bus cycle decoding, 6-14 examples, 6-15-6-20 Index-2 features and benefits, 6-1 functional overview, 6-2-6-5 programming, 6-5--6-15 registers, 6-5--6-15 system diagram, 6-16 See also Chip selects Chip-selects activating, 6-4 and 80C187 interface, 6-14, 12-11 and bus hold protocol, 6-15 and DRAM controllers, 7-1 and guarded memory locations, 6-20 and reserved 110 locations, 6-14 enabling and disabling, 6-11 initializing, 6-6-6-15 methods for generating, 6-1 multiplexed 110 port pins, 11-7 overlapping, 6-12-6-14 programming considerations, 6-14 start address, 6-10,6-14 stop address, 6-10 timing, 6-4 CL register, 2-5, 2-21, 2-22 CLKOUT and bus hold, 5-6 and power management modes, 5-6 and reset, 5-6 Clock generator, 5-6-5-10 and system reset, 5-6-5-7 output, 5-6 synchronizing CLKOUT and RESOUT, 5-65-7 Clock sources, TCU, 9-12 Code (programs), See Software Code segment, 2-5 Counters, See Timer Counter Unit (TCU) CPU, block diagram, 2-2 Crystal,See Oscillator CS register, 2-1,2-5,2-6,2-13,2-23,2-39,2-41 Customer service, 1-4 CX register, 2-1,2-5,2-23,2-25,2-26 D Data, 3-6 Data bus, See Address and data bus Data segment, 2-5 Data sheets, obtaining from BBS, 1-6 I intet INDEX Data transfers, 3-1-3-6 instructions, 2-18 PCB considerations, 4-5 PSW flag storage formats, 2-19 See also Bus cycles Data types, 2-37-2-38 DI register, 2-1,2-5,2-13,2-22,2-23,2-30,2-32, 2-34 Digital one-shot, code example, 9-17-9-23 Direction Rag (DF), 2-7,2-9,2-23 Display, defined, A-2 Divide Error trap (Type exception), 2-43 Documents, related, 1-3 DRAM controllers and wait state control, 7-5 clocked, 7-5 design guidelines, 7-5 unclocked, 7-5 See also Refresh Control Unit DS register, 2-1,2-5,2-6,2-13,2-30,2-34,2-43 DX register, 2-1,2-5,2-36,3-6 ° E Effecti ve Address (EA), 2-13 calculati on, 2-28 Emulation mode, 13-1 End-of-Interrupt (EDI) command, 8-21 register, 8-21, 8-22 ENTER instruction, A-2 ES register, 2-1,2-5,2-6,2-13,2-30,2-34 Escape opcode fault (Type 7 exception), 2-44, 12-1 Examples, code, See Software Exceptions, 2-43-2-44 priority, 2-46-2-49 Execution Unit (EU), 2-1,2-2 Extra segment, 2-5 F Fault exceptions, 2-43 FaxBack service, 1-5 F-Bus and PCB, 4-5 operation, 4-5 Rags, See Processor Status Word (PSW) Floating Point, defined, 2-37 I H HALT bus cycle, See Bus cycles HOLD/HLDA protocol, See Bus hold protocol Hypertext manuals, obtaining from BBS, 1-6 I/O devices interfacing with, 3-6-3-7 memory-mapped, 3-6 110 ports, 11-1-11-12 addressing, 2-36 bidirectional, 11-1 configuration example, 11-12 initializing, 11-11 input-only, 11-3 open-drain bidirectional, 11-3 output-only, 11-3 overview, 11-1 port 1, 11-7 port 2, 11-7 programming, 11-7...:11-12 registers, 11-7-11-11 reset status, 11-11 110 space, 3-1-3-7 accessing, 3-6 reserved locations, 2-15,6-14 Idle mode, 5-11-5-16,5-16 bus operation, 5-13 control register, 5-12 entering, 5-11, 5-13 exiting, 5-14-5-15 exiting HALT bus cycle, 3-34 initialization code, 5-15-5-16 Idle states and bus cycles, 3-18 Immediate operands, 2-28 IMUL instruction, A-9 Input/output ports, 11-1 Inputs, asynchronous, synchronizing, B-1 INS instruction, A-2 In-Service register, 8-5,8-7,8-18,8-19 Instruction Pointer (lP), 2-1,2-6,2-13,2-23,2-39, 2-41 reset status, 2-6 Instruction prefetch bus cycle, See Bus cycles Instruction set, 2-17, A-I, D-l additions, A-I Index-3 INDEX arithmetic instructions, 2-19-2-20, A-9 bit manipulation instructions, 2-21-2-22, A-9 data transfer instructions, 2-18-2-20, A-I, A-8 data types, 2-37-2-38 enhancements, A-8 high-level instructions, A-2 nesting, A-2 processor control instructions, 2-27 program transfer instructions, 2-23-2-24 reentrant procedures, A-2 rotate instructions, A-IO shift instructions, A-9 string instructions, 2-22-2-23, A-2 !NT instruction, single-byte, See Breakpoint inte"upt INTO instruction, 2-44 INTA bus cycle, See Bus cycles Integer, defined, 2-37, 12-7 . Interrupt Control registers, 8-12 for external pins, 8-14, 8-15 for intemal sources, 8-13 Interrupt Control Unit (lCU), 8-1-8-24 block diagram, 8-2 cascade mode, 8-7 initializing, 8-23, 8-24 interfacing with an 82C59A Programmable Interrupt Controller, 3-25-3-27 operation with nesting, 8-4 programming, 8-11 registers, 8-11 special fully nested mode, 8-8 with cascade mode, 8-8 without cascade mode, 8-8 typical interrupt sequence, 8-5 Interrupt Enable Flag (IF), 2-7,2-9,2-41 Interrupt Mask register, 8-17 Interrupt Request register, 8-16 Interrupt Status register, 8-7,8-22,8-23 Interrupt Vector Table, 2-39,2-40 Interrupt-on-overflow trap (Type 4 exception), 2-44 Interrupts, 2-39-2-43 and CSU initialization, 6-6 controlling priority, 8-12 edge- and level-sensitive, 8-10 and extemal8259As, 8-10 enabling cascade mode, 8-12 Index-4 enabling special fully nested mode, 8-12 latency, 2-45 reducing, 3-28 latency and response times, 8-10, 8-11 maskable, 2-43 masking, 8-2,8-12,8-17 priority-based, 8-18 multiplexed, 8-7 nesting, 8-4 NMI,2-42 nonmaskable, 2-45 overview, 8-1 priority, 2-46-2-49, 8-3 default, 8-3 resolution, 8-5, 8-6 processing, 2-39-2-42 reserved, 2-39 response time, 2-46 selecting edge- or level-triggering, 8-12 software, 2-45 timer interrupts, 9-16 types, 8-9 See also Exceptions, Inte"upt Control Unit INTn instruction, 2-45 Invalid opcode trap (Type 6 exception), 2-44 IRET instruction, 2-41 L LEAVE instruction, A-7 Local bus, 3-1,3-39, 12-11 Long integer, defined, 12-7 Long real, defined, 12-7 M Math coprocessing, 12-1 hardware support, 12-1 overview, 12-1 Memory addressing, 2-28-2-36 operands, 2-28 reserved locations, 2-15 Memory devices, interfacing with, 3-6-3-7 Memory segments, 2-8 accessing, 2-5,2-10,2-11,2-13 address base value, 2-10,2-11,2-12 Effective Address (EA), 2-13 I INDEX logical, 2-10, 2-12 offset value, 2-10, 2-13 overriding, 2-11, 2-13 physical, 2-3,2-10,2-12 and dynamic code relocation, 2-13 Memory space, 3-1-3-6 N Normally not-ready signal, See READY Normally ready signal, See READY Numerics coprocessor fault (Type 16 exception), 2-44, 12-13 o ONCE mode, 13-1 One-shot, code example, 9-17-9-23 Ordinal, defined, 2-37 Oscillator external and powerdown, 5-19 selecting crystal, 5-5 using canned, 5-6 internal crystal, 5-1-5-10 controlling gating to internal clocks, 5-18 operation, 5-2-5-3 selecting C 1 and L1 components, 5-35-6 OUTS instruction, A-2 Overflow Flag (OF), 2-7, 2-9, 2-44 p Packed BCD, defined, 2-37 Packed decimal, defined, 12-7 Parity Flag (PP), 2-7,2-9 PCB Relocation Register, 4-1, 4-3, 4-6 and math coprocessing, 12-1 PDTMR pin, 5-18 Peripheral Control Block (PCB), 4-1 accessing, 4-4 and P:Bus operation, 4-5 base address, 4-6-4-7 bus cycles, 4-4 READY signals, 4-4 reserved locations, 4-6 wait states, 4-4 Peripheral control registers, 4-1, 4-6 I Pointer, defined, 2-37 Poll register, 8-9, 8-19, 8-20 Poll Status register, 8-9,8-19,8-20,8-21 Polling, 8-1, 8-9 POPA instruction, A-I Port Control Register (PxCON), 11-8 Port Data Latch Register (PxLTCH), 11-10 Port Direction Register (PxDIR), 11-9 Port Pin State Register (PxPIN), 11-11 Power consumption, reducing, 3-28,5-19 Power Control Register, 5-12 Power management, 5-10-5-19 Power management modes and HALT bus cycles, 3-28,3-30,3-32 compared, 5-19 Powerdown mode, 5-16-5-19,7-2 and bus cycles, 5-16 control register, 5-12 entering, 5-17 exiting, 5-18-5-19 exiting HALT bus cycle, 3-33 initialization code, 5-15-5-18 Priority Mask register, 8-18 Processor control instructions, 2-27 Processor Status Word (PSW), 2-1,2-7,2-41 bits defined, 2-7,2-9 flag storage formats, 2-19 reset status, 2-7 Program transfer instructions, 2-23-2-24 conditional transfers, 2-24, 2-26 interrupts, 2-26 iteration control, 2-25 unconditional transfers, 2-24 Programming examples, See Software PUSH instruction, A-8 PUSHA instruction, A-I R RCL instruction, A-lO RCR instruction, A-lO Read bus cycles, See Bus cycles READY and chip-selects, 6-11 and normally not-ready signal, 3-16-3-18 and normally ready signal, 3-16-3-17 and PCB accesses, 4-4 and wait states, 3-13-3-18 Index-5 INDEX block diagram, 3-15 implementation approaches, 3-13 timing concerns, 3-17 Real, defined, 12-7 Real-time clock, code example, 9-17-9-20 Refresh address, 7-4 Refresh Address Register (RFADDR), 7-10 Refresh Base Address Register (RFBASE), 7-7, 7-8 Refresh bus cycle, See Bus cycles Refresh Clock Interval Register (RFTIME), 7-7, 7-8 Refresh Control Register (RFCON), 7-9,7-10 Refresh Control Unit (RCU), 7-1-7-14 and bus hold protocol, 7-13-7-14 and Powerdown mode, 7-2 block diagram, 7-1 bus latency, 7-7 calculating refresh interval, 7-7 control registers, 7-7-7-10 initialization code, 7-11 operation, 7-2 overview, 7-2-7-4 programming, 7-7-7-12 relationship to BIU, 7-1 Register operands, 2-27 Regi~ters, 2-1 control, 2-1 data, 2-4,2-5 general, 2-1,2-4,2-5 H & L group, 2-4 index, 2-5,2-13,2-34 P & I group, 2-4 pointer, 2-1,2-5,2-13 pointer and index, 2-4 segment, 2-1,2-5,2-11,2-12 status, 2-1 Relocation Register, See PCB Relocation Register Reset and bus hold protocol, 5-6 and clock synchronization, 5-6-5-10 cold, 5-7, 5-8 RC circuit for reset input, 5-7 warm, 5-7, 5-9 ROL instruction, A-IO ROR instruction, A-I0 Index-6 S SAL instruction, A-9 SAR instruction, A-9 Serial Communications Unit (SCU) asynchronous communications, 10-1-10-8, 10-13-10-18 example, 10-24-10-28 mode 1, 10-6 mode 2, 10-7 mode 3, 10-6 mode4, 10-6 baud rates, 10-10--10-13 bilUd timebase clock, 10-21, 10-22 BCLK pin timings, 10-19-10-21 break characters, 10-4, 10-15 channel 0 interrupts, 10-22 channell interrupts, 10-22 crs# pin timings, 10-19 examples, 10-24-10-36 features, 10-1 framing errors, 10-4 hardware considerations, 10-19-10-22 interrupts, 10-22 master/slave example, 10-28-10-36 multiprocessor communications, 10-14 overrun errors, 10-4 overvie\v, 10- 1-10-8 parity errors, 10-4 programming, 10-9-10-19 receiver, 10-2 RX machine, 10-2 stand-alone communications, 10-13 synchronous communications, 10-8, 10-19 example, 10-27 timings, 10-21 transmitter, 10-4 TX machine, 10-4 Serial Port Control Register (SxCON), 10-16 Serial Port Status Register (SxSTS), 10-17, 10-18 Serial ports, See Serial ConimlUlications Unit (SCU) • Serial Receive Buffer Register (SxRBUF), 10-9 Serial Transmit Buffer Register (SxTBUF), 10-10 SHL instruction, A-9 Short integer, defined, 12-7 Short real, defined, 12-7 I INDEX SHR instruction, A-9 Sl register, 2-1,2-5,2-13,2-22,2-23,2-30,2-32, 2-34 Sign Flag (SF), 2-7, 2-9 Single-step trap (Type 1 exception), 2-43 Software code example 80C187 floating-point routine, 12-16 80C187 initialization, 12-13-12-15 digital one-shot, 9-17-9-23 I/O port configuration, 11-12 ICU initialization, 8-24 real-time clock, 9-17-9-19 SCU asynchronous mode, 10-24 SCU master/slave network, 10-2810-36 initialization code, 10-30-10-32 _select_slave routine, 10-31-10-32 _send_slave30mmand routine, 10-36 _slave_l routine, 10-33-10-35 SCU synchronous mode, 10-27 square-wave generator, 9-17-9-22 TCU configurations, 9-17-9-23 data types, 2-37, 2-38 dynamic code relocation, 2-13,2-14 interrupts, 2-45 overview, 2-17 See also Addressing modes, Instruction set Square-wave generator, code example, 9-17-9-22 SS register, 2-1,2-5,2-6,2-13,2-15,2-30,2-45 Stack frame pointers, A-2 Stack Pointer, 2-1,2-5,2-13,2-15,2-45 Stack segment, 2-5 Stacks, 2-15 START registers, CSU, 6-5,6-7,6-11 STOP registers, CSU, 6-5,6-8,6-12 String instructions, 2-22-2-23 and addressing modes, 2-34 and memory-mapped I/O ports, 2-36 operand locations, 2-13 operands, 2-36 Strings accessing, 2-13,2-34 defined, 2-37 Synchronizing asynchronous inputs, B-1 I T Temporary real, defined, 12-7 Terminology "above" vs "greater", 2-26 "below" vs "less", 2-26 device names, 1-2 Timer Control Registers (TxCON), 9-7, 9-8 Timer Count Registers (TxCNT), 9-10 Timer Counter Unit (TCU), 9-1-9-23 application examples, 9-17-9-23 block diagram, 9-2 clock sources, 9-12 configuring a digital one-shot, 9-17-9-23 configuring a real-time clock, 9-17-9-19 configuring a square-wave generator, 9-179-22 counting sequence, 9-12-9-13 dual maxcount mode, 9-13-9-14 enabling and disabling counters, 9-15-9-16 frequency, maximum, 9-17 initializing, 9-11 input synchronization, 9-17 interrupts, 9-16 overview, 9-1-9-6 programming, 9-6-9-16 considerations, 9-16 pulsed output, 9-14-9-15 retriggering, 9-13-9-14 setup and hold times, 9-16 single maxcount mode, 9-13,9-14-9-16 timer delay, 9-1 timing, 9-1 and BIU, 9-1 considerations, 9-16 TxOUT signal, 9-15 variable duty cycle output, 9-14-9-15 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers (TxCMPA, TxCMPB), 9-11 Timers, See Timer/Counter Unit (TCU), Watchdog timer Trap exceptions, 2-43 Trap Flag (TF), 2-7,2-9,2-43,2-48 T-state and bus cycles, 3-9 and CLKOUT, 3-8 defined, 3-7 Index-7 INDEX w Wait states and bus cycles, 3-13 and chip-selects, 6-11-6-14 and DRAM controllers, 7-1 and PCB accesses, 4-4 and READY input, 3-13 Word integer. defined, 12-7 Write bus cycle. 3-22 Z Zero Flag (ZF). 2-7. 2-9, 2-23 Index-8
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-21:37:19 Create Date : 2017:07:02 15:49:37-08:00 Modify Date : 2017:07:02 16:03:48-07:00 Metadata Date : 2017:07:02 16:03:48-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:7da1d5f4-0f2a-5441-9313-b20de1ab0e9a Instance ID : uuid:fc89daa5-70c5-1442-a64c-7fb81d51957b Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 422EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools