TaxYear 2013 502_502B 502B 502
User Manual: 502B
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COM/RAD-009 13-49
1. Adjusted gross income from your federal return (See Instruction 11.) ............. 1 ________________________
1a. Wages, salaries and/or tips (See Instruction 11.)....
1b. Earned income (See Instruction 11.) ............ 1b ______________________
2. Tax-exempt interest on state and local obligations (bonds) other than Maryland. . . . . . . 2 _______________________
3. State retirement pickup .............................................. 3 _______________________
4. Lump sum distributions (from worksheet in Instruction 12.) ..................... 4 _______________________
5. Other additions (Enter code letter(s) from Instruction 12.) .. .... 5 _______________________
6. Total additions to Maryland income (Add lines 2 through 5.) ..................... 6 ______________________________
7. Total federal adjusted gross income and Maryland additions (Add lines 1 and 6.) ....... 7 _______________________
8. Taxable refunds, credits or offsets of state and local income taxes included in line 1 above .. 8 _______________________
9. Child and dependent care expenses ...................................... 9 _______________________
10. Pension exclusion from worksheet in Instruction 13 ........................... 10 _______________________
11. Taxable Social Security and RR benefits (Tier I, II and supplemental)
included in line 1 above .............................................. 11 _______________________
12. Income received during period of nonresidence (See Instruction 26.) .............. 12 _______________________
13. Subtractions from attached Form 502SU (See Instruction 13.) ..... 13 _______________________
14. Two-income subtraction from worksheet in Instruction 13 ...................... 14 _______________________
15. Total subtractions from Maryland income (Add lines 8 through 14.) ................ 15 _______________________
16. Maryland adjusted gross income (Subtract line 15 from line 7.) ................... 16 _______________________
(All taxpayers must select one method and check the appropriate box.) .......................
STANDARD DEDUCTION METHOD (Enter amount on line 17.) ..........................
ITEMIZED DEDUCTION METHOD (Complete lines 17a and 17b.) .........................
17a. Total federal itemized deductions (from line 29, federal Schedule A) .....
17a _______________________
17b. State and local income taxes (See Instruction 14.) .................
17b _______________________
Subtract line 17b from line 17a and enter amount on line 17.
17. Deduction amount (Part-year residents see Instruction 26 (l and m).) .............. 17 _______________________
18. Net income (Subtract line 17 from line 16.) ................................. 18 _______________________
19. Exemption amount from Exemptions area above (See Instruction 10.) .............. 19 _______________________
20. Taxable net income (Subtract line 19 from line 18.) ........................... 20 _______________________
Social Security Number Spouse's Social Security Number
Your First Name Initial Last Name
Spouse's First Name Initial Last Name
Present Address (No. and street)
City or Town State ZIP code
Maryland County City, Town or Taxing Area
Name of county and incorporated city, town or
special taxing area in which you resided on the last
day of the taxable period. (See Instruction 6.)
Print Using Blue or Black Ink Only
Place CHECK or MONEY ORDER on top of your W-2 wage and tax
statements and ATTACH HERE with ONE staple.
No. 02
(See Instruction 13.)
(See Instruction 16.)
(See Instruction 12.)
See Instruction 26.
If you began or ended legal
residence in Maryland in 2013
place a P in the box.
Place an M or P
in this box.
See Instruction 1 to determine
if you are required to file.
1. Single (If you can be claimed on another person’s tax return, use Filing Status 6.)
Married filing joint return or spouse had no income
3. Married filing separately
4. Head of household
5. Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child
6. Dependent taxpayer (Enter 0 in Exemption Box (A) - See Instruction 7.)
Spouse's Social Security Number
See Instruction 10. Check appropriate box(es). NOTE: If you are claiming dependents, you must attach the
Dependents' Information Form 502B to this form to receive the applicable exemption amount.
A Yourself Spouse
A. Enter No. Checked. . . . See Instruction 10 A.
B 65 or over 65 or over
B. Enter No. Checked. . . . X $1,000. . . . . .
B. $
Blind Blind
Enter No. from line 3 of Dependent Form 502B. . . . . . . . . . .
See Instruction 10 C.
D Enter Total Exemptions (Add A, B and C.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total Amount D. $
Check here if you authorize us to share your tax information with the Medical Assistance Program
for help finding health insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dates of Maryland Residence
FROM ______ ______ ______
TO ______ ______ ______
Other state of residence: ___________________
MILITARY: If you or your spouse has non-
Maryland military income, place an M in the box.
(See Instruction 26.)
Enter amount here: _______________________
Press here to Print this Form
Reset Form

COM/RAD-009 13-49
Your signature Date Preparer’s PTIN (required by law) Signature of preparer other than taxpayer
Spouse’s signature Date Address of preparer
Telephone number of preparer
21. Amount from line 20 (taxable net income)
GO TO TAX TABLE in the Resident instructions. Enter the tax on line 22...21
22. Maryland tax (from Tax Table or Computation Worksheet Schedules I or II). .....................22 _____________________________
23. Earned income credit (½ of federal earned income credit. See Instruction 18.).................. 23 _____________________________
24. Poverty level credit (See Instruction 18.) ............................................ 24 _____________________________
25. Other income tax credits for individuals from Part H, line 8 of Form 502CR (Attach Form 502CR.)........25 _____________________________
26. Business tax credits
27. Total credits (Add lines 23 through 26.). ...............................................27 _____________________________
28. Maryland tax after credits (Subtract line 27 from line 22.) If less than 0, enter 0...................28 _____________________________
29. Local tax (See Instruction 19 for tax rates and worksheet.) Multiply line 21
by your local tax rate .__ __ __ __ or use the Local Tax Worksheet ........................ 29 _____________________________
30. Local earned income credit (from Local Earned Income Credit Worksheet in Instruction 19.) .......... 30 _____________________________
31. Local poverty level credit (from Local Poverty Level Credit Worksheet in Instruction 19.)............. 31 _____________________________
32. Total credits (Add lines 30 and 31.) .................................................. 32 _____________________________
33. Local tax after credits (Subtract line 32 from line 29.) If less than 0, enter 0 .................... 33 _____________________________
34. Total Maryland and local tax (Add lines 28 and 33.)........................................34 _____________________________
35. Contribution to Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund (See Instruction 20.) ............. 35 _____________________________
36. Contribution to Developmental Disabilities Waiting List Equity Fund (See Instruction 20.). .......... 36 _____________________________
37. Contribution to Maryland Cancer Fund (See Instruction 20.)............................... 37 _____________________________
38. Total Maryland income tax, local income tax and contributions (Add lines 34 through 37.) .....38 _____________________________
39. Total Maryland and local tax withheld (Enter total from your W-2 and 1099 forms if MD tax is
withheld and attach.) ......................................................... 39 _____________________________
40. 2013 estimated tax payments, amount applied from 2012 return, payment made
with an extension request, and Form MW506NRS ...................................... 40 _____________________________
41. Refundable earned income credit (from worksheet in Instruction 21)......................... 41 _____________________________
42. Refundable income tax credits from Part I, line 6 of Form 502CR
(Attach Form 502CR. See Instruction 21.) ...
42 _____________________________
43. Total payments and credits (Add lines 39 through 42.) .....................................43 _____________________________
44. Balance due (If line 38 is more than line 43, subtract line 43 from line 38.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 _____________________________
45. Overpayment (If line 38 is less than line 43, subtract line 38 from line 43.) .................... 45 _____________________________
46. Amount of overpayment TO BE APPLIED TO 2014 ESTIMATED TAX .. 46 _______________________
47. Amount of overpayment TO BE REFUNDED TO YOU
(Subtract line 46 from line 45.) See line 50 ............................................ 47 _____________________________
Interest charges from Form 502UP or for late filing (See I nstruction 22.) Total ..
48 _____________________________
49. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (Add lines 44 and 48.) IF $1 OR MORE, PAY IN FULL WITH THIS RETURN ... 49 _____________________________
Check here if you authorize your preparer to discuss this return with us. Check here if you authorize your paid preparer not to file electronically.
Check here if you agree to receive your 1099G Income Tax Refund statement electronically. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined
this return, including accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. If prepared by a
person other than taxpayer, the declaration is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.
Make checks payable and mail to:
Comptroller of Maryland Revenue Administration Division
110 Carroll Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001
(It is recommended that you include your
Social Security Number on check.)
(See Instruction 22.) Please be sure the account information is correct. For Splitting Direct Deposit, see Form 588.
To comply with banking rules, please check here
if this refund will go to an account outside the United States. If checked, see Instruction 22.
For the direct deposit option, complete the following information clearly and legibly.
50a. Type of account: Checking Savings
50b. Routing Number 50c. Account
(9-digits) number
Daytime telephone no. Home telephone no.
CODE NUMBERS (3 digits per box)
NAME _______________________________________ SSN ______________________
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You must file this form electronically to claim business tax credits on Form 500CR.
Page 2
Identity Protection PIN

COM/RAD-026 13-49
502B 2013
Dependents' Information
(Attach to Form 502, 505 or 515.)
1. Enter the total number of boxes checked below for Regular dependents (6) .................... 1. ________________
2. Enter the total number of additional boxes checked below for dependents 65 or over (7) ........... 2. ________________
3. Total dependent exemptions (Add lines 1 and 2 and enter the total here and on line (C) of the
Exemptions area of Form 502, 505 or 515.) ........................................... 3. ________________
Dependents (If a dependent listed below is age 65 or over, please check both boxes 6 and 7.)
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Social Security Number Spouse's Social Security Number
Your first name Initial Last name
Spouse’s first name Initial Last name
No. 06
1. First name Initial Last name
2. Social Security Number 3. Relationship 4. if under 19
5. Has medical insurance? Yes No
(For Form 502, resident taxpayers only.) 6. Regular 7. 65 or over
1. First name Initial Last name
2. Social Security Number 3. Relationship 4. if under 19
5. Has medical insurance? Yes No
(For Form 502, resident taxpayers only.) 6. Regular 7. 65 or over
1. First name Initial Last name
2. Social Security Number 3. Relationship 4. if under 19
5. Has medical insurance? Yes No
(For Form 502, resident taxpayers only.) 6. Regular 7. 65 or over
1. First name Initial Last name
2. Social Security Number 3. Relationship 4. if under 19
5. Has medical insurance? Yes No
(For Form 502, resident taxpayers only.) 6. Regular 7. 65 or over
1. First name Initial Last name
2. Social Security Number 3. Relationship 4. if under 19
5. Has medical insurance? Yes No
(For Form 502, resident taxpayers only.) 6. Regular 7. 65 or over