IBM Electronic Service Agent For AS/400 AS/400e 51ESAUser

User Manual: AS/400e

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IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


IBM Electronic Service Agent
for iSeries and AS/400e
User Guide
Release 5.1


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


FIRST Edition (May 2001)
This edition applies to release 5.1 of Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e
and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicted in new editions.
Copyright © 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 International
Business Machines Corporation (IBM). All Rights Reserved.
No part of this computer software (or documentation) may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or in any way, or by any means, without written permission from
the International Business Machines Corporation.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Preface ……………………………………………………………… 6
What’s new this release? ………………………………………………………. 6
Who should read this guide? …………………………………………………… 6
Who do I contact if I have a question? ………………………………………… 7
Where can I find more information? ………………………………………….. 7
Terminology………………………………………………………………………. 7

Chapter 1. Introduction to Electronic Service Agent ……………. 10
What is Electronic Service Agent? …………………………………………….. 10
What models are supported? …………………………………………………… 10
What does Electronic Service Agent do? ………………………………………. 11
Hardware problem reporting ……………………………………………………… 11
System inventory collection and transmission …………………………………… 12
How can I view my system information? ……………………………………… 13
How does Electronic Service Agent work? ……………………………………. 13
Hardware problem reporting ……………………………………………………… 13
System inventory collection and transmission …………………………………… 14

Chapter 2. Requirements …………………………………………... 15
Requirements for Hardware problem reporting ……………………………… 15
Requirements for System inventory collection and transmission ……………. 16
Requirements for Modem(s) ……………………………………………………. 17

Chapter 3. Prerequisites …………………………………………… 18
Chapter 4. How do I Obtain Electronic Service Agent? ………… 22
Preload …………………………………………………………………………… 22
CD ………………………………………………………………………………… 22

Chapter 5. How do I Install and Set up Electronic Service Agent?.23
Chapter 6. Menus – Hardware problem reporting ………………. 28
Chapter 7. Panels – System inventory collection and transmission.58
How do I verify the inventory collection scheduled task(s) …………………..
How do I change the inventory selections? ……………………………………
How do I know that information was sent to IBM? ………………………….
How do I change the Universal Connection Configuration? …………………


Chapter 8. Message Ids ……………………………………………. 64
Hardware problem reporting ………………………………………………….. 64
System inventory collection and transmission ………………………………… 82


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Appendix A. Authority Requirements …………………………….. 87
Appendix B. Electronic Service Agent and System Manager/400 .. 88
Appendix C. Notices and trademarks …………………………….. 90


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


This guide provides overview, requirement and prerequisite information, installation and
configuration instructions, and user information about Electronic Service Agent.

What’s new this release?
Electronic Service Agent is now a part of Extreme Support Personalized (ESP).
Extreme Support Personalized (ESP) is IBM's comprehensive technical service and
support initiative exclusively for iSeries and AS/400e. Extreme Support Personalized is
total solutions support, personalized for you in the form you need it. It involves support
over the Internet, voice and onsite support, and support that is integrated right into the
New functions, through this ESP offering, include the consolidation of Electronic
Service Agent, PM/400 and WRKORDINF inventories with Management Central
inventory AND the subsequent transmission of the desired inventories to IBM via
Electronic Service Agent using TCP/IP through the Universal Connection.
What is the Universal Connection? The Universal Connection is a secure connection
from your iSeries or AS/400e machine into IBM Service and Support. The Universal
Connection is ESP’s fundamental electronic assistance enabler, making it possible for
you to receive personalized attention and assistance with support. The Universal
Connection enables electronic help for such key things as problem determination,
performance management, fix management, and software upgrades. For more
information on software upgrades / SUA Announce, see:
For more information on Extreme Support, see:
For more information on Universal Connection, see:

Also new this release - the System inventory collection and transmission portion of
Electronic Service Agent is now made available from Operations Navigator (a product of
Client Access Express). Hardware problem reporting continues to provide the same
functions as it provided in V4R5.

Who should read this guide?
This guide is intended for use by iSeries and AS/400e system administrators and/or
System Service Representatives (SSRs) who are familiar with, or have a working
knowledge of an iSeries and/or AS/400e system(s). A basic understanding of an iSeries

IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


and/or AS/400e system is beneficial to assist you with the information provided in this
guide as it pertains to Release 5.1 of IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and

Who do I contact if I have a question?
♦ U.S. - Dial 1-800-237-5511 and choose option AS/400 for assistance. Mention Direct
Access Routing Code 1400 as a fast path to the Electronic Service Agent (Service
Director) Support Center. The Support Center is staffed Monday through Friday, 8
AM to 5 PM, Central Standard Time.


Outside U.S. - Contact the local support center in your country / region for
assistance. The support center will advise of additional terms and conditions for
support, if any are required.

Where can I find more information?
For information on why your scheduled task may be running at a different
time than scheduled, see the Management Central site at: Select FAQs from the
Navigator bar and locate question ‘Q: Why are the time scales on the monitor
graph off?’.
For information on Electronic Service Agent, see:
For information on Management Central, see:
For information on Client Access Express, see:
Select a specific version, release and language and click GO. Expand Client
Access Express from the navigation bar.
For information on Operations Navigator, see:
For information on AS/400 NetServer, see:
For more information on Universal Connection, see:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


For information on PM/400, see:
For information on Electronic Services, see:

Throughout this guide, “Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e” is referred
to as “Electronic Service Agent.”
You need to be familiar with the following terms that are used in this manual:
Authority - The right to do something or to have it done on the system. On an iSeries or
AS/400e server, you must have authority to an object to work with it. Private authority
and public authority are examples of authorities on the iSeries and AS/400e server(s).
Electronic Customer Support (ECS) - A part of the operating system that allows a
customer to access: the question-and-answer (Q & A) function; problem analysis,
reporting, and management; IBM product information; and technical information
Input/output (I/O) - Data provided to the computer or data resulting from computer
Licensed Program Offering (LPO) - A program that is not supported on the Licensed
Program menu. LPOs have separate instructions for installation.
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) - A manufacturer of equipment that can be
marketed by another manufacturer.
Program Temporary Fix (PTF) 1. A temporary solution to or a bypass of a problem diagnosed by IBM that results
from a defect in a current unaltered release of a licensed program.
2. In the System Manager program, a means of correcting a problem or potential
problem found within a product, or a means of providing an enhancement to a
product before a new release of the product is available. PTFs are designed to


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


replace one or more objects in the product. Generally, PTFs are incorporated in a
future release of the product.
Reference Code Translation Table (RCTT) - An object that contains reference code
and field-replaceable-unit (FRU) code records. These records are used to report hardware
errors and to do problem analysis and resolution. The system-recognized identifier for the
object type is *RCT.

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) 1. A form of communications line control that uses commands to control the transfer of
data over a communications line.
2. A communications discipline conforming to subsets of the Advanced Data
Communication Control Procedures (ADCCP) of the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) and High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) of the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), for transferring synchronous, codetransparent, serial-by-bit information over a communications line. Transmission
exchanges may be duplex or half-duplex over switched or non-switched lines. The
configuration of the connection may be point-to-point, multipoint, or loop.
System Manager/400 - The IBM licensed program that provides the capability for an
AS/400 system in a network to function as a service provider for other AS/400 systems in
the network.
System Reference Code (SRC) - The characters that identify the name of the unit that
detected the condition, and the reference code that describes the condition.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 1. A set of communications protocols that support peer-to-peer connectivity
functions for both local and wide area networks.
2. The primary communications protocol that is used on the Internet. TCP/IP could
also be used on an internal network.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) - An extension of a company's intranet over the
existing framework of either a public or private network. A VPN ensures that the data
that is sent between the two endpoints of its connection remains secure.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 1. Introduction to Electronic Service Agent
This chapter presents general information about Electronic Service Agent.

What is Electronic Service Agent?
Electronic Service Agent (product ID 5798-RZG) is a Licensed Product Offering (LPO)
that operates on an IBM iSeries or AS/400e, with operating system OS/400 at V5R1.
In the past, AS/400 Service Director was responsible for reporting hardware problems.
The AS/400 Service Agent, which was distributed as a fix (PTF) to the AS/400 Service
Director product, was responsible for collecting and sending system inventory. These two
functions are now packaged together as IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and
Note: Throughout this document the terms Service Director and Service Agent are still
used. This is a transition release between the previous terminology and new terminology
- e.g. Hardware problem reporting (HPR) and System inventory collection and
transmission (SCT).
Electronic Service Agent provides two functions:

Hardware problem reporting predicts and prevents hardware errors by early
detection of potential problems, downloads fixes, and automatically calls IBM
Service when necessary.
Note: To activate the hardware problem reporting function of Electronic Service
Agent requires that your server be under warranty, or that you purchase an IBM
Maintenance Services Agreement.


System inventory collection and transmission collects and electronically sends
system information to IBM to be used for input for problem analysis and problem
prevention functions, and to assist IBM in providing improved service.

What models are supported?
This level of Electronic Service Agent supports all iSeries and AS/400e machine types
running operating system, OS/400 V5R1.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


What does Electronic Service Agent do?
Hardware problem reporting – The Hardware problem reporting function of
Electronic Service Agent is a Licensed Program Offering (LPO) provided as part of the
IBM Service agreement for iSeries and AS/400e’s. Its primary purpose is to inform you
and, optionally, your service provider (normally IBM Service) whenever a hardware
problem has occurred or is about to occur on an iSeries or AS/400e system. It does this
by analyzing entries in two system logs: the Problem Log and the Product Activity
Log. The iSeries or AS/400e system reports problems and status changes using a tablelookup approach. Entries in the Problem Log and Product Activity Log contain a
Reference Code Translate Table (RCTT) field, and a System Reference Code (SRC)
field. The RCTT field identifies a table of possible problems or status changes that can
occur on a particular hardware device type or family of device types. The SRC field
indicates a particular entry within the associated RCTT. Hardware problem reporting uses
the RCTT and SRC to determine the severity of each log entry.
The hardware problem reporting function of Service Agent is part of IBM’s electronically
delivered service strategy, and has been expanded to perform additional functions in
addition to its primary purpose. Currently implemented extensions are:
1. Collection of removable media statistics. These statistics are available to the user
in report form to assist with the identification of faulty or deteriorating removable
media volumes.
2. Identification and automatic downloading of critical PTFs that should be applied
to the system as preventative maintenance.
3. Transmission of service-related information about the machine to IBM Service for
summary and analysis by other applications.
Hardware problem reporting uses the Electronic Customer Support (ECS) link on the
iSeries or AS/400e.
Note: It is recommended that ECS be configured to use TCP/IP through the
Universal Connection. If ECS is configured to use TCP/IP, the Hardware problem
reporting function of Electronic Service Agent will also use TCP/IP. See the iSeries
Universal Connection for Electronic Support & Electronic Services Redbook at for more information on
Universal Connection.
Hardware problem reporting can also automatically do problem analysis on problems
before calling for service.
Automatic Problem Analysis – When a system logs a hardware error in the
Problem Log, it attempts to process any Problem Determination Procedures
(PDPs) which exist for that particular System Reference Code (SRC). Although it

IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


is not able to complete the PDPs for every SRC on the system, it completes as
much problem diagnosis as possible so that your System Services Representative
(CE) will have a better understanding of the problem. This means that when a
service call is placed to IBM, it contains a list of possible replacement parts with
automatic problem analysis.
This function of Electronic Service Agent aids IBM Service personnel in problem source
identification. System and I/O errors are dynamically monitored and analyzed. No user
intervention is required. Hardware problem reporting further simplifies analysis for
some errors, by giving the System Services Representative (CE) a list of the most
probable parts to be replaced and/or alternate plans of action for the problem.
Note: The Hardware problem reporting function of Electronic Service Agent does not
support OEM equipment. If Electronic Service Agent is installed on iSeries or AS/400e
system with OEM equipment, call 1-800-IBM-SERV to place a Service call for your
System Services Representative (CE) to deactivate the Resource Descriptions for those

System inventory collection and transmission – Electronic Service Agent is
code that runs on your iSeries or AS/400e to assist IBM in providing service for your
system. The System inventory collection and transmission function of Electronic Service
Agent automatically collects system information including hardware, installed software,
performance data, and fix levels and then electronically sends this information to IBM
over the Universal Connection. You can either inventory a single iSeries or AS/400e, or
multiple systems by consolidating multiple systems inventory onto one Management
Central system prior to transmission.
Important! You control the transmission of data to IBM (what is sent and when it is
The system information that is collected and sent is categorized as follows:

Contact Information - The contact information for your organization which
includes the name of the person in your organization who is responsible for the
repair and maintenance of your system, the mailing address of your organization,
and the language code indicating your preferred language for program temporary
fix (PTF) cover letters.


Hardware - A list of physical objects that includes communications, systems
adapters, LAN resources, workstation resources, processor information, and
storage devices.


Network Attributes - Network attributes of the system.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



Fixes - A list of fixes (PTFs), or corrections, to problems or potential problems
within a particular software product.


Software - A list of installed and supported software products and associated
license information.


Service Attributes - Service attributes of the system.


System Values - A list of system values and their settings. Available only when
both the central system and the endpoint systems are running OS/400 V5R1 or


PM/400 Performance Data – Non-proprietary performance and capacity data.


Users and groups – This information is not collected and sent to IBM. This is a
Management Central inventory.

How can I view my system information?
Your system information can be viewed using IBM Electronic Services for AS/400. IBM
Electronic Services for AS/400 is an exclusive service capability offered to customers
that contract for services with IBM. Point your browser to the IBM Electronic Services
Web site login page to learn more information
about IBM Electronic Services for AS/400, including how to register your iSeries or
AS/400e(s) and how to view your iSeries or AS/400e system information.

How does Electronic Service Agent work?
Hardware problem reporting – The hardware problem reporting function of
Electronic Service Agent has the capability to prepare hardware problems which it
detects for automatic problem reporting and send them over the ECS line using TCP/IP or
SDLC to IBM. (It is recommended that ECS be configured to use TCP/IP – See the
iSeries Universal Connection for Electronic Support & Electronic Services Redbook
at The problems can be
from errors detected either in the Problem Log or the Product Activity Log on an iSeries
or AS/400e.
If this function determines that a service call should be placed, it will automatically send
the call to IBM (or to a central site’s system with System Manager/400 (1) installed). If a
service call is placed, a message will also be sent to all specified USER IDs (designated
during setup) containing detailed problem information.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


The hardware problem reporting function can still be used even if you choose not to
automatically report problems to IBM. If the ‘Report problem automatically’
parameter, (to locate, choose Change Service Director settings from the Electronic
Service Agent Main Menu) is disabled, the users specified for the ‘Users to receive
messages’ parameter (to locate, choose Change Service Director settings from the
Electronic Service Agent Main Menu) will receive messages about problems that are
discovered, and will suggest that a call be placed manually to IBM Service.

System inventory collection and transmission – The system inventory
collection and transmission function retrieves system information gathered and stored by
Management Central. This information is then sent to IBM using the Universal
An Extreme Support agent is used under Management Central to configure the inventory
collection and transmission task(s). Through this agent, the user chooses the type of
information to collect and send, the frequency at which to send it, and the time at which
to send it. From this information, a Management Central task is created. If you choose to
send your information to IBM immediately after it has been collected, a single task is
created. This task is for the job that collects and sends the information to IBM. If you
schedule the transmission time to be different than the collection time, two Management
Central tasks are created: one task for the job that collects the information; another task
for the job that sends the information to IBM. These tasks will run at the specified
frequency and time of day.
If you choose to run the collect and send action immediately after you are prompted for
information, the information will be collected and sent to IBM immediately.
At the time the information is ready to be sent to IBM, Electronic Service Agent will
determine if any of the information has changed from the previous transmission. If any
of the information has changed, or if the information has not been sent, it will be sent to
IBM. If there are no changes to the information since the previous time it was sent, the
information will not be sent again. After IBM has successfully received the information,
Electronic Service Agent will update information on the AS/400 indicating that the
information was received. This can be viewed using the history function of Electronic
Service Agent.

(1) System Manager/400 is an IBM Licensed Program Product which must be purchased by the user.
The central site Service Provider Control Point system must be at the highest OS/400 level of the
remote systems it is supporting. See Appendix B. for more information on System Manager/400.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 2. Requirements
This section presents the necessary requirements, broken down by function (Hardware
problem reporting and System inventory collection and transmission), for Electronic
Service Agent.
Important! You can continue through this guide for basic set up instructions (Chapters
2 through 5) or you may choose to use the enhanced version of these chapters, which
include multiple screen shots and also the ‘Dial-up Connection using AT & T Global
Network Services’ connection path used when running the Universal Connection Wizard,
for more assistance. This guide is named ‘V5R1 Screen Shot Guide’ and is available at
Note: HPR is a Hardware Problem Reporting prerequisite, and SCT is a System
Inventory Collection and Transmission prerequisite.

REQUIREMENTS for Hardware problem reporting:
If the following requirements are not met, you cannot set up Hardware problem
reporting. If you would also like System inventory collection and transmission set up,
reference section ‘REQUIREMENTS for System inventory collection and
ü Date format - Verify the date format (system value QDATFMT) is something
other than JUL (Julian). To check or change this system value, type
WRKSYSVAL QDATFMT on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press
Enter. Important! If the date format is JUL (Julian), and you do not want to
change this, this requirement is not met.
ü Problem log filter - Verify that hardware problem reporting (Service Director) can
have use of the problem log filter (system value QPRBFTR). To check this
system value, type WRKSYSVAL QPRBFTR on an iSeries or AS/400e command
line and press Enter. Important! If system value QPRBFTR is set to something
other than *NONE or SDFILTER and you do not want to change this, this
requirement is not met.
ü Modem – see the ‘REQUIREMENTS for the Connection to IBM’ section on
page 17. Important! If you would also like System inventory collection and
transmission set up, reference section ‘REQUIREMENTS for System inventory
collection and transmission’ and then continue to the ‘REQUIREMENTS for the
Connection to IBM’ section on page 17.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


REQUIREMENTS for System inventory collection and transmission:
If the following requirements are not met, you cannot set up System inventory
collection and transmission. If you would still like Hardware problem reporting set up,
see section ‘REQUIREMENTS for Hardware problem reporting’.
ü Personal Computer (PC) - Verify that a PC is attached to the iSeries or AS/400e.
ü Client Access Express:
> iSeries or AS/400e
* Verify Client Access Express for Windows V5R1 (5722-XE1) is
installed. Use command DSPSFWRSC to verify.
> PC
* Verify Client Access Express for Windows (full load) is installed. For more
information on Client Access Express, see: (Select V5R1 and a
language and click GO. Expand Client Access Express from the navigation
bar.) Note: Ensure you have set up TCP/IP on your PC as described in the
information provided. Note: You will use Operations Navigator, a function of
Client Access, to configure the communications connection.
* Verify the latest Client Access service pack is installed. The service pack
contains the Universal Connection Wizard which will be used to configure
your Universal Connection. The service packs are available for download at: See the iSeries
Universal Connection for Electronic Support & Electronic Services
Redbook at for
more information on Universal Connection.
ü QRETSVRSEC – Verify that system value QRETSVRSEC on your iSeries or
AS/400e is set to ‘1’. To check or change this system value, type WRKSYSVAL
QRETSVRSEC on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press Enter. If
system value QRETSVRSEC is NOT set to ‘1’ and you do not want to change this,
this requirement is not met. Note: If you changed system value QRETSVRSEC
to a ‘1’, remember this for reference in a future chapter.
ü QCNTRYID – Verify that system value QCNTRYID on your iSeries or AS/400e
(this includes all endpoint systems) is set correctly for your country / region. To
check or change this system value, type WRKSYSVAL QCNTRYID on an iSeries
or AS/400e command line and press Enter.
ü Modem – see the ‘REQUIREMENTS for the Connection to IBM’ section.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


REQUIREMENTS for the Connection to IBM:
Important! The connection to IBM for System inventory collection and transmission
is made using the Universal Connection. The connection to IBM for Hardware
problem reporting is made using the ECS link (SDLC or TCP/IP). See the iSeries
Universal Connection for Electronic Support & Electronic Services Redbook at for more information about
the Universal Connection.
If you are using a modem for your connection(s), reference the following modem
requirements. You will then be directed to Chapter 3. ‘Prerequisites’ to reference all
or only a certain portion of the prerequisites, depending on your modem situation.
ü Modem(s) - Verify that a modem(s) with an attached phone line is available:
Note: An internal modem (2771) is shipped with new V5R1 systems.
Asynchronous (includes the
2771 internal modem)
Dual model

Hardware problem reporting
(formerly Service Director)

System inventory collection
and transmission





Synchronous –
If you only have a synchronous modem (examples: IBM 7855, IBM 7857, or IBM 7858), only
Hardware problem reporting can be setup. Reference only the HPR prerequisite items in Chapter 3.
Asynchronous – (includes the 2771 internal modem)
If you have an asynchronous modem (examples: 2771 internal, IBM 7855, IBM 7857, or IBM 7858),
you should configure ECS to use TCP/IP (the Hardware problem reporting function uses the ECS link).
The System inventory collection and transmission function uses TCP/IP. Reference both the HPR and
SCT prerequisite items in Chapter 3. Prerequisites. To use the internal modem to run ECS over
TCP/IP, the Universal Connection must be configured. See the iSeries Universal Connection for
Electronic Support & Electronic Services Redbook at for information about the Universal
Note: If you will be using a non-IBM modem, any asynchronous modem that supports the RS232 serial
interface and the V.34/V.42 protocol (V.90 is optional) can be used for this function. Typically, the
default modem setting DSR (Data Set Ready) must be overridden. For an iSeries or AS/400e system to
detect a hang-up, DSR must be set to follow CD (Carrier Detect). Refer to the modem manual for more
Dual model If you have a dual model modem (example: IBM 7852-400 - this modem supports switching between
synchronous and asynchronous modes), both Hardware problem reporting and System inventory
collection and transmission can be set up. Reference both the HPR and SCT prerequisite items in
Chapter 3. Prerequisites.

* If this modem is to be used for Hardware problem reporting, ECS must also be configured to
use TCP/IP.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 3. Prerequisites
Note: HPR is a Hardware problem reporting prerequisite, and SCT is a System
inventory collection and transmission prerequisite.

(HPR and SCT)
Verify OS/400 is V5R1.
To check the OS/400, type DSPSFWRSC on an iSeries or AS/400e command line
and press Enter. Press F11 to display libraries/releases.


(HPR and SCT)
You must have *ALLOBJ, *IOSYSCFG and *SECADM special authorities in your
iSeries or AS/400e user profile to setup Electronic Service Agent.
To check your special authorities, type DSPUSRPRF user profile on an iSeries or
AS/400e command line and press Enter.
Important! A user without *ALLOBJ authority would need to have specific
authority to these objects to setup Electronic Service Agent AND to collect and send
inventory information to IBM. See Appendix A. for the specific authorities required.


Verify the Work with Contact Information (WRKCNTINF) is filled in with the
customer’s information. To check or change this information, type WRKCNTINF
on a command line and press Enter. From the Work with Support Contact
Information menu, type the option number to Work with local service information
and press Enter.


Test the Electronic Customer Support (ECS) line. The Hardware problem reporting
function uses the ECS link [with either SDLC or TCP/IP configured] on the iSeries or
AS/400e. It is recommended that ECS be configured to use TCP/IP through the
Universal Connection. (See the iSeries Universal Connection for Electronic
Support & Electronic Services Redbook at: for more information).
To test the ECS line, type SNDSRVRQS *TEST on an iSeries or AS/400e command
line and press Enter. A successful test will produce a service call to the assigned
SSR for that account.
If you require assistance:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Hardware Support – If you have a Warranty or Maintenance Agreement:

USA: Call 1-800-426-7378, and choose the ‘to place a Service call’ menu
option to speak with a support representative.


Outside USA: Contact the local support center in your country / region
for assistance. The support center will advise of additional terms and
conditions for support, if any are required.

Software Support – If you have a Support Line contract:

USA: Call 1-800-237-5511, and choose the ‘iSeries and AS/400e’ menu
option to speak with a support representative.


Outside USA: Contact the local support center in your country / region
for assistance. The support center will advise of additional terms and
conditions for support, if any are required.


You must know the name of the iSeries and/or AS/400e system(s) from which you
plan to collect information.


Verify that TCP/IP is started on the iSeries or AS/400e. TCP/IP must be started if the
customer is to send system inventory information to IBM. If TCP/IP is not running
on the system, type STRTCP on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press
Enter to start it.


Ensure you use an appropriate installed adapter.
Note: Only PPP connections are supported in OS/400 V5R1.
Note: At V5R1 there are two types of connections: AT&T dial and VPN. The
AT&T dial is not supported via ISDN; you can only use ISDN if you use the VPN
connectivity and your ISP supports ISDN connections.
Choose one of the following required adapters:
§ 2699* : Two-line WAN IOA. Note: This IOA requires either a 2629
LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP or a MFIOP.
§ 2720* : PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA
§ 2721* : PCI Two-line WAN IOA
§ 2745* : PCI Two-line WAN IOA (replaces IOA 2721)
§ 2750 : PCI ISDN Basic Rate Interface U IOA (2-wire interface)
§ 2751 : PCI ISDN Basic Rate Interface S/T IOA (4-wire interface)
§ 2761 : Eight-port analog modem IOA


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



2771 : Two-port WAN IOA, with a V.90 integrated modem on port 1 and a
standard communications interface on port 2. To use port 2 of the 2771
adapter, an external modem or ISDN terminal adapter with the appropriate
cable is required.
2772 : Two port V.90 integrated modem WAN IOA

* These adapters require an external V.24 modem, or ISDN terminal adapter, and
the appropriate cable.

You must have V5R1 AS/400 Toolbox for Java (5722-JC1) installed on your iSeries
or AS/400e. To check, type DSPSFWRSC on an iSeries or AS/400e command line
and press Enter. Press F11 to display libraries/releases.
Note: This is a preloaded licensed product. If you upgraded your system to V5R1,
this product can be found on one of the CDs that came with your software upgrade
package. Use command RSTLICPGM to install this product.


You must have V5R1 IBM Developer Kit for Java [Base with at least one of
Options 3, 4 or 5] (5722-JV1) installed on your iSeries or AS/400e. To check, type
DSPSFWRSC on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press Enter. Press F11
to display libraries/releases.
Note: This is a preloaded licensed product (Base with Options 3 and 4). If you
upgraded your system to V5R1, this product can be found on one of the CDs that
came with your software upgrade package. Use command RSTLICPGM to install
this product.


You must order PTF number SF66377 for Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and
AS/400e (5798-RZG) using your normal PTF order process (FAX, ECS, or the
AS/400 web site). Note: You will be instructed to load and apply this PTF later in
this document:
If you require assistance:

USA: Dial 1-800-237-5511, and choose the AS/400 menu option to speak
with a support representative.


Outside USA: Contact the local support center in your country / region
for assistance. The support center will advise of additional terms and
conditions for support, if any are required.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



You must select which system you want to use as your ‘Central’ system on your PC.
For information on AS/400 NetServer, see:
Ø To see what systems (connections) currently exist, do this:
1. Open Client Access.
2. Open AS400 Operations Navigator.
3. Expand My Connections.
If you do not see the system (connection) that you want to use as your
‘Central’ system in this list, do this:
A. Right-click on My Connections and select Add Connection.
B. Continue through the Operations Navigator Add Connection
wizard to add the system (connection) you want to use as your
‘Central’ system.
Ø To select the system you want to use as your ‘Central’ system, do this:
1. Right-click on Management Central and select Change Central System.
2. Select, from the drop-down, which system you want to use as your
‘Central’ system and click OK.


Create a Management Central system group.
The systems from which you want to collect inventory data can be defined in a
Management Central system group to simplify the task of scheduling for several
systems. A system group is required to complete the Electronic Service
Agent wizard later in this document.
To create a System Group, using an Operations Navigator window, do this:
1. Expand Management Central. Sign on to the system that is your central
system, if necessary.
2. Right-click on System Groups. Select New System Group.
3. Enter a Name and Description for this new system group. Select endpoint
systems from the Available systems list and use the Add button to add them
to the list of Selected systems. Click OK.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 4. How do I obtain Electronic Service Agent?
There are two ways to obtain Electronic Service Agent:

To determine if Electronic Service Agent has been preloaded on your iSeries or
AS/400e system, do this:
A. Type DSPSFWRSC on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press Enter.
A list of software resources is displayed.
B. Press F11 to display libraries/releases. Press Page Down until you locate
product ID 5798RZG under the Resource ID column. Check the Release
column associated with the Resource ID to determine the Service
Director/Electronic Service Agent release. (For example, V5R1M0 signifies
5.1). Press Enter.
Ø If Electronic Service Agent 5.1 is installed, continue to Chapter 5. ‘How
do I Install and Setup Electronic Service Agent?’.
Ø If Electronic Service Agent 4.5 or below is installed OR if Electronic
Service Agent is not installed, continue below, in this section, to obtain an
Electronic Service Agent 5.1 CD (SK3T-4116-00).

U.S Customers: At V5R1, Electronic Service Agent is now shipped with the
operating system upgrade package. It is not on the operating system CD's,
it is an individual CD (SK3T-4116-00).
SSRs: Call 1-800-879-2755, take option 1 for the National Publications
Support Center to order the Electronic Service Agent 5.1 CD (SK3T4116-00).
Outside U.S. - At V5R1, Electronic Service Agent is now shipped with the
operating system upgrade package. It is not on the operating system CD's, it is an
individual CD (SK3T-4116-00).
Once you locate / receive the CD, continue to Chapter 5. ‘How do I Install and
Setup Electronic Service Agent?’.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 5. How do I Install and Setup Electronic
Service Agent?
HPR (Hardware problem reporting) – To install and setup only Hardware problem
reporting, follow steps 1 – 10 in this section.
SCT (System inventory collection and transmission) – To install and setup only
System inventory collection and transmission, follow steps 1 – 4 [read step 4 carefully],
and proceed with steps 10 - 20.
HPR and SCT – To install and setup both Hardware problem reporting and System
inventory collection and transmission, follow all the steps in this section.

1. Using a 5250 emulator, sign on to the system designated as your ‘central system’ in
Management Central.

Ø If Electronic Service Agent was obtained as a preloaded product, type GO
SERVICE on an iSeries or AS/400e command line and press Enter.
Continue with step 4 in this section.
Ø If Electronic Service Agent was obtained on a CD, insert the CD into the CDROM device on your iSeries or AS/400e. Continue with step 3 in this section.

3. Type LODRUN DEV(XXXXX) on an iSeries or AS/400e command line (where
XXXXX is the name of the AS/400 CD-ROM device) and press Enter.

Ø If you plan to ONLY install and setup Hardware problem reporting OR if
you plan to install BOTH Hardware problem reporting and System
inventory collection and transmission, from the Electronic Service Agent
Activation Menu, type the option number to Activate Service Director and
press Enter. Continue with step 5 in this section.
Ø If you plan to ONLY install and setup System inventory collection and
transmission, from the Electronic Service Agent Activation Menu, press F3
to exit. Continue with step 10 in this section.

5. Read the International License Agreement for Services Programs. Press F6 to
accept this agreement to proceed!


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


6. From the AS/400 Service Director Activation display, enter the activation
password and press Enter.
To obtain the activation password:

Primary: Contact IBM hardware service.
(In the U.S., dial 1-800-IBM-SERV and place a Service call to have your
Systems Service Representative [SSR] contact you with the activation


Secondary: Contact IBM support center.

7. Change the parameter values on the Change Service Director display to meet the
needs of your operating environment. Set the ‘Autostart Service Director’
parameter to *YES. Press Enter.
Note: Subsystem QSVCDRCTR must be active for Electronic Service Agent to
function properly. Electronic Service Agent adds autostart job entry QYSDAJE to
the QSYS/QSYSWRK subsystem description, which automatically starts this
subsystem at IPL time. Specifying *YES for the Autostart Service Director
parameter will do this.
8. From the AS/400 Enhanced Service Director Function Test display, press F3 to
exit and bypass this test.
Note: The documentation for this test is being reviewed. When it is complete, this
guide will be updated. If you would like to send a test now, contact your local
support center for assistance.
9. A SERVICE AGENT screen is displayed. Press F12 twice to exit.
10. Load and apply PTF SF66377 for product 5798RZG. (This is the PTF you ordered
in Chapter 3. ‘Prerequisites’).
Important! If you plan to ONLY install and setup Hardware problem reporting, the
install and setup is complete.
11. The Service Agent system inventory and collection setup and connections must be
configured using Client Access. Open Client Access.
12. Open AS400 Operations Navigator.
For information on Operations Navigator, see:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


For information on AS/400 NetServer, see:
13. Install the Electronic Service Agent Plug-in.
A. Open File from the AS/400 Operations Navigator window and select Install
B. Select the system that is your central system in Management Central (the
selected central system’s OS/400 must be at V5R1) and click OK. Sign on.
C. From the Plug-in Selection window, check (to select) Electronic Service
Agent and click Next.
Note: If Electronic Service Agent is not an option, it is already installed.
Click Cancel. Click Exit Setup.
For information on AS/400 NetServer, see:
D. From the Start Copying Files window, click Next.
E. From the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
14. Expand Management Central.
15. Right-click on Extreme Support and select Configuration. From the Extreme
Support Configuration wizard – Welcome screen, click Next.
16. Select Send collected data to IBM for service and support. Do not select Receive
fixes from IBM and report problems to IBM. Click Next.
Continue through the wizard to setup your contact information and communications
needed to connect to IBM.

If you are unable to find an appropriate phone number, you can identify a number
by accessing this web site and clicking on your appropriate country / region:


It is important to add any required prefixes to the phone number once it has been


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


When you reach the Collect Inventory screen, continue with the numbered steps
17. From the Collect Inventory screen, do this:
A. Select the inventory you would like to collect and send to IBM. To maximize
IBM’s ability to service you, you are recommended to select all inventories,
except Users and Groups.
B. Select the ‘Send Electronic Service Agent inventory to IBM’ action in the
lower pane to run.
C. Click Schedule.
18. From the Management Central Scheduler panel, schedule the frequency (‘daily’ is
recommended), date, and time to collect and send the inventory to IBM. Click OK.
Note: The recommended frequency is daily. Your inventory collection will run as
you have specified under ‘When to run’ and ‘Date and Time to start’. When the
inventory collection is finished, the information will be sent to IBM.
19. From the Electronic Service Agent – Summary screen, click Next.
Note: You can view your inventory collection information by expanding
Management Central and selecting Scheduled Tasks.
20. From the Extreme Support Configuration – Summary, click Finish.
The setup of your selected Extreme Support functions is complete.
Note: Subsystem QSVCDRCTR must be active for Electronic Service Agent to
function properly. Electronic Service Agent adds autostart job entry QYSDAJE to
the QSYS/QSYSWRK subsystem description, which automatically starts this
subsystem at IPL time.
Important! For information on how to verify your collection scheduled task(s), change
your inventory selections, verify that your information was sent to IBM and more,
reference Chapter 7. ‘Panels – System inventory collection and transmission’.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 6. Menus - Hardware problem reporting
To access the Hardware problem reporting (Service Director) Main Menu, type GO
SERVICE on an iSeries or AS/400e command line.
If Hardware problem reporting (Service Director) has not been activated, the Electronic
Service Agent Activation Menu will display. See Figure 1. For more information on
this menu, go to the System inventory collection and transmission section of this chapter.
Electronic Service Agent Activation Menu
Service Agent inventory functions moved to Operations Navigator. See the IBM
Electronic Service Agent for AS/400 User Guide or look for Extreme Support
at the AS/400 Information Center at
Select one of the following:
1. Activate Service Director
11. Inventory collection - Change job logging
19. Inventory collection - Display audit log

F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
1. Electronic Service Agent Activation Menu

If Hardware problem reporting (Service Director) has been activated, the Electronic
Service Agent Main Menu will display. See Figure 2.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Electronic Service Agent Main Menu



Select one of the following:
1. Change Service Director settings
2. Send a Service Director test problem
3. Inventory Collection Menu
4. Work with the Service Director threshold table
5. Display software resources
7. Customer Reports Menu
Subsystem Tasks
8. End Service Director subsystem
9. Start Service Director subsystem
10. Work with Service Director subsystem
Problem Determination
11. Change Service Director job logging
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1996, 1998.

Electronic Service Agent Main Menu


Select one of the following:
12. Change Product Activity Log Analysis
13. Display Service Director PTFs
14. Display system PTFs
15. Work with problem log
16. Display communications resources
17. Work with support contact information
18. Work with Service Director spool files
19. Display Service Director audit log
21. Extend Service Director expiration date
22. Display Service Director license agreement
30. Change Service Director Country Identifier
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
2. Electronic Service Agent Main Menu(s)


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Main Menu Option 1:
Change Service Director Settings

2. Change Service Director Settings


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Report problem automatically (RPTPRBAUTO)
Specifies whether service calls are to be placed automatically by Service Director.
The possible values are:
Service Director will automatically place service calls.
Service Director will not automatically place service calls. The users specified for the
Users to receive messages (RPTUSRID) parameter will receive messages about a
problem that is discovered.

Replace problem log filter (RPLFTR)
Allows Service Director to replace the system value QPRBFTR. Service Director uses a
filter called SDFILTER. This must be in place for Service Director to function.
Note: This field is required the first time CHGSD is used. The value entered will be
The possible value is:
Service Director replaces the system value QPRBFTR with SDFILTER.

PAL analysis interval (INTERVAL)
Specifies how often, in hours, to check the product activity log for problems to report.
The possible values are:

Service Director checks the product activity log every hour.


Service Director checks the product activity log every 2 hours.


Service Director checks the product activity log every 3 hours.


Service Director checks the product activity log every 4 hours.


Service Director checks the product activity log every 6 hours.


Service Director checks the product activity log every 8 hours.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


12 Service Director checks the product activity log every 12 hours.
24 Service Director checks the product activity log every 24 hours.

Base PAL start hour (STRAUTORPT)
Specifies the base hour of the day used to determine when product activity log (PAL)
analysis runs. PAL analysis will run at the intervals specified (INTERVAL) using the
'Base PAL start hour' as the base hour. PAL analysis will run 10 minutes after the hour.
For example, 00 means to base the hour at midnight. With the PAL analysis interval at 4,
it will run at 00:10, 04:10, 08:10 and 12:10.
The possible values are:
PAL analysis base hour is 00:10.
Specify a valid value that ranges from 00 through 23 for the base hour.

Report remote problem (RPTRMTPRB)
Specifies whether this system reports problems on behalf of a network of systems.
Note: This system must be the host system and have SystemView System Manager/400
The possible values are:
This system reports problems in the problem log that were sent from a remote system in a
network environment.
This system does not report problems in the problem log that were sent from a remote
system in a network environment.

Report problem to (RPTSRVPVD)
Specifies the name of the service provider to receive automatic notification of a problem.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Notification of a problem will automatically be sent to the system specified by this
parameter when RPTPRBAUTO(*YES) is specified. This system must be in the list of
service providers. Use the Work with Service Providers (WRKSRVPVD) command to
see the service providers defined for your system.
The possible Control Point Name values are:
IBM Service Support is the service provider.
Specify the control point name of the service provider that will be notified of local
system problem.
The possible Network ID values are:
The service provider is in the local network.
Specify the network ID of the service provider that is notified of local system problem.

Users to receive messages (RPTUSR)
Specifies the user profiles to receive messages about Service Director activity.
Note: *SYSOPR (QSYSOPR) and QSRV cannot be changed.
The possible values are:
Specify the user profile names of the users to receive Service Director messages.
The system operator (QSYSOPR) will receive messages sent by Service Director.
QSRV will receive messages sent by Service Director.

Enable line control (LINECTL)
Service Director uses the ECS line to report a problem. If any line description sharing the
ECS resource is not in a varied off status, Service Director cannot report the problem.
Activating this feature will vary the listed line, controller and device descriptions off


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


while the line is in the connect pending status only. After the ECS line is used, the line,
controller, and device descriptions are varied back on. This program will not take any
action for any other line status. Enter the names of the line, controller, and device
descriptions on the CFGOBJ parameter.
The line control feature is enabled.
The line control feature is not enabled.

Configuration object (CFGOBJ)
Service Director uses the ECS line to report a problem. If the ECS line is not in a varied
off status, Service Director cannot report the problem.
Note: You must ensure the device is attached to the controller and the controller is
attached to the line for all entries.
The possible line description value is:
Specify the line description that is to be varied off if the ECS line cannot be varied on.
The possible controller description value is:
Specify the controller description that is to be varied off if the ECS line cannot be varied
The possible device description value is:
Specify the device description that is to be varied off if the ECS line cannot be varied on.

Enable automatic PTF monitor (AUTOPTFMON)
Specifies whether Service Director will electronically (using ECS) check the system to
determine if PTFs deemed critical by IBM Service are on the system. If PTFs are needed,
fix request entries containing the PTF numbers to be ordered will be created into the
problem log.
The possible values are:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


The function is enabled.
The function is not enabled.

Automatic PTF monitor (AUTOPTF)
Specifies the day of the week the automatic PTF processing is to take place and whether
any PTFs identified as being needed by the system are downloaded to the system.
Note: The available days from which to choose are shown when F4 is pressed. This
provides an even distribution of the IBM Service system resources, thereby maintaining
high availability of the IBM Service system.
The day of the week can be selected, however the time of day cannot, for the same reason
stated above. This Automatic PTF monitor function may not run at the same time of day
each time it runs.
The possible schedule day values are:
The function will run on Sunday.
The function will run on Monday.
The function will run on Tuesday.
The function will run on Wednesday.
The function will run on Thursday.
The function will run on Friday.
The function will run on Saturday.
The possible Download PTFs values are:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


The PTFs that are found to be needed during the automatic PTF processing will be
downloaded to the system.
Important!: PTFs that are downloaded will NOT be loaded or applied.
The PTFs that are found to be needed during the automatic PTF processing will not be
downloaded to the system. Fix request entries containing the PTF numbers to be ordered
will exist in the problem log.
The PTF cover letters for the PTFs that are found to be needed during the automatic PTF
processing will be downloaded to the system. Fix request entries containing the PTF
numbers to be ordered will exist in the problem log, but only the associated cover letters
will be ordered.

Run priority (RUNPTY)
Specifies the run priority for Service Director. Run priority is a value ranging from 1
(highest priority) through 99 (lowest priority) that represents the importance of the job
when it competes with other jobs for the machine resources.
The possible values are:
The run priority for Service Director is 51.
Specify the run priority for Service Director.

Run PAL analysis routines (RPTERRLOG)
Specifies whether product activity log analysis routines are run and errors are reported.
Note: Before a problem found in the product activity log is reported, product activity log
analysis routines are run. These analysis routines can be CPU intensive.
The possible values are:
Product activity log analysis routines are run. A problem from the product activity log is


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Product activity log analysis routines are not run. A problem from the product activity log
is not reported. There will be no media analysis data or product activity log data available
for reports.

Send configuration data (SNDCFGDTA)
Specifies whether configuration data is sent to the service provider periodically. When a
customer places an upgrade order, this data is used to assist IBM in the ordering process.
If *IBMSRV was not specified as the service provider, the configuration data is sent to
the service provider who may send it to IBM.
Note: Use the Work with Hardware Products (WRKHDWPRD) command to make sure
the configuration data is current.
The possible values are:
Configuration data is sent to the service provider periodically.
Configuration data is not sent.

Start Service Director Automatically (STRSDAUTO)
Specifies whether the QYSDAJE Autostart Job Entry should be added to the QSYSWRK
subsystem description to start the Service Director subsystem.
This option can be used to automatically start Service Director during the IPL process
without modifying the system startup program.
This option will have no effect if the QSYSWRK subsystem does not exist or is not
The possible values are:
Specify that the Service Director subsystem should be started automatically.
Specify that the Service Director subsystem should not be started automatically.

Send PAL analysis message (SNDPALMSG)


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Specifies whether a message should be sent to the list of users to receive Service Director
messages each time Service Director begins analyzing the product activity log.
Note: A change to this parameter will take effect the next time the Service Director
subsystem (QSVCDRCTR) is restarted.
The possible values are:
The users identified in the USERS parameter will receive messages each time Service
Director starts a product activity log analysis cycle. A record will also be created in the
Service Director audit log.
Service Director will not send messages to users each time it starts a product activity log
analysis cycle. A record will still be created in the Service Director audit log.

Main Menu Option 2:
Send a Service Director test problem
Sends a test problem to the service provider using the specified error log ID. The problem
is sent using ECS.

AS/400 Service Director Function Test

Main Menu Option 3:

IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Inventory Collection Menu
Displays a message stating that the Service Agent inventory functions were moved to
Operations Navigator.

Main Menu Option 4:
Work with the Service Director threshold table
The threshold table editor is used to do the following:
Make SRCs (System Reference Codes) active
Make SRCs inactive
Add SRCs to the table
Add new devices
Service Director uses the threshold table to determine what action to take for new
Problem Log entries and new Product Activity Log entries.
Note: Thresholds should only be changed on the recommendation of your IBM CE or
Support Representative.

Service Director Threshold Table

Main Menu Option 5:
Display Software Resources


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


This screen shows the name and maintenance level information for installed software
resources. Press F11 to view the library and release currently installed.

Display Software Resources

Main Menu Option 7:
Customer Reports Menu


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Service Director Customer Reports Menu

Customer Reports Menu Options
Media Analysis Report
This option allows you to display tape volume statistics. You can use this program to
separate media failures from drive failures.
Note: Only media with valid Volume IDs will show up on the Media Events Screens.
PAL analysis routines must be active for these statistics to be collected. Use the Change
Service Director settings menu option to specify *YES for run PAL analysis routines
(RPTERRLOG) to activate the PAL analysis routines. Some non-IBM tape drives do not
report Volume Statistics data that can be interpreted by the AS/400 Service Director, so
errors occurring on those drives will not be counted in the totals on these screens.
A function of the AS/400 Service Director allows you to delete a specific Volume ID
from this report, so that the accumulation of statistics for that ID will start over.
You may want to delete an ID if you replace a tape, for example, but continue to use the
same Volume ID on a new tape.

Service Director Media Analysis

These media statistics can never cause an automatic service call to be initiated by Service
Director. This function is intended as an aid to diagnosing possible media problems.
Media Analysis Screen Definition


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


An alternate display function key F11 has been added to the media screen of the AS/400
Service Director that will give you more information regarding, for example: Read Error
Data, Write Error Data, Bytes and Mounts and Dates and Times.
Report Date and Time
Indicates the date and time the report was generated.
System Name
Name of the system.
Type a valid value in the option column next to the media record and press Enter.
Type 4 in the option column to delete the media record from the media report.
The Volume ID of the tape that was read and/or written.
Device type of the drive on which the tape was last mounted.
Total permanent read errors on this volume.
The number of gigabytes read divided by the number of permanent read errors.
Total temporary read errors on this volume.
The number of megabytes read divided by the number of temporary read errors.
Total permanent write errors on this volume.
The number of gigabytes written divided by the number of permanent write errors.
Total temporary write errors on this volume.
The number of megabytes written divided by the number of temporary write errors.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


The number of bytes read and or written.
The number of times this tape was mounted to do a read operation or a write
Note: If both read and write operations were performed, it will be counted as a write
First Date and Time
The date and time of the first mount for which Service Director gathered statistics.
Latest Date and Time
The date and time of the most recent mount for which Service Director gathered

Product Activity Log Processing Summary
This option displays the number of product activity log entries processed by Service
Director. Use this option to find error trends over the last several months. The count
contains both errors and statistical records, so a high record count might not indicate a
The Product Activity Log contains some data that is not necessarily critical to the
operation of your system. This includes such things as informational errors. Part of
Service Director's function is to filter extraneous information that is not vital to proper
system performance. Do not be alarmed by the count values. Different components of the
system output data to the Product Activity Log can be virtually ignored unless the counts
for that device exceed a threshold number which is set within Service Director.
The most critical errors on the system are automatically reported to the Problem Log.
These errors do not need to exceed any threshold number before Service
Director starts problem analysis.
Note: PAL Analysis routines must be active for these statistics to be collected. Use the
Change Service Director settings menu option and specify *YES for Run
PAL analysis routines to activate the PAL analysis routines.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Product Activity Log Processing Summary

Report Date and Time
Indicates the date and time the report was generated.
System Name
Name of the system.
The month and year in which the listed activity occurred.
DASD Entries
The number of product activity log entries related to DASD that were processed during
the month.
Tape Entries
The number of product activity log entries related to tape, optical or diskette devices
processed during the month.
Processor Entries
The number of product activity log entries processed during the month that were not
related to DASD, tape, diskette or optical storage devices.
Total Entries
The total number of product activity log records processed by Service Director during the

Problem Log Processing Summary

IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


This option displays the number of problem log entries processed by Service Director
during the last several months. You can also use this option to find problem trends over
the last several months. In general, the AS/400 system records problems requiring
attention into the Problem Log. High or increasing problem rates may indicate a noise or
user problem.
If your system is acting as a central site for reporting problems for a remote network, this
screen will include problems reported from the remote sites as well as from your own
local system. The columns will normally not add up to the total entries shown, because
the total includes entries in the Problem Log not handled by Service Director, including
problems which are not PREPARED.

Service Director Problem Log Processing Summary

Report Date and Time
Indicates the date and time the report was generated.
System Name
Name of the system.
The month and year in which the listed activity occurred.
Local Entries
The number of entries related to local problems processed during the month.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Remote Entries
The number of entries related to remote problems processed during the month. Remote
problems are from AS/400 machines that report problems to this machine.
Total Entries
The total number of problem log entries processed by Service Director during the month.
Processor Entries
The number of calls placed to the Service Provider during the month.
Entries from PAL
The number of problem log entries processed by Service Director during the month that
were created by Service Director because of activity detected in the Product Activity Log.
Test Problems
The number of problem log entries that were created as Service Director test problems
processed during the month.

Service Director PTF Downloads
This option lists the PTFs identified by Service Director that are needed to fix or prevent
system problems. PTFs ordered are downloaded via the ECS line. PTF orders are
contained in the Problem Log. This list includes PTFs that were ordered and does not
indicate if the PTFs have been applied.
If the PTFs were ordered via a remote system, the system origin will be listed on this


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


PTF Download Information

Report Date and Time
Indicates the date and time the report was generated.
System Name
Name of the system.
Type a valid value in the option column next to the PTF record and press enter.
5=Display PTF
Issues the Display Program Temporary Fix (DSPPTF) command for the PTF listed in this
The number assigned to identify the PTF.
The identifier of the product to which this PTF belongs.
Problem ID
The identifier of the problem log record that contains a request for this PTF.
Origin System
Network ID and control point name of the system on which the problem log entry that
requested the PTF originated.
The system reference code from the problem this PTF is intended to address. If the PTF
is identified by the Automatic PTF Download function, this value will be
The date on which the PTF was identified as being required.

Main Menu Option 8:
End Service Director subsystem
Ends the Service Director (QSVCDRCTR) subsystem. The jobs are ended immediately.
No new jobs or routing steps are started in the subsystem after this command is run. A
message will be issued at the bottom of the screen to indicate that the subsystem is


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


End Service Director Subsystem

Main Menu Option 9:
Start Service Director subsystem
Starts the Service Director (QSVCDRCTR) subsystem using the Service Director
subsystem description. A message will be issued at the bottom of the screen to indicate
that the subsystem is being started.

Start Service Director Subsystem


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Main Menu Option 10:
Work with Service Director subsystem
Shows the performance and status information for jobs that are currently active in the
Service Director (QSVCDRCTR) subsystem. Jobs that run in the Service Director
subsystem are alphabetized by job name and indented under the subsystem monitor job
field with which they are associated.

Work with Service Director Subsystem

Checking Status on WRKACTJOB Screen
If the status of any job in the Service Director subsystem, QSVCDRCTR, is either ICFW
or MSGW, Service Director requests you to reply to a message. You may want to
periodically check for one of these abbreviations in the Status column of the preceding
screen. Service Director will not continue running the job(s) in question until you go to
the message queue for QSYSOPR and answer the reply message(s) from Service
Normally, you should see jobs QSDPRBMON, and QSDPALMON. If not, do the
End the QSVCDRCTR subsystem with option 8 from the Service Director Main
Note: This option may take some time to finish depending upon system load.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Start the QSVCDRCTR subsystem with option 9 from the Service Director Main
If, after a few minutes, you do not see the two jobs listed above, call your local support
center for assistance.
Note: The job QSDPALMON will not be present if the setting for Run PAL Analysis
Routines (RPTERRLOG) is set to *NO.

Main Menu Option 11:
Change Service Director job logging
This option is used to turn job logging for the Service Director jobs on or off. The default
for this parameter is *OFF.

Change Service Director Job Logging

Main Menu Option 12:
Change Product Activity Log Analysis
Changes parameters to the next product activity log analysis cycle. The parameters that
can be changed are the date and time from which product activity log records are
analyzed, and the time at which the next analysis cycle will be initiated.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Note: PAL analysis routines must be active for this function. Use the Change Service
Director settings menu option and specify *YES for Run PAL analysis routines
(RPTERRLOG) to activate the PAL analysis routines.

Change Product Activity Log Analysis

Change Product Activity Log Analysis

Main Menu Option 13:
Display Service Director PTFs


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Shows the current Service Director (5798RZG) PTF activity. From this display, you can
display the PTF details and print or display the PTF cover letter.

Display Service Director PTFs.

Main Menu Option 14:
Display system PTFs
Shows the current PTF activity within a product. Products without PTFs are not
displayed. From this display, you can display the PTF details and print or display the PTF
cover letter. Each time you press enter on this screen, you will see PTF activity for a
different product.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Display PTF Status

Main Menu Option 15:
Work with problem log
Shows descriptions of system problems, both system detected and user-perceived

Work with Problems


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Main Menu Option 16:
Display communications resources
Allows you to display, print, or direct to an output file information about local
communications resources on the system. The Display Communications Resources
display shows all communication IOPs, IOAs, and ports installed on the system.

Display Communication Resources

Main Menu Option 17:
Work with support contact information
Select this option to display or change the contact information your service provider will
use to send parts or assistance to your organization. From this screen you will take
option 2, Work with local service information. The next screen will allow you to display
or change this information.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Work with Support Contact Information

Main Menu Option 18:
Work with Service Director spool files
Shows all Service Director spooled files currently on the system.

Main Menu Option 19:
Display Service Director audit log
Shows a running log of Service Director activity on the system.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Service Director Audit Log

Main Menu Option 21:
Extend Service Director expiration date
Allows the expiration date of the Service Director product to be extended. Your local
IBM Service Representative will provide you with the extension password.

Service Director Expiration Extension


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Main Menu Option 22:
Display Service Director license agreement
Shows the license agreement for the AS/400 Service Director program.

Main Menu Option 30:
Change Service Director Country Identifier
Specifies the country / region identifier used for this user. Press the PF4 key from the
Country ID prompt (CNTRYID parameter) to see a list of valid identifiers.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 7. Panels - System inventory collection and
How do I verify the inventory collection scheduled task(s)?
To verify an inventory collection task was scheduled, using an Operations Navigator
window, do this:
1. Expand Management Central and sign on to the system that is your central
system, if necessary.

2. Expand Scheduled Tasks. Select Inventory and in the right pane you will see
scheduled tasks that have previously run or scheduled tasks that are currently
3. Locate the inventory task you would like to verify. Right-click on the task to
view your choices.
For information on Management Central, see:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


How do I change the inventory selections?
Note: These steps will not change the inventory for any tasks already created and
To change your inventory selections, using Operations Navigator, do this:
1. Expand Management Central and sign on to the system that is your central
system, if necessary.
2. Expand Endpoint Systems or System Groups. Right-click on either the
endpoint or the group for which you would like to collect and send inventory.
Select Inventory and choose Collect.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


How do I know that information was sent to IBM?
To verify that data was sent to IBM, do this:
1. Expand Management Central and sign on to the system that is your central
system, if necessary.
2. Expand Extreme Support.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


3. Select Agents and in the right pane you will see the agents. Right-click
Electronic Service Agent and select History.

For information on Management Central, see:


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


How do I change the Universal Connection Configuration?
To run the Universal Connection Wizard to modify the configuration, do this:
1. Expand My Connections. Go to the system connection under “My
Connections” that is your central system in Management Central and sign on,
if necessary.

2. Expand Network.
3. Expand Remote Access Services.
4. Right-click on Originator Connection Profiles and select Universal
Connection Wizard.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Chapter 8. Message IDs
Hardware problem reporting:
Note: The hardware problem reporting messages that are shipped with a severity equal
to or greater than 30 are now ALERTABLE.

Severity: 0
Service Director test problem

Severity: 0
Service Director is analyzing your system Product Activity Log data.
Cause: This message will appear every time Service Director analyzes the system Product
Activity Log data. This analysis attempts to predict and prevent unscheduled outages.

Severity: 80
Problem &1 detected by Service Director. Report problem &1 to IBM Service.
Cause: Service Director has created problem &1 in the problem log for a system error it
Recovery: Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command for problem ID &1.
Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call
Symbol Field description
&1 Problem log identifier



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 80
Service Director is not able to place a service call - action required.
Cause: Service Director is trying to place a service call, but is not able to place it.
Recovery: Check the ECS line description (QESLINE), modem, and telephone line.
Service Director cannot place a service call if the ECS line description, modem, or
telephone line is being used by another job. If possible, make the ECS line description,
modem, and telephone line available to allow Service Director to place the call.
If the ECS phone line, modem, and line description are available, there may be a
problem. Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call
You may also be able to make use of the Service Director Line Monitoring function. To
read about this function or to activate this function, enter GO SERVICE.
Choose Change Service Director settings.

Severity: 40
Service Director has placed a service call with service assigned number &1.
Cause: A service call has been placed. No further action is required. If this call was
placed directly to IBM, an IBM Service Representative will be contacting you soon. If a
PTF was downloaded for this problem, you may not be contacted by IBM. If the problem
was sent to a service provider, other than IBM, the service assigned number will be blank
or contain .
Symbol Field description

Service assigned number

Severity: 40
Service Director is placing a service call for problem &1.
Cause: Service Director has placed a service call. The problem log ID is &1.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Symbol Field description

Service assigned number

Severity: 40
Service Director will expire on &1 (MDY date format) - action required.
Cause: Service Director is nearing its expiration date.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Date identifier

Severity: 80
Service Director has expired - action required.
Cause: The Service Director expiration date has been exceeded. Service Director is not
longer operational on this system.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.

Severity: 40
Service call for problem &1 not sent - action required.
Cause: Service Director tried to place a service call for problem &1, but was not able to
because the automatic service call feature is disabled.
Recovery: Do one of the following:
1. Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command and report problem &1.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


2. In the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV, or contact your local IBM Service
If you would like future service calls placed automatically using ECS, do one of the
1. Enter GO SERVICE. Choose Change Service Director settings. Change Report
problem automatically to *YES.
2. Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1-800IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Problem log identifier

Severity: 40
Service Director not able to place a service call - action required.
Cause: Service Director has tried several times to place a service call using ECS but was
not able to place the call because of the ECS line description (QESLINE), modem, or
telephone line.
Recovery: Do the following:
1. Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command to report problem &1.
2. See the previous Service Director message, SDM1002, to help determine if there
is a problem with the ECS line description, modem, or telephone line.
3. If this message continues to appear, enter GO SERVICE and choose Change
Service Director settings.
4. If this continues to be a problem, contact your local IBM Service Representative.
In the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Problem log identifier

Severity: 80
Service Director is disabled - action required.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Cause: Service Director is now disabled because the system information used to activate
Service Director has changed since it was installed.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative to have the Service Director
product installed again. In the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV.

Severity: 80
Service Director does not support this release of the operating system - action required.
Cause: The installed version of Service Director does not support this release of the
operating system. The operating system release is &1. The Service Director version is
Recovery: Service Director is currently disabled. A PTF or a different version of the
Service Director product is required on this system. For assistance, contact your local
IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1-800-IBMSERV.
Symbol Field description

Operating system release level identifier


Service Director version identifier

Severity: 80
Error creating a problem.
Cause: Service Director attempted to create a problem into the problem log for Product
Activity Log ID &1. The problem was not created because of an error.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Problem log identifier


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 80
Error working with problem &1.
Cause: Service Director attempted to work with problem &1 in the problem log. An error
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Problem log identifier

Severity: 30
PTF &1 downloaded for problem &2.
Cause: Service Director sent problem &2. PTF &1 was downloaded and should fix this
problem. Do the following:
1. Check the cover letter for instructions.
2. It is recommended that you load and apply this PTF as soon as possible. Enter GO
PTF for the PTF menu.
Symbol Field description

PTF identifier


Problem log identifier

Severity: 0
Service Director subsystem QSVCDRCTR has started successfully.



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 40
Error creating a test problem.
Cause: Service Director attempted to create a problem entry in the problem log for
product activity log record &1. The problem was not created because of an error.
Recovery: See the previously listed messages in the job log and the Service Director audit
log for additional information on the cause of the error. The most likely reason for
failure is that the selected product activity log entry is incomplete. Select another product
activity log entry and try the request again.
Symbol Field description

Product activity log record identifier

Severity: 0
Test problem created.
Cause: A test problem entry has been created in the problem log using product activity
log record &1. To view the problem log, enter GO SERVICE and select the Work with
problem log item.
Symbol Field description

Product activity log record identifier

Severity: 99
Error creating Service Director object - action required.
Cause: Service Director has attempted to create a data queue it requires. The data queue
could not be created. Service Director will not function without this object.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 0
Service Director data queue created.

Severity: 10
Service Director activation did not complete.
Cause: The Enter key may not have been pressed on the Change Service Director
(CHGSD) prompt screen.
Recovery: When the Change Service Director (CHGSD) prompt screen appears, enter the
required values and press the Enter key.

Severity: 40
Service Director expired on &1 (MDY date format) - action required.
Cause: The Service Director expiration date has been reached. Service Director is
currently operational but will soon be disabled.
Recovery: Contact you local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Date identifier

Severity: 10
Services Data Collector Activation did not complete.
Cause: The Enter key may not have been pressed on the Change Services Data Collector
(CHGSRVCOL) prompt screen.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Recovery: When the Change Services Data Collector (CHGSRVCOL) prompt screen
appears, enter the desired values and press the Enter key. See the previously listed
messages in the job log for additional information if the Change Services Data Collector
command has failed.

Severity: 0
Service Director activation completed.

Severity: 0
Services Data Collector activation completed.

Severity: 80
Service Director program &1 encountered an error - action required.
Cause: See the Service Director audit log for additional information regarding this error.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Program identifier

Severity: 20
Service Director was unable to send a message to user &1.
Cause: The list of users for Service Director messages includes &1. Service Director was
unable to send a message to the default message queue for this user.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Recovery: Verify the list of users to receive Service Director messages is correct. To
display or update this list:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
Symbol Field description

User identifier

Severity: 80
Service Director program &1 was unable to use file &3.
Cause: Operation &2 in program &1 failed for file &3. A Service Director object may be
Recovery: Contact you local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.
Symbol Field description

Program identifier


Operation identifier


File identifier

Severity: 0
Service Director created problem
Cause: This problem was created by Service Director.

Severity: 40
Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring has been disabled.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Cause: Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring was notified by the service
provider to disable itself.

Severity: 40
Configuration changes are needed for the Service Director PTF monitoring program action required.
Cause: A configuration change is needed. Service Director automatic system PTF
monitoring program was notified by the service provider to change the schedule
day choices.
Recovery: Check your schedule day choice by doing the following:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Change Service Director settings.

Severity: 40
PTFs not downloaded by Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program action required.
Cause: Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring was notified by the service
provider not to download the needed PTFs.
Recovery: The fix request(s) for the PTFs are in the problem log. Use the Work with
Problems (WRKPRB) command to send the fix requests to the service

Severity: 30
Configuration changes are needed for the Service Director PTF monitoring program action required.
Cause: A configuration change is needed. Service Director automatic system PTF
monitoring program was notified by the service provider to allow a different


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


number of days to choose from to run the function.
Recovery: View and/or change your schedule day choice by doing the following:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Change Service Director settings.

Severity: 40
Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring needs to be configured - action
Cause: Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program found configuration
data missing.
Recovery: Do the following:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Change Service Director settings.

Severity: 10
Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program has started.
Cause: The Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program is checking your
system to determine if PTFs are needed. This program compares PTFs on this system to
an IBM information repository which contains a list of PTFs that IBM Service has
determined necessary to prevent system outages.

Severity: 0
Value must be Y or N.
Cause: The value specified is not allowed for this field.
Recovery: Enter one of the values that is defined for the field.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 40
Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program cannot continue - action
Cause: Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program found the Service
Director network configuration information missing.
Recovery: Do the following:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Change Service Director settings.
- No further action is required.

Severity: 40
PTF order failed - action required.
Cause: Service Director automatic system PTF monitoring program was attempting to
order PTFs and the order failed.
Recovery: Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command to manually send the fix
request(s). The problem log entry(s) that should be sent have a problem description of
'Service Director required PTF order'. After the PTFs have been downloaded, use the
Load PTF (LODPTF) command to load the PTFs. Then use the Apply PTF (APYPTF)
command to apply the PTFs.

Severity: 40
PTF &1-&2 downloaded. Please load and apply this PTF.
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director has downloaded PTF &1-&2 to prevent
unscheduled system outages. Use the load PTF (LODPTF) command to load the PTF.
Then use the apply PTF (APYPTF) command to apply the PTF.
Symbol Field description


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Product identifier


PTF identifier


Severity: 40
Service Director has created a problem log entry for ordering PTF &1-&2 - action
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director has created one or more problem
log entries containing a list of PTFs needed by your system. PTF &1-&2 is in one of the
problem log entries. Do the following:
1. Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command to manually send the fix
request(s). The problem log entry(s) that should be sent have a problem
description of Service Director required PTF order.
2. After the PTFs have been downloaded, use the Load PTF (LODPTF) command to
load the PTFs.
3. After the PTFs have been loaded, use the Apply PTF (APYPTF) command to
apply the PTFs.
Symbol Field description

Product identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 10
Service Director has determined that no new PTFs are needed.
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director has checked your system and determined that
the system has the PTFs needed. No PTFs have been ordered.



IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Severity: 40
Service Director has determined that PTF &1-&2 is required. Please load and apply this
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director was going to download PTF &1-&2 to prevent
an unscheduled system outage, however this PTF is already on your system as a save file.
It needs to be loaded and applied. Use the Load PTF (LODPTF) command to load the
PTF. Then use the Apply PTF (APYPTF) command to apply the PTF.
Symbol Field description

Product identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 40
Service Director has requested PTF &1-&2. Please load and apply this PTF when it
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director has requested PTF &1-&2 to prevent an
unscheduled system outage. This PTF was requested from a service provider other than
IBM. When this PTF arrives, use the Load PTF (LODPTF) command to load the PTF.
Then use the Apply PTF (APYPTF) command to apply the PTF. Contact your service
provider if the PTF does not arrive.
Symbol Field description

Product identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 40
PTFs requested by Service Director will be sent on tape.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you with the best available
service for your system, Service Director has requested one or more PTFs to prevent
unscheduled system outages. The size of the PTFs exceeded the ECS transmit size limit.
A tape containing the PTFs will be mailed. Please load and apply the PTFs from the tape
when it arrives.

Severity: 40
PTF &1-&2 cover letter downloaded.
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you the best available
service for your system Service Director has identified PTF &1-&2 to prevent
unscheduled system outages. The cover letter for this PTF has been downloaded.
Symbol Field description

PTF identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 40
Service Director has requested the cover letter for PTF &1-&2.
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide the best available service for
your system Service Director has identified PTF &1-&2 to prevent an unscheduled
system outages. The cover letter for this PTF has been requested from a service provider
other than IBM.
Symbol Field description

PTF identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 40


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


PTF cover letters requested by Service Director will be sent on tape.
Cause: As part of IBM Service's continuing effort to provide you the best available
service for your system Service Director has identified one or more PTFs to prevent
unscheduled system outages. A tape containing the cover letters for these PTFs will be
sent to you.

Severity: 80
Dynamic threshold table update failed.
Cause: The Service Director AutoPTF function attempted to update the threshold table.
The update request was not valid or a valid request failed. See the Service
Director audit log or threshold table log for additional information.
Recovery: Contact your local IBM Service Representative. In the United States, call 1800-IBM-SERV.

Severity: 0
Service Director subsystem has been stopped - action required.
Cause: As a result of applying PTF &1-&2, Service Director subsystem QSVCDRCTR
was stopped. It needs to be started again.
Recovery: Do the following to start the Service Director subsystem:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Start Subsystem.
Symbol Field description

Product identifier


PTF identifier

Severity: 80


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Service Director subsystem needs to be stopped and restarted.
Cause: As a result of applying or removing PTF &1-&2, Service Director subsystem
QSVCDRCTR must be stopped and restarted. Service Director attempts to
do this automatically, but an unexpected error occurred.
Recovery: Ensure the QSVCDRCTR subsystem has been stopped and restarted:
1. Enter GO SERVICE.
2. Choose Stop Subsystem.
3. Choose Start Subsystem.
Symbol Field description

PTF identifier


PTF identifier


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


System inventory collection and transmission:
Unable to retrieve the registration identification for this system
The inventory you requested to display has not been collected since you activated the
Electronic Service Agent. You must collect the inventory again to view the most current
level. To collect inventory on a system, follow these steps:

In AS/400 Operations Navigator, expand Management Central.
Expand AS/400 Endpoint Systems.
Right-click a system, and select Inventory.
Select Collect.
Select one or more inventories to collect.
Click OK to start collecting inventory immediately or click Schedule to specify
when to collect inventory.

Unable to retrieve registration information
Check for error messages in the audit log for the Electronic Service Agent (Service
1. From the AS/400 command line, type GO SERVICE.
2. Select the Display Service Director audit log option.
If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases at If the information you need to solve the problem
cannot be found there, contact your technical support provider, or see again for information about IBM support and services.

An error occurred while trying to retrieve information from the server
Check the technical information databases at If the
information you need to solve the problem cannot be found there, contact your technical
support provider, or see again for information about
IBM support and services.

The subsystem could not be started
Check the technical information databases at If the
information you need to solve the problem cannot be found there, contact your technical
support provider, or see again for information about
IBM support and services.

IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


The subsystem could not be ended
Check the technical information databases at If the
information you need to solve the problem cannot be found there, contact your technical
support provider, or see again for information about
IBM support and services.

An unexpected error occurred
Check the technical information databases at If the
information you need to solve the problem cannot be found there, contact your technical
support provider, or see again for information about
IBM support and services.

User not authorized to this function
To use this function, you must have all object special authority (*ALLOBJ) and security
administrator user class (*SECOFR). Contact the security officer to obtain the required
authorities, and try the request again.

An error occurred before a connection with the server was attempted
Check for error messages in the audit log for the Electronic Service Agent (Service
1. From the AS/400 command line, type GO SERVICE.
2. Select the Display Service Director audit log option.
If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases at If the information you need to solve the problem
cannot be found there, contact your technical support provider, or see again for information about IBM support and services.

An attempt to connect with the server was not successful
Check for error messages in the audit log for the Electronic Service Agent (Service
1. From the AS/400 command line, type GO SERVICE.
2. Select the Display Service Director audit log option.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases at If the information you need to solve the problem
cannot be found there, contact your technical support provider, or see again for information about IBM support and services.

An error occurred during the conversation with the server
Check for error messages in the audit log for the Electronic Service Agent (Service
1. From the AS/400 command line, type GO SERVICE.
2. Select the Display Service Director audit log option.
If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases at If the information you need to solve the problem
cannot be found there, contact your technical support provider, or see again for information about IBM support and services.

The Management Central task could not be scheduled to collect inventory
Check for error messages in the job log for the Management Central servers (see
‘Viewing the server job log’ for step-by-step instructions).
Make sure your central system is running Version 5 Release 1 Modification 0 or later of
the operating system.
Make sure the TCP/IP connection to the central system is working correctly.
Make sure the Client Access connection is working correctly.
If the problem persists, end Operations Navigator and start it again.
Restart the Management Central servers and try again. See ‘Starting the Management
Central server’ for step-by-step instructions.

At least one system group must be selected to continue. Create a system group using
Management Central, then click Refresh to update the list.
A system group is a collection of endpoint systems defined by a user for the purpose of
performing Management Central functions in one step, as if they were a single system.
To create a new system group, follow these steps:
1. In AS/400 Operations Navigator, expand Management Central.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


2. Right-click AS/400 System Groups and select New System Group.
3. On the New System Group dialog, specify a unique name for the new system
group and a brief description that will help you identify this group in a list of
system groups.
4. From the Available systems list, select the endpoint systems that you want to
include in this new group. Click Add to add the systems to the Selected systems
5. Click OK to create the new system group, which will include all the endpoint
systems in the Selected systems list.

Default browser could not be opened
Verify that you have an Internet browser installed on your system.
Check the technical information databases at If the
information you need to solve the problem cannot be found there, contact your technical
support provider, or see again for information about
IBM support and services.

You do not have the proper authority to run the Electronic Service Agent action
To perform this action, you must have *USE authority to library QSVCDRCTR. Contact
the security officer to obtain the required authorities, and try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To perform this action, you must have *USE authority to the QASASNDHST file in
library QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required authorities, and
try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To perform this action, you must have *USE authority to the QSAUTIL service program
in library QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required authorities,
and try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To perform this action, you must have *USE authority to the QASASNDOPT file in
library QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required authorities, and
try the request again.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


User not authorized to perform this action
To perform this action, you must have *CHANGE authority to the QASASNDOPT file
in library QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required authorities,
and try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To perform this action, you must have *USE authority to the QASAAGRMNT file in
library QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required authorities, and
try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To disable the subsystem, you must have *JOBCTL authority. Contact the security
officer to obtain the required authorities, and try the request again.
To disable the subsystem, you must have *USE authority to subsystem description
QSVCDRCTR/QSVCDRCTR. Contact the security officer to obtain the required
authorities, and try the request again.

User not authorized to perform this action
To enable the subsystem, you must have *JOBCTL authority. Contact the security officer
to obtain the required authorities, and try the request again.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Appendix A. Authority Requirements
A user without *ALLOBJ authority would need to have specific authority to these
objects to setup Electronic Service Agent AND to collect and send inventory information
to IBM. See the table below for the specific authorities required:

Use GRTOBJAUT for these objects:
Use CHGAUT for these objects:


Object type

Authority required








IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Appendix B. Electronic Service Agent and System
You may prefer to manage all problems from one central location (host/remote setup).
The Hardware problem reporting function of Electronic Service Agent will work in
this environment if configured properly. To manage all problems from one central
location, Electronic Service Agent Hardware problem reporting requires the use of
System Manager/400.
Note: This does not include the System inventory collection and transmission
Note: (U.S.) The Service Agent Support Center does NOT support the System
Manager/400 product.
For information on how to configure the iSeries or AS/400e to act as the central reporting
site (service provider) for a network and the remote sites (service requesters) see the
System Manager Use Guide at or
contact Marketing.
System Manager/400 must be installed only on the central site Service Provider Control
Point (host) system. The host system must be at the highest OS/400 level of the remote
systems it is supporting.
System Manager/400 acts as the vehicle to transfer / send problem log entries from a
(specified) remote system(s) to the (specified) host system, taking advantage of the
System Manager/400 network setup of service providers and Service requestors to
accomplish this. The problem log entries from a remote system will be identified by the
serial number in the (host) problem log entry. These problem log entries, now at the host
system, will be treated as just another problem log entry on the system, meaning that
once the problem log entries are received on the host system, Hardware problem
reporting will send them to IBM as a reported problem. There are no ‘specific’ messages
generated for a remote or host reported problem; only the standard message is generated,
with the unique system serial number identified, for (in) the problem log entry.
If your system has System Manager/400 (1) installed and it is acting as the central site
Service Provider for a network of remote systems, you have the option to handle the
problems reported from the remote sites manually or through the Hardware problem
reporting function of Service Agent.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Ø To handle local problems automatically and remote problems manually, the
Hardware problem reporting function of Service Agent settings (choose Change
Service Director settings from the Electronic Service Agent Main Menu) should
be set to:
Report problem automatically
Report remote problem
Ø To handle both local and remote problems manually, the Hardware problem
reporting function of Service Agent settings (choose Change Service Director
settings from the Electronic Service Agent Main Menu) should be set to:
Report problem automatically
Report remote problem
Ø To handle both local and remote problems automatically (assuming that System
Manager/400 is installed on the host system), the Hardware problem reporting
function of Service Agent settings (choose Change Service Director settings from
the Electronic Service Agent Main Menu) should be set to:
Report problem automatically
Report remote problem
Report problem to:
Control point name - Specify the control point name of the service provider
that will be notified of local system problem (host system).
Network ID - Specify the network ID of the service provider that is notified of
local system problem (host system).
Note: Use the Work with Service Providers (WRKSRVPVD) command to
see the service providers defined for the host system. See figure below.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


(1) System Manager/400 is an IBM Licensed Program Product which must be purchased by the user.
The central site Service Provider Control Point system must be at the highest OS/400 level of the
remote systems it is supporting.


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


Appendix C. Notices and trademarks
Notices – This information was developed for products and services offered worldwide.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described
in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these
patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country /
region where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain
transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This information could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes
are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in
new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the
product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience
only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those web sites. The materials
at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web
sites is at your own risk.
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes
appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of
enabling the exchange of information between independently created programs and other


IBM Electronic Service Agent for iSeries and AS/400e


programs (including this one) and the mutual use of information which has been
exchanged, should contact:
IBM Corporation
Department 80D
P.O. Box 12195
3030 Cornwallis
Research Triangle Park
NC 27709
Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,
including in some cases payment of a fee.
The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it
are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International
Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us.

Trademarks – The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the
United States or other countries or both:
AS/400 Service Director
Service Director
AS/400 Service Agent
Electronic Service Agent
Service Agent
Client Access
IBM Electronic Service Agent for AS/400
IBM Electronic Services for AS/400
IBM Global Network
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of



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