Team Member Evaluation Form Instructions 5 Pt Individual Contribution And 2 17

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Team Evaluation Form Instructions (Rev 2_17)
Each team member is to complete the Team Evaluation form. The form is in three parts. a) Record of Individual
Contribution, b) Assessment on Attributes of team members and c) Member Evaluation Scoring.
a) Record of Individual Contribution Show a timeline of your specific contributions to the case by keeping a
log, by week, with description of your efforts. This log should be consistent with the final Gantt chart submitted
by the team. It should identify which section of the case was being worked on, type of contribution (participating
in discussions, Minitab work, writing, reviewing, etc.) and who you were working with.
b) Assessment on Attributes - Evaluate yourself and team members in the categories as listed below using the
description as a basis for the assessment level. You need only put a mark in the corresponding box. If "Needs
Improvement" is checked, you must write a comment to explain the rating.
Share of workload
Outstanding - Student did more than his/her fair share of the case.
Good - Student willingly did fair share of the case.
Satisfactory - Student did fair share after prompting from team members.
Needs Improvement - Student did not do fair share of the work on the case.
Technical Contribution
Outstanding -Student had good grasp of case concepts and coached other students to
Good -. Student understood most concepts and made positive contributions to technical
Satisfactory -.Student showed understanding of the most concepts by completion of the case.
Needs Improvement - Student showed little understanding of many of the concepts in the case.
Outstanding - Always showed up to meetings on time and prepared. Stayed focused in meetings
and often led discussion. Completed tasks in timely manner. Provided leadership to group.
Good - - Always showed up to meetings on time and prepared. Stayed focused in meetings and
participated in discussion.. Completed tasks in timely manner.
Satisfactory - Usually showed up to meetings on time and prepared. Generally stayed focused in
meetings and contributed to discussion. Usually completed tasks in timely manner.
Needs improvement - Often failed to show up or complete tasks, rarely prepared. Lack of focus
in meetings and limited contributions to discussions.
Outstanding - Positive attitude. Enthusiastic about project Encourages others and seeks
Good - Positive attitude. Cooperative, friendly. Helped create harmonious work environment.
Satisfactory - Cooperative, but not really focused on learning or the project.
Needs improvement - Negative attitude towards fellow team members and the project.
c) Evaluation scoring - You can distribute points defined as a total of 100 points per team member including
yourself. The points will reflect the relative contribution of the member to the success of the project. Consider the
attributes above in determining your point allocation.
In general, a score above 100 would indicate the member went above and beyond compared to other members. A
score 95 to 100 indicates very good contributions, but not exceptional. 90-95 indicates a satisfactory team
member. Below 90 indicates a member needs improvement in one or more areas. (These are just guidelines, not
Example: With 4 people on a team, you can distribute 400 points. You may give the person that did the most
work 105 points, the person that did less than their share 95 points and the other two members 100 points each.
The total is then 400.
The evaluation score will impact student grades. A team member's evaluation score is the average of the
scores received (including their own). This score is divided by 100 then multiplied by the raw score of the case to
get the individual student’s grade*.
Example: 4 members are on a team. Student X receives evaluation scores of 90, 90, 100 and 100. Average of
these is 95. If the raw case score is 88, the team member score is (88)*(95/100) = 83.6
*A cap of 10 points over the raw score is imposed, but there is no lower limit on the score. Extenuating
circumstances relative to dysfunctional teams will also be considered.
Member evaluation forms are confidential and will not be shared with other team members. All students do have
the right to know their composite evaluation score upon request.
Rubric for grading (This is an individual assignment grade)
3 - Contribution log
Log shows consistent contribution through the life of the project
Activity is detailed enough to determine the tasks performed
Activity recorded is consistent with the Gantt chart submitted by the team.
1 Assessment of member attributes
Attribute evaluations for all members is complete.
Where low rating or points are given, explanation is provided.
1 Evaluation scoring
Point distribution is completed according to the instructions given.
Point distribution makes sense given the assessment of member attributes shown
Team Evaluation Form (Rev 2_17)
a. Record of Individual Contribution
Dates enter dates of week consistent with your Gantt Chart
Contribution - identify which specific section of the case was being worked on, type of
contribution (such as participating in discussions, Minitab work, writing, reviewing, etc.) and
who you were working with.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Team Member Evaluation Form (Rev 2_17)
b) Assessment on Attributes
1) Your name:
Share of workload
Technical Contribution
2) Member name:
Share of workload
Technical Contribution
3) Member name:
Share of workload
Technical Contribution
4) Member name:
Share of workload
Technical Contribution
c) Evaluation Scores/Point Allocation
Member Name Points awarded
(self) 1) _______________________________ _______
2) _______________________________ _______
3) _______________________________ _______
4) _______________________________ _______
Total __________ (must equal # members x 100)

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