400083 01_1660_Maintenance_Jul78 01 1660 Maintenance Jul78
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XEROX Diablo Systems Incorporated A Xerox Company HyTerm Communications Terminal Model1660 ' Maintenance Manual 400083-01 Rev. 8 July, 1978 ® Copyright 1978 Diablo Systems, Inc, (A Xerox Company) Hayward, California 94545 "Diablo," "HyType," and "Xerox" are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. "HyTerm" is a trademark of Diablo Systems, Inc. PREFACE This manual contains only Theory of Operation (Section 2) and Maintenance (Section 3) information, and schematics and logic drawings (Section 4). Refer to the Product Description manual, no. 400082, for operation instructions, specifications, functional description, interface information and installation instructions. This is a preliminary edition. Comments and suggestions on this manual and its use are welcome. Please complete the pre-addressed comment card bound in the back of this manual. Your cooperations is appreciated. Diablo Systems, Inc., reserves the right to make improvements to products without incurring any obligation to incorporate such improvements in units previously sold. iii WARRANTY The Diablo HyTerm Communications Terminal Model 1641 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days from the date of shipment. Any questions with respect to the warranty should be directed to your Diablo sales represenative. All requests for repairs should be directed to the Diablo repair depot in your area. This will assure you of the fastest possible service. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 -- INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 1-1 1.2 SCOPE • 1-1 1.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1-1 SECTION 2 - THEORY OF OPERATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION • 2-1 2.2 PROCESSOR (HPR03) BOARD • 2-3 2.2.1 General Operation 2-3 2.2.2 8080A Microprocessing Unit (MPU) 2.2.3 Clock Generator 2.2.4 Bus Driver/System Controller 2.2.5 Memory. 2-11 2.2.6 Input/Output. 2-14 2.2.7 Miscellaneous Circuitry 2-20 2.3 2.4 . . 2-5 2-8 . XMEM (EXTRA MEMORY) BOARD. 2-9 2-20 . 2.3.1 Application 2.3.2 Basic XMEM Board 2-21 2.3.3 XMEM Configurations • 2-21 2.3.4 Addressing 2-21 2.3.5 Additional Applications 2-22 MATRIX INTERFACE BOARD 2-21 . 2-22 2.4.1 I/O Ports 5 and 6 . 2-22 2.4.2 Carriage Position Data 2-24 2.4.3 Carriage Direction Commands v . 2-25 2.5 PROCESSOR (PRINTER) 2.5.1 2.6 2-26 Chip Task Assignment • 2-26 CARRIAGE SERVO BOARD 2-29 2.6.1 Digital Sinew ave Generator 2.6.2 Servo Position Transducer · 2-31 2.6.3 Servo Feedback Amplifier · 2-31 2.6.4 Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier 2.6.5 Carriage Position Tachometer 2.6.6 Carriage Velocity Command 2-30 . . 2.7 CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER BOARD 2.8 2.9 2.11 2-35 2-37 2-41 2.7.1 Carriage Power Amplifier Circuit 2-41 2.7.2 Power Monitor Circuit. 2-43 2.7.3 Paper Feed Drive C ircui t · MATRIX HAMMER DRIVER BOARD 2-44 2-47 2.8.1 Hammer Driver Circuit 2-47 2.8.2 Hammer Coil Protection Circuit 2-47 2.8.3 Surge Suppression . 2-47 2.8.4 Current Limiting • 2-47 2.8.5 Power Loss Protection. 2-47 POWER SUPPL Y . 2.9.1 2.10 2-33 Detailed Description 2-49 . KEYBOARD (CORTRON UP/DOWN STROKE) 2-49 2-55 2.10.1 Keyswitch Description. 2-55 2.10.2 Circuit Description 2-55 2.10.3 External Electronics 2-56 KEYBOARD (MICROSWITCH UP/DOWN STROKE) 2-58 2.11.1 General Description 2-58 2.11.2 Internal Logic Description • 2-58 vi 2.11.3 2.12 External Electronics 2-59 CONTROL PANEL 2-61 2.12.1 Operation Mode 2-63 2.12.2 Switches. 2-63 2.12.3 Reading Registers. 2-63 2.12.4 Indicators and Audible Alarm 2-63 SECTION 3 - MAINTENANCE 3.1 3.2 3.3 INTRODUCTION • 3-1 3.1.1 General Rules 3-1 3.1.2 Top Cover Removal/Replacement 3-2 3.1.3 Tools 3-3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE . 3-3 3.2.1 Supplies. 3-3 3.2.2 Cleaning and Inspection 3-4 3.2.3 Lubrication . 3-4 MODULE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT . 3-9 3.3.1 Printed Circuit Boards. 3-9 3.3.2 Power Supply. 3-11 3.3.3 Control Panel 3-15 3.3.4 Keyboard 3-16 3.3.5 Printer . 3-18 3.3.6 Print Head 3-19 3.3.7 Paper Carrier Subassembly. 3-21 3.3.8 Paper Feed Motor. 3-23 3.3.9 Carriage Subassem bly . 3-25 3.3.10 Carriage Drive System. 3-28 3.3.11 Mother Board. 3-33 vii 3.4 3.5 ADJUSTMENTS . 3-34 3.4.1 Printer Quality Testing 3-34 3.4.2 . Printer Adjustments 3-36 3.4.3 Control Panel Alarm Volume Adjustment. 3-48 3.4.4 Power Supply Adjustment 3.4.5 Cover-Open Switch Adjustment. 3-50 3.4.6 Paper-Out Switch Adjustment . 3-50 . 3-48 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION 3-51 3.5.1 Reference Designator System 3-51 3.5.2 Coordinate System 3-51 3.5.3 Pin Numbering 3-53 SECTION 4 - SCHEMATICS AND REFERENCE INFORMATION 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4-1 4.2 FUNCTIONAL LOGIC. 4-1 4.3 SIGNAL NOMENCLATURE. 4-2 4.4 LOGIC SYMBOLOGY • 4-2 4.5 INTEGRA TED CIRCUITS 4.6 ASCII CODE CHART • 4.7 SCHEMATICS AND LOGIC DRAWINGS . 4-2 4-62 viii . 4-62 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1-1 Model 1660 Hyterm Communications Terminal 1-0 2-1 Model 1660 Hyterm System Block Diagram 2-0 2-2 Block Diagram, HPR03 Board 2-2 2-3 Typical Instruction Cycle (Output Instruction). 2-6 2-4 MPU Instruction Format 2-7 2-5 MPU Status and Resultant Control Signals 2-9 2-6 Memory Map. 2-12 2-7 Memory Timing 2-13 2-8 MXI Board Block Diagram • 2-23 2-9 Track Crossing Detection Logic. 2-24 2-10 Track Crossing Detection Waveforms 2-25 2-11 Processor Simplified Block Diagram . 2-26 2-12 Carriage Servo Block Diagram • 2-29 2-13 Digital Sinewave Generator 2-29 2-14 Digital Sinewave Generator Waveforms • 2-30 2-15 Servo Postion Transducer • 2-31 2-16 Servo Feedback Amplifier • 2-31 2-17 Servo Feedback Amplifier Waveforms 2-32 2-18 Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier • 2-33 2-19 Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier Waveforms 2-33 2-20 Waveform Analysis 2-34 2-21 Carriage Position Tachometer 2-22 Carriage Position Tachometer Waveforms 2-36 2-23 Carriage Position FET Input Waveforms . 2-36 2-24 Carriage Velocity Command Circuits 2-38 . . ix 2-35 2-25 Ribbon Motion Sensor • 2-38 2-26a Carriage Power Amplifier Simplified Diagram 2-40 2-26b Carriage Power Amplifier 2-27 Simplified Feedback Circuit 2-42 2-28 Power Monitor Circuit. 2-43 2-29 Paper Feed Drive C ircui t 2-30 Paper Drive Waveforms 2-45 2-31 Typical Stepping Motor Rotation 2-45 2-32 Typical Hammer Driver and Common Protection Circuits 2-46 2-33 Power Supply Block Diagram 2-48 2-34 Simplified Input Rectifier/Filter/Doubler Section (115 VAC Input Strapping) 2-49 Simplified Input Rectifier/Filter/Doubler Section (230 VAC Input Strapping) 2-50 2-36 Simplified Transistor Chopper (Half-Wave) 2-50 2-37 Power Supply Waveforms 2-51 2-38 Control Module Block Diagram . 2-52 2-39 Control Module Timing Diagram 2-52 2-40 Key Position Layout 2-56 2-41 Keyboard Timing Diagram • 2-60 2-42 Block Diagram, Control Panel 3-0 Hyterm with Top Cover Removed 3-0 3-1 Carrier System Lubrication Points 3-5 3-2 Carriage System Lubrication Points • 3-6 3-3 Platen System Lubrication Points 3-7 3-4 Circui t Board Locations 3-8 3-5 Power Supply Mounting 3-10 3-6 Power Supply Connections • 3-11 . 2-40 . 2-44 · 2-35 · · x 2-62 3-7 Control Panel Connections • 3-14 3-8 Carrier System Removal - A 3-20 3-9 Carrier System Removal - B 3-20 3-10 Carrier System Removal- C 3-20 3-11 Carrier System Replacement 3-22 3-12 Paper Feed Motor Removal/Replacement 3-22 3-13 Carriage Drive Pulley Removal. 3-24 3-14 Ribbon Drive Cable Replacement 3-26 3-15 Carriage Drive Cable Tension Spring. 3-28 3-16 Carriage Drive Cable Routing 3-17 Right Hand Carriage Drive Cable Installation. 3-30 3-18 Carriage Drive Cable Tension Spring Assembly 3-30 3-19 Mother Board Connections • 3-32 3-20 Dot Matrix Character Edge Variation 3-35 3-21 Carrier Assembly Adjustment Points. 3-36 3-22 Paper Feed Adjustment Points . 3-37 3-23 Platen Drive Adjustment Points. 3-38 3-24 Front Guide Bearing Adjustment Points 3-25 Platen-to-Print Head Adjustment Tool Installation. 3-40 3-26 Platen-to-Print Head Adjustment Points • 3-41 3-27 Variable Adjust Platen Knob's End Play Adjustment 3-42 3-28 Carriage Drive Cable Adjustment 3-43 3-29 Ribbon Drive Cable Adjustment. 3-43 3-30 Ribbon Drive Gear Adjustment • 3-44 3-31 Paper Clamp Adjustment 3-45 3-32 Bottom Feed Paper Chute Adjustment 3-46 3-33 Control Panel Alarm Volume Adjustment. 3-48 3-34 Paper-Out Switch Adjustment 3-51 . xi 3-29 . 3-39 3-35 Circuit Board Component Location and Pin Numbering. 3-36 Sem iconductor Lead Identification 3-37 Control Panel Assignment Table 3-56· 3-38 Keyboard Cable 3-57 3-39 EIA Cable Pin Identification 3-58 4-1 Examples of Functional Logic 4-1 4-2 ASCII Code Chart. 4-63 4-3 Logic Drawing Notation 4-64 . 3-52 3-54 LIST OF TABLES 2-1 I/O Ports 2-15 2-2 Voltage/Current Levels 2-53 2-3 Cortron Key Position Numbers and Position Codes. 2-57 2-4 Micro Switch Key Position Numbers and Position Codes 2-60 2-5 I/O Interface Connections • 2-61 3-1 Major Asse.mblies and Modules . 3-9 3-2 Reference Designators. 3-53 3-3 Keyboard Signal Names 3-55 4-1 Integrated Circuits 4-3 4-2 Schematic and Logic Drawing Index . 4-62 xii Figure 1-1. Model 1660 HyTerm Communications Terminal 1-0 Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Diablo Model 1660 HyTerm Communications Terminal (see Figure 1-1) combines the field-proven Series 2300 Matrix Printer with 1) an integral power supply, 2) additional microprocessor control and Read-Only Memory/Random Access Memory (ROM/RAM), and 3) an Electronic Industries Association RS-232-C interface, to produce a fully-contained data communications terminal that is similar in size and mobility to the ordinary widecarriage office typewriter. In the local mode of operation, the Model 1660 HyTerm will serve as a desktop document writer for correspondence and other secretarial functions. When used as a data communications terminal, the Model 1660 HyTerm transmits and receives asynchronous serial data over a communications link from a distant computer or data terminal. In this remote mode of operation, the Model 1660 HyTerm may also be used as a computer console or similar I/O device for data entry and data editing. In addition, the Model 1660 HyTerm is ideally suited for computer applications where a hardcopy printout is required on multi-copy forms. The Model 1660 HyTerm utilizes a 9-wire print head and serial impact to construct characters in a 7 x 9 dot matrix. The matrix printer is capable of printing characters at a maximum speed of 200 characters per second (cps). The microprocessor control and ROM/RAM memory facilitate such features as motion accumulation, high speed horizontal and vertical tabbing, automatic reverse line printing, and complete local and remote control of all printer functions. SCOPE 1.2 This manual provides information on theory of operation, maintenance, and module replacement. It also includes data covering the electronic components used and explanations of the logic symbology and drawing conventions used. It does not include operating instructions, installation procedures, or information on the functional operation of the HyTerm; these are all contained in the Product Description manual listed in the related documents. RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.3 (1) HYTERM COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL MODEL 1660, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. Diablo Systems, Inc. Publication No. 400082-01. (2) SERIES 2300 MATRIX PRINTER PARTS CATALOG. Publication No. 82414-01. (3) INTERFACE BETWEEN DATA TERMINAL EQUIPMENT AND DATA COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT EMPLOYING SERIAL BINARY DATA INTEREIA Standard RS-232-C, August, 1969. Engineering Dept., CHANGE. Electronic Industries Assn., 201 Eye St. N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006. (4) AMERICAN STANDARD CODE FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE. USAS X3.4-1977. American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10018. 1-1 Diablo Systems, Inc. (5) DATA SET 103A INTERFACE SPECIFICATION. February, 1967, Engineering Director, Data Communications, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Publication 41101. (6) DATA SET 202C and 202D INTERFACE SPECIFICATION. May, 1964, Engineering Director, Data Communications, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Publication 41202. (7) Data Set 212A Interface Specification. October, 1976. Special Services, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (8) C.C.I.T.T. GREEN BOOK, VOL. VIII, DATA TRANSMISSION, 1973. The International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland. 1-2 Director, Data and COVER OPEN SWITCH ~I HAMMER DATA 1-9 EIA INTERFACE t'J POWER-oN ~ HAMMER HAMMER ~ PRINT HEAD DRIVER PCB ( H) CTRl I CTRl IOATA - CONTROL READ WRITE CONTROL PANel ~ ~ TERMINAL MICROPROCESSOR HPR03 STROBE FUNCTION SELECT K I Q INSTRUCTIONS DATA) PRINTER INTERFACE MXI MICROPROCESSOR " ~\I ~I PROCES SOR SYS ClK KEYBOARD DATA FUNCTIONS STATUS & CTRl CARRIAGE PoS. : I I I L __ ~I ___ 1 STATOR 0 :p CARRIAGE PDS fEEDBACK I I II SERVO OISA DATA SERVO tCI I ERROR ROTOR CARRIAGE DRIVE MOTOR PAPER FEED CTRl CA"'AGER POWER I XMEM CARRIAGE SERVO IBI iilltB, I ~ CARRIAGE CONTROL IAI lEI DATA PAPER OUT SWITCH l AMP I RIBBON MOTION SENSOR J CARRIAGE HOME SENSOR PAPE'R FEEO DRIVE MOTOR tol 083-001 Figure 2-1. Model 1660 HyTerm System Block Diagram Section 2 THEORY OF OPERATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION (Figure 2-1) The 1660 employs two separate, asynchronous, processing systems. One, called the "printer microprocessor," is an integral part of all HyType printers. The other, called the "terminal microprocessor," provides the additional functions that transform a matrix printer into a 1660 communications terminal. The terminal microprocessor, located on the HPR03 board, controls the overall terminal functions of sending and receiving data over the EIA interface, receiving data from the keyboard, and monitoring the control panel. It also communicates with the printer microprocessor, contained on the PROCESSOR board. This second microprocessor system initiates movement of the printer carriage and paper feed drive motor, and it monitors feedback from the carriage position circuit to effect proper execution of these motion commands. It also issues hammer-fire instructions to the hammer driver board, it provides printer status information to the terminal microprocessor, and it performs other "housekeeping" functions. The XMEM board is not part of all 1660 terminals. It is used during engineering development, in early production models, and for options when requirements exceed the memory available on the HPR03 board. The MATRIX INTERFACE board is located logically between the two microprocessors. It provides temporary storage for data and status information, and synchronizes the transfer of data from the terminal microprocessor to the printer microprocessor, and the transfer of status information back. It also contains some control logic for the servo feedback system. The CARRIAGE SERVO board receives the carriage motion commands from the printer microprocessor in digital form and converts these to analog signals represenatitive of the distance and direction to be moved. These servo "error" signals are passed on to the carriage power amplifiers, which drive their respective servo motors. Feedback signals, derived from the carriage rotary transducers, are amplified and passed on to the MATRIX INTERFACE board. Here they are available to the printer microprocessor, which uses them to regulate the error signals. The HAMMER DRIVER board provides nine identical driver circuits for driving each of the nine print head hammers and a hammer protection circuit. The CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER drives the carriage servo motor and the paper feed step motor. It also monitors the input voltages and develops the POWER ON signal to initiate the Restore operation. 2-1 -RD -WR "DAf ~ PANEL CTRL +017 PORT 3 ADDR , ADDR I +HOLD I···........··, llllllllll!l! +ADDR • .. .,;,;,;,;,;,;,;r -)(INTR 8--1 _ _ A. IJ21 ,"\."\."\."\."\.W L RAM I I .. P" __ ~ I II - • r."\." T/n L1 +ADtR 15 !I~I ~"TlnN ~ PORT 2 ........ R PORT4DMA 1:} PORT7 PRTRt MOTHER BOARD IPII +DA' ~ u:~;~' to.:) I to.:) -BUS EN IHI t +DA7 if ...., INPUT LEVEl CONVERTER DATA ,:" [ -MEMR -MEMW -READ - -WRITE +HLDA ~ RS-232 IJII FUNCTION r-I +KYSTB 1Lr:;-) OUTPUT LEVEL INTR Figure 2-2. Block Diagram, HPR03 Board 2.2 PROCESSOR (HPR03) BOARD, PART NO. 23924-XX (Figure 2-2) The HPR03 board contains the terminal microprocessor system. This includes the 8080A Microprocessing Unit (MPU), Memory, several Input/Output (I/O) ports, the Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) and its associated RS-232 interface components, and all control electronics. NOTE Throughout this manual, two terms will be used extensively: terminal microprocessor refers mainly to the entire HPR03 circuit board, whereas MPU refers to the 8080A integrated circuit. 2.2.1 General Operation The terminal microprocessor is actually a miniature computer. It receives its instructions from Read Only Memory (ROM), either locally or located on the XMEM board. These instructions are arranged to form a "microprogram." As it executes this microprogram, the MPU receives data from the various input ports and stores it in memory, or reads data out of memory and sends it to the various output ports. Between input and output instructions, the MPU may perform other operations on the data, make logical decisions concerning the data, or "jump" to a different portion of its program. Input/Output Data can enter or leave the HPR03 board via any of four channels. First, in the case of the keyboard, data enters the board over the "keyboard data bus" and is held in Port 2 until the MPU is ready for it. Then the MPU "reads" the data from Port 2, and the data is transferred to the MPU over the bidirectional data bus. Second, data may enter (or leave) over the EIA interface, and be held temporarily in the USART (Port 0). The data is transferred between the MPU and the USART over the bidirectional data bus. Third, data may enter or leave the board over the 8-bit bidirectional data bus through the J2 connector (normally used for the control paneI). In this case, an "I/O port" or its equivalent must be located on another board cable-connected to the HPR03 board via J2. This port is addressed as Port 3. Fourth, data may enter or leave the board over the 8-bit bidirectional data bus through the mother board connector (PI). Again, an I/O port of some type must be located on another circuit board plugged into the printer mother board. The port must be addressed as Port 4, 5, or 6. In this fourth case, the data transfer can be either between the MPU and the external port, or it can be directly between the memory and the external port, bypassing the MPU. If direct memory access is used, the external port or device must provide the necessary signals to delay, or "hold," the MPU while the data transfer is taking place. Note that the MPU can also address Port 1 for either input or output. This port, however, is contained fully on the HPR03 board, and does not transfer data onto or off the board. It is used for local control of the baud rate and interrupt enable/disable, and to monitor interrupt status. 2-3 When the XMEM board is supplied, it is addressed in the same manner as HPR03 internal memory via address lines on the mother board. Data is also transferred via the mother board. Interrupts The normal microprogram instruction sequence can be interrupted when necessary to enable the transfer of data to or from an I/O device, or for other purposes. Generally, when an interrupt occurs, the MPU completes the instruction it is presently performing, and then jumps to its interrupt servicing routine, which begins at memory location 0056 • 10 This routine first determines what type of interrupt is occurring, and then performs the steps necessary to service the interrupt. If two or more interrupts occur simultaneously, the interrupt service routine in the microprogram determines which will be serviced first. There are five types of interrupts, all of which can be individually enabled or disabled by the microprogram. The first four types can be independently enabled or disabled on the HPR03 board, whereas the last type (external) must be disabled on the circuit board on which it is initiated (some external circuit board). The five types of interrupts are as follows: (1) USART receive: the USART has received a character from the data link and is waiting to transfer it to the MPU. (2) USART send: the USART has shifted a character out to the data link and is ready to accept a new character from the MPU for transm ission. (3) Keyboard: a data character has been received from the keyboard (or parallel data interface) accompanied by a strobe, and is waiting to be read by the MPU. (4) Real-Time Clock: the Real-Time Clock has timed out, denoting that 10 ms has elapsed since it was activated. (5) External: an interrupt can be generated by logic on a different circuit board and applied to the HPR03 board via the - XINTR input. Memory Either random-access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), or erasable read-only memory (EROM) ICs (or all three) may be used. Maximum capacity of the HPR03 board is 4K bytes of ROM, 1K of EROM, and 512 bytes of RAM. Additional memory on the XMEM board can be utilized by placing the necessary address on the memory address bus; data is transferred over the bidirectional data bus. Real-Time Clock A 10-ms one-shot is used as a real-time clock, to allow the MPU to pole various I/O ports (eg, the control panel) at regular intervals. 2-4 Special Voltage Supplies The HPR03 board also contains local voltage regulators to convert the ± 15V from the main power supply to ± 12V and -5V needed by the EIA interface, some of the memory ICs, the MPU, and some external circuits and devices. 2.2.2 8080A Microprocessing Unit (MPU) The 8080A is an 8-bit microprocessor contained in a single 40-pin integrated circuit (IC) package. It has an 8-bit wide bidirectional data bus used for both input and output. It has a 16-bit address bus, capable of addressing up to 65,536 memory locations. The MPU's instructions are located in memory, from where they are fetched and executed sequentially. There are over 100 separate instructions possible, although many are similar, the difference being only in the various MPU internal registers specified. Architecture To understand the operation of the terminal microprocessor, it is only necessary to know that the MPU contains an instruction register, a program counter, a memory address register, a stack pointer, and other registers and logic elements. The instruction register contains the 8-bit instruction op code. The program counter contains the 16-bit memory address of the next instruction to be fetched. The memory address register is made up of two 8-bit registers, referred to as the Hand L register pair. It is used to address memory for memory read and memory write instructions. Other internal MPU registers can also be used to address memory. The stack pointer is generally used to "remember" the address of the next sequential main program instruction while an interrupt subroutine is being executed. Still other elements internal to the MPU perform the arithmetic and logic operations and control the input and output over the data bus. This is admittedly a very brief description of the MPU architecture, but this background should be sufficient to allow understanding of the material to follow. Further information on the MPU can be found in the integrated circuit information presented in the Schematics/ Reference section of this manual. Timing Timing is controlled by two 12V (nominal) non-overlapping clocks, are provided at a frequency of 2 MHz by a Clock Generator IC. ~1 and ~2. These clocks Basic Processor Operation MPU operation is divided into time periods called "cycles" and "states." There are two types of cycles: instruction cycles and machine cycles. The material that follows is summarized in the timing chart in Figure 2-3. 2-5 A. Without WAIT State I f-... 4t--------- INSTRUCTION M2 T2 Ml TZ TI T4 T3 TI .. I.... CYCLEn M3 T2 TI T3 T3 INSTRUCTION CYCLE n+l Ml T1 T2 11 12 + A 15- 0 -+------J + 0 7- 0 ....1.....---.-..1 +SYNC +0 BIN -+--_-+----J -WA STATUS INFORMATION B. * +----1 CD 8 With WAIT State INSTRUC INSTRUCTION CYCLE n - - - - - - - - - - -...........f-- CYCLE r T1 T2 Tl T4 T3 T2 I M3 M2 Ml TW TW Tl T3 TW T2 T3 Ml Tl T2 Jl f'L-1""'--If'L- ~ ~""- """---~ ~ ""- ""--~ ""'-- ~ ~ J2 L--J'-\ ~ LJ-\ LJ-\LJ-\ ~ ~ ~ ~ LJ-\ ~ ~ ~ LJ-\U + A15-0 ~ +07-0 ~ +SYNC ~ , '- ---- - BYTF \UNKNOWNI BYTE ONF I --' - ---FLOA TlNG - -, TWO \ - --~~ - -- I -- - X' -- I 1/0 !lFVICF X NUMBFR X ACCUMUlA fOR + OBIN +READY fWAIT * - - \ '"- -WR STATUS INFORMATION X \ /(j) X0 X® *Numbers in circles refer to types of machine cycles. Figure 2-3. Typical Instruction Cycle (Output Instruction) 2-6 J rti Instruction Cycle. An instruction cycle includes both the fetching of the instruction from memory and the execution of the instruction. Each instruction may contain one, two, or three 8-bit bytes. Multiple byte instructions must be stored in successive memory locations. Figure 2-4 illustrates the three instruction formats. The actual bit configuration of the op code is not important to the understanding of the terminal processor operation. One Byte Instructions I D7 I D6 I D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO OP CODE Two Byte Instructions D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO OP CODE D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO DATA or ADDRESS Three Byte Instructions D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO OP CODE D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO DATA or D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO ADDRESS Figure 2-4. MPU Instruction Format Machine Cycle. A machine cycle is required each time an I/O array or the memory is accessed. Each instruction cycle can contain from one to five machine cycles. There are ten different types of machine cycles possible, as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Instruction Fetch Memory Read Memory Write Stack Read Stack Write Input Output Interrupt Acknowledge Halt Acknowledge Interrupt Acknowledge While in Halt States. A state is defined as the time interval (500 ns) from leading edge to leading edge of the ~1 clock. There are 6 possible states, numbered T1 through T5 and TW (representing "wait"). All machine cycles include T1, T2, and T3. When the jumper wire is installed between pins 24 (WAIT) and 23 (RDY) of the 8080A, TW follows T2. This is to slow down the MPU so that slower memory les may be used. T4 and T5 are omitted during execution of instructions not requiring them. 2-7 Tl. During state Tl either a memory address or an I/O port number is placed onto the memory address bus. Also, the MPU places eight bits of status information on the data bus which identify the type of machine cycle being performed. Following the rising edge of ~2 the SYNC signal is produced by the MPU, which identifies the beginning of a machine cycle. See Figure 2-3. T2. During state 2 the MPU monitors its RDY input. If it is high, the MPU goes on to state 3; if it is low, the MPU goes on to the Wait state. During machine cycles that bring data into the MPU (Instruction Fetch, Memory Read, Stack Read, Input, and Interrupt Acknowledge), the Data Bus In signal, DBIN, is developed at ~2 during T2. DBIN remains high through TW and into T3. This signal develops -READ and -MEMR at the proper time to provide the input data needed by the MPU. (This is covered more fully in 2.2.4.) TW. The wait state provides the MPU delay required for proper memory access. No internal processing occurs during this state. The MPU monitors its RDY input, and if it is low, it remains in the Wait state; if it is high, the MPU goes on to state 3. If the RDY input is connected to the WAIT output, the MPU goes on to T3 after one state time (500 ns) in TW. During machine cycles in which the MPU outputs data (Memory Write, Stack Write, Output), it develops the WR (Write) signal during TW or T3 and holds it low until after the end of T3. This signal is used by other logic on the HPR03 board or another board to strobe the output data to memory or to the selected output port. T3. During state T3 the data or instruction byte is actually transferred between the MPU and memory or an I/O port. The source and destination of the byte is determined by the type of machine cycle being performed. For example, during an instruction fetch cycle, the source of the data (instruction byte) is the memory location addressed during state 1; the destination is the MPU. During an Output machine cycle, the source is the MPU and the destination is the I/O port selected (addressed) in state 1. T4 and T5. These two states are used only when required for manipulation of data within the MPU. Hold. When the +HOLD signal goes high, it causes the MPU to stop operation at the end of the instruction currently being executed. This is used during direct memory access; when DMA is not used, the +HOLD line is held low by a jumper wire to GND. 2.2.3 Clock Generator (8224) The clock generator is contained in a single integrated circuit that provides several functions. First, it provides the two non-overlapping 12V signals, ~1 and ~2, required by the MPU. The frequency of these signals (2 MHz) is controlled by an external quartz crystal. A TTL equivalent of the ~2 signal, +T~2, is also developed for use in timing other functions. Second, the 8224 converts the MPU's SYNC signal into the Status Strobe signal, STSTB. This signal is used to load the status information, put out by the MPU at the beginning of each machine cycle, into the Bus Driver/System Controller IC. This is covered more fully in 2.2.4. 2-8 Third, at power-on, the clock generator IC develops +CLR, which is used to reset and initialize the entire HPR03 board. The 8224 has other capabilities not utilized by the terminal microprocessor. 2.2.4 Bus Driver/System Controller (8228) This module is another single IC that performs three basic functions: bidirectional bus control, system logic control, and initial interrupt request processing. TYPE OF MACHINE CYCLE I CD ® ® ® @ @ Do INTA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, WO 1 1 0 0 1 02 03 04 STACK 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OUT 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Os M, 1 INP 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 07 1 MEMR 1 1 0 0 HLTA 0 0 0 0 0 1 (j) CV ® @ 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - INTA (NONE) INTA I/OW I/O R MEMW MEMR MEMW MEMR MEMR ~ - Figure 2-5. MPU Status and Resultant Control Signals 2-9 CONTROL SIGNALS Bus Control The 8228 provides a buffer between the MPU and the memory and I/O ports. Controlling the two 8-bit data buses on the HPR03 board involves not only switching the data on and off in the proper direction at the right time, but also in providing the required voltage and current levels. Since the MPU is an MOS device, it requires a voltage of at least +3.3 volts for a "logic 1" or "true" indication on its data inputs. The 8228 provides a minimum of +3.6 volts on the 8080 Data Bus, which is substantially higher than can be guaranteed by standard TTL devices. For output data, the MPU can provide only 1.9 rnA of current drive. With many I/O ports and the memory connected to the bidirectional data bUS, this value could easily be exceeded, so the 8228 is used to provide over 10 rnA to satisfy this requirement. The buses can be "turned off" (forced into the high-impedance state) when direct memory access is used. See The direction of data flow on the buses is controlled internally by the same signals that furnish the system control function performed by this IC. System Logic Control At the beginning of each machine cycle, the MPU issues "status" information on the 8080 data bus that indicates the type of cycle about to be performed. At the same time, the clock generator module develops STSTB, which loads this status information into a status latch inside the 8228. This status latch output is decoded, along with DBIN, WR, and HLDA (Hold Acknowledge) from the MPU, into the system control signals MEMR (Memory Read), MEMW (Memory Write), READ (I/O READ), and WRITE (I/O WRITE). (These decoded signals also provide the internal control of the bus driver.) Note that these signals are not levels, but that they are gated by DBIN or WR from the MPU at the proper time. The status information provided by the MPU, and the system control signals developed for each of the ten types of machine cycles are shown in Figure 2-5. Interrupt Handling The 8228 is capable of handling interrupts in either of two different ways. Only one of these methods is used in this terminal, in which the Interrupt Acknowledge pin (23) is connected to +12V through a resistor. ,Connected this way, when the MPU is interrupted (by an input from the keyboard or USART, for example), it performs an INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE machine cycle, and the 8228 automatically forces an RST 7 (Restart 7) instruction into the MPU. This instruction causes the MPU to fetch its next instruction from memory location 56 , which begins the routine needed to service the interrupt. 10 Direct Memory Access The BUS ENable input (pin 22) must be low for normal operation. When direct memory access is used, the DMA circuitry on another board drives this signal high, forcing all 8228 outputs into their high-impedance state. This allows the bidirectional data bus and the MEMR and MEMW signals to be controlled by the DMA logic. If the DMA feature is not used, -BUS EN is held low by a jumper wire to GND. 2-10 2.2.5 Memory Maximum memory capacity of the HPR03 board is 4K ROM, 512 bytes of RAM, and 1K of EROM. ROM memory consists or one or two 2K x 8-bit mask-programmed ROM ICs containing the terminal microprogram. RAM memory consists of two 256 x 4-bit ICs for each 256 bytes. The EROM portion can be either a 512 x 8-bit or 1K x 8-bit EROM IC. The EROM would normally contain keyboard position encoding data or similar data for terminals built in small quantities-too small to justify masked-ROM changes. When the XMEM board is supplied, the terminal microprogram can be stored there. See paragraph 2.3. Addressing The memory map in Figure 2-6 shows the relationship of the various memory elements to their addresses. The memory les on the HPR03 board are addressed by the lower-order bits of the memory address bus. The higher-order bits A9, A10, All, A14, and A15 are used to select, through a decoder, whether RAM, ROM, or EROM will be addressed. In the case of RAM, the state of the A8 line determines which pair of les will be addressed. For ROM, the All line selects which of the two possible les will be used. (Note that All goes to both ROM les; the internal programming of the les is such that one of the ICs will be activated when All is low and the other when All is high.) Since the memory address bus is available on the HPR03 board outputs, external memory can assume any memory address, so the terminal designer must assure that only one memory location exists for each address. For example, during program development, the microprogram can be contained in external memory beginning at location 0000. In this case, the HPR03 board cannot have ROMs installed. After the microprogram is perfected, it can be "burned" into masked ROMs, which can be installed on the HPR03 board, and the external memory board can be eliminated. The memory address bus being available on the HPR03 board's plug also enables the entire memory to be addressed from and external source, as is the case when the DMA function is utilized. Reading All memory les are three-state devices. This means that the outputs remain in the highimpedance, or "off" state, at all times when the Ie is not selected. (This allows the memory address bus to be used for addressing I/O devices; the address lines can assume any configuration, but there will be no input to or output from memory without the proper system control signals.) The MEMR signal is connected to the "output disable" input of the RAMs (pin 9). This maintains the RAM outputs in their high-impedance state at all times other than during a memory read. MEMR is also one of the inputs to the memory type decoder. This allows ROM and EROM to be selected only during a read operation. 2-11 XMEM HPR03 0000 0000 EROMl ROMl 2K lK 03FF 0400 EROM2 07FF 07FF OBOO 0800 lK EROM3. ROM2 2K lK OBFF OCOO EROM4 OFFF 1000 lK OFFF EROM5 4000 KYBD 512 - - - - -41FF -or ROM 1K 43FF ROM3 13FF 1400 EROM6 1800 ROM4 NOT 1K 17FF EROM7 USED lK 1K lBFF 1COO EROMe lK 1FFF 8000 RAMl 80FF 512 8100 RAM2 81FF 512 8200 RAM3 82FF 8300 RAM4 83FF 8400 RAM5 RAM6 1K RAM 7 RAM8 87FF FFFF NOTES: 1. 2. First 4K can be either ROMS on HPR03 or EROMS on XMEM. Second 4K can be either ROMs or EROMs on XMEM. Figure 2-6. Memory Map 2-12 Writing When memory write is performed, the RAM output remains disabled (MEMR is high), and MEMW being low allows information on the bidirectional data bus to be written into the addressed RAM location. Note that each pair of RAMs operates in parallel, one Ie servicing the low-order four bits of the bidirectional bus, and the other taking care of the high-order four bi ts. Timing Typical idealized timing waveforms are shown in Figure 2-7. Specific timing requirements for each of the memory Ie types can be found in the Ie information in the schematic/reference section. In all cases, the timing shown in Figure 2-7 is within the timing constraints of the individual les. +AO-A 15 (ADDRESS) ------- +DBIN \ \ -MEM R DATA AVAILABLE 111111/ '1/////II////I!J --.. +AO-A 15 (ADDRESS) 500ns -- I DATA OUT B. WRITE -WR -MEM W A. READ \ Figure 2-7. Memory Timing 2-13 Direct Memory Access When the DMA function is utilized, it conforms to the following general sequence: (1) DMA circuitry on another board raises the +HOLD line to the MPU. (2) The MPU finishes the instruction it is presently performing, and then raises its HLDA (Hold Acknowledge) line. It then suspends operations, and holds all data and address lines in their high-impedance state. (3) The DMA circuitry receives the hold acknowledgement and drives -BUSEN low. This forces the 8228 to place all of its outputs, both data and control signals, into their high-impedance state. (4) The external DMA circuitry then places the desired address on the memory address bus, and drives either -MEMR or -MEMW low. The data is then transferred over the bidirectional data bus. When the DMA circuitry is finished, it raises -BUSEN and lowers +HOLD, and the MPU resumes processing at its next sequential instruction. (5) 2.2.6 Input/Output The terminal microprocessor can address up to eight I/O ports. These ports, or "devices," such as keyboard, control panel, etc., are addressed over the Memory Address Bus, and data is transferred to and from the MPU over the bidirectional data bus. An I/O channel or device is first addressed by the MPU, which then develops the -READ or -WRITE signal to transfer the data. On output, for example, the MPU first addresses a particular output device, then places the output data on the bidirectional data bus, and finally develops - WRITE. Although the data is available to all "devices" on the bus, only the one that had been addressed can accept the data. Input is similar: only the addressed device places data onto the bus. All other devices are "observers." The five low-order bits of the memory address bus are used for I/O device selection. Bits 2, 3, and 4 are applied to a decoder, the outputs of which (-PORT" through -PORT 6) are used to select one of the seven possible ports. Each port can comprise up to four 8-bit bytes, and bits 0 and 1 are used to select one of the four bytes. Three of the seven possible I/O ports are located on the HPR03 board. The rest of the ports mayor may not be used in a particular terminal or printer. The possible ports and their typical functions are as shown in Table 2-1. USART (Port 0) The type 8251 USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) Ie accepts an 8-bit byte of data from the MPU in parallel format and converts it to a serial stream of data for transmission over the communications link. Similarly, it receives data characters from the link in serial format and converts them into parallel data bytes for the MPU. During transmission, the USART adds start, stop, and parity bits. During reception, it strips these bits and also checks parity, if desired. It also checks for data framing errors and overrun errors, and can monitor modem status. It has other capabilities that are not generally used (synchronous transmit/receive, character lengths down to 5 bits, etc.). 2-14 Table 2-1. I/O Ports Port No. Function 0 USART 1 Baud Rate, Interrupt Enable/Disable & Status 2 Keyboard 3 Control Panel 4 DMA Addressing. The CS (Chip Select) input is driven low whenever the MPU addresses Port O. No information can be transferred between the USART and the MPU until the USART is selected. The USART also has a C/D input, which is connected to the +ADDR f) line of the Memory Address Bus. When this line is high, control information is transferred; when it is low, data is transferred. The USART does not utilize the +ADDR 1 line. Timing. Refer to the baud rate counter discussion in Information Transfer. Two inputs, RD and WR, determine the direction of information transfer. When RD is low, the USART places data or status information (determined by the C/D input) on the bidirectional data bus for input to the MPU. When WR is low, data or control information from the MPU is taken off the data bus and loaded into the USART. The RD and WR inputs are controlled by -READ and -WRITE, respectively, from the 8228 bus driver/system controller. Note that all information transfer between the MPU and the USART is over the bidirectional data bUS, through a bidirectional, 3-state buffer within the USART. Information transfer between the USART and the data link is over individual lines for Send Data, Receive Data, and each of the modem status and control lines, through a voltage level converter, to (or from) the modem. (Refer to the integrated circuit data in the Schematics/Reference section for information on the level converter les.) Read Data. When the USART receives a character from the data link, it raises its RXRDY (Receiver Ready) line, which goes to the interrupt logic. If USART interrupts are enabled, +INTR is developed and sent to the MPU. In servicing this interrupt, the MPU performs a sequence of instructions, one or which is an input from Port o. With CS low, RD low, and C/D lOW, the USART puts an 8-bit byte of data onto the bidirectional data bus, from where it is accepted by the MPU. The USART, having presented the data byte to the bUS, resets its RXRDY line, until the next character is received and the entire sequence repeats. As the data is received from the data link, the USART strips off the start and stop bits, checks the parity bit (if parity checking is enabled-see, and checks for framing errors (lack of a stop bit at the proper time). If an error is detected, a bit is set in the internal Status Register. The USART also checks to see that the previous character has been accepted by the MPU-if RXRDY is still high (has not been reset by the MPU having read the previous character), the overrun status bit is set. 2-15 Write Data. When the MPU wishes to send data to the USART, it addresses Port 0, places the data character on the bidirectional data bus, and develops -WRITE. This combination (CS, WR, and C/D all low) loads the character into the USART, which then adds the start, stop, and parity bits, and immediately begins to shift the character out, one bit at a time through the level converter IC to the data link. There are two status bits pertaining to data transmission: TXE (Transmitter Empty) and TXRDY (Transmitter Ready). Both of these become reset when a character is loaded into the USART from the MPU. If a relatively long time has passed since the previous character was loaded, TXRDY sets again almost immediately. This allows a second character to be loaded, even though the first has not been fully shifted out. TXRDYagain resets as the second character is loaded, but this time it remains reset until the first character is completely shifted out. Then it sets again, allowing another character to be loaded. When all data characters have been fully transmitted, TXE again sets. Read Status. When the MPU wishes to know the status of the USART, it performs an input from Port 0 with +ADDR "high. This occurs after any interrupt, since the MPU needs to know if it is the USART that is interrupting, and before every data output to the USART, because the MPU must check to see that the USART is able to accept the data character. When Port 0 is addressed, the -PORT" signal enables the USART by driving its CS input low, and +ADDR 0 drives the USART's C/D input high, which directs the USART to transfer control/status information. -READ again directs the USART to output information onto the bidirectional data bus, but because the C/D input is high, the USART outputs status information instead of data. Write Control. A control write is used to program the USART for parity checking, byte length, number of stop bits, etc. When the MPU outputs control information for the USART, it addresses Port 0 while holding +ADDR "high. However, complete control of the USART requires more than 8 bits of information. The USART is designed to accept two different control bytes, a "Command" byte and a "Mode" byte. It accepts the Mode byte only as the first control instruction following a reset. All subsequent "control writes" are accepted as Command bytes. Each of the individual bits in the Command and Mode bytes is defined in the IC data for the 8251 in the Schematics/Reference section of this manual. I/O Port IC (8255) The other two I/O ports on the HPR03 board, Ports 1 and 2, utilize an 8255 Programmable Interface IC. This type of IC may also be used for ports located on the other circuit boards. This is a 40-pin IC having eight pins connected to the bidirectional data bus and three more sets of eight pins each that can interface to various "peripheral" devices. The balance of the pins are used for power supply connections and control signals. 2-16 The 8255 contains three 8-bit registers called A, B, and C, each of which can be used for either input or output. The C register can even be split into two 4-bit registers, each individually programmable for input or output, or for control and status signals. There are three possible modes of operation, selected by a control word issued by the MPU. This control word is a part of the firmware microprogram stored in ROM, so it can be different for each 8255, and it can even change at different points in the execution of the program. (This control word can also be used to alter individual bits in Register C, while leaving the other seven bi~s unchanged.) The three possible modes are as follows: Mode 0: Simple input or output for each register Two 8-bit and two 4-bit registers Outputs are latched Inputs are not latched Mode 1: Strobed input or output for Registers A and B Register C used as control/status for the other two registers Inputs and outputs all latched Mode 2: Strobed bidirectional bus (not used in HPR03) Each 8255 IC has the following connections to the terminal microprocessor: Dt) -D7: The bidirectional data bus, over which all data transfer occurs between the MPU and the 8255. CS: Chip Select Input. One of the decoded "port" signals is used to select only one 8255 at a time. Only -PORT 1 and -PORT 2 select 8255s on the HPR03 board. The other port signals may select 8255s on other circuit boards. AO&A1: ADDRESS f) and ADDRESS 1 Inputs. The two low-order lines of the Memory Address Bus (ADDR f) and ADDR 1) are used to select. which of the three registers is to be used, or to specify that a control word is being sent out by the MPU. ADDR 1 ADDR f) (AI) (Af) o o 1 1 1 1 o o Register A Register B Register C Control Word RD: Read Input. When low, specifies a read (into the MPU) is occurring. This is considered "input." WR: Write Input. When low, specifies a write (from the MPU) is occurring. This is considered "output." Further details of the 8255 IC's operation can be found in the Schematics/Reference section. 2-17 Port 1. Port 1 is enabled by the -PORT 1 signal. It is generally operated in Mode O. The control word from the MPU programs the port for input through Register A and output through Registers Band C. Status Inputs. MPU of the following: Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 2 3 4 5 6 7 The six bits of Register A that are used provide status to the EIA option 3 EIA option 2 Carrier Detect Clear to Stand Keyboard Interrupt Real-Time Clock Interrupt Baud Rate Counter. This counter produces a square wave at 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate frequency. The USART clock frequency requirements vary according to the USART programming (the "mode" instruction) and the desired baud rate. The mode instruction determines whether this clock must be 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate. (64 is generally used for baud rates below 1200.) A factor is loaded into Register B of the 8255 by the MPU, and the counter, driven by Tt2, is counted up until it overflows. When this happens, the same factor is reloaded and the counting resumes. The overflow also toggles a D-type flip-flop, which further divides the count by 2 and makes the output sym metrical. The USART clock can also be supplied by an external source via board pin 4, when the correct jumper wire is installed. Furthermore, during synchronous data transmission/reception, the USART's receive clock is provided by the modem. In this case, a jumper on the HPR03 board must be changed to separate the transmit and receive clocks. . Interrupt Enable/Disable. Each of the four types of interrupts that can be generated on the HPR03 board can be individually enabled or disabled. A "1" loaded into the C Register enables, while a "0" disables, as follows: Bit 4 Bi t 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 USART receive USART send Keyboard Real-Time Clock Port 2. Port 2 is selected by the -PORT 2 signal, and is generally operated in Mode 1. The control word from the MPU programs the port for input through Registers A and B. The Register C bits are used mostly for control/status in Mode 1, but two bits, PC6 and PC7, are still available for I/O, and in this port they are used for output. 2-18 2.2.S.2.2.1 Keyboard (Parallel) Input. This data, in the form of 8-bit parallel bytes on the -DATAI' through -DATA7 lines, is continually applied to the Register A inputs. As long as the Register A strobe input, which is PC4 (pin 13) in the Mode 1 configuration, is low, this data is loaded into Register A. -KYSTB is normally high, so after it drops low and then goes high again, the KEYBOARD INTERRUPT flip-flop sets on the trailing (positive going) edge. As soon as this flop-flop sets, it latches the data into Register A; at this point the eight parallel inputs may be removed or changed without altering the data in the register. When the KEYBOARD INTERRUPT flip-flop sets, it also presents an interrupt to the MPU (provided keyboard interrupts have been previously enabled). When the MPU recognizes the interrupt, part of its interrupt service routine is an instruction to read from Register A, to input the data to the MPU. Following this, it also performs a pair of "bit set/reset" instructions: the first to put a "low" on PCS to clear the KEYBOARD INTERRUPT flipflop; the second to put a "high" back on PCS to enable the flip-flop to be set again by the next -KYSTB. The MPU also reads the function key status from Register B as part of this interrupt service routine. Note that +BUSY is driven high when the KEYBOARD INTERRUPT flip-fl,op sets, and remains high until after the flip-flop is cleared and reenabled. This signal can be used by an 8-bit parallel input device as a ready/not ready indicator; when +BUSY is high, it indicates that -KYSTB signals will not be accepted. The 8-bit parallel input device should present -KYSTB only when +BUSY is low. 2.2.S.2.2.2 Function Key Status. The keyboard function key signals, as well as the status of the three options, are continually applied to Register B. In Mode 1, the Register B strobe is received on PC2 (pin 1S). The +SYNC signal from the MPU thus latches the status of the function keys and jum per options into Register B. These signals do not produce an interrupt. Instead, their status is read from Register B by the MPU each time it services an interrupt caused by -KYSTB. 2.2.S.2.2.3 Real-Time Clock One-Shot. The Real-Time Clock one-shot is controlled by the individual bit set/reset feature of the 8255. Bit 7 in the C Register (PC7, pin 10) is controlled by the MPU: when it goes high, the one-shot fires; when it goes low, the oneshot is enabled to fire again. PC7, when high, must first go low, then return to high to start the 10 ms timer. 2.2.S.3 Off-Board I/O Input from or output to logic circuits external to the HPR03 board can be accomplished in either of two ways: programmed I/O or direct memory access. Programmed I/O can occur either through the mother board connector (PI) or the control panel connector (J2). DMA transfer can occur only through the mother board. 2-19 Programmed I/O. This is accomplished in the same manner used for onboard I/O. An I/O port, #3 through #6, is addressed, and -READ or -WRITE is developed. If necessary, +ADDR ., and +ADDR 1 may be used to further define the address (as when an 8255 IC is used). All data is transferred between the MPU and the off-board port over the bidirectional data bus. Port 3 must be accessed through the control panel connector. (-READ and -WRITE are passed through the drivers, and become -RD and -WR.) Ports 4,5, and 6 must be accessed through the mother board. Port 4 is generally reserved for DMA, and Ports 5 and 6 are generally used for the printer. Direct Memory Access. Data can be transferred directly between memory and an external device following the procedure outlined in In this case, data is transferred directly between memory and the external device over the bidirectional data bus; the MPU stops in a "Hold" condition while the transfer takes place. 2.2.7 Miscellaneous Circuitry 3-Terminal Voltage Regulators There are three 3-terminal voltage regulator ICs, shown on sheet 1 of the HPR03 logic drawing, that provide the source of -5V, -12V, and +12V. These voltages are derived from the ± 15V provided by the power supply, which also provides +5V. Level Converters The input and output voltage level converters provide the interface between "the TTL inputs and outputs of the USART and the 12V (nominal) requirements of RS-232-C. Options There are four options on the HPR03 board that provide variations in operation. These are covered in detail in the Product Description. 2.3 XMEM (EXTRA MEMORY) BOARD, PART NO. 23926-XX. When the 4K bytes of ROM, 1K of EROM, and 512 bytes of RAM on the HPRO board are adequate for the programming application, the XMEM board is not supplied. When additional memory is required, the XMEM board is installed in slot F, directly behind the HPRO board; no connections other than plugging into the mother board are required. The XMEM1 board can contain up to 1.5K bytes of RAM, 4K of ROM, 8K of EROM, or a combination of memory types. 2-20 2.3.1 Applications During program development, programs are stored on EROMs so they can be debugged, erased, and rewritten. When the program has been tested and validated, it is burned into the masked ROMs, which are installed on the HPRO board. EROMs on the XMEM board are used to store development programs. Because of the time involved in manufacturing masked ROMs, early production terminals are often shipped with programs on EROMs on the XMEM board instead of on masked ROMs on the HPRO board. Also, when a program is larger than 4K bytes, additional memory chips, either ROMs or EROMs, are installed on the XMEM board to store part of the program. ROMs and EROMs on the XMEM board are addressed in the same manner as ROMs and EROMs located on the HPRO board. For applications requiring more than 512 bytes of working read/write memory, up to 1.5K bytes of RAM can be installed on the XMEM board. 2.3.2 Basic XMEM Board The basic XMEM board (dwg. no. 23926-XX) contains an address buffer, address decoders, and voltage regulators. IC memory chips of the required type and number are .added to suit a specific application. 2.3.3 XMEM Configurations The XMEM can have the following numbers of memory chips installed: 12 Type 2111A-4, 256 x 4-bit RAMs 2 Type 8316A, 2K x 8bit masked ROMs 8 Type 8708, 1K x 8bit EROMs While it is possible to have all these memories installed (physically) on the same XMEM board, is is logically impractical, because both ROMs and EROMs use the same addresses, and two EROMs must be eliminated for each ROM installed. There is no address interference between RAMs and ROMs or EROMs, so a full complement of RAMs can be installed regardless of the number of ROMs and/or EROMs installed. 2.3.4 Addressing Figure 2-6 shows the memory addressing scheme used by the MPU to access the entire memory, both on the HPRO board and on the XMEM board. Note that HPRO ROMs #1 and #2, and XMEM ROMs #3 and #4 use the same address areas as the EROMs on the XMEM board, so the EROMs can not be used when the masked ROMs are installed. This is done intentionally, so that a program can be written electrically into EROMs, tested and corrected as often as necessary, and when approved, the program can be used to generate masked ROMs without need for address modification. When masked ROMs are in production, the EROMs can be eliminated, and, if the program is less than 4K, the two ROMs containing the program can be installed on the HPRO board. If there is no need for the additional RAM storage, the XMEM board can be eliminated. If the program is larger than 4K, two additional ROMs can be installed on the XMEM board, along with as many RAMs as are required. 2-21 ROMs and EROMs can be mixed, as long as there is no direct address conflict. For example it would be possible to use EROMs 5, 6, 7, and 8 with HPRO ROMs 1 and 2, but these EROMs could not be used with XMEM ROMs 3 and 4. Since RAMs use an entirely different address area, their use is independent of ROM/EROM configuration. Additional Applications 2.3.5 o EROMs can be used in terminals produced in quantities too small to justify the expense of preparing masked ROMs. o A mixture of ROMs and EROMs can be used in applications requiring special programs. o RAMs can provide additional working memory. 2.4 MATRIX INTERFACE BOARD, PART NO. 25930-XX The MATRIX INTERFACE (MXI) board contains I/O Ports 5 and 6, which transfer data, control signals, and Status information between the terminal processor and the printer processor. Also contained on the MXI board is the logic for receiving and temporary storage of carriage position feedback signals from the CARRIAGE SERVO board enroute to the printer processor. Carriage directional commands are also produced on the MXI board from the data received from the printer processor. These signals are applied to the servo motor driver FETs on the CARRIAGE SERVO board. A block diagram of the MXI board is shown in Figure 2-8. 2.4.1 I/O Ports 5 and 6 I/O ports 5 and 6 are used to synchronize the tranfer of information between the two processors. When the terminal processor performs an output instruction to Port 5 or 6, the output information is stored on the MXI board where it is available to the printer microprocessor. The printer microprocessor periodically "reads" the MXI board to see if there is any information that it should process. Similarly, as the printer microprocessor goes though its steps of controlling the printer operations, it provides status information to the MXI board. This status information is monitored by the terminal microprocessor prior to each output com mand. Transferring Information to the Printer Processor. The prerequisites to actual transfer of data include the +POWER ON and -SELECT PRINTER signals. The +POWER ON signal energizes the 8212 ICs and is inverted to provide a -POWER ON signal. Both +POWER ON and -POWER ON are outputs to the printer processor. The -SELECT PRINTER signal will enable the transfer of information between the two processors. *WRITE TO PORT 6: When -WRITE and -PORT 6 signals develop, the control information on the data bus is transferred to the printer microprocessor via the Port 6 latches. This data is output directly onto control lines to the printer and includes the following control signals: -DOUBLE LINE FEED, +AUTO LINE FEED, +TEST, -SET TOF ZERO, and +RESTORE (INT 0). 2-22 *WRITE TO PORT 5: A Write to Port 5 instruction will only be performed by the terminal processor if the +READY output line from the MXI board is high. This +READY signal is developed on the MXI board when the printer processor provides a -DATA ACK to the MXI board. The -DATA ACK indicates that the printer has received and processed the previous information and it is now able to receive more data. -DATA ACK enters the MXI board and resets the Data Strobe FF (C49) which in turn raises the +READY signal. The - WRITE and -PORT 5 signals load the data on the terminal data bus (DA0 -DA 7) into the Port 5 latch on the MXI board and raise the +DATA STROBE signal to inform the printer processor that data is available. This data is then clocked into the printer processor via the printer data bus (D1 - D8). The Data Strobe FF is reset when the -DATAACK line becomes active (low) from the printer processor. Transferring Information from the Printer Processor Only status information is received by the terminal processor from the printer when a Read from Port 5 instruction is output to the MXI board from the terminal processor. A +SYSTEM CLOCK signal allows status information from the printer processor to be loaded into the Port 5 latch (D54) at a time that will not cause an error in the system. The -SELECT PRINTER signal must also be present to enable the transfer of data between the two processors. When -READ and -PORT 5 signals are issused from the terminal processor, the data latched at D54 is transferred to the terminal processor via the bidirectional data bus (DA0 - DA 7). This status information is "read" by the terminal processor prior to each command. + CAR REV + FROM PRINTER PROCESSOR ~~ DIR { + CAR UN MOOE + CAR EVEN FROM CARRIAGE { SERVO BOARD + CAR POS B + CAR POS A FROM PRINTER PROCESSOR + CLOCK A - PORT 6 ____________________ TRACK CROSSING DETECTION LOGIC :v + ~+~C~A~R~F~W~D_ CAR POS INT 1 } TO CARRIAGE SERVO BOARD TO PRINTER PROCESSOR ,. A II. PORT II. TO PRINTER PROCESSOR FROM TERMINAL PROCESSOR (HPR03) - - L SELECT PRINTER ~ -_R-"-EA...;.;;;D_ _---I~ - .-------, + DATA F IF PORT 5 STROBE STROBE + pk____________-t: READY TO PRINTER PROCESSOR READY - FROM PRINTER PROCESSOR FROM TERMINAL PROCESSOR (HPR03) { 1 DATA ACK I F/F ~ II. fll1jljIljIljljljljIIljI~j~jI~~~j~j~jlj~lj~jI~jII~j~j~j~j~j~jljI~j~j~j~jjjjjjj~jjjjIjIjjjjIjjjIjjjjjjjjjjjj;:gU;;81fj~j~j~~Ij; + SYSTEM CLOCK I TO TERMINAL PROCESSOR (HPR03) . PORT PORT 5 5 (STATUS) , fL..----.....l .. (COMMANDS) ~ U~j;gI;Bgj!l!~~: TO PRINTER PROCESSOR .. rL.------------J ~----------------~----------------~ 083-002 Figure 2-8. MXI Board Block Diagram 2-23 2.4.2 Carriage Position Data The'matrix printer prints characters using a dot matrix where the horizontal distance between sucessive dot positions is 1/100 inch (.254 mm). The purpose of this circuitry is to generate a 4 ps pulse when, and only when, the carriage has moved the print head 1/100 inch in either direction (left o~ right) from the position represented by the preceding pulse. This circuit is called the Track Crossing Detection Logic. The printer's carriage servo motor includes a shaft position transducer that transforms a two-phase sinewave input into a composite output. The instantaneous value of the output is compared with the input and used to produce three square waves called +CAR POS A, +CAR POS B, and +CAR POS EVEN. The high and low status of these square waves changes with respect to actual carriage travel, so that (depending on the direction of carriage movement) two of them (EVEN and A or B) will be opposite polarity when the third (A or B) changes polarity. This event occurs once for each 1/100 inch of carriage movement and is called a track crossing point. The circuit output is a 4 us pulse called +CAR POS INT 1, and is supplied to the printer microprocessor as an interrupt signal, telling the microprocessor to interrupt its normal program and update carriage position data. +5 + CLOCK A C39 9 X>-'------+---f49 +CAR pos INT I +CAR pos B +CAR P~S A + CAR EVEN 14 r-------------....:...:..t 013-003 Figure 2-9. Track Crossing Detection Logic 2-24 +CLOCK A (C37-9) + CAR POS A (C37-7) + CAR EVEN (CI3-13) + CAR pos B (C37-4) ~----------~---I ~I ~I l -=--~ _ _ ___ ~ : : .+I C61-3 L___ I I C13-11 C13-6 I , -------~~~I~~---- C37-IO -----;L~ C37-14 C61-8 I C25-IO (+CAR pos I --JIlL..-__ INT_I)________ CARRIAGE MOVEMENT RIGHT--. ----------~~'~~---- ------;L!---I I ______________---'r-l~___ CARRIAGE MOVEMENT ll.E!. ~ 083-004 Figure 2-10. Track Crossing Detection Waveforms Referring to Figures 2-9 and 2-10, device C37 is a series of D-type flip-flops with their Clear input tied to +5 volts. In this situation the C37 Q outputs will follow the D input with positive clock input excursions. As shown by the waveforms in Figure 2-10, generation of the +CAR POS INT 1 signal for carriage movement to the right begins with a high to low transition of +CAR POS A, followed some time later (not clock related) by +CAR EVEN going low to high. With the preconditions met, and again some time later, +CAR POS B will go low. Then, with the next positive clock transition, the output of XOR gate C61-13 will go high, NAND gate C13-11 will go lOW, and NAND gate C13-6 will go high. C13-6 = high is supplied to C37-12 where, with the next positive clock transition, C37-10 goes high. This high drives the output of XOR gate C61-8 low, and is supplied to C37-13. C37-13 =high drives C37-14 low with the next positive clock transition to drive the output of C61-8 high again to end the pulse. Inverter C2 5-1 0 inverts the output of C61-8 to produce the 4 ps positive pulse on +CAR POS INT 1 that is sent to the printer microprocessor. For carriage movement to the left, Figure 2-10 shows +CAR EVEN first going low, followed by +CAR POS B going high. Then when +CAR POS A goes high, the signals proceed through the logic as outlined above to produce the 4 ps output pulse. 2.4.3 Carriage Direction Commands The PROCESSOR board provides a directional signal (± DIR) to the MXI board where it is gated with the +CAR LIN MODE signal from the CARRAIGE SERVO board to produce the +CAR FWD and +CAR REV carriage direction signals for the CARRIAGE SERVO board. The +CAR LIN MODE signal is active (high) only when the carriage is in detent (or stopped). This high +CAR LIN MODE signal causes both the +CAR FWD and +CAR REV output signals to become inactive (low). When the +CAR LIN MODE signal goes inactive (low), the polarity of the ± DIR signal will determine which of the two carriage direction signals will be active. A +DIR produces an active (high) +CAR FWD signal and an inactive (low) +CAR REV signal while a -DIR signal produces an inactive (low) +CAR FWD signal and an active (high) +CAR REV signal. 2-25 2.5 PROCESSOR (PRINTER) BOARD, PART NO. 24620-XX The matrix printer's microprocessor consists mainly of six MOS-LSI chips: two Parallel Data Control (PDC) chips, two Read Only Memory (ROM) chips, one Random Access Memory (RAM) chip, and one Central Processor Unit (CPU) chip. Auxiliary devices such as a clock generator and addressable latch modules, a voltage regulator, a power-on delay circuit, and several control switches complete the PROCESSOR board circuits. Figure 2-11 presents the PROCESSOR board circuits in simplified block diagram form. Its use along with the full schematic diagram in Section 4 and the following paragraphs should aid the reader in understanding the operation of the microprocessor. . Pow.r 0" Dato .. Prillt.r Cootrol - Poper F••• Control Illt.rfac. Cootrol Data Ack --. Strobe SwiUfI•• ( OptIOD) - PDC-I C!54 -... Cor Tro_ Cr ...... --- -.. -- R.stor. Power On ~ .... Data Bu. CPU A69 • • I r• r-+ RAM •• a" ... . C24 • ....... -Fir. - Switches (Cootrol) Car Veloclt, PDC-2 ROM(S) A24139 A54 Addre •• - --. _.. '. Control lin •• ~t .. .. s.rvo Control ADDR LATCH E40 Figure 2-11. Processor Simplified Block Diagram 2.5.1 Chip Task Assignment The PDC (Parallel Data Controller) A PDC is a flexible parallel input/output device for interfacing the microprocessor to external circuits. It provides two independent, bidirectional 8-bit input/output channels, each of which may operate in a variety of parallel data transfer modes. The CPU is able to designate these 16 lines to operate as either inputs or outputs in blocks of 4. PDC-1 C54 has 8 data inputs (pins 10-17) and a data strobe input all working as one channel. Latched +DATA signals are presented to these 8 inputs, along with the +DATA STROBE on pin 8, all from the MXI board. The transition of the data strobe causes the ASCII data to be sent into the PDC data buffer. The PDC will then produce a high signal at pin 9 to indicate that the PDC buffer is full. This signal is inverted to -DATA ACK=low and is sent to the MXI board to delay the output of the ACKNOWLEDGE signal to the controller until the CPU has taken the data from the PDC buffer. When this internal transfer of data has been completed, the PDC will drive its pin 9 low to produce -DATA ACK= high to the MXI board to permit the output of the ACKNOWLEDGE signal to the controller. This is ref erred to as the handshake mode of operation. 2-26 The second channel operates in the clocked I/O mode. The input lines (pins 30-37) are divided so that pins 34-37 are inputs and pins 30-33 are outputs, with pin 1 the input clock or strobe. Pins 34-37 receive inputs from the option selection switches or the MXI board (pin 35 only). These inputs are read during a power on sequence or when a +DATA STROBE =high is received from the MXI board. Pins 2 and 30-33 are outputs to Addressable Latch E40. Pins 30-32 address 1 of 8 latches in E40. Pin 33 inputs the data to be set into the addressed latch. Pin 2 controls the mode of operation of E40. When pin 2 is high, the output from pin 33 will be set into the addressed latch, and all other outputs will remain unchanged. When pin 2 is low, pins 3033 have no effect on the outputs of E40. All 8 lines from E40 will output data previously set into the latch. Pins 18-25 connect to the bidirectional data bus to transfer data to and from the CPU. PDC pins 3-6 and 42 are processor activity control lines used by the several chips to communicate with each other. Pins 40 and 41 are clock signal inputs. PDC-2 C24 operates in the static output mode. It functions as two groups of 8 latched outputs fed from the data bus. One group (pins 10-17) is designated as Hammer Data. Outputs on these lines control individual print wire firing through the HAMMER DRIVER board. The other group (pins 30-37) is designated Velocity Data. Outputs on these lines are commands used to generate carriage servo drive through the CARRIAGE SERVO board and are latched and remain static until changed by insertion of new command information. New command information occurs when the processor detects a need for a change in carriage velocity following a track crossing. Referring to the previous discussion, the MXI board generates the +CAR POS INT 1 pulse for each increment of carriage movement. Processor logic, in looking ahead at the stored data, may detect that the carriage has reached a tab position or the end of the print line. In this instance, the processor will begin to issue new carriage velocity commands to change the carriage velocity to meet the changing situation. In addition, three command line inputs (pins 1, 2, and 8) carry +TEST, +LINE FEED, and +SET TOF ZERO command signals from the MXI board instructing the processor to execute the indicated function. The RAM (Random Access Memory) RAM A54 is a device consisting of 2048 bits of read-write memory in a 256 x 8-bit configuration. It is used in the microprocessor as the general working register, the vertical and horizontal tab table, and as the processor's data buffer. The ROM (Read Only Memory) ROMs A24 and A39 are devices each consisting of 16,384 bits of read only memory in a 2048 x 8-bit configuration. They are used in the microprocessor for the storage of all microprocessor program instructions, including various constants such as the velocity table used for servo control, and the print font. 2-27 The CPU (Central Processor Unit) CPU A69 is a device which contains all of the logic necessary to receive and decode 8-bit instruction words, and to perform all the required arithmetic and logic operations. Through a 14 line parallel (multiplexed) address bus, the CPU addresses 32,768 bits or 4096 bytes (8-bits/byte) of read only memory (ROM), and with the same 14 line bus also addresses 2048 bits or 256 bytes of random access memory (RAM). The CPU functions as an 8-bit parallel data processor, and in conjunction" with the RAM, the ROMs, and the two PDCs forms the microprocessor for the matrix printer. The Clock Generator Circuit Clock module E8, along with 3.58 MHz crystal D8, make up the printer's basic clock generator. The clock output frequency is 256 kHz on pins 1, 4, and 10. Pins 1 and 10 are designated CLK A, and pin 4 is designated CLK B. The output at pin 10 includes a driver which makes this output TTL compatible. Inverter D18-2 inverts the CLK A signal for use in the MXI board circuits. The 12 Volt Regulator Circuit Module E66 and its associated components form a circuit which lowers the -15 volt input to -12 volts, and regulates the output for use in the microprocessor circuits. Summary In overview, the matrix printer's microprocessor controls machine operation by receiving, storing and executing commands. As each command is executed, the processor s.ignals its status to the terminal microprocessor through the MXI board, to keep the terminal microOnly in the RESTORE activity does the printer processor constantly updated. microprocessor program digress. The microprocessor will, by itself, initiate a RESTORE sequence under the following conditions: o When instructed to backspace (BS) past the left margin. o When instructed to print (CR or S1) past column 132. o When instructed to tab (HT or VT) with a value greater than 127 •. o When the carriage fails to move when commanded. NOTE If the carriage still does not move during the restore sequence, the microprocessor will issue the +SERVO DISABLE signal to prevent circuit damage. o When POWER ON goes low during machine operation. -The RESTORE sequence can also be commanded by the terminal microprocessor. 2-28 2.6 CARRIAGE SERVO BOARD, PART NO. 24625-XX Refer to the CARRIAGE SERVO board schematic diagram. Figure 2-12 is a simplified block diagram of the circuits on the CARRIAGE SERVO board. As described earlier, the Track Crossing Detection Logic circuit on the MXI board makes use of a series of three squarewaves on the PROCESSOR board to update its carriage position file. The development of these squarewaves in sync with actual carriage movement is one of the two major functions of the CARRIAGE SERVO board. The second major function of this board is to provide an error signal to the CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER board for use in developing carriage servo drive signals. VELOCITY D-A ------i CONVERTER DATA LINEAR MODE SER~ SHAFy------ TRACK CROSSING REFERENCE Figure 2-12. Carriage Servo Block Diagram REF +15V OUT. ,...................-.........-._----.....---+---- CAR I ~~ ....--~....--- Figure 2-13. Digital Sinewave Generator 2-29 CAR2S4 NOTE: 2.6.1 All waveforms pictured in this section were taken with the oscilloscope synchronized to the A output of shift register G21-15 during carriage forward movement at 200 cps while printing the test line. The Digital Sinew ave Generator Figure 2-13 is a partial schematic diagram showing the Digital Sinewave Generator. Figure 2-14a shows the waveforms generated by this circuit. The two modules G15 and G21 are 4-bit parallel access shift registers which are driven by a clock circuit with an output of about 5 MHz, connected to form a divide-by-16 circuit. The outputs of G15 and G21 are squarewaves as shown in Figure 2-14, where the output G21-15=high is followed one clock cycle later by G21-14=high and so forth. When G15-12 goes high, feedback through G15-11 and through NAND gate G9-6 drives the output G21-15 low. This condition then cascades through the registers again until G15-12 goes low, when G15-1I will drive G2I-15 high to start the cycle again. These squarewave outputs are connected through inverters, pull-up resistors, and load resistors to two output lines. The inverters act as switches, allowing current to flow through the associated load resistor whenever the inverter output is low. Seven of the inverter outputs are selected for summation to form each of the two signals CAR 1 and CAR 3. The values of the several load resistors plus a capacitor from each of the output lines to their common return line produces the two-phased sinusoidal waveforms shown in Figure 2-14b. These signals are fed to the stator windings on the carriage servo's position transducer. A" G21-15 II G21-14 "8 11 G21-13 "C II G21-12 "0" G15-15 "E" G15-14 "F" G15-13 "Gil J8A-4 CAR. I J8A-7 CAR. 3 G15-12 "HI! (a) (b) Figure 2-14. Digital Sinew ave Generator Waveforms 2-30 2.6.2 Servo Position Transducer The Servo Position Transducer consists of rotor and stator members made up as flat disks with windings laminated on adjacent surfaces. The rotor is mounted on the free end of the carriage servo motor shaft, with the stator mounted over it and fastened to the motor casing. Output signals from the rotor are picked up by means of an axially mounted rotary transformer as CAR 5 and CAR 6 signals. As shown in Figure 2-15, the stator has an eight segment winding, with alternate segments connected together to form two groups of four segments each. The four segments of one group are displaced laterally from the other group by a distance equal to one-half a winding width. This displacement is equal to a 90° phase difference. The rotor has one sym metrical winding. The two sinusoidal waveforms shown in Figure 2-15 are introduced into the transducer's stator windings, and are coupled electromagnetically to the transducer's rotor winding. Since all windings in the device are nearly 1:1, the only transformation of the inputs is that the summed output is phase modulated by rotor movement. The phase modulated output is supplied back to a 3-stage amplifier and demodulator circuit on the CARRIAGE SERVO board. STATOR It _ - _ _ ElIAII5£MrO) RIll a.-TYI ROTOR Figure 2-15. Servo Position Transducer 2.6.3 Servo Feedback Amplifier AS ROTARY TRANSFORMER ][ (ON TRANSDUCER) ~52~A7 Ik S ~: ~::61~ A'" D4 Ik Figure 2-16. Servo Feedback Amplifier 2-31 Figure 2-16 is a partial schematic diagram showing the Servo Feedback Amplifier. Figure 2-17 shows waveforms taken in this circuit. Waveform A is the phase-modulated servo transducer output, as seen at the input to the first video amplifier B5-1/-14. Amplifier B5 has an adjusted gain of :: 20. It amplifies and partially filters the input (B). The second video amplifier D5, also with a gain of 20, further filters the signal and generates a 10 volt p-p output waveform (C) which displays some squaring effect of saturation limiting. This output is applied to a high speed squaring comparator module E5. E5 is overdriven, and produces a squarewave output. A B I sf VIDEO AMPL. INPUT I st VIDEO AMPL. OUTPUT 85 - 1/14 (85-1 INVERTED) 85 -7/8 (85 -7 INVERTED) c 2 nd VIDEO AMPL. OUTPUT 05-7/8(05-7 INVERTED) Figure 2-17. Servo Feedback Amplifier Waveforms 2-32 2.6.4 Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier Figure 2-1S is a partial schematic diagram showing the Servo Feedback Demodulator/ Amplifier circuit. Figure 2-19 shows waveforms taken in this circuit. The squarewave output of comparator E5 is inverted and applied to Exclusive OR gate D1S-S as the squared and inverted phase-modulated signal from the carriage servo transducer. This output of D1S-S is applied to Exclusive OR gates DlS-3 and D1S-11 along with reference squarewaves from the sinewave generator. Refer to Figure 2-19. Observe the two inputs to either D1S-3 or D1S-11, along with its output, on a multichannel oscilloscope which is synchronized to the sinewave generator while slowly moving the carriage by hand. The squarewave input from gate Dl8-S (B) will appear to move with respect to the input on pin 1 or 12 from the sinewave generator (A). Then, the output (C) from either D1S-3 or D1S-11 will be a squarewave whose relative high-low status will vary as the high-low states of the two inputs vary with respect to each other. Figure 2-20 illustrates the development of the output waveform (C) from the two squarewave inputs (A and B), and further shows the sawtooth waveshape developed in the integrating circuits for input to amplifiers A1S-l0 and C1S-12. The output of A1S-l0 is then supplied to amplifier AlS-12. These three amplifiers produce the waveshapes called CAR POS SIG #1, CAR POS SIG #2, and CAR POS SIG #3. rlt-.........--+---.---=-:---..---CAR. POS· I ~--+--CAR.POS·2 }:!--.......--+~-HF~-4--__----+----If--+--CAR.POS·3 ' -TO -" CAR.POS TACH Figure 2-18. Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier CAR. pos· I A CAR. POS # 2 B CAR. POS#3 C Figure 2-19. Servo Feedback Demodulator/Amplifier Waveforms 2-33 MOTION I:i: -.~ UlTI.TI..TI.TI. ~ ~ AV. 2.I5V trJDrJrIDrlO[ AV.3.7I5V AV.5.0V ILJL.JL.Jl... ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ AV. 1.25V ~ ILJL.JL.Jl... ~ rrn:::rr:rJ.IlT OEMOO ~ ~ ~ REF OE-"LATOR INTEIIRATOR ~ ILJL.JL.Jl... ILJL.JL.Jl... ~ ~ ~ Figure 2-20. Waveform Analysis 2-34 -+I5V - OV 2.6.5 Carriage Position Tachometer Figure 2-21 is a partial schematic diagram showing the Carriage Position Tachometer and associated circuits. Figure 2-22 shows waveforms taken in these circuits. The design of the transducer on the carriage servo motor is such that each complete cycle of the sawtooth waveform input to these circuits represents 2/100 inch (.508 mm) of carriage travel, or two "track crossing" points. Thus, while these inputs do not vary in amplitude, they do vary in frequency. This variation (or modulation) follows actual carriage speed, with the waveshape itself tracking carriage position. Refer to Figure 2-22. Modules E39 and F39 are high speed comparators. Their inputs are the triangular CAR POS SIG waveforms A, Band C. Their actual outputs are squarewaves. The duration of these squarewaves follows the frequency of the sawtooth inputs. They pass through inverters, whose outputs are waveforms E and F from comparators F39 and E39 respectively, and are sent to the MXI board as CAR POS A and CAR POS B. The CAR POS SIG #3 is also sent through inverting amplifier C18-10, comparator F39-7, and inverter E27-8 to develop the CAR EVEN signal also supplied to the MXI board. The CAR POS A and B squarewaves are also channeled through a series of inverters and NAND gates to supply waveforms F, G, H, and I. These signals are used to control the feedback FETs C39-7, -10, -2 and -15 respectively. The three CAR POS SIG triangular waveforms, plus CAR POS SIG #3 inverted are supplied to the control FETs through differentiating networks. Figure 2-23 shows the waveforms taken at the capacitor-resistor junction in each network. The control pulse to each FET will turn the FET on to pass either the positive or the negative part of the differentiated signal, depending on the direction of carriage movement. Since carriage velocity is seen here as frequency, the higher or lower the velocity, the higher or lower the level of the differentiated squarewave. The voltage levels of the outputs of the FETs are applied one at a time to the input (pin 1) of amplifier A39-12 representing carriage velocity. A39-12 inverts the input and presents it to the carriage velocity summation junction (pin 7) of ~ervo Summation Amplifier A39-10 as negative feedback. _1 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~.~m#1 ...-v,.. ~~ ~ __-+~~~~~~~~~~-+-+-~--.-~~~~~-------o9--=--r...+-----"--~--+-__+-~--+-~--~~--_{)!53 Figure 2-21. Carriage Position Tachometer 2-35 CAR. POS A A B C o E F CAR. P~S G CAR. P~S CAR. P~S 3 CAR. P~S 3 H I Figure 2-22. Carriage Position Tachometer Waveforms Figure 2-23. Carriage Position FET Input Waveforms 2-36 I 2 2.6.6 Carriage Velocity Command As discussed earlier, the printer microprocessor looks ahead in its buffer, determines the carriage direction and velocity requirements for the upcoming print situation, and adjusts its commands to the CARRIAGE SERVO board accordingly. The velocity command arrives on the CARRIAGE SERVO board in digital form, and is converted to an analog form which is then used to develop a velocity command voltage level. This voltage level is then adjusted in polarity to set the direction of carriage movement, and applied to a summing junction where it is summed with a negative feedback voltage. The resultant is amplified and sent to the CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER board as CAR SERVO ERROR, a signal whose level and polarity is used to generate the carriage servo motor drive to propel the carriage in the right direction at the right velocity. The D-A Converter Module H39, a D-A Converter, converts the binary input from the printer microprocessor to a current. The amplitude of this current represents the carriage speed command. The circuit's operating parameters are set by the value of the resistor in the +5V supply line to pin 14 such that when all digital inputs are high, the output current at pin 4 will be 99.696 of the reference current (approximately 1 rnA) on pin 14. When all digital input signals are low, the output on pin 4 will be 0 rnA. G39-10 is a current-to-voltage converter, with its instantaneous output voltage level stored in capacitor G34 for reference between updating inputs from the microprocessor. Carriage Direction Switches The output of the D-A Converter circuit at G39-10 is applied to the FWD control FET at B39-14, and to inverting amplifier G39-12. The inverted output from G39-12 is then applied to the REV control FET at B39-3. The outputs of both FETs are then tied to the carriage velocity summation junction (pin 7) of Servo Summation Amplifier A39-10. Carriage Linear Mode An input from the printer microprocessor, +CAR LIN MODE, is used to control FET B39-7. Whenever the carriage is stopped, this signal is issued by the printer microprocessor to turn on the FET and apply the CAR POS SIG #2 signal directly to the summation junction. This signal serves to electrically detent the carriage servo motor to lock the carriage in position. Servo Summation Amplifier The Servo Summation Amplifier A39-10 has four inputs; speed signal forward, speed signal reverse, carriage linear mode signal, and tachometer negative feedback signal. The first three control carriage movement. The feedback stabilizes the servo system, and causes the carriage to accelerate (or decelerate) and move at the command speed without variation due to changes in mechanical load. The output, CAR SERVO ERROR, is limited to approximately 5.6 volts peak, and is negative for forward and positive for reverse carriage movement. 2-37 CAR. POI SI6 tit 2 CAR. LINEAR MODE DO U--------::.t .;!!O-............-~'-----~~~~~!!!......2!~~2..--!.W SUIIIIED FEED UCK CAR. FWD 37 U---------------~ ~~~.+=:Mf CAR. REV 18 +I5VF 16 CAR. SERVO ERROR VELDCITY • DATA 12 VELOCITY I DATA ID VELOCITY 2 DATA 14 VELOCITY 3 DlTA 10 YElDCITY 4 DlTA .. WLDCITY S DaTA 7 VILDCITY • DATA • VELOCITY 7 DlTA II Figure 2-24. Carriage Velocity Command Circuits ~N MOTION ~ SENSOR ·r·-_-_-~~~-~~,~~q~~~I-~~~<21~~~~~L~E~D~~~--------~-------.'~2' I ...... illMT.latI/OMI :r~ LED RET __ ~_~~~_1:"" ••• :' ~~ £ - - ----~ .~ CARRIAGE SERVO BOARD 9ENSORDAIVE FROM CARRIAGE POSITION TACHOMETER RIBBON MOTION SENSOR DRIVE 210---------------------... RETlI'tN22 ~ ...... n. 51-INHIBIT (RIBBON JAM) I •• :!O +RES~~~W~:!~:~ ~::::::::::::~~~E~I.~.-'~--~-------------------J---------------------------+-+~ (NOT USED) 17 (NOT USED) 26 '>t"------------------------------------------------------------------------.J 083-052 Figure 2-25. Ribbon Motion Sensor 2-38 Ribbon Motion Sensor (RMS) [See Figure 2-25] The Ribbon Motion Sensor (RMS) circuit consists of a light sensitive phototransistor and a Light Emitting Diode (LED). This circuit works in conjunction with an idler wheel located inside all matrix ribbon cartridges. This idler wheel has reflective spokes and is driven by the physical motion of the ribbon moving through the ribbon cartridge. When the ribbon cartridge is installed correctly, an access hole in the cartridge is aligned directly over the RMS circuit to allow light from the LED to be reflected back from the idler wheel's reflective spokes to the light-sensitive transistor. The phototransistor ~onverts these "light flashes" to electrical pulses and routes these pulses to the CARRIAGE SERVO board via the RMS DRIVE input at pin 21. On the CARRIAGE SERVO board, these ribbon motion pulses travel through comparator E39-7 and its associated circuitry to appear on pin 14 of counter modules B29 and C24. The CAR POS A pulse train from the Carriage Position Tachometer circuit is applied to input pin 5 of counter C24 whose output on pin 12 is connected to input pin 5 of counter B29. The output of these two counter modules on B29-12 is a pulse for every 256 -CAR POS A pulses at C24-5. (256 -CAR POS A pulses are the equivalent of 25 characters spaces of carriage movement.) The RMS pulses at pin 14 of the counter modules are Clear signals that reset both counters to zero. This action of continuously resetting the counters keeps the B29-12 output high. Should the ribbon fail to move for any reason, the RMS pulses used as Clear signals to the counter modules are not produced. Any subsequent carriage movement soon accumulates the 256 counts needed to present a negative-going pulse at the output of B29-12. This negative-going pulse sets the G9/D23 latch output D23-6 low and causes the -INHIBIT signal at E18-3 to become active (low). The -INHIBIT = low signal is loaded into the Port 5 Status latch on the MXI board and read by the terminal microprocessor. When an active (high) +RESTORE (INT 0) signal from the MXI board is applied to AND gate E18-6, the G9/D23 latch is reset and the -INHIBIT signal becomes high (inactive) again. 2-39 1 S2 048 R I i 1 } FEED BACK S4 F41 T -15V Figure 2-26a. Carriage Power Amplifier Simplified Diagram __-. .,. CM. MOTOR DRIVE Figure 2-26b. Carriage Power Amplifier 2-40 2.7 CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER BOARD, PART NO. 40525-XX This assembly includes the Carriage Servo Power Amplifier, the Paper Feed Drivers, and the Power Monitor circuit. It is located in Slot D, and has a finned heat sink attached to it, to help cool the several drive transistors. NOTE Do NOT stand the terminal on its rear heat sink panels. The finned heat sinks are mounted on plug-in circuit boards which can be easily damaged by this practice. 2.7.1 Carriage Power Amplifier Circuit This circuit supplies and controls current flow to the carriage servo drive motor. The circuit is designed as an H bridge, allowing all current to flow through the motor from supply to supply instead of through circuit ground. This feature helps to avoid circuit noise problems. Figure 2-26a illustrates the circuit in simplified form, where certain transistors (final drivers) in the actual circuit are represented as switches. It may be seen that closing switches S2 and S3 will cause electrons to flow through the motor left to right. Refer to Figure 2-26b. Assume a CAR SERVO ERROR signal input of +1 volt for a commanded motor current of 1 ampere. The output from operational amplifier B55-6 will be low, and this will place a low potential on the base of transistor G58 to disable the Pulse Fwd circuits, and on the emitter of transistor G73, to turn G73 off. G73 being off turns transistor E70 off, which turns transistor E65 on to turn on the Pulse Rev switching transistor F6 3. The error signal is also supplied to amplifier A50-6. The A50-6 output will be negative with a positive input, which will turn transistor D45 off and transistor E44 on to turn on Drive Rev switching transistor D48. 2-41 Referring again to Figure 2-25, transistor D48 is shown as switch S2, while transistor F63 is shown as switch S3. Turning these two transistors on establishes a current path from the +15 volt supply through D48, resistor C53 (R), the drive motor, and through F63 to the -15 volt supply. Figure 2-27 is a simplified schematic diagram of the feedback circuit. This circuit includes the .1 ohm resistor C53 (R) located in one of the lines to the servo motor, across which is connected a precision balanced 10K resistor network and difference amplifier B62-10. The value of resistor C53 is such that its voltage drop to current ratio is 1 to 10. (.1 volt drop equals 1.0 ampere of motor current.) Difference amplifier B62-10 presents this voltage to the servo error input terminal 2 of amplifier B55-6. The two signals are summed at a ratio of 10 input to 1 feedback. As current through the drive motor approaches the commanded level, the output of B55-6 will diminish. When motor current matches command current, the Pulse Rev switching transistor F63 will be turned off. This removes motor current, which removes feedback voltage, and F63 is turned back on again. The circuit will oscillate in this manner to maintain motor current at the commanded level. Should the Power Monitor circuit detect an input voltage error, it will generate a -CAR SERVO DISABLE signal. This signal will turn transistor E77 on which results in turning Pulse Fwd and Pulse Rev transistors F47 and F63 off to disable carriage servo movement. 10K 10K ERROR FWD/REV. >-...-~ PULSE AMPLIFIERS OTHER CKTS Figure 2-27. Simplified Feedback Circuit 2-42 ~IN>-----------------------------------------~ - .. +lIV +IIIS +IIIS I0Il 2IC --IllS JIIIIIER FEED DISAIJU Figure 2-28. Power Monitor Circuit 2.7.2 Power Monitor Circuit The purpose of this circuit is to inhibit all printer functions any time one or more of the three supply voltages of +5, +15, or -15 volts drops below a level where printer malfunction or component damage could occur as a result of the low voltage. The circuit operates as follows. As power is applied, transistors B12 and B13 are off. Three divider networks begin to sample the +5, +15, and -15 volt levels being supplied: zener diode B5 and resistor All sample the +5 volt input; zener diode A7 and resistor A9 sample the +15 volt input; and zener diode B7 and resistor B6 sample the -15 volt input. As these voltages approach their appropriate values, diodes A12, A8, B8 and B9 (operating as an AND gate) are reverse biased, and transistors B12 and B13 turn on. Up to this time transistor B16 has been on and B22 off. When transistors B12 and B13 turn on, capacitor A22 begins to charge through resistor A24 and the emitter/base junction of B16, and transistor B22 is biased off. With transistor B22 off, transistors A30, B23, C36, and C34, are all biased on, and their outputs are all clamped low. This condition disables all printer functions as outlined. This condition will continue until capacitor A22 has charged sufficiently to turn transistor B22 on. At the end of the delay (approximately 25 ms), transistor B22 is turned on discharging capacitor A22 and turning transistor B16 off. It will also turn off transistors A30, B23, C36 and C34, allowing all their outputs to go high. This removes the circuit disable clamps, starts the program counter in the printer microprocessor, and initiates a Restore sequence. Any subsequent interruption in, or depreciation of, any of the three input voltages monitored, will disable the printer by action of this circuit. Complete restoration of power recycles this circuit, putting the printer back in operation with a Restore sequence. 2-43 2.7.3 Paper Feed Drive Circuit Figure 2-29 is a partial schematic diagram of the Paper Feed Drive circuit. Figure 2-30 shows waveforms taken in the circuit. The circuit consists of two identical channels A and B, each feeding a field winding in the paper feed stepping motor. As shown in Figure 2-30, the signals in channel A lead the signals in channel B by 90u • This relationship produces clockwise rotation of the stepping motor shaft (as viewed from its shaft end) for upward paper movement only. Since the A and B channels are identical, only channel B will be discussed here. MPER FEED DISABLE '>---41~~...--~ 88 14 ___ RETURN eM 14 n PiU'ER FEED DRIVE a >----~~~~~;1V~.IS~..-,.IIr--- remainder of this seetion contains component location/identification infOrmation that will be useful in troubleshooting. MOTE Preventive Maintenanee, when performed aeeording to the proeedures listed here, will not -&ffeet the Diablo 1IIU'I'8IIly. However, any module replacement or adjustment ImsueeessfuIly attempted that results in dam~ to the equipment will render the warranty mil and void. All time and material required to restore the tenninal to workiJJg order will be biDed at the prevailing rates. 3.1.1 General Rules There are a few general rules that should always be observed: (1) Never remove or install any circuit boards, or conneet or disconneet any plugs, while power is OIL (2) Applying power to the tenninal initiates a printer Restore sequenee, whiell ineludes carriage movement. Make sure the carriage is free to move to the left before applying power. (3) Whenever the access cover is removed, be careful not to brush against the cove~ open switcb: operating this switch could allow the carriage to move suddenly, which could cause an injW'Y. When operating the terminal with the aecess cover removed (and the cover-open switch in the noverride" position), keep fingers" hair, etc., away from the printer. (4) Never remove the top cover without first disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet. (5) The print head does not need cleaning 1Blder normal operating conditions. Only unusually severe operating conditions will make print head cleaning necessary, in which case the problem should be referred to your Diablo Service Represenative. 3-1 (6) Do not use alcohol to clean the paper feed rollers, or any other rubber parts. Alcohol dries out the rubber and hardens it, eventually resulting in paper feed problems. Use "Fedron Platen Cleaner" or its equivalent. WARNING Fedron Platen Cleaner and similar products are flammable, and have a very low flash point. (7) Take care not to touch plastic parts with platen cleaner. These products are usually harmful to plastics. Use alcohol to clean plastic parts. (8) When tipping the HyTerm up to gain access to its underside, first position the power cord and EIA cable to the sides so they will not be in the way. Make sure the surface behind the HyTerm is flat and free of any foreign objects. Then tip the HyTerm up approximately 70° so that it balances on the rear edge of its bottom cover. Do not allow the table surface or any objects to apply pressure to the finned heat sinks on the rear; since these heat sinks are mounted on the power amplifier boards, any pressure could damage these circuit boards or the mother board and its connectors. Also, while the HyTerm is tilted up in this manner, hold onto it with one hand to prevent it from falling. 3.1.2 Top Cover Removal/Replacement Removal of the top cover and its accessories is a prerequisite to most HyTerm maintenance procedures. REMOVAL Refer to Figure 3-0. (1) Turn the power off and unplug the cord from the ac outlet. (2) Remove the top cover accessories: the access cover and the plastic platen skirts over the ends of the platen shaft (see Figure 3-0). (3) Remove the platen: grasp the platen knobs in both hands, press down on the platen latches with your thumbs, and lift the platen straight up. (4) Release the top cover by pulling forward on the two latches inside the cover at both sides, just in front of the platen. Lift the top cover straight up and free from the printer. REPLACEMENT (1) Remove the platen from the printer. (2) Install the top cover and accessories by reversing the Removal procedure above. 3-2 3.1.3 Tools A basic hand tool assortment, including regular and Phillips screwdrivers, small open-end wrenches, pliers, and Allen setscrew wrenches is needed for any maintenance. Tools such as screw starters, offset screwdrivers, etc., are not essential, but will make some jobs much easier. In addition, the following tools are needed for driving and removing the special screws used in the terminal and for performing printer adjustments. Diablo Part No. Description R (1) T15 TORX Screwdriver or T15 Driver Bit (2) T15 TORX Key Wrench (3) Circuit Board Extender (4) 3M Connector Extractor Tool (5) Molex Connector Extractor Tool (6) Molex Connector Pin Extractor Tool (7) Platen Adjustment Tool (8) Tensiometer, Electromatic Equipment Co. Model DXX-lKD or equivalent, calibrated for Diablo cable. 70826-03 70826-01 70826-05 40539-01 70832 24853 13197 24708 For detailed troubleshooting and repair of circuit boards, the usual oscilloscope, soldering iron, etc., are needed, plus the following special tools: Description Diablo Part No. (1) Transducer Cable Extender (2) Carriage Motor Cable Extender (3) 48V Return Cable Extender 3.2 40666 40667 24789 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 3.2.1 Supplies The following supplies and lubricants are necessary for proper preventive maintenance. The part numbers listed below are Diablo part numbers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fedron Platen Cleaner, or equivalent. No. 99000-01 Alcohol Pads (91% Isopropyl alcohol), or equivalent. Lint-free Wipes. Clean, low pressure compressed air. No. 70825-01 2-oz tube of Multipurpose grease. No. 70364 Polyoil (light white grease). No 70243 Light Oil (Shell Turbo 27). Loctite CAUTIONS: * * * TORX R Do not use alcohol on any rubber parts. Do not use platen cleaners on plastic parts. Platen cleaners are flammable, and have a very low flash point. is a registered trademark of Camcar Screw & Mfg. 3-3 3.2.2 Cleaning and Inspection It is difficult to state specific rules concerning the frequency of preventive maintenance inspections, because of differences in the hours of usage and environmental considerations from one machine to another. It is recommended, therefore, that the following preventive maintenance procedure be performed at least every 500 hours of printing time, or every six months, whichever occurs first: (1) Remove power from the terminal. Remove the top cover (see 3.1.2). Reinstall the platen once the top cover has been removed from the HyTerm. (2) Thoroughly inspect the printer for signs of wear and loose or broken hardware. Check carriage cable for signs of wear, and cable pulleys for loose bearings. Check platen for looseness or wobble. Check platen drive gears for looseness. Check the carriage for looseness, wobble, or accumulation of foreign material on the rails, which might cause uneven movement of the carriage. (3) Remove the platen and the paper cradle and inspect them and the plastic paper clamp for signs of wear. (4) Clean the printer thoroughly, using alcohol-saturated cleaning pads and wipes. Remove accumulations of paper residue, ink, dust, etc., with special attention to carriage rails and pulley grooves. (5) Clean the paper bail tires and paper feed rollers with a good platen cleaner which is non-injurious to rubber products, such as "Fedron" Platen Cleaner. Do not use alcohol to clean these items. *(6) Clean the rest of the terminal as required -- remove all dust and foreign material. *(7) Inspect the entire machine for loose hardware and frayed wires or cables. *(8) Check to be certain that the fan is operating. *(9) Check all power supply voltages (see 3.4.3). Items above marked with an asterisk (*) should be checked on every machine visit, not only at the P.M. inspection. 3.2.3 Lubrication Lubricate the various parts of the cleaned and inspected printer according to the following schedule. DO NOT exceed this schedule. Too much lubricant is often worse than none at all! (To be done every six months or if printer has not been used for more than a week.) 3-4 ®---- Figure 3-1. Carrier System Lubrication Points Carrier System Refer to Figure 3-1. Lightly grease all the points indicated in this procedure with Diablo no. 70825-01 grease. 1. Paper Feed Roller Shaft Pins @ . 2. Platen Position Lever Detent Plate (inside surface) 3. Platen Position Slide Plates (carrier frame) with the lever moved limit to limit. Also grease all points of the contact with pivots, eccentrics, guides, etc. 4. Platen Position Torque Shaft Ends, Bearing Surfaces, and Spring Loops 5. Paper Release Lever Tab Ramp and Shaft Piviots 6. 7. Paper Bail Pivots @ . ©, ®. ®. Paper Release Torque Shaft Pivots and Arm Slots ® . 3-5 @. Figure 3-2. Carriage System Lubrication Points Carriage System Refer to Figure 3-2. While this system is to be lubricated at normal 6 month or 500 hour intervals, it may need additional attention if the printer has not been used for some time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Carriage Rails @ - Clean the rails with alcohol wipes. Carriage Rear Bearings Place 4 - 5 drops of No. 70243 oil on the rail beside each bearing. Move the carriage back and forth manually to spread the oil and saturate the felt washers inside each bearing. Carriage Front Bearings Swab the top and bottom rail surfaces with No. 70243 oil. Leave a thin film only - no droplets. Ribbon Cartridge Latches Apply one small drop on No. 70243 oil to each latch pivot, and moisten the latch return spring ends. Ribbon Drive Capstan Apply one drop of No. 70243 oil to the capstan drive blade and hUb. Work the blade up and down manually a few times to spread oil to the blade shaft in the hUb. Ribbon Drive Clutches Apply one very small drop of No. 70243 oil to each clutch pulley shaft end. Wipe all gears with the oil. *Oil the clutch springs by spreading oil lightly across their surfaces. Ribbon Drive Pulley @ - Apply one drop of No. 70243 oil to the upper end of the pulley shaft. ®- ©©®- ®- 3-6 Figure 3-3. Platen System Lubrication Points Platen System Refer to Figure 3-3. 1. Paper Feed Idler Gear (A)- Inspect the large felt washer behind this gear. If it is becoming white in co'fof, saturate it with 70364 Polyoil. 2. Platen Latches (Bl - Lightly grease the contact area between these arms and the carrier side ~mes with No. 70825-01 grease. 3. Platen Hubs (2) - Apply one drop of No. 70243 oil to the shaft between the knob end and dF(ve gear hub. NOTE This procedure is applicable to optional pin feed platens. The pin cam area of these platens is self-lubricating, and does not require additional lubrication for the life of the unit. 3-7 (D). CAR PWR AMP HAMMER DRIVER (H) C) CAR SERVO (B) PROCESSOR XMEM (F) CIRCUIT BOARD CLAMP Figure 3-4. Circuit Board Locations 3-8 3.3 MODULE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Always make certain that the power cord is unplugged from the ac outlet before attempting to replace any components or modules. All modules have been assigned "assembly numbers" according to the system adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in their standard no. Y32.I6: "Reference Designations for Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipments." Table 3-1 lists all major assemblies, and the smaller assemblies that are normally considered replaceable as modules, along with their reference designations. These designations are used in the remainder of this section and in the schematics and wiring diagrams to identify the various assemblies. Table ,3-1. Major Assemblies and Modules Description Assembly No. (Reference Designators) Ma trix Printer Matrix Interface (MXI) Board Processor Board Carriage Servo Board Carriage Power Amplifier Board HPR03 Board XMEM Board Hammer Driver Board Mother Board Power Supply Keyboard Control Panel Al AlAI A1A2 A1A3 A1A4 A1A5 A1A6 AlAS A1A9 A2 A3 A4 3.3.1 Printed Circuit Boards CAUTION Never remove or install circuit boards or connectors while power is applied to the HyTerm. (1) Turn the power off and unplug the cord from the ac outlet. (2) Remove the paper or forms from the printer. Remove the forms tractor if applicable (see 1660 Product Description, paragraph 2.4.3). (3) Remove the top cover and accessories from the printer (see 3.1.2). (4) Remove the screw in the center of the circuit board clamp (see Figure 3-4) and remove the clamp. (5) Locate the circuit board to be removed (see Figure 3-4). (6) Grasp the circuit board firmly at the two upper corners and pull it straight up, taking care not to stress any existing cable connections. (7) Disconnect all remaining cables from the circuit board. REPLACEMENT (1) (2) Check all jumper positions and switch settings on the circuit board. Verify that the board is configured correctly. If the HPR03 board is being installed, first attach the keyboard cable to the P2 connector on the circuit board. 3-9 · LD I M Q) ~ ::s bD ...... ~ 3-10 (3) (4) Holding the board with the component side toward the front of the printer (toward the platen), insert the circuit board into the guides and slide it all the way down until it contacts the connector on the motherboard. Using firm, equal pressure on both upper corners of the board, push it down so that it is fully seated into the socket. NOTE If excessive resistance is encountered, check to make sure the proper board is being installed in the socket: all boards are keyed so they will not fit in the wrong socket (refer to Figure 3-4). (5) Replace the platen, insert a sheet of paper, and apply power to the HyTerm. Test the HyTerm at this time. (6) After determining that the terminal is operating properly, remove power and install the circuit board clamp. Remove the platen and install the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). 3.3.2 Power Supply REMOVAL (1) Turn the power off and unplug the power cord from the ac outlet. (2) (3) (4) Move the HyTerm to a location where both the top and bottom are accessible when the HyTerm is tilted back (preferably a work bench). Remove the top cover following the procedure in 3.1.2. Remove the paper cradle (see Figure 3-5). Tilt the HyTerm up so it is resting on the rear edge of the bottom cover, and remove the screen-like bottom pan. Loosen the three rear screws and remove the three forward and two side screws; then slide the bottom pan off the HyTerm. Lay the HyTerm back on its feet. CAUTION When tipping the HyTerm up, be certain to use a flat surface, with no foreign objects in the way. Any small object could cause pressure to be applied to the rear heat sinks, which are mounted on the power amplifier boards. Excess pressure on these boards could damage the boards and/ or the mother board. (5) Look down into the platen area of the printer and locate the power supply, which is covered by an aluminum screen. Remove the four mounting screws from the top of the power supply (see Figure 3-5). The supply will drop slightly and rest on the work surface. (6) Tilt the HyTerm up slightly and reach underneath to hold the power supply with your hand (to prevent it from falling). Then tilt the HyTerm all the way up so that it rests on the rear edge of the bottom cover. (7) Slide the power supply out of the printer enough to access the terminal strip at the right side of the power supply. Disconnect the wiring from the terminal strip. Set the power supply aside and set the HyTerm down on its feet. 3-11 TBI POWER SUPPLY +5V GND GND +15V ~ I ...... -15V to..:) +48V + 48V AC {BLACK FAN WHITE TO TI7 TI6 Tl5 TI4 Tl3 Ti2 Til RTN 013 -006 Figure 3-6. Power Supply Connections REPLACEMENT (1) Tilt the HyTerm up on the rear edge of the bottom cover and connect the wires to the power supply terminal strip as shown in Figure 3-6. Observe the caution about tilting the HyTerm noted in step (4) above. (2) Swing the power supply into position inside the printer casting. Make sure all wires and cables are routed correctly and securely. (3) Holding the power supply in position, insert the mounting screws through the cover screen and the printer casting and start them into the threads in the power supply frame. Start all four mounting screws. (4) Set the HyTerm back down on its feet. screws securely. (5) Locate the power connections (+48V, +15V, -15V and +5V ) at the right side of the mother board between the card cage and the rear right side of the bottom cover (see Figure 3-25). (6) Plug the HyTerm into an ac outlet and turn the POWER switch on. Verify that the HyTerm does a restore (carriage moves to left). (7) Using a voltmeter, measure the voltages between ground and each of the four power connections on the motherboard. The voltages should read as follows when under load conditions: Tighten all four power supply mounting +5V = +4.75 to +5.25 volts +15V = +15 to +16 volts -15V = -15 to -16 volts +48V = +48.5 to +50.5 volts If voltages do not read within the ranges above, see 3.4.3. (8) Temporarily install the platen and a sheet of paper and test the HyTerm for proper operation by running a Self-Test routine and by entering data from the keyboard. If operation is satisfactory, turn the POWER switch off and unplug the power cord. (9) Tilt the HyTerm up again and install the screenlike bottom pan by sliding it under the three rear screws and then installing the remaining five screws. Tighten all eight bottom pan mounting screws. (10) Set the HyTerm down on its feet and install the paper cradle. (11) Replace the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (12) Insert paper, apply power, and test the HyTerm thoroughly. 3-13 CONNECT WHITE WIRE OF POWER CORD HERE. CONNECT TO HPR03 BOARD "'2 CONNECTOR. rn ~ CONNECT BLACK WIRE OF POWER CORD HERE. CONNECT WHITE AC WIRE FROM POWER SUPPLY T9 HERE. ( I ({ ~t ~ ~:::=:::F!!!!I o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~' !!!!!!!!!!!!!. ~ I I-' e ~ N/O (NORMALLY OPEN) CONNECT WHITE WIRE FROM MOTHERBOARD T8 HERE. CONNECT BLACK WIRE FROM POWER, SUPPLY T8 HERE. COM (COMMON) CONNECT BLACK WIRE FROM MOTHERBOARD T3 HERE. 083-007 Figure 3-7. Control Panel Connections 3.3.3 Control Panel REMOVAL (1) Set the power switch to off and unplug the power cord from the ac outlet. (2) Remove the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (3) (4) (5) (6) Remove the keyboard mask by lifting up on the forward corners of the mask until it "pops" loose, then lift the mask from the keyboard. Remove the four control panel mounting screws (two screws on each side of the pane!). Remove the HPR03 board from slot (E) of the mother board (see Figure 3-4); disconnect the control panel cable at the J2 connector. Disconnect the remaining wiring on the rear of the control panel and lift the control panel off the HyTerm. REPLACEMENT (1) Connect the control panel wiring on the rear of the panel referring to Figure 3-7. (2) Connect the control panel cable to the J2 connector on the HPR03 board and install the HPR03 board into slot (E) of the mother board (see Figure 3-4). (3) Set the control panel in place and install the four mounting screws and tighten securely. (4) Install the keyboard mask by setting it in place and applying pressure on the forward corners of the mask un til its "pops" securely into place. Install the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). Apply power and test the HyTerm. (5) (6) 3-15 3.3.4 Keyboard REMOVAL (1) Turn the power off and unplug the power cord from the ac outlet. (2) Remove the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (3) Remove the keyboard mask by lifting up on the forward corners of the mask until it "pops" loose, then lift the mask from the keyboard. Remove the four keyboard mounting screws (two on each side). (4) (5) (6) Disconnect the keyboard cable connector which is visible through an access hole cut in the left side of the control panel. Remove the keyboard by first sliding it to the right then lifting up on the left forward corner and swinging the left side out first, then the right. Set the keyboard aside where it will not be damaged. REPLACEMENT (1) Set the right side of the keyboard into place and then swing the left side into place. (2) Connect the keyboard cable to the keyboard connector. (3) Center the keyboard on its mounting brackets and install the four mounting screws. Tighten the mounting screws down securely. (4) Install the keyboard mask by setting it in place and applying pressure on the forward corners of the mask until its "pops" into place. (5) Install the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (6) Apply power and test the HyTerm. Keyswitch Removal/Replacement Once the keyboard has been removed from the HyTerm, individual keyswitches can be replaced if necessary. The required tools for keyswitch replacement are a low-wattage soldering iron, a solder removal tool, 60/40 rosin-core solder, and a long needle-nose pliers. CAUTION When removing the key tops from the "Press-t Z ~ o « o ...J 8 L",,~O Figure 3-16. Carriage Drive Cable Routing 3-29 HEMOSTAT CLAMP CAPSTAN Figure 3-17. Right-Hand Carriage Drive Cable Installation LEAF SPRING MOUNTING SCREW PARTS CABLE END o CABLE RING HUB LOCKWASHER 083-055 Figure 3-18. Carriage Drive Cable Tension Spring Assembly 3-30 (8) Refer to Figure 3-17. From the capstan, arrange the cable back to the right around the right side pulley CW (bottom rear to front top ), and to the left and CW (front to back) around the carriage drive pulley, with the cable in the drive pulley's upper groove. It will be necessary to allow the capstan to rotate slightly. (9) Protect the carriage drive pulley with heavy paper, and grasp it with a hemostat clamp as shown in Figure 3-17. Hook the hemostat clamp's lower finger ring over the main frame servo motor shield as shown, where the motor's magnetism will help to hold it in position. Rotate the capstan CCW to keep a slight tension on the cable, and to locate the notch on the capstan's inside rim (closest to the motor) as near the top as possible. (10) Place the ball end of the second cable between the capstan and the main frame at the lowest point of the capstan (the ball will not fit between the capstan and the main frame at any other point). Pull the cable up until the ball can be inserted into the notch on the capstan's inside rim and insert the ball into the notch. Run the cable directly over to the left side pulley. There should be no more than 1/4 turn of this cable on the capstan. (11) Arrange the cable around the left side pulley CCW (bottom rear to top front), and back to the right. Carefully route the cable CCW (front to back and back to left) around the carriage pulley in the lower slot of the pulley. Stretch the cable to the left, and thread its free end out through the cable hole in the left side frame. (12) Assemble the hardware items on the free end of the cable, as it protrudes beyond the side of the frame, in the order shown in Figure 3-18. Put the locknut on finger tight only, and avoid twisting the cable. (13) Refer to Figure 3-18. Mount the leaf spring onto the side frame with the screw, flat washer, and lockwasher. Use a TORX T15 screwdriver to tighten the screw down slightly and apply a light spring tension on the cables. (14) Insert the small end of the TORX screwdriver down through the hub of the carriage drive pulley; this prevents the pulley from flipping over and releasing the drive cables. Carefully release the hemostat clamp. Holding the TORX screwdriver handle upright, gently rotate the drive capstan CW to move the carriage pulley left, to a position just to the right of the carriage servo motor, where the pulley hub is accessible up through the bottom alongside the motor. Install the hemostat clamp (with heavy paper protector for the pulley) as shown in Figure 3-13b, and remove the TORX screwdriver. (15) Place the spacer [removed in step (4) above] on top of the carriage drive pulley with the shoulder extending down into the center of the pulley. Position the carriage subassembly over the clamped carriage drive pulley, and insert the shoulder screw through the pulley and spacer, and into the mounting hole on the carriage. Using a TORX T15 screwdriver, tighten down the shoulder screw and remove the hemostat clamp. (16) Perform the printer adjustments described in section 3.4.1. (17) Reinstall the printer into the bottom cover (see 3.3.5 ). (18) Replace the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2 ). (19) Apply power and test the HyTerm carriage movement while printing. 3-31 T6 T5 T4 T7 T8 T9 TOP VIEW "" "" I IS) Diablo Sy,Itlm$ :", .,~C:=-=_!~J 013-00' Figure 3-19. Mother Board Connections Mother 3.3.11 Bo~rd REMOVAL (1) Turn the power off and unplug the power cord from the ac outlet. (2) Remove the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (3) Remove the printer from the bottom cover (see 3.3.5). (4) Using a nut driver, remove the circuit board clamp; disconnect and remove all the circui t boards. (5) Stand the printer up on the front of its main frame, with the bottom facing front (toward you). (6) Disconnect the Molex plug from the mother board located at the left side frame (the right side as you view it). (7) Using a TORX T15 screwdriver, remove the two rear shock mounts from the printer. (8) Using a TORX T15 screwdriver, remove the two mother board mounting bracket screws from the right-side frame and three from the left-side frame. Remove the remaining six mounting screws from the bottom center of the mother board. (9) Carefully flip the mother board over to expose the circuit board sockets and wire connections. Disconnect all the wire connections from the mother board and cut the necessary tie wraps to free the mother board. REPLACEMENT (1) Refer to Figure 3-19. Connect all wire and cable connections to the mother board and replace the necessary tie wraps. (2) Set the mother board in place and check that all wires and cables clear the mother board and frame, and are arranged properly to reach their respective connections. (3) Using a screws, bracket bracket (4) Using a TORX T15 screwdriver, install the two rear printer shock mounts. (5) Connect the Molex connector at the left-side frame to its mate on the mother board. (6) Place the printer back down on its feet and install and connect all the circuit boards and their wire and cable connections. (7) Reinstall the printer into the bottom cover (see 3.3.5). (8) Replace the top cover and accessories (see 3.1.2). (9) Apply power and test the HyTerm. TORX T15 screwdriver, install the six bottom center mother board mounting then the three left-side frame and the two right-side frame mounting screws (a cable clamp is installed on one of the left-side frame mounting screws). Tighten down all the mounting screws. 3-33 3.4 ADJUSTMENTS The HyTerm seldom requires readjustment due to ordinary wear, and no adjustments should be attempted unless a malfunction indicates a specific need. But readjustment is routinely required whenever any of the following components or subassemblies are changed, or where adjustments are distributed to facilitate other maintenance: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Print Head Paper Carrier Subassembly Paper Feed Motor Carriage Subassembly Carriage Drive System (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Ribbon Drive System Paper Clamp Bottom Feed Paper Chute (option) Cover-Open Switch Paper-Out Switch Only the control panel's Alarm Volume adjustment can be performed at will, without affecting operation or other adjustments. 3.4.1 Printer Quality Testing Print Registration 1. Column Registration: The maximum deviation between identical characters in the same column is .010 inch (.254mm) when printing in one direction; .020 inch (.508mm) when printing bidirectional. 2. Line Registration: The maximum deviation between identical characters in the same line is .010 inch (.254mm). [ Does not apply to first character of a line.] NOTE Test methods for the above are totally related to the proper alignment and handling of the paper or form used. Print Quality Test The print quality test below is a method of testing the printer for possible misalignment. But print quality is not attributed to printer alignment alone. Paper thickness, number of copies, the condition of the ribbon, and the position of the Platen Adjust Lever all affect print quality as does the condition to the print head, the straightness of the carriage rails, and the roundness of the platen. Therefore, proper assessment of print quality requires that print samples for evaluation be obtained under standardized conditions. Tests should be made using a new ribbon cartridge on a good grade of bond paper with the Platen Adjust Lever in the second (from the front) detent position. 1. Prepare the printer as described above. (Install a new ribbon cartridge and one sheet of bond paper; set the Platen Adjust Lever to the second detent from the front.) 2. Power up and print a few lines of random characters to allow the ribbon cartridge to stablize. 3. Print a full (132 character) line across the page that includ~s several of the following characters: upper-case E, F, T, Z, and lower-case g, j, p, q, and the underscore. 3-34 4. Observe the print sample for clear character recognition and uniform character intensity across the entire print line. Observe the characters for uniform dot density (or character fill) and edge definition (see Figure 3-20) within a maximum dot edge variation of .003 inch (.076 mm). The following conditions are indicators of possible printer misalignment: * * * * * Characters are too light or too dark. Characters with flat tops (E, F, T, and Z) are faded or lighter along the top edges. Characters extending below the print line (g, j, q, and the underscore) are faded or lighter along the bottom edge. Characters are light or spotty at one end of the print line when compared to the other end. Characters are light or spotty over the entire length of the print line. : - .OO3"MAX. L('076mm) ~r-~-i-~-i-~~-:;:r:;;;;===~t== @oooooo 0000000 o 00 000 .OO3"MAX. (.076mm) Figure 3-20. Dot Matrix Character Edge Variation 3-35 3.4.2 Printer Adjustments Because some adjustments affect others, the printer adjustments should be performed in the sequence outlined in this section. Carrier Assembly 1. Carrier Assembly Bias Shaft @: Check for axial movement of .001 inch (.025 mm) ± .0005 inch (.0127 mm). Adjust the position of the collar on the left end of the shaft as required to achieve this dimension. 2. Platen Position Torque Shaft Check that the set screws in the eccentric collars at each end of this shaft are aligned vertically with each other when the Platen Adjust Lever (D) is fully forward (in first detent), and that the shaft end play is .001 inch (.025 mm) ± .0005 inch (.0127 mm). Adjust one or both eccentric end collars as required to achieve this dimension. Failure of eccentric collars to align as described indicates that the torque shaft is possibly twisted, in which case the proper lateral alignment of the platen will be impossible. 3. Move the Platen Adjust Lever @ back and forth. A positive detenting force must be felt for each position. Adjust the detent plate as required to achieve an even de tenting action. The carrier assembly must move equally at both ends within .002 inch (.051 mm) in increments of .005 inch (.127 mm) ± .002 inch (.051 mm) between detent positions. © ® : ® Figure 3-21. Carrier Assembly Adjustment Points 3-36 Figure 3-22. Paper Feed Adjustment Points Paper Feed Assembly Refer to Figure 3-22 for Paper Feed adjustment points. With the Paper Release Lever @ fully forward, the Paper Feed Rollers @ must clear the Platen by .08 inch (2.03 mm) minimum. The paper feed system may be adjusted as follows to achieve this and other goals: ® 1. Insert four sheets of standard forms paper (.012 inch or .305 mm) and move the paper release lever fully rearward. 2. Ensure that the torque ~ft arm tabs roller support arm slots \SJ . 3. Ensure that the paper release actuator @ is touching the ramp on the paper release lever Loosen the actuator's set screw and adjust the actuator to achieve this condition, then retighten the set screw. 4. Remove the four sheets of paper, and insert one strip of paper 1 inch (25.4 mm) wide, or a .004 inch (.102 mm) shim, between the front paper feed rollers and the platen. Check that both platen and rollers rotate when the strip, or shim, is pulled free. Repeat for all rollers, front and rear. If no rotation occurs, the torque shaft arm Tabs B have been pushed down too low. ® ® are touching the lower edge of the feed ®. 3-37 Figure 3-23. Platen Drive Adjustment Points Platen Drive Assembly Refer to Figure 3-23 for Platen Drive Assembly adjustments points. must have between With the paper feed motor drive gear @ locked, platen drive gear .0005 inch (.0127 mm) minimum to .002 inch (.051 mm) maximum play, including idler gear 1. Loosen the paper feed motor mounting screws @ , and remove the platen. ® ©. 2. 3. 4. ® © © Locate the idler gear and turn the eccentric counterclockwise ONLY until a and motor gear @. (Clockwise minimum backlash is obtained between gear rotation of this eccentric will make proper installation of the platen impossible.) for no binding effect for a full 3600 of rotation. Check the idler gear Install the platen. Rotate the paper feed motor mounting plate around mounti~ screw @ to achieve th~ear play dimenisions described above between gear~ and Tighten screws ® . © ©. 3-38 1 .0006" t..OOO4" (.015mmi: .OIOm.) Figure 3-24. Front Guide Bearing Adjustment Points Carriage Front Guide Bearing Assembly Refer to Figure 3-24 for Carriage Front Guide Bearing adjustment points. Under normal operating conditions and preventive maintenance activity, the carriage sliding bearings should not require corrective maintenance. All carriage assemblies including replacement units have their front bearings carefully adjusted at the factory, and should not require further post-installation adjustment in the field. Malfunction in this area, however, can effect carriage movement and print quality. If the carriage assembly is replaced for any reason, the front bearing should be checked for proper clearance and, if necessary, adjusted as follows: 1. Make sure the upper bearing stud @ is firmly tightened. 2. 3. 4. Adjust the lower bearing eccentric (B) as required to achieve a clearan~of .0006 inch (.015 mm) ± .0AQ4 inch (.010 min) between the lower bearing block \S) and the printer's front rail ® . Test the bearing clearance at several points along the front rail to ensure that the rail has not become worn. Tighten eccentric @and lubricate the rails (see 3-39 Platen-To-Print Head Adjustment The Platen-to-Print Head adjustment is essential for optimum print quality. A special Platen-to-Print Head Adjustment Tool (Diablo No. 24708) must be used along with the following procedure: 1. Remove the print head from the carriage assembly (see 3.3.6). 2. Install the Platen-to-Print Head tool onto the carriage assembly as shown in Figure 3-25. The tool is correctly aligned for use when its two mounting thumbscrews have been threaded in smoothly, completely, and are finger tight. Figure 3-25. Platen-To-Print Head Adjustment Tool Installation 3-40 Refer to Figure 3-26 for Platen-to-Print Head adjustment points. 3. Loosen the front eccentric lockbolt A on each side of the printer, and orient the eccentrics as shown. 4. Loosen the two rear eccentric clamp screws on each side of the printer with a TORX T15 screwdriver, then loosen the rear eccentric clamp bolt B on each side of the printer. 5. Slide the carriage from end to end, stopping at several points to rotate the platen while checking the tool-to-platen clearances. Check for an average of .010 inch (.254 mm) ± .001 inch (.025 mm) clearance between the platen surface and the tool face 'A'. Adjust both rear eccentrics as required to achieve this goal. Tighten the two clamp screws on each side of the printer and recheck the clearance to ensure nothing has moved out of adjustment. Tighten the eccentric lockbolts B on each side of the printer. Slide the carriage from end to end, stopping at several points to rotate the platen while checking the tool-to-platen clearances. Check for an average of .010 inch (.254 mm) ± .001 inch (.025 mm) clearance between the platen surface and the tool face 'B'. Adjust both front eccentrics as required to achieve this goal. Hold each adjusted eccentric with a 7/16" wrench while tightening its lockbolt. Recheck the clearances to ensure nothing has moved out of adjustment. 6. 7. 8. Remove the tool and reinstall the print head (see 3.3.6). , . . - - - - MANIFOLD LEVER FORWARD TO 2ND DETENT ( .Z54_:.t.OZ5",.) -~""'-.OIO·1:.00I- _ - - CLAMP SCREWS (TORX #15) TOOL ' - - - - REAR ECCENTRIC (BOTH SID£S) ( 7/16- WRENCH) IDLER GEAR MAY BE REMOVED ' - - - - FRONT ECCENTRIC (BOTH SIDES) ( 7/16· WRENCH ) Figure 3-26. Platen-To-Print Head Adjustment Points 3-41 Variable Adjust Platen Knob's End Play Adjustment The variable adjust (right hand) platen knob's end play must not exceed .002 inch (.051mm) maximum. Refer to Figure 3-27 for the variable adjust platen knob's end play adjustment. 1. Loosen the set screws in the platen release gear hub achieve the desired clearance. 2. Retighten the set screws in the platen release gear hub • @ and adjust the hub to .002" MAXIMUM (.O!ilmm) Figure 3-27. Variable Adjust Platen Knob's End Play Adjustment 3-42 3.937 ( 10 CM) 1-4-- ] .130 (.33CM) DEFLECTION AT 16.5 j; 2.2LB LOAD (7.4 kO ± 1.0kg) 1.968 (5CM) Figure 3-28. Carriage Drive Cable Adjustment Carriage Drive Cable Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-28 for Carriage Drive Cable adjustments. With the carriage positioned against the right-hand stop, check the cable tension midway along the exposed cable for a force of 16.5 lbs ± 2.2 Ibs (7.4 kg ± 1.0 kg) necessary to distort the cable as shown. NOTE If the Tensionmeter listed under tools at the front of this section is not used, the dimensions between force points shown must be carefully followed. 1. Adjust cable tension by tightening or loosening cable tension nut B while holding the square cable shank A from turning. 2. After adjusting the nut B ,move the carriage back and forth several times to redistribute cable tension, and recheck. Use Loctite on nut B after adjustment has been completed. 083-010 Figure 3-29. Ribbon Drive Cable Adjustment Ribbon Drive Cable Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-29 for Ribbon Drive Cable adjustment. The Ribbon Drive Cable tension must be adjusted to provide adequate drive while not unduly impeding carriage motion or straining the cable. To adjust the cable, start with a properly lubricated carriage, then install a ribbon cartridge and proceed as follows: 1. Move the carriage back and forth slowly at least 6 inches (15.24 cm) each way from machine centerline while tightening the cable locknut A on the right end of cable B 2. Tighten slowly until the ribbon drive is observed to rotate without slipping during a full carriage motion. Then add 1/2 to 3/4 turn (180° to 270°) to locknut A. 3-43 Figure 3-30. Ribbon Drive Gear Adjustment Ribbon Drive Gear Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-30 for Ribbon Drive Gear adjustments. The Ribbon Drive system~cludes two opposing spring clutch gears ( driving a ribbon capstain ®, and being driven from a cable pulley gear backlasfiis adjusted as follows: 1. 2. @ Y. e ) and The s~em Hold clutch gear stationary. Rotate the eccentric mounting screw (j;) of cable pulley gear @ clockwise ONLY to achieve a .003 i~ (.08 mm) Y.002 inch (.05 mm) backlash between pulley @and clutch gear 0 Move the carriage from ~ to side and check for a full 360 of clockwise rotation of ribbon capstan without evidence of binding or slippage. 8 . 3. t(1) ® 3-44 Paper Clamp Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-31 for Paper Clamp adjustments. The Paper Clamp extends the full length of the pIa ten, and is held in place by the two rear carriage rail clamp's rear hold-down screws. The Paper Clamp assembly will seldom require adjustment, except when the rear carriage rail has been removed and replaced. To adjust, proceed as follows: 1. Loosen the two rear mountin~crews each end of the carriage rail 2. Push the paper clamp assem* go and retighten the screws ®. ® from the rear carriage rail clamps at © back toward the platen @ as far as it will 0J . Figure 3-31. Paper Clamp Adjustment 3-45 "..-I I \ / ,/ ~ ........ "\ \ \ 083-050 083-051 b. a. Figure 3-32. Bottom Feed Paper Chute Adjustment 3-46 Bottom Feed Paper Chute Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-32 for Bottom Feed Paper Chute adjustments. The Bottom Feed Paper Chute is an optional feature, not found on all HyTerms. Its use requires that a forms tractor be used along with the standard friction-feed platen. To properly adjust the paper chute, proceed as follows: 1. Make sure the following adjustments are correct before adjusting the bottom feed paper chute: (a) Platen-To-Print Head (see (b) 2. Paper-Feed Assembly (see Remove the Paper Clamp @, and replace its rail clamp mounting screws (Vfinger tight. Loosen all other screws except those holding the paper chute's bottom flanges @. 3. Move the paper release and platen adjust levers fully forward. 4. Adjust the paper chute down as low as possible, tighten the four forward facing screws @. See Figure 3-32a. 5. 6. Remove screws Install paper clamp @, adjust paper clamp and paper chute back toward the platen See Figure 3-32a. as far as possible. Tighten screws 7. Adjust the dimples of the paper out bail @ to touch the front paper chute cruat both ends. Tighten set screws located in hubs at each end of paper out bail See Figure 3-32b. 8. Adju~micro switch to just res~ .025 - .040 inch ~ore dimples of paper out bail @ touch front paper chute ®. Tighten screws \.!). See Figure 3-32b. Bail minimum movement should be .100 inch at tangent of dimples. If not, form switch arm and readjust the switch per step 7. Note: Bail must move freely. ® 0. 0. ®. ® 3-47 3.4.3 Control Panel Alarm Volume Adjustment Refer to Figure 3-33 for the Control Panel Volume Adjustment. There is a potentiometer on the control panel that can be adjusted to change the Alarm buzzer volume. To adjust, proceed as follows: 1. Remove access cover to expose the switch portion tof the control panel. 2. Using a small blade screwdriver, adjust the Alarm buzzer volume control potentiometer until the desired volume is obtained. To test the alarm after each adjustment, depress the RESET keyswitch on the keyboard and then attempt to print a character (Cover-Open error will occur). - EVEN ONONON - - I[~~I~II ODD ON ETX ON ON 11!!!1Ir11l11 0 I IAUTO CR LINE PARITY REV CHAN - EOT CR ETX TEST. liE OT - @ ~ o~ FI 5 AMP 00 115V SB o 083-011 Figure 3-33. Control Panel Alarm Volume Adjustment 3.4.4 Power Supply Adjustment Adjustment of the power supply should not normally be required unless power supply components have been replaced. Proper adjustment of the power supply requires use of a variable load, so these adjustments should not be attempted in the field. It is recommended that power supply adjustment problems be referred to the nearest Diablo service depot. The following information is provided for Diablo service depot personnel. NOTE For locations of the various potentiometers mentioned in the following procedures, refer to the assembly drawing following schematic no. 400062-XX in the schematics/reference section. All output readings should be taken with a digital voltmeter. 3-48 Overvoltage Protection Disconnect the power supply outputs from the terminal and connect a dummy load to the +5V output which draws approximately 1 amp. While monitoring the +5V output, adjust pot R22 clockwise and note the maximum voltage obtainable (after which the overvol tage circuit takes over and causes the output to drop). This should be between +5.5V and +6.3V, preferable around +6.0V. Adjust pot R23 on the control module (the small circuit board attached to the power supply's main circuit board) clockwise to trigger the overvoltage circuit at a highter point, or counterclockwise for a lower point. NOTE If the put put reaches +6.3V before triggering the OVP circuit, the SCR "crowbar" circuit may trigger, requiring removal of input power before the power supply can restart. If this occurs, turn off power, turn pots R23.on the control module and R22 both counterclockwise slightly, restore power, and continue the test as described. Current Limit This adjustment should be made with the input voltage at a nominal valu~-not at either of its extremes. This is, the input voltage should be as close to 115V (or 230V) as possible. This adjustment also requires that the outputs be loaded so that the power supply delivers about 320 watts of total power. CAUTION Maintain this power level for no longer than 30 seconds while making this adjustment. Adjust pot R19 until the output begins to drop off at the 320 watts total power point. Output Voltage With the power supply connected to the terminal, adjust pot R22 to obtain +5.0V +1 V, at Mother Board connector T15 (refer to Figure 3-19). Check the +15V, -15V and +48V readings at Mother Board connectors T15, TIl, and T18, respectively. If these readings are not within,::, 5%, some problem exists and must be corrected before proper adjustment can be made. NOTE The power supply must be connected to the terminal for this adjustment. Accurate adjustment cannot be make without a proper connected to the +5 output. 3-49 3.4.5 Cover-Open Switch Adjustment Before attempting an adjustment, be sure that the top cover fits the bottom cover properly, and that the access cover fits the top cover properly, and is tight. Adjust and/or from the access cover clamp springs (replace if necessary) to tighten the access cover. If switch adjustment is still necessary, proceed as follows: For a minor adjustment, form the small protrusion on the bracket inside the bottom center of the access cover. If further adjustment is necessary, it may be necessary to shift the entire bracket up or down slightly. Check the adjustment by making sure the switch operates each time the access cover is opened or closed. Paper-Out Switch Adjustment 3.4.6 This switch is functional only when a forms tractor or pin-feed platen is used. When a friction-feed platen is used (without forms tractor), the switch is held in its nonoperated (paper in) position by the paper release lever's being in its rearward position. When the paper release lever is moved to its forward position, the switch operating mechanism is unlocked and allowed to sense the paper-~out condition. Before starting this adjustment, make sure that the Platen-T -Y VCC-14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs Outputs 7404 1 UnIt Loads 10 Unit Loads 74LS04 .2 UnIt Loads 5 Unit Loads 4-7 7405 1 UnIt Load 10 Unit Loads TTL Quad 2-1 nput AND Gate TTL Quad 2-lnput AND Gate, Low Power Schottky Part No.1 0119 Part No. 10210 Logic Symbol ~ ~ ![y- Type 7408 Type 74LS08 Truth Table A B Y L L L H L L L H L :D--v A~11 Y H H H e 13 VCC14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load (.2 for 74LS08) 10 Unit Loads (5 for 74lSOS) TTL Hex Inverter Buffer/Driver Type 7416 Part No. 10390 These driv~!s have high-voltage (up to 15V) open-collector outputs for interfacing with high-level circuits or for driving high current loads. Logic Symbol Alternate Symbol A Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load 25 Unit Loads 4-8 -{>--v TTL Dual 4-lnput NAND Gate Part No.1 0 125 Type 7420 Log ic Sy mbol Truth Table A L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H A 8 C D VCC-14, GND·7. Pins 3& 11 not used. Alternate Symbol A B y C o Loading: Inputs Outputs B C D Y L L L H L L H H L L H H H H L L L L H H H H H H L L L H L H H L H H L L L H H L H H L L L H H L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L 1 Unit Load 10 Unit Loads TTL Quad 2-lnput NAND High-Voltage Interface Gate Part No.1 0120 Type 7426 These gates have high-voltage (up to 15V) opencollector outputs for interfacing with high-level circu its. Logic Symbol AI ternate Symbol :=D-v A~12 II y B 13 VCC·14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load 10 Unit Loads 4-9 Truth Table A L H L H B y L L H H H H H L TTL Quad 2-Input OR Gate TTL Quad 2-lnput OR Gate, Low Power Schottky Type 7432 Type 74LS32 Part No. 10302 Part No. 13082 Logi c Sy mbo I Alternate Symbol 9 I~ ::[J-y Truth Table A L L H H B L H L H y L H H H VCC-14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load (.25 for 74 LS32) 10 Unit Loads (5 for 74LS32) Part No. 42408-01 TTL 4-Wide AND-OR-INVERT Gate Logic Sy mbol A Y B C o VCC-14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs .25 U nit Load Outputs 5 Unit Loads 4-10 = AB+CDE+FGH+IJ Type 74LS54 Type 7474 Type 74LS74 Part No. 10139 Part No. 13085 TTL Dual 0 Flip-flop TTL Dual 0 Flip-Flop, Low Power Schottky The 7474 contains two Ootype edge-triggered flip-flops with direct preset and clear inputs. A low level on the preset or clear input will set or reset the flip-flop, respectively, regardless of other input condi- tions. When both the preset and clear are high, the logic level on D is transferred to a on the positivegoing edge of the clock. Logic Symbol Timing Waveforms 4 2 P Q D 5 ClK ClK Q~ 6 C Q 0 1 10 P Q 9 Truth Table ClK C 0 8 13 VCC-14, GNO-7 Preset input Data input Clock input Clear input Data outputs P o CLK C o,a Function Preset Clear Clear Set Reset Set Up Inputs 0 Outputs P C 0,0 Inputs Clear H L L H H H Outputs Unit Loads 7474 74LS74 .5 2 .25 1 1 .5 .75 2 5 10 4-11 a Clock 0 Q X X X X X H L H L H* H H L H L No Change •• L X H L X *This configuration is nonstable; that is, it will not persist when preset and clear inputs return to their inactive (high level). Loading: CLK Preset L H L H H H TTL Dual J--K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear Part No. 10138 Type 7476 Logic Symbol Truth Table INPUTS 7 2 p 4 Q 9 15 ClK 16 J Q 12 c CLR H L L H H H H Q K H 10 H H H CLK J K Q Q X X X X X X X X X H L H H H L H L H L L L QO QO H L L H TOGGLE H H C 3 8 VCC - 5 GND 8 - 11 PR L H L ClK Q 14 K p OUTPUTS (083 - 038) Type 7486 Part No. 10303 TTL Quad 2-lnput Exclusive OR Gate Logic Symbol 1 1A~1Y 1B~ ~B 3Y 3A 10 38 Truth Table 2A~2Y 28~ 1~11. 4Y 4A 13 ,48 VCC-14, GND-7 Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load 10 Unit Loads 4-12 INPUTS A L L H H B L H L H OUTPUT Y L H H L TTL Dual Retriggerable One-Shot TTL Dual Retriggerable One-Shot Part No. 10145 Part No. 42313-01 Either of the one-shots in this package can be triggered by a positive-going or a negative-going input, providing the other input is already in the proper state. At least one of the inputs must be removed and re-applied in order to retrig-ger-l1l"e--ae-vlce-~------A-Tow-orrlfie-C-fnpllL--terminates the output pulse immediately. The length of the output pulse is dependent upon external timing components. Type 74123 Type 74LS123 Alternate Symbols Q A Logic Symbol B Q Q Q c C (C) (RIC) 14 15 A 2 Q 13 B -4 C Q 3 Truth Table (c) (RIC) 7 9 A 10 Q CLEAR 5 L X X B C Q H H 12 X H X L L 11 Loading: INPUTS A 74123 Clear 2 Unit Loads Other Inputs 1 Unit Load Outputs 10 Unit Loads 4-13 B X X L H H 74LS123 .25 Unit Load .25 Unit Load 5 Unit Loads OUTPUTS Q Q L L L H H H BCD/Decimal Decoder/Driver, Low Power Schottky Type 74LS145 Part No. 10172-29 This BCD-to-decimal decoder/driver consists of eight inverters and ten 4input NAND gates. The inverters are connected in pairs to make BCD input data available for decoding by the NAND gates. Full decoding of BCD input logic ensures that all outputs remain off for all invalid (10-15) binary input conditions. Logic 15 14 13 12 A B e 0 S~mbol 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 vee -16 GND - 8 (083-035) 4-14 TTL Dual 2:4 Decoder TTL Dual 2: 4 Decoder, Low Power Schottky Part No. 10194 Part No. 13090 Type 74155 Type 74LS155 Truth Table Logic Symbol Outputs Inputs 1C A 1Y3 1Y2 lY1 1YO B 2Y3 1G 13 3 2C 2G 2Y2 2Y1 2YO VCC-16, GND-8 Select A B X L L H H X X L L H H X X L H L H X X L H L H X Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load (.25 for 74LS155) 10 Unit Loads (5 for 74LS155) 4-15 Gate 1G Data 1C 1YO 1Y1 1Y2 1Y3 H L L L L X X H H H H L H L H H H H H H L H H H H H H L H H H H H H L H 2G 2C 2YO 2Y1 2Y2 2Y3 H L L L L X X L L L L H H L H H H H H H L H H H H H H. L H H H H H H L H TTL 4-Bit Synchronous Binary Counter TTL 4-Bit Synchronous Binary Counter, Low Power Schottky All fl i p-flops s i mu Itaneously, so in this chip are clocked all output changes occur Type 74161 Type 74lS161 Part No. 10335 Part No. 13091 simultaneously. A low on the Clear input overrides other inputs, and drives all outputs low. Timing Waveforms Logic Symbol CLEAR~ ----tu LOAD {:==: === r- DATA INPUTS 4 -l :- -l := 8 I CLOCK-~ ENABLE c :,~I------~~__~r--- P -----::-'. ENAB{LE : ===: 8 VCC-16, GND-8 -H CARRY _ _ Loading' Unit Loads Inputs LOAD CLK, EN-T Other Outputs 1 .5 .5 .25 2 1 10 - L _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~---:--:___-....JnL----------- I CLEAR -l. 1. 2. 3. 4. r - : - - I - ===U,-'---:-----:----:..._________ 4 __ 74lS161 ! 2---:: ~: _ _ _ ;L--~:-=--=--=-~__---, au TP U T S 74161 - . :12 :13 14 I J-.-L PRESET 15 c: 0 COUNT • I- 5 INPUTS H L X f t t t t EN-P EN-T X X· X X· X X X X l H l H L l H H - Clear outputs to zero Preset to binary twelve Count to thirteen. fourteen, fifteen. zero. one, and two. Inhibit Truth Table ClK INHIBIT LOAD C A.B,C,o OUTPUTS X X· X X X l X X X L H DATA H H H H H H H H X X X X No Change No Change All lOW Preset to A,S,C,D. input data No 'Change No Change No Change Count Up • Avoid changes to inputs while ClK is low. 4-16 Type 74175 Part No. 10337 TTL Quad D Flip-Flop with Clear This positive-edge-triggered flip-flop utilizes TTL circuitry to implement D-type flip-flop logic, with a direct clear input and complementary outputs from each flip-flop. Data at the D inputs meeting the set-up time requirements is transferred to the Q outputs on the positive going edge of the clock pulse. Clock triggering occurs at a particular voltage level and is not directly related to the transition time of the positive-going pulse. When the clock unput is at either the high or low level, the D input signal has no effect at the output. Logic Symbol Alternate Symbol r------, 4 - 10 10 >CLK C 10 ~ 5 202Q 4~ -~CLK C2Q 4~ 2 3D 30 u- ~>CLK C 30 4~ 13 9 1 L. 4 2 1Q 10 3 1Q 7 5 2Q 20 6 2Q 10 12 3D 3Q 11 3Q 13 9 15 4040 CLK 14 C4Q v _ _ _ _ -I 4Q 40 eLK e 2 3 7 6 10 11 15 4Q 14 11 vee - 16 GNO - (083-034) 8 4-17 Synchronous Up/Down Counter with Dual Clock Type 74193 Part No. 10154 Logic Symbol This device is a synchronous up/down 4-bit binary counter. Synchronous operation is provided by having all flip-flops clocked simultaneously, so that the outputs change together when so instructed by steering logic. 11 () LOAD QA Q8 QC 9 QD 0 5 CU CAR ...., 4 CD 8RW ...., 15 A 1 8 10 C The outputs of the four master-sla ve flip-flops are triggered by a low-to-high transition of either count (clock) input. The direction of counting is determined by which count input is pulsed, while the other count is held high. 3 2 6 7 r"\ 12 r"\ 13 C All four counters are fully program mabIe; ie, each output may be preset to either level by entering the desired data at the inputs while the load input is low. The output will change independently of the count pulses. 14 VCC - 16 GND - 8 (083-032) A clear input, when taken to a high level, forces all outputs to the low level, independent of the count and load inputs. The clear, count, and load inputs are buffered to lower the drive requirements of clock drivers, etc., required for long words. 4-18 TTL 4-Bit Parallel-Access Shift Register Part No. 10191 Type 74195 Data can be loaded into this register either serially or in parallel. When Parallel Enable (PE) is low, parallel data is loaded into the flip-flops on every positive-going clock. When PE is high, data is shifted from the J and K inputs to flip-flop 0, and from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, at each positive-going clock transition. A Iowan the Clear (C) input overrides all other controls. Logic Symbol 9 PE 2 4 ~ 6 7 10 J K piJ QiJ PI QI P2 02 P3 03 elK I~ 14 13 03 C VCC-16, GND-8 Truth Table C PE Inputs CLK J L H H H H H H X X L H H H H H H L X OOn • ••• • L K Po-P3 X X X X X X abcd L L H H L H L H X X X X X X 00 01 L a OOn L OOn OOn H L b 01n OOn OOn OOn OOn - High Low Irrelevant State of 00 before positive transition of CLK Loading: Inputs Outputs 1 Unit Load 10 Unit Loads 4-19 Outputs 02 L c 02n 01n 01n 01n 01n 03 03 L d 03n 02n 02n 02n 02n H d 03n 02n 02n 02n 02n - Clear Parallel Load No Change } Shift TTL 8-bit Addressable Latch TTL 8-bit Addressable Latch, Low Power Schottky Part No. 10339 Part No. 13094 This is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and being a one-of-eight decoder and demultiplexer with high-active outputs. It incorporates a low-active common clear for resetting all latches, as we" as a low-active enable. remain in their previous state and are unaffected by the data or address inputs. When operating as an addressable latch, changing more than one bit of the address could impose a transient wrong address. Therefore, this should only be done while E is HIGH. _ Type 74259 Type 74LS259 In the one-of-eight decoding or demultiplexing mode, the addressed output wi" follow the state of the 0 input, with all other outputs in the LOW state. There are two modes of operation, shown in the Function Table. In the addressable latch mode, when E is LOW, data on the data line (D) is written into the addressed latch. The addressed latch will follow the data input, with all nonaddressed latches remaining in their previous states. When E is HIGH all latches When E is HIGH and C is LOW a" outputs are LOW and unaffected by the address and data inputs. Logic Diagram Logic Symbol ONLY ONE LATCH SHOWN FOR CLARITY A2 - - - - t ;'::>-411....a >-----....---+-- ...... ~---_r_ A1 A2 A f/) - - - - 4 :oc:>-tI....-a '>----11-+--+-...... D ----'[--.... E ~----TlT-~~~ A1 A0 o E c C \ TO OTHER LATCHES VCC-16, G ND-8 Function Table Inputs Outputs C E 0 L L L H H H L L H L L H L H X L H X Loading: Unit Loads 742,59 74LSZ59. Inputs I I Outputs E Other 1.5 1 6 .25 .25 5 4-20 Addressed Latch Others L H L L H No Change L L L No Change No Change No Change Mode } Demultiplexer Clear } Addressable Latch Part No.1 0197 Part No. 13096 TTL Hex Bus Driver, Three-State TTL Hex Bus Driver, Three-State, Low Power Schottky Logic Symbol -I 12 I 3 1 4 5 6 7 9 12 I 11 I I 14 I 13 I t5 I 1_ _ VCC-16, GND-8 Loading: Unit Loads 74367 74LS367 Inputs (Gate enabled) Outputs 1 .25 20 10 4-21 Type 74367 Type 74LS367 MOS 8-bit Microprocessing Unit Part No. 42338 This is a single chip 8-bit parallel microprocessor wh i ch forms a microcomputer system when interfaced with any type or speed of standard semiconductor memory up to 64K 8-bit words and an I/O device. The MPU inputs and outputs data over an 8-bit bi-directional three-state data bus (D(}DJ). It addresses memory and I/O devices over a 16-bit three-state memory address bus (A(}A 15). It is driven by two 12-volt non-overlapping clocks, ~1 and ~2. There are four input signals, INT (Interrupt), ROY (Ready), HOLD, and RST (Reset). Output signals include INTE (Interrupt Enable), OBI N (Data Bus In), WR (Write), SYNC, WAIT, and HLDA (Hold Ackn owl edge) . The 8OS0A uses its internal stack pointer to access external memory, allowing it to handle mUltiple-level priority interrupts. This also allows adequate subroutine nesting .. Type 80S0A Logic Symbol +5V vec O~ 01 The 8080A contains a register array made up of six 1&bit registers: a Program Counter, a Stack Pointer, and four register "pairs," each made up of two 8-bit registers. One of these is the Temporary Register, called W/l, which is used for the internal execution of instructions. The other three are working registers, called B/C, O/F, and H/L. The six general purpose registers can be used as either single 8-bit registers or 16-bit register pairs; W/Z is not program addressable. 02 03 04 05 06 07 +12V 28 VOO A~ A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 AS A7 A8 A9 22 The 8080A also contains an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), containing an 8-bit accumulator (ACC), an 8-bit temporary accumulator (ACT), an 8-bit temporary register (TMP), and a 5-bit flag register. All arithmetic and logic instructions are performed in th is section. 15 The third major part of the 8080A contains the Instruction Register, Instruction Decoder, and all ti ming and control logic. The last major portion is the Data Bus Buffer, a 3-state bi-directional 8-bit latch that serves to isolate the the MPU's internal data bus from the external bus. 11 12 RST SYNC HOLD GND The instruction set consists of over 100 different instructions, which provide conditional and u ncon d i tional branching, decimal and binary arithmetic, and logical, register-to-register, stack control, memory reference, and I/O instructions. Up to 256 input ports and 256 output ports can be addressed. Instructions may be either one, two, or three 8-bit bytes in length. Memory can be referenced four ways: direct, register, register indirect, and immediate. Non memory-reference instructions can be executed in 2 microseconds when a 2 MHz clock is used. The sequential program execution can be interrupted by driving the INT input high. HLDA 24 WAIT vee 11 -5V Loading: Outputs 4-22 1.2 Unit Loads Mnemonic Of\CfiptiGn Iry MOV rl, r2 MOV M,I MOVr,M MOlle rt9,s!!r 10 register fIIo.,e /tgister 10 memory Mo~ memory to register HilI Move immedllte register Move immediate memory Increment register Decrement register Increment memory Decrement memory Add regiuer to A Add register to A with tlrry Subtract regiuer f,am A Subtrlct regl!'!1 from A with borrow And register With A Exclu'i~ Or legister with A Or register with A Compile regitt" with A Add memory to A Add memory to A WIth carry Subtract memory from A Subtract memory from A with borrow ~nd memory with A Elclusi~ Or memory with A 0, memory with A Compile memory with A Add immediate !o A Add immed,a" to A with tlrfy Subtract i,.,..med,lte f,am A Subtract immediate from A wim borrow And immedilte with A Excl""lIe Or immed,ate with A Or imm~dilte with A Compare immedl.te with A Rotl" A left ROllte A right Rotate A left through tlrry Rotlte A light through tlrry JUl'lP uncondltlonll Jump on tiny Jump on no ~rry Jump on lero Jump on no rero Jump on positive Jump on minus Jump on pa"ty e\lfn Jump on PI"ty odd C.II unconditional C.II on Cllly C.II on no tarry Cetl on lflO Call on no lero C.II on poslt've Cp.II on monus e.1! on """ty e~n C,II on PI"ty odd Return hftUfn on tftrry Return on 00 carry o o o o o o o o o o HlT MVI I MVIM lNR I OCR I INR M OCR M ADO r ADC r SUB r S8B r ANAr XRA r ORAr eMPr ADD M AOC M SU8 M S88 M ANA M XRA M ORA M CMPM ADI ACI SUI S81 ANI XRI ORI CPI RlC RRC RAl RAR JMP JC JNC JZ JNZ JP JM JPE JPO CAll !;.C CNC CZ CNZ CP CM CPE CPO RET RC RNC o 1 o 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 1 D 1 D D 1 1 0 o 0 1 1 0 0 o o o o o o o o o s DOS IDS D 0 1 0 D D 1 0 D 0 o o 1 1 1 RZ RNZ RP RM RPE RPO RST IN OUT lXI 8 o o o 1 0 10 0 5 5 1 1 o o o o S S S 1 S S S S S S S S S lXI H S S S S lXI SP PUSH B S S S S S S 10 10 4 lXI S o o o o o o PUSH H o o POP B PUSH PSW POP D 1 o o o o 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 POP PSW o o o o o l' 1 1 o o o o o 1 1 o o o 0 1 0 0 1 1 STA LOA XCHG XTHl SPHl PCHl DAD 8 o o 1 0 0 DAD 0 DAD H DAD SP 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 10 0 17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11117 0 0 o 1 0 STAX B STAX D lOA X 1:1 LOAX D INX B INX D INX H INX SP OCX 8 OCX 0 DCX H DCXSP CMA STC CMC 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 o o o o o o 1 o o o o o 0 0 DAA 11/17 11/17 0 SHlD lHlO EI 01 11117 10 5/11 5111 0 1 0 0 HOP Register I ODD or SSS A 111 I I B 000 I I C 001 I I D 010 I I E 011 I 1 H 100 I I L 101 I I Mem 110 2) Two possible cycle times (11/17 or 5/11) indicate instruction cycles dependent on condition flags. 3) After a Restart instruction, the next instruction is fetched from memory at the address eight times AAA. 4-23 D:J ~ 0 o C 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 n A 1 A 1 1 0 1 1 o 1 o o o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o 10 0 0 o 10 o 0 o o o 11 o o 11 o o 11 o o 11 o o 0 o 1 o \ o o 1 1 0 0 1 1 o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 10 0 o 10 o 0 o 10 0 0 0 o o o 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 o 0 0 1 0 I! 010 1 1 0 o o o o o 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 C o 010 1 1 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 001 0 o o 0 0 0 o o 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 o 10 7 7 7 5 7 5 5 5 0 1 1 13 13 4 18 5 5 10 10 10 1 o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 1 1 10 10 o o o o 1 1 o 1 1 o o 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 1 o o o 0 0 o o Cycle, 000 A o o Do 0 010 o , Cloeld2! D, 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5111 5/11 11 10 10 10 0" E 0" Pop regluer plir H & L off ,tick Pop A and FIlgs off st.ck Store A dKect lold A direct Excha,. 0 & E, H & l Registers hchlngt top of st.ck, H & l H & l to st.ck pointer H & l 10 progrlm counter Add B & C te H & l Add 0 & E to H & l Add H & l to H & l Add stick pointer to H & l StOle A induect Store A indirect lold A indirect lOld A indrrect Increment 8 & C registers Increment 0 & E registers Increment H & l IIlJlsters Increment stick pointer Oecrrment 8 & C Decr~ment 0 & E Decrement H & l Oecrement Slick oointer Complement A Set carry Complement Clrry DeCimal Idlust A Store H & l direct Loed H & l duect En.blt Interrupts DISIIble interrupt No-operation Notes: ) 04 o o , o o 0 Push A Ind Flags on stick Pop register pau B & C Pop register pair 0 & POP H 0 1 1 Return on lero Return on no zero Return on positive Return on minus' Return on parity even Return on plrity odd Reslln(3) Input Output lo.d immediate register Plir B & C lold immedilte rt!!ist" Pair 0 & E Load i",mediue register Pair H & l lOid immediate stick pointer Push register P,ir 8 & C on st.ck Push register PIli 0 & E on stack Push register P,ir H & l on Il& Os stICk o o o o Iry stICk o o 0 Dneription SIKk o o 1 0 D PUSH D o 0 o o Mnemonic Cycles S S S 0 1 1 Instruction Code (t ) Clock(2) Imtluctlon Code (I) 04 03 ~ 0 1 Do Os Os o o o o '1 o o o o o o o 1 Type 8080A (Continued) Part No. 42338 MOS 8-bit Microprocessing Unit 1 1 1 1 o 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 4 M2 OPCODE MNEMON~C T1 T212l T3 T5 T4 MOVr1.r2 o 1 0 0 o S S S MOVr.M o 1 0 0 o 1 1 0 MOVM.r o 1 1 1 o S S S (SSS)-TMP (HL) ________~~~~Pr PCOUT STATUS PC PC +1 INST~TMP/IR (TMP)-OOD (SSS)~TMP T212l Tl X[3J .......•.... .... ' '.', HLOUT STATUS[6] .'. -:. DATA-.ODO HL OUT STATUS[7J (TMP)-~DATA SPHL 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 MVI r. data o 0 0 0 o 1 1 0 X MVI M. data o 0 1 1 o 1 1 0 X LXI rp. data o 0 R P o 0 0 1 X PC LOA addr o 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 X PC-PC+l STA addr o 0 1 1 o 0 1 0 X PC=PC+l LHLD addr o 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 X PC SHLD addr o 0 1 0 o 0 1 0 x LOAX rp[4J o 0 A P 1 0 1 0 x STAX rpl4] o 0 A P o 0 1 0 x XCHG 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 ADOr 1 000 o S S S (SSS)-TMP (A)-ACT ADDM 1 0 o 1 (A)-ACT (HU 1 BUS ...;:;:;:: :::::'.' '.... '.'<::.'. T3 B2 -f.DDDD PC OUT STATUS[6J B2--.· MP .... .... :::: ~ , PC+l PC + 1 PC OUT STATUS[6] DATA-.A rp OUT STATUS[6] '::~{}:f:: (AI --.DA· rpOUT STATUS17] BUS ::::::: •....... ::::::::. mE) '.~ 0 0 1 0 (ACT)+(TMP)-A ;.: .', ADI data 1 1 0 0 o 1 1 0 ADCr 1 0 0 0 1 S S S HLOUT STATUS[6] (A)-ACT PC OUT STATUS(6) PC = PC + 1 (SSS)~TMP [9] (ACT)+(TMP)+CY-A ,•.r.................... (A)-ACT rA-~TMP ADCM 1 000 1 1 1 0 (A)-ACT HLOUT STATUS[6J ACI data 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 (A)~ACT PC OUT STATUS(6J PC SUB r 1 0 0 1 o S S S (SSS)~TMP 19J (ACT)-(TMP)-A PC + 1 B2-f.' (A)-ACT SUB M 1 0 0 1 o 1 1 0 (A)-ACT HLOUT STATUS[6J SUI data 1 1 0 1 o 1 1 0 (A)-ACT PC OUT STATUSI6J PC SBB r 1 0 0 1 1 S S S (SSS)-TMP (A)-ACT 191 (ACT)-(TMP)-CY-A SBB M 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 (A)-ACT HL OUT STATUS[6J SBI data 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 (A)·ACT INR r o 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 '.'"',, PC OUT STATUS[6J 00110100 DCA, o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 OCR M o 0 1 1 o 1 0 1 INX 'P o 0 R P o 0 1 1 B:2-~' PC + 1 i.', ON ~~:::;:;;;~::;;~:;:;:;:: OATA-'" PC = PC + 1 ........-.. ALU-ODO (TMP) + 1-ALU INA M OATA-~' '.' x HLOUT STATUS(6) .,-- (OOO)-TMP (TMP)+l-ALU (AP) + 1 ::::::::::::~ ~;;~;~~~~~~;;~;~~~~;;;; ALU-ODO :.:.: :-:: ::~ :-: X _. ...--, , DATA-.TMP (TMP)+l-.ALU HLOUT STATUS(6) '.".' DATA-.TMP (TMP)-l-.ALU RP -OCXrp o 0 R P 1 0 1 (AP) - 1 1 RP --+---~---~~---+------~------ DAD rplB) o 0 R P 1 0 0 1 OAA o 0 1 0 o 1 1 1 ANA, 1 0 1 0 o S S S o 1 ANAM 1 0 1 0 1 0 x (ril-ACT (L)-TMP (ACT)+(TMPI-ALU (9) (ACT) +(TMPI-A DAA~A. F LAGS[10J '.' (SSS)-TMP (A)-ACT PC OUT STATUS PC = PC + 1 INST-TMP/IA (A)-ACT 4-24 :-: :.: HLOUT STATUS(6) ALu--+L,CY .--------------------------,----~~---~~-~----- ~-----~~ ..------"-~---: J----------.-----~~~-------r_~ T3 T1 fTMP) HLOUT I---S~~~lJS~7J PCOUT STATUS[6J PC ~ PC + 1 B3 PC = B3- - ---~---------- M5 -~-----,-- T1 T3 T2[2J T1 T3 T4 B3~ PC = PC + 1 B3 {{{ :}~{{{{: .......... .rh ~W ~W !--W T5 ::=:::::::=:::=:=:=:=:: ......•................. ................... .DATA BUS PC + 1 PC" PC + 1 PCOUT STATUS[6J -~---- "~- PC = PC + 1 I I ~ M4 M3 WZ OUT STATUS[6J DATA WZOUT STATUS[7J (A)- WZ OUT STATUS[6J WZOUT STATUS[7J ~~~~- ............. .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ ........... DATA BUS DATA-~~~ :::=:::::=:=::::::::::: WZ OUT STATUS[6J WZ = WZ + 1 DATA BUS (U }~:}~:f~{:~ A WZ = WZ + 1 ....................... ....................... ............ ........... . WZOUT STATUS17J ..:.. :-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:. :.:..:..:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ............. .......... . :......................................... ........."........... :.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:.: .. :.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ...............:....:...::.:.. :.. :.:.: .. :....:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:. ~{:~:~:~:}~:~:~: ........... ... ....... . ........... ........... ....................... ........... ............ ~:~:~:~:~: ~:~...... :~:~:~: ~:~:~:~:. }~:~:~:~:~:~:~{: ........... ........... ~:~:~:~: .......... . ........ . [9J (ACT)+(TMP)+CY~·A (ACT)+(TMP)+CY-A .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .................. .. :::=:::=;:::::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ~~~~:t{{t~~ ~:}~{{{:~ :}t{(~{ ~f?): :~~rfrr~~ ~~~tt~ (ACTHTMP)--A r[9J .. ......................... ...................... ............ . ......... . ..................... :.:.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :::::::::::=::::::::: . .......... . .:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .................. [9J ....... ...................... ......................... ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::=::::::::::::: ............................................. .. ........ .......... .............. ... ... . . . . . . . .. ........... ........... ............. ............ ........................ ·•·.· ... 01·.·.·.·.·.·.·. .............................................. ............ .......... ............ ......... ... ........... .......... ........................ ............ .......... . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .. : .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~:~{:~:~:~:~{:~:~:~{:~:~: [9J ...................... ......... .. ................... ............ .......... ........... (ACT)+(TMP)-A ........... ........... ............ .................. [9J .......... ........ . ............ ......... .. .................................. :::::::::;::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::;:::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:. ........... .......... ............ .......... .......... . ::::::::::::::::::::=: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::; ( ACT)-(TMP)~-A :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ......................... ............ ......... . :::::::::::::::::::::: ........... ............. ........... ........... HlOUT STATUS[7J ::=:::::::::=:::=:::: ..................... :=:=:=:=:::=:=:=:=:=::::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=::;=:: ALU -DATA BUS ............ .......... . ............ :..:.:................. .............. ............ :~:}~{{}. ............. ............ . ......... ......... . :::.::.:.:......::::.. :::.:::.:::.::.:.:.: • ..•.. ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ..................... .......... .......... .......... . ........ . .......... .......... .......... .......... :::::::::::::::::::: ........... ALU HLOUT STATUSl7J _ DATA BUS ............. ......... ... ............. ......... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ::::::::::::::~:::::::: :.:.:...:...:......:.... ............. ........... . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.: ::.:.:.:::::-:::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::.:::::::::::::::::=: :::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::".::::::::::::::::::::: .......... . ......... .. ........... ........... ...... ........... ..................... ............ :=:::::=:::: :::::::=::::::::::::::: .................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ..:.:::.':::::::,:::.::,::::,::,,::::,,:,:,:::,::,: :::::::=:=:::::=:::= :::::::::::: ............ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ............ ........... [9J (Acn+(TMP)~A 4-25 MNEMONIC M111] OP CODE M2 T3 T1 T4 0 o 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 S S XRA M 1 0 1 0 1 1 XRI data 1 1 1 0 1 1 ORA, 1 0 1 1 o S S S (A)-ACT (SSS)-TMP ORA M 1 .0 1 1 o 1 1 0 (A)-ACT HLOUT STATUS(S] ORI data 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 0 (A)-ACT PCOUT STATUS(SJ CMP, 1 0 1 1 1 S S S (A)-ACT (SSS)-TMP ANI data 1 XRA, 1 1 peOUT STATUS ~ T2(2) T1 T5 T3 PC + 1 (A)-ACT PC OUT STATUS(SJ PC S (A)-ACT (SSS)-TMP 19J (ACT)+ (TPM)-A 1 0 (A)-ACT HLOUT STATuslSJ 1 0 (A)-ACT PC OUT STATuslSJ PC~PC+l (9J (ACT)+(TMP)-A PC PC + 1 INST-TMP/IR :. ~ DATA PC - PC + 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 (A)-ACT HLOUT STATUslSJ CPI data 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (A)-ACT PC OUT STATUS[SJ PC RLC 000 0 o 1 1 1 (A)-ALU ROTATE [9J ALU-A.CY ARC 000 0 1 1 1 1 (A)-ALU ROTATE [9] ALlJ-A,CY RAL 000 1 o 1 1 1 (A), CY-ALU ROTATE [9) ALlJ-A.CY RAR 000 1 1 1 1 1 (A), CY-ALU ROTATE [9J ALlJ-A,CY CMA 001 0 1 1 1 1 (A)-A CMC o 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 CY-CY STC o 0 1 1 o 1 1 1 l-CY JMP add, 1 1 0 0 o 0 1 1 J cond add,[17J 1 1 C C COl 0 CALL addr 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 SP = sp - 1 ~~2~Js[SJ C cond add,[17J 1 1 C C C 1 0 0 JUDGE CONDITION I F TRUE. SP = SP - 1 RET 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 R cond add,[llJ 1 1 C C COO 0 INST-TMP/IR JUDGE CONDITION[14J RST n 1 1 N N NIl 1 >-+w .:. '~•••~•••~•••~~ -f-' B2· r-' DATA - _TMP = PC + 1 .:.... x t=::: = B2-_' DATA CMPM SP _1 MP (9J .: ::: n ::~ ~:.:.:.: ~~ ~:~ JUDGE CONDITION .•.•. I:;:;::········· ,'. SP - 1 INST-TMPIIR PC OUT STATUS[SJ PC PCOUT STATUS[SJ PC ~ B2 -f-' :.: .•.•.•. PC + 1 B2-f-Z PC + 1 B2 -f-Z PC = PC + 1 B2 PC OUT ST ATUS[S] PC = PC + 1 B2-'f-Z SP OUT STATUS[15J SP = SP + 1 DATA-f-Z SP OUT STATUS[lS) SP = SP - 1 (PCH) -f-DATA BUS ( H U - - - - - - t1 ... PC f-z PCHL 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 PUSH,p 1 1 R P o 1 0 1 SP = SP - 1 ~2~JS[lSJ SP = SP - 1 (,h)-f-DATA BUS PUSH PSW 1 1 1 1 o 1 0 1 SP = SP - 1 SP OUT STATUS[lSJ SP = SP - 1 (A) POPrp 1 1 R P 000 1 x SP OUT STATUS[15) SP = SP + 1 DATA-f-'l POP PSW 1 1 1 1 000 1 x :::'.•....•......• SP OUT STATUS[15) SP = SP + 1 DATA-f-FLAGS XTHL 1 1 1 0 o 0 1 1 x :.: SP OUT STATUS[15J SP = SP + 1 DATA- ~Z IN port 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 x PC OUT STATUS[SJ PC = PC + 1 B2-f-Z. W OUT port 1 1 0 1 o 0 1 1 x PC OUT 5TATUsI6J PC-PC+l B2-f-Z. W EI 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 INST-TMPIIR :.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:•.•.•.•~.. 1 .'. .', :;..... :.; SET INTE F/F .. .•. ...:::::::: :.: .•.•. ..... :....... ...... •.•. ' 01 1 HLT o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 0 o 1 1 RES·ET INTE F/F 1 .'. :.: '.' :~; x 1 0 ::: ."::::: :~:.:.:::::: NOP o 000 o 000 PC OUT STATUS PC - PC + 1 INST-TMPIIR 4-26 x :::: ::: ::: :.' .•... .•.•. PC OUT STATUS ::::: .., f-DATA BUS ;.:.: .'. '.'. ,'. :::.:::.;.:. "'::: ;~~r~:: ~:~:~:~:~:::~:;:.::. HALT MODEI:!>J :::•...••..•',,'.::.:....~..:.....:.::.:.::.:~:~:;:~:~:;: ~'.' .......•:.: , :.:;:N~~~:;:;:~: ,'.' :.:~:.:. :.:.:.: '.' ':.:.:.: M5 M4 M3 ~--------"-.----------------,---------~~---------,---------.,---------~-------------~- T212l Tl 11 T3 [9J (ACT)+(TMP)--A 19J (ACT) +(TMP)-A T3 T1 T2[2] T4 T3 T5 (ACT)+(TMPI--A [9J ............... . . . . .. .......... ........... ........... }~{:~ :~: ~ :~: ~: ~: :~ :~:}~:, .~:~:~:~ :~: ~:~ ~:~: ~:~:~:~: ~: ~:~: ~:~ :: ~:~:~:}~: ~:~: ~:~: ~:~:~: ~: ~:~ :~: ~:~: ~:~:~ -"---------+-""---" - [9[ ~:.~ :.~ :.'~',: ~ :,~',:~ ~ :.~ ',: ~ :.~ ~ :.~ :,~ :.~ :.' ~ :.' ~:.},~ :.~ :.~:.~ :.~ :.' ~ :.' (ACT)+ITMP) -A (ACT) - ITMP) FLAGS [9 [9J T2[2l Tl , -----+-----'---i (ACT) -(TMP) ..... ' .... ,.... ',..', ........ ' .., .. ~:,' ~ :.~ :,~ :.~ :.~ :.~:.~ :.' ~ :.~ :.~ ',: ~ :.~ :=:=;=:::=:::=:::=:=:=:=:::=:=:=:=: I PC PC OUT STATUS[6J FLAGS c PC + 1 B3 - f-W SP OUT STATUS[16] (PCH)---- f-DATA BUS SP : SP - 1 SP OUT STATUS[16J (PCL)- PC + 1 B3 SPOUT STATUS[16] (PCH)~ SP OUT STATUS[16] (PCL)--1 SP: SP - 1 f-W[13] PCOUT STATUS[6J PC SP OUT STATUS[15] SP~SP+l DATA_W SP OUT STATUS[15J SP DATA SPOUT STATUS[16] (TMP c SP + 1 ~ OONNNOOO)(PCL! -z _GATA _DATA BUS DATA BUS ........ ....... DATA BUS ..... FLAGS t I BUS f-DATA BUS :,'. :,' DATA f-rh SP OUT STATUS[15J SP SP + 1 DATA f-A = SPOUT STATUS[15J DATA- f-W WZOUT STATUS(18) DATA :::::::::::::::::::: ............ .. :..:..:.. :..:.:.:.: .. :.: SPOUT STATUS[16] (H)----- -DATA BUS ~A :=:=:::=:=:=:=:::=:::::= SPOUT STATUS[16] ....................................................... =:::=:=;=:=:=:=:::::=::::=:::=::;::::::=:=:=: (A)- ~~TA BUS :::::::::::::::::::::;:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:..:.:...:.:................ :...:...:.. :.: :.:.:.:.:.: . :.:.:.:. :.: . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :. :-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :::::::;:::::::::::::: ::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................... ~ .. SP = SP + 1 WZOUT STATUS!18] ~:,'~,:~.:~.:~.: ~',:~.: ~ ~,: ~.: ~ :,' ~',:~ ~.:~',:~,:~.: ~.:~,:~ :,~.: ~ ~'.:~.;~.:~.: ~.:~,:~:.~'.:~',:~,:~',: ~,:~',:~,: ~,: ~',:~.:~',:~,:~',: ~.,: ~,{,:~,:~,:~:,~-.:~:,'~ ::::;::::::::;:::::: ............................. ........ .. .. .... .. .. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:. :.:.:... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:..:..:.. :.;.:..:.:.:................................................................. .. ::=:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::;::::;:: :::::::::::::::::::: '.: SP OUT STATUS[15J ...: (WZ) + 1 - PC WZOUT STATUS[ll1 (WZ) + 1 - PC WZOUT STATUS[l1,12] (WZ) + 1 - PC (WZ) + 1 - PC SPOUT STATUS[16] SP OUT STATUS[16J :.:.:.:~ WZ OUT STATUS[11,12J ........... :.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:-: ::::::::::::::::::::: 4-27 (L)- - DATA BUS WZOUT ST ATUS[11,12] (WZ) + 1 - PC WZOUT STATUS[ll] (WZ) + 1 -PC NOTES FOR CHART ON PRECEDING PAGES 1. The first memory cycle (M 1) is always an instruction fetch; the first (or only) byte, containing the op code, is fetched duri ng this cycle. 2. If the READY input from memory is not high during T2 of each memory cycle, the processor will enter a wait state (TW) until READY is sampled as high. 13. If the condition was not met, sub-cycles M4 and M5 are skipped; the processor instead proceeds immediately to the instruction fetch (M 1) of the next instruction cycle. 14. If the condition was not met, sub-cycles M2 and M3 are skipped; the processor instead proceeds immediately to the instructi on fetch (M 1) of the next instructi on cycle. 3. States T 4 and T5 are present, as requi red, for operations which are completely internal to the CPU. The contents of the internal bus during T 4 and T5 are available at the data bus; this is designed for testing purposes on Iy. An X" denotes that the state is present, but is only used for such internal operations as instruction decoding. 15. Stack read sub-cycle. 16. Stack write sub-cycle. II 4. rp 5. NZ Z NC C PO PE P M Only register pai rs rp == B (registers B and C) or = 0 (registers 0 and E) may be specified. These states are skipped. 6. Memory read sub-cycles; an instruction or data word wi II be read. 7. Memory write sub-cycle. not zero (Z = 0) zero (Z == 1) no carry (CY == 0) carry (CY = 1) parity odd (P = 0) parity even (P = 1) plus (S = 0) minus (S == 1) 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 18. 1/0 sub-cycle: the 1/0 port's 8-bit select code is duplicated on address lines 0-7 (A - ) and 8-15 O7 (A8- 15 l. 8. The READY signal is not required during the second and third sub-cycles (M2 and M3). The HOLD signal is accepted during M2 and M3. The SYNC signal is not generated during M2 and M3. During the execution of DAD, M2 and M3 are required for an internal register-pair add; memory is not referenced. 19. Output sub-cycle. 20. The processor will remain idle in the halt state until an interrupt, a reset or a hold is accepted. When a hold request is accepted, the CPU enters the hold mode; after the hold mode is terminated, the processor returns to the halt state. After a reset is accepted, the processor_ begins execution at memory location zero. After an interrupt is accepted, the processor executes the instruction forced onto the data bus (usually a restart instruction). 9. The results of these arithmetic, logical or rotate instructions are not moved into the accumulator (A) until state T2 of the next instruction cycle. That is, A is loaded while the next instruction is being fetched; this overlapping of operations allows for faster processing. 10. If the value of the least significant 4-bits of the accumulator is greater than 9 £!: if the auxiliary carry bit is set, 6 is added to the accumulator. If the value of the most significant 4-bits of the accumu lator is now greater than 9, ~ if the carry bit is set, 6 is added to the most significant 4-bits of the accumulator. 11. This represents the first sub-cycle instruction fetch) of the next instruction cycle. cce 17. CONDITION SSS or DOD Value rp Value A 111 000 001 010 B 0 00 01 10 11 B C 0 E (the H L 12. If the condition was met, the contents of the register pair WZ are output on the address lines (A - 15 ) instead of the contents of the program O counter (PC). 4-28 all 100 101 H SP Part No. 42335-XX Part No. 42403-XX TTL 3-line to 8- Line Decoder Type 8205 Type 25LS 138 Logic Symbol 1 A¢ o¢ 01 A1 02 03 04 05 06 07 A2 E1 E2 E3 VCC-16, GND-8 Truth Table AO A1 A2 L L L L L L L H H H L H L L L H H H X X X X X L H X X X X X X X X X Loading: Inputs Outputs H H H H X X X X X X X Inputs E1 Outputs E2 E3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L L L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H L H H H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H L L L L L H H H H H H L H H H H H 8205 .16 Unit Load 6 Unit Loads H H H H H H H H 25LS138 .25 Unit Load 5 Unit Loads 4-29 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H TTL 8-bit I/O Port, Schottky Part No. 42337 Type 8212 Th is device contains an 8-bit latch with three-state output buffers and logic to allow independent control of input and output. It also has an internal Service Request flip-flop for generating interrupts for the MPU. Logic Diagram Logic Symbol 011 001 4 012 013 OS! OS2 014 015 !\olD 016 017 018 OS1 OS2 001 012 002 013 003 014 INT MD STB Oil 005 006 C 007 14 008 VCC-24, GND-12 Function Table Mode Input Output MO L L L L L L H H H Inputs DS1=L OS2=H STB No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 011-8 X L H H L H H L H X H L X X X X H L Outputs 001-8 Internal Latches Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Previous H/L H L Previous H/L H L No Change Load L Load H No Change Load H Load L Read Load H Load L Interrupt Generation Loading: Inputs Inputs C, OS2, D 11-8, STB MO DS1 .16 Unit Load .46 Unit Load .62 Unit Load Outputs 9 Unit Loads OSl=L OS2=H No No No Yes 4-30 C STB L H H L L X • X 5-R ff Output INT H No Change H L X L L TTL Clock Generator/Driver, Schottky Part No. 10215 Type 8224 Clock Generator The device provides the 12 volt, non-overlapping clocks required by the 8080 MPU. The frequency of the output signals is determined by an external crystal (crystal frequency = 9 times clock frequency). It also provides power-up Reset and Status Strobe functions. The clock generator provides the 12 volt 01 and ~2 signals needed by the 8080, plus a ~2 TTL signal for related logic. Status Strobe Logic Sy mbol The SYNC signal from the 8080 is used to generate STSTB (low active) at the earl iest possible moment that the 8080 status data is stable on the MPU data bus (at the beginning of each 8080 machine cycle). This STSTB signal is used by the 8228 System Controller IC. STSTB is also developed when RST is produced. + 12V 9 VOD OSC 12 Reset A pulse is developed automatically at turn-on when power reaches a minimum predetermined value. A level is produced when the RST-IN input is driven low. 2 5 SYNC RSTIN ROY I N STSTB RST Ready The ROY input to the 8080 must meet certain critical timing requirements. An asynchronous signal can be applied to the 8224 on the ROY-IN input, and the ROY output of the 8224 will be synchronized properly with the 8080. RDY VCC-16, GND-8 Loading: Inputs Outputs ROY, RST,STSTB ~2,OSC .16 Unit Load 1.5 Unit Loads 9 Unit loads 4-31 TIL Bus Driver/System Controller, Schottky Part No. 42331 Type 8228 This is a combination bi-directional 8-bit bus driver and system controller for use with the 8080 MPU. Logic Symbol Status Word Chart TYPE OF MACHINE CYCLE ! +sv 28 vee 15 17 O¢ 01 12 02 10 03 6 04 19 OS 13 DB¢ 16 DB1 11 DB2 9 DB 3 DB4 DB S Db DB 6 07 OB7 OBIN INTA WR MEM R HLOA I/O R BUS EN MEM W I/O W STSTB GNO 1 (0 @ G) '4) 7) (8) (9) Qg DO 01 INTA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 WO 1 1 1 0 1 o' 1 1 1 02 STACK 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 04 HlTA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Os M, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 06 INP 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 07 MEMR 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 (5)' /6) I - INTA (NONE) INTA I/OW I/O R MEMW r- CONTROL SIGNALS MEMR MEMW MEMR MEM~ System Controller Bus Driver When driving into the 8080 MPU, this device provides a minimum of +3.6 volts, well above the +3.3 volts required by the 8080. On 8080 output, this· device provides 10 rna of drive current, as opposed to the 8080' s 1.9 rna. The di rection of data flow on the bus is controlled by the System Controller portion of this IC. The BUS EN input turns the bus driver on and off; when BUS EN is high, the bus outputs are in the three-state high-impedance condition. At the beginning of each 8080 machine cycle, the status information from the 8080 is loaded into a 6-bit latch inside the 8228. The STSTB signal from the 8224 IC strobes this latch. The outputs of this latch are then gated by the DBIN, WR, and HLDA outputs from the 8080 to produce the system control outputs MEM R, MEM W, I/O R, I/O W, and INTA. Interrupt Acknowledge (lNTA) is normally used to gate instruction data from the peripheral circuitry onto the data bus after the MPU has been ,interrupted. A special feature of this IC allows an RST7 (Restart 7) instruction to be gated into the MPU automatically whenever the MPU is interrupted. This is accomplished by connecting the INTA output to +12 volts through a 1K resistor. 4-32 Type 8228 Timing Waveforms T2 01 02 _ _ _ ..J v -STATUS STROBE 8080 DATA v BUS ________~)(~______~><~ _____________________________________ DBIN __________________~/ -I NTA I -lOR t - \~---------------------__JI M EM R - - - - - - - - - - -......\~______________ SYSTEM BUS DURING READ 8080 BUS DURING READ ~-= ==- ==- =-==-= ====>< ><== ~ -= -= =-=-= ==== =-= = >--------.------ --------------<=::)< HLDA / I - INTA t -IOR,-MEMR -------------..\ DURING HLDA ~.-------------', "---~/ WR \ lOW OR MEM W 8080 BUS DURING WRITE = / := = -= == ==== =-= -= ___ X"-_____________________ SYSTEM BUS DURING WRITE - - - - - - ..J - - - - <:'-_______..JX~___________________ \~_____~/ SYSTEM BUS ENABLE SYSTEM BUS OUTPUTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <, _____,,> - - - - Loading: Inputs 02,06 STSTB Others .46 Unit Load .31 Unit Load .16 Unit Load Outputs 00-07 Others 1.25 Unit Loads 9 Unit Loads 4-33 - - - - - - - - - - MOS Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) The USART is used to interface the serial data channel of a terminal or communications device to the parallel data channel of a computer or terminal. The transmitter section converts parallel data into serial words with start bits, stop bits, and (if desired) parity bits. The receiver section converts serial data into parallel words, while stripping off the start bits and stop bits, checking word length, and, if desired, checking parity. Both the receiver and transmitter are Part No. 42336 Type 8251 double buffered. Parallel words can contain up to eight bits. Serial word length can be 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits. Parity can be even or odd, or parity checking and generation can be inhibited. The number of stop bits can be either one or two (or 1-1/2 when word length = 5 bits). Transmitting and receiving can occur simultaneously (full-duplex). Transmit and Receive Clocks must be supplied at 1, 16, or 64 times the desired baud rate. Logic Symbol Block Diagram +5V 26 vee 21 TRANSMIT BUFFER O~ 29 01 1 02 TkO (P-S) 03 04 TxRDY TRANSMIT CONTROL 6 05 7 06 8 TxE _TxC OSR OTR RxO RTS Rxe RxO RO WR c/o TxD TxE Tx ROY RxROY DSR eTS cs / INTERNAL DATA BUS OT R RTS SYNOET GNO 4 Loading: Outputs R.RDY / 1 Unit Load 4-34 R.C CONTROL _SYNDET MOS Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) This is a three-state, bidirectional, 8-bit buffer used to interface the 8251 to the MPU system data bus. Data, control words, command words, and status information are transferred through this buffer. CTS (Clear to Send). A low on this input enables the 8251 to transmit serial data if the TxN bit in the command byte is set to a 1. ReadIWrite Control Logic DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and RTS (Request to Send). These two outputs can be set low by programming the appropriate bits in the command instruction word. They are normally used for modem control. Control inputs from the MPU system are received and stored here Control/command bits stored here influence subsequent 8251 operation. RST (Reset). A high on this input forces the 8251 into an "idle" cOr:'dition, where it remains until a Mode instruction is received. Trans·mit Buffer This buffer accepts parallel data from the Data Bus Buffer, converts it to a serial bit stream, inserts the appropriate characters or bits, and outputs a composite serial stream of data on the TxD pin. It consists essentially of two buffers, ~ transmit buffer and a holding register. ClK (Clock). This input is normally driven by the 02 (TTL) output of the 8224 Clock Generator, to provide timing for internal operations. This clock must be greater than 30 times the RxC and TxC frequency for synchronous operation and 4.5 times for asynchronous operation. Transmit Control WR (Write). A low on this input signals the8251 that the MPU is writing (outputting) to the 8251. This section controls the Transmit Buffer and provides the signals necessary to synchronize transmission with the MPU. RD (Read). A low on this input signals the 8251 that the MPU is reading (inputting) from the 8251. TxRDY (Transmit Ready). This output goes high to inform the MPU that the transmit holding register is ready to accept the next character, The MPU can also check this condition by performing a status read operation. This output goes low (at least momentarily) when a character is received from the MPU, and returns high when the character is transferred from the holding register to the transmit buffer. C/O (Control/Data). This input, along with the WR and RD inputs, informs the 8251 whether the word on the data bus is a data, control, or status word. L H H WR RD Function X X L Data Status Control H L H Type 8251 (Continued) DSR (Data Set Ready). This input is normally used to test modem conditions such as Data Set Ready. Its condition is tested by the MPU performing a status read operation. Data Bus Buffer C/O Part No. 42336 TxE (Transmitter Empty). This output goes high when the transmitter has no more characters to transmit. It goes low when a character is received from the MPU. CS (Chip Select). A low on this input enables the 8251. A high disables all reading and writing and drives all outputs into the high-impedance state. TxC (Transmit Clock). The signal applied to this input controls the rate of data transmission. In synchronous transmission, the baud rate is the same . as the TxC rate. In asynchronous transmission, the TxC rate can be 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate, determined by the Mode instruction. The serial data is shifted out of the 8251 on the falling edge of TxC. Modem Control These inputs and outputs can be used to interface to the mode m, or they can be used for other functions as desi red. 4-35 MOS Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Recei~er/Transmitter (USART) Receive Buffer SYNOET (SYNC Detect). This pin is used in synchronous mode only, and it can be used as either an input or an output, programmable through the Control word. When used as an output, it goes high to indicate that the 8251 has received a SYNC character. If the 8251 is programmed to use double SYNC characters, then SYNOET goes high in the middle of the last bit of the second SYNC character. The cond it ion of this output is also available to the MPU via a status read operation, which automatica!ly resets the SYNOET condition. This buffer accepts serial data from the RxO input, converts it to parallel format, checks for bits or characters accord ing to the establ ished mode and control words, and provides this data to the MPU. Receive Control . This section controls the Receive Buffer and provides the signals for synchronizing it with the MPU. SYNOET may be used as an input if the check for synchronization is made by external logic. In this case, when SYNOET is driven high, the 8251 begins assembling serial input data into characters on the fallin~ edge of the next RxC. RxRDY (Receiver Ready). This output goes high to inform the MPU that the 8251 has a character ready to be input to the MPU. This condition can also be checked via a status read operation. The output is driven low when the character is received by the MPU (when RD is driven low). Mode Instruction RxC (Receiver Clock). The signal applied to this input controls the rate of data reception. In synchronous mode, the RxC rate must be the same as the baud rate. In asynchronous mode, the RxC rate can be 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate,' as determined by the Mode instruction. The data on the RxO input is sampled and shifted into the 8251 on the rising edge of RxC. D7 D6 D5 D4 I S2 I Sl I EP I PEN I D3 D2 D1 DO L2 ILl I B2 I B 1 I Type 8251 (Continued) Part No. 42336 The first "control" (C/O high) write after a Reset loads ,the Mode instruction into the 8251. Any subsequent control writes load Command instructions. The Mode instruction format is as follows: I I: Baud Rate Factor L H L H ~~L__~~L-+___ H+-H~ Sync Mode 1x 16x 64x Character Length L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L L H L L H H H 5 6 7 8 H ~ Parity enabled L = Parity disabled H L = = Even parity Odd parity H = SYNDET is an Input L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L = SYNDET is an Output L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H = Single SYNC character L = Dquble SYNC character Synchronous 4-36 No, of bits II I Number of Stop Bits L H L H L L H H Not Used 1 1% 2 Asynchronous Part No. 42336 MOS Uf\iversal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) Command Instruction Type 8251 (Continued) After the mode instruction has been loaded, subsequent control writes load the Command instruction, as follows: 07 06 05 I SYN I RST I H = Enable Search for SYNC L = Normal RTS I 04 ERR 03 02 01 00 I BRK I RxE I OTR I TxN I L J H = Enable Transmit L = Disable Transmit High forces OTR output low H = Reset 8251 H = Enable Receive L = Oisable Receive High forces RTS output low H forces TxO low L = Normal High resets error flags PE, FE, OE Status Read When a Read operation is performed with the C/O input high, status is provided to the MPU on the parallel data bus as follows: D7 06 I SYN DET . Framing Error. Stop bit not detected at end of character (Async only). 05 FE D4 OE D3 PE I I D2 TxE ! D1 DO ! ! I Same definitions as output pins Parity Error. Received character had incorrect parity bit. Overrun Error. A second character was received before the first was read by the MPU. First char· acter is lost. 4-37 Part No. 42407-01 Universal Communication Interface Type 8255 Logic Symbol VCC ...1l.. PC4 ~ RST 2.0 RO 3~WR ~ PA~ 2. PA1 ~ PA2 ...!... PA3 "':Q.. PA4 ~ PAS ~ PAS _37 PA7 PC¢ ~ PC7 ~ PC1 ~ PC3 !2. PC5.!3.. PC6 ~ BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS A 16 ~ OATA ! PCZ RD ---.a~ 19 WR -PB1 ~ PB2 ~ PB3 ~ PB4 ~ PBS ~ PBS ~ PB7 '"" I READ WRITE --H-__ A 1 - - - - - - . . - I CONTROL AS LOGIC 01 ~ 02 ~ 04 ~ 05 ~ 06 ~ 07 ~ RESET --~ GR~UP CONTROL I cs - - - " ' , - ( " 1 29 27 PIN NAMES GNO 07 - DO DATA BUS (BIDIRECTIONAL) RESET RESET INPUT CS CHIP SELECT INPUT RD READ INPUT WR WRITE INPUT AO,Al REGISTER ADDRESS PA7-PAO A REGISTER (BITS) PB7-PBO B REGISTER (BITS) PC7-PCO C REGISTER (BITS) VCC 15 VOLTS GND o VOLTS 4-38 /,A _ _ "" 1: " ~ GROUP B A ...) 1/0 1'..--------,.,,,"1 B RE~~~TER I~".r-T"~--,",/ PB7-PB.8 r Universal Communication Interface Part No. 42407-01 The 8255 is a general purpose, programmable interface designed for use with 8080 microprocessor systems to provide communication between the 8080 and a variety of peripheral devices. An eight-bit bidirectional data bus buffer interfaces the 8080 system bus with the 8255 internal data bus. Three eight-bit registers - called A, B, and C - can be connected directly to the peripheral device. The three registers can be configured by system software or firmware to suit the input/output requirements of a specific peripheral device. The C register can be split into two four-bit registers, and can also be used for control and status signals in applications requiring them. The' microprocessor can read from or write to any of the three registers via the data bus buffer. The operating modes are as follows: Mode 0 - Basic Input/Output. The A and 8 registers can be separately defined as input or output. The C register can be split into two four-bit registers, one input and the other output, or it can be used for all input or all output. Sixteen different register ~nfigurations are available. No strobes or handshaking are involved. Mode 1 - Strobed Input/Output. The A and 8 registers can be individually programmed for input or output. Six bits of the C register are used as control and status bits for the A and 8 registers; the remaining two bits of the C register can be programmed as either input or output. Communication between the microprocessor and the interface is maintained over the eight bidirectional data bus lines, four control lines, and two address lines. The microprocessor selects the 8255 operating mode by sending a Control Word over the data bus lines. The Control Word is also used to define registers as being input, output, bidirectional, or control. Only the A register can be bidirectional, and only the C register can be used for control. Individual bits of the C register can be set or reset by a Control Word. There are three operating modes. Registers are controlled in two groups of 12 bits each. Control Group A controls the eight bits of the A register and the four high-order bits of the C register (C7 - C4); Control Group 8 contlols the eight bits of the B register and the low-order half (C3 - CO) of the C register. Since the structure of the Control Word permits separate programming of the two groups, the 8255 can operate In two modes simultaneously. Operating mode is set during system initialization, and can be changed during program execution by sending a new Control Word over the data lines. Type 8255 (Continued) Mode 2 - Strobed Bidirectional Input/Output. The A register can be used for two-way communication with a peripheral device. Five bits of the C register are used for control and status fot" the A register; the remaining three bits of the C register can be used for input, output, or. control, depending on the mode of the 8 register. When the B register is in Mode 0, the C register bits could be input or output. In mode 1, the three bits of the C register would be used for control' and status of the 8 register. In Mode 1 or Mode 2, when the C register is used for control and status, the peripheral device is permitted to interrupt the 8080. The 8080 program can enable/disable interrupts by setting/resetting individual C register bits. Loading: When a register is programmed for output, up to eight output buffers, selected randomly from the 8 and C registers, can furnish 1 mA at 1.5 volts to drive Darlington type or similar circuits. Other outputs can drive 1 unit load. 4-39 Part No. 42191-33 Keyboard Encoder A non-programmed MOS/LSI Scanner, in a 28-lead dual-in-line package. Used in Cortron Up/Dn stroke keyboard. Supply Voltages: Vss = 5V at 40 rna. Vdd = OV at 50 rna (for TTL outputs). Vgg =-12V at 40 rna. The device has 12 TTL/DTL outputs which are capable of sinking 1.6 rna. These outputs are: Pin 19. SR out 12. 01 13. 00 Pin 14. Strobe 18. Flag (SRIN) and B1 through B7 Each of these outputs has the following specifications: Logic "1" (high) Logic "0" (low) = 2.4V min. at 100 /la = 0.4V max. at 1.6 rna The device has 7 standard TTL/DTL compatible outputs, each capable of sinking 3.2 rna. These outputs are A1 through A7. Each of these outputs has the following specifications: Logic "1" (high) Logic "0" (low) = 2.4V min. at 200 /la = 0.4V max. at 3.2 rna This device has 6 logic inputs Pin 17. Function 10. Data in (FF) 11. Clock in Pin 20. Bypass shift logic 15. Latch Inh 16. NKR/2KRO Type MM5873 Logic Symbol 9 A1 8 A2 7 A3 6 A4 5 A5 A6 4 3 A7 27 81 26 25 82 83 84 24 23 85 22 21 86 87 10 11 FF ~ 16 elK IN II NKR/2KR ~ FN '" ~ 8Sl - ,1 12 13 ,3 ST8 ~ SRIN SRO 19 18 Voo - 1 (GRN) VGG - 2 (-12V) Vss - 28 (+5V) 083-048 Each input has the following specification: = Vss -2V min. = Vss +0.3V max. Yin (Logic 0) = Vss -4.0V max. = Vgg min. Yin (Logic 1) A pull-up resistor is provided for each input on the device. 4-40 Keyboard Encoder Type SD25010-K Part No. xxx xxx An LSI programmable circuit in a dual-in-line package. Used in the MICROSWITCH keyboard in the Model 1660. Logic Symbol POWER SUPPLY +5 VDC at lAmp, Max. OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Data Bits DO-D7 and Strobe. 1. Logic '1' (high) X15 X14 Oil X13 X12 02 X11 = 2.4V min. at 40 Ila 2. Logic '0' (low) = 0.4V max. at 1.6 rna XO-X15 will handle a full matrix of Hall effect logic scan switches. 01 03 X10 04 05 X9 06 X8 X7 (NOT USED) X6 07 (NOT USED) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 X5 X4 YO-Y7 will handle a full matrix of Hall effect logic scan switches. X3 STB 37 X2 INPUT SPECIFICATIONS X1 X¢ Strobe Reset and System Reset (POR) inputs. High level voltage =2.0V Low level voltage = 0.8V High level current =0.25 rna source Low level current = 1.6 rna source Y¢ Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Clock Input - External Drive Option. High level input voltage = Vdd -1.0V Low level input voltage = 0.8V Y5 Y6 Y7 STR SYSR 40 OSC Vee - 1 Vss - 4-41 21 083-047 Microprocessor Type CPU11806 Part No. 13144 The PPS-8 Central Processor Unit, is a complete 8-bit parallel processor on a single MOS chip. The Central Processor Uni t (C P U) uses f ourphase dynamic logic for operation. The CPU contains: (a) Logic necessary to receive and decode the instructions (b) 8-bit parallel adder-accumulator for arithmetic and logical operations (c) 14-bit P-Register for sequencing through the ROM program (d) 16-bit L-Register for subroutine linkage, RAM operand addressing, and ROM indirect addressing (e) Three 8-bit registers, (X, Y and Z) for RAM operand addressing (f) 5-bit stack pointer S for addressing a dedicated RAM area (g) Logic for processing a priority interrupt structure (h) Direct memory access (DMA) mode (i) Multiplexed receivers and drivers for interfacing with the 14-bit multiplexed address bus and the 8-bi t bi-directional data/instruction bus. The CPU, through time multiplexing, utilizes an 8-bi t bi-directional bus to transfer instrctions from ROM to CPU (and I/O) during 04, and to transfer data between the CPU, RAMs and I/O devices during 02. Logic Symbol 20 1101 A/B1 21 1/02 A/B2 22 1/03 A/B3 23 1/04 A/B4 24 1105 A/B5 25 1106 A/BS 26 1/07 A/B7 27 1/08 A/B8 A/B9 A/B10 A/B11 4 2 ClK A A/B12 ClKS A/B13 11 10 9 8 7 S 3 17 18 19 15 14 A/B14 34 28 29 30 PO SPO INT 0 ACKO INT 1 DMRA 35 33 37 INT2 WIIO 31 RIH VDD -16 VSS -- 41 (083-042) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Instructions for the PP-8 CPU are either one, two, or three bytes in length, and require from one to three clock cycles for execution. The CPU decodes instructions, senses interrupt and D MA requests, and controls data transfer, arithmetic, logical, and indexing operation. The adder, with the 8-bit accumulator register (A), and associated logic circuits forms the Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU). The A register is the primary working register in the CPU and the central data interchange for most data operations. The adder is an 8-bit parallel binary adder with an internally connected carry flipflop (C), used for precision arithmetic operation, packed BCD (decimal) arithmetic, and hexadecimal data manipulation. Accumulator circular shifting right and left with carry linkage is also available. 4-42 Microprocessor (continued) Part No. 13144 Type CPU 11806 P-REGISTER (14-BITS) Y-REGISTER (8-BITS) The P-Register contains the address of the instruction currently being executed, and automatically increments (least significant 7-bits) to fetch the next byte from instruction memory (ROM). It may be altereQ during the execution of Branch, Return or Skip instructions. The Y-Register is used as an alternate lower RAM address register and as a "loop counter" or it may be used as a general purpose program m ing register. S-REGISTER (5-BITS) The 5-bit up-down counter S-Register is used as an address pointer to a 32 byte "stack" in RAM. This stack pointer is automatically incremented each time a byte is "pushed" into the stack and decremented each time a byte is "popped" from the stack. L-REGISTER (I6-BITS) The L-Register saves the return address after a subroutine call or an interrupt. It is also used as an address register for indirect ROM operands, as an alternate RAM address register, or as a general purpose programming register. W-REGISTER (8-BITS) The W- Register serves pri marily as an internal buffer register. Additionally, it is used in conjunction with the LAL and PSHL instructions. Z-REGISTER (8-BITS) This register holds the 7 most significant bits of the 14-bit RAM operand address or may be used as a general purpose programming register. POWER-ON RESET (PO) The Power-On input signal is used to initialize the CPU to a known starting address and state during a power-on sequence. The Power-On (PO) signal is generated external to the CPU. The CPU receives this signal, initializes the internal logic states, and at the same time generates a Synchronized PowerOn output (SPO) signal which is used to initialize other circuits of the PPS-S. X-REGISTER (8-BITS) The X-Register holds the 7 least significant bits of the 14-bit RAM operand address. The most significant bit (8th bi t) is used as an upper RA M address control bit. Logic 1 Logic 0 r - the Z-Register contents are output for the most significant 7 bits of the RAM address. - logic zero is output for the most significant 7 bits of the RAM address. I CLOCK CYCLE I ,~-SYSTEM {A CLOCK ii ADDRESS BUS 114 LINES) This register may be loaded, stored, and automatically incremented or decremented under program control. DATA BUS (II LINES) READ INHIBIT (I LINE) WRITE CillO I/O ENABLE (. LINE) 4-43 PPS-8 BUS 1/0 WRITE CMD t= WRITE ENABLE O=SELECT 0=WRi"TE RAM TIMING BASIC Microprocessor (continued) Part No. 13144 PPS-8 INSTRUCTIONS SET LIST Skip/Branch Group B BDI NOP SKC Data Transfer Group L LN LD LNXL LDXL LNCX LDCX LNXY S SN SO SNXL SDXL SNCX SDCX SNXY X XN XD XNXL XDXL XNCX XDC~ XNXY Type CPU 11806 Load A Load A. I ncrement Address Load A. Decrement Address Load A. Increment Address, Exchange L Load A, Decrement Address. Exchange L Load A, Increment Be Compare Address, Exchange Load A. Decrement Be Compare Address, Exchange Load A, I ncrement Address, Exchange Y Store A Store A. Increment Address Store A, Decrement Address Store A, Increment Address. Exchange L Store A. Decrement Address. Exchange L Store A. Increment Be Compare Address, Exchange Store A, Decrement Be Compare Address. Exchange Store A, Increment Address, Exchange Y EXChange Exchange. 'Increment Address Exchange. Decrement Address Exchange, Increment Address, Exchange l Exchange. Decrement Address, Exchange l Exchange. Increment & Compare Address. Exchange Exchange, Decrement Be Compare Address. Exchange Exchange. Increment Address, Exchange Y Stack Group Branch Branch, Dis!lble Interrupts No Operation Skip if Carry Register Group L L L L l l LX LY LZ LAI LXI LVI LZI LAL LXl LVL LZL LXA LVA LZA LLA XV XL XAX XAV XAZ XAL Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load X V Z A Immediate X Immediate V Immediate Z Immediate A through link X through link V through link Z through link ~oad X from 1>. Load Y from A Load Zfrom A Load L from A Exchange Y Exchange L Exchange A and X Exchange A and V Exchange A and Z Exchange A and L Subroutine Group PSHA PSHX PSHY PSHZ PSHl POPA POPX POPY POPZ POPl Push A Push X Push Y Push Z Push L Pop A Pop X PopY PopZ Pop L Bl RT RSK RTI SKNC SKZ SKNZ SKP SKN SKE BBT BBF BC BNC BZ BNZ BP BN BNE Arithmetic Group A AC ASK ACSK AISK INCA DC DCC Add Add with Carry Add. Skip on Carry Add with Carry, Skip on Carry Add Immediate, Skip on Carry Increment A Decimal Correct (1) Decimal Correct (2) Branch and Link Return Return Be Skip Return, Enable Interrupts Skip if No Carry Skip if Zero Skip if Non-Zero Skip if Positive Skip if Negative Skif if Equal Branch if Bit (n) True Branch if Bit (n) False Branch if Carry Branch if No Carry Branch if Zero Branch if Non-Zero Branch if Positive Branch if Negative Branch if Not Equal Input/Output Group Logical Group AN ANI OR EOR COM Logical Logical Logical Logical 104 IN OUT RIS AND AND Immediate OR Exclusive OR Bit Manipulation Group Compl~ment Increment/Decrement Group INCX DECX INXY DEXY INCY DcCY Digit I/O (C, D) Input (C. D) Output (C,D) Read Interrupt Status SC RC RAR RAL MDR MDl SB Increment X Decremen, X 'ncremen-:: X, Exchange Y Decrement X, EXChange Y 'ncrement Y Decrement Y RS 4-44 Set Carry Reset Carry ROiate ARight Rotate A Left Move Digit Right Move Digit Left Set Bit (n) Reset Bit (n) Part No. 10353 Dual line Driver This line driver is commonly used to interface data terminal equipment to data communication equip- Type 75150P ment utilizing the E IA Standard RS-232-C. Input is TTL/DTL compatible, and output is ±12V. Logic Symbol Truth Table +12V r 1A 2 j~ --, - I 17 I I I A L X H H L H 1Y STB 11 2A 31 :6 2Y 0-- L OUTPUT Y INPUTS STB l5--~..J L OV H +5V Irrelevant -x +12 +12 -12 -12V Alternate Symbols +12V +12V __ ts_ r 8 21 1 I 1 ~ I L 1,5- ~_I 4 vcc+ STB 1A 1Y 7 2A 2Y 6 GND VCC- -12V 5 -12V Loading: Inputs Strobe 1 Unit Load 2 Unit Loads 4-45 Quadruple line Receiver Part No. 10354 Type 75154 put will remain either low (OV) or high (+5V) as determined by the previous input. For fail-safe operation, the threshold terminal is left floating. This reduces the hysteresis loop, causing the negative-going threshold to be above OV. The positive-going threshold is unchanged. In this mode, if the input voltage goes to OV or is open-circuited, the output goes high (+5V) regardless of the previous input condition. vee can be either +5V or +12V. Pin 9 should not be connected externally. This receiver satisfies the requirements of the interface between data communication equipment and data terminal equipment as defined by EIA Standard RS-232-C. Input is from +25V to -25V, and output is either OV or +5V. For normal operation, the threshold control terminal is connected to VCC1. This provides a wide hysteresis loop which is the difference between the positive-going and negative-going threshold levels. In this mode of operation, if the input voltage goes to zero (or open-circuit), the out- Alternate Symbol Logic Sym bol VCC1 VCC2 I 1A ..I~5J~ L6 3 I 4: :13 1Y 2T 3T 4T 2Y 1A 2A 1T--2A 2T--- j 3A 111 3A ~-3Y 4A GND 3T 4T A y 4Y 4A input output threshold control +5V +12V T 14: I I t_~_1 VCCl VCC2 Truth Table (each receiver) Waveforms 4 INPUT A OUTPUT -12 +12 H (+5) r---i 3 (0) 'r ~, Y L I 'I " 2 I O~~~~T~~~ o- -25 .T" FAIL-SAFE • OPERATIONJ " , - I, - -f, " " , 1- -4 Loading: Ol,Jtputs 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 10 Unit Loads 4-46 -3 -2 -I o 2 ~,;::: 3 4 25 Voltage Comparator Part No. 10188 This comparator can be used with power supplies providing two output voltages, up to + 15 volts. It can be used with single-output supplies up to +5 volts. Type LM311 Logic Sym bol - IN 3 ~-OUT + IN 2 v+ , PIN 8 PIN 4 GND, PIN 1 v- , (083 -041) Dual AND-Gate Peripheral Driver Type 75451 Part No. 10181 Logic Sy mbol 1 1A~1Y , 8 2 Truth Table 6 2A~2Y 28 7 vee-8, GND-4 Loading: Input Output 1 Unit Load 300 ma 4-47 A B y L L H H L H L H L L L H High-Speed Dual Comparator Part No. 10168 Type LM319 This device can operate on voltage supplies up to ±15V, but can also operate off of a single +5V supply, depending upon the application. Note the non-standard voltage comections. Logic Sy mbol +1 N 1 Alternate Symbol 12 -IN f OUT 1 GNDf +IN 2 9 -IN2 7 10 OUT 2 GND 2 V+, pin 11 V-, pin 6 Type LM320H-5 Type LM320H-12 Part No. 42155-05 Part No. 42155-12 J. Terminal Negative Voltage Regulator, 5 Volt 3-Terminal Negative Voltage Regulator, 12 Volt providing current limiting and thermal overload protecti on. This series of negative regulators provides precision regulation of output currents up to .5A, while also Logic Symbol Pinout (Bott"OmView) OUT IN 3 2 OUT GND GND Maximum Voltages I I IN OUT -05 -7 to-25 -4.8 to -5.2 4-48 -12 -14 to-35 -11.6 to -12.4 IN Part No. 10284-03 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator, 12 Volt Type LM340T-12 This series of positive regulators provides precision regulation of output currents up to 1A, while providing current limiting and thermal overload protection. Connection Diagram Logic Symbol INVOUT GND\ r 1'-'\ O GND Input 1--_ _--'1 OUT (2) 1--_ _--'1 GN 0 (3) p I- n ....,1..oIo-_..J------II IN (1) = +14.4 to +27.5V Output.= +11.4 to +12.6V 3- Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator, 12-Volt Part No. 42154-05 Part No. 42154-12 This series of positive regulators provides precision regulation of output currents up to .5A. while also providing current limiting and thermal overload protection. 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator, 5 Volt Pinout (Top View) Logic Symbol IN ' ~ 1.' 2 Type LM341P-5 Type LM341 P-12 0 OUT ] ~ GND -lZ Input (1) Output (2) +14.8 to +27V +11.4 to +12.6V 4-49 -5 +7 to +17V +4.75 to +S.ZSV 2 3 Part No. 10124 Differential Video Amplifier Type LM733C Th is d ifferential- i nput/d ifferent ial-output amplifier provides selectable gains of 10, 100, and 400. Logic Symbol Gain Selection Gain Connection 10 100 400 None G1A to G1B G2A to G2B G2A G1A t:" >7 14 IN 1 8 OUT 1 OUT 2 " ~4 IN 2 ' G2B G1B V+,10 . V-, 5 (No connection to pins 2, 6,9, and 13) Dual Op Amp, General Purpose Dual Op Amp, Selected Part No. 10165 Part No. 13072 Type 72747 Type 72747 Logic Symbol J C 13+ +IN -IN 2 t + 12 " -/,4 6 OUT 7 ~ to -/~ ~ I,...- 5 3 Nt N2 VCC4, No Connection -11 Part No. 10166 Op Amp, General Purpose This single op amp is housed in an 8-pin DIP. logic Symbol VCC+ Pin 1 = Offset null/Comp Pin 5 = Offset null (N2) Pin 8 = Comp +IN 3 -IN 2 ~7 + V 4 VCC4-50 6 OUT Type 72748 Voltage Regulator, -12V Part No. 13142 Logic Symbol 2 IN Type M C7 912CB Pin Out @ OUT GND VIN Vo = -14.5 = -11.5 TO -30V TO -12.5V (083-039) 4-51 Part No. 13143 Clock Generator Type 13143 The Clock Generator circuit generates the "An and "B" clock waveforms required by circuits in the PPS. The Clock Generator has an internal oscillator which is stabilized by connecting a 3.579545 MHz color TV quartz crystal to the appropriate inputs. Primary clock A output is a square wave. Clock B output is a pulse output occurring during each phase of clock A, with unique timing features required by the circuits within the PPS system. Clock A is also available, through a TTL output, for synchronizing equipment external to PPS. The input straps provide a countdown of the oscillator frequency equal to the number associated with the strap; ie, S12 divides by 12, E14 divides by 14, and S18 divides by 18. Thus, with a crystal frequency of approximately 3.58 MHz and input S14 terminated to VDD , the clock A output frequency is 256 kHz, (3.58 MHz -:- 14 =256 kHz). Logic Symbol Bottom View r---, I XTAL I J L 2 10 ClKS 4 ATTL CLKA 1 518514512 7 8 9 VOO - PIN 6 FREQUENCY VS5 - PIN 5 (GND) SELECT STRAPS - PINS 7,8,9 (083-036) 4-52 NPN Transistor Array Part No. 42191-32 This device consists of five general-purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. Two of the transistors are internally connected to form a differentially-connected pair. Type CA3086 Logic Symbol ~ ~ 4 2 4( ~ 12 ''\ 13 (083-040) Quad Field Effect Transistor (FET) This FETs. Ie contains four Part No. 10190 Type 8041 independent p-channel Logic Symbol 3 ,, 6 2 4-53 14 Parallel Data Controller Part No. 13159 The Parallel Data Controller (PDC), is a flexible parallel input/output device for interfacing the PPS-S system to external devices or for interfacing between multiple PPS systems. The device provides two independent, bi-directional input/ output channels, each of which operates in a variety of parallel data transfer modes. Each channel consists of ten TTL-compatible lines; eight data lines and two control lines (DAI through DAB, CAl and CA2; DBl through DBS, CBl and CB2). Each channel has its own data buffer (eight bits) and function register (eight bits); the two channels share a common device status register (5 bits) and an interrupt status register (4 bits.) The function (mode) of each channel is program mabIe and is selected by control data loaded into the associated function register under CPU program control. Direct addressing for up to 15 PDCs is possible by the use of four chip select address straps (ASl through AS4) that can be user-terminated to create each device address. Address 0000 is reserved for the "all call" command, Read Interrupt Status (RIS). Type 10453 Logic DATA CHANNEL A 8 CA2 9 CAl 10 DAl 11 DA2 DA3 DA4 DA5 DA6 DA7 DA8 25 INSTRUCTIONI DATA BUS 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 29 28 27 26 4 VDD- 38 VSS- 39 4-54 S~mbol CB2 CB1 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 DB8 2 31 30 32 33 37 34 36 35 DATA CHANNEL 1/01 I/D2 I/D3 I/D4 1105 1106 I/D7 liDS AS1 AS2. AS3 AS4 ACK1 SPO DMA ACK¢ 3 INT2 5 (083 - 044 Type 1408L-6 Digital-to-Analog Converter Part No. 13060 This eight-bit multiplying D-to-A converter provides a current output which is the product of a digital word (applied to the A l-A8 inputs) and an analog reference voltage (applied to the VR + and VRinputs). Digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible. Output voltage swing is +0.5V to -0.6V with the Range Control (pin 1) grounded; leaving pin 1 open enables the negative voltage swi ng to reach -5V when maximum power supply voltages are applied. Frequency compensation capacitors are connected to pin 16. Note the non-standard VCC and GND connections. Logic Symbol MSB 5 6 7 8 Alternate Symbol 12 A2 A3 A4 A5 OUT 4 4 15 A6 A7 LSB 12 A8 NOTE: 2 VCC-13, GND-2 VCC VEE +5V -5V to -15V (cu trent source) VRVR+ -15V (max.) +5V (max.) Loading: Inputs (digital) Output 1 Unit Load 2.0 rna. 4-55 Resistor Network, 1K x 15 Resistor Network. 1K x 13 Part No. 10239-01 Pinout Pinout 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Resistor Network. Quad 10K x 2 14 13 12 1t 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 Resistor Network. 15K X 13 Part No. 13044 2 7 3 8 ------..., 9 Part No.1314 0 Pinout Pinout 1-....-- Part No. 10761 14 13 12 tt 10 9 8 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 14 ___~. . J 10 12 13 (Pins 4 and 11. no connection) 4-56 2048-Bit (256 x 8-Bit) RAM Type 10809 Part No. 13158 The Random Access Memory (RAM) is a 2048 bit RAM organized in 256 x 8-bit configuration. It is designed for compatibility with the PPS-8 system, and the A and B system clocks. It is a dynamic memory with automatic refresh logic and a 1.8 IlS access time. It is intended to be used as a read/write data storage device for the PPS-8 system. Logic 8 A/B1 A/B2 S~mbol 1/01 A/B3 A/B4 1103 A/B5 1/04 A/B6 1105 1102 A/B7 1106 A/B8 1/07 1108 16 17 18 23 AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 ASS AS6 AS7 SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 RIH WIIO ClK A ClK VOO- 25 Vss-14 4-57 B 083-045 MOS 256 x 4-Bit Static RAM, 3-State Type 2111 A-4 Part No. 42334-11 This is the 450 ns member of a family of random-access memories avail able in several speed ranges_ The Output Disable pin (9), when high, drives the Input/Output pins to their high-impedance state_ Logic Symbol +5V 4 Art> 3 A1 A6 A7 00 eEl eE2 R/W Timing Waveforms (All times are minimum unless noted) Write Cycle Read Cycle 450 ns 400 ns ADDRESS CHIP CHIP ENABLES f CE 2) ENABLES OUTPUT DISABLE OUTPUT DISABLE ~CE DATA OUT VALID DATA I/O DATA DATA IN STABLE I/O l READ/ WRITE Loading: Outputs 1.25 Unit Loads 4-58 20 n. 250 ns 512 x 8-Bit Programmable Read Only Memory, Three-State Part No. 10406 These devices are Programmable Read-Only memories which are normally programmed by the vendor. No truth table appears here because each program requires a separate table. Note that the part number above is the Diablo number for the unprogrammed pROMs: a new number is assigned when the pROM is programmed. Part numbers for programmed pROMs appear on the schematic. Access time is typically 35 ns (60 ns maximum). In the LATCHED READ mode, outputs are held in their previous state (1, 0, or Hi-Z) as long as Strobe is low, regardless of the state of address or chip enable. A positive Strobe transition causes data from the applied address to reach the outputs if the chip is ena bled, and causes outputs to go to the H i-Z state if the chi p is disabled. Type 82S115 A negative Strobe transition causes outputs to be locked into their last Read Data condition if the chip was enabled, or causes outputs to be locked into the Hi-Z condition if the chip was disabled. There are two modes of operation. In the TRANSPAR ENT READ mode, stored data is addressed by applying a binary code to the address inputs while holding Strobe high. In this mode the bit drivers are controlled solely by CE 1 and CE2 lines. Waveforms (Times shown are maximum unless noted) (Times shown are in nanoseconds) Logic Symbol A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 FE1 FE2 01 7 ST,!~!~ , +3.0 ,_____________________________ ov , - - - - --- ------------------+3.0V USV a 02 03 9 04 05 06 07 08 ~---------------------------OV CE -----+3.0V CHIP ENABLE '------ov CE 2 STR CE1 CE2 Latched Read ,-------------- ..... , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 3.0V 1.5V VCC-24, GND-12 _------+3.0V CHIP ENABLE CE ArJ-A8 FE1, FE2 STR CE1, CE2 01-08 Address Inputs Programming Inputs Strobe Input Chip Enable Inputs Data Outputs STROBE ov ""OH 90 Loading: Inputs Outputs 2 .1 Unit Load 6 Unit Loads 4-59 MOS 2K x 8 Masked ROM Type 8316 This is a Read-Only Memory that is programmed during manufacture. No part number is given because each program requires a separate part number. Part numbers are given on the schematics. Outputs are 3-state, controlled by three programmable chip-select inputs. Any combination of high- or low-active chip select inputs can be defined, and the desired chip select code is programmed into the chip during manufacture. Maximum access time is 1.5 J,.LS. Only a single power supply voltage (+5V) is required. Logic Symbol A' AI 01 02 A2 A3 A4 05 A5 A6 07 A7 08 A8 A9 AIO CSt CS2 CS3 VCC-24, GND-12 Waveforms , (All times shown are maximum) ADDRESS 500 ns 500 ns PROGRAMMABLE CHIP SELECTS 5S TIME , 1.5 ps VO H DATA OUTPUT OUTPUT VALID VOL Loading: Outputs 1.1 Unit Loads 4-60 MOS 1024 x 8-Bit Electrically-Alterable ROM Part No. 42329 This Read-Only Memory is programmed at the Diablo factory. It has a transparent quartz lid which allows exposure to ultraviolet light to erase the bit pattern. It is electrically compatible with the type 8308 ROM. Access time is 450 ns. Outputs are 3-state, controlled by the Chip Select (eS) input. Type 8708 Logic Symbol +5V +12V 24 8 vee A~ A1 A2 A3 VBB = +5V = +5V VDD = +12V VSS = GND A4 vce A5 A6 A7 08 AS A9 PRGM CSjWE VSS 12 -5V Waveforms (All times shown are maximum) ADDRESS 120ns 120ns CS/WE ACCESS TIME 450n5 VOH - - - - - - - - - - - DATA OUTPUT 1,..-----------, - OUTPUT HIGH IMPEDANCE V-OL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Loading: Outputs 1 Un it Load 4-61 OUTPUT VALID - - - - - - OUTPUT HIGH IMPEDANCE 1'-------------' - - - - - - -- 4.6 ASCII CODE CHART The ASCII code chart is reproduced in Figure 4-2. 4.7 SCHEMATICS AND LOGIC DRAWINGS Figure 4-3 explains the meaning of the various notations contained on the logic drawings and schematics. For more information on component locations, connector pin numbers, cables, etc., see Section 3.S. Table 4-2 lists the schematics and logic drawings provided in the remaining pages of this manual. Table 4-2. Schematic and Logic Drawing Index Description Drawing No. 23924:-99 23926-XX 24930-01 24620-XX 2462S-XX 4052S-XX 2460S-XX 2493S-01 4000S6-01 400089-01 400097-01 400062-XX 400094-01 400285-01 24500-XX HPR03 Board (Terminal Processor) XMEM1 Board MXI Board (Matrix Interface) PROCESSOR Board (Printer) CAR SERVO Board CAR PWR AMP Board HAMMER DRIVER Board Motherboard Con trol Panel Interconnection Diagram Power Distribution Power Supply (115/230 Vac) Keyboard (Cortron) Keyboard (Micro Switch) Interconnection Diagram, Printer Cables 4-62 o o o o 0 0 0 0 NUL DLE 0 0 1 1 SOH DCI 0 1i0 2 STX DC2 u 0 1I1 3 ETX DC3 :ii: o 1 0 0 o 1I 0 11 4 5 6 SP I I I· • I· .1 () :1. :::.:'~ 1:·: F;.: .I:) :::::; 1.·.· • •• EDT DC4 ·:1:. i ..:l '1.· ·.1 • ENQ NAK :.:.:. I ------+---+-I----+-!~-~---+---+- o 1: 1 0 I ACK SYN i ••• I ;:.:••' ~O~I~--+---+----I~--+----+T-.. 1 1 1 7 BEL 1 0 0 0 8 BS 1 0 I 0 1 9 HT 1 0 1,I 0 10 LF I I ETB! . CAN . I Ii ! I i ! EM j' I i... ·1.'· ••• ! • ... .1. !... I ••:. ! .::: -..i i~ i ·•• .: r:· i..... 1.:.1 I":.. ::::a li··1 ...... I..'. . ........ i i.. ) ,. --t ... : .... ~.:-. I I , .. ', 1 :;-: .:.:.:. I I····· ••• +-~--.-.=-- I ~~---t--+---+---I~--+-----t----+---+------+ii: .:::: i _:._:.:.;--+--_1"_._._ I I I •••: . . I r· •...··1·! • ~~~I--+i~~-+---+---+---+ - - + - - - I : I II i i i ·1··:· :•••..: ("I" ... Ii i....) I I ! T! . .( :.1.. ~.:J ~-~--~-~--~~~ I SUB .:.!I.:.'! ESC ..:.'. I I •••• .:.:.. ••••• •• ·1.1 •• :•• I.. ••• I·:: .::: ..... ,]. I .1 •• ~~~-+---+---I~--+----+-----+-'- --t-----+-----~_=____il----___ 1 I 0 i 1 I 1 11 I ! I VT 1 1 I 0 0 12 FF FS I T .' I .1 !.:::: ,..... I... i I : ~~i~+--r~--~r-~--4---~--4-----·+---~-~--~ 1 1 I 0 ,1 13 i 1 1 I 1 0 14 1 ··1 Pi ....:. so RS i····.!!·· '. ·:·'1 -1--=-----1.---.-.·--+----+---+-1--. CR GS .•.• 1 :::: I •••:. j.....j i I·. '. ' -+-_ _..... 1 11 1 1 15 51 us I ../ i ·7 :::) DEL All characters in these two columns an SP(Space) are non-printing. Del(Delete) does not print in the remote mode,but prints logical NOT symbol~) when entered on keyboard in local mode. (Logical NOT is also printed in place of characters received with parity or framing error. Figure 4-2. ASCII Code Chart 4-63 *THS COOfONATE OF SIGNAL OUTPUT ON LOGIC DRAWING (St£ET 4) ABSENCE OF COf\tECTOR SYt.eOL INJICATES SIGNAL SOURCE IS THS BOARD * COORDINATES a:a:SIGNAL If'FUTS ON OTl£R St£ETS COtIECTOR DENTFIER wt£N BOARD HAS MORE THAN ON: CONECTOR THS DRAWING * COOAOINA TE MARKINGS FOR LOCATING SIGNALS REFERENCED ON ANOTl-ER ~T + IIIIlICATES ACTIVE HGH SPECIAL NOTES CBERAL NOTES - IlENTlCAL COMPONENTS MOUNTED AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS ON THS BOARD DRAWING NO. (SAME AS CIRCUIT BOARD ASSY NOJ TOTAL NO. OF SHEETS FOR THIS CIRCUT BOARD ONCLlDES ASSY DRAWING & RELATED DRAWINGS! Figure 4-3· Logic Drawing Notation REVISION HISTORY - #23924-XX HPR03 Board Rev. A ECO# 7648 As released. B 7690 Change resistor F24 from 1K to 8.2K; add resistor F25 from -OPTION D to +5V. C 7759 Correct error on bill of material (diode A28 omitted); add "on" indication to 81-S4 on sheet 3 of schematic; correct note 5 on sheet 1 of schematic -specified "B7," should be "B11." No changes to board. D 7771 Replace 74L8221 at A26 with 74L8123. Change resistor (832) and capacitor (A29), and remove diode (A28). Provides more stable real-time clock. E 7816 Allow use of plastic ICs, no schematic changes. 13 15 16 17 11 12 7 8 5 6 4 23924-99 P1 SH1-D7 - WRIT E WRITE ~; . .--~-~~~=-------------------------------------------------~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1~----------------------------------------~~~~39 - READ L - READ SH1-D7 ~~ . .----~~~--------------------------------------------------------_t~~----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------i-~--------------------------------------------~~=-~37 + RST 9 ....... 8 - RST _ SHI-87 - .~~~~~~---------------------------------------------------------t~--.--------------------------------------------------------~ruu/-~-------------------.~~+----------------------------------------------------~_~SH4-E16 . r -____________________________________. -_________________7_4_L_S~_4 __________________1_~_+------______________________________~+~K~Y~B~D=_~I~N~T~R~_~-~SH4-C'6 K 4 P2 , 826 , lK CI-S____..... 2 0 P 0 ff 12~~+~K~Y~S~T~B------~------------------------------------------_+~r_t_+_------~~----------~3i>CLK + 5V !R1 126 + 5V +5V i'16 • J f - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ I • • • ? c , "~ ~: :L_~_ ~ > .....!..! ~ 5 pe4 vee RS r ~~~ ~ RO PC3 16~---~D~A~TA~I~---~----~_+~--r_+_;__r-t_t~r_t_+_;__r-------~3,PAI 1 & 5 PC5~ > >' » ' lK. H WR 13 14 15 ,- 2 :5 4 1 '0 9-' 8-';' 6" 5 - ~ 13 }-_-~D~AT.:..::A~0~_ _+ _ - -........ 12_+_+++_+__+__+_+_+_+_+_+_t_t_------...:..;4 PA¢J : 174LS7~ 2~cr- ~ PC6~1...:..1------'-<'()~'0 4 74LS32 74Ls1l4 +5V ~ rio INTFC I ill j iL ~·~"cu"" Sus 18~---~D~A~TA~2~---~-----------*~--~+-4_~~_+~~t_+_;__r-------~2,PA2 H 20~---~O~A~T~A~3~----~------------~~r_+_;__r_r_t~~t_+_;__r--------------~1,AA3 2 PC 7 1_'1c;:0'------------------------------------"-1 B 1 - H ~ Q ~ pAm 19~----~O~A~T~A-4~----~--------------~~+_;__r_r_t~r_t_+_i__r---------------4~O,P~4 OS 4LS~1_'4'------------------_+~~+_----------------------------------'--+'--R~T~C~L~K'--~IN~T'--R__~~~SH4-B'6 -,~ :3 :- - - 852 - - i 'i'...74LS367 15~----~O~A~T~A~6~----~--------------------~~~_+~~t_+_i__r--------------~3~8,PA& G ~I......... 2. + SV MODE, 14. 7~----~F~K~Y~1------_+------------------------~+_~~-t_t-f--------------~1~8 PB~ (IS): 8~----~F~K~Y~2~----~~--------------------------+-~_t_+~--r_------------~'~9,PB1 >rn.! F23 >E74: • 10~----~F~K~Y~3~----------------------------------~~_+_+~--r_------------~2~O,PB2 O¢ 5~----~F~K~Y-4~--------------------------------------~_+~--t_~--------------~Z~' PB3 01 6 ~----~F~K~Y~5~----------------------------__----------~;_~_+--------------~2~Z~PB4 .... ---F27 ---1 4 E 54""","" r-;-<.r ~53 /'I.. I ill • __ '"' 825S 0 23 52 __ V ONI :7 - OPTlON B 24 PBS 51 __ :8 - OPTION A 25 PB7 ~ ~ __ ~~NJ D OPTION '""ONI ~ , :6 - - OPTION C ~ 2 :5 ~ ONI J2 11 G -WR 3 -----r~~~---:~-------------------------------------4 ~ ..:.••__~~~~~------4-------------------------~r-+-;--+-1~r-+---------------~'PCZ + SYNC 16 SHI-87 ~~ F - RD I 15 :~i I "'-... • 14~----~D~A-T~A~7------~----------------------~~t-;_-I-'_f--~t_~----------------3_17 P~7 . J P2 ~6-----------------------++~----------------------~+~B~U~S~Y~9 8.2K 8.2K 8.21( 067: 8.2K ~ 8.2K 34 )070 8.2K 069 0&8 8.2K 8.2K (1): ~ ~~~_T:l~3---------------------------------C~L~R--~ 1 L- GND '----~"""T_."..7- - - ' I I( L------------------------------------------------------r-+~r_+_~_t~--t_--------~~----------------------________________________________________-__O~P~T~I~0~N~~D__~~~SH4-GI6 c SH1-E7 ~_. .-~+~D~A~0~--------------------------------------------------------____- J :. + DAI + DA2 ... SH1-E7 ~.....--~~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ SH1-E7 SH1-E7 SH1-E7 SH1-E7 • SH1-07 SH1-07 . I :. .-+~~D~A~3~---------------------------------------------------~ ~-~;~~+~~DA~4~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ :--tSCHEMATiC DIAGRAM ~ ?~~~!~~!~~ ~.~~+~~DA~5~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ . ~ ~.~--+~~D~A6~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ . ~~~~+~~D~A~7--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ PW "'''a''' 23924-99 DC" CTL ~i,j!·lo.n 17 c TtiRU 4 Incorporated ASSY, HP R03 H'( iE~M 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 .. 5 J2 +ADDRI +ADDR ® L (i1 14 +~ ..1..2S II ~.-~~~~ ______________________________ ~.- __________ ~ __________________________________________________________________ CS ~~~12~ , +SV -I--~~~~------------------------------------_r+_------------_t----~------------~~--------------------__~----------------------------j_---2~0~~K . +t ---? ----.§.. 26 VCC ,,~ "I K IK ~CTS PC0 ~ LOAD PCI ~ ~~CLK PC2 ~ ENP 15 CARP'PC3 ~ B2~~ENT MODE¢ -4 CNTR 13 31 I It r.;:;- IV.g... 2Y 75154 3Yt-'I~1- - - - , 4Y.!2-- E.-- +12V --~-fBlS 7515iZ1P i 10 P8~ 18 I I I 21 I /\ 5 B E26 Q.S~ 9 ...J.g, D P Q~ ~ B30 PSI 19 1=---------=S=-iIC Q.C ~ LOAD 2 D FF PS2 20 ~-------'3'=i~74LS161~~~ 4~CLK A37 D"3____I;.;.I~C~K 'i -21 PB3 f=-----"""l C ~O ENP CAR L"I5~__.......!.13~,~t':::"..!)I.:y-!:12'-4_...!1 \4 ~ ~~fll :2 ~~ }--~~~~~--------~:2A 75154 3'( ~ GHD ~~~~~~~-------------- 4'( F- 39 5 ~IL~R C -B12 )( - Dill 34 270iZl 28 01 33 01 32 02 ~-------------+--4--~~------------------------------------------------------r_--------_11 02 31 03 ~-------------+--_4--~+_~--------------.--------------------------------------r_--------~2,03 30 04 ~------------~--~~_+_4~._---------------------------------------------+_-------~S04 2 P"2 3 P"I 4 P"1i i.,f" +DATA TERMINAL READY RTS I I I - I ,-; __ 1 I I I I I I ~ 8__ 75ISi2l"P1 31 23 3 r I +12V SYNDETr!§. 16 j + REQUEST TO SEND I I 17 I I I I 21 1'0 TXO~I~9--------------~--<7 I L 4 I 1 I H I I I II J I I 17 I 1"0 2 I I -12V :~ Ji!Q I P"3 ~--+-~-1 ~ ~I E5 OPTION I L15--~-J TxC r)i.!! ""7 + I I 'I;Ti3-- 1 ~~ JI I 16 J -XMIT DATA : 5 G J5--~-J -12V 05 ~-------------+--_4--~+__r_4~._----------------------------------------------r_--------~605 29 28 06 ~--------- -~-~r_~+_~-+_4~._------------------------_i-----7~06 27 07 ~------------+_-+_~_+~-~+_~~---------------~------------+_-----~807 8251 8255 F SH1 - B7 SH1 - H7 SH 1 - D7 SH1 - D7 ---. ..--. ---- + RST 35 RST PC4 -PORT I 6 CS PCS 12 5 RO PC6 II WR PC7 10 -READ -WRITE 36 13 13 RO 10 WR ~RST F RxRDY~ TxRDY~ GNO ~7 E E SH3 - L3 SH1 - E7 D SH1 - E7 SH1 - E7 SH1 - E7 SH1 - E7 SH1 - E7 SH1 - D7 SH1 - D7 c SH3-)<3 SH3 - 63 • -.. ..-..-.. --... .- .-... -.. -.. - RST 1 1 +DAI D +DA2 +DA3 +DA4 +DA5 +DA6 +DA7 + KYBD INTR ......!... 2 ~ B22~ 5 B22~ 13 +RTCLK INTR PI ® "- +DA0 ' - XINTR 12 B27 ..,....6 74lS54 ,.., I.., 7 13 AE 32 +5V , . -t SCHEMATIC OIA;,;;G.;,;RAM;..;;..;_ _ _ _ ~~:~~-- ~ IK ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________- - - -____________~------~3~D3 4 TITL,( PW ASSY J HPR03 74L5~4 MOOUCT NO 23924-99 c 1\ +INTR .. )..!-!.-----------.:.....:..;.:....;..;..:-._~ . . SH 1-17 I THR 4 ! II ......._ 23926-XX 14 15 16 17 t 13 ~ +~~A~a . -_________________________________~-------------------------------~----------------------------------__________+~A~7___~~SH2-J16,SH3-DI7 r--------------------jf-.-----------------+.--------------------------.-:+~A:..::6~_I~ . . SHl-KI6,SH3-D17 r---------------------------jH-~--------------------+_I~--------------------------------_+~A::.:5~_~ ~SH2- K16, SH3 - 017 + A4 r-------------------------------_t1_~~----------------------------4_~~------------------------------------------~~~--~~~SH2-KI6,SH3-D17 K ,------------------------++-iH-~-----------------------+++_I~-------------------------------------+~A::.:3~_~ =SH2 - K16, SH3 - 017 r-------------------------+++-l-+-.----------------------If-+++-i-+-------------------------~+--.:..:A:..::2~_~~SH2 - K16, SH3 - 017 35~+--A-D-D-R~~--------~ 23926-XX ~-D2 L NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, 1. ALL RESISTANCES SPECIFIED IN OHMS • 2. ALL RESISTOFtS ARE 1/4 WATT. 5 ± %. 3. ALL CAPACITANCE SPECIFIED IN MICROFARADS. 4. + SV TO PIN 14 OF 14-PIN Ie, GND TO PIN 7 ; + 5V TO PIN 16 OF 16-PIN Ie. GND + SV TO PIN 24 OF 24-PIN IC, G NO TO PIN 8 ; TO PIN 12. k ~-------------------------_r~~_r~~--------------------~+_~~~~~---------------------_~+~A~1~_~~SH2-KI6,SH3-~17 + A~ ... r-----------+-i5-V----------~~~-t~~~---------+~5~V-----------+-t4-~r++~----------T-t5-V------------------------~~~-~_~SH2-KI6,SH3-EI7 ~ ADDR1 ADDRESS BUFFER 18 ~ T18 18 DOl 1-=4:....-~~-+-_I__1__+~_+_~>_+___...------~4 A0 vce 11 .--____4::-1 A0 vce 11 ....._____4,,-1 i2 vce 0 0 21 1-'~-::-2---' ---4 D12 I/o DO 2 6 3 A1 _-+-____--'3"-1 A 1 1/ 0 1 ~ 3 ~1 I/O 1 ~~.:..~- - - , + ADDR3 2 A 341----------------" 7 013 PORT DO 3 8 -3 a.-+-+______-=-<2 I/O 2 -'-"-----, ~___l_-------.:2=-1 I/O 2 -'-"-----, '---___-:-90-1DI4 D04 10 1 A~ IIO 3 1 11.2 I/O:3.!.l.-1 A2 I/O 3 .!229 ~+---A-D-D-R-4--------------__:1~6 DIS DO 15 11.4 1/ 4 -'-'~1--I--+-+--____-,-1 I/O 4 ~ ~1--I-_+_+----..c17~ ~~ I/O 4 ~ ..--___~18"-1D16 E 4 0 D06 17 5 11.5 RAM ~I--I--++--I---___---"-I~ 11.5 RAM ~>_+-++--I----------=::.j~ AS RAM + AD DRS ~20 DIl 007 1!l ~ 11.6 0_4 ~H~+-H------~7:-!A6 010 A6 27 ~--":";"::'-=--'-=-------.r' ~ DJ 8 D08 21 9 A7 ~-+~+-H-+-----~9 A 7 ~H-+-++--l-+-------";'!~ A7 D16 + ADDR6 DSI 8212 ~5 OD <111A-4 -----'- OD 21~1A-4 -------::. 00 2111A-4 2S~;"""":";"::'-=--'-=---------' 13 DS2 23 CEl ~1105 CEI ~ eEl 2l1li0 INTO=:: ~eE2 ~CE :!.2reE2 + ADDR7 'STB R/WGNO -±-- R~WGND -±- R/WGND 43}----'-"'-=-------' e ~ 16~ 16~ + 2 3 5 6 7 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______________________~+~A~12~_~ ... SH3-CI7 r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________~+~A~11~~~~SH3-CI7 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________________~+~A~10~_~~SH3-CI7 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________ ~+~A~9~~~~SH3-CI7 ,-______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ___I .... SH3-CI7 I ADDR2 33~----~~'--------. 3 D11 ~ !_- / / 5 I 17 I$, J '-47:'; -=-- 1'6 Y14 F24~~----~ H +t- 0 - ill~~W~lli .---~----~~~~~~+-~~_r----~----~_r~~~~~~~~----~ + DA~ B29 841 L~~_t~+-~_+_+------------~_+~~~_t1_+_~_t1_+_----------_++~~~._I_~ ... ~--~~~--~...... SH2-H16 ___ + DA1 .. ~~~~-+~+-H-+--------------t-~-+-~-+~+-~-+~-------------H~--~.~.....----~+~D~A.:..2;......-~ ... -~SH2-G16 L--1_+_~+1_~_t~--------------~~--~~+++4_+~+_-----------~~----~. .~~----~~~-~SH2- F16 ~----~r+~~~_+~+_-------------4----~r+~~~_+~+_r_-----------~-----~~.-~-~~~--~+~D~A~3~_1.... SH2- F16 r-____~_+~+_~_+~+_------------_e----~_+~+_~_+~+_r_----------_.------~.·~~ ... ~--~+~D~A~4~_1~ . . SH2-FI6 r---~t_rt~~H_+~--------------~~--~rt~~~_+~+_------------_1_.------. .·~::~----+~~D~A~5:....--~ . _SH2-FI6 . .:' + m m ~ ill H rnrnrn~ DA6 Lilli 3Z~T- 5.0 r-~+-H_+~+_H_+------------t_~--+_H_+~+_~_+~------------~_.----~~. .----~~~--~~.SH2-F'6 G rt_+_1_~~~+_~------r-~----1_+_~++~_+++_~_+--------~----+_~~----·I_-~:~---+~D~A~7---"':=SH2-FI6 +5V +lv y-+-+----,4,-/ AI! ,---++-~_3"-1A 1 L -_ _-+--I--;f---....;Z=-i A2 L-_ _.\--.4-1-_.!..Il A3 A4 L-____~H~.-:..I.!..j7 L-------+-+-~-5"_1A5 44 + ADORa 40 + ADDR9 ~18 T18 4 vee 4 vec '-+-+--;3'-111.121 I/o 1 3 AI! I/O 1 ~ A 2 ' 1/02~ 2Al l/ozr!1-, A2 L--++---7-l I/O:;~ '--_ _~-~1~; I/O:; ~ '-----f-+-~1.;,..j7 11.3 1I04~ 17 A4 l/04~1.=4_ _--, L-______-+-+-___5~:~ RA~ ~-----+-+---~~~A5 RA~ ~_______~+_--~6 A6 '--_ _ _ _~+_~6~A6 7 A7 04 6 ' -_________-+-+--__"'-1 L-___________+_+---.!...l~ A7 D5Z lIO 2 ~ I/O 3 ~ I/O 4 RAM + F LM34~T-12 - c 38 + ADDR10 B48 0.1 50V El 82 D5 05 p-'.::.O~--r_-----------------------------------r_-------------------------------~f__---------------- ___----'-R:.:..A.;.:.M:;:.:5=-----I.... 5HZ- 016 06 ,",-9 - RAM6 5HZ- D16 + ADDR11 6 E3 1 =- 07 7 EROM DECODER ¢ h 15 A~DCCRO - RAM7 =- - _ 51 K + 20~----------=---------------I ADDR1S 10 74LS32 4 ,f E2 07 83!l B75 h 7 - ~ .... 6 74LS32/--' - S8K ENRO :=- MEMW - MEMW + 5V t F24 1K c SH1-C14, H1 6 SH3-HI7 -_ SH3-HI7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Diablo Systems Incorporated ... 17r---------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------~----------------------------------4_--------------------------~-----~ SH2-CI6 B PW ASSY, --- -,----- --T- .'-- r - -" 1-"-----1'---- :------- ------1- - . -.\"'-"" 1 --, "";""~-~'~C·f.-' 23926-XX 17 14 1'2 9 8 E o ~-=--r__+----------------------------------------_r----------------------------------~-------------------------_--5=..c2..cK~-~_~SH3-CI7 - MEMR - MEMR .. 7 ~--~~~-----------------------~~----------------------~~~---------------------------------------~---------------------------------4-------------------------~~~---~_SHZ-CI6 - 821 830 ill B66 = SH2-C16 01 h.'4 SH3-C 17 26}------=~..:...:..~--------+----------H------=_l2 Al 13 - S3K 02 '" ----------------~:..::.:.:..---.:..... SH3 - B 17 3 A2 E28 03 ph.""'-12'-+_t--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+____________________~---------------.:S::..4.:.cK:.:..-_~~ SH3-H' 7 26 + ADDR12 4 04 n 11 - 55K ... SH3-HI7 ~ El OS ~1O - 56 K : . SH3-H17 820~ 9 - S7K F24 ~ E3 06 n ~ SH3-HI7 15}-+---.:..A.:::D:.:D=-R.:..1:...4---------------~9d E34 8 5 +12V ~ ¥-c E2 o + L-________-+-+-~~& A6 '--________4-~---7~A7 ~ -.-<1--+--9 =-10D ~r----,,-;:-159 00 2111A-4 ~~ ~ l 15 r 00 CEI2111A-4 ~_+_~~ CE12111A-4 rIO"" CC E E21 ~ RAM DECODER ~ CE2 ~ 2r eEZ ~~ R/W GNO -± ~ R/W GND ~ R/w GND 16~ 16~ 1 7!L3S: 2 )..3~__-4-+--+-~"""".!..I1 AI2I 0 111 ~I- ~1(; ~ DeDR 01 (~~1~4~--t_----------------------------_+--' 12 02 0!.2 E34 >1~1____+~~__~2 A1 ~ n12.-~-------------------------------~------~------------------------' 13 74LS32 3 03 v ~ A2 04 (~~'~I~--t_----------------------------------------t_--------------------------J r;c A26 11.44 11.62 0.1 12 V P v CC/ 11 L 0 1 f:;2 -----~s 4 .~"u 3 . {£; 3 XM EM1 • REVISION HISTORY -#23926-XX XMEMI Board Rev. A ECO# 7646 As released. B 7852 Add dash numbers for 1641, 1660. No schematic changes. C 7933 PWA MEMI bill of materials and ROM changes. D 7953 PWA MEMI establish -98, -99. Change bill of material include -98 - authorize 04 etch for custom ROM. E A4092 to Authorized Purchasing to buy other than plastic packaged Ie's if there was a shortage. .1 1 17 2392G-XX I I 16 15 1 14 ~ [ I 12 13 11 9 10 6 7 8 5 j 3 I I"ODUCT NO -~------------~ 2 23926 - XX I r.:::'1 02 ~ L SH1-K6 _ ....~_+~~A~¢~__________________________~------------------------------------------------.-------________________________________________--, SH1-K6 _~ . .~-+---A-1--------------------------__~--------------------------------------------~._+_------______________________________________~ SH1-K6 _. ~.___+~~A~2~____________________~~+_~------------------------------------------~~~+_------____________________________________-, k k SH1-K6 _. :~-+--~A~3~------------------_.~~t_~----------------------------------------_._1--~+_-----. __________________________________, SH1-K6 - . ::~_+~~A~4 . ___________________._t~~t_~--------------------------------------_._,~t_~_r---------------------------------------, SH'-L6 ~: . .__-+~~A~5~______________~-r_+~--~+_------------------------------------e_4_~_4~~+_------------------------------------, -- SH1-L6 _w.~__-+~~A~6~------------._~_+_t~~+_~----------------------------------__4_T_r_+_1--~+_--------------------------------~ ---+~~A~7----------~~t_1__r_t~--~~------------------------------_.~~+_~_+_t--~t_-------------------------------, SH1-L6 -.:. 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DA~ .----_-'1'6 - -- -- + DA1 + DA2 12 @ G __t--r-+_-+-'~_+~--_r_+__t--------------+_~-------+-_+-4--~+_~_+_+---+-_+_+--------------+_~------_+_~'_+~~~4__r_+--+_-r_+--------------+_~------------~"1r~"~----------------~--~11 : __ .__ . --+---D-A-3---------~-_+_-+_4--r-r_~_+---+_~_+_------------~~--------+_~_+__+-_i---~+_.+_--I__+-~--------------4_--------_+__+1_+~~+__+__r_+--+__r_+--------------~--------------~~Ir-~=~------------+--D--A-3--~13 + DA4 _ + DA4 SH1-G6, SH3-L3-.~-------------------r-t~--r-+-,~~+--+--t--r--------------.---------~-+-4--~+-~-+-4--4-_+_+----------._--------4-~_+~~~4__r_+-+_~_+------------._--------------~~Ir-~_~------------------~ . 8 + DA~ + I DAS ~ SH'-G6, ~3-L3 __ .~--~~~-----------~~-~~+_~_r_t~--~_+_1--------------+_~------4_~_+~~t_4__r_+--+__r_+--------------+-._------+_~_+__t--~+__+_~--t_1_~--------------r_._--------.----~ . .~_, . ....-------------------'~~~ F SH1-G6, SH3-K3 - ....__-+~~D~A~6~---------~_+~--t_+_4__+_1--1__+___t------------~--~._----~+_~~_4--~+_4_~~~-4_-------------_4--~I-.!,-----r~-4--~+-4-~-+--4-~-+--------------+-4--.----------~==.r_~~~------------+~~D~A~6--~14 SH 1- G 6, SH 3 - K 3 -II .~--+~...:O'--A-7--------.--_+__+~-~+__r_t_1-4__+ . -t-------+-5-"-----+--t~-.--+~r--+-+--r-+--t--4 -;;,;s '---r-+-+-~3 A¢ E L---__t--~+_--:::-IA 1 2 A2 '--------1~+-~--..=.j1 1..!.!.I/O 2~ ., -- --' - -- --. -. --. -4 II' ]> --~-+-f__.__+-4--~+__r-+~--~~_+~I-----__:_+-::tS:-:-v--:---+-+-1~~-----..~I--:..----------~+--"D;..:.A~7~-{ 16 II '--__'--_-_-+I-_-=,t-=-t-=--=--:::.-::-l3;::,AA ¢, I/O 1-:-,1'2 I/c ~~ 1/03,1.. ::.3___-, .- 1 !.:;!.rl R/W GNO ......_---'116 ~ D SH1-E6 1 1/04 "'1-4_____--' -::!::-- 4 vc;s I/O 1~ AlI/ 0 2 P-----12 '---+--+--1------:3'-iA¢ 2 A2 L _ _ _ _ _ _-+_+---i-----"-i 1 I 0 2 ~1 3 I '---------t_1__r-;-:1:-i A3 I 0 ~ 4 I '--_________~--~+_---'1_=_t7 .0.4 !Ie 4 ..1....___"_ ~____________-+-_+~--~5 AS RAM '--__________.___+__+---i--~5 .0.5 RAM '--_______________+--I-t_~6:;j A6 '--________________+__r_+---6:;j .0.6 L------------------1--~+---7i7 A7 057 ~________________+__r-+--~7 A7 ~~~ _ RAMS ._~_+--:1-:'59'-100 2111A-4 __+--+--.,.;9'_1 00 2111A 4 SH 1 - E6 -_:------'-.:;..:.;.;.:.::.---------------------------4_-_t-7:Q eEl __+_...:':.;,5a eEl 1Qr C E 2 =0 C E 2 '------------_+__r_+--~'_=_t7:1 F 2 '------~~+_+_--.;.,A2 II 13 ' 0 3 r-=----~ L-__________~_+__t---'1_::_i7~! 1/041-'1=.4_ _ ___, '--____________~_+~r--~5 .0.5 RAM '--______________-+~--+----6~A 6 '-------------------~~t_1_--~7 .0.7 070 .__-+--+---9=-too 2111A 4 .-+--,1..;.50 C E 1 1Qr C E2 R/w GND .--_--'1 '6 # *- E R/W GNO ......____]16 ~ D _~ . .~--~R'--A'--M~6~--------------__- -__--~---4---------------------------------------r~ -.---4_----------------------------------------~~--+----------------------------------------- SH1-06 c ~.~-----R--A-M-7--------------------------+_--~--------------------------------------------r--------------. ---------------------------' c SH'-86-~ ... ------M~E~M~R~----------------------~ SH1-B6 _-~~~----~M~E~M~W~-------------------------------4~----------------------------------------________-----------~~--------------------------------------' -- I· SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ~ ?~~~!~~~~~~~ ~ PW ASSY, -- Incorporated I XMEM1 17 11 I 1-,.."""""_0 ---.,23....9__2.....6_-X-.X...,.J I 16 13 14 15 12 n 9 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 r-' " _NO 2 23926-XX r:£'; 1 D2 r---------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------._--------------------------------____________~._--------------~+~D~A~~-~·SH2-H16 r--------------------------------------------------~~--------.------------------------------------r1~------------------------------------------~r.--------------~+~D~A~1~~:SH2-G16 L r------------------------------------------------+~._------------------------.------------------_+~._----______________________________________~~~----------~+~D~A~2-~~SH2-G16 -- .-----------------------------------------------~~_+~------------------------------------------~+_~~--------------------------------------____~~~~----------+~D~A~4~~;.sH2-G16 .-----------------------------------------------_+_r~+_~~------------------------------------------~_+_r~._------------------------------------------~~~_+~--------~+~D~A~5~... :sH2-F16 r---------------------------------------~_r~r+~.-----------------------------------_+4_~_r~~----------------------------------~~~~~~----~+~D~A~6-~~sH2-F16 r---------------------------------------------~r+_+~+_r1~--------------------------------------_r+_~_+_+~._--------------------------------------_+_r~+-~_+_.----~+~D~A~7~:... 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A0 E ROM 01 ....~H-+-r++-H-+-r-------:6:-i A' 02 ~ ~ 9 "'H_+_r+_t-H_+_r~+_---------=--t7 ~~ ERO~ ~~ ~ f J 8316 + 5V S H +12V 124 f19 vce voo ~~ Tor--4 .-________--,.,;.4; A' 0 8;)16 .-------.:.,14'-; es 2 r-L...C_S_3______..J -- K ~~ ~ .-__________________-".:::.;9 A4 OS f-:'.::.9+_H _+.. .-------------------,11'""01-; AS 06 ~'_=6+_H_+~• ...-----------------'-1-1 AA6 ~ 07 ...1-=-7+-+-1-+-++.. .---------------~2 AS7 oa~1~6+_H_+~+_r. ...-__________--=3'-4 A 9 7-i: J ROM ..-----------------------~~.., :; .-------------------.....,.10:::-1 :: ~~ 1-:~:..;~+--hH-. .-________________~1 :~ ~~; I-:::..:;~+_H_t_r... o L r---------------------------------------------------~+_r1~--------------------------------------------_+_r~._--------------------------------------------~~_r~------------+~D~A~3~~:.SH2-G16 ~ 07 08 8 708 I-I-~~~==========~-' CS/WE E PRGM 'IBB ~.21 SH1-K6 SH1-K6 SH1-K6 SH1-K6 SH1- K6 ~~A~0~---4~4-+-~~4-+-~-+4---r4--~---------~5~V-------------·-__-r4-~rt-+4-~-+~4-~-+_~_______-~5V~____________e-~-+4-~rt-+1-_r4--~----------~5~V----_------__ ~ ~~·A~~1_____~~-+~+-I_4-+~+_I--+~-------- __----------------_-~++_H_+++-~-+~-I_4--------------------------~~_+++_H_+-f---t_.;--------------------------------J ~·~A~2~------~t_rt_r~t_f_i-+-+--f_i---------------------------------4~_r+_ri_+_rt_f_i--_r+_--------------------------------4-ri_+_r~~~_r~--------------------------------....I ~~A~3~--------~t_.;-+-r4-t-i_+-r--t-4-----------------------------------4_+~~f_+_+~~r_-+_.t_-----------------------------------~I_4_f_~+-~_f_~--------------------------------~ SH1-L6 SH1-L6 SH1-L6 SH1-L6 SH 1- L6 S0-l1- L6 ~+~A~7--------------~~r4_r1-+__i_r----------------------------------------~1_+_~_t--+_r_----------------------------------____~.,-+--+-~----------------------------------------..J ~~·A-B~-----------------e_+_~t_+--_t_+--------------------------------------------~4_+_r4--_r~--------------------------------------------~+___i_+---------------------------------------------....I -!'"-+A9 vss 12 veB ~21 - SV D - ·"A4 - ~·A5 , 5Hl-L6 ~~=·-------------4~~~1-~_+--~+_--------------------------------------~_ri_~rt_+_r--~r_--------------------------------------~+_~rt--~~--------------------------------------~ SH1-L6 - +A6 .. +A10 __ +A11 .. +A12 c SH1- D6: _-51 K SH1-D6- 52K SH1-06 ... -S3K SH1-06 ~ -S4K SH1- e6 -S5K SH1-C6 -e-- -S6K SH 1_ e 6 .. - S 7 K 5Hl-C6 .. -SBK I I -e- 23926-XX 17 PWASSY. XMEM1 I 16 15 I 14 I, 13 12 r 11 3 THRU 10 1 9 I 3 I 2 1 ~ ± DIR + CAR 2 43 8 LIN MODE ~ e~ a 23 ________ ~I-~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~() ---------------------~----''" ~ 14 10 ,-!! +CAR. POS A +CAR POS B + CLOCK + CAR A 5 15 4 16 12 13lJC61 19 EVEN 14 -PORT 6 52 -WRITE 51 - 91 II + DA 5 11 + + DA 6 DA 7 I11 I \ 068 10 -DATA ACK 50 9JC13 I 8 8 . - E51 E50 IK II< 22 , j, C49 -w rD·;.' 1;;" * .!oJ Ii- ~: ~~ I '"is 1 I bE61 .1 ....tt r-; 2 +!5V ~!50V E68 II< 9 17 C25 II J.C17 470pF I CX)~--+-41.....E-5-""'III-IC> 6 .8 0-0 1- 3!5VTAI~- 13 I 12 17 45 + AUTO 18 + TEST LINE FEED 10 - SET TOF ZERO 00-7 01-7 00-8 IS , - 14 12 21 !5 00-4 -- e 10 15 - oO-e 17 00-8 - 19 21 01-7 PAIS INPUT C25 -STATUS OUT -CLR PR/B r ... - 068 37 + DATA STROBE 2 7 +REAOY 2 ~ -05-1 DATA 13 05-2 3 0[-1 PR/B 4 35 +01 DO_2 6 34 +02 00-3 8 33 +03 00-1 !5 [1-2 7 01-3 9 01-4 16 18 20 22 DI-5 03600-4 10 32 +04 0[-6 D0-5 0I-7 0I:.a 00-8 2 MO 01-8 MO 48 + RESTORE (INT,) COMMAND -Cl..l' I 00-1 4 00-3 ....6 01-8 ~STB -- - LINE FEED C25 14JO -CLR STS 00-7 15 +05 30 +06 19 21 00-8ro-INPUT 31 17 29 +07 ~ 27 +08 STB OUTPUT 46 + POWER ON 41 - POWER ON T + 5v '* . !lOV 8 068 15 I 1)$..1 20 109~ 1 ~E66 .1 00-6 10 l READY FF Q~ !£.I( 18 1lI4; ..... 00-5 T II 00-7 54 GND 1-4 I 16 OJ-!5 I!50V 5,6 -_ .... I 3 01-1 068 7 01-3 / 9 01-4 - PAPER OUT 22 + 5V - ... 00-4 5 OI~ 20 I 05400-5 II I 18 01-6 7 01-3 - COVER OPEN 28 + POWER ON I i 00-2 6 - BEL L (TIME OUT) 36 CLOCK - 43 - DOUBLE LINE FEED 3 Dl-l I 10 39 POS INT 1 16 OJ-6 13 D5-Z -ESC RESET (CHECK) 40 E63 II< t-!- 9 OJ-4017 IS 01-2 HVI: +5V E6!5 II< 00-2 2 MD J +!5V +5V -READ 47 13 DS-2 - 4rT~~ cue C73 t-!- I STROBE FF 16 + SYSTEM I . \ 6 - BUSY RESET I I I 25 -H"IIBIT (RIBBON JAM) 5 6 I I I I I I 21 SPARE 55 I I I I 9 00-1 00-3 e \ I .. I I - PORT 5 53 I..., -08-1 ,, __ ~8I)fE;nONAL DATA BUS !5 + CAR TRACK CROSSING DETECTION LOGIC ~ 13 CI3 2 20 8 ~ 12 9 4 3 49 10 I + DA 3 24 + DA 4 ))C61\ C61 13 + DA + DA 21 5 4 - SELECT PRINTER 26 + DA ~ - I "*' 6 5 C73 C25 II 101 C6!'-e 7 3 C37 ~. II< +5V 9 + CAR REV 44 +CAR FWD * MATRIX INTERFACE C4,C38,C64,03,037,D73 24930-01 REV. A 083-020 REVISION HISTORY - #24930-01 MATRIX INTERFACE REV. A Eeo# A1902 As released. +POWER ON 15 39 3B+CAR UNMOOE 040 12 5 ";040 10 + 01 40- BUSY RESET 3 +OZ ADDR -'040 12 - 31 + 03 33 +D4 Ul)()----------~~~~--+__+--t__t--r__r~~~ ~ + O~ 31 + D6 30 + 07 zg + DB 27 36 -BELL (TIME OUT) '3 4B+PFA E40 13 4B+PI'B -12 040 14 GN08 ~6~______________________________________________________________________________________________________----------------------------~{)lJ C!54 9 II 10 6 8 It 12 ---~~~lCTL - '::0:---""8 17 ",-,DATA BUS +DATA ~E CLKS 41 - DOUBLE LINE FEED + AUTO UNE FEED 35 43 SW-I,..., + CAR + POS INT I RESTORE (lNT ') 51 'I, 20 .. 18 20 3 21 33 i!l"...12 21 22 37 - 23 Vdd 38,28 23 ~r : ! 24 ' L--_...;A.;;.C..;.,K-.;.,jl r~+5V ·I~: 11K I2V ....."..:=Vdd6JI==-___-i. : 2:.:.V____---4...7__________________________--< jl!-~.2 j!9____ 30 II II ~ It V II It I I I'~f1"" RIH ~ I' t-27126126 ~ I'i24 23122121 I' 2 ~54 L_ CPU -I2\' A69 ACK O - )--------------------------------...::a--f--------=jzggj 49 2B ,II 32 4 2 ~ 9 e 7 6 3 17 18, 19 V It 142127 It Ii V Ii -¥ -¥ i-lt'l ~I'lft "'181pI-7 .,':>lei< '" 1i >=-I_________-+______--{ L -_________ 9 .. 21 - HAMMER 7 DATA 13 - HAlllMER 8 DATA 47- HAMMER 9 DATA -Ity REGULATOR -15VS 53 )---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~E~7~1J:__, ~F ~V II ) Oo::x.r-----~~-:_:=__1"=:_:_--~_;_~---o "'5V.. (2) O::xXx:O::xXx:)------1~~~-----*-------*-~~>--O INO (3) c::x::x)~---4""iI.l<.!'--------------------OO -12Wd (I IS e, 21,22 I TP (211,2,3,4,55,5,47,4',4',50 (3)54,:'1,37 C5 54 - 12V J# L-___.....____4~~---.J+5O\I PROCESSOR 24620-12.-13 REV. H 083 -021 REVISION HISTORY -# 24620-12, -13 PROCESSOR Board REV. ECO# ETCH CONFIGURA TION A A1429 01 Standard -01 configuration bill of material, assembly, and schematic as released. B A1464 01 Documentation change only. C A1539 01 Eliminate PROM PCB, add ROM's. to this assembly (A24=13206-01/A39=13206-12) D A1828 01 Add ROM descriptions (13206-01 = A52GOPA 13206-12 = A52GIPB) E A1902 01 Change drawing to -XX, add -11 (systems) configuration. F A3106 01 Documentation change only G A3127 02 Add -02, -05, and -12 configurations. Allow use of -02 etch. Remove switch A74 and ground terminal B70. Add -12V (Vss) to ROM pins 12 and 40. Add connector J17 in upper left hand corner for additional ROM PCB interconnect. Include ROMs with bi-directional printing program. H A3610 02 Add -13 configuration. Allow program change to accept multiple font option. + SERVO DISABLE 20 O___------------:..t 8~1 l "- J8A CAR52 J8A sv ~t- ~... CAR 6 :~ 0 I 14 ....... C'O.. t:..., as I: IIOof I 'sV 5 IV -~.I TA i:f: :5.0 82 -I Ft2 U>-f-----<1--2. . 7;;......---:-+~~-f-2-t>5 . 'v, , > FWD 37 REV 18 TA II: 64 ...,VF AI4 ~~IIK lOOK ~ _. 820 IIIK :lAI7. 1Cf AIOI.t 1 .~~ It I =rioo,F f:J ~~. .OK+ 15I1f 13 " 1l 49 2 AI7)41;;Iz....- + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -....----------------------U -1511F A ~ ~~_-~N~v4~c121~2-~~-~~+-P-F-*-~--~-_+-~-~~--------------------+--~---~4--------------------~ ~ C~POS~G#3 -6W 1:1:. 3 .I! DZI .ODK !:~J817 }:~t~K 15. V' 3 J~:;~ ~g~ 'I. 51' 1 C23 ~ f looP' +15V, -6VF •• '.8 ... f4....7rl-_ _ ::6. . ... 0 CARRIAGE +15 V' POSITION SWITCHES 8 I 832 z 'P ;.~I'.t 1~4811~:39 :~~ +511 !:B47 H44 20K G t n 832 ~ U " +U, 1 ".1 L4'--_ _ _ _ _'-:f~.V8;+I5V. II 10 41 832 .,8 044 r 6 VELOCITY 1 II 5,. H39 R'5: lin 2 1 a-1 +5Vr4o II A ~ D-A -I5U C~~~ '5._ _15"" 470 2M . • E27 V ~2 £27 l 20M I 11K t-:- '5I1F ~ J?34 S.U D33~ 7" ji+I5V;o ~ "=' 2. on D39 II DC39 D32 H22 HI7 HI& ~ ~ 7a I.U 0471~4' 13 63 r-o H33 ..! 24O,F '---.!! 621 ~ ... IZ ~ ::jjG9 ~ h- 17~f.~'Vf ~ H20~;.~5J~~1 1':t:~K ~~7K ~'~. 1~'52.. ~~73K 1 20K -15Vf 12 2.'. J: rl3"'---------+-+~...,V"i' 3 • ir;or;r"' * I ... V"2, 434 10K ~ -IIIV' A J8A 4 .IBA ,!~;v 1 ~" .. I. HI! 1124 "9 lUI H5 1&.1.57" ZJ5K '.07K '.37. 626 t2. :;l4o--------~ ~ H1 '.OrK +J5VF +,: 4 40 X ~6~~~., + RESTORE (lNT "') rlEIB '" +POWERON46 ~~------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~J. l(\)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________ CAR I CAR 214 .I8A 1 CAR 3 V ~ !!.--..! ...!. 626 Vz DIGITAL SINEWAVE GENERATOR ~:O HI: SE RVO ERROR f ~---~1~F~9~--------------------~8: f~ci022 ~?O:IO-II-;;H2;;;5;--::G,.;2S-::-"~-t-~-+-+------, Cr=----------+-t-+.-6-2 -"i S , IVF +511 8 C~ "37 :,....---i 1-0!I'--. t..:w".;;37j.---+ !t;,0~5V 1'b05U22 12 '0 16 ..,..1.4;;,'.--..... .~' A34 "45 ~G26 5 G26 +CAR POS A 810", C39 • 4 • r'.:.4--------_+-t-...,.,~ A 15 L...--'-_-_-_-_.c:..J_-'--I 5 I 53 CAR POS B I_~!.._ 11 .......- -.....- - - - - - - - - -..... G~13~~--_~-----~II~~-3-6-3----+-~~-+-~------~~~~~ GIS: :: + ~~ '0 41 10K A H,4 52 ' 3.3... "6 44 + CAR EVEN '-'- • +I!SVF 14 C2. I I 829 '0 10 Ie .5 I 14 £34 15. I 4 5 023 £33 ~ :~~' • £27 .~A39'~0h.N;';""J:---( All' 4 I II AA!zs14.,v iH4 }HI 5 63 ~ RETURN 22 ~:: ~:2 ~~~~ +~511 A ~,... ~--------------------------------------------------------_1 RIBBON MOTION SENSOR DRIVE 21 j1+ ~E....2c>.74-+--+':..---...,-2210JD~'3~9jPee+--:O~4~4~0;;:4;:5T--'i-~z(l"I<"~r. ,...----i-I~--+-+-----------"'4;:·!;'.r;~=tl=tj=!=t:=t=~=~=:"~rJ-j-l-L-~L +5l1o-t-1,...G;,'...".......~W H"H""'2=---+---.....--------G-3~ ~3 ~~;H ~~:H A .' L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------------------~--~~~~-. ~H25. 3 H:;l20:,...-+-+_-+-_~+--'0 3 H32 1 A A "tc.,,----~ ..,. -'p'IIVF .01 9J>.::IZ6'A"'I:... CLOCK.,.!.. HSI 20. 20K 857 10K -ISH 10 4 3 • • ~ &.IK 639 I. A r--_ _..:4'-'ILID_39./:/it.16....-----*"-+--~~--+-----...,15::f.5\41-~ C'39 15VF 035 ' " Ie 043 20K 41.2" --:: I C39 1~!~ 141t" 3 C 8391>4_... "...-1 Z 4 12 10K B37 10. C43 .46 ..._ _ 12' -,':~' CH ~~7 9 10K COO .10K ~~ G4, : F3915 A r"'C31 wr,,, L----'-IC,/3 IOK"'5VF A ~ e; r--------------"'18 }' 84' +:;v. 1. J~ -+___.::.91... +5V .44 ISK ~t4:\ ~39I 5 ~36. 10k 100 +~ ~.. H411 ~~*. 14 .-.r...,.,.-------:;:-=,..----<~_++--------------------... ~ ~4 ~~O A '-v -=- + 5V F34 +1511F iOil~-"O.33 24K .... C45 CI7 II =~.Ol 6 + 4 :'- 10KJ'U 10 F39 .... TACHOMETER :!.';;,,, ':,," . . .------"'4, -'-0·--:f~.11I 10K 451 13 ~-:'5 2K +'}'Vf ~ CAR. POSITION +OV .i" £41 £44 'S" :~'!. r 10M +,5~v +1511F CI5 • e37 20' C36 I. A E46 -I:JVF 1 ~~: ?: :Co~5 C48 C41K 1.20 d2174'2 Cli ~~ FILTERS 15.~: CAR POS SIG #2 -.IIV' +15Vf E45 3 -SERVO DISABLE 48 CAR POS SIG #1 1.24 I"'" AJ·' VELOCITY 4 190 VELOCITY 5 7 ~Locm6 9 CLOCK TP 29 1 IK 0,3 832 VELOCITY I 15 VE LOCITY 2 14 LED RETURN 32 ::~K}AIlI }:~~+'lIj +5 } - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - i :>O:4;-+-....'l..-:-------------------+-~------------------ 7,f\.41-.. • ~~~TY_12 LED DRIVE 31 ~2 018" 3 T IK r +611' S ~:;,~ TA +511 VELOCITY 3 10 I E4 IK I 13 ------< >--.......2.7;.......1~A-,6--....,t>+5y. . * .511' ;J; ,25211 511 +-::!:::~i5d: '* *+6 15. J;:-'51I ~ Go4, • F.I .. 1,1:1:11 .I + CAR '2 18 DIT 3.3. 9 ole 8 10'--..'/ 08 +~VF* r-il--._+-T_ _p--_ _ _ _ _......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--- -f______'T_....... H48 LIN MODE 50 D4 ~'~. £15 FI8 -15 VS 24 >-~----- ,O--.... +-;T~A-'- ---i>~ + CAR I~Z £3 -:: ~~... II FI6 +ISV GN)2~h8. '52+NI'~' ... +5V 6 sV -~f.~" F41 n 7 I. 14 ~3~~::~IA:!:J.~21 A* 5 S I.... « + tSVf +..:h:~.D:~f21 10 11 ISOpF CS J:'"""""" £14 ~+5Vf+5Vf* It. 5 ~+'\/f +SV ~ 0.0 EI ~: 05 ~.S C3.JL -~ "~,, £10 -+6VF CI ~85 ':> ~ +511 14",~gll)"""'. f: ~6 4 10 I ~~' "OpF".K ·Y.. ~~. rr.T I .1 GND : -+SVF AI.... IK 9101f1' ...r--' +15VS DEMODULATOR WIDE BAND VIDEO AMPLIFIERS 20. +i:30 12K Z Ele } : S : - - - - - - - - - - - - - { • 51 -INHIBIT (RIBBON JAM) [57 7.5 K (NOT USEID 11Q~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ (NOT USED) 26 V CAR SERVO 24625-02 REV. 0 083-022 REVISION HISTORy-it 24625-02 CARRIAGE SERVO Board REV. ECO# ETCH CONFIGURA TION A A1738 03 Release -02 configuration, and allow use of -03 etch. Include Ribbon Motion Sensor circuits. B A1871 03 Add low offset Op-Amp (selected 747C) at A39 to reduce speed variation in reverse carriage motion. C A1870 03 Change transistor FlO from type 2N5322L to type 2N5322. D A1891 03 Documentation changes only. 873 tOt CARRfA6E POWER AMFf..IF1ER 874 100 871 I·I B!5O 56~ 847 5E~ ~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~--r-1r.::----~ 5.11< ERROR 846 i~ 851 F72 +150 101< G72 E63 G71 854 5111< A62 II< 853 100 C75 ~-'-+--~~~--------------r---------~------~>- 21< r------------., A63 : .0047 ~~~-, 10K.: 13 CARRIAGE ORNE MOTOR -150 E77 -150 E76 875 ~--._--+_--~~~~Mr~------------------------~~ ~ 8~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 F47 POWER MONtroR CKT +155 r 82 .1 +511 A26 21< 85 5V All II< AI2 -'44 +155 B44 IK A9 II< +511 86 +155 470 B9 88 L-__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------~18 +PW SERVO ENABLE 87 1111 ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i16 +POWEft ON +~ A 4~----------------------------------------------------------------_1--~_r----~~~· Cit G37 IW'ER FEED DRIVE A .1A2W -15110 ~--@----"·~~~---1 ...E-3-7---o0 -150 +15VO ~ ~ Fu.. 5011 ~ -~~-_~...~ .........--+! ...=-~-oO+I50 .In2W PAPER FEED #1 "5- 3t#' +1632 0 +15115 UuF 3IjVTANT ~------------_.~~--O+!511 ANALOG GNO 0- :)--....:IIo:r;;--;----o -15 liS 4}-----------.......:::;:.:...::=:.:..-----------'-----------....;..;:..--.., G26 I PAPER FEED DISABLE DRIVElt RETURN G24 I +PFB 10~------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-,_--~~_tH IMPER FEED DRIVE B E20 -150 PAPER FEED #2 CAR PWR AMP 40525-07 REV. A 083,-on REVISION HISTORY -#40525-07 CARRIAGE POWER AMPLIFIER Board REV. ECO# ETCH CONFIGURATION N A1260 05 As released for use in the Series 2300 Matrix Printer. P A1260A 05 Documentation error Q A1565 05 Documentation error. A A3128 06 -05 to -06 configuration. Allow use of -07 etch. PCB relayout only. Change component locator codes as follows: C57 to A44 C54 to B46 C55 to B47 C56 to B44 C54 to A45 DS6 to A47 A A3278 07 -os to -07 configuration, -06 to -08 configuration. Reduce sensitivity to power supply variations. Remove D74. Replace D73 with a jumper. Change zener diodes A7 and B7 to 11 volt devices. Change resistor values:· D75 to S.IK and B33 to 30K. .,, .~ 47n ....-- '~ ~ .. 104 r-.l ~M "l: tOA * '0 AI' 4roo. + 48 V (FUSED) ~ ~ ~t:.. • levI G. GZ2 31. 101< _ I _. G21 'zn: . 0 -I!!VD -H_ERI2 DATA -HAMMERI 3 DATA - H_ER ... 4 DATA H_MER ... 5DATA - HIMIIER... 6 DATA HA_R# 7DATA _ER#8DATA .2I!lA 510& 31 ~ *I~I el&6 4 _ A3':c. CU CZT ~ j"' .:.~ * ! ? Ftl ~ C38 ~ 16' ~ ~ * ~ COO HI =~DIIIVI Mil. • ~ F48 .40 470... -.SO ,. 0" P' 0" 2 TV ~ -"5 "" ro"-o.... ':M .'5f "65 470A ... ". ~ ~ "" @-- . C13 ~ ~ _~) ? G. 'T" Me) 4lQa. &58 :-.FZ5 l' ~ ~~ '25 ~.- r ~7'~~) ... 1 ... U .,9 ~,. C03 ,..4J '>;J lOk G2 -HAMMER'" I DATA • .. 0 ~ .. :; '$9 :;,~ C~ CAl! !I J2' 'lOA ~:. 05 ~ i'· :-r ±~" +I,\I'S 53.0. AI''' 680A. FI +~)~. ~OV ~H I,F ~ ._;} +POWER ON 470.0. ilI2 2 F34 A2T 470A .\31, I 127 AI~ 50 ... 820.0. [51 " C'O UD +I!JVO +I&VO ~~1 C47 !1 8 n4 ~ .:: oU D4I .OOA I ~~ ~ D , Ola \ A 014........ ____ / I • . IA C2t • ,--. ~"_ Be7) ..'--\ 4?OA+~~ ~ HAMNER COIL *' I ~ / 032 @ ~ H~COll*2 ~~ 47 la C45 18 19 HAMMER DOll * 3 2 8"9 ' _ , ~ "'" 9 10 HAIAIER COll_ 4 II 870 CTI '4 / C70 51 HAMMER COIl# 5 ~ HAMMER CClL#6 ~ HAMMER COL# 7 ~ I 100A ~ 410A ~ ~ ~' '04 ) la C!I ~ , ~ '" C4 1.0. ~) C", •• I ~:\ '" ""' "' l·45 ca 835 C401 21 2 HAMMER COIUl'e Def '52 SI( C£!'o C12 , r;'.::, .M A ':: ..' ~) ,8:: oe~, .•.. 4 I~I GNO +I5VS +15VD GX0 :: ~ .. T~ (YYY"\ G54 27J11f HAMMER DRIVER I~F,50V - 117 I ~mL 12211' 14 15 C 19 ,J80A +IG70 13 ./ C .., 4,·10 +5V ~.'" Dl'O a.o ,) " ~ I/?W 410. ~ .. ~ 100. .E 9 ~.". o +t5YD 142 154 i72 I I O+~V TlO ~ 48VRET 24605-03 REV. C 083-024 REVISION HISTORY -# 24605-03 HAMMER DRIVER Board REV. ECO# ETCH CONFIGURATION A A1426 02 -02 configuration bill of material. Assembly, and schematic as released. B A1532 02 Documentation change only. C A1575 02 Parts standardization. Change transistor types: TIP32 to TIP32A, 2N3644 to PN3644. D A1817 02 Change types but not values of capacitors for automatic insertion. A A1896 04 -02 to -03 configuration. Allow use of -04 etch. New layout only, no circuit changes. B A1975 04 Document change only. C A3539 04 Hardware change only. See Parts Catalog. 9 +OA II • T2 SPARE GNO 11 9 121--2+-,0'-!A:.....!...1- - - - _ _ _ 1 1I1---.:!+~0!..!A~2_ _ _ _---1 131--.;L..O+0'-!A"--'<.3--------. 8 t OA 4 10 tOA5 14 +OA6 16 tOA 7 ~~-----~W~HB~T~M(R~IB~B~O~N~J~A~M~)----------------------------------------------------~rs5~1--------~46~~ 15.~-----~t~CA=R~~~~A~---------------------------------------------------------_453 8 II 14 16 44 23 21 25 >- l « 37 39 CD 52 1-__--"SY~STE~M!....C~L~O~C~K_ ___1 54 >(/) 18 « (,) 0~ 5I- ~ rt) 0 o0: 4~U 0I 0= IF t5V ::t=1 X ....... o 41 51 - SELECT PRINTER ---o H W FOE READ - WRITE 23 24 II-- 0 J2 26 o-....L--r---~: ~~ ~! +I5VS I5VS ~ 55~ (,) ~ W ~ ~ 29 30 31 32 33 34 T8./ h-<" - COVER OPEN I~ (- -1 T9 ~" I~ ~ L_-.l "=' - PAPER OUT 28 +0 7 +06 t05 t04 +03 to 2 191-----cV!:'E~LO~C=IT~Y~47_:D:_:A=iTA:'__--------------------___I19 71---V.:..E=.!L~0~C~IT...!Y~5~D~A~~~-----------__I7 91---V!..E~L~OC~ITC.!Y-26~O~/IJ.~A~------------___I9 ~ 32 33 34 1I1-__V~EL~OC~ITY~.!.7..!D::::A~:rA=___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____I1i 501----..!+~SE~R'-!.V~0...!DI~SA=B:!:L!:.E___________________I20 50 : ~~ 43 49 45 ~ 18 :! tOATA -DATA -BELL -BUSY STROBE ACKNOWLEDGE (TIME OUT) RESET :~~~RE:ET { ~~~~ ~ (REF) (CHECK):4 -DOUBLE LWE FEED +CAR POS INT I +AUTO LINE FEED =~~ ;~~D l 2811-_....!!;IN~T-=2_ 37 52 43 51 45 (j; :~: ZERO !~T 17 +PCMR ON -PaNER ON (REF) ;: ~ 41 0 I W I IL + 5V o-----l5 L RIB~~~S~~TlON U S i~--::.J:::/:::::. ~ (,) 1'"/! CAR POS SlG# I CAR POS SIG# 2 CAR POS SIG# 3 ~~: ~ "'I.NT/ ..'/_. ~f"" P2 ...JI--=-'''-'-=--------I.!....2 ~~~ ~~~E I, I L 5 SENSOR RET SENSOR DRIVE ~~ SPARE L-- 35 38 19 22 37 CJ) « ...-- 43 CD 0- L - 46 -15VOo--_-~ 21 ~ 23 W ~ 26 ~ 45 ~ ~~:= 5 c[ ~~ : 2 81----I--....;S:o:E;;,:,R:.:;V.:::.0-=DI;:::S:;.;A.;::B;:LE~~8 Ii .!: ~ 21 C IS J. CAR. SERVO ERROR 20 ... ..... 48 24~----~H~A~M~MER~~2~D«~~A~--------------------~ ~ 55 T7 '----.!!" r-- T4 ~~>----= ~DT6 .. T5 VEL 32~>-+ 47~>--48 PAPER FEEO# I PAPER FEED#2 W" 51~_-....." DRIVER RET ~~~ 54 f--- 55~ 56~ D B 22 20 - HAMMER 3 DATA - HAMMER 4 DATA 24 16 44 45R JI4 461-____-'-'HA;..;;M.:c.:ME=R'-C.:...O:.:cIL=--#"-'-I------------<~ 25 23 21 - HAMMER 5 ORA - HAM MER 6 Om-A - HAMMER 7 DATA 39 41 42 27 28 13 - HANMER 8 DATA 26 - HAMMER 9 DATA 8 47'1---.!==~:"":::::=--------------117 ~ +5V 1--! 33 +15VS 2.lSR : :: : ~:i==:l=~~~~~---tIO----:~~ : i :, -15VO +15VD : '" ~ 31 35 ~ Tl2 I Til -15V -- --~~ -----------_J T2 r .-- FUSE I~R 4!R :~ R 24 52 ~ ~ ...-- 5 22 6 3 9 501-_~-'-H::.:A;:.:;M:.::M=ER:.:..:::C:.::Oc:.:IL::.;:#::..!:6--------_+_---I4 0:: ~ ~Z Z 8 a ~ ~~R ~ ~ 321-_~--!.HA=M:::M::E!!.R-=C:.=0;:::IL=.:#~7------_+_--I12 10 ~ «~ 21R 22 ~ I- 13 Z HAMMER COIL# 8 23 20 Q. 8 . - - 54 13R . - - 55 14 ~ 17 ~Q'\___..J1!5r_-----'-H;;.;A""WMER=:.:..:::C.;:;0.;.::IL:.:;#:....:::.9----------t___j 23 ~ TI8-'!,Y ,-----112 -.3 ~ 8'7 : I 20 HAMMER COIL#5 0: 2 r-- 0-... po-- .. ":' +15V - - < f - + 15V • HAMMER COIL-#'4 a:~ := ~ TI5 +5V --<~ +5V . .-- I 16 HAMMER COIL#'3 II :~ ,-- I L- HAMMER COIL#2 19 18 R Cf)>- L 34 r--------------- -<~ ~ TI4 --« S 33S; 34 36 ~ 44 13 +PFA 26,~~~H~AM~~ME~IRLLI~O~A~~AL---------------------f40~------~4~3r__ ~56 ~ ~ -12V o---~ 54 ~ ~ ~! :Sr-+--- 22 « ~ ~ 41--1----< >~ ~ 46,~--~+~P~F~B------------------------------------------------_4------------_410 ...-- 4 CAR MOTOR ~)>---~--. ~~: 27 ~ 28 lr--r- + PW SERVO ENABLE (NOT USED) 7)~1---- ~ 38 ~ 40 ~ r--- I lSI-18 ~ 41 ~ 42 32 KEf 'V~ >Cf) 31 1" L-- -15VS +15VD (/) • :~~~~~~:::::~~:::::::::::::::::::::r::::::::~: .I •• T/ ..../ T E L . . TR I 47 -~ -15VS 0------1 !5 3 ~3 JI4 42~W 23 241--W 5 6 L-- +15VS 411-_4--'-~ (,) ... t: r-r - - - -1 48 49 2 CAR I I --yt:~- -j)~-+-----------------------~~.!L- REF (GBB7 7AMP ONLY) MOTHER BOARD 24935-01 REV. B 083 -025 REVISION HISTORY -#24935-01 MOTHER BOARD REV. A ECO# A1902 As released B A3535 Change Key Position from 20-22 to 4-6. Remove 90° form from 10 terminals. . PIM)OUCT 16 17 11 12 13 15 9 10 7 8 5 6 4 Il1O. 400056-01 L NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE + sv 19 Y4 +5V 20~----~~--~~-------- C1 + C4 *Z2 1SV K 17 18 ~ ;,0.1 1ZV R13 150 ~~::::CR13 +5V 14 POWER GND I ___ ~ L -:;,;- ;Sb I 1 9,10 I ,.., D " : J - 1 1 17 : . :~ ,, 11112 • 1 C"'" 1 5 is. :- -: -: : :£t. H ,' 15,16,,... ~ ' A ,.... ,1 ~ ___ ':.'J , , ~ - 12- 2- 1 11 10 9 U2 • .• - 7-•6- S- 8 ~ 4 .• SW, 4 O~ 01 ON SW 2 3 PA1 02 I/O INTFC ON 03 SW 3 2 PAZ 04 ON SW4 1 OS SW 6 39 34 -- -... 33 -- ..-- -... -- ---- --... -.. .- 32 31 30 29 PA3 06 ~ON . --- -...- 26 VCC PA~ 07 PAil 28 -- 27 I 1 .6 PBi& 18 ON 7416 SW 7 38 , PB1 PA6 PBZ 1 S,16 EON ;SE. - . l£ : ~ SW 8 37 ~, - , :• ",12 :,.., E Pi:l3 .7 ON SW 9 14 c ,.... 15 ,~ -=-~ 15.1~ - ON SW 10 15 ON SW 11 16 SW 12 17 I~~' 14 + 15 + ADOR 1 8 - PORT 3 @ ~ 23 24 1~ 74 LS jf4 5J"1 25 10 13 13 U4 ~12 12 5 U4 ",,6 11 3 U4 ..... 4 7416 RST PC6 7416 RO 36" WA PC7 10 1 U4 ":)2 7416 R8... LED 2 1S'O· + DA 1 + DA + DA 3 + DA 4 + DA 5 + DA 6 + DA 7 R7 LED 3 CRS I~ R6 LED 4 1S0 t1. 2 3 REFERENCE SCHEMATIC PACKAGE FOR SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS OF LEOS AND SWITCHES. 2 J 6. 7 8 6 H 5 10 12 G SPARES: tt. 3~4 ... ~~4 1~ ~i1l4 R3 ~ 1S0 LED 7 CR2 !t- RZ CII10 LED 8 1S0 ~ 9~e R4 150 LE06 CII! F ~~4 15'0 CR4 ~ ~~4 R...5 LEO'S E ~ ~"4 R10 A LEO 9 CR12 CR11 1S0 ~ R11 D 1S0 LE010 ~ R12 ... 1S0~ LED11 EA- DA ¢ 1S'O" CR6 OS1 + 8UllER A_ 8255 6 I~ 1. 9 US ~8 7416 PC3 CR7 ~ 11 U5 + 1S·0 CR8 .,..12 13 US 7"16 PC5 9 WR PB7 PCl L. ___ ...J ADOR ¢ 0) ",,6 5 US 7416 PC1 PC4 ON RD 11 CLR 22 3~ " l/'1"16 7416 , '" ()." K R9 LED 1 2 7416 P B6 - 1 c , :~ I PB4 PC~ PBS , 13,14: ...... 8"'" 1 3 I 1~ 1 :E, , 21 'U1 : D PA7 1 ' 9.10: ' " 0 " 20 ~ 9 U4 ~8 V"7"16 ----~ -:.= 19 7"16 12 F 10 11 U4 , B().:3 + SV TO PIN 14 OF 14-PIN IC, GND TO PIN 7; +SV TO PIN 16 OF 16-PIN Ie, GND TO PIN 8. ALL LIGHT EMITTING DIODES ARE MV5753 OR EQUIVALENT. EXCEPT CR 13 WHICH IS A 5082-4955 OR EQUIVALENT. +5V CR9 PAS 14 13,14 4. 13 ON 17 ALL CAPACITANCE SPECIFIED IN MICROFARADS. 5. 40 : - 3. •I 1K _______ JI SW 5 9 10:,.., 0 " 11,12 • > ---, t ON ;Sb G ! .• - --------- -- - - ± OHMS. 5 '%,. +SV , 13,14.,..." B ().13 r-- -------------• ~ ~ ~ ~ •I • ~ L SPECIFIED~ 1. ALL RESISTANCES SPECIFIED IN 2. ALL RESISTORS ARE WATT, A1 CR1 CS 1N4454 E~ R1 +1 :!5 C5 AAA 1 2.~ 1K c 122 3SV = ~ ...... GiNO SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PE ~7 Di.ablo Systemalncorporated ~----------------~. CONTROL PANEL ASSY, 13 "OOOCT 00400056-01 17 + 12V H TERM • - I 17 ~IIO. 400089-01 I ! I 16 1 15 !J 14 13 I 12 I ! 11 10 1 1 • 9 I 7 I I 6 ~ 5 . I I 1 3 rae. . . III 2 400089-01 1 I r~ID2 f- L L - rCONTROL PANEL ASSY A4 K PW ASSY HPR03 A4WI PI rCLR t OAI I 2 - - 4 5 6 7 J JI 8 9 10 " 14 15 16 17 H WR 18 19 20 " 5 I 6 7 J2 P2 8 9 10 II 12 10 II ... 12 13 14 + 12V t ADORI t ADDR I PORT :3 15 16 GND GND 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 + 5V 18 I 19 20 20 19 !IV 2020 ' - t-- '--- I 2 :3 8 9 NOT USED + DAG - RO t DA7 + I I 4 5 6 7 + OA2 + OA3 - r- -., :3 t OA5 t DA4 12 13 - I 2 t OAe 3 ~ W4P2 BOARD SLOT E AIA5 r r- - KEY$OARD ASSY CABLE ASSY A3 W4 ~ + !IV GND r I I 2 3 + 5V GND r- "5 - FI(Y " - FKY !I FKY I FKY 2 ( 6 7 paR) 8 9 + BUSY -READY FKY :3 - 12V + KYSTB DATA (/I DATA - DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA - DATA It W4PI JI J 10 II 12 13 14 7 6 I 5 2 4 3 l- 15 16 17 18 H 19 20 20 f-I ' - t-- - t-- G G ~ ~ - -..,W3P2 F I I 2 3 4 - 5 6 JI 7 8 9 10 E II 12 12 '--- r-' W3P~ GND + OPTION I + DATA TERMINAL READY + REOUEST TO SENO XIllIT DATA II 20 4 2 I CHASSIS GNO - DATA RECEIVED + DATA SE T READY + CLEIIR TO SEND + + + F 7 r- 3 6 5 B 12 CARRIER DETECT OPTION 2 OPTION 3 E 22 '-- EIA W3 f- CABLE ASS\ D D NOTE: 1. DWG REVISED 11 - 77 SHOWING CORRECTED ASSY REF DESIGNATORS. ECO PENDING. I C ~ - ~ ...-- - • -CooIr....aUa/ Pnpr\eIarJ . . . - ' . . " tJaO.- ........ __ I '0_'0''''_ OO.,CI"II'D...., ;>.o(.D-('oI\lMO . . . _~_I'IOt , rE]lCO "'" ""TCC NOJETCO JlT NCIMjILQ CO NO I II I 10 • ... _ ....... A.C'_OIf"'*"C .. 110 l~]~ 110 IAJ!i?-~11 9 I • , 1'2(1.."' . . .'Jh'hfS'w~i\~IR.UlF~~! G{J~n.. I!>JIl~nt I 7 I 6 I 5 SHEETS t.(I .. • 1"7'1 T!fI!It 4 SIGNAL CABLES ~60~641 HYTERM '_ou.ao""'._'"'" I~ •. ~ I~IC I INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM TfT1Z ......O.·"....I..MC ....." .. II ..... 'Cr:-.... .a.....r: r-"" ~---- • H.yw.td., C.IofO~ 94S.S .... '.NO' ....00CIUf a r-- I I I ID I ~ 110. 400089-01 2 I I IA 8 I 7 I I 6 I 5 I 4 CONTROL PANEL ASSY A4 W1 P1 '_ AC NEUT ,.... WHT (18 AWG) AC NEUT WHT (18 AWG) /_ (5)~ I . -.·_~\~S~A~FE~T~Y~G-N-D4-+-~G~R~N----~(1~8~A~W~G~)------~~E~1--------+---------------~~--~~~~~----(~~+--~ZT: - I I AC HOT BLK T (18 AWG) W1 p~/XF1J1 XF1-1 ~ rh W1 A1Fl AC HOT () (6)12 ~U-XF-l--2-----------B-lK ____ 18_A_W_G____"~/,,E-t---{ I LO -L6000-v 1 GND (28AWG) 17r-------------------~ ~4(1) " " ~ 11 (2) : Jl 20 ~>- 19 __ + 5V + 5V (28 AWG) + 12V (28 AWG) D (28AWG) 13~-----=----~---. 54 SA S8 2 1B~_G_N_D_(~2_8_A_W_G~)__________~ POWER ON-OFF D I 3 "-- , ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 1 ALTERNATE POWER CORD & I AC NEUT : SAFETY GND AC HOT I - IL ,.... BlU (18 AWG) AC NEUT GRN!YEl (18 A W G ) . . h BRN (18AWG) T ~ A1F1 W1P~. 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PWA H PR03 AlAS - r-- (~~--+__r~--+__+J)W5 A1B1 W6 P2 n ~ WHT (18AWG) ~>---tL_+--I-B-l-K-(1-8-A-W-G)----J P1 [ o 0 () () 0 0 0 T16 T17 T1 I T12 T13 T14 T15 B I I I 1 I l11 4 3 2 1 JW4P2 I KEYBOARD ASSY A3 BOARD SLOT E MOTHER BOARD A1A9 B W4P1 ~___________~_8__ AW __ G~)_____ +_5_V~1Ir- T19 P (28 AWG) 2 ~______________~(_28 __A_W_G~)_____+_5_V~3 J1 ~___________________~(2~8~A~W_G~)~____G_N_D~4 NOTES: (28 AWG) -12 V ~--------------------------~------~11 ffi - GND ONLY POWER LEADS ARE SHOWN IN THESE REFER & TO ALTERNATE THAN 400089-01 CABLE FOR COMPLETE ASSY ARE USED FOR '--I-- CABLES. WIRING. GREATER 115VAC OPERATION. SCHEMATIC DI~GRAM IRS r::_=-~~-~--r.DA~7~::-11--7""7r-~~IDiabio Systems IncorporatIId A CHEC~~~, n~ R.w.f'1l1J(Cj. DAft '.-sT LMaD IHIXT ASS"'1 400073-01 8 I 7 II I II II I 6 I II II II I 5 II I I I I I 4 I II II II ] Ift~tt. COlO 7'JOI JA .... ! 7-15-'17-'IIIIIoJ .. D I ? ,,_. SCHEMATIC: 1..~~9 HY T!-~~. rvWc.RDI::> I'R1BlJ I iOJ.l ME 10-1/-11 Hayward, California 94545 I ..... NO 400097-01 t r- __--~3~1~ 8 jlllfC - r---, LI , CONTROL . T/! , I I 1.41(V I • I ___ I "'3 !fCC q I r . ,. . . 3A .. " 1\ I "'~CR22 C3 400MF 200V c~.. 1_4KV CR14 INff44 (4) ~CR~ , 1~ ..... ,...----~a._ (4) .01 I - - - 12. -~I---'--,-' "G·" ,..-_______ .. IN47Z4 C, ;:;1' rz CII2 ..1 ;;r-. OI 1 4S ZIO - - ~1'_4-'________-1~________.CR~LN-/~_________~~~~./~.1~W_£_RM_I_ST_M____~~__.-R_3~,~7~5~K_,~_~~VV___ I C Z , " Z.5 ~ I I - BOARD 1 .. '- _ _ _ ....J , 1}7 • I TI 4517Z • L, I, I, CRI3 .... ..-- CRI4 + IN400Z. (4) ~r- CIO nOMF :1 Mf: PSY --,.- CRI6 - 1!f!7VeA./ t- I (I.OGA or. ..)UIlfPErTO P2-1 Ii" I I (M:1T_ VOllM£ ADlI!>T I : ~ I(J() :: CURRENT UNIT r-:;::-)()-Pt ___ -2~_ _ _ _..J i.:!JOK, ~ '" I, PZ-7-i' y.s " 500 P2-6 >~""-f+='otu--------""';"---hl-<~ tlENSE DIlfV.£R IU! 4~ Is + IKNF:--r. ( T"'-7) RZI RNSSC RNSSC: COMf:.rJ1iENn .. \iT ~sn 01\ A.~s.'" ·~I.30 r-----+-.. 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L4 ' ,/;'. . -...~<~ . _/ .. BR4U ~ r::;;;~__ ~ '-ICID-+---"1t-- 8'mm R34 • ,• BR3 \ I OD R40 \ T1 Cl CI ~U U~'1f'i"'2 ~ r"I",c " ~ nI::JCR33 I::JCR31 R31 R~c:JCR32,.., c:JCR30 , , ,'" L3 '.... .... BR2 , CONTROL MOElULE C10 20 0 ,.1m R2 8 2 c::::J \. \ BR1 \I, ~~~~EI 0'27 \. / c~~g ~RI1E3 T 0 ,'4 \ ' Ol.)J-l,' U (!iJ ,E\ ()cmj R10 C7 F2 c=J / c:::JR21 R~;~' c:::JR2~ .,' I ",DO I ,/ .. ",_ ... CBD:J 29 RI6 t:::) c:::J m~::~~~.~~I/:~_I~ 0 0 ~.. 01 (e~;(~ ........ F 3 " . Q2 .. .. ~_" NOTESlI ,,) & & ,," CR13 CR14 C,,15 EM! FILTER REQUIRED ON -03 AND -04 VERSIONS ONLY. LOCATION OF R!4 ON -04 VERSION. CR16 3. o COMPONENTS T9, LS. R33, R34, BR4, (26, C • CZB AND C32 ARE NOT USED ON -03 VERSION. ® o DRAWINGS FURNISHED BY LH, RESEARCH INC. FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY. ., ................ ' ... -'" ..... t ••. ,"., • • , ••••• f t" c·· •• ~ 1' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . c; ~ c C> It: ...' ... " ! Diablo 5y.lema Incorporated 3 AND 4 O'JT PUT i •.co,. 1s1 , - - - J____~______.-,,~_.-------L----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]P . . . ·.-..- \...- ,c........ 0tI0 ..... , . . . . ~,.".o • 7 6 lJ- ' • 1J 01 ALL RESISTANCES SPECIFIED IN OHMS. ALL RES ISTORS ARE 1/4 WATT, ± 5 %. ALL CAPACITANCE SPECIFIED IN MICROFARADS. +5V TO PIN 14 OF 14-PIN lC. GND TO PIN 7; +SV TO PIN 16 OF 16 -PIN IC, GNO TO PIN 8. N 4148 IS,.. r--------!..;~ ......._ _ _ _ _ _...:.1~4 B 4 5 54' U2 5 6 S51 7 561 74145 0 ; 9 571 ..-_ _ _ _ _ _1.:..:3'-iC ..ff=12 10% III 1 5"r---------------~ DCOR/ 1 ~ ~~: , DRVR ~ 4 S3' KEY S WIT C H I 1 MAT R I X 1 1 01 Cl 0•1 +5V TPA +511 ~ 9' t±tO' 2. TPB R2 470 : 6' R8 2.2K ~ :4 :,:1C5 L _____ J 6 ~~5 CA3~B6 14 _:: C3 .:;;:-C4 I220PF .... I'O.01 ... 1' 2200PF / ' t' 4 10 % ....--+-5-V----+--I -=- RIO • .. R3 >114 4.7K '20 ~ • R5 • 2.2K , U5 3 12 4~ 11 --::L....:9::.J'..---\.~ .. :;:---.~~~ ~10 p.:.'..::.3...... '3 ? ~--4F-lo,r---f CA30B6 1 3 4LS/IlZ 1 74LSille UI CA3086 >2.2K -:;. 6frUl R' 12 U1 • 4.7K 8 D U342 , ~ ~""'7-+""'-~ 5' r' :11 L -_ _....l R7 C6 3.3K ::0.01 I 10% ~ +5V ~ - POR LQ-p6000P' I r-----' '-l IJji 1l 1 --4¥iU12833: ... ---------------.IL-J 8PW ~ 9 2 ~ 220 C2 4700 PF 3 +511 R1 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 5 -1211 12 8~-~~-------------------------~1-;3~~:"e~'~I------rt~----------------~~1-~~1-~-+1-~rt~i_~~-i_r-------+-------------------------------+_------~ + BUSY ~O 9~~~~~~---------------------------------ti-r-----------~---------t-r+-ri-r+-~-r;-ri-t;-~rt-~rt-------r----~r------~~ U9 8 (- READY) 9 74LS¢8 1Il~ 1 h..L.. 15 A c 3 oeOR/ 2~ ..-_++-1-------------"....,4 BORVR U1 4 12 I~O 4 D"~'-----....J 6 7 74145 7 9 C + - + 51>::------' 13 C ~8 3 t-r4 +511 1 I + 1114 > 2.2K ;:=f; L -_ _- ' ~ ~~~+-~~----------~'5 A ~~~+-~------------1~4B 2 +5V RIO .. 1.2K ~ 10 '70 1111 1.5K ~ 2.2 K ..!.! 5111N IIS5 "'PROC C7 1/ 7405 U4 DC 7405 DRVR ~~4~--------~ ~----'-I" 16 - ......... 7405 11 12 ~ 13 U10 12 74LSil4 4 5 12 0 P 5 9 ~ L -_ _- ' ~~......D"'"2-----~-----' 2 ~t-=-H-----+---.-..:.; 11 NKR/ZKR U6 ~U10 4 15 II :: 81 MM58n ; 1 (CH I pOco J SRO 2 o-:---=-.:;.8--------=.0..::'--(13 K , 4 74-lS1118 r--,. 74LS¢4 _ 0 1 ic="IUl1'-.;.""()-"O'----------------I16 KlS/Il4 r--,. ~STB :~ :S~h£Q.. voo vee ~ ~2 -1211 r* ~ ~. .. 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I /\ r7 ,-r \ r II c -' ~ r76 [77" > RIGHT HAND PAD OUTPUT 87.' 83.r/J [78 179 B f93" f94 HAND PAD > LEFTOUTPUT 81·1 83· , f95 f92 DRIVE ADDRESS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM • 7 ... 01 06 1N995 07 D +5V TP1 1 vee ~~~~~~--~----------r_~-r~~_r~~----1-0_;X15 - D~ 2 D; ....2_7_ _ _ _----4 ~~--------------------~13 1. ALL RESISTANCES SPECIFIED IN OHMS. 2. ALL RESISTORS ARE 1;4WATT, 3. ALL CAPACITANCE SPECIFIED IN MICROFARADS. , D1 28 13 D2 29 14 D3 15 ....--+-~t-+-...+---e-+------------i X10 ,--~ c 30 13 31 11 32 9 ~-10--------------------0-4~19 3 & + 5V TO + 5 V TO ±50;0. PIN 14 OF 14-PIN I C, GND TO PIN 7; PIN 16 OF 16-PIN I C, GND TO PIN B. DIODES 6 AND 7 ARE INSTALLED ON KEYBOARD BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR DIAGNOSTIC CODE CHECKS OF STATIONS 48 AND 61. SECRETARY SHIFT STATIONS 33, 49 AND 60 ARE LOCATED HERE. ~-8--------------------0-5~17 c 74 LSf.f4 17 D6 18 ~ • - 03 12 16 D5 6 -02 4. ~------------------~--~20 D 4 1---------------1 '--+-~-r-41~--e-~----r---------~X9 - 01 ~-------------------~'8 ~r-~~~~--~+--4--;---------~X12 '--+-....-+-~...-.t--....;--4I...-+----------t X11 4 ~----------------------~16 ~~~~~~----4---_+----r_~_r~~_r--------1-2_;X13 MPRoe o NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ~-2--------------------0-6~1S 33 X7 19 +5V le1 20 '--r-~~~~-~+--e--;-------;X5 22 D7 36 X4 23 3 37 5 5 T B t------------; 4 + - 07 14 - KYSTB ,..... 12 B o ® 26 ~ C9 .:, B Q) (\J -12V o o v xIS ____________~94Y' L..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:8 :-t Y1 L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~7~YZ L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~6,Y3 L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~5 Y4 4;,Y5 L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L -________________________________________~3,Y. ~ ______________________________________________ + BUSY 9 ~(--R-E-A-O-Y)~-------t A 8 - POR 2~Y7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 38 UOILESS OTHERWISE SPECIfIED DIWE"'SIOOIS .RE '" INCHES TOlERANCES "RE XX • ANGULAR • ~------------------~STR 11 XXl< , JO.~_ _ _ _ _ _3_9~ SYSR r---------------a Diablo Systems Incorporated Hayward. California 94545 A 40 C5 ~---~~------~osc ~..---.-v\lrv-- - GND 21 z% DRAWINGS FURNISH ED BY MICRO SWITCH ,FREEPORT, ILL.,FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY. 61SHOF GFiAFHICS/ACCUFRESS SC"lE 470PF 400285-01 J8 8 7 BRN YEL RED 2 8 4 WHT GRN GRAY CARRIAGE MOTOR 8 TRANSDUCER PAPER FEED MOTOR PRINTER CABLES 24500-XX REV. M Diablo Systems Incorporated Xt:I(UX 545 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale, California 94086 A Xerox Company Reader Comment Form We would appreCiate your comments and suggestions for improving this publ ication. Publ ication No. I Rev. Letter I Is the material presented effectively? How did you use this publication? o o o o Learning Reference o o o o Installing Maintaining 0 0 Sales Operating What is your overall rating of this publication? Very Good Good Fair I Current Date Title o Fully Covered DWell III ustrated o Well Organized What is your occupation? 0 Very Poor Poor Your other comments may be entered here. 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