461845 001_Extended_i RMX_II.3_Volume_2_Users_Guides_1988 001 Extended I RMX II.3 Volume 2 Users Guides 1988
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intel' E X T E N D EiD RMX@II.3 OPERATING SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION VOLUME 2 U S E R 'G SU I D E S O.derNumber:461845-001 r ! IntelCorporation 3065BowersAvenue SantaClara,Californla 95051 o 1988,IntelCorporation, Copyright Ail RightsReserved In locationBoutside the Uúited Stata6, obtain ailditionsl copi€s of Iniel docuúentation by contectingyour jocal Iniel salesofice. For yoù conveni€.ce,int€rnaiionsl salesofiice rddr€ss€s arc locateddircctlybeforetlìe readÈr.€ply.ardiirtrùÙàckollhe nuîual, The infornation in Lhis do.uhent is subj€ct to change wiihoui noiice. Inrel Corporation makes no warranty ofany kind with regard io rhi6 mat€rial, inclùding, but not Ìimit€d to, the impiied ù arrantie6 of merchantsbility and Iithess fo. a parlicùlù pufpose. Iniel Co.poration assumesno responsibility lo. any errors ihai may appear in ihi6 documeùt. Intel Corporation makes no connitmentto update or to keep currentthe informùtioúcontained iù this Iùtel Corporation assune6 no respohsibility lor the se of any circuilry other rhan circuit.y ehbodied in an Intel prodùct. Noothercircuitpatentlicensesare impliedInt€l $ftware p.oducts a.e copyrighted by and shall renain the property of Ìntel Corpofaiion. Use, duplicaiio! or di6closureis subject to restrictions stated in Intel's soltwaré li.ebse, or as detinedinASPRT 104.9(a)(9). No paú olthis documentmèy be copiedor rèproducedin any form or by any meanswithout prior wÌitt€n cons€ntoIInt€l Corporation. The fouowins are tradeúÉrks of Intel Corporation and ik amliaies and nay be Èed only 10 id€ntily Intel producls: Above BTTBUS COMMputer CREDIT Daia PipeÌine iLBX im ilfDDX iMMX Ìnsite i i I2ICE ICE iCEL iCS iDBP iDIS irtèIBOS lntelevision nrieligEtrLldcltifier MCS inteligentProgrùmming Intellec MICROMAINFRAME lrtellink MULTIBUS iOSP MULTICHANNEL iPDS MULT!MODULE iPSB iPSC iRMX iSBC ONCE isBx PROMPT iSDM issB iSXM QUEST Qùex RM}V80 RUPI SLD UPI VLSiCEL XENIX, MS-DOS, Multiplan,and Microsoftare t.ademarksofMicrosoltCo.poraiion.SNIX is a trademarkof Bell Laboratori€s. Ethe.netis a trademsrl. DELE'TESSEGMENT Figure 5-1, Memory MoYementDiagmm NucleusUserrsGuide MEMORYMANAGEMENT 5.6.1BufferPools Buffer Poolsare holdingareasfor segments jwhichare usedby taskswhenneeded. pool Havinga of memoryreadilyavailabletqitaskscursdownon systemoverheadbecause allocatingthe existingbulfers is fasterthancleatingand deletingsegmeots. Buffer poolsare emptywhencreated. The {rsergivessegmentsro the buffer pool. The segmentsare createdùsingthe the RQ$CREJTE$SEGMENTsystemcall. The created segmentsare givento a buffer pool by usingitheRQ$RELEASE$BUFFERsystemcall. The buffersare then usedby tasksthaî requirememory. Any taskthat reqùiresfrequent creationand deletionof segmentsmayimproveperformanceby usinga bulfer pool with pre-allocatedsegnents. Buffer poolsincur a certair amountof systemoverheadin their creation. The following formùla definesthe amoufitof resourcesrequircd. (Max Bufîers * 4) + 108bytes= the amountof memoryusedby anygivenbuffer pool. lvhen you createa buffer pool you specifuthe followinginformatiol: r the maximumnumberof buffersthat canresidein the buffer Doolat anvone time 18192maximùm.l 5.7 SYSTEM CALLSFORMEMORY MANAGEMENT The systemcallsfor úemory managementare 5-4 . CREATE$BUFFER$POOL-CreateS a buffer pool object. . CREATE$SEGMEI',lT--creates a s€gmentandreturnsa token for it. . DELETE$BUFFER$POOL-DeIeIeSa buffer pool objept. . DELETE$SEGMEM-returns a segmentto the pool from $hich it wasallocated. . GET$SIZE-returnsthe size,in bytes,of a segnent. r RQE$GET$POOL$ATTRIB-IeIuInSthe followingmemorypool atftibutesofîhe specifiedjob: pool minimum,pool maximum,initial size,numberof allocated paragraphs,numberof availableparagraphs,andthe arnourÌtof memoryborrowcd. Bothpoolminimumandpool maximummaybe up to 16Mbltesofmemory. . cEl$POOL$ATTRIB-returùs the followingmemorypool attributesof the calling task'sjob: pool úinimum, pool maximum,initial size,numberof allocaîed paragraphs,and numberof availableparagraphs.Borh pool minimumaridpool maximumare limited to 1M byte of memory. This systemcall is providedfor compatibility,withthe iRMX I OperatingSysrem.Ilov.€v€r,for newapplicatioosuse RQE$GET$POOL$ATTRIB. . RELEASE$BUFFER-ReIuIna (segment)buller to a previouù oeated buffer pool. NucleusUset'sGuide \--'l MEMORYMANAGEMENT . REQUEST$BUFFER-Geta buffer (segrient)ftom a buffer pool that hasbeen sùppliedwith buffersvia the RQ$CREAIE$SEGMENTsystemcall. For a completelist and explanationof the iRMX II Nucleussystemcalls,seetheExtended |RMX II NucleusS)aternCallsMercnce Manual. NucleusUset'sGuide 5-J 5.1 INTRODUCTION The Nucleusprovidesthe objectsfrom whichthe other subsystems are constructed.The Exended iRMX II Nucleususes16-bitvalues,calledtokens,to managethe objectsin the system.Tokens,asdefinedby the iRMX II OperatingSystem,are logicaladdresses. They are selectorsthat referencean entry io the globaldescriptortable (cDT). It is the GDT entrywhichcontainsthe 24-bitphysicaladdressof the memoryusedby the object. 6.2 ACCESSRIGHTS One of the protectionleaturesof fhe 80286processoris the ac{€ssbyte. This byte containsthe attributesof an 80286segment,that is, it definesthe waya segmelt canbe usedby instructionsin other 8028ósegments.Whenan iRMX II obje.t is created,its correspondingsegrnentis assigÌeda read/write accesstype. Beîoreanyoperationis performed,the hardrvarechecksthe accesst,:pe, If yoù haveenteredthe wlong access type,the hardwarecausesan exception.The iRMX -ll OperatingSystemhastaken advantageof this hardwarefeatureby allowinga taskto changean object'saccesstypefot segÌflefltobjects,descdptorobjectsor composireobjects.Accessrights for all other object typesfob, task,mailbox,semaphorgregionandextension)cannotbe changed. Two systemcallsare providedfor nanipulatingthe accessblte. RQE$GET$OBJECî$ACCESS suppliesthe valueof the object'saccessbJte. The RQE$CIJANGE$OBJECI$ACCESS systemcall allowsyou to changean object'saccess dghts. It usesîhe accessbte format providedby the 80286processorfor both codeand datasegmentdescriptors.For a list of the possibleac4essblte valùes,seetheExtend,ed iRlttx II NucleusS,rstetu CallsReferekce Mahual. NOTT Do not try to changebits in a token. This maycausea hardwaretrap. Nùcleùs Uset's Gnide 6-1 OBJECT MANA.GEMENT 6.3 OBJECTADDRESS The RQE$GET$ADDRESSsystemcall mnvertsao object'slogicaladdrcssinto its 24-bit physicaladdress.The physicaladdressmaybe nscessary whenusingdevicedriveN or whencreaîingaliasesaspart of descriptormanagement(seeChapter7). 6.4 TNQUIRING ABOUTOBJECTTYPES The GET$TYPEsystemcall enablesa taskto presenta token to the Nucleusand get an object'stype codein return. (T)?e codesfor Nucleusobjectsare listed in AppendixB.) This is useful,for example,whena taskis expectingto receiveobjectsof severaldifferent rypes. With the obje.t's t'?e code,the taskcanusethe apprcpriatesystemcallsfor the object. 6.5 USINGOBJECTDIRECTORIES Eachjob hasits own objectdirectory. An ertry in an objectdirectoryconsistsof a token for an objectandthe objectname. The namecontainsfrom one to twelvecharacters, wherea characteris a one-b1tevalue(from 0 to oFFH). Sucha featureis often needed becaùsesometasksmight only knowsomeobjectsby their associatednames. By usingthe LOOKUP$OBIECT systemcall,a taskcanpresenîthe nameof an objectto the Nucleùs.The Nucleusconsultsthe objectdirectorycorrespondingto the specifiedjob and,if the objecthasbeencatalogedthere,returnsthe token, NOTE In objectdLectories,upper andlov.ercasealphabeticcharactersare treatedasbeingdifferent. The Nucleusseesthe nameasjùst a stritg of b]'tes. It doesnot interpret thesebytesasASCII characters. If the objecthasnot yet beencataloged,and the taskis not willing to wait, the task remainsreadyandreceivesan E$TIME exceptionalcondition(unlessthe objectdiectory is full, in whichcasethe taskreceivesan E$LIMIT conditioncode). However.if the task is willingto wait,it is put to sleep;thentwopossibilities exisr: . If the designatedwaitingperiod elapsesbeforethe taskreaeivesits requestedtoken, the taskis madereadyandreceivesan E$TIME exceptionalcondition(seeAppendix D). . 6-2 If the taskreceivesits reqùestedtokenwithh the designatedwaitingperiod,it is made readywith Doexceptionalcondition. This ceseis possiblebecauseariothertaskcan catalogthe appropriateentry in the specifiedobjectdirectorywhile the requesting taskis waitine. NucleusUsefs cuide OBJECTMANAGEMENT í--\ Whena taskwantsto sharean objectwith the other tasksin a job (noî necessarilyits own job), it canusethe CATALOG$OBJECTsystemcall to pùt the objectin that job,sobject directory. Trpicaly, this is doneby the creatorof the obj€ct. Likewise,entriescanbe removedfrom a direrctoryby the UNCATAIOG$OBJECT systemcall. Whenusingan objectdirectory you mustgivethe rokenof thejob whosedhectoryis to be used.The rootjob'sobjectdirectorycalledthe root objectdiectory,is specialin thar its token is easilyaccessible.Any taskcancall the GETSTASK$TOKENSsystemcall to obtainthe tokenof theroot iob. 6.6 SYSTEMCALLSFOROBJECTS The following systemcalls manipulate objects: . cATALocgOBJECT-places r GET$TYPE-accepts a token for an object and returns its t)?e code. . LOOKUP$OBJECT-acaepts a catalogedname of an object and rcturns a token for it. . RQE$CHANGE$OBJECI$ACCESS--changeS the accessbyte of an object. . RQE$GET$ADDRESS-ietùrnS the physical addressof an object. . RQE$GET$OBJECI$ACCESS-reIuInS îhe valueof an objert'saccessbfe. r UNCATALOG$OBJECT-remoVeS aî object ftom an objept directory. an object in an object dire4tory, For a complete list and explanation of the iRMX Il Nucleus system calls, see the Extended |RIUIXII Nucleu.sSysteh CaIk ReferenceManual. Nùcleùs Usefs Guide 63 7.1 INTRODUCTION Descriptorsare usedto addressan areaof memory. Everysegmentmusthaveat least one descriptoror it is not addressable.Eachdescriptoris an entry in the GDT and containsîhe physicaladdress,the accessrights,andthe segmentfmits. The Nucleusassignseachobjecta descriptorwhenit is created.This g/peof descriptor maybe thoughtof asan implicit descriptor.Implicit descriptorsare managedby the OperatingSystem.Applicatiol programmersdo not needanyadditionalinformation aboutdescriptorsand maywant to skipthe rest of this section. 7.2 EXPLICITDESCRIPTORS The systemprogrammershouldknowthat thereis a secondtype of descriptorwhichcan be thoughtof asan explicitdescripto.. Explicit descriptorsaîe usedprimarily for the followingpurposes: . To gain addressabittyto areasof memorythat are not definedwhenthe systemis codigured andthùs,haveno logicaladdress, . To createaliasg!to existìng segments(AJiases areoneof severaldescriptors tlat maybe necessary to definea diffeîent segmentq?e or a different accessright for the samesegment.) . To adddevicedriversto the system.(SeetheExtehdedLRMXII Batíc I/O Sfstem User'sGuide.) You canmanipulatedescriptorslike segments.You caocreate,chalge and deletethem. In fact,to the operatingsystemtheylook just like segments.If you call GEISTYPE on a descriptor,the type codereturnedis for a segment. NucleusUsels cuide 7-l DESCRIPTORMANAGEMENT Greatcareshouldbe takenwhericleatiflg a descriptor,By calling RQE$CREATE$DESCRIPToRit is possibleto createa descriptorfor anyphysical address.Aí elror in calculatingthe physicaladdressmay overwritevaluablesystem informationsuchasthe GDT. Whenyou createa descriptora hardwareslot is establishedin the GDT with the requiredphysicaladdress.The Nucleusmarksthe object asa d€scriptor. In this way,the Nucleus'knoì,vs"that whenthe descriptoris deleted,using RQE$DELETE$DESCRIPTOR, only the cDT slot is to be recycled,not the memory addressedby the descriptor. The iRMX tr OperatingSystemalsoprovidesthe RQE$CHANGE$DESCRIPTOR systemcallwhichcanbe usedto changethe physicaladdressof a descriptorand/or the lengthof the segmentaddressed.This systemcall is particìiarly usefulin applìcationsthat includeI/O drivers. 7.2.1Descriptors withAliases As sîaîedabovg you canusedescriptorswith aliasesandwith areasof memorythat were not definedat configurationtime. Aliasesallowyou to haveseveraldescriptorsfor the samesegment.Theyprovidesegmentswith alternatenamesin muchthe same\ì/ayas peopleusenicknames.Deletingan aliasdescripîordoesnot deletethe segmenîto which it refers. 7.2.2Descriptors lor Undefined Memory Descriptorscanalsobe usedto gainaddressabilityto areasof memorythat wete not definedwhenthe systemwasconfiguredandthus,haveno logicaladdress.Thesememory areasare not allocatedftom thejob's mernorypool. Whentheyare creatodthcy do not reducethe sizeof the memorypool. Therefore,whentheyare deleted,theydo not reîurn memoryto the memorypool. 7.3 CAUTIONARY NOTESON USINGDESCRIPTORS Descriptorsa.e a very powerfulfeatu.eof the operatingsystem.If theyare úisused,they cancanaffect the htegdty of the entirc operatingsystem.If you wish to preservethe int€grity of your applicationsystem,confineth€ useof descriptorsto experienced programmerswho havea firm understandingof iRMX tr addressing.A lessL'nowledgeable programmer can, by abusing descriptoG, coffupt the interasrion bot$/ccn tasksin an applicationsystem. 7.4 SYSTEMCALLSFORDESCRIPTOR MANAGEMENT The followingsystemcallsmanipulatedesrTiptors. NucleusUset's Guide DESCRIPTORMANAGEMENT . . r RQB$CREATE$DESCRIPTOR-reIùrDS a segmenttoken for an entry in the cDT. ROE$CIIANGFJDESCRIPTOR-ohangeS the physicaladdresscontainedin the GDT ard/or the sizeof the segmentdescdbed. RQE$DELETE$DESCRIPTOR-IeIurISa slot from the cDT to the operating systemfor reuse. For a completelist and explanationof the iRMX II Nucleussystemca)ls,seetheExtended |RMX II NucteusSystemCalk Relerence Manual. NucleusUset'sGuide 8.1 INTRODUCTION lvhen a taskilrvokesan iRMX II systemcalt sometimesthe resultsare riot what the task is trying to achieve.For examplga segmentaccessmayoverflowits boundariesor a task mayrequestmemorythat is not available.In suchcases,the operatingsystemmust inform the taskthat an error occurred. Whenevera taskmakesa systemcall or the 8028ó processortrapsan illegal condition,the systemusesa conditioncodeto commudcatethe sùccessor failure of the call. 8.2 CONDITION CODEVALUESAND MNEMONICS Conditioncodesare numericvaluesthat representuniqueconditions.Eachcondition codeal$ohasa mnemonic(suchasE$OK), to indicatethe code'smeaning.AppendixD lists the conditioncodesv/ith their numericvaluesandmnemonics. Whenwriting applicationtasks,you canrefer to the conditioncodesby their mnemonics aslong asyou declareeachmnemonicarìdits numericcodeto be liaerallyequal. Intel suppliesthe /RMX286/INC/ERROR.LIT file whichcontainsliteral declarationsof all the iRMX II conditionmde mnemomcs. 8.3 TYPESOFEXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS Conditionsthat representfailùre (or not completesuccess)are calledexc€ptional conditions.Theseconditionshavetwo classifications:programmererrorsand environmentalconditions.A plggqlqlqgrcllq! is a conditionthat the callfuigtaskcan preveùt. lrr contrast,an envtonmentalconditionadsesoutsidethe control of the calling task. Se€AppendixD for a completclist ol both programmererrofs andenvironmental cofIditions. 8.4 CONDITION CODERANGES The valuesof conditioncodesfall into rangesbasedon the iRMX II layerwhichfirst detectsthe condition. Table8-1lists the layersandtheil respectivetanges,with numeric valuesexpressed in hexadecimalnotation. NucleusUset's Gnid€ 8.1 EXCEPTIONAL CONDITION MANAGEMENT Table8-1, ConditionCodeRanses Environm€ntal Nucl€us 0HtooFH l/O Sysi6ms ApplicationLoad€r lJniversal Dev€lopm€nt lnt€rfac€ Programming Erors 8000Hto 800FH 20Hro sFH 6OHto 7FH 80Hto AFH CoHto DFH ao20Hro 805FH 8060Hto 807FH €O€OH to SOAFH 80@H to 80DFH EOHto 3FFFH 400oHto TFFFH 80E0Hto BFFFH C000Hto FFFFH 8,5 EXCEPTION HANDLERS The iRMX II Nucleussupportsexceptionhandlerswhichdealwith the erors that tasks encounterin makingsystemcalls. How an exceptionhandlerdealswith an et(ceptional conditionis a matter of programmerdiscretion.In general,a handlerpedormsone of îhe followingactions: . Ings the error. . Deletesor suspends the taskthaterred. . Igrores the error. lf this option is taken,the systemcontinuesasif flo effor had occurred. Continuingundersuchciacumstances is generallyunwise,however, An exceptionhandleris written asa procedurewith four parameterspassedin the followingorder: . The conditioncodeIWORDì. r A code(BYTE) indicatingwhíchparameter,if any,wasfaulty in the call (1 for first, 2 for second,etc,,0 if none). . -Areserved(WORD) paîameter. . A (WORD) parametercontainingthe NumericProcessorExtension(NPX) status word. This paramctcris valid only if the conditioncodeis E$NDP$ERROR, 8.6 ASSIGNING AN EXCEPTION HANDLER A taskmayusethe SET$EXCEPTION$iIAN.DLERsystemcall to declareits own exception handler.Otherwise, thetaskinheritsthe exception handle.of its job. A job can receiveits own exceptionhandlerat the time of its cleation_lf it doesn,t,the job inherits the systemexceptionhandler. Thus,the Nucleuscanalwaysfind an exceptionhandlerfor therunningîask. 8-2 NucleusUsefs Guide EXCEPIIONAL CONDITIONMANAGEMEM A systemexceptionhandleris providedasparr of rhe iRMX II OperatingSystem.When you configurethe system,you mayspecilythe SystemDebugger,SDB,asthe system exceptionhandler(this is conveniontfor debuÉging).In this case,LhciRMX II Operating Systemlets the monitor andîhe SDBdebuggertakecontrol of all the 80286hardware exceptions(exceptthosethat handlethe Nùúeric Proc€ssorExtension).This meansthat the monitor, in conjunctionwith the SDB debugger.will alwayshandlehardware exceptions(causinga breakto the monitor,andsendinga messageto the console),even for iRMX II task$that specirytheir own exceptionhandler. A user-wdttenexception handlermaystill be invokedto handleenors detectedin the ìRMX Il systemcalls. ff youwant to write your own exceptionhandlers,compilethem usingthepL/M-286 I-ARGE control,specifyingthe PUBLIC attribute, It is alsopossibleto compileexception handleîsusingthe COMPACT control,aslong asthe followingconditionsare met: . One extradummyword parameteris addedto the callingsequence(at the endof the parameterlist). . The exceptionhandlermustbe in the samecodesegrientasthe taskit serves. . The exceptionhaDdlerdoesnot handlehardwatetraps. 8.7 INVOKING AN EXCEPTION HANDLER An exceptionhandlerùormallyr€ceivescontrolwhenan excepîionalcooditionoccurs. However,Ìr'hena task encountersan exceptionalcondition,it neednot alwayshave conhol passedto its exceptionhandler. The factor that determineswhethercontrol passesto the exceptionhandleris the tasks exceptionmode. This attdbutehasfour possiblevalues,eachof whichspeciiiesthe circumstarìces underwhichthe exceptiot haldler is to get control in the eventof afl exceptionalcondition. Thesecircumstances are o Programmererrorsonly . Environmentalconditionsonly . All exceptionalconditions . No excepîionalconditions Whenthe Nucleusdetectsthat a taskhascausedan exceptionalconditionin makinga systemcall,it compaîesthe type of the conditionwith the callingtasks exceptionmode. If a transf€rof contlol is indicated,the Nucleuspassescontaolto the exceptionhandleron behall of the task. The exceptionhandlerthen dealswith the problem,after whichcontrol returnsto the task,unlessthe exceptionhandlerdeletedthe task. Whenthe exception handlerreturns,the taskcanalsodetectthat afl elror occured. becausethe wstem call's except$ptr parameter por'ntsto a wordcontaining theconditioncode.Whileihe exceptiol handleris executing,the errant taskis still regardedby the Nucleusto be the runningtask. Therefore,the exceptionhandlertaskusesthe stackand envionment of the eúaflt task. NucleusUset'sGuide 8-3 EXCEPTIONAL CONDITION MANAGEMENT Whena taskis created,its exceptionmodeis setto its job's defaultexc€ptionmode. The taskcanchaogeits exceptionhandlerand exceptioomodeattributesby usingthe SET$EXCEPTION$IIANDLERsystemcall. 8,8 HANDLINGEXCEPTIONS IN.LINE If a task'sexceptionmodeattribùte doesnot direatthe Nucleusto transfercontrol to the task'sexceptionhandler,the responsibilityfor dealingwith an error falls on the task. Eachsystemcall hasasits last parametera POINTER to a WORD. After a systemcall" the Nucleusreturnsthe resultingconditioncodeto this WORD. By checkingthis WORD atter eachsystemcall,a taskcaodeterminewhetheror not the call wassucce$sful.(See AppendixD for conditioncodes.)If the call wasnot successful, the taskcanlearnwhich exc€ptionalconditionit caused.This informationcansomefimesenablethe taskto recover. In other cases,more informationis needed. If a systemcall returnsan exceptioncodeto indicatean unsuccessful call"all other output parametersof that systemcall are undefined. NOTE If an invalid parameter causesan exceptioîal condition it should be handled by an exception handler. When using Nucleus systemcalls, the handler receivesthe parameter number of the first invalid parameter. 8.9 HANDLINGEXCEPTIONS IN 80286PROCESSOR SYSTEMS The followingsectioflsare particularlyimportantfor userswho are familiar wiîh rhe iRMX 86 OperatingSystem.The increasedprotectionîeaturesof the 8028ó microprocessor haveresultedin a diîfcrcnt wayof handling€xceptionsandn€wexception codes. The operatingsystemsoftware"catches"andreturnsmost of the exceptionalconditions. However,a few conditionsoccurbecausethe mictoprocessorcatches(or traps) an invalid condition. The trap causescontrcl to be passedto specialexceptionhandlingcodewhich the iRMX II OpefatingSystemprovides.This codeexaminesthe exceptionmodeof the current task andactsin one of the followingways. 8-4 . It maycall a system-supplied exceptionhandler- . It maycall a user-suppliedexceptionhandler. . lt may .etum contol dftecdyto the faulting iRMX II task. NucleùsUset's Gnide EXCEPTIONALCONDITIONMANAGEMENT For 80286processod, a CPUtrapsetsthe instruction pointer(IP) fegisterto pointto the instructionthat causedthe CPU trap. This differencerneansthat without an exception handler,an 80286-based applicationcannevergct pastthc instructionthat causedthe CPU trap.(Usersfamiliarwith 8086,88,186,or 188processors will rememberthatwith theseprocessors a CPUtrapsetstheIP registerto pointto the instructionaftertheone that causedthe CPU trap, This situationallowssomeapplicationsto ignoreerrorsand continueprocessing.) Therelorg for 80286-based you shouldalwaysdesignatean exceptionhandlerto systems, handleexceptioncodesgeneratedby CPU traps(programmingerrors),evenif the handlerdoesnothingmo.e thanincrementthe IP valuethat is pushedonto the task's stackwheothe tmp occurs(thaî is, the retunì address).Without a handlerof somekind, yoùr applicationwill get caughtin an infinite loop in the eventof a CPU trap. Iî youusethe exception handlersupplied with theoperatingsystemto handle programmer erors, yourapplication will run thesame,regardless of the CPU. However, if youwriteyourownexception youshouldincludecodeto handleeitherof the handlers, sitùationsmentionedin this section. Ifyou haveuser-writtenexceptionhandlersthat are beingupgradedfrom the iRMX 86 OperatingSystemto theiRMX II OperatingSystem, be sureto changethecodein exceptionhandlersfor the divideby zero trap. In the iRMX 86 OpemtingSystemafter a divideby zero,the Nucleusrelurnsto the nextinstructionwhereas,in the iRMX II Ope.atingSystem, theNucleusrctumsto the sameinstruction.If youdo not ensurethat the retum addressis the nelú instruction,you couldget caùghtup in an infinite loop. Intel recommendsthat you upgradeall user-writtenexceptionhandlersto enablethem to handle the new exception codes. Table8-2liststheconditions whichmaycausea trap andtheinstructionto lvhichit returns.The tablealsocompares the handlingof aniRMX II exception with an iRMX 86 (if youareoperatingtheiRMX 86OperatingSystemon an 80286processor). exception Someexceptions suchaspowerfailuredo not returncontrolto the faultingtask. These exceptionshavebeenmarkedN/A (not applicable). NucleusUset'sGuide ù-5 EXCEPTIONAL CONDITION MANAGEMENT Table8-2. Retun Addressaller an Exception lmtruclion R€tumedTo Int€rrupt De8cription 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 tl Divid€by zero Singls6t€p Pow€rfailure(non-maskable) One byte interupt inrtuciión Interrupton ovsrflow Runtimearay bound€Íor NPXnot preservNPx task sdtch Doubtefauh NPXsegmentoverun lnvalidTaskStat€S€gmerìt S€gm€ntnot preserìt Stack€xc€ption G€nelalProtection ProcossorExtensionEíor IRMXll IRMXAOon ao2a6Processor Sam€ Ned Sam6 Nex N€xt Same Sam6 Same Next Samg Sam€ Sam6 N/A Sam€ N/A N/A Sam6 N/A Same If your systemsupportsan 80287NumericProcessorBxtensiol (NPX, somereferencesto NDP in the error codesare for cornpatibilityreasons)exceptions7, 9 and 16maybe of specialinterestto yoù. Interrupt 7 mayoccuron systemsthat supportan NPX and on thosethat don't. If your systemdoesnot havean NPX andyou receiveinterrùpî 7, treat it asyou wouldanyother programexception.However,if your systemhasan NPX and interrupt 7 occurs,do not try to serice it asInterrupt 7 is reservedfor the system.A conîextswitchof the NPX environmenttakesplaceandthe faultirigtaskcontinues. ln the eventof interrupts9 or 16,the retum addressis that of the cùrrent instructiofl However,the exceptionwascausedby the previousNPX instruction. This is true because the 8ù287NPX, unlike the 8087NP)i, doesnot causean exceDtionassoonasan crror occurs.An excepîioîr occursonlywhenthenelt floatingpoiniinstructionin the sametask is executed. 8.10 SYSTEM CALLSFOREXCEPTION HANDLERS The followingsystemcallsmanipulateexceptionhandlers: . SET$EXCEPîON$iIANDLER-seIs the exceptionharidlerandexceptionmode attributesof the callingtask. . GE]SEXCEP{ION$IIANDLER-retumS to the callingtaskthe cùrrentvaluesof its exceptionha[dler arldexceptionmodeattributes. For a compleîelist and explanationof the iRMX II Nùcleussystemcalls,seetheExtended íRMX1I NucleusSystemCallsRefereceManuùl. 8.6 NucleusUset's Guide 9.1 INTRODUCTION Interrupts andinterrupt processingare centralto real-timecomputing.Externalevents occurasynchronouÙwith respectto the ilternal workingsof an iRMX II application system.An interrupt, signallingthe occurrenceof an efernal event,triggersan implicit "call"usingan addresssuppliedin a sectionof memoryknownasthe ioterrupt descriptor table. This directscortrol to a procedurecalledan interrupt handler. A.t this point, one of t\r.oeventsoccurs.lf handlingthc int€rrupt takeslittle time andrequiresno system callsother than certaininterrupt-relatedsystemcalls,the interrupt handlercanprocess the interrupt itself. Otherwise,the interrupt handlercaninvokean interrupt task,which deals.i/iththe interrupt. After the interrupt hasbeenservicedby either the interrupt handleror the interrupttask,controlretuhs to the readyapplic-ation taskwith highest qpriority. SeeFigure 1 fo. a graphicrepresentationof this interrupt process. NucleusUsels Guide 9.1 INTERRUPT MJ.N,4.GEMENT INÎERRUPT INfERRUPT IABLE Y E S. . . . -. NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (PlC)rec€ives ProgÉmmable ld€rruptComroller an interupt PICsignalstheCPU. CPUacknowledg€s the interupt. PICs6ndsth€ interuptnumbertotheCPU. CPIJobtainsthe inteÍupthandl€rfromthe interuptdescripror table(lDT). Controlsentto the irìterupt handler. Activat6the intsrupt task. 7b. Returnto the interuptedtask. R€turnto ih6 irú€rupt€dta6k. 8. Note: lhe 6olidarows ( l> .) indicalesottwarevectors; thehollowarows(' --\ vectors. -'-v ) ind:carel-a.dware Figure9-1. Intenupt ProcessingModel 9,2 INTERRUPT MECHANISMS This sectiondiscusses the major conceptsof interrupt prccessing:interrupt controllers andlines,interrupt levels,and the interrupt descriptortable. It alsodiscusses assigning inteîrupt levelsto externalsourcesand disablinginterrupts. 9-2 NucleusUserrsGuide ..,-_,/ INTERRUPTMANAGEMENT 9.2.1 InterruptControllersand InterruptLines Efernal interruptsare passedthroughprogrammableinterrupt controllers(PICs) suchas the 82594PIC. The iRMX Il OperatingSystemsupportsîhe configurationdescribed here. Refer to the Exteíded |RMXII InferactíveConfgurationUtîtiEReference Manuat for informationon configuringthe operatingsystemto supportthe hardware configuration. Under the iRMX II OpemtingSystem,interruptsmustbe funreled though 8259APIG. In this environment,an individualmasterPIC canmanageinterruptsfrom asmanyas eight extemalsources.However,the iRMX II OperatingSystemalsosupportsan expanded(or cascaded)environmentin whichùp to seveninput lines of one masterpIC are connectedto slavePICS(one input line from the masterPIC mustbe connected diectly to the systemclock). In a cascadedenvhonment,an input line of a masterPIC cÍìnconnecteither to an extemalinterrupt or to a slavePIC, but not to both. Becauseeachof the slavePICScanmanageeightinteÍupts, a cascadedenvftooment allowsthe operatingsysîemto manageinterrùptsfrom asmanyas56 e\.temalsoùrces plusîhe systemclock. If your 80286basedsystemincludcsan 80287NPli you cannotconnectthe NPX to a PIC. Insteadof usingthe PlC, the NPX usesCPU interrupt traps7 and 16to mmmunicatedirectlywith the 80286component.Figuîe 9-2illustratesthis situation. 9,2.2 InterruptLevels The interrupt lines of the masterandslavePICSare associated with numberscalled inte[upt levels,asshownin Figure 9-2. An interrupt levelnamesan interrupt line and indicatesthe priority of the line (in general,rhe lower the number,the higherthe priority). The interrupt lineson the masterPIC are numberedM0 throughM7. The interrupt lineson the slavePICSare numberedx0 throughx7 (wherex rangesftom 0 to I-ower-numberedinterrùpî lineslike M0 or M1 (or linesfrom slavePICSconnectedto them) havehigherpriority than higher-levellineslike M5 or M6 (or linesfrom slavePICs connectedto them). Therefore,if two interruptsocculsimultanoously, the PIC ilforms the CPU of the higher-prio.ityinteúupt first. The Nucleusoften disableslow-prio.ity interruptsto allowtasksto servicehigh-priority interrupts. Refer to the nDisablingInterrupts"sectionof this chapterfor more information. NucleusUset's Guide 93 INTERRUPTMANAGEMENT Clock is SLAVE7 PIC 8 0 2 87 N P X 00 of a2 03 o4 05 06 o7 w-0302 Figùre 9-2. 80286Interrupt Lines 9.2.3 InlerruptDescriptorTable Whenan interupt occurs, it triggerstheprocessor to invokea proccdurewhoscaddrcss is listed in a sectionof memorycalledthe interrupt descripto!table (IDT). You enter interruptaddresses into theIDT whenconfigùring the systemor dynamically, using SET$INTERRUPT. Wlen an inteÍruptoccurs, theprocessor usesthe entryin the IDT as a pointer to the interrupt handlingcodeto be executedfor the specificinterrupt. Each entryin theIDT is a descriptor thatcontainsthephysicaladdress of theinterupt procedure thatshouldbeprocessed whenthe speciîied interruptoccurs.TheIDT is similar to the GDT ard LDT, exceptthat it is referencedonly asa result of an interupî or a trap. The IDT maybe locatedanlrurhere in the memoryof the iRMX II Operating System.For more detailsaboùtîhe IDT, seethe íAPX 2EóPrcgrammer's Reference Manual. 9-4 NucleusUsefs Guide INTERRUPTMANAGEMENT Many different eventsmaycausean interrupt. To allow the causeof the interrupt to be identified,thehardwareassigns eachinterruptcausea numberandgivesit an entryin the IDT, The IDT is composedof up to 256entries,numbered0-255.you specirythe numberof entriesyour applicationneedswhenyou configurethe system.Most userswill not needmore than 128entries. If, for example,your systemhasonly the 82594pIC masterwith no 8259APIC slaves,anddoesnot usesoftwareinterruDts.the fhst 64 entîies are enough.The iRMX II Nucleusdoesnot useentrics128-255. Theseentriesare availablefor users.The entriesare allocatedasshownin Table9-1. EntryNumber 0 1 2 Table9-1. Allocatior of Intenupt Entrles Description 3 4 5 divideby zero singlestep(usedby the iSDM monitor) powerfailure (non-maskable irterrùpt,usedby the iSDM monitor) one-byteinterrupt insbuction(usedby the iSDM monitor) inteúùpaon overflow ruo{ime arrayboundserror ó undefined opcode 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-1,5 1.6 17-55 56-63 64-127 128-255 NPX not present/NPx taskswitch doublefault NPX segmentoverun invalidTSS segmenrnot present stackexception generalprotection resefved NPX error 82594PIC master(oúernal interrupts) 8259A?IC slaves(externalinterrupts) unused Whenan interrupt occurson anymasteror slavelevel,the processorlooksat the correspondingentryin the interrupt descriptortable to deteîmineîhe addressof the prccedureto execute.The procedurethat executesin responseto an inteÍupt is calledan interrupt handler. For examplgif a level M2 interrupt occurs,the processorexaminesinterrupt descriptor 58 for the locationof the interrupt handlerfor that lev€I. Thenit traNlers contrcl to thc hterrupt handler. NucleusUsefs Guide 9-5 INTERRUPT MANACEMENT The Nucleusprovidestwo systemcallsfor settingùp the interrùpt descriptortabls SET$INTERRUrr and RESET$INTERRUPT.SEI$INTERRUPT assignsan inteîrupt handlerto an interrupt levelby placinga pointer to the first instructionof the handlerin the apprcpriatedescriptor. RESET$INTERRUPTcancelsthe assignmentof an interrupt handlerby clearingout the appropriateentryin the interrupt descriptortable. With these two systemcalls,you cansetup the descriptortableto meetyour needs. \---l 9.2.4 AssigningInterruptLevelsto ExternalSources You úust obeythe followingrestrictionswhenassigringintemrpt levelsto extemal sources: . You úust assignthe systemclockto a masterinterrupt level. The levelnumberis a configurationoption andis describedia theExtendedîRMXII Intercctire Confguration Utí18 Refercnce Manu4l. . Whenyou attachan interruptingdeviceto a levelon the masterPIC, you cannotalso attacha slavePIC to the samelevel. For example,supposethat you physicallyattach the deviceto level M3. This meansthat ertry 59 (decimal)of the IDT mustcontain the address of the interrupthandlerfor the device.It alsomeansthatentries88 through95 (decimal)of the IDT (the slavelevelentrièsthat correspondto master levelM3) will not be used. \--l 9.2.5Disabling Interrupts Oscasioflallyyou maywant to prevelt interrupt signalsfrom causingan immediate interrupt. For exaúple,yoù don't wantlow-priority interruptsto interferewith the servicingof a high-priorityinterrupt. In the iRMX II OpemtingSystem,eachinterrupt (describedlater), the Nucleusdisables levelcanbe {!q!!g!. In somecircumstances Ievels.Taskscanalsodisableandenablelevelsby meansof the DISABLE and ENABLE systemcalls. However,the masterlevelresered for the systemclockshoùldflot be disabledor enabled. If an interrupt signalarrivesat a levelthat is enabled,the operatingsystemtrarsfeÉ control to the addressmntainedin the IDT entrvthat corresDonds to the level on which theinterruptoccurred.If thelevelis disabled, tÉeinterrupriignalis blockeduntilthe levelis enabled,at whichîime the signalis recognizedby the CPU. However,if the signal is no longeremanatingfrom its sourcg it is not recognizedandthe inteÍupt is not handled. 0 ? An interrupt levelcanbe disabledin four ways: o A taskcanexplicidydisablea specificinterrupt levelby invokingthe DISABLE systemcall. Later, a taskcanre-enableîhe levellry invokingthe ENABLE systemcall. . 9-6 A taskcaninvokethe SEI$INTERRUPT systemcall to designaîeitsef asthe interrupt taskfor a particularinterrupt level. Whenit makesthis designation,the task NucleusUset'scuide \_-/ \._-/ INTERRUPTMANAGDMENT canspecirya fmit to the lùmber of interruptsthat it v/ill queue. If enoughioterrupts occuron the task'sinterrupt level,the queuecanbepomefull. \ryheneverthis happens,the operatingsystemauromaticallydisablesthe inîelrupt level until the queueceasesto be full. Wherievera task invokesthe RESET$INTERRUPTsystemcall to cancelthe assignmentof a particularinterrupt handlerto a particularintemrpt level,the operatingsystemautomatically disables thatinterrupllevel. To providepre-emptivepriority-basedschedulingthe operatingsystemcan automaticallydisableor re-enablesomeinterrupt levelswhenevera taskbegins running dependingon the priority of the nevrrunningtaskand the priority of the previousrunningtask. This allowshigh-prioritytasksto run faster,without hterrupts from lower-priorityexternaldevices.Table9-2 showsthe correlationbetweenthe levelsdisabledand the priority of the runningtask. NOTE a' A taskthat makessystemcallswheninterupts are disabledshouldnever usethe PL/M-286 DISABLE statementor the ASM286CLI (clear interrupt-enableflag) inst.uctionto disableoperatingsysteminterrupts. Nucleussystemcallsmaycauseinterupts to be enabled. NucleusUset's Guide 9-7 INTERRUPî MÀ.NAGEMENT Table9-2. Interrupt L€velsDisabl€dfor RunnlngTask 34 56 73 910 1&14 15-16 17-18 1920 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 2930 31-32 33'34 35-36 39-40 4142 4344 45-46 4744 49-50 51-52 6154 5t56 ú-77 01-77 02-77 0B-77 u-77 05-77 (n-77 07-77 10-77 11-77 12-77 14-77 1 5- 7 7 16-77 20-77 21-77 22-77 23-77 24-77 25-77 26-77 n-77 31-77 32-77 33-77 MO.M7 M1.M7 M1-M7 M1.M7 M1-M7 M1-M7 M1.M7 M1.M7 M1-M7 M2- M7 M2.M7 M2, M7 M2.M7 M2.M7 M2. MI M2.M7 M2. M7 M3-M7 M3. M7 M3-M7 M3-M7 M3-M7 M3- M7 M3- M7 M3- M7 M4. M7 M4. M7 u-77 s960 61€2 63€r 6$70 71-72 73'74 its - 77 36-77 37-77 M4- M7 M4-M7 40-77 41-77 M4.M7 M5-M7 M5-M7 M 5 .M 7 M 5 -M 7 42-n 43-77 44-77 -.--continùed--- 9-8 NùcleusUset's Gulde INTERRUFTMANAGEMENT Table9-2. IÍterrupt LevelsDisabledfor RunningTask (confinued) TaskPriority Slav6L€vels 77-78 79€0 81€2 4384 &5€6 87€8 8990 91-92 93€4 95€6 97€8 99-100 101-102 10310f 105,'t06 107-108 1@110 111-112 113114 1f5-116 117n18 119120 121-122 123-124 125-t26 127-128 129255 45-77 8.TT 47.TT 50-77 51-ì|7 52-77 53-TT 54-77 57-77 ú-77 61-71 62-77 Disab!€d Levels MasterLevels M5-M7 M5-M7 M5-M7 M5-M7 M6. M7 M6- M7 M6. M7 M6. M7 M6- M7 M6-M7 M6-M7 M6-M7 è4-77 M7 M7 67-77 70-T7 71-77 72- 77 73-77 74-77 75-77 76-77 77 None M7 M7 None None None None Non€ None None 9.3 INTERRUPT HANDLERS AND INTERRUPTTASKS 'Whether an interrùpt handlerservicesan interrupt levelby itself or invokesan inteúupt task to seryicethe inte..upt dependson two factors: . The kindsoî systemcirllsneeded . The amountof time reqùired NudeusUser'sGuide 9.9 INTERRUPT MANÀ.GEMENT Regardingthe first factor,interrupt haÍdlers canmakeonly the ENIER$INTERRUITf, E)CT$INTERRUPT,GET$LEVEL,DISABLE,andSIGNAI-$INTERRUPTSySIem calls. If the handlerrequiresother systemcallsto servicethe interrupt, it mustinvokean interrupt task \_-/ Regardingthe secondfactor,an interrupt handlershouldalwaysinvokean inteúupt task unlessthe handlercanserviceinteÍupts quickly. Time is importarÌtbecausean ùrterupt signaldisablesall interrupts,and theyremaindisableduntil the interrupt handlereither servicesthe interrupt and exitsor invokesan iriterrupt task. Invokingan interrupt task allowshigherpriority inte(upts (andill somecases,the samepriodty interrupts)to be accepted. 9.3.1SettingUpanInterrupt Handler Interrupt handlersare generallywritten asPL/M-286 interrupt procedures,but theycan be written in assemblylanguage.Ifyou useassemblylanguage,you mustsaveand reslore aUregistervalues,asnotedlater. \- Beforean interupt handlercafl servicean interrupt level,a taskmusl invokethe SEI$INTERRUPT systemcall to bind the handlerandan intem.pt taskto an interrupî level. SET$INîERRUPT operatesasfollows: . . One of the SET$INTERRUPTparameters,the inteÚupt$haridlerparameter, specifiesthe startingaddressof the interrupt handler. SET$INTERRUPTbindsthe handlerto a levelby placingthis startingaddressinto the IDT at îhe eritry that mrrespondsto the level. Whenan interrxpt of that leveloccurs,control automatically traflsiersthroughthe IDT to the handler. Another pammeterin SET$INTERRUPT,the interrupt$task$flag paramete., detemineswhetheran interrupt taskis associated with the level. If the interrupt$task$flagparametercontainsa zero,there is no interrupt îask for the specifiedlevel. Otherwise,the callingtaskbecomesthe interîùpt taskfo! the level. If you wantyour interrupt handlerto useanotherdatasegment,you canspeciSthe selectorofthe interrupthandler's daîesegment in the interrupt$handler$ds parameterof SEI$INTERRUPT. The irterrupt haridlercanlater load this valueinto the DS register by callingENTER$INTERRUPT. Interrùpt handlerswdtter in PL/M-286 (including COMPACT model)havetheir DS registersloadedautomaticallyon invocation.In most cases,an interrupt handlerand an interrupt taskare compled togetherandsharethe samedataareas. 9-10 \__, Nudeùs Usefs Guide v INIERRUPI MANAGEMEM When an iRMX II application systemstarts runnin& all inteffupt levels are disabled. Beforetheoperatingsystemenables aninterruptlevel,a taskmustinvoke SET$INTERRUPL WhenSET$INTERRUPTbindsan iùterruDthandlerbut not zur interrupt taskto a level,the operatingsystemenablesthe levelimmediately.However,if SET$INTERRUPI bhds the handlerandan interrupt taskto the level,the operating iystem doesnot enablethe leveluntil that taskinvokesthe WAIX$INTERRUPT or RQE$TIMED$INTERRUPTsystemcall (describedlater)- An inteîrupt taskshouldnot enableits ownlevelbeforemakingits first call to WAI$INTERRUPT or RQE$TiMED$INTERRUPT, A RESET$INTERRUPTsystemcall cancelsthe link betweenan inteffupt level andits intefiupt handler. Thc call alsodisablesthe speciliedlevel, If there is an inteffupt task for the level,RESET$INTERRUPTdeletesit. DELETE$TASKdoesnot delete interrupt tasks. 9.3.2Usingan InterruptHandler ff an interrupt handlerservicesinterruplsfor a givenlevelwiahoutinvokhg an i errupl task,the handlermust assumeoneof two forms,dependingon whetherit requhesthe Nucleusto 6etup the sclcctorof its daîasegment. If the hterrupt handlerdoesnot needto accsssthe datasegment,or if it canload the DS registerwith the datasegmentselector,then it shouldperform the followir€ steps: 1, If in assemblylanguage,saveall registercontents(PL/M doesit lor yoù Ìvhenthe proc€dureis giventhe INTERRUPT attribute). 2. Servicethe interrupt. 3. CalÌEXIT$INTERRUPI. (This sendsan end-of-interruptsignalto the hardware.) 4. If in assemblylanguage,restoreall regi*er mntents. 5. Return. In the rare casewhereyou úay grantto usea specialdatasegm€nt,call ENTER$INTERRUPTimmediatelyafter step1. An exampleof how to use E) - î o k . n C a E A IE S C OM P O S I T E > - T o k o n f o r n è w o b j e c t T o k è nr ó r r v D è+ List of componenr/ for typ€ ..",, w-0303 Figure 11-1. Creation Sequencefor Composite Objecas Note thesetwo factswhencreatinga compositeobject: 1. Its componentqcalledcomponentobjects,are alliRMX tr objects,either Intel- or user-provided. 2. No structùreis imposedon coúipositeobjectsof a giver extensionq?e. Two objectsof the sameextensiontypecanbe completelydifferentin structureor in the numberof componentsobjectstheycompdse.This featureallowsfor maxunum flexibility iri the creationof newobjects. Oncea tlpe managercreatesa newobjecttypeby callingCREATE$EXTENSIO\ that typemanagerofirs the type. Only the type managercancroat€compositeobjectsof that type, In addition,whenit createscompositeobjectqthe t ?e managercanrequestthat the compositeobjectbe sentbackto the typemanagerwhenthe objepthasto be deleted. (L-atersectionsdescribethis in detail.) 11,3 MANIPULATING COMPOSITE OBJECTS ANDEXTENSION ryPES Two systemcallsmanipulateexistingcompositeobjects:INSPEC'I$COMPOSITEand ALTER$COMPOSITE. INSPECT$COMPOSITE returnsa list of componenttokerÌsfor a compositeobject. ALTER$COMPOSIIE replacesa token in the componenllisl of a compositeobject,with either anothe.token or a null. rt-2 NucleusUseis Guide TYPEMANAGERS 11.4 DELETING COMPOSITE OBJECTSAND EXTENSION TYPES Two systeú callsdeletecompositeobjects: DELETE$COMpOSITEand DELETE$EXTENSION. DELETE$COMPOSITEdeletesa particularcompositeobject (bùt not its components).DEiETE$EXTENSION deletesa specfied eytensiontype,and either deletesall compositesof that typeor sendsthem to a deletionmailbox,in which casethe typemanagermustdeletethem. A thid systemcall, DELETE$JO8,alsodeletescompositeobjectsasa part of its processing.Although DELBTE$JOBcannotdeleteextensionq?es (iî returnsa.l exceptioncodeif thejob contahs anyextensionobjects),it candeletecompositesor send them to deletionmailboxeswheretheir g?e managersdeletethem. The deletion$malboxparameterin the CREATE$EXTENSIONsystemcall dctcrmincs whetherDELETE$EXTENSIONandDELETE$JOBdeletecompositeobjectsor send themto deletionmailboxesThisparameter hastwooptions: If you specirySELECTOR$OF(NIL)for the pa.ameter,then DELETE$EXTENSIONandDELETE$JOBassumeall responsibiliryfor deleting compositeobjects.The t,?e managerplaysno part in the deletionprocess.h this case, you can skip the ne\-t three sections of this chapter. If you speci| a mailboxtokenfor the paramerer,rhenDELETESEXTENSIONaùd DELETE$JOBsendtokensfor all composireobjectsof the indicaredrypero rhe mailbox. The typemanageris thenresponsiblefor deletingthe compositeobje.ts. Two conditionsmustbe met beforethe typemanagerreceivestokensfor composite objectsvia the deletionmafbox: The qpe manager,.rhenit callsCREATE$EXTENSION,mustfill in the deletion$mailbox parameterwith a toke! for a mailbox. A taskmustcall DELETE$EXTENSIONor DELETE$JOB. The followingsectionsdescribethe tt?e manager'sresponsibilitiesin more detail. l1 .4.1 TypeManagerResponsibilities DuringDELETE$JOB Whena taskcallsDELETE$JOB,the Nucleusnormallydeleteseveryobjectin thejob. However,if thejob contaiN a compositoobjectwhoseeÀlensionhasa d€l€tionmailboó the Nucleussendsthe tokerifor the compositeobjectto the deletionmailbox. The Nucleùsthenwaitsuntil the ty?ernanagercals DELETE$COMPOSIIE before continuingthe d€letionprccess. The type managerhasthe followingresponsibilìtiesfor servicingthe deletionmailbox: 1. It mùst wait at the deletion mailbox to receive the tokens for the obiects to be deleted. Nudeus Uset's Guide 11.3 TYPE MÀN,{GERS 2. It mustperform anyspecialprocessingrequiredto deletethe compositeobject. For example,it mightwant to wait ù.ltil all taskshavestoppedusingthe composite. 3. It hasthe option of deletingthosecomponentobjectsnot containedin the job being deleted. It cannot,however,deleteanyobjectscontainedin the job beingdeletedor it will incur an exceptionalcondition. (This is not a p.oblembe4ausethe objectsin thejob beingdeletedwill automaticallybe deletedduringthe DELETE$JOBcall.) 4. It shouldcaIIDELETE$COMPOSITE,whichdeletesthe compositeobject(but not the componentobjects)and informsthe Nucleusthat the tlpe managerhasfinished processingthat deletesthe compositeobject. After the typemanager the spe.cial cals DELETE$COMPOSITE,the Nucleusresumesthe DELETE$JOBproce.ssing. The tlpe managermustcall DELETE$COMPOSmEeachtime the NucleusseÍds a tokenfor a compositeobjectto the deletionmailboxbecauseDELETE$COMPOSITE retumscont.ol to the Nucleus.If the q?e managerfails to call DELETE$COMPOSITE, the DELETE$JOBsystemcall will not finish processingFigure 11-2illushatesthe type manage/sinvolvementin the DDLETE$JOBprocess. Figùr€ 11-2. TlTe ManagerInyolyeúentin DELETE$JOB 11-4 NucleusUsefs Guide TYPEMANAGERS Note that the typemanageris not requùedto deleteall componentobje{ts. ln the course ofDELETE$JOB, the NucleusdeletesanyNucleusobjectsin thejob. The Nucleussends the tokensfor anyI/O System,ExtendedI/O Sysrem,or Huma[ Inrerface(all three are OSextensions)objectsto theh respectivedeletionmailboxes,wherethe subsystems themselvesd€letethe objects.The Nucleusscndsthe tokensfor all other composite objectsto their own deletionmailboxes,wheretheir typemanagenare responsiblefor deletion. Therefore,all the compoùentobjectsare eventuallydeleted,providedthey are in the job beingdeleted. 11,4,2TypeManager Responsibilities DuringDELETE$EXTENSION A taskcancall DELETE$EXTENSIONto deletean extensiontype. This is usefulwhen the licenseto createcompositeobjectsof a givenextensiority?eis no longerneeded. Whena taskcallsDELETE$EXTENSIONard the extensionhasa deletionmailbo&the Nucleùssendsîhe tokensfor all compositeobjectsof that extensiontlpe to the deletion mailbox. After sendinga token for an objectto the deletionmailbox,the Nucleuswaits until the typemanagercals DELETE$COMPOSITEbeforesendingthe nextc.mposite. The type managerhasresponsibilitiesduringDELETE$EXIENSION similar îo DELETE$JOB. First, it mustwait at the deletionmailboxfor the objects'tokens. Th€n, it musthandleanyspecialprocessingnecessary to deletethe object. Finally,it mustcall DELETE$COMPOSIIE to deletethe composite.As with DELETE$JOB,the gpe managermustcall DELETE$COMPOSIIE for eachtoken it receivesat the deletion mailbox-If it doesnot do this,the DEI-ETE$F-XTENSTON systemcallwill not linish processing, However,unlike DELETE$JOBprocessing, the t'?e managerhasthe choiceduring DELETE$EXTENSIONofwhether or not to deleteindividualcompolent objects.If it wishesthe componentobjectsto be deleted,the ttpe managermust explicitlydeletethese obje.ts. Unlike DELETE$JOB,DELETE$EXTENSIONdoesnot deleteanycomponent objects. l1 .4.3 Deletionof NestedCompositès Sincea compositeobjectcaocontainobj€clsof anykind, sr.rme of its @mponentobject$ maybe compositeobjectsthemselves.This cancauseproblemsfor typemanagerswhen they deletethe compositeobjectsif the t,?e managerfor anyof the compositeobjects dependson the eústenceof anyof the other compositeobjectsto completeits processing. For example,supposeobjectsA andB are compositesin the samejob. Theyhave different extensiontypes,andB is a componenîof A. Eachcompositehasa qpe manager that performsspecialcleanupfunctionsbeforeit candeletethe correspondingcomposite. If neither type managerrequiresinformationcontainedin the other compositeto perform its specialprocessingthe deletionprocesscanproceedwithout difficulty. NucleusUset's Guide 1l-5 TI?E MANAGERS However,if the t)?e managerfor compositeA reqùiressomeinformationcontai[ed in compositeB to completeits processingthe deletionprocessbecomesmore complex.For this deletionschemeto work, you mustguaranteethat composiîeA will be deletedbefore compositeB. Thus,you musîknowthe order in whichthe DELETE$JOBdeletesobjects and sendscompositesto deletionmailboxes,sothat you cansetup your composites correctly. \-, DELETE$JOBdeletescompositeobjectsbeforeit deletesnon-compositeobjerts. It deletescompositeobjeatson a last-in-li$t-out basis;that is, in the reverseorder fiom \À/hichtheywere created.Therefore,a typemanagercandependon receivingthe tokens for compositeobjectsthat it createsbeforethe Nucleusdeletesthe componentobjects containedin them. The only exceptionis whena composite(compositeA) is cleated beforeanothercomposite (composite B), andcomposite B is insertedasa component into compositeA usingAITER$COMPOSITE. In this case,compositeB will be deleted first, andthe t)?e managerof compositeA cannotrely on the existenceof compositeB whenit receivescompositeA for deletion. 11.5 WRITING ATYPEMANAGER A type managerconsistsof two parts: The initialization part createsthe typeandoptionallycreatesa deletiol mailboxto whichthe systemcansendtokensfor objects*hendeletingeitherjobsor theqpc itself. The servicepart providessystemcallssotaskscanqeate and manipulateobjectsof the type. Becausethe initialization phasemustbe completedbeforeanytask attemptsto obtain tokensfor objects,the initialization part shouldbe written asa taskthat executeseaù in the life of the system.To ensureearlyexecution,the taskshouldbe part of the initialization taskofa firstlevel use.job in thejob tree. Rlelerto the íRMXII Interactive ConfgwatíonUtilityReference manualfor informationconcerningiirst-leveljobs. The servicepart of the type manageris written asan operatingsystemexterision.(Refer to Chapter10ior more information.) The bestwayto learn abouttlpe managersis to studyan example.The followingexample presents the mainpartsof a q?e manîgerfor ringbuffers. l1-6 NùcleusUset's Guide 'v TYPEMANAGERS 11.6 EXAMPLE-.4 RINGBUFFER MANAGER This exaúpleshowsthc mosteducationalportionsof a ring buffer managcr,It alsoserves to illustrate the varioùsparts of an operatingsystemextension.Be advised,however,that the exampleis inmmpleteand shouldbe imitatedwith dissetion. In particulaqthe examplehasthe followingshortcomings: The issueof exceptiol handlingis nof addressed.Clearlythe codesupportinga systemcall shouldexamineeachinvocatiorifor validity,but, for brevity,the ring buffer exampledoesnot do this. Thereare no saleguardsagainstpartial creationof an object. Whenceating a compositeobject,a typemanagermustfust createthe componentsof the object. Occasionally,after oeating someof the components,the managermight be unableto cr€atethe others. A type managershouldbe ableto recoverfrom this situatioq usuallyby deletingthe componentsaheadycreatedaridreturriingan exceptioncodeto the caller. the example,againfor bre',ity, doesnot do this The entry routine doesnot checkthe entry codefor validitr. The potentialfor problemswith deletionis ignored. For this reason,you should imaginethat the envhonmentof the exampleis constrainedin at leasttwo ways. Fftst, only one taskwill eveîîry to deletea ring buffer and,whenit doestry, no other task will be usingthat buffer. Second,whena job contairÌíriga taskthat createda ring bulfer is deleted,no tasksin otheîjobs are usingthat ring buffer. ' The examplelas beendesk-checked, but the examplehasriot actuallybeeritested. A ring buffer is a blockof memoryin whichbltes of dataare placedat successively higher addresses.Interspersedwith byte insertionsare b''te removals,vr'iththe restdctionthat the bytebeingremovedmustahvaysbe the bytethat hasbeenifl the buffer foÌ the longest time. Thus,data entersandleavesa ring buffer in a FIFO manner. Ringbuffersare so namedbecausethe lowestaddresslogicallyfollowsthe hìghestaddress.That is, if the last byte placedin (or retrievedfrom) the buffer is at its highestaddress,then the nextbj/teto be placedin it (or retrievedfrom it) is at the lowestaddress.As dataentersandleaves the buffer, the portion containingdata"runsÍaroundthe ring, with the pointer to the last byte out 'bhasing"the pointer to the last b,'tein. Figure 11-3illùstratesthese characteristics. NucleùsUsefs Guide tl-7 TYPE M.{NAGERS figure ll-3. A RingB!fier The main (service)part of the exampleconsistsof four proceduret: CREATE_RING BUFFER, DELETE_RING_BUFFER, PUT_BYTE,and GET_BYTE.The last two prcceduresare for placinga characterin a ring buffer and for retrievinga character, resDectivelv. 1t-8 NucleusUset's Guide IYPE MANAGERS /*************************:t*:t**********it********************************* * NOTE: The following commonlíleral (COMUON.LÌT)is file * in each of thc PLIM-286 porrions of the exdple. *********************x*x************************************************// included * DECLARETOKEN ]-ITERAILY 'SEI-ECTOR'; DECIARE forever LITERALLY ,ltHlLE 1,; DECIAREindeftnitely LITERALLY.oFFFFfl,; DECIAREASTR$STRUC LIÎEMLLY'STRUCÎ'RE( num$slors woRD, numsco[ponents lrIoRD, seg TOKEN, enpry9cr ToKEN, full$ct TOKEN),; DECIAREPOINÎER$STRUC LIÎERALLY ' STRUCTURE( offset WORD, selector SELECTOR)' ; DECI,ARESEGMENT9STRUCLITERAI,LY ' STRÙCI'TIRE ( síze IùORD, head t{oRD, tail WoRD, buffer(1) sYIE)' ; 11.6.1 Initialization The initialization createsa regionto protectdatain ring buffersfrom beingmanipulated by more than one taskat a time. This part of the OS extensionalsocreatesthe requted exlensiongpe, qeates a deletionmailbo! andthenwaitsat the deletionmailbox. The OS e\tensioncall-gatesare establishedduringconfiguration.For this example,they are GDT slots440H,441H.44211and 443Il' Cod€lor the iniriirlizarionircludes the following: LIT) ; $INCLUDE(| Ix: COI'ÍMON. NùcleusUset's Guide /* Declares conrnon literals */ 1t-9 TYPE N,TANACERS RING$BUFFER$MANAGER: PROCEDT-EE EXTERNAI; TND R]NCSBUFFER$MANACER : DEoLARErtng$buffer$Lype TOKENpuBllc; DECI^AREring$buffer$iegion TOKENPUBLÍC; R]NC-BÙFFER INIT: PROCEDÙRÈ; DECI,AREdelete$obj ecr ToREN; DECI,AREexceprion UORD; DECIARE ftfo rITERALLY ,0' ; DECLARErb$code ITTnRALLY ,8000H' ; DECLAREdeletion$mbox TOKEN; DECURE response$mbox TOKEN; = RQ$CREATEgREGÌoN ríng$buffer$region ( fifo, Gexception); = RQ$CREATE$MAILBOX deletion$nbox ( fifo, @exception); ring$buf fer$type-RQgCREATEgEXTENSION( rb$code, deletion$mbox, @èxception); CAI,L RQ$END$INIT$TASK; DO |OREVER; : RQ$RECETVEgMESSACE delete$object ( deletiongnbox, indefínite1y, @response$mbox Gexceptton); \--l \---l /:t*****!t****:t*****rt*************rt******************)t***:t***************** * lf desired, delete the conponents of the conposite objecc. They are * * not automacically delered Íhen DELETE$EXTENSIoNis called. See rhe * * DELETE$RINGSBUFFER procedure, shown fater, * for the code that does * this. *:!*****************:t*)t***********)t*)r**********:t+:!***********************/ CALI, Rq$DELETE$COMPOSITE ( delece$object, Gexcepcion); END; /*' FOREVSR*/ END RING.BUFFER-INIT; 1l-10 NucleusUse s Guide \--l TYPEMANAGERS 11.6.2TheInterface Library The user interface library consistsof four small procedures, ofle for each of the system calls provided by the operating systemqtension. The library supports application code writteri in the PL/M-286 I-ARGE model. If a different model had been used for compiling the application code, these interface procedures would be slightly different, reflectiry the fact that, when making procedùre calls in othef modelq the stack is used differendy than in the LARGE model. The interface procedures are as follows: CREATERB PROC FAR PÙBLIC CREATERB EXÎRN GATE-440: FAR PUSH M0v CREATERB PUSH CALL POP RET ENDP DELETERB PROC buffer BP B P ,S P BP+6 ; paraneter--the size of the ring buffer GATE_440 ; calt the Os-exÈension vie a call-gare BP 2 FAR PUBLIC DELETERB EXTRN CÀTE_441.: FAR PUSH M0v DELETERS CETRBI"IE PUSH CALL POP RET ENDP PROC ?UBLIC EXTRN FAR CEÎR3fTE CATE442: FAR PUSH BP t{ov GETRBYTE PUTRBI'ÎE BP BP,SP BP+6 t paraneter--the rlng buffer to delete GATE-441 wia a call gate ; call the os-extension B? 2 PUSH CALL POP RET ENDP ?ROC PUBL]C EXTRN NucleùsUset's Guide 8?+6 buffer to read fron ; paraneter--ring cÀ.TE_442 ; call thè Os-éxtension via a call-gate BP 2 FAR PUTRS\"IE GATE_443: FAR 11-11 TYPE MANAGERS PUTRBYÎE PUSH MOV PUSH PÙSl{ CALL POP RXT END? BP BP,SP BP+8 ÀP+6 CAîE 443 BP 4 \-/ char:acter to nr:ite ; paraneter:--the buffer to grfte to ; pataneter--ring ; call Os-extenslon via a call-sate These interface proc€dures correspond to a set of external procedure dealaratior$ iri the applicationPL/M-286 code: CREATERB: PROCEDITRE(SIZe) DECI,AREsize END CREATIRB; ToKENEXTERNAL; l{oRD; ( ring$buffer$token) DELETERB: IROCEDI'RE DECLAREring$buffer$token T0KEN; END DELETERS; GETRBBYTE: PRoCEDURE(riîgqbuffer$token) DECLAREring$bufferstoken TOKEN; END GETRBBYIE; PUTRBBYTE: PROCEDURE(Chat,ling$buffer$token) DECI,AREchar BYTE; DECI,ARErtng$buffer$tokèn ToKEN; END PUTRBBYTE; Lt-12 \--" EXTERNAL; BYTE EXTERNAL; EXTERNAL; \" -' NucleusUset's Guide TYPEMANAGERS 11.6.3 TheCreateRingBufferProcedure The solefunctionof the CREATE-RING_BUFFERprocedureis to createa ring buffer for the calÌingtask andto return to the taska token for the compositering buffer object. Eachring buffer consistsof three objects: a segmentandtwo semaphotes.The supportingdata structure,reqùiredby the operatingsystemfor callsto CREATE$COMPOSITEandINSPECI$COMPOSITE,hasthe fotlowingfive fields: The numberof slotsavailablefor tokensin the followinglist of componentobject tokens, B€causering buffersare composedof three objectsand no comporrents will be added,the numberof slotsis setto three. The numberof componentobjectsactuallyin the compositeobject. In this casg the numbeaof componentsis three. A token for a segment.The segrnentcontainsthe ring buffer. The first word in the segmentcontainsthe sizeof the actualring buffer. The secondword of the segmentis a pointer to the mostrecentlyenteredb1'tein the buffer. The third word poiùts to the oldestblte in thebuffer. Theremainderof thesegmenr is usedasrhebuiferitself, Note that, in the program,a stucture reflectingthe intendedbreakdownof the segmentis superimposed on the segmeùt. A tokenfor a semaphore.This semaphoreis usedto keeptrack of the numberof vacanciesin the drg buffer. Thus,it is initialized to the sizeof the buftér. A token for a semaphore.This semaphoreis usedto keeptrack of the numberof occupiedbytesin the riry buffer. Thus,it is initia$zedto zerc. The CREA'IE_RING-BUFFERroutine createsthe componentsof the compositering bùffer object,initiatizesthe appropdatefields,then createsthe compositeobject,as follows: NucleusUsefs Guide l1-13 TYPE MANAGERS i I*: COMMoN, LIî) ; $INCLUDE( DECLARE ríng$buffergcype /* Deelares connon literé1s TOKENEXTERNAL; :t/ CREATE.RINC-BUFFER : (stze) ToKENPUBLICREENTRANT; PRoCEDIIRE DECI,ARE tloRD size DECI,ARE seg$prr POINTER; DECLAREptT$struc POINTER$STRUCA.T(Gseg$ptr); DECI-ARE astr: AsTR$sTRUc; DECIAREsetnrent SEGMENT$STRUC BASEDseg$ptr; DECI,ARE exception 1,I0RD, DECLARETtng$buffer TOKEN; prioricy DECLARE LITERALIY'1'; astr.n\ndslots - 3; astr. num$conponents- 3; ( astr. seg - RQ$CREATE$SEGMENT slze+6, Gexception); astr. enpty$ct : RQ$CREATE$SEMPHoRE ( priority, Gexception); ( astr. full$ct : RQ$CREATE$SEMAPH0RE 0, priority, @excepcion); ptr$struc.base - astr. seg; ptrqstluc. offsec = 0; cadnèhi ci za - cizo. segnent.head = -1; segnenc. tail - 0; : RQOCREAîE$CoMPoSITE Ein8$buffer ( vl ndq}|,,ffarAtlh. @astr, @excepcion); REî|RN ting$buffer; END CREATE.RING-BUFFER; The segment.headvariable is set to -1 becauscthc PUT_BYTE procedure (shown later) advancesthis pointer bgÍOlg placing a character ifl rhe buffer, t7-74 NucleusUset'sGuide ÎYPE MANAGERS 11.6.4 TheDeleteRingBufferProcedure DELETE-RING-BUFFER, which can be called by any task, deletes a ring buffer. $INCLUDE(:Fx:C0l'fMON.LlT); /* Declares corìnon literals DECIARE rlng$buffer$tne ToKEN EXTERNAL; */ DELETE_RING-BUFFER I PROCEDURE(ring$buffer$token) REENTR-ANT PùBLlc ; DECI-ARErlng$buffer$token BASEDToKEN; DECLARI astr ASTR$STRUC; DECI-AREexceptlon WoRD; astf,. nungslots - 3; ( CALL RQ$INSPECT$COMPOSITE rinoSh,,f tl fèrSl.lha ndqh,'ffaYqi^Lan @astr, @exception): CALL RQ$DELETEICOMPOSITE ( rlng$bufferS cype, 'i hdqÀ"fférqr^L-- @€xception) ; ( CALL RQ$DELETE$SEGMENT astr. seg, @exception); ( CATL RQ$DELETE$SEMAPIIORE astr. enpty$ct, Gexceptlon); ( CALL RQ$DEIETE$SEMAPHORE ast!.fu11$cc, Gexcèption); END DELETE-RING-BUFFER ; 11.6.5ThePutByteProcedure PUT_BYTEplacesa characterin the buffer by advanciúgthe pointer to the front of the buîfer then placingthe characterin the bytebeingpointedto. NucleusUserrsGulde 1I-15 TYPE MANAGERS $INCLUDE(:Fx:COÌ4MoN.LIT); /* Declares connon literals DECL{RErtng9buffer$type ToRENEXTERNAI; DECI,ARE ring$bufferqreglon ToKENEXîERNAL; */ PUT-BYTE: PROCEDURE(Char, ring$buffer$token) REENîRANT PUBLIC; DECIAREring$buffer$token ToKEN, char BYIE; DECIAREsize woI{D; DECLARE Éeg$pt! PoINTER; DECLAREptT$struc PoINîER9STRUCAT(@sèg$ptr); DECLARE astr ASTR$STRUC; DECIAREsegnenc SECMENT$STRUC BASEDseg$ptr; DECIAREexception I.IORD, DECIAREuntrs$1eft Ì10RD, , /FJfl.286/DW|O /pt-rf/MB2lTNTRO to attachto the dtectory containingthe exampleprograrns.To geoelate tlìe execùtable modulesfor theseexamplesrype: SUBMIT COMPILE Thesetwo commandsmustbe q,pedin on both hostterminals,assumingthat eachhost hasits owndisk. Most of the examplesusean externalfle calledDCOM.EXT and a literal file called DCOM.LIT. Both of thesefiles are presentedat the end of this chapter. The examplesin this chapterare presentedin an order similar to their usein a real system.The examplesstepyou throughthe followingconcepts; 1. Scannlngthe systemto determiflewhatboardsare in the system.This example runsindependendyof all the other modùles. 2. Crcatinga datatraúspof protocolport to usein message passing.This exampleruns indeDendendv of all îhe other modules. 12-16 NucleusUsefs Guide \v/ EXTENDEDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@N SYSTEMS 3, S€ndingan RSYPmessageto anotherboardandwaitinglor a reply. This module mustbe run with example4 io this list or with example7 in this list. 4. Arcwerlng an RSVPmessage from the receivingboard. This modulemustbe run with example3 in this list. 5. Sendinga datachain message.This examplemustbe run with example6 in this list. 6. Receivlnga daúachaln messate.This examplemustbe run ì/rithexample5 in this list. 7. Sendinga fragmentedmessage.This exampl€mustbe run with example3 in this list. The exampleslisted abovemakeceÍain assumptions aboutthe locationsof the host boardsin îhe MULTTBUSII ststemthat theyrun on. The Figure 12-4showsthe required physicallocationsof the hostboards(agents)in the system. (Chassisnot to scale) M e m o r yF o r H o s ti n S l o t5 H O S TB O A R D I N S L O T5 M e m o r vF o r H o s t i n - S l o t1 H O S TB O A R D I N S L O T1 È C S MB o a r d Figure l2-4. PhysicalLocationof Boardsin the Example NucleusUset's Guide t2-17 EXTENDED iRMX@II MÙLTIBUS@ II SYSTEMS The MULTIBUS II examplesdtectory alsocontainsa larger examplethat is not shownin this chapter. This exampleimplem€ttsa "nameserver",a progam that permitsthe dynamiccatalogingof all ports oeated in a system.A later s€ctionof this chapter discusses thisexample. \--,,. ' Beforepassingmessages betweenagenîs(boards)ir your systemyou rieedto determine what boardsare in your systemandthe message addresses for the boards(host$idor cardslotnumberfor boardson the iPSBbus.) You may alsoneedto read or write the contentsof a particularinterconnectiegister. Writing a boardscannertask allowsyou to dynamicallydeterminehostIDs, boardg?e, andmultiple occurrences(instances)of a boaÌd type. This s€ctionpres€ntsan €xampleof g€ttingthe iotercorìnectinforination for an entire system.The examplepedormsthe board scan,gettingthe slot numberandboard typeof each board in the system and places the information into an array of structures called sys_map.Whenthe boardscanis completgsys_mapis displayedon the consolesoeen. Figure 12-5presentsa board-scanning algorithm. The "reads"in the Figure 12-5. Board ScanningAlgorithm refer to the RQ$GET$INTERCONNECTsystemcall. For a mapor templateof a particularboard'sinterconnectregisters,refer to the board'shardware referencemanual. FoR i = 0 to number of slots minus 1 DO; Read board i's vendor ID register; IF vendor ID c 0 then DO; Read board i's class and subclass ID retisters ,/* Deternine board t)?e */ WriLe Ehe board informatíon ínto the syslem map END; ELSE; Write 'enpty' into the sys_nàp for thè sloc nuber END; Cet lD of loca1 hosc END; FoR i - 0 to n(lrnber of slots ninus 1 DO: Print slot numbers and board È)?es to console screen END; Figue l2-5. BoardScanningAgorithm t2-18 NucleusUset's Guide 'J EXTENDEDIRMX@II MULTIBUS@tr SYSTEMS In the fourth line of the board scarineralgorithm,a vendorID of 0 (for iPSBhostsonly) indicatesthat either the boardwasmanufactuîedby a non-licensed vendoror the cardslot is empty. Ifyou are alsoscanningthe iLBX II bus,replacethe 0 with oFFFFH. To run the boardscannerexampletype: rc NucleusUset's Guide t2-19 EXTENDED iRMI(@ II MI]LTIBUS@ II SYSIEMS The followingfigure is an implementationof the board scanneralgorithm. 9title('1c SeonDacc - scan interconnect space and prlnt r0ap of systen, ) IN1EL CORPORATION PROPR]EÎARYINFORMATION Ittis software is supplled under Che tenns of a license agreement or nondísclosure agreenent nith lnCel Corporacion and nay not be copieat or disclosed except ln accordance lrith the terns of that agreenent. Copyright Intel al1 ríohic Corporation 1987, 1988 rèaan'a.l * * * * * * * For lntel custoDels licensed for the lRlO{ II operatíng System under an Intè1 Software License Agreenent, rhis source code and object code deríved therefrorn are licensed for use on a stngle central processing unit for inte1:nal use on1y. Necessary backup copies and roulciple users are permitted. Object Code derived fron rhis source code ls a Class I sofù,/ale produc! under the Intel Sofc\rare License Agreenent and is subject to the terns and condirions of rhar agreemenr * :" Fol the ríght to make incorporacions, or ro transfer third parties, contact Intel corporatíon. this soft\rare to \-7 /********************:t************:k***********rt****:t*:t:t****************:trt**/ /********rt*rf************rt*rf***********************************)t******* * MODULENAI'fE: lcscan *' DESCRIPTIoN: Scan the iPSB backplane, Record each board insrancè and * slot nunìber in a system roap. Cet local host slot number * and id and record in systen nap. print systen nap on console. ****************,***rl***********rt*******************************!t******/ ic: DO; $include (/rnx2 86/inclrmxptn. ext ) $include (/rnx2 86/lnc/error. 1ít) $include (err. ext) Figùre t2-6. Irnplemenfation of a Board Scanner (continued) t2-20 NucleusUset's Guide \.-,-/ EXTENDDDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@II SYSTEMS DECTÀRE /* llterals */ MAXSmTS LITERALIY VENDoRIDREG LITERALLY BoARDIDREG LITERALLY BOARDIDI,EN LITERALLY BUFLEN LITEMLLY I,oCAIIIoST LITERATLY PSBCoNTROLRECI,ITERALLY PSBSLOTIDOFF LITEMLLY NoEXCBPT LITERALLY RECNoTFOLND LITERALLY '20', '00', '02H' , '10', ,11,, '31', tO6H, , ,02H' , '0', ,oFFH,. /* araxinum nìrnlber of slots */ .reg */ ,/* 1o\d byre of vendoi 1d /* regiscer offsec of boàrd id */ ./* nurnber of byres ín loard td */ ,/* length of boatd id rrox string */ */ /* selects local host interconnect */ record valuè /* psb control of slor id reg ín psb conrrol rec * /* offset ,/* no exception handling by systen */ /* indicates fnterconnecr record not found * LITÈRALLY , STRUCIURE( map_struc Id(BUFLEN) BYTE, slot,nulr BYTE)' ; DECI-ARE c o n _ t a b ( 1 6 )b y t e I N I T I A L ( ' 0 ' , ' qcrlhil i1a I ' fi nd ,'s' ,'6' ,,7, ,'8, , '9"' 4"' R"'C'.'D"'E"'F.) zó^^//ì,\ * PROCNAME: find_record * DESCRIPTION: * Searches through thè interconnect space of rhe specified board * (s1ot_nurber) until eíther the record type passed is found or the x EOT (end of tenpfate) record is fourd. If the record ls found, * then its record type and offset are returned. If the EOT record * is found, then oFFH is r€turned. * CAIL: record found : * lNPfIs: slotlnumber * recoid_type * RETURNS:tecord_found * oUTPUTS: record_offset record ( slot_nunber, j lecord_t]?e, rec_offse!_pÈr) Bltf containing slor number ól board BYTE conuaínin! record tJ.pe Lo find byte indicating I'hettrer record was found contains oFFlt (EoT record type) if record nor found) prr PoINîER to WORDoffser of record found find ***rt*rl*:l************rV*r!*:t********:t*****rt*******************************:t****/ Figure 12-6. Implementationofa BoardScanner(continued) Nucleus Use/s Guide 12.21 EXTENDED iRMXó II MIJLTIBUSo ( sloc_nunbe!, record_t)rye, rec_offset_ptr) PRoCEDURE find_record: REENTRANT; DECI-ARE slot_nunlber record_type fó^ SYSTEMS SYTE?uBLIc \-,, BYTE, BYTE, ^€fcAi rec_offset rèóord_found status BASEDrec_offsec_pr!woRD, B\1tE, woRD; DECIARE EOî_REC LITERAtLif 'oFl'll', HDRRECLENGTH LîTERAI-LY '2OH' , RECLENREC LITERAI-LY '1'; * * /* /* /* end of template ]recotd */ nunber of registers 1n header ì.ec */ \--l */ recorà length reglster Get record type for each lecord past che header record untíl the specified record ls found : HDRRECI-ENGTH; rec_offset record_found - rq$get$ tnterconnect ( slot_nunber, rec_offset, CALL error$check (100, srarus) DO IrttILE (record_founal o rècord_t)rpe) AND (record-found o * * Gstatus); EOT-REC); Get offset fof next recorat by addÍng length of curreDt lecord (add 2 to accounlr for type and length to prevíous record offset rec_offsef: = rec_offset + 2 + tq$get$interconnect(s1ot_nunber, rec_offser + RECLENREC , Gstatus); CALI- errorqcheck ( llo , status); recold_found = rq$get$ interconnect ( slot_number, rec_offset, CALL error$check ( 120 , status); END; \--l Gstatus); RETURN(record_f ound) ; END find_record; Figue 12-6, Implementationof a BoardScanner(continued) 12-22 \--7 NucleusUset's Guide EXTENDED iRMX@ II MULTBUS@ N SYSTEMS $subtitle ( 'out_byte - prlnt a byce on the console,) /*********!t*rt*****:!*:!*:!*****!t**********************************:!tr*:t** * pRoC NAME: out_byte * DESCRIPTIoN: tirlte the hex repres€ntacion of hex byte to the console. * CALL| CALL out_byte (hex_byte) * INPUT: hex_byce - byte whose hex value is to be printed * CLOBALS: * *****************x************>t*:t************************************/ ^ our byre: procedure (hex_byce) publíc: DECI,ARE hex_byte hex_buf(3) cur_byte status - BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, tloRD; cuÌ_byte - shr (hex_byre, 4); hex_buf(o) - 2; hex_buf( 1) : con_tab (cur_byce) ; cur_byte - hex,byte AND oFH; hex_buf( 2) - con_reb (cur_byte) ; call rqc$send$eo$response(NIL, 0 , Ghex_buf,@srarus) . END ouc_byre; *' ! é- Pr - nrinr /**********:l*:!***:l**,***tr*********)t*)t*****rt*************t<*)t*t<****rt*:t** * * PROCNAME: print_nap * * ABSTRACT: Write systen map to console PL LrrL * CAI-L: CALL printmap ( sys_map_ptr ) ; * INPUT: sys_map_pcr - pointei X GI,OBALS: * * CALLS: rqcssendseo$response, to systeú nap out_byte **************************)t******)t*)t*)t*)t*****************************/ Figure 12-6. IDplementationof a BoardScanner(continued) NùcleùsUseds Guide n-23 EXTENDED iRMXO II MULTIBUS€ print_map: II SYSTEMS PROCEDURE(sys_map_ptr)PUBLIC; DECI-ARE //,r parús sys_nap_ptr DECLARE */ POINTER: Iocals /* sys_nap i status ..___/ */ BASED sys_map_ptr(MAXSIiTS) map_srruc, BYIE, uoRD; /* /* systen map */ loca1 indèx */ CALL rqc$send$eo$response(NIL, 0 , G( 2 , odh, oah) , €scarus ) ; CAIL rqc$send$eo$response(NIL, 0 , @( 17 , , SYSTEM|,fAP,,odh,oah) , @srarus ) ; cAr,r-rqc$send$eo$response(NIL,0,G(23,,board sloc,,Odh,Oah,Odh,Oah), @sEarus); \!-/ Do i = 0 ro MAXstoTs -1; CALL rqc$sèndgeo$response(NTL,0, @sys_nap(í) . íd,Gsratus ) ; ,),esratus); CALL rqcgsendqeo$response(NIL, 0 , @( 5 , , CALL out_bytè ( sye_Í,ap ( i ) . s ror_ntllì) ; CALL rqcqsend$eo$response(NTL,0, @(2,oDH,oAh), Gstatus ) ; END; END princ_map; DUCI,ARE /* g|obaLs */ iPsB_slot s ratus count vendor_id_1o vendor_id_hi id_char local_slot psb_reg_off r-tyPe sys_nap (uAxSmTS ) /* becin \-, BYTE, /* i,ùoRD BYTE, ,/* BYTE, /* BYTE, BYTE, /* BYTE, ,/* I{ORD, ,/x 3YTE, /* map_struc;/* psb slor currenrly scanned *,/ index tnro id srring x/ lorn'byte of vendor id */ char:acxer in board id */ slot mrnrber of 1oca1 hosr */ offset of psb control record */ record. type returned by ffnd_record map of boards ín syscen */ main */ CALL set$exception(NoEXCEPT); DO lPSB_s1ot : 0 To MAXSLOTS- 1; sys_map ( iPsB_slot) . slot_num : iPSB_s1ot; vendor_id_lo = rq$get$ interconnect ( ipSB s1or, VENDORIDREG. @status); CALL error$check( 130, status); Figure 12-6. Implementation t2-24 ofa Board Scl|nnet (continued) NucleusUset's Guide */ EXTENDDD iRMP ITMULTIBUS@ n sYsTEMs * Only check status after first * co seè íf call is confígured * by geE$interconnecÈ) call to get$ lnterconnect, (no other error is rèturned - rq$get$ tncerconnecr ( ipsB_s1or, vendor_id_hi CALL error$check( 140, sratus); * If vendor_id is not equal to 0, then there *òoard in this s1ot, so get the boaÌd,s ld VENDORIDREG+I,Gscacus); ís a IF ( (vendor_id_hi 0R vèndor_id_lo) o 0) THEN DO; count : o; sys_nap ( i!SB_s1ot) . fd ( 0) : BoARDIDLEN; DO I{4iILE (count < BoARDIDLEN); id_char - rq9get$ interconnect ( iPSB_s1ot, BoARDIDREC+counc, @status) CALL error$check ( 150 , status); IF (id_char <- ,!,) oR (id_char >- ,t,) rHEN id_char = , ,; sys_map ( iPSB_s 1ot) . id( counr+1) - ld_char; count=count+I; DND; END; ELSE ,), CALL novb(@(10,,EMpî|l Gsys_nap( tpsB_e1ot ) . td, BoARDTDLEN+1); END; /* * Nor' get slot uber and id of local hosr. To access loca1 irìcercon* nect, the special slot nullber, I,oCALHoST, nust be used r_cype = fÍnd_record(IiCALI{OST,pSBCoNTROLREC,Gpsb_reg_off) II r_type o RECNoTF0UND THEN Do; = rqsget$ inrerconnecr (I.OCALHOST,psb_reloff local_s1or ; + pSBSLOTIDoFP, @status); CALLerrorgcheck( 160, status); loca1_slot = shÌ(1oca1_s1ot,3); sys_nap(1oca1_slot). slot_nun = Iocal_slor: count - o; D0 ilrItILE (count < BOARDIDLEN); id_char - rqqget$interconnecr(IoCALHOS1, BOARDIDREC+couot, @srarus) ; CALI-error$check( 170, srarus); lF (íd_char <= ,!,) OR ( id_char >- ,),) THEN id_char = ' '; sys_nap(local_slor).' d(count+l) = id_char; count=counÈ+1; END; END; CALL prinr_nap (@sys_nap) ; CALL rq$exitQio$j ob (0,NIL,@srarus) ; END ic; Figùre 12-6. Implemenfationof a BoardScanner Nndeu! Uset's Guide 12-25 EXIENDED iRM)@ II MULTIBUS@ II SYSTEMS Figure 12-7. SampleScreenOutput Fmm the InterconnectExample Figure12-7showsa sampleoutputof theboardscanner example. Portfor Message Sendingand Receiving Once you have ioformation on what boards are in your system,the next step is to create a pofi for messagepassingand associatea buffer pool with it. The following example creates a buffer pool, releasesa number of 1K buffers to it, and then creates a data transport type port and returns a TOKEN to use as a reference to the port. This module is not run from the Human Interface. it is called by the other modules described in this chapter. 12-26 NucleusUsedsGuide EXTENDEDiR]\fi@ II MULTIBUS@II SYSTEMS $tlt1e('crport - create a port end attach a buffer pool to ít,) /*****************************************************************rl*r!***rt*** * INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARYINFORI{ATION * * * * This sofcl{Étte is supplieal unater the tenns of Ér llcense agreelnent or nondisclosule agreenenc wich lnte1 Corporation and Ìnày not be copted or dtsclosed except in accordance wlth the terns of that €treemenc. * * Copyright lnte1 Corporation All rights resefied 1987, 1988 * * * * * * * For Incel customers licensed for the íRlfl{ II Operating Systern under an Intel Software License Agreenenc, this source code and object code deríved therefron are licensed for use on e single central processlng unit for internal use only. Necessary backup copies and nultípte perlllitled. Object Code der:iwed fron this source code is a Class I sofu,/are product under the Intel Sofcxrare License Agreement and is subject to the terrÌs and conditions of that agreenent. * * Fo! the right to nake lncorporations, or to transfer chlrd perÈles, contacc Intel corpofatioo. thís softsare to /***:l****rt*it***it*)t)t*rt*************************it*****:t**rt*******:t***********/ crPofc: D0; tlncrude I include $include $include ( / rrú.yz ò 6/ l ncl rnxp rn . exr) (/Ìnx28 6/1nclerror. 1it) (dcon.1it) (err. ext) DECI.\RE NOEXCEPT LITERATLY '0'i /* no exception handling by system */ Figure 12-8. Creatinga Dataîlaùsport ProtocolPort (continued) Nùcleus Ilsefs Gùide t2-27 EXTENDED iRI{X@ II MULTIBUSo leJ ec. $ subtitle II SYSTEMS ( ' create$bufqpool ' ) **************.***************Jr***** * PRoC NAMETcrèategbufgpool * DESCRIPîION: Creare a buffer a11er. Create release thero to the buffer pool * * * CALL: bufgpoolgtok pool \rirh rhe acrribures passed by che an 1n1r1a1 number of 1K buffers and the buffer pool. Return a coken for to the caller. = creategbufgpool (nax_bufs , inir_nurD_bufs, ttrs, status_Ptf) nax_bufs - naximtrll nxnber of buffers for buffer pool inít_num_1,ufs - ínitial nuDber of buffèrs for buffer Pool, - buffer pool creairion atrributes attrs - poínts to a status word status_ptr * INPUîS: * * * x * RETURNS: bufspoolgtok - token for newly created buffer ; \.--l pool *********:t**************)t*********rt******************************>t*>t*/ create$buf$pool: PUBLIC; (nax_bufs , i ír_num_bufs, arrrs, PROCEDURE max_bufs init_nw_bufs attrs status_ptr status buf_pool buf_tok i DECLARE BUFSIZE BI'LAGS TOKEN /* Paraneters */ DECIARE DECI,ARE stacus_ptr) WORD, lrORD, llORD, PoINTER: /* /* /* ,/* maxirnunrnunber of buffers in buffer pool */ tnitial number of buffers in pool */ */ buffer pool creation atttibutes */ exceptlon póinter /* Local Variables *'/ BASEDsrarus_ptr /* Líxerals WORD, îOREN, /* buffèr pool conplere with buffers ToKEN, /* buffeÌ token */ UoRD; /* local index */ */ LITERAI-LY '1024' , IITERAI,LY '0108,; /* b!îfer sj-ze */ ,/* single buffet, don,r release *,/ buf_poo1 : rq$create$buffer$pool (nax_bufs, attrs, CAIL errorqcheck( 10, stacus); status_ptr); Figtlre l2-8. Creating a Data Transport Protocol Port (contirued) 72-28 NucleusUsedscuide *,/v EXIENDDD iRMX@II MULTIBUS@Il SYSTEMS DO i : 1 to init_nutÌ_bufs; buf_tok = lqgcreate$ segnent( BUFS IZE, statrs_ptr); CALLerror$check(20, status) ; CALL rqqreleasegbuffer (buf_poo1 , buf_rok, BFtAcS, srarus_prr); CAIL error$check(30, status) ; END; RETURN buf_poo1; ENDcreate$buf$poo1 ; $eject $subttcle ( ' ret$dporÈ' ) /********************rt*:t********************>t**************r!********* PROCNAI4E: gèt$dport DESCRIPTION:Thls procedufe creates a pott for data transport servlce. A buffer pool is created and attached to the port. A token for the newly crèated porÈ and buffer pool are rètuhed to the cal1er. If eíther port or buffer creaÈion fai1s, che call returns rrrlrh neither e buffer. pool or port created. CAIL: dport$cok : ger$dporr (porr_nun, buf_pool_prr, sratus_Ptr) b_aftrs, port_nur0 - port nunber asslgned to neÌ,r1y created port - buffer pool creation b_attls arÈiibutes scatus_ptr - polnts ro sracus word - points to buffer pool token attached to OUTPUTS: buf_pool_ptr the newly created port RETURNS: dporr$tok - Èoken to newly created port INPUTS: ******x******)t****:r:t:r**:t*:t***x*:r*!r***************rr**************x****/ get$dport: (port_nun, bufu)oo1_ptr ,b_arcrs , starus_?cr) PRoCEDURE DECI,ARE /* port_nun buf_p óo1_p tr b_attrs stacus_Ptr Paraúeters ToKENpuBl-tc; */ WORD, POINTER, INORD, POINTER; porc id for nelr port x/ points buffer Èo buffer pool */ pool creation actríbutes Figurel2-8. Crcatinga DataTEnsportProtocolPort (continued) NucleusUsefs Guide 12-29 */ EXTENDED iRTD(@II MIJLTIBUSO T SYSTBMS DECLARE /* Lltèrals */ NUU_TRANS LITERALLY DATACOM LITERALLY PFLAGS LITERALLY MAXBUFS LITERALLY INITBUFS LITEMIIY DECIARE /* \_,. '10', '2' , '0' , '30', '10'; /* /* /* /* /* na-y nurlber outstandtng trens €t port */ indícates data con port */ fifo, fragrnentation flags */ naxínun il buffers tn pool */ initial nunber of buffèrs */ Locals */ bpool BASEDbuf_pool_pcr ToKEN, TOKEN, Port_t bufpool_c TOKEN, port_info porc_ínfo_s, loc_status WORD, status BASEDstatus_Prr woRD; /* BeCin tet$dpott /x local por].- */ /* buîîex pool with inieial buffers */ alloc /* local stacus nord */ of -_-/ */ port_info . port_id = port_nun; port_lnfo. type - DATACoM; porE tnfo. rrags - vlr-Acs; port_t : rq$create$port (NUM_TRANS , €port_lnfo, stàtus_ptÌ); CALLerror9check(40, status) ; bufpool_t - creategbuf$pool(IIAXBUFS, INIîBUrS, b_attrs, status_pÈr) ; CALLerror$check(50, status) ; bpool - bufpool_t; CALL rqqattach9buffer$pool(bufpool_t, port_t, status_pÈr) ; CALLerror$check(60, status) ; porr_t; RETURN ENDget$dport; ENDcrport; \_,-/ Figùre U-8. Creating a Data Transport Prutocol Port 12-30 NucleusUset's Guide EtrIENDED iRMX@II MULTIBUS@Il SYSTEMS 12.5,6.3SendingDataUsingRQ$SEND$RSVP Now that you haveinformationon the boardsin the systemand a dataport you are ready to senddatain messageform. The nextexampleillustratesone of the mostcornmon passingformats,the request/responsgtypicallyusedbetweentwo Extended message iRMX tr hosts. Tlvo termsusedîo describethe boardsinvolvedin request/response messages, are 9!949whichindicatesthe requestingboard andsele! whichindicatesthe respondingboard. Figùre l2-9 showsthe logicalrepreseotationof the message-passing modelfor a request/rerponsetransaction.A taskon the clientboard initiatesthe hansactionby sendingan RQ$SEND$RSVP call to a well-knom port ofl the seryerboard. Becausethe portson a remoteboardcannotbe dynamically determined, thisexampleassumes a port that is createdon all boardsasa startingpoint for message passing.Onceyou havea HOST$ID for a remoteboardyou combineit with the PORT$ID of this ,'well-known" po.t to createthe socketfor the destinationof a message.Whenthe serverboard receivesthe messageit replieswith the RQ$SEND$REPLYcall. The request/response messages continueuntil the datarequestedin th€ original RO$SEND$RSVPsystemcall is receivedby the task on the client board. For this examplewe are assumingthe following: . the port on the client boardhasa singlebuffer largeenoùghfor the reqùesteddata . the port receivingthe RSVPmessage is not beingùsedasa sirlk port Figure 12-10is ari algorithmfor this transactionandFigùre 12-4Ehowsthe physical locationof the boardsin a sysrem. NucleusUset'sGuide t23l EXTE\DED iRVX@II MTJLTTBUS€ U SYSTEMS B O A R DI S S U I N G T H E F S V PC A L L C L I E N TB O A R D B U SI N T E R F A C E RECEIVE LocaC l PU BOARD R E P L Y I NTGO T H ER S V PC A SE R V E RB O A R D 8 U SI N T E R F A C E RECEIVE L o c a lC P U fIn SEND SEND - -n Operationsthat are transpaaèntto calling tasks LEGEND lll€sseg€Pasling Bus 1 . Th6taskonths Cli€ntboardissuesan RQ$SEND$RSVP call. In an RSVP/R EPLYfansaction.th€ boardthatissuesth6s6ndRSVPisth€cli€nt;theboardthatr€pli€sis the;erver. 2. TheNucl6usCommunication Servic€tumsthe inlormation in th€'RSVP'system callintoa messag€, and ssls up th€ bufferspacefor th6 sxp€ctedreply. 3. Th€ MPCsendsth6 messagoacrossa m€€sagepassingbusto the remoteagerìrspecifed in rho BSVP syst€mcall. 4. TheCPUon th€s€N€rboardr€coives a PICinterupiinforming itthata MULTTBUS llm6ssagehas 5. TheNucleusCommunication port S€tuiceonihe seNerboad dirgctsth€message to the appropriat€ {andther€for€task.) Task2 respondswith an RO$SEND$REPLY systemcallthat corìtainsinformationaboutthe data being safi, 7. Th6NucleusCommunication Seruic€ on ths s6N€aboardturnsth€information in tha RQ$SEND$REPLY callintoa message thatis sentbytheMPC. 8. fh€ m€s6age travolsacrossths msssagepassingbus,an operation thatis transpar€nt to th€ op€Éting systemson both boards. 9. Th€ ÀlPCon th€ clierìtboard placesthe messag€intoths buff€rthat was set up in slep two, and thsn sendsan ìnterrupt to th6 CPU,informing it of thecompletion of the m€ssage transaction, 10. TheNucleusCommunication S€rviceon th6clieÍt boarddirectsthe messag€ to th€cor€cttask usìnglhsPORÍ$|0.TheCPuon ths cli€ntboardis 'aware'of ontyth€op€rations performed in steps 1,2,9,and10. Figure 12-9.An RSVP/REPLYTransactionbetryeerT\yoExtendediRMlp II Hosts 12-32 NucleùsUset's Guide EMENDED IRMX@II MULTIBUS@II SYSTEMS Client board CalI an external procedure called get$dport thar returns a TOKEN for the 1oca1 porr ro be used in rhe RegSEND$RSVP caII. Initlalize the socket structure, declared externally. sec the nessate slze co be zero length. Equate che global variable rs\rp_size to che LITEML RSVPB (128 bytes.) lssue the RSVP systen call ustng rhe prevtously ínirialized variables. Use the Rq$RECEM$REPLY sysrem call ro wait for an ans\.'er. Send thé reply nessage, "This is a send$reply,,message" to the console screen. Exlt froro the éxamD1e. Ftgùe 12-10. Algorithrh for RQ$SENDSRSYPExampte Ca1l an excernal procedure, get$dport, that relurns a TO(EN to be used in thè RQ$RECEIVEand RQgSENDgREpLy calls. PelforÍì an RQ$RECEM using rhe TORENrerurned frorn ger$dporc Perforo an RqSSEND$REPLY on successful conpletion of the RQ9RECEM IF the daca ar.riwes correcÈ1y. nsg_pcr I NIL Retuh che buffer ro rhe buffer pool End server procedure Ftgùre l2-ll AlgorithtÍ for Server Board This examplemustbe run with the folloli,ingexampleshownin Figure 12-13.To run theserwo examples,first on the hostin slot five qrpe: RC!'I,ISG Then on the host in slot onetype: SNDRSV? NucleusUsels Guide t2-33 EXTENDED iRMX@II MULTIBUSO II SYSTEMS $titÌè('sndtsvp - initiaté e request-rèsponse transaction' ) /***5t******)l$t******:l*****************************************************)t* * INTEL CORPORATION PRO?RIETARYINFOR}IATION * 'l * This softuare is supplied under the terns of a ttcense agreenent or nondísclosure atreeoenl vlth InLel Corporation and may not be copied or disclosec excepl 1n accordance wich the terns of that agteenent. * * copyright All Intel coriporation 1987, 1988 rielÌÈs reserwed * * * * * * * For Intel cuscomers licensed for the iRl{x II operatíng Systen under an lntel Sofbrare Lícense Agreement, thls source code and object code derived therefron ar:e licensed fol use on a single cenEral processing unlt for lnternal use on1y. Necessary backup copies and multiple users are pernitted. object Code derived flon this soulce code is a Class I sofùrare prodùct under. ttl€ Tntel Software Licènsè Agreenent and is subjecc to the teLns and conditions of that agreement. * 't Ior the right to nake incorporations, ot to Cransfer thlld parCíes, contact lntel corporation. this software to /:l*:l*****rt*********************rt******************:f************************/ .-/ /********rt*:l********************************************************* * MODULENAME: sndls,"? * rt * DESCRIPTION: Send a transaction request to a lre1l-known socket. The request is sent as an unsoliciCed nessage, ie wich no dara parÈ. ttait for a response and print the nessage o Lhe consoLe. \-/ **:t************:t*:t***************:t*************)t*:t********rt********:t*/ sndrsvp: DO; $include Sínclude $include $ incrude $incÌude (/rmx286/inc/rn , con_buf (CoNBUF)BYTE, rs'vT_buf (RSVPB)BYTE, ness_size DWORD, rsq_slze DWORD, rsw_prr PoINTER, lnfo rec_info, buf_pool ToKEN, trans_id WORD; ,/* /* /* /* /* ,/* /* /* /* ,/* /d Token for local porx */ socket ro which nessage is senr * dlioró alias for messock */ control b\tffer */ rsvP buffei */ nurnber of byres in dara úessaae * rsw buffer size */ poinrs ro rsw message*/ receive info block */ buffer pool aÈrached ro porr */ rransacbior id ,r/ CALL setgexception(NoÉXCEPT); port_t = get$dporr (TSTPORT , @buf_poo1,CHAIN,@starus); nessock. host_id - REtfHoSTtD ; nessock.port_ld = REMPORT; mess_size - 0; rsw_size = RSVPB; trans_ld - .q$send$rsvp(porÈ_r,nsock, Gcon_buf, NIL, ness_size, @rsw_buf, rsw_size, SFl,AcS,@status); CALLerror$check( 100, status); rslT_ptr : rq$receive$reply (port_c, rrans_id, I{AITFOREVER, Gínfo, Gsrarus); CAI-I.errorgchéck( 110, starus); call rqc$send$eo$response (NIl,0 , Qrsq_buf, @sracus) ; CALLerrorgcheck(120, sratus): call rq$exir$io$job(0,NIL,Gsracus) ; ènd sndrsvp; Fig].úe12-12.Client BoardCodefor Re$SEND$RSVpExarnple NucleusUset's Guide f2-35 EX-ITNDEDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@fl SYSTEMS $title('rcvrsvp 9conpacÈ - respond to a request-response transactiont) \.__,/ /****rl***rt******)t*:l***tr***************************************************** *' INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARYTNFORMATTON * * * * This software ís supplied under the terins of a Iicense €Breenent or nondisclosure aEreement víth Tnteì Corporation and nay not be copied or disclosed excepc in accordance lrith the terns of that agreement. :f 'I copyright All Intel corporation ritlrEs resefved 1987, 1988 à" * * * * * * For I$tel cuslroners licensed for the iRl,lx 11 Operating System under an Intel Softlrare License Agreenent, thts source code and ot'ject code deríved therefron are licersed for use on a single central processing unic for incernal use only. Necessary backup copies antl multiple users are pernitted. Object Code derived fron thís source code ís a Class I softnare product under the Intel. SofÈsaÌe License Agreenent and is subjecc to the terms and condítíons of that agreenent. * * For the fight to nake Íncorporations, or to lransfer third parties, contact Intel corporation. this software to \_-/ /*********:t*:t************************)t*************************************/ /****************)t*********************)t**:r************************** * MODUIENAME: rcvrsvp 'l * DESCRIPTIoN:Ilhen a ness-ge is received, and exiE. *:f*********:l**************)t***)t*)t************:t*:!************it****rt*** rcvfsw send a response via rq$send$reply / i DO; $include 9include 9include $ include 9ínclude (/rnx2B6/ínc/rnxp1m. ext) (dcon. èxt) (dcon.1it) (/rmx28 6/inclerror . 1it ) (err. exi) Figure 12-13. llre Server Board Code to Receive and Answer an RSVP Message (Corìtiùqed) 12.36 NucleusUsels cuide ,,,t E)NENDED iRMX@II MUI]TIBUS@N SYSTEMS DECI,ARE TSTPORT SFLAGS NoEXCEPT DECI-ARE status port_t ínfo buf_póo1 nes_buf(*) Èran_ld con_buf (20) r0sg_ptr /* LTTEMLLY LîîERALIY LITEMLI-Y /* */ Llterals clobal woRD, ToKEN, rec_info, ÌoKEN, BlaE iniÈial l{oRD, BYTE, POINTER; '801H" '000008', '0'i /* /* /* \rel1-known porr */ daxa b!îfer, synchronous flags*/ no exception handlíng by system */ vars */ /* /* /* /* /* Token for loca1 port */ info block on nessage received */ buffer pool attached to port */ (30,.Thts ís a scnd$rep1y méssege. ,Odh,oah), control polnter nessage buffer */ to received nessage */ CALL set9exception(NoEXCEPT); port_t - get$dport (îSTPORT, Gbuf_poo1, CHAIN, @srarus); msg_pcr - tq$rece íve (por.È_t, I,IAITFoREVER,Gínfo, Gsratus); C A L L e r r o r $ c h è c k( 1 0 0 , s t a t u s ) cran_id = rq$send$reply (po{r_c, info . rengsocker, info. transgid, @con_buf, faines_buf, SIZE(nes_buf ), SFI,\GS, @status) : C A L L e r r o r $ c h e c k (1 I 0 , s t a t u s ) ; II nsg_ptr o NII- THEN D0; CALL rq$release$buffer (buf_pool , seleccorgof(nsg_prr), (info.flags Gstatus); cALr èrror$check ( 100 , status); END; 6ALL rq$exít$io$j ob(0,NIL,Gstatus) ; END rcvrsvp; FiguÌe 12-13. The Server Board Code to Receiye and Answer an RSVP Message DataChainMessage This sectioopÍesentsan exampleof sendingandreceivinga messagethat is in datachain form. The exampleis presentedfurtwo modules,onethat sendsthe datachainand one that leceivesit. Note that a port's ability to receivemessages in daîachainform is set accordingto the attdbutesof the port's associated bulfer pool. This examplemustbe run with the followingexampleshownin Figure 12-15.To run theseexampletwo commandsmustbe typed,one on eachhostterminal. Fi6t, on the hostin slot five, type: NucleusUset's Gulde 1237 AND 3), EXTENDED |ITMX@I I MULTIBUS@ Ir SYSTEMS RCVI'ÍSG \-- -/ Second,on the host i.. rlot one,q/pe: DCSNDMSG The host terminal in slot five wilJ display: This is a data chain message sent by server. ' $ title ( dcsndnsg - send a data chaln nessage to a knol,'n port') $compact /:l*:!*:k**************************** * * * * * ; : * * * * * * * INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARYINFORMATION This softvare is suppÌied under the terns of a t icense agreement or nondisclosure agreemen! wilh Tntel Corporatíon and may noL be copied or disclosed except in accordance lrith the cemts of that agreeúent. aopyright Intet cotporation O11 ríghts reserved 1987, 1988 \ For Intel custoners licensed for the iRlfi Il Operating Systen undèr an Intel Soft\dare License Agreenent, this soù.ce code and object code derived therefrom are lícensed for use on a síng1e centlal processing unít for internal use only. Necessary backup copíes and nultiple pernitted. objecÈ Code derived fron this source code ís a Class I software product under the Intel Softlrare l-icense Agreenent and is subject to the terms and condítions of that agreeroenc. *FoftherighttoÌnakeincofporations,ortotIansferthissoftwareto * third parties, contact lntel corporarlon. **********************************rf*rf*:t*Jl***************)t*:t******)t$l***:l**/ Figure 12-14.Data Chain Serd (continued) 12-t8 NucleusUset'sGuide / EXTENDEDiRMX@II MI]LTIBUS@N SYSTEMS /*******:t************)t***:l*****rt*****)t****************)t************** * MoDULENAME:dcsndrosg * DESCRIPTIoN: Send a data chain message. :t***********************x************************x*xx****xx**rt*******/ dcsndmsg:Do; $include (/rnx286llnclrnxplm. $ include (dcom.lit) $lnclude (/rnx28 6/inclerror. exc) lir) $iDcÌude (err. exL) DECIARE /* I-irefals */ LITERALLY 'STRUCTURE(/* data chain elernent *,/ b_size ÍJoRD, /* b\tfer size */ buf_ptr P0INTER, /* buffer poínrer */ les lioRl)', /* reserved */ REMPORT LITERAI-LY ,801H', ,/* porc id of re ote porr */ REMHOST LITERALLY '05', /* Host id of remote host */ '16' CONBUF LITERALLY */ , /x slze of a control buffer TSTPORT LITERALT,Y '801H" */ /* r,el1-known pofr '46' MSIZE LITERALTY , /* rf.èÉèage eize *// 'I00', BUFSIZE LITERALLY síze j./ /* b!îfer '0', NOEXCEPT LITERALLY /* no excepÈion handling by systen */ t8'i DCBUFSIZE LITEMILY ,/* data chaiD buffer size *,/ dc_el DECIAE /* G1oba1 vars */ stacus itORD, port_t TOKEN, nessock sockèt, nsock DI]ORDAT (@nessock), con_buf (CONBUF)BYTE, ness_size l,loRD, bpool TOKEN, offset WORD, /* sflags WoRD, dc_seg_size I,IORD, dc_seg_t ToKEN, poINTER, dc_ptr d_cheín based dc_ptr(1) dc_el, dc_idx I,IoRD, trans_id I,ORD; ,/* Token for 1ocal porc 'kl /* socket to which nessage is sent */ /* d\i'ord alías for nessock */ /* control buffer */ /* nurnber of bytès in data message */ ,/* buffer pool arcached to porx */ buffer offset !ùhere chain buffer srarrs /* Cransnission flags */ /* segUent size for daca chain */ /* token for data chain segnent */ /* poi cer Lo daÈa chain segÌnenc */ /* data c}.ain */ /* dara chain index */ /* transacLion id */ Figue 12"14.Data Chain Send(continued) Nucleus Userts Guide 12-39 * EXIENDED iRMX@tr MULTIBUSo fi SVSTEMS DTCL.AÎE dc_buf (BUFSIZE) BYTE INITIAL (45,'Thís is a data chain nessage sent by server ' , odh, oah) ; CALL setqexceptíon(NoEXCEPT); port_t = get9dport (TSTPORT,Gbpool, CttAIN, @status); nìessock.host_id - REMHOST; - REMPoRT nessock.port_ld ; /* eteaxe data chain with buffer + a terninating at least block */ enough blocks for each message ness_size - SIZE(dc_buf) ; * * * * * calculace the slze of the segnent that rri1l concain the data chaln. The message is divided lnto pieces lrhose size is DCBUFSIZE so the totel nunber of elements in the daia chain is ness-size/DCBUFSIZE + 2. The additional 2 includes one possible piece of the nessage less than DCBUFSIZEand the terninating data chain elenent. ':-/ dc_seg_size - (ness_size/DCBUFSIZE+ 2 )* (size (d_chain) ) ; d^_seg_t - rqScre€te$sègment(dc_seg_size. @status) ; dc_ptr - build$ptr ( dc_seg_t , 0) ; /* Fill ín the fields of the data blocks a part of che message */ for each buffer offset : 0; dc_idx - 0; DO latlTLEoffset < ness_size; d_chain(dc_idx).b_size - DCBUFSIzE: d _ c h a i n ( d c _ i d x ) . b u l _ p t r - G d c _ b u (f o t r s e t ) i offser = offsec + DCBUFSIZE; dc_idx:dc_idx+1; END; n.h,in/,1. iàw\ h t*rt********:!*********** X INTEL CORPORATION PROPRÎETARY]NFOR!{ATTON * * * * Thls software is supplied under the terns of a llcense agreenent of nondisclosure agreenent with lnte1 Corporation and nay not be copied or dlsclosed èxcept tn accordancè wlrh rhe rerÌs of thar sgreenenc. * copyríghr Inrel corporation O1l righcs reserved 1987, 1988 ; * * x * * * * For Intel customers licensed for the iRIflt II Operarint System under an Intel Sofb/are License Agreement, this source code and object code derived therefroo are licensed for use oo a single central processíîg unit for internal use on1y. Necessary backup copies and rDultiple users ere pernitced. Object Code deÍived fron this sourcè code is a 01ass I sofLware producr under rhe tnrel Sofúrare Llcense Agreemenr and is subject to the terms and conditions of chat agreement. * * For the right to nake lncorporations, or to transfer third pertles, contact Intel corporation. this sofbrare to /********************5t**************!r*rr************************************/ /********************:l**************r!*******************)t***:t****rt*** * MODULE N t{Er * DESCRIPTION: llhen a nessage is received, determine whether it is ln data hain or buffer forn. If data chain, compress the chain into a single segnenc. Expect a 2K nessage with a printable part at the firsc and second 1K + 2 boundaries. tfrice rhe printable part to the console. * * x dcrcvmst **!t***)!**************>t*:t*:t*********:t**:t$t****************************/ dcrc1,Ìlsg: DO; $include (/rnx286/lnc/rroxp1m. ext) $include (dcon. exc) $include (dcoro.lit) 9include (/ri[x286linclerror 9include (err. exc) , 1ít) Figure 12-15. Receivea Messagein DataChain Form (continued) NucleusUset'sGuide t2-41 EXTENDED iRMX@ II MULTIBUSO II SYSTEMS .: DECI,ARE îSîPORT NoEXCEPT DECIARE /* */ Llterals /* '801H', tot i IITDR.ÀILY LITERATLY G1oba1 vars \? /* ve1l-kno.lln port */ /* no exception handlint by systen */ :*/ status IIORD, TOKEN' Port-t 1oca1_hos! IioRD, tnfo rec_lnfo, bPool ToKEN, dcmsg_ptr P0INTER, lrsg_ptr PoINTER, nsg BASED dcDsg_ptr (1) BYTE; /* /* /* /* /* /* Token for 1oca1 Port */ 1oca1 host id */ lnfo block on Dessage tecelved */ buffer Pool */ poÍnter to data chaín message */ pointer to received message */ 'get$dc$data' $:ublí ll e( ) /******rt*:t******:t*****)t*****************************t<**************** \-/ * PROCNAì{E| get$dc9data * * rt * DESCRIPTION: Thfs procedure takes a daca chairì and copies the daca described by it lnto a siogle segllent. this procedure only works if the data ís less than 64K ln size. Data chaíns can describe data grearer rhan 64K. :t CALL: nbuf_ptr * * T\PrnS. :! * RETURNS:nbuf_ptr - get$dc$data(dc prr, \-- status_ptr) d. ntr - nniFrs Lo a data chaín - polnts co a status word scatus_ptr - polnts to a segment containíng descrlbed by a data chajn the data ***************************************************,t*****************// get$dcqdata: PRoCEDURE(dc_ptr,status_ptr) PoINTERPUBLIC; \*7 DECIaRE /* dc_ptr status_ptf DECI,ARE Parans */ PoINTER. /* points PoINTÈR: /* polnts /* L/Jcals Lo data chain *,/ to status wofd */ */ Figue 12-15.Receivea Messagein Data Chain Form (continued) 12-42 NucleusUset's Guide EXTENDEDiRj\,fr@ II MULTIBUS@II SYSTDMS dc BASEDdc_ptr (1) status BASEDstatus_pcr num_bytes cpybuf_tok cpybuf_ptr: cpybuf BASEDcpybuf_ptr I cpyidx blk_struc, WORD, IIORD, /* TOKEN, ,/* POINTER,/* c_buf, WORD, /* ITORD; ,/* nu.nber of bytes in dets chaln */ buffer to hold data chain data *,/ points to cpyb\tf */ 1oca1 index */ iDdex into cpybuf'*/ nun_bytes - 0; i : 0; /* get the size of the data described by the data chaín */ DOlttILE dc(i).b_size c 0; nun_bytes - nun_bytes + dc(i).b_size; END; /* add 2 to nun_byles for the síze field in c_buf */ nun_bytes - nun_bytes + 2: cpybuf_cok = rq$creste$segnent (nun_bytes , statusjtr); CALL error$check ( 100 , sraLus): cpybuf_prr - òulld$prr(cpybuf_cok, 0) ; - nun_bytes - 2; cpybuf.slze i = 0; cpyídx - 0; DO iarHILEdc(í).b_size o 0; CALL novb(dc (i) .buf_ptr, ecpybuf ,buf (cpyidx), cpyidx - cpyid.! + dc(i).b_size; I - i + 1 . END; dc( i) .b_size) ; RXrLEN cpybuf_ptt; END get$dc$data; /* Staxx Î.aír, */ CALL set$exception(NoEXCEPT) ; port_t = get$dport ( TSTPoRT,Gbpool, CHAIN, @status); = rq$receive (port_t, mslpcr WAITF0REVER,@info, @status); CALL error$check(110, scaLus) ; IF (info.ftags Al{D DATACHAIN)= DATACHAINTHEN Do; dcnsg_pcr = get9dc$data(nsg_ptr, @status) ; CALL error$check( 120 , status); Figue 12-15.Receivea Messagein Data ChainForm (continued) NùcleùsUsels Gùide 12.43 EXTENDED iRMX6) II MULTIBUSo :t print nessage that xras contained aÈ start * hw rhè fírsr clpmFnr ín the data chain II SYSTEMS of Èhe buffer ( 2 ) , @status ) ; CALI- rqc$send$eoqresponse (NIL, 0 , @msg CALI- error$check ( 130 , status); * prlnt nessage that was contalned ac start * by the second elenent ln the data chaln of the buffer ( 1026 ) , @status ) ; CALL rqc$send$eo$response (NIL, 0 , @rnsg CALL error$check( 140, status); END; EI,SE DO; caLL rqc$send$eo$response(NIL,0, msgl,tr, @status ) ; CALL error$check( 150 , status); END: cAlL rq$release$buffer (bpoo1 , SELECToR$oF(nsg_pcr),(info.flags @status); CALL rqSexít$io$j ob(0,NIL,@stacus) ; END dcÌca'nsg; described \.-_7 AND 3), Figure 12-15.Receivea Messagein Data ChainForm Messagein Fragmenis This sectionpresentsan exampleof serdingandreceivinga message that is broke[ into Iragments.The exampleis presentedin two modules,one thaî seddsthe fragmented messageand ofle that receivesit. Note that a port's ability to receivemessages rn ftagmentform is setaccordingto the attribìÌtesgivcnto the port at the time of its creation. This examplemustbe run vr'iththe RSVPprocedureshownin Figure 12-12.To run this exampletwo commandsmustbe typed,one on eachhostterminal. First, on the hostin slot five, type: SNDFRAC This procedurewill breakthe datainto îragmentsartdsendthemto the processorboard in slot one. Second, on thehostin slotone,qpe: SNDRSVP This procedurewill receivethe fragmenteddataand displayin on the termioa,. Thehostterminalin slotonewill display,"This is a reply sent in fragDents." t2-44 Nucleùs UserJsGuide ._/ EXTENDEDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@tr SYSTEMS - send e fragnented Dessage,) $tille(rsndfrag /**********************'t******:t*:t*:t**********:!*:!*:!*à!********:t*:!*:r*********** INTEL COR?ORATION IROPRIEÎARY INFORMATION * * * * This soffirare is supplied undet the terl[s of a license agteenent or nondisclosure agreement rrlth lntel Corporarion and nay noc be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the tenos of tbat agreenent. x Copyrighr Intel Corporeri.on O11 righrs resened 1987, 1988 ; * * * * * :t * For Intel customers lícensed for the iRl0a lI Operating System under an Intel Software ticènsè Agreemenr, rhis source code and object code derived rherefron are ltcensed for use on a single central processing unlt for internal use on1y. Necessary backup copies and nultlple users are pernitted. Object Code derived fton thís source code is a Class I softùare product undet che Ince1 Software License Agleenent and is subject Èo the terns end condtrions of thar atreenenc. * * For the right to make incorporatlons, or to transfe! third parties, contact Intel corporation. this soffidate to //******************)t**:t***********rt*rt**********rt*rt*****************:t*:t*****// /*****************x*x*:r****xrvx*****rt****xxx*x************************ UoDùLE NAME: sndfrag DESCRIPTIoN: Receive a transaction nessage. request, send che reply ss a fragÌented ********************************!r****+************* sndfrag: $íùclltde $includè $include $ ínclude $include DO; rrl.x286/ inclrnxp1m. exr) (dcon. ext) (dcon,lit) (/rmx28 6/inclerror. 1ir) (err. ext) Figure 12.16.Senda Messagein Fragments(continued) NucleusUset'sGuide t2-45 EXTENDED iRMX@ II MULTIBUS@ II SYSTEMS DECLARE /* FIAGLEN TSTPoRT EoTîlAGs LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY NoEXCEPT LITERALLY NOTEOTFI-AGS LITEMLLY DECLARE /* */ Lltetals ,8r, '801H', '000008', '0' , '0200H'; Global length */ ,/* fraefnencation buffer */ port /* well-known synch /* send$reply flags for buffer, ttan and eot */ ,/* no exception handling by systenì */ /* sane as above except noc eoc */ vars */ status port-C tnfo buf_poo1 ldoRD, ToKEN, rec_info, TOKEN, mesbuf(*) BYTElnittal (11:*::^1"":-.:t1y úes-idx mès_sizF ftaS_síze sflags tran_id con_buf (20) nsg_ptr ÍIORD, WORID, IIORD, IiORD, IiORD, BYTE, POINTER; nes_buf index */ síze of mes_buf x/ slze of fragment sent */ send nessage flags */ transaclion id */ control rúessage buffer */ pointer to rècèiwed úessage */ /* Token for local port */ ,/* irÉo block on nessage received */ /* buffer pool actached xo port */ /* /* /* /* /* /* /+ seoc in CAIL set$excepcton(NoExcEPT) ; porc_t - get$dport (TSTPORT, @buf_poo1, NoCHAIN, Gstatus); nsg_ptÉ - lq$rece ive (port_t, WAITFOREVER, @info, Gstatus); CALL errorqcheck ( 100 , status); - E$oK THEND0; IF info.status mes_size - size(nes_buf) ; nes_idx = 0; sflags - NoTEOTFI,AGS ; = FRACLEN; frag_size Figùe 12.16.Senda Messagein Fmgments(continued) 12-46 NucleusUset'sGuide EXTENDEDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@N SYSTEMS /* Break nessage lnto fragments and send then */ DO MTLE ltres_idx < més_size; IF nes_idx + FRAGLEN > nes_size THEND0; ftag_slze : úes_slze - roes_idx; sflags - EOTFI,ACS , END; tran_id - rq$ send$rep1y (porr_r, info. rengsocker, ínfo.rransgid, 9:îi.l"t;-9:.:-P:r(nes r! róÉr r rc5LéLus/, CALLerror$check(110, status); nes_tdx : nes_idx + FRAGLEN; END; lF msg_ptr c NIL THEND0, CALLrq$releese$buffer(bufjoo1, CALI-errorgcheck( 110, status); 1dx), rras size, selector$of (nsg_pcr), 0, @sratus); END; END; CALLyq$exit$io$l oh(0,NTL,Gstàtus); ENDsndfrag; Figue 12-16.Senda Messagein FragÌents ' Receiving a Messagein Fragment Form This sectionprcsentsan exampleof sendinga message and receivingit in fragmentform. The exampleis presentedin t,ro modules,one,SFRAG, rhat initiates a transactiorwhich forcesreceivingto be donein fragmentform. The other module,RCVFRAG which receivesthe messageandprints it on the consolescreen.To run this exampletwo commandsmustbe tped: First, on the hostin slot five, type: RCVERAG Second,on the host in slot ore, t'?e: SFRAG The host terminal in Slot one will display: Thís is a reply Èo a fragnented nessage. The host terminal ir Slot five will display: îhis ts the second fregnent. NucleusUset'sGuide 12"47 EXIENDED iRMI@ II MIJLTIBUS@ II SYSTEMS $titlè('rcvfreg - receÍvè e fragnentèal ruessegè' ) SconDact: *************x*********** /********************************* * INTEL CORPORAT]ON PROPR]ETARY INFORMATION * Itris * * * license egreenent or nondlsclosurè agrèenent wlth IÍtel Corporalrion ard nay not be copled or dlsclosed except ín accordance ldíth the Èerns of that agreenent, software is supplied wúer * tr the tenDs of a copyright Intè1 corporation A1l rtghÈs reserved 1987, 1988 * * * * 'l * * For Intel custonels licensed for the iRlDt II operattng Systen uùder an lnte1 Softwale Llcense Agreeùent, this source code and object code derlved therefrorn are licensed for use on é single cenlral processirg unit for internal use on1y. Necessary backup copies aaal nultiple users are pemltced. object Code deríved flon this source code is a Class 1 softlrare product undel the Intel Softùare License Agreenent and is strbject to the terms and conditions of that agreenent, x * For the rlght to make incorporations, or to transfer third parties, contact Intel corporation. this softvrare _,,, Èo \-, /:*************************5!***********************************rf************/ /****************************************************!t********)t*)t**rt* * MODULENAìIE: rcvfrag * DESCRIPTIoN: Receive a fragmented nessage and princ at the beginning of each fragment. the message contained Îhe task leceives a printable nessage. lf chere is not enough buffer space to recelve the entíre nessage, receive the message .-' (The info data structure in fragrnents. associated with the rq$recèíve call contains the nìessage length and lhe Cransaction ld necessary co recelve che message in fragnenrs.) Princ the nessage and send a printable nessage co the sender. *************>t***************************************r!*:t*************/ (continùed) Figure12.17.Receive in Fragments a Message 12-48 Nucleus Uset'sGuide EXTENDEDiRMX@II MULTIBUS@Iì SYSTEMS rcvfrag: DO; $include (/rnx286/ínc/rmxp1m. ext) qin.lt!?ìó,/7i^^ó Àwr\ ìrncruoe(ocon. rl El $ include (/rnx286/1nc/error ain.l,..rè,/érr DECI,ARE FRACLEN BUFFRAG TSTPORT sFl-AGS NOEXCEPî DECURE . 1ít ) --'\ /* */ Lítèrals LITEMILY LIaERALLY LITEMLLY LITERALLY LITERAI-LY /* CIobaI vafs '1024' , 'O' , ' 801H' , '000008', '0'; /* /* /* /* /* fragmentacion buffer length */ fragnenc ls buffer flag x/ r'el1-knoran por:t */ data búffer, slnchronous flags*/ no exceptlon handling by syscem */ */ status porc_t info buf_pool rùes_buf(*) WoRD, TOKEN. ,/* rec_info, /* TOREN, /* B\IE initial tran_id bytes_rec con_buf (20) frag_buf(FRAGLEN) nsg_ptr WORD, /* WORD, /* ByIE, /* BYTE, /* PoINTER; /* Token for local port */ info block on nessage received */ buffer pool attached t:o por:x */ (41,'ftis is a reply Èo a fra8 enced nessage',odh,oah), transaction id */ number of bytes received in ness fragrnents */ contÍol nessagè buffèr */ fragnentation buffer: */ pointer to received message */ CALL set$exception(NoEXCEPT); port_t - get$dport ( TSTPoRT,Qbuf_pool, NoCHAIN, Gstatus); nsg_ptr = rq$receive (port_t , WAITFoREVER, @info, Gstatus); CALL errorgchèck ( 100 , 5Èatus); IF info.sÈatus: E$oK THEND0; /* nessaBe may not be fragnented */ CALL rqc$ send$eo$response(NIL, 0 , nsg_ptr , @status ) ; CALL error$check ( 120 , srarus); tran_id - rq$ send$reply (porr_r , info.rem$socke!, ínfo. trans$id, Gcon_buf, \ o m e s _ b u, f s i z e ( n e s _ b u f ) . S F I A C S .@ s t a r u s r ; (continued) Figure12-17.Receive a Message in Fragments NùcleusUsePscuide 12-49 EXTENDED iRMI@ II MIJLTIBUS@ II SYSTEMS CALLexror$check(130, status); IF msg-ptr o NIL THEND0, CAI-Lrq$release$buffèr (buf-pool , sElEcîoR$oF(nse-ptr), (iÎ1fo.flags AND3), Gstatus) ; CALLerror$check( 140, status); END; END; ELSEDO; 1î ínfo. status = E$NOSLoCAL$BUFFER THENDo; ,/* receive ÎragnenLs and print ÍÌessageat beginning of fra&nents */ bYces-r:ec= 0; D0 i{ùILE bytes_rec < info.daEa$Ienglh; carl' rq$receíwe$frasnent(port_t, info. rèm$socket, info. trans$íd, Gfrag_buf, FMGLEN, BUFFRAC,@status) ; CALLerror$check( 150, status); byces_rec : bytes_rec + FRAGLEN; CALL rqc$sendqeo$response(NIL,0, Gfrag_buf, estatus ) ; cALr error9check(160, status); END; ,/* complete transaction by sendlng a printable message*/ f ^(---r /RtM286/DEMO/ì:-[L/MB2INSER!R This commandmakesthe directorycontainingthe nameseNerexamplethe current directory. Next,qpe: SUBMITCOMP]LE This commandinvokesa CommandSequence Definition (CSD) file that generatesthe executablenamesetverand all of its aequiredmodules. Ihe nameservercanbe run asa backgroundjob oneof the processors.To sîdrt the name serverrunningasa backg.oundjob gpe: BACKEROUND NSERVR > NSERIR.DOC Seeflre Extended|RMXII OperqtorhGuídeTo TheHumanInterfacet.narl]ual îor informaîion on the backgroundcommand. Two modulesare providedwhichdemonstratethe useof tbe nameserver. NSSNDMSG andNSRCVMSGwhichexecuteasa pair. NSRCVMSGmustqecute fist, it postsa socketwith the nameserverunderthe name"receiver.',NSSNDMSGthen executes, sendingthe tameservera look-uprequeston the name'receiver.i NSSNDMSGthen sendsa messageto rrreceiver"; NSRCVMSGprints the message"Thisis a simple messagerr, to the temínal console. This processcanbe demorstratedon eiîher hostboard,but the order of moduleexecution cannotbe chansed, NucleusUset's Guide t2-55 E)|TENIIED iRMX@ II MI]LTIBUSO II SYSTEMS 12.6 GLOSSARY AgCa!-Any board that is connectedto the MULTIBUS II parallelsystembus(iPSB). businterface-TheMessage Passing Coprocessor (MPC)chipis sometimes referredto as the businterface. The purposeof the MPC is to providea transparentinterfacebetween thelocalCPUandtheparallelsystem bus(iPSB). Q[9O!-A physicalboard (usuallya processorboard)that requestsa servicefrom another board.Duringa readfrom a disk,theprocessor boardthatrequests thereadis theclient. SeealsoServer. clatachain-A methodof receivingdatamessages that arelargerthananyonebuffercan hold. Datachainingis performedtransparently by the systemhardware. d4.!4g!4q-Themessageformat usedby MULTIBUS II. Datagramscanbe descdbedas similarto mailinga letter. Youwritea letter,address it, put a stampon it a placeit in a mailbox.You assume thattheletterwill getto its destination, or if a replyis needed, you put an RSVPh theletteritsel| Interconnect S''ace--Agroupof 512registers thatcontaininformationabouteachboard. primary jumpers.Theconfiguration The useof thisspaceis to replacephysical of a board canbe changedby writing to interconnectspacerather than insertingor removingphysical jumpers. 4gggggg-Alldataandinterruptssentoverthe MULTIBIIS TTParalelSystemBus(iPSB). Messages canbe thoughtofas a blockof bytessentoverthebusthatcontainsall ofthe informationneededto sendthe message to theintendeddestination agent(board)and receivea reply,if requested.Two t)?es of messages are supportedin MULTIBUS , solicitedandùnsolicited.Seealsoùnsolicited messages andsolicitedmessages. pe4-A datastructuredefinedin thetransportprotocolthatis usedin passing messages. It providesa levelof addressing permits thar sending datato a particularîask(program) runningon a board. $gryg-A physicalboard (frequentlya cont.ollerthat providesdatastorage)that provides a seNiceto anotherboard.Duringa r€adfrom a disk,the controlleîboardthat doesthe readandsendsthedatato the requestor is the serve-r. SeealsoClient. soli(ìtedmessages--Any datamessage thatrequiresnegotiatioÍfor bufferresources. Solicitedmessages areusedto senddata,suchasdiskreadandwritedata,from one boardto another.(Seealso,message andunsollcited message.) 12-56 NucleusUset's Guide EXTENDED iRMX@II MULTIBUS@ [ SYSTEMS source/destinationaddress--Aneight-bitfield in everymessage passedon the paraÌlel systenbus(iPSB). This eight-bitfield alows the unsolicitedmessageto act asa virtual interrupt, this addressingschemepermitsa total of 255possibleinterlupts or board$,in a singlesystem. unsolicitedmersages--Any messagethat come$overthe iPSBbusthat wasnot requested by the receivingagent(board). Unsolicitedmessages are usedasinteÍùpîs, or mntrol signals,Theyrelievethe local CPU from havingto poll for messages comingover the bus. The unsolicitedmessageis 32 byteslong. (Seealso,message, solicitedmessagqand sou.ce/destinationaddress.) virtual interrupt*A software-routedinterrupt that is containedin a MLILTIBUS II message.EachMULIBUS II message containsao eight-bitfield that specifiesthe sourceanddestinationof the message.Thesesouce and destinationbits allow the messageto act asat interrupt to the MessagePassingCoprocessor(MPC). NqcleusUset'sGuide l2-57 13.I INTRODUCTION The Nucleusis a configurablepart of the operatingsystem,It containsseveraropuons that you canadjustto meetyour specificneeds.To helpyou makeconfigurationchoices, Intelprovidesthreekindsofirformation: . A list ofconfiguîableoptioos . Detailedinformation aboùtthe options . Proceduresto helpyoù speciryyoùr choices The rest of this chapterprovidesthe first categoryof information. To obtain the second and thiÌd categoriesof information,refer to theìRlvD{II IntemctiveCotufrgumtion Utilíty RekrcnceManual. 13.2 HARDWARE The operatingsystemsupportsa varietyof hatdwareenvftonments.By usingthe ICU, you cantailor the operatingsystemto matchyour hardware.In particular,you canspecily informationaboutthe followinghardwareelements: Timer You canspecirythe timer'sbaseport, intervalbetweenports,clock interrupt level,andclockfrequency. NPX You canspecifuthe additionof a NumericProcessorExtensionfor tasks requùingfloatingpoint insîructions.The defaultoption assùmesthat no NPX is present,If there is an NPX in youl system,bùt you do not indicate it duringconfiguration,your applicationcamot useNPX instructions.If you speciryan NPX duringconfigurationandyour systemdoesnot contaú an NP)q you maycauseunexpectedresults. NucleusUsedsGuide 13-1 NT]CI,NUSCONI'IGfIRATION 13.3 SYSTEMCHARACTERISTICS Whenyou configlre the Nucleus,you canspecirya numberof chaÌactedsticsthat affect yoursystem: Parameter Validation A systeúcallvalidatesinput parametersby checkingfor the existenceof objectsandby verifing that the objectsare the correct t pe. If your systemdoesnot includethe BasicI/O Slstem,you carlexcludeparametervalidationfrom your system. GDT Entdes EachiRMX II objectrequi.esonecDT eùtry. Therefore,you needto configurethe ùumberof GDT slotsyour systemrequtes. IDT Entries You canallocatethe numberof IDT entdes,up to 256,that your systemneedsin the interrupt descriptortable. Default Exception You cafl choosefrom oneof four optionsfor your systemdefault Handler handler: RoundRobin Scheduling . Usethe systemdefaultexception handlerthat deletesoffending tasks. . Use the alternativesystemexceptionhandlerthat sùspends mtherthandeletes. r Use the iRMX II SystemDebuggerasthe exceptionhandler. . Supplyyour ownexcepîioohandler. \'_ -'l \__/ You candetermineif round robin schedulingwill be in effeat. lf so,you cansetthe priority belowwhichtaskswill be assigned round robin scheduling,and the numberof clockticks eachtask mayrun beforebeingrescheduled. NucleusUsertsGuide NUCLEUSCONI'IGIJRATION 13.4 SYSTEMINITIALIZATION ERRORREPORTING During the configurationprocess,you canelectto haveinitializstion errorsreportedfor eachlayer of the operatingsystem.This is doneby coofiguringInitializarion Error Reporting(RIE) into your systemv/henyou configùrethe Nùdeus. Then,wheneverthe operatidgsystemencountersan initialization error in a layer,it displaysthe following messageand relinquishescontrol to the monitor: Initialization Error: lf Initialzation Error Reportiry is oot configuredinto the Nucleusand an initialization error occurs,a codeindicatingthe layer respoísiblefor the initialization effor andthe corespondiùgerîor codeare placedin the first two wordsof the Nucleusdata segment (1E0:0000H).The NÌrcleusinitialization taskthen goesinto aù in{irfte loop. The codesfor the laye6 that cancausean initialization error are 1 = Nucleusfailure 2 - BIOS failure 4 = HumanInterfacefailure NucleusUsey'scuide 13-3 The ExtendediRMX II OperatingSystemrecogúzesthesedatat pe.s: BYTE An unsigned,eight-bit,binarynumber. WORD An unsigned,two-blte, binarynumber. DWORD An unsign€d,32-bitbinarynumber,occupyingtwo cootiguous wordsol memory. INTEGER A signed,two-byte,binarynumbersto.edin two'scomplement form. POINTER Two wordscontaioingthe segÍieùtselectorand an offset,(offset first). SELECTOR A 16-bitquantitythat is equivaleotto the selectorportion of a POINTER. TOKEN A word containilg îhe logicaladdressof an object. Tokensare selectorsthat referencean €ntry ift a descriptortable, The entryin the descriptortablecorÌtainsth€ physicaladdressof the object. STRING A seque[ceof consecutivebyteshavilg this structure: length BYTE, chars (255) BYTE; The filst b)'te contaiDsthe length of the string (the number of succeedingb,'tes). The subscript of the chars field (255) is the maximum number of bytes in arly string Note, that some systemcalls limit strhgs to lengths shorter than 255 bytes. NucleusUset'sGuide a-l 8.1 INTRODUCTION This appendixiists the typecodesfor all iRMX II objects. In addition,it documentsthe amountof memoryneededto createBasicI/O Systemobjects. 8.2 OBJECTryPES Each iRMX 1I objectt}?e is knownwithin iRMX lI systemsby meansof a numericcode. Table B-1 lists the types with their codes. TableB-1. Type Codes OBJECTTYPE NUI\iIERIC CODE 1 Task 2 Maìlbox 3 Sehaphore Region 5 S€gment 6 Extension 7 I l CrO Connection 101 l/O Job 300 LogicalDevice 301 User-Created Composhe NOTE: vari€sfrom 8000Hro oFFFFHdependingon lhe value speciried in C8ÉATE$EXTENSION L'sersandconnectionÈ aredesctibed intheE tendedLRMXII Btltíc I /O 9stem User\ Guídz in Volume 2 l/O iobsandioqicaldevicès erc deicribèdiî,thaExÍended |RMX II btekded I/O StstemReÍercnceManual NùcleusUset's Guide B-1 iRMX@II OBJECTTYPESAND RESOURCEREQUIRXMENTS 8.3 RESOURCE REOUIREMENTS The BasicI/O Systemobtainsmemoryfrom the callingjob's memorypool whencreating obje.cts.The valueslistedhere refleci Release3 of the iRMX II OperatingSystem. 8.2 Object Numberof 16-b1teparagraphs requiredby the BasicI/O Syst€m I/O Result Segment 4 (5 for an intemal IORS that the Operating Systeúcreateswheoattachinga device) Connection(to namedîile) 6 Connectíon(to physicalfile) 4 User object 3 (mínimum) NucleusUset's Guide C.1 INTRODUCTION TableC-1providesa c.mplete list of the ExtendediRMX II condirioncodesrhat can occul duringsystemoperations.It lists the conditioncodesby layer with their numeric valuesalld mnemonics. TableC-1. Conditionsard Their Codes Category/ Mnemonic E$OK E$TlME E$MEM E$BUSY E$LIMIT E$CONTEXT E$E)CST NucleusUset's Guide Meaning Numeric Code Hex Decimal The mostrecenîsystemcall was successful. OH NucleusEnvironmentalConditions A time limit (possiblya limit of zerotime) expiredwithout a task's requestbeingsatisfied. 1H Thereis not sufficientmemoryavailableto satisrya task'srequest. 2H Anofher taskcurrentlyhasaccessto the datap.otectedby a region. 3H A taskartemptedan operationwhich, if it hadbeensuccessful, wouldhave violateda Nucleus-enforced limit. 4H A systemcall wasissuedout of co[text or the operatingsystemwas askedto perform an impossible operation. )t1 A toke[ pammeterhasa valuewhich is not the token of an existing oolect. --continued 0 6H c-l EXCEPTIONCODES TableC-1. ConditionsAnd Their Codeslcontinued) Category/ Mnemonic Meaning Numericcode Hex Decimal A taskattemptedan operationwhich wouldhavecausedan impossible tîansitionof a task'sstate. TH '7 E$NOT$CONFIGURED This systemcall is not part of the presentmnfiguration. 8H 8 E$INTERRUPT$SATURATION An interrupt taskhasaccumulatedthe maximumaÌlowablenumberol SIGNAL$INTERRUPT reqùests. 9H E$INTERRUPî$OV. ERFLOW An intenupt taskhasaccumulated more than the maximumallowable amountof SIGNAI-$INTERRUPI requests. OAH 10 E$TRANSMISSION A NACK,tìmeout,or buserroroccurred OBH 11 E$SLOT Thereare no availableGDT slots. 0cH 12 E$DATA$CI]AIN A datachainhasbeenreturned.The tokenpointsto a datachainblock. ODH E$STATE NucleusCommunications SystemEnvironmentalConditions E$CANCELLED A SEND$RS\rytransactionhasbeen remotelycancelled. 0081H 225 E$HOST$ID Thehost$idportionofthe socket parameter is not valid. 00E2H 226 E$NO$LOCAIT$BUFFER The localbuffer is too smallto holdthemessage data. 00E3H 227 E$NO$REMOTE$.Thebufferon theremoteagentis BUFFER too smallto holdthemessage data. 00F'tH 228 E$RESOURCE$- Either the simultaneousmessages, o! LIMIT or trarisactions is not adequate. --continùed- 00E6H 230 c-2 NucleusUserrsGuide EXCEPTION CODES TableC-1. Corditions And Theh Codeslcontinuedì Category/ Mnemonic E$TRANS$ID NumericCode Hex Decimal Meaning The transmissionis alreadydone,or the specifiedtrans$idis invalid. OOESH E$DISCONNECTED The socketis zero andthe localport OOEgH E$TRANS$LIMIT Therehasbeena transmission resourcelimitation. OOEAH 232 234 I/O SystemEnvironmentalConditions E$FEXIST The specifiedfile alreadyexists. 20H E$FNEXIST The specificdfile doesnot exist. 2r}l E$DEVFD The devicedriver andfile driver are not compatible. 22H Thecombination of parameters enteredis not supported. 23H The speciliedentryin a directory file is empty. UH The specifieddirectoryentryindex is beyondthe endof the directory file. 25H 37 The connection doesnot havethe correctaccessto the file. 26H 38 The requestedoperationis not valid for this file type. NH 39 The requestedoperationattemptedan improperkind of file sharing. 28If 40 E$SPACE There is no spaceleft on thevolume, 29Il 41 E$IDDR An invalid devicedriver request occùrred. 2AH An I/O error oc.curred. 2BIf E$SUPPORT E$EMPTY$E$DIR$END E$FACCESS E$F:TTPE E$SHARE E$IO 33 35 43 -continued-- Nucleus flse s Guide c.3 EXCEPTION CODES TableC.1. ConditionsAnd Their Codes(continued) Category I Mnemonìc E$FLUSHING Themnnectionspecified in thecall wasdeletedbeforethe operation completed. 2CH 44 The devicecontainsan invalidor improperlyformattedvolùme. 2Dtt 45 E$DEV$OFFLINE The devicebeingaccessed is now offline. 2EH 46 E$IFDR An invalidfile driver request occurred. 2FH 47 E$FRAGMENTATION The file is îoo fragmentedto be extended. 30H 48 E$DIR$NOT$. EMPTY The call is atte.nptingto deletea directorythatis not empty. 31H 49 E$NOT$FILE$CONN parameter Theconnection is a device connection,not a file connection. 32Ij 50 E$NOT$DEV. ICE$CONN Theconnection parameter is not a deviceconlection. 33H ) I E$coN'l.I$NoT$OPEN The connectionis not openfor readingwritingor updating. 34H 52 E$CONN$OPEN Thetaskattempted to opena connection thatis alreadyopen. 35H 53 E$BUFFERED$- The specifiedconnectionwasopened CONN by theEIOS,andusedby theBIOS which is not allowed. Onceyou have youmust an openconnectlon, manipulateit with a systemcall providedby the sameI/O S1,stem. 36H 54 E$ILLVOL E$OUTSTAND. ING$CONNS c.4 A soft detachwasspecified,but connectioDs to the devicestill exist. NucleusUset's Guide EXCEPTIONCODES TableC-1. ConditionsAnd Theh Codeslcontinued) E$ALREADY$ATTACHED The specifieddeviceis already attached. 38H 56 E$DEV$DETACHING The file specifiedis on a device that the operatingsystemis in the processof detaching. 39H 57 3AH 56 The call is attemptingto renamea directoryto a newpathcontaining itself. 3BH 59 A strcamfiÌe requestis out oi context. Either it is a query requestandanotherqueryrequest is alreadyqueued,or it is a satis8'rcquestand either the reques.queueN empryor a query requestis queued. 3CH 60 The connectionrefersto a file with an invalid fnode. You shoulddclete this file. 3DH ol E$PATHNAME$. SYNTAX The specifiedpathnamecontains invaÌidcharacters. 3EH 62 E$FNODE$LIMIT Thevolumeaheadycontainsthe maximumnumberoffiles- No more fnodesare availablefor newfiles. 3FH 63 40H 64 E$NOT$SAME$- The existingpathnameandthe new DEVICE pathnamerefer to different devices. You cannotsimultaneouslyrenamea file andmoveit to anotherdevice. E$ILLOGICAIJ. RENAME E$STREAM$SPECIAL E$INVALID$. FNODE E$LOG$NAME$. The specifiedpathnamestaÍs with a SYNIAX colon(:), but it doesnot containa second,matchingcolon;the specified pathname hasmorethan12characters or containsinvalidcharacters. E$IOMEM Nucleus Uset's Guide The BasicI/O Systemhasinsufficient memoryto proccssa request. c-5 EXCEPTION CODES TableC-1. ConditionsAndTheirCodeslcontinuedì E$MEDIA The device containing a specified file is not on-line. E$LOG$NAME$- The specified path contains an NEXIST explicit logical name, but the Extended I/O Systemwas unable to lind the namein the object directoriesof the localjob, the globaljob, and the rootjob. 45H 69 E$NOT$OWNER The userwho attemptedto detachthe device is not the owner of the device. E$IO$JOB 46H '70 41H 71 i. rhè.;ohr f^r-"r 48H 72 The usernamespecifiedin the call is not listedin îhe Ilser DeJ:nition File. 49H 't3 The userID in the specifieduser objectdoesnot matchtheID listed in the User Definitior File for the corresponding username. 4AH The Efended I/O Systemcarinot createan l/O job becausethe size specifiedfor the objectdirectory E$UDF$FORMAT The User Delinition File is not E$NAME$. NEXIST E$UID$NEXIST E$PASSWORD. $MISMATCH E$UDF$IO The passwordspecifiedin the call doesnot matchtheoneIistedin the User Dcfinition File for the corrcspondingusername. 'I'he User Definition File specified cannotbefound. 48H 75 4CH 76 o@ufred. 50H 80 A soft I/O error occurred.A retry might be successful. 51H E$ro$uNct-assAn unknowntypeof I/O E$IO$SOFT c-6 error NudeusUset'sGuide EXCEPTION CODES TableC.l, ConditionsAnd Their Codeslcontinued) Category/ Mnemonic Meaning NurnericCode Hex Decimal A hard l/O error occuÍed. A retry is probablyuseless. 52H 82 The devicewasoff-line. Operator interventionis required. 53H 83 E$IO$WRPROT The volumeis ìryrite-protected. 54H 84 E$IO$NO$DATA A tapedrive attemptedto readthe nex1iecord, but it foundno data. 55H 85 A tapedrive attempteda read/write operationbeforethe previouswdte (read)completed. 5óH 86 An attemptwasmadeto assignan altemateback, but no Ílore altemate trackswere available. 57I{ E7 An alternatetrack wasassignedduring thisI/O operation. 58H 88 headerrecord. 62Il 98 The ApplicationLoaderencountered an uneripected end-of-filewhile readinga record. 65H 101 Thereis insufficientmemoryto satisrythe memoryrequirements of the ApplicationLoader. 67H 103 The ApplicationI-oadercouldriot find the start addre.ss. 6CH 108 6DH 109 E$IO$IIARD E$IO$OPRINT E$IO$MODE E$IO$NO$. SPARES E$ro$Ar-T$ASSIGNED ApplicationLoaderEnvùonmentalConditions E$BAD$HEADER The objectfile containsan invalid E$EOF E$NO$LOAD. ER$MEM E$NO$START E$JOB$SIZE Nucleus Useas Guide The maximummemory-poolsizeof the job beingloadedis smallerthan the amoult of memoryrequiredto load its objectfile. .continued c-7 EXCEPTION CODES TableC-1, CondltlonsAnd Theh Codes(continuedl Caregoryl Mnemonic Meaning NumericCode Hex Decimal The overlaynamedoesnot matchany of the overlaymodulenames. 6EH 110 The lile requiresf€aturesIrot supportedby the ApplicationLoader asconfigured. 6FH 111 The parsingbuffer containsa literal with no closingquote. 80H 128 The stringto be retúrnedexceeds the sizeof the buffer the user providedin the call. 81H 129 The parsingbuffer containsa comúandsepafator, 82H 130 Tho paÉebuffer containsa continuation character. 83H 131 E$INVAL]D$. NUMERIC A numericvaluecontainsinvalid characters. 84H 132 E$LIST A valuein the valuelist is missing. 85H E$WILDCARD A wild-cardcharacterappearsin an invalidcontext,suchasin an intermediatecomponent of a pathname. the commandline mntainsan invalid preposition. 86H 134 87H 135 88H 136 E$OVERI.AY E$LOADER$. SUPPORT Human Interface Envhonme[tal Conditions E$LITERAIE$STRING$. BUFFER E$SEPARATOR E$CONTINUED E$PREPOSI. TION E$PATI] The commandlLre contaiosan invalid pathname. E$CONTROI"$C The usertyp€da CONTROLC to abort the command. E$CONTROL c-8 The commandline containsan invalid contrcL --confinued 89H 8AH 138 NucleusUset'sGuide EXCEPIION CODES TableC.1. ConditionsAnd ThetuCodeslcontinued) Category/ MlIemonic NumericCode Hex Decimal Meaning E$UNMATCHED-The numberof files in the input and $LisTs output pathnamelists is not the same. 8BH 139 E$INVALID$DATE The operatorenteredan invalid date. 8CIt 140 E$NO$PARAMETERS A commandexpertedparameterqbut the operatordidn't sùpplyany. 8DH 1.41. E$VERSION The HumanInterfaceis not compatible with the versionof the commandthe operatorinvoked. 8EH 142 A commandcalledC$GET$OUTPUT$. PATIINAME before calling C$GET$INPUfiPATTTNAME. 8FH 143 90H L44 91H 145 E$GET$PATH$ORDER E$PERMISSION l'he userdoesnot havepermissionto to access therequested resource. E$]NVALID$TIME The operatorentercdan invalid time. UDI EnvironmentalConditions E$UNKNOWN. $EXIT The programexitednormally. 0cOH 792 E$WARNING$EXIT The programissuedwarningmessages. 0c1H 193 E$ERROR$E)flT The prognm detectedeffors. 0c2H 194 E$FATAT"$EXIT A fatal error occr.rrred in the program. 0c3H 195 E$ABORT$EXIT The operatingsystemabortedthe pfogram, 0c4H 196 E$UDI$INIERNAI- A UDI internal error occurred. 0c5H 197 --confinued NucleusUset's Guide c-9 EXCEFTION CODES TableC-I. C.onditionsAnd Their Codes(continued) Category/ Mnemonic NumericCode Hex Decimal Meaning NucleusProglammerErro$ E$ZERO$DT!'IDE A taskattempteda dividein which the quotientwaslargerthan 16biîs. 8000H 3n68 E$OvERFLOW An overllowinterrupt occurred. 8001H 3n69 A tokenrelerred to an existing objectthat is not of the required qpe. 8002H 32770 A parameterthatis neithera token nor an offset hasan invalidvalue. 8004H 32772 An OS extensiorireceivedan invalid functioncode. 8005H 3n73 A$PARAM E$BAD$CAIL E$ARRAY$BOUND Hardwareor softwarehasdeteatedao affay overflow. 8006H 3n74 E$NDP$ERROR A NumericProcessor(NPX) error has occurred. OS extensions canreturn the statusof the NPX to the exceptionhandler. 8007H 32775 E$ILLEGAI]$OPCODE The processortded to executean invalid instruction. 8008H 3n16 E$EMUI-ATOR$. TRAP An ESCinstructionwasencounteaed vr'iththe emulatorbit setin the machilrestatusword. 8009H 32777 A PASCALtaskhasexceeded thebounds of a CASE statement. 8OOAH 32778 NDP$SEGMENT- The NPX tried to accessan addrcss that is out of segmeùtboundarie.s. $OVERRUN 80OBH 32'179 E$PROTECTION A generalprotectionerror. SOODH 3n8r E$NOT$PRESENT A requesthasbeenmadeto loada a segmentregisterwhosesegment is not present. ---continued---- 8OOEH E$CHECK$EX. CEPTION c-10 Nudeus Uset'sGuide EXCEPTIONCODES Ttble C-1. Conditions and Their Codes (corlinuedl Categoryf Mnemonic E$BAD$ADDR NumericCode Hex Decimal Meaning The logicaladdressis illegaleither the selectordoesnot point îo a valid segmeotor the offsetis not within the sesmelt boundaries. SOOFH 32783 E$PROTOCOL NucleusCommunications ProqammerErrors The port specifiedis of the signal 80E0H type,not the datacommunicaîion tJpe, 32992 E$PORT$ID$. USED The specifiedport$id is alreadyin use. 80E1H 32993 8082H 32994 E$NUC$BAD$BL'F The buffer referredto is invalid,or not largeenough. I/O SystemProgrsmmer Errcrs E$NOUSER No defaultuseris dcfined. 8021H 32801 E$NOPREFIX No defar.rltprefix is defined. 8022Il 32802 E$BAD$BUFF Illegal usageof memorybuffersin reador writerequests. 8023H 32803 E$NOT$LOG$NAME The specifiedobjectis not a device connectionor file connection. 8040H 32832 E$NOT$DE!'ICE A token parameterreferredto an existingobjectthat is not, but should be, a device connection. 8041H 32833 A token parameterreferredto an existing object that is not, but should be, a file conlection. 8042H 32834 ApplicationLoaderProgrammerEÍor The maxirnummemorypool size specifiedfor thejob is lessthan the mìnimumpool sizespecified. 8060H 32864 E$NOT$CON. NECTION E$JOB$PARAM -continùed-- NucleusUset'sGuide c-11 EXCEPIION CODES TableC-1. Conditionsantl Their Codes(continued) Category / Mnemonic NumericCode Hex Decimal Meaning HumanInterfac€PlosrammerErrors E$PARSE$TABLES Thereis an error in the intemal parsetables. 8080H 32896 E$JOB$TABLES An internal Humanlnterfacetable wasovelwritten,caùsingit to containan invalidvalue. 8081H 32897 is invalíd. 8083H 32899 The pathnameto be returnedexceeds 255charactersin length. 8084H 32900 The commandinvokedby C$SEND$COMMAND includesa call to C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE, but the comúandconnection doesnot p€rmitC$SEND$EO$RESPONSEcalls. 8085H 32901 B$DEFAULT$SO The defaultoutput namestririg E$STRING E$ERROR$. OUTPUT UDI ProgrammerErlors E$RESERVE$. PARAM Thecallingprogramtriedto reserve memoryfor morethan12filesor bùffers. 80c6H 32966 80c7H 32967 E$OPEN$PARAM The calling program rcquested more thari two buffers when opening a file. c-12 NucleusUset'sGuide A accessdghts discussionof 6-1 aliases7-1 allocatingmemory 5-3 analoryof how MULTIBUS tr systemswork 12-2 application$2-1 assigninglevelsto eachinterrupt 9-5 b BmBUS interconnect l2-3 bufferpools 12-10 buffer pools 5-4 buffer pools,systemcallsfor CREATE$BUFFER$POOL12.11 CREATE$BUFFER$POOL,DELETE$BL]FFER$POOL12-14 REQUEST$BUFFER12-11 REQUEST$BUFFE& RELEASE$BUFFER i2-15 Built-in Self Tests(BIST) 12-6 c call gates 1-7 Call-gate,s arìdOS extensioN 1-3 caseseNitivity of objectdirectorynames 6-2 childjob 2-1 comparisonof procedures,tasks,andOS extensions10-2 compositeobjeats deleting11-3 systemcallsfor 11-2 composiîe objects1-2 NucleusUsefs Guide Index-l INDEX conditioncodes oéÍnèd 8- l literal file 8-1 Énges 8-1 types 8-1 conligurationof the Nucleus,seechapter121 contextswitches3-2 co[trollL€ memorypool size 5-2 deating an OS extension 1-2 creatingriewoperatingsystemobjects 11-1 D datachainblock 12-12 datachains12-11 datatlpe, seeAppendíx.{1 declaringyour own exceptionhandler 8-2 defaulttime quotafo. round-robinscheduling3-5 definitiod of round-robinscheduling3-4 deletedof riestedcomposites11-5 descriptor 1-6 descriptortable,s gtobal 1-7 intenupt 1-7 local 1-7 descriptors aliases7-2 cautionson using 7-2 changingthe addressor lengthof 7-2 creat]lig'1.2 definingmemorywith 7-2 definitionof 7-l deletl')g 7-2 er?licit 7-1 systemcallsfor 7-2 typecodereturnedfor 7-1 dtectory, objeat 1-4 disablinginterrupts 9-6 discussionof round-robinscheduling3-5 Index-2 \ -'l \,_,) NùcleusUser'sGuide INDEX erablingintcrrupts 9-21 enteringan object'snamein the objectdirectory 6-3 examPlcs inteúuptservicing 9-24 ringbuflermanager11-7 exceptionhandlers inherited 8-2 invoking 8-3 exceptionhandlers 8-2 exceptionhardling for 80286processor8-4 in-Ihe 8-4 exceptionmode 8-3 exceptionalconditions defined8"1 EnYironmental B-1 progmmmorerrols 8-1 exchangetypes 4-1 exe4ution statesoftasks 3-1 extension objects1-2 F leaturesof MULTIBUS II systems12-1 four q?es of addressspace rlo 123 interconnect 12-3 memory12-3 message12-3 FreeSpaceManager5-1 G gettingari object'sname 6-2 gettingan object'stype code 6-2 globalclocl! MULTIBUS li 12-5 H handlers exceptional 1-8 interrupt 1-8 handling spurious interrupts 9-22 Nùcleus Usels Guide Inder-3 INDEX I in-serviceregister,examining9-23 Inlerconnectaddressspace 12-5 interconnectspace,callsfor GET$INTERCONNECT 12-13 SET$INTERCONNECT 12.13 interrupt controllers 9-3 inîerrupt descriptortable 9-4 interrupt handler,using 9-11 interrupt handlersand tasks 9-9 interrupt levels 9-3 interupt lines 9-3 interrupt mechanisms9-2 interrupt servicing,usingmultiple buffers 9-16 interrupttaskpriorities9-12 interrupttask,using9-11 interrupts systemcallsfor 9-27 inteúupts9 or 16 8-6 interrupts,handlingspÌrriousg-22 inte.rupts,limit on outstanding9-19 iSBX I/O expamioobus 12-3 J job 2-1 job deletion 2-2 job tree 2-1 L limit or outstandinginîerrupts 9-19 M mailbox discussion of queues4-2 mechanics 4-1 queues 4-1 mailboxes systemcalls for 4-3 Index-4 NucleusUset's Guide INDEX 1-\ . mailboxes 4.1 memory how to allocate 5-3 returning to the system 5-3 memory allocation 1-5 memory allocation perfomance feature 5-4 memory maragement systemcalls 5-4 memory needed to create an object, seeAppendix 81 . memorypool 1-4 memorypools 5-2 messageagents,callsfor gettinginformation GET$HOST$ID12-14 MessageFragmertation 12-13 messagesPacgcallsfor BRO{)CAST 12-13 CANCEL 12-14 RECEII'E 12-14 RECEIVE$FRAGMENT 12.14 RECEIVE$REPLY12-14 SEND 12-13 SEND$REPLY12-13 SEND$RSVP12-13 MessageSpaceCallsthat Supportthe MIC D eelce 12-14 movementof memorybetweenjobs 5-2 MULIBUS II hardwareoverview 12-3 MULTIBUS II systems,an analoryof how rheywotk 12-2 MULTIBUS lI systemqfeatu.esol 12-1 MLILTICIiANNEL DMS I/O bus 12-3 multiple buffersand interrupt servicing9-16 N NUC$ERROR1.8 NucleùsCommunicationService 12-8 numberof interruptspossibleon cascaded PICs 9-3 numberof interruptspossibleon onePIC 9-3 numericcodesfoî obje.t types,seeAppendix81 o object access 6"2 object diectories using 6-2 Nùcleùs Useds Gùide Index-5 INDEX objectdire{tory 1-4 enteri.g af! object'sname 6-3 objectqùeùes poftion 4-2 high-performance objectgpes 1-1 objects extensionand composite 1-6 job 1-3 mailbox 1-5 region 1-6 segrnent1-5 semaphore1-5 systemcallsto manipulate 6-3 tasks 1-2 objects1-1 OSextension intedaceprocedures10-7 OSextensions andcustomized exception codes10-14 and error procedues 10-B entry procedures10-7 exception handlidgin 10-11 functionprocedure10-8 hrùctionsof the interfaceprocedures10-7 includingintoyoursystem10-14 linkingtheprocedures10-14 makingobjectsimmunefrom deletion10-15 procedures needed1-2 systemcallsfor 10-15 P parallelsystembus(iPSB) l2-3 pararneterobjeat 2-2 job 2-l parent port 12-9 ports,informationpîovidedon creatioù 12-9 port,systemcallsfor ATIACH$BUFFER$POOL12.10 ATIACH$PORT 12.10 ATTACH$PORT,DETACH$PORT 12-15 CONNECT 12-10,15 CREATE$PORT, DELETE$PORT12-15 GET$PORT$ATTRIBUTES 12.10,15 priorityfor tasks3-1 procedures neededin an OSextension1-2 Index-6 NucleusUserrsGuide INSEX R regrons cautionary notes4-10 deadlockand 4-9 discussionof sharingdata 4-6 mutual exclusion4-7 systemcallsfor 4-10 regions 4-5 relationshipsbetweeninterrupt tasksandhandlers 9-15 resourcesharing 2-1 restrictionswhenassigdinginterrupt levels 9-6 returningmemoryto the system5-3 round-robin$cheduling3-4 RQ$ERROR10.8 s segmeds5-1 semaphores4 mutual exclusion4-6 systemcallsfor 4-5 task queue 4-4 semaphores 4-4 send$message acknowledging4-2 sedalsystembus(iSSB)12-3 servicesprovidedby the CentralServicesModule 12.4 settingup an intcrrupt handler 9-10 spuriousinterrupts,usingGET$LEVEL to detect 9-23 systemcalls for intenùpts 9-27 tlpe manager11-18 systemcalls 1-2 systemcallsfor tasks3-6 systemcallsfor exceptionhandle.s 8-6 systemcallsfor memorymanagement5-4 systemcallsthat manipulatethe 80286processor'sa€cess byte 6-1 systemcallsto manipulat€jobs 2-2 systemcallsto manipulateobjerts ó-3 systeminitialization error reporting 12-3 NucleusUset's Guide Indef-7 INDEX T - - . !-i raskartribùtes 3-6 taskexecutionstates 3-1 taskpriority3-l taskresources3-6 taskstateîransitioo3-2 taskstates asleep3-1 asleep-suspended 3-2 ready 3-2 running3-2 suspended 3-2 lasks3-l threewaysto addfunctionality in iRMX 10-1 token l-2 toolsfor interrupts 9-2 TransportProtocol 12-8 two systemcallsthat setùp the interrupt descdptortable 9-6 rypemanager jobsduringDELETE$EXTENSION11-5 jobs duringDELETE$JOB 1-3 typicalactionsof an exceptionhandler 8-2 u useof PL/M-286 DISABLE statementin taskswith interruptsdiabled 9-7 usingan irrtcrruplhandlcrg- | l usingan interrupttask 9-11 \ Index-8 NùcleùsUset's Guide r intel E X T E N D EiD R M X@II BASIC I/OSYSTEM USERG ' SU I D E IntetCorporation 3065BowersAv€nue SantaCtara,California 95051 Copyrgh't,rlga8, lntelCofporatron,All RlghtsReserved INTRODUCTION This manualdocumentsthe BasicÌ/O System,one of the layersof the iRMX II Operating System.The materialcontainedhereinis intendedprimarily as introductoryand backgroundirìformationfor usingthe systemcalls. you can find detailedinformationfor using these systemcalls in the ExtendediRùÍX Il Basic I/O Sytem Calls RefercnceManual. Readerswho are famiiÌar with the iRMX I BasicI/O Sysremwill alsobe familiar with the iRMX ll version. The iRMX lI OperatingSystemis hasedon rhe iRMX I Operating System. READERLEVEL This manualis intendedfor programmerswho are familiar with the concepîsand terminolos/ introduccdinthc Extend,ed, |RùIX II NucleusUse'sGuídcand with tlre PL/M286programminglanguage. MANUAL ORGANIZATION Thismanualis dividedinto eightchapters.Someofthe chapters containintroouooryor overviewmaterialthatyoudo not needto readifyou areaheadyfamitiarwith theiRMX II subsystems. Otherchapters containreference materialthatyouwill referto asyou writeyourapplication ra!k\. You canuserhischaprerro determine whichof rheother chapters youneedto read.The manualorganizatìon is asfollows: Chapter 1 This chapterdescribesthe featuresofthe BasicI/O Sysîem.You shouldread this chapterilyou are goingthroughthe manualfor the first time or ifyou havehad very little previousexposuteto the BasicI/O System. Chapter2 This chapterexplainssomebasicterminoÌoryassociated with the Basicl/O System,includingthe conceptsof systemprogmmmer, device,volume,file, and connection-You shouldread this chapter ifyou are lookilg throughthe manuaifor the first time or ifyoù are unfamiliarwith the Ba5icl/O Svstem BasicI/O UsedsGuide lu PREIACE Chapter3-5 Thesechaptersdescribenamed,physical,and streamfiles and how to usethem. You shouldread one or more ofthese chapters, dependingon the kindsof filesyour applicationuses.The useof remot€files is rìot describedin thìs nranual. Chapîer6 This chapterdescribesgeneralinformationaboutsynchronousand asynchronous systemc.dls. Chapter7 This chapterliststhe configurationoptionsthat pertain to the BasicI/O System. CONVENTIONS This manualusesthe followingconventtons: . 'l he term "iRMX II" refersto the ExtendediRMX IT.3OperatingSystem. . The term 'iRMX l" refersto the iRMX I (iRMX 86) OperarjngSystem. . All iRMX II systemcallsbeginwith one of two standardprefixes: RQ$ or RQE$. When referringto the systemcalÌsthat beginwith RQ$, this manualusesa shorthand notation and omits the prefix. For example,S$CREATE$FILEmeans RQ$S$CREATE$FILE. The actualPLlM-286 externaìorocedrrrenamesusedto invokethesesystemcallsare shownonly in the Enended 'RMX11ErrendedI/O System CallsRekrcnceManual,whichlists the detaìledcallingsequences. . All iRMX II systemcallsbeginwith one oftwo standardprefi\es: RQg or RQES. When referringto the systemcallsthat beginwith RQ$, this manualusesa shorthand notation and omits the prefìx. For example,A$CREATE$FILE means RQ$A$CREATE$FILE. The actualPL/M-286 externalDrocedllrenîmes usedto invoke thesesystemcallsare shownonly in the Ertended.RMX ll B&\ic I/O S)stem CaIb Refercnce Manual,whichlists the detailedcallingsequences. . When referringto systemcallsthat beginwirh RQES,this manualspellsout the completenames,includjngthe RQE$ characters. r You can alsoinvoke the systemcallsftom assemblylanguage,but to do so you must obeythe PL/M-286 callingconventionsthat are discrissed in the Errended.iRtltx Progmmn i ng Teclhi4ue: Manual. BasicI/O Useis Gùide CHAPTER 1 FEATUFES OFTHEBASICI/O SYSTEM PAGE CHAPTER 2 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS PAGE Basicl/O Usey'sGuide CONTENTS CHAPTER3 NAMEDFILES PAGE BasicI/O Us€r'sGùide CONTENTS CHAPTER3 (continued) PAGE CHAPTER4 PAGE CHAPTER 5 STREAMFILES PAGE CHAPTER6 PAGE CHAPTER 7 PAGE APPENDIX A PAGE Basi.I/O flse/s Guide C()NTENTS APPENDIX B PAGE APPENDIX C PAGE APPENDIX D PAGE EXCEPTION CODES D.l Overview............. ................................ D-1 D.2 Sequential (Environmental) Exception Codes........................................................... D-l D.3 Sequential (Programmer Error)Exception Codes ...................................-............... D-2 D.4 Concurrent (Environmental) Exception Codes......................................................... D-2 D.5 Concurrent (Programmer Error)Exception Code................................................... D-3 APPENDIX E PAGE APPENDIX F iRMX@ I AND iBMX(D IIi BASICI/O SYSTEMDIFFERENCES PAGE vlll Basicl/O Use/s Guide CONTENTS TABLE B-1 T)?e Codes PAGE B-1 FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 2-l Layersof Interfacing BetweenTasksand a Devicc................... .................................2-3 2-2 Schematic of Softwareat Inirialization Time................................ ...............................2-4 2-3 A Systemwith DeviceandFile Connections................................ ................................2-6 3-1 Exampleofa Named-File Tree..........._..... ...............................3-2 3-2 Computingthe AccessMaskfor a File Connection.................................................. 3-10 3 3 Chronologof Frequenrly UsedSystenCallsfor Na[retlFiles.............................3-20 6-1 SampleNamedFile Tree........................_ .................................6-5 6-2 Concurrent Behaviorof an Asynchronous SystemCal1..............................._........_._._ 6-8 BasicI/O UseCscuide CHAPTER 1 r/o SYSTEM 1.1 INTRODUCTION Becausethe iRMX II OperatingSystemis designedfor useby Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEMs), it providesa iarge numberof features-includÌngsomethat are not generallyfound in operatingsystemsaìmedat end users.Thesefeaturesinclude . 16M-bytememoryaddressability . Memory protection . Synchronousand asvnchronous svstemcalls . Deviceindependence . Supporrfor manyLinJ"ot J<, iers . Four distinctkindsof files . File sharingand accesscontrol . Separetionof file lookup and file open operations . Control over fragmentationoffiles . Global tirne-of-dayclock . Disk integrity Thìs chapterexplainseachof thesefeaturesand familiarizesyou wirh the terminolog' of the BasicI/O System. NOTt All materialon iRMX Networking Software(iRMX-NET)canbefoundin the |RMX NetuorkingSoftware(/ser'.s CuÌr1e.Thìs manualis not part of rhe iRMX II manual set. BasicI/O Us€r's Cuide l-l T.EATURES OF THE BASICI/O SYSTEM 1.2 16M-BYTE MEMORYADDRESSABILITY The iRMX II OperatiogSystemrunsin ProtectedVirtual AddressMode (PVAM) ofthe 80286or 80386processors.As a result,it can acc€ssas much as 16M byresofmemory. The BasicI/O Systemtakesadvantageof this featureby allowingyou to createI/O jobs with memorypoolsofup to l6M bytes. Therefore,tasksthat invokeBasicI/O System callscan havemore codeand can havemore room for data than with ìRMX I Applcation tasksmust uselogicaladdresses to accessmemory. Logicaladdresses take the form: selector:offset Somedevicecontrollersalsosupporta 16M-byte address space.Thesecontrollers use physicnladdresses (dired 24,bit addresses) to refer to the memoryspace.lfyou l,lrire youl own devicedriversfor theseconîrollers,your devìceclriversmust know how to 'Í\e convertlogicaladdresses to physicaladdresses. Ettendedi&lvfx II DevíceDrivex Usrr'r Gu,Zediscusses thìs technique- 1.3 PROTECTION FEATURES Becausethe iRMX II OperatingSystemaccesses the processorin pVAM, ir benefitslrom someof the inherentmemoryproteciionfeaturesof the processor. Thcsc fcaturcs protectyour codeand dirtaby preventingany task from readìngor writing buffersof memory unlessit has explicitaccessto thosebrrffers.They alsopreventmemoryreadsor writes from crossingsegmentboundaries.The OperatingSystemgeneralesexception codesif an attemptedDrotectionviolation occurs. The OperatingSystemalsocheckssvstemcalÌparametersfi)r protectionvìolationsand for incorrectvalues.AppendixD liststhe exceptioncodesthat can be returned. 1.4 SYNCHRONOUS ANDASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION When you examine the EÌtended ilLtvlx II Basic I/O Slstem Calb ReferenceManual,yo! will îind that the systemcaÌlscan be dividedinto two categoriesaccordingto their names. The first categoryconsistsof systemcallshavingnamesofthe form: RQliXXXXX whcrc XXXXX is a brief description ofwhat rhe sysrcmcall does. The secondcategory consistsof systemcallshavingnamesof the fbrm: RQ$A$XXXXX BasicI/O Usefs cuide FEATURES OF THE BASTCI/O SYSTSNT Systemcallsof the firsÌcategory, withouttheA, aresynchronous calls. l heyhegin runningassoonasyourappiication invokesthem,andcontinuerunninguntil theydetect an erroror ac€omplish everathìng theyÍrust do. Îìcn theyreturncontrolto your application.In otherwords,synchronous callsactlike subroutines. Systemcallsof the seconci category(thosewith theA) arecalledasynchronous because theyaccomplish theirobjectives by usingtasksthatrun concurrently withyourapplicrrtion. Thisallowsyourapplication to accomplish someworkwhiletheBasicI/O Systemdeals with devices suchasdisksor tapedrives. 1.5 DEVICEINDEPENDENCE The BasicI/O Systemprovjdcsvou with one set of sysrcmcallsthar can be usedwith any collectionof devices.Fo. instance,rather than usinga TYPE sysiemcall for output to a terminaland a PzuNT systemcaÌl for output to a line printer,you can usea WzuTE systemcall for output to any device. This notion of one set of systemcallsfor I/O to any collectionofdevicesis calleddevice independence, and it allowsyour applicrtionmuchflexibility. For example,supposethat your applicationlogs eventsxs they occur. 'Ihe deviceindependenceof the BasicI/O Systemallowsyou to createan applicalionthat can log the eventson any devicerather lhan just one. For instance,whenthe eventapplicationis runningand circumstanccs forc€ an operatc'r to reroute loggingfrom the teletypewriterto the line printer,your applicationcan be writtento do this For a more detailedexplanationof deviceindependence, refer to the Introducti()nto thc Ertendetl |RMX II Operating Sytem. 1.6 SUPPORT FORMANYKINDSOF DEVICES Althoughyour applicationcan be deviceindependent,the BasicI/O Systemmust be able to communicàtewith a wide varietyof devices.To connecta particulardevìceto the Basicl/O System,you must havea devicedriver (a collectionof softwareprocedures) designedespeciallyfor the devicebeingconnected. The Basic f/O Systemprovidesdevicedriversior manydevices.'fi\e EttendedíRMX II [nteructiveConfigutatiotlUtìlityReference Maradl liststhesedevicesand describe-r how to includetheir devicedriversin your appìicationsystem.Ifyou needdriversfor other devices,you musî supplylhe drivers. F.eferto the Ertended.RMX II DevíceDivers User's C4Ue for instructionson how to write vour own devicedriver. IìasicI/O User's Guide FEATURES OF THE BASICI/O SYSTEIIÍ 1.7 FOURDISTINCT KINDSOF FILES Filesin the BasicI/O Systemarebyte-oriented (asoppos€d to record-oriented files). The Svstem provides you with four kinds of filcs: namcd, physical, stream, and remote. 1. 7 . 1 N a m e dF i l e s Namedliles are intendcdlor uscwith random-access, secondarystoragedevicessuchas disks,diskettes,and bubblememories.They allowyour applicarionto organizeits files into a treelike, hierarchicalstr ctnre that reflectsthe relationshjpsbetweenthe files and the application.Furthermore,only namedfiles allowyour applicationto store more than one file on a device,and only namedliles provideyour applicationwith ac{:ess control. Namedfiles alsoprovidea good startingplacefor buildingcustomaclessmethodssuchas the indexedsequentialaccessmethod(ISAM). For more informationregardingnamedfiles,refer to Chapter4. 1.7.2 PhysicalFiles Physicalliles differ from namedfiles in that eachphysicalfile occupiesan entire device. In lact, from the standpointof rhe BasicI/O Syslem,a physicalfile is a devìce. yet with the BasicI/O System,an applicationcan dealwith a physicalfile as if it were a string of bytes. Physicalfiles provide severalimportantadvantages: . An applicationcan havedirect control over a device. . This direct control providescompleteflexibility. For example,an applicationcan interpret volumescreatedby other systems. . An applicationcan conservememoryand still be ableto communicatewith devices that do not need the powerof namedfiles. Examplesof suchdevicesincludeline printers,displaytubes,plotters,and robots. The disadvantages of physicaltiles, as comparedto namedîjles,are that hierarchicalîile structuresand accesscontrol are not available. 1.7.3 StreamFiles Streamfìlesprovide a meansof intertaskcommunication.Sometaskscan write into a stfeamlile while other tasksread from it concurrenrly.Srreamfiles useno devicesand provide no accesscontrol. They are implementedin memory. l-,1 Basicl/O Uset'scuide FEATUR.ES OF THE BASICI/O SYSTEM 1.7.4 RemoteFiles The BasicI/O Systemsan alsoaocessremotefiles throughiRMX-NET. For more information on accessingremote files, consult the |RMX Networking SoffÀ)arcUser'sGuide. 1,8 FILESHARING ANDACCESSCONTROL The BasicI/O Systemprovidesyour applicationwith the ability to sharefiles and,in the caseofnamed files, to control accessto the files. 1.8.1 FileSharing In a multitasking system, it maybe usefirlto haveseveraltasksmanipulating a ffe sìmultaneously. Consider, for example. processing a transaction systemin whicha large numberof operators concurrently manipulate a commondatabase.If eachterminalis drivenby a distincttask,the onlywayto implementan efficienttransactìon systemls to havethe rasksshareaccess ro the databasefile. TheiRMX II OperatingSystemallows multipletasksto concurrently access thesamefile. .8.2AccessControl A-lsousefulin a multitasking systemis theabilityto controìaccess to a file. For instance, supposcthat scvcralcnginccringdepartmentssharea computer. an engineerin one departmentmay want to reservefor himselfthe ability to deletehis files,while ailowing peoplein his departmentto write and read his file, and peoplein other departmentsto only read the files. The Basicl/O systemnamedfiles provideyour applicationswith this kind of accesscontrol. 1.9 SEPARATION OF FILELOOKUPAND FILEOPENOPERATIONS Many operatingsystemswastevaluabletime by lookingup a file wheneveran application tries to open one. The BasicI/O Systemavoidsthis by usinga specialtype of object (caled a connection)to representthe bond betweenthc file and a program. Wheneveryour applicationsoftwîre createsa file, the BasicI/O Systemreturnsa connectìon.Your applicationcan then usethe connectionto open the file without sufferingthe expenseof havingthe BasicI/O Systemlaokup the file. Even whenyolrr applicationwantsto open an existingfile, the àppÌicationcan presentthe connectionand blpassthe file lookup process. There are severalother beneiitsassociated wìth connectionobjects.In the caseof named filcs, conneclionscmbodyaccessrightsto the fìle. This meansthat ac.cess need orìlybe computedonce(whenthe connectionis created)rather than eachtime the file is opened. BasicI/O User'sGuide l-5 FEATT]RES OF THE BASICI/O SYSTEM A secondbenefit ofconnectionsis that severalconnectionscan simultaneously existfor the samefile. This allowsseveraltasksto concurrentlyaccessdifferent locationsin the file. This is possiblebecauseeachconnec[ionmaìntainsa file pointer to keeptrack of the withinthe file,wherelhe taskis readingor wriring. locarion, 1.10 CONTROL OVERINTERNAL FRAGMENTATION OF FILES When informationis storedon a massstoragedevice,spaceis aliocatedin blocks.ather than one byte at a time. Theseblocksare calJedgranules,and rhe block sizeis called granularity.There are three kinds ofgranularity that are jmportant. devicegranularity The devic€granularityis hardwaredependentand variesamongindividualmassstorage devices.lt representsthe minimum amountof dala that the devìcecan read or write during one l/O operation. For disk med;a,a devicegr:rnuleis caùeda sector;therefore the devicegranularìtyis the scctorsize. Eachbuffer that the BasicI/O Systemuseswhen readingandwritingdatais equalin sizeto the devicegranularity. volumegranularity Volume granularityis a muìtipleof the devicegranularity. It representsthe mrnrmum amountof spaccthat canbe allocate.lto a file ar one tinle. Tlìe BasicI/O Systenìus€san a]gorithmbasedon volumegranularitywhen decidingwhereon the volumeto allccate this space Yorì snecifythe volumegranularitywhenyou lbrmar the volume. lile granùlaritJ File granularityis a multiple of volLrmegrarrularitywhich specifiesthe actualamountof spaceon the massstoragedevìcethat the Basicl/O Systemallocatesto a file at one time. You assignthe fiJegranularityon a per-file basiswhenyou invokeA$CREATE$FILE to createthe files. Bl' selectinSthe proper granularityvalues,you can minimizefragmenrarionofyour volumes. Use the followingguideìineswhen selectingthesevalues: Ì-6 . Devicegranularitydepcrcìson hard*,are.Ifyouf devicesupportsmultiple device granularities,selectìngthe largervalueusuallygiveshigherperformance.Although you can obtaingreaterpcrfbrmancc,you may\r'asiestoragcspacedue to a few large granulescontainingonly a few bytesof data. . For flexiblediskettes,alù'itysset the volumegranularityequalto the device granularity,unlessyou plan to storemanylarge files on the volume. Even then, don,t selecta volu[re granularitv largcr than 1K ( 1024byr€s). BasicI/O User'sGuide FEATURES OF THE BASICI/O SYSTENI For harddisks,setthevolumegranularity equalto the devicegranularity, unÌessthe devicegranularity is lessthan1K. Thensetthevolumegranularityto lK. Whencreatinga largefile,assigna largefile ganuÌarityto minimizethenumberof noncontiguous blocksthatmakeup thefile. Thisdecreases thefragmentation of the volume.For smallerfiles,setthefile granularity equalto thevolumegranularityto minimizewastedspaceon thevolume. 1.11 GLOBALTIME-OF.DAYCLOCK SomeboardssupPoriedby the iRMX II OperatingSystemhavean on-board,battery backed-up,time-of-dayclock. The BasicI/O Systemreadsand writes the time of day, taking advantàgeof this clock feature. The globaltime-of-dayclock is globalìn the sense that it is the timekeeperfor the entire system.The iRMX II OperaringSystemmaintains a "local"time-of-dayclock of its own,which is a copyof the globalclock. The globaland local clockskeep track of two ite s: . The current date (day.month,and year) . The currenttime (hours,minutes,and seconds) The iRMX II OperatingSystemneedstwo time-of-dayclocksbecauseit takesmuch longer (100 millisecondsand up) to acr:ess thc globalclock than the local clock Therefore,the iRMX II OperatingSystemmaintainsthe local time-of-dayclock for irs date and time needs,and accesses the globaltìme-of-dayclock only during system initializationor upon requestliom the operator. The iRMX ll tsasicl/O Systemprovidestwo systemcallsrhar enableyour applicationsto read the globaldate and time and setthem io newvalues. Thesesystemcallsare CET$GLOBAL$TIME and SET$GLOBAIIITIME. I! alsoDrovidesrwo svstemcallsfor manipularing the localclo.l: C ET"lTll\4E anrlShT$TlV E. 1.12 DISKINTEGRITY In anycomputersystem, therearemanyoccurrences beyondthecontrolof theprogram or programmer thatcancausedamag€to filesor diskvolumes.For example, power outages canoccurjustasa file is beingwrìtten,or marginaldisksectorscansuddenly becomeunreliable.The Basicl/O System hasseveralIeaturestlìat enableprogramsto maintaindiskintegrityanddeterrnine whetherfiìesor volumeshavebeencorrupted.The followiDg s€ctiotìsoutlirìe thcse lealures. Basicl/O User'sGùid€ t-7 r.f.aTtÌRFs oF THF]RASTCt/O SYSTEM 1.12.'lAftachFlags The Basicl/O Systemmaintainsflagsthat can indicatethe integrity of nameclvolumes nd namedfiles. Wheneveryou attacha namedvolume,ihe BasicI/o Systemsetsa flag in the volumelabel to indicatethat the volumeis attached.Lilewise, whenyou attacha namedfile, thc BasicI/O Systcmsctsa flag in thc fnode (file dercriptornode) file to indìcatethat the file is attached.When you detacha volumeo. file, the BasicI/O System cìerrs the associat€cl flag,indicatjngthat the file or volumewassuccessfully detached. Although the Basicl/O Systemdoesn'tchecktheseflagsto determinefile or volume iotegrity,you can checkthe conditionof a volumeby invokingthe A$GET$FILE$STATUSsystemcall. The BasicI/O Systemrkresn'tprovidea systemcall for checkingthe file flag. However, you canwrite your o\ynpfogramsto checkthis flag,or you can usethe Disk Verificatior Utility to examinethe înode file. 1.12.2FnodeChecksumField The BasicT/O Systemusesthe fnodefile to keeptrack ol everynamedfile on a volume. The fnode îile lists suchinformàtionas the file name,the creationand last modificstion dates,and the location of everydisk sectorthat makesup the file. Wheneveryou accessa file, the BasicI/O Systemusesthe fnodefile to determinethe file's ìocationon the volume. Wlenever you create,modiry,or deletea file, the BasicI/O Systeù modifiesthe fnode file to matchthe changesyou made. When the last connectionto the file is deleted,the BasicI/O Systemwrites to the inode file, and it alwayscalculatesa checksumand writes that valuein one of the fìeldsof the fnodefile. This checksumcan be usedto determineirhether any data errors occurred whcn the BasicI/O Systemwrote the frode file. AlrhouBhthe BasisI/O Systemdoesn'r calculateanotherchecksumand compareit againstthe originalwhenit next readsthe file, your programscan usethe checksumfield !o determinevrhetherthe fnode file has becom€corrupted. DISKVERIFY and SHUTDOWN can be used. 1.12.3GettingandSettingthe BadTrack/Sector Information It is not uncommonfor a hard disk to havea few secîorsor tracksthat cannotreliably store information Mrny of these(liskshavea recordofthese bad trackswritten on the second-highest cylinderof the disk. When rhe Basicl/O Systemformatsa disk,it uses this had track/sectorinformationto assignalternaterracksor sectorsfor the bad tracks/sectorslisted. The A$SPECIAL systemcall alsohls the ability to retrieveand set the bad track/sectorinformationon a volume. One subfunctionallowsyou to retrievethe currentìist of defectivetracksor sectors.Aiother subfunctionenablesyou to set up a new bad track/sectorlist. l -ll BasicI/O Useascùide 2.1 INTRODUCTION Beforeyou usethe BasicI/O System,you must undentand severalfundamentalmncepts. Someof theseconceptswere presentedin Chapter2. The remainingconceptsare . Systemprogrammers . Devicecontrollersand deviceunits . Volumes o Files . Connections The followingsectionsexplaintheseconcepts. 2.2 SYSTEMPROGRAMMERS There are two programmingrolesassociated with the iRMX II OperatingSystem.One roÌe jnvolvesusingsystemcallsand objectsthat affectonly your own iRMX ll job, while the other role involvesmanipulatingsystemresourcesand characteristics.Thesetwo rolesare calletÌapplicalionprogrammingand systemprogramming. Although the roleshavedifferent names,separatepeopleare not required. One individualcan perform botlr roles. The reasonfor the distinctionis that the actionsof the systemprogrammeraffectthe perfoÍmanceand securityof the entjre system,whereasthe actionsof the applicationprogrammerhavea more limited effect. The Extended.íRMX II BasícI/O SystenCalls ReferenceManual givesyou several system call descriptionsthat beginwith cautionnotices.Thesesystemcalls,if misused,can have seriousconsequences for an applicationsystem.Therefore,you shouldconsiderthese systemcallsto be resered for the €xclusiveuseof systemprogrammers. 2.3 DEVICECONTROLLERS AND DEVICEUNITS You are probabÌyfamiliar lvith îhe notion of a device;a hardwareentity that taskscan use to read or write information,or to do both. Deviceshclude fleúble diskettedrives,line printers,terminals,card readers,and the like. Basic l/O Use/s Guide I'LNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS In the iRMX II environment,it is convenientto make a distinctionbetweendevicesand the hardwareinterfacesthat communicatedjrectlywith an iRMX Il applicationsystem.A hardwareentity that talks djrectlywith iRMX Il softwareis a devicecontroller. Devices suchas thosenamedin lhe previousparagraphare deviceunits. T)?ically,a device controller actsas an interfacebetweeniRMX Il aDDlication softwareand severaldevice units. For example,an iSBC 214 WinchesterConirollcr boardactsas all irtterface betweenapplicationsoftvr'are and from one to four Winchesterdisk drives(deviceunits.) 2.4 VOLUMES A volumeis the medium usedto storethe informationon a deviceunit. For example,if the deviceunjt is a flexibledisk drive,the volumeis a disketteiif the deviceunit is a bubblememoryboard,the volumeis the blrbblememory;and if the deviceunit is a multiplatter hard disk drive, the volumeis the disk pack. 2.5 FILES Someoperatingsystemstreat a lile as a device,while otherstreît a iiie as information storedon a device.The BasicI/O Syst€mconsidersa file to be information. The Basicl/O Systemsupportsfour kinds offiles, and eachhascheracteristics that make it unique. RegardlcssoI lhc kind of file. rhe BasicI/O Sysremprovidesinformationto applicationsas a stringofbytes, rather than as a collectionof records. 2.6 CONNECTIONS FORTASKAND DEVICE.UNIT COMMUNICATION In complexenvironmentssuchas thosesupportedby the iRMX II OperatingSystem, severallayersof softwareand hardwaremustbe bound togetherbefore communication betweenapplicationtasksand deviceunits cancommence.Figure 2-1 showstheselayers. 2-2 BasicI/O User'sGuide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Figure 2-1. l,ayersof InterlhcingBehreenTssks ond a Device 2.6.1 Interlayer BondsPreceding Initialization The bond betweena devicecontrollerand the deviceunits that it controlsis a physical bond,usuallyin the form of wires or cables.A deviceclriveris bound to devicecontrollers by data residingin a data structureknown as a DeviceUnit Information Block IDUIB). You supplythe data for the DUIBS wher you userhe InteractivcConfigurationUtilìty (ICU) to configurethe OperaringSystem. When your applicationstartsup, there is a gap betweenthe applìcationsoftwareand the file drivers,and anothergap betweenthe file driversand the devicedrivers. Figure 2-2 illustratesthis situaiion. The new element,shownin the figure as the configuration interface,is the "glue"that providesthe final bonds. RasicI/O User'scuide FIINDAMENTAI, CONCEPTS 2.6.2Post-lnitialization Bond- theConfiguration lnterface The configurationinterfaceprovidestwo kindsof systemcalls. Beiore a task can usea file, both of thesekinds of callsmustbe invoked,and eachDroducesa connection.These connectionsare calleddeviceconneclionsand file connectiòns,and severalof them are shownin Figure 2-3 as conduitsand wiresthroughthe conduits,respectively. Figùre2-2. Schematic of Software at InitializalionTime lasksemploytheconfiguration interfacefirstby callingthe A$PHYSICAI$ATTACH$DEVICE systemcall,whichreturnsa tokenfor an iRMX lI objecttlpe calleda deviceconnection.Thisdeviceconnection is the apptication,s only pathwayto thedevice.Moreover,therecanbe onlyonedeviceconnection benveen a dcvicc unit and all of the application tasks that lleed 1()usc the device. BasicI/O User'sGùide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Because the deviceconnection is socenlrallyimportantto theapplication, onlytasks writtenby a systemprogrammer shouldcallA$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE. Sucha task could makc the deviceconnectionavailableto applicationtasksselecrivelylry sending it to certainmailboxesor by catalogingit in cerîainobjectdirectories.Or, to ensurethat all required deviceconnectionswill be availabìeto all of the applicationtasksthat nccd them,the systemprogrammercouldprovide an initializationtask that c.eatesall of those deviceconnectionsand catalogsthem in the root objectdirectory. If and when the deviceis no longerneededby the application,an appropriatetask can call A$PHYSICAI-$DETACH$DEVICE to deletethe deviceconnection. File Connectlons When an applicotionlask is readyto usea deviceunit, it must usc the deviceconnection for that deviceunit to obtaina file connectionobject,which is a connectionto a particular file on that der,,ice ùnit llow the taskdoesthis dependsonwhether the file alreadyexists. If the file alreadyexists,the task usuallycallsA$ATTACH$FILE, althoughit can alsocall A$CREATE$FILE. If the file doesnor yet exist,rhe task mustcall A$CREATE$FILE. BasicI/O Usecscuide 2-5 FUNDAMENTAI, CONCEPTS Figure2-3. A Systemwith DeviceandFile Connections NOTE trven thougha îask can cal A$CREATE$FILE to obraina file connection for a file that alreadyexists,it is not a good ideafor a task to use A$CREATE$FILE unlessthe task is certainthat rhe filc docsnot yct exist. There are two reasonsfor this. 2-6 BasicI/O User'sGuide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Filst, if a namedfile exisrs,then callingA$CREATE$FILE ro obtain a connectionto the file might càusethe file to be truncated. This could causeproblemsfor taskshaviìg oth€r conncctionsto that file, becauselhe file pointers(discussed later in this section)for thoseother conne.tions are not affected,eventhoughthc cnd-of-filemarker might be movcd closerto the beginnitg of the file Second,if a file exisasas eithet a physicalor streamfile, then it doesnot matter whethernewconnectionsto the file are obtainedby a call to A$CREATE$FILE or A$ATTACH$FILE. However.it is Dossiblethat the codethat doesthi. wil someda)be usedto crearea connection to a namcd file, and as you can see,this can causeproblenìs. Unlike deviceconnections,there can be multiple file connectionsto a singlefile. Thjs allowsdifferent tasks,if necessary, to havedifferent kinds of accessto the samefile at the sametime, as the next paragraphshows. AJter receivinga lile connection,a task caÌlsA$OPEN to open the connection.In the call to AgOPEN, the task specifieshow it intendsto usethe lile connectionand how it is willing to sharethe file with other tasksusingother connections, by passiagthe following . An open-modeindicator The open-modeindicatortellsthe BasicI/O Systemhow your applicationis goingto use the connection.This parametercan specilythat the connectionis open for readingonìy,for wrìting only,or fbr both readingand writing. . A sharc-modcindicator The share-modeindicatorspecifieshow other connectionscan shareîhe file with the connectionbeingopened. I his parametercan specifythat there can be no other open connectionsto the iile, that other connectionsto the file can be op€nedfor reading only,that orher cornectionsro rhe file can be openedfor writing only,or that other connectionsto the file can be openedfo. both readhg and wrìting. For eachopen file connectionto a random-access deviceunit, the BasicI/O System maintainsa file pointer. Thìs is a pointer that tells the BasicT/O Sysremrhe logical addressof the bytewherethe nextI/O operationon the file is to begin. The logical addresses of the bytesin a iile beginwith zero and increasesequentiallythroughthe entire file. Normallythe pointer for a file connectionpoints at the nextlogicalbyte after the one most recentlyread or written. However,a task can usethe file connection,if neeclbe, to modirythe file pointer by meansof the A$SEEK systemcall. Basicl/O l)ser'sCuide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS SomeObservalionsabout Devicesand Connections Figure2-3is quitedetailedandshowsmostofthe situations thatarepossible for device units and file connectionsto them. In particular,you can observethe following: 2-8 . Deviceconnectionsextendfrom the applicationsoftwareto the individualdevice units,and eachpassesthroughone and only one file driver. . There is only one deviceconnectionto eachconnecteddevice,and multiple file connectionscan sharethe samedeviceconnection. . Different deviceùnits with the samecontrollercan be connectedvia different file drivers. . Taskscan shareaccessto the samedeviceunit throughthe physicalfile driver, and they can shareaccessto the samefiles on the samedeviceunit throughthe namedfile driver. . There is only one deviceconnectionthroughthe streamfile driver,reflectingthe fact that a singlc,logicaldevicecontainsall streamfiles. There can be addilionalstream files in the applicationif more are needed. . The configurationinterface,which is depictedas a pile ofconduits,is off to one side. . All but one of the deviceunits are connected.The unconnecteddeviceunit is still separatedfrom the applicrtionsofrwareby the configuraîioninterface. BasicI/O User'sGuide CHAPTER 3 NAMED FILES 3.1 INTRODUCTION Namedfiles are intendedfor usewith random-access, secondarystoraliedevicessuchas disks,diskettes,anclbubblememories.Namedfiles provideseveralfeaturesthat are not providedby physicalor streamfiles. Thesefeaturesinclude . Multiple Files on a SingleDevice . Hìerarchical Nalìing of FiÌes . AccessControl . Extra Data in a File's Descfiùor Thesefeaturescombineto make namedfiies extremelyusefulin systemsthat support more than one applicationand in applicationsthat requiremore than one file 3.2 MULTIPLE FILESONA SINGLEDEVICE As shown in Figure 3-1, your application can use named files to implement more thsn one lle on a single devicc. This can be very useful in applications requìring more than one op(ratnr, :Uch r\ lr nn5.t.tiunptoiessilg \)stem5. 3-3 HIERARCHICAL NAMINGOF FILES Th€ iRMX lI n{med fles featureallowsyour application!o organizeits files inro a numberof tree-likestructuresas depictedin Figure3-1. Eachsuchstructure,calleda file tree, must be containedon a singledevice,and no two fiìe treescan sharea device. In other words,if a devicecontainsany namedtiles,the devicecontainsexactlyone file tree. Namedfile treesmust alsofit on a singlevoÌume. BasicI/O User's Guide f,-1 - \MEI) FILES -;;;-oúÍj I---T- I ;l L ] ll i l_l l__l Iigure 3-1, Exampleofa Named-File Tree Eachfile tree consistsof two caîegoriesof files-data files and di.ectories. Data files (which are shownas trianglesin Figure3-1) conîainthe informaîionthat your application manìpulates,suchas inventories)accountspayable,transactions, text,sourcecode,or objectcode. ln contrast,dìrectoryliles (shownas rectangles)containonly pointersto olher files or direcrori€s.The purposeof the dilectoryfiles is to provideyou with flexibiliryin organizingyour file structure. BasicI/O Usefs Cuide NAITEDFILES To ilÌustraterhis flexibility,take a closelook at Figure 3-1. This figure showshow named liles can be usefulin multi-usersystems.Figure 3-1 is basedon a collectionof hypotheticalenginecrs*,ho work {or three d€paltnìenrs(Dcparrncnts 1, 2 and 3). Each engineeris responsiblefor his own 1ììes.This multipersonorganizationis rellectedin îhe file tree. The uppermostdìrectory(calledthe device'sroot dirccrory)points to three "departmentdire€tories."Each departmentdiectory points to several"engineer's directories."And the engineerscan organizetheir files as theywish by usingtheir own diectories. Each file (directoryor data) hasa uniqueshortestpath connectingit to the root directory of the device. For instance,in Figure3-1,the lile calledSIM-SOURCE hasrheparh DEPTI/BILL/SIM-SOURCE. This notion oi "path"re8ectsrhe hierarchicalnarureof the named-filetree. Anolher characteristicof hìerarchicalfile namingis rhat rhereis lesschancelbr duplicate file names. For example,note that Fieure3 I containsdirectoriesfbr two individuals namedBill. (Thesedirectoriesare on rhe extremeieft and right of the third level of the figure.) Even if the rightmostBiìl had a dîta file with the file nameof SIM-oBJECT, its path would differ from that leftmost Bill's SIM-OBJECT. Specifically,the lefrmostSIMOBJECI is identifiedbyi DEPTl/BILL/SIM-OBJECT whereasthe rightmostSIM-OBJECTwouldbe identilied by: DEPT3/BILL/SIM-OBJ ECT Wheneveryour applicationmanipulateseither kind of namedfile, the îpplication must tell the BasicI/O Systemwhich file is to be manipulated.There are severalwaysto specifya particularnamedfile to the BasicI/O System,all ofwhich involveconnections andpaths. 3.3.1 Connections Onceyou havea connectionto a parîicularnamedfile, you can usethe connectionas the PREFIX pa.ameterof any systemcall. If, in the samecaì1,you set the SUBPATTI parameterto NIL or SELECTOR$OF(NIL),the BasicI/O Systemwill ignorethe SUBPATH and useonly the PREFIX ro find that particularflle. BasicI/O User'sCuide N A NÍF:I) FILES 3.3.2Paths If you do not havea connectionto the file, you can specilythe file by usingits path. To do lhis, build an iRMX II string. (An iRMX lI stringis a representationofa characterstring. To representa string of n characters,you must usen+ l consecutivebytes. The first byte containsthc charactercount,n. The followingn bytescontainthe ASCII codesfor the characters,in the sameorder as the string.) This string is calleda path name. Then use a pointer to this path nameas the SUBPATH parameterin the systemcall,and usethe deviceconnectionas the PREFIX parameterin the systemcall. For example,ifyour namedîile tree is on Drive l, and ìt hasthe path name DEPT2/HARRY/TEST-RESULTS, you can specii, the file by usingthe devrce connectionlbr Drive 1 as the PREFIX parameterand a pointer to the path nameas the SUBPATH parameter- 3.3.3 Prefixand Subpath Onceyour applicationhasobtaineda connectionto a directoryfile within a namedfile tree, the applicationcan usethat conneclionas a basisfor reachingall files thaî descend from the directory. For example,referringagainto Figure3-1,supposeyour applicîtion hasa connectionto Directory DEPTI/TOM. The applicationcan refer to D:ìî, File BATCH-l by usingboth the PREFIX and the SUBPATH parameters.The applicationshouldusethe connection to DirectoryDEPTl/TOM as the PREFIX, and it shouldusea pointer to a subpathname as the SUBPATH. The subpathnameis a stringthat connectsDirectory DEPIl/TOM to Data File BATCH"1. For îhis example,the subpathnameis TEST-DATA/BATCH-1. 3.3.4 DefaultPrefix Within one iRMX IIjob. most refercncesto a namedfile tree a.e generallyconfinedto one branchof the tree. For example,in Figure3-l, Tom will usuallyaccessthe files in his directorymore frecluentlvthan liles outsideof his directory. Recognizingthis clustering, lhe BasicI/O Systemprovidesthe notion of defauÌtprefix. The Basicl/O Systemallowsyour appÌicationro spccifyonc dcfault prefìx for each iRMX II job. A defaultprefir is a connectionto a directoryat the headof the most commonlyùsedhrrnch in vour nemedfile tree. For instance,in Figùre 3-1,Tom's appìicationwould probablyuseíl connectionto Directory DEPTl/TOM as the default prefir. To use the defaultprefil(,the applicationsetsthe PREFIX pa.ameterto NIL or SELECTOR$OF(NIL), BasicI/O Useis Gùide NAMEDFILES A defaultprefìxprovidesa job with two advantages.First, by providinga referencepoint within a namedfile tree, it alLowsyour applicationto usesubpathnamesinsteadof path namcs. Ifyour trcc is severallevelsdeep,thìs can saveprograrnrningtinre during development.Second,and more significantly,a defaultprefir providesa meansofwriting generalizedapplicationcodethat canwork at any ofseveral locationswithin a trcc. Consideran example.Supposethat an assembler(implementedas an iRMX IIjob) uses a defaultprefir to find a locationin a namedfile tree. The assemblercould then Ltsea subpathnameof TEMP to find or createa temporarywork fiìe. Before an application invokesthe assembler,it setsthe defaultprefix of the assemblerjobto a directoryin the application'snamedfile tree. This allowsmore than onejob to invoke the assembler concurrenîlywithout the risk ofsharing temporaryfiles. The BasicI/O Systemkeepstrack of a job's defaultprefix by usingthejob's otrject directory. Wheneveryour tasksusethe SET$DEFAULT$PREFIX systemcall to specify a connectionas beingthe default,the BasicI/O Systcmcatalogsthc conncctionundcr thc name$ in thejob's objectdirectory. 3.4 CONTROLLING ACCESSTO FILES In most environmentswherefiles are sharedamongmultiple users,it is necessaryto have a meansof controllingwhich usershaveaccessto $hich files. Among userswhohave accessto a givenfile, it is frequentiynecessary to grant different kinds of accessto different users.The iRMX II OperatingSyste providesthis control \ identifyingusers with user IDs and embeddingaccessrìghtsfor theselDs into the files. This secîion describesthe userID and file accessmechanisms. 3.4.1 Usersand UserObiects The iRMX II OperatingSyst€musesthe conceptof "user"to correlrte file a.cessto peopleor to iRMX II jobs. But the precisedefinition of "user"dependson îhe nature of your application. Ifyour applicationallowsseveralpeopleto enter information(at terminals,for example), you might want to considereachperson(or smallgroupofpersons)a user. This allows eachindividual(or smallgroup)to maintainaccessdifferent from other indivicluals(or smallgroups). Alternatively,ifyour applicationdoesnot interactwith people(or allowsonly one person to interact),you mighl wish to considereachiRMX IIjob as a user. This setupwould allowyour applicationto control the îiles that eachjob can access. BasicI/O Uscr's Guide l-5 N \\IID I'ILES In more generalterms,the set of entitiesthaî manipulatenamedfiles in your systemis the sct of all users. lî you want all of theseentitiesto be ableto accessany file, you can considerthem to be a singleuser. Flowever,ifyou want to distributedifferent acressto Lììllerentcollectionsoflhese enlities,you musrdivide the enaitiesìnto subsets,eachof which is a separateuser. For cxemple,ìook at Figure 3-1. As mentionedearlier,all engineersare responsiblefor their own files. lf engineerswant Io haveuniqueaccessîo their files (perhapspermitting no one elseto use their files),eachengineermustbe a separateuser. Flowever,if all engineersare wiLlingto give uniform aocessto other membersof the department,then the oePartmenlcan be a separateusef, 3 . 4 . 1 . 1U s e rl D s A userlD ìs a l6"bit numberthat representsany individualor collcctìonof indiriduals requiring a separateidentity for the purposcofgaining accessto files. The BasicI/O SystemLrses a specieltypeof objectcalleda userobjectwhen determining accessrights to files. A userobjectcontainsa list of one or more userIDs. Wlten a tesk altemptsto manipul{tea file,it mustsupplythe îokenfor a userobject. lo determilre access, îhe OperatingSystemcomparesrhe IDs in the supplieduserobjectwith ìnformation containedin the file itself. To understanduserobjects,consjderan applicationin which everypersonwho accesses the systemis a separateuser. In this sìtuation,everypersonwould havea separateuser object. The userobjecl represenlsthe person. 'l he first lD in the userobjectis the ownerID. This is the ID of the userwhom the object represents.lf you think of a userobjectas a person,the ownerID representsthe nameof that person. When a personcreatesfiles,the OpcratingSystemautomaticallyembedsthe ownerID of that person'suserobjecainto the file, atlowingthat personautomaticaccess to rhe lile. The IDs that follow rhe ownerlD representadditionalkilds of accessthat the personhas. For exampÌe,peopleoften belongto organizationssùchas athleticclubsand fraternal croupswhich distributeidentitycardsto their members.To participatein the organization,peoplemust showtheir ìdentitycardsto prove they are members.The user IDs that follow the ownerlD servethe samepurpose. They jdentily the personas one of a selectgroup,all ofwhom havethe sameaoressto a certainset of files. The Basicl/O Systemhasthree systemcallsthat rnanipulateuser objects: . 3-6 CREATE$USER createsa userobjectand returnsto the calìingtask a token for that userobject. BasicI/O User'sGuide NAMEDFILES . DELETE$USERdeleres a userobjeo. . INSPECT$USER returnsto thecallingraskthelist oflDs in theuserobjectspecified in thecall. 3.4,t.3 OefaultUserOblectFor a Job Mostl/O operations performedwithina particulariRMX lljob areperformedon behalf of oneuserobject.Recognizing this,theBasicI/O Systemallowsyourapplication to designate a defauìtuserobjectfor eachjob.Wleneveryourapplication invokesa Basic I/o Systemcallon behalfofthedefaultuserobject,the application canuse SELECTOR$OF(ML)asrherokenfor the"user"paramerer.The Basjcl/O System recognizes the SELECTOR$OF(NIL) asrefeúingto the defaultuser. TheBasicl/O Systemprovidestwo systemcallsto manipulate a job'sdefaultuser. SET$DEFAULT$USER canbeusedeitherto changean existingdefar.rlt userobjector, in thecaseofjobshavingno defaultuserobject,to establish one. GET$DEFAULT$USER canbe usedto ascerrain rhedefaultuserfor a job. The BasicI/O Systemusesthejob'sobjectdirectoryto keeptrackof thejob'sdefaultuser object.Whenever oneofyoùr taskssetsor getsa defaultuserobject,the BasicI/O Systemeithercatalogs or looksup theentryfor thedefaultuserobjectin the object directory.It usesthenameR?IOUSERto referto the defaultuserobject.To prevent problems, youshouldconsiderR?USERto be a reseraed name,andyoushouldavoid usingit. 3.4.2 Typesof Accesslo Files Eachofthe two kindsofnamedfiles-directory îilesanddatafiles-canbeaccessed il four differentways. Everydirectoryfile canporentially be accessed in oneor moreofthe followingways: Delete Deletethe direcroryfile withA$DELETE$FILE. List Obtainthecontentsofthe directoryfile withA$READ or A$GET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY, Add Entry Add entriesto the direoorywithA$CREATE$FILE, A$CREATE$DIRECTORY, or A$RENAME$FILE. ChangeEntry Changetheaccess rightsof fileslisredin the directorywith A$CIIANGE$ACCESS. BasicI/O UsePsGuide \,\MET' FILES Every data file can potentiallybe aclessedin one or more ofthe followingways: Delete Delete rhe file wirh A$DEI-ETE$FILE or renameihe file with A$RENAME$FILE. Read Readthe file wìth A$READ. Append Add informationto the end of the file with A$WRITE. Update Changeinformationin the file with A$WRITE or drop informationwith A$TRUNCAI'E, A uscr'saccessrights to a particularfile dependon the accesslist associaiedwith that file. 3.4.3 FileAccessList For eachnamedfile (data or directory),the BasicI/O Sysremmaintainsan accesslist which definesthe users$ho haveaccessand their acess rights. Each arcessljst is a collcctionof up to three ordcredpairs haviDgthe folltì ID, accessmask 'Ihe ID portion is a userID- The lìst of userIDs defìnesthe userswho can accesstlte file. 1'heaocessmaskportion definesthe kind of file aqjessthat the correspondinguserhas. An aoccssmuskis a bye in which inclividualbis representthe vaaiouskinds of access pcrmitted or deniedthat user. When sucha bit is set to f. it signifiesthat the associated kind of (ccessis permirted. Whcn sct to 0, the bit signifiesrhat the associatedkind of accessis denied. The associationbetweenthe bits ofthe accessmaskand the kinds of accessthey control are as follows(wherebìt 0 is the least-significant bìt): Bit DirectoryFiles Data Files 0 1 2 3 Delete List Add Entry ChangeEntry Delete Rcad Append Update The remainingbits in the accessmaskhaveno significance. For example,an ^ccesslist for a data file might look ]ìke the following: 5 B 3 l 0 0 0 0 1l10 9F2C 00000010 3-8 BasicI/O User'sGuide NAMED FILES wherethe ID nùr'nbcrs(left column)are in hexadecimaland the accessmasks(right column)are in binary. This meansthaî the ID number5B31hasread,append,and updateacressrights,while thc lD numbcr 9F2Chasthe read accessright. The first entry in the file's accesslist is placedthere automaticallyby the BasicI/O Systemwhen it createsthe file. The ID po.tion of that entry is the first ID numberin the userobjectspecjfiedin the call îo A$CREA-IE$FILE. That ID is known as the ownerID for the file. The accessrightsportion is suppliedas a parameterin the samecall. Taskscan alter the acresslist of a file by meansoîthe ASCIIANGE$ACCESSsystem call. With A$CHANGE$ACCESS,you can add or deleteID-accesspairs,and you can changelhe accessrighrsoflDs alreadyin the accesslist. NOTÉ, The userwhoseID is theownerID for a file hasoneadvantage overother users.Onlya file'sownercanusetheA$CIIANGE$ACCESS systemcall to modifythe file'saccess list withoutbeinggranieder?licitpermission to do so. 3.4.4 ComputingAccessfor FileConnections 'Whenever a taskcallsA$CREATE$DIRECIORY, A$CREATE$FILE, or A$ATTACH$FlLE,thc Basicl/O Systemconstructs an access maskandbindsit to the file connection objectreturnedby thecall. Thisaccess maskis constantfor thelife of the connection, even if thc acccsslist for the file is subsequentlyaltered. When rhe connection is used to manipulaaethe file, the accessmask for the connection deterúines how the file can be accessed. For example, if the computed accessrigits for a connection to a data file do not inclurleappendingor updating,then that connectioncannotbe used in an invocationofA$WRITE. When a task callsA$CREATE$DIRECIORY or A$CREATE$FILE, the accessmask for the connectionis the sameas the accessmaskthat the task suppliesin the "access" parameterof the systemcall. However,when a taskcallsA$ATTACH$FILE, the Basic I/O Systemcomparesrhe userobjectspecifiedin the "user"parameterwìth the file's accesslist and computesan aggregatemask. Figure 3-2 illustratesthe algorithmthat the BasicI/O Systemusesdrjringa call to ASATTACH$F[LE. As the figure shows,the BasicI/O Systemcomparesthe IDs in the specifieduserobjectwith the IDs in the file's accesslist. The accessmaskscorresponding to matchingIDs are logicallyORed, forming an aggregatemask. BasicI/O User'sCùide 3-9 NAMEDFILES Figùre 3-2. Computidgthe AccessMask for a File CoÍnectioú Normally,the BasicI/O Systemusesthe aggregateaccessmaskembeddedin the connectionto deterùine a task'sability to accessa file. However,there are two circùmstances in which the BasicI/O Systemcomputesaccessagain:during A$CI{ANGE$ACCESSand duringA$DELETE$FILE. When a task invokesone ot thesesystemcalls,the BasicI/O Systemcomlutes the ac.essto the targetfile (or to rhe datafile or directoryspecifiedin the "prefix"parameter,if the subpathportion is null). If the userobjectspecifiedin the systemcall doesnot haveappropriateaccessrights,the BasicI/O Systemdeniesthe task the abiiìtyto deletethe file or changethe access. 3-10 BasicI/O Usels Guide NAMEDFILES NOTE Whencomputing access, theBasicI/O System checksthe access onlyto thelastiile in the specified subpathandto theparentdirectoryofthe last file. It doesnot checkthe access to anyotherdirectoryfilesspecified in thepath. If the subparh is null,theBasicI/O System checksthe access to the file indicatedbythe "prefix"parameter. 3.4.5SpecialUsers Therea.e twouserIDs thatcanhavespecialmeaningto theBasicI/O System.Oneis the number0 (thesystemmanager),whichhasspecialmeaningto the BasicI/O Sysr€m. The otheris thenumber0FFFFH(theWORLDuser),whichcanhavespecialmeaning basedon the application. Ifso indicatedduringtheconfiguration process, userID 0 represents the "system manager."A userobjectcontaining thisvalueis privilegedin tworespects.First,whenit is usedto createor attachfiles,theresultingfile connection automatically hasreadaccess to datafilesandlist access to directoryfiles. Thisis trueevenifa file,saccess list doesnot containan lD-access maskpairwhoseID valueis 0. Thesecondprivilegegrantedsucha userobjectis that it cancallA$CHANGE$ACCESS to changeanyfile'saccess list. By convention, the user ID 0FFFFH represents WORLD (all users in the system). To implementthis convention,you shouldplacethe lD for WORLD in the list of userIDs for everyuserobjelt you create. This allowsyour applicationto set asidecertainîiles as public files,givingeveryoneJìmitedaccess.For example,your file systemmight containa seriesof utiJities,suchas compilersor linkers,which all usersneedto access.Insteadof grantingeveryoneaccesson an indìvidualbasis(which is impossibleifyou havemote than three users),you can grant the userWORLD accessto the fiies. SinceWORLD is on the ID list of everyuserobject,this grantseveryoneaccessto the files. As a side eff€ctof ircludilg thc WORLD ID in everyuserobject,any file whoseownerID is 0FFFFH (WORLD) can haveits accesslist modifiedby anyone.That is, any file connectionfor rhar file can be usedin a caìl to A$CHANGE$ACCESS. 3.4,6 Example Ttre following example can help you understand how to use lDs, accessmasks, ac.cesslists, anduserobjectsto permiteachuserin a systemto haveexactlythe kindsof access that you want that user to have llasic I/O Ilser's Cuide 3-11 NAMED FILES Relèrringbackto Figlre 3-1,supposethat Tom is to haveall kjnds of accessro rhe file BATCH-I, that Bill is to haveread and appendaccessonly,and that the membersof Department2 are to haveread accessonly. Tom (or whoevercreatesBATCH-I) can arrangefor thesekindsof accessby doing the fotlowing: . Createa numberofuser objects,one for Tom, one for Bill, and one for eachof the membersof Department2 (Geofge,Harry, and Sam). When crearingrhe user objects,assignuniqueownerIDs for eachuser. Assumethat the ownealD numbers are 4000Hfor Tom and 8000Hfor Bill. Assignuniqueowner IDs for eachof the membersof Department2, but alsoincludea commonuserID (assumeF000H for this example)as an additionalID in eachoftheir userobjects.) r Use A$CREATE$FILE to createthe file BATCH-I. In rhe call ro A$CREATE$FILE, úsethe token for th€ userobjectcontainingth€ 4000HID number and specirythe accessmask00001111B.This call returnsa file connection that givesits ùser(Tom) all kìndsof accessto BATCH-I. Ar this point, the accesslist for BATCH-1 hasjust one lD-accessmaskpair. . UseA$CHANGE$ACCESSto add an ID-accessmaskpair ro the accesslis! of BATCH-I. The ID shouldbe 8000Hand the accessmaskshouldbe 000001108.This givesBill read and appendaccessto Batch L Now rhc acccssÌist for BATCII-1 has two lD-accessmaskpairs. . Use A$CHANGE$ACCESSto add a third pair to the accesslist ofBATCH-I. The ID shouldbe F000H and the accessmaskshouldbe 000000108.This givesthe people in Dcpartment2 read accessto BATCH-1. . lnform Bill that he can read the contentsof BATCH-1 and appendnew informarionro it. Desqibeto him the prelir andsuhparh rharare neededró artrrchBATCH-r,ano tell him to createa userobjectvr'iththe ID 8000H. Tell him to specifythat userobject when altachingBATCH-1. . Inform the membersof Department2 that theycan read the contentsof BATCH-I. Describefor them the prefix and subpathneededto attachBATCH-1, and tell them to createuserobjectsthat contaìnan entry for the ID F000H. Tell them to speciîy thoseuserobjectswhen attachingBATCH-1. When Bill attachesBATCH-1, hc receivesa filc connefiionrhar he can usein callsto A$READ. He alsocan useASWRITE, providedrhar rhe file poinrer for that connection is at the end of the file. When a memberof Department2 attachesBATCH-1, he receivesa lile connectionthat he can usein callsto A$READ. Note that this exampleshowsthat one ID numbercan be usedto givecertain accessrights to an individualand that anotherID numbercan be usedto give differenraccessrightsto d collectionof indivìduals. BasicI/O Usels Guide NAMEDFILES 3.5 EXTENSION DATA For cach named file on a randon accessvolurne, rhe Basic T/O Sysremcreares and maintains a file descriptor on the same volume. The first portion of the descriptor contains information for the Basic I/O System. The last portion, called cxtcnsion data, is availableto your operatingsystemextension.You specilythe number (from 0 to 255, inclusive)ofbytes of extensiondatafor eachnamedfile on the volume,when formatting the volumewith the FORMAT urility. Ifyou are writing an operatingsystemextension,and you want to recordspecial informationin a file's descriptor,you can useA$SET$EXTENSION$DATAto plàcethe data into the trailing portion of the descriptor.A$GET$EXTENSION$DATA car be usedto accessthis datawhen it is neededlater. 3.6 SYSTEMCALLSFORNAMEDFILES Severalsystemcallsrelateto iRMX II namedfiles. Someofthese callsare usefulfor hoth data and directoryfiles, somefor only one kild of file, and sonre(suchas CREATE$USER) don'r rclate ro either kind of le. The followingsectionsbrielly explainthe purposeof eachofthe systemcaÌls. The descriptionsare groupedby functionrather îhan alphabetically.Thesedescriptionsaae very brlel. The Ertended iRlvlX II Baic I/O Svstm CaIb RefercnceMarudl conrains dctailcd dcscriptionsof the calls. 3.6.1 Obtainingand DeletingConnections Six system calls pertain to obtaining or delcling connections. . A$CREATE$FILE This call appliesonly to data iiles. Your applicationmust usethis call to createa new data file, and it can usethis call to obtaina connectionto an exìstingdata file. lf rhe applicationusesthis call to createa new file, the BasicI/O Systemautomaticallyadds an entry in the parenrdirectoryfor rhis new file. . A$CREATE$DIRECTORY This call appliesonly to directoryfiles. Your applicationmust userhis calì to cteaîea new directoryfile. The caÌlcannotbe usedto oblain a connectionto an existing directory. Th€ BasjcI/O SystÈnìautoln,llicalyaddsan enlry in rhe parent direcrory fbr this new directory. . A$A'l'IACH$FILE This call appliesto both data and directoryfiles- Your applicationcan usethis call to obtain a connectionto an existingdata or directoryfile. BàsicI/O fÌser's cuide NAMED F'ILES . A$DELETE$CONNECTION This call appliesto both data and directoryfiles. Your applicationcan use this call to deletea connectionto either kind ofnamed file. This call cannotbe usedto deletea deviceconnection. . A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE This call doesnot directlyapplyto either data or directoryfiles. Your applicationuses this call io obtain a connectionto a device. Even thoughthis connectionis a device connection,it can be usedas the prefix for the root directoryof the device. However, usingthis systemcall c.auses a task to loseits devìceindependence. . A$PHYSICAIJDETACH$DE\{CE This call doesnot directlyapplyto either data or directoryfiles. Your appJìcationuses this call to deletea conùectionto a device. 3.6.2UserObiects Fivesystemcallspertaindirectlyto userobjects.Noneof thesecallsarespecìfically relatedto dataor directoryfiles. Thecallsare: . CREATE$USER Thiscallis usedto createa userobject. . DELETE$USER This call is used to delete a user object. . INSPECT$USER This call is usedto ascertaina userobje,ct'sid and to find out to which groupsthe user belongs. I SEfiDEFAULT$USER Your applicationcan usethis call ro establisha defaulruserfor any iRMX Iljob. r GET$DEFAULT$USER Your applicationcan usethis call to ascertainthe defaultuserfor any iRMX IIjob. 3- 1,1 BasicI/O User'sCuide NAMEDFILES 3.6.3 DefaultPrefixes Twocallspertainto defaultpr€fixes, andneirhcrot thcsccrllspertainsdirecrlyto data files or directoryfiles. The callsare: T SET$DEFAULT$PREFIX Your application canusethiscallto setthe defaultprefixfor anyiRMX TIjob. I GET$DEFAULT$PREFIX Your application canusethiscaUto ascertain the defaultprefixfor anyiRMX IIjob. 3.6.4Manipulating Data Eightsystemcallsallowyouto manipulate the datain a ffle. Fourapplyto bothdirectory anddatafiles,twoapplyto datafilesonly,andrwoareauxiliarycallsthataid in thedata manipulation process.Thesystemcallsare: . A$OPEN Thiscallappliesto bothdataanddirectoryfiles. Befoteyourapplication canuseany other system calls to manipLiate file data, the applicetion must open a connection ro the file. This system call is the only way to open a conneclion. . A$CLOSE This call appliesto both data and di.ectoryfiles. AJter your applicationhas finished manìpulatinga file, the applicationcan usethis systemcall to closethe Îile connection. Your applicationcan elect!o leaverhe file open,lettingthe BasicI/O Systemcloseit when the connectionis deleted,but there is an advantageto closingcolnectionswhen they are not beingused. This advantagederivesfrom the fact that, when a connectionis sharedbetweentwo or more applications,someof the applicationscan placerestdctionson the mannerof sharing. For instance,an applicationcan specirysharingwith writers only. By closing connections, your appÌicationcan improvethe likelihoodthat the connectionscan be usedby orher applications.A conne,ction is not closeduntil all pendingI/O requests havebeenhandled. . A$SEEK This systemcall appliesto both data and directoryfiles. Wheneveryour application reads,writes,or truncatesa file, the applìcationmust tell the Basicl/O Systemthe locationin the file wherethe operationis to takeplace. To do this,your application usesthe A$SEEK systemcall to positionthe file pointer of the file connection.The A$SEEK systemcall requùesthat the file connectionbe open. Basicl/O Usefs Guide 3-r5 NAMED FII,F]S . A$READ This systemcall appliesto both data and directoryfiles. Your applicationcan usethis systemcall to read file data from the locationindicatedby the file pointer and place the data in a memorybuffer. Before usingthis systemcall,your applicationcan use the A$SEEK systemcall to positionthe file pointer. The A$READ systemcall requiresthat the file connectionbe open. lt alsorequiresthat the segmentofmemory to whichyou copythe data be a writablesegment. The outcomeof this systemcall dependsupon whethera data file or a directory is beingread. lfyour applicationreadsa datafile, the applicationwill receivedata that makesup the file. If the applicationreadsfrom a directory,the applicationwill receivedata that representsthe entriesofthe directory. Each entry in a dùectoryconsistsof 16bytes. The first two bytesconraina 16-bitfile descriptornumbercorrespondingto the file descriptornumberassociated with the A$GET$FILE$STATUS systemcall in the ÀÍentletl |RMX II Baric I/O Ststem Calk RekrenceManual. The remaining14b1'tesare the ASCII charactersmakingup the nameof the file to which the directoryentry points. (A file's nameis the lasr componentof a path name.) The advantagein usingthe A$READ systemcall to read a directoryis that your applicationcan obtainseveralentrieswith one operation. . A$WRITE This systemcall appliesonly to datafiles. Your applicationusesthis systemcall to copyinformationfrom a memorybuffer and placeit in thc filc. Bcfore usingthis call, the applicationcan useA$SEEK to positionthe file pointer at the locationwithil the fiÌe to receivethe information. The A$WRTTEsystemcall requiresthat the file connectìonbe open. lt alsorequiresthat the segmentof mertory from which you copy the data be readable. . A$TRUNCATE This systemcall can be usedonly on data files. Your applicationcan usethis call to trim informationfrom the end of the file. To do so.the aDDlicationfirst must use A$SEEKto positiunthÈtile loinrer ar rhefinr hyrero hJdropped.Thcnrhe applicationinvokesthe A$TRUNCATE call to drop the specifiedbyte and any b)'îes Ìocatedafter the spccilicdbytc. The A$TRUNCATE systemcall requiresrhat th€ file connectionbe open. . WAIT$IO Your applicationcan usethis systemcall afrer callìngA$READ, ASWRITE. or A$SEEK to receivethe concurrentconditioncodeof the prior systerncall. WAIT$IO can also return the numberof bytesread or written. .3-t6 BasicI/O User'scùid€ NAMED FILES . A$UPDATE Thissystemcallforcesthe BasicI/O Systemto transferdataremainingin internal bufTers immediately to thefileson a device.Your application canusethissystemcall to ensurethatall fileson remoiTable volumeslsuchasdiskettes) areuDdated before the operatorremoves thevolume 3.6.5ObtainingStatus 'lhere are two status-related systemcalls,one for connectionsand one for files. The calls are A$GET$FILE$STATUSand A$GET$CONNECTION$STATUS.Both of thesecalls can be usedwilh data files and directorvfiles 3.6.6ReadingDirectory Entries There are two systemcallsthat your applicationcan useto read entrìesliom a directory. The A$READ systemcall (whichcan alsobe usedto read a datalile) wasdiscussed earlier,under the heaLlirg"Manipulati g Data." Th€ secondsyslemcall is A$CET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY. This systemcall can be usedonly on dìrectoryfiles, ,rndcan be usedwjthout openingî connection. 3.6.7 Deletingand RenamingFiles The BasicI/O Systemprovidesone slsterncall for deletingfiles and anotherfor renaming files. Both of thesecallscan be usedwith datafiles and diectorv files. The callsare: . A$DEI-F.TE$FILE Your applicationcan usethis systemcall to deletedata files and directoryfiles. Ilovrever,any attemptto deletea directorythat is Dot erìpty wìll result in an exceptionalcondition. 'lhe processof deletìnga tile involvestwo stages.First, the applicatìonmust call A$DELETE$FILE. This causesthe file to be markedfor deletion. The secondstagc, which is perlbrmedby lhe BasicI/O System,involvesdeciditg when to deÌeterhe file. The Basicl/O Systemdeletesmarkedliles only after all connectionsto the file have becn dclctcd. Rcfcr to thc A$DELETE$CONNECTION svstemcall to seehow to deleteconnections. . A$RENAMESFILE Your applicationcan usethis systemcall to renameboth data files and directoryliles. In renaminga file, your appiicationcan movethe file to any directoryin the samc namedfile tree. For exampìe,you can renameA/B/C to be A/X/C. ln effect,this examplesimplymovesFile C from Directory B to Directory X. This meansthat your applicationcan changeeverycomponentof a file's pàth name. Basict/O User'sGuid€ 3 -l 7 \A\tED FILES 3.6.8ChangingAccess 'fhe BasicI/O Systemprovidesone systeú call to let your applicationchangea file's accesslist. This call is A$CI{ANCE$ACCESS,ard it appliesto borh darafiles aùd directories. One rule govemsthe useofA$CHANGE$ACCESS-onIy the owoerofa file or a userwith changeentry accessto the directorycontainingthe file can changethe file,s acresslist. 3.6.9 ldentifyinga File'sName The BasicI/O Systemprovidesa systemcallto leryourapplication find out the last component of a file'spathnamewhentheapplication hasa connection to the file. The systemcallis A$GET$PATH$COMPONENI, andyoucanuseit on daîafilesand directories.For an explanation of howyoucanusethissystemcallrepeatedly to obtain theentirepathnamefor a file,seethedescription of thissystemcallin theExtendert |RMX II BasícI/O SystemCallsReference Manual. 3.6.10 ManipulatingExtensionData When you format a volumeto accommodatenamedîiles,you havethe option of allowing eachfìle to includeextensiondata. The Basicl/O Systemprovidestwo systemcalÌsthat albw you to get and set extensiondata. Thesecallsapplyto both data and directoryfiles. . A$SET$EXTENSIoN$DATA This call providesa meansofwrjring extensiondata. A$SET$EXTENSION$DATA can be usedeven if the file connectionis not open. . A$GET$EXTENSION$DATA This callprovidesa meansof readingexrensiondata. A$GET$EXTENSTON$DATA c;ln be usedevenifthe file connectionis not open. 3.6.11Detecting Changesin DeviceStatus TheBasicI/O SystemprovidestheA$SPECIALsysrem callro allowyourappÌication to detecta changein thestarusofthe devicecontaining yournamedfile tree. Specifically, yourapplication canusethe"notify"lunctionof theA$SPECLAL systemcallto establish a mechanism tbr findingout if thedeviceceases to be ready.For moreiaformation, reier to dìe A$SPECIAL secrior o'l fheEnended|RVIXII BasicI/O SJstefiCatL,Refercne tr[anual. 3-18 Basicl/O Us€r'sCuide NAMED FILES 3.7 ACCESSING THEGLOBALTIME.OF-DAY CLOCK The BasicI/O Systemprovidesone systemcall that obtainsthe rime of day from a battery-poweredtime-of-dayclocl, (calleda globalclock),if sucha clock is available. Another systemcall existsto set the globaltime-of-dayckrk. The systemcallsare . GET$GLoBAL$TIME This systemcall retu.ns the date and time valuestoredin the globaltime-of-day systemclock. r SET$GLoBAr-$TIME This call setsthe globaldate and timEvaluesin the gÌ!ìballime-of-Llayclock. 3.8 ACCESSING FILESTHROUGH iRMX-NET The BasicI/O Systemsupports the iRMX NET localareanetworkstandardby allowing youto configurethe remotefile driverandbyprovidingtheENCRYPI systemcall. This systemcallencrypts passwords asdefinedby theìRMX-NETlocalareanetwork encry?tion standard. 3.9 CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW OF NAMEDFILES Thesystemcallsthatcanbeusedwith namedfilescannotbe usedin arbitraryorder. This sectionprovidesyouwith a senseof howthecallsrelateto oneanother. 3.9.1MostFrequently UsedSystemCalls Figure 3-3 showsthe chronologicalreÌltionshipsbetweenthe most frequentlyusedBasic l/O Systemcalls. To usethe figure,startwith the leftmostbox and follow the arrows. Any path that you can trace is a legitimatesequenceof systemcalls. Keep in mind that this figure doesnot representall possiblesequences. 3.9.2CallsRelating to UserObjects The systemcallsrelatingto userobjectsare completelyindependentoi other BasicI/O SystemcalÌs. With one exception,your applicationmust havea userobjectbefore it can trseany systemcall requiringa userobject. Five systeú callsp€rtain to userobjects.Ofthe five, GET$DEFAULT$USER and CREATE$USER can be invokedat any time. Two others,DELETE$USER and INSPECT$USER,can be invokedonly after userobjectsexist. The remainingcall, SET$DEFAULT$USER requiresthat both ajoh and a userohjectexist. BasicI/O User's cuide 3-.19 NAMEDFILES f ' "l 1' 'l.l[i+l[]f; - r^"ri:" { - l ' L. i l L f' I ll . DATA FILES DIRECÎORIES I -f___l l- 'l [-l [J | .4r l'l ft rl | {_ti_l l !ró+ I .]-.r l'.'""1 .-l Drr r L Ioturr L----r _-1, figure 3-3, Chronolos/ of FrequentlyUsedSystemCalls for Named[iles 3.9.3 CallsRelatingto Prefixes The GET$DHFAULT$PREFIX systemcall can be invokedwhenevera job exists.The SÉ f$ DEFAULT$PREFIX.however. rcquireshorha job and c uscrohject. 3.9.4CallsRelating to Status Bothof the status-related systemcalls,A$GET$FILE$STATUS and A$GET$CONNECTION$STATUS, canbe invokedwhenever yourapplìcation hasa file connection. 3.9.5CallsRelating to ChangingAccess The only systemcall relatedto changingaccess, A$CILANGE$ACCESS,can be invoked whoneveryour applicationhasboth a userobj€cland a path or conneclionto a file. -ì.:0 BasicI/O User'sGuid€ NAMEDFILES 3.9.6Callsfor Monitoring DeviceBeadiness There is only one syst€nìcaLltlìat letsyour applicationmonitor the readinessof a device, the A$SPECIAL systemcall. Your applicationcan usethe "notiry"function of this call any time after your applicationhasobtaineda dcviccconncction. 3,9.7 CallsRelatingto ExtensionData The two systemcallsrelatingto extensiondata,A$GET$EXTENSION$DATA and A$SET$EXTENSION$DATA,can be invokedwheneveryour applicationhasa connectionto a file- 3.9.8 Calls for RenamingFiles The one call for renaminga file, A$RENAME$FILE, can be usedwheneveryour applicationhasa connectionto the file to b€ renam€d,a userobject,and a path that is to becomethe newpathname. 3.9.9 Calls for ldentifyingFile Names There is only one systemcall for finding out a file's name, A$GET$PATH$COMPONENT. Your applìcationcan usethis callwheneverthe applicationhas a connectionto the file. 3 . 9 . 1 0 C a l l sf o r | R M X - N E T The BIOS systemcall ENCRYPT encryptsa passwordto enableremote file ac4ess throughiRMX NET. You must use this call to encrypta password.The ENCRYPT systemcall can alsobe usedby any applicationthat needsto perform password encryption. Passworddecryptionis not supported. Rasic I/O flsefs Gùide 3-21 CHAPTER 4 PHYSICALFILES 4.1 INTRODUCTION TheBasicI/O System providesphysicalfilesto allowyourapplications to .ead(or write) stringsof bltes from (or îo) a device.Aphysicallile occupies an entiredevice,andthe BasicI/O System providesyourapplications wjth the abilityto capitalizeon the physical characteristics of thedevice- 4.2 SITUATIONS REQUIRING PHYSICAL FILES The closerelationshipbetweena deviceand a physicalfile is particularlyusefulwhenyour applicationusessequentialdevices.For example,you shouldusephysicalfiles to communicatewith line printers,djsplaytubes,plotters,magnetictape unirs,and robots. There are evensomeinsÌanceswhereyou shouldusephysicalfiÌes to communicatewith random devicessuchas disks,diskettes,ànd bubblememories. For instance . FormattingVolumes Wheneveryou createan applicationto format a disk or diskette,the appÌicationmust haveaccessto everybyteon the volume. Only physicalfiles provide this kind of access. r Volumesin FormatsRequiredby Other Systems llyour applicationmust read or write volumesthat havebeenformatÌedlor systems other than the BasicI/O System,you must usephysicalfiles. Your applicarionwill haveto interpret suchinformalion as lobelsand file structures.A physicalfile can provideyour applicationwith accessto the raw information. r Implementing Your Own File Format Supposethat your applicationrequiresa ìesssofhisticaîedfile strùctùrethan thxt provicJed by iRMX Il namedfiles. You can build a customfile structureusjnga Dhvsicalfile as a lbundation. BasicI/O User's Guide ,l-l PIIYSICAL FILES 4.3 CONNECTIONS ANDPHYSICAL FILES Although there js a one{o-one correspondence betweenthe byteson a deviceand the bytesof a physicalfile, the deviceconnectionis different than the file connection.The BasicI/O Systemmaintainsthis distinctionto remainconsistentwith namedfiles and slreamfiles. This consistenryhelpsyou developapplic,ltionsthat can useany kind offile. 4.4 USINGPHYSICAL FILES Severalsystemcallscan be usedwith physicalliles, but the order in which they are usedis not arbitrary. The followinglist providesa brief description(in chronologicalorder) of *,hat an applicatìonmust do to usea physicalfile. 1. Obtain a deviceconnection. Your applicationmust call A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE to obtain a device connectionîor the device. This needst() be rloneonly oncefor eachdeJr'ice and is necessaryfor t\r'oreasons.When your applicationcreatesthe physicalfile. the deviceconnectiontells the BasicI/O Systemwhich deviceis to containthe file and alsothat the file must be a physicalfile. 2 Obtain a file connection lfyour applicationknowsthat the file hasnor yet beencreated,it shouldusethe A$CREATE$FILE syst€nìcall to ot,tdina {ile connecrion.This witt work evenif rhe physicalîile hasalreadybeencreirted. Use the token of the deviceconnectionas the PREFIX parameterto tell the BasicI/O Systemwhich deviceyou want asyour physicaJfile. If, on the other hand,your applicarionis certainthat the file hasalreadybeen created,usethe A$ATTACH$FILE systemcall to obtain the file connection.To do this, your applicationcan us€either the deviceconnectionfor th€ deviceor an existjngfile connectionto the file as the PREFIX parameterin the systemcall. This carefuldistinctionbetweenthe AXiCREATE$FILEand the A$ATTACH$FILE systemcallsis necessarv ro be consistentwith namedfiles. If you want your applicationro work with any kind of file, vou must maintainthis consistency. 3. Open the file connection. Use the A$OPEN systemcall to open the connection.When openingthe connection,your applicationmust specilJ,how thc file can be sharedand how the aDolicationusesthe conne,ction. BasicI/O SystemUse.'sGuide PHYSICALFILES 4. Manipulatethe file. Four systemcallscan be usedto read,wite, or otherwisemanipulateyour physical file: 5. . The A$READ and A$WRITE systemcallscan be usedto read from tlìe device and write to the device,respectively. . The A$SEEK systemcall can be usedto manipulatethe file conne.tion'sfile pointer if the deviceis a randomdevicesuchas disk,diskette,or bubble. . The A$SPECIAL systemcall can be usedto requestdevice-dependenî functions from the devicedriver. The precisenature of thesefunctionsdependsupon the kind of deviceand the numberof specialfunctionssupportedby the device driver. Be awarethat useof specialfunctionscan preventan applicationfrom being device-independent. Closethe file connection. Use the A$CLOSE systemcali to closethe connecîion.This is particularly important if the sharemode of the connectionrestrictsrhe use of rhe fite through other connections.Note that your applicttion can repeatsteps2, 3, and 4 any numberof times. 6. Delete the file conneltion, Use the A$DELETE$CONNECIION systemcall to deleterhe file connection. This is only necessaryifyour applicationis complet€lylinishedusingthe file. 7. Requestthat the devicebe detached. Invoke the A$PHYSICAI$DETACH$DEVICE sysremcall to l€t the Operating Systemknow whenyour applicatìonis finishedusingthe device. The Operating Systemkeepstrack ofthe numberof applicationsusingthe deviceand avoids detachingit until it is no longerbeingusedby any applicaîion.Only then doesthe OperatingSystemactuallydetachthe device. All of these systemcalls are described in the Extmded íRMX II Basic I/O SystemCalb ReferenceManual. BasicI/O User's Cuide 4-3 5.1 INTRODUCTION Streamfiles provide a meansfor one taskto sendlarge amountsof informationto anothertask. Be awareîhat this is one of severaltechniquesforjob{o-job communication.If you are not familiar with other techniques,refer to fhe E).fenled .RMX II ProgrammingTechniquesManual. The aspectof streamfiles that makesthem very usefulis that lhey allow a task to communicatewith a secondtask as thoughthe secondtaskwere a device. This extends the notion of deviceindependence to includetasks. Becausetwo tasksare involvedin usingeachstreamfile, eachtask must perform one half of a protocol. There are severalprotocolsthat work, but the followingone is typicaland seÍvesas a good illustration. Note that the two halvesofthe protocolcan be performedin either order or concurrently. 5.2 ACTIONSREQUIRED OF THEWRITINGTASK The writing task must perform sevenstepsin its halfofthe protocol to ensurethat it has established communication with the readingtask The stepsare l. Obtain a connectionto the streamlile device. Although streamiiles do not actuallyrequie a physicaldevice,your applicationmtrst ca A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE to obtain a deviceconnectionb€ror€ creatinga streamtile. This is necessary because, when your applicationinvokesthe A$CREATE$FILE systemcall, the deviceconnectiontells the BasicI/O System what kind of file to creare. The A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE systemcall requiresa pa.ameterthat identifiesthe deviceto be attached.For streamfiles,there is only one device,and its nameis specifiedduringthe processof configuringthe system.lntel recommends the name"STREAM", but iî is possiblethat the personresponsibletbr contigùring your systemchangedthis name. For the remainderof this discussion,this manual assuuì€slhat lhe nilrneofyour slslem'srtream file deviceis "STREAM". BasicI/O Useis Guide 5-1 STREAM F'II,ES As with other devices,"STREAM" cannotbe multiply attached,so the system programshouldbe written so as to callA$PHYSICAL$ATIACH$DEVICE or y once. The programcan then savethe deviceconnecîionand passit to any applicatjonprogramthat requestsit. 2. Createthe streamfile. Use the A$CREATE$FILE systemcall with the deviceconnectionto createthe streamfile and obtaina token for a file connectionto the streamfìle. Use the token for the deviceconnectionas the PREFIX parameter,in order to tell the BasicI/O Systemto createa streamfile. 3. Passthe file connectionto the readingtask. 'Ìhere are severalwaysof doingthis, includingthe Ìrseof objectdirectoriesand mailboxes.For e{licit instructions,refer to the Er.tended iRMX II prcyamhíng TechniquesManual. 4. Open the file for writìng. Use the A$OPEN systemcall to open the file conne,ction for writing. Set the CONNECTION parameterequalto the token for the fiìe connection;set the MODE parameterfor writing: and set the SHARE parameterfor sharingonly with readers. 5. Write informationto the strcamfiìc. Use the A$WzuTE systemcall as often as neededto write informationto the stream file. Use the îoken for the file connectionas the CONNECTION parameter. The BasicI/O Systemusesthe concurrenrpart of the AgWzuTE systemcall to synchronizethe writing and readingtaskson a call-by-caìÌ basìs.The BasicI/O Systemdoesthis by sendinga responseto eachinvocationof ASWRITE only after the readingtaskhasfinishedreadingall informationthar waswritten by the A$WRITE call. Closethe connection. When finishedwriting to the streamfile, usethe A$CLOSE systcmcall to closethe connection.Note that after this step,the writing taskcan repeatsteps4, 5, and 6 as manytimesasneeded. Delete the connection. Use the A$DELETE$CONNECIION sysremcall to deletethe connecrionto the streamfile. All of thesesystemcallsare describedin the Ettended. íRIIX II BasicI/O Sy:temCath RekrenceManual. BasicI/O Usedscuide STRXAMFILES 5.3 ACTIONSREQUIRED OF THEREADING TASK The readingtask must perform the followingsiy stepsin its half of the protocolto successfully read the informationwritten by the writing task. 1. Cet the file connecrioofor the streamfile.s-: The techniqueusedto accompiishthis dependson how the writing taskpassedthe file connection. 2. Createa secondfile connectionfor the streamfile. The.e are two reasonsfor doingthis. First, the readingtask must havea dilferent file pointer thar that of th€ \yriti,ìgtask. Second,tle BasicI/O Systemrcjeclsany connecîionscreatedin one.jobbut usedby anoth€rto manipulatea file. Obtain this new connectionby usingthe A$ATTACH$FILE systemcall. Set the PREFIX parameterto the token for the originalfile connection. NOTE The readingtask can alsousethe A$CREATE$FILE systemcall to obtain the new connectionto the samestreamfile. The reasonfor this is that the BasicI/O Systemexaminesthe natur€ofthe PREFIX parameterin the A$CREATE$FILE systemcall. If the valueprovidedis a device corinection,the BasicI/O Systernwill creotea new file and return a connectionfor it. On tlìe other hand,il the valLreprovidedis d file connection,the BasicI/O Systemwill just cteateanotherconnectionto the samefile. This carefuldistinctionbetw€enthe A$CREATE$FILE and the A$ATTACH$FILE systemcallsis necessaryto be consistentwith named and physicalfiles. If you wantyour applicationto work with any kind of file, you must maintainlhis consìslency. 3. Open the new file connectionfor reading. Use the A$OPEN systemcall to open the connectionfor reading. Setthe CONNECTION parameterequalto the bken for the new connection.Set the MODE parameterfor reading,and set the SHARE parameterfor sharingwith all connectionsto the file- 4. Commencereading. Use the A$RBAD systemcall to reiìd the lile until readingis no longernecessaryor until an end-of-fileconditionis detectedbv the BasicI/O Svstem. 5. Closethe new file connection. Use the A$CLOSE systemcall to closethe new file connection.Note that after this step,the readingtaskcan repeatsteps3, 4, and 5 as manytimes as needed. BasicI/O Use/s Guide S'TR,EAM FILES 6. Delete the new lile connection. Use the A$DELETE$CONNECTTONsystemcallto deletethe new connechonto the streamfile. The writing task deletesthe old connection,and,as soonas both connectionshavebeendeleted,the BasicI/O Systemdeletesthe streamfile. All of these systemcafs are descrìbedìn the Extetule.l|RMX Il BasícI/O SystemColb ReferenaeManwl. 5-,1 BasicI/O Uset'scuide 5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapterprovidesyou with backgound informationon the systemcallsof the Basic I/O System.For detailedinformationon systemcall par arîe|ers,refeî 6 theE$ended iRMX II Basic I/O Systen Calb ReferenceManual. BIOS syst.em callscan be dividedinto two caÌegoriesaccordingto their names. The first categoryconsistsofsystemcallshavingnamesof the form RQ$XXXXX whereXXXXX is a brief descriptionof what the systemcall does. The secondcategory consistsof systemcallshavingnnmesof the form RQ$A$XXXXX Systemcallsof the first category,without the A, are synchronous calls. They begin runnìngas soonas your applicationinvokesthem,and continuerunninguntil they detect an error or accomplisheveq4hingtheymust do. Then they return control to your application. In other words.synchronous callsact like srrbroutines. Systemci ls of the secondcategory(thosewith the A) are calledasynchronous because they accomplishtheir objectivesby usingtasksthat run concurrentlywith your appÌication. This allowsyour applicationto accomplishsomework while the BasicI/O Systemdeals with devicessuchas disk drivesand tape drives. 6.2 SYNCHRONOUS SYSTEMCALLS Thefollowingparagraphs explainpropertiesofcertaininputparameters to synchronous BasicI/O System calls. BasicI/O User'sCùid€ 6.1 SY\CHRONOUS ANDASINCHRONOUS SYSTEMCALLS 6.2.1UserParameter This parameteris specifiedin manysynchronous systemcalls(and il someasynchronous onesaswell). It containsa token designatingthe caller'suscr objcc!. A SELECTOR$OF(NIL) specificationdesignates the defaultuser. The BasicI/O System ignoresthis parameterfor physicÀland streamfiles. 6.2.2 File-PathParameter(s) for NamedFiles Namedfiles are designatedin systemcallsby specifyingtheir path, that is, thei prefix and subpath.The prefi\ pa.ametercan be a token designatingan existingdeviceconne.tion or file connection.lf this parameteris SELECTOR$OF(ML), the defaultprefix for the callingtask'sjob is assumed. For namedfiles, the subpathparameteris a pointer to an ASCII string. The form ofthis string is describedin the followingparagraph.The subpathcan also be NIL or can point to a null string,in which casea prefix indicaresrhe desiredconnection.For physicaland streamfiles, the subpathparameteris alwaysignored. NOTE A file connectionthat wasobtainedin onejob cannotbe usedas a connectionby anotherjob- However,a file connectioncan be usedas a prefix by otherjobs in any call requiringprelix and subpathparameters. (The only exceptionsto this rule are that rhe otherjobs cannoruse rhe connectionas a prefix while specilyinga null subpathin callsto A$CHANGE$ACCESSor A$DELETE$FILE.) This meansthat a file connectioncan be passedto anotherjob and the otherjob can obtain its own connectionto the samefile by callingA$AT-|'ACH$FILE,with the passedfile connectionbeingusedas the prefix paramet€rin the call. 6"2 Basicl/O User'scuide SYNCHRONOUSAND ASYNCHRONOUSSYSTEMCALLS Systemc{lls rcfcrring to namedfiles can specifypatlrsin the followilg forms: Prefix Subpath DesìgnatedConnection a pomter to a null string Connectionwhosetoken is the deiault prefix. 0 Pointerto ASCII string ASCII string definesa path from the connection whosetokenis the delàult prefix to the targetconnection- token a pcinter to a null string Connectionwhosetoken is containedin the preîix. token Pointerto ASCII string Prefixparxmeter containsa token for a connection.ASCII string deîinesa path from thît conneclionto the target connection. The subparhASCII stringis a lisr of file namesseperatedby slashes,terminatingwith the desiredfile. A file namecan be 1-14ASCII characters,includingany printîble ASCII characterexceptthe slash(/) and up-arrow0 or circumflex("). In Figure 6-1,for example,if the preîix is the token for directoryOBSTETRICSand we wìshto reference lile OUT-PATIENT, the subpathparamerermust point to the srrjng DELIVERY/POST-PARTUM/OUT.PATIENT If the ASCII stringbeginswith a slash,the prefir mcrcly dcsignatcsthe tree and thc subpathis assumedto start at the root directoryof the tree associated with the prefix. For example,if the prefix designares directoryGYNECOLOGY in Figure6-t, the subparhro oUT-PATIENT is /OBSTETRICS/DELIVERY/POST.PARTUM/OUT-PATIENT Namedfiles can alsobe addressedrelativeto other files in the tr€e, using',î',or ,'/,'as a patfì component. (Thesetwo symbolshavethe samemeaning. Scmeterminalsdo not havethe up-arrowkey.) The " t " of "/" ref€rslo the p{renr direcroryof the currenrfile in the path scan. For example,now rhat we havea connecrionto OUT-PATIENT in Figure 6-1,we can usethal connectionto specirya subparhto IN PATIEìVT. With thc rokcn for the OUT-PATIENT connectionas our prefix, the subpathsrringwould be /IN-PATIENT BasicI/O Usefscuide SYNCHRONOUSAND ASYNCHRONOUSSYSTEMCAI,I,S Notethatno slashfollowsthe "/" in thisexample. Of coursean evensimplerapproach wouldbe to designate diectorypOST-pARTUMas theprefix,in whichcasetheASCIIstringbecomes lN.PATIENT NOTE The Basic I/O System does not distinguish bet\"reenuppcrcase and lowercase characters in subpaths.For example, thesubpath,,xlz,,is equivalent to thesubpath"XYZ". 6.2.3 ResponseMailboxParameter This parameteris specifiedonly in asynchronous systemcalls. It containsa token designatingthe mailboxthar is ro receivethe result of the call. This informations providedby tasksto synchronìzeparalleloperations.To receivethe result of the call,a task must either call RECEIVE$MESSAGEand wait at the desisnatedmailboxor call Vr'AIT$IO. Be awarethat if seveÍalcills sharerhe rÀmemailhoxlthe resuLtsmav be receivedout of orderMost asynchfoloussystemcallsreturn only an I/O resultsegmentto the response mailbox. This segmentcontainsan exceptioncodeand other intbrmationaboutthe operation. AppendixC describesthe I/O rcsulrsegment.Other systenìcallsA$ATTACH$FILE, A$CREATE$DIRECTORY, A$CREATE$FILE, ANd A$PHYSTCAI.$ATTACH$DEVICE-return to the mailboxa token for a connecrionif the systemcallperformssuccessfully or an I/O resultsegmentotherwise.After calling RECEIVE$MESSAGEto obtain the result of one of thesesystemcalls,a task should perform a GET$TYPE systemcall to ascertainthe type of objectfeturned to the response mailbox. The ertended .RMX II NucteusUse,"îGu,dedescribesGET$TI?E in lf SystemInitializationError Reportingis not corifiguredinto the system,the original BIOS initiali2ationtaskplacesthe BIOS ID code(2) and the correspondingcrror codc irto the first two words of the Nucleusdata segment(1E0t0000H).If no monitor is configured,it then goesinto an infinite error loop. 7.10 FACTORS AFFECTING BASICI/O SYSTEMPERFORMANCE The purposeof this sectionis to makeyou awareof the factorsthat havethe greatest impacton the performance(speed)of rhe BasicI/O Sysrem.Note that you determine somcof thesefactorsduring softwareconfiguratior,bu! you determineother factorsat other times. The factorsare as follows: . Devicegranularity,which is the smallestnumberof bytesthat can be read from or written to a devicein a singleI/O operation. Ifthis valueis selectable, you determine it either byjumperìnghardwareor by meansof software,dependingupon the device. . Volume granularity,whichis the smallestnumberof contiguousby'testhat can be allocatedfrom a volumein a singleallocation.This valuecanvary from volume to volume and must be a multiple of the devicegranularity. You specifyit wtren formattingthe volumewith the FORMAT commandof the Human lntefiace. r File granularity,which is the smallestnumberof bytesthat can be allocntedto a file ifl a singleallocation.This valuecan vary from file to file and must be a multiple of rhe volumegranularity. You specifyeachfile's granularitywhen creatingthe file with the A$CREATE$FILE systemcall. . The numberof buffersfor eachdevice-unit.You sperily thisvaluewhenconfiguring the BasicI/O System. . The numberof bytesto be read or written. You specilythis value in callsro ASREAD and A$WRITE. . The amountof time betweenupdatesperfbrmedby the fixed updateand timeout updale features-You specifythesetime intewalswhen configuringthe BasicI/O Systern.îìesc lwo kinds of updatingare explairledin the E tended.RMX II BasícI/o SystemCalk Reference Marual in the descriptionofthe A$UPDATE systemcall. For bestresultswith thesefactors,you shouldbeginby usingyour bestjudgment, Then, usingthe resultingperformancefiguresas a base.you can experimentby changinga few (perhapsonly one) factorsat a tìme. Obtainingthe optimum combinationof thesefactorsis vital to the p€rformanceof any applicationof which I/O operationsare a major part. Testingsystemperformancewith variouscombinationscan resultin a systemwith higherperlormance. Basic l/O User's cuide |BMX@ll 4.1 DATATYPES The followingare the data typesrhat are recogìizedby the iRMX ÌI OperatingSysrem: BOOLEAN A BYTE that is consideredto havea valueof TRUE if it is (}FFH,and FAIJE if ir is 00H. In PL/M-286, DECIARE BOOLEAN LITERALLY 'BYTE'; BYTE An unsignedeight-bitbinarynumber. DWORD An unsignedfour-bytebinary number. INTEGER A signedtwo-bytebinàrynumberthat is storedin two,scomplementform. OFFSET A WORD whosevaÌuerepresentsthe distancefrom the baseof an 80286 segment. POINTER Two consecutiveWORDs containingthe selectorof an 80286segmentand an offsetinto that segùent. The offsetmust be in the word havingthe lower address. SELECTOR An index into a dercriptortablethat identifiesa partic:ularmerrrory -l segment. he descriptortable entry lists the segment,sbase,limit, qpe, and privilegelevel. STRING A sequenceofconsecutiveBYTES. The valuecontainedil the first byte is the numberol bj,testhat follow it in the string. TOKEN A SELECIOR that containsthe logicaladdressof an object. The selector rcfcrs ro an entry in rhe descrjprortablethar lisrsrhe physicaladdressof the ob.ject.A token must be declaredliterally a SELECTOR. WORD An unsìgnedtwo-bytebinarynumber. BasicI/O Usefs cuide A"t 8.1 INTRODUCTION Thisappendirliststhe Rpecodesfor all iRMX II objects.In addition,it rJocuments the amountof memoryneededto createBasicI/O Systemobjects. 8.2 OBJECTTYPES Each iRMX Il objecttype is knownwithin iRMX II systemsby meansof a numericcodeTableB-l liststhe tyDeswith their codes. TableB-1. TypeCodes OEJECT TYPE Task RegÌon Segment Extension Cornposile l/O Job Log calDevice User Crealed Composlie NUMERICCODE 1 2 3 5 6 7 I 100 101 300 301 varièslrom 80O0Hto oFFFFHdepencling on thevalu6 specified in CREATE$EXTENSION lhe firsr€ ght oqeds. plùsLse.creareo composites, aredesc'oed ltte ExtendediRMX II Nucleus Uter't Cuidc Use.a'ìdcoîr edior oo €cÚypesaredesc oedin Claprer4 oflîis manual. l/O jobs and log cal d€vicesare describedin rheExtended ìRMX II Extended I/O S\\km U:cr'r Gt'ide. BasicI/O Usefs Cuide B-1 OtsJECT TYPESA\D RESOURCE R-EQUIREMENTS 8.3 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS TheBasicI/O Systemobtainsmemoryîrom thecallingjob'smemorypoolwhencreating objects. The values listed here reflect Release3 of the iRMX II Operating System. Object paragraphs Numberof 16-b)1e requiredby theBasicI/O System I/O Result Segment 4 (5 for an internalIORSthat theOperating System createswhenattachinga device) Connection (to 6 namedfile) B-2 Connectìon(to physicalfile) 4 User object 3 (rrinimum) BasicI/O Usefs Guide c.1 ovERvtEw Cerîainasynchronous I/O systemcallsreturna datastructurecalledan I/O Result Segment to themailboxspecified by the"resp$mbox" parameter.The followingsystem callscanretuansucha segment: A$ATTACH$FILE A$CIIANCE$ACCESS A$CLOSE A$CREATE$DIRECTORY A$CREATE$FILE A$DELETE$CONNECTION A$DELETE$FILE A$OPEN A$PHYSICAL$AT-IACH$DEVICE A$PHYSICAI$DETACH$DEVICE A$READ A$RENAME$FILE A$SEEK A$SPECIAL A$TRUNCATE A$UPDATE A$WzuTE Fourof thesesystemcals (A$ATTACH$FILE, A$CREATE$DIRECTORY, A$CREATE$FILE,andA$PHYSICAI$ATTACH$DEVICE) canreturneithera connection or an I/O resultsegrnent to the mailbox.Your application taskcandetermine whichrypeof objecthasbeenreturnedby makinga GET$TYPEsystemcallbeforetrying to examinethe object. Beforewaitingat the response mailboxto receivetheI/O resultsegment, yourapplication task should examine the condition code returned in the word poiltEd to by the parameter.If thiscodeis "E$OK",the taskcanwaitat the mailbox. "except$ptr" However,if thecodeis not 'rE$OKr', an exceptional conditionexistsandnothingis sentto themailbox. BàsicI/O Use s Cuide c-1 I/O RESULTSECMENT lmmediatelyafter receivingthe I/O result segm€nt,the task shouldexaminethe status field. This field containsan "E$OK" if the systemcall wascompletedsuccessfully or an exceptional-condition codeif an error occurred.The result segnent alsocontainsthe actualnumbcr oI bytesread or wtitten, if appropriate. c.2 STRUCTURE OFt/O RESULTSEGMENT TheI/O resultsegment is structu.edasfollowsl DECIÀRE statìrs iors STRUCTURE( UORD, unirgsrarus a cr u a l WORD, WORD./; where status Conditioncode indicatingthe outcomeof the call. AppendixD lists these asynchronous conditioncodes. unit$status The lower four bits oî this fietd containdevice-dependent error code information that is meaninglulonly if the statusis E$IO. The codes,their meanings.and their associated mnemonicsare as foììows: Code Mnemonic Meaning 0 IO$UNCI-ASS An error occurredfor which it wasimpossibl€to ascertain the cause. 1 IO$SOF| Softerror;theI/O sysrem hasretriedtheoperationand failed;another.etryis Íot possible. 2 IO$HARD Hard error;a retryis not possibÌe. 3 IO$OPRINT Operaro. intervention is required. 4 IO$WRPROT lvrite-prorected volume. 5 IO$NO$DATA No daraon the nextrape record, BasicI/O Usels Guide I/O RESULTSEGMENT Code Mnemonic actual Meaning 6 IO$MODE A read (or write) was attemptedbeiore the prcviouswrite (or read) completed. 7 IO$NO$SPARES An I/O error occurred during disk formatting;no alternatetrackswere available. 8 IO$AIT$ASSIGNED An l/O error ou:urred during disk formatring;an alteanatetrack wasassigned. The actualnumberof bytestransferred. The I/O result segmentconlainsother fieldswhichare of interestonty to the designerof a device driver. Relel. ro fhe Extenrled\RMX lI DeviceDrivers Ltset'sGuide for ìnformationaboutthc rcmainingfields in the I/O rcsult seglìl€Dt. C.3 UNITSTATUSFORSPECIFICDEVICES You may needto know the informarioncontainedin the',unitgstatus,'field for the foÌlowing devices. C.3.1|SBC@ 214/215cControiler Undercertaincircumstances, the iSBC215Winchester diskcontrollerandthe iSBC214 diskette,disk,andtapecontrollerplaceinformationin the hightwelvebitsof thisword. If thelowfour bitsindicateIO$SOFI,rhecontrollersetsthe highrwelvebitsasfollows: Bit Interpretation 15(leftmost) 14 13 12 11 10-8 I 6-4 I =seekerror 1=cylinderaddress miscompare l=drivefault l=lD fieldECCerror l=datafieldECCerror unused | =sectornot found unused Basict/O Usefs cuide c-3 r/O RNSULTSEGMENT On theotherhand,if thelow four bitsindicateIO$HARD,rheiSBC215c andiSBC214 controllers setthe hish 12bitsasfollows: Bir Inter?retation 7 I =invalid address 1=sectornot fbund I = invalid command 1= no index 1=diagnosticfault 1= illegalsectorsize 1= end ofmedia I = illegalformat qpe 1= seekin progress 6 1= ROM effot 5 1= RAM error unused 15 14 13 12 1l 10 ó 4 Ifyou needmore detailedinformationregardingthe meaningof theseerrors,refer to the iSBCols WîhchesterDisk Cotttroller HardwareReferenceManuel ot to the iSBC@2j4MuttiPeipheml CotrtrollerHctrdwarcReferenceManual. C-,1 BasicI/O Usefs Guide D.f OVERVIEW Thisappendixliststwotlpesof €xception codes,Thosedetectedsynchronously with systemcallinvocation (sequential codes)andthosedetectedduringthe asynchronous portionof systemcallprocessing (concurrent codes).Exception conditjons arefurther classified into programmer errorsandenvironm€ntal conditions.A programmer erroris a conditionthatis preventable bythecallingtask.An environmental conditionrsan exc€ption conditioncaused bycircumstances beyondthecontrolof thecalingtask. The sequential codesarereturnedto rhelocatìonaddressed by the ',except$ptr" field ofthe system call. The concurrent codes are returncd in an I/O result segment (see Appendix C). This appendix Jìstsall codes with their decimal and hexadecirnalequivalents. D.2 SEQUENTIAL (ENVIRONMENTAL) EXCEPTION CODES CODE E$OK E$TIME E$MEM E$I,IMIT E$EXIST E$NOT$CONFIGURED E$SUPPORT E$DEV$OFF$LINE E$IFDR E$NOT$FILE$CONN E$NOT$DEvICE$CONN E$BUFFERED$CONN E$NOT$SAME$DEVICE E$PATHNAME$SYNTAX BasicI/O Uset's Guide DECIMAL i 2 4 6 8 46 47 50 51 58 62 HEXADECIMAL OH lII 2H 4H 6H 8H 23H 2EH 2FH 32H 33H 36H 3AH 3EH D-l EXCEPTIONCODES D.3 SEQUENTTAL (PROGRAMMER ERROR)EXCEPT|ON CODES CODE DECiMAL IIEXADECIMAL E$TYPE E$PARAM E$NOUSER E$NOPREFIX E$BAD$BUFF 32770 32'772 32801 32802 32803 8002H 8004H 8021H 8022H 8023H D.4 CONCURRENT (ENVTRONMENTAL) EXCEPT|ON CODES D-2 CODE DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL E$OK E$MEM E$FEXIST E$FNEXIST E$DEVFD E$SUPPORT E$EMPTY$ENTRY E$DIR$END E$FACCESS E$FTYPE E$SHARE E$SPACE E$IDDR E$to E$FLUSHING E$ILLVOL E$DEV$OFFLINE E$IFDR E$FRAGMENTATION E$DIR$NOT$trMPTY E$NOT$FILE$CONN E$NOT$DEVICE$CONN E$CONN$NOT$OPEN E$CONN$OPEN E$BUFFERED$CONN E$OUTSTANDING$CONNS E$AIREADY$ATTACHED E$DEV$DETACHINO E$NOT$SAME$DEVICE E$ILLOGICAL$RENAME 0 2 32 33 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 OH 2H 20H 21H 22H 23H 24H 25H 26H 27H ,+3 41 45 4ó 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 5'7 58 59 28H 29H 2AH 2BH 2CH 2DH 2EH 2FH 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36H 37H 3IJH 39H 3AH ]BH BasicI/O User'sGuide EXCEPTIONCODES CODE DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL E$STREAM$SPECIAL E$INVALID$FNODE E$P THNAME$SYNTAX E$FNODE$LIMIT E$IO$IINCLASS E$IO$SOFT E$IO$HARD E$IO$OPRINT E$IO$WRPROT E$IO$NO$DATA E$IO$MODE E$IO$NO$SPARES E$IO$ATT$ASSIGNED ó0 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH 50H 5lH 52H 53H 54H 55H 5óH 57H 58H 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 E7 88 (PROGRAMMER D.5 CONCURRENT ERROR)EXCEPTION CODE CODE DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL E$PARAM 32172 8004H BasicI/O Uset's Guide D-3 E.1 LOGICAL DEVICES You can assigna logicalnameto any devicewith the I/O Systemcall LOGICAIJATTACH$DEVICE. This createsa logicaldeviceobjeor,(T$LOG$DEV) and catalogsthe objectin the root objectdirectory. Tlpically, yoll usetheselogicaldeviceobjectswith l/O Systemcalls. However,BasicI/O Systemcallsalsopermit the prefix parameterto be a Ìogicaldeviceobject. Whcn you use a logicaldeviceobjectas tlìe prefir paramererin BasicI/O Sysremcalls,the BasicI/O Systemlooks insidethe logicaldeviceobjectto determinethe deviceconnection.In such cases,you couÌdreceivethe exceptioncodeE$DEV$OFF$LINE. Ifyou receivethis exceptioncode and the deviceis online,the devicewasneverphysicallyanached. Beforeyou can use a logicallynameddevice,the devicemustbe madeknown to the system(attached),with the BasicI/O Systemcal A$PHYSICAIJATTACH$DEVICE. But when LOGICAL:$ATTACH$DEVICE is invoked,the systemdoesnot immediately issuea call to A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE. Instead,physicalattachmentoccurs transparentlyduring processingof any I/O Systemcall which referencesthe logicaldevice object. You might createa logicaldeviceconnectionbut not invoke any I/O Systemcall to perform the physicalattachoperation. Ifso, the BasicI/O Systemcan rerurn E$DEV$OFF$LINE. You can correctthis situationby invokingat leastone I/O System call that refersto the logicaldeviceby ìts logicalname (suchas :F0:). However,your tasks must residein an I/O Job beîorethey can invokeI/O Systemcalls. E.2 REFERENCES For furtherinformation, referto thedescriptions of l/O Jobs, LOGICAI$ATTACH$DEVICE,andA$PIIYSfCAL$ATTACH$DE\/ICEin the ExtendedíRl,ÍXII ExtendedI /O SystemUser'iGuid". BasicI/O User'sGuide F,1 INTRODUCTION The iRMX ll OperatingSystemis basedon theiRMX I OperatingSystem.Therefore, the iRMX Il ve.sionof theBasicl/O Systemis alnostexactlylike theiRMX I version. 'lhe samesysîemcallsareavailabÌe, withno changes or additions.But thereare differences. Thisappendixoutlìnesthedifferences betweenfhetwoversionsfor readers whoareaheadyfamiliarwirhrheiRMX I OperatingSystem.Thosewhoaren'tfamiliar with the iRMX I OperatingSysîem canskipthisappendix. F.2 80285CAPABILITIES Themajordifferences betsr'een theiRMX I andiRMX II versionsof theBasicI/O Systemare a resultof theincreased capabilities of the80286/80386 processor-namely 16M-byte addressabìlity andmemoryprotection. F.2.1 16M-ByteAddressability The 16M-byteaddressabilityallowsdevicedrivers(both Intel-supplìedand user-written) and applicationtasksto accessa full 16M bytesof systemmemory. Application tasks must uselogicaiaddresses to accessmemory. Logicaladdresses take the form selector:offset On the other hand,devicecontrollerscontinueto usephysicaladdresses (16M-by,tes requiresa 24-bitaddress).Thereforeyour devicedriversmust know how to convert logìcal addressesto physical addresses.'îhe ExtendedíRLIX II Deice Dive6 lJser'sGuíde discusses this technique. BasicI/O User'scuide F-1 iR]\TXO I AND iRMXOII BASICI/O SYSTEMDIFTERNNCES F.2.2MemoryProtection The memoryprotectionfeatureofthe 80286/80386 processorprotectsyour codeand data by preventingany task from rcadingor writing a segmentofmemory unlessit hasexplicit accessto that memorysegment.It alsopr€ventsmemoryreadsor writes from crossing segmentboundaries.Be.auseof this feature,any task that usesth€ A$READ systemcall must havewrite accessto the segmentoi rnemoryusedas the memorybuffer. Likewise, any task that usesthe A$WRITE systemcall must haveread accessto the segúent used as the memorybuffer. The A$SPECIAL systemcall alsochecksfor the cotrect accessand issuesan error code if the accesst!?e is not appropriatefor the intendedoperation. F.3 DEVICEDRIVERS Not alÌ the Intel-supplieddevicedriversfor iRMX I are includedin the iRMX Il Operating System. Refer fo the Extended|RMX II I tetuctíveConfgurutíon tltility Referehce Manual for informationaboùtthe Tnteì-supplied driversthat are available. F.4 DISKINTEGRITY FEATURES TIìree othsr featureshavebeenaddedto the BasicI/O Systemthat havenothingto do with the capabilitiesofthe 80286/80386 processor.AII three help to improvethe integrity of data storedon namcdvolumcs. F.4.1AttachFlags The BasicI/O Systcmprovidesan indicationofthe integrityofnarìed volurnesand namedfiles. Wheneveryou attacha namedvolumeor a namedfile, the BasicI/O System setsa flag to indicatethat the volumeor lile is atrached.The volumetlag is set in the volumelabel;the file flag is set in the fnodefile. Whenyou detacha volume or file, the BasicI/O Systemclearsthe associated flag. Although the BasicI/O Systemdoesn,rcheck theseflagsto determinelile or volumeintegrity,you can checkthe conditionof a volume by invokìngthe A$GET$FILE$STATUSsystemcall. If the flag js serfor a volume that isn't currentlyattached,the settingcould indicatea corruptedvolumethat wasnI detachedproperly. The BasicI/O Systemdoesn'tprovide a systemcall for checkingthe file flag. However, you can wnte your own pfogrdnÌsto checkthis flag,or you can userhe Disk Veriiication UtiÌìty to examinethe fnode file. F-2 BasicI/O Usefs Guide iRMX@I ANDiRMX@II BASICI/O SYSTEMDIFFERENCES F.4,2 FnodeChecksumField The BasicI/O Systcmhasalsoaddeda checkum field to the fnode file. Thc tnodc lilc storesthe informationthat the BasicI/O Systemneedsto a@essany namedfile on the volume. menever the BasicI/O Systemwrìtesthe fnode file, it calculatcsa checksum and storesit in the fnodefile. Althoughthe BasicI/O Systemdoesn,tcheckthe fnodefile againstthe checksumwhen it readsthe fnodefile, your programs(?n se the checksùm field to determinewhetherthe fnodefile hasbecomecorrupted. F.4.3 Gettingand Settingthe BadTrack/SectorInformation The A$SPECIAL systemcall hasbeenenhancedto retrieveand set the bad track/sector informationon a volume. The bad track/sectorinfomation providesa list of the tracks or sectorson the volumerhat are defective.One of the new A$SPECIAL subfunctions allowsyou to retrievethe currentlist of defectivetracksor sectors.The other new subfunctionenablesyou to set up a new bad track/sectorlist. BasicI/O IJseÉsGuide F.3 A Actionsrequiredof thereadingtask closethenewlile connection5-3 createa secondfile connecrion for thesteam file 5-3 deletethenewfile conneclion5-4 getth€file connection5-3 open the new file conncction for reading 5-3 perforrn the requiredreads 5-3 Actions reqùired of the writing task closethe connection 5-2 createthe streamfile 5-2 deletethe connection 5-2 obtain a connectionto the streamfile 5,1 open the file for writing 5-2 passthe file connectionto the readingtask 5-2 write the informationto the streamfile 5-2 Asynchronoussystemcalls 6-6 B Bad track and sectorinformation 1-8 Basicl/O Systemfeatures 1-1 16M-byteMemory addressability1-2 accessto files,controlling l-5 deviceindependencel-3 file sharing 1-5 lour lile t'?es 1rl namedfiles l-4 physicalfiles 1-4 remote files 1-5 streamfiles 1-zl protectionfeatures 1"2 separationof File Lookup and File Open Operations 1-5 supportîor many kinds of devices 1-3 synchronousand asynchronous operation 1-2 BasicI/O Use/s Guide Index-1 I\DEX BIOSperformance factors7-3 devicegranularity7-3 file granularity 7-3 ti-rDebctwccn updates7-3 volumeg anularity 7-3 c Callsthat return an I/O result segmentC-1 Checkingthe conditioncode retumed from a call C-1 Concuftentprogrammererrors D-3 Conditioncodes 6-10 Connectionbetweentasksand device-units2-2 Connectionsand physicalfiles 4-2 Controllingfragmentationof files 1-6 Creatinga file with an existingpathname 7-2 D Data tlpes (seeAppend;( A) Dcviceconnections2-4 Devicecontrollersand deviceunits 2-l Disk integrity l-7 E E$IOcodesreturnedin unit$starusC-2 Environmental errors D-2 Environmental exception codesD-1 Exampleof usingasynchronous systemcalls 6-7 Exception codes(seeAppendixD) F File connections2-5 f ilc-pathparamelers for namedfiles o-l Fiìes 2-2 Fligs for namedvolumesand files l-8 Fnodechecksumfield 1-8 G Global clock l-7 Granularityfor hard dìsks 1-7 lndex-2 BasicI/O User'sGuide TNDEX I I/O buffersfor the A$READ and A$WRITE systemcalls 6-6 l/O resultsegment,structure C-2 ID, systemmanager 7 2 Intel devices7-1 L LogicaldevicesE-l M Memory neededfor objects B-2 N Number of buffersfor eachdevice 7-1 o Object types B-1 Open-mode indicator2-? P Pathsfor systemcallsreferringto namedfiles ó-3 Prefi\ parameterl R Respons€ mailboxparameter6-4 s Sequentialprogrammererrors D-2 SeFr'ìc€ task prioritics 7-2 Share-modeindicator 2-7 Situationsrequiringphysicalfiles formattingvolumes 4-1 implementingyour own file format 4-1 volumesformattedfor other systems4-1 BasicI/O I lsefs cìride Ind€x-] INDEX Stepsfor usingphysicalfiles closethe file connection4-3 deietethe file conne.ction4-3 detachthe device ,{-3 manipulatethe file 4-3 obtain a deviceconr€ction ,l-2 obtain a iile connection4-2 open the file connection 4-2 Stfuctureofthe l/O resultsegment C-2 Svnchronoussystemcalls 6-1 Systeminitializationerror reporting 7-2 Systemmanager 7-2 T The two parts of asynchronous systemcalls the concurent part 6-6 the sequentialpart 6-6 Three typesof ganularity device 1-6 file 1-6 volume 1-6 Timing facilities 7-2 U Unit statuserrors for the iSBC 214/215c Controller C-3 L,serparam€ter 6-2 U\ing CET$TYPEro derermine if a ionneclionL'rrn I/O ResultSegmenthasbeenreturned C-1 Usingphysicalfiles 4-2 V volume granularityfor flexiblediskettes l-6 \ otumesl-2 fndex-4 Basicl/O User'scuide intel" E X T E N D EiD R M X@II EXTENDED I/OSYSTEM U S E R 'GSU I D E nte Corporation 3065 Eowers Avenue S a n t aC l a r aC , a l i f o r na 9 5 0 5 7 Copyrqht .- 1988. ntel Corporaion, All RrqhtsRese.ved INTRODUCTION This manualdescribesthe iRMX@II Extendedl/O System.Although it contarnssome introductoryand overviewmaterial,it is primarily a detaileddescriptionof the Extended I/O System. READERLEVEL Themanualis writtenfor programmers whoareaLeadyfamiÌiarwith . The concepts and terminologr introduce<];n the Extended iRÀ,lXII Nucleus Uset's CuAe. . The PL/M-286 pr ogramminglanguage. Readersneed not be familiar with the iRMX l-t Basict/O Sysrem. MANUAL ORGANIZATION This manualis dividedinto the fbllowingchaptersand appendixes. Chapter 1 This chapterdescribesthe difTerences betweenthe BasicI/O Systemand the Extendedl/O System,You shouldread this chapterif you are not certaìnwhich l/O systembestmeetsyour requremenls. Chapter2 This chapterdescribesthe primary featuresof the ExtendedT/O System.You will find this chapterparticularlyusefulifyou have not usedthe ExtendedI/O Systembefore. Chapter3 This chapterexplainssomebasicterminolos/ associated with the ExlendedI/O System,includingthe followingterms: device, volume,file, and connection.You shouldread this chapterif you are lookingthroughthe manualfbr the first time or ifyou are unfamiliarwith the ExtendedI/O System. Chapters4 6 Thesechaptersdescribenamed,physical,remote,and streamfiles and how to usethem. You shouldread one or more ofthese chapters,dependingon the kinds of files your applicationuses- ExtendedI/O User's Guide lll I'RIFACE Chapter7 Thischapterdescribes characteristics of the Extended I/O System thatyouspecif whenyouconfigurean iRMX II OperatingSysteú. Appendi\A Thisappendixdefinestheformatsofthe dataq?esusedby the ExtendedI/O SystemFor example, it explains theformatofan iRMX II STRING. AppendixB Thisappendirprovidesa list ofthe q?esof objectscreatedby rhe Extended I/O System.It alsodiscusses the resourcerequftements of the Extended I/O System. Appendix C This appencìixcontains a list of the condition codes that the ExtendedI/O Systemcan return. The codesare listedrn alphabeticalorder, and eachentry in the list includesthe classificationof the code(programmererror or environmental condition)and the nìimericvalueof the code. AppendixD The ExtendedI/O Systemusesobjecîdirectoriesextensively.This appendixtellswhich entriesare ùsedby the ExtendedI/O System. It alsotellsyou which entriesyou can changeand which entriesyou can't. AppendixE This appenclixexplainsthe incompaîibilitiesbetweenthe system callsof the BasicI/O Svstemand rhe svstemcallsof the Extended I/O System. AppcnrJixF This appendi.(liststhe differencesber\À'een rhe iRMX II and iRMX I versionsof the ExtendedI/O Svstem. CONVENTIONS Thismanualusesthefollowingconventions: lv . The term"iRMX ll" refersto rheExr€nded iRMX IL3 OperatingSystem. . The term"iRMX I" refcrs!o thc iRMX I (iRMX 66)OperalingSystem. . All iRMX I I systemcallsbeginwith oneof two standard prefixesrRQgor RQE$. Whenreferringto the systemcallsthaîbeginwith RQ$,thismanualusesa shorthand notationandomitstheprefix. For example, S$CREATE$FILE means RQ$S$CREATE$FILE. The actualPL/M-286externalprocedure namesusedto invokethesesystemcallsare shownonly in the EÍendcd \RMXII ExtendedI/O Synem CaIsRekrc & Manual,whichlisrsrhedetailedcallingsequences. Extended I/O Use/s Guide PREFACE WhenreferrirBto systcmcallsrhatbeginwirh RQE$,thismanualspellsout the completenames,includingthe RQE$characters. Therearesomesystemcallswhosenamesareidenticalexceptfor the Re$ or ReEg prefixlfor erample. theEIOSsystem callsRe$CREATE$lò$JOB and RQE$CRbA]E$JOB).The difference betweentwo similarlynamedsystemcallsis that the RQ$versionoperates asit did undertheiRMX I OperatingSystemandis availabìe for comparibility. The ReE$ versionis updatedto supportnew802gó features, suchas 16Mbytememorypools.Unlesscompatibility with iRMX I systems is an issue,lntel rccommends rhatyouuserhesysî€mcallwith rheReE$ preface insteadofthe onewith the RQ$preface. Extended I/O Usefs cuidc CHAPTEH 1 cHoostNG BETWEEN t/O SYSTEMS PAGE CHAPTER 2 FEATURESOF THE EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEM PAGE ExtendedI/O llser's Guide CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 PAGE CHAPTER4 NAMEDFILES PAGE vlll Extended I/O Uset'sGuide CONTENTS CHAPTER4 (continued) PAGE CHAPTER 5 PHYSICALFILES PAGE CHAPTER 6 PAGE CHAPTER7 CONFIGURATION OFTHEEXTENDED I/O SYSTEM PAGE APPENDIX A DATATYf'ES PAGE STREAM FILES Extended I/O Uset'scuide CONTENTS APPENDIXB PAGE APPENDIX C PAGE APPENDIX D PAGE APPENDIX E PAGE COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN THETWOI/O SYSTEMS E.1 ConpatibiiìtyBetweenThe Two l/O Systems............................................................E-1 APPENDIX F iRMX@ IAND iRMX@ II ETTENDED I/O SYSTEMDIFFERENCES PAGE Extended I/O Usefs Guide CONTENTS FIGUFE PAGE 3-l Layersof Interfacing BetweenTasksand a Device,.,....,.,.........,.,.............................. 32 3-2 Schematic of Softwareat Inirializarion Time............................-.................................. 3-3 3-3 A Systemwith Deviceand File Connections.................-.............. ................................3-4 4-l Exampleofa NamedFile Tree................. ..,...,........................ 4-3 4-2 Computingthe AccessMaskfor a File Connection-.................... .............................4-13 4 3 Chronologyof FrcqucntÌyUsedSystemCallsfor NamedFiles.............................4-20 ExtendedI/O User'sCuide CHOOSING 1,1 INTRODUCTION The iRMX II OperatingSystemprovidesyou with a choiceof two l/O systems.One of these,the Extendedl/O System,is describedin this manual. The other, the BasicI/O System,is described in the E te ded \RMX II BasicI/O gstem Use* Guide. This chapterexplainsthe reasonfor havingtwo I/O systemsand briefly describesthe differencesbetweenthcm. After readingrhis chapîer,you shouldbe ableto decide whetheryour applicarionrequiressystemcallsfrom both systemsor from just one. If one of the T/C)systemsis sufficient,you shouldbe ableto decidewhich one. As you read this chaprer,rememberthat the ExtendedI/O Systemis built upon the Basic I/O System.In other words,ifyou choosethe ExtendedI/O System,you must also includethe BasìcI/O S),stemin your applicarion. 1.2 REASONFORHAVTNG TWOt/O SYSTEMS The iRMX II OperatingSystemis designedro provideOriginal Equipmcnt Manufacturers(OEMs) wilh a varietyof fearuresthat are usefulill buildingapplication systems.Many of thesefeaturesare usefulin most,but not rll, applications.This is e s p c c i a ltìryu eu f t e a r usr5r ( l i l i n gr ù i n p u ra n do u r p u l . Most applicationscommunjcatewith externaldevicessuchas line printers,terminals,disk drives,or bubblememories. Even so,not all applicationshavethe samerequirements. The iRMX II OperatingSystemprovidestwo I/O systemsto allow you to choosethe one that best satisfiesthe requirementsofyour applicationsystem.And, in the eventthat both systemswould proveusefulin one applicarion,rhe iRMX II OperatingSystemallows you to usethem both. Extendedl/O Ilser's Cùide l t CHOOSINC BETWEEN I/O SYSTEMS NOTE All informationon iRMX Neîworking Software(iRMX-NET)canbe foundin the,RMXNetworking Software UserSGarZ".CoÍsultthismanual for informationon howto sharefilesanddatain a distributed envftonment with separate iRMx-basedworkstations. TheI'RMX Netwo*jhg SoftuareUser'gGuAe ís nor part of the iRMX II documentation set. 1.2.1 Basicl/O Sysiem The Basicl/O Systemis the more flexibleofthe two I/O systems.It providesvery powerfulcapabilities,ald it makesfew assumptions aboutthe requirementsofyour application.The followingfeaturesillustratethe fleribiìity of rhe BasicI/O System: . AILOWS YOU TO DESIGN YOUR OWN BUFFERING AIcOzuTHM Although many applicationsrequirebufferedI/O, rhe BasicI/O Systefl doesrìor automaticallyprovide ìt. Ratherthan requireone parricularapproachto bufferedT/O for all applications,the BasìcI/O Systemalows you to designand imptementyour own bufferingmethod. . SUPPLIESASYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM CALLS Rather than makingassumptionsaboutwhether(and how) you wish to overlapyour I/O operations,the BasicI/O Systemallowsyou to explic;rlycontrol the synchronizationof the systemcalls. . GIVES YOUR TASK CONTROL OF DETAILS The systemcallsof the BasicI/O Systeminvolvemanyparamerers.Using these parameters,your taskscan closelytailor the behaviorof eachsystemcall to rnatchthe requirementsof your àpplic;ìtionsystem. As thesefeaturesshow,the Basicl/O Systememphasizes fleúbility rather than easeol use. By preservingflexibility,the Basicl/O SystemprovidesI/O featuresîhat are useful in a wide rangeof applications. Clearly,the BasicI/O Systemdoeshavelìmitations. Many applicationsrhar perform I/O do not needthe control ofdetails affordedtry tlìe BasicI/O Sysrem.For many applications,the amountof time requir€dto developthe applicationsystemis more critical than the ability to finely tune its pe.formancc. For thcseapplications,the iRMX Il OperatingSystemprovidesthe Efended I/O System. t-2 Extended I/O User'sCuide CHOOSINGBETWEENI/O SYSTEMS 1.2.2 Extendedl/O System The ExtendedI/O Systemis designedto be easicrro userhan the BasicI/O System.Thc followingfeaturesofthe Extendedl/O Systemhelp make it easierto use: r AUTOMATIC BUFFERING OF l/O OPERATIONS The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesyou with automaticbLrfferìngof all I/O operations.Aside from specif ing how manybuffersthe Extendedl/O Systemuses, your tasksneed not becomeinvolvedwith buffering. Furthermore,ifyour application systemdoesnot requirebuffering,your taskscan tell the ExtendedI/O Systemto use no buffers. . S\î.ICHRONOUS SYSTEM CALI.S The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidessystemcallsthat are synchronous.By freeingyour applicationsoftwarefrom the burdenof explicitlysynchronizingsystemcalls,the ExtendedI/O Systemreducesthe complexityofyour appìicationsystem.This, in turn helpsreducedevelopmentcosts.Although the systemcallsof the Extendedt/O Systemare synchronous, your applicationsystemcan still useoverlappedI/O operations.To do so,your tasksneedonly tell the ExtendedI/O Systemto use buffers,and the ExtendedI/O Systemwill automaticallyoverlapyour l/O operarions. . FREES YOUR TASKS OF TEDIOUS DETAILS The systemcallsof the ExlendedI/O Systemrequirefe$er pa.ametersthan cloihosc of the BasjcI/O System.This simplifiesyour applicationsystemand reduces dcvclopmentcosts. 1.3 MAKINGTHEDECISTON At thispoint,youarefacedwith threealternatives. ShouldyouusetheBasicl/O System, theExtendedI/O System, or both? To makethisdecision, decideifyou. application systemrequiresthe Uexibilit), andfinetuningof the BasicI/O System, theeaseof useof the Extended I/O System, or a combinarion of both. Befbre)ou makethetinal decision, consicler the followingrwofactors. ExtendedI/O Usefs Guide l --l CHOOSING BETWEENI/O SYSTEMS 1.3.1 MemoryRequirements The ExtendedI/O Systemsoftwarerequiresthe BasicI/O System.The sizeof the ExtendedI/O Systemsoftwareis approximately19K byres.Ifyour applicationsystemis pressedlbr memoryand doesnot requirefeaturesof the ExîendedI/O System,you can savethe l9Kbytes of memoryby usingonly the BasicI/O System. However,ifyou decideto use the BasicI/O Systemeventhoughyour applicationsystem needsthe featuresof the ExtendedI/O System(suchas buffering),you might end up usingall 19K b)'tesof memoryimplementingthesesamefeatureson top ofthe BasicI/O System. Be awarethat usingboth the BasicI/O and ExtendedI/O Systemsrcquircs no more memorythan ùsingthe ExtendedI/O Systemalone. 1.3.2 Performance Becausethe Basicl/O Systemgivesyour applicationsystemcontrol of many details,you can probablytune your applicationsystemto run fasterwith the BasicI/O Systemthan with the ExtendedI/O System.So if performanceis more important than reduced developmentcosts,you shouldconsiderusingthe Basicl/O System.Ifyou decideto use the Efended l/O System,you can improveperformanceby changingthe buffer stzes. 1.4 EXAMPLES The followingexamplesillustratethe advantages of eachof the I/O systems.The analysis in eachejrampleis basedon the assumptionthat many copiesof the applicarionsysrem are to be oroduced. 1.4.1 Application SystemsUsingLittlet/O Supposethat your applicationsystemrequiresvery little I/O. For instance,supposethat its only I/O activityis to occasionally log informationro a flexibledisk. Becausethis applicationsysteminvolvesvery few l/O-related systemcalls,the BasicI/O Systemis preferableto the ExtendedI/O System_The easeof useprovidedby the ExtendedI/O Systemcan saveyou very little manpower(hencemoneyand time) during developmentbecausethe I/O-related part ofyour systemrequiresso little time to develop.This marginalbenefit is of lessuseîo your applicaîionsystemthan is the 19K b).tesof memorysavedby usinglhe BasicI/O Sysrem. l -;t Extended I/O User'sCuide CHOOSING BETWEENI/O SYSTE}IS 1.4.2 ApplicationSystemsUsingOntySequentialt/O Supposethat your applicationsystemrequiresa substanrialamountof sequentialI/O. In this t'?e of system,a large amountofyour developmentresourceswill be expenclecl in supportofI/O. This factorshouldmakeyou considerusinglhe ExrendedIfO Systemto reduceyour staffingrequìrementswhile developingthe applicationsystem. A secondtactor shouldalsosteeryou toward the ExtendedI/O System-thesequential I/O. The br,rfferingschemeusedby the ExtendedI/O Systemis particularlyefficient while performingsequenliatI/O becauseit incorporatesread-aheadand write-behincl algorithmsto overlxpI/O operationsand processing. Thesetwo factors,the amountof manpowerrequiredto implementI/O and the sequentialnature of the l/O, combineto make rhe ExrendedI/O Systemthe bestchoic€ for this applicationsystem. 1.4.3 High Performance ApplicationsUsingRandoml/O Now supposethat your syslemperformsa largeamountof random-access I/O, and supposethat performanceis a critical considerationthat overrìdesconcernsaoour conservingmemory. You shouldconsiderthe ExtendedI/O Sysîembecause,in thìs applicationsystem,it can substantiallyreduceyour developmentcosts. However,lwo other factorscombineto makethe BasicI/O Systemanotherreasonablechoice. Th€ lirst factor is the randomnatureof lhe l/O. The read-aheadand write-behjnd algorithmprovidedby the ExtendedI/O S),sremis not particularlyefficient in randomacccssI/O operations.The secondfactor is the lequirexr€rt tor pcrformancc. Using thc BasicI/O Systeú as a foundation,you can build an I/O facilirythat takesadvantageof you. appljcationsystem'sknowledgeof the organizationof data in the files. Although sucha faci[ty might be expensiveto implement,it shouldrun fasterthan the E\tended I/O Systemin this application. So in this case,you must weìghthe cost of developmentagainstthe benefitofbetter performance.lf developmentcostsare more important,you shouldusethe ExtendedT/O System.If performanceis more important,you shoulduse the BasicI/O System_Atso, don't ignorethe option of usingthe Extendedl/O Systemto createa prototype applicationsystemand then later replacingthe ExtendedI/O Systemwith your custom I/O faciiity. ExtendedI/O UseÈsGuide t-5 CHOOSINGBDTWEENI/O SYSTEMS 1.5 SUMMARY In general,you shouldconsiderthe BasicI/O Systemfor applicationsthat requirevery little I/O, o. for applicationsr€quiringfinely-tunedperformancewhile doing randomaccessI/O. ln contrast,you shouìdconsiderthe ExtendedI/O Systemwhen development costsare critical,especiallyin applicationsthat useseqùentialI/O. Finally,rememberthat there are circumstances whereyou shoulduseboth I/O systems. One suchsitùationoccurswhenyour appÌicationsystemusesI/O for severalpurposes, someof which are best accomplished by the Basicl/O System,and othersby the ExtendedI/O System. t-6 Extended I/O User'sCuide 2.1 INTRODUCTION Becausethe ExiendediRMX II Extended1/O Systemis designedprimarily for useby Original EquipmentManufacturers(OEMs), it providesa large numberof featuresincludingsomethat are not generallyfouÍd in operatingsystemsaimedat end users. Thesefeaturesinclude . Memory protection . Supportfor many kinds of devices . Device independence . Four distinctkindsof files . File independence . Separationof filc-lookup and file-openoperations . File sharirg and accesscontrol (supportfor iRMX-NET) . Bufferingwirh overlappedI/o . Logicalnamesfor files and devices . Automatic reattachmentof devices . 16M-bytememoryaddressabiliry The first eight of thesefeaturesare implementedby the BasicI/O Syst€m.Howcvcr, becausethe ExtendedI/O Sysîemusesthe facilitiesprovidedby the BasicI/O System, the ExtendedI/O Systemalsoprovidesthesefeatures.The balanceof the featuresare availableonly with the ExtendedI/O System. 2.2 16M-BYTE MEMORY ADDRESSABILIW The iRMX ll OperatingSystemruns in the protectedvirtuaÌ addressmode (PVAM) of thc 80286and {ì038óproccssors.As a result,it can accessas rnuchas lúM lrytesof memory. The ExtendedI/O Systemtakesadvantageof this featr]reby allowingyou to createI/O jobs wìth memorypoolsof up to 16M bytes. Therefore,tasksthat invoke Erlended I/O Systemcallscan havemore codeand can havemore room for data. E(ended I/O Uséris cuide FEATfIRIS OF THE EXTENDED I/O SYSTEM 2.3 PROTECTION FEATURES Becausethe iRMX II OperatingSystemaccesses the processorin PVAM, it benefitsfrom someof the inherentmemoryprorectionfeaturesof lhe processor.Thesefealures protectyour code and data by preventingany task from readingor *riting buffersof mcmory unlessit hasexTrlicitaccessto thosebuffers. They alsopreventmemoryreadsor writes from crossingsegmcntboundaries.The OperatingSystemgeneratesexception codesif an attemptedprotectionvioiatioo occurs. The OperatingSystemalsocheckssystemcall parametersfor protectionviolationsand for incorrectvalues.Appendi\ C ìiststhe exceptioncodesthat canbe returned. 2.4 SUPPORTFORMANYKINDSOF DEVICES The ExtendedI/O Systemsupportsa wide varietyof devices.To connecta particular deviceto the Extendedl/O System,your.pplicxtion systemmust includea devicedriver (a collectionof softwareproceduresiÌnplementedat the BasicI/O Systemlevel) for the devicebeingconnected.The OperatingSystemprovidesyou with driversfor flexibleand hard disks,line printers,serialterminals,bubblememorìes,and many other devices.A completelist of devicesthat are supportedby the OperatingSystemis ìncljded in the Ettetvled iRMX II Inteructire CanfrguratianUtilù!- ReferenceManuaL along with detailed instructionsfor includingspecificdriversin your applicationsysrem. Ifyou need driversfor devicesother than thosefor which Intel suppliesdrivers,you can writc drivcrsthat are compatible$'ith the iRMX lI OperatingSysren'ì.For specific instructions.refer to the ExtendedíRMX II DeviceDirerc User'sGuíde. 2.5 DEVICE INDEPENDENCE The Extendedl/O Systemprovidesyou with one set of systemcallsthat can be usedwirh any collectionol devices.For ìnstance,rather than usinga TYPE sysîemcall for output to a terminal and a PRINT svstemcall for output to a line printer, you can usea WRITE systcmcall for output to any device. This notion of one set ofsystemcallsfbr I/O to anv collectionof devicesis calleddevice independence, and it providesyour applicationwith a lot of flexibility. For example, supposeyoul applicationIogsevenlsas they occur The deviceindepencìence ofthe ExtendedI/O SystemaLlowsyou to createan applicationthat can log the eventson any devicerather than on just one- When the applicationis runningand circumstances force an operatorto reroute loggingfrom the tele5?ewriter to the line printer or disk,your applìcationcan easìlycomply. For a more detailedexplanationof deviceindependence, releî fo lhe Introduction to tlrc Ettended |RMX ll Operatingstttem. :-l Extended I/O User'sCuide FEATURNS OF THE EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEN' 2,6 FOURKINDSOF FILES The BasicI/O Systemimplemelltsfour rJistincrkindsof files,and rhe ExtendedI/O Systemsupportsall four. Each kind offile is byte-oriented,rather than record-oriented_ 2.6.1 NamedFiles Namedfiles are intendedfor usewith random-access. secondarv-storaqe devicessuchas disk drives,diskettedrives,ancìbubblcmemories.Named fileslllowyirur applicationto organizeits files into a treeìike, hierarchicalstructurethat reflectsthe relationships betweenthe files and the applicarion.Furthermore,only namedfiles allow your applicationto store more than one file on a device,and only namedfiles provide your applicationwith accesscontrol. Namedfiles alsoprovìdeyou with a good foundatjonfbr buildingcustomaccessmethodssuchas ISAM (indexedsequentialaccessmethod). For more detailedinformatìonregardingnamedfiles, read Chapter4 of this manual. 2.6.2 PhysicalFiles Physicalfiles differ from namedfiies in that physicalfiles allow your applicationmore direct control over a device. Eachphysicalfile occupiesan entire device,and applications can dealwith the file as thoughit were a srringof bytes. However,physicalflles do not provide accesscontrol. This more-basicrelationshipwith a deviceprovidesyour applicationwith flexibility. For exarlple,your applicarioncan usea physìcalfile ro interpret volumescreatedon other systems. Physicalffes alsoprovideyour applicarionwith the ability to communicatewith devices that do not needthe powerof namedfiles. Severalexamplesof suchdevicesare line p.inters,dispìaytubes,plotters,and robots. 2.6.3StreamFiles Streamfiles providea meansfor t\yo tasksto communicatewith eachother. One task writes into the file while the other task concurrentlyreadsfrom it. Streamfiles useno devicesand provide no accesscontrol. 2.6.4 RemoteFiles The Extend€dI/O Systemcan alsoaccessremotefiles throughOpenNET. For more information on accessing remotefiles,consultfheíRMX NetúorkíngSoftuareUser's(;uiLle. ExtendedI/O User'scuide [.EATURESOF THE EXTENDED I/O SYSTEM 2.7 FILEINDEPENDENCE Systemcallsfor readingand writing work with any of the q?es of files describedearlier. This allowsyou to createtasksand applicationsthat can be readilyswitchedfrom one kind of file to another. For example,your applicationmight involvetwo tasksthat mustcommunicateby usinga streamfile. ln the processof developingthe applicationsystem,you might implementthe writing task beforeyou implementthe readingtask. For the purposeof debuggingthe writing task,you can usea namedfile on a disk so you can examinethe informationbeing written. L1ter, after you implementthe readingtask,you can route the ìnformationto the streamfile rather than the disk. 2.8 SEPARATION OF FILELOOKUP ANDFILEOPENOPERATIONS Many operatingsystemswastevaÌuabletime by lookingup a file wheneveran apptication tries to open one. The iRMX lI ExtendedI/O Systemavoidsthis overheadby usinga specialtype of iRMX ll object(calleda file connection)to representthe bond between the file and an applicationprogram. Wheneveryour applìcationsottwarecreatesa file, the iRMX Il ExtendedI/O System returnsa file connection.Your applicationcan then use the connectionto open the file without sulferingthe expenseofhaving rhe ExtendedI/O Systemlook up the file. Even whenyour applicationopensan exislingfile, rhe applicrrioncan presenrthe file connectionand bl?assthe file-lookupproccss. File connectionsprovide a secondbenefit,one that reìatesto ac.esscontrol Any connectionto a namedfile embodiesthe accessrights to the file. This meansthar the ExtendedI/O Systemcomputesaccessonly once(whenthe file connectionis created). rather than eachtime the file is opened. Anolher benefit of file connectionsis that severaloi them can simultaneously existfor the samefile. This allowsseveraltasksto concurrenllyaeess ditferenrlocationsin the file. This is possiblebecauseeachfile connectionmaintainsa poinleato keeDtrack of the locationwirhinthe lile whcrerhe raskis reaJingor wriring. lfyou plan to accessremotefiles throughOpenNET,consultthe |RMX Networkíng Solírarc User'sGuide. That manualexplainshow to aocessiRMX Il-bas€dfiles thar aesideon remote hardware. 2.9 FILESHARINGANDACCESSCONTROL The Extended I/O System providesyourapplicarion with rheabiliryto sharefilesand,in the case ofnamed files. to control accessto files. 2-1 Extended I/O Useascuidc FEATURXS OF THE EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEII 2.9.1 Fil6Sharlng In a multitaskingsystem,it is oftel uselulto haveseveraltasksmanipularinga file simultaneously.For example,considera transactionprocessingsystemin which a large numb€rof operatorsconcurrendymanipulatca commondata base. If eachterminal is driven by a distincttask,the only way to irnplementan efficienttransactionsystemis to havethe tasksshareaccessto the data-basefile. The ExtendedI/O Svstemallows multipletasksto accesq the samefile ar the sametime. 2.9.2AccessControl Also usefulin a multitasking systemis the abilityto controlaccess to a file. For instance, suppose thatseveralengineering departments sharea computer.An engineerin one department maywantto controlaccess to filesasfollows: . Allow the ability to read,writc, and deletefil€s. . Allow other engineerswithin the departmentto read and wriie the files,but deny them permissionto deletethe files. . Allow engineersof other departmentsto or y tead the files. Namedfiles provideyour applicationwith preciselythis kind ofaccesscontrol. For more detailedinformationregardingaccesscontrol,read Chapter4 of this manual. 2.10 BUFFERING WITHOVERLAPPED I/O The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesbufferingandoverlapping of I/O operations. 2.10.1 AdvantagesOf UsingBuffers Wheneverone ofyour applicationptogramsopensa connection,the programmust specirythe numberof buîfersto be providedby the ExtendedI/O System.The numberof buffe.s thaf your program.equestsaffectsthe actionsof the ExtendedI/O Systemas rt readsand writes infotmation throughthe connection.SpecificLlly . Zero Buffers The Erfended I/O SystemactuàÌlyaccesses the file eachtime your applicationinvokes a read systemcall or a write systemcall. For example,if your applicationcode asks the ExtendedI/O Systemto read 30 bltes, the Erlended I/O Systemarcessesthe file and readsexactly30 bytes. If the file resideson a physicaldevice,suchas a disk,the ExtendedI/O Systemaccesses the file for eachread or write request. Extended I/O User's cuide FEATURESOF'THE EXTENDED I/O SYSTEM One Buffer The ExtendedI/O Systemreadsand writes informationone buffer at a time. For instance,when your applicationprogramasksthe Efended I/O Systemto read 30 bfes, the Systeminsteadreadsenoughinformationto fill the entire buffer. Using this method,the ExtendedI/O Systenmight be ableto satisf severaladditionalrequests without readingthe file again. This methodoftransferring a firll buffer at a time is calledblocking. Blockingcan significantlyimprovethe performanceof an applicationsystemby reducingthe numberof times the ExtendedI/O Systemmust actuallytransferinformationto or from a file on a device. In general,blockingis more valuablein sequentialI/O than rn random I/O. Two or More Buffers IIyour applicationrequeststwo or moaebuffers,the ExtendedI/O Systemcan overlapI/O operationsby usingread-aheadand write-behindalgorithms. Readingaheadand witing behindare techniquesfor allowingtasksto continue runningiahilethe ExtendedI/O Systemis transferringìnformationto or from devices. Both techniquesare particularlyusefulwhenyour applicationis performingsequential (rather than random-access) I/O. This is becausethe ExtendedI/O Systemcan accùratelydetermirìe,during sequeittialr€adingor writilg, the locationof lhc ncx! data requiredby the application. When you configurethe OperatingSystem,you specifythe maximumnumberof buffersthat the Ertended I/O Systemcan usefor files on a particulardevice. The numbe. of buffersfhar the ExrendedI/O Systemactuallyuseswhen readingor writing a file is the lesserof this mzximumvalueand the numberof buffersspecifiedwhen the file is opened. The S$OPEN call is describedin the trrelded íRMX II ExtetuledI/O SvstemCalls ReferenceMantnl. 2.10.2ButferSize Ifyou are responsiblefor configuringyour applicatìonsystem,you shouldbe awarethat buffer sizesare,at leastpartially,a functionofsome parametersthat you set during the configurationprocess.The next two paragraphsdiscusstheseparameters,However,if you are not involvedwith configurationofyour system.you can skip over these paragraphswithout missingany crucialinformation. When your applicationrequestsone or more buffers,the Enended I/O Systemcomputes the sizeof the buffersas a function oftwo configurationparameters--the granularityof the device,and the internal bulter sizeofthe ExtendedI/O System.The granularityis a BasicI/O Systemconfigurationparamete.,and the internal buifer sizeis an Erlended I/O Systemconligurationparameter. For more inlormafion abou!configuration,refer to Chapter7. 2-6 ExtendedI/O Use/s Guide FEATURXS OF THE EXTENDEDI,/O SYSTIìN{ Whenyourapplication programopensa connection, the Extended I/O Systemcreates buffersequalto thelargestintegralmultipleof thedevicegranularity thatdoesnot exceed the inlernalbuffersize.Therearetwoexceptions to thisrule: . If the devicegranularity is zero,theExtended I/O System createsbuffersequalto the internalbuffersize. . If the device granularity is greater than the internal buffer size, the Extended I/O System creates buffers equal to the internaÌ buffer size. 2.11 LOGICAL NAMESFORFILESANDDEVICES The Extended I/O Systemallowsyourapplication programto uselogicalnamesto refer to filesanddevices.A logicalnameis a slringof characters thatthe Extended I/O System associaîes with a particularfile connection or deviceconnection.(A deviceconnection rclates to deviccs in the same way that a file coonecrion relarcs ro filcs. Rcfcr ro Chapter3 ofthis manualfor a precisedefinition.) Youcanmakea logicalnameavailabie to onejob,to a groupofjobs,or to all jobsin the system.Thisis aocomplished by cataloging thenamein thelocaljobobjectdùectory,the globaljob objectdirectory,or therootjob'sobjectdirectory,respectively. (Chaprer3 describes thesedire.tories.) 2.12 AUTOMATIC REATTACHMENT OF DEVICES The ExtendedI/O Systemconstantlymonitorsthe srarusof deviccs.Whcn an opcrator removesa diskette(or any other removablemedia)from a drive that is capableof detectinga volumebeingremoved.the ExtendedI/O Systemdetachesthe deviceand deletesall connectionsto files on the device. Whenthe ooeratorreDlacesthe removed media,the ExtendedI/o Systemautomalicallyre-artach;srhe devi;e as soonas it is accessed, makingit availableto the tasksin your system. Somedevices,suchas some5.25-inchflexiblediskettedrives.cannotdetecta volume beingremovedfrom the drive. For thesedevices,the ExtendedI/O Systemcannot pcrlbrm automatìcreattachmen!, Extended I/O User's Gu;de 3.1 INTRODUCTION Beforeyou usethe ExtendedI/O System,you shouldunde$tand severalfunclamentat concepts.Someof thoseconceptswerepresentedin Chapter2. The remainingconcepts are . DeviceControllersand DeviceUnits . Volumes . Files . Connections . I/o Jobs . LogicalNames The followingsectionsexplaintheseconcepts. 3.2 DEVICECONTROLLERS AND DEVICEUNITS Devicesare suchthingsas flexiblediskettedrives,line printers,terminals,card readers, and the like. A deviceis a hardwareentity that taskscan useto read information,write information,or do both. More precisely,theseare deviceunits. The iRMX II OperatingSystemdistitguishesbetweendeviceunits and the hardwnre intedacesthat control deviceunits. The latter interfacesare calleddevicecontrollers. Typically,a devicecontrollerallowsiRMX Il applicationsoftwareto communicatewiîh severaldeviceunits. For example,an iSBC 214 WinchesterDisk Controllerboard acrsas an interfacebetweenapplicationsoftwareand severalWinchesterdisk drives(device unlts). 3.3 VOLUMES A voÌume is the medium uscd to store the information on a device unit. For exalì4rle,if the device unit is a flexible disk drìve, the volume is a diskette; and if the device unit is a multi-platter hard disk drjve, the volume is rhe disk pack. Extended I/O User'sGuide 3-l FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3.4 FTLES Someoperatingsystemstreat a file as a device,ìrhile otherstreat a file as information storedon a device. The ExtendedI/O Systemconsidersa file to be information. The Efended I/O Systemprovidesfour kinds offiles: physical,named,stream,and remote. Each kind hascharacteristics that make it unique. Chapter2 providesgeneral informationabout eachkind of file. Chapters4, 5, and 6 provide more detail about 'Ihe named, physical, and stream tiles. |RMX Netroking Sof,{are User'sGuide pto'rides detailedinformationaboutremotefilesRegardlessofthe kind of file, the ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesìnformationto applicationsas a strìngofbt'tes,rather than as a collectionofrecords. 3.5 COMMUNICATION CONNECTIONS BETWEEN TASKSAND DEVICEUNITS In complexenvironments, suchasthosesupported by the iRMX II OperatingSystem, several laye$ of softwareandhardwaremustbeboundtogetherbeforecommrinication betweerapplication tasksanddeviceunitscancommence. Figùre3-1showstheselayers. Figure 3- l, Layers of Interfacing BetweenTasks and a Device Extended I/O Useascuide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3.5.1 InterlayerBondsPrecedingInitialization The honclbetweena devicecontrollerand the d€viceunits that it controlsis g ohvsical bond,ùsuallyin the form ofwires or cables. A devicedriver is bound to devicecontrollersby dataresidingin a data structureknowt as a DeviceUnit InforrnationBlock (DUIB). You supplythe data for DUIBS when configuring the Operating System. Refer to the Etended íRMX Il DeviceDivers Llser's 6rode for more informationaboutDUIBS. Apptcation softwareis boundto the file driver during the tinking process.you supplythe informationnccdcdto perform the bindingprocesswhenconfiguringthe sysrem. When your applicationstartsup, thesethree bondsare in place,Ieavingonly one gap betweenthe layers. Figure 3 2 illustratesthis situation. The nevrelement,shownin the figure as the configurationintertace,is the "glue"that providesthe final bond. ^ 055 figure 3-2. Schematicof Softnare at Initialization Time Extended I/O User'sCuide FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3.5.2Post-lnitialization Bond- theConfiguration Interface The configurationinterfaceprovidestwo kindsof systemcalls. Before a task can use a file, both of thesekjnds of callsmust be invoked. One type of call producesa device connection,and the other a lile connection.Thesetwo NDesofconnectionsare shownin Figure 3-3. Deviceconnectionsare depictedas conrJuits(pipes):file connectionsare shownaswies throush the conduits. H Figure 3-3, A Systemwith Deviceand File Connections 3-4 Extended I/O User'sGuide FUNDAMENTALCONCEPI'S Conneclions To use a devicefor Eferìded I/O Syst€mcalls,tasksmust first invoke the systemclll LOGICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE. which . Createsan objecttypecalleda logicaldeviceobject-alsorelèrred to as a device connealion-'lhàî repre\ents thc Je\ ice. . Catalogsa token for the new objectunder a logicalnamespecifiedin the LOGICAII$ATTACH$DEVICE caÌI. (A later sectionin this chapterdiscusses logicaÌ namesin detail.) . Identiliesthe ownerof the deviceconnection,to prev€ntother usersfrom detashing devicesthat they do not own. After LOGICAI$ATTACH$DEVICE is invoked,the logicalnameis associatedin the objectdirectorywith a token for the logicaldeviceobject. The ExtendedI/O Systen accesses the deviceby usingthis logicalname. FileConnections When an applicationtask accesses a deviceunit, it must usethe logicalnamelor that deviceunit to obtain a file connectionobject. The file connectionrepresentsa particular file on a devic€unit. How the tîsk ohtains the connectiondependson whetherthe fìle alreadyerists. If the file alreadyexists,the task usuallycallsS$ATTACH$FILE, aÌrhough it can alsocall S$CREATE$FILE. Ifthe file doesnot vet exist.the task must call S$CREATE$FILE. NOTE You can call S$CREATE$FILEto obtain a file connectionfor a fiie that alreadyexists.But, for the followingreason,you shouldavoid using S$CREATE$FILE unlessit is certainthat the file doesnot yet exist. Calling S$CREATtr$FÌLEto obtaina connectionfor a file rhat aLeady existstruncatesthe iile to zero ìength. Even ifyou do this deliberately, truncatingcausesproblemsfor taskshavingother connectionsto the file, becausethe file pointers(discussed later in this section)for thoseother conneltionsare not affected,eventhoughthe end-of-îilemarker is moved to the beginningofthe file. You shouldobservethis precautionevenwlìenobtainingconncctionsto physicalor streamfìles,becauseyou might want to usethe samecodeto obtain connectionsto namedfiles. Unlike deviceconnections.there can be multiple file connectionsto one file. This allows different tasksto havedifferent kindsofaccessto the sameflle at the sametime, as the nextparagraphshows. EYtended l/O Use s Guido r-UNDAMENTAI CONCEPTS After receivinga file connection, a taskcallsS$OPENto opentheconnection, Parameters in thecallto S$OPENspeciryhowthetaskinrendsto usethe file connection andhowit is willingto sharethefìlewith othertasks. NOTE If a task iú onejob obtainsa file connectionthat wascrearedin a diîferent job, the task cannotsuccessfully use the connectionto perform I/O operations.However,the taskcan catalogthe connectionunder a logical name,and usethe logicaÌnamein the ATTACH$FILE systemcall to obtain a secondconnectionthat can be usedwithout restriction. The Erlended I/O Systemmaintainsa file pointer for eachopen file connectionto a random-access deviceunit. This file pointer telis the ExtendedI/O Systemthe logical addressof the bytewherethe nextI/O operationon the lile is to begin. The logicat addresses of the bytesin a file beginwith zero and increasesequentiallythroughthe entire file. Normallythe pointer for a file connectionpointsat the nextlogicalbyte after the one most recentlyread or written. However,a task can modi$ the file pointer by invokingrhe S$SEEKsystemcall. This seekingprocessis particula.lyusefulwhen performingrandom-access (as opposedto sequential)operationson a file. 3.5.2,4SomeObservations aboutDevices andConnections Figure 3'3 is quite detailedand showsmost of the situationsthat are possiblefor device units and file connectionsto them. In pafticular,you can observethe followingaboutthe figure: . ì-)e,r,ice connectionsextendfrom the applicationsoftwareto the individualdevice units,and eachpassesthroughone and only one file driver. . There is only one d€vicecoùÌecti()nto eachconnecteddevice. However,multiple file connectionscan sharethe samedevtceconnecuon. . Different deviceunitswith the samecontrollercan be connectedvia dìfferentfile drivets. . Taskscan shareaccessto rhe samedevjceunit throughthe physicalfile driver, and they can shareaccessto the samefiles on the samedeviceunit throughthe namedfìle driver. r There is only one deviceconnectionthroughthe streamfile driver, becauseone logical devìcecontainsall streamfiles. . The configurationintcrface,whichis depictedas a pile ofconduiîs,is off ro one side. . All but one of the deviceunits are connected.The unconnecteddeviceunit is still separatedfrom the applicationsoftwareby the configurationinterface. Extended I/O Us€r'sGuide FUNDAMENTALCONCEPTS 3.6 LOGICALNAMES Logicalnamcsidentify file connectionsor deviceconneoions. More specifically,you catalogthe tokensfor file connectionsor deviceconnectionsunder ìogicalnames. This sectiondescribesthe syntaxfor logicalnames,and then describesthe directoriesin *hich you catalogconnectionsunderlogicalnames. 3.6.1Syntaxfor LogicalNames A logicalnameis a STRING of 12or fewer characterswith the followingcharacterisrics: . l he ASCII codelbr eachcharactermustbe between020hand 07Fh. You cannotuse a slash(/), ar up-arrow(r), or a circumflex(^) in the logicalname A logicalname rnaybe enclosedin colons,(for example,:f0:),but lhe colon charactercannotbe Llsed as part of the logicalname. If the logicalnameis to be usedas a prefix to a pathname, it must be enclosedin colons. (Prefixesare discussed in a lalcr sEclionof tn$ chapter.) . Leadingand embeddedhlanksare significant.For example,if the STRING usedto definea logicalnamecontainsa leadingblank followedby two X's, the logicalnarneis nol simply two X's. Ratherit is a blank followedby two X's. . The ExtendedI/O Systemdoesnot distinguishbetweenuppercaseand lowercase lettersin logicalnames. For example,the ExtendedI/O Systemconsìdersrlz and XYZ to be the samelogicalname. 3.6.2LogicalNamesandObjectDirectories Every I/O job has three distincttt?es of objectdirectoriesin which objectscan be cataloged.(The specificcharacteristics oî an I/O job are describedin the nextsection.) When looking up a logicalnamc,the ExrendedI/O Sysremsearchesthesedirectoriesìn the order they are listedhere,and it stopswhen it finds the name. One effectofthis searchschemeis that you can make a logicalnameavailableto only on€ job, to a group oI jobs,or to alljobs in the system. The objectdirectoriessearched,and the order h which they are searched,are 1. The objectdirectoryof the locatjob. The localjob ìs the job containingrhe task rhat requestedthe ExlendedI/O Systemto find the logicalname. lfyou wish to sharea connectionwilh tasksin the samejob,but no! otherjobs, catalogthe token for the connectionunder a logicalnamein the local object orfecrory. ExtendedI/O User'scuide [.UNDAMENTAL CONCEPIS 2. The objectdirectoryof the globaljob. An I/O job's globaljob is that job whose token is catalogedunder the nameRQGLOBAI in the objectdirectoryof the I/O job. For example,if the RQGLOBAL entry in Job A's objactdirectoryis a token for Jub B, Job B's objcct directoryis the globaldirecrory. Ifyou wish to shareconnectionsamongtasksin severaljobs,designateone global job. Then catalogtokensfor sharedconnectionsin the globaljob objectdirectory. 3. The objectdirectoryofthe rootjob. The rootjob is the firstjob createdwhenyorl: systemis started, All otherjobs in the rystemare offspringofthe rootjob. The rootjob objectdirectoryis availableto everyjob in the system. Ifyou wish to sharecertainconnectionswith all tasksin the system,catalogtokens for the connectionsin the rootjob's dilectory. CAUTION Before all I/O job exits, it must uncatalog any objects il cataloged ir olher directories(globalor mot). If, for example, a job catalogs thetokenfor a conn€ctionin the root job objectdirectorysnd then exits without uncatalogingthe tok€n,the logicalnam€and token reúain eventhoùgh the connectionis deleted.From then on, using the connecfionor referring to the logical name\vill causean error, 3.7 r/o JOBS Anyjob usingEfended l/O Systemcallsmust be an I/O job. I/O jobs can be created both when the systemis initializcd,and whenprogramsare running. During configuration,you definethe characteristics of I/O jobs îhat are createdwhen the system is initializecl.You useeither the CREATE$tO$JOBor RQE$CREATE$IO$JOBsystem call to createjobs while the systemis runnìng. Both of thesesystemcallsperform the sameoperations;the CREATE$IO$JOBsystemcall is compatiblewith iRMX I systems and reseÍvesup to 1M byrefor rhejobs memorypool, and the ReE$CREATE$IO$JOB systemcall givesyou the ability to reserveas much as lóM bytesfor the job's memory pool. Both systemcalls are described in the Etteaded íRtrlX II ExtendedI/O SystemCaIs RefercnceManual. An l/O job (as opposedto a non-l/O job) must have 3-8 . A globaljob. A token for the globaljob musrbe caralogedin the I/O job,soolecr directoryunder the name RQGLOBAL, as explainedin the previoussection. . A defaultprefi{. The defìult prefix is a connectioncaraÌogedunder the nameg io either the localjob objectdirectoryor the globaljob objectdirectory. Default prefixes are discussedin the nexî sectionof this chapter. Extended I/O User'scuidc FUNDAMENTALCONCEPTS . A defaultuserobject. l hisuserobjecrmustbe cataloged in the I/O job'sobject directoryunderthenameR?IOUSER.A defaultuserobiectis requled to access namedfilesvia Exrended I/O Systemcalls.Namedfilesind userohjectsare thoroughly discussed in Chapter4 ofthis manual. ROE$CREATE$IO$JOB automarically inirializes the newjobwith a defaultuserobje,:jt, globaljob,anddefaultprefix ('Automaticall/'meansrhatthesecharacteristics of a new l/O job arenot specified with paramerers in rheRQE$CREATE$IO$JOB systemcali, but are inheritedfrom theparentjob.Othercharacteristics suchaspriorityandstacksize canbe explicitlyspecified parameters as in the RQE$CREATE$IO$JOB call.) Any taskthatinvokesthe RQE$CREATESIO$JOB sysrem callmustbe runningwithinan I/O job. Thisrestrictionleadsto an obviousquestion.Howcanyoucreatethefirst I/O job? You cancreateit duringrheconfiguration ofyour applìcation system. Whileconfiguring yourapplication system(described in Chapter7), youcanspecifyrhc characteristics ofone or mo.eI/O jobsthat arecreatedwhenthe systemis initialized. 3.8 PATH$PTR PARAMETERS AND DEFAULTPREFIXES SomeExtendedI/O Systemcallsrefer to files rather than to connections.All suchcalls require a path$ptrparameterto identili the tîe to be attached,created,or otherwise manipulated. The completeinterpretationof the path$ptrparameterdependsupon the kind of file (named,physical,stream,or remote) beingmanipulated.Detailsabout this parameter are discussedin Chapter4 (for namedand remotefiles), in Chapter5 (for physicalfiles), and in Chapte.6 (for streamfiles). However,one aspectof the pathgptrparameterappliesto all four kinds of files. If rhe parameteris set to NIL, or if it points to a null STRING (an iRMX II STRING containing zero characters),the Extendedl/O Sysremmanipulatesthe file indicatedby the default prelt of lhe callingtask'sjob. The defaultprefir is an attributeof an I/O job, and it is a connection(either a device connectionor a file connection).It is catalogedunder the name$ in either the local or the globalobjert directoryfor thejob. Whenevera task invokesa systemcall bur doesnol specirya logicalname,the Extendedl/O Systemlooks up the defaultprefir and usesthe associated connection. ErtcndedI/O User'scuide 39 4.1 OVERVIEW Namedfilesareintendedfor usewith random-access, secondary-storage devices suchas diskdrives,diskettedrives,andbubblememories.Namedfilesprovideseveralfeatures thatare not providedbyphysicalor streamfiles. Thesefeaturesinclude r MultipleFileson a SingleVolume r HierarchicalNaming of Files . AccessControl Thesefeaturescombineto make namedfiles extremelyusefulin systemssupportingmore than one applicationand in applicationsthar require more than onc filc. Named files can alsoresideon remotesy$tems.You accessremote naúed files in the sameway you accesslocal namedfiles. To accessremote files,you must be usingthe iRMX NetworkingSofnvare,which is availableseparatelyfrom the iRMX II Operatin-g System. 4.2 MULTIPLE FILESON A SINGLEVOLUME As shownin Figure4-1,1,ourapplicationcan usenamedfiles to implementmore than one file on a singìevolrrrne This can he very usefulin applicationsrequiringmore than one operator.5uchas lrbn\action-fr,\.isingryslem\. EÍended I/O Use/s Guide ,t-l NA]\fED FILES 4.3 HIERARCHICAL NAMINGOF FILES The namedfiles featureallowsyour applicatjonto organizeits files into a number oftreelike structures,as depictedin Figure 4-1. Eachsuchstructure,calleda file tree, mustbe containedon a singlevolume,and no two file treescan sharea volume. In other words,if a volumecontainsany namedfiles,the volumecontainsexactlyone file treeEach file tree consistsoftwo categoriesoffiles-data files and directo.ies. Data files (shownas trianglesin Figure 4-1) containthe informationthat your applìcation rnanipulates,suchas inventories,accountspayable,transactions,text,sourcecode,or objectcode. In contrast,directoryfiles (shownas rectangles)containonly pointersto other files- The purposeof direcroryfiles is to giveyou flexibilityin organizingyour lile T{) illustratethis flexibility,take a closelook at Figure 4-1. It showshownamed files can be usefulin multi-usersystems.The figure is basedon a collectionof h)?othetical engineerswho work lor three departments(Departments1, 2 and 3). Each engineeris responsiblefor his own files. 4-2 Extended l/O User'sGuide NAMEDFILES ll ll l \ ligùre 4-1. Exampleofa NamedFile Tree This multipersonorganizationis reflectedin the file tree. The uppermostdirectory (calledthe volurDe'srrx)1directory)points to fhree "departmentdirealories."Each departmentdirectorypoints îo several"engineer'sdirectories.',The engineerscan organizetheir files as theywish by usingtheir own directories. The root directoryof a remotedeviceis referred to as A virtual root. This is becausethe remote systemselectsthe directoriesand files to be madeaccessible over the OpenNET network. Not all files and directorieson a remotesystemare automaticallyaccessible. Each fìle (directoryor data) hasa uniqueshortestpaîh connectingit to the root diectory of the volume. For instance,in f,igure4-1,the tile calledSIM-SOURCE hasthe path DEPTl/BILL/SIM-SOURCE, wherethe slash(/) is usedro separarethe componenrsot the path. This notion of "path"reflectsihe hierarchicalnature of lhe named-filelree. ExtendedI/O Usefs Guide 4-3 NAMEDFILES Arother characteristic of hierarchical file namingis thatthereis lesschancefor duplicate file names.For example, notethatFigure4-1containsdirectories for two indiviouats namedBill. (Thesedirecto.ies areon theextremeleft andrightof the third levelof the figure.) Evenifthe rightmostBill hada datàfile with the file nameofSIM-OBJECT,its path woulddifferfrom thatleftmostBill'sSIM-OBJECT.Specificaly, rhelefrmostSIMOBJECTis identifiedby DEFTl/BILL/SIM-OBJECI whereasthe rightmostSIM-OBJECT wouldbe identifiedby DEPT3/BrLL/srM-OBJECT Nowthatyouknowwhata namedfile is,let'slook at howthe tasksofyour application tell theExtendedI/O System whichnamedfile to manipulate. 4.3.1 SystemCallsRequiringConnections Onceyou havea file connectionfor a particularnamedfile, you can usea token for the connectionas the connectionparameterin any of the followingsystemcallsto perform I/O throughthe connection: s$closE S$DELETE$CONNECTION S$GET$CONNECTION$STATUS S$OPEN $READ$MOVE S$SEEK S$SPECIAL S$TRUNCATE S$WRITE$MOVE However,if lhe connection wascreatedby a taskin a differentjob,yourtaskshouldnot usethe contectionin anyoîthesesystemcalls.Rather,yourtaskshouldfirst obtaina new conncction to the same file by pcrforming the following steps: L Catalogthe currentconnectionill the objectdirectoryof your task'sjob. Thls establishes a logicalnamefor the currentconnection. 2. Using the newly-definedlogicalname,invokethe S$ATTACH$FILE systemcall to obtain anotherconnectionto the samefile. Your task can use this se€ond connectionto invoke any of the systemcallslistedabove. lfyour task doesattemptto usea connectioncreatedin anotherjob,the Extendedl/O Systemwill relum an exceplioncoderather than performingthe requestedfunction. Extended I/O User'sCuide NAMEDFII,ES 4.3.2SystemCallsRequiring Paths To useanyofthe followingsystemcalls,yourtasksmùstuscan Extended I/O System path,ratherthana connection, ro tell theEfended I/O System whichfile vouwishto manipulate: S$ATTACH$FILE S$CIIANGE$ACCESS S$CREATE$DIRECTORY S$CREATE$FILE S$DELETE$FILE S$GET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY S$GET$FILE$STATUS S$GET$PATI I$COMPONENT S$RENAME$FILE For namedfiles, an ExtendedI/O Syslempath hasrwo componenrs.The first componenr$ calleda prefi{, and the secondis calledthe subpath.Let's etamine thesecomponenrsone ar a lime. A prefix is a logicalnamefor n connectionto either a device,a nameddirectoryfile, or a nameddata file. The devicemay be either a local or remoredevice. The files may alsobe either local or remotefiles. The purposeof the prefix is to tell the ExtendedI/O Sysrem whereto begininterpretingthe subpath.The prefir is the only componentrhat is ùsedto distinguisha local connectionfrom a remoteconnection.Let's look at eachof the possibleinterpretationsthat the ExtendedI/O Systemcan derivefrom a prefir: . If the prgfiLi! aiolledian to a local device,the ExtendedI/o systembegins scanningthe sùbpathat the root directoryof the device. r If the plg|i2lj8le!4gdjprIa4 rcloo e device, the Extended I/O Sysrembegins scanningthe subpathat thè vìrtuàI root dircctoryofrhe device. . If the prefix is a connectionto a local or remotenameddirectoryfile, the Extended l/O Systembeginsscanningthe subpathat the specilìeddirectory. . If the prefix is a colqectien to a local or remotenameddata file, the ExtendedI/O Systemchecksto seeif the subpathis nul!. If it is, the ExtendedI/O Syst€m manipulatesthe file indicatedby the prefix. If the subpathis not null, the Extended l/O Systemreturnsan exceptioncodejndicatingthat your applicationprogram is attemptingto usea data file as rhoughit were a directoryfile. All other syntaxapplìesto both local and remotefiles. For more information on remote files, see thc r'llMx Networkiùt Sofhrare Llset'sGuide. ExtendedI/O Usedscuide 4-5 NAMEDFILES A sùbpathis a data-filenameor a sequence ofdirectorynamesoptionallyiollowedby a datafile name.For instancc, referringto Figure4-1,TOM/TEST-DATA/BATCH,1is a subpaththatleadsfrom theDEPTl directoryto the datafile namedBATCH-1. Anotherexamplefrom thesamefigureis TOM,whichis a sìrbpath thatleadsfrom the directorynamedDEPT1to the directorynamedTOM. UsingPrelixesin ConjunctionWith Subpaths Thetasksofyour application systemcanusea prefixin conjunction with a subpathto createa mmpletopathfor a namedfile. Theprefixgenerally refersto a di.ectory,aod the subpathgenerally refersto a directoryor datafile that is a descendant of the directory indicrìted bytheprefix SystemCalls Thosesystemcallsthatrequirepathshavea path$ptrparameter.Thetasksofyour applìcation systemcanusethispath$ptrparameter, alongwith the defaultprefix,to specilythe file to be manipulated. PathSyntax Whenyourapplication tasksinvokea systemcallthatrequiresa path,thetasksmust providea path$ptrparameter.Whendealingwith namedfiles,thisparameteris a POINTERto a STRING(seeAppendixA for a definitionof STRING)thatmustbein oneof thefollowingfour forms: . NULL STRING lf the STRINCis zerocharacters long,theExtcndedI/O Sysrem will acton rhefile indicatedby the defaultprefixof thecallingrask'sjob. . LOclcAI NAME ONLY If theSTRINGconsists onlyof a logiadnameenclosed in colons,rheExtended I/O Systemwill lookup thelogicalnameandobtaintheassociated connection.Then, because thesubpathis empty,the Extended I/O System will acton thedatafile or directoryfile indicatedby theconnection. 4-6 Extended I/O Usefs cuide NAMEDFILES SUBPATH ONLY The STzuNGcanconsistof a subpath withouta prefix. TheExtended I/O System interpretssuchsubpaths by startingat rhedirectoryindicaredby the defaultprelixof thecalljngtask'sjob. Thenthe Extended I/O Systemfollowsrhesubpathfrom directoryto directoryuntil it reaches thefinalcomponent of thesubpath.Thisfinal component is thefile on whichtheExtended I/O Systemacts. Be awarethatwhenever the STzuNGcontainsa subpathwithouta logicalname,the defaultprefixmustbe a logicalnamefor a connection to a deviceor to a named directoryfile. If, ìnstead, the defaultprefixrepresents a connection to a nameddata file, the Extended I/O Systemreturnsan exception codeindicatingthatyourtaskis attempting b usea datafile asa directory. The followingsubpathis an exampleof themostcommonform: ^/B/c/D wh€reA, B, andC arethenamesof directoryfiles,andD is the nameof eithera directoryor datafile. Thisexampìe causes theExtendedI/O Systemto startat the defaulldirectoryanddescend to DirectoriesA, B, andC in order. 'l'henìt actson l). An exampleof a lesscommonform ofsubpathis '|A/B/C/D wherethe up-arrow(î) or circumflex(^) tellsthe hxtendedl/O Systemto ascendone levelin the hìerarchy offiles. In otherwords,rheExrended I/O System wouldread thisexampleasr "Startwith thedirectoryindicatedby the defaulrprcfixanclascencl to its parent.Thendescend to directories A, B, andC in order.Thenacton FileD. 'lhe Extended I/O System canalsoac4eptconsecutive up-arrows.For example ^^AlBlc wouldcausethe Extended I/O Systemto startwiththe directoryindicatedby the defaultprefixandascend twolevelsbeforeinterpretingtheremainderof thesubpath. Anotherpossibility is for thesubparh to beginwith a slash(/). For example /AlB/C Whenever the Extended I/O Systemdetects a slash at the beginning of a subpath, the Extended I/O System will start inrerpreting the remainder of the subpath at the root directory of the device indicated by the prefix Extended I/O User'sGuide NÀMED FILES . LOGICAL NAME FOLLOWEDBY SUBPATI] Your application codecanusea STRINGconsisting of a logicalname(enclosed in colons)followedimmediately by a subpath.For example :F0:A/B/C/D The Extended I/O Systeminterpretsthisexampleasfollows.First,it looksup the logicalnameF0 in the objectdirectoryof thelocaljob,or if necessary, theglobalor rootjob. Thenit followsthe subpathfrom the directoryassociated with the connection.Soin theexample, theExtended I/O System wouldfind the directory associated with F0,andit wouldsreprhroughDirectoriesA, B, andC. Finally,the ErtendedI/O Systemwouldacton File D. 4.4 CONTROLLING ACCESSTO FILES ln most envionmentswherefiles are sharedamongmultiple users,it is necessaryto have a meansof conttollingwhich usershaveaccessto which files. And amonguserswho have accessto a givenfile, it is frequentlynecessaryto grant different kinds of accessto different users.The iRMX ll OperatingSystemprovidesthis control by identilyingusers with user lDs and by embeddingaccessrightsior theselDs into the files. This section describesthe userID ald filc acccssmechanisms. 4.4.1 UsersandUserObiects The iRMX II Opefatltg Systemusesthe conceptof "user"!o coúelate file accessto peopleor to jobs. But the precisedefinition of "user',dependson the nature of your application. Ifyour applicationallowsa smallg.oup ofpeople to enter information (at rerminals.for example),you might want to considereachperson(or smallgroup ofpersons)a use.. This allowseachindividual(or smallgroup) to maintainaccessdifferent from othe. individuals(or smallgroups). Alternatively,ifyour applicationdoesnot interactwith people(or allowsonly one person to interact),you might wish to considereachiRMX II job as a user. This setrjpwould allowyour applicationto control the files that €achjob can access. In more generalterms,the set of entitiesthat manipulatenamedfiles in your systemis the set of all users. Ifyou want all ofthese entitiesto be ableto accessany file, you can considerthem to be a singleuser. However,ifyou want to distributediîferent accessto diff€.ent collectionsof theseentities,you must divide the entitiesinto subsets,eachof which is a separateùser. 4-8 Extended I/O Uset'scuidc NAMEDFILES For example,lookat Figure 4-1. As mentionedearlier,all engineersare.esponsiblefor their own files. If engineerswant to haveuniqueaccessto their files (perhapspermitting no one elseto usc th€ir files),eachengineermus! be a separateuser. However,if all engineersare willing to úe uniform accessto othe. membersofthe department,then the departmcnîcan be a s€parateuser, A userlD is a 16-bitnumberthatrepresents anyindividualor collectionofindividuals reqùi.inga separate identityfo. thepu.poseofgainingaccess to files. TheExtendedI/O Systemusesa special[pe of obj€ctcalleda userobjectwhcn determining access rightsto files.A userobjectcontainsa list of oneor moreuserIDs. joh EachT/O hasa defaultùserobjectwhichdefinesthe access rightsfor all tasksin that I/O job. Whena taskin an I/O job attemptsto manipulate a file,the OperatingSysrem computes aocess bycomparing the userIDs listedin the defaultuserobjectwith informationcontained in rhefile itseli lo understand userobjects, consideran application in whicheverypersonwhoaccesses thesystemhasa separate I/O job andthereforea separate userobject.The userobject represents theperson. The first ID in the user object is the owner lD. This is the ID of the user whom the objesl represents. Ifyou think of a user object as a person, the owner [D represents the name oî that person. When a person creates fiLes,the Operating System auîomàtically embeds rhe owner ID of that person'suserobjectinto the file, allowingthat personautomaticaccess to the file. The IDs that follow the ownerID representadditionalkinds of accessthat the personhas. For example,peopleoften belongto organizaîionssuchas athleticclubsand traternal groupswhich distributeidentitycardsto their members.To participatein the organization,peoplemust showtheir idendrycards!o prove they are members.The user lDs that follow the owner ID servethe samepurpose. They identifythe personas on€ of a selectgIoup, all ofwhom havcthc sameaccessto a certainset of files. 4.4,1.3 DefaultLJserObjectfor a Job All I/O operationsperformedwithin a singlel/O job are performedon behalfof one user objet, which is calledthe defaultuserobject. The ExtendedI/O Systemassumesthat the userobjectcatalogedin the I/O.iob's objectdirectoryunder the name R?IOUSER is the defaultuserobjectfor that I/O job. ExtendedI/O Ilser's Cùide 4-9 NAMED FILES Dudng the configurationofthe ExtendedI/O System,you set up the defaultuserobjects for your initial I/O jobs (the onesthat start runningimmediatelyupon system initialization). I-ater,when a task createsan I/O job (via the RQE$CREATE$IO$JOB sysremcall),the new I/O job inheritsthe defaultuserobjectofits parent I/O job. That is, the ExtendedI/O Systemautomaticallycatalogsthe parentjob'sùser objectin the new I/O job's objectdirectoryunder the rarùe R?IOUSER- In rhisway,rJefaultuserobjects passfrom parentjobs to offspring. To preventproblems,you shouldconsiderR?IOUSER to be a reservednameand avoid usingit. Dynamic LogonandiRMX.NET In a systemthat supportsthe dynamiclogon facilitiesofthe Human lnterface or iRMXNET, a uscr dcfinition file (UDF) liststhe user name,password(in encryptedform), usef ID, and other informationabout everyonewho is allowedto log onto the iRMX II system. The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesîhe GET$USER$IDSsystemcall so that you can look ùp the permitted userID of any userwhoseusernameyou know. This systemcall is usefulfor tasksthat needto set up userobjectsbasedon the informationlist€d in the UDF, The ExtendedI/O Systemalsohelpscontrol remotefile accessthroughthe sysremcall VERIFY$USER. This systemcall validatesusernamesand passwordsto ensurefile secud[y. As a aesult,the ExtendedI/O Systemallowsuserswho log onto dynamiclogon terminalscontrolledby the Human Interfaceto accessremotefiles. 4.4.2Typesof Accessto Files Each of the two kinds of namedfiles-directoryfiles and data files-can be accessed in four differentways. Every directoryfile can potentiallybe accessed in one or more of the followingways: Delete Deletethe diredoryfile with S$DELETE$FILE or renamethe dire€toryfile witl S$RENAME$FILE. List Obtainthecontentsofthe direcroryfile wirhS$READ$MOVE. Add Entry Add entriesto the directorywithS$CREATE$FILE, S$CREATE$DIRECTORY, or S$RENAME$FIT.F-. ChangeEntry Changetheaa:essrightsof fileslistedin the directorywith S$CI{ANGE$ACCESS. Every data file can potentiallybe accessed in one or more of the followingways: Delete ,t-10 Delete the file with S$DELETE$FILE or renamerhe file wlrn S$RENAMESFILE. Extended I/O Use/s Guid€ NAMEDFILES Read Readth€ file with S$READ$MoVE. Append Add informationto the endof the file with S$WzuTE$MOVE. Update Changeinformationin the file with S$WRITE$MOVE or drop informationwithS$TRUNCATE$FIT.E. A user'saccessrìghtsto a particularfile dependon the accesslist associated with that file. Accessrights to remotefiles are slightlydifferent than for namedfiles. For more information on acaessrights to remote files, see the .RMX Networking SofrwareUser't Guide. 4.4.3 FileAccessList For eachnamedfile (data or directory),the OperatingSyst€mmaintainsan accesslrst which definesthe userswho haveaccessand their ac,;ess rights. Each acr-css list is a collectionof up to three orderedpairs havingthe form lD, accessmask The ID portion is a userID. The list of user IDs definesthe userswho can accessthe lle. The accessmaskportion definesthe kind of file accessthat the correspondinguser has. An accessmaskis a byte in which individualbits representthe variouskindsof access permittedor deniedthat user. When sucha ìrit is s€t to 1, it sigîifi€s that the associat€d kind of accessis permitted. Wlen set to 0, the bit signifiesthat the associatedkind of accessis denied. iRMX-NET usesa slightlydifferent accessmaskfor remotefiles than is usedfor local files. 'lhe associationbetweenthe bits of the accessmaskand the kinds of accessthey controì are as follows(wherebit 0 is rhe least-signiîicant bit): Bl DirectoryFiles Data Files 0 I 2 3 Delete List Add Entry ChangeEntry Delete Read Append Update The remainingbits in the accessmaskhaveno significance. Extended I/O Uset'sGuide 4-11 NAMED FILES For example,an accesslist for a datafile might look like the following: 5B31 00001110 9F2C 00000010 wherethe Tl) numbers(left colùmn)are in hs€decimal and the accessmasks(right column) are in binary. This meansthat the ID number5831 has read,append,and updateaccessrights,while the ID number9F2C hasrhe read ac.essright. The first entry in the file's accesslist is placedthere automaticallyby the E\tended I/O Systemwhen it createsthe file. I he lD portion of that entry is the tirst ID number in the defaultuser objectofthe callingtask'sI/O job, That lD is known as the ownerID for the tile. The Extendedl/O Systemfills our lhe aocessrighrsporlion !o granrlhe ownerID full (unlimited) accessto the file. Taskscan alter the accesslist of a file by meansof the S$CHANGE$ACCESSsystemcall. With S$CI{ANGE$ACCESS,you can add or deleteTl)-access pairs,and you can c.hange the accessriqhts ofIDs alreadyin the accesslist. NOTE The userwhoseID is the ownerID for a file hasone advantageover other users. Other than the systemmanageruser(describedlater), only a file's ownercan usethe S$CHANCE$ACCESSsystemcall to modiry the file,s accesslist without beinggrantedexplicitpermissionto do so. 4.4.4 Computing Access for File Connectíons 'Whenever a taskcallsS$CREATE$DIRECTORY,S$CREATE$FILE,or S$ATTACH$FILE, the ExtendedI/O Systemconstructsan accessmaskand binds it to the file connectionobjectreturnedby the call. This acrcess maskis constantfor the life of the connection,evenif the accesslist for the tjle is subsequently altered. When the connectionis usedto manipulatethe file, the accessmaskfor the connectiondetermines how the file can be accessed.For example,if the computedaccessrightslbr a connection to a data file do not includeappendingor updating,then that connectioncannotbe used in an invocationof S$WzuTl$MOVE. When a taskcallsS$CREATE$DIRECTORYor S$CREATE$FILE,the ExrendedI/O Systemsuppliesan accessmaskthat grantsfull accessto the connection.However,when a task callsA$ATTACH$FILE, the ExtendedI/O Systemcomparesthe defaultuser objectwith the file's accesslist and computesan aggregatemask. 4.12 Extended I/O Use/s Guide NAMEDFILES Figure4-2illustrates the algorithmthatthe Exrended I/O Systemusesduringa callto S$ATTACH$FILE.As thefigureshows, the OperatingSystem compares the lDs in rhe default user object with the IDs Ìn thc filc's acccsslist. The accessmasks correspondìng to matching IDs are logically ORed, forming an aggregatemask. I* - ?'..i:3,i"1+Í."^î Figùre 4-2. Cr|mnutinBlhe {cce(\ l\lAskfirr a File Connection NormalÌy,the Extendedl/O Systemusesthe aggregateaccessmaskembeddedin the connectionto determinea task'sability to accessa file. However.there are two circumstances in which the Extendedl/O Systemcomputesaccessagain: during S$CHANGE$ACCESSand during S$DELETE$FILE. when a task invokesone of rhese systemcalls,the ExtendedI/O Systemcomputesthe accessro rhe rargerfile. If the default userobjectdoesnot haveappropriateaccessrights,the ExtendedI/O System deniesthe task the ability to deletethe file or changethe access. ExtendedI/O User'sGuide 4-13 NAMEDFILES NOTE When computingaccess, the ExtendedI/O Systemchecksthe accessonly to the last file in the specifiedpathnàmeand to the par€nt directoryof the last file. It doesnot checkthe accessto any other dhectoryfiles specified in the pathname. If the pathnameis null, the Extendedf/O Systemchecks the accessto the file indicatedbv the defaultorefix. 4.4.5SpecialUsers There are two userIDs that can havespecialmeaningto the ExtendedI/O System.One is the number0 (the systemmanageruser) and the other is the numberoFFFFH (the WORLD user). Sysiem ManagerUser If so indicatedduring the configurationprocess,userID 0 representsthe 'system manager,rr or 'rsuperuser." A userobjectcontainingthis valueis privilegedin two respects.First, when it is usedto createor attachfiles.the resultingfile connection automaticallyhasread accessto datafiles and list aclessto directoryfiles. This is true evenif a file's accesslist doesnot containan ID-accessmaskpair whoselD value is 0. The secondprivilegegrantedsucha userohjecris that ir can aall S$CIIANGE$ACCESS to changeany file's accesslist. By convention,the user ID 0FFFFH representsWORLD (all usersin the system).To implementthis convention.you shouldplacerhe ID for WORLD in the list of userTDsfor the initial userobjects]'ou set up during the conîigurationof the ExtendedI/O System. Then,whenyour initial l/O jobs createnew I/O jobs, rhe default userobjectsthey inherit will containthe WORLD ID. By implementingthe WORLD convention,your appÌicationcan set asidecertain files as public iiles, givingeveryonelimited access.For example,your file systemmight containa scriesof utilities,suchas compilersor linkers,which all uscrsneed to access.Insteadof grantingeveryoneaccesson an individualbasis(whichis impossibleifyou havernore than three use.s),you cxn granî the userWORLD sclessto the files. SinceWORLD is on thc lD list of everyuser object,this grantseveryoneaccessto the files. As a side effect of includingthe WORLD ID in everyuserobject,any file whoseownerID is oFFFFH (WORLD) can haveirs accesslist modilìedby anyone.That is, any file connectìonfor that file can be usedin a call to S$CHANGESACCESS. 4-r,t Extended I/O UseCsGuide NAMEDFILES 4.s EXTENDED r/O SYSTEM CALLSFORNAMEDFTLES The Efiended I/O Syslemprovidesa numberof systemcallsthat relate to namedfiles. The followingsectionsbriefly explainthe purposeof eachof thesesystemcalls. The brief descriptionsare groupedby fulction rather than alphabetically.T\e Extentled\RMX II ExtendedI/O Sytem Calk RefermceManual containscompletedescrìptionsof the Extendedl/O Systemcalls. 4.5.1 Obtainingand DeletingConnections The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidessevensystcmcallsthar rclarc to obrainingans deletingconnections. . S$CREATE$FILE. This call applìesonly to data files. Your applicationsoftware must usethis call to createa new datafile. When an applicationtask invokesthis call, the Ext€ndedI/O Systeù autonÌiilìcallyaddsan €ntry jn rhe par€nt directorylor this new fiÌe. . S$CRIATE$DI RECTORY. This call appliesonly to directoryfiles. When your applicationsoftwareneedsto createa dire.tory, the softwaremust usethis system call. The call cannotbe usedto obtaina connectionto an existingd ectory. The ExtendedI/O Systemautomaticallyaddsan entry in the parent directoryfor this neu orIectory. . S$ATTACH$FILE. This call îpplies to both data and directoryfiles. Your application!askscan uselbis call to obtaina connectionto an existingdata file or directory. . S$DELETE$CONNECTIoN. This call appliesto both data and dire.tory files. Your applicationtaskscan usethis call to deletea connectionto either kind of namedfile. This call cannotbe usedto deletea deviceconnection. r LOGICALI$ATTACH$DEVICE. This call doesnot directlyapplyto either data or directoryfiles. Your applicationsoftwareusesthis call to obtain a connectiorìto a local or remoîe deviceand to catalogthe logicalnamefor the devicein the object directoryof the root job. Even thoughthis connectionìs a deviceconnection,it can be usedas the prefix (logicalname)for the root directoryof the device. e LOGICAI$DETACH$DEVICE. This call doesnot directlyapply to either data or directoryfiles. Your applicationsoftwareusesthis call to deletea connectionto a deviceand removethe Ìogicalnameof the devicefrom the objectdirectoryof the root Joo. . HYBRID$DETACH$DEVICE. This call is similar to LOGTCAI^$DETACH$DEVICEin that it deletesa connectionto a device. However. HYBRID$DETACH$DEVICE doesnot removethe device'sÌogicalnamefrom the objectdirectoryof the root.job. Your appljcationsoftwareusesthis call when it wants to temoorarilvattacha devicein a different manner. Extended I/O Usefs Guid€ 4-15 NAMEI) FILES 4.5.2Manipulating Data Six systemcallsallow tasksto manipulatethe data in a file. All six can be usedwith data files,while only four applyto directoryfiles. The systemcaÌlsare . S$OPEN. This call appliesto both data and directoryfiles. Beforeyour application softwarecan useany olher systemcallsto manipulatefile data,the softwaremust open a connectionto the file. This systemcall is the only way to open a conne4tion- . S$CLOSE. This call appliesto both data and directoryfiles. After your application softwarehasfinishedmanipulatinga file, the applicatjoncan usethis systemcall to cìosethe file connection.Your applicationcan electto leavethe file open,letting the ExtendedI/O Systemcloseit whenthe connectionis deleted,but closinga file releasesmemoryresourcesassociated with the connection. . S$SEEK. This systemcall appliesto both data and directoryfiles,and works the saúe on both file t)?es. Wheneveryour applicationsoftwarereads,writes,or truncatesa file, the r€questedaction takesplaceftt the locationspecifiedby the connection'sfile pointer. The applicatìoncan tell the Extendedt/O Systemwherethe operationis ro take place. To do this,your applicationtask usesthe S$SEEKsystemcall to position the file pointer of the file connection.The S$SEEKsystemcall requiresthat the file conneclronoe open, . S$READ$MOVE. This systemcall appliesto both data and directoryfiles. Your applicationtaskscan usethis systemcall to read file data from the locationindicated by the fiìe pointer into a segmentof memor]. Before usingthis systemcall,your appÌicationsoftwarecan usethe S$SEEKsystem callto positionthe file pointer. The S$READ$MOVE systemcall requiresthat the file connectionbe open. Also, the segmentof memorythat receivesthe information from the file must havewrite access, becausethe systemcallwrites the information from the file to memory. r S$WRITE$MOVE. This systemcall appliesonly to data files. Your application softwarecan usethis systemcall to transfernew informationfrom a segmentof memoryto the file. Before usingthis call, an applicationtask can useS$SEEKto positionthe file pointer to the locationwithìn the file to receivethe informatìon. The S$WRITE$MOVE systemcall requiresthat the file connectjonbe open. Also, the segmentof memoryoriginallycontainingthe informationmust haveread access, becausethe systemcall readsthe informationfrom memoryand writes it to the fite. . 4-16 S$TRUNCATE$FILE. This systemcall appliesonly to data files. Your application softwarecan usethis call to trim informationfrom the end of the file. To do so.the applicationt.rskfirst can useS$SEEKro positionthe file poinrer to thc first bytc to bc dropped. Then îhe applicationinvokesthe S$TRUNCATE$FILE call to drop all bytesat or beyondthe file pointer. The S$TRIJNCATE$FILEsystemcall requires that the file connectionbe open. ExtendedI/O Uset's Cuide NAMEDFII,ES 4.5.3ObtainingStatus There are three status-relaledsystemcalls,one for connections,one for files,and one ior devices.The callsare S$cET$FILE$STATUS,S$cET$CONNECTION$STATUS.and GET$LOGICAL,l$DEVICE$STATUS.The first two callscan be usedwirh Llalaànd directoryfiles. The third call retrievesiniormationabout devices. 4.5.4 Deleting and Renaming Files TheExtendedI/O System providesonesystemcallfo. deletingfiles,andanotherfor renamìng fiÌes. Each of these calls can be used with data and direcîory files. Thc calls arc . S$DELETE$FILE. Your applicationtaskscan usethis systemcall to deletedata and directoryfiles. However,any atlempt ro deletea directorythat is not emptywill result in an exceptionalcondition. . S$RENAME$FILE. Your applicationtaskscan usethis systemcall to renameboth data and directoryfiles- In renaminga file, an applicaîiontaskcan move the file to any directoryin the samenamedfile tree. For example,you can renameA/B/C to be A/X/C. In efiect,this examplesimplymovesFile C from Directory B to Directory X. This meansthat the applicationtaskcan changeeverycomponentof a file's path nameexceptthe root directory. 4.5.5ChangingAccess The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesone systemcall to let the tasksofyour applicatiorì changca filc's acccsslist. This call is S$CIIANCtr$ACCISS, and it appliesro boih d.ìr.ì files and directories.One rule governsthe useof S$CHANCE$ACCESS-onlythe owrer of a file or a userwith changeentry accessto the directorycontainingthe fiìe can change the file's accesslist. 4.5.6 Deleting Connections The Extendedl/O Systemprovidesone systemcall to deleteconnectionsto files. This is the S$DELETE$CONNECTIONsystemcall. 4.5.7 UsingLogicalNames The Extendedl/O Systemprovidesthree systemcílls that relateto logicalnames. AlÌ three oî these systemcalls are discussedin detatl infhe Exlended|RMX Il ExtentedI/O SlstemCalL,ReferenceMa Ltal. . S$CATALOG$CONNECTION. This systemcall allowsyour applicationtasksto createa logicalnameby cataloginga connectionin the objectdirectoryof ajob. Extended I/O User's Guide N \\4[D FILES . S$LOOKUP$CONNECTION. This systemcall acceptsa logicalnamefrom an applicationtask,looksup the namein the objectdirectoriesofthe local,gobal, and root jobs (in that sequence),and returnsa token for the first connectionfound. In other words,this is the systemcall that your applicationsoftwareusesto equatea logicalnameto a connectjon. r S$UNCATALOG$CONNECTION. This systemcall allowsyour applicationsoftware to deletea logicalnamefrom the objectdirectoryof ajob. 4.5.8 Creatingand Deletingl/O Jobs The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesfour systemcallsthat relateto the creationand deletionofI/O jobs. . CREATE$IO$JOB. Th;s systemcrll createsan I/O job while the systemis running. (You can alsocreateone or more I/O jobs when the systemis configured,so that they existwhen the systemstartsrunning.) This systemcall is availablefor compatibility with the iRMX I OperatingSystem.Iî you usethìs systemcall to createI/O jobs,the memorypoolsassociated with thoseI/O jobs cannotexceed1 megabyte. . RQE$CREATE$IO$JOB.This systemcall isjust like CREATE$IO$JOB,exceptthat it permitsyou to assignmemorypoolsof up to 16megabytesin sìze. It is recommendedthat you usethis systemcall (insreadof CREATE$IO$JOB)for all new applications,becauseit takesfull advantageof the iRMX Il features. . START$IO$JOB. This call alloìrsyou to start the inirial rask in an I/O job. When you ì.lseCREATE$TO$JOB,you specil, either that you want the inìtial task to start runningautomatically,or that you want to wait until issujngSTART$IO$JOB. . EXIT$IO$JOB. This systemcall providesyour applicationraskswirh a sonvenienr methodfor terminatingan l/O job and informing the parentjob of the termination. 4.5.9 Performing Miscellaneous Functions The ExtendedI/O Systemprovidesthree systemcallsto perform miscellaneous operationsthàt do not fit into any other category.The callsare . S$SPECIAL. Your applicationtaskscan usethis systemcall to perform functionsthat are peculiar to a particulardevice. Formatlìnga disk is an exampleof sucha function. For more information,refer to the S$SPECIALsectionof the EtrendedíRMX II ExtendedI/O SrstemQtlls ReferenceManuat. r S$GET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY. Your applicationtaskscan usethis systemcall ro look up the nameof any file in a directory. This is the synchronous versionof the A$GET$DIRECIORY$ENTRY systemcall providedby the BasicI/O System. 4-18 ExtendedI/O Use/s Guide NAMEDFILES . S$GET$PATH$COMPONENT. Your application taskscanusethissystemcallto look up the nameof a file asit is knownin thefile,sparentdirectory.Thisis the synchronous versionof theA$GET$PATTI$COMPONENT systemcallprovidedby theBasicI/O System. 4.6 BASTCt/O AND NUCLEUSSYSTEMCALLS Although the purposeof this manualis to describethe Extendedl/O System,several systemcallsprovidedby the BasicI/O Systemand by the Nucleuswarrant mentionhere. Thesecallsallow you to specificallymanipulateuserobjectsand prefix obje,cts. The defaultuserand defaultprefir for eachI/O job a.e catalogedin thejob,s object directory,and ùsersof the ExîendedI/O Systemdo not noÍmallymanipulatethem. Before usingthe followingsystemcallsto alter theseobjects,refer to AppendixD of thìs . SET$DEFAULT$PREFIX (BasicI/O Sysrem) o GET$DEFAULT$PREFIX (BasicI/O System) . CRDATE$USER (Bas;cI/O Systelt . DELETE$USER (BasicI/O Sysrem) . INSPEC' USER (Basicl/O Systern) . SET$DLFAULT$USER (BasicI/O Systent . GET$DEFAULT$USER (BasicI/O System) . CATAIOG$OBJECTlNucleusl . UNCATALOG$OBJECT (Nuctcus) . LOOKUP$OBJECT(Nucleus) Reîet to lhe ExtendedíRMX II Batic I/O StstemCalh ReferenceManual andExtended. iRlrIX II NucleusSysremCalL RekrenceMarual for complere informarion on using these calls. 4.7 CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW OFNAMEDFILES Although many systemcallscan be usedwith namedfiles,thesesystemcallsmust be used in a logicalsequence. Figure 4-3 showsthe chronologicalrclationshipsb€lwc€nthc mosl frcqucntly uscdI/O Systemcalls. To usethe figure,sta.t with the leftmostbox and follow the arrows. Any path that you can trace is a legitimatcacqucnccof systcmcalÌs. This figurc is not a completerepresentationof all possiblesystemcall sequences. ExtendedI/O User'sGùide 4t9 NAMED FILES DATA FILES DIF ECTO RIES ì [-l-{ FfF -_l | | oElfE t"lt"-"'t Figure 4-3. Chmnolog/ of FrequentlyUsedSystemCalls for NamedFiles 4-21) Exfendedl/O Us€r'sGuidc s.l oVERVIEW TheiRMX II Extended providesphysical I/O System filesto allowyourapplicatìons to read(or write) stringsof bytesfrom (or to) a device.In otherwords,a physicalfile occupies an entiredevice(or thedevice's entirevolume),andthe Extended I/O System providesyourappiications with the abilityto access thedriverofthe devicedirectly. 5.2 SITUATIONS REQUIRING PHYSICAL FILES The closerelationshipbetweena deviceand a physicalfile is particularlyusefulwhen your applicationsystemusessequentialdevices.For example,you shouldusephysicalfiles to communicatewith ljne printers,displaytubes,plotters,and magnetictape uoits. There are evensomeinstanceswhereyou shouldusephysicalfiles to communicate\À,ìth random devicessuchas disk drives,diskettedrives,and bubblememories. For instance . FormattingVolumes Whencvcryou crcatc an applicationtask to format a disk or diskette,the task must haveaccessto everybyte on the volume. Only physicalfiles provide this kind of . Using Volumesin FormatsRequiredby Other Systems lfyour applicationtasksmustread or write volumesthat havebeenformattedfor systemsother than the iRMX II OperatingSystem,you must usephysicalfiles. Your taskswiìl haveto interpret informationsuchas labelsand file strùctures,but a physical file can provideyour taskswilh àccessto the raw information. . ImplementingYour Own File Format Sùpposethat your applicationsystemrequiresa lesssophisticatedfile structurethan that providedby iRMX II namedfiles. YoÙ canbuild a customfile structùreusingr ohvsicalfile as a foun,-lation. ExtendedI/O User'sGuide PHYSICAL FILES FILES 5.3 CONNECTIONS ANDPHYSICAL Although there is a one-to-onecorrespondence betweenthe b,'teson a deviceand the bytesof a physicalfile, the deviceconnectionis different from the file connection.The ExtendedI/O Systemmaintainsthis distiÌrctionto remainconsistentwith namedfiles and slrcàm files.This consislencyhelpsyou developapplicationsthat can useany kind offile. 5.4 SUGGESTION FORMAINTAINING FILEINDEPENDENCE lfyou would like the tasksofyour applicationto be able to use streamor namedfiles in addition to physicalfiles,you shouldseparatethe creationofthe connectionfrom the use ofthe connection.For instance,if your applicationperfo.ms I/O to a file, you should considerusingtwo distincttasksrather than one. The first task would be responsiblefor obaaininga connectionto the file, and the second!askwould usethe connectionto perform I/O. By maintainingthis separation,you can designthe secondtask to work with any kind of filc. lfyou chooseto usethis two-taskapproach,be surethat both tasksare in the samejob. This will eliminatethe difficultiesassociated with passinga file connectionfrom onejob to another. 5.5 USINGPHYSICAL FILES Severalsystemcallscan be usedwith physicalfiles,however,the order in which thcy arc usedis not arbitrary. The followinglist providesa brief description(in chronological order) ofwhat an applicationmust do to usea physicalfile. 1. Obtain a deviceconnection. This ìs necessaryfor two reasons.When your task createsthe physicalfile,the device connectionteÌls the ExtendedI/O Systemwhich deviceis to containthe file and that the tile must be a physical fiìe. You mustcreatea program-here it is caÌleda "systemproEam'!-that usesthe LOGICAL$ATTACH$DEMCE systemcall to obrainrhe deviceconnecrion.When issuingthis caìI,the systemprogrammust usethe devicenamethat wasassignedto the deviceduring s)'stemconfiguration.For instructionsas to how to assignnamesto devices,refer to the -Ettendedikùlx II Intemctive Conliguration Utitit Refercnce Manua[. Becausedevicescannotbe multiply-attached, you mustwrite your systemprogramso as to call LOGICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE only once. The LOGICAI$ATIACH$DEVICE systemcall obtainsa deviceconnectionand catalogs the connectionunder the logicalnameprovidedby the systemprogram. Other tasks wishingto usethe deviceconnectìoncan then look up the connectionby usi_ng the device'slosicalname. Extended I/O Use/s Cuide PHYSICALFTLES The LOGICALITATTACII$DEVICtr systemcall is describedin -eÍerúecl |RMX II ExtendedI/O SystemCalls ReferenceManual. 2. Obtain a lile connection. To obtain a file connection,your applicationtask shoulduseone of the followingtwo systemcallsr S$CREATE$FILEor S$ATTACH$FILE. The decisionas to which systemcall to usedependsupon your task'sawareness of the existerceof the file. There are two circumstances underwhichyour task shoulduseS$CREATE$FILE to obtain a connection.The fi-rstcircumstanceis whenyour task doesnot know whether the file aheadyexists,and the secondis whenyour task knowsthat the file doesnot yef exrsa. When invokingthe S$CREATE$FILEsystemcall,set the path$ptrparameterto point to a STzuNG containingthe logicalnameofthe device(enclosedin colons,as in :F0:). This tells the ExtendedI/O Systemwhich deviceyou want as your physicalfile. If, on the other hand,your task is certaintha! the file alreadyexists,usethe S$AfiACH$ FILE systemcall to obtair the file connection.Yoùr task can do this in either of two v/aysl . Iî can set the path$ptrparameterof the call to point to a STRING containingthe device'slogicalnamesurroundedby colons(asin tF0:). . If the task knowsa logicalnamefor a connectionto the file, it can set the path$lrlr parameterof the call to point !o a STRING containingthe connection'slogical namesurroundedby colons(as ìn :DATABASE:). Either way,the ExtendedI/O Systemreturnsa connectionto the physicalfilr TLis carelul Llislirctionbetweenthe S$CREATE$FILE and lh€ S$ATTACH$FILE systemcallsis necessaryto be consistentwith namedfiles. If you want your applicationto work with namedfiles as well as physicalfiles,you must maintainthis consistenry. 3. Open rhe file connection. Use the S$OPENsystemcall to open the connection.When openingthe connection, your task must specil] whetherthe taskplansto read,write, or do both usingthe connection.The task must aisospeciryhow manybuffersthe ExtendedI/O Systemis to use when reading liom o. writing to the file. The Ertended |RMX II Ertended I/O SlstemCallsRekrenceMazaal explainshow to do this. 4. Manipulatethe file. There are four systemcallsthat can be usedto read,wrìte, or otherwisemanipuiate your physicalfile: . The S$READ$MOVE and S$WRITE$MO\aEsystemcallsare usedfo read and write informationfrom (to) the physicalfile. Extended I/O Use/s Cùide 5-3 PIrySICAI,FII,ES . TheS$SEEKsystemcallcanbe usedto manipulate thefile connection's file pointerif the deviceis :ì randomdevicesuchasdisk,diskette,or bubble.(If you arewritìnga devicedriverfor a magnetic tapeunit,youcandesignit to support S$SEEK. Refer to the ExendedLRMXII DeticeDivefi Uset\ Guidz.) . The S$SPECIAL systemcallcanbe usedto requestdevicedependent functions yoùrtaskscanusetheS$SPECIAL from the devicedriver.For example, system callto havetheExtended I/O Systemformata diskfor usewith the iRMX II preventa task OperatingSystem.Be awarethatuseof specialfunctionsgenerally from beingdeviceindependent. All four of thesesystemcallsare describedinthe ExtendediRtulX btended I/O SystetuCalLsRelercnce Manual. 5 . Closethe file connection. Use the S$CLOSE systetÌìcall to close the colloe€tioll. Nolc lhàt ]our applicatio0 calÌ repeatsteps2, 3, and4 anynumberoi times.TheS$CLOSEsystemcallis described in the ExtendcdiRMX &tcndÌd I/O Slstcm Calb RclerenceManual. 6. Delete the connection. Use the S$DELETE$CONNECTIONsystemcall to deletethe connection.This is only necessaryifthe tasksofyour applicationare completelyfinishedusingthe file. This systemcall is descîibed in the ExtekàedíRMX II ExtendedI/O SystemCalk ReferenceManual. 7. Requestthat the devicebe detached. Lct the systemprogramknow whenyour task no longerneedsthe device. The system programcan caìl LOGICAI-$DETACH$DE\"'ICE to derachthe device. The OperatingSystemkeepstrack of the nÌrmberoftasks usingthe deviceand avoids detachingthe deviceuntil it is no longerbeingusedby any task. Only then doesthe OperatingSystemactuallydelachthe device. 5-1 Extended l/O Usefs Guide 6.1 oVERV|EW Sfeam files provide a meansfor one task to sendlargeamoùntsof informationto a secondtask,evenwhen lhe two tasksare in differentjobs. Be awarethat streamfiles are only one of severaltechniquesfor job-to-jobcommunication.lf you are not familiar wirh othcr techniques, refer to the Extend,ed|RMX II Programníng Techtiques Refercnce Mantnl. The aspectof streamfiles that makesthem very usefulis that they allow a task to communicatewith a secondtask as thoughthe secondtaskwere a device.This extends the notion of deviceìndependence to includetasks. Srncetrvo tasks(calledthe readingtask and the writing task) are involvedin usingeach streamfile, the tasksmustcooperate.There are a largenumberofprotocols that work, but.lhe onesprovidedlater in this chapterserveas good ifustrations. 6.2 SUGGESTION FORMAINTAINING FILEINDEPENDENCE Ifyou would like your readingand writing tasksto be able to usenamedfiles or physical files rather than only streamfiles,you shouldjncorporatea third task into the protocol. The purposeof this third task is to perform the one part of the protocolthat dependson the kind of file beingused-the creationof the file. 6.3 STREAMFILE PROTOCOLS The interactionbetweenthe tasksis dividedinto three protocols--oneeachfor the creating,w.iting, and readingtasks. Ifyou chooseto avoid usinga separatetask to create the file, you can havethe writing taskperform the creatingprotocolbeforeit performsthe writing protocol. However,by eliminatingthe creatingtask,you iorce the writing task to requirethat only streamfiles be used. To allowboth the readingand writing tasksto be independentof the kind of file beingused,you shouldusea separatecreatingtask. The followilg protocolswork cvcn if thc thrcc tasksare in differentjobs. They alsowork resardlessoithe order in which thev are executed. ExtendedI/O Usefs Guide ó-t STREAM FILES Task 5.3.1Protocol for theCreating The creatingtask is responsibÌefor obtaininga deviceconnectionto the streamfile pseudodevice,and for cr€atingthe str€amfile. It alsomust catalogthe file coînection under a logicalnameso the readingand writing taskscan attachthe file. Rememberthat this task is not deviceindependent-itworks only for streamfiles. This protocol involves rwo sreps: 1. Creatinga streamfile. While configuringthe Extendedf/O Syst€m,the personthat configuresyour system must enter a configurationparameterthat representsa logicalnamefor the stream file device. During systeminitialìzation,the ExtendedI/O Systemattachesthe streamfile pseudodeviceand catalogsthe deviceconnectionunder that logical name. Your taskscan then usethe logicalnameto obtain the deviceconnection. To understandthis protocol,assumethat the logicalnameis STREAM. (Your systemmight use a different logicalname. To be sure,consultthe person(s) responsiblefor conîiguringyour system.) To createa streamfile, the creatingtask needonly invoke the S$CREATE$FILE systemcall usinga path$ptrparameterpoiÌtting to a STRING of the followinglorm: :STREAM: whereSTREAM is the logicalnamefor the streamfile deviceconnection.The S$CREATE$FILE systemcall, which is descîibed ìn the Extended|RMX II Ertended I/O SystemCa s RefercnceManual rctrrns ^ connection to the newly created streamfile. 2. Catalogthe file connectionundera logicalname. The creatingtask shouldinvokethe S$CATAIOG$CONNECTION systemcall to establisha uniquelogicalname(for example,SF23)for eachspecificstreamflle. The readingand writing taskscan then usethe logjcalnameto attachthe fiìe. The S$CATAIOG$CONNECTION systemcall is describedin the tirended íRMX II ExtendedI/O SJsten Calh ReferenceManual. 6.3.2Protocolfor theWritingTask Thewritingtaskmustperformfivestepsin orderto ensùrethat it establishes communicatìon with thereadingtask.Thestepsare 1. Obtaina connection to thestreamfile. The writing task shouldusethc logicalnamc oî the file connection(for example SF23)and invokethe S$ATTACH$FILE systemcall to obtainthe file connection To do this, the task shouldset the path$ptrparameterofthe systemcall to point to a STRING containingthe file connection'slogicalnameenclosedin colons(as in rSF23 r). 6-2 Extend€d I/O User'scuide STRIAM FILES 2. Open the file connectioofor writing. Use the S$OPENsystemcall to openthe file connectionfor writing. Set the connectionparameterto the token for the lile connection,and set the mode parametefto write. 3. Write informationto the streamfile. Use the S$WzuTE$MOVB systemcall as often as desired!o write informationro the staeamlile. Use th€ token for the file connectionas the connectionparameter- 4. Closethe connection. When finishedwriting to the streamfile, use the S$CLOSEsystemcall to c.Iosethe connection.Note that after this step,the writing task can repeatsteps2, 3, and 4 any numberof times. 5. Delete the connection. Use the S$DELETE$CONNECTTONsystemcall to deletethe connectionto the streamfile. 6.3.3 Protocolfor the ReadingTask The readjngtask must perform the followingsevenstepsto successfully read the inlormationwrilten by lhe wriring lask: l. Obtain the file connectionfor the streamfile. The readinglask shouldusethe file's logicalname(for example,SF23)and invoke the S$ATTACH$FTLEsystemcall to obtain the file connection.To do this, the task shouldset the path$ptrparameterof the systemcall to point to a STRING containingthe lile connection'slogicalnameenclosedin colons(as in :SF23:). 2. Open the fiìe connectionfor reading. The task shouldusethe S$OP!,Nsystemcall to open the file connectionfor reading. Sei the connectionparameterto the token for the file connection,and set the mod€parameterto read, 3. Read informationfrom the sireamfiìe. The task shouldusethe S$READ$MOVE systemcalì as often as neededto read informationfrom the streamfile. Use the token for the file connectionas the connecllonparameter, 4. Closethe connection. When finishedreadingfrom the streamfile, the task shouldusethe S$CLOSE systemcall to closethe connection.Note that after this step,the readingtask can repeatsteps2, 3, and 4 any numberof times. ExtendedI/O flsefs Gùide STR,EAM FILES 5. Delete the connection. The task shouÌdusethe S$DELETE$CONNECTIONsystemcall to deleterne connectionto the streamfile. 6. DeÌetethe file's logicalnamecreatedby the creatingtask. The task shouldusethe S$UNCATALOG$CONNECTIONsystemcall to delere the logicalnamefor the flle. In our example,this logicalnameis SF23. Do not deletc thc logicalnamefor the streamfile device. 7. Delete the file connectioncreatedby the creathg task. The readingtask shouldusethe S$DELETE$CONNECTIONsystemcall to delere the file connectionthat the creatiogtask obtained. Oncethis connectionis deleted, the ExtendedI/O Systemautomaticallydeletesthe streamfile. 6-4 Extended I/O Usefs Guide 7,1 OVERVIEW The ExtendedI/O Systemis a configurabìelayer of the OperatingSystem.It contains severaloptionsthat you can adjustto meetyour specificneeds.To help you make configurationcboices,Intel providesthree kindsol intbrmation: . A list of configurableoptions . Detailed informationaboutthe options . Proceduresto allow you to speciryyour choices The followingscctionsdcscribethe configurableoptions. To obtainthe secondand third categoriesof information,refer to the Àrtended|RMX II húeructî\,eConfgumtionUtiliE ReferenceManual- 7.2 t/O JOBOBJECTS When you conligurethe ExtendedI/O System,you can specirythe following characteristics that dealwith iRMX lI objects: . Default sizeof objectdirectoriesfor I/O jobs and for the ExtendedI/O System. . User objectsto be creried at initialization;eachconsistsof e nsme for the userobject and one or more userlDs. Seethe sectionUser Objectsin Chapter4 for more information. . Logicalnamesfor devices;theseare catalogedin the rootjob's objectdhectory. 7.3 INTERNAL BUFFER SIZE You can specif] the sizeol the internalbuffersthat the ExtendedI/O Systemusesto transferdata from files. ExtcndedI/O User'sCuide 7-1 CONFIGURATION OF THE EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEM 7.4 tlo JoB GHARACTERTSTTCS WhenyouconliguretheExtendedI/O System, youcancreateI/O jobs. Whenthe Operating System is initialized, thesejobs are also created. (See the E\tended íRMX ExtendedI/O SystemCalk Reference Manual for a descriptionofI/Ojobs.) You can speciryasmanyjobsasyouneed:thecharacteristics thatyouspeci$for eachjob coÍespondto theparameters of the RQE$CREATE$IO$JOB systemcall. For eachjob, youspeci$ r Nameof defaultprefixfor thisjob . Nameof defaultuserobjectfor thisjob . Minimumandmaximumsizeof theI/O job'smemorypool r Addressof, andmodeof, thejob'sexception handler . whetherto includeparameter validationfor ùe I/O job . Priorityof inìtialtaskin job . Task,datasegment, andstackaddresses . Stacksizefor initialaask . Whetherfloating-point instructions areusedin thejob'sinitialtask 7.5 AUTOMATIC BOOTDEVICERECOGNITION Yoù can configurethe ExtendedI/O Systemso that it automaticallyattachesthe device from which the OperatingSystemis bootstraploaded. This deviceis then catalogedand know as the systemdevice.Automatic Boot DeviceRecognitionallowsyouto refer to files on the volumeftom which the deviceis bootstraploadedwithout knowingthe exact physicaldeviceon which the files reside. Ifyou want to hclude this feature,you can specifuthe characteristics of the SystemDevice. Extended I/O Useis cuide CONFIGURA.TION OF THE EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEI,I 7.6 INITIALIZATION ERRORREPORTING Duringlhe configuration process, youcanelectto havethe systemreportEIOS initializationerrors.Ifyou respond"Yes"to the ReportInitializationErrors(RIE) parametelon tlìe"Nucleus" screen,thc ol)srdlingsyslemrcportsinitializalioncrrorsfrom all subsystems. On encountering a EIOSinitializationerror,theoperatingsystemreturns controlto the monitorafterwritìngthefollowingmessage to theconsole: If Report InitializationErrors is not configuredìnto your systemor the iSDM monitor is not present,the initial EIOS taskplacesthe EIOS lD code (3) and the correspondiJìg error code into the fi-rsttwo wordsofthe Nucleusdata segment(lE0:0000H). It then gocsinto an infinile error loop. Ertended I/O Use'js Guid€ 4.1 DATAWPES The followingdata R?esare reaognizedby the iRMX II OperatingSystem: BOOLEAN A byte that is consideredto havea value of TRUE if ir is 0FFH, and FAISE if it is 00H. InPL/M286, DECLARE BOOLEAN LITERAILY 'BYTE'; BYTE An unsignedeight-bitbinarynumber. DWORT) A Lìnsigned four-bytebinarynumber. INTEGER A signedtwo-bytebinarynumber. Negativenumbersare storedin two's'complementform, OFFSET A word whosevaluerepresentsthe distancefrom the baseof an 80286segment. POINTER Two consecutive wordscontainingthe selectorof a segmentand an offset into the segment.The offsetmust be in the word havingthe lower address. SELECTOR An index into a descriptortable that ide[tifies a particularmemory segment The descriptortable entry lists the segment'sbase,ljmit, qTe, and privilegelevel. STRTNG A scquenceof consecutive b)'tes. îre valuecunraincrlil the lirst byteis the numberofbytes that follow it in the string. TOKEN A selectorthat containsthe logicaladdressof an obje,ct.The selectorrefèrsto an entry in the descriptortablethat lists the physicaladdressof the objecr.A rokenmusrbe declaredliteralÌya SELECTOR, WORD An unsignedtwo-bytebinary number. E\rendedI/O UsedsCuide OBJECT B.1 OVERVIEW Thisappendix liststhe typecodesfor all iRMX II objects.In addirion,it documenrs rhe resourcerequirements of theExtended I/O System. 8,2 OBJECTTYPES Each iRMX II obj€cttype ìs kruwn wiLhiniRMX II syslemsby meansof a numericcode. TableB-1 lìststhe typeswith their codes. TableB-1. TlTe Codes Objecllype Task Semaphore R6gon Extension NumericCode 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1m Connectìon l/O Job LogicalD€vce UseÉCreated 101 300 301 vafiesfiom 8cìcrcH to oFFFFHdépending on the CREATE$EXTENSION The firsterghlobj€c1s,p us usef.createdcomposites,aredescribedî lheExtende.díRMX II Nucleus User's Guitle. l/O tobs and loqicald(ryices aredescbedinChaptef 3 oflhismanual. Usels and connectionsare d€scrib€clin the LÌte ,tdediRlrlx II Bdsic I/O SystentUser's Guíde. ExtendedI/O User'sGuide B I OBJECT TYPF]S AND RESOI]RCE REQI]IREMENTS 8.3 RAMREQUIREMENTS The followinginformationhelpsestimatethe amountof RAM neededto use the Exterded I/O SysteÍr. The descriptioùsthal follow stdte€rplicilly from whichpool the RAM is taken. You shouldusethis informationwhen decidinghow largeto make the memorypoolsof the jobs ìn your application.Be awarethat this informationappliesonly to the current releaseof the iRMX II OperatingSystemand may shrink or grow in iuture 8.3.1 Attaching a Logical Device Eachtime oneofyoùr tasksusestheLOGICA$ATTACH$DE\4CE systemcall,the Extendedl/O Systemuses98 (decimal)bytesol RAM fromyourjob'spooland64 job createddurin-q (decimal)bytesof RAM from thepoolof theExtended I/O System the process.This RAM is in additionto the RAM requiredby the BasicI/O configuration Systemfor a deviceconnection. Bothquantitiesof RAM areeventually returnedto the memorypoolsfromwhìchthey originated, but theyarereaurned at differenttimes.The memorytakenfrom the ExtendedI/O Systempool is returnedonlywhenthe deviceis detached.In contrast,the memorytakenfrom yourjob'spool is returnedassoonthc LOGICAI$ATTACH$DEMCEsystemcallfinishesrunning. 8.3.2 Creatingan l/O Job Wheneverone olyour taskscreatesan I/O job, the Ertended I/O Systemuses176 (decimal)b)'tesof RA.M from the pool of the t/O job beingcreated. This RAM is in addition to the RAM usedby the Nucleusto createthe job. All of this memoryreturnsto the pool of the parentjob after the I/Ojob hasbeendeleted. ln addition to the memoryrequirement,CREATE$IO$JOBand RQE$CREATE$IO$JOBalsorequirefjve entriesin the objectdirectoryof rhe l/O job beingcreated. Refer to Appendi\ D to seehow theseentriesare used. B-2 ExtendedI/O User's Guide RTQUIRE\ÍI\TS OBJECTTYPESAND RESOURCE 8.3.3 Openinga Connection Wheneveroneofyour rasksusestheS$OPENsystemcallro opena file connection, the Eferded I/O SystemusessomeRAM from thepoolof the callingjobto createobjects. Thepreciseamountof RAM rcquireddepends onwhethertheconnection is openedfor bufferedI/O or nonbuffered ì/O. lfthe connection is not buffered,the Efended l/O Systemuses64 (decimal)bytesof RAM. On the otherhand,if theconne-ction is buffered, youmustusethefollowingexpression to computethe amountof RAM usedasa function ofthe buffersizein b)'tes(S)andthe numberofbuffers(N): numberof bytes= 80 + 5N +N(S+64) Regardless cfwhethertheconnection is buffered,all RAM returnsto the memorypool whentheconnecionis closedor deleted. 8.3.4 OtherRAMRequirements For systemcallsother than thosediscussed above,the ExtendedI/O Systemhasvarying memoryrequirements.However,you can safelyassumethat when you make an Extended I/O Systemcail,thc call requiresno more than . 300 (decimal)bytesof your job's memorypool. . 400 (decimal)bytesof the callingtask'sstack. This RAM returnsto yourjob's pool as soonas eachsystemcall finishesrunning. 8.4 OBJECTCOUNTS Becauseeachjob has a m:r:ximum numberof objectsthat it can own,you shouldknow how many objectsthe Extendedl/O Systemcreateswhile executingsystemcalls. You can assumethat the ExtendedI/O Systemcreatesno more than 10(decimal)objectsdùring the executionof any systemcall. Furthermore,exceptin a lèw cases,all of theseobjectsare deletedbefore the systemcall hasfinishedrunning. The few exceptionsare the systemcallsthat explicitlycreateobjects at the requestofyour applicationtasks. Two exaúplesof systemcallsthat explicitly and createobjectsare the S$ATIACH$FILE systemcall (whichcreatesa file conne,ction) the LoGICAL$ATTACH$DE!'ICE systemcall (whichcreatesa deviceconnection). Extended I/O Uscr's Cùidc B3 c.1 oVERVTEW The iRMX ll Extended I/O Systemusesconditioncodesto informyourtasksof any problemsthat occurduringlhe execution of a systemcall. If no problemsoccurandthe systemcallrunsto completion, the Extended I/O Systemreturnsan E$OKcondition code. Otherwisc,thc Extcndcd I/O Systemreturnsan exceptionalconditioncodc. The meaningof a specifìcexceptionalconditioncodedependsupon the systemcalì thrt returnsthe code. For this reason,this appendixdoesnot list any interpretations. This appendixprovidesyou with the numericvalueassociated with eachconditioncode that the ExtendedI/O Systemcan return. To usethe exceptioncodevaluesin a symbolic manner,you can assign(usingthe PL/M-286 "LITERALLY" statement)a meaningful nameto eachof the codes,or you can usethe ERROR.LIT file containedin the :SD:/RMX286/INC direc!ory. The followinglist correiatesthe nameof the conditioncodeto the valuerhat rhe ExtendedI/O Systemactùallyreturns. The list is dividedinto three parts;one for the normal conditioncode,one for exceptioncodesthat indicatea programúing error, and one lbr exceptioncodesthaî indicatean envfuonmental condition.A programmererror ls a conditionthat is preventableby the callingîask. An environmentalconditionis rn exceptionconditioncausedby circumstances beyondthe control ofthe callingtask. Condition codes are describedin the tÌrended |RMX II ExtendedI/O fistem Calh Reference Manual. C.2 NORMALCONDITION CODE NAME OF CONDITIOTE$OK Extendedl/O Usefs Guide DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL 0 OH c-1 CONDITIONCODES C.3 PROGRAMMING ERRORS NAME OF COND]TION E$ZERO$DIVIDE E$OVERFLOW E$TYPE E$PARAM E$BAD$CALL E$NOUSER E$NOPREFIX E$BAD$BUFF E$NOT$LOG$NAME E$NOT$DEVICE D$NOT$CONNLCTION DECIMAL 32168 32'769 32770 327',l2 32801 32802 32803 32432 32833 32831 HEXADECIMAL 8000H 8001H 8002H 8004H 8005H 8021H 8022H 8023H EO4OH 8041H 8042H C.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS NAME OF CONDITION E$TIME E$MEM E$LIMIT E$CONTEXT E$EXIST E$NOT$CONFICURED E$FEXIST E$FNEXIST E$DEVFD E$SUPPORT E$EMPTY$ENTRY E$DIR$END E$FACCESS E$FTY?E E$SHARE E$SPACE E$IDDR E$ro E$FLUSHING E$ILLVOL E$DEV$OFFLINE DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL 1 2 4 5 6 8 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 IH 2H 4H 5H 6H 8H 20H 21H 22H 23H 24H 25H 26H 27H 28H 29H 2AH 28H 2CH 2DH 2EH ExtendedI/O uset's Guide CONDITIONCODES C.4 ENVIRONMENTAL (continued) CONDITIONS NAMF OF CO\DIT]ON DECIMAL E$IFDR E$FRAGMENTAT]ON 48 E$DIR$NOT$EMPTY 49 E$NOT$FILE$CONN 50 E$NOT$DEVICE :)l E$CONN$NOT$OPEN 52 E$CONN$OPEN ), E$BUFFERED$CONN 54 E$OUTSTAN'DINO$CONNS)J E$AIREADY$1\TTACHED E$DEV$DETACHING 5'7 E$NOT$SAME$DEV Jò E$ILLOGICAT-$RENAME 59 E$STREAM$SPECIAL 60 E$INVALID$FNODE 61 E$PATI]NAME$SYNTAX 62 E$FNODE$LIMIT 63 E$LOG$NAME$SYNTAX 64 E$CANNOT$CLOSE 65 E$IOMEM 66 E$MEDIA 68 E$LOG$NAME$NEXIST 69 E$NOT$OWNER 10 E$IO$JOB 7l E$UDF$FORMAT 72 E$NAME$NEXIST 73 E$UID$NEXIST E$PASSWORD$MISMATCH75 E$IO$UNCLASS 80 E$ro$soFr 81 E$IO$I]ARD 82 E$IO$OPRINT 83 E$IO$WRPROT 84 E$IO$NO$DATA 85 E$IO$MODE 86 E$IO$NO$SPARLS 87 E$IO$ALT$ASSIGNED 88 Extended I/O User'scuide I{E)'ADECI À,LA.L 2FH 30H 3lH 32H 33H 34H 35H 3óH 37H 38H 39H 3,AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH 40H 41H 42H 44H 45H 46H 47H 48H 49H 4AH 4BH 50H 51H 52H 53H 54H 55H 56H 5',l]J 58H APPENDIX D USEOFOBJECT DIRECTORIES BY THEEXTENDED UOSYSTEM D.1 OBJECT DIRECTORIES TheExtendedI/O Systemcatalogs entriesin the objectdirectoryof eachI/O job andin theobjectdirectoryof thesystem's providesa list of the names rootjob. Thisappendix that theExtendedl/O Systemuses.Do not redefineanyofthe nameslistedin this aDDendix. RQGLOBAL The ExtendedI/O Systemusesthis nameto identifi the globaljob for eachI/O job. Wlenever you createan I/O job, the Extended I/O Systemautomaticallycatalogsthe token for the globaljob in the objectdirectoryof the I/O job, If you wish to redelìnethis nametyou may. But doing so might alter the interpretationof any logicalnamesthat are catalogedin the objectdirectoryofyour job'sglobaljob. R?IOJOB Wheneveryou createan I/O job, the Extendedl/O System catalogsan objectunder this namein the objectdirectoryof the t/Ojob. Do not redefinethis name! R?MESSAGE Wheneveryou createan I/O job, the Exîendedl/O System cataìogsan objectunder this namein the objectdirectoryof the I/O job. Do not redefinethis namel R?IOUSER Wheneveryou createan I/O job, tlÌe ExtenderJI/O System catalogsan objectunder this namein the objectdirectoryoî the l/O job. Do not redefinethis name! The ExtendedI/O Systemusesthis nameto catalogthe default prefi\ for eachI/O job. If you modiry lhe definirionassociared with this nameby invokingthe CATALOG$OBJECT systemcall, you changethejob's defaultprefix. Furthermore,ifyou catalogan objectother than a deviceconnectionor a fìle connectionunder this name,the ExtendedI/O Systemgeneratesan exceptional conditioncodewheneveryou attemptto use the defaultprefix. With the exceptionof RQGLOBAL and $, you shouldnot usethe CATALOG$OBJECT systemcall to modify any of the definitjonsdescribedhere. If you do changeany of them, you might causethe Extendedl/O Systemto behavein an unexpected,unpredictable,and undeslable manner. Extended I/O User's Cuide D-l TISEOF OBJECTDIRECTORIESBY THE EXTENDED I/O SYSTEM The Extended I/O Systemusesobjectdirectories for two otherpurposes: n_t . Wheneveryou usethe CATAIOG$CONNECTION systemcall to definea logical namefor a connection. theExtended I/O Systemcatalogs theconnection in the object dfuectory of thejob thatyouspeciry. . Whenever yolrusethe LOGICAUATTACH$DEVICEsystcmcall,thc ExtcndcdI/O Systemcatalogs the deviceconnection in theobjectdi.ectoryof the system's rootjob. Extended I/O Use/s cuide E.1 COMPAT|BtLtW BETWEEN THETWOt/O SYSTEMS Many of the systemcallsin the BasicI/O Systemhavecounterpartsin the ExtendedI/O System.For example,the A$CREATE$FILE systemcall of the Basicl/O System pedorms a function analogousto the S$CREATE$FILEsystemcall of the ExtendedI/O System.So it is reasonableto askif connectionscreatedby one systemcan be usedby the otneI. The answeris yes,unlessthe connectionis open. For example,your applicationsysîetn can usethe S$CREATE$FILE ExtendedI/O Sysremcall ro crearea file and obtain a connectionto the filc. Bccausethe connectionis not open,your applicationsysterncan usethe connectionwìth any BasicI/O Systemcall that doesnot require an open connection-For instance,the coonectioncan be usedwith A$RENAME$FILE or lvith A$GET$FILE$STATUSbecauseneither of thesesvstemcallsrequire that the connecúon be open. However.the connectioncannotbe use.lwith a$ngaOor A$WRITE. hecause bothofthesesystemcallsrequirethat lhe connertionhe nfen. The samerestrictionappliesif the connectionis c.eatedusingthe BasicI/O System.The connectioncan be usedwith any ExtendedI/O Systemcall as long as the systemcall does nol requfe an open connectlon, In general,you can creatc,dclete,checkstatus,or attachusingeither kind ofsystenrcall_ But onceyou haveopenedthe connection,you must ùsea read,write, truncate,or special, function systemcall provìdedby the I/O Systemthat you usedto open rhe connection. Then, onceyou haveclosedthe connection,you can againusesystemcallsfrom either I/O System. Extended I/O User's Guide E I F.I INTRODUCTION The iRMX ll OperatingSystemis basedon the iRMX I OperatingSystem.Therefore, the iRMX Il versionof the ErtendedI/O Systemoperatesalnost exacdylike its iRMX I counterpart. However,there are a few differencesbetweenthe two. Thc followingappendi! ourlinesthe differencesbetweenlhe two ExtendedI/O Systems. Thesesectionsare intendedfor readerswho are a]readyfamiliar with iRMX I and who would like a quick overvicwof the differences.Thosewho a.en't familiar wirh eirher ExtendedI/O Systemshouldskip this appendir. F.2 EXTENDED MEMORYPOOLSIZES One of the major featuresof the iRMX II Operathg Systemis its supportof the 16Mbyte memory-addressing capabilityof the 80286processor.The ExtendedI/O System takesadvantageof this featureby allowingthe I/O jobs you createto havememorypools as large as 1óM bytes. A new systemcall, RQE$CREATE$IO$JOB,providesthis ability. RQE$CREATE$IO$JOBworks exactlylike the CREATE$IO$JOBsysremcaII available with iRMX I systems.However,two of its parameters(pool$minand pool$max)have beenexpandedfrom r&ORDs to DWORDs. This allowsyour memorypoolsto be as large as 16M bytes. RQE$CREATE$IO$JOBis not a replacementfor CREATE$IO$JOB,but an additional systemcall that hasbeen addedto the iRMX II ExtendedI/O System. CREATE$IO$JOBis still availablefor compatibilitywith iRMX I systems.However,if you use CREATE$IO$JOB,your memorypoolswitl be limited to 1M byte. F.3 PROTECTION FEATURES The iRMX II Extended I/O System, like the iRMX II BasicI/O System, givesyou increased protection.If youtry to readfrom or writeinto memorysegm€nts thatdo not havetheproperaccess tlpe, or ifyou attemptto reador writepastthe endof the segment, youwill receivea newexception codecalledE$BAD$BUFF.The systemcalls S$READ$MO\€ andS$WRITE$MOVE caneenerate thisexceotion code. ExtendedI/O Usefs Guide F-l iR}fX@I AND iRMX@II EXTENDEDI/O SYSTEMDIFFERXNCES when youuseS$READ$MOVE, thebufferof memoryusedto storethedatareadin (youarewritilg informationto thìs from the peripheraldevicemusthavewriteaccess whenyouuseS$WRITE$MOVE, thebufferof m€mory memorysegment).Likewise, containingthe data to be v.ritten musthave.ead access(you are readinginformation from the memorysegment). other ExtendedI/o Systemcallsmake additionalprotectioncheckson the parameters you enter. Supplyìngincorrectparameterscan causeE$PARAM exceptioncodes. F.4 NEWSYSTEMCALLS Th€ iRMX II Extend€d I/O Systen has two systEnìcalls that are not pr€sent in th€ iRMX I Extended l/O System:S$GET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY and SSGET$PATH$COMPONENT. S$GET$DIRECTORY$ENTRY letsyouretrievethe nameof anyfile in a directory.S$GET$PATH$COMPONENT looksup thenameof a file asit is knownin its parentdirectory.Bothof thesesystemc.lllsprovidesynchronous versionsof services that arealsoavailable with theBasicI/O Svstem. F-2 Extended I/O User'scuide A Accessmask 4-11 bit mealings4-11 example 4-12 Advantagesof buffers 2-5 Applicationsusingonly sequentialI/O l-5 Asynchronoussystemcalls 1-2 Attachinga logicaldevice B-2 Automatic boot devicerecognition 7-2 Automatic bufferingof I/O requests 1 3 B Bullèrsizeconsiderations 2-6 c Characte.istics of l/o jobs 7-2 Choosing anI/O system1-1ro l-6 Compatibility betweentheBIOSandEIOSsystemsE-l Computingaccess ior file connections 4-12 Conditioncodes(seeAppendix C) C-1 envúonmentalu-2, J normal c-1 programmingcodes C-2 Configuringthe ExtendedI/O system,seechapter71 Connectionsand physisalfiles 5-2 Connectionsbetweeniasksand deviceunìts 3-2 ControÌlingaccessto files 4-8 D Dàla t)?es A-1 Default prefix 3 9, 4,19 Default user 4-19 Delault user objectfor a job ,{-9 Deviceconnections3-5 Devicecontrollersand deviceunits 3-1 Dynamiclogon ficilities 4-10 ExtendedI/O l]sefs Guide Ind€x-1 INI)EX E EIOS algorithmfor S$ATTACIJ$FILE systemcall 4-13 FTOSsystemcallsfor nimed files 4-15 changingaccess4-17 creatingand deletingI/Ojobs 4-18 cleleting and renamingliles 4-17 deletingconnections 4-17 manjpulatjng drta 4-16 miscellaneous functions4-18 obtainingand deletingconnections 4-15 obtainingstatus4-17 usinglogicalnames4-17 ERROR.LITfile C-1 Frlended I/O Systemfeatures 16M-Bytememoryaddressability2-1 accesscontrol 2-5 automalicreattàchment of devices2-7 bufferingwith overlappedI / O 2-5 deviceindependence2-2 file independence2-4 Iile sharing 2-5 four file types 2-3 namedfiles 2-3 physicalfiles2-3 remole fìles 2-3 streamfiles 2-3 logìcalnamesfor files and devices2-7 protectionfealures 2-2 separationof file lookup and file open operations2-4 supportof many kinds of devices2-2 F lìile access list 4-11 Iìile connections3-5 Filepointers3-6 Files 3-2 Formula for RAM usedby bufferedconnectionB-3 Four string forms permittedfor the path$ptrparameter 4-6 Fundamentalconceptsof the EIOS, seechapter31 G Generalrequirements for theEIOS B-3 Globaljob3-8,9 Index-2 Extended I/O Uset'sGuide INDEX H Hiererclical namingof file 4-2 High performanceapplicationsusingRandomI/O l-5 I l/o jobs 3-B exitingfrom 3-8 Internalbuffersize 7-1 IRMX.N'ET 4.IO L Logical names 3-7 andobjectdirectories3-7 noncasesensitive3-7 slartaxfor 3-7 Logicaldeviceobject3-5 M Maintainingfile independence5-2,6-1 Memory requirementsof the EIOS system 1"4 Multiple files on a singlevolume 4-1 o Objectdirectories 3-7,D-1 $ D"1 R?IOJOB D-1 R?IOUSER D.1 R?MESSAGED-l RQGLOBAI, D.I Object t)?es,numericcodes B-1 Openinga connection B-3 Overviewof namedfiles 4-19 P Path syntar 4-6 Path$ptrparameter 3-9,4-6 Prefi\es definition 4-5 Protocolsfor streamfiles 6-1 the creatingtask 6-2 the readingtask 6-3 the writirg task ó-2 Extended I/O User'sGuide Index-3 INDEX R R?IOUSER4.9 RAM needed for the EIOS B-2 Reasonfor havingtwoI/O systems1-1 Rootjob3-8 s S$CIIANGE$ACCESSsystemcall 4-12 SpecialuserIDs 4-14 systemmanager 4-14 woRLD 4-14 Stcps for obtaioing a ncw IiI€ conn€clion Stepsin usingphysicalfiles 5-2 Streamfiles,seechapter61 Subpaths4-6 Synchronous systemcalls 1-3 System callsrequiringconnections 4-4 System callsrequiringpaths 4-5 Systemdevice7-2 Systeminitializationerrorreporting7-3 T Types of accessto directories addentry4-10 change entry4-10 delete 4-10 list 4-10 Typcsof aclessto files 4-10 append4-11 delete 4-10 read 4-11 updare4-11 Typicalnumberof objectscreatedby the EIOS during systemcall executionB-3 U Use.IDs4-9 Userobjects4-9 Use.sanduserobjects4-8 UsiogoncbuîI€r\yithlheEIOSsystcm2-ó Usingphysicalfiles 5-2 Usingprefl\esandsubpaths together4-ó Usingrandomaccess devices asphysicalfiles 5-1 volumes formatting 5-1 implementing yourownfile formar 5-l usingvolumesformattedfor othersystems5-1 Usingtwo or morebufferswith the EIOSsystem2-6 lndex-4 Exteúded I/O Use/s Guide INDEX v VERIFY$USER systemcall 4-10 Volumes 3-1 ExtendedI/O Usefs Guide Index-5 irÌt€l' E X T E N D EiD R MX@II HUMAN INTERFACE U S E R 'G SU I D E Intelcorpo.aton Avenue 3065Bowers 5entaclara,Calfornìa95051 Copyrighto1988,IntelCorporation,All R qhtsReserved This manualdocumentsthe Human Interface,one of the layersof the Eltended jRMX II OperaîingSystem.lt is intendedfor programmerswho wish to write applicatiol programsthat can be load€dand executedvia keyboardcommands.This manualis dividedinto the followingchapters: Chapters1 and 2 Ovewiewof the Human Tnterfaceancldiscrrssion of the command line interpreter- Chapters3 through6 Discussionsofthe four generalcategoriesof Human Interface systemcallsand how to usethem when writing commands. Descriptionof the necessary elementsof a Human Interface command,aswell as the requiredcompilationand bind sequences. Chapter8 Descriptionof the configurableoptionsof the Human Interface. Appendixes A andB Listingsof type definitionsand string table tormat. AppendixC Listìngof the differencesbetweenthe iRMX II Release2 and the iRMX 86 Release7 Human Interface. Thismanualdoesnot describe thecommands suppliedwith theHumanInteriace.For informationaboutthosecommands, referto theOperator't GuídeTo TheE te ded.RMX II HumanInterface. CONVENTIONS This manualis intendedfor the personwho designsand implementsthe commands(the paogrammer),not for the personwho invokesthe commandsat the tetminal. Whenever this manualdescribeshow cerîainHuman Interfacefeaturesaffect the personthat hvokes the commancls, it refersto that personexplicitlyas the operator. This manualusesthe followingnotationalconventionsto illustratesyntà(l UPPERCASE Tnexîmplesof systemcall syntax,ì.rppercase informationmust be qped as shown. The programmercan,however,enter this infoamationin uppercaseor lowercase. lowercase In examplesof systemcall synîa\,lowercasefieldsindicate informatìonto be suppliedby the programmer. The programmer must enter the appropriatevalue or symbolfor lowercasefields. lluman lnterfac€ Usefs Guide lll PREFACE the OperatingSystem.This informationcan vary fiom messageto message. All numbers,unlessotherwisenoted,are assumedto be decimal. Hexadecimalnumbers includethe "H" radix character(for example,oFFII). RELATED PUBLICATIONS The followingmanualsprovideadditionalinformationthatmaybe helpfulto readersof thismanual. . iRMX 286Netwo.kingSoftware User'sGuide,OrderNumber:122323 . i^PX 286UtilitiesUser'sGuide,OrderNumber:12193,1 HumanInterfaceUse/s Cuide CHAPTER1 PAGE CHAPTER2 PAGE CHAPTER 3 COMMAND PARSING PAGE ovERvlEw Human Intefece Usedscuide CONTENTS CHAPTÉF4 r/o PRocEssrNG PAGE 4.1 Overview............... .................................4-1 4.2 Establishing InputAnd OutputConnections.-.....-.-...................................................... 4-1 4.2.1UsingC$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION............................................................. 4.2.2UsingC$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIoN........................................................4 4.2.3ExampleProgramScenario .................. ...........................4-2 4.3 Communicating With The Operator's Termina1..................................-....................... 4-3 4.4 FormattingMessages BasedOn Exception Codes...................................................... 4-4 CHAPTER 5 PAGE CHAPTER6 PAGE CHAPTER7 PAGE CHAPTER 8 PAGE CONFIGUBATIONOF THE fIUMAN INTERFACE HumanlnferfaceUser'sCuide CONTENTS APPENDIX A HUMANINTERFACE TYPEDEFINITIONS A . 1 T y p eD e f i n i t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX B PAGE . ........................................A-l PAGE Figure2-1. User Fxtension Example (Continued)... 2-6 Figure3-1.C$GETINPUT$PATHNAME andC$cET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME Example 3-8 Figure3-2.C$GET$PARAMETER Examp1e............................................................. 14 Figure5-1. CommandConnection Examples5-,1 Figure6-1.A CONTROL-C Task8xamp1e................................................................ ó-4 FigureB-1.StringTableFormat.. ..................................................8-l Human Inlerfàce I lseÉs Guìde CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1,1 OVERVIEW OF THE|RMX@ II HUMANINTEBFACE The ExtendediRMX II Human Interfaceis a layerof the OperatingSystemihat allows consoleoperatorsto executecommandson two levels:the standardcommandline interpreterlevel (CLI) and the Human Tnterfacelevel (HI). When the Human Interfice beginsrunning,it doesthe following. r Initiates a logon processthat validaîesoperators.On someterminals.this logon processis invisible,becausethe terminalhasbeenpermanentlyassociated with a singleoperator. On other terminals(thosethat can be usedby many different operators),the logon processinvolvestyping a logon nrme and î ptLssword before gainingaccessto the system.lf an error occursduring initialiation, the Human Ì nl i n i t i a l i l . r l i o( n , , r . I n t e r f a cgee n r r i r t c s i H . Createsan iRMX II job for eachoperatorloggedìnto rhe Human Tnterface.This job (alsocalledthe interactivejob)furnishesthe applicationenvironmentwith commands fo execute, . Assignsan area of memoryfor rhe operator(!his occurswhen the interactivejob is created). Any commandsthat the operatorruns usethis area of memory. If there is not enoughmemoryin the systemto initializean operittor,lhe systemassigns whatevermemoryis availableat the time anciissuesa warningntessa.ge to the Iermrnal. . Startsan initial progràm(this alsooccúrs\À,hen rhe inreraclivejobis created). The initialprogam is the operator'sinterfaceto the OperaringSystenì.It is usuarrya commandline interpreter(CLI), a programthat readsits instructionsfrom the te.minal. The Human Interfacesuppliesa standardjnitialprogram which reads commandsfrom the terminal and executesthe commandsbasedon lhat termìnal input. Thesecommandscan either be CLI commands(suchasALIAS and BACKGROUND) which are executedin the operator'sinteractivejob or Ht commands(suchas COPY, FORMAT, and PASSWORD)which run as offspringjobs ofthe operator'sìnteractivejob. You can alsosupplyyour own initial program. In fact, therc can bc a separateinitial programfor eachuser. Human Interface[Js€asGuid€ 1-1 OVER\TEW When an operatorentersinformationat a terminal,the operatorcommunicates with the initial program. With the standardinitial program,the operatorcan invoke a CLI commandby enteringthe commandname(optionallyspeciryingparameters),or a HI commandby specifying!he parhnameofÌhe file thar containsthe command(optionally specifyingparameters).The initial programreadsthe informationfrom the terminal and cxccutcsthc commands.If a HI commandhasbeenentered.the CLI invokesthe }Iuman Interfacesystemcallsto load the commandinto main memoryftom secondarystorage, createan iRMX IIjob for the command(as an offspringofthe operator'sinteractivejob), and begincommandexecution.ff a CLI commandhasbeenentered,the CLI interprets and executesthe commandwithin the CLI. The Human Interfaceprovidesseveralfeaturesthat aid both operatorsand programmers. Thesefeaturesilclude: . A set of Intel-suppliedcommands. . A group of systemcallsto aid programmersin writing their own commands. . A logon facilìtyto validateoperators. . A standardcomúand line interpreter(CLI) with its own set ofcommandssuchas AIIAS, HISTORY. and SET. . Multi-accesssupport. . Supportfor wild-cardpathnames 1 . 2 R E S I D E N TH U M A NI N T E R F A C E COMMANDS In addition îo the residentHuman Interface,Intel suppliesa varietyof commandswhich canbe usedwith any applicationsystemthat ilcludes the Human Interface. lncludedare: . CLI commands(suchas,\LI^S, HISTORY. SUBMIT, SUPER,and orhcrs) . File managementcommands(suchas COPY, DELETE, BACKUP, RESTORE,and olners) r Device and volumemanagementcommands(suchas ATTACHDEVICE, FORMAT, DISKVERIFY. and others) . GeneralUtility commands(srrchas DFBUG. DATE, and others) T\e Operutor'sGuíde to tlrc EfiekdediRMX II Human Inteface confa;nscomplete descriptiorsof all commandssuppliedwith the HumanInterface. 1,3 HUMANINTERFACE SYSTEMCALLS The Human Intedace providesa set of systemcallslhat programmerscan usein commandstheywrite. The followingcategoriesof systemcallsare available: t_t Human Interfaceflser's Cuide O}'ERvIEW . Command-parsing systemcalls . l/O and messageprocessingsystemcalls . Command-processing systemcalls . Programconlrol systemcall The commandparsingsystemcallsprovidc thc ability to parserhe commandline, allowing you to isolateand identi$,the parametersin a commandline. They alsoallow you to determinethe commandnameand parseother buffersof text. Chapter3 providesfurther discussionof the commandparsingsystemcalls. The I/O and messageprocessingsystemcallsallowyou to establishconnectionsto input and output files,communicatewith the terminal and format exceptioncodesinto a readyto-displayform. Chapter4 providesa further discussionof the I/O and message processìngsystemcalls. The commandprocessingsystemcallsallowyou to invoke interactiveHuman Interface commandsprogrammatically.Chaptcr5 providcsa fr.rrtherdiscussionofthe command processingsystemcalls. The programcontrol systemcall allowsyou to overridethe defaultControl-C handling task providedby the Human Intedace. Chapter6 describesthis in further detail. 1.4 LOGONFACILITY Logon is the process that thc Human lnterface uses to vaìidate terminal operators. An operator's view of the logon process diflèrs depending on how the terminal is confìgured. Terminal ùsers can be configured in one oftwo {'ays: resident (or recovery resident) user or nontesident user- L4.1 Resident User The residentuseror recoveryresidentuser(whogainscontrolonlyif aninitialization erroroccursin the configuration Iiles)is definedduringsystemconfiguration. All of its attributesaredefinedin îhe HumanInterfacememoryduringtheconfiguration process andareloadedwith the system.A resìdentuserdoesnot useanyof the system configuration files. 1.4.2 Nonresident User A nonresidentuserand its terminalmust be definedin iRMX TTsystemconfigurationfiles prior to systemexecution.Nonresidentuserterminalscan be configuredin one of two ways:staticlogon terminalsor dl.namiclogon terminals. HùnranlnterfaceUset'sGuide t-3 oveRvrEw Each staticlogon terminal is configuredto servicea specificoperatorwho can be either a rcsidcnt or nonresidentuser. If the staticterminal hasa nonresidentuser.its attributes are taken from the configurationfiles, :CONFIG:TERMINALS, :CONFlc:UDF, and :CONFIG:USER/usernameduring!ogon(seeChapt€r4 in the Guí.leTo TheErtended iR)lX II Intemctive Confguntion Utílít! for rnore information). Therefore, when the Human Interfacestartsrunning,it hasinformationaboutthe operatorsuchas userID, the amountof memoryavailableto this operator,and the priority. This meansthat the logon processis automaticand invisibleto the operator. The only way to changerhe Human Intedace'sassumptions aboutstaticlogon terminalsis to changethe Operating System'suserconfigurationfiles and restartthe OperatingSystem. LogonTerminals Dvnamiclogon tefminalsare configuredto senice many different operatorson a requestby-reqùesthnsis To determ;ne\xhichoperatorwantsaccessto the Operat;ngSystemvia a dynamiclogon terminal,the Human lnterfacerequestsinformationbefore allowingthe operatorto accessthe system.This informationconsistsof a logon nameand a password. The Human Interfaceverjfiesthat the informationenteredjs valid by checkinguser configurationfiles set up by the systen manager.Then it setsup the terminalbasedon the informationlisted in thosefiles. Unlike sta(icterminals,dynamiclogonterminalshavedvnamicmemorvpartitions. Thaî is, the Human lnterfacedoesnot assignany memoryto the terminal at systemstartup. lnsteîd, it assignsthe memorywhen an operatorlogson. Thc amountassignedvaries dependingon the operator'srequirements(as listed in one of the configurationfiles). The advantageof dynamic-partitionîerminalsjs that the memoryavailableto operators variesdependingon the needsof the operator. When the operatorlogsoff a dynamiclogonterminal,the memorygoesbackinto the generalfree spacepool. However,if there is no liee spaceleft in the system,an operator won't be ableto logon. 'flrc Guide To The Ertud&I ifttLr II Interactir)eCanfguration Urlllo, describeshow ro ser up staticand dynamiclogonterminalswith staticand dynamicmemorypartitions, respectively. lf theiRMXlI system issetupasa workstaîion onaniRMX-NETcommunications network,any operatorwho logsonto the systemon a dynamiclogon terminal automaticallybecomesa verified userof the network and can accessremotefiles via the iRMX-NET network. Refer ro the IRMXNeL*-orkSot--arelJter'sGuide foî more informalionaboutthe iRMX NET environment. l-4 HumanInterfaaeUser'sCuide OVERI'IEW LoggingOft When operatorsof dynamiclogon terminalsfinish accessing tlì€ OperarirìgSysrem,they can usethe LOGOFF commandto terminatetheir sessions.Other operatorscan then log onto the sameterminals. 1.5 STANDARD INITIALPROGRAM Oncean operatorlogs onto the Human lnterface,the Human Interfaceassimsan initial programto the operaîor. This initial programis lhe first proUram to run. The identity of this initial programis determinedby a privilegedoperator(normaltycalÌedthe system manager)when addingnew usersto the system.This processjs d es$lbedin theExtend.ed. |RMX II Inteructíve Confrgurction Utitity Refere ce Manuat . Aìthough the iniîial programcan be almostanythìng- from an editor ro a Basic interpreter- the Human Interfacesuppliesa standardìnitialprogram calledthe Human Intedace CommandLine Inte.preter (CLl). Ifyou haveusedRelease1 oithe iRMX II OperatingSystem(which is still available),norethat the CLI suppliedwith Release2 has beenenhancedto includemanynew features. The function of the Humîn lnterfaceCLI is to read input from the terminal,allowingthe operatorto edit that input ifnecessary, and executecommands(either CLI or HT) basedon the input. The CLI providesa numberofadditional featuressuchas aUasjng.hrckgrounjprocersing,anJ recallingol prevìouslyenteredcommandlines. Chapter2 discusses the standardCLI in further dctail. 1.6 MULTI-ACCESS SUPPORT TheBasicI/O Systemsupportsmultipleterminaìs byprovidingdevicedriversthat communicate with multiple-terminal hardware.TheHumanlnteriàceaddsto this supportby providingidentification andprotectionof usersbasedon logonnamesanduser IDs. Thissupportis calledmulti-access support. With mulîi-access support,multipleoperators cancommunicare with theOperating System.At lo8on,the F{umanInterfaceassociates eîch operatorwith an idcntification calleda user lD, and assignseachoperatora separatearea of memoryin which to run commands.When an operatorcreatesfiles or attachesdevices,the Human Interface marksthe operaîoras the ownerof thosefiles or devices.Accessto the liles by other usersdependson the permissiongrantedthoseusersby the owner. The multi-access Human Interfacealsoprovidesthe operatorthe capabilityto executecommands,run developmentprograms(like editors,compilers,and so on), and run other application orosrams. HurnanInterfaceUsefs Guide OVER\TEW To run a multi-accessHuman Interface,the systemmanagermust fùst set up the proper directorystructureand provide severalfiles containinginformationaboutthe operators that can accessthe system.However,you can still tailor your systemto meet your individualneedslry selecti[8,for eachoperator,the inilial programthal runs when that operatoraclessesthe Human Interface. You can choosethe standardCLI (suppliedwith the Human Interface)or a customizedinitialprogram. Thc uscr dcscriptionfiles maintainedby the systemmanageridentifythis choiceto the Human Interface. This process is described in the Eúended iRMX II Interaúive Confgìrration LltílítyReÍerence Manual. Programmerswho write commandsdo not haveto write their codedifferentlyfoa a multiaccessHuman Interfacethan for a single-acr:ess Human Interface. The only differencea commandmight eÀ?erience in a multi-access environmentthat it wouldn't experiencein a single-access environmentinvolvesaccessiÌtg files and devices.When a commandis iovokedby àn op€rat(rr,the commandinheritsthe opera!or'suserID. Thus,the commandcanperform operationsonly on files and d€vicesto which the invokingoperator has access,In a multi nccesseîvironmcnt, a commandmisht not be ableto accessaÌl the îiles or devicesit wantsto access. 1.7 WILD-CARD PATHNAMES The Human Interfacesupportsthe useofwild-card charactersin file names. This gives lhe operatora shorthandmethodofspeciryingseveralfiles in a singlereièrence.The wild-cardcharacterssupportedby ihe Human Interfaceare ? Matchesany singlecharacter * Matchesany sequenceofcharacters(includingno characters) The Operator'sGuide To The Exle ded,íRMX II Human Inteface describeshow an operatorcan usewild-cardcharacterswhen enteringcommands. Programmerswho write îheir own Human Interfacecommandsdo not haveto provide specialcodeto supportwild card pathnamcsas long as they userhe Hùman Interface systemcallsC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTpUT$PATTINAMEto obtain the file namesfrom the commandline. The Human lnterfacecontainsthe mechanismto interpret the wild cardsand return the correctfile nameto the calljng command. Refer to Chapter3 for more informationaboutthesesystemctlls_ t-ó Human Infeface Use s Guide 2,1 INTRODUCTION A CommandLine Interpreterprovidesan interfacebetweenthe operator'sterminal and the OperatingSystem.The CommandLine Interpreteris usuallythe meansfor executing Human Interfacecommands,but it canbe almostan).thingfrom a Basicinte.preter to an editor. The CommandLine lnterpreter is the operator'sinitial program. l he Human lnterfacesuppìiesa standardinitìal programcalledthe Human InterfaceCommandLine Inte.preter (CLI). When invokedthe CLI providcsthe opcratorwith line-editingand aliasfacilities,backgroundprocessjng, sessionhistory,terminal definition and execution of its own set of commands.The Human Interfacecan alsooperateÌvith a user extension, which allowsyou to add customizedfeaturesto the standardCLI, or with a customized CLI. This chapterexplainsthe featuresand useof the standardCLT,expìainshow to incorporateuserextensions, and lists the rulesfor writing a customizedCLI. 2.2 CLIFEATURES The Release2 Human InterfaceCLI providesa numberoffeatures that make it a useful tool in a developmentenvironment.They are listedhefe with a brief descrìption. Line-editing Allows operatorto re-edit input- Aliasirg Allows the operatorto abbreviatecommonlyusedcommandsand assignparametersto them. For example,the operatormay define; ALIAS PLM = :I-ANG:PLM286 Then when the operatorentersPLM A.28, the CLI executes :IANG:PLM286 A.28 Alias expandingcan be repeatedup to five times for easeofuse. An exampleof reiterativeexpansionis: ALIAS PLM = :IANG:PLM2Só ALIAS PNL=PLM #0.P28NoLTST When the operatorenters:PNL SOURCE, fhe CLI execules: :l.ANG:PLM286 SOURCE.P28NOLIST HumanInterfaceUser'sCuide THE COMMAND LINE INTERPRETER Background processirìg while envi.onment Allowsth€ operatorto runjobsin a background at theterminal.The operatoris continuingto invokecommands notifiedwhena backgroundjob is startedandwhenit finishes.Itis possible or cancela to requesta list of theactivebackFoundjobs backgroundjob. Session history Displaysthelast40commands andallowstheoperatorto select linesfor re-editing. I/O redirection other Allowsstandardinputandoutputto be directedsomewhere thanthe operator's terminai. Set Allowsthe operatorto performonline changes to certainCLI attributes such as, the prompt and the background memory pool size. The implementationof thesefeaturesis possiblewith the followingset of CLI commands: ALIAS, BACKGROUN'D, DEALIAS, HISTORY, JOBS,KILL, LOGOFF, SET' SUBMIT, and SUPER. All of the CLI commandsare describedin defatlin fhe Operator's Guile To The Ertenderl íRMX II Human Interface. If the standartj CLI satisfies the needs ofyour application,you can assignit to eachoperatoras an initial program. 2.3 INITIALIZATION The Human Intedace CLI can be invokedduring either staticor dynamìclogon. During initialization,the Human InterfaceCLI performsthe followingoperations: . lnitializesthe CLI environment . CallsCLI e\tensions, if necessary . Displaysa sign-onmessage . Createsan iRMX II objectcalleda commandconnectionin which it places informationreceivedfrom the terminal. Refer to Chapter5 for more information aboutcommandconnections. . Attachesor crealcsthe operator's:PROG: directory . Submitsthe file :PROG:R?LOGONfo. processing After this initial processing,the CLI displaysthe Human Interfacedelaultprompt (-) and readsiopul lrom thc t€rmirlal. Input Irom the terminalcan be a CLI command,a Human Interfacecommand,or a user applicationprogramthat is to be executed. HumanInterfaceUser'sGuide THE COM\,IANDLINE INTERPR.ETER 2.4 COMMANDINVOCATION The CLI beginsexecutingthe commandeither after a carriagereturn or an ESCAIE has beenenter€d. However,before execution,the CLI allowsthe operatorto edit the input lile or recallpreviouslyenteredlines When input is rerminated,the CLI performsthe followingoperationsl . readsthe commandLineîrom the tefntinal into a CLI buffer . expandsall aliases . handlesany I/O redirectionthat may be necessary . passescontrol to the userextensionprocedureCllgusergprocess,if applcable (see sectionon userextensionslater il this chapter) . searchesfor CLI commands(suchas ALIAS, HISTORY, SET), or HI commands (suchas COPY, DISKVERIFY, FORMAT). li the CLI encountersa CLI command,it parsesthe commandwithin the CLIjob, executesthe action requested,and ifncccssary,caìlsthc lluman lnterface systemca C$SEND$COMMAND to continuethe processing.If the CLI encountersa HI command or any userapplimtion p.ogram,it placesthe informationit readsinto the command connection(usingthe Human IntedacecommandC$SEND$COMMAND). After receivinga completecommand,the commandconnectionhandler: . Removesthe commandnameportion . Loadsthe file containingthe command . Passesthe parametersto the command- It may be necessary to conthue an HI commandbecauseof its lengthor sirnplyfor easein understanding.In this case,the CLI recognizesthe ampersand(&) mark at the end ofa commandline as a continuationcharacter,and displaysa doubleasterìsk(**) on the continuationline. It is possiblefor the operatorto recîll cithcr thc complcrecontinuationline or only part of it. A doubleasteriskappearson the screento indicatethat a continuationline is being recalled.The operrtor can then e.iit the relevantsectionofthe line. However,after the sectionhasbeen edited,the entire commandline is executed.For an example,see Chapter 3 of the Operator'sGuide To The Ertended IRMX II Human Intelace. The CLI displayserror messages for eachcommandin the eventofcertain operator errors. For a completedescriptionofthe CLI error messages, seethe detailed expÌanationof eachCLI commandgivenin the Operator'sGuideTo TheExtended|RMX II Hunnn Inteíace . Human InterfaceUsefs Guide 2-3 TIIE COMMAND LINE INTERPRETER 2.5 USEBEXTENSIONS The Human InterfaceCLI can be erlendedto includecustomizedfunctions. With this feature,you can ùeate an initial programthat takesadvantageof the standardCLI features,suchas line-editingand aliasing,and still meetsyour preciseneeds. The proceduresthat you add to the standardCLI to be ableto parsecommandsdifferentlyor implementyouÍ own commandsare calledCLI userextensions. This sectionexplainshow ro extendthe CLI to ineludeuserextensions. 2.5.1CreatingUserExtensions Creatinga userextensioninvolveswriting three procedures:an initiaìizationproceoure,a processingprocedure,and an epilogueprocedure.Theseprocedures,describedin the followingsections,can be combinedinto one module. Intel suppliesan empty default modulecalledHCLUSR.P2S(locatedin :SD:RMX286/HI) whjch providesyou with null insîancesof the three procedures.The Human InterfaceCLI hasthree entry points to the userextensions,one beforeeachprocedure. Initialization When the CLI is initializedit first definesits own aliastables(the memoryareawhere userdeiined aliasesare stored)and data structures-It then callsthe usersupplìed initial;ation procedure.Ifyou havetablesor datastructuresto add during initialìzation, they shouldbe part of the initializationprocedure.This procedureis calledonly once during CLI initialization. The CLI entersthe userextensionby calling: C A L LC L I 9 U S E R $ I N T T ( " \ c e prt )$ ;p t You can bind this procedureto the CLI library suppliedwith the Human Interface. An erampleof how to do this is givenlater in this secrion*sing Aftereachcommand line(entered eitherfroma terminalor in a SUBMITfile),theCLI translatesall aliases,and checksagainlbr userextensions.At this point, you can changea command,perform additionalfunctionsbefore execution,or processthe command. To accessyour user€xteDsion, the CLI calls: cont$flag - CLISUSER$PROCESS(comand$ptr, èr.eptSpir) ; where: command$ptr a pointerto a STRINGcontaining theexpanded aliascommand readvfor execution HumanlnterfaceUser'sGuide THE COM\{ANDLI NE INTERPR,ETER cont$flag a b)4€indicating whethertheCLI shouldcontinueexecuting the command line modiliedbythe userext€nsion, or ignoreit and continueto theusercxlcnsi{rn epilogueprocedure- 2.5-f-3Epilogue Whenthe CLI hasexecuted a command(HI command, CLI command, or usersupplied command), it callsthe epilogueprocedure.Thisprocedure can handleerrorconditions or performanyoîherfunctionsthatcannotbeperformeduntil thecommandhasbeen executed.Theepilogueprocedure is calledby: CALL CLI$USER$EPILOG(excepr$prr); Thisprocedr.rre canbe boundto theHumanInterfaceCLI libraryasshownin theexample givenlaterin thissection. Eachof the threeuserextension proceduaes retuansan earorcodein theexceptiori pointer,except$ptr.lf theprocedure returnsanythingotherthanE$OK,the CLI outputs an errormessage in additionto themessage issuedby C$SEND$COMMAND or the CLI command. The CLI catalogsthe error codegeneratedby the last commandunder the name R?ERROR in the globaldirectorybeforeexecutingthe user epilo$re procedure. Yoù can accessthis value and useit in your application.However,any changesto R?ERROR are not recognìzedby the CLI. The followingcodeenablesyou to accessthe valuein R?ERROR. DECIARE error$È TOKEN, BASEDerror$r UORD, except woRD; e r r o r $ r = R Q $ L o O K U P $ o B J( S EE cT L E C T O R $ 0 F ( N(l 3 L () 7 , ,,R?ERROR,),0,eexcept); AJter executionof this systemcall,effor will containthe error codethat the last command sert to R?ERROR. SampleUserExtension Thefollowing example shows howto createa userext€nsion usingthethreeprocedures describedabove. The userextensionillustratedhere aììowsyou to measurethe time requiredto executea CLI command,an HI command,or any apptcationprogram. The codeshownhere is a straightforwardexample.Many specìalcaseshavebeenomitted. Humanlnaerface User'sGuide t_< THE COMMAND LINE INTERPRETER ********************** /*************:t**********)t********* TITLEt lRìfi Il CLI user exrension example : TIMER ABSTRACÎ: A11o\r the user to neasure tine required comaDd or any applicalioÌì pro8rau. to execute a CLI USAGE: -T uhèrF .òmm:nrl lÀ rnv coùìnand llne rhar che ÍRMX II CLI *********5r**************:r*:t*:t*:!*:!***r!***+***************/ H C L U S RD : O; /* DECIARE CR LF TOKEN STRING Elob^l declarations */ 'ODH' 'OA}|' 'SELECTOR" ' STRUCTURE ( LITEMLLY LTTERALLY I-ITERALLY L]TERALLY length chat(1) /* 9include 9 include $ inc lude include files BYTE, BYIE)' ; */ ( /rmx2 86linclerror . lir) ( /rmx2 86/inclb ios . exr) ( /rnx2 86/incle ios . ext) /* externals cÒnvert$dw9dècina r : x/ PRocEDURE(destinarion$p, de s tinerion$nax, dw$nunber, length, excep$p ) EXTERNAL; DECIARE destinaclon9p POINTER, destination$nax WoRD , du$nunber DtJoRD, length I,IORD, excep$p PoINTER; END conver tSdw$decimal ; Figure2-1. UserExtension Example(Continued) 2-6 HumanInterfaceUset'sGuide THE COMMANDLINE INTER}RETER DECIARE BOOLEAN rALSE TRÙE usersco9t no$co tine! tine LITERALLY ' B\"IE' I,ITERALLY 'O' , LTTERALLY 'OFzu' ToKEN, BooLEAN, BOOLEAN, DWORD; 'CLI9User$lnit' 9subtitle ( ) /*********************************:!**************************)t************* îITLE: Cr.T$llser$Init CALLINGSEQUENCE: C A L Lc L I $ u s e r $ l n i t ( e x c e p $ p ) ; ABSTMCT: The iRÌ.fX II CLI cal1s lhis procedure ar initialization, ro allo', the user ro inirialize data stnrctures and variables ALGORITTiì'I: atlach signal and open a connectlon to :COl (N09co flas) íf it was opened successfully **********************************************************r!***)t*5t****:!*)r**// ( excep$p) REENTRANTPUBLIC; PROCEDURE CLI9userglnit: DECI-ARE excep$p P0INTER, excep BASED excepgp lioRD; excep : E$oK; no$co - FALSE; user$coqt - rq$sSattach$file( @(4,,:c0: ,), excep9p); IF excep - ESOKTHEN C A L Lr q $ s $ o p e n ( u s e r g c o g t , 3 , 0 , e x c e p g p ) ; lF excep .> E$OKTHEN nogco - TRUE; RETURN; E N Dc L I $ U s e r $ l n l È ; Figute 2.1. User ExtensionExample(Continued) Human Interfacel]ser's Guide THE COMMAND I,INE INTERPRF]TT]R 9 s u b t i t l e ( I C L I $ U s e r 9 P r o c è s s) ' /**************** TITLE: Cl-I$UsèrSProcess CAIL]NC SEQUENCE: continue - CLI$User$Process(conn$bufgp, excep$p) ; ABSTMCT: The iRl,lx II CLI ca1ls this procedure before executing a conmand line, but after line-ediling and alias replacenenc, Èo al1ow corunandmanipularlon. If rhe CLT is to continue processingJ thís procedure returns TRUE. If FALSE is returned, the CLI skips this comÌand and cal1s the cLI$user$epilog, ALGORIÎHM: I F - L o r - T i s F o u n d i n t h e c o f l m " n dl i n € T H E N DO; get lhe system time; remove r-t' fron the conmand líne se! tirìer - TRUE for use by the Cllguser$epilog END; Tell the CLI to continue processing RETURN(TRUE) *******:l**********:r***:r*******:!**********:!*:t*:r.***:!***:!*:!*:!****,t***********/ CLI9user9Process: PRoCEDURE ( conÌn$buf$p, excepgp) BYTE REENTRANT PUBLIC; DECI,ARE conm$buf$p comn$buf excep$p excep DECLARE index PoINTER, BASED P0INTER, BASED corùr$buf$p STRINC, excep$p WORD; Ì,IoRD; excep : E90K; lF no9co THENRETLTRN(TRUE); - 0; line riner = FALSE; Figure 2-1. User Extension Exampl€ (Continued) t_r Human Int€ aceUsefs Guide THE COMMANDLTNETI\TERPRETER '-t' */ /* search fot índcx F1NDB(lacom$buf. char, , ,, comgbuf.lenrrh); IF index a oFFFFH THEN DO; IF comÍìgbuf.char ( index + 1) - ,T, oR comÌ$buf char(inde). + 1) : ,r, THEN DO; '-t' fron the conurand*/ /* remove conn$buf . chat ( index) , conm$buf.char( index + l) E i n e - r q 9 g e t $ t i m e ( e x c e p $ p ); lF excep = E$oK THEN tirìer : TRUE; END; END; /* direct CLT to continuc comand processing*/ RETURN(TRUE) ; "; E N Dc L I $ U s e r $ P r o c e s s ; 'CLI$UserSEpiLos' $subtitle ( ) /*********************)y************:t******************ìt*ìt*****:t**ìt*ìt*ì!*ìt*ìt* TITLET CLI$user$Ep11og CALLINGSEQUENCE: C A L L c L I g U s e r S E p i l o g ( e x c e p g p;) ABSTRACT: The iRMX 1I CLI ca1ls rhis procedure afcer execucing a comand line to perforn comànd épilogue functions. ALGORITHM: ] lF there is no connection to :CO: or no timer needed for this comand THEN RETURN .alculate Lhe rime elapsed sin.e CLI$user$pLocess wr:ite rhe tine message to the screen; *****************:l************+***:!*:t*:!*:f***)9*********)L*******************/ cLI9UserSEpilog: DECIARE excep$p excep ( excep$p) REENTRAIT PUBLIC; PRoCEDURE POINTER, BASEDexcep$p l,lORD; Figùre 2-1. User Extension Example (Continued) Human Inaerf.ceUset's Guide 2.9 THE COMMAND LINE INTERPRETER DECI-ARE actual cincgstr itoRD, STRUCTL'RE( length char(14) exceP : E9OK; IF nogco OR NOî tiner RETURN; BYTE, BYTE); THEN tine$str. Iength - 0; /* calculate rhe elapsed cine */ = Eine rq$getStine(excepqp) - tine; TF excèp o ESOKTHEN RETURN; C A L Lc o n v e r t $ d u s d e c ' n d( l @ ti m e S s ' r , s l z E l r i m F $ . t r ) , L i m e , STzE(tirìègstr) - 2 , excepgp); IF excep = E$oK THEN DO; a c t u a l : r q S s $ \ ' r r i t e $ m o v e ( u s e r $ c o $ t@ , ( ' E r a p s e dr i m e : ' ) , 14, excep$p); lF excep = E$oK THEN actuar - rq$sqvrite$nove( user$co$c, @tinìe9srr.char, t i n e q s t r . l e n g t h , e r c e p $ p ); IF excep : E$oK îHEN accual rq$S$u!iLe$move/Lser$co@ $ r l, s e c o n d s ' , c R , L r r , 10, excepgp); END; RETURN; END Cl-lSUsetSepilog; END HCLUSR; Figure 2-1.Uscr ExtcnsionExample 2.5.2BindingA UserExtension To useyoùr userextension,bind it to the Human InterfaceCLI Libraryusingthe procedureshownbelow.(It is rccommenclecl that you combinethe three proceduresinto one module,but this is not necessary.)lfyou havecalledthe usereltensionmodule MYEXT.P28,you can usethis exampleexactlyas it is writtcn. Othcrwise,replace MYEXT.OBJ with the nameof the obiectmodulevou wish to bind. 2-10 HumanInterfaceUse/s Guide THE COMTIANDLINE INTERPR,ETER : LANG:BND286 & MYLXT.OBJ, & /Ryx286 /Hr /HCLI .LrB (HCLI ) , & /Rv,x286/Hr /HCLI.LrB, & /Rt'tx286/HI /Hf .LrB , & /RMX286/LIBlRrtr{r FC. LtB, e 86IHIIHUTIL. LIB, & /RMX2 : IANG:Pl,l'f286. LIB & RENAMESEG(CODE TO CLI CODE,DATA TO HT DATA,HICODF, TO CLI CODE, HI DATATO CLI DATA) & OBJECT(MYCLÌ) NOLOAD NODEBUC SECSIZE(STACK(2400H) ) & ( I0000,0FFFFH) RC( Dl.r ) MYCLI & is thenameyouuseto invokethisCLI. For a complete explanation ofthe parameters, seeChapterT ot thismanual. Bindingyour extensionsas shownabovccrcatesa lluman IntcrfaceCLI with your user extension.Ttris nculy credredCLI canrhenbec.rlJc,J by it. paLhnrme. MYCú|. rr a nonresidentCLI duringthe logonprocess-Ifyou want the default residentCLI to include userextensions, you shouldspecii, the pathnameof the userextensionmoduleduring configuration.For more information seethe Ertended. .RMX II InteructiveConfiwmtion UtíIíE RefercnceManual. 2.6 CUSTOMIZED INITIAL PROGRAM If the standardiniliíl programor the standardinitial programas modifiedby a user extensiondoesnot meetyour needs,you havcthc option ofproviding your own initial program. The initial programmay be similar to the Human InrerfaceCLI, or it may be a completelydifferent kind of program For example,you couldwrite a CLI that allows accessto liles in selecteddiectorìes only. This would preventan operatorfrom accidentallymodifyingother files. Or if you want a particLrlaroperatorro use only Basiclanguageprograms,a Basicinterpretermight be the inirial programfor that operaror. You can selectthe inilial programfor eachoperator. For example,you may continue usingthe iRMX II Release1 CLI as the initial program. To do rhis,you simplyspeciry your selectionin the userdescriptionfiles maintainedby the systemmanager(refer to the Ettended íRMX II InteructtueConfiguration UtinryReferenceManual). Ifyou providc your own initial program,the programmust obeythc folowìng rulÈs: . It must initializeits owrìdata segment.The Human Inlerfacedoesnot set the DS registerfor the CLL . It must perform input and output via logicalnames:CI: and :CO:. Human Interface flse/s Guide 2-11 TIIE COMMAND I,INE INTERPRETER . Ilit requùesthe ability to run Human lnterfacecommands,it must createan iRMX II objectcalleda commandconnection(via the C$CREATE$COMMAND$CONNECTION systemcall). If the initial programdoes nol createa commandconnection,it (and any other applicationtasks)cannotusethe followingHuman Interfacesystemcalls: C$CETSINPUT$PATHNAME CSCET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME C$GET$INPUT$CONNBCTION C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTION C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE C$SEND$COMMAND C$SET$CONTROL$C CSDELETESCOMMANDSCONNECTION . If it doesn'tcreatea commandconnectionbut still wishesto usethe Human Intedace syst€mcallsC$GET$PARAMETER, C$CET$CHAR, and C$BACKUP$CIIAR, it must first invoke the C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERsystemcall. . It must invoke the ExtendedI/O Systemcall EXIT$IO$JOB to terminateprocessing. It must not usethe PL/M-286 or ASM286 RETURN statementfor this purpose. Refet to the E tendediRtrlX II Hufian Inteface SystemCaIk ReferenceManual for detaileddescriptionsof th€ Human InterfscesystemcaÌlsmentionedin this section. Refer to the iRMX /1 Er.tendedI/O SystemCalLtReferc ce Manual for information about the EXIT$IO$JoB systemcall. HumanInterfaceUsertsGuide 3.1 oVERV|EW Wheneveran operatorentersa HumanInterfacecommand from theterminal,an initial progmmassociated with thatoperatorreadstheinformationandcauses the Operating Systemto invokethecommand.Whenit invokesthecommand, the OperatingSystem placesthe paramerers into a parsingbuff€r. Oneof the firstthingsthatthecommand mustdo is to readthe parsingbuffer,breakthecommandline into individualparameters, and determine the correct action to take based on the nurÌtbet and meanins oî rhe parameters. NOTE The Humanlnterfacesuppliedinitialprogramreadsa commandand determincs ifi! is a CLI or a HI command beforeelecuringir. CLI commands arehandleddifferentlythanHl commands. Thischapterdeals only with HI comúand parsing. The Human Interfaceprovidesseveralsystemcallsto parsecommandlines that folìow a standardstructure. It alsoprovidesother systemcallsto processnonstandardformats. This chapterl . Definesthe standardstrùctureofcommandlines . Describesthe systemcallsusedto parsecommandshavingthis structure . Discusseshow to switchfrom one parsinglruffet to anotherparsingbuffer . Describessystemcallsyou can useto parsenonstandardcommands . Describesa systemcall that you can useto obtainthe commandnamethe operator usedwhen invokingthe command 3.2 STANDARD COMMAND-LINE STRUCTURE The staÍdard structureof a Human Interfacecommandline consistsof a numberof elementsseparatedby spaces.It is recommendedthat your commaodsfollow this structureto enableparsingby the Human Interfacesysîemcalls. However,if you require a different structure,refer to the "ParsingNonsîandardCommandLines" sectionofthis chapter. Human InterfaceUsels Cuide 3-1 COI\fMANI) PARSING The standardstructureis as follows(squarebràckets0 indicateoptionalportions)l command-nameIinpathlist [prepositionoutpathlist]l lparameters] where: command-name Pathnameof thc file conlainingthe command'scxelulableobj€cl code. The pathnamemay consistof a prelix and a subpath.A prefix is a logicalnameof a directoryand is uniqueifit is not duplicatedin one of the dire,ctories in the commandsearch sequencedefinedduringconfigùration Seethe Ertcndcd|RMX Inteructive ConfrgurutionUtility RefercnceMafiral for more details on directories,prefixesand logicalnames. inpath-list One or more pathnames,separatedby commas,of files that the Human Interfacereadsas input during commandexecution. Individualpathnamescan containwild-cardcharactersto signiry muìtipleîiles- Refer to the Op?mlorìîGuide To The F.xtcnded |RMX Il Human Intetfacefor a descriptionof the wild-card charactersand their usage.You can use the C$CET$INPUT$PATIìNAME systerncall io processthis inpathllsL preposition A wordthattellstheHumanInterfacehowto handlethe output. Thestandardstructuresupportsthefollowingprepositions: TO TheHumanlnterfacewritesthe outputto a newfile indicatedby the output pathname. If the file al.eadyexists,the Human Interfacequeriesthe operatoras follows: < parhname>, alreadyexists,ovERwRITE? If the operatorentersa Y or an R (uppcrcaseor lowercase),the Human Int€rfaceoverwritesany informaîionin the existingfjle with the new output. (An R tells the Human Interfaceto continue overwritingexistingliles without promptinglbr permission.)Any other charactercausesthe Human Intedace to proceedwith the next pair of input and output files. OVER The Human Inter{acewrites the output to the file ìndicatedby the output pathnxme. lt overwritesany information that currentlyexistsìn the fileAFfER The Human lnterfaceappendsthe output to the end of the file indicatedby the output pathname. You can use the C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME systemcall to processthe prepositìon. HumanInterfaceUser'sGuide COMMANDPARSING outpath-list Onc or more pathnamcs,s€paratedby comnas, of lìles that are to receivethe output duringcommandexecution.The total number ofpathnamesin this list and the numberofwild,cardsusect dependson the inpathlist. Refer to the Opdrdtor'sGuide To The Extended|RMX II mtma l tefuce îor more information. You can usethe C$cET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME systemcall to process the outpathJist. parameters Paraúetersthat causethe commandto perform additionalor extendedservicesduringcommandexecution.The standard structuresupportsparameterswith the followingformats: value-list The parameterconsistssolelyof one or more groupsof characters (calledvalues)separatedby commas. When the value-listis presentin the commandline, the commandperfornìsthe service indicatedby the values. keyword=value-list A key$'ordwith an associated value (or list ofvalues,separaîedby commas).The kelvord portion identiliesthe kind of serviceto perlorm, and eachvaluesuppÌiesfurther informationaboutlhe seryicerequest. ke)$/ord(valueJist) Alternate form of the previousformat. kelnrr'ord value-list A kelavordwith an associated value (or list ofvaìLres,separatedby commas).Lìke the previoustwo formats,the kelvord portìon identitiesthe kind of serviceto perform and eachvalueportion providesmore informationaboutthe service.However,the kelvord mustbe identifiedto the commandas a prepositìon(refer to the descriptionof the C$GET$PARAMETER systemcall in rhe Ex.tendediRMX II Hutuan Interlace S]'.Jtem Calh ReferctrceMunlutl for more information). You usethe C$GET$PARAMETER systemcall to processthe parameter. cr Line terminatorcharacterThe RETURN (or CARRIAGE RETURN) key and NEW LINE (rr LINE FEED) key are both line terminators. The followingexamplcsshowhow you shouldellter all Human InterfacecoÙrrnandusin8 the commandstructuredescribedabove. caPY /rnx286/fílel TO /rù-/rik2 FORMAT :f0: FILES-300GRANULARITY-200 BS UPCOPY :f1:nyfile T0 /ne',',dirloutfile Q For morc cxampÌcsscrjthe Opemtot'sGuAe To TIE Ertended íRMX II Ilut útl It teface. The Human Interfaceaìsosupportsthe follo\À'ing speciaìchrrrcters: Hùman lnterface User'sGuide 3-3 CONIMANDPARSING coniinualion character An ampersandcharacter(&). When an operatorincludesan ampersandin the commandline as the last characterbeforethe line terminator,the HLrmanInterfaceassumesthat the command irvc'catiorìcorìtinueson the nextline. If the standardHuman Interfacecommandline interpreter(or any customcommandline interpreterthat usesC$SEND$COMI,L{ND to jnvokecommands) processes the operator'scommandentry,îhe ampersand(and the line termjnatorthat follows)are edjtedout of the parsingbuffer. Then the continuationline is read and appendedto the parsing buflèr. This processcontjnuesuntil the operatorentersa line termjnatedby a carriagereturn without a continuationcharacter. Therefore,when the commandreceivescontrol, its parsingbuffer containsa singìecommandinvocatìon,without intermediate continuation characters or lineterminators. NOTE CLI commandssìrchas ALIAS, SUBMIT and SUPER do not recognize continuationcharacters.However,continuationcharactersare recognized by all human Interfac€commandsfound jn :SYSTEM:. commenlcnaracler A semicolon character (;). TheHumanInterfaceconsiders this charactcrand all tcxt that followsit on a line to be a nonexecutablecomment. lf the standardHuman Interfacecommand line interpreter(or any customcommandline ìnterpreterthat Lrses C$SEND$COMMAND to invoke commands)processesthe operator'scommandentry,all commentsare editedout of the parsingbuffer. Therefore,individualcommandsdo not haveto searchfor andd;scardcomments. 3-,f HunranInterfàceUseasGùide COMMAND PARSING quotingcharacters Two single-quote(') or double-quote(,,)charact€rsremovethe semanticsofspecialcharactersthey surround(but you must use the samecharacterfor both lhe beginningand endingquote). If a commandline containsquotedcharacters,the Human Interface systemcallsthat invoke the commandand parsethe conìmandlin€ do not perform any specialfunctionsassociated with the surroundedcharacters,For example,an ampersandsurroundedby doublequotesis interpretedas a singleampersandand not a continuationcharacter. The quotesremovethe semanticsofcharactersthat are specialto the Human Interfacebut not specialto other layersof the OperatingSystem.Therefore,quotesdo not removethe semantiqs ofcharacterssuchas :, /, and /, which are specialto the l/O System. To includethe quotingcharacterin the quoted strin& the operator must specilythe charactertwice or use the other quotingcharacter. For example: Ican'l' or rcan'tn causes: to be read in the commandÌine. 3.3 PABSING THECOMMAND LINE Whena HumanInterfacecommand beginsexecuting, a parsingbufferassociated with the command containsall theparameters thattheoperatorenteredwheninvokingthe command(everything exceptthecommand-name portionof the invocation line). The HumanInterfacemaintainsa pointerfor thisparsingbufferwhichinitiallypointsto the firstparameter.By invokinganyof thefollowingHumanInterfacesystemcalls,the command canreadtheparameters from theparsingbuffer: C$BACKUP$CIìAR C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME C$GET$OUTPUT$PATI]NAME C$GET$PARAMETER CSGET$CHAR The systemcallsC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME, C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME, and C$CET$PARAMETER readan entireparameter andcausethe HumanInterfaceto movethe pointerto the nextparameter.Thesesystemcallsunderstand quoting characters, removethe specialmeaningfrom quotedcharacters, anddiscardthe quote characters. HumanInterfaceUseÌ'sGuide COMTtrAND PARSING The systemcalls,C$BACKUP$CHAR and C$GET$CHAR,seethe parsingbuffer as a stringof characters.They do not understandthe notion ofquotìng characters;therefore they do not removethe specialmeaningfrom quotedcharacters,nor do they skip over the quotcs. C$BACKUP$CllAR causcathc Human Intcrfaccto movc thc pointcr onc positionbackwards.C$GET$CrIAR readsa singlecharacterand causesthe Human Interfaceto movethe pointer to the nextcharacter.Exceptfor positioningthe parsing pointer to a particularplacein the buffer,C$GET$CIIAR shouldnot be usedwith C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME,C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME,and C$GET$PARAME'IER. 3.4 PARSING INPUTAND PATHNAMES OUTPUT Ifyou restrict the invocationlines ofthe commAndsyou wlite to a form that is similar to the standardformat discussedearlierin this chapter,you can usethe systemcalls C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME to identirythe input an.l outpìrtpathnamesin the crmmand line. Becausethe commandline can contain multiple pathnames,you might needto invokethesesystemcallsseveraltimes to obtain all the pathnames. The first call to C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME readsrhe enrire inparhlist (rhe list of pathnamesseparatedby commas)into a bìit1èr,movesthe parsingpoìnier to the next parameter,and retuÍìs the first input pathnameto the command-Likewise,the lirst call ro C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME notesthe preposition(TO, OVER, or AFTER), readsthe entire outpath-listinto a buffer, movesthe parsingpointer to the parameter atter the outpathlist, and returnsthe first output pathnamcto the command. Succeeding C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PAIINAME callsrerurn additionalpathnamesfrom the buffe.screatedpreviously,but they do not move the parsingpointerto the nextparametef For example,if the parsingbuffer contains: A,B TO C,D the first call to C$GET$INPUT$PATIINAME obrainsborh inpur parhnanres(A and B), retu.ns the ffustone (A) to the caller,and positionsthe pointer at the prepositionTO. The firsr call to C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME obrainsboth outpur pathnames(c and D) and returnsthe first one (C) to the caller. C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME also identifiesTO as the prepositionand posiîionsthe pointer on it The secondcallsto C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME return B and D resDectivelv to the caller. 3-6 HumanInterfaceUser'sCuide COMMAND PARSING Thesesystemcallshandlesinglepathnames,listsofpathnames,and pathnamescontaining wild-cardcharacters.However,becauseof this versatiliryand becauseoutput pathnames are dependenton input pathnameswhenbofh usewild-cardcharacters,you mÌrstmake cals to C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME in a particularorder. To usethesesystemca11s effectively,obeythe followingrules: 1. Alwayscall C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME ro obrainrhe input parhnamebefore callìngC$GET$OUTPUT$P^THNA.MEto obtainthe correspondingoutpìrt pathname. This is necessary becausewith wild-cardcharacters,the identity of the output pathnamedependson the identity of the input pathname. Therefore, C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME cannotdeterminethe oùtout oathnameuntiÌ C$CET$INPUT$PATIINAME determines rhecorresponding ìnputparhname. 2, Alwaysalternateyour callsto C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME. This is necessary to handlewild card characters and listsof pathnames.Ifyou invoke two callsto C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME without an jnrermediatecall to C$GET$OUTPLIT$PATHNAME,you will not be able to obtainthe first output pathname.Similarly,if you invoke two callsto C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME without an intermediatecall to C$CET$INPUT$PATHNAME, the secondcaÌl returnsinvalìd information C$GET$INPUI$PA I HNAMB and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME return the pathnamesin the form of iRMX lI strings. Each stringis a group of bytesin which the firsl byte containsthe numberofASCII byresthat follow. For lhesesyslemcalls,rhe remainingbytesin the st.ing containthe pathname.If C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME returnsa zerolength string (that is, the first byte is zero),you know that there are no more pathnamesto obtain. After callingC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME to obtain the input file and correspondjngoutput file, you can usethe systemcalls C$CET$INPUT$CONNECTIONand C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONro obrain connectionsto îhosefiles. Chapter4 containsmore informationabout C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONand C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECrIoN. Upon obtainingconnectionsto the files,you can pertbrn the necessaryl/O operations. Figure 3-1 containsan exampleof a programthat usesC$CET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$P^THNAME in ìts command-lincparsing(it alsouscs C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONand C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONto obtain connectionsto the files). This programis a partial exampleof à COPY comm.nd that vou could imDlement. HumanlnterfaceUsefs Guide CO[fMAND PARSINC //ar*-***********)t******:r************* * This exanple demonstrates the use of the follovin8 Huan Incerfacè * systen calls: * * rq$c$get$ inpuc$pachnaÌne 'f rq$c$get$outpuÈ$pathname * rq$c$cet$ input$connèction * rq$c$cet$outputqconnectíon * * This prograrì is a possible iúplenentacion of a COPYutility r.rhose * purpose 1s to copy daÈa from successive input files to corresponding * n',rp,,r files Eor examplè, to cópy filè A tó file B, file C to file + D, and file E Èo fite F, an operator could specify the following * conùnand line: . * ,I C O P YA , C , E T O B , D , F * * * * * * * * * * * +++*+++++++****:,*:!*>t/ copy: D0; DECI,AREtoken LITERALLY 'SELECTOR'; DECIARE ( inputqpathname , output$pathnane) STRUCTURE( length B\"TE, char (al) B Y T E) , o\ltputSprep BYTE, f i rpursto! en. output$token) TOyEN, excep i,ùoRD, exitSexcep I,ùORD; Sinclude $include $include (/rnx286/inclerror. 1it) (/rlnx2 B6/inclhi . exr) (/rnx2 8 6/Ínc/e ios . ext) / r L e t r h e f i r s r í n p u p a t h n a m es t r i r g * / CALL rq$C$get$ input$pathnane (@input$parhnane, s IZE ( inpurgpathnarÌe ) , @excep); IF excep <> E$OK THEN C A L Lr q q e x i t $ i o $ j o b ( e x c e p , N I L , l Q e x i t $ e x c e p ) ; Figure3-1. C$GETINPUT$PATHNAME andC$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME Exarnple 3-8 HumanIntedaceUser'sGuide COMMANDPARSING D0 l,IHlLE ( input$pathnane . length <> 0); /* A zero length indícates morc Ínput paraneters. */ */ C e t t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g o u L p u Èp a t h n a m es t r i n g /* outputSprep - rq$c$get$output$pathnane (Goutpur$pathnarne, SlZE(output$pathnane), ! a ( 7 , , T O: C O : ' ) , G e x c e P ) ; IF excep <> E90K THEN CALL rq$exit$io$job (excep, NlL, laexit$excep) ; /* Establish connection wilh the pair of input and output files no */ inputStoken - rq$c$get9Ínput$connection (Ginpur9parhnane, Gexcep) ; IF excep o E$oK THEN caLL rqîe!it$ió$job (excep, NIL, @e!ir9excep); output$loken - rq$c$get$output$connection (@output$pathname, outputqprep, Gexcep); lF excep c E$OK THEN C A L Lr q $ é x i r $ i o 9 j o b ( e x c e p , N I L , G e x i È g e x c e p ) ; Codè to copy data and close both fíles /+ C € L t h e n e x t : n p u L p a t h n a m es r r i n g + / CALL rqqcSgetS inputqpathnanìe ( Ginputqpathnane , r IZE( inputijpathname ), Gexcep) ; lF excep <> E90K THEN C A L Lr q $ e x i t $ i ó $ j o b ( e x c e p , N I L , @ è x i t $ e x . e p ) ; END /* /* Fìnich D0 h'llllE Ì/n */ nf^.acsino cALl- rq$exit$iogjob */ (cxcep, NIL, Gexitgéxcep); END copy; Figure 3-1. C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and CSGET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME Example Human IdterfacelIser's Guide 3-9 COMMAND PARSINC IN INPUTAND 3.5 WILD.CARD CHARACTERS OUTPUT PATHNAMES wild-cardcharacters providea shorthand notationfor specifying severalfilesin a single reference.TheHumanInterfacesupports twowild'cardchaaacters for usein the last compooeot (this ùrearìsthe last parameter, Ilot just the last sharact€r) of irrput or output pathnames.The wild-cardcharactersare: The questionmark matchesany singlecharacter.For example,the name "FILE?" could imply all of the followingnames(and more): ? FILEl FILE2 FILEX * The asteriskmatchesany sequenceofcharacters(includingzero characters).For example,the name"*FTLE"could imply all ofthe followingfiles (and more): OBJECTFILE FILE V1.2FILE AFILE The followingexampleillustratesboth the correctand incorrectusageof a wild-cardas the last componentin a list ofpathnames. You can enter: /f'.yLrb/ r i,re* /Iiylrb/*.obj Entering /*r7h/îíLe7 will cause an error. Tl\e Operator'sGuide To Tlrc Ertenrled íRMX II Human Inteface descfibeshow to ùsewild-cardcharacterswhen enteringcommands.It alsodisc[sscs restrictionsand operationalcharacteristics ofwhich an operatorshouldbe aware. Refer to that manualfor more informationaboutusingwild-cardcharactersin file names. The C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$cET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME systemcalls automaticallyhandlepathnamesthat containìrild-cardcharacters.They treat a \rildcardedpathnameas a list ofpathnames. C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME matcheswild cards. That is, eachtime you call it, it comparesthe wild-cardedcomponentwith the files in the specifieddirectoryand returns the pathnameof the next file that matches.For example,if an input pathnameisl 3-10 HumanlnterfaceUseasGuide COMMANDPARSING : PROG:PLM/A*' C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME searches the :PROG:PLMdirectoryandreturnsthe pathnameof thenextfile thatbeginswith theletter"A". C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME generates wild cards.Eachtimeyoucallit, it compares thewild-carded outputpathname with thewild-carded inputpathnameandwith the mostrecentpathname returnedby CgcET$INPUT$PATI{NAME. Thenit generates a coúesponding outputpathname basedon thatinformation.The outputpathname could referto an odstingfile or to a file thatdoesnot yetexist.As an example, suppose an operator'sdefaultdirectorycontainsthefollowingfiles: ALPHA All ADAM BETA 811 C1I Nowsuppose thatyouhavewrittena command calledREFINEthatreadssome informationfrom an inputfile,adjuststhatinformationin somemanner,andwritesthe informationto an outputfile. Assuming thatyouinterleaved thecallsto C$cET$INPUT$PAr HNAME andC$GETSOUTPUT$PATHNAME correcrlywhen youwrotethecommand, an operatorcouldentera command line asfollows: REFINE A*,8* TO C*, D* In thiscase,C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME andC$GET$OUTPUT$PATI{NAME returnpathnames asfollows: Pathname lìstreturned CorrcsponrJing pathname list by C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME returnedby C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME ALPIIA A1l ADAM BETA 811 CLPHA c11 CDAM DETA D11 Because the file Cl1 aheady exists,the Human lnterface would display the following messagebefore writing to the file: Cl1, already exísts, OVERIÌRITE? If theoperatoranswers yesto theprompt,theHumanInterfaceoverwrites the file. Hùman Infelace llser's Cuiil€ 3.11 COMMANDPARSING 3.6 PARSING OTHERPARAMETERS The C$GET$PARAMETER systemcall is îlso availablefor parsingcommandlìnesof the standardformat. You can usethis systemcall for the followingpurposes: . To parseparameterswhich appearafter the input and output pathnames. . To parseall parameters,if the commanddoesnot useinput and output files- . To parsethe input and output pathnames,if the commandrequiresa prepositìon other than TO, OVER, or AFTER. Ifyou useC$GET$PARAMEIER to parseinput and output pathnames,you must provide additionalcodeto handlewild-cardcharactersthat may appearin the command line. This is unlike C$GEfiINPUfiPATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME whichhandlewild-cardcharactersautomatically.For example,supposea commandline containsthe pathname: FILE* Ifyou useC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME to parsethis parameter,the systemc:ll assumesthat FILE* is a wild'cardedpathname.It searchesthe operator'sdefault dìrectoryand returnsthe pathnameof the first file whosenamestartswith the characters "FILE'. Subseqùentcallsto C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME return other pathnamesthat meet theseconditìons. However,iî you use C$GET$PARAMETER to parsethe sameparameter,the systemcall returnsthe valuel FILE* It doesnot know'thatthe charactersreoresenta oathname.nor doesit know that the asteriskrepresentsa wild card. When caled, C$GET$PARAMETER parsesa singleparameterand movesthe pointer of the parsingbuffer to the next parameter.The paramete.returnedas a result of this call can be in any ofthe followingforms: value'list 1-tt A valueor g oup of valucsscparatedby commas.The systemcall returnsthe entirelist in the form oi a string table (describedin Appendi{ B). It placeseachof the valuesin the vnluelist in a separatestring. HumanlnterfaceUser'sCuide CONIMANDPARSING keJword= valuclist A kelword indicatingthe kind ofparameter,followedby a value or kelword(value- (or group of values,separated by commas).The presenceofthe list) cqual signor the parentheseslersthe sysÌemcall recognize ke)rwordparameterswithout foreknowledgeof the ke)'!vords.It alsoinforms the systemcall that the charactersfollowingthe equal sign(or the charactersin parenthesis)representa value-listand not a separateparameter. The systemcall returnsthe key,"vord in a stringand the valuelist in a string table. kelword valuelist A kelword indicatingthe kind ofparameter,followedby a value (or group ofvalues,separatedby commas).In this case,sincethe kervord and valuelist are separatedby spacesinsteadofby an equalsignor parentheses, the kefvord is referred to as a preposition.In order for the systemcall to recognizethat this stÍuctureis a ketrrord/value-listinsteadof two separate p rarn€l€rs,you must supply,as input to th€ systemcallra string tablecontainingall the possibleplepositionsthet coùld occur. The systemcalJchecksthis ]jst to determinewhethera group of charactersseparatedby spacesis a prepositionkeylvordor a separate parameter Individualparameters areseparated by spaces. In general,thevaluelistof a parameter is eithera singlevalueor a lisl ofvaluesseparated bycommas.C$GET$PARAMETER returnseachof thesevaluesasa stringin a string table.However,an individualvaluecanitselfconsistofa vaÌue-list.Ifa groupofvalues (separat€dby €omnìàs);s encìosedùÌ parenlhescs, C$cET$PARAMETER lrcars thc valuesas a singlevalue,returningthem in a singlestring. For example,in the following value-list: A,(B,C,D),E C$GET$PARAMETER considers"B,C,D"as a singlevalue. Therefore,thevaluelist consistsof three vîlues: "A", "B,C,D",and "E". Figure3-2 containsan exampleof a programthat usesC$GET$PARAMETER in its command-lineparsing. HumanInterfaceUser'sGuide 3-13 CONIMANDPARSING ********************** /********************************* * This è).anple demonstrates the use of the following Huan lnlerface * systen call: ) r * * * :f * * * rdqaqoÀrqn, * * rrÒaiar * * This progran nakcs ucc of rq$c$gct$paranctcr to parsc a kclrord paranèter in a corùnand1ine. Here, the kelvord, "SIZE", is parsed and its valuè portíon converted to a word walue and placed in For exaÍrple, an oper:ator: could specify the follo\ríng "size$vat". connnand line: * * * PROG1 SIZE : 4OO * * \nrp * a default îh,r i' i\p 'icl7_i lec€íves * value *******x*****)r*****x**/ progl: DO; DECIAREtoken LITERALLY 'SELECTOR' ; 9i.cr1idé (/rmx286/inclerror lit) ext) $ ínclude (/rnx286linclhi. (/rnx286lincleios . ext) 9include (len BYTE, LITERALLY 'STRUCTURE str (r) BYTE) , STRING9TABLE LITERALLY'STRUCTURE (m],'n$entries BYTE, entries (l) BYTE)', PAtA}tETER$KE1'1JORD$f.fr!(L I T E R A L L Y' 2 0 ' , VALUE9TABLE$M,A,I L I T E R A L L Y' 8 0 ' , DEFAULT$SIZE LITERALLY ' 1OO'; DECIIRE STRTNC DECIjRE vaÌue$rableSbuf (VALUE$TABLE$}IdT)BYTE, /* Receives string table valuegtable STRING$TABLE AT (Gwalue$rable$buf), value$srr$ptr POINTER, vaÌue$scr BASEDvalue$scr$ptr STRING; /* For refer.encing strrngs in the st ring rable */ DECIAREparaneter$keyrord$buf ( PARAMETLRSKUYI,/ORD$l{AX) BYTE, /* Receives the ke)ryord strina */ parameterSke).word STRINCAT (Gparaneter$kelvord$buf), excep WORD , noreSparam UoRD, (size$wal, i) l.IoRD; Figùre3-2. C$GET$PARANÍ ETER Example 3-I,f HumanInterfaceUser'sCuide CONfilfAND PARSING /* GeE the next paralìeter, if present */ nìoIe$param = rqSc$eet$paranìètei ( GparaneterSkeFord, PARAMETERSKE\uoRDgMÀ{, Gvatueqrable, VALUEgTABLEgMAX, N l L , N I L , @ e x c e )p; IF (excep = E9oK) AND (nore$paran) THEN - ,S,) AND ,/* rs rhe kqvord, 'SrzD,? .r/ IF (paranèrer$kè)vord.srr(0) (paramerer$ke).\,rord.str ( 1) = ,r,) THEN DO; v a l u e $ s t r $ p t r : @ v a f u e $ t a b l e e. n t r í e s ; / * P o i n r r o t s r e n c r y i n rable */ size$va1 - 0; - 1; ,/* Convert nurTber string to word DO i - 0 to value$str.len vdlue +/ sizFgval - sizpSval * ì0; - 30H); size$val - size$va1 + (valuegstr.srr(i) END; END; EI-SE ,SIZE, parameter is nor presen!, size9val - DEFAULT$SIZE / *;I f r h e use rhe default size. */ . conrinue ùiÈh rhe r:esr of the progran Finish I/0 processins ,f/ /* C A L Lr q g è x i t g i o $ j o b ( e x c e p , N I L , @ e x i r g e x c e p ) ; E N Dp r o g l ; FigureJ-2. C$GET$PARNÍETERExample 3.7 PARSING NONSTANDARD COMMAND LINES If the commandline you write followsthe recommendedstructuredescribedeàrlier in this chapter,you can useC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME,C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME, anclC$GET$PARAMETER to parselhe commandline. However,ifyou requirc irn invocationline of a different form, you might not be able to usethesesystemcalls- The followingsectionsdiscusstwo q4)€sof nonsrandartlcommandlines:one that is similar to the standardand one that is completelydilferent. Human Inteface Uset's Guide J-15 COMNIA.ND PA.RSINC 3.7.1Variations OnTheStandardCommandLine The "Standard Command-Line Structure" sectionof thischapterrecommends thatthe firstparametels ofyour conìnìarìds be a list of ilput patlìtalnes,a pleposition,aDda list of outputpathnames. With thisconvention, commands alwayscail C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME andC$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME first,before obtaininganyoptionalparameters. Therefore,the inputandoutputpathnames arethe onlyposition-dependent prrametersin yourcommands; otherparrmeterscan,ìlfear in any order and can be optional. However,supposeyou want to structureyour commandsso that other parametersappear before the input and output pathnames.You can stìlluse C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GE'l$OUI PU I $PAl HNAME to parsethe inputand outputpathnames.But,you haveto ensurethat your commandknowswhich of the parameterscontainthe input and output pathnames.You calrdo this in severalways. Two of them are: . Enforce a rigid structureon the commandline. For example,supposeyou want two parametersto appearbefore the input and outpul pathnames,suchasl command p1 p2 input-pathnameprep output-pathname Your commandcould useC$GET$PARAMETER to parsethe first and second parameters.Then it could use C$GET$TNPUT$PTHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME to parsethe input and outpìrtpathnames.If you do this,p1 and p2 are position-clependent parameterswhich must be ìncluded wheneverthe commandis invoked. . Us€ a separateparameteras a switchto infornr the corùrnandthat th€ parallretErsthat follow are input and output pathnames.This methodrequiresmore code to implementbut it cen a[ow you to mrke all your p.ìrameters(includingthe input and outpuî pathnames)position-independent. For example,you could implementyour commandsuchthat wheneverthe operator entereda parametercalledFROM, it \"-ouldsignalthe commandthat the next paramctcrswcrc input and output pathnames.This commandcould containa main loop that usedC$GET$PARAMETER to parseparameters.Wheneverthe command receiveda parumeterwhosevaluewas"FROM", it couldcall anotherportion ofcode that usedC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$cBT$OUTPUfi PATIINAME. After retrievingthe input and output pathnames,!he codecould return to the main loop to continueprocessingparameters. A hypotheticalcommandof this sort might be calÌedRITRI[Vtr, a commandthat retrievesjnformationfrom variousdata bases.The operaiorcould invokethis commandwith a commantlline suchas: RETRIEVE NAMEs ADDRESSESPHoNES FRoM file I TO file2 In this command,operatorscan speciryv/hat thevwant to retrievebeforethey speciry where to get the information. Human Inteface User'sCuide COMMANDPARSING 3.7.2 OtherNonstandardCommandLines In sorrreinstances,you might want your commandline to look completelydifferent from that describedearlier in this chapter. For example,supposeyou require a syntaxin which the followingrulcs apply: . Spaceshaveno significanceand canbe omitted betweenparameters. . A prefix charactermust be before eachparameter(a "g" indicatesan input file, an ,,@,, indìcatesan output file, and a ',-"indicaîesall other parameters). With this kind ofsyntax,a usercould invokea command(in this examplethe commandis calledREFINE) as follows: REFINT $infile-mediumt11 oulfile where infile is the file from which to read informarion.outfile is the file in which REFINE shouldplaceits outpuî, and mediumis a parameterthat further directsthe processing. lfyou require the syntaxoutlinedin this example(or any other nonstandardsyntax),you cannotuseC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME,C$cET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME, and C$GET$PARAMETER to parsethe individualparamerers.Any of thesesystemcalls would return the entire parameterlist as a singleparameter. For casessuchas this,you can usethe CgBACKUP$CtlAR and the C$CET$CHAR systemcallsto parsethe commandline. Thesesysremcallsperform a singlc,simplc operation. C$BACKUP$CHAR movesthe positionpointer backwardsone position. C$GET$CHAR returnsa sìngìecharacterfrom the commandline and movesthe pointer to the next chiracîer. Thesesystemcatlsdo not understandthe notion ofparametersns erplainedearlier in this chapter. Nor do they understandwild-cardcharactersor quoting chaaacters. C$BACKUP$C[L{R and C$cET$CHAR requireyou to provide the parsingalgorÌthmin your own proglam, becaùsethey make no assumptionsaboutthe structureor order of parameters.However,by usingthesesystemcalls,you can enforceany commandsyntax you choose. BecauseC$BACKUP$Cr{AR and C$GET$CFIARmove the pointer characrerby character,not parameterby parameter,yorì shouldtake carewhen usingthem in the same programwith C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME,C$CET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME, and C$GET$PARAMETER. You must ensurethat C$BACKUP$CILARand C$GET$CHAR ìeavethe pointer pointìngat the beginningof a parameter(or at blank characterswhich immediatelyprecedethe parameter)before invokingflny olrhe other systemcaÌls. Human InterfaceUser's Cuide COMMAND PARSING TOANOTHER PARSING BUFFER 3.8 SWITCHING When a commandbeginsexecution,it hasa parsingbuffer that is set up by the Human Interfaceto containthe parametersof the command. The commandparsingsystemcalls listed in this chapteroperateon that parsingbuffer. This allowsthe commandto parseits parameters. Somecommandsmight require the ability to parseadditionallines of text (for example, an editor needsto parseindividualeditor commands)after the originalcommand invocation.A commandsuchas this cannotusethe Human Interface-providedparsing bìrfferbecauseit has no way ofplacing informationin the buffer, and becausert cannot resetthe parsingpointer to the beginningof the buffer. To meet the needsofcommandssuchas this, the Human Interfaceprovidesa systemcall to changeîhe parsingbuffer from the one the Human Interfaceprovidesto one that the commandprovides. This systemcall,C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER, switchesthe parsing buffcr ànd s€lsth€ parsìngpointer to the b€ginningof the bufter. One of the parametersof the C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERsystemcall (buff$p) is a pointer to a buffer containingthe text to be parsed. This buffer can containtext read from the terminal,text read from a file. or eventext that you "hard code"into the command. After the call to C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER, the followingcommandparsingsystemcallsobtain informationfrom the new prrsing buffer: C$GET$PARAMETER C$GEÎ$CI'IAR C$BACKUPSCI{AR The other commandparsingcalls(C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME) are not affectedby callsto C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER.Thesecallsalwaysobtainpathnamesîrom the original parsingbuffer (the commandline). When you establisha newparsingbuffer,C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERsetsthe parsing pointer to the beginningof the butler. This alkrwsyou to useone bufler tbr parsingmany lines of text. For example,supposeyour commandhas severalsub-commands.Each time the operatorentersa sub-command, your commandreadsthe sub,commandinro a buffer, cals C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERto resetthe parsingpointer,and parsesthe subcommand. The programflow for an operationljke thjs couldbe: 1. Read the informationfrom the terminal into a buffer (use C$SENDIiCOtrjRESPONSE, C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE, or an Extendedl/O Systemcall). 2. Call C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERto set the parsingbuflèr to the buffer contàr'ning the sub-command.This setsthe parsingpojnter to rhe beginningof the buffer. 3-18 HumanInterfaceUsey'sCuide COMMANDPARSING 3. Parsethe sub-conmaodusiogCSGETSPARAMETER,C$BACKUP$CHAR or C$GET$CHAR systemcalls. 4. Perform the operationsrequestedby the sub-command. 5. Go backto step 1. Continuethis loop until the operatorex;tsfrom the command. Ifyou speciff ML or a zero valuefor the bufflp parameterof C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER, the parsingbuffer s\ritchesbackto the originalcommandline buffer. However,the parsingpointer doesnot resetto the beginnìngof the buffer; it remainspointing at the next paramete.in the commandline. lhis allowsyou, if you wish,to parsepart of the commandline, switchbuffersand parsea portion of anotherbuffer, and switchbackîo the comnìandline. There is one problemwith switchingbackand forth betweenparsingbuffcrs. Excepr whenyou switchto the commandline buifer, everytime you call C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER, the parsingpointer movesto the srart of rhe buffer. Therefore,you loseyour placein the buffer. However,C$SET$pARSE$BUFFER returns,in its offsetptìrameter,a valuethat indicatesthe positionof the pointer in the previousbuffer. This valuespecifiesthe offsetof the pointer,in bytes,from the beginning of the buffer. Ifyou intend to swiîchbackto that builer (by againcalling CIiSET$PARSE$BUFFER), you can usethis valueto move the poinîer to its previous posrtlon. One way to do this is to usethe C$GET$CIIAR systemcall to move the parsingpointer backto its previousposirion. Afrcr switchingbackto the original buffer,calt C$GET$CHAR the nlrmberof timesspecifiedin the ofl.setparameterof the first C$SET$PARSE$RIIFFERca[ (not the one rhar s*,itchedbackto the buffer). This positionsthe pointer to its previouslocation. You can then continueparsìngparameters ftom th€ pojnt at whichvou left ofi Another way to do this is by îreatingyour parsingbuffer as an array ofcharacters(an array caled CHAR, lbr example).When you call C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERrhe first t;me, you can specifythe buf$p parameterto point to the first elementof the array (CHAR(o), for example).Then,whenyou switchparsingbutiers, C$SET$PARSE$BUFFERretu.ns,in the offsetparameter,the numberof bytesalready parsed. Wlcn you svritchbackto the first parsiogbuffer,you can userhis offsetvalueas an indexinto the array;that is, havethe buff$pparameterpoinr ro CHAR(offset). Human hterface Usels Gùide 3.19 COI\fMAND PARSING 3.9 OBTAINING THECOMMAND NAME A user invokesa commandby specilyingthe pathnameofthe file containingits object codeand any pai aor€t€rs the conìmandrequires. The Hurrun Intcr facEplacesthe parametersin a parsingbuffer.which the commandcan aocess by invokingthe system callsdescribedearlier in this chapter. In addition,the Human Interfaceplîces the commandnamein anotherbuffer. The commandcan obtainthis nameby calling C$CEfiCOMMAND$NAME. C$GE]$COMMAND$NAME doesnot operateon the parsingbùffer usedby the other commandparsingsyst€mcalls. Nor is jt affectedby the C$SET$PARSE$BUFFER system.lt can be calledmultiple times;eachtime it returnsthe samecommandname. Ifthe operatorentersthe completepathnameof the command(includingthe logical name),thc command-namcbuffcr containsexactlywhat the operatorente.ed. However, if the operatorentersa commandnamewithout a logicalname,the Human Interface àutomaticallysearchesa numberof directoriesfor the command. ln thìs case,the command-name buffer containsnot onÌy the nam€the operatorentered,but also the directorycontaining the conmand(suchas :SYSTEM:,TPROG:. or :$:). Therefore,a commandcan usethe valueretumed by C$GET$COMMAND$NAME and the circumflexpathnameseparator(^) to accessthe directoryin which it resides.For example,if "command-name" is the namereceivedfrom C$GET$COMMA^-D$NAME, a commandcould accessits directoryby usingthe pathname: conmand,namel It couldaccess anotherfile in the dìrertoryby specirying thepathnamel comrìand-nane/file 3-20 HumanInterfaceUser'sGuide 4.1 OVERVIEW The Human Interfaceprovidesseve.alsystemcallsthat establishconnectionsto input and output files,communicatewith the opeaator'sterminal,and format exceptioncodesinto messages that can be sentto the operator. This chapterdiscusses thesesystemcalls. 4.2 ESTABLISHING INPUTANDOUTPUT CONNECTIONS The Human lnterfaceprovjdestwo systemcallsfor estab[shingconnectionsto input and output files: C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONand CgGETSOUTPUT$CONNECTtON. Thesesystemcallsare structuredso that you can usethe output from C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME as input to these systemcalls. 4.2.1 UsingC$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONobtainsa connectionto a iile and oDensthat connectionfor reading. One of rhe paramerersol C$GET$INPUT$CòNNECIION is a pointer to a stringcontainingîhe pathnameof the file for which the connectionìs sought. This pathnamecan be the pathnamereturnedby C$GET$ÌNPUT$PATHNAME or it can be the pathnameof any other file to whichyou want a connection.If C$CEfiINPUT$CONNECTION càoDd obraina connecrionro rhe specifiedfile fo. any reason,iî returnsan exceptioncodeand writes a messageto :CO: (normallythe operator'sterminal) to indicatethe tlpe ofproblem. For examplc,ifthc spccificdinput lile doesnot exist,C$GET$INPUT$CONNECIION displaysthe followingmessage: ,file not found The systemcall displayssimilar messages in other situations.Refer to the descriptionof C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONin the dxlended|RMX II Human InterfaceSystemCalh Reference Manual îot more information. BecauseC$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIONreturnsmessages to the operatorin the event of an exceptionalcondition,your commanddoesnot haveto return addìtionalmessages unìessyou require them The commandmust decideonly *'hether to abort or to continue processing. Human InterfacelJsecscuide 4-l l/o PRoaEsslN(} 4.2.2 UsingC$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTION obtainsa connection to a file andopensthat C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTION oneofthe conncction for writing.As iD thecaseof C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION, parameters is a pointerto a stringcontaining the of C$GET$OUTPUT$CoNNECTIoN pathname of the file for which a connection is sought. This pathname can be the pathnamereturnedby C$GET$oUTPUT$PATHNAME or it can be the pathnameof any other file to whichyou want a connection.There is anotherparameterin C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONwhich specifiesthe tlpe of prepositionto usewhen writing to the output file (TO, OVER, or AFTER). This prepositiongovernshow data getswritten to the file. Ifyou specirythe TO prepositionand the pathnameof an existingfìle, C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONpromptsthe operatorfor permissionto deletethe existingfile. This prompt appearsas: ,aheadyexists, OVERWRITE? If the operatorenterca "Y" or "y" (for "yes"),the systemcall obtainsthe connectionto the existingfile. If the operatorentersan "R" or "r" (for "repeàt"),the systemcall also obtains the connectionto the existingfile, and it givesthe systemcallpermissionto obtain without promptingfor permissionto delete additionaloutput connections,if necessary, existingfiles. If the operatorentersany other character,the systemcall returnsan exceptioncodewithout obtaininga connectionto the file. Ifyou specifythe OVER preposition,C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIoN obtaìnsthe connectionwithout promptingthe operatorfor permission. Ifyou specif the AFTER preposition,C$GEI$OUTPUT$CONNECTION obtainsthe connectionwithout promptingthe operatorfor permissìon.lt alsoseeksto the end of file before returningcontrol. Thus,any informationyou write to the file will not overwritethe existinginformation. This is unlike TO and OVER whichcause C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONto leavethe file pointer at the beginningof the file. If tlìe operatordo€snot haveth€ prop€r rcccssrights 1()thc lilc, or if for somereason C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONcannotobtaina connectionto the file. C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTIONreturnsan exceptjoncodeand displaysa messageat the operator'sterminal. Refer to the descriptionof C$cET$OUTPUT$CONNECIION 1nthe Ertenrled iRùlX I Human Inteiarc S\,ttemCalls ReferenceManual for more information. 4.2.3 ExampleProgramScenario A normalscenario for usingC$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION and C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTION is asfollowsl 1-2 Human InterfaceUser'sGuide l/o PRocEssrNG DO WHILE mo.einputandoutputfiles Obtaininputpathnanrc from command linewirhC$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME Obtainoutputpathname f.om command linewith C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME Obtainconnection to irput file with C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION Obtain conne.tion to output file with C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTTON Readinformationfrom hput file Perfoamcommandoperations on infomation Writeinformationto outputfile Deleteconnections to inputandoutputfiles END The programlistingin Figure3-1showsa partialimplementatìon of thisscenario. 4.3 COMMUNICATING WITHTHEOPERATOR'S TERMINAL The Human Interfaceprovidestwo systemcallsthat easethe processof communicating with the operator'sterminal. They are C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE and C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE.Each of thesesystemcallscombinesinto a singlesystemcall severaloperationsthat you would normallyperform when communicatingwith the terminal. In its generalform, C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE establishes connectionsto :CI: (console input) and :CO: (consoleoutput),writesa messageto :CO:,and readsa messagefrom :CI:. As input to this systemcall,you can specilythe messageto be sent,the sizeof the messageto be received,and the buffer to receivethe message.Dependingon the values you choosefor the parameters,you can erther: o Senda messageand receivea message . \Àithoutwaitinglo receivea me\\age Senda message . Receivea messagewithout sendinga message lfyou useC$SEND$CO$RESPONSE, you do not haveto invokeother systemcallsto attach,open,read from. or write to the operator'stermìnal. Human Inte ace User,s Cuide 4-3 I/O PROCESSTNG There is a differencebemeenC$SEND$CO$RESPONSE and C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE.C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE dealsspecificallywith the logicalnames:CI: and :CO:. Therefore,its input and output can be redirectedto files by 'lhis changingthe pathnamesrepresentedby theselogicalnames. is what happenswhen an operatorplacesa commandin a SUBMIT file; SUBMIT assumesthat :CI: is the SUBMIT tile and lhal :CO; is the outDutfile sDeliliedin the SUBMIT command. On the other hand,while C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE performsthe sameoperationsas C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE, C$SEND$EO$RESPONSEalwaysreadsinformation from and writes informationto the operator'sterminal. Input and output cannotbe tedirected with C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE. C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE is especiallyusefulifyou havemultiple taskscommunicating with a singleterminal- If a task useseither of thesesystemcallsand requestsa response from the terminal,no other output is displayedat the terminaluntil the operatorentersa responseto the first systemcall. Atier the operator.esponds,taskscan sendfurther informationto the terminal. This mechanism,when usedby all the taskswhicb communicatewith the terminal,preventsthe operatorfrom receivingseveralrequestsfor inîormationbefore beingableto respondto the first one. 4.4 FORMATTING MESSAGES BASEDON EXCEPTION CODES Wlenever you includeiRMX U systemcallsin the codeof a commandthat you write, it is possiblefor thosesystemcallsto encounterexceptionalconditions.Exceptional conditionsare dividedinto two categories:programmingerrors and environrnental conditions.Programmingerrors occurwhen the iRMX II OperatingSystemdetectsa conditionthat normallycanbe avoidedby correctcoding. Environmentalconditions,in contrast,are generallyoutsidethe corìtrolof thc applicaljonprogram. Even the most thoroughìydehrrgged commandscan encounterexceptionalconditions. The exceptionaÌconditionscan arjsefiom invalid operatorentries,lack of secondary storagespace,media errors,and other problemsoverwhich the commandhasno conîrol. The Human lnteriaceprovidesa defaultexceptionhandlerto handleexceptional conditionsin commandsthat you write. This exceptionhandlerreceivescontrol on the occurrenceof all exceptionalconditions.It displaysthe exceptioncodevalueand mnemonicat the operator'stermìnaland abortsthe command. ln many cases,you might want to provideyour own cxccprionhandling,either ro pass additionalinformationto the operatoror to allow the operatoranotherchanceto enter correct informrtion In sùchcases,you can rse the Nucleussystemcalls GET$EXCEPTiON$HANDLER and SET$EXCEPTION$HAN'DLERto assrgnyour own exceptionhandleror to cancelthe effectof the defaultexceptionhandleron someor ail exceptionsthat occur il your command. Relet to fhe ExîendedikMX II Nucleus Sjstem Calb Refercnce Manual for more informationaboutthesesystemcalls. 4-4 Human Intedace User'sGuide I/O PROCESSING When you pcrform your own exceptionhandling,you will probablycreatespecial messages that you return to the operatorin the eventof certainexceptionalconditions. However,you might not want to createmessages for all possiblccxccptioncodes.For this situatior! the Human Interfaceprovidesthe C$FORMAT$EXCEPTION systemcall. C$FORMAT$EXCEPTION acceptsan exceptioncodevalue as input and returnsa string whosecontentsdescribethe exceptionalcondition. You can usethis strhg as input to a systemcall suchas C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE to write ihe informationro rhe opetator's terminal. By usingC$FORMAT$EXCEPTIO\ you can rerurn a messagero rhe operatorfo. all exceptionalconditions,but you do not haveto enlargeyour programby includingthe text ofthese messages in the codeofyour command. The text portion of the stringproducedby CgFORMAT$EXCEPTION consistsof the exceptioncodevalueand mnemonicin the follo,ringformat: value : mnemonic You can displaythis string as is, or you can placeadditionalexplanarorytext in the string betoredisplayingit. The followingexampleshowsyou how to use C$FORMAT$EXCEPTION. Supposeyou havea procedurenamedDONOTHING that waitesan eÍor messageto the screenwheneverthis ptocedureencountersan exception, You can declarea messageas follows: DECIéRE errorSnsg faired(*) excep tocalSèxcep STRUCTURE( length char(80) BYTE), B Y T ED A T A ( 3 l , ' D O N O T H I N pG rocedure falred x)rx ,), WORD, WORD; Now, whenever an exception is encountered during execution, you can caìl C$FORMAT$EXCEPTION, as shown helow, to create the default messagefbr the exception contained in the excepvariable and concatenate it to th€ faiìed messageyou declared in the variable faled: caLL MovB(GfaiLèd, @error$nss, fsiled(0) ); C A L L r q q c $ f o r n a t S e x c e p t i o n ( G e r r o r S m s g ,s I Z E ( e r r o r g n s s ) , e x c e p , 1 , G1oca1$èxcèp)i You can w.ite the error$msg string to the screen. For example, if the excep variable contains05H,thestringcontainedin error$msg wouìdbe ' DONOTHINC procedure falled :t*:r 0005: ESCoNTEXT, Refer to the Z:rt€nded íLùlX II Hunatr Intedace Ststem Calls Rderence Mamnl information about C$FORMAT$EXCEPTION. HumanlnterfaceUser'sCuide fot 'l:lorc 4-5 5.1 oVERVIEW When you write your own command,you migh! want to perform an operationthat is alreadyprovidedin anothercommand(suchascopyingone file to another,displayinga directory,€tc.)- Insteadof duplicatingthc codc for this opcrationin your command,you can invokeHuman Intedacesystemcallsto issuethe commandsthemselves.The effect of makingthesesystemcallsis the sameas that producedby an operatorenteringa Human Interfacecommandat the terminal. The Human lnterfaceprovidesthree system callsto facilitatethis processofprogrammaticcommandinvocation: C$CREATE$COMMAND$CONNECTION,C$SEND$COMMAND, and C$DELETE$COMMAND$CONNECTION. Invokingcommandsprogrammaticallyinvolvesthe followingoperationsl . Creatingan object(calleda commandconnection)to storethe commandinvocation lines . Sendingthe commandline to the commandconnectionand invokingthe command . Deletingthe commandconnection This chapterdiscusses theseoperationsand providcsan cxamplcof how thc Extcndcd iRMX Il systemcallsappearin a program. 5.2 CBEATING A COMMAND CONNECTION Beforeyou can senda commandline to the OperatingSystemto be invoked,you must createan object (calleda commandconnection)to store the commandline. The C$CREATE$COMMAND$CONNECTION systemcall createsthis objectand returnsa îoken for the coîúrand connection.The tokencan be usedin callsto C$SEND$COMMAND (to sendcommandlinesto the object)and in callsto C$DELETE$COMN4,A.ND$CONNECTION (to deÌetethe objectafter usingit). When you call C$CREATE$COMMAND$CONNECTION.you alsospecifytokensfor the connectionsthat serveas commandinput and commandoutput for the invoked comùand. This allowsyou to redirectinput and output for the invokedcommandto secondarystoragefiles. Or you can speliIy the normal :CI: and :CO:. Human lnterfaceUset's Guide 5-1 COMMANDPROCESSING Thecommand connection is necessary to supporttheprocessing ol multiple-line commands withoutinîerference from othertasks.If not for thecommandconnections. the OperatingSystemwouldbe unableto determine whichcontituationlinewentwith which command when many tasks ìver€ sending command lines to be processed. Th€ providesa placeto storecommand command connection linesuntil the commandis comDlete. 5.3 SENDING COMMAND LINESTOTHECOMMAND CONNECTION ANDINVOKING THECOMMAND The C$SEND$COMMAND systemcall sendscommandlines to a commandconnection and,when the commandinv(rcationis complete,invokesthe command. One of the parametersofthis systemcall is the token for a commandconnection,which identifiesthe commandconnectionto us€. Anothef pafafirct€ris a pointer to a stringwhich must containa commandline. The fo.mat of the commandline is the sameas the format for enteringth€ commandline at a terminal. The commandcan be any iRMX II Human Interface command (as described in the Operator'sGuide To The Extended iRl\,ÍX II Human Interface)or anycommandthat you write. However,it can not be a CLI command.and it cannotusethe aliasfeatureofthe CLl. If the string speciliedas a parameterto C$SEND$COMMAND containsa complete commandinvocation,C$SEND$COMLtrANDplacesthe commandline in the command connectionand invokesthe command. However,ifthe string docanot containthe entire commandinvocation(that is, it contairs the "&" as a continuationcharacter),C$SEND$COMMAND placesthe commandline in the commaddconnectionwithout invokingthe command. [t alsoreturnsan exception code,E$CONTINUED, to infotm the callingprogramthat the commandis continued. Additional C$SEND$COMMAND callsplacecontinuaîionIinesin rhe command connection,combiningthem with the commandlines alreadythere. When C$SEND$COMMAND sendsthe last portion of the commandhvocation (a line without a continuationcharacter),it invokesthe entire command. Onceyou call C$SEND$COMMAND enoughtimes to placea completecommand invocationin the commandconnection,C$SEND$COMMAND invokesthe command. This involvesloadingthe contmaodfrorn s€condarystorageand srarfitg iÍ running. The C$SEND$COMMAND call that irìvokesthe commanddoesnor return control until the invokedcommandfinishesprocessing.Oncc thc commandfinishesproccssing,you can usethe commandconnectionfor invokingother commands. 5-2 Human Inteface User's Guide COMMAND PROCESSING Thc C$SEND$COMMAND systemcall containstwo pointersto words that rcceive iRMX II conditioncodes. One of tlÌese(calledexcept$ptrin the systemcall description) points to a word that receivesthe statusof the C$SEND$COMMAND systemcall. An E$OK indicatesthat C$SEND$COMMAND re.eivedthe iullcommand invocationand invokedthe command. An E$CONTINI IED indicatesthat the commanclinvocationis not complete(the last Linecontaineda continuationcharacter).Other exceptioncodes indicateother problemswith the systemcall. The other poirter (calledcommand$except$ptr in the systemcall description)points to a wo.d that receivesthe statusof the invokedcommand. This allowsvou to determinethe statusof the invokedcommand. 5.4 PRIORITY CONSIDERATIONS Every commandhasa priority (usuallybasedon the priority of the userwho invokedthe command)that determineswhen the commandwill be ableto run in relation to the other tasksin the system.When commandsare invokedvia commandconnections,their priorities are lowered(numericallyincreased)by one- This ensuresthat the callingtask (the one that createdthe commandconnection)retainscontrol oveathe commandslt As a result,a commandinvokeddiectly at the terninal will havea higherpLiority(and possìblycompletesooner)than the samecommandinvokedvia a commandconnectton. 5.5 DELETING THECOMMAND CONNECTION you shoulddeletethe After you havefinishedinvokingcommandsprogrammatically, commandconnection.The C$DELEIE$COMMAND$CONNECTION systemcall performsthis operation. You do not needto deletethe commandconnectionafter each commandinvocation,becauselhe commandconnectionis .eusable.However,you should deletethe commandconnectionafter pedorming all C$SEND$COMNLANDoperations. This freesthe memoryusedby the datastructuresof the commandconnection. 5.6 EXAMPLE Figure5-1containsan exampleof a programthatusesl C$CREATE$COMMAND$CONNECTION C$SEND$COMMAND C$DELETE$COMMANDSCONNECTION Tt invokesthe Human TnterfaceCOPY commaîd Drocrammaticaììv. Human Intedace User's Guide COMMAND PROCESSINC /*********************************************************************** * This exanple denonstrates * * * rq$cQcreategconùnand$connection rqScSsen.l$.onm.nd rq$cqdeleteSconnand$connection * * * ThÍs progran uses the previous systen cal1s to invoke rhe conmand CoPY :F1:OLD to : F1:NEl,ùand then continues normal processing. Thè prosran is inwoked vith thc comand líne: * * * , ! * the use oT lhp f.llówino H"r,n lnl'èrf..p * PROG2 *-*********************+**********:t*:9*:!*:t*********)k***:t*:!*:!**************/ prog2: DO; DECLAREtoken LITER-ALLY ' SELECTOR'; $include 9include 9include (/rILy286linclerror. 1it) (/rìÌx286/inclri. exr) (/rnx286lincleios . ext) DECLARE(ci$token, co$token, comrìandgconnecriongroken) T0KEN, (excep, comexcep, e: E90K THEN C A L Lr q $ e x i t S i o S j o b ( e x c e p , N l L , @ e x e x c e p ) ; Figùre 5-1. CommandConnectionExample(continued) 5-4 Human InterfaceUsels Gùide COMMAND PROCESSINC /* areaxe comaDd co oecLion */ connandqconnection$token - Èq$c9crearegcomandgconnecrion (ci9roken, có$tokèn,0, Gexcep); IF excep o E9OK THEN C A L Lr q $ e x i t $ r o $ j o b ( e x c e p , N I L , Q e x e x c e p ) ; /* Send.ómn,nd to copy fi1ès */ CALL rqgC$sendqconnand (conùnandgconnecriongroken, ' C O P Y: F l : O L DT O ì F l : N E I I ' ) , G (2 3 , Gconexcep, @excep); IF excep <> E$oK THEN C A L Lr q $ . x i t $ i o 9 j o b ( e x c e p , N l L , G e x e x c e p ) ; /* Delete connnandconnection )t/ CALL rqQcSdelete9conlnand$connection ( comand$ connecI iong roken, @excep); lF excèp o E$OK THEN cALl, !rl$exiLSio$j ob (excep, NlL, r4exexcep): . n""a of program /* Finísh I/0 processins */ cÀLL rq$exitSio$job (er.cep, NIL, Gexexcep); E N Dp r o g 2 : Figùre 5-1. CommandConnectionExample Humen Interfece Userrs Guide 6.1oVERV|EW Normally,when a Human Interfacecommandis executingan operatorcannot communicatewith the command(or with the applicationsystemin general)unlessthe commandinitiatesthe communicationby requestinginpùt from the termìnal. This can presentproblemsif an operatorinadvertentlyentersthe wrongcommand,or if the operatoadecideswhile the commandis executingthat the commandis unnecessary. Under thesecìrcumstances, there are a numberofways the operatorcan abort command execution. . lfthe commandis executinginteractively,the operatorcan enter a Control-C characterto abort a command. . lfthe commandis runningin the backgroundenvironment(exptainedin Chapter2), the operatorcan enter the CLI commandsJOBSand KILL to abort a job. This chapterexplainshow to overridethe defaultControl-C mechaîìsmby providingyour own codeto processa Control-Ccharacter.For more informationon aborting backgroundjobs, see the Operator'sGuide To The Ertended íRMX II Human Interlace. 6.2 HOWTHEDEFAULT CONTROL-C MECHANISM WORKS When the operatorentersa Control-C,the OperatingSystemsendsa unit to a semaphore.In the defaultcase,it sendsthe unit to a semaphoreestablishedby the Human Interface. A Human Interfacetaskwaits at that semaphoreto receivethe unit. When it receivesthe unit, jt abortsthe commandthat is currentlyexecutingand returns control to the operator. The Human Interfacetask then waits at the semaphorefor anotherunit. This Controfc lasility allowsoperatorsto cancelcommandswhile the commandsare executing.It is a valuablefacility that can be usedwith your commandswithout requiring you to provide specialimplcmcntationcodc. Human Interface User's Cuide 6-l PROCRAM CONTROL 6.3 PROVIDING YOUROWNCONTROL-C MECHANISM With somecommandsthat you write, you might want to overridethe defaultControl-C mechanism.For example,supposeyou write a text editor. An operatorinvokesthe editor with a Human Interfacecommandand then specifiesedit commandsto enter text into a buffer and modify that text. While usingthe editor, the operatordoesnot want a Control-Cch.racter to abort the entire editingsession,destroyingtext in the editingbuffer that may havetaken hoursto create. Instead,the operatormight want a Controlc to abort a singleeditor command only. In order to provide thìs lacilì5,,your Human Interfacecommand(the editor) must overridethe defaultControl-Cmechanismand provide its own codeto handleControl-C entries. To overridethe default Contol-C nìechanisn,you rìust changetlte senìaphofeto which the OperatjngSystemsendsthe unit when the operatorentersa Control-C. By changing the semaphoreto one thrt you create,you circumventthe Control-C task of thc Human Interface. You can usethe Human Interlacesystemcall C$SET$CONTROL$Cto replacethe Control-Csemaphore. This systemcallchrngesthe callingjob's Control-C semaphoreto the semaphoreyou speci$. Tbere ìs only one parameterin this systemcall: control$C$semaphore whichis a token for your new Control-C semaphore.A sinldeunit is sentto the new semaphoreeachtime a Control-Cis enteredfrom the terminal. A completedescriptionof C$SET$CONTROL$Cis in the ExtendedíRtúX II Humatl Interface SfstemCalls RefercnceManual. IIyour commandreplacesthe defaultControl-Csemaphorewilh ils own,it shouldalso seNicethat semaphore.It can do this either by creatinga task that waits continualÌyat ihe semaphorefor a unit or by containinginlinc codc that pcriodicallychecksthe semaphore. ln either case,when a unit is sentto the semaphore,the command(or the task) must pedorm the necessaryControl-Coperation. The programflow oî sucha commandwould be: 6-2 L Call CREATE$SEMAPHORE to createthe Control-Csemaphore. 2. Ifyou plan to crcatc a Control-Ctask to servicethc semaphore,call CATALOG$OBJECT to catalogthe token for the semaphorein an objecr directory. 3. lfyou plan to usea Control-Ctask,ìave the programcall CREATE$TASK to start the Conlrol-C !ask. 4. Call C$SET$CONTROI-$Cto switchthe Control-Csemaphorekr the one jusr created. Use the token for the semaphoreyou createdin Step 1 as input. Iluman InterfaceUsels Guide PROCMM CONTROL 5. Continuewith command processing. If youareservicing the Control-Csemaphore inJine,periodically checkthesemaphore (bycallingRECEIVE$UMTSwith rheno wait oplion)to determineif it containsanyunits. lf youobtainanyunitstiom the performthe necessary semaphore, Control-Cprocessing. To servicethe Control-Cwith a task,theprogramflowof theControl-Ctaskcouldbe: l. CaULOOKUP$OBJEC f to obtainthe tokentbr the semaphore. 2. Do forever: a. Call RECEIVE$UMTS(wirhrhewaitforeveroption,OFFFFH)ro obraina unit from the semaphore. b. Perform the operationthat must occurwhen the operatorentersa Control-C. Each methodof se.vicingthe Control-Csemaphorehasadvantages and disadvantages. Ifyoul codeservicesthe Control-Csemaphorewith inline code,you can perform any operationyou want, You canbranchto variouslocations,you can start new tasksrunning. you can abort the command,or you canperform any other function that you wish. However,in order to servicethe Control-Csemaphorewith in-Jìnecode,you must check the semaphoreperiodically,to seeif it containsa unit. When doing this,you must ensure that you placethe checksinsideall programloopsthat perform operationsan operator might want to abort. Also, becauseyoìr can checkthe semaphoreonly periodically,you cannotalwaysguaranteea quick responseto the Control-C. Ifyou usea Control-C task,you canguaranteequick servicebecausethe tesk is always waitingat the semaphore.However,becausea separateraskservicesrhe Conrrol-C,you can perform only a limited numberofoperationsin responseto the Control-C. . The taskcall sendi{ rìessageto the command,but then lhe commandwould haveto periodicallychecka mailbox. This hasthe samedisadvantages as inJine servicingwìth none of the advantages. . The taskcan deleteor suspeodthe command. However,the task hasno way of knowingwhat operationsthe commandwasperformingwhenthe operatorentered the Control-C. If the commandwasupdatingan internal table,deletingîhe command c{ruldcorruptyour entirc lystcm- Suspendingthe commandcould allow the Contro!-C task to interrogatethe command'sstate. The Control-Ctask could deletethe commandif appropriate,or it could allov/thc commandto .un until it wassafc to be deleted. Onceyour commandassignsa new Control-Csemaphore,the semaphoreremains assigneduntil either of the followingthÌngsoccur: . Your commandinvokesthe Human InterfaceC$SEND$COMMAND systemcall. Invokingthis systemcall automaticallyrevertsback to the default Control-C mechanism.To continueusingyour own Control-Cmechanism,invoke Iluman Interface ùs€r's Cùide 6-3 PROCKA.M CÓNTROL C$SET$CONTROL$C (o switchbackto yourControl-Csemaphore) immediately afterinvokingC$SEND$COMMAND. r Your commandis deleted. When this happens,the Human Interfaceaùtomatically reactivatesits defaultControl-Csemaphore.For example,oncethe exampletext editor describedearlier in this chapterterminates,the Human Intedace resetsthe semaphoreso that Controlc againbecomesactive. 6.4 A SAMPLECONTROL-C TASK Thissectionprovidesan exampleof a user-supplied Cont.ol-Cmechanism. +*+++***+***ìL********* /***:l****:l*:l*ìl**************)t*)Y**:!* TITLET control$C$handler ABSTRACT: T h i s L a s k r . r a i t sa t a s e m a p h o r ef o r a s i n g l e u n i t . If a unit is received, the culrerL job is Lerninated. CALLINGSEQUENCE: C A L Lr q $ c r e a t e $ t a s k ( . . . , @control$C$handler,...); ALGOR]THM: LOOKUP$OBJECT for the Control-C seìrìaphore (should be catatoged u n d e r ' S E l ' f A ' ;) DO FOREVER; wait for unit at Control-C semaphore; if a unit ís rècèíwed, terminote the jÒb ucing cxitgiogjob; END; *******:l********* **************:t*****x***)r***********:t**/ Figure 6-1. A CONTROLC Task Example (continued) 6"4 Human InterfaceUser's Guide PROGMM CONTROL hcctask: D0; ' $subritle ( conrro 1$C$handler , ) contro 1$C$handler : PRoCEDURE REENTR-ANTPUBLTC; DECIaREtoken LITERALLY'SELECTOR' ; (/rmx286/inclerror. 1it) (/rnx286linc^i. ext) (/rnx286/inc/eíos. ext) 9include $include 0include /* DECIARE E$O( locar$excep unlÈs local varíables */ LTTEMLLY I.]oRD, l,iORD, TNFINITE9I,IATT LITERALLY TOKEN; ' OFFFFH', sena - rqg lookupgobj ect ( SELECToR$0F(NIL,@(4,,SEMA,),INFINITE$WAIT, @loca1$excep); IF 1ocal9excèp o E$oK THEN CALL rqSexit$ioSj ob(loca19excep,NIl-,Gloca1$excep) ; DO FOREVER; units-rqqreceiwe$units IF ( sena, 1, INFINITE$I,IAIT, Qlocal$excep); localgexcep : ESoK THEN C A L L r q $ e x i t $ i o $ j o b ( 0 , N I L , G l o c a l $ e x c e p ); END; END control $C$handler ; END hcctask; Figùre6-1.A CONTROLCTaskExample Human Interface Uscr's (;uidc 6-5 7.1 oVERV|EW This chapterdiscusses the stepsthat you mustperform to createyour own Human Interfacecommands.lt discusses the necessaryelementsof a commandas well as how to compile(or assemble)and bind your code(usingBND286). To perlorm the operationsdescribedin this chapter,you must haveeither an Eo8ó-based MicrocomputerDeveìopmentSystem(suchas a SeriesIV) or an iRMX ll-based system that includesthe Human Intcrfacecommands.trither systemmust hav€an Editor,the necessary compileror assembler, and the utility programs(suchas BND286). 7.2 ELEMENTS OF A HUMANINTERFACE COMMAND Thissectiondiscusses the rulesthateveryuserwrittencommand mustobey.It also suggests someprogrammngpractices to makecodingandusingyourcommands easier. NOTE Whencodingyourcommands, be carefulnot to duplicateCLI command namessuchas,ALIAS andSUBMIT. If yougivea command a CLI commandname,youmustexecute it with the full pathname, for example, rutjl:alias. Otherwise, rheCLI command willbe executed insteadofyour commano. 7.2.1 ParsingThe CommandLine Ifyou are goingto allow the operatorto enter parameterswheninvokingthe commàno, the first thing your commandshoulddo is parsethe commandline. Chapter3 describes the Iluman Intcrfacesystemcalìsthat you can use. To supportlìslsofparhnamesand wild"cardedpathnames,the flow of a programrhat usesinput and output files shouldbe: l. Calì C$GBÌ $INPUT$PATHNAME to obtain the entire lìst of input pathnames. 2. Call C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME to obrainthe D.eposirionand rhe enrirelisr of outout Dathnames. HumanlnterfaceUser'sCuide 1-1 CRE,dTING HUM.4.N INTERF,A.CE COMM,{NDS 3. Call C$GEISPARAMETER as manytimes as necessaryto get all the parAmeters. 4. remain: Do until no more inputpathnames a. Call C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTIoN to obtain a connectionto the input file. b. Call C$GET$OUTPLn$CONNECTION to obtaina connectionto the output file. c. Readthe informationfrom the input fìle, perform the commandoperations basedon that input, and wite the informationto the output file. d. Ca S$DELETE$CONNECTION(ExtendedI/O Systemcall) to deletethe connectionsto the input and output files. e. Ca[ C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME and C$GET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME to obtain the next input and output pathnames. 7.2.2AvoidingTheUseof CertainSystemCalls Whenyouwrite thecodefor yourHumanInterfacecommand, youcanuseanyof the iRMX II systern calls,dep€ndirgon the requilem€rtsolyour coulnand.However,some jobs(thosejobsthatyou systemcallsareintendedprimarilyfor usein system-level configure into îhe Operating System rather than invoking as Humîn Interface commands).In the descriptionsof systemcalls,the iRMX II systemcall reference manualscontaincautionsconcerningthosesystemcallsthat you shouìdavoid using. In particular,avoid iRMX II objects(and thei associated sysîemcalls)that, by their use, makeyour commandimmuneto deletion. Regionsand extensionobjects(describedin îhe Extended.íRMX II Nucleut User'sGuide) are exampÌesof such objects. lf your commandbecomesimmuneto deletion,a Control-C that an operatorentersto cancelthe coúmand will haveno effect;the operator'sterminalmay alsolock when the command finishesorocessins. HumanInterfaceUsey'sGuide CRXATINGHUMANINTERFACECOMMANDS 7.2.3 TerminatingThe Command Whenthe operatorinvokesa command, the OperatingSystem loadsthecommandinto memoryandcreatesanI/O job astheenvironment in whichthecommandruns. (The E tehded|RMX II E tenlle.lI/O SystemUser'sGuidediscusses I/O jobs.) The operator canusethe CLI BACKGROUNDcommand to process commands h background mode, andat the sametime continueprocessing anothercommand in the foreground.In order to finishprocessing a foreground command correctly,anytaskin thecommandthatexits mustdo soby callingEXIT$IO$JOB(anExtended I/O Systemcall,described in the E tekd.ed LRMXII Extended I/O Ststeh CctlkRefercnce Manual). This systemcall causes theOperatingSystemto deletetheI/O job containing the command, thereforereturning control!o lhe operalor-If thecommand runningin the foreground omitsthe callto EXIT$IO$JOB, theoperatormightnot be ableto enterfurthercommands. To terminate a command before it reaches its normal completion, th€ operator should €nte CONTROL-C to abort a command running in the foreground or the CLI KILL command to abort a command running in the background envhonment. 7.2.4 Include Files When ìr'ritingthe codefor your commands,you must declareeachiRMX II systemcall as an externalprocedure.Insîeadofwriting thesedeclarationsyourself,you can usethe $INCLUDE statement.$INCLUDE statementsmake it possibleto includecodefrom an efernal file into your program. The followinginformationmay be in an $INCLUDE file: externaldeclarationsof systemcalls,Ìiteral definitionsof exceptioncodes,and common literal definitionsthat you detlare. the iRMX lI $INCLUDE liles are createdduring softwareinstallationand are locatedin the |SD:RMX286/INC directory. There is an $INCLUDE file for eachsubsystem.This file includesall the externaldeclaraaions for all the sys[emcallsof the subsystem.For example,the $INCLUDE file for the Human Interfaceis :SDrRMX286/INC/HLEXT. It containsall the exiernaldcclarationsfor the Human Interfacesyslemcalls. To usethese files,simplydeterminethe subsystem that your commandrequiresand code$INCLUDE stat€mentsfor the correspondingexternaldeclarationfiles into your sourceprogram. You might alsorequireliteral definitionsof exceptioncodesso that you can refer to the exceptioncodesby their mnemonicsinsteadofby their values(for example,E$MEM insteadof 2H). After softwareinstallation,the :SDrRMX286/INC directorycontainsthe ERROR.LIT file consistingof LITERAILY declarations.The file definesall the iRMX lI conditioncode mnemonicsused. Refeî fo fhe Extended|RMX II Hardwareand Software InstallatiokGuídefoî ll].formaîionaboutthe releasediskettesand the files containedin them. Refer to the PL/M-28ó User'sGuìdefot informationabout the $INCLUDE Human InterfaceUset's Guide CREATINGHI]MAN INTERFACECOMMANDS 7.3 PRODUCING AN EXECUTABLE COMMAND youmustproduceobjectcode AJteryouhavewrittenthesourcecodefor yourcommand, that can be executed in an iRMX lI environm€nt. This involves the {ollowing proccdure: L Compile(or assemble) thecommand Whenyou usingtheappropriate translators. do this,ensurethatthe namesyouspeciryin $INCLUDEstatements specirythe correctdevices anddirectories. 2. UsingBND286,bindthecodeto iRMX II interfacelibraries(andanyother librariesthatyourequire)andproducea relocatable objectmodulethatthe OperatingSystemcanloadanyrvhere in memory.The formatof the BND286 commandis: BND286 & coronand-narne, & :dir: other. Iib, & : SD:RlDt28 6/LIBIRIXIF* . LIB &; replace :r (c - CoMPACT,L : llRcE) (DYIqAMICMEM(nin,nax) ( outpùt - pathnarìe) & RCONFIGURE ) OBJECT ( STACK( SEGSIZE stacks ize) ) wherel 7-4 command-name conìpletepathnam€of the lilc containingyour compiled(or assembled)command. You can bind in severalfiles or lìbrariesat this point, if necessary. :dill A genericlogicalnameyou createfor directoriescontaining miscellaneous libraaies. other.lib Any other files or librariesthat you needto bind with your command,for example,PLM286.LIB. oulpul-pathname Completepathnameof the file in which BND286placesthe commandafter binding. stacksize Siz€,in blt€s, of the stackneededby the corrnraodand any systen callsthat the commandmakes. The Human Interfaceusesthis valuewhen it createsa job for the command.Be surethe s!Ìck is large enoughto handleboth userand systemrequirements.The defaultvalueis 1200H Reîer tothe F.rtctu1e.1íRMX II Prcgamminq TechniquesReferehceMamral for information about stackrequirementsofthe systemcalls. mrn max Minimum and maximumamountof dynamicmemory,in bltes, requiredby the mmmand. The defaultvalue for both parameters N Zero, HumanInte aceUse/s Guide CREATINGHUMANINTERFACECOMMANDS Thecommand usesthismemorywhenit createsiRMX II objects. TheApplicationLoaderusesthemin andmarvalueswhenit loads a job for thecommand.Be sure!ha!thesevaluesarelargeenough to sadsrytheneedsofyour command andsmallenoughto allow the command to be load€d irto the opetatof's ùtenrory partition. For example, suppose a sortcommand requiresat least64Kb),tes of dynamicmemorybut canuseanyadditionatdynamicmemory for buffersto increase performance. Ifyou do not definea maximummemoryparameter, all ofyour dynamicmemory*ill be allocated to thesortcommand, preventing youfrom executing othercommands at thesametime. Therefore,assume thatyou wantto limit themaxvalueto lM byte. Yor-rshouldspecifu: ( DyNAr'fIOllU].l ( l000Oft, I00000H) ) RCONFIGURE Be sureto considerthe followingfactorswhen calculatingthe valuesfor min and max. . The valueyou give for min and the memoryreqùiredhy the Human Interfaceprogrammust fit into contiguousmemory.If there is not enoughcontiguousmemoryfor them,you may not be ableto load your command. . The maxvalueshouldbe large enoughto ensureenough memoryfbr commandsthat requestmemorydynamically. The commandis now readyfo. execution.An operatorcan itvoke the commandby enteringthe pathnameof the file contajnjngthe command(the output-pathnamein the BND286cornmand). I[you are usingan IntellecMicrocomputerDevelopmentSystemto compileor bind your command,you must connectthe developmentsystemto your iRMX II applicationsystem viù the iSDM monitor and usc thc Human IntcrfaccUPCóPY commandto copy the boundcommandfrom the developmentsystemdisk to an iRMX ll secondarystorage device. The UPCOPY command is describedn the Operator'sGuide To 'fhe Extended iRMX II Human Interface.AJter you translèrthe boundcommandtoan iRMXII secondarystoragedevice.an operatorcan invoke the commandby enteringits pathname at the iRMX II terminal. Hunan InterfaceUserrsGuide 8.1 oVERVIEW The Human Interfaceis a conligurablelayer of the OperatingSystem.It containssel,eral optioN that you can adjustto meetyour specificneeds.To help you make configuration choices,Int€l providesthree kinds ofìnformation: . A list ofconfigurahleoptions . Detailed informationaboutthe options . Proceduresto allow you to specilyyour choices The rest of this chapterdescribesthe configurableoptions. For inlormation on the second and third categories,refer to the Errendrd iRlvlx II Intetuctive ConfrguratíonlJtiliîl ReferenceMunuù. Human Interfaceconfigurationconsistsof two parts:residentconlìgurationand nonresidentconfiguration. Residentconfigurationinvolvesconfiguringthe portion of the Human Interfacethat residesin systemmemoryat all times. This confìgurationtakesplaceduring the configurationof the entire OperatingSystem,whenyou run the InteractiveConfigùration Utility to adjustpa.ameters,includeor excludelayersofthe OperatingSystem,and generalean execufableversionof the OperatingSystem. You cannotchangethe r€sident configurationwithout reconfiguringthe entire OperatingSystemNonresidentconfigr-rration involvessettingup an iRMX II directorystructureand placing informationaboutterminalsand usersinto iRMX II files. The nonresidentconfiguration informationmust be presentwhen the applìcationsystemstartsrunning,but it can be modifiedwhile the systemis running. Changesto terminalconfigurationtake effectthe next time you initializeyour applicationsystem.Changesto userconfigurationstake placewheneverthe affecteduserslogon to the applicationsystem. 8.2 RESIDENT CONFIGURATION When you perform the residentHuman Interfaceconfiguration,you can modily parametersof the Human Interfacethat afîect all Human Interfaceusers.Theseinclude: Human InterfaceUser'sGuide 8-l CONFIGIIRATION OF THE HUMAN INTERFACE . lnformation aboutthe Human Interface'sinitial job, suchas minimum and maximum memorypool sizeand whetherjobscreatcdby the Humao Interfaceexpectto usethe 80287Numeric ProcessorExtension. . Information aboutthe residentuser(if applicable),includingterminal name,terminal device,user ID, madmum prioriry, pathnameof initial program,and defaultdire.tory. The residentusercan be a normal residentuserwho hascontrol as soonas the system is bootedor a recoveryresidentuserwho gahs control only when initializationerrors occur in the configurationfiìes. A systemcan haveonly one residentuser. . Information about thejobs createdby the Human fnterface,includingminimum and maximummemorypool sizes. . lnitial sizeof the buffer that the Human Interfaceuseswhen constructingcommands. . Maximum lenglh of a commandpathname. . List of diectories that îhe Human Tnterfaceautomaticallysearches,in order, when trying to find a command. . Pathnameofthe di.ectoryassignedto the logicalname :SYSTEM:and a list of pathnamesand the logicalnamesthat you want the Human Interfaceto assignupon initialization. . Information aboutthe defaultresidentinitial programincludingwhetherthe fluman Interfaceusesthe Intel suppliedCLI as ìts defaultinitial programot a customized CLI. Ifa customizedCLI is included,you mustalsospecifyits pathname. . Information aboutuserextensions.Ifyou specilythe Intel-suppÌiedCLI as the residentinitial program,you car spcciîythe pathnameofthe CLI user efension that is to be incorporated.The defaultCLI doesnot containuserextensions. 8.3 NONRESIDENT CONFIGURATION The nonresidenî configuration involvesspecilying informationaboutthe terminalsand usersthataccess a multi-access Humanlntertace. For cachterminalin thesystem, youmustspecify: r Termiaaldevice . Terminaltlpe (name) r The usernameassociat€d w;th a staticlogon t€rminal For eachuserin th€ system,yolt shouldspecify: 8-2 . Logon name . User ID . EncrvoterlPassword HumanInterfaceUset'sGùide CONFIGURATION OF THE HUMANINTERFACE . Mhimum andmaximummemorypartitionsizes . Defaultdfuectory, whosepathnameis assigned to the logicalname:HOME: . Pathname ofthe initialprogam (optional) . Ma\imumjob priority 8.4 INITIALIZATION ERROR REPORTING During the confìgurationprocess,you can ele.t to havethe systemreport Human Interfaceinitializationerrors. Ifyou respond"Yes"to the Report TnìtializationErrors (RIE) parameteron the "Nucleus"screen,the OperatingSystemreportsinitialization errors from all subsystems.On encounteringa Human Interfaceinitializationerror, the OperatìngSystemreturnscontrol to the iSDM monitor after writing the following messageto the iSDM consolel Hunan Interface Initialization Error: If Report InitializationErrors is not configuredinto your systemor the iSDM monitor is not present,the initial Human Interfacetask plàcesthe Human InterfaceID code (4) and the correspondingerror code into the first two wordsofthe Nucleusdata segment (lEo:0000H). It then goesinto an infinite loop. A completelist of iRMX lI error codescan be found in AppendixA ol fhe Operutor's 'I Guírle 7o he Extended|RMX II Human Inteíace. Human InterfeceUs€t's Guide 8-3 4.1 TYPEDEFINITIONS The Extended iRMX ll OperatingSystem recognizes thesedataq?es: BYTE An unsigncd, eight-bit,binarynumber. WORD An unsigned, 16-bit,binarynumber. DWORD An unsigned, 32-biîbinarynumber,occupying twocontiguous wordsof memory. INTEGER A signed, two-byte, binarynumberstoredin two'scomplement form. POINTER Twowordscontaining thesegment selectorandan offsetinto that segment.Theoffsetis in the WORDwith thelowestaddress. SELECTOR A l6-bit quantitythatis equivalent portionof a to the selector POINTER. TOKEN A wordcontaining thelogicaladdress of an object.Tokensare selectors thatreference an entryin a descriptor table.The entryin lhe descriptor tablecontainsthephysicaladdress of theobject. STzuNG A sequence ofconsecutive byteshavingthestructure: length BYTE, chars (2s5) BYTE; The first byte containsthe lengthof the string (the numberof succeeding bytes). The subscriptol the charsfield (255)is the marrimumnumber of bytesin any string. Note, thst somesystemcallslimit stringsto lengthsshorterthan 255 bytes. A zero count specifiesa nùll string. STRING$TABLE Hùman Interfare A count bytefollowedby a sequenceof consecutivestrings. The valuecontailed in the countbyte is the number of stringsin the rest of the stringtable. Sincethe string tablecontainsonly a single byte in which to storethe count,îhe ma\imum numberof strings that a stringtablecan containis 255. A zero coùnt specifiesa null string table. -À-t 8.1 STRINGFORMAT The EnendediRMX II OperatingSystemusesstructures calledstringsto storegroupsof ASCIIcharacters (suchaspathnames). The OperatingSystemassumes a stringto be a seriesofconsecutive bytesbrokeninto twoportions:a countbyteandtextbytes.The first bytein the stringis thecountbyte;its valueis setto thenumberofbytesin the text portionof the string.The textbytescontainthe substance ofthe string. TheOperatingSystemalsousesanotherstructurecalleda stringtable.A stringtable consistsof a count hyte and a seriesofconsecutivesrrings.As wiih rhe string,the firet byte in the stringtable is the counrbyte; its valueis set to the number of stringsin the string table. The diagramin Figure B-1 showsthe string$tableparameterformat. B Y T E : n u m b eor f e n t r i e s( n ) S T R I N G :s t r i n g1 S T R I N G :s t r i n g2 S T R I N G :s t r i n g3 S T R I N G s: t r i n gn Extra space, if any FigureB.l. StringTableFormat Human InterfaceUsefs Gùide B-1 APPENDIXBr STRJNCT BLE FORM^T EXAMPLEI Assumeyouwishto generate a stringtablecontaining thewordsIIAPPY,GI-AD,and SAD. The following declarations would be needed: DECIARE p$tablè(*) BYTE DATA(3, 5 , 'HAPPY', 4 , ' G I A D ', 3, 'SAD' ) ; R_t /* NUMBER OF STR]NGS*/ HumanlnterfaceUser'sCuide $INCLUDEstatement7-3 .1-6 ? 1-6 A abortingcommandexecution6-1 acccssing thevaluesin R?ERROR2-5 actionsoî the Humanlnterîacewhenstarted1-1 AFTER preposition4'2 AIIAS 1-2 amPersandcharacter(&) 3-4 avoidingsystemlevelcommandsin Human Interfacecommands7-2 B bindinga HumanInterfaceCommand, example7-4 bindinga userextension2-10 BND2867-1,4 c C$BACKI]P$CIIAR3.6 C$CREAIE$COMMAND$CONNECTION 5-1 C$FORMAT$EXCEI'TION 4.5 C$GET$CI{AR3-6 C$GET$INPUT$CONNECTION 4.1 C$GET$INPUT$PATHNAME 3.5 C$GET$OUTPUT$CONNECTTON 4-2 C$GET$OUTPUI$PAI'HNAME3-5,11 C$GET$PARAMETER3-5 C$SEND$CO$RESPONSE 4-3 C$SEND$COMMAND5-2 C$SEND$EO$RESPONSE 4-4 c$sET$coNIRO$C 6-2 CATALOG$OB]ECT6-2 cicumflex 3-20 CLI extensions 2-4 command connection5-1 Hùman InterfaceUsefs Guide Index-l INDEX command connection, creating5-1 command line interpreter(CLI), description of 1-1 commandline,p.iority 5-3 command name,obtaining3-20 command$except$ptr 5-3 command-Iine structure3-1 command-name 3-2 commentcharacter3-4 communicating with the operator'sterminal4-3 configuring theHumanInterface8-l continuation character3-4 continuationcharacter 5-2 continuation markfor CLI commands2-3 Control-C6-1 CREATE$SEMAPHORE 6-2 CREATE$TASK 6.2 creatinga commandmnnection5-1 creatingI/O connectionsl creatinguserextensions 2-4 customCONTROL-Cmechanism6-2 olstominitialprogram2-11 D data t)?es A- 1 deletinga commandconnection 5-3 Deviceand volumemanagementcommands,[st of 1-2 dynamiclogon terminals l-4 dynamicmemorypartitions 1-4 E E$CONTINUED5"2 elements of a HumanInterfacecommand7-1 error handlingin the CLI 2-5 example BND2867-4 CONTROL-Ctask 6-4 string B-2 userextension2-5 examplecodeusingcommandconnections 5-3 exampleprognm flo\{ for a CONTROL-Cmechanism 6-2 exampleprogramflowfor a CONTROL-Ctask 6-3 examples COPY3 Ind€x-2 Human InterfaceUsertsGuide INDEX FORMAT3 qùotingcharacters3-5 UPCOPY 3.3 EXIT$IO$JOB2.12 EXIT$IO$JOB7,3 efensions,of the CLI 2-4 F featuresof the CLI Aliasing2-l Background processing 2-2 1/O rcdireztion 2-2 Lioe-editing2-1 Session history2-2 Set 2-2 featuresofthe HumaoInterface1-2 Filemanagement commands, list of 1 2 formatof a string B-l formattingmessages basedon exception codes4-4 G GeneralUtility commands, list of 1-2 H HISTORY 1-2 how CONTROL-C works 6-1 how the CLI parsescommandlines 2-3 how to createuserextenstions2-4 Human lnterfaceCalls Command-parsing systemcalls 1-3 I/O and messageprocessingsystemcalls 1-3 Human InterfaceCallsCommand-processing systemcalls 1-3 Human InterfaceCallsProgramcontrol systemcall 1-3 Human Intedace,configuring 8-1 Human Interface,featuresof 1-2 I initialjob 8-2 initialprogram standard1-5 HumanhterfaceUsefsGuide Index-l INDEX initialprogram l-1,2 initialprogram2-11 initializationerrorreporting8-3 initialization of the CLI 2-2 inpath-list3-2 inputandoutputconnections 4-1 invokingCLI commands2-3 iRMX.NET 1-4 J JOBS6-1 K ke).llord = value-Iistor keyrvord(value-list) 3-13 ketq'ordvahre-list3-3,13 keyword(valueJist) 3-3 keyxord=value-list 3-3 KILL 6.1 L I-AN support1-4 Lineterminatorcharacter3-3 loggingoffa terminal 1-5 logicalname SYSTEM 8,2 logon 1-3 logonfacility 1-3 M multi-accesssupport 1-5 muldpleterminalsupport l-5 Index-4 Humanlnterfa.eUser'sGuide INDEX N nehvork aqless 1-4 Nonresident configuration8-1,2 nonrcsident informationfor eachuserin a system Encry?ted Password8-2 default8-3 Logonname 8-2 Marimumjob priority 8-3 Minimumandmaximummemorypartitionsizes8-3 Pathname of theinitialprogram(optional)8-3 UserID 8-2 nonresident informationfor terminals fhe usernameassociated with a staticlogonterminal8-2 nonresident user 1-3 nonstandard command iines 3-17 o obtainingthe commendname2o ourpathiisr 3-3 OVER preposition 4-2 P paÉmeters3-3 parameters in a BND2Eócommand7-,1 parsinginputandoutputpathnames 3-6 parsingnonstandard command lin€s 3-15 parsingotherparameters3-12 parsingthecommandline 7-l parsingthecommandline 3-5 pathnames wild-card1-6 preposition after 3-2 ove. 3-2 to 3-2 prepositior3-2 priorityofthe command line 5-3 purposes of C$GET$PARAMETER 3-12 o quotingcharacters3-5 Human InterfeceUsels Cuide Index-5 INDEX R R?ERROR2.5 RECEIVE$UMTS ó.3 Residettconfiguration8-1 residentHumanInterfaceCommands1-2 residentuser 1-3 restrictions on custominitialprograms2-12 ruÌesfor custominitialprogram2-11 rulesfor usingGET$INPUT"andGET$OUTPUT$PATHNAME 3-7 s semicolon character (4 sET 1-2 standardinitialprogram 1-5 staticlogontcrminals1-4 stepsfor invokingcommands from a program5-1 stringexampleB-2 stringformat B-l structure message for errorcodes4-5 switching to anotherparsingbuffer 3-l8 T terminals dynamic logon 1-4 togging off 1-5 staticlogon 1-4 supportfor multipl€ 1-5 terminatinga Human Intedace command 7-3 three procedurcsofa CLI extenstion epilogue 2-5 initialization 2-4 processing2-4 t'?es of data A-1 rypical programming scenaio 4-2 Index-6 HumanInt€face Usefs Guide INDEX U uset non-resident1-3 residenr 1,3 userextension binding 2-10 userextensionexample2-5 usingthe commandconnertion 5-2 V value-list3-3,12 varialionsofthe slandardcommand line 3-16 w wild card characters3-10 wild cards asterisk 3-10 questionmark 3-10 wild-cards l-6 writing an executablecommand 7-4 HumanlrterfaceUser,sGuide Ind€x-7 intel' E X T E N D EiDR M X@II APPLICATION LOADER U S E R 'G SU I D E IntelCorporatron 3065Bowers Avenue SantaClara,Californa 95051 o 1988.IntelCorporaton.All RiqhtsReserved Copyriqht This manualexplainsthe operationof the ExtendediRMX II Application Loader. Application programmerswho want to load programsfrom secondarystorageùnder the control of extendediRMX II tasksshoùldread this manual. I'his mamralexplainsonly the generaloperationsof the ApplicationLoader. For detaileddocumentationon extended iRMX II Application Loader system ca17s, consvlt the Ertendcd iRlvIX II Applícation Loader Ststefi CaILtReferchcemanual. READER LEVEL This manualassumesknowledgeofthe iRMX II OperatingSystemand terminolog/ associated with it. CONVENTIONS All iRMX II systemcallsbeginwith oneof two standard prefixes:RQgor RQES.When referringto the systemcallsthatbeginwith RO$,thismanualusesa shorthand notarion andomitstheprefix. For example, S$OVERI,AYmeansRQ$S$OVERLAy.The actual PL/M-286externalprocedure namesusedto invokethesesystemcallsareshownonlyin lhe E'rtended|RMX II ApplicationLoaderReference manual,whichlisrsthe detailedcalling sequences. Whenreferringto systemcallsthatbeginwith RQE$,thismanualspellsout thecomplete names,includingthe RQE$ charactcrs. There are somesystemcallswhosenamesare idenrical€xceptfor the RQ$ or RQE$ prefix (for example,the ApplìcationLoader systemcals RQ$A$LOAD$IO$JOBand RQE$A$LOAD$IO$JOB). The differencebetweentwo similarlynamedsystemcallsis that the RQ$ versionoperatesas ir did under rhe iRMX 86 OperatingSystemand is availablefor compatibiJity.The RQE$ versionis updatedto supportnew iAPX 286 features,suchas 16M byte memorypools. Unlesscompatibitty with iRMX 86 systemsis an issue,Intel recommendsthat you usethe systemcall with the RQE$ prefaceinsteadof the one with the RQ$ preface. Applicationlîader Usefs Guide lll CONTENTS ApplicationIÍader User'sGuìd€ vi ApplicationLoaderUseasGuide CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE IRMX6II APPLICATIONLOADER 1.1OVERVIEW The ExtendediRMX II ApplicationLoader,a configurablelayer of the iRMX ll OperatingSystem,loadsprogramsunderthe control of iRMX II tasksor tasksthat are part of appljcationprograms. The ApplicarionLoaderprovidessystemcallsthat load programsfrom secondarystorage into memory. Usingthe ApplicationLoader providesseveraladvantages: . Allows paogramsto run in systemswith insufficientm€moryto aocommodateall programsat one time. . Allows programsthat are seldomusedto resideon secondarystoragerather lhan in memory. . Makes it easierto add new programsto the system. The Application Loader alsoenablesyou to implementlargeprogramsby usilg overlays. For example,supposethat your applicationsystemincludesa large dataprocessor.By dividingthe dataprocessorinto severalparts,you can avoidkeepingthe entire data processorin memory. One ofthe parts,calledthe root, remainsin RAM as long as the dataprocessoris running. The root usesthe ApplicationLoader to load the othef parts, calledoverlays,wheneverthey are needed. This chapterwill helpyou understandthe capabilitiesof the Application Loader by providingbackgroundinfornation. After readingthis chapter,you shouldbe ableto understandthe systemcallsdesc.ribed in the Ertetuled iRtúX Application Loader S$tem Calk ReferenceManual. Readersfamiliar with the iRMX 86 ApplicationLoader may find it helpfulto start by readingAppendixB, which describesthe main differencesberweenthe iRMX 86 and iRMX II AoDlicationLoaders. Application tóader Usrrts Gùide l-l INTROI}IICTION TO TIIE iRMX@II APPLICATION LO^DER 1.2 APPLICATION LOADER FEATURES Severalfeatures: deviceindependence, synchronous and asynchronous systemcalls, overlaidpfoBrann supporqanrJconfigurabiliry,make rhe iRMX II Applicariontnader valuablein any applicationsystemthat loadsprogramsftom secondarystorageinto RAM. 1.2.1 DeviceIndependénce The Application Loader can load objectcodeftom any deviceii the devicesupports iRMX II namedfiles,and if an iRMX 1I devicedriver ìs available.Scc thc Extended |RMX II Interactive Co frguration Utílit! RefercnceManual for a cofiplete list of Intel supplieddevicedrivers 1.2.2 SynchronousAnd AsynchronousSystemCalls The Application I-oaderprovidesboth synchronous and asynchronous systemcalls. Ifyou want your tasksto explicitlycontrol the overlappingofprocessingwith loadingoperations, you can useasynchronous systemcalls. Ifyou prefer easeof useto explicitcontrol,you can usesynchronoussystemcalls. 1.2.3 SupportForOverlaidPrograms The Application Loader containsa systemcall explicitlydesignedto simp]ìIythe process ofloading overlaymodules. By usingthe S$OVER[-AY systemcall,youÍ programcan easilyload overlaymodulescontainedin the sameoverlaidobiectfile. 1.2.4 Configurability The Application Loader is configurable,that is, you can selectthe featuresof the ApplìcationLoader to meetyour exactneeds.For more detailsseeChapter3 and the betenlcd |RMX II Intetucùve Configutution Utilit! ReJerence ManuaL 1.3 PREPARING CODEFORLOADING yourcodesothattheApplicationLoadercanloadit, firstusean 80286 To process translatoror assembler (e.g.,PLM286,ASM286)to producelìnkableobjectmodules.If yourcodeusesonlyUDI systemcalls,it canbe in anymodelof segmentation. If it uses anyotherlayerof iRMX II, theSMALL modelof segmentation is not supported. t-2 ApplicationLoaderUser'sGuide INTRODUCTION TO THE iRMX@II APPLICATIONLOADER Afler lranslalingyour code,you must useBND2Eóto producea load file readyto be loaded. The load file must be an OMF-286SingleTask Loadable(STL) objectfile with LODFIX records. This kird of load filc is produccdby BND286 usingthe RCONFIGURE control. STL format is the only objectcodeformat supportedby the Application Loader. LODFIX recordscontainthe locationsof the selectorsthat are to be updatedafter loading. LODFIX recordsare necessary becauseof the way the iRMX ll OperatingSystemfunctions. BND286assumesone I-ocalDescriptorTable (LDT) per task,and therefore,assigns descriptortable entriesto the applicationprogramin successive LDT slots. The iRMX II OperatingSystemcannotensurethat the samedescriptortableentrieswill be allocatedto the applicationprogram,in fact it allocatescDT slotsinstead. LODFIX recordsare requiredto allow the Application Loader to replaceeachselectorin the objectfile with the new GDT selcctordssignedat randomby the iRMX II OperatìngSystemat load time. You can usethe Human InterfaceIHI) DEBUG commandto determinewhich GDT slors were allocatedfbr your program. For more detailsseethe DEBUG commandin the Opemtor'sGuide To The futended |RMX II Human lnteface. Example: The followingexampleillustrateshow an STL objectfile can be produced. It assumesthat the directoryattachedas :LANG: containsthe compilerand the binder, and that the directoryattaohedas rLIB: containsiRMX II interfacelibraries. Assumethat the source codefor the programis locatcdin a PL/M-286 filc namcd MY PROG.P28.This program adheresto the COMPACT modelof segmentation, and thereforevr'illbe linked to the COMPACI interfacelibrary of ìRMX II (RMXIFC.LIB). To producean objectmodule from the codein MY PROG.P28,usethe followingseqù€nce: PLM286MY_PROC. P28 COMPACT BND286& MY_PROG, OBJ, & : L A N G : P L M 2L8I6B., & :LIB:RMXIFC.I-IB & oBJECT(MY PROG)SECSIZE(STACK(+500H) ) & ( DYÌ{MTCMEM ( 5000H, 10000H)) RCoNFtGURE Upon completion,the objectmodule(MY PROG) is readyfor loading. The next two sectionsdiscussthe SECSIZtr control and DYNAMICMEM option ofthe RCONFIGURE control in more detail. Application toaderUser'sGuide t--'! fNTRODT]CTÍONTO THFJiRMX@II APPI,ICATIONI]OAI}T]R 1.3.1 SegsizeControl The SEGSIZE control shouldcontainthe stacksizerequiredby your programand the iRMX II laycrsuscd. You must adjustthc stacksizcof your programto accommodate the stackrequirementsof the highestiRMX II layer used. Table 1-1lists the stack requirementsof eachlayer. Note that theserequirementsare in addition to the stacksize neededfor your program. The valuegivenas the minimum stacksizeincludesthe requirementsof all lower layers,e.g.,ifyou useNucleus,BIOS and EIOS, you shouldadd 550 bytesto the stack. Table l-1, iRMX@II StackSize Ef6ndediFMXll Layer M nimumStackSìzs 250bytes 350bytes 550byles 70Obyl€s 150Obyt€s 1750bytss '|.3.2 Dynamicmem Option DYNAMICMEM is an oprionof îhe BND2[36 RCONFIGUREcontrol.TheApplication Loîder ensures thatyourprogramhasenoughdynamicmemoryonceit is loadedand running.To do this,BND286allowsyouto specifythe amountof memoryyourprogram wìll allocatedynamically. Thevaluespecified by MIN ìs alwaysavailable for your program,whilethevaluespecifìed by MAX allowsyourprogramto borrowfrom iîs parent.Notethatthesetermsapplyonlyfor progmmsthatareloadedasI/O jobs,thatis, usingA$LOAD$lO$JOB, RQE$A$LOAD$IO$JOB, S$LOAD$lO$JOB, or RQE$S$LOAD$IO$JOB, l-4 Applicationl-oaderUserrsCuide 2.1 oVERV|EW The Application Loader systemcallscan be dividedinto three categories: . RQ$ and RQE$ systemcalls . I/Ojob and non-I/O job systemca[s . Synchronousand asynchronous systemcalls 2.2 RQ$AND RQE$SYSTEMCALLS The Application Loader hastwo systemcsllsprefacedby RQE thar allow you to speciry memorypools up to 16M bytes(usingDWORDSfor pool parameten). For eachRQE systemcall there is a similar call prefacedby RQ Int€l recommendsthar you usethe RQE versionto allow you to take advantageof the iRMX II fearures.The RQ version allowsyou to specilypoolsup to 1M byte only (usingWORDSfor pool parameters).The followingare the systemcall pairs: RQ$AXiLOAD$-tO$JOB--RQE$A$LOAD$IO$JOB RQ$S$LOAD$IO$JOB..RQE$S$LOAD$IO$JOB (When refe.ring to the rystemcallsthat beginwith RQ$, this manualusesa shorthand notation and omits the prefiy.) 2.3 r/O JOBANDNON-|/OJOBSYSTEM CALLS An l/O job is ajob that providesthe environmentfor usingthe E\tended I/O System (EIOS). A task can useEIOS systemcallsonly if it is runningin an I/O job environment. Other than the A$LOAD systemcall, all AppticarionLoader systemcallsmust be invoked within an I/O job environment. If you are unfamiliar with l/O jobs, refer to the Extended|RMX II ExtendedI/O System User'sGuíle for details. Applicationlrader ltserJsGuide 2-l APPLICATION LOADER SYSTENÍCALLS 2.3.1l/O JobSystemCalls The iollowing systemcallsload programswithin I/O jobs: A$LOAD$IO$JOB RQE$A$I-OAD$IO$JOB S$LOAD$IOSJOB RQE$S$LOAD$IO$JOB When one of thesesystemcallsis issued,the ApplicationI-oadercreatesan I/O job in which the initial task is a part of the Application Loader that loadsthe program. The loadedcodeis anothertask in the newjob. Once the codeis loaded,the Application Loader task terminatesitself,unlessthe new programcottains overlays.In this casethe Application Loader taskwaits for requeststo load new overlays. Pool Size tor lhe New Job Wlen creatingan I/O job the ApplicationLoader mustdeterminethe sizeofthe I/O job's memorypool. The Application Loader usesthe followinginformationto compute the sizeof the memorypool for the new I/O job: . The pool$min input parameter,as a numberof 16-byteparagraphs. . The pool$maxinput parameîer,as a numberof 16-byteparagraphs. . A Loaderconfigurationparameterspe.ifyingthe defaultdynamicmemory requirements. (Reîer to the Erte ded íRMX II Interactive Confguntion Utilitl Reference Manual îor informationaboutconfiguringthe Loader.) . Memory requirementsspecifiedin the targetfile by usingthe RCONFIGURE control ofBND286 when creatingthe objectfile. The Loader givesyou two optionsfor settingthe sizeofthe I/O job's memorypool: 1. You can setboth pool$minand pool$maxto 0. Ifyou do this, the l-oader decides how large a memorypool to allocateto the new I/O job. The Loader usesthe requirementsof the targetfile and the defaultmemorypool size-establjshed when the systemis coniigured-to makethis decision.Unlessyou haveunusual requirements,you shouldchoosethis option. 2. You can use either pool$minor pool$màÌ to overrìdethe Loader'sdecisionon pool size. If the valueyou enter in pooÌ$minìs lessthan what is requiredto ìoad the fìle, the Application Loader ignoresyour input and setspool$minto the minimum amountof memoryrequiredby your file. lfyou set pool$mtu\to 0FFFFFH, the createdl/O job hasunlimitedmemoryborrowing from its parent. Applicationl-oaderUseis Guide APPLICATIONLOADERSYSTEMCALLS You shouldbe awarethat thc pool sizeparametersin Application l,oader systemcallsare specifiedin 16-blteparagraphs;however,the pool parametersin the RCONFIGURE control ofBND286 are enteredin BYTES. 2.3.2 Non-l/OJob SystemCalls A$LOAD docanot crcatean I/O job. Instead,the ApplicarionLoadef rasktlìar loads(he programis runningin the contextof the caÌler'sjob. The Application Loader doesnot createa task for the loadedcode,but merelyplacesit in memory, If you want this codeto run, you must explicitlycreatea task for it usingthe Loader ResultSegmentthat you receiveon completionofloading. For more detailson the Inader ResultSegment,see the Ertehded íRMX II Applîcatíon Loeder SystemCalls RefercnceManLral. Becauseno I/O job is created,you can useA$LOAD in systemsthat were mnfiÉiuredwithout the EIOS layer. 2.4 SYNCHRONOUS ANDASYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM CALLS TheiRMX II ApplicationLoaderprovidestwo rlpesof systemcalls:synchronous and asynchronous.Synchronous callsreturn control to the callingtask after all operationsare completed.Asynchronouscallsare executedconcurrentlywith your code. 2.4.1Synchronous SystemCalls Thesesystemcallsreturnto thecalleronlyafterthe servicehascompletely finished,that is,whenloadingfinishesor terminates dueto an error. In thefirst case,an E$OKcodeis returnedto theczdlervia the exception pointerspecified whenthecallis invoked.In the secondcase,an errorcodeis returned.Thesynchronous systemcallsare S$LOAD$IO$JOB RQE$S$LOAD$IO$JOB S$OVERLAY$S$LOAD$|O$JOB Thesetwo systemcallsloadthefile specified in the PATH$NAMEparameterandqeate an I/O job asthe environment for theloadedcode.Eithercallcanimmediately startor delayexecution of theloadedcode,depending on the TASI($FI-AGS inputparamerer.If delayedexecution is specified, START$IO$JOB mustbe calledafterrheApplication Loaderhassuccessfully returnedandyouarereadyto startthe p.ogram.Another pa.ameter,RESP$MBOX, serves astheexitmailboxfor the newlycreatedI/O job- The EIOSsendsan exitmessage to thismailboxwhentheloadedprogram(contained within thenewlycreatedI/O job) terminates, by callingEXTT$IO$JOB. For moredetailssee CREATE$IO$JOB,START$IO$JOBanrl EXIT$IO$JOBin the -eúenledLRMXII EIOS Svstemcalh Referchce m nual. Applicationl-oaderUser'scuide APPI,ICATIONLOADERSYSTEMCALLS$OVERLAY subsections of a program.These The termoverlayreîersto logicallyindependent subsections arenot all presentin memoryat thesametimeduringprogramex€cution. programsubsections (andnot the entireprogram)usememory Because onlyexecùting spaceat a givenphaseof programexecution, usingoverlays canreducethe memoryspace requiredfor a programto execute. youmustuseOVI286(the To correctlycreateprograms with overlays on an Intel system, 80286overlaygenerator)to producetheobjectfiles. TheApplicationLoaderassumes thatyouhavefollowedtheseruleswhenwritingyouroverlaidprogram. . The root ís alwayspresentin memory. . No overlay,excepttheroot,maybepresentin memoryunlessits parentis presentin . The onlypossible request,from anygivenoverlay,is thata descendent (in the tree) overlaybe loaded. . Any previously loadedsiblingis no longeraccessible oncean overlayhasbeenloaded. . No assumptions aremadeaboutthepreservation of dataacrossmultiplerequests to load the sameoverlay. S$OVERI-AY is usedwheneverthe loadedprogramrequiresthat a new overlaybe presentin memory. This call can be usedonly by an overlaidprogram. It can be issuedby any overlay(includingthe root) to load any ofits descendents.Although OVERLAY is synchronous(i.e.,returnsor[y on completionofservice),it can be usedin conjunction with the asynchronous ApplicationLoader systemcalls. That is, A$LOAD$IO$JOB can Ioad the file containinglhe programand S$O\.ERI-AY can load the required overlayinto memory. 2.4.2Asynchronous SystemCalls Each asynchronous systemcall hastwo parts: sequentialand concurrent.The sequential part bchavesin much the samefashionas the fully synchronoussystemcalls. Itverifies parameters,checksthe file to be loaded,and preparesthe concurrentpart of the sysîem call. If any problemis detectedduringthe sequentialpîrtt an error codeis returnedto the callervia the exceptionpointer and the concurrentpart is not started. If no error is detected,an E$OK codeis returnedto the caller and the concurrentpart is started. The concur.entpart runs as an iRMX II task. The task is madereadyby the sequential part ofthe call and runs only when the priority-basedschedulingof the iRMX II OperatingSystemúes it control of the processor.The concurrentpart also returnsa conditioncode aspart of a result segmentthat is sentto the responsemailboxspecified whenyou invokean asl,nchronous Application Loadercall. 2-4 Applicationt oaderUsefs Guide APPLICATIONLOADERSYSTEMCALLS The asynchronous callsar€ split into two parts !o improvc pcrformancc.The functions performedby thesecallsare somewhattime-consuming be.ausethey involvemechanical devicessuchas disk drives. By performingthesefunctionsconcurrentlywith othcr work, the ApplicatìonLoader allowsyour applicationto run while the Application I-oaderwaits for the me.hanicaldevicesto respondto l/O requests. Asynchronous Calls Let'slookat a b.iefexample showing howyourapplication canuseasynchronous calls. yourapplication Suppose mustloada programstoredon disk. The application issues the A$LOAD systemcallto havethe Loaderloadtheprograminto memory,Let'st.acethe actron one step at a trne, L Your application issues theA$LOAD systemcall. (Asynchronous callsrequirethat yourapplication specirya response mailboxfor communication with theconcurrent part of the systemcall.) 2. part of theA$LOAD callbeginsto run. Thispart checksthe The sequential parameters for validity. 3. If the operatingsystemdetectsa problem,it placesa sequential exception codein the word to which your except$ptr parameter points. It then returns control to your application.It doesnot makethe Loadertask ready. 4. Your applicationreceivescontrol. Its behaviorat this point d€pendson th€ conditioncoderetumed by the sequentialpart ofthe systemcalÌ. Therefore,the applicationteststhe sequentìalconditioncodc. lf thc codc is E$OK, thc app[cation continuesrunninguntil it mustusethe programloadedfrom the disk. At this point your epplicationcan take advantageof the asynchronous and concurrentbehavior of the Loader. For example,your applicationcan usethis opportunityto perform computations. Ifyour applicationfinds that the sequentialconditioncodeis other than E$OK, the applicationcsn assumethat the Loader did not make readya task to perform the function. For lhe balanceof this example,you can assumethat the sequentialpart ofthe systemcall returnedan E$OK sequentialconditioncode. 5. Beforeyour applicationcan usethe loadedprogram,it must verify that the concurrentpart of the A$LOAD systemcall ran successfuÌly. The applicationissues a RECEIVE$MESSAGEsystemcall to checkthe responsemailboxthat the applicationspecifiedwhen it invokedthe A$LOAD systemcall. 6. When the result segmentis received,and successful loadingis indicated,your applicationcan use RQ$CREATE$TASK(usingthe entry point, data segment,and stacksegment,specifiedin the result segment)to activatethe loadedprogram. 7. When the loadedprogramis no longerrequired,your applicationcrn deleteall the segmentsthat were qeated for this programby the Application Loader,usingthe ApplicationLoaderUsels Guide 2-5 APPLICATIONI,OADERSYSTEMCALLS itself segment list in the endofthe Inader ResultSegment, thenthe.esultsegment canbedeleted. 2.4.2,2 GeneralitlesConcerningAgynchrgnousCallg Theforegoingexampleuseda specificsystemcall(A$LOAD)to showhowasynchronous with loadingoperations.Nowlet'slook at callsallowyourapplication to run concurrently somegeneralities aboutall iRMX II asfrchronous calls. . andone All ofthe asynchronous systemcallsconsistof twoparts-oneseqùential part onlyif the sequential part runs concurrent.The Loaderactivates theconcurrent (returnsE$OK). successfully . Everyasynchronous systemc; l requiresthatyourapplicalion designate a rcsponsc with theconcurrent part ofthe systemcall. mailboxlor communication . wheneverthe sequential part of an asynchronous systemcalÌreturnsa conditioncode otherthanE$OK,yourapplication shouldnot attemptto receivea message from the response existsbecause theApplicationLoadercannotrun the mailbox.No message pa o[ thesystemcal] concurrent . wheneverthe sequential part ofan asynchronous systemcallreturnsE$OK your application cancounton the Loaderrunningtheconcurrent pa.t ofthe systemcall. Your application cantakeadvantage ofthe concurrency by doingsomeprocessing beforereceiving themessage from theresponse mailbox. . Whenever part of a systemcallruns,the Loadersignalsits completion the concurrent by sendingan objectto theresponse mailbox.Theprecisenatureofthe object depends on whichsystemcallyourapplication invoked.You canfind out whatkind of objectcomesbackfrom a particularsystemcallbylookingup thecallin fheExtended |RMX ApplicatíonLoaderSystemCalk Reîerehce Mahual. . The Loaderreturnsa segment to yourapplication's response mailbox.Yoùr application mustdeletethe segment whenit is no longerneeded.TheI-oaderuses memoryfor suchsegments, soifyour application failsto deletethesegment, it might run shortolmemory. 2.4.3Response MailboxParameter Whenever youissueanApplicationLoaderSystemcall(exceptto RQ$OVERI-AY),a response mailboxparameteris specified.Thismailboxhastwo differentfunctions, depending on the systemcallused. For RQ(E)$S$LOAD$IO$JOB thismaitboxse.vesto receivethe exitmessage from the loadedI/O job. Thisexitmessage is sentby the ErlendedI/O Systemto thismailbox, whentheloadedprogramterminates by issuingthe RQ$EXIT$IO$JOB systemcall. For jobs moredetailson I/O andhowtheyterminatereferto therÍer dcdiRÌt/lxII E\lended I/O $'stemUser'sGuíde. 2-6 Applicationtîader Usey'sGuide APPLICATION LOADERSYSTEM CALLS When an asynchronous systemcall is invoked(A$LOADA$LOAD$IO$JOB, RQE$A$LOAD$IO$JOB)this mailboxservesto allow the Loader to notify the callerthat the concurrentpart of the syst€n call ìs finished. The l,oader sendsa r€suhscgm€ntto this mailboxon completionofthe loadingprocess. In general,the l-oader ResultSegmentiÌrdicatesthe result of the loadingoperation. The fo.mat of a Loader ResultSegmentdependsupon which systemcall wasinvoked,details on Loader ResultSegmentsare includedin descriptionsof the A$LOAD and A$LOAD$IO$JOB systemcalls in the drlerded íRMX II Applícation Loadcr SystemCalls ReferenceManual, Ifyou usean AsynchronousI/O job systemcal (e.g.,RQ(E)$A$LOAD$lO$JOB),the samemailboxreceivesthe Loader ResultSegmentaswell as the exit messagefrom the newlycreatedI/Ojob. Thereîore,you canwait at the salre Írailbox two tirrcs, first for the result segmentand then for the exit message, exactlyin this order. Avoid trsingthe sameresponsemailboxfor more than one concurrentinvocationof asynchronous systemcallsbecausethe ApplicationLoader may return Loader Result Segmentsin an order differentthan the order of invocation.On the other hand,it is safe to use the samemailboxfor multiple invocationsof asynchronous systemcallsif the followingconditionsare met: . One task invokesthe calls . The task alwaysobtainsthe resultof one call via RECEIVE$MESSAGEbefore makingthe next cal ApDlication LoaderUsey'sGuide ÀPPLICATION LOADER SYSTEM CALLS 2.5 EXAMPLE $title ('exnp: exaùrple of using the Applicatton Loader') * /*-_**:l*,k***************************************************************** * * ABSTRACT: This rnodule is an exarnple using tùo Application Loader syslen calls - - RQE$A$LoAD$ Io$JoB and RQE$s gl,oAD$lo$JoB . * * ìf ***********************************************************************/ exfìp : D0; DECI-ARETOKENLITEMLLY /* ]NCLUDES SELECTOR. */ $ ínctude (common.lit) : inc: loader. ext) $include includè : ínc: eios .ext) $ : inc:nucfus. ext) 9include STRUCTURES */ /", Loadet ResulÈ Segnent returned by rqe$a$load$io$job */ DECIéRE ALOAD$RES$SÎRUC I,ITERALLY' STRUCTURE( r:eturnscode ITORD, excep$code tloRD, j obqtoken TOKEN, nsg9ren EYTE, section$count WORD, error$sec$typ BYTE, undef$refs i,foRD, nen$requested WoRD, nengrecelved WoRD)' ; /* Exic nessagc sent by EIos on behalf oî ai 1/o job chat calls rqgexir9iogjob DECI,ARE EXIT$MSG$STRUC ( L]TERALLY'STRUCTURE return$code LtORD, excep$code woRD, j ob$token TOREN, msg$1en nss (89) BYIE) ' ; ,/* Excepcion handler 2-tl structurè */ Application t oader Usefs Guide APPLICATIONLOADERSYSTEMCALLS DECIARE EXCEP$HANDLERgSTRUC LITERALLY'STRUCÎURE ( proc$pir POINTER, node BYIE)' ; /* LTTEMLS */ DECIARE NOSTIME$LIM]T UNLIMITED NO9DE1AY DET"AY$REQ E$OK TERMINATION9OK F]FO /* VARIABLES LITEMLLY ' OFFFFH,, LITEMLLY 'OIFFFFH' , LITERALLY 'O' , LITERALLY '2' , LITERALLY 'O' , LITERALLY'OIOOH' LITERALLY 'O'; */ DECIARE (conn, aload9mbox, sload$mbox, aloadgjob, sload$job) (aloadqr€sSt, exit$seggr) ToKEN, (poot9nln, pool$nex) DlroRD, prio BYTE, (status, job$flags, rask9flags) woRD; DECL\RE aroad$resgsèg BÀSEDaload$fes9r ALOAT$RES I STRUC , exit$nsg BASEDexir$seg$È EXIT$MSG$STRUC, èxcepqhandler EXCEP9HANDLER9STRUC; roKEN, /***************,t***************rv**x****rt**************rt*x***x*x*x*****)r * lnitíalize exception handler stlucture and create naílboxes * calls to lhe AppÌication Loader *****:t*************:t*******5t+************************:t*****************/ excepShandler.pr.oc$ptr : NIL; excep9handler. node - 0; aload$!ìbox : rq$createqnailbox (FIFo, lQstarus) ; l F s t a t u s o E $ O KT F E NG O T Oe x i r ; sload$mbox - rqqcreate$mailbox (FIFO, @sratus) ; I F s L a t u s o E $ O KT H E NC O T Oe x i r ; ApDlication liader Use s Cuide for !\"7o* * APPLICATIÒ\J LOADER SYSTEl,| CALLS /********************************* + Now caÌt rqe$a$load9ioSiob. First, obÈatn a connection to the file, * then prepare the input parameters. Let the ApplicaÈion Loader decide * hor larCe a pool the job wirr hawe. l{hatever decision the Application * Loader makes, it r.,i11 not a1lov the new job to borrow nemory fron * its parenr, i.e., \r1tl set max equal !o its ùìin. The loaded code will * slart executlon it ts in roemory and l'i1l have the naxirntlll * nri^ri rw ^f lt< * * * * * * h,rAhr ****:r***********rr********************** conn - rq$s$attach$file(rA(7,'ny pros'),@status) I F s l a L u s o E 5 0 K T H E NG O T Oe x i t ; / ; poor$nin, poolSnax - 0; prio : 0; job$fl,es:0; task$f1ags - No$DE1,AY; aload$job - rqe9a$load$io$job (conn, pool$nin, poolgnax, Gexcepqhandrer, job$flags, prio, task$f1ags, aloadgmbox, Gsrarus); -F s t € È u 6 < > E $ O KT H E \ C O T Oc x i r ; /:l*:9*************ìl*:l***:!*************************:t***************)k*)r*)r*)r** * Since rqeqagload$io$job is asynchronous, at this poinr, only :! ils sequential part is executed and loadinA is sri1l il progress. 't Prepare the paraneters foÈ rqe$s$1oad$io$job and call ir. Again :! leÈ the Appllcation Loader decíde how targe a pool !o allocare, * but now the job will have unlinited'cr€dir'ar rhe parenr's pool. 'r In thls case oe vant executlon of lhe code to be under our control, * i.e., delayed. It ls nosc likely chac now r\,,roApplÍcation Loader * systen calls will load the sane file concurrenÈly. * * :v * * **************************ìt*******************************:!*************)t / pool9max = UNLIMITED; Èask$frags = DEIAY$REQ; a l o a d $ j o b : r q e $ s $ r o a d $ i o $ j o b ( @ ( 7 , , n yp r o g , ) , p o o l g n i n , p o o l g n a : . @ è x c e p s h a n d r è r ,j o b $ f I a g s , p r i o , r a s k g f t a s s , s l o a d g n b o x , G s t a r u s ) ; r E s t a b ù s a ESOKTHENCoTO exiti /*)Y:l**************************:l:t*************)t*******************)t*)t****** :! At rhis poinr, ír is knom char rqe$s$loadgiogjob finished * its vork, although, nothing ís ye! known about rqegagloadglogjob. * So we Íait at the specified mailbox. * **********************:!*********)t*:t*:t*:!*******)t***:t******:!*:!****:t***:t****/ è1oad$res$r - rq$rece ive9message( aload$nbox , NogTIì'IESLTMTT, NtL, (asrarus ); status o E90K THENc0T0 exit; 2-|l) ApplicationLoaderUsels Guide r]. APPLICATIONLOADERSYSTEMCALLS /**************************:l*************************rl***********ìl******)t* * At this point Èhe Loadèr Result Setmenl can be inspected to detèrnine * lhe merÌory pool size allocated to Èhe job, or if an error * occurred, see lts nature etc. *****************:t**************** *******+*******:l*:r****/ IF aload$les$seg.return$code a * * T E R Ì , I I N A T I O N $ o KT H E N G o T o e x i t ; /***********,1*******************************************************)k***** * * * * It is now known that rqe$a$load9io$job conpleted successfull-y, and the loaded prograrn is already waíting to get hold of lhe CPù slnce no delay vas requested. The second copy of the progran is rairinS in menory for pernission to start, so let ir start. :" *****************************+**********************)t*)t******)t****'L***-**;L/ C A L Lr q g s t a r t $ i o 9 j o b ( s l o a d $ j o b , G s t a t u s ) ; /*******************************)r.* * The two loaded prograns are on and running, fírst l,ai! for then to * terminate (issue an rq$exitgio$job call), then kill them. ****)t***************************** **************-t*-**-**/ * e x i t S s e g $ t : r q $ r e c e i v e $ n e s s a g e( a l o a d q n b o x , N O $ T I M E 9 L I M I îN , IL, !6sEaEus); l F s t a t u s o E S O KT H E NC O T Oe x i ' /* Here we can examine the exit nassage... */ CALL rqsdeleteqj ob (aload9job, @status); I E s L a l u s o E S O KT H E NC O T Oe x i l exic$seggÈ : !q$recelveSrnessage(sload$Íìbox, N09TIME$LIMIT, NIL , (3sralus); 'IF s l a l u s o E 9 0 K T H E NC 0 T 0 e x i L CALL r:q$deleteSj ob (sload$job, GsÈarus); T F s t a t u s o E S o KT H E NG O T Oe x i c exit: C A L Lr q 9 e x l c 9 l o S J o b ( 0 , N I L , @ s l a t u s ) ; TF scatus o E9OKTHEN CAUSESINTERRUPT(3); /* \,le ate in big trouble... */ /********************************** x The encl, if an error vas detected in lhÍs nodule, recovery can be * attenpled, sornelhing can be printed to the terminal oì. che progranì * can j ust terninate. ******************************************:!**********:l*:l********:l*******/ END exmp; Application toader User'sGuide 2-ll The ExtendediRMX II ApplicationLoader is à configurablelayer of the operating system.The iRMX II OperatingSystemenablesyou to confÌgurethe type of load function required by your system.Your systemmay be configuredfor a loadjob, which includesall the Application Loader systemcalls,or for load,which includesonly the A$LOAD systerncall. If you chooseall Application Loader systemcalls.the EIOS will be incorporatedinto your systemby the ICU. You can configurethe Application Loader read bulTersizeto optimizeloadingtime by increasingor decreasilgthe amountof memoryusedby this buffer. That is, a smaller buffer sizemay causea longerload time. FinaIIy,you can configurethe minimum memorypool size. This valueis usedby the Application Loaderwhile creatingan I/O job for newlyloadedprograms. lf you speci$ zero in the pool minimum parameter,the Application Loaclercomputesthe reqùired size. For more information see the Extenrl.edíRMX II Interuct e Confígurutíon Utility Reference Manual. Application l-oader User's Cuide A.1 OVERVIEW TheExtendedjRMX II Applicationlnader usestwo kindsofconditioncodesto inform yourtasksof anyproblemsthatoccurduringtheexecution ola systemcall--sequenîial conditioncodesandconcurrent conditioncodes.The difference betweenthe two kindsof codesirvolvcsthc rnethodtheApplicationLoaderusesto returnthe codeto thecanng task. The meaningof a specificconditioncodedepends on the systemcallthat returnsthe code.For thisreason,thisappendirdoesnot list interpretations. Relerto theExtended |RMX II ApplicatiokLoaderSlsîemCatlrRefererc?manualfor an interpretationof the cocles, providesthenumericvalue Thisappendix associated with eachconditioncodethe ApplicationLoadercanreturn.To usetheconditioncodevaluesin a symbolicmanner, youcanusethecodevalueslntel supplies youcan in the file ERROR.LIT.Alternatively, assign (using dre PL/M-286 LITERAILY slalcmenl) a mcanin8ful ramc to each code, The following three sectionscorrelate the name ofa condition code with the value returnedby theApplicationLoader.Onesectionliststhe normalconditioncode,onelìsts exception codesindicatinga programming error,andonelistsexception codesresulting from environmental conditions.No distìnction is drawnbetweensequential and concurrent eroasbecause mostofthe codescanbe returnedaseither. Thesesections coveronlytheconditioncodesreturnedby thesystemcallsofthe ApplicationLoader.Additionalconditioncodescanbeproducedby otherlayersthatare usedby theApplicationLoaderwhileloadingthefile. For example, if a mistakeis made in the pathname of theloadfile,youwill getan E$FNEXISTcrror corJeissuedby the I/O system.A completelist of exceptioncodescanbe found in the eÍerdcd |RMX II Nucleus User'sGuid". Applicationt-oaderUse/s Guide A-l CONDITIONCODES CODES A.2 NORMAL CONDITION NAME OP CONDITION HEXADECIMAL VALUE E$OK OH A.3 PROGRAMMER ERROR CODES NAME OF CONDITION E$JOB$PARM HEXADECIMAL VALUE 8060H A.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION CODES NAME OF CONDITION E$NOT$CONFIGURED E$BAD$HEADER E$EOF E$NO$LOADER$MEM E$NO$START E$]OB$SIZE E$OVERLAY E$LOADER$SUPPORT A-2 HEXADECIMAL VALUE 08H 62H 65H 67If 6CH 6DH 6EH 6FH Applicationlrader User'sGuide 80286translatoro. assembler1-2 A A$LOAD 2-3 advantages of usingthe ApplicationLoader 1-1 Application Ioader three categoriesof systemcalls 2-1 Application Irader features configurabiJity 1 2 deviceindependence1-2 supportofprogramswith overlays 1-2 s)mchronous and asynchronous systemcalls 1-2 Application Inader features l-2 asynchronous calls,factsabout 2-6 asynchronous systemcalls 2-4 B BND286 dynamicmem option 1-4 segsize control 1-4 c COMPACTinterfacelibrary 1-3 COMPACTmodelof segmentation 1-3 conditioncodes eflv onmentalA-2 normalA-2 pfogrammererrorsA-2 conditioncodcsA-1 ApplicationLoaderUseis Cuide Index-l INDEX (continued) E ERROR.LIT A-I example BIND 1-3 hovrto produccan SingleTask l-oadable(STL) file 1-3 exampleofasynchronouscalls 2-5 EXIT$IO$JOB systemcall 2-3 F lèaturesof theApplicationLoader l-2 G GDT slots 1-3 H Human Interface(HI) DEBUG command l-3 I I/O job cals A$LOAD$IO$JOB 2-2 RQE$LOAD$IO$JOB 2-2 S$LOAD$IO$JOB 2.2 I/O job cals 2-1 L Loaderconfiguration paramefer2-2 Loaderresultsegment2-5 LocalDescriptorTable(LDT) 1-3 LODFIX records1-3 M memorypooÌ sizefor a newjob 2-2 N non-I/Ojobcalls2-1,3 non-I/Ojobcalls A$LOAD 2.3 Index-2 Applicationtoader User'sGuide INDEX lcontinued) o OVL286 (the 80286overlaygenerator) 2-4 P pool$max2-2 pool$maxinputparameter2-2 pooumininputparameter2-2 preparingcodefor loadingbytheApplicationlnader 1-2 R RCONFIGURE2-2 RECEIVE$MESSAGE systemcall 2-5 RESP$MBOX parameter2-3 response mailboxparameter2-6 RMXFC.LIB 1-3 RQ(E)$LOAD$IO$JOB 2.3 RQE$LOAD$IO$JOB 2-2 s S$OVERI-AY,description2-4 sequential and€oncurrent partsof asynchronous calls2-4 SMALL modelof segmentation 1-2 stacksizesrequiredfor eachlayer 1-4 START$IO$JOB2-3 synchronous andasynchronous calìs2-3 synchronoùs systerncalls RQE$S$LOAD$IO$JOB 2.3 S$LOAD$IO$JOB 2-3 S$OVERLAY 1-3 T TASI$FLAGSinputparameter2-3 The difference betweenRQ$andRQE$systemcalls 2-1 U useof LI'IERAILY to give a nameto conditioncodes A-1 Applicstion I-r)aderUsefs Guide Iridex-3 irÌtel' E X T E N D Ei R DM X " I I U D IU S E R G ' SU I D E intelCorporation 3065Bowers Avenue SantaClara,Californa 95051 ! 1988,ntelCorporation, Copyriqht Alì RiqhtsReserved Thismanualdescribes Intel'sUniversalDevelopment Intedaceasit appliesto the Extended iRMX@ll OperatingSystem.Themanualincludesa briefintroductionto the UDI andits relationship to theiRMX II OperatingSystem. UDI Usefs Guide lll CONTE CHAPTEB1 PAGE CHAPTER 2 UDISYSTEMCALLSINAN iRMX@ II ENVIRONMENT PAGE CHAPTER 3, UDIEXAMPLE PAGE APPENDIX A, PAGE APPENDIX B PAGE UDI Uset's Guide CONTENTSlconfinued) Figure1-1.The Application-Software-Hardware Model.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..........-...-................... 1-I F i g u r e2 - 1 .C h r o n o l o g y o f S y s t e m C a 1 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UDI Usels Gùide 1.1 oVERV|EW Intel'sUnive.salDevelopment lnterface(UDI) is a setofsystemcallscompatible with severaloi lntel'soperatingsystems. programmakesonlyUDI system If an application callswith no explicitcallsto an individualIntel operatingsystem, the application canbe transported betweenoperatingsystems. Figure1-1illusuatesthe relationship between application code,theprocessing hardware, andthelayersofsoftwarethatlìe between. Applicalion Codein IntelApplicaìion Language(s) Run.Time Libraries For Non.malhematical Feaiures 80287 U0l Libraries of 80387 Support Library Operating System 80286or 80386 f l7a8 I Figurel-1. TheApplication-Software-Hardware Model UDI Use/s Guide l-l INTROIìLICTTON TO THE IINIVTRSAI, IìEVEI,OPMNNT INTERF'ACE 1.2 EXAMPLE In Figure1-1,the downward arrowsrepresent commandflowanddataflowfrom the applicalion wherethecommands areultlnatelyexecuted. codcdown!o thehardv"are, (Not shownin thefigureis anothersetof arrowsshowingtheupwardflowofdatafrom the hardware to the application code.) Note that one ofthe downward arrows is crossed out,signifying thatthe application codedoesnot makedirectcallsto the operating system.Rathe.. all inte.actionhetw€enthe epplicationcodeand the operatingsystemis done throughthe UDI software. the UDI serveas the link betweenan applicationand the operatingsystem,yoù can switchoperatingsystemssimplyby changingthe interfacebetweenthe UDI and the operatingsystem.In other words,all you needto make an applicationtransportable behveenoperatingsystemenvironmefitsis a UDI lìbrary for eachoperatingsystem.This library alwayspresentsthe sameinterfaceto ùe application,but its interfacewith the operatingsystemis designedspecificallyand exclusively for that operatingsystem.Intel providesUDI librariesfor thc iRMX 86, cxtandcdiRMX II, ScricsIII, and ScricsIV operatingsystems. The UDI systemcalls,while presentinga standardinterfaceto userprograms,behave somewhatdifferentlywhen usedin different operatingsystemenvironments.This is becauseeachoperatingsystemhasmanyuniquecharacteristics, and someof them are reflectedin the resultsofthe UDI calls. The next chapterdiscusses the UDI in the contextof the ExtendediRMX II Operating SYstem. UDI Uset'sGuide 2.1 oVERV|EW This chapterdescribesthe reqùirementsandbehaviorof UDI systemcallsin the bxtendediRMX It lI envtonment. 2.2 OVERVIEWOF UDISYSTEM CALLS Thissectiondiscusses the functìons ofmanyUDI systemcals,highÌighting the interrelationships, if any,amongcallsin variousfunctionalgoups. 2.2.1 MemoryManagementSystsmCalls Whenthe iRMX II OperatingSystem loadsand.unsa program,theprogramis allocated memory,in an amountthatdepends on howtheprogramwasconfigured.The portionof memorynot occupied byloadedmde anddata-thefreespacepool-isavailable to the programdynamically, thatis,whiletheprogramruns.The operatingsystemmanages memoryassegments thatprograms canobtain,use,andreturn. Programs canusetheUDI systemcallsnamedDQ$ALLOCATEand$MALLOCATEto getmemorysegments fronìthe pool. Theycanusethe systern callsDQ$FREEanrl DQ$MFREEto returnsegments to thepool. TheycanalsocallDQ$GET$SIZEand DQ$GET$MSIZEto receiveinformationaboutallocated memorysesnents. NOTE The systemcallsDQ$MALLOCATE,DQ$MFREE,and DQ$GET$MSIZEaresupported onlyfor programs compiledir the COMPACTor I-ARGEsegmcntation modcls. The SMALL modelof segmentation doesnot supportthe longpointers usedby thesecallsto identifytheallocated memory. UDI User'sGuide UDI SYSTEMCALLS IN AN iRM)€ II EÀI\4RONMENT You canreservememoryfor theExtended iRMX lI I/O Systemby usingthe systemcall DQ$RESER\/E$IO$MEMORY andby declaring themaximumnumberoîbuflersand filesto be attachedat anyonetime. Thisactionensures thatthe operatingsystem allocaressufficientmemoryto accommodate anyI/O bulfer neededro op€na file. (The I/O Systemcreatesbuffersfor everyfile it opens.) DQ$RESERVE$IO$MEMORY is usefulfor an application programthathasusedall of its available memorypoolandwantsto opena temporary file to storethe data. Ifthe application programhasnot previously invokedDQ$RESERVE$IO$MEMORY, the operatingsystemreturnsan E$MEM exception codewhentheprogfamtriesto createthe temporaryfile. TheE$MEM exception conditionoccursbecause theoperatingsystemrequiresmemory job to openandaccess job does ftom the application thespecified file. If the application not hav€anyavailable memory,the operatingsystemcanno!openor access morefiles. Bùt il the application programhascalledDQ$RESER!'E$IO$MEMORY previously, the operatingsystemcanusethe memoryreserved by thk systcmcallto manipulate thefile. SEEK IRUNCAIE DELEIE Figùre2-1. Chmnolos/of SystemCalls UDI Uset'sGuide UDI SYSTEMCALLSIN AN iRMXOII EI.{IIRONMENT 2.2.2 File-Handling SystemCalls Aboutone-halfof the UDI systemcallsareusedto manipulate files. Figure2-1 showsthe chronological relationships aúongthemostfrequentlyusedfile-handling systemcalls. The keyto usingExtended iRMX Il filesis themnnection.A programwantingto usea file first obtains(a tokenfor')a conne.tionto thelile andthenusesthe connection to performoperations on the file. Otherprograms cansimultaneously havetheirown connections to the samefile. Eachprograúhavinga connection to a file usesits connection asifit hadexclusive access to the file. A programobtainsa connectionby callingDQ$ATTACH (iI thc filc alrcadyexists)or DQ$CREATE(to createa newfile). Whentheprogramno longer[eedstheconnection, it can call DQ$DETACH to delete the connection. To delete both the connection and the file. the programcalls DQ$DELETE. Once a programhasa connection,it can call DQ$OPEN to preparethe connectionfor input/output ope.ations. The programperformsinput or output operationsby calling DQ$READ and DQ$WRITE. It can move the file oointer associated with the connecuon by caling DQ$SEEK.lt can rruncarerhe file by callingDQ$TRUNCATE. When the prog am hasfinìsheddoing input and output to the file, it can closethe mnncction by callingDQ$CLOSE. Note that the programopensand closesthe connection,not the file. Unlessthe programdeletesthe connection,by calling DQ$DETACH, it can continueto open and closethe connectionas necessary If a progam callsDQ$DELETE to deletea file, the file cannotbe deletedwhile other connectionsand I/O requestsattachedto the file exist. In that case,the file is markedfor deletionand is not actuallydeleteduntil the last of the connectionsis deleted. During the time that it is markedfor deletion,no new connectionsor I/O requeststo the file may be $sued, 2.2.3 ProgramControlCalls UDI providestwo sysîemcallsfor programcontrol:DQ$EXITandDQ$OVERLAY. DQ$EXITterminates a program,closingall openfilesandfreeingall allocatedresources. You shouldalwaysincludethissystemcallasthelaststatemen! in yourprogram. DQ$OVERI,AYletsyoutakeadvantage ofthe overlaysupportprovidedbythe operating system.Thissystemcallloadsan overlayinto memory.Theoverlaymusthavebeen preparedbythe BND286binderandtheOVL286overlaygenerator. UDI Uset'sGuide UDI SYSTEM CALLS IN AN iRMX@ II ENITRONMENT 2.2.4 UtilityandCommand-Parsing Calls parsingandfor operations suchasdateandtime UDI providessystemcallsfor command stampingandsystcmidentification.Thesystemca s ar€DQ$CET$TIME, DQ$GEI$SYSTEM$ID, DQ$GET$ARGUMENT, and DQ$DECODE$TIME, DQ$SWITCH$BUFFER. DQ$GET$TiMEandDO$DECODE$TIME retu.ndateandtime informationas maintained by the operatingsystem.Bothsystemcallsprovidethe samekindsof information, is a moregeneralsystemcallthatshouldbe used but DQ$DECODE$TIME possible. insteadof DQ$GET$TIMEwhenever DQ$GEfiSYSTEM$IDretumsa stringrhatidentifiesthe nameof the operaring syslem. programs perform Thissystemcallis usefulfor those thatneedto operating-systemspecilicfunctions. enîbleprograms to retrieve DQ$GET$ARGUMENT andDQ$SWITCH$BUFFER pnrameters from thecommand line (or from anyotherprogrambuffer). parsesthecommand DQ$GET$ARGUMENT line,returningthe nextparameterin the sequence. You caninvokeit several timesto retrieveall theparameters enteredwith a command.DQ$SWITCH$BUFFER switches to a newbuffersothatthe nexttimeyou callDQ$GET$ARGUMENT, youwill retrievea parameter from the newbuifer. 2.2.5ConditionCodesAnd Exception-Handling Calls Every UDI call exceptDQ$EXIT retuhs a numericconditioncodespecifyingthe result of the call. Each conditioncodehasa uniquemnemonicnameby which it is known. For example,the code 0, indicatingthat there were no enors or unusualcondìtions,has the nameE$OK. Aly other conditionmeansthere wasa problem. Thesemndìtronsare calledexceptions. Exceptionalcóndjtionsare classifiedas follows: . EnvironmentalConditions. Theseare generallycausedby conditionsoutsidethe control ofa program;for example,deviceerrors,incorr€ctfile refererìces, ot insufficientmemory. . ProgrammerErrors. Theseare typicallycausedby mistakesin programming. Progmmmererrors can be subdividedinto hardwareerrors and errors in programming.Hardwareerrors can includesuchconditionsas Divide-by-Zeaoerror, Overflowerror, GeneralProtectionerror, er.ors detectedby the 80287Numeric ProcessorExtension(hereafterreferredto genericallyas the NPX), aùd others. Errors in programmingcan consistofconditions suchas incorrectparametert)?e, invalid buffer. and others. UDIUsedscuide UDI SYSTEMCALLSIN AN iRM)@ II ENITRONMENT If the SystemDebuggeris configuredinto the applicationsystem,all hardwareerrols will causethe systemto breakto the monitor.Thisenables the userto investigate the faulty codeusingthecapabilities of the iSDM 286monitorandtheSystemDebugger.The breakto themonitorwill occurregardless of theexception handlerandexception mode thatarein effectat thetimeofthe exception.Ifthe SystemDebugger is not presentin the application system, UDl handles hardwareeÍo.sjust like otherprogÉmmererrors. Thereù a .outinein theUDI interfacelibrarycalledRQ$ERRORthathandlesUDI exceptions.This routine is calledwheneveran exceptioncodeis generatedby a UDI systemcall. RQ$ERRORperformsthefollowingoperations: . If an environmental conditionoccurs,theexception codeis returnedto thecalling program,whichcanhandletheconditionin-line. . If a programmer erroroccurs,RQ$ERRORinvokestheNucleussystemcall SIGNAL$EXCEPTION. The actionthatSIGNAIJEXCEPTIONtakesdepends on the configurationofthe Nucleus(in particular,the settingof the EM parameterofthe Nucleusscreenin the InteractiveConfigurationUtility). The EM (exceptionmode) parameterdetermineswhen to transfercontrol to an exceptionhandler. If the exceptionmode is NEVER (the default)or ENVIRON, SIGNAIJEXCEPTTON passescontrol back to the callingprogramso that it can processthe exceptional conditionin-line. If the exceptionmode is AIL or PROGRAM, SIGNAI-$EXCEPTIONpassescontrol to the exceptionhandlerthat is in effectat lhe time the exceptionoccurs. You can overridethe actionsof RQ$ERROR by providingyour own RQ$ERROR routine and bindingit to your programs.To overridethe defaultroutine,your routine must containa PUBLIC proccdurcnamcd RQ$ERROR, and you must bind th€ routine to you. applicationcodebelbre bindingthe UDI interfacelibrary. That is, in the BND286 command,the nameofthe file containingyour RQ$ERROR roùtine mùst appearbefore the nameof the interfacelibrary. This causesyour RQ$ERROR routine to be bound first, in placeof defaultroutine in the interfacelibrary. Your RQ$ERROR routine must adhereto the modelofsegmentation(SMALL, COMPACT, or I-ARGE) usedin the applicationprogam itself. The sourcecodeof the defaultUDI RQ$ERROR routine is availablein the /RMX286/UDI directory. You can usethis sourcecode as an examplewhen building your own RQ$ERROR routine. The file UCERR.A28 appÌiesto SMALL and COMPACT applications.ULERR.A28 appliesto LARGE applications. UDI Usefs Guide UDT SYSTEM CALLS IN AN iRMX@ II ENVIRONMENT As explained earlier,whenthe RQ$ERRORprocedure invokesSIGNAII$EXCEPTION, controlcanpassto an excepfion handler.If the defaultsystemexception handler (DEF.EXCEPTIONHANDLER) is in effect,it displays theappropriate error message at theconsoleandterminates theprogam. Yourprogramcanestablish its ownexception handlerby callingDQ$TRAP$EXCEPTION.This exceptionhandlerwill be called whenever RQ$SIGNAUEXCEPTION is invoked,in thedefaulrsystemthisis on programme. e.ror. DQ$DECODE$EXCEPTION returnsa mnemonicdescription of any conditioncodegenerated by a UDI system call. The restof thissectionprovides info.mationthatyouneedto writeyourownexception handler. After an exception conditionoccursandbeforeyou. exception handlergainscontrol,the ErtendediRMX Il OperatingSystemdoesthefollowing: 1. Pushes theconditioncodeontothe stackof theprogramthatmadethe systemcall generating the exception code. 2. Pushes the numberof theparameter thatcausedthe exception ontothe stack(1 for the first param€ter,2 for the second,etc.). 3. Pushesa WORD onto the stack(reservedfor future use). 4. Pushesa WORD fo. the NPX onto the stack. 5. Initiates a long call to the exceptionhandler. Ifthe conditionwas not causedby an erroneousparameter,the .esponsibleparameter numberis zero. If the exceptioncodeis E$NDP$ERROR,the fourth item pushedonto the stackis the NPX statusword, and the NPX exceptionshavebeencleared. Programscompiledunder the SMALL model of segmentationcannothavean alternate exceptionhandlerbecausealternateexceptionhandlersmusthavea LONG POINTER, which is not availablein the SMALL model. Therefore,progams compiledunder the SMALL model must ùse the defaulrsystemexceptionhandler. UDI alsoprovidesa methodfor programsto handleany CONTROL-C charactersthat are t'?ed while the programis running. The defaultCOMROL-C handlerterminates the programthat wasactivewhen the CONTROL-C wasentered However,a program can overridethe defaulthandlerfor the durationofits executiooby calling DQ$TRAP$CC and supplyinga long pointe. to the new CONTROL-C handler. The operatingsystemwill call this new CONTROL-C handlerwhenevera CONTROL-C is g?ed at the terminal. The new handlerremainsin effect until the programcalls DQ$EXIT, or until it establishes anotherhandlerby catlingDQ$TRAP$CC again. 2-6 UDIUset'sGuide UDI SYSTEMCALLSIN AN iRMX@II EITURONMENT 2.3 MAKINGUDICALLSFROMPLIM-286ANDASM286 PROGRAMS This section describeshow to make UDI calls ftom a program, using the DQ$ALLOCATE systemcaìl as an example. lhe information from this examplewill enableyou to make the other UDI calls. T\vo examplesare presented:one for a call from a PL/M-286 programand one for a call from an ASM286program This chapter showsthe DQ$AILOCATE systemcall $'ntaj{ as follows: sègStoken - DQSALI,oCATE (size, excepr$ptÌ); The examplethat followsrequests128bytesofmemory. It expectsa token for the l2Eb)'te segmentin ARRÀY BASE and a conditioncodein ERR. 2.3.1 ExamplePL/M-286CallingSequence DECIARE ARRAYBASE ERR TOKEN, WORD; ARRAYBASE- DQSALLOCATE (128, @ERR); 2.3.2 ExampleASM286CallingSequence MOV PUSH LEA PUSH PUSH CALI l,lov AX,128 AX AX, ERR DS AX DOALINCATE ARRAYBASE. AX ; firs! paraúeter ; second paraneter ; : rerurned value Thisexampleis applicable to programs thatexfrectto usethe COMPACTandI-ARGE interfaceto UDI. For the SMALL interface, omitpLNhing theDS segment register. 2.4 WritingPortableProgramsUsingThe UDI Not all programsmakingIIDT callswill be portableacrossall UDI-supportedoperating systems.However,you can employthe followingprogrammingtechniquesto ensurethat the programsyou write are portable(or as portableas possible): . Never examinefilenames(and pathnames)in your program. The rulesfor forming pathnamesare operating-system-dependent. UDI Uset'scuide IIDI SYSTEM CAI,I,S IN ÀN |RMX@ II NNVIRONMENT 2-8 . Modiry f enamestringsonly by callingthe UDI procedure DQ$CIIANGE$EXTENSION. . Wo.k only with pathnamessuppliedby the user,pathnamescreatedby calling DQ$CHANGE$EXTENSION,or predefinedfilenames. . Alwayscheckthe exceptioncodeto seeifa call failed. r youshouldcreatethe necessary Whenhandlingerrorconditions, file connections rn the inítialpart of progamsor makea DQ$RESERVEÍIO$MEMORY callbeiore makinganyothe. UDI systemcall. UDI Usefs Guide 3.1 oVERV|EW Thischapterpresents an exampleoi UDI systemcalls.FollowingtheprogramÌistingis the SUBMITfile thatwasusedto createthe executable module. 3.2 EXAMPLELISTING $conpact 9optimize ( 3) /*************************************************************)t****)t***)r* * * Protian UPPER * * This progran denonstrates the use of UDI file-handling and * comand-line-parsing sys.èn calls. The progran reads an input * file of characters and converÈs all lowercase alphabetic characters * to uppercase. The converted data are wrltten to a second file * UPPERexpects lhe coruìand line * [To outfile] UPPERinfíle that * (If "T0 outflle" is nor specified, ********************************** fnvokes 1t to be of the forù!: :C0: is assuned.) *********************/ * upper: D0; DECI-ARE CR LF TOKEN BOOLEAN E$oK ESFATAL9EXIT lrritè$only UDI Usefs Guid€ LITEMLLY LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY LITEMLLY I,ITER-AJ,LY LlTERALLY LIÎERALLY ,ODH' , , OATI ,SELECTOR' , " ,BYTE' , ' 0 ', , 3 ,, ' 2 ', 3.1 T]IìI EXAMPLE false tIUE co$conn LITEMLLY '0' , LITERA]-LY'OFÍ.H'; TOKEN; 9include (/rnx286lincludi . ext) t íon' ) 9subtitle ( ' check$excep /)k******************************** * 'r P.ocedure to cÌreck aù excepcio& code. If LlLe excepl-lon code is not EgOK, print a nessage and exlc. ******************************************************/ (exceptlon, check$exception: PROCEDIIRE lnfo$p) DECL1RE exception WORD, ínfóSp PoINTER, info BASED info9p STRUCîI,RE( COUNT BYTE, char(1) BYTE), exc$buf STRUCTURE( COUNT * REENTRAÌfl; BYTE, char(80) BYîE), I oca l$excep WoRD: IF exceptÍon o E90K THEN DO; CALI, dqSdecode$exception (exception, @exc$buf, GIocal$excep); cALl dq$wríte (co$conn, Qexc$buf . char, exc$buf . count, @1ocal$excep); cALl-dq$write (coqconn, @(': '), 2, Glocal$excep); CALL dqgwrite (cogconn, Ginfo.char, info.count, @localgexcep); CALL dq$vríte (co9conn, @(cR, 1,F), 2, Grocal$excep); cALl, dq$e>.it (ESFATAL$EXIT); END; END check$except ion; 9subtlÈle('ì,faÍn') /***********:!************************************************************ ìf --- --MArN PROCR_AÌ{ **********************:!************************************************)t/ DECI.ARE single$buffer double$buffer status LITERALLY / 0' , LITERALLY'2', WORD; DECI.ARE tn$na!oe(5O) outgnane(50) in9conn out9conn BYTE, BYTE. ToREN, TOKEN, UDI Use/s Guide UDI EXAMPLE BYTE; deI iÌn DECI,ARD buffer( 1024) lnScount i. not$done HoRD, I.IORD, BOOLEAN; cogconn- dq$cre,lte (@(4, ';co:'), CALL dq$operi (coqconn, wrtte9only, Gstatús); stngleqbuffer, Gstatus); /********************************* * Ignore the Daoe of the plogra$ (clìe flrsc artuent) ******************:l*************** ***************rt***/ delln * dq$get$arsunent (@buffer, @status); CALL check9excepcion ( scatus, NIL); IF delin ' CR THEN CA.LI-dq$èrit (ESo(): *******************+ /********************************* * Attach the inpuc fiLe, and open ir. ********************************** **,r****************/ delin = dq$get$argurnent (lQin$nane, @status) ; CALL check9exception (status, NIL) ; in$conn - dqsattach (@in$nane, Gstatus); CALL check9exceprion (status, Ginqnane) ; C A L Ld q S o p e n( i n $ c o n n , r e a d $ o n l y , d o u b l e s b u f f e r . G s t a t u s ) i CALI- check$excepÈion (status, @in$name); /********************************* * Find out if there is an outpút filè specified. Tf so, attach * and open lt. If not, use :C0: for outpuc. ***************** *,r*****************/ .> CR THEN deliro - dq$gec$argì.nent(@buffer, @status); CALLcheck$exception (status, NIL) ; UDI Usefs Guide * UDI EXAMPLE (deliro - CR) 0R (buffer(O) o 2) oR 'T') oR (buffer(1) c (buffer(2) o 'o') THEN DO: CALL dq$\.'ri!e (co$conn, @('Invalíd LF), 21, Gstatus) ; CALT dq$exlC (E$FATAL$EXIT) ; END; IF output file', CR, deltn - dqqget$argunenr (Gour$narne,@sratus) ; CALL checkqexception (status, NIL) ; , s!atus) i o u t g c o n n - d q $ c r e a t e ( G o u r S n a m eG cAlL check$excepÈion (status, eout$nane) ; CArL dqgopen (outgconn, vrite$only, 2, Gstatus); C A L L c h e c k s e x c e p ti o n ( s r a t u s . @ o u t s n a m e ) : END; ELSE out$conn = co$conn; /* Write Èo :CO: if /;":!******)rr*,1**************************:t***:r**************************** * Read fron input, converL, a d vrire **************:k**************************************)r*,t****,r*********// to no fíIe specified */ oucpur no!$done = true; D0 trrÌìILEnot$done; inScount - dqgrer.t lins..nn. (ahufrèr, sizè(buffer), @status); CALL check$exceptíon (status, @in$nane): lF inqcount - 0 THEN notsdone - fa13è; IF notsdone THEN D0; ,/* If no characrers are in the, //* fiIe, rhen f6i1 nexÈ rest. */ */ /* If characLers ale ln the */ ,/* fÍle, then process them. */ DO t=0 TO Ín$count-l; IF (buffer(t) >:'a') A N D( b u f f e r ( i ) < - ' 2 , ) THENbuffer( i) - buffer(i) END; cALÌ, dq$lrrlEe (out$conn, ebuffer, ingcounc, !6slacus) ; CALI, check$exception (status, Gout$narne); END; END; 3-4 UDI Useis Cuide UDI EXAMPLE /********************************************************************* * close inF[t and outpuÈ files, snd ertt *********************************************************************/ * CALI- dqqclose (tn$conn, €status) ; CALL chcck$cxccption (st€Èus, @ingnde) ; CALL dq$close (out$conn, @srarus) ; CALL check9exception (status, @out$nane): cAr,L dq$exic (E$OK); END upper; 3,3 COMPILINGAND BINDINGTHEEXAMPLE Thc programUPPER wascompiledand boundon an exrendediRMX Il-basedsysrem usingthe followingcommands: pln286 upper.p28 bnd286 upper. obj , & : l a n g :p Ì n 2 8 6 . l l b , & < C R > /rn.x296/líb /\d rifc . l ib rc(dn(1000H,2000H))& ss (stack(2000H)) object(upper) Thesecommandscan be entereddirectlyat the terminal,or placedin a file with a .CSD extensionand invokedby usingthe SUBMIT command. 3.4 UDI INTERFACE LIBRARIES The interfacelibrariesfor theUDI are UDIIFS.LIB SMALL model UDIIFC.LIB COMPACTmodel UDIIFL.LIB IARGE model UDI Uset'sGuide 3-5 The followingdatatypesarerecognized by the iRMX 28óOperatìngSysrem. BYTE An ùnsigned, eight-bitbilary number. WORD An unsigned. rwo-BYTE. binarynumber. INTEGER A signed, two-BYTE,binarynumber.Negativenumbersarestored in two's-complement fom. POINTER Twoconsecutive WORDscontaining thebaseselectorof a (64Kbyteprocessor) segment andan offsetinto the segmont.The offset is in thewordhavingtheloweraddress. SELECTOR An indexinto a descriptor tablethatidentifiesa particularmemory segment.Thedescriptor table€ntryliststhesegment's base,its limit,its t)pe,andjts privilegelevel. TOKEN A SELECTORthatidentifiesan object.A tokenmustbe declared literaly a SELECIOR. DWORD A 4-BYTEunsigned binarynumber. BOOLEAN A BYTE thatis considered to havea valueofTRUE ifir is oFFH, andFALSEif it is 00H. A booleanmustbc dcclarcdliterallya BYTE. UDI Usefs Guide Thisappendix liststheconditioncodenngesgenerated by eachlayerof theExtended iRMX II OperatingSystem.Exception codesareclassified aseither',Environmental Conditions" or "Programmer Errors,rrThelatterclassification includescertainhardware efforsaswellasprogaamming errors. Thevaluesof theseconditioncodesfall into rangesbasedon the Efended iRMX II layer thatfùst detectsthecondition.TableB-1liststhelayersandtheir ranges(in hexadecimal). Thetableshowsthelayer(s)thatcouldgcncratethecode,in caseyouwish to referto theappropriate manual. TableB-1. ConditioriCodeRanses Leyer Environmerìtal Prcgramming Nucleus 1Hto 1FH 8000Hto 801FH l/O Syrems 20Hto 5FH 8020Hto 805FH 60Hto 7FH €060Hto €07FH 8OHto AFH 8O8OH to SOAFH UniversalD6v6lopm€nt to DFH C,OH io SOOFH SOCOH Rgssrvedlor Int6l EOHto 3FFFH SOEOH to BFFFH 4MOHIo TFFFH mH to FFFFH 'lhe Operutor'sGuíde to îhe |RMX II Hut eh Inteface glvesthe val]ueof each code and its associatedmnemonic,aswell as a short descriptionofits significance. UDI UsePscuide B-1 80287Numeric ProcessorExtension2-4 A Application-software-hardware model 1-1 B BN'D2862-3 c Closingconnections 2-3 Conditioncodes2-4 ConditioncodesB-1 D DatatypesA-1 Deletionof a file 2-3 Divideby Zero error 2-4 DQ$ALLOCATE2-I, 7 DQ$ATTACHsystemcau 2-3 DQ$CLOSEsystemcall 2-3 DQ$CREATEsystemcall 2-3 DQ$DECODE$EXCEPTION systerh call 2-6 DQ$DECODE$TIMEsystemcall 2-4 DQ$DELETEsystemcall 2-3 DQ$DETACHsystemcall 2-3 DQ$EXITsystemcall 2-3,4, 6 DQ$FREEsystemcall 2-1 DQ$GET$ARGUMENT systemcall 2-4 DQ$GET$SIZEsystemcall 2-1 DQ$GET$SYSTEM$ID systemcall 2-4 DQ$GET$TIMEsystemcall 2-4 DQ$MALLOCATEsysteftcall 2-1 DQ$OPENsystemcall 2-3 DQ$O\€RI-AY systemcall 2-3 DQ$READsystemcall 2-3 DQ$RESERVE$IO$MEMORY systemcall 2-2,8 DQ$SEEKsystemcall 2-3 UDI User'sGùide Index-l Indexlcontinued) DQ$SWITCH$BUFFER system call 24 DQ$TRAP$EXCEPTION systemcall 2-6 DQ$TRUNCATE systemcall 2-3 DQ$WRITE systemcal 2-3 E Environmental Conditions2-4 Exampìe ASM286callingsequence2-7 BIN'D 3.5 PL/M-286 callingsequenc€2-7 Exception codesB-1 handling 2-4 F Filedeletion2-3 File-handlingsystemcalls 2-3 Freespacepool 2-1 G GeneralProtectioneÍor 2-4 Guidelines for writingportableprograms2-7 I InteractiveConfigurationUtility 0CU) 2-5 Interfacelibrariesfor the UDI 3-5 ISDM monitor 2-5 M MakingUDI callsfrom PL/M-286andASM2862-7 Memorymanagement 2-1 Memorymanagement systemcalls 2-l N NPX 2.4 o Openingconnections2-3 Index.2 UDI User'sGuide INDEX(continued) Operatingsystemactionsafteran eror occurs2-ó Operatingsystems,switching 1-2 Overflowerror 2-4 P Programcontrol systemcalls 2-3 Programportabfity 2-7 Programmer errors 2-4 R Reservingmemory 2-2 RQ$ERROR2.5 s Seeking2-3 Segments 2-l SIGNAII$EXCEmON systemc.all2-5 Switching operatingsystems1-2 Systemcalls exception handling2-4 file-handling2-3 memorymanagemenr 2-1 prograúcontroÌ2-3 utilityandcommand-parsing 2-4 Systemdebugger2-5 T Temporaryfile 2-2 Transporting code 1-2 T)?esof data A-l U Utility and command-parsing2-4 UDI UsefsGuide Index-3 intet EXTENDEDIRMX@II DEVICEDRIVERS U S E R 'G SU I D E Int€l Corporation 3065BowersAvenue 5anîaClara,Californta 95051 o 1988,lntelCorporation. Copyriqhî All RiqhrsReserved PREFACE The I/O Systemis the part ofthe ExtendediRMX lI OperatingSysîemthat enables accessto files on peripherzrldevices.(The term "I/O System"encompasses both the Basic I/O Systemand the ExtendedI/O System.)It is implementedas a set of file driversand a set ofdevice drivers. A file driver providesuseraccessto a particulartype offile, independentof the deviceon which th€ file resides.A devicedriver providesa standard interfacebetweena pijrticular deviceand one or more file drivers. Thus,by addingdevice drivers,your applicationsystemcan supportadditionaltypesof devices.It can do this without changingthe userinterface,becausethe driversremain unchanged. This manualdescribesthe differ€nt lypesof devicedriverssupportedby the I/O System (common,randomaccess,terminal,and custom). It illustratesthe basicconceptsofthese drivers,and it describeshow to write your own driversot'thesetypes. In addition,it discusses eachof the Intel-supplieddevicedriversand providesany specialinformation neededto usethosedrivers. ReaderLevel To use the Intel-supplìeddevicedrivers,this manualassumes you are îamiliar with these Itemsl . The PL/M-286 programminglanguageand/or the ASM2fì6Macro Assembly l,anguage. . The ExtendediRMX II OperotingSystemand the conceptsof operatingsystem tasks.segmenîs. andotherohjects. . The I/O System,as describedin lhe Eúended íRMX II Basic I/o Slstent User's Guirle and the Extended|RMX II futended I/O Sytem User'sGuide. These manuals documentthe userinterfaceto the I/O Sy'stem. . The configurationprocess,as describedinthe Ertended|RMX II InteracÍive Confíguntion Utilit Rekrence manr?L This manualassumesthat ifyou are writing your o*n devicedriversyou are a systemslevelprogrammerexperiencedin dealingwith I/O devices.ln particular,it assumesthat you are alsofamiliar with the following: . The hardwarecodesnecessary tÒperform actualread and write operafons on your I/O rJevice.This manualdoesnot documenlthesedevice-dcpcndent instructions. . Regions,as described ir't the Extended|RMX II Nucleu,sUset'sGuide. Devic€DriY€6 User'sGuide lll PREF,TCE Convenlions Wheneverthis manualdescribesI/o operations,it assumesthat tasksuseBasicI/O Systemcalls(suchas RQ$A$READ, RQ$A$WRI]E, and RQ$A$SPECIAL). Even thoughnot mentioned,the taskscan alsousethe equivalentExtendedI/O Systemcalls (suchas RQ$S$READ,RQ$S$WRITE,and RQ$S$SPECIAL)or UDI cals (DQ$READ or DQ$WzuTE) to perform the sameoperations. DeviceDriversUser'$Guide CHAPTERI INTRODUCTION PAGE CHAPTER2 PAGE DeviceDriversUser'sGuide CONTENTS CHAPTER 2 (conrinued) PAGE 18 ,..,.,........... Terminal Modes........,.......................... UsinganAuto-Answcr Modemwitha Terminal...............................,,..2-44 2-48 abouta Terminal................................................ Obtaining Information to connectión.... ....................2-49 theUseof a Terminal One InsertingDatainto a Terminal'sInputStream...-.2-50 2.3.4.óProgrammatically vi CHAPTER3 PAGE CTIAPTER4 PAGE DeviceDriversUseÌ'sGuide CONTENTS CHAPTER5 WRITINGCOMMONOR RANDOMACCESSDEVICEDRIVERS PAGE CHAPTER6 WFITINGIERMINALDRIVERS PAGE DeviceDriveróUser'sCuide vll CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 (conlinued) PAGE CHAPTER 7 WRITINGA CUSTOMDRIVER PAGE CHAPTER8 HANDLINGUO REOUESTS PAGE vlll DeviceDrirers UsefsGuide CONTENTS CHAPTER9 PAGE APPENDIX A PAGE APPENDIXC SUPPORIINGTHESTANDARDDISKETTEFORMAT PAGE APPENDIX D INTERPRETING BADTRACKINFORMATION PAGE DeviceDriversUseÌ'sGuide lx CONTENTS TABLE PAGE FIGURES FIGURE PAGE DeviceDriversUsels Cuide CONTENTS FIGUBE(continued) PAGE 9-5 UDS DeviceInformationScreenfor Interruotless Terminalf)evices. . . . ....S.11 9-6 UDSDeviceInformation Screen for Random Ac.essDevice.. ...................,...,...,.,9-12 9-7 UDS DeviceInforúationScreenfor MULTIBUS@ II Message-Passing Random Access Devìce.,................................... ..,.,.,,,,,.,.,,,,.,.,.9-12 9-8 UDSDeviceInfo.mation Sc.een for General Device.............................................. 9-13 g-g UDS Unit InformationScreenfor TerminalDevice...............,.....,.......................... 9 14 9-10 UDS Unit InformationScreen{or RandomAccessDevice.........,.,.,.,.,.,......,.,.....914 9-11UDSUnit Information Screen for General Device..........................................,.,...915 9-12 UDS Device-UnitInformationScreenfor T€rminalDevice................................9-15 9-13 UDS Device-UnitIrformationScreenfor RandomAccess Device....................9-16 9 14 UDS Device-UnitInformationSoeenfor GeneralDevice..................................9-1ó 9-15Example UserDevices Screen ..,............ ..,...,.,.....................9-25 9-16 ComputingDeviceandDevice-UrÌit NumbersandBND286Information.........9-28 9-16 Computing DeviceandDevice-UnitNumb€rsandBND286Information.........9-29 9-17 PublicDeclarations Neededfor theDINFO andUINFO Tables........................ 9-31 9-18Portionof theMotiificdSUBMITFile ..............................9-32 A-1 RandomAccessDeviceDriverInitìalizeI/O Procedure ........................................ A-3 A-2 Random Access DeviceDriverFinishl/O Procedure..........................................,{-6 A-3 Random Access DeviceDriverQueueI/O Procedure....,.....,........,.,...................... A-8 A-4 Random Access DeviceDriverCancel I/O Procedure..........................................A-1 A-5 Random Access DeviceDriverInterrupt Task..............,.........,.,............................. A- 12 B-1 Random Access DeviceDriverInitialize I/O Procedure..........................................BB-2 Random Access DeviceDriverFinishI/O Procedure ..............................................8 5 B-3 Random Access DeviceDriverQueueI/O Procedure .............................................B-7 B-4 Random Access DeviceDriverMessa{c Task.............................-........................... B-10 D-l FormatofBadTrackInformation .....: ..................,........,.,.. D-3 DeviceDrivers lJser'sGuide The I/O Systemis implementedas a set of file driversand a set of devicedrivers. FiÌe driversprovidethe supportfor particulartypesof files (for example,the namedfile driver providesthe supportfor namedfiles). Devicedriversprovidethe supportfor particular devices(for example,a MassStorageControllerdevicedriver providesthe facilitiesthat enableyou to usean iSBC 214 Multi-Peripheralcontrollerto control a rùinchester-q?e drive, a flexiblediskettedrive, or a tape drivewith the l/O System).Each tlpe of file has its own file driver, and eachdevicehasiN own devicedriver. One of the reasonsthat the I/O Systemis broken up in this manneris to provide device, independentI/O. Appìicationtaskscommunicatewith file drìvers,not with device drivers. This allowstasksto manipulateall files in the samemanner,regardlessofthe deviceson v,'hichthe files reside. File drivers,in turn, communicatewith devicedrivers, which provide the instructionsnecessaryto manipulatephysicaldevices. When an applicationtaskwantsto communicatewith an I/O device,it must connectthe file driver it wantsto usewith the appropriatedevicedriver. This connectionoccursat executiontime when the task invokeseither the BasicI/O Systemcall A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE or the ExtendedI/O Systemcall LOGICAL^$ATTACH$DEVICE. ln both of thesecalls,the task must specifowhich file driver and which dcviccdriver are beingusedtogether. Oncethis devic€conn€€tronrs established, applicationtaskscan manipulatethe deviceaccordingto the file driver assignedto it (named,physical,or stream),without concerningthemselvesabout device specifics.The deviceconnectionestabljshedeariier enablesthe file driver to communicatewith the devicedriver and handlethe devicespecificsautomatically. Figure 1-1showsthe levelsof communicationand how tasksconnectfile driversand devicedriversto establishdevice-independent I/O. DeviceDriversUsey'sGuide t-l INTRODUCTION APPLICATION TASK : RO$LOGICAL$ATIACH$DEVICE o l d"v.!S$Igre .re$d ue' Cat, jlf Arl9H$91c1 Ro$PHYs'c ) Inlerface File-independent Stream F ]e Driver FileDr ver Named FileDflver nterlace Drve-rndependenl DeviceDriver Devce Driver DeviceDriver Device Dev ce x-1784 Flgure 1-1, ConnectlngFile and DeviceDdverf The I/O Systemprovidesa standardinterfacebetweenfile driversand devicedrivers. To a file driver, a deviceis merelya standardblock of data in a table. To manipulatea device,the file driver callsthe devicedriver procedureslsted in the table.To a device driver, all file drìvers seem the sarne. Every file driver calls device drivers in the same manner. This meansthat the deviced.iver doesnot needto mncern itselfwith the conceptof a file driver. It seesitself as beingcalledby the I/O System,and it returns informationto the I/O System.This standardinterfacehasthe followingadvantages: t-2 . The hardwareconfigurationcan changewithout extensivemodificationsto the softwa.e. lnsteadof modiryingentire file driverswhenyou want to changedevices, you needonly substitutea differentdevicedriver and modi$ the table. . The I/O Systemcan supporta greaterrangeofdevices. It can supportany device,as Iong as you supplya dcvicedrivcr that interfacesto the file driversin the standard manner. DeviceDrivers Usefs Guide INTRODUCTTON 1.1 t/O DEVTCES ANDDEVTCE DRTVERS EachI/O deviceconsists of a controllerandoneor moreunits.A deviceasa wholeis identified by a uniquedevicenumber. Units are identified by unit nurnberandby deviceunit number-The devicenumberidentiîiesthecontrolleramongall thecontrollersin the system, the unit numberidentifiesthe unitwithinthe device,andthe uniquedevice-unit numberidentifiestheunit amongall the unitsofall of thedevices.Figurel-2 containsa simplifieddrawingof threeI/O devices numbers. andtheirdevice,unit,anddevice-unit Theremustbe a devicedriver(eitheruser-written or Intel-supplied) for everydevicein the hardwareconfiguration.That devicedriver musthandlethe I/O requestsfor all of rhe ùnirsúe devicesupporrs.Diffe.ent devicescanusedifferent devicedrivers;or if rhey arethesamekind ofdevice,theycansharethe samedevicedrivercode.(For example, rwoiSBC214controllers aretwoseparate devices andeachhasits owndevicedriver. However,thesedevicedriverscansharecommoncode.) Figure1.2. DeviceNumbering DeYice DriYersUsels Cuide 1-3 INTRODUCTION DRIVERS 1.2 TYPESOFDEVICE TheI/O Systemsupports four tlpesof devicedrivers:custoú,common,randomaccess, andrerminal. Thesefoú tlpes are disdnguishedby wheúer theyhavea dfuectinterface to the I/O Systemor whethertheyhavean interfaceto Intel-supplied supportcode.They arealsodistinguished bywhichsetof supportcodetheyuseasthe interfac€.Iìigure1-3 providesan overviewofthe interfaces,listing theprocedures thatthe devicedriversmust supply.Theshadedportionsof thefigurerepresent thecodethatthe usermustwritefor eachg?e of devicedriver. As Figure1-3shows, thehìghest-level interfacebetweentheI/O Systemandthe device driverconsists procedures (known aslnitializel/O, Finishl/O, QueueI/O, and of four CancelI/O) that theI/O System calls.Customdriversmustsupplythesefour procedures. For random-access/common driversandterminaldrivers,the OperatingSystemprovides supportcodethatincludesthesehighlevelprocedures. The supportcodefor eachtypeof driverprovidesfeatures(suchasqueuingor baudratecontrol)neededby eachdriverof thatt'?e. 'fo ftke advantAge of thesefeatureswhenwritingrandom-access/common driversandterminaldrivers,youneedto writeonlya setof lower-level procedures that selveasthe interfacebetweenthehardwareandthe supportcode.Figurel-3 showsthese pfocedures. The lbllowingsections providemoreinformationabouteachqpe of driveÍ. 'f .2.1 CustomDrivers A customdevicedriveris oneyoucreaîein its entirety.Thisqpe of devicedrrvercan assume anyform andprovideanyfunctionsyouwish,aslongasthe I/O Systemcan access il bycallingfour procedures, designated as InitializeI/o Finish I/O OueueI/O CancelI/O Chapter2 describes the advantages anddisadvantages of witing a custoúdriver. Chapter7 describes the interfaceto whichthe user-written procedures mustadhere. 1-4 DeviceD versUsePsGuide INTRODUCTION B a s i €l / O S y s l e m B an d o mA c c e g g and C o m m o nD f i v e r SupponCode Initializel/O Finishl/O Oueuel/O Cancell/O Terminal Driver S u p p o nC o d e Initializel/O F i n i s hl / O Queuel/O Cancell/O Terminal Driver Device Dev i c e Device Fieùre l-3. DeviceDriver Inferfaces DeviceDriversUser'sGuide r-5 INTRODUCTION 1.2.2 RandomAccessandCommonDrivers The operating Systemsuppliessupportcodethat providesmuch ofthe highJevelcode (but not the device-spe,cificcorJe)ncrcssary tor operatirlg devicesclassified as random accessor common. A commondeviceis a relativelysimpledevicesuchas a line printer (but not a termìnaÌ). Devices classified as common devicesconform to the following conditions: . these A îirst-in/first-out mechanismfor queuingrequestsis sufficientfor accessing devices. . Only one interrupt level is neededto servicethe device. . Data either read or written by thesedevicesdoesnot needto be dividedinto blocks. A randomaccessdeviceis one in which datacan be read from or written to any addressof the device(a disk drive, for example).Devicesclassifiedas randomaccessdevices conformto the followingconditions: . Or y one interrupt level is neededto servicethe device. . I/O requestsmust be dividedinto blocksof a specificlength. . The devicesupportsrandom accessseekoperations. The OperatingSystemprovidesa singleset ofsupport codewith the basicroutines neededby both commonand randomaccessdevices.Thesesupportroutinesprovide a queuingmechanism,an interrupt handler,and other featuresneededby commonand randomaccessdevices.Chapter2 givesmore informationaboutthesefeatures. 1-6 DeviceDriversUser'sGuide INTRODUCTION Ifyou arewritinga devicedrivcrfor a rlevicethatfits into eitherthecommonor random youdon'tneedto writetheentiredriver.Instead,youcanwritejust access classifications, the followingspe.cialized, devicedependent procedurcs andsct up an intcrfaccbesecn themandthesupportcodeprovidedby the OperatingSystem: DeviceInitialize DeviceFinish DeviceStart DeviceStop DeviceInterrupt Chapter5 describes moreabouttheseprocedures. 1.2.3 TerminalDrivers As with commonand randomaccessdevices,the I/O Systemprovidesthe highJevel supportcodeneededto operateterminals.A terminal is classifiedas a devicethat reads and writes singlecharactersor blocksofcharacters,with an interrupt for eachcharactef or block of characterssent. Thc lcaturesprovidedby the I/O System'sterminal supportcodc are describedi-n Chapter2. If you are writing a driver for a deviceclassifiedas a terminal,you don't need to write thc cntùc drivcr. Instcad,you can take advantageof the l/O System'stermmal supportcodeby writingjust the followingdevice-speciiic routines: Tefminal Initialize Terminal Finish Terminal setup Terminal Answer Terminal Hangup Terminal Check Terminal Output 'lerminal Utility Chapter6 describesmore abouttheseprocedures. 1.3 r/O REQUESTS To thedevicedriver,an I/O requestis a requestby the I/O Systemfor thedeviceto performa certainfunction.Functions supported by theI/O Systemare DeviceDriversUsefsGuide TNTRODIICÍION Name Attachd€vica Derachd€vicé Op€n Clos€ Read Write Seek Special Number 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 Description Preparea d€vic6ior us€, Disconnect a devic€, Preparethe deviceor a l5leon th€d6vic€for l/O op6rations. T6rminat6l/Oop€rations onlhe dsvic€oron afrl€. Readîrom ths d€viceat the curerìt location. Wrheto thedevic€at th6cur6ntlocation, Mov€roa newlocationon th€d€vice(randomaccessdevic€sonly). Portomtunctions thr epplyto some,blit notall,d€vic€s-fhe sp€cialtunctions available includ€: Name 1-8 Derriorion Format Ìrack Ou€ry Satisty Notit 0 G€{disk/ rap€dara 3 Get torrninat data 4 Obtatninformalion aboulth€ cur€ntconfrguration ofa terminal(suchas parity,baudrate,schomod€,ancl duplex). Sel lerminat dai,a 5 Changethecurerìtclnfiguation ofat6rminal. S€tsignal 6 Designat€ a characl€r that,whenlypedarthe kelboard,ssndsa signaltothesystem. R€wind 7 R€windatap€to itstoadpoint. Readlape lll€mark 8 Mov€rhetapototh€n6xtfit6 markonlhotapg. Wito tap€ fi16mark 9 wlit€ a lll€ markat the curr6nt positionon th€tap€. 0 I 2 Formatafack on a mass-storagg devtq€, aboutsùoam-file requests. Obtaininlormation Artifcially salist a streamfil€l/O requesr. Request notilicaiion llfien a volumebecomes unavailable. Obiaininirmationabóut Winchestsr disk6(6ucheÉthsnumberoffix€dand removable crind66, th€ numbq of s€ctors,andthe socrorsìz€)and abodiapes(suchaswhetherthe tapeis pres€ílandtho numb3rof ùacks). DeviceDriversUset'sGuide INTRODUCTION Name Numbe. Descriprion R6t6nsion tap€ 10 Fast-forward thetapeto th€ end andth€nrewìndthetap€to rtsloadpo nt. Sdt bad rúack/ seclorinfo 12 Writeth€ localons of bad tracks of seclofsto a specialarea of ths volum€lhatsloresìhatlnlormatlon. G€tbad tfeck/ sectorinlo 13 Refievethe locatonsot bad fack6 or s€clorsftomthe intormation atorédonlhe volume. Funcfionnumbersin therange14through32,767 arefes€rved by Inrelfoftutufeuse. Functìon nu..bersin th€ Éngo32,768through65,535decima mightalsódenotespecaltunctions. lhese numbers aroava ablefor user-specifìed specal functions. The l/O Sysîem makes an I/O request by sending to the device driver an I/O request/result segnent (IORS) containing the necessaryinformation. (The IORS is described in detail in Chapter 4.) Indicated in the IORS is th€ t)?e of op€ration that nlust beperformed,the device,andotherimportantinformation.The devicedrivermust translat€ this request into specific device commands to causethe device to perform the requested operation (if the operation is valid for the requested device). LleviceDrivers Ilserrs Guide I-9 This chapterdescribesthe featur€savailablcwith th€ different tlpes of drivers. For random access, common,and terminal drivers,this chapterliststhe capabilitiesprovided by the I/O System-supplied supportcod€. For customdrivers,for which there rs no suppof codeprovided,this chapterlists the advaritages and disadvantages of Miting a múpÌete customdriver insteadof adheringto one ofthe other categoriesand usingthe I/O System-supplied supportcode. 2.1 CUSTOM DRIVERS The most basicdevicedriver interfaceis the custominterface. Wirh this interface.îhe I/O Systemprovidesno assistance for standardoperations(ior examplc,it docsn,t automaticallyset up a queueto handledevicerequests).lnstead,the customdriver must provide all the functionsneededto control the device. Chapter7 describesthe progtam interfacebetweena customdriver and the I/O System. The next few paragraphsdiscussadvantages and disadvantages ofwriting customdrivers. 2.1.1Advantages of CustomDrivers The most obviousadvantageofcustom driversis they enableyou to add supportfor devicesthat don't fit into the common.randomaccess. or teÍninal catecories.and for which Intel doesn'talreadyprovitlea prewrittendriver. The customdriver irterface enablesyou to add supportfor any deviceyou choose. Another advantageofcustom dtiversis they are not restrictedto the limitationsimposed by the other driver interfaces.For example,the randomaccesssupportcodesetsup a queuingmechanismto handlerequestsfor the device. In this queu€,requestsare handled in a way that minimjzesa disk'sseÈktime. lfyou want to handledevicerequestsbasedon a priority basisinstead,you can write a customdriver to provide that feature. In summary,the customdriver interlàceenablesyou to provide supportfor any device and in anv mannervou choose. I)eviceDrivers flser's Guide FEATT'RES OF THE DRTVT:RI\TERFACFS of CustomDrivers 2.1.2 Disadvantages to writing customdriversrather than usingone of the There are severaldisadvantages other driver interfaces. First, customdriversusuallytake lorger to write, becauseyou mustprovideyour o\ùfl versionsof the standardfeaturesthat the I/O Systemalreadyprovidesfor common, randomaccess,and terminaldevices. Also, debuggingtime tendsto increasefor the samereason.r ith more codeto write, there is a greaterchanceof errors occurring. Finally,unlessyou coordinalelhe desÌgnofyour customdriversto allow codesharing,the codesizeof customdriverstendsto be larger. with .andom accessdrivers,all driversuse the samerandomaccesssupportcode. With mostcustomdrivers,eachdriver must provide all of its own functions,therebyduplicatingthe functionsprovidedby other clìstomdrivers. 2.2 RANDOMACCESSAND COMMONDRIVERS The I/O Systempaovidessupportcodethat handlesmany of the standardfunc,tions required by commonand randomaccessdevices.If you useone of the lntel-supplied commonor randomaccessdrivers,or ifyou write your own driver and adhereto the common/randomaccessmodel,your drivershaveaccessto all the capabilitiesof the l/O System'ssupportcode. The samesupportcodehandlesboth commonand random accessdevices,and the interfaceto the supportcodeis the samefor both kinds of devices(as describedin Chapter6). The I/O Systemdetermineswhethera deviceis a commondevice(lìke a line printer) or a randomaccessdevice(like a disk drive) by a valueyou supplyin a table (calÌeda device-unitinformationblock or DUIB) that describesthe deviceto the I/O System.The DUIB is descrìbedin derailin Chapter4. The valuethat distinguishes commonfrom randomacccssdrivcrsis callcd NUM$BUFFERS. A nonzerovaluefor NUM$BUFFERS indicatesthat the deviceis a random accessdeviceand that the I/O Systemshouldusethat manybuffersofmemory to perform data blockingand deblockingoperations.Theseblockingand deblocking operationsare specialfeaturesofthe randomaccesssuppoatcodethat guaranteethat read and write operationsstart on sectorboundaries. A zero valuefor NUM$BUFFERS tells the I/O Systemthat the deviceis a common deviceand that there is no needto worry aboutblockingand deblocking,or about any o[her specialfealure associated with aandomaccessdevices. DeviceDriversUser'sGùid€ FEATUR.ES OF THE DRIItsR INTERFACES 2,2.1 FeaturesCommonand RandomAccessDevicesCanAccess Severalfcaturcaofthe supportcodeare availablero both conìmonand r-andouaci-css devices. lnterruptTasksand InterruptHandlers For commonandrandomaccess devices, thesupportcodecreatesan interrupttaskand an interrupthandlerto communicate with the devices.Althoughthe use.-written procedures mustprovidethedevice-specific code,the supportcodesetsup the structure for the interrupttaskandthe interrupthandler. The interruptlevelfor thehandlerandtaskis configurable. You specifythelevelwhen yousetup thedeviceinformationtable.Referto Chapter5 for moreinformation. The supportcodesetsup andmanages a queuefor handlingdevicercquests.Whenever î taskrequests access to thedevice,the supportcodeplacestherequestin the queue.It processes requests for commondevices in a first-iÌr/fist-outmanner.It processes requests for randomaccess devices in a modifiedfirst-in/first-outmannerthatminimies the device's seektime (seethe "SeekOptimizatjon" sectionlaterin thischapter). VolumeChangeNotlfication Oneof the optionsof theA$SPECIALandS$SPECIAL a raskro be rystemcallsenables notifiedwhenever thevolumeon a devicebecomes (suchaswheoswappirg unavailable diskettes or changing tapecartridges).Thisfeaturerequiresthatthe deviceis capableof detectingandsignalingvolume changes or thatthelowleveldevicedriverprocedures can recogniethechange. Altcr the taskrequests thisnotification, thesupportcodesignals the taskwlteDever a volumehasbeenchanged (or whenthe stopbuttonhasbeenpressed).Thisallowsthe task to detach the device arìd attach it again, so as not to coÍupt rhe data on a new volumeby assumingthe previousvolumeis stillpresent. If the deviceitselfcan recognizewhen a volumehasbeenchanged(or when the stop button hasbeenpressed),all the user-writtendtiver codemust do is detectwhen a dooropen or other similar conditionoccursand call the I/O System-supplied procedure NOTIFY (describedin Chapter5). The supportcodehandlesthe rest. Once the supportcodenotifiesan applicationtaskthat a volùme hasbeenchanged,the applicationtask can dctachthc deviceand reattachit. DeviceDriversUse/s Guide 2--ì FEÀTURESOF THE DRTVERINTERFACES If a task attemptsto perform an I/O operationon a commonor randomaccessdevice beforeinvokingeither the PHYSICAL:$ATTACH$DEVICEor LOGICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE systemcall,the supportcodere.ognizesthat the device hasn'tbeen initialized. Insteadof attemptingto perform the operation,the supportcode returnsan E$IO exceptioncodeto the invokingtask. Long-TermOperations (suchasrewindinga tape)takea considerable SomeI/O operations amountof time. Insteadof delayingI/O operations on all unitsof a devicewhilea long-termoperation takesplace,the supportcodeprovidesa mechanism that enables driversto specilywhen long-termoperations startandwhentheyarecomplete.with thisinformation, the supportcodecanprocess operations on otherunitsofthe samedevicewhilethelong-term operationis in progress. For thismechanism to work,the user-written drivercodemustcallthe InteÌ-supplied BEGIN$LONG$TERM$OP procedures andEND$LONG$TERM$OP whenstartingand finishinga long-termoperation.Chapter5 describes theseprocedures in detail. Long-termoperations on someunitsrequiremultjpleoperations.For example, rewindifig a tapemightrequireseparate rewindandreadfile markoperations.The supportcode providesa mechanism thatenablesdriversto performmultipleoperations before notilyingthesupportcodethatthelong-termoperationis complete.To usethis mechanism, theuser-written drivercodemustca[ theIntel-supplied CET$IORS procedure eachtime it wantsto performanotherintermediate ope.ation.Chapter5 describes rhisCEfiIORS procedure. 2.2.2 SpecialFeaturesfor RandomAccessDevices In addition to the features listed in the previous section, the I/O System'ssupport code suppÌies severalotherfeaturesthatapplyspeciiically to randomaccess devices. Diyidingl/O Requestsby Sectoror by Track As mentioned earlier,therandomaccess supportcodecandivide1/O requests into multiplerequests, eachof whichreadsor writesinformationstartingat sectorboundades. Thishappens auiomatically, wirhourspecialcodingin the user-written procedures. A similarfeatureenables theI/O Systemto guarantee thatno singleI/O requestcros3cs a trackboundaryon devices with uniformgranulariry.Duringdeviceconfiguration, the usercanchoosewhetherthesupportcodeprovidesthisfeature.Whenthisfeatureis activated, the supportcodespecifies deviceaddresses astracknumber/sectoa number. just Otherwise it specifies them with a logicalblocknumber. 2-4 DeviceDriversUser'sGuide FEATURESOF THE DRIVERINTERFACES The randomaccesssupportcodeautomaticallyordersread,write, anrl scekrequesrsin a way that minimizes overall device accesstime. For example,for disk drives, the requests are orderedto minimizeheadmovement.This imorovesoerformanceofthe entire system. Seek Ovèrlap Randomaccessdevicescanoverlapseekoperations(whichtake relativelylongperiodsof time)on oneunit of a devicewith otheroperations on otherunitsof thesamedevice.To facilitate!his,thesupportcodecandividereadandwriteoperations into separate seek operations followedby reador writeoperations.Whilethe seekoperationis takingplace or one unit, the support codc can start another operation on anotlter unit. For lhis to workho.ùever, theuser-written d.ivercodemustcallthe Intel-supplied SEEK$COMPLETE procedure whenthe seekoperationis finished.Chapter5 explains theSEEK$COMPLETE procedure in moredetail. Relries lfan l/O operationlàilsbeaause of a sitùationthatmightnot existeverytime the operationis attempted(controllers usuallycategorìze theseassofterro.s),the .andom access supportcodedoesn'treturnan exception codeimmediately.Instead,it retfiesthe operationasmanytimesastheuserspecifies duringconfiguration. Thisprocess is automaticanddoesnot rcquirethe user-written driverroutinesto includeanyspecial code.All the driverroutinesmustdo is setthestatuscodeto E$IO (2BH)andtheunit statuscodeto IO$SOFI 12)in theIORS. 2.3 TEBMINAL DRIVERS Ifyou useone of the Intel-suppliedterminaldrivers,or ifyou write your own driver and adhereto the terminal driver model,you haveaccessto all of the capabilitiesofthe l/O Systern'sTerminal SupportCode. Thesecapabilitiesincludeusingcontrol charactersto control terminal I/O, redefining thosecontrol characters,setttngconnectionand terminalmodes(includingsettingup charactertranslationand simulation),usingan auto-answermodem,inquiring aboutthe current terminal setup,limiting a terminal to one connection,and programmatically insertingtext into the terminal'sinput stream. The followingpa.agraphsdescribehow to usethe Terminal SupportCode to control a terminal. DeviceDriYersUset'sGuide F'EATURESOF THE DRIVER INTERFACES 2.3.1Terminall/O Therearethreebuffersinvolvedwhenever a taskreadsinputfrom a terminal:the raw input buffer, lhe Terminalsupport code input buffer, andthe applicadontask'sbuffer. Eachterminaldevice-unit hasits ownrawhput bufferandits ownTerminalSùpport Codeinput buffer. Eachtaskthat readsinput from a terminal hasits ownbuffer. Fìgure 2-1showshowthesebùffersinteract. k) rahenappri.aronrask ren nal9uppofcode Figure2-1. BùffersUsedin Terminal I/O As Figure2-l shows, inputcharacters passthroughall threebulferson thei wayfrom the terminalto the application task. 2-6 1. First,theterminaldrivertakescharacte.s from thedevice(the terminal)andplaces theminto therawinputbuffer. 2. Whenthedevìcedriversignals theTerminalSupportCodethatan inputinterrupt hasoccurred. theTerminalSupportCodetransfe.sthecharactenfrom the raw inputbufferto theTerminalSupportCodeinputbuffer. DeviceDriversUserrsGuide FEATURES OF THE DRIVERINTERFACES 3. Whenùe l/O System passes a teadrequesrto theTerminalSupportCode (because a taskcalledA$READor S$READ$MOVE andspecified a connection to a terminal),the TerminalSupportCodcmovesthecharacters from its inputbuffer to thetaskbufferfor thisreadrequest(thetaskspe.cified a pointerto thisbuiferin its,A.$READ or S$READ$MOVE call). Thesizeof therawinputbufîer,andwherethebufferresides, depends on the q?e of terminaldriver.For nonbuffered (devices terminaldevices thatdo not havedual-porî memoryof theirown),the terminaldrivermustcreatea logicalsegment for the rawinput bufferwhenit initializestheunit. For bufferedterminaldevices. the rawinoutbuffer residesin the dual-po.tmemoryof the terminalconrrollerboard.Referro ihe "Terminal InitializationProcedr.rre" seciionof Chaoter6 to seehowthe rawinDutbufferis initialized. Whenthe TerminalSupportCodetransfers characters ftom the rawinputbufferto its inputbuffer,thenumberofcharacters in therawinputbufferdepends on the t,?e of terminal device. tsut1èred terminaldevices do not needto sendan interruDteachtime an inoutcharacter is transmitted, sotheremightbe manychararrers in lhe ra; inputbufferwhenaninput inlerruptoccurs.Themaximumnumberdepends on thesizeof thebuffereddevice's inputbufferfor thatdevice. Nonbuffered devices mustsendoneinteÍupt for eachinputcharacte., sothereis usually oDlyonecharacterin therawinputbufferat a time. However,therawinputbuffer enables othe.inputcharacters to be sentwhiletheTerminalSuppo.tCodeis processing thepreviousinputcharacter.Fo. nonbuffered devices, thesizeofthe rawinputbuffer providedby lntel-supplied driversis 25óbytes.îfer Thesìzeof theTerminalSupportCode'sinputbufferis fixEd.The bufferfor each terminaldevice-unit is 256decimalbyteslong. EachTerminalSupportCodeinputbuffer is dividedinto twologicalbuffers:a qpe-ahead bufferanda line editbuffer. How input characters movethroughtheselogicalbuffersandinto theapplication task'sbuffer depends on theterminal'sinputmode. If the terminal'sinputmodeis line-editmode,characters ftst moveinto the type-ahead buffer.Theymovefrom the t,?e-ahead bufferto theline-editbufferwhenthe user performsline-editing functions(thecharacters usedto perfo.mline-editing functionsare described laterin the "Line-Editing Functions" sectionof thischapter).Whenthe TerminalSupportCodereceives a readrequestftom the I/O System, it movesthelineeditedcharacters to therequesting application task'sbuffer. DeviceDriversUser'sCuide FEATURES OF THE DRIVER INTERFACES The maxirnum numberofcharacters thatan application taskcanrequestof a terminalin line-editmodeis 253decimal.(Thisallowsonecharacter for a line terminator,usuallya carriagereturnor a linefeed.) Ifthe terminaloperatortriesto typemorethan253 eachextla characters beforeq?ing a line terminator,theTerminalSupportCodediscards characterandechoes a bel (CONTROL-G)to the terminal. or llushmode,theline-editbufferis not used. If a terminal'sinpùtmodeis transparent Characters bùfferto theapplication task'sbufferwithoutbeing movefrom the9?e-ahead line-edited.However,eventhoughthechamcters aren'tline-edited, theTerminal SupportCodestill mightmodilysomeof thecharacters beforeplacingtheminto the application task'sbuffer. Outputcontrolcharacters, OSCsequences, andTerminal Character Sequences canall be intercepted andmodifiedbytheTerminalSupportCode, depending on the termirial'scurrentconneation modes.(kter se€tions in thischapter describe thesecharacter sequences andtheconnection enable or disable modesusedto them.) lf youwantto ensurethatall qpesof characters without canbereceived modification whenthe terminalis in transparent or flushmode,youmustalsosetthe outputcontrolmodeandthe OSCcontrolmodesothattheTerminalSupportCodedoes not acton thesecharacters whentheyappearin the inputstream. 2,3.1,3 DifierencebetweenTransparentand FlushMode Thedifference betweentransparent modeandflushmodeis howtheTerminalSupport Codetreatsreadrequests. In flushmode,the readrequestreturnsimmediately with asmanycharacters ascurrently residein theTerminalSupportCode'sinputbuffer,up fo the numberofcharacteN requested.Thismeansthatanynumbea ofcharacters, from 0 to the numberrequested, mightmoveinto theapplication task'sbuffer. In transpare[tmode,thereadrequestdoesnot returnuntil all thecharacters requested by the application taskaremovedinto theapplication task'sbuffer. The maximumnumberofcharacterc thatcanbe readin onerequest,in eithertransparent or flushmode,is 255for nonbuffered devices and255Dlusthesizeof the devjce's dualpofi memoryfor buffeaeddevices. CAUTION In tmnsparentmode,ifany chamctelsbecome lostduringtransmission, an input rrqùestcanrcmainùnsatislied.In this case,theterminalwill appearto benodfunctional. 2-8 DeviceDriversUsels Guide FEATURXSOF THE DRIVERINTERtrACES 2.3.2 ControllingTerminall/O TheTerminalSupportCodesupplies a setof controlfùnctionsthet,whenplacedin the inputstreamof data,affectthemannerin whichdataflowsbetweenthe BasicI/O System anda terminal.Therearetwo kindsof controlfunctioris:line-editing functionsand outputfunctions.Thecontrolcharacters assigned to thesefunctionsareconfigurable (referto the"ControlCharacter Redefinition" se.ction ofthis chapter),but a defaultsetof controlcharacte.s is provided.Thenexttwosections discuss thesecontrolcharacters. Not all the chaaacters describedin the nexttwo sectionsîake effectwhenenteredfrom a terminalrunningundertheHumanInterfaceCLI. Theonlycontrolfunctionsthatstill opcratcundcrth€CLI arethedeletecharacter, lineterminatorcharacter, emptyq?eaheadbuffercharacte., startoutputchamcter, andstopoutputchamcter.Referto the Opemtor'sGuideto theErtcnded|RMXII Hunan lhteface for informationconcemingfhe specialcharacters that areavailable with theCLl. In thesetwo sections, the term"cu.rentline"refe.sto the setofcharacters (possibly with editinghavìngbeenperformedon them)thattheoperatorhasenteredsincethe most recentlyenteredline terminator. Thc controlfunctionsthattheTerminalSupportCodeusesto editdatain the line-edit bufferaredescribed in thenextfewparagraphs, alongwith the defaultcontrolcharacters assigned to performthosefunctions.Eachcontrolcharacter described herecanbe replaced with a differentcontrolcharacter by meansofcontrolcharacter redefinition, whichis described laterin thischapter. NOTÉ, The line-editing control characters deseribedin the following paragraphs are effectiveonly when the terminal'smodeis line-edítmode (the default rnode)and when the charactersappearin the input stream. The charactershaveno effectwhen the terminalis in transoarentor flush mode.or *hen the characters appearin rheoutpur.trÀur. I)eviceDriversUset'sCuide 2.9 f,.E,ÀTURESO[' THE DRT!'ER INTERF'ACES Function L ne terrainator Delete charadsr Deflult Control Characl€lsl D€scriotion Cariag6 R6tumor Lin€F€€d ΀rminat6sth6cur€ntlin6. Ent€ ng shhera cariag€roturnor a lineleedcalrses tho T6rminalSupport Cod€to inssda carriaqerstumanda lin€l6€dinlolhe cur€ntlin€, Aft€rrcceiving a lin€terminator, th6fgrmìnalSupportCodemoveslhe curentlin€(orth6numb€rol charact6rs sp€cif6dintho inputrequ€st,ilth€ rèquesl is for tew€rcharaclsrsthan are in ìha clrsrìr line)fromthe typsah€ad buffer, throughlh€line€ditbuffer(iflin€-editing mod€is in €ffsct),rorhstasldsbull€r.lf characi€rs romainin th€ lin+€dilbulf6r,th€T€rminal SupponCod€useslhemto satist thonexlroqu€r lcr inputlromthotormanal. Rubout R€mov6sth€ lastdatacharaclerftom th€ currentlins. That is, th€ rubout proc€dingúeruboutcharacler characî€r andùe dalacharad€rimm€diat€ly ln lhe currentlinearebothr€movsdftomth€curont lin6. ll th€terminalhasa disolav scrc€n,thechaactercombination (backspac€)(spac€)(backspace) is ochoedtothe scr€€n.ll lhél€fminaloLfputis hardcopy,th6delet€dcharacter is displayed a sscondtim6,suroundsdby '#' characters. Forexample, th€ saquenc€ 'CAT(ruboú)(rubout)(rubout)' $euldappearas CAT#TAC*andwouldenterand aemov€ th€ l€ttersC, A, andI fromth6cur€ntlin€. Ouot€nért characl€r CONIROL-P Causesthen€xtcharaci€r €nt€r€dto b€ treatoda6data,€v€nìl thatcharacter is normally a linè€ditingcontfolcharaci€r.(Odpulcorììrolcharacl6rs, suchas perrormtheirnormaltunclions CONTROL-S andCONÍROL'Q, 6venif pr€csdedby a CONTBOL-P.) Duínglin6-édh mode,theTerminalSupport Coderemoves the CONTROL-Plrom th€cur€ntlin€br,jtleavesthedisabledcharacterthat followsin th€ inputslrcam.Neith€rrhe CONTROL,P northecharacter thatimmediately followsn aredisDlaved atth€t€rmrnat, Redlsplay hne CONTROL-R Displays a'#'andlh€n skipsro th€ nextlineanddispla!€th€currsntlin€wirh editingalr6adypedormed.Thisenables th€terminalop€ratorto seethe ellectsof th€€ditingcharaclefs €mer€dsinc€ths moslr€c6ntlin6terminalor.lf lh6 curent lin€is €mpty,CONTROL-R dlspla!€th€ praviousline Morcóv€r, il an op€lator snt€rsCONTROL-R ssveralllm€s successively, th€T€rminalSuppoCod€dispLays previouslin6s(skipping thosethatconsistoJcariag€retum/lin6f66donly)unUllt canlfind anymor6lines;then ir fepeatedty disptays lh6 taEttinstoundforthe r6maining CONTROL-R's. Emptytype CONIROL-U lmmediarely empiiesrh6typèaheadbufi€rrheTerminat SupporrCodemanages. Delete[n6 CONTROL-X D6l6tes thecuffentline. CONIFOL-X discardsattcharacters entercdsincethe mostfec€fi tin€terrnlnalor andcauses,*'lo b€ display€d, End ol fle CONTROL-Z Terminates Ìh€ curent in€(usedto signifyth66ndof fi16).CONTROL-Z differs fromCariagendurn andLineFe6din thatCONTROL-Z do€snotbecomepartol th€cur€ntline. Consequ6nlly, €nt€ring CONTROLZ causesa laskpendingon an AgREAD cellrohaveitsreadr6qu€stsarislt€d whhouttransferring th€€nd-ol,îte charact€r 1olh€ waitingtask'sbuff€r,lf thischaraclsr is th€ onlycharacl€r on a line, no chalactels wittb€s€ntin r€sponsetoth€readrequesi. Speciallin6 termlnatof 2-to Non€ lerminatesth€cur€ntlin€wilhorÌinserng a carriag€return/line t66dlntothe teÍ tream. TheT€fminal supporlcode fansfefsthissp6ciattin€t€fminator 10the waitingtasks bufier,butit do€snot€xpandthelÌn€terminator intoacariage return/rh€f€€dpai. DeviceDriversUsefs Guide FEATIJR.ES OF THE DRII'ER INTERFACES Outputto a Termlnal When sendingoutput to a tenninal,the Terminal SupportCode alwaysoperatesin one of four modes. The current output modecan be switcheddynamicallyto any of the othet output modesby enteringan output control characterat the terminal. The output modes and their characteristics are as follows: Normal The Terúinal SupportCode acceptsoutput from tasksand immediately passesthe output to the terminalfor display. This is the default mode. Stopped The Terminal SupportCodeacceptsoutput from tasks(limited by the size ofthe outputbuffer),but it queuesthe outputratherthanimmediately passing it ro the terminal. Scrolling The TerminalSupportCodeac{eptsoutputfrom tasks(limited by the size ofthe outputbuff€r),andit queuesthe outputasin the stoppedmode. However,rathe.thancompletely prevettingoutputfrom reachingthe terminal,it sendsa predetermined number(calledthescrollingcount)of linesto theterminalwhenever an operatorentersan appropriate oùtput control chalactel a! th€ !€rminal. Disca.ding The TerminalSupportCodediscards atl outputfor the terminal,rather queuing than it or passing it to theterminal. The followingoutputcontrolcharacters, whenenteredat the terminal,changethe output modefor the terminal.Like theinputcontrolcha.act€.s, eachcontrolcharacter described here is the default, and cach can bc rcplaccd with a diffcrcnt control charactcr by means ofcontrol character redefinition (explained later in this chapter). NOTI, The outputcontrolcharacters described in thefollowingparagraphs pcrformthcir intcndedop€rations onlywhentheyappearin the input stream.Theyhaveno effectwhentheyappearin the outputstream. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide 2-11 FEATUR-ESOF THE DRT!'ERI\TERFACES Defauh Function Charact€rls) D€scriotion Discard outp!î mod6. lfth6 outpuiis notin discarding outpd intoor outof discarding CONTROL'O Plac€6 placesor.nput mods,CoNTROL-O irÌlodiscarding mode. Onlhe oth€rhand,if placesoúpLnintolhémod€hwasin orfputis in discarding mods,CONTROL-O priorlo srìt€ring discarding mod€, Stad oLrtput il ths lastoutpLrt confol charact€r was CONTROL-Q Plac€soutpú intonormalmode. How6v€r, ths oulpú mod6r6turnsto *hat it wasb€loro€nteringstopp€d CONTROLS, modo. Notstharthisimpliosth6following: . Th€CONTROL.S, CONTROL-Q B€quenc€ ah{a}€rstumsthgoutplltmode to whal n was b€forgthe 6equ€n@was b€gun, . Th€CONTROL.O, CONÍROL-Q sequ€nc€ alwaysplacesoulputintonormal mod€, Stop outplrt mode, CONTROL-S PlacesoLlputintostoppedmode. Howev€r, if oulputwasin thediscarding placos;t CONTROL-S leavesit in discarding mode,buta subsequ€nt CONTROL-O in slooo€dmods. ScroI one lin€ CONTROL,Í Placesodpú irdoscrcllingmodó,tómpoarilys6tsthe scrcllcounttoone,sends on€outpullinsto tha16rminal, andplac€sodpllt ifnoslopp€dmod6. Scroln lines CONTROL-W Placesoutputinloscrollingmodeandsendsn linesio ihe terminal(wh€ren is th€curr€ntscfolllngcount),andplacesoutputintostoppedmod€. 2.3.3Software ControlStrings TheTerminalSupportCodeenables youto setterminalmodesandinqr.rire asto their youusefor settingor inquiringis theSoftwareControl currentsetting.The mechanism String,asdefinedin theAmericanNationalStandards Institutepublication ANSI X3.64 (1979).Therearetwo kindsof SoftwareControlStrings:the OperatingSystem Command(OSC)sequence andtheApplicationProgmmCommand(APC)sequence. TheOperatingSystemCommandsequence, or OSCsequence, is usedby a programor a terminalope.atorto comrnunicate with theOperatingSystem via theTerminalSupport Code. You can use OSC sequencesto set the mode ofthe terminal or to request information about the current modes. The format of the OSC seouenceis as follows: 2-t2 DeYiceDrivers User'sGuide FEATURES OF THE DRI!'ERINTERFACES The openingdelimiter(EscapeRightBracket)informstheTerminalSupportCodethe datathatfollowsis an OSCsequence, andtheclosingdelimiter(Escape Backslash) indicates theendofthe sequence. TheTerminalSupportCodecanb€ setup to acceptOSCsequences asinputfrom the terminaloperator,asoutputfrom a task(viaA$WRITEor S$WRITE$MOVE, for example), from both,or from neither.The'Connection Modes"sectionof thischapter describes howto setup theTerminalSupportCodeto acceptOSCsequences. WhentheTerminalSupportCodeis setup to acceptOSCsequences, it stripsthe OSC sequence from the inputor outputstreamandperformsthe desiredoperation. TheApplicationProgamCommandsequence (or APC sequence), ìsusedby the Operatrng System(in thiscase,theTerminalSupportCode)to sendintbrmationto an programor terminal.For example, application to request ifyou usean OSCsequence inlormationaboutth€currentmodeofyour terminal,theTerminalSupportCode responds bysendinganAPC sequence containing the requested information.Theformat of theAPC sequcncc is asfollows: The openingdelirniter(EscapeUnderline) informsthe applicationprogram(or the operator)the data that followsis an APC sequence, and the closingdelimiter (Escape Backslash)indicatesthe end of the sequence. When sendingan APC sequence, the Terminal SupportCode insertsthe charactersthat makc up thc sequenceinto the terminal'sinput buffer,just as ifthe operatorhad typed them. This allowsthe applicationprogam to read the characters.The APC sequenccis echoedat the terminal if echomode is enabledla later sectiondescribesenablinsand disablinsechomodel. DeviceDrivers Use/s Gulde T.EATURESÓF' THE DRI!'ER INTERT'ACES 2.3.4Modesof TerminalOperation A terminal supportedby the Terminal Supportcode is governedby numerousmodesof opcration. SomeoI thcsemodesapplydirecdyto the ienninal, and are irdependentof the connectiona task usesto communicat€with the terminal. The remainingmodes dependentirely upon th€ conn€ctionbeingused. The followingsectionsdiscussthese modes. A terminal operatoror a programcan set thesemodesby issuingOSC sequences.Figure 2-2 showsan overallsyntaxdiagam of the possibleOSC sequences.the remainderof portionsof the diagramin more detail. When readingthe this chapterdiscusses remainderof this chapter,.ememberyou can combineindividualportionsof OSC sequences as shownin Frgve2-2. Insteadofusing OSC sequences, your programscan usethe A$SPECIAL or S$SPECIAL systemcall to set most of the modesdescribedin this chapter. Thosethat A$SPECIAL cannotset are notedwhen described. When a terminalis attached(duringsysteminitializationor when loggingonto the system),its defaultterminal and connectionmodesare thosethat were assigneddu.iîg systemconfiguration.The valuesspeciliedin the Unit InformationScreenassociated with the terminal'sDUIB are usedas the defaultmodes. 2-14 DevlceDriYersUser'sGuide I.EATURDSOF THE DRI}'ER INTER.FACES Figùre2-2. ConpositeOSCSequence Diagram DeviceDdvers User'sGuid€ FE,{TURES OF THE DR]ì'TR INTERT'ACES ConnectionModes the modesthatdependon theconnection to the terminal,rather Thissectiondescribes to a terminal ùan on the terminalitself. with thesemodes,whenmulfipleconnections via the first connection exist,the terminalmightoperateonewaywhencommunicating via thc sccondconncction. anda differentwaywhcncommunicating wordfor Eachoîthesemodesrelatesdirectlyto oneor morebitsin theconnection$flags the connection(asdefinedin the Extended|RMXII BasicI/O SSrtemCalh mantal description of theA$SPECIALsystemcall). Thenamesof themodes,the single-letter wordto whichthey identification codesfor themodes,thebitsof theconnection$flags correspond, anda briefdescription of theirfunctionsaregivenin Table2-1. AssumingtheOSCcontrolmodeis setappropriately, themodesa terminalinheritsfrom a connection can be altered. The syrtax of an OSC seguencethat wiII change one or more of these modes is as follows: where c: Indicates thissequence appliesto a connection.You mustinclude thecolon(:) afterth€ C. modeid An ID letterfrom thelist of modesgivenin Table2-1. decimalnumber Thevalueto whichyouwantto setthe mode.Thisnumbermust be of the character data type. TabÌe2-1containsa briefdescription ofthe modesandvalues.For a morecomplete description,rei€r to the descriptionof A$SPECIAL in theExrende.d. íRMXII BasicI/O S$îem Callsfi nral 2-16 DeviceDriversUsefs Guide FEATURES OF THE DRIVERINTERT'ACES Table2-1. Connection Modes ModeNam6 ID Input I Bir(s) Descdption andValues G1 Invalid€rtrv, Thisvalu€is reselved lor frltursus€, Transparert mode, Inputis transrnined to the requesting task w hoú b€inghn€edhedBeror€beinglransminod, dala accumulàes in a bufisrunlilthenurnborof .hara.ters€qualsthe numb€rrequested by th6laskin ils readcall. Linssditingmod6.Inpú l6mainsin the lin+èditbuffèruntila line terminator is ènl6r6d-Whil€in th€ liné-edit buff€r.inoutcontrol charact6rc canb€ us6dlo €dittho inpú, In line-6dlting rnode,the (plus T€rminalSuppon inp'rtilnesto2S4charact€rs Codefsstricts a lineterminator, suchas cariagereturnor linef€€d).lîan op€raror €ntersmor€than254chafactefs b€loreataskmakesan inpú request, onlythefrct 254arepassedlo the r6questing task's bufier.Theremaining characters arelost. lfiherearemor€ charactèrs thenrequèst6d in th€bufferwhene linetB.minator ls entered, onlylherequested characiers aresent.Theadditlonal characters remainln th€ buferJorth€neK inputrequestFlushmode. Inpulisfansmisedtothe requesting laskwhhor,i b€ingline€diied.Belorebeingtransmitted, dataaccumulat€s in a buff€rufil an inpuîr€q|]€stoccurs(hal is,alask issu€sa read reques0.Then,the numberoi charac-lers requesled is movedkom theTefminal SupportCode npulbufertothe requestinglasks buffer,lf charac-teF remainln the buf6r,theyaresav€dforth€ nextinputrcqu€st.lfnot enoughcharaclers arein th€ buffer,lhe y withallavailable r€queslls r€tLrrned immodiate characl€rs, withoutwaitingforth€ numb€rof charact€rs r€qu€r€d. E.ho E InputpaÍty sening 2 TheT€ffninalSuooort Codeechooscharaclers to lho t6rmnal's 3 Forchalaclers enleredattheterrnnal,thelerminalSupporlCode setstheoarw bt to o. fhe ferminalSupport Codedoesnot alterth€ inputpariiybji. parity OutpLn s6tting Forcharaclors sentto theterminal,lhe TerminalSupport Codesets thoparitybitto zero, ThoTorminalSupporl Codedoesnot aherth6outputparitybii. Outputcontrol o 5 OSCconlrol c ÈT TheTerminalSuppo( andactson outputcontrol Coderecognizes charactors in thg inpuistream, TheT€rmlnalSupport in CodeignoresoLltpLlconlrolcharacters the rnputsfeam. andactson OSC TheTerminalSupport Coder€cogniz€6 sequenceslhat app€arin 6ilh6rtheinputof outpú sfeam. in the inpul TheTerminalSuppod Codeactson OSCsequgnces in th€output TheTer.,îinalSupportCodeactson OSCs€quencss Th€T€rminalSlpport Cod€doesnotacton anyOSCsequences. D€viceDrivers User's Cuide 2-17 FEÀTURES OF THE DRIVER INTERFACES NOTE concurrently to obtaininput It is possible to ùsetwo or moreconnections from a single terminal. In such cases,the connection associatedwith the modesin effect.This lastactivereadrequestalwayshasits connection meansthat ifcharacters comein from theterminalbeforea[other the connection's readrequesthasb€eníssuedto teceivethosecharacters, areprocessed in theTerminalSupportCode'sinputbuffer characters with thepreviousread to theconnection modesassociated according request.To preventdatalossor coruptionof datawhenusing ensurethatread with differentconnection modesettings, connections reqùests occurbeforedatacomesin from the terminal. In addition to the modesa terminal inheritsfrom a connection,a terminal hasmodesthat are the sameregardlessof the connectionusedto communicatewith it. This section desqibestheseterminalmodes. Most of the terminal modesrelatedirectlyto informationsuppliedas input to the A$SPECIAL systemcall, either as one or more bits in the terminal$flagsword for the connection,or as other wordsin the terminal$attributes structure(reier to the description of the A$SPECIAL systen call in the Extended.RMX Il Basic I/O SystetnCalb mat\ral lor more informationaboutthis structure). IIowever,someofthe modeshaveno relation to A$SPECIAL. The namesof the modes,the single-letteridentificationcodesfor the modes,the bits of the terminal$flagsword to which they correspond(if applicable),and a brief descriptionof their functionsare givenin Table2-2. The modesthat do not correspondto optionsin A$SPECIAL are notedwith asterisks(+) h Table 2-2. Assumingthat the OSC control mode is set app.opriately(seeTable 2-1),a terminal's modescan be alteredusingOSC sequences.The syntaÌ of an OSC sequencethat changes one or more of the modescoveredin this sectionis as follows: 2.18 Devlce DriversUsefsGuide FEATURXSOF THE DRIVERINTERFACES T: Indicatesthissequence applìesto a terminal.You mustincludethecolon lr) aftertheT. mode id An ID letterfrom thelist ofmodesgivenin Table2-2. n Thisparameteris validonlyif the modeID is C, E, or Z. It is the decimal representation ofan ASCIIcode(if themodeID is C or Z) or thenumber of anescape sequence listedin Table2-3(ifthe modeID ìs E)If themodelD is C, thisparameter represents a functioncodefrom Table 2-6. lf the modcID is M, it is thenumberof a terminalcharacter sequence listedin Table2-4. Ifthe modeID is Z, it is an jntegerfrom 0 to 3 thatspecifies theindexinto the specialcharacter array.Otherwise it is thevalueto whichyouwantto changethe mode,aslistedin Table2-2. Device Drivers Usefs Guide 2-19 F'EATURES OF TIIE DRI!'ER INTERF"A.CES Tsble2-2. TerminalModeslcontinued) ID 8h(s) L 1 andValu6s 0escription 1 = Halfduplex. 2 0 - Videodisplayterminaì. (hardcopy). 1 = Prirìt€d M 3 0 = No mod€mconnéc1€d. toth6 hardware bya modem, 1 = lh€l€rminalisconn€cîgd R 4-5 Output medlum handling Fordriv€rsthat supponlinkpelamel€ls, th6ph)sicallinkmode (lDN)*h€n 6nabl€doverid€sthissetring.(Bit15ofth€ physical linkrÌeldenablèsanddisablesthat mod6.) 0 = Driveralwayssstsinpú paritybit100. Thisyields8-bÌtdala. 1 = Dr v€rneveraherctheinpú pafilybil. Thisi€lds &bh dala. 2 = Driverexpeclsevenparityon inpui.fhis yislds7-bitdala. 3 - Driverexpectsodd parityon inpu,Ì.Thisyields7'bitdata. driver,il an ExceptfortheTerminal Colnmunications ConùolÌ€r €nofocculswh€n€v€nor odd parìryis s€1,lhedriversotsthé eighlhbitlo one. Erors inclld€la) a parity€rror,(b)th€ r€c€iv€d slopbl hasa valLeof 0 (fa- ng eÍor). or (c)the previoLs (ov€runero4. characler receivecl hasnotyelbeenI'rllyprocessed ForrheTerminal drlv6r,ifa parity€ror ComnìuncationsConùoller is discarded.lf aftamingeÍoroccurs,the occurs,thecharacter (ootl)withouteror characl€r is raturned as an &bit nullcharact€r Outpú parity handling e8 physicallink Fordriversihatsuppoitlnk paramelers,lhe mode (lDN)whenenabledoveridesthissetting. 0 = Driveralwa)€setsoúprlt paritybitto0. ThisyioldsS-bit data. 1 = Diveralwayssetsthe odpú parhybnto 1. fhis yi€ldsa bit 2 = D versetsoutpú paritybitto give6venpadty.lhis yields7-bil dala, 3 = Driversetsoutputparitybitto giv6odd parity.Thisyi€ds7-bli daìa. 4 = Driverdoesnotchangeparity.Thisyields&bil data. NOTE lfyou set input or oLîput parityro evenorodd, you musl sel both of lhem to th6 sam€ value. That is, ifyou sei mode l0 R lo 2 or3, lou musl also set mods lDWto th€ sam€ valu€. 2--20 DeviceDrivers User'sGuide FEATURIS OF TIIE DRII'ER INTER.FACES Table2-2, Terminal Modeslcontinuedì ModeName ID Bi(s) Translation T I Doscription andValu€6 IndicSoswhstherth€ T€rminalSupportCod6 fcrthis lerminal p€rflrms ianslaiion b€twoen ANSI Standad X3.64 escape 6€quencasand unjqueterminalchafaclsfE€quenc€s. 0 = Oo not €nablèkan6lation. 1 = Enabl€fanslation. 10-12 andorienlalion Each bit in this throabl fi€lcicor6spondsto a diferent funclion. Entsra valu€(G7) accordingly. Bit lG-tgrminalaxis s€quenc€ 0 = Listor eíl€f lh€ horizontalcoordinalofirsl, I = Listor gnt€rÌh€ vorticalcoordinat€frst. Brt11-hori.ontel dis ori€ntetlon incr€as6sftom l6ftlo right, 0 = Numbeng of coordinates froml€ítto right. 1 = Nlmbedngof coordinaies d6cr.as6É Bit 12-verticalaxis o entelion incr€as€s lromtop lo bottom, 0 = Numbering of coordinat€s 1 = Numboring of coordinales d€creas€s ftomtopto botlom. N/A Inputbaudrate srudure fieldof l€rminal$atlributes Cor€spondsto in$baud$rate in A$SPECIAL. 0 = Notappliceble. 1 = Pedoman automatic baudrale6€arch. oth€r= Actualinputbaudrats,suchas2400. o corresponds 10ourSbaud$rate fi6ldof rermina6anribules srrucrure inASSPECIAL. 0 = Notapplicabls. 1 = Us6th6inputbaudral€for oúpr.lt. othor = Ac,tualoutpr,itbaud ratg,such as 9600. Scrollingnumber N/A 1oscroll$linss fieldofl€rminal$allributes sfucturein Corr€sponds lo sèndlo lhe A9SPECIAL. Specilythe numberof linesof oirtpLtl t€rminal's ths op6ralorenlerslhescrolling displaywhsn€v€r (defaultis coNTRoL-w)controlchafacler Scrgenwdth N/A to lo',^,"ord€r b,,t€ol x$!6sizef eldin A$SPEC|Ar s Corresponds t€rminal$attrìbd€s structure.Thisisth€ numberof charactor poshions on €achlineof lhe rcrminalsscreen. Scr€enHeight N/A fsld in A$SPECIAL'S Corresponds lo high'orderbyteof x$y$sizs sfuctur€.Thisis lho nuaaber ol linoson th€ terminal$attribLJtes Device Drivers User's Cuide 2-21 FEATURNS OF TIIE DRI!'ER INîERF.I,CES Table2-2. TenninalModes(coÍtirued) ID Bit(s) Description andValu€s s Cor€spondsto tow-ord6rbyt6 of x$y$oísetfeld in A$SPECIAL Thisvalusstartsth€ numbeing terminal$attribut€s Btructure. s6qu6nc6on bom ax6s, Cufsoraddressing ofbel N/A G 0 Corèspondslo high-ord€rb)î€ of x$y$ofiselfield in A$SPECIAL'S lorminelsettib{n€s structuro.fhis isthavalueto whichthe numbering of lh€ axesmust'fallbacLatt€rr€aching127. to ffowcontrolbitin 6o€cialSmod€6 fr€ldof Corosoond6 terminal$atÎribut€s structur6 in A$SPECIAL. Thisbit spècifies rrhetheran ifit€llig€nt communications board(suchas an ISBC544A,|SBC184/4a,ilSBC186/410,or |SBC184/soboard) s€ndsllow conlrol charact€rsto or€v€ntinout bufturovedow. 0 = Disable flowcontrol, 1 = Enablolowcontrol, Specialcharaclsr D 1 Corespondsto sp€cialcharactsf bil of sp€cial$modes i6ld ol ll yourdevic€supports t€rnìinal$attributes sructur€in A$SPECIAL. specialcharaders(cufen|y,onryrheisBc 188/4a,isBc r 8a/56, |SBC186/410,|SBC546,|SBC547,and|SBC548boardsdo),the (d€fìn6d d6vc€ cans€ndan interuplwhen€v€r a specialcharacl€r lalerìn thespecialaray)btped. Wh€nSpeciaL Modeis on,thed€vic€usesinterupislo Characîor informtheTefminalsuooon codeîharsoecialcharaclefs have b€en6nier€d.lf a sp€cialcharacl€r hasalsob€endsflnedas a signalcharact€r(r€f€rlothedescription of ASSPECIAL inlh€ Enended|RMX Basicl/O SyslemCals manual),the lorminal SupportCod6s6ndsa unitlorheappropriale signals€maphore as soonas h rec€iv€slhe specialcharacter interupl. This€nablesthe specìalcharacter lo be processed ah€adol charact€rs inlho input blffsr thatarcwaitingto b€ process€d,Ho\{ever, the sp€cial character rèmainsin the inpd streamandrnustalsobe prccessed in linewilhth€ r€stoflhe inoutcharacters, llth6 spocialcharactér is noî*sgn6d as a sgnalcharacter, the T€rminalSuppori Codediscards th€sp€cialchafacter aft€r feceiving it. Wh€nSpecialCharacrer r.ode s off,the dovices6ndsspecial characters throughthe normalinpústream. lhe sottingoflhis bit is aslollows: 0 = Disabl€ SpecialCharacl6r Mod6. 1 = EnableSp€cialCharacter Mode. TheSpecialCharacler HighWatermark(A)is us€din conjuncllon withthisli€ldto controlSpecialCharaclsMode. 2-22 DeviceDriversUse/s Guide FEATURES OF THE DRT'ERINTERFACES Table2-2. Terminal Modeslcontinued) ModeName ID 8rt(s) o$criptionandValu€s Highwatermark J N/A Cor€spondsto high$war€6ma* fi€ldol rsrminal$anriblr€s structure in A$SPECIAL. Thisfi6ldsp€cifi6sth6 numberofb),1es thetgrminalcommunication board'sbuffurmustcontainbelorethe boards€ndsth€ fiow controlcharacl6rto slop input, [fhe |SBCslaA board alwaysu6€sa valueof 20 for ihe highwaler mark.lt ignorcslhisfi€ld.) K N/A Cor63ponds to lo $wat€r$mark fioldol t€rminaloattribut€s structurs|nA$SPECIAL. Thlsleld Ép€cifssth€numberof bytes thetsrminalcommunication board'sbuffermustdropto bsforethe boad 6€ndsth€ flow @nlfol charactefto *aft ìnpul. (Ths |SBC5444 board alwaysuÉ6sa valusof 20 fÍ ùe low watermark. It ignorssthisfrold.) Staninpú to lc$on$char feld of terminal$attriblx€s sructure Corr€sponds in ASSPECIAL Thisd€cimalvalue spscifesan ASCIIcharactor thatthecommunicatìon boardsendswhenth6 bulferdropstothe lowwalermark.(lh6 iSBC54.44boardalwayss€ndsan XON Stopinpú o Physical llnk N to lc$offScha. fr€ldof 1€rminal$attribut6s structure Corr€sponds in A$SPECIAL. Thisd€cimalvalue speciî€sanASCIIcharacler thatthecommuniaauon boafdsèndswh6nth6 buffsrris€6lolh€ highwatermark.(The|SBC544Aboardalweysséndsen XOFF N/A fisldof rcrminal$anribuÌss sruc1ure Corespondsto linkgparamot€i in A$SPECIAL. of ths physical fhis îeld sp€cif€scharact€ristics linkbotween thelerminalanda d€vic€,lt b notsupported by all drìv€f,lhis@ntrol devicedrivers.When€nabl€dfor a supported modsoverrides theinputandoutputparitymodes(lDsR andw). fho valu. in th€two low-ord6r bhs{0 and 1)sp6cifesthe inputand o!Îput parity,as bllows: 0 = No Pafrty 1 = lnvalidvalue 2 = Ev€nparity 3 = Odd parity fh€ valuein the nen tuo bhs(2 and3) specÌfies rhecharacter l6ngth,aslollows: 1 = 7 bils/charactor 2 = 8 bils/characler 3 = Invalidvalue DeYic€D Yersljser's Guide F'EA.TURES OF THE DRI!'ER INTERFACES Table2-2. Terminal Modes(curtirùed) ModeName t0 Br(s) Description andValu€6 Thevalu€in th€nsÍ l\/\lobirs(4and5)indicar$fis numbsfof stop bits,as follo\/sl 0=lBtopbn 1 - 1ll2 stopbits 2=2stopbÍ6 3 = Invalidvalu6 Bhs6ihrough14ar€resoN6dandshouldb€ settozaro. *h6lh6rth6 physicallink is enabledor disabled. Bit 15sp€cifiès ph!6icallink.Sattinglhe bittoO S6tringthi6bnto 1 ènabléEth6 disables th€foaturg. ForthsTsrminalcommunications contlollerdfiv€r,if a parity€rror occufson inpLrt, th€charad6,is discardod.lf a ra.rìing€rrof (oOH). occurs,thecharacter is returned as an 8'bhnullcharactef is dilterenl lhanth6 melhodused Thismsthodof error.epoding parityspecification is in €fect. whenth6lEnMlNAL$FLAGS Specialhigh N/A fr€ldin lorminal$anbutos Corespondsto spdhi$water$mark whhth6 sfuctureof A$SPECIAL. Thisfeld is u6edin conjunction fi€ld(D)to @ntrolSp€cialChaacl€rMod€. SpècialCharact€G Whenthedevice'sinprJtbufferfrllslocofiainthe nurnberof charad€rs sp€cifedinlhisfeld, SpecialCharacter Mod€is €nabled(assuminglh€ fsld isturì6d on). llthe SpscialCharact€r nurnb€rof charact€rs in th€d€vice'6inputbull€riElessthanth€ highwatsrmark,Sp€cialCharac-ter Modeis disabled,eveniflhe SpecialCharacler fieldisturnedon. lfth€ Sp€cialCharacter feld (D)is lurnedoff,thisfi€d hasno * Control c Modfiestheline.edit cha€ctérandóútpif cóntrolchaÉcter assgnments.nel€rto lhe 'ContlolCharacl€r R€d€fnition' seclion fof morsinformalion. E Paksan escapesequencewith alerminacharacl€r s€quenceto translate orsimulateaterminafunction.Tables2-3and2-4listthe valueslou canem6f, Relorto ths "TÉnslalion andSimulalion' sectionolthischapterbr mof6intormatìon. I Corresponds to an opton notavailable viaA$SPECIAL. ThéOSCOuerysoqu€nce does not r6luminformation aboL'tthisoption. 2-24 DericeDriversUser'sGuide FEATURESOF THE DRII'ER INTERFACES Tablc 2-2. Tcrmhal Modcs ID SpecialAray Bir(s) z DescrìplionandVal!6s Correspondslo special$chararay of t€rminal$attribules fr€ldin ihat A$SPECIALlhis aray canholdas manyasiourcharacl€rs aredefn6dasth€dsvic€'ssp€cialcheraclers. lf SpscialCharador Mod6 is on (andih€ d€vic€supportsSpscialCharacte.Mod€), typingaóyof thss€characl€rbal thè k€yboardgon€€t€s an irìt€rrupt thatimmediately inicms lhe fsrr'inal SupportCodethat a sp€cialcharacl€lhasb€en€ntsred.lf the charact€r is a signal it immediatoly. lf charactsr,lhè TèrminalSuppoú Cod€proé€ss€s th€chalactdisn'ta signalcharact€r, theTerminalSupport Cod6 do€s nothingwfh th6 character, Th€lormatofthiss€qusn€€ is Zn = m, wh6r6 m is en intsggfinù€ fang6G3,spscifying lhis charadersindexln lh€ so€cialcharac-tgl arav, ASCIIcoden is a decimalvalu€ oith€ soecialcharacì€r's yóu musifillih€ lfyou defnelessthanlourspecialcharact€rs, you remaining slotsol thearay withduplicates ofthe lastcharacter dsfin€, TRANSI-ATION AND SIMUI-ATION.The translation andsimulatiorcapabilities of rhe TerminalSupportCodeenableapplication programs to performsometerminalfunctions, suchas direct control of a terminal'scursor,settingtabs,and other functions,by usinga table ofpredefined escapesequences.This sectiondescribesthesecapabilities. IntelligentterminalsrecognizecertainASCII codes(usuallycontrol charactersor escape codes)as instructionsto perform terminalfunctions. This sectionrefersto thesecodesas terminal charactersequences.Unfortunately,the functionperformedby a particular terminal charactersequencevariesfrom terminalto terminal. For example,one t'?e of terminal might interpret a CONTROL-P as a Cursor fught; a secondtype ofterminal might interpret the sameCONTROL-P as a CursorDown. As a result,an application programthat usesterminalcharactersequences to manipulateterminalsmustbe modifiedwheneverthe programis usedwith a different t)?e of terminal. The Terminal SupportCode recognizescertainescapesequences (a sequenceof charactersbeginningwiththe Escapecharacter)as instructionsto perform terminal functions. Table 2-3 liststhe escapesequences the Terminal SupportCode supports. Theseescapesequences remainthe sameregardlessof the terminalyou connectto your you can useescape system.To makeyour applicationprogramsterminal-independent, seouences to control vour terminal. DeviceDriversUset'sGuide 2-25 FEATURES OF THE DRIVER INTERFACES The TerminalSupportCodecantransÌate thesedevice-independent escape sequences into device-dependent terminalcharacter sequences. How thistranslation occursdepends on an OSCsequence suppliedeitherby an operatoror by an application p.ogram.This OSCseqùence formsan association betv/een a terminalcharacter sequence andan escape sequence. If translation for the terminalis tumedon,theTerminalSupportCode replaces with th€ equivalent the escape sequence terminalcharacter sequence. If translation for the terminalis turnedoff, or ifno association hasbeenformedbetweenthe cscapcsequence anda terrninalcharacter sequ€nc€, th€TerminalSupportCod€passes the escape sequence unchanged to theterminal. TheTerminalSupportCodecanalsotranslatea singleescape sequence into multíple terminalcharacter sequences. Thisoperationis usefulfor simulating operations thatthe terminaldoesn'tsùpportdirectly. NOTE TheTerminalSupportCodetranslates escape sequences into terminal charactersequences consisting of a singlecontrolcharacter or an Escape followedby a singlecharacter.lfyour terminalrequiessequences that aremorecomplicated, or thatrequùecharacters otherthanEscapeasthe fist character in the sequence, youcannotusethe TerminalSupportCode for yoùrtranslation.Your tasksmustsendtheothersequences directly. Table2-4liststhe terminalcharacter sequences thatthe TerminalSupport Codesupports. The conceptof translation andsimulation centerson theinterrelationof threeitems: terminalcharacter sequencel escape sequence, andOSCseqùence. TerminaÌCharacter A sequence ofcharacters thatis terminal-dependent. It is usually Sequence a controlcharacter or an escape code.Table2-4liststhe terminal character sequences thatth€TerminalSupportCodesupports. For example, for a Hazeltine1510terminal,CONTROL-H(ASCII hexcode8) is a terminalcha.actersequence thatmeansCu.sor Lefî. Escfollowedby CONTROLE (ASCIIhexcodelB 5) is anotherterminalcharacter sequence that meansreadcursor address,and soforth. For a different qT,eof terminal,the same functionsmightrequirea differentsetof terminalcharacter sequences. AlthoulClall the terminalcharacter sequences of theHazeltine 1510aresupported by theTerminalSupportCode,someterminals havesequences thatarenot supported.For example, a Zentec30 terminalusestheseqùence EscG 2 (ASCIIhexcodelB 4732)to indicateblinkingmode.Thisterminalcharacter sequence is not listedin Table2-4,andthereforeit is not supported. 2-26 DeviceDriversUser'sGuide FEATURESOF THE DRIVERINTERFACES EscapeSeq!€nce A terminal-independent sequenceof charactersbeginningwith an Esccharacter.Table2-3 definesthe ANSI StandardX3.64 escape scqucnccsthat the Terminal SupportCode recognizes.Each escapesequencecorrespondsto a te.minal function. If translation is turned on, wheneverth€ escapesequenceis sentto the terminal, the Terminal Support Code replacesit with the functionally equivalentterminalcharactersequence-Alternatively,the Terminal SupportCode can either passthe escapesequenceto the terminalas is, or it can discardthe sequence. OSC Sequence A sequenceofcharacterssentto the Terminal SupportCode to establisha pairingbetweenrn escapesequenceand a terminal charactersequence.As other se.tionsin this chapterexplain,OSC sequences can alsoset otheaattributesof the terminal and the connecaron, To sendan OSC sequcncc,an operatorcan placethe OSC sequencein a file and copythe fle to :CO:, or a taskcan call A$WRITE (or S$WRITE$MóVE) to sendthe OSC sequenceto the terminal. (The opemtor cannotenter the sequencedirectly from the terminal.) The Terminal SupportCode int€rceptsthe OSC sequenceand establishes the desiredpairin& regardlessof whetherthe OSC sequencecomesfrom a file or a task. PRXPARINGTHD TERMINAL SUPPORTCODE. OSC seouences can be Dlacedin a file andcopic.llo lhe terminal.or theycanbe issuedfrom a tàsk.To establiiha pairirg. the followingconditionsmust exist: r There must be a connectionto the terminal,and it mustbe open for writing- r The OSC control bits for that connertionmustbe set to permit the Terminal Support Code to recognizeand act upon OSC sequences on output. This featurecan b€ configuredinto the systemwith the lCU, or a taskcan userhe ASSPECIAL or S$SPECLA.L systemcallsto enablethe I/O Systemto act on OSC sequences on output, When theseconditionsexist,the operatorcan copya file containingOSC sequences to the terrninal,or a taskcan call A$WRITE to sendlhe OSC sequences to the terminal Regardlessofwhether the OSC sequ€nces camefrom a task or from copyinga file to the terminal,the Terminal SupportCodeinterceptsthe OSC sequence,removesit from the input or output stream,and establishes the desiredpairing. SYNTAX. The syntaxof an OSC sequencethat establishes one or mofe €scapesequence/terminal-character-sequence pairingsis as follows: DeviceDriversUser'sGuide FE,A.TURES OF THE DRIT'ER INTERÍÀ.CES where T: that thissequence appliesto the terminal.You mustincludethe Indicates colon(:) aftertheT. E appliesto Escapesequences. Indicatesthatthissequence n The rlumberofan escape sequencc listcdin Tablc2-3. m sequence listedin Table2-4. Thenumberofa terminalcharacter For example, suppose a terminalinterpretsCONTROL-H(m=8 in Table2-4)asa tcrminal character sequencethat causesthe cursor to move backvrard one position. Tablc 2-3showsthatthe TerminalSupportCodeusesthe escape sequence "EscI D" (n=3) to meanthe samething. To establisha relatiooshipbetrveenm=8 for the terminal and n=3 for the Terminal SupportCode,the operatoror a task can sendthe followingOSC sequence: Esc I T: E3-8 Esc\ Then,if translationis turned on for the terminal (Esc] T: T= 1 Esc\), whenevera task writes the escapesequence"Esc[D" to the terminal,the terminal'scursorwill move backwardone oosition. Fisure 2-3 illùstratesthis situation. -2--28 D€viceDriversUsefs Gùide FEATURES OF THE DRII'ERINTERFACES l lN llllr) Figùre 2-3. EscapeSequence Translation TRÀ.NSLATIoN. If trenslationis turned on for a terminal.translationoccurswhen a task callsA$WRITE to write an escapesequence.Insteadof simplypassingto the terminal an escapesequencethe terminal doesn'trecognize.the Terminal SupportCode intercepts the escapesequenceand sendsthe equivalentterminalcharactersequencein its place. This equivalenceis establishedby OSC sequences. Translationalsooccurswhen a taskcallsA$READ to read a terminalcharactersequence for which an equivalen!escapesequenceis establishecl. Before translationcan occur,the operatoror the task must turn on Ìranslationfor the terminalby sendingthe followingOSC sequence: Esc I Tr T:1 Esc\ Table2-2 describes all the terminalmodesthatcanbe cbanged. If transhtion is turn€d off, the Terminal SupportCode doesnot interoeptescape sequences.Instead,it passesthem on unchangedto the terminal. Changingthe "T= 1" to "T=0" in the previousOSC sequenceturns off translationmode. TRANSLATIONEXAMPLES. This sectionlistsseveraltranslationexamplesfor H:rzeltine1510terminals.AlL numbersare in decimalurlessspecilìeclas hexadecimal. Theseexamplesassumethe terminal'sswitchesare set to allow the Esc character(rather than the tilde character)as the lead-incharacterof the terminalcharactersequence.The that beginwith the Terminal SupportCodecannothandleterminalcharactersequences tilde character.Theseexamplesalsoassumethe followingoSC sequencehasbeenissued to specifyinformationaboutthe terminal'scoordinatesystem: (Horizontalcoordinates listedfirst,horizontalnumberingincreases left to right,verticalnumbering increases top to bottom) Device Drivers User's Guide 2-29 FE.\TUR-ES OF THE DRI!'ER INTER.F'ACES U:96, startsat 96) (A\is numbering v=32, (Axisnumbering fallsbackto 32 afterreaching127) x-80, (Screen widthis 80characters) \-24, (Screenheightis 24lines) E6:49, (Cursor-addressing terminalcharactersequence is Esc coNTROL-O) E31-47, (Terminalcharacter sequence to cleara line is EscCONTROL-O) 826-51 (Terminalcharacter sequence to deletea line is EscCONTROL-S) Esc\ The "CursorPositioning"sectionofthis chapterprovidesmore informationabout setting up the terminal'scoordinatesystem. Example1. Movethe cursorto theposjtionX=2, Y=2. Escapcleqlgqgg-1lllLì Escl2;2H (ASCII Hex code IB 58 32 3B 32 48> TerminalCharacterSeouence(terminal) E s cC o N T R o aL -a Q (ASCII Hex code 18 11 61 61) Example2. Clear the currentline from the cursorpositionto th€ end of the line. Escaoeseouence(task\ Terminal CharacterSeauence(te.minal) Escl0K E s cc o N T R o L - o (ASCII (ASCll Hex Code ìB 58 Hex Codé 18 0F) 30 48) Example3. Deletea line. Escaoeseouence ltask) 2-30 TerminalCharacter Seouence (terminall DeviceDrivers Usefs Gùide FEATUR.ES OF THE DRIVERINTERfACES E s c [ 1 M ( A S C T TH e x c ó d e 1 8 5 8 31 4D) Esc CoNTRoL-S ( A S C r rH è x C o d è1 8 1 3 ) SIMULATION. Simulationorcurswhen there is no singleterminal charactersequence correspondingexactlyto a givenescapesequence. Simulationis necessarybecausesome terminalsmight not haveterminalcharactersequences to pertbrm the functionsindicated by certain escapesequences.Therefore,the Terminal SupportCode must simul.Ltethat function. Simulationis performedonly on output. That is, a taskcan call A$WRITE and simutation will occur. Simulationdoesnot occutwhenthe task callsA$READ. When a task callsA$WRITE to write an escapesequencecorrespondingto a simulated iunction,the Terminal SupportCodeinterceptsthe escapesequenceand figuresout what the taskwantsthe terminal to do. Then the Terminal SupportCode sendsa se.iesof one or ftore terminalcharactersequences that the terminaldoesrecognize,producingthe desìredeffect. Figure 2-4 illustratesthis concept. Figure2-,1.EscapeSequence Simulation For example, suppose theterminaldoesnot supporttabstops.If giventhe right informationaboutthe terminal,theTerminalSupportCodecansimulatethe tabstops, crealingtheimpression theterminaldoesindeedsupporttabstopsasif it werea tlpewriter.All theTerminalSupportCodemustdo to accomplish thisis to DeviceDriversUser'sCuide 2-31 FEATURESOF THE DRIVER INTERFACES . Rememberwhere the cursoris on the display. . Rememberwherethe tab stopsare supposedto be. . Be ablc to tcll thc tcrminal to movc thc cursorforward by one space. In general,to supportsimulationof escapesequences, the terminal mùst haveterminal charactersequences for the followingcursormovementsi . One positionto the right . One positionto the left . One position upward . One position downward The Terminal SupportCodecannotsimulnteall the escapesequences listedin Table 2-3. It can simulateonly the sequences numbered0, 1, 6-11, 13,15, 18-20,22,and 23. SIMUI"ATION EXAMPLES. This sectionlists three simulationexamplesfor a hypotheticalterminal (all numbersare in decimalunlessspecifiedas hexadecìmal).These examplesassumethe terminalhasthe followingterminalcharactersequences for cuasor movement: CursorMovemenl Terminal( harncrerSeouenlq Cursor up CONTROL-L (ASCX Hex code0C) Cursor down CONTROL-K (ASCII Hex code0B) Cursor left CONTROL-H (ASC[ Hex code08) Cursor right CoNTROL-J (ASCtr Hex code0A) Ir addition,the examplesassumethe lbllowing OSC sequencehasbeensent to translate the right, left, up, and down cursormovements: Esc I T: E2-10, E3:8, U4-I2, ti5:Ìl Esc\ Example 1 Movethecursortox-2,y=8(assumingthecurrentpositionjsx=1.y=5). The escapesequences will then be simulatedas iollows: DeviceDriversUse/s Guide FEATUR.ES OF THE I}R]VER INTERFACES EscapeSequence (Outoutfrom Taskl TerminalCharacter Sequence (Actuall), Sentto Terminal) Esc[8;2H CONTROL-J CONTROL.K CONTROL-K CONTROL.K (ASCIIHexcode1B 58 383B3248) (ASCIIHexcode0A 0B 0B 0B) Example2. Simulatetab stopsAlthough the termìnaldoeshavea terminalcharactersequencefor movjngto the right (m = l0 in Table2-4,which correspondsto escapesequencen =2 in Table 2-3), it doesnot supportfunctionsn= 10(advancilgto the nexttab stop) and n= 11 (settinga tab stop) listedin Table2-3. Therefore,the Terminal SupportCode must simulatethesefunctions. The followingOSC sequencesetsup îhe terminalto supporttabsl E s c I T : E 2 = 1 0 ,E 3 - 8 , E 4 : 1 2 , E 5 : 1 1 , 8 1 0 : 1 9 2 , E 1 1 : 1 9 2E s c \ Before operatorscan set tab stops,they mustprovide the Terminal SupportCodewith the location of the cursor. This can be doneby resettingthe terminal;that is, by sendingthe following escapesequenceto the terminal: Esc c (n =0 ir Table2-3) Resettingthe terminalworks only if the terminalhas a resettermiDalcommandand if the operatorhasestablisheda relationshìpbetweenthat commandand the escapesequence Esc c usingan OSC sequence(Esc] T:E0=m Esc\, wherem is the numberof a terminal charactersequencelistedin Table 2-4). Having done this,you can set a horizontaltab stopby enteringEsc [ 0 W at the terminal, and you can advancethe cursorto the ner1tab stopby enteringEsc [ 1 L The Termjnll SupportCode keepstrack of the Iocationsof the horizontaltab stopsaswell as the positionof the cursor. TABLE OF ESCAPESEQUENCES.Table2-3 lists the escapesequences you can pair with terminal charactersequences by merìnsoî OSC sequences.The followingrenarks applyto Table 2-31 . 'Ihe "Code"solurruìcoolainscodesusedin the ANSI X3.ó4documen!. . The expression"99"representsany decimalnumber. Unlessotherwisespecified, omitting the numbercausesthe Terminal SupportCode to supplya defaultvalueof 1. DeviceDrivers Usefs Guide FEATURXS OF THE DRN'ERINTEMACES 2-31 . In somecases,you càn combinemultìple escapesequences into a single,compound escapesequence.The tableidentiliesthesecases. . The Terminal SupportCode can simulatethe escapesequences numbered0, 1, 6 through 11,t3, 15, 18through20,22, and 23. The remaìningesoapesequences can only be translated. . In almoslall cases,usks issuethe escapesequences by callingA$WRITE. The exceptionsconcernescapesequences 7 and 18,and they are describedin the tabìe. DeviceDriversUser'sGùide FEATURXSOF THE DRII'ER INTERIACES Trble 2-3. EscapeSequence(contlnued) Cod€ EscapeSequenc6 î 0 Rrs Escc Rsturns ihe terminal to hsinitialslate.Thisconsistsof r6setting the horizontaltab stopsto fourspacesapart,beginnlng wfh rhefirst spac€,andretuming th6 cursorlo lh6 upporl6flcornerofih€ display. îr HTS EscH Setsa horizontaltab at the curentcursorposrlion. 2 CUF E s cf 9 9 C MovesthecursorfoMardthèspècifiednumb€rol posiuons. CUB E s c[ 9 9 D Movesth€cursorbackward ths sp€cifrsd numb€rol postions. 4 CUU Movesth6cursorupwardthe sp€cif€dnumberofposhions. 5 CUD E s c[ 9 9 I Mov€sthecuÉordownward ths sp€cif€dnumberof po6itions. CUP Esc f99 ; 99 H Movesthecursortothepositionspecifìed bylhe decÌmalnumbers. posÌlion,andthe Thefirslnumberspeciîesthevedicalcoordlnate position.The secondnumberspecifesrhehorizontal coordinate hÒrizÒntal óordinatesa.onumb€f€dfom lefttoright,beginning wth 1,andtheverlicalcoordinalos ar€number€d fromtopto botiom,aso beginning with1. lflh6 parameteG areo.nitled,thls sequonco move6 th6 cursofioihe Esc[99; 99 R uppe.leftcornèr ofthe display. Repodsthecoordinatos ofih€ curontcursorpostion. The TermlnalSuppon Cod6pac6sthissequenc€intothetermnals inputstreamln r€sponsetos€quence number19,whichasksfor thecursoiscoordinates. Thefìrstnumberspecifies lhe venrcal position, coordinate andthe secorìdnurnb€rsp6cif€sthe position,Thehorìzontal horizontal coordinate coordinal€s are numbered fiom l€ltto riqht,b€qinninq with1, andthe vertcal coordinates arenumbersdfromtoplo bottom,alsob€ginning wth 1. l7 CPR l8 CBT îs CHA Esc[99 G positionin th6 cur€ntline. Movesthecursortothespecified f 10 cHl Esc[93 | Movesthecursorforwardbyths spec\ednumb€rol horizontaltab stops.Forexample, ifthe specilìed numbfi is 2,lhs cursormoves foMardtothe secordtab stopthat1encoL1tels. t cTc EscI0 w position.Youcan Sstsa hoizontaltabstopatth€currentcursor combinethis andanyoìherCTCescapes€quencetoforma clmpoundCTCescapesequence.An exampleof sucha combinodèequ€nco i€ ESC[0;1 W,whiohsoisbothhorizontal andverticaltab stopsatthe cursorposition, 11 Movesthecursorbackward byth6specif6dnumberolhorizonta tab stops.Forexample, ilth6 specifednumbgfis 2, th€cursor moyesbackvardto thesecondlab stopit €ncount€rs. t Funqon thatcanbe srnìulated. DeYice DriversUser'sGuide FEATI]RNS OT' THE DRIVT"R INTNRI'ACES Table2-3. EscapeS(quences(conlinued) Code 12 EscapeSequence crc Setsa verticallabstopalrhe curenrcursorposhlon.Seelhe description ol escapesequence number11. 'I 1 3 cTc E s c[ 2 W clearsa horizontaltab stopit ther€is oneatth€ cufent cursor position,Ss€th€d€scriplion ol escap€sequonc€ number11. t4 crc E s c[ 3 W Clealsa v€rticaltab stoplllhereis oneal lh6 curr6ntcursor position.S6sth€d€scrlpion of escapesequenc6 numb€r11. 'I 1 5 cfc E s c[ 4 W Clearsall horizortal lab slopson rh€linecontainlng thecursor. Seelhe descriptìon of escap€s€quencenumber11, 16 cTc E s c[ 5 W C earsa I horizontal andvedicaltab stops.Seethe description of escap€sequence nurnber11. 1T crc E s cl 6 w Cearsallv€rlicaltab stops.Seelhe descriplion of gscape sequence numb€f11, 'I 1 8 DA t9 DSR E s c[ 6 n AsksrhelerminalSupport Codeto reporllhecoordinates ofthe curentcursorpostlon.Seesequen@numb€r7lo. a descriptlon .I 2 Q lBc E s c[ 0 g Clearsa honzontallab stopilthereis oneatthe cutent cursor position.YoucancomblnethlsandanyotherTBCescape sequenc€ to lorma compoundTBCescapesequence.An exampleot slch a combin€dsequence ls ESC[0;1 g, rhich clearsbothhorizontal andverticaiab stopsfromthecurentcursor 21 fBc Esc[19 Clearsa verticaÌtab stopiflhercis oneat thecurentcursor poéhion-Seelhe desd pt on ot escapesequoîc€number20. 'I 22 lBc 'I 23 TBC E s c[ 3 g ClearsaLhorizontaandvertlcaltab stops.Seeth€description of escapesequence number20. 24 TBC E s c[ 4 q C earsallvertical tab stops.Se6thedescrprlonol éscapè sequence numbef20, ?5 DCH Es. I99 P Deletes thesp€cifednùmbsrofcharact€rc, bèglnningarth€ cuffeTdcursoflocatron, Taskssendthissequence wilhthe number0to requestthèlD numberof theterminal to whichthe requesls beingsént Ths TermlnalSupportCodelnterceplsthergquestand r€rurnsrothe requesring taskan idenlicalsequence, exceptthatthe number 0) isth€rsquestéd lD numbor. {whichis greaterrhan Clearsallhoizornallabstopson the lin€conrainng the cursor. Seelhedescrlplion of escapes€qu€ncenumber20. t FuncîionUratcal LJesimLrated. 2-36 DeviceDriversUsefs Guide FEATURES OF THE DRIIDR INTERFACES Table2-3. Escap€Sequen.es(.ontinùéd) Code EEcape Sequence Funclion 26 DL Esc[99 M D6let6sth6 sp€cifr€d numb€roflin€s,beginningat th€ tin6 containing th6cursor- 27 ECH Esc[99 X n€pbcésth€spgcilî€d numberot charactors withblanks, beginning al thecur€ntcurEorlocation. 2A ED E s c[ 0 J Plac€sblanksatallpo6itions ftomthecursorlotheendof th€ display.Youcancombinethis andanyoth6rEDescapesoquence to formacompoundEDescap€sequence.An exarnple olsuch a combineds€quence is ESC[0;1 J, whichcloersths sntiredisplay. 29 ED Esc[1J Plac€sblanksat allpositions fromth€ boginningol th€ displayto th6 cursor.S6ethedescription ofescapesequenc€number28. 30 EO E s c[ 2 J Fillslhe entiredisplaywilhblanks.Seethedesc ptionol escape sequenc6 numbef28. 31 EL E s c[ 0 K Pìacesblanksat all positions ftofi the cursorto lhe endof the line. Youcancombineth s andanyothorEL€scapes€quenceloform a compoundELescapesequence,An exampleol sucha combineds€quence is ESC[0;1 K,whichplacesblanks throughoLllhelinecurentlycontaining the cu.sor, EL Escl l Placesblanksat allposiuons Jromth€ b€ginning of th6lin€ Óntainingthecorsorto thè culsoritself.Seethe descipriónÒf €scap€s€qu€nce numbs 31. 33 EL E6c[2K Placosblanksat allpGitìonsin tho linecontaining thg cursor-Scc thodesc ptionof €scapssequ€nc€ nurìb€r31. 34 tcH EscI99 @ Insensfiespecif6d numt'erof blanks,b6ginningatÌhe locationof 35 IL Esc[99 L Insertslhespecfi6dnumb€rol blanklin€s,béginningatth€ locaion of thecurcor. NP Esc[99 U Movesth6drsplayloMard in a mulliple-pag€ fìleby th€ sp€cified numb€rol pages.lf thespecifiod numberof pag6sis 0,the displaymovesto lhe nen pag€. Esc[99 v Mov6sth€d splaybackwardin a muhipl+pag€ fle byths specified numb€rol pages.lî thespecified numberol pagesis 0,the displaymovesto th6pr€viouspage. SO Esc[99 Movesth€dlsplaydownward (forward) byih€ specifiodnumberot lines.llthe sp€cified numberof linesls 0,lhe d splaymovesto the 39 SU Esc[99 S Movesthedìsplayupward(backward) bythespeciîednumberof lines.lfth€ sp€cified numbérof linesls 0.lhe dlsplaymovéslo the 40 SGR Escf99 m thislàblc. Secthc @mmontfollowing DeviceDrive$ Useds Guide FEATURES OF THE DRIWR INTERFACES Table2-3. EscspeS€quences {mrtinued) Code EscapeSequence E s c[ 0 | 42 Escfll Seeths commentfollowìng thistabl6. 43 E s cl 2 | Unloc*sth€t€rminal's k€yboard, allowìngallcharacters to be RM Escf3 | Prevents controlcharacl6rs fromboingdisplaysd, bú siÌllcauses thosecharact€rs to hav€theinormalelfec-ts.t RM E s c[ 4 | Causesoutputcharact€rs to ovoMril€charad€rson thedisplay.* E 6 c[ 5 | S€€thecommentfollowìng thistable. E è c[ 6 | Seethecommentlollowìng thistabl6. Se€th€commentîollowingthistable. 45 46 48 RM E s c[ 7 | 49 Rt\.1 E s c[ 8 | 50 RM Esc[9 ì 5l E s c[ l 0 1 Seethecommentfollowing thisÌabl€. 52 E s c[ 1 1] Séethe conînîodl following thistabl€. RM E s c[ 1 2 Causescharactersto be d splayedon theterminal's displayscreen RM Esc[13] Seethecomrnorn following thistable. 55 RM E s cI t 4 l Se€thecommentfottowing thistabte. 56 RM E s cl 1 5 l Seethecommentfolowingthistable. 57 Rt\,1 E s cf 1 6 l Seethecommentbllowlngrhstable. E s c[ 1 7 | Seethecommentlollowinglhìstable. E 6 c[ 1 8 | Caùseshoizontaltabstopstoapplyoquallytoa] nes,rarherthan on a line-by,Ìine basis.r E s cf l 9 l causesdalaonthercfminas displayscre€nto b€ fearedas a contrnuous sfeam,lathgrthanas a colleclion ofdisjoinl, pag6s.r nd€pendent Esc[20 | Prcv€nts the lineleedcharacterfomaulomalica ly p€lorminga * cariagereturnwhens€ntto thelerminal. 53 58 59 RM 00 62 SM E s c[ 0 h * Thisisthe normal(delauh) settingfor mostterminals. -2-38 DeviceDriversUse/s Guide FEATURXSOF THE DRIYERINTERFACES Table2-3. EscapeS€quences Code SM EscapeSeq!ence Function E s ct l h S€ethecommenllcllowingthistable. prsventing Locksth€t€rminalsksyboard, characi€rs ftombeing received whontheyaretypèd. FA SÀ,1 65 SM Esc[3 h Elablesthedrsplayol controlcharacters for debJggingpu'poses. 66 SM E s c[ 4 h Enablesodpúcharactersto b6 insertédin iho display,mlh6rlhan alwaysoveMriting6xistingcharacters. 67 SM E s cl 5 h Seethecommentfoliowing thistable. 68 SM E s c[ 6 h Seethecommenticllowingthislable. 69 SM 7a stv 71 SM 72 SM E s c[ 1 0 h S€ethecommentlo lowingthislable. 73 SM Esc|1 h Seeihecommentfo owÌngthisrable. SeeihecommenifoÌlowing thistable, E s c[ 8 h s[4 Prevenls charadersÍronrDeirgdisplayed on rhelerminalss!,eel astheyarelyped. SM Seeth6commentfollowng thislable, 76 SM lhislabl€, Séethecommentfollowlng 77 SM Se€the comm€ntJollowrng th s tabl6, 78 stt4 Esc[16h /ingth stable. Seelhecommentfollo' SM EscflTh Se€thocomm€ntlollowingthlstablo. SM EscllSh Causèshorizontaltab stopsto applyonlytothelinéon whichthey 80 sr\.{ a2 SM Causesdatato be tr€atedas a coll€ctonofdlsloint,independent pages,Inthiskindofenvironment, a terminaloperaortypicay accesses lhe variouspagesin a frleby pressing keyssuchas 'next pag€','previouspage',or'qo to paqe'. Esc[20 h performa carrage CaLrses the lineleedcharaclerloautomatically returnwhensentlo lhetérminal, Commsnl: Thismode(orsequence buta descriplion is or flnction)is included ior compleleness, beyond$e scopeof lhis manual,Fordelais,referlolhe1979v€rsìonoflhe ANS|X3.64 sîanoafo. fleviceDrivers Usels Guide 2.39 FEATURES OF THE DRI!'ER INTERFACES TABLE OF TDRMINAL CHARACTERSEQUENCES.Table2-4 liststhe terminal via osc sequences.The charactersequences that you cao pair with escapesequences value"m" in the table is the decimalrepresentationof the codethe termjnal requiresfor the givenfunction. As th€ table shows,ifthe functionrequiresa characterplus a lead-in Escape,add 32 to the character'sdecimalrepresentation.Note that the ASCII code 1BH (Escape)by itselfcannotbe the resultof a translation. Recallthe assignmentportion of the proper OSC sequencehas the form En=m, wheren is the escapesequencenumberand m is the terminal charactersequencenumber. Tabl€2-4. TerminalCh.racterS€quences TerminalCharacler Sequenc€ or Sp€cialInstfttclions 0 Dlsablelhetranslation ofescapesequence n, Thatis,passtheescapesequ€ncethrough to theterminalwilhoutTerminal or simulatÌonSupportCodelranslalion 1 01H(CONTROL,A) 2 02H(CONIBOL-B) 1AH(CONTROL-Z) 27 Thist6rmÌnalcharacter 3equènce(1BH- Escape) is nol supported. 28 1CH(FS) 29 lDH (GS) 30 1EH(RS) 31 1FH(US) 32 EscooH 33 Esc01H 159 Esc7FH 160,191 2.40 192 the escapesequence. Simulat€ 193 Discard lhe escapesequénce.Tharis,do nottranslar€ or simulai€ii, anddo nol passir on to theterminal, DeviceDriversUser'sGuide FEATURES OF THE DRIVERINTERFACES CURSORPOSITIONING. Before the Terminal Suppofi Code can monitor or control the position of a cursor,it mustknow the coordinatenumberingconventionsfor that terminal. The Terminal SupportCode hasits own "model"of the terminal coordinate numberingscheme.As mentionedin Table2-3,this model is the following: . The horizontalcoordinatesare numberedfrom left to right, beginningwith 1. . The verticalcoordinatcsarc numbcredfrom top to bottom,alsobeginningwith 1. Wheneverprogramsreler to cursorpositions,they shoùldusethis convention. Although this seemsa reasonableway to refer to positionson a terminal screen,not all terminalsusethis numberingscheme.But, the Terminal SupportCodecan translatethe terminalnumberingschemeinto its own model,as long as the terminal numberingslheme obeysthe followingrules: . The numberingof the axescan start at any point left or right, top or bottom. However,the numberingofboth aresmust startwith the samepositivevalue. . From there,numberingof both &\esmust increaseby onesuntil (or unless)it reaches 127. . If lh€ numbcringoI an axisreaches127,it mustthen "fall back"to a lower positive value;whereafter,it must againincreaseby ones. . If the numberingoiboth àriesreaches127,the numberingof eachmust fall backto the samevalue, Iî the terminalnumberingschememeetsthesecriteria,you can set up the Terminal SupportCode (via OSC sequences) to handlethat numberingscheme.The termìnal modesF, U. V, X, and Y (as listed in Table2-2) enableyou to specifyinformation about the terminal numberingconventions.Onceyou sendthe proper OSC s€quenc€s, tbe Terminal SupportCode translatesthe terminalnumberingconventionsinto its own standardconventions.Then,your programscan use the Terminal SupportCode stàndard conventionswhen referringto all terminals. For example,supposethe terminalhorizontalpositions(that is, its columns)are numberedleft to right as 80, 81,82, ..., 127,16,17,18,...,31. Also, supposeits vertical positions(its rows) are numberedtop to bottom as 103,102,101,..-,E0. Finally,suppose that when referringto a particularpositionon the terminal screen,you must specirythe vcrtical position first, foLlowedby the horizontalposition. Note that this numbering conventiondiffersfrom the Terminal SupportCodenumberingconventionsin the folÌowingways: . The numberingon eacha\is startswith 80, rather than startingwith 1. r The numberingof the horizontalaxis,when it reaches127,dropsbackto 16before resuminsits climb. Derire Drirers Uscr's Cuidc 2-4r FEATURES OF THE DRII'ER INTERFACES . The numbering of theverticalaxisincreases from bottomto top,ratherthan increasing from top to bottom. . The coordinates of a given screeo position are vertical coordÌnate fifst, then horizontal coordinate, rather than being horizontal first and vertical second. Althoùghthenumbering convention of thisterminalis unorthodox, it doesobeytherules listedearÌierin thissection.To setup thisterminalfor usewith the TerminalSupport Code,youcanissuethefollowingOSCsequence: Esc I T: F=5, U=80, V=16, X-64, Y-24 Esc\ The F=5 portion te[s the Tcrminal SupportCodc thc vcrtical coordinatcis calledout first, the horizontalnumberingincreasesfrom left to right, and the verticalnumbering incleasesfrom bottom to top. The U=80 portion specifiesthe stattingnumber,V= 16 indicatesthe "fall-back"value,X= 64 specifiesthe line length,and Y=24 specifiesthe numberoflines on the screen. Refer to Table 2-2 for more informationabout thesc modes, Table 2-5 lists OSC sequences you can useto set up the cu.sorpositioningand control charactersof somecommonterminals. The OSC seouences listed in the table do not take full advantages ofthe featuresofthe terminals,bur ifyou connectlhe lermiîals to an Intel integratedmicrosystem,suchas the System310,theseOSC sequences enableyou to run thc RSAT systemanalysistest. You can add to theseseqùences to supportnlore featuresof the terminals. Table2-5. ExampleOSCSequences for CommonTerúinals Hazehino 1500, 1510,1520, 950' (OSCsequsnceopeningdelimiter) l : T =1 , u=32, Y=32, x=80, Y:24, U=96, Y=32, x=80, Y 24, E3=08, E 4= 1 1 , E4=44, E6= 49, E31=1€ ' 2-42 D€scription (Specify coordinate slstemol tefminal) (Stading valuéol numb€ings€quenc€ of bothaxés) (FallbackvaluowhencLrrsor positionr6aches127on €hhsraxis) (Numberof characler poshonsperline) (Numb€rol linesperscrc€n) (Cursorrlght) (Cursorlefr) (Clr|sorup ) (Culsofdowì) (Cusorposiuon) (Clearline,cursorto snd) (OSCseqLrence closìngdelimiter) Hazeltine andEx€clrtive 80 arerademarksofHazoltin€ CorooÉiion.Televid€ois a fadenìarkof Televid€oSvstems, Inc, DeviceDriversUset'sGuide FEATURTS OF THE DRI!'ERINTERIACES CONTROLCHARACTER RIDEFINITION. An earliersectionof thischaoterlistedthe defaultcharacters assigned to theline-editiîgandoutputcontrolfunctions.Thecharacter assignments for thesecontrolfunctionsarenot fired. You candynamically assignany controlcha.acterto a controlfunctionprovidedby the TerminalSupportCode,as described in thissectionIfyou assigna controlcharacter to a controlfunction,the assignment appliesonlywhen thecharacterappearsasinplt from the terminal.ln particular,assigìinga newcontrol character to be the Escape character doesnot changethe EscapecharacterÌrsedfor outputtranslation.It is still theASCII ESCcharacter, bexadecimal codelBH. Also,any newEscapecharacter youdefinecannotbe usedaspart ofan OSCsequence. Thecharacters youcanassignto controlfunctionsincludethefollowing: Charac-t€r coNTROL-@ coNÌaoL-A through CONTROL,Z ESC FS GS RS US OEL DecimalASCIICode 0 Hexad€cimalASCIICode 0 1-26 27 28 29 1- lAH 18H 1CH IDH 1EH 1FH 7FH 31 127 The synt&Ìof theOSCsequence usedto assigncontrolcharacters to controlfunctionsis as followsi 0996 where T: Indicatesthatthissequence applìesto theterminal.You mustincludethe colon(:) at theend. C lndicatesthatthissequence appliesto controlcharacters. n The decimalrepresentation of theASCIIcodefor thedesiredcontrol character.Thisdeciural valuecanbc in rhc rangc0-31or 127. If thiscontrolcharacter is alreadyassigned asa signalcharacter, this assignment to a controlfunctionis ignored.(Referto the description of A$SPECIALin the Erre ded|RMXII Baic I/O SystemCallr manualfor informaîionon assigning signalcharacters.) Device Dri!€rs Use.'s Cuide 243 FEATURESOF THE DRIVER IN'I'ER!ACES If this control characteris assignedto anothe.controÌfunction,this osc sequencereassignsthe charactefto a new function. A numberindicatingthe functionto assignto thc conlrol character.Table 2-6 lists thesenumbers,with their correspondingdescriptionsand defaults m For example,the followingsequencecancelsthe defaultassignmentof Rubout (DEL) as the deletioncharacteranrl assignsBackspace(BS) in its place: Esc I T: c127-0, c8-11 Esc\ Table 2-6, Mef|u of Codtrol Character Functions Number Abbreviai€dD€scription D€fauh Assignm€nl 0 Passcharacterlhrough nol assigned Allconlfolcharaclers d lin+ €dh,èscap€,or,lputcontrol, or signalcharactors CONTROL,S CONTBOL-O CONTROL,O CONTROL-W CONfROL.T CONTROL-U Escapé(ASCll1BH) CONIROL-J, CONTROL-M CONTROL-Z CONfBOL.P Rubout(ASCllTFH) CONTROL.X CONTROL,N 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 Stan oLtput Discafdoutput ScrollN lines Scroll1 lin€ Emptytypeahead bufer Escap€ Linelerminator Endof ll€ Quotenextcharader Deletellne Sp6ciallin6terrninator Auto-Answer Modemwitha Terminal The Terminal SupportCode supportsterminalsthat interfacewith an ExtendediRMX IIbasedapplicationsystemthroughan auto"answermodem. It doesthis by controllingthe RS232Data Terminal Ready(DTR) lìne and by providingOSC sequences to enable handshakilgbetweena task and a terminalconnectedto a modem. Ifyour systemcontainsa modem,you can configlre the BasicI/O Systemto support nrodenr corrtrol (rcfcr to lhe Extended|RMX II Interactive Confrguratiott Utilíly Reference Mant&l). Onceyo]udo this, the BasicI/O System,during systeminitialization,establishes the initial link to the modem. Or, your taskscan useOSC sequenc€s to establishmodem mode (the M modelisted in Table 2"2),to break the link (hangup), and to reestablishthe link (dial and answer). Other than theseoperations,tasksand terminalscommunicate throueha modemas iflinked bv a dedicatedline. 2-44 DeviceDriversUser'sGuide FEATURXSOF THE DRI!'ER INTERIACES Thc followingdiagramillustrates th€syntalofthe OSCsequences relatingto modem control.UnlikeotherOSCsequences, onlytasksshouldsendtheseOSCsequences to the TerminalSupportCode.An op€mtorat a terminalshouldneversendthem. where M: x l9!5 Irìdicatcsthal this scqucnceappliesto a modem. You must includethe colon (:) after the M. Causesthe Terminal SupportCode to answerthe phone (set the DTR line active). This indicatesthat ihe task is readyto sendor releive data. H Causesthe Terminal SupportCode to hangup the phone(clear the DTR line). This breaksîhe phonelink. o Queriesthe Terminal SupportCode for the statusof the modem. In response,the Terminal Srpport Code sencìsan APC sequencein this lorm: Esc _ M:x Esc\ wherex is either "A" ìf the modemis answered(DTR active)or "H" if the modemis hung up (DTR clear). WA]T Requeststhe Terminal SupportCodc to notify thc taskwhcn thc motlcm is in the proper state(only the "W" is required). "W = A" requests notificationwhen DTR becomesactive(causedby an operatordialing up the modem). "W = H" requestsnotìficationwhen DTR becomescleirr (causedby the operatorhangingup the phone). When the modemis in the proper state,the Terminal SupportCode insertsan PC sequenceof the followingform in the input stream: Esc M:x Esc\ wherex is either "An if the modemhasbeenanswered(DTR active)or "H" if the modemhasbeenhungup (DTR clear). The followingexampleillustrateshow a task can usethe OSC modemsequences to communicatewith a terminrl via a modem. DeYice DriversUser'sGuide 2-13 FE,TTI]RESOF THE DRTI'ERINTERFACES through Assumethat onetaskis dedicated to monitoringthemodemandcommunicating it. Assumeturtherthatthe taskhasa connection is to the modemandthattheconnection openfor bothreadingandwritirg. Tlpicalprotocol(usingthe mnnection)is the following: 1. ThetaskwritesthefollowhgOSCsequence to the terminal: Esc I H:HEsc\ This secluence hangsup the phone(breaksthe link). It is an initializationstep. 2. The taskwrites the followingOSC sequenceto the terminal: Esc I c: T-1 , E-1 Esc\ This setstraÍsparentmode (so the taskcan later read a certainnumberof charactersor wait until they appear)and turns off echoilg to the tcrminal'sslrccn. Thcscchangcsare lbr this connectiononly,not for other connections(Ìfany) to the modem. 3. The task writes the followingOSC sequenceto the terminal: Esc I M:WAIT-AEsc\ This requesîsthat the Terminal SupportCode return a notification(an APC sequence)when the modemhasbeen ansìxered(DTR becomesactive). 4. The task issuesa read requestto read sevencharactersfrom the terminal. Eventually,\ùhenDTR becomesactive,the Terminal SupportCode insertsan APC sequenceofthe followingform in the input stream: E s c _M : A E s c \ Thìs messagemeansa terminaluser hasdialedup the modemand is readyto communicate, 5. The taskwrites the followingOSC sequenceto the terminal: Esc I M:l,lAIT=HEsc\ This causesthe Terminal SupportCode to sendthe APC sequence"Esc_M:H Esc\" to the taskwhen the terminaluserhangsup. 6. The terminal and the taskcommunicateas if on a dedicatedline for as long cs is necessary.However,wheneverthe task receivesinput, it must scanthe input for the APC sequence"Esc_M:H Fsc\ . During this time, the task shoùldoperatethe modem in transparentor flush mode, rathcr than line-editmode. In line-editmode,eachline receivedfrom the mod€m must be terminatedwith a line terminator (suchas a carriagereturn/line feed). However,the last set ofcharacters(the APC sequence)will probablynot be followedby a line terminator. Therefore,if the connectionis operatingin line-edit 2-46 DeviceDriversUsefs Guide FEATUR.ES OF THE DRIVERINTERFACES mode,the applicationtaskwill neverreceivethe final hangupnrcssagcfrom thc Terminal SupportCode. 7. Eventually,the operatorhangsup the phone. When this happens,the Terminal SupportCode insertsthe followingAPC sequencein the input stream: E s c _M : H E s c \ lhis meansthe terminal userhashung up and the link is broken. 8. The task returnsto step2. This protocol is offeredas a model and is by no meansthe only one possible.Note, however,that only the task,and nevetthe terminal,shouldsendOSC sequences to the Terminal SupportCode for modemcontrol. This restrictiondoesnot apply to other OSC sequences. Under somecircumstances, a task needsto find ou! whethera terminal is readyto talk to the task via the modem. The taskcan ascertainthe stateof the modem(answeredor hungup) by perforrningthe folìowingsteps,in order: 1. Ca[ A$WRITE to sendthe followingOSC sequenceto the modeml E s c I C :T - 1 ,E - l E s c \ This setstranspafert rnorJe(rJisabling line editing) and turns off the echoingto the terminal'sscreen.Note that this is for this connectiononly, not for other connections (if cn)) to the modem. 2. CaUA$WRITE to sendthe followingOSC sequenceto the modeml Esc I M:QEsc\ This requestsinformationas to the statusofthe modem;that is, answered(A) or hung up (H). 3. Ca[ A$READ to read sevencharactersfrom the modem. This receivesfrom the Terminal SupportCode an APC sequenceofthe form: Esc_ lt: x Esc\ wherex is "A" if the modemis answeredand "H" if the modemis hungup. This techniquewill work becausethe Terminal SupportCodeplacesthe APC sequence, withoùt a line terminator,at the front of the line buffer for the connectionwhere data (if any) is awaitinginput requestsfrom the task. After performingthesesteps,the taskcan restorethe connection'sline editingand echo modesto their originalstates. DericeDriversUser'sGuide FEATUR.ESOF THE DRII'ER INTERIACES ObtainingInformationabout a Terminal ln additionto specifying informationaboutyourterminal,youcanuseOSCseque[ces to requestinformationaboutthe terminal'scurrentsettìngs.The syntaxof theTerminal thatrequests informationabouttheterminalis asfollows: QueryOSCsequence where Q Indicatesthat this sequenceis a queryfor information. In responseto the Terminal Query OSC sequence,the Terminal SupportCode sendsan APC sequencethat lìststhe currenîvaluesof all modesfor a terminaland all modesior the connectionthroughwhich the requestwasmade- However,it doesnot .eturn informationabout the escape-sequence/terminal-character-sequence pairingsor about the input/output control characterassignments. A task obtainsthe query informationby performingthe followìngsteps,in orderl 1. Call A$WRJTE to sendthe followingOSC sequenceto the terminal: Esc I Q Esc\ This queriesthe Terminal SupportCode for informationaboutthe terminal. In response,the Terminal SùpportCodereturnsthe requestedinformationin the îorm of an APC sequence(without a line terminator) at the front of the t)?eaheadbuffer for the connection. If echoingmode is enabled,this informationwill echoat the terminalwhen the task readsit. 2. 2-18 CallA$READ to read the appropriatenumberofcharactersfrom the connection. the numberof charactersreturneddeDendson the valuesofthe modes.and some of thesemodes,suchas the input baudrate (I) for the terminal,can vary in length. You shouldallow two spacesfor the "Esc_"at the beginning,two spacesfor the "Esc\" at the end,and enoughspacesfor the modesifl between.A simple,safeway to obtain this data is to read one byte at a time, until "Esc\'appears. The modes are separatedby commasand packedtogetherwithout blanks. An exampleof a returnedAPC sequencefollows: DeviceDriversUsedsGuide FEATURXS OF THE DRII'ERINTERT'ACES Esc_ CI T-2 , E:0 , R-0 ,lr-1 , O:0 , C-0 ;T : l-0 , H:0 , M=0, R=2,W-2, T-1 , F:0 , r - 9 6 0 0 , o = 0 , s - 1 8 , [ - 6 4 , y : 2 4 , U - 8 0 , v - 1 6 , c - l , J - 0 , K - 0 , t ' - 0 , Q =E0s c \ 2.3.4-5Restricting the Useof a Terminalto OnèConnection If there are multiple connectionsto a terminal,you can sendOSC sequences via any one of the connectionsto "lock"the terminal. When you do this, the terminal is temporarily restrìctedfrom communicatingvia any other connection. Tasksthat communicatevia the filst mnnectioncan usethe connectionaccordingto how it was opened,and I/O requeststhroughthat connectionare processednormally, However,iftasks make I/O requestsvia the locked-outconnections,the Terminal SupportCo.ie queuesthoseI/O requestsuntil the terminal is unlocked. The syntaxofthe Lock and Unlock OSC sequences are as follows: L Lockstheterminal,temporarily preventing I/O via otherconnections. U Unlocksthe termhal,allowingI/O to occurvÌaall connectioÍsto the rermtnat The only way to lock a terminal is for a task or a terminaloperatorto sendthe Lock OSC scquence.However,there are two waysto unlock a terminal: r A task (via the connectionusedto lock the terminal) or the terminal operatoacan sendthe Unlock OSC sequence. . A task can closethe connectionusedto lock the terminal After a terminal is unlocked,the queuedI/O requestsare processedin the order in which theywere queuecl. DeviceDdvers Use s cuide 2-49 FEATT]RES OF THE DRI!'ER INTERFACES NOTE If thereis a chanceof a terminalbecoming locked,tasksshouldusecare whenusingBTOSsystemcallsto communicate via otherconnections to the terminal.If the tasksinvokesystemcallssuchasA$READ and A$WRITEwithoutspecifying a response mailbox,a deadlocksituation couldoccur. ProgrammaticallyInseningOatainto a Terminat's|nput Stream A task can use an OSC sequenceto insert (stuff) data into a terminal's input stream. This process is usefulwhenoperators mustenterlargeblocksof datathatvaryonlyslightly from oneoccurrence to the next.The synta!of theStuffingOSCsequence is asfollows: where Sr Indicatesthat this sequencestuffsdata into the input stream. You must includethe colon (:) after the S. text Text (a maxìmumof 126characters)to be placedin the terminal'sinput strerm. If the connection'sechomode is enabled,the sruffedrext displ.rys on the screen.Ifthe connection'sline-editingmode is enabled,the operatoacan edìt the stuffedtext. Ifyou sendcompositeOSC sequences (multiple OSC sequences separatedwith semicoÌons),the compositesequencecan containonly one StuffingOSC sequence,and that subsequence must be the last subsequence. 2.50 DeviceDriversUse/s Guide The OperatingSystemsùpplies a numberof complere devjcedriversthatsupportmany differentdevices.Insteadofwritingyourowndevicedriver,youmightbe ableto useone ofthe Intel-supplied devjcedÍiversto commùnicare withthe devices ìn yourappljcation syslem. Someof theseIntel-supplied devicedriversfall into therandomaccess or common category, somefall intoîhe terminalcategory, andsomearecustomdrivers.Thischapter Ìislsthe driversby category andprovidesgeneralintbrmationabouteachdrìver.Table 3-1liststhe driversincludedwith theExtended iRMX II package. Table3-1. Intel.Supplied DeviceDrirers lype DeviceDriver iSBC208flexblediskdriver MassStorageControll€r (MSC)driveri iSBX218Affexibte diskdriver iSBC220SMDdriver |SBC186/224A mulliperpheraldriver iSSX251bubblem€morydriver |SAC264bubblememorydriv€r Lineprinterdriverlor|SBX350 Linepr nterdriverlor|SBC286/10(A) SCSIdriverlor |SBC286/1mA iSBC186/410termnaldriver TerminalCommunicatìons Controll€r drtvèr |SBC534lernÌnaldriver |SBC5444termnaldrivér iSBX351telminaldriver 8274terminaldriver 82530termÌnaldriver Custom Blte bucketdrivef Sfeam tìledriver * S u p p o r l s l h ei S B C 2 1 4 , I S B C 2 l 5 Ga,n . i S A X2 1 7 Cc ó n r r o t t è r st t.a t s os u p p o r r rsh e i S B X 2 l S A c o n l r o l l e r w h ei tni s m o l n r e d o n i h e S B C 2 1 5 Gb o a r d . DeviceDriversUser'sGuide I NTEI-SUPPLIED DEVICE DRIVERS 3.1 RANDOMACCESSAND COMMONDRIVERS This sectiondescribesthe randomaccessand commondriverssuppliedwith the OperatingSystem.Thesedriversare designedaccordingto the guidelineslisted in Chapter5 and they make useof the featuressuppliedby the I/O System'ssupportcode for randomaccessand commondevices. For informationon addìngany of thesedevicedriversto your appìicationsystem.refer to the Extended.|RMX II Interactive ConfrgurcttionUtíIít! ReferenceManual. 3.1.1 iSBC@ 208 DiskDriver This driver supportsflexiblediskettedrivesconnectedto the iSBC 208controller. The driver supportsup to lbur units (0-3)per controller. The iSBC 208 flexibledisk driver . Supportsboth 8-inchand 5.25-inchdisks(single-or double-sided,single-or doubledensity). . Supportsthe READ, Vr'RITE,SEEK, SPECIAL,ATTACH$DEVICE, DETACH$DEVICE. and CLOSE functions. . Acrceptsthe OPEN functionbur performsno operationsfor it. This driver requiresa 1K byte block of memoryin the first megabyteto be reservedfor useby the driver. You can speci$ the physicaladdressof this hlockwirh rhe ICU during configu.ation. The defaultaddressis 1600HTrack formattingand volumechangenotificationare supportedvia the SPECIAL runcfron. The seekoverlapcapabilitiesof the iSBC 208 controllerallow seekoperationsto occur concurrentlyon multiple units ofthc samcdcvice, llowevet, concurrentseekoperatlorÌs cannottake placewhile any other operationis in progress. Refer to the rSBC 208 FlexibleDí.skDive ControllerHardware ReferenceManual îor rllorc irlormationaboutthe iSBC208controller. 3.1.2 MassStorageController(MSC)Driver Thìsdriverprovidesthemeansto controlharddiskdrives.flexiblediskdrives,andtape drives.It cansupporteitherthe iSBC215c boardor the iSBC214boardasthe base controller. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide INTELSUPPLIED DEI'ICE DRI!'ERS The iSBC 2l5G board controlshard disk drives. t he iStsX2lTC and iSBX 2l8A boards can be attachedto this boa.d,via iSBX connectors,to provide tape and fleibte disk support,respectively.The iSBC 214boardprovidesall ofthe iSBC 2156, iSBX 217C,and iSBX 218A featuresin a singleboard. However,hard disksformattedwith eirher the iSBC 215G or iSBC 214 controllerwill not work when connectedto the other controller. This driver requires62 bytesofmemory in the first megabyîeto be reservedfor its use. You can speci$ the physicaladdressof this blockwith the ICU duringconfiguration.The defaultaddressis 1200H. |SBC@ 2t5GFeatures TheiSBC2l5Gcontroller supports harddiskdrives(usually Winchester technology) thar are compatiblewith thc 5T506/412interfaceand connectedto the iSBC 215c controll€r. The driver suppo.tsup to foùr unitsper controller. For hard disks.this driver . Supportsthe READ, WRITE, SEEK SPECIAL, ATTACH$DEVICE, and DETACH$DEVICE functions. . Acceptsthe OPBN and CLOSE functionsbut performsno operationsfor them. Track formatting,volumechangenotificatior, gettil8 devic€charactcrisrics, and gelling and settingbad track informationare supportedvia the SPECIAL function. Improveshard disk integrityvia rhe seek-on-detach feature,in which the disk headsseek to the innermostrylinder (which is usuallythe diagnosticcylinder)in responseto the F$DETACH$DEV command. 'Ihe seekoverlapcapabiiitiesof the iSBC 215Gcontroller allow seekoperationsto occur on multiple unitswhile a DMA transferis occuúingon anotheaWinchesterunit. Reièr to the iSBC 215 Geneic WihchesterDkk Contoller HardwareRekrcnce Manual lor more informationaboutthe iSBC 215Gcontroller. isBxn.217cFeatures TheiSBX217CMagreticCartridgeTapelnterfaceBoardis an 8-bit,single-wide, iSBXMULTIMODULE I/O expansion boardfor installarion on any8- or 16-bit ìSBChostboardthathasan iSBXconnector.It providesan interfacebetweena MULTIBUSprocessor boardand l/4-inchmagnetic cartridgetapedrivesthatcorresponcl to the QIC-02interface- DeviceD vers User's6uide 3-3 INTELSUPPLIED DE!'ICE DRI'ERS to an iSBC2l5G winchester WhentheiSBX217CMULTIMODULE boardis attached up to four tapedrivesconnected to the diskcontrollerboard,thedriversupports MULîMODULE board,althoughonlyonetapedrívecanbe attachedat a time. This upe driver . Supportsthe READ,WRITE,SPECIAL,ATTACH$DEVICE,DETACH$DEVICE, andCLOSEfunctions. . Acceptsthe OPENfunctionbut performsno operations for it. via the SPECL{Lfunction: Thedriversupports the followingsubfunctions Format Get devicecharacteristics Rewindtape Rcadtapcfi-lcmark Writetapefile mark Retension tape Theor y HumanInterfacecommands supported for taped.ivesareATTACHDEVICE, DETACHDEVICE,BACKUP,andRESTORE.After youissuea BACKUPor RESTOREcommand, the softwareautomatically rewindsthetape. Refer to the iSBX217CMagnetícCaftrdgeTapeInteface MultímoduleBoardHardwarc Reference Manuallor mor€informalionabouttheiSBX217CMULTIMODULE board. 3.1-2.3iSBXrx 2í84 Features TheiSBX218Aboardcontrolsflexiblediskdrivesthatarecompatible with the 54784/460interface.The driversupports flexiblediskdrivesconnected to an iSBX218,4 MULTIMODULE board,aslongasthat MULTIMODULE boardis attachedto an iSBC215GWinchester diskcontrollerboard.Thisdriver . Supports 8-inchflexibledisks. . Supports5.25-inch flexibledisks. . SupportsDMA transfers. . Supportsthe READ,WRITE,SEEK SPECIAL,ATTACH$DEVICE,and DETACH$DEVICEfunctions. . Acceptsthc OPENandCLOSEfunctionsbutperformsno operations for them. The driversupportsthefollowingsùbfunctìons via theSPF-CIAL fùnclion: Formattingtracks Getting devicecharacteristics Vollme changenotification(supportedon 5.25-inchflexibledisk drivesthat havea "door-open"signal) 3-4 DeviceDriversUseis Cuide INTELSUPPLIEDDEI'ICEDRI!'ERS The seekoverlapcapabilitiesof the iSBC 2l5c/iSBX 2184 controllersallow seek operationsto occuron multiple disketteùnits,evenwhile a DMA transferoccurson a Winchestcrunit. However,all seekopcrationson NAME A 14-BYIEarrayspecirying thenameof theDUIB. Thisname uniquelyidentifiesthedevice-unit to the I/O System.Useonlythe first 13trytes.Thefourteenthis usedby the I/O System.If the nameis lessthan14characters, it is extended with spaces. You assignthe namewhenconfiguring yourapplication system. Later,youspecirythe DUIB namewhenàttachinga unitvia the RQ$A$PHYSICATSATTACH$DEVICE systemcall. Device driversdo reador writethisfield. FILE$DRIVERS WORD specifyingfile driver validity. Sertingbir number ,'i"of this word impliesthat the correspondingfile driver can attachrhis device-unit.Clearingbit number"i" impliesthat the file dnver cannotattachthis device-unit. Thelow-orderbit is bit 0. Thebitsareassociated with the file drivers as follows: DeviceDriversUsefs Gùide DEI'ICE DRIVERINTERFACES Bit'f' File Driver 0 I 3 physical stream named The remaining bitsof thewordmustbe setto zero. Devicedrivers do not readorwrite thisfield. FUNCTS BYTE specirying the I/O functionvalidityfor thisdevice-unit. Settingbit number,,i,,impliesthatthedevice-unit supportsthe corresponding function.Clearingbit number"i',impliesthatthe device-unit doesnot sùpportthefunction.Thelow-orderbit is bit 0. Thebitsareassociated with thefunctionsasfollows: 0 I 2 3 4 read wtite seek special attachdevice 5 detach device 6 open 7 close Bits 4 and 5 shouldalwaysbe set. Every devìcedriver requfes thesefunctions. This field is usedfor informationalpurposesorìly. Settingor clearingbits in this field doesnot limit the devicedriver from performingany I/O function. In fact,eachdevicedriver must be ableto supportany I/O function,either by pe.lbrming the function or by returninga conditioncodeindicatingthe inability ofthe deviceto perfolm tha! function. However,to provide accumle statusinformation,this field shouldindicatethe device,sability to perform the I/O functions. Dcvicc drivcrsdo not read or write this field. FLAGS BYTE speciryingcharacteristics of diskette devices. The significanceofthe bits is as follows,with bit 0 beingthe low-order D[: Biî 0 I DeviceDdversUser'sGuide Meaning 0 = bits 1-7are undefined 1 = bits 1-7aredefinedasfollows 0 = singledensity 1 = doubledensity 4-3 DEVICE DRT'ER INTERFACES 2 0 = singlesided I = doublesided 3 0 = 8-inchdiskettes 1 = 5 l/4-inch diskettes 4 0 = standarddiskette,(track 0 is single-density with 128-b)'tesectors) = 1 not a standarddisketteor not a diskett" 5-1 Reserved;must be set to zero. Ifbit 4 is setto 0. then a driver for the devicehasthe informationit needsto read deviceinformationfrom track 0. Refer to Appendixc for more informationabou!the forma! of slandard diskettes. 4-4 DEV$GRAN WORD speciryingthe devicegranularity,in byes. This parameter appliesto randomaccessdevices,and to somecommondeviccs suchas tape drives. lt specifiesthe minimum numberof bytesot informationthe devicereadsor writes in one operation. If the deviceis a disk,magneticbubbledevice,or tape drive,you should setthis field equalto the sectorsizefor the device. Otherwise,set this field equalro zero. DEV$SIZE DWORD specifyingthe numberofbytes of irformation the deviceuntt can store. DEVICE BY]E speci8/ingthe devicenumberofthe devicewith which this device-unitis associated.Devicedriversdo not accessthis field. IINIT BYTE speciryingthe unit numberof this device-unit.This distinguishes the unit from the other units of the device. DEV$UMT WORD speciryingth€ device-ulit oumber. This nurrrtrr distinguishes the device-unitfrom the other units ìn the entire hardwaresystem.Devicedriverscan ignore this field. INIT$IO WORD specifyingthe offsetaddressof the I nitializ.eI/O procedureassociated wiÌh rhis unit (the baseportion is the sameas the baseof the DEVICE$INFO$P pointer). For user-written customdevicedrivers,the usermust supplythis procedur€(and the FIMSH$IO, QUEUE$IO, and CANCELJIO procedures).For common,randomaccess, and terminaldrivers(both userwritten and Intel-supplied),the proceduresare suppliedwith the I/O System.When filling out the DUIB, enter the namesof the INIT$IO, FINISH$IO, QUEUE$IO, and CANCEL$IO procedures to supplythis information. Devicedriversdo not accessthis iield. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide DEYICEDRIVERINTERFACES FINISH$IO WORD specifyingthc offs€raddressof the Finish I/O procedure associated withthisunit (thebaseportionis the sameasthebase of theDEVICE$INFO$P pointcr).Devicedriversdo not access thisiield. QUEUE$IO WORD specirying the offsetaddress of the QueueI/O procedure associated with thisunit (thebaseportior is thesameasthebase of theDEVICE$INFO$P pointer).Devicedriversdo not access thisfield. CANCEL$IO WORD specifingtheoffsetaddress of theCancelI/O procedure associated with thisunit (thebaseportionis the sameasthebase of theDEVICE$INFO$P pohter). Devicedriv€rsdo not access thisfield. DEVICE$INFO$P POINTERto a structurecontaining additionaljnformationabout the device. The common, random access,and terminal device driversrequire,for eachdevice,a DeviceInformationTable,in a particularformat. Chapter5 liststhe structureof theDeviceInformationTableused with common and random accessdrivers. ChaDtcr 6lists thc structure usedwithterminal drivers.lIyou ari writinga custom driver,youcanplaceinformationin theDevicelniormationTable according to theneedsof yourdriver. Spe.irya zerofor this parameterif theassociated devicedriverdoesnot usethisfield. UMT$. INI. OIiP POIN'IERto a structurecontaining additionalinformationabout the unit. Randomaccess andterminaldevicedriversrequie this Unit InformaîionTablein a particularformat. Chapter5 describes theformatfor randomacc€ss dÍivers.Chapter6 descaibes the formatfor terminaldrivers.If youarewritinga customdevice driver,placeinformationin thisstructure, depending on therreeds ofyour d.iver. Specib,a zerofor thisparameterif the associated device driver does not use this field. UPDATE$. TIMEOUT WORD speciryingthe numberof systemtime units the I/O System mustwait beforewriting a partial sectorafter processinga write requestfor a disk device. In the caseof driversfor devicesthat are neither disk nor magneticbubbledevices,set this field to 0FFFFH during configuratìon.This field appliesonly to the device-unit specifiedby tbis DUIB, and is ifldependentof updatingdone either becauseof the valuein the FIXED$UPDATE iield of the DUIB or by meansof the I/O SystcmA$UPDATE sysremcall. Device driversdo not accessthis field. DeviceDriversUseis Guide 4-5 DEVICE DRIVER INTERI'ACES NUM$. BUFFERS WORD that, ifnot zero,both specifiesthe deviceis a random accessdeviceand indicatesthe numberofbuffers of devicegranularirysizethe I/O Systemallocates.The l/O Systemuses thesebutlersto pertorm data blockingand deblockingoperations. That is, it guaranteesthat data is read or written beginningon sectorboundaries.If you desire,the randomaccesssupport routinescan alsoguaranteethat no data is witten or read across track boundariesin a singlereqùest(seethe sectionon the Ur t Inforúation Tablein Chapter3). A valùeofzero indicatesthe deviceis not a randomaccessdevice. Devic€driversdo not access this field. PRIORITY BYTE sp€cifyingthe priority ofthe I/O Systemservicetask for the device.Devicedriversdo not accessthis field. FIXED$. UPDATE BYTE indicatjngwhetherthe fi\ed updateoption wasselectedfor the device-unitwhen the applicationsystemwasconfigured.This option,when selected,causesthe I/O Systemto finish anywrite requeststhat had not beenfinishedearlierbecauselessthan a full sectorremainedto be written. Fi{ed updatesare performed throughoutthe entire systemwhenevera time interval (specified duringconfiguratìon)elapses.This is independentof the updating indicatedfor a particulardevice(by the UPDATE$TIMEOUT field of the DUIB) or th€ updalingof a parlicular tlcviccindicatc TRACK$SIZE WORD specifying the size,in b),tes,of a singletrackof a volume on theunit. If thedevic€controllersupports.eadingandrÀ.riting acrosstrackboundaries, andyourdriveris a random-access driver, placea zeroin thisfield ln thiscase,theI/O System-supplied randomaccess supportprocedures placean absolutesector numberin the DEV$LOCfieldof theIORS. If youspeci! a nonzerovaluefor thisfield,therandomaccess supportprocedures guaaantee thatreadandwriterequests do not qosstrack boundaries. Theydo thisbyplacingthe sectornumberin theloworderwordof theDEV$LOCfield ofthe IORSandthe track numberin thehigh-order wordofthe DEV$LOCfieldbefore callinga user-written devicestartprocedu.e.Instructions for writinga devicestartprocedure arecontainedlaterin thisclrapter. set thìs valu€ to zero. MAX$RETRY 5"14 For interrupt-driven devices, a WORD specirying the meximum numberof timesan l/O requestshouldbe triedifan error occurs. Nineis therecommended valuefor thisfield. Whenthisfield containsa nonzerovalue,the I/O System-supplied procedures guarantee thatreador writerequests areretriedifthe usersupplieddevicestartor deviceinterruptprocedures returnan IO$SOFTconditionìn theIORS.UMfiSTATUSfield. (The IORS.UNIT$STATUS ficld is described in the ^IORSStructure" sectionoi Chapter4.) DeviceDriversUsefs Guide WRITINGCOMMONOR RANDOMACCESSDEI'ICEDRII'ERS CYLINDER$SIZE For interrupt-driven devices, a WORDwhosemeaningdepends on its value.asfollows: Therandomaccess supportcodeneversplitsa reador wite into a seek/reador a seek/write.Instead,either it expects thedevicedriverto requestseekoperations whenever a read/writebeginson a rylinderdifferent from the oneassociated with thecurrentDositionof the read/writehead(expticitseeks), or it expects the controllerto performtheseseeksautomatically (impliedseeks). TheI/O Systemautomatically requests a seek operation(to seekto thc correctcylinder)before performinganyreador write. The devicedriverfor the unirmustcalltheSEEI($COMpLETE procedure immediately followìngeachseekoperation. Other Any othervaluespecifies the numberof sectorsìn a cylinderon the unit. TheI/O Systemusesthis informationto determinewhenit shouldrequestseek operations.It automatically requests a seekoperation whenever a requested reador wlite operationbeginsin a differentcylinderthanthatassociated with the currentpositionofthe read/writehead.Thedevice driverfor theunit mustcal theSEEK$COMPLETE urc immediatelv followine each seek ooeration 5.4 DEVICEDATASTORAGE AREA The commonand randomaccessdevicedrjversare set up so that all data îhat is local to a deviceis maintainedin an area ofmemory. The IMfiIO procedurecreatesthis device data storagearea,and the other procecìures of the driver atess and updale information in it as needed. Storingthe device-localdata in a centralarea servesrwo purposes. First, all devicedriver proceduresthat serviceindividualunits ofthe devicecan accessancl updatethe samedata. The IMfiIO procedureDasses the addressof the areabackto the I/O System,which in turn givesthe aàdressro the orher proceduresof rhe driver. 'lhey can then placeinformationrelevantto the deviceas a whole into the area. The identity of the first IORS on the requestqueueis maintainedin this area,aswell as the atlachmen!sta!usof the individualunits and a meansof accessing the interrupt/message task. DeviceDriversUser'sGuid€ WRITINC COMMON OR RA,NDOM ACCESS DE\,'ICE DRIVERS Second, severaldevices of thesamet'?e cansharethe samedevicedrivercodeandstill suppose twoiSBC214devices usethe maintainseparaledevicedataareas.For example, procedure device, and samedevìcedrivercode.The sameINff$IO is calledfor each eachtime it is calledit obtainsmemoryfor thedevicedata.However,thememoryareas thatit createsaredifferent.Onlytheroutinesthatservìce unitsof a particulardeviceare ableto accessthe devicedata area for tbat device. Becaùsethe commonand random accessdevicedriversprovide this mechanism,you might alsowant to includea devicedatastoragearea in any customdriver that you write. 5.5 INTRODUCTION TO PROCEDURES DRIVERSMUSTSUPPLY The routinesprovidedby the I/o Systemand that the I/o Systemcalls(INIT$IO, FINISH$IO, QUEUE$IO, CANCEL$IO, and INTERRUPT$TASK/MESSACE$TASK) constitutethe bulk of a commodor randomaccessdevicedriver. Theseroutines,in turn, make callsto devicedependentroutinesthat you (if you are writing your own random accessor commondriver) must supply. Thesedevice-dependent routinesare described here briefly and then are presentedin detaiì: A deviceinitializationorocedure.This proceduremust pedorm any ìnìtialization functionsnecessaryto get the devicereadyto processI/O requests.INIT$IO callsthis procedure. A devicefinish orocedure.This proceduremust perform any necessary final processing on the d€viceso that the devicecan be detached.FIMSH$IO cals this procedure. A dexjcestart procedure.This proceduremuststart the deviccprocessingany possible I/O function. QUEUE$IO and INTERRUPT$TASK/MESSAGE$TASK(the random access-supplied interrupt/messagetask) call this procedure. A devicestooorocedure.For interrùpt-drivendrivers,this proceduremust stopthe devicefrom processingthe currentl/O function,if that lunction could take an indetinite amountof time. CANCEL$lO callsthe devicestopprocedure. For message-passing drivers,all I/O functionsare guaranteedto finish within a limited îime. CANCEL:$IOdoesnot call this procedure;therefore,this proceduredoesnot need to perform any operations. A deviceinterrupt procedure.This proceduremustdo all ofthe derice-rJependent processingthat resultsfrom the device'ssendingan interrupt/message. TNTERRUPT$TASK/MESSAGE$TASKcallsthis procedure. Figure 5-5 illustratesthe relationshipbetweenlheseproceduresand the hìgher-Ievel procedures(INIT$IO, FINISH$IO, QUEUE$IO, and CANCEIJIO) suppliedby the I/O Systcm.The remainingsectionsofthis chapterdiscussthe proceduresin detail. DeviceDriver3Useis Guide WRITING COMMON OR RANDOMACCESSDEYICEDRII'ERS Chapter 8 also provides information about these procerJures. Rcfcr to that chapt€r for specifics on whattheprocedures mustdo whenhandlingeachq?e ofI/O request. E E E lr] Figure5-5, Relationships Randod-Access DriverProcedurcs between 5.6 DEVICEINITIALIZATION PROCEDURE The IMT$IO procedurecallsthe user-writtendeviceinitializationp.ocedureto initialize the device. The format of the call to the user-writtendeviceinitializationDrocedureis as follows: CALLdevice$init ( duib$p, ddata$p, statusSp); where procedure.You canuseanynamefor device$init Nameof the deviceinitialization procedure, this aslongasit doesn'tconflictwith otherprocedùrenames andyouincludethenamein theDeviceInformationTable. duib$p POINTERto the DUIB ofthe device-unit beingattached.INIT$IO supplies thispointerasan inputparameter.FromthisDUIB, the device initializationprocedure canobtainthe DevicelnformationTable,where informationsuchasthe I/o oort address is stored. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide 5-17 WRITING COMMON OR RANDOM ACCESSDEITCE DRI!'ERS ddata$p POINTERto an areaof memorysuppìiedby therandomaccess support code.Thismemoryis the userportionofthe device's datastoragearea. You mustspecifythe sizeof this areaof memoryin the Device InformationTablefor thisdevice.lle deviceinitializationprocedure can purposes usethisdataareafor whatever it chooses.Possible usesfor this dataareaincludelocalflassandbufferareas. slot$id status$p POIN'|ER to a WORD that INIT$IO suppliesas an output parameter. The deviceinitializationprocedu.emust return the statusof the initializationoperationin this word. It shouldretùrn the E$OK condition codeiî the initializatìonis successful.Otherwise.it shouldreturn the appropriateexceptionalconditioncode. If initializationdoesnot complete successfully, the deviceinitialìzationproceduremust ensurethat any resourcesit createsare deleted. The deviceinitializationproceduremust do the followingl . It mùst initializeany driver data structuresot flags. For mcssogc-passing drivers,this proccdurcmust initializeth€ PORT$T and SLOT$ID fields of the device'sdata storagearea. The deviceinitializationprocedure must createa port, then store this TOKEN in the PORT$T field. This procedure must alsoscaninterconnectspacefor the board instancespecifiedin the Device InformationTable and return its slot lD to the SLOT$ID field. Inrel hassupplied samplecodeimplementingboth ofthese stepson ReleaseDisketteNumber 19t iRMX lI DemonstrationSoftwarethat comeswith your ExtendediRMX II package. For a description of these examples,se€the Ereflded. íRMX II Nucleus User'sGuide. Ifyou havea devicethat doesnot needto be initializedbefore it can be used,you can use DEFAULfiINIT, the defaultdeviceinitializatiooproceduresuppliedby rhe l/O System.Specilythis namein the DeviceInformationTable. DEFAULfiIMT does nothingbut return the E$OK conditioncode. . It must resetthe board or device.Then it can wait for completionof the reset. For interrupt-driven drivers,the deviceinitializationprocedurewill not receivethe intcrrupt if the devicesendsan interrupt to indicatethe resetis complere.For such devices,either the devìcestart or deviceinterrupt procedureshouldcontainspe.ial codeto oroccssthc resetinterruDt. 5-18 Devic€DriversUsefs Gùide WRITING COMMON OR RANDOMACCESSDEYICEDRI!'ERS For mcssage-passintdrivers, the devÌceinitii ization prNedure will receive initializationresponses from the controller. Either this procedure,the devicestart,or deviceinterrupt procedurecan processsuchresponses. 5,7 DEVICE FINISH PROCEDURE The FINISH$IOprocedure callsthe user-wtitten devicefinishprocedure to performfinal processing on thedevice,afterthelastI/O requesthasbeenprocessed. The formatof the callto thedevicefinishproce U_ I < abw> Driver IInit Information Device-unitInformation So,ifyou enteredan abbreviation of "ABC"anda nameof "High SpeedABC,"yourscreenabbrevjations wouldbe'D,ABC, "U_ABC," and"I-ABC.,Thescreennameswouldbe "HighSpeed ABC Driver,""HighSpeedABC Unit Information," and"High SpeedABC Device-unit Information." #driver 9-ó Thevalueyouspecifyhereindicates the kind of driverthisis and thusthekind of screens to display.Thefollowingvaluesapply: DeviceDdvers Usefs Guide CONFIGURINGA USER-WRITTDNDEYICEDRIVER Value Drlver 1 lorminalSuppoft d verwithoneifi€ruptl€v€l(seeFigures $3, 98, and911 lorscre€ns) " lgH;,;ii#":i:"íJ" 3 tntsruplessMULTIBUS|andMULTTBUSFu tvlessage Passing Terminalsupport drivsr(s€6Figuros95,98, and911 4 InteruptDrivsnRandomAccessSupporlandcommondÍvers (s66Figur€s96, 99, and912 icr scrsenE) 5 MULTIBUS tt FuttMessag€passingRandomAccessdevices. 6 Resetued 7 (seeFigures$8,911,and9i4 for Bcr€€ns) Generaldriver (3è6 * 't6fupr,€vE,s Fisures s.4, #device Thisfieldindicates thestartof theinformationthat appliesto the deviceinformationscreen.'lhis informationcontinues until a #endfieldappears. #dev_aux Thisfieldindicates the numberof auxiliaryparameters on the deviceinformationscreen.Thisvaluecanrangefrom 0 to 20, If thisvalueis four or lessfor terminalsupportdevices or random access devices, or 14o.lessfor generaldevices, eachauxiliary parameteris displayed on a sepaaate line,andtheparameter namesyouspeci$iin the #d fieldsaredisplayed theretoo. If more auxiliaryparanìet€l s arespecificd, rhcparameters aredisplayed on the deviceinformationscreenin rowsof fiveparameters each.ln thiscase,thereis no roomfor theparameternamesandif anyarc entered,the UDSignoresth€m. Wlen theICU generates a system, ìt placesthe auxiliary parameters from thedeviceinformationscreenin the ?ICDEVC.A28 or ?ITDEV"428fil€srlìarir crearcs(whcrc? meansthecharacter canvary),immediately afterthe Device lnformationstructure.The file that is actuallyaltereddepends on whetherthedeviceis a terminall?ITDEV.A28ìor a random/common (?ICDEV>A28)device. #d01 Eachoîthesefields(#d01through#d20)identilyauxiliar, paramctcrs in the deviceinformationtable.Althoughthe identifiersfor theseparam€ters arefixed(D01throughD20),il the auriliaryparameters eachfit on a singleline,the 1- to 41-character parameter nameyouspeciryhete(as'parameter name', surrounded quotes) by will be includedon the menuto describe the au-rilìary Darameter. DeviceDriversUseCsGuide 9.7 DEVICEDRII'ER CONFIGURING A USER.WRIT"TEN Evenifyour deviceìnformationtablecontainstoo manyau\iliary pffametersto includea parameternamefor each,youmustspeaily the #d fieldfor a parameterifyou planto addhelpinformationfor thàtfield. In suchcases, youcanspeci! the #d fieldwithouta parametername,asfollows: #d03 You canalsomodiîytheparameternamesandhelpinformation for thestandardparameters thatnormallyappearon the devic€ informationscreenyouselected.For example, ifyou aresettingup a randomaocess deviceandyouwantedto modifythe parameter nameandhelpinformationfor the DS field (seeFigure9-5),you couldincludethefollowinginformationin theinputfile: llds -'Size of Devíce Local Data [0-oFFFFH]' l hisis the description of theDS field. Youcanmodirythe other fieklsin thesamemanner. d01help Thìsis thehelpinformationfor theparameters.You MUST includeheìpinformationfor all parameters. The UDS assumes thatthehelpinformationendswhena # appearsat the startofa subsequent ìine,or whenthemaximumcharacter countis reached. The UDS displays helpinformationwhenthe ICU userrequests helpfor thecorresponding parameter.Helpinformationis limited to a maximumof 1024characters. #end This field designates the end of the device,unit, or device-unit ìnformation. #unit This field indicatesthe start of the informationthat appliesto the unit informationscreen.This informationcontinuesuntil an #end field appears. #unit_aux This field indicatesthe numberof auxiliaryparameterson the ùnit informationscreen.This valuecan rangefrom 0 to 20. If this value is 10or Ìess,eachauxiliaryparameteris displayedon a separateline with the parameternamesyou specily.With more than 10auxiliaryparameters,the parametersare displayedtwo to a row, with no room for parameternames. When the ICU generatesa system,it placesthe auxiliary parametersfrom the unit informationscreenin the ?ITDEV.A28 or ?ICDEV.A2Sfiles it creates,immediatelyafter the Unit lnlbrmation structure.The file that is actuallyaltereddependson the rypeof device: ?ICDEV.A28 for commonand random devices, ?ITDEV.A2Sfor terminaìdevices. 9-8 DeviceDriversUse!'sGuide CONFIGURINGA USER"WRITTENDEI'ICE DRI}'ER #u01 Eachofthesefields(#u01through#u20)identiryauxiliary parameters in the ùnit informationscreen.Theidentifiersfor thesepa.ameters arefixed(U01throughU20). Ifthe auxiliary parameters eachfit on a singleline,the 1-to 41-character psrameternameyouspeairy here(as'parameter name', surrounded by quotes)will be includedon themenuto describe the auxiliaryparameter. Youcanalsousesimilarfieldsto changethepatameternamesand helpinformationfor anyof thestandardparametcrs ofthc unit informationscreen. u01 help Thisis the helpinformationfor theparameters.You mustinclude helpiÍformationfor all parameters. The UDS assumes thatthe helpinformationendswh€na # appearsat the startof a subsequent line. The UDSdisplays thehelpinformationwhenthe ICU userrequests helpfor thecorresponding parameter.Help informationis limitedto a maximumof 1024characters. #duib Thisfieldindicates thestartofthe informatìonthatappliesto the device-unit screen.The device-unit informationcontinues until a #cnd ficld is encountered. #duib_aux Thisfieldindicates thenumberof auxiliaryparameters on the device-unit infbrmationscreen.Thisvaluecanrangefrom 0 to 20. Currently,theUDS doesnot supportanyauxiliaryparamete.s; therelore,setthis field asfollo\,r's: 9.1,1.2Device Information Screens Thissectionliststhe differentDeviceInformationScreens thattheUDS cangenerate. WhenaddingsupportfoÍ yourowndriver,choosethe screenthatmatchesthewayyour driverexpects the DeviceInformationTableto look. AII of thescreens in thisgroupcan alsocontainauriJìary parameter lines.You shouldsetup auxiliaryparamcterlinesiI noneof theDeviceInformationScreens listedcontainenoughfieldsto supporttheneeds of yourdriver. Figures9-3through9-8illustratethe screens available via thettDS utility. Figure9-3showshowonecolumnof auxiliaryparameter lineslook ifyou do not addyour ownparameternames.Figure9-4shtrws thearxilìaryparameters lookwhenmultiple columnsareneeded. Themeanings ofthe individualfieldsin thesescreens arethesameasthe fieldsin the DeviceInformationTable. Referto Chapters5 or 6 for moreinfo.mationaboutthose tables. DeviceDriversflser'sGuide 9-9 CONFIGURINGA USER-WRIÎTENDEVICEDRII'ER (D_xxx) One-Interrupt Terminal Device Infotnatlon (DEv) Device Nane {1-16 chars l Nunber of terÌninals on this controller Drlver Data Size [0-oFFFFH] (ss) Drivers stack size [0-oFFFFH] (lNl) Term_init Procedure Name f1-31 Charsl (FIN) Term_finish Procedure Nane l1-31 Chars (SET) Term_setup Procedure Nane II-31 Chars] (oUT) Tern-out Procedure Nane [1-3]. Charsl (ANs) Term_answerProcedure Nane [1'31 chars (HAN) Term_hangupProcedure Name [1-31 Chars (UTI) Term_utility Procedure Nane l1-31 Charsl (lL) Interrupt Lever lEncoded Level] (CHK1) Terrn-check for this Level [1-31 Chars] (D01) Auxlliary 1 (D02) Auxiliary 2 (D03) Aùxi1iàry 3 (D04) A.uxiliary 4 (NT) (DS) 00 00000H 00000H 000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Figure 9-3. UDS DeviceInformation Screenfor One-Interrupt Terminal (D xxx) (DEV) (NT) (DS) (SS) (lNI) (FIN) (sET) (oUT) (ANs) (HAN) (UTI) (Tr1) (CKl) ll L2) (CK2) (D01) (D06) (Dll) (D16) T\,ro-Interrupt Tèrninal Device lnformarion Device Name11-16 charsl Nuber of temrinals on Èhls concroller D r i v e r D a t a S i z e { 0 - o F F F F H I0 0 0 0 0 H Drivers Stack Size f0-oFFFFHI 0oo00H Tern-init Procedure Nane I1-31 Charsl Term-finish Procedurè Nane [1-31 Chars] Tern_setup Procedure Nanìe [1-31 Chars] Tern_out Procedure Nane [1-31 Chars] rerm_answer Procedure Nane [1-31 chars] Term_hangupProcedure Nane [1,31 chars] Tern_utility Procedurè Nane [1-31 chars] Fírst Inlerrupt l-eve1 lEncoded level] Tenn-check for First fevel [1 - 31 Chars] second InLerrupr Level Itr.oded ]evel I Tern-check for Second Level {1 31 charsl 00000H (D02) 00000H (D03) 00000H (D04) 00000H (D07) 00000H (D08) 00000H (D09) 00000H (D12) 00000H (D13) 00000H (D14) O0000H (D17) 000OOH (D18) OO000H (D19) 00 000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H oooooil (D05) (D10) (D15) (D20) Figùre 9-4. UDS Device Information Screen for Tì*o-InternrDt Terminal 9.10 DeviceDriversUser,sGuide 00000H 00000H 00000H oooooH CONFIGURINGA USER.WRIÎ'îEN DEI'ICE DRII'ER (D_xxx) Interrupt-less I,IULTIBUSI and MULTIBUSII Ternìina1 Device lnfornatÌor (DEV) (NT) ( D S) (ss) (INI) (FIN) (sEr) (our) (ANS) (HAN) (UTI) (l,rTP I (cHK) (D01) ( D 0 2) ( D 0 3) (D04) Fult Message passíng Device Name [1-16 Charsl Nurnber:of terninals on this controller Driwer Data Size [0-oFFF|H] Driwer Sta.k Size l0-OFFFzul T e r m l n i t P r o c e d u r e N a m e| - j l C h a r s l Tern-flnish Procedure Nane l1-31 Charsl Tern-setup Procedure Nane [1-31 Chars] îern-out Procedure Nane [1-31 Charsl T c r n a n s e e r P r o c e d u r e N a m el I - 1 1 c h d r s l Tern-hangup Pr:ocedur:eNarDe[1-31 Chars] Tèrn-utility Procedurè Nane l1-31 Charsl l.{essageTask Priority [0- 255] T e r m - c Ì è c ! P r o c F d u r eN a m e[ 1 - 3 1 c h a r s ] Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary 2 AuxíIíaiy 3 Auxiliary 4 000 00000H 000 00000tl 00000H 00000H 00000H Figure 9-5, UDS Device Informafion Screenfor Interrùptless Terminal D€vices (D_xxx) (DEv) (IL) (ITP) (SS) (DS) (MJ) (TNl) (FIN) (STR) (STP) (lNT) (ITo) (D01) (D02) (D03) (D04) MULTIBUSI Randon Access Devlce tnfornatlon Device Nane [1-16 Chars] Interrupt Lever IEncoded Level] lnterrupÈ Task Prioriry [0-255] Interrupt Procedure Stack Size [0-oFFFzu] Device Local Data Size [O-0FFFFH] Nunber of Units on this Device [0-255] InltlallzaÈion Procedure Nane [1-31 Charsl FinÍsh Procedure Name [1-31 Chars] stert Procedltrè NàÌne [1-31 chars] Stop Procèdure Narne {1-31 chatsl Interrupt Procedure Nane {1-31 Charsl Interrupr Time our {o-oFFFFHI Auxilíary 1 Auxiliary 2 Auxiliary 3 Auxiliary 4 000H 000H 00000H 00000H 000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Figure 9-6, UDS DeviceInformation Screenfor RandomAccessDevice DeviceDriversUse/s Cuide 9-lt CONFIGURINGA USER.WRITTENDEVICEDRI!'ER ( D_xxx ) (DEV) (MTP) (ss) (Ds) rNU) (INI) (FIN) (STR) (STP) (MSG) (MTo) (MQL) (BIN) (BlD) (D01) (D02) (D03) (D04) Device Nane [1-16 Chars] M e s s a g eT a s k P r i o r i t y [ 0 - 2 5 5 ] Message Procedure Stack Size [0-oFFFFH] Device Local Daca size I0-oFFFFHI N u r n b e ro f U n i c s o n t h í s D e v i c p [ 0 - 2 5 5 ] Init Procedure Nane [l-31 Chars] Finish Procedure Narn€ [1-31 chars] Start Procedure Nane [1-31 Chars] SÈop Procealure Narne l1-31 Charsl Message Procedure Name [1-31 chars] Message Tine out [O-0FFFFH] Mèssage Queue ]-ength [0-oFFFFH] Board Instance l0- oFFHI Board ID. [1'10 chars] Auxtliary 1 Au:iliary 2 Auxiliary 3 Auxiliary 4 000 00000H 00000H 000 00000H 00000H 000H 00000H 00000R 00000H 00000H Figure 9-7. UDS DeviceInformation Screenfor MULTIBUS@II Message-Passing Random AccessD€vice (D_x:x) (DEv) (IL) (IîP) (D01) ( D 0 2) ( D 0 3) (D04) ( D 0 5) ( D 0 6) ( D 0 7) ( D 0 8) ( D 0 9) ( D 1 0) (Drr) (D12) ( D 1 3) (D14) ceneraf Device. Device Infornation Device Name [1'16 Chars ] Interrùpt Lewèl IEncoded Lewel] Interrupt Task Priority l0-2551 Auxiliary I Arlxiliary 2 Auxiliary 3 Auriliary 4 Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary 2 Auxiliary 3 Auxiliary 4 Auxlltary 3 Auxilíaty 4 Auxiliàry I Anxiliary 2 Auxiliary 3 Auxiliary 4 Figùre 9-8. UDS l)evice Inforúafion 9-12 000H 000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Screen for G€n€rdl Device DeviceDriversUseis Gùide CONFIGURINGA USER.WRITTENDEVICEDRII'ER 9.1,1.3 UnitInlormation Screens Thissectionliststhe Unit InformalionScreens thatthe UDScansenerate.Thesescreens are defìnedbyplacinginformationìntoa userinpurfile.whichthàUDS reads.By choosing the appropriate drivert)?e andaddirgthecorrectnumberof au\iliarylinesto the driver'sscreens, the usercansetup theICU to handletheconfiguration of virtually anydriver.All screens in thisgroupcancontainauxiliaryparameterlines.If noneof the Unit InformationScreens listedcontainenoughlieldsto supportyourdriver,setup auxiliaryparameter lines.Figures9-9,9-10,and9-11illùstratethe screens available via the UDS utility. Themeanings ofthe individualfieldsin thesescreens arethe sameasthe fieldsin the Unit InformationTable. Referto Chaoters 5 or 6 for moreinformationaboutthose tables. TernínaI ( DEV) (NAl'l) (cNF) (TRF) ( rBR) (0BR) (sN) (u01) (u02) ( u 0 3) (u04) (u05) (u06) (u07) (u08) (u09) (u10) Support Unit Infornation Devlce Nane l1-16 chars l Unit lnfo Name [1-16 Chars] conn€ction flàgs IEncÒdèd] Terninal flags IEncoded] Input BAUDRate [0-oFFFrlì] output BAUDRate [0"oFFFFH] scroll Nrmber [0-OFFFFH] Awil iory 1 Auxiliary 2 Auxil iary 3 Auxiliary 4 Auxiliary 5 Auxiliary 6 Auxiliary 7 Auxiliary 8 Auxil.iary 9 Auxiliary 10 000H 000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Fisurc9-9. UDSUnit lnformatioriScreenfor TerminalDevice Devicc Drivcrs UscCs Cuidc 9-13 CONF'ICURINC,1, USER-WRITTEN DEVICE DRI!'ER (U_xxx) (DEV) (NAu) (TS) (l.fR) (cs) (u01) (u02) (u03) (u04) (u05) (u06) (u07) (u08) (u09) (u10) Randon Access Support Unit Device Name [1-16 Chars] Unit Tnfo Nane 11-16 Charsl Track Siz€ [0-oFFFFH] Ìlaxlnun Re!r1es [0-oFFFFH] cyÌinder Size I0- 0FFFFHI 00000H (u11) 00000H (u12) 00000H (u13) o0o00H (ul4) 00000H (u15) 0000oH (ul6) 00000n (u17) 0 0 0 0 0 H( u 1 8 ) 0 0 0 0 0 H( u 1 9 ) 00000H (u20) lnfornation 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Figure 9-10. UDS Unit ldformation Scrcen for Random AccessDevice ceneral Devicè ljnit Infornation ( DEV) (NAl'f) (u01) Device Nane l1- 16 Charsl Unit Info Name[1-16 Chars] Auriliary 1 ( u 0 2 ) Auxitiary 2 ( u 0 3 ) Auxiliary 3 (u04) Auxíliary 4 ( u 0 5 ) Auxíliary 5 ( u 0 6 ) Auxiliary 6 ( u 0 7 ) Auxiliary 7 (uo8) Auxiliary 8 (u09) Auxillary 9 (u10) A$.iliary 10 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H 00000H Figùre 9-ll. UDS Unit Information Screelrfor General Devlce 9-14 DeviceDriversUsefs Guide CONFIGURINGA USER.WRIITEN DEYICEDRIVER 9.1.1,4Device-Unil Inlormation Screens This sectionlists the Dcvice-UnirInformationSc.eensthar rhe UDS senerates.When addingsupportfor your own driver,choosethe screenthat marchestie wav your driver expectsthe DUIB to look. Nonc of the scr€ensin this group currenttyal"í ou"itiary parameterlines. Figures9-12,9-13,and 9-14illustratethe sqeensavailablevia the UDS urility. The meaningsof the individualfieldsin thesescreensare the sameas the fields in the DUIB. Refer to Chapter4 for more informationabourthe fields of rhe DUIB. (I_xxx) TerÌnina1 Supporr Device-Unit (DEV) (NM) (UN) (UTN) (l,fB) Device Nane [1-16 chars] Device-Unit Nane [1-13 chars] Unlt Nurber on Èhis Device [0-0FFH] Unlt Tnfo Nane 11-16 charsl Max Buffers [0-oFFH] Infornarion 000H 000H Figure 9-12. UDS netice-Unit tnformation Screet for Terminal Device All th.eeterminaldrivertlpesusethesameDevice-UnitInformationscreen. Device Drivers User's Guide 9-15 CONFIGURINC.A. USER.WRIT'TEN DEVICE DRI\,'ER (I xxx) Randon Access (DEV) (NAM) (PFD) (NFD) ( SDD) (sDs) (EFI) (SUF) (GRA) (DSZ) (UN) (UTN) (RUT) (NB) (cuP) (MB) Devlce-Unit Infornatlon Device Narde [1-16 Chars] Device-Unit Nane [1-13 Chars] Physical Flle Drtver Required lYes/Nol Naned File Driver Required {Yes/Nol Slngle or Double Denslty Dlsks IStngle/Doubre] single or Double Síded Disks {Single/Doublel 8 or 5 lnch Disks I8l51 Slandard or Uniforn Format I Standard^ntforE ] Granularlty [0-oFFFFFH] DevÍce Size i0'oFFFFFFFFHI Unit Nurber on this Device [0-oFFH] Unit lnfo Nane [1-16 chars] Request Update Timeout Io-oFFFFH] Nlnùef of Buffers lnonrandon : o/rand - 1-oFFFzu] comon Update [Yes/No] Max Buffers [0-0FFH] No Yes Double Double 5 Standarid 00000H 00000000H 000H 00000H 00000H Yes 000H Fizure9-13.Ut S Device-Unit InformationScreenfor R4ndomAccess Device (I_iw) (DEv) (NAM) (FD) (FNC) (FLG) (cRA) (DSZ) (UN) (INI) (FIN) (QUE) (CL1'l) (UIN) (RUT) (NB) (sTP) (CUP) (MB) Cenèra] Dewice-Unit Infornation Device Name I1-16 charsl Device-Unit Nane [1-13 Charsl FiIe Drivers [o-oFFFFH Encoded] Functions [0-0Fnl Encoded] Ftags [0-oFFH Encoded] Granularity [0-0FFFFFHI Devlce size [0-oFFFFFFFFF Unit Nurber on this Device [0,0FFH] lnitialize-I/o Proc Nane [1-31 chars] Finish-I/0 ProcedureNane [1-31 Chars] Queue-I/o Procedure Name [1-31 chars] cancel-T/0 Procedur€ Nane [1-31 Chars] ùnit Info Name [1-16 chars] Request Update Timeout [0-oFFFFH] Nunb€r of Buffers [nonrandon : o/rand - 1-0FFFFHI sèrvièe îask Priority [0-255] CondronUpdace IYes/No ] Max Buffers [0-oFFH] 00000H 000H 000H 00000H 00000000H 000H 00000H 00000H 000H Yes 000H Figure9-14.UDSDevice-Unit InformationScre€nfor c€neÍù Device 9-16 DeviceDriversUset'sGúide CON|IGURTNG A USER.WRTTTEN DEI'ICEDRIVER 9.1.t.5 hvoking the UDS Utility Onceyou havecreatedan input file that specifieshow the screensfor your rJcvicerlrivcr shouldappear,you are readyto invoke the UDS utility. To do this, ensurethat the diectory containingthe UDS programalsocontainsthe UDS databasefile named UDS.SCM. Then invokethe utility by tlTring: UDS input- file TO output-file where: input-file The nameof the file that containsthe informationthat will be used as input to the UDS utility. This is the file that wasdescribedin the sectionentitled "UDS Input File." output-file The nameportjon of the output files generatedby UDS. UDS addsthree-characterextensionsto thìs namewhen generatingits output files. The two primary output files are output-file.SCMand output-file.TPl-.You will use theseoutput files as input to the ICUMRG utility. The other output file is outpuFfile.ljl a listing flle that showsexactlyhow the screenswill appearwhen addedto the ICU. Note that you shouldnot nameyour UDS output files ICU286.SCMor lCU286.TPL. For example,supposeyou createdan input file calledNEWDRIVER.TXT and wanted the UDS utility to generateoutput files calledSPECIAL.SCMand SPECIAL.TPL. To do this,you would enter the followingcommandl uds néwdriwer. cxÈ co speciàl Partof theoutputof the UDSutilityaretwofileswith extensions .SCMand.TPL(in the example, SPECIAL.SCM andSPECIAL.TPL).Thesefilescontainthedefinitionsof the ICU screens for yourdriver.After runningtheUDS utiliry,youwill usetheICUMRG utilityto addthesefilesto the ICU. However,treforerunningfCUMRc, examinethelistingfile (in the example, SPECIAL.LST).Thisfile showshowthedeviceinformationscreen, the unit information screen, and the device unit information screenwill look whcn addcd to thc ICU. If rhcrc is a problemwith the appearance of anyof thesefiles,youcancatchtheproblemeaù andrerunIIDS. instea(lof addinsincorrects{'reens to the ICU. I)evice I) vers flser's Gùide 9-17 CONFIGURINC.{ U SER.WRJTTEN DE\,'IC[ DRIVER UDSErrorMessages Ifyou makea mistakewhencreatingthefilesto useasinputto UDS,the UDS utilitywill generatean error messageand displayit on your screen,The followingerror messages are displayedvrhenan exlernalîile or memorytlpe error occuru,and are precededby the crrot mcssage: ***Error in IJDS The external file and memory t1rpeerror messagesare . *** cennor Are.h Inn,rr FiIe You did not have the proper permission to accessthe fle containing the UDS rnsfrucÌrons. . *** not enough nemoly for buffers* Your memorypartitionis not iargeenoughto permitthe UDS utilityto run. . *** Cannot Attach UDSSCMFile UDS needsto accessa file calledUDS.SCM,but you do not haveread accessto that file. . ,t** Invalid uDs.scMFile The UDS file UDS.SCM hasbeencorrupted. . ***Cannot Create Ne\r SCMFile UDS cannotcreatethe output file (output_file.ScM). . ***Cennot Create New TPL Fi1è UDS cannotcreatethe output file (output_file.TPI-). . ***CannoÈCreate LST File UDS cannotcreatethe listingfile (output_file.LsT). In addition to externalfile and memorytype error messages, the UDS producesinput file erÍor messages, which are precededby this message: . *)r* Error in UDSInput Flle on line Where < line-number> is the line numberin the user input tile at which the error occurred. lnput tile error messages can be any of the following: 9-r8 . *** Missing User Versíon . There was no #version statementin your UDS input file. This statementis required. *** Tllegal Version DeviceDrivers User,sGuide CONFIGURTNG A USER.WRITTEN DEI'ICEDRIVER The #versionnumberin the userinputfile is outsidethe legalrangeof 1 to 4 characters. . *,t* Missing User Device Nane The #name field is not in the UDS inpur file. This srarement is required. . *** lllegal Device Nane The #nameidentifieris of0lengthor greaterthan25characte.s in len$h. . *** Ulsslng User Devlce Abbr Therewasno #abbridentiiierin yourUDS inputfile. Thisstatement is required. . *** Illegal . The #abbr value in the userinput file is outsidethe legalrangeof 1 to 3 characters. *** MissingUser Driver Type Device Abbr The #driver identifier is missingfrom the userinput file. This identifier is required. . *** r1legal Driver TyPe The #driver valuein the userinput file is outsidethe legalrangeof 1 to 7. . *** Missing úser Device The #device identifier is missingfrom the userinput file. 'lhis identiiier is required. . *** Missíng Nùnlberof Dèvice Auxilíariès . The #dev_auxidentifier is missingfrorn the userinput file. This identifier is.equted. *** llissing usef unit The #unit identifier is missingfrom the userinput file. This identifier is required. . ; t l * M i s q i n s r , J u r h è rn f t - i . a,r\lIlaries The #unit_auxidentifieris missingfrom theuserinputfile. . :t** Missing ljser Duib The #duib identifieris missingfrom theuserinpurfile. . )t** Missing Nunber of DUIB auxiliaríes The #duib auxidentifieris missirgfrom theuserinputfile. Thisidentifieris requied. . *** DUIB Screen Can Not Have Auxiliary Fièlds The #duib aùÌ valuein the userinputfile is setto a vaÌueotherthanzero(0). . *** Missing Equal Sign The equalsignis missingf.om an identifier that requies one. . *** Line Too Long Devic€ Driv€rs User's cùid€ 9.r9 CONFIGURINC A USER.WRII'TEN DEVICE DRIVER A line in theuserinputfile is longerthantheallowable132characters. . *** Mlssing Auxiliary HeIp Message line wasaddedwithoutits requi.edhelpmessage. An auxiliaryparameter . *** Auxiliary ]-ine Out of Sequence beginning with line 01. Auxiliaryparameterlinesmustbelistedsequentially, . *** Lines than Expected Less Auxiliary vaÌueof The numberof auxiliarylinesis lessthanthevalueindicatedin the)m(_aux the userinputfile. . *** llore Auxilíary Lines than Expected The numberof atrtilìary linesis more than the valueindicatedin the )oo.auxvalùeof the userinputfile. . :t** ll1egal Tnput Extra characters were entered on a line after the valid input. . *** Invalid Abbreviation Theabbreviation for an auxiliaryfield is outsidethelegalrangeof I to 3 characters. . *** Abbrevialion Not Found When changing a standard parameter line or its help message,the abbreviation was entered incorrectly. . *** Ntrlrber Exceeds ltlaximur The value of dev_aux or unit_alx is grealer than 20. . *t(* N"m}|pr F vnp.iaíl valuewasentered. A non-numeric . *** Syntax Error The openingquoteon a paramete.namelineis missing. . *** Do Not Use /l Sígn in Text A parameternamecontainsa pound symbol(#). . *** Do Not Use ( Sign in Text A parameternamecontainsa left parenthesis"(". . *** ì,liésilrg End of Text Sign The closingquote on a parameternameline is missing. . )k** îpYr lina T^n l^n' A parameternameexceeds41 characters. 9-20 DeviceDrivers UserJsGuide CONFIGURING A USER.WRJTTEN DE\TCE DRIVER . *** Help l{essage is too LonS The Helpmessage youenteredexceeds 1024characters in len$h. . *** Field Name ExPected A blank line was detected iî the device, unit, or duib information. . *** UnexPected eof The userìnputfile ìs incomplete. The followingerrormessage indicates thatthespecified file or directorylacksreador creationpermission. . *)k*-IlO , Frrnr ín I'íla fr f i l _e-nanel 9.1.2 ICUMRGUTILITY After usingUDS to generate .SCMand.TPLfileslor yournewdriver,invokethe ICUMRG utility to combinetheinformationin thesefileswith the informationin the ICU286.SCM andlCU286.TPLfiles(thefilesthatcontainthe definitionsof all theother ICU screens).BeforerunningICUMRG,makesurethatICU286.SCM andICU286.TPL residein the samedirectoryastheICUMRG command.Then,invoketheICUMRG utility asfollows: ICUMRGinput file T0 output-file Where: input'file The name(minusthe extensionpart) of the .SCM and .TPL files generatedby the UDS. For example,if the UDS utility created files called SPECLA.L.SCMand SPECIAL.TPL, you would specify the nameSPECIAL here. ourPur-file The name(minusthe extensionpart) of new ICU iiles that ICUMRG will create. For example,if you specifiedthe name ICUNEW, the ICUMRG utility tri[ createfl€s caled ICUNEW.SCM and ICUNEW.TPL. These new files will contain the completedefinition ofthe lCU, includingthe screensyoujust defìnedfor your new driver. By namingthesefiles somethingother than ICU286,you can presene the previousversionofthe ICU files. HoweveÍ,to havethe new files take effectwhen the ICU is run, you mustchangetheir namesto ICU286.SCMand ICU286.TPL. For test purposes,you can changethe name of the ICU executablefile to matchthe basenameofthe new file (e.g., rcuNEw). DeviceDriversUset'sCuide 9-21 CONFIGURINC A USER.WRITTEN I)E!'ICEDRIVER Onceyou finish addingsupportfor your driversto the ICU with the UDS and ICUMRG utilities,you can configurethosedriversalmostasyou would any Intel-supplieddrivers. Simplyinvoke the ICU and go to the "(UDDM) UDS DeviceDrivers Module." Enter the appropri.te drìver t)'pe(T)errninrl or (C)onmon and the firll pathnamefor the location of the objectcodefor your devicedriver. After you enter the correctvalue,choosethe deviceyou want to configure. Then fill in the appropÍiatevalueswhen the ICU displays the DeviceInformation,Unit Informaîion,and Device-Unitlnformation screens. Screenin theICU (UDDM) XoduIe* I 1l Driveì: iypè , Module* You specify(C) for cornnon/random/customObject Module pathname(s)and (T) for terminal drivers. All driversaddedvia the UDS mustbe placedin modulesaccordingto typ€. All of your termìnalmodulesmust be locatedin one module,all ofyour common/random/custom driversmust be locatedin a separatemodule. For example,1 = T, TERMINAL.LIB and 2 = C. DRIVER.LIB NOTE Beforechanging thenameof anyICUMRG outputfilesto ICU286.SCM and ICU286.TPL, savethe orìginalfilesby copyìngthemto otherfiles(suchas ICU286OLD.SCM andICU286OLD.TPL). AlthoughICUMRG allowsyouto add supportfor newdrivers,onceyouaddthatsupport,thereis no wayto removeit. lf you decideyoùdon'twantthe ICU to displayinformationaboutoneofyour drivers,or you madea mistakewhenyouaddedthedriversupport,youmustrevertbackto the original ICU28ó.SCM andICU266.TPL files(or an intermediate versionthat didn'tcontain supportfor thatdriver). 9.2 ADDINGYOURDRIVER AS A CUSTOMDRIVER If you don't want to modify the lCU, you can add your driver as a customdevicedriver. Performthe followingstepsto do this: 1. Ascertrin the delice numbersand device-unitnumbersto use in the DUIBS for your devices,as follows: DeviceDriversUsels Guide CONFIGURING A USER.WRTTTEN DEI'ICEDRIVER Use the ICU to configurea systemcontainingall the Intel-suppliedand ICUsupporteduserdriversyou require. b. Usethe G option to generatethat system. c. Use a text editor to examinethe file ?ICDEV.A28 (the ? meansthe first lerter can vary). Among other things,this file containsDUIBS for all the device-unitsyou defhed in your configuration. d. Look for the TTDEVICETABLESmacrothat aDDears after all the DEFI\F-Dl llB stnrcturesThe secondand rhiià paramerers in that macrolisl are the next availabledevice-ùnitnumberand devicenumber,respectively.For exdmple. suppose lhe qDEVICETABLES macroappearsas follows. (NUMDUIB, uDEVICETABLES 0000CH, 005H,003E8H) In this case,the nexî availabledevice-unitnumberis oCH and the next available devicenumber is 05H. e. Use the next availabledevicenumberand device-unitnumberil your DUIBS. 2. Crentethe following: a. A file containingthe DUIBS for all the device-unitsyou are adding. Use the DEFINE_DUIB structuresshownin ChaDter4. Placeall the structuresin the samefile. Later, the ICU includesthis file in rhe assemblyof rhe ?ICDEV.A28 file. b. A file containingall the deviceinformationtablesof the random/common/custom type that you are adding. Use the RADEV-DEV_INFO structuresshownin Chapter4 for any randomaccessdriversyou add. Use a structuresimilar to the one shownin Chapter6 for terminaldrivers. Later, the ÌCU includesthis file in the assemblyof the ?ICDEV.A28file. c. If applicable,any random accessor commonunit informationtable(s). Use the RADEV UNIT INFO strùcturesshownin Chaoter4 for anv random access driver\you irdJ. Add lhcseldhle\to lhe [i]ecrearedin stepb. d. l\ file containingall thc dcviceinformationrablesof the tern nal g?e that you ale adding. Use the RADEV_DEV_INFOstructuresshownin Chapter4 ior any random acc'ess driversyou add. Use a structuresimilar to the one sho\r.nin Chapter6 for terminal drivers. Later, the ICU includesthis file in the assemblyof the ?lmEV.A28 file. e. If applicable,any terminalunit informationtable(s). Use a structuresimilar to the one shownin Chapter6 for terminal drivers. Add rhcscrablesto the file created in stepb. f. Externaldeclararionsfor any proceduresthat you write. The namesof these proceduresappearin either the DUIB or the DeviceInformation Table associated with this dcvicedriver. Add rhcs€dcclaralionsro rhe file createdin srepb arld d. DeviceDÌiversUsecsCuide 9-21 A USER.WRITTEN DEI'ICEDRI!'ER CONFIGURING 3. UsetheICU to configureyou. finalsystem.Whendoingso: by the lCU. a. Answer"yes"whenaskedifyou haveanydevicedriversnot supported b. As input to the "Custom ljser Devicesnscreen, enter the pathname of your random/common/customdevicedriver library. This refersto the library built earlier:for example. :F1:DRIVER.LIB. c. As input to the "CustomUser Devices"screen,enter the pathnameofyour terminal devicedriver library. This refersto the library built earlierj for cxamplc, :FliTERMlNAL.LlB. d. Also, enter the informationthe ICU needsto includeyour configurationdata in the assemblyof ?ICDEV.A28 and ?ITDEV.A28. The informationneeded irclurJesthe following: . DUIB sourcecodepathname(the file createdin step2a), . Deviceand Unit sourcecodepathnames(the files createdin steps2b through . Number of userdefineddevices. . Number of userdefìneddevice-units. The ICU doesthe rest. Figure 9-15containsan exampleof the "CustomUser Devices"scr€en.The bold text representsuserinput to the ICU. In this example,the file :F1:DRMR.LIB containsthe objectcodefor the random/common/customdrivers;the file :Fl:TERMINAL.LIB containsthe objectcodefor the terminaldriver. F1:DUIB containsthe sourcecodefor the DUIBS. and rF1:RINFO.INCcontainsthe sourcecodefor the Deviceand Unit Information Tablesalongwith the necessaryexternalproceduredeclarationsfor the random/common/customdrivers. TINFO.INC containsthe sourcecodefor the Device and Unit Inlbrmation Tablesand the necessary externalDroceduredeclarationsfor the terminal driver. The codein the DRM,R.LIB file supportsone devicewith two units. The code in TERMINAL.LIB supportsone devicewith 2 units;therefore,the (ND) Numbe. oî User Defined Devices[0-0FFH] field equals2, the (NEU) Number of User Defined DericeUnits [0-0FFH] field equals4. Refer to the ExtendediRMX II InteractiveConfiguration Utility ReferenceManual for instructionson how to use the ICU. 9.24 DeviceD versUsefs Guide CONFIGURINGA USER.WRITTENDEI'ICE DRII'ER (USERD) User Devices (oPN) RandomAccess object Code PaÈh Nane [1-45 Chars/NONE] NONE (ToP) Terninal (oPN) Duib Source codè Path Nane [1-45 CharsAoNE] object Code Path Nane [1-45 Chars/NoNE] NONE (DUP) (TUP) (ND) (NDU) NONE chars/NONEI NONE Terninal Device and ùnit source Code Parh Name [1-45 CharsAoNE] NONE Nlnber of Useri Defíned Dewices [0-OFíH] 0H Number of User Defined Devlce-Unirs [0-0FrH] olt RandomAccess Device and Unit (N01) (N04) (N07) (NIO) (N13) (N16) (N02) (N05) (N08) (N11) (N14) (N17) NONE NoNE NONE NONE NONE NoNE NONE NoNE NoNE NONE NONE NoNE Source Code Parh Nane ft-4 (N03) (N06) (N09) (N12) (N15) (N18) NONE NoNE NONE NONE NONE NoNE O?N = |F1: DRMIi. LIB ToP - : Fl:TERIINAL, LIB OPN= :FÌ:DUIB- INC T U P - r F l : T I N F O , I N C< C R > ND - 2 NDU = 4 Figure9-15,ExampleUserDeric€sScrrrn 9.2.1 Example of Addingan ExistingDriveras a CustomDriver Thissectionillustrates howto createthescreens neededfor addingtheiSBC544A.device to you $,stemusingthe UDS. Becausethe configurationof devicesin an iRMX systemis complex, thisexamplecovetstheprocess in detail. DeviceDriYersUser'sGuide 9.25 CONFIGURINGA USER-\IRITTEN DE!'ICE DRIItsR Whilereadingthisexamplekeepin mindthatthecodefor terminaldriversis in a differentsegment thanthecodefor randomor commondrives.Because of thissplitin the segments, caremustbe takento properlyprovidethecoÍect PUBLICS,EXTRNS, andNOPUBLICSEXCEPT,andalsoto properlybindthecodesegments together. TOPwasleft at NONE in thisexample because the iSBC544Adrivercodeis alreadyin thedriverlibraryXCMDRV.LIB. If youwereaddinganothermodule,youwouldenter the locationof the file as a full path name. OPN and DIIP were left at NONE bec:ìusethe driver beingconfiguredis a terminal driver,not a randomaccess! common,or customdriver. You can add up to 18total Termhal DINFO and UINFO public namesin this screen. Contentsof lhe OUtA.tNCfite specifíedin the (DpN) parameter This s€ctionshovrsth€ contentsof the file ríhos€pathnaùe you suppliedin rhe (DPN) DIIIB SourceCode Pathnameparameterof the User DevicesScreen.This assemblylAngùagefile providesthe informationneededto definehow the OperatingSystemshould interfacewith this device. Note the lines with arrowspointing to them. Theseare the devicenumberand device-unit numberfor this device.Thesenumberswere takenfrom the ?ICDEV.A28 file as follows; 9-26 DeviceDriverc Usels Guide CONFIGURINGA USER.ìIRITTEN DEVICEDRIVER 1. Ensurethat thc filcsyoustartwith containall of theIntel-suppJied andICUsùpported driversthatyourequire.Ifyou haven'tgenerated sucha systemusethe ICU to do sobeforecontinuing. 2. Usea texteditorto examinerhefile ?ICDEV.A28(the ? meansthat thefirstletter canvary). Youwill find all of theDUIBSfor yourentiresystemin thisfile. Scan thisfile for a line thatsrartswith %DEVICETABLE> 3. TTDEVICETABLE is a mac.othatappears belowall ofthe systems, DEFINE_DUIBstructures. Thesecondandthird parameters in thatmacroarethe nextavailable device-unit anddevicenumber,respeclively. For example, suppose the %DEVICETABLEmac.oappearsasfollows: (NUMDUÌB, IDEVÍCETABI-E 0002EH,008H, 003E8H) In thiscase,thenextavailable device-unit numberis 2EH andthenextavailable device numberis 08H. 4. Usethesenumbersto fill in thetwolinesofthe file indicatedby thearrows. At theendof thisfile areseveralmorelinesthatshouldbe noted.Be sureto examinethe lastpart ofthis figureandreadthe textthatgoeswith it. DeviceDriversUsefs Gùide 9-27 CONFIGURINGA USER.WRITTENDEVICEDRIWR D E F I N E - D U I: far' declarationfor eachDINFO and UINFO public namespecifiedheie. rhesenamesúust be suppìiedas parametersN01 throughN18 above. This declarationis requiredbecause all terminalinformationis storedin a different physicalsegnentthan other driver information,and a far call is requiredto accessit. 9.2,1.2Contentsof the FileSpecifiedin the (TUP)Parameter This sectionshowsthe contentsof the file whosepathnameyoùsuppliedin the (TUP) Terminal Deviceand Unit SourceCodePath Name parameterof the User Devices Screen.This assemblyJanguage file providesthe informationneededto definehow the OperatingSystemshouldinterfacewith this device. 9-30 DeYiceDrivers Uset'sGuide CONFIGURING A USER.WRITTEN DEllCE DRII'ER extrn I544FINISH : near exth I544SETUP : near. extrn I544CHECK: near extrn I544ANSWER: near exrrn I544HANGUP : near extrn I544UTÌLITY : near PUBLIC DTNFO-544A DINFO_544A DIiI O4H DW9 DW 300 Diì I5441N17 DiI T544FINISH DW I544SETUP DW TERMNULL DW I544ANSWER DW I544IÌANCUP DW I544UTILITY Di,I I DI,TO71H Dtrr t544CHECK DD OFEOOOOH Dr,i04000H DB OIH PUBLTCUINFO_544A U1NFO.544A DW O1AH DLÌ O1O9H Dll 02580H Dtr 00000H Dtì 012H Figure9-lt. PublicDeclarations Needed for the DINFOandUINFOTables Providethe normal "extrn < MODULE NAME > : near',declarationsfor term$init. .... term$linish procedures.You musralso-provide a PUBLTC .,labelpriorto eachDINFO and UINFO rablespecified. SystemcenerationSUBMTT Fiteas Changedby this process Aftercompleting thechanges outlined above youmustgenerate a newsystem usingthe lCU. During the processof the systemgeneration,informationis sentto the screen-This sectionpresentsthoseportionsof the systemgenerationthat are changedby the steps outlined above. Device Drivers UseÌrs cuide 9-31 CONFIGURING A USER-WRITTEN DEVICE DRIVER BIOS :UNG:ASM286 ICDEV.A28 ITDEV.A28 <.4) : IANG:ASl,l286 : I,ANC:bnd286& ITDEV.OBJ, & r"_-ì earller Ís now two files releases OF TSC CODE SEGMENT LrB(xTsrF) , & /Rroo86/ros/xcMDRV. /RÌ.o{28 6/rOSIXCMDRV.LrB (XTSTO), & 86/ r0s/xcMDRv . LrB, & /RÌ,rx2 /RMX286/rOS/XDRWT . r-rB , & : I,ANG : PLM286.L]B, & /RMX286/r,rBlRXXlrC . LlB & ( CODETO TSC_CODE,DATA TO TSC_DATA) & RENAÌ"IESEC (TSC.LNK) OBJECT NODEBUG NOTYPESECSIZE(STACK(O)) & NOLOADNOPUB]-ICS EXCEPT(TSCINITIO, & TSCFINISHIO, & DINFO_o2H,& urNFo_8251, & DINFO-o3H, & urNFo_18848, & DINFO_o H, & UINFO_546, & urNfo_546cc, & DINFO_o5H,& UINFO-547A, & DINFO_06H,& UINFO_5478, & DINFO O7H, & UINFO_547C,& DINFO_544A,& USER SPECIFIED PUBLIC DINFO UINFO_544A, & U S E R S P E C l F l E D PUBLIC U]NFO TSCQUEUEIO, & îsccANcELro) rI,ANC:bnd286& I O S 1 . ] - N K ,& T S C . L N K ,& INCLUSIONOF TSC SUBSYSTEM IN IOS SYSTEMBIND Figure9-lt, Portion of the ModiffedSUBMIT File (.utinued) 9-32 DeviceDrivers User'sGuide CONFIGURINC A USER.WRIT'IEN DEI'ICEDRI!'ER ICDEV.OBJ, & LlB, & /Rl{x286lI0S/XCMDRV. 86II0S/XDRWT . LtB , & /Rì{X2 : IANCI PLM286.LIB, & /RMX286/LrBlRMXlFC . LrB & (TSC_DATATO DATA) & RENAHESEG OBJECT(TOS.LNK) NODEBUG NOTYPESECSIZE(STACK(O)) & N0LOADNOPUBLICSEXCEPT(rqaiosinitrask , & ReqAtlachDevice , & Figure 9-lt. Pofion of the Modified SUBMIT File Device Drivers Usefs cuide 933 In a MULTIBUS I systeminterrupt-drivendevic€scan be either devicesatracheddir€ctly to the CPU board or separatecontrollers.In MULTIBUS ll systemsthesedevicesmust be attacheddirectlyto the CPU board. Interrupt,drivendevicessignalthc CPU hostvia interruptsat a specifiedinterrupt level. This appendirdescribes,in generalterms,the operationsof the random accesssupport routinesas they applyto interrupt-drivendevices.The routinesdescribedinclude INTNIO FIMSH$IO QUEUE$IO CANCEI]iIO INTERRUPT$TASK Theseroutinesare suppliedwith the I/O Systemand are the devicedriver routines actuallycalledwhen an applÌcationtask makesan I/O requestto supporta randomaccess o. commondevice. Theseroutinesultimatelycall the device-specific deviceinitialize, devicefinish, devicestart,devicestop,and deviceinterrupt procedures. This appendi,(providesdescriptionsof theseroutinesto showyoll the stepsthat an actual devicedriver follows. You can uselhis appendixto get a better understandingof the l/O System-supplied portion of a devicedriver to makewritilg the device-dependent portion easicr. Or you can useit as a guidelinefor writing customdevicedrivers. 4.1 INIT$IO PROCEDURE The I/O SystemcallsIMT$IO when an applicationtask makesan RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE svstemcall and no units of the devicearc currentlyattached. IMT$IO initializesobjectsusedby the remainderofthe driver routires, createsan ìnterrupt task,and callsa user-supplied procedureto initializethe deviceitseli Device Drivers Usefs Grìide A I RA\IDOM ACCESSSUPPORT FOR INTERRUPT-DRTVENDE\,'ICES Whenthe I/O SystemcallsIMT$IO, it passes thefollowingparameters: . A pointer to the DUIB of the device-unitto inirialie . A pointer to the locationwhereINIT$ÌO mustreturn a token for a datasegnent (datasto.agea.ea)thatit creates . A pointerto thelocationwhereINIT$IOmustreturntheconditionmde The followingparagraphsshowlhe generalstepsthe IMT$IO procedurefollowsto initialize the device. FigureA- l illustratesthesesteps.The numbemin the ligure corresoond to the st€onumbcrsin thc text. DeviceDrivers Uset's Guide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORTFOR INTERRUPT-DRIVENDEVICES I o ot----------r ****^t o FigureA-1. RardomAccessDeviceDriver Initialize I/O Procedule Device D vels Uset's Guide A-3 MNDOM ACCESSSI]PPORTFORINTERRUPI.DRII'ENDEI'ICES 1. It createsa datastorageareato be usedby all theprocedures in the devicedriver. The sìzeófthis areadepends in part on thenumberof unitsin the deviceandany specialspacerequirements ofthe device.INIT$IOthenbeginsinitializingthisarea and eventuallyplacesthe followinginformationthere: . A token for a region. Step2 createsthis regionfor mutual exclusion. An array !o conlainlhe addresses of the DUIBS for the device-unitsattachedto this device. lNlT$IO placesthe addressof the DUIB for the first attachingd€viceunit into this array. A token for the interrupt task. Other valuesindicatingthe queueis emptyand the driver is not busy. It alsoreseruesspacein the data storageareafor devicedata. 2. It createsa region. The other randomaccesssupportroutinesreceivecontrol of this regionwhenevertheyplacea requeston the queueor removea requestftom the queue. IMT$IO placesîhe token for this regionin the data storagearea. 3. It entersthe regionto preventthe interrupt task from startingbeforeinitialization ìs complete. 4. It createsan interrupt task to handleinterruptsteneratedby this dcvicc. Whcn INI'ISIO hvokes CREATE$TASK to createthe interrupt task,it doesnot speciry the task'sdata segment.Instead,it usesthe data$segparameterof CREATE$TASK to passthe interrupt task a token for the data storagearea. This area is wherethe interrupt taskwill get informationaboutthe device. INII$IO placesthe actualdata segmentvalue,aswell as a token for the interrupt task,in the oata storageafea. 5. It callsa device-sperificdeviceìnitializationprocedurethat initialìzesthe device itself. It getsthe addressof this procedureby oemining the DeviceInformation Tablespecifiedin the DUIB. Refer to Chapter5 for informationon how to write this initializationprocedure. 6. It €xitsthe region. 7. lt returnscontrol to the l/O System,passinga token for the data storageareaand a conditioncodewhich indicatesthe success of the iltitializationoperation. If an error occursat any point in thesesteps,the lNIfilO procedureexitsthe region, deletesaII the objectsit hascreatedup to that point, and returnsan error to the I/O Svstem. DeviceDriversUseCsGuide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORINTERRUPT.DRIVEN DEVICES 4.2 FINISH$IO PBOCEDURE Thel/O SystemcellsFINISH$IOwhenan application taskmakesan RQ$A$PHYSICAUDETACH$DE\,ICE systemcallandno orherunitsofthe deviceare currentlyattached. FIMSH$IOcallsa user-supplied procedure to perlormfinalprocessing on the device itself,deletesthe ìnterrupttask,anddeletesobjectsusedby the otherdevicedriver routines. Wlen theI/O SystemcallsFIMSH$IO,it passes thefollowingparametersl . A pointerto the DUIB of thedevice-unitjust detached . A TOKENfor thedatastorageareacreatedby IMT$IO Thefollowilgparagraphs showthegeneralstepsthattheFINISH$IOprocedure goes throughto terminateprocessing for a device.FigureA-2 illustrates thesesteps.The numbersin thefigurecorrespond to the stepnumbersin thetext. 1. It callsa device-specific devicefinishprocedutethatperformsanynecessary final processing on the deviceitself. FINISH$IOgetsthe address of thisprocedure by examining the DeviceInformationTablespecified Ìn the DUIB. Referto the Chapter5 for informationaboutdeviceinformationtables. 2. It deletestheinterrupttaskoriginallycreatedfor the deviceby rheINIT$IO procedure andcancels the assignment ofthe jnterrupthandlerto the sperified interruptlevel. 3. It dclctcsthc rcgionandthe datastorageareaoriginallycreatedby rheINIT$IO procedure, allowingtheoperatingsystemto reallocate the memoryusedby these oDlects. 4. It returnscontrolto the I/O System. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide A-5 RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORINTERRUPT.DRI!'EN DE!'ICES FINISHSIO C A L L SU S E R . S U P P T I E D P R O C E O U F fÈO F I N I S HU P PPOCESSING ONTHFDEVICE D E L E T E SI N T E R R U PI' A TSK FOR D E V I C EA N D R E S E T SI N - T E R R U P T D E I € Ì E S R E G I O NA N O D A Ì A O B J E C I S U S E DB Y I H I S O E V I C ED f i I V E R F E ' I U F N ST O T H E I / O S Y S I E M 1476 figure A-2. RandomAccessDeviceDriver Finish l/O Procedùre A,3 QUEUE$IO PROCEDURE The I/O Systemcallsthe QUEUE$IO procedureto placean l/O requeston a queueof requests.This queuehasthe structureofthe doublylinkedlist shownin Figure 7-1. If the deviceitself is not busy,QUEIIE$TO alsostsrtsthe request. A-t DeviceDriversUset'sGuide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORTFOR INTERRUPT.DRIWN DE\{CES Whenthe I/O Systemcals QUEUESIO,it passcs thc follov/irig paramete$: . A tokenfor theIORS . A pointerto the DUIB . A tokenfor thedatasrorage areaodginalycreatedby INIT$IO The followingparagraphs showthegeneralstepsthat theQUEUESIOprocedure gocs throughto placea requeston the I/O queue.FigureA-3 illustrates thesesteps.The numbersin the figurecorrespond to thestepnumhersin the text1. It setstheDONE fi€ldin theIORSto 0H, indicatingthe requesthasnot yetbeen mmpletelyprocessed. Otherproceduros tlìatstalt the I/O rransfcrs andhandle interruptprocessing alsoexamineandsetthisfield. It alsosetsIORS.STATUS to E$OKand IORSACI-UALto 0H. 2. It receives controlof theregionandthusaccess to the queùe.Thisallows QUEUE$IOto adjustthe queuewithou!concernîhatothertasksmightalsob€ doingthisat the sametime. 3. It verifiesthat therequestis withintherangeof zeroto devicesizefor thisdevice. lf the requestis outsidethisrange,QUEUE$IOrerurnsE$PARAM. For a valid .equest,it convertsIORS.DEVIiLOC trom theabsolute bytepositionon the device, aspassed by the BIOS,to the absolute block(sector)number(if tracksizeequals zero). Ifthe tracksizeis not zeroIORS.DEVgLOC is converted to the seqorano tracknumber.Finally,it placesthe IORSon thequeuein seek-optimized order. 4. Ifthe deviceis busyprocessing an I/O request,QUEUE$IOgoeson to Step5. Otherwise, it callsthe device-specific devicestartprocedureto process the request ar the headof the queue.Thisstartptocedureis described in Chapter5. 5. It surrenders controlof theregion,thusallowingotherroutinesto haveaccess to thequeue. NOTE If the requestis complete, QUEUE$IOretùrnstheIORSto theresponse mailbox;ifnot, the interrupttaskreturnsit uponcompletion.The random access supportdoesnot returna CLOSErequestuntil all prior requests for thesameunitarecoúpleted. DeviceDriversUser'sGuide A-7 MNDOM ACCESSSUPPORT FORINTERRUPT.DRII'EN DE\ICES AUEUE$IO SETSSÍAIUS F ELDS IN fHE IOFS GA NS ACCESS ÎO IHE FEG1ON PLACESIHE OFS ON IHE OUEUE SIAB TS ÌBE PAOCESSNG OF fIJE REQUES-IIF IHE DEVCE S NO-I BUSY S U R B E N D ÉARCSC E S S rO ÌF]E FEG]ON RE'TUBNS IO IHE l/O SYSTEM Figure A-3. RandomAccessDeyiceDriver QueueI/O Procedure 4.4 CANCEL$IOPROCEDURE The I/O SystemcallsCANCEL$IO to removeone or more reqùestsfrom the queueand possiblyto sîop the processingof a request,il it hasalreadybeenstarted. The l/O System callsthis procedurein one of two instances: A-8 DeviceDrivers Usey'sGuide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORINTERRUPT.DRIVEN DEITCES . lf a taskinvok€sthe RQ$A$PHYSICAIJDETACH$DEVICE sysrem calland specifiesthe hard detachoption (refer to the Erîended\RMXII BaticI/O SystemCaIs manualfor informationaboutthissystcmcall). The harddetachremovesall requests from the queue. . If lhejob containing the taskthatmakesan I/O requestis deleted.In thiscase,the I/O SystemcallsCANCEUIO to removeall ofthat task'srequesrs from the queue. WhentheI/O SystemcallsCANCEI]$IO,it passes thefollowingparameters: . An ID valuethat identifiesrequests to becanceled . A pointerto theDUIB . A tokenfoathe devicedatastoragearea Thefollowingparagraphs showthegeneralstepstharthe CANCEL$IOprocedure goes throughto cancelan I/O request.FigureA-4 illustrates thesesteps.Thenurnbers in the figurecorrespond to thestepnumbersin thetext. l It receives accessto the queue by gaining control of the region. This allows ir to remove requests from the queue without concern that other tasks mìght also be processingthe IORS at the sametrme. 2. It locatesthe request(s)to be canceledby looking at rhe cancel$idfield ofrhe queucdIORSS,startingat the front of the queu€. 3. If the requestthat is to be canceledis at the headof the queìle,that is, rhe deviceis processingthe reqùest,CANCEL$lO callsa device-specific devicestopprocedure that stopsthe devicefrom further processing.Refer to the Chapter5 for informationon how to write this devicesropprocedure. 4. If the requestis finished,or ifthe IORS is nor at rhe head of the queue, CANCET$IO removesthe IORS from the queueand sendsit to the resoonse mailboxindicatedin the IORS. Itexaminestherestoftherequesrs on t-hequeu€, removingall ofthem whosecancelgidfieldsmatchthe lD oi the canceledrequesî. 5. It surrenderscontrol ofthe region,thus allowingother proceduresto gain accessto the queue. NOTE The additionalCLOSErequestsuppliedby theI/O System will not be processed until all otherrequests with thegivencancelgid valuehavebeen dealtwith. DeviceDriversUserjsGuide A-9 RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORINTTRRUPT-DRIYEN DE\TCES ^.1110 FtgureA-4. RaúdomAccessDeviceDriver CancelI/0 Procedure A-10 DevlceDriYersUset's Guide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORTFOR INTERR.UPî-DRII'ENDEITCES 4.5 INTERRUPT TASK(INTERRUPT$TASK) As a part ofits processirg, theIMTgIO procedure createsan internìp!taskfor lhe entire device.Thisinterrupttaskresponds to all interuptsgenerated by the unitsof the device, processes thoseinterrupts,andstartsth€ deviceworkingon thc nextI/O r€questoDthe queue. The followingparagraphs showthegeneralstepsthatthe interrupttaskfor therandom accessdevicedriver goesthroughto processa deviceinterrupt. FigureA-5 illustrates thesesteps,The numbersin FigureA-5 correspond to the stepnumbersin thetext. 1. It usesthe contentsofthe processor's DSregisterto obtaina token(identifier)for the devicedatasto.agearea. This is possiblebecaùseof the followingtwo teasons: . WhenIMT$IO createdlhe imerrupatask,insteadof specirying the interrupttask'sDSregisterin thedata$seg parameterof the CREATE$TASK ca[, it passed the tokenofthe datastoraS€ ar€aiî rhis parameter.Therefore, whentheNucleuscreatedthe task,it setthetask's DS registerto thevalueof thetoken. r WhentheIMT$IO procedure initialìzedthe datastoragearea,it includedthc valucof theÌnterrupttask'sDSregisterthere. Whentheinterrupttaskstarîsrunning,it savesthecontentsof theDS register(to useastheaddress of thedatastoragearea)andsetsthe DS registerto thevalue listedin the datastoragearea.Thusthc DSregisterdoespointro rhetask'sdata segment, andthe taskalsoknowstheaddress of the datastoragearea.Thisis th€ mechanism thatis usedto passthe address ofthe device's datastotageareafrom the INIT$IOprocedur€ ro rheinl€rrupttask. 2. It invokesthe RQ$SET$INTERRUPI systemcallto indicatethatit is an inrerrupt taskassociated with theinterrupthandlersuppliedwith the randomaccess device driver.lt alsoindicates the interruptlevelto whichit will respond(ir obtainsthis informationfrom rheDeviceInformationTable). 3. lt b€ginsan infiniteloopby invokingthe RQE$TIMED$INTERRUPT systemcall to waitfor an inter.uptof the specified level.If thetime limit erpiresbeforean interupt occurs,theeffectis thesameasa null (or spurious)interrupt,andthe task waitsfor anotherinter.upt.By invokinga nunberof RQE$TIMED$INTERRUPT calls,insteadof a singleWAIT$INTERRUPT, rhetaskallowslower-priority tasks to gaincontrolbetween calls.For example, if an application attemptsto senddata to a lineprinterthatisn'tconnected, theusercanpressCONTROL-Cto cancelthe operation. DeviceDrivers Us€t's cùide ^-tl LA,NDOM À,CCESSSUPPORT FOR INTERRUPT.DRI!'EN DE\,'ICES o Figùre A-5. Random AccesgDevice Driver Interrupt Tosk A-12 DeviceDrive$ Usels Guide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORINTERRUPT-DRII'EN DEI'ICES 4. Via a region,it gainsaccess to therequestqueue.Thisallowsit to examinethefirst entryin the requestqueuewithoutconcernthatothertasksaremodiryingit at the sametime- 5. It callsa device-specific device,interrupt procedure to process the actualinterupt. This caninvolveverifyingthat the interrupt waslegitimateor anyother operation that the devicerequires. This interrupt procedureis describedfurther in Chapter5. ó. lf therequesthasbeencompletely processed, (onerequestcanrequiremultiple readsor writes,for example), the interrupttaskremoves the IORSfrom thequeue andsendsit asa message to the response mailbox(exchange) indicatedin the IORS. If the reque$tis not completely processed, the interrupttaskleavesthe IORSat the headofthe queue. 7. Ifthere are requests on the queue,the inter.upttaskinitiatestheprocessing of the nextl/O requestbycallingthe device-specific procedure. device-start ln anycase,the interrupttaskth€nsurrendets access to the queue,allowingother routinesto modirythequeue,andloopsbackto waitfor anotherinterrupt. Device Drivers Userrs cuid€ A-t3 In an interrupt-driven system, the CPUhostandthecontrollercommunjcate via hardware interrupts.In systems havingfull message-passing capabilìties, thiscommunicaîion is donevia vitual interrupts(moreprecisely notedasmessag€s throughout thisappendix). For an ov€rviewandexamples ofthe message-passing process, seetheExtended \RMXII NucleusUser'sGuíde. Thisappendixdescribes, in generalterms,theoperations of the randomaccess support routinesastheyapplyto message-passing devices.Theroutinesdescribed include IMT$IO FIMSH$IO QUEUE$IO CANCEL$IO MESSAGE$TASK Theseroutinesaresuppliedwith the l/O Systemandare thedevicedriverroutines actuallycalledwhenan application taskmakesan I/O requestto supporta randomaccess or commondevice.Theseroutinesultimatelycallthedevice-specific deviceinitialize, devicefinish,devicestart,devicestop,anddeviceinterruptprocedures. Thisappcndixprovidesdescriptions of theseroùtinesto showyouthe stepsthatan actual devicedriverfollows.You canusethisappendi\to gera betterunderstanding of theI/O System-supplied portionof a devicedriverto makewritingthedevice-dependent portion easier.Or youcanuseit asa guidelinefor writingcustomdevicedrivers. 8.1 INIT$IO PROCEDURE TheI/O SystemcallsINIT$IOwhenan application taskmakesan RQ$A$PHYSICAf$ATTACH$DEVICE systemcallandno unitsof the deviceare currentlyattached. INIT$IO initializesobjectsusedby the remainderof thedriverroutines,createsa message procedure task,andcallsa user-supplied to initializethe deviceitself. Wlen the I/O SystemcallsINIT$IO,it passes thefollowingparameters: . A pointerto theDUIB of the device-unit to initialize DeviceDriv€rs Useis Cuide B-l RANDOM ACCESS SIIPPORT FOR MESSACE-PASSING DEVICES . A pointerto the locationwhereINIT$IOmustreturna tokenfor a datasegment (datastoragearea)that it creates . A pointerto the locationwhereINIT$IOmustretumtheconditioncode The followingparagraphsshowthe generalstepsthe IMT$IO procedurefollowsto initializethedevice.FigùreB-1illustrates thesesteps.Thenumbersin the figure correspond to the stepnumbersin thetext. rNrT$ro C F É A -ETS T H E O B J E C f F O R O E V I C ÉA N D S I A F I S F I L L I N GI I C R E A T E Sf H E R E G I O NF O A A A C E S SI O I H E Q U E U E E N fE F S T H E B E G I O N CFÈA-E TS IHE I N TE R N UP T l M E SS A GÉ IASK at U S E F . S U P P L I EPOF O C E D U R E r o t Nt Tt a Lr zE o E v t cÉ AEGION a E f u F N sT o t / o S Y S T E M PASSINGOAIA OBJECI AND rNco0É c o ND r -t o w-0311 FigureB-1. RandomAccess DeviceDriverInitiatizeI/O prucedule B-2 DeviceDrivers Usefs Guide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE.PASSING DEI'ICES t. It caeatesa dala storageareato b€ usedby all the proceduresin the devicedriver. The sizeoîthis areadependsin part on the numberof units in the deviceand any specialspacerequifem€ntsof the device. INIT$IO then beginsinilializing rhis area and eventuallyplacesthe followinginformationthere: . A token fo. a region. Step2 createsthis regionfor mutual exclusion. . An array to containthe addresses ofthe DUIBS for the device-unitsattachedto this device. INIT$IO olacesthe addrersof rhe DUIB for rhefirst atrachins deviceunit into this array. . A token for the messagetask. . Other valuesindicatingthe queueis emptyand the driver ls noaDusy, . A port objectusedby the messagetask to receive messages from the controller. The user-supplicddrivcr uses rhis object to sendmessages to the controllei. It alsoresewesspacein the datastoragearea for devicedata. 2. It createsa region. The other randomaccesssuppoatroutinesreceivecontrol of this regionwheneverthey placea requestod the queueor removea requestfrom the queue. IMT$IO placesthe token for this regionin the data storagearea. 3. It entersthe regionto preventthe messagetask from startingbeforeinitializatÌonis complete. It callsa device-specific deviceinitjalizationprocedurethat initializesthe device itself. It getsthe addressof this procedureby examiningthe DeviceInformation Table spe.ifiedin the DUIB. Refer to Chapter5 for informationon how to write this initializationprocedure. 5. It createsa messagetask to handlemessages generatedby this device. When IMT$IO invokesCREATE$TASK to createthe messagerask,it docsnot spcciry the task'sdata segrent. Instead,it usesthe data$segparameterof CREATE$TASK to passthe messagetask a token for the data storagearea. This area is wherethe messagetaskwill get informationaboutthe device. INIT$IO placesthe actualdatasegmentvalue,aswell as a token for the messagetask,in th€ data storaEearea. DeviceDrivers UserrsGuide R-3 RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE.PASSING DEVICES 6. It exitsthe region. 7. It returnscontrolto the I/O System, passing a tokenfor the datastorageareaanda conditioncodewhichindicates the success ofthe initializationoperatio[. If an error occursat anypointin thesesteps,theIN{T$IOp.ocedureexitsthe region, deletesall the objectsit hascreatedup to thatpoint,andretumsan errorto the I/O System. 8.2 FINISH$IO PROCEDURE The I/O SystemcallsFINISH$IO when an applicationtask makesan RQ$A$PHYSICAI$DETACH$DEVICE svstemcall and no other units of the deviceare currentÌyattached. FINISH$IO callsa user-supplied procedureto perform final processingon the device, deletesth€ messagetaik, and deletesthe objectsusedby the other devicedriver roufines. When the I/O SystemcallsFINISH$IO, it passesrhe followingparameters: . A pointer to the DUIB of the device-unitjust detached . A TOKEN for the data storageareaqeated by INIT$IO The followingparagraphsshowthe generalstepsthe FINISH$IO procedurefollowsto terminateprocessingfor a device.Figure B-2 illustratesthesesteps.The numbersin the figure correspondto the stepnunrbeisin the text. B-4 1. It callsa device-specific devicefinishprocedurethat performsany necessaryfinal processingon the deviceitself. FINISH$IO getsthe addressof this procedureby examiningthe DeviceInformationTable specifiedin rhe DUIB. Refe. to Chaprer5 for informationaboutdeviceinformariontables. 2. It deletesthe messagetask originallycreatedfor the deviceby the INIIT$IO proceduae. 3. It deletesthe regionand the data storageareaoriginallycreatedby rhe INIfiIO procedure,aÌlowingthe OperatingSystemto reallocatethe memoryusedby these ooJects. 4. lt returnscontrol to the I/O System. D€viceDrivers UserrsGuide MNDOM ACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE-PASSING DEVICES F NtSH$tO C A L L SU S E R S U P P L I E D P q O C E D U B TE O F I N i S HU P PROCESSING O N T H E OE V I CE D E L E TE S M E S S A G E T A S K F O R D E V I CE e D E L E T E SR E G I O NA N D O A I A O B J E C I S U S E D B Y T H S D E V I C ED R I V E R F É I U R N SI O T H E I / O S Y S T E M FigureB-2. RandomAccessDeviceDriver Finlsh I/O Procedure 8.3 QUEUE$IO PROCEDUHE For message-passing devices, the I/O Systemcallsthe QUEUE$IOprocedure to placean I/O rcqueston a queueof requests on a first-in-first-out basis.Thisquer-re hasthe structureofthe doubly-linked list shownin Figure7-1. Thisprocedurecallsa usersuppliedprocedure to startprocessing theI/O requests. DeviceDrive$ UserrsGùide B-5 MNDOM ACCESS TORMESSACE-PASSINC DEvICES SUPPORT When the I/o SystemcallsQUEUE$IO, it passesthe followingparameters: . A token for the IORS . A pointer to the DUIB . A token for the data storagearea originallyc'eated by INIT$IO The followingparagaphs showthe generalstepsthe QUEUE$IO proceduregoesthrough to placea requeston the I/O queue. Figure B 3 illustratesthes. steps. The numbersin the figure correspondto the step numbersin the îext. 1. It setsthe DONE field in the IORS to 0H, indicatingtne requesthasnof yet been completelyprocessed.Other procedu.esthat start lhe I/O transfersand provide mcssagchandlingalsocxamincand set this field. It alsosetsIORS.STATUSto E$OK aùd IORS.ACTUAL to 0H. 2. It receivescontrol of the regionand thusaccessto the queue. Ihis allows QUEUE$IO to adjustthe queuewithout concernthat other tasksmight alsobe doing this at the samelime. 3. lt verifiesthat the requestis within the rangeof zero to devicesizefor this device. If the requestis outsidethìs range,QUEUE$IO returnsE$PARAM. Then it places the IORS on the queue. 4. devicestart procedureto processthe request QUEUE$IO callsthe device-specific at the head of the queue. This start procedureis describedin Chapter5. 5. It surrenderscontrol of the region,thusallowingother routinesto haveaccessto the queue. 6. lt retuÍnscontrol to the I/O Svstenr. NOTT If therequestis complete, QUEUE$IOreturnstheIORSto the response mailbox;ifnot, themessage taskreturnsit uponcompletion.lhe random access supportdoesnot returna CLOSErequestuntil all prior requests for lhe sameunitarecompleted. B-6 Devic€DriversUser'sCuide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE-PASSING DEVICES OUEUE$IO S E -S T S T A TU S F I E L O S T H EI O B S G A I N SA C C E S ST O ' T H E REGION P L A C E ST H E I O F S I N .THE QUEUE S I A R f S P R O C E S S I N GI H E REQUEST S U R B E N D E RA S C C E S Sf O - T H E REGION R E Ì U R N SI O I H É S Y S TEM w-0313 FigureB-3. RandoríAccessDeviceDriver QueùeI/O Procedure 8.4 CANCEL$IOPROCEDURE This procedureperformsno operationsfor message-passing devices.The messagetask sweepsthroughthe requestqueueand startsall requests.Becauseof this feature,all I/O requestsare guaranteedto finishwithin a limited time. DeviceDriversUsefsGuide RANI)OMACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE.PASSING DEYICES NOTE The CLOSErequestsuppliedby the I/O Systemis immediately sentto the user-supplied devicestartprocedure.However,therandomaccess supportdoesnot returnit to the I/O Systemuntil all requests in the queue havebeencompleted. 8.5 MESSAGETASK(MESSAGE$TASIO The IMT$IO procedurecreatesa messagetask for the entir€ device This messagetask respondsto all messages generatedby the units of the device,processesthosemessages, and startsthe deviceworking on the unstartedI/O requestson the queue. The followingparagraphsshowthe generalstepsthe messagetask for îhe random access devicedriver followsto processa messageliom the device. Figùre B-4 illustratesthese steps. The numbersin Figure B-4 correspondto the stepnumbersin the text. 1. lt usesthe contentsof the processor'sDS registerto obtain a token (identifier) for the devicedata sîoragearea. This is possiblefor thesereasons: . When INIT$IO createdthe messagetask,insreadof speciryingthe messagetask'sDS registerin the data$segparameterof the CREATE$TASK ca[, it passedthe token of the data storagearea in this parameter. Therefore,when the NucÌeuscreatedthe task,it set the task's DS registerto the valueof the token. . When the TNIT$IOprocedùreinitializedrhe data storagearea,it includedthe valueofthe messagetask'sDS registerthere. When the messagetask startsrùnning,it savesthe conlentsoI the DS register(to use as the addressof the data storagearea)and setsthe DS regist€.to the value listed in the data storagearea. Thus the DS registerdoespoint to the task'sdata segment,and the task alsoknowsthe addressof the data storagearea. This is the mechanismusedto passthe addressof the derr';ce's dàta storag€areafrom the INIT$IO procedureîo the messagetask. B-8 2. It bcginsan ìnfinite loop by invokingthe RQ$SEND$RS\? catl ro wai! at lhc porr for messages from the device. For more informationon how to sendand receile messages to/from specificports,seethe descriptionof the Nucleus Communications Service inthe Efie ded .RMX II Nucleus Ilser's Guídc. For setting the messagetask priority, seethe descripîionofthe "NucleusCommunications" s$eeù in the Extended|RMX II Intemctive Cohfrgumtían Utíli, Refercrcemanual. 3. Via a rcgion,it gainsaccessto the requestqueue. This allowsit to €xantinethe first entry in the requestqueuewìthout concernthat other tasksare modilyingit at the 4. It callsa user-writtendevice-inîerruptprocedureto processthe receivedmessage_ This irìterruptproccdureis describedfurther in Chapter5. DeviceDriversUse/s Cuide RANDOMACCESSSUPPORT FORMESSAGE.PASSING DEVICES 5. The message taskcheck the statusof thenextrequestin the queue. ó. Ifthe requesthasbeencompletely processed, (onerequestcanrequiremultiple readsor writes,for example), themessage taskremovestheIORSfrom the queue andsendsit asa message to the.esponse mailbox(exchange) indicatedin the IORS. If therequestis not completely processed, themessage taskleavestheIORS in thequeuebut checksto seeif thereqùesthasbeenstarted. 7. lf therequesthasnot beenstarted,themessage taskcallstheuser-supplied device procedure staat to paocess therequest. 8. In anycase,themessage taskthensuarenders access to the queue,allowingother routinesto modirythe queue,andloopsbackto waitfor anothermessege from the controller. DeviceDriversUse/s Guid€ B-9 RANDOM ACCESSSUPPORTFOR MESSACÌ].PASSINGDEVICES MESSAGE$fASK G E T S S E L E C T O RF O 8 D E V I C ED A T A S T OR A GE A R E A F R O M O S F E G I S T E R W A I I S F O R M E S S A G EA I S P E C I F I E DP O R - T fHE o G A I N SA C C E S ST O B E G I O N C A L L SI H E U S E R . W R I I I E I\ N I E F F I J P ] P R O C E D U Rf EO P R O C E S S THEMESSAGE GFf IORSFROMf HE OUEUE e o e o ES o ES -_ 'THE E M O V E ST H E I O R S F R O M E U E A N O S E N D SA I ' I E S S A G E Ìo f H E F E S P O N S EÀ 4 4L B O X "X ts IHE FEOUEST S-TAR-TEO? NO C A LL T H E U S E R , W S ] T T E N D E V I CE S I A N - TP R O C E D U R E T O S TA R T T I I E R E O U E S T o S U B B E N D EA RC S C E S S ' T O ' TBHEEG I O N o FigureB-4. RandomAccess DeviceDÌiverMessage Task B-10 DeYiceDrivers U$efs Guide (t For compatibility with ECMA (European ComputerManùfacturers Association) andISO (International Organization for Standardization), theIntel-supplied devicedriverscan formatthebeginning tracksof all flexiblediskettes in thesamemanne.,regardless of the formatof theremainderof thediskette.Thisformattinsis referredto asstanda.d formatting.The otheroption,in whichall rracksof a diikertehavethesameformat,is referredto asuniformformatting. The standardformaningfor cylinder0 on flexiblediskettes is asfollows: For5-1l4"diskettes . Cylinder0, side0 is formattedwith 128-byte sectors, singledensiry,16sectors per îrack. . If the disketteis double-sided, cylinder0, side1 is formattedlike the resrofîhe t.ackson thediskette. For 6' diskertes o Cllinder0, side0 is formattedwith 128-byte sectors, singledensity,26sectorsper track, . If thedisketteis double-sidecl, cylinder0, side1 is formattedwith 256-byte sectors, doubledensity.26 sectors per track. The FIAGS field in a device's DUIB indicates whetherthat deviceexpects (reads,writes, andformats)diskettes in standardor uniformformat. To beconsistent with theIntel-supplied drivers,andto be ableto correctlyaccess standardformatdiskettes from othersystems, randomacccss diskcttedriversthatyou writemustbe ableto read,write,andformatdiskettes in thisstandardformat. To access standard-formaited diskeîtes, a devicedrivermustbe ableto translatea logical blocknumber(assuppliedto it in rheDEV$LOCfield of theIORSby the I/O System) into a physicaladdress (cylinder,head,andsector).It musttakeinto consideration that track0 mightbeformatteddifferentlythantherestof the diskette,andthatrheremight be a differentmrmberof losicalblockson track0. DeviceDriversUser,sGuide c-r SIIPPORTING THE STANDARD DISKETTEFORMAT The following algorithm can be used to calculate the physical address for 5-1/4" fl€xible diskette requests. It assumesthe program has accessto th€ IORS and the DUIB. A similar algorithm can be used for 8" diskettes. (Remember, the algorithm for 8" diskettes must also take into account the special formatting of cylinder 0, side 1 on double-sided diskettes.) /* * * Calculate the nll]nber of logtcal blocks track 0 usin8 the standard granularity per track. on che standard - forr0atted and standard nunber of sectors (128 bytes/sector x 16 sectors/track) track-0-blocks = ( device - granular i ty ln by!es/sec!or) /* * * * Calculate Lhe nunber of blocks nlssing fron Èrack 0 (those that would be chere if the diskette I'ere uniformly fornatted). The noúna1 tr:ack size equals the nuinber of secÈors per track on the rest of the disk (obtaíned fron the drlver-specific unit infornation table). : nornaf -track-size track-0-blocks-nlssing /* * lf the loglcal block nunber of this requesc, calculate the address. IF block-nuber DO /* < treck-0-blocks Set the cylinder - track-0-blocks request lndlcates a track 0 THEN and head nmber to 0 because this is track 0 cylinder-nun - 0 head-n(rll = 0 equation because dtskette start seclor-nun (block-number x device - granular i ty ) (128 bytes/sector) + 1 /* IF c-2 Add I to th{s 1, noc0 sectors /* * see if the request goes beyond track (byÈes- reque s !ed) > at 0 (track-0-blocks - btock-number) THEN DeviceDdverc Uset'sGuide SUPPORTINGTHE STANDARDDISKETÎE TORMAT DO /* * * * If th" tequest goèe beyond trsck O, thcn calculare rhe núbèr of bytes !o read o! lrrite that are pasC Crack 0. Save the nunber until track 0 operations aÌ:e conplece. Then use the number to complete rhe tead or wríte operatfon. renainder - bytes-requested x device - granularity - (ttack-0-blocks - btock-number) END * * Calculation of physical access track 0. address is conplete for requests thar RE?URN END ELSE DO * * * * If che request is pasÈ Èrack 0, adjust the block nurnber for rhls request by addint the n({ùber of logical blocks nissing from Èrack 0 and calculacing the cyllnder, head, and sector as if rhÍs !,,/ere a uniformly - fornatted flexible disk. adlusc-bÌock-nl-1ln - block-nunber + ÈÍack,0,blocks,nisslng * Firs! cafculate rhe cyLinder nunber of rhis requesl cylinder-nun adjust -b1ock-nun ( !olal-num-of-heads x track sizc) * Next caÌculate the head number IF total-nurì-of-heads DO * = 1 îHEN This is a one-slded flexible diskette head-nm - 0 END DeviceDriversUser'scuid€ c-l SfIPPORTINC THE STANDARD DISKEÎfE FORMAT DO * This is a double sídèd flèxiblé terop = adjus!-block-nìrn tenp head-nun track-size diskètte MOD (track-size x 2) END ,. * FinaIIy, calculate sector nurber for thts request, because flexible diskette sectors star! at 1, sector-nurn - temp MODtrack-sizè adding 1 + 1 AND c-1 DeviceDriversUsefsGuide Hard disk drivesobtainedfrom Intel (either separatelyor as part ofcompleresysrems) haverecordedin speciallocationsinformationaboutwhich tr;cks or whiih sectorsofthe disk are unreliableand shouldnot be used. When thesehard disksare usedwith sralntel iSBC 214,iSBC 215c, and iSBC 220controllers,Intel-supplieddevicedriverscan read this bad track informationand map ou! the unreliableareaswhen formatringthe disk. With the iSBC 214,iSBC 215G,and iSBC 220conrrollerssupporredby rhe I/O Sysrem, the information on lhe disk must refer to entire tracksthat are unrelable. The iSBC 214, iSBC 215G,and iSBC 220 controlle.sformat disksa track at a time, and thereforcare capablcof mappingout only entire tracks. To assistin addingthis capabiìiryro rhe driversyou write, this appendixdescribesrhe format Intel useswhen writing the bad track information. Any hard disk driversyou write shouldbe ableto obtainthis bad track informationand map out the bad trackswnenever theyformat rhe disks. The bad track intbrmationis recordedon the highest-numbered cylinder- I (the highestnumberedcylinderis reservedfor diagnostictracks). The last four tracksof that cylindercontainthe bad track information. Each track containsthe sameinformationbut is formattedwith a different sectorsizer Track lnst cylinder- 1, l,ast su.face 128b,'tes/secto. I-astcylinder- 1,hst surface- 1 256bytes/secror Lastcylinde.- 1,Inst surface- 2 512bytes/sector Lastcylinder- 1,Inst surface- 3 1024bytes/sector If a diskhaslessthanfour recordingsurfaces (andthereforelessthanfow trackspcr cylinder),thetrackson thenextcylinder(lastcylinder- 2) areusedfor theremainingbad lrackinformation. Devic€DdversUser,sGuide D.l f NTERPRNTING BAII TRACK INÍ'ORMATION Recording the inlormation in four different sector sizesallows the driver to accessthe informationduring {ormat time, regardlessof the sectorsizechosenby the user. For example,if the userdecidesto format the disk with a volumegranularity(sectorsize)of 512b)'tes,the driver setsup the controllerfor 512-bytesectorsand accesses the bad Íack informationfrom the location(last rylinder - l,last surface.2). Likewise,when formattingin 1024-bytesectors,the driver obtainsthe bad track infolmation from the location(last cflinder - 1,last surface- 3). On eachofthose tracks,1024bytesofbad track informationis recordedfoù times, gap betweeneachrecording. The multiple startingat sector0, with a 1024-byte occurrencesare insuranceagainstbad spotsin this areaof the disk. If an eÍor occurs r'r'henthe driver attempts to accessthe first occurrenceof the bad track information, rr tries againwith the secondoccurrence,altd so forth. The lormat of the bad track information is as follows: WORD WORD Must containthe value0ABCDH Number ofbad tracksin this tist (maxilnumof255) Then, for eachbad track,the followinginformationappearsl WORD BYTE BYTE Cylindernumberofbad track Surfacenumberofbad track Scl this field to zero Figùre D-1 illustratesthe positionof this bad track informationon the disk. D-2 DeviceDÌiversUserrsGulde INTERTRtrTING BADTRACKINFORMATION sqr.c.F1(r5ÈbnKbrr % sqrr.ù2(5,!!yù-dód)% surrc. n.3oo24bf.r.cro.) sudHn..(at. % rr.trb) Fisure D-1. lbrmat ofBad Track Infomation DeviceDrlversUser'sGuide D-3 82530lerminaldriver 3-14 8274terminaldriver 3-13 A APC sequences 2-13 attachdevicesystemcalls 8-1 auto-ansìwer modem2-44 axessequence andorientation2-21 axessequence control 6-13 B badtrackinformationD-l badtrack/sectorinformation4-16 badtrack andsectors8-11 baudrate input 2-21,6-13 output2-21,6-14 procedure5-28 BEGIN$LONG$TERM$OP procedu.e4-21 BIOS$GET$ADDRESS boardlD 5-13 buffer .aw inpùt 2.6 TerminalSupportCode 2-7 type-ahead 2-7 buffereddevices6-20 buffers numberof 4-6 B)'teBucketdriver 3-14 c cancelI/O procedur€7-1,4 cancelrequests8-2 CANCEL$IO 5-2 CANCELJIO procedure4-5 interrupt-drivendevicesA-42 message-passing devicesB-7 DeviceDriveB ljsér's cuide Index-l INDEX character length 6-28 characteristics of diskettes4-3 closesystemcalls 8-2 closingliles E-5 commondrivers 1-4,2-1,3-2, 5-1, communication levels1'1 configuring devicedrivers9-1 connection flags 6 t connection modes2-16 conÍrolc-harac-ter redefinition2-43 controlcharacters2-24 output2-17 controlstrings2-12 CONTROL-Ocharacter2-12 CONTROL-Pcharacter 2-10 CONIROL-Qcharacter2-12 CONTROL-Rcharacter2-10 CONTROL-Scharacter2-12 CONTROL-Tcharactcr 2-12 CONTROLUcharacter2-10 CONTROLW character2-12 CONTROL-Xcharacter2-10 CONTROI--Zcharacter2-10 cursoraddressing offset 2-22 cursorpositioning 2-41 customdrivers 1-4,2-1,3-14,7-l cylindersize 5-15 D deletecharacter2-10 deletinglines 2-10 detachdevicesystemcalls 8-1 devicedatastoragearea 5-15 devicedriverconfiguration9-l devicedriverinterfaces4-1 devicedrivertypes 1-4 devicedrivers Intel-supplied 3-1 devicedrivers 1-1 devicelìnishprocedure5-11,1-6,9 devicegranularity4-4 deviceinformationscreensg-9 deviceinformationtable 4-5,5-8,6-4,18 device initialiation procedure 5-11, 16, 17 Index-2 DeviceDrivers Usefs Guide INDEX deviceinterfaces4-21 deviceinterruptproceútte 5-12,16,21 devicenumbcr l-3 devicestartprocedure5-12,16,L9 devicestopprocedure5-12,16,21 device-unitinformationblock creating4-8 device-unit informationblock(DUIB) 4-1,6-3 device-unit informationscreens9-16 device-unit number 1-3 discarding mode 2-11 discarding output 2-12 diskettecharacteristics4-3 diskettefomat, standardC-l drivecharacteristics 4-14 drivecharacteristics E-7 driverinterfaces4-1 drivers Intel-supplied 3-l DUIB creating4-8 DUIB 4-1,6-3 duplex2-20,6-11 E echocontrol ó-10 *hong 2-17 einptyingt)pe-ahead buffer 2-10 endof file character2-10 END$LONG$TERM$OP procedure5-29 escape sequence2-24,2'1,33 examples simulation 2-32 translatioo2-29 explicitseeks5-15 F F$ATTACH requests 8-4 F$CLOSErequests8-5 F$DETACII requ€sts8-4 F$OPEN requests8-4 F$READ requests8-3 F$SEEK requests8-4 DeviceDrivers Ilsey's Guid€ Index-3 INDEX F$SPECIALrequests8-5 F$WRITE requests8-3 file drivers l-1, 4-2 file marks E-10 finishI/O procedure4-5,7-1,2 FINTSH$IO5-1 FIMSH$IOprocedure4-5 interrupt.driven devicesA-39 message.passing devicesB-4 fixedupdate4.6 nowc!ÍEol 2-22,6-26 flùshmode 2-8,17 formattingfracks4-13,8-5 FS$FORMAT$TRACKrequests8-5 FS$GET$BAD$INFO requests8-11 FS$GET$DRIVE$DATA requests8-7 FS$GET$TERMINAf$ATTzuBUTES requests6-E FS$NOTIFYreqùests8-6 FS$QUERYrequcsts8-6 FS$READ$FILE$MARK requests8-10 FS$RESET reqùests8-9 FS$RETENSION$TAPE .equests8-10 FS$SATISFY requests8-6 FS$SET$BAD$INFO requests8-I 1 FS$SET$SIGNAI requests8-9 FS$SET$TERMINAL$ATTzuBUTES requests8-8 FS$WRITE$FILE$MARK requests8-l0 G GET$IORSprocedure5-29 granularity -4 H highwatermark 2-23,6-27 high water mark,special 2-24 I I/O request/rcsultsegment(IORS) 4-9 I/O requests l-6,2-4, 8-l ICU Merge (ICUMRG) utrlity 9-2, 9-4, 22 ICUMRGutitty 9-2,4,22 impliedseeks5-15 Irdex.4 DeviceDriversUseCsGuide INDEX INIT$rO 4-4,5-1 INIT$IO procedure interrupt-drivcn devicesA-35 message-passing devicesB-I initializeI/O procedure4-4,7-1 inputbaudrate 2-21,6-13 inputparity 2-17,20,6-10,1,1,28 insertingdatainto theinputstream2-50 instance5-13 Intel-supplieddevicedrivers 3-1 interfaces device4-21 interfaces, driver 4-1 inte.rupt 5-l interrupthandler2-3 interrùptlev€l 5-10,6-7 interruptlines 6-7 interrupttask 2'3,5 2,A 45 rnte..uptq/pe ó-17 INTERRUPT$TASK5-2,A-45 interrupt-driven devices5-1,6-1 introduction1-1 invokingtheUDS urility 9-18 IORS 4-9 iSBC186/224Amulti-peripheral driver 3-6 iSBC186/410terminaldriver 3-9 iSBC208diskdriver 3-2 iSBC214diskandtapecootroller3-5 iSBC215c diskcontroller3-3 iSBC217Ctapecontroller3-3 iSBC220SMD diskdriver 3-6 iSBC2ó4bubblememorydriver 3-8 iSBC286/10(A)lineprinterdriver 3-8 iSBC534terminaldriver 3-11 iSBC544Aterminaldriver 3-12 iSBX218,4' diskettecontroller3-4 iSBX218,4diskettedriver 3-5 iSBX251bubblememorydriver 3-7 iSBX350lineprinterdriver 3-8 iSBX351terminaldriver 3-12 L levelsof communication 1-1 line editingcontrol 6-10 DeviceDrivers Use s Gùide Iídex.s INDEX line protocol 2-20 lhe plotocolindicator6-11 lhe terminator2-10 line terminator,special2-10 line-editbuffer 2-7 line-editingfunctions 2-9 line-editing mode 2-17 link parameters6-29 lockingthe terminat 2-49 logicaladdresses4-21 long-termoperatioN 2-4,5.28 low water rnark 2-23,6-n M MassStorageController(MSC)driver 3-2 message 5-1,5.23,6-42 message task 5-3,B-8 MESSAGE$TASK B-8 message-passing devices5-1,6-l mode flush 217 line-editing2.17 specialcharacter 6-25,30 terminal4-15 transparent2-E,17 modem2-44,22 modemindicator2-20 modes connection2'16 terminal2-18 MSCd.iver 3-2 MULTIBUSI interruptless drivers6-1 MULTIBUS U drivers ó-1 N normalmode 2-11 notificationof drivedooropen 4-14 NOTIFY procedure 5-26 notiryrequests8-6 NUM$BUFFERS2.2,4-6 Irdex-6 DeviceDriversUset'sGuide INDEX o op€lÌ systemcalls 8-2 openingfiles 84 optimizingsccks2-5 OSCcontrol 2-17 OSCsequences 2-12,26,27,6-10 outputbaudúte 2-21,6-14 outpùtcontrolcharacters2-77,6-10,23 outputmedium2-20,6-11 outputmode 2-11 outputPariry2-17,20,6-10,12,28 overflowoffset 2-22 overlappingseeks2-5 P parity 'r,put2-17,20,6-10,28 o[lpnt 2-17.2Ct, 6-10,28 physicaladdresses 4-21 physicallink 2-23 physicallink parameters6-27 port ó-1 positioning thecùrsor2-41 priority 5-11 o queryreqùests8-ó queueI/O procedure4-5,?-1,3 queuesize 5-13 QUEUE$IO 5-2 QUEUE$lOprocedure interrupt-driven devicesA-40 message-passing devicesB-5 procedure 4-5 QUEUE$IO quotingcharacter2-10 R RAM driver 3-15 random accessdrivers l-4, 2-1,3-2, 5-l DeviceDrivers UseÉsGuide Index-7 INDEX randomaccess supportroutines interrupt-drivendevicesA-34 message-passing devicesB-1 rawinputbuffer 2-ó,ó-19 readrequests8-3 rcadsystcmcalls 8-2 redefiningcontrolcharacteÉ2-43 redisplayinglines 2-10 requestqueue2-3,7-5 retries2-5 retryingI/O requests5-14 s satisÙrequests8-ó screenheight 2-21 scrccnwidth 2-21 scrollingcount 6-20 scrollingmode 2-11,12 scrollingnumber2-21,6-14 SCSIdriver 3'9 seekoptimization2-5 seekoverlap2-5 seeksystemcalls 8-2 SEEK$COMPLETE procedure5"15,27 seeking8-4 seeks explicit5-15 implìed5-15 signalcharacters4-15,8-9 s'mùlal10n l-2), J I softwarecontrolstrings2-12 specralarray 2-25 specialcha.actermode 6-25,26,30 specialcharacters2-22 specialhighwatermark 2-24,6-29 specialline terminator2-10 specialsystemcalls 8-2 stacksize 5-11,6-6 standarddìsketteformat C-1 startingoutput 2-12 stopbits 2-24,6-28 stoppingoutput 2-12 stuffingdatainto the inpùtstream2-50 Inder-8 DeviceDriversUser'sGuide INDEX T tape drive.s4.14 tape file marks 4-15 tape requests8-10 task interfupt 5-2 message5-3 terminalanswerprocedure6-7,31,36 terminal attributes8 terminalcharacter sequences 2-26,40 terminalcheckprocedure6-8,32,37 TerminalCommunications Controllerdriver 3-10 terminal drivers 7-4,2-1,3-9 terminaldriversó-1 terminalfinishproccdureó-ó,31,34 te.minalflags 6-11 terminalhangupprocedve 6-7,32,3'7 terminalI/O 2-6 terminalinitialization procedureó-6,31,32 terminalmodeinformation4-15 terminalmodes2-18 terminalmutualexclusion procedure6-30 terminaloutput 2-11 terminaloutputprocedttre6-7,32,44 terminalsetoutputbuffersizeprocedìire6-30,31 terminalsetupprocedure6-6,31,34 TerminalSupportCode 6-1,6-14 TerminalSupportCodeinpurbuffer 2-7 t€minal utilityprocedvre6-7,32,15 t.ackformatting4,13,8-5 tracksize 5-14 translation2-21,25,29,6-13 t.ansparent mode 2-8,17 q?e of terminalinte..upt 6-17 type-aheadbuffer 2-7 typesof devicedrivers l-4 DevlceDrivers UserJsGulde Irdex-g INDEX U UDS errormessages 9-19 UDS utility 9.2,4 unit informatiolscreens9-14 unit informationtable 4-5,5-13,6-9,lE unit number l-3 unlockingthe terminal 2-49 updatetimeout 4-5 User DeviceSupport(UDS) utility 9-2 UserDeviceSupportUtility (UDS) 9-4 v volumechaogenotfication 2-3 w write requests 8-3 write systemcalls 8-2 Index-10 DeviceDrivers Useis Guide INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES INTEL CORPORATION 3065BowertAvenue SantaClara,California 95051 BELGIUM IntelCorporatron SA RuedesCottages 65 8 - 1 1 8B 0russels DENMARK Inte{DenrÍdrkAJ5 Glentevej6l-3rd Floor dk-2400 Copenhagen E N GL A ND (tJ.K.)LfD. IntelCorporation I n t e l J a p aK n.K. Flower-HillShin-machi 1-23-9,5hinrna(hi 15 Seîagaya-ku,-fokyo NETHERLANDS IntelSemi(ondudor(NetherlandB V.) AlexanderpoonSuilding Marten Meesweg93 3068 Rotterdam PO.8ox92 Hvanìveien 4 N,2013,Skjetten Wiltshire5N31RJ Swindon, FINLAND IntelFinlandOY R!o5ilante 2 00390Hesinki FR,ANCE lntelParis 1 RueEdison'8P 303 78054St.-Quentin"en-Yveline! Cedex ISRAEL IntelSemr(onducîorr LTD. AtrdrmlndustrialPark NeveSharet P.O.Box43202 Tel"Aviv 61430 IIALY IntelCorporation 5.P.A. E/4 Milandfiori,Palazzo (Milano) Assago 20090 SPAIN lntel lberia CalleZurbaran28-IZQDA 28010Madrid SWEDEN ÌnìelSwedenA.B. Dalvée9en24 S - 1 7 13 6 S o l n a 5WITZERLAND lntel semi(onductorA.G_ lalaakerrtrósse 17 4125Glattbrugg CH-8065zurich WESTGERMANY Intel5emicondu(torG N.8.H27 Seidlestrasse D-8000Munchen intel' REQUEST FORREADER'5 COMMENTS i R M X lor . 3 Volume2 user'sGuide5 461845-001 lntel5 fechnicalPublications Deparrmentj attemptto providepublications thèt meetîhe needsof all your (ommeots lnlel productusers.Thi5form letsyoupartìcipate process. directlyin the publication wr I helpuscorreatandimproveour publi
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