GS 3 Multiple Inlet Cyclone Cat. Nos. 225 100 And 103 Operating Instructions Form 37097 PDF
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GS-3 Multiple-inlet Cyclone
Cat. Nos. 225-100 and 225-103
Operating Instructions
863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA
Tel: 724-941-9701 E-mail:
The GS-3 Cyclone is a 10-mm
lightweight conductive plastic
sampler with multiple inlets
that uses a standard three-piece
25 or 37-mm casse e and fi lter for
collecting respirable dust particles.
The GS-3 Cyclone conforms to
the ISO 7708/CEN criteria of a
4-μm 50% cut-point at 2.75 L/min*
with minimum bias meeting the
performance criteria in OSHA’s
final silica rule. Other flow rates
may be used to achieve cut-points
for alternative applications. The GS-3
Cyclone is supplied with cassette
adapter, bowl adapter, and grit pot.
* Calibrated at U.K. Health and Safety
Laboratories. Visit
prod/225-100.asp to view the collection
effi ciency curve.
Required Equipment
Sample pump capable of specifi ed fl ow rate
1/4-inch ID (3/8-inch OD) Tygon
tubing for calibration train
Electronic calibrator
Calibration Jar (Cat. No. 225-111)
Casse e Holder (Cat. No. 225-1)
Filter Casse es sampling media (225 Series)
Casse e ring (middle)
Casse e adapter (25 or 37 mm,
supplied assembled with cyclone body)
Figure 1.
GS-3 Cyclone with fi lter cassette —
exploded view
Bowl adapter (supplied assembled
with cyclone body)
Casse e outlet
Support pad
Cyclone top
Cyclone body
Grit pot
Nodule for holder
Retaining tab
Getting Started
Assembling Cyclone with Cassette (Figure 1)
The GS-3 Cyclone is supplied fully assembled with bowl adapter and 37 or 25-mm
casse e adapter dependent upon model (Cat. Nos. 225-100 and 225-103, respectively).
Replacement casse e adapters are available, allowing the user to adapt whichever
model they are using to another casse e size.
1. Disassemble a three-piece casse e and set aside inlet section (usually marked
“inlet”). Keep inlet section for closing the casse e after sampling.
2. Select a fi lter and support pad as specifi ed in the sampling method. Place
support pad into casse e outlet and place fi lter on top of support pad. Insert
casse e ring (middle) section into casse e outlet. Ensure a fi rm seal.
3. Hold cyclone upside down (casse e adapter facing downward). Insert casse e
adapter into casse e middle ring section. Press until a fi rm seal is established.
4. Ensure thumbscrew on cyclone is secure and that the grit pot remains on the
cyclone body during calibration and sampling.
Inserting Cyclone/Cassette Assembly in Cassette Holder (Figure 2)
1. Insert the cyclone body
through the large opening
of the casse e holder.
2. Ensure the cyclone/casse e
assembly is seated fi rmly in the
holder by inserting the small
round nodule on the rim of the
bowl adapter into the notch in
the casse e holder.
3. Remove the plug from the
casse e outlet.
4. Secure the cyclone/casse e
assembly in the holder by
stretching the spring-loaded
hold-down plate over the
casse e outlet.
5. Insert the holder’s Luer
adapter (located on the end of
the spring-supported rubber
tubing) into the casse e outlet.
Figure 2.
GS-3 Cyclone/cassette assembly
in holder (Cat. No. 225-1)
Rubber tubing
hold-down plate
Tygon tubing
Grit pot
Filter casse e
holder Casse e outlet
Collar clip
Luer adapter
Filter casse e
GS cyclone
1. Prepare a cyclone/casse e assembly (Figure 1). Ensure grit pot remains on
cyclone body during calibration.
SKC recommends using the smallest calibration jar possible. To achieve this, do
NOT use Cassette Holder Cat. No. 225-1 during calibration.
2. Place cyclone/casse e assembly into an airtight calibration jar that contains an
inlet and outlet (Cat. No. 225-111, Figure 3).
3. Using fl exible tubing, connect outlet of calibrator to inlet of calibration jar.
4. Run tubing from outlet of cyclone/casse e assembly through the outlet of the
calibration jar and to the inlet of a sample pump. If using the Calibration Jar
(Cat. No. 225-111), connect the Luer adapter inside the jar lid to the casse e
outlet. Connect jar outlet tubing to the sample pump inlet.
Figure 3.
GS-3 Cyclone/cassette assembly in calibration jar
Multi-purpose Calibration Jar
(Cat. No. 225-111)
Sample pump
Calibrator GS-3 Cyclone/casse e assembly
inside calibration jar
5. Turn on pump and calibrate to desired fl ow rate following directions in the
pump and calibrator operating instructions.
Flow rate: • 2.75 L/min for a 4-μm cut-point*
* Calibrated at U.K. Health and Safety Laboratories. Visit to view the
collection effi ciency curve.
6. After calibration, disassemble calibration jar, remove cyclone/casse e assembly,
and replace casse e used for calibration with a fresh (unused) casse e to be
used for sampling.
1. Ensure the fl ow rate has been set properly (see Calibration).
Leave grit pot in place during calibration and sampling.
2. Ensure a fresh casse e has been installed on the cyclone and the cyclone/casse e
assembly has been inserted into the casse e holder (see Inserting Cyclone/Casse e
Assembly in Casse e Holder).
3. Connect the Tygon tubing a ached to the casse e holder to the inlet of a
constant fl ow personal sampling pump.
4. Clip the holder with the cyclone/casse e assembly onto a worker’s collar or
pocket as close to the breathing zone as possible.
5. Clip the pump onto the worker’s belt or place it in a protective pouch. Start the
pump and record pertinent details.
6. At the end of the sampling period, stop the pump and record pertinent details.
7. Remove the cyclone/casse e assembly from the casse e holder and immediately
cap casse e outlet.
8. Separate casse e from cyclone. Immediately replace the inlet section of the
casse e, and cap inlet with provided plug.
9. Package casse e and send it with all data to a laboratory for analysis.
Discard particles that were collected in the cyclone’s grit pot.
After sampling, clean all parts of the cyclone, including the interior of the grit pot,
with mild soapy water. The cyclone can be wiped with a clean dust-free tissue, air
dried, blown dry, or wiped with isopropyl alcohol.
Do not use strong solvents to clean the cyclone.
Gautam, M. and Sreenath, A., “Performance of a Respirable Multi-Inlet Cyclone Sampler,” J. Aerosol
Sci., Vol. 28. No. 7, pp. 1265-1281, 1997, h p:// sgrz
Trakumas, S., et al., Performance Assessment of Personal Respirable Cyclone Samplers, AIHce
Presentation 191, 2003, h p:// (Powerpoint presentation)
OSHA Final Rule on Respirable Crystalline Silica,
Accessories/Replacement Parts
Description Cat. No.
Replacement Cassette Adapter
25 mm
37 mm
Replacement Bowl Adapter 225-108
Replacement Grit Pots, pk/25 P225012
Filter Cassette/Cyclone Holder for standard 25 or 37-mm
3-piece cassettes with or without a cyclone 225-1
Standard-size Multi-purpose Calibration Jar 225-111
SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy
SKC products are subject to the SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, which
provides SKC’s sole liability and the buyer’s exclusive remedy. To view the complete
SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, go to h p://