60207900B_1700_Programming_Training_Feb70 60207900B 1700 Programming Training Feb70
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1 ) PROGRAMMING TRAINING MANUAL INSTRUCTION INDEX INSTRUCTIONS (by class) Hex Code Mnemonic Section Number Hex Code Mnemonic AXXX BXXX CXXX DXXX EXXX FXXX JMP MUI DVI STQ RTJ STA SPA ADD SUB AND EOR LDA RAO LDQ ADQ 5.1. 2.4 5.1. 2. 2 5.1. 2.1 5.1. 2.1 5.1. 2.1 5.1. 2. 2 5.1. 2. 2 5.1. 2. 3 5.1. 2. 3 5.1. 2.1 5.1. 2.1 5.1. 2.2 Skip 010X 011X 012X 013X 014X 015X 016X 017X 018X 019X 01AX 01BX 01CX 01DX 01EX 01FX SAZ SAN SAP SAM SQZ SQN SQP SQM SWS SWN SOY SNO SPE SNP SPF SNF PSEUDO OPS (by mnemonic) Page Section Mnemonic Number Number .,...-r' ,.--, "'--"'" Shifts** Storage 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX 4XXX 5XXX 6XXX 7 XXX 8XXX 9XXX Section Number 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.4 5.2.4 5.2.4 QRS LRS ARS QLS ALS LLS OF2X OF6X OF4X oFAX OFCX OFEX 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 Interregister 0808* 081X 0818* 082X 0828* 083X 0838* 084X 0848* 085X 0858* 086X 0868* 087X 0878* 08A8* 08BX 08D8* 08E8* 08FX 08F8* TRM TRQ TRB TRA AAM AAQ AAB CLR TCM TCQ TCB TCA EAM EAQ EAB LAM LAQ LAB CAM CAQ CAB 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 Register Reference OOXX 02XX 03XX 04XX 05XX 06XX 07XX 09XX OAXX OBXX OCXX ODXX OEXX SLS INP OUT EIN lIN SPB CPB INA ENA NOP ENQ INQ EXI 5.5.5 5.5.4 5.5.4 5.5.3 5.5.3 5.5.2 5.5.2 5.5.1 5.5.1 5.5.5 5.5.1 5.5.1 5.5.3 *Right most Hex number will include destination register. **Third Hex number will include uppermost bit of shift count (bit 4). ADC ADC* ALF BSS BZS COM DAT DEC ElF EJT EMC END ENT EQU EXT EXT* IFA IFC LOC LST MAC MON NAM NLS NUM OPT ORG ORG* SPC VFD 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.12 6.12 6.13 6.13 6.10 6.15 6.20 6.16 6.2 6.3 6.5 6.3 6.6 6.15 6.18 6.17 6.19 6.16 6.22 6.1 6.19 6.6 6.21 6.14 6.14 6.19 6.11 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-15 6-15 6-16 6-16 6~13 6-21 6-27 6-23 6-4 6-4 6-7 6-4 6-6 6-21 6-25 6-24 6-27 6-23 6-29 6-3 6-27 6-9 6-28 6-19 6-19 6-27 6-13 -_.- ) l '-./ .J 1700 PROGRAMMING TRAINING MANUAL TIDRD EDITION I '-_ .J FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY This manual was compiled and written by instructional personnel of CONTROL DATA INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CONTROL DATA CORPORATION ,,~- ....... / Publication Number 60207900B February, 1970 The original draft of this manual was compiled and written by the Southern Region Training Staff. Technical revisions which have been incorporated in this printing were submitted by the Southern, Southeastern and Eastern Region Training Staffs. Physical composition was accomplished by the Graphic Services Department within Control Data Educational Institutes. Since this department has continuation responsibilities for the originals of this manual, additional corrections, revisions, or suggestions should be submitted to the Manager of Graphic Services for processing. \. Copyright 1970, Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I 1700 BASIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1700 ARITHMETIC ASSEMBLY SOURCE FORMAT BASIC 1700 INSTRUCTION FAMILIARIZATION 1700 MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS PSEUDO OPS INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LANGUAGE I/O r SYSTEM REQUESTS ,) ., MSOS USE \' ...~ ('-- 'J ',-, \ I PART II CONFIGURING A SYSTEM ADVANCED CODING TECHNIQUES PERIPHERAL PROGRAMMING - I (NON-INTERRUPT MODE) PERIPHERAL PROGRAMMING - II (INTERRUPT MODE) LIBEDT EXAMPLES APPENDIXES INDEX ~I .. INDEX TO FIGURES Page Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r'~ , L..../ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1700 Computer System Characteristics 1700 Interrupt Trap Area . Basic System Description • Typical Configuration • Console. Numbers 1700 Integer Numbers . Range of Numbers Used in the 1700. Floating Point Example. Processing the Assembly Language Program Sample Assembly Listing . Address Modes for Storage Reference Class Instructions Data, Program and Common Counters. Side and Top Views of 850 Disk Pack . Flow of Requests • Macro Calls for Requests Available to Background Programs . Control Statements Available Under the Job Processor • Control Statements Available to the Breakpoint Package. Control Statements Available to the System Recovery Package. 1700 Computer System Block Diagram. 1700 Hardware Configuration . 1700 (1704 or 1774) Communications System Configuration. Mass Memory Core Maps • Object Tape Flow of Program Through Execution Error Examples for Incorrect Addressing in Mass Memory Programs • Maps of Mass Memory Modules and Core Subroutines 1700 Core Map (Externals) Disk. Sector Format on Disk • Data Buffer for Disk. Interim Drum Interface Codes 1731 Functions. 1700 Interrupt Hardware and Software Functions Interrupt Flow. v 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-10 1-11 2-1 2-4 2-5 2-9 3-1 3-7 5-2 6-12 7-12 8-4 8-6 9-2 9-19 9-25 10...,7 · 10-10 • 10-12 11-2 11-5 • 11-11 · • · • • • • • 11-22 11-45 11-51 12-37 12-38 12-39 12-49 12-59 13-2 • 13-10 INDEX TO PROBLEMS* L I~ C·,.:,'- PROBLEM PAGE Addressing 5-14 MOVE 5-28 SUM 5-28 CHNG 5-28 SUB 5-35 SORT 5-37 CLRPB 5-40 CONVRT 5-43 VALUE 6-16 INI 6-19 CKASSM 8-59 Runanywhere 11-23 REENTRANT 11-31 THREAD 11-38 MMPGM 11-47 *Note that solutions to problems appear in Appendix G. r "\ \.~ ... ~. ~. vii PART I .' II CHAPTER I 1700 BASIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION CHAPTER I - 1700 Basic System Description ~." ""\ lJ (' TOPIC PAGE Introduction 1-1 1.1 Memory 1-1 1.2 Protect System 1-2 1.3 Interrupt System 1-3 1.4 Input/ Output 1-6 1.5 Basic System Description 1-6 1.5.1 Registers 1-6 1.6 Typical Configuration 1-10 1.7 Console Description 1-12 1.1 INTRODUCTION C...} The CONTROL DATA® 1704 Computer is a stored program, digital computer. Physically small, it is designed for high computation and input/output (I/O) s pee d. The program protection features of the 1704 Computer and high reliability under a wide range of environmental conditions make it suitable for real-time, on-line, or control applications. The interface of the 1700 Computer System is capable of accepting a greatvariety of peripheral devices. Refer to Figure 1 for system characteristics. Figure 1. 1700 Computer System Characteristics Stored program, digital computer Completely solid - state, 6000-type logic Parallel modes of operation IS- bit storage word 16 data bits 1 parity bit 1 program protect bit Reliability (calculated): Approximately S,OOO h 0 u r s mean time between failures for the 1704 Computer Environment: 40° F to 1200 F Relative humidity 0% to SO% Cooling: Forced Air 16-bit instruction word System Interrupt Two 16-bit index registers Multilevel indirect addressing Magnetic core storage (options available): 4096 IS-bit w 0 r d s, expandable to 32,76S words Input/ Output (options available): Transmission of 16-bit words or S-bit characters Console includes: Register contents displayed in binary; operating switches and indicators Flexible repertoire of instructions: Arithmetic operations Logical and masking 0 per ations Interregister transfers Base 16 (hexadecimal) number system Binary arithmetic: Modulus 2 - 1 (one's complement) Intercomputer communications: 1700 to 1700 Satellite operations 1.1 MEMORY The basic 1700 Computer System provides high- speed, random-access mag net i c core storage for 4,096 IS-bit w 0 r d s. The storage capacity may be expanded from 4K by 4K increments to 32K as a maximum. With the addition of special hardware, memory may be doubled from 32K to 64K. ® Registered trademark of Control Data Corporation 1-1 1.1 storage c y c I e time is 1. 1 microseconds. This is defined as the shortest possible time between successive Read/Write operations in storage. A storage word may be a 16-bit instruction, a 16-bit 0 per and or a 16-bit addres s. A parity bit and a program protect bit are a p pen de d to each 16-bit storage word; thus a storage word is 18 bits long. Format: 17 16 15 t tparity Bit Program Protect Bit Bit o l16-Bit Data or Instruction Word Bit 16 is the parity bit. It takes on a value so that the total number of 1 bits is odd (total number of bits includes the program protect bit). For example, if all 16 data bits are 1 's and the program protect bit is 0, the parity bit is a 1. Bit 17 is the program protect bit. If it is a one, the word is protected and can only be modified or changed by a protected instruction. 1.2 PROTECT SYSTEM The program protect system in the 1700 makes it possible to protect a program in the computer from any other non-protected program also in the computer. The combination of the high internal memory speed and the program protect s y s t e m makes possible the use of the 1700 for background and foreground work. Foreground programs are protected and are generally multi-level (level 2 to 15) process programs. The foreground job is protected in core and runs at higher priority than background jobs which are assemblies, compilations, programs being debugged, etc. The background programs use the time available and are run in unprotected core. The protect system is enabled by setting the program protect switch on the programmer's panel. Any attempt to violate in any manner the protected portion of core from an unprotected instruction will cause a program protect violation which sets an in t err up t on line 0 and also the program protect indicator which is visible as one of the fault lines on the programmer's panel. There are four program protect violations. They are: 1. An attempt is made by a non-protected instruction to write into a storage location containing a protected instruction or operand. It is legal to read from a protected area. 2. An a t t em p t is made to write into a protected storage location by way of the external storage access when a non-protected instruction was the ultimate source of the attempt. 3. An attempt is made to execute a protected instruction following the execution of a non-protected instruction. .1-2 1.2 .' '" ~ u 4. An attempt is made to execute interregister class instructions with bit 0 a one (M register is the destiriation); instructions EIN, IIN, EXI, SPB, or CPB. Later examination of these instructions will show how these are used to change the state of interrupts or the protected core area itself. 1.3 INTERRUPT SYSTEM The basic computer (1704) provides two interrupt lines. Line 0 provides entry for interrupts generated as a result of a storage parity error, a program protect fault, or power failure. There are instructions available for the processing program to check for parity error or protect fault, and power failure can be assumed if one of the other two conditions does not exist. In the case of power failure, approximately 8 milliseconds of programming time are available; then the computer generates a mas t e r clear before the power actually goes down. Special hardware is a v a i I a b I e' which can generate an automatic restart after the power comes back up. Line Iprovides for interrupts from the low-speed peripherals controlled by Equipment #1, the slow channel synchronizer. Any of the four stations (TTY, Card Reader, Paper Tape Reader, Paper Tape Punch) on the slow channel synchronizer sends its interrupt to line 1. The 1705 provides expansion from two interrupt lines to 16 interrupt lines, to pro v ide for additional equipment. o Interrupts are controlled by an interrupt mask register (M Register, 16 bits) which either allows selected interrupts in or blocks them out. Each line corresponds to its bit in the M Register. If the bit is a 0, any interrupt on that line is blocked out and must wait; if the bit is a 1, the interrupt is allowed in. The mask in the M register is set and changed under pro g ram control. Priority is established by the mask in the M register, not by the line position. In the case of concurrent interrupts on more than one line at the same priority, the lowest numbered line is recognized first. There is a fixed group of core 10 cat ion s assigned to the interrupt system, locations $100-$13F, called the Interrupt Trap area. Four core locations are ~eserved for each line, beginning at $100 for line 0; each 4-'word block is called the "trap" for that line. n 1-3 1.3 .... '''- ... Figure 2. 1700 13F 13E 13D t----------4 Interrupt Trap Area 1 LINE 15 TRAP 13C .... r" ". 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 1 1 LINE 1 TRAP I LINE 0 TRAP I Contents of Trap: word word word word 3 - address of interrupt processor 2 - priority level for line 1- R TJ to interrupt handler 0 - overflow and P If the interrupt system is enabled and an in t err up t occurs on a line that has a corresponding 1 in the M register, the hardware does the following: 1. disables the interrupt system (locks out all interrupts), 2. saves the contents of the Pre g i s t e r (the address of the next instruction which would have been executed in the interrupted program) in the first word of the trap for that line, 3. saves the state of the same word, 0 v e r flow indicator (1 if set, 0 if not set) in bit 15 of that 4. transfers control to the second word in the trap. The above is all that the hardware does in handling an interrupt; anything else must be done by the software. Under most systems, the second word of the trap for each line is initialized by the software to contain a jump out of the t rap to a routine (or routines) to save the registers of the interrupted program and handle the interrupt. The third and fourth words of each trap can be used by the so f twa r e to contain anything desired; the standard operating system uses these words to hold the priority level of the line and the address of the processing program for the line, respectively. The interrupt processing routine may exit interrupt state (back to the interrupted program) through word 0 of the corresponding trap. Example: Assume line 1 has high priority, line 3 has lower priority. Line 0 always has highest priority. Any other running program has lower priority than either line 0, 1, or 3. 1-4 1.3 u Make a table containing M register masks to be used while the routine servicing each line is running: bit ----. o 15 MASKM o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 mask for main program MASK3 o 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 1 1 mask for line 3 MASK1 o 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 1 mask for line 1 MASKO o 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 mask for line 0 Note that MASKM will allow all pertinent lines to interrupt; MASK3 will allow line 1 or line 0 to interrupt; MASK1 will allow only line 0 to interrupt; MASKO will not allow any line to interrupt. The processing programs would be set up as follows: Main Program Set M register to MASKM Enable interrupt system Enl Interrupt Processor for Line 3 Store A, Q, I, M registers Set M register to MASK3 Enable interrupt system Inhitt interrupts Restore registers Exit interrupt state 03 Interrupt Processor for Line 1 Store A, Q, I, M registers Set M register to MASK! Enable interrupt system Inhibi3 interrupts Restore registers [) \ .... Exit interrupt state 01 , 1-5 1.3 Interrupt Processor for Line 0 Store A, ~Q' I, M registers { Exit interrupt state 00 J could just leave interrupts locked out during execution as shown here rat her than set new mask (mask would be MASKO if set and interrupts enabled) \, _____ i Chapter 4 of the Computer Reference Manual contains more details abo u t the Interrupt System. 1.4 INPUT/OUTPUT Included with the 1704 is a slow channel synchronizer. This channel handles any or all of the slow speed devices normally affixed to a 1704. These are the 1713 Teletype, the 1729 Card Reader, the 1721 Paper Tape Reader, and the 1723 Paper Tape Punch. * Figure 2 shows a data pack extending from these slow speed devices through the slow channel synchronizer to both the A and Q registers. T ran s fer of information to these devices then is one word at a time (unbuffered) with the Q register containing address information and the A register containing data. The addition of a 1705 to the 1704 extends the A/Q unbuffered channel to eight more equipments. The 1705 also provides the addition of a direct access bus (DAC) to core. This provides buffered transfer of data directly to or from memory, bypassing the registers in the computer and, in fact, bypassingthe normal compute channel of the computer. This direct access allows high speed transfer of data from peripheral devices like discs, drums, mag tapes, or high speed industrial equipment like multiplexers, etc. 1.5 BASIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Figure 2 ill us t rat e s the basic structure of the 1704 and also extension to peripherals through the addition of a 1705. The basic 1704 is supplied with 4K (4096 words) of core storage. Core can be expanded in 4K increments to a maximum of 32K (or to 64K with the addition of special hardware). 1. 5. 1 Registers There are four registers that the programmer can get to directly from instructions. These registers are the A, Q, I, and M registers. The A Register is the principal arithmetic register. It contains 16 bits (labeled bit-O up to bit-15) of which bit-15 is the sign bit for arithmetic operations. The A register is also the register used to interface data d uri n g input/output operations to peripheral equipment. *Also the variations of these (1711, 1713,11722, 1724). 1-6 " .. _-"",' 1.5.1 Figure 3. \ I ...--------......, DACDirect Core Access Line 0 Interrupt Storage 4 K Basic Parity & Program Protect Expand To 32K 1704 U Basic System Description 1705 , 14 Z F (8 Bits) L... (18 Bits) S (15 Bits) t f X (16 Bits) ---. , - - - -...1705 P (15 Bits) ..-. 14 Inter rupt I~V Line~ ..--- Y (16 Bits) ~ 16 Interrupt Lines +1 .. M -. (16 Bits) II , 1'~ .~ 1 t ~ ~_____JAddend Q Augend·l Gates Gates A (16 Bits) (16 Bits) ~ -+--l e Adder (16 Bits) LogicaL... Difference ~ C,) :s 1-i Shif~--.. C,) I JP.ft oS~~--r-~~~~~ ~ogical • .. Shifter Product !:l C,) or-! ;::l 1705 ~ r.iI 00 0 E-t -- ~--------------!t-----+__ I A/Q Channel - I/O (Part of 1704) I I I I I 11711- TTY 11729 - CR ~ "Rig-ht -"'-1 -=- - '-Slow channeiSynchronizer Equip #1 S Shift ~---~ H rn -+--l Note: 1 1721- PTRf I 1723-PTP 1-7 The I register is memory location $FF. 1.5.1 The Q Register is a multi-use register. Its uses include: a. Auxiliary arithmetic register. b. Retains part of the result of arithmetic operations such as multiply or divide. c. Retains the most significant portion of the dividend during divide operations. d. The Q Register is also used as the primary index register for address modification. e. The Q Register supplies the addressing for per ip her a 1 equipments during unbuffered input/output operations. The I Register is the second index register available. 00FF 16 · It is actually core location The M Register or Mask Register controls interrupts. A one bit in any position of the mask register will enable an interrupt from the corresponding line number while a zero in any bit position of the mask register blocks the interrupt from the corresponding line number. The mask register is effective in controlling interrupts only when the interrupt system is enabled. Other registers of interest to the programmer are: P Register: This 15-bit register functions as the program address counter. It holds the address of each instruction, and after executing the instruction at address P, P is advanced to the address of the next instruction. The amount by which P is advanced is determined by the type of instruction being executed. X Register: The X register is an exchange register containing 16 bits. This register holds data going to or from memory. It also holds one of the parameters in most arithmetic operations. Y Register: The Y register is an address register containing 16 bits. It is in this register that storage addresses are formed and held for transfer during a storage reference. The A, Q, M, mer's panel. X~ Y and P Registers can be displayed and entered on the program- Shifter: The shifter is used by multiply, divide, and shift ins t r u c t ion s. It is capable of shifting the output of the adder left and right one binary position or giving a direct transfer path to the arithmetic registers.' Adder: A I6-bit adder is used toperform all arithmetic and address calculations. Inputs to the adder are shown through the gates. The adder is a one's complement: subtractive adder which is more fully described in the next chapter. F Register: This 8-bit register is used by the control section of the 1704 for decoding instructions. 1-8 '-, ......... ' 1.5.1 Z Register: This register communicates between the actual core storage and the computer through the X register. Notice this is an IS-bit register; the lower 16 bits are data or instructions from core, the 17th bit or bit #16 is the par it Y bit and the high order bit or bit #17 is the pro g ram protect bit. Core storage is described more fully in the next section. S Register: This 15-bit register w h i chis fed from the Y reg is t e r is used to directly address core storage. Since core storage has a maximum of 32K locations, the S register need only be 15 bits. The Z register and the S register are connected directly to ext ern a I equipment through the 1705. This d ire c t access channel allows insertion or extraction of core data directly to peripherals without program intervention. Refer to Reference 1, Appendix A, for a more de t a i led description of the registers. o 1-9 . I-' r-' ~ ~ ~ I-d (5 > ~ (":) 0 Z ~ ~ 0 c:::: !J:j > ~ 1721 PTR ~ CR 1704 CPU 32K Disk 'I .... o 1711 TTY I Analog Gear .J ( ) 0 Z ~ o CONTROL DATA r-:::l Hi Temp Temp Warn OV PP Par ~OOOOO 10 (500 ~ F2 SK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 LP XR A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 L A Q 0 0 0 0 Q Skip MIAfQIM K Interregister Shift (') 6 Fl Register ReferencL q i o I:j 00 6 1I 510 0 0 0 006 0 0 0 a 0 a 6 a a 8 r lind F Ind Sto OFF r-:::l ~ 1-1 I EMERGENCY 1700 Storage Reference ot-" (D ear Program Protect Register Select Q Enter 00 .. Test Mode Sweep Sel Skip Sel stop 00 Master Clear Run 0 0 Step . 1-1 1.7 1.7 CONSOLE DESCRIPTION SWITCHES Master Clear This is a three-position key/lever switch. A Mas t e r Clear is executed whenever it is momentarily operated either up or down. A Master Clear returns the computer and peripheral device'S to initial conditions by clearing all registers and peripheral equipment logic. Run/Step This is a three-position key/lever switch. When the s wit chis momentarily placed in the RUNposition, the computer begins program execution, starting with the instruction whose address is in the P register. The computer is stopped by momentarily placing the switch in the STEP position. If the switch is repeatedly placed in the STEP position, the computer steps t h r 0 ugh the program, stopping after each storage reference. The significance of the storage reference just made is indicated by the Instruction Sequence indicators (INSTRUC TION, INDIRECT ADDRESS, etc.). Enter/Sweep This is a three-position key/lever switch maintained in all positions. The center position is off. Enter is used to enter memory; sweep is used to examine the contents of memory. Enter The ENTER position selects the Enter mode. In this mode, each Step operation of the R UN/ STE P switch stores the contents of the X register at the location specified by P + 1 and then advances the P register by one. The first step after a Master Clear or clear P stores the contents of the X register at the location specified by P. To store a few instructions in unprotected storage, pro c e e d as follows: 1) Power is on but computer is stopped. 2) Operate Master Clear switch. 3) Press P REGISTER SELECT switch and CLEAR pushbutton, in that order. Set desired address for instruction in P by use of indicator pushbuttons. 4) Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 5) Press X REGISTER SELECT switch. 1-12 1.7 o 6) Press CLEAR pushbutton, then enter word to be stored by use of indicator pushbuttons. 7) Move RUN/STEP switch to STEP one time (carefully). To store additional words in successive storage locations, repeat steps 6 and 7 until finished. To change to a new seq u e n c e of addresses, start at step 2 for the first one, then repeat steps 6 and 7 for each successive word. A lighted indicator pushbutton indicates a "1", a dark one a "0". Sweep The SWEEP position selects the Sweep mode. In this mode, each operation of the RUN/STEP switch displays in the X register the contents of the storage location whose address is P + 1. The P register is advanced by one after each Step operation. The first step after a Master Clear or clear P displays the location specified by P. Instructions are not executed. Selective Stop This is a three-position key/lever switch. The computer stops when it executes a Selective Stop instruction if this switch is in either the up or down po sit ion. The up position is maintained; the down position is momentary. Selective Skip This is a three-position key/lever s wit c h. Two Selective Skip instructions (SWS and SWN) are conditioned by this switch. This switch is off in the center position; the up position is maintained; the down position is momentary. Program Protect/ Test Mode This is a three-position key/lever switch maintained in all positions. The center position is off. Program Protect The PROGRAM PROTECT position selects program protection. Test Mode The TEST MODE position s e I e c t s Test mode. the customer engineers for maintenance. Emergency Off This is used by Pressing this switch shuts off power for the entire system. 1-13 1.7 ,-......... ,. Register Select The M, P, Y, X, A, and Q registers are available for display and manual entry of values via switch/indicators. A six-pushbutton switch/indicator, REGISTER SELECT, selects the register for display and entry. Push the button for the desired register, and the contents of that re gis te r will light up in the 16-bit console binary register. A button lighted indicates a 1 bit; unlighted, a 0 bit. If it is des ire d to change the contents of the register, push the C LEAR button (not Master Clear switch) to clear out that register. Then set the new con ten t s in the register by pushing the button (it will light up when pushed) for each bit that should be a 1 bit in the register. INDICATORS Program Protect The PROGRAM PROTECT bit indicator displays the state of the program protect bit of the last storage location referenced by the computer. Faults There are five fault indicators. is present. Instruction Sequence Indicators When lighted, the fault condition • HI TEMP The temperature inside the co mp ute r has exceeded safe operating limits. • TEMP WARN The ambient air temperature is approaching the maximum safe operating limit. • OVERF LOW • PROGRAM PROTECT A violation of the program protect system has been detected. • STORAGE PARITY A parity error has been detected in an operand or instruction read from storage. An arithmetic register overflow has occurred. When an instruction is being stepped, this group of four indicators des c rib e the meaning of the storage reference just completed. The data of the storage reference (read or write) is in the X register. The four indicators and the i r meaning when lighted are: • INSTRUCTION: The contents of the X register is an instruction. 1-14. ) ~i 1.7 I" .• ~ ... \ U • INDIREC T ADDRESS: The contents of the X register is the result of indirect addressing. The indirect address may also be another indirect address, hence, this indicator may remain lighted for several consecutive storage references. • STORAGE INDEX: The contents of the X register is the value of the Storage Index register. • OPERAND: The contents of the X register is the value of the operand either written into or read from storage. If more than one Instruction Sequence indicator is 1 i g h ted, the computer is running. If only one indicator is lighted, the computer is not running or is in a rather unlikely program loop which does not use operands, the storage index, or indirect addressing. o 1-15 o CHAPTER II 1700 ARITHMETIC o CHAPTER II - 1700 Arithmetic U o TOPIC PAGE 2.1 HEX-DEC Conversions 2-1 2.2 Range of Numbers 2-4 2.3 Adder: 2-6 2.4 Overflow 2-7 2.5 Floating Point Numbers 2-7 2.6 Exercises 2-10 2.1 o () Numbers Figure 6. Hexadecimal Binary Decimal Octal 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 2 3 3 11 3 4 4 100 4 5 5 101 5 6 6 110 6 7 7 111 7 8 10 1000 8 9 11 1001 9 ·10 12 1010 A 11 13 1011 B 12 14 1100 C 13 15 1101 D 14 16 1110 E 15 17 1111 F 16 20 10000 10 2.1 HEX-DEC CONVERSIONS Since the 1700 is a 16-bit machine, it is convenient to group the 16 binary bits into 4 hexadecimal digits. This allow s for quicker and easier manipulation of the arithmetic and easier identification of program dumps. The relationship of the 4 binary bits to each hexadecimal digit and the decimal equivalent is shown below: 15 [ 14 13 12 11 10 I H3 9 7 8 6 5 HI 16 Bit 1700 Machine Word 2-1 3 2 1 I I H2 4 0 I HO 2.1 ",,--'. The Range of Binary Bits in Each HEX Position Is: I G' Binary HEX Decimal Binary HEX Decimal 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7· 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A B C D E F This table must be memorized. The arithmetic operations that are essentially basic involve binary to HEX, HEX to binary, hexadecimal to decimal, decimal to hexadec imal conversion, taking the one's complement of a hexadecimal number, and adding and subtracting hexadecimal numbers. Each hexadecimal digit represents by its position in the n u m be r a certain power of the base 16. The least significant digit is a multiple of 16 0 which is 1; the second least significant digit represents a multiple of 161 which is 16; the third least significant digit represents a multiple of 16 2 which is 256; and the most significant hex a dec i m a I digit represents a multiple of 16 3 which is 4096. It is necessary then only to do these multiplications followed by a final addition of the four multiples in 0 r d e r to convert a hexadecimal number to the decimal equivalent. Example: Convert 13ED16 to Decimal. D E 3 1 x x x x 16 0 161 16 2 16 3 = = = = 13 14 3 1 x 1 = 13 x 16 = 224 x 256 = 768 x 4096 =.4096 Sum 510110 There are many methods of converting a decimal number to hexadecimal. The simplest method involves successive divisions of the decimal number by 16. Each remainder becomes in turn the least significant hexadecimal digit of the converted answer, while each quotient becomes the next decimal number to be divided. D i vis ion s continue until the quotient becomes zero. Example: Convert 1476 10. to HEX. 92 - Continue division 16 11476 .144 36 ~ 4 - First remainder is HO=4 2-2 I 2.1 5 - Continue division 16 192 80 12 - Second rema:inder is H1=C o- Divis ion stops 1615 o 5 - Third rema:inder is H2=5 ANSWER - 1476 10 = 5C4 16 Addition of hexadecimal numbers is straightforward. Notice that 16 is carried fronl the least significant position to the most. The subtract:ing, of course, is the opposite of addition with 16 be:ing borrowed from the most significant position. Example: Add the HEX numbers 13CE and 2AA 7. 13CE + 2AA7 3E 75 It " E (14) + 7 = 21 - Carry C (12) + A(10) +1 = 23 3 + A(10) +1 = 14 = 31 +2 16-Excess 5 Carry 16-Excess 7 No Carry-Excess E No Carry-Excess 3 As we'll encounter shortly, negative numbers in the 1700 are carried :in one's complement form. The subtraction in each position of a dig it from the largest possible digit in the base used yields the one's complement of the number. Example: Find the One's Complement of the HEX Number 347E. Subtract FFFF 347E CB 81 - is One's Complement of 347E. The same result can be obtained by convert:ing both numbers to binary. HEX BINARY FFFF = 347E = CB81= 1111 1111 1111 1111 0011 0100 0111 1110~~~-------------------------------~ 1100 1011 1000 0001--is One's Complement of - - - ' Notice that the one's complement of a binary number has all ones :in the b:inary n u m be r changed to zeroes, and all zeroes changed to ones, which s u g g est s another method of obtain:ing the one's complement of a number. 2-3 2.2 ! Figure 7. 1700 Integer Numbers " Example: D -------------~ ------------~ t SIGN BIT ~ 3 B716 =1010 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 11 3 B 7 Negative Numbers Stored in One's Complement Form: F 3 F c F F B 4 7 8 1111 1 1 1 1000 100 10001 1 SIGN BIT '2-4 --" "....---~/ I 2.2 c 2. 2 RANGE OF NUMBERS Figure 8 illustrates the range of n u m be r s used in the 1700. The total number of bits available is 16 and for arithmetic operations bit #15 will be a zero for positive numbers, and a one for negative numbers. For positive numbers, bits 0-14 are in true form. However, for negative numbers bits 0-14 are in one's complement form. Notice there are two O's, a positive zero and a negative zero • . - Positive Numbers-Bit 15 is a 0 - Number is in true form. +32,767 +32,766 t Positive Numbers + C) 0111 1111 1111 1111 0111 1111 1111 1110 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +1 +0 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 -0 -1 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 • t -32,766 • • • • 1000 -32,767 1000 0000 0000 0000 • Negative Numbers • • • • • • • • • • • 0000 0000 0001 ~Negative Numbers-Bit 15 is a 1 - Number is in One's Complement Form. Note: Each Negative Number is Represented as the One's Complement of its Corresponding Positive Number. Figure 8. Range of Numbers Used in the 1700 / 2-5 2.3 2.3 ADDER A straightforward add e r would pose problems in the 1700 in that negative zero in many cases would be produced as are s u 1t instead of a positive zero. Consider the addition: 4321 +BCDE FFFF - Straightforward addition of the positive number 4321 and a negative number of the same size, BCDE, yields a correct result of zero, but negative zero instead of positive zero. Since the skip tests do not r e c a gn i z e negative zero, the adder in the 1700, which is a 16-bit one's complement subtractive adder, eliminates minus zero in all but one case. It functions by taking the one's com p 1 e men t of the addend and subtracting this from the augend. The same addition as in the above is accomplished: Add 4321 4321 4321 4321 + BCDE----.One's Complement--.4321-.Now Subtract Same Result - - - - I.~. 0000 But +0 The one case where a minus zero is produced is the case where minus zero is added to minus zero. Add Subtract FFFF FFFF + FFFF - - - - - I.. ~O 000 FFFF (-0) + (-0) = (-0) Negative zero can be con v e r ted to positive zero by simply adding positive zero to it. Add Subtract FFFF FFFF +OOOO--------~~·FFFF 0000 (-0) + (+0) = (+0) For subtraction, the subtrahend is not complemented, but is subtracted directly from the minuend. The only case producing negative zero is (-0) - (+0) = (-0). Subtract Directly FFFF 0000 FFFF Page 3-20 of Reference 1, Appendix A, expounds further on conditions causing negative zero. 2-6 2.4 ...., ,., u 2.4 OVERFLOW Overflow in the 1700 is e sse n t i all y a condition wherein the result of some arithmetic operation is too large to fit into its designated register. Overflow can be caused by add type operations, by a subtract type operation and by divide. In a one's complement computer like the 1700, overflow, when it occurs, sets the overflow indicator which remains on until tested. Refer to Figure 8. Notice that overflow will not occur when a positive number is added to a negative number since the result will always lie within the range of numbers. Adding two positive numbers together or adding two negative numbers together, or the equivalent operation (subtracting a neg a t i v e number from a positive number or subtracting a positive number from a negative number), can cause a result which is too large to be contained in the A or Q Register. Recovery can be made from add type overflow operations and, in fact, overflow is often a useful tool for accumulating single precision numbers into double precision numbers. Example: Add 1 to the Largest Possible Number 7FFF 000l--+-Complement Then Subtract --t-l•• Subtract Borrow C) 7FFF--Note: If the adder must borrow from beyond the most significant FFFE 8001 position, it subtracts 1 from 1 the result. 8000 ~Answer is now (-7FFF) which is wrong. The computer logic will set the overflow indicator when both signs are initially the same and a borrow occurs. Recovery ca,.n be made, however, by accumulating the overflow in a second cell and masking out bit-15 of the first, since bits 0 through 14 remain correct. Remember that any add type instruction can cause overflow. RAO, AAQ, etc. This includes ADD, SUB, Divide overflow will be described in more detail in the storage reference class of instructions for the DVI instruction itself. 2.5 FLOATING POINT NUMBERS Floating point numbers will be of interest to scientific pro g ram mer s, and since the Fortran compiler provides for them, their format will be discussed here. The range is .591 x 10- 39 through 1. 694 x 10 39 • Floating point numbers require two words of core and inc 1 u de: one bit, sign of coefficient; 8 bits, biased exponent; 23 bits, normalized coefficient. 2-7 2.5 Word 1 ---------------~ 7 Word 2 ~---------------0\ 0\/15 ----}----i--------] [[ /15 .14 6 r ...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - --------------------~/ I\ Coef¥Cient 23 Bits Sign of Coefficient 1 Bit A number, for example 25., would be packed as follows: 1. convert decimal number to hexadecimal 25·10 = 19·'16 2. convert hexadecimal number to binary 19. 16 = 0001 1001. 2 3. normalize the binary number (move the binary point to the left of the first one bit) 0001 1001. 2 = )1001 2 x 2 5, coefficient exponent (power of 2) 4. bias the exponent. In the 1700, all exponents (positive or negative) are biased by 8016 (80 is added to the exponent) 25 = 5 + 80 = 8516 5. pack the number in the two words: ' ! 10\100001011 1100100! 00000000000000001 f ex'lonent 85 V \ I Coefficient Left Justified sign of coefficient = 42E4000016 A ,negative number would be packed as though it was positive, then both words would be complemented. - 19 16 = 1110111101010011011111111111111111111 = BDIBFFFF16 To unpack numbers (i. e., from a HEX dump) the reverse procedure is followed. 2-8 l' " ..... ", CHAPTER III ASSEMBLY SOURCE FORMAT (j 2.5 Figure 9. Floating Point Example EXAMPLE: PACK 375 10 375 10 = 17716 16/375 /23 r 7 LLr7 17716 = 0001 0111 0111 2 .1011 1011 1000 o or = X 1 29 1Q]1000 100D 101110111 100000000000000J ~ 4 4 D DC EXPONENT: 0 0 0 9 +80 ---89 16 10001001 2 - 375 10 WOULD BE STORED AS F F F F F F F F -44 DOC 000 --- ----------------- ----'--B B 2 2 3 F F F 16 ~ [Q111011Q[01000 10~O 1111111111111}] 2-9 2.6 2.6 EXERCISES 1. Group these 16 bit 1700 binary numbers into hexadecimal, convert the an s w e r s to decimal, then add the three together. a. 0010 1101 1010 1110 b. 1000 1111 1100 0111 c. 1111 1111 1100 0000 2. Convert these decimal numbers to HEX, and represent each in binary as they would appear as a 16-bit 1700 word. a. 4095 3. b. -17 c. 255 How would a signed number, either positive or negative, that occupied only an 8-bit field be expanded to occupy a 16-bit field? 2-10 CHAPTER III - Assembly Source Format /..- -'\ "-.) o TOPIC PAGE 3.1 Program Flow 3-1 3.2 1700 Assembly Language Source Format 3-2 3.2.1 Location Field 3-2 3.2.2 Opcode Field 3-3 3.2.3 Address Field 3-3 3.2.4 Comment Field 3-5 3.3 Assembly Listing 3-5 3.1 U 3.1 PROGRAM FLOW Two phases are involved in processing the assembly language program. The first phase involves reading of the source program (the program prepared by the programmer) into the computer un de r control of the assembler program. The assembler program reads and decodes the instructions 0 u t put tin g a listing with the object program. The object program, which can be output on either paper tape, mag tape, or disk is in a formatted form suitable for loading back into the computer un de r control of the relocating linking loader program. This re-entry of the object program into the computer through the loader is Phase Two. After loading, relocating and linking this program appropriately to other programs, the pro g ram can now be executed. Two large standard software packages, then, are involved in the assembly process; the assembler itself and the relocating linking loader. Figure 10 illustrates this diagrammatically. Phase 1 - Assembly of Source Program Source Program 1700 Computer Obj ect Program (J ~-. rv\Ju Assembler Program Paper Tape ... or MagTape Paper Tape Disk -- g 1700 Computer - - -....~ Figure 10. Relocating Linking Loader - - - - - - - - I I... ~ Results Processing the Assembly Language Program () 3-1 Q Listing on typewriter or printer Phase 2 - Loading and Running of Object Program Object Program 0J\J 3.2 3.2 1700 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SOURCE FORMAT Regardless of the standard assembler being used (utility assembler or macro assembler) the source format is prepared the same. This source format consists of four fields, the lo cat ion field, the opcode field, the address field and the comment field as illustrated below: I Location Opcode Address Comments The total width of all four fields combined is 72 columns. Each field, however, can be of any length and the statements are said to be free-field. To signal the end of these fields, either a blank or a tab is used. The blank is technically used as the field terminator for card input source with con sec uti v e blanks ignored and the first non-blank character signifying the beginning of the next field. For paper tape input source the tab u I a r key depression is normally the field terminator since the source can be typed using tab fields to arrange the source type in an orderly fashion. Blanks, however, can be used for paper tape input source as field terminators also. Consecutive tabs will indicate the absence of a field. The carriage return key depression will signify the end of a statement for paper tape input source. The end of the card itself for card input source is the statement terminator. 3.2. 1 Location Field The location field is used for placing symbols which will de fin e positions in the program. The s e symbols have a maximum length of· six characters (more than six will not be processed by the assembler) and the first character must be alphabetic. Example: Location Opcode Address Comments A123 1A23 ------i~~ Legal TAGTOMB -----;~. -----t..~ illegal - must begin with alphabetic Legal - only TAGTOM is processed. The same symbol cannot be used twice in the same program, as this would constitute a doubly defined symbol, an error condition. Upon finding a symbol in the location field, the assembler p I ace s this symbol with its location in its internal symbol dictionary. Further references to this symbol then will yield its location. An asterisk in the first column of the location field indicates that all subsequent information in that statement is to be treated as a remark. 3-2 3.2.1 u Example: Location Opcode Address Comments * THESE LINES WILL BE PROCESSED AS A REMARK AND * APPEAR ONLY ON THE LISTING. THEY DO NOT GENERATE * ANY MACHINE CODE. START Symbols appearing in the location field corresponding to certain pseudo instructions are meaningless. These will be discussed under the section dealing with the pseudo instructions. A n u mer i c entry into the location field is allowed for one pseudo instruction only, the NAM pseudo instruction. 3.2.2 Opcode Field In this field, machine instruction m n e m 0 n i c s or pseudo instructions or macro names (if the macro assembler is used) are placed. The machine mnemonics will be decoded by the assembler with the appropriate machine codes generated. The pseudo instruction will produce act ion by the assembler and may not, for some pseudo instructions, generate any specific machine instructions. Macro names will be discussed in Chapter VII. o Example: Location Opcode Address NAM I NAM is a pseudoinstruction 1 START ] I I j Comments i -LDA LDA is a machine mnemonic J I ~ 3.2. 3 Address Field The operands used in the address field are: Symbolic Numeric Asterisk Special Characters (A, Q, M, 0, I, B) Combination of above special characters joined by arithmetic operators (address expression) Null (absence of operand) Symbols used in the address field either alone or in an expression, must be legally defined. Besides appearing in the location field, symbols can be defined as being names in the address field of certain pseudo instructions. 3-3 3.2.3 Numeric operands in the address field can be either decimal or hexadecimal. To ( distinguish between the two, a $ sign would precede the hexadecimal number (1234 '-...../ is a decimal, $1234 would be hexadecimal). The range of decimal numbers must be.± 32,767. The range for hexadecimal numbers is.±. 7FFF. Expressions are formed by the combination of either symbolic or numeric operands with addition, sub t r act ion, multiplication or division operators (+, -, *, /). Nesting is not allowed. The expression is scanned left to right with divisions and multiplications done first and a second scan left to right for addition or subtraction. An expression e val u ate d as a constant in the address field may be used only with the =X form of constant, not =N. Example: Location I TAG1 I TAG2 Opcode I I Address Comments I I I I TAG1+6*$1C/4 LDA I If TAG1 is at location 103 16 , the expression is evaluated: 1st) 6 x 28 = 168 2nd) 168 i 4 = 42 = $2A 3rd) 0103 + 2A = 012D, then the contents of cor e location 012D16 is loaded into the A register at run time. The asterisk can be used in the address field to also specify the current location of the program counter w hen the instruction is assembled. If the instruction is two words long, the as t e r is k specifies the first word of the instruction. Even though the asterisk is also used in the address field as a multiplication sign, the logical use of the asterisk for both processes will not conflict. Example: Location Opcode I I TAG I LJ?A I I I I TAG1 Address Comments I *-2 I I I I I LDA **2 Will load A with contents of the core location 2 before TAG. The first * refers to the 1 0 cat ion of TAG 1, the second * is for multiplication. The special symbols Q, I andB are used with the storage reference instructions to refer to index registers. Q refers to Q register index modification, I refers to the contents of location FF to be used as an index register, and B would specify both the Q register and location FF to be add e d to the base~ address to form the effective address. 3-4 3.2.3 Example: Opcode Location Address I I LDA TAG, I I I I I I I I I I LDA TAG,Q I I TAG,B I I LDA I I Comments The contents of core location FF are added to TAG to produce the effective address. Sam e as abo v e, but Q register is used. Both Q and I are adde d. I I The address fie 1d for any of the interregister instructions requires either A, Q or M registers as a destination. Example: Opcode Location Address I I A,Q AAQ I I I TRA A,Q,M I I I c· Add A to Q and put results in A and Q I I Comments I Transfer A to A, Q and M registers For the interregister instructions, A, Q and M, refer to the registers A, Q and M. 3.2.4 Comment Field This field is used for remarks that are printed as part of the list output. Entries in this field do not produce any machine code. If it is desired to put a comment on an instruction which does not have an address field (i. e. , SLS) it is advisable to put a 0 in the address field, before the comment begins, to eliminate an assembly error message. i. e. , ~. SLS SLS 0 COMMENT COMMENT incorrect correct 3 ASSEMBLY LISTING The assembly list consists of 18 columns of descriptive information related to the source statement, followed by a maximum of 80 columns listing the source statement. 3-5 Column Contents 1-4 line number; truncated to 4 deoimal digits 5 space 6 relocation designator for location P program relocation D data relocation 7-10 location in hexadecimal 11 space 12-15 machine word iIi hexadecimal 16-17 relocation designator for word P -P C -C D -D X blank program relocation negative program relocation common relocation negative common relocation data relocation negative data relocation external absolute ,.... '----........ ',-..... , SYMBOL TABLE 18 space 19-98 input source statement A table containing the location symbols, 10 cat ion s, and relocation values is printed at the end of pass 3 if the L option is selected. Format of the symbol table: Column Contents 1-6 9-12 13 symbol name location relocation of location 15-20 23-26 27 symbol name location relocation of location 29-34 37-40 41 symbol name location relocation of location The columns not specified above contain spaces. (\, 3-6 3.3 Figure 11. Sample Assembly Listing Line Number Location (relative to beginning of program) Contents of Location (hexadecimal code of instruction) 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 POOOO 0000 START POOOi C400 POO02 OOOG P POO03 GOFF POO04 1400 POO05 8000 P POO06 0010 X NAM ENT 0 LDA + SOURCE START 0 STAJMP+ I (START) $10 START NUM END \ X v I +Input Source Statements I OOFF' ,START OOOOP X LNumber of errors would appear here 0006P Symbol Table - - - - - ' Appendix D contains error messages. 3-7 (J II CHAPTER IV BASIC 1700 INSTRUCTION FAMILIARIZATION o CHAPTER IV - Basic 1700 Instruction Familiarization 0 o TOPIC PAGE 4.1 LDA, STA, ADD Assuming Data Available 4-1 4.2 LDA, STA, ADD Using Preset Data 4-1 4.3 LDA, STA, ADD Using Preset Data to lllustrate Looping 4-2 4.4 STQ and MUI Instructions 4-2 4.5 LDQ and DVI Instructions 4-3 4.6 JMP and RTJ to lllustrate a Subroutine 4-3 c) 4.1 4.1 LDA, STA, ADD ASSUMING DATA AVAILABLE The Load A (LDA) instruction replaces the contents of the A Register with the contents of the referenced m e m 0 r y location. The contents of the memory location is not changed. The Store A (STA) instruction replaces the contents of a referenced memory location with the contents of the A Register. The contents of the A Register is not changed. The Add to A (ADD) instruction forms a 16-bit sum of the contents of the A Register and the contents of the referenced memory location and p I ace s this sum in the A Register. The contents of the memory location is not changed. Problem: Replace the contents of location SAVE with the sum of the contents of locations SAVE and DATA, assuming that both locations contain legal data. Location Opcode Address LDA DATA ADD SAVE STA SAVE 4.2 LDA, STA, ADD USING PRESET DATA The NUM instruction c rea t e s a table of constants listed in the addres s field behind the instruction. If a Label is given, it is assigned to the first value. The BSS pseudo instruction reserves a segment of core to be used for any purpose. data contained is unknown at load time. The The BZS pseudo instruction reserves a segment of core to be used for any purpose and fills this area of core with all zeroes. Problem: Add zero to the contents' of location TAG and store the res u I t in location TAG2. Locations TAG and TAG2 should then be equal. Location Opcode Address TAG NUM $423 BZS TAGl(l) BSS TAG2(1) LDA TAG ADD TAGI STA TAG2 BEGIN 4-1 4.3 4.3 LDA, STA, ADD USING PRESET DATA TO ILLUSTRATE LOOPING The Skip if A is Zero (SAZ) instruction checks the contents of the A register. If A is all zeros, the program skips to a prestated location up to 16 locations forward, (never backward). If not, program control goes to P + 1 (the next location). The Skip if A is Positive (SAP) instruction checks the uppermost bit of the A register. If this bit is "0" (positive), program execution will skip to the specified location up to 16 locations forward, (never backward). If not, the program will continue at P + 1. The Skip if A is Minus (SAM) operates identically to the SAP instruction except that the uppermost bit of the A Register is checked for a "1", indicating a negative quantity. Problem: Add 21 16 to each of the quantities in a r ray TAG1 and then store these new numbers at array TAG2. Index Register I will be used for con t roll in g the loop. It starts at 4 and progresses through 3, 2, 1, 0, then the loop ends when it turns negative. Solution: Location Ope ode Address TAG1 NUM NUM BSS NUM NUM NUM $4152,$0431,$0210 $12F3, $F201 TAG2(5) $21 $0001 $0004 LDA STA LDA ADD STA LDA SUB STA SAZ JMP SLS END SAVE $FF TAG3 TAG1, I TAG2, I $FF ONE $FF DONE-*-l LOOP 0 TAG3 ONE SAVE BEGIN LOOP DONE Comments t'?""- 4~FF for loop control 1st no. ----- A (A)+(TAG1 +(FF» ---. A (A) ~ TAG2+(FF) Subtracts 1 from A Skip to DONE if (A) = 0 Stop Instruction 4.4 STQ AND MUI INSTRUCTIONS The S tor e Q (STQ) instruction replaces the contents of the referenced memory location with the contents of the Q Register. The contents of Q are unchanged. 4-2 "- 4.4 U The Multiply (MUI) instruction forms a 32-bit pro d u c t of the contents of A (multiplier) and the contents of the referenced memory location (multiplicand) and places the product in the QA Registers. The contents of the memory location is not changed. Problem: Multiply the contents of MEMbythe quantity 2016 which is currently in A. Store the results of A in memory location A and the results of Q at memory location Q. Location Opcode Address MUI STA STQ MEM Comments A Q 4.5 LDQ AND DVI INSTRUCTIONS The Load Q (LDQ) instruction places the contents of the referenced memory location into the Q register. Contents of memory are unchanged. The Divide Integer (DVI) instruction divides the 32-bit QA Register by the contents of the referenced memory location. The contents of memory are not changed. Q will contain the remainder and A the quotient. Problem: Divide 4528 o 16 by the contents of location SAVE Solution: Location Opcode Address SAVE TAG1 TAG2 NUM NUM NUM LDQ LDA DVI $0025 $4528 $0000 TAG2 TAG1 SAVE Divisor Dividend Clear Q Get dividend Answer is in A 4.6 JMP AND RTJ TO ILLUSTRATE A SUBROUTINE The Jump (JMP) instruction causes a program sequence to terminate and initiates a new sequence at a specified location. The Return Jump (RTJ) instruction is a jump enabling the progralll to begin execution in a new location and, by storing a return address, return to the next ins t r u c t ion in the program sequence. Problem: During the main pro g ram sequence, skip to a routine to clear a storage area, and ret urn to the location which the program left. 4-3 4.6 Location Opcode Address LDA STQ RTJ NAME SAVE CLEAR I I CLEAR I SLS 0 LDA STA I Comments Lea ves P+2 in CLEAR. Program Control given to LDA TAGY. 0 TAGY TAG2 Return address placed here. Clear location(s) (CLEAR) Will return control to the SLS instruction. I JMP I I TAGY TAG2 I NUM BSS 0 TAG2(1) 4-4 \,-j CHAPTER V 1700 MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS o /- r----- I 1,,--.. / (' ~. -- CHAPTER V - 1700 Machine Instructions f'- ~) TOPIC • 5.1 5.1.1 0 C~.\I 5.1.1. 1 5. 1. 1. 3 5. 1. 1. 5 5. 1. 1.7 5. 1. 1. 8 5. 1. 1. 9 5.1.2 5. 1. 2. 3 5.1.3 • 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 o 5.3 5.3.1 o 5.4 e 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 • 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 Introduction Storage Reference Class Addressing for Storage Reference Class Instructions Constant Mode Absolute: One Word Absolute: One Word Indirect Absolute: Two Word Absolute: Two Word Indirect Relative: One Word Relative: One Word Indirect Relative: Two Word Relative: Two Word Indirect Review of Addressing Modes Indexing Instructions in the Storage Reference Class LDA, LDQ, STA, STQ, and SPA Instructions ADD, ADQ, SUB, MUI and DVI Instructions AND and EOR Instructions JMP and R T J Instructions RAO Instructions Execution Times Skip Class Instructions A and Q Skip Tests Skip Switch Tests Overflow Skip Tests Parity and Program Protect Indicator Tests Shift Class Instructions Timing for Shift Class Instructions Interregister Class Instructions Register Reference Class Instructions Instructions ENA, INA, ENQ and INQ Instructions SPB and CPB Instructions EIN and IIN Instructions INP and OUT Instructions SLS and NOP Exercises Exercises on Constant Mode of Addressing Exercises on Absolute Mode of Addressing Exercises on Relative Mode of Addressing Exercises on Indexing Exercises on Shift and Skip Instructions Review Exercises PAGE 5-1 5-1 5-3 5-3 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-12 5-12 5-13 5-13 5-13 5-18 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-22 5-2!t 5-25 5-27 5-27 5-28 5-28 5-29 5-32 5-33 5-35 5-41 5-41 5-42 5-43 5-44 5-44 5-49 5-49 5-49 5-50 5-50 5-51 5-52 ....- .",.' .j L) 5.1 INTRODUCTION There are five classes of instructions in the 1700. They are: Shift Class Instructions Skip Class Instructions storage Reference Class Register Reference Class Instructions Interregister Class Instruction Only the storage reference cIa s s uses core for operands. Instructions in all classes other than storage reference class are one word instructions and take 1. 1 microseconds to execute with the exception of the shift clas!3 instructions whose execution time depends on the number of bits shifted, and INP and OUT instructions. Refer to Appendix B for instruction execution times, or to section 5. 1. 3. 5.1 STORAGE REFERENCE CLASS C) Of the five classes of instructions in the 1700, only this group uses core for operands. This means, then, that the instructions in this group are the only ones that are addressable. Because of the limitation of 16 bits in an instruction word to implement the ability to reach any core location from any other core location, two-word instructions are used. One-word instructions are available for addressing either absolute core blocks or within a fixed range of core locations from the instruction. The format for these instructions is: Address Mode 15 first word: , 12 1~11----1-:--9--~~ 'J I Fir lind , q Ii , Instr¥ction Relative Address Flag Indirect Address Flag (ind. ) 7 , G ~ o I , D¥1ta I Index Register Flag Q ~--Index second word: Register Flag M ~ is not zero for one-word instructions. fl is zero, and M contains the operand (or operand address) for two-word instructions.' The instructions are defined by the F field and will be discussed 1 ate r. The rest of the format word deals with various ways of addressing the instruction; this will be discussed first. 5-1 5.1 Figure 12. Address Modes for Storage Reference Class Instructions" /' .., \,,,,,,,..- ADDRESS MODE 15 12 J first word: 11 10 Instructi(3'n Relative Address Flag Indirect Address Flag (ind) 9 Jt 8 o 7 t L..._ _ _ _ _ _ Delta I Index Register Flag Q Index Register Flag 6. 6. I: 0 for one-word instructions = 0 for two-word instructions M second word: Assembly Language , Name Desi~tor Opcode Terminator Constant , Address Field Operand Address P+1 =N =X =A One-Word Absolute One-Word Abs. Ind. ( Two- Word Absolute + Two-Word Abs. Ind. + One- Word Relative * One-Word ReI. Ind. * ) M ( ) P+ 6. ( ) (P+6.) P+1+M Two- Word Relative Two- Word ReI. Ind. (M) ( ) (P+1+M) CC45 C800 0044 CCOO 0044 LDA* (BUFADR) Loc BUFADR contains addr of operand; operand in BUF--'A; BUF ADR is wit hi n 127 10 locs of LDA instr. LDA BUF Contents of loc BUF --.A; BUF is any distance from the LDA instr. LDA (BUFADR) Loc BUF ADR contains addr of operand; operand --.A; BUF ADR is any distance from the LDA instr. *If the buffer is 4516 locations in the positive direction from this instruction 5-2 5.1.1 L. 5. 1. 1 Addressing for Storage Reference Class Instructions Figure 12 illustrates the various ways of addressing storage reference class instructions. The combination of the r, ind, and b. bits determines the mode of addressing used. Because of the limitation of 16 bits in an instruction word, some modes of addressing require two words to reach all parts of core. A brief glance at this chart shows a direct correspondence between two-word instructions and the bit content of b.. When ~ (bits 0-7) in the instruction word is all 0' s, two consecutive core words are used as a single instruction. Also, there are only three main t y pes of addressing: constant, absolute and relative. Within the absolute and relative types are one and two-word va r i e tie s and also one and two-word indirect types. Listed also in this table are the proper assembly language designators necessary to tell the assembler the exact mode of addressing desired. Indirect addressing is specified by parentheses enclosing the address field contents. This table ignores man i p u I a t ion s with the index register since index register modification is common to all modes of addressing. This fig u regives only the base address for each mode. The base address must be found before index register modification 0 c cur s even when indirect addressing is specified. In each of the indirect addressing modes notice that the base address is specified as the contents (the use of parentheses around the address specifies the contents of) of its corresponding non- indirect mode. This means that for indirect addressing a fur the r search is made into the addressed core location to find the base address. C~~~~ 5. 1. 1. 1 Constant Mode This mode of addressing is used where an operand is lmown to the programmer, that is, he is using a constant. This mode of addressing utilizes two words. The first word of the instruction is specifically the instruction itself, the mode of addressing for this example is constant, and the unused bits in this word will be set to zero. This arrangement is illustrated below: 15 I ---------------:.~ F Bit ....~I------------------ 0 0 0 q I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 LInd=O L-il =00 R=O t The upper four bits signify the actual instruction. This field is called the F field. The next four bits, that,is, bits 8, 9, 10 and 11, are used to signify the mode of addressing for the instruction. Also, bits 8 and 9 will signify indexing, where bit 8 signifies index register I which is core location FF, and bit 9 will indicate indexing with the Q register. For the constant mode of addressing bit 10, which is called the indirect bit, is a zero and bit 11, which is called the relative bit, is also a zero. For our example here, we will assume no indexing used, therefore bits 8 and 9 will be o. The lower eight bits, that is bits 0-7, are called the il field, and for constant mode of addressing all these bits are O's. 5-3 -5. 1.1.1 The combination of the ~ field, the indirect bit and the relative bit are indicators ,'--to the machine of the mode of addressing used. Note for constant mode the field '-__,/ is all 0' s, the indirect bit is a 0 and the reI a t i v e bit is a 0, signifying cons tant mode of addressing. Numeric constants. This form is for numbers. Example: LDA =N$407F This con stan t mode instruction written in assembly language will generate two machine words of code: at P P+1 COOO 407F The operand itself is placed in the second word, so the base address is P+l, the second word of the instruction. The =N in the address field signifies to the assembler the constant as numeric (a number). The number can be either decimal or hexadecimal (in which case it is preceded by the dollar sign). The res u 1 t of the above example is to load into A the number 407F16. Example: LDA =N256 ..... _ / The decimal number 256 would be converted and the following code generated: at P P+l COOO 0100 Illegal example: LDA =N$100+$27 An error message would result because address arithmetic (+) is not allowed with the =N form of constant addressing. Address constants. numbers. This form is for 15-bit addresses and address arithmetic on Example: LDA =XTAG The =X in the address field signifies that TAG is a symbol. The assembler substitutes the value in its symbol d ire c tor y for the symbol and puts this value in P+l. If, for example, TAG is a location symbol at address 100 in the program, the following code is generated. if" 5-4 r--- . I at P P+1 \..J' COOO 0100 An expression can also be used: LDA =XTAG+10 This will put the address of TAG+10 in the code: at P P+1 COOO 010A The =X form of add res s cons tants is the correct way to allow numeric address arithmetic: ADD =X$34F2-022+$lA will generate code to add to the contents of the A register 34F6 16 • 1)000 at P P+1 COOO ..... 34F6 Even though the result of the expression in the address field is a constant, the =X form must be used rather than =N because an expression is not allowed with =N. LDA =X$100+$27 would be legal and would generate: at P P+1 COOO 0127 In address expressions only a 15-bit constant will be produced so note that LDA =X-TAG will generate at P P+1 COOO 7EFF (not FEFF) also, with numbers: LDA =X-11 will generate at P P+1 COOO 7FF4 This feature of the assembler can well be utilized in sophisticated coding. ASCII constants. This form is for alphabetic and numeric characters. Example: LDA =AXY 5-5 The =A means that the alphanumerics following (only 2 allowed) are to be converted to their ASCII 8-bit code. (See Appendix E.) The first alphanumeric (X in this case) ASCII code is placed in the high order 8 bits of P+1, and the second ASCII equivalent is placed in the lower 8 bits. The code will be: at P P+1 ',-_, COOO 5859 A blank is a character in the ASCII form: LDA =A X will generate the code: at P P+1 COOO 2058 ASCII will be discussed in detail when 110 is discussed. Examples: COOO 1000 LDA =N$1000 Get 100016 into A register COOO 00C8 LDA =N200 Get 20010 into A register COOO 0500 LDA =XDATA Get address of DATA P0500 into A register COOO 0505 LDA =XDATA+5 Get address of DATA+5 into A register COOO LDA =X-$100 Get 15-bit negative of 10016 into A register LDA =AX Get ASCII cons tant X into A register r- --, 7EFF COOO 5820 5-6 l...; Absolute: One Word As was mentioned before, there are both one-word and two-word instructions for the Storage Reference Class. Let's examine the absolute mode of addressing in its one-word form. The format for this mode of addressing is: 15------------------------~~ I I 0 IQ ~ ~0 F Instructiot Relative bit = Bit ~4~----------------------------- 1'- I I !:!l 0 I fl is a non- zero O~ Indirect bit is 0 The F field remains the same as in constant mode, that is, it signifies the type of instruction within this class used. The relative bit and the indirect bit are also O's for this class. However, ~ is non-zero (See Figure 12). It may have been noticed now that this one-word type instruction has !:!l non- zero w her e the constant mode example had ~ as zero and was a two-word type. The actual value in ~ will be the absolute address. Notice the size of fl. It is only eight bits which means that the range of n u m be r s in hexadecimal is from 01 to FF. In d~cimal this gives a range from 1 to 255. This is the limitation on this mode of addressing. Its advantage is its one-word length. To imp I e men t this absolute region from core location 01 to FF, all operating systems for the 1700 deJine this area as being the Communications Region. In this region are placed all system masks and all references to other points in the system allowing quick access through this region with this mode of addressing. Example: START LDASTA- $21 $EC The contents of location 2116 in the absolute communications region is moved to core location EC16. The minus sign as an opcode terminator signals the assembler to form a one-word instruction with the -!:!l field set to the address. The example above generates two one-word instructions: C021 60EC Example: =NO $FF LDA STA- f', I This e x amp I e clears index register I. Since I is core location $FF which is in the communications region, all references to I will use a b sol ute one-word addressing. .___.J 5-7 5. 1. 1. 2 The base address, for one-word absolute mode of addressing cannot be 0 since a delta of 0 results in a two-word instruction at run time. Example: $4F-$50+1 LDA- This results in base address of 0 which is an assembly error. must be 01 to FF at run time. The base address Absolute: One Word Indirect This mode of addressing is the indirect version of the a b sol ute one-word. Its format, then, will be the same as for one-word a b sol ute; however, bit 10 (the indirect bit) is set. Its base address, then, is not ~ but the contents of ~ and further, if the high order bit of the contents of ~ is a 1 then the indirect search will continue. This mode of addressing is extensively used where locations in the communications region contain addresses of other programs. The reference to these other programs is made by the use of the one-word absolute indirect mode of addressing through the communications region. Example: Assume location E6 in the communications region always contains the address of a desired routine. The routine can then be en t ere d by: ($E6) JMP- 5. 1. 1.4 Absolute: Two Word Since it is necessary to be able to absolutely address any core location from any other core location, it takes a second word for the absolute mode of addressing to specify the absolute address. The format for a b sol ute two-word mode of addressing is: I( Iv lIB P P+l Flo IIIQ II 10 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I \.-Address Placed in P+l ~----------------------------------------~ r==O ind == 1 !::J. == 0016 Again, F will specify the particular instruction, ~ will be 0, the relative bit (bit 11) is 0, and the indirect bit (bit 10) is set. The second w 0 r d of the instruction will contain the actual absolute address. Since the limit for allowable core in the 1700 is 32,767, only 15 of the 16 bits in the second word are u til i zed for this absolute address. For absolute two-word bit #15 of the sec ond word will be o. "'____, Example: COUNT START o o LDA+ COUNT The + opcode terminator signals the ass em b 1 e r that the base address must be placed in P+1. The base address, then, is (P+1). Notice (Figure 12) that this is really the indirect case for constant mode. The address COUNT is placed in the second word. If the assembler's program counter for COUNT is at 0033, then at 0034 the assembler would generate: C400 D033 START STA+ $7F32-41 The address is calculated as 7F32 16 -29 16 or 7F09 and this address is placed in the second word of the instruction: 6400 7F09 At START location Example: Cj Add 1000 10 to the contents of core location 1000. LDA+ $1000 ADD =NI000 STA+ $1000 Absolute: Two Word Indirect With indirect addressing the base address does not contain the operand itself, but rather this base address contains the address of the operand. Notice from Figure 12 that two-word absolute is actually a case of constant mode indirect. Instead of base address being P+1 as in constant mod e, the search is made into P+ 1 for the base add res s. The indirect bit which is set for two-word absolute mode is actually a case of constant mode indirect. Indirect addressing, however, can be multi-level; that is the search may continue from address to address to find the final base address. The continuation of this indirect search i~ accomplished each time bit 15, the high order bit, of the base address is a 1 and the indirect bit (bit 10) is set. Using this high order bit of the address as an indirect flag is possible since only the low order 15 bits of this address can contain another address. Since the indirect bit is already set for the two-word absolute mode of addressing, the use of parentheses in the address field for this mode of addressmg will cause bit 15 of the second word to be set. This forms two-word absolute indirect mode of addressing. Example: TAG START Assume TAG contains 0400 LDA+ (TAG) 5-9 If TAG is at the absolute location 0301, this code is generated: C400 8301 302 303 The high order bit of 303 is set. The contents of 303 is examined at run time and since the high order bit is set, the search for a base address continues. The contents of 301 is brought out, and if the high order bit is a 1, the search would continue; in this case, however, the high order bit is a 0, so 400 is the base address. The effect of this instruction, then, is to load A with the contents of 0400. Example: Assume the following values in core: Core Value 500 501 C400 400F 4010 3407 8501 COlO If the contents of core location 500 were executed as the first word of a two-word instruction, the computer would be in an endless loop searching for an address. The instruction at core location 500 is: ($4010) LDA+ Since this is two-word absolute indirect, the sea r c h continues to core location 4010 for an address. Bit 15 is set in core location 4010, so the search continues to 501, then back to 4010, etc. This condition is catastrophic, of course, but it illustrates the fact that the search for an address will continue until bit 15 is a 0; then this cell contains the base address. Relative: One Word .~ There are two types of relocation associated with programs. One is called program reI 0 cat ion which means that the assembler begins the assembly with its program counter equal to zero so that this program, when it is loaded into core by the relocating linking loader, can be relocated anywhere. This program relocation is strictly a function of the assembler and the loader. This ability allows the program to be loaded anywhere into the core and run. Once loaded, the ability to take the same program and move it from one area of core to another and the program still run, is not a function of the loader. This type of relocation is lmown as dynamic relocation or "run anywhere". In process control programs, generally many pro g ram s are put on a mass storage device with a common area of core allotted for running these programs at any time. To allow pro per allocation of this core area the programs on the mass storage device should be run anywhere so they can fit into space available in the common area rather than in a particular 5-10 5. 1. 1.6 (' area of the common core. Achievement of run anywhere programs is the result of the use of the relative mode of addressing in the 1700. For the one-word relative mode of addressing /:::,. will contain a signed increment that when added to P will yield the base address. The base address is made relative to P or where the program instruction presently is so that if the whole program is moved, the same reI a t i v e distance is maintained between instructions I data and the base address found in exactly the same manner, since P is variable. The format for the oneword relative commands is: U F 11 0 Q I I Contains signed 8-bit increment The limitation for this one-word relative mod e of addressing is the size of /:::,.. Since I::l is 8 bits and s igne d, the range from P is +7F to 80 (-7F), or ±127 10 • Example: LOOP I • I! Ii'" -- JMP* J { I (J j / J I () ,1 i LOOP If the JMP instruction !s -12710 locations back or less, the one-word relative form can be used (and is pre fer red). Assume the program counter is at 010016 for LOOP and at 014316 for; the JMP instruction, then the JMP instruction decodes at: Note: !J. is BC which is -4316 in 8 bits. 18BC The * opcode terminator is used to sign if y to the assembler one-word relative mode of addressing. Example: Consider the same bas i c structure but coded absolutely, then relatively. Assume the distance from LOOP to LAST is less than 127 10 • a) LOOP LAST b) /"-"', ...... -.... ... \,. LOOP JMP* LOOP LOOP LAST '\ JMP+ For a) above, the routine could not be moved to another core location once loaded because with two-word absolute used with the JMP instruction, the absolute address placed in the second cell would cause a jump back to the original location of LOOP. But in case b), the incremental difference placed in /:::,. for JMP* LOOP, and since the distance between LOOP and LAST will not change if the whole routine is moved, the program will jump to the new location of LOOP. b), then, is "run anywhere" where a) is not. , , 5-11 f 5. 1. 1.7 5. 1. 1. 7 Relative: One Word Indirect This mod e of addressing is an extension of the one-word relative to the indirect mode; the relative bit is set, the indirect bit is set, and b. is non-zero (see Figure 12). With the base add res s found as in one-word relative (P+ b.) a further search is made in this address location for the base address. The indirect bit is set and the search will continue if the high order bit in the contents of P+ l:l contains a one. Example: Contains an addressAssume 0600. ADDR (ADDR) JMP* For this example ADDR must be within 12710 of the JMP instruction and ADDR contains the address, 0600, to which control will pass. This r 0 u tin e jumps to location 600 and continues program execution from there. 5.1.1. 8 Relative: Two Word Two-word relative mode of addressing is used when the difference bet wee n the instruction and the address is greater than the limitations imposed by one-word relative, that is greater than :!:12710. Two words are necessary and in the second word of the instruction is placed the difference between that word and the address. The base address is then P+1+M where M is the contents of P+1. . Example: LOOP ==)------------l~ . Assume PC-0100 More than 12710 LOOP -----t~•.. Assume PC-0400 JMP Two word relative mode of addressing is used here since the difference between the JMP instruction and LOOP is greater than -7F. The above JMP LOOP would decode as: 400401- 1800 FCFE Notice that the difference between P+1 and LOOP is placed in P+1. 5-12 5. 1. 1. 9 5. 1. 1. 9 Relative: Two Word Indirect This mode of addressing is the extension of the two-word relative to the indirect mode; the relative bit is set, the indirect bit is set and ~ =00 since this is a twoword instruction. With the base address found as in two-word relative, a further search is made in this address location for the base address. The base address is then (P+l+M). The search will continue if the high order bit of the contents of P+l +M contains a one since the indirect bit is set. Example: Contains an addressAssume 0600. AD DR JMP (ADDR) ADDR can be any distance from the JMP instruction and ADDR contains the address, 0600, to which control will pass. 5. 1. 1. 10 Review of Addressing Modes o A cross check back through Reference 1, Appendix A, page 3-4 will show that the Computer Reference Manual describes the s tor age reference class as having 7 modes of add res sin g. A count from Figure 12 here shows 9 distinct modes of addressing. Although a seeming conflict exists, there is really none. From the viewpoint of basic machine language, there are only 7 modes since two-word absolute indirect to the basic machine is nothing more than an extension of twoword absolute in the in d ire c t mode and both relative modes can be grouped together as one. When considering the manner in which the pro g ram mer must specify the different modes to the assembler, there are 9 different combinations as described. Some of the terminology also differs between this training manual which essentially follows the terminology of the assembler manuals and the terminology used in the computer reference manual. The basic difference in terminology is: S tor age Mode is the same as Two-Word Absolute Absolute Mod e is the same as One-Word Absolute Indirect is the same as One-Word Absolute Indirect Relative Mode is the same as One-Word Relative 16- Bit Relative is the same as Two-Word Relative. Indexing Two index reg i s t e r s are available, the Q register and the I register which is actually core location FF. The contents of these registers can be used to modify the base address to form an effective address. This indexing, or address modification is a c com pi ish e d simply by adding the contents of the specified index 5-13 register (either Q or I or both) to the base address. If indirect add res sing is s p e c if i ed, the search is made to find the final base address before indexing is done. This simplified flow chart illustrates this: Get Base Address \~ ../ Get Contents of Base Address Yes Add Q to Base Address Add I to Yes )----tptBase Address This is J---.r---I. Effective Address The use of in d ex in g is wide- spread principally for forming repetitive loops for the type of work that would otherwise require an inordinate amount of repetitive programming. Example: Suppose the problem is to add together a series of numbers located in consecutive memory locations 1000 thru 1002 and then store the result into a location called TEMP. This routine would accomplish the additions: TEMP START 0 LDA+ ADD+ ADD+ STA* 0 $1000 $1001 $1002 TEMP Reserve Temporary Location If the series of numbers to be added was much longer, however, the length of the program, due to the number of ADD instructions, would be prohibitive. The same problem, with the numbers to be added in core 1000 thru 2000, ignoring overflow, and with the instructions covered so far would be solved with an in de xed loop: TEMP START LOOP DONE 0 LDQ LDA+ ADD+ ADQ SQZ JMP* STA* 0 =X$2000-$1000 $1000 $1000,Q =N-1 DONE~*-l LOOP TEMP Reserve temporary loc. Difference in Q Decrease Q by i Finished? No Yes ( 'I " 5-14 Here, Q is set up as the index register used. The, Q in the address field signifies Q register indexing, and the assembler will set bit 9 in this instruction word. Q contains initially the difference between the lower and upper core locations of the numbers to be added. For each pass through the loop, Q is decreased by 1 allowing the next lower core location contents to be added in turn. The sequence of addition is: (1000) from the LDA instruction, (2000) from B.A. * of 1000 +Q which is initially 1000, (lFFF) from B. A. of 1000 +Q which is now 1 less or OFFF, (lFFE)---, till (1001). When Q is decreased to 0, the SQZ instruction skips out of the loop. If Q were not available at this point in the program, I could be used: TEMP START LOOP ~-~ ,-.. , ('--..-.-) 0 LDA STALDA+ ADD+ STA* LDAADD STASAZ LDA* JMP* 0 =X$2000-$1000 $FF $1000 $1000,1 TEMP I =N-1 I ENDIT-*-1 TEMP LOOP Temporary storage Index Register I Can use either I or $FF Result is in TEMP ENDIT The , I in the address field signifies to the assembler that I register indexing is to be used and bit 8 in the machine language word is set. I cannot be manipulated as easily as Q. TEMP is used to store the partial results of the adds when the A register is used to manipulate the contents of the index register I. The ,B in the address field signifies to the assembler that both Q and I indexing are to be used. The use of Q as an in d e x register does not increase the execution time, but use of I indexing takes 1.1 microseconds longer. *Base address 5-15 ."" Addressing Problem Given are contents of the index registers and some core I 0 cat ion s. Contents of any locations not shown is zero. What will the A register contain after each instruction is executed? (1000) (0240) (1234) (0260) (1254) (1111) (1)=0020 (Q)=0120 = = = = = = .. ,~, l,-" , 0120 1234 02E:q 1111 2311 9000 (A)= a. b. c. d. LDA+ LDA+ LDA+ LDA+ $240 . ($240) ($240), I ($1111),B ...........--,. 5-16 /~---\ \ (') ,---' ~ * * •* • ... * -:] ~j REFER~NCE RIQI F DELTA (P)=**** **** **** **** ~~~~ ~"" ~ *MNE**OPERATION* JMP EFAr+P MUI (EFA)X(A)r+QA .. 3 DVI (QA)/(EFA),.A.REM,.Q .. 4 STQ (Q),.EFA ... 5 RTJ P+lv~"EFA,EFA+lr+P * 6 STA (A),.EFA ... 7 SPA (A)"EFA,PARITYr+A ADD tA}+(EFl)'+-A * 8 SUB (A)-(EFA)r+A * 9 ... A AND (A)I\(EFA)r+A * 8 EOR (A)""t-< EF A) r+A .. C LOA (EFA)r+A * 0 RAO (EFA)+!,.EFA ... E LDQ (EFA),.Q ... F ADQ (EFA)+(Q),.Q . ++++ ++++,.,. """"~"""""r+~~~~ ++"r+""""~""" * 1 * 2 ... ; ~ STORAGE ... 101 I J-l /-- '" '0" =00 '" + 0 4 4 4 8 8 C C '+0 " +1 +2 +3 + #' ... ... ... M (P+l)=**** **** **** **** "MODE* *SAO *OP**ADR* ~ p+l CONSTANT* ~OO ABSOLUTE =00 STORAGE DEL.TA STORAGE INDTRECT INDIRECT =00 LONG RELATIvE _00 RELATIVE M -+ =~O (M) + ~OO (DELTA) -=00 LONG REL14-TlvE INDtRFCT RELATIVE INnIRECT oEFA* SA ~OO SA+(I) BA+(Q) BA+(Q)+(I) .. * .... .... ... P+l+M P+DELTA (P·.l +M) = .. (P+DELTA)* oC$ ~ -( ) ( ) *..- .. * *... ..- ... .. · · · 01 J-l J-l J-l J-l 5.1.2 5.1.2 Instructions in the Storage Reference Class The instructions for the storage reference class are: F F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JMP MUI DVI STQ RTJ STA SPA ADD Jump Multiply Divide Integer Store Q Return Jump Store A Store A, Parity to A Add to A A B SUB AND EOR C D LDA RAO E F LDQ ADQ 9 Subtract from A AND with A Exclusive OR with A Load A Replace Add 1 in Storage Load Q Add to Q Any of the nine addressing modes, plus indexing, can be used on all of these instructions. 5. 1. 2. 1 LDA, LDQ, STA, STQ, AND SPA Instructions These instructions are the basic load and store instructions. For the load instructions, either LDA or LDQ, the contents of the effective address specified is loaded into the registers, either A or Q, as per the specific instruction and the contents of the storage I 0 cat ion are not altered. The STA and STQ registers store the contents of the register into the effective address, replacing what was in this core address with the information that was in the register. For the store instructions STA and STQ, the original contents of the A or Q registers are not changed. The SPA instruction is the same as the STA instruction with the exception that aft e r the information from A is stored into the core address specified, A is cleared and the parity of the original contents of A is returned to bit 0 of A. This parity bit is the value that would be necessary to make the total number of bits of the original contents of A plus this bit, odd. This par it Y bit is not necessarily the same as the parity bit that will appear in core for this data word since core might contain a program protect bit. In fact, this bit is the exclusive OR of the core parity bit and program protect bit. Any method of addressing may be used with these instructions. Example: Location Opcode Address LDA TAG Comments Contents of A is replaced by the contents of core location labeled TAG. tents of TAG is not changed. 5-18 The con- Location Opcode Address SPA TAG1 Comments The contents of A (assume F2F7) is stored into the cor e location labeled TAG1. Then A is cleared and the parity of the original contents of A is returned to A, bit position O. The parity returned is 1. 5. 1.2. 2 ADD, ADQ, SUB, MUI and DVI Instructions These instructions are the p rim a r y arithmetic instructions for the 1700. Data from core can be add e d to the A register with the ADD instruction, or to the Q reg i s t e r with the ADQ instruction. Data from core can be subtracted from the A register with the SUB instruction. Notice there is no instruction for direct subtraction from Q. These a r it h met i c operations can cause overflow (refer to Chapter II, Section 4). Example: Location ·' C Opcode Address LDQ ADQ TAG =N-6 Comment Using Constant mode of addressing for the ADQ produced an effective subtraction from Q. Q is loaded with the contents of core location TAG and the number -6 is added to Q. " j The MUI instruction will multiply an operand in core by the contents of the A register. Both of these operands are 16 bits long, producing a double length, 32 bit pro d u c t in the Q and A registers. The Q register contains the m?st significant portion of the product and the sign of th~ product and the A register contains the least significant portion of the product. The MUI instruction cannot cause overflow. The MUI instruction destroys the original contents of Q. Example: Location Opcode Address Comment LDA MUI =N$FF31 =N$31 -$CE to A register Multiply by 31 Result is (Q register)=FFFF (A register)=D891 The result in the double length register then is -276E 16 • Negative zero can be produced by the MUI instruction: c. (+0) X (- N) x (-0) x (+N) x (- N) = (-0) (+0) = (-0) (+N) = (-0) (-0) = (-0) 5-19 Division of integers is a c com pi ish e d with the DVI instruction. It divides the double length QA register by the contents of a core location. The Q register must contain the most significant portion and the sign of the dividend and A must contain the least significant portion of the dividend. The signed quotient will be placed in the A register and the signed rem a in de r will be placed in the Q register after division occurs. The DVI instruction can cause overflow, if the quotient is larger than 7 FFF in absolute value. Example: Location Opcode Address Comment LDQ LDA DVI =N$FFFF =N$FFFO =N$FFFA =N in address field indicates CONSTANT MODE OF ADDRESSING used. The number following =N is the operand. This example divides -15 by -5. Notice that Q had to be set to extend the sign to 32 bits. Result is 0003 in A and 0000 in Q•. AND and EOR Instructions These instructions perform logical manipulation of data from the specified core location with the contents of the Are g is t e r. The AND instruction performs a logical product operation; its bit by bit truth table is: -A 1 1 0 0 -B A/\B 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Example: Operand 1-- Bit 15 0 1111 0010 1001 0111 Operand 2 -- 0011 1111 1100 0000 Logical Product 0011 0010 1000 0000 The AND instruction is used to extract a certain field of bits. In the e x amp I e above, a field from bit 6 through 13 is extracted from operand 1. Operand 2 contains ones in these bit positions and O's in the remaining bit positions to block out the unwanted bits. Operand 2 is referred to as a mask. 5-20 i------- Example: Examine bits 4 thru 7 of core location TAG for all zeroes. Location Opcode Address Comment LDA AND SAZ JMP TAG =N$OOFO YES-*-1 NO Load (TAG) in A register AND with A Mask Test for zeroes YES The EOR logical instruction performs an ex c 1 u s i ve OR bit by bit. rules for an exclusive OR are: A 1 1 0 0 B 1 0 1 0 The logical A-¥B 0 1 1 0 - A 0 is produced as a result of a match between the two bits and a 1 is produced as a result of a mismatch. This instruction is frequently used to test for a particular bit pattern. Example: Test for 10110 in bit positions 3 thru 7 of contents of core 10 cat ion DATA. Location Opcode Address Comments LDA AND EOR SAZ DATA =N$00F8 =N$OOBO YES-*-1 Mask out all except 3-7. Test for bits 10110 YES If the exact bit pattern 10110 was present in bit positions 3 through 7, all the bits in both operands would match, and a positive zero will be in the A register and the program will skip to YE S. An instruction that performs an inclusive OR is not specifically available in the storage reference class. The truth table for the inclusive OR is: A 1 1 B 1 AVB 1 o 1 o o 1 1 o o A 1 is produced if a 1 appears in either or both operands. Notice that the inclusive OR logical function can be obtained by the combination of the logical product and exclusive OR functions. 5-21 Example: Form the inclusive OR bit-by-bit of the contents of core location AA and BB. Location Opcode Address Comment TEMP 0 LDA AND STA LDA EOR ADD 0 AA BB TEMP AA BB TEMP Logical Product AA & BB Store Temporarily Exclusive OR AA & BB Combine them. Inclusive OR is now in A. JMP and RTJ Instructions These instructions alter the path of program flow. JMP is an unconditional program branch to the effective address. The RTJ, besides branching control to another core location, also provides the link by which control can be returned to the instruction following the R T J instruction. This allows program flow from a main program to a closed subroutine and back again to the main program. This is illustrated below: Main Program Address ,""'-- P Main Program __---A'---_~ I Effective RTJ Address =0025 16 \ Subroutine I P+1 I ~00f5 1 A \ Computer stores P+ 1 or P+2 here ,2 I 1st Instruction of Subroutine ~P+2 I I 5 I !3 • Next to Last Instruction of Subroutine 6 4 Indirect JMP Address =0025 16 I 5-22 The subroutine is structured with its first location left open to allow the address (P+l or P+2) to be placed by the RTJ instruction. Program control is then given to the second cell of the subroutine. By using a jump indirect through the first cell as the last instruction in the subroutine, program control will be given to the next executable instruction following the RT J in the main program. This flow is independent of the location of the R T J instruction. Example: Comment Location Opcode Address LOOP LDA TEN JMP LOOP Simply jumps back to location LOOP BACK RTJ BACKI Sets BACK+2 into BACKI since mode of addressing is 2 word. BACKl 0 0 Address BACK+2 is placed here. JMP (BACKl) Will jump not to location B A C K 1, but to location whose address is inBACKl which is BACK+2. 0 To specify indirect mode of addressing the address is placed in parentheses as in the above example. This means that the specified address (in this case, BACKl) itself contains the address that is desired. More will be said on addressing later. 5. 1.2. 5 RAO Instructions This RAO instruction is used to inqrease the contents of the effective address by 1. This instruction is very useful as a counter where a memory location is initialized or preset and the RAO instruction increases the count in this memory cell each time a desired condition occurs (number of times through a loop, etc.). (~ .. \ .....~..,' I ... 5-23 i Example: Location Opcode Address COUNT o o LOOP LDA TEST,Q SAZ 2 JMP LOOP COUNT LOOP RAO JMP Comment Skips to RAO COUNT if A is zero, In this example the contents of core location COUNT is increased by 1 each time the A register is found to be zero. This RAO (Replace and Add One) instruction can only add one to the contents of the designated core location and does not change the contents of any of the registers. This instruction can cause overflow and, as such, is very useful for loop control. Example: Location Loop through a given portion of a program 12 times then jump to core location NEXT. It is necessary to preset a COUNT cell such that increasing it by 1 will not cause overflow until it has been increased 12 times. The largest po sit i v e number minus 11 then is preset into COUNT. Opcode Address Comment SOY LDA STA 0 Turn off overflow if set =X$7FFF-l1 COUNT LOOP RAO SOY COUNT JMP COUNT NEXT-*-1 LOOP o o NEXT Overflow will occur the 12th time the RAO instruction is performed. 5-24 5.1.3 5. 1. 3 Execution Times EXECUTION TIlVIE (microseconds) * INSTRUCTION LDA STA LDQ STQ ADD SUB ADQ AND EOR RAO MUI JMP RTJ DVI SPA o Load A Store A Load Q Store Q Add A Subtract Add Q AND with A Exclusive OR with A Replace Add One in Storage Multiply Integer Jump Return Jump Divide Integer Store A, Parity to A Timings are for one-word instructions. two-word instruction. 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 7.0 1.1 2.2 9.0 2.2 An additional cycle must be added for a Note the speed of the integer multiply and divide instructions. sidered very fast for the computer hardware. *Add 1. 1 microsecond if Storage Index Register is used. Add 1. 1 microsecond for each level of Indirect Addressing. r--., / \..-.. \ -,:) 5-25 These are con- c.n I----l SKIPS * * F=O Fl=l * (P)=* * * * **** I t\:) 0") SKIP COUNT ~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * + * * ~ ARITHMETIC TESTS t * **** **** * * c.n F2 * *TEST* ~ MACHINE STATE TESTS * *TEST* * * 0 SAZ (A)=ZERO 8 SWS SKIP SWITCH ON * * 1 SAN (A)rfZERO 9 SWN SKIP SWITCH OFF * * 2 SAP (A)=POSITIVE A SOY OVERFLOW * * 3 SAM (A)=NEGATIVE B SNO NOT OVERFLOW * * 4 SQZ (Q)=ZERO C SPE PARITY ERROR * * 5 SQN (Q)rfZERO D SNP NOT PARITY ERROR * * 6 SQP (Q) =POSITIVE E SPF PROTECT FAULT * * 7 SQM (Q)=NEGATIVE F SNF NOT PROTECT FAULT * * --)' * i -) -( "" 5.2 5.2 SKIP CLASS INSTRUCTIONS --/. These instructions are used to make conditional tests and skip forward depending on whether the instruction meets the actual condition being tested. The format for these instructions appears below: 15 12 l o0 0 0 v F 11 'I, 8 7 I o0 0 1 v Instruction F1 " 5 6 I \ v I 4 I Sub- Instruction F2 0 3 I " l Skip 'tount Notice the skip count is only four bits which allow s a skip count of only 15. The skip count is not signed so the instructions will only allow a skip in the forward d ire c t ion. If the skip condition is met, program control proceeds to P + 1 + skip_ count. If the skip condition is not met, program control continues from P+1. 5.2.1 A and Q Skip Tests The following types of con d it ion a 1 tests are available on the A and Q register: .,.--;..,~ F2' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 SAZ SAN SAP SAM SQZ SQN SQP SQM A=+O Arf+O A= + A= Q=+O Qrf+O Q= + Q=- Example: Location Opcode Address Comments START LDA ARS SAZ ARS SAZ =N$0080 4 1 4 TAGl-*-l Loads 0080 into A TAG 1 is the Skip Count will not skip to TAG will skip to TAG1 TAG1 The TAG1-*-1 address is a form peculiar only to the utility assembler. With this form the assembler is being d ire c ted to form a skip count to TAG1, which has some program counter value. This counter value, minus the current location of 5-27 "'- 5.2.1 tithe SAZ instructions (which is some program counter value less than TAG1), minus one more, forms the skip count. The -1 is used to compensate for the +1 in the skip formula P+1+skip count. When using the macro assembler, the address need only be TAG! as the macro assembler will automatically calculate the skip count. For all cases the distance skipped (to TAG1 in this example) must be no greater than 16 lo cat ion s forward from the location of the skip command. The macro assembler will also accept the -*-1 form. 5.2. 2 Skip Switch Tests The SWS and SWN instructions test the condition of the skip switch located on the programmer t s panel. This switch can be used to alter pro g ram flow from the panel. Example: . Opcode Address TAG SWS GO-*-l GO TAG1 SWN G01-*-1 Location Comments START G01 The code bet wee n TAG and GO will be skipped at run time if the skip switch on the programmer's panel is set. It would be executed if the switch were not set. The code between TAG! and G01 will be skip p e d if the skip switch on the programmer's panel is not set. It will not be skipped if the switch is set. 5.2.3 Overflow Skip Tests The SOV (F2=A) and SNO (F2=B) instructions test the state of the overflow indicator. Ref e r to Chapter II, Section 4, for a dis c u s s ion of those arithmetic operations causing overflow. The overflow indicator is cleared up o~ execution of these instructions. 5-28 \....... 5.2.3 j Example: Location Opcode Address START LDA ADD SNO OPl OP2 TAG-*-l ADD SOV JMP OP3 ERROR-*-l OK Comments CORR TAG ERROR OPl OP2 OP3 OK CJ In the above e x amp 1 e, two numbers are added and if no overflow occurred, the instructions between CORR and TAG will be skipped and a third n u m b e r will be added. The overflow in die a tor is again checked and if overflow had occurred, the routine would skip to ERROR. The overflow indicator once set, remains set until tested with either an SOV or SNO instruction. 5.2.4 Parity and Program Protect Indicator Tests The SPE (F2=C) and SNP (F2=D) instructions will test for a storage parity error and the SPF (F2=E) and SNF (F2=F) instructions will test for pro g ram protect fault errors. Example: Location Ope ode Address START SPE SPF JMP JMP JMP PAR-*-l PROT-*-l ERROR PARITY PROTEK PAR PROT Comments If either a parity error or a program protect fault occurs, an interrupt is generated on line o. Since both interrupts can 0 c cur on the same line, the interrupt pro- cessor for this line must distinguish between the two. This example illustrates how this might be done with program control going to the location named PARITY 5-29 5.2.4 if a par it Y error is found, and program control jumping to core location named PROTEKli the protection fault caused the interrupt. Ifneither interrupt was found by this process, program control would jump to some error routine to service what is apparently a ghost interrupt. The parity and protect indicators (both the interrupt signal and the programmer's panel fault indicators) will clear when these instructions are executed. Problem: MOVE LP1 Problem: SUM LOOP DONE Problem: CHNG LP2 ADDRI ADDR The following routine will move how many numbers? From what core locations to what core locations? 0 LDQ LDA+ STA+ ADQ SQM JMP* JMP* 0 =N$1000 $1000,Q $3000, Q =N-1 1 LPI (MOVE) The follow in g routine sums how many numbers? locations? Where does it store the answer? LDQ LDA ADD+ ADQ SQM JMP* STA+ From what core =X$2000-$1000 =N$ $1000, Q =N-l DONE-*-l LOOP $3000 The following routine moves how man y numbers? From which core locations to where? 0 0 LDA =N$1000 ADDR1 STA* LDA =N$4000 STA* ADDR LDA+ (ADDR1) LDQ+ (ADDR) STA+ (ADDR) STQ+ (ADDR1) ADDR1 RAO* LDA* AD DR SUB =Nl STA* ADDR SUB =N$3000 SAM 3 JMP* LP2 0 0 0 0 (CHNG) JMP* 5-30 ~ ('\ I n () , 01 I ~ ~ --_/ \- "--- - * * * * * * * * * * * * SHIFTS rrSHIFT A SHIFT F=O (P) =* ** * LEFTr,+rSHIFT Q Fl=F +++ * * ** * ** ~~~~rttr~~r~~r~r~~~~~~~~+H * ** ** ~~t~ RIGHT SHIFTS t DELAY 4 ARS (A) RIGHT 8 Nap 1.1+SHIFT COUNT(.l) (Q) LEFT 2 QRS (Q) RIGHT * (QA)LEFT 6 LRS (QA) RIGHT * * * + LEFT SHIFTS C ALS (A) LEFT A QLS E LLS t SHIFT COUNT * * * * * * * * 01 t..:> t+;:.. 5.3 5.3 SHIFT CLASS INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are used to shift the data bit by bit either in the A register or the Q register singly or together. The data can be shifted either left or right bit by bit. For these instructions the format appears below: 15 I 12 11 F=O 8 1111 0 0 0 0 F1=F 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I \ l=shlltleft __________________________ O=shift right 3 0 I V 1 I C/ Shift Count ~ 1 =shift A -------------------------' l=shift Q - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1 Notice the shift count is five bits allowing a shift either way a maximum of 31 positions. The upper bit of the shift count will a p pea r in the hex code as part of the second digit. For example, a OF51 is an ARS %,(linstruction, not ARS 1. Left shifts are end around: the high order hit of the register is shifted around and into the low order bit of that register for single register shifts. For a double register shift, (Long Shift), the Q register is considered the most significant register and the A register the least significant register and on left shift s the high order bit of Q is shifted around into the low order bit of A. High bit of A is shifted left into the low order hit of Q. Right shifts are end off with sign extension. Bits shifted off the right end are lost, and the sign bit of the register is extended from the left., For long right shifts, the low bit (Bit 0) of Q is shifted into the high bit (Bit 15) of A arid the sign (Bit 15) of Q is extended from the left. . The mnemonics for the instructions in this class are: ARS QRS LRS ALS QLS LLS A Right· Shift Q Right Shift Long Right Shift (QA) A Left Shift Q Left Shift Long Left Shift (QA) 5-32 5.3 u Example: Location Opcode Comments Address I I ALS 8 If the A register contained F302, execution of this instruction would shift the A register left 8 bits leaving 02F3. The high order bits of A moved end around intoI the low order bits of A. I I I LRS 8 If Q=8000 and A=AOFO, execution of this instruction extends the sign of Q to the right and the lower 8 bits of A would shift end off and be lost. Result is FF80 I in Q, and OOAO ?-n A. 5.3. 1 I I Illegal LLS 40 J I Legal QRS I I 0 I I I J Maximum number of shifts allowed is 31, Is effectively a no operation Timing for Shift Class Instructions The time for shift class instruction execution is: o I For long shifts (QA together) 1. 1 + • 2 x shift count For single register shifts (Q or A) 1. 1 + • 1 x shift count (--'1, l .•....,' 5-33 INTERREGISTER * F=O (P)=* * * * * * Fl=8 PR AQM AQM * **** ** ADDER CONTROLS ~ * * * * * * * * 01 • ~ ~ I +++ *** * "+ ~~ DESTINATION REGISTERS * '" ~~RIGIN REGISTERS * '" ~OPERAND * TWO * * * SUM TRANSFER COMPLIMENT 40 CLR Or--A,Q,M 80 SET -O~A,Q,M 30 AAQ (A)+(Q)~A, Q, M AO TRA (A)~A,Q,M 60 TCA (A) NOT r--A , Q, M 28 AAM (A)+(M) * 90 TRQ (Q)~A,Q,M 50 TCQ (Q)NOT ~A, Q, M 38 AAB B+(A) ~A, Q, M * * * * * * * * 88 TRM (M)r--A, Q, M 48 TCM (M)NdT~A,Q,M 98 TRB B~A,Q,M 58 TCB B NOT~A,Q,M * /l *** +~"'OPERAND ONE TRANSFER LOGICAL AND EXCLUSIVE OR ~A, * Q, M * * * * * * COMPLIMENT LOGICAL AND 70 EAQ (A).3o'-(Q) ~A, Q, M BO LAQ (A)/\(Q)~A,Q,M FO CAQ «A) /\ (Q»NOT~A, Q, M 68 EAM (A)~(M)~A, A8 LAM (A)/\(M)~A,Q,M E8 CAM «A)/\ (M»NOT~A, Q, M 78 EAB B-'7"(A) ~A, Q, M B8 LAB F8 CAB (B/\ (A) )NOT~A, Q, M Q, M B/\ (A)r*'A, Q, M * * * B=INCLUSIVE OR OF (M}AND(Q). (~) . 01 . c:...:> LX * * * ("1 , I-' 5.4 l''-- 5.4 INTERREGISTER CLASS INSTRUCTIONS ./ This class of instructions performs arithmetic or logical manipulation with the contents of A, Q or M or any combination of the three. The format for this class of instruction is: Operand 1 Adder Control Lines ...41------. I 15 12 11 8 7 L P Fl=8 F=O ~ + Logical Product --------' 6 X R 1 Exclusive OR - - - - - - - - - - ' ~and2 + 5 4 3 Origin Registers 2 1 o Destination Registers Since the adder can operate on only two 0 per and s and there are three possible origin registers, these three origin registers are considered as two operands, operand 1 and operand 2. Operand 1 includes bit 5 or the Are g i s t e r bit and it can have two forms: Operand 1 A (Bits) o FFFF Contents of A 1 If this bit 5 is a· 0, then all l' s are used as an operand and if bit 5 is a 1, then the contents of A is an operand. Operand 2 is the combination of bits 3 and 4 or the combination of the Q and M register bits: Q (Bit 0 0 1 1 4) M (Bit 3) 0 1 0 1 Operand 2 FFFF (M) (Q) Inclusive OR of Q & M If neither of these registers is specified, then all l' s are used as the operand. If anyone but not the other is specified, then the contents of that specified register is used. If both Q and M are specified, then the inclusive OR of Q and M is used as Operand 2. The bit by bit truth table for the inclusive OR is: A B AVB 1 1 1 1 o o o 1 1 1 o o Here a bit in either position yields a bit in the result. 5-35 5.4 / Either A, Q or M,or any combination of these can be specified as the destination registers. These are listed in any order and s epa rat e d by commas in the address field. Since M is the interrupt mask register, the interregister instruction with M as a destination register must itself be protected if the protect switch on the programmer's panel is on. Otherwise, a protect fault will occur. Formation of the operation itself comes fro m bits 6 and 7 of the instruction word. operations possible are: XR (Bit 6) LP (Bit 7) 1 1 1 1 Operation Arithmetic Sum Exclusive OR Logical Product Complement Logical Product 0 0 0 The 0 Refer back to Section 5.1.2. 3 of this chapter for the truth tab I e s of the logical product and the exclusive OR. All the possible combinations of different instructions in this class using these two operands number 22. The mnemonics assigned with the instructions in this class are: SET CLR TRA TRM TRQ TRB TCA TCM TCQ TCB AAM AAQ AAB EAM EAQ EAB LAM LAQ LAB CAM CAQ CAB Set to l's Clear to "0" Transfer A Transfer M Transfer Q Transfer Q V M Transfer Complement A Transfer Complement M Transfer Complement Q Transfer Complement Q V M Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, M Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, Q Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, QV M Transfer Exclusive OR A, M Transfer Exclusive OR A, Q Transfer Exclusive OR A, Q V M Transfer Logical Product A, M Transfer Logical Product A, Q Transfer Logical Product A, Q VM Transfer Complement Logical Product A, M Transfer Complement Logical Product A, Q Transfer Complement Logical Product A, Q V M 5-36 - , \ ....... - .. ~, 5.4 Examples: LDA CLR CLR AAQ TCA TRA SET AAQ =NO Clears A So does this Clears A, Q and M Adds A to Q, puts result in A Puts complement of A into Q Transfers A to Q and M Set M to all l's Only affects overflow indicator-adds A and Q, puts result nowhere A A,Q,M A Q Q,M M o Problem: The following is an example of how a subroutine can pick up parameters from the calling r 0 uti n e. How does the subroutine pick up the parameters? Does it pick up the actual argument or the address of the argument? Calling Program: C-") -' $500 1 =XX LDA STA LDA STA LDA STA ARG3 RTJ SUB o (l~.,) o $502 ARGI 0' $503 ARG2 0 ARGI =XY ARG2 =xz {'p\ r';!r Address of Z X NUM f 10 X data $701 Y NUM 12 Y data $702 Z NUM 6 Z data ARG3 0 $700 Addresses of parameters fall directly beneath the call to the subroutine. ' . Address of Y O'Y" $504 f "~ •.. Address of X / 5-37 5.4 Subroutine: (' " SUB '---' 0 0 STA* SAVEA+l STQ* SAVEQ+l LDA- $FF STA* SAVEI+l LDA* SUB EOR =N$8000 STA* SUB LDA* (SUB) STA* SUBAGI \'::, RAO* SUB LDA* (SUB) STA* SUBAG2 ' :-'J RAO* SUB LDA* (SUB) STA* SUBAG3 (-" ~ SUB 'LDA* INA I AND =N$7FFF. STA* SUB LDA =NO STA- $FF SAVEQ LDQ =NO SAVE A LDA =NO JMP* (SUB) SUBAGI BSS SUBAGl(l) SUBAG2 BSS SUBAG2(1) SUBAG3 BSS SUBAG3(1) SAVEl t f (' 5-38 5.4 ~ .~ U Problem: How many numbers does the following r locations? SORT BEGIN TEMP 0 CHECK EXIT 0 uti n e sort? CLR A STA- $FF ENQ 1 LDA+ $500, Q SUB+ $500, I SAP CHECK-*-l LDA+ $500, Q STA* TEMP+l LDA+ $500,1 STA+ $500, Q LDA =NO STA+ $500,1 INQ 1 TRQ A EOR =N$lO SAZ 1 JMP* BEGIN LDA- $FF INA 1 STA- $FF EOR =N$F SAZ EXIT-*-l ENQ 1 ADQ- $FF JMP* BEGIN SLS ,..-,~ I In what order? I \ . ___ .i 5-39 From what core . C1 ~ REGISTER REFERENCE * F70 Fl DELTA * (P)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,....r--~~~~r--~~~r--r-- r--~~•• t+ "~~ ~ ~r+~~r-* t ARITHMETIC t INTERRUPT t PROTECT ~ /) ! * I/O A ENA _ +-DELTA A t4 EIN* ENABLE •7 CPB CLEAR 2 INP * * * * C ENQ ' +-DELTA Q 5 lIN 6 SPB SET 3 OUT 9 INA +-DELTA+(A) ~A E EXI*EXIT 0 SLS SELECTIVE STOP D INQ +-DE LT A+(Q)r-"Q B NOP INHIBIT ('\ " r-A * * * (A)~I/O * + *ONE INSTRUCTION DELAY * 0 * * * * t I * I/O * * * * (-, 5.5 G "r ...• 5.5 REGISTER REFERENCE CLASS INSTRUCTIONS All the instructions in the class are one-word. The F field is always a zero and the Fl field will signify the particular instruction within this class. The format for the Register Reference Class of instructions is: Fl + Instruction Code ---.J The instructions within this class are: Fl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o A B C D E F SLS INP OUT EIN lIN SPB CPB INA ENA NOP ENQ INQ EXI Selective Stop SKIPS Input to A Output from A Enable Interrupt Inhibit Interrupt Set Program Protect Clear Program Protect INTERREGISTER Increase A Enter A No operation Enter Q Increase Q Exit Interrupt State SHIFTS The 11 field is available in this class of instructions. 5.5. 1 Instructions ENA, INA, ENQ and INQ These four instructions are used to e it her enter into or increase the A register or the Q register by the value in fl. This val u e is signed allowing numbers of the magnitude plus or minus 127. Example: LDA ENA SUB INA =N22 22 =N$1 -1 ,f) \.. .. / 5-41 Loads A with 1616 So does this Decreases A by 1 So does this 5.5.1 Where applicable, these instructions should be used in place of storage reference class with con s tan t mode as these take only one word and 1. 1 microseconds to execute. The value in the address field is p I ace d into D. by the assembler. machine instruction equivalent is OA16. \ '--. The ENA 22 5. 5. 2 Instructions SPB and CPB These. instructions are used to either set or clear the protect bit (Bit 17) in memory. For these instructions f:j, is not used. The address of the core lo cat ion which will have its protect bit either set or cleared must be in the Q register. If the program protect switch on the programmer panel is on, then these instructions must be protected. Otherwise, a program protect fault (interrupt on line 0, protectfault indicator on panel) will occur and these instructions become no operations. Example: Clear the protect bits in core from 1000 to 2000. TEMP START LOOP 0 LDQ CPB INQ STQ* ADQ SQZ LDQ* JMP* 0 =N$1000 Address is in Q 1 TEMP =N-$2000 DONE-*-l TEMP LOOP DONE Finished? No (' I. ......... .,,;' Yes This particular routine is further simplified with the use of interregister c las s instructions. Problem: The CLRPB subroutine clears protect bits on what core area? Calling Program LWA FWA RTJ NUM NUM CLRPB $4000 $2000 \ ". ../ 5-42 5.5.2 G Subroutine CLRPB LOOP DONE TEMPQ TEMPA 5.5.3 o 0 STQ* STA* LDA SUB* RAO* LDQ* SOY CPB INQ AAQ SOY JMP* RAO* LDQ LDA JMP* 0 TEMPQ+l TEMPA+l =X$7FFF (CLRPB) CLRPB (CLRPB) 0 // / / / 1 0 DONE-*-l LOOP CLRPB =NO =NO (CLRPB) Instructions EIN and IIN These instructions are used to either en a b 1 e the interrupt system or inhibit the interrupt -s y s t em. If the program protect switch on the programmer's panel is on, these instructions must be protected. Othe rw is e, a protect violation will occur. The interrupt system is inhibited immediately upon execution of the IIN in s t r u c t ion. However, for the EIN instruction one free instruction is allowed before the interrupt system becomes enabled. Example: MAIN RTJ SUB SUB o o Interrupt System inhibited IIN EIN JMP* (SUB) This instruction is free. This subroutine will operate on any level without interference from any other level since the whole subroutine functions with the in t err up t system off. Control is returned to the main program -before the interrupt system is activated through use of the one free instruction following the EIN. n '--_.- 5-43 5.5.3 For example, if an internal interrupt occurred on line 0, P and the overflow indicator of1 the inte$rrupted progra m wlOdUld havbe been saved in word 0 of thle trap for l ine 0 (ocation 100). Control wou have een transferred to word 1 ( 0 cat ion $101). If word 1 contained a jump tothe Internal Interrupt Processor, that routine would be executed. It would determine the cause of interrupt (program pro t e c t violation or parity error) by using the appropriate instructions (skips). Then the routine could exit back to the interrupted program. It would do that by: ,--.... lo- 00 EXI The delta in the EXI instruction should be the lower 8 bits of the word 0 trap location for the appropriate line. In this case, the 00 means the trap for line 0, at address $100. $104 jump to proc. a $100 • ... v > P ." line 0 exit through here The EXI instruction (Exit Interrupt State) is use d to exit from an interrupt subroutine. It restores the overflow indicator to its previous state, resets P of the interrupted program, and enables the interrupt system. 5.5.4 Instructions INP and OUT The INP and OUT instructions are used for all input and output operations on the 1700. They are used to input or output data to or from the A register. They output function codes to the peripheral equipment from the A register, and they input s tat us conditions of the equipment to the A register. The Q register is used to address the desired equipment. A brief introduction to I/O using these instructions is contained in Chapter 7. 5.5.5 Instructions SLS and Nap The SLS or selective stop ins t r u c t ion is dependent upon the positioning of the selective stop switch on the programmer's panel. If the selective stop switch is up, then the program will stop on this instruction. If the selective stop switch is not up, then this instruction is the sam e as a Nap or No Operation Instruction, where the computer simply steps past this instruction without performing any operation. If the computer stops, program execution will continue by momentarily setting the RUN-STEP switch on the programmer's panel to the RUN pos ition. (' " 5-44 ••• 0 5.5.5 Example: START =N$1000 LDA NOP NOP Put in for future expansion " Program stops i~ stop switch is up Continues when run switch is hit or if stop switch is not up. SLS Problem: The following is a conversion routine which converts a positive or negative hexadecimal number in the A register to the ASCII codes for the decimal number. It consists of a CONVRT subroutine and a main program CONTST which was used to check it out. Study the program carefully, see how the conversion is done and how the parameters are passed. o This should be considered a final examination over the 1700 instructions and their use. 5-45 5.5.5 0001 0002 POOOO POOOI POO02 0003 POO03 0004 POO06 0005 POOOC POOOO 0006 POOOE POOOF POOIO POOll POOl2 POOl3 POO14 POOlS POOl6 POO17 0007 0008 POO18 0002 POO19 0010 POOIA 0011 POOIB 0012 POOIC 0013 POOlO 0014 POOlE 0015 POOlF 0016 P0020 0017 P0021 0018 P0022 0019 P0023 0020 P0024 0021 P0025 P0026 0022 P0027 0023 P0028 0024 P0029 0025 P002A 0026 P002B 0027 P002C 0028 P0020 P002E 0029 P002F 0030 P0030 0031 P0031 0032 P0032 0033 P0033 0034 P0034 0035 P0035 0036 P0036 0037 P0037 0038 P0038 0039 P0039 0040 P003A 0041 P003B 0001 0001 0001 0003 0006 002B 0020 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0000 48E6 EOFF 48E5 0842 40FF 0122 0001 0864 EAEA 48E8 E8EA 48El EOOO 0020 480F 480F 480F 480F 0842 0106 3000 OOOA EAOE 4905 OOFF l8F8 40FF OC05 CADO OFC8 OOFE 8ACO 69C9 DOFF OOFe: BUF BUFI SIGN NAM BSS CONVRT SAVEQ(}}.SAVEI(l).SAVEA(l) BSS BSS NUM BUF(3) BUFl(6) $28.$20 ENT 0 STg* LOOSTO* CLR STOSAP INO TCA LDO* STQ* LOO* STO* LOQ CONVRT 0 SAVEO I SAVEl TAB CONVRT POS LOOP OUT BACK STQ* STQ* STQ* STQ* CLR SAZ OVI LOQ* STQ* RAOJMP* STQENQ LOA* ALS INQ ADD* STA* RAOINQ 0 I POS 1 A SIGN.O BUFI+5 TAB+O BUFI -:N$20 BUFI+l BUFl+2 BUFI+3 BUFl+4 0 OUT =NIO TAB.Q BUFl.1 I LOOP I 5 BUFl.Q 8 -I BUFl.Q BUF.I I -I (' \". 5-46 5.5.5 C~ 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 P003C P003D P003E P003F P0040 P0041 P0042 0048 P0043 0049 I SUFI LOOP 0171 18F7 EBCI DONE C8CI 60FF COOO 0003 P ICD4 OOFF SAVEQ 0006P SIGN 002AP OUT SQM JMP* LDQ* LDA* STALOA DONE BACK SAVEQ SAVEl I =XBUF JMP* END (CONVRT) OOOOP SAVEl OOOCP TAB 0033P BACK OOOIP SAVEA OOOEP CONVRT 0035P DONE 0002P BUF OOISP POS 003EP 0003P 0021P PP * CONTST CONVPT 2885 2BC8 TTY Output MI *p J *ASSEM OPTIONS LX J *P. J *L,5 J *x" +1427 2 .... ~f--- Answer J 5-47 5.5.5 r- -, \,-~, QOOI 0002 0003 0004 POOOO 0000 CONTST 0005 POOOI COOO POO02 37CO 0006 POO03 5400 X POO04 7FFF X 0007 POOOS 6800 POO06 0007 0008 POO07 54F4 WRITE 0009 poooa OC01 0010 POO09 OOOF P 0011 POOOA 0000 0012 POOOB 18FC 0013 POOOC 0003 0014 POOOO 0000 00}5 POOOE 14EA 00}7 18FF 0018 0018 POOl} 54F4 QQIB PQ012 OAgO 0019 EXIT NAM ENT EXT 0 LOA CONTST CONTST CONVRT 0 =N$37CO RTJ CONVRT STA WRITE+6 RTJNUM AOC NUM NUM NUM ADC JMPP NUM EXIT ($F4) $OCOI COMPL 0 $18FC 3 0 ($EA) EXIT $18FF END CONTST Writes an ,,---" I ............ I CONVRT OOFF CONTST 0004X OOOOP WRITE 5-48 0007PCOMPL OOOFP EXIT 0011P -~. 5.6 5.6 EXERCISES ... \ LJ 5.6.1 Exercises - Constant Mode of Addressing 1. What is in the A and Q registers when location NEXT is reached? a) LDA ALS LDQ LRS EOR =N$1FOC 3 =N277 12 =N$0106 LDA LDA MUI =N$7FFF =N6 =N6 LDQ LDA AND LLS AND =AAB =AXY =ACD 16 =AWZ NEXT b) NEXT c) ---.. \ " -.---../ See Appendix E for ASCII conversions. NEXT ) 5.6.2 Exercises - Absolute Mode of Addressing 1. Write code to increase the contents of Index Register I by 1016. 2. If C017 is in core 10 cat io n 3F, and 4016 is in core location 4017, where would program control be given for: a) b) c) JMPJMPJMP+ ($3F) $3F ($3F) 3. What is wrong with these: a) b) c) "' LDALDA+ LDA+ 0 $7F3-$700 (TEST) ........,,- 5-49 5.6.3 5.6. 3 Exercises - Relative Mode of Addressing 1. Will these instructions address b a c k war d or forward, and how many locations from P? b) 1831 1800 c) EFFF 18FE a) 2. What modes of address are these assembly language instructions? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) LDA TASK JMPRAO+ STA* ($44) *+3 AND =X$4111-4111 STQ LDA LDA- =XTWIX 10 (HIND) (DRUM) 3. Why is relative addressing never used to address into the communications region? 5.6.4 Exercises - Indexing 1. What is wrong with these: a) b) c) LDA MUI ALS AB, Q, I A,Q 6,Q 2. What number is in A when NEXT is reached: Core Location Contents 002200230024- 0000 8024 0023 5-50 5.6.4 a) I "-/ LDQ LDA- =N$-l ($23), Q LDQ LDA- =N$24 ($22), Q LDQ LDA =N$l $23,Q NEXT b) NEXT c) NEXT 3. What is wrong with this program: START LOOP NAM LDA STALDA+ SUB+ LDQADQ SQZ JMP* =N$10 r $2000 $2000, I r =N-1 DONE-*-l LOOP DONE C·· 'I ,/ 5.6.5 Shift and Skip Instructions 1. What will these machine language instructions do: a) b) c) d) OFFO 01A3 OF52 OF88 2. What will be in the Q and A Registers when this program jumps to OVER. Location Opcode Address Comments START LDA LDQ LLS QRS ALS SQM ARS SAM ALS QRS JMP =N$738F =N$OlCA 3 14 5 GO-*-l 2 GQ-*-l 2 3 OVER Loads 738F in A Loads 01CA in Q GO 5-51 5.6.6 5.6. 6 Review Exercises 1. Switch the contents of Location 1000 into Location 1001, and vice versa: TEMP 0 0 LDA+ STA* LDA+ STA+ LDA* STA+ $1000 TEMP $1001 $1000 TEMP $1001 Several points of note: 1. The problem descriptions seldom, if ever, specify core locations in decimal; they're assumed to be hexadecimal since rarely is a core location referenced decimally. Therefore, 1000 and 1001 in the problem mean 1000 hex and 1001 hex. 2. The TEMP location is necessary for switching to hold the one operand while the other is being s wit c he d. This form TEMP 0 0 can be used to simply define a core location; one cell is reserved and zero's placed therein. 3. The one-word reI a t i v e mode of addressing is used for locations within the range of .±.127 to save one core location and one cycle time, and also to allow the program to be run anywhere. 4. Two-word absolute mode of addressing is used for the core locations 1000 & 1001. This is because this program could be fin all y loaded any number of core locations away from 1000 and 1001; therefore, a two-word instruction is needed. But why use absolute mode instead of relative? For programming "run anywhere" programs there are two basic rules: a) Everything that will move with the program is to be coded using relative mode; b) Everything that remains fixed in core is to be coded using absolute mode. Since the statement of the problem states the two fix e d core locations to be switched regardless of where the program doing the switching is to be loaded, references to 1000 and 1001 should be made using absolute mode. 5-52 5.6.6 2. Transfer the contents of core locations 1000 through 1FFF to 3000 through 3FFF. Cj START LOOP LDQ LDA+ STA+ 1NQ SQM JMP* =X$lFFF-$1000 $1000,Q $3000,Q -1 DONE-*-l LOOP DONE 3. Do a reverse transfer of problem 2, i. e., place contents of 1000 in 3FFF, 1001 in 3FFE, etc. START LOOP LDQ CLR STALDA+ STA+ RAO1NQ SQM JMP* =X$lFFF-$1000 A I $1000,1 $3000,Q I -1 DONE-*-l LOOP DONE o For this problem, two in de x registers are needed, one indexing up (I), and one indexing down (Q). 4. Do Example 2 without Index Registers: AREAl AREA2 COUNT LOOP C) NAM ADC ADC NUM LDA STA* LDA STA* LDA STA* LDA* STA* RAO* RAO* RAO* SOY JMP* EXAMP 0 0 0 NUM sets the number 0 =X$7FFF-$lFFF+$1000 COUNT =N$1000 First Address in AREAl AREAl First Address in AREA2 =N$3000 AREA2 (AREAl) Indirect Addressing (AREA2) AREAl AREA2 COUNT DONE-*-l LOOP DONE 5-53 5.6.6 Several points to note: 1. The number prestored in location COUNT is the d iffe r en c e between the largest po s s i bI e positive number 7FFF and the difference between the beginning and end of the core blocks. Ifwe increase this count by one each time through the loop, we will en c 0 u nt e r an overflow condition when the count changes from 7FFF to 8000. We can then loop through and exit from the loop using this preset count. 2. AREAl and AREA2 are preset 'by using the ADC pseudo-op to O. Formerly the form AREAl 0 0 was used to perform the same function. The assembler, when encountering a zero in the opcode field, treats it as an ADC pseudo-op so both forms are equivalent. 3. This method of solving the problem is absolutely dependent on the use of indirect addressing since the addresses must be contained and manipulated in core cells. ~' ....... -.. :5-54 u CHAPTER VI PSEUDO OPS o .. ,,", CHAPTER VI - Pseudo Ops ~ lj PAGE TOPIC C) 6.0 Introduction 6-1 6.1 NAM 6-1 6.2 END 6-2 6.3 ENT, EXT 6-2 6.4 EXT* 6-4 6.5 EQU 6-4 6.6 NUM 6-5 6.7 ADC 6-6 6.8 ADC* 6-6 6.9 ALF A IQC-J1 6.10 DEC 6.11 VFD 6.12 BSS, BZS 6-10 6.13 DAT, COM 6-11 6.14 ORG, ORG* 6-14 6.15 IFA, ElF 6-15 6.16 MAC, EMC 6-16 6.17 LOC 6-18 6.18 IFC 6-18 6.19 NLS, LST, SPC 6-19 6.20 EJT -~A-66 6.TC:eT ov f,l~T oIVIT) 6-19 6.21 OPT 6-19 6.22 MON 6-20 6.23 Exercises on Pseudo Ops, Utility Assembler 6-21 6.24 Exercises on Pseudo Ops, Macro Assembler 6-22 - l-oC.ft/~~ r/~tl)/ IVj--r ..f-C-~p;cltl~7-- 6-7 6-8 VA-All/It) f; !(<#'( el VlfIII1Tt;-., t (f?I--C/{ Mi::~71(,-//!4/1) 6-9 c 6.0 ~- '\ 6. 0 INTRODUCTION The 1700 has 3 assemblers: • Basic assembler, which operates as a stand-alone system in a 4-K computer • Utility assembler, which operates under the utility system and r e qui res an 8-K computer • Macro assembler, which 0 per ate s under the mass storage operating system and requires a 12-K computer The standard pseudo ops covered in this c hap t e r are available under all 3 assemblers, with the exception of some additional pseudo ops available only under the macro assembIer. These are noted where they are described. In addition to the mnemonics for the machine instructions which we have covered, there are certain instructions that are only recognized by the assembler. They are used by the ass em b Ie r itself to control the assembly, control the data, reserve storage, convert data, signify beginning and end of assembly and control the output listing. These instructions are called pseudo instructions or pseudo ops. 6.1 NAM o The first instruction on any source pro g ram must be the pseudo instruction NAM. Its use is to signal the assembler when to begin ass em b I y and how to set up its program counter for this assembly. Its form is: Location Opcode Address NAM Name Comments If the location field is blank, the assembler will begin assembly with its counter at zero and signal to the loader in the object program that this program is program relocatable. This provides the ability to have the sou r c e program assemble without regard to where the program will finally be loaded and run in core. If a hexadecimal number appears in the I 0 cat ion field, the assembler sets its program counter to that value and assembles the program absolutely. When a program of this type becomes loaded, it is loa de d beginning at this absolute address specification. In the address field of the NAM pseudo op will be the program name which is reproduced on the output listing. 6-1 6.1 Example: NAM SORT This program is assembled program relocatable and can be loa de d anywhere into core. The name SORT will appear on the output listing. $100 NAM INTERRUPT This program is assembled absolutely, beginning at 100 hex, and will be loaded into core at 100 hex only. 6.2 END The last instruction in the pro g ram must be an END pseudo instruction. It marks the physical end of the program. The address field may con t a i n an entry point to the program. This is called a named t ran s fer address, and it is the entry point where it is desired for execution to begin after the object program is loaded. Example: NAM ENT SORT START END START START 6.3 ENT, EXT Two pseudo instructions are used to pro v ide communication between programs. They are the ENT (entry point) pseudo ins t r u c t ion, and the EXT (external point) pseudo instruction. Those 10 cat ion s internal to a program that are needed in another program are declared as entry points to the i mIne d i ate program. The other program .can then refer to these entry points in its immediate program by declaring them as external. The names must match identically. Since communication between these two pro g ram s can not be made at assembly time (since both programs can be assembled at different locations at different times), the relocating linking loader must provide the cor r e c t location addresses when these two programs are finally loa d e d together. To accomplish this, the loader builds loader symbol tables (Figure 13) where it places ref ere n c e s to all entry points and ex t ern a I points. These tables locate exactly for the loader where the entry point addresses are and where the external point references are that need patching with 6-2 6.3 their corresponding entry point addresses. When it finds a mat chin names between an entry point and an external point, it does the patching. Example: Program 1 is w r itt e n and it needs to ext r act data from program 8 which has not yet been written. The writers of both pro g ram s agree to a 10 word area with the name of CLARK. Since program 1 needs to refer to CLARK in pro g ram 8, it declares CLARK as an external. This external declaration allow s the assembler the use of this symbol which is not otherwise defined in program 1. NAM EXT PROGI CLARK LDA+ CLARK Program 8, when it is finally written, will declare C LARK as an entry point. NAM ENT PROG8 CLARK BSS CLARK(10) o When both of these pro g ram s are finally loaded together in core, the loader will link the address of CLARK at program 8 to its correct reference in program 1. The EXT described above is called an absolute external. It means ref ere n c e s made from the program to the external are ass em b 1 e d in absolute form (even if a relative mode is used in the ins truction). More than one symbol can be defined with each ENT and EXT instruction, sin c e their general form is: EXT ENT nl'n2'---nl,n2'--- n - name -6-3 6.4 6.4 EXT* Another form of external is available under the macro assembler: the relative external. It causes the loader (at load time, when linking is done) to patch in the relative distance from the referencing instruction to the location of the external, rather than the absolute core location. This allows the use of relative references. E~T* Example: TAG I I 5800 7FFFX RTJ I TAG t A two-word relative mode must be used in referencing these externals. 6.5 EQU It is common to use symbols in place of constants or !mown address 1 0 c a ti on s. The EQU pseudo instruction provides a means of declaring to the asselnbler the equivalence of a symbol with a number or expression. The form of EQU is: Location Opcode Address Comments EQU ONE (1), TWO(2), THREE(3) The symbol with its equivalent n u m be r is placed in the assembler's symbol directory and all references to that symbol will yield its e qui val e n t number. It is important to note that the EQU does not generate any code; it simply tells the assembler another value for symbols found in the program. For example, it uses a 2 wherever it s~es the name TWO. Example: r--- \"----- Count the number of times the exact bit configuration 1110 appears in bit positions 4 to 7 of core locations 1000 to 10CE. COUNT START LOOP OVER DONE NAM 0 EQU EQU LDQ LDA+ AND EOR SAN RAO* INQ SQM JMP* FIND 0 MASKl($OOFO), MASK2($00EO), FmST($1000) LAST($10CE) =XLAST-FmST FIRST,Q And out all but bits 4 thru 7. =NMASKl Look for exact match. =NMASK2 OVER-*-l Was match not exact? No, match was exact. COUNT -1 Yes, no match. DONE-*-l Finished? LOOP No. Yes. r---' ......... 6-4 ' 6.5 By using the EQU, the same general problem with different parameters could be solved with this program simply by chan gin g the EQU card. Assume the problem looked for 10110 2 in bit positions 8 through 12 of core location 3020 through 3F21. Simply pull out the EQU card and insert one: EQU EQU MASK2($lFOO), MASK2($1600), FIRST($3020) LAST($3F21) The EQU instruction is e s p e cia 11 y useful for referencing the mask tables in low core. (See Appendix I.) These masks are available for foreground or background programs to use, rather than defining additional core locations in a program to contain masks. The EQU's to be used would be as follows: EQU EQU LPMASK($2), NZERO($12), ZERO($22) ONEBIT($23), ZROBIT($33) These are the same EQU's used by the system and they make it easier to rem e m be r which mask is being used. For example: LDA- c LPMASK+2 This can be used instead of: LDAThe same code is generated: $4 C004 It is easier to remember that LPMASK+2 is a mask location containing two one bits on the right end than to remember what location $4 contains. NZER0+4 would contain 4 zero bits on the right. Location ZERO always contains a 0 word. . ONEBIT+5 would contain a one bit in bit position 5; ZROBIT+8 would contain a zero bit in bit position 8. 6.6 NUM In order to insert known con s tan t s into the assembly, the pseudo op NUM is used. Its form is: Location Opcode s NUM Address Comments s means a symbol 16-bit constants are inserted, in line, one constant to a word. If a symbol is specified in the location field, it is assigned the storage .address of the first constant. 6-5 6.6 Example: HERE NAM NUM EXAM $7312,21,-21,-$216 Since this is a program relocatable assembly (blank in location field of NAM card), HERE is at program counter POOOO and the following constants are inserted: POOOOPOOOlP0002P0003- 7312 0015 FFEA FDE9 Expressions are not allowed. NUM $7312-41 Ulegal 6.7 ADC To insert in line a table of addresses, the ADC pseudo instruction ~s used. It functions identically to the NUM pseudo instruction except expressions may be used and the result is evaluated for only 15 bits since an address value cannot exceed 15 bits in length. Bit 15 will be set if the expression is enclosed in parentheses (indicating an indirect reference). Its form is: s '--_." ADC Example: Opcode Address NAM EQU EQU EXAM TEN(10) MASK($F302) HAT ADC TEN TEN is. OOOA (See EQU) STILL ADC (HAT) Will set Bit 15 Location Comments Assume the program counter for HAT is at POI02 and for STILL, POIFF; then: POI02 OOOA POIFF 8102 ,~---, 6.8 ADC* Under the macro ass em b Ie r there is a second form of the ADC pseudo op, the ADC* pseudo op. This form functions identically to the ADC pseudo op in the utility assembler. However, all address expressions e v al u a te d are then placed in relative form. Examples of both forms are on the following page. 6-6 6.8 HERE NAM BSS ADC EXAM1 TAG(10) ,TAGl(lO) TAG ,TAG1 HERE which is at P0014 has the absolute address of TAG (POOOO), and HERE+1 (P0015) has the absolute address of TAG1 (POOOA). HERE NAM BSS ADC* EXAM2 TAG(10) , TAG1(10) TAG, TAG1 HERE, at P0014, has the relative address of TAG (FFEB, or twenty decimal locations back) and HERE+1 (P0015) has the relative address of TAG1 (FFF5). 6.9 ALF ASCII characters are stored in consecutive locations, two 8-bit characters for each core location, by the ALF pseudo instruction. The ALF pseudo instruction is used to pack a core area with a message which can be used for subsequent output to ASCII devices like the teletype. A symbol, if used in the location field, will refer to the fi r s t word of the block. The format for the ALF pseudo instruction is: C~) s ALF n, <2n characters> HERE NAM ALF EXAM 3,ABACAD Example: Three words are packed with the ASCII equivalents of ABACAD: POOOO P0001 P0002 4142 4143 4144 Table of ASCII equivalents is found in Appendix E. A blank is stored into unused locations. Example: produces: /' r·-.....", HERE ALF POOOO POO01 POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 4142 4143 4144 2020 2020 2020 6,ABACAD \~-.......,.- 6-7 6.9 The ALF pseudo op in the utility system only allowed specification for its message by the use of an unsigned integer for the number of core locations to be reserved. In the macro assembler a second form for this pseudo op is available: ALF n, ~essag;>n n may be a non-integer character which signals the end of the message. n is a delimiter and appears before the comma and after the message. This form is an advantage where the programmer does not desire to count the number of words in his message and will find no conflict between his message and the terminating character used. For either form the pseudo op ALF will pack two ASCII characters per word. The address of the first location of the message in core will be assigned to the symbol in the location field, if specified. Example: GO NAM EXAMP ALF Z,DATAZ Two words· are reserved, starting at location GO for the ASCII equivalent of DATA. 6.10 DEC A DEC pseudo op is available under the macro assembler. Suppose the following problem needed to be solved: y = 1. 63 x 10 3 x 2 + 21246 x 10-2 x + 81 x 26 • 0074 x 10 6 .11 x 10 3 Insertion of the constants in this problem would be facilitated by having the assembler do the binary or decimal conversions. The DEC pseudo op allows insertion of constants with decimal or binary scaling factors. Its form is: s DEC k is a constant - IDdBb Example: HERE NAM EXAMP DEC 163D1,74D2,21246D-2,81B6,11Dl This example shows the cons tants from the equation inserted. The decimal numbers are converted men tall y to integers. HERE is the s y m b 01 i c address of the first of these decimal constants which are inserted one per core cell. The size, then, of the converted decimal constants must lie within the range of ±32, 767. 6-8 \ ....... 6.11 c 6.11 VFn The VFD pseudo op is available under the macro assembler. It is frequently desirable to pack data into memory locations. The VFD (variable field definition) pseudo instruction assigns data to consecutive locations in the instruction sequence without regard for computer words. Data is stored in bit strings rather than word units. Its format is: s m will specify the mode. N A X VFD m1n1/v1,m2n2/v2,···,mnnn/vn Three modes are possible: numeric constant ASCII character code expression n will specify the number of bits and v is the value. n may be 16 bits or less for either N mode or X mode; however, for A mode n must be some mul tiple of 8 since ASCII character conversion is meaningless for a non-multiple of 8 bits. Numeric constants must be within the range of +32,767. Example using numeric constants: o TAG NAM VFD LDA EXAMP N4/$F,N8/6,N8/-6,N2/16 The ass e m b ly of the bit strings begins with the high order bit of the first core cell (in this example the core cell labeled TAG). TAG gets packed with 1111 which is the binary equivalent of hexadecimal F. The next 8 bits of TAG get packed with the binary equivalent of 6 which is 0000 0110. The next 8 bits (which will now be thelowerfourbits of TAG) and the upper four bits of TAG+1 get packed with -6 or 11111001. The next two higher order bits get packed with as much of the number 16 as is possible, that is, with the low order two bits (00). The remaining bits of TAG+1 set to zeros. TAG and TAG+1 will thenlook like this: TAG TAG+1 F06F9000- 1111 0000 0110 1111 1001 0000 0000 0000 If the n u m be r of bits specified is not sufficient for the value then the high order bits of the value are truncated (chopped off), as many as are necessary. If the number of bits is larger than the value, then the sign of the value is extended. Example using expressions: NAM EQU TOP VFD EXAMP TAG($4FF1), HAT(20) X8/T AG+2, X8/HA T 6-9 6.11 The pre v i 0 us example shows the use of expressions where the expression is evaluated absolutely (since neither TAG nor HAT is relocatable). If fewer than 16 bits are specified, the absolute expression by itself is evaluated (using 16 bits) and is truncated. The previous example is decoded by the assembler. TOP F314 When the expression is evaluated relatively, the n must be 15 and the expression must be positioned so that it will be stored right justified at bit position 0 of the computer word. Example using ASCII character mode: NAM TAP VFD EXAMP A24/ABC, N8/$3F The above ex amp 1 e illustrates three ASCII characters, A, B and C; these will be converted using 8 bits for each, followed by the numeric constant 3F hex in the lower 8 bits of TAP+l. The above example is decoded by the assembler. TAP TAP+l 4142 433F 6.12 BSS, BZS Blocks of data storage can be all 0 cat e d within the program using either the BSS or the BZS pseudo instructions. The block is given a name and a size according to the following format: BSS n is name of block s is size These pseudo ins t r u c t ion s reserve areas. The BZS area is zeroed out at load time while the BSS block is not changed at load time; therefore, anything may be initially set in a BSS block at run time. Example: NAM BSS EXAM AA(10), BB(20) LDA The symbol AA will be assigned the address of the first 10 c a ti on of the block of 10 and the symbol BB will be assigned the address of the first location of the block of 20 locations reserved. When this program is loaded, anything can be initially contained in these first 30 locations. Had a BZS been used instead of the BSS, these first 30 locations would have been zeroed at load time. (' ' - . r' 6-10 6.13 ,.....'" ~ 6.13 DAT, COM Two other pseudo ops are used to res e r v e areas for use that are outside the bounds of the main program. These areas are reserved by the DAT and COM pseudo ops. Refer to Figure 13. Notice that the common storage area (reserved by the COM pseudo instruction) is the area that is used by the loader. This area cannot be preset with data and is used only at run time when the loader becomes destroyed. The data area (reserved by the DAT pseudo instruction) is assigned an area with the programs themselves; in fact, the data block will precede the pro g ram that declares it. The data area can be preset. The loader will make common and data area assignments just once and will use its common counter and data counter at this assigned value for the rest of the programs loaded. It is necessary, then, for the first sub pro g ram s of a run declaring common or data storage to declare the largest amount necessary. The format for the COM and DAT pseudo instructions is the same as for the BSS and BZS and is: DAT COM n l (sl),n 2 (s2)'·· .nm(Sm) n l (Sl)' n 2 (S2)' • • • nm (s m) NAM BSS DAT COM EXAM AA(30) CAT(40) ,RAN(20) CCC (40) ,AB(10) Example: o The BSS will reserve 30 locations within the program while the DAT will reserve a total of 60 core locations, reserved outside of the program area. In fact, this data area will immediately precede the main pro g ram area in core. The common area, 50 words in this example, is reserved at the high end of core where the loader resides at load time. This common area cannot be preset with data and 'can only be used at run time, when the loader is no longer needed. 6-11 6.13 ,,1'.... - . . , Loader High Core .....t---50 Words Common Counter I Loader Symbol Tables More Programs 1 Program ~ Program Counter ~ 60 Words ~Data Counter Data Executive Monitor Resident 013F • Interrupt Area 0100 ~ OOFF ~ 0000 ~ c: Communication Area Figure 13. Data, Program and Common Counters. Figure 13 ill us t rat e s the three counters: data, program and common counter. There are three types of reI 0 cat ion po s sib 1 e when loading programs, each type using its appropriate counter. References to addresses will be relocated using the data counter if the address is in the data area, the program counter if the address is in the main program area and the common counter if the address is in the common area. c 6-12 6.13 C/ Example: NAM DAT COM BSS LDA+ STA+ STA+ EXAMP AA(10) BB(10) CC(10) AA+3 BB+7 CC+4 The listing for the above looks like: 001. 002. 003. 004. 005. 006. 0 007~ POOOO POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF OOOOD OOOOC OOOA C400 0003D 6400 0007C 6400 0004P NAM DAT COM BSS LDA+ EXAMP AA(10) BB(10) CC(10) AA+3 STA+ BB+7 STA+ CC+4 The first column is the line number. The second column is the core location in hex. The P preceding it indicates that the value of the pro g ram counter will be added to the number at load time, yielding the actual core location. Hex word followed by relocation symbol: P for program counter, D for data counter, and C for common counter. Although there is only one common area and one data area assigned per core load, references to data in these areas can be made by all programs in core. The relative position with respect to the data or common counter for the data desired must be kn own by each program but the same names need not be used by diffe_rent pro g ram s to reference the same data. Example: Program 1 is the first program loaded. common area. NAM DAT It must declare the largest data or PROG1 AX(lOO) ,BX(50) ,CX(100) 6-13 6.13 When the program is loaded, a data area of 250 locations is assigned and the data counter is set at the beginning of this area. Suppose PROG6, which is the sixth program loaded, is interested only in the data which PROG1 lmows as the 26th to 30th locations in BX. NAM DAT PROG6 DUMMY(125), MINE(5) LDA MINE DUMMY is not used by program 6. It only allows a skip past the AX and first 25 locations of BX corresponding to program 1. Ref ere n c e to MINE in program 6 will yield the same data as reference to BX+25 in program 1. 6.14 ORG, ORG* Presetting the data area is accomplished by the use of the ORG pseudo ORG OPe Its form is: a This pseudo op c han g e s the value of the assembler's counter to agree with a. All instructions or data following the ORG instruction are assembled into consecutive locations until either an 0 the r ORG instruction is encOlmtered or an ORG* is encountered. When an ORG* is en c 0 u n t ere d, the assembler's program counter is set to the value that it would have been,if the very first ORG ins t r u c t ion had not occurred. The address expression (a) may be either positive program relocatable, positive data reI 0 cat a b I e or absolute. Notice common reI 0 cat a b I e address expressions are not allowed since the common area cannot be preset. Example: NAM DAT LDA .......... .1 EXAMP AX(20) ,BX(40) Assume P. C. =P0030 ORG AX+10 ORG BZS ORG* LDA AX 10 C, 6-14 6.14 G In this example the program counter starts off at 0000 and pro c e e d s in sequence until the first ORG instruction is assembled. Since the address expression refers to the data area, the assembler's pro g ram counter will now be at DOOOA, indicating that the code beneath this first ORG pseudo i:n.struction will be inserted beginning in the 10th data area location. When the second ORG instruction is encountered, the code under it (BZS10) is assembled into the beginning of the data area. When the ORG* instruction is encountered, the program counter is set to P0031; this is the next location following the last location assembled before the first ORG instruction. Any symbols used in the address expression of the ORG pseudo op must have been previously defined in the program. The following example can be used to illustrate presetting values in A and B in the DATA block: A= OOOOD X:: OOOOC C= 0007D OOOOP 000lP 0002P OOOOD DAT COM DAT 0 LDASTA+ ORG NUM 0004P ORG* RAO- START A(5) ,B(2) X C(50) 0 $FF X A ~~ A 0 t 6. 15 IF A, ElF B $FF The macro assembler contains a conditional assembly instruction. With the p s e u do op IFA, it is possible to specify portions of a program to be e i the r assembled or excluded during assembly time. Its format is: s IFA (This pseudo op can be used within a macro skeleton.) e may be an ex pre s s ion and c specifies one of four conditions: EQ NE GT LT e1=e 2 e1~e2 e1>e2 e1<;e2 The termination of the coding en com pas sed within the ran g e of an IFA pseudo op is accomplished with the pseudo op ElF. Since nesting is allowed, a match between an IFA and ElF pseudo op range is made by correspondence between the first two characters of the symbols in the location field of the IF A and the address field of an ElF. 6-15 6.15 Example: TOTS NAM EQU EXAMP AB(10) ,AC (20) ,AD(30) IFA LDA STA ElF AB+AC, EQ, AD TAG TAG1 TOTS The LDA TAG and the STA TAG1 instructions will be assembled in this example since equality exists. Changing the EQU card, however, or changing the condition from EQ to NE would have excluded these two lines of code from the assembly. Problem: VALUE PROBLEM (COMMON) Starting in the 11th location of COMMON are 10 words. Bits 13-8 of each of the 10 words are to be compared with bits 5-0 of a location called VALUE which is ext ern a I to this program. Do not destroy the original contents of VALUE. Count how many complete matches are found in the bit strings compared and store the answer in the 7th word of the data block. For example, if bits 5-0 of VALUE con t a in 101100 and bits 13-8 of Xl con tain 101100, one match has been found. Any other bit configuration would be a nomatch. Write a complete program to solve this problem. x·1 Value XXXXXX [ -----------] [ -~ XXXXXX ----------- 6.16 MAC, EMC The macro assembler gets its name from the macro capability incorporated therein. An often used set of instructions may be grouped tog e the r to form a macro. Macros then need be defined once and the rea f t e r the whole macro structure will be incorporated in line in the assembly generated coding whenever the macro name is called. Each macro has a name which is first define d by the use of the MAC pseudo op and thereafter the name can be placed in the opcode field as if it were an instruction or pseudo instruction and the assembler will substitute, starting at that location, the whole structure that was previously defined by that name. The macro must first be defined. The form is: s MAC 6-16 (-', '-..." 6.16 I r ' \J s is the name of the macro. The p's are symbols of one or two characters that will define variables wi thin the macro structure. Parameters are enclosed in apostrophes as shown within the macro. The keypunch code for apostrophe is 8-5. The macro structure itself is defined to be finished when the EMC pseudo op appears in the opcode field. EMC is always the last instruction in a macro definition. Example: HELP NAM MAC LDA STA ADD STA. EMC EXAMP XA,XB 'XA' 'XA'+l 'XA'-l 'XB' HELP is the name of the macro and XA and XB signify variables within the macro. All the code between the MAC and EMC is the mac r 0 structure. Anything in this structure can be made variable. In this assembly only positions of the address field were varied. Macros canbe of anylength and they can also be nested. A macro must be defined before it is called by name. Calling the macro in the above example would look like this: SAZ HELP OVER-* .... l TAG,TAG1 OVER The macro is called by placing its name in the opcode field. The assembler will search the symbol d ire c tor y for a macro with the name of HELP, and if found, the complete macro structure is placed in line at this point. When calling a macro, the variables must be specified. For this example TAG will be inserted for each XAreference and TAG1 will be inserted for each XB reference. Effectively, then, the assembler will place in line the following: LDA STA ADD STA TAG TAG+1 TAG-1 TAG1 A macro could be defined as "an instruction which' stands for' a number of other instructions. " 6-17 6.17 6.17 LaC Since' the code for a macro is ins e r ted in line wherever it is "called," if there are any symbols in the location field of the macro, it could be called only once, since the symbol would tbe doubly defined if the macro were called again. This problem can be eliminated by defining the symbols local to the macro. Symbols that are local to the macro being defined are listed in the LaC pseudo OPe This pseudo op i m m e d i ate I y follows the MAC pseudo op and it allows use of one- or twoc h a r act e r symbols local to the macro so that the same symbols can also appear in the main program. Its form is: LaC Example: TOPP 'AB' 'G1' 'G2' NAM MAC LaC LDA EaR STA JMP EMC EXAMP AD,AB G1,G2 'AD' =N$0171 'AD'+l 'AD'+2 Symbols passed as parameters may not be defined as local. 6.18 IFC A conditional assembly pseudo op is available for use within the macro skeleton. It is the IFC pseudo OPe It operates the same as the IFA covered previously; however, it has only two conditions, the NE and EQ. Its form is: s IFC Each a must be a string of from one to six characters, or a formal parameter specified in the MAC statement. The c h a r act e r strings should not contain commas, blanks or apostrophies. Two character strings are equal when they contain the same characters in the same po sit ion and are of the same length. Characters in excess of 6 are ignored. Termination of the range of the IFC is made when an ElF is encountered with the first two characters of the symbol in its address field matching the first two characters in the location field of the IFC. 6-18 6.18 Example: TOTAL IT NAM MAC LD'XA' STA IFC ADD STA ElF EMC EXAMP XA,XB,XC,XD =N$4000 'XB' 'XC'EQ'XD' 'XB'+2 'XB' IT If parameter XC and XD are equal when this macro is call e d then the ADD and STA instructions will be inc 0 r p 0 rat e d in line with the rest of the macro structure. If parameters XC and XD are not equal when the mac r 0 is called, these ins t r u c t ion s will not be inserted in line as part of this macro structure during assembly. o TOTAL Q, TAG, TEN, NINE LDQ STA =N$4000 TAG The generated code is: Since TEN and NINE do not match character for character, the IFC condition is not met and the ADD followed by the STA instructions are not assembled. Problem: Write a macro for an IN! instruction. Add a test routine to check it out. The IN! macro should increase the I Register by any constant exactly the same way the INA increases the A Register or the INQ increases the Q Register. In other words, no other registers should be destroyed when the macro is called.· 6.19 NLS, LST, SPC Three pseudo instructions are used for control of the listing. They are NLS, which prevents normal output list until a LST instruction is encountered or until the end of a program. Spacing paper on the printer is a c com p 1 ish e d by the SPC pseudo OPe The n urn b e r of lines to space is specified as an absolute address expression in the address field. 6-19 6.19 Example: NAM LDA EXAMP SPC 12 12 lines are spaced NLS Lis ting is stopped LST Lis ting is enabled 6.20 EJT In addition to the NLS, LST, and SPC listing control pseudo instructions, the macro assembler also has an EJT pseudo printing of the lis t output. OPe This ins t r u c t ion causes page ejection during 6.21 OPT Three standard options determine the type of output from the assembler. All three are automatically selected if no OPT statement is encountered be for e the first NAM. OPT is the only pseudo instruction that may precede the NAM pseudo OPe No code is generated by this pseudo instruction. OPT must begin in card column 2. Normal execution of ass em b I y produces list output on the standard list device, punch output on standardpunch device and load and go output on the mass storage device. These are 0 p t ion s L, P and X. Two other options are available. The Mop t ion will enable Ii sting of macro skeletons and an A option will cause abandonment of the assembly and will return control to the operating system. To exercise these 0 p t ion s or to eliminate any of the three standard options, the OPT pseudo instruction is used. When the OPT pseudo instruction is encountered by the ass e m bl e r it will type OPTIONS on the teletypewriter and allow the operator to manually reset the options desired. He can choose any or all of these five options. Option Meaning L List output on standard list unit P Punch binary output on standard punch unit X Load and go; executable output loaded on a mass storage device M List macro skeletons A Abandon assembly 6-20 c 6.21 /"' .... _.., \~ Relocatable binary output is s e I e c ted by the P option. 1700 Operating System Reference Manual. The format is described in the If the X option is selected, relocatable binary output is placed on the mass storage unit for subsequent loading and execution as described in the 1700 Operating System Reference Manual. The L option results in assembly listing. 6.22 MON Mter the last subprogram has been assembled, control can be returned to the operating system by use of the MON pseudo OPe It may be used only after the END statement. MON must begin in card column 2. Example: cc 2 OPT NAM f END NAM o 1 END PGM n . . . .1------ Name of main entry point in main SUB program . . .1----- No name on subroutine end card MON cc 2 6.23 EXERCISES ON PSEUDO OPS - UTILITY ASSEMBLER 1. What are the errors in this program? Location LED TAG TAG11 START Opcode Address NAM EQU NUM BSS EXT LDA+ STA+ EXAMP 720 -72, $FFFF, 72 25 LAD, TAG TAG LAD END START 6-21 Comments 6.2.3 2. Why will the ORG LIST produce an error? COM LIST (30) ORG LIST COM LIST(30) 3. In this example: LDA LIST this assembler will decode the LDA LIST as: C400 OOOOC Why? 4. What is the problem? (~ BSS LIST (10) LDA SAZ LIST+3 6.24 EXERCISES ON PSEUDO OPS - MACRO ASSEMBLER 1. What code is produced: a) VFD NI2/-17 ,N5/$7F2 ,N15/47 b) VFD A8/A,A8/B c) DEC 16DIB4 d) ADC* *-1 6-22 6.24 (' -", ~j 2. What instructions are assembled: G01 T02 H03 EQU IFA LDA IFA ADD I?A ADD ElF ElF ElF AA(10), BB(20), CC(30) 10, GT, BB-15 =N$1000 CC-AA, EQ, BB =N$1000 40, NE, BB*2 =N$2000 HO TO GO 3. If this macro definition: PRINT TAG o TAG1 MAC ALF IFC ALF ElF EMC XA,XB,XC Z,ERROR'XB'Z 'XA', EQ, LU Z, LOGICAL UNIT'XC'Z PRINT LU, 6, 8 is called by what assembly language is produced when this macro is called? 4. What discrepancy is in this program? FALL MAC 'TE' NUM LDA EMC LOC FALL LDA TE $7FF3 'TE' TE CJ 6-23 c' CHAPTER VII INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LANGUAGE I/O l~ " I~ .... "I I \,.... ,~ - " ,," CHAPTER VII C~ 0 Introduction to Machine Language Ilo TOPIC PAGE 7.0 Introduction 7-1 7.1 Unbuffered 7.1.1 Use of Registers in Q Register 7-2 A- Register 7-2 7.1.2 Functions, Status and Data 7-2 7.1.3 Summary, Unbuffered 7.1.4 Low-speed Package 7-3 7.1.5 Reply or Rej ect 7-4 7.1.6 Functions 7-5 Paper Tape Reader Example 7-5 7.1.7 Status 7-9 7.1.8 Interrupts 7.2 Buffered 7.2.1 Disk Functions 7-12 Director Function 7-13 Load Address Function 7-14 Write Function 7-15 Read Function 7-17 Compare Function 7-17 7.2.2 Disk Status 7-17 Director Status 7-17 Address Register Status 7-18 7.2.3 Summary, Buffered Ilo 7-18 Ilo 7-1 I/o Ilo 7-1 7-3 7-10 Ilo, Disk Example 7-11 '.-' 7.0 7. 0 INTRODUCTION The 1700 is composed of a 1704 and various peripherals. The 1704 contains the registers and the logic necessary for bringing data into the computer, performing operations upon the data and sending the data out of the computer for fu tu r e reference and/or display. ARITHMETIC CONTROL INPUT ...... :- - ~~~~- --- - - MEMORY -- - - OUTPUT -+-....:::;...;:~=--=~-. 1704 The per i p her a 1 s are composed of devices capable of sending and/or receiving data. Such devices are the tel e t y p e, paper tape reader and paper tape punch. Many other peripherals are available and discussed in Chapters 12 and 14. The peripherals and the 1704 cannot com m u n i cat e directly; therefore, an interpreter is required. The interpreter is referred to as a controller. The program tells the controller the operation to be performed and the controller directs the per i p her a 1 in the performance of the operation. 7.1 UNBUFFERED I/O 7.1.1 Use of Registers in I/O Conlmunications among the 1704 and the peripherals is a c com pI ish e d via one input/ output (I/O) .channel attached to each controller. The I/O channel works in conjunction with the 1704's A register and Q register. It is, consequently, called the A/ Q channel. ~ 4----r-A/-Q---~_ 7-1 _I 7. 1.1. 1 Q Register .............. The Q reg i s t e r designates the equipment to be referenced and directs the op-, erations to be performed. The Q reg i s t e r will be in the following format when performing an 110 operation via the AIQ channel. 15 QI~ 11 10 '{\ 7 6 0 W ______~_____E____~~__S_'______________D~I _______ The Wfield, bits 15-11, will always be zero except when referencing a 1706; this will be discussed later. The E portion, bits 10-7, designates the e qui pm e n t number being referenced. The equipment number will correspond directly with a hardware switch located on each controller. The n u m be r will vary from a hexadecimal 0 to a hexadecimal F. The S po r t ion distinguishes among peripherals attached to the same controller. The bits composing the station code will vary with controllers. The D portion is the director bit or bits which designates the type of information being transferred: data, status or function. The n u m be r of bits used to compose the D po r t ion also varies a c cor din g to the controller being referenced. ~,------- " 7. 1. 1. 2 A Register The A register sends and receives all communications between the 1704 and the peripherals; that is, the data, functions, or status. 7. 1. 2 Functions, Status, and Data The 1704 is capable of sending or receiving data, sending a function, or receIVIng status. The D portion of Q and the II 0 ins t r u c t ion executed denote which of the three operations is to be performed. All inputloutput operations via the A/Q channel are performed with two instructions. INP OUT The INP instruction brings inf 0 rm a ti 0 n into the A register: data or s ta tu s. The OUT instruction sends in f or mat ion from the A register: data or function. Bit 0 of Q is usually the D portion, designating the type of in for mat ion being transferred. (Note: the exceptions are discussed in Chapte r ,14.) When bit 0 of Q is a 0, the transfer of data is designated. The direction of the data flow is in d i cat e d by the 110 instruction. The INP brings data into A. The OUT sends data from A. When bit 0 of Q is a 1, the transfer of status or the transfer of a function is requested. INP requests status while an OUT sends a function. 7-2 7.1.2 INP OUT < < D=Odata D = 1 status D= 0 data D = 1 function 7. 1. 3 Summary, Unbuffered Ilo In review, all input/output operations performed by the 1704 will take p I ace via the A/Q channel. The Q register indicates the peripheral being referenced and the type of information being transferred. The information to be transferred will be brought into or sent from the A register, depending upon the instruction executed: INP or OUT. Three types of information may be transferred: data, function, or status. 7.1.4 Low-speed Package o The grouping of the teletype, paper tape reader and paper tape punch is referred to as the low-speed package. The low-speed package is always equipment number 1. The various peripherals attached are referenced specifically with the S portion of the Q register, bits 4-6. Peripheral "S"tation Teletypewri ter Paper tape reader Paper tape punch 1 2 4 The format of Q for each of the low-speed peripherals is as follows: ... 15 Q1 0 0 0 0 11 0 I 10 0 \ 0 0 v Equip. 1 7 1 5 0 6 I 0 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 DI 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 DI I'---y----/ Station 1 TELETYPEWRITER $0090/$0091 15 Q 10 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 I 10 0 9 0 \ ,-\ ~ ",-,,--~ 8 0 V Equip. 1 .. 6 7 1 I 0 1\ 5 1 v Station 2 PAPER TAPE READER $00AO/$00A1 7-3 4 0 1 7.1.4 -', ~ Q 15 0 1 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 I 10 0 9 0 \ 8 0 V Equip. 1 7 1 I 1\ 6 1 5 0 4 0 V 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 DI "'--- . I Station 4 PAPER TAPE PUNCH $00CO/$00C1 The programmer must load the Q register with the cor r e c t equipment, station and director setting prior to executing the desired I/o instruction. The coding necessary as follows: ~o reference each of the low-speed peripherals for data is LDQ NOP INP =N$0090 TTY FOR DATA -1 DATA IN A LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$0090 DATA TTY FOR DATA DATA IN A -1 SEND DATA TO TTY LDQ NOP INP =N$OOAO PTRDATA -1 DATA IN A LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$OOCO DATA PTPDATA DATA IN A -1 DATA TO PTP ~'.- - ........... C, 7.1.5 Reply or Reject Control will be returned to the program after the execution of an I/o instruction at one of t h r e e locations: P+1, P+ ~, P+1+ il. Control will be returned to P+1 when the controller a c c e p t s the command, NORMAL REPLY. Control will be returned to P+1 + ~ when the controller rejects the command, EXTERNAL REJECT. If the con trolle r fails to reply or reject within 6 microseconds, an INTERNAL REJECT is generated and con t r 0 I continues at P+ il. The NOP instruction is inserted within the above coding to allow for an INTERNAL REJECT. (" \, 7-4 7.1.5 INSTRUCTION ADDRESS RESPONSE r ~I NOP INP Continue INTERNAL REJECT - - - - - i... 2000 EXTERNAL REJECT .. (P) 2001 NORMAL REPLY .. 2002 P+ b. P+1+ "b. P+1 INTERNAL REJECT EXTERNAL REJECT NORMAL REPLY -1 2001 +(-1)=2009 2001 +1 +(-1)=2001. 2001+1=2002 7. 1. 6 Functions I/O programming for the 1700 peripherals requires the programmer to c onne c t with the desired peripheral by set tin g the Q register and issuing a function. LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$OOAl FUNC PTR FOR FUNC OR STATUS FUNCTION IN A -1 SEND FUNCTION TO PTR A function is a command or a group of commands sent to the controller. The function sent will vary according to the equipment. The paper tape reader allows the pro g ram mer to clear the con t roll e r, clear interrupts, select interrupt on data and/or alarm, start motion and stop motion. Each function corresponds to a bit in the A register. The func ti on is requested if a 1 appears in the corresponding bit. o A 15 0 I 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 1 5 1 t 2 4 3 1 ~~ 1 1 1 0 11 STOP MOTIOJ START MOTION INTERRUPT ON ALARM DATA INTERRUPT REQUEST CLR INTERRUPTS CLR CONTROLLER 1 r1 The above functions may be sent together, with the ex c e p ti on of the clear controller and clear interrupt; these must be sent separately. 7. 1. 6. 1 Paper Tape Reader Example The programmer may clear the controller to clear all logic and interrupts previously selected by loading Q with $00A1, by setting bit 0 of the A register and by issuing an OUT instruction. 7-5 LDQ ENA OUT =N$00A1 1 -1 PTR FUNC OR STATUS CLR CONTROLLER FUNC TO PTR The programmer may then start the motor on the paper tape reader. The start motor command causes the reader to begin moving paper tape and start reading. LDQ ENA OUT =N$00A1 $20 -1 PTR FUNC OR STATUS START MOTION FUNC TO PTR The' next step is to bring the data into the A register by set tin g the director bit of Q to 0 and issuing an INP instruction. LDQ NOP INP =N$OOAO PTR FOR DATA -1 DATA INTO A The program will continue to loop on the INP instruction until data has been read into the holding register of the paper tape reader. Once data is available it will be brought into the lower 8 bits of the A register. Note: the number of bits composing a data word will vary among the peripherals. The first frame will be in A and may be shifted to the upper 8 bits. Input will then be r e que s ted again for the lower 8 bits. ALS NOP INP 8 FIRST FRAME UPPER 8 BITS A -1 NEXT FRAME BROUGHT TO A The entire 16-bit word is now in the Are g i s t e r and s h 0 u I d be s tor e d in the buffer area. Once the word is stored the program con tin u e s to bring data into the A register. A check should be made to determine when all requested words have been read from the reader. 7-6 r,.-····· U START DATA COMP WDCK 0 NAM LDQ ENA OUT ENA OUT INQ NOP INP ALS NOP INP STA* LDA SAP RAO* JMP* SLS NUM END PTR =N$OOAI 1 -1 $20 -1 -1 PTR FOR FUNC/STATUS CLR CONTROLLER FUNC TO PTR START MOTOR FUNC TO PTR PTR FOR DATA -1 8 FRAME IN A DATA UPPER 8 BITS -1 BUF WDCK COMP WDCK DATA 0 FFFO START 16-BIT WORD IN A SA VE IN MEMORY WORD CHECK IN A WHEN POSITIVE COMPLETE CONTINUE READING STOP WHEN COMPLETE CHECK FOR 16 WORDS The programmer may check for leader on the paper tape as has been done in the example on the next page. () 7-7 1721 PTR - AUG '6S USDA C-':. -' *Clear controller from console; cannot start motion and clear con t roll e r in same function. 01. NAM BOOTSTRAP 02. ENT START LDQ =N$A1 PTR DIR FUNC 04. POO02 OA20 ENA $20 START l\1:0TION* 05. POO03 03FE OUT -1 06. POO04 ODFE INQ -1 SET TO READ 07. POO05 OBOO NOP INP -1 INPUT LEADER 09. POO07 0113 SAN 3 10. POOOS lSFD JMP* LOAD1 11. POO09 OBOO NOP 03. POOOO EOOO POOOI 00A1 START OS. POO06 02FE LOAD1 12. POOOA 02FE LOAD2 C INP -1 INPUT FRAME 13. POOOB OFCS ALS S SIDFT TO PACK 14. POOOC OBOO NOP 15. POOOD 02FE INP -1 INPUT NEXT FRAME 16. POOOE 6C04 STA* (ADDRES) STORE WORD 17. POOOF 0103 SAZ EXIT-*-l EXIT ON ZERO WORD IS. P0010 DS02 RAO* ADDRES UPDATE ADDRESS 19. P0011 lSFS JMP* LOAD 2 GO GET NEXT WORD 20. POO12 0014P ADDRES ADC *+2 LOAD AT POO14 21. POO13 0000 EXIT NUM $0 ZERO FOR SLS END START 22. I EXIT OOFF 0013P / .. BOO!ST .,.; START 1725 OOOOP LOAD1 0006P LOAD2 Where ' BOOTSTRAP loaded 0012P Set Stop switch up and program will stop after reading paper tape. Run and loaded PG M will execute. 7-S ! .• , OOOAP ADDRES r~ o 7.1.7 7.1.7 Status The paper tape reader has been pro g ram me d "r'ithout the uFle of interrupts for each of the above examples. Status may be taken on the paper tape reader at any time to monitor the progress of the operation or to ass u r e the program that the operation was com pIe ted correctly. Status is taken by setting the Q register and issuing an INP instruction. LDQ NOP INP =N$OOAI PTR FUNC/STATUS -1 STATUS TOA The status is now in the A register. The status conditions exist if a 1 is present in the corresponding bit position. 15 A C) 11 ~~~~ 10 9 t 8 i 7 6 5 I I 4 ~ 3 2 1 0 I I I POWER ON+ PAPER MOTION FAILURE EXISTENCE CODE PROTECTED LOST DATA ALARM 11 DATA INTERRUPT BUSY READY Ready (bit 0): Power is on and paper tape has been loaded into the reader. The preparations have been made lmown to the logic by pressing the READY switch on the paper tape reader console. The reader beconles not ready if a paper motion failure occurs or if the power is turned off. Busy (bit 1): The paper tape reader is busy if a start motion command has been issued and no stop motion command has followed. Motion stops on a stop motion command, a paper motion failure, or if the power is turned off. Interrupt (bit 2): An interrupt condition exists. Other status bits must be examined to determine the condition causing this interrupt. Data (bit 3): The data hold reg is t e r in the paper tape reader contains an 8-bit frame of data which is ready for transfer to the computer. Start motion must be set to receive this status. The s tat us· drops when the data hold reg is t e r is emptied by transfer to the computer. () 7-9 7.1.7 Alarm (bit 5): At least one of the following con d i t ion s exis ts in the paper tape reader: (1) paper motion failure (bit A9), (2) lost data (bit 6), or (3) power off (bit A10 is 0). (~= Lost data (bit 6): When in interrupt on data mode, paper motion continues after the data hold register is full. If the data is not t ran s fer red to the computer be for e the next frame appears, a los t data status occurs to show a f ram e has been passed. The time between frames is 2.857 milliseconds. The status drops when a clear controller command is sent. Lost data stops tape motion. Protected (bit 7): The PROGRAM PR OT E C T switch is on. This switch on the paper tape reader works in conjunction with the PROGRAM PROTECT switch on the computer. If the switch on the computer is off and the PROGRAM PROTECT switch of the peripheral device is on, no action is taken but the status bit is set to indicate the switch is on. If the switch on the computer is set, all rules of program pro t e c t ion apply. The paper tape reader in this condition only accepts protected instructions. Existence code (bit 8): The paper tape rea d e r is at t a c h e d. the reader is missing from the particular computer system. If the bit is a 1, Paper motion failure (bit 9): No change in the feed hole circuit has occurred for 40 milliseconds while trying to read. The paper motion failure causes the reader to become not ready; it can only be made ready by pushing the READY switch or by a clear controller command. It is con sid ere d an illegal operation to send any other function code or a read command to the reader until the READY switch has been pressed or a clear controller has been issued. Power on (bit 10): Power to the rea d e r is on. If this bit is a 0, power is off. 7.1.8 Interrupts The paper tape reader may be programmed with interrupts by s imp I y selecting the desired interrupts and exiting to the operating system or continuing execution of instructions within the progra~. When a selected interrupt is generated, control will be returned to the program. LDQ ENA OUT ENA OUT Exit =N$00A1 1 -1 $34 -1 PTR FUNC/STATUS CLR CONTROLLER FUNC TO PTR START MOTOR, ALARM, DATA FUNC TOA When the interrupt returns control to the program, status must be taken to determine w hi c h of the two in t err u p t s was generated, data or alarm. If the data interrupt was generated, the programmer b r in g s the data into A and saves it. Once the data is saved, a check should be made to determine if all data has been 7-10 (". 7.1.8 transferred. If the operation was not complete, the pro g ram mer should reselect interrupts and exit, waiting for the next interrupt. 7.2 BUFFERED I/O EXAMPLE The A/Q channel prohibits the execution of other instructions while data is being transferred. The reason is obvious: the Q register and A register, which are used for I/O, are also the arithmetic registers. A direct storage access (DSA) channel may be connected to the 1704. The DSA transfers data di re c tly to memory, bypassing the A and Q registers. Therefore, apr 0 g ram may be executing while data is being transferred. The direct storage of data is ref err e d to as BUFFERING. The A/Q channel is used to send functions and receive status, but the data is transferred via the DSA. The disk is an example of a buffered device. 1704 A/Q DSA 7-11 1 7.2 SIDE VIEW: 850 DISK PACK (6 DISKS) \._.- ,1.-__________ _ DISK SURFACE 0 DISK SURFACE 1 ------i-----..s..c-- - - - - - - - - DISK SURFACE 9 TOP VIEW: DISK SURFACE r----~ CYLINDER 00...1 SECTOR 14 CYLINDER 99£ SECTOR 15 SECTOR 0 SECTOR 1 DIRECTION OF ROTATION 853 contains 100 cylinders; 854 contains 200 cylinders. Figure 14. Side and Top Views of 850 Disk Pack 7. 2. 1 Disk Functions The program s e 1 e c t s the disk by setting the Q register with the e qui pm e n t number and the desired director bits. Throughout this discussion the disk shall be considered equipment number 8. 7-12 . 7.2.1 15 Q I0 14 13 12 11 o o o o I 10 1 9 0 8 0 7 0 I \ . . . __---..V _---J' 6 5 4 3 o o o o o 1 2 D EQUIP 8 The setting of the director bits will define the operation and the information to be sent from or received in the A register. A (A) depends upon D field of Q I Q C) DISK FUNCTION CODES Value Set in Q (Bits 02-00) 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Output from A Input to A Director function Load address Write Read Compare Checkword check Write address Director status Address register status 'i/) \ ....... 1 7-13 D I Director Function D = 001 , OUT LDQ LDA* NOP OUT FUNC DISK FOR FUNC FUNC IN A -1 FUNC TO CONTROLLER =N$0401 A UNIT SELECT RELEASE ALARM INTERRUPT END OF OPERATION INTERRUPT READY & NOT BUSY INTERRUPT CLEAR INTERRUPT The clear interrupt fun c t ion will clear all selected in t err u p t s, allowing the pro g ram mer to select the in t err up t s hde desires. Threedinlterrupts may be selected: next ready and not busy status, en of operation, an a arm. The next ready and not busy in t err u p t occurs when the 1738 becomes not busy but still holds its ready status. The end of 0 per a t ion interrupt allows the controller to inform the 1700 when it has completed an 0 per at ion such as a data transfer. The alarm interrupt will notify the 1700 that an alarm condition has arisen. There are eight possible alarm conditions: not ready, checkword error, lost data, seek error, add res s error, defective track, storage parity error, and protect fault. The release function allows an unprotected pro g ram to use the disk even though the protect switch on the disk is still set. A protected pro g ram must issue the release function. The next time a protected program accesses the disk, the disk will become protected and must again be released before it will become accessible to an unprotected program. The unit select and unit select code will al way s be zero unl e s s two disks are connected to the con t roll e r. Bit 8 is the unit select bit. It informs the controller that the pro g ram will select unit 0 or unit 1. Bit 9 indicates which unit bit 8 wishes to select. If 9 bit is a 0, unit 0 is s e 1 e c ted; if it is a 1, unit 1 is selected. The controller ignores bit 9 unless bit 8 is set. 7-14 C c 7. 2. 1. 2 Load Address Ftmction D = 010 , OUT Once the functions have been sent to the controller, the program notifies the controller of the beginning add res s on the disk to be used by the program. The Q register is loa de d with the D portion set to 010 and the disk add res s (sector record address) is placed in the A register (Figure 14). LDQ LDA =N$0402 =XDISKAD DISK FOR DISK ADDR ADDR IN A -1 ADDR TO THE DISK Nap OUT The controller will position the Read/Write heads on the requested address. The' heads will be moved directly to the address forward or backward, depending on the cu rr en t location of the Read/Write heads. The address held in the A register will be in the following format. 15 8 7 4 AIL ___________________c_Y_L_I_ND ___E_R ____________- L_________ H_E_A_D______ 3 0 ~_______SE_C___T_O_R___~I The disk has been functioned and g i v e n the desired disk address. The next step will be to initiate one of three operations. WRITE READ COMPARE D = 011 D = 100 D = 101 7. 2.1. 3 Write Ftmction D = 011 , OUT The write function code reques ts the con t roll e r to prepare to read data from memory and write it on the disk. LDQ LDA OUT =N$0403 =XMEMADR -1 DISK TO WRITE MEMORY ADDR IN A WRITE OPERATION INITIATED The controller expects to find the first word address minus 1 (FWA-1) of the buffer area in the Are g is t e r when the write function is received. The controller goes into memory via the DSA to the FWA-1, at which location the controller extracts the last word add res s plus 1 (LWA+1). The controller keeps the LWA+1 and upda te s the FWA-1 tmtil the two are equal; at this point the write operation is complete. The controller updates the address each time a 16-bit data word is transferred from memory. 7-15 7. 2.1~ 3 DATA BUFFER FOR DISK ,----.- - - - I I I LWA + 1 I I FWA--- DATA LWA-'~------------------~, FWA - 1 MUST CONTAIN LWA + 1 OF BUFFER Prior to issuing the write operation, the interrupts must be selected, the sector record add re s s must be sent to the controller and the LWA+1 of the buffer area must be at the FWA-1. LDQ LDA* NOP OUT LDQ LDA NOP OUT LDA STA LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$0401 FUNC DISK FOR FUNC SELECTED INT IN A -1 INT SELECTED DISK FOR DISK ADDR ADDR IN A =N$0402 =XDISKAD =XLWAP1 FWAMI =N$0403 =XFWAM1 HEADS POSITIONED LWA+1 IN A LWA+1 AT FWA-1 DISK TO WRITE FWA-1 IN A -1 OPERATION INITIATED -1 The 1704 continues executing ins tructions while the disk t ran s fer s data. When the data has all been transferred or an alarm condition has arisen, the 1704 will be notified. 7-16 o 7. 2.1.4 Read Function D = 100 ; OUT The read function code follows the same programming pro c e d u r e as the write function, the differences being the D setting of Q and the fact that the disk reads data into memory rather than writing data on the disk. 7. 2. 1. 5 Compare Function D = 101 ; OUT The compare function code follow s the same pro g ram min g procedure as the read and write function codes. The compare function causes the con t roll e r to read data from the computer's memory and compare it with the data stored on the disk. If at any time during the compare, one word does not compare, the no compare status bit will be set. This fun c t ion provides an extra c he c k on the validity of the data transferred. The checkword check (D=110) and write address (D=lll) functions are used by the customer engineers. 7.2.2 Disk Status o 7. 2. 2. 1 Director Status D = 001 , INP Status may be t a ken to m 0 nit 0 r the operation of the disk. Once the disk generates an interrupt, status must be taken to determine which interrupt was generated. This is a c com p lis he d by loading the Q register with the D portion set to 001 and by issuing an INP instruction. LDQ NOP INP 15 =N$0401 DISK FOR STATUS -1 STATUS IN A 14 A PRODUCT FAULT STORAGE PARITY ERROR DEFECTIVE TRACK ADDRESS ERROR SEEK ERROR LOST DATA CHECKWORD ERROR PROTECTED NO COMPARE 7-17 READY BUSY INTERRUPT ON CYLINDER END OF OPERATION ALARM The ready status in d i cat e s that the unit is available. The busy bit indicates that the controller and/or the drive unit is presently involved in the performance of an operation. This bit is set with the acceptance of a load address, write, read, compare, checkword check, or write address function. At the completion of the function which set the busy status, the status will be cleared and the disk will become not busy. Once the disk is not busy, a new function may be issued. The interrupt bit a c k now 1 e d g e s that an interrupt has occurred. Further examination of A will determine which of the three selected in t err u p t s was generated: bit 4 (EOP) and bit 5 (ALARM). If neither bit 4 nor bit 5 is set, the pro g ram mer should check bits 0 and 1 for ready and not busy. If the alarm bit is set, the pro g ram mer mus t determine which of the eight alarm conditions caused the interrupt. The on cylinder status bit 3 is set when the Read/Write heads have reached the sector record address initially sent to the controller via the A/Q channel. 7. 2. 2. 2 Address Register Status D = 010 ; INP The programmer may request the disk to return the current position of the Read/ Write heads at any time by selecting the disk as above but issuing an INP instruction. LDQ NOP INP =N$0402 DISK FOR DISK ADDR -1 CURRENT ADDR IN A The address will be in the same format used to send the address to the controller. 7. 2. 3 Summary, Buffered 1/0 The DSA provides the 1704 with a means of storing data directly in memory; this permits the execution of instructions while transferring data. The program sends the function word, the sector record address, and stores the LWA+1 of the buffer area at the FWA-1 prior to initiating an operation. The operation is indicated by the D portion of Q, with the A register containing the FWA-1 of the buffe-r area. The con t roll e r interrupts the 1704 when a selected interrupt condition arises. The program takes status to determine which of the selected interrupts was generated. 7-18 (' _/ CHAPTER VIII SYSTEM REQUESTS o II CHAPTER VIII - System Requests G TOPIC • C) (1 '-../' PAGE 8.1 Operating Systems 8-1 8.1.1 utility 8-1 8.1.2 MSOS 8-1 8.2 Request Processing 8-1 8.2.1 Summary of Request Processing 8-3 8.3 Requests 8-4 8.3.1 Exit Request 8-7 8.3.2 Read/Write Reques ts 8-8 Format of the Read/write Request 8-9 Request Code 8-10 Format of Records 8-10 8. 3.2. 2. 1. 1 Teletype 8-11 Paper Tape Reader and Paper Tape Punch 8-11 8. 3. 2. 2. 1. 3 Mass Storage Addressing 8-15 X Bit 8-15 Request Priority 8-16 8. 3.2. 5 Completion Priority 8-16 8. 3. 2. 6 Completion Address 8-16 Thread Word 8-19 Error Code 8-19 Mode 8-19 A Field 8-19 Logical Unit 8-19 Number of Words 8-24 Starting Address of Buffer 8-24 Setting Up RW Requests in Background 8-28· Looping on the Thread Word 8-28 CHAPTER VIII - System Requests (Cont) TOPIC • • • ". .. PAGE Looping on a Flag 8-28 Scheduling Out of the Completion Routine 8-29 Examples of Programs Using Ilo Requests 8-30 8.3.3 Schedule Reques t 8-36 Format of Schedule Request 8-36 Request Code 8-37 X Bit 8-37 Priority 8-37 8.3.3. 5 Address 8-37 8. 3. 3. 6 Example of Schedule Request 8-38 8.3.4 Timer Request 8...;40 The Format for the Timer Request 8-40 Request Code 8-41 X Bit 8-41 8. 3.4.4 Units 8-41 Priority 8-41 Address 8-41 . Q Parameter 8-41 Example of Timer Reques t 8-42 8.3.5 Status Request 8-42 Format of the Status Request 8-42 Request Code 8-43 X Bit 8-43 A Field 8-43 Logical Unit 8-43 Address of Parameter List 8-43 Reply to Status Reques t 8-44 Hardware Status 8-45 ~ \,•... / (-~ \ (' \.,. /' .. Chapter VIII - System Requests (Cont) ,. ~) TOPIC • 0 • • • PAGE 8. 3. 5.7. 2 Word 8 of PDT 8-45 8. 3. 5.7.3 Current Buffer Address 8-47 8. 3. 5. 8 Example of Status Reques t 8-47 8.3.6 GTFILE Request 8-47 8. 3. 6.1 Format of GTFILE Reques t 8-48 8. 3. 6. 2 Request Code 8-49 8. 3.6. 3 X Bit 8-49 Request Priority 8-49 8. 3. 6. 5 Completion Priority 8-49 8. 3.6. 6 Completion Address 8-49 Mode 8-49 8. 3.6. 8 A Field 8-49 8. 3. 6. 9 Logical Unit 8-49 Word Addresses: wI, w2 8-50 Starting Core Addres s 8-50 File Name Address 8-50 Example of a GTFILE Request 8-51 8.3.7 Loader Request 8-54 8. 3.7. 1 Format of the Loader Request 8-55 8.3.8 Core Reques t 8-55 8. 3. 8. 1 Format of Core Reques t 8-56 Example of Core Request 8-56 8.3.9 INDIR Request 8-59 8. 3.9. 1 Format of the INDIR Request 8-59 8. 3. 9. 2 Example of the INDIR Request 8-59 8.4 Problem 8-60 c) 8.1 8.1 OPERATING SYSTEMS The 1700 computer system has two commonly used operating systems: the utility system and the mass storage operating system (MSOS). MSOS is a disk or drum oriented system and all 0 cat e s the resources of the computer according to a priority system. The utility system is a much smaller system. It provides for assembly, loading, and execution of programs in a batch mode. 8. 1.1 utility The 1700 utility system provides the 1700 computer with a means of loading and executing programs in configurations smaller than the minimum required for the 1700 operating system. The utility system requires 8K of core but no disk or drum. I/O is by way of the paper tape rea d e r and paper tape punch, and lis ting and operator control is t h r 0 ugh the teletype. * Ex e cut ion of jobs through the utility system can make use of the standard drivers provided by utility. The standard drivers provided are for the teletype, paper tape input, and paper tape output. It is possible, then, to operate these devices in one's own pro g ram by simply using a standard calling sequence. 8.1.2 MSOS o Under MSOS core is divided into two areas: foreground and background. The foreground is for s y s tern and process programs. System programs are those programs that make up the operating system, such as the job processor and drivers. Pro c e s s programs are those application programs that are most important to the particular installation. For example, if the system is controlling a chemical plant operation, those programs monitoring the chemical pro c e s s are the pro c e s s programs. The pro c e s s programs and system programs usually have the highest priority and have access to the resources of the computer first. Foreground is protected; this means the on-line process programs cannot be destroyed by programs in the background and they cannot be inadvertently brought into execution by background programs. However, b a c kg r 0 u n d programs may make use of protected routines such as I/O drivers. Backgr ound programs are run in a batch mode (serially) and run at the lowest priorities in the system. Programs in the background are called jobs. Assembling, compiling, and loading are examples of such jobs. 8. 2 REQUEST PROCESSING Three basic functions of the 0 per at in g system are to: (1) allocate core space to those pro g ram s that want to use it, (2) communicate with the outside world, i. e., supervise I/O operations, and (3) allocate CPU time between the various programs. When a program wants one of these functions done, a request is made to the operating system. o *There are other options available. 8-1 8.2 Are que s t takes the form of a transfer of control to the module of the operating system that processes requests (the request entry processor, entry point name MONI) followed by words containing the necessary parameters for the particular request. ,r---., ( , '----/ The entry ad d res s for MONI is always located in core location F4 so every request is initiated by an indirect return jump through F4. The return jump will provide the linkage necessary. The parameter string length is different for different requests: 54F4 RTJ ($F4) TO MONI Reques t code and other parameters =1 In the first parameter word, bit positions 9 through 14 will be the request code. This is for all requests. MON! saves the registers of the requesting program in a special core area called volatile storage and gives control to a request processor denoted by the request code in the parameter list. This processor must return control to the request exit processor which returns control to the requesting program. The 1700 ope ra ting system provides the user with up to 30 monitor requests; 20 are reserved for the operating system. However, they may be replaced by user-written processors when the system is initiated. The other 10 requests may be added at initialization by including in the resident load the necessary programs with the required entry points. The number of possible request processors can be extended from 30 to 63 by reassembly. C Each request processor is a separate submodule and has a coded entry point with one of the following names: T1 .:\,---.---~- reserved for system use T20 T21 : ~r--_ _ _ _ available to users T3J The numerical part of each name is the request code. It corresponds to the value of an index to a table of request processor addresses contained in MONI. MONI has these entry points as externals providing linkage with each appropriate request processor. Since the numeric part of the entry point name for each request processor must correspond to its request code, a request code of 5 will provide entry through MON! to module T5. c~ 8-2 8.2 G User Requests .. ... Request Entry Processor ... I T1 I Request Submodules c;J I I I :: ~ Users can asselnble an added request processor, as sign a request code to it, and affix the entry point with T followed by the number for the request code and incorporate it as part of the sys tem. 8. 2.1 Summary of Request Processing Note that all requests begin with the return jump toMONIand that MONIdetermines which type of request it is by examining the request code in the first word of the parameter string. Each type of r e que s t has a request processor to which MONI g i v e s control, depending on the request code. When control is given to the request processor, several functions take place before control is returned to the requesting program. o It is important for the programmer to understand that a request only initiates action desired of the operating system. It does not do anything. In most cases, a request causes the des ire d action only to be put on a queue; control is returned i m me d i ate 1y to the requestor at the next instruction beneath the parameter string. For example, it is desired to write a message on logical unit 4: REQ RET ~ RTJ- ($F4) (Parameters for a write request on logical unit 4) ~ Control is passed to MONI. MONI passes control to the Read/Write request processor which puts the request on a queue of other messages waiting to be printed on logical unit 4. Control then passes to the request exit routine which returns control to the requestor at RET. The message has not yet been written but it will be done in due time. o 8-3 8.2.1 RTJ- ($F4) ~ / ~;propriat~ request TO MONI - - processor; t eques "'Reque~s~ processor gets on a exits queue ~ ~ Back to program TOREQXT Figure 15. Flow of Requests 8. 3 REQUESTS The following requests are included in the standard operating system: READ * WRITE * FREAD* FWRITE* SCHEDULE TIMER Available to both foreground and background programs. EXIT * CORE LOADER GTFILE STATUS* SPACE RELEASE Available only to background programs. Request processor modules for these requests must have the same residency as the job processor. ) Available only to foreground programs. INDIR is an indirect version of any of the listed requests. The job processor can make any request. *These requests are included in the utility system. 8-4 R 8.3 c) System macro calls are available to generate the code for the requests under the macro ass em b 1 e r, which runs under MSOS. Codes for the requests under the utility system must be coded by the programmer. In this chapter those requests that are available to b a c kg r 0 u n d programs will be discussed. Those requests available only to for e g r 0 un d programs will be discussed in Chapter 11. Any of the allowable requests for background programs will be accepted by the operating system and put on the desired queue. They will not be rejected. o o 8-5 8.3 RC NUM 5 OAOO (r-., , '-_/ EXIT FWRITE Q, c, s, n, m, rp, cp, a,x* 6 OCXX---] .~ Po .... §~ C,,) '0 ~ Q) ~ 0 0014 0014 0014 0014 0015 0015 0015 0016 0017 ,0017 0017 0017 0017 0017 om8 0018 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0022 0022 0023 NAM CARD TO PRINT * *TIDS PROGRAM USES SYSTEM REQUESTS TO READ AND WRITE * POOOO 0028 ENT EXT BSS BUF ::::;:::r: * ~_--ISTART P0028 P0029 P002A P002B P002C P002D P002E START, PRINT IOERR ......-- error subroutine BUF(40) _ data buffer RD 54F4 0801 0031 P 0000 100C 0028 0000 P , ADDR T' 'or' f' ,t bitF:~t"'d 11 4 0, A Buffer CP = 1 RP= 0 ASCII mode 40 words Read is initiated EXIT Macro EXIT P002F 54F4 Jump to dispatcher (EXIT Request) P0030 OAOO No work to do until Read completed Read completed * P0031 0162 'COMPRD SQP SCHPRT Q15 = 0 if no Read error P0032 5400 X RTJ Q15 = 1 if error IOERR P0033 7FFF X.---_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SCHDLE PRINT,O,Q Schedule Macro .---_---lSCHPRT Xbit= 0 P0034 [54F4 Schedule PRINT at P0035 1200 priority 0 before exit RP= 0 P0036 0039 P from completion routine EXIT P0037 154F4 Jump to dispatcher at end of completion P003810AOO Dispatcher will now go execute PRINT at priority 0 ,-----1 t ~--~*~-------~-------~-~-------------~----- , , tt 1 11 1 PRINT FWRIT~on~:t COMr PR • BU F. 3 5' A 0 1t' bi::r:atted Write Macro 54F4 OC01 LUN COMPL Indirect bit for LUN 0042 P CP= 1 ADDR 0000 Buffer RP = 0 18FC Write is initiated ASCII mode 0023 35 words (on TTY) 0000 P EXIT Macro EXIT 54F4 Jump to dispatcher L;O.:,:A:. :O. .:,O__..L7N:..,:o_w;,;..o:.:r:..,:k:...t:.:o:.....d.:.:o:.....::un.:.:t:..:il::......:..:W:..,:r...:,it:..:e:.....c:.:o:.,:m:::;p!:,;l:.,:e.:.;te:..;d=----_____________________________ * 0162 SQP FIN! NO 10 ERR COMPPR 5400 X RTJ IOERR ,-----1 P0039 P003A P003B P003C P003D P003E P003F P0040 P0041 P0042 P0043 P0044 0033 X r---------------------~---------------------EXIT Macro EXIT FIN!, P0045 154F4 P0046 .OAOO I [ ~---~----=E~N=D--~S=T~A=R=T~---------------- Entry points OOFF START 0034P COMPPR I SCHPRT 0001 0002 0003 0004 Read Macro POOOO 18FF CARD IOERR OOFF 2210 2257 0028P PRINT 0042P' FIN! IOERR } IOERR 0039P BUF 0045P IOERR NAM ENT IOERR IOERR o o NUM E;ND $18FF where pgms loaded OOOOP (J 8-31 OOOOP COMPRD 0044X II0 4--- 0031P subroutine Hang instruction used for checkout Reads and writes initiate r/ o. Control returns to next ins truction in program before r/o is done. Job I/O is done at priority O. Program should not loop waiting for r/o to be done. ·. - -·. .'" l .,' Completion add res s is entered when r/o is done, at priority 1. It should be short and exit to dispatcher. Check Q for r/o errors. This JOB does not check Q after Request, to see if Request accepted (Q15 = 0). not have to but system programs must. Jobs do -------------------------- ------------------------~ TTY Printout *p J *ASSEM J *p J *L,8 J * X" .___No MAP Ar THIS PROGRAM WORKS ON THE 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNDER MSOS 2.0 Formatted Write ( J '-....... For program checkout, hang instruction could also be used to see if com pIe t ion r entered. 0019 0020 0021 0021 0021 0022 0023 P0042 0172 * COMPPR P0043 54F4 P0044 OAOO P0045 18FF HANG SQM EXIT HANG NUM END $18FF START 8-32 0 uti n e 8. 3. 2. 15 (j EXAMPLE READ/WRITE PROGRAM JOB 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 OOEA 0000 START 54F4 0201 0009 P 0000 100C 0028 001F P POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 NAM ENT EXT EQU 0 RTJNUM ADC NUM CARD TO PRINT ST ART, PRINT IOERR ADISP($EA) 0 ($F4) $0201 COMPRD ~ 0, $100C Initiate FREAD READ, CP = 1 RP = 0 Completion Address THREAD, LUN CR = 12, ASCII NUM ADC 40 BUF ONE CARD TO READ FWA BUFFER AREA Control returns beneath parameter string after Read is initiated. If program has nothing to do, it should exit until completion routine is entered. Unprotected program can exit to dispatcher. 0012 JMP- P0008 14EA (ADISP) When Read is finished control will go to completion address COMPRD. routine should check bit 15 of Q for 110 errors and exit to dispatcher. o 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 P0009 POOOA POOOB POOOC 0162 COMPRD 5400 X 7FFFX 54F4 SCHPRT I POOOD 11200 POOOE 0011 P POOOF 54F4 P0010 OAOO I I SQP RTJ SCHPRT IOERR RTJNUM ADC RTJNUM ($F4) $1200 PRINT ($F4) $AOO Completion Schedule PRINT at priority 0 before exit, to drop priority back to O. EXIT REQUEST Dispatcher will pass control to Print after read completion routine exit. 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 P0011 P0012 P0013 P0014 P0015 P0016 P0017 54F4 PRINT 0401 001A P 0000 1009 0023 001F P RTJNUM ADC NUM ($F4) PRINT, CP = 1 RP= 0 $0401 COMPLETION ADDRESS COMPPR 0,$1009,35 35 words on TTY ADC BUF Control returns l).ere after print is initiated. patcher. 0025 0026 P0018 54F4 P0019 OAOO I I RTJNUM FWA BUFFER Exit Request is same as jump to dis- ($F4) $AOO After print is done, control goes to COMPPR at priority 1. Here exit from program. 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 P001A 0162 COMPPR P001B 5400 X P001C OOOB X P001D 54F4 FINI POOlE 10AOO P001F 0028 BUF I SQP RTJ FINI IOERR RTJNUM BSS END ($F4) $OAOO BUF(40) START 8-33 EXIT WHEN THRU TTY Printout. Read/Write Program Not using system macros. Coding requests as in example will produce much faster assembly time than when using macros. *p J *ASSEM J *p J *L,8 J *X, N ~The E message noted unpatched externals (IOERR). The * @typed by operator ~ ~H,fS J said to ignore them. PROGRAM WORKS ON THE 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNDER MSOS 2.0 ~ output from WRITE Unformatted Write did not do line feed as there are no line feed/ CR in unformatted Write. Formatted Write should be used on print devices such as TTY and LP. Unformatted Write on printer does not work correctly. The printer buffer is filled but the line is not printed until the next output line is sent to the printer. 8-34 c 8. 3. 2. 15 C) Read formatted ASCII data records from paper tape into BUF area and type it out. Assume the BUF area is larger than the formatted record. Con tin u e until the reader runs out of tape, giving an error. FLAG BEGIN START READIT o MORE READY NAM ENT BSS ADC 0 CLR STA* RTJNUM ADC NUM ADC LDA* SAN JMP* LDQ SQP RTJNUM CLR STA* RTJNUM ADC NUM ADC LDA* SAN JMP* JMP* RAO* STQ RTJNUM BEGIN BUF(30), STAT(1) Flag for swi tching 0 0 A Clear flag FLAG Format read L U2 is paper tape ($F4) reader where to go when fin$800 ished READY 0,$1002,30 BUF Hang until flag set by compleFLAG tion routine 1 *-2 STAT MORE-*-1 Exit request on input error($F4) end job $AOO Clear flag A Hang until flag set by compleFLAG tion routine. Type out format ($F4) $COO READY 0,$1004,30 BUF FLAG 1 *-2 START Completion routine sets flag FLAG Exit back to program STAT ($F4) $AOO 8-35 8.3.3 8. 3.3 Schedule Request - Request Code 9 The schedule request is available only under MSOS. Programs occur in the 1700 run at 16 different priorities, 15 (high) to 0 (low). A program can schedule a section of coding to be executed at a certain priority level. The address of the scheduled coding can be either in the s c h e d u I in g program, external to it, or in the system. If the desired priority of the scheduled program is higher than the running priority . of the scheduling program, a pseudo interrupt occurs and the scheduled program is executed immediately. In this way a schedule reques t can be con sid ere d a jump that also changes the running priority. Control Will return to the "interrupted" program when the scheduled program exits. If the desired priority of the scheduled program is not higher, it is threaded onto a queue of programs waiting to be executed, in order of priority. In this way one program may schedule another to be executed at a different priority after the scheduling program exits. Background programs can be scheduled to run at levels 0 and 1 only. A parame ter may be pas sed in the reques tor f s Q reg i s t e r to the program being scheduled. 8. 3. 3. 1 Format of Schedule Request RTJ- REQ 15 0 rc x rp p c 14 0 ($F4) 8 7 x 0 0 c Completion Address 9 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 3 p request code, 6 bits: 9 relative/indirect indicator, 1 bit: 0 or 1 this field is ignored by the scheduler priority, 4 bits: 0-15 address of program scheduled The macro call is: REQ SCHDLE c,p,x REQ will be on the 54F4, which will be g en era ted by the macro. REQ+ 1 is the first word of the parameter stringlO- 8-36 _0 8. 3. 3. 1 \ An example of a coded call would be: RTJ- ($F4) NUM $1201 ADC PGM (schedules PGM at priority 1) Request Code This field is always 9 for schedule requests. 8. 3. 3. 3 X Bit The x bit is used in conjunction with the c parameter. relates to this parameter. It will be discussed as it Priority The p field is the priority at which the programmer desires to run the scheduled program. The priority may be greater than, e qua I to or less than the program that schedules it. However, in the background it is always 0 or 1. o 8. 3. 3. 5 Address The c field contains the address of the program being scheduled. The x parameter de t e r min e s the forms the c may take as it did for the c parameter of the read/write reques ts. x o or blank c The meaning of c c c is the address. i. e., SCHDLE PGM, -, PGM is assembled as an absolute address (program relocatable). ~O c ~blank c is relative. c is a positive increment added to the address of the first word of the parameter list to locate the address. i. e., SCHDLE PGM-*+1, -, X In this example PGM is the address. (c) c is an index to the system directory. set bit 15. x has no meaning. l) 8-37 The ( ) 8.,3.3. 5 Note that there is no indirect form and that the option (c) cannot be used in the background because programs in the system 1 i bra r y may not be scheduled from the background; see Chapter 11. C~' Example of Schedule Request The following example program writes one message from pro g ram SCHEDULE and then schedules TWO (the entry point in pro g ram NEXT) to run at priority 1 and write another message. c ., 8-38 8. 3.3. 6 0 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0005 0005 0005 0005 0005 C) 0006 0006 0006 0007 0007 0007 0007 0008 0008 0008 0009 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 4558 414D 504C 4520 4E4F 2031 2E20 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD 54F4 OC01 0010 P 0000 1004 0006 0000 P 0004 0004 0004 0004 0004 0004 XA FWRITE 4, XB, MA, 6, A, 0, 1, A EXIT XB SCHDLE TWO,l P0010 54F4 P0011 1201 P0012 7FFF X EXIT POO13 54F4 POO14 OAOO END OOFF POOOO POOOI POO02 POOQ3 POO04 POO05 POO06 4558 414D 504C 4520 4E4F 2E20 3220 POO07 POO08 P0009 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD 54F4 OC01 0010 P 0000 1004 0007 0000 P XA 0007P XC OOOOP MA MB NAM ENT ALF TWO FWRITE 0005 1 ENTRY POINT TABLETWO XA 2E2F () SCHEDULE XA TWO *, EXAMPLE NO 1. * POOOE 54F4 POOOF OAOO I 0001 0002 0003 MA NAM ENT EXT ALF XB NEXT TWO *, EXAMPLE NO. 2* 4, XC, MB, 7 ,A, 0, 1 EXIT 2F44 J *X EXAMPLE NO 1. EXAMPLE NO. 2 8-39 0010P TWO 0012X 8.3.4 '\ C 8.3.4 TIMER Request - Request Code 8 --' The timer reques t is available only under MSOS. Ahardware timing device such as the 1573 timer is required for the timer request to work since there is no real time clock in the cpu. The timer request is a scheduled request where the program is scheduled after a predetermined time delay. The delay allowed will be from 1/60 second to 32, 767 minutes. Parameters c, p, and x are specified as for the SCHDLE request. However, instead of a parameter a time delay is specified in Q when the request is made. The delay is specified in multiples of the basic unit of the timing device. The timer passes the current contents of the core clock (E8) to the scheduled program in Q. Timer requests are stacked in the s c he d u I e request stack but are not threaded with them. Ins tead, they are threaded together on the basis of time until activation. When the delay for a timer request has expired, a SCHDLE request is made by the system and the request is rethreaded into the SCHDLE thread. The timer request is normally made by protected programs but it can be made by jobs at levels 0 or 1. The timer was different under MSOS 1. O. 8. 3.4. 1 Format for the ITIMER Request RTJ15 0 14 rc 8 ($F4) 9 8 x c 7 u 0-3 4 3 p 0 0-15 Q rc x u p c Q request code, 6 bits: 8 relative/indirect indicator, 1 bit: 0 or 1 type of units desired, 4 bits: 0 to 3 priority, 4 bits: 0-15 address of program to be scheduled number of units desired: 1-32,767 must also be in Q register The macro form for this reques t is: TIMER c, p, x, Q, u (" "'-' 8-40 ' o An example of a coded call woold be: LDQ RTJNUM ADC NUM =N$0005 ($F4) $1024 PGM 5 (schedule PGM in 5 seconds to run at priority 4) Request Code Request code is 8. 8. 3. 4. 3 X Bit The x bit is used in conjlUlction with the c parameter. relates to this parameter. It will be discussed as it 8. 3.4.4 Units The type of lUli ts reques ted is s p e c if i e d bas ed on the bas i c unit of the timing device. u 0 1 2 3 0 basic units: 60/sec on 1573 1/10 second seconds minutes The units field is used in conjunction with the Q parameter to calculate the desired time delay and it controls the precision required in the timing. 8. 3.4. 5 Priority This is the priority at which the scheduled program is to run. It follows the same rules as in a schedule request. 8. 3.4. 6 Address The c field contains the address of the program being scheduled and it follows the same rules as for a schedule request. 8. 3.4.7 Q parameter The Q parameter is the n u m be r of the type of units desired; it must be in the Q regis ter and the Q word of the reques t. () 8-41 For example, a timer request for 5 seconds could be either u=2 and Q=5, or u=l and Q=50. If u=2, the request will be on the seconds thread and will be scheduled in at leas t 5, but less than 6, seconds. If u=l, the r e que s t will be on the 1/10 second thread and will be s c h e d u led in at least 5 seconds, but less than 5 1/10 seconds. This is how the desired timing precision can be achieved. 8. 3.4. 8 Example of\ TIMER Request Assume the basic unit of the system is 1/60 second. Schedule the program PGM using an absolute call, after 20 minutes has elapsed, to run at priority 6. ENQ TIMER 20 PGM, 6, , 20, 3 8.3.5 STATUS Request - Request Code 3 This request is available to unprotected programs only. Foreground programs do not use the status request to obtain status. The status of a particular read/write request is obtained with the status request. The status of the request is returned in the A, Q, and I registers. The status request can be used to determine whether an I/O operation is complete, to examine the type of hardware to which the logical unit is assigned, to check the dynamic status on the hardware, or to find out how far along the 1/ a is by checking the current buffer address. Format of the STATUS Request RTJ15 0 15 0 14 0 rc 0 0 12 0 ($F4) 0 o 9 0 1 111 A 10 1 I 8 x 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 LUN ap address of parameter list rc x request code, 6 bits: 3 relative/indirect indicator, 1 bit: 0 or 1 Q logical unit, 10 bits; modified by a, same as for read/write requests a logical unit address indicator, 2 bits; same as for read/write requests Settings are: a = blank = 00: Q is the logical unit number a= R = 01: Q is a signed 'increment (±lFF) a=I = 10: Q is a core address (0< Q~3FF) ap address of parameter list of request 8-42 0 0 0 0 C o The macro call is: STATUS Q, ap, a, x An example of a coded call would be: RTJNUM NUM ADC ($F4) $0600 0004 REQ+l (Obtain status of a request on logical tulit 4; request address is REQ+l) Request Code The reques t code is 3. 8. 3. 5. 3 X Bit The x bit is used in conjunction with the ap parameter and will be discussed as it relates to that parameter. 8. 3. 5.4 A Field The a bits modify the logical unit field in the same way as in the I/O request. o 8. 3. 5. 5 Logical Unit The logical unit is the same 10 gi cal unit upon which the I/O request was made (the one we wish to have the status of). The logical unit may be specified directly, indirectly or relatively, in the same way the logical unit was specified in the I/O request. 8. 3. 5. 6 Address of Parameter List The ap field is the address of the parameter list for the request for which status is desired. It can be specified directly, indirectly or relatively, in conjunction wi th the x bit. x ap Meaning of ap ==0 or blank ap ap is the address of the firs t word of the parameter list of the I/O request. i. e., STATUS -, REQ+l, -,REQ+1 is the parameter address. ~o ~blank () ap ap is relative. ap is a positive increment added to the address of the first word of the status requestparameter list to obtain the address of the first word of an input/output reques t parameter lis t. 8-43 8. 3. 5. 6 x ap Meaning of ap i. e., STATUS -, REQ+l-*+2, -, X REQ+l is the parameter address. =0 =blank (ap) ap is indirect ap is the address of a I 0 cat ion containing the add res s of the first word of an input/output parameter list. i. e., STATUS -, (REQADR), -,REQADR contains the address of REQ+l ~o (ap) ;iblank ap is double relative. ap is a positive increment added to the address of the first word of the status request parameter list to obtain the address of a location containing another positive increment. The second increment is added to the address of the first word of the status reques t parameter lis t to obtain the address of the first word of an input/output request parameter list. Because of wraparound in adding, both increments may refer to locations ahead of or behind the status reques t. i. e., STATUS -, (REQREL-*+2), -, X REQREL contains a number to be added to the firs t word of the status parameter list to form the distance to REQ+l (s+l+contents of REQREL). Although the parameter! address is not needed in the utility system, it is supplied to be compatible with 1700 MSOS. If it is omitted, only device status will be returned. 8. 3. 5. 7 Reply to STATUS Requ~st Following execution of the status request, the A, Q, and I registers con t a i n the status. The content of these registers is as follows: A: hardware status of device Q: word 8 of Physical Device Table for device I: last core address of data transmission 8-44 (' 8. 3. 5.7.1 Hardware Status o Hardware Status Reply A The hardware reply 1S dynamic unless the device is connected to a buffered data channel and the channel is busy. If it is-not busy, the hardware reply is the status obtained at the completion of the last request for that device. For an explanation of hardware replies refer to the hardware specifications. This status is the hardware reply bits on the device itself. 8.3. 5.7.2 Word 8 of PDT See appendix D of the MSOS Reference Manual for contents of this word. 15 Q I 14 13 11 10 4 S E T Word 8 3 1 o R EREQST Reques t Status Bits o P - 0=1 1=1 R 2=1 [ 3=1 T --4-10 Device not available to unprotected programs Device may be read from unprotected pro g ram s Device may be written by unprotected pro g ram s Equipment table includes words 18-33 for message buffering Equipment type constant (T), see T table S Equipment Class, see Stable E un i Device failure Operation is in progress Operation is complete 14 = 1 15 = 1 = 0 STABLE EQUIPMENT CLASS CODES Word 8, EREQST Bits 11-13 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Class not defined Magnetic tape device Mass storage device Card device Paper tape device Printer device Teletype device Reserved for future use 8-45 T TABLE (-.~: STANDARD EQUIPMENT TYPE CODES Word 8, EREQST Bits 4-10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1711/1713 Teletypewriter 1721/1722 Paper Tape Reader 1723/1724 Paper Tape Punch 1 J 43 ] 44 45-99 100-127 Unassigned 1738/853 Disk Unit 1751 Drum Unit 1729 Card Reader 1738/854 Disk Unit 601 Magnetic Tape Unit Software Buffering Device 1742 Line Printer 1728/430 Card Reader/Punch Software Core Allocator 210 CRT Display Station 1558 Latching Relay Output 1553 External Register Output 311B/312B Data Set Terminal 322/323 Teletype Terminal Unassigned 166 Line Printer 1612 Line Printer 415 Card Punch 405 Card Reader 608 Magnetic Tape Unit 609 Magnetic Tape Unit 1713 Teletype Keyboard 1713 TTY Paper Tape Punch 1713 TTY Paper Tape Reader Unassigned 1797 Buffered I/O Interface Software Dummy Alternate 1584 Selectric I/O Typer 1582 Flexowriter I/O Typer 1716 Coupling Data Channel 1718 Satellite Coupler Unassigned 8000 Series Magnetic Tape Unit C Unassigned 1530 A/D Converter 30/40 PPS 1534 A/D Converter 200 PPS . 1538 A/D Converter High Speed Unassigned Reserved for future standard equipment Open for user assignment 8-46 C B. 3. 5. 7. 2 The word B status can be used to determine several things about the device. The E field can be used to see if any reques t is active on the device and w h e the r a hardware error is present; this requires operator intervention. T can be used to find out what kind of equipment the device is. For example, a program could see if the standard output device is a teletypewriter or a line printer and then output either 70-character lines or 136-character lines. The P and R fields can be used to determine the availability to jobs. B. 3. 5.7.3 Current Buffer Address address I The add res s of the las t word that was stored in the buffer or written from the buffer is in the I register. In this way a job can determine how much of its buffer has been filled during operation. B. 3. 5. B Example of Status Reques t 0015 0015 0015 0015 o 0015 0015 0022 0022 0022 0022 AA FWRITE $FC,XA, (AD DR) , (LENGTH), A, 0,1, I XA EXIT SQP OK-*-l STATUS $FC, AA+1, I POOBF 54F4 P0090 P0091 P0092 P0093 P0094 P0095 OC01 00A1 P 0000 1BFC B053 P B052 P OUT P009C 54F4 P009D 0600 P009E BOFC OK ~ EXIT The above example takes status on the request from the completion routine if an error indication is present. More examples of status requests are in the CKASSM routine, section B. 3.10. B. 3. 6 GTFILE Request - Request Code 13 This request is available only to background programs and only under MSOS. A permanent file that has been placed in the program library* can be ace e sse d during execution by the GTFILE request. A file is brought into core as it appears on the mass storage device; GTFILE does not load a program. If apr 0 g ram is () ----------------- *A file is placed in the program library by a LIBEDT operation. B-47 8.3.6 placed in the program library as a file, it must be in its a b sol ute binary form. Data files cannot be c han g e d and written back on the library during execution. . GTFILE only reads the file into core. C," 8. 3. 6.1 Format of GTFILE Request RTJ- 15 0 11~ 0 rc 1 1 ($F4) ~ 0 I! I 7 rn 4 I 0 3 CD c completion address thread v 1 ~ 1 :1 $C2 £ w1 s starting core address w2 f filename address rc x rp cp c thread v m a request code, 6 bits: 13 relative indicator request priority (for MSOS), 4 bits: 0 completion priority, 4 bits: 1 completion address for system: 0 error bits, 3 bits mode, 1 bit: 0 * logical unit modifier, 2 bits: 2 * Q logical unit address of MS device, 9 bits: $C2 w1 first word desired in file s starting core address for buffer w2 last word desired in file f filename address c * The macro call is: GTFILE c, f, s, w1, w2, x, rp, cp *Set by assembler if macro call used. l ':..- 8-48 o An example of a coded call would be: FILNAM ALF 1 RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC NUM ADC *, FILE * FILE NAME ($F4) $lA01 GOT COMPL o $08C2 o BUF BINARY, LIBUNIT WHOLE FILE WANTED BUFFER o (FILNAM) ADDR OF FILE NAME (The file FILE is requested to be stored in BUF. GOT is the completion address. ) Request Code Request code is 13. 8. 3. 6. 3 X Bi t o The x bit is used in conjunction with the f parameter. relates to that parameter. It will be discussed as it Request Priority The reques t priority is always 0 in the background for jobs. It will be used as the request priority for the mass storage driver when it reads in the file. 8.3. 6. 5 Completion Priority The completion priority is always 1 in the background. 8. 3. 6. 6 Completion Address c is for the completion add res s and takes the same form as for the read/write request. 8. 3. 6. 7 Mode The mode field mus t be set to 0 (binary). 8. 3. 6. 8 A Field The a bit, logical unit modifier, must be set to 2 (indirect). 8. 3. 6. 9 Logical Unit The address of the library logical unit, $C2, must be set in this field. 8-49 Word Addresses: wI, w2 wI and w2 are the beginning and ending word addresses (mass storage) within the file if word addressing is used and the disk word driver is present in the system. If only a portion of a file is wanted, the wI, w2 specifies the words wanted. Th~y are specified directly. If the complete file is wanted, wI and w2 s h 0 u I d be left blank. GTFILE -, -, -, 10,45, -, GTFILE , , '" , In the first example words 10 to 45 would be brought in. In the second, the com- plete file would be brought in. 8. 3. 6. 11 Starting Core Address s is the starting address of the block into which the file or a portion of the file is to be transferred. x determines the type of addressing mode stakes. x s Meaning of s s s is the starting address; x has no meaning. e. g., GTFILE -, -, BUF, -, -, -, -, - =0 =blank (s) s is indirect. s is the core location which contains the starting address of the block. c e. g., GTFILE -, -, (BUFADR), -, -, -, -, In this case BU FADR con t a ins the address of the block. ~o ~blank (s) s is relative. s is a positive increment added to the first word of the parameter list to form the s tar tin g address of the block. e. g., GTFILE -, -, (BUF-*+5), -, -, X, -, BUF is the buffer. 8. 3. 6. 12 File Name Address The f parameter in d i cat e s the address of the firs t word of a three-word block that contains the ASCII name of the file. It takes two forms, f and (f). f is a positive increment to be added to the first word of the parameter list when it stands alone. 8-50 c () For example: GTFILE -, NAME-*+7 , -, -, -, -, -, In this case NAME would contain the first two characters of the ASCII name and the relative distance to NAME would be assembled into the macro. (f) indicates f is the add res s of the three word block containing the ASCII name. For example: GTFILE -, (NAME), -, -, -, -, -,- In this case the address of NAME is assembled into the macro. The system searches the program library for the file with the s p e c if i e d name. It is supposed to be necessary to specify two add i t ion a I words at the end of the reques t in which the s y s t e m will return the actual sector add res s of the file. This does not work, however, so we omit it. 8. 3. 6. 13 Example of a GTFILE Request o The following example uses a GTFILE request to obtain a file named SYSINI from the program lib r a r y and store it into a buffer, beginning at $6000 (absolute address). It happens that in this example the GTFILE request is to obtain a file that is an a b sol ute program and is to transfer control to it; but the GTFILE could simply have been used to input data to a buffer. The example shows how the GTFILE works and how it is assembled. c) 8-51 EXAMPLE USING GTFILE REQUEST FOR SYSTEM INITIALIZER 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0007 0007 0007 0007 0007 0008 0008 0008 0009 0009 0009 0010 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0012 0012 0012 0013 0014 0015 0015 0015 0016 '5359 5349 4E49 5349 2049 4E20 6000 POO06 0000 POOOO POO01 POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF 54F4 1A01 0014 P 0000 08C2 0000 6000 0000 8000 P FILNAM NAM ENT ALF GETSI SI *, SYSINI* BUF ALF *, SI SIADDR SI GETFIL EQU SIADDR($6000) File to go at $6000 0 0 GTFILE GOT, (FILNAM), SIADDR, , ,0, o~ I ~ IN* Name of FILE in program library MSG Buffer for TTY 4 \ Completion address after SYSINI i~ brought lnto core \ Address where file name is ~ Core address where file is to go CP=l RP = 0 X bit = 0 (not blank) Disk address left blank; program librarywill be searched EXIT (wait for completion) C P0010 54F4 P0011 OAOO (unnecessary) EXIT POO12 54F4 POO13 OAOO POO14 017B POO15 POO16 POO17 POO18 P0019 P001A P001B 54F4 OC01 001E P 0000 18FC 0003 0003 P P001C P001D POOlE POOIF 54F4 OAOO 0171 ICED GOT SIIN SQM IIrf t1 NOGOOD E FWIUTE (std )FC, WRr , B f com!~~ COMPL device) ADDR bit = 0 (not blank) c~n~i:ect bit referring to $FC MSG RP BUF ASCII 3 words =0 EXIT Wait until Write is done WROTE NOGOOD SQM JMP* EXIT NOGOOD (GETFIL+6) • END SI Jump to beginning addres s of SYSINI which is $6000 P0020 54F4 P0021 OAOO 8-52 C~' o This program may be rea sse m b 1 e d for any system. Change the EQU for the desired high core address where the system initializer is to be pIa c e d. The system initializer should be stored in the program library under the file name SYSINIo It can then be called into core by typing on the TTY *8I 8Y8INI was made a file so it could be stored in high core. o C) 8-53 8.3.7 8. 3.7 LOADER Request - Request Code 7 This request may be made only by background programs. The loader request enables the pro g ram to load programs during execution. A program is loaded beg inn in g at the first word of unassigned, unprotected core. When loading, the loader res ide s in the upper part of unprotected core, wiping out COMMON if it was being used. The par am e t e r s for the loader request are in the A and Q registers. These parameters pre s c rib e what type of load is to take place and from which logical unit. 15 o 3 A t Qu o 15 tna Q t type of loading operation; discussion follows Qu logical unit number of the input unit if a relocatable binary program is being loaded tna entry point, core address of the first of three sequential locations containing the entry point name t Qu Function tna 0 Load relocatable binary programs from any unit input device ignored 1 Load from program library on library unit library unit ignored 2 Load program from library unit and execute immediately library unit location of program name 3 Produce memory map ignored ignored 4 Look up entry point name ignored location of entry point name 5 Same as t = 1 but no memory map printed 6 Search directory of core-resident entry points ignored ignored 7 Initialize data base ignored ignored 8-54 C c 8.3.7 G When the load is com pie ted without an error, the A register contains the last transfer address given, as in normal loading. If an error terminated loading, A contains zero and the Q register contains the storage address of the input block processed by the loader at the time the error occurred. 8. 3.7. 1 Format of the LOADER Request RTJ- o o ($F4) 1 1 9 8 1 o ------------------------------~- ~I The macro call would be: LOADER An example of a coded request would be: RTJ- ($F4) NUM $OEOO See the core request for a program example using the loader request. o 8. 3. 8 CORE Request - R~quest Code 11 The core request can be made only by background programs. The core request can expand or contract available unprotected core. For example, if during execution the high locations of one's program are no longer needed, one could release these locations by a core request so that another program could be loaded into this area. The core request has two forms, depending on the contents of the A and Q registers. If A and Q are zero, the core request asks for the cur r en t boundaries of unassigned unprotected core. When the request has been processed, the Q register contains the lower boundary-l and the A register contains the upper boundary+1. (The contents of A and Q are actually obtained from core locations $ED and $EC.) With this information the program can set new b 0 un dar i e s to available unprotected core. When A and Q are non-zero and a core request is made, the new boundaries are set according to the contents of A and Q. A contains the new upper boundary and Q the lower. Both boundaries mus t be within un pro t e c ted core and A mus t be larger than Q. The core request is supposed to return the actual lower and upper bounds of unprotected core, but since it currently returns the lower-l and upper+l (from $ED and $EC) we program it to allow for that. C) 8-55 8. 3. 8. 1 Format of Core Request r-'\ ( ($F4) RTJ- o rc 1 o 1 9 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 . ........... - 0 0 0 ~I The macro call would be: CORE The coded call would be: ($F4) $1600 RTJNUM 8. 3. 8. 2 Example of Core Request The following example program, LOADERC, makes a core request to obtain bounds. It then drops the lower bound by 22 16 • Then it makes a loader request to load a relocatable binary program tape from logical unit 2. The program on the tape will begin to overlay the BSS block in LOADERC at address P0011. LOADERC receives the entry point address inA from the loader (from the end tna card of the loaded program) and stores it in the second word of the jump ins truction, where it can jump to the loaded program. C' 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0005 0005 0006 0007 0007 0007 0008 0009 0010 0010 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0014 0014 0015 0016 0017 0002 POOOO 0846 XX POO01 54F4 POO02 1600 POO03 ODDD POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 54F4 1600 COOO 0002 OFC4 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE 54F4 OEOO 6802 1400 0000 P OBOO NAM EXT EQU CLR CORE LOADERC ENTRY TAPEU(2) A,Q Get core limits INQ CORE LDA -$22 Set lower limit =XTAPEU 4 ALS LOADER XA STA* JMP+ Unpatched external Set up LUN Call loader Save entry point address Jump to it XA+1 ** Nap EXIT POOOF 54F4 P0010 OAOO ENT P0011 0022 END XX BSS XX 8-56 PT($22) C' " C) The system r e c 0 v e r y package was used to dump some of the program area beginning at POOOD in LOADERC. It shows that the new buffer of the loaded program exactly overlayed the BSS in LOADERC; then the write request, beginning at P0009 in the new program, wrote out the confirming message. Use of the system to execute this job is covered in Chapter 9, but the example is included here so that it can be studied for later reference (since it a p pi i e s to the core and loader requests). o () 8-57 · · · 00 C/.:) 00 t\j RE DUMP Buffer PT began here at 2F3F but is now overlayed by message buffer. CORE wiped out PT buffer and set new lower limit at 2F3F. New program F was loaded at 2F3F. F 2F3B RE DUMP 2F4B [ 2F5B j i 2F3F 2F48 0000 1804 OBOO 1004 54F4 AF47 OAOO 2F3F " ( 414E 54F4 ANOTHER EXAMPLE 4F54 OAOO 4845 0179 A 5220 54F4 4558 OD01 414D 0009 Write request at entry point of F 504C 0000 4520 1004 " 0008 FFF3 .. 54F4 7FEB OC01 54F4 2F51 OAOO Buffer address in F TTY PRINTOUT 00 I *p c..n J 00 *L,8 J *SR J *x E * ~ L, 02 FAILED 02 ACTION CU ANOTHER EXAMPLE ANOTHER EXAMPLE J J Unpatched external ENTRY which was not needed so ignored. Load F from paper tape reader. There is no *T on the end of the tape, hence the message and CU. Output from Program F RE *2F3B ERR RE *D2F3B,2F5B RE Dump Request RE rJ (l f~ ~ l, 8.3.9 o 8.3.9 INDm Request - No Request Code This request can be used by foreground or background programs under MSOS only. It is not a separate request but is an indirect version of any other request. Any request can be used again without repeating the r e que s t by using the INDIR request. Format of the INDIR Request RTJ- ($F4) ap Only in the INDIR request should bit 15 of the first word of the parameter list be set to 1. This tells the s y s t em that the w 0 r d under the RT J- ($F4) is not a parameter but is the address of the parameter list to be requested. The macro form is: INDIR (p) p is the address of the parameter list; it must be in parentheses. o To code the call: RTJADC ($F4) (REQ+1) (if the desired request parameters begin at REQ+1) 8. 3. 9. 2 Example of the INDIR Request An example of the INDIR reques t would be one in which the r e que s t parameters could be stored in a buffer and an indirect request could cause them to be executed. The following example stores the buffer address for MESSAGE in the s field of a reques t at REQBUF (the number of words in n) and then executes the r e que stat REQBUF. Note that by using the INDIR request, control returns beneath it after the request is initiated. If a jump had been made to REQBUF-1 (if a RTJ- ($F4) were there), can t r a I would return under the parameter string at REQBUF. This may not be the desired action. o 8-59 BUF ~ ALF ~ LDA STA* ENA STA* INDIR REQBUF N S *,MESSAGE * =XBUF S 4 N (REQBUF) ~ NUM ADC NUM $OCOl COMPL NUM $1004 NUM NUM o o FWRITE o ASCII, TTY ~ More e x amp 1 e s of the INDIR reques t appear in the routine CKASSM in the next section, 8.4. 8.4 PROBLEM The following program is a routine which can be used to check out the macro assembler. Study it car e fu 11 y to see what it does. After studying the program as it is written, figure out what would happen if the two SQP instructions at P0007 and POOOD were SQN instead. Comprehension of the CKASSM routine should be considered a "final examination" on requests. Any points which are not thoroughly clear to the reader should be restudied carefully in the appropriate sections. A very good knowledge of these r e que s t s is required before the student goes on to study Part II of the training manual. 8-60 () 0 C) 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0014 0014 0015 0015 0015 0016 0016 0016 0017 0018 0019 0019 0019 0020 0020 0020 0021 0022 0023 0023 0023 0023 84758702 NAM CKASSM DEcK 10 JUNI: 4. 19t>M M4'~M'O~ VERIFICATION TEST FOR A007 MACRO ASSEMBLER * 'dO spEC ID REFER TO 84800300 PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS. AID SYSTEMS DIVISION. CDC * 'I} AssEMBLE USING 1700 MACRO ASSEMBLER THIS PROGRAM IS A VERIFICATION FOR THE * MACRO ASSEMBLER * THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF TESTS THAT USES * INDIRE.Ct SyStEM REQUEStS ON VARIOUS ** COMBINATIONS OF (F)READ/(F)WRITE REQUESTS. ENT CKASSM CKASSM NOP INDIR (F1+U 'dO POOOO OBOO POOOI 54F4 POO02 SOCS P INDIR (W1+1) POOO3 S4F4 POO04 80BC P INI POO05 POOO6 POO07 POOO8 54F4 80B8 P 0161 18FC POO09 s4F4 POOOA 80AF P POOOB POOOC POOOD poooE 54F4 80AB p 0161 18FC pOOOF P0010 pooll POO12 0023 poo13 0023 POO14 pOOlS 0024 0024 pool6 0024 POO17 0025 poOla POOl9 poOIA P001B poolC POOID poolE POOIF P0020 P0021 P0022 P0023 P0024 P0025 P0026 P0027 P0028 P0029 po02A P002B 54F4 OCOO 0000 0000 OaFC 0019 004A P INDIR (T1 +1) SQP 1 JMP* INt INOIR (R1+1) IN2 INDIR ( '2+ 11 SQP 1 JMP'l} IN2 FWRITE $FC •• BUF,25,B, •• I EXIT 54F4 OAOO 4E45 5854 2040 4553 5341 4745 2053 484F 554C 4420 494E 4449 4341 5445 2056 4552 4946 4943 4154 494F MSG ALF 25.NEXT MESSAGE SHOULD INDICATE VERIF ICAl ION P002C P002D P002E P002F P0030 8-61 4E2-0 2020 2020 2020 2020 8.4 0026 P0031 P0032 P0033 POO34 P0035 POO36 P0037 po03A POO39 poo3A P0038 P003C P003D P003E P003F POO4O 4041 4352 4F20 4153 5345 4042 4C45 5220 4F4E 2031 3730 3020 4F48 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 P0041 POO42 P0043 P0044 P0045 P0046 P0047 POO48 P0049 0027 P004A 0060 0028 0028 POUAA 54F4 0028 POOAB 0600 0028 POoAC 0005 0028 POOAO OOAF 0029 0029 POOAE 54F4 0029 POOAF 0800 0029 POOBO 0000 POOS1 0000 0029 POOB2 08C2 0029 POOS3 0019 POOB4 004A 0030 POOBS 0000 POOB6 0001 0031 0031 POOB7 54F4 0031 POOA8 0600 0031 POOB9 0005 0031 POOBA OORC 0032 0032 POOBS 54F4 0032 POOBC OCOO 0032 POOAO 0000 POOBE 0000 0032 pOOBF 08C2 0032 POOCO 0019 POoCI 0031 0033 POOC2 0000 POOC3 0001 ON 1700 OK 25.MACRO ASSEMBLER ------------------- - MSGI ALF T2 AZS BOF(96) STATUS 5,R1+1 (~:~~ C P Rl FREAD $C2.,BUF.25.B •• ,I P NOM 0.1 ,1 STAIOS WI FWRITE $C2"MSG1.2S,B."I S.Wl+1 P P NUM 0.1 C 8-62 8.4 o 0034 -Ulf~POOC4 0014 POOCS 0034 POOC6 POOC7 0034 POOC8 0014 POOC9 POOCA 0035 Fl 54F4 OCOO 0000 0000 18FC 0019 0018 P END CKASSM J *p J C) *ASSEM OPTIONS LX J *p J *L,5 J *X,N NEXT MESSAGE SHOULD INDICATE VERIFICATION MACRO ASSEMBLER ON 1700 OK J o 8-63 r "- ' o --CHAPTE-R IX MSOS USE o o c c c) CHAPTER IX - MSOS Use TOPIC o C) PAGE 9.1 Job Processor 9-1 9.1.1 Assembling a Program 9-2 9.1.2 Loading and Executing a Program 9-6 9.1.3 Other Job Processor Control Statements 9-7 9.2 Debugging 9-13 9.2.1 Assembler Errors 9-13 9.2.2 Device Failure 9-15 9.2.3 Loading Errors 9-17 9.2.4 Logic Errors 9-17 9.2.4. 1 Breakpoint Package 9-18 System Recovery Package 9-24 c o 9.1 9. 1 JOB PROCESSOR The job processor is that part of the operating system which monitors the background. It is a system program, and it allows jobs to run in the background when the system does not need the CPU or the background core area. Under the control of the job processor are the program library and such jobs as assembling, loading, compiling and executing. The job processor resides in the system lib r a r y on the mass storage device until it is called into execution by a manual interrupt and an * followed by any control statement and a carriage return (CR). For example: The operator depresses the MI key and types *P. MI ® J The system will t y p e the MI and J. (In this chapter all messages typed by the operator will be circled.) MI indicates that the manual interrupt has been accepted. The J will be printed when the job processor has come into core and is ready for a control statement. The job processor types its messages on the standard comments device which, in most cases, is the teletypewriter. o Each control s tat em e n t to the job processor must begin with an asterisk and must be terminated with a carriage return. The job processor will type a J when it has finished doing what it was instructed to do and is ready to a c c e p t another control statement. It will also light the BREAK light on the teletype, and the operator must depress the BREAK RE LEASE key to turn off the light (and start the motor), then type his statement. If this light was not lighted, the system is not waiting for his input. If the operator realizes that he has t y p e d the statement incorrectly before he types the car ria g e return, he can" erase" it by typing a rub out, line feed, carriage return and then proceed. JOX, hhhh indicates an error in a control statement to the job processor or a processing error in the background program. A sum mar y of the error messages appears in Appendix D. The following control statements are available for the operator to use to instruct the job processor in running a job. A brief description of their mea n ing is here and they are described in detail in the MSOS reference manual. C) 9-1 9.1 Figure 17. Control Statements Available Under the Job Processor Control Statement Meaning *p Brings in the loa d e r, initializes for an independent loading operation. * K, Iu, Pu, Lu Alters standard logical units. Where I is input, P is punch and L is the list device. *L,u Loads a program from logical unit u. *X,m Executes the program that was loaded. If m is blank, the memory map will be printed. * Note error and overlay J @) J ® J o 1 ENTRY POINT TABLE***COM 7FCD ***DAT 24EO START 2559 QQ BP 2587 9-19 At this point the programmer can enter anyone of the available breakpoint statements. The programmer may want to break his programs into portions and execute them s epa rat ely. An Saaaa, aaaa, •••• CR sets a stop or breakpoint at the addresses ,aaaa, so that during execution when the program reaches this point the program will halt and control will return to the keyboard. The breakpoint program will at that time print the message BP, aaaa indicating that the breakpoint at the address aaaa has been reached and the breakpoint program expects another control statement. For example, in the program EXAMPL listed as illustration 1 under Section 9. 1. 1 perhaps the programmer would like to execute his program thru the EXIT on card 5, pro g ram location 12. He would probably take the TTY listing which has the address of the first location of his program (24EO). He would then add the program relocatable address of the instruction where he wants the breakpoint to the first location. He would set the breakpoint one instruction after the last instruction that he wants executed. For example: Comments Device Notes J ® J 0L,8) EXAMPL J 24EO ® J 24E 0 machine addres s of program + 12 instruction in program 24F2 actual address @ J o 1 ENTRY POINT TABLEGO 24E9 BP 0 S24 F2) BP 0D24EO, 24F2) 24EO 4558 414D 504C 4520 5052 494E 5420 4F55 5420 54F4 24EA OCOI 24F2 0000 18FC 0009 24EO 54F4 OAOO 54F3 BP 0J24E9) EXAMPLE PRINT OUT BP, 24F2 9-20 u The *S24F2 sets a breakpoint at 24F2. The D24EO, 24F2 dump s that core area. The J24E9 jump s to location 24E9 (P0009) and executes the write. The program stops at 24F2 before executing the SE T A, Q instruction. One can set a maximum of 15 breakpoints with one *Saaaa(CR). However, many more than that can actually be set at anyone time. A breakpoint at a location is actually a RTJ to the breakpoint package inserted in place of the actual code. The actual code is kept by the breakpoint pac k age to be executed and to be returned when the breakpoint is removed. Therefore, s eve r a 1 considerations should be made when setting a breakpoint. A breakpoint should not be set at a non-executable instruction such as a data word because the program would never get to that word to ex e cut e the R TJ, and therefore would not stop at that breakpoint. Also, the breakpoint should not be set at the second word of a two-word instruction because when that instruction is put into execution the R T J would then be interpreted as an address rather than executed as a jump to the breakpoint package. The breakpoint should not be placed at a location that will be modified or changed during execution. For example, a breakpoint should not be set at an instruction whose address is to be modified or the first word of a subroutine whose en tr y is via a RTJ for then again the R T J to the breakpoint package would be modified or destroyed and the result would be unpredictable. o A breakpoint should never be set on anR TJ instruction because the actual instruction is executed in the breakpoint program itself. H enc e, the actual program's RTJ would take the wrong address with it. If a breakpoint is to be cleared, the * Taaaa, aaaa(CR) statement is used. If all the breakpoints that have been set are to be cleared, the *T(CR) statement is used but none of the addresses are speCified. The contents of the registers are printed out with the *P(CR) statement. BP ® REG. A=18FD Q=18CD 1=0814 M=9000 P=54FF BP One can enter each of the registers except M by indicating the register and typing the hexadecimal number that is to be entered. BP ~AFOFO) BP 01FFFF) BP ~Q1234) BP ® REG. o A=FOFO Q=1234 BP 9-21 1=FFFF M=9000 P=54FF The contents of core can be dumped by the *Daaaa, aaaa statement. The first aaaa s p e c if i e s the first location the programmer wants to print and the second aaaa specifies the last. C~' BP *S24F2 BP ~D24EO, 24F2) 24EO 24EA 4558 414D 504C 4520 5052 OCOI 24F2 0000 18FC 0009 494E 24EO 5420 4F55 54F4 OAOO 5420 54F4 54F3 BP The output from the *P(CR) statement is on the standard list device. In this example the list devic~ has been made the same as the comments device with an *K statement. This example is a dump of the program listed as Illustration 1. Note that the last location printed out (54F3) has been set as a breakpoint. If only one location is wanted, specify the single address. BP ~D24EO) 24EO BP 4558 If one wants to enter a 1 0 cat ion in core an *Eaaaa, hhhh, hhhh, •••• (CR) is used. The aaaa specifies the first address to be entered and the following hexadecimal numbers to be placed in each sequential location. BP ~E2557 , FFFF ,0000, FFFF) BP ~D2557 , 2550 2557 BP FFFF 0000 FFFF ~EAAXx) BOl, *EAAXX BP *E2557, AAAA, BBBB, CCCC BP ~D2557 , 255~ 2557 AAAA BBBB BP 9-22 Note the error message CCCC c o If a location is to be skipped, i. e., not en t ere d with data, skip that location by typ ing two commas in a row. This indicates that the location is to be left unaffected. If a location is to be filled with zeros, the zeros must be specified. When a programmer would like to begin execution of a sequence of programming out of the normal sequence, he may use'the jump s tat e men t, *Jaaaa(CR) to the instruction to be executed. Execution begins immediately after the *Jaaaa statement. The aaaa is the address of the first instruction to be executed. J ~K, L4) J ® J ~L,~ EXAMPL 24EO J ® J @ J o o 1 ENTRY POINT TABLEGO 24E9 BP ~S24FD BP ~D24EO, 24F2) 24EO 24EA BP 4558 414D OC01 24F2 504C 4520 5052 0000 18FC 0009 494E 24EO 5420 4F55 54F4 OAOO 5420 54F4 54F3 ~J24E9) EXAMPLE PRINT OUT BP,24F2 The *J24E9 caused the jump to P0009 to execute the write. The return jump *Raaaa is used when an iterative loop is b e in g checked out and the programmer would like a stop at each execution of the loop. The con ten ts of words on the mass s tor age device may be dumped using the *Ms1, w1, s2, w2, nCR where: () sl w1 s2 w2 n is is is is is the the the the the beginning sector number beginning word to be dumped of that sector last sector to be dumped last word of that sector to be dumped logical unit of the disk ',--./ 9-23 There are several combinations that one can use. If, while working in the background, the scratch unit is wanted, the n may be omitted and the scratch unit is assumed. If complete sectors are wanted, the word specification can be omitted and the complete sector will print, If one wanted to examine a file that has been stored on sector 24 of the disk, he could do the following: *M24(CR) The programmer may begin in the mid dIe of a sector and dump the rest of the sector by specifying the first sector and first word but omitting the second sector and word. If the first complete sector of scratch is wanted, type *M(CR) Examples of the *M statement are under the system recovery section as the system recovery's *M works exactly the same as the breakpoint's. If at any time the program is to be terminated, a MI and an * Z (CR) will do so. An example of *z being used to terminate a job is in the first program in the system recovery section. If an error is made while using the breakpoint package, the breakpoint pac k age will p r in t a message beginning with a B. The possible error statements are as follows: B01, statement Statement or parameters are unintelligible for the breakpoint program. B02,hhhh hhhh16 cannot be processed by b rea kpoint program because it is protected. B03,hhhh Breakpoint lim it exceeded •. hhhh16 is the last breakpoint processed. B04 Previous *E statement requested entries in protected core. Entries are not proc e sse d; breakpoint program waits for new statement. 9. 2.4. 2 System Recovery Package The system recovery package is called in with an *SR(CR) before the program is executed just as the breakpoint was. However, the system recovery package does not function and does not accept con t r 0 I statements until after the program has finished normally or aborts. A RE message indicates that Recovery is in and is ready to receive a statement. 9-24 c Figure 19. Control Statements Available to the System Recovery Package Control Statements Brief Description *Daaaa1' aaaa2(CR) Dump locations of core beginning with hexadecimal address aaaal and ending with hexadecimal addres s aaaa 2 • *Ms1, wI, s2, w2, n(CR) Dump mass storage unitnfrom sector and word sl, wI to sector and word s2, w2. *T(CR) Terminate the system recovery package and return to the job processor. *n(CR) Change the list device for dumping contents of core or mass storage. The statements for dumping core and mass storage are the same as for the breakpoint. The output is on the standard list device. An *T(CR) terminates the system recovery package. J ® J EL,8) EXAMPL o J o@ 24EO :======- Note that breakpoint and recovery flags may be set J @ 1 ENTRY POINT TABLEGO 24E9 BP ~J24E9) EXAMPLE PRINT OUT BP, 24F2 EE24ED, 18F~ The operator presses the manual interrupt MI ... '4_------- but ton on the typewriter here if he desires to terminate job execution and enter the Recovery RE package ED ~D24EO,24F0 24EO 24EA RE 4558 414D OC01 24F2 5048 0000 4520 5052 18FB 0009 494E 24EO 5420 4F55 54F4 OAOO 5420 54F4 54F3 The *D above dumps core from 24EO through 24F2, after the program has executed. o 9-25 (~ BP 1'--..,- <§E9) EXAMPLE PRINT OUT RE ® RE QM,15,,12) ERR Note: ERROR Occurred because word 1 is larger than word 2. RE 0 M,15) SECTOR NUMBER 5800 0015 0400 001F OFOA 0029 0033 OBOO 0000 OD03 1401 012,1 0000 0302 0000 18DF 0000 1803 0844 18F5 0000 OBOO E80D C8EO 0000 18FO OBOO 1CF2 0000 5806 02FE 0000 0000 OD04 A30B 0181 0000 03FB B80B 0039 0000 5803 0104 0019 0000 0163 0009 FFFE 414C 2E20 0008 0000 18FE 0000 0161 18F3 6810 OAOO OOOA FFFA 4045 0000 0000 08FC OOOA 18FD 1CF8 0131 18E8 0001 OOOB FFFC 5354 24E3 18FC 0001 0031 68F7 90A4 18F8 0131 0002 OOOC FFFB '204E 68D5 001E 255E 0000 18DC OIA7 CC99 18E6 0003 OOOD FFFA 4F2E 0842 7FEA 54F4 OBOO OBOO 0138 9897 18F8 0004 OOOE FFF9 2049 481D 54F4 OAOO 0000 CCAB CCA1 01A6 5448 0005 OOOF FFFF 5320 OC17 OAOO 54F4 2560 68A8 689E 012A 4520 0006 0010 5443 4154 5825 54F4 OD01 68B3 68A8 C800 CC95 534D 0007 0000 4520 204C 54F4 OD01 0008 OC09 D8A8 FF9E 6893 414C 0001 404F OODO 0000 0000 4144 0000 0000 0000 FFFF 0000 0000 0000 6804 0000 5000 0000 4804 0000 0000 0000 1800 0000 0000 0000 0003 0000 0000 0000 FFFF 0000 0000 0000 FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1400 2020 0000 2020 0000 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF Note: ** implies that the 0000 or FFFF continues for the rest of the sector. ** RE 0D2137) 2137 C80D RE ~D24EO, 255~ 24EO 24EA 24F4 24FE 2508 2512 251C 2526 2530 253A 2544 254E 2558 0001 0008 0000 534D 4F43 OD01 0008 0000 5805 ODFE 681A C893 4045 RE ~M,124,25,124) SECTOR NUMBER 0814 0124 SECTOR NUMBER 0001 5803 5800 OOOB 0015 0000 001F 2020 ** SECTOR NUMBER 0001 0000 2020 OOOB C 0000 ** RE ® J (-" ....... 9-26 _. In the previous example the *4 reassigns output to lun4, the TTY. The *M, 15 implies sector of s c rat c h from W 0 r d 15 on. *D2137 dumps 1 0 cat ion 2137. *D24EO, 2558 dumps those locations, inclusive. *M, 124,25,124 dump s several consecutive sectors. ° o o 9-27 PART II I\'...... ( ,-. '" " CHAPTER X CONFIGURING A SYSTEM CHAPTER X - Configuring a System r .-. Vi I~ L.J TOPIC PAGE 10.1 Central Processor 10-1 10.1.1 Low Speed I/O Package 10-1 10.2 1705 Interrupt Data Channel 10-2 10.3 Buffered Controllers 10-2 10.4 1706 Buffered Data Channel 10-3 10.5 Unbuffered Controllers 10-3 10.6 160-A Peripherals 10-5 10.7 1500 Equipment 10-5 10.8 Priorities for DSA Bus 10-5 10.9 Summary, Configuring Equipment 10-6 10.10 Related Manuals 10-6 c 10.1 u CONFIGURING A SYSTEM The content of this chapter will be devoted to the 1700 and its peripherals as a total system. It is designed to assist the presales analyst in configuring a system by considering the interrelationship of the various pieces of hardware. Each has its own characteristics which must relate to and interface with the total hardware configuration. Figure 20 is a diagram of m 0 s t of the s tan dar d hardware and it should be consulted as a reference from the text in this chapter. Figure 21 also contains the hardware and it includes the new hardware. 10.1 CENTRAL PROCESSOR The basic 1704 computer consists of the centralprocessor, arithmetic unit, 4K memory and A/Q channel access to the low-speed I/O package via the slow-channel synchronizer, equipment number 1. Memory modules maybe added in 4K (1708) increments to a maximum of 32K. The 1709 (8K mod u I e) is available only on a used basis. A new hardware addition has recently been made to the product line to allow an increase of memory size to 65K. Two interrupt lines are included: line 0 for internal interrupts and line 1 for the slowchannel synchronizer. 10.1.1 Low Speed I/O Package o The low-speed package consists of: • teletypewriter 1711 - keyboard entry and printer only, 100 characters per second 1712*- keyboard & printer, 100 cps, with offline mechanical paper tape reader and punch 1713 - keyboard, printer, on-line mechanical paper tape reader and punch, 100 cps • paper tape reader 1721 - 400 cps reader, electronic 1722 - same reader, with added take-up and supply reels • paper tape punch 1723 - 120 cps punch 1724 - same punch, with added take-up and supply reels • card reader 1729*- 100 card-per-minute reader, replaced by 1729-2 which connects to 1705 *Only available used on an as-available basis. 10-1 10.1.1 These are the stan dar d peripherals connected to line 1; other peripherals must normally be connected through a 1705. Some exis ting con fig u rat ion s do have s p e cia 1 peripherals other than those above on line 1, but this is on a QSE basis and each case must be considered individually. C.'.. 10.2 1705 INTERRUPT DATA CHANNEL Any system which will require more than the two basic interrupts or the peripherals in the low-speed r/o package will need a 1705. The addition of the 1705 will add the following capabilities to the system: a) addition of 14 more interrupt lines for external equipment b) addition of up to eight controllers to the A/Q channel c) addition of direct memory access for up to eight buffered controllers See note A, Figure 20, for additional explanation of line connections. Input/ Output for the additional eight controllers would be unbuffered if they are connected to the A/Q channel only. I/O will be buffered if they are connected to the A/Q channel and the DSA bus and are either capable of doing direct memory acces s on their own or are connected through a 1706 or 1716. 10.3 BUFFERED CONTROLLERS Three controllers are capable of performing data transfers directly between computer memory and the attached peripheral device: 1738 disk controller - controls one or two 853 (1. 5-million-word) or 854 (3. O-millionword) disks, 1751 drum controller - controls drum; size from 65K to 524K words, 1748 master communications terminal controller - controls up to 64 rem 0 t e communications sets (through 8136's) or up to four 302 communications expansion modules. The buffered controllers are connected to the A/Q channel (for transfer of control information) and the DSA bus (for transfer of data). Any program which is running and using the CPU continues to run while the controller is handling the data transfer, s inc e the A and Q registers are not used during the data transfer. Direct memory transfer is done on a cycle- stealing bas is; that is, the controller steals a me m 0 r y cycle every time it wishes to transfer a word (through the Z register). In order to calculate how much each buffered controller will slow down the CPU (and, therefore, a running program), a percentage could be figured based on the transfer rate of the peripheral. For example, the 1738 is capable of transferring one word every 12.8 ).Is so it will steal approximately every 12th cycle and can therefore slow down a program by up to 9% when the disk is run n in g. The program would only be slowed down if the CPU and the 1738 both wanted to access memory at the same time. 10-2 c 10.4 o 10.4 1706 BUFFERED DATA CHANNEL The 1706 allows direct memory access for unbuffered controllers. It is for any of the controllers thatare not capable of doing buffered data transfers. (That is, any except the 1738, 1751 and 1748.) The 1706 is connected between the 1705 (DSA and A/Q channels) and the peripheral controller. Only three 1706's are allowed in any system; this is a software limitation rather than a hardware limitation. The 1716 is exactly like a 1706 except it is accessible by two c ompu te r s. See note C of Figure 20. The 1706 may control up to eight controllers. However, when deciding which peripherals should go on the 1706, it is very important to note that it is logically busy the entire time it is handling a buffer t ran s fer for a peripheral. During that time it cannot be accessed to do any operation or take status on; any other peripheral connected to it. Therefore, the timing on the peripherals must be I considered so that data will not be lost on one while the 1706 is working on another. o As a rule, a 1706 would not be purchased to handle relatively slow peripherals (i. e. , the 1742 line printer or 430 card reader/punch). These peripherals can very effectively be operated in interrupt mode as they will interrupt the CPU infrequently to perform their I/O. The 1706 would more effectively be used and needed to handle fast peripherals (such as magnetic tapes or the 405 card reader). For example, a 1732/608 magnetic tape can transfer one f ram e of data every 32 )lS. Since MSOS can lock out interrupts for up to 50 }.lS at one time, data could be lost on the tapes if they were not conriected to a 1706. Software for controllers operated in the buffered mode through the 1706 should be considered on an individual basis in the light of new software releases. 10.5 UNBUFFERED CONTROLLERS The standard controllers which could be operated in the unbuffered mode t h r 0 ugh the 1705 to the A/Q channel are as follows. Most are shown in Figure 20. The newer ones are in Figure 21. • 1726/405 Card Reader - 1200 cpm reader. 405 can also be connected through 1750 via a 177 controller. Shown on Figure 21. o 1728/430 Card Reader/Punch - 500 cards per minute read; 100 cards per minute punch, (column punch). Reader canbe purchased separately as a 1729-2, 330-cpm. Punch can be purchased separately as a 420A, 100 cpm. • 1729-2 Card Reader - this is the replacement for the 1729 and it reads 330 cpm. Not shown on Figures. • 1731/601 Magnetic Tapes - this is the 1x8 controller for 601 magnetic tapes (200, 556 bpi). They do not have assembly/disassembly mode. They have been updated by the newer 1732/608-609 tapes, and are now available only on a used basis./ o 10-3 10.5 • 1732/608-609 Magnetic Tapes - the new controller, featuring assembly/disassembly option, which replaces the 1731. One controller can handle up to eight tape units; 608's or 609's or a combination of both. C~' 608's - 7 track; bcd or binary; 200, 556, 800 bpi; read forward and reverse 609's - 9 track; binary only; 800 bpi only; read forward and reverse Software from the 1731/601 is completely upward compatible with 1732 hardware. The 1732 is a more expensive controller than the 1731, but the added f eat u res would be desirable for the more sophisticated user: assembly/disassembly mode* 800 bpi forward and reverse read 9-track tape • 1735/915 Page Reader - optical character recognition equipment, 370 characters per second. Software operates as a compiler under utility System; no standard driver is as yet available under MSOS, but it is planned to be added. • 1736-1 OCR Document Reader Controller - controls one 935-1 or 935-2 document reader. Software not yet available; will probably run under utility first. • 1740/501-505 Line Printers - 501, 1000-lpm printer or 505, 500-lpm; 136 characters. Software not yet available for 505. • 1742 Line Printer (with controller included) - this is the Holley 300-lpm with control, 136 columns. • 1744 Digigraphics Controller - controls one 274 dig i g rap h i c light-pen console. Shown on Figure 21. Software is QSS. • 17 45-1 Inquiry/Retrieval Controller - controls 211 Display/Entry and 218 Output stations. • 1746-1 Single Station Entry/Display - controls CRT display and keyboard. • 1747 Data Set Controller - controls 301-B data sets. Software runs under Utility System. Standard software is available for 6000 import/export. • 1749 Communications Terminal Controller - con t r 0 1 s remote communications equipment, up to 16 lines per controller. Standard software is available only in the unbuffe red mode on the 1749; software is not available to connect the 1749 through the 1706 in a buffered mode. The 1748 is used for buffered operations." Standard software is available now or will be shortly on most of the peripherals above (except as noted) to run under MSOS in the unbuffered mode. *Also, new software for the 1732 utilizing assembly mode will mean the tapes only have to be accessed half as often. 10-4 C o 10.6 10.6 160-A PERIPHERALS Several 160-A peripherals are connected to the 1700 on existing configurations through a 160-A adapter, and the 1750: a) b) c) d) 405 card reader (through 177 controller) 166 line printer and control 415 card punch (through 170 controller) 165-2 Calcomp plotter and control These equipments are not listed as standard available products as they are only available used on an as-available basis. 10.7 1500 EQUIPMENT The 1500 series of analog equipment for pro c e s s control is all connected to the 1700 through different interfaces. A large, detailed chart of 1500 equipment is a v a i I a b I e through ADSD in La Jolla. Much of the series is shown in the Figure 20 chart and its primary interfaces are: a) 1750 DCB Termiriator - this is the prime in t e rfa c e and it allows A/Q channel access to the 1500 series via the 1705. It is required if any 1500 equipment is to be connected to the computer. o b) 1797 Buffered I/O Interface - this provides access to the DSA bus for buffered 1500 equipment. It is functionally equivalent to the 1706 for standard peripherals. It is connected to the DSA and the 1750 and it controls up to three 1571' s. c) 1571 Chaining Buffer Channel - this is the priority buffer channel which assigns priorities to the equipment on the 1797. It is required if a 1797 is pre sen t. A high priority pie c e of equipment can steal the channel away from a low priority equipment. See notes E-J of Figure 20. One piece of 1500 equipment will be mentioned here as it is nearly 'always needed in all configurations: 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Option. This is the clock con n e c ted to the 1750 which generates timed interrupts to the CPU (60/sec). Any process system which requires a clock for timed programs will need a 1573 since there is no realtime clock in the computer itself. Many standard s y s t ems need a clock, especially to m on i t or I/O which can get hung up (for example, the 1706 can hang up in a buffer operation if the peripheral malfunctions or drops Ready). Several controllers are capable of generating the necessary timed interrupt, but if one of these is not present in the system, the 1573 can be used. 10.8 PRIORITIES FOR DSA BUS o Since all memory accesses, even buffered, must go through the Z register, priorities must be assigned to all the interfaces which may use the DSA bus. The 1797 takes 10-5 10.8 highest priority in direct memory access, the 1706 takes second priority, the standard buffered equipments (1738, 1751, 1748) take third priority. The running program takes lowest priority for accessing memory. On Figure 20, see Q), ®, and ®. (-- 10.9 SUMMARY, CONFIGURING EQUIPMENT The chart in Figure 20 can be utilized very effectively to configure a system. Note that low- speed 110 package is connected to the CPU through the Low- Speed 110 Synchronizer. Each of the standard buffered equipments (1738, 1751 and 1748) has line connections leading to the CPU via the A/Q channel line and the DSA line. The unbuffered equipments connect to either the A/Q line or, through a 1706, to the DSA line and A/Q line (to add buffer capability). The 1750 connects to the 1705 (for A/Q access). The 1797 has lines to the 1750 and DSA, and the 1571 leads directly to the 1797. Note that all 1500 peripherals connect either to the 1571, 1797 or 1750. The 160-A peripherals connect through the 1750. 10. 10 RELATED MANUALS Additional information on systems configuration will be found in: Systems Manual Communications Peripheral Equipment Manuals ADSD General Information Manual Pricing Manual c c 10-6 o o Software Limitation It c COMPUTER i 14K-WORD CORf. MEMORY) I.T) COMMOS SYNCHRONIZER A srmV.GE INCREMENT (4K·WO!tD CORE MEMORY OPTION) ~ A/Q CHANNEL. MAXIMUM 8 DEVICES - 200 FEET Like AI Q chan E- EVENT COUNTER INPUTS { ~ ..... F- ~~ CD sr,.oARD LCGIC-LEVEL SIGNALS EXTERNAL INTERRUPT . N 0 INPUTS { CD PROTECTED, NONPROTECTED CONTACT CLOSURE SlGNALS Like 1706 I-L -.::J 0 0 (') 0 K- G--H- S I-L 0 I -.::J "0 L- ~ M- CD ~ U1 ~ (f.l M- CD S 1563 ~=~~~i td ...... ANALOG 0 Q ~ 54 INPUT/OUTPUT TElZTYPEWRITERS tJ ..... ~ aq ~ ~ S HIGH-SPEED, { . HIGH-LEVEL ANALOG _I INPUTS UTeHING I REI..A.Y IO-BIT REOOWTION srANDAHD LOGIC LEVEL 1 T05 MA 4 T020 MA 1564A - IS64H DIGITAL INPUT SIGNAL CONDITIONiNG SlGNALQ l(lTOSOMA DIGITAL INPUTS PROTECTED. { NONPROTECTED CONTACT CLOSURE SIGNALS 1564J - lS64R DIGITAL INPUT SlGNAL CONDInONING NOTE: @ ALL INTERFACE MODULES SHCM'N ON THE BDCB C-\N ALs:J BE CONNECTED TO TH E DC1;I TO 1750 ANALOG SIGNALS OUTPUTS } 10.10 Figure 20 (cont) Figure 20 is an overall view of a CONTROL DATA® 1700 Computer System; it shows how different subsystems are used and the methods by which they can be connected. A few basic facts about the CDC®1700 Computer System are pointed out below. Each statement corresponds to letters on the block diagram. A Up to eight input/output (I/O) controllers can be connected directly to the A/Q channel and up to eight I/O controllers can be connected directly to the direct storage access (DSA) bus. However, this does not mean that 16 I/O controllers can be directly connected; only eight can be connected because each controller that is connected to the-DSA bus must also be connected to the A/Q channel. B Only three CDC 1706 Buffered Data Channels and/or the buffered 1716 Coupling Data Channels can be used in a system complex; this is an addressing restriction, not a hardware restriction. C Each Model 1706 or 1716 provides up to eight data channels to which I/O subsystems can be connected. Either the 1706 or the 1716 permits the attached subsystems to operate via the direct storage access (DSA) bus. D The "OR" box indicates that the attached I/O subsystem can either operate through the 1716 or connect directly to the A/ Q channel. Operation via the 1706 is in the buffered mode; operation via the A/Q channel is in the unbuffered mode. E The CDC Model 1750 DCB Terminator is required whenever a CDC 1500 Series subsystem is used with the CONTROL DATA 1700 Computer. The 1750 provides a data and control bus (DCB) which is functionally equivalent to the A/Q channel. F The DCB provides the capability of attaching up to 15 CDC 1500 Series I/O subsystems, all of which operate through the A/Q channel via the Model 1750. G The CDC 1797 Buffered I/O Interface is required when the attached CDC 1500 Series subsystems must operate through the DSA bus; it provides up to eight priority buffer channels to which the CDC 1500 Series equipment can be connected. H The CDC 1571 Chaining Buffer Channel connects to one of the eight priority buffer channels of the Model 1797. Up to three 1571's can be connected to one 1797. Each 1571 uses one priority buffer channel. c NOTE If a 1797 is included in a system, the Model 1571 is also required to connect existing CDC 1500 Series I/O subsystems. I Each 1571 provides a buffered data and control bus (BDCB) to which up to 15 CDC 1500 Series I/O subsystems can be connected. All devices that are s how n connected to the BDCB can be connected to the DCB (refer to F, above); this means that the 1797/1571 is only required by system definition. c~ 10-8 10.10 C) Figure 20 (cont) J Subsystems connected to the BDCB normally operate through the Model 1797 and the DSA bus. However, by program control, they can operate through the Model 1750 and the A/Q channel. K The 1587 A Mas t e r Control Panel, 1587B Digiswitch Panel, 1587C Pushbutton Panel, 1587E Rotary Switch Panel and 1587F Ke yb 0 a rd Panel connect to the 1564A through 1564H Digital Input Signal Conditioning and operate through the 1544 Digital Input Interface with the 1545 Digital Input Sync Unit. L The 1587G Annunciator Panel receives its information directly from a 1553 Ext ern a 1 Register Output Interface. o 10-9 .o I-' I-' o 1700 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 1704 CO'lPUTER with 4,096 16-blt word. of core atorage Interrupt D,ta Channell 4K Storage Increment 1705 t':fj ...... 1708 SL'BSYSTEMS ~ .., I..~D trJLTl.SYSIU1 H::'::-:S Not lupportelf by standard .~!tv.:, .... ~S3 0:'\1y_ ~---------------------------, co . the following products have direct storage access for data transfer: l\:) I-' 1706 1716 1738 I-' -::] 0 0 ::r: .., I-' 0 I I-' 0 ~ H Up to 3 1706 ' , IMy attach to the \748 1751 .., ~ M- lir;o Systeo Buffered Data Channel 0.. ~ .., .a:"..o:~ot:' Multiplexer Controller 170~ Dr ... Interfoee and Storage 1706 ~ a ...... te 1716 1748 1751 1797 ~ CO (j 0 CoupUng Oata Ch.nnel A/D Int~rlace 750 • DeB ~ Ter.dnator Dhk Storage Drive Cont1"ollet" 1738 - IX2 W OCR Document Reader Controller 1736-1 IXI MagnetiC Tape Controllpf Card Re .. dcr-runC'h Controller 1728 - lXl 1731 • IX8 t!' 1:'~: Sot:! ••• q'.1!~t:1 ' UP TO 300 BPS 3316 COiJMJN I CATION S MULTI PLEXER CONTROLLER 3000 1748 COMMUN ICATIONS MULT I pLEXER CONTROLLER 1700 0 a...... 8529 B DATA SET CONTROLLER ~ ., 8090 8092 ~ c-i...... 0 ::I 1706 BUFFERED DATA CHANNEL 40,800 BPS I ( Supplied By ColllTlOn Carrier ) : _________________ J 3275 C DATA SET CONTROLLER 3000 1747 DATA SET CONTROLLER 1700 6673 DATA SET CONTROLLER 6000 6674 DATA SET CONTROLLER 6000 *Indlcates CDC terminal deylces using compatible data sets may be used, Use of other than CDC dey I ces. must be coord I nated with csa Product Management. {~ () ("-, ) 10.10 o The following is a systems bulletin describing buffered and non-buffered operations: BUFFERED/NON-BUFFERED OPERATIONS The purpose of this Data Sheet is to define the terms "Buffered and Non-Buffered" operations in terms of hardware. Hopefully, this will eliminate any misconceptions in actual hardware operations relative to the terms. It should be made clear that all I/O devices used with the 1700 Computer are buffered in regard to the handling of data. Each output device or subsystem has a buffer into which the computer can load data. This is a temporary storage media that holds the data while the output de vic e goes through its slow-speed operation using that data. During this time, the computer is free to continue on with its program. Each input device or subsystem contains a buffer media into which it loads data until the running program can accept it as input and during which time the input device is obtaining the next set of data for entry into the buffer. Non-Buffered Operations o The term "Non-Buffered" operation is synonomous with "Direct" operation, and means that an I/O operation is in progress and data is being transferred during the execution of an I/O instruction via the computer's A/Q Channel. Therefore, data is either being input to the A-Register or output from the A-register. The Q-register, in each case, holds an address specifying the e quip men t or device from which the data is coming or to which the data is going. Out put data goes to a buffer for temporary storage until the device can use it and input data comes from a buffer where it has been waiting. This is the Non-Buffered or Direct I/O Operation. Buffered Operations The term "Buffered" operation means that the program has initiated an I/O operation for the Direct Storage Access (DSA) bus and is then free to continue its program while the actual data transfer is completed. The run n in g program is not interrupted until the entire record has been either read or written. Typically, a buffered operation is carried out as follows: o 1) Normally initiated by the computer program executing a "Non- Buffered" input or output instruction to a device connected to both the A/Q channel and D SA bus. This Non- Buffered output would be the instruction telling the device or subsystem to start operating in the "Buffered" mode. 2) Information supplied to the device during this Non- Buffered operation would be a "Pointer Word" that would point to a set of control words located in memory. 3) These control words may represent the Starting and Ending memory addre sses (Record length) plus any other information required by the device. They may also represent the starting and ending addresses used by the I/O device. 4) Once the Non-Buffered op era t io n is completed, the program is free to continue its function. 5) When the specified device wants data or has data available, it requests a memory cycle. 10-13 10.10 6) On the next available memory cycle, the data word is transferred to or fetched from the memory. Therefore, the program is delayed for one memory cycle each time a data word is t ran s fer red in or out of memory. This is commonly referred to as cycle stealing. 7) After each data transfer, the device or subsystem increments the current address and compares it with the Ending address. steps 5, 6 and 7 are repeated until the current address and Ending address match (held in the 1571 or its equivalent). 8) When the entire record has been transferred, the Buffered operation stops and the program can be interrupted. Direct Storage Access (DSA) Direct Storage Access is com m 0 n 1y referred to as Direct Memory Access or may just be called a memory channel. The 1700 Computer DSA contains a Data Register, Memory Address Register and control logic which enables at t a c h e d devices or subsystems to request memory cycles and receive access to the memory on a priority basis. The DSA bus always have a higher priority than the a r it h met i c unit. With no Memory request from DSA, the arithmetic units requests will continue to be granted for consecutive memory cycles. However, a Memory request from the DSA has first priority so that when received, the next memory cycle is granted for DSA use. Once the DSA has control of the memory, it would use as many memory c y c Ie s as necessary to satisfy all requests from the devices on the DSA bus. For e x amp 1 e, if six devices were attached to the DSA bus and all requested memory at the same time, the program would be effectively stall e d for six memory cycles (6.6 ,Us) while these six requests were serviced. Summary In summary, a Non-Buffered operation passes data in and out of the A-register via the A/Q channel while the B u f fer e d operation passes data in and out of the memory on the D ire c t storage Access Bus. (' "---- 10-14 CHAPTER XI ADVANCED CODING TECHNIQUES o III o c c CHAPTER XI - Advanced Coding Techniques C) 0 o 11.0 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 11.6 TOPIC PAGE Introduction Source, Object and Absolutized Programs Source Program Obj ect Program Abs olutized Program Form of Programs in MSOS Libraries Run Anywhere Coding Writing Programs for Run Anywhere Coding Buffer Addresses X Bit in System Requests Reentrant Coding Methods of Reentrants Reentrant Problem, A VG MSOS Requests Made by System Programs Schedule Priorities (Schedule) Rejects (Schedule) TIMER Request I/O Requests Priorities (I/O) Rej ects (I/O) System Request Problem, THREAD EXIT Requests SPACE and RELEASE SPACE Request RELEASE Request Coding Mass Memory Programs Modules in Library Allocatable Core Scheduling the Mass Memory Program Form of Mass Memory Programs Externals to Mass Memory Programs Space Mass Memory Problem, MMPGM External References and Linkage, Summary 11-1 11-4 11-4 11-4 11-10 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-17 11-19 11-24 11-26 11-31 11-32 11-32 11-34 11-34 11-34 11-35 11-35 11-37 11-38 11-38 11-38 11-39 11-40 11-42 11-42 11-43 11-44 11-44 11-46 11-46 11-47 11-49 11.0 Q 11. 0 INTRODUC TION Advanced coding techniques for the 1700 will be the special considerations needed for understanding and writing programs that are part of the system. There are two separate libraries of programs: the Program Library and the System Library. The programs in the Program Library are relocatable binary programs which are run in the background as jobs. This would include such programs as the library subroutines needed by the jobs. They are loa d e d into the unprotected background area of core by the loader, for execution, after being called in from the teletypewriter. Jobs could' also be loaded from the card reader or paper tape reader for execution. The programs in the System Library are absolute programs which are part of the system; they are run in the foreground in a large area of protected core called allocatable core. This would include user process programs. The Operating System contains a directory of all the system programs (all the mass memory pro g ram s and maybe a few core resident programs). This is like a list of all the programs, by mod u I e name, and it con t a ins the addresses of where they are. The system uses the directory to find the programs when it is desired to bring them into core to execute them. o Protected core is normally synonymous with the foreground, and unprotected core with the background. In the background only one program (and its subroutines) would be in execution at one time at the lowest priority. In the foreground many programs could be in various states of execution at different priorities. The lower priority ones might have been suspended (temporarily stopped) while the highest priority one is executed. The unfinished programs wait in core to finish execution. If the system needs more allocatable core because it is full, it will" swap out" the entire background area to the Swap area on mass memory, protect the background area, and use it for foreground programs. When en 0 ugh foreground programs are completed in order to release the background area, that core is unprotected again and the job swapped back in to continue. Note that some of the system programs are core resident. The reason all of them are not core, resident is that they will not all fit in core at once. Therefore, the ones which are not nee d e d all the time reside on mass me m 0 r y in the System Library and are called into allocatable core as they are needed. In order to understand what all these programs look like and how they execute, as well as how they call each other in to core, it will be necessary to study the different kinds of programs. Emphasis in this chapter will be on system programs as background programs will run with any of the coding techniques previously covered. 11-1 11.0 Protected Scratch - -Loader ----Background: Unprotected programs) Allocatable Core programs) +-® Foreground: Protected Core Resident Process Programs Core Resident Operating System Figure 23. ,Mass Memory and Corel\1aps 11-2 c 11.0 ( \ '-.) An introduction to the priority structure of the running programs under MSOS will also be helpful as an introduction to this chapter. There are 16 program priorities from 15 (high) to 0 (low). An idle loop runs at priority -1 when the system has nothing else to do. These priorities pertain to core res ide n t and mass memory resident programs. When apr 0 g ram is running at its priority, it can be suspended by any higher priority program which the system allows to run. The suspended program waits in core to resume execution when the priority structure works back down to it. The priority structure can only be changed by interrupts (hardware) or scheduling (software). The mask in the M register allows hardware, which has a higher priority than the running program, to interrupt. When an interrupt occurs, the Common Interrupt Handle r saves all the registers of the interrupted program on the Interrupt Stack (so that the program can later be resumed) and transfers control to the program which will service the interrupt on the line. A schedule request allows a program to change the priority level. If the request is for a higher level program, a pseudo interrupt will occur immediately (the suspended program goes on the Interrupt Stack) and the hi g her level program is executed. Control will later return to the suspended program. If the schedule request is for an equal or lower level priority, the request parameters go on the Scheduler Stack and are threaded in it by priority to be picked up later when the priority structure works down to that level. o All programs exit to the MSOS Dispatcher. It is the Dispatcher that must cause the next lowest priority program to be executed. It does this by looking at the Interrupt Stack and Scheduler Stack and finding the highest priority waiting program. Interrupts from Hardware Scheduled Programs All Programs exit to: ~ DISPATCHER ~ Choos es next program from Interrupt Stack' Scheduler Stack 11-3 11.1 11.1 SOURCE, OBJECT AND ABSOLUTIZED PROGRAMS 11.1. 1 Source Program The source program is the program written in ass em b 1 y language code by the programmer. It most likely would be punched on cards or on paper tape. Here is an example of'a source program listing: 0001 0002 START 0003 POOOO 0000 0004 POOOI C400 pOOO2 0006 P 0005 POO03 60FF 0006 POOO4 1400 POOOS 8000 P X 0007 POO06 0010 0008 I OOFF START NAM ENT SOURCE START 0 0 LOA+ X STAJMP+ I NUM END 510 START OOOOP X (START) 0006P The source program is read into the computer by the assembler. The computer does not execute the pro g ram at this time. The ass em b 1 e r translates the mnemonics into binary 0 b j e c t code. The source program is listed at this time (on the teletypewriter or the line printer) and the 0 b j e c t program is punched on paper tape (or on the disk, drum or magnetic tape). 11. 1.2 Object Program It is important to lmow that the object program is not executed either. It must be loaded by a "relocating" loader back into the computer before it can be executed. It is not important at this point to be able to interpret the codes in the object program. One must just understand that the codes represent the des ire d program and that the loader will interpret the codes when it loads the object program and will make an executable program out of these codes. On the following page is an example of how the previous source program would look in object form. 11-4 c 11.1.2 c Figure 24. Object Tape EISE~s NAM block R C ms!ltt E 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 06 60 FF 14 00 80 00 00 '0 CI •• •• •• • •• •• • ··.. •• ·.. ....... . ·· ..... .• ... ... S T A R T 1\ • • ••• ••••••••• •••••• •• •• ••• ••• •• • •• • • • •••• , S T A R T RBD block } } ENT block XFR block Note that each block on the paper tape is preceded by the one's complement of the word count in that block and followed by a checksum word on that block. 11-5 11.1.2 Figure 24. Object Tape (Cont) f ,,""" "- ,,-,,/' I --.. NAM BLOCK 001010000 010110000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 7 a S R u C E RBD BLOCK 0100 0000 0101 0000 0001 0000 0000 0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 C 0 0 0 0 6 0000 0000 0001 1000 6 0 F F 1 4 0 0 , 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ENT BLOCK 100010000 010110000 T s A R T 0 0 0 0 XFR BLOCK 110010000 01011 s A T T R 11-6 1 word = 2 frames on paper tape 11.1.2 C) The following is some of the information about the blocks the assembler makes in the binary object program for the loa d e r. This was extracted from the Loader Chapter of the MSOS Reference Manual, and it may be consulted for more detail. Relocatable Binary Input The loader recognizes r e 1 0 cat a b 1 e binary blocks by the type indicator field in bits 13-15 of the first word of the block. The following block types are defined: Type Indicator Description NAM RBD BZS ENT EXT XFR 001 010 011 100 101 110 Name block Command sequence block Zero storage block Entry point block External name block Transfer address block If the loader is unable to recognize the indicator, it does not process the block. NAM Block The NAM block contains a word count for common storage and data storage, the program length, and the name of the program. 1 C) I 0000 0101 0010 J 0000 Number of words in common storage block Number of words in data storage block program length character 2 character 1 Program character 4 character 3 } Name character 6 character 5 RBD Block An RBD block contains a portion of the actual command sequence data of the program. Words 2-59 contain the r e lo cat ion bytes and words for the command sequence input. Each relocation byte is a 4- bit indicator that identifies a word of the command sequence input as an absolute 15-bit address or as a 15-bit address relative to some relocation base. The relocation base for a word is determined by the particular combination of bit settings within the relocation byte. Relocation bytes in RBD blocks: 0000 0001 0101 0010 0110 0011 0111 Abs olute (no relocation) Positive program relocation Negative program relocation Positive common storage relocation Negative common storage relocation Positive data storage relocation Negative data storage relocation 11-7 11.1.2 0100 RO 0000 R1 0101 R2 0000 R3 R6 R7 RIO R11 WO WI W2 W3 R4 R5 W4 W5 W6 W7 R8 R9 --- -- R40 R43 R42 R41 W40 W41 W42 W43 R44 not used R45 W44 W45 Core Image of RBD Block Wn Rn WO RO nth word of input block, (n=1-45) Relocation byte of nth word Origin addres s of input block Relocation byte for WO There is one relocation byte for every word in the command sequence input, and a maximum of 45 words in an RBD block. The first word is the address at which the loa d e r begins storing command sequence data. The relocation byte for the first word address (storage address) of an RBD block may be 0000, 0001, or 0011. Zero is the leading bit for all but the last relocation byte; one is the leading bit for the last relocation byte. In processing an RBD b I 0 c k, the loader picks up the 15 bits which represent the first word address of the command seq u e n c e data in the block. It adjusts this address for relocation according to the setting of the bits representing its relocation byte. The resulting absolute address is the first word address in core to receive the command sequence data (stored in consecutive locations). Each word is relocated according to its relocation byte. 11-8 (~ \ 11.1.2 ENT Block 1000 name 1 I ; 0000 character 1 3 0101 I character 2 -4 5 6 0000 El name 2 E2 - - - - name 13 E13 name 14 E14 not used not used o Core Image of ENT Block Namen = Six-character name of nth entry in block En = Entry point address of nth name XFR Block The XFR block contains a t ran sf e r address (in words 2-4), which is six ASCII characters in length, including trailing spaces. The transfer address must be an entry point in the program being loaded or in another program loaded during the same load operation. 1100 I 0101 0000 Character 1 3 5 I 0000 Character 2 4 6 Core Image of XFR Block The XFR block must be the last in a relocatable binary program. If an XFR block is out of order, a loader error message is issued and the load is terminated. The 11-9 11.1.2 loader records the transfer address in the XFR block. If two or more relocatable binary programs are loaded with one operation, the loader saves the last transfer address for the start of execution. l., It is obvious by looking at the code that it could not be executed exactly as it ap- pears. Normally the programmer n eve r has to know what the object tape looks like. He would only have to know the format if he wanted to examine parts of the tape. For example, if he stored a number of object programs on one tape, he may wish to be able to search the tape for a particular program. He could do that by writing a program to look at the NAM blocks until it found the right one. 11. 1. 3 Absolutized Program The programmer is, however, very much concerned with how the program looks after it is loaded into core for execution. The different addressing modes he used when he wrote the source pro g ram will determine what the final core image of that pro g ram looks like. An absolutized program is an exact copy of this core image, which can be executed. The loader loads and absolutizes the object program at a certain adqress, which is wherever it happens to load it. It also links the program to any externals and loads and links any library subroutines required. A utility routine could be used to punch a tape with this core image on it; hence, the term "absolute tape". Here is an example of an absolutized image of the previous object program, (if the program was loaded at $1000). ($1000) ($1001) ($1002) ($1003) ($1004) ($1005) ($1006) 0000 C400 1006 60FF 1400 9000 0010 0 LDA+ 0 X STAJMP+ I NUM Op Code (START) $10 Notice that the contents of location $1002 is $1006 to indicate where X is and that $1005 contains $9000 to indicate the jump through location $1000. The 0006P and 8000P in the source code were relocated by the loader when the object program was loaded. No matter where the program was loaded, the correct addresses would be filled in at that time. 11-10 C 11.1.3 Figure 25. o Flow of Program Through Execution ASSEMBL Y TIME Assembler P option object tape (written out by assembler) Source Deck (read into computer by assembler) (listed by assembler) L option unprotected core ~ o G V object form on disk scratch X option EXECUTION TIME Loader Object tape (generated by program) C~) Absolutized Program unprotected core 11-11 (loaded into computer by loader) 11.1.4 11. 1.4 Form of Programs in MSOS Libraries The reason it is so important for the analyst to understand the distinction between what the object program generated by the assembler and the absolutized program after loading look like is because user and system pro g ram s are stored in the libraries on mass storage in th e s e two different forms. User background programs in the program library are stored in relocatable binary object form. They will be loaded by the loader into core whenever they are executed, so they will be absolutized and linked each time they are loaded and' run. System programs (including user pro c e s s programs) in the system library are stored in absolutized form and will be read into core (without any changes) whenever they are needed for execution. This is because it must be possible to bring the real time process programs into memory very fast; the relative time it would take to load them in with the loader every time they are needed would be too great. A much better solution would be to write the source program in such a fashion that the absolutized program could be run any w her e in core and would still execute properly. The absolutizing of the system process programs is done during system initialization (by the loader portion of the system initializer) when the programs are stored on the system library. 11.2 RUN ANYWHERE CODING 11.2. 1 Writing Programs for Run Anywhere Coding The method devised for writing programs so they can be stored in absolute form and still run anywhere in core is called Run Anywhere Coding. It is important to know that this is done at the source level. Source Object ~ ------------. ~ assemble Runanywhere or not Runanywhere ------. D Absolute load anywhere Runanywhere or not Runanywhere Runanywhere or not Runanywhere The object program can be loaded anywhere and absolutized and will run correctly at that time because the loader has reI 0 cat e d any addresses which were in the program. However, if an absolute image of this program is later run somewhere else in core, it will run cor r e c t I y if it was coded run anywhere in the original source form. Here is an example of the same program coded both ways; (assume it was loaded and absolutized at $1000). 11-12 11.2.1 ,.... .. , ~ , U Not Runanywhere Source START X Absolute 0 0 LDA+ X STAJMP+ r NUM $10 ($1000) ($1001) ($1002) ($1003) ($1004) ($1005) ($1006) (START) =0 =C =1 =6 =1 =9 =0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 o0 o6 F F. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Runanywhere Source o Absolute START 0 0 X X LDA* STAJMP* NUM ($1000) = 0 0 0 0 ($1001) = C 8 0 3 ($1002) = 6 0 F F ($1003) = 1 CFC ($1004) = 0 010 r (START) $10 Notice that the addresses of X and START in the first example were relocated by the loader to show that X is at $1006 and START at $1000. The program will run at $1000, but if, for example, it is moved to $2000 without the object being reloaded, it will not run correctly because it will think X is at $1006 (when actually it moved to $2006) and then it will jump through $1000 (when actually the entry point START moved to $2000) • However, in the second example all addressing in the program is relative. The LDA * loads from X which is 3 10 cat ion s forward and the JMP* jumps through STAR T which is 3 locations b a c k war d. Yet the STA- r must be left as it was because the r register is absolute core location $FF, and it will always be there. The program is runanywhere because it can be kept in absolute form and can be later run anywhere in core with correct results. One might at this point wonder why not code all programs in run anywhere form. The primary reason is that it is more difficult ~o learn to do run anywhere coding since there are more chances for the programmer to make errors which will not produce any error me s sag e s. In general, w hen writing a program to be run anywhere, all ref ere n c e s to addresses that move with the program should be relative, and all addresses w h i c h are absolute core locations must be absolute. o 11-13 11.2.1 COMMON --" C 14 ... ,.,., references to common absolute references to subroutine of program relative references within ~ program relative ~ SUBROUTINE ~ ~ PROGRAM CORE RESIDENT PART OF SYSTEM SCAN NAM ENT EXT* EXT COM 0 RA SCAN ALARM LOWPGM X(10) 0 LDA+ x+o 1 f STALDA+ $10C 1 \ RTJ+ ALARM RTJ • references to low core absolute relative external absolute external reference common absolute reference $FF absolute $FF T I- LOWPGM f reference interrupt trap absolute reference subroutine relative reference program. in system resident absolute END Without worrying about the externals at this point, note that all references within the program area must be relative. A good way to tell if there are any which are not relative is to look at the source listing and see if any of the codes on the left are followed by a P, i. e., in the program SOURCE example, change: , POOOI C400 P0002 0006, f LDA+ X LDA * X f '\ to POOOI C803 j '\ 11-14 11.2.1 Change all loads, stores, jumps, etc., in the program to relative. Look at the VALUE problem from chapter 6 and observe the addressing used in the program. COUNT is addressed in two-word relative mode, because the DATA block most likely moves with the pro g ram and may be further away than 12710 locations. LPMASK+6 is addressed with one-word absolute mode because it is a fixed low core address. MASK in the program is addressed in one-word relative mode because it moves with the pro g ram. Yet X in the common block must be addressed in two-word absolute mode because common is fixed and is in high core. The LDA VALUE is in two-word relative mode. This implies VALUE is relative to the TEST subroutine and the assembler requires two-word addressing for any relative externals. o 11-15 11.2.1 /' VALUE PROBLEM ('-- .. NAM TEST COM DUMMY(10), X(lO) DAT DUM (6) , COUNT(1) EQU LPMASK($2) ENT START EXT* VALUE MASK BZS MASK(l) START 0 0 CLR Q STQ COUNT LDA VALUE AND- LPMASK+6 ALS 8 STA* MASK ENQ 9 LDA+ X,.Q AND =N$3FOO EOR* MASK SAN t RAO COUNT SQZ EXIT-*-l INQ -1 JMP* SEARCH JMP* (START) SEARCH EXIT END 11-16 ('~ ........ " .. ' 11.2.2 U 11.2.2 Buffer Addresses Buffe r addresses used for indirect addressing (to load or store) in the program must be absolutized each time they are used. If the buffer is in low core system resident, it can be absolutely addressed: I I BUFADR EXT ADC I BUF BUF I I I STA* (BUFADR) I I The address assembled into BUFADR will be the absolute address of the buffer. Since the buffer will never move, even though the program moves, the addressing will still be correct. However, if the buffer moves with the program, the ADC would not work because. it would contain the address of where the buffer was when the program was absolutized. In the following example RE LA TIVE the buffer BUF is in the program at P0007. BUF ABS must always contain the address of where the buffer really is. If we used: o BUFABS ADC BUF BUFABSwouldassemble as 0007P which, if the program was absolutizedat $1000, would contain $1007. Whenever the program moved, the buffer would not be at $1007 any more. Neither would the example at P006C work correctly for the same reason. Study the code beginning at POOOO and see that BUF ABS is calculated each time it is used. The RTJ* will cause the current address of the BD ins t r u c t ion to be stored in BD. (R TJ stores P+1 in jump add res s, then RNI at P+2.) Then the LDA calculates the distance from BUF to BD. ADD the contents of BD (the current address of BD) and store it in BUF ABS to calculate the buffer address! 11-17 11.2.2 CORRECT ~ 000 I ..... _. ___ ... __ ._.____ ... ___________NA M. _R.~J~~_l! VE ·---·-0002---0003 POOOO._.5801 RTJ* *+1 . -- ... _. . . . . . ---------_...... _. __._...-_._--0004 POOOI 0000 SO NUM P0002 COOO - -_._.._ .' __ -.__•______ -.---.LDA .- ----- .-----.-.--= XBUF-BD ~.-,, 7 _ ..•. _ 0005 . . ..... . -__ . . .. -. -... - '-' ...•. -..•.- -.- * r?~ 1-, I ~--..... . . . P0003 0006 0006 P0004 88FC ADD* a SD ( ' ~"--OO 0 7-'-PO 005 '-'6 86 G-' -----···--··---·-------S TA*·--··-·------- B UF' A8'S ? _0 0 0.8 _______ .... _._._. . _. _______~ __. _______ ._..____ * 0009 __.________._._.__ ('lOOI0 P0006 0000 SLS '... In·----· 1'1 --"PO ob1·--··0·064----·-·BU-~----------ljz S----------- B·UF ('1'00) . oo 0012 POOGB 0001 BUFABS BSS BUFABS(l) 11.___ . .. . ... ---- ... - ..' ..--. --"--" -. - --. - ----- .. ----.- ------ - ------ - -- .--------- ---.- _ .. - ........... -- - -. r 0013 0014 11-00'1'S--pcftf({c-C'o-6b . - - - - - LDA =XB"uF'--P006 D 0007 P * INCORRECT * 1J---'b(fi'6-~P'()'O 6-E--6 1~ g-FC-------------------S·TA*---------·B·U F' A-a g-'- -- . _ ._____________________________________________________________________ 0017 END The b u f fer address will be correct whether the buffer is forward from the LDA =XBUF-BD or behind it, because of the 15-bit arithmetic used. With BUF in its current location the calculation would be 0007 -0001 0006 +0001 0007 C .... assembled If the buffer were at 7FFE relatively, the calculation would be 7FFE -0001 7FFD +0001 7FFE assembled A very nice way to clean up even the correct code above would be: BUF BUFABS RTJ* BZS 0 BUFABS BPF(lOO) 0 1 (' \ 11-18 11.2.2 C) The RTJ jumps over the buffer, taking the buffer address with it. BUFABS, then continues execution following BUF ABS. It stores it in Look at the peripheral program BOOTSTRAP for the paper tape reader in chapter 8. Location P0012 is used to contain the buffe r address of where the data is to read into. Since this address is program relocatable (contains 0014P), the program is not run anywhere be c au s e when it is loaded and absolutized P0012 will contain the absolute buffer address at that time. If the program and buffer were moved, ADDRES would then contain the wrong buffer address. More coverage of the externals for run anywhere programs will be mentioned in a later section, 11.6. How the externals are written depends primarily on where they and the referencing program are in the system. 11.2. 3 X Bit in System Requests In run anywhere programs, the X bit must be used in s y s t e m requests; and ad- dresses used in the requests must follow the same rules for add res s e s in the program which move relative to the program or are external in low core. The following example is for the X bit being set in a schedule request: o ($F4) ,( N7 19, N111, N8/8 ---+ ~_9--.J1L---1.L..-1_0--,-18_-1 HE LP+ 1 •. dis tance RTJVFD ADC* Since this is a request made from a run any w her e program, the address being scheduled, which is HE LP, must be relative if HE LP is relative to this request. (HE LP could be in the scheduling program or external to it.) When the X bit is used as above to indicate relative addresses, the relative distance must be from the first word of the parameter string (not from the RTJ or the ADC). That is why the relative address constant (ADC* HELP+1) is coded as HE LP+1 instead of HE LP. The dis tan ce established from the ADC to HE LP+ 1 would be the same dis tan c e as from the VFD to HE LP , which is the distance required by the operating system. POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 54F4 1308 00-07 RTJVFD ADC* 7 7 HELP (---') '-,-/ 11-1-ff ($F4) N7 19, N111, N8/8 HE LP+l 11.2.3 Of course, if HELP were a core resident program, it would have to be scheduled absolutely from a run anywhere program. It can be scheduled this way tV'en if it is in the sys tern directory. 54F4 1208 7FFFX RTJNUM ADC ($F4) $1208 HELP EXT HELP r When the X bit is set to indicate relative, all addresses in that request must follow suit. In an I/O request, for example, the completion address and huffer address must be relative. Again, they must be relative to the first word of the parameter string. REQ RTJNUM ADC* NUM NUM NUM ADC* COMPL 1 BUF ~ ($F4) $OD56 COMPL+1 0 $18FC 10 BUF+5 FWRITE, RP=5, CP=6 ASCII, STD PRINT DEV Note that COMPL+1 is used to add 1 to the distance between the ADC* and COMPL (to make it relative to REQ). BUF+5 is used to add 5 to the distance between the ADC* and BUF. The number of words does not have to be relative even though the X bit is set. If it is desired to use relative addressing to locate the number of words, it would be done as follows: REQ RTJNUM ADC* NUM NUM ADC* ADC* $18FC (N+4) BUF+5 NUM 10 ($F4) $OD56 COMPL+1 o COMPL BUF N "11-20 C"~ 11.2.3 All other requests which can utilize the X bit for relative addressing must follow the same pattern. The ADC* in the above examples will only calculate the correct distance for addresses forward from the ADC*. Since the r e 1at i v e address must be a 15-bit positive increment which is added to P and must work whether the distance is forward or backward, the following method is often used: ADC COMPL-*+l ADC BUF-*+5 or The regular ADC form used here has an expression in the address field which will always calculate the correct distance. The desired address minus the current P counter makes a 15-bit relative distance from P and the adjustment of +1 or +5 in the example is for a completion or buffer address. Figure 26 shows incorrect examples of relative addressing. See MMPGM in the mass memory coding section 11.5.7 for more examples. Relative addressing is detailed in Chapter 8 of this manual. Also, the MSOS Reference Manual contains details of using the X bit in all system requests. o C) 11-21 11.2.3 Figure 26. Error Examples for Incorrect Addressing in Mass Memory Programs ! NOTE: 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 FWRITE POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 0013 0013 POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 $FC, WROTE, MSGBUF, 10, A, 5,6, 1,1 54F4 OD56 4 • - - - - X bit set 0012 P 0000 But address still program relocatable 18FC OOOA . . - - Buffer was at P0018 in early example ~ 0013 0013 0013 0013 Buffer is at P0018 Completion address is at P0012 FWRITE $FC, WROTE-*+ 1, (MSGBUF), 10, A, 5, 6, I, X 54F4· OD56 4 .. - - - - X bit set dist. to WROTE OOOF .----Rel. .. 0000 18FC OOOA bit on buffer address 8018 P ...---Indirect .. NOTE. Buffer is at P0003 . Completion address is at P001D WRITE 0016 0016 0016 0016 FWRITE c $FC, *-WROTE-5, *+MSGBUF-5, 10, A, 5,6, I, X POOOD 54F4 POOOE OD56 ~ - - - - - - Wrong reI. dist. to compl. POOOF 7FEC 4 P0010 0000 0016 P0011 18FC 0016 P0012 OOOA ********RL********* 4 - - - - - - Illegal relocation to buffer ~~ 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 WRITE POOOD POOOE POOOF P0010 P0011 POO12 POO13 FWRITE $FC, *-WROTE-5, *-MSGBUF-5, 10, A, 5, 6, I, X 54F4 OD56 -4 - - - - - - Wrong reI. dist. to compI. (appears backward) 7FEC . 0000 18FC OOOA ~ - - - - - - Backward reI. dist. to buffer (appears forward) OOOB 4 c 11-22 11.2.3 () Problem: Write a runanywhere program. Given: skeleton of a program which computes an average of 10 pos itive numbers. AVG LOOP TEST o AV NAM AVERAGE ENT AVG BZS OVFL(1) 0 0 ENQ 9 ENA 0 SOY 0 ADD* X,Q SNO TEST-*-1 RAO* OVFL AND =N$7FFF SQZ AV-*-1 INQ -1 JMP* LOOP LDQ* OVFL ALS 1 LRS 1 DVI =N10 JMP* (AVG) END AVG 11-23 11.2.3 a. Write a main program, with a buff e r with data in it, to call A VG as a subroutine. Set up the proper lin k age between the main program and its subroutine. The main program should punch the answer (the average of the data) on binary paper tape. * Be sure the pro g ram s work before going further. b. The programs should be coded in runanywhere form and should not des t roy themselves. c. To check out the runanywhere features of the programs add a move subroutine to move the main program and A VG to a higher core area after they have run once and given one answer. Then control should be transferred to the entry point of the m a in program at its new add res s to run it again and see if it gives the same answer. C~· This will simulate a runanywhere mass memory module being executed in a different core area, and it can be checked out in the b a c kg r 0 u n d with the protect switch set. If CONVRT is used, it should not be moved in the move and should be addressed absolutely. This is because it is not runanywhere. Using CONVRT would s i m u 1 ate a mass memory module calling a core resident subroutine which remains at a fixed location even though the module runs in different locations. 11.3 REENTRANT CODING I'~ It is necessary in a real time process en vir 0 n men t for many of the programs to be reentrant. This is because the process programs run at different priority levels and may have common subroutines. A reentrant program is one that can be entered at more than one priority level. The program may begin its computations but be stopped (perhaps as a result of a hardware in t err u p t at a higher level). Then it may be entered again at a hi g her level (perhaps by being called by the higher level interrupting program). It mus t do a computation for the hi g her level calling program. Then it mus t resume the original com put a t ion later without losing any continuity or results. An example of a situation in which a subroutine PGM must be reentrant is as shown on the following page. l._" *The main program could instead call the CONVRT conversion subroutine to convertthe hexadecimal answer to ASCII codes, then write it in ASCII on the teletype. 11-24 c 11.3 o (Priority 4) (Priority 6) Program A Program B CD r- - o f r PGM RTJ+ : @r I I RTJ+ r - -. CDI ---. : °1 I Exit I I I PGM CD Exit I I I I I I I J +-:-( _________ L _ _ - .PGM CD hardware o °1 I I -1 CD: I interrupt" I I @~ I I L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @EXit __ -lI \ CD 1. Program A runs at Priority 4 and 2. calls PGM (at same priority). 3. PGM is running when 4. an interrupt occurs. 5. Pro g ram B begins to run at priority 6 (higher) as a result of the interrupt, and 6. it, too, calls PGM. 7. PGM must run a calculation for program Band 8. return to program B. 9. Program B must complete and exit. At that time 10. the priority drops back down to 4, and PGM resumes its computation for program A where the interrupt 0 c cur red. It must correctly complete its run for A and 11. return to program A. A then can 12. complete and exit. PGM must be reentrant so it can make correct computations and exits for A and B. 11-25 11.3.1 11.3.1 Methods of Reentrants There are a n urn be r of d iff ere n t methods which are used to make programs reentrant. ]700 MSOS provides for reentrant programs by con t a in i n g a core area called Volatile Storage which any pro t e c ted program may use. Volatile storage is actually a BSS block in the pro g ram VOLA and its size is set up at system initialization time. A program can establish its reentrancy by requesting a temporary area of volatile storage for each run in which to store its temporary results during ex e cut ion. No locations in the program are a can be used for temporary results because they would be destroyed if the program was reentered before it completed execution. The ref 0 r e, all data would be either in volatile storage or in the registers. (P, A, Q and I would be saved in the interrupt stack if an interrupt occurred. ) The follow in g program can be used as an example and it will be recoded to be reentrant. The addresses of two parameters which are to be add e d together by the subroutine are passed in A and Q. The answer is to be passed back in A. ADD2 NAM ENT 0 STA* STQ* LDA* ADD* JMP* f BSS END ADD2 ADD2 0 TEMP TEMP+1 (TEMP) (TEMP+l) (ADD2) STORE ADDRESSES OF PARAMETERS. PICK UP PARAM 1 ADD PARAM 2 RETURN WITH ANSWER IN A TEMP(2) The program as it is written above would not be reentrant because its return address andparameter addresses would be lost if the program was reentered before it was finished. 11-26 (~ '-. .. ' 11.3.1 r'. (-) The following is the program coded in reentrant form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NAM ENT EQU 0 IIN· RTJ-:NUM EIN LDA* STALDALDQADDSTALDQIIN STQ* RTJEIN JMP* END ADD2 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. EXIT C) ADD2 ADD2 A VOLA($BB), A VOLR($BA), ZERO($22) 0 ENTRY POINT LOCK OUT INTERRUPTS (AVOLA) GO GET SOME VOLA TILE 4 4 WORDS WANTED ADD2 3,1 (ZERO), Q 1,1 (ZERO), Q 1,1 3,1 PICK UP RETURN ADDRESS SA VE IT IN VOLA TILE GET PARAM 2 IN A GET PARAM 1 ADDRESS IN Q ADD PARAM 1 TO PARAM 2 PASS ANS. BACK IN A PICK UP RETURN ADDRESS ADD2 (AVOLR) STORE RETURN ADDRESS GIVE BACK VOLA TILE ENABLE INTERRUPTS EXIT (ADD2) M Z t-3 ~ ~ M ~ ....... t-3 4-word volatile storage block 3 Return 2 I 1 A (I) + 0 Q :=} calling program's registers I Subroutine ADD2's I register contains volatile address. A separate 4-word block of volatile storage will be assigned each time the program is reentered. Since its I register is always saved when an interrupt occurs, the value of I in each run will locate the specific block being used in that run. S u c c e s s i v e blocks allocated will always be to higher priorities and, naturally, release will be in reverse order. 11-27 11.3.1 $1008 $1004 $1000 r1 rl r1 turn Volatile assigned on 3rd en try; i.e., at priority 6, I register contains $1008 mrn Volatile assigned on 2nd en try; i.e., at.priority 5, I register contains $1004 turn Volatile assigned on 1st en try; i. e., at priority 4, Ire g is t e r contains $1000 Lines 1 through 7 in the e x amp I e ADD2 program could be the same in any reentrant program consisting of getting volatile storage for that run and saving the return add res s. Lines 12 through 17 could be the same also, con sis tin g of ret urn in g the volatile and exiting. Lines 8 through 11 comprise the program itself. Note that in this case no TEMP's were needed because the par a met e r addresses in the calling program's A and Q registers are con t a in e d in volatile locations 1 and 0 and they can be used to access the parameters. The following is a line-by-line description of the reentrant coding for the ADD2 program. r'" 1.......... 1. The entry point is entered by a RTJ from the calling program. 2. The subroutine must lock out interrupts because the return address which the RTJ stored in the entry point must not be lost. Since the RTJ instruction s tor e s its return address in the jump address and does an RNI at jump address+1 (line 2, the IIN) an interrupt cannot occur and wipe out the ret urn add res s in ADD2 before the IIN. The IIN must also be in effect before the R TJ to VOLA because VOLA is not r e en t ran t and expects interrupts to be locked out before it is entered. 3,4 Jump to VOLA (through locore location $BB). Pass a parameter to VOLA requesting four words of volatile storage. A different block will be assigned each tim e this subroutine is entered, and the address of the block comes to the calling pro g ram (ADD2) in I. ADD2 must never destroy its I register because it contains the address of the volatile b I 0 c k. VOLA also saves the calling program's Q, A and I registers in the first three words of the block. All the registers inADD2 (including I) will always be safe from an interrupting and r e e n te ring program because ADD2's registers would be saved on the interrupt stack. \' \-- 11-28 . 11• .3.1 5. En a b I e interrupts as soon as possible because it is illegal to lock them out for more than 50}.ls (including the time in VOLA). 6. One free instruction is allowed after the E1N before an interrupt can occur; so the return address is rescued from the entry point -- it will be safe in A. At any time after this point an in t err up t can occur and the Interrupt Handler will save the registers. 7. Store the return address in volatile so that the A register can be used in the program. 8. Q still has the address of parameter 2 in it from the calling program so itcan be used to get the parameter into A. 9. The address of parameter 1 was passed in A and VOLA put it in the 2nd word. It can be loaded into Q. 10. Parameter 1 is then add e d into A using the address in Q. Note in 8 and 10 that the addresses are put in Q. One way of addressing the parameters which would not work is: LDAADD- (1+1) (1+0) It looks like it would work because the addresses are in 1+1 and 1+0 but this would be assembled as $100 and $FF which of co u r s e is not where the addresses are. An assembly error would probably occur at the 1+1. Another method which would not work is: o LDAADD- ($3), I ($22), I Location $3 has a 1 in it to which will be added the contents of $FF (giving 1+1) and the add would be from 0+ the con ten t s of $FF (giving 1+0). This would get the par a met e r address in A. Then the ADD would add in the second parameter address. 11. The answer is stored in volatile+1 because that is where VOLR will restore the A register from. Any parameters to be returned in registers must be put in the first three words of volatile. 12. The return address must be picked up out of volatile because volatile is going to be returned and it would be lost. 13. Interrupts are locked out for exiting. 14. The return address is stored in ADD2 because the replace ADD2' s Q. o 11-29 0 rig ina I Q is going to 11.3~1 15. Vol a til e is returned. VOLR restores the original registers from the first three words of volatile! That is why the an s we r was put there, to get it in the original A. Also, since volatile is now gone, the return address had to be res cued; and it c 0 u 1 d not be left in Q (to exit through Q) because ADD2' s Q is gone. 16. Enable interrupts. 17 • Free instruction to exit. Incorrect example: line 10 ADDLDQ- RTJEIN ..------+. JMP* (ZERO), Q 3,1 (AVOLR) ANSWER IN A. RETURN ADDR INQ RETURN VOLATILE (ZERO), Q Q now has the original Q in it, not the return address; also the answer in A was clobbered and has the original A in it. If any other t e m po r a r y locations were needed by the reentrant program, they would be requested in vol at i 1 e and would be addressed the same way. For example, if it was desired to move the par a met e r addresses to volatile +5 and 6 (like TEMP's in non-reentrant program), the NUM in line 4 would be 6 and lines 8 through 12 would be replaced with: LDASTALDQ+ STQLDQLDALDQADDSTA- 1,1 4,1 0,1 5,1 4,1 (ZERO), Q 5,1 (ZERO), Q 1,1 11-30 PICK UP PARAM 1 ADDRESS MOVE TO TEMP (1+4) PICK UP PARAM 2 ADDRESS MOVE TO TEMP+1(I+5) GET PARAM 1 ADDRESS IN Q GET PARAM 1 GET PARAM 2 ADDRESS IN Q ADD PARAM 2 TO PARAM 1 STORE ANSWER TO PASS IN A ~' ....... .. , ," 11.3.1 5 address of parameter 2 4 address of parameter 1 3 return 2 I 1 A (I) + 0 Q 0 This example coding (immediately above) is used simply to ill u s t rat e how the program can a c c e s s volatile for its temporary results. Of course, it would be inefficient to code the present example this way because the move and reloading are not necessary. Study all the addressing carefully. 11.3.2 Reentrant Problem, AVG o Following is the AVG program which computes an average. Rewrite the program as a non-destructive and reentrant subroutine. Assume that the calling program passes the number of words in A and the first word address in Q to the subroutine. The subroutine s h 0 u 1d pass the average back in A and the remainder in Q. Remember that interrupts may not be in hi bit ed more than 50 J1S at anyone time. AVG LOOP TEST AV NAM ENT BZS 0 ENQ ENA SOY ADD* SNO RAO* AND SQZ INQ JMP* LDQ* ALS LRS DVI JMP* END AVERAGE AVG OVFL(l) 0 9 0 0 X,Q TEST-*-l OVFL =N$7FFF AV-*-l -1 LOOP OVFL 1 1 =N10 (AVG) AVG o 11-31 11.4 11.4 MSOS REQUESTS MADE BY SYSTEM PROGRAMS Remember that all requests to MSOS simply put a des ire d action (such as a Write or Schedule) on a list (queue) and that the action mayor may not be performed (depending on the rules) before control returns to the requestor. There are special con sid era t ion s system programs (either core resident or mass memory resident) must make when making requests to the operating system. This is in addition to the considerations and rules jobs must follow. First, all pro t e c ted programs must check a request after it is made to see if it was accepted. When control is returned to the requestor beneath the parameter string, Q will be positive if the request was accepted, negative if the request was rejected. For example: f CKQ REQOK . RTJNUM ADC SQP JMP* ($F4) $1206 PGM REQOK-*-l REQREJ schedule request f In the above example when control is ret urn e d at CKQ, a skip is made to REQOK if, indeed, the request was accepted. Otherwise, (Q negative) a jump is made to REQREJ because the r e que s t is rejected. If a request is rejected, the program might either rep eat the request at REQREJ, change the priority, or print an error message. Remember that when a job made a request, the system would continually repeat the request until it was accepted, then return control to the program beneath the parameter string. However, all protected programs should check every request in the above fashion since there will be no other indication if a request is rejected. c Even though a bit of Q is used to in d i cat e acceptance or rejection of a request by the system, if the program were passing a parameter in Q, the full 16-bit original Q is still passed intact. Only the upper bit has been changed when contI-ol comes back to the requestor. 11.4.1 Schedule A schedule request made by a s y s tern program would be coded the same as one made by a job except the requestor should check to see that it is accepted. Examples would be: ) RTJNUM ADC SQP JMP* OK ($F4) $1205 WRITE OK-*-l REJ f WRITE is in the scheduling program. It will be executed at priority 5. 11-32 c f 0 EXT f RTJNUM ADC SQP JMP* OK 11.4.1 MIPRO ($F4) $1204 MIPRO OK-*-1 REJ f MIPRO is external to the scheduling program and will be run at priority 4. core resident and not in the system directory. It is y. EXT l RTJNUM ADC SQP JMP* OK o MIPRO ($F4) $1204 (MIPRO) OK-*-1 REJ ) Here MIPRO is in the system directory and will run at 4. The MIPRO program could be either core resident or mass memory resident. The scheduling program does not have to know where MIPRO is as the system will find it. There is an important consideration to make when deciding whether to schedule a program with the regular external form or whether to schedule it with the system directory for m (having the program in the system directory). If it is undecided whether the scheduled program will be core resident or mass memory resident, use the system d ire c tor y form as it will work in either case. The same logic would apply to a core resident program which may later be a mass memory program. Using the system directory form simply causes the system to have four more words of core (for the directory entry) and take a few microseconds longer to schedule but this can save miles of recoding. 11-33 11.4. 1. 1 Priorities (Schedule) The system program will be concerned with the priorities of the scheduled programs. The software p rio r it i e s run from 15 (highest) to 0 (lowest). The C P (completion priority) fie 1 d in'the request is the desired priority for the address scheduled. This Ineans that scheduling is actually like jumping to an address and changing the running priority concurrently. If the priority in the schedule request is lower than or equal to the current running priority of the program making the request, the scheduled program will run after the current program is finished and the p rio r it y works down to it. It waits by priority in the scheduler stack with other scheduled programs. This is the way to set up things to be done after the current program exits. If the scheduled priority is higher than the running priority, a p s e u d 0 interrupt occurs immediately and the scheduled program is executed. Then control returns back to the requestor. Pro c e s s programs usually run at priorities of 4, 5 and 6. Jobs run at 0 and 1. Other priorities are us u a 11 y for the operating system and hardware interrupts. 11.4. 1.2 Rejects (Schedule) A scheduled request for a core resident system program which is not in the system directory would be r e j e c ted if there is no room in the scheduler stack (the queue for waiting scheduled programs) for the request parameters. If the request is for apr 0 g ram which is in the system directory and that program is already threaded on some thread, a reject would occur. This implies that the program has been scheduled (perhaps by some 0 the r program) and not yet finished.. Parameters for schedule requests for system directory programs are not transferred to the scheduler stack so a reject would not occur as a result of the s c h e d u 1e r stack being full. At this poi n t it could be noted that relatively minor modifications to the system would be required to allow for a que u e of requestors waiting to rerun a desired system directory program (for example, a mass memory program which is already in core). It would even be possible to allow that mass memory program to be reentered by a higher priority interrupting program (in which case it would have to be reentrant). 11. 4. 2 TIMER Request Since TIMER requests are simply delayed scheduler calls, they may be made by system programs with the same considerations as required for scheduler calls. 11-34 C (j 11.4.3 I/O Requests The I/O requests (READ, WRITE, FREAD, F W R I T E) must consider priorities when these requests are in protected programs They must also check to see if the requests were accepted. The actual operation of what the requests do is the same as for jobs. o The following is an FWRITE example: RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC SQP JMP* T OK WROTE BUF ~ BSS ($F4) $OC76 WROTE FWRITE, RP=7, C P=6 COMPLETION o $18FC 35 BUF OK-*-l REJ ASCII MODE, STD. PRINT DEVICE 35 WORDS BUFFER ADDRESS T l BUF(35) END o Priorities (I/O) The request priority (RP=7 in example) has a b sol ute 1y nothing to do with the running priority of the program. It is the priority of this request with respect to other requests for a logical unit number. In other w 0 r d s if there are RP=6 and RP=10 r e que s t s waiting to be written on the printer, the RP=7 requests will be threaded in between the 10 and the 6. Each logical unit has a queue of requests waiting for it and the driver will handle them sequentially by priority. When the write actually gets done is a function of the driver (program) priority and its relationship with the priority of the running program. For example, if the teletype driver runs at priority 10 and the program runs at p rio r i t Y 6, the driver will periodically interrupt the program to do the actual write operation. The completion priority in the requests (CP=6 in example) is related to the running priority of the program. It is like a schedule request for the completion address after the I/O is finished. In the example, if the running priority is 4, a pseudo interrupt will occur and the priority will be changed to 6 when the I/O is finished and the completion routine entered. o 11-35 From the time the request is in it i ate d until the time the I/O is completed, the thread word in the request will be non- zero. Here is an example of apr 0 g ram which runs at priority 4, initiates a request, and loops waiting for the request to be finished. THREAD LOOP RTJNUM NUM NUM NUM NUM ADC SQP JMP* LDA* SAZ JMP* ($F4) $OCEO 0 0 $0804 35 BUF LOOP-*-l REQREJ THREAD COMPL-*-l *-2 FWRITE, RP=14 NO COMPLETION THREAD ASCII, OUT ON TTY REQUEST ACCEPTED THREAD ZERO YET? SKIP OUT; I/O DONE COMPL Many programs have been coded this way; and this should not be done. Looping like this at any p rio r it y is going to slow down a s y s t e m by locking out lower priorities. For example, if many process programs were coded this way, they could almost completely lock out job processing (which runs at 0 and 1). It would be much better to cod e the write with a completion address and jump to the dispatcher to wait for the completion routine to be entered. C It is important to control the priorities in a program which makes a number of I/O requests. Com pIe t ion routines should be very short and should be at a higher priority than the rest of the program to cause a software interrupt in the program when I/O is complete. Completion priority could be lower than running priority if it is simply desired to check for errors at the end of the pro g ram or if it is desired for the programs handling the data to run lower. If a program is to run at priority 4 and all its I/O completion is to run at priority 5, it would be necessary for each completion routine to schedule the priority back down to the program priority before initiating the next request. c 11-36 0 EXT EQU T REQOK COMPRD SCHPRT 0 PRINT REJ, IOERR ADISP($EA) RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC SQP JMP+ JMP- ($F4) $0875 COMPRD 0 $1005 40 BUF REQOK REJ (ADISP) SQP RTJ RTJ NUM ADC JMPRTJNUM ADC NUM ADC SCHPRT IOERR ($F4) $1204 PRINT (ADISP) ($F4) $OC05 COMPPR 0,$1004,35 BUF FREAD, CP=5 COMPLETION ASCII, LUN 5=CR 40-WORD BUFFER PRIORITY HERE IS 5 SCHEDULE, DOWN TO 4 PRINT IN SAME PGM PRINT NOW AT PRIORITY 4 FWRITE, CP=5 LUN 4 (TTY), 35 WORDS 1 Rejects (I/O) An I/O request could be r e j e c ted if the request is already threaded (like if the program tried to start up that write again before it was finished) or if the system tries to schedule the driver and finds the scheduler stack full. (In that case the driver's priority would be lower than the running priority of the program and that is not normal. ) 11-37 11.4. 3. 3 System Request Problem, THREAD The following example program .runs at priority 12 and makes a Write request for the teletypewriter (logical unit 4) at priority 14. Since it has no completion address, it does not jump to the dispatcher to wait for the Write to be finished as control would not return to the pro g ram. Instead, it waits for the Write to be finished by looping on the thread word at LOOP. (The thread word was filled when the request was made and becomes z e r 0 again only when the driver has finished this request.) The driver runs at priority 10. THREAD LOOP RTJNUM NUM NUM NUM NUM ADC SQP JMP* LDA* SAZ JMP* ($F4) $OCEO 0 0 $1004 35 BUF LOOP-*-l REQREJ THREAD COMPL-*-l *-2 FWRITE ,~RP=14 NO COMPLETION THREAD ASCII, OUT ON TTY COMPL When will the write actually be done? c 11. 4. 4 EXIT Requests All pro g ram s exit to the dispatcher. This is so the dispatcher can pick up the highest priority program waiting to be executed next, whether it is a previously interrupted program or a scheduled pro g ram. This is how the priority drops. The EXIT request made by an unprotected program generates a jump to the dispatcher. A protected pro g ram may not use the EXIT request; it must code the jump to the dispatcher: f EQU 1 JMPEND ADISP($EA) (ADISP) 11.4.5 SPACE and RELEASE There are two requests which only protected programs are allowed to make: Space and Release. These requests are used to get, and later release, core in the protected area called allocatable core. Any unprotected program may a c c e s s this ~' -...., 11-38 ·" U 11.4.5 \ area and may use the space for anything it desires -- to contain data or programs. The allocatable cor e area is divided into priority blocks (so that some core will always be available at the highest p r io r it ie s). The sizes of the blocks at each priority are set up by the systems analysts at system initialization time. SPACE Request Here is the format of the SPACE request: RTJ15 I ($F4) 9 8 o 4 I I RC=10 COMPL THREAD = 0 Q N WORDS RP 1 CP The Macro form for the SPACE request would be: SPACE n, compl, rp, cp, X RC is request code 10. Bit 8 is X bit. o RP is priority of the block in which space is des ired. C P is the priority of the completion address. COMPL is the completion add res s of where control will go after the space has been gotten. THREAD is the thread word, zero • ..s. is the Q register par am e t e r passed back to the completion routine. contain: Q will address - of the space gotten, or $8000 - if no space will ever be available at this p rio r it y; this means that even if the background were swapped out there would still not be enough core to fill the request. N WORDS is the number of words of space requested. The address of the space would also be in core immediately preceding the space block which was acquired. o 11-39 r-------, I FWA c' I I I FWA BLOCK A swap would occur if necessary to get core under the following conditions: Request priority is greater than 3 Completion priority is greater than 2 Core is not already swapped No unprotected I/O is going on The minimum time between swaps is passed c Otherwise, the request for space waits on a queue. The space request would only be rejected if it was already threaded. involved in a previous operation.) (i. e., still 11. 4. 5. 2 RE LEASE Request After the program which requested the space is finished using it, it must release the space. This is done with aRE LEA S E request. The format of the release request is as follows: RTJ- 15 ($F4) 9 8 RC = 12 [I FWA The Macro call for RE LEASE is: RE LEAS fwa, t, x RC is request code 12; bit 8 is X bit. 11-40 1 0 o o ~ bit, bit 0, should be 0 if it is desired for con t r 0 I to return to the program (releasor) after the release is made. The It' bit is set to 1 if control should go to the dis pat c her instead. The release request is the only one which allows this choice of whether to come back to the program beneath the parameter string (as all other requests do) or to go to the dispatcher if this was the last thing to do. The It' bit will be used in coding mass memory programs. FWA is the address of the core to be released. It must be the correct address of the block or else no release will occur and there will be no error message. This is to provide flexibility so that a program which was coded to run on mass memory (in a later sec t ion) could be changed to be core resident without any changes or reassembly of the program. When it became core resident and tried to release its core, the core simpJy wouldn't be released. The release request causes the space to be immediately given to any other space requestor waiting on the space que u e before control returns to the releasor (or dispatcher) • An example of a space and release request could be: f 1. C) 2. 3. COMPL 4. 5. GOTSP 6. 7. 8. 9. o REL RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM SQM JMPSQP JMP* STQ* r RTJNUM NUM ($F4) $1445 COMPL 0 0 $1000 REJ (ADISP) GOTSP-*-l NOSPAC REL+2 ($F4) $1800 0 END 11-41 RP=4, CP=5 COMPLETION ADDRESS ADDRESS COMES BACK HERE $1000 WORDS WANTED REQUEST REJECTED WAIT FOR SPACE GOT SOME SPACE NO SPACE GOTTEN ADDR. OF SPACE IN RELEASE GO RELEASE SPACE ADDRESS OF SPACE 1. Space request, priority 4 block, completion priority 5 2. Q is checked to see if request was not accepted. 3. Completion address is entered when sbPace ids gotten or if there is no space. Q would be negative if no space was 0 taine • 4. If space was obtained, Q contains the address of the block. Here it is stored in the release request. The address could also have been obtained later from word 3 of the space parameter list. 5. Continue in program, using space. 6. Release the space; program is finished using it. 7. It' bit is not set, so control returns to the program after the release. 8. The address of the block is here; it was placed here after the space was obtained. 9. Continue in program. C~, Note that the above program is not runanywhere so it must be a core resident systemprogram. The completion address in the space request is not relative. 11.5 CODING MASS MEMORY PROGRAMS All programs that are to be part of the System Library resident on mass memory must conform to special rules. All of the rules are logical when the inter-relationship of the program and the system is considered. The most important general consideration is to be sure the program gets to do everything it set out to do before it disappears. 11. 5. 1 Modules in Library The programs are stored on mass memory in a b sol uti zed form. (The System Initializer put them there.) E a c h program - or a set of a program and its subroutines together - is called a module and has a name unique to the module. The name must not appear as an entry point anywhere in the system. The name of the 'module must be in the system directory. Here is an example of two modules on mass memory: MIPRO Module MIPRO Program { (MIPRO is not an entry point. ) '----------' ~ SCAN! Program SCAN Module SCAN2 Subroutine SCAN3 Subroutine c 11-42 11.5.1 MIPRO is the program which handles manual interrupts to the process; the module is made up of the single program. SCAN is a module made up of a user process program SCAN1 and its subroutines SCAN2 and SCAN3. These three programs go together and will always be together as a g r 0 u p when the module is brought into core for execution. It is possible for a mass memory module to contain a DATA block within it, accessible only to the programs in that module. Any number of modules may contain s epa rat e DATA blocks, but there may be only one in each module. Here is an example of the SCAN module if it contained a DATA block: SCAN3 SCAN2 SCAN1 DATA The programs in any module may use system COMMON, which is in highest core. 11.5.2 Allocatable Core o The area of core that the mass memory programs run in is called all 0 cat a b 1 e core. It is divided into priority blocks and the highest core area is available to the larges t priority programs. A program to be run will be put in the smallest space it will fit in which is available to that priority. Note that this means a program may run at different places in allocatable core at different times. There is no dynamic relocation of the programs in allocatable core so as core spaces are released, they are saved for subsequent programs to be run in. Time 2 MIPRO area of allocatable core available to priority 4+ Time 1 o MIPRO In the above example MIPRO may run in different places depending on the space available. 11-43 11.5.2 /-" The systems analysts decide what priority area the program will run in (at system initialization time); so a program calling a mass memory program has no control over this. (_, 11.5.3 Scheduling the Mass Memory Program When it is desired to bring a mass memory program into core for execution, the calling program schedules it in. An example would be: MIPRO EXT r SCHDLE (MIPRO), 4,0 The system program MIPRO is scheduled in, to be executed at priority 4. As in all requests for system programs, MIPRO must be named external and must be in parentheses in the SCHDLE request. The name MIPRO is the name of the mod u I e in the system directory. This request causes the system to obtain space in allocatable core to put the program in (by a SPACE request), then to read it in (by a mass memory READ request), then transfer control to it at its first core location. The calling program does not have to worry about all this; it s imply knows that scheduling it causes the program to come in to core and begin ex e cut ion. The schedule request would be rejected if the program has already been scheduled (by another caller) and is still in the process of being brought into core. It could not be rejected from the scheduler s t a c k being full because the parameters are not transferred to the stack. C 11.5.4 Form of Mass Memory Programs All mass memory programs have to be runanywhere, as has already been covered. This is because they are stored on the s y s t e m library in absolute form and are run at different places in allocatable core, not where they were absolutized. Mass memory programs· do not normally have to be reentrant because a program is usually brought into core each time it is called to be run. Minor modifications to the system would be r e qui re d to allow mass memory program which is in core to be r e en t ere d by a higher priority interrupting program; in that case it would have to be reentrant. a c 11-44 11.5.4 o Figure 27. Maps of Mass Memory Modules and Core Subroutines Priority 4 o SCAN3 subroutine needed by both SCAN and ALARMS modules One copy in each module. SCAN4 ... ~--+---- SCAN4 ~--------------~ subroutine also needed by both SCAN and ALARMS modules. It is core resident and reentrant. o 11-45 -' C 11.5.5 -' 11.5.5 Externals to Mass Memory Programs Externals in mass memory programs which reference locations w h i c h are core resident must be absolute. Externals which reference addresses in other mass memory programs (in the same module) must be relative. There must not be any externals which reference addresses in any other mod u I e. This is because one module does not know when another module is in core (or where it is) unless special links are pro v ide d to handle it. This means that any subroutine which several modules need would be either core resident or there would be a separate copy in each mod u I e that needs it. Another solution would be to put the subroutine in a separate module by itself and let routines needing it schedule it. 11.5.6 Space Mass memory programs may reI e a s e their own space. This is a good feature because it means that a program can schedule a mass memory program and then can forget about it after the schedule request has been accepted and exit knowing that the scheduled program will be executed at its priority. The mas s memory program could pick up the address of where· it is, as its first instruction (i. e.), and store it in the release request which would be the last instruction in the program. 1. 2. SCNMSG NAM NUM STA* SCNMSG $C8FE REL+2 RTJNUM NUM END ($F4) $1801 0 f. REL 3. LDA* *-1 RELEASE REQ., TBIT SET ADDRESS TO BE RELEASED core during execution: FWA FWA C8FE 68xx Space gotten in SPACE request 54F4 1801 FWA 11-46 c u o 11.5.6 1. Note that SCNMSG is not declared as an entry point since it is also the name of the module. 2. Remember that the first word preceding Space in allocatable core obtained by a SPACE request contains the address of where that block of space is. The NUM $C8FE is to fake out the assembler and cause it to make a code as the first word of the program which will be a LDA* *-1. A LDA* *-1 instruction would not have been assembled properly because it attempts to reference outside of the program area relatively. Also remember that the first word of a mass memory module is executed so the NUM will not be treated as data. So, the $C8FE gets the address of the space occupied by the program into A. 3. Note that in the release request the 't' bit (bit 0 in the fir s t word of the parameter string) is set to indicate to the system not to return to the program which made the release request after releasing the space. This bit would be necessary for a mass memory program reI e a sin g its own core. It makes sense because if control was returned to the program, there isn't any program after the end. Or, even if there was some more program (such as a jump to the dispatcher), it may not be executed. Rem e m be r that when a release request is made, the space is allocated to any waiting r e que s t s before the return to the requestor. Therefore, the space may have been given away and may in fact contain another program or data; a return to the releasing program would cause a mess because it may not be there any more. If the mass memory module contains several subroutines, the NUM $C 8FE would be the first instruction in the mod u I e and the RE LEASE would be the last request made in the module. Mass memory programs should com pIe t e their I/O and their calls to any subroutines before ex it i n g. This is because when they release their space and exit, any data b u f fer s or completion addresses in the program may be lost as soon as the release request is made. 11.5.7 Mass Memory Problem, MMPG1V[ The following example program contains one err 0 r which could cause incorrect results. It is very subtle and difficult to locate. Assume that the assembly-language coding is runanywhere and correct. Look for an error which can occur during execution. The program runs at priority 4. The driver runs at priority 10. The completion routine runs at priority 6. o 11-47 11.5.7 * OOFA ADISP * * POOOO C8FE MMPGM P0003 P0004 P0005 P0006 P0007 P0008 P0009 POOOA POOOB POOOC MSGBUF * 4D4l 5353 204D 454D 4F52 5920 4558 4l4D 504C 4520 * WRITE POOOD POOOE POOOF POOIO POOll P0012' P0013 P0014 P0015 P0016 P0017 P0018 P0019 54F4 OD56 OOOF 0000 l8FC OOOA 7FF4 0162 5800 7FFF 5400 7FFF l4FA NAM ENT EXT * EXT EXT MMPGM MMPGM REQREJ, IOERR CORSUB SYSPGM EQU ADISP($FA) NUM STA* JMP* $C8FE REL+2 WRITE ALF *, MASS MEMORY EXAMPLE* MASS MEM PGM EXAMPLE MM EXTS IN SAME MODULE RELATIVE CORE RES SUB EXT ABSOLUTE SYS DIR PGMS MUST BE EXTERNAL FIRST INSTR OF MM PGM EXECUTABLE PICK UP CORE ADDRESS OF MMPGM FWRITE $FC, WROTE-*+l, MSGBUF-*+5, 10, A, 5,6, I, X SQP RTJ REQOK REQREJ PROT PGMS MUST CHECK REQ ACC GO HANDLE REJ;REL ADDRESSING RTJ+ CORSUB ABS ADDRESSING TO CORE RES PGM JMP- SCHDLE (ADISP) (SySPGM), 4, 0 NO MORE TO DO SCH SYS Dm PGM, CORE OR MM SQP RTJ REL IOERR CHECK Q FOR 10 ERRORS GO ANALYZE ERRORS RELEAS 0, T, 0 o WILL BE REPLACED. W/ ADDRESS END MMPGM c X X X X REQOK POOIA 54F4 POOIB 12(14 POOIC FFFF X POOID 0162 POOlE 5800 X POOIF 7FFF * WRaTE * REL P0020 54F4 P002l 1801 P0022 0000 DO NOT RETURN TO PGM AFTER REL * I REQOK IOERR OOFF 0017P OOlFX MMPGM WROTE REQREJ OOOOP ADISP OOIDP REL 0016X OOFA 0020P 11... 48 MSGBUF SYSPGM 0003P OOlCX WRITE CORSUB OOODP 0018X 11.5.7 The following is a description of the concepts presented in MMPGM. Note that an entry point MMPGM is declared; therefore, the name of the module must be something other than MMPGM. There are two relative externals, REQREJ and IOERR, which must be subroutines in this same module. There is one absolute external, CORSUB, which must be a core resident subroutine. POOOO - picks up the address of the cor e block MMPGM is 10 cat e d in, then stores it in the release request. POOOD - initiates an FWRITE from MSGBUF. RP=5 and CP=6. The X bit is set so WROTE-*+l and MSGBUF"'*+5 calculate the correct distances from POQOE to the completion address WROTE and the buffer MSGBUF and places them in-POOOFanci-P0013~ OOOE +OOOF 001D o WROTE OOOE +7FF4 8002 1 0003 MSGBUF P0014 - checks to see if the request was accepted. P0017 - jumps to execute CORSUB at running priority 4. P0019 - schedules a program in the system directory, SYSPGM, to be executed at priority 4 aft e r completion of MMPGM. Note that SYSPGM must be named external and that the ( ) causes bit 15 to be set in P001B. The program should have checked Q to see if the r e que s t was accepted. I P001C - the pro g ram has now run out of things to do, so it goes to the dispatcher to await the write completion. P001D - after the write, the completion routine (running at priority 6) checks for errors. P0020 - the completion routine then releases cor e. The T bit is set so that after core is released, control will go to the dis pat c her instead of returning to the program. 11.6 EXTERNAL REFERENCES AND LINKAGE, SUMMARY It is desirable at this point to review the rules regarding externals among the various types of system programs. o Core resident programs can make references to other core resident programs e it her relatively or a b sol ute I y. Since there is a choice, it is probably best to use absolute mode. Then if this program is ever made mass memory res ide nt, its references to low core programs will be correct. 11-49 11.6 Core resident programs would not make any references to mass memory programs by way of externals. They would schedule the mass memory programs (which would be in the system directory). Mass memory programs are grouped together in modules. A module may be composed of a single program or several pro g ram s. Externals which reference core resident programs must be a b sol ute. Externals which reference other programs in the same module must be relative. Mass memory programs may not reference any programs in another module by externals (they can schedule them in). A mod u 1 e has a name unique to it which is not an entry point anywhere in the system. This is the name in the system directory. Cor e resident programs can also be in the directory but only a few us u all yare. Any program which may at some later date be changed from cor e resident to mass memory resident (or vice versa) should be in the directory so that it can be scheduled by the system directory schedule r e que s t form. c c 11-50 11.6 '-" C Figure 28. 1700 Core Map " I system common Common Loader Unprotected Subprogram B Subprogram A Program Library Data Block Job Processor 1---------- o Request Processor --------System and Process Programs - do not have to be run anywhere (* L) ----------- - - run anywhere ;---------- Communications Region - - mass memory externals relative 0000~'--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - cannot reference any locations in a mass memory module by externals --1 - locore externals abs olute - cannot reference any locations in other mas s memory modules by way of externals o Each" group" of mass memory programs loaded and linked together by one *YM control statement is called a mass memory module and has a name unique to the module. 11-51 c (j CHAPTER XII o PERIPHERAL PROGRAMMING - I c (' \ ...... CHAPTER XII - Peripheral Programming I Cj 0 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 12.5 12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3 12.6 12.6.1 12.6.2 12.6.3 12.6.4 12.7 12.7.1 12.7.2 12.7.3 12.7.4 TOPIC PAGE 1721 Paper Tape Reader PTR Functions PTR Status PTR Example Program 1723 Paper Tape Punch PTP Functions PTP Status PTP Example Program 1711 Teletypewriter TTY Functions TTY Status TTY Example Program 1713 Teletypewriter 1713 Functions 1713 Status 1713 Example Program 1726/405 Card Reader CR Functions CR Status CR Example Program 1742 Line Printer LP Functions LP Status Programming the Printer Example, 1742 Line Printer 1738/853 Disk Disk Functions Director Bits 001 - Director Functions Director Bits 010 - Sector Record Address Director Bits 011 - WRITE Director Bits 100 - READ Director Bits 101 - COMPARE Other Director Functions Disk Status Director Status Address Register Status Disk Sample Programs Addresses Tag Program Problem 12-1 12-1 12-3 12-5 12-6 12-6 12-7 12-9 12-11 12-11 12-12 12-15 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-23 12-23 12-25 12-28 12-29 12-29 12-31 12-31 12-32 12-36 12-40 12-40 12-41 12-41 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-43 12-44 12-47 12-48 12.8 12.8.1 12.8.2 12.8.3 12.8.4 12.9 12.9.1 12.9.2 12.9.3 12.9.4 12.10 12.11 12.11.1 12.11.2 12.11.3 12.11.4 12.11.5 1751 Drum Controller Drum Functions Drum Status Director Status I Director Status II Programming the Drum Drum Example Program 1731/601 Magnetic Tape D = 00 MT Data M T Functions D = 01 Control Function D = 10 Unit Select Function MT Status D = 01 Status I D = 10 status II MT Example Programs MT Example 1 MT Example 2 - With Error Checks 1732/608-609 Magnetic Tape 1706 Buffer Data Channel 1706 Functions Programming the Peripheral Through the 1706 1706 Status Summary of 1706 1706 Example Program 12-48 12-50 12-52 12-52 12-53 12-53 12-55 12-57 ·12-57 12-60 12-60 12-61 12-61 12-61 12-62 12-62 12-62 12-63 12-66 12-66 12-67 12-68 12-69 12-70 12-71 C~-~ (' '-.. .. ' 12.1 12.1 1721 PAPER TAPE READER The paper tape reader transcribes data to the lower 8 bits of the A Register at a rate of 350 !eight-bit characters per second. The time between frames is 2. 857 milliseconds. These times qualify the 1721 to be grouped with the low speed package; equipment number 1, station number 2. The Q Register will be in the following format when referencing the paper tape reader • Q .. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 I?}~t~tj~j~l{r{~l~}}j~~ 7 0 0 1\ 0 1 0 0 o 0\ 0 J~ , Equipment 1 Station 2 o ~ Director O-+- Data I-+- Status/Function The Q Register will contain either $OOAO or $OOAl. LDQ LDQ =N$OOAO =N$OOAI DATA FUNCTION/STATUS 12.1.1 PTR Functions The D portion dictates the. operation to be performed in conjunction with the INP and OUT instructions. D = 1 FUNCTION (OUT) The programmer may issue the functions together with the exception of the clear controller and clear interrupt functions which must be issued separately. A 1 0 TI r 11'T'"T""T""T""')){T'"T"'T"'T"T'"tWm~fWm"""""""'ffW~(mW~mm?~mtm-:-:-:-;-:-(?m-:-:-:-:-:-)~(~~j~f{~jf~\-:-:-:7':'""n{(~~ffj:-:-:-:-:-:~{fj~~{~ +Clear Controller Clear Interrupts LDQ ENA OUT =N$00A1 PTR for FUNC CLR INT, CLR CONT 3 -1 12-1 12.1.1 The remaining functions may be issued jointly. 43210 A Stop Motion t l 1 bata Interrupt Request Select Interrupt on Alarm Start Motion Data Interrupt Bit 2 allows the programmer to instruct the 1721 to interrupt the 1700 when the holding register on the 1721 contains a frame of data ready for transfer. Alarm InterruptBit 4 permits the paper tape reader to interrupt the computer if one of the following conditions arise: a) Paper Motion failure b) Lost data c) Power off Start Motion Bit 5 starts the pap e r tape reader moving tape through the read .station. Paper will continue to be moved through the read station until the motion is stopped or the reader runs out of paper. Stop Motion Bit 6 stops the movement of the paper through the read station. The brakes on the 1721 assure stopping before reaching the next frame. LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$00A1 =NFUNC PTR for FUNC PLACE FUNCTION IN A -1 INITIATE DESmED OPERATIONS The logic has been set up, the ref 0 r e, the programmer needs only to bring the data into the computer. D = 0 DATA LDQ NOP INF =N$OOAO PTRFORDATA -1 DA TA IN LOW 8 BITS OF A 12-2 o 12.1.2 12.1.2 PTR status The programmer may monitor the operations of the paper tape reader by taking status. D = 1 STATUS (INP) LDQ =N$00A1 PTR FOR STATUS -1 STATUS IN A Nap INP The status bits are in the A Register. 15 A 11 10 987 6 I I I poweron+W' Paper Motion Failure ~ Existence Code Protected Lost Data ----,-------' Alarm - - - - - - - - - ' o 5 4 3 2 1 0 I I I I 11 +I Ready • Busy Interrupt Data Ready (Bit 0): Power is on and paper tape has been loaded into the reader., The preparations have been made known to the logic by pressing the READY switch on the paper tape reader console. The reader becomes Not Ready if a paper motion failure occurs or if the power is turned off. Busy (BJtJ): The paper tape reader i~_ Busy if a Start Motion command has been iss u e d and no Stop Motion command has followed. Motion stops on a Stop Motion command, a paper motion failure, or if the power is turned off. Interrupt (Bit 2): An interrupt condition exists. Other s tat us bits must be examined to determine the condition causing this interrupt. Data (Bit 3): The Data Hold register in the paper tape rea de r contains an 8-bit frame of data which is ready for transfer to the computer. Start Motion must be set to receive this status. The status drops when the Data Hold register is emptied -by transfer to the computer. Alarm (Bit 5): At least one of the follow in g conditions exists in the paper tape reader: (1) paper motion failure (bit A9), (2) lost data (bitA6), or (3) power off (bit A10 is '0'). o Lost Data (Bit 6): When in interrupt on Data mode, paper motion continues after the Data Hold register is full. If .the data is not transferred to the computer before the next frame appears, a lost data status occurs to show aframe has been passed. The time between frames is 2.857 milliseconds. The status drops when a clear controller command is sent. Lost data stops tape motion. 12-3 12.1.2 Protected (Bit 7): The PROGRAM PROTEC T s wit chis on. This switch on the paper tape reader works in conjunction with the PROGRAM PROTECT switch on the computer. If the switch on the computer is off and the PROGRAM PROTECT switch of the peripheral device is on, no ~ction is taken but the status bit is set to indicate the switch is on. If the switch on the computer is set, all rules of program protection apply. The paper tape reader in this condition only accepts protected instructions. Existence Code (Bit 8): The paper tape reader is attached. If the bit is a '1', the reader is missing from the particular computer system. Paper Motion Failure (Bit 9): No change in the feed hole circuit has occurred for 40 milliseconds while trying to read. The paper motion fa i I u r e causes the reader to become Not Ready; it can only be made ready by pus h in g the READY switch or by a Clear Controller command. It is considered an illegal operation to send any other function code to the rea d e r or a read command until the READY switch has been pressed or a Clear Controller has been issued. Power __9n (Bit 10): :power to the reader is on. If this bit is a '0', power is off. c 12-4 12.1.3 12.1.3 o Example The following is a test program for the 1721 paper tape reader. It inputs data, beginning with the first nonzero frame, until a zero word is encountered, atwhich time data input stops. The data is stored in the consecutive locations beginning after the end of the program. The controller should be cleared from the console before the program begins, as the clear controller function cannot be sent with the start motion function at line 4. The stop switch should be set so the program will stop after reading the tape. After it stops, if the switch is set to RUN, the tape which was just read will execute (assuming it contained an absolutized program). 1721 PTR - AUG '68 USDA *CLEAR CONTROLLER FROM CONSOLE - CANNOT START MOTION & CLEAR CONTROLLER IN SAME FUNCTION The following is a test routine for the 1711 teletype. It outputs an 11-word message from the buffer GET. The controller is cleared in a separate function before a new function is selected. Write mode is s e 1 e c ted because Read mode is in effect after the clear controller function. 0 0001 ~IAM 800TSTRA~ 0002 00 0 3 ENT LOn START -f\l$A1 ENA OUT $20 -1 START INO -1 SET TO READ -1 INPUT LEADER 0 00 4 OP05 00 0 6 0007 000 8 0009 00]0 0011 OOl~ 0013 0014 0015 OOlg 0017 00·18 0019 00 2 0 0021 0022 ~oOoo POOOI ~?OO02 POO03 120004 POOOS ~n006 POOO7 12000 8 POOO9 PODOA POOOB poooe POOOD poooe; POOOF 1200]0 POOll 120012 POO13 EXIT o BOOTST Eono OOAI OA?O 03FE oOFE OBOO !l2FE 0113 18FD 0800 START LOAD] bOl\02 NOP H.IP SAN 'MP* NOP PTB DJR ETINe MOTION 3 LOADI HI~ -} INpUT FR I\ME OFC8 ALS B SHIFT TO PACK o~Oo ~IQI2 02FE INP STA* SAZ RAO* JMP* ADC NUM -1 ( A(;)ORES) EXIT-*-l ADDRES LOAD2 *+2 $0 START INPUT NEXT FRAME GO GET NEXT WORD 0006P 'OAD2 OOOAP ADORES O~Fe; ~CO(I 0103 DB 02 18FB 00 1 4 0000 ~ ADORES EXIT E~IO DOFF START 00131-' 1725 oooO~ LOAD] where bootstrap loaded 12-5 STORE WOOD EXIT ON ZERO WORD UPDf~TE hDDRESS LOI\D I\T POO14 ZERO FOR SLS 0012P 12.2 (' ,--". 12.2 1723 PAPER TAPE PUNCH The punch is grouped with Control Data I s low speed package. The punch is a character device. It accepts the lower 8 bits of the A Register as data. These 8 bits may be ASCII codes or binary. The punch is addressed as Equipment 1, Station 4. 15 Q 11 10 0 ~~III{IIIIIII~~rl 9 8 0 0 7 1 I Equipment 1 LDQ LDQ 6 1 5 0 3 4 0 2 1 0 Director O-+Data 1-. Function/Status Station 4 PTP, DATA PTP, FUNC/STATUS =N$OOCO =N$00C1 12.2. 1 PTP Functions The programmer may direct the operations and interrupt selections of the Punch via the Director function. The clear interrupt and clear controller function may be issued together but should not be issued with the other functions. 15 A fr}\~(:~:~:tt~:~:~:~:~:~:tt~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:t~:~:~:~:t~{{}{}{{r{r~IIrII 1 t 0 I (~ I ~LR Controller CLRINT LDQ ENA OUT PTP, FUNG =N$OOCI 3 -1 The remaining functions may be issued together. 6 15 5 I I 4 t 3 ~tt~1 2 1 O. tttrt~J bata Interrupt Alarm Interrupt Start Motion 1 LDQ LDA OUT =N$OOCI =NFUNC -1 12-6 PTP, FUNC FUNCTIONS INITIATE FUNCTIONS ., .... -" o 12.2.2 12.2.2 PTP Status The programmer may status the Paper Tape Punch by setting the Director bit to a '1' and is suing an INP instruction. LDQ =N$00C1 PTP, STATUS NOP INP -1 STATUS TO A 15 A 12 11 10 ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:I I k:.:.:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:. Tape Supply Low ~ t 9 I Power On ~ Tape Break Existence Code Protected Alarm o 8 , 6 7 1'........., . .... 5 4 3 2 1 r········) . .... J1 0 , I [1 i R~ady Busy Interrupt Data Ready (Bit 0): The paper tape punch is Ready when its power is on, tape has been loaded, and the READY switch on the s tat ion console has been pressed. The punch becomes NOT READY if tape break occurs or if power is turned off. Busy (Bit 1): The pun chis Busy if a Start Motion is in effect or until the punch has finished processing the data in the Data Hold register. Interrupt (Bit 2): An interrupt condition exists. 0 the r bits can be monitored to determine if one or more of the selected interrupts has occurred. Data (Bit 3): The 8 bits of d a t a in the Data Hold register of the punch have been pun c he d and the new data may be received from the computer. The data status drops when a transfer from the computer is made. Alarm (Bit 5): This status indicates that one of the following conditions has arisen: a. b. c. Tape Break Power off Tape low The status drops when the condition is corrected. Protected (Bit 7): The PROGRAM PROTECT switch on the peripheral equipment is set. The status bit only indicates that the switch is set; it does not show if a program protect violation occurred. If the PROGRAM PROTEC T switch on the computer is on, the punch does not accept commands which are not protected. All rules of program protection apply. C) 12-7 12.2.2 Existence Code (Bit 8): A zero setting acknowledges that the paper tape punch is attached. If the bit is a '1', the pun chis missing from the particular computer system. Tape Break (Bit 9): The tape break status bit is set if the punch supply tape has broken or run out and approximately 2 inches of tape remain. '- If the tape supply low bit is ignored, it results eventually in the Tape Break condition as the supply of tape is exhausted. The Tape Break condition causes the punch to become Not Ready. It can onlybe made Ready by loading paper tape and pressing the READY switch. However, it is still able to receive the Clear Controller and Clear Interrupts function codes so that the Interrupt signal (if Interrupt on Alarm was selected) can be dropped. It is considered an illegal operation to send any 0 the r function code or a Write signal until the READY switch has been pressed. Power On (Bit 10): The power to the punch is on. If this bit is not a '1', the power is off and an Alarm interrupt may be generated. Tape Supply Low (Bit 11): The available supply of tape remaining to be punched is limited. c 12-8 C) 12.2.3 12.2.3 PTP Example Program 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 POOOO 0019 001A P OOEA 00C1 POO19 POO18 P001C P001D POOlE P001F P0020 P0021 POO22 P0023 P0024 P0025 P0026 P0027 P0028 P0029 P002A P002B P002C P002D P002E P002F P0030 P0031 P0032 P0033 P0034 P0035 P0036 P0037 P0038 P0039 P003A P003B P003C P003D P003E P003F P0040 P0041 P0042 0002 0001 COOO 0000 9000 001A 0113 1400 7FFF OBOO 68F5 0864 68F2 COOO 7FCD 60FF EOOO 00C1 OA01 03FE OA20 03FE ODFE 0844 03FE DOFF 01A1 18FC C8E3 OFC8 OBOO 03FE OFC8 OBOO 03FE 0844 60FF C500 0000 88D9 68D8 START NAM ENT BZS EQU EQU EQU EXT BSS BZS LDA PUNCH START AA(25) • SUB =XBB LWA SAN JMP+ OK-*-l ERROR IF UNEQUAL, AL CONTAINS SIZE 0 NOP STA* TCA STA* LDA TEMP+1 A TEMP =X$7FFF-50 BLOCK SIZE COMPL COMPLEMENT BLOCK SIZE BLOCK SIZE A STALnQ_ I =XPUNCH I EQUALS COUNTER FOR LEADER PREPARE PUNCH TO RECEIV ENA OUT ENA OUT INQ CLR OUT RAOSOY JMP* LDA* ALS NOP OUT ALS NOP OUT CLR STALDA+ +1 -1 $20 -1 -1 A -1 I NEXT-*-l LOOP1 TEMP+1 8 CLEAR CQNTROLLER JUMP_ ON SELF UNTIL :OUT UPDATE LEADER COUNT WHEN 1=8000, 50 BLANKS KEEP OUTPUTTING BLANK L COMPLEMENT OF BLOCK SIZEHIGH ORDER BITS PUNCHED FIRST -1 8 LOW ORDER BITS SECOND BB(AA+25)~ ADISP (SF A) PUNCH($00C1) ERROR,DISP TEMP(2) CKS(l) =XAA SET BUFFER TO 1 tg FROM CONSOLE NOTE THAT 26 WORDS WILL BE OUTPUT, NOT 25 RESERVED FOR BLOCK SIZE FWA P P X X OK LOOP1 NEXT LOOP2 PREPARE PUNCH FOR DATA -1 A I AA,I SIZE OF BLOCK NOW ON TAPE CKS CKS CHECKSUM ZERO OUT THE INDEX I PLACE FIRST WORD OF DATA IN P [ ADD* STA* IS FINE BLOCK J 0 12-9 12.2.3' 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 P0043 P0044 P0045 P0046 P0047 P0048 P0049 C500 0000 P OFC8 OBOO 03FE OFC8 0800 P004A P004B P004C P004D P004E P004F P0050 P0051 P0052 P0053 P0054 P0055 P0056 P0057 P0058 P0059 P005A P005B P005C P005D P005E P005F P0060 P0061 P0062 P0063 P0064 P0065 P0066 03FE DOFF COFF 98CB 0101 18EF C8CA OFC8 OBOO 03FE OFC8 OBOO 03FE COOO 7FCD 60FF 0844 68BF 03FE DOFF OlAl l8FC ODOI OAOI 03FE COOO C040 03FE 14EA OOFF 00C1 0036P 7FFFX I PUNCH NEXT DISP LDA+ ORIGINAL DATA IN A -1 8 OUTPUT FIRST CH. -1 I I TEMP SUM-*-l LOOP2 CKS 8 OUTPUT SECOND CH. UPDATE INDEX PLACE UPDATE IN A -1 8 FIRST CH. OUT -1 =X$7FFF-50 CHECKSUM ON PAPER TAPE PREPARE FOR END LEAD STACLR STA* OUT RAOSOY JMP* INQ ENA OUT LDA I A CKS -1 I DONE-*-l LOOP3 1 1 -1 =N$40 INITIALIZE INDEX I OUT JMPEND -1 (ADISP) START ALS 8 NOP OUT ALS NOP Could compute OUT CKSUM ---. RAOhere LDASUB* SAZ JMP* SUM LDA* ALS NOP OUT ALS NOP sov 0 -----.OUT LDA LOOP3 DONE START TEMP LOOP2 ERROR C AA,I 001CP 0019P 003FP .0022X AA CKS SUM OOOOP BB 001BP OK 0050P LOOP3 BLOCK IS PUNCHED OUTPUT BLANK LEADER UPDATE INDEX IF OVERFLOW FINISHED PREPARE PTP FOR FUNCTION CLEAR CONTROLLER STOP MOTION OUTPUT FUNCTION OOlAP ADISP 0024P LOOPI 005CP DONE OOEA 0032P 0060P ~-:~i~J!llll!!!!!=!1111!!II![ ~ . I' CHECKSUM ---.J t J~ DATA: 26 vWORDS SUM OF ALL DATA WORDS, DISREGARDING OVERFLOW 12-10 LWORD COUNT C' o 12.3 12.3 1711 TELETYPEWRITER The 1711 Teletype may send and receive information. from the 1711 takes 100 milliseconds. The data transmission to or The Teletype is one of three devices composing the low speed package which is always Equipment Number 1. All interrupts generated by the teletype shall be processed via line 1 interrupts. The Q Register will contain $0091or $0090 when communicating with the teletype. Break this word down into Binary, and we have Equipment 1, Station 1. W E ············l··· .'..,.....J". '1··· ·1 0 Q::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I":.:.:.:.:.:_:.:-:.:":"::.:.:.:"_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ,0 - I0 I . . '-----v..-----' '-v-' , '---v------" Equipment 1 Station 1 Data 0 Function or Status 1 The Dportion denotes the transfer of data when set to zero. All data transmissions will be to and from the lower 8 bits of the A Register. The characters will be transferred in ASC II codes, one character at a time. The directional flow of the data will be governed by the INP and OUT instructions. LDQ NOP INP 0 LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$0090 TTY FOR DATA -1 READ DATA INTO A =N$0090 BUF TTY FOR DATA PUT DATA IN A -1 WRITE DATA ON TTY 12.3.1 TTY Functions The D portion indicates a function or a status when set to a 1. A function is indicated by issuing an OUT instruction with A preset to the function. LDQ LDA NOP OUT A =N$0091 FUNC TTY FOR FUNC OR STATUS PLACE FUNCTION IN A -1 OUTPUT A FUNCTION I:~: ~:~:~:~:~: ~:~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~: ~:~: ~:~:~:~: ~: ~: ~:~: ~: ~: ~:~: ~:~: ~:~: ~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ~:~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ 1 0 , f C·LR CONT CLRINT The clear controller and clear in t err u p t functions must be sent to the teletype prior to selecting other functions. 12-11 12.3.1 15 A 10 !~??~~?(}r(}r~)f\{fJ 9 8 i 7 5 r~~tttt~~~t~J 4 3 2 1 tIl f' I 0 Select Read Mode t ·Clear Controller Select Write Mode ~ Clear Interrupts Select Interrupt on Alarm Data Interrupt Request Select Interrupts on End of Transmission (EOT Key) The 1711 provides the capability of selecting t h r e e interrupts; DATA, ALARM, and END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT). The DATA interrupt will occur when the teletype is pre par e d to send or receive d a t a. The ALARM interrupt will be generated if data has been lost or if the teletype goes from READY to NOT READY. The END OF TRANSMISSION interrupt will 0 c cur whenever the EOT key on the console of the teletype has been pressed. None of these conditions will generate an interrupt unless the programmer has selected them. The motor will be started on the 1711 by an output of a dummy character - to the teletype. 12. 3. 2 TTY status Status will be sent to the A Register from the tel e t y p e with an INP instruction. LDQ NOP INP =N$0091 TTY FOR STATUS OR FUNC -1 INPUT STATUS TO A The A Register will contain the status and the pro g ram mer may examine it to determine the next procedure he wishes to follow. 15 12 11 10 t 9 t.J Manual Interrupt Motor On~ Read Mode 876 J Lost Data Alarm 5 4 3 I 210 t I I teady Busy Interrupt Data End of Transmission 11 I Ready (AO is 1): If this bit is set in the A Register, the Power switch on the console of the teletypewriter is in the ON-LINE position and the motor is on. Busy (AI is 1): If this bit is set, one or more of the following conditions ex i s t: a) The controller is in Read mode and is in the process of receiving a character from the teletypewriter or the Data Hold register contains data for transfer to the computer. The Busy status drops upon completion of the 12-12 C' / 12.3.2 transfer to the computer if data has not been lost. If data has been lost, the con t roll e r requires 200 milliseconds to stop the teletypewriter and remains Busy all this time. b) Write mode and the Data Hold register contains data and is in the process of transferring it to the teletypewriter. Busy drops upon completion of the transfer. c) Either mode and the controller is in the process of starting the motor in the teletypewriter. In Write mode output of a character starts the motor and this character is lost. In Read mode, the BREAK key must be pressed to s tart the motor. Interrupt (A2 is 1): An interrupt condition exists. to determine the condition caus ing this interrupt. Other bits must be monitored Data (A3 is 1): An interrupt is generated and this status bit is a 1 under the following conditions: a) Read mode and the Data Hold reg i s t e r contains data for transfer to the computer. The status drops upon completion of a Read. o b) Write mode and the controller is ready to accept another Write from the computer. The status drops upon completion of the Write. End of Transmission (A4 is 1): The Data Hold register contains the End of Transmission code. This code is generated by pressing the EaT key on the keyboard of the teletypewriter. The end of transmission status drops upon the completion of the next Write or Read. Alarm (A5 is 1): The teletypewriter is not in a Ready state or has lost data. Lost Data (A6 is 1): The controller was not s e r vic e d by the computer before a new character was sent by the teletypewriter. The keyboard and tape transmitter are locked out. The status bit indicates a Lost Data condition, and a Busy status indicates that the process of stopping the teletypewriter is in progress. Data held in the Data Hold register is not disturbed, but the incoming data is ignored. The lost data status can be cleared by a Clear Controller or a Select Write Mode command. These two functions are rejected while the controller is stopping the teletypewriter. The Select Write mode command must be preceded by a Read operation to clear the Data Hold register. Mter the teletypewriter has stopped, the computer may do an Output operation to notify the controller of the Error condition. Read Mode (A9 is 1): If this bit is a 1, the controller is conditioned for an Input operation from the teletypewriter. Read mode is automatically in effect after a clear controller function has been issued. o 12-13 12.3.2 Motor On (A10 is 1): The motor of the teletypewriter is on. The presence of this bit indicates that the teletypewriter motor is on and up to speed. a) Write mode: Motor starts with the output of a c h a r act e r. Two-second delay occurs between output of the character and this status bit being set to allow the motor to get up to speed. b) Read mode: Press the BREAK key to turn on the motor. Tw 0 - sec 0 n d delay. also occurs between the action of the BREAK key and the status bit being set to allow the motor to get up to speed. Manual Interrupt (All is 1): The manual interrupt button on the teletype has been pressed. Example: The following is a test routine for the 1711 teletype. It outputs an II-word message from the buffer GET. The con t roll e r is cleared in a separate function before a new function is selected. Write mode is selected because Read mode is in effect after the clear controller function. c. 12-14 12.3.3 0 12.3.3 TTY Example Program QQQI 0002 POOOO POOOl POOO2 POOO] POOO4 504C 1, 5 /,1 5345 GET ~Ll\M +¥~~ ALF 11,PLEASE INPUT YOUR CODE Olll ~ \ Message 20/,9 4f..50 POOO!:) 5b54 POOO6 20S9 POQ07 L+F!:J5 POOO8 POQ09 ~)220 f. 3 * F 1 POOOA 4445 0 0003 POQ08 08440004 pooac 60FF 0005 POOOD EOOO POOOE 0091 0006 PQQOF ell, Q] 0007 POOIO 03FE 0008 POOll GOOD POO12 OlUO POOl) OdOO 0009 0010 POO14 03FE 0011 POO15 QDFE 0012 POO16 OHOO 0013 PO 01 -, 03FE 0014 POOI8 C9E.7 0015 POO19 orcs OOIA POOIA 0800 0 01 7 DOO]R 03F E 0018 POOIC OFCB 0019 POOl!) (InDO 0020 POOlE 03FE LOOP A I -f\J$OO91 TTY DIR FUMe $3 cr,B CONTB -1 -f\J$100 'iVRITE MODE NOP OUT INC) NOP -1 -1 WRITE DJJ:TJ.c FUNC OIIT -1 LDA{~ GET,! l\LS 8 aliT -1 ALS 8 "lOP OUT -1 T 0022 POO20 COFF LOA- I 09F4 INA -] 1 0024 POO22 DI01 SAZ 00?5 f:>()()C1 I OOFF GET DONE-{~-l lOOP 0 IMPi} ldF4 0026 POO24 0000 0027 SEND DUMMY CHAR OUTPUT DATA NOP RAO- 0023 POO?] DONE & TNT EN" OUT bOA POOlE DOFF 002 J C) CLR STAbDO 0 E~ID OOOOP LOOP OOlBP 12-15 DON~ 002 1, P 12.3.3 Typewriter Printout PP * MI *K,I5 J *p J *ASSEM L,03 FAILED 01 ACTION CU L, 03 FAILED 01 ACTION CU L,03 FAILED 01 ACTION CU J *p J Output from program *L, 8 ~LEASE INPUT YOUR CODE / USDA - August 1968 12-16 12.4 12.4 1713 TELETYPEWRITER The 1713 is com po sed of a keyboard, printer, paper tape reader, and a paper tape punch, each a c c e s sib 1 e by the computer. The 1713 is grouped with the low speed package, equipment number 1, station number 1. The Q Register will be in the following format when referencing the 1713. Q 15 0 0 0 11 10 0 01 0 9 0 7 6 11 0 8 0 4 1 5 0 '---v----' v Equipment 1 Station 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1- + o = Data 1 = Function/Status LDQ LDQ =N$0090 =N$0091 SEL TTY, DATA SEL TTY, STATUS OR FUNCTION The programmer has the option of selecting the reader, punch, printer or keyboard. All four units may be used together or s epa rat ely. The selection is made by setting an appropriate bit in the function word. o 15 14 13 12 11 10 A o l}}d I I I I I 11 i telect Keyboard Mode Select Keyboard- Tape Mode Select Tape Mode Select Tape-To-Tape Send Mode Select Tape-To-Tape Receive Mode Bit 14 - . Connects the punch to the controller leaving the keyboard and reader inactive. Bit 13 ----. Connects the reader only to the controller. Bit 12 - . Connects the page printer and r e ade r to the controller. The keyboard and punch are connected together as an off-line tape preparation de vic e. Read operations transfer information from the paper tape reader to the controller and the page printer. Write 0 per a t ion s transfer information to the page printer. Simultaneously, a new tape can be prepared from keyboard entries. Bit 11----. Connects the keyboard, page printer, reader and punch to the controller. A character struck on the keyboard or sent from the reader is printed, punched and transmitted. A character sent to the 1713 is printed and punched. Bit 10 ----. Connects the keyboard and printer to the controller which act as a send/receive page printer. The paper tape units are inactive in this mode. C) 12-17 12.4 The 1713 accepts the lower eight bits of the A Register as data and sends eight bits of data to the A Register. All codes going to the page p r in t e r must be eight bit ASC II codes. The data transfer rate is 100 milliseconds per character. 12.4.1 1713 Functions Prior to selecting a mode, the controller and interrupts may be cleared by issuing a function to the ·1713. 15 1 0 I A [:}\) t6 LR Controller C LR Interrupts LDQ ENA OUT SEL TTY, FUNCTION CLR CONT & CLR INT =N$91 $3 -1 Interrupts may be selected by setting the following bits. 15 4 A F:::::::] :.:.:.:.: 3 I I I t 1 2 + Data INT Request End of Operation Interrupt Alarm Interrupt Request Bit 2 ---.. Allows the 1713 to interrupt the computer whenever the holding register is ready to send or receive data. Bit 3 ~ Notifies the 1713 to interrupt the computer whenever an operation is completed. Bit 4 ~ Provides for an interrupt whenever an alarm condition arises. Alarm conditions: 1. 1713 becomes NOT READY 2. LOST DATA 3. Out of Tape LDQ LDA NOP =N$91 =N$lC OUT -1 SEL TTY, FUNCTION INT ON DA TA, ALARM, EOP· 12;.,..18 C~ 12.4.1 The operating mode, READ or WRITE, is selected by setting a bit in the function word. 15 9 8 t t Select Write Mode Select Read Mode LDQ LDQ NOP OUT LDQ LDA NOP OUT o SEL TTY, FUNCTION WRITE MODE =N$91 =N$100 -1 SEL TTY, FUNCTION READ MODE =N$91 =N$200 -1 When running in Tape- To- Tape Send Mode, the pro g ram must issue a START TAPE MOTION function. When reading data from the reader a start motion function must be issued after each character. 15 5 I I + Start Tape Motion LDQ LDA =N$91 =N$2220 NOP OUT -1 SEL TTY,I_:fl!!'ICTION TAPE SEND, READ, START TAPE MOTION All of the functions ma v be iss u e d together with the exception of the clear con~roller and clear Interrupt functions which must be issued separately. 12.4.2 1713 status Status may be taken on the 1713 at any time. LDQ NOP INP =N$91 SEL TTY, STATUS -1 STATUS IN A o 12-19 12.4.2 A k~ttf})ttfjtl 11 10 9 I J It(ttt~ 6 4 3 2 1 I J J) Manual INT Motor On Read Mode 5 Lost Data 0 1 keady Busy Interrupt Data End of Operation Alarm 11 When the corresponding bit is a 1, the condition exists. READY BUSY ----+~ The 1713 is in the process of performing an operation. --,~~ INTERRUPT The 1713 is capable of performing operations and accepting functions. ----.~ DATA An interrupt has been generated. The holding register in the 1713 is prepared to send or receive data. END OF OPERATION --+ The 1713 has completed an operation. ALARM An alarm condition exists in the 1713. LOST DATA ---.. The 1713 had data in the holding register which was not picked up by the computer before another character was read into the register. READ MODE The 1713 is in are a d mode. If this bit were not set, the write mode would be in effect. MOTOR ON ----+~ ---.~ MANUAL INTERRUPT The 1713 mot 0 r is on. motor is not on. C~ If this bit were not set, the ~The manual interrupt button on the 1713 has been pressed. 12.4.3 Example Program, 1713 TTY The following program generates 10 frames of data in the A Register and ·punches them on paper tape. It then stops and waits for the tape to be put in the reader. It reads 20 frames and stores them in a buffer. Program read can be checked by sweeping the buffer. c 12-20 C) 12.4.3 The STOP Switch should be set before the program is run. OOOl 0002 OOOJ POOOO 0000 0004 POOOI EOOO ROO£l2 00~1 0005 POO03 OA03 0009 ROOO4 03j::~ 0007 POOOS 02FE 0 ENT ~l1113 0 LDQ RIIZ13 PT1713 0 =N$91 TTY, FUNC/STATUS INP $3 -1 -1 O~T~ Al:S 15 READY 0009 POOO7 0131 0010 120008 18EC 0011 POOO9 COOO ROOOO ~12() 0012 POOO8 0800 0013 Roooe o 3~-E 0014 pooon ODFE 00]5 ROOOE S8~) 001f1 POOOF OAOF 00]1 eOOl{) 03EE 0018 POOll DOFF 0019 eOO12 Clon POOl3 FFF5 0020 eOO]~ 0] 0 ) 0021 POOl5 1 HF 9 0022 eOOle 5839 0023 POO17 0000 0024- POOla 1)001 0025 POO19 OAOI 0026 e001{}' W3FE 0027 PODIA 02FE 0028 e001C (lECE 0029 POOIO 0131 0030 eOOlE 18fC 0031 POOIF COOO 120020 20un 0032 P0021 0800 0033 eQQ22 Q3EE 0034 POO23 OA20 0035 e002~ O]fE 0036 POO25 ODFE 0031 e0026 Ot::H1O 0038 P0027 02FE 0032 eOO2~ 0118 0040 P0029 0001 004] eOQ2A 1St: ~ 0042 pa02A coon eOO2C 2QUO 0043 P0020 onOl OO~~ e002f UbQQ 0045 POO2F 03FE OO~6 EOll30 OAZQ 0047 P0031 03rE OO~B Ell!l32 QDEE 0049 POO33 02FE OOSO EOO34 byo7 SAM 1 *-3 =N$4120 SKI P WHEN READY 0006 0 ~IOM ~O'HIE> ENA 0111 IMR* LDA CLR CONTR, CLR INT INP STATUS BIT GG Wl.c±± ±Ibb &EAl)¥ TTR, WRITE, START MOTION NOP 0111 -] I N(l ENA -1 I EADE~ $F DATA $F IN A 0111 -] RAO- I QtJtFlJt DAXA ~I WRITE I STOP 1* D~ SAZ ) JMP* eI 1* SLS WRITE I E~DEH 0 I~IQ 1 ENA 1 0111 -] INP ~I 5 SAM -1 IMe* SEL -~-]O!I LDA 15 1 *-3 =N$2000 PREPARE TO SEND DATA GG GlJ±PlJ± bEWER lQ FRAMES GO OIIT EI IT TRAILER FREPARE FGR FYNG~IQN CLEAR CONTROLLER INPUT STATUS READY BIT SKI P WHEN READY GO WAIl IJNTIL READY TTS MODE NOP ~UI MOTION ENA OllI INQ -1 $20 START MOTION -1 -1 PREPARE FOR DATA INPUT DATA STORE WHEN DATA COMES LDA -1 SIOHE-*-l 1 SEI =N$20aO TTS MODE INQ 1 FUNCTION E~A -1 $20 OUT STABT TAEE MOTION -1 ~OE LDR READ INP SAD! INQ .H1e* Dloe OUT STORE GO WAIl EOR I~Q -1 DATA INP SIA* -1 RlJE!! STORE DATA 12-21 INPUT DATA DATA (\ 12.4.3 '---' 0051 POQ35 OOFF 0052 PU036 CIOO PIJQ3l I LOA =N-20.I SAl SLS FINI-*-l RE;oD 0 azs 911f=:(~O) 0 0 -X-50 20 FRAMES F~-l=fj 0053 P003H DIUl 0054 POY=i~ 1~1=1 0055 POO3A ()ouu OOS~ ~O038 ODIc.. ·0057 POO4F 0000 0058 ROOSO ROO- eono JMI2i! FINI 1:i1J~ LEADER bDA STOP AFTER READING BW~EB XO CHECK WRITE LEADER OR TRAILER SWEEE POOSl 7fCD 0059 PUO!3~ ~O~F 0060 POOS3 0844 0061 PQQ34 Q J~ E; 0062 P0055 DOFF OQ~J PGQ~~ QbJ+b6l~ g I tIl ~+I\- I CLR A -1 GlJ+ RAO~GV 00h4 P0057 IHFC JMP* 9U~ ~ ~+o- 00h6 P0059 lCF5 0061 JMP* OQ6~ PCJo~a I 1 OUTLDR I (LEADER) E~ID c Plant 2 - September 1968 12-22 o 12.5 12.5 1726/405 CARD READER The 405 is a Non-Buffered Card Reader capable of reading 1200 80-column cards per minute or 1600 51-column cards per minute. The transfer rate for one 80-column card is 384 microseconds. The twelve rows in each column constitute the 12-bit data word transferred to the computer. Software packing must be performed in order to form a 16-bit word. The format for the columns in relation to memory words is as follows: 15 4 7 I Col ColI (12 rows) Word 1 Col 2 (8 rows) Word 2 Word 3 Col 3 (4 rows) 2 (4 rows) Col 3 (8 rows) I I. o 3 Col 4 (12 rows) Four card col u m n s represent three computer words, therefore, one 80-column card represents 60 memory words. The data read by the 405 may be buffered if connected to the 1706. The Q Register will be in the following format when referencing the 405 Card Reader. o 15 11 10 7 6 1 0 ··················································· ........... ~ W= 0 Q ??~ttt?tttmmmmmmmr~ D E 1 I The E portion will correspond with the setting of the equipment switch on the controller. The D portion designates the operation to be performed. 12.5.1 CR Functions D = 1 DIRECTOR FUNCTION (OUT) LDQ LDA NOP OUT 15 14 13 12 11 10 A [:}~{{{:}\:J Reload Memory+ =N$0101 =NFUNC EQUIP 2, FUNC FUNCTION IN A -1 ESTABLISH LOGIC I I I 9 876 4 3 I 2 1 o t t ~ LR Controller Negate Hollerith to I CLR INT ASCII Data INT Release Negate Hollerith EOPINT to ASCII Alarm INT 1 o 5 11 12-23 12.5.1 The functions for the 405 Card Reader may be issued jointly. Clear Controller (Bit 0): Directs the clearing of all interrupt requests, mot ion requests, errors, and other logic that may be cleared. This function is subordinate to all other functions. Clear Interrupts (Bit 1): Clears all interrupt requests and their responses. Data Interrupt Request (Bit 2): Sets the interrupt request to be set which causes an interrupt to be generated when an information transfer may occur. ~terrupt on End of Operation (Bit 3): Requests an interrupt to be generated when the last card column lias been read or a Reload Memory Function has been performed. Interrupt on Alarm (Bit 4): Generates an interrupt whenever any of the following conditions arise: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compare or pre-read error Stacker full or jam Input tray empty Fail to feed Separator card is read into computer memory Auto/man switch is in man position Gate Card (Bit 9): This bit gates the card being read to the secondary s t a c k e r. This function must be performed during the 1.5 milliseconds following the input of the last column to the buffer memory of the Card Reader. Negate Hollerith to ASCII (Bit 10): When bit A10 is selected, 7 and 9 punch positions in column 1 are ignored and all information (binary or Hollerith) is read as binary. Bit A10 is subordinate to bit All. Bit A10 is rejected if the controller is Busy. NOTE Before beginning a new operation, make certain that bit A10 and the following bit, All, are appropriately selected. If this is not done, the cards will be read in the mode or state that the card reader was in during the previous operation. Release Negate Hollerith to ASCII (All = 1): When bit All is selected, the 7 and 9 punch pos itions in column 1 determine whether the card information is to be transferred in ASCII code or in binary for m. The Release Negate Hollerith to ASCII function takes precedence over the select Negate Hollerith to ASC II function, and it is rejected if the controller is Busy. See Note. 12-24 o 12.5.1 Reload Memory (A12 = 1): This bit directs the controller to initiate a card feed thereby reloading the controller memory with the data from the next card in the card reader. The data that has not been t ran s mit ted from the memory to the computer is lost when Reload Memory is executed. A Reload Memory is required only if less than a full card of information is desired. Bit A12 is rejected if the controller is Busy. 12.5.2 CR Status D = 1 STATUS (INP) LDQ =N$0101 EQUIP 2, STATUS -1 STATUS IN A Nap INP 15 14 13 12 11 10 A o 9 8 I I I 7 + 6 ·:·:·:·:·j ......... f......... I 5 43210 , 1 Ls:eadY Alarm Protected Error Interrupt Binary Card Data EOP Separator Card Fail to Feed Stacker Full of Jam Input Tray Empty End of File Manual Switch or Motor Power Off 1 i 1 Ready (Bit 0): The presence of this bit indicates that the card reader is ready for operation. Busy (Bit 1): The controller is Busy whenever a card is being en t ere d into the buffer memory. Interrupt (Bit 2): The interrupt status is available if one or more of the selected interrupts has occurred. Other bits must be monitored to determine the condition causing the interrupt. Data (Bit 3): computer. This status bit indicates that data is ready to be transferred to the o 12-25 12.5.2 End of Operation (Bit 4): This status bit indicates that the last card column has been read from the buffer memory, or a reload memory function has been sent. This bit remains a 1 until a Reply signal is sent, or a Clear Controller function or Master Clear is issued. Alarm (Bit 5): The bit remains a 1 until whatever caused the Alarm condition is removed. This s tat us bit indicates that one or more of the following conditions has occurred: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compare or Pre-read error Stacker full or jam Input tray empty Fail to feed A separator card has been transferred to the computer memory. The AUTO/MAN switch is in the MAN position Status bit A06 is not used. Protected (Bit 7): This status bit indicates that the controller recognizes only the I/O instructions that have the protect bit present. This status bit is a 1 when the PROTECTED/UNPROTECTED switch is in the PROTECTED position. Error (Bit 8): This bit indicates that a Pre-read or Compare error has occurred. Binary Card (Bit 9): This bit is present when the contents of the first card column have been transferred to the computer memory and a binary card (rows 7 and 9 punched in first column) was detected, or the Negate Hollerith to ASC II function was selected. This bit remains a 1 until a Clear Con t roll e r or Master Clear function is issued, or a Reply is sent when a card is read under the follow in g conditions: 1. The card is not a binary or a separator card. 2. The Release Negate Hollerith to ASCII function is selected. Separator Card (Bit 10): This bit is present when the contents of the fir s t card column have been transferred to computer memory and a separator card (rows 6, 7, 8, and 9 punched in first column) was detected. This bit remains a 1 until a Reply is sent when a card is read that is not a separator card, or until a Master Clear or Clear Controller function is executed. Fail to Feed (Bit 11): This bit is a 1 if another card is not detected at the primary read station 500 ms after the previous card has cleared the secondary read station. Stacker Full or Jam (Bit 12): This bit is a 1 when the stacker is full of cards or when the cards have jammed. Input Tray Empty (Bit 13): This bit is a 1 when the input tray is empty. 12-26 (~ o 12.5.2 End of File (Bit 14): This status bit becomes a 1 when the input tray is empty, the buffer memory is unloaded, and the END OF FILE switch is on. When the input tray does not contain the last card of a file, the switch should be off to inhibit this status bit. Manual (Bit 15): This status bit is a 1 when the A UTa/MAN switch is in the MAN position or the MOTOR POWER switch is off. DATA (INP) D= 0 LDQ NOP INP I 0 EQUIP 2, DATA -1 DATA IN A REG o 12 11 15 A =N$0100 o 0 0 I DATA Packing must be performed in order to obtain 16 bit words as indicated earlier in this discussion. o o 12-27 C: 12.5.3 12.5.3 CR Example Program START SECOND LOOP DONE 03FF 0004P NAM EQU EQU BSS CLR STALDQ LDA NOP . OUT INQ NOP INP ALS STA* INP STA* ARS AND ADD* STA* LDA* ALS AND STA* INP STA* ARS AND ADD* STA+ LDA* AND ALS STA* INP AND ADD* STA* LDAINA STAINA SAZ JMP* LDQ RAO LDA SOV JMP SLS END CARD LOOP CARDRD AA($3FF), CARD($0281) MASKB($OOOF) TEMP (2) A I =XCARD =N$lA03 SEL EQUIP 5 F CLR CON CLR INT RM H TO A -1 -1 OUTPUT FUNCTION PREPARE FOR DATA INPUT -1 4 TEMP -1 TEMP+1 8 =XMASKB TEMP AA,I TEMP+1 8 =N$FFOO TEMP -1 TEMP+1 4 =X$OOFF TEMP AA+1,I TEMP+1 =XMASKB 12 TEMP -1 =N$OFFF TEMP AA+2,I I 3 I -54 1 LOOP =XCARD *+3 =N$7FFA 1 SECOND INPUT TO A FmST COLUMN (12) DATA UPPER 1 I BITS ••• ZERO INPUT 2nd COLUMN SAVE THE DATA UPPER 4 BITS IN LOWER 4 ZERO UPPER 12 BITS FmST WORD PACKED LOWER 8 BITS IN UPPER 8 BITS ZERO LOWER 8 BITS INPUT 3rd COLUMN C UPPER INPUT 8 BITS IN LOW 8BITS ZERO UPPER 8 BITS PACK 2nd WORD PLACE IN BUFFER ZERO UPPER 12 BITS LOWER 4 BITS IN UPPER 4 BITS THIRD WORD PACKED GET INDEX UPDATE INDEX IF END OF CARD SKIP CONTINUE 0281 OOOCP MASKB OOOF TEMP OOOOP DONE 003EP 12-28 c-' o 12.6 12.6 1742 LINE PRINTER The 1742 Line Printer (the Holley HR-300 Printer) prints 300 lines per min ute, each line being 136 characters. The printer accepts ASCII codes with two characters per 16 bit word. The printer has a holding register capable of accepting an entire line before printing: 136 characters (8 bits) or 68 words (16 bits). The ASCII codes require 7 bits, therefore, the 8th bit is used as a print control bit. This bit on each character is set by the controller when the c h a r act e r is received. As the printer actually prints the character, the 8th bit is cleared. When all print con t r 0 1 bits have been zeroed, the printer has completed the print operation and is ready to receive data from the computer. The programmer is not required to send the maximum number of c h a r act e r s to the printer. The p r in t e r accepts the characters sent by the program and blanks the remaining positions prior to printing. The Q Register will address the printer in the following format: 15 6 1 0 w Q o 7 11 10 The W portion will equal zero. The equipment number will correspond to the equipment setting of the hardware switch on the controller ($O-$F). The D portion will direct the type of transmis sions to and from the A Register. DATA D=OO indicates the transfer of data to the printer's holding register. issued with an OUT instruction. LDQ LDA NOP OUT It will always be =N$0380 DATA EQUIP 7, DATA PLACE DATA IN A -1 DATA SENT TO PRINTER 12. 6. 1 LP Functions DIRECTOR FUNCTION 1 D=01 denotes the transfer of Director Function 1, which allows the programmer to CLEAR PRINTER and CLEAR INTERRUPTS. It also provides the medium for selecting as many as three interrupts: DATA, EOP, and ALARM. A 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 I 4 3 2 1 1111 1 top! r Alarm C) 12-29 I 1 0 1 11 I + Clear Controller C lear Interrupts Data Interrupt c 12.6.1 LDQ LDA OUT EQUIP 7, FUNC 1 PLACE FUNC IN A SEND FUNC =N$0381 FUNCI -1 DIRECTOR FUNCTION 2 D=11 accompanied by an OUT instruction sends Director Function 2 to the printer from the A Register. LDQ LDA NOP OUT 15 14 13 12 11 10 t r =N$0383 FUNC2 EQUIP, FUNC 2 PRE SET A TO FUNC -1 SEND FUNC FROM A 9 8 7 6 5 4 , + + + + + I , +I + + I 3 I I I 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 8- Line Select 2 1 I I t r 1 0 + Print Single Space Double Space Levell Print (Bit 0=1) - . Commands the printer 0 per a t ion to begin. Once the entire line has been printed the 0 per a t ion is complete. The print command must be issued for each line printed. Single Space (Bit 1 = 1) ~ Advances the page by one line. Double Space (Bit 2 = 1) ----+ Advances the page by two lines. Format Level (Bit 3 - Bit 14) ~ This command causes paper motion. The paper is moved to the next hole punched in the specified level. The tape levels are used for formatting documents, as the levels may be used instead of the spacing commands. Levell usually specifies top of page while level 12 usually s p e c ifi e s bottom of page. 8- Line Select (Bit 15 = 1) ----. This bit changes the logic to allow for 8 lines per inch rather than 6 lines per inch. Once 8 lines per inch has been selected it remains in effect until a MASTER CLEAR, CLEAR CONTROLLER, or bit 15 is issued as a zero. 12-30 c o 12.6.2 12.6.2 LP Status D=Ol with an INP instruction requests status. LDQ NOP INP 15 A I 6/8 Lines =N$0381 EQUIP #7, STATUS -1 BRING STATUS TO A 10 9 I 8 7 6 COinCident~ ~ 4 1 3 2 1 111 i t I i 0 1 ~eadY Busy Interrupt Data End of Operation Alarm 1 Protected o 5 1 k~{~ 1 r········1 .... 1 The status of the Line Printer notifies the program of the READY and BUSY states of the printer by setting bits 0 and 1, respectively. Bit 2 indicates the existence of an interrupt, while bits 3, 4, and 5, designate which interrupt was generated. Bit 3 is the bit in d i cat ion that the printer is prepared to receive data from the computer. Bit 4 notifies the pro g ram that an operation is complete, such as a print or top of form command. Bit 5 indicates an ALARM condition has occurred, such as out of paper, paper tear, fuse alarm, open interlock, or an illegal character. Bit 7 corresponds with the Protect Switch on the printer. If the switch is on, bit 7 will be set and only protected programs will be allowed to use the printer. Bit 9, when set, acknowledges that a c han g e from 6 to 8 lines per inch may be effectively made. 12. 6. 3 Programming the Printer Programming the printer simply requires advancing the page to the desired print level. Once the page is positioned, data is sent to the printers holding register. Once the data has been sent to the printer, the p r in t command is issued. When the printer com pie t e s the print cycle, the program advances the page by level selection, or spacing and outputs the next line. The programmer selects the top of page level (usually Levell) once a page is complete. o 12-31 12.6.4 12. 6. 4 Example, 1742 Line Printer PRINT 0001 ~.!AM 440~ ------ --------------------~T_- - ___________ OQ -l-NT . 0 0 f) i ',-,< it n /l f) ;.I;)t)f) 1 ~ !) n () P Q rr\1 T {}{)-04---··iJOOO-~··--oArq.- .. --- . -fNA .-- .. - ---1-· ()t1T-1 0005 ;:;0001 01FF 0006 P0004 Fnno LnQ ---+p4-l04-lnH-JO~!L7_~-------. o0 0 7 j-' Ii () 0 IS -----q f1.l\'" ~ 0 EQUIP 15, FUNC 2 . - - . - •• - LEVEL 1 TOP OF FORM ~ -1 OIIT -G-O-0-9--+' {} t}-Q-R -G 1) n1)----.- --.- .--. P0009 7FFA 0010 POOOA 6A26 EQUIP .15, FUNC 1 CLR CONTROLLER- =N~0781 _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •. _ _ _ . _ _ _ DOOR F-'0007 OiFF. 0011 PO 0 Oq = ;\1 q., f) 7 R 1 L i) () ()7o.1 --- -LOA .. =Xi)7FFF"';l" STA* LIN~CT LOOP FOR OVERFLOW·· ..-· 6 LINES PER PAGE A4'1 ----I:--1>.P"-------Gh..Q-·-------.-A-- ----- .-- .---- - 001? poooe ~()FF 0013 ~noon OOFC STA- T INn-3 -0 Gl4-·--r' O-G-9-E·---G9-l--l-· --- -().lJ-T-· --- --LtJA-*- -. -----.. [)Al"-A.~ I NOP OUT-l 0015 POOOF ORno 0016 ~OOI0 03FE ZERO INDEX. PRINTER FOR DATA 2 ASCII CHARACTERS-·· CHECK WORD LOOP-------17 CHARACTER PER LINE 0019 ~OOI1 1110? SAZ hJEXTL SKIP IF COMPLETE' {t.g~O-·+tH)-l_4·PO~-F_-·--_:_----·------· ·--R-AC)--... -----.--1-----.--- ..-.-- -- -NOT GOMF,-- UPDATEINDE*----OO?1 POOle; lRF8 J~1P* OUT CONTINUE LINE OUTPUT 002? ~OOlt, ().I103 I\lFXTL· H·.!Q 1 LINE COMPLETE FUNCTION -{l~ PO 017 C) 0. O-l--··--···-----·-- . --·--..--·€-NA --------------1:---.------------ ·PRIN~eMMAND·'------- ---' . 0024 f-JOOI A fl1FF OUT-I OO?5 ~J001q Ofl()4 F.:"lA 4 DOUBLE SPACE --&e+1-f4H.H 1 COFf'" 0018 (.Jon I? fl9FF 4{)~··~tlO_lA---q-'1FF_ 1::-8-A-----... --'f-----.---- -..--.-----II\lll. --- ----.-------. ---.- OU T----·---- --- 0027 POOIq OBlS OOi?A ijOO 1 C () 1 Al ~Q--~l n 1 RFO noon 0030 ~001~ 0011 ;.JOOIF ·r.:;44R -<1; RAO* 11 ·-1--- -- - ----------. - ------.---- ----.---- -.---- UPDATE LINE COUNT SOV cr-1p SKIP IF PAGE COMPLETE --------.--J14P-*------------CN:T---------- -CONTINUE .IF-P~E--NOT COMPLETE CMP I)ATfI L!I\JECT SLS ALF . ... .. -I*",THIS PROGRAtA \~'()Pt P T'\l T 12-32 c o 12.6.4 THIS PROGR,A'M ,INOPKS THIS PQORR4"1 THIS PQOGRAM ON PRINTER 1742 1742 "/ORKS ON PQINTfR 1742 .-.-- --.----.--.----.---.~ THTS PROGRAM \A/ORKS TIfTe; P P (U;-9-1\ ~ 4 h'ORKS ON PRINTER 1742 O~j PPI~jTE=R 1742 THIS PROr,QAM \,\1001<5 ON PPINTEQ 1742 o Note what happens in the following program when the functions for print command and double space are issued Simultaneously! (Line 23, ENA 5.) 12~33 12.6.4 0001 0002 0003 PRINT I\!A~·1 FNT ~o~on ~n00 PRINT ;:";0001 07q] r:::'{} ·0· !).?:--.1l-M.-l-.--------.. -----JF~._/\~ILlrl\,~0005 i;"OOOl 03FE OUT -~- -fh.'}1}-4 0006· PQ004 fono PRI"/T =N1i0781 Lon --1-1-· -1 LDO =.f\J$0783 . E~A 8 Cl-R--··.GOf\C!:--- _--,-,-0 Q-4-{tS-f.LlR}-.--. 0007 ~noo~ o008 DAOA TOO OF FORM p () 0 07 () 3 F E 0 II T - 1 --·~{}-0-9-·-~tJ·90B_.... C_G-~-------·---.-_b~.+A_--- .. - . . ----=X..$_1f'F-F--'5-·· . P0009 7FFA 0010 POOOA ~A?4 STA* LINECT ~·e-l-] ;~o 04-0 0 844 -*'~ CLR Q 0012 poooe 60FF STAI 0013 ~000~ 0nFC INQ-3 -_·-{)-O-l-4- -P-fJ-.f:)4E-- G-9.n.F---~---·-b.-DA*-----IJ-A.+.A.·._I-·-·----. 0015 POOOF OROO NOP 0016 ROOlO 03FE oa11 p 13 ell 1 € q F-F- OUT-l L Dl\ - o0 1 8 \.:/{);) l? I) q F ~ 001 9 \;;',0011 () 1 n? ---f; () 2-{}--,-;-J{t-O-l-4 f) 0 Ff 0021 POOlS 18FA OO?2 P0016 0003 ~3--+,,-*l-+ ('I~ (' S 00(>4 POOI P OO?S I NEXTL . 03FE . ~OOlq'OR15 OUT JMP* INQ E '~Q our -----~V- .. - CMP 3 '5 :-- -1 J LINECT RAQ* ---..·trO-?-6----.p{H)-b~ 01 A+ 0027 pnOlg 18EF 0028POOIC 0000 I I I'.J A - ~11 SAl f\,JI:.)(, TL R4G-------I------· . -----·----- ---.~---- JMP* SLS tNT -B.~~ ~)-L/~I'''''''~Q~_.--40-:1-<,.ot.\-,Th.(JI.\-,---A-l'.'I-F~.----.x*.. ,-+T-I=:1HI-l-I~-R.q-GQ·~-j,JJJ-QK.S----ON-AA-P1 TER ;J001~ 4QSl :;nOl~ ;>050 - ..---__ --~..Lll{}-?4-t::; ?:4-F-----:----------- ?0021 4752 r:'002? 4140 -----·-~~#q~c:;+7-- )-Jt)024 4FS? \-' 0 0 ?" '-'- R 5 3 ··-------·----~-H·~--?44F-- P0027. 4E?O P002R 50S2 -----------P-fh')-;.?q 494£. Pon2L\ <=)445 ~)QO?q S2?O .------.. - ---PG{}-2·{?---3-·l-3-+--------·--p'002n 3432 BSS ~INECT{l) 0030 P002E 0001 ------------------E·~~!O~--~~P~Q~,I~~~'T~· . 0031 12-34 17', 2* 12.6.4 . P r T::) R '. --:t+T S P RB GQ.o, q T ~Ts pP0~qAM _~.J,. . p· ~OPKS ON PRINT~P 174? PROGRAM o .~. ______ "_ ".. ORKS ON \it! p T R -hlC}PK-s-SL~-f-N-~_-l--+4~ __ '___ .__ ..___.. __ " __ ..____ \#../" T~TS P s OG AMO K ON ._.~._._.,.._ .... _~~, __ . _______ ___ ..___.__ PRINT~q P IN~. ~ ~ 1742 1742 Digigrapbics - September 1969 C) 12-35 12.7 12.7 1738/853 DISK The disk is a buffered peripheral device attached to the 1705 Direct Access Bus. All data will be buffered in and out of memory via the 1705 in 16-bit words. The functions will be sent from the A Register and status will be r e c e i v e d in the A Register, necessitating the connection to the A/Q channel. The disk transfers 16-bit data words in 12.8 microseconds. Access time for positioning the head is 165 milliseconds maximum. Cylinder-to-cylinder pos itioning time is 30 milliseconds. The disk has a maximum latency time of 25 milliseconds. Ninety-six 16-bit words may be s tor e d on one sector with 1,536 words on a track and 15,360 words to a cylinder. The 853 disk pack allows a total of 1,536,000 words, while the 854 disk pack has a capacity of ~, 118,080 words. The data format may be summarized in the following: 16 96 16 10 100 203 Bit data words Words to a sector Sectors to a track Tracks to a cylinder Cylinders to an 853 file Cylinders to an 854 file The three interfaces for communications with the 1738 controller are the A/Q channel, DAC (1705) and the CONTROLLER/FILE. The A/Q channel is the interface between the con t roll e r and the programmer. It is via the A/Q channel that the programmer may status the disk and issue functions. The DAC is the interface between the controller and the computer's memory. It is via this channel that the data is transferred. The DAC also provides the 1738 access to the LWA+1 of the programmer's buffer area. CONTROLLER/FILE INTERFACE is used for communications between the controller and the disk. It is through this interface that the con t roll e r informs the disk of the Sector Record Address selected by the programmer. The SEEK operation which positions the read/write heads to the SECTOR RECORD ADDRESS is generated by the controller once the controller receives the desired add res s from the A/Q interface. The controller will issue a SEEK FORWARD or SEEK REVERSE command depending upon the current position of the read/write heads. It does not return to a set address prior to positioning on a new address. 12-36 c 12.7 SIDE VIEW: 850 DISK PACK (6 DISKS) L_ - - - - -- DISK SURFACE 0 C-------DISKSURFACE 1 ------------~---------7-L ______ _ ,------______ _ ~-------;-----------7L-- .-- - - - - --- ----------;-----------TL-______ _ ,------- - - - - ------:--------~.-- - . - - - - - - - DISK SURF ACE 9 -----------~-------~- TOP VIEW: DISK SURF ACE o CYLINDER 00 - - CYLINDER 99 - - 1-----, --SECTOR 15 --SECTOR 0 --SECTOR 1 DIRECTION OF ROTATION 853 contains 100 cylinders; 854 contains 203 cylinders. Figure 29. Disk o 12-37 12.7 Figure 30. Sector Format on Disk ADDRESS \ DATA HEAD GAP I 60 BITS CHECKWORD c Each sector on the disk contains the above information. Note that the 96 16-bit words of data (1536 data bits) are in addition to the other check bits in the sector. 12-38 o 12.7 Figure 31. Data Buffer for Disk r-----------, I LWA + 1 I I FWA-. DATA o LWA-+ FWA-1 must contain LWA+1 of buffer. o 12-39 12.7 ~, l .. The Q Register will contain the address of the disk. Q 15 11 10 0 01 10Jo[0] 7 r '-----v--~ E D I '----v-----' Director Bits Equipment W o 6 5 4 3 2 r010Jolo] W field is zero and E field contains equipment number (set on controller). The setting of the director bits will define the desired operation to the controller. The contents of the A Register will vary according to the director bits. 12.7.1 Disk Functions DISK 'FUNCTION CODES Value Set in Q (Bits 02 - 00) 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Output from A Input to A Director Function Load Address Write Read Compare Checkword Check Write Address Director Status Address Register Status ( ' '-.... __ .. 12.7. 1. 1 Director Bits 001 - Director Functions This setting with an OUT instruction prepares the controller for director functions which are found in the A Register. The functions for the disk may all be sent at the s arne time. 15 10 9 8765432 1 0 1::::::::::::::::::::1 cOde~l. Unit Select Unit Select Release I blear Interrupt Ready & Not Busy Interrupt End of Operation Interrupt Alarm Interrupt 11 The CLEAR INTERRUPT function will clear all selected interrupts allowing the programmer to select the interrupts he des ires. Three interrupts may be selected: NEXT READY AND NOT BUSY STATUS, END OF OPERATION, and ALARM. The NEXT READY AND NOT BUSY interrupt occurs when the 1738 becomes not busy, but still maintains its ready status. This interrupt can be used during an overlap seek. The overlap seek is used when two disks are connected to one controller. The programmer may issue a sector record address for one 12-40 o disk and then issue a sector r e cor d address for the other. The controller will generate a NEXT READY AND NOT BUSY interrupt, if selected by the programmer, when one of the disks reaches the requested addres s. The END OF OPERATION interrupt allows the controller to inform the 1700 when it has completed an operation such as a data transfer. The ALARM INTERRUPT will notify the 1700 that an alarm condition has arisen. There are eight possible alarm conditions; not ready, checkword error, lost data, seek error, address error, defective track, storage parity error, and protect fault. The RELEASE function allows an unprotected program to use the disk even though the protect s wit chon the disk is still set. A protected program must issue the release function. The next time a protected program accesses the disk, the disk will become protected and must again be reI e as e d before the disk will become accessible to an unprotected program. The UNIT SELECT and UNIT SELECT CODE will always be zero unless two disks are connected to the 1738. Bit 8 is the UNIT SELECT bit which informs the controller that the pro g ram will select unit 0 or unit 1. Bit 9 indicates which unit bit 8 wishes to select. If bit 9 is a 0, unit 0 is s e 1 e c ted; if it is a 1, unit 1 is selected. The controller ignores bit 9 unless hit 8 is set. o Director Bits 010 - Sector Record Address This director code in the Q Register with an OUT instruction will send the SEC TOR RECORD ADDRESS from the A Register to the controller. Once the controller receives the address, it in it i ate s the seek operation. The SEC TOR RECORD ADDRESS will be in the following format: ~ 15 AI ______c_Y_L_I_ND __E_R ________ 8 7 4 3 o ~___H_E_A_D____~__S_E_C_T_O__R~ 12.7. 1. 3 Director Bits 011 - WRITE The WRITE function code requests the controller to pre par e to read data from memory and write it on the disk. P rio r to this function, the programmer must send the SECTOR RECORD ADDRESS to the controller. The controller expects to find the first word address minus 1 (FWA-1) of the buffer area in the A Register when the write function is re c e i v e d. The controller goes into memory via the DAC to the FWA-1 at which location he extracts the last word address plus 1 (LWA+1). The controller keeps the LWA+1 and updates the FWA-1 until the two are equal at which point the write 0 per at ion is complete. Prior to issuing the WRITE function, the SECTOR RECORD ADDRESS must be sent to the controller and the LWA+1 of the buffer area must be at the FWA-1. 12-41 12.7. 1.4 Director Bits 100 - READ The READ function code follows the same programming procedure as the WRITE function. The d iff ere nc e being the disk reads data into memory rather than w r it in g data on the disk. An unprotected program may READ from a protected disk without generating a protect FAULT, howe v e r, if an unprotected program attempts to w r it e on a protected disk, a protect fault will occur. An alarm interrupt will be generated if previously seJected. Director Bits 101 - COMPARE The COMPARE function code follows the same programming pro c e d u r e as the READ and WRITE function codes. The COMPARE function causes the controller to read data from the computer's memory and compare it with the data stored on the disk. If at any time during the compare, one word does not compare, the NO COMPARE s tat us bit will be set. This function provides an extra check on the validity of the data transferred. 12.7. 1.6 Other Director Functions The remaining director functions (CHECKWORD CHECK and WRITE ADDRESS) are used by the customer engineers for maintenance work. 12.7.2 Disk Status 12.7. 2. 1 Director Status D = 001 accompanied by INP instruction, will request the 1738 to send status to the A Register. 15 14 13 12 11 10 A I:~{{~ Protect Fault I I I 1 11 9 8 Storage Parity Error Defective Track Address Error Seek Error Lost Data Checkword Error 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I I heady Busy Interrupt On Cylinder End of Operation Alarm No Compare Protected 11 c 12-42 The READY s tat us indicates that the unit is available. The BUSY bit indicates that the controller and/or the drive unit is presently involved in the performance of an operation. This bit is set with the acceptance of a LOAD ADDRESS, WRITE, READ, COMPARE, CHECKWORD CHECK, or WRITE ADDRESS function. At the completion of the function which set the BUSY status, the status will be cleared and the disk will become NOT BUSY. Once the disk is NOT BUSY, a new function may be issued. The INTERRUPT bit acknowledges that an interrupt has occurred. Further examination of A will determine which of the three selected interrupts was generated; bit 4 (EOP) and bit 5 (ALARM). If neither bit 4 nor bit 5 is set, the programmer should check bits 0 and 1 for READY and NOT BUSY. If the alarm bit is set, the programmer must evaluate A further to determine which of the eight alarm conditions caused the interrupt. The ON C Y LIND E R status, bit 3, is set when the READ/WRITE heads have rea c h e d the SECTOR RECORD ADDRESS initially sent to the controller via the A/Q channel. Address Register Status o The D=010 Q setting accompanied by an INP instruction will direct the controller to return the cur r e n t sector record address of the disk to the A Register, the location at which the READ/WRITE heads are currently positioned. It will be in the same format as described in the Address Function. c) 12-43 12.7.3 12. 7 • 3 Disk Sample Programs .0001 N.A'" OISK . OOO? ----'---+-EN-~I~----------- ------- -------------0003 POOOO conn DISK LOA =XL~~'P() LWA+1 IN 'A' PODOl OOQ2 D ~4-~2-f,-A{H}--------------S-T-A---F\-/w)---------'-----' P0003 OO?E 0005 P0004 DAOO RAO LWA+ 1 AT FWA-1 FLAG UPDATE FLAG FOR LOOf ----.--- -_.----- -. --- =N$0181 EQUIP 3, FUNCTION --~F-'~-&e--l-+-----------------------' 0006 POOOA EOOO PO'007 0 UH LDQ 00~8 P0009 03FE _0009 POOOl\ -EOOO nUT LnQ 0007 ~~------~-------ENA--$-~H)-&2-------'- ----------CLR· INT ZAP --~pfrjO(H}~*R-?-- ' 0010 poooe OAIO 0011 Pooon nlFE -1 =N$01A2· fNA ~OOlO OUT -1 EQUIP 3, LOAD ADDRESS -------- ----CYL 0, HEAD 1, SECTOR -{}&-l-2--P{l-O-oE--E-DtH)--·------tGfi}----~N_$_O I-B-l-- POOOF 0181 0013 POOIO OBOO 0 . ---------EQUIP 3, STA;TUS NOP --s-:fAr+T--HHIdtJPL..--+l- -&Ol4 POOll f)2FE 0015 POOl? OFCC 0016 POOl) 0111 --{)-&l--7-.tJ-fH)--l-4----lA.F-Co0 .1 8 POOl SIC 0 0 0019 P0016 0000 -{H) 2 0 1-' (l 0 17 00 19 oa21 PO a 1 8 0 0 ? A 00?2 POOIQ COOO ------- POOlA n031- 0023 P0018 EOOO --STATUS IN A ON CYL SA~ SKIP WHEN ON CYL -----------------d!..4P-*-- ·-s TA--T -- - ------- -----WAIT t-J U"'1 $ 1 COO . JMP (0) FLAA 0 0 D --Af)-<>------w-R+TF--G(} WRITE P A0 C READ GO READ II/RITE LDA =XF',IMO FWA-1 IN A p--------------------- --.-------------------------- ---. LOQ =N$0183 EQUIP 3, WRITE ALS 12 1 h_ - P001C 0183 -{H}-?-4--P-{HHtT-:-f)~- OO?5 POOlE 03FE 0026 POOIF FOOO NO P nUT xx -1 LOQ =N$OI81 ~---_ --fJf}-020----0'1 ~H------------ -----. ----------.-----: -- - -- -----, 0027 P0021 .OBOO .' MOP OO?8 P002? O?FE LOOP INP - I . EQUI P 3, STATUS STATUS IN 'A' FOR END OF OP 0030 20024 0 131 SA~'" 1 SKIP WHEN COMP .0031 P002S lAFC JMP* LOOP WAIT -O-&-~fl02-6---{)-on~---------S~5---O---::...---~----- ----- '-STOP TO ZERO:BUF FROM CONSOLE 0033 P0027 DAOO RAO FLAG ADD 1 FLAG READ ~?4--?-{)&2-=t__f)_f"_€_B__-----------_A_l-5----11---·------------CH P0028 FFED ~·O~-O~3*4~p~o~e~2~q~lA~F~_O~--------~2~:A*P~----- 0035 P002~ cnno READ LDA =XFWMO --eeNTlNUE-;---READ - --- --- ----- FWA-1 IN A P002R 0031 0 003 6P-&fl2C--EfHH)--d---' -------l-M--zN$-O-l-84-------- --EQUI-F-- -3 -, -READ P002D OI~4 -,0037' P002F." OBOO _ NOP r~'~R1-~Frg"lf~+-4~.1-f~H~h-~LF~~~~~;F~+-~-----·-t3-Jt-~H~-*-x-+~------G-O-S-T-li-TUS-FOR-END-·-OF- OP --875 FWMOC}) \.:_ Q42 . POQ92 0001 BZS JIl043' ; - - - ; - END LWPO (1) DISK 'ri040 P003' QOOI ~<:", '>'-" ' ., ;- -----t-Bt-JlZ~S.-----t-FWA-(~6_~---- --- -------,--- ; 12-44 c C,- 1 12.7.3 ~::Q.QQ:,l;:,X:,.,:>, ,' .' c"~c~~'"'cc' ;;eeo2Pooorj-[(HlO NA~1 LOo. START DISK -N$OIBI POOOI 0181 10003 POOO? 0844 CLR A EQUIP 3, FUNCTION INITIALIZE INDEX -I,,:p+f,O~:9ht.i't.,..,.,-Pr-A-.OA-;~O~P~,.-fo6.w;0~r+-r-----,-,----~Sr - A , - - - - - I I f - - - - - - [;9.:~:?5'<,eRoqf4:, COQO: /;~6~(N)6;;~g·g ,~,.~.: '~.g.~.~ .; ;0001 P0007 03FE i0008 ?OOOA EOOO ~"" .... ·;·P0009 0182 ' LOA , . pJOP JUT -1 LDP =N$0182 SECTOR RECORD ADDRESS LOA =N$460 CYL4,HEAD 6, SECTOR 0 NOP OUT LOQ -1 !;'Qttl'~,;'>e.O~():J9:5Q,eJl.O NOP INP r:ooiS'POOl:? 'OF43 ARS AND ItQOlit-::'.8.P9J}.' 02FE>JES.Ti' .,';' 1'~'~'~:7':g~i: I ::gb p POQ LA 003C ..... , f ) COOO ',;,f*O.91P'QgpQ P -----,--,--------- =N$0002, CLEAR INTERRUPI'S =N$0181 ,~1 3 EQUIP 3, STATUS STATUS'IN A CHECK ON CYI.. =XMSK STA BUF-l STORE AT FWA-l LOA -XBUF 1 LOAD -l--A-t-FWA-...-f: L O Q E Q U I P 3, WRITE ;:POOID EOOO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~J_'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _~_ 1'0023 P001F P024 P0020 NOP OUT-l b.IHi~r--,-p-A-A-~-:-FlHHl---::--,------,-~---,--4--I-H-Q;;~---'----'---lC~~~~$IifOHl-+'8Hl~-~EQU-IF~-~3,-Sr-lcTA~A..T+UHiS~---------,--- TEST2;· IN A CK END OF OP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--&fATUS 0028 P002S ,0029 P0026 k:+~9R27 .ARS 4 AND =XMSK ZERO :'.TEST2 . ,'0033 P002R 6900 i P002C 0028 STA BUF,I SAIv1 READ JMP ZERO ,SKIP WHEN COMPLETE ,CONTINUE WAITING BUFFER AREA I c. j0031 P0031 0132 10038 P003? 1800 I . .... P0033 C(F6 ... r;'Q()·.~·? . . .•. 0 .3•.':+. . . . O.() p•.O RE,4D ['00 4(»PQ 9:35'; E 0 00 c---c~---, _ _ b. . PtHl36 f) 1 A2' ' .. '-'~.-'-.\.-" PP. IF COM SKIP CONTINUE ZERO UNTIL COMPLETE ",.: SLS ·LOQ. =N$0182· 12-45 -------. STOP TO CKBUFFER EQUIP 3, LOAD ADDR 12.7.3 0042 P0039 0800 0043 Pf)03A 03FE POO.3~ EOOO f'003C 0.181 P003D 08QO... " ;3S,q 2Ft: fJ003F OF43 Aoon POO~+l .. OOOl ·0049' P()042 ,01··11··.····· 0050 P004318F7 PEADl 0051 DOO 44 C'l(H} P004S 0056 "';1 NOP INP -I TES ~' P0040 NOP OUT CK 'ON CYL ARS 3 AND =XMSK SAN· "READ1 SKIP·0047 0184 NOP . 0053 POQ480BnU 0054 P0049 03FE l-=-----tt-o 55 PO 0 4~ F 0 0 9 ~004P 0181 I 0056 P004C oRn6 1t' 057 ? 0 0 l~ C) 0 2F E 0058 P004E OF44 OUT' I I TEST4 LOg NOP INP 'AND \:>0050 OOPl 0060 ~0051 0111 SAN lRF7 -1 STP..TUS IN. A CKEND,OP <4 =XMSK ARS~ 0059 P004F A'OOO OO~l '~005? NS0181 JMP* SKIP WHEN COMP . EXIT TEST4, '.- --..;')·1)42··-;2.0-0 S ;l're---1:0+-\:OH.('++, " O,l----r.:~:-.IIXr-:l:I-l-T--~S-b.-5~--START . 0063°0054. 1800 JMP PO OS5 FFA-,o. WAIT - STOP 'BEGIN AGAIN . __~----~n~O:HO~lr-~----~--~E~Q~'J~----~~~S~K~(H-IH)~~----~~~~~~~ '0065 . OOA6 000S~ (lOAr) EQI) COlJNT(96) ~n01 ASS (1) ,-:--~61--AH1-5-=7---l}(}-64---~----.--------+»c;:;!..r-:---·-B-Y-F--+.Q.6r-t-)-------:----:-----,-----:---:-----' 0068 END 12-46 o Address Tag Program Write Addresses: Every new disk pack has to have addresses written on it before it can be used for data storage. Each sector must have an address tag. The hardware address tag switch and the write' address function code are for writing the addresses. The following program could be used to write tags. NAM * * * WRITE ADDRESS TAGS * TURN ADDR TAG SWITCH ON * DISK IS EQUIP 3 FOR 854 CHANGE CYL EQU TO $CB * TAGS o LOOP EXIT EQU ENT 0 LDA LDQ Nap OUT INQ ENA OUT INQ Nap OUT INQ ENA OUT INQ Nap INP EaR SAZ Nap INP JMP* SLS JMP* END * * * EQUIP($0182) , CYL($64) TAGS 0 =N$0102 *SEL UNIT 0, CLRINT =XEQUIP-1 *DIR FUNC -1 1 0 -1 5 *WRITE TAG FUNC 111 -1 -6 0 -1 1 *DUMMY DIR FUNC 001 *LAZY MAN'S BUSY CK *F ALLS THRU WHEN BUSY *LOAD ADDR FUNC 010 *SEEK FUNC 010 *ADDRESS 0000 -1 =XCYL EXIT *NEXT ADDR IN A *FINISHED? -1 LOOP *GET NEXT ADDR BACK TAGS+1 12-47 *STOP *GO DO IT AGAIN Usually the program to write tags is keyed in from the console rather than run in assembly language. Therefore, it would be desirable to s h 0 r ten the program. Error checks can be eli min ate d if the hardware is functioning properly. The following code is used by the customer engineers: EOOO 0182 02FE OD05 03FE ODF9 OAOO 03FE 18 F7 Decode the program and see what it does. A master clear sets the disk at address 0000 to begin. The program will stop on alarm when it is finished and is attempting to write an address beyond the last cylinder (on an 853 or 854). 12. 7 • 4 Problem Write apr 0 g ram to write zeroes on the entire disk pack after the new address tags have been written. Include error checks. 12.8 1751 DRUM CONTROLLER The 1751 Drum Controller interfaces with drums ranging in size from 65,536 10 words to 8,388,508 10 words. The drum word size is 20 hits composed of 16 data bits, 1 parity bit (odd), 1 protect hit and 2 spacing bits. o 19 18 17 16 15 DRUM WORD I I II I DATA BITS ~lc~g 1 tarity Protect The transfer rate for one word is 8 microseconds. All data transfers to and from the 1700 are via the DAC. The access time for the drum is 8 milliseconds, with a maximum of 16 milliseconds. The Q Register will be in the following format when addressing the 1751. Q 7 11 10 15 W=O E ································1 :::::::::::::8·:::::::::::::::: :=:::::=:::=::::::::::::::::::::: 1 12-48 o 3 D C' C) 12.S The D portion of Q determines the type of information be in g sent or received in the A Register. The INP and OUT instructions, accompanied by the Q setting, con t r 0 1 the information flow to A (INP) and from A (OUT). Figure 32. Interim Drum Interface Codes ~ C\1 M 000 0 0 DESCRIPTION 1700 I/O (§(§(§ (§ Write x x x 1 Director function AO = Not used A1 = 1 Clear Interrupt A2 = Not used A3 = 1 End of Operation Interrupt Request Write 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1 1 b 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Initiate Operation ab = 00 Write Data From Core ab = 01 Write Zeros ab = 10 Read Data to Core ab = 11 Check Parity on Drum Write 1 1 1 1 1 a 0 0 1 1 b 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Load Address Register ab = 00 Track ab = 01 Initial Sector ab = 10 Initial Core ab = 11 Final Core Read x x 0 1 o Director Status I Ao = 1 Ready A1 = 1 Busy A2 = 1 Interrupt A3 =. Not used A4 = 1 End of Operation A5 = 1 Not used A6 = 1 Lost Data A7 = 1 Protected AS = 1 Parity Error A9 = 1 Not used A = 1 Guarded Address 10 All = 1 Timing Track Error x x 1 1 Director Status II Sector Address AO - All () 12-49 12.8.1 12.8.1 Drum Functions When the D portion equals 0001 2 accompanied by an OUT instruction, the A Register must be preset. The setting of A determines the function or functions to be sent to the 1751. A 1~~~~~~{}}}}}{}{{~~{}{}{{}{}~~}{}}f~~~~~~~~~))~~J 3 1 i k~{~ 1 1 I~r~tl blears Interrupt EOP Interrupt The Clear Interrupt bit clears the in t err up t. The EOP INT (End of Operation Interrupt) takes precedence overthe CLR INT. When the EOP bit is set, the 1751 will g e n era t e an interrupt when it has completed an operation. The remaining bits in A are not used, therefore, they should be set to zeros. When programming the drum the programmer first clears interrupts. If writing in iilterrupt mode, he should also select the EOP interrupt. LDQ ENA OUT =N$0101 $OOOA -1 EQUIP 2, DRUM FUNC CLR INT, SEL EOP OUTPUT FUNCTION C~ Once the interrupts have been cleared and res elected, the programmer must tell the controller the first word address (FWA) of his buffer area in core memory, as well as the last word address (LWA) of the core memory buffer. This is accomplished by two D settings: D = 1100 2 denotes FWA, D = 1110 2 indicates the last word add res s. These settings are accompanied by an OUT instruction with the address preset in the A Register. LDQ LDA NOP OUT LDQ LDA NOP OUT =N$010C =XFWA EQUIP 2, FWA A=FWA -1 OUTPUT ADDRESS =N$010E =XLWA EQUIP 2, LWA A=LWA -1 OUTPUT ADDRESS The controller then knows the area and length of the computer buffer area. Once the con t roll e r knows the memory limits, the programmer must give the drum area by sending the beginning track address and sector address. Both are sent from the lower 12 bits of the A Register. The D portion of the Q Register distinguishes be tw e e n sector and track add res s: D = 1000 indicates TRACK, 2 r-'" '\.. 12-50 ... ' C) 12.8.1 D = 10102 specifies sector. The programmer may select anyone of 409610 tracks. (Note: Not all s y s t ems have the maximum number of tracks, therefore, check your configuration.) The programmer may select one of 2048 10 sectors. (A sector is the drum address of a word within a track.) LDQ ENA OUT =N$0108 $0004 -1 EQUIP 2, TRACK ADDR TRACK 4 OUTPUT TRACK NUMBER LDQ ENA OUT =N$010A 0 -1 EQUIP 2, SECTOR ADDR SECTOR 0 OUTPUT SECTOR NUMBER The controller now knows the core memory and drum memory to be used for an operation. The programmer must now specify one of four operations. The operations are also indicated by the D setting of the Q Register in conjunction with an OUT instruction. The four operations are as follows: D = 0000 D = 0010 o D = 0100 D = 0110 2 initiates a w r i t e operation. This write operation instructs the 1751 to write data on the drum from core memory. 2 instructs the 1751 to write zeros on the designated drum area. No data is transferred from memory. 2 initiates a read 0 per at ion. The read operation transfers data from the drum to core memory. 2 initiates a check operation. The check 0 per a t ion causes the designated drum area to be read and checked for parity err 0 r s without any transfer of data into core memory. LDQ Nap OUT LDQ NOP OUT LDQ Nap OUT LDQ Nap OUT =N$0100 EQUIP 2, WRITE -1 INITIA TE WRITE =N$0102 EQUIP 2, WRITE ZEROS -1 INITIA TE ZERO WRITE =N$0104 EQUIP 2, READ -1 INITIA TE READ =N$0106 EQUIP 2, CHECK -1 INITIATE CHECK 0 12-51 C~ 12.8.1 The d rum at this point will be in the process of performing an operation. If the END OF OPERATION interrupt were selected, the 1751 will generate an interrupt when the operation is completed. 12. 8. 2 Drum Status The programmer may take status while the operation is being performed in order to monitor the progress of the operation. He may also take status again at the end of the operation to verify an error free operation. 12. 8.2. 1 Director Status I status may be requested by a D setting of 0001 2 accompanied by an INP instruction. The status will be brought into the A Register. LDQ NOP INP 15 14 13 12 11 10 ! =N$OlOl EQUIP 2, DffiECTOR STATUS -1 BRINGS STATUS INTO A 987 Ir:::mI 654 3 2 1 0 + INT t + Ready 111 11 kmm 1tIIl1 11 11 I + Parity Error 1+ Lost Data + EOP c Busy Protected A 1 in the corresponding bit indicates that the stated status exists. For example, a 1 in bit 11 indicates a timing track error. Timing Track Error Bit 11 is an error in the timing track which insinuates a hardware problem. The programmer should attempt the 0 per a t ion three or four times before accepting the status as a hardware failure. Guarded Address Bit 10 indicates that a core to drum transfer was attempted to a track with an address lower than the one set on the track protect switch. Parity Error Bit 8 indicates that the parity was not odd, i. e., it did not have an odd number of one bits in the word. 12-52 c Protect Bit 7 indicates that the protect switch on the drum has been set. Lost Data Bit 6 in d i cat e s that data was not transferred from the controller's holding register before new data was read into the register. EOP Bit 4 notifies the programmer that an operation has been completed. Interrupt Bit 2 indicates that an interrupt has been generated by the 1751. Busy Bit 1 ind i cat e s that the 1751 is in the process of performing an operation. Ready o Bit 0 indicates that the controller is in a ready state. Director Status II The programmer may also request the 1751 to send the current sector address of the drum to the lower 12 bits of the A Register.. This is accomplished by setting D = 0011 and executing an INP instruction. 2 LDQ =N$0103 EQUIP 2, SECTOR STATUS NOP -1 INP INPUT SECTOR ADDRESS 12.8.3 Programming the Drum In summary, the programmer must first clear interrupts and select desired interrupts. Once this has been issued, the programmer notifies the 1751 of the first word address and the last'word add res s of core memory. Then, he must send the track and sector addresses of the drum. Finally, he specifies the operation to be performed. Status may be taken d uri n g the operation to monitor the progress and should be taken at the end of the operation to confirm that the operation was performed correctly. o When data is being written on or read from the drum, the track address is automatically incremented when the sector address overflows to the next track. 12-53 12.8.3 Also, the Write Zeros and Check Parity functions operate on a specified area of the drum. Since only a beginning track and sec tor address were specified, the core address must be sent also to indicate the number of words, even though the data in core is not involved in those operations. Example: The following is a test program for the drum. It writes 100 words from a buffer beginning at FWA, on the drum beginning at track 4, sector o. It then checks drum parity on the data written and reads it back in. To operate the program, the initial buffer should be set to all one bits from the console. The STOP switch should be set, and the program will stop before the Read. The buffer should then be cleared from the console. By setting the STOP switch again and continuing the RUN, the read will be done and the program will stop. Then the buffer can be swept from the console to see that the data was read. Note that the drum controller must be dialed to equipment #2 and that the drum address registers and memory address reg is t e r s must be reset before each operation. Note also the nifty coding at lines 0026 - 0030 to jump different places on a flag. c c 12-54 c) 12.8.4 12.8.4 Drum Example Program OOOl 0002 OOOJ 120000 0000 0004 POOOI OAOI O()O~ POoo~ b)~II~ ~~lf 0006 POOO3 OA02 0001 P£lO()4 EOOO POOOS 0101 OOOB ~OOO6 OBOO 0009 POO07 03FE OOJO ROOoa COIlO POOO~ 0 C) 00] 1 ROOOA POO08 0012 poooe 0013 POOOO 0014 ROOOI;; POOOF 0015 ROOIO POOll 001~ ROO12 0017 POOl] OOla ~OO14 POOl5 00]9 eOO]6 POO17 0020 POOl~ 0021 POOl9 0022 eOO1{A POO1B 0023 eOOlC POOID 002?:!: eOOlE 0025 POOIF 0026 EO(}2D 0027 POO21 0028 eOO22 0029 POO23 0030 e002!± 0031 P0025 0032 e0026 P0027 0033 eOO28 0034 P0029 0035 EW02A POO28 0036 eOO2C 0037 P0020 0038 e002f 0039 P002F 009:0 EOO3!) 0041 P003l OO{t2 ~OO32 0043 P0033 e0034 O~IIM ~IOM ENT DRUM 0 () FIRST JMP TO WRITE ENA 1 S:J: Ai~ E:L..AG ENA bDO $0002 CLEAR CONTROL -~1$0101 EQYIP 2 I)IR FYNG M08 MEM OUT LOA -1 -~EWA BIIEEEB LOa -~$O]OC EWA(CORE) EIINC l)03E P EOOO OlOC O~OO ~I08 03FE OUT L.OA -1 bDO -~I$O MOR OUT bDA -1 -~1$4 TBACK L OQ =~I$Ol08 XR ACT<: ADDR cuon OOA1 P EOOO OlOE 1)800 03FE Goao A6HH~ 0004 EOOO -~EltJA ±99 1 OE !,W.A I,WA(COBE) EIINC ~IINC 0108 Q~()O ~JQR 03FE rooo 0000 Eono OIOA OUT IDA -1 -~IO SECTOR I DQ -~$O]O~ SECTOR ADDR FUNC O!:H!U ~Ioe 03FE ] CII D 0000 OUT FLAG O{}25 e 0033 P () () '~8 OAOO EOO(l 0100 0800 03FE EOOO 0101 (lBOO 02FE OfCS 0131 lBEC D8EF -1 SlCDO 0 0 ~DC WH I IECHECK ADC e WRITE ~DC HE~D ENA L.D (l 0 -~I$O JMP* CO} WHERE TO JUMP 100 WRITE DATA 10] DIR EIINC ~Ioe SIAr OUT Loa -1 -~I$() ~Ioe INP 5 SAM IMe* RAO* ~I U~H~* IBli5 EOOO 0106 ~IIIM CHECK LDQ -1 ]1 1 SIAI±3 FLAG MEM =N$0106 12-55 INP STATUS CK EOP SKIP ON EOP WAIT ON EOE NEXT JMP GO BEINIXII\LIZE CKPAR E~R ON DRUM (ONLY) 12.8.4 00', i, rOO3S 01300 0045 POO36 03FE 0046 rOe31 181'2 0047 P0038 0000 e OllB POO39 Nor OUT SLS -1 SfAf 0 1::89 ~~!J, ;:H1r~ READ E{HH~ GO 13lAI~ ON EOP CLEAR BUFFER FROM 01 QII REA;g CON~ ~:gNQ POO3A 0104 ggll9 rgg~H QtHHI ~J8P 0050 POO3C 03FE 0051 POQ39 (HHlQ 0052 P003E 0004 0053 OUT Dr~UP1 I Q 0 FF WRITE 0025P STAT -1 S~OP AF~ER 51::5 FWA QOQQP BZS FII/A(100) ~~m 9RbI~4 ~4E~4 002AP CHECK QOQ8P SET BUFFER TO 1 ' ! 0021P AgDr~ 0033P READ RE A;g 0038P FWA 003EP c La Jolla..-September 1968 (' \. -- 12-56 o 12.9 12.9 1731/601 MAGNE TIC TAPE The 1731 magnetic tape con t roll e r is used with 601 tape transports. A maximum of eight 601's may be connected to one 1731. Buffering may be accomplished via the 1706. The 601 is a 7-track t ran s p 0 r t capable of reading or writing at 200 or 556 Bits Per Inch (BPI). The tape is moved at a rate of 37 1/2 inches per second. Reading and writing may be done in either Binary or BCD codes. The 601 accepts six bits of data and generates parity for the 7th bit. The parity will be odd for binary and even for BCD. The data is arranged in groups of records and files. Consecutive frames of information con s tit ute a record. A record may consist of a minimum of one frame. A file is a group of records with the minimum being one record. Lon g it u din a 1 parity (even) is generated on each record and stored four spaces past the last data character. A record gap is 3/4' of unrecorded tap e surface which denotes the end of a record. A BCD 17 8 code is placed six inches from the last record to indicate the end of a file. C) Each time a character is written by a 601, it transfers the character to the 1731 which checks the parity. If the parity is inc 0 r r e c t, the Parity Error status is set and an alarm interrupt is generated. (Note: The alarm interrupt will be generated only if the programmer has selected this interrupt.) The controller also checks for correct parity on a read operation. The Q Register will be in the following format when programming the 1731. 15 11 10 7 6 2 1 0 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: QI,-_~_ _L_~_~I::::::::::~::::::::::·.:~::::::::::~:::::::::::~::::::::::I~D~1 .................................................... The W field will always be zero when going to the 1731. This field will be used for programming the 1706 which will be discussed later. The E specifies the equipment number of a 1731. The equipment number corresponds with a switch selection on the 1731 ranging from 0 to $F. (Check the equipment setting for your site.) The D fie 1 d specifies a command. 12.9.1 D = 00 MT Data This setting specifies a data transfer. A write operation is indicated by an OUT instruction. The write sends the lower six bits of A to the 1731 which generates parity and writes the data and parity on the tape. Whenever the computer breaks the continuity of the character outputs, the controller initiates an End of Record sequence. If no new control functions are iss u e d after the end of record is recorded, tape motion stops. C) An INP instruction with D = 00 denotes a Read 0 per at i 0 D. The read operation transfers data from the tape to the controller. The controller checks parity and 12-57 12.9.1 sends the 6 data bits to the lower 6 bits of the A Register. The 1731 stops sending data to the computer when the computer stops requesting data or when the End of Record is sensed. Tape motion will not terminate except when the End of Record gap is sensed. If the 1731 is connected to the 1706, the data will be buffered into the computer's memory. The lower six bits of each word in the buffer area will con t a in data. The A Register will contain the FWA-1 of the buffer area for both read and write ope rat ion s, therefore, the data transfer will always be initiated with an OUT instruction. The FWA-1 in memory must contain LWA+1 of the buffer area. c 12-58 o 12.9.1 Figure 33. 1731 Functions D COMPUTER INSTRUCTION Input to A Output from A 00 Write Read 01 Control Function Director Status I 10 Unit Select Directo"t' Status II - (A) - Control Function NOT USED ALARM I NTERRUPT REQUEST END OF OPERATION INTERRUPT REQUEST DATA INTERRUPT REQUEST CLEAR INTERRUPT ~ ;LEAR CONTROLLER MOTION CONTROL NOT USED 15 + 11110 I1 j ~ 71 ~~~~----~--5~1-4~13~1-2~11~1~01 6 1 o \ I I Bits 10-7 of A Motion Function 0001 0010 0011 0101 1000 1100 Write Motion Read Motion Backspace Write File Mark Rewind Load Rewind Unload (A) - Unit Select Function NOT USED SELECT TAPE UNIT l 115 121"11019 1 BPI SELEC.T BPI SELECT BPI BINARY BCD [ 0 - 7 SELECT TAPE UNIT DESELECT TAPE UNIT NOT USED, ~ 200 556800 1l i 700514131211101 ,NOT USED 12-59 12.9.2 12. 9.2 MT Functions 12. 9. 2. 1 D = 01 Control Function This D setting, accompanied by an OUT instruction, indicates that the A Register contains control functions. The control function gives the programmer the capability of clearing interrupts, c 1ear in g the controller, selecting interrupts, and establishing motion control. All control functions may be issued together. The pro gr amme r is allowed to select three interrupts: Data, Ala rm and End of Operation. 15 11 10 6 7 543 2 1 0 ktfittl I MotionA....... Co-n-tr--..ol 111 t bLR Controller CLR INT Data INT EOPINT Alarm 0001 Write Motion Sets the write logic in the selected 601. Once the logic is set, a data transfer function must be sent with an OUT instruction in 0 r de r for the data to actually be written on tape. 0010 Read Motion Sets the read logic within the selected 601. A data transfer function must be sent with an INP instruction in order for the data to be transferred to the A Register. 0011 Backspace Causes the 601 to backspace one record. 0101 Write File Mark Write file mark generates six inches of blank tape followed by a 17 8 • When the end of file mark is w r itt e n or read, longitudinal parity is checked. If the controller is in binary mode, a parity error will be generated, as the 17 8 is in BCD mode (even parity). 1000 Rewind Load The rewind controls bring the tape back to the mag net i c load point indicator. The ready status stays up without any manual intervention. 12-60 C 1100 Rewind Unload The rewind load keeps the ready status while the rewind unload causes the 601 to drop ready. 12. 9.2.2 D = 10 Unit Select Function Allows the programmer to select the desired 601, density, and mode, when accompanied by an OUT instruction. The 601 tape units can read at 200 and 556 BPI. The deselect function, bit 11, is used to deselect a protected 601 in order that an unprotected program may "get access to the 1731 to use an unprotected 601. 15 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 j 1 Deselect Tape Unit '---------v---'J Select Tape Unit Tape Unit 0-7 o 1 3 2 1 0 1 tm~~D Bits in A Register Select 800 BPI Select 556 BPI Select 200 BPI The Select Tape Unit, Bit 10, indicates that the unit number in Bits 9-7 is to be the desired unit. If Bits 10 and 11 are not set, the controller ignores Bits 7-9. 12. 9. 3 MT Status D = 01 Status I This D setting brings Director Status I into the A Register when accompanied with an INP instruction. 15 A 13 12 11 10 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~/~~~~I 9 I I til 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 o 12-61 1 0 I I I I I Controller Active File Mark ' Load Point End of Tape Parity Error Protected 2 t 1 1 Ready Busy Interrupt Data End of Operation Alarm Lost Data 1 c D = 10 Status II Director Status II is requested with this D setting on an INP instruction. 15 5 4 3 2 1 o I • 556 BPI 800 BPI 12.9.4 Magnetic Tape Example Programs 12.9.4. 1 . MT Example 1 The following is a test program for a 601 magnetic tape on a 1731 controller. (It could also be used for a 608 tape on a 1732 controller.) The program generates 200 frames of data in the ARe g i s t e r and outputs 1 frame at a time (the lower order 6 bits of A) to the tape unit. The pro g ram then backspaces the tape and reads the data back in, s tor in g it in the buffer DATA. Each frame of data occupies the lower 6 bits of a word in the buffer. The program can be run with the STOP switch set. It will stop when finished, and the buffer can be swept from the console. One cannot "step through" the program because the tape is moving as soon as the first tape motion command is issued. 12-62 C= 0 USEL WRITEMO DATA BACKSP 0 READMO RDDATA STOP DATA NAM LDQ LDA Nap OUT INQ LDA Nap OUT LDA STAINQ LDA Nap OUT RAOLDASAZ JMP* INQ LDA Nap OUT LDA Nap OUT LDA STAINQ Nap INP STA* RAGLDASAZ JMP* SLS BZS END MT601 =N$0382 =N$0494 Q382 EQUIP 7, UNIT SE L UNIT1, 556BPI, BIN -1 -1 =N$81 Q381 MOTION FUNC WRITE MOT, CLR CaNT. -1 =N-200 I -1 =N$FF -1 I I BACKSP DATA+3 1 =N$0180 200 FRAMES Q380 DATA FUNC DATA 3F Q381 MOTION FUNC BACKSPACE -1 =N$0100 READ MOTION -1 =N-200 I -1 Q830 -1 DATA+200, I DATA FUNC STORE DATA I I STOP-*-l RDDATA+1 0 DATA(200) o 12-63 SWEEP BUFFER TO CHECK 12. 9.4.2 MT Example 2 - With Error Checks This test program for magnetic tape is the same as Example 1, with the addition of error checks. Note that the program never hangs in a loop on a reject. NOP OUT -1 Instead it jumps to REJINT for any internal reject or REJEXT for any external reject. Even with no error analysis, note that con side r ably more coding is required just to allow for errors. Also note that the program is con tin u all y waiting for the tape. The program will stop either on normal termination or after a reject. It can be restarted after a reject by simply correcting the error condition and setting the RUN switch. This particular program has been run with the 1706 code set but it is still an unbuffered operation. The site where it was run had their magnetic tapes connected through the 1706, but the Direct Storage Access line was not also connected so operations simply went through the 1706 in unbuffered mode. c C~' 12-64 (j Select lrite /lotion o Status Data Ready? Output Data Busy? 0 0001 0002 POOOO POOOI 0003 POO02 POO03 0004 POO04 0005 POO05 0006 POO06 0007 POO07 0008 POO08 0009 POO09 POOOA 0010 POOOS POOOC 0011 POOOD 0012 POOOE 0013 POOOF 0014 POOIO 0015 P0011 0016 POO12 POO13 0017 POO14 0018 POOlS POO16 0019 POO17 0020 POO18 0021 POO19 0022 POOlA 0023 POOlS 0024 P001C 0025 POOI0 0026 POOlE 0027 POOIF 0028 P0020 P0021 0029 P0022 0030 P0023 0031 P0024 0032 P002S 0033 P0026 0034 P0027 0035 P0028 0036 P0029 0037 P002A P002B 0038 P002C 0039 P002D P002E 0040 P002F 0041 P0030 0042 P0031 0043 POO32 0044 P0033 0045 P0034 P0035 EOOO 1382 COOO 0494 0302 1804 58bA 5861 18F 7 EOOO 13E:H COOO 0081 0302 1804 5861 5858 18F7 COOO FF37 60FF EOOO 1381 0202 1804 5857 S84E 18F9 OFCC 0131 18F6 ODFE COOO OOFF 0305 DOFF COFF 0104 18EE 5849 5840 18E8 EOOO 1381 0205 AOOO 0002 0104 18F9 583F 5836 18F6 EOOO 1381 A A2 NAM LOQ TEST =N$1382 LUA =N$0494 OUT JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LOU 2 LDA =N$OO81 A2 REJINT REJEXT A =N$1381 1706 EQUIP 7 UNIT SEL UNIT 1, %%¢ BPI, BINARY GOOD INTERNAL REJECT EXTERNAL REJECT RETURN AFTER REJECT CONTROL FUNCTION WRITE MOT - CLR CONTROL A4 OUT JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LDA STALDQ I AS INP JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* ALS SAM JMP* INQ LOA 2 ASS REJINT REJEXT AS 12 *+2 AS OUT RAOLDASAL JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LDQ 5 INP AND 5 zN$2 SAl JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LOQ A9-"-1 A7 REJINT REJEXT A7 =N$1381 ASS OUT A7 A9 2 A4 REJINT REJEXT A2 =N-200 =N$1381 -1 =N$FF I I A7-"-1 AS REJINT REJEXT AS =N$138l 12-65 EOR 200 FRAMES DIR STAT 1 STATUS DATA READY? WRITE DATA FUNC 0000 0000 1111 1111 GO STATUS AGAIN FOR DATA READy DIR STATUS 1 CHECK BUSY SKIP WHEN NOT BUSY CONTROL FUNCTION Backspace Busy? Read Motion E-7 Data Ready? Input Data External Reject 0046 P003b P0037 0047 P0038 0048 P0039 0049 POO3A 0050 P003B 0051 P003C 0052 P003D P003E 0053 P003f 0054 P0040 0055 P0041 0056 P0042 0057 P0043 0058 P0044 0059 P0045 0060 P0046 0061 POO4·/ P0048 0062 P0049 0063 P004A 0064 P004B 0065 P004C 0066 P004D 0067 P004E POO4f 0068 POOSO 0069 POOSI POOS2 0070 POOS3 0071 POOS4 0072 POOS5 0073 POOS6 0074 POOS7 0075 POOS8 0076 P0059 0077 POOSA 0078 POOSB 0079 POOSC 0080 POOSO 0081 POOSE POOSF 0082 P0060 0083 P0061 0084 P0062 0085 POO63 0086 P0064 0087 P0065 0088 P0066 0089 P0067 0090 P006B 0091 P0069 P006A 0092 P006B 0093 P006C COOO OIBO 0302 1804 5836 5820 l8f7 EOOO 1381 0202 1804 582f 5826 1801 OfCE 0121 18f6 COOO 0100 0302 1804 5825 S81e 18Ef eooo Ff37 60FF EOOO 1381 0202 1804 5818 5812 18F9 OfCe 0131 18F6 OOFE OAOO 0207 6900 00E2 DOff eOFF 0104 18EO S80e 5803 18EA 0000 0000 EOOO 1381 OBOO 02fE All INP AlII LOA LOA =N$0180 BACKSPACE OUT JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LOQ 2 All REJINT REJEXT A9 =N$1381 DIR STATUS 1 2 JMP* AlII RTJ* REJINT RTJ* REJEXT AlII JMP* 14 ALS *+2 SAP JMP* All =N$0100 A13 OUT JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* LOA 2 A13 REJINT REJEXT All =N-200 STALOQ I A14 A44 A16 REJEXT INP JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* ALS SAM JMP* INQ ENA INP STA =N$1381 2 A44 REJINT REJEXT A14 12 *+2 A14 -1 0 7 OATA+200.1 RAOLOASAZ JMP* RTJ* RTJ* JMP* SLS 0 LOQ 0 =N$1381 NOP INP -1 12-66 C BUSY? SKIP WHEN NOT BUSY SEL READ MOTION STATUS C WAIT FOR DATA READY INPUT DATA STORE DATA NOT ASSEMBLED I I A16-*-1 A14 REJINT REJEXT A14 STOP WHEN THROUGH EXT REJ TAKE STATUS AND STOP C o 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 P006D P006E P006F P0070 P0071 P0072 P0073 P0074 P0075 POO76 P0077 P007B P0079 EBFA 0000 lCF8 0000 EOOO 1381 0800 02FE EBFA D8F9 0000 lCF7 ooca LDQ* SLS JMP* REJINT 0 LDQ NDP INP LDQ* RAD* SLS JMP* BZS REJEXT 0 (REJEXT) 0 -N$13Bl -1 REJINT REJINT 0 (REJINT) DATA(200) END 0 Lockheed - September 1968 o 12-67 RUN TO RETURN INTERNAL REJECT TAKE STATUS AND STOP RUN TO RE TURN DATA BLOCK 12.10 12.10 1732/608-609 MAGNETIC TAPE The 1732 controller for 608 and 609 Magnetic tapes is very similar to the 1731 and can be programmed in identically the same way as the 1731. For that reason, a separate program for the 1732 is not included here. Instead, the 1731 program was run on the 1732/608. The 1732 provides an additional feature which was not available on the 1731: option for selecting assembly/disassembly mode. This means that two frames at a time can be sent to or received from the controller in one OUT or INP (consequently meaning the controller has to be accessed half as often). The controller takes care of assembling or disassembling the frames on the tape. Bit 6 (not used on the 1731) in the function code is used to select this mode. This is especially useful on the 609 (9-track tape) in that two 8-bit frames exactly fit in one 16-bit 1700 word. Repacking the buffer· can be eliminated since a word at a time is sent to the controller. The 609 uses only 800 BPI density, and normal end of files are not used on it. For example: • Load 601 MT program from lockheed (or reassemble with changes). • Clear 1706 code from all Q addresses - MT's are not on 1706 (i. e., change $1382 to $0382) • Change P0003 to: $4D4 for 608 (adds selection of assembly) $4CC for 609 (800 BPI only, assembly) c • Change P0021 to FFFF • Follow operating instructions on 601 program • Output from A will be (in assembly/disassembly): 608 - bits 8-13 and 0-5 Ix X I I I I I I Ix X I I I I I II "----v---J ~ 609 - bits 8-15 and 0-7 v--------I II I I I I I I III I I I I I I I , • Input to A will be: 'V' I\. I 608 100 I I 11100 I II I I II 609 II I I I I III I I I I I I II • The upper bits in A are the first frame; the lower bits are the second frame. 12.11 1706 BUFFER DATA CHANNEL The 1706 is a 16-bit, bid ire c t ion a 1, buffer channel with word transfer rates up to 900 KC (approximately 1. 1 microseconds per 16-bit word). The 1706 buffers data between the computer's memory and a peripheral. The 1706 is capable of buffering as many as eight devices. The 1700 system may have three 1706's attached. 12-68 C· 12.11 The 1706 has no indicators nor control panels, therefore, all operations are initiatad by the computer via the A/Q channel. The 1706 is considered as one of the eight devices attached to the A/Q channel and the DSA channel with each peripheral connected to the 1706 being a substation. Consequently, only one of the 1706's peripherals may be referenced at a time. The program requests direct access to a peripheral via the 1706 to establish the logic. Once the logic has been established, the program requests the 1706 to perform the data transfer. Bits 11-15, the W field, of the Q Register are used to reference the 1706 and to indicate the desired operation. Bits 0:-10 of the Q Register will contain the same bit setting used to reference a particular peripheral when it is not attached to the 1706. 11 10 15 Q W V' I I 7 S E \ D I 'V' Peripheral 1706 o 0 6 It is possible to perform direct I/O on a device connected to the 1706 simply by setting W to 00010 and sending all the codes for the device thru the 1706. (However, normally if a device is on the 1706, it is desired to perform data transfers in a buffered mode by letting the 1706 perform the operations.) 12. 11. 1 1706 Functions The setting of the W field is dependent upon which of the possible three 1706's the program is referencing. There are four settings for each 1706. COMPUTER OPERATION W SETTING* 1706 #3 1706 #2 1706 #1 1. oC 07 2. oD 3. 4. INP OUT 02 Direct Input Direct Output 08 03 Terminate Buffer: Current Addr of 1706 Function oE 09 04 1706 Status Buffered Output of oA 05 1706 Current Addr Buffered Input * The left digit is binary, the right digit is hexadecimal. C) 12-69 12.11.1 The first W setting provides the computer direct access to the peripheral. The peripheral may be requested to send to the A Register a data word or status word. The computer may send to the peripheral a function or data word from the A Register. This mode of operation is identical in every way to that on the A/Q channel. 12.11.2 Programming the Peripheral Through the 1706 The 609 magnetic tape unit shall be used as an example with 1706 number 1. It is neces sary to set up the equipment prior to tell in g the 1706 to do any I/O on the equipment. LDQ =N$1202 DIRECT OUT LDA =N$4CC SEL UNIT 1, ASSEMBLY, SOO BPI, BIN NOP OUT -1 INQ -1 PREPARE FOR TAPE MOTION LDA =N$80 WRITE MOTION c NOP OUT -1 The 609 tape unit has now been functioned. The next step is to function the 1706, requesting it to interrupt the computer when the data transfer is complete. (This is if the 1706 will be operated in interrupt mode.) LDQ =N$1S00 1706 FOR FUNCTION #3 LDA =N$S001 INT ON EOP -1 1706 IS FUNCTIONED NOP OUT The 1706 and the peripheral have both been functioned. The next step is to initiate the I/O operation. At this point the 1706 will take over and do the data transfer. It will now be impossible to directly access the peripheral until the 1706 is finished or becomes hung up. The 1706 expects to find the First Word Address minus one (FWA-1) of the buffer area in the A Register when the I/O operation is in it i ate d. Upon receiving the FWA-1 the 1706 goes into the computer's memory and extracts the Last Word Address plus one (LWA+1) from that location. The 1706 then updates the FWA-1 by 1 until it equals the LWA+1 at which point the data transfer is complete. 12-70 c 12.11.2 0 LDA STA LDQ LDA NOP OUT =XLWA+1 FWA-l =N$2200 =XFWA-1 LAST WORD ADDR + 1 IN A LWA=1 AT FWA-1 BUFFER OUT. EQUIP #4 FWA-l IN A -1 OPERA TION INITIA TED The program at this poi n t may exit and wait for the End of Operation interrupt. Two other alternatives are available: s tat us for End of Operation or status for current address. LDQ =N$2200 STATUS 1706 INP -1 STATUS IN A ALS 11 EOP BIT AT SIGN BIT SAM CMP WHEN SET OP COMPLETE JMP* STAT WAIT UNTIL COMPLETE LDQ =N$2AOO CURRENT ADDR, EQUIP 4 INP -1 CURRENT ADDR IN A SUB =XLWA+l SUBT LWA+l SAZ CMPI ZERO, OPERATION CMP JMP* STADR CONTINUE STATUS FOR ADDR NOP STAT CMP 0 NOP STADR CMP1 12.11.3 1706 Status Once the data transfer is complete, the program may process the data. The program may at any time status the 1706 for the current address and for the 1706 status word. The program may check the status word for the following information. 15 A 10 9 8 7 i o 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ((....-.-r-;"((.~{}-;-;-;-:-}{~}\~\}~:-:-:-:-l{q.-.-------r:"'""r·:-,-,-,--;·:-1 ....... ------rrrrr~..........,...,---r----r-___, [t] 1·········1 1 1 I I,.............,}(............... Device RePl) Device Reset Program Protect Fault 12-71 1 + EOP 1I + Ready Busy Interrupt Note that this is the status of the 1706, not the peripheral. It is not possible to get the status of the peripheral while the 1706 is working on it. Ready (Bit 0 = 1) c This bit is set when power is on. Busy (Bit 1 = 1) This bit is set from the tim e the 1706 accepts an output w 0 r d from the computer initiating a block transfer until the b 10 c k transfer is terminated, or during a direct operation. Interrupt (Bit 2 = 1) A buffer transfer input or output has been completed. Program protect fault (Bit 6=1) --. A reference to computer storage caused a program protect fault. Device Reject (Bit 8 = 1) ---~.. This bit, if set, means the peripheral de vic e rejected the last word transfer attempted from the 1706. Device Reply (Bit 9 = 1) -'----.. This bit, if set, means the peripheral de vic e accepted the last word transfer attempted from the 1706. It is possible for the 1706 to get hung up as it continually rep eat s an attempt to make a data transfer to the peripheral if the peripheral fails. The program may status and find a Device Reject status. If this condition were to arise, the program may terminate the buffer operation. This t e r min a t ion is always necessary when the buffer becomes hung up. When the operation is terminated, the current address is sent to the A Register automatically. LDQ NOP INP =N$1AOO TERMINATE BUFFER, EQUIP 4 -1 CURRENT AD DR IN A 12.11.4 Summary of 1706 In summary, the computer functions the peripheral direct via the 1706. Once the peripheral is functioned, the End of Operation interrupt is requested. The program must have the LWA+1 at the FWA-1 prior to initiating a buffer operation. When the buffer operation is initiated, the FWA-1 is in the A Register and sent to the 1706. The status word of the 1706 may be requested anytime as well as the current address. The program cannot status the per ip her a 1 itself until the operation is completed or terminated. 12-72 c o 12.11.5 12.11.5 1706 Example Program Example: The following is a test program for a 609 magnetic tape on a 1732 controller, operated in buffered mode by the 1706. The program outputs 50 words of data from the buffer beginning at BUF+1, rewinds the tape, and reads the data back in. The buffer should be set to all one bits from the console. Then the program should be operated with the STOP switch set so that the program will stop after writing (to allow the programmer to clear the buffer from the console). After reading, it will stop again where- the buffer can be swept to see the data. o 12-73 12.11.5 OO'H 0002 loog (HlOJ 0004 leuo OOO~ ~I~O 0006 QQg1 OOOR gggq 0010 gQll 0012 0013 ROOOO POOOI 0014- 1=10002 0015 POOO3 001~ QOOO4 POO05 0011 ROOO6 POOO7 0018 ROOO8 0019 POOO9 0()20 POOOA 0021 POOOH 8000C 0022 POOOO 28UO 1281 OA01 03FE gooO 12b2 992~ 8dr~ pggg~ 0024 0025 002p 0021 ROOOt:: / POOIO 002S POOll POO12 0029 ROO13 0030 POO14 0031 800]5 0032 POO16 0033 ROOIZ 0034 PO 0 U:~ 0035 ~OOl~ 0036 POOIA 0031 ~OOIB POOle 0038 8001[1 POOlE 0039 e001E 0040 POO?O OO~] ~OO21 POO?2 00~2 80023 0043 POO24 - - 00~4 ~OO25 00~5 P0026 eOO2-l POO28 0 \};?~Q Mlb09 E;QtJ E;QIJHH C-', MT QIIlOb ($1 01l0) FLJN06($lBOO) 1;i11t::O!) ($2000) RUFIN($2800) ./ DlREC± QU± FUNCTION BtwFER QtJ± GR BUFFER IN 17J2 EQYIP #4 ~;;HW) ~±A±g:~ * :!l:~~+ !:Jy~~g~ +0 Qt>jg,,~ ~RQ~I CQt>JSObE. *SET STOP SWITCH :II: ~O(JO * Ml bOO e;~J A - X0 II I (} 6 + E(lll I e + 1 DIRECT OIlT 1 CL~ CON~~OLLER OUT bOQ -XOlll06±E(JIII e±2 DI~ECX COIlO bOA -tll$4CC 04CC 0800 03FE SEL UNIX 1, ASSEMBL¥, 800 bpi, BINARY OUT -1 BIQ -1 LOA =N$BO -1 ~Ioe oQ~' E; COUO OIlX WRITE MOTION (lOBO 0800 NOP gbl+ 1 goOO 2280 COIlO OOcC P bDO HERE IS WHERE NORMALLY WE SEt EGP Im AN:9 OUTPUT IT -)(BIIE06±EOllle BYFFER GYt bOA -XSIIE ()~OO t:>I08 OUT -1 * * * G3FE IlBOO SIAl 02FE (lECS 0131 OOuo EOOO 12Bl CIIIII) 0400 OI:3I1U 03FE CODA 0100 OBOO 03FE E' 0 (I (I 2A80 COOO (102C P 992G P 0051 P002C OO~F P g8SF P 9052 0053 ~tjGYlJ) ~-lA C' 1 ~oe INP ilLS SAM IMe* SLS LD(l 18£:13 9 9 £1/, P(J·921~ 8H~e 0047 POO?A U3FE 9 g'lf=! P8928 09UlJ 0049 POO2C 0033 995(:) t:>IAM ENT 1;:011 EQU !;:QII EQU LDCI -1 1] i~+2 INPUT STATUS FGR EGP EOP IMPLIES GOOD PARITY ~,\I± SIAl a -XOII!06:tEQllle±] =~1$400 CLEAR BUF FROM CONSOLE DI~EC~ OUI REHIND ~A~E ~IO~ OUT IDA -1 =rJ$)OO READ MOTION I [} (;) -1 -XBIIEHJ+EQI1I2 BIIEEEB IN LDA -l':BIIE EWA-l ~Ioe OUT ~WP BUF OUT SLS RZS ORC ADC -1 9 BlJF(51) OYF BUF+Sl onc~; END 1 CONTROL WORD, SO DAtA wORDS PUT LWA+l IN FWA-l C 12-74 o CHAPTER XIII PERIPHERAL PROGRAMMING - II o II o (' . -.. . CHAPTER XIII - Peripheral Programming II l'l TOPIC ",/ o PAGE 13.0 Introduction 13-1 13.1 Initiator Section of Driver 13-1 13.2 Interrupt from Equipment 13-1 13.3 Common Interrupt Handler 13-3 13.4 Interrupt Line Processor 13-3 13.5 Continuator Section of Driver 13-3 13.6 Error Section of Driver 13-4 13.7 Summary 13-5 13.8 ADSD Bulletin, Number 4 13-7 13.9 Listing of Interrupt Handler 13-12 13.10 Lis ting of Dispatcher 13-13 · \. 13.0 r' . ""\...-) 13. 0 INTRODUCTION The preceding chapter, Peripheral Programming I, discussed in detail the procedures for programming the standard 1700 peripherals. Inefficiency would result if each user program were required to contain the coding necessary to drive a peripheral; therefore, the 0 per a tin g sys tem contains programs that per for m all input/output operations. These programs are referred to as drivers. Drivers are divided into three main parts: initiator, continuator and error. 13.1 INITIATOR SECTION OF DRIVER The initiator portion sets up the logic to be used and initiates the operations to be performed. The paper tape reader shall be used as an example. All of the d r tv e r s are written in interrupt mode. Interrupt mode allows the driver to initiate an operation and select interrupts, exit to the operating system and regain control when the peripheral has completed the operation. LDQ SEL PTR, FUNC =N$A1 ENA 1 CLR CONTROLLER OUT -1 START MOTION, SEL INT ON ENA $34 -1 ALARM OR DATA OUT EXIT TO OPERATING SYSTEM o Via the above coding, the in i t i a tor portion of the paper tape reader has selected the e qui p men t, selected interrupts, and exited to wait for an interrupt. The initiator portion of every driver initiates these three operations. 13.2 INTERRUPT FROM EQUIPMENT The equipment will generate an interrupt when a selected in t err up t condition arises. The aclmowledgement of interrupt is on a priority basis. The priority depends on the setting of the 16-bit mask register. A maximum of 16 interrupt lines may be connected to the 1700, with each line corresponding to a bit in the mask register. 15 14 13 12 11 10 M o Line 13 Line 12 Line 11 Line 10 Line 9 Line 8 13-1 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 13.2 The bit in the corresponding bit position must be a 1 in order for the in t e r ru p t to be aclmowledged. If the bit is a 0, the interrupt holds and is not acknowledged until the bit becomes a 1. Once the bit is set to a 1 in the M regis ter , control is transferred to the interrupt trap region. The trap region is set up to allow four words for each interrupt line. The core locations are always from location 10016 to 13F1 6. See section 1.3 to review the interrupt sys tem. 13F } 13E 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 13D I - - - - - - - - - - - t l3C I - - - - - - - - - - - t LINE 15 Interrupts may be nes ted 16 deep I LINE 1 Four core locations reserved for each interrupt line: (11-- t "ItO ,of e. .... "'" --LO-C-:.- -1,0 ,/ I '10 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 LINE 0 - word word word word 4 - address of interrupt processor 3 - priority level for line 2 - RT J to interrupt handler 1- - overflow and P Figure 34. 1700 Interrupt Hardware and Software Functions Hardware: • Disables interrupts • Stores overflow indicator and P of interrupted program in word 1 • Transfers control to word 2 13-2 c 13.2 Software: • Word 2 contains RTJ to common interrupt handler • Interrupt handler saves registers of interrupted program, sets new mask from priority level in word 3, enables interrupts, and t ran s fer s control to interrupt processor for that line (from address in word 4). • Interrupt processor must exit to the driver con tin u at 0 r which will service the equipment (i. e., input data). • The continuator must exit through the dispatcher to restore the interrupted program. The computer hardware dis a b 1 e s interrupts and stores the contents of the P register in the lower 15 bits of the first trap word for the interrupting line. The hardware sets the upper bit of the firs t word to a 1 if the overflow in die a tor is on and to a 0 if the indicator is off. Control is then passed to the second word. Once con t r 0 I is passed to the second word, the processing is under software control. See Figure 36 for hardware and software functions. 13.3 COMMON INTERRUPT HANDLER o The second word contains a return jump to the common interrupt handler. The common interrupt handler saves the contents of all the per tin e n t registers: A, Q, M, and I. The M regis ter is set to the priority for the interrupting line by using the priority level set in the third word. Interrupts are then enabled by the common in t err u p t handler. The interrupt handler transfers control indirectly t h r 0 ugh the fourth word to the processor for that line. 13. 4 INTERRUPT LINE PROCESSOR The processor for the interrupt line (LYNEI or EPROC) takes status on all equipment on the interrupting line and checks bit 2 of each status word. The processor will be able to determine which peripheral interrupted bee au s e the interrupt bit (bit 2) of the status word will be set. The interrupt pro c e s so r will pass control to the appropriate continuator portion or a driver. 13.5 CONTINUATOR SECTION OF DRIVER The continuator checks the alarm bit to de t e r min e if control should be passed to the error portion of the driver. o 13-3 13.5 LDQ NOP INP STA AND SAZ JMP =N$A1 SEL PTR, STATUS -1 STATUS =N$20 1 ERR STATUS IN A SAVE STATUS CK FOR ALARM IF ZERO CONTINUE IF NOT ZERO ALARM C_ . ~ If the alarm bit were not set the interrupting condition would be processed by the continuator. The continuator checks further to determine which interrupt was generated. The paper tape reader allows the s e Ie c ti on of only two interrupts, alarm and data; therefore, if the alarm bit was not set the data in t err u p t was probably generated. It would be wise to check the data in t err u p t bit and if it is not set, pass control to GI (ghost interrupt) in the error section: LDA AND SAN JMP STATUS =N8 DATA GI Input data if the data bit was set: DATA LDQ NOP INP =N$AO SEL PTR, DATA -1 DATA IN A C The continuator then performs the n e c e s sa r y packing operations to form one 16-bit word. A check is made to determine if all data has been processed. If not, the continuator exits to wait for the next interrupt. SEL PTR, FUNC LDQ =N$A1 INT ON DATA OR ALARM ENA $14 OUT -1 EXIT TO OPERATING SYSTEM The continuator could s imp I y exit without res electing interrupts because the interrupt reques t is s till up if it has not been cleared. 13. 6 ERROR SECTION OF DRIVER The ERROR portion takes s tat us to determine which alarm condition has arisen. Thel error routine then performs the necessary operation to correct the error. If the error cannot be corrected without operator intervention, the operator should be notified. c 13-4 13.6 o LDQ NOP INP ALS SAM ALS SAP ALS SAM JMP =N$A1 SEL PTR, STATUS -1 5 POWOFF 1 PMF 3 LOSTD GI STATUS IN A POWER ON BIT AT 15 The above coding establishes the condition at fault. routines that process the various errors. PAPER MOTION FAIL BIT AT 15 LOST DATA BIT AT 15 IF HERE NO ALARM OCCURRED The skip address sends control to GI is where control is passed for a ghost interrupt. The equipment interrupted but apparently for no reason. This would indicate a hardware malfunction. 13. 7 SUMMARY o The driver can be summarized as follows. The initiator is the first to have control. It selects the e qui pm e n t and selects interrupts, then it exits to the operating system. The continuator gains control via the interrupt trap area after the peripheral generates an in t err up t. It checks for alarm and if one is present, sends control to the error portion. If no error occurred, it maintains control and processes the interrupt. If the operation is not complete the continuator exits to the operating syst~m. The error portion determines which alarm condition occurred and attempts to correct the fault and/or notifies the operator. Figure 35 illustrates the flow of the interrupts through the continuator. It is important to note that the primary purpose of this chapter is to ill u s t rat e tech- niques for programming the h a r d war e in interrupt mode. routines is secondary. The linkage through MSOS The logical division of programming func ti ons into initiator, continuator, and error sections could be utilized to program any peripheral, either in a stand-alone system or under MSOS. The operations to be included in each section are the important consideration here -- what the e qui pm e ntis capable of doing, its timing, and the status of responses it can send. At this point the pro g ram mer should be able to write an interrupt-mode driver which would not run under MSOS. To actually write a driver to run under MSOS, it would be n e c e s s a r y to study all the linkage to MSOS since system tables and common subroutines are used by all the MSOS drivers. Some of the MSOS routines are included at the end of this chapter for illustration. C) 13-5 13.7 Example The following is a test program to print a message on the teletype in interrupt mode. It uses the MSOS Interrupt Handler to save the state of the interrupted program (probably the idle loop) each time the interrupt comes in. It by pas s e s the Line 1 Interrupt Processor (interrupt response routine) and MSOS driver by s tor in g its own address in the fourth word of the interrupt trap for Line 1 (location $107). After the program has been assembled and loaded under MSOS, the computer should be stopped, the protect switch turned off, and P set to the address TTYI; then it should be run. A master clear should not be done because that would disable the interrupt system and clear M. In reality, if a program such as this were used in a stand alone system, it would assure that bit 1 was set in the M register and execute an EIN. It would also have a routine corresponding to the interrupt handler to save the state of an interrupted program. The test routine here simulates the operations on the equipment which would logically be performed by different portions of a driver. 1. TTY! sets up the trap. 2. INIT is the initiator to set up the equipment. terrupt. 3. CONT is the continuator and it outputs a character each time the interrupt comes in. It also must keep track of the number of words des ire d to be written. It hangs at CMPLET when finished. An MSOS d r i v e r would schedule the programmer's completion address when his request was finished. 4. ERR. The error section a n a I y z e s errors. It hangs in the test r error, but in MSOS it would attempt to correct the error. 5. The TABLES used by the routine contain information which is used by the driver for the write; they simulate a physical device table. 6. INTRES. The interrupt response routine is actually not a part of the driver. It must status each device on the line to see which one interrupted. Our example only checks the TTY. 13"':'6 It then exits and waits for the first in- 0 uti neon each c 13.7 o 0001 0002 0003 NAM TTY EQU ENT ADISP($EA) TTYI.CON1,ERR,INTRES INTE~kUPT MODE * LOAU THE PkOGRAM UNO~R MSOS - TURN OFF PROTECT SWITCH * rUHN OfF DISC - LJO NOT MASTER CLEAR - SET P AND RUN ·0004 UOt:.A 0005 0006 PuOOO 0001 puOOl PU002 0008 P0003 'PU004 OUuO TTYl CUVU UOJA P 0 U LDA =XINIRES LOQ* ENA OUT LOA TTY SUHSTITUET INTRES IN TRAP b400 0107 0009 0010 0011 POOO~ r:8JU . 0 0'1 2 PO 0 0 bOA 0 J 0013 P0007 03FE -~fOT4· '-PO 00 e co 0 0 POOOY ulOO INIT -0015 POOOA 0800 NOP OUT INQ NOP OUT INQ ENA OUT JMP- 0016 PUOOt:5 OJFE OU17 poooe 0D~'E 0018 POOOLJ GbDO n "0 19'"' PO 0 0 E 0 3 F E o 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 POOOF POOIO POO 11 P0012 0001 OAl403f E 141:..A 3 -1 INITIATOR GET TTY FUNC CODE CL~ CONTROL CLR INTERRUPT =N$100 SELECT WRITE MOOE -1 -1 CHANGE TO DATA FUNCTION -1 1 ~14 OUTPUT DUMMY CHARACTER SEND FUNCTION SEL INTERRUPT ALARM OR DATI -1 (AOISP) GO wAIT FO~ INT * '0"0·25 0026 POOIJ 0027 P0014 0028 POOlS 0029' P0016 0030 POOl7 "0 n3 1'" P 0 0 1 a ulel 1817 UFC2 a1 J 1 0032 POOIY Id~l ce~S * CONT UrCA '0033 P001A CCOO OK DATA CONTINUAI0~ LOA* ALS SAP JMP* ALS SAM JMP* LDA STAT 10 OK-*-1 ERR GET STATUS BACK CK ALARM BIT 5 2 ALARM UP CK DATA 8IT 3 DATA GI (FWA) NOT ALARM OR DATA GET DATA P0018 uU1H GET CHAR FLAG 8 UPPER CHAR FLAG OUTPUT FLAG FWA TTY CLR FLAG FOR LOWER NEXT GO OUTPUT DATA SET FLAG FOR UPPER NEXT UPDATE HUFfER ADDR -1 DATA fUNC -1 OUTPUT 1 CHAR LAST WORD YET LDQ* SQZ ALS ENQ o 0038 P0020 4819 5TQ* JMP* RAO* RAO* LDQ* INQ NOP OUT LDA* EOt<* 0039 P0021 1803 -UO'40' PO 0 22 081 I 0041 P0023 lJe13 -OO-liZ PO 0 24 E811 0043 P002S OI)~E 0044 P0026 0800 LOwER OU1PUT 0045 P0027 U3fE 0046 P0028 C80E 0047 pa02'i beOE -on 0'48 PO 0 2 A C) FLAG LOWER '0034 POD'le E81D 0035 POOlO U144 "0'030" PO OlE OFCB 0037 POOlf UCOU 0 10 1 004Y POU21j lltt.A 0050 P002C 18FF CMPLET OOSl * SAl JMPNUM FWA LwA CMPLET (ADISP) !i>ldFF 13-7 GO AWAIT NEXT INT HANG WHEN FI~IShED 1.3.7 Ekk "O(rS5 -p'o 6-2 E .UF t S 00S6 0057 0058 0059 0060 POOet'POOJO P0031 POOJ2 P0033 "'o-ob-C p'o '034' 0062 0131 ItjrF UFC'+ 01el lefF 1 eO C ERkOR SECTION FINU CAUSE OF ERROR LDA* ALS SAM NUM ALS SAP NUM JMP* STAT S 1 ~18FF '+ 1 ~ltjFF Gl * 0064 * -era 65-- P 603 S' U() ';I i T T Y 00b6 P003b 00'+1 P FWA 'ou6-,+ P LwA 0068 P003ti 0001 -O~69 P0039 OOUI STAT 0070 * 0072 * NUM ADC AOC BLS BZS $91 BUF BUF+35 STAT(1) FLAG(1) * --0071------··· - 0 0 7 j--po 0'"3 A"Eti VA- . I NT RI::: S CK MUTOR aNN - MOTOk OFF HANG HERE Ct<. LOST DATA - LOST DATA HANG HERE NO EkROI-< APPARENT ••• TA~LES (PHYSTB) USEU BY URIVER TTY FUNe CODE CUkRENT 8UFFER ADDRESS LWA+l STATUS wORD INTtRRUPl I- S • Absolutize on lun S (disk scratch) IN - - - - - - Absolutize in 96-word blocks for disk *P,F L,16 FAILED Printer failed ACTION RP L,02 FAILED Out of tape. Complete absolutizing ACTION CU .. E * IN Unpatched externals (unnecessary modules were taken out of sys. ini.) - ignore • *K,IS IN Input now on S -*N~ -I,Q4- IN *N,SYSINI" ,B .•- - - - - - File SYSINI, binary, placed in pgm. lib. IN l~·rn .... • - - - - Input now on lun 2 PTR (GETSI) IN 4 ~---- *L,GETSI LOS Put GETSI in pgm. lib. in reI. bin. form IN *z J *p J *SI J SI IN SI *1,1 .. Sign off LIBEDT CHECK IT OUT ..• Turn off protect switch here! ....- - - - - - Call in GETSI • • • GETSI gets SYSINI and types SI IN System initializer types SI Begin initialization! Q *V *Y, QQTEST, 2, QQQ8AB, 3, QQSPAC, 4 *YM, LOADSD. 1, JOBENT, 2, JOB PRO, 3, JPLOAD, 4 *YM, JPST, 5, JPCHGE, 6, JBKILL, 7, JPT13, S *YM, RCOVER, 9, LIBEDT, 10, MODI, 11, MOD2, 12 *YM, MOD3, 13, BRKPT, 14, RESTOR, 15, MOD4, 16 *YM, DEBUG, 17, DSUTIL, lS, TYPEID, 19, DSTART, 20, RSTART, 21 *YM, QQFMTl, 22, QQCOM, 23, QQANAB, 24, QQUTLl, 25 etc. 14-6 14.4 14.4 TRANSFERRING RECORDS In this example, LIBEDT was used to t r an s fer a card image from the card reader to paper tape. The *T image in the example was then a t t a c h e d to the end of a series of paper tape programs being loaded, to cause the loader to end loading. o o 14-7 14.4 TRANSFER RECORDS FROM ONE LUN TO ANOTHER LIBEDT *T (*T option is used to transfer reI. bin. pap e r tapes which are SI input to high portion of disk so that disk input may be made to SI.) *z J *p J *LIBEDT LIB IN *T,12,A,11,A,1 IN Transfer from LUN 12 (CR), ASCII mode, to LUN 11 (PTP), ASCII mode, one record (1 card) c 14-8 14.5 o 14.5 ABSOLUTIZING AND LINKING SUBPROGRAMS Next, LIBEDT was used to build a utopia system. This involves loading, absolutizing, and linking a series of relocatable binary paper tapes. Only the routines applicable to the particular configuration were included. The new utopia in core can then be used to punch out an absolute paper tape image of itself. o 14-9 14.5, BUILD UTOPIA SYSTEM USING LIBEDT *p J *LIBEDT LIB .... 4~---- Call in LIBEDT IN *K, 12, P11 .....- - - - - - - Assign input LUN 2 (PTR) output LUN 11 (PTP) IN *p ....~------ Load and: absolutize tapes L,02 FAILED 02 UTOPIA ACTION RP L, 02 FAILED 02 UMAINF ACTION 1 RP L,02 FAILED 02 ACTION RP L,02 FAILED 02 ACTION RP L, 02 FAILED 02 ACTION USILLY U1711 UDISK RP L,,02 FAILED 02 ACTION CARDIN RP L,02 FAlLED 02 ACTION RP L, 02 FAILED 02 ACTION RP L,02 FAILED 02 ACTION U1729 U601MT UTODMP RP L,02 FAILED 02 ACTION UDALP RP L,02 FAILED 02 ACTION CKOUT RP L,02 FAILED UTLAST ACTION CU ....~----- Wind up load and link E * 44~----- Externals missing; ignore; punch tape IN *z .....f - - - - - Sign off LIBEDT J 14-10 14.5 BUILD UTOPIA PRINT OUT () UTOPIA UMAINF USILLY U1711 UDISK CARDIN U1729 U601MT UTODMP UDALP CKOUT UTLAST 0 E10 CKD peR DKM MAR VDM LPRINT RDM WDM 2210 2392 25A8 3258 343E 3680 3707 38A9 39BE 3AA2 444A 4F23 Routine names and addresses where loaded Missing Externals (These are for modules not included in this system) Applicable Utopia routines for customer's configuration can be loaded and linked together, then an abs olutized tape can be punched. It can then be loaded by a cksum loader (which must be loaded by a bootstrap loader). Utopia modules could also be loaded and linked and put on program library in reI bin form (with Libedt * L). Then Utopia could be called from TTY with *UTOPIA. 14-11 c APPENDIXES o o c APPENDIXES TABLE OF CONTENTS I'~-' ~ U 0 TOPIC PAGE APPENDIX A References A-1 APPENDIX B 1700 Instruction Execution Times B-1 APPENDIX C utility Assembler Pseudo Instructions C-1 APPENDIX D Assembly Error Messages D-1 APPENDIX E ASCII Codes E-1 APPENDIX F Answers to Exercises F-l Chapter II F-1 Chapter V F-2 Chapter VI F-7 Chapter VI F-8 Chapter VIII F-9 APPENDIX G Solutions to Problems G-1 APPENDIX H Examples of Instructions H-1 APPENDIX I Communications Region 1-1 C', o APPENDIX A o C) C~ () APPENDIX A Reference Title Ref. No. Publication No. 1 Reference Manual 60153100 2 Codes 60163500 3 Assembler Reference Manual 60171600 4 1700 Macro/Assembler Reference Manual 60176300 5 utility Reference Manual * 60172300 6 Operating System Reference Manual 60174600 7 1700 4K Assembly System (ADB) 60176500 8 Input/ Output Specifications Manual 60165800 9 Sys tems Manual 60152900 ADSD General Information Manual 60187600 10 *utility Assembler requires 8K system. · C --, 'I ) A-1 APPENDIX B o C~: APPENDIX B () 1700 INSTRUCTION EXECUTION TIMES STORAGE REFERENCE Execution Time " (microseconds)* Ins truction o LDA STA LDQ STQ ADD SUB ADQ AND EOR RAO MUI JMP RTJ DVI SPA 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2" 2.2 2.2 3.3 7.0 1.1 2.2 9.0 2.2 Load A Store A Load Q Store Q Add A Subtract AddQ AND with A Exclusive OR with A Replace Add One in Storage Multiply Integer Jump Return Jump Divide Integer Store A, Parity to A *Add 1. 1 microsecond if Storage Index Regis ter is used. Add 1.1 microsecond for each level of Indirect Addressing. Add 1.1 microsecond for two word instructions. REGISTER REFERENCE Execution Time (microseconds) Ins truction SLS INP OUT ENA ENQ INA INQ ARS QRS ALS QLS Selective Stop Input to A Output from A Enter A Enter Q Increase A Increase Q 1.1 1.1 min., 10 max. 1.1 min., 10 max. 1.1 1.1 o 1.1 1.1 A Right S h i f ) Q Right Shift A Left Shift Q Left Shift )-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.1 +(shift count *.1) C) B-1 REGISTER REFERENCE (Cont) Execution Time (microseconds) Instruction LRS LLS Long Right Shift) Long Left Shift > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 1 + (shift count *.2) NOP EIN IIN EXI SPB CPB No Operation Enable Interrupt Inhibit Interrupt Exit Interrupt State Set Program Protect Clear Program Protect 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 B-2 INTERREGISTER 0 Execution Time (microseconds) Instruction 0 SET CLR TRA TRM TRQ TRB TCA TCM TCQ TCB AAM AAQ AAB EAM EAQ EAB LAM LAQ LAB CAM CAQ CAB Set to Ones Clear to Zero Transfer A Transfer M Transfer Q Transfer Q V M Transfer Complement A Transfer Complement M Transfer Complement Q Transfer Complement Q V M Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, M Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, Q Transfer Arithmetic Sum A, Q V M Transfer Exclusive or A, M Transfer Exclusive or A, Q Transfer Exclusive or A, Q V M Transfer Logical Product, A, M Transfer Logical Product A, Q Transfer Logical Product A, Q V M Transfer Complement Logical Product A, M Transfer Complement Logical Product A, Q Transfer Complernent Logical Product A, Q VM B-3 1.1 SKIPS Execution Time (microseconds) Ins truction SAZ SAN SAP SAM SQZ SQN SQP SQM SWS SWN SOY SNO SPE SNP SPF SNF Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip if A = +0 if A f: +0 if A = + if A = if Q = +0 if Q f: +0 if Q = + if Q = if Switch Set if Switch Not Set on Overflow on No Overflow on Storage Parity Error on No Storage Parity Error on Program Protect Fault on No Program Protect Fault 1.1 c c B-4 APPENDIX C o C) c c c APPENDIX C UTILITY ASSEMBLER PSEUDO INSTRUCTIONS NAMn First ins truc tion in source program. The name, n, if given, identifies the program. A numeric location fi e 1 d for this ins t r u c t ion specifies the absolute starting location for the program; a symbolic location field is ignored. ENDe Last instruction in source program. The entry point, e, if given, is the start of the. program. Entry points, ni' that may be ref err e d to by other programs. External locations, ni' of other programs that are referred to by this program. EXT*n 1 , n 2 ' • • • S i mil a r to EXT except that references to the external names, ni, are made relative. Reserves a block of program storage locations. The names, ni' identify segments of si words in length. o BZS n 1 (S1)' n 2 (S2) , • • • COM n 1 (S1)' n 2 (S2) •• • Similar to BSS. In addition, zero fills the block. Reserves a block of common storage locations. The names, ni' identify segments of si words in length. Data may not be prestored in the common block. Reserves a block of data storage locations. The names, ni' identify s e g men t s of si words in length. Data may be pre s tor e d in the data block. Defines add res s expressions to be stored as address constants. The addresses maybepositive or negative and a b sol ute or relocatable. Parentheses indicate indirect addressing. ALF n <:2n character~ Stores ASCII alphanumeric characters into consecutive locations of program storage. Stores decimal or hexadecimal constants, ci' in consecutive locations in program storage. o C-1 UTILITY ASSEMBLER PSEUDO INSTRUCTIONS (CONT) ORGe Assemble subsequent instructions beginning at the address expression, e, which may be program relocatable, data relocatable or absolute. ORG* e Resumes assembling instructions immediately after the location preceding the ORO instruction or the firs t ORG if more than one in a string. EQU n (e ), n (e ) , ••• 2 2 1 1 NLS Equates names, LST Enables list output of ass em b 1 y following issuance of a NLS instruction. (Listing is automatic unless NLS is given.) SPC v Spaces v lines on the typewriter. ~, to address expression, ei. Inhibits list output of assembly. (' '--- .. C-2 APPENDIX D o c' c · APPENDIX D ASSEMBLY ERROR MESSAGES ERROR LISTING A list of errors occurring in passes 1 and 2 precedes the program listing on the standard comment Ilo unit. If the L option is selected, errors in pass 3 pre c e d e the source line on the list output. A decimal error count is printed at the end of each subprogram. If L is not selected, error messages are output on the standard comment unit. Format for pass 1 and 2 error messages: Column Contents 1-3 3 -digit line number 4 space 5-6 ** 7-8 2-character error code Format for pass 3 error messages: Column Contents 1-6 ****** 7-8 2-character error code 9-18 ********** Following are the error message codes and their definitions. Message **DS Meaning Doubly defined symbol. A name in 1) location field of a machine instruction or an ALF, NUM, or ADC pseudo instruction or 2) address field of an EQU, COM, DAT, EXT, BSS, or BZS pseudo ins truction has been used again in one of the above fields. **UD Undefined symbol in an address expression. **SO Available storage for saving symbol names exceeded; no more names may be defined. Symbol table overflow. D-1 Meaning Message **EX Illegal expression. One of the following: 1) No forward referencing of some symbolic operands 2) No relocation of certain expression values 3) A violation of relocation 4) Possibly a comment is being interpreted as an address field in an ins truction which has no address field **LB Numeric or symbolic label contains illegal character. The I abe I is ignored. **IX Illegal index register; specified by symbol other than Q, I or B. **OP 1) illegal symbol in operation code field, e. g., LDI TAG 2) illegal operation code terminator 3) Could also be caused by error in macro **OR Numeric or symbolic operand in address expression contains illegal characters. **RG Illegal register for interregister instructions, e. g., CLR I 1) Symbol other than A, Q, or Mused in address field of interregister instruction, or the same symbol used more than once. /~ 2) Registers separated by other than a comma. **RL 1) Violation of relocation. 2) Violation of a ru1e for instructions which r e qui r e the expression value to a) be absolute b) have no forward referencing of symbolic operands. **OV Numeric operand overflow-numeric value greater than allowed, e. g. , 1 wd. reI. more than $7 F. **SQ Sequence error **MD Macro definition error **MC Macro instruction error **PP Error in previous pass of compilation **NN No NAM statement. Blank name will be inserted by assembler. **MO Overflow of the load-and-go area .of mass storage. D-2 r0 () LOADER ERROR MESSAGES All loading error messages appear on the standard print output device. EOl Irrecoverable input error; terminates loading. E03 Illegal or out-of-order input block; terminates load. Also, this diagnos tic appears on the comment device when illegal input from that device is detected. The comment device is interrogated for a new statement. E04 Incorrect common block storage reservation. Occurs if the first NAM block to declare common storage does not declare the I a r g est amount. The loader uses the previously declared length and continues. E05 Program too long or loader table overflow. Terminates loading. Occurs if program to be loaded exceeds available unprotected core. It may be possible to load the program by rearranging the 0 r d e r of loading to insure entry points are defined before they are referred to as external symbols. Loader produces a memory map and list of unpatched externals prior to terminating the load. E06 Attempt to load information in protected core; terminates loading. E07 Attempt to ORG into part of data storage beyond assigned block; terminates loading. E08 Duplicate entry point; loading continues. The succeeding program is loaded, overlaying the program with the duplicate entry point. E10 Unpatched external. External name is p r i n ted following diagnostic. The operator may c h 00 s e to terminate the job or continue execution in spite of unpatched externals (with *(CR». A *E(CR) will cause the loader to sea r c h the directory of core resident entry points for the missing external. Ell Error in HEX block; loader skips remainder of block and resumes loading with the next block. Image of HEX block in error is printed following diagnostic. E12 Two programs reference same external name, one with a b sol ute addressing, the other relative addressing. E13 Undefined or missing transfer address; occurs when loader does not encounter a name for the t ran sf e r address to begin execution, or the name encountered is not defined in loader's table as an entry point name. D-3 JOB PROCESSOR ERROR MESSAGES PARITY, hhhh Memory parity error at location hhhh16 • comment device. Message appears on output OV Overflow of volatile storage. Message a p pea r s on output comment device. L, nn FAILED ee Informs operator of device failure. nn logical unit number ee code indicating cause of failure as follows: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 I/O hangup Internal or external reject Alarm Parity error Checksum error Internal reject External reject ALT,aa Informs oper.ator an alternate device, aa, has been assigned. ACTION Requests operator action when a failed device has no alternate. device is identified in the FAILED diagnostic. J01,hhhh Program protect violation. hhhh is cur r e n t contents of P register. Standard print output device. J02,hhhh illegal request or parameters at location hhhh 16 - Standard print output device. J03, statement Unintelligible control statement is output with the diagnostic. Standard output device. J04, statement illegal or unintelligible parameters in con t r print output device. J05 Statement entered after manual in t err u p t illegal. device. J06,hhhh A threadable request was made at level one when noprotect processor stack space was available, or an unprotected t h rea d e d request was made at level one. Standard print output device. J07,hhhh Unprotected program tried to a c c e s s protected device from location hhhh. Standard print output device. J08,hhhh Attempt to access read only unit for write, or write only unit for read, or an attempt to access an unprotected r e que s t on a protected unit. 0 The I statement. Standard Output comment ('" \" .. D-4 APPENDIX E ("'I (' \- .' APPENDIX E r~ AMERICAN STANDARD CODE FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE (ASCII) Bit Configuration Symbol 000 0000 NUL 001 1011 ESC 000 0001 SOH 001 1100 FS 000 0010 STX 001 1101 GS 000 0011 ETX 001 1110 RS 000 0100 EOT 001 1111 US 000 0101 ENQ 010 0000 SP 000 0110 ACK 010 0001 000 0111 BEL 010 0010 " 000 1000 BS 010 0011 =If 000 1001 HT 010 0100 $ 000 1010 LF 010 0101 % 000 1011 VT 010 0110 & 000 1100 FF 010 0111 000 1101 CR 010 1000 000 1110 SO 010 1001 000 1111 SI 010 1010 * 001 0000 DLE 010 1011 + 001 0001 DC1 010 1100 001 0010 DC2 010 1101 001 0011 DC3 010 1110 001 0100 DC4 010 1111 / 001 0101 NAK 011 0000 0 001 0110 SYN 011 0001 1 001 0111 ETB 011 0010 2 001 1000 CAN 011 0011 3 001 1001 EM 011 0100 4 001 1010 SS 011 0101 5 ~ I I '..............- (') \ Symbol Bit Configuration ,.,_.- .' E-1 ASCII (Cont) Bi t C onfigurati on Symbol Bit Configuration Symbol 011 0110 6 101 0010 R 011 0111 7 101 0011 S 011 1000 8 101 0100 T 011 1001 9 101 0101 U 011 1010 101 0110 V 011 1011 101 0111 W 011 1100 < 101 1000 X 011 1101 = 101 1001 y 011 1110 101 1010 Z 011 1111 > ? 101 1011 [ 100 0000 \ 100 0001 A 101 1101 ---] 100 0010 B 101 1110 A 100 0011 C 101 1111 100 0100 D 110 0000 @ 100 0101 E 110 0001 a 100 0110 F 110 0010 b 100 0111 G 110 0011 c 100 1000 H 110 0100 d 100 1001 I 110 0101 e 100 1010 J 110 0110 f 100 1011 K 110 0111 g 100 1100 L 110 1000 h 100 1101 M 110 1001 i 100 1110 N 110 1010 j 100 1111 0 110 1011 k 101 0000 P 110 1100 1 101 0001 Q 110 1101 m 101 1100 i "-- -- r' I\ '--. r \ E-2 - .--- ... ASCII (Cont) ~ ,-- "'.., ) ~ Bit Configuration Symbol 110 1110 n 110 1111 0 111 0000 p 111 0001 q 111 0010 r 111 0011 s 111 0100 t 111 0101 u 111 -0110 v 111 0111 w 111 1000 x 111 1001 y 111 1010 z 111 1011 0 111 1100 111 1101 [ ---, ] 111 1110 , 111 1111 DEL E-3 c APPENDIX F o c:·~ \ APPENDIX F to "---J ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER II 1. a. 0010 1101 1010 1110 is 2DAE b. 1000 1111 1100 0111 is 8FC7 c. 16 16 1111 1111 1100 0000 is FFC0 16 2DAE 8FC7 16 = -28728 16 FFC0 2DAE 16 16 = 1169410 10 = -63 10 + 8FC7 BD75 16 16 + FFC0 + FFC0 16 16 = = BD3616 No overflow was generated. 2. C' 3. a. 4095 b. -17 c. 255 10 10 10 = OFFF 16 = 0000 = FFEE = 16 OOFF 16 1111 1111 11112 = 1111 1111 1110 1110 = 0000 0000 1111 11112 By extending the sign. 2 Consider the 8 bit positive number: OOOOOii1 - Decimal value 7 2 i Sign Bit. Extend the sign bit to the left 8 places - 0000 0000 0000 0111 2 - same value of 7 but the number now occupies a 16-bit field. The same applies for a negative number. FE 16 is -1 in an 8-bit field and FFFE16 is also -1, but in a 16-bit field. F-1 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V - Shift and Skip Instructions 1. 2. a. Shifts QA left 16 bits. This effectively switches the data in A to Q and Q to A. b. Will JUMP to P + 4 if the overflow indicator is on, and clear the indicator. Will go to P + 1 if overflow indicator is not on. c. Shifts the data in A right 18 bits. This will clear A if bit 15 was originally a 0 or will set A to all 1 's if bit 15 was originally a 1. It also wastes time since the maximum necessary shift count to accomplish the same result is 15. d. Neither the A nor the Q register is specified so the instruction is essentially a time delay. It takes 1. 1 + • 1 x8 = 1. 9 microseconds to execute and does nothing to the A or Q registers. Q = 0000 A = E3C4 I " " .. (' \ F-2 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V - Constant Mode of Addressing (') '"-'.... 1. a. b. c. = 1059 A = 0024 A = 4142 A Q =0000 Q = 0000 Q = 4040 o F-3 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V - Absolute Mode of Addressing 1. LDAADD STA- C·' $FF =N$10 $FF also LDAADD STA- I =N$10 I I can be used in place of $FF for storage reference class of instructions. One-word ab- solute mode is used since $FF is in the communications region. 2. 3. a. 4016 b. 003F c. 4016 a. This will dec 0 d e as COOO; ~ will be 0, yielding not one-word absolute but the first word of constant mode. The base address for one-word absolute must be 01 to FF. b. One-word absolute could have been used since the base address is F3. c. Nothing. This is a legitimate example of two-word absolute indirect. Bit 15 of the sec ond word (P+l) will be set because of the parentheses and bits 14-0 of P+l will contain the address equivalent for TEST. (However, this is two-word absolute indirect which requires two core cells and 1. 1 microseconds more time. Since the base address is in the communications region, one-word absolute indirect should be used. ) F-4 c ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V - Relative Mode of Addressing 1. a. Forward, 31 hex locations from P. b. Backward, 1000 c. 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3. or 4096 from P+1, or OFFF 16 or 4095 from P. 16 10 10 Backward, one location back from P. Two-word relative One-word absolute indirect Two-word absolute indirect One-word relative Constant. Two-word. Two-word relative indirect Constant. Two-word. One-word absolute The communications region is fix e d and will never move with the program. If the program moved and not the communications region, the rei a t i v e distance which had been established would be worthless. Fixed areas of core are addressed absolutely, and those that move with the program are addressed relatively. F-5 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V - Indexing 1. 2. 3. a. B is used to in d i cat e use of both Q and lin d e x regis ters. LDA AB,B. Should be w r itt e n b. Nothing, if A is defined as a legitimate symbol elsewhere in the program. c. No indexing with shift class instructions, only storage reference class. a. A = 0000 b. A = 0023 c. A = 0023 It will loop forever since the reduced index register I value is never stored back. Need a. STQ- I after the ADQ =N-1. Answer to indexing problem: a. $1234 b. $02ED c. $2311 d. $1111 F-6 C_ ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER VI - Utility Assembler /'- , "'<'oJ 1. a. Symbols for the EQU and BSS pseudo ops are defined by appearing in the address field. b. TAG is a doubly defined symbol. It cannot be an EXT. c. START should be an entry point. The program should look like: Location TAG START o Opcode Address NAM ENT EQU NUM BSS EXT LDA+ STA+ EXAMP START LED(720) -72, $FFFF, 72 TAG11(25) LAD TAG LAD END START Comments 2. The common area cannot be preset. 3. Since the common area is fixed, all references to it can safely be made absolutely. is necessary instead of a relative addressed mode for run anywhere programs. 4. When the reference is made to LIST+3, the operand is unpredictable. The loader skips over the LIST area at load time. A BZS should have been used. It would be worthwhile at this point to refer to reference 5 or 6 for more information concerning the loader since this information is not covered in this manual. C) F-7 This ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER VI - Macro Assembler 1. a. FEE9 002F b. 4142 c. OAOO d. FFFE l_. - . =N$lOOO =N$lOOO 2. LDA ADD 3. TAG TAGl 4. The symbol TE is declared local to the macro and cannot be called by the main program. Also, since the code is inserted in-line, the $7FF3 could be executed as an instruction. ALF ALF Z,ERROR6 Z Z, LOGICAL UNIT8 Z ~ ( '--.. F-8 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ON CHAPTER VIII 1. LOOP FIRST STA* ENA LDQ OUT INQ INP SAN JMP* INP ALS INP STA* RAO* JMP* ADC FIRST $20 =N$Al -1 -1 -1 1 *-2 -1 8 -1 (FIRST) FIRST LOOP 0 a. This program is run anywhere. b. Starting location for the checksum program is initially placed in the A regis ter. c. Reader will run out of tape and stop on a lost data condition. o F-9 c· c APPENDIX G c' APPENDIX G o SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER V ADDRESSING PROBLEM a. 1234 b. 02ED c. 2311 d. 1111 MOVE The MOVE routine moves 1001 numbers from $1000-$2000, inclusive, to $3000-$4000, in16 clusive. $2000 $4000 etc. o $3000 $1000 SUM The SUM routine sums 1001 16 numbers from $1000-$2000, inclusive. in $3000. $2000 sum $1000 .r -G-1 The answer is stored CHNG The CHNG routine swaps two arrays, inverting them. The contents of locations $1000-$2000 are swapped and inverted with the contents of locations $3000-$4000. $2000 $4000 $1000 $3000 C ~/ The swap is completed when the last address in ADDR has been decremented past $3000. SUB The SUB pro g ram picks up the actual data from the calling program and stores them in its locations SUBAG1, SUBAG2, and SUBAG3. The EOR =N$8000 put an indi re c t bit on the contents of location SUB (which in the example was $502). This caused the LDA * (SUB) to get the actual data, 10, etc. Mter picking up all the data, the subroutine updated the return address to $505 and ANDed off the extra indirect bit, AND =N$7FFF, so the return would be! to the proper place. The subroutine saved the reg i s t e r s when it was entered, and restored them when it exited, which most subroutines would do. ( '-.,' SORT The SORT r ou tine sorts 16 numbers, in ascending order, in core locations $500-$50F, inclusive. The method used is to push the smallest number to the top, the next smallest number to the next-to-top, etc. CLRPB The CLRPB subroutine clears protect bits on the core area from $2000-$4000, inclusive. The parameters pas s ed by the calling routine are the la~t word address of the buffer (LWA) and the first word address (FWA). The subroutine will work for any addresses passed to it. It uses the A register and overflow indicator for loop con t r 01. When the last word address is subtracted from $7FFF in A, the number left will be: such that when Q reaches the last word address +1 and the AAQ 0 instruction is executed, overflow will occur, and the exit will be made from the loop. The SOV 0 ins truction before entering the loop turned off the overflow indicator in case it may have been on. The CLRPB subroutine must be a protected routine itself or the protect switch must be off. (' \ '-... o CONVRT The CONVRT subroutine converts a hexadecimal number which it receives in A to the ASCII codes for the decimal number. It packs the codes in a buffer, BUF, and returns to the caller with the buffer address in A. The method used is to divide the number by 10, in hexadecimal arithmetic, and save the remainders. Each time a divide is done, the remainder in Q will be used to get the ASCII code for the number from a table, TAB. It would have been possible in this example to simply add $30 to each remainder for the conversion. However, the table-look-up method is used for ill us t rat ion. Also note that the routine puts the characters in one buffer, BUF1, then packs them in BUF for the caller. The CONTST pro g ram checks out CONVRT by calling it to convert a number $37 CO, then writing the answer on the teletypewriter in ASCII. o o G-3 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER VI VALUE MASK START SEARCH EXIT PROBLEM NAM COM DAT EQU ENT EXT* BZS 0 CLR STQ LDA ANDALS STA* ENQ LDA+ AND EOR* SAN RAO SQZ INQ JMP* JMP* END TEST DUMMY(10), X(10) DUM(6), COUNT(l) LPMASK($2) START VALUE MASK(1) 0 Q COUNT VALUE LPMASK+6 8 MASK 9 X,Q =N$3FOO MASK 2 COUNT EXIT-*-1 -1 SEARCH (START) c NAM gives the pro g ram a name. ENT gives it an entry point. START is where execution begins, but it does not a p pea r on the END card, implying that it is a subroutine. COM declares the XIS in COMMON; COUNT declares the 7th word of the data block for the answe!. DUMMYandDUM space over locations not used in this program. The EXT* declares VALUE ex t ern a 1 (it must be an entry point in the other program), and the * implies it is relative. The BZS initializes MASK to O. The EQU declares that LPMASK is location $2. INI MACRO The two lis tings on the follow i n g pages show one way to w r i t e the INI macro. listing does not have the macro expanded, while the second does (M option). The firs t '.The test routine was run with the STOP switch set. When the computer stopped, the Q register was s e 1 e c ted on the console for display. It contained a 6, to indicate that the macro worked. The INI is not exactly like an INA or INQ because of the size of operands allowed. has an ADD =N'N' instead of an INA 'N'. Line 0008 (' G-4 ,'- 0001 0002 0003 0004 L/ QOOS 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 eOQOQ 0000 POOOI 0842 POO02 40FF POO03 POO04 POOOS Pq006 eQQOl POOOS 0016 POOOe) 0016 POOOA 0017 poooa 0018 poooe 0019 C" I INI NAM MAC LOC JMP* 'SA' NUM IMIMAC STA* LDAADD STALDA* EMC ENT 0 CLR STOINI 1802 0000 68FE COFF 8000 0006 60FF C8F9 EOFF 0000 OOFF INIMAC LDOSLS END OOOOP roo C) G-5 INIMAC N SA *+2 0 'SA' I =N'N' I 'SA' INIMAC 0 Q I 6 I INIMAC 0004P / I "-- 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 INI 'SA' POOOO 0000 POOOI 0842 POO02 40FF POO03 POO04 POOOS POO06 POO07 1802 0000 68FE COFF 8000 poooa 0006 0016 POO09 60FF 0016 POOOA C8F9 0017 POOOS EOFf 0018 poooe 0000 0019 I OOFf INIMAC [00 INIMAC NAM MAC LOC JMP* NUM STA*LDAADD STALDA* EMC ENT 0 CLR STQINI JMP* NUM STA* LDAADD STALDA* LDQSLS END OOOOP [00 G-6 INIMAC N SA *+2 0 'SA' I =N'Nt I 'SA' INIMAC 0 Q I 6 *+2 0 (00 I =N6 I (00 I INIMAC 0004P ,r~' ' ...... SOLUTION TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER VIn CKASSM PROBLEM (8.4) The first INDIR request, line 13, is for the w r it e request at line 34, out of the buffer MSG, line 25, on the teletypewriter. "NEXT MESSAGE SHOULD INDICATE VERIFICATION." The next, at line 15, is to s tar t the write request at line 32 to write a message from MSG1, line 26, on the disk. "MACRO ASSEMBLER ON 1700 NOW OK." This message will be written on the disk concurrently with the first message which is going out on the TTY. At line 16, a status request is made to wait for the disk write to finish. Then, at line 19, the message on the disk is read back in, line 28, into a different buffer, BUF, which is a BZS at line 27. At line 20, status is taken from line 28 to wait for com p let ion of the disk read. Finally, this message is transferred out of BUF to the teletypewriter at line 23, after which an exit is made at line 24. The program works out the assembler by the ass 0 r tm e n t of requests used to transfer the message around. Note that no completion routines are used; it will be obvious that if the two messages come out, it 'worked; and if they don't, it didn't. The errors which could be found are: 1. o SQN 1 at lines 17 and 21. This is the main error and the instruction effectively doesn't do anything. It was intended to loop on the indirect status request until the operation in progress bit (bit 15 of Q) be cam e clear. To accomplish that, a SQP instruction should have been used. Since Q is word 8 of the disk physical de vic e table, it will never be a whole word of zero (upon which the SQN could be used). Only bit 15 should be checked for zero. Therefore, as the program is set up, control falls right through to initiate the disk read at line 19, then the teletypewriter write at line 23. The program works because of the speed of the peripherals involved and the threading of r e que s t s onto the driver for each logical unit. The correct message is written, not garbage. What actually happens (if the SQN's are used ins tead of SQP' s) is: o a. The firs t TTY message is initiated. b. The disk write is initiated. c. The disk read is initiated; it is t h rea d e d onto the disk driver after the disk write, since both are at priority O. Therefore, the read will not be done until the write is finished. d. The second TTY write is initiated and is t h rea de d on behind the first write, again since the priority is the same (RP = 0). That is why the second line comes out after the first, as it should. e. The second line does not contain garbage because the TTY is slow compared with the disk; the disk buffer has been w r itt en and read back in before the TTY driver gets ready to write it out. Any change in hardware or priorities involved could cause a mess. G-7 2. The next item to note is the bin a r y write on the teletypewriter at line 23. Normally an ASCII write would be used. No damage is done because the words being written already contain ASCII characters which can be sent directly to the teletypewriter. 3. Note the formatted write and read on the disk. This is not an error but implies that the disk sector driver is in the system, not the disk word driver. 4. Note the disk sector address words which must be inserted after the macros at lines 30 and 33. They indicate sector 1 in the scratch area. This is not an error. The version of the CKASSM routine which is used to check out the macro assembler contains SQN instructions at P0007 and POOOD. This is probably to test the s tat us request itself and then also to check out the operation of MSOS. ( --. -,~-_/ o SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER XI SOLUTION TO RUN ANYWHERE PROBLEM Program AVERAGE is written as a nondestructive run anywhere subroutine which may be called to compute an average. The buffer address in the calling routine is X, and the number of words is 10. Note that all of the addressing in the program is relative. 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 POOOO POOO1 POO02 POO03 POO04 POOO5 POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF P0010 P0011 POO12 POO13 P0014 0001 0000 OC09 OAOO 68FB 01AO 8AOO !X 7FFFX 01B3 D8F6 AOOO 7FFF 0142 ODFE 18F7 E8FO OFC1 OF61 3000 OOOA 1CEC AVG LOOP TEST AV NAM EXT * ENT BZS 0 ENQ ENA STA* SOV ADD AVERAGE X AVG OVFL(l) SNO RAO* AND TEST-*-l OVFL =N$7FFF SQZ INQ JMP* LDQ* ALS LRS DVI AV-*-l -1 LOOP OVFL 1 1 =NIO JMP* END (AVG) o G-9 RELATIVE EXTERNAL X 0 9 0 OVFL 0 X,Q N WORDS 9 CLEAR A AND OVFL RELATIVE TO OVFL 2 WORD RELATIVE EXT RELATIVE TO OVFL RELATIVE TO LOOP RELATIVE TO OVFL RELATIVE TO AVG PROBI calls AVERAGE and punches out the answer, 4, and remainder, 5. The program is run anywhere, and note the relative addressing used in the punch request. ANS is before the request and COMPL is after the request. 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 POOOO POOOl POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POOOS P0009 POOOA 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 OOOS 0009 0000 0003 OOEA POOOD 5S00 POOOE 7FFF POOOF 6800 P0010 FFF9 POOll 4S00 P0012 , FFF9 P0013 54F4 POO14 0501 POO15 0007 POO16 0000 POO17 0003 POOlS' 0003 P0019 7FF5 P001A 14EA P001B 0162 P001C 5S00 P001D 7FFF POOlE lSFF X ANS X X START COMPL X X NAM EXT* ENT NUM PROBl ,AVG,IOERR START, X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, S, 9, 0 c= RELATIVE EXTERNAL A VG BZS EQU RTJ ANS(3) ADISP($EA) AVG TWO-WORD RELATIVE EXT STA ANS RELATIVE TO ANS STQ ANS+2 RTJNUM ADC* NUM NUM NUM ADC JMPSQP RTJ ($F4) $0501 COMPL+l 0 $0003 3 ANS-*+5 (ADISP) 2 IOERR PUNCH OUT ANS AND REM SET X BIT RELA TIVE TO COMPL (FWD) NUM END $lSFF START HANG WHEN FINISHED C~\ RELATIVE TO ANS c G-IO o Here is an error example of incorrect relative addressing used in the punch request. Note at line 16 that the ADC* ANS+5 assembles as FFF5, because ANS comes before the ADC in the program. A positive inc rem e ntis required, relative to the first word of the parameter string, so it should have been 7FF5. The ADC ANS-*+5 should have been used. In de bugging this program, the punch tape was studied •. (Be sure to get it right side up.) Note that the codes punched are: 03 FF F5 14 EA By studying the output, it was no ti c e d that these are the codes for part of the program, indicating that the buffer ANS was not output, but program codes were. Hence the discovery of the FFF5 at P0019. o o G-l1 0001 0002 0003 0004 PROYl Til- AVG"IOERR ENT START,X hJ.A!"1 EX pooon 0001 ~j\)OOI (1002 X C~ 1.2.3,,4,5,6,7,8,9,,0 NI Jt"1 ?OOO? 0001 r}UOOl 0004 eOOO4 0005 PO()OS 0006 paOOA 0007 "JO 0 0 7 n00A j-; tJ 0 0 q OO()g POOOg 0000 ,iZS ANS 0005 ';'UO 0 A Don3 EOU OOEA 0006 0007 t)ooon 5800 X START RTJ !JOOOI=" 7FFF X STA 0008 POOOI=" AROO ~UOl() FFF9 STO 0009 ~)OOll 4800 ":'0012 FFF9 RTJ0010 POOL~ S/+F4 !\JIJ :-1 0011 ":"0014 0501 Af)C·n· 0012 PO 01 c; 0007 0000 NtH"-~"O{)l~ 0013 i\jUi'4 0014 POOl7 0003 000] 0015 POOIR NUf'" ------.{) 0 1 6 POOIQ FFF5 I.\OC*C· .Jf\1Pr-'OO]fl 14EA 0017 COMPL SQP 0018 ~JOO IP 0162 )( t;.iOO le RTJ 5800 0019 lJO 01 {I 7FFF X NlJi'.t1 0020 POOIF' lRFF END 0021 1 ANS(3) Af)ISP($EA) AVG At-·!S ANS+2 (~F4) $0501 CO~PL+l 0 '~OOO3 C~ 3 AI\IS+5 ) (ADISP) 2 I OERR---'-' 1118FF ST.ART c G-12 o In order to verify that the programs were indeed run anywhere andnondestructive and did link correctly, coding was inserted to move them (after they ran one time) to higher core and run again. Two identical answers would indicate that the programs did run correctly. The following example includes coding added which will move 100 10 words, beginning at START, to $4000, and then jump to $4000 to reexecute. This continues repeatedly. Since the program lengths are 2816 and 1D16 , for a total of 45 16 , the 100 (6416 ) words moved is 10 sufficient. Another method would be to use the contents of locations $F7 and $ED to find the core address and program length, and use them in the move. When checkout methods such as this are used, remember that if the breakpoint package is in core it is physically located immediately above the last subroutine. Therefore, it would be wise not to move the programs on top of the breakpoint package and wipe it out. o G-13 0001 NAfv1 0002 EXT~} 0003 ENT OOFA 0005 1-10000 SHOO X START POOOI "lFFF X. 0006 POOO? 6800 !::f,)U PROSl AVG.IOERR START.X ADISP($EA) RTJ AVG STA ANS ST(~ A"JS+2 0004 POOO) 0024 0007 ~O 0 O{~ 4AOO 0000S Of) ?'+ 0008 i'OOOf; 54F4 0009 r>OOO7 0501 0010 POOOq 0007 .0011 1.)0009 0000 0012 ~OOOl\ 0003 0013 ,"0008 0003 RTJ- ($F4) NUM <;0501 ADC'u, COMPL+l NUM 0 NUM $0003 NU"'" ADC 3 0014 POOOC ()O?O 0015 POOOD 14E.A JMP- (ADISP) POOOE 0162 COMPL 0017 POOOF 5800 X SQP 2 RTJ IOERR 0016 ~OOlO 0018 0019 0020 0021 ANS-~}+5 7FFF X ;JO 01 1 OAOO 1-'001? 60FF POOl3 C9Ee f"OOl!+ 6500 ~)O 015 l+OOO OO?? POOIA f)OFF 0023 I~O 01 7 COFF 0024 rJOO18 099C ()O25 ~;;o 019 0101 002(1 ,·;001 A I8F8 00?7 POOIR l400 !-IOOIC 4000 OO?R i~;OOlf) 0001 I-'OOlF 0002 ~OOIF LOOP ENA 0 STA- I LDA·n· START,I STA+ 4000.1 R.AQ- I 0030 ~OO27 I f\·JA -99 OUT SAl OUT JMP* LOOP JMP+ $4000 X NUrw1 1,2.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 ANS fiZS END START 00(l3 0003 MOVE LOA- I POO20 0004 ~OO21 0005 POO22 0006 POO23 0007 rJ OO24 OOOR t-JOO25 OO()q POO2A 0000 0029 C_~~ ANS(3) G-14 (~' \,' ........ ' o To illustrate the use of the conversion routine, the following program MAIN calls AVa to compute an average, then calls CONVRT to convert the answer (which was returned inA by AVG). CONVRT returns a 3-word buffer address of the ASCII characters (in A) which the main program then stores down in the write reques t. Note that this is an absolute buffer address. The completion address, COMPL, must also be absolute, yet it is in the run anywhere program MAIN. For that reason, the program must absolutize the completion address at each run and store it at C in the write request. After the answer is computed once, MAIN calls the MOVE sub r 0 uti n e to move everything except CONVRT up to higher core locations, immediately following the 0 rig ina I programs. Absolute addressing is used in MAIN to CONVRT so that the original copy of CONVRT is used for conversion, since it is not a run anywhere program. This would simulate a mass memory mod u I e using a core resident subroutine which always remained in the same place. Even if CONVRT had been moved, the original copy would still have been the one called. Note also that the flag used to control the move is addressed absolutely. This is so the original flag in core will be used: set by one routine and checked by another. This will simulate run anywhere routines communicating with each other t h r 0 ugh a core resident flag cell. In the current example, the flag could have been addressed relatively. o G-15 0001 ~J" ~4 0002 ~4,\I~~ .a. 0004 ENT eees EXT~$. 0006 EXT 0007 ~~ 0008 'i~ ~1A * ~4A 0009 0010 MAIN,X,MVFLAG AVG, ~~OVE CONVRT C~' /' IN MUST BE LOADED FIRST, CONVRT LAST, FOR CHECKOUT I N ENT~Y POI~n MUST BE FIRST LaC ,\T I O~J IN MAI~J ~~ 0011 PQOOO 3~H' 0012 POOOI 0013 POOO2 0014 POOO3 PODOl, 0015 POO05 ODIe PGGOa POO07 0017 POOOR POOO9 OG18 poao'\ 0019 POOOH 002(;) PQOOe 0021 POOOO 0000 C~H ~~ 1 A I PI T E tjOOO 1 RTJ* ;1:+ 0 LDA* ADD it-I a a.Og~ =XCOMPL-T 680H 5fHJO x STA* FlTJ C .o.VG GO RTJ+ CONVRT GO CONVE:RT STA~c WRITE+6 ($F4) BUfFER ADORESS RTJ- GO '.tJR 1 TE: ," ~IS'/JER I\V£~AGE: ~E:T lFFF X 5 / ,00 'Ii h, ANSWE~ "lFFF X 6R.u7 54F4 OeOI 0000 ~~R I TE ~JlI ~1 ~geOl 0 0023 POOOF 1004 $1004- 002', POOIO 0003 NU~4 3 0025 POOll 0000 ADC 'MPSQP 0 C 0022 POOOE 00 11 0 120012 14EA 0027 POO13 0161 COMPL 0028 POO14 U3FF 0029 POOlS POO16 0030 POO17 0 0 3 1 POO18 0032 POO19 PODIA 0033 POOlS POOIC POOll) POOlE P001F 1'8S0LIIT1£[ COMPL 0012 ADC NUM NUM 002~ - FRAN GIACOBBE PHILA CLASS PROQLE:M NO. 1 PI * oe03 t\jIIM C400 CKMOVE LOA+ 0 ($[") CKMOVE $18FF HANG IF MVFLAG FIRST OR ERROR SECOND RUN '? C 0025 P JMP GOMOVE-*-l ('SEAl MOVE ;<. NUM $15F9,$7FFF,$65,2,0,$100O,8,$12,4,3 MVFLAG BlS MVFLAG(!) E~ID MAI~J 0101 14EA IHOO X GOMOVE 'ZFF F SAl I~p- X l5F9 7FFF 00b5 0002 OOUO P0020 1000 P0021 DOOR PQO?2 0012 POD23 0004 P0024 0003 0034- POO?5 aOul 0035 I DOFF WRITE 0008P C eO~d'JRT GOQ')X "AIN '10V~ 0900P X OOlBP r1VFLAG 0925P T 9091P OOOOP COMPL 9QlPeX A'IG 0013P CKMOVE OOY7X 0015P GOMOVE 0019P (~ , G-16 .,\.. ." - u ~- QQQl ~JAM t\'1ER/\GE 0002 gggJ 0004 POOOO ggO~ POgOI 0006 POO02 ggO:]: pgQQ;J 0008 POOO'+ gOO~ PO 0 (H;i 0010 POO06 PQQQ7 0011 POOO8 gg12 pgggg 0013 POOOA pg9gB 0014 POOOC EXT* X E~J+ A~JG SZS OVFL(l) ggl~ 0001 OVFL I~~~ OOg" OC09 YAOQ 68FB OlAO SAOO X LOOP 7f~V 01B3 QBfe AOOO " I E~J~ 9 0 STA* OVFL N WORDS 10 CLEAR A O~t=: ,A~IO O~Jt=:b O\lERt=:LOlfJ IMOICAlOI ~Q~,l 0 ::r:WR~1 ADD X,Q ADD UP DATA SNO TEST-*-l GVfb =N$7FFF If OVERfbGltt RA9~i: AND TEST . 0016 POOOE 18F7 AV CJ ENQ +FfF 0142 0017 POOOF E8FO C' 0 I PtHHlIJ QQt==g 0018 POOIO OOl~ POOll 0020 P0012 P001;;3 0021 POO14 0022 0023 BUFFER IN MAIN PGM A \l OFCI SQZ AV-*-l I~JQ -1 JMP* LOOP LOQil- GVFL ALS 1 U~~l LR~ 1 3000 gOOo. ICEC DVI =NIO OOFF AV~ OOOFP X (AVG) ,JMP* * bE A \lE A~JS~IER COMP11lE AVERAGE I ~I A A~JO REMA I~IDER I~I Q A~ID . RElIIR~1 lO CALLER END aDaIR Q"FL 0007X OOOOP LOOR o G-17 0006P TEST OOOCP 0001 NAM DOD? ENT EXT 00 0 3 0004 0022 0005 POaoo no"o EQU MOVf. 0006 POOOI CUt.D 0007 POO o 2 9C!f7 DOOR POOO] 90()O POQOL!. a(Itt 4 00 10 pon05 f'B?? 0009 0 0 LDA- $ED 5 11 8- $F7 SU8 =N$44 IRA LDA- Q 0011 POOO6 ChF7 SUHTRACT OFF SIZE OF CONVR' SO IT WONT GET MOVED MOVLP 5T4- 6bFfi 0013 POOOR OOFE INQ 0014 pnoog 50l (,141 0015 POOOA 1 R~· B 0016 POoOH 0400 x POOOC 7F FF 0017 PODOl) EDED 0018 paonE 0001 0019 POOOE ]622 0020 I FIGURE OUT N WORDS ~;. 0012 P (, 0 07 MVFLAG MOVE MOVE MVELAG ZERO($22) QaFF oonex ollT JMP* RAO+ ($F7) ,Q (:hEo) ,0 -1 0111-*-1 MOVLP MVEI AG X MOVE I D(,)INQ IMPEND OQQOP ZERO $Eo 1 (ZERO) MOVE IT SET MOVED EI AG FIGURE OUT ,JUMp ADDRESS ,0 ,JlJMP TO MAIN l' '--. 0022 MO"lP 0006P 0' 'T OOOBP (' G-18 --'" U eQgl 0002 POOOO P99gl POOO2 QQQ;1 PCHHlJ 0004 POOO6 0003 POQ(lG POOOO OOO~ POOgg POOOF ~JA~4 DOOl ~Hl n1 PG'=I~ ~HJ~ ij~~ 0006 y 0 6~~ 8UFl RSS SIG~~ ~JUM ~11f:: (J) AUFl(6) ~2~h $21;) lA~ ~JIIM $30,~31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$31,$38,$39 g~n: GQ~PJRl 0 0 ~+Q* ~AVgQ 002D oo~O 0031 pgQIG yOJ~ 0033 OOJl, 0035 yGJe 0037 QQd~ 0039 0001 0008 PO 0 lf~ OOUO OOOQ POQIQ "~~9 0010 PODIA EIJFF 9911 P991B " 0 GQNVRl SAVEQ(l),SAVEI{l),SAVEA{l) 00U1 POOll PGGIt1 POO13 pg GIl, POOl5 PQQls P0017 0012 POOIC QQl;;l PQGIQ 0014 POUIE 0015 POOIF OOln POO20 gQl1 PQQ~1 001P. POO22 gQIQ PGQ~J 0020 POO24 Oggl PQO~;} P0026 OO~g pggg1 0023 P0028 0024- 12002~ 0025 P002A 002~ P0028 0027 POOcC 0028 ~OO~O POO?E 0029 ~002~ 0030 P0030 0031 120031 0032 POO32 OOJJ POOJ~ 0034 POO34 OOJ5 1200JS 0036 P(j036 00J1 PClOJ1 003A POO38 0039 g0039 0040 POO3A 004] PO 0 '-\b BSS CONVRT ~E;9 oe42 I, LOQ- I £+Q~ 510 lJE; J CLR Q j F= ~+Q- I 0122 OUOI SAP INQ TCA bQQ* STQ* bQQ* STO* bQQ POS -~J$gg " I:HJ~ ~+Q1i: ~11r:: 48DF STO* SlQ* STCJ* CbR SAZ OHI BUFI+2 611r::l '*=3 BUFl+4 bQQ-l! STOilRAQJMP* lA6,Q ~+Q- I 5 Q~. 0864- gAgA 4REH PQ~ E;~gA 48£1 ggyQ 0020 4~Qr:: 48DF O~42 bQQP 0106 3000 1 A ~IG~J,Q BUFl+5 +JH~:i: 0 BUFI l:i: 1 Q OUT -~Il 0 aOUA E:Ab)~ 49U5 gO~r:: 18FB 1.0 r:: r:: QkJ+ OCU5 C~lbh) OFC8 QQFE; 8AeD (;)9C9 DuFF ilDf~ ENQ ~ACK BUFI,I I LOOP bg~* QlJ~l,Q ALS 8 -1 J ~JQ ADD* SltUt RAOINQ BUFl,Q ~11f::, I -1 () G-19 I SQM JMPit DO~JE LOQJc S.AVEQ 0045 POO3F CBel LDA* SAVEl 00 1 , (, P II 0" 0 STA I LOA =XRUF JMPit (CONVRT) 00',2 POO:1G 01 11 0043 POOJD 1 Hf-( 00 /,/, POO3£ EgGl DO~~E bO~F 0047 P(1041 COOO PO 0 /12 UOO3 f' 004R POO43 lC04 00 / ,9 I SUFI LOOP (~ BACK E~JD gOfF SAVEQ 0006P SIGN OOOOP SAVEl OOOCP TAB Q02fjP OUT gY33P ~/\Cl:< OOOlP SA'IEA OOOEP CONVRT OOJ5P DO~JE 0002P BUf 0018P POS 0003P 002lP QOJEP ADDRESSES WHERE -------------------------PROGRAMS LOADED AVERA.G 2392 MOVE 2347 MAP 1 Et>lTRY POINT T"tlLE- ~ MAIN 236C X MOVE 23ft7 AVG 2381' MVFLAG' 239J G-20 2391 CONVRT 23CF c TTY PRINTOUT u o * MI *p J *K, 113, P6 J *ASSEM OPTIONS LX J *p J *L,8 J *X + 4263 ~ + 4263 J Answers MI *p J *UTOPIA E * CKDISK - ENTER CKD/ FOR HEADING o ADH, 15F9, 7 FFF / 95F8 ADH, 95F8, 65/ 965D ADH, 965D, 2/ 965F ADH, 965F, 100D/ A66C ADH, A66C, 8/ A674 ADH, A674, 12/ A686 ADH, 4, A686/ A68A ADH, A68A, 3/ A68D G-21 utopia was used to sum the hex n urn be r s, to check out the answer. The sum is A68D 16 = 42637 10 • Divide by 10 10 for a decimal answer of 4263. The remainder 7 was not considered when the answer was printed. Note that the numbers used did generate 'overflow in the sum, thereby checking out the average routine. (The average routine would work only for positive numbers. ) In analyzing and planning the move portion, the following s imp I e method could be used with imaginary core addresses: Core Address. ~----+-----~-- 1014 100B 100A move 10 words 1001 1000 00F7 OOED 100A -1000 100A A 1014 +A c 1000 100A By drawing a simple picture to move only 10 words, beginning at 1001 and showing the contents of $ED and $F7 (which will be used for indirect addressing) it can be determined that the program should subtract the contents of $F7 from $ED and use that answer, $A, for the index in Q. The store through $ED would be analyzed the same way: ($ED) + $A = $1014. By looking at the picture, one can see that Q should go from $A to 1; hence, the skip out of the loop should be after the last move when Q equaled 1. c G-22 The actual addresses involved after loading were: 0 MOVE -----AVERAG ------ second run: CONVRT not moved MAIN 23FB CONVRT 23B7 ------- 23AC ----AVERAG ------ 2392 MOVE first run MAIN 236C o 00F7 236B OOED 23FA 23FA -236B 8F -44 CONVRT 4B moved 26 15 10 4B The total number of locations involved was 8F16 • Less CONVRT, left 4B16 to move. indexed from 4B16 (the last location in MOVE) through 1 (the first location in MAIN). o G-23 Q was Solution to the AVG Reentrant Problem (11.3.2) 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 -0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF POOlO POOll POO12 POO13 POO14 POO15 POO16 POO17 POO18 P0019 POOlA POOlB POOlC POOlD POOlE POOlF P0020 P002l P0022 P0023 NAM ENT EQU OOBB OOBA 0022 0002 0000 0500 54BB 0006 0400 C8FA 6103 0844 6104 FlOl 4i05 OlAO E4FF 8622 01B2 Dl04 AOll ODOI 4522 0852 Fl05 0141 l8F5 El04 OFCI OF6l 3101 6101 4500 0000 Cl03 0500 68DF 54BA 0400 lCDC 5 4 :8 2 1 (1)+0 AVG LOOP TEST DV DIV EXIT 0 lIN RTJNUM EIN LDA* STACLR STAADQSTQSOV LDQADDSNO RAGANDINQ STQTCQ ADQSQZ JMP* LDQALS LRS DVISTASTQ+ LDAlIN STA* RTJEIN JMP* END AVG AVG AVOLA($BB),AVOLR($BA), ZERO($22), LPMASK($2) C~ 0 (AVOLA) 6 AVG 3,1 A 4,1 1, I 5,1 0 (I) (ZERO),Q TEST-*-l 4,1 LPMASK+15 1 (ZERO), I Q 5,1 DV-*-l LOOP 4,1 1 1 1,1 1,1 0,1 SAVE RETURN ADDRESS DIVIDE FOR AVERAGE RETURN ANSWER IN A RETURN REMAINDER IN Q 3,1 RESCUE RETURN ADDRESS ZERO OVERFLOW CELL LWA+l IN Q SAVE IN VOLA+5 TURN OFF OVERFLOW FWA IN Q ADD DATA TOA COUNT OVERFLOW AND OUT SIGN BIT UPDATE ADDRESS SA VE NEXT ADDRESS COMPLEMENT NEXT ADDRESS ADD LWA+l FINISHED WHEN MATCH PICK UP OVERFLOW SQUEEZE OUT SIGN BIT C' AVG (AVOLR) (AVG) LWA+l OVERFLOW RETURN I A (N WORDS) Q (FWA) C~ G-24 The following routine, NAM A VGTST, was used to check out the subroutine to see if it returned the correct answer. It only checks the answer and does not check the reentrancy. It asked AVG for an average of 9 words of a lO-word buffer X, and then punched the average 4 and remainder O. The method used to run the routine in the background, since VOLA is a protected routine, was: 1. Assemble and load AVGTST and AVG under MSOS. Do not execute yet. 2. Turn off protect switch on console. 3. Turn off disk (to protect the system). 4. Set P on the console to the beginning address of AVGTST and RUN. This method could be used to check out any r ou tin e in the background which links to system routines in pro t e c ted core. If the system in core gets clobbered, the image on the disk is intact. o o G-25 c~ 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0009 0009 0009 0009 0009 0010 0010 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 OA09 EOOO 0011 P 5800 X 7FFFX 6816 4816 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOD 54F4 0501 0008 0000 0003 0002 0013 POOOE POOOF P0010 P0011 POO12 POO13 POO14 POO15 POO16 POO17 POO18 POO19 P001A P001B 54F4 OAOO 14EA 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0002 BEGIN XA poooe NAM ENT EXT* ENA LDQ AVGTST X, BEGIN AVG 9 =XX RTJ AVG STA* STQ* WRITE TEMP SAVE ANSWER TEMP+1 SAVE REMAINDER 3, XB-XA-1, TEMP-XA-1, 2, B, 0, 1, A, X NUMBER OF WORDS BUFFER ADDRESS EXIT XB X JMPNUM ($EA) 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 TEMP BSS END TEMP (2) BEGIN C ANSWER: 4 C' G-26 After tes ting out AVG to see if it gives an answer, it is then necessary to check out itsreentrancy. In the following computer run, two pro g ram s (PGMA and PGMB) were set up, each to call AVG as a subroutine. Links and a flag were added to the routines for test purposes only. PGMA calls AVG and AVG begins its calculation. It then checks a flag and causes a pseudo interrupt of itself, and c au s e s PGMB to begin its run. PGMB calls AVG, gets an answer, punches it, and returns control back to the location in AVG where the pseudo interrupt occurred. AVG completes its calculation for PGMA, returns to PGMA, and PGMA punches its answer and hangs. Again, the programs are loaded under MSOS. Then the protect switch and disk are turned off while they execute. This method could be used as a skeleton to check a routine's reentrancy. The coding for testing reentrancy is marked by brackets in the example. o () G-27 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 'P ~ 00 00i8 0019 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF pool0 P0011 POO12 POO13 POO14 POO15 POO16 POO17 POO18 P0019 0000 OAOA EOOO OOOF P 5400 X 7FFFX 6813 54F4 0401 0000 0000 0003 oooi 00i9 P i8FF 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0001 PGMA PGMA PGNtA AVG 0 10 NAM ENT EXT 0 ENA LDQ =xx 10 ~UMBERS BUFFER ADDRESS X RTJ+ AVO COMPUTE AVERAGE STA* RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC NUM X NuM ANS ($F4) $0401 0 0 $0003 1 ANS $18FF 0,1,2;3,4,5;6,7;8,9 ANS BSS END ANS(l) PGMA PUNCH ANSWER HANG ANSWER: 4 ~) n , / n 0 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0 C') 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 P.0009 POOOA POOOB POOOC OOBB OOBA 0022 0002 0000 0500 54BB 0007 0400 C8FA 6103 0844 6014 F101 4105 01AO E4FF 'POOOD POOOE POOOF P0010 P0011 POO12 POO13 POO14 6106 C820 0115 OA01 681D C106 1400 :X 7FFFIx POO15 P0016 . C106 0000 POO17 POO18 POO19 P001A POOIB P001C P001D POOlE POOIF P0020 P0021 P0022 P0023 P0024 P0025 P0026 P0027 P0028 P0029 P002A P002B P002C P002D P002E 8622 01B2 D104 A011 OD01 4522 0852 F105 0141 18EB E104 OFC1 OF61 3101 6101 4500 0000 C103 0500 68D5 54BA 0400 1CD2 0001 AVG LOOP * * * C FIN! * * TEST DV DIV EXIT NAM ENT ENT EXT EQU AVG AVG FIN! PGMB AVOLA ($BB) , AVOLR ($BA), ZERO($22), LPMASK($2) 0 !IN RTJNUM EIN LDA* STACLR STAADQSTQSOY LDQ- 0 AVG 3,1 A 4, I 1,1 5,1 0 (I) STALDA* SAN ENA STA* LDAJMP+ 6,1 FLAG C 1 FLAG 6,1 PGMB LDA0 6,1 0 ADDSNO RAOANDINQ STQTCQ ADQSQZ JMP* LDQALS LRS DVISTASTQ+ (ZERO),Q TEST-*-l 4, I LPMASK+15 1 (ZERO), I Q 5,1 DV-*-l LOOP 4, I 1 1 1,1 1,1 0,1 LDA!IN STA* RTJEIN JMP* BZS END 3, I (AVOLA) 7 AVG (AVOLR) (AVG) FLAG(l) G-29 ONE MORE WORD VOLATILE NEEDED FIRST OR SECOND CALL? RETURN AFTER INTERRUPT ANSWERS: 3 4 r-' 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POO05 POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOB POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF P0010 P0011 POO12 POO13 POO14 POO15 POO16 POO17 POO18 POO19 P001A P001B P001C P001D POOlE P001F P0020 P0021 P0022 P0023 0000 6817 4814 COFF 680F NAM ENT EXT 0 STA* STQ* LDASTA* ENA LDQ SA+! } SQ+1 I SI+1 8 =XX RTJ+ AVG SI STA* RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC LDA ANS ($F4) $0401 0 0 $0003 1 ANS =NO SQ STALDQ I =NO SA LDA =NO JMP+ FIN! X NUM 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ANS BSS END ANS(l) PGMB OA08 EOOO 001B P 5400 X 7FFFX 6819 54F4 0401 0000 0000 0003 0001 0023 P COOO 0000 60FF EOOO 0000 COOOO 0000 1400 X 7FFFX 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004, 0005 0006 0007 0001 ~---' PGMB PGMB AVG, FINI 0 SAVE REGISTERS 8 NUMBERS BUFFER ADDRESS X COMPUTE AVERAGE PUNCH AmWER RESTORE REGISTERS~ ,,--.,' ) RETURN TO AVG ANSWER: 3 (~ ....... - Another possible solution would be: () AVG LOOP C' TEST DV DIV EXIT o NAM ENT EQU EQU 0 IIN RTJNUM E1N LDA* STA- AVG AVG A VOLA($BB), A VOLR($BA), ZERO($22) LPMASK($2),ONEB1T($23) 0 LDAEORSTACLR STALDQINQ ADDSNO RAOANDSQZ INQ JMP* LDQALS LRS DV1STASTQ+ LDAIIN STA* LDA.ANDSTARTJEIN JMP* END I ONEB1T+15 I A 4,1 1,1 -1 (I), Q TEST-*-1 4,1 LPMASK+15 DV-*-1 -1 LOOP 4,1 1 1 1, I 1,1 0, I 3,1 (AVOLA) 5 AVG 3,1 AVG 1 LPMASK+15 1 (AVOLR) (AVG) The indirect bit on the contents of I causes proper addressing to be used to add up the buffer. Only 15 bits of the address are used for the direct addressing used to access the other volatile locations. G-31 SOLUTION TO THREAD PROBLEM. ( Solution: Never. The problem here is that the programmer thinks the request priority of 14 will override the running priority of 12, but this is not so. It is the driver's priority which must be considered, and the slow-equipment drivers usually run at 10. So, since the requestis threaded as highest priority (14) on the queue for the logical unit (TTY,4) and will be processed when the driver gets to run at its p rio ri ty (10), the write will never be done. This is because the running program is hung in a loop at priority 12, waiting for an event which cannot occur (the thread word becoming zero) because the loop at 12 is locking out the driver. Process programs usually run at 4, 5, and 6 (below the drivers); this would eli min ate the problem in the example program. However, any looping like this at any priority is going to slow down a system by locking out lower priorities. For example, if many process programs were coded this way, they could a 1m 0 s t completely lock out job processing (which runs at 0 and 1). It would be much better to code the write as follows, if it mus t run at 12: EQU ~ OK COMPL RTJNUM ADC NUM NUM NUM ADC SQP JMP JMP- ADISP($EA) ($F4) $OCED COMPL 0 $18FC 35 BUF OK-*-l REJ (ADISP) G-32 FWRITE, RP=14, CP=13 C o SOLUTION TO MMPGM PROBLEM. (11. 5.7) Note that afte~ the FWRITE is initiated (at P0017), the program return jumps to CORSUB and then schedules SYSPGM. CORSUB will run at the calling program's priority (4). Then, since SYSPGM is scheduled to run at 4 also, it will r')t begin until MMPGM is finished. (This is per f e c t I y legal, as long as SYSPGM does not need any of the data in MMPGM and does not store anything in MMPGM.) At P001C a jump is then made to the dispatcher to a w a i t completion of the 1/0. This all looks very good. However, the 110 has been going on concurrently and the driver runs at a very high priority (usually 10). If by any chance it finishes the write and t r an sf e r s control to the completion routine WROTE (at P001D) at priority 6 before the RTJ+ CORSUB and the schedule for SYSPGM are finished, the space MMPGM is in will be released. Surprise! This is quite possible because other system programs at intermediate priorities (i. e., 7 and 9) could be locking out the MMPGM at 4, yet the driver at 10 would be plod din g away at its write. Naturally the completion at 6 will be done (after the 7 and 8 are finished) be for e the p rio r i t Y drops back down to 4 to try to do the return jump to CORSUB and the schedule request, which, of course, aren't there any more. The word on mass memory coding is: Be careful, and think! o o G-33 A possible correction for the program would be: ADISP MMPGM MSGBUF WRITE REQOK WROTE REL NAM ENT EXT * EXT EXT EQU NUM STA* JMP* ALF FWRITE SQP RTJ RTJ+ JMPSQP RTJ SCHDLE SQP RTJ SCHDLE SQP RTJ JMPRELEAS END MMPGM MMPGM REQREJ,IOERR CORSUB SYSPGM ADISP($EA) $C8FE REL+2 WRITE *,MASS MEMORY EXAMPLE* $FC, WROTE-*+l, MSGBUF-*+5, 10, A, 5,6, I, X REQOK-*-l REQREJ CORSUB (ADISP) 2 IOERR REL,4,X 2 REQREJ (SYSPGM), 4, ° 2 REQREJ (ADISP) 0, T, MMPGM ° In this solution, if the completion routine is entered before the RTJ+ to CORSUB is finished, REL and SYSPGM will be put on the scheduler stack to be executed after the completion exit to the dispatcher allows MMPGM to be picked up from the interrupt stack. Another possible correction to the program, perhaps better, would be s imp I y to change the completion priority in the FWRITE request from 6 to 3. That would insure that any priority 4 work would be finished before the release is executed. However, this would cause the space MMPGM is in to be tied up until SYSPGM is finished, which was not the intent. G-34 C--: C~ APPENDIX H o c c) ::q I I-' ********pp******** 0001 0002 ********Op******** ********UD******** 0003 POOOO 0000 ********OP******** ********UD******** 0004 P0001 0000 0000 0005 0006 0000 OBOO 0007 0001 7FFF X 0008 OOFE 0009 OOFE OOBD P 0010 OOFF 0000 0100 0000 0011 0012 0002 P 0013 P0002 0000 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 P0003 COFE 0021 P0004 C2FE 0022 P0005 C1FE 0023 P0006 C3FE 0024 P0007 C020 0025 P0008 C014 ********FX******** 0026 P0009 COOO ********PL******** 0027 POOOA C002 ********RL******** 0028 POOOB COlO * * ** ** * *RL* ** * ** ** 0029 POOOC COOO ********UD******** 0030 POOOD COOO n *p *ASSEM NAM LOWCOR TEMP1 INDEX2 ABSRNG RELOW * * * * * *LABEL* NAM ORG NOP 0 ORG 0 0 0 ORG* 0 1700 ADDRESSING EXAMPLES ASSEMBLED UNDER MSOS 2. 0 OCT. 1968 C.' L DAN 0 SET ABSOLUTE ADDRESS DPNDNT $FE ANYWHR 0 0 EXTERNAL SYMBOL RE-SET ABSOLUTE ADDRESS 0 1700 ASSEMBLY EXAMPLES ********STORAGE REFERENCE******** **GROUP 1** EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED OPERAND ADDRESS *ABSOLUTE* *DESCRIPTION* *BA* *EFA* *OPN* *ADDRESS* TEMP1 TEMP1 LDATEMPI NO INDEXING TEMPI TEMP1+(Q) LDAQ INDEXING TEMP1, Q LDATEMPI TEMP1 +(OOFF) TEMP1, I I INDEXING LDATEMPI TEMP1+(Q)+(00FI TEMPI, B DOUBLE INDEXING LDA$20 NUMERIC HEX EXAMPLE 20 HEX 20 HEX LDA20 NUMERIC DEC EXAMPLE 20 HEX 20 DEC LDA- ABSRNG LDA- RELOW PROGRAM RELOCATABLE ADDRESS LDA- BLOCK6 DATA RELOCATABLE ADDRESS LDA- BLOCK3 COMMON RELOCATABLE LDA- UNDEFINED UNDEFINED SYMBOL 4DELTA OUT OF RANGE ~ 0032 0033 0034 POOOE C822 0035 POOOF CA21 0036 P0010 CB20 0037 P0011 C8FC 0038 P0012 C8FD 0039 P0013 181D ********RL******** 0040 P0014 C017 * ** * ** **RL* ** * ** ** 0041 P0015 COlO * ** *** **RL***** *** 0042 P0016 COOOO *RELATIVE* * *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* BAKREL LDA* RELADR LDA* RELADR,Q LDA* RELADR,B LDA* BAKREL LDA* *-2 JMP* RELADR ********FX******** 0043 P0017 COA6 *DESCRIPTION* DELTA=RELADR+(-*) DE L T A= RE LADR+ (- *) DELTA=RELADR+(-*) DELTA=BAKREL+(-*) DELTA+*-2+(-*) JUMP ADDRESS=EFA *BA* RELADR RELADR RELADR BAKREL *-2 RELADR LDA* TAGLRM-BAKREL FORM RELATIVE ADDRESS LDA* $10 ABSOLUTE ADDRESS LDA* ABSRNG ABSOLUTE ADDRESS LDA* ANYWHR DELTA OUT OF RANGE *EFA* RELADR RELADR+(Q) RELADR+(Q)+(OOFF) BAKREL *-2 RELADR p:: I l\:) 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 (~ P0018 P0019 P001A P001B P001C P001D POOlE P001F P0020 P0021 P0022 P0023 P0024 P0025 C800 0017 C800 00A2 CAOO OOAO 5800 009E C400 OOFE C400 0500 C800 0000 ****CONTINUATION OF STORAGE REFERENCE**** * ****GROUP 1**** * *LONG RELATIVE* * *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* *LABEL* *OPN *BA* *EFA* M=RELADR+(-*. +1) LDA RELADR RELADR RELADR TAGLRM LDA ANYWHR M=16 BIT REL ADDRESS LDA ANYWHR,Q Q INDEXING ANYWHR ANYWHR+(Q) RTJ ANYWHR JUMP ADDRESS=EFA ANYWHR ANYWHR LDA TEMP1 ABSOLUTE ADDRESS, ASSEMBLED AS STORAGE LDA $500 ASSEMBLED AS STORAGE MODE LDA* 0 * 0 WORD ONE OF LONG RELATIVE WORD TWO OF LONG RELATIVE (\ ) ANYWHR ANYWHR n 0 0 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 ~ I ~ 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 P0026 P0027 P0028 P0029 P002A P002B P002C P002D P002E P002F C400 OOBD P C600 OOBD P C700 0500 C400 0000 5400 OOBD P P0030 C4FE P0031 C4FF P0032 C420 P0033 14FE P0034 P0035 P0036 P0037 P0038 P0039 P003A P003B C600 8027 P C700 802B P C400 8700 5400 8027 P P003C CCEA P003D CDED P003F CFF6 *STORAGE* * *LABEL* *OPN* BACIND LDA+ (" "--' *ADDRESS* ANYWHR *DESCRIPTION* 2ND WORD=ANYWHR *BA* ANYWHR *EFA* ANYWHR LDA+ ANYWHR,Q Q INDEXING ANYWHR ANYWRR+(Q) MEMADR LDA+ $500, B NUMERIC EXAMPLE $500 $500+(Q)+(00FF) TAGSM LDA0 RTJ+ (0) 0 ANYWHR WORD ONE Of!' ~TORAGE MODE WORD TWO OF STORAGE MODE ANYWHR JUMP ADDRESS=EFA ANYWHR * * EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED ADDRESS OF OPERAND ADDRESS * *INDIRECT* * *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* *BA* *EFA* *LABEL* *OPN* (TEMPI) (TEMPI) LDADELTA=TEMPI (TEMPI) RELADR (TEMPl)+(Q) LDADELTA=TEMPI (TEMPI) (TEMPl),Q * (TEMPI) (TEMPI )+(Q)+(OO FF) LDADELTA=TEMPI . (TEMPl),B * DELTA=TEMPI +1 (TEMPl+l) (TEMPl+l) LDA(TEMPl+l) ($20) ($20) LDADELTA=$20 ($20) JMPJUMP ADDRESS=EFA (TEMPI) ANYWHR (TEMPI) *STORAGE INDIRECT* * *ADDRESS* *LABEL* *OPN* LDA+ (BACIND+l), Q RELIND *DESCRIPTION* 2ND WORD=BACIND+l *EFA* *BA* (BACIND+l) ANYWHR+(Q) (MEMADR+l) LDA+ (MEMADR+l), B 2ND WORD=MEMADR+l LDA+ ($700) NUMERIC EXAMPLE ($700) RTJ+ (BACIND+l) JUMP ADDRESS=EFA (BACIND+l) *RELA TIVE INDIRECT* * *ADDRESS* *LABEL* *OPN (BACIND+l) LDA* (MEMADR+l), I LDA* (RELIND+l), B LDA* *DESCRIPTION* DELTA=BACIND+1 +(-*) DELTA=MEMADR+1 +(-*) DELTA=RELIND+1 +(-*) $500+(Q)+(00 FF) ($700) ANYWHR *BA* *EFA* (BACIND+l) ANYWHR (MEMADR+l) $500+(00FF) (RELIND+l) ANYWHR+(Q)+(OOFF) 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 P003F P0040 P0041 P0042 P0043 P0044 CCOO FFE6 CEOO 007B C400 8700 (ANYWHR) (ANYWHR)+(Q) LDA ($700) ASSEMBLED AS STORAGE INDIRECT *CONSTANT* * *ADDRESS* *LABEL* *OPN* LDA =N1000 / *EFA* ANYWHR 16 BIT REL ADDRESS 0103 0104 0105 f\ I *BA* (BACIND+1) (ANYWHR),Q * * * * TAGCM *DESCRIPTION* M=BACKIND+(-*)+l LDA 0098 0099 0100 0101 P0045 COOO P0046 03E8 0106 P0047 COOO P0048 1000 0107 P0049 COOO P004A EFFF 0108 P004B COOO P004C 0026 P 0109 P004D COOO P004E 7FD9-P 0110 P004F COOO P0050 4243 0111 P0051 C200 P0052 1000 0112 P0053 COOO 0113 P0054 0000 ********EX******** 0114 P0055 6400 P0056 0000 0115 P0057 COOO P0058 7FFB 0116 P0059 COOO P005A 8026 P ~ I ..p.. *LONG RELATIVE INDIRECT* * *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* LDA (BACIND+1) ****CONTINUATION OF STORAGE REFERENCE**** ****GROUP 3**** EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED OPERAND N = NUMERIC X = ADDRESS A = ALPHANUMERIC *DESCRIPTION* *BA* NUMERIC EXAMPLE DEC P+1 *EFA* P+1 LDA =N$1000 NUMERIC EXAMPLE HEX P+1 P+1 LDA =N-$1000 NUMERIC EXAMPLE NEG P+1 P+1· LDA =XBACIND ADDRESS EXAMPLE P+1 P+1 LDA =X-BACIND ADDRESS EXAMPLE NEG P+1 P+1 LDA =ABC ALPHA EXAMPLE P+1 LDA =N$1000, Q RA=(P+1) *INDEXING* $1000 LDA0 0 0 WORD ONE OF CONSTANT MODE WORD TWO OF CONSTANT STA =N$O ASSEMBLER WILL NOT ALLOW LDA =X-4 NUMERIC WITH ADDRESS INDICATOR LDA =X(BACIND) SET INDIRECT BIT ON ADDRESS VALUE f) P+1 OPERAND .r----"'\ /' o 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 01 ~(i 01~7 01~H 0129 0130 0131 o * * *LABEL* P005B P005C P005D P005E P005F P0060 P0061 1>0062 0847 080C 0811 0823 081C 0801 0854 0834 POO():~ 086A POO()--! 08B2 POOG5 08F4 c~ ********REGISTER TRANSFER******** EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED DESTINATION HEGISTER *OPN* *ADDHESS* *DESCRIPTION* CLR A,Q,1\'1 CLEAH A Q AND 1\1 REGISTERS THlVl A TRANSFER 1\'1 TO A TRQ M TRANSFER Q TO M Q,M TAA TRANSFER A TO Q AND 1\1 A TRB TRANSFER INCLUSIVE OR OF M Q TO A SET M SET M TO ALL ONES TCQ A TRANSFER THE COMPLEMENT OF Q TO A A AAQ TRANSFER SUM OF A Q TO A EAM Q TRANSFER EXCLUSIVE OR OF A M TO Q LAQ TRANSFER LOGICAL AND OF A Q TO Q Q CAQ A TRANSFER COMPLEMENT OF LOGICAL AND OF A Q TO A *****~~~EX******** 0132 P0066 0820 0134 ~, 0135 01 0136 0137 P0067 0105 0138 P006H 0156 0139 P0069 0115 -1- *******EX* * ****** 0140 P006A 0120 . ********EX******** 0141 P006B 013A 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 TAA * * *LABEL* * * *LABEL* P006C P006D P006E P006F P0070 P0071 P0072 OFAC OFD2 OF7F OBOA OF53 OF5F OFDA SKI PAD x ILLEGAL DESTINATION REGISTER ********SKIPS******** EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED SKIP COUNT *OPN* *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* SAZ 5 IF(A) IS 0 SKIP FORWARD 6 PLACES ++l+SKIPCOUNT SKI PAD .. *-1 SQN IF(Q) NEG SKIP TO SKIPAD (NON ABSOLUTE METHOD) SAN SKI PAD SKIP COUNT OUT OF RANGE SAP $10 SKIP COUNT OUT OF RANGE SAM -5 NEG SKIP COUNT ********SHIFTS******** EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN DESIRED SIDFT COUNT *OPN* *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* 12 QLS LEFT SHIFT Q 12 DECIMAL POSITIONS ALS LEFT SIDFT A 12 HEX POSITIONS $12 31 RIGHT SHIFT Q/ A 31 DECIMAL POSITIONS (31:::: MAX) LRS 10 NOP WAIT XX MICROSECONDS ARB SHIFT COUNT GREATER THAN $31 $33 DELTA SYMBOLIC SHIFT COUNT ARB ALS NEG SHIFT' COUNT -5 ~ I m 0154 0155 0156 0157 P0073 OA75 0158 P0074 OCEA 0159 P0075 OA7F ********EX******** 0160 P0076 OA80 ********EX******** 0161 P0077 OA01 0162 P0078 OA1F 0163 P0079 OAEO ********EX******** 0164 P007 A OAFF ********EX******** 0165 P007B OA02 ********EX******** 0166 P007C OA10 ********EX******** 0167 P007D OAOO 0168 P007E 09FE 0169 P007F OD25 0170 P0080 0206 ********EX******** 0171 P0081 0287 0172 P0082 0400 0173 P0083 0500 0174 P0084 OE04 0175 P0085 0600 0176 P0086 0700 0177 P0087 0000 0178 00lF r, * * EVALUATION OF ADDRESS FIELD RESULTS IN VARIOUS PORTIONS OF ASSEMBLED INSTS *ADDRESS* *LABEL* *OPN* *DESCRIPTION* $75 ENA ENTER A WITH VALUE SPECIFIED IN ADDRESS FIELD -$15 ENQ NEG EXAMPLE 127 DEC EXAMPLE (MAX VALUE) ENA REJCTA ENA 128 NEG. ENA ENA ENA 257 DELTA -DELTA OUT OF RANGE NUMERIC VALUE POSe SYMBOLIC VALUE NEG. SYMBOLIC VALUE ENA INDEX2 NEG. ENA RELOW PROGRAM RELOCATABLE VALUE ENA BLOCK6 DATA RELOCATABLE VALUE ENA INA INQ INP BLOCK3 -1 COMMON RELOCATABLE VALUE INCREASE A BY THE VALUE SPECIFIED IN ADDRESS FD INCREASE Q INPUT TO A REJECT ADDRESS-P+1+DELTA INP EIN IIN EXI SPB CPB SLS EQU $25 REJCTA-*-l REJCTA o o 4 o o o DELTA($lF) f) NUMERIC VALUE SYMBOLIC VALUE DELT OUT OF RANGE ENABLE INTERRUPT SYSTEM INHIBIT INTERRUPT SYSTEM EXIT INTEHRUPT ADDRESS FIELD = INTERRUPT SET PROTECT BIT (Q) = ADDRESS CLEAR PROTECT BIT (Q) = ADDRESS STOP IF STOP KEY SET EQUATE SYlVIBOLIC VALUE FOR ABOVE USE r--"', . j o C) 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 ::c: I ..::J 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0195 0196 0197 0198 P0088 0030 P P0089 0026 P P008A 802A P POO~B 7FCF-P P008C 7FFO P008D P008E P008F P0090 1000 03E8 EFFF FF9B C) ********CLASS 2 PSEUDOS******** * * *ADC* ADDRESS CONSTANT PSEUDO * THE ADDRESS EXPRESSIONS IN SUBFIELD ARE ASSEMBLED INTO CONSECUTIVE CELL * LOCATIONS. IF ADDRESS EXPRESSION IS ENCLOSED IN PARENTHESIS THE ADDRESS * BECOMES INDIRECT. *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* ADLIST ADC RELADR, BACIND, (MEMADR), -RELADR o -$F TREATED AS ONE WORD ADC * *NUM*NUMERIC CONSTANT PSEUDO * THE NUMERIC EXPRESSIONS IN SUBFIELD ARE ASSEMBLED INTO CONSECUTIVE CELL * LOCATIONS. THE CONSTANTS CAN BE EITHER DECIMAL OR HEX VALUES. *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* CONLST NUM $1000, 1000, -$1000, -100 * *ALF* ALPHANUMERIC MESSAGE PSEUDO * THE ADDRESS FIELD CONTAINS THE NUMBER OF CELLS TO BE RESERVED FOR THE * REMAINING CHARACTERS IN FIELD. *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* ~ I 00 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 * * * * * *****CONTINUATION OF CLASS 2 PSEUDOS***** *ENT* ENTRY PSEUDO TillS PSEUDO WILL CAUSE A BINARY OUTPUT WHICH WILL ALLOW -EXTERNAL SYMBOLS OF OTHER PROGRAMS TO BE DEFINED AT *LOAD TIME* *ADDRESS* *OPN* START, BACIND ENT 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 * * * * *EXT* EXTERNAL PSEUDO TillS PSEUDO WILL ALLOW SYMBOLIC VALUES UNDEFINED IN THE INDEPENDENT PROGRAM TO BE MATCHED WITH ENTRY VALUES AND DEFINED AT LOAD TIME. *OPN* *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* , EXT DPNDNT DPNDNT WILL BE MATCHED WITH ENTRY POINT AT LOAD TIME. RTJ DPNDNT DPNDNT IS UNDEFINED IN CURRENT ROUTINE P0091 5400 X P0092 0001 X 0214 P0093 OBOO 0215 P0094 5400 X P0095 0092 X 0216 P0096 OBOO 0217 P0097 5401 0218 P0098 OBOO ********EX******** 0219 P0099 5400 X 0220 P009A OBOO ********EX******** 0221 P009B 5000 X r~) I * NOP RTJ NOP RTJNOP DPNDNT ASSEMBLED AS STORAGE (LOWCOR) INDIRECT LINKING RTJ* NOP DPNDNT RTJ- DPNDNT /\ I r~ o f --" U 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 ~ I c.o 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0246 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 ****CLASS 3 PSEUDOS**** *EQU* EQUATE PSEUDO TillS PSEUDO WILL CAUSE A SYMBOLIC VALUE TO BE EQUATED TO ANOTHER SYMBOLIC VALUE OR TO A NUMERIC VALUE AND PLACED IN SYMBOL TABLE. *ADDRESS* *OPN* START($100), HERE(*) EQU * * *BSS* *LABEL* P009C OBOO P009D 0010 POOAD OBOO BLOCK STORE PSEUDO TillS PSEUDO WILL CAUSE A RESERVATION OF THE NUMBER OF CELLS SPECIFIED BY THE VALUE IN THE ADDRESS FIELD. THE CONTENTS OF THESE CELLS WILL BE UNCHANGED AT LOAD TIME. *DESCRIPTION* *OPN* *ADDRESS* o INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS NOP BLOCK8($10) BSS o INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS NOP * *BZS* BLOCK ZERO STORE PSEUDO * SAME AS BSS EXCEPT CELLS WILL BE SET TO ZERO AT LOAD TIME. *LABEL* *OPN* *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* o NOP INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS BZS BLOCK2 BLOCK9($5) o NOP INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS * * * * * *COM* COMMON STORAGE PSEUDO THE NAME OF THE BLOCKS AND THE SIZE ARE DEFINED IN THE ADDRESS FIELD OF PSEUDO. THE STORAGE AREA WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE AREA OF THE LOADER AT LOAD TIME. *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTION* *OPN* COM BLOCK3($30), BLOCK4($100) BLOCK4=BLOCK3+$30 * * * * *DAT* DATA STORAGE PSEUDO THE METHOD OF RESERVATION IS THE SAME AS COM EXCEPT THE AREA CAN BE PRESET. *ADDRESS* *DESCRIPTIQN* *OPN* DAT BLOCK5($10), BLOCK6($20*$20) 0000 C 0030 C 0000 D 0010 D POOB5 OBOO ,-.-/ * * * * * 0100 009C P POOAE OBOO POOAF 0005 POOB4 OBOO (--\ NOP o INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS 0260 0261 METHODS OF PRESETTING DATA IN DATA AREA ALSO SHOWN IS ILLEGAL USE OF COMM AREA * * 0000 D DOOOO 0088 P DOOOI 002A P D0002 008D P D0003 009C P ********UD******** D0004 8000 0265 D0005 0001 D0006 0002 D0007 0003 D0008 0004 D0009 0005 00B6 P 0266 0267 POOB6 OBOO *** * ** **RL*** * ** ** 0268 0000 0269 POOB7 0001 POOB8 0002 POOB9 0003 POOBA 0004 POOBB 0005 0263 0264 ~ I I-' 0 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 * * * * * * 0278 0279 * * () NAM ORG ADC PRESET TO DATA AREA BLOCK5 ADLIST, MEMADR, CONLST, HERE, (WORD2A) NUM 1,2,3,4,5 ORG* NOP 0 0 RESET TO NORMAL COUNTER INDICA TOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS ORG NUM BLOCK3 1,2,3,4, 5 SET COUNTER TO COMMON AREA ILLEGAL TO SET DATA IN COMMON ********CLASS 1 PSEUDOS******** NAME PSEUDO THE NUMERIC VALUE IN LABEL FIELD WILL SET PROGRAM COUNTER TO AN ABSOLUTE VALUE. THE ADDRESS FIELD CONTAINS THE PROGRAM NAME. ONLY ONE NAM ALLOWED PER PROGRAM. NAM IS USED TO IDENTIFY INDEPENDENT PROGRAMS. ORG PROGRAM COUNTER CONTROL PSEUDO COUNTER. IF NUMERIC IS USED PROGRAM WILL BE ASSEMBLED ABSOLUTE. .f\ (\ n r-) l • l 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 * * * POOBC OBOO 0287 ORG* RETURN PROGRAM COUNTER PSEUDO USED TO RETURN COUNTER TO NORMAL VALUE *DESCRIPTION* *ADDRESS* *OPN* ORG* o INDICATOR TO SHOW CURRENT ADDRESS NOP EQU OOBD P * * * * 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 * * (': ANYWHR(*) *END* END PSEUDO MUST BE LAST CARD OF EACH PROGRAM, SYMBOL IN ADDRESS FIELD IS THE ADDRESS CONTROL WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO AT LOAD TIME. *ADDRESS* *OPN* END START T t-l t-l I RELOW TAGSM REJCTA HERE BLOCK5 030 ERRORS OOFF 0002P 0002DP 0087P 009CP OOOOD LOWCOR BAKREL RELADR DELTA BLOCK8 BLOCK6 0001 OOOEP 0030P 001F 009DP 0010D TEMPI TAGLRM RELIND ADLIST BLOCK9 ANYWHR OOFE 0025P 0034P 0088P OOAFP OOBDP INDEX2 BACIND TAGCM CONLST BLOCK3 DPNDNT OOFF 0026P 0054P 008DP OOOOC 0095X ABSRNG MEMADR SKI PAD START BLOCK4 0100 002AP 006FP 0100 0030C c- APPENDIX I c- '''-''-/ '-... APPENDIX I COMMUNICATION REGION The communication region is the area of core below FF16. It can be addressed directly by a one-word instruction. Contents are defined by the follow i n g table. All locations are protected except as noted. EQU names are noted also. Contents ",Location o &1 LPMASK Reserved for the system 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000000000011 0000000000000111 . ... HEX Equivalent 2 3'. 4 5. ___ a~. • __ ._.,. ___ .~ .... _____ ._K"--"'~' OOOOOOOOOOOOllll~ -. _. --' .".... .-, .-.. __J',~. ..~ -.~.~~. 7 000000000001111Jl 8 000000000011111~ I-.~..... _.~ .... ~ 9'· 0000000001111111 0000000011111111 B 0000000111111111 C 0000001111111111 l) 0000011111111111 0000111111111111 E 0001111111111111 E l(t 0011111111111111 .---l-L-_--------..---Jf~~_!!!.!!!lJJlJl~.--.. .12 1111111111111111 .......... _--' _..... 13 111111111111111~ 14 1111111111111100 15 1111111111111000 16 1111111111110000 17 1111111111100000 18 1111111111000000 19 1111111110000000 1A 1111111100000000 1B 1111111000000000 1C 1111110000000000 1D 1111100000000000 1E 1111000000000000 1F 1110000000000000 20 1100000000000000 21 1000000000000000 .. 22 pOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A- --., .~ NZERO ZERO --, ...... ~' ___~ •. "''''·''_K_'~. _.".._,...:.,.~ ........ ,_.. _., .. ,,_.~.~._ ->-.1'".,;:, ..."-............ ~-.--.,~""---- ••,---,,...~-.~ ... --' .. "~ • 1-1 0 1 3 7 F 1F 3F 7F FF 1FF 3FF 7FF FFF 1FFF 3FFF 7FFF FFFF FFFE FFFC FFF8 FFFO FFEO FFCO FF80 FFOO FEOO FCOO F800 FOOO EOOO COOO 8000 0000 Location ONE BIT ZROBIT ... 23 24 2.5 26 2[1 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 through B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 Contents 0000000000000001 0000000000000010 0000000000000100 0000000000001000 0000000000010000 0000000000100000 0000000001000000 0000000010000000 0000000100000000 0000001000000000 HEX Equivalent 0001 0002 0004 0008 0010 0020 0040 0080 0100 0200 0400 0800 1000 2000 4000 8000 FFFE FFFD FFFB FFF7 FFEF FFDF FFBF FF7F FEFF FDFF FBFF F7FF EFFF . DFFF BFFF 7FFF oooootOOOOOOOOOO 0000100000000000 0001000000000000 0010000000000000 0100000000000000 1000000000000000 1111111111111110 1111111111111101 1111111111111011 1111111111110111 1111111111101111 1111111111011111 1111111110111111 1111111101111111 1111111011111111 1111110111111111 1111101111111111 1111011111111111 1110111111111111 1101111111111111 1011111111111111 0111111111111111 5 6 9 A16 Reserved for process Logical unit number of scratch unit Top of thread of entries in schedule stack Address of FNR Address of COMPRQ Address of mask table Address of top of interrupt stack Address of request exit 1-2 r-. Location ''"'''~,. \...../ BA BB BC BD BE BF CO Cl C2 C3 C4 ( \---...- .. / C5 through E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC '. ED EE EF FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF Contents HEX Equivalent Address of volatile storage release routine - VOLR Address of volatile storage assignment routine - VOLA Address of absolutizing routine for logical unit number Address of S absolutizing routine Address of C absolutizing routine Address of N absolutizing routine Most significant bits of first scratch area sector number Least significant bits of first scratch area sector number Logical unit number of the library unit Most significant bits of sector number of first program library directory block Least significant bits of sector number of first pro g ram library directory block Reserved for FORTRAN (unprotected) Used for load and. go (unprotected) Address of timer handler Length of system library directory Index to firs t mas s storage entry in the s y s tern library direc tory Countdown register Real time clock Address. of dispatcher Address of sys tern library directory Temporary highest unprotected location + 1 Temporary lowest unprotected location - 1 Used by job processor for returns from loader, etc. Current priority level/- PRLVL Address of firs t available volatile storage Length of table of presets Address of table of presets Address of breakpoint program when in core (unprotected) Address of entry for system requests (unprotected) Highest core location - MAXCOR Highes t unprotected location + 1 Lowes t unprotected location - 1 Address of internal interrupt processor Logical unit number of standard input device Logical unit number of standard binary output device Logical unit number of standard print output device Logical unit number of output comment device Logical unit number of input comment device Address of the common interrupt handler Memory index (unprotected) - I register 1-3 . ~"''''' I " __ .J {'" '--:'''. '-../. INDEX c .. / rr ..... _. \'--"'-" '-, ,,-- .-., /' ........ INDEX CJ~~· absolute addressing 5-49 absolute addressing mode one-word one-word indirect two-word two-word indirec t 5-7 5-8 5-8, 5-52 5-9 11-10, 11-12 absolutized program absolutizing addresses 11-17 absolutizing programs 14-5 2-6, 5-35 adder address expressions 5-5 address field 3-3 5-2, 5-13 addressing modes allocatable core 11-1, 11-38, 11-43, 11-47 C· r-·"· -"". alphanumeric characters 6-7 arithmetic 2-1 assembler errors 9-13 assembler format 3-2 as sembling a program 9-2 automatic res tart 1-3 background 8-1, 8-4, 9-1, 11-1 basic assembler breakpoint package 9-17 buffer data channel 12-66 card reader 12-23 characteristics of 1700 checksum checkword, disk CKASSM program \. . . ,..... ._.. .J 6-1 1-1 12-9 12-38 8-61 comment field 3-5 common block 6-12, 9-6, 11-15 11-1 communications region 8-8, 8-16 completion address 6-15, 6-18 conditional assembly configuration 1-10 console 1-11 constant addressing mode continuator, driver control statements job processor breakpoint recovery 5-3, 5-49 13-3 9-2, 9-7 9-18 9-24 conversion 5-45 core request 8-55 core size cylinder 1-1, 1-6 12-41 data block 6-12, 6-14, 9-5 debugging 9-13 delta device assignment device failure 5-1 9-7, 9-17 9-15 direct access channel (1705) 1-3, 1-6, 12-36 disk dispatcher drivers drum entering memory 7-:12 11-3, 13-9, 13-13 13-5, 13-9 12-48 1-12 INDEX (CONT) entry points 6-2 error bit in Q 8-16, 8-17, 8-19 error checking, peripherals 12-63 als 0 see error bits on each peripheral error section, driver 13-4 executing a program 9-7 execution times shift class storage reference class 5-32 5-32 6-2, 9-5, 11-14, 11-46, 11-49 2-7 11-11 flow of program 8-1, 8-4, 11-1 foreground 8-8 FREAD request jump 5-22 LIBEDT 14-1 8-8 GTFILE request 8-47, 14-3 2-1 idle loop 11-3 indexing 3-4, 5-13, 5-15, 5-50. 8-59, 8-61 11-6 loader errors 9-17 loading a program 9-6, 9-16, 14-2, 14-7 initiator, driver 13-1 logical operations 5-34 input/output 1-6, 5-44, 7-1 buffered 7-11, 12-36, 12-48, 12-66 functj.ons 7 -5, 7 -12 8-54, 8-55 LOADER request location field 5-1 9-3 loader blocks 5-53 interregister instructions 3-5, 3-7 load-and-go indirect addressing instruction classes ~ '--~-t 11-1, 11-12 . -" listing FWRITE request INDIR reques t 9-1 job processor libraries function codes see specific peripheral hexadecimal numbers 2-4 13-3, 13-7 line processor 13-1 mode programming 11-3 stack system 1-3, 5-43, 7-10., 11-29, 13-1, 13-7 externals floating point numbers 7-10., 13-1 7-4 11-35 11-35 11-37 7-9, 7-16 7-1 interrupt handler, common 11-3, 13-3, 13-9, 13-12 8-7 EXIT request -r-- integer numbers 8-7, 11-3, 11-30., 11-38 exits input/ output interrupts reply or reject requests priorities rejects status unbuffered 3-2 "5-21, 5-36, 6-16 logical units 8-19 low-speed I/O package 7-3 M 5-1 macro assembler 6-1 r·· ," INDEX (CONT) ~-,~--- macros sys tem macros 6-16, 6-19 6-19 .--...../ magnetic tape 1731 1732 12-57 12-66 11-1, 11-12, 14-3 9-1 protect bit mask regis ter 1-3 protect sys tem 1-2, 5-29, 5-42 masks 6-5 protected core 11-1 11-42 mass memory program replacement 14-1 mass storage addressing 8-15, 8-50 mass storage files 8-47, 14-5 mass storage operating system 8-1, 8-4 memory memory parity MONI 1-1 5-29 8-2, 8-4 --.,. I program library manual interrupt mass memory program coding '",,-.,,;' priorities 11-47 mass memory programs 11-34 schedule reques ts space 11-38, 11-43 object program opcode field 11-4 3-3 options for assembly (OPT card) 6-20, 9-3 overflow paper tape punch paper tape reader parity bit physical devic e tables power failure printer 2-7, 5-24, 5-28 8-11, 12-6 7-5, 8-11, 12-1 1-2 8-44 1-3 12-29 priorities 11-3, 11-24, 8-28, 8-30 hardware 13-10 I/O reques ts 11-35, 11-38,. 8-9, 8-16 1-2 pseudo-ops 6-1 READ request 8-8 real numbers 2-7 8-10 record formats 11-24 reentrant coding 1-7 registers register reference instructions 5-40 rejects input/output requests 11-35, 11-37 schedule reques ts 7-4 release request 11-40, 11-46 relative addressing 5-50, 11-14, 11-17, 11-19 relative addressing mode one-word one-word indirect two-word two-word indirect 5-10, 5-52 5-12 5-12 5-13 requests 8-1, 11-32 REQXT runanywhere coding buffer addresses externals 8-2, 8-4 11-12 11-17 11-12 schedule request 11-32, 11-44, 8-8, 8-29, 8-36 INDEX (CONT) scheduler stack sector 11-3 unprotected core 11-1 12-37 utility assembler 6-1 shift ins tructions 5-31, 5-51 utility system short read 8-17, 8-47 utopia skip instructions 5-26, 5-51 variable fields source program 11-4 space request 11-39, 11-46 STATUS request 8-42 status responses also see specific peripheral 8-44 volatile storage word size WRITE request .- ..... ~-- -. 8-1, 8-4, 8-5 14-9 6-9 11-26, 11-28, 11-30 1-1, 1-2 8-8 storage reference addressing mode 5-18 storage reference instructions 5-18 storage reservation 6-10 subroutine parameters 5-37, 11-29, 11-32 11-40 swapping core sweeping memory 1-13 system initializer 14-3, 14-6 system library -- 11-1, 11-12, 11-42 system recovery package 9-17 tape see magnetic or paper teletypewriter 1711/1712 1713 thread word timer reques t track transfer address transferring records traps for interrupts 8-10 12-11 12-17 8-19, 8-28, 11-36 8-40, 11-34 12-37 6-2 14-7 1-4, 13-2, 13-7 -'10- '. CONTROL DATA CORPORA TI ON
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