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White Paper Software Networks WG
Vision on Software Networks and 5G
SN WG January 2017
(final version 2.0)
White Paper Software Networks WG
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 NFV and SDN and 5G ............................................................................................................. 4
3 Terminology .......................................................................................................................... 5
4 Combining NFV and SDN: architectural trends and existing gaps ........................................ 7
4.1 Introduction: early steps combining NFV and SDN ....................................................... 7
4.2 An architecture proposal to integrate NFV and SDN for 5G ......................................... 9
4.3 Some examples of software network features and scenarios .................................... 10
4.3.1 Cloud RAN............................................................................................................ 10
4.3.2 Mobile Edge Computing ...................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Multi-domain/Multi-provider Orchestration ...................................................... 13
4.3.4 Network Programmability ................................................................................... 16
4.3.5 Network slicing .................................................................................................... 19
5 Relevant standardization activities ..................................................................................... 22
5.1 NFV ............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.1 ETSI .................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.2 IETF/IRTF ........................................................................................................... 24
5.1.3 OASIS TOSCA ................................................................................................... 24
5.1.4 TM Forum ZOOM .............................................................................................. 25
5.1.5 Small Cell Forum ................................................................................................ 25
5.2 SDN ............................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.1 ITU-T .................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.2 ONF ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 IEEE .................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.4 MEF ..................................................................................................................... 27
6 Relevant open source activities .......................................................................................... 28
6.1 SDN Controllers ........................................................................................................... 28
6.2 Network Service Automation Software ...................................................................... 29
6.3 Remarks associated to SDN and NFV frameworks usage ........................................... 32
7 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 34
8 References ........................................................................................................................... 35
9 Editors ................................................................................................................................. 38
White Paper Software Networks WG
1 Introduction
5G PPP vision is that in a decade from now, telecom and IT will be integrated towards a
common very high capacity ubiquitous infrastructure, with converging capabilities for both
fixed and mobile accesses [1]. 5G will not only be an evolution of mobile broadband networks
but will bring new unique network and service capabilities. 5G will integrate networking,
computing and storage resources into one programmable and unified infrastructure. This
unification will allow for an optimized and more dynamic usage of all distributed resources, and
the convergence of fixed, mobile and broadcast services.
The 5G PPP European research programme is structured in three phases running and linking to
mobile industry 3GPP specification process and other SDO like ETSI. Their proposed
specifications are finally submitted to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that
releases the final standard.
Nineteen projects of first
phase of 5G PPP were
selected in 2015 and are
currently working under
same collaboration umbrella
agreement addressing
multiple technological and
business angles of 5G
networks evolution [2].
In the 2nd phase of 5G PPP
projects starting in 2017
there is a special focus on
vertical industrial
involvement for enabling 5G
scenarios. This is a crucial
step towards the 5G trial
programme phase 3 as indicated in the 5G manifesto and the announced 5G Action Plan for
Europe September 2016 [3]. This will lead to the EU trial roadmap for implementation with
end-to-end 5G platforms from 2018 and beyond integrating multiple technologies that will be
operated in a pre-competitive environment showcasing several vertical-sector cases (eHealth,
Manufacturing, Media, Automotive, etc)
Software Network Working Group (WG) of 5G PPP aims at analysing and addressing
unification and applicability of key research topics related to Software Networking including
software defined concepts, infrastructures, systems and components for Wire and- Wireless
Networks, including Networked Clouds, IoT and Services, integrated SDN/NFV vision as
developed and promoted by the 5G PPP projects and also aligned with the Architecture WG [4].
Software Networks is a significant area of research and innovation. Software Defined Networks
(SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are essential to support many aspects of the
anticipated functionality offered by next generation 5G Networks in 2020+. This is a technical
paper that gathers the contribution of projects to the specific point of combining SDN and NFV
technologies. The contributing projects have been; 5GEx, 5G-Crosshaul, 5G-Xhaul,
Figure 1: 5G PPP general phases and SDO timing
White Paper Software Networks WG
2 NFV and SDN and 5G
Telecommunication networks have become a critical infrastructure for any society enabling
economic growth and social prosperity. The services supported by today’s telecommunication
networks are relied upon by millions of people every day. These networks and services continue
to evolve, supporting ever increasing workloads and increasing traffic and diversity of
supported services. This evolution is forcing the underlying network technologies to change,
increasing the level of programmability, control and flexibility of configuration, while reducing
the overall costs related to network operations.
5G will not only be an evolution of mobile broadband networks but the infrastructure to bring
unique service capabilities. Aligned with the 5G vision, this goes beyond a simple increase in
network speed or reliability, and instead it represents a substantive shift in telecommunication
technology, where the network offers unique features to each of the evolving services it
SDN and NFV are core technologies in the transformation of networks for 5G. SDN and NFV
could be seen as different expressions of an overall transformation trend, which is deeply
impacting Telecom and IT industries. This trend is transforming several Industries, in using
”softwarization" on general computing platforms to optimize operational processes and in
bringing rapidly and efficiently new values in infrastructures. Their introduction aims to lower
the cost of network and service operation and to reduce the time to market for new services
while introducing higher flexibility. In addition virtualization of networking systems is a key
enabler that offers a multitude of benefits for telecommunication and datacenter operators by
decoupling network functions from proprietary hardware as well as decoupling services from
propriety service platforms. This is very disruptive to today’s telecom value chain and this
evolution is familiar: we saw this happen in software and IT services with the rise of cloud
computing. The expression “Software Networks” is often referred to a general paradigm shift in
telecom architecture from “boxes” to “functions”, and from “protocols” to “APIs”. In parallel
this shift is also driving a convergence between telecommunications and IT infrastructure,
producing an IT solution which delivers carrier grade platform upon which 5G “Software
Networks” are implemented.
In this sense, SDN and NFV are major transformational technologies for operators to split
network capacity and elements into virtual slices that can be then used for multiple applications.
That includes broadband video cases which may require high throughput speeds of 10 Gb/s at
mobile devices as well as lower bandwidth applications but critical such to connect a huge
number of Internet of Things (IoT) elements and devices that are less demanding on the network
[6]. The 5G network will have to be extremely efficient in its low-bandwidth transmissions and
have enhanced coverage.
The initial value proposition associated to the introduction of SDN and NFV was aimed to
increase network configurability and lower the operational network costs and necessary
infrastructure investments, decoupling network functions from specialized hardware so that the
functions are offered as virtualized software elements. Today the SDN/NFV value proposition
has shifted form ‘cost savings’ to enable features like flexible services, multi-tenancy, etc. that
opens up new business opportunities and reduces the time to market for these new services.
White Paper Software Networks WG
3 Terminology
Many different terms are currently being used in the area of software networks. In order to align
a bit the terminology (since it is not always the case that different actors understand the same
from a given term), we provide next an agreed view of the most widely used terms:
Abstraction: a representation of an entity in terms of selected characteristics. An abstraction
hides or summarizes characteristics irrelevant to the selection criteria.
Application Plane (AP): the collection of applications and services that program network
Control Plane (CP): the collection of functions responsible for controlling one or more
network devices. CP instructs network devices with respect to how to process and forward
packets. The control plane interacts primarily with the forwarding plane and, to a lesser extent,
with the management plane.
Forwarding Plane (FP): the collection of resources across all network devices responsible for
forwarding traffic.
Management Plane (MP): the collection of functions responsible for monitoring, configuring,
and maintaining one or more network devices or parts of network devices.
Network Function (NF): A functional building block within a network infrastructure, which
has well-defined external interfaces and a well-defined functional behaviour. In practical terms,
a Network Function is today a network node or physical appliance.
NF Forwarding Graph: a graph of logical links connecting NF nodes for the purpose of
describing traffic flow between these network functions.
NF Set: a collection of NFs with unspecified connectivity between them.
NFV Infrastructure (NFVI): the totality of all hardware and software components (e.g.
hypervisor, excluding VM/VNF according to ETSI) which build up the environment in which
VNF are deployed. The NFV Infrastructure can span across several locations, i.e., multiple
Network PoPs. The network providing connectivity between these locations is regarded to be
part of the NFV Infrastructure or can be controlled together.
NFV Management and Orchestration (NFV-MANO): functions collectively provided by
NFV Orchestrator (NFVO): functional block that manages the Network Service (NS) lifecycle
and coordinates the management of NS lifecycle, VNF lifecycle (supported by the VNFM) and
NFVI resources (supported by the VIM) to ensure an optimized allocation of the necessary
resources and connectivity. The NFV Orchestrator is in charge of the network wide
orchestration and management of NFV (infrastructure and software) resources, and realizing
NFV service topology on the NFVI. The NFV Orchestrator manages and automates the
distributed NFV Infrastructure. The NFV Orchestrator has control and visibility of all VNFs
running inside the NFVI. The NFV Orchestrator provides GUI and external NFV-Interfaces to
the outside world (i.e. BSS/OSS). The NFV Orchestrator makes extensive use of the NFV lower
stack to perform cloud operation and automation, thus extend the basic capabilities of the NFV-
Operating System and provides much richer environment.
White Paper Software Networks WG
Orchestration: describes the automated arrangement, coordination, and management of
complex systems, middleware and services.
Resources: physical or virtual compute/storage/network element with some attributes (e.g.
cpu#, storage size) and connection points (basically network connectivity ports: e.g. a server has
2 NICs). A Resource Node/Element is a set of resources encapsulated so that they offer
externally only a limited set of resource attributes and connection points; presented as a single
controllable resource entity (node), e.g., a Compute Node or a Network Element.
Service: instantiation of Service Template, will define all still undefined attribute values and
connection points, and will allocate resources and deploy SW.
Service Function (SF): a function that is responsible for specific treatment of received packets.
A Service Function can act at the network layer or other OSI layers. A Service Function can be
a virtual instance or be embedded in a physical network element. One or multiple Service
Functions can be embedded in the same network element. Multiple instances of the Service
Function can be enabled in the same administrative domain.
Service Template: pre-packaged reusable service definition that a Multi-domain orchestrator
advertises to other Network operators and customers. Each Service Template will have attached
a descriptor that defines its functioning, architecture, SLA, pricing, the NFs (Network functions)
that compose it with reference to the NFIB (Network Function Information Base), along with a
forwarding graph and deployment instructions.
Slice: a network of computing, communication, (and measurement) resources capable of
running resource elements (Network/Service Functions) or a network service. In the data plane a
slice is defined by a set of resource containers spanning a set of network components, plus an
associated set of service access points (users) that are allowed to access those resource
containers. A slice can be pre allocated or created on demand. In the control plane (from an
operator's perspective), slices are the primary abstraction for accounting and accountability
resources are acquired via a slice control and management interface (API).
Virtualisation: an abstraction whose selection criterion is dedicated to a particular consumer,
client or application.
Virtualised Network Function (VNF): an implementation of a Network Function that can be
deployed on a Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure (NFVI).
Virtualised Infrastructure Manager (VIM): functional block that is responsible for
controlling and managing the NFVI compute, storage and network resources, usually within one
operator's Infrastructure Domain.
Virtualised Network Function Manager (VNFM): functional block that is responsible for the
lifecycle management of VNF.
VNF Forwarding Graph (VNF FG): a NF forwarding graph where at least one node is a VNF.
White Paper Software Networks WG
4 Combining NFV and SDN: architectural trends
and existing gaps
4.1 Introduction: early steps combining NFV and SDN
SDN and NFV are seen as the critical architectural building blocks to give mobile operators the
necessary tools to address the massive data usage by their customers in the wave of expected 5G
use cases. The software focus driving the confluence of NFV and SDN will allow mobile
operators to be more responsive to customer demands either dynamically or through on-demand
service provisioning via self-service portals.
NFV and SDN were developed by different standardization bodies; however, they are
complementary technologies and as a result are often collectively referred as NFV/SDN.
Although they have substantial value when exploited separately, in combined they offer
significant additional value. The NFV technology brings the possibility of creating new network
functions on-demand, placing them on the most suitable location and using the most appropriate
amount of resources. It also provides the necessary management (orchestration) elements to deal
with the virtualised elements. To take the most of this virtualisation, the SDN is able to adjust
the network accordingly, enabling network programmability and sequencing of functions
(chaining VNF with SDN flows).
Research and development of SDN and NFV technologies has been a hot topic lately (almost all
5G-PPP projects, if not all, are looking to some extent into one or the other at least). A plethora
of different mechanisms have been and are being proposed. Similarly, but just lately, the
integration of SDN and NFV has received some attention. We can find one example of this on
the standardization side (more details on standardization activities can be found in Section 5).
As part of Phase 2 of the ETSI NFV ISG, GS NFV-EVE 005 [8] compiled a Report on SDN
Usage in NFV Architectural Framework”. The document provides an overview of SDN in
relation to the ETSI NFV architectural framework as well as a summary of current industry
work including a comparison of network controllers and PoCs relevant to NFV and SDN.
Building on the foundation of ITU-T Y.3300 [9], IETF RFC 7426 [10] and ONF TR-502 [1],
the ETSI report above covers:
An overview of SDN in the NFV architectural framework (section 4 of [8]).
Design patterns of SDN in the NFV architectural framework (section 5 of [8]).
Functional recommendations for the SDN-NFV integration (section 6 of [8]).
As specified in the report, within the NFV architectural framework, SDN solutions might be
used in the infrastructure domain, in the tenant domain, or both.
The first type of connectivity services are those supported by the NFVI to enable
communication among VNFs and among their components (VNFC it is possible to have a
VNF consists of more than one component), in a single PoP or in a more general way even for a
case where VNFs are instantiated in separated PoPs, reachable through a WAN connection.
There is a clear understanding that SDN plays a key role to support the requirements on
elasticity and virtualisation for the infrastructural network to support the VNFs. This is the role
of the infrastructure controller, managed by the VIM.
The second deals with the network services provided at the service tenant layer, and has to deal
with the operation and management of the network service's constituent VNFs, and includes
White Paper Software Networks WG
whatever semantics are related to the network service and that might be controlled by means of
the SDN paradigm, through a programmatic, logically centralized control of the data forwarding
plane. The network services at this layer are suitable to be managed according to the SDN
paradigm, and that is the proposed role of the tenant controller.
Out of the various locations of SDN resources, SDN controller(s) and SDN applications
explored in the report, the illustration of Figure 2 consolidates and summarizes the majority of
the scenarios. The particular illustration is also aligned with the SDN controller interfaces:
Application Control Interface - interface between an SDN controller and an SDN
application - provides an application programmatic control of abstracted network
Resource Control Interface - Interface between an SDN controller and SDN resources -
it is used to control network resources (e.g. OpenFlow).
Orchestration Interface - interface between an SDN controller and an NFV Orchestrator.
Controller-Controller Interface - interface between SDN controllers.
Figure 2: SDN Controller Interfaces (section 4.4.1 of [8])
In terms of design patterns, ETSI envisions that SDN can be used to fulfil broad use cases for:
Interconnecting VNF components (VNFCs).
Interconnecting VNFs towards implementing service chaining or load balancing.
Interconnecting VNFs across multiple VIMs, in the same or different NFVI-PoPs.
The use cases above apparently also expand to establishing hierarchies of SDN controllers:
for distributed performance, scalability and reliability
for distributed, cross-service provider or cross-domain services
for implementing NaaS within a single service provider
for fault management in multi-layer transport network
Last but not least, ETSI recognizes the role of SDN in creating network connection topologies,
(VNF) forwarding graphs and service chains (SFC).
Finally, section 6 of [8] provides an extensive categorized of functional recommendations. The
combined NFV and SDN architecture that we propose needs to be validated against that list.
White Paper Software Networks WG
4.2 An architecture proposal to integrate NFV and SDN for 5G
5G mobile networks will necessarily exploit the latest advances in software networking
technologies, following a standard-compliant, layered approach. As described in the 5G-PPP
Architecture WG white paper released in July 2016 [11], different planes are foreseen, each
having different concerns: Application and Business Service Plane, Multi-Service Management
Plane, Integrated Network, Management & Operations Plane, Infrastructure Softwarisation
Plane, Control Plane and Forwarding/Data Plane. Taking this into consideration, as well as the
standardisation progress in related bodies such as ETSI NFV and ONF, we describe next a first
conceptual architecture seamlessly and flexibly combining SDN and NFV technologies. Figure
3 illustrates the overall architecture of integrating NFV and SDN, which joins the perspectives
of both NFV and SDN communities, as explained below.
Figure 3: Overall architecture of SDN/NFV integration and management
To specify the integration and interactions between SDN and NFV, it is necessary to clarify the
various types of network functions. To this end, network functions can be classified based on
the different levels of their compatibility with either NFV or SDN implementations. For
backwards-compatibility of legacy network functions, Physical Network Functions (PNFs, e.g.,
4G/5G base stations such as eNodeBs) and Physical Network Elements (PNEs, e.g., physical
switches based on Open vSwitches/OVS or OpenFlow) are those that cannot be virtualised,
although the latter can be possibly controlled with SDN. Note that there are VNFs referred to
as Non-SDN-enabled Virtual Network Functions, NSC-VNFs, in the figure that cannot be
controlled with SDN, even though they are virtualized. In addition, Data Network Functions
(DNFs, e.g., virtual DPIs without the control plane) refer to those VNFs that contain data plane
functions only, following a separation of the control and data planes in certain SDN
Architecturally, from the bottom up, the Infrastructure Layer provisions both physical and
virtualized resources and the operation environment for the various VNFs. The Control Layer is
broken down to a SDN Controller sublayer and a SDN Control Plane sublayer on top of it.
These two sublayers and the underlying Data Plane sublayer can be conceptually mapped to the
White Paper Software Networks WG
ONF’s three-layer SDN model. Specifically, the Data Plane sublayer is largely controlled by the
SDN Controllers sublayer, where a pool of SDN Controllers may be deployed for scalability
and wide-area deployment considerations. The architectural organization and physical locations
of these SDN Controllers should be optimized to allow high cost-efficiency and high
performance of running the dynamically deployed VNFs on demand. On top of the SDN
Controllers, various SDN Applications (Apps) in the SDN Control Plane provide the control
logic to the SDN Controllers, based on various business application requirements from the
upper Application Layer. In parallel to this stack, a vertical Orchestration and Management
Layer manages the Infrastructure, Data Network and Control layers through the Virtualized
Infrastructure Management, VNF Management and Orchestration sublayers. This architecture is
compliant with the ETSI NFV’s Management and Orchestration (MANO) framework.
This architectural proposal represents an initial step towards effectively integrating SDN/NFV.
Next section goes into several examples where software networks (will) play a significant role,
identifying specific SDN/NFV integration aspects that have not yet properly addressed.
4.3 Some examples of software network features and scenarios
4.3.1 Cloud RAN
The Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is a mobile network architecture allowing operators
to meet the needs of increasingly growing user demands and 5G requirements for achieving the
performance needs of future applications. C-RAN intends to move part of the access
infrastructure (e.g., the eNB) to local datacentres, taking advantage of the cloud technologies,
elastic scale, fault tolerance, and automation. Using this architecture, a minimum set of
hardware critical functions is kept on the physical Remote Radio Head (RRH) components,
while the remaining virtualized (CPU intensive) part, the Base Band Unit (BBU), is deployed
and concentrated in small local datacentres for a large number of cells. Figure 4 depicts the
basic concept.
Figure 4: 3GPP C-RAN basic model.
This approach has multiple advantages: 1) it brings resource isolation for C-RAN functions that
are now software defined and can be deployed and scale using commodity hardware and off-
the-shelf standards components; 2) it reduces the cost per deployed cell, which is an important
White Paper Software Networks WG
aspect, as next mobile generations will reduce the cell coverage (and therefore increase the
number of cells) as a way to increase bandwidth; 3) by centralizing BBUs in a local DC, the
required amount of resources is lower than for traditional scenarios, as today cell-sites are
provided with processing power for peak hours; 4) X2 interfaces (i.e., the one defined among
eNBs) become internal links in top of the rack DC network, reducing latency times on mobility
situations; 5) it leverages C-RAN SDN controllers [27] to improve network capacity and
flexibility by providing dynamic control, fine grained resource allocation and better latency
control to meet QoS requirements. Impact on SDN/NFV integration
There are different C-RAN solutions, which propose different functional splits between the cell-
site part (RRH) and the DC part (BBU). This has impacts on the interface between them and the
amount of bandwidth required for that. For this reason, this issue is of extreme importance.
In terms of NFV and SDN integration, C-RAN solutions require proper interaction between the
MANO layer, to roll out virtual BBUs where needed and when needed, and the SDN control
layer, to ensure that these BBUs and the RRHs are connected meeting the actual requirements.
5G PPP Projects such as 5G Xhaul, CHARISMA and 5G-Crosshaul are contributing to these
4.3.2 Mobile Edge Computing
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a new technology platform, which is currently being
standardized by an ETSI Industry Standard Group (ISG). MEC will offer application developers
and content providers a cloud computing and IT service environment to deploy and run
applications at the edge of a mobile network. MEC environments are characterized by:
Ultra low latency
High bandwidth
Real-time access to radio network information
Location awareness
MEC provides a set of services that can be consumed by applications running on the MEC
platform. These services can expose information such as real time network data e.g., radio
conditions, network statistics etc. and the location of connected devices to consuming
applications. Exposing these types of information can be used to create context for applications
and services with the potential to enable a new ecosystem of use cases, such as location
services, big data, multimedia services and many more, with a significantly improved user
MEC can take advantage of NFV deployments, due to the complimentary use of cloud
infrastructure, virtualization layers and management and orchestration components. Operators
are increasingly looking at virtualization of their mobile networks and, in particular, C-RAN. In
this context, operators will have to create small DC infrastructures at the edge, in order to
support RAN processing requirements. Having IT infrastructures on the edge, will enable
operators to use unused resources to support 3rd parties to deploy applications in an edge
computing environment, without having to invest on additional resources, especially for that
purpose. As a consequence, mobile edge computing becomes cheaper, making it more appealing
to network operators, content providers and developers.
White Paper Software Networks WG
The same concept can be applied to fixed networks, where virtualization is being adopted. In
fact, for network providers with mobile and fixed operations, traditional central offices can be
used to concentrate both mobile and fixed access, making those places good candidates to
provide edge computing applications for all customers. Figure 5 outlines this vision.
Figure 5: MEC mobile/fixed vision.
The edge computing architecture includes the MEC platform as the central point. This platform
allows 3rd party applications to register and get authenticated/authorized, in order to access a set
of services, available via the respective APIs Using the APIs, applications can request the
platform to activate traffic offload (TOF) to serve customers from the edge, or enable access to
other information provided by the operator.
The NFVI and VIM defined by the NFV are essentially reused to provide a virtual environment,
this time for the MEC applications. The same applies to the management and orchestration
layer, which can be used to manage the applications lifecycle and orchestrate them according to
the best interests of end users and application providers. In the management layer, an additional
manager is introduced, which is dedicated to managing the MEC platform itself, including its
services and respective APIs. Figure 6 shows the proposed architecture for MEC.
White Paper Software Networks WG
Figure 6: MEC architecture. Impact on SDN/NFV integration
In the MEC architecture, SDN and NFV blocks are key technological components, as they
complement to bring compute, storage and networking resources closer to the end user, also
opening new APIs and hosting environments to both mobile operators and external players,
which can also make use of RAN related information when offering a service. Proper
integration of SDN and NFV is needed in order to enable the offering of virtual resources at the
mobile edge, adapting to both the user demands and to the actual network load, supporting
multiple tenants.
5G PPP Projects such as COHERENT, SESAME and Superfluidity are contributing to these
4.3.3 Multi-domain/Multi-provider Orchestration
Market fragmentation results from having a multitude of telecommunication networks and cloud
operators, each with a footprint focused to a specific region. This makes it difficult to deploy
cost effective infrastructure services, such as virtual connectivity or compute resources,
spanning multiple countries as no single operator has a big enough footprint. Even if operators
largely aim to provide the same infrastructure services (VPN connectivity, compute resources
based on virtual machines and block storage), inter-operator collaboration tools for providing a
service spanning several administrative boundaries are very limited and cumbersome. This
makes service development and provisioning very time consuming. For example, having a VPN
with end-points in several countries, in order to connect multiple sites of a business (such as a
hotel chain), requires contacting several network operators. Such an approach is possible only
with significant effort and integration work from the side of the business. This is not only slow,
but also inefficient and expensive, since the business also needs to employ networking
specialists to do the integration instead of focusing on its core business
Technology fragmentation also represents a major bottleneck internally for an operator.
Different networks and different parts of a network may be built as different domains using
separate technologies, such as optical or packet switched (with different packet switching
paradigms included); having equipment from different vendors; having different control
paradigms, etc. Managing and integrating these separate technology domains requires
White Paper Software Networks WG
substantial amount of effort, expertise, and time. The associated costs are paid by both network
operators and vendors alike, who need to design equipment and develop complex integration
features. In addition to technology domains, there are other reasons for having multiple domains
within an operator, such as, different geographies, different performance characteristics,
scalability, policy or simply historic (e.g., result of a merge or an acquisition). Multiple domains
in a network are a necessary and permanent feature. However, these should not be a roadblock
towards service development and provisioning, which should be fast and efficient.
A solution is needed to deal with both the multi-operator collaboration issue, and address the
multi-domain problem within a single network operator. While these two problems are quite
different, they also share a lot of common aspects and can benefit from having a number of
common tools to solve them. In order to implement Network Service and resource orchestration
across multiple administrative domains, which may belong to different infrastructure operators
or service providers, hereby referred as “providers”, the ETSI MANO NFV management and
orchestration framework needs to be extended. One potential approach is presented next.
For multi-provider Network Service orchestration, a multi-domain orchestrator (MdO) offers
Network Services by exposing an OSS/BSS NFVO interface to other multi-domain
orchestrators belonging to other providers. For multi-provider resource orchestration, a multi
domain orchestrator presents a VIM-like view and exposes an extended NFVO VIM interface
to other multi domain orchestrators.
Figure 7 shows the different functional blocks responsible for service orchestration (SO) and
resource orchestration (RO) as defined by the ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM). Resource
orchestration is provided by the NFV Management and Orchestration, together with Network
Service orchestration. On the other hand, service orchestration, which among others is
responsible for configuring parameters within VNFs e.g. via Element Managers, is implemented
by an OSS/BSS system.
Figure 7: Service and resource orchestration
The Multi-provider Multi-domain Orchestrator (MdO) coordinates resource and/or service
orchestration at multi-domain level, where multi-domain may refer to multi-technology
(orchestrating resources and/or services using multiple Domain Orchestrators) or multi-operator
White Paper Software Networks WG
(orchestrating resources and/or services using Domain Orchestrators belonging to multiple
administrative domains). The MdO interacts with Domain Orchestrators via I3 interface APIs to
orchestrate resources and services within the same administrative domains. The MdO interacts
with other MdOs via I2 interface APIs (business-to-business, B2B) to request and orchestrate
resources and services across administrative domains. Finally, the MdO exposes on interface I1
service specification APIs (Business-to-Customer, B2C) that allow business customers to
specify their requirements for a service. Figure 8 illustrates the interfaces described above.
The framework also considers third party MdO service providers, which do not own resource
domains but operate a multi-domain orchestrator level to trade resources and services from
other providers (the ones actually owning such resources).
Figure 8: Multi-domain orchestration architecture
This approach allows for a clear separation between the multi-domain elements and the local
elements, while still ensuring the flexibility to handle both multi-technology and keeping local
infrastructure details confidential. The multi-domain orchestrator is in charge of abstracting the
underlying infrastructure before it announces what utility and functions the operator is capable
of to its neighbouring operators. Using such an inter-working architecture for multi-domain
orchestration will make possible use-cases that are nowadays hard to tackle due to the
interactions of multiple heterogeneous actors and technologies. Impact on SDN/NFV integration
As part of the service decomposition task, the multi provider NFVO must be able to initiate
potentially traffic engineered multi-provider connectivity. To be able to manage connectivity
constraints, the multi provider NFVO interworks with a potentially external path computation
element PCE, which has the visibility of inter provider topology. For example, the PCE may be
a consumer of the topology information gathered to support the multi provider orchestration.
Typically, the connectivity data plane is configured by a control plane protocol, such as MP-
BGP or PCEP. In this case, the multi-provider NFVO programs the control plane to implement
resource orchestration, e.g. for allocating and distributing labels on ENNI links. For example,
the multi-provider NFVO may use the PCEP protocol to ask an active stateful PCE to set up
White Paper Software Networks WG
connectivity. Intermediate providers should verify that an incoming connectivity request has the
corresponding orchestration state/policy that confirms that the connectivity request is accepted.
Such an orchestration state may a priori exist or it may need to be established by the inter
provider NFVO.
Alternatively, the inter-provider NFVO may configure directly the connectivity data plane along
the principles of ONF SDN for OpenFlow controlled administrative domains. In this case
coordination for ENNI data plane resource orchestration must be implemented by the inter
provider NFVO.
Based on the following, it is evident that multi-provider, multi-domain orchestration requires
tight integration between NFV and SDN, since data plane connectivity within each
provider/domain and between providers/domains might involve SDN control coupled with VNF
management and orchestration to provide a given end-to-end service.
5G PPP Projects such as 5G EX and SELFNET are contributing to these topics.
4.3.4 Network Programmability
A key goal in software networks is to increase the flexibility and programmability of 5G
networks in order to bridge the gap between telecom business needs and operational
management systems. An example architecture addressing this part is described next. As shown
in Figure 9, the service programming and orchestration framework consists of the software
development kit, the service platform, and different catalogues storing artifacts that can be
produced, used, and managed by the system. Services developed and deployed by this system
run on top of the underlying infrastructure accessible to the system via Virtual Infrastructure
Managers (VIMs) and WAN Infrastructure Managers (WIM).
Figure 9: Network programmability architecture (SDK, Qualification, Service Platform)
We next provide some additional details for each of the functional blocks:
Catalogues: for storing static information regarding network functions and services, like
code, executables, configuration data, and specific management requirements and
preferences. Contents, location, organization, and implementation of catalogues for
different artifacts can vary considerably. However, users of these catalogues need to deal
with them in a consistent fashion and the differences across different catalogues need to be
White Paper Software Networks WG
harmonized and abstracted away. Different types of catalogues exist. As a high-level
categorization, we foresee the following three types of catalogues:
Private catalogues of service developers, where they can define, access, reuse, and
modify services and service components.
Service platform catalogues made available to authorized service developers for
reusing existing components in their services, and used for storing services and their
components that need to be deployed by the service platform.
Public catalogues storing artifacts developed and maintained by third-party developers
on arbitrary platforms accessible to service developers and service platform operators.
Service Development Kit (SDK): The SDK supports service developers by providing a
service programming model and a development tool-chain Figure 10 shows an overview of
the foreseen SDK components. SDK design allows developers to define and test complex
services consisting of multiple network functions, with tools that facilitate custom
implementations of individual network functions. The implemented artifacts are stored in
the developer's private catalogues. Moreover, service components can easily be obtained
from external catalogues using the foreseen interfaces. The obtained artifacts can be directly
used in a service or after being modified and tested using the SDK development tools. The
service components and all the information necessary for deployment and execution of a
service are bundled together into a package. The service package can be handed over to a
service platform for actual deployment and for testing, debugging, and profiling purposes.
Figure 10: Example of SDK functions from SONATA
Qualification testing module is a key element for SDN/NFV
adoption and it is not present in existing software network
architectures. This consists of a set of verification and
validation (V&V) tools and exhaustive testing procedures
over replicated operational infrastructures and under
multiple testing conditions to assure the readiness of
carrier-grade level and their direct utilization. Some
examples of qualification functions can be automatic
Service package integrity analysis, qualification test driver
over chosen service platforms, a MANO translator can
transform a service description between formats of
different service platforms (since there is a coexistence of
many open source and commercial MANO options).
Figure 11: Example of a
Qualification functions
test driver
Automatic package
integrity analysis
MANO SP translator
White Paper Software Networks WG
Service Platform: As shown in Figure 12, an entry point (called gatekeeper module) in the
service platform is responsible for processing the incoming and outgoing requests. The
service platform receives the service packages implemented and created with the help of
SDK part and is responsible for placing, deploying, provisioning, scaling, and managing the
services on existing cloud infrastructures. It can also provide direct feedback about the
deployed services to the SDK, for example, monitoring data about a service or its
components. Service platforms are designed with full customization possibility, providing
flexibility and control to operators and developers at the same time. The service developer
can ship the service package to the service platform together with service- or function-
specific lifecycle management requirements and preferences, called Service-Specific
Managers (SSM) and Function-Specific Managers (FSM), respectively. SSMs and FSMs
can influence the Service and VNF lifecycle management operations, e.g., by specifying
desired placement or scaling behavior. By virtue of a modular design in the Management
and Orchestration Framework of the service platform, the service platform operator can
customize it, e.g., by replacing the conflict resolution or information management modules.
Figure 12: Example of modular Service Platform
Underlying Infrastructure: The infrastructure needs to host and execute the actual
network functions of a service, e.g., as a virtual machine. The service platform sends
necessary information and instructions for execution and lifecycle management of services
to the infrastructure. The infrastructure may belong to the service platform operator, or to a
third-party infrastructure operator. The interaction between the service platform and the
infrastructure is done through a VIM, e.g., OpenStack, which provides an abstract view on
different infrastructure resources. This description is based on the assumption that a service
platform runs directly on top of an actual NFV Infrastructure. However, the telecom system
designs also enable a recursive deployment model, where a service platform can act as an
abstraction to the underlying infrastructure for another service platform, creating a
recursive, hierarchical service platform. While the service platform deals with service- and
White Paper Software Networks WG
function-level functionality, the infrastructure deals with the resource level. It is here that
service-level requirements have to be translated into resource-level requirements. The
infrastructure management also takes care of infrastructure-level management functions. Impact on SDN/NFV integration
These SDN/NFV systems are following the DevOps workflow, which is supported by the
integration between the SDK and the service platform. This workflow implies continuous
deployment and continuous integration during service development. The main entity exchanged
between the SDK and the service platform is the service package to be deployed and runtime
information like monitoring data and performance measurements regarding the service package,
which is provided to the service developer during the development phase, as well as the
runtime. This information can be used for optimizing, modifying, and debugging the operation
and functionality of services.
5G PPP Projects such as SONATA and Virtuwind are contributing to these topics.
4.3.5 Network slicing
From the beginning of all 5G discussions in the research and industry fora, it has been agreed
that 5G will have to address much more use cases than the preceding wireless generations,
which first focused on voice services, and then on voice and high speed packet data services. In
this case, 5G should be able to handle not only the same (or enhanced) voice and packet data
services, but also new emerging services like tactile Internet and IoT. These use cases take the
requirements to opposite extremes, as some of them require ultra-low latency and higher-speed,
whereas some others require ultra-low power consumption and high delay tolerance.
Because of these very extreme 5G use cases, it is envisioned that different radio access networks
are needed to better address the specific requirements of each one of the use cases. However, on
the core network side, virtualization techniques can allow tailoring the network resources on
separate (network) slices, specifically for each radio access network and use case, in an efficient
From all the existing definitions and approaches, the foundation of 5G Network Slices is built
around virtualization technologies, multi-tenancy and multi-service support, integrated network
programmability and the adoption of the SDN/NFV design paradigms.
White Paper Software Networks WG
Figure 13: Network Slicing and RAN sharing
Note that Network Slicing is closely related to the concept of RAN Sharing for multi-service
offering. For the evolved LTE 3GPP has defined and ratified different kinds of architectures
with varying degrees of sharing (see 3GPP TS 23.251 specification). By means of mobile
network resource sharing actually three dimensions of the problem exist, as also presented in
Figure 13 .
Sharing the Processing/Network/Storage Infrastructure: The switch fabric and the core
network/system (cpu, storage, memory) are virtualized and shared between tenants, for the
deployment of physical or virtual network elements (e.g. SP-GW, MME, HSS).
Sharing the base station resources: Different sharing schemes and scenarios exist where the
focus stays on the way the Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) in frequency/time/space domain,
are shared in the MAC layer to provide isolation, while maintaining the multiplexing gain.
Sharing the Spectrum resources: The spectrum sharing problem is not related to MAC layer
operations. It is related to the band of operation or activation of a component carrier. If multiple
operators can share bands, the band of operation can be dynamically adjusted. Cognitive radio
techniques fall under this category.
Network slicing techniques can also allow dedicating resources for even more specific use cases
within the major 5G categories. For example, within the major IoT category, which is perhaps
the most disrupting one, some autonomous IoT devices will have very low throughput, will
have much longer sleep cycles (and therefore high latency), and a battery life thousands of times
longer compared to smart phones or some other connected IoT devices that will have almost
continuous control and data communications. Hence, it is envisioned that a single virtual core
network could be used by slicing separate resources to dedicated radio access networks (RANs)
that are better suited for specific use cases.
Note that there is no single design available for a unified framework that supports the Network
Slicing concept and at the same time is able to:
efficiently capture the need for integrated network programmability and SDN control,
support service orchestration and NFV techniques in multi-domain RAN,
provision for concepts like the Cloud-RAN and the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC).
Network slicing is also a key for introducing new actors in existing market at low cost -- by
letting new players rent "blocks" of capacity, if this new market provides performance that are
White Paper Software Networks WG
adequate with the application needs (e.g., broadcasting updates to many sensors with satellite
broadcasting capabilities). However, more work needs to be done to define how network slicing
will impact existing architectures like ETSI NFV, and to define the impacts of network slicing
to guaranteeing quality-of-service. Impact on SDN/NFV integration
Network slicing is probably one of the main examples of a need for tighter integration of SDN
and NFV technologies. A slice can be defined as a grouping of physical or virtual (network,
compute, storage) resources which can act as a sub network and/or cloud and it can
accommodate service components and network (virtual) functions. This grouping of resources
clearly requires NFV management and orchestration functions to handle the resources in
addition to advanced SDN control for proper interconnection of these resources. Complex
slicing approaches will require more advanced SDN/NFV integrated mechanisms, as currently
researched by all 5G-PPP projects.
White Paper Software Networks WG
5 Relevant standardization activities
The 5G-PPP pre-standards working group is chartered with the role of identifying the SDOs
(standard developing organizations) where the 5G-PPP projects may impact or get impacted
with, as well as facilitating the standardization exploitation of the project results through e.g.
setting up standardization roadmaps, and disseminating project results to the wider community
of standardization stakeholders. As outlined in the white paper issued by the 5G-PPP pre-
standards group [16], the SDN and NFV technologies are key pillars of the 5G system design in
addition to radio access technologies, and hence play an important role in the overall 5G
standardization roadmap. In this section we identify key aspects of the standardization activities
that are most relevant to the SDN and NFV working areas, identify possible gaps, and
contributions of projects, complementing other standardization summaries such as [16] and
5.1 NFV
5.1.1 ETSI
The ETSI NFV ISG (Industry Specification Group) is probably the most relevant
standardisation initiative so far arisen in the Network Function Virtualisation domain. Initially
incepted by a group of top telecommunication operators at the end of 2012, has rapidly grown
up since incorporating other operators, network vendors, ICT vendors and service providers.
The ETSI NFV specifications define the functional characteristics of each module, their
respective interfaces, and the underlying data model. The data model is basically made up by
static and dynamic descriptors for both VNFs (Virtual Network Functions) and Network
Services. These latter are defined as compositions of individual VNFs, interconnected by a
specified network forwarding graph, and wrapped inside a service.
The ETSI NFV roadmap foresaw two major phases. The first one was completed at the end of
2014, covering functional specification, data models, PoC description, etc. The second phase is
closing in the current timeframe, and will release the expected final version of the ETSI NFV
specification documents. The currently acting specification of the ETSI NFV architecture
released in December 2014 and revisited later with security perspective. The informative
reference document for the second release is available per [55]. For the forthcoming period (i.e.
2017-2018) the third release is planned. Already decided topics are:
Information Modelling (IFA)
End-to-end multi-site services management (IFA)
Advances and considerations for MANO (IFA, EVE)
Acceleration technologies (IFA)
Charging, billing and accounting (EVE008)
License Management (EVE)
Security analysis and management (SEC)
Reliability and availability considerations (REL)
DevOps and continuous integration (TST)
Testing (TST)
Policy Management (IFA)
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The ETSI NFV architecture supports multi-PoP configurations, where an NFVI-PoP is defined
as the physical location where a network function is instantiated. A NFVI-PoP can be mapped
to a datacentre or a datacentre segmentation isolated from the rest of world. Supporting multi-
PoP configurations pertaining to different administrative domains is one of the gaps of the ETSI
NFV architecture
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) capabilities deployed in the edge of the mobile network can
facilitate the efficient and dynamic provision of services to mobile users. The ETSI ISG MEC
working group, operative from end of 2014, intends to specify an open environment for
integrating MEC capabilities with service providers networks, including also applications from
3rd parties. These distributed computing capabilities will make available IT infrastructure as in
a cloud environment for the deployment of functions in mobile access networks. It can be seen
then as a complement to both NFV and SDN. There are several aspects, such as MEC
federation, that have not been tackled yet in MEC and can be considered as a potential gap not
only in MEC.
ETSI NVF Security Working Group. The NFV SEC Working Group comprises computer,
network and Cloud security experts, representing network operators, equipment vendors and
law enforcement agencies. The working group’s main objectives, as presented in [61], are to
advice the NFV ISG on all matters of the relevant security technologies and develop a wide
range of industry specifications that:
Identify both the NFV-specific security problems, as well as the technological advantages of
the NFV environment that can be harnessed to improve the security of the network
operators’ services
Provide specific guidance on various aspects of the NFV security in a systematic, holistic
manner, building trust from secure hardware modules to software and covering identity
management, authentication, authorization and secure attestation, as well as the means of
global monitoring of the whole NFV environment and decisive operational security actions
in response to security breaches
Address in detail the security of the present Open Source-based platforms (such as
Contribute to solving the problem of implementing Lawful Interception (LI) in the NFV
Work in close collaboration with other ETSI NFV WGs, PoCs, as well as external
organisations (ETSI TC Cyber, ETSI TC LI, Trusted Computing Group and contributing
members of OpenStack)
The group was initially created as an expert group in Phase I in 2012 with the objective to
establish the NFV security problem statement and advise all other working groups. In Phase 2, it
grown to a full working group with 18 active participants, regular meetings and a steady stream
of contributions. For the NFV SEC Working Group, the NFV technology presents unique
opportunities for addressing security problems. It can improve the security properties of
network functions, facilitate agile provision of secure services by the carrier and provide better
protection of the carrier cloud.
A list of the current ETSI NFV SEC WG work items is available here [62]. This covers a set
public documents that addresses multiple aspects such as: a thorough assessment of potential
new security concerns related to NFV, security problem statement (ETSI GS NFV-SEC 001), a
review of security features in open source management software in NFV (with focus on open
stack), security and trust guidance related to NFV development, architecture and operation
(NFV-SEC 003), privacy and regulatory aspects (NFV-SEC 004 and NFV-SEC 006) and
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certification deployment scenarios (NFV-SEC 005) and use cases and technical approaches for
multi-layer host administration (NFV-SEC 009).
In the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and in the sibling organisation, the Internet
Research Task Force (IRTF) there are distinct working groups addressing topics of interest for
5GPPP project partners, both from the research perspective (IRTF) and from the normalisation
perspective (IETF). Some of the activities of interest are the following:
IRTF NFV RG. The NFV Research group explores issues around NFV. A recent
contribution [15] has been released to analyse the gaps about handling of multiple
administrative domains in NFV environments. 5GEx and 5G-Crosshaul are contributing to
this RG.
IRTF SDN Research Group. This group adopted a document exploring the separation
between Service and Transport concerns in SDN [14]. It addresseed problems such as
unclear responsibilities for service provisioning, complicated reuse of components,
monolithical control architectures, and complex network diagnosis and troubleshooting by a
cooperating layered architecture for SDN (CLAS). CLAS consists of two strata, a Service
Stratum for service provisioning and providing capabilities to external applications, and a
Transport Stratum for connecting service end nodes building the end-to-end service
requested by applications on top.
The IETF/IRTF is becoming a very active and relevant venue in the area of software networks.
In addition to the two IRTF research groups mentioned above, there are many WGs addressing
some virtualization aspects. An overview of these efforts as well as relevant gaps is reported in
a “live” document (officially adopted by the IRTF NFVRG, driven by 5GPPP project partners)
[16]. For brevity, we do not include here all the analysis, but just cite a few as examples:
Redundancy and reliability mechanisms are currently not dealt with by the Service Function
Chaining (SFC) or any other WG in the IETF. While there was a main driver for forming a
new WG on this topic (VNFpool), no WG is hosting this as this time.
It would be worthwhile to see if some of the specific approaches developed in the NVO3
WG (e.g. overlays, traffic isolation, VM migration) can be applied outside the Data Center
(DC) environment, and specifically if they can be applicable to network virtualization.
These approaches would be most relevant to the NFVI and the VIM part of the MANO part
of the ETSI NFV architecture.
(Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) focuses on
portability and manageability of cloud applications and services across their lifecycle. It is
working on a simple profile for NFV, defining data models for networks services and VNFs,
and templates for VNFs, virtual links, forwarding graphs, and network services. This profile is
still worked upon (Draft 03 March 2016).
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5.1.4 TM Forum ZOOM
TM Forum is global industry association focused on for digitalization of every industry and its
transformation. It has a practical way through collaboration programs and industrial
communities which lead to rapid prototypes ranging from digital business models to open
APIs and associated procedures. TM Forum provides industry best practices and standards to
accelerate adoption.
ZOOM (Zero-touch Orchestration, Operations and Management) initiative is devoted to NFV
and focused in providing business and operational orientation to NFV on-going research
activities. This is very relevant in the ‘operation’ area understanding the impact of software
networks in Operational Support Systems (OSS) and how to build a blue print for an end-to-end
management across telecom operators. [41]
5.1.5 Small Cell Forum
Small Cell Forum (SCF) has carried out different studies analysing the introduction of
virtualization technologies in small cell [57][58][59]. A small cell is split into two components:
a remote small cell, where functions are non-virtualized, i.e. they are Physical Network
Functions (PNFs) that are implemented via a tightly coupled software and hardware, and a
central small cell, where functions are virtualized, i.e. they are Virtual Network Functions
(VNFs) that are implemented by abstracting the hardware from the software, so that they are
executed on a pool of shared computation, storage and networking resources. A central small
cell will serve multiple remote small cells. The central and remote small cells are physically
connected through the fronthaul link.
The consequences of the Small Cell concatenation to PNFs and VNFs, is under investigation in
the frame of the SCF. The various solutions administered for achieving virtualisation in Small
Cells are studied in [56]. The document also addressed the impact of these choices in the
architecture and supporting infrastructure at the edge. The latter affects both NFV and MEC
architectures and is still missing clean and optimised implementations.
5.2 SDN
5.2.1 ITU-T
ITU-T Study Group 13
is the lead study group of SDN in ITU-T and develops the SDN
framework, including SDN terminology, as baseline of ITU-T SDN standardization activities.
ITU-T Study Group 15
defines technologies and architectures of long-haul optical transport
networks enabling; fibre- or copper-based access networks; and home networks. The study
group is working on two new recommendations on “Common control aspects” and
“Architecture for SDN control of transport networks”. It intends to descript concepts common
to both SDN controller and ASON (automatically switched optical networks) control
approaches. It investigates also potential interaction among ASON control, SDN controllers,
management functions, and transport resources.
White Paper Software Networks WG
5.2.2 ONF
The Open Networking Foundation
(ONF) is a member-driven organisation promoting the
adoption of SDN through the development of the OpenFlow protocol as open standard for the
communication between the controller and the data forwarding network elements. Apart from
OpenFlow specifications development, ONF is very active in the definition of architectures
around SDN, independent of the protocol to be used for accessing and configuring the
equipment (the so called South Bound Interface from the controller perspective). A number of
ONF relevant initiatives are listed as follows:
The Architecture WG releases architectural specifications for SDN. The two main
specifications are [11] and [13], providing insight on SDN architectural matters, with
emphasis on the controller capabilities and the interfaces with the other elements in the
architecture (applications on top, devices below).
OpenFlow definition. Two standards are defined to control the forwarding behaviour (OF-
switch) and to configure and manage the switches (OF-config). 5G-Crosshaul is
participating in ongoing activities to define extensions for optical switches and for
microwave transmission [60]. OF-switch is actively developed further, seeking to keep a
balance between increasing functionality without increasing the amount of protocol headers
that can be used for matching packets.
APIs between layers. There are a number of initiatives in ONF exploring APIs between
layers in the SDN architecture. The Transport API (T-API) specifies an API for the
following transport network controller services: topology, connectivity, path computation,
virtual network, and notification. On the other hand, the North Bound Interface (NBI) group
is working on Intent based NBIs. An Intent NBI expresses what a network service-
consuming agent (i.e., an application or operator) requires from a network (i.e., it defines a
requested network service) but it does not specify or constrain how that service may or
should be delivered by the network.
The Carrier Grade SDN WG is working on a framework document where a number of
requirements are identified to accomplish a truly operational SDN from the perspective of
network operators and service providers. Aspects like the ability to deliver managed
services end-to-end, SLA compliance, Service Operations and Maintenance capabilities, etc.
are highlighted as core of an SDN Carrier Design. The Carrier Grade SDN framework
document also describes some of these issues considering Inter-Carrier interoperability and
Interoperability/co-existence between SDN and Legacy networks. The 5GEx project is cited
in such document as exemplary project analysing the multi-domain aspects.
Slicing for 5G. The Mobile WG has started to produce a report for the application of SDN
to 5G slicing. The idea is to describe how key functional aspects of the SDN architecture
apply for 5G enablement, including the business-driven concept of network slicing. Ideas
like the one proposed in [14] are also being considered in this group.
5.2.3 IEEE
The IEEE has created an SDN initiative
without creating new standards so far. The
recommended practice 802.1CF specifies how terminals can connect to access routers using
IEEE 802 technologies. This recommended practice defines an access network reference model
relevant entities, and reference points for communication among these entities.
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The IEEE P1903 WG
develops specifications for Next Generation Service Overlay Networks
(NGSON). It is currently working on the specification of service enabling functions, which can
be provided as Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) to support NFV applications.
Relevant to consider also IEEE 1903-2011 “Functional Architecture of Next Generation Service
Overlay Networks” describes a framework of Internet Protocol (IP)-based service overlay
networks and specifies self-organizing networking capabilities, including routing and
forwarding schemes, which are independent of underlying transport networks.
5.2.4 MEF
The Metro Ethernet Forum
(MEF) defined Carrier Ethernet or Ethernet connectivity as a
service. Basically Ethernet services with different topologies, E-Line, E-LAN, and E-Tree, are
defined among User-Network-Interfaces (UNI) with defined service level agreements (SLA).
As such, these Ethernet services can be used as an abstraction of connectivity among different
nodes. MEF has also defined how Ethernet services could be stitched together at Network-
Network-Interfaces (NNI) and how data centers could be connected.
The MEF has started specification work on lifecycle orchestration (LSO), providing a reference
architecture and framework (MEF-55). This framework defines requirements on APIs, but the
definition and implementation of the APIs is still pending.
White Paper Software Networks WG
6 Relevant open source activities
In this section, the key open source efforts/platform relevant to SDN and NFV are introduced.
Many of these are being adopted, used or contributed from 5G PPP projects.
6.1 SDN Controllers
To satisfy the multi-tenancy requirements in today's modern data centers, tunneling protocols
such as VLAN and GRE are used. Their aim is to provide abstraction layer on the top of the
physical infrastructure in order to ensure tenant isolation, expanded address space, L2 over L3
services, and VM interconnection between multiple datacenters.
The SDN technology provides a separation between network control and data plane
functionality. The SDN controller is a central independent entity, responsible for the stitching
the two planes in terms of providing a control logic as a software application that can enforce
specific rules and policies over the physical resources. Having the global view of the network
dataplane, the controller manages the switches using southbound protocols such as OpenFlow,
OVSDB, Netconf etc.
Several SDN controllers exist currently among the open source community and within the
industry. One of the first widely available, the NOX controller [31] was originally developed by
Nicira and released as open-source software. Other controller frameworks aimed at deployment
in production environments, include Beacon [32], Maestro [33] and FloodLight [35], all of
which are implemented in Java. FloodLight is the open source basis for Big Switch’s
commercial OpenFlow controller. Large number of companies such as Ciena, Cisco, Ericsson,
Fujitsu, Huawei, Intel, NEC are involved in the development and support of ONOS [34] an
open source SDN OS controller aimed for service providers architected for performance, high
availability, scale-out and well-defined northbound and southbound abstractions and interfaces
to create apps and services. OpenContrail [36] led by Juniper Networks, is another SDN
controller and a modular project that provides an environment for network virtualisation and
published northbound APIs. In particular, the network virtualisation is provided by means of a
set of building blocks and high level policies; it integrates an SDN controller to support network
programmability and automation, and a well-defined data model to describe the desired state of
the network. OpenDaylight (ODL) [37] is currently the de facto controller platform. Moreover
it goes beyond the controller functionality by providing open source framework for SDN
programmability. Twelve founding members have actively supported OpenDaylight, some of
which include Cisco, Juniper and IBM. ODL allows the inclusion of north or southbound
projects, standards and protocols due to its extensibility. It is developed in Java and based on
Apache Karaf - a small OSGi based runtime that provides a lightweight container onto which
various components and applications can be deployed. ODL is being more focused on the
support of networking protocols for virtualization platforms such as OpenStack via ne Neutron
ML2 plugin.
All three, ONOS, OpenContrail and ODL controllers are integrated in Open Platform for NFV
(OPNFV) [51] releases and they are distributed together with Open Stack.
Another group of controllers exist on the other hand, dedicated for Dockers and container
networking, such as Weave and Flannel.
White Paper Software Networks WG
Weave [49] was created by Zett.io, in order to address the Docker's networking issue. It
provides a single virtual network abstraction for Docker containers deployed across multiple
hosts. Weave single switch network representation allows to multiple containers, an access to,
and abstracted overlay of the same physical resources (file systems, databases, etc). Similarly,
Flannel [50] provides an overlay network view based on IP addresses and VXLAN solution.
Each host running a Docker container, has assigned a unique IP addresses from a given set of
subnets addresses to enable inter-container communication. Flannel uses etcd to store mappings
between the virtual IP and host addresses. A flanneld daemon runs on each host and is
responsible for watching information in etcd and routing the packets.
6.2 Network Service Automation Software
Where the network can be controlled with the open source software above, the software and
applications that can run upon such software-controllable networks must also be managed in an
automated fashion. This automation is supplied by the process of orchestration which can either
be seen as a completely centralised or decentralised process. The former is known as
composition in the software/IT world and the latter as, indeed, orchestration, although in the
context of software or NFV orchestration the process is mainly not a decentralised one.
The Linux Foundation created the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) [51] initiative in 2014,
after the creation of the OpenDaylight Project in April 2013 to boost adoption of SDN and
NFV. OPNFV is an integrated, open source
platform to accelerate the introduction of new
NFV products and services, by essentially
bringing together service and NFV providers,
cloud and infrastructure vendors, developers’
communities, and customers into a new NFV
ecosystem. OPNFV was motivated by the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
and ETSI NFV to achieve consistency among
open standards in terms of performance and
interoperability among virtualized network
infrastructures. OPNFV promotes an open source
network aimed at accelerating innovation and
collaboration between the participating
communities based on current technological
enablers. It is largely a collection of technologies
and open source projects based around such
technologies as OpenStack and OpenDayLight. It
looks into the additional features of Fault
Management, IPv6, SFC, L3VPN, Reservation,
Continuous Integration and Deployment in its
application domain. Details of all projects that bring additional functionality to OPNFV can be
viewed at the OPNFV wiki site [53]. OPNFV provides new releases every six months (available
around March and September). Last stable version named ‘Colorado’ was available in fall 2016.
The OpenStack community also is developing a NFV project under the Tacker project. Open
Stack Tacker [43] started as a subproject of OpenStack Neutron and has since been placed into
Figure 14: OPNFV architecture
White Paper Software Networks WG
its own official project. The Tacker project takes the TOSCA Simple Profile for NFV as the
basis of its VNF descriptors and then converts this into an appropriate Heat Orchestration
Template (HOT) . Tacker is currently considering how to implement SFC (service Function
Chain). Tacker has a general purpose monitoring framework that can be leveraged within the
TOSCA-NFV descriptors. The delineation of Tacker to OPNFV is seen such that Tacker can
present its VNFMs to be managed by OPNFV.
OpenMANO [42] was an open source project integrated under OSM hosted under ETSI NFV
WG that aims to provide a practical implementation of the reference architecture for NFV
management and orchestration proposed by ETSI NFV ISG, and being enhanced to address
wider service orchestration functions. The project is available under the Apache 2.0 license, it
was first released in early 2015 and it is currently under active development. The OpenMANO
framework is essentially focused on resource orchestration for NFV and consists of three major
components: openvim, openmano, and openmano-gui. The first component is essentially
focused on the resource infrastructure orchestration, implementing express EPA (Enhanced
Platform Awareness) requirements to provide the functionality of a Virtual Infrastructure
Manager (VIM) optimized for virtual network functions and high and predictable performance.
Although openvim is comparable to other VIMs, like OpenStack, it provides a set of features
such as direct control over SDN controllers by means of specific plugins (currently available for
Floodlight and OpenDaylight), aiming at high performance data plane connectivity. In addition,
openvim supports a northbound API available to the functional resource orchestration
component openmano to allocate resources from the underlying infrastructure, by direct
requests for the creation, deletion and management of images, flavours, instances and networks.
Openvim comes with a lightweight design that does not require additional agents to be installed
on the managed infrastructural nodes. The functional resource orchestration component itself is
controlled by a northbound API, which are currently suitable to be used directly by network
administrators via a web-based interface (openmano-gui) or by a command line interface (CLI)
that eases integration in heterogeneous infrastructures and with legacy network management
systems. The functional resource orchestrator is able to manage entire function chains that are
called network scenarios and that correspond to what ETSI NFV calls network services. These
network scenarios consist of several interconnected VNFs and are specified by the
function/service developer by means of easy-to-manage YAML/JSON descriptors. It currently
supports a basic life-cycle for VNF or scenarios (supporting the following events:
define/start/stop/undefine). The OpenMANO framework includes catalogues for both
predefined VNFs and entire network scenarios, and infrastructure descriptions carrying
Enhanced Platform Awareness (EPA) information.
OpenMANO along with Canonical’s Juju and Rift.io, figures as key technical components in
ETSI’s announced Open Source MANO (OSM). Release ONE announcement took place in
fall 2016. The approach taken in OSM is to split responsibility of resource and service
orchestration, carried out by OpenMANO and Rift.io, respectively. OSM has its founding
members as BT, Canonical, Intel, Mirantis, Rift.io, Telefonica, Telekom Austria and Telenor.
OSM’s motivation is for to become a reference implementation for the specification work
happening through ETSI and aims at making 6-monthly releases of their ETSI compliant NFV-
MANO framework. The architecture from a layered perspective has a GUI at the top which
interacts with the Network Service Orchestrator (implemented by Rift.io) that oversees the
management of requests to the Resource Orchestrator (provided by openmano) and VNF
Configuration (provided by Juju). This all eventually results in virtual infrastructure instances
running on the Virtual Infrastructure Manager (OpenMANO’s openvim or OpenStack).
White Paper Software Networks WG
Open-O [54] is a project under Linux Foundation to develop an open source software
framework and orchestrator to enable agile software-defined networking (SDN) and network
function virtualization (NFV) operations. Open-O is supported by multiple organization such as
Brocade, China Mobile, China telecom, GigaSpaces, Huawei, Intel, Red Hat or ZTE. Open-O
first release called “SUN,” has been released in November 2016. With an end-to-end service
approach, the open-o project aims to accelerate multi-vendor integration, service innovation and
improve agility across network operations. It provides an open orchestrator to bridge the gap
between virtualized functions and connectivity services.
It is also relevant to mention here the ECOMP [63] (Enhanced Control, Orchestration,
Management & Policy) platform pushed by US AT&T since from July 2016 announced the
intention to create an open source group to work with the community under Linux foundation in
2017 [64]. ECOMP includes SDN controller part, NFV orchestrator, service perspective and
associated procedures impacting the OSS. AT&T has established partnerships with Bell Canada
and Orange Europe to test and deploy ECOMP framework in order to reach more mature
operational level. However Linux Foundation has not yet announced ECOMP as an official
project probably because there is already the Open-O project hosted under its umbrella. In this
sense, both ECOMP and Open-O encompass more than MANO with the global service vision
and we may see a future collaborations and contributions under Open-O.
Hurtle [44] is an ETSI NFV compatible Network Function Orchestrator. Hurtle was part of the
Mobile Cloud Networking FP7 project [47]. It's been developed over the past three and a half
years of the project and is also used in other projects. The key goal of hurtle is to deliver any
software as a service, on-demand and given the trend of bringing software-based approaches
seen in cloud computing within the networking sphere, hurtle has shown to be able to deliver
networking software (for example OpenEPC [49], OpenAirInterface [50]) as a service specific
to a tenant’s needs. One of the key features of hurtle is the ability to deliver multi-domain, and
multi-service composed services. Hurtle supports a number of VIMs including OpenStack,
CloudStack and Joyent's Triton. Given Hurtle's service focus, placement logic is focused and
specific to those characteristics of services, typically cost and latency. Hurtle can deploy a
composed service across a set of data centres (sometime referred to as PoPs) and also data
centres where no peering-like agreements exist. All components within Hurtle can be part of
continuous integration and deployment processes. Hurtle is very extensible, allowing for
integration to other NFVOs, for example there existing integration between it and OpenBaton.
Hurtle also has billing services available to it from Cyclops [48]. Hurtle delivers tenant's service
instances through the Service Manager and creates these service instances through the Service
Orchestrator. The SO has the capability to automatically monitor and react to events (scaling- or
fault-related) generated by the resources that provide the service instance.
OpenBaton [40] is an ETSI NFV compliant Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator
(NFVO). OpenBaton was part of the OpenSDNCore project [40] started almost three years ago
by Fraunhofer FOKUS with the objective of providing a compliant implementation of the ETSI
NFV specification. OpenBaton is easily extensible. It integrates with OpenStack, and provides a
plugin mechanism for supporting additional VIM types. It supports Network Service
management either using a generic VNFM or interoperating with VNF-specific VNFM. It uses
different mechanisms (REST or PUB/SUB) for interoperating with the VNFMs. The
orchestrator implements the key functionalities of the MANO architecture. Specifically, it: i)
currently uses the OpenStack as first integrated NFV PoP VIM; ii) maintains an overview on the
infrastructure, supporting dynamic registration of NFV PoPs; iii) receives virtual network
function packages from the different users including VNF images and virtual network functions
descriptors (VNFDs); iv) deploys on-demand the VNFs on top of an infrastructure consisting of
White Paper Software Networks WG
multiple data center instances (NFV PoPs); and v)deploys in parallel multiple slices one for
each tenant, consisting of one or multiple VNFs. OpenBaton’s initial focus was to provide the
main functionalities for provisioning and managing Network Services. However, today, a
number of advanced features is supported, such as mechanisms for increasing the automation in
NS management, including auto-scaling (in/out), monitoring, fault management, TOSCA, etc.
FP7 T-NOVA [45] designed and implemented a management/orchestration platform named
TeNOR [46] for the automated provisioning, configuration, monitoring and optimization of
Network Functions-as-a-Service (NFaaS) over virtualized Network/IT infrastructures. TeNOR
is one of the core components of the T- NOVA architecture and being used in some 5G PPP
projects. It is responsible for network services and VNFs lifecycle management operations over
distributed and virtualized network/IT infrastructures. In essence, TeNOR is focused on
addressing two of the most critical issues related to NFV operational environments: (i)
automated deployment and configuration of services composed of virtualized functions; and (ii)
management and optimization of networking and IT resources for VNF hosting. Additionally, it
is responsible for the identification and allocation of resources to network services, Service
Level Agreement (SLA) fulfilment and resource usage optimization. The TeNOR orchestration
platform includes the implementation of an algorithm to map services jointly into the network
and cloud infrastructure, choosing the optimal resources to deploy the service and scales and
migrate according to the monitoring data received. Both external and internal interfaces of
TeNOR are REST/JSON, in a micro-service oriented architecture, which was selected to ensure
a lean and modular implementation and operation of the system. TeNOR provides a “generic”
VNF Manager, while allowing 'specific' VNF Managers to be provided together with a (set of)
VNFs (with an authentication/authorization scheme to control which functions should or
shouldn't be delegated to those 'specific' VNF Managers. VIM implementation is based on an
integration of OpenStack and ODL for the realization of the NFVI-PoPs, in which OpenStack
Cloud Controller and ODL comprise the VIM for the management of the infrastructure.
6.3 Remarks associated to SDN and NFV frameworks usage
There is much competition in the area of open source activities related to NFV and SDN. This
level of activity is encouraging, however makes the decision of choosing an open source-based
solution difficult especially when long term viability and maintenance of on particular project is
considered. It is now not clear of what should be the reference implementation or even there
will be one, given the competition and the existence of many open NFV solutions (OSM, Open-
O, recently open ECOMP, OS Tacker, etc) taking a high-level approach of ETSI NFV/MANO.
Initially OPNFV was seen to be this lower level reference implementation. OPNFV has matured
and expanded integrating ODL, Open Contrail and ONOS controllers. OSM and Open-O have a
own interpretation of some ETSI NFV/MANO elements when not completely specified such as
descriptors parameters, packaged chains to on-board, etc or on the scope.
All initiatives’ code is available under OS licensing (mainly Apache 2.0) and all support
OpenStack as the baseline VIM. A small number support more than just OpenStack and this
approach should be encouraged so as not to encourage mono-cultural thinking and be subject to
the effects of that. An example is OSM which is now natively supporting VMWare
environment. Others are expanding towards containers orchestration support (i.e. kubernetes)
which is a R&D topic to explore understanding how to properly support network deployments.
White Paper Software Networks WG
There are frameworks that usually target the IT domain that have been shown to provide
capabilities described by ETSI NFV and although they do not quite fit the bill a suitable
mapping and relevance can be established to the ETSI NFV model. This is very well
demonstrated by the Rift.io, Cloudify and Hurtle projects, which although can be considered as
service delivery enablers can also be used effectively in the NFV sphere. Should those
considering OSS to enable their NFV deployments, considering projects that also target IT
service delivery is a wise move.
White Paper Software Networks WG
7 Conclusions
This whitepaper is the first outcome of the 5G-PPP Software Network WG, which aims at
analyzing and addressing unification and applicability of key research topics related to Software
Networking including SDN and NFV, integrating the vision as developed and promoted by the
5G PPP projects and also aligned with the 5G-PPP Architecture WG.
SDN and NFV are core technologies in the transformation of networks towards 5G. This
transformation trend is quite visible now in several Industries, through the use of
”softwarization" on general computing platforms to optimize operational processes and in
bringing rapidly and efficiently new values in infrastructures.
This document conveys a first converged vision on the challenging research issue of combining
SDN and NFV technologies. It firstly introduces early attempts and steps to achieve this
combination by main standardization organizations, to then provide a first architectural proposal
to integrate NFV and SDN for 5G. This architectural proposal represents an initial step towards
effectively integrating SDN/NFV, which we plan to further evolve (by including more results
from the work conducted within the framework of the contributing projects) in a future white
paper. After introducing this conceptual architecture, we enumerate several examples where
software networks (will) play a significant role, identifying specific SDN/NFV integration
aspects that have not yet properly addressed. Last, but not least, we provide a survey of existing
relevant standardization and open source activities, with a two-folded goal: (i) get familiar with
existing efforts, and (ii) identify open gaps that need to be tackled.
There is a high competition concerning open source SDN / NFV frameworks as seen in previous
section. This should not be necessarily considered as a negative fragmentation but potential
implementation alternatives. The OS initiatives and 5G projects should work on exploring
advance functionalities (i.e. multi-domain slicing, recursiveness, multi-provider, etc) to enable
future scenarios ensuring the consistency in the information/data models, compatibility of
network service descriptors and open APIs.
Reviewing on-going 5G PPP 1st phase projects, the SN working group has gathered the OS
frameworks that are being used. There is a wide adoption of openstack (nova, neutron) as
baseline VIM, being docker/kubernetes the second most prominent option. The most popular
SDN/NFV OS frameworks are: OpenDayLight as SDN Controller (with ONOS in 2nd place)
and TeNOR as NFV orchestrator (used in at least four projects) and also OSM framework if we
consider not only the adoption but the established links and expected impact. It should be noted
that these 5G PPP projects are running in parallel to the OS community developments which
were not available when the projects started (first stable releases of OSM or Open-O date from
fall 2016 while 5G PPP projects were already in implementation phase). Another interesting
find is that Open-O or ECOMP do not appear in the adoption radar of EU R&D 1st phase 5G
PPP which is should be corrected in 2nd phase. The first wave of 5G PPP projects is delivering
pieces to OS initiatives since there is not an OS R&D EU community established. Thus the
projects are influencing OS developments or creating complementary solutions while
researching advance functionalities. Some new MANO platforms, SDN controller extensions,
developer toolsets (SDK) and Service Platforms are being released by 5G PPP projects.
We believe this whitepaper represents a first solid step towards getting a harmonized SDN/NFV
combined architecture from the main 5G-PPP phase I projects working in the area of SDN and
NFV. This will serve as basis for subsequent work on further specification of this architecture
and its interfaces.
White Paper Software Networks WG
8 References
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[2] https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-ppp-phase-1-projects/
[3] 5G Action Plan for Europe https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2016/EN/1-2016-
[4] https://5g-ppp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/5G-PPP-5G-Architecture-WP-July-2016.pdf
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available at https://www.opennetworking.org/images/stories/downloads/sdn-
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Ecosystem; Report on SDN Usage in NFV Architectural Framework”, available at
[9] ITU, Recommendation ITU-T Y.3300 (06-2014), "Framework of software-defined
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[11] View on 5G Architecture, 5G PPP Architecture Working Group, Version 1.0, July 2016,
available at https://5g-ppp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/5G-PPP-5G-Architecture-WP-July-
[12] Open Networking Foundation, “SDN Architecture Issue 1” TR-502, June 2014, available at
[13] Open Networking Foundation, “SDN Architecture Issue 1.1” TR-521, January 2016,
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[14] Luis M. Contreras, Carlos J. Bernardos, Diego López, M. Boucadair, P. Iovanna,
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[16] 5G-PPP Pre-standards-WG Issues Paper, https://5g-ppp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/5G-
[17] C.J. Bernardos, A. Rahman, JC. Zúñiga, L.M. Contreras, P. Aranda, “Gap Analysis on
Network Virtualization Activities”, draft-irtf-nfvrg-gaps-network-virtualization-00 (work in
progress), March 2016.
[18] NOXREPO.org. NOX. NOXREPO.org. [Online] 2016. www.noxrepo.org.
[19] Beacon Openflow. [Online] 2016. https://openflow.stanford.edu/display/Beacon/Home.
White Paper Software Networks WG
[20] Maestro Platform -A scalable control platform writen in Java which supports OpenFlow
switches. code.google.com. [Online] 2016. https://code.google.com/p/maestro-platform/
[21] Project Floodlight. Project Floodlight - Open Source Software for Building Software-Defined
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Networks. Project Floodlight. [Online] 2016. www.projectfloodlight.org/floodlight.
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[24] Weave. [Online] 2016. http://www.infoworld.com/article/2608941/application-
[25] Flannel. [Online] 2016. https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-rudder/
[26] OpenBaton. [Online] 2016. http://openbaton.github.io/
[27] OpenSDNCore. Online 2016. http://www.opensdncore.org/
[28] OpenMANO. Online 2016. https://github.com/nfvlabs/openmano
[29] Hurtle, Online 2016, http://hurtle.it
[30] http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/jca/sdn/Documents/deliverable/Free-download-sdn-
[31] NOXREPO.org. NOX. NOXREPO.org. [Online] 2016. www.noxrepo.org
[32] Beacon Openflow. [Online] 2016. https://openflow.stanford.edu/display/Beacon/Home.
[33] Maestro Platform -A scalable control platform written in Java which supports OpenFlow
switches. code.google.com. [Online] 2016. https://code.google.com/p/maestro-platform/
[34] http://onosproject.org/ https://code.google.com/p/maestro-platform/
[35] Project Floodlight. Project Floodlight - Open Source Software for Building Software-Defined
Networks Project Floodlight - Open Source Software for Building Software Defined
Networks. Project Floodlight. [Online] 2016. www.projectfloodlight.org/floodlight.
[36] Juniper Networks. OpenContrail. OpenContrail. [Online] 2016. http://opencontrail.org/.
[37] OpenDaylight.org. OpenDaylight. OpenDaylight. [Online] 2016. www.opendaylight.org.
[38] Weave. [Online] 2016. http://www.infoworld.com/article/2608941/application-
[39] Flannel. [Online] 2016. https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-rudder/
[40] OpenBaton. [Online] 2016. http://openbaton.github.io/
[41] https://www.tmforum.org/zoom/
[42] OpenMANO. Online 2016. https://github.com/nfvlabs/openmano
[43] Tacker project https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tacker
[44] Hurtle, Online 2016, http://hurtle.it
[45] FP7 T-NOVA project. [Online] 2016. http://www.t-nova.eu/
[46] TeNOR Orchestrator. [Online] 2016. https://github.com/T-NOVA/TeNOR
[47] FP7 Mobile Cloud Networking Project. [Online] 2016. http://mobile-cloud-networking.eu
[48] Cyclops: Rating-Charging-Billing Solution for Cloud providers. [Online] 2016
White Paper Software Networks WG
[49] OpenEPC: Open Evolved Packet Core. [Online] http://www.openepc.com
[50] OpenAirInterface. [Online] http://www.openairinterface.org
[51] OPNFV: Open Platform for NFV. [Online] http://opnfv.org
[52] OPNFV: An Open Platform to Accelerate NFV, Linux Foundation Whitepaper,
[53] OPNFV Wiki. [Online] https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/PROJ/Approved+Projects
[54] https://www.open-o.org/news/announcement/2016/11/open-o-bridges-gap-between-sdn-and-
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[58] SCF 106.06.01 “Virtualization for Small Cells: Overview”, June, 2015.
[59] SCF “Virtualization in small cell networks. Translating NFV Concepts to SCN
Functions”, June, 2015.
[60] Microwave Information Model (December 2016 | TR-532),
[61] Igor Faynberg, WG SEC Chairman - Presentation of the ETSI NFV SEC Working Group -
Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuwnovW92vI
[62] ETSI NFV SEC Working Group - ETSI Portal - Online:
[63] http://about.att.com/content/dam/snrdocs/ecomp.pdf
[64] https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/att-will-launch-ecomp-open-source-2017/2016/10/
White Paper Software Networks WG
9 Editors
Overall Editors (WG co-chairs)
Josep Martrat
Carlos Jesus
Contributors and reviewers
Chen Tao
Navid Nikaein
Kostas Katsalis
Thomas Deiss
Qing Wei
Paris Flegkas
CERTH/University of
Eleni Trouva
NCSR Demokritos
Jose M. Alcaraz
University of the West of
Qi Wang
University of the West of
Andy Edmonds
Zürich University
Pouria Sayyad
George Xilouris
NCSR Demokritos
Aurora Ramos
George Tsolis
Citrix Systems
Vivek Kulkarni
George Petropoulos

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