3803_3420_MLM_Vol_1 3803 3420 MLM Vol 1
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eecee_eeceeoeooooccocceeeeeooeoocc --- - - ------------- - - -----• C0 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 3803-21 3803-21 3803-21 3803-21 3420 3420 3420 3420 SIN SIN SIN SIN MLM MLM MLM MLM PLAN START SENSE MAP INTF MAP OPER 00-000 lA-OOO 6A-XXX 18-000 68-XXX VOL 1 --- - ----- -------- ----------- -. ---------------- - -Magnetic Tape Subsystem Maintenance Manual Maintenance Library 07-000 CARR 16-000 21-XXX 40-000 58-XXX REF 08-000 MAP 75-001 85-XXX 11-000 15-XXX INST 90-000 INDEX VOL2 VOL3 VOl. 4 SAFETY PERSONAL The importance of personal safety cannot be overemphasized. To ensure personal safety and the safety of co-workers, follow established safety practices and procedures at all times. CE SAFETY PRACTICES 16. Avoid touching moving mechanical parts when lubricating. checking for play. etc. All Customer Engineers are expected to take every safety precaution possible and observe the following safety practices while maintaining I BM eqUipment: 17. When using stroboscope, do not touch ANYTHING - it may be moving. 1. You should not work alone under hazardous conditions or around equipment with dangerous voltage. Always advise your manager if you MUST work alone. Look for and obey the DANGER notices found in the maintenance documentation. All CEs must be familiar with the general safety practices and the procedures for artificial respiration outlined in IBM Form 229-1264. For convenience, this form is duplicated to the right. 2. Remove all power, ac and dc, when removing or assemblm9 major components, working in immediate areas of power supplies, performing mechanical inspection of power supplies, or installing changes in machine circuitry. 3. Alter turning off wall box power switch, lock it in the Off position or tag it with a "Do Not Operate" tag, Form 229-1266. Pull power supply cord whenever possible. 4. When It IS absolutely necessary to work on equipment having exposed operating mechanical parts or exposed live electrical cirCUitry anywhere in the machine, observe the following precautions: a. Another person familiar with power off controls must be in immediate vicinity. b. Do not wear rings, wrist watches. chains, bracelets, or metal cuff links. c. Use only insulated pliers and screwdrivers. d. Keep one hand in pocket. MACHINE To protect machines from damage, turn off power before removing or inserting circuit cards of components. Do not leave internal machine areas needlessly exposed, avoid shorting panel pins when scoping, and handle machine parts carefully. In addition, look for and observe the CAUTION notices found in maintenance documentation. e. When using test instruments, be certain that controls are set correctly and that insulated probes of proper capacity are used. f. Avoid contacting ground potential (metal floor strips, machine frames, etc.l. Use suitable rubber mats, purchased locally if necessary. 5. Wear safety glasses when: a. Using a hammer to drive pins, riveting, staking, etc. b. Power or hand drilling, reaming, grinding, etc. c. Using spring hooks, attaching springs. d. Soldering, wire cutting, removing steel'bands. e. Cleaning parts with solvents, sprays, cleaners, chemif. cals, etc. Performing any other work that may be hazardous to your eyes. REMEMBER - THEY ARE YOUR EYES. 6. Follow special safety Instructions when performing specialIZed tasks, such as handling cathode rav tubes and extremely high voltages. These instructions are outlined in CEMs and the safety portion of the maintenance manuals. A form for reader's comments is provided at the front of this publication. If the form has been removed, send your comments to the address below. lB. Avoid wearing loose clothing that may be caught in mao chinery. Shirt sleeves must be left buttoned or rolled above the elbow. 19. Ties must be tucked in shirt or have a tie clasp (preferably nonconductive) approximately 3 inches from end. Tie chains are not recommended. 20. Before starting equipment, make certain fellow CEs and customer personnel are not in a hazardous position. 21. Maintain good housekeeping in area of machine while performing and after completing maintenance. Knowing safety rula is not .noulh_ An u ....f. 8Ct will inevitably lead to an accident_ Use good judgm.nt - .Iiminate unsafe acts. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION General Considerations 1. Start Immediately - Seconds Count Do not move victim unless absolutely necessary to remove from danger. Do not wait or look for help or stop to loosen clothing, warm the victim, or apply stimulants. 2. Check Mouth for Obstructions Remove foreign objects. Pull tongue forward. 3. Loosen Clothing - Keep Victim Warm Take care of these items alter victim is breathing by himself or when help IS available. 4. Remain in Position After Victim revives, be ready to resume respiration if necessary. 5. Call a Doctor Have someone summon medical ald. 6. Don't Give Up Continue without interruption until victim is breathing without help or is certainly dead. Rescue Breathing for Adults 7. Do not use solvents, chemicals, greases, or oils that have 1. Place victim on his back Immediately. not been approved by 18M. This manual was prepared by the IBM General Products Division, Department 21 H, Boulder, Colorado 80302. 2. Clear throat of water, food, or foreign matter. B. Avoid using tools or test equipment that have not been approved by IBM. 3. Tilt head back to open air passage. 9. Aeplace worn or broken tools and test eqUipment. 4. Lilt jaw up to keep tongue out of air passage. 10. Lilt by standing or pushing up with stronger leg musclesthis takes strain off back muscles. Do not lilt any equipment or parts weighing over 60 pounds. 11. Alter maintenance, restore all safety devices, such as guards, shields, signs, and grounding wires. 12. Each Customer Engineer is responsible to be certain that no action on his part renders products unsafe or exposes customer personnel to hazards. 5. Pinch nostnls to prevent air leakage when you blow. 6. Blow until you see chest rise. 7. Remove you r lips and allow I ungs to empty. B. Listen for snoring and gurglings - signs of throat obstruction. 9. Repeat mouth to mouth breathing 10-20 times a minute_ Continue rescue breathing until victim breathes for himself. 13. Place removed machine covers in a safe out-of-the-way place where no one can trip over them. 14. Ensure that all machine covers are in place before returning machine to customer. 15. Always place CE tool kit away from walk areas where no one can trip over it; for example, under desk or table. © Copyright International Business Machines , J Thumb and finger positions Final mouth-tomouth pOSition Corporation 1976, '979 , J ~. J } J ,} 'l, {) ~) J ,) i) \. \.) _fie " Reader's Comment Form 8 0 coo c c c c c c c o c c c c c e e o e c This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, is deemed appropriate. Comments may be wntten in your own language; use of English is not required. ThiS form may be used to communicate your views about thiS publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, IS deemed appropnate. Comments may be written In your own language; use of English is not required. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right. In its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, In any form, for any and all purposes, without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your interest IS appreciated. IBM shall have the nonexclusive nght. In ItS discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system. to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU Symptom/Error Code MIM Page ID MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code, check here D in any form, for any and all purposes, Without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your Interest IS appreciated. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system. to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU MIM Page ID MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code. check here Symptom/Error Code Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine jJroblem). Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine problem). Describe problem you encountered with documentation. Describe problem you encountered with documentation. Want an acknowledgement? For plant use only Date received Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name BID No. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an I BM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Want an acknowledgement? D For plant use only Date received Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name BID No Occupatlon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sender acknowledged Research complete;J Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Reader's Comment Form Reader's Comment Form Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P Fold and tape PERMIT NO. 40 Fold and tape Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS Please 00 Not Staple NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL ARMONK, NEW YORK FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 40 ARMONK, NEW YORK POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE International Business Machines Corporation General Products Division P. O. Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 International Business Machines Corporation General Products Division P. O. Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape Fold and tape Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple ------- --- -----------_.- ------- ---- --- --------_.- International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 1133 Westchester Avenue. White Plains. N.Y. 10604 International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 1133 Westchester Avenue. White Plains, N.Y. 10604 IBM World Trade Americas/Far East Corporatton Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9. North Tarrytown. N.Y .. U.S.A. 10591 IBM World Trade Americas/ Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant. Route 9, North Tarrytown. N.Y .. U.S.A. 10591 I BM World Trade Europe/ Middle East/ Afrtca Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains, N.Y .. U.S.A. 10601 IBM World Trade Europe/Middle East/ Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains, N.Y .. U.S.A. 10601 Q!) Fold and tape Q!) o Copyright International Busines. Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980 ., . .~ .. J t • J , 4 . .... j ,; ,J L , .J II " " .J "~ ,J , ;1 ! ee o c c c c c c c c c c c o e Reader's Comment Fonn This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, If any, IS deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English IS not required. ThiS form may be used to communicate your views about thiS publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, If any, IS deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English IS not required. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right, In its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted Information, IBM shall have the nonexclusive right, In ItS discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, in any form, for any and all purposes, Without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your Interest IS appreciated. In any form, for any and all purposes, Without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your Interest IS appreciated. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system. to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. requests for copies of publications. or for assistance in using your IBM system. to your IBM representative or to the Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU Symptom/Error Code MIM Page 10 MIM Page EC No If no error or symptom code, check here D Note: Copies of IBM pUblications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any IBM branch office serving your locality. Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU MIM Page 10 MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code. check here Symptom/Error Code Describe the trouble as It was reported to you, or as It appeared to you (machine problem). Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as It appeared to you (machine problem). Describe problem you encountered with documentation. DeSCribe problem you encountered with documentation. Want an acknowledgement? Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name B/O No Occupatlon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ For plant use only Date received Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary If mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) 3803-2/3420 C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980 Want an acknowledgement? Name BONo Occupatlon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D For plant use only Date received Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary If mailed in the U.S.A. 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Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple Folri dno tripp ------- --- -----------.- ~ Please Do Not Staple FOld and tape ~ International BUSiness Machines Corporation Data Processing D,v,s,on 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY International BUSiness Machines Corporation Data Processing D,v,s,on 1133 Westchester Avenue, White PlainS, N Y 10604 IBM World Trade Amerlcasi Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9, North Tarrytown, NY, USA 10604 IBM World Trade Americas Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9, North Tarrytown, NY, USA 10591 IBM World Trade Europe/Middle East/Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White PlainS, NY, U,S,A 10601 10591 IBM World Trade Europe/ Middle East Africa Corpora lion 360 Hamilton Avenue, White PlainS, NY, U S,A 10601 • Copyrighl Inlarnalional Bu.in••• Machines Corporalion 1976, 1979, 1980 \ j; ; ! , J ) " J ) ·J ~ \ ,I ) j ee -- c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c G G G Reader's Comment Form This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, is deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English is not required. This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, If any, is deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English is not required. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right. in its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, in any form, for any and all purposes, without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your interest is appreciated. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right, in its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, in any form, for any and all purposes, without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your interest is appreciated. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system, to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system, to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU Symptom/Error Code MIM Page 10 MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code, check here 0 Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU MIM Page ID MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code, check here Symptom/Error Code Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine problem). Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine problem). Describe problem you encountered with documentation. Describe proplem you encountered with documentation. Want an acknowledgement? Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name S/O No. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ For plant use only Date received Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Want an acknowledgement? Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name S/O No. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 For plant use only Date received Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Reader's Comment Form Reader's Comment Form Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P ~old Please Do Not Staple and tape BUSINESS REPLY MAIL ARMONK, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 40 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS Fold and tape FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 40 ARMONK, NEW YORK POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE International Business Machines Corporation General Products Division P. O. Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 International Business Machines Corporation General Products Division P. O. Box 27455 Tucson, Arizona 85726 Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape ------- ---- ----====';'= -------- ------ - --==-=":'= International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing D,v,s,on 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains. N Y International BUSiness Machines Corporation Data Processing D,v,s,on 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, N. Y Fold and tape Q!) 10604 10604 IBM World Trade Americas/Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9. North Tarrytown. NY. U.S.A. 10591 IBM World Trade Americas/Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9, North Tarrytown, NY, U.S.A. 10591 IBM World Trade Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains, NY.. U.S.A. 10601 IBM World Trade Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains, NY., U.S.A. 10601 3803-2/3420 • Copyright International Buai..... Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980 \ f Ii '\ j \ j \ J , \ "J \ j " ) , \; J \ J l ,; j o ee GOOO c c c c o c c c o o c c c e o o c c Reader's Comment Form This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, is deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English is not required. This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They Will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, IS deemed appropnate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English is not required. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right, in its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, in any form, for any and all purposes, without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your interest is appreciated. IBM shall have the nonexclusive right. in its discretion, to use and distribute all submitted information, in any form, for any and all purposes, without obligation of any kind to the submitter. Your interest is appreciated. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system, to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system, to your IBM representative or to the Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU Symptom/Error Code MIM Page ID MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code, check here D IBM branch office serving your locality. Mach Type/Mod Serial Number Storage Control/CPU MIM Page ID MIM Page EC No. If no error or symptom code, check here Symptom/Error Code Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine problem). Describe the trouble as it was reported to you, or as it appeared to you (machine problem). Describe problem you encountered with documentation. Describe problem you encountered with documentation. Want an acknowledgement? Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name BIO No. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ For plant use only Date received Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Want an acknowledgement? Fill in your name and Branch Office Number: Name BIO No. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D For plant use only Date received Sender acknowledged Research completed Incorporated by EC Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments.) Reader's Comment Form Reader's Comment Form Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple FOld and tape Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P Fold and tape PERMIT NO. 40 Fold and tape Attention: Device Product Engineering Department 64P NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS Please Do Not Staple NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL ARMONK, NEW YORK ARMONK, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 40 FIRST CLASS POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE International Business Machines Corporation General Products Division P. O. Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 International Business Machines Corporation General Produtts Division P. O. Box 27155 Tucson, Arizona 85726 FOld and tape Please Do Not Staple Fold and tape Please Do Not Staple ------- ---- --- -----------.- ------- ----- --- ----_ ... --_.- International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing DIvIsion 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains. N. Y International BUSiness Machines Corpora lion Data Processing DIVISion 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, N Y 10604 Fold and tape 10604 IBM World Trade Amerlcas/ Far East Corporallon Town of Mount Pleasant. Route 9, North Tarrytown, NY, US A. 10591 IBM World Trade Americas/Far East Corporation Town of Mount Pleasant, Route 9, North Tarrytown, NY, U.S.A IBM World Trade Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White Plains, NY, U.S.A. 10601 IBM World Trade Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Corporation 360 Hamilton Avenue, White PlainS, NY, U.S.A. 10601 10591 • Copyright International BUBiness Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980 l i \I f\ '-I !\ J :) ", J" ~) o 800 OOG c cee c c c o c c c c c e e co c PLAN 1 3803-2/3420 MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHY TECHNIQUES INTRODUCTION The main objective of the 3803-2/3420 maintenance philosophy incorporated in the Maintenance Library Manual (MLM) is to help the CE repair hardware failures quickly. To accomplish this objective, emphasis is placed on "how to fix" rather than "how it works". For each failure, the "how to fix" approach utilizes the CE's resources, the failure isolation techniques, and the individual analysis procedures. The five rules below must be observed in order to successfully use this manual. 1. Always start a maintenance or problem call at the top left racetrack (See symbol table on PLAN 4) entitled START on the START 1 page. 2. Always follow the procedure exactly as it is written. Do not add or delete any items. 3. Never shortcut or skip a familiar portion or begin in the middle of a MAP sequence at an obvious place. As the MAP isolation logic narrows toward the failing FRU, questions and decisions that have been taken care of or eliminated are deliberately left out. Failure to begin at START 1 will skip some of this logic and may result in not isolating the failure or problem. 4. 5. Always use MAP 00-030 to restore the subsystem after a successful maintenance or problem call. Always use MAP 00-030 to re-enter the MAP after an unsuccessful maintenance or problem call. RESOURCES Although the maintenance philosophy is designed for the Product Trained CE, it is recognized that there are significant differences in skill levels, experience and natural ability among CEs. Additional maintenance procedures and sections of the M LM are provided to allow each CE to continue with the maintenance procedure until he has exhausted his resources, or until existing policies dictate that he request assistance. The normal card isolation technique is to replace or exchange the specified cards within a particular maintenance procedure until the failing card is located. At the CE's discretion, and / or depending on the customer's requirements, cards may be exchanged between drives to speed the isolation. In certain areas where it is not practical to rapidly exchange or replace components, information is provided to allow isolation of the failing repaceable unit. MAPs contain a series of questions and instructions designed to analyze the failure symptoms and Sense Data. The MAPs lead to a specific Field Replaceable Unit (FRU), a set of FRUs (in cases where a single FRU cannot be identified). a failing back panel net, or an adjustment. repair, or cleaning routine. To use these MAPs effectively, you should be trained on the 3803-2/3420 tape subsystem. Training should include: 1. The basic maintenance and operation of the subsystem. 2. Practice in using MAPs and the Online Test User's Guide. 3. Familiarity with the microcode listing, including the ability to look up a hexadecimal address from an EQUATE statement or instruction label. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) are provided to assist the CE in making decisions (based on sense data, OLT diagnostic results, customer data, or visual indications) to isolate the failure to the smallest possible area. MAPs are composed of analysis charts, second level diagrams, and descriptions. Analysis charts and second level diagrams refer to other material in the M LM and ALDs to provide a more complete path to failure isolation. The descriptions are provided to help the CE understand the failing operation. 4. Practice in running 3420 OLTs that support the system and ability to analyze the failing printout. 5. Practice in detecting visual failures, reading indicator lights, and using the CE panel. HOW TO USE MAPS, GENERAL The MAPs provide a step-by-step procedure to isolate the failure to a field replaceable unit (FRU). The procedure may require any or all of the following actions: Scoping procedures are provided if components are not available for replacement or exchange. Keep in mind that exchanging or replacing is the primary card isolation technique, and that scoping is the secondary technique. PROCEDURES The 3803-2/3420 MAPs and the 3803-2/3420 Online Tests (OLT), are the keys to the 3803-2/3420 Magnetic Tape Subsystem maintenance package. (IBM 3803-2/3420 Magnetic Tape Subsystem: Online Test User's Guide, 10 number D99-3420A, is available from the IBM Corporation (See Start 2). Diagnostic Coordinator, 40 Saw Mill River Rd. Hawthorne, N.J. 07430.) MAPs should lead you step by step through the call. The IBM 3420 Field Tester (P /N 1765342 with EC 734316 for 3420 Models 4,6, and 8) and IBM Online Tests (running under OLTSEP or OS/DOS OLTEP) may be used in solving the problem. 6. The ability to locate subsystem components and replace all failing FRUs. MAPs are divided into sections with the tape unit MAPs in sections 1 through 6 and tape control MAPs in sections 11 through 21. HOW TO LOCATE INFORMATION There is a complete Index section at the back of each of the 4 volumes. These indexes contain an alphabetical list of the terms, titles, names, etc. used in the MLM. Refer to these indexes for general reference information. Do not try to use the indexes for trouble call isolation-Always use START 1 for trouble calls. The theory of operation is in volume 4. Checks, adjustments, removal and replacement (CARR) is in volume 2, section 08-XXX. Pages 08-000 and 08-005 contains a table of contents for section 08-XXX. Section 20-XXX contains a cross-reference list to the pin and logic locations for the 3803 and the 3420. Use appropriate parts catalog (listed below) when ordering replacement parts. IBM 3803 MODEL 2/3420 MAGNETIC TAPE SUBSYSTEM. Related publications pertaining to this product are: 1. 3803-2/3420 Subsystem Description, GA32-0021. 2. 3420 Model 4, 6, and 8 Parts Catalog, SI32-0007. 3. 3803 Models 1, 2, and 3 Parts Catalog, SI32-0004. 4. 3420 Operator's Guide Card, S232-0003. 5. 3803/3420 OLT Users' Guide, D99-3420A. 6. 3420 Model 3, 5, and 7 Part Catalog, S132-0005. • Adjustments (electrical and mechanical) • Cleaning • FRU exchanging • Repair or replacement of parts • Special tests • Scoping • Voltage checks HOW TO USE MAPS, DETAILS See MAP 00-001 through MAP 00-007. © Copyright International Bustness Machines Corporation 1976. 1979, 1983 PLAN 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS PLAN 2 ABI adapter Bus In clk clock EPO emergency power-off K contactor. relay ABO adapter Bus Out cm centimeter EPR error pattern reg ister kb kilobyte ac alternating current cmnd command EREP environmental record edit and print kd kilodigit addr address cmpr compare ERG erase record gap kg kilogram ADT automatic data transfer CNTL control ERP error recovery procedure kHz kiloHertz (kilocycles/ second) ALD automated logic diagram cntr counter err error alt dir alternate direction COCC cartridge opener control card ESD electro-static discharge ALU arithmetic and logic unit col column ARA automatic read amplification com communicator asm assembly cond condition adapter Tag In conn connector ATI L left Ibs pounds fci flux changes per inch Ici local FP file protect LP load point freq frequency LRC longitudinal redundancy check FRU field replaceable unit LRCB longitudinal redundancy check byte local storage register cont conn contingent connector FSB forward space block LSR CP circuit protector FSF forward space file Ith latch binary coded decimal notation CPU central processing unit fwd forward LWR loop write-to-read bfr buffer CRC cyclic redundancy check vacuum column switches (left column) channel read-in counter grey code counter L l-L4 backward CRIC GCC bkwd blk block CROC channel read-out counter ATO adapter Tag Out aux auxiliary BCD BM or B/M bill of material BOB beginning-of-block cis center / section channel status word CSW branch on condition BOC BOPE Bus Out parity error BOR beginning-of-record BOT beginning-of-tape bpi bits per inch BPI bytes per inch br branch cartridge ctg GCR group coded recording (6250 bpi) mach machine gnd ground MAP maintenance analysis procedure grnd ground mech mechanical MHz megaHertz (megacycles/second) MIS multiple interface switch hdwr hardware CTI channel Tag In hex hexadecimal ctr counter HIO halt input/ output ctrl control HPD high power drive CU control unit HPI high power inhibit CUE control unit end HS high speed clockWise cw digital-to-analog converter HSFL HSR high speed field latch high speed rewind BSB backspace block DAC BSF backspace file dc direct current BU branch unconditional DC data convert IBG interblock gap dcc data converter check IC cap capstan dcd decoder ID cart cartridge DE device end IF CAW channel address word det detect diag DMS CB circuit breaker CBI channel Bus In CBO channel Bus Out CC condition code ccw counterclockwise CCW channel command word CE Hz MPL microprogram listing mod model ms millisecond MSC manual status control MST monolithic system technology magnetic tape adapter magnetic tape command instruction counter MTE multi-track error identification mtr motor interface multi multiple Inst instruction mv millivolts diagnostic intf interface diagnostic mode set lOS input/output supervisor (system control program) NFP not file protect NOP no operation NRZI non-return to zero indicating ns nanosecond OBR outboard recorder OLT online test OLTEP online test executive program I/O IPL input/output initial program load DSE data security erase ips inches/ second customer engineer EC engineering change Jl-J8 tape unit power plugs (in 3803) chan channel ECC char character env envelope chk check EOD end-of-data circuit EOT end-of-tape ckt microprocessor MTC disk operating system DOS millimeter MP MTA down dn Hertz (cycles / second) mm error correction code Jll EPO connector 3803-2/3420 © l, PLAN 2 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979, 1983 \ I < \ j , J :J ) ,,. ,.J " j .. ) eoCt «I o G 00 o c cee c c c c c c c c o o o o c c PLAN 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Cont'd) OlTSEP op rewind / unload online test stand-alone executive program run operation R/W read/write uk unit check R1-R4 vacuum column switches (right column) unld unload SA service aid SAGC OP IN operational in (tag line) OS operating system unreg unregulated microprogram self-adjusting gain control !,pgm or !,prog SCC solenoid control card !,sec microsecond SCR silicon controlled rectifier uv under voltage UV/OV under voltage/over voltage osc oscillator ov over voltage OV/UV over voltage/under voltage pb pushbutton SCRA solenoid contact relay assembly pc printed circuit SDR statistical data recorder PC parity check sec second PCB printed circuit board sel select PDC proportional drive counter seq sequence PE phase encoded (1600 bpi) Set CE/Cmpr set CE register/set compare register SID start I/O PF pathfinder PG parity generator pgm program PHD polarity hold drive PID Programming Information Department PN or PIN part number pneu pneumatic POR power on reset p-p peak-to-peak prop proportional PTE P-track envelope PTF program temporary fix ptrs pointers pty parity pwr power sol solenoid ss singleshot st status stp stop SVP switch WTM write tape mark system generation xfr transfer tach tachometer xlate translate TB terminal board xpt crosspoint TC tape control 2CS two channel switch TCS two-channel switch TCU tape control unit tgr trigger TI tape indicate track-in-error test I/O track ROD read disconnect delay rdy ready TM tape mark REA Request for Engineering Action TP test point reg register TPC tach period counter TU tape unit TUBI tape unit Bus In TUBO tape unit Bus Out TU CHK tape unit check Tx transistor read in counter ROC read out counter ROS read only storage rst reset with SYSGEN tk or trk RIC w/ or w sw TIO rewind vertical redundancy check register write read rew VRCR service processor resistor / capacitor request vertical redundancy check without rd req voltage monitor VRC wr or wrt rc remote variable frequency control write clock right rem VFC VM WC R reject tape unit vacuum velocity w/o TIE REJ-TU vac vel PLAN 3 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 LEGEND AND SYMBOLS PLAN 4 Circuit Blocks PANEL LOCATION, PIN SYMBOLS Capstans, Reel Motors, Pneumatic Pumps and Motors Vacuum A1F2 A1D2P03 Y1N2G06 A2K3B04 00 A1C2 Switch FT134 T-Al02B07 Refers to the tape unit. T -A 1XXXXX is used to avoid confusion with the control unit A 1 panel. Al02B07 May be used when the tape unit location is clearly defined. FT111 Wave forms, Pulses Refers to the control unit. Maintenance Library Divider Tab FT123 Callouts Notes: D [n] n = some number titles are visible. Timing Diagrams: (example of) Flowchart Symbols 8 IBG Counts 1. LOAD/REWIND FT263 2. Load Operation FT284 Entry Block Data block FT284 4. Left Reel Thread (cw) FT285 5. Rt. Reel Thread Ld lew) 21 FT285 _ _ _ _ _ _-=.J 7. Set Un load Latch 8. Right Reel Unload 9. Left Reel Unload © ) ) 2,3 I ,\ .\ • j :} fJ I 2 I I 12 I 6 61 7 1 71 31 1 31 7 1 71 31 I FT265 ------------------------------~ I 1 1 I 71 I 1 I FT285 ----------------------------~ I 72 I ,2 I 61 FT284 ------------------------------~ 1 71 FT265 ------------------------------~ 56 16 2r Insert these tabs in the binders containing the IBM 3803-2/3420 Tape Subsystem Maintenance Library. I PLAN 4 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 " 40 H 6 3. Thread Status 6. Load Check Flip Latch 14 or 24 :) .} \. o GLOSSARY OF TERMS co o COO c ceo o c c c c c e c c o c c c PLAN 5 Babysitter. A monitoring device. Blown. This term is used to define a fuse or circuit card that is electrically defective. It is usually applied to an open fuse. Bobble. The oscillation of the tape back and forth over a vacuum switch while the tape unit is idle. Bottoms. When the tape goes beyond the lowest port switch, it piles up at the bottom of the column. Degauss. The de-magnetization of tape, heads, and magnetic materials. Fetch. To go or come after, to bring or take back, to retrieve, to bring about. or to bring in. Gauss. A term used to define magnetic flux density. Hot. Indicates that a line, condition, bit, or latch, is in the active state erroneously. SAGe and ARA. Automatic read amplification (ARA) is derived from logic functions of the self-adjusting gain control (SAGe) in the tape control and tape unit. Singleshot. An electronic latch designed to stay in the active state a limited time after the initial input, then automatically go inactive. Splash. An undefined burst of magnetic flux recorded on tape. MP1 and MP2. Throughout this publication references are made to Microprocessor 1 (MP1) and Microprocessor 2 (MP2). See pages 50-000 through 50-003 for schematics of the data flow logic and microprocessors. p.pgm, p.program. Microprogram. A program of microinstructions; using basic subcommands. Wobble. The oscillations of the capstan wheel or tape reel. It indicates alignment problems, a worn shaft or bearing, or an out-of-balance condition. PLAN 5 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 PLAN 6 ORGANIZATION OF PUBLICATION VOLUME 1 VOLUME 2 r ~-----) ( This section covers the objectives, procedures and organization of the IBM 3803-2/3420 MLM. Device Selection, Interface lines (Bus In and Bus Out!. plus tape motion and dropping Ready problems. \ PLAN J INTF 07 -xxx J MAP 16-xxx r r r ( ___ ST_A_R_T___ ( All maintenance and problem calls begin after this tab. After this tab Checks, Adjustments, Removal and Replacement instructions are presented. J (~_S_EN_SE_ _ CARR OS-xxx VOLUME 3 ( MAP ll-xxx Control unit and tape unit sense data is presented after this tab. ( J MAP OO-xxx Quick Fix reference list and other miscellaneous data, plus the start and end of the MAPs. ( ( J MAP lA-OOO ( MAP 15-xxx MAP 20 - xxx J MAP 18-000 r MAP 58-000 r General MAPs from 16 through 21 (21)* are presented after each of these tabs. These MAPs are for both (models 3, 5, 7) and (Models 4, 6, 8) tape drives, and the control unit. ( OPER 40-xxx ( OPER 58-xxx r r r After these tabs the Therory of Operations data is presented. There are eight sections. They are 40, 50, 52, 53, (54)*, 55, (57)*, and 58. ( REF 75-xxx After these tabs the Reference data is presented in three sections. The sections are 75, (80)* and (85)*. ( General MAPs from 11, (12)*, 13, (14)*,15 are presented after each of these tabs. These MAPs are for both 3420 (models 3, 5, 7) and 3420 (models 4, 6, 8) tape drives, and the 3803-2 control unit. INSTAL gO-xxx r This section tab identifies the installation intructions. \ INDEX / ~------) r MAP 5A-OOO These tabs 1A (2A)*, 3A, 4A, and 5A (6A)* separate the various MAPs for the models (3, 5, 7) tape drives attached to a 3803-2 control unit. (See Note). ( ( I I r VOLUME 4 After this tab is the index to all four volumes. Note: Models 3, 5, 7 MAP page numbers in Volume 1 end with the letter A. Models 4, 6, 8 MAP page numbers in Volume 1 end with the letter B. Examples: 2A-120 = (Models 3, 5, 7) 2B-120 = (Models 4, 6, 8) 00-005 = All Models These tabs 1 B (2B)*, 3B, 4B, and 5B (6B)* separate the various MAPs for the models (4, 6, 8) tape drives attached to a 3803-2 control unit. (See Note). *Indicates section without a tab. 3803-2/3420 PLAN 6 © ) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 J ;" V \ ~) ~) j ___ e _ 8 0 G 0 __ C; 0 0 C; 0 Gee C C C C C C C C C c e o e 0 0 0 C MLM TAB PLACEMENT BY VOLUME PLAN 7 Tabs for Volume 1 Tabs for Volume 3 __ ,--------_. ._- - - - Volume 1 - 'l, 'l, ~ -a, ~ -a, ~. ~ 1 1 1 1 ') 1 ') 1 ') ') 1 11· CE-MLM \ ~ SSSNS~APOO010 r = PLAN -\MAP ~MAP lA-OOO START \MAP~~~p05AOOO 16-0~00AP 17-000 = =\;;:CT~~\ =='c::,: = Z-Z-Z-Z MAP 58-000 MAP 48-000 MAP 38-000 MAP 18-000 Tabs for Volume 2 L~ MAP 17-200 MAP lS-000 MAP 3A-000 -- SAP 190~AP20_000_ ~~ ._- Tabs for Volume 4 ~~~~-a,~~~-a,~~~~~~a-a,aa~ SSS INTF 07-000 MAP OS-l 00 MAP L""~~ \ -MAP 11-000 OSS-~~P OS-50~ SMAP l~s~~~ --===t ===:t- =t-- ~ 13-300 ~ MAP 15-000 OPER 40-000 OPER 50-000 PE~R52-000 S1 ,\ER ~5~~g: ._ 55000 ~PE ~~S~OO._ _ _ _ --'I ~ ---=----r \==--t: ----...,------,~___J t- r ~INDEX -INSTALL 90-000 REF 75-000 3803-2/3420 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 PLAN 7 NOTES: PLAN 8 3803-2/3420 © ) PLAN 8 Copyright International Business Machines CorporatIon 1976, 1979 1 if \ j \ j ., J \ "I :J :) ) o c o o C G coo c c c c c c c c c c e e e o o cee START 1 CE INITIAL ENTRY START Remember: All problem analysis or preventive maintenance (PM) calls must be terminated by using the map on 00-030. Answer the following questions with a no if you do not know or are not sure. 18·000 Additional information: B. How to use the MAPs DO-DOD b. Quick fix index 00·009 DO-DID 18-060 START 1 START 2 CE INITIAL ENTRY (Cont'd) From START 1 If the problem exists on TU Model 3, 5, or 7, go to the MAP page identified with the letter 'A' (1 A through 6A). If the problem exists on TU Model4, 6, or 8, go to the MAP page identified with the letter '8' (18 through 68). 14-000 Notes: 1. Observe forward, backward, high speed, low speed rewind and start/stop operations. Obtain sense from; ·OLTs ·EREP ·Manually (see 12·000) 2. 15·200 Load failures, tape motion problems, rewind problems, unload failures, tape runaway, or window problems. OO-OlD 00-040 3803·2/3420 START 2 © Copyright International Busines. Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980, 1983 ) , \ J . \ ,__.I \ .... ~ J f\ J J t \ J :) :) :) .1 ~-".,~ :) ') \. ) G o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o 00 c CE INITIAL ENTRY (Cont'd) START 3 START 1 A - - -- - - -, - - - - I I System Checkout Theory OL T Users Guide System Diagnostic 90-200 Subsystem and Control Tape Unit Initial Selection Tape Control and Tape Unit Selection and Priority Also see the I ndex for Specific Subjects 00-005 14-000 How to Use: CE Panel Field Tester MAPs 40-001 07-000 54-005 Online tests are documented in IBM Maintenance Program: IBM 380313420 Magnetic Tape Subsystem: Online Tests User's Guide (10 number 099-3420A, available by ordering using the DOC (Diagnostic Order Calculator! program at the Branch Office_ Subsystem Description 3803-2 GA32-0021 See PLAN1, IBM 3803 Model 213420 Magnetic Tape Subsystem for additional publications for this system. Preventive Maintenance Sense Information Chart Analysis (MAPl Other (Related) Subsystem Documents Schedule 85-000 Installation 12-010 80-020 00-000 Cabling Card Plugging Control Unit and Device Address Plugging 90-000 Checks, Adjustments, Removals, Replacements Index 08-000 3803-2/3420 START 3 bor': START 4 NOTES: START 4 © .\ "' j Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 f) \. ~) f) D :J ~) ~) ) __ 8 8 0 ( ; 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOW TO USE MAPs, DETAILS c c c c c c c c c c c cc c c c c c 00-000 For overall understanding of the IBM 3803-2/3420 MLM, see the PLAN section. See 00-001 through 00-003 for MAP usage details. Note: All problem and maintenance calls begin at START 1. Do Not begin calls by starting in the MAP sections, see PLAN 1. All calls end on MAP 00-030. 00-000 00-001 HOW TO USE MAPs (Cont'd) II MAP FORMATS MAPs have two basic formats. The second style format is shown on 00-002. Some tape unit MAPs are presented in the format shown to the right. The diagram shows the parts of a MAP, how they are used, and what the notations mean. Number keys indicate: D EI II Page number and title of the diagram, followed by the Start symbol. Always begin reading a diagram at START. Tape unit MAP numbers include an A or 8; A designates tape unit Models 3, 5, and 7, and 8 designates Models 4, 6, and 8. A block of text containing theory information and special instructions pertinent to the diagram. Always read this information before beginning testing. Arrows which lead from the text to where testing starts - usually for voltage levels. Make tests one at a time from top to bottom. Tests are useless if testing is not done from top to bottom. As the large arrows at the top show, go to the right for the correct test results and to the left when test results are incorrect. In other words: II iii The machine location of the lOgic card represented by this block on the diagram. All designations of the form xnxn are logic card locations. An x equals an alpha character and n equals a number. If present, the logic card locations appear as the first line at the top of a block on the diagram. ( Designations of the pins being tested usually are preceded by + for standard plus or up level, and for standard minus or down level. If there is no + or -, special voltages are indicated in nearby comments, or the pin designation is merely a label for a path to be followed. All designations of the form xnn are pin designations, and always appear above the logic path they mark. II Incorrect Indications of expected voltages. The square wave indicates voltage should alternate between the standard plus (up) and the standard minus (down) levels. The explicit voltage indicates that the specified voltage should be present. (Detailed information regarding voltages is contained in a Note. See [nJ). D ~+Bll [1] -G13 If all tests show correct voltage levels, go right and make tests (going from top to bottom again) indicated at the next block. Vac. Switch • If any test shows an incorrect voltage level, stop testing at that block, go left, and make any tests (going from top to bottom again) indicated at the next block. FTll1 A1F2 e JI ru-L iii M12 FT134 Fiber OptiC Continue going left for incorrect results and right for correct results until you isolate the block that has correct signals coming into it from the left, but has incorrect signals going out to the right. This block represents the field replaceable unit (FRU) that should be replaced. FT124 + [1] [2] 3803-2/3420 00-001 @ COPYright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 .) '\ v , \ I ) a :J a , E) J ~.. _Gee " o 80 0 0 0 0 0 c ceo c c c c c c c e o c o 00 00-002 HOW TO USE MAPS (Cont'd) The MAP title describes the problem the MAP is developed to solve. Designation of the automated logic diagram (ALD) page on which this logic block is found. ALD page references, represented by the form xxnnn or xxnnx always appear as the bottom line of a block. FROM specifies the MAP that sent you here. ERROR DESCRIPTION identifies the sense bit(s) and defines error check conditions. References to different ALD pages for 50- Hz or 60- Hz operations use the form xxnnO/5. The number ending in 0 means a 60-Hz operation and the number ending in 5 is a 50- Hz operation. (For example, YB030/5 means ALD page YB030 for 60 Hz and YB035 for 50 Hz.) Where ALD page numbers have an x in the low order position, the x represents 1 through 9, depending on the input source. FRU LIST lists all known FRUs which cause the error, with the most likely FRU(s) at the top of the list. Most Probable Cause Indicates those cards which may cause the specific failure. Replace FRU(s) in the sequence specified. Examples of blocks representing three different types of FRUs. 6) gives a functional name of an FRU and its ALD page, Ggives a logic card location and its ALD page, and gives a functional name only. e Notes: Special information for the MAP. The Condition/Instruction column asks a question or gives directions. A junction in the logic path. Junctions are marked by black dots at the intersection of the lines. Crossed lines without dots do not connect. When a logic path divides at a junction into two or more parallel subpaths, replace the FRU(s) one at a time from top to bottom. For every "Yes" answer to a question, proceed to the Action column. For every "No" answer, go to the next sequence (sequence number). When an instruction does not ask a question, proceed to the next sequence. The Action column provides instructions to fix the problem. A line (always curved) that indicates continuation of a block at another place on the page. Follow the line and continue testing normally. Partial blocks are shown at each end of 'the continuation line for ease of reference, but the block appears only once in logic. Curved continuation lines also indicate continuation from one diagram to another on the same page. If a repair action does not lead to another sequence, do not try to continue following the MAP. This is the failing area of the machine. If the problem is not resolved, reconstruct the path and review the MAP. After exhausting a MAP and the problem cannot be identified, go to 00-030. Notes to indicate such things as voltages expected, references to other topics in the MAPs, or explanations of conditions under which pulses can occur. Notes are called out by numbers in brackets like this [1]. TYPICAL FLOW THROUGH MAPS If the answer to the question is yes, go to the Action column; if the answer is no or you are not sure of the answer, go to the next sequence. Optional MAPS also have the following format: Start at 00-101 Seq FROM: ERROR DESCRIPTION: FRU List or Most Probable Cause: Optional XXXX Notes: .. _Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq 1 Action Condition/Instruction ---- 3803-2/3420 ---- Condition/Instruction Action 1 Does a single tape unit fail? Analyze symptoms and go to 00-040. 2 Exclusive Sense or Symptom? Go to Map xx-yyy. 3 System available for OLTEP? Go to Seq 7. 4 Gather offline Sense. 5 Manual Sense Analysis 14-000 6 Go to MAP xx-zzz 7 Read only fails? Go to Seq 25. 8 Write/Read fails? Go to Seq 43. 9 If not: Go to MAP xx-yyy 10 Problem unresolved? Go to 17-800. MAP 00-009 has a quick index which can aid you in using the MAPs. If it does not locate the problem, restart on 00-030. 00-002 c HOW TO USE MAPS (Cont'd) 00-003 LINE LEVELS ACTIVE/INACTIVE/PULSING/SWITCHING TIMING CHARTS Line names and active levels are shown for all pins scoped. When provided, timing charts follow the MAP in a section and contain card pins and approximate timings for reference. Examples: A few MAPs do not follow any of these formats. -IBG means minus is active +IBG means plus is active Source pins of nets (not necessarily the pin being scoped) are listed in 20-XXX. The MAPs always assume correct levels and nominal rise and fall times. If a bad line is scoped, do not continue, but go to 20-XXX and locate the net, then trace it back to the failing point. STANDARD VOLTAGES Level (Y1Q2) SLD Device Interface Channel MST Back Panel Plus +6 +4.4 +4 to +1 .70v (active) -.61 to -.96 Minus 0 +0.5 (active) o to -1.57 to -2.35 +.70v MICROPROGRAM ADDRESSES To keep MAPS applicable to any EC level of microcode, only a few special hex addresses are used in the MAPs. In most cases Compare addresses and references to microinstructions are designated by the instruction's label or equate statement. LaC Object STMT Source 000000 000000 2FF5 .. Statement 973 STEP0001 EQU * 975 CHKRSTS BOC PWRRST, MODEREGS . The Branch instruction at address 000 may be denoted by CHKRSTS or STEP0001 in MAPs. Convert the label called out in the MAP by turning to the cross-reference pages located behind each microcode listing. Find the label listed under the "Symbol" column and then refer to the "Value" column for the associated hex address. 00-003 © Copyright International Busine•• Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 .) , \ . i -- !1 '" :J i \ • ~, - ~l "l '-." '\ \1 ,. l \.1 o o o o o o o c c o o 000 c c c c c c c c C· " HOW TO USE MAPS (Cont'd) - SENSE Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Attention Status Modifier Control Unit End Busy Channel End Device End Unit Check Unit Exception Bit 0 (8) Byte 0 Command Reject 15-020 (U) Byte 1 Noise 17-370 (U) (D) Bit 1 (4) Intervention Required 15-010 (U) ~ TU Status A 00-006 ~ Bit 2 (2) Bit 3 (1) Bit 4 (8) Bit 5 (4) Bit 6 (2) Bit 7 (1) Bus Out Check 15-030 (U) Equipment Check 00-006 (U) Data Check 00-006 (U) Overrun 15-040 (U) Word Count Zero 15-050 (U) Data Converter Check 15-070 (U) TU Status B 00-006 ~ Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Seven Track 00-006 Load Point 00-006 ~ Write Status 00-006 ~ File Protected 00-006 ~ SENSE BYTE Byte 13 VRC/ Envelope Check 17-220, 17-310 (D) 1600 BPI Set In TU 00-007 Write Trigger VRC 17-020 (D) Spare Loop Write To Read 00-007 Tape Unit Check 00-007 ~ Reserved For RPQ Write Tape Mark Check 17-180 (D) 10 Burst Check 17-050 (U) Start Read Check 17-070 (D) Partial Record 17-410 (D) Postamble Error 17-190 (D) Reserved For RPQ Write Current Failure 15-090 (E) ~ Dual Density 00-007 3420 Not Set To 1600 BPI 00-007 Model 4/6/8 00-007 Tape Bottom Left 15-090 Tape Bottom Right 15-090 ~ ~ MTE/LRC 17-110, 17-310 (D) Skew Error 17-160 (D) MP Hardware Error 00-007 (E) ~ Reject Tape Unit 00-007 (E) Tape Indicate 00-007 New Subsystem 00-007 New Subsystem 00-007 Seven Track Tape Unit 00-007 Lamp Failure 15-090 ~ ~ Load Failure 15-090 ~ Reset Key 15-090 ~ Data Secu rity Erase 15-090 Early Begin Read Back Check 17-100 IE) ID) SAGC Check 16-220 (E) Slow Begin Read Back Check 00-007 (D) Slow End Read Back Check 17-150ID) Velocity Retry / Restart 00-007 Spare Tape Control Unit Reserved 00-007 Spare 1 or 2 Track Correction 17-600 Velocity Change During Write 16-180,10) Channel Buffer Check START 1 CRC III 17-540, 17-590 6250 Tape Control 00-007 Spare Command Status Reject 16-160 (E) Spare Control Status Reject 16-210 IE) No Block Detected on Write/WTM 16-190 (E) Dynamic Reversal 16-200 (E) Tach Start Failure 16-170 (E) Spare Low ROS Panty/Low IC Parity on Branch Instruction 16-010 (B) ~ Hi IC/Br Cond/Hi ROS Register Parity 16-020 (B) ~ Microprogram Detected Hardware Error 16-060 (B) ~ Low ROS Panty/Low IC Parity on Branch Instruction 16-080 (B) ~ Hi IC/Br Cond Error / Hi ROS Register Parity 16-090 (B) ~ B Bus Parity Error ALUl 16-030 (B) ~ B Bus Parity Error ALU2 16-100 (B) ~ Spare D Bus Parity ALUl 16-040 (B) ~ Spare Spare Bus Parity ALU2 16-110 (B) ~ Spare Bit 5 (4) Bit 6 (2) Bit 7 (1) Tape Control Unique Identification (High Order Serial Number Digits) Tape Unit Unique Identification (High Order Serial Number Digits) Tape Unit Unique Identification (Low Order Serial Number Digits) Tape Control Features Tape Control EC Level Byte 18 Power Check/ Air Flow ~ Spare Spare Spare Byte 19 TU 7 Primed for DE ~ TU 6 Primed for DE ~ TU 5 Primed for DE ~ TU 4 Primed for DE ~ TU 3 Primed for DE ~ TU 2 Primed for DE ~ TU 1 Primed for DE ~ TU 0 Primed for DE ~ Byte 20 TU F Primed for DE ~ TU E Primed for DE ~ TU 0 Primed for DE ~ TU C Primed for DE ~ TU B Primed for DE ~ TU A Primed for DE ~ TU 9 Primed for DE ~ TU 8 Primed for DE ~ Byte 21 Load Rewind Button Pressed Left Reel Turning Right Reel Turning Tape Present Reels Loaded Load Rewind Load Complete Load Check Tape Unit EC Level Byte 22 Field Replaceable Unit Identification Byte 23 Field Replaceable Unit Identification (See Control/Command Status Reject) Notes: (B) Sets Bus Out Check when there are no other bits on in Sense Byte O. (D) Sets Data Check (E) Sets Equipment Check IU) ~ ~ ~ Sets Unit Check May change status between consecutive Sense commands TAPE UNIT SENSE BYTES Byte Velocity Check 16-180 (E) Br Cond Error ALU 1 16-050 (B) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Byte 0 Backward Not File Protect EaT BOT Write Status Start Unit Check Not Busy Byte 1 7- Track Write Current Fail Dual Density Alternate Density Mod 4, 6, or 8 011 = 75 ips 100=125 ips 101=200 ips Byte 2 Lamp Failure Left Col Failure Right Col Failure Door Interlock or Reset Key Data Security Erase Erase Head Failure Air Bearing Failure Load Failure Load Complete Load Check Byte 3 Byte 4 ~ o Bit 4 (8) Tape Control Unique Identification (Low Order Serial Number Digits) Byte 5 Microprogram Detected Hardware Error 16-130 (B) ~ Bit 3 (1) Tape Control Features Byte 17 P Compare/ C Compare 17-010 (D) Air Bearing Pressure 15-090 ~ Erase Head Failed 15-090 Bit 2 (2) Byte 15 Tape Unit Model Identification 00-007 IBG Detected 17-080 (D) Spare Backward 00-007 Bit 1 (4) Byte 14 Not Capable 15-060 (U) End Data Check/CRC 17-530 (D) Read/Write VRC 17-168 (D) Bit 0 (8) Byte 16 Track In Error 17-602 Byte 2 Byte 3 SENSE BYTE 13-23 Bit 0 SENSE BYTE Br Cond Error ALU2 16-120 (B) Byte 6 Byte 7 ~ High and Low Tape Unit Serial Number Air Flow Voltage Check High Order High Order High Order EC Level of Tape Unit Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Allows Read Bus and Tach Pulses (crease tape) Load Rewind Button Pressed Left Reel Turning Right Reel Turning Tape Present Reels Loaded Load Rewind 3803-2/3420 © Copyright c c 00-005 STATUS BYTE AND SENSE BYTE 0-12 STATUS BYTE c c 00-005 International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979. 1983 "L g 00-006 HOW TO USE MAPS (Cont'd) - SENSE SENSE BYTE BITS NOT DEFINED IN MAPs Sense Byte 0 Bit 3 - Equipment Check Equipment Check is set on a tape control connected operation when: 1. Bit 0 or 1 of sense byte 4 is set. 2. Bit 3 or 4 of sense byte 8 is set. 3. Bit 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 of sense byte 10 is set. 4. Bit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 of sense byte 12 is set if error occurred between presentation of initial and ending status and the command involved tape motion. TU Status Response to Initial Selection TU STATUS A# TU STATUS B# Off Off Non-cxistent Unit Check* Off On Not Ready Arm for Device End Unit Chcck* On Off Ready and not rewinding Clean Status *Unit Check is not signaled for a sense operation unless the sense instruction had had parity at command out time or a hardware error occurred (sense hyte II or 12) during initial selection. In the 2400 series, TU STATUS A and TU STATUS Bare lines from the tape unit. They do not exist in the 3803-2/3420 Subsystem; they are generated by the tape control from tape unit responses. Bit 4 - Data Check Data Check is set when: 1. End of Block is sensed before any data bytes are detected during a 6250 bpi or PE (1600 bpi) read or read backward operation. Bit 0 of sense byte 1 is set (noise). 2. Bit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 7 of sense byte 3 is set. 3. Bit 3 of sense byte 4 is set. 4. Bit 2, 4, 5, or 6 of sense byte 5 is set. 5. Bit 0, 3, 5, or 6 of sense byte 8 is set. 6. Bit 1 of sense byte 9 is set. 4 load Point Load Point is set when the selected tape unit is at the beginning-of-tape (BOT). 6 File Protect File Protect is set when the selected tape unit is in file protect status. For nine-track NRZI operations: Write or loop write-to-read (LWR) has bits 6 and 7 on. 1. Excessive leading or lagging skew in a given track(s) before data readout during read or write operations. 1. A single track and data check indicate the track in error. 2. Any valid pointers present when end of data is detected during read or write operations. 2. Bits 6 and 7 with data check indicate an uncorrectable error pattern. 3. Time sensor down (no data being read) on write operations. 3. Bits 6 and 7 without data check indicate normal operation. 4. Excessive leading or lagging skew in a given track(s) after data readout if a valid pointer is present on read operations only. For PE operations, sense byte 2 indicates the track(s) that are dead tracked due to one or more of the following: 1. Time sensor down (no data being read) on read or write operations. 2. Excessive leading or lagging skew in a given track(s) before data readout during read or write operations. 3. Excessive leading or lagging skew in a given track(s) after data readout if a persistent pointer is present during read or write operations. 4. Any valid pointers are present when end of data is detected on read or write operations. 5. Envelope check if accompanied by a persistent pointer or time sensor down during write operations. 6. Eight corrections in a given track without an intervening group of eight bit cells not needing correction on read operations only. SENSE BYTE 2 (TIE) This sense byte contains track in error (TIE) indicator bits set at the end of a read, read backward, write, or loop-write-to-read (LWR) command. Bits 1 through 6 Caution: For 6250 and PE operations, if a read/write (R/W) vertical redundancy check (VRe) is indicated (byte 3, bit 0)' the TIE byte is invalid or unreliable. TU STATUS A is set when an addressed tape unit is selected, ready, and not busy. 2 TU STATUS B Seven Track is set when the selected tape unit has the 7-Track feature. 5 Write Status Write Status is set when the selected tape unit is in write status. SENSE BYTE 1 1 TU STATUS A 3 Seven Track For 6250 bpi operations, sense byte 2 indicates the track(s) that are deadtracked due to one or more of the following: In read or read backward operations: For seven-track operations: During seven-track read or read backward operations, the track in error byte is used for tape unit sense level control. The values are: Bus Out 00 30 10 TIE TU 00 Normal - no read VRC error 80 1st read VRC error 40 2nd read VRC error 3rd error returns sense level control to normal and cycle repeats. TU STATUS B is set when an addressed tape unit is not ready. Assuming no outstanding device end status, bits 1 and 2 determine response to initial selection as follows: 00-006 © Copyright International Bu.ine,. Machine. Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 () , ." l.J o {} , l ,, \., f " ') \ I. c c c c c o c c c c o o c o c c c c c c c c C"- c· c c c c c c c c c c HOW TO USE MAPS (Cont'd) - SENSE SENSE BYTE BITS NOT DEFINED IN MAPs SENSE BYTE 3 Bit 5 - 1600 bpi Set in TU Set when the selected tape unit is in phase encoded (PE) mode. 00-007 Bit 7 - Velocity Retry/Restart SENSE BYTE 6 Present when: Bit 0 - Seven Track Tape Unit Set when the selected tape unit is a 7-track unit. This bit is never active for tape unit Models 4, 6, and 8. Bit 2 - Dual Density 1. Retry was necessary on initial Velocity Check on a write operation. 2. A single byte of noise occurred during a NRZI read delay. Set when the selected 3420 Model 3, 5, or 7 is capable of 1600 and 800 bpi operations or the selected 3420 Model 4, 6, or 8 is capable of 6250 and 1600 bpi operations. SENSE BYTE 9 SENSE BYTE 4 Bit 3 - 3420 Not Set to 1600 bpi Bit 4 - 6250 Tape Control Bit 0 - MP Hardware Error Set to indicate the mode of the tape unit in the following manner: Present when the tape control has the capability to read and write 6250 bpi code. Bit 6 - Backward Set when the selected tape unit is in backward status. Set whenever Microprocessor 1 (MP1) or Microprocessor 2 (MP2) hardware error occurs as defined in sense bytes 11 and 12. Bit 7 - Tape Control Reserved Bit 3 ON: Present when the tape control is in reserved status. Models Mode Bit 1 - Reject Tape Unit 3, 5, 7 800 bpi, 9-track NRZI Set if the selected tape unit dropped READY during execution of a tape motion command. 4, 6, 8 6250 bpi Bit 2 - Tape Indicate Bit 3 OFF: Models Set whenever the end-of-tape (EOT) marker is sensed during a forward tape operation. Mode 3,5,7 1600 bpi Bit 5 - Loop Write to Read 4,6,8 1600 bpi Set when the last command was a loop write-to-read (LWR). Bit 6 - Tape Unit Check Bit 3 is always ON for 7-track tape units. Bits 4 through 7 - Tape Unit Model Identification Indicate the tape unit model as follows: Set when unit check is present in the tape unit sense. Model 3 4 5 6 7 8 SENSE BYTE 5 Bit Bit Bit Bit 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Bit 0 - New Subsystem Is always zero on 3803-2/3420 subsystems. Note: This bit is not an error. 4 5 6 7 Bit 1 - New Subsystem SENSE BYTE 8 Is always present on a 3803-2/3420 subsystem. Bit 5 - Slow Begin Read Back Check Present only if Start Read Check (Byte 5, Bit 5) is ON and is used as a modifier for field replaceable unit (FRU) finding. 00-007 00-009 3420/3803-2 QUICK FIX INDEX INSTRUCTIONS: Determine if sense data is available. Use the sense analysis table and compare with the sense data presented. If there is a comparison, go to the MAP location listed. If there is a single tape unit failure, use the tape unit MAP location. If not, or if in doubt, start with the tape control MAP location. If sense data is not available, try to locate the symptom in the Symptom Analysis table, or go to 00-010. If sense data is available, try to locate the failing symptom in the symptom analysis table, then go to the MAP location. If in this index, or if the location given in this index fails to fix the problem, ALWAYS go to Section 00-010, Sequence 1 and follow the procedures given. SENSE ANALYSIS SUPPORT SENSE PRIME SENSE ° Byte 0, Bit Command Reject TAPE UNIT MAP PAGE Byte 0, Bit 7 Data Converter Check 15-070 Not Applicable Byte 1, Bit 7 Not Capable 15-060 15-060 Byte 5, Bit 3 ID Burst Check 17-050 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 SENSE ANALYSIS T APE CONTROL MAP PAGE T APE CONTROL MAP PAGE SUPPORT SENSE PRIME SENSE T APE UNIT MAP PAGE 15-020 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 0, Bit 1 Intervention Required READY Condition NOT READY Condition 15-010 15-090 15-010 2A/2B-OOO Byte 0, Bit 2 Bus Out Check Nothing Byte 4, Bit ALU hardware error 15-030 13-000 Not Applicable Not Applicable Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 6, Bit 1 Write Current Check 15-090 15-090 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 7, Any Bit Any Tape Unit Check 15-090 15-090 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 8, Bit 3 Early Begin Readback Check 17-100 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Meter problems 18-060 18-060 Picking/Dropping Records 15-200 15-200 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 8, Bit 4 SAGC Check 16-220 5B-OOO Power Checks 11-000 lA-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 lB-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 10. Bit 7 Velocity Check 16-180 6A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 6 B-OOO , Models 4, 6, and 8 Read Errors (a single permanent read error) Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 10, Bit Command Status Reject Byte 23, Any Bit FRU Byte - ALU2 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 10, Bit 2 Control Status Reject Byte 23, Any Bit FRU Byte - ALU2 16-210 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 10, Bit 3 No Block Detected on Write/WTM 16-190 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 10, Bit 4 Dynamic Reversal Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check SYMPTOM ANALYSIS ° ° 16-160 SYMPTOM TAPE CONTROL MAP PAGE Channel Interface Checks with ALU hangs or loops on CE panel 13-000 Not Applicable Not Applicable Load failures 16-160 T APE UNIT MAP PAGE 2A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 2B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Not Applicable 00-011 Reset Problems 13-000 Not Applicable Runaway Problems 13-000 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Tape Switch Problems 18-01 ° 18-010 Thread Failures Not Applicable 2A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 2B-000, Models 4, 6, and 8 Unload Failures Not Applicable 4A-000, Models 3, 5, and 7 4B-000, Models 4, 6, and 8 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Window Fails to go Down Not Applicable 4A-000, Models 3, 5, and 7 4B-000, Models 4, 6, and 8 16-200 6B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Window Fails to go Up Not Applicable 2A-000, Models 3, 5, and 7 2B-000, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 10, Bit 5 Tach Start Fail 16-170 16-170 Tape Motion and Rewind Not Applicable 3A-000, Models 3, 5, and 7 3B-000, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 11, Any Bit ALU 1 Hardware Error 16-XXX Not Applicable Byte 0, Bit 3 Equipment Check Byte 12, Any Bit ALU2 Hardware Error 16-XXX Not Applicable Byte 0, Bit 4 Data Check 14-000 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 0, Bit 5 Overrun 15-040 5A-OOO, Models 3, 5, and 7 5B-OOO, Models 4, 6, and 8 Byte 0, Bit 6 Word Count Zero 15-050 Not Applicable 16-21 ° 3803-2/3420 00-009 © Copyright ""\ '...., .". '\ V ~.'\ V International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979. 1980. 1983 r'\ \.~ n V ('\ r~ V V ;~ \..J 0 (-"\ V r~ V ,,,V ".'~ V .('\ \.,.1 {'\ \J '" 'l II "J \ J '\ 1 " ~ \..,1 ,< '\ \.1 < \ \1 '\ \,.1 .."'\I '\ \1 (\ ," ""\ "'; ~ \.I ("\ ,.I f\ U f\ ... .1 1",,\ ,~ ~'\ ,.s ¥ l '<. ..1 , J c c c c c c o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 3420/3803-2 SYMPTOM INDEX 00-010 Note: For information or assistance for use of the CE panel, refer to MAP 12-010. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq 1 Seq Condition/Instruction Action Seq 12 Do any of the following symptoms occur? If the machine is in the failing loop, perform steps a through h; otherwise, go directly to 13-000. 17 Note: Red light halts may occur with panel enabled and Control Check stop on when powering up the subsystem. Do not troubleshoot these symptoms. Action Condition/Instruction Is the problem definitely isolated to a single tape unit? If there are any doubts, interchange the signal cables with a tape unit that is working. Go to 00-040. 2 Is the TCU or drive hung in the failing condition? (AlUl or AlU2 not at 7FF) Go to Seq 4. 3 If not: Go to Seq 6. 4 Note: If error condition is still being held by subsystem, do not take tape control offline or reset system. Go to Seq 6. 1. Control Check red lights from running in Error Stop Mode (refer to 12-010). 2. AlU hang or loop (AlUl or AlU2 not equal to 7FF). Note: If either AlU fails to indicate 7FF and there are no apparent errors, either offline or online, the trouble may exist in the indicator circuits. If AlU 1 is incorrect, replace B2G2. If AlU2 is suspect, replace A2J2. These cards can be bad and the lamps test good. Be aware that an indicator failure may not be noticed, and, in conjunction with an actual machine malfunction, could make trouble diagnosis very difficult. Turn the Display Select switch to IC and display both AlUs with the AlUl / AlU2 switch. Are both AlUs at 7FF? 5 If not: Go to Seq 12. 6 Does the symptom indicate: Note: Problem is assumed to be in the communicator or switch. Go to 18-000 for 1x8. Go to 18-01 0 for all other configurations. 1. An access problem or 2. Device Busy 7 8 Is sense information available? Is there a permanent read error on a single reel of tape? Go to 00-011. Does the subsystem fail to power up, or is it possible the random failures may be due to power supply ripple or regulation? Go to 11 -000. If problem is not resolved there, return to Seq 10. 10 Does more than one tape unit run away? Go to 13-000. 13 Are there extra or missing interrupts? Go to 18-050. Go to 15-200. 14 Is there a usage meter problem? Go to 18-060. Is the subsystem picking or dropping records? Obtain customer's input and output tapes from the failing job. 6. Go to Seq 15. Note: AlU error in stop mode will destroy customer's job. Refer to MAP 19-000 for the card layout and functional package. 18 15 Is the system, or at least a partition, available for OlTEP/OlTSEP? Go to Seq 18. 16 Is the tape control available for offline analysis? Go to 12-000. Using the 6250 bpi prewritten tape run the read only diagnostics until the first error occurs. Go t~ Seq 20. Enter: r 01, 'xxx/3420/fe,ext=wz/' Repeat for tape unit of like mode or density to ensure that a single tape unit is not failing. Do tape units run without error? 19 Run 3420 section RO, WR after each failure in order to get sense analysis. Return subsystem to customer. Enter: r 01,'/3420ro,wr//' h. Referring to Section 12-010, function number 16, display the lSRs for both AlUs. Go to MAP 13-000. 9 11 5. If AlU failure is possible, Enable CE Panel, set ROS mode to STOP, and turn on control check stop. Try to get one failure in each AlU. Operating the Start or Step switch, step through several addresses and record them for AlU2. Then select ALUl with the AlUl / AlU2 switch and record several of those addresses. g. If AlUl is locked at IC address 301 or 302, go to Step h. and perform those actions; otherwise, proceed directly to MAP 13-000 without disturbing the failure. Go to 14-000 for manual analysis or run OlT Section RO, WR. 4. Go to 14-000 with sense and determine most probable cause. d. Set the AlUl / AlU2 switch to AlU2, display both Bus In and Bus Out, and record the Bus and Tags for the device interface. f. 5. Channel Busy. 3. Define failing paths. c. Turn the Display Select switch to HI ROS then lO ROS and record the Request and Busy indicators (lights 8-11). 4. Channel red light or channel error logout. While awaiting subsystem availability: 2. Define mode and byte count. b. Set the AlUl / AlU2 switch to AlUl, display Bus In and Bus Out with the Display Select switch, and record the Bus (lights 0-7) and Tags (lights 8-11) for the channel. 3. Wait time out or condition code error. Action 1. Define channel command word (CCW) chains. a. Turn the Panel Enable switch on, set the ROS Mode Switch to Norm, and operate the Set ROS Mode switch. e. Set the ROS Mode switch to Step and operate the Set ROS Mode switch. Condition/Instruction (Sense is stored and used automatically by ro,wr. section of test. Sense is cleared by 'ext=/: if manual entry of sense into rO,wr is used.) Does OlTs printout resolve the problem? 20 Run the 3420 write-read OlTs: Mount good scratch tape. Return subsystem to customer. Enter r 01: /3420/fe,ext=/' After error occurs, run section rO,wr as in Seq 19. Does OlTs printout resolve the problem, assuming failure occurs? 21 Did failure occur? Rerun write-read OlTs several times, trying customer's failing tape. Go to Seq 17 and attempt to determine the most probable FRUs. Go to Seq 22. 22 Did OlTs printout resolve the problem? Return subsystem to customer. 23 If not: Go to procedure specified by FRU printout or MANUAL SENSE, 14-000. Verify that offline sense matches OlT. 3803·2/3420 © Copyright International BUSIness Machines Corporation 1976. 1979, 1980. 1983 00-010 00-011 PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS Clean read/write head, cleaner blade, and capstan. Check -4 and +6 voltages. Degauss R/W and erase heads. When checking tape offline, be sure to read tape in both directions. Set the CE panel error check stop switches to the On position to allow display of pertinent error information. Tape will stop when a tape mark is read. It may be necessary to press START after the tape mark IS read, since there can be tape marks on the beginning of tape. If the failure cannot be recreated, log all available data for future reference. Include the following in the intermittent trouble log: 1. Address of tape unit on which tape was written. 2. Address of tape unit on which tape failed to read. 3. Tape reel number. 4. Console messages defining failure. 5. Error log output for the interval involved. In addition, ensure that proper error recovery programming is used, mode and density assignments are correct and tape cleaner blades are not worn out. Notify account manager of heavy oxide accumulation, worn tape, external sources of contamination, or any other factor detracting from tape reliability. Initiate corrective action with the customer. If the read failure occurs on only one tape unit, there may be a tape read problem on that unit. If only two tape units are checked, the tape Unit that does not fall to read the tape could be the one that wrote it. Try two more tape units to confirm your diagnosis. If more than one tape unit fails while reading a tape, a bad record is probably present. If the tape reads properly only on the Unit that wrote the tape, check that unit for proper mechanical skew and ensure the amp sensors are adjusted correctly. Retain the failing tape until you have identified the problem. Some conditions that could cause a single tape unit to fail to read a given tape are: 1. Incorrect amp sensor adjustment. 2. Dirty, trenched, or defective read/write head. 3. Damaged, dirty, or glazed capstan. 4. Contaminated air bearing ports. 5. High speed rewind plunger / autocleaner not retracted. 6. Faulty capstan motor. 7. Incorrect pneumatic adjustments. 8. Poor tape tracking. 9. Excessive mechanical skew. 10. Defective read head card. 11. Incorrect power supply voltages or ripple. 12. Slipping capstan. ,, Permanent Read Error ,, ,, ,, , " ,, , Customer cooperation is important when analyzin9 permanent read errors. Request customer to furnish the following: 1. Failing tape (ask customer to mark tape reel at approximate area of failure). 2. Address of tape unit on which tape was written. 3. Address of tape unit on which tape failed to read. 4. Job on which failure occurred. Yes ~ ______L -____ ~ Read tape on tape unit where failure occured. Tape Developing Procedure Yes Locate and mark failure with felt pen. Read tape on another tape unit. No Yes Go to 5A-OOO for Models 3, 5, and 7. Go to 5B-OOO for Models 4, 6, and 8. Develop tape. After developing the tape, it must be thoroughly cleaned prior to returning to service. Clean the tape with a clean cloth, dampened with water. Allow to air dry completely. A Purpose: Gives CE a way of visually examining information recorded on a section of magnetic tape. Materials Needed: • DevelopinQ solution (P / N 453522) "Low-tack' transparent tape (See Note 1.) • Piece of clear plastic (such as old microfiche card, loose-leaf page cover, etc.) • Felt-tip pen Flat surface (small table, etc.) which can be moved to area in front of tape unit • Lint-free cloth (P/N 2108930) dampened with water Procedure: • Mount failing tape, without cartridge, and read to error. This is done from 3803 CE panel (offline) or using "FRIEND" (OL T T0200A) or customer utility such as "ditto," etc. (online). • When failure occurs press reset on drive and open front door. While holding "cartridge-present" button pressed, manually bottom tape in right column. This shuts off pneumatics. • Open vacuum door and put small mark on bottom (non-oxide) side of tape on each side of R/W head. • Carefully remove enough tape to reach the flat surface. • Shake the developing solution, then immerse a small loop of the magnetic tape into solution (oxide side in). Use the felt-tip pen mark to determine suspect area. Rock tape back and forth two or three times being careful not to drag on bottom of can. • Remove tape from solution and allow liquid to evaporate while still rocking tape gently back and forth. • Tear off an appropriate length of transparent ta(!e and carefully press it onto the developed tape. Try to avoid air bubbles, etc. • Gently lift the transparent tape back off (peel it at an angle to avoid damage) and place on the clear plastic. • The plastic with developed image may now be viewed directly or under the microfiche viewer. Since the microfiche viewer magnifies X30 be sure to divide any measured distance by 30. • Clean the magnetic tape thoroughly using the cloth dampened with water. Allow it to air dry before rewinding and returning tape to customer for his cleaning procedure. Caution: Any foreign material left on the tape will damage the drives. Conclusions: Some of the more common problems which will be detected by tape developing are: 1. Partially erased records before an ERG. Usually caused by a glazed capstan. 2. Noise in gap (defective erase head, etc.). 3. Short gaps (indication of tape motion problem) 4. Damaged tape (oxide voids, etc.). See the following examples. Note: The use of any other than "low-tack" transparent tape is discouraged as it may remove oxide or leave adhesive on tape. • Lay tape, oxide up, on the flat surface and use a small piece of transparent tape at each end of developed area to hold in place. 3803·2/3420 00-011 :} o o o o ~ l \....1 o c o o c c c c c c c c c o co c ceo c c c c c c c c c c o c c c PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS (Cont'd) 00-012 Examples of problems found by developing tape are located on 00-013 and 00-014 No Yes Analysis of Damaged Tape Errors Tape damage at the point of a permanent read error is not necessarily the only cause of the error read. The block could have been written over previously damaged tape, correct machine operation and programming should have prevented this. Consider the following: 1. Can the machine detect write errors? 2. Does the program handle write errors? 3. Did most or all of the errors occur immediately following the last SYSGEN? Analyze the damaged area and its relationship to the adjacent blocks by developing tape. Try to identify patterns by analyzing several permanent errors. When developing tape, look for: Short Gap: A slightly shortened gap within one block of the damaged spot indicates a wnte error was properly detected but no erase record gap (ERG) was programmed. If backward creep occurred during several attempts to write at the same spot, the damage could move outside the block and eliminate the write error. The previous IBG may now be so short that the block cannot be read, or part of the preceding block may have been erased. Tape Damage in Erased Gap Area: If a Write error was detected and the tape has properly erased over the damaged area, check the ability of read routine to handle nOise blocks. Tape Damage at End of Block (Block Appears to be Too Short): A Write error was detected, but tape liftoff due to tape damage prematurely stopped the Backspace operation. An Erased gap follows the remaining partial block. A contaminated Read/Write head may aggravate this condition. Tape Damage in Beginning Zeros Burst (PE Onlyj: An undet~cted write error caused a permanent read error. ThiS error occurs on emulators where rewrite in place causes the block to creep forward until the damage is in the v~ry beginning of the block, which may prevent detection of the write error. Tape Damage in Ending Zeros Burst (PE Only): Occurs less often than preceding problem. The permanent read error occurs here during a read backward operation. Note: Errors in the beginning and ending zeros burst can be overcome if the program attempts to read the error block in the opposite direction. TalJe Damage Consists of Small Spot or Oxide Void in One or More Tracks: Defect may have occurred after tape was written. The tape control should be able to correct for a void within a single track. Run 3803-2/3420 OLTs, section G. Verify single track correction capability. Tape Damage in Middle of Data: Check the tape control ability to detect write errors. Check for unconventional programming. All the problems listed under Damaged Tape Errors can be reduced by convincing the customer to dispose of bad tapes. Well adjusted tape units, complemented by good programming, should run with few permanent read errors, even on damaged tape. Throughput may be greatly reduced, but failures should be temporary. Since permanent read errors can also result from damage after tape is written, emphasize careful tape handling. 3803-2/3420 00-012 PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS (Cont'd) Analysis of IBG in Developed Tape 1. A short interblock gap (lBG) is caused by tape slippage at the capstan, or a problem in the IBG counter circuits. 2. Tape slip (while stopging tape) can cause problems other than a short IBG. For example, when performing a write skip operation, the tape is backspaced over the defective area on tape, moved forward during ·an erase record gap operation, then moved forward again to write the defective record correctly. If the tape slips during the backspace operation (goes too far backwarcl. the write head may partially erase the previous record. (In 6250 moce the IBG is only 0.3 inches (7.6 mm) wide.) In the event that this problem is suspected, do the following: a. Develop a length of tape after ~erforming the above operation a number of times. The distance from one record to the next should be 3.9 inches, (99.0 mm). If the distance is 3.8 inches, (96.5 mm) or less, the tape has slipped and may have caused the previous record to be partially erased. This condition might be seen as a fuzzy area at the end of the previous record. b. Run diagnostic section 3420 W (OL Ts). This diagnostic indicates if tape is slipping: The readings should be as close to 0.301 inches, \7.6 mm) (6250 mode) or 0.6 inches (15.2 mm) for Models 3, 5, and 7 as possible. Readings very far from this standard could indicate glazed or dirty capstans. (See 85-004 for cleaning procedure,) Clean capstans and rerun diagnostics to verify fix. Diagnostic failures on Mocel 8 drives after cleaning may be caused by the vacuum hose disconnected from the capstan motor. 3. Information or noise written in 1GB. Several causes are: a. Erase head polarity reversed: Polarity is correct when top wire is a plus voltage with respect to bottom wire. Incorrect polarity can cause a single unwanted pattern in the IBG. b. Tape written on another manufacturers system: If tape causing errors was written on a non-IBM system, venfy amp sensors and skew adjustments. c. Op'en erase head: If the erase head is open, tape Will be erased in longitudinal stripes, with a hazy area between the wnte head tracks. 4. When viewing a tape block on the microfiche viewer, you may see extreme cases of bit packing, due to velocity variations while writing. 5. If phase encoded (PEl. examine the zeros bursts (the grey high frequency area at both ends of the block) and the ones marker (the first straight dark line through all tracks). The beginning and ending burst shoula be the same length. Partial blocks can be caused by failing IBG detection circuits or excessive lifting of tape from the read/write head. © 00-013 B _ Examine failing area of tape. Yes Repair cause of damage. No ~----------------~-----Scope failing block on line. Refer to decals on either 3803 or 3420 for possible scope points. o o o d. If amplitude appears lower in some individual tracks, check the drive that wrote or read this tape for a possible magnetized cleaner blade. See 08-390 for Cleaner Blade Gauss Check and Degauss procedure: e. If skew appears excessive, check the tape unit that createc the record for faulty capstan tracking and mechanical skew. If a NRZI tape unit check electrical skew and make sure that the movable tape guides are operating correctly. The tape guides will retract intermittently if the high speed rewind solenoid is faulty. Also a defective air regulator can cause air bearing pressure to fluctuate causing skew. f. Check the tape unit that created the failing record for a bad write card. If the failure cannot be analyzed by offline scoping, go to above. DO NOT ERASE TAPE UNTIL THE CV ERROR HAS BEEN DEFINED. c. Signal Dropout: A good technique for locating single track failures is to ground the read buses one at a time and observe the error indicators. If after brounding a read bus the only failure remaining is a dead track indication, that track is the one causing the error. If error records read correctly on other tape controls, the problem may be track alignment or a faulty card in the failing tape control. Figure 1. Signal Envelopes on Read Signal Dropout 00-013 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 o Scope Failing Block Offline Scope a permanent read error to locate the failure within the block and determine the cause. Proceed as follows with the tape control offline: 1. Locate the failing block. 2. Loop on the failing block: a. Read forward-backspace on forward read failures. b. Read backward-forward space on backward read failures. Note: The command sequence can be slowed down by increasing the go down time with the CE panel. This will reduce customer tape wear. 3. Double sync the scope by arming the sweep with the failing command and triggering the sweep with Read Condition. Display the entire block on channel A by scoping the device Bus In, digital data (any track). 4. On channel B, observe the error latch turn-on and its timing relationship to the entire block. Note: Be sure to observe the first error indication, and not an error resulting from the initial error. 5. Now that you know approximately where the error occurs, make a general analysis of the block, looking at all tracks for the following possible causes: a. Incorrect block format: Digital read data is generated in the 3420, so analo~ data must be scoped at the read card test POints at the front of the 3420 OV!ode!s 3, 5, and 7 only; and located on th~. rear of Mod.els 4, 6, and 8). While looping the falling record With the 3803, scope the failing recorc using a suitable sync in the 3420. b. Amplitude variations occurring at the beginning of the block (bit packing). See 5A-115 or 5B-025. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o u u o o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c co c c c c c c c c c c c c c c PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS (Cont'd) Scope Failing Block On Line Use the FRIEND program to scope permanent read errors online: Note: Don't use channel command word (CCW) chains. Reading the bad record breaks the chain. 1. Locate the failing block with the control unit offline. 2. Set up a program loop to read-backspace or read backward-forward space, whichever is applicable. 3. By altering the channel command word (CCW) byte count. the Command Out response to Service In will set the Stop trigger in the tape control at any byte chosen. Sync external on the Stop trigger to examine any portion of the block in detail. Note: Detailed observation of a PE block is difficult due to normal distortion of the PE signal and the high amount of skew the PE detection circuits can tolerate. Examine several tracks at comparable points, looking for noticeable differences in levels and waveforms. A record containing excessive Rhase shift is usually indicated by. multi-track error (MTE) or read write register (R/W Reg) vertical redundancy checks (VRC). Check the tape unit that wrote the tape for a possible defective write driver. Make same observations as stated in Scope Failing Block Offline, step 5. 00-014 c D Scope failing block online. Refer to decals on either 3803 or 3420 for possible scope points. No Yes Retain failing tape. If cause of the permanent read error cannot be determined, save the tape and any information gathered for use by branch office or area tape specialist. A permanent read error can cost the customer considerable reconstruction and rerun time, especially if the tape was written a month or more prior to the time of reading it. There should be no undefined permanent read errors. Prepare all reports accurately © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 00-014 PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS (Cont'd) 00-015 Figure 2. Tape Lift From: 00-011 The following pages are a guide to analyze the failing tape after developing. This page and 00-014 show some examples of tape related problems, but not all that could occur. Load POint '--_ _--''-- Note the partially erased bits Figure 1A. Magnetized R/W Head IL 5 Track Edge Load Point This tape lift came from a different customer account with the same tape problem. However, this failure indicated a permanent read error after the tape had been used at least once. This could be a big problem in most accounts if a master file has to be re-created. The magnetized heads will decrease the signal strength each time the tape passes over the heads. w"" H,,' D,,,",, Magnetlled Read Heads Early Begin Read·back Check Figure 3. Tape Lift While Writing A Tape Mark This error is a result of magnetized read heads. Notice where the read heads stop and where the write heads are degaussed. Figure 1A shows a failure that occurred while the customer was using the drive. If magnetized tools are used, or a resistance check is made on the head, be sure to degauss the transport before returning the tape unit to the customer. I I Tape lift causing a no beginning-of-record (BOR) write tape mark (WTM) equipment check. Notice the header label had no tape lift, indicating that the tape must have been dirty between the label and the tape mark, or possibly some debris came off the cleaner blade. Figure 1B. . •• ;·.'!··!i..•' .•'. ·l·····~·· ",.":: L Figure 4. Tape Slipping (dirty capstan) Read Head Stop Load Point After identifying the drive, another scratch tape was mounted and the same characteristics resulted as shown in Figure 1A. Load Point Figure 40 Zero = 0.007 in (0.18 mm). 1e. •• • II I Tape slip during turn· around following a backspace rewrite. The preamble is good. I I Missing last 0.025 in (0.65 mm) of record. Faint marks where head wrote over previous record and postamble. Customer is not keeping the capstan clean. Results after the transport was degaussed. 3803-2/3420 © :\ ~Jf :f\ '-.I 00-015 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 .\ V i"l '-I !'\ '-I I, f" V V f\ V .1 '. ..1 c, V ('\ V r\ V f~' V .f , . -, . V -! \....1 V .\ " , c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 00-016 PERMANENT READ/WRITE ERROR ANALYSIS (Cont'd) Figure 6. Contaminated Tape From: 00-013 Tape Indicate (TI) Oxide VOidSTl Contamination Figure 5. Creased Tape Error (237 ABEND Error) I -- ~Load = - - -- -- -= Oxide Two Write Tape Mark retries Isome tape cut off in example). I 11--...., -237 ABEND-Lost One Record Point Crease . ~ I ~I : i Writing in place, no BOR Write • ,--Damage to or foreign substance on tape. This IS the only write skip on tape Forced Error4th record J : : - ~ I 1600 bpI This tape was marginal before this error occurred. OXide VOids caused by contaminates sticking to the next wrap, contamination from the cleaner blade caused the failure illustrated. ' One record lost when compared to the trailer label count. This can be mistaken for one write error when the tape is created. It is actually caused by the tape crease. If the crease IS smoothed out, the count is corrected. Tape crease was caused by excessive capstan to stubby bar clearance. Figure 7. 7-Track Tape Lift or Defective Write Card 7·track Blls (Faint) Seven track tape lift, caused faint 7 -track bits. If the write head card is defective, nothing IS visible in this track. 00-016 q;z;;z. END OF CALL 00-030 From all MAPS Seq Always check for conditions in the order indicated by the Seq column. 15 Condition/Information Action Go to Action column. A. Recheck symptoms. Note: If a logic board has been replaced, refer to the following AlD pages to ensure that the logic board has the correct jumper locations: B. Reseat suspected FRUs (cables, cards, etc.) . • 3420-AlD A6106 • 3803-Start on AlD AA005 C. Review the sense information from OBR/SDR, OlTs or EREP. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Condition/Information Seq Action 1 Is the problem fixed? If cleaning the tape path fixed the problem check the condition of the cleaner blade (see 08-390). If unit is fixed return to the customer. 2 Is this the first time through this map on the original problem? Go to Seq 4. 3 If not: Go to Seq 15. 4 Check the voltages and ripple tolerances (see 08-570). Are they within specifications? Go to Seq 6. 5 If not: Adjust or repair as necessary. 6 Have any of the following ABEND messages been reported? Refer to 00-035 and review Possible Causes. If 00-035 does not fix the problem, return to Seq 7 on this page. 137 237 413 613 D. Review the following for possible fixes: 7 Is there a Read/Write problem? Go to Seq 9. 8 If not: Execute the failing command(s) using the tape control unit or OlTs. If this symptom is different reenter START 1; otherwise go to Seq 15. 9 Have the Read/Write head and the tape cleaner blade been degaussed? Go to Seq 12. 10 If not: Refer to 08-390 and do the degaussing procedure. Field Feedback (00-050) ·• Retain • Service Aids • ECA lists E. If problem still exists call for assistance. Return to Seq 11. 11 Did this fix the problem? Return the unit to the customer. 12 Has tape been developed as described on 00-011? Go to Seq 14. 13 If not? Follow the procedures starting on 00-011 and develop the tape. Return to Seq 14. 14 Run Ol Ts test 3420 BA, BB using Stress tape PIN 1848621 (Brach office tool). See 3420 OlT User Guide form number D99-3420A-6 or later for operating instructions. Go to Seq 15. Does the problem still exist? © 00-030 Copyright International BUSiness Machines Corporation 1976, 1979. 1983 o o o o o o o a o o o o .\ \. I f\ " ..1 t \ \.1 t \. I c c c o c c c c c c c o c c cc c ceo c c c c c c c c c o c c c c ABENDS-THEORV ABEND 137, 237,413,613, and 637 map be caused by missing tape marks and other conditions. (See charts). Missing tape marks are caused by: • Incorrect forward-backward ratio. Loss of signal amplitude causing a failure to recognize the tape mark. Excessive crosstalk, indicating that data is fed into a dead zone. Data on any track in a dead zone will prevent reading a tape mark correctly. Crosstalk is caused by: Defective write card • Defective read card 00-035 137/637 ABEND Machine Type Poor tracking. If tracking is out of specifications go to Capstan Dynamic Alignment. The drive that wrote or read the tape, or both, could cause crosstalk. If the failing tape is not available, write a tape on a working tape drive offline, and use that tape to check for crosstalk on the suspected failing drive. Possible Causes Machine Type Possible Causes 3803 Defective 01 A-A2N2 card. 3420 Defective T-A1C2 MST card. 3803 Defective 01 A-B2F2 3420 Defective T -A 1 H2 card 3420 Capstan tracking 3420 Defective T - A 1 L2 card 3420 \ Reading 6250 tape in 1600 mode. E/C 443890--not installed, autocieaner sluggish. 237 ABEND Machine Type Possible Causes 3420 Large tape creases detected as gaps (check stubby bar clearance). 3420 Short records (80 characters) falling within a tape crease. 3420 Tape edge damage. 3420 E/C 443935 (6250)-Fix for short gap verification during backspace after a write error caused by erratic tape motion, not installed. 3420 R/W head forward-to-backward ratio is out of specifications. 3420 Tape sticking. 3420 Dirty capstan. 3803 Missing Suppress Out, intermittently breaking channel command word (CCW) chain, updating the count but not losing a record. 3803 Defective 01A-B3F2 Inbound tag card XC700. 3803 ECA079-Unexpected interrupt with status= '00' from a non-two channel switch in multiple CPU 2X, 3X, 4X, installation. Defective R/W head • 413 ABEND 3420 Models 4, 6, 8 E/C 735817-Delay Ready after rewind to allow autocleaner to return, is not installed. 3420 Damaged tape at load point. 3420 Contamination on the Read/Write head, or the capstan is dirty / glazed. 3803 Defective 01A-A2D2 MST card or defective 01A-A2E2 MST card. 3803 Broken CCW chain without Unit Check. Run an I/O software trace for more problem definition. 3803 ECA079-Prevent busy in middle of CCW chain, not installed. 3803 ECAs 118 and 123 not installed. 613 ABEND Machine Type Possible Causes 3803 Defective 01 A- B2F2 3420 Tape tracking leaves a faint tape mark when existing files are updated because of overwriting the old EOF tape mark. The write heads are erasing the old tape mark. 3420/3803 UCW is plugged incorrectly. It should be plugged as shared. 3420 E/C 443935-Short gap engineering change not installed. 3420 Models 4, 6, 8 ECA073-Delay Ready after rewind to allow autocleaner to return, is not installed. 3420 Contaminated Read/Write head. 3420 Damaged tape at or near load point. 3420 Read /Write head forward-to-backward ratio not in specifications. 3803 Defective 01A-A2N2 card, extra tape mark. Defective 3168/2880 card, high speed buffer-data compare. OS/VS2 R017 PTF 70751 not installed. 3803-2/3420 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 00-035 NOTES: 00-036 00-036 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 o o o o o o o o o o o {) a o o o o o a o o o o c c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c C 0 C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c SINGLE TAPE UNIT PROBLEMS 00-040 From 00-010 Seq DANGER Allow fiber optics lamp to cool before checking, adjusting, or removing. 14 Condition/Instruction With a write enable ring in place, is the File Protect light on? Note: Inspect the fiber optics lamp. If lamp is not clear, clean or replace the lamp. (Turn lamp off for inspection). Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Condition/Instruction 1 Is this a visual problem? (Visual problems are defined as power checks, load failures, tape motion problems, rewind problems, unload failures, tape runaway, or window operation.) Go to Seq 9. Is this a meter problem: Go to 18-060. 2 Is the tape unit dropping READY? Go to 2A-000 for Models 3. 5. or 7. Go to 2B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 3 Is the tape unit picking or dropping records? Go to 15-200. 4 Is there a device selection problem, an erroneous Device Busy, or an abnormal system condition? Go to Seq 16. lA 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 © Go to 6A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 6B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Does the sense information obtained by any method (see Seq 5) indicate an error condition? Go to Seq 25. If not: Go to 5A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 5B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Go to Seq 11. If not: Go to 1A-OOO for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 1B-OOO for Models 4, 6, or 8. Go to 2A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 2B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Open the main machine door and pull the door interlock. Mount a tape and watch a thread and load operation. Also listen for audible indications of trouble. Does the tape unit thread, load, and become ready? Go to Seq 14. If not: Go to 2A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 2B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Copyright Int8rnatlona\ BUSiness Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1983 Action 29 Is Intervention Required (byte 0, bit 1) on? Go to Seq 51. 30 Is Not Capable (byte 1, Bit 7) on? Check that the failing tape was written at a density that the tape unit can read. If so go to 14-010 Seq 10. 31 Is 10 Burst Check (byte 5, bit 3) on? Go to 5A-OOO for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 5B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 32 Is Command Reject (byte 0, bit 0) on? Go to 15-020. 33 If not: Other sense bits which turn on Unit Check in the status byte, such as Bus Out Check or Overrun, are not single tape unit problems. Recheck symptoms and sense information. Go to 00-010. 34 Is Control Status Reject (byte 10, bit 2) on? Go to 6A-160 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 16-210 for Models 4,6, or 8. Using the field tester, observe forward, backward, high speed and low speed rewind, and start/stop operations. Do all operations appear to be normal? Go to Seq 18. 17 If not: Go to 3A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 3B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 35 Is Command Status Reject (byte 10, bit 0) on? Go to 6A-160 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 16-160 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 18 Are the unload and window down operations normal? Go to Seq 20. 36 Is Power Check or Airflow (byte 18, bit 0) on? Go to lA-OOO for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 1 B-OOO for Models 4, 6, or 8. 19 If not: Go to 4A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 48-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 37 Is Reject Tape Unit (byte 4, bit 1) on? Go to 15-090 for analysis of sense byte 7. 20 Is the reported problem tape runaway? Go to Seq 22. 38 Are any of the following bits ON? 21 If not: Recheck symptoms. This is a tape motion problem. Go to 6A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 6B-OOO for Models 4, 6, or 8. 23 With the tape unit unloaded, is the File Protect light on, and the Power Check light off? ·· · · T -A 1 H2 (Models 3, 5, 7) T -A 1 M2, K2 (Models 4, 6, 8) File protect switch Write enable relay card (located under right reel motor) Condition/Instruction Repair abnormal condition as indicated on 6A-OlD or 6B-150 and go to 00-030. 22 Is there an error from an OLT run indicating a tach parameter, tach asymmetry, start/stop, or interblock gap (lBG) and creep measurement problem? (OL Ts 3420 T -Z) Probable causes: Seq With the field tester installed, examine the loops in the stubby columns. Compare with pictures on 6A-OlD for Models 3, 5, or 7 or 6B-150 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Are the loops in the stubby columns abnormal? 16 Obtain sense information from LOGREC, OLT run (3420 A-ZL a console printout, or from manual sense operations at the tape control. (For manual sense operation, see 12-000.) Is the Load Check light on? 15 Action Seq Action 24 25 26 Description Scope tape unit 8US IN for all tracks. See 5A-l00 for Models 3, 5, or 7. See 5B -100 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Note: To be done in Write status. Is data present on tape unit BUS IN for any track? Go to 3A-140 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 38-140 for Models 4, 6, or 8. If not: Go to 5A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 58-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Referring to sense charts on 00-005, examine sense data to determine its validity. Look for bits that should always be on or off, such as tape unit serial number, EC level, and features. Next, look for bits that make no sense, such as end-of-tape (EaT) and load point both on, 7 -track unit and dual density both on, etc. Is the sense data valid? Go to Seq 27. If not: Be sure known LOGREC problems have been corrected with program temporary fixes (PTFsL then change T -A 1 L2, T-A1K2, T-A1K6 and T-A1M2. Recheck the symptoms. If conditions remain unchanged, examine cables to I/O tailgate (A2N2 - A2N4) for defects. 27 Is Equipment Check (byte 0, bit 3) on? Go to Seq 34. 28 Is Data Check (byte 0, bit 4) on? If tape errors are predominantly on read backward, go to 85-004 and do capstan cleaning procedure, then go to 08-240. If problem persists, go to Seq 47. Byte Bit Early Begin Read 8ack Check 8 3 Dynamic Reversal Error 10 4 Velocity Check 10 7 39 Is SAGC Check (byte 8, bit 4) on? Go to 5B-000. 40 Is Tach Start Failure (byte 10, bit 5) on? Go to 16-170, 6A-000, or 6B-000. 41 Is No Block Detected on Write WTM (byte 10, bit 3) on? Go to 5A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 5B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 42 Is the command in your failing CCW an Erase Gap or DSE command? Go to Seq 45. 43 Is ALU Hardware Error (byte 4, bit 0) on? This is not a single tape unit oriented failure. Recheck symptoms and go to 00-010. 44 If not: All Equipment Checks have been interrogated. Go to 00-030. 45 Is Noise (byte 1, bit 0) on? Go to 5A-OOO for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 5B-OOO for Models 4, 6, or 8. 46 If not: Go to Seq 43. 47 Is Velocity Change During Write (byte 9, bit 1) on? This is a tape motion problem. Go to 6A-OOO for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 6B-OOO for Models 4, 6, or 8. 00-040 00-041 SINGLE TAPE UNIT PROBLEMS (Cont'd) 48 Action Condition/Instruction Seq This is a data flow problem in the tape unit. Are any of the following bits on? Description Byte Bit WTM Check 5 2 I BG Detected 8 0 SAGC Check 8 4 R/W VRC 3 0 MTE/LRC 3 1 Skew 3 2 End Data Check/CRC 3 VRC/ENV Check Seq Condition/Instruction Action 49 Do you have any of the following bits on? This probably is not a single tape unit failure. Recheck symptoms and sense information on 00-005. Byte, Bit 4, 3 3, 7 Description Write Trigger VRC C or P Compare Go to 5A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 5B-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. Refer to the description of the sense information on 00-005. 50 If not: All Data Checks have been interrogated. Recheck symptoms and Sense information on 00-005. 51 Is Tape Unit Status B (byte 1, bit 2) on? Go to 2A-000 for Models 3, 5, or 7. Go to 28-000 for Models 4, 6, or 8. 3 52 Is the Online/Offline switch set to the Offline position? Set switch to Online and go to 00-030. 3 4 53 6 1 Is the Enable/Disable switch at the tape control for the failing data path set to the Disable position? Set switch to Enable and go to 00-030. Write Current Fail Erase Head Fail 7 5 54 Start Read Check 5 4 Exchange signal cables with another tape unit to determine if the problem is in the tape unit. 55 Early Begin Read Back Check 8 3 Does the problem stay with the original tape unit? Slow Begin Read Back Check 8 5 Slow End Read Back Check 8 6 56 If not: Change in order: 1. T-A1L6 2. T-A1L2 If not fixed, go to ALD FT910 and check the pick of the online relay. Check the signal cable to the failing tape unit for opens or shorts. If no trouble is found and entry was from 00-010, Seq 1A, return to 00-010, Seq 2. Otherwise, there is a communicator problem in the tape control. Go to 18-000 if there is 1x8 (selection logic). Go to 18-015 if this is a device switching problem. 00-041 © Copynght InternatIonal Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 ,l * \ . .J t'l 'flo.,; -- :l 'fl '"'-" t l ~ f\ '-' (l '" t \ "6 '-" .: fl ,"",,# ~l ... , fl f:l '"' " . ...., '" " -! \ .. '-' ·,i,.. \ : \ '4;..,1 .. f\ ''-.' ~) .t ... '4.,.' (" "" '-' . t\ '" '.I' 7\ '"' D ,\ . ~ 'I.. f""\ U .• . a 1ft.J I) " t \ 1ft.' t'\ ,-, n , .f ,-, 4- I ,", o c o o c c c o c c c c c c c ceo c c c c c c c c c c c c o c 00-050 FIELD FEEDBACK CONTENTS 3803 Error 3420 Errors This section contains information which fixed ,3803/3420 problems in the field. The fixes listed have not been verified and are not eligible tor suggestions. The data bank may contain other symptom/fix information not included here. ALU Address Stops Adjustment 00-055 ALU1 ALU2 Bobble, Bottoms 000 000 BOT/EOT 7FF 7FF "Hangs" after Rewind. Power reset card J 1/ J2/ B2C2. 301 000 Microprogram Check. A2N2. Backspace Capstan Command Status Reject 3803 Errors ALU Address Stops 301 Dropping Ready 301 Equipment Checks File Protect CE Panel IBG Data Checks Intervention Required Device Ends 00-051 Meter File Protect Power Supply "Hangs " Program 00-052 00-058 Microprogram Detected Error Rewind Mode Set Tape Damage 00-053 "Hangs" on Select to any tape unit. B2E2/B3H2. C Compare error. A1S2. "Hangs" on Select to any tape unit. B2E2/B2C2. N RZI read errors. A2H2. Cannot access tape unit. B2C2. 3BO 000 D Bus parity error on reset. A2T2. 3BO 000 High IC Microprogram Check. A2H2/B2L2. B Bus B Bus parity errors. A2P4. Bus Out Bus Out parity errors. A-B2C2. Bus Out Check with parity bit bad. Loose card at B2S2. CE Panel CE Panel ROS Step Mode multiple steps. Reset/Start or Step switch. Cannot enter data from CE panel. A1T2. Cannot access tape units from CE panel. A1R2. Channel Interface Channel errors on other channel device. A 1 B2 board connectors have a tendency to spread causing Intermittent floating interface lines. Data Check Happens on a single tape unit. A 1 L2 in tape unit. Reel Flanges Losing Tape Mark A2P3, B2K4. Read Problems Reel Dnve Intervention Required Noise 00-057 Not Capable Equipment Checks 000 302 Load Checks Drive Access 000 301 302 303 301 302 303 "Hangs " Channel Interface Interface Control Check 00-056 Erase Gap Bus Out Diagnostic Errors 3803/3420 Drop/ Pick Records 00-050 B Bus 00-059 Tape Dump Tape "Runaway" Overrun FRU/Fix Symptom 00-060 Power Supply Unload Vacuum Columns 3803 Multi-Track or Envelope Checks. MTE and ENV Check With ripple on 6v. 6v Bus cable burned. Program Halts. Abends. Messages VelOCity Checks MTE Check. Clogged air filter. ENV Check with a 4v ripple. Bad connection on power supply braided cables. Read Reset Shifting Byte Tape "Runaway" Velocity Write Errors Write Tape Mark 00-054 Power Window Write Errors Write Tape Mark MTE and ENV Checks with 6v ripple. Bus cable from output of T1 to 6v supply. Temporary read or write errors. MST card gate filter dirty. 00-061 Tools and Test Equipment Device Ends Losing Device Ends. -4v adjustment in 3420. Losing Device End With noise on voltage. Meter card, part 0372688. RC network across RR1. See 3420 logic ZT001. Lost Device Ends. 01 A-B2F2, 01 A-A2K2. Lost Device Ends when the tape unit is made ready. T-A1H2. Lost Device Ends on multiple tape units. 01A-A2R2. Lost Device Ends on all tape units. T-A1L2. 3803-2/3420 00-050 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) 00-051 Symptom 3803 Error FRU/Fix 3803 Error Diagnostic Errors 3803/3420* See Table Following 3420 Section Drive Access Cannot access tape units on Interface B or get CC3. Without EC733814-B2S2. With EC733814-B2R2. Cannot access tape units. Communicator cables not 48 pin (full pack) Select wrong device. A2R2 Cannot access tape units offline. A1R2. Cannot access tape units ALU2 at OCB A2D2. No Device End from tape units 4-7 after Rewind. A2T2. Will not run offline. A1R2. Cannot IPL from any tape unit. 01A-A2R2. When one tape unit of a subsystem gives Intervention Required (Not Ready) after a multi-reel tape operation, then that or any other tape unit accessed by the 3420 receives Equipment Check. (Take tape units physically offline, one at a time.) T -A 1J2 in one Model 3, 5, 7 tape unit. 3803 would not perform any command and ends up in 301. "Hot" bit 8 in tape unit address. A-A1R2. 3420 Velocity error. One 3420 failed on T3420C, T3420G, T3420K, etc. Example: Received message AG213, AG214. Only one tape unit failed on OL Ts. A-A2E2. File Protect Sense byte indicates file protected, but lamp on tape unit is off. Tape switch crosspoint card for failing tape unit. False file protect and bad sense data. 01A-A2K2, 01A-B2F2. "Hang" System "hang" or missing mounts on OS Release 19.0, 19.6, 200, or 20.1. PTF 44800. CPU "hangs" in Test I/O loop or system loop on DOS 27. APAR D00183. Channel Bus In Check on IPL. Service grounds for Channel B on B2 board missing. See ALD ZV002 and ZV003. System "hangs" in wait state when uSing 4x 16 configuration. "Hang" is result of continuous interrupts from 3420 with Unit Check alone in Status. A-A2D2 or A-A2P4. Tape job "hangs". Test I/O from 2860 channels to each of four 3420s in a 4x16 configuration shows that on three control units, Busy is received and on the fourth control unit a Unit Check is received. Interrupt returns on the second Test I/O to that tape control. A-A2P4. Equipment Check Symptom "Hang" (Conrd) FRU/Fix DOS Program "hang". If caused by Load Check on tape, add wire from H2U12 to H2U08 to disable Load Check. See ALD FT116. If caused by mounting non-compatible or file protected tape, apply PTF 360N-453-0-0074 if Release 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and PTO equal no. If Release 22, 23, 24 and PTO equal yes, apply PTF 360N-453-0-006. If Release 25 and PTO equal yes, you should not have a problem. Releases earlier than 22 can get PTF and adapt it to their specific release. 3803, 3420 with Two Channel Switch, MIS, "hangs" 2065 with 7080 Emulator. After giving a Rewind Unload, the system "hangs" with a contingent connection. Patch Emulator program as follows: Address - 1630 Label - E10TATTN Verify 9180 0044 (Patch area) Replace With 47FO F7AC (Branch to patch). Address Enter 1 DBO 9126 0044 1DB4 4710 F7BC 1DB8 9180 0044 lOBC 47FO F030 1DCO 950F 1006 1 DC4 4770 F7B4 lOC8 100F 9500 lOCC 4770 F7B4 10 DO D20B F7FC 0040 1DD6 4130 F7F4 1DDA 5030 0048 1DDE 4840 1012 lOE2 9COO 4000 1 DE6 D20B 0040 F7FC 1DEC 9834 0198 1 DFO 47FO F7B4 1 DF4 0700 0700 1 DF8 0401 EOC 1DFC 2000 0006 The addresses chosen for the patch are a blank area in storage: they can he "nywhere in storage. 3803-2/3420 © .' l ." ,,'"\ ,j 00-051 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 "\ \,.1 f") '-, ~') ,J f\ \~, "" 0 f"\ ,,"\ \."; r\ '-' .f) '-' 3 '" l ......., ~ . ~ . t) \ .... 1 t'l ,.I ""l \...J <1", ,-", .t\ ,"J D ~l '-'" a . fl '-' '-' f\ ."') 'to.' !) ....., fl '''' fl '-.1 a .. ;l '" - ' a () tJ :1 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 00-052 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) "Hang" (Cont'd) FRU/Fix Symptom 3803 Error DOS program "hang up " If tape subsystem configuration is 2x, 3x, or 4x, Device Switch and DOS use alternate path. A program loop between the two paths can occur with each indicating Device Busy. APAR D15811 ASP program "hang" or walt with a 2x. 3x or 4x switch configuration and alternate path. ASP APAR PA4886 Failure has occurred when tape configuration IS 2x, 3x, or 4x with Two Channel sWitch and program uses alternate path. The program "hang" or walt usually occurs during an I PL and tape units are not Ready. Indications are Device Busy on one channel and an unexpected Device End Interrupt pending for the same device (ALU 1 at 302) on the other channel. Error could also occur in a non-switching configuration as unexpected Device End interrupts. A-A2D2. DOS R260 APAR D17922. IPL in hard stop mode gets a CPU I/O System Check light and message "OT121" unrecoverable channel error. A-A 1 R2. Two Channel Switch "hang" on both CPUs when a Rewind Unload command is issued to one tape on the first host of the 2x 16. Non-standard label routine contained a chained backspace record· NOP which backspaced over a tape mark and caused Unit Exception to break the chain. "Hangs " channel and fails T3420B With invalid Forward Space File. A-B2C2. "Hang" with no response. B2K4. "Hangs " Al R2. channel Address Out, Select Out. 3803 Error Loose 4v supply terminal connection. There are bolts with two nuts. One nut fastens the bolt to the printed cirCUit board and the second nut clamps the power cable to the bolt. The first nut In one case was not tight and the second nut was tight so the connection appeared tight. but was not and thus gave highly Intermittent problems. 3803 "hang" due to nOise. See 3420 ESD. "Hang" with Busy - DOS. APAR DOO183. "Hang" with ALU 1 loop OD4 - OD8. A2L2 "Hang" gives Unit Check only. A2D2 of A2P4. "Hang" on Mode Set and also fails on open and close. EC733834. "Hang" on IPL. Tape switch logic card for subject tape unit. "Hang" ALU1 at 3FF and ALU2 at 1 FF. A2P4. FRU/Fix Symptom "Hang" (Cont'd) I nterface Control Check With Device Switch sometimes "hangs" or loops if one channel has Unit Check or Busy. Other channel cannot access tape unit. "Hangs" system. c Continuous Interrupts. A-A2D2 and A-A2E2. "Hangs" after a mount message. A-A2D2. "Hangs" in a software loop. A-B3H2. System "hangs" With I FCC. A-A2K2. Multiple tape units "hang" busy on a 3x16. A-A2D2. Unexpected Interrupts. T-A1L2. DISCONNECT IN becoming active causes Interface Control Checks Jumper In 3420 was changed from 370 Mode to 360 Mode. See Installation Section. 2x8 SWitch With two CPUs. A-B3D2. I FCC and loops. A-B2E2. In Tag Checks on a 3155/3168 A-B2S2. System "hangs". A-A2K2. With a NOP command. A A2D2. 3x16 configuration. System 2 and System 3 both work correctly with all 16 3420s. System 1 gives Intervention ReqUired messages for tape units which to not require intervention. A-A2E2 In 3420 for System 1. Cannot disable the 3420 when the meter SWitch IS turned off. Meter continues to run and customer can stili access the tape unit. A-A2R2. LOSing Tape Mark LOSing tape mark on multiple data sets with 3x16 configuration. When the second control unit presented DeVice End and Channel End, the Command Chain (WTM, WTM, BSB, BSF, FSF) to the first control unit was broken before FSF. Therefore, the next Write command erased the tape marks. Tape SWitch logic card. Microprogram Detected Error Microprogram detected error - MTE and Envelope Check. A-A2T2. ALU 1 microprogram error light. 01A A2P4. 3803/3420 failing to set N RZI. A-A2M2 plugged wrong. See Installation Section. Intervention ReqUired Mode Set . 00-052 4 00-053 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Symptom FRU/Fix Noise caused by electrostatic discharge (ESD) may cause the ALU clock to stop. ALU High and/or Low IC errors, Bus Out Checks, and false 3420 Machine Resets. ESD is usually caused by environmental conditions such as low humidity or type of floor. 1. Close and properly latch all covers. Make sure cable shield is installed on cable between 3803 and 3420. 3803 Error Noise 3803 Error Symptom Power Supply (Cont'd) FRU/Fix CB17 trips. Wired for wrong line voltage. -4v supply. Cannot adjust -4v or -4v low and unregulated. Remove -4v leads from TB1-6 and TB1-8. If -4v comes up to good level, when holding dc Reset switch, Power On Reset card in 6v supply (part 0375382) is defective. Trips CP19. The ac relay board (part 2521483) has a defective diode or K7 relay coil shorted. 4v missing. Transformer in dc supply. 2. All covers must be closed and latched. 3. Signal cable between 3803 and 3420 must be grounded at both ends. 4. EC733819 ECA010 provides a rubber roller and brass frame door springs. 5. EC733823 3803 ECA013 adds a hinge at green ground wire between right side cover and machine frame (serial numbers below 11117). 6. EC733841 3803 ECA036 installs tie down jumper assembly 2520942 from A2H2S10 to A2H2S06 and from B2H2S10 to B2H2S06 to correct high and low IC errors. Program Halts, Abends, Messages 7. EC734281 3803 ECA042 prevents false machine resets due to a noise surge from the power-on-reset card in the +6v supply. 8. EC733844 3803 ECA047 prevents system "hang" due to the ALU clocks being stopped and Bus Out Checks. Overrun Overrun and 360 Model 50 Master Check with 3420. Check ROS retry adjustment on the Model 50. Power Supply Cannot adjust the 4v supply. 1. Neutral lead to transformer burned off but cover held the lead so tight that pulling on it did not show it to be loose. 2. Poor connection from heat sink to Pin A of 4v regulator card. Add a jumper between heat sink and Pin A if unable to locate cause of high resistance. Will not power up. Wiring error. Wire from A3 TB1-6 to A2 TB1-6 was connected to heat sink on A2 instead of TB1-6. +6v output at + 12v. Input to the A2 supply on YF031 had transformer wires 10 and 11 shorted together. 3803 powers up, powers down, ALU 1 or ALU2 errors, "hangs", clock stops, tripped circuit breakers. 1. Check all power supply components, capacitors, terminal boards, P.tc. for loose screws, cables shorting to frame, etc. Vibration may help. CP17 trips. -4v supply. Cannot adjust the 6v supply. Defective 6v overcurrent card. CP14 trips on power up. Defective capacitor at 01 A-A2A2. Abend 237, block count incorrect, drop records. OS Release R207, APAR P60574. When writing new tapes, volume label is sometimes written, but HDR1 and HDR2 and tape mark are missing (aS Release 20.7). APAR P44800. as Abend 613, missing mounts or Device End problems. These problems can be caused by not having the CPU UCW plugged properly·. Getting Not Operational message on 3803 with Two Channel Switch which has one channel not used and terminated at CPU. 3803 was SYSGEN as Simulated Tape Adapter Unit because of previous 2804 on system. Message prints out for primary path but failure was on alternate path which was no longer there. Abend 237, block count error. Two Channel switch generated in as incorrectly and two channels were both accessing the same tape unit. After a tape is mounted and system tries to write the label message printed at console (I/O Error) and tape unloaded when using HASP. A-B2M2. as abends with 613, positional errors, when trying to Space File on a multi-reel file. Abend is a positional type error. Channel End is missing from status. Failed only if more than one job was running on tape. 1. UCW for the 3420 in the 3155 was not plugged. 2. Channel A - A-B2S2/ R2. 3. Channel B - B2R2 with Two Channel Switch feature. 4. APAR 56478. 2. Check for defective capacitors, regulator cards, A 1, A2, power boards. Block count errors, DOS 27. APAR AD00186. Lost bytes or garbled data from tapes. A-B2L2, A-B2M2. False End of File, EOF/EOV. Crosspoint card in tape switch. 3. Shorted capacitors may cause circuit breakers to trip. 4. Power drop can be caused by a vibration sensitive K4. 5. Check voltage supply outputs for proper level. Be very critical of -4v supply. 6. Make sure input voltage matches machine requirements. 7. Check R2 through R7 leads soldered to power boards for tips shorted to land patterns. 00-053 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 o !l '-' o fl "-" o fl '-' !l " fl "-" fl " () (] c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c c c c c c c c c c FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) 3803 Error Program Halts, Abends, Messages (Cont'd) 00-054 FRU/Fix Symptom Rewind Unload problem. Rewind Unload Issued to multiple tape units at load pOint With MIS feature rewinds the first tape unit and the rest will not rewind either on or offline when using Model 50 Standalone 1410 Emulator program. 3803 Error Write Errors Patch Emulator program For 360-EU-728 S/A 1410/7010 343C 47FO, 2760 47FO, 2760 3450 2760 9106, 0044 4710,07C2 48EO, 003A 4510,OEBE 47FO, 07C2 47FO, 2760 Write Tape Mark Symptom FRU/Fix Creating bad tapes as If Backspace and Erase are not working properly. OS R21.6 APARs P63263 and P60988. Write errors offline. Constant interrupts from all tape units that were READY. Device End and Busy on Initial Selection. Cannot write to tape unit offline. No error lights. A2E2. Write errors. A2E2. Loses first byte of data on a Write. Defective A- B2 L2. Missing tape marks when the tape is created. Address of the 3803 was not plugged In the UCW cards In 3155. Following patch IS for 360-EU-726 SI A 1410/7010 Emulator on 360 Model 50: 01230 3720 372E 373B 3740 3748 477E, F720 9106,0044,4710, 07CE, D20B, 0670, 0040 D203, 0048, EA44, 48AO, 003A 9COO, AOOO, 472E, F738 9DOO, AOOO, 472E, F740 D20B, 0040, 0670, 47FO, 07CE This Insures a Sense Op IS issued after every Unit Check. Message OP19D, undetermined error 01A-B2E2. Cannot access any tape units. 01A-B2Q2. Unexpected interrupts. T-A1L2. Read incorrect data to CPU with no errors. A2R2. Fails to read backwards. 01A-Y1H2. Power On Reset 4FF, General Reset 377, ALU1. Missing feature Jumper on card at 01A B2D2. See A-A010 and A-A 131. Power On Reset failing. ALU 1 "hanging " at OAC and OA3 after power up. Open wire between 01A A2K4B10 and J12 In 6v supply. Reset "hang". Power On Reset card. No Power On Reset. -4v supply. Shifting Byte Data on tape shifts one byte from one record to the next with no error indication. Noise caused by other equipment manufacturer display unit. Tape Runaway Tape runaway on Write. A2N2. All tape units runaway when writing. 01 A-A2L2. Tape runaway when writing. 01A-Y1F2. False velocity change during Write. A1S2. Read Reset Velocity 3803-2/3420 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 00-054 00-055 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Symptom 3420 Error Adjustment Cannot make threshold adjustment. FRU/Fix 1. R/W head skewed. 1. Leaking right reel piston assembly. 2. Transfer valve leaking. Capstan motor. 3. Vacuum switch failure. T-A1F2 (Models 3,5, and 7 only.) 4. Loose hoses to switches. Tape bottoms in left column when forward, in right column when backward. Power interface board regulator card (modified power supplies only). 5. Defective air pressure regulator or reel hub pressure switch. Bobble in either column. 1. K2-3 relay point. 6. Faulty air bearing switch. 2. T-A1L2. Backspace Tape unit will not do consecutive backspace blocks. Backspace block failure. Bobble, Bottoms FRU/Fix Symptom 3420 Error Dropping Ready (Cont"d) Caused by vacuum. 2. CR 1 (5214324) on reel motor control board. 7. Pneumatic pump, hoses, belts, pulley. 8. Vacuum column manifold leaking. 9. Vacuum column door leaking. Some known causes are: Tape bobbles in right column. K 1-7 on left reel board. BOT/EOT False BOT indication. Rewind plunger stuck (Models 3, 5, and 7 only). Capstan Capstan squaring adjustment has limited range or appears to drift. Replace fiber optic lamp. a. Vacuum column door out of adjustment. See Section 08-000. Command Status Reject Command Status Reject. 1. T-A1L6. b. Improperly installed air bearing. 2. T-A1H2 (Models 3,5,7). c. Reversed door glass. Lower left corner of door (viewed from vacuum side) should be sandblasted. If sandblast is on right side, glass is reversed. 3. T -A 1 M6 (Models 4, 6, 8) 4. +6v power supply capacitors. Drop or Pick Records Record count incorrect. 1. Degauss tape cleaner blade. Miscellaneous 1. Capstan area. Adjust squaring pulses. Check solder connections on tach card and capstan board. 2. Reel Tach. Check for binding or dragging on foam rubber filler on top of vacuum column door. 2. Read amplifier card. Dropping Ready Caused by power supply. 1. Loose terminals on power interface board, fuse detect and EPO cards, power supply capacitors, and terminal boards. 2. Loose fitting fuse holders. May cause unloading in middle of job, power checks, equipment checks, or solenoid chattering. 3. Dirty EOT /BOT reflective sticker. 4. Select lamp partially shorted. 3. Fuse detect card. Relay control card (90,000 series tape unit.) 5. Noisy Online/Offline switch. 6. Left reel motor. 4. -4v regulator card. 7. Manual status card. 5. +6v regulator card. 8. MST Al B2. DROPS READY when going into high speed rewind. 9. MST A1G2. DROPS READY on start/stop writing from tester (Models 3, 5, 7 only). 6. Power interface board. 7. K 1 contactor arcing. 8. Power interface board. 9. Loose fuse 3 on modified power supply. 10. Write driver. Fails on Start/Stop Write. 11. Cable rubbing on solenoid control relay. 12. Dirty air plenum filter. Gives momentary power check. 13. One side of 4.5v ac line to fiber optics lamp grounded. 14. Stubby bar loose. 3803-2/3420 00-055 © Copyright International Business MachInes Corporation 1976. 1979 - n c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 00-056 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Dropping Ready (Cont'd) FRU/Fix Symptom 3420 Error Miscellaneous (Cont'd) 15. MST A1J2. DROPS READY during write operations. 16. Faulty ac input power to tape unit. Check all three phases. 17. Loose latch assembly at rear of right reel drive motor. If loose more than a few degrees, tighten or replace anti-rotation screw. 3420 Error Erase Gap File Protect "Hangs" 20. T-A1M2. Equipment Checks Equipment Checks and Data Checks. Equipment Check on Mode Set. Equipment Checks reading header label. Equipment Check and velocity checks. Equipment Check on Write Tape Mark. 21 T-A1D2. 1. Dirty capstan surface. 2. High speed rewind solenoid leaking (Models 3, 5, 7 only). 3. BOT voltage. 4. Power supply interface board (may DROP READY also). 5. T-A1L2. 1. T-A1H2 (Models 3,5,7). OS ERASE GAP-CONTINUE when customer uses tape. A block count error occurs. FRU/Fix 1. Read amplifier. card. 2. Degauss tape cleaner blade. 3. R/W head. 18. Cartridge open switch failed to make. 19. File Protect RelilY defective. Symptom File Protect message with ring installed. PIN 360/S-DM-508-894 P44800-AB-ABEN D-OCX. False File Protect indication. T-A1L2. Solid File Protect failure. Low air pressure. Tips of hoses were stretched. Tape will not move. -4v regulator card. Intermittent missing mounts. Customer mounts tape and makes unit ready but nothing happens. When the unit is varied online, it runs. -4v out of adjustment. System hangs in wait state. OS would not Issue mount message nor rewind unload tape at end of job. IBG Short IBG. 1. T-A 1 K4 (Models 3, 5, 7). 2. T -A 1 K6 (Models 4, 6, 8). 1. T-A1 F2 (Models 3, 5, 7). 2. Capstan motor. 3. Reference plate loose. Intervention Required Intervention Required with unit Ready, not File Protected, Unit Check, and Status A and B off. 1. T-A1G2 (Models 3,5,7). 2. Fuse detect card. 2. T-Al M2 (Models 4, 6, 8). 1. T-A1H2 (Models 3,5,7). Tape hangs across top of columns, then suddenly loads by itself. 2. T-A1M2 (Models 4,6,8). Tape dumps in right column during load. Adjust vacuum column door. 1. Fuse 2 holder. Tape loads in right column only. Vented left column restrictor out of adjustment. 2. A-A2E2 in 3420. Load Check after failing to wrap on left reel. 1. Capstan motor. Temporary leader stuck on the end of tape was wrapped around left reel hub. 2. Amplifier Sensor adjustment (1600 bpi). Window goes up and down when loading. Vacuum switch R4. 3. T-A1K4 (Models 3,5,7). 4. T-A1J2. Tape fails to go down lower restraint thread chute during load operation. Cleaning lower restraint may cause static buildup on plastic. Wipe finger over lower restraint to discharge static. 5. T -A 1 K6 (Models 4, 6, 8). Equipment check, erase head, write current. File Protect switch. Tach start failure. T-A1G2. Velocity errors. Loose screws around the air plenum. Low vacuum in the stubby columns. Velocity change, MTE Tape unit signal cables reversed. Early begin readback check. Defective R/W head. Not operational. T-A1L6. SAGC and ID Burst Checks. Defective R/W head or degauss the head. Erase head failure. Cable to write head card pinched under a clamp. Load Checks Load Check as tape goes into columns. Belt slipping on vacuum pump. 1. Vacuum switch R4. 2. Transfer valve. Fails to load tape into columns if file protect ring is removed. Clogged filter from pneumatic pump. Transfer valve stays picked. Shorted capacitor in RC network around K 1 on SCRA card. RC network is PIN 1766179; capacitor is PIN 321412 (0.25 mfd 600 v). If RC network is temporarily disconnected, customer can run but may get false Load Checks. "Reels Loaded" not sense. Place the hose from the pressure gauge over the reels loaded port and press LOAD. A reading of 21 is average. For a reading much lower than 21, look for air leaks. Check around the left reel tach mounting block for loose screws. 00-056 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) FRU/Fix Symptom 3420 Error Load Checks (Cont'd) 00-057 Does not load tape into columns. 3420 Error Air pressure system was restricted. (Clogged air filter, etc.) Load Checks (Cont'd) Symptom FRU/Fix Failed to unload completely. Rl Vacuum switch shorted. Fiber optics or light source dirty. Tape unit loads, but READY light does not turn on for a few seconds. Loose vacuum pump drive belt. Left reel turned counterclockwise at Load. Load Checks, no Reels Loaded sensed. Right reel motor board or MSC. Intermittently fails to load tape into left or right column. Attach pressure gauge or manometer to the reel hub air pressure switch hose and load tape. Pressure should be about 70 inches. If pressure stops or goes up slowly, the reel hub is leaking. Air leak can be fixed by replacing the piston assembly on back of right reel motor. Equipment Checks, load problems, window problems, right reel turning wrong way, and tach start problems. Fuse 5 and 15 ohms resistance. Loads to BOT +2 and stops. 1 . Filter was shorting to modified power supply board when transfer valve dropped out. Tape threads correctly, but cartridge does not open. 2. Right reel piston assembly leaking. T -A 1 E2 (Models 3, 5, 7) T-A 104 (Models 4, 6, 8). Tape turns sideways in columns. Transfer valve. Tape does not load into columns. Motion erratic. R4. Loads wrong, motion erratic. Dark light source bulb. Dumps tape in both columns. 08 on capstan board. Tape dumps in right column or does not load into right column. Rl Vacuum switch. Trouble may be caused by a sensitive switch that looks good in slow operation. Load failure - pulls tape out of left column. Loose pin on left reel paddle card. Load Check - does not load into columns. 1 . Left reel tach mounting screws loose. 2. Air pressure leak in supply manifold. Threads to left tach and stops. Transfer valve. Low torque on left reel. R4. Dumps tape in right column. L3. Load failure, vacuum low. Transfer valve. Tape unit would not load or unload. 3. Clogged air filter or bad belt. Unloads on a Load Rewind. Tighten screws on power supply capacitors. Load Checks on less than 2400 foot reel. Check vacuum. Bad transfer valve or other leak In vacuum system. Loose screws in power supply. Load Checks before BOT sense. Pneumatic filter bad. Load Check, left reel fast. Resistor shorted in fan housing. Load or motion control problems. Load failure with no reel motion. Check on reel board K 1, N / C points. Load Checks and false Load Checks. Power interface board. After installing B/ M 1765523 (Models 3, 5, or 7) or replacing resistor cover assembly, problems anse. Heavy gauge wire is used on the resistors to the blower connector plug. When this assembly IS installed, the male pins may back out causing poor or intermittent contact. Load Checks after BOT sense. Radius sense photocell wires rubbing on reel. Will not rewind to load point on load. L4 or R4 Vacuum switch. Load Checks with mini reel only. Replace radius sense reflective sticker. Intermittent Load Check. L3 Vacuum switch. Tape flutter around left reel. Resistor Tape will not thread onto left reel. a-ring Did not load tape into left column and dumped tape in right column. Left float plate foam missing. Left reel does not turn. MSC card, left reel board connector. Fails to return tape to load pOint after Load. Transfer valve. Dumped tape in right column and transfer valve dropped. Transfer valve relay. Failed to load in left column and would not unload. Left reel board. Right reel turns at high speed during load. Manual status card. Pluggable resistor on reel board. Loads into columns correctly, then pulls out of left column. T-A1B2. Left reel turns too fast. T-A1L2. Load failure with left reel fast. In In fan housing. left thread channel missing. Reels do not turn on Load. Fuse detect and EPa card. Loads, but tape does not go to load point. Vacuum pump leak. Drops vacuum after Load. Power interface board. Power Checks. Cold solder Joint at center lug of fuse 12. Vv'iii flot load, pneumatic motor does not run. Cartndge control SMS card. Reels will not run, Power On Reset up solid. CRll on T2 (YF035) Load Rewind fails. Pressure pump input filter clogged. Load failure, no Load Check. L3 (transferring too quickly). Tape fails to wrap around the left reel. Transfer valve leaking. Meter Meter stops or reads low. Jumper between T7 and T8 on meter card loose. Not Capable Failing to read PE burst. Read pre-amp card. 3803-2/3420 © 00-057 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 fl ...., .# " \ .. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) 3420 Error Power Supply 00-058 Symptom FRU/Fix Power Checks dUring a load operation. Bad connector to power resistor panel -4v low. Loose screws on transistors on power Interface board. Blows R67 on fuse detect card. J6 cable shorted to frame. Load Check light flashes. Loose fuse 3 or F3 holder. Power Check, Air Flow bit on, and Command Status Reject. 3420 Error Power Supply (Cont'd) Symptom FRU/Fix Power Checks. Bad fuse detect and EPa card. Power Checks. Bad CB1 or loose screws on circuit breaker. Power Checks. Defective diode board in 4v supply. Power Checks. Frame ground at -12 V Power Checks. Reed relay on OV / UV card. Loose capacitor screws, slip on connector to power Interface board. Blowing 6v regulator card and / or F 1 Power interface board. Power Check light glows dim. -4v return screws loose. 2v 20 Mhz noise on the power supply voltages Write head card. Power Check light flashes. Phasing bad, TB1-1/2/3 loose or bad air flow sensor. No -4v. Power interface board. Blows fuse 5. Blows OV/UV card. H S-1 transistor on power Interface board. Power Check, Load Check lights flicker. K1 relay on reel board points burn, 48v supply drops. Loose wire from C8 to HS 1 on mounting block for CR11, 12 or loose TB1-6/7. No output + 12v, -12v, 4v or 6v. Power Check when tape unit is selected. Short from MSC card to cover. Tighten loose wire on 48v supply heat sink. 6v high or has ripple. Bad power Interface board. Fails to write, dumps tape. Bad 6v supply or bad connection to fuses on modified supply. Fails on Write. Program Running under as, the operator gets message to mount tape. As soon as the tape IS mounted, a message is given to dismount the tape. If the same tape is remounted, Data Checks may occur. Failure has occurred under as 20.1 and as 20.6. Check that tape label IS not password protected. Read Problems Tape records with low amplitude. Degauss read/write head and tape cleaner block. Data Checks. Tape deflector on erase head pushing tape away from head. Loose wire on power Interface board. Power Checks. 1 . Shorted write card. 2. Head Inspection lamp contact bent and shorting to the frame. Shorted capacitor C11 on transformer. Rewind Unload in middle of job Erase head to frame. Bad power Interface board or loose ground braid on write card. Compatibility problems. Capstan resistor in blower assembly. Compatibility problem. T-A1L2. Unexpected Load point. T-A1J2. Intermittent R/W failures. Adjust vacuum column door. Equipment Check and Unload in middle of job. Has ripple on supplies. Loose fuses on modified supply. Blows fuse 6 and capacitor 1. Bad SCR card, SCR1, SCR2. Select light after Load. Flat cable from J 1 on reel board pinched and shorting between frame and power Interface board. Equipment Check, Power Check light on dim. Bad voltage monitor card. Blows CB12 and 13 on power Interface board. J7 plugged one position off. Blows right reel board. 6v varies or blows regulator card. Bad connection J7-7 to J7-8. Replaced capstan motor was running too fast and apparently overdriving reel control board on high speed rewind. Right reel binds. Replaced piston assembly. Reel Drive Blows fuse 3 on modified supply. Bad write driver card. Blows fuse 10 or 12. Loose screws on TB5-1. Blows fuse 6. MSC card shorted to suppo~t bar or reel Power Control Board grounded to lower frame. Blows CP1. SCR card. Blows fuse 14. Shorted write head card. Blows reel control board. 1. Diodes 13 and 14 In 48v supply. 2. Power reset card. Reel Flanges Loss of reel control. MSC card. Left reel turns when powering up. T-A1C2. Resistor R4 burns on reel board. A1B2. Burns out left reel board. MSC card. Broken or spread reel flanges. 1 . Reel hub alignment. 2. Binding or old-style reel tachs (see ECA067). 3. Poor tracking. 4. Tape curvature. Blows write driver card and F14. Read/Write cable plugged one pin off. Power Checks. Bad solder connections at fuses. Power Checks. Bad connection on J7 socket. (Power Interface Board.) 5. Defective reel hubs. 3803-2/3420 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 00-058 00-059 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Rewind FRU/Fix Symptom 3420 Error Speed varies during high speed rewind. MSC card. Unloads after rewind only if file protect ring IS In. Write head card. Wide excursions in left column. Radius sense wire rubs on reel. Pulls out of right column during high speed rewind. L1 or L3 connection shorted to cover. Dumps tape, pulls out, erratic motion. 1 . Dark light source bulb. 3420 Error Rewind (Cont'd) Symptom High speed rewind problem. FRU/Fix 1 . Ca ble at T -A 1 A5 loose. 2. Hose to R3 on wrong port. 3. Loose fiber optic tube at the capstan tach. 2. Capstan tachometer. Tape Damage (See also Rewind) Dumps tape in left column on high speed rewind. Vacuum switch R3. Tape pulls out of right column In high speed rewind. 6v supply was at 6.6v. Rewind Unload fails. A1J2. Machine was pulling tape between the reel and the tape on an Unload. Appeared as if reels were turning in opposite directions and stretching tape. T-A1C2. Breaks tape. Vacuum switch R1 or L 1. Breaks tape on high speed rewind. Vacuum switch R2. Uneven winding. File reel positioning. Pulls out of right column when going from high to low speed. Capstan squaring cirCUit. Snaps tape if reset during high speed rewind. Capstan squaring circuit. Solid high speed rewind status and load problem. Capstan bad. Fails to high speed rewind and pulls tape out of stubby columns. Transfer valve. Does not go Ready after rewind. Transfer valve. Pleats across tape width. Stubby bar clearance. Drops vacuum on high speed rewind. Power interface board. Tape edge damage. Z bars in stubby columns had loose screws. Power check at end of high speed rewind. Power Interface board. Tape damage on high speed rewind. (Models 3, 5, 7) Adjust inspection mirror. No high speed rewind or high speed rewind erratic. Glazed or binding reel tachometers. No high speed rewind and dUring Unload left reel turns clockwise. Left reel board relay. Dumps in right column or loss of reel control. Resistor in fan housing. Stays in high speed rewind to load point. Reposition fernte core and voltage cable. Pulls tape out of left column and may drop READY. Transfer valve. Stops in Rewind. Air pressure switch. Damages tape on Rewind. Reel motor board. Tape rewinds and unloads during Job Loose fuse clip for F2. Power Interface board. 4v supply capacitor leads loose. Reels turn wrong way during Rewind Unload. Transfer valve pressure manifold cracked. Tape loop in threading channel on Rewind (Models 3,5,7) Install ECA 025, EC734395. Drops from high speed rewind to low speed rewind at start of Rewind. Dark light source. Clean lamp per procedure. If not. replace lamp. Wide excursions in left column in high speed rewind. 1 . R3 vacuum switch. Tape Dump Dumps tape In right column. 3. Capstan motor sticking. 4. R1 and R2 vacuum switch. 5. Loose fuse 3 on the modified Power Interface Board. Dumps tape In right column and as tape moves past lower vacuum switch it blows fuse 10 Capstan control board. When in high speed and REWIND and RESET keys are operated, tape pulls out of right column and dumps in left column. Capstan tach mirror dirty or capstan squaring circuit adjustment. Dumps tape in either column. 1 Tape pulls out of column at end of high speed rewind. Capstan squarinq adjustment. Dumps tape in right column. Capstan motor sticking. Loose fuse 3 on the modified power interface board. R1 and R2 vacuum switch. Hose pulled off L 1 switch. Will not rewind completely. Right reel piston assembly. Breaks tape as tape unit switches from low to high speed on high speed rewind. Replace transfer valve and 3-way valve assembly. Tape breaks in high speed rewind. T-A1 E2. © Copyright International Business Machines MSC card relay. 2. Capstan motor. 2. A1A5 cable. Snaps tape in high speed rewind. 1 . Relay control card on power interface board. 2. Relay on right reel board. Tape "Runaway" Dumps tape In either column. Capstan motor. Tape "runaway" after Load Rewind. T-A1J2. Tape " runaway " on write. A1 F2. (ModeJs 3, 5, 7.) 00-059 Corporation 1976. 1979 fl ...., c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Symptom 3420 Error Unload 00-060 Unloads on Load Rewind FRU/Fix 1 Power supply capacitor lead loose. 3420 Error Power Window 2. EaT/BOT Rewind Unload without a command 1. 4v supply capacitor leads loose. 2. Power Interface board. Symptom FRU/Fix Delay In READY because Window not clOSing. Faulty Window gear reduction box. Blew fuse Bad power control board, motor, or relay. Failed to operate. Broken wire at back of fuse holder. Failed to lower. Window up sWitch shorted to power control board. 3. Fuses on modified supply Failing to unload without cartridge. EaT / BOT block Failed to operate. Defective, binding, improperly seated motor. Reels turn wrong way during Rewind Unload. Transfer valve pressure manifold cracked. Bind Bad channel Left reel fails to turn on unload. Door glass not sealing at the bottom. Realign door. Blows power control board relay Defective J8 connector In power supply, loose connection on door cable. Wraps tape on left reel on unload. Transfer valve. Window raises and lowers. MISSing +6v on A 1 board. May blow fuse. Vacuum drops too soon. T-A1E2. Falls to lower. Tape stops above R1. Diode across K 1 (pneumatic motor pick) open. Hub pressure switch wires pinched under bracket. Window will not go down. 1 Broken or defective diode CR 1 across K 1 In the solenoid control relay assembly. Falls to raise or lower, oscillates, raises after Unload, lowers In high speed rewind. A1 E2 Models 3, 5, 7. A 1 D4 - Models 4, 6, 8. 2 Broken or defective diode CR 14 across K 1 (motor control relay). Write aborts, write tape mark errors, velOCity errors, read errors. Make sure capstan, tape cleaner block, and read / write head are cleaned at least once per shift 3 EC734231 (ECA017) not Installed puts an RC network around the transfer valve relay. High temporary write errors on PE only. Read amp sensor adjustment IS now 23 % . Use attenuator card, P / N 5861455 for adjustment. Data Check and multi-track. Note: Develop tape to see If a partial record has been written in IBG. Replace erase head or reverse wires to erase head. Bad write driver card. Data Checks Tape deflector on erase head pushing tape away from head. Bend deflector out of the way. +6v miSSing to write driver. Bad write cable. 4. Shorted 'capacitor across the reel pressure sWitch. 5. Defective air bearing pressure switch. 6. Open diode across the write enable relay. Write Errors Tape will not pull out of columns. Right reel resistor (mounted In the cooling unit) Tape not completely unloaded. Reel hub air pressure sWitch. Write current failure Tape sideways on the right reel. T-A1E2. Postamble Checks on Write. Read card bad. Unloads during customer Job A-B2K4. Read/Write errors. Vacuum Columns Beaded tape worn. B/M 1848717 IS available from Mechanicsburg to replace glass beading in vacuum columns. A 1C2 Defective rewind plunger (Models 3, 5, 7) Defective autocleaner - Models 4, 6, 8. SAGC Checks. Velocity Checks Tape moves slowly (Models 3, 5, 7) Capstan resistor on logic ZT051 . Low column vacuum caused by faulty transfer valve. Velocity change during write. Tape unit Interface cables not plugged light to dark. Velocity error. Start Read Checks. Capstan control board. T3420R fails With write errors. (Models 3, 5, 7) Write errors started after read card was replaced for another problem. New card was at high EC level which required new attenuator card to adjust amp sensors. Adjust with proper attenuator card and procedure. New read card is EC734470, PIN 2522936. New threshold card that should be used is P / N 5861455. Defective R/W head. 1. Stubby bar clearance to capstan. 2. a-ring missing behind D-bearing. 3. Models 3, 5, 7 only - Install EC734953 on tape unit. © Velocity retry. Replace capstan motor. Write card goes bad. Velocity check, tach start failure. 6v supply or EaT/BOT adjustment. SAGC and I D burst checks. Degauss or replace the R/W head. Velocity change during write. Align door over vacuum columns to correct bad seal. Intermittent R/W errors. Adjust vacuum column door. Velocity checks on Model 7 tape units using back-coated tape. Raise air bearing pressure to 75 inches. Calibrate pneumatic gauge with a water manometer before adjusting air bearing pressure. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 00-060 c 00-061 FIELD FEEDBACK (Cont'd) Write Tape Mark Tools and Test Equipment *Diagnostic Errors 3803/3420 FRU/Fix Symptom 3420 Error Equipment checks on Write Tape Mark. Amp sensor adjustment off. Erase Gap, Write Tape Mark error. T -A 1 K4 - Models 3, 5, 7 T -A 1 K6 - Models 4, 6, B T-A1J2. No block detected on Write Tape Mark and intermittent Velocity Checks. Belt was on wrong pulley on vacuum pump. Slow end readback. Read head card. Field tester causes channel errors. T-A1L6. Model 7 writing .3 inch gaps with field tester. Normal operation. Messages FRU/Fix T3420A Command status reject. T-A1K4. T3420C Start read check. Capstan motor board. Velocity retry error. Capstan motor. T-A1 E2. MSG AC0101, AC0102, AC0203. A-A1C2. "Hangs", interface control checks. A-B2C2. T3420E MSG AEOB31, AE0931. A A1S2. T3420F MSG AF0501. A A1C2. T3420G Not Capable. A-A1C2. R/W, VRC, ENV, SKEW errors. Erase head. Velocity retry error. Capstan motor and T -A 1 E2. R/W, VRC, ENV, SKEW errors. Erase head. T3420H R/W, VRC, ENV, SKEW errors. Erase head. T34201 MSG A1010B. A A2 H 2 down level. T3420P Noise, MSG AP204. T A1K2. T3420R MTE, End data checks, VRC. Fiber optic lamp. T3420S MSG AS0105, wait code 10, unexpected interrupts. T A1K2. MSG AS0105, R/W, VRC. Tachometer cover is rubbing on the capstan. MSG AS010, Not Capable. Binding high speed rewind plunger. Fails on a FWD Space Block command. A-A2E2. Tachometer errors. Open C4 capacitor. Excessive postamble. A-A1D2. T3420U Velocity retry errors. Capstan motor and T A 1 E2. T3420V MSG AV0102. A B2C2. T3420W MSG AV0105, lost records. T-A1G2. Start read check. Hose at the pressure pump is split. No tape stop Within 65 tach pulses. A B2D2. Short gaps. Adjust vacuum column door. 00-061 Q a o Q o {) o o {) o a o o o o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 3420 THEORY-Models 3, 5, and 7 1A-OOO Modified Power Supply FILE PROTECT INDICATOR OFF OR POWER CHECK INDICATOR ON 3420 Power Supplies Each tape unit has a self-contained power supply, and receives its input power from the tape control. A three-phase, 15-amp circuit breaker protects the line voltage to each tape unit. F 11 From START 2 A 60-Hz machine requires 200, 208, or 230 volts; while 50-Hz machines use 200, 220, 235, 380, or 408 volts. Caution: There are two types of fuse holders in the field. The first type of fuse holder has the spring in the cap and the second type has the spring in the body. If the cap of the second type is placed on the body of the first type no spring tension will be on the fuse causing intermittent contact. Notes: 1. The +6V is adjusted by measuring between G1E09 and B2D08 and adjusting the re~ulator for +6±0.05 Vdc with the Drive Ready in Write status and away from load pOint. CP2 1tr'---- F10 2. If the 6 volt power supply is adjusted, the following check should be made: a. The drive must be loaded, Ready, and in Write status, and away from load point. b. Measure from G2B11 to G2D08 (ground). c. The reading must not exceed 6.24 volts. If it does, check the file protect circuitry for possible resistance. CP1 3. The -48 power supply voltage should be a minimum of -47 V with the machine loaded and ready with no tape motion. If the voltage is low, suspect the SCR's in the -48 V supply. Check the SCR's by removing the SCR control card. There should be a 4 V loss with the card removed. F12 4. Following problem determination and repair, final power supply checks and/or adjustments should be made according to the directions included on MLM page 08-570. F3 IF THE CAP OF THE FIRST TYPE IS PLACED ON THE BODY OF THE SECOND TYPE A SAFETY HAZARD WILL EXIST DUE TO EXPOSED METAL WHICH WILL HAVE A POTENTIAL ON IT. Left Vacuum Column Unmodified Power Supply 3420 AIRFLOW AND VOLTAGE MONITORING SYSTEM A mercury switch mounted on a movable air vane below the capstan control board. monitors the cooling system airflow. If sufficient air is moving through the plenum, the vane is moved and the switch closes. If the switch opens, or doesn't close, the tape unit activates the Power Check indicator lamp. The same system monitors dc voltages.. If any voltage becomes out of tolerance, the output of Loss of Air, or the Over Voltage/Under Voltage (OV/UV) detector will activate the Power Check indicator lamp. This output also activates the Air or OV/UV latch and sets sense byte 18, bit O. 0 +6V Voltage Regulator Card i~L1PO" Seq 1 2 t Fuse 5 - - - - - - -. .: Fuse 6 - - - -_ _ _~ Fuse 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Condition/Instruction Does tape unit have a modified (piggy back power supply? 0 Check rear of unit. 0 3 Check rear of unit. Are CP1, CP2, or CP3 (or CP4-50 hz only) tripped? 4 Check front of unit. Are F5, F6, F7, F14, or F15 blown? 4A Check that all voltages are present. See Seq 11, 16, and 17A. G Go to Seq 35. Go to Seq 18. Check components using ALD pages YB020/5 &. YB030/5. Go to 00-030. Go to Seq 23. 5 Is File Protect indicator ON? Go to Seq 7. 6 If not: ··· ·· +6V, VR1 Fuse 1 5 - - - - -_ _~---JL~J~ -4V Possible FRUs File Protect lamp or socket File Protect switch plunger File Protect switch Defective relay on write enable board (located below the right reel motor) T-A1H2 Go to ALD ZT071 for further analYSis. · Voltage Regulator -------+-----:~ Card Reference Action Are F10, F11, F12, or F13 blown? ~unused ~l2 Port Fuse 14 _ _ _ _ _ _-!. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless otherwise directed. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. 7 Is the cooler blower operating? Go to Seq 9. 8 If not: Refer to ALD page YB030/5. Repair or replace as required. Go to 00-030. 9 Is there sufficient airflow at the logic gate? Go to Seq 11. (Compare to another drive, if necessary.) 10 If not: Check the air filter, hoses, ducts, blower motor fan, and motor direction. Over Voltage/Under Voltage (OV/UV) Card 1A-OOO AM 1A-001 FILE PROTECT INDICATOR OFF OR POWER CHECK INDICATOR ON (Cont'd) Seq Condition/Instruction 11 Use a -DIGITEC 201 or DIGITEC 251 for all voltage measurements. Action 19 Go to seq 14. (Continued) Is +6±0.3 Vdc present between G2B11 and G2DOS? (Do not adjust to this voltage). 12 Can the +6 Volt regulator card be adjusted to +-+0.3 V? (This is not the final adjustment. See Note). Go to Seq 14. 13 If not: Replace the +6 V regulator card or See Notes 1 and 2. interface board 14 Is the Power Check indicator still On? Go to Seq 16. 15 If not: See Notes 1 and 2 on 1A-OOO. 16 Is -4.05+ ±0.05 Vdc present between N3D02 and N3DOS? Go to Seq 17A. 17 If not: Adjust or replace the -4 V regulator card or interface board. 17A 17B 1S G. Are the following voltages out of tolerance? -48V: TB1-9 to TB1-S +12V: +1.0, -1.0V TB2-1 to TB2-4 -12V: +1.0, -1.0V TB2-5 to TB2-7 TB3-12 to TB2-4 +11V: +2, -1.2V Replace the OV/UV card. on 1A-OOO) and the voltage monitor card. See NOTE 3 on 2A-OOO. Connect a jumper from TB2-3 to TB2-S. Did the Power Check indicator go off? Remove the jumper. Probable causes are: Mercury switch on air vane eon 1A-OOO). Insufficient air flow. Repair as necessary. . If not: Remove jumper. Recheck symptoms. Turn power off and repldce the blown fuse. Restore power and go to Seq 19. (See C) on 1A-1oo). F10 4A 10A F11 8A F12,1310A 15A 19 medium blow long blow medium blow medium blow medium blow (M3 at M5) (M7) • 35 This is a tape unit with a modified power supply. F131. Left reel board 2. A1B2 (ALD FT45X) 36 Check rear of unit. Is F10, F11, F12, or F13 blown? Go to Seq 1S. 37 Check rear of unit. If F1, F2, or F3 blown (located on the modified power supply)? These are nonindicating fuses. See 1A-OOO for component locations. Go to Seq 53. 3S Check rear of unit. Is CP1, CP2, CP3 (60 Hz), CP4 (SO Hz), or CP5 tripped? Check components using ALD YB010/5 for CP1, CP2 (Models 3 and 5 only), and CP3 ALD YB020/5 for CP4; and ALD YB04O/5 for CP5. 39 Check front of unit. Is F5, F6, F7, FS, or F9 blown? Go to Seq 53. If not: Go to ALD YB030/5. Repair or replace as required. 21 Is problem fixed? Go to 00-030. 22 If not: Replace the power supply MSC card (ALD YB030/5). Go to 00-030. 23 Turn power off and replace the blown fuse. Restore power and go to Seq 24. 24 Does the fuse blow again? Replace the blown fuse and its corresponding FRU in the order listed. To verify the fix, restore power and operate tape unit. F10 1. Capstan motor control board 2. A 1F2 (ALD FT39X) 3. A 1G2 (ALD FT35X) 4. Capstan motor assembly 5. Power window circuit Turn power off. Disconnect load to blown fusb at terminal board. Replace the blown fuse. TB2-1; TB2-2 (gray wires) F5 TB2-5; TB2-6 (purple wires) F6 TB3-1 F7 F14 TB3-3 F15 TB3-2 (dc ground is TB1-S) Restore power and go to Seq 26. 25 If not: Refer to ALD YB030/5. Repair or replace as required. 26 Does the fuse blow again? Go to Seq 29. 27 Turn power off. Measure from the removed wire(s) to ground and to other voltages for shorts. Repair as required. See ALD ZT031 for 4.5Vac and ALD ZT051 for dc voltages . 28 Reconnect leads previously removed from the terminal board. Restore power and operate tape unit. 29 Does F5, F6, or F7 blow? Turn power off. There is a wiring problem in the power supply. See ALD YB020/5. Repair as required. Restore power. Go to 00-030. 30 Was F14 or F15 blown? Turn power off. Remove regulator card associated with blown fuse. See fuse list in Seq 24 and ALD YB020/5. Replace fuse and restore power. 31 Does F14 or F15 blow again? Turn power off. Check wiring from fuse to regulator card. Correct wiring problem and reinstall regulator cards previously removed. See ALD YB020/5. Restore power. If fixed, go to 00-030. (M3 at M5) (M7) Does the fuse blow again? F121. Right reel board 2. A1B2 (ALD FT45X) 20 . 17C Condition/Instruction Go to Seq 21. - Trademark of United Systems Corporation 32 Install new regulator card and adjust the voltage. 33 Does fuse blow again? F11 1. Left reel board 2. Right reel board 34 If not: Turn power off. Replace the associated capacitor and fuse. Restore power and go to 00-030. o 39A Check that all voltages are present. See Seq 46, 51, and 52A. 40 Is File Protect indicator On? Go to Seq 42. 41 If not: Possible FRUs: • File Protect lamp or socket • File Protect switch plunger • File Protect switch • Defective relay on write enable board (located below right reel motor) • T-A1H2 Go to ALD ZT071 for further analysis. 42 15 the cooling blower operating? Go to Seq 44. 43 If not: Refer to ALD YB030/5. Repair or replace as required. 44 Is there sufficient airflow at the logic gate? (Compare to another drive, if necessary). Go to Seq 46. 45 If not: Check the air filter, hoses, ducts, blower motor fan blades, and motor direction. 46 Use a Digitec 201 or 251 for all voltage measurements. Is +6 ±0.3 Vdc present between G2B11 and G2DOS? (Do not adjust to this voltage.) Go to Seq 49. 47 Can the +6v regulator card be adjusted to +6 ±0.3 Vdc? (This is not the final adjustment). Go to Seq 49. 48 If not: Replace the +6 V regulator card or power interface board. See Notes 1 and 2 on (1A-OOO). 49 Is the Power Check indicator still On? Go to Seq 51. SO If not: See Notes 1 and 2 on (1A-OOO). Go to 00-030. 1A-001 © Copyrighllnlernationel Busines. Machines Corporalion 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 o o o Action Seq Action Condition/Instruction Seq a t) \C. o J o c c c c c c c c c C' 0 C C C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c FILE PROTECT INDICATOR OFF OR POWER CHECK INDICATOR ON (Cont'd) Seq Condition/Instruction Action 51 Is -4,05 ±0.05 Vdc present between N3D02 and N3D08? Go to Seq 52A. 52 If not: Adjust or replace the -4v regulator card or power interface board. Are the following voltages out of tolerance? Replace OV /UV and the voltage monitor card. See Note 3 on 1A-000. 52A +30V: -48V: +12V: -12V: +11V: 52B 52C 53 ±0.5V +1.0, -1.0V +1.0, -1.0V +2, -1.2V TB2-3 TB1-9 TB3-1 TB3-5 TB2-1 to to to to to TB1-8 TB1-8 TB3-4 TB3-4 TB2-4 Connect a jumper from TB3-3 to TB3-8. Did the Power Check indicator go off? If not: Remove the jumper. Probable causes are: Mercury switch located on the air vane. See on 1A-OOO. Insufficient air flow . Repair as necessary. . . Condition/Instruction 57 Turn power off. Measure resistance from the wire disconnected in Seq 54 to ground and to other voltages for shorts. Repair as required. See ALD ZT031 for 4.5 Vac and ALD ZT051 for dc voltages. 58 Reconnect wires disconnected in Seq 54. Restore power and operate tape unit. Go to 00-030. 59 Does F1, F5, or F6 blow? Turn power off. There is a wiring problem in the power supply. See ALD YB020/5 (F5 and F6) or YB040/5 (F1). Repair as required. Restore power and go to 00-030. 60 Are fuses F2 and F3 (see figure 1A-OOO) or F7, F8, or F9 blown? Turn power off. Remove regulator card associated with blown fuse. See fuse specification in Seq 53 and ALD YB040/5 (F2 and F3) or ALD YB020/5 (F7, F8, and F9). Replace fuse. Turn power on. G Does the fuse blow again? Action Modified Power Supply Left Vacuum Column 61 Does fuse blow again? 62 Install new regulator card and adjust the voltage. 63 Does the fuse blow again? Turn power off. Replace the associated capacitor and fuse. Turn power on. Go to 00-030. 64 If not: Go to 00-030. From Seq 37. Turn power off. Replace the blown fuse. Fuse Rating Type Voltage F1 6A fast 4.5 Vac -4 V F2 15A med F3 6A fast +6 V F5 8A med +12 V F6 15A med -12 V F7 2A inst +11 V Reg F8 2A inst -12 V* F9 3/4A inst +30 V* *for OV / UV sense See ALD YB040/5 for fuses F1-F3 and ALD YB020/5 for fuses F5--F9. Restore power and go to Seq 54. 54 Seq e Recheck symptoms. 1A-002 Turn power off. Check wiring from fuse to regulator card. Correct wiring problem. and reinstall regulator cards previously removed. See ALD YB020/5 and ALD YB04O/5. Turn power on. If fixed, go to 00-030. Fuse 5 Fuse 6 -12V Regulator Card +30V Regulator Card Turn power off and disconnect load to blown fuse at terminal board. Replace the blown fuse. F1 B1E3 See Figure on F2 B1E8 1A-003. F3 B1E10 F5 TB3-1, TB3-2 (gray wires) F6 TB3-5, TB3-6 (purple wires) F7 TB2-1 (yellow wire) F8 TB2-2 (no external loads) F9 TB2-3 (no external loads) (dc ground is TB1-8) Restore power and go to Seq 56. +11 V Regulator Card 0 55 If not: Refer to ALD YB030/5. Repair or replace as required. 56 Does the fuse blow again? Go to Seq 59. Fuse7 ____ --------------1HlTrt-t'E~ik~~ Fuse 8 Fuse 9 Left Column Right Column 1A-002 . FILE PROTECT INDICATOR OFF OR POWER CHECK INDICATOR ON (Cont'd) 1A-003 Modified 3420 Power Interface Board, B1. :::~~~:~~~ Voltage Monitor Card (OV/UV) +6; - 4 Vdc (Do not adjust) F7fr ::3-__,_~~ B1E1 ® - - =-- -- ~- ® ~!1' [j ~ ii ,,"' EPO Card , '=:1 1 'j Iml r B1E7~_~--' k I V--f-=:JBlEB ~~~~ I j ~ I 1...r:::::::J-o Bl E9 - .~ 1 ~ 'I I --=-.::. - - - B1E6 -4BVSCR Control Card * (Do not adjust) Cable Connector • =::J I~ ~ ! I~ Is~ IV B 1 E l 0 - - r :r:J i~ ~ B1El1-----------l. 10 I;L] B1E12-_ I- +6 V Regulator Card I/~ I~ D 1 I~ IU 1\ - -- \ - 4 V Regulator Card * Not included in power supply part numbers: 1766046 2524645 2515421 2515413 1A-003 © Copyright International Buainea. Machinas Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 a o a ~) c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c DROPPING READY AND THREAD AND LOAD FAILURE SYMPTOMS From 00-040, START 2 Seq Most Probable Cause: 9 • • • • T-A1C2, 02, E2, J2 Lamp Capstan adjustment L4, R4 vacuum switches Notes: 1. The vacuum column vents (P /N 1846701) require special adjustment if both standard reels and minireels are used interchangeably on the drive. Refer to 08-800 for the adjustment procedure. 2. Intermittent dropping ready and thread and load problems can be caused by: a. BOT / EOT out of adjustment. See 08-580. b. A loose pressure manifold on the 3-way valve (transfer valve assembly). The manifold is attached to the 3-way valve with four screws. Overtighening these screws can fracture or break off the mounting studs causing an air leak. See 08-000. c. A dirty pressure pump input filter. d. A leaking transfer valve. See 08-400 for leakage test. e. Vacuum column door leaking and/or not adjusted. See 08-680. f. A dirty pressure pump output filter. g. Damaged or aged vacuum column door foam. See 08-690. 3. If tape bottoms intermittently in either column, the capstan armature could be open. Unplug the capstan motor from the capstan board and measure across the two wires going to the motor with an ohmmeter. Watch for a deflection on the meter while rotating the capstan by hand very slowly. 4. Threading with a cartridge may be a problem if the screw in the left end of the upper restraint is missing. Some upper restraints do not have a screw in this position. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Action Condition/Instruction Seq 2A-OOO Condition/Instruction Action Does the tape thread past the read/write head? Go to Seq 12. 10 Does the tape thread directly into the right vacuum column? Go to 2A-130. 11 If not: Go to 2A-140. 12 Does tape thread onto the left reel? Go to Seq 14. 13 If not: There is no vacuum on the left reel hub. Check transfer valve for proper sealing during thread status. Check vacuum and pneumatic belts. See Pneumatic Pressure/Vacuum checks and Pneumatic Supply Belt Replacement and Adjustment 08-400 and 08-440. 14 Does a Load Check occur before the BOT marker has passed BOT sense? Go to 2A-150. 16 Does tape load into the columns properly? Go to Seq 18. 17 If not: Go to Seq 22. 18 Does the tape move backward properly until it stops at the BOT marker? Go to Seq 24. 19 Does the tape go forward after loading into the columns? Go to 2A-2oo. 20 Does tape bottom, bobble, or pull out of column? Go to 2A-170. 21 If not: Go to 2A-190. 1 Does problem exist only when using minireels? Go to 08-800. 22 Does the tape load into either vacuum column? Go to 2A-170. See Note 1. 1A With the tape unit unloaded, are the pneumatics on? Go to 4A-160. 23 If not: Go to 2A-160. See Note 1. 1B Is the tape unit dropping READY? Go to Seq 29. 24 Is the window up and the Ready lamp on? Go to 3A-OOO. 25 Does the Ready light turn ON? Go to Seq 27. 26 If not: Go to 2A-210. 27 Is the window down and the Ready lamp On? Check window-up switch for a shorted condition. 2 Mount a reel of tape with a properly crimped and positioned end (see 2A-015) and with a properly placed BOT reflective marker. The field tester should not be plugged into the tape unit. Press the RESET, LOAD/REWIND buttons and then the START button. 28 Does Ready lamp fail to stay On? Go to 3A-OOO. 29 Is the drop ready failure intermittent? Go to Seq 31. If a cartridge doesn't open fully, go to 2A-1oo. Otherwise, proceed to the next Seq. 30 If not: Approach as a load failure. Go to Seq 2. Does the left reel turn clockwise at threading speed? Compare with another drive. Go to Seq 7. 31 Is Sense Byte 7 available? Go to Chart A. column 3 on this page. 32 Is the drive still in the failing condition? 6 If not: Go to 2A-110. Scope logic pins as shown in Chart A, column 2 with the drive in the failing condition. 7 Does the right reel turn clockwise at threading speed? Compare with another drive. Go to Seq 9. 33 Is a visible symptom or customer description available? Go to Chart A. column 1. 34 If not: Go to 2A-005 (Drop Ready). If not: Go to 2A-120. Was capstan turning continuously before load was attempted? Go to 6A-000. 4 Is a cartridge being used? 5 3 8 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 Chart A 1 2 3 Error Description Drive Error Condition Error Sense Probable Drive FRUs Fiber optic lamp failure, not latched + at H2S07 Byte 7 Bit 0 Optic lamp, A1D2 See Logic FT114 Tape bottoms (see notes) or pulls out, left column + at H2U02 Byte 7 Bit 1 L4 vacuum switch, left reel board. (Check reel board EPO relay for shorted points). Capstan Tach. Go to 3A-110 Could be caused by OV/UV detection or capstan board cooling sensor. See Byte 18, Bit o below. Tape bottoms (see note 3) or pulls out. right column + at H2U05 Byte 7 Bit 2 R4 vacuum switch, right reel board. (Check reel board EPO relay for shorted points). Capstan Tach. Go to 3A-ll0 Could be caused by OV/UV detection or capstan board cooling sensor. See Byte 18, Bit o below. Reset key or door interlock - at H2S08 Byte 7 Bit 3 Reset key, Door Interlock Switch, TA1C2, AB3F2, AA2D2. See ALD FT114 Could be operator caused. Air bearing pressure or right reel hub air failure + Byte 7 Bit 6 Leaking right reel hub. Air bearing or hub switch. Loose, worn or broken belt. Air system leak. See ALD FT114 If a solid failure, tape will not dump into columns during a load operation. OV /UV (Power Check) or no cooling air to capstan board - at H2S02 Go to 1A-OOO These errors cause reel board EPO relays to drop resulting in loss of motor control. Tape bottom will then drop ready. Power On Reset, not latched + at H2M05 A1C2, A1H2 Fuse detect card See ALD FT112 Intermittent failures may show as a drop ready condition Safety Bail Reset, not latched + A1C2, A1E2 See ALD FT283 Intermittent failures may show as a drop ready condition. at H2SO4 at E2B09 Byte 18 Check voltages. Bit 0 Dirty filter, defective cooling fan. Check mercury switch below capstan board. Further Analysis Notes 2A-OOO 2A-005 INTERMITTENT DROP READY PROBLEMS INTERMITTENT DROP READY PROBLEMS 5. Reel Tachs: Defective reel tachs cause a tape unit to fail to enter high speed rewind and also cause dropping Ready while in high speed rewind. Check tachs for polished surfaces causing them to slip on the tape. If this condition is found, replace the reel tach assembly (see OS-550). Also check for binds in the bearings and tach wobble indicating worn bearings. Scope tach outputs (ALD FT231) for pulses of similar frequency, duration, and amplitude. 6. Reel Motor Boards: Either board causes intermittent problems. Check for cold flow solder joints, cracked land patterns, and loose or pushed pins in the connectors. If boards are suspect, interchange them with another tape unit to isolate the failure. (ALD RMOO1). 7. Door Interlock: Machine vibration can cause a badly adjusted Door Interlock switch to open intermittently. Also check main machine door latch alignment. S. Damaged Tape: Stretched or spliced tape causes dropping Ready. If the failing tape has been retained make one complete pass, using the field tester. 9. Power Supply: Check for loose terminal connections and cold flow solder joints. Ask operator if power check light has been flashing. (Power check circuit is not latched). Listed below are several causes of dropping Ready. Most probable cause is listed first. Examine the list and do any indicated action. If original failure still exists (Ready light off and tape still loaded and no sense Reset has been issued) bits for sense byte 7 can be scoped. See Chart A on 2A-000. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vacuum Switches: Defective vacuum switches cause dropping Ready problems. If sense byte 7 is available, it can be helpful in determining which vacuum column is failing. Do procedure on OS-450 to check for failing vaccum switches. Fiber Optics: Faulty or marginal fiber optics can cause tape loading problems, tape motion problems, and dropping Ready. Check the seating and clean the fiber optic bundles at the light source. Check the clearness of the lamp and replace it if questionable. (See OS-620). Capstan Squaring: If capstan squaring is out of adjustment it will usually show up first by dropping Ready (pulls out of left column, or bottoms in the right column) when going into or coming out of a high speed rewind. See OS-130 for adjustment procedure. See OS-14O for cleaning procedure. Right Reel Slipping On Hub: Caution: Circuit damage or a blown fuse (F12) may result if the reel is held for more than five or six seconds. Slippage can be determined by loading a tape and turning the right reel until tape in the column is above, then below the ports causing the right reel to drive. Hold the reel to keep the tape and hub from turning and observe the amount of slippage. Compare with a known good tape unit. If excessive slipping is observed, go to OS-470 then OS-520 for checks and adjustments. 2A-005 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980, 1983 ,} o t) a u {) :) c o o c c c c c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c THREAD AND LOAD OPERATIONS The 3420 threads, loads, and unloads tape automatically with or without a tape cartridge. Air pressure automatically secures the reel of tape to the right reel hub. Any size reel of half-inch magnetic tape can be automatically loaded, but only full 10 1/2 inch (26,7 cm) reels can be loaded with a cartridge. THREAD LOAD WITH CARTRIDGETIMING CHART A plunger on the tape unit senses that a cartridge is mounted on the right reel hub. Pressing the Load Rewind pushbutton (see timing chart line 2) activates the LOAD OP latch. (timing chart line 2). The Load Op latch: 2A-010 As tape is wrapped on the left reel, a slight tension forces the tape against the reels-loaded sensing port. Sealing this port causes a pressure change which signals the reels-loaded condition. The reels continue turning forward until the beginning-of-tape (BOT) or load point (LP) marker is sensed at the BOT photocell. The BOT phototransistor fires the BOT singleshot which: • Resets the IBG counter to zero • Activates the Load/Rewind line • Activates the Rewind Operation line • Activates the Backward Status line • Activates Power Window Motor, which closes the window. • Activates Thread Status, which energizes the transfer valve solenoid to switch vacuum and air pressure to the threading positions. The IBG counter resumes counting from zero. At a count of 2, Thread Status is deactivated and the transfer valve solenoid is de-energized. Air pressure is now directed to the air bearings, and vacuum is switched to the vacuum columns, the capstan motor and the tape cleaner blade. • Conditions the reel motors to turn in a clockwise (forward) direction (Section 3A-020). Air Bearing Pressure and Not Thread Status reverse the direction of the left reel motor. • Activates Drive Cartridge Motor, which energizes the cartridge motor and causes the cartridge opener to rotate 200 degrees to a fully open position. When the cartridge is fully open, the cartridge open switch removes power from the cartridge motor. With the cartridge open, the right reel starts feeding tape out the cartridge tape port and into the right threading channel. The left reel is already moving. The radius sense photocell drives the IBG (interblock gap) counter, which clocks the threading and loading sequences (see Section 6A-130). The IBG counter receives a pulse for each half turn of the left reel. Tape moves through the threading channels and the head area guided by air pressure and vacuum ports. As tape leaves the left threading channel, vacuum at the left reel hub draws tape to the reel. As the left reel turns counterclockwise, the right reel continues to turn clockwise. The tape lowers into the vacuum columns until it is below port L2 in the left column and port R 1 in the right column. With the tape in this position: • Halt Right Reel Load is activated • Halt Left Reel Load is activated • Columns Loaded is activated which activates Load Complete and deactivates Manual Status. With Manual Status Deactivated, normal column control becomes active. The capstan motor moves tape backward to the BOT marker. Pressing the START switch activates Ready Status in the tape unit. Thread load With Cartridge Timing Chart o 1. IBG Counter 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X 0 2 x x FT395 l,ne (11) Resets the I BG Counter -..n 2. load/Rewind Pushbutton FT263 3. load Op latch FT284 .:J~------------------------------------~1~1~6____ 4. Window Up (Closes Window) FT2B1 2J 5. Thread Status FT284 2J~--------------------------------iLI1~2_______ 6. Drive Ctg Motor FT281 2rl 7. Pick Pneu Supply FT282 ~ 8. Pick Transfer Valve FT283 ~ 9. left Reel Thread (CW) FT285 ~~----------------------------~1~5~ Reset by Wondow Up SWItch Reset by Cartfldge Open SWItch 15 _______ I Below R1 3 1 10. Rt. Reel Thread ld (CW) FT285 11. BOT SS FT231 12. Load Rewind FT282 1q 13. Rewind Operation FT261 121 14. Backward Status FT134 13 1 15. Left Reel Load (CCW) FT285 16. Columns Loaded FT264 17. Manual Status FT265 18. Go Internal FT391 1 ms I 1 ms I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~5r__1~3_____ Below l2 and R 1( 1 16 x = Number of I BG counts needed to reach the BOT marker. 2A-010 • Copyright International Buall1888 Machi..... Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980 t 4WQ%PAZ., TAPE CRIMPER PROCEDURE 2A-015 Insert the tape with the oxide side towards the plunger and in a direction that will produce a rounded end when cut. See Figure below. Cutting tape with the oxide side away from the plunger can cause intermittent thread problems because the tape will have a tendency to curl the wrong direction. 2A-015 o Copyright International BUlines. Machin•• Corporation 1976. 1979, 1980 :) (J o o o o u t) ~} ~) o ~) o , 1 .. ) 0 C 0 C 0 C C 0 C ~, " c c c 0 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 2A-020 THREAD LOAD CHECKING WITH CARTRIDGE-TIMING CHART The thread and load operations are checked at several points in the cycle. If the first attempt to thread and load fails, a second attempt is made. If the second attempt fails, a permanent load check error is set. On the first attempt, tape must be sensed at BOT fEOT phototransistors before interblock gap (lBG) count 7. Failure to meet this condition usually results from the end of tape being in the wrong place in the cartridge or a damaged leader on the tape. A second check is made at IBG count 12. At this point, the Reels Loaded switch must be transferred. If the tape doesn't wrap around the left hub, the switch can't be transferred. A failure at either IBG count 7 or 12 causes the tape to be rewound on the file reel. The IBG counter continues to count as the left reel turns counterclockwise. At IBG count 20, the second attempt begins, and the Reels Loaded switch must be transferred before IBG count 28. If a failure occurs at IBG count 28, the tape rewinds on the file reel, and the thread and load operation aborts. The Load Check lamp remains on. After a successful reels loaded sequence, the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker must be detected before IBG count 44 (36 without EC 846437). If BOT isn't detected before IBG count 44 (36 without EC 846437), the operation stops (Tape isn't loaded into the columns or rewound on the file reel). An operator must determine if the BOT marker is in the correct place on the tape. A final check is made four IBG counts after the BOT marker is detected. By this time, the Vacuum Present switch L4 must be transferred or the operation stops and the operator must intervene again. If the BOT marker is not detected before IBG 44 (36 without EC 846437), or the Vacuum Column switch L4 is not transferred, no further attempts are made. e COPYright International BUSiness Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 THREAD LOAD WITHOUT CARTRIDGE (DIFFERENCES) The cartridge opening motor is de-energized to prevent unnecessary motor travel during thread load without a cartridge. THREAD LOAD CHECKING WITHOUT CARTRIDGE (DIFFERENCES) Without a cartridge, the first check is made at IBG 12 (9 without EC 846437). At this pOint, the Reels Loaded switch must be transferred or the operation stops and there is no further attempt. If the thread and load operation is successful, the remaining checks are the same as with a cartridge. Thread Load Checking With Cartridge Timing Chart 7 or IBG Counts 4 12 1. Load/Rewi nd Pushbutton FT263 2. Load Operation FT284 3. Thread Status FT284 4. Left Reel Thread (cw) FT285 2,3 5. Rt. Reel Thr.ead Ld (cw) FT285 6. Load Check Latch FT285 7. Set Unload Latch' FT284 8. Right Reel Unload FT265 7 9. Left Reel Unload FT265 7 20 28 I t 6 7 6 44 (36 without EC 846437) I 2 2 I 2 I 2 I I I I 2 I I 6 16 I j7 1 j7 I 61 31 I I 71 31 I I 71 31 'Unload Op (ALD FT265) is not set. THREAD LOAD CHECK POINTS IBG Count With Cartridge Without Cartridge not used 7 tape present (BOTIEOT) 9 not used not used (reels loaded without EC 846437) 12 reels loaded reels loaded (not used without EC 846437) 28 44 (36 without EC 846437) reels loaded (second try) BOT detected not used BOT +4 columns loaded BOT detected columns loaded 2A-020 C I 2A-lOO CARTR1DGE· DOES NOT OPEN Pressing The' LOADREWINO pushbutton sets Load Op and causes the cartridge motor to open the cartridge. The cartridge opener is rotated 200 degrees to a fully open position. The Cartridge Open switch then transfers and removes power from the cartridge motor. The Cartridge Open and Cartridge Closed switches are inside the cartridge opening mechanism. 0Air Pressure Failure Conditions that prevent setting Load Op and keep the cartridge motor from operating are: ·1. 2. The Door Interlock switch is open. L4 or R4 vacuum switch is indicating a tape bottom condition. 3. RESET switch was pressed. 4. Safety Bail switch is tripped. 5. Any condition present that deactivates Mechanical Ready. Mechanical Ready is deactivated by Lamp Off, Tape Bottomed, or Air Pressure Failure. [7] F7 6 amps YB02015 • t- Light Source 14] ZT031 n..rt. [6} B02 nIl.. [6] 002 cit A1C2 Tape Bottmd. FT264 A1D2 -S07 A1H2 Mech. Ready -P05 FT231 Power On Reset Door Interlock Cart Open Switch ZT031 +P13 FTllX R4 Vacuum Switch e ZTOll [1] [2} 005 ~U13[8J(3J -M05 A1C2 Reset +013 -Jl0 (1) [3] +P07 A1F2 IBG Counter FT391 004 , Cartridge . Motor ZT061 +G05 (9) +Ul0 (9) -J12 [3]-M08 [311+J13 ~G FT28X [1] -M09 Notes: ~e + Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of - 1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. [1] -M03 ZTOll [5] +B05 , k© ~--""'I(9) +J06 (1) -P09 RESET PB Safety Bail Switch ZT021 Cartridge Open Cartridge Closed Card ZT061 (3) -U06 L4 Vacuum Switch ZTOll +G05 A1E2 Load Op .ZT031 -B09 -J06 [1] +004 (1) +P06 ZTOll LOAD REWIND PB ZTOll [1] -P04 Write Card (at head) XWOOl . G- I-- Cart. On Switch [1] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is A1E2 -B07 -4 Vdc. FT26X [2] Level is plus with cartridge open and minus with FT283 cartridge closed. [3] Level is checked with LOAD REWIND switch held pressed. [ 4] Replace per "Light Source Replacement", See 08-620. for page number. [ 5] Plus (up) level is +6 Vdc and minus (down) level is OVdc. [6] Pulses from -1.3 Vdc to -1.6 Vdc. [ 7] For tape units with modified power interface board and power supply see F1 an ALO page YB040 (60 Hz) or YB045 (SO Hz). [8] Plus (up) level is +12 Vdc and minus (down) level is o Vdc. [9J With EC 846437 either U10 or J06 can be + level for proper operation and pin J 12 is unused. 2A-100 o Copyright Int8m8tIoneI8uti..... ~ Corponotion 1978.1979,1980.1983 o o o () o o o o o o o t) o {} o u o o o o o o () () {J c c c c o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c NOTES: 2A-105 3803-1.2.3/3420 2A-105 LEFT REEL DOES NOT TURN CLOCKWISE AT THREADING SPEED See2A-111 From 2A"()OO 2A-110 0 See2A~111 e Pressing the LOAD REWIND pushbutton sets the Load Op latch (ALD FT284). If tape, is not present. Thread Status is activated. Thread Status and Not Go Backward (ALD FT331) active causing the left reel to rotate clockwise at threading speed. See 2A-.111 ' No Yes Yes Yes No No Conditions which prevent the left reel from turning after LOAD REWIND is pressed are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Door interlock open. RESET pushbutton activated. Air pressure failure. RESET is active. Tape bottomed. R4 Vacumm Switch fails. l4 Vacuum switch fails. Unload Op active. left reel binding against frame. Go to----+.~ Reel turns too slow. Left reel pulses are measured at T -A 1D2G 10 and should be 180 milliseconds apart. If Tape Present (ALD FT23l) is active when LOAD REWIND is pressed, the tape unit attempts a mid-tape load. The left reel turns counterclockwise and the right reel turns clockwise to load tape into the columns. Probable FRUs: 1. 2. Clean and adjust or change EOT IBOT. Safety bail operated. Go to 1. 1. 2. 2. Open resistor in fan housing. Resistors in fan housing are unplugged. Goto---------~------_ -C----+.--..). ( -- J Probable causes: Probable FRUs: Start A 2A-III __ If the left reel turns too fa~t. the tape will not wrap on the left reel. Left reel pulses are measured at T-A1D2G10 and should be approximately 180 milliseconds apart. Start B 2A- I II ) -- -45 volts threading The MSC supplying During thread and load operations. the armature has 8-12 volts dc applied {depending on the circuit toaa) and the field has 45 volts applied. Go to---~t--_ ( A __ ( ....___8_t_ar_t 2A·11I _ was applied to the reel motors during and loading. card and the power supply are not the correct armature voltage. -Start B 2A-III ) 2A-110 e Copyright "..tem.tional BUI;"- M.chinet Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 () t) {) ~,) '~,) t ,- ) ! \. ) o :) - c c c c c o c c c c c c o c c c c c co o c c C T LEFT REEL DOES NOT TURN CLOCKWISE AT THREADING SPEED Safety Bail ZT021 LOAD REWIND PB FT231 RESET PB ~ ZTOll (7)+B05 Fiber OPtict-_..:.[8;;.:)...;D;.,.;1;.;:;2.... or Tape ~ EOT/BOT (8) B12 (3) t-------I F7 [10) Samps -B07 A1E2 YB020/5 -J04 -S07 Reel Hub t-_ _ _ _ _ _[1_S_)_[_l)_+J_0_2;----. A1E2 [17) -P05 Air Air Pressure Pressure Switch FT2B5 Power ' - - - - - ' [l)-P04 On Reset A1C2 See 2A-ll0 Tape -JOS Bottomed FT2S4 Write +G05 Card (at head) 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ +P _1_3.... FT11 X WBOll L4 Vacuum Switch R4 ZT011 Vacuum Switch ZT011 A1G2 r----~ F~2A-110 A 1 E2 Load Op +G04 A1F2 1-_;;";;""" Backward Thread Status Reels Loaded Switch WB021 -004 h Il Light Source ZT031 L3 -U04 Vacuum Switch 1---[-1)-4 ZT011 A1D2 Tape Present +J04 D02 (9) ru\.. B02 (2) -MOB (4) (15) -B07 -rMQg +M09 (4) FT28X -M13 (4) +G08 -G05 -U13 -BOO Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; lineshould have solid down level or go to the down level. [1] Plus (up) level is +0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. Down level should be present with tape out of columns. (2] Level is checked with LOAD REWIND switch held pressed. +M12 (4) Left Reel Power Board - [2] -B04 -J02 -Jl0 +M02 (HS FLD) [4) FT45X (5) -12 V [1) -POg MSCin (1) -MOO I -J02 +G13 [4) Power 1--.-..;;......;....--------------------1 Supply YB030/5 FT2SX Resistor t - - - - - I in Fan Housing [3] Before replacing the phototransistor, unplug the A 1A3 cable. A voltage shift of approximately 0.1 Vdc at the T -A 102 inputs indicates a good T-A 102 card. [4] Plus (up) level is + 12 Vdc and minus (down) level is 0 Vdc. [5] Measure at lower heat sink with motor plugged in. Voltage will be from -8 to - 12 Vdc, depending on circuit load. Caution: Voltage changes to -48 Vdc when the columns are loaded. [6] Replace per "Left Reel Hub and Motor Replacement" procedures. See 08-560. r-- EPO Pick OV(11) RMOOl " • ~Y!B~030~/5~---ln Power Supply t~ DELAY FT302 + ~ (12)+G09 (14) FT23X UNLOAD~-------J Notes: eft Reel [S) Motor RMOOl (2) +M04 ~ .J""L A1B2 Reel Motor Control +010 FT391 (9) FT2BX A1H2 Mech. Ready 2A-111 _ _... A1F2 +G05 IBG Counter (18) +Ul0 -J12 FT393 (18)+J06 +013 (13) -MOB (1) -M03 C C C C C C C C 0 From~-r'11_0 [2) -UOS t------~-__i ZTOll A1D2 Door Interlock t-_[_l_)_+P_0_S;-A-l-C-2....... Reset ZTOll [1,2) +P07 ----------- -_._----- See 2A-ll0 [7] Plus (up) level is +6 Vdc and minus (down) level is o Vdc. [14] If outputs are incorrect, do BOT fEOT adjustments on 08-580 before going to T -A 102 inputs. [ 8] Typical voltage is + 1.6 Vdc dark and less than + 1.5 Vdc light. [ 15] Special voltage line is zero (0) volts when the tape covers the port. It is -4 Vdc when the columns are loaded. [9] Pulses from -1.3 Vdc to -1.6 Vdc. [ 10] For tape units with modified power interface board and power supply, see F1 on ALD page YB040 (60 Hz) or YB045 (50 Hz). [11] Measure at Reel Board J2-7. [ 16] Plus with pneumatic supply running. [ 17] Minus with pneumatic supply running. [ 18] With EC 846437 either U 10 or J06 can be + level for proper operation and pin J 12 is unused. [ 12] Plus (up) level is +0.4 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. [ 13] Look at this before load Check occurs. 2A-111 c I 2A-115 NOTES: 2A-115 f) ~ ) u ~) 'J " :J c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 2A-120 RIGHT REEL DOES NOT TURN CLOCKWISE AT THREADING SPEED If the right reel turns too fast. or turns counterclockwise with drive unloaded, check K2 on the manual status control (MSC) in the power supply. From 2A-000 As the left reel turns, pulses are generated by the radius sense photocell (ALD FT231). These pulses are gated to the interblock gap (IBG) counter (ALD FT39X) to monitor the threading operation. Cart. Open SWitch ZT031 At IBG count 4, the right reel starts turning clockwise at half speed. LOAD REWIND 12Ji31 -P07 P8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tape present Door interlock open RESET pushbutton pressed Safety bail operated Air pressure failure 6. Reset is active 7. Tape bottomed 8. R4 9. L4 10. Unload Op is active 11. IBG advance trouble If the right reel slips, check the reel latch diaphragm. A diaphragm leak may cause the reel to slip on the hub. A serious diaphragm leak keeps the Latch Manifold Pressure switch from transferring and the right reel does not turn. Unless otherwise instructed, keep the left reel turning by pressing RESET and then the LOAD REWIND push buttons for each test point. UO"P'''''' Cart FT281 I Al F2 FT391 Mach Reset +U06 -M09 +D13 FT26X -P05 FT284 A1E2 Reset IBG Counter FT282 Reflector In Left Reel Radius Sense n..JL Gl0 Photo Cell SS lT031 ZT031 FT231 -P06 I U IBG Counter I 111 J05 Reel Hub [41 -P07 [41 +M05 [41 Right Reel Power Board ~ Reel [61 Motor RMOOl -804 [21181 +J02 FT28X R2 Vacuum Switch MSC In Power Supply YB030 5 121 -U09 ~- FT45X Right Motor Speed Control Resistor in Fan Housing J2·9 [51 -12V EPa Pick ~ 0 Ii [71 ov RMOOl 4) ~ I . I I I ' YB030/5 • Vdc. [8) GND "-- [2 ] Plus (up) level is Ov and minus (down) level is -4 [ 4] Plus level is + 12 Vdc and minus level is 0 Vdc. +M03 ZT011 [ 1 ] One minus pulse occurs at IBG count 4. To test. press RESET and LOAD REWIND. [3] Level is checked without pressing pushbutton. [41 -P09 lTOll Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. -M02 FT39X Notes: Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. -G05 r- A1D2 r1..I1... M05 Right Reel Control -D06 191 +J06 +G08 A 1F2 Air Pressure SWitch + A 1 E2 A1B2 -G04 I ZT011 Al E2 Tape Break +Dl0 Direction A1C2 Conditions that prevent the right reel from turning after the LOAD REWIND pushbutton is pressed are: Holding the LOAD REWIND pushbutton deactivates the input to the IBG counter preventing generation of IBG count 4. If a load check occurs before the reels are loaded, check for extraneous pulses from the radius sense photocell. or a defective F2 card. Al E2 +D05 I ~ ~ ~ [6] Replace per "Right Reel Hub and Motor Removal and Replacement". See 08-560. [ 5] Measure at lower heat sink with motor plugged in. Voltage will be from -8 Vdc to -12 Vdc depending. on circuit load. [7] Measure at Reel Board J2-7. Caution: Voltage switches to -48 Vdc when columns are loaded. [9] [8] Level is checked with the LOAD REWIND pushbutton held pressed. Level is checked before Load Check. 2A-120 TAPE THREADS INTO RIGHT COLUMN 2A-130 (TRANSFER VALVE NOT PICKED OR PNUEMATIC MOTOR NOT RUNNING) From 2A-OOO Load Op activates Pick Pneumatic Supply (ALD FT2821, which energizes a contactor located in the ac power supply. Picking the contactor supplies power to the pneumatic motor driving the pressure pump and vacuum blower. Thread Status actuates the transfer valve. which switches vacuum and directs pressure to the threading channels. preventing vacuum in the columns. Check transfer valve action by watching the transfer valve solenoid plunger from the rear of the machine. • • If the transfer valve is operating and there is still vacuum in the columns (see 08-400 Transfer Valve leakage test).· No A 1 E2 Pneumatic Contacter Load Op 1----....;..-----1 DANGER -J09 Yes [8) FT282 Clean Tape Present Mirror BOT/EDT Photo Transistor [4J ZT031 If the transfer valve solenoid is not operating. check CP3 at the rear of the machine. [5] B12 [5] 012 A102 Tape Present FT231 Reels Loaded Switch ZT011 , [9) [10) +GOO [9) +J04 +807 A1E2 Thread Status FT28X -006 (8) SCRA Card Power Supply (7) YB020/5 e - CP3 208V(ac) 0.5 amps [2] YB030/5 Transfer Valve Solenoid I-YC031 Mechanical Problem In Transfer Valve [6) YB020/5 ~ Power Supply DANGER Power must be removed completely. Remove the power cord when servicing inside the AC box. Notes: + Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -.85 Vdc; line shouldhave a solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid d~wn level or go to the down level. [ 1 ] See ALD page VB030 (60 Hz) or VB035 (50 Hz). [2] CP3 is nonindicating and is not monitored by power check circuits. [ 3] Replace per "Pneumatic Supply Belt replacement and adjustment". See 08-440. [ 4] Before replacing the phototransistor assembly. unplug the T-A1A3 cable. A voltage shift of approximately 0.1 Vdc at the T -A 102 inputs indicates a good T -A 102 card. [ 5] Typical voltage level + 1.6 Vdc dark. less than + 1.5 Vdc light. [6] Check for leakage. (See "Pneumatic Pressure. Vacuum Checks" on 08-400). [7] Unload the tape unit and remove the tape reel. Press and hold the LOAD REWIND pushbutton to force and hold thread status. Cover and uncover the reels loaded port. The reading should be -4 Vdc uncovered and 0.0 Vdc covered. [8] Plus level is + 12 Vdc; minus level is 0.0 Vdc. [9] If the level is incorrect. remove the tape. Perform the BOT / EOT adjustments before checking the T-A1D2 inputs. See 08-580 for the BOT/EOT adjustments. [10]Special voltage level is 0.0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. Rear View of Machine 2A-130 C) CopfrigIIt .............. Buain_ Mechinn CfII1IONtion 1878. t878, 1880, 1883 ~) o () a "£) o o ~) o o o ~) :) o o c c c c c c c c c c co c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c TAPE THREADS INTO THREADING CHANNEL AND STOPS The transfer valve remains actuated by Thread Status (ALD. FT284) for two revolutions after the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker is sensed. Possible causes are: 1. Obstructions in the read/write head area. 2. Left reel turning too fast. Check this condition on 2A-110. 3. Load check is set when the tape threads to the read/write head. Check for a defective Reels Loaded switch. The Reels Loaded switch is in the left thread channel. 4. 5. Threading pressure or vacuum may be missing or low. See "Pneumatic Pressure, Vacuum Checks" on 08-400. Tape may stick to lower restraint due to static. 2A-140 Notes: From 2A{)00 + Check for obstructions in the R/W head area. Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. [ 1 ] Replace per "Left Reel Hub and Motor Removal and Replacement". See 08-560. Yes [2] Special voltage levels: -4 Vdc to ground. Line is at A1C2 Reel Loaded Switch ZT011 [2) - S07 Status FT284 Load Complete +M02 FT262 +12 V Reel Motor Power Soard ground level only when tape covers the Reels Loaded switch sensing port. Line is at -4 Vdc when the tape unit is unloaded, or tape is loaded in the columns. RMOO1 Reer view of machine 2A-140 2A-150 LOAD CHECK PRIOR TO BOT SENSE A Load Check (ALD FT285) is caused by the incorrect stepping of the interblock gap (lBG) counter or sensor failure. Notes: From 2A'()00 A slight tension develops when tape is firmly w(apped around the left reel with the right reel turning at half speed. Tension raises the tape and blocks the left guide sensing port, signaling a reels-loaded condition. .Excessive leader length will cause a load check during a retry. + Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. No Count Problem: 7 Tape not present at BOT/EDT photo sensors 12 Reels Loaded switch not active 28 Reel is not loaded on a second attempt 44 No BOT marker (9) After BOT reset. columns not 4 loaded [ 1] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. Count Problem: 12 Reels Loaded switch not active (10) 44 No BOT marker [9) 4 After BOT reset, columns not loaded [ 3 ] If the load check lamp stays on. change A 1E2. [ 4] Line must go to 0 Vdc during threading operation. Line goes to -4 Vdc when pneumatics drop. [5] Special voltage levels: 0 Vdc to + 12 Vdc. [6] + (plus) If LOAD CHECK indicator lamp is off. Ensure that the load point marker is 12 to 15 feet (4·5m) from the end of tape and that the reflective marker in the left reel is clean and smooth. • EDT I BOT Photo Transisto ZT031 Fiber Optic [7) D12 [7) B12 [8) -J04 A1D2 Tape Present [8) [1) -G09 FT231 A1F2 IBG Counter FT395 Reels Loaded Switch ZT011 e Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. [7] Typical Voltage: + 1.6 Vdc dark. less than + 1.5 Vdc light. [ 8 ] If the level is incorrect. remove the tape. Perform the BOT / EOT adjustments before checking the T-A1D2 inputs. (See 08-580 for the BOT/EOT adjustments). A1E2 Load Check [31 [9] Without EC 846437 count is 36. [ 10] Without EC 846437 count is 9. (5) +P06 (6) (11) +U10 -J12 [11) +J06 Load Check Indicator ZT031 [ 11 ] With EC 846437 either U 10 or J06 can be + level for proper operation and PIN J12 is unused. [4] [1) 807 FT28X Rear view of machine 2A-150 ~) o () o o o ~) {) u tJ ~) '} " o o I) " o :} \ J c c c c o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c TAPE DOES NOT LOAD INTO EITHER COLUMN Reels continue to turn until the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker is sensed. Output from the BOT phototransistor, along with Reels Loaded Status and Thread Status (ALO FT284), resets the interblock gap (lBG) counter to O. The IBG counter resumes counting from O. At BOT plus 2, Thread Status (ALO FT284) is reset and the transfer valve solenoid is de-energized, shifting vacuum to the columns and directing pressure to the air bearings. Not Thread Status and the Air Bearing Pressure switch transferred, stop the left reel from moving clockwise (ALO FT45X) and start it moving counterclockwise. With the left reel moving counterclockwise, Load Op sets Left Load Reversal, and tape loads into the columns. Power Supply ( FT283 ~'~" ~ ~-' Reel Loaded Switch ZT011 [ 1] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. Reel Hub Air [12] [1] +J02 Pressure Switch ZT011 [1] [2] B07 [10] 012 A102 BOT SS FT231 Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down IEwel. Make sure that the load point marker is clean. properly poSitioned. and located 12 to 15 feet (4-5 ml from the end of tape. Resulti will be inconciusilll! if voltages .re not checked in a failing mode. [3] -G13 [ 2] Must go plus during threading operations. Goes minus when pneumatics drop. A1E2 Thread Status -M04 ~ -M10 A1B2 Left Reel Control BOT/EaT Photo Transistor [10] 012 [10] B12 [ 4] If the level is incorrect, perform the BOT I EOT adjustments checking the A 102 inputs. (See 08-580 for BOT IEOT adjustments). [5] Replace per "Left Reel Hub and Motor removall Replacementl Adjustment". See 08-560. [ 6] Transfer valve solenoid should not b& energized. If the transfer valve solenoid stays picked, the probable cause is a shorted resistor I capacitor (RC) network across the K1-5 and K1-9 relay points on the SCRA card (see YC031). Use improved RC network (PIN 1766179). [7] Special voltage level: 0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. -P10 -P13 [B] [ 10] Typical voltage level: + 1.6 Vdc dark, less than + 1.5 Vdc light. +J10 ~ P11 ~ A1D2 Tape Present FT231 [4] [7] -G09 [4] -J04 Left Reel Power Board RMOO1 [1] +M03 ~ C~ [ 3] When the BOT marker passes the sensor, a negative pulse is generated. The BOT singleshot line is plus when the tape is stopped. If the BOT singleshot line is incorrect, perform the BOT I EOT adjustment before checking the T -A 102 inputs. (See 08-580 for BOT IEOT adjustments). [8] Must pulse minus during thread operation. A1C2 HS Rewind FT261 A1F2 J11 Load Point complete~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~==~::!!~ or Status Step FT391 A1F2 Down IBG FT262 Counter FT395 Transfer SCRA Air Transfer +006 +12V Card [1] Valve Bearing Valve. DANGER Solenoid Switch Pressure ~ YB020/5 [6]YC031 ZT011 • Notes: From 2A{)OO Unless otherwise noted, lines are checked after BOT is sensed and before Load Check. ZT031 '~ J Repe.ted .ttempts WIll be reqUired to check some hnes. A1C2 Load A1E2 Start + BOT Photo Transistor [9] ZT031 A1C2 Halt Left Reel Load FT264 2A-160 A1E2 I-B04 Tape Present FT2BX Ree-I Motor [5] RMOO KWD [ 11 ] This is the SCRA card located inside the ac power supply. DANGER Power must be removed completely. Remove the power cord when servicing inside the AC box . [ 12] Check air pressure at the rear of the housing prior to changing the air pressure switch. (See 08-520). FT45X [ 13] Line is plus during a Load or Unload operation. ~frequency, suspect a binding or slipping tach. S09 A1G2 A1D2 Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down),level of. - 1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. FT392 FT354 Left Reel Tach/Photo Transistor [5J Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up evel. [3] Replace per "Capstan Assembly Replacement". (See 08-0(0). [6J -011 A1C2 .< A1D2 Photo Detector FT231 ~ [7] If the radius sense does not pulse in the low speed area, clean the ends of the fiber optic bundle with a damp cloth (see 08-610 for removal). Also, apply a felt pad to the handle and lightly dampen with tape cleaning fluid. Hold the pad to the inside front of the left reel and spin the reel by hand. This cleans the reflective strips located on the inside front of the left reel flange. 3A-170 ---..-.,..-"-,-,-,",~ 0 I 3A-171 NOTES: © .~.) 3A-171 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 o o () o o () {) I) '- "f) . () o {) o () c c c o o o o c c c o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c c c c 4A-OOO UNLOAD SYMPTOMS This MAP assumes that the tape unit loads correctly. UNLOAD OPERATION WITH CARTRIDGE AND WITHOUT EC 734952 An unload operation is started by pressing RESET and UNLOAD REWIND. If the tape is not at beginning-of-tape (BOT), it is rewound to BOT before it is unloaded. Pressing UNLOAD REWIND activates Manual Status, Rewind Unload Status, and Unload Operation. Unload Op and Manual Status cause the right reel to turn counterclockwise, pulling the tape out of the columns. When the tape goes above the L 1 vacuum port, the transfer valve solenoid is energized. The transfer valve shuts off air and vacuum to the air bearings and columns. At the same time, the right reel stops and the left reel turns clockwise. The left reel pulls the remaining tape out of the columns until the Reels Loaded switch is transferred. Columns Unloaded is activated by vacuum column switches R4 and L4 being deactivated. When the Reels Loaded switch is transferred, both reels turn counterclockwise until all the tape is on the right reel. Tape Present is deactivated when the end of the tape leader passes the BOT /EOT phototransistors. Unload Complete is activated by Columns Unloaded and not Tape Present. Unload Complete causes the cartridge to close and the pneumatic supply to turn off. UNLOAD OPERATION WITHOUT CARTRIDGE UNLOAD OPERATION WITH CARTRIDGE AND EC 734952 4A-OOO: UNLOAD SYMPTOMS From 00-040. START 2 An unload operation is started by pressing RESET and UNLOAD REWIND. If the tape is not at the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker, it is rewound to BOT before it is unloaded. Pressing UNLOAD REWIND activates Manual Status, Rewind Unload Status, and Unload Operation. Unload Operation and Manual Status cause the right reel to turn counterclockwise. pulling the tape out of the right column. When the tape is pulled above R1, pneumatics drop and the transfer valve solenoid is energized. Pneumatics turn on again. but the transfer valve shuts off air and vacuum to the air bearings and columns. At the same time, the right reel stops and the left reel turns clockwise. The left reel pulls the remaining tape out of the columns until the Reels Loaded switch is transferred. Columns Unloaded is activated when vacuum column switches R4 and L4 transfer. Possible Causes: • BOT fEOT mirror is dirty. • BOT fEOT adjustments. • Transfer valve leaking. See 08-400. • T-A1C2, T-A1E2 defective. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq Condition/Instruction 1 Does the tape unit unload by using the UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton, but not by using the field tester or tape control unit commands? Action Replace: T-A1K4 T-A1J2 If not fixed, go to ALD FT134 and isolate to the failing point. lA Be sure the tape unit is loaded, at load point, and ready. 2 Press RESET. Does the Ready indicator turn off? Go to Seq 4. 3 If not: Go to 4A-l00. 4 Press the UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton. Does the right reel turn counterclockwise? Go to Seq 6. 5 If not: Go to 4A-ll0. Unload Complete causes the cartridge to close. 6 Does tape come out of both columns properly? Go to Seq 7A. UNLOAD OPERATION WITHOUT CARTRIDGE 7 If not: Go to 4A-120. If EC 734952 is installed, does pneumatic motor fail to turn off? If EC 734952 is not installed, go to Seq 8. Go to 4A-160. 8 Does tape wind completely onto right reel? Go to Seq 10. 9 If not: Go to 4A-130. 10 Do both reels stop? If EC 734952 is not installed, go to Seq 12. With EC 734952 installed, go to Seq 14. 11 If not: Clean the EOT fBOT mirror. Check BOT fEOT adjustments. Adjust if necessary. See 08-000. Go to 4A-130. 12 Does the pneumatic motor turn off? Go to Seq 14. 13 If not: Go to 4A-160. 14 Is a cartridge in use? Go to Seq 17. 15 Does power window go down? Recheck symptoms. 16 If not: Go to 4A-140. 17 Does cartridge close? Go to Seq 15. 18 If not: Go to 4A-150. When the Reels Loaded switch is transferred, pneumatics drop. and both reels turn counterclockwise until all the tape is on the right reel. Not Tape Present ia activated when the end of the tape leader passes the BOT /EOT phototransistors. Unload Complete is activated by Columns Unloaded and not Tape Present. The unload operation without a cartridge is the same as with a cartridge except that the cartridge motor does not operate. The unload operation without a cartridge is the same as with a cartridge except that the cartridge motor doesn't operate. 7A 3803-1.2.3/3420 e 4A-OOO Copyright International BUSiness Machin•• Corporation 1976, 1979. 1983 "" - 4A-100 READY LAMP DOES NOT TURN OFF Pressing the RESET pushbutton resets Ready Status, which turns off the Ready latch (ALD FT262) and the Ready indicator. From 3A·OOO Start B Start A Operator Panel [2] [3] +M03 From 4A-OOO Ready Indicator A1C2 A1K4 -M07 +G10 [1] A1C2 A1J2 Interface Decode -a05 [2] [4]-M04 FT263 ZT011 ZT031 FT102 ftG10 [11 FT261 FT154 Ready Indicator ZT031 Notes: + Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of - 1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. [1] Plus (up) level is + 12 Vdc and minus (down) level is 0 Vdc. [2] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. [3] When the RESET pushbutton is pressed, the voltage level is 0 Vdc. [4] Level is -4 Vdc unless the START pushbutton is pressed. 3I03-U,3/3420 4A-100 {) o () o o o o o o o o {) o () () ~) o o o o c c c c o o o c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c c c c c c c c c c UNLOAD REWIND PUSHBUTTON (NO RESPONSE) 4A-110 The UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton sets Unload Operation (ALD FT2651. Unload Rewind. and Manual Status. The' right reel turns counterclockwise. pulling tape out of the right column. From 4A-OOO UNLOAD REWIND PB FT263 (1) (2) +P05 A1C2 Unload Op A1E2 Load Op FT284 A1G2 A1C2 Unload Delay Manual Status -J02 FT351 FT265 MSC Card Power Supply +G13 (4) -JOo +006 Right Reel Power Board RMOO1 A1B2 Right Reel FT453 (3) +GOS ~. A1F2 LP Status FT391 Power Supply +G05 -M12 -013 o FT265 Notes: + Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. [1] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. [2] Levet is 0 Vdc with UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton pressed. [3} Special voltage: -.5 Vdc to -2.5 Vdc. [4] Plus (up) level is + 12 Vdc and minus (down) level is 0 Vdc. 4A-110 4A-120 TAPE DOES NOT PULL OUT OF COLUMNS PROPERLY DURING UNLOAD REWIND WITHOUT EC 734952 (ALD FT283) Unload starts the right reel turning counterclockwise pulling all of the tape out of the right column and then the left column until the tape loop rises above vacuum switch L1. At this time, the transfer valve is picked (ALD FT283). Vacuum is removed from the columns resulting in Columns Unloaded status which signals the right reel to stop and the left reel to take up tape by turning clockwise (ALD FT283). This continues until Reels Loaded is sensed. This causes both reels to turn counterclockwise until all of the tape is on the right reel. [4] If T -A 1B2 and the reel board have been replaced, and the trouble still exists, refer to OPER section for theory. [5] See 08-400 for transfer valve leakage test. [6] Line is minus until tape is out of the right column. Then the line goes plus until tape is out of the left column. Caution: If the right reel does not stop, tape damage may result. C Start ) From 4A-000 WITH EC 734952 (ALD FT283) Unload starts the right reel turning counterclockwise, pulling tape out of the right column. As vacuum switch R1 transfers, vacuum drops as pneumatics drop, L4 and R4 vacuum switches transfer. When L4 and R4 transfer, this signals Columns Unloaded status which: 1. 2. 3. 4. Condition for test: Hold right reel after tape IS out of right column, turn left reel clockWise until tape loop IS just above L 1 vacuum sWitch port, Activates the transfer valve. Activates the pneumatics motor. Stops the right reel motor see CAUTION above). Activates the left reel motor in a clockwise direction (ALD FT283) taking tape out of the left column. A1C2 Unload Op FT265 A1E2 +Jll L1 Vacuum A1B2 Check for [5] Proper Mechanical Operation of Transfer Valve Transfer Valve Solenoid YB031 SCRA Card YB020/5 FT283 111 +502 SWitch Notes: FT451 lTOll Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. R4 Vacuum SWitch lT011 Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. A1B2 111 -M09 A1C2 [1] -P09 L4 Vacuum SWitch lT011 [2] Plus level is + 12 Vdc and minus level is 0 Vdc. [ 3] If the right reel does not stop, tape damage may occur. +M04 A1E2 Columns Unloaded [ 1 ] Plus level is 0 Vdc and minus level is -4 Vdc. With vacuum present and tape above the port, the level will be plus. e +M12 -D06121 When Reels Loaded is sensed, the pneumatics motor is dropped and both reels turn counterclockwise until all the tape is on the right reel. + ~ FT263 FT264 Reel Control - Left Reel Power Board [4] J \ RM001 +J13 A1C2 +P09 FT283 [6] D02 ~ FT452 FT453 FT262 Right Reel Power Board [3] [4] - Left Reel Motor (cw) - , I Right Reel ) Motor (Stopped) RMOOl 4A-120 Copyright Intarnational BUlin... Machina. Corporation 1978, 1979, 1983 o o o o () o o o o {) () {) ~) [) ~) o o o D o :) o c o c o c c c c o c c c c co c c c c c o c c TAPE DOES NOT WIND COMPLETELY ONTO RIGHT REEL OR REELS DO NOT STOP As tape is removed from the columns, tape tightens over the 'Reels-Loaded switch, located in the left threading channel. Then both reels turn counterclockwise, taking up tape until the end of the tape passes the beginning-of-tape / end-of-tape (BOT /EOT) phototransistors. This deactivates Tape Present (ALD FT281). Delay in the Tape Present circuits causes the right reel to continue turning until the tape is completely restored to the right reel. If reels do not stop, use Start A. If tape does not wind completely onto the right reel, use Start B', From 4A'()OO In case of intermittent tape break or stretching, replace the Reels Loaded switch. Photo Transistor (3) 012 A1D2 A1E2 (4) +G09 EOT/ BOT 1- (3) B12 Tape Present (5) J10 -S08 A1C2 Reel Control I I I +B07 [4 J Special voltage levels: 0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. G I I I I I I I I I I -M04 (2) [5) I I i If tape does not completely wind onto the right reel, use this entry. I [2] Plus (up) level is 0 Vdc and minus (down) level is -4 Vdc. I I FT341 I Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.S5 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. I -J13 I I Reels Loaded Switch Left Ree' Motor (6) RM001 -G05 A1F2 I I [3] Typical voltage levels: + 1.6 Vdc dark and less than + 1.5 Vdc light. A1B2 -006 FT266 FT231 ZT031 Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. [ 6 J Drives counterclockwise when Reels Loaded is active. Left Reel Power Board (7) Notes: [ 5 J Positive when tape is taut across left threading channel and vacuum is present. 4A-130 If reels cio not stop, use this entry. I + o c c c o c c o c -P09 FT28X Right Reel Power Board FT45X RMOO1 ZT011 [ 7 J If this level is incorrect, perform the BOT / EOT adjustment before checking the T -A 102 card inputs. See OS-580. © Copyright IntemaliOnel Busin..s Machin.. Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980, 1983 4A-130 POWER WINDOW DOES NOT GO DOWN START The power window provides access to the right reel for loading and unloading. The window is raised only when either the LOAD REWIND or RESET pushbuttons are pressed. It is lowered when an Unload operation has been completed. Power Window Safety Bail Switch The motor is controlled by a relay. the Window-Up switch. and the Window-Down switch. Motor direction is determined by the direction of motor current. When either the LOAD REWIND or RESET pushbuttons are pressed. the relay is picked to drive the motor. The motor continues to drive until the Window-Up switch opens. removing voltage from the motor. The relay remains picked while the window is up. The window is lowered by dropping the relay. which reverses the direction of motor current and bypasses the Window-Up switch. Voltage is removed from the motor when the Window-Down switch opens. No I (START A ) A1E2 Tape Present FT281 START B Unload Rewind PushButton ZTOll Power Window Fuse or CB [71 +P05 -P12 I-- Window Closed Switch WB022 B. Power Window Power Board and Relay. Check Window Up and Down switches and fuse. [4] [5] +M07 FT263 Window Closed Switch WB022 [7]-B02 [2] +B05 [3] -J02 --FT283 I I I I --- I A1E2 Window Down I +B04 [1] -B13 I A1E2 Load Op FT284 B03 ZT021 -505 [7] B02 FT283 Notes: + l +B04 [1] A1C2 Reel Hub Pressure Switch [6] ZTOll A1C2 Cartridge Interlock FT266 Power Window Down Switch A1E2 Window Down [3] -M03 Power Window PCB If the window fails to go down when the UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton is pressed. start testing at Start A. +M08 Safety Bail Switch WB022 FT285 Air Bearing Pressure Switch ZTOll If the window fails to go down on a programmed Unload/Rewind. or from the 3803. start at Start A1C2 Unload Complete FT266 -S08 A1E2 Power Window Up Switch SET UP: 2. With reels unloaded, press the UNLOAD REWIND button. Does window go down 7 Yes The door contains a safety bail. The safety bail is a cable. enclosed in a hollow gasket. stretched across the top of the window. Any object applying sufficient pressure to the safety bail transfers the safety bail switch thereby deactivating the relay. The window drive motor reverses and lowers the window. 1. 4A-140 From 4A-000 Pressing UNLOAD REWIND or issuing a Rewind! Unload command drops the relay located on power window board. and applies motor current to lower the window after the unload sequence is completed. When the window opens, the Window Down switch transfers and removes power from the motor. The relay remains dropped. Power Window Safety Bai I Cable The window is raised by a motor-driven rack and gear assembly. It is counterbalanced by springs. To maintain window alignment. an idler roller on each side of the window rolls in guides. ) Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. [3) Plus level is 0 Vdc and minus level is -4 Vdc. Level is minus when pneumatics are off. [4) Verify that the window motor retaining screws are tight. Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of - 1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. [5) Line level should be plus with the UNLOAD REWIND pushbutton pressed. or safety bail activated. [1) Plus level is + 12 Vdc and minus level is 0 Vdc. [2) Special voltage: 0 Vdc to +6 Vdc if the switch is activated. [6) If EC 734952 is installed. the pneumatics drop when the Reels Loaded switch makes. [7) Special voltage: 0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. 4A-140 o o o u () o {) o o {) {) ~) o o ~) \ ~) o c o c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c CARTRIDGE OPENER DOES NOT CLOSE 4A-150 Deactivating Tape Present turns on Unload Complete (ALD FT2661. which resets the Cartridge Hold latch (ALD FT282). This starts the cartridge motor and closes the cartridge. When the Cartridge Closed switch transfers, the cartridge motor stops. Cartridge Closed SWitch WB021 0 A1D2 BOT/EOT FT231 +G09 [21 + J04 A1E2 Tape Present FT281 -SOB A1C2 Unload Complete FT266 Cartridge Open Switch WB021 [4J [2J-002 ----:r A1E2 Cartndge -U13 [1 I Opener Drive t---""""'-"""'"----I Control Cartridge Card ZT061 Notes: + Indicates nominal MST -1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of +MOB -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go -U07 -005 ''Om 4A-ooO to the down level. FT28X [ 1 ] Plus (up) level is + 12 Vdc and minus (down) level is o Vdc. [ 2] Special voltage: 0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. [3] Cartridge open switch is plus (0 volts) when the cartridge is fully open. [ 4 ] Cartridge closed switch is plus (0 volts) when the cartridge is fully closed. o Switches are part of the cartridge motor assembly. 4A-150 .d" ,)#Q1! c 4A-160 PNEUMATIC MOTOR DOES NOT TURN OFF PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - THEORY PNEUMATIC SWITCHES Two pneumatic pumps supply all vacuum and air pressure required for machine operation. Pneumatic switches sense the absence or presence of air pressure and vacuum throughout the pneumatic system. The switches indicate the position of tape in the vacuum columns. the reels-loaded condition. air bearing pressure. automatic reel latch pressure. and file protect status. The distribution of air and vacuum is controlled by a transfer valve and a three-way valve. Vacuum is used for: From 4A-OOO or 2A-OOO When Unload Op is set, the pneumatic motor runs until Unload Complete resets Unload Op. Unload Complete is set by the drop of Tape Present. • • Tape threading AIR BEARINGS Reel loading • Column loading Air bearings are positioned at three places in the tape path: • Tape in column sensing 1. • Capstan motor cooling 2. At the bottom of the right tapered column. • Tape cleaning 3. At the bottom of the left tapered column. At the top of the right tapered column. Al 2 Pick Pneumatic FT264 -G07 -G12 A1E2 Pneumatic Motor +J09 [2) _ _~Control I-:..;;,;;~~ Contactor FT282 Air is forced through holes in the bearings to produce a thin film of air on which the tape rides. Air pressure is used for: • Without EC 734952 YB030/5 OR YB010/5 A1C2 Tape threading A1E2 Tape Present FT281 • Reels loaded sensing • Holding the file protect plunger retracted Notes: • Retracting the tape guides + • Forcing tape away from the heads during high speed rewind • Air bearings • Automatic reel latch • General machine cooling [1] Refer to ALD YB030/5 or YB010/5. • High speed rewind plunger [2] Plus level is + 12 Vdc and minus level is 0 Vdc. -S08 FT265 Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. With EC 734952 Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go the the down level. From 4A-OOO or 2A-OOO When Unload Op is set, the pneumatics motor will stop when the R 1 vacuum switch transfers; starts again when the vacuum decreases and the R4 and L4 vacuum switch transfers; then stops when the Reels Loaded switch transfers. [3] Special voltage: 0 Vdc to -4 Vdc. TRANSFER VALVE Unload Op Note: There is less than a second between the stop and restart of the pneumatic motor. The transfer valve controls the distribution of vacuum. which is different for a threading operation than for all other operations. Reels Loaded Switch WB021 THREE-WAY VALVE The three-way valve is spring-loaded to the normal. Thread Status Inactive position. Durind Thread Status Active. the three-way valve is actuated by the transfer valve solenoid. See the diagram on 4A-161. [3)-B07 Al E2 Stop nght Reel Unload FT283/4 7 A1E2 +J09 [2) A1C2 - 12 Pneumatics Motor Control Contactor FT282 Load Complete YB030/5 OR YB010/5 FT262 4A-160 o o () o o o .f) \. .~) \. u :J G o ,f} c c 0 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 0 , , PNEUMATIC SYSTEM THREAD STATUS ACTIVE 4A-161 F lie Protect Sensing File Protect THREAD STATUS INACTIVE I nd,cate SWitch Latch Pressure Latch Pressure Sensing SWitch Reel Motor SenSing SWitch Reel Motor Automatic Latch Automatic Latch Upper Restraint Upper Restraint (Cartridge Pressure) (Cartrrdge Pressurel Lower Restraint Lower Restraint (Threading Chute) !Threading Chutel Left Threading Left. Threading (Channel (Upper) Tap e red Col u m n 5 12:::::E:3iE:::::::::::f'IE'fl:=J Channel (Upperl Right Threading Channel (U pped Channel (Upper) Right Retractor Right Retractor Cleaner Blade Cleaner Blade Cap::.tan Motor Capstan Motor Air Beanng Plenum Right Threading Right Threading Channel (Lower) Channel (Lower) Transfer Valve Assemhly Transfer Valv£' Assembly (Actuated for Threading) L - - - - I.... JI--I_I---@CO"'" Vacuum Columns Vacuum Columns Pressure Pump Pressure Pump ~ From Cooling Distribution Box From Cooling Distribution Box Hub ~ 4A-161 (0 Copyright International BUSiness Machmes Corporation 1976, 1979 ,- C I 4A-162 NOTES: 4A-162 © t} Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 o () o o o o t) o o t) {) o f} '- o .* , , j eeoo o o o o o c o () o c c c c co c c c c c c c c c c c c c SA-OOO ENVELOPE FAILURE, RUNAWAY, OR READ/WRITE PROBLEMS Error Description: This MAP helps diagnose problems involving the Write Card, the Read Card, the Read Write Head, the Erase Head, and the Read, Write, and Erase controls. Use this MAP with diagram 5A-100. If the problem is permanent read/write errors, refer to 00-011 for further assistance. Most Probable Causes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Read head card defective. Write head card defective. T-A1L2, T-A1J2, T-A1M2 (NRZI) defective. R/W head defective. Erase head defective. Capstan motor. Initial Checks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Air pressure and vacuum. See 08-400. -4 Vdc and +6 Vdc supply in tolerance. See 08-570. R/W head and cleaner blade must be clean. Capstan squaring. See 08-130. NRZI skew. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the prodecure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Action Condition/Instruction Seq 1 Is this the first time through this MAP? Go to Seq 3. 2 If not: Go to 5A-105. 3 Field tester setup: Go to Seq 20. 1. Load a scratch tape a Write Enable ring and make the drive READY. 2. Is File Protect light on? 1. Set to Write. 2. Set the 8/16/32 switch to 32 for phase encode or 8 for N RZI. 3. Sync scope on +Go atT-A1F2J12. 4. Set scope Horiz to 1.0 ms and vertical to .5V/cm. 5. Set tester to Fwd and St/Stp. Move Go Up and Go Down to display a complete envelope. 6. Scope analog test points at point on 5A-100. Go to Seq 4. 4 Are all tracks missing? Go to Seq 12. 5 Are any tracks missing? Go to Seq 22. 6 Are all tracks within 20 % of each other in amplitude? Go to Seq 25. 7 Is failing mode NRZI? Go to Seq 30. Action 11 If not: Change the R/W head and readjust the amp sensors. Go to 00-030. 12 Is the High Speed rewind plunger operating correctly? See Operational Check on 08-000. Go to Seq 15. 13 Repair or replace as necessary. Is the drive operating correctly? Go to 00-030. 14 Is the line at T -A 1H2M09 plus? Go to Seq 20. 15 Scope the Write Data lines starting at entry C on 5A-l00. Are all pulsing? Change the Write head card. If not fixed, go to Seq 34. 16 If any of the Initial Checks indicate a problem, take the action necessary but verify that the original problem still exists before continuing with this MAP (run OLTEP, 3420 A to Z, etc). Condition/Instruction Seq If not: Seq Replace the R/W head. Is the drive fixed? Go to 00-030. 18 Check the cables from the Read head to the A 1 logic panel for shorts, opens, or loose cables. Was the trouble found? Go to 00-030. 19 If not: Recheck symptoms. Go to 00-030. 20 Is the line at T-A1H2Ml0 plus? Change T -A 1 H2. Go to 00-030. 21 If not: Go to ALD WB021 and follow line to the failing pOint. Components include the File Protect mechanism and the NFP relay and card. See ALD ZT07l. 22 Scope the Write Data lines for missing tracks, starting at entry C on 5A-100. Are they pulsing? Change the Write head card. If not fixed, go to Seq 34. 23 Scope Bus Out lines at input to T -A 1J2 (see 5A-100). Are the inputs pulsing? Replace T-A1J2. Go to 00-030. 24 If not: Go to Seq 29. e 25 Scope inputs at points Are they pulsing? 26 If not: Replace the read head card (see 08-260). Go to 00-030. 27 Disconnect the interface cable. Put the drive Online/Offline switch to Online. Scope pins at point on 5A-100. Are the signals pulsing? If fixed, go to 00-030. If not fixed, go to 5A-l05. on 5A-100. 28 If not: Replace T-A1L2. Go to 00-030. 29 Check the field tester and cabling for operation. Look for pOSSible opens or shorts in the cable wiring. Go to 00-030. 30 Are the inputs to T -A 1 L2 at points 5A-100 pulsing? 31 Scope inputs at POints Inputs pulsing? 32 Scope the outputs of T-A 1 K2. Are they pulsing? Change T-A1J2 33 If not: Change T -A 1 K2, Go to 00-030. 34 Replace the Read head card. Is the drive fixed? Go to 00-030. 35 If not: Go to Seq 17. 0 Change T-A1J2. Go to 00-030. 17 Action Condition/Instruction e CD on Go to Seq 27. Go to Seq 27. on 5A-100. Are Change T-A1M2 or T-A1L2. Go to 00-030. Go to 00-030. 0 8 Adjust the amp sensors. See 08-000. Go to Seq 9. 9 Are all the tracks within 20% of each other in amplitude? Go to 00-030. 10 Change the Read head card. Are all the tracks now within 20% of each other in amplitude? Go to 00-030. Read/Write Head 3803-2/3420 © SA-OOO Copyright International BUSiness Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 _u. -swa #4 5A-100 ENVELOPE CIRCUITS Notes: Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. + 9 TRACK L 7 TRACK 1 MOUNTING PLATE I ~ 4 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 w en en u - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 2 P 0 3 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0 0 0 !; 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J: 0 0 5 oJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 ~ 0 0 0 2 P 3 !; 0 I MOUNTING PLATE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oJ w J: en If!? u ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. 2 3 4 5 6 7 [1] Test points P through 7 are under the decorative cover on the front of the tape unit. Refer to the decal inside the cover. [2] Input is from ALD FT101. ~ ~ [3] If offline. these pins are degated. ~ WRITE SECTION READ SECTION WRITE SECTION READ SECTION [4] Special voltage: +6 Vdc to ground. File Protect Lamp NOTE: The center tap is the middle pin on each track A1H2 +MlO +NFP ( FTll1 ( "C ) [ Scope Analog Test PointsB Read/Write A1K2 +Force NRZI J02 013 Wrrte Card FT604 -Wnte 5t.tus P M12 Bus Out GaS o (2J 011 G04 M04 509 507 MOB Ml0 M07 2 3 .. 5 6 7 Wrrte Driver Degauss D06 J06 NRZI Select Wrote Select J04 Jll J13 Jl0 +011 +012 A1K2 NRZI Wrote Deskew IB05 B12 B13 I G02 J05 J02 U05 U09 G04 Gal G09 J07 505 MOS Mag P06 FT604 File Protect WB021 t-PE 1 [lJI -. 503 WroteDataP G13WroteDataO Jll Write Data I r::t Read P·PE Cable and Preamp O·PE &!I r.:oI I!i D· 3·PE 4·PE [BI Jl0 PE [BI J02 [Din 005" Bus tn 2 ~ [BI D13 D06~ I!I r.!lI [BI J04 007 . . Bus In 4 I!l [BI J06 [DI r.I D09" Busln5 I!!II [BI [01 r::I iii [DI Dll II Bu. In 7 a!. Head ~r-:7~--~GgO~4~0~'~N~R!ZI~~GI!-__JBgl~0~ ~ 006 "tof ~ '-tiS B02 ~ A1H2 P02 P06 U02 U06 G02 weOll + Backward Status -M09 141 Al M2 Interface cable disconnected [3J Bus in 6 [DI ... D121i1 Bus In P- [BI G12 Erase • I I f+- 1.5!J. s at 3200 [01 ... at m I I --i Bus In 3 010 HE • Horizontal to 1 ps Vertical to 10v scale 1 volt [DI ~ 5·P~ ~ G05 I, 7 II Set Up Scope lps 1----=ru1--- [DI P!!I 002li1 Bus In 0 - ~ [BI 6.PE'" Gl0 . II Set Up Scope Horizontal to Vertical to 5v A1L2 [01 r.I D04" Bus In 1 2·PE ~ ~2 From 5A·OOO [BI B13 I·PE ~ J12 Write Data 2 FT133 +M10 (4J i--- ~ _ +NRZI Gl2 Wrote Data 3 M13WrrteData4 Pl0 WrrteOata 5 PI 2 Wrote Data'S P13 Write Data 7 ~r-~~--l!B[03L-__~G~0~2~ ~ ~ ) B ~O~I~l____________________~~______________-4_H_e_a_d____________-L________________________________________G~13~ -PE _ - - _ . +NRZI A1J2 ~ J04 - + 12v IScope Digi~ ITest Points(gF'om 5A·OOO From 5A·OOO '--"""T""--/ .........--------00,.. .., -509 J04 J09 J13 U13 INRZI G02 2·NRZI B12 3·NRZI G04 ~:.~I P.NRZI G07 Deskew. ~PO;.,4;-..;;4;.;.N.:;R~Z~I____...........::J::::0.::..j5 504 5·NRZI G03 6 N RZI GOB U04 U09 7 NAZI POg FT70X +6. (Differential A·B) Phys Pos • Trk g·Trk 7·Trk A B P 4 7 J2D10 J2B10 7 J2D04 J2B04 1 6 J2D05 J2B05 13 12 11 10 2 5 6 J2D06 J2B06 3 3 5 J2D11 J2Bl1 4 9 4 J2D02 J2B02 9 5 1 3 J2D13 J2B13 6 B 2 J2D03 J2B03 7 2 1 J2D12 J2B12 8 7 6 FTlll A1J2 D 0 B 050 070 030 5 4 +G07 Read Gate + P04 FTl34 3 2 FT14X ·Front to back on head J2D08 is dc common J2 Front View 5A-100 ~ Copyright International Busln ••• Machin•• Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 () o o o o o o ~) ~) o o o ~) .'f }. " {} c c c 0 c () () 0 0 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C < 5A-105 PERMANENT DATA CHECKS This MAP covers adjustments and service checks not previously covered. Condition / Instruction Seq Action 12 Unplug the head cable from the write card and check the erase head for an open or short, Resistance should be approximately 22 ohms. Is the erase head open or shorted? Change the erase head and go to 00-030. 13 Is the resistance correct? Change the write head card and go to 00-030. 14 Perform the erase head polarity check on 08-320. Is polarity correct? Go to Seq 16, 15 If not: Correct erase head polarity and go to 00-030. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. 16 Check and degauss cleaner blade, See 08-390. Is cleaner blade ok? Go to Seq 18, Seq Condition / Instruction 17 If not: Replace cleaner blade and go to 00-030. 1 Does error occur on more than one tape? Go to Seq 3. 2 Is the failing tape available for analysis? Go to 00-011 Permanent Read/Write Error Anaylsis. 3 Problem may be Media related. Perform the following procedures to assure tape unit meets criteria. For highly intermittant errors do all checks and adjustments in this map before returning tape unit to customer. Most Probable Causes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 Media, see 00-011. Read Head card. R/W head (head may be dirty) Write head card. Capstan motor. T-A 1L2, T-A 1J2, T-A 1 H2. Vacuum column door adjustment. Transfer valve. Loose pneumatic hoses. Erase Head. Worn or dirty cleaner blade. Action Perform power supply checks on 08-570 check with the tape unit loaded and in write status. Make sure ripple is within tolerance. 5 Is power supply within tolerance? Go to Seq 7. 6 If not: Adjust/Repair /Replace as necessary 7 Set up tester for a Write. Ensure that tape is at load point. Bring up GO at the tester and move tape away from LOAD point. Set switch to STOP. The erase head should now be ON. 8 Is -Erase Head On (T-A 1H2P 13) minus? Leave the tester in write stop mode for 2-3 minutes more, then go to Seq 11. 9 Is -Write Status Drive (T-A 1H2M09) minus? Go to Seq 12. 10 If not: Change T-A 1H2 and go to 00-030. 11 Unload the tape unit, open the vacuum column door and feel the erase head. Is the erase head warm? Go to Seq 16. 18 Seq Condition / Instruction Action 32 Disconnect the tape interface cable, Put the ONLINE/OFFLINE switch to ONLINE, Set the field tester to Write, Fwd, St/stp, and the density to 32, Check Bus In to the control unit at point F on 5A-100. Do any of the tracks have noise in the IBG? See 5A-115. Go to Seq 41. 33 All major adjustments have been performed, Run all read/write diagnostic procedures then return machine to customer, Go to 00-030. 34 Does the drive fail in PE mode only? Go to Seq 25. 35 Check NRZI amp sensors, See 08-300, Are the NRZI amp sensors operating properly? Go to Seq 37. 36 If not: Adjust/Replace as necessary and go to 00-030. 37 Check the NRZI read skew. See 08-190. Is the skew within tolerance. Go to Seq 39. Perform the tape guide check on NRZI featured machines. See 08-230. Check performed OK or PE only machine, Go to Seq 20. 19 If not: Adjust/Repair/Replace as necessary, 38 If not: Adjust as necessary 20 Check the capstan dynamic alignment. See 08-150 or 08-160, Is alignment good? Go to Seq 22, 39 Check the NRZI write skew. See 08-200, Is the skew within tolerance? Go to Seq 27, 40 Adjust as necessary Go to 00-030, 21 If not: Adjust as required. Go to 00-030. 41 Go to Seq 43, 22 Check the drive mechanical skew. See 08-170 or 08-180, Is the mechanical skew within tolerance, Go to Seq 24, Is there noise in the IBG at point 0 on 5A-l0C? 42 If not: Change T-A 1L2 and go to 00-030. If not: Adjust/Repair as necessary. 43 Is -Zero threshold minus for the track that has the noise in the IBG? Change T-A 1K2 and go to 00-030, 24 Does the tape unit have NRZI feature? Go to Seq 34. 44 Is there noise at entry C on 5A-100? Go to Seq 46, 25 Check the PE Amp sensors. See 08-290. Are Amp sensors operating correctly? Go to Seq 27, 45 If not: Change 26 If not: Adjust as necessary and go to 00-030. 27 Check the Forward to Backward ratio. See 08-240. Is the ratio within tolerance? Go to Seq 29, 28 If not: Replace read/write head and go to 00-030, 29 Check feedthrough, See 08-330, Is feedthrough within tolerance? Go to Seq 31. 30 If not: Replace read/write head and go to 00-030. 31 Do procedure on 6A-0 10 and return, 23 1. Read head card 2. Write head card 3. Read/write head 46 Is there noise at the input to T-A 1L2 on 5A-100? Check tester and go to 00-030. 47 If not: Change T-A 1J2 and go to 00-030. 5A-105 @ Copyright International BUSiness Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980, 1983 oz. 5A-110 READ FORWARD TO BACKWARD RATIO TEST (MODELS 3, 5, 7) BACKWARD SIGNAL DROPOUT Use this test to help determine if a read/write head needs replacement. Verify that the tape is tracking correctly before any head replacment because of the above criteria. Perform Field Tester Accuracy check on 08-290 before proceeding. 1. 2. I Obtain a customer good quality representative tape and write it at 1600 bpi on the unit being checked. Write it from the field tester with frequency switch set to 32. Rewind. 3. Read forward to the middle of the reel of tape and stop tape. 4. Set the Field Tester as follows: ALT DIR SLOW READ UP/FWD DN/BKWD. potentiometers all the way to the back of tester. (Adjust DN/BKWD. so tape has a forward creep rather than a backward creep). 5. Less than 50% of forward Degauss the head (08-280) and the cleaner blade (08-390). Sync and Scope the Read card test points to determine the fwd to bkwd ratio. Display 3 or 4 cycles of read signal and use as much of the scope display as possible for measurements (.2v/cm). For ease of recording, scope J2B 13 with another probe, this line will go positive when reading backwards. 6. If possible, scope the failing record and other records on the failing customer tape. Compare envelopes of each track with the waveforms on this page. Review the explanations and Possible Causes. This test requires the use of the tape control unit. If the tape control unit is not available, return to the MAP that sent you here. 1. Set up the tape control unit to read forward and backward over the failing record in the correct density and mode. The Stop On switches should be in the off position. 2. Sync Scope on -Go Forward (see decal on the drive) in the tape drive and display signal at the output of read card (See 5A-100 Scope each track and look for signal dropout after the beginning of the envelope. e). If there is a read backward problem, and the amplitude in the backward direction is less than that of the forward direction by 50% on anyone track, or 60% on the remaining tracks, the read/write head should be replaced. If head replacement is required, perform the removal/replacement procedure on 08-250, do required adjustments and return to the MAP that sent you here or 00-030. If replacement is not required return to the MAP that sent you here. Time/Div 1 ms TAPE EDGE DAMAGE Scope the outside tracks (4 and 5 on 9-track drives or P and 7 on 7-track drives) on the failing record. Look at the amplitude changes. 8 FORWARD ' - - - See item 3 for explanation of this area of envelope Tape end view showing crease Developing the tape shows that the bits were written on the tape and then the tape was damaged. This type of damage is usually caused by improper tape handling. Example: The tape reel has uneven wraps and the sides of the reel were squeezed, creasing the tape. 5A-110 J {J o o o o o {) o ,-f".). {) t) {) f) o c o o c o c o c o c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c NOISE OR BITS IN THE INTERBLOCK GAP To detect interblock gap (IBG) errors, sync scope on -Go Forward. Read forward and backward over the failing record. Display the record in both directions and look for noise in the gap. See the diagrams below. 5A-115 Developing the tape with noise in the IBG shows bits written In the area between two records. These are sometimes faintly recorded. Record Read Record Forward Read Record Backward Record Record .,illlllllllllllllllill" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Read Record Forward Load Point record. Bit Packing Sync the scope on End Data and scope one of the data tracks at the tape drive or control unit. Measure the length of the postamble in microseconds. Then enter the following commands: Bit packing is due to varying capstan speed or tape slipping. Set the scope for delayed sweep and look at 1 bit early in the beginning all ones burst of the failing record. Sync scope on a read card test point and look at the digital data on the same track as the sync. Mount the failing tape on a known good drive. Increase the delay to display the ending all ones burst. The width of the digital data bit in the preamble should be within + 20 "" ....,1 ;~ . 1 } , c c c c c o o o c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o 28-000 DROPPING READY AND THREAD AND LOAD FAILURE SYMPTOMS Seq Froin 00-040, Start 2 10 If not: Go to 28-120. Does the tape thread past the read/write head? Go to Seq 14. 12 Does the tape thread directly into the right vacuum column? Go to 28-130. 13 If not: Go to 28-140. 14 Does the tape thread onto the left reel? Go to Seq 16. 15 If n, There may be no vacuum at the left reel hub. Check the vacuum and pneumatic belts. Check transfer valve for proper operation during thread status. If pneumatics appear OK, change T -A 1F2. See Pneumatic Pressure, Vacuum Checks on 08-400. 16 Does a Load Check occur before the 80T marker has passed the 80T /EOT block? Go to 28-150. 18 Does tape load into the columns. As long as tape enters into both columns properly, the answer to this is yes, even if tape bottoms in one or both columns. Go to Seq 20. See Note 1 19 If not: Go to Seq 26. See Note 1 20 Does the tape move backwards properly until it stops at the 80T marker? Go to Seq 28. 21 Does the tape bottom, bobble, or pull out of either vacuum column? Go to 28-170. 22 Does the tape rewind off the left reel or does the tape unit perform a normal unload/rewind? Go to 28-190. 23 Does the tape go forward at normal speed after loading into vacuum column? Go to 28-200. 24 Does the capstan move tape at all? Go to 28-170. 25 If not: Go to 28-175. 26 Does tape load into one column, but not the other? See Note 2.e, then go to 28-180. 27 If not: Go to 28-160. Cards at T-A1C2, T-A1D4, T-A182 Optic Lamp Capstan Tach Adjustment Vacuum switches L4 and R4 1. Notes: The vacuum column vents (P / N 1846701) require special adjustments if both standard 1. and minireels are used interchangeably on the drive. See 08-800 for vacuum adjustment procedures. Intermittent Dropping Ready and thread and load problems can be caused by: 2. a. 80T /EOT out of adjustment. b. A loose pressure manifold on the 3-way valve (transfer valve assembly). The manifold is attached to the 3-way valve with four screws. Overtightening these screws can fracture or break off the mounting studs causing an air leak. c. A dirty pressure pump input filter element. d. A leaking transfer valve. See 08-400 for leakage test. e. Vacuum column door leaking or out of adjustment. f. A dirty pressure pump output filter element. g. Damaged or aged vacuum column door foam. (See 08-690). Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Aemember to. END all problems or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Action Condition/Instruction Seq Does problem exist only when using minireels? Go to 08-800. With the tape unit unloaded, and before depression of the load button, is the pneumatic motor running? Go to 48-160. 3 Is the tape unit dropping READY? Go to Seq 32. 4 With the tape unit unloaded is the capstan turning continuously? Go to 68-000. 5 Mount a reel of tape with a properly crimped and positioned end (see 28-006) and a properly placed 80T reflective marker. The field tester should not be plugged into the tape unit. Press the LOAD REWIND pushbutton, then the START pushbutton. Approach any unusual symptoms not specifically asked (that is, reels turning with no buttons pressed, etc.) as a load failure. 1 2 Action 11 Most Probable Causes: 2. 3. 4. Condition/Instruction 6 Is a cartridge being used? If the cartridge doesn't open fully, go to 28-100. Otherwise, proceed to Seq 7. 28 Is the window up and the READY indicator On? Go to Seq 31. 7 Does the left reel turn clockwise at threading speed? Compare with another drive. Go to Seq 9. 29 Does the Ready indicator fail to turn on and stay on? Go to 28-210. 30 8 If not: Go to 28-110. Is the window down and the READY indicator On? Check the Window-up switch on the window printed circuit board for a shorted condition. 9 Does the right reel turn clockwise at threading speed? Compare with another drive. Go to Seq 11. 0 28-000 51 DROPPING READY AND THREAD AND LOAD FAILURE SYMPTOMS (Cont'd) Seq 31 Condition / Instruction 28-001 Action Go to 38-000. If not: 32 Is Drop Ready failure intermittent? See Note 2. then go to Seq 38. 33 If not: Approach as a load failure. Go to Seq 5. 34 Is tape bobbling in either column? Go to Seq 36. 35 If not: Go to 38-000. 36 Is tape bobbling in one column only? Interchange reel motor boards. Part numbers must be the same. If trouble follows. replace the bad board. If not. go to Seq 37. 37 If not: Check for -12 Vdc at J2-2 (ALD RM001) of each reel board. If defective. check relay points K2-3 on MSC card (ALD VC021). If tape unit still fails. change: 1. T-A1G6 2. T-A182 3. MSC Card 38 Is sense byte 7 available? Go to 28-005. Chart A. column 3. 39 Is a visual symptom or customer description available? Go to 28-005. Chart A. column 1. 40 Does the failure still exist? Scope tape logic pins in Chart A. column 2. on 28-005. If problem still exists. refer to intermittent Drop Ready Problems on 28-005. 41 If not: Go to 00-030. 28-001 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 o t\ tl f) nV ,( " \ l J o c o c c c o c o o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 28-005 INTERMITTENT DROP READY PROBLEMS Listed below are several causes of dropping Ready. Most probable cause is listed first. Examine the list and do any indicated action. Using Chart A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vacuum Switches: Defective vacuum switches cause dropping Ready problems. If sense byte 7 is available, it can be helpful in determining which vacuum column is failing. Go to OS-450 to check vacuum switches. Fiber Optics: Faulty or marginal fiber optics can cause tape loading problems, tape motion problems, and dropping Ready. Check seating and clean the fiber optic bundles at the light source. Assure that the lamp is clear and replace it if questionable. (See OS-620.) Capstan Squaring: If capstan squaring is out of adjustment it will usually show up first by dropping Ready (pulls out of left column, or bottoms in right column) when going into or coming out of a high speed rewind, or dropping out of high speed rewind early on machines with EC S47234. See OS-120 for Model 4, 6, or S adjustment procedure. See OS-140 for cleaning procedure on Models 4 and 6. Right Reel Slipping on Hub: Caution: Circuit damage or a blown fuse (F12) may result if the reel is held for more than five or six seconds. Slippage can be determined by loading a tape and turning the right reel until tape in the column is above, then below the ports causing the right reel to drive. Hold the reel to keep the tape and hub from turning and observe the amount of slippage. Compare with a known good tape unit. If excessive slipping is observed, go to OS-470 through OS-520 for checks and adjustments. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. Reel Motor Boards: Either board causes intermittent problems. Check for cold flow solder joints, cracked land patterns, and loose or pushed in pins in the connectors. If boards are suspect, interchange them with another tape unit to isolate the failure. (ALD RM001). Door Interlock: Machine vibration can cause a badly adjusted Door Interlock switch to open intermittently. Also check main machine door latch alignment. Damaged Tape: Stretched or spliced tape causes dropping Ready. If the failing tape has been retained make one complete pass, using the field tester. Power Supply: Check for loose terminal connections and cold flow solder joints. Ask operator if power check light has been flashing. (Power check circuit is not latched.) Note: If tape bottoms intermittently in either column, the capstan armature could be open. Unplug the capstan motor plug from the capstan board and measure across the two wires going to the motor with an ohm meter. Watch for a deflection on the meter while rotating the capstan very slowly by hand. Chart A 1 2 3 Error Decsription Drive Error Condition Error Sense Fiber optic lamp failure not latched + at TA1M2S07 Byte 7 Bit 0 Fiber optic lamp, T -A 1 D2 See ALD FT114 Tape Bottoms (See Notel or pulls out of left column + at TA1M2U02 Byte7 Bit 1 T-A1C2, T-A1M2 L-4 vacuum switch, left reel board. (Check reel board EPa relay for shorted points.) Capstan Tach. Go to 3B-1 10 Could be caused by OV / UV detection or capstan board cooling sensor. See Byte 18, Bit O. Model wiring ALD 6106 (4 & 6). Tape bottoms (see Note) or pulls out of right column + at TA1M2U05 Byte 7 Bit 2 R4 vacuum switch, right reel board. (Check reel board EPa relay for shorted points.) Capstan Tach. Got03B-110 Could be caused by OV /UV detection or capstan board cooling sensor. See Byte 18, Bit O. Model wiring ALD 6106 (4 & 6). Reset key or door interlock - at TA1M2S08 Byte 7 Bit 3 Reset key, door interlock switch, T-A1C2, A-B3F2, A-A2D2 See ALD FT1 14 Could be operator caused. Air bearing pressure or right reel hub air failure + at TA1M2S04 Byte 7 Bit 6 Leaking file hub. Air bearing or hub switch. Loose/worn belt. Air system leak. See ALD FT114 If a solid failure, tape will not dump into columns during a load operation. OV /UV (power check) or no cooling air to capstan board - at TA1M2S02 Byte 18 Check voltages. Dirty filter, Bit 0 defective cooling fan. Check mercury switch below capstan board. Power On Reset not latched + at TA1M2M05 T -A 1C2, T -A 1 D4 Fuse Detect Card See ALD FT112 This is not a normal drop Ready condition. However, intermittent failure may appear as a drop Ready. Safety Bail reset not latched + at TA1D4B09 T-A1C2, T-A1D4 T-A1K2 See ALD FT283 This is not a normal drop Ready condition. However, intermittent failure may appear as a drop Ready. Erase Unit Check + at TA1M2S05 Byte 7 Bit 5 Erase head, Write card T-A1M2 See ALD FT1 1 1 Check for loose write cable at board and card Write Current Unit Check + at TA1M2P10 Byte 6 Bit1 R/W head, Write card at T-A1M2 See ALD FT1 1 1 Check for loose write cable at board and card Probable Drive FRUs Further Analysis Notes Go to 1 B-Ooo These errors cause reel board EPa relays to drop resulting in loss of motor control. Tape bottoming will then drop ready. Reel Tachs: Defective reel tachs cause a tape un.it to fail to enter high speed rewind and also cause dropping Ready while in high speed rewind. Check tachs for polished surfaces causing them to slip on the tape. If this condition is found, replace the reel tach assembly (OS-550). Also check for binds in the bearings and tach wobble indicating worn bearings. Scope tach outputs (ALD FT231) for pulses of similar frequency, duration, and amplitude. f) Copynght In1arnatlonal Business Macl"un.! CorporatIon 1976, 1979. 1980, 1983 28-005 TAPE CRIMPER PROCEDURE 28-006 Insert the tape with the oxide side towards the plunger and in a direction that will produce a rounded end when cut. See figure below. Cutting tape with the oxide side away from the plunger can cause intermittant thread problems because the tape will have a tendency to curl the wrong direction. 28-006 l , # n o () o o o o o o 00 o o o c c o c o c c c c c ceo c c o,e c c c c c c c c o 28-020 THREAD AND LOAD OPERATIONS The reels continue turning forward until the beginning-ot-tape (BOT) marker or Load Point marker is sensed at the BOT photocell. The BOT phototransistor activates the BOT singleshot which: The 3420 threads, loads, and unloads tape automatically with or without a tape cartridge. Air pressure automatically secures the reel of tape to the right reel hub. Any size reel of half-inch (1.27 mm) magnetic tape can be automatically loaded, but only full 10 1 /2-inch (26.67 mm) reels can be loaded with a cartridge. 0 I N t;; ~ ~ - 0 N N Copyright Intemltionll Bus,ness Mach,nes Corporl"on 1976, 1979, 1980, 1983 48-150 PNEUMATIC MOTOR DOES NOT TURN OFF 48-160 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM-THEORY PNEUMATIC SWITCHES Two pneumatic pumps supply all vacuum and air pressure required for machine operation. Pneumatic switches sense the absence or presence of air pressure and vacuum throughout the pneumatic system. The switches indicate the position of tape in the vacuum columns (for reel motor control), the reels loaded condition, air bearing pressure, automatic reel latch pressure, and file protect status. The distribution of air and vacuum is controlled by a transfer valve, a three-way valve, and an autocleaner solenoid. Vacuum is used for: • Tape threading • Reel loading • Column loading Tape-in-column sensing • Capstan motor cooling • Capstan (Model 8 only) • Tape cleaning AIR BEARINGS Air bearings are positioned at three places in the tape path: 1. At the top of the right tapered column. 2. At the bottom of the right tapered column. 3. At the bottom of the left tapered column. Air is forced through holes in the bearings producing a thin film of air on which tape moves. Air pressure is used for: Tape threading • Reels-loaded sensing • Retracting the tape guides From 48-000 or 28-000 Air bearings Automatic reel latch • POWER SUPPLY When Unload Op is set, the pneumatic motor will run until Unload Complete resets Unload OP. General machine cooling TRANSFER VALVE The transfer valve controls the distribution of vacuum, which is different for a thread/load operation than for all other operations. A1C2 Pick Pneumatic FT26X -G07 -G12 A1D4 DANGER 1 +J09 (+12V) t--";"'-~--4 FT28X Pneumatic Motor Control Contactor YF030/5 OR YF010f5 THREE-WAY VALVE The three-way valve is spring-loaded to the normal Thread Status Inactive position. During Thread Status Active the three-way valve is actuated by the transfer valve solenoid. (See diagram on page 48-161.) Notes: AUTOCLEANER SOLENOID + The autocleaner solenoid controls air pressure to the autocleaner. Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST -1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. Power must be removed completely. Remove the power cord when servicing inside the AC box. [1) Refer to ALD YF030/5 or ALD YF010/5. 48-160 C Copyright International Bustnas8 Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980, 1983 o o o o o o o o o ""'" U o r) '- 1\ ,I t l " J c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c c c c c c c c o o PNEUMATIC SYSTEM 48-161 THREAD STATUS ACTIVE File Protect Sensing THREAD STATUS INACTIVE File Protect I ndicate Switch Note: Shaded areas in the diagrams show pneumatic distribution in the status identified. Latch Pressure Sensing Switch File Protect Sensing File Protect I ndicate Switch Reel Motor Latch Pressure Sensing Switch Reel Motor Automatic Latch Automatic Latch Upper Restraint (Cartridge Pressure) Upper Restraint (Cartridge Pressure) Lower Restraint (Threading Chute) Lower Restraint (Threading Chute) Left Threading Channe.l (Upper) Left Threadi ng Channel (Upper) Right Threading Channel I Upper) Right Threading Channel (Upper) Cleaner Blade Cleaner Blade Capstan Motor Capstan Motor Air Bearings Air Bearing Plenum Auto· Cleaner .,.---IIIIOOleI8 only Right Threading Channel (Lower) [ ] 4 - - Model 8 only Right Threading Channel (Lower) Transfer Valve Assembly (Actuated For Threading) Transfer Valve Assembly /thread status inactive) Left Reel Hub Left Reel Hub Vacuum Columns Vacuum Columns ~~6m' Pressure ~ From Cooling Distribution Box From Cooling Distribution Box 48-161 __ C. _ $ is - NOTES: 48-162 48-162 @ Copyright International Busines. Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 I·~ \J 0 .. o 0 r~ lJ ~ lJ o t '\ ~; o o o () o o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o 58-000 ENVELOPE FAILURE, RUNAWAY, OR READ/WRITE PROBLEMS This map helps sort out possible problems involving the write card, the read/write head, the read card and the erase head, or the read, write, and erase controls in the tape unit logic. Seq 7 These parts are required for use in the following MAP: Action Condition/Instruction Scope digital data at entry point B. Are any tracks missing? Change in order: Does SAGC fail to set up on any track? Do procedure on 08-315. Go to Seq 11. Go to Seq 14. Read card, Write card, Read/Write head (08-240). 8 Most Probable Causes: 9 If not: 10 Reserved 11 Is -6250 (T-A1K2U06) plus? Change T -A 1 K2 and go to 00-030. 12 Is +Initiate SAGC (T -A 1 K2Pl 2) pulsing? Go to Seq 51. 13 If not: Change T -A 1 K2 and go to 00-030. 14 Does the tape unit have PE (1600 BPI) capability? Rewind tape and remove jumper (K2P02-M2D06). Go to Seq 16. 15 If not: Go to Seq 22. 16 Set the Field Tester for a Write, FWd, Fast, and St/ stp. Put the density switch to 32 (middle position). 17 Scope entry point A on 5B- 100. Are all tracks 2V +.3V peak to peak? Go to Seq 20. 18 Do amp sensor adjustment procedure on 08-310. Are amp sensors within tolerance? Go to 00-030. 19 If not: Change in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Read Head card defective Write Head card defective T-A1K2, T-A1L2, T-A1J2, T-A1H2 cards defective R/W head defective Erase head defective Capstan motor Initial Checks: 1. 2. 3. 4. Air pressure and vacuum (see 08-400). -4 Vdc and +6 Vdc power supplies in tolerance (see 08-570). R/W head and cleaner blade must be clean (see Note 1 on 5B-001). Capstan squaring (see 08- 120). If any of the Initial Checks indicate a problem, take action necessary but verify that the original problem still exists before continuing with this MAP (run OLTEP, etc.). Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problems or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq Condition/Instruction 1 If the problem is permanent data errors or significant temporary errors, go through this map once, then go to 5B-002. 2 Install the Field Tester. Load the tape unit with a Master Output tape with a write enable ring installed. Make the tape unit ready. Is the File Protect lamp on? Action 1. 2. 3. 4. T-A1J2 Write head card Write card cable Go to 00-030. 3 Install a jumper from K2P02-M2D06. Set the tester for a Write, Fwd, Fast, and St/stp. Put the density switch to 64. 4 Scope point A on 5B- 100. Are all tracks missing or amp low? See note. 5 Are any tracks missing? Go to Seq 28. Is the amplitude low or distorted on any track? See examples on 5B-004. Go to Seq 44. 6 1. 2. 3. 4. Change in order: Go to Seq 32. 20 Scope digital signal at entry point B on 5B-l00. 21 Are any tracks missing? 22 Scope pOint A on 5B- 100. Is the envelope fluctuating on tracks 4 or 5? Shifting due to tape edge damage or wrinkles. 23 Write a tape in the same failing density on a working tape unit, or use a CE work tape that has been prewritten at the proper density. This tape may be written on any speed tape unit using the Field Tester as described in Seq 3 (6250) or Seq 16 (1600). 24 Read this prewritten tape on the failing tape unit. Set the Field Tester to Read, Fwd, and St/Stp. Scope entry point A on 5B-l00. Is the amplitude low, distorted, or missing for any track? Note: Sync minus on MOVE COMMAND Bat T-A1F2P12. Set horizontal at 5ms/em. Set vertical at 0.5v /em. 25 T-A1K2 Read head card Write head card Go to 00-030. Action Scope entry point B on 5B- 100. Are any tracks missing? Change in order: 26 Disconnect the interface cable at the tape unit and put the ONLINE/OFFLINE switch in the ONLINE position. Scope points at entry F on 5B- 100. Are any tracks missing? Replace T -A 1 L2, reconnect the interface cable and go to 00-030. 27 Put the ONLINE/OFFLINE switch to OFFLINE and reconnect the interface cable. Go to 5B-002. 28 Write a tape in the same failing density on a working tape unit, or use a CE work tape that has been prewritten at the proper density. This tape may be written on any speed tape unit using the Field tester as described in Seq 3. 29 Read this prewritten tape on the failing tape unit. Set Field Tester to Read, FWd, and St/Stp. Scope point A on 5B-l00. Are any tracks missing? 1. Read card 2. T -A 1 L2 and go to 00-030. Note: Intermittent read/write errors can be caused by a loose pressure manifold on the three-way valve. Condition/Instruction Seq 30 31 Problem appears to be a write problem. Check voltages at entry point D on 5B-l00. Are voltages within tolerance? See 08-570 for tolerances. If not: 1. T-Al L2 2. Read head card 3. Go to 00-030. Change in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. Read head card Read/write head T-A1K2 Go to 00-030. Change in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. Write card Read/write head T-A1K2 Go to 00-030. Adjust/ Repair / Replace Go to 00-030. 32 Is the auto cleaner operating correctly. See 08-380. Go to Seq 36. Change the read head card. Go to 00-030. 33 Change T -A 1G2. If problem still exists go to Seq 35 otherwise go to 00-030. Perform Capstan Dynamic Alignment on page 08-150 or 08- 160 and Mechanical Skew on 08- 170. Go to 00-030. Is -Pick Solenoid (T-A1G2Pl0) plus (+12 Vdc) when tape unit is loaded and not moving tape? 34 Is -Pick Solenoid (T-A1G2Pl0) minus (0 Vdc) during a high speed rewind? Change T -A 1G2. If problem still exists go do SEQ 35, otherwise go to 00-030. 35 If not: The problem is either a bad cable between T -A 1 N7 and the solenoid, a loose or crimped pneumatic hose to the auto cleaner, or a defective auto cleaner. Go to 00-030. Perform the following procedures: Mechanical Skew 08-170. Read amplitude adjustment 08-310 Pneumatic adjustment 08-400 and 08-405. Go to 00-030. 58-000 © Copyright InternatIonal Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979, 1980, 1983 c 58-001 ENVELOPE FAILURE, RUNAWAY, OR READ/WRITE PROBLEMS (Cont'd) Seq Condition/Instruction R/W HEAD RESISTANCE CHECK PROCEDURE Action 36 Is T-A1M2M10 at +6 volts? Go to Seq 38. 1. Turn off tape unit power. 37 If not: Change in order: 2. Remove the read/write card shroud. Disconnect the read/write cards from the head and slide them back even with the transport casting. 3. Use a calibrated *Simpson meter, not the CE tool bag meter. Measure the resistance across each track of the head. Ignore the center tap of the coil. The normal reading on the write side is 1.7 ohms. Reject point on the write side is 5 ohms or greater. The normal resistance of a read track is 3.6 ohms. Reject point on the read tracks is 10 ohms or greater. Measure from center tap to each side of the read and write coils. The resistance should be approximately equal. 1. T -A 1 K2 2. File protect switch 3. Write enable relay For further analysis see Aid ZT071. Go to 00-030. 38 Is + Write Status (T -A 1 K2M05) plus? [4] Go to Seq 41. 39 Is -Write Status (T-A1J2M12) minus? Change T -A 1K2 and go to 00-030. 40 If not: Change T -A 1J2 and go to 00-030. 41 Scope inputs to write card at entry point H on 58-100. Are all outputs to A1J2 pulsing? Go to Seq 28. 42 Scope inputs to A 1J2 at entry point J on 58-100. Are all inputs pulsing? Change in order: 43 If not: 44 Check the voltage at entry points 0 and E. 1. 2. 3. 4. T-A1J2 Write head card Write card cable Go to 00-030. 4. Reinstall the read and write cards and the card shroud. 5. Degauss Read/Write head (see 08-280). MOUNTING PLATE Adjust/ Repair / Replace Go to 00-030. 1 47 Scope A 1J 2 outputs at entry point H. Are any tracks missing or distorted? 48 Write a tape in the same failing density on a working tape unit. or use a CE work ta pe that has been prewritten at the proper density. This tape may be written on any speed tape unit using the procedure described in Seq 3. Read this prewritten tape on the failing tape unit. Set Field Tester to Read. Fwd. and St/ stp. Scope point A on 58-100. Is the amplitude low or envelope distorted? Problem appears to be a write problem. 0 0 Change T -A 1J2 and go to 00-030. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ':: ~ !!.'. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 3 7 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 (Mod 8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 3 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 P IS READ SECTION Notes: WRITE SECTION NOTE: The center tap is the middle pin on each track Change in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. Figure D. Read Card Test Points Read head card Read/write card T-A1K2 Go to 00-030. B D P 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 GND 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 SAGC 1 0 SAGC4 0 Change in order: 1. Write head card 2. Read/write head 3. Go to 00-030. Measure the read head resistance for the failing track. See the procedure on 58-001. Is the resistance good? 0 4 6 0 If not: If not: ± 0.2v Change T -A 1 K6. 46 52 POp (+20%- 0%) lAms L Go to Seq 47. 51 IBG L-:250 Envelop (SAGC Set-Up) [21 Are voltages within tolerance? 50 i- -1 -i Figure C. Read/Write Head 45 49 Figure A. Change in order: 1. Read head card 2. T-A1K2 3. Go to 00-030. Change the read/write head. Do 08-250 and then go to 00-030. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ()-4 0 0 0 0 0 [ 1 ] If all tracks are missing, check autocleaner for proper operation. [2] For 6250 operations. an external jumper must be installed between T -A 1 K2P02 and T -A 1 M2D06. Vary Go Up time to observe a full SAGC set up. This requires approximately 20 ms at 200 ips. 35 ms at 125 ips. and 55 ms at 75 ips. A SAGC check is set at 15 steps on a write, 16 steps on a read. AMP SENSE REF. VOLTAGE [3] Inform the customer of the importance of an adequate cleaning schedule. Check the autocleaner for proper operation (see 08-360 and 08-380). correct air pressure and clear air bearing ports. SAGC 2 SAGC 8 [ 4 ] Special Voltage: Minus level is 0 Vdc, plus level is +3.0 Vdc Located on the rear of the read card *Trademark of Simpson Electric Co. 3803-2/3420 58-001 © Copyright International Business Machines CorporatIon 1976, 1979. 1980. 1983 ') o - LJ o o t-J o - () t J - tJ a t"~ " ,~ ,J n \.,1 " ~, n \c~ £~ ,", t~ '-I !\ '-I f\ '<...1 o o c c o o c c c c c c c c c co c c c c c c c c c c c c o o o PERMANENT DATA CHECKS 58-002 This MAP covers adjustments and service checks not previously covered. Most Probable Causes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13 Media (see 00-011) Read head card R/W head (head may be dirty) Write head card Capstan motor T-A1L2, T-A1J2, T-A1K2 Vacuum column door adj. Transfer valve Loose pneumatic hoses Erase head Worn or dirty cleaner blade 14 Condition / Instruction Does the error occur on more than one tape? Go to Seq 3. 2 Is the failing tape available for analysis? Go to 00-011 Permanent Read/Write Error Analysis. 3 Problem may be Media related. Assure tape unit is clean and do the following procedures to assure tape unit meets criteria. 4 Set up the Field Tester for a Write, Fwd, St/stp, and the density switch set to 64. Jumper K2P02-M2D06. Move tape away from load point and then set tester to Stop. Do power supply checks on 08-570. Check with the tape unit loaded and in write status. Then check entry points D and E on 58-100 for proper voltage. 6 Are voltages within tolerance? Go to Seq 8. 7 If not: Adjust/Repair /Replace Go to 00-030. 8 Is -Erase Head on (T-A 1G2D 11) minus? The tester should have been in write stop mode for at least 5 minutes. Go to Seq 11. 9 Is +Erase Status (T-A1K2U04) plus? Go to Seq 12. 10 If not: Change T-A 1K2 and go to 00-030. 11 Is the erase head warm? Unload the tape unit, open the vacuum column door, and feel the erase head. Go to Seq 16. 12 Is the resistance correct? 15 If not: 16 Pneumatic leaks can cause intermittant read/write problems. Do procedure on 68-150. Change the erase head and go to 00-030. 31 Is there noise at entry H on 58-100? Go to Seq 33. 32 If not: Change in order: Change in order: Unplug the write head cable from the write card and check the erase head for an open or a short. Resistance should be approximately 22 ohms. Replace erase head. Go to 00-030. 17 Procedure check good? Go to Seq 19. 18 If not: Adjust/Repair/Replace Go to 00-030. 19 A worn or gaussed cleaner blade can cause read/write errors. Do procedure on 08-390 and examine cleaner blade for a worn condition. Action 1 5 Is the erase head open or shorted? Action Condition {Instruction Seq 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Write head card 2. T-A1G2 3. Go to 00-030. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problem or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq Action Condition {Instruction Seq Read head card Write head card Read/write head Go to 00-030 33 Is there noise at entry J on 58-100? Change T-A1K6 and go to 00-030. 34 If not: Change T -A 1J2 and go to 00-030. 35 Set tester to St/stp mode and adjust Go Up and Go Down so that -Move (T-A 1K2D07) is minus for at least 20 ms for Model 8, 35 ms for Model 6, or 55 ms for Model 4. Is +SAGC check (T-A 1K2G08) pulsing? (May be intermittent) Go to Seq 41. 36 Refer to Section 12-000 (CE Panel Operation) and set up CE panel to loop continuously as follows: - 20 Does cleaner blade check good? Go to Seq 22. 21 If not: Replace or degauss cleaner blade. Go to 00-030. 22 Check the forward to backward ratio on the head. See 08-240. Is the ratio within tolerance? Go to Seq 24. 23 If not: Replace the read/write head per 08-250. Go to 00-030. 24 Check feedthrough. Do procedure on 08-330. Is feedthrough within tolerance? Go to Seq 26. Does -Zero Threshold (entry G) go minus for the first three records following the initial SAGC burst? 25 If not: Replace the read/write head. Go to 00-030. Note: The records seen following these are being induced during the rewind operation. 26 Disconnect the tape interface cable. Put the ONLINE/OFFLINE switch to ONLINE. Set the Field Tester to Write, Fwd, St/stp, and put the density switch to 64. Scope entry point F on 58-100. Do any of the tracks have noise in the 18G (see 58-025)? Go to Seq 28. 27 If not: Go to Seq 35. 28 Is there noise in the 18G at entry point 8 on 58-100? Go to Seq 30. 29 If not: Change T-A 1L2 and go to 00-030. 30 Is -Zero threshold minus for the track that has noise in the 18G (entry G)? Change T-A 1K2 and go to 00-030. CMNDl CMND2 CMND3 CMND4 01X 01X 01X 07X Sync positive external on +Initiate SAGC (T-A1K2P12). Display Entry A, tracks P through 7 (see 58-100) on Channel A of scope. Display Entry G, tracks P through 7 on Channel 8 of scope. 37 Go to Seq 39. 38 If not: Change T-A1K2 and go to 00-030. 39 Check amp sense reference voltage at entry A for the following modes: Change read head card. Go to 00-030. Voltage 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 V V V" V V V" Level 10% 20% 80% 90% 100% 120% Mode Read (l8G) Write (6250) PE Low Set SAGC PE PE High "Set by a Diagnostic Mode Set command. (See decal on fan assembly in the 3803.) Are any of the voltages incorrrect? 3803-2/3420 o Copyright International Business Machines Corporation t976. 1979. 1980 58-002 58-003 PERMANENT DATA CHECKS (Cont'd) Seq Condition / Instruction 40 All major adjustments have been performed. Run all Read/write diagnostic procedures then return the subsystem to the customer. 41 Does SAGC set up on all tracks? You may have false SAGC check. Note: The SAGC will take fewer steps Change the Read head card. to set up using the field tester than using Go to 00-030. the tape control unit. Write frequency directly affects the initial amplitude. Refer to 08-315 for proper SAGC setup. 42 Measure read head resistance for the failing track. Is the resistance good. See procedure on 56-001. Change read head card and go to 00-030. 43 If not: Change read/write head and go to 00-030. Action Go to 00-030. 58-003 • Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 19BO o o o o o o o o o 1\ '-, o o o o o o o o o c o c c co c co c c c c o c c c c c c c c 58-004 ACCEPTABLE WAVEFORMS (READ CARD TEST POINTS) 6250 PE Model 4 Read Operation [Note] 0.5 msee/div 6400 fci 0.5ps/em 0.5v/em ~ ~~ ~~~ :;;;.. ~ ~~ 0.5j1s/em 0.5v/em 0.5 v/div 1.0 v/div Model 6 Read Operation [Note] 0.5 msee/div 3200 fci 0.5ps/em 0.5v/em 0.5ps/em 0.5v/em 0.5 v/div 1.0 v/div [iiiii_iiii_iiii_iiii_ _ _ _ _ _ Model 8 Read Operation [Note] 0.2 msee/div 1600 fci r:;~ a 0.5j1s/em 0.5v/em ~ ~ ~ -- :"" ~ ~ ~ • """ ~ ~~ .....- ~ ~ ~,I .... III 0.2 v/div ~, "~. ~ 1.0ps/em 0.2v/em ~ 1.0 v/div o Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980 Note: Read a tape which was previously written continuously from the field tester in 6250 mode. ,... ---------- 58-004 o 58-020 READ FORWARD TO BACKWARD RATIO TEST (MODELS 4, 6, 8) BACKWARD 2. Use this test to help determine if a read/write head needs replacement. Verify that the tape is tracking correctly before any head replacement because of the above criteria. Perform Field Accuracy check on 08-31 5 before proceeding. 1. T Install a jumper from K2P02-M2D06. This forces 6250 mode. 3. Obtain a customer good quality representative tape and write it at 6250 bpi on the unit being checked. Write it from the field tester with the frequency swtich set at 64. 4. Read foward to the middle of the tape and remove jumper K2P02-M2D06 while tape is moving, then stop tape. 5. Set the Field tester as follows: ALT DIR SLOW READ UP/FWD DN/8KWD. potentiometers all the way to the back of the tester. (Adjust DN/8KWD. so tape has a forward creep rather than a backward creep). 6. Sync and scope the Read card test points to determine the fwd to bkwd ratio. Display 3 or 4 cycles of read signal and use as much of the scope display as possible for measurements (.2v/cm). For ease of recording, scope H2M08 with another probe, this line will go negative when reading backwards. FORWARD Dropout is indicated if signal Volts/Div 500 mv falls below 15% of nominal l When the stretched section of tape is held in a loop it distorts. Stretched tape usually occurs near the beginning of the reel or in the area of high speed to slow rewind. V Normal loop of tape I I I Stretched area II I of tape TAPE SLIPPING 7. If there is a read problem, and the amplitude in one direction is more than double the amplitude in the opposite direction on anyone track, replace the read/write head. If read/write head replacement is required, perform the removal/replacement procedure on 08-250, do required adjustments and return to the MAP that sent you here or 00-030. If replacement is not required return to the MAP that sent you here or 00-030. Note: If while making measurements, the tape gets back to load point, (resetting the 6250 latch) the jumper K2P02-M2D06 will have to be reinstalled while at load point and the tape read forward. This keeps the tape unit in 6250 without forcing a SAGC set up on every record. Remove the jumper and continue the test. To check for tape slipping, scope the failing record Sync on any forward operation and scope the read card test points. Tape slip is indicated by a dropoff of signal amplitude near the end of the record. Depending on length of the record and the scope setting, the signal may be difficult to detect. If so expand and delay sweep on scope to the end of the record. See examples below. Note: Problem caused by the tape unit that wrote the tape. Volts/Div 500 mv Time/Div 1 ms Expanded view of dropout region of read card envelope. ~ ~I' Ji ~ ~~ Each time the jumper is removed the SAGC may set up at a different amplitude, but the ratio will remain the same. l'J rj .:J , ~r~ rJ II rJ Note: Use delayed sweep Ih If signal between amplitude nulls and ground reference drops below 50 mv errors can occur. SIGNAL DROPOUT T 1 Read card envelope track with signal dropout (see item 2 above). Less than 50% of forward Degauss the head (08-280) and the cleaner blade (08-390). 2. Sync scope on -Go Forward and probe the read card envelope for each track for signal dropout. If signal dropout exists on the failing record only, suspect media. Note: Signal dropout can be caused by improper vacuum and air pressure levels, plugged air bearings and glazed capstan. It is imperative that the MAP on 58-000 be completed before this procedure is attempted. TAPE STRETCH Another type of tape damage is tape stretch. Look for a narrowing of the tape as shown. Scope failing record and other records on the failing tape and compare signal envelopes as follows: 1. Set up tape control unit to read forward and backward over the failing record. Normal width of tape 58-020 Edge view of tape • Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 19BO ~) o o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o o {) o o o 00 o o o c c o o c ceo c cce o e c c c c c c o c c c 0 TAPE SLIPPING (Cont'd) Tape slip usually occurs during dynamic reversal while performing an Erase Gap command. Tape slip causes the tape to be incorrectly positioned. When the write head becomes active it then erases part of the previous record. (The record before the error record that the Erase Gap command was supposed to erase.) 58-025 NOISE OR BITS IN THE INTERBLOCK GAP To detect interblock gap errors, sync scope on -Go Forward. Read forward and backward over the failing record. Display the record in both directions and look for noise in the gap (see diagrams below). Developing the tape shows the postamble missing on the previous record. For details of tape developing instruction, see 00-011. ~--- Read Record Forward Erased Gap - - - . . . , iiiiiiiiiiiiii Erased Record Point c I I Erased Postamble and part of data on good record ,~ Possible causes of tape slip: .. • Read Record Backward Read Record Forward ;::a; Record I I I ~I I I I I I I I IIIII~I~ .,~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t, I I I I''''O"'~'''' + = r a. Gaussed or magnetized Read/Write Head. ~~ I Read Backward (OC) Forward Space block (37) Read Backwards (OC) Forward Space block (37) F"., "., Data b. Erase head not working. t. ____ postamblel I I End Data BIT PACKING . . .. I c. Dirty air bearings Look for noise in the interblock gap. Amplitude. is very low (tape speed is slow). d. Low air pressure e. High or low vacuum f. Vacuum column door glass leakage g. Damaged or dirty capstan surface ~ Record Sync scope on END DATA and scope one of the data tracks at the tape drive or control unit. Measure the length of the postamble in micro-seconds. Then enter the following commands: .050 (1.3 mm) after end of record. b. Drag in the tape path ~ Record Load Point a. Loss of capstan vacuum on Model 8 Jj Developing the tape with noise in the interblock gap shows bits written in the area between two records (sometimes faintly recorded). .., I n II I l' ~ ~ rj l' ,. rJ r, Bit packing due to varying capstan speed or tape slipping. Sync the scope on END DATA while scoping one of the digital data tracks at the tape drive or control unit. BIT PACKING SCOPING PROCEDURE If the preamble is less than the postamble by greater than 20%, the preamble is "packed" and may cause drive failures. Using the 3803 subsystem offline or using Friend online, mount the failing tape and read out to a failing record. When a failing record has been found, enter the following commands: ~ Datil End [);lIa _ _ _ II a. Tape slip when written b. Dented capstan Read (02) Backspace Record (27) Read (02) Backspace Record (27) ["'"' ' ' ' ] Possible Causes of Bit Packing: c. Vacuum and air pressure out of specification d. Plugged air bearing r I ~t e. Improper operation of digital to analog converter (DAC) postambl"l I f. Defective capstan control board g. Binds in capstan motor Tape Motion Expanded view of interblock gap. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 a: ... 4 58-025 58-030 TAPE EDGE DAMAGE Scope the outside tracks (4 and 5 on 9-track drives) or (P and 7 on 7-track drives) on the failing record. Look at the amplitude changes. Developing the tape will show bits that were recorded on the tape and the tape was damaged after it was written. This type of damage is usually caused by improper tape handling. Example The tape reel has uneven wraps and the sides of the reel are squeezed creasing the tape. 58-030 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 () - lJ ,", \J --------_. o o 00 o o c o o ceo c o co o c c c c c c c c c c c o c 0 0 00 58-100 ENVELOPE AND READ/WRITE CONTROL CIRCUITS MODELS 4, 6, AND 8 Notes: ( Ale2 Rewind AlT3 -12v 111 AlTBI-13 J1B09 SWitch +NFP-1A Picked FT261 1 121 +Ml0 File -~ logic I Protect --.J Write Card +12v FT111 J ) ( Bus Out Bus OUJ.,G05 AIKS 0." Bus P.0-7 Tstr Bus 0." Tog line Tstr Tag FTl0X T tit Down Mod Line AU2 0 lG04 Jll 1 2 M04 J12 2 3 S09 G12 3 4 S07 M1J 4 5M08 Pl0 5 S Ml0 P12 S 7 M07 PI J 7 ( A1K6 Ts" Tag A1K2 A1TJ ~~ 0.""", Tag FTl0X FT182 G1E09~ (+12vl H1B09 H1C09 J1B09 IGNO) (-4v) (-12V) MOS + Wnte Status A1K2 Wnte Status J09 ~ I 171 XWOOI ( G U04 + Erase Stalus M07 A1K2 007 FT1JX ( Z Read Data P B l ) ( Jl0 -Bus In 012 All2 F 151) l P 0 813 002 0 1 J2 004 1 2 013 DOS 2 3 J04 006 3 4 JOS 007 4 5 G05 009 5 S Gl0 010 S 7 G12 OIl 7 [5] These lines are degated by the Online/Offline switch. To scope, unplug I/O signal cable and set switch to Online. [6] Read card connector X is the test socket at the rear of the card. Y connects to T4 and Z connects to N3 on the logic board. The write card connector goes to T3 on the logic board. See ALD XROO 1 and XWOO 1 for cable and read/write card pins. T3 and T 4 are cable sockets in the top of the logic board. [7] Special voltage level: 0.0 Vdc to +3.0 Vdc Head +PE Select FT183 A1J2 .. FT323 FTll1 - Track [3] Special voltage levels: 0 Vdc to + 12 Vdc. lamp Off -011 A1M2 Read Card [2] Special voltage levels: -2 Vdc to +7 Vdc. +12v +509 A1G2 -GaS Erase ) 0 I 3: R: a: ~~ B: tE B: .._K: P G13 U13 ~ ...... 0011 FT13X DtMce 8us - I~ -Wrote S03 Oat. J04 Tstr Bus ) H F lie Protect Lamp [4] Entry C goes only to the File Protect line. J - Erase Head On - Write Current On ( [ 1] A 1TB 1-1 3 is located just to the left of the logic board. 141 A1M2 File Protect ) 131 ~ Op C FT18X FT18J ) .~ 009 [6J M1Ell(+Sv) A1T4 I AINJ 802 002 I 002 (-4v) 0081Gnd) Zero Thshold SOJ P07 P 0 1 2 J 4 P04 U02 J06 P1J B07 M04 X Y 5 6 7 Write StatuI -Move Command A1K2 FT18X I ) E P12 + Imtllte SAGe Bl0 +PE Mode G07 + 120% Thr... hold S04 +80 % Threshold I y Z Z f XZROOI I FT14X READ CARD TEST POINTS 0 8 P BOJ OOJ 0 P 0 0 B04 004 1 0 0 0 805 DOS 2 1 0 0 806 006 J 2 0 0 B07 007 4 J 0 0 B09 009 5 4 0 0 Bl0010 6 GNO 0 0 Bll OIl 7 5 0 0 Read Card Test POints • AMP SENSE REF VOL TAG 81J + SAGe Counter Bit 8 6 0 0 013 + SAGe Counter Bit 4 7 0 0 812 + SAGe Counter BIt 2 SAGC I 0 0 SAGC 2 012 + SAGe Counter elt I SAGC 4 0 0 SAGC 8 B08 Amp Sense Ref Voltage +SAGC Check G08 LOCATED ON THE REAR OF THE READ CARD A1K2 All2 +SAGC On Ul1 GOg FT18X FT14X B05 -Interrupt In 3803-2/3420 58-100 58-101 NOTES: 58-101 C> Copyright Intemational Busines. Mach,na. Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 1983 [} o "'" lJ o o o o c c c c c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o o c o o o c 58-110 AUTOCLEANER WRITE HEAD, ERASE HEAD, AND WRITE CARD CIRCUITS The autocleaner cleans the read/write head and the tape recording surface by means of a cleaning ribbon positioned across the tape between the tape and the read/write head during a Rewind or Rewind Unload operation. ERASE HEAD +Wnte Status Write Data The erase head is active during Write, write tape mark (WTM), Erase, and data security erase (OSE) operations. -Write Current On Wnte Dnver Current Generator (See Note) +12v +PE Select .) ) ) Write Head ) When a read-to-write status change occurs, it is necessary to backhitch until the erase head is positioned in the interblock gap after the last good record. This is necessary because the write head is not used for erasure on Models 4, 6,and 8. g;Wnte Card FP -12v A + 12v A + N FP-1 A Picked Erase Dnver Erase Head + Erase Status -Erase Head On Note: The Current Generator sets the appropriate write driver currents for 1600 bpi and 6250 bpi operations. 58-110 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 ~ • .£. • __ 02 READ CARD REFERENCE GENERATOR 58-120 ZERO THRESHOLD READ HEAD AND READ CARD CIRCUITS This line is active during the read data portion of a Read operation. It bypasses the amplitude sensor gate, allowing the limiter to pass any signal (noise or data). ,-------------------------------------------------, SELF-ADJUSTING GAIN CONTROL I I X9 Tracks/ Read Card I In 6250 bpi mode, the SAGC compensates for amplitude variations in the signal read from tape (tape output, head output, circuit gain). The amplitude of the read signal into the limiter and amplitude sensor at either test point should be 2.0 volts peak-to-peak (referenced to ground) ± 15 %. Online, amplitude is set automatically at the beginning of each reel of tape while reading the all-ones data burst (which follows the 10 burst). Offline, amplitude is set at the beginning of each record when using the field tester with a jumper installed from T -A 1K2P02 to T -A 1M2D06. The amplitude-setting sequence is started by a positive pulse on the Initiate SAGC line, which sets the SAGC latch and resets a five-bit counter to zero. +SAGC On is sent to the reference generator and the tape control. The reference generator sets the amplitude sensor threshold to 90% (0.9 V) (see TP 211). When the +Initiate SAGC pulse returns negative, the counter starts stepping. Each time the counter advances, the amplifier gain for each track is increased 20%. When the signal into any amplitude sensor is above the 90% threshold reference, the gain setting is maintained for' that track. When all tracks have set up, the counter is stopped and the highest count appears at TP 3 If, during a Read operation, the counter reaches 16 (15 for a Write operation) and any track(s) remain(s) below threshold +SAGC Check is activated. EJ. I I I I I I -Zero Threshold Amplifier ~ Filter and Differentlator ( Read Head ~ ( I I --1..... -- -T It. -4V (See Note) L__ - ---- ~ ~ ~ ~---------------------- J'l.... 1 usec +SAGC Check 0 -- ('\ -80% Thresh -Write Status -Move Command +PE Mode (-6250) -120% Thresh ('\ +PE Mode +Initiate SAGC SAGC Logic ~----------- 1.2V 1.0V 0.9V 0.8V 0.2V 0.1V fJ TP3 SAGC Counter Bits (MST -1 Levels) I I I I I (-6250) o nsec - TP1 2V p-p ref. to ground Data +PE Mode ~ 50 0 9 Limiter and Amplitude Sensor I I I I - 120% -100% - 90% - 80% - 20% - 10% - - - _~ - PE Hi Limit' - PE Set SAGC PE Low Limit' Write Read (in IBG) Reference Generator -0 TP2D Amplitude Sensor Reference Voltage -Write Status +SAGC On ~ 0 9 Lines SAGC Check causes an interrupt signal to be sent to the tape control. During a Write operation, the SAGe check is made at count 15 to provide additional gain for reading tapes with deteriorated signal output. 'Diagnostic Controlled Note: Potentiometers are used to set amplitude in 1600 bpi mode. SAGC sets Read signal amplitude automatically in 6250 bpi mode. A 6250 bpi single density tape unit retains the track 1 potentiometer to adjust the gain for reading the 10 burst. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 t) 58-120 c o o c c o o o o c o c c c co c c c c o c o c c c c c c c c c o o 58-130 DATA EXCHANGE ON DEVICE INTERFACE DURING A WRITE OPERATION To perform a Write operation, the mounted tape reel must contain a Write Enable ring. The initial tape unit status indicates whether or not this ring is present. A write command attempts to set Write Status and resets the Backward latch in the tape unit. However, the tape unit does not return the Write Status indication unless a Write Enable ring is installed on the tape reel. II During initial selection, the tape control requests sense bytes 0 and 1 from the tape unit to determine what status to include in the initial status byte that is sent to the channel. G The tape control deactivates all tags to the tape e e • II EI II II © unit and activates tape unit bus out (TUBO) bit 7 to request sense byte O. The tape unit transmits sense byte 0 to the tape control. The tape control deactivates bit 7 and activates bit 6 to request sense byte 1. Tape Unit The tape control resets the tape unit error latches by activating the Command tag. and TU BO bit 6. The tape control transmits the Write command to the tape unit by activating the Command tag and TUBO bit 4. The tape unit transmits the command status byte to the tape control on tape unit bus in (TUBI). The tape control compares the status byte with the command and activates Command Status Reject if they do not compare. The tape control activates Move to the tape unit. The tape control monitors Tachometer In/Busy In to ensure that the capstan started. If the tachometer did not start, the Tach Failure error is activated. .G Request Byte 0 e • Sense Byte 0 Sense Byte 1 Reset Tape Unit II IJ II Status Move II Tach Pulses Gap Control Data Bus B IJ Write Command a II e Request Byte 1 The tape unit transmits sense byte 1 to the tape control. Copyright Intarnational Businass Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 .- DEVICE INTERFACE Tape Control . m • II The tape unit transmits the tachometer pulses to the tape control if the operation is proceeding normally. The tape control waits for gap control (lBG 68 for 6250 bpi or IBG 64 for 1600 bpi operations) from the tape unit. The tape control holds Command tag active until a Gap Control indication is received. The tape control then measures tape speed by measuring the time between tachometer pulses. iii When tape speed is satisfactory, the tape control places data to be written on TUBO. II When all data has been written, the tape unit uses Extended Go to hold its own Go active until a specified interblock gap (lBG) count is reached. See Page 6B-205 for IBG counter operation. The tape control does not deactivate Move until the last byte has been read back. The tape control again requests sense bytes 0 and 1 from the tape unit to determine what the status to include in the ending status byte sent to the channel. The bytes are requested and transferred in the same manner described in step 1. Move X Request Byte 0 Sense Byte 0 Request Byte 1 Sense Byte 1 }~ 58-130 58-140 READ OPERATION READ FORWARD OPERATION .. II DEVICE INTERFACE A read forward command resets the tape unit's Write Status latch and Backward latch. Read Command When the Write Status latch is reset, the tape unit signals the tape control that it is in read status. fJ II The tape control activates the Move tag which sets Go Internal in the tape unit and starts tape motion. II II The Tach Failure Error latch is set in the tape control if no tach pulses are received. • The tape unit places data read from tape on tape unit bus in (TUBI). II IJ Tape Unit Tape Control Read Status Move Set Error TUBI191 READ BACKWARD OPERATION D Read backward is similar to read forward except that tape moves backward. The Backward latch is set when the Read Backward command is issued to the tape unit. II II The tape drive positions the tape properly in preparation for the next operation. II A forward movement is required prior to a Backward start if more than 12 milliseconds have elapsed since the last operation. Request Sense Byte 0 Sense Byte 0 After all data bytes have been read, the tape control deactivates the Move tag. The tape unit interblock gap (lBG) counter holds Extended Go active to control the position of the read head in the IBG when tape motion is stopped. See 6B-205 for IBG counter operation. Request Sense Byte 1 }D Sense Byte 1 The tape control requests sense bytes 0 and 1 from the tape unit. This information is included in the ending status byte sent to the channel. 3803-2/3420 © .) () 58-140 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 o () o o o o o o n o .,. j,.. !) {) o () () o () o c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o o CAPSTAN MOTION FAILURE SYMPTOMS From 00-040, 2B-xxx, 3B-xxx, 4B-xxx, 5B-xxx 68-000 Seq ERROR DESCRIPTION: 9 The Capstan control system may fail with the following symptoms: Refer to 6B-200 through 6B-230 for description of capstan drive circuits. Check digital to Analog Converter (DAC) outputs (see Figure 1). Do the tape unit setup (see Figure 2). Do any DAC outputs fail to pulse? Action Figure 1. Digital to Analog Converter Outputs. Change card T -A 1E2 and T -A 1K2 and go to Seq 10. Capstan Motor Control 1. Capstan runs all the time. 2. Tape does not load. 3. Fails after normal load. 10 Most Probable Causes: ·· ·· ·· Condition / Instruction Dirty/glazed capstan Low air bearing pressure Loose/misadjusted stubby bars Tape sticking Dirty R/W head Capstan motor assembly Does the tape unit now thread, load, and rewind to BOT properly? Go to 00-030. 11 If not: Go to 6B-l00. See note on this page. 12 Did the tape unit pass all motion tests? 1. Run OL T tape unit tests 3420 T DAC 005 2 Il.JL through Z. 2. Change A lL2. 3. Go to 00-030. Drivers B12 4 IUL 011 8 ILJL Perform capstan tachometer checks and adjustments. See 08-120. Do not adjust if within specs. B05 16 ILJL B04 32' IUL Were you unable to adjust tachometer to meet specifications? B02 Sign(64)1LfL_ 13 If tape motion also appears correct, you can reach this page from the Tape Control MAP. Otherwise, you will come here from 00-040 or from MAPS 2B-xxx thru 5B-xxx. See note. 13 If intermittent tape dump is being experienced in either column, an open capstan armature may be indicated. To check the capstan armature, unplug the capstan motor cable from the capstan board and with a CE ohmmeter measure the two leads going to the capstan motor. Watch for a deflection while turning the capstan by hand very slowly. Any deflection of the meter indicates an open armature. DANGER: First turn power off and allow light source to cool. 1. Clean light source with water. 2. Change light source. 3. Change tachometer and go to Seq 14. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problems or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. 14 Does the tape unit now pass all motion tests? Go to 00-030. Seq 15 If not: Go to 6B-ll0. 16 Are dc power supply voltages out of spec? See 08-000. Adjust voltages, change fuses, or repair power supply as required. See power supply MAP 18-000. 17 Is the capstan now stopped when power is turned on? Go to 00-030. 18 Is DAC voltage at the capstan motor control board TP less than 300 mv? Change capstan motor control board and go to Seq 20. 19 Are all DAC driver bits on logic panel the same polarity (all +0.7V or all -0.7V)? See chart. Change capstan motor control board. 20 Is the capstan now stopped when power is turned on? Go to 00-030. 21 If not: Go to 68-140. Condition / Instruction Action 1 With the tape unit unloaded, turn power On. Field tester should not be attached to tape unit. 2 Does the capstan run as soon as power is turned on? 3 Mount a CE work tape, press RESET and LOAD REWIND. 4 Does the tape unit thread, load, and rewind to BOT properly? Go to 6B-020 and perform the motion tests described. Record all failing symptoms and deviations. Return to Seq 12. 5 Are dc power supply voltages out of spec? See 08-000. Adjust voltages, change fuses, or repair power supply as required. See power supply MAP 1B-OOO Seq 11 (Seq 46 for modified supply) and return to Seq 6. 6 Does the tape unit now thread, load, and rewind to BOT properly? Go to 00-030. 7 Perform capstan tachometer checks and adjustments. See OB-120. Do not adjust if within specs. 8 Were you unable to adjust tachometer to meet specs? Go to Seq 16. OAC Board Bits Note: If you have another tape unit available, interchange the E2, F2, G2, G6, H2, and K2 cards. If this fixes the problem, continue interchanging to isolate the failing FRU. If not, interchange the capstan motor control boards. (Replacement board must be from the same model tape unit). A1 E2 002 1 n..r1_ ~ Motor 0 TP Signal (S) 0 TP Ground (G) FT345 *32 bit is not used on Mods 4 and 6 Figure 2. Tape Unit Set-up. Uses two short strips of tape for this operation. Caution: Do not let tape touch the capstan under any circumstances, or the capstan may be severely damaged. 1. Turn off tape unit power. 2. Tape a striP of magnetic tape in each column forming a loop in the middle of the column. Route the tape strip in the right column between the tape cleaner block and the erase head to keep light from hitting the BOT! EaT photocells. Route the tape strip in the left column under; the upper stubby bar to keep it away from the capstan. Cover the reels loaded port. 3. Turn on tape unit power and press LOAD REWIND. Press RESET twice, then press START. 4. Press RESET, LOAD REWIND, and START again DANGER: First turn power off and allow light bulb to cool. 1. Clean light bulb with water. 2. Change light bulb. 3. Change tachometer and go to Seq 9. 3803-2/3420 C 68-000 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979, 1980 - p. 68-010 MODEL 4-DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER WAVEFORMS The waveforms shown are representative only. 75 IpS Forward Stop Forward Start volts volts E::::I Iiii 8 7 0 1 6 ·2 5 ·3 4 ·4 3 5 r. ~~ ~ 6 1 ·7 o ·8 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms ... I' 11,1 'E !!I !!I ..e aa= II E!!I Iii !!I II II ... E!!I E!!I E!!I E!!I 0 Backward Start E!!I ~ 2 o Ii! !!I .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Backward Stop volts VUIIS E o II! !!I 8 ·1 7 ·2 6 ·3 5 4 4 5 3 ·6 2 7 1 ·8 0 o .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Start waveform only Go down time less than 12 ms ~ Ln II1II ... nm l1li II1II l1li II1II nm Ii! !!I E::::II 0 Backward Start with Forward Hitch E E .J!! E 'E ::::II 5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Note: Check timing for ± 10% deviation. Check voltage for ± 5 % deviation. volts 10 5 o 5 ·10 o .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Go down time greater than 12 ms. 68-010 :) ~) ~. fl n " {l 4'J, ~ ~, i i " ·r) () () {l () fl {) l" "'t. 1 '); '," t ~ 1, I" \, '\i: j t} '\ eo o o o o c c c c c c co o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c o 68-011 MODEL 6-DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER WAVEFORMS 125 IpS Forward Start Forward Stop volts volts -= 1:::::1 1:::::1 1:::11 I:: 8 II:: 0 -1 L: -2 7 I:: ;;I 6 5 4 II 1111 HI 3 2 -l- 1 I II II1II11 I:i::::l -4 II iJ -5 I:: II:: o ...., -6 ~ :..J r""""'" 1:::11 r='1 ~I.,;; :=.:...I ..-::::!J ;;.II .4 .8 m II l1'l'i 1::::::1 Iii -=:::11 Iii Iii -7 -8 I:: ::::I I! !I -=:::11 Iii o L= liil I:i:::ll -3 iI nl Iii Iii liil 1.6 ms 1.2 0 .4 Backward Start Backward Stop volts volts .8 1.2 1.6 ms Ii o 8 ·1 ·2 ·3 6 ·4 4 ·5 ·6 3 I Ii 7 r .... 5 ~ I- ---, II II ..... I -= Iii Iii Iii Iii Iii nil! 1::::::1 2 ·7 ·8 m IIIIIIr::: :::::I 0 ::: ;1 liil o .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Start waveform only. Go down time less than 12 ms. 0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 ms Backward Start with Forward Hitch Note: Check timings for ± 10% deviation. Check Voltages for ±5% deviation. volts 10 5 o ·5 ·10 o .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ms Go down time greater than 12 ms. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 68-011 MODEL 8-DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER WAVEFORMS , 68-012 200 ips Forward Start Forward Stop volts volts liil Iii II! 5 8 1:::::1 0 1 Iii 7 ... Iii 6 I'I1'I'I 4 3 2 1 II === =. o 'E! iI .. 5 :'1 in I!i Iii Iii II'!!!:I ii Iii -2 m 1111 n n 1::1 ii 1:::::1 -3 mn I'I'1"I'I .r.;,.1 -4 ~~ 5 11111 II1II I.IaII: ::::I Iii Iii Iii 1::1 -6 ...-. 7 8 11::1 Ei 11::1 .4 o Backward Start _8 1.6 ms 1.2 0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 ms .8 1.2 1.6 ms Backward Stop volts o 8 -1 7 6 -2 -3 5 -4 4 -5 3 -6 2 -7 1 -8 0 o _5 1_0 1.5 2_0 2.5 3.0 ms Start waveform only. Go down time less than 12 ms .4 0 Bakward Start with Forward Hitch Note: Check timings for ± 10% deviation. Check voltages for ± 5 % deviation. volts 11::1 Ii 1:::::1 ii 4 Ii 2 1::1 Ei 1:::::11 .,.. ,'"\'''' r--r, r',-r" II: ~ ........ ......... ...... ...... o -2 I: I: -4 I Ii! o © ,. .} F"\ \ .I I"'''!-r II1II 11&1 .5 10 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 ms Go down time greater than 12 ms 68-012 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 n\ j rl C) () () n £"\ ~- j r,\ \j (l ~) .fl ~. i ~) \. ~~ ~;. .; F~ ";;.J U a a Ii . \; .) if" fl " ;/\,. , -\.. .. if '\ \ ; !) 1"\ ~. ~I l ~; .[ f l ." J :) :> .~ ~ \ # t } I , ) o o o o o () c c co c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c CAPSTAN MOTION CHECKS (CAPSTAN MOTION APPEARS NORMAL) The following procedure verifies normal capstan motion. Checks 1 through 5 can be made by using a field tester and a work tape: Gap Control timings 2. Tach Period timings 3. DAC (digital-to-analog converter) start voltages. waveforms. and timings 4. DAC stop voltages and timings 5. Extended Go timings Run +Extended Go DAC Output +Gap Control 1 msec/cm ii! I :: ,. Stop FWD I_.II! -~ BKW II l1li :=·-~U.-·, I II BKW W/FWD Hitch 200 ips 0.6 ms 0.7 ms 2.7 ms 125 ips 0.8ms 0.9 ms 2.9 ms 75 ips 1.1 ms 1.2 ms 3.0 ms I .--""11 ++++ :.;:,:,:.,t P.!I ' 11++11 mil 2. i_ U::la'-1, 11:1 II Set 6250 bpi mode by adding a jumper between T -A 1 K2P02 and T -A 1 M2D06. Sync scope negative on -Move Command 8 (F2P12) and display +Gap Control (K6J06). Make tape unit READY and put field tester in St/Stp mode. The timings to Gap Control (from start of Move Command 8 to start of Gap Control) for a Start operation are: I I Ii 4. Mount a CE work tape. 1. 1. - Move SET UP 68-020 e!!I Sync scope minus internal and check the tach period timings by displaying - Phase A (T-A1H2G09) and -Phase 8 Gated (T-A1H2D13) with the field tester in both Forward and 8ackward modes (not St/Stp mode). The nominal tach period timings with the tester in Forward and 8ackward modes are: Stoplock Staircase (can be random) 200 ips47 usec 125 ips75 usec 75 ips 126 usec Note: Waveform is for Model 6. The time after gap control will vary depending on tester setup and tape unit model. Tach period variations. while running in forward or backward mode (not St/Stp model. should not exceed ±4% of nominal. 3. Set field tester to St/Stp mode. sync scope negative on - Move Command 8 (T -A 1 F2P12) and display DAC output (at capstan power board test point). Check DAC start voltages. waveforms, and timings against those shown on page 68-010, Mod 4; 68-011, Mod 6; and 68-012, Mod 8. With field tester still in St/Stp mode, sync scope negative on + Exten and display the DAC output. (See Figure 2 for tape unit setup in preparation for measuring the DAC Qutputs as shown in Figure 1.) Check the DAC stop voltages and timings for minimum, maximum, and nominal values during capstan stops. Constant minimum or maximum values indicate a fault condition. See page 68-010, Mod 4; 68-011, Mod 6; and 68-012, Mod 8. Display the DAC output and check for excessive stoplock staircase, noting the number of steps, as well as the polarity. There should be 2 to 3 steps maximum. (There can be no steps, and polarity can vary.) 5. With field tester still in St/Stp mode, sync scope positive on -Move Command 8 (T-A1F2P12) and display +Extended Go (T -A 1 F2J 11). 6250 bpi mode timings for Extended Go (from end of Move to end of Extended Go) are as follows: Figure 1. Digital to Analog Converter Outputs Capstan Motor Control Board DAC Bits A1E2 DAC Drivers BMotor 002 1 ~ 005 2 ~ B12 4 ~ 011 8 ru-L B05 16 rLJL B04 32* rLJL B02 Sign(64)1LJL 0 TP Signal (S) 0 TP Ground (G) FT345 *32 bit is not used on Mods 4 and 6 75 ips 200 ips 126 ips Fwd Write .57 ms .91 ms 1.52 ms Fwd Read .49 ms .78 ms 1.30 ms Bkwd Read .18 ms .3 ms .49 ms (all tolerances ±4%) To check Extended Go timings in PE mode, remove the jumper from T -A 1 K2P02 to T -A 1 M2D06 and rewind tape to 80T to reset 6250 bpi mode. Leave jumper off for remainder of tests. PE mode timings for Extended Go are as follows: Figure 2. Tape Unit Set-Up Use two short strips of tape for this operation. Caution: Do not let tape touch the capstan under any circumstances, or the capstan may be severly damaged. 1. Turn off tape unit power. 200 ips 125 ips 75 ips 1.06 ms 1.69 ms 2.82 ms Fwd Read 1.43 ms 2.29 ms 3.82 ms Bkwd Read 1.06 mll 1.69 ms 2.82 ms Fwd Write (all tolerances ±4 % . Return to Seq 12, Page 68-000. 2. Tape a strip of magnetic tape in each column forming a loop in the middle of the column. Route the tape strip in the right column between the tape cleaner block and the erase head to keep light from hitting the BOT IEOT photocells. Route the tape strip in the left column under the upper stubby bar to keep it away from the capstan. Cover the reels loaded port. 3. Turn on tape unit power and press LOAD REWIND, press RESET twice, then START. For write operation press file protect pin. 4. Press RESET, LOAD REWIND, and START again. 68-020 @ Copyright International BUlin... Machin•• Corporation 1976. 1979, 1983 gz _____ ;;c 68-100 TAPE UNIT WON'T THREAD, LOAD, AND RETURN TO BOT PROPERLY Condition/Instruction Seq From 68-000 Action Seq Action Condition/Instruction 16 Is +Stoplock (T -A 1G2P04) plus? Remove jumper from T -A 1 F2P07, change T -A 1G2 card, and go to 00-030. 40 Is + Normal Run Pulse (T -A 1 H2J09) minus? Go to Seq 43. 17 Is - PDC Input (T -A 1G2J02) minus? Remove jumper from T -A 1 F2P07. change T -A 1 G2 card, and go to 00-030. 41 Is + Reset TPC (T -A 1G2U 13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. Caution: Do not let tape touch the capstan under any circumstances, or the capstan may be severely damaged. 18 Is Gate PHD (T-A1G2Dl0) minus? Remove jumper from T-A1F2P07, change T-A1G2 card, and go to 00-030. 42 If not: Change T -A 1 H 2 card. If not fixed, go to Seq 45. 1. 2. 19 Is -Go Internal (T-A 1 F2U05) plus? Remove Jumper from T-A1F2P07, change T -A 1 F2 card, and go to 00-030. 43 Is -Normal Run Pulse (T-A1H2P12) plus? Go to Seq 45. 20 If not: Remove jumper from T-Al F2P07, change T-A 1 E2 card, and go to 00-030. 44 If not: Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 45 Is +Reset TPC (T-A1G2U13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 46 Is -PDC 16 Bit (T-A1E2S10) minus? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 47 Is -PDC 1 Bit (T-A1E2S09) minus? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 48 Is -Set Nominal Stop Current (T -A 1G2G02) minus? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 49 Is +Gate Nominal Stop Delay (T-A1G2813) plus? Change T -A 1 G2 card and go to 00-030. 50 Is +Block PDC Counting (T -A 1 E2D12) minus? Change T-A1E2 card. If not fixed, go to Seq 51. 51 Is +Stoplock Not Hitch Active (T-A1H2B13) minus? Change T -A 1G6 card and go to 00-030. 52 Reserved 53 Is - T3 (T -A 1 H2S 10) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 54 Is +T5 (T-A1H2U13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 55 Is +2 KHz osc. (T -A 1 H2D04) pulsing? Go to Seq 57. 56 If not: Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. You should have entered this page from 6B-000, Seq 11. You have checked power supply voltages and completed the tachometer and direction-sense checks. Since the tape unit will not perform a normal load, use the following procedure to set up a tape loop logic check. Use two short strips of tape for this operation. Turn off tape unit power. Tape a strip of magnetic tape in each column forming a loop in the middle of the column. Route the tape strip in the right column between the tape cleaner block and the erase head to keep light from hitting the BOT / EOT photocells. Route the tape strip in the left column under the upper stubby bar to keep it away from the capstan. Cover the reels loaded port. Turn on tape unit power and press LOAD REWIND. PRESS RESET twice, then press START. Press RESET, LOAD REWIND, and START again. 3. 4. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problems or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Condition/Instruction Seq Action 1 Scope T -A 1 H2G09. Pulses indicate capstan motion. Is the capstan turning? Go to Seq 21 2 Is the DAC voltage at the capstan motor control board test point more than 300 mv? Change the board and go to 00-030. Do the DAC Driver bits on logic panel have different polarities? (All should be either +0.7v or -0.7v). See Figures 1 and 2 on 6B-000. Change capstan motor control board and go to 00-030. Is + Extended Go (T -A 1 F2J 11) minus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 3 4 5 Is -Extended Go (T-A1F2D02) plus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 6 Is -Go Internal (T-A1F2U05) plus? Change T -A 1F2 card and go to 00-030. 7 Jumper T-A1F2P07 to ground. (This forces Start Current.) 8 Is -Start Current (T-A 1 F2J05) plus? Remove jumper from T-A 1 F2P07. change T-A 1 F2 card. and go to 00-030. 9 Is T-A1H2G09 pulsing? Go to Seq 38. 10 Is -T3 (T-A1H2S10) failing to pulse? Remove jumper from T-A 1 F2P07, change T-A1H2 card. and go to 00-030. 11 Is +Set PHD Reg (T-A1G2G03) pulSing? Go to Seq 14. 12 Is -T4 (T-A1H2S12) pulsing? Remove jumper from T-Al F2P07, change T -A 1G2 card. and go to 00-030. 13 If not: Remove jumper from T -A 1 F2P07, change T -A 1 H2 card. and go to 00-030. 14 Is +1/4 Tach Stop Sync (T-A1G2M04) pjus? Remove jumper from T-A 1 F2P07. change T -A 1G2 card, and go to 00-030. 15 js -Gate poe (1-A1G2MOb) plus? Set oscilloscope to 1 ms/ cm and scope -Backward Capstan Motion (T-A1H2M12). 21 22 Is line in Seq 21 pulsing? Go to Seq 80. 23 Is line in Seq 21 plus? Go to Seq 71. 24 Scope - Phase A (T -A 1 H 2G09). Period should be: Model 8 - 47 usec Model 6 - 56 usec Model 4 - 61 usec (All timings are + 4 %.) 25 Is the backward tach period normal? (Within +4% of nominal) Go to Seq 51. 26 Is the backward tach period short? (More than 4% away from nominal.) Go to Seq 32. 27 Is -Go Backward (T-A1F2P13) plus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 28 Is -16 Cnt Pulse (T -A 1 H2P05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. If not: Press RESET and go to Seq 30. 57 Is +Set Error Hitch (T-A1H2M09) minus? Go to Seq 59. If not: Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. Is -1 Bit DAC (T-A1E2D02) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 29 Remove jumper from T-A 1 F2P07. change T-A1G2 card. and go to 00-030. 30 Does -16 Cnt Pulse (T-A1H2P05) stop? Go to Seq 69. 58 31 If not: Press LOAD REWIND. START and go to Seq 80. 59 32 Is -Start Current (T-A 1 F2J05) plus? Go to Seq 35. 60 Is +IBG 68 Count (T-A1F2D02) plus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 33 Is +Gated Opp Direction (T-A1F2P07) minus? Change T-A1F2 card and go to 00-030. 61 Is - PDC 16 Bit (T -A 1 E2S 10) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 34 Is -Extended Go (T -A 1 F2S02) plus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 62 Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 35 Is -Opp Direction (T -A 1 F2B02) pulsing? Change T -A 1F2 card and go to 00-030. Is -PDC 8 Bit (T-A1E2U13) failing to pulse? 36 Is -Sampled TPC Equal (T-A1G6B13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G6 card. If not fixed, change T -A 1G2 card and go to Seq 37. 63 Is -2 Bit DAC (T-A 1 E2D05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 64 Is -PDC 4 Bit (T -A 1 E2U 10) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 37 Is + Backward Status (T -A 1 F2S04) plus? Change T -A 1 H2 carq Seq 40. 38 Is +AT5 (T-A1H2D02) pulSing? Go to Seq 40. 39 If not: Change T-A1H2 card. If not fixed, go to Seq 40. If not fixed. go to 3803-2/3420 68-100 © CopYright International Business Machinas Corporation 1976. 1979, 1983 ) ,t) ~'\ , ,., 1''\ j '\ 1',,\ ( .it 4.. , i ) f' '\ ~J ''\ 1. j ~.'\ ~- i ,r) £1 ~ j r,, i '" ~ l ; I \. \ J I l j .:: " , I ~ } l< ~ .P or -~ \ J ..) .:: '" ~ Ci. P l 1 t ~ ) :J ~ l ....; :lI. ,J -1" ~ 1 ; .. ~ s '<. " l-; l " " .) f " l; ~' ~ j ~ " } ! l '"" l F t c o o o o o c c c o c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 68-101 TAPE UNIT WON'T THREAD, LOAD, AND RETURN TO BOT PROPERLY (Cont'd) Seq Action Condition/Instruction Is +Go Internal (T-A1F2S07) minus? Change T -A 1F2 card and go to 00-030. 66 Is -I BG 28 Count (T -A 1 F2 P02) minus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 67 Is +Set Fwd Hitch Reg (T -A 1G6J 13) minus? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 68 If not: Change T -A 1G6 card and go to 00-030. 69 Is + T5 (T -A 1 H2U 13) pulsing? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 70 If not: Change T -A 1H2 card and go to 00-030. 65 71 Scope the following points: -TO +T1 -T2 -T3 -T4 +T5 T pulses are 167 ns for Models 4 and 6, 83 ns for Model 8. T-A1H2S07 T-A1H2U05 T-A1H2S09 T-A1H2S10 T-A1H2S12 T-A1H2U13 72 Are any pulses bad? Change T-A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 73 Is Transition T1 -T4 (T -A 1 H2J04) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 74 Is -Forward Orive (T-A 1 F2J02) minus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 75 Is +1/4 Tach Stop Sync (T-A1G2M04) plus? Change T-A1G2 card and go to 00-030. 76 Is -Set POC (T-A1G2J05) plus? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 77 Is -POC Input (T-A1G2J02) minus? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 78 Is -POC Sign Bit (T-A1E2U12) plus? Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 79 If not: Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 80 Scope the following points: T pulses are 167 ns for Models 4 and 6; 83 ns for Model 8. -TO +T1 -T2 -T3 -T4 +T5 Condition/ Instruction Seq Action Is +Sampled TPC Equal Gated (T-A1G2012) plus 7 Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 89 Is -Stop (T-A1G2J10) minus 7 Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 90 Is -Sampled TPC Equal (T-A1G6B13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G6 card and go to 00-030. 91 Is -POC Input (T-A1G2J02) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 92 Is +Incr POC (T-A1G2G13) plus? Change T -A 1G2 card and go to 00-030. 93 Is -Set POC (T -A 1G2J05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card and to to 00-030. 94 If not: Change T -A 1 E2 card and go to 00-030. 88 T-A1H2S07 T-A1H2U05 T-A1H2S09 T-A1H2S10 T-A1H2S12 T-A1H2U13 81 Are any pulses bad? Change T -A 1H2 card and go to 00-030. 82 Is +AT5 (T-A1H2002) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 83 Is -Transition T1-T4 (T-A1H2J04) failing to pulse? Change T-A1H2 card and go to 00-030. 84 Is +Set Stop lock 2 (T-A1H2M06) plus? Change T -A 1 H2 card and go to 00-030. 85 Is +Extended Go (T-A1F2J11) minus? Change T -A 1 F2 card and go to 00-030. 86 Is +Stoplock (T-A1G2P04) plus? Change T -A 1G2 and go to 00-030. 87 Is +Reset TPC (T-A1G2U13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card. If not fixed, change T -A 1G6 card and go to Seq 88. 3803-2/3420 68-101 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 S%EZL TAPE UNIT LOADS BUT CAPSTAN MOTION IS FAULTY Seq From 68-000 You reached this page from 6B-000. The tape unit can perform a normal thread-load sequence. There is a capstan motion check. a tachometer check. and a direction-sense check. The first sequences on this page ask questions about the motion tests. then direct you to the proper entry sequence. depending upon the symptom(s) observed. Field Set Up: Tester plugged in. and in St/Stp mode; and tape unit READY. Always start with Seq 1 and follow the procedure in sequence unless directed otherwise. Remember to END all problems or maintenance calls by going to MAP 00-030. Seq ~.: () 68-110 Condition/Instruction Condition/Instruction Action Action Condition/Instruction Seq 23 Is - PDe 32 Bit (T -A 1 E2S 13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. 36 Is +Not Stop Complement (T-A1G2G04) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card. 24 Is -Gate Stoplock CTR (T-A1G2G12) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 G2 card. 37 Is -OE PDC 16 Bit-PDC Sign Bit (T -A 1 E2P07) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. 25 Is +Complement (T -A 1 E2P05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. 38 If not: Change T -A 1G6 card. 26 Is +Reset TPC (T-A1G2U13) failing to pulse? Change T-A1G2 card. 39 Is + Incr PDC (T -A 1G2G 13) failing to pulse? Change T-A1G2 card. 27 Is -Gate Normal Run (T -A 1 F2J 12) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 F2 card. 40 If not: Change T -A 1 E2 card. 28 Is +Sampled TPC Equal Gated (T-A1G2D12) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card. 29 If not: Change T-A1H2 card. 30 Is +T1 (T-A1H2U05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card. 31 Is -IBG 1 or 2 Bit (T-A1F2G09) failing to pulse? Change T-A1F2 card. Action 1 Read Seqs 2. 3. and 4. Do you have more than one failure? Go to Seq 6. 2 Is the tach period bad (more than 4% from norma!)? Change T-A1H2 card. 3 Is the backward gap control timing bad? Go to Seq 8. 4 Is the DAC waveform bad (see 6B-010)? Go to Seq 11. 5 If not: Go to 00-030. 6 Do the results of your motion checks match Figure 1? Perform action per Figure 1. 32 Is -49 Count Latch (T -A 1 F2M05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 F2 card. 7 If not: Go to 00-030. 33 Is +IBG 28 & Stop (T-A1G2P13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card. 8 Is -Opposite Direction (T-A1 H2B02) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card. 34 Is -T3 (T-A1H2S10) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card. 9 Is -OE PDC 16 Bit-PDC Sign Bit (T -A 1 E2P07) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. 35 If not: Change T -A 1 E2 card. 10 If not: Change T-A1G6 card. 11 Is -49 Count Latch (T -A 1 F2M05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 F2 card. 12 Is +Stop 1 Delay (T -A 1G2S08) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card 13 Is +1/4 Tach Stop Sync (T-A1G2M04) failing to pulse (200 usec pulse)? Change T -A 1 G2 card. 14 Is -Gate PDC (T -A 1G2M05) failing to pulse? Change T-A1G2 card. 15 Is -Set Nominal Stop (T -A 1G2G02) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1G2 card. 16 Is -2 Bit DAC (T -A 1 E2D05) failing to pulse? Change T-A1E2 card. 17 Is + 16 Bit DAC (T -A 1 E2D05) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. 18 If not: 19 1. 2. The DAC waveform is bad. Forward gap control timing is bad. 3. 4. Backward gap control timin g is bad. The tach period timing is ba d. 5. 6. Extended go timing is bad 0 n backward read only. Extended go timing is bad 0 n forward read and write only. 7. Extended go timing is bad 0n Figure 1. Motion Check Matrix Match your symptoms (1-7) with the Xs in the matrix. Exit the bottom of the matrix and take the indicated action. . .. . ... forward read and write and backward read. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I Go to Seq 19_ X X X X X X X X X X X I Change T-A1 F2 card. Go to Seq 23 Change T-A1G6 card. Go to Seq 30 Change T-A1G2 card. Change T -A 1 F2 card. Go to Seq 36 Change T -A 1 H2 card. Is + T1 (T -A 1 H2U05) failing to pulse? Change T-A1H2 card. Go to Seq 39 Change T·A 1 H2 card. 20 Is +T5 (T-A1H2U13) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 H2 card. Change T-A1G6 card. 21 Is +Block PDC Counting (T-A1E2D12) failing to pulse? Change T -A 1 E2 card. Change T-A 1 F2 card. 22 If not: Change T-A 1 F2 card. Change T-Al F2 card. 68-110 Copyright InternatIonal Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 () () fl () () () o o ') ') {) '-. 'l.. !} c c o o o c o o c c c c c ceo c c c c c c c c c c c c CAPSTAN STARTS TURNING WHEN POWER IS TURNED ON 68-140 Setup: 1. Turn power on. 2. Do not install field tester, or load a tape. A1C2 Stepdown -P04 -B07 -M05 -007 A1G2 -M02 -B03 A1E2 DAC Drivers + B12 [1] +011 [1] HSFl FT261 FT321 +B05 [1] FT345 Capstan Motor Control Board Capstan Motor 121 + B02 [1] Notes: + Indicates nominal MST-1 plus (up) level of -0.85 Vdc; line should have solid up level or go to the up level. Indicates nominal MST-1 minus (down) level of -1.85 Vdc; line should have solid down level or go to the down level. (1) Special voltages level: +0.7 Vdc to -0.7 Vdc. (2) Refer to 08-000 for Capstan Motor Replacement. 3803-2/3420 68-140 -== 68-150 TAPE MOTION PROBLEMS (STUBBY COLUMN LOOPS) 3. Vacuum column door glass to low causing a The tape loops in the stubby columns are normally in the position shown in Figure 1 while loaded and not moving or continuously moving forward or backward, or with the tester set up for Alt Dir with a long Go Up Time. Any variation in loop position beyond approximately 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) indicates a pneumatic or tape drag problem. This condition can cause intermittant read/write errors or loading problems. The figures on this page provide a visual means to help identify abnormal tape motion and to associate the symptoms to failing components. Remove vacuum column door resonator cover (models 6 and 8 only). B. Load tape unit with a CE scratch tape and as soon as the tape enters the columns push reset. If the tape is positioned like Figure 1 go to step B otherwise go to probable causes below. C. Use Field Tester and move tape well into a high speed area. D. While observing the stubby columns, rewind tape unit making sure the tape goes into a high speed rewind. E. Tape should be equally into the right and left stubby column in both a high and low speed rewind. See Figure 1. F. G. Observe tape in stubby columns as the tape unit goes from a high to a low speed rewind. Tape must not pull out of the stubby columns. See Figure 3. If tape is not equal or pulls out of a stubby column, a problem exists which could cause intermittant read or write problems. Figure 4. Forward Continuous Figure 1 shows the normal position in the stubby columns. The tape should be in this position after the tape enters the columns on a load and it should maintain approximately this position during tape motion. A difference of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) between forward and backward is normal. Measure this difference along an imaginary line referred to in Figure 1 by the dotted line. Figure 4 indicates a dirty (plugged) left air bearing or worn left stubby column glass bead tape. 4. Vacuum column door maladjusted. Apply pressure to glass in the stubby column area and see if tape positions itself like Figure 1. Do adjustment on page 08-680. 5. Vacuum column door glass warped causing a poor seal between glass and stubby columns. If tape is unequal in the stubby columns, apply pressure to the glass in the area of the stubby columns and see if the tape pulls into the column as shown in Figure 1. If this is the indication and all other adjustments have been done, obtain a long straight edge (18 inch minimum) and check for warpage by holding the straight edge on the inside of the glass in the area of the stubby columns. Replace the glass if the gap between the glass and the straight edge is greater than 0.005 inches (0.13 mm). PROCEDURE TO CHECK FOR PNEUMATIC IMBALANCE OR LEAKS A. Figure 1. Normal poor seal between glass and upper stubby bar. Push glass upward and check to see if tape positions itself properly. See Figure 1. Do adjustments on pages 08-690. Figure 5. HS Rewind Figure 2. Forward Continuous PROCEDURE TO CHECK FOR TAPE DRAG A. Set up Field Tester as follows: GO ALT DIR SLOW READ Put both potentiometers fully on (toward rear of tester). B. Figure 5 indicates a dirty (plugged) right air bearing or worn right stubby column glass bead tape. Observe the stubby columns and compare observation to figures. If stubby columns do not appear similiar to Figure 1, refer to probable causes under figure most like actual observation. Figure 2 indicates a dirty (plugged) right air bearing, low air bearing pressure, high vacuum, or improper vacuum door glass to column seal. Figure 3. Backward Continuous Probable Causes 1. Hoses kinked or not tight on the transfer valve or plenum. 2. Capstan-to-stubby clearance to great. It should be 0.006 to 0.010 inch (0.15 to 0.25 mm). See 08-080. Figure 3 indicates a dirty (plugged) left air bearing, low air bearing pressure, high vacuum, or improper vacuum door glass to column seal. 68-150 :) o f) f) o o () o o o o o f) " f) f) Q o o o o o o o f) o o !) o !) o c 00 o c o o c ceo c ceo c c c c c c c c o c c c CAPSTAN DRIVE SYSTEM The capstan drive system moves tape past the read/write head. A constant speed is maintained while reading and writing and during slow speed rewind. The capstan speed follows the speed of the slowest reel during high speed rewind. CAPSTAN CONTROL CIRCUITS 6-MHz oscillator (osc) and gray code counter generate clock timing pulses TO through T5. • • Capstan control logic compares capstan pulses and gray code counter pulses to generate digital correction signals which go to the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Power-on Reset blocks drive current to the motor to prevent the capstan from turning until all power supplies are at their specified voltages. 68-200 r I I I I I I I I I I I Capstan Control Circuits 6 MHz Osc and Gray Code Counter ~ Capstan Control Logic I I I I I I I I r Data Lines 7 Lines on Model 8 6 Lines on Models 4. 6 I I T I I I L - - - - - ----~ CAPSTAN MOTOR AND CONTROLS Filter Select I I I I I I Capstan Motor and Controls ... I I I Power On Reset I I I The DAC takes digital logic signals from the polarity hold drive (PHD) and converts them to a voltage waveform which controls the current to the capstan motor. Digital to Analog Converter Filters shape the DAC output to achieve capstan acceleration without mechanical vibration. Stoplock is the ability to control the capstan motor in a fixed position by monitoring capstan tachometer phase A and B pulses. Filters Power transistors control the magnitude of armature current. The capstan motor is a high-torque, low-inertia, vacuum-cooled dc motor which can start and stop quickly. Current Feedback Amplifier and Motor Controls The capstan motor has a permanent magnet field. :~I A single, rubber-coated capstan moves tape in either direction. I M I I Capstan Motor L-----t-----~ Capstan A and B Pulses Capstan Pulse Generation Model 8 tape unit has vacuum applied to the capstan. The polarity (direction) of armature current determines capstan motor direction. Varying the armature current controls the capstan motor speed. Capstan motor braking is accomplished by applying reversed drive current. This action is called plugging. CAPSTAN PULSE GENERATION • • • The capstan turns, generating electrical impulses called capstan tach pulses. Gapstan Pulse Generation For Models 4 and 6, the capstan tachometer has a fiber optic light source, an etched mirror on the capstan disk face, an interrupter mask, a phototransistor, and capstan tach pulse squaring circuits. Photo Transistor For Model 8, the capstan tachometer has a fiber optic light source, a see-through capstan disk, an inter~upter mask, two phototransistors, and capstan tach pulse squaring circuits. Photo Transistor Phase B leads Phase A by 90 degrees when tape is moving forward. Phase A leads Phase B by 90 degrees when tape is moving backward. Capstan Pulse Capstan Pulse Capstan Squaring Circuit Capstan Squaring Circuit D Capstan Phase A fJ Capstan Phase B ZT031 68-200 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 MAJOR ELEMENTS OF CAPSTAN CONTROL LOGIC 1. 6-MHz oscillator and gray code counter (GCC) ALD FT301. 2. Tach Period Counter (TPC) ALD FT312. 3. Proportional Drive Counter (PDC) ALD FT342. 4. Interblock Gap (lBG) Counter ALD FT332. 5. Polarity Hold Drive (PHD) Register ALD FT344. 6. Read Only Store (ROS) ALD FT313. 1. 6-MHz Oscillator and GCC The gray code counter (GCC) is driven by the 6-MHz oscillator furnishing six clock pulses (TO-T5) used by capstan control logic to control capstan velocity. The pulses have a width of 83 ns on Model 8 (1"67 ns on Models 4 and 6) and a frequency of 2 MHz on Model 8 (1 MHz on Models 4 and 6). 2. Tach Period Counter (TPC) The TPC counts T1 pulses from the gray code counter and generates a constant time-base or reference for velocity control. The TPC begins counting on a tach pulse and stops after the correct decode has been reached, generating Sampled TPC Equal. 3. 68-205 Proportional Drive Counter (PDC) 4. This counter has two functions: 6. IBG Counter The IBG counter is an eight-stage binary counter. During thread operations the IBG counter monitors progress of the operation by counting machine reel revolutions. a. When starting, moving, and stopping tape, the counter generates a linear error count for velocity control. This count is generated by measuring the difference between the desired tach period and the actual tach period. When the TPC and decode logic generate Sampled TPC Equal, the PDC counter begins counting T1 pulses from a previously preset count. Each count represents a motor current command, which is sent to the motor via the polarity hold drive (PHD) and digital to analog converter (DAC) when the next tach pulse arrives. During 1600 bpi and 6250 bpi Read/Write operations the IBG counter monitors the length of the interblock gaps. In this application the counter is stepped by quarter tach pulses. It controls Extended GO distances (see Note). The IBG counter also controls deceleration, distance to gap control, and forward hitch distances. Note: EXTENDED GO b. The poe is used to keep track of capstan position in the IBG during Stoplock. Here, the input to the counter is quarter tach pulses, and the output count represents a current command (magnitude and polarity) which is continuously sent to the motor during positioning. The tape unit Go Holdover line determines when tape stops. Go Holdover holds Extended Go active in the tape unit after the tape control has deactivated Move (6250 bpi Read, 1600 bpi Read and Write, or after the last 6250 bpi Write byte). Extended Go, stop, and start distances together determine the interblock gap (IBG). Read Only Store (ROS) The ROS controls deceleration. Stored within the ROS are the nominal tach periods which should occur during deceleration from nominal speed to stopped position. During deceleration the TPC count is compared to the stored ROS value (for each tach period) in order to generate a Sampled TPC Equal. When Sampled TPC Equal occurs, the PDC begins counting T1 pulses from a preset value until the next full tach transition arrives. The PDC count is then sampled to the PHD. The IBG counter and decodes are used to access each sucessive ROS value during deceleration. Near the end of the stop, two time delays Stop Delay 1 and Stop Delay 2 are also provided by the ROS. The IBG count at which Extended Go drops varies as shown in the following table: Go Extensions in Quarter Tach Pulses The TPC is also used to generate a 12 millisecond reference period beginning with Stoplock to determine the need for a Forward Hitch operation after stop. The TPC provides the 768 millisecond count pulse for reel stability, reset reel fast and load point (LP) delay. Write Read Read Backward All Models 6250 bpi 49 42 16 All Models 1600 bpi 90 122 90 Additional stopping distances after Extended Go for all models equals 36 quarter tach pulses. 5. Polarity Hold Drive (PHD) Register The PHD register is located in the logic flow between the PDC and the DAC. This register holds the counts of the PDC between successive full tach transitions (velocity control) or quarter tach transitions (stoplock). The counts, which represent motor correction currents, are sent continuously to the motor via the DAC. 3803-2/3420 68-205 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1979 () f) ,I o [) [) ,cl " i f) f) o o o o o o o o o c o c c c c o () c c c c c c c c c c o o c 68-210 IBG GENERATION (6250 bpi) When Move drops, the interblock gap (lBG) counter is reset. It then starts counting gated capstan quarter tach pulses continuously throughout the IBG. IBG GENERATION (6250 BPI) SEQUENCE The final portion of the IBG is generated at the start of the next Write operation. Before the next block can be written, the tape must be up to speed. The IBG count continues until IBG 68. At this time Gap Control is activated, the IBG counter is reset, and the tape control begins to monitor full tach periods at half tach period intervals. The tape control waits one tach period and then checks velocity. If the tape is not up to speed, the tape continues to move and velocity is tested again at each half tach period until 30 retries, the tape control activates Velocity Check and terminates the Write operation. I BG Generation lW Read ~ Tape motion -~----\ END WRITE I DATA BLOCK . 125 inches I 1 II EXTENDED GO Step the IBG counter with capstan quarter tach pulses when Move drops. 3. Hold Extended Go active until I BG count 49. The IBG Counter is reset at count 49. 4. Tape is stopped at IBG count 36. 5. Activating Move at the start of the next Write operation starts tape motion and continues stepping the IBG counter. 6. To signal the tape control that the tape unit is up to speed, activate Gap Control at IBG count 68 and generate TU BI bit 1, if Command tag is active. 0 Tape position when TU drops Extended Go • II \ (5,33 mm) Force Nominal Plug Stoplock or Position Control Stop delay 2 ( .300 inches I Extended Go Tape position when TCU drops Move for block 1. II II II Go Int Cmd II II I STOPPING IBG Counts (3,18 mm) .210 inches START 2. Write .150 inches I----------< (3,81 mm) ~ Deactivate Write Condition and Move 10 data bit periods after the fall of Write Data. IBG Timing Chart INTERBLOCK GAP GENERATION l 1. Gap Control The tape control monitors full tach periods at half tach intervals. After Gap Control is active, the tape control is active, the tape control waits 1 tach period and begins velocity check on the next tach period. If velocity is correct, the tape control sets Write Condition and starts the Write Colck. If velocity is incorrect. the tape control sets Velocity Retry (LSR 12 bit 7, Data Check 1) and sense byte 8, bit 7 (Velocity Retry) and continues monitoring the Tach Busy line for correct speed. 8. The tape control continues checking velocity until tape is up to speed or for 30 half tach periods. If tape is not up to speed by the end of 30 half tach periods, the tape control sets Velocity Check (LSR 29 bit 7 Equipment Check) and sense byte 10, bit 7, (Velocity Check) and terminates the write operation. TIME 49/0 36 Tach Pulses 36 68/0 ~~~ ______________~I________ I I ____________~I~)~I~I ~ll t (Reset IBG Counter In~------------------------------~~~ -11~----------------------------~~~ l......t~/--------------------11l -u~____________________________...Jr ~ This line is active until next Go Int Cmd ~-------------------------~~~-------------------------------------u -(I ( ~----------------~~~ Tape position when tape stops . (7,62 mm) 7. ______________________........ Reset -{I(~-----------------ll-~--------------~I~I~I---Wait IBG I II IBG Counter 1 st Velocity Check 1 Tape position when writing begins for block 2. © Copyright In\arnational Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 68-210 68-215 CAPSTAN MOTOR PROPORTIONAL DRIVE CONTROL A1H2 A1H2 Grey Code Counter 6Mhz Osc Se e Note 2 - FT301 FT 301 Se e Note 1 TO-T5 A I-- - RUN STOP OR A1G6 Tach Period Counter Decodes FT311 ~ OR ~ A1E2 Prop. Drive Counter Preset FT341 - A1G6 Tach Period Counter Input FT311 - A1G6 Tach Period Counter Compare r-FT315 A1G6 Tach Period Counter FT312 - A1G2 Polarity Hold Register Gating FT312 A1G2 Prop. Drive Counter ~ Gating FT321 A1G6 Tach Period Counter Equal FT314 A1G2 Prop. Drive Counter Inputs FT324 '--- - A1 E2 Prop. Drive Counter Decode FT343 A1 E2 Prop. Drive Counter FT342 --- A1E2 Polarity Hold Drive Register FT344 ~ A1H2 2khz Osc See Note 3 STOPLOCK A I-- FT302 Al E2 Digital Analog r-Converter Drivers FT345 Digital To Analog Converter Capstan Board CMOO' ---(§)€? Motor Tach A1H2 A1 F2 Al F2 A1F2 Direction Sense IBG Counter Input IBG Counter IBG Counter Decode A1G6 Read Only Storage FT303 FT334 FT332 FT332 FT313 - Notes: [1] RUN refers to nominal speed control. [2] STOP refers to deceleration from nominal speed to stopped position. [3] STOPLOCK refers to capstan position control. 68-215 © Copyright International Business Machines o Corporation 1976, 1979 o "I ~ j f'\ ~j f) .(\ l..; (\ ~; fl ,..., ~~l '- ..1 o 000 o o o o o o 0 c oce c c c c c c c c c c c o c o c c 68-220 START CAPSTAN MOTION (WRITE OPERATION 200 IPS) The tape unit is in a stop condition-Stoplock latch is set. The IBG Counter is stopped with a count of 36. o • Normal Run cycle: T1 ANDed with the positive (phase A) tach transition generates a Normal Run pulse. • To start capstan motion (Write Op): Write Status 1. The tape control sets Write Status in the tape unit and resets the Backward latch to generate Forward Drive. Forward Drive The tape control raises the Move tag. Move and Write Status generate Go Internal and Extended Go. Extended Go resets Stoplock latch and activates Gate PDC. Go Internal T3 The TPC is reset. Extended Go T4 The PDC is set to -8 (1,2,4,16,32, and sign bits are turned on). 2. T2 ANDed with Normal Run pulse transfers the contents of the PDC into the PHD register (still 34 during the first Normal Run).* Move (from TCU) Start Current cycle: T1 ANDed with Go Internal activates the Start Current latch - 1. Start Current and Forward Drive establish presets for the PDC. T3 ANDed with Start Current activates Set PDC. At this time a count of 34 is set into the PDC. T4 ANDed with Start Current sets the PHD register. PHD register contents are sent to the DAC. The DAC applies armature current and the capstan starts turning forward. ___T_l~r--1~___________________ Last Cnt Into PDC Update (Set PHD) Reset TPC Preset PDC ______ T_2~r-1~ _________ _______________ T_3~~~ ____________ _____________T_4~r-1~__________ Phase A * During a full clock cycle (TO through T5) of the Gray Code counter: • Normal Run Gray Code Counter nl Start Current Set PDC Set PHD Reg Degate Start Current L ________~T3~rl~___ rL-. _ _ _ _.....:T~4 _ _ _ _ _.....;.T..::.tSrL T5 ANDed with the Start Current latch-1 activates Start Current latch-2 and degates Start Current. Update takes place every Normal Run pulse. Update is shifting the Error Value from the PDC into the PHD. As the capstan accelerates, the intervals between quarter tach pulses become shorter until capstan speed reaches 100 percent (200 ips). The PDC counts become successively less during acceleration. When the capstan is at 100 percent velocity, the PDC will normally increment to a value between 2 and 4 which reduces motor drive current to 1.5-2.0 amps (just sufficient to overcome friction and maintain speed). Normal Run Pulse Sampled Equal TPC Counting IConstant) PDC CountIng Update IVariable) Error DetermInation Note: As the capstan slows, the PDC count increases and thus more drive current is sent to the motor. When the capstan is over speed, the PDC count is less, which provides less motor drive current. Note: Start Current may remain active until the first quarter tach pulse if the Opposite Direction latch is on. The Opposite Direction latch status is a function of stoplock. © 68-220 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 i-A FORWARD CREEP DURING REWRITE-MODELS 4, 6, AND 8 A write-backs pace-write sequence is used to rewrite the last block of a file. Such a sequence causes forward creep. Forward creep is used to generate a slightly longer than normal interblock gap (lBG). Without forward creep, repeated write-backs pace-sequences could shorten the IBG or the previous good record on tape. (Short IBGs cause compatibility problems when tape is used on IBM tape units having different start-stop characteristics) . II Write Condition is not activated in the tape control until eight capstan pulses (1600 bpi) or two capstan pulses (6250 bpi) after Gap Control is active. The first byte of the new block is written approximately 0.12 inch, (3,05 mm) or approximately 12 capstan pulses, beyond the starting position of the old block. Forward Creep During Rewrite, Models 4, 6 and 8 This figure represents tape motion during a backspace rewrite for Models 4, 6, and 8. Read Head o Backspace Operation: (Read Operation) II Tape control deactivates Move after the last byte is read and the IBG counter starts counting. Extended Go holds the Go Internal line active. II I II m iii fJ ~ IBG Counter = 16 (6250) or 90 (PE) fJlL...-_ _~( I I _1 __ -----.1.- .1_ III --J( L--_ _ III The tape does not actually stop, but goes through a dynamic reversal. The maximum backward excursion is approximately 0.070 inch (1,78 mm) past count 140. :111 Backhitch Operation Erase Status is set when tape is moving forward and the capstan pulse counter has decremented to 139. The erase head is approximately in the center of the interblock gap. ( ( I B The erase head is on and the tape is being erased. Erasure continues for 119 capstan pulses. -1--- Write Status is active and Move drops for approximately 5 usec to allow the tape unit to generate an interblock gap. : II _------>.< ,--I =======< - - - - - -1---- - - - --- - I =1 Write Operation Rewrite Operation: (Write Operation) III 7 I I I When the Write command is received, the tape control activates Move and tape moves backward. Forward Status is activated when the microprogram counts 140 tach pulses. o o D Backhitch Operation: Erase Head Write Head Backsp.ace I-----I.~ Operation. When the I BG counter reaches 16 (6250 bpi) or 90 (1600 bpi). a normal, controlled stop is initiated. II 68-230 Tape control re-activates Move and tape continues moving forward. Gap Control is activated at I BG count 68 for 6250 bpi or 64 for 1600 bpi. III New Block ( I ~ Approx. 0.12 inch (3,05 mm) (about 12 capstan pulses) 3803-2/3420 © 68-230 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976. 1979 o o o o o o o o (l '\ , "\ _jo () II \,; f) o 0 o 00 o 00 o o o o o 0 o {1 o o o o o o o o 00 ooe INDEX A Abends- Theory 00-035 A/B Read and Sequencing Register 53-055 A Register 52-035 AC Power Supply (see Power Supplies) Acceptable Waveforms (Read Card Test Points) 5B-004 Access Times, Read/Write (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Acronyms and Abbreviations PLAN 2 Active /Inactive / Pulsing / Switched Line Levels 00-003 Adapter Hose (CE Tool) 80-000 ADD / ADDM, Arithmetic (ALU Operation) 52-065 Additional Stopping Distance After Go Extend 6A-140,6B-205 Address Out Active (MAP) 13-300 Address Out Inactive (MAP) 13-360 Address / Feature / Priority Card Plugging (Installation) 90-110 Address Decoders, Control Unit 58-010 Addressing Concepts 40-003 Tape Control and Tape Unit 54-005 Adjustment Altitude Vacuum Level 08-410, 90-190 AMP Sensor (NRZI-Model 3, 5, 7) 08-300 Amp Sensor (PE Only-Model 3, 5, 7) 08-290 Amplitude (Model 4, 6, 8) 08-310 Autocleaner 08-382, 5B -11 0 08-580 BOT /EOT, Fiber Optic BOT /EOT Voltage 08-575 Capstan To Stubby Bar Clearance (All Models) 08-080 Capstan Tachometer (Model 3, 5, 7) 08-130 Capstan Tachometer (Model 4, 6, 8) 08-120 Cartridge Motor 08-535 Data Flow Clock Asymmetry 90-190 DC Power Supply 08-570 Dual Density Threshold Adjustment Card 80-000 Electrical Skew (NRZI Feature) 08-200 ESD Grounding (3420/3803) 90-190 Head Mirror Stop (Model 3, 5, 7) 08-350 Left Reel Hub and Motor 80-560 Mechanical Skew (NRZI Feature) 08-180 Mechanical Skew (1600 and 6250 BPI) 08-170 Power Window Safety Bail 08-640 Read Amplitude (Model 4, 6, 8) 08-310 Read Electrical Skew (NRZI Feature) 08-190 Type 2272 MST Card 17-800 Vacuum Column Door 08-680 Vacuum Column Door Glass 08-690 Write Electrical Skew (NRZI Feature) 08-200 Pneumatics 08-420 Pressure Level (All Models) Supply Flat Belt (Type 4) 08-442 Power Window Motor, Rack and Switch 08-640 Rack and Limit Switch 08-650 Read Amplitude (Models 4,6, 8) 08-310 Read Electrical Skew (N RZI) 08-190 Right Reel Hub 08-500 Safety Bail 08-640 Tape Unit Stubby Bar 08-080 Write Electrical Skew (NRZI) 08-200 7- Track NRZI Threshold Adjustment Card 08-000 Air Bearings, MAP 4A-160, 4B-160 cc c c INDEX 1 Air Pressure Check, Regulator 08-405, 90-190 Airflow and Voltage Monitoring System lA-ooO, 1 B-OOO Alignments Capstan Dynamic (Non-90,00Q series) 08-150 Dynamic (90,000 series) 08-160, Marks 08-064 Static (Non-90,000 Series) 08-060 Static (With Round Supports) 08-068 Static (With Square Support Without Zero Marks) 08-062 Power Window 08-640 Alternate Flip Flop 53-040 ALU {(Arithmetic Logical Unit) Microprocessor)) Operations Arithmetic Add: ADD/ADDM (Hex Code A or B) 52-065 Branch On Condition: BOC (Hex Code 2 or 3) 52-085 Branch to Read from Load Point 55-040 Branch to Write from Load Point 55-024 Branch Unconditional: BU (Hex Code 6) 52-090 Common Start I/O Routine 55-020 Logical AND: AND/ ANDM (Hex Code C or D) 52-070 Logical Exclusive OR: XO/XOM (Hex Code E or F) 52-075 Logical OR: OR/ORM (Hex Code 8 or 9) 52-075 Store Logic: STO (Hex Code 0 or 1) 52-095 Transfer Logic: XFR (Hex Code 4 or 5) 52-100 ALUl Charts 1 to 7 13-091 Fails to Trap to 000 (MAP) 13-400 Failure to Reset CTI (MAP) 13-210 Hangs at 000 (MAP) 13-010 Hangs on ALU2 Failure (MAP) 13-410 Loop (MAP) 13-530, 13-540 Loop, TCS (MAP) 13-080 Microprogram Detected Error (Sense Byte 11, Bit 4) (MAP) 16-060 Op In Walt (MAP) 13-250 Power-On Reset (MAP) 13-090 Reset FailL!re (MAP) 13-200 Waiting for ALU2 to Complete a Sequence (MAP) 13-420 Waiting for ALU2 to Drop STATB (MAP) 13-460, 13-470 Waiting for ALU2 STATB IndicatIOn (MAP) 13-450 Waiting for ALU2 STATD l'ldicatlOn (MAP) 13-440 ALU Cannot Exit or Loop (MAP) 13-370 ALUl or ALU2 Hangs (Chart) 13-005 ALU 1 or ALU2 Hangs (MAP) 13-000 ALU 1/ ALU2 (Two Position Switch) 75-002 ALU2 Analyzing Microprogram Errors 16-131 Microprogram Detected Error (Sense Byte 12, Bit 4) 16-130 Microprogram Error (Table) 16-130 Power - On Reset Charts 1 to 7 13 -194 Power-On Reset (MAP) 13-190 Trap Failure (MAP) 13-260 B Bus Parity Error ALU 1. 16-030 B Bus Parity Error ALU2 16-100 Branch On Condition (BOC) Error ALUl 16-050 ALU2 16-120 Bus In Register, Channel 52-040 Bus Out Register, Tape Unit 52-045 Card Interchanging List 16-001 Channel Bus In (CBI) Register 52-040 Channel Tags In (CTI) Register 52-040 Communication Between Microprocessors {Description} 52-030 Crossover (XOUTA/XOUTB) Registers 52-025 o Bus Parity Error ALU2 16-110 o Registers 52-060 Diagnose, Loop, and Scoplng Procedures 16-000 General Reference Information 16-000 High-Order ROS Registers 52-035 High ROS/IC Parity Error On a Branch Instruction ALUl 16-020 ALU2 16-090 How to Determine the Failing Address 16-000 How to Make the ALU Loop on an Error 16-000 Linking Microprogram Routines (Description) 52-030 Listings, Microprocessor {Description} 52-030 Local Storage Register (LSR) 52-015 Low-Order ROS Registers 52-035 Low ROS/IC Parity Error On a Branch Instruction ALUl 16-010 ALU2 16-080 Microprocessor Clocks 52-005 Instructions (see ALU Operation) Listings (DeSCription) 52-030 (MP1/MP2) Schematic 50-003 Microprogram Transfer Decodes 52-101 MIST or TCS Register (MP1) 52-060 MPl Special Register (Hardware Errors) 52-060 MP2 Special Register (TU Bus In) 52-060 Parity Error ALU 1 16-040 ROS 1 Trap Conditions 50-011 Second Level Diagram, ROS 1 Trap Conditions 50-010 Short Cycle XFR Example (Timing Chart) 16-001 Stat Registers 52-015 Stop Address- FRU List ALU 1 16-060 Stop Address-FRU List ALU2 16-130 Tags In Register, Channel 52-040 Tape Unit Bus Out (TUBO) Register 52-045 TCS or MIST Register (MP1) 52-060 XOUTA/XOUTB (Crossover) Registers 52-025 Amplitude- Setting Sequence 5B-120 Analysis of Damaged Tape Errors 00-012 AnalYSIS of IBG in Developed Tape 00-013 Analyzing Microprogram Errors 16-131 AND, Logical (ALU Operation) 52-070 ArithmetiC Add (ALU Operation) 52-065 Array Patching, Patch Card 52-103 Asymmetry Adjustment. Clock 17-800 Attachment, Channel (Chart) 90-010 Autocleaner Adjustment 08-382 Erase Head 5B-110 OperatIOn 08-360 Operational Check 08-380 Removal/ Replacement OS - 3 70 SolenOid 4B -160 Write Card Circuits 5B-110 Automated LogiC Diagram IALDs) 00-002 Automatic Threading (Concept) 40-001 B B Bus 16-030 B Bus 0-7 ALUl Test POints ITable) Panty Error ALUl (MAP) 16-030 Parity Error ALU2 (MAP) 16-100 Panty Indicator 75-003 Backhltch 6B-230 Backspace Block Command 40-007 Backspace File Command 40-007 Backspace Operation 6B-230 Backward No Response or Tape Moves Backward 3A-l00 Tape Fails to Go Backward 3A-130, 3B-130 Bad Sense Data After a Rewind from OL Ts (MAP) 15-140 Basic Recording Techniques (PE, NRZI, 6250) Description 55-007 Basic Subsystem (Concepts) 40-001 BCDIC-EBCDIC ConverSion Chart (7- Track Operation) 57-020 Bit Cell and PE Waveform 55-007 Bit Cell and NRZI Waveform 55-007 Bit Packing and Scoping Procedure 5A-115, 5B-025 Bit Usage Chart, MP I XOUTA Register 52-025 Block Diagram, Device Switching {2x8 SWitch} 18-012 Block Diagram, Device Switching (3x8 or 4x8 SWitch) lS-013 BOC Indicator 75-003 BOT/EOT PhototranSlstor 2A-Ol0 Load Check Prior to BOT Sense 2A-150,2B-150 Tape Does Not Go Backward or Does Not Stop at BOT 2A-190 Tape Moves Backward Off Left Reel 2B-190 Tape Unwillds Off Right Reel or TI Light Stays 3A-150 On Tape Won't Thread, Load, and Return to BOT Correctly 6B -1 00 Voltage Checks and Adjustments 08-5S0 BOT / EOT, Fiber Optics Block Removal/Replacement 08-590 LED BOT /EOT Window Removal/Replacement 08-590 LED BOT /EOT Voltage Checks/ Adjustments 08-580 Branch Condition Error ALUl (MAP) 16-050 MPl Condition (Table) 52-086 MP2 Conditions (Table) 52-087 On Condition (ALU Operation) 52-085 On Condition Error ALU2 (MAP) 16-120 3803·2/3420 :£. Copyright Internatlor,al BUSlns'iS Machrnes Corporation 1976. 1979. 1980. 19B3 INDEX 1 INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX 2 Unconditional (ALU Operation) 52-090 To Write From Load Point 55-024 To Read From Load Point 55-040 Buffer Write Cycle 53-040 Buffers, LSR 52-015 Burst Commands 40-005 Bus In Register, Channel 52-040 Bus In/Bus Out Interface Lines 07-000, 54-000 Bus Out Checks (MAP) 15-030 Bus Out Register, Tape Unit 52-045 Busy (TCS Feature) 58-012 Busy /Tach Lines Test Points (Table) 16-171 Byte Counter 53-025 Check/ Adjustment (Models 4, 6, and S) OS-1'20 Cleaning OS-140 Cleaning Kit S5-OOO OS-700 Cleaning Procedure, Special Glazed Control Circuits, Capstan 6A-120, 68-200 Drive System 6A-120, 68-200 Dynamic Alignment (Non-90,ooo Series Tape Units) OS-150 Dynamic Alignment (90,000 Series Tape Units) OS-160 Extended Go 6A-140, 68-205 Gray Code Counter (GCC) 68-205 18G Counter Circuits 6A-130, 6B-205 Major Elements of Capstan Control LogiC 68-205 Motion Checks (Capstan Motion Appears Normal) 68-020 Motion Control Problems 6A-000 Motion Failure Problems 68-000 Motor and Controls 6A-120, 68-200 Motor Proportional Drive Control CirCUit 68-215 Motor Waveforms 6A-002, 68-002 Polarity Hold Drive (PHD) Register 68-205 Proportional Drive Counter (PDC) 68-205 Pulse Generation 6A -120, 68 - 200 Quarter Tach Pulses 68-205 Read Only Storage (ROS) 68-205 Start Capstan Motion 68 - 220 Starts Turning When Power is Turned On 68-140 Static Alignment (With Round Supports) OS-068 (90,000 Series, With Zero Marks) 08-062 (90,000 Series, Without Zero Marks) OS-064 Tach Period Counter (TPC) 68-205 Tape Unit Loads But Capstan Motion IS Faulty 6B-110 TU Stubby 8ar Clearance Adjustment OS-080 TU Won't Thread, Load and Return to 80T Correctly 68-100 Won't Start Rewind to lP After Tape load 28-175 6 MHz Oscillator and GCC 6B-205 Capstan Prealignment Gauge (CE Tools) 80-000 Card / 80ard Function layout (3420) 19-010 (3803-2) 19-000 Card Isolation Technique PLAN 1 Card Plugging (InstallatIOn) 90-110 Card Plugging, Tape Control LogiC Panel 19-000 Cartridge Does Not Open 2A-l00, 2B-l00 Opener Does Not Close 4A-150, 4B-150 Optional (Concept) 40-001 Motor Replacement / Adjustment 08- 535 Restraint Pressure Check 08-536 Restraint Removal/Replacement OS- 540 CE Initial Entry Flow Chart START 1 CE Panel Description 75-001 Failures 12-020 Operation Contents (MAP) 12-010 Switches 75-001 Channel Attachment (Chart) 90-010 Buffer Controls 53-030 Buffer logiC 50-000 Bus In 53-055 Bus In Register 52-040 C C Compare or P Compare Circuit Logic 17 -017 C Compare or P Compare Errors 17-010 C Compare or P Compare Errors (Timing Chart) 17-014 Cable and Terminator Plugging 90-0S0 Cable Retaining Bar 90-060 Cables 90-060 Cabling, Subsystem 90-060 Capstan Adjusters OS-060 Adjustment Wrench (CE Tool) SO-OOO Box Wrench (CE TooI)SO-OOO Capstan To Stubby 8ar Clearance OS-080 Drive System 6A-120, 68-200 Dynamic Alignment Tracking (90,00 Series) 08-160 Dynamic Alignment Tracking (Non-90,OO OS-150 Series) Glazed Cleaning Procedure 08- 700 Major Elements of Capstan Control logiC 68-205 Motion Checks (Motion Appears Normal) 68-020 Motion Control 6A-000 Motion Failure Symptoms 6B-000, 6B-140 Motor and Controls 6A-120, 68-200 Motor Proportional Drive Control 68-215 Motor Status 3A-030, 38-030 Motor Waveforms 6A-002 Normal Cleaning Procedure S5-004 Pulse Generator 6A-120,6B-200 Start Capstan Motion (Write Operation 200 IPS) 6B-220 Capstan Assembly Field Repair, Dented Capstans (Non-90,OOO Series TU) OS-020 Field Repair, Dented Capstans (90,000 Series TU) OS-030 Removal (Non-90,000 Series Tape Units) OS-020 Removal (90,000 Series Tape Units) OS-030 Replacement (Non-90,000 Series Tape Units) OS-04O Replacement (90,00 Series Tape Units) OS-050 Starts Turning When Power is Turned On (Second Level) 6B-140 Static Alignment (Square Support With Zero Marks) OS-064 Static Alignment (Square Support Without Zero Marks) OS-062 Static Alignment (With Round Supports) 08-068 Capstan Tachometer Check/ Adustment (Models 3, 5, and 7) 08-130 Clocks / Oscillators / Counters Byte Counter 53-025 CRIC-CROC Address Counters 53-035 Data Flow Clock 53-015 Group Buffer Counter 53-090 Master Clock 53-005 Microsecond Frequency 53-005 Oscillator Gating 53-005 Read Clock Stepping Pulses 53-005 Read/Write Clocks and Counters (Table) 53-010 Wnte Clock and Wnte Counter 53-020 Column Vacuum Check OS-400 Command Controls Switches (CE Panel) 75-002 Command or Control Status Reject 16-160, 6A-160 Command Out Inactive During Reset or Power On Reset (MAP) 13-330 Command Out Tag Active (MAP) 13- 290 Command Reject (MAP) 15-020, Command Select Sequencer and Decoder 12-026 Command Sequence (MAP) 13-050 Command Status Reject (MAP) 16-160 Commands and Instructions Burst Commands 40-005 I/O Instructions 40-009 Motion Control Commands 40-007 Non-Motion Control Commands 40-008 Common Start I/O (SIO) Routine 55-020 Communication Between Microprocessors (Description) 52-030 Communicator Feature, Device Switch lS-010 Communicator (2XS Switching) 58-080 Compare Equal Indicator (CE Panel) 75-003 Compare Errors, P Compare or C Compare 17 -010 Compare Errors, P Compare or C Compare (Timing Chart) 17-014 Concepts, 3803-2/3420 40-003 Configuration Worksheet Instructions 90-030 Configurations, Subsystem (Concepts) 40-003, 90-100 Contingent Connection (TCS Feature) 58-012 Control Burst 40-002 Control Check Indicators (CE Panel) 75-003 Control Status Reject (MAP) 16-210 Control Unit (see Tape Control) Common Start I/O (SIO) 55-020 Sense and Status Byte Table 00-005 Control Unit End (TCS Feature) 58-012 Conversion, Field Tester 90-170 Conversion Table, Sense Byte to Bit 14-005 Cooling Fan Assembly Removal/Replacement OS-630 Cooling System (see Voltage and Airflow Monitoring System) Counter (Ie), Microprocessor 1 Flow LogiC 52-010 Counters (see Clocks/ Oscillators / Counters) Bus In/Out Checking (MAP) 13-3S0 Initial Selection 54-000 Interface Problems, Tape Control 18-040 Priority Circuits 54-020 Status Word 8its (Table) 15-080 Tags In Register 52-040 Test POints (Table) 17-021 Wnte Byte Register 53-045 Characteristics, 3420 Subsystem 40-002 Chart AlUl 1 to 7 13-091 AlU2 Power On Reset 13-194 Branch Conditions 16-050 Cards and Cables, Device SWitching Troubleshooting Procedure 18-02S Dropping Ready and Thread and load Failure 2A-000 Features Chart (Sense Byte 6) 17 - 220 Mode Chart (Sense 8yte 6) 17 -11 0, 17 - 220 Read /Wnte Vertical Redundancy Check 17 -170 Reference 18-029 Skew Error Test Points 17-162 Tape Control To/ From Device 18-005 Tape Unit Control Lines 16-213 lx8 Selection 18-001, 18-005 Checks Autocleaner Operational OS-3S0 80T /EOT Voltage OS-5S0 Capstan Tachometer (Model 4, 6, S) OS-120 (Model 3, 5, 7) 08-130 Capstan and Tracking 08-010 Cartridge Restraint Pressure OS-536 Cleaner 81ade Gauss 08-390 Column Vacuum level 08-400 DC Power Supply OS-570 Erase Head Polarity and Erasure OS-320 ESD Grounding (3420/ 3S03) 90-190 Feedthrough OS-330 File Protect Mechanism 08-340 Mechanical Skew 1600 and 6250 08-170 N RZI Feature 08-180 Pneumatic Pressure Vacuum 08-400 Power Supply 90-1S0, 08-570 Read/Write Head Resistance (Model 4, 6, S) OS-2S0 Regulator Air Pressure 08-405, 90-190 Tape Guide (NRZI Feature) OS-230 Tape Unit Grounding 08-600 Threading Vacuum 08-400 Transfer Valve Plug 08-410 Vacuum Column Switch OS-450 Vacuum Pump 8elt 08-410 Check Register, Write 53-045 Checking, Read 8ack (Concept) 40-001 Cleaner Blade Gauss Check 08-390 Cleaning Procedures (see Preventive Maintenance) Clock Asymmetry Adjustment 1 7 - SOO Chart 53-015 Check (MAP) 17-800 Control logic, Microprocessor 52-005 Write (Table) 53-020 INDEX 2 cE \ I' ') '!' " 11 :.1 ; Copyright Internstlonal BUSiness Meet-lines Corporation 1976. 1979, 1980, 1983 0 0 f) f) t), f) l) () 1 f), 4'1, f ), r, f f) f l. Ii '!! l s ~ ) ( , '. f) t-~ f f \ ; f 1 ,.. ~ '" ~ ' J ~ ~ ~ r~ " j .. f~ " Ii "1, " " "'"\i ., , , j & lj :: o 00 o o o o o o c c c c () 0 o o c o (} INDEX (Cont'd) c INDEX 3 CRC Error, NRZI 17-590 Error, 6250 BPI / PE 17 - 540 Generation 53-0678 Generators 53-065 Indicator 75-004 Timing Chart 17-544 CRIC/CROC Address Registers 53-035 Crimper Procedure, Tape (CE Tool) 80-000, 2A-015, 2B-006 Cross Reference, Pins to Logic (3803-2) 20-000 Cross Reference 3803-2, Pins To Logic 17-166 (Logic) Crossover (XOUTA/XOUTB) Registers 52-025 Crosspoint Section (2X8 Switching) 58-080 CrosspOint Switch, Inbound 58-110 Crystral Oscillators, Basic Timing 53-005 CUE Reset on Interface B (MAP) 13-500 Current Generator 5B-ll0 Cyclic Redundancy Checks (see CRC) 17-540 (MAP) Generation CRC A, B, C, D 53-066 During Read Back Check of Write Operations 53-067 During 9- Track Read Backward Operations 53-067 During 9- Track Read Forward Operations 53-067 During 9- Track Write Operations 53-067 Read CRC Generator 53-065 Write CRC Generator 53-065 Write Data Flow Logic 50-001 Write Translator 7-Track 57-021 7-Track Read Schematic 57-006 Security Erase Command 40-007 Security Erase Procedure Offline 12-013 Data Flow Check Indicators (CE Panel) 75-004 Data In 53-040 Data Rates (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 DC Power Supply (see Power Supplies) DC 71 Patch Card General Description 52 -103 Dead Track Register 53-075 Degausser (CE Tool) 80-000 Degaussing, Cleaner Blade 08-390 Degaussing, Read/Write Head 08-280 Density Feature Combinations (Table) 40-004 Description Group Coded Recording 55-008 Phase Encoded (PE) 55-007 NRZI 55-007 6250 BPI 55-007 Detection Register 53-005 Determine the Failing Instruction Address Procedure, Microprocessor 16-000 Developing Solution (CE Tool) 80-000 Develop Tape 00-011 Device Bus In x to OF Test Points (Table) 17-312 Selection Priority 54-020 Switching Feature (Description) 58-050, 90-050 Block Diagram For 2x8 Switch 18-012 Block Diagram For 3x8 or 4x8 Switch 18-013 Failure Modes 18-010 Feature (Logic) 18-010 Inbound Crosspoint Switch 58-110 Line Definitions 58-060 Operation 58-060 Rules and Definitions 18-011 Switch Node 58-090, 90-050 Tape Subsystem Cabling 18-011 Interface Data Exchange on Device Interface During Write Operation 5A-130, 58-130 Lines 07-000, 54-000 Device End (TCS Feature) 58-012 Device to SDI Logic lines 18-030, 18-032 Diagnostic Mode Set Command 40-008, 55-007 Diagnostics, System (Installation) 90-200 Diagram Autocleaner Operation 08-360 8yte Count or Go Down 12-028 CE Entry 12-027 Channel Priority 54-020 Configuration Worksheet, Subsystem Installation 90-040 Device Interface 07-000 Device Interface During a Write Operation 5A -130, 58 -130 Device Interface During Read Forward 5A-140, 58-140 Operation Device Switching Configuration 58-051, 18-011 Feature 18-010 Most Probable Cause Analysis 18-015 1x8 Selection Logic 18-000 2X8 Switch Logic 58-055, 18-012 o D-Bearing Removal and Replacement (NRZI Feature) 08-210 D Bus Parity Error ALUl (MAP) 16-040 ALU2 (MAP) 16-110 Parity Indicator 75-004 D Registers 52-060 Data Converter Check (MAP) 15-070 Entry Select Switch (CE Panel) 75-003 Exchange on Device Interface During a Write Operation 5A-130,5B-130 Data Flow and Control ALU Schematic 50-003 Check Indicators 75-004 Clock 53-015 Clock Asymmetry Adjustment (Installation) 90-190 Exchange on Device Interface During Write Operation 5A-130,5B-130 Interminent Permanent Data Checks Bit Packing 5A-115, 5B-025 Forward to Backward Ratio 5B-020 Noise or Bit In IBG 5A-115,5B-025 Signal Dropout 5A-ll0, 5B-020 Tape Edge Damage 5A-ll0,5B-030 Tape Slipping 5B-020 Tape Stretch 5A-115, 5B-020 Read Data Flow Logic 50-002 Read Translator 7- Track 57-020 Read /Write Flow Logic 50-002 2X8 Switching Functional Units 58-080 2X16 Switch Logic 58-055 2x16 Switch Logic 58-060 3X8 or 4X8 Switch LogiC 18-013 4X16 Switch Logic 58-070 Display Select Switch and Compare 12-023 Group Coded Recording (6250 BPI) 55-008 18G Generation 6A-150, 68-210 Initial Selection 54-000 Map Formats 00-001 Pneumatic System, Thread Status (Active and Inactive) 4A -161, 48 -161 Reel and Capstan Operation During Rewind 3A-030, 3B-030 Set and Display CE Register 12-021 Set and Display Compare Register 12 -022 System Diagnostics 90-210 Troubleshooting Procedure (MAP) 18-020 Write Head Driver Card 08-270 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) Waveforms (Model 4, 6, and 8) 68-010, 68-011, 68-012 Digitec 251 Meter (CE Tool) 80-000 Display LSR Contents (How To) 12-013 Display Select Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 Drive (see Tape Unit) Drop Ready Problems, Interminent 00-005 Dropping or Picking Records 15-200 Dropping Ready and Thread and Load Failure Symptoms Chart 2A-OOD, 28-000 Dual Density Threshold Adjustment Card 80-000 Dynamic Reversal (MAP) 16-200 E Early Begin Readback Check (MAP) 17-100 Easy Load Cartridge (Concept) 40-001 EBCDIC/BCDIC Conversion Chart 57-020 ECC/CRC Scope points (Table) 17-075 ECC/ENV Indicator 75-004 Edge Damage, Tape 58-030 Emulator Jumper 90-200 Enable Switch 75-001 Enable/Disable Switch (Concepts) 40-003 Encoded Data Group (GCR) 55-010 End Data Check MAP 17-530 Logic 17-531 End Of Call 00-030 Engineering Changes Which Affect MAPs 00-000 Entry Select Switch, Data 75-003 ENV /ECC Indicator 75-004 Envelope 17-315 Check Circuit Logic Check Without Skew Error (MAP) 17-220 Circuits 5A-l00,5B-l00 Failure, Runaway, or Read/Write Problems 5A-000, 58-000 EOT /BOT (see BOT /EOT) EqUipment Checks 16-000 Erase Full Width Erasure (Concept) 40-001 Gap Command 40-007 Head 58-110 Head Current 40-007 Head Polarity and Erasure Checks 08-320 Head Removal and Replacement 08 - 250 Error Analysis (see MAPs, Tape Control) Error Analysis Flow Chart, Permanent Read/Write 00-011 Error Correction Sense AnalySis (MAP) 21-000 Example of Typical Flow Through MAPs 00-003 Excursions (Wide) in Left Column DUring HS Rewtnd 3A-160, 38-160 Extended Go 68-205 Extra or MiSSing Interrupts (A2 Panel) 18-050 F Failure Follows Tape Unit 00-040 Failure Modes, Device Switch Feature 18-010 Features Card Plugging 90-110 Chart for Sense Byte 6 17-220 Density Feature Combinations (Table) 40-004 Device Switching Cabltng Instructions 90-060 Line Definitions 58-060 Node Logic 58-090 Node Schematic 58-080 Operation 58-060 Theory 58-050 2 X 8 Switch Functions (Concepts) 58-080 2 X 8 Switch Logic 5B-005 2 X 16 Switch Logic 58-060 4 X 16 Switch Logic 58-070 Nine- Track NRZI 40-004 Seven- Track NRZI E8CDIC-BCDIC Conversion Chart 57-020 Read Data Convert Data Flow Schematic 57-026 Read Translator Data Flow Schematic 57-022 Seven- Track Read Data Flow Schematic 57-006 Seven- Track Write Data Flow Schematic 57-005 Write Data Convert Data Flow Schematic 57-025 Write Translator Data Flow Schematic 57-020 Switchtng Configurations (Figure) 58-051 Two Channel Switch (TCS) 58-010 8usy 58-012 Contingent Connection 58-012 Control Unit End 58-012 Device End 58-012 Implicit Connection 58-011 Interface Switch Control 58-011 Partitioning 58-011 Reserve/Release Operation 58-011 Resets 58-011 Selection 58-011 Sense Release Command 58-011 Sense Reserve Command 58-011 Stack 58-012 Stack Interrupt 58-012 Theory 58-010 Tie 8reaker 58-012 2 Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 3 Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 4 Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 Feedthrough Check 08-330 INDEX 3 ~ Copyright International Business Machines CorporatIon 1976. 1979. 1980, 1983 • -MS c c INDEX 4 INDEX (Cont'd) Fiber Optics BOT /EOT Voltage Checks/Adjustments 08-580 Bundle Removal/Replacement 08-610 Lamp Removal/Replacement/Cleaning 08-620 LED BOT /EOT Block Removal/Replacement 08-590 LED BOT /EOT Voltage Checks/Adjustments 08-580 LED BOT /EOT Window Removal/Replacement 08-590 Field Feedback Problem Fixes 00-050 Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) PLAN 1 Field Tester Accuracy Check 08-290, 08-300, 08-315 Conversion 90-170 3420 80-020 File Protect Indicator Off (MAP) lA-ooo, 1B-000 File Protect Mechanism Check 08-340 File Protection (Concept) 40-001 Flag Bytes 1 and 2 (Tables) 40-006 Flat Belt Replacement, Pneumatic Supply 08-442 Flow Charts Branch To Read From Load Point 55-040 Branch To Write From Load Point 55-024 Common Start I/O Routine 55-020 Read From Load Point 55-040 Selection and Priority 54-005 Write From Load Pomt 55-024 Flow Through MAPs, Typical (Example) 00-003 Format Character Trk x (Table) 17 -075 Format, Data (see Recording Methods / Formats) Format of MAPs 00-001 Format, Microprocessor Instruction 52-030 Forward Creep During Rewrite (Model 4, 6, 8) 6B-230 Forward Space Block (FSB) Command 40-007 Forward Space File (FSF) Command 40-007 Forward Start Times (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Four Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 Full-Width Erasure (Concept) 40-001 Function Layout, Card / Board 3420 19-010 3803-2 19-000 Functions, MPl and MP2 52-030 Gray Code Counter (GCC) 6B-205 Ground Check, Tape Unit 08-600 Group Buffer Control 53-025 Group Buffer Counter 53-090 Group Coded Recording (GCR) 6250 BPI GCR, 5260 BPI (Concepts) 40-002 GCR Block 55-008 55-008 H Halt I/O Instruction 40-009 Hardware Errors (MP1 Special Register) 52-060 Hardware Pointers 17 -602 Head, E~se 5B-ll0 Head Mirror Stop Adjustment (Models 3, 5, and 7) 08-350 Hex Wrench, Right Reel Hub (CE Tool) 80-000 Hi IC Pty/Hi ROS Reg Ply Indicator (CE Panel) 75-003 High-Order ROS Registers 52-035, 16-020 High ROS/IC Parity Error on A Branch Condition ALUl (MAP) 16-020 ALU2 (MAP) 16-090 High-Speed Rewind (see Rewind Operation) High-Speed Rewind Solenoid Check 08-405 How To CE Initial Entry Flow Chart Start 1 Determine the Failing Instruction Address 16-000 Develop Tape 00-011 Locate Information PLAN 1 Make the ALU Loop on an Error 16-000 Operate CE Panel 12-000 Use MAPs 00-000, PLAN 1 Use Section 18-xxx 18-010 IBG Counter 2A-01O IBG Detected on Write (MAP) 17-080 IBM Easy Load Cartridge 40-001 10 Burst 40-002 10 Burst Check (MAP) 17-050 Implicit Connection (TCS Feature) 58-011 Inactive/ Active/Pulsing/Switched Line Levels 00-003 Inbound Crosspoint Switch Schematic (Device Switch Feature) 58- 1 10 Indicators, CE Panel 75-003 Inhibit Preamble/Postamble 40-005 Initial Entry Flow Chart, CE Start 1 Initial Selection Description 54-000 I nitial Selection AB CE 50-011 Bus In/Bus Out Lines 54-000 Device Interface Lines 07-000 Tape Unit 07 -000, 54-000 Initiating a Rewind 3A-Ol0, 3B-Ol0 Initiating Tape Motion 07-010 Installation Address/ Feature / Priority Plugging (see Card Plugging) Cable and Terminator Plugging 90-060 Cable Retaining Bar 90-060 Cabling, Subsystem (Chart) 90-070 Card Plugging G Gating, Oscillator 53-005 General Cleaning Instructions 85-000 General Information 07-000 General Reference Information, Microprocessor 16-000 General Reset 50-011 Generators, CRC 53-065 Generation, CRC 53-067 Generation, IBG 6A-150 Glazed Capstan Cleaning Procedure 08-700 Glossary of Terms PLAN 5 Go Extend Additional Stopping Distances After 6A-14O, 6B-205 Go Extensions in Quarter Tach Pulses 6B-205 IBG Counts Models 3, 5, and 7 6A-14O Passing Times (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Subsystem Characteristics 40-002 Timing Chart (Model 5) 6A-15O Interface Disabled Indicator (CE Panel) 75-003 Interface Switch Control (TCS Feature) 58-011 Intermittent Drop Ready Problems 2A-005, 2B-005, 07-010 Interrupt 54-000 Interrupts, Extra or Missing (A2 Panel) 18-050 Intervention Required (MAP) 15-010 Introduction to Maintenance Philosophy PLAN 1 Introduction, Subsystem Installation 90-000 I/O Instructions (see Commands and Instructions) 40-009 I/O Pins (3 Bit Code) 12-023, 12-024 Address, Tape Control 90- 1 10 Data In Handling 90-130 Device Selection Priority Assignments (Chart) 90-150 Device Switching Feature 90- 1 10 Device Switching Feature, Address Control (Chart) 90-140 Disconnect In Handling 90-110 NRZI Feature 90-120 Primary / Secondary TU Interface Control (With Device Switch) 90- 130 Primary/Secondary TU Interface Control (With 1x8) 90-130 Priority Assignments, Device Selection (Chart) 90-150 Select Out Priority 90- 1 20 Serial No/EC Level/Feature Code (Tape Control) 90-210 Serial No/Model No/EC Level/Feature Code (Tape Unit) 90-212 Tape Control Address 90-110 Tape Switching Feature, Address Control (Chart) 90-140 Two Channel Switch Feature 90-120 3803 Address 90-110 Checklist 90-020 Checks and Adjustments (Installation) Air Bearing Pressure, 3420 90-190 Altitude Vacuum Level Setting, 3420 90- 190 Autocleaner 90-190 BOT /EOT Check 90-190 Capstan Check 90- 190 Data Flow Clock Asymmetry Adjustment, 3803 90-190 ESD Grounding 90- 190 Mechanical Skew, 3420 90-190 Configuration Worksheet (Instructions) 90-030, 90-040 Device Switch Cabling 90-050 Emulator Jumper 90-200 Field Tester Conversion 90-170 Installation Checklist 90-020 Instructions, Subsystem Installation 90-000 I/O Interface 40-003 Kickplates 90-090, 90-100 Operator Panel Labels, Tape Control 90-16t' Plugging, Cables and Terminators 90-060 Power Requirements, Special-3420 Model 8 90-180 Power Supply Checks Procedures 90-020 Special Power Requirements-3420 Model 8 90-180 Subsystem Cabling (Chart) 90-070 System Diagnostics 90- 200 Terminator and Cable Plugging 90-060 Instructions (see Commands and Instructions) Instruction Counter, Microprocessor 1 52-010 Interblock Gap (lBG) Counter Logic 6A-130,6B-205 Detected on Write 17 -080 Generation 6A-150, 6B-210 Go Extend IBG Counts (Model 3, 5, 7) 6A-140 Noise or Bit In 5A-115, 5B-025 K Kickplates, Installation 90-090, 90-100 L Lamp, Skew Check 53-085 Lamp Test Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 Latch, Reel (see Right Reel Latch) Left Movable Guide and Retractor Removal and Replacement (NRZI Feature) 08-220 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 2A-170, 2B-170, 3A-l10, 3B-ll0 Left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-ll0,2B-l10 Hub and Motor Removal/Replacement / Adjustment 80-560 Logic 3A-030, 3B-030 Motor Speed, Voltages 3A-020, 38-020 Right or Left Reel Won't Load Tape Into Column 28-180 Tape Rewinds Off Left Reel 38- 180 Theory, Rewind and Timing Chart 3A-010, 3B-Ol0 Left Threading Channel 08-230 Legend and Symbols PLAN 4 Light Source Removal/Replacement 08-620 Lights/Indicators (see Maintenance Procedures) CE Panel 75-001 File Protect Indicator Off 1A-ooo, 18-000 Load Check Prior to 80T Sense 2A-15O,28-15O Power Check Indicator On lA-OOO, 18-000 Ready Lamp Does Not Turn Off 4A-loo, 48-100 Ready Lamp Does Not Turn On 2A-210,2B-210 TI Lamp Stays On 3A-150, 3B-15O Line Definitions, Device Switching Feature 58-060 Line Levels - Active/lnactive/Pulsing/Switched 00-003 Line Names for Reference to ALD XC70x (Table) 18-020 Linking Microprogram Routines (Description) 52-030 Listings, Microprocessor 52-030 Lo IC Pty / Low ROS Reg Pty Indicator 75-003 Load Check 2A-OOO, 2B-000 INDEX 4 \ , 1\ f , .f \ i , '\ ( J { . '\ i f 1 ( \ f < \ ~. i 1 ! " f I '\ t \ f f ~ f f \ t ·f 1 1 \ J f· ) ~ \ t f 1 f ) ¥ l I :) f) ; ..f )I r ) , , ~ , 1 f 'I. 1; f . ), . , j< " ,. £ \. \, ; 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 INDEX (Cont'd) Load Failure Symptoms (MAP) 2A-000, 28,000 Load Check Prior to 80T Sense 2A-150, 28-150 Loading Tape in Columns 28-175 Load Operation, Approximate Time (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Load Test, Minireel 08-800 Local Storage Register (LSR) Displaying Contents 12-013 Operation 52-015 Locating Information PLAN 1 Locations Control Unit Tape Unit Air Bearing Switch 2B-160 80T/EOT Block 3A-150, 38-150 Cartridge Motor 4B-150 Cartridge Open Switch 48 -150 Cartridge Opener Control Card 48-150 CP3 2A-130, 28-130 Fiber Optic 28-150 Fuses 1A-OOO, 18-000 Manual Status Control (MSC) Card 48-110 Pneumatic Contactor 2A-130, 28-130 Pneumatic Supply 2A-210, 28-210 Power Interface 80ard 81 1A-003, 18-001 Power Window PC8 2A-210, 28-210 Power Window Switches 48-140 Reel Motor Power Board 2A-14O,2B-14O Reel Tachometers 3A-170, 38-170 Reels Loaded Switch 4A-14O,48-14O Regulator Cards lA-002, 18-002 SCRA 28-160 T8-1, 2, and 3 lA-002,18-002 Transfer Valve Solenoid 2A-130, 28-130 Yl Panel Location 90-080 Lock ROS 1 IC 50-011 Logic A Register 52-035 Arithmetic Add 52-065 Branch On Condition 52-085 Branch Unconditional 52-090 8yte Count or Go Down 12-028 Capstan Control, Pulse Generator, and Motor Controls 6A-120, 68-200 Capstan Fails To Start a Rewind To Load Point Operation After Loading Tape into Columns 28-175 Cartridge Does Not Open 2A-l00, 28-100 Cartridge Opener Does Not Close 4A -150, 48 -150 CE Entry 12-027 Channel 8uffer Controls 53-030 Channel Tags In and Channel Tags Out Register 52-040 Channel Write 8yte, Write Check, and Pointer Registers 53-045 Command Select Sequencer and Decoder 12-026 CRC Generators 53-065 Register 52-060 Data Flow Clock 53-015 Dead Track 53-075 Device Switch Node 58-090 Device Switching 58-050 End Data Check 17-531 Envelope and Read/Write Model 3, 5, 7 5A-l00 Model 4, 6, 8 58-100 o c e 0 c c c c c c INDEX 5 Envelope Check 17-315 Group 8uffer Counter 53-090 Inbound Crosspoint Switch 58-110 High-Order ROS Register 52-035 Left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-111, 28,111 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 2A-17Q 28-17Q 3A-l1Q 38-110 Load Check Prior To 80T Sense 2A-150, 28-150 Logical AND 52-070 Logical Exclusive OR 52-080 Logical OR 52-075 Loop-Write-To-Read (LWR) 55-005 Low-Order ROS Register 52-035 Microprocessor Clocks Control 52-005 MPl IC (Instruction Counter) 52-010 MP1/MP2 Circuits 50-003 MP1/MP2 Special registers 52-060 MP1/MP2 STAT Registers 52-015 MIST or TCS Register 52-060 Multi-Track Error (Logic) 17-112 No Response or Tape Moves 8ackward 3A-loo, 38-100 NRZI Read Data Flow 57-006 Oscillator Gating 53-005 Overrun 15-042 P or C Compare 17-017 Power Window Does Not Go Down 4A-140, 48-140 Proportional Drive Control 68 - 215 Read Cycle Controls 53-095 Read Data Converter 57-026 Read Data Flow 50-002 Read Head and Read Card 5B-120 Read Sequencing and A/B Registers 53-055 Read Translator 57-021 Read/Write Flow 50-000 Read /Write VRC Circuit 17-179 Ready Lamp Does Not Turn Off 4A-l00,4B-l00 Ready Lamp Does Not Turn On /Window Does Not Close 2A-210, 2B-210 Reel and Ca'pstan Operation during Rewind 3A-030, 3B-030 Reel Drive System 3b-020 RIC/ROC 53-081 Right or Left Reel Fails To Load Tape Into Column 2B-180 Right Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-120, 2B-120 ROS/LSR 52-015 ROS Mode Switch and Gates 12-024 ROS 1 Trap Conditions 50-010 Skew Detection 53-085 System 360/370 Switching (Data In Handling) 58-005 Tape Does Not Enter or Stay in High Speed Rewind or Rewinds To BOT at High Speed 3A-170,3B-170 Store 52-095 Tape Does Not Go Backward or Does Not Stop at BOT 2A-190 Tape Does Not Load Into Either Column 2A-160,2B-160 Tape Does Not Pull Out of Columns Properly During Unload Rewind 4A- 120, 4B-120 Tape Does Not Stop or Tape Runaway (Forward or Backward 3A-14O,3B-140 Tape Does Not Wind Completely Onto Right Reel or Reels Do Not Stop 4A-130,4B-130, Tape Fails To Go Backward 3A-130, 3B- 130 Tape Goes Forward After Loading Into Vacuum Columns 2A-200, 2B-200 Tape Moves Backward Off Left Reel, or Tape Unit Performs a Normal Unload Rewind During Load Operation 28-190 Tape Pulls Out, Dumps, or Has Wide Excursions in Left Column During High Speed Rewind 3A-160,3B-160 Tape Threads Into Threading Channel and Stops 2A-14O,2B-14O Tape Threads Into Right Column 2B-130 Tape Unit 8us Out (TU80) Register 52-045 Tape Unit Selection Priority 54-01 0 Tape Unwinds Off Right Reel 3A-150,3B-150 TCS Selection and Tie Breaker 58-030 Transfer 52-100 Transfer Valve Does Not Pick or Pneumatic Motor Not Running 2A-130 Two-Channel Switch 58-010 Two-Channel Switch and Tie Breaker 58-030 Unload Rewind Pushbutton (No Response) 4A-l 10, 4B-ll0 Write 53-070 Clock and Write Counter 53-020 Data Converter 57-025 Data Flow 50-001 Group 8uffer Control 53-025 Write Head, Erase Head, and Write Card 5B-ll0 Service Controls 53-040 Translator 57 -020 Triggers 53-070 Trigger VRC 17 -026 2x8 Switching Functional Units 58-080 Logic Panel Removal/Replacement (3803/3420) 08-630 Logic, Pins, Cross Reference List 20-000 Logic Section (2X8 Switching) 58-080 Logical AND (ALU Operation) 52-070 Logical Exclusive OR (ALU Operation) 52-080 Logical OR (ALU Operation) 52-075 Long Cycle BOC or BU Example (Timing Chart) 16-001 Loop, ALUl (MAP) 13-530, 13-540 Loop Write-Io-Read (LWR) Command 40-006, 55-005 Tape Unit Operation 55-005 Low-Order ROS Registers 52-035, 16-010 Low ROS/IC Parity Error on a Branch Condition (ALU2) (MAP) 16-080 Low ROS/IC Parity Error on a Branch Instruction (ALU1) (MAP) 16-010 Low Speed Rewind 3A-Ol0, 3B-010 LWR Tape Unit Operation 55-005 Schedule 85-005 Tape Unit Cleaning Procedure 85-001 Maintenance Philosophy, Introduction PLAN 1 , Major Elements of Capstan Control Logic 68-205 Make the ALU Loop on an Error (Procedure) 16-000 MAPs Address Out Tag Active 13-300 ALU Cannot Exit or Loop 13-370 ALUl Cannot Transfer 13-130 Fails to Trap to 000 13-400 Failure to Reset CTI 13-210 Hangs at 000 13-010 Hangs on ALU2 Failure 13-410 Loop 13-530, 13-540 Loop, TCS 13-080 Microprogram Detected Error (Sense Byte 11, Bit 4) 16-060 Op In Wait 13-250 Power On Reset 13-090 Reset Failure 13- 200 Waiting 13-110, 13-140, 13-170 Waiting for ALU2 to Complete a Sequence 13-420 Waiting for ALU2 to Drop STATB 13-460, 13-470 Waiting for ALU2 STATB Indication 13-450 Waiting for ALU2 ST ATD Indication 13-440 Waiting for End of Data (EOD) on Write 13-520 ALUl or ALU2 Hangs 13-000 ALU2 Power On Reset 13-190 Trap Failure 13-260 B Bus Parity Error (ALU 1) 16-030 B Bus Parity Error (ALU2) 16-100 Bad Sense After a Rewind from OL Ts 15- 140 Branch Condition Error ALU 1 16-050 Branch On Condition Error (ALU2) 16-120 8us Out Checks 15-030 Capstan Motion Control 6A-000, 68-000 CE Panel Operation 12-010 Channel 8us In/Out Checking 13-380 Clock Check 17-800 Command or Control Status Reject 6A -160 Command Out Inactive During Reset or Power On Reset 13-330 Command Out Reject 15-020 Command Out Tag Active Command Sequence 13-050 Command Status Reject 16-160 Control Status Reject 16-200 CUE Reset on Interface 8 13-500 Cyclic Redundancy Checks 17 - 540 o 8us Parity Error 16-040 ALU1 ALU2 16-110 M Magnetic Tape and Reels (Concepts) 40-002 Preventive Maintenance General Cleaning Instructions 85-000 INDEX 5 ~ Copynght International BUSIness Machines Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 I C I INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX 6 Data Converter Check 15-070 Device Switching Feature Most Probable Cause Analysis lS-015 Troubleshooting Procedure lS-020 Dropping Ready and Thread and Load Failure Symptoms 2A-ooo, 2B-000 Dynamic Reversal 16-200 Early Begin Readback Check 17 -100 End Data Check 17-530 End Of Call 00-030 Envelope Check Without Skew Error 17-220 Envelope Failure, Runaway, or Read /Write Problems 5A-ooo, 5B-000 Error Correction Sense Analysis 21-000 File Protect Indicator Off or Power Check Indicator On lA-ooo, 1 B-ooo Formats 00-001 High ROS/IC Register Parity Branch Condition ALUl 16-020 ALU2 16-090 How to Use 00-000 IBG Detected on Write 17-0S0 10 Burst Check 17-050 Intervention Required 15-010 LRCR Errors, Sense Byte 3, Bits 0, 1, or 4 17-310 Low ROS/IC Parity Error on a Branch Condition (ALU2) 16-080 Low ROS/IC Parity Error on a Branch Instruction (ALU1) 16-010 MTE Without Envelope Check 17 -110 No Block Detected on Write/Write Tape Mark (WTM) 16-190 Noise Detection 17-370 Not Capable 15-060 NRZI Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 17-590 Offline Duplication of Online Failures 12-000 Overrun 15-040 P Compare or C Compare Errors 17-010 Partial Record (Sense Byte 5, Bit 5) 17 -41 0 PE or NRZI and GCR Velocity Checks/Changes 16-180 Permanent Data Checks 5A-l05, 58-002 Picking/Dropping Records 15-200 Pointer System 17 -602 Postamble Error 17-190 Read/Write Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) 17-16S Sense All Zeros 15-080 Sense Analysis 14-000 Service Out Tag Active 13-280 Single Tape Unit Problems 00-040 SIO Trap Failures 13-320 Slow End Readback Check 17 -1 50 Start Read Check 17-070 Suppress Out Active 13-310 Suppress Out Inactive During Reset or Power On Reset 13-340 TACH Start Failure (Sense Byte 10, Bit 5) 16-170 TACH Velocity Error 13-510 Tape Control Metering Problems lS-060 Tape Control Power Supply 11-000 Tape Motion and Rewind Symptoms 3A-000, 3B-000 Tape Unit Loads but Capstan Motion is Faulty 6B-ll0 Tape Unit Wont Thread, Load, and Return to BOT Properly 6B-l01 Unit Check Without Supporting Sense or Unexpected Sense 15-100 Unload Failure Symptoms 4A-ooo, 48-000 Write Current Failure or Tape Unit Check 15-090 Write Tape Mark (WTM) Check 17-180 Write Trigger Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) Error 17 -020 XOUTA Register Not Functioning .13-430 1xS Selection Logic 18-000 301 Trap Address, TCS or Device Switching Without TCS 13-240 3420/3803 Symptom Index 00-010 3S03 Status Pending 13-220 6250 Error Correction 17-600 Markers, BOT/EDT 40-007 Master Clock 53-005 Master Signal level Tapes (CE Tool) 80-000 Master Skew Tapes (CE Tools) 80-000 Mechanical Skew (Installation) 90-190 Mechanical Skew Check/Adjustment, NRZI Featured Units OS-lS0 Mechanical Skew Check/Adjustment, 1600 and 6250 BPI Units OS-170 Meter, Torque Metering (Concepts) 40-003 Metering Problems, Tape Control 18-060 Microprocessor (see also AlU) Card Interchange list 16-001 Clock Control logic 52-005 Communication Between AlUl and AlU2 (Description) 52-030 Diagnose, Loop, and Scoping Procedures 16-000 Functions (Description) 52-030 Instruction Counter logic 52-010 Instruction Format 52-030 listings (Description) 52-030 Stat Registers 52-015 Microprogram Address, Used in MAPs (Description) 00-003 Microprogram Detected Error, ALUl (MAP) 16-060 Microprogram Error, ALU2 (Table) 16-130 Microprogram Error Labels (Table) 16-060 Microprogram Errors, Analyzing (Table) 16-131 Microprogram Flowcharts Branch to Read From Load Point 55-040 Branch to Write From Load Point 55-024 Common Start I/O Routine 55-020 Microprogram Indicators 75-004 Microsecond Frequency 53-005 Minireel Load Test OS-SOO Missing or Extra Interrupts 18-050 MIST or TCS Register (MP1) 52-035, 52-060 MLM Tab Placement by Volume PLAN 7 Mode Chart for Sense Byte 6 17 - 220 Mode Set Command Table 40-008 Mode Set 1 (7 - Track NRZI) Operation 55-007 Mode Set 2 (9-Track PE/NRZI) Operation 55-007 Modified Power Supply, 3420 lA-002 Motion Control Commands 40-007 Motion Control Commands (Table) 40-005 Motion Problems, Tape (Stubby Column Loops) 6A-01O Motion Tester (see Field Tester) Mple/SingleSwitch (CE Panel) 75-002 MPl (see ALU) A-Register 52-035 Branch Conditions (Table) 52-0S6 Clock Control LogiC 52-005 Clock Timing Charts 52-005 Functional Description 52-030 High-Order ROS Registers 52-035 Instruction Counter Logic 52-025 Low-Order ROS Registers 52-035 Schematic 50-003 Special Register (Hardware Errors) 52-060 Stat Registers 52-015 Transfer Decodes (Table) 52-101 XOUTA Register Bit Usage 52-025 MP2 (see ALU) A-Register 52-035 Branch Conditions (Table) 52-0S7 Functional Description 52-030 High-Order ROS Registers 52-035 Instructional Counter Logic 52-030 Low-Order ROS Registers 52-035 Schematic 50-003 Special Register (TU Bus In) 52-040 Stat Registers 52-015 Transfer Decodes (Table) 52-101 XOUTA Register Bit Usage 52-025 Multi-Track Error (MTE) logic 17-112 MTE/LRC Indicator 75-004 Without Envelope Check (MAP) 17-110 N 9-Track NRZI (Concepts) 40-002 9- Track NRZI Feature (Tape Control) 40-004 No Block Detected on Write/Write Tape Mark (WTM 16-190 No-Operation (NOP) Command 4O-00S No Response or Tape Moves Backward 3A-100, 3B-l00 No Response When Rewind/Unload Button is Pressed 4A-110,4B-110 Noise Detection (MAP) 17 -370 Noise or Bits in the Interblock Gap 5A-115, 58-025 Non-Motion Control Commands 40-008 Non-Motion Control Commands (Table) 40-005 Not Capable (MAP) 15-060 Not Capable Conditions (Table) 15-064 NRZI Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) (MAP) 17 -590 Hi-Clip VRC (Write Only) 17 -31 0 Read Data Bit x Test Points (Table) 17-590 Read Data Flow 57 -006 R/W VRC, Hi Clip VRC, LRC Error 17-314 7 - Track (Concepts) 40-002 9-Track (Concepts) 40-002 o Offline Duplication of Online Failures (MAP) 12-001 OLT Error Messages Analysis 21-000 OLT -3420 F, G, H, Error Sense AnalysiS 21 -000 One and Two Track 6250 Error Correction 17-600 Online and Offline Status (Concepts) 40-003 Operation, Autocleaner OS-360 Operational Check, Autocleaner OS-380 Operations, ALU Arithmetic Add: ADD/ADDM (Hex Code A or B) 52-065 Branch On Condition: BOC (Hex Code 2 or 3) 52-085 Branch to Read from Load Point 55-040 Branch to Write from Load Point 55-024 Branch Unconditional: BU (Hex Code 6) 52-090 Common Start I/O Routine 55-020 Logical AND: AND/ANDM (Hex Code C or D) 52-070 Logical Exclusive OR: XO/XOM (Hex Code E or F) 52-075 Logical OR: OR/ORM (Hex Code 8 or 9) 52-075 Store Logic: STO (Hex Code 0 or 1) 52-095 Transfer Logic: XFR (Hex Code 4 or 5) 52-100 Operator Panel Switches (2X8 Switch Logic) 5S-055 Optional Tape Cartridge (Concept) 40-001 ORC Byte 53-045 Organization of Publication PLAN 6 Oscillator Gating 53-005 Oscillators (see Clocks/Oscillators/Counters) Other (Related) Subsystem Documents PLAN 1 Overrun Error 53-040 MAP 15-040 PE and 6250 BPI (Timing Chart) 15-041 p P Compare Error Test Points (Table) 17-013 P Comp Indicator (CE Panel) 75-004 P Compare or C Compare (LogiC) 17-017 P Compare or C Compare Errors (MAP) 17 -010 Panel, CE 75-001 Panel Enable Switch 75-001 Parity Error, B Bus, ALU1 16-030 Parity Error, B Bus, ALU2 16-100 Parity Indicator 75-003 Partial Record (MAP) 17 -410 Partitioning (TCS Feature) 58-011 Passing Times per Byte (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Passing Times, IBG (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Patch Card ALU 1/ ALU2 Card Location 52-104 General Description 52-103 Card Plugging Layout 52-104 PE or NRZI and GCR Velocity Checks/Changes (MAP) 16-1S0 PE Threshold Adjustment Card 80-000 PE, 1600 BPI (Concepts) 40-002 PE/6250 BPI CRe 17-540 Permanent Data Checks (MAP) 5A-105, 5B-002 Permanent Read Error Scoping Offline 00-013 Permanent Read Error Scoping Online 00-014 Permanent Read/Write Error Analysis Flow Chart 00-011 3803-2/3420 INDEX 6 © Copyright International Buli..... Machine. Corporation 1976. 1979. 1983 o o o o o o o () o o f) () f) f) () I) t !l "'f 1; f, ;1 c o o o () o () o o o o c () o () o c o o INDEX (Cont'd) Permit Flip Latch 53-040 Persistent Pointers 17 -602 Phase Encoded (PE) 55-007 Phase Pointers (Table) 08-250 Phasing Check (Installation) 90-180 Phasing, Power 90-180 Photo Cell, Radius Sensor 08-610 Picking/Dropping Records (MAP) 15-200 Pins to Logic, Cross Reference List (3803-2) 20-000 Plugging, Cables and Terminators 90-060 Plugging, Reverse High Power Drive Current To Capstan (Model 7 Only) 6A-14O Plugging, Write Head Card (Model 4, 6, 8) 08-270 Pneumatic System Imbalance or Leaks Check 6A-010, 6B-15O Motor Does Not Turn Off 4A-160, 4B-160 Motor Not Running or Transfer Valve Not Picked 2A-130,2B-130 Motor Stepped Pulley Alignment (Type 3 Supply) 08-434 Pressure Level Adjustment (All Models) 08-420 Pressure/Vacuum Checks 08-400 Procedure to Check for Imbalance or Leaks 6A-Ol0 Regulator Air Pressure Check 08-405 Supply Flat Belt Replacement/Adjustment 08-442 Supply Pulley Removal/Replacement 08-430 System, Description Air Bearing 4A-160,4B-160 Flow Diagram 4A-161,4B-161 Pnematic Switches 4A-160,4B-160 Three-Way Valve 4A-160,4B-160 Transfer Valve 4A-160,4B-160 Transfer Valve Leakage Test 08-400 Transfer Valve Not Picked 2A-130 Pointer System MAP 17-602 Pointer Register (Second Level) 53-045 Probe List (Table) 17-701 Timing Chart 17 - 702 Polarity Hold Drive (PHD) Register 6B-205 Possible 3420/3803 Problem Fix 00-050 Postamble Error (MAP) 17 -190 Power Cable 90-060 Check Indicator On lA-ooo, 1 B-ooo Supply Checks (Installation) 90-180 Power-On Checks (Installation) 90-180 Power-On/Off Sequencing (Concepts) 40-003 Power On Reset 50-011 Reel Motor Voltages, Speed 3A-020, 3B-020 Requirements, Special-3420 Model 8 (Table) 90-180 Power Supplies DC Checks/Adjustments 08-570 DC Test Points (3803/3420 Tables) 08-570 Modified lA-002 Printed Circuit Board Removal/Replacement (3803 Model 2 Only) 08-575 TCU Power Supply Failure Analysis 11-000 Unmodified lA-ooo, 1 B-002 3420 lA-ooo, lB-ooo 3420 Power Interface Board, Bl lA-003, 1B-OOl Power Window Alignment 08-640 Does Not Go Down 4A-14O, 4B-14O c c c c c INDEX 7 Glass Removal/Replacement 08-670 Rack, Switch Adjustment 08-650 Safety Bail Adjustment 08-640 Safety Bail Cable Removal/Replacement 08-660 Preamps (see Ajustment) Pressure, Air (see Pneumatic System) Pressure Divider (CE Tool) 80-000 Pressure Test, Right Reel Latch Rear Housing 08-520 Pressure/Vacuum Gauge 80-010 Preventive Maintenance Fiber Optic Lamp Cleaning Procedure 08- 260 General 85-000 Schedule 85-005 Tape Unit Cleaning Procedure 85-001 Priority, Select Out 90-120 Priority (2X16 Switch Logic) 58-060 Procedures Capstan Motion Checks (Motion Appears Normal) 6B-020 Check for Tape Drag 6A-Ol0 Diagnosing CE Panel Failure 12-020 Displaying Sense Information from CE Panel 12-012 Locating a Failing Command 12-010 Offline Duplication of Failures 12-000 Priority Circuits 54-020 Priority (see Selection and Priority) Problems, Intermittent Drop Ready 2A-005 Proportional Drive Control, Capstan Motor (Second Level) 6B-215 Proportional Drive Counter (PDC) 6B-205 Protection, File (Concept) 40-001 Pulse Generator, Capstan 6A-120 Pushbuttons (see CEPanel Switches) Q Quick Fix Index, 3803-2 Subsystem 00-009 R Radius Sensor Photo Cell 08-610 Read Acceptable Waveforms (Read Card Test Points 5B-004 Access Times (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Amplitude Adjustment (Model 4, 6, and 8) 08-310 Back Checking (Concept) 40-001 Backspace Operation 6B-230 Backward Command 40-005 Backward Operation 5A-14O,5B-140 Card Reference Generator 5B -120 Cycle Controls 53-095 Data Converter Data Flow Logic 57-026 Data Flow Logic 50-002 Data Flow Logic, NRZI 57-006 Errors, Permanent (see Permanent Read Error Analysis) Forward to Backward Ratio Test (All Models) 08-240, 5B-020 Forward to Backward Ratio Test (Models 3, 5, 7) 5A-ll0 Forward Command 40-005 Forward Operation 5A-14O, 5B-14O Head and Read Card Circuits 5B-120 Noise or Bits in the Interblock Gap 5A-115 Operation 5B-14O Register, A/B 53-055 Translator Data Flow Logic 57-021 VRC Indicator 75-004 6250 Service Requirements 50-030 Read Card Reference Generator 5B-120 Read Card Test Points (Table) 08-310 Read Electrical Skew Adjustment (NRZI Feature) 08-190 Read Head and Read Card Logic 5B-120 Read Only Storage (ROS) 6B-205 Read Only Tape Generation 90-200 Read Sequencing Circuits 53-055 Read/Write Clocks and Counters (Table) 53-010 Clocks/Oscillators 53-005 CRC A, B, C, 0 53-066 CRC Generators 53-065 Cyclic Redundancy Check Generation and Use 53-067 Data Flow Clock 53-015 Data Flow logic 50-000, 50-001, 50-002 Envelope Failure, Runaway, or Read/Write Problems 5A-000, 5B-000 Head Degaussing and Resistance Check (Models 4, 6, and 8) 08-280 Head Resistance Check Procedure 5B-OOl Intermittent Permanent Data Checks Bit Packing 5A-115, 5B-025 Forward to Backward Ratio 5A-110, 5B-020 Noise or Bit In IBG 5A-115, 58-025 Signal Dropout 5A-110, 5B-020 Tape Edge Damage 5A-ll0, 5B-030 Tape Slipping 5B-020 Tape Stretch 5A-115,5B-020 logic Circuits 5A-l00, 5B-l00 Problems 5A-000, 5B-000 Self Adjusting Gain Control (SAGC) 5B-120 Skew Detection 53-085 Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) (logic) 17-179 Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) (MAP) (Chart) 17-168, 17-170 Vertical Redundancy Check (VRC) (Timing Charts) 17 -172 VRC Circuit (logic) 17-179 Write Clock and Write Counter 53-020 Write Head Card Plugging (Models 4, 6, and 8) 08-270 Write Service Controls 53-040 Zero Threshold 5B-120 Ready lamp Does Not Turn Off 4A-l00,4B-100 Ready lamp Does Not Turn On/Window Does lA-210,2B-210 Not Close Ready Symptoms Failure Chart 2A-OOO Recording Methods/Formats Concepts 40-002 Description 55-007 Interblock Gap (lBG) 40-002 Magnetic Tape amd Reels (Concepts) 40-002 Nine-Track NRZI (Concepts) 40-002 PE (1600 BPI) Concepts 40-002 7- Track NRZI (Concepts) 40-002 6250 BPI (Concepts) 40-002 6250 BPI Error Correction (Concepts) 40-00:2 Reel Alignment Tool Preparation Kit 08-460 Alignment Tool Modification/Zeroing 08-465 And Capstan Operations During Rewind 3A-030, 3B-030 left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-ll0, 2B-ll0 Motors and Drivers 3A-020, 3B-02O Reel and Capstan Operations During Rewind 3A-030, 3B-030 Reel Does Not Stop 4A-130,4B-13O Reel Motor and Hub Adjustment (CE Tools) 80-000 Reel Tachometers 3A-030, 3B-030 Rewind Operation and Timing Chart 3A-Ol0, 3B-Ol0 Right or left Reel Won't Load Tape into Column 28-180 Right Reel Does Not Stop 4A-130,4B-130 Right Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Correct Speed 2A-120,2B-120 Right Reel latch Rear Housing Pressure Check 08-520 Stabilization 3A-020, 3B-020 Tachometer Removal/Replacement 08 - 550 Tachometers, During Rewind 3A-03O, 3B-020, 38-030 Tape Does Not Wind Completely Onto Right Reel 4A-130, 48-130 Tape Fails to Go Backward 3A-13O, 3B-130 Tape Unwinds Off Right Reel or TI Light Stays On 3A-15O, 38-150 Reference Charts, Device Switching Feature 18-029 Registers A/B 53-055 Channel Tags and Bus In 52-040 Channel Write Byte 53-045 Crossovers 52-025 o 52-060 Dead Track 53-075 High and low-Order ROS 52-035 local Storage 52-015 MIST and TCS 52-060 MPl and MP2 52-060 MP1/MP2 STAT 52-015 Pointer 53-045 ROS/lSR 52-015 Tape Unit Bus Out 52-045 Write Check 53-045 Regulator Air Pressure Checks/Adjustments 90-190, 08-405 INDEX 7 INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX 8 Removals and Replacements Air Bearings (D) 08-210 Autocleaner 08-370 Capstan Assembly (Non-90.ooo Series) 08-020. 08-040 Capstan Assembly (90.000 series) 08-030, 08-050 Capstan Tachometer (Model 3, 5, 7) 08-110 Capstan Tachometer (Model 4, 6) 08-090 Cartridge Restraint 08-540 Cooling Fan 08-630 D-Bearing 08-210 Erase Head 08-250 Fiber Optics BOT/EOT Block 08-590 Bundle 08-610 Lamp 08-620 LED BOT /EOT Block 08-590 LED BOT /EOT Window 08-590 Left Movable Guide and Retractor (NRZI Feature) 08-220 Left Reel Hub and Motor 08-560 Logic Panel (3420/3803) 08-630 Pneumatic Supply Flat Belt 08-442 Power Circuit Board (PCB) 08-575 Power Circuit Board (3803 Model 2 only) 08-575 Power Window Glass 08-670 Power Window Safety Bail Cable 08-660 Printed Circuit Board (3803 Model 2 Only) 08-575 Read/Write Head Card 08-260 Read/Write or Erase Head 08-250 Reel Tachometer 08-550 Right Rear Movable Guide and Retractor 08-210 Right Reel-latch Rear Housing 08-470 Right Reel Motor 08-530 Right Reel Hub 08-480 Right Reel Hub Individual Parts 08-490 Vacuum Column Door Glass 08-690 Replacement Cartridge Motor 08-535 Pneumatic Supply Flat Belt (Type 4) 08-442 Pneumatic Supply Pulley (All Types of Pneumatic Supplies) 08-430 Right Reel Hub 08-500 Right Reel Hub Individual Parts 08-490 Right Reel-Latch Rear Housing 08-510 Vacuum Column Door 08-680 Request In Interrupt 54-001 Request Track-In-Error Command 40-006 Reserve/Release Operation (TCS Feature) 58-011 Reset/Start or Step Switch (CE panel) 75-001 Resets (TCS Feature) 58-011 Resources PLAN 1 Response Chart 40-008 Rewind (REW) Command 40-007 Concept 40-001 Operation and Timing Chart 3A-Ol0, 3B-Ol0 Problems 3A-000. 3B-000 Capstan Won't Rewind to LP After Loading Tape 2B-175 No Response or Tape Moves Backward 3A-l00. 3B-l00 Tape Does Not Enter or Stay in Hi Speed Rewind 3A-170. 3B-170 Tape Does Not Stop or Tape Runaway (Forward or Backward) 3A-14O. 3B-14O Tape Fails to Go Backward 3A-130,3B-130 Tape Pulls Out Of or Dumps During High Speed Rew 3B-160 Tape Rewinds Off Left Reel 3B-180 Tape Rewinds to Beginning of Tape at High Speed 3A-170 Tape Stays in High Speed Rewind Status to Load Point 3B-180 Tape Unwinds off Right Reel 3A-15O. 3B-150 Unload/Rewind Pushbutton (No Response) 4A-ll0,4B-ll0 Wide Execursions in Left Column During High Speed Rewind 3A-160! 3B-160 Rewind Times (Subsystem Charactenstlcs) 40-002 Rewind/Unload (RUN) Command 40-007 Concepts 40-001 Unload Operation With Cartridge 4A-ooo, 4B-000 Unload Operation Without Cartridge 4A-ooo, 4B-000 Problems 4A-ooo, 4B-000 Cartridge Opener Does Not Close 4A-150, 4B-150 No Response When Rewind / Unload Button is Pressed 4A-l10,4B-ll0 Power Window Does Not Go Down 4A-14O, 4B-14O Reels Do Not Stop 4A-130.48-130 Tape Does Not Pull Out of Columns Properly During Unload Rewind 4A-120, 48-120 Tape Does Not Wind Completely onto Right Reel or Reels Does Not Stop 4A-130, 48-130 Tape Moves Backward Off Left Reel 2B-190 Tape Unit Performs a Normal Unload Rewind During a Load Operation 2B-190 Unload Rewind Pushbutton (No Response) 4A-l10,4B-l10 Rewind/Unload Times (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 RIC/ROC 53-080 Right Reel . Does Not Turn Clockwise at Correct Speed 2A-120, 2B-120 Hub Individual Parts Replacement 08-490 Hub Removal 08-480 Hub Replacement/ Adjustment 08-500 Latch Rear Housing Pressure Test 08-520 Rear Housing Removal 08-470 Rear Housing Replacement 08-510 Logic 3A-030, 3B-030 Motor Removal/Replacment 08-530 Motor Speed, Voltages 3A-020, 3B-020 Reels Do Not Stop 4A-130, 4B-130 Right or Left Reel Won't Load Tape into Column 2B-180 Tape Does Not Wind Completely onto Right Reel 4A-130,4B-130 Tape Unwinds Off Right Reel or TI Light Stays On 3A-150, 3B-150 Theory, Rewind and Timing Chart 3A-Ol0, 3B-Ol0 Won't Load Tape into Columnn 2B-180 Right Threading Channel 08-230 Ripple/Wr Data Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 ROS Bit Pl, 0-7 Test Points (Table) 16-020 ROS Bit P2, 8-15 Test Points (Table) 16-010 ROS Mode Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 ROS Patch Card (Plugging) 80-030 ROS 1 Trap Conditions logic 50-010 Routines, linking Microprogram 52-030 Rules and Definitions, Device Switching 18-011 Runaway Envelope Failure, Runaway. or R/W Problems 5A-ooo, 58-000 Tape Does Not Stop or Tape Runaway (FWD/BKWD) 3A-14O,3B-14O S Safety Section SAGC (Self-Adjusting Gain Control) Check 16-220 Theory 5B-120 Scale (CE Tool) 80-000 Schematics IBG Counter (Model 3, 5, 7) 6A-130 Microprocessor (MP1, MP2) Flow. 50-003 Read/Write Flow 50-000, 50-001, 50-002 ROS 1 Trap Conditions 50-010 Scoping Permanent Errors Offline 00-013 Online 00-014 Select In/Select Out 54-020 Select Out Priority (Table) 90-120 Selection, Tape Control and Tape Unit 54-005 Selection (TCS Feature) 58-011 Selection and Priority 54-010 Selective Reset 50-011 Self-Adjusting Gain Control and Zero Threshold 5B-120 Logic 1x8 18-000 Priority Circuits 54-020 Tape Control and Tape Unit AddreSSing 54-005 Tape Control and Tape Unit Selection 54-005 Tape Unit Selection 54-010 Sense AnalYSis (MAP) 14-000 Analysis, Error Correction (MAP) 21-000 Bytes 0-23 Bits not Defined in MAPs 00-006 Tables 00-005 Mask for Sense Data After Rewind 15-140 Subsystem Quick Fix Index, Sense Byte Analysis 00-009 Tape Unit Sense Bytes (Table) 00-005 Sense All Zeros (MAP) 15-080 Sense Byte to Bit Conversion (Table) 14-005 Sense Byte 3, Bit 4 17-315 Sense Byte 5, Bit 5 17-410 Sense Command 40-005 Sense Data Equals All Zeros 15-080 Sense Release Command (TCS Feature) 40-006, 58-011 Sense Reserve Command (TCS Feature) 40-005, 58-011 Sensor Adjustment, AMP (NRZI-Model 3, 5, 7) 08-300 Sensor Adjustment, AMP (PE Only-Model 3, 5, 7) 08-290 Sequence Chart, Forward Creep During Rewrite 6B-230 Sequencing, Power On/Off (Concepts) 40-003 Service Controls, Write 53-040 Service In/Service Out 58-005 Service Out Inactive During Reset or Power-On-Reset (MAP) 13-350 Service Out Tag Active (MAP) 13-280 Service Requirements 6250 Read 50-030 6250 Write 50-020 Set Diagnose Command 40-006 Set ROS Mode/Set CE Compr Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 Seven-Track NRZI Recording (Concepts) 40-002 Shim (CE Tool) 80-000 Short Cycle XFR Example (Timing Chart) 16-001 Short Gap (with Tape Damage) 00-012 Signal Dropout 5A-l10,SB-020 SIO Trap Failures (MAP) 13-320 Single Tape Unit Problems Chart 00-040 Skew Buffers 53-075 Detection 53-085 Error 17-166 Error Circuit Description 17- 166 Errors, Test Point Chart (Table) 17-162 Error Timing Chart 17 -163 Group Buffer Counter 53-090 Indicator (CE Panel) 75-004 RIC Equals ROC (MAP) 17-160 Test Points, Skew Errors (Chart) 17- 162 Slippage, Tape 5B-020 Slow End Readback Check (MAP) 17 - 150 Solenoid Check, High-Speed Rewind 08-405 Space Block Commands (Description) 40-007 Space File Commands (Description) 40-007 Special Power Requirements-3420 Model 8 (Table) 90-180 Special Register, MPl (Hardware Errors) 52-060 Special Register, MP2 (TU Bus In) 52-060 Stack Interrupt (TCS Feature) 58-012 Stack/Stack Interrupt (TCS Feature) 58-012 Standard Voltages, Definition of 00-003 Start Capstan Motion 6B-220 Start I/O (SIO) Routine, Common 55-020 Start Problem Analysis START 1 Start Read Check (MAP) 17 -070 Start Times, Forward (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Stat Registers 52-015 Status Byte Chart 00-005 Status Reject, Command or Control 6A-160 Stop Address-FRU list (Table) 16-060 Stop On Control Check Switch (CE Panel) 75-001 Stop On Data Flow Check Switch (CE Panel) 75-001 Stop/Start Switch (CE Panel) 75-002 Store (ALU Operation) 52-095 INDEX 8 © ) if Copyngh1 International BUSiness Mach,ne, Corpor'tlon 1976. 1979. 1983 , fl f) I 1 f) f l I ) !1 } 1 ,. l f , ~ " '" 'to j .: \ j o () o 00 o o () () o o 00 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 INDEX (Cont'd) Subsystem Address / Feature / Priority Card Plugging 90-110 Cabling 90-060 Channel Cable Maximum Length for 6250 BPI (Table) 90-070 Channel Attachment (Table) 90-010 Concepts 40-002 Configuration 90-100 Configuration Worksheet Instructions 90-030 Device Switching 90-050 Error Correcting/Detecting Code 40-002 External Cables (Table) 90-070 Field Tester Conversion 90-170 Installation Checklist (3803-2/3420) 90-020 Installation (Introduction/Instructions) 90-000 Kickplates 90-100 Power Cable 90-060 Power Supply Checks 90-180 Quick Fix Index. 3803-2 00-009 Recording Method 40-002 Unpacking Instructions 90-000 3803/3420 Configurations 40-003 Suppress Out Active (MAP) 13-310 Suppress Out Inactive During Reset or Power-On-Reset (MAP) 13-340 Switches Cartridge Open and Closed 2A-l00.2B-l00 CE Panel 75-001 Vacuum Column 08-450 Switching Configuration. Device 58-050 Symbols and Legend PLAN 4 Symptoms Capstan Motion Failure 6B-000 Dropping Ready and Thread and Load Failure 2A-000. 2B.000 Failure Follows Tape Unit 00-040 Index. 3420/3803 00-010 Unload 4A-000. 4B-000 Tape Motion and Rewind Chart 3A-000. 3B-000 3803/3420 Index 00-010 System Diagnostics (Installation) 90-200 System/360/370 Switching 58-005 T TACH Period Counter (TPC) 6B-205 TACH Start Failure (Sense Byte 10, Bit 5) (MAP) 16-170 TACH Velocity Error (MAP) 13-510 Tachometer, Capstan (Model 3, 5, 7) OS-130 Tachometer, Capstan (Model 4, 6, 8) OS-120 Tachometer, Reel 3B-020. 3B-030 Tags In Register, Channel 52-040 Tape Cleaning Kit (CE Tool) SO-OOO Tape Cleaner (see Autocleaner) Tape Control (TCU) AddreSSing 40-003 Address Decoders 58-010 Address/Feature/Priority Card 90-110 Branch To Read From Load Point 55-040 Branch To Write From Load Point 55-024 Channel Interface Problems (Table) lS-04O Common Start I/O (SIO) 55-020 Concepts 40-003 Configurations (Concepts) 40-003 e o c c c c c c INDEX 9 Contingent Connection (TCS Feature) 58-012 Control Unit End (TCS Feature) 58-012 Density Feature Configurations 40-004 Device End (TCS Feature) 58-012 Device Switching Feature 54-010 Enable/Disable Switch 40-003 Group Coded Recording (GCR) 55-008 Interface Switch Control 58-011 Logic Panel Card Plugging 19-000 Logic Panel Removal/Replacement 08-630 Loop-Write- To-Read (LWR) 55-005 MAPs (see MAPs) Metering 40-003 Metering Problems (MAP) 18-060 Online and Offline Status 40-003 Power On / Off Sequencing (Concepts) 40-003 Registers 52-060 Channel Tags and Bus In 52-040 Crossovers 52-025 o 52-060 High and Low-Order ROS 52-035 Local Storage 52-015 MPl and MP2 52-060 MP1/MP2 STAT 52-015 ROS/LSR 52-015 Tape Unit Bus Out 52-045 Resets (TCS Feature 58-011 SOl Logic! (Table) 18-030. 18-032 Selection and Addressing 54-005 Sense Byte Bits Not Defined in MAPs 00-007 Sense Byte Chart 00-005 Sequencing. Power On/Off 40-003 Stack Interrupt (TCS Feature) 58-012 Status Byte Chart 00-005 Tie Breaker Logic 58-01 0 Timing. Read Cycle Controls 53-095 Tape Control To/From Device (Chart) 18-005 Tape Crimper Procedure 2A-015. 2B-006 Tape Damage Analysis of IBG in Developed Tape 00-013 At End of Block (Block Appears Short) 00-012 Consists of Small Spot or Oxide Void (lor More Tracks) 00-012 Edge Damage 5B-030 In Beginning Zeros Burst (PE Only) 00-012 In Ending Zeros Burst (PE Only) 00-012 In Erased Gap Area 00-012 In Middle of Data 00-012 Scope Offline 00-013 Online 00-014 Short Gap 00-012 Tape Developing Procedure 00-011 Tape Guide Check (NRZI-Featured Units) 08-230 Tape Slippage 5B-020 Tape Speed (3420 Characteristics) 40-002 Tape Subsystem Cabling. Device Switch Feature 18-011 Tape Transport Cleaner (CE Tool) 80-000 Tape Unit Autocleaner Operation 40-001. 5B-110. OS-360 Bus In Test Points (Table) 17-312 Bus Out Test Points (Table) 17-312 Characteristics Table 40-002 Commands 40-006 Commands and Command Status Byte (Table) 16-164 Control Lines Charts 16-213 Double Track Errors 40-002 EC Level 90-210 Erase Head 5B-110 Feature Code 90-210 Full Width Erasure 40-001 General and Daily Cleaning S5-OOO Ground Check OS-600 Head-Mirror Stop Adjustment (Model 3. 5, 7) OS-35O IBG Counter (Model 3. 5, 7) 6A-130 Initial Selection 54-000 Initiating Tape Motion 07-010 Interchangeability Problems 40-001 Logic Panel Card Plugging (Models 3, 5, and 7) 19-010 Logic Panel Card Plugging (Models 4, 6, and 8) 19-011 Logic Panel Removal/Replacement 08-630 Loop-Write-To-Read 55-005 Model Number 90-212 Online/Offline Switches (2X8 Switching) 5S-080 Power Supplies 1A-ooo. 1 B-ooo Problems, Single Unit 00-040 Selection and AddreSSing 54-005 Selection Priority 54-010 Sense Byte Chart 00-005 Serial Number 90-210 Single Direct-Drive Capstan 40-001 Single Track Errors 40-002 Speed (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Tape Developing Analysis 00-011 Tape Guide Check (NRZI Feature) OS-230 Track Pointers 40-002 Two-Gap Read/Write Head 40-001 Tape Unit Problems Bit Packing 5A-115, 5B-025 Capstan Starts Turning When Power is Turned On (Second Level) 6B-14O Dropping Ready and Thread and Load Failure Symptoms 2A-ooo, 2B-000 Capstan Fails to Start a Rewind to Load Point After Loading Tape into Columns 2B-175 Cartridge Does Not Open 2A-l00, 2B-loo Intermittent Drop Ready 2A-005, 2B-005 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 2A-170,2B-170 Left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-ll0, 2B-l10 Load Check Prior to BOT Sense 2A-15O, 2B-150 Ready Lamp Does Not Turn On/Window Does Not Close 2A-210,2B-210 Right or Left Reel Fails to Load Tape into Columns 2B-180 Right Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-120, 2B,120 Tape Does Not Go Backward or Does Not Stop at BOT 2A-190 Tape Does Not Load into Either Column 2A-160,2B-160 Tape Goes Forward After Loading into Vacuum Columns 2A-200, 2B-200 Tape Motion Problems (Stubby Column Loops) 6A-Ol0 Tape Moves Backward Off Left Reel, or Tape Unit Performs a Normal Unload Rewind During a Load Operation 2B-190 Tape Starts into Threading Channel and Stops 2A-14O,2B-14O Tape Threads into Right Column 2A-130, 2B-13O Forward to Backward Ratio 5A-l10, 5B-020 Intermittent Drop Ready 07-010 Noise or Bit in IBG 5A-115, 5B-025 Permanent Data Checks (MAP) 5A-105, 5B-002 Signal Dropout 5A-l10, 5B-020 Tape Drag Check 6A-010,6B-15O Tape Edge Damage 5A-ll0, 5B-030 Tape Motion Symptoms 3A-ooo, 3B-000 Left or Right Vacuum Column-Tape Pulls Out, Bobbles, Bottoms 3A-ll0, 3B-ll0 No Response or Tape Moves Backward 3A-l00,3B-100 Tape Does Not Enter or Stay in High Speed Rewind or Rewinds to BOT at High Speed 3A-170,3B-170 Tape Does Not Stop or Tape Runaway (Forward/ Backward) 3A-14O, 3B-14O Tape Fails to go Backward 3A-130, 3B-130 Tape Has Wide Excursions in Left Column During High Speed Rewind 3A-160, 3B-160 Tape Pulls Out or Dumps in Left Column During HS Rew 3A-160,3B-160 Tape Rewinds to Beginning-Of-Tape (BOT) at High Speed 3A-170, 3B-170 Tape Unwinds Off Right Reel 3A-15O, 3B-15O Tape Slipping 5B-020 Tape Stretch 5A-115, 5B-020 Tape Unit Check (MAP) 15-090 Tape Unit Loads but Capstan Motion is Faulty (MAP) 6B-l10 Tape Wont Thread, Load, and Return to BOT Properly (MAP) 6B-l00 Unload Failure Symptoms Cartridge Opener Does Not Close 4A-15O, 4B-15O Pneumatic Motor Does Not Turn Off 4A-160, 4B-160 Power Window Does Not Go Down 4A-14O, 4B-14O Ready Lamp Does Not Turn On 4A-l00, 4B-l00 Tape Does Not Pull Out of Columns Properly During Unload Rewind 4A-120, 4B-120 Tape Does Not Wind Completely Onto Right Reel or Reels Do Not Stop 4A-130, 4B-130 Unload Rewind Pushbutton (No Response) 4A-l10,4B-ll0 TB-l, TB2, and TB3 Diagram lA-002 TCS (see Two Channel Switch) TCU (see Tape Control) Technique, Card Isolation PLAN 1 Tee and Hose Assembly (CE Tool) 80-000 Terminator and Cable Plugging 90-060 Terminology Notes PLAN 1 3803-2/3420 I I Seq , of 2 'to Copyright Intem.tional BUlIn ••• Machine. Corpor.tion 1983 XK0500 8851776 P.n Number 847298 15 Aug 83 INDEX 9 INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX 10 Test I/O Instruction 40-009 Test Points, Channel Buffer/Write Bus (Table) 17-021 Test Points (Read Card) 5B-004 Tester, CE (see Field Tester) Theory (see Tape Unit or Tape Control Unit) 5S-01O Theory (TCS Feature) Theory of Operation Additional Stopping Distances After Go Extend 6A - 140 Air Bearings 4A- 160, 4B- 160 Airflow and Voltage Monitoring System lA-OOO, 1 B-OOO 6B-230 BackspaCe Capstan Control Circuits 6A- 120, 6B-020 Capstan Drive System 6A-120,6B-200 Capstan Motion Checks 6A-000, 6B-000 Capstan Motor and Controls 6A- 120, 6B-020 Capstan Pulse Generation 6A-120,6B-200 Cartridge Opener Does Not Close 4A-150, 4B-150 Data Exchange on DEVI During Write Operation 5A-130, 5B-130 Erase Head (Schematic) 5B -11 0 Extended Go 6B-205 Go Extend IBG Counts 6A-140 Go Extensions In Quarter TACH Pulses 6B-205 IBG Counter Circuits 6A-130,6B-205 IBG Generation 6A-150,6B-210 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 3A- 1 10, 3B- 110 Left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading 2A- 110, 2B- 11 0 Speed Load Check Prior to BOT Sense 2S-150 Major Elements of Capstan Control Logic 6B-205 Plugging (Model 7 Only) 6A- 140 Pneumatic System (flow diagram) 4A- 160 Pneumatic SWitches 4A- 160, 48- 160 Polarity Hold Drive (PHD) Register 68-205 Power Check lA-OOO, lB-OOO Power Supplies 1A-OOO, 1 B-OOO Proportional Drive Counter (PDC) 6B-205 Read BC'::kward Operation 5A-140. 58-140 Read Card and Read Card Circuits 5B- 120 Read Card Reference Generator 58 -120 Read Forward Operation 5A-140.58-140 Read Only Storage (ROS) 6B-205 Reel and Capstan Operations During Rewind 3A-030, 38-030 Reel Drive System Schematic 3A-020. 38-020 Reel Motors and Drivers 3A-020. 38-020 Reel Stabilization 3A-020. 3B-020 Reel Tachometers 3B-020. 3B-030 Reel Tachometers, During Rewind 3A-030. 3B-030 Reset/Start or Stop Switch 75-001 Rewind Operation 3A-Ol0, 38-010 Self Adjusting Gain Control (SAGC) 58- 120 TACH Period Counter (TPC) 6B-205 Three-Way Valve 4A-160,4B-160 Transfer Valve 4A- 160, 4B- 160 Unload Operation with Cartridge 4A-000, 4B-000 Unload Operation Without Cartridge 4A-000, 4B-000 Write Head, Erase head, and Write Card (Schematic) 5B-110 Zero Threshold 58- 120 6 MHz Oscillator and GCC 68-205 3420 Power Supplies lA-ooo Thread and Load Operations 2A-Ol0, 2B-020 Thread, Load Check Points 2A-020, 2B-030 Checking with Cartridge (Timing 2A-Ol0, 2B-020 Chart) Checking without Cartridge (Differences) 2A-020, 2B-030 Failure Symptoms 2A-ooo, 28-000 Left Reel Turns Too Fast 2A-110, 28-110 Operations Cartridge Does Not Not Open 2A-l00, 28-100 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 2A- 170, 2B-170, 3A-l 10,38-110 Left Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Threading Speed 2A-l10,2B-110 Load Check Prior to 80T Sense 2A- 150, 28-150 Motor Not Running or Transfer Valve Not Picked 2A-130, 28-130 Ready Light Does Not Turn On 2A-21O, 28-210 Right Reel Does Not Turn Clockwise at Correct Speed 2A-120, 2B-120 Tape Does Not Go Backward or Does Not Stop at BOT 2A-190 Tape Does Not Load into Either Column 2A- 160, 2B-160 Tape Enters Threading Channel and Stops 2A- 140, 2B-140 Tape Goes Forward after Loading into Vacuum 2A-200, 28-200 Columns Tape Unit Won't Thread, Load, and Return to BOT Correctly 68-100 Time Required in Execute (Subsystem 40-002 Characteristics) Regulator Air Pressure Check 08-400 Threading Vacuum Check 08-400 Transfer Valve Leakage Test 08-400 Thread Load Checking With Cartridge 2A-020, 2B-030 Thread Load Without Cartridge (Differences) 2A-020 Thread Status Active and Inactive 4A-161,4B-161 Threading Failure Symptoms Chart 2A-000, 2B-000 Three Control SWitch Feature (Concepts) 58-050 Three-Way Valve 4A-160,4B-160 TIE 8reaker (with TCS Feature) 58-012, 50-030 TIE (Request Track-in-Error Command) 40-006 Timing Chart Bit Cell and PE and NRZI Write Waveform 55-007 Branch Unconditional 52-090 8yte Count or Go Down 12-028 CE Entry 12-027 Clock 17-800 Command Select Sequencer and Decoder 12-026 Command Sequence (Tag Lines/Status) 54-001 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 17-544, 17-545, 17-546 Data Convert Write Timing 57-025 Go Extend 18G 6A-140 18G Generation 68-210 Long Cycle (BOC or BU) 16-001 Microprocessor Clocks Control 52-005 NRZI R/W VRC, Hi Clip VRC, LRC Errors 17-314 Overrun 15-04 1 PE 17- 176 PE Mode 17-016,17-025,17-111 PE Write 17-165 Plugging Reverse High Power Current (Model 7 Only) 6A-140 Pointer System, PE 17 - 705 Pointer System, 6250 17 - 702 Read Cycle Controls 53-095 Read Electrical Skew OS- 190 Rewind 3A-Ol0, 3B-Ol0 Set and Display CE Register 12-021 Set and Display Compare Register 12-022 Short Cycle (XFR) Example 16-001 Start Capstan Motion (Write Operation 200 IPS) 6B-220 Store 52-095 Thread and Load 2B-020 Thread Load Checking With Cartridge 2A-020, 2B-030 Thread Load With Cartridge 2A-010 Transfer 52 - 100 Write Electrical Skew (NRZI Feature) 08-200 6250 BPI Mode 17-014, 17-015, 6250 Multi-Track Error (MTE) 17-111 6250, PE, and NRZI Waveform. 53-070 6250 Read Service Requirements 50-030 6250 Write 17 - 172 6250 Write (RIC/ROC) 17-163 6250 Write Service Requirements 50-020 6250 Write Trigger VRC 17-022 7- Track 17-313 Timing Charts, Used in MAPs (Description) 00-003 Tools and Test Equipment 80-000 Transfer (ALU Operation) 52-100 Transfer Decodes, Microprogram (MPl and MP2) 52-101 Transfer Valve Not Picked or Pneumatic Motor Not Running 2A-130, 2B- 130 Leakage Test 08-400 Translation Write Translator 7-Track 57-020 Read Translator 7 - Track 57 -021 Translator, Write 57-020 Transport Cleaning Procedure S5-001 Transport Concepts 40-001 Transport, Tape (Concept) 40-001 Trap Channel A/ B (TCS Feature) 5S-01 1 Trap Condition Schematic, ROS 1 50-010 Troubleshooting Procedure, Device Switching (MAP) 18-020 TU (see Tape Unit) 52-060 TU Bus In (MP2 Special Register) TU Control Lines and Control Status Byte 16-213 Response (Table) TUBI Test Points (Table) 17 -312 TUBO Test Points (Table) 17-312 Two Channel Switch (TCS) Feature 5S-01 0 52-060 TCS or MIST Register (MP1) Two Control Switch Feature (Concepts) 5S-050 Type 2272 MST Card Adjustment 17-800 Typical Flow Through MAPs (Example) 00-002 u U Pgm Indicators 75-004 Unit Check Without Supporting Sense or Unexpected Sense (MAP) 15- 100 Unload Operation With/Without Cartridge 4A-ooo, 4B-000 Unload Operations (see Rewind/Unload Operation) Unmodified Power Supply, 3420 1A-OOO, 1 B-002 Unpacking Instructions, Subsystem Installation 90-000 v Vacuum Column Balance 08-800 Door Glass Removal/ Replacement/ Adjustment 08-690 Door Replacement/AdJustment OS-680 Left or Right Vacuum Column Problems 2A-170, 2B-170, 3A-l10, 3B-110 Switch Check 08-450 Tape Bobbles Vacuum Columns 3A-l 10, 3B-1 10 Tape Bottoms in Vacuum Columns 3A- 110, 3B-110 Tape Does Not Load into Either Column 2A- 150, 2B-160 Tape Exhibits Abnormal Motion Symptoms 3A- 110, 3B-110 Tape Goes Forward After Loading into Vacuum Columns 2A-200, 2B-200 Tape Pulls Out of Vacuum Columns 3A- 110, 3B-110 Wide Excursions in Left Column During 3A-160,3B-160 High Speed Rewind Vacuum Chart ((Inches of Water) All Models) 08-405 Vacuum Level Adjustment, Altitude 08-410 Vacuum/Pressure Gauge (Setup) 80-010 Valid Pointers 17-602 Variable Go-Down Time 40-006 Velocity Check, Velocity Change During Write 16- 180 Voltage and Airflow Monitoring System 1A-OOO, 1 B-OOO Voltage Levels (Limits) 00-003 Voltages, Standard (Definition Of} 00-003 VRC Error, Write Trigger 17-020 VRC, Write Trigger Circuit DeSCrIption 17-026 w Water Manometer (Procedures) SO-010 Waveforms (Read Forward and Backward RatiO Test) 5A- 110, 5B-020 Wide Excursions in Left Column During High Speed Rewind 3A-160, 38-160 Window (see Power Window) Word Count Zero (MAP) 15-050 INDEX 10 () f) " , o o o () () o f) f) f) () ( ) {) ";0 () i. , [l !l fl ... , f) r1, ~ f) ., t) eeo eo o eo 00000 000 INDEX (Cont'd) x 13-430 52-025 y Y1 Panel Location 90-080 z Zero Threshold o c c c c INDEX 11 Write Access Times (Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Byte Counter 53-025 Byte Register, Channel 53-045 Check Register 53-045 Clock and Write Counter 53-020 Command 40-005 Data Convener Logic 57 -025 Data Exchange on Device Interface During Write Operation 5A-130, 5B-130 Data Flow Logic 50-000, 50-001 Electrical Skew Adjustment (NRZI Feature) 08-200 Enable Ring (see File Protection-Concepts) Forward Creep During Write 6B-230 Group Buffer Control 53-025 Head Card Plugging (Models 4, 6, and 8) 08-270 Service Controls 53-040 Tape Mark (WTM) Check (MAP) 17-180 Tape Mark Command 40-007 Translator, 7 - Track Logic 57 -020 Trigger Operation, 6250, NRZI. and PE 53-070 Write Trigger Indicator 75-004 Write Trigger Venical Redundancy Check (VRC) Logic 17 -026 Error (MAP) 17-020 Error, 6250 BPI (Timing Chan) 17-022 Write Current Failure or Tape Unit Check (MAP) 15-090 Write Head, Erase Head, and Write Card Circuits 5B-110 6250 Write Operation (MAP) 13-480 6250 Sevice Requirements 50-020 XOUTA Register Not Functioning (MAP) XLOUTA/XOUTB (Crossover) Registers o o o 5B-120 NUMERIC Installation Checklist 90-020 Models 3-8 Cleaning Procedure 85-001 Model B-Special Power Requirements 90-180 Modified Power Interface Board (B1) 1A-003 Modified Power Supply 1A-002 Preventative Maintenance Schedule 85-005 Read Amplitude Adjustment 08-310 SAGC Checks 08-315 Tape Speed (3420 Subsystem Characteristics) 40-002 Unmodified Power Supply 1A-ooo 3803 CE Panel Description 75-001 Installation Checklist 90-020 3803/3420 Magnetic Tape Subsystem 40-001 Basic Sense Data 40-001 Command Set 40-001 Cross-Reference, Pins To LogiC 17-166 Features (Concepts) 40-004 Logic Panel Removal/Replacement 08-630 Preventative Maintenance Schedule 85-005 Status Pending 13-220 Status Response 40-001 Symptom Index 00-010 Tape Control (Concepts) 40-003 6250 Write Operation (MAP) 13-480 PE Mode Timing Chan 17-016 1x8 Selection Logic (MAP) 18-000 2 Control Switch (Concepts)58-050 2x8 Switch Logic 58-055 2x8 Switching Functional Units 58-080 2x16 Switch Logic 58-060 3 Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 4 Control Switch (Concepts) 58-050 4x16 Switch Logic 58-070 6 MHz Oscillor and Gray Code Counter 6B-205 6250 BPI (Concepts) 40-002 Error Correction (Concepts) 40-002 Mode Timing Chan 17-014, 17-015 PE CRC 17-540 6250 Error Correction (MAP) 17 -600 6250 Read Service Requirements 50-030 6250 Stress Tape (CE Tool) 80-000 6250 Write Service Requirements 50-020 7- Track NRZI Threshold Adjustment Card 80-000 7 -Track Timing Chan 17 -313 7 or 9 Track LRC 17-310 7 and 9 Track NRZI 40-004 9-Track CRC Generation During Read and Write 53-067 1 and 2 Track 6250 Error Correction 17 -600 301 Trap Address, TCS or Device Switching Without TCS (MAP) 13-240 360/370 Switching Logic 58-005 1600 BPI (Concepts) 40-002 3420 Airflow and Voltage Monitoring System 1A-ooo,1B-000 Altitude Vacuum Level Adjustment 08-410 Daily and General Cleaning Instructions 85-000 Dropping Ready, Thread, and Load Failure Symptoms 2A-000, 2B-000 Field Tester Accuracy Check 08-290, 08-300, 08-315 Field Tester Procedure 80-020 't:: Copynght International BUSiness Machines Corporation 1983 INDEX 11 INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX 12 INDEX 12 (t CopVrlght International BUSiness Machines CorpOfstlon 1983 '\ £ '\ i i' ,) . ,Y , ~ ~ l, { " l, r , 1, F) 0 ,~ () t #') " j' ; '\ .-) , ~ t ; ) :f ) ( ) I i) () () \ 1 , {\ () , , f) () , , fl () ()
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