60282700_1700_MSOS_Version_3_Installation_Handbook_Dec70 60282700 1700 MSOS Version 3 Installation Handbook Dec70
60282700_1700_MSOS_Version_3_Installation_Handbook_Dec70 60282700_1700_MSOS_Version_3_Installation_Handbook_Dec70
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MSOS Version 3 CONTROL DATA CORPORATION INSTALLATION HANDBOOK REVISION RECORD REVISION 12-70 DESCRIPTION Original Printing Publication No. 60282700 Address comments concerning this manual to: © 1970 by Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America Control Data Corporation Technical Publications Department 4201 North Lexington Avenue Arden Hills, Minnesota or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. PREFACE MSOS 3.0 Products The following products may be used with MSOS 3.0: 1700 Macro Assembler 2. 0 1700 COSY 1. 0 1700 Mass Storage FORTRAN 2.0A 1700 Mass Storage FORTRAN 2. OB 1700 System Checkout 1700 System Configuration Installation Handbook Format The purpose of the 1700 MSOS 3.0 Installation Handbook is to provide the information necessary for field analysts and systems programmers to install the system. It is assumed that these analysts and programmers have at least one year of system programming experience as well as introductory 1700 instruction. The Installation Handbook is divided into three parts: Part I covers installation information (requirements, procedures, and modifications) of each of the MSOS product set members. Each section describes a separate product. Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MSOS 3.0 Macro Assembler 2.0 COSY 1.0 Mass Storage FORTRAN 2. OA Mass Storage FORTRAN 2. OB System Checkout 1. 0 System Configurator 1. 0 Any add-ons will follow the same format. Part II describes the system modules which must be changed to modify the standard system by adding drivers or optional modules. The second section of part II describes the installation of optional drivers; the third section describes the installation of optional modules. 60282700 iii Part III is an accumulation of installation related information which may be helpful in installation. Its sections are: Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conventions Unit assignments Hardware FCO levels Initializer control statements Initializer Procedures Installation messages Card deck and tape structures and contents Additional MSOS 3. 0 Related Manuals 1700 OPERATING SYSTEM OPERATING GUIDE 60191400 1700 MSOS 3.0 REFERENCE MANUAL 60282600 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM MACRO ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL 60176300A 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM MASS STORAGE/FORTRAN REFERENCE MANUAL 60192200A 1700 COSY/MSOS REFERENCE MANUAL 60237100 1700 CONTROL DATA 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM CODFS 60163500 1700 SYSTEM CHECKOUT REFERENCE MANUAL 60281800 1700 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TOR REFERENCE MANUAL 60282300A iv 60282700 CONTENTS PART I INSTALLA TION SECTION 1 MSOS 3.0 1. 1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 1. 1. 1 New Features 1.1.2 Corrections 1. 1. 3 Known Limitations 1. 1. 4 Known Deficiencies 1.2 REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 1 Release Materials 1. 2.2 Hardware Requirements 1. 2.3 Memory Requirements 1.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. 3. 1 Summary 1. 3. 2 Load Card Version of System Initializer 1. 3. 3 Load Magnetic Tape Version of System Initializer 1. 3. 4 Load Paper Tape Version of System Initializer 1. 3. 5 Install Operating System 1. 3. 6 1700 SC Autoload Procedures 1-1-1 1-1-1 1-1-1 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-1-3 1-1-3 1-1-4 1-1-5 1-1-6 1-1-6 1-1-6 1-1-9 1-1-13 1-1-16 1-1-29 SECTION 2 MACRO ASSEMBLER 2.0 2. 1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 New Features 2.1.2 Corrections 2. 1. 3 Known Limitations 2.1.4 Known Deficiencies 2.2 REQUIREMENTS 2.2.1 Release Materials 2.2.2 Hardware Requirements 2. 2.3 Memory Requirements 2.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 2.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 2.4.1 System Modification Example 2.4.2 Modification of Library Macros Example 2.4.3 Verification of Installation I-2-1 I-2-1 I-2-1 I-2-1 1-2-1 1-2-1 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-3 1-2-5 1-2-5 1-2-6 1-2-9 60282700 v SECTION 3 COSY 1. 0 3.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION New Features 3.1.1 3. 1. 2 Corrections 3.1. 3 Known limitations 3. 1. 4 Known Deficiencies 3.2 REQUIREMENTS 3.2.1 Release Materials 3.2. 2 Hardware Requirements 3.2.3 Memory Requirements 3.3 INST ALLA TION PROCEDURES 3.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 3.4.1 Modification of Number of Output Devices Verification of Installation 3.4.2 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-1 1-3-2 1-3-2 1-3-2 1-3-3 1-3-3 1-3-3 SECTION 4 MASS STORAGE FORTRAN 2. OA 4.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 4. 1. 1 New Features 4.1. 2 Corrections 4. 1. 3 Known limitations 4.1. 4 Known Deficiencies 4.2 REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1 Release Materials 4. 2.2 Hardware Requirements 4.2.3 Memory Requirements 4.3 INSTALLA TION PROCEDURES 4.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 4.4.1 Loading and Calling SELCOP 4.4.2 Building a Mass Storage FORTRAN 2. OA or 2. OB Installation Tape 4.4.3 Construction of Object Library 4.4.4 Phase Modification 4.4.5 Object Library Modification 4.4.6 Verification of Installation 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-1 1-4-2 1-4-2 1-4-2 1-4-4 1-4-19 1-4-19 1-4-22 1-4-24 1-4-25 1-4-26 1-4-27 MASS STORAGE FORTRAN 2. OB 5.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 5.1.1 New Features 5.1. 2 Corrections 5.1.3 Known Limitations 5.1.4 Known Deficiencies 1-5-1 1-5-1 I-5-1 1-5-1 1-5-1 1-5-1 SECTION 5 vi 60282700 5. 2 5.3 5.4 REQUIREMENTS 5. 2. 1 Release Materials 5.2.2 Hardware Requirements 5.2.3 Memory Requirements INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 1-5-2 1-5-2 1-5-2 1-5-2 1-5-3 1-5-14 SECTION 6 SYSTEM CHECKOUT 1. 0 6.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 6.1.1 New Features 6.1.2 Corrections 6. 1. 3 Known Limitations 6.1. 4 Known Deficiencies 6.2 REQUIREMENTS 6. 2.1 Release Materials 6.2.2 Hardware Requirements 6. 2. 3 Memory Requirements 6.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 6.3.1 Loading During Initialization 6.3. 2 Loading After Initialization 6.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 6.4.1 User Instructions 1-6-1 1-6-1 1-6-1 1-6-1 1-6-1 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-2 1-6-12 1-6-13 1-6-13 SECTION 7 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TOR 1. 0 7.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 7.1.1 New Features 7. 1. 2 Corrections 7. 1. 3 Known Limitations 7.1. 4 Known Deficiencies 7. 2 REQUIREMENTS 7. 2.1 Release Materials 7.2.2 Hardware Requirements 7.2.3 Memory Requirements 7.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 7.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 7.4.1 Verification of Installation ·7.4.2 Installation of MSOS 3.0 System Generated by Configurator 1-7-1 1-7-1 1-7-1 1-7-1 1-7-1 1-7-4 1-7-4 1-7-4 1-7-5 1-7-5 1-7-5 1-7-15 1-7-15 60282700 1-7-24 vii PART II CUSTOMIZATION SECTION 1 SECTION 2 viii U-l-1 II-l-5 CONFIGURA TION LOCORE 1.1. 1 Equivalences 1.1.2 Communications Region 1. 1. 3 Interrupt Trap Region 1.1. 4 Table of Preset Entry Points 1.1. 5 Maximum Scratch Sector Number (MAXSEC) 1.2 SYSBUF 1. 2. 1 Equivalences (EQU) 1. 2. 2 Logical Unit Tables 1. 2. 3 Interrupt Mask Table 1. 2.4 Volatile Storage (VOLBLK) 1. 2. 5 Interrupt Stack Area (INTSTK) 1. 2. 6 Scheduler Stack (SCHSTK) 1. 2.7 Allocatable Core (AVCORE) 1. 2. 8 Special Routines 1. 2. 9 Special Tables 1. 2.10 Mass Memory Diagnostic Routines (MMDIAG) 1. 2.11 Overlay Subroutine (OVRLA Y) 1. 2.12 Physical Device Table (PHYSTB) 1. 2.13 Interrupt Response Routine 1. 3 SPACE 1. 3.1 Allocatable Core 1. 3. 2 Restart Program (RESTRT) 1. 4 ENGINEERING FILE I1-1-5 II-I-6 II-l-S II-1-9 II-l-l0 II-I-10 II-l-11 II-I-15 II-I-19 II-1-20 II-I-2.0 II-1-21 II-1-23 II-1-25 II-1-26 II-1-26 II-1-26 II-1-33 II-1-34 II-1-34 II-1-34 II-1-35 DRIVER ADDITION 2.1 1706 BUFFERED DATA CHANNEL 2.2 1726-405 CARD READER DRIVER 2. 2. 1 Description 2.2.2 Installation Requirements 2. 2.3 Installation Procedures 2.3 172S-430 READER/PUNCH DRIVER 2.3.1 Description 2.3.2 Installation Requirements Installation Procedures 2.3.3 II-2-1 II-2-3 II-2-5 II-2-5 II-2-5 II-2-5 II-2-S II-2-8 II-2-S II-2-S 1.1 U-1-5 60282700 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 60282700 1729-2 CARD READER DRIVER 2.4.1 Description 2.4.2 Installation Requirements 2.4.3 Installation Procedures 1738-853/854 DISK DRIVER (DISKWD) 2.5.1 Description 2.5.2 Installation Requirements 2.5.3 Installation Procedures 1751 DRUM DRIVER Description 2.6.1 2.6.2 Installation Requirements 2.6.3 Installation Procedures 1740-501 LINE PRINTER DRIVER 2.7.1 Description 2.7.2 Installation Requirements 2.7.3 Installation Procedures 1731-601 BUFFERED MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.8.1 Installation Requirements 2.8.2 Installation Procedures 1731-601 UNBUFFERED MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.9.1 Installation Requirements 2.9.2 Installation Procedures 1732-608/609 MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.10.1 Installation Requirements 2.10.2 Installation Procedures 1777 PAPER TAPE STATION 2.11. 1 General 1777 Paper Tape Station Information 2.11.2 1777 Paper Tape Station Reader Driver 2.11. 3 1777 Paper Tape Station Punch Driver 1711/1712/1713 TELETYPEWRITER DRIVER 2.12.1 Description 2.12.2 Installation Requirements 2.12.3 Installation Procedures TELETYPEWRITER READER/PUNCH DRIVER 2.13.1 Description 2.13.2 Installation Requirements 2.13.3 Installation Procedures 1572/1573 TIMER MASS MEMORY DRIVERS II-2-11 II-2-11 II-2-11 II-2-11 II-2-13 II-2-13 II-2-13 II-2-14 II-2-18 II - 2-18 II-2-18 II-2-19 II-2-22 1-2-22 II-2-22 II-2-22 II-2-24 II-2-24 II-2-24 II-2-26 II-2-26 II-2-26 II-2-28 II-2-28 II-2-28 II-2-32 II-2-32 II-2-32 II-2-35 II-2-38 II-2-38 II-2-38 II-2-38 II-2-40 II-2-40 II-2-40 II-2-40 II-2-45 II-2-46 ix SECTION 3 OTHER MODIFICATIONS 3. 1 BUILDING AN INITJALIZER 3.1.1 Available Modules 3.1.2 Procedures for Generating an Initializer 3.2 MANUAL INPUT FOR PROCESS PROGRAM (MIPRO) 3.3 USER REQUEST MODULES 3.3.1 Procedures 3.3.2 Calling Sequence 3.4 RE-ENTRANT FORTRAN LIBRARY PACKAGE 3.4. 1 Preparation 3.4.2 Installation Procedures 3.5 NON-RE-ENTRANT ENCODE/DECODE 3.5.1 Requirements 3.5.2 Installation Procedures 3.6 OUTPUT MESSAGE BUFFERING PACKAGE 3.6.1 Requirements 3.6.2 Installation Procedures II-3-1 II-3-1 II-3-1 II-3-2 II-3-3 II-3-4 II-3-4 II-3-4 II-3-5 II-3-5 II -3~6 II-3-8 II-3-8 II-3-8 II-3-10 II-3-10 II-3-10 PART HI INSTALLA nON RELATED IN FORMA nON SECTION 1 CONVENTIONS SECTION 2 UNIT 2. 1 2.2 2.3 SECTION 3 FIELD CHANGE ORDER (FCO) LEVELS III-3-1 SECTION 4 INITIALIZER CONTROL STATEMENTS 4.1 *V ENTER STATEMENTS ON INPUT DEVICE 4.2 *U ENTER STATEMENTS ON COMMENT DEVICE 4.3 *S ASSIGN ENTRY POINT NAME 4.3.1 *S,n,hhhh 4.3.2 *S,n,S 4.3.3 *S,n,P III-4-1 III-4-1 x ASSIGNMENTS LOGICAL UNIT, EQUIPMENT, AND INTERRUPT LINE INITIALIZER LOGICAL UNIT AND EQUIPMENT SYSTEM UNIT III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-2 III-2-2 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 602827QO SECTION 5 SECTION 6 INITIALIZER PROCEDURES 5.1 ENTERING DATA INTO CORE MEMOHY 5.2 EXAMINING DATA IN CORE MEMORY 5.3 EXECUTING INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE III-5-1 III-5-1 III-5-2 UI-5-2 INSTALLATION MESSAGES SYSTEM INITIALIZER MESSAGES PROGRAM LOADING MESSAGES JOB PHOCESSING MESSAGES DEBUGGING AND LIBRARY EDITING MESSAGES III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-2 III-6-3 III-6-4 CARD DECK AND TAPE CONTENTS MSOS 3.0 7. 1. 1 Structures 7.1.2 Card Installation Deck 7.1.3 Magnetic Installation Tape 7. 1. 4 Paper Tape Initializer 7.1. 5 Installation Paper Tapes 7. 1. 6 Optional COSY Source Tape 7.1. 7 MSOS 3.0 Module List 7. 2 MA CRO ASSEMBLER 2.0 7. 2.1 Installation Tapes 7.22 Optional Tapes 7.3 COSY 1. 0 7.4 MASS STOHAGE FOHTHAN 2. OA 7.4.1 Installation Tapes 7.4. 2 COSY Source Tape 7. 4. 3 Compiler Program Order 7. 4. 4 Compiler Program Lengths, Common Lengths, and Externals 7.4. 5 Object Library Program Entry Points and Externals 7.5 MASS STORAGE FORTRAN 2. OB 7.5.1 Installation Tape 7.5.2 COSY Source Tape 7. 5. 3 Compiler Program Order 7. 5.4 Compiler Program Lengths, Common Lengths, and Externals 7.5.5 Object Library Program Entry Points and Externals 7. 6 SYSTEM CHECKOUT 1. 0 7.7 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TOR 7. 7. 1 Release Tape Format 7.7.2 System Definitions and Skeletons Tape 7.7. 3 COSY Source Tape III-7-1 III-7-1 UI-7-1 III-7-6 III-7-8 III-7-14 III-7-16 UI-7-21 III-7-27 III-7-34 III-7-36 III-7-36 III-7-38 III-7-39 III-7-42 III-7-54 III-7-63 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 SECTION 7 7.1 60282700 III-7-70 III-7-85 III-7-89 III-7 -91 III-7-101 III-7-108 III-7-114 III-7-128 III-7-132 III-7-133 III-7-134 III-7-141 III-7-148 xi MSOS 3.0 1.1 1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION The release description of the standard released MSOS 3.0 includes new MSOS features, corrections, limitations, and deficiencies. 1.1.1 NEW FEATURES • Optimization of mass memory: All I/O drivers, except mass memory drivers and the teletypewriter\keyboard are optionally mass memory resident. Also, even though the job processor and LIBEDT retain their 2.1 capabilities, their use of allocatable core is modified so that the size of allocatable core can be reduced. • Engineering File: The engineering file logs all hardware errors on peripheral devices. • MSOS 3.0 is capable of handling multiple devices on the 1706 buffered data channel. It All MSOS PSRs received before July 1, 1970 are included in the MSOS 3.0 release. • Core requirements for ODEBUG are less in MSOS 3.0 than in MSOS 2.1 because of sector addressing. • Initializer capabilities: The input media options are expanded under 3.0 to include: 1726-405 card reader 1728-430 card reader 1729-2 card reader 1731/1732 magnetic tape unit 1777 paper tape reader • By using System Configurator, MSOS 3.0 may be customized for a specific system. lists the new System Configurator features available for use with MSOS 3. O. Section 7.1. 1 • FORTRAN monitor interface package, re-entrant I/O package and arithmetic routines are now standard products. • The System Maintenance Routine (SMR) is now a standard utility package. '\ 60282700 1-1-1 1.1.2 CORREcTIONS All PSRs received before july 1, 1970 are included in MSOS 3. O. The PSR numbers are: 302 444 528 342 373 377 390 395 398 401 405 406 409 416 425 428 445 449 454 465 467 529 4'71 544 489 492 495 496 49'1 517 518 521 525 526 527 546-553 555 558-570 572'"594 596 $97 599-tl12 615-617 621-623 625-633 433 434 435 436 531 635 636 638 640 532.... 538 643 540 644 648 649 651 tl52 654 665 657 660 667 670 677 681 530 545 The following RSMs are also included in the MSOS 3.0 release: A163 1531 1738 1.1.3 KNOWN LIMITATIONS The SCN command in ODEBUG does not reject illegal hexadecimal values but converts them to zero and continues. statement editing for errors within the system initializer is limited. fucorrect commands can cause initialization malfunctions which require restarting the process to alleviate the problem. Incorrect formatting of output to the TTY will result if the output message buffering package is used with Standard Recovery. An *p statement in LIBEDT punches a single all-ones frame on paper tape even when no valid input is received. The engineering file requires that the DISKWD driver be used. 1-1-2 60282700 1.1. 4 KNOWN DEFICIENCIES A program load operation which generates an E3 diagnostic will also generate an E13 diagnostic. Loader blocks that are too long and are input to the system initializer hang it. When replacing a file on the program library with a larger file under *N processor, the operation is performed. But, when listing the library under *DL the file name is printed twice, once where code should appear and again at the end of the listing. COSY control card END/ is missing on PROTEC COSY source. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS To install the standard MSOS 3.0 system, the necessary release materials, hardware and software must be available. These requirements are listed below. 1. 2.1 RELEASE MATERIALS The user receives the MSOS 3.0 system either on cards, magnetic tape or paper tape. Following are the materials issued to the user with the particular system he chooses as well as optional materials available to the user on request. The card deck and tape structures for these materials are in part III, section 7.1. Card Version System initializer and installable binaries card deck System definitions and skeletons card deck Magnetic Tape Version One magnetic tape containing the system initializer and install able binaries One magnetic tape containing system definitions and skeletons Paper Tape Version One system initializer paper tape Eight installation paper tapes Eleven paper tapes containing system definitions and skeletons Optional One COSY source magnetic tape Source on cards Three list magnetic tapes 60282700 1-1-3 1. 2.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Minimum Configuration The installation procedures in part I, section 1. 3 pertain to the following standard minimum machine configurations: CONTROL DATA® 1704 Computer (with 4096 words of memory) or, CONTROL DATA® 1774 Computer CONTROL DATA® 1705 Interrupt/Data Channel CONTROL DATA® 1708 Storage Increment (3 with 4096 words of memory) CONTROL DATA® 1711 Teletypewriter or CONTROL DATA® 1712 Teletypewriter CONTROL DATA® 1738 Disk Controller CONTROL DATA® 853 Disk Driver or CONTROL DATA® 854 Disk Drive CONTROL DATA® 1777 Paper Tape Station Optional Peripherals Program operation can be enhanced by adding other peripherals. As peripherals are added and the system is expanded, the size of core storage must be expanded to accomodate the new drivers. Optional peripherals are listed below along with the sections in part II describing their installation instructions. The memory required for each is listed in part I, section 1. 2. 3. Section 2.1 CONTROL DATA® 1706 Buffered Data Channel 2.2 CONTROL DATA® 1726 Card Reader Control CONTROL DATA® 405 Card Reader 2.3 CONTROL DATA® 1728-430 Card Reader/Punch 2.4 CONTROL DATA® 1729-2 Card Reader 2.6 CONTROL DATA® 1751 Drum 2.7 CONTROL DATA® 1740 Printer Controller CONTROL DATA® 501 Line Printer 2.8 and 2.9 CONTROL DATA® 1731 Magnetic Tape Controller 2.10 CONTROL DATA® 1732 Magnetic Tape Controller CONTROL DATA® 601 Magnetic Tape Transport CONTROL DATA® 608 Magnetic Tape Transport CONTROL DATA® 609 Magnetic Tape Transport 2.13 CONTROL DATA® 1713 Teletypewriter 2.14 CONTROL DATA®1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit or CONTROL DA TA® 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator 1-1-4 60282700 1. 2. 3 MEMORY REQUIREMENTS If optional peripherals are to be added (part II, section 2), the following information explains the memory needed to add each driver. All lengths are in decimal. Released Monitor 657(; 1623 Core resident with mass memory drivers Allocatable core Available Drivers Card Equipment 1726-405 card reader, buffered 1726-405 card reader, unbuffered 1728-430 card reader/punch 1729-2 card reader Core Resident Mass Memory Resident 378 351 867 440 404 371 891 460 Disk or Drum Equipment 1738-853/854 disk 1751 drum 445 272 Line Printer Equipment 1740-501 line printer 511 526 1296 1286 949 938 1311 1208 1008 986 427 503 Magnetic Tape Equipment 1731-601 buffered 1731-601 unbuffered 1732-608/609 buffered 1732-608/609 unbuffered Paper Tape Equipment 1777 paper tape reader/punch Teletypewriter 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter 1713 reader/punch teletypewriter 60282700 319 607 + buffer size 1-1-5 1.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1.3. 1 SUMMARY The installation of the standard released version of MSOS 3.0 consists of the following summarized steps. For detailed instructions, refer to the specified section (in part I). 1. 2. 3. Load system initializer a. Load the bootstrap which is on either cards, paper tape, or magnetic tape b. Read and execute checksum loader c. Execute system initializer if using card version: section 1.3.2 if using magnetic tape version: section 1. 3. 3 if using paper tape version: section 1.3.4 Install MSOS 3.0 operating system a. Set MAXCOR section 1. 3. 5 section 1.3.5, step 2 b. Set SECTOR section 1.3.5, step 3 c. If necessary, delete or add drivers section 1.3.5, steps 4 and 5 d. If necessary, reassign input, output, and/or comment devices section 1.3.5, step 6 If installing on a 1700 SC, enter the section 1.3.6 autoload program System initialization messages are listed in part III, section 6.1; system installation messages are in part III, sections 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4. 1.3.2 LOAD CARD VERSION OF SYSTEM INITIALIZER Mount disk pack on the disk drive. Enter the Card Loading Sequence Enter the loading sequence into core memeory beginning at core memory location 200. This code can be loaded at any location or run anywhere above the last location into which the checksum loader will load, but the location 200 is preferable. This sequence of code will read one formatted record (the checksum loader) into the location specified by the A register (which will be 0000). 1-1-6 60282700 1. Press the master CLEAR on the console 2. Set all switches to neutral positions 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Set push button register to 200 6. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER 7. Set X register 8. Enter the code in this manner: a. Enter first (or next word) of code. into push button register b. Momentarily set RUN/STEP switch to STEP c. Press the display CLEAR button d. Proceed with each word in the X register column using steps a through c until all code is entered (The location is in the P register) P Register 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 020A 020B 020C 020D 020E 020F 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 02lA 021A 021C 021D 021E 60282700 X Register 681E 0844 681A 60FF EOOO 0421 COOO 0080 03FE OOFE 02FE OFC8 6811 02FE B80F 6COF D80E COFF DOFF 0908 0121 18F4 0806 C805 09FC 0131 18E6 18FF 0000 0000 0000 Mnemonic Instructions PRELOD STA* STADD CLR A READ STA* NO STA- I toO =N$0421 IDA =N$0080 nUT -1 -1 -1 INQ NEXT INP AL. S STA* INP EOR* STA* RAO* L.DII- 8 TEMP -1 TEMP (STADD) STADD I RAO- I LOOP DONE NO TEMP STAOD INA SAP JMP* RAO* LOA* INA -39 LOOP-~'-1 NEXT NO NO -3 SAlvi DONE-"'-1 JMP* READ NUM $18FF NUM 0 NUM 0 NUM 0 END PRELOD 1-1-7 9. Set the P register 10. The display should show 218 16 which means that 25 10 commands have been entered 11. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch Check Loading Sequence 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches to their neutral position 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Enter into the push button register the first core location to be examined 6. Set X register 7. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP position 8. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position The data in the core location specified in step 5 appears on the push button register 9. 10. To display the next sequential word of core memory in the push button register, briefly set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position Release SELECTIVE STOP switch Read Checksum Loader 1. Place the system initializer and installable binaries deck in the card reader; ready the device 2. Set all swtiches to neutral 3. Press master CLEAR switch on console 4. Set the P register 5. Set push button register to 0200 6. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN The checksum loader, the first portion of the deck is read; the card reader stops processing. Execute Checksum Loader Since the initializer is the second portion of the system initializer and installable binaries deck (following the checksum loader), it is already in the card reader. 1-1-8 60282700 1. Set the A register 2. Set the push button register to xxxx xxxx is the length of MAX COR minus the initializer length 1681 16 • 3. Set the SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set the RUN/STEP swtich to RUN to load the tape 5. When the card deck stops processing cards, set the Q register 6. The push button register should be 0000 7. If the push button register does not read 0000, a checksum error occurred a. Re-insert the initializer portion of the card deck b. Return to step 1 Execute System Initializer 1. Press master CLEAR on console 2. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch 3. Set P register 4. Set the push button register to xxxx which is the address of the system initializer xxxx is the length of MAXCOR minus the initializer length. 5. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 6. SI appears on the teletypewriter to indicate that the system initializer can now load the operating system. Continue installing with step 2, part I, section 1. 3. 5, Installing the Operating System. 1. 3. 3 LOAD MAGNETIC TAPE VERSION OF SYSTEM INITIALIZER Mount the disk pack on the disk drive. Enter the Magnetic Tape Loading Sequence The bootstrap program reads in the absolute initializer which resides on magnetic tape. Enter the loading sequence into core memory beginning at core memory location 200. This code can be loaded at any location or run anywhere above the last location into which the checksum loader will load, but the location 200 is preferable. This sequence of code will read one formatted record (the checksum loader) into the location specified by the A register (which will be 0000). 60282700 1-1-9 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set ill switches to neutral positions 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Set push button register to 200 6. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER 7. Set X register 8. Enter the code in this manner: a. Enter first (or next word) of code into push button register b. Momentarily set RUN/STEP switch to STEP c. Press display CLEAR button d. Proceed with each word in the X register column using steps a through c until all entered (The location is in the P register) P Register X Register 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 020A 020B 020C 0200 020E 020F 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 6832 EOOO 0382 COOO 0414 03FE OOFE COOO .0100 03FE OOFE OAOO 02FE 581E OFC4 .}C23 02FE 6820 OF42 SCIF 7CIE 0810 C8lB AOOO 1-1-10 cod~ is Mnemonic Instructions MTLDR LOOP STA* HOLD LOQ =N$382 LOA =N$414 OUT INQ LOA. -1 -1 =N$100 OUT INQ ENA INP RTJ* ALS SPA* INP STA* ARS EOR* SPA* RAO* LOA* AND -1 -1 0 -1 ROUn 4 (HOLD) -1 TEMP 2 (HOLD) (HOLD) HOLD TEMP =N'fi3 60282700 P Register 021A 0219 021A 0218 021C 0210 021E 021F 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 022A 0228 022C 0220 022E 022F 0230 0231 0232 9. 10. X Register 0003 5812 5811 OFC2 7C16 02FE 6813 OF44 BC12 7Cll 0810 C80E AOOO OOOF 5805 5804 7COA 0809 lBEl 0800 OFC6 7COS 02FE BC03 lCFA 0000 0000 Mnemonic Jnstructipns RTJ* ROUTl RTJ* ROUTl AL~ 2 SPA* (HOLD) INP -1 STA* TEMP ARS 4 EOR* (HOLD) SPA* (HOLD) RAO* HOLD LOA* TEMP AND =N$F Roun TEMP HOLD RTJ* RTJ* SPA* RAO* ,jMP* Nap ALS SPA* INP EOR* JMP* NUM NUM END ROUTI ROUTI (HOLD) HOLD LOOP 0 6 (HOLD) -1 (HOLD) (ROUn) 0 0 MTLOR Set the P register. The display should show 23216 which means that 5210 commands have been entered. 60282700 1-1-11 Check Loading Sequence 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches to their neutral position 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Enter into the push button register the first core location to be examined 6. Set X register 7. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP positions 8. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position The data in the core location specified in step 5 appears on the push button register. 9. To display the next sequential word of core memory in the push button register, briefly set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position 10. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch Execute Bootstrap Loader 1. Mount the MSOS magnetic tape containing the initializer and installable binaries on the magnetic tape unit. Set the unit to equipment 7, unit 0, 2. Set the push button register to xxxx 3. xxxx is the length of MAXCOR minus the initializer length (1681 16 ) Set the SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN to load the tape 5. When the tape stops, the system initializer has been read in. Execute System Initializer 1. Press master CLEAR switch 2. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch 3. Set P register 4. Set the push button register to xxxx which is the address of the system initializer 5. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 6. SI appears on the teletypewriter to indicate that the system initializer can now load the operating system. Continue with the instructions in part I, section 1. 3.5 to install the operating system 1-1-12 60282700 1. 3. 4 LOAD PAPER TAPE VERSION OF SYSTEM INITIALIZER Mount the disk pack on the disk drive. Enter the Paper Tape Loading Sequence Enter the loading sequence into core memory beginning at core memory location 200. This code can be loaded at any location or run anywhere above the last location into which the checksum loader will load, but the location 200 is preferable. This sequence of code will read one formatted record (the checksum loader) into the location specified by the A register (which will be 0000). 10 Press master CLEAR switch 2. Set all switches to neutral positions 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P l'cgistel' 5. Set push button register to 200 6. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER 7. Set X register 8. Enter the code in this manner: a. Enter first (or next word) of code into push button register b. Momentarily set RUN/STEP switch to STEP c. Press display CLEAR button d. Proceed with each word in the X register column using steps a through c until all code is entered (The location is in the P register) 60282700 1-1-13 P Register 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 '()201 020S 0209 020A 020B 020C 0200 020E 020f 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0211 0218 9. 10. 11. X Register 6'SIS OA20 EOOO OOAI 03FE OOFE 02FE 0111 lSFD OFCS 02FE 6S0C OAOO 02fE OFC8 02fE 6COS 0801 CS05 0102 0803 18F6 18FF 0000 0000 Mnemonic Instructions START OVER OVERI SAVE STAOO STA* STAOO ENA $20 lOQ =X$lIl nUT INn INP SAN JMP* AlS INP STA* ENA INP ALS INP STA* RAO* LOA* SAZ RAO* JMP* NUM NUM NUtv1 END -1 -1 -1 1 OVER S -1 SAVE 0 -1 S -1 (STAOO) STAOO SAVE 2 SAVE OVERI 'G18fF 0 0 START Set the P register The display should show 218 16 which means that 25 10 commands have been entered Release SELECTIVE STOP switch 1-1-14 60282700 Check Loading Sequence 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches their neutral position 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Enter into the push button register the first core location to be examined 6. Set X register 7. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP position 8. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position The data in the core location specified in step 5 appears on the push button register 9. 10. To display the next sequential word of core memory in the push button register, briefly set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position Release SELECTIVE STOP Read Checksum Loader 1. Mount the MSOS 3.0 system initializer paper tape on the paper tape reader. loader is on the front part of this tape 2. Set all switches to neutral 3. Press master CLEAR switch on console 4. Set the P register button 5. Set push button register to 0200 6. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN The checksum The first few feet (checksum loader) are read from the tape into core memory at location 0000, the tape then stops. Execute Checksum Loader 1. Position the system initialization tape in the paper tape readel' 2. Press master CLEAR switch on console 3. Set the A register 4. Set the push button register to xxxx xxxx is the length of MAXCOR minus the initializer length (1681 16 ) 60282700 1-1-15 5. Set the SELECTIVE STOP switch 6. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN to load the tape 7. When the tape stops, set the Q register 8. The push button register should be 0000 9. If the push button register does not read 0000, a checksum error occurred a. Re-insert the initializer portion of the tape into the reader b. Return to step 2 Execute System Initializer 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch 3. Set P register 4. Set the push button register to xxxx which is the address of the system initializer 5. Momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 6. SI appears on the teletypewriter to indicate that the system initializer can now load the operating system. Continue with the instructions in part I, section 1.3.5 to install the operating system. 1.3.5 INSTALL OPERATING SYSTEM 1. Mount the first MSOS 3.0 installation paper tape in the paper tape reader; ready the unit. Since the initializer and the installable binaries are on the same magnetic tape, if using magnetic tape the tape is already mounted on equipment 7, unit O. Likewise if using cards, the card deck containing the installable binaries is already in the card reader. 2. Type *S,MAXCOR,xxxx xxxx is the highest core location used by the system; use the first column if installing on a 1704 computer and the second column if installing on the 1700 SC. 1704 1700 SC System Size 3FFF 4FFF 5FFF 6FFF 7FFF 3FEO 4FEO 5FEO 6FEO 7FEO 16K 20K 24K 28K 32K 1-1-16 60282700 To reserve areas in upper core for permanent bootstrap loaders and/or core dump programs, set MAX COR to less than the system core size. Press RETURN Message Q 3. Type *S, SECTOR,xxxx xxxx indicates the maximum number in hexadecimal of disk pack sectors to be used by the operating system. xxxx Unit 3E7F 7CFF AA9 1552 2FFF 1738-853 1738-854 1751E 1751J For mass memory buffering when using software buffering package Press RETURN Message Q At times it is desirable to limit system scratch by setting SECTOR to a value less than the two maximums mentioned above for the 853 and the 854 disk drives. Reducing the system scratch area provides a file area accessible to the user only. 4. To reduce the size of the core resident system, delete unnecessary drivers at this point in installation. Type *S, entry point, 7FFF Press RETURN Message Q Entry points for the various standard drivers are listed below. is listed for each driver, any entry point may be used. Even though only one entry point Card Entry Point 1726-405 card reader CR405 1728-430 card reader IN1728 1729-2 card reader IN1729 Disk 1738-853/854 disk DISK 1738-853/854 disk word DISKWD 60282700 I-1-17 Drum Entry Point 1751 drum DRMDRZ Line Printer 1740- 50 1 line printer IN501 Magnetic Tape 1731 unbuffered magnetic tape control 1731-601-1706 buffered magnetic tape control 1731 recovery 1731-1706 recovery 1731/1732 tape motion control 1731-601 format ASCII read/write 1731-1706-601 buffered format ASCII read/write 1731-601 format binary read/write 1731-1706-601 buffered format binary read/write 1731-601 non-format read/write 1731-1706-601 buffered non-format read/write 1732-608/609 buffered/unbuffered formatted/unformatted read/write TAPEDR TAPDRB RECOVT RECVTB T14 FRWA FRWAB FRWB FRWBB RWBA RWBAB TAPINT Paper Tape 1777 paper tape reader PTREAD 1777 paper tape punch PUN CDR Teletypewriter 1711/1712 teletypewriter TYPI 1713 keyboard S13KI Examples: To delete the printer driver: Type *S, PRINTI, 7FFF Press RETURN Message Q 1-1-18 60282700 To delete the unbuffered magnetic tape driver, type all non-buffered driver names: Type *S, TAPEDR, 7 FFF Press RETURN Message Q Type *S, FRWA, 7 FFF Press RETURN Message Q Type *S, FRWB, 7FFF Press RETURN Message Q Type *S, RECOVT, 7 FFF Press RETURN Message Q Type *S, T14, 7FFF Press RETURN Message Q During initialization the printout includes an error 17 message for each of the drivers deleted with an *S. 5. Initializing from other media: The system initializer is initially set to accept input from a paper tape reader, output to disk, and list on the teletypewriter. A 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter is assumed to be the comment I/O device. If the initial input was from the paper tape reader and the operating system is to be built from another device, reassign units at this time. See part III, section 4 for additional initializer control statements and part III, section 6.1 for initializer diagnostics. To Reassign the Input Device Type *I, lun lun Device 1 2 3 10 1777 paper tape station reader 1728-430 or 1729-2 card reader 1731-601 or 1732-608 magnetic tape unit (equipment 7, unit 0) 1726-405 card reader Press RETURN Message Q 60282700 1-1-19 To Reassign the Output Device ;0 Type y,'lun lun Device 4 5 1738-853/854 disk pack 1751 drum Press RETURN Message Q To Reassign the Comment and List Device Type *C, lun lun Device 6 7 8 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter 1740-501 line printer dummy list device Press RE TURN Message Q All system initializer messages appear on the comment device with the maps. 6. Type one of the following so that the protect processor can analyze disk I/O requests: Type *S, WDADR, 0 *S, WDADR, 1 if DISK driver is to be used if DlSKWD driver is to be used Press RETURN 7. Type *V Press RETURN Message Q 8. The ins tall able binaries are read by either the card reader, magnetic tape unit, or paper tape reader. The program names on the tape are typed on the list device. If using paper tapes, the following message appears after each of the installation tapes is read: a. Message L,lun FAILED. ACTION b. Mount the next installation paper tape on the paper tape reader c. Press READY MASTER CLR on the paper tape reader d. Type RP Press RETURN 1-1-20 60282700 Duringsystem initialization, the printout is described as follows: Format! name xxxx name The program name xxxx First word address (FWA) for core resident (*L) programs Beginning sector number of the groups of programs associated with the *YM ordinal for mass memory (*M) resident programs If unpatched externals result at the end of either an *M load, or an *L load, or at the end of system initialization following an *T command, an ERROR C or ERROR D appears on the system initialization comment device. To continue initialization, repeat the last control statement typed (either *M or *L load commands or the *T.) a. Type either *M or *L or *T b. Press RETURN The list output during initialization is as follows: *S,SYSLVL,5245 *S,DTIMER,7fff *S,SYSCOP,7fff *S,ONE,7fff *S,TWO,7fff *S,THREE,7fff *S,WDADR,l *YM,EfILE,1 *YM,LIBEDT,2 *YM'LOADSD,~ *YM.JORENT,4 *YM,JOBPRO,5 *YM,PROTEC,6 *YM,JPLOAD,7 *YM,JPCHGE,8 *YM, JPTl3,9 *YM,MIPRO,10 *YM,RESTOR,ll *YM,ODEBlIG,12 *YM,RCOVER,13 *YM,BRKPT,14 *YM,SELf,15 *YM,LOGGER,16 *L LOCORE LOCORE SYSBUf TRVEC DR CORE NIPROC 60282700 COPYRIGHT CONTROL DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEMRER 31. 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEM~ER 31. 1970 DATA CORP. 1970 0000 REV.1 01BB REV.1 06E4 REV.l 0710 REV.1 0850 1-1-21 *M EfILE EF *M DECEMHER 31. 1970 REV.l UREDl UBEDT DECEMBER SCHEDU SCHEDU DECEIvlHER NDISP DECEIvlHER NCMPRQ DECEIvlHER NFNR OECEMHER ADEV DECEt..1BER *M LOADSD l.OAD DECEMi;ER HRANCH ()ECE'~HER LIDRIV DECEMHER LCDRIV DECEI·~HER LMDRIV OECEMHER LLDRIV DECEIvlHER SCAN DECEt.1HER CHPU DECE"1'iER AOJOVF DECE~BER CONVRT DEC[l.1HEI< TABSCH DECEMBER TAHSTI< DECEMBER LSTOlJT DECEMHER LINKI OECEMHER LINK2 OECEMkER COREXT DECEMHER UPRADi) DECEMBER LOADER DECEMBER NAMPRO OEC[MBER RHORZS DECEt-1BER ENTEXT OECEH,-iER XFRPRO DECE'~HER I1EXPRO DECEMBER EOLPRO DECEMBER AllRPRO DECEt-1BER *L Al.CORE ALCOPE DECEMBER ALVOL DECEMBER orVOl OECEt~HER PARAMF DECEMBER COMMON DECEr-.1HER NEPROC DECEMHER NMONI DECfMHER RW OECEtvHER MAKQ DECE"1BER DECEM<-;ER MINT *M 'OHENT JOHENT DECEMHER T11 DECE.t·mER DECEr-1HER T7 TS DECO-1BER *L 13 I-1-22 OECE~~HER 0001 31. 1970 REV.l 0006 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. REV.l REV.l REV.I REV.l REV. 1 08CE 0978 0984 09ES OA4F 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l H. 1910 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1910 REV.1 31. 1970 REV.1 31. 19·70 REV. 1 11. 1970 REV.1 31. 1970 REV. 1 31. 1970 REV. 1 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.1 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.1 31, 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.1 31. 1970 REV. 1 31, 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV. 1 31. 1910 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 REV.l 31. 1970 RFV.I 0039 0039 0019 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 31. 1970 ::n, 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 31. 1970 RFV.l REV.l REV.1 REv.l REV.l OC2F OC09 OCF6 REv.l REv.l REV.l REV.l OOhO 0077 ODDA OElO OEOA OFOI 31, 31. 31, 31. 31. REV.l REV.l REv.l REV.l REV.1 005A 0054 OOSA OOSA OOSA 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 ~EV.l OD02 60282700 JOBPRO *M JOBPRO DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l OOSF DECH1HER 31. 1970 REV.l DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l 0064 0064 DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l 006F DECEM"ER 31, 1970 REV.1 DECE'''BER 31. 1970 REV.l 0074 0074 DECEMf-lER 31. 1970 REV.l 0018 DECEM8ER 31. 1970 REV. 1 007f) DECEMHER 31. 1970 REV.l 0080 DECE''''RER 31. 1970 "?EV.1 0083 PROTEC *M PROTEC JBKILL JPLOAD *M JPLOAD JPCHGE *M JPCHGE ASCHEX JPTl3 *M Tl3 MIPRO *M MIPRO RFSTOR *M RESTOR ODEHIJ'; *M ODE BUG *M RrOVER RCOVER OUTSEL OMPCOR MASDMP DECEMHER DECEMBER f)ECEI4BER DECEMBER 31. 31. 31. 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 DECEr"BER DECEMBER DECEMHER DECEMBER 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.1 h'EV.I REV. 1 REV.l REV.1 REV.l REII.l REV. ] 00A5 OOAS 001\5 OOAt:; RRKPT *M f3RKPTD tlIASCI SIFT RETJMP JUMPTO ENTER ENTCOR PRTREG SETRRP TERMIN DMPCOR MASf)MP RESUME DECEMHEf~ DECEr..,BER DECfMHER DECEr-'HER DECEMBER DECE'''HER DECEMBER DECEMBER OfCEMREF< OOAE OOAf OOI\f OO"E OOA[ OOAE OOllf OOA[ OOIlE ()OIlE 00 II F_ OOAF OOAt:: SFLF *M SELFS DECEMHER 31. 1910 REV.l oo~C 1970 REV.l OOCI 1970 REV.l 1970 REV.l OFP7 144R 1970 REV.l 00C4 1970 REV.l OOC7 1970 REV.l OOCII LOGGFh' *M LOGA DECEt"HER 31. MASORV MASDRV DECEMBER 31. S13001 DECEMHER 31. MASS MEMORY DRIVERS *M S13002 DECE'~BER ]1. *S,M171]P,S *"'1 S13003 DECE'v1f'rograms in the modified phase. 2. Type *p Press RETURN Message J 60282700 1-4-25 3. Type *LffiEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN 4. If input is from paper tape: Type *K, 12, P8 Press RETURN If input is from magnetic tape: Type *K, 16, P8 Press RETURN 5. Type *p Press RETURN Action The system reads the tape Message IN (if there is an *T at the end of the tape) 6. Type *K,I8 Press RETURN Message IN 7. Type *N, file name of modified phase", B Part 7.4. 3 lists FORTRAN 2. OA phase names Part 7.5.3 lists 2. OB phase names Press RETURN Message IN 4.4.5 OBJECT LffiRARY MODIFICATION 1. When a subroutine in the object time library needs to be changed, assemble or compile the routine on a relocatable tape. 2. Type *p Press RETURN Message J 1-4-26 60282700 3. Type *LIBEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN 4. Type *L, routine entry point name Entry point names are in 7.4.5. They are the same for 2. OA and 2. OB Press RETURN Message IN 4.4.6 VERIFICATION OF INSTALLATION 1. Ready the system for operation 2. Press AUTO LOAD on the 1738 disk controller 3. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 4. Message TIMER RJ PP 5. Set the PROGRAM PROTECT switch 6. Type * Press RETURN Press the MANUAL INTERRUPT button on the teletypewriter Message MI 7. Type *p Press RETURN Message J 8. Ready the released FORTRAN verification deck in the card reader; ready the unit 9. Type *V, 11 Press RETURN Message OPTIONS 10. Type LX Press RETURN Message FORTRAN IS INSTALLED J 60282700 1-4-27 MASS STORAGE FORTRAN 2.0B 5.1 5 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 5.1. 1 NEW FEATURES This product is not updated with the MSOS 3.0 release 5.1.2 CORRECTIONS None 5.1.3 KNOWN LIMITATIONS If superfluous information is included on an END line, the program is terminated but no diagnostic is given. No check is made on the parameter type of the arguments of the intrinsic functions, the external functions, or the statement functions. 5.1. 4 KNOWN DEFICIENCIES The floating point package does not round properly on FW. d format. Runaway diagnostics result if the EQUIVALENCE table overflows. Execution diagnostic 13 is repeated continually. See PSR 528 in Summary 30. See PSR 529 in Summary 30. Execution diagnostic 5 is not given, but after writing an END FILE, succeeding READ and WRITE requests to that unit are ignored. See PSR 527 in Summary 30. 60282700 1-5-1 5.2 REQUIREMENTS To install Mass Storage FORTRAN 2.0B, the necessary release materials, hardware, and software must be available. These requirements are listed below. 5.2.1 RELEASE MATERIALS Magnetic Tape Version One paper tape containing SELCOP and lOCAL One installation magnetic tape One installation verification program Paper Tape Version One paper tape containing SELCOP and lOCAL Ten installation paper tapes One installation verification program Optional Tapes One COSY source magnetic tape Three list magnetic tapes 5. 2. 2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The minimum hardware configuration is 20K. 5.2.3 MEMORY REQUIREMENTS Version 2. OB is designed to run in 24K. Instructions 9800 Labeled common (data) 1649 Blank common 1236 Largest overlay 1-5-2 12,685 60282700 5.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES MSOS 3.0 must already be installed. The logical unit numbers must be: lun 8 for mass storage device lun 6 for magnetic tape device lun 2 for paper tape reader with the standard install materials 1. Type *LIBEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN 2. If using magnetic tape: a. Mount the installation magnetic tape on the magnetic tape device b. Set the unit select wheel to 0 (LUN 6) c. Press LOAD d. Press READY e. Type *V, 06 Press RETURN Message IN If using paper tape: a. Mount paper tape 1 (phase A1) on paper tape reader (LUN 2) b. Press READY MASTER CLR c. Type *V,02 Press RETURN Message IN d. Place next tape in paper tape reader e. Press READY MASTER CLR f. Type *V, 02 Press RETURN Continue with step d until all tapes are read. 3. The following output appears on the standard list device during the installation of FORTRAN 2. OB. When paper tape is used, *K, 12, P8 appears instead of *K, 16, P8. 60282700 I-5-3 IN *K, 16. P8 IN *p FTN GOA CFIVOC CKNAME CNVT CONY DIAG EXP9 FLOAT GETC GETF GETSYM GPUT IGETCF IOPRBA PACK Q8PRMS RDLABL STORE SYMBOL ENDDO GNST OPTION OUTENT PHASEA PLABEL STCHAR TYPE LOCLAl DUMYA1 Q8QBDS ENDLOC 25EA 2CAO 23E4 2D42 2D52 2D90 2DC3 2E53 2FOO 304A 3075 336D 33A6 33CF 33E8 3684 36A9 36BA 3708 3736 37DD 38DE 3A81 3AC1 3AF5 3FD4 402A 405C 4259 4316 437D 437D IN *K,I8 IN *N, FORTAl", B IN *K, 16, P8 IN 1-5-4 60282700 *p FTN GOA CFIVOC CKNAME CNVT CONY DIAG EXP9 FLOAT GETC GETF GETSYM GPUT IGETCF IOPRBA PACK Q8PRMS RDLABL STORE SYMBOL ENDDO GNST OPTION OUTENT PHASEA PLABEL STCHAR TYPE LOCLA2 DUMYA2 BYEQPR CHECKF COMNPR CONSUB DATAPR DIMPR EXRLPR FGETC FORK PEQVS PRNTNM SUBPPR SYMSCN TYPEPR ENDLOC 25EA 2CAO 2CE4 2D42 2D52 2D90 2DC3 2E53 2FOO 304A 3075 336D 33A6 33CF 33E8 3684 36A9 36BA 3708 3736 37DD 38DE 3A81 3AC1 3AF5 3FD4 402A 405C 4259 4316 437D 456F 460F 46A5 472C 48BC 4A43 4AA1 4ACO 4C37 5016 50A3 5163 517F 5196 IN 60282700 1-5-5 *K,18 IN *N, FORTA2" , B IN *K, 16, P8 IN *p FTN GOA CFIVOC CKNAME CNVT CONY DlAG EXP9 FLOAT GETC GETF GETSYM GPUT IGETCF IOPRBA PACK Q8PRMS RDLABL STORE SYMBOL ENDDO GNST OPTION OUTENT PHASEA PLABEL STCHAR TYPE LOCLA3 DUMYA3 ARAYSZ ASEMPR ASGNPR BDOPR CHECKF CKIVC CONSUB CPLOOP DATAPR 1-5-6 25EA 2CAO 2CE4 2D42 2D52 2D90 2DC3 2E53 2FOO 304A 3075 336D 33A6 33CF 33E8 3684 36A9 36BA 3708 3736 37DD 38DE 3A81 3AC1 3AF5 3FD4 402A 405C 4259 4316 437D 43E7 4591 45D7 4711 47B1 47C1 4848 48ED 60282700 FGETC FORK ERBPR MODMXR PUNT ENDLOC 4A7D 4A9C 4C13 4C66 50BD 50F5 IN *K,I8 IN *N, FORTA3, , , B IN *K, 16, P8 IN *p FTN GOA CFIVOC CKNAME CNUT CONY DIAG EXP9 FLOAT GETC GETF GETSYM GPUT IGETCF IOPRBA PACK Q8PRMS RDLABL STORE SYMBOL ENDDO GNST OPTION OUTENT PHASEA PLABEL STCHAR TYPE LOCLA4 DUMYA4 ARITH SUBSCR 60282700 25EA 2CAO 2CEA 2D42 2D52 2D90 2DC3 2E53 2FOO 304A 3075 336D 33A6 33CF 33E8 3684 36A9 36BA 3708 3736 37DD 38DE 3A81 3AC1 3AF5 3FD4 402A 405C 4259 4316 437D 49EF 1-5-7 TREE ENDLOC 4CAD 5lAI IN *K,18 IN *N, FORTA4, •• B IN *K, 16, P8 IN *p FTN GOA CFIVOC CKNAME CNVT CONY DIAG EXP9 FLOAT GETC GETF GETSYM GPUT IGETCF IOPRBA PACK Q8PRM~ RDLABL STORE SYMBOL ENDDO GNST OPTION OUTENT PHASEA PLABEL STCHAR TYPE LOCLA5 DUMYA5 BDOPR CKIVC IOSPR ENDLOC 25EA 2CAO 2CE4 2D42 2D52 2D90 2DC3 2E53 2FOO 304A 3075 336D 33A6 33CF 33E8 3684 36A9 36BA 3708 3736 37DD 38DE 3A81 3AC1 3AF5 3FD4 402A 405C 4259 4316 437D 44B7 44C7 4B69 IN 1-5-8 60282700 *K,I8 IN *N, FORTA5" , B IN *K, I6, P8 IN *p FTN GOB CNVT DUMMY FCMSTK GETSYM IOPRBB KCPART KOUTPT KPCSTK KPC3PR KSYMGN LABKPC LABLER PUNT Q8PRMS STORE SYMBOL TSALOC ARAYSZ ASSEM BANANA BGINDO END ENTCOD HELEN INXRST NOPROC PHASEB READIR SUBFUN SYMSCN ACP AFIDL ASUPER CGOTO FINK INTRAM PARTSB SUBPRl 60282700 25EA 2CFA 2DIO 2D4E 2E33 2EBC 2EF5 347D 34AE 34CO 387B 3893 38DB 38EF 390D 3923 3934 3962 3A05 3A90 3AFA 3B61 3C24 3D2D 3D75 3EIE 3F75 3F89 3FBA 440F 4467 44CE 44EA 4930 498A 4A40 4A9B 4B50 4D29 4DCB 1-5-9 SUBPR2 SUBPR3 ARITHR ENDLOC 4E09 4E96 4EDD 509B IN *K,I8 IN *N, FOR TEl, • , B IN *K, 16, P8 IN *p FTN GOC BKDWN BLDUP BSS CHKWD CHOP CL12 CON COUNT DATAST GETSYM INOUT IOPRBC IXOPT LABEL LA BIN PHASEC Q8PRMS QXLD REED SKIP SYMSCN ENDLOC 25EA 31EO 31F8 3257 329A 32B8 342C 3640 36F9 3730 3747 37EE 3892 3901 47AC 48E6 4908 496E 4CB8 4CC9 4D59 4DB6 4EOC IN *K,I8 IN *N, FORTC1, , , B IN *K, I6, P8 IN 1-5-10 60282700 *p FTN GOOD AMOUT ADMAX BE GINO BKDWN COUNT FINISH GETSYM lACON IHCON INDEX IOPRBD LABOUT NP20UT NPUNCH NWRITE PACK PHASE6 Q8PRMS RBDX RBPK SYMSCN TABDEC UNPUNC ENDLOC 25EA 31EO 3203 37C8 39C6 3AD6 3B3F 3B56 3CC5 3D69 3DC1 3DEE 3EOA 43B7 4496 44C5 4601 463C 4667 4703 4714 4750 477A 4796 481A 4S30 IN *K,I8 IN *N, FORTD1, , , B IN *K, I6, P8 IN *p FTN GOE AMOUT ADMAX BE GINO BKDWN CONY COUNT FINISH GETSYM lACON 60282700 25EA 31EO 3203 37D7 39D5 3B16 3B7F 3BBS 3BCF 3D3E 3DE2 1-5-11 *L, Q8ERRM IN *L,Q8DFNF IN *L, Q8QX IN *L, Q8QUN1 IN *L,Q8FGET IN *L, Q8MAGT IN *L, Q8QBCK IN *L, lOCK IN *L,Q8PSE IN *L,Q8PAND IN *L, Q8EXP9 IN *L, Q8EXPI IN *L, Q8AB IN *L, SIGN IN *L,EXP IN *L, SQRT IN *L,ALOG IN *L, TANH IN *L, SIN IN 1-5-12 60282700 IHCON INDEX IOPRBD LABOUT NP20UT NPUNCH NWRITE PACK PHASE6 Q8PRMS RBDX RBPK SETPRT SYMSCN TABDEC UNPUNC ENDLOC 3E3A 3E66 3E82 442F 4541 4579 46B5 46FO 471B 47B7 47C8 4805 482F 49A9 49C5 4A41 4A57 IN *K,I8 IN *N, FORTE1, , , B IN *K, 16, P8 IN *L, FTN IN *L,Q8IFRM IN *L,Q8FS IN *L,Q8TRAN IN *L, FLOT IN *L, Q8QINI IN *L,Q8QEND IN *L, Q8CMP1 IN *L,Q8RWBU IN 60282700 1-5-13 *L,ATAN IN *L,QSAVE IN *L,IFALT IN *L,Q8FX IN *L, Q8PREP IN *U Type: *Z Press: RETURN Message: J 5.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES See the additional procedures described under the Mass Storage FORTRAN 2. OA additional procedures in part I, section 4.4. These procedures include: Section Loading and calling SELCOP 4.4.1 Building a Mass Storage FORTRAN 2.0A or 2. OB Installation tape 4.4.2 Construction of object library 4.4.3 Phase modification 4.4.4 Object library modification 4.4.5 Verification 4.4.6 1-5-14 60282700 SYSTEM CHECKOUT 1.0 6.1 6 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 6.1.1 NEW FEATURES The 1.0 version of System Checkout is the first release; therefore, there are no new features for the 3.0 release of MSOS. 6.1.2 CORRECTIONS None 6. 1. 3 KNOWN LIMITA TIONS The following module must be modified to use System Checkout with MSOS 3.0: Label Op Address C03RD DCKI I=lu H=lu DELI 87,88 EXT EFILE, LOADSD, JOBENT, JOBPRO, PROTEC EXT JPLOAD, JPCHGE, JPT13, LIBEDT EXT RESTOR, RCOVER, BRKPT, SELF, LOGGER DELI 488 ADC EFILE, LOADSD DELI 492 ADC JOBPRO, JPLOAD, JPCHGE, JPT13 ADC RESTOR DELI 494 ADC PROTEC, LIBEDT, RCOVER, BRKPT, SELF ADC LOGGER AC3JBT 60282700 I-6-1 6.1.4 KNOWN DEFICIENCIES None 6.2 REQUIREMENTS 6.2.1 RELEASE MATERIALS Magnetic Tal'e Version One installation tape Paper Tape Version Six installation tapes Optional Tapes One COSY source magnetic tape One list magnetic tape 6.2.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The minimum hardware configuration is the same as for MSOS 3.0, listed in part I, section 1. 2. 2. 6.2.3 MEMORY REQUIREMENTS System Checkout 1.0 uses no more than 500 words of core memory. 6.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 6.3.1 LOADING DURING INITIALIZATION 1. Assign the next two available mass memory system directory ordinals to SYSCOP and SYSSEG (under which the System Checkout programs will be loaded). As an example, 19 and 20 are used as system ordinals for SYSCOP and SYSSEG in this section. *YM, SYSCOP, 19, SYSSEG, 20 1-6-2 60282700 2. Remove the *S, SYSCOP, 7FFF statement from the beginning of tape. 3. Load the SYSCOP program after the 19th *M; load C01ST, C02ND, C03RD, and COLAST after the 20th *M. 4. Set COBOPS and/or COBOPL as entry points. COBOPS is the starting sector of a block of mass memory on which the COBOP program will write the failed image. If unpatched, COBOPS,is assumed to be $3D29 which allows a 32K image to be written on the highest sectors of an 853 disk. Because this block may be part of scratch, do not use scratch while SYSCOP is running or if the image is to be saved. COBOPL is the length of transfer by COBOP. Set it according to the core size of the system. System Size COBOPL 16K 20K 24K 28K 32K $3FFF $4FFF $5FFF $6FFF $7FFF assumed if unpatched Set COBOPS and/or COBOPL entry points in one of the following ways. Use a core resident program (*L program) which was loaded prior to SYSCOP, C01ST, C02ND, C03RD, and COLAST, or use the *S statement. Using the *S statement, the following example reflects a 28K system with the failed image to be written starting at sector $2000: *s, COBOPL, 6FFF *S, COBOPS, 2000 60282700 1-6-3 5. Load COBOP using the following information: COBOP must be loaded under an *L (core resident program) before loading C01ST, C02ND, C03RD, and COLAST. COBOP requires $3A of core memory. COBOP can only be used with an 853/854 disk assigned to equipment code 3 on the A-Q channel. Externals COBOPS and COBOPL may be unpatched. 6. Load SYSCOP using the following information: Load SYSCOP under the SYSCOP ordinal. SYSCOP requires $17E locations of allocatable core during execution. COBOPS may be unpatched. Schedule the SYSCOP ordinal at priority level 3 (MIPRO' may be used) in step 7 of 6. 4.1. 7. Load C01ST, C02ND, C03RD, and COLAST considering the following: Load C01ST through COLAST under the SYSSEG ordinal so that C01ST is first and COLAST is last. FMASK and/or NDISP mayor may not be unpatched, depending on the configuration. Load SYSCOP after the following programs: TRVEC NIPROC NMONI NFNR DRCORE PARAME ALVOL NCMPRQ NDISP or RDISP COMMON MINT COBOP 1-6-4 60282700 8. The sample format for inserting the information specified in steps 1 through 7 is: S1 *Y. *YM. *YM,SYSCOP, 19, SYSSEG,20 *S, COBQPS, 2000 *S, COBOPL, 6FFF *L LOCORE 0000 (Monitor Modules) *L COBOP *M hhhh (19th *M) SYSCOP *M hhhh (20th *M) C01ST hhhh C02ND hhhh C03RD hhhh COLAST hhhh *T 1-6-5 9. After loading, use LIBEDT to set the system request priorities to four as in the following example based on the information in step 8. Message J Type *LIBEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN Type *8,19,4, M Press RETURN Message IN Type *S, 20,4, M Press RETURN Message IN Sample System Initializer Typeout 81 *S, MAXCOR, 6FFF Q *8, SECTOR, 3E7F Q *S, COBOPL, 6FFF:' Q *S. COBOPS, 2000 Q *1,3 Q *C,7 Q *V ERROR C Q *L TIMER RJ PP * MI *LIBEDT LIB IN *V,6 IN 1-6-6 60282700 TIMER RJ PP * TIMER RJ PP * MI =8019,3 SELECT OPTION System Initialization Typeout *S,COBOPS,2000 *S,COBOPL,6FFF *S,SYSLVL,5245 *S,DTIMER.7FFF *S,ONE,7FFF *S,TWO,7FFF *S,THREE,7FFF *S,WDADR,l *YM,EFILE,l *YM,LIBEDT,2 *YM,LOADSD,3 *YM,JOBENT,4 *YM.JOBPRO,5 *YM,PROTEC,6 *YM, ,)PLOAD, 7 *YM,JPCHGE,A *YM,JPTl3,9 *YM,MIPRO,lO *YM,RESTOR,11 *YM,ODE8UG,12 *YM,RCOVER,13 *YM,BRKPT,14 *YM,SELF,15 *YM,LOGGER,16 *YM,SYSCOP,17,SYSSEG.18 *L LOCORE LOCORE COPYRIGHT CONTROL SYSBUF DECEMBER 31, 1970 DECEMHER 31. 1970 TRVEC DECEMRER 31. 1970 DRCORE DECEMHER 31. 1970 NIPROC EFILE *M DECEMHER 31, 1970 EF *M UREDT DECEMBER 31. 1970 UBEDl SCHEDU *L SCHEDU DECEMF:!ER 31. 1970 NDISP DECEMBER 31, 1970 NCMPRQ DECEMBER 31. 1970 NFNR DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 ADEV COBOP COPYRIGHT CONTROL 60282700 DATA CORP. 1970 0000 REV.l 01C9 REV.l 06F2 REV.l 07lE REV.l 08SE REV.l 0001 REV.l 0006 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l DATA CORP. 1970 08DC 0986 09C2 09F3 OASD OC3n 1-6-7 *M LOADSD LOAD DECEMBER BRANCH DECEMBER LIDRIV DECEMBER LCDRIV DECHH3ER LMORIV DECEMAER LLDRIV DECEMBER SCAN DECEMBER CHPU DECEMBER ADJOVF DECEMBER CONVRT DECEMFlER TABSCH DECEMBER TABSTR DECEMBER LSTOUT DECEMHER LINKI DECEMHER LINK2 DECEMFlER COREXT DECEMI-lER DPRADD DECEMBER LOADER DECEMBER NAMPRO DECEMBER RBDBZS DECEMBER ENTEXT DECEMBER XFRPRO DECEMBER HEXPRO DECEMBER EOLPRO DECEMBER ADRPRO DECEMBER *L ALCORE ALCORE DECEMBER ALVOL DECEMBER OFVOL DECEMBER PARAME DECEMBER COMMON DECEMBER NEPROC DECEt-1BER NMONI DECEMI:IER DECEMljER RW MAKQ DECEMBER MINT DECE~8ER ·~M JORENT DECEMBER JORENT DECEMBER TIl DECEMBER T7 DECE'J1HER TS REV. 1 REV.1 REV.l REV. 1 REV.l REV.1 REV.l REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV. 1 REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.1 REV.1 REV.l REV.1 REV. 1 REV.1 REV.l REV. 1 REV.l 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31. 31, 31, 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.I REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV. 1 OC77 0021 OD3E OD4A ODA8 ODBF OE23 OE65 OF22 OF49 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.l REV. 1 REV.l REV. I REV.1 OOSA OOSA OOSA OOSA OOSA DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.l OOSF DECEMHER 31, 19"(0 REV.l DECEMBER 31. 1910 REV.1 0064 0064 DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l 006F DECEMHER 31. 1970 REV.l DECE"1BER 31. 1970 REV.I 0074 0074 DECEMRER 31. 19"(0 REV.l 0078 DECEM8ER 31, 1970 REV.l 0070 JORPRO JOB PRO PRO TEe *M PROTEC JBKJLL JPLOAr) *M JPLOAD JPCHGE JPCHGE ASCHEX JPTl3 *M TI3 MIPRO *M MIPRO 1-6-8 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 DECEt'~BER T3 *M *M 31, 31. 31, 31. 31. 31. 31, 31. 31, 31. 31. 31, 31, 31. 31, 31, 31, 31. 31. 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 60282700 RESTOR *M RESTOR DECEMHER 31. 1970 REV.l 0080 DECD1BER 31. 1970 REV.l 0083 DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER 31. 31, 31. 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l OOA5 OOA5 00A5 00A5 DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMHER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DEC 011:3 ER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMHER OECEMBER 31. 31. 31. 31. 31, 31, 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV. 1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE QOAE OOAE QOAE QOAE OOAE QOAE QOAE OOAE OOAE DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l OOBC DECEMBER 31, 1910 REV.l SYS CHECKOUT SYSCOP 00C1 ODERUG *M ODEBUG RCOvER ;~·M RCOVER OUTSEL DMPCOR MASOMP BRKPT *M BRKPTD BIASCI SIFT RETJMP JUMPTO ENTER ENTCOR PRTREG SETBRP TERMIN DMPCOR MASDMP RESUME *M r~EV .1 SFLF SELFS *M LOGGER LOGA *M 00C4 *M C01ST C02ND C03RD COLAST *S.FMASK.7FFF MASDRV *L MASDRV DECEMBER 31, 513001 DECEMBER 31. MASS MEMORY DRIVERS *M 513002 DECEMBER 31, *S,MI713R.S *M 513003 DECE~~RER 31. *S.Ml713P,S *M PRT40 DECEMBER 31. *S,MAS501,S *M DR1728 DECEMBER 31. *S,MAS2A,S *M CD1729 DECEMBER 31. *S,MAS292.S *M DECEMBER 31, CR405 60282700 OOCS ooca ooca 00C8 1970 REV.l 1970 REV.l OFFF 1493 1970 REV.l OOFA 1970 REV.l OOFD 1970 REV.l 0100 1970 REV. 1 0106 1970 REV. 1 0110 1970 REV.l 0115 1-6-9 *S,MAS40S,S *M DR1132 *S,MAS32,S *M PUN CDR *S,TP1711,S *M PTREAO *S,TR1711,S *L TAPEDR FRWA FRWB RWBA RECOVT TAPE DISKWD SPACE *S,MAS31,7FFF *5, TI VALU, 1FFF *S,ABUFAL,1FFF *S,SNAPE,7FFF *S,PARITY,7FFF *5,IPROCI,1FFF *S,T30,1FFF *5,T29,7FFF *S,T28,7FFF *S,T21,7FFF *S,T2ft,,7FFF *S,T2S,1FFF *S,T24,7FFF *S,T23,7FFF *S,T22,1FFF *S,T2lt7FFF *S,T20,7FFF *5,Tl9,7FFF *S,Tl8,7FFF *S,Tl1,7FFF *S,Tl6,1FFF *S,Tl3,7FFF *S,Tll,1FFF *S,T8,1FFF *S,T1,1FFF *S,TS,7FFF *S,T3,1FFF *5,DEAUG,7FFF *5, TI MACK, 7FFF *F VRFCTN *T DECEMAER 31, 1910 REV.l 0119 DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.1 0124 DECEMBER 31, 1910 REV.I 0127 DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMI:IER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER 1612 1731 1806 1909 198F lAIE lA2C IBE9 31. 31. 31, 31. 31, 31, 31, 31, 1910 1910 1970 1970 1970 1910 1970 1970 REV.1 REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.l REV.1 REV.l 016F 1-6-10 60282700 IN *S,4,1,M IN *S,S,2,M IN *S,6,3,M IN *S,7,2,M IN *S,8,2,~ IN *S,9,2,M IN *S,lO,2,M IN *S,12,3,M IN *S,16,3,M IN *u 60282700 I-6-11 6.3.2 LOADING AFTER INITIALIZATION The mass memory modules may be updated after initialization by using the *M instruction in LIBEDT. To do so, perform the following instructions during initialization. Assign ordinals (step 1). Set COBOPS and COBOPL entry points (step 3). Load COBOP, since it is core resident (step 4). Noting that both SYSCOP and COLAST must be followed by an *T if the input device is magnetic tape, continue after initialization with the following procedures. 1. Type *LIBEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN 2. Type *K, Ilu lu contains the relocatable binaries of the mass memory modules Press RETURN Message IN 3. Type *M, 19, ,M, N Press RETURN SYSCOP is loaded Message IN 4. Type *M, 20" M, N Press RETURN COlST, C02ND, C03RD, and COLAST are loaded Message IN 1-6-12 60282700 6.4 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES 6.4.1 USER INSTRUCTIONS Be sure that COBOP is intact before using the following procedures to check for system status or for system malfunctioning. 1. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 2. Clear all registers except the A and Q registers 3. Set the P register to the starting address of COBOP 4. Set the SELECTIVE STOP switch 5. Set the RUN/STEP switch to RUN 6. When the machine stops, select the Q register to examine core data as explained in part III, section 5.1If FFFF appears on the push button register, the hardware malfunctioned. 6. Repeat steps 1 through If 0000 appears on the push button register, restart the system. 7. To schedule SYSCOP: Press the mannual interrupt button on the teletypewriter Message MI Type SYSCOP Press RETURN 8. Message SELECT OPTION 9. SYSCOP may be rerun as often as necessary on the same image if the area on which the failed image is written is not destroyed. Respond with one of the following five options which will remain in effect until the DUMP routine is executed: Option Action Significance 1 Type *Z To release package; no further input is necessary but the package may be rescheduled. Press RETURN Message FINISH SYSCOP 60282700 I-6-13 Option Action Significance 2 Type 0 To transfer control to DUMP routine Press RETURN Message DUMP Type one of the following 3 *Z To exit from the package *R To repeat the SYSCOP package beginning with step 8 *Dxxxx,yyyy To dump cells xxxx to cells yyyy from the failed image; DUMP appears as a message to request the next input or if invalid data is typed Press RETURN Return to step 8 Type 1 To print error messages only on list logical unit; return to step 8 Press RETURN 4 Type 2 Press RETURN Type 3 5 Press RETURN To print errors plus supporting messages on list logical unit; return to step 8 To print errors and all supporting messages on list logical unit; return to step 8 Loading Example The failed image has already been written on mass memory by COBOP for the following verification of correct loading after the scheduling of SYSCOP: Typeout/Printout Significance SYSCOP START Output on list lu; indicates SYSCOP is scheduled and has begun IMAGE START SECTOR IS 2000 SELECT OPTION Appears on comment logical unit o User types to transfer control to DUMP routine DUMP Appears on comment logical unit *R User types to repeat the SYSCOP package SELECT OPTION Appears on comment logical unit 1 User types to request printing of error messages errors, if any 1-6-14 Errors appear on list logical unit 60282700 Typeout/Printout Significance SELECT OPTION Appears on comment logical unit *Z User types to release package FINISH SYSCOP Appears on list logical unit; package is complete; core is released Printout Examples Option 1: ***SYSTEM DIRECTORY .ERROR INDEX 000 F HAS INVLAID REQ PRI 0004 INDEX 0001 TOO LONG FOR REQ PRI 0000 INDEX 0014 TOO LONG FOR REQ PRI 0004 Option 2: A Q I REGISTER 0000 0000 1 F A2 PRI L VL WAS 0000 LU 04 CURRENT PARA LIST AT 21F5 RC 0800 C 0000 TH FFFF LU 1004 N 0010 S 208B I/O IN PROGRESS RETURN FOR FNR WAS 14E3 RETURN FOR CMR WAS 1555 LAST ENTRY TO BE SCHEDULED 0360/ 12AA OD25 0364 0091 THERE WERE 0000 OF THE 0101 VOLATILE WORDS ASSIGNED ALLOCA T ABLE CORE MAP 60282700 1-6-15 INDEX START LNGTH THRD DUMP 0002 1E56 0144 1E58 C8FE 6C22 OOOA 1 F9A 041 C 1 F9C C8FE 6400 EMPY 23B6 064A FFFF C8FE 6400 ***SYSTEM DIRECTORY ERROR INDEX OOOF HAS INVALID REQ PRI 0004 INDEX 0001 TOO LONG FOR REQ PRI 0000 INDEX 0014 TOO LONG FOR REQ PRI 0004 SYSTEM NOT SWAPPED JP WAS IN CORE FILE1 FILE 2 FILE3 FILE4 LOADR BP 1E58 1F9C 0000 0000 0000 0000 JP LOCKED OUT FOR LIBEDT OR RECOVERY 40FF OABB OABC 0822 OBOO 0814 0927 5800 B032 A Q I REGISTER 0000 0000 1 FA2 MAX CORE WAS 6FFF WITH 2AOO TO 6FFE UNPROT MAXSEC WAS 00003E7F MAX CORE WAS 6FFF WITH 2AOO TO 6FFE UNPROT MAXSEC WAS 00003E7F PRI LVL WAS 0000 LINE 01 LAST INTERRUPTED 21FD LINE 04 LAST INTERRUPTED 0422 LINE 05 LAST INTERRUPTED 2220 LINE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F LEVEL F A D B 9 A 6 6 9 9 D D 6 6 6 6 LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F LEVEL F A D B 9 A 6 6 9 9 D D 6 6 6 6 INTRPT STACK LEVEL -1 LU 04 CURRENT PARA LIST AT 21F5 0800 RC 0000 C TH FFFF LU 1004 0010 N S 208B I/O IN PROGRESS RETURN FOR FNR WAS 14E3 RETURN FOR CMR WAS 1555 NUM OF SCHEDL STACK ENTRIES WAS 18 NUM OF SCHEDL CALLS STACKED WAS 00 LAST ENTRY TO BE SCHEDULED 0360/ 12AA OD25 0364 0091 THERE WERE 0000 OF THE 0101 VOLATILE WORDS ASSIGNED ALLOCA TABLE CORE MAP INDEX START LNGTH THRD DUMP 0002 1E56 0144 1E58 C8FE 6C22 40FF 0822 OOOA 1F9A 041C 1F9C C8FE 6400 OABB OBOO EMPY 23B6 064A FFFF C8FE 6400 OABC 0814 0927 5800 B032 Option 3: 1-6-16 60382700 7 SYSTEM CONFIGURATOR 1.0 7.1 RELEASE DESCRIPTION 7.1.1 NEW FEA TURES • System definitions and skeletons have been modified and are available with the MSOS 3.0 release. This update makes it possible to configure all software available with MSOS 3. O. • New device capabilities are: 1777 reader/punch 1751 drum 1731 buffered magnetic tape 1726-405 buffered card reader 1572/1573 timer • All drivers have mass memory capabilities. • Encode/decode and re-entrant and non-re-entrant FORTRAN are available for configuration. • Logical units no longer need to be in interrupt line order. • MASDRVand DBLDRV are customized according to the user's specifications. 7.1. 2 CORRECTIONS None 7.1. 3 KNOWN LIMITATIONS 1. Logical unit numbers input on control statements must be in decimal and must be valid unit numbers for the system. SYSCON attempts to use any decimal number in the range of 1-127; thus, invalid unit numbers will cause SYSCON to terminate with a system J02 error. 2. The restriction described in the first item above is also true for INPUT FROM LOGICAL UNIT parameter phrases associated with the INSERT components. 60282700 1-7-1 3. A comma must follow the component name even though no parameters are specified. 4. The System Configurator requires a special version of SPA CE which is released on the System Configurator COSY source tape. As released, the system definitions and skeletons are correct. However, if any further modifications to the configurator are necessary, the following code must be added to the System Configurator COSY source tape. SPACE OCKI DELI NAM INSI EXT DELI LOA DELI SAZ INSI JMP* I=6,H=7 1 SPACE CUSTOMIZED FOR MSOS 3.0 13 SYSLVL 91 ALCLGH,Q 152 SETDIR 156 SETDIR ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* * * * * * EXT EXT EXT EQU EQU JOBENT UREDT PROTEC FOUR($25) SYOIR($ER) SPC 3 SPC 5 THIS SEQUENCE OF CODE SETS THE PRIORITY FOR JOBENT TO FORCE IT INTO THE CORRECT AREA OF ALLOCATABLE CORE IT ALSO SETS THE LIMITS OF SYSTEM DIRECTORY READS FOR THE PROTECT PROCESSOR AND LIBEDT SPC 5 ****************************************************************************** * SDJOB SDUB SDPRO spr 3 ADC A.DC ADC SPC JOBENT UBEDT PROTEC 3 * ********************************************************************* * 1-7-2 60282700 SPC 5 SETDIR LDQ- SYDIR ADQ* SDJOB ENA $10 SET PRIORITY STA- (ZERO),Q LDQ- SYDIR ADQ* SDLIB SET LIMITS FOR INITIAL LOAD LDA =N$441 OF LIBEDT TO THE REQUIER LENGTH. RELEASE VALUE = $441 STA- (FOUR),Q LDQ- SYDIR ADQ* SDPRO SET LIMITS FOR INITIAL LOAD LDA =N$310 OF PROTEC PROCESSOR TO REQUIRED LENGTH STA- (FOUR),Q RELEASE VALUE = $300 SPC 3 * ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* SPC 5 DELI 161 AND HQACK DELI 165 LDQ TIQACK INQ -1 ENABLE INTERRUPT DELI 169,174 Tl572 LDA* STl572 LDQ TlQACK OUT TMRRJT-* START 1572 TIMER INQ -1 LDA =XTlVALU SET COUNTS VALUE DELI 190.191 NUM $C ADC SUMLVL INSI 245 TIQACK ADC TIMACK INSI 250 SUMLVL NUM $ODOA ALF 7,SUMMARY LEVEL ADC SYSLVL NUM $ODOA DELI 261,263 EQU MI ($lAf) AREA 1 EOU M2(UBO) AREA 2 EQU M3($310) AREA 3 80 RECORDS TRANSFERRED 60282700 1-7-3 5. The system definitions and skeletons as released with MSOS 3.0 contains the engineering file set up for the following logical unit order: lu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Device Core allocator 1777 paper tape reader 1777 paper tape punch 1713 teletypewriter keyboard Dummy 1731- 601 magnetic tape - unit 1731- 601 magnetic tape - unit 1738- 853 disk - unit 0 1740- 501 printer 1728-430 card reader 1729-2 card reader 501 FORTRAN line printer 1726-405 card reader 1732- 608 magnetic tape - unit 1732-608 magnetic tape - unit 1732- 609 magnetic tape - unit 1732- 609 magnetic tape - unit 1713 reader 1713 punch 0 1 2 3 4 5 If the engineering file needs to be changed follow the procedures in part II, section 1. 4: then replace the module in the system by using the *M statement in LIBEDT. 7.1.4 KNOWN DEFICIENCIES None 7.2 REQUIREMENTS 7.2.1 RELEASE MATERIALS Magnetic Tape Version One installation tape One tape containing system definitions and skeletons 1-7-4 60282700 Paper Tape Version Twelve binary installation tapes Fourteen paper tapes containing system definitions and skeletons Optional Tapes One COSY source magnetic tape One list magnetic tape 7.2.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The minimum hardware configuration is the same as for MSOS 3. O. execution add the following hardware: For optimum installation and Either 2 1731-601 magnetic tape units or 2 1732-608 magnetic tape units Either 1 1726-405 card reader or 1 1728-430 card reader or 1 1729-2 card reader and 1 1742-501 line printer 7. 2. 3 MEMORY REQUIREMENTS A minimum of 3000 words of unprotected core is necessary to execute SYSCON. 7.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES For installation of SYSCON: mass storage device is LUN 8 paper tape reader is LUN 2 magnetic tape driver (if present) is LUN 6 All other logical units are dependent upon installation. 60282700 1-7-5 MSOS 3.0 must be installed 1. Type *LIBEDT Press RETURN Message LIB IN 2. If using magnetic tape, a. Mount the installation magnetic tape on LU6, the magnetic tape device b. When READY, Type *K,I6 Press RETURN Message IN Type *V,6 Press RETURN Message IN If using paper tape, a. Mount the first paper installation tape on LU2, the paper tape reader b. Press CLEAR Type *K,I2 Press RETURN Message IN Type *V,2 Press RETURN Message IN 3. 1-7-6 As the tape is used, the System Configurator is installed on the program library, and the following appears on the standard print device: 60282700 IN *L, CONFIG IN *K, 16, P8 IN *P, F, GOCONF CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE GOlA OPTCHK INPREC MESSGS SCNOPT INITAL CONVRT CONTRL CORECT INSINP SCNREC IN B489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 372E 379A 38FA 3998 3A06 3AFD 3B76 3B98 3C06 3C1C *K,18 IN *N, CONFlA, , ,B IN *K,16 IN *P,F,G01B CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G01B DEFINE PARCHK PAMCHK PARTIT 60282700 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 3722 38E7 3916 3943 1-7-7 SEARCH SCNREC INPREC CONTRL VALPRO VALCHK PICKUP 3963 39BA 3A4D 3BAD 3BCF 3C1D 3D3C IN *K,I8 IN *N, CONF1B", B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G01C CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE GOlC SYSDAT SYSINS INSINP INCINS GETCHR STOCHR WRTMMR RDSKEL INITCM COMMNT IN 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 377C 37D6 37EC 37FF 381D 3845 387E 38A8 38E3 *K,I8 IN *N, CONF1C", B IN *K,I6 IN 1-7-8 60282700 *P, F,G01D CONFIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETlTM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE GOlD SPECFl PARCHK BKCMVR SPCPAR SEARCH SCNREC CONTRL INPREC CORECK CORECT CONVRT INSINP IN 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 38E2 3911 3970 39A3 39FA 3A8D 3AAF 3COF 3C2B 3099 3D12 *K,I8 IN *N, CONF1D", B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G01E CONFIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETlTM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G01E SPECF2 PAMCH2 INSURT INCINS INSINP SEARCH 60282700 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 3823 38DA 397F 3992 39A8 1-7-9 CORECT SCNREC CONTRL INPREC CNVTNO PICKUP 39FF 3A6D 3BOC 3B22 3C82 3CDS IN *K,I8 IN *N, CONF1E, , ,B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G01F CONFIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE GOlF VA RPRO RNGCHK SCNREC CORECT VALCHK INPREC CONTRL CNVTNO PICKUP IN 3489 3498 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 3725 3823 390E 39A1 3AOF 3B2E 3C8E 3CBO 3D06 *K,I8 IN *N, CONF1 F, , ,B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G02 CONFIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM 1-7-10 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 60282700 CALADR INCPTR GETFLE 002 PHASE2 EQUIVA INSERT DELETE GETVAL CVTNUM GETNUM REDREC GETCHR GNSCHR STOCHB DECASC MMREAD OUTREC HICORE INTREG PICKUP P2NAMl 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 379C 37D4 38AB 38E1 3985 39D8 39FA 3A4F 3A6D 3A7A 3AA2 3BOD 3B2E 3B3E 3B73 3D3D 3D4D IN *K,18 IN *N, CONF2A, , ,B IN *K,16 IN *P,F,002 CONFIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G02 PHASE2 EQUIVA DELETE GETVAL CVTNUM GETNUM REDREC GETCHR GNSCHR STOCHR 60282700 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 379C 37D4 380A 38AE 3901 3923 3978 3996 39A3 1-7-11 DECASC MMREAD OUTREC MSKTBL FTNLVL SCHSTK PICKUP P2NAM2 39CB 3A36 3A57 3A67 3B65 3BEE 3C2B 3C3B IN *K,I8 IN *N, CONF2B, , , B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G02 CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G02 PHASE2 EQUIVA DELETE GETVAL CVTNUM GETNUM REDREC GETCHR GNSCHR STOCHR DECASC MMREAD OUTREC LUTBLS DGNTAB PICKUP P2NAM3 IN 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 379C 37D4 380A 38AE 3901 3923 3978 3996 39A3 39CB 3A36 3A57 3A67 3D06 3D48 3058 *K,I8 IN *N, CONF2C", B IN 1-7-12 60282700 *K,I6 IN *P,F,G02 CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G02 PHASE2 EQUIVA INSERT DELETE GETVAL CVTNUM GETNUM REDREC GETCHR GNSCHR STOCHR DECASC MMREAD OUTREC OUTLNN FTNMSK PRESET PICKUP P2NAM4 IN 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 371F 379C 37D4 38AB 38E1 3985 39D8 39FA 3A4F 3A6D 3A7A 3AA2 3BOD 3B2E 3B3E 3BE3 3COA 3C73 3C83 *K,18 IN *N, CONF2D", B IN *K,16 IN *P,F,G03A CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTOAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE 60282700 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 1-7-13 371B G03A PHASE3 371F PACKAG 378C INSPGM 37F1 DELPGM 38CA OUTCRD 3905 XTCORE 397E INPBIN 3992 OUTBIN 39E6 UNLOAD 3A43 GETVAL 3A84 CVTNUM 3B28 GETNUM 3B7B GETCHR 3B9D GNSCHR 3BBB STOCHR 3BC8 BINASC 3BFC PICKUP 3C3D PAGEJT 3C4D PRNTLN 3C5A PACKLN 3C7B NEWHDR 3CAF STAPGM 3CE2 STAPCK 3D52 IN *K,I8 IN *N, CONF3A", B IN *K,I6 IN *P,F,G03B CON FIG GOCONF SCDKIO ERROR DCTCAS GETITM CALADR INCPTR GETFLE G03B INPBIN GETVAL CVTNUM GETNUM GETCHR ~-7-14 3489 349B 349D 34BF 351A 3561 365A 3698 36B9 371B 3722 3776 381A 386D 388F 60282700 GNSCHR BINASC PICKUP PAGEJT PRNTLN PACKLN OUTBIN STAEND 38AD 38BA 3907 3917 3924 3945 3979 39D6 IN *K,18 IN *N, CONF3B", B IN *U 4. Message: IN Type: *z Press: RETURN Message: J System Configurator is installed. 7.4 ADDITION AL PROCEDURES 7.4.1 VERIFICATION OF INSTALLA TION Description The verification procedure demonstates that SYSCON is correctly installed. It exercises the STATISTICS and CONVERSE options of SYSCON. The following procedure fully covers an optimum as well as the minimum hardware configuration. Requirements MSOS must be installed, and the job processor must be in core. 60282700 1-7-15 / Procedure 1. If using a minimum system, a. Mount the first paper tape containing SYSCON definitions and skeletons on LUN2 h. When LUN2 is ready, continue with step 2 If using a non-minimum system, 2. a. Mount the magnetic tape containing SYSCON definitions and skeletons on LUN6, the magnetic tape device h. When LUN6 is ready, continue with step 2 Type *p Press RETURN Message J 3. Type *CONFIG Press RETURN Message OPTIONS (STATISTICS, CONFIGURE, CONVERSE) 4. Type ST, CONY Press RETURN Teletypewriter paper advances 5. If using a minimum system, Type *J,2 Press RETURN If using a non-minimum system, Type *J,6 Press RETURN 6. SYSCON reads in the SYSCON system definitions and skeletons tape. 7. If using a minimum system, the following message appears: Message UNLOAD SYSTEM DEFINITIONS, LOAD SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Remove the system definitions and skeletons paper tape from the paper tape reader. 1-7-16 60282700 8. The verification data set program is on the COSY source tape under the deck name VERIFY. If a COSY source tape is not available, the verification data set program is as follows. Transfer the program to either paper tape, cards, or magnetic tape. Place the verification data set program on the input device to be used. S Y S CON 11 E C K FOR V E R I F I C A T I o N ** COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORP. 1970 ** L J S T S P E C I F I C 1'.1 T I o N ** ** D E V I C E S *5 y S T E M H A R D W A R E ** INVALID COMPONENT--USED TO VERIFY CONVERSE OPTION ** *+1703, ** 1777 READER/PUNCH *+1777, ** 1711/1712 TELETYPE *+1711, ** 173a DISK CONTROLLER WITH 853-4 DISK DRIVfS *+173A/A53-4' ** P R () G R !l M S RES T [) E N T FOR f G ROll N D ** ** ~SOS*3.0 MONT TOR ** PRO G R A tvj S FOR E G R 0 U N f) RES I I) E N T *M A 5 S ** ** .JOB PROCESSOR WITH LOADER, LIBRARY EDIT, BREAKPOTNT, RECOVERY *+J08 PROCESSOR, ** ** :tp R 0 G RAM PRO (; RAM 5 I BRA R Y ** *+FTN RlJNTIMf LTBRnRY, ** *TERMINATE 60282700 1-7-17 9. Type *I,lun lun is the device to be used Press RETURN 10. SYSCON reads in the verification data set program. After several records are read in, the following message appears: Message ERROR,10,5 11. Type ** Press RETURN 12. Type *V Press RETURN SYSCON continues to read in the verification data set program until it is completely in. Message J 13. If the output is similar to that given in steps 14 and 16 or 15 and 16, SYSCON is installed correctly. 14. If the list device is other than the teletypewriter, the following is a sample of the printout which appears on the list device. OPTIONS (STATISTICS. CONFIGURE. CONVERSE) 1 S1.CONV ? *Jd4 3 *Ttll V E R I F I CAT ION DEC K FOR COPYRI(,HT CONTROL DATA CORP. 1970 S P E C I F I CAT ION LIS T 4 5 *S Y S T F ',1 H A ..., [) WAR E D E V ICE S ** ** Tt\JVIII ID COMPONENT--USEO TO VERIFY CONVERSE OPTION *+1703. 10. ** h *v 7 *+l771. H 9 IO 1-7-18 S Y S CON 1777 READER/PllhCH *;~ 171111"712 TEl ETYPE *+1711. ** 1738 DISK CONTROLLER WITH 851-4 DISK DRIVES *+1738/853-4. *C 0 R E RESIDENT ** MSOS*3.0 MONiTOR ** FOR E G ROll N f) PRO G R A '1 S 60282700 11 12 13 14 *+MONrTOR, ** *M AS S RES IDE N T FOR E G R 0 UNO PRO G R A Iv1 S ** ** JOB PROCESSOR WITH LOADER, LIBRARY EDIT, BREAKPOINT. RECOVfRY *+JOR PROCESSOR. ** ** *p R 0 r, RAM LIB R A R Y PRO G RAM <; ** 15 In 15. *+FTN RUNTIME LIBRARY, ** *TfRMINATF If the list device is the teletypewriter, information similar to the following appears on the teletypewriter: *CONFIG OPTIONS (STATISTICS, CONFIGURE, CONVERSE) ST, CONV 1 ST, CONV *J,7 2 *J,7 3 *1,2 *1,2 ** VERIFICATION DECK FOR SYSCON SPECIFICATION LIST ** *SYSTEM HARDWARE ** 'i/ \ 4 DEVICES ** ** INVALID COMPONENT--USED TO VERIFY CONVERSE OPTION *+1'703, ERROR, 10, 5 5 *+1721, 6 ** 1723/1724 PAPER TAPE PUNCH *+1721, 7 *V *V 60282700 1-7-19 16. Data similar to the following appears on the list device after the information in steps 14 or 15. SYSTEM STATISTICS CORE RESIDENT FOREGROUND PROGRAMS MONITOR PROGR~MS TRVEC 44 P DRcnRE 320 P NIPROC 126 P LlBEDT EF LlREDT COMMON NEPROC NMONI PARAME ALVOL OFVOL NCMPRQ NFNR ALCORE MINT RW MAK(~ ADEll SCHEDU NOIc.;P 0 0 0 D 0 D ENGINEERING FILE 420 0 0 4R26 'P"' 0 D 0 C 0 0 C C ~ND 23 P 100 P 66 P q4 p 29 12 4Y lOA 17() lR2 lR9 flO 0 C 0 D 0 C 0 D 0 D 0 C 0 [) D 0 C 0 C 0 C p I) P P P P 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 C 0 c 0 C P 0 D n r> \) 3q P 480 170 0 C p p P D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D () r. C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 6028:2,70Q MASS RESIDENT FOREGROUND PROGRM4S JOB PROCESSOR 301 P LOAD 734 P BRANCH LIDRIV 94 P 45 P LCDRIV 34 P LMDRIV LLDRIV 14 P 183 P SCAN CHPU 11 P 21 P ADJOVF CONVRT 24 P TABSO-l 31 f.J TABSTR 41 P 47 P LSTOUT 29 P LINKI 43 P LlNK2 54 P CORDT DPRADD ?3 P 216 P LOADER NAMPRO 215 P 259 P RBDRZS 134 P ENTEXT XFRPRO 21 P HEXPRO 266 P 141 P EOLPRO ADRPRO 93 P 164 P JORENT 42 p TIl 119 p T7 49 p TS 47 P 13 ,j08PRO 422 P PROTEC 945 P 104 P JRKILL ]R9 P JPL.OAO 190 P JPCHGE ASCHEx 107 p Tl3 422 w RESTOR 216 P 337 P RCaVER OUTSEL 71 p DMPCOR 173 P MASDMP 245 P 19K P E:!RKPTD 90 p BIASeI SIFT 141 f) RET-lMP 23 P JUMPTO 22 P ENTER 22 P ENTCOR 33 P PRTREG 53 P SETHRP 117 P TERMIN 73 P DMPCOR 131 P MASDMP 241 P 195 P RESUME 60282700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 () 0 I) 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 () D 0 0 0 0 0 D () D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D () 0 n D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J D D D D D 0 D D D 0 0 0 I) D 0 D 0 D Il D () D () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 C C C C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C () C 0 C 0 C 0 C C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C () 0 C C 0 C 0 C 0 C () C 0 (' 0 C 0 C (l C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C {) (I c 0 C 0 C C C 0 C () () () C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C C C C C C 1-7-21 SELFS LOGA 395 P 222 P o 0 o D o C o C CORE RESIDENT FOREGROUND PROGRAI"IS 1713 KEYBOARD MASS RESIDENT DRIVERS INPUT/OUTPUT nRIVERS STCK 76 P 0 D PTREAD 180 P o D PUNCDR 173 P 0 D TELTYP 316 P o D () D DISK 1114 P SPACE SPACE PROGRAM 1669 P 0 D 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C PROGRAM LIBRARY PROGRAMS FORTRAN RUNTIME Q8EXPN 15"7 P Q8PRMS If> P Q8A8 1"7 fJ IFALT 22 p SIGN 36 P 9A P FXFL EXPPRG If, 1 p SQRTF 92 f-' llh P LNlJPRG TANH III P 199 P SINCOS ARCTPG 149 P 563 P FLOAT Q8QINI 202 P Q8QEND 24 P Q8CMP 191 P Q8RWRU 277 ~) Q8ERRM 211 P 1"74 P Q8DFrO Q8QX 98 p Q8QUNI 88 P Q8FGET III P NON-REENTRANT~ () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D D 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 () NON-RUNANYWHERE LIBRARY C C C C C C C C C C C C 0 C 0 C 0 C D () D 0 D 0 D 0 D () D 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 C () 0 C 0 C 0 C 60~82700 Q8MI\GT TAPCON lOCK PSSTOP Q8PAND Q8EXP9 Q8DPI Q8IFRM Q8FS Q8TRA~J FORTRA IOCODE IGETCH IPACK UPDATE DECPL INTGR SPACEX HOLRTH DCHX HXASC AFRMOT RFRMOT AFRMIN RFRMIN ASCII HXDC FLOTIN FOUT EOUT EWRITE AFORM RFORM HEXASC HEX DEC DEC HEX FLOATG FORMTR INITll ASCHX PSUEDO Q8QFI Q8QFL Q8QFX Q8QGTX 75 170 2R 55 85 171 123 61 469 1750 288 59 23 58 10 29 311 19 63 112 52 35 17 44 IR 20 137 64 103 222 14 27 27 23 () D 0 0 P P P P P 0 P P P p P P P P P P P 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 C 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P P P P 0 0 0 0 p p P D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D P P P P P p p 2R P 420 42 44 37 22 43 48 4 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D P P P ?9 p 31 I) P P P P p P p P 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C C 0 C 0 C 0 C (I 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C C 0 C () 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 r. 0 C () C () r: CORE MEMORY MAP CORE RESIDENT ALLOCATABLE UNPROTECTED SYSTEM COMMON NON-SYSTEM 60282700 1433 1655 29680 () () 1-7-23 7.4.2 INSTALLATION OF MSOS 3.0 SYSTEM GENERATED BY CONFIGURA TOR After specifying and configuring a system, use the system initializer to install the new system with the system installation programs and the relocatable binary SYSDA T programs. Minimum System If the only input device is a paper tape reader, the installation procedures are basically the same as those described in part I, section 1. 3. 1. Load and execute the system initializer as in part I, section 1. 3. 2, 1. 3. 3, or 1. 3. 4. 2. Continue installing using the procedures in part I, section 1. 3. 5, replacing step 3 of these procedures with: Type *S, MAXSEC,xxxx Press RETURN Message Q 3. When the system initializer types Q in step 7, mark the leader of tape under the paper tape reader and remove the paper tape. 4. Mount the relocatable binary SYSDAT program paper tape in the paper tape reader. 5. Type *V Press RETURN Message LUN,lun, FAILED ACTION The paper tape reader is out of tape; mount the paper tape containing the system installation programs placing the leader marked in step 3 under the reader. 6. Type RP Press RETURN 7. Continue with the installation as described in step 8 of part I, section 1. 3. 5. Non-Minimum System Use the following instructions for a system containing a paper tape reader and another device. 1. Load and execute the system initializer as described in part I, section 1. 3. 2, 1. 3. 3, or 1. 3. 4. 2. Load input device a with the system installation programs. 3. Load input device b with the relocatable binary of the SYSDA T program. 4. Continue installing using the instructions in part I, section 1. 3. 5, replacing step 3 of these procedures with: Type *S, MAXSEC, xxxx Press RETURN Message Q 5. Use the system initializer to assign the output and comment devices as discussed in part I, section 1. 3. 5, step 5. 6. Assign input device a (containing system installation programs) as the input device. Type *1, a Press RETURN Message Q 7. Type *V Press RETURN Message Q 8. ASSign input device b (containing the relocatable binary of the SYSDAT program) as the input device. Type *I,b Press RETURN Message Q 9. Type * Press RETURN 60282700 1-7-25 10. The relocatable binary of the SYSDAT program is loaded into the system. Message ACTION 11. Type CU Press RETURN 12. Assign input device a as the input device. Type *I,a Press RETURN Message Q 13. Type * Pres s RETURN 14. Continue the installation with step 8 of part I, section 1. 3. 5. Core Map of Configured and Installed System *YM,EFILE,1 *YM,LIBEDT,2 *YM,LOADSD,3 *YM,JORENT,4 *YM,..JORPRO,5 *YM,PROTEC,6 *YM,JPLOAD,7 *YM,JPCHGE,R *YM,JPT13,Q *YM,MIPRO,IO *YM,RESTOR,11 *YM,ODERlIG,12 *YM,RCOVER,13 *YM,BRKPT,14 *YM,SELF,J5 *YM,LOGGER,16 1700 MASS STORAGE OPERATING SYSTEM * * * *L SYSTEM DATA PROGRAM *u 1-7-26 60282700 SYSDAT DBLDRV *v * *L COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORP. 1970 0000 DECEMBER 31~ 19"10 REV.l 06C3 MONITOR PROGRAMS DECEMRER 31. 1970 TRVEC DECEMBER 31. 1970 DRCORE DECEMHER 31. 1970 NIPROC LIBEDT AND ENGINEERING FILE * EFILE *M DECEMRER 31. 1970 EF LIBEDT *M DECEMBER 31. 1970 LlBEDT *L DECEMHER 31. 1970 COMMON DECEMf4ER 31. 1970 NEPROC DECEMHER 31. 1970 NMONI PARAME DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 ALVOL DECEMHER 31, 1970 OFVOL NCMPRQ DECEMHER 31. 1970 DECD18ER 31. 1970 NFNR DECEMBER 31. 1970 ALCORE DECE~4BER 31. 1970 MINT DEC01BER 31. 1970 RW MAKQ DECEMBER 31~ 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 ADEV DECEMHER 31. 1970 SCHEDU DECEMBER 31. 1970 NDISP DECEMBER 31. 1970 TMINT DTMER DECEMHER 31. 1970 BUFALC DECEMBER 31. 1970 JOB PROCESSOR * LOADSD *M LOAD DECEMBER 31. 1970 BRANCH DECEMBER 31. 1970 LIDRIV DECEMBER 31. 1970 LCDRIV DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 LMDRIV LLDRIV DECEM8ER 31. 1970 SCAN DECEMBER 31, 1970 CHPlJ DECEMBER 31, 1970 DECEMBER 31, 1970 ADJOVF DECEMBER 31. 1970 CONVRT TABSCH DECEMBER 31. 1970 TABSTR DECEMBER 31. 1970 DECEMBER 31. 1970 LSTOUT DECEMBER 31, 1970 LINKI DECEM8ER 31. 1910 LINK2 COREXT DECEMBER 31, 1910 DPRADD DECEMBER 31. 1910 LOADER DECEMBER 31, 1910 NAMPRO DECEMBER 31, 1910 RBDBZS DECEMBER 31, 1910 ENTEXT DECEMBER 31. 1910 XFRPRO DECEMBER 31, 1910 HEXPRO DECEMBER 31. 1970 EOLPRO DECEMBER 31. 1970 ADRPRO DECEMBER 31. 1910 60282700 REV.l REV.l REV.l OF17 OF43 1083 REV.l 0001 REV.l 0006 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.1 REV.l REV. 1 REV. 1 REV. 1 1101 1118 1I7C 11 BE 121C 1239 1245 1276 12[0 l3BA 1440 14FD 1524 1104 17AE 17FA 187C 1899 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.1 REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REVel REV.l REV. 1 REV. 1 REV.1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l REV.l 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 1-7-27 *M JOAENT JOBENT TIl DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMHER DECEMBER T7 TS T3 31, 31, 31. 31, 31. 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 *M REV.l REV.l REV.l REV. 1 REV.l JOB PRO JOB PRO DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l *S,ONE.'HFFF *S,TWO,'f;7FFF *S,THREE,$7FFF *M PROTEC PROTEC DECEMHER 31. 1910 REV.l JBKILL DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV. 1 005A 005A 005A OOSA OOSA OOSF 0064 0064 *S,WOAD~,l *M JPLOAO JPLOAD *M JPCHGE ASCHEX *M 006F DECEMHER 31, 1970 REV. 1 DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.l 0074 0074 DECEMRER 31. 1970 REV. 1 0078 JPT13 Tl3 *M DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l JPCHGE MIPRO MIPRO DECEMHER *S,SYSCOP,7FFF RfSTOR *M RESTOR DECEMBER *M ODERlJG ODE BUG DECEMBER *M RCOVER RCOVER DECEI-1BER OUTSEL. DECEMBER DMPCOR DECEMBER MASDMP DECEMBER RI~KPT *M BRKPTD DECEMBER BIASCI DECEMBER SIFT DECEMBER RETJMP DECEMBER JUMPTO DECEMBER ENTER DECEMBEB ENTCOR DECE~BER PRTREG DECEMBER SETBRP DECEMBER TERMIN DECEMBER DMPCOR DECEMBER MASDMP DECEMBER DECEMBER RESUME SELF *M DECEMBER SELFS LOGGER *M DECEMBER LOGA 1713 KEYBOARD * *L 1-7-28 31, 1970 REV.l 007D 31. 1970 REV.l 0080 31. 1970 REV. 1 0083 31. 31, 31, 31, 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV. 1 OOAS OOAS 00A5 00A5 31, 31. 31, 31. 31, 31, 31, 31. 31, 31. 31. 31, 31, 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 REV. 1 REV.l REV. 1 REV.l REV.l REV.l REV. 1 REV. 1 REV. 1 REV.l REV.l REV. 1 REV. 1 OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE OOAE 31, 1970 REV.l oose 31, 1970 REV.l OOCI 60282700 S13001 * *M DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.l MASS RESIDENT DRIVERS 1904 00C4 S13002 DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV. 1 *S,M11l3R, S *M 00C7 S13003 DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.I *S,M11l3P, S *M OOCA DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.1 PTREAD *S,TR1777,S *M OOCD DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l PUNCDR *S,TP1777,S *M DECEMRER 31, 1970 REV.1 OODO PRT40 *S,MASsOl,S *M 00D6 DR1728 DECU1HER 31. 1970 REV.l *S,MAS28,S *M OOEO CD1729 DECEMIiER 31. 1970 REV.1 *S,MAS292,S *M DECEM HER 31. 1970 REV.l CR40s OOEs *S,MAS40s,S *M DECErv1~ER 31. 1970 REV.1 DR1732 OOEA *S,MAS32,S INPUT/OUTPUT DRIVERS * *L DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.l TAPEDR lAB3 FRWA DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.I IBA2 FRWB DECEMBER 31, 1970 REV.l le77 RWBA DECEMBER 31. 1970 REV.I ID7A DECEMi-iER 31. 1970 REV. 1 lEOO RECOVT TAPE DECEII.1BER 31, 1970 REV. 1 1EBF *S,MAS31,7FFF *L DISKwn DECEMHER 31. 1970 REV.l lE90 SPACE PROGRAfI.' * *L SPACE CUSTOMIZED FOR MSOS 3.0 20sA *F SUBPROGRAMS WITH THE FOLLOWING ENTRY POINT NAMES HAVE NOT BEEN LOADED DURING *L LOAD. 60282700 .~ 1-7-29 SNA.PI CM172R FFl72A PA.RI TY IPROCI S[CPRf) 130 T?9 Tc8 T27 T?h T?5 T24 T?3 Tn 121 T2(1 T14 TlK TIl 116 T13 III n r.., D UEHlIG SYSLVI ;q SYSTFIvl 1-7-30 END l114,A 60282700 1 CONFIGURATION The first section in this part defines and explains the areas which are usually modified to customize MSOS 3. O. Section 1 describes the segments of MSOS as: Section LOCORE 1.1 Equivalences 1.1.1 Communications region 1.1. 2 Interrupt trap region 1.1. 3 Table of preset entry points 1.1.4 Maximum scratch sector number (MAXSEC) 1.1. 5 SYSBUF 1.2 Equivalences 1. 2.1 Logical unit tables 1.2.2 Interrupt mask table (MASKT) 1. 2. 3 Volatile storage (VOLBLK) 1. 2. 4 Interrupt stack area (INTSTK) 1. 2. 5 Scheduler stack (SCHSTK) 1. 2. 6 Allocatable core (A VCORE) 1.2.7 Special routines 1. 2. 8 Special tables 1. 2. 9 Mass memory diagnostic routines (MMDIAG) 1.2.10 Overlay subroutine (OVRLA Y) 1. 2.11 Physical device table (PHYSTB) 1. 2.12 Interrupt response routines 1. 2.13 SPACE 1.3 Allocatable core 1. 3.1 Restart program (RESTRT) 1.3.2 Engineering File 60282700 1.4 11-1-1 Section 2 lists standard drivers and the changes which must be made to the configuration described in 1 to add these drivers to the MSOS 3. 0 system. (Those preceded by an asterisk in the list below are already on the released system.) Special information on the 1706 buffered data channel (section 2.1) and also special instructions for any driver to be installed on mass memory (section 2.15) are also in this section. The outline of section 2 is: sectio~ Section 1706 buffered data channel 2.1 Card Readers 1726-405 card reader 2.2 1728-430 card reader/punch 2.3 1729-2 card reader 2.4 Disk and Drum *1738-853/854 rusk 2.5 1751 drum 2.6 Line Prulter 1740-501 line printer 2.7 Magnetic Tape Devices 1731-601 buffered magnetic tape unit 2.8 1731-601 unbuffered magnetic tape unit 2.9 1732-608/609 magnetic tape unit 2.10 Paper Tape Unit *1777 paper tape station 2.11 Teletypewriter *1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter 2.12 1713 reader/punch teletypewriter 2.13 Timer 1572/1573 tj.mer Mass memory driver information II-I-2 2.14 2.15 60282700 Section 3 defines other possible modifications: Section Building of an initializer 3.1 Manual Input for process program (MIPRO) 3.2 User request modules 3.3 Re-entrant FORTRAN library package 3.4 Non-re-entrant FORTRAN library package 3.5 Output message buffering package 3.6 60282700 II-1-3 The diagram below identifies the locations of MSOS 3.0 modules. CORE MEMORY MASS MEMORY CORE UNACCESSIBLE TO OPERATING SYSTEM SYSTEM COMMON PROTECTED DATA AREA I" MAXCORt SECTOR tt SCRATCH AREA PROGRAM LIBRARY IF BUILT BY LIBEDT GOES HERE JOB COMMON UNPROTECTED AVAILABLE UNPROTECTED CORE SYSTEM >INITIALIZ ER RUNS IN THIS AREA OF CORE DATA BLOCK UNPROTECTED ) SWAP AREA IMAGE OF CORE RESIDENT SYSTEM PROTECTED ALLOCATABLE CORE PROGRAM LIBRARY AND DIRECTORY OTHER CORE RESIDENT ENTRY POINTS AND SECTOR AV AILABlLITY TABLES DRIVERS MONITOR SYSTEM LIBRARY SYSBUF SYSTEM DIRECTORY ~ I PRESET TABLE ~ INTERRUPT TRAP REGION ~ o o< o H 0 CORE RESIDENT PROGRAMS PROTECTED ENGINEERING FILE AUTOLOAD o COMMUNICATIONS REGION J t tt Parameter specified during system initialization determines this area. Section 1.1.1. Parameter specified during system initialization specifies limit of available core. II-1-4 60282700 1.1 LOCORE The LOCORE program consists of data to be loaded into the communications region, interrupt traps, and preset table. During system initialization, the LOCORE program must be the first *L program loaded after the *Y, *YM system directory entries. NOTE If any core-resident system directory entry (*Y) is included, the ordinal must be two or greater, since the first program loaded was LOCORE. LOCORE cannot be a system directory entry. • Part one of the LOCORE program corresponds to the communications region. Part two is the interrupt trap region from location 10016 to the maximum interrupt trap region used (which could be up to a maximum of 13FI6 ). Part three of the LOCORE program is the table of presets specifying the name and location of entry points to any protected routines which are also available to unprotected programs. Part four is designated for use by the assembler or FORTRAN compiler and includes the maximum sector number of the scratch mass storage device. The following modifications must be made by the system programmer for a specific system. 1.1.1 EQUIVALENCES MAXCOR is the highest core memory address in hexadecimal available to the system. Core locations above MAXCOR are not affected by normal system operation and may be used for upper core routines, core dumps, etc. This parameter is derived by setting MAXCOR with a *S, MAXCOR, xxxx parameter during system initialization. 1.1.2 COMMUNICATIONS REGION If required, communications region information can be inserted in the area from location 4716 through B2 1 6' These entries may be either numeric or the symbolic address of an entry point in another program. In the latter case, the symbolic address must also be declared as an external (EXT). Labels can be attached to these entries and, if declared as entry points (ENT), they can be referenced by other programs. Unused entries should be set to zero. In the example below, the sequence of code replaces the block: BZS ($B2-$47+1) 60282700 II-I-5 When the program with entry points SNAPE and SNAPI is loaded, the initializer loads the addresses of SNAPE and SNAPI. Also, it stores a special table starting at location 52 which may be referenced by the entry point name MTAB. 16 Label MTAB Op Address BZS ($50-$47+1) ADC SNAPE ADC SNAPI NUM $F NUM $FO NUM $FOO NUM $FOOO BZS (B2-*+ 1) EXT SNAPE, SNAPI EXT MTAB 1.1. 3 INTERRUPT TRAP REGION The interrupt trap region extends from location 10016 to 13F16 in LOCORE. A four-location trap is necessary for each of the 16 interrupt lines which are used (Section 1. 2.3, Interrupt Mask Table). For example, the LINEO trap area contains four words beginning at word 10016. LINE1 trap area then begins at word 10416 . The form of the four-word trap is: Word Address Label NUM o 2 RTJ- ($FE) 3 NUM level 4 ADC interrupt response routine 1 LINEno. Explanation of Each Location Word 1 The hardware stores the state of overflow indicator in bit 15 and also stores the P register contents in bits 14-00. The P register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed when the program is later re-entered. 11-1-6 60282700 Word 2 The second word in the interrupt trap is normally used to pass control to the common interrupt handler which will: 1. store the contents of the A, Q, P, and I registers and the current priority level (PRVL). 2. Establish priority of the program being entered through the third word of the trap. 3. Jump to the interrupt response routine through the fourth word of the trap. Usually all interrupt lines (except for line 0) use the common interrupt handler whose address is in location FE16 • Any special interrupt handler routines may be used to avoid the overhead required to go through the common interrupt handler. Include the address of the special interrupt handler routines in the communications region between locations 4716 and B216 and declare this address as external. The special interrupt handler must preserve the A, Q, P, and I registers and the overflow indicator and return control (with intexrupts enabled) to the interrupted program after processing the interrupt. Save priority levels (PRVL) if the response routine runs with interrupts enabled. Word 3 In word 3 is the priority level of the program which will process the interrupts on the specified line. When assigning priorities: 1. The number in word 3 must correspond with the interrupt mask table entry in MASKT of the SYSBUF or the TABLES program. 2. Priority levels assigned to peripheral devices cannot also be assigned to FORTRAN programs. 3. Because of timing problems, use caution when assigning priorities to devices which are subject to losing data. High priorities should be assigned to these devices, such as the 1729-2 card reader and magnetic tape devices. 4. Interrupt lines for I/O drivers must be assigned the same priority level as that specified in the PHYSTB. That is, the initiator (CP in the appropriate PHYSTB) and the continuator (priority level PR in the appropriate interrupt trap entry) must be the same priority level. Word 4 This is the address of the interrupt response routine which is the program which processes the interrupt. Each interrupt response routine name must be declared as an external in LOCORE. External Interrupt Processor (EPROC) EPROC is a generalized External Interrupt Processor. 60282700 To use EPROC: II-1-7 1. Declare it as external in LOCORE. 2. Device must return bit 2 as interrupt status upon a status request. 3. Add the SE CPRO table to the SYSBUF program. SECPRO is a 16-word table which is required only if EPROC is in use. It contains one word for each interrupt line. When E PROC cannot determine which device on a particular line caused an interrupt (indicated by bit 2 of device status), EPROC transfers control to the corresponding secondary processor for that line. SECPRO may contain up to 16 secondary processor addresses. Each location may refer to an entry point of a secondary interrupt processor. The first location of the table is declared entry point SEC1?RO. (Part I, section 1.2.2, LOG1A Table and EPROC.) Limitations for using EPROC are as follows • • Using EPROC instead of separate response routines for each line increases the interrupt processing time. Using any of the following special devices requires separate interrupt response routines: 1572 programmable sample rate unit 1573 line synchronized timing generator Devices which do not give the interrupt status in bit 2 of the A register while a reply is being made to a status command. Logical units must be specified in line order. Individual Interrupt Response Routines Use the following rules when developing individual interrupt response routines. 1. If several devices are driven on the same interrupt line, the interrupt response routine must examine the status of each device to determine which one interrupted. 2. All interrupt response routines for drivers must branch to the driver's continuator entry with the address of the PHYSTB of the interrupting logical unit in the Q register. 3. Interrupt response routines usually reside in the SYSBUF program, except for EPROC. 4. Declare the address of each interrupt response routine as an external in LOCORE. 1.1. 4 TABLE OF PRESET ENTRY POINTS Definition The preset table is a list of entry points of all programs in protected core, as well as all core-resident subprograms which can be used by jobs running in unprotected core. Format This is an example of a preset table entry. If the name of the entry point to the routine is NAME, the following code is required to add NAME to the preset table. The first entry must be for JPRETN. 11-1-8 60282700 Label ALF Op Address ALF 3,NAME ADC NAME EXT NAME Comments The EQU for the table length must follow the last entry. EQU LPRSET (*APRSET) FOR THE LAST ENTRY Rules Use caution in constructing the preset table. The preset table must contain only references to subprograms which cannot destroy the integrity of the protected system. Subprograms which are referenced in the preset table must be re-entrant if they are also to be used by protected programs. They must have an lIN instruction immediately following each entry point. However, they do not need to be re-entrant if they are not to be used by protected programs. Location The preset table begins immediately following the interrupt trap region. The table starts at location 14016 if 16 interrupt lines are assigned. The table length is saved at location F116. The table starting address is saved at location F2 1 6' 1.1. 5 MAXIMUM SCRATCH SECTOR NUMBER (MAXSEC) Following the preset table is an area reserved for the use of the compiler or the assembler. The maximum sector number available on the scratch mass memory device (MAXSEC) is included in this area. MAXSEC is an initialization time parameter. This parameter is derived by setting SECTOR with an *S, SECTOR, xxxx parameter during system initialization. If part of mass storage is to be reserved for data storage not available to the system, MAXSEC is set to the maximum minus the amount reserved for data. The area is defined as follows. Label 60282700 Address ENT MAXSEC BZS (3) NUM o Comments MSB OF MAX SECTOR II-I-9 1.2 Label OP Address Comments MAXSEC NUM SECTOR LSB of MAC SECTOR BZS (2) SYSBUF The system and buffer tables program includes the following: Section For use by the operating monitor: Logical unit tables 1.2.2 Volatile storage for re-entrant routines 1. 2.4 Interrupt and scheduler stacks 1. 2. 5, 1. 2. 6 Diagnostic timer table 1. 2. 9 Routines and tables required by drivers: Physical device tables 1. 2.12 Interrupt response routines 1. 2. 13 Output message buffering package 3.7 Special routines: Dummy driver and device table 1. 2. 8 Idle loop routine 1. 2. 8 Overlay subroutine 1. 2. 11 1.2.1 EQUIVALENCES (EQU) Set up SYSBUF equivalences (EQU) as required. EQU Following is a list of EQU's. Significance NUMPRI Defines the total number of priority levels used by the operating system NINTLV Defines the number of priority levels used by interrupts NFTNLV Defines the number of priority levels using the re-entrant FORTRAN library NEDLVL Defines the number of priority levels using the re-entrant encode/decode package II-I-IO 60282700 EQU Significance NSR Defines the maximum number of programs that the timer program may schedule when a single timer interrupt occurso Delete if the timer is not used TIMACK Defines the 1572/1573 timer interrupt acknowledge code. not used TIMCPS Defines the 1573 timer frequency (Hz). TODLVL Defines time-of-day routine request code and priority level. of-day routine is used Delete if the timer is Delete if timer is not used Delete if no time- Equivalences are included at appropriate locations in the LOG1A table to identify system logical units. EQU Significance STDINP Logical unit number of the standard input device, e. g., paper tape or card reader or magnetic tape BINOUT Logical unit number of the standard binary output device, e. g., paper tape or card punch or magnetic tape LSTOUT Logical unit number of the standard print output device, e. g., teletypewriter or line printer INPCOM Logical unit number of the standard input comment device, e. g., teletypewriter OUTCOM Logical unit number of the standard output comment device, e. g., teletypewriter LBUNIT Logical unit number of the library mass storage device, e. g., disk or drum SCRTCH Logical unit number of the scratch mass storage device, e. g., disk or drum DUMALT Logical unit number of the dummy device driver 1. 2. 2 LOGICAL UNIT TABLES The logical unit tables contain information for all logical units. LOG1A contains the addresses of physical equipment tables for each logical unit. The order of these addresses reflects the logical assignment of the physical devices in LOG1A. LOGI contains the operational flags and alternate logical unit assignments. LOG2 contains the top of request thread for each logical unito Each logical unit number has a corresponding entry in these tables. When using EPROC, the logical units are grouped according to which interrupt line they use. For example, devices which interrupt on 60282700 II-l-ll line 1 are grouped after the Ll EQU in LOGIA. This construction is the same for all logical unit tables. Those devices which interrupt on line 2 are grouped after L2. These logical unit tables are arranged to be parallel in structure and are inClexed by logical unit number. The following apply to all logical unit tablEls. Word 0 is always the maximum logical unit number or the table length-l Word 1 is always the core allocator (the SPACE driver) Other logical unit numbers are assigned according to the order in which the LOGIA is established. LOGlA LOGIA contains the address constants of the PHSTB's. Each word in LOGIA contains the address of the first word of that logical unit's PHYSTB. Since there is a PHYSTB for each device, the next LOGIA word contains the address of the first word of the next PHYSTB. When using EPROC, all physical devices are grouped according to the interrupt lines which they use. Therefore, all physical devices interrupting on line one are grouped after entry Lt in the LOGIA. But the logical unit numbers assigned to each of these units are determined by the order in which each of these are arranged within the entry. When using a user-supplied interrupt response routine, instead of EPROC, the tags. (Ll, L2, etc.) are irrelevant; but the devices must still be in logical unit order. LOGlA FORMAT LOGlA +0 Largest legal logical unit number +1 Address of core allocator +2 Address of PHYSTB slot corresponding to this logical unit +3 I I --- - I I +n Address of PHYSTB slot corresponding to this logical unit I I I1-1-12 60282700 LOGIA Table and EPROC: If the LOGIA table is to be used with the external interrupt processor (EPROC), the following additional construction is necessary. 1. Group the devices by interrupt line number. 2. Insert fifteen EQU statements of the form EQU Lx(*) (where x is a number from 1 to 15) in LOGIA. These EQU's are then used to identify the line number for the groups of devices. For example, EQU Ll (*) precedes the device table addresses for the devices which interrupt on line 1. These are followed by EQU L2 (*) and the device table addresses for the devices which interrupt on line 2, etc. To illustrate: 3. This fixes the logical unit assignment. Label Op Address LOGlA NUM NUMLU ADC CORE EQU Ll(*) ADC PPTRDR LU 2 ADC PPTPCH LU 3 ADC TELPTR LU4 ADC CARD29 LU 5 EQU L2(*) EQU L3(*) EQU L4(*) ADC DISKO LU 5 ADC DISKI LU 6 EQU L5(*) LU 1 interrupt line 1 devices interrupt line 4 devices Construct the SECPRO table (see SECPRO, Section III.I.l. 3): SECPRO NUM $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF NUM $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF, $7FFF Normally, all entries are left empty, i. e., $7FFF. The address of a special interrupt response routine may be included in the entry for its line, but it is more efficient to put this address in the fourth word of the interrupt trap location instead of using EPROC or SECPRO. If EPROC is not used, the logical unit assignment numbers do not need to be equated to the interrupt lines. To use a logical unit order which differs from the interrupt line order to which the peripheral devices are connected, use separate interrupt response routines. 60282700 II-I-13 Lom LOGI is the alternate device table. Unless an alternate device or shared LUN is to be specified, entries in this table are initially set to O. If an alternate device is to be assigned, set bits 9-0 to the alternate logical unit number. If a device fails, the driver calls the alternate device handler with the logical unit of the failed device. The alternate device handler checks the LOGI entry for this logical unit and if a nonzero alternate logical unit is found, the request is rethreaded on the alternate LUN and the driver for the alternate is scheduled to process the request. A message is also typed. If the alternate logical unit is out of service or has failed, the request is passed to the alternate of the alternate, etc. A message also appears. If no operational alternate exists, a request for operator intervention is made. If two or more logical units share the same device table, set bit 14 of the corresponding LOGI entry to 1. The order of entries in the LOGI is identical to that of the LOGIA. LOGl FORMAT LOGI Largest legal logical unit number 15 Bit 15 o o 1 13 o 1 10 9-0 II-l-14 12 11 10 9 Alternate logical unit number Normal logical unit Buffer output logical unit Logical unit does not share device with another logical unit Logical unit shares a device with another logical unit Logical unit is operative Logical unit is out of service. Alternate, if any, is in use Reserved 12 11 13 Significance 1 14 14 o No operation 1 If need to, restore logical unit on completion of buffer output request Reserved Alternate logical unit number should be set to the hexidecimal equivalent of the logical unit number 60282700 LOG2 LOG2 contains the top of thread for each logical unit. The order of entries in LOG2 is identical to the order of entries in LOG1. Entries are initially set to FFFF16' LOG2 FORMAT LOG2 Largest legal logical unit number Top of thread for a logical unit number - - - Top of thread for a logical unit number 1.2.3 INTERRUPT MASK TABLE MASKT is a table of M register interrupt line mask words which are arranged in the software priority level order. Only the monitor may change the M register. It uses the MASKT to set the M register according to the current priority level. Standard MASKT Most of the operating system programs have been assigned to the standard priority levels shown in the following table. Level -1 System Program Idle loop o Job processor execution 1 Job processor 110 completion 2 Hang loop while a SWAP is in effect 3 Manual interrupt processor 4 Process programs 5 Process programs 6 Process programs 7 Core allocator 8 EOP for 1728-430 and 1729-2 card readers 60282700 II-I-15 Level 9 System Program Disk, drum, and output message buffering package 10 Printer, paper tape punch, and paper tape reader 11 Magnetic tape drivers 12 Card reader, unbuffered magnetic tape 13 Timer interrupt and event counters; card reader 14 15 Memory parity/protect fault routine Construction and/or Modification of MASKT The first step in constructing the MASK table is the assignment of software priorities. Follow these general concepts when developing the table. 1. Bits 0 through 15 of the M register correspond to interrupt lines 0 through 15. If, for example, bit 1 in the M register is set to zero, interrupts on interrupt line 1, the corresponding interrupt line, are locked out and are not processed until bit 1 in the M register is changed to a one. 2. Only the monitor can change the M register. It uses the MASKT to set the M register according to the current priority level. 3. Level -1 is used for the idle loop which must not include any monitor requests. 4. Each interrupt line normally has a 1 bit in the interrupt line position for all levels below the priority level associated with that line. 5. o bits must be placed in the interrupt lines position for all the priority levels equal to and above the priority level associated with the line. 6. Unused interrupt lines should be set to zero for each table entry. 7. More than one line can be associated with the same priority and can have the same mask. 11-1-16 60282700 Sample MASKT PRIORITY LEVEL INTERRUPT LINE 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 a MASK16 0 a 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 0 a a a 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 1 0 0 a 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 a 0 1 0 3 0 a a 0 0 0 1 0 4 a 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 a 0 0 a a a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 -1 5 6 12 13 14 15 0 a a 0 a 0 a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 043F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 042F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 040D a 0 a 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a a a a 0 1 a a 0 a 0 a 0 a a a 0 a 0 0 0 1 a 0 a a a 0 a 0 0 a a a a 0 a a 0405 0 0 0 a 0 a 1 0 0 0 0005 0001 0001 0000 Assembly language coding for this sample MASKT is: Label MASKT 60282700 Op Address NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL-l NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 00 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 01 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 02 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 03 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 04 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 05 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 06 NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 07 C om:rneilts II-I-17 L.abel II-1-18 .2E. Address Comments NUM $43F PRIORITY LEVEL 08 NUM $42F PRIORITY LEVEL 09 NUM $40D PRIORITY LEVEL 10 NUM $405 PRIORITY LEVEL 11 NUM $05 PRIORITY LEVEL 12 NUM $01 PRIORITY LEVEL 13 NUM $01 PRIORITY LEVEL 14 NUM $00 PRIORITY LEVEL 15 60282700 1.2.4 VOLATILE STORAGE (VOLBLK) Definition VOLBLK is the volatile storage area which is primarily reserved for the allocation of small blocks of data storage for routines which are re-entrant (may operate at more than one level at the same time). Allocation Reserve enough volatile storage for each priority level to accommodate the maximum amount of volatile storage which could be requested at anyone time because the system cannot recover from an overflow of volatile storage (i. e., requesting more storage than is available). To compute allocation of volatile storage: 1. Allow 16 locations for each priority level making monitor requests. Eight of these locations are used for each request. The other eight locations may be used if the request processor itself makes a monitor request, such as the read/write request processor making a scheduler call for a driver. 2. Allow 88 locations (34 for locations $C5-$E5 and 54 for FLIST entry point address) for each priority level using the re-entrant FORTRAN library to allow the FORTRAN communications area and library subroutine entries to be saved. 3. Allow 57 locations for each priority level using the encode/decode package which is nonstandard. The following code defines volatile storage (see SYSBUF equivalences in section 1. 2. 1). Label VOLBLK 60282700 Address BSS VOLBLK(16*NUMPRI+88 *NFTNLV+57*NEDLVL+1) II-l-19 1. 2.5 INTERRUPT STACK AREA (INTSTK) INTSTK is the block of storage which is set aside for saving the status of interrupted programs. The common interrupt handler stores the Q, A, I, and P registers and also the overflow indicator and the priority level of the interrupted program in this area. Five words are necessary for each entry. The stack is of the last-in, first-out type of stack on a priority basis. The format of an entry is as follows. Word INTSTK +0 Q register 1 A register 2 I register 3 Overflow (bit 15), P register 4 Priority level (=n) 5 Q register 6 A register 7 I register 8 Overflow (bit 15), P register 9 Priority level (=m) Interrupted program running at priority level n Interrupted program running at priority level m Level m< n The following code defines the interrupt stack. Label Op Address INTSTK BSS INTSTK(5 * NUM PRI) 1. 2.6 SCHEDULER STACK (SCHSTK) A program requests the operation of another program by making a scheduler (SCHDLE) request. The timer routine can also make a SCHDLE request after a given interval of time has elapsed. These requests are threaded together on the scheduler thread, The scheduler stack (SCHSTK) is a series of four-word entries. Words one and two contain the scheduler call parameters (priority level and address of program scheduled). Word three contains the thread to the next lower priority entry. Word four contains the value of the Q register which is being passed to the requested program as a parameter. II-1-20 60282700 The total numbe,r of entries required is equal to the sum of the number of scheduler requests and timer requests which can be in the stack at one time. The user may change the size of this stack. The scheduler stack normally has 25 entries. Sample SCHSTK Label Op Address Comments SCHSTK ADC 0,0,*+2,0 LEVEL, COMPLETION ADDR., THREAD, Q REG. ADC 0,0,*+2,0 NUM 0,0, -0, EQU SCHLNG (*-SCHSTK) ° LAST ENTRY 1.2. 7 ALLOCATABLE CORE (AVCORE) EQU AVCOREnnnn is an entry in the SPACE program which defines the total size of the allocatable core area. CALTHD is the address of the location which contains the size of the first block which is initially all of allocatable core. Following this address is the address of the first piece (top of core allocator's thread) which is the beginning of the allocatable area. No modification is necessary to the following code. Label CALTHD Address Comments ADC AVCORE NO. OF WORDS ADC AREAC ADDRESS LVLSTR is the table of starting addresses for the allocatable core area available to each priority level. The upper bound for protected allocatable area is the same for all levels - the start of unprotected core. To prevent low priority programs from tying up all of the allocatable area, it is common to restrict the amount available to them while making the entire allocatable area available to the high-priority programs. Thus, a higher address usually appears for the low-priority programs. Core swapping occurs at the following times. A request for space is made at a request priority level greater than two No unprotected I/O is in progress A fixed interval of time has expired since the last swap There is insufficient space available to that priority level in the allocatable area 60282700 II-1-21 Version 3. 0 of the operating system automatically causes a core swap whenever job processing is terminated. This causes the job area (unprotected allocatable core) to be protected and made available to protected mass memory resident programs. The swapped condition continues until job processing is requested again by the operator. Example of L VLSTR: Label LVLSTR Address Comments EXT AREAl, AREA2, AREA3, AREA4 ADC AREAC 0 REQUEST PRIORITY ADC AREAl 1 LEVELS ADC AREA2 2 ADC AREA3 3 ADC AREA4 4 ADC AREAC 5 ADC AREAC 6 7-15 ADC LEND AREAl, AREA2, AREA3, and AREA4 are entry point names in the SPACE program used to divide the allocatable area, as shown in the diagram below (also refer to the SPACE program S.3ction 1. 3). Request priority levels I, 2, and 3 include sufficient area for the job processor modules. The memory map for the L VLSTR table above is: - - - - 7FFF Resident Available to -PROCESS Only- I Unprotected Job Area 1 1 L::::~! ~-----------------------~Area3 1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ AREAC =: Area4 The entire allocatable core area (AREAC) must be available at request priority zero (RP equal to 0) so that the system may get started as initialized (job processor initiated with RP equal to o in system directory). II-1-22 60282700 To make certain that the individual modules of the job processor can obtain sufficient allocatable core at all times, use the LIBEDT *S statements. Set the request priority for their system directory entries as follows. This operation is done after the operating system is built and is functional. The *S statements should be entered only once after the system is built, since the mass memory image of the system directory is actually updated by the *S. *YM Entry Name *YM Ordinal (Typical) EFILE LIBEDT LOADSD JOBENT JOBPRO PROTEC JPLOAD JPCHGE JPT13 MIPRO RESTOR ODE BUG RCOVER BRKPDT SELF LOGGER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Request Priority 0 3 0 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1. 2. 8 SPECIAL ROUTINES IDLE IDLE is the program which runs at level -1 when no other programs are running. This routine may be modified by the user. A counter may be included to compute the percentage of time spent at this level to provide a measure of the amount of idle time available in the main frame. DUMMY DUMMY is the dummy device driver. It is used with the dummy device table and is assigned a logical unit like a normal device. Read or write requests which address this logical unit cause the dummy driver to be initiated, and the completion address in the request is scheduled with error indication. This allows the dummy device to be set up as the alternate for devices where it would not be acceptable to hang up the request waiting for operator action in response to the alternate device handler request for input. This routine requires no modification. 60282700 II-1-23 FMASK, FLIST FMASK and FLIST contain data for the re-entrant FORTRAN dispatcher and scheduler, RDISP. See section 3.4 (Re-entrant FORTRAN Library Package) and 3.5 (Non-re-entrant FORTRAN Library Package.) If the re-entrant FORTRAN library package and RDISP are used, FMASK and FLIST may require modification; if RDISP is not used, FMASK and FLIST may be removed. FMASK is a location which indicates the software priority levels which require the saving of the temporary area used by the FORTRAN routines. These levels must not also be assigned to interrupt lines since the interrupt handler does not save the FORTRAN data. A bit is set to 1 in FMASK in the bit position corresponding to each level using FORTRAN. If too many levels are allowed to run FORTRAN programs, the overhead for the low-priority programs may be unnecessarily high. For example, the following allows FORTRAN at levels 4, 5, and 6. Label Op Address FMASK NUM $0070 Levels 0 and 1 are reserved for unprotected programs and do not interrupt the priority levels using FORTRAN. Therefore, the mask is not set for levels 0 or 1. FLIST Table FLIST is the table of entry point locations in the FORTRAN library which must be saved in order to allow re-entrant use of the library. The symbolic names must also be declared as externals (EXT) and must appear as entry names (ENT) in the library subroutines. Q8STP Q8STP provides a branch to the dispatcher for FORTRAN object programs. It cannot be used by protected mass memory resident programs as a substitute for CALL RELESE main. The entry point name Q8STP is that generated by the compiler as an exit at the end of a compiled program. CHRSFG CHRSFG is a switch that indicates whether or not the on-line debug package (ODP) is running. the debug package is running, CHRSFG is not zero. When NSCHED NSCHED contains the maximum number of programs which may be scheduled per timer interrupt. 1I-1-24 60282700 1. 2. 9 SPECIAL TABLES Diagnostic Timer Table (DGNTAB) DGNTAB is a table which consists of the PHYSTB addresses for all the devices to be supervised by the diagnostic timer program. Software buffer driver PHYSTB's may also be included in the table. The end of the table is indicated by a negative address, i. e., bit 15 == 1. Note that the first word in the table is not the table size. To add a driver, place an entry in the diagnostic table. table for that device. Each entry is a pointer to the physical device Example: Label * DGNTAB Op Address Significance ENT DGNTAB DIAGNOSTIC TIMER TABLE ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC NUM CORE PPTRDR PPTPCH TELPTR TPPDR1 TPPDR2 DISKO LP501 CD1728 $FFFF CORE ALLOCATOR 1777 PAPER TAPE READER 1777 PAPER TAPE PUNCH 1713 TELETYPE 601 MAG. TAPE UNIT 0 601 MAG. TAPE UNIT 1 853 DISK 9 1740-501 LINE PRINTER 101728 CARD READER END OF TABLE 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Alternate Device Handler (ALTERR) ALTERR is the buffer table for the alternate device handler. It is used to save the error word (Q register) passed by a driver to the alternate device handler. Location ALTERR contains the table size, followed by a block of zeros of this size. The size should be set to the maximum number of simultaneous device failures possible. For most systems this equals the number of logical units. 60282700 11-1-25 1.2.10 MASS MEMORY DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINES (MMDIAG) The routine MMDIAG is included in SYSBUF and is entered from either the drum or the disk driver in the event of a mass memory failure. The error code is passed in the Q register. The alternate device handler is not called from mass memory drivers since an alternate cannot be assigned and it may be desirable to attempt recovery after printing a diagnostic message. MMDIAG is a routine which prints a message of the following form. MASS MEM ERR code The error code is from 0-11. For disk, see part II section 2.5; for drum, see part II, section 2.6 If the request which resulted in a failure was a system directory request, the routine releases the allocated core. Control then returns to the driver. Separate routines must be provided for systems with both drum and disk as MMDIAG is not re-entrant. The entry point names for these routines must be: Label Address Comments ENT DMDIAG DRUM ENT DKDIAG DISK For disk or drum systems, remove the present EQU's which equate these entries to MMDIAG. 1. 2.11 OVERLAY SUBROUTINE (OVRLAY) The overlay subroutine, entry point OVRLAY, allows users to call for mass memory to be read over the actual call parameters. This is accomplished in the disk or drum drivers by moving the parameter list to the equipment table and using the OVRLAY subroutine to ensure that the return address from the call cannot be written over. Indirect overlay calls are not permitted. The overlay subroutine may be removed if no overlay calls are included in the system. The basic operating system, the Macro Assembler, and the FORTRAN compiler do not use the overlay subroutine. 1. 2.12 PHYSICAL DEVICE TABLE (PHYSTB) Each physical device has a PHYSTB (physical device table) which contains all device data necessary for a device to be operated by its driver. Generally this data includes: Entry addresses to the driver responsible for operating the device Equipment word telling the driver which device to use Information which allows the driver to fulfill the current request 1I-1-26 60282700 The table contains at least 15 words for each device. Words 0 through 15 have a standard function for all devices. Words 15 on are used for special purposes for each driver. The system programmer should remove the device tables which are not needed for a particular system. If additional device tables are needed, use the existing device tables as a guide. However, normally make only the following changes: The label on word 0 (£) The equipment address in word 7 Occasionally, when a driver must drive several devices, a word in the PHYSTB is used to thread one PHYSTB to another The hardware type in bits 10 through 4 in word 8. PHYSICAL DEVICE TABLE FORMAT (PHYSTB) WORD 15 14 13 12 11 10 £ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 SYMBOLIC NAME ELVL 1 DRIVER INITIATOR ADDRESS EDIN 2 DRIVER CONTINUATOR ADDRESS EDCN 3 DRIVER 4 DIAGNOSTIC CLOCK ADDRESS EDCLK 5 DEVICE LOGICAL UNIT ELU 6 CURRENT REQUEST PARAMETER LIST ADDRESS EPTR EQUIPCONVERTER MENT STATION CODE EWES CODE CODE EREQST 7 8 I/o EDPGM HANGUP DIAGNOSTIC ADDRESS 10 CURRENT BUFFER ADDRESS ECCOR 11 LAST WORD ADDRESS + 1 OF BUFFER ELSTWD 12 LAST EQUIPMENT STATUS READ ESTAT2 13 DRIVER LENGTH IF MASS MEMORY 14 NAME ASSOC. WITH SECTOR NUMBER -.... ~ ............ "- -..... ~ 60282700 STANDARD FOR ALL DRIVERS ESTAT1 9 15 USE USE WHEN REQUIRED BY DRIVERS OR FOR THE OUTPUT MESSAGE BUFFERING PACKAGE -II-1-27 Word Bit o Significance ELVL $120x A SCHDLE request to operate the driver initiator address at level x. x is the initiator priority level which should equal the priority level of the interrupt in the LOCORE program. 14-9 Request code for SCHDLE request. 8-4 Unused, unless specified by a particular driver. 3-0 Priority level at which driver operates. 1 EDIN Driver initiator address (whIch is the second word of the SCHDLE request). 2 EDCN Driver continuator address. Control is transferred to this address (when interrupt occurred) at the priority level assigned to the interrupt in the interrupt trap region. This priority level must be the same as the priority level specified by word O. 3 EDPGM Driver error routine address. Control is transferred to this address at the driver priority level when the diagnostic clock is counted down to negative by the diagnostic timer. 4 EDCLK Diagnostic clock. This diagnostic clock location is set by the driver and decremented by the diagnostic timer for a hardware completion interrupt. Set idle (-1) by Complete Request Routine. 5 ELU Logical unit currently assigned to device. 0 if device not in use, Set by request processor; may be reassigned by FNR routine; cleared by the next FNR routine or complete request. 6 EPTR Atidress of caller's parameter list. Set by FNR routine. II-1-28 60282'700 Word Bit 7 Significance EWES Hardware address. To obtain equipment status: load this word into into the Q register and perform INPUT instructions. Status is saved in ESTAT2, word 12. See Control Data 1700 Computer System Code 60163500. 15 1110 7 6 0 l'---~-)--'I~-(E-)--'I-(S-)-~-->-(D-)~I Q register command 15-11 ~) Coverter code Code 1706 2 7 60282700 #1 #2 C #3 o When coupled directly to A~ channel 10-7 (E) Equipment code. Equipment numbers for the released operating system drivers are listed in part III, section 2. Suggested equipment codes for additional drivers are in part II, section 2 along with the information for each driver. 6-0 Command code. The command code is divided into two sections: S contains the station code and D contains the director function. The station code is located in bit 6 and adjacent lower order bits as required. The director function is located in bit 0 and adjacent higher order bits as required. They cannot overlap and all bits in the command code are not necessarily used. If the controller does not contain any stations, the station code is zero. II-1-29 Word Bit 8 15 14 Significance EREQST Request status. Busy bit. o Operation complete 1 Operation is in progress o 1 13-11 Equipment class code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10-4 Class not defined Magnetic tape device Mass storage device Card device Paper tape device Printer device Teletype device Reserved for future use Numbers in the following list are in decimal and must be converted to hexidecimal before inserting in bits 10 through 4. Equipment type code (T). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 n-I-30 If no device error If driver detects device failure 1711/1712 teletypewriter 1777 paper tape reader 1777 paper tape punch Unassigned Unassigned 1738-853 disk unit 1751 drum unit Unassigned 1738-854 disk unit 601 magnetic tape unit Software buffering device Unassigned 1728-430 card reader/punch Software core allocator 210 CRT display station 1558 latching relay output 1553 external register output 311B/312B data set terminal 322/323 teletype terminal 501 line printer 166 line printer 1612 line printer 415 card punch 405 card reader 608 magnetic tape unit 609 magnetic tape unit 60282700 Word Bit Significance 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4599 100127 Reserved for future standard equipment Open for user assignment 3 0 1 PHYSTB does not contain message buffering in words 18-33. PHYSTB includes words 18-33 for message buffering. 2 0 1 Device may not be written by unprotected programs Device may be written by unprotected programs 1 0 1 Device may not be read from unprotected programs Device may be read from unprotected programs 0 0 1 Device available to unprotected programs Device not available to unprotected programs 9 ESTATl Status word 1. 15 14 13 60282700 1713 teletype keyboard 1713 TTY paper tape punch 1713 TTY paper tape reader 1729-2 card reader 1797 buffered I/o interface Software dummy alternate 1584 selectric I/O typewriter 1582 flexowriter I/O typewriter 1716 compiling data channel 1718 satellite coupler Unassigned 8000 series magnetic tape unit 1732-608 driver 1732-609 driver 1530 A/D converter 30/40 PPS 1534 A/D converter 200 PPS 1538 A/D converter high speed Unassigned Unassigned 0 1 If error condition and/or end-of-file detected by driver 0 If the number of words which were requested were transferred 1 on a read request Set by driver if fewer words were read than requested 0 1 No error occurred No end-of-file is sensed Set by driver if device remains ready after detecting an error or end-of-file or both II-I-31 Word Bit Significance 12 Reserved for message interpreter request 11 o 1 10 o 1 No error Set by output message buffering package if message buffer output is incomplete No parity error occurred Set by driver if parity error occurred 9 Reserved 8 Reserved for individual drivers' special use 7 Reserved for individual drivers' special use 6 Reserved for individual drivers' special use 5 Data control word indicator: o This is not a control character 1 Set by driver if this is a control character 4 First character of FORMAT record set by driver o This is not first character 1 Set by driver if this is first character 3 Mode set Set by driver when binary mode is used 1 Set by driver when ASCII mode is used o 2 Case indicator Set by driver if this is lower charactet 1 Set by driver if this is upper character o 1 Format read/write indicator set by FNR routine Unformatted record read/write 1 Formatted read or write request o o Read/write indicator set by FNR routine o Read request 1 Write request 10 ECCOR The driver will store or obtain next data from this location which was initially set by FNR routine but is updated by the driver. 11 ELSTWD The driver will satisfy the request by either storing or obtaining from this location which is the last data location +1. 12 ESTAT2 Status word 2. II-1-32 The last value of equipment status mentioned in word 7. 60282700 Word Bit Significance 13 Set to 0 if the driver is core resident. Set to the length of the driver if the driver is mass memory 14 Name associated with the sector number 15 Temporary storage and return from subroutines (FNR) 16 and beyond Used when required by drivers or for the output message buffering package 1. 2.13 INTERRUPT RESPONSE ROUTINE Single Device Interrupt Lines The following example is typical of an interrupt line which serves only one device. Word Label 11728 Address Comments END 11728 LDQ =XCD1728 PHYSTB ADDRESS JMP* (CD1728+2) GO TO CON FIGURA TOR The addresses of the interrupt response routines must be declared as entry names, since they are externals in LOCORE. CAUTIONS For some devices the status check may need to be coded differently. Some drivers may not need a multiple device interrupt response routine. If the driver can address only one device at a time, it saves the address of the PHYSTB for the last device addressed. Some interrupts are not associated with drivers (e. g. , 1573 timer), and the interrupt response is an integral part of the program that handles the device. 60282700 11-1-33 1.3 SPACE The SPACE program includes the SPACE request processor, the allocatable core area. and the restart program. No modification is needed to the space request processor. The allocatable core area should be customized for each system. 1. 3. 1 ALLOCATABLE CORE AREAC is the start of the block of allocatable core within which the mass memory resident programs are executed. The total area available is specified by the following: Word Label Op Address AREAC ADC AVCORE ADC ($7FFF) EQU N1($19F) (Area 1) EQU N2(lBO) (Area 2) EQU N3($300) (Area 3) EQU N4($10A) (Area 4) BSS (N4-INPUT+RESTRT-1) BSS AREA3(N3+2) BSS AREA2(N2+2) BSS AREAl (N1+2) BSS (2) EQU AVCORE(*-AREAC) EQU AREA4(AREAC) ENT AREAl. AREA2, AREA3. AREA4 Comments ! Reserves the desired core areas and defines the starting address of each area 1. 3. 2 RESTART PROGRAM (RESTRT) RESTRT is the starting address of the restart program which is entered from the AUTOLOAD program. The system initializer builds the AUTOLOAD program during initialization and places it on the first sector (96 words) of mass memory. After transferring the image of the protected programs into core, control passes to RESTRT via location 1 in the communications region. 11-1-34 60282700 The MSOS 3.0 restart program also includes provision to start the 1572/1573 timer and to schedule the diagnostic timer program. If the timer is not present or if it is switched off, a reject occurs and the message TIMER RJ is written on the comment device. The program requests the monitor to type PP and waits for the operator to acknowledge the setting of the PROGRAM PROTECT switch by typing an asterisk followed by pressing RETURN. Note that a monitor request is used to type PP. If autoload does not result in PP being typed, the monitor probably was not set up properly. Since the restart program is only used immediately after an autoload, it executes in the allocatable' area, but it is set up as though it were part .of the core-resident programs. In this way, the program does not require any permanent core storage, and it is destroyed as soon as a mass memory resident program is scheduled. Modification of the restart program may be desired to allow initialization of data to occur after autoload without providing permanent core for such an initialization program. For example, code to start a process may be inserted here. Such additions may only be added just prior to the request to type PP. 1.4 ENGINEERING FILE The engineering file is a permanent log of hardware errors occurring on a device. When a user's configuration deviates from the released version, the engineering file must be customized. The program EF on mass storage establishes the engineering file. The order and the size of the file depends upon the order and number of logical units. All devices except mass storage devices have an engineering file on mass storage. Even though the engineering file for mass memory devices is not kept on mass storage, space for each logical unit must be reserved in the correct logical unit position. To customize the engineering file, assemble the program EFILE on the COSY (MSOS 3.0) tape. Each entry in the file requies 21 words: Label Address ALF 4, LU NAME BZS (17) Significance The engineering file allows eight characters for a symbolic name for each device and 17 words for the file itself. For a correct file printout, the symbolic name must coincide with the user's configuration. Since the engineering file for mass storage devices is kept in core in the alternate device handler, customize the alternate device handler (ADEV) also. The equate in ADEV depends upon the number of mass memory devices. The necessary code is: ADEV 60282700 DCK/ DEL/ EQU/ END/ I=lu, H=lu 440 MASNUM(x) x=number of mass memory devices II-1-35 2 DRIVER ADDITION To insert a driver, the following tables described in the sections of part II specified must be modified or added: Section Logical unit table LOG1A, LOG1, LOG2 1.2.2 Interrupt mask table (MASKT) 1. 2. 3 Diagnostic timer table (DGNTAB) 1. 2. 9 Physical device table (PHYSTB) 1. 2.12 Interrupt response routines 1. 2.13 Interrupt trap area 1.1. 3 Engineering file 1.4 Changes unique to each driver are outlined in this section. For additional information, such as table structures, see the sections in part II referenced above. Driver deletion is described in step 5 of part I, section 3. Special information on the 1706 buffered data channel (section 2.1) and special instructions for any driver to be installed on mass memory (section 2.15) are also in this section. Standard Installation I/o Capabilities The drivers incorporated on the standard install tape allow formatted read and writes and/or unformatted read and writes on all devices except on magnetic tape. The magnetic tape drivers only allow formatted I/O. To have unformatted I/o for magnetic tape, add RWBA and delete *S, RWBA, 7FFF from the install tape. 60282700 11-2-1 Outline of Section 2 Those drivers preceded by an asterisk in the list below are already on the released system tape. Section 1706 buffered data channel 2.1 Card Readers 1726-405 card reader 2.2 1728-430 card reader/punch 2.3 1729-2 card reader 2.4 Disk and Drum *1738-853/854 disk 2.5 1751 drum 2.6 Line Printer 1740-501 line printer 2.7 Mangetic Tape Devices 1731-601 buffered magnetic tape unit 2.8 1731-601 unbuffered magnetic tape unit 2.9 1732-608/609 magnetic tape unit 2.10 Paper Tape Unit *1777 paper tape station 2.11 Teletypewri ters *1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter 2.12 1713 reader/punch teletypewriter 2.13 Timer 1572/1573 timer Mass memory driver information 1I-2-2 2.14 2.15 60282700 2.1 1706 BUFFERED DATA CHANNEL The 1706 buffered data channel may be used to buffer any of the following devices: 1726-405 card reader 1732-608/609 magnetic tape unit 1731-601 magnetic tape unit Installation procedures are: 1. Assemble the driver and obtain a relocatable binary a. If buffering the 1726-405, assemble CR405, setting the equate to 1: Label Op Address CR405 DCK/ I=lu, H=lu DEL/ 138 EQU BUFER (1) Comments END/ b. If buffering the 1731-601, assemble the following modules: TAPDRB RWBAB FRWAB FRWBB RECVTB TAPE c. 2. If buffering the 1732-608/609, assemble DR1732, setting the P2 parameter to BUF Assemble the BUFALC module, setting the equate to the number of devices on each converter. BUFALC DCK/ I=lu, H=lu DEL/ 38,40 EQU NDEV1(x) Number of devices on converter 1 EQU NDEV2(x) Number of devices on converter 2 EQU NDEV3(x) Number of devices on converter 3 END/ 60282700 11-2-3 3. SYSBUF: Insert a PHYSTB using the information in part II, section 1. 2. 12. word 7 to 1. 4. SYSBUF: Insert an interrupt response routine similar to the following: a. 1726-405 Label INT405 b. Address ENT INT405 LDQ =XCR405 JMP (CR405+2) ENT IN601 LDQ =XTPPDR1 JMP (TPPDR1+2) ENT TPBUSY ADC 0 ENT TPINT LDQ* TPBUSY LDA- 2,Q STA- I JMP- (ZERO),I 1732-608/609 TPBUSY TPINT 5. Op 1731-601 INT601 c. Set bit 12 of LOCORE: Assemble LOCORE setting up the interrupt trap area with the appropriate level and interrupt response routine address. In the example below, x is the priority level; y is the interrupt response routine name. All buffered drivers must run at the same priority level. LINEx II-2-4 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM x ADC y EXT y 60282700 2.2 1726-405 CARD READER DRIVER 2.2.1 DESCRIPTION The 1726-405 card rea.der driver allows data input from the 405 card reader to core. may be installed mass memory or core resident. This driver 2.2.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SYSBUF System tables and parameters 3 Physical device table 107 Diagnostic timer table 1 111 Driver Requirements Hardware conversion non-buffered 351 Hardware conversion buffered 384 Software conversion non-buffered 451 Software conversion buffered 464 2.2.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. Insert an interrupt entry similar to the following into the appropriate interrupt trap area of LOCORE. Priority 8 is used for this example. Address Label LINEx 60282700 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 8 ADC INT405 11-2-5 2. Insert in LOGIA after EQU Lx(*) Label 3. 4. 5. Op Address ADC CR405 ADC 0 NUM $FFFF Insert in LOG1 : Insert in LOG2: If the system has a timer package, insert in the diagnostic timer table: ADC CR405 6. Modify the MASKT according to part II, section 1. 2. 3. 7. Installation tape: 8. a; Replace LOCORE and SYSBUF with the newly updated versions b. Insert BUFALC as a core resident module after an *L statement c. Insert the driver as core resident or as mass memory Construct a PHYSTB for the 1726-405 using the following instructions and sample PHYSTB as a guideline: a. Declare the driver entry point names as external b. Word 0: select the priority level of the scheduler request so tha t it corresponds to the priority level selected in the appropriate interrupt trap area of LOCRE (step 1). The sample PHYSTB below uses priority level 8 c. Words 1, 2, 3: determine the addresses of the initiator, continuator, and the error routine d. Word 7: select the hardware connect address. The sample PHYSTB which follows uses 0201 which is derived from using equipment number 4 and directory function 1 1I-2-6 60282700 Op Address EXT IN1726, CNI726,EXI726, MAS405 NUM $1208 1 ADC IN1726 2 ADC CN1726 3 ADC EX1726 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $0201 Equipment word 8 NUM $1972 Request status 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 Driver length if mass memory 14 NUM MAS405 Name associated with sector number 15 NUM 0 16 NUM $6 EOF card pattern 17 ADC BF1726 Starting address of 80 word buffer 18-26 BZS (9) 27 BZS BFI726(80) Word 0 9. Label CR405 Significance 80 word buffer Several assembly options are available. The released version of the 1726-405 driver specifies an unbuffered system using ASCII 1963. To specify different options, change the EQU BUFER and the EQU ASCI68 COSY cards. Change these cards before assembly and then make a new binary tape. Following are the pos sible options: 60282700 EQU BUFER(O) Unbuffered driver EQU BUFER(I) Buffered,driver EQU ASCI68(0) Driver which converts ASCII 1963 EQU ASCI68(1) Driver which converts ASCII Hi68 EQU ASCI68(2) Driver which converts ASCII 1968 with CDC subset EQU MM(O) Driver is core resident EQU MM(I) Driver is mass memory II-2-7 10. Interrupt response routine for both the buffered and unbuffered driver. Label INT405 Op Address ENT INT405 LDQ =XCR405 JMP (CR405+2) 11. Install the driver under a *L statement. 12. If installing on mass memory, see part II, section 2.15. 2.3 1728-430 READER-PUNCH DRIVER 2. 3. 1 DESCRIPTION The 1728-430 reader-punch driver executes at high priority while data is read in and at low priority while data is interpreted, converted and packed. This minimizes possible destructive interactions with other concurrently executing drivers. 2.3.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Core Memory Driver 866 PHYSTB and buffer 107 System tables 4 977 2.3.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. 0se the Macro Assembler to assemble the 1728-430 driver routine and to produce a relocatable binary tape. 60282700 2. 3. 4. 5. Following is an example of an interrupt trap which must be inserted with x as the interrupt line on which the 1728-430 is to be connected: Label Op Address LINEx NUM 0 RI'J- ($FE) NUM 13 ADC I1728 EXT I1728 Declare the following names as external and entry symbols in SYSBUF anywhere before END and after NAM: IN1728 EXT CN1728 EXT EX1728 EXT MAS28 ENT I1728 Insert into LOG1A the label associated with word 0 of the PHYSTB, x is the interrupt line to be connected to the 1728-430. EQU Lx(*) ADC label An interrupt response routine is advisable for the card reader to save time. will suffice: I1728 6. EXT LDQ =XCD1728 JMP* (CD1728+2) The following Add a zero cell to LOGI at the logical unit position corresponding to the 1728-430 entry made in LOG1A using the following form: ADC 60282700 o II-2-9 7. Add to LOG2 the following code at the logical unit position which corresponds to the 1728-430 entry made in LOG1A: NUM $FFFF 8. Modify MASKT according to instructions in part II, section 1. 2. 3. 9. Insert the following PHYSTB consisting of 27 words after the last PHYSTB inserted in the system. After word 26, insert the 80 word buffer. Place a label on word 0 to match the LOG1A entry. 10. Word Label Op Address 0 CD1728 NUM $120D 1 ADC IN1728 Initiator entry 2 ADC CN1728 Continuator entry 3 ADC EX1728 Error entry 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $0421 8 NUM $08C6 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 Driver length if mass memory 14 ADC MAS28 Name associated with sector number 15 NUM 0 16 ADC BF1728 17-26 BZS (9) BZS BF1728(80) Significance Magnetic tape equipment type to allow motion control requests U installing on mass memory, see part II, section 2.15. 60282700 2.4 1729-2 CARD READER DRIVER 2.4.1 DESCRIPTION The 1729-2 card reader executes at high priority while data is read in and executes at low priority while data is interpreted, converted, and packed. This minimizes possible destructive interaction with other concurrently operating drivers. 2.4.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Core Memory Driver 440 PHYSTB and buffer 107 System tables 4 551 words of core memory 2.4.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. With x as the interrupt line on which the 1729-2 is to be connected, insert the following in the interrupt trap area of LOCORE: Label LINEx 2. Address EXT 11729 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 13 ADC 11729 Insert the following names as external symbols in SYSBUF anywhere between NAM and END: 60282700 EXT EX1729 EXT IN1729 EXT CN1729 EXT MAS292 II-2-11 3. Enter into WGlA the label associated with word Label 4. Op Address ADC label Insert in LOGI a zero cell at the index position corresponding to the 1729-2 entry made in LOGIA: ° ADC 5. °of the PHYSTB: Add to the LOG2 at the logical unit position corresponding to the 1729-2 entry made in LOGIA: NUM $FFFF 6. Modify the MASKT according to the instructions in part II, section 1. 2. 3. 7. Insert this PHYSTB with a label on word 0: Word Label ° CD1729 Address Significance NUM $120x x is the initiator priority level which should equal the priority of the interrupt line in program LOCORE. 1 ADC IN1729 2 ADC CN1729 3 ADC EX1729 4-6 NUM "'-1,0,0 7 NUM $621 Equipment word (equipment C) 8 NUM $IC72 Equipment type 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 14 ADC °MAS292 15 NUM 16 NUM II-2-12 °$xxxx Driver iength is mass memory Name associated with sector number xxxx represents the 12 bits of column one which are to be interpreted as an end file card. For example: $0006 would mean that 8 punch is an end of file. 60282700 Word Label Op Address Significance 17 ADC BF1729 BFl729 is the address of an 80 word BZS in the SYSBUF program. 18-26 BZS (9) 27 BZS BF1729(80) If the driver is to be mass memory, word 13 of the PHYSTB is as follows: NUM 8. Driver length Enter the following interrupt response routine into SYSBUF: 11729 2.5 $lCC ENT 11729 LDQ =XCD1729 JMP* (CD1729+2) Exit to the continuator 1738-853/854 DISK DRIVER (DISKWD) 2.5. 1 DESCRIPTION The 1738-853/854 disk driver provides the capability for data transfer to and from the disk as a mass memory device. Additionally, the disk driver handles the transfer of mass memory resident programs into core as a result of SCHDLE requests. This driver permits word address ability simulation. The 1738 disk interface uses the direct storage access bus for its input/output to provide completely buffered operation. The disk driver complements this capability by requiring control upon end-ofoperation of error condition only as indicated by an interrupt. 2.5.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Mass Memory None 60282700 II-2-13 Core Memory Core requirements for one disk driver are: 425 words Driver System tables and parameters 3 words Logical unit tables Physical equipment table 22 words Interrupt response routine 3 words OVRLA Y subroutine 8 words 4 words Interrupt trap region 465 words Core requirements for a two disk driver are the same as for one disk driver except for the following deviations. Logical unit tables require a total of 6 words and the two PHYSTB s require a total of 44 words. 2.5.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. Insert the following four-word interrupt entry using the desired interrupt line in place of x. Label LINEx 2. Address NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 9 ADC EPROC Insert in LOGlA an entry for each disk. Using one disk ADC DISK 0 ADC DISKO ADC DISKl Using two disks II-2-l4 60282700 3. Insert in LOGI an entry for each disk. Using one disk Label Address ADC 0 ADC 0 ADC 0 Using two disks 4. Insert in LOG2 an entry for each disk. Using one disk NUM $FFFF NUM $FFFF NUM $FFFF Using two disks 5. 6. Insert the following coding in SYSBUF: ENT DISKO EXT DKINTR, DKCONT, DKDIAR Insert the following PHYSTB when installing one disk driver: Word Label Op Address 0 DISKO NUM $1209 1 ADC DKINTR 2 ADC DKCONT 3 ADC DKDIAR 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 ADC $181 60282700 II-2-15 Word Label Op Address Comments 8 ADC $xxxx $1086 if using the 853 $1096 if using the 854 9 ADC $200 10-15 BZS (6) 16 ADC $11 A 17 ADC 0 18-21 BZS (4) 18 to 21 overlay calls moved to here Insert the following PHYSTB for two disks per controller: 0 DISKO Library and scratch disk NUM $1209 1 ADC DKlNTR 2 ADC DKCONT 3 ADC DKDIAR 4-16 NUM -1,0,0, $181, $1056, $200, 0,0,0,0,0,0, $11A 17 ADC DISKI 18-21 BZS (4) NUM $1209 1 ADC DKINTR 2 ADC DKCONT 3 ADC DKDIAR 4-i6 NtJM -1,0,0, $181, $1056, $200,0, 0, 0, $1000, 0,0, $31A 17 AbC DISK 0 18-21 BZS (4) Words 18 to 21 are for overlay calls moved here * * 0 II-~-16 DISKI Words 18-21 overlay calls moved here 60282700 7. If the time-out surveillance is desired, insert the following entries into the diagnostic timer table. For one disk Label Address ADC DISKO ADC DISKO ADC DISK1 For two disks 8. DKDIAG, the disk diagnostic subroutine, resides in SYSBUF and handles all error recovery for the driver. If the user wishes to supply his own routine, that routine must comply with the following requirements which apply to the present standard version. If a read of a system directory program into allocated core produces an error, this allocated core mus t be released. It can take diagnostic action as desired. It is a closed subroutine which is entered by a RTJ instruction. It must be entered with the disk PHYSTB address in the I register to allow access to the request parameters for diagnostic action. The standard version types the message: MASS MEM ERR code o Time-out error; 1738 malfunction; no completion interrupt occurred as a result of disk operation initiation. 1 Internal or external reject occurred on an INP or OUT instruction. Possible causes are: equipment turned off, erroneous equipment code, or 1738 malfunction 2 Alarm 3 Parity error 4 Checkword error The nature of the error is also indicated in the Q register upon entry to DKDIAG with one of the codes listed above. If an error occurs on a SCHDLE request, the assigned core area is released; no completion address is scheduled. When DKDIAG is finished, it returns control to the driver with the I register intact. 60282700 II-2-17 2.6 1751 DRUM DRIVER 2. 6.1 DESCRIPTION The 1751 drum driver (DRMDRZ) provides a capability for data transfer to and from the drum as a mass memory device. Additionally, the drum driver handles the transfer of mass memory resident programs into core as the result of SCHDLE requests. The 1751 drum interface uses the direct storage access bus for its input/output to provide completely buffered operation. The drum driver complements this capability by requiring control only upon end-of-operation of error condition as indicated by an interrupt. 2.6.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Mass Memory None Core Memory Driver 272 words System tables and parameters Logical unit tables 3 words Diagnostic time-out (DGNTAB) 1 word Physical equipment table 38 words Interrupt response routine 3 words OVRLA Y subroutine 8 words Interrupt trap region Diagnostic subroutine (DMDIAG) 4 words 33 words 362 words 1I-2-18 60282700 2.6.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Insert the four-word interrupt entry which is associated with the drum interrupt line. It must contain the following, with x as the particular interrupt line to be used. Label Op Address LINEx NUM 0 RTJ- ($FE) NUM 10 ADC EPROC ADC DRUM ADC 0 NUM $FFFF ENT INTDRUM EXT DRMINT, DRMCON, DRMERR Into LOG1A, enter: Enter into LOG1: Into LOG2, enter: Insert in SYSBUF: Insert the interrupt response routine in SYSBUF: INTDRM 7. LDQ =XDRUM JMP* (DRUM+2) EQU E(2) Add the following to SYSBUF: 60282700 11-2-19 8. 9. When adding the drum PHYSTB, the driver priority level is 10, the equipment code is 2, the coding is as follows: Word Label Op Address 0 DRUM NUM $12AA 1 ADC DRMINT 2 ADC DRMCON 3 ADC DRMERR 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7-9 ADC E*$80+1, $1066, $200 10-12 ADC 0,0,0 13-18 BSS (6) 19-20 ADC 0, E*$80+$8 21-22 ADC 0, E*$80+$A 23-24 ADC O,E*$80+$C 25-26 ADC 0,E*$80*$E 27-28 ADC 8, E*$80+$1 29-30 ADC 0,0 31-32 ADC 0,-1 33-35 NUM 4,0,0 36-37 ADC E *$80, E *$80+ $4 Add the drum overlay subroutine in SYSBUF: OVRLAY OVRL1 II-2-20 0 0 lIN 0 LDA* OVRLAY ADD- $32 STA* ORVLl RTJ- ($F4) 0 0 JMP- ($EA) 60282700 10. If time-out surveillance is desired, add the following entry to the DGNTAB: Word Label Address ADC 11. DRUM DMDIAG, the drum diagnostic subroutine, resides in SYSBUF and handles all error recovery for the driver. If the user wishes to supply his own routine, that routine must comply with the following which apply to the present standard version: If a read of a system directory program into allocated core produces an error, this allocated core must be released. It can take diagnostic action as desired. It is a closed subroutine which is entered by a RTJ instruction. It must be entered with the drum PHYSTB address in the I register to allow access to the request parameters for diagnostic action. The standard version types the message: MASS MEM ERR code. Code Significance o Time-out error; no completion interrupt occurred as a result of initiation of a drum operation; 1751 malfunction 2 Request not successfully completed because of occurrence of an irrecoverable error condition, defined previously 3 Timing synchronization error occurred while the drum was busy 4 Internal reject 5 External reject 6 Timing synchronization error occurred while the drum was busy 7 Not used 8 The request completion address parameter C lies within the range of a transfer not completed because of an irrecoverable error. This condition normally occurs as the result of a SCHDLE OVRLAY request, and DMDIAG is responsible for releasing core assigned by the SPACE request processor, if desired 9 Guarded address error on a WRITE or FWRITE request The nature of the error is also indicated in the Q register upon entry to DMDIAG with one of the codes above. When DMDIAG is finished, it returns control to the driver with the I register intact. 60282700 II-2-21 2.7 1740·501 LINE PRINTER DRIVER 2. 7. 1 DESCRIPTION The 1740-501 line printer driver allows data output from core memory to the 501 line printer. 2.7.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 511 words Driver System tables and parameters 6 words 20 words PHYSTB 2 words Diagnostic timer table 539 words of core memory 2.7.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. Insert an entry similar to the following into the appropriate interrupt trap area of LOCORE: Label Op Address Significance LINEx NUM 0 Entry RTJ- ($FE) Interrupt handler NUM 10 Priority level ADC EPROC Interrupt response routine Insert in LOG1A after EQU Lx(*): SLO ADC LP501 Non- FOR'rRAN FLP ADC LP501 FORTRAN ADC $4000 Non- FORTRAN ADC $4000 FORTRAN Insert in LOG1: II-2-22 60282700 4. Insert in LOG2: Label 5. 6. Address Significance NUM $FFFF Non- FORTRAN NUM $FFFF FORTRAN If the timer package is used, add the PHYSTB addresses to the diagnostic timer table. ADC LP501 Non- FORTRAN ADC LP501 FORTRAN Construct a PHYSTB for the 1740-501 using the following instructions and sample PHYSTB as a guideline: a. Declare the driver entry points external. b. Word 0: select the priority level of the scheduler request so that it corresponds to the priority level selected in the appropriate interrupt trap area of LOCORE. Priority 10 is used in this example. c. Words 1,2,3: insert the addresses of the driver's initiator, continuator and error routine d. Word 7: insert the hardware equipment connect code. F, station 1 e. Word 8: insert the request status word f. Word 19: insert the FORTRAN line printer logical unit number Word Op Address EXT IN501, CN501, ER501, MAS501 NUM $120A 1 ADC IN501 Initiator 2 ADC CN501 Continuator 3 ADC ER501 Error routine 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $781 Hardware address 8 NUM $2934 Request status 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 Driver length if mass memory 14 ADC MAS501 Name associated with sector number 15-18 NUM 0,0,0,0 19 ADC FLP-LOGlA 0 60282700 Label The example below uses equipment LP501 Significance FORTRAN logical unit II-2-23 7. Install the driver under an *L statement. 8. If the driver is mass memory, replace word 13 of the PHYSTB with: Word Label NUM 2.8 Address Significance $20E Driver length if mass memory 1731-601 BUFFERED MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.8.1 INSTALLA TION REQUIREMENTS The following modules with corresponding memory requirements are necessary: TAPDRB 471 words FRWAB 247 FRWBB 245 RECVTB 148 TAPE 14 171 RWBAB 1296 words of core memory 2. B. 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES Make the standard changes to LOCORE and SYSBUF which are listed in the introduction to part II, section 2. Also add space to AREAC of the SPACE driver for a buffer area which is three times the maximum buffer size [(MAXVAL) *3+1]. The following procedures outline only those items which are unique to the 1731 buffered magnetic tape driver. 1. Insert the following in the interrupt trap area of LOCORE using the desired interrupt line: Label LINEx I1-2-24 Address NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 11 ADC INT601 60282700 2. Insert into the LOGIA the first word label in the position corresponding to the interrupt line to be used: Label 3. 4. 5. Op Address EQU 2 Lx(*) ADC TPPDRl ADC TPPDR2 ADC 0 ADC 0 NUM $FFFF NUM $FFFF Insert in LOGl: Insert in LOG2: Insert a PHYSTB similar to the one below: Word Label Op Address 0 TPPDRI NUM $120B 1 ADC TAPDRB 2 ADC TAPCB 3 ADC TAPHB 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $1381 8-12 NUM $896,0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 14 ADC MAS31 15-16 NUM 0, $414 17 ADC TPPDR2 18 NUM 192 19 NUM 0 60282700 Significance Driver length if mass memory Maximum record size II-2-25 6. Also insert the following entry points and externals: Address Label 7. ENT TPPDRl EXT TAPDRB, TAPCB, TAPHB EXT MAS31 If the number of words requested is g·reater than the value in MAXVAL (word 18 of the PHYSTB), the number is truncated to the value in MAXVAL. No error message is output. MAXVAL is set to 192 in the standard system to allow COSY to run using records which are two sectors in length. Area 4 in SPACE must be increased. system set area 4 to $241. 8. For the standard ( EPROC cannot be used as an interrupt response routine for buffered devices. A routine similar to the following must be inserted. INT601 2.9 The algorithm is (MAXVAL)*3+1. ENT INT601 LDQ =XTPPDR1 JMP* (TPPDRl+2) 1731-601 UNBUFFERED MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.9.1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The following modules with corresponding memory requirements, are necessary: TAPEDR RWBA FRWA FRWB RECOVT TAPE 495 134 213 259 141 14 1286 2.9.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES Make the standard changes listed in the introduction to part II, section 2 as well as following the procedures unique to the 1731-601. 1. Insert the following in the interrupt trap area of LOCORE using the desired interrupt line: II-2-26 Label Op Address LINEx NUM RTJNUM ADC 0 ($FE) 11 EPROC 60282700 2. Insert into LOGIA the first word label of the PHYSTB in the position corresponding to the interrupt line used by the 601. For example, after EQU Lx(*), insert: Label 3. 4. 5. Address ADC TPPDRI ADC TPPDR2 ADC 0 NUM $FFFF Insert into LOGl: Insert into LOG2: Insert a PHYSTB similar to the following example: Signifi cance Op Address EXT TAPEDR, TAPEC, TAPEH, MAS31 NUM $120B ADC TAPEDR 2 ADC TAPEC 3 ADC TAPEH 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $381 8 NUM $896 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 14 ADC MAS31 15-16 NUM 0,$414 17 ADC TPPDR2 Word Label 0 1 6. Op TPPDRI Drive"!" length is mass memory The magnetic tape drivers only allow formatted I/O. To have unformatted I/O for magnetic tape, add RWBA and delete *S, RWBA, 7FFF from the install tape. 60282700 11-2-27 2.10 1732-608/609 MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVER 2.10.1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A 1732-608/609 is necessary for a buffered magnetic tape driver; a 1732-609 is necessary for an unbuffered driver. 2.10.2 INSTALLA TION PROCEDURES Make the standard changes listed in the introduction to part II, section 2. Below are changes unique to the 1732-608/609. 1. For an unbuffered driver, insert an entry similar to the following into the appropriate interrupt trap area of LOCORE. Label LINEx 2. Address NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 11 ADC EPROC Significance Priority level For a buffered driver, an interrupt response routine must be inserte~ instead of using EPROC. Following is an example of an interrupt response routine for a buffered driver. This routine can be placed in SYSBUF. INT608 LDQ =XTAPDR1 JMP* (TAPDR1+2) An interrupt trap entry, for the buffered 1732- 608/609 using the interrupt response routine given above, is: LINEx II-2-28 NUM 0 RTJ- ($FE) NUM 11 ADC INT608 EXT INT608 Interrupt response routine for buffered 608 60282700 3. Insert into the LOG1A table after EQU Lx(*): Label 4. 5. 6. Op Address ADC TAPDRl ADC 0 NUM $FFFF Insert in LOG1: Insert in LOG2: Insert in the diagnostic timer table: ADC 7. TAPDR1 Insert a PHYSTB similar to the following: Word Op Address EXT TAPINT, TAPCON,TPHANG NUM $120B Driver at level 11 1 ADC TAPINT Initiator 2 ADC TAPCON Continuator 3 ADC TPHANG I/O hang up 4 NUM -1 Diagnostic clock 5 NUM 0 6 NUM 0 7 NUM xxxx $1281 for buffered driver $281 for unbuffered driver 8 NUM xxxx $A66 for 608 $A76 for 609 9 NUM Status word 1 10 NUM 11 NUM o o o 0 60282700 Label TAPDRl Significance 11-2-29 Op Address 12 NUM 0 13 NUM 0 14 ADC MAS32 15 NUM 0 Temp. storage 16 NUM xxxx $4CO for select unit 1 Word Label Significance Dri ver length $440 for select unit 0 Bits 15-11 Unused; set to zero 8. 10 Select; set to one 9-7 Tape unit number (0-7) 6 Assembly mode of data transfer; set to one 5 Select 200 BPI; set to zero 4 Select 556 BPI; set to zero 3 Select 800 BPI; set to zero 2 Binary (odd parity); set to zero 1 BCD (even parity) 608 only; set to zero 0 Not used 17 ADC TAPDR2 Address of next PHYSTB 18 NUM 0 Temporary storage DR1732 is coded as a macro skeleton. To parameterize the driver for a particular configuration, prepare a COSY control deck as follows: Label Op Address DR1732 DCKI I=lu, H=lu DELI TPDRGN U-2-30 Pl,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6 60282700 The formal parameters P 1 through P 7 are defined as follows: P1 Defines the residency of the driver CORE For core re sident MASS For mass memory resident. When MASS is specified the following additional deck card is needed. TAPCOR P2 DCK/ I=lu, H=lu Defines the method of data transfer BUF For buffered transfers using a 1706 buffered data channel UNBUF For unbuffered transfers using the A/Q channels P3 Defines the type of tape drives which will be in the system: 608, 609, or BOTH P4 Defines the type of read/write requests to be processed P5 FORM Only formatted requests are to be processed REG Only regular requests are to be processed BOTH Formatted and regular requests are to be processed Defines whether error recovery for parity errors will be attempted ERR Recovery will be attempted NOERR The error bits are set; the request is completed Defines the maximum tape record size for 608 units. If blank, 96 words are assumed. The standard binaries were made using 192. This was done to allow COSY to run records which are two sectors in length or 192 words. 9. To obtain source, decosy the necessary decks specified above. 10. Assemble the source of DR1732. 11. If the driver is to be in core resident, insert it in the source tape before the SPACE module as follows: *L DR1732 12. (binaries) If the number of words requested is greater than the value specified in Pfi (step 8) the number is truncated. No error message is output. P Q is set to 192 in the standard-system to allow COSY to run using records which are two sectors m length. Area 4 in SPACE must be increased. set area 4 to $102. 60282700 The algorithm is (P 6)*4/3+2. For the standard system II-2-31 2.11 1777 PAPER TAPE STATION 2.11.1 GENERAL 1777 PAPER TAPE STATION INFORMATION Description The 1777 paper tape station driver drives either: the 1777 paper tape station or, the 1721/1722 paper tape reader or, the 1723/1724 paper tape punch or, both the 1721/1722 paper tape reader and the 1723/1724 paper tape punch. The 1777 is composed of two drivers: the 1777 paper tape station punch and the 1777 paper tape station reader. Limitations 1704: The 1777 paper tape station driver is on equipment 1 and interrupt line 1 if it is used to drive the 1721/1722 paper tape reader and/or the 1723/1724 paper tape punch. However, because of the low speed common synchronizer, the 1777 paper tape station driver cannot be on equipment 1 if it drives the 1777. 1774 S. C.: When the 1777 paper tape station is used, there are no unique interrupt line and equipment number restrictions. Installation Procedures The 1777 paper tape station driver is either mass memory or core resident, depending on equate MM. Core Resident Installation: 1. Equate MM to 0 2. Load the 1777 paper tape station reader and punch drivers under the *L statement. 3. Load STCK under the *L DRCORE. STCK (status check) is the program containing all common routines for the 1777 station reader and punch drivers. It is used when the 1777 paper tape station reader and punch drivers are core :resident. When the 1777 paper tape station reader and punch drivers are mass memory, STCK is included in each program since program length is not important. Mass Memory Installation: If installing on mas s memory, see part II, section 2. 15. II-2-32 60282700 2.11. 2 1777 PAPER TAPE STATION READER DRIVER Description The 1777 paper tape station reader driver allows data input from the paper tape reader to core memory. The reader driver is re-entrant so that it can handle multiple readers. Installation Requirements Mass Memory: Driver 256 Logical unit tables 3 Diagnostic timer table 1 Physical equipment table 22 282 words of mass memory Core Memory: Driver 227 Logical unit tables 3 Diagnostic timer table 1 Physical equipment table 22 253 words of core memory Installation Procedures The following installation procedures are unique to the 1777 paper tape station reader driver. 1. The following example is a four word interrupt trap entry associated with the low speed common synchronizer. The example is assigned to line 1, priority level 10. 60282700 Label Op Address LINE1 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 10 ADC EPROC I/o II-2-33 2. Insert in LOGIA: Label 3. 4. 5. Address ADC PPTRDR ADC ° NUM $FFFF Insert in LOGl: Insert in LOG2: Add the PHYSTB to the system tables and parameters using the following coding. the priority level is 10, the equipment type is 1, the equipment class is 4. Address EXT TR1777 EXT PREADI, PTREAD, PTRERR NUM $120A ADC PREADI 2 ADC PTREAD 3 ADC PTRERR 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 NUM $Al 8 NUM $2012 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 14 ADC °TR1777 15-21 BZS (7) °1 Label PPTRDR In this example Comments Op Word 6. Op Driver length if mass memory Name associated with sector number Add the following entry to the diagnostic timer table (DGNTAB) if time-out surveillance on the reader operation is desired: ADC PPTRDR 7. Modify MASKT according to instructions inpart II, section 1. 2.3. 8.. If the driver is mass memory, replace word 13 of the PHYSTB as follows: NUM I1-2-34 $100 60282700 2.11. 3 1777 PAPER TAPE STATION PUNCH DRIVER Description The 1777 paper tape station punch driver allows data output from core memory to the paper tape punch. The driver punches eight level tape only. The punch driver is re-entrant so that it can handle multiple punches. Installation Requirements Mass Memory: Driver 240 Logical unit tables 3 Diagnostic timer table 1 Physical equipment table 22 265 words of mass memory Core Memory: Driver 165 Logical unit tables 3 Diagnostic timer table 1 Physical equipment table 22 191 words of core memory Installation Procedures The following ins tallation procedures are unique to the 1777 paper tape station punch driver. 1. The following example is a four word interrupt entry associated with the low speed I/O common synchronizer. The example is assigned to line 1, priority level 10. Address Label LIN E.! 60282700 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 10 ADC EPROC II-2-35 2. Into LOG1A enter: Label 3. 4. 5. 6. Op Address ADC PPTPCH ADC 0 NUM $FFFF EXT TP1777, PUNCH!, PUNCDR, PUNERR Into LOG1 enter: Into LOG2 enter: Enter as an external: Insert the following PHYSTB. equipment type is 2. The driver priority level is 10, the equipment class is 4, the Word Op Address ADC TP1777 NUM $120A 1 ADC PUNCH! 2 ADC PUN CDR 3 ADC PUNERR 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7 ADC $C1 8 ADC $2024 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 0 Driver length if mass memory 14 ADC TP1777 Name associated with sector number 15-21 BZS (7) 0 II-2-36 Label PPTPCH Comments 60282700 7. If time-out surveillance over punch operations is desired, insert the following entry into the diagnostic timer table: Address Label ADC PPTPCH 8. Modify MASKT according to instructions in part II, section 1. 2. 3. 9. Validation Option Procedures: If the validation check and repunch is required, equate VALERR to 1 in the driver source, and assemble the driver. This is a hardware feature which is available only on the 1777 paper tape station. EQU 10. VALERR(l) If the driver is mass memory replace word 13 of the PHYSTB as follows: NUM 60282700 $112 II-2-37 2.12 1711 /1712/1713 TEUTYP EW I IT EI D IIV EI 2.12.1 DESCRIPTION The 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter driver executes under the MOOS operating system to provide the capability for data input/output between core memory and the teletypewriter keyboard. The teletypewriter connects directly to the 1704 computer and is part of the low-speed I/O common synchronizer package. The 1711/1712/1713 driver processes requests made by user programs for data transfer between core memory and the teletypewriter. The requests are READ, FREAD, WRITE, and FWRITE. 2.12.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Core Memory 319 words Driver Logical unit tables 3 words Diagnostic timer table 1 word 16 words Physical equipment table 339 words of core memory Mass Memory None 2.12.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES The equipment code is preset to one for all low-speed I/O common synchronizer devices. 1. The following four-word interrupt entry must be in the interrupt trap area of the LOCORE program. It is associated with the low-speed I/O common synchronizer package and is assigned to interrupt LINE1: II-2-38 Label Op Address LINE 1 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 10 ADC EPROC 60282700 2. Enter the following into LOG1A: ADC 3. Enter the following into LOG1: ADC 4. TELPTR Declare the following external: EXT 7. $FFFF Declare the following entry point: ENT 6. 0 Enter the following into LOG2: ADC 5. TELPTR TYPEI, TYPEDR, TYPERR In forming the PHYSTB for the 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter driver, use the following information: driver priority level 10 equipment type o equipment class 6 Add the PHYSTB to the system tables and parameters (SYSBUF) using the following coding: Word Label Op Address TELPTR NUM $120A 1 ADC TYPEI 2 ADC TYPEDR 3 ADC TYPERR 4-6 NUM -1,0,0 7-8 ADC $91,$3006 9-15 BZS (7) 0 8. If time-out surveillance over teletypewriter operation is desired, enter into the diagnostic timer table in SYSBUF the following entry: ADC 9. TELPTR Modify MASKT according to instructions in part II, section 1.2.3. 60282700 11-2-39 2.13 1713 TELETYPEWRITER READER/PUNCH DRIVER 2. 13.1 DESCRIPTION The 1713 teletypewriter reader/punch driver provides either keyboard, or paper tape and printer, or paper tape output. The reader and punch modules reside on mass memory. The keyboard module must be core resident. It processes requests made by user programs between core memory and the teletypewriter. 2. 13.2 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Core Memory MASDRV and buffer (equated to LNGTH) System tables and parameters Physical equipment tables Common continuator (S13CON) Diagnostic timer table Keyboard printer 142+buffer size 12 60 11 3 379 607 + buffer size Mass Memory S13002 reader S13003 punch 274 272 546 2.13.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES The following procedures are unique to the 1713 teletypewriter reader/punch driver. 1. The 1713 is part of the low-speed package which is loaded into the computer on interrupt line 1. Only the keyboard device table address must be included with the other device addresses using line 1. The 1713 reader and punch may be independent of line 1, since the continuator of the modules determines which module is active. Therefore, the reader and punch may be assigned any logical unit numbers. The 1713 reader and punch should not be assigned to any other interrupt. line. Refer to part II, section 1. 2. 2 for information on interrupt line assignment. II-2-40 60282700 2. 3. 4. 5. Label Op Address LINE1 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) NUM 10 ADC EPROC Insert the following into the LOG1A table: ADC S13KBD Entry in keyboard PHYSTB ADC S13RDR Entry in reader PHYSTB ADC S13PCH Entry in punch PHYSTB Insert the following into LOG1: ADC 0 ADC 0 ADC 0 Insert the following into LOG2: NUM $FFFF NUM $FFFF NUM $FFFF Insert the following into SECPRO for each module: NUM 6. 7. Comments $7FFF If the timer package is to be used, add the device table addresses to the diagnostic timer table. ADC S13KBD ADC S13RDR ADC S13PCH ENT S13BZY, S13MOD ENT S13KBD, S13RDR, S13PCH ENT S13CON EXT S13KI, S13KC, S13KER EXT MASDRV, MI, MASHNG EXT Ml713R, Ml713P Declare the following: 60282700 11-2-41 8. Insert the following physical equipment tables: Label Op Address S13BZY NUM S13MOD NUM ° ° ADC S13KC NUM $120A ADC S13KI 2 ADC S13CON 3 ADC S13KER 4-8 NUM -1,0,0,$91,$3266 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM 14 NUM 15-16 NUM ° °0,0 Word *KEYBOARD PHYSTB °1 S13KBD Comments Keyboard continuator Must be zero *READER PHYSTB S13RC ADC S13RDR NUM °$12OA ADC MASDRV 2 ADC S13CON 3 ADC 4-8 NUM °-1,0,0,$91,$2282 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM $112 Driver length 14 NUM Ml713R Name associated with sector number NUM 0,0,0,0 °1 * 15-18 II-2-42 60282700 Word Label Op Address S13PC ADC 0 S13CON NUM $120A 1 ADC MASDRV 2 ADC S13CON 3 ADC MASHNG 4-8 NUM -1,0,0,$91,$2274 9-12 NUM 0,0,0,0 13 NUM $11A Driver length 14 ADC MI713P Name associated with sector number NUM 0,0,0 LDQ* S13BZY 2 SQN SA 3 ENQ KBDLU LDQ LOGlA,Q 6 TRQ A 7 INQ -1 8 LDQ- (ZERO),Q 9 STQ- I 10 TRA Q 11 JMP- (ZERO),I Comments *PUNCH PHYSTB 0 * 15-17 *COMMON CONTINUATOR 1 4-5 9. S13CON SA Equate the logical unit of the keyboard to KBDLU as: EQU 60282700 KBDLU(4) 11-2-43 10. 11. Names which are associated with reader and punch sectors are: reader module *8, Ml713R, 8 punch module *8, Ml713P. 8 Load the punch and reader modules under separate *M statements with *8 statements immediately after the respective relocatable binary. *M 1713 READER 813002 *8, Ml71aR, S *M 1713 PUNCH 813003 *St Ml713P. S 12. Install the keyboard module. S13001, and MASDRV as core resident modules under an *L statement. 13. Modify MASKT as in part II, section 1.2.3. 11-2-44 60282700 2.14 1572/1573 TIMER Install the timer (TIMINT) routine at system initialization time. 1. 2. Rebuild the installation tape to include the TIMINT routine. Before assembling the system tables, initialize the. following timer external parameters which define system variables and are necessary for timer operation: TIMCPS Determines timer operating frequency,. If, for example. TIM CPS is equated to 60 (as in the example below) the timer interrupts every 60 seconds. TIMACK Contains equipment and station used to acknowledge timer interrupt. Modify this parameter if the equipment number for the 1750 Data and Control Terminal is also modified. NSR Establishes upper limit on the number of timer completion addresses scheduled for each timer interrupt. Excess addresses are handled on the next interrupt. Insert the following coding sequence in the System Tables for the 1572/1573 Op Address Com.ments ENT TODLVL Time of day timer req. with level ENT TIMCPS Timer cycles per second ENT TIMEC Timer cycles per 1 sec -1 ENT TIM:ACK Timer achnowledge code ENT NSCHED Max. num. of com.p adrs per int TIMCPS EQU TIMCPS (60) TIMEC EQU TIMEC (TIMCPS/10-1) TIMACK EQU TlMACK ($401) NSR EQU NSR(5) NSCHED ADC NSR TODLVL EQU TODLVL ($1,006) Label 3. Initialize interrupt line x in LOCORE so that it will accommodate the timer interrupt. Insert the following coding in the interrupt trap area of LOCORE: LINEx 60282700 NUM o RTJ- ($FE) Common interrupt handler NUM 13 Priority level of timer INT ADC TIMINT 1572/1573 timer interrupt'processor II-2-45 4. For the 1572 timer add the following Label TIVALU 5. Op Address ENT TIVALU EQU TlVALU (xxxx) Comments xxxx is a value from 1 to 4000 If the 1572 timer is used, replace TIMACK with the following: TIMACK EQU TlMACK($Oxx3) Bits 7-10 contain the equipment code 2.15 MASS MEMORY DRIVERS If a driver is to be placed on mass memory, use the following instructions. For an example of an installation tape see part III, section 7.1.3. 1" Assemble the drivers that are to reside on mass :memory, setting the equate to 1 Addres$ EQU 2. MM(1) For each mass memory resident driver, insert the length of the driver into word 13 of the driver PHYSTB. Following is a list of these values. Driver Lesth Card Rettder 1726-405 unbuffered $173 :t72S·405 buffered $194 1728-430 $37A 1729·Z- $1CC Line Printer 1740-501 $20E Magne tic Tape 11-2-46 1731-601 buffered $51F 1731-601 unbuffered $4:88 1732-608/609 buffered $3.EC 1732-608/609 $3CF 60.262700 Driver Length Paper Tape Station 1777 reader $FF 1777 punch $F8 Teletypewriter 1713 reader $112 1713 punch $110 3. Assemble the system tables and parameters program. 4. There are two options for the mass memory driver control program: MASDRV for single buffered. MASDRV requires a buffer length the size of the largest driver residing on mass memory. DBLDRV for double buffered. DBLDRV requires a buffer length the size of the two largest drivers residing on mass memory. Several assembly options in MASDRV and DBLDRV must be chosen to fit the configuration. options are the same in MASDRV and DBLDRV. a. Leave the priority level at which the control program runs at 10 for the standard system. No driver residing on mass memory can run below this priority level. Label Address EQU b. These Comments CMPRL(10) Equate the number of drivers residing on mass memory: EQU NMASDR() The 1777 and the 1713 must each be counted as two drivers. c. Equate the length of the largest driver for MASDRV or the length of the two largest drivers for DBLDRV: EQU d. LNGTH() Equate the following values according to which magnetic tape driver is mass memory resident. Only one magnetic tape driver may be mass memory resident~ If none of the magnetic tape drivers are mass memory resident, set all of the following equates to zero. Equate MT to one if any magnetic tape driver is mass memory resident: EQU 60282700 MT(I) II-2-47 Equate one of the following to one, according to the magnetic tape driver selected: Label Op Address Comment EQU D1731( 1731/1732 unbuffered (TAPEDR) EQU B1731( 1731/1732, buffered (TAPDRB) EQU D1732( 1732-608/609 (DRI732) If any of the following drivers are selected to reside on mass memory, set the respective equate to a one. If any of the drivers are core resident or are not used, set the equate to zero: EQU D1726( 1726-405 card reader EQU D1728( 1728-430 card reader EQU D1729( 1729-2 card reader EQU D1740( 1740-501 line printer EQU D1777R( 1777 paper tape reader EQU D1777P( 1777 paper tape punch EQU D1713( ) 1713 reader and punch 5. Install MA8DRV or DBLDRV as a core resident module under an *L statement and before any of the mass memory resident drivers. 6. Install the mass memory drivers under a separate *M statement with the *8, name, 8 statement placed immediately after the relocatable binary of the mass memory resident driver. The names referred to in the *8 statement are associated with the sector number of the drivers when they are mass memory resident. These names, which are listed below, are declared external in 8YSBUF. Card reader 1726-405 MAS405 1728-430 MA828 1729-2 MA8292 Line printer 1740-501 MAS501 Magnetic tape II-2-48 1731 MAS31 1732 'MAS32 602'82700 Paper tape 1777 reader TR1777 1777 punch TP1777 Teletypewriter 1713 reader MI713R 1713 punch MI713P Example: *M PRT40 address *S,MAS501,S *M CR405 address *S, MAS405, S *M DR1732 address *S.. MAS32, S 7. Delete the respective *S, name, 7FFF from the standard release tape. 60282700 II-2-49 OTHER MODIFICATIONS 3 Section 3 defines the following possible modifications: Section Building an initializer 3.1 Manual input for process program (M1PRO) 3.2 User request modules 3.3 Re-entrant FORTRAN library package 3.4 Non-re-entrant FORTRAN library package 3.5 Output message buffering package 3.6 3.1 BUILDING AN INITIALlIER 3.1. 1 AVAILABLE MODULES CONTRLt Control module LIBt Library generation module IDRIVt Input control module (input device driver) MDRIVt Mass storage driver control module CDRIVt Comment control module (comment device driver) 1LOADt Resident loader nt Pre-resident load initialization 12t Post-resident load initialization MSDISKtit Pre-resident initialization 853/854 disk driver MSDRUlYl iii Pre-resident initialization 1751 drum driver I2DISKttt Post-resident initialization 853/854 disk driver 12 DRUM ttt Post-resident initialization 1751 drum driver MTIDRVtt 601 magnetic tape driver t tt Required modules Optional according to configuration ttt Normally either the disk or drum drivers are used, not both 60282700 II-3-1 PTIDRVit 1721/1722 paper tape reader driver LPRINTit 1742 line printer driver CDIDRVit 1728-430/1729-2/1726-405 card reader drivers 3.1.2 PROCEDURES FOR GENERATING AN INITIALIZER 1. Obtain all necessary and optional modules from MSOS COSY tape, and assemble them. 2. Use the relocatable binaries received as input to LIBEDT. 3. Assign input to the logical unit containing the binaries. 4. Type LIBEDT Press RETURN 5. Type *K,Ilu Press RETURN 6. Type *p Press RETURN 7. All input is read Message LUluFAILED 02 8. Type CU Press RETURN 9. At this time, the absolutized binary is punched on the paper tape. The following is printed on the list device as unlinked. This is to provide easy linking of user modules when required. 13 14 10. For tape format, see part III, section 7.1. Record 1 of the initializer tape is the absolutized checksum loader. Record 2 of the initializer is the absolutized binary programs. Therefore, when the binaries have been absolutized, insert them after the checksum loader which has been assembled and absolutized. ABSOLUTIZED G CHECKSUM A LOADER P ABSOLUTIZED BINARY INITIALIZER it Optional according to configuration II-3-2 60282700 3.2 MANUAL INPUT FOR PROCESS PROGRAM (MIPRO) The manual input to the process program (MIPRO) is part of the operating system. If the input entered after a manual interrupt does not begin with an asterisk (* indicates a job processor control statement), the routine is scheduled by the manual interrupt processor (MINT) at level 3. The Q register is set to the address of the ASCII input buffer on entry to MIPRO. If the MIPRO program is not included in the operating system at initialization time, the manual interrupt processor rejects input following a manual interrupt which does not begin with an asterisk. A J05 error message is printed. The version of MIPRO which is supplied checks the input buffer for either DB or DX. All other inputs are rejected and the message ER is printed. If the input begins with DB, the program with the system directory entry name ODEBUG (On-Line Debug Package) is scheduled at level 3. If the input begins with DX, a flag (CHRSFG) in SYSBUF is set for the ODEBUG routine. When this flag is set, ODEBUG terminates and releases its core. MIPRO must terminate by clearing the flag word MIB in the manual interrupt processor and then returning to the dispatcher. MIPRO usually resides on mass storage as part of the system library, but it may be made core resident. Each user may add his own control statements to MIPRO to manually control the process. To add a user request to MIPRO: 1. For the entry point of the request processor module, add the following with xxxxxx as the entry point: Label Address EXT 2. xxxxxx Add to the end of the CODl table: ALF l,xx xx are the same control characters used to call the user program. 3. Add the following entry in the same numeric position as it is in the CODl table: JMP* 4. GETIND Add the following to the INDEX table with xxxxxx as the entry point of the request processor module: ADC 60282700 (xxxxxx) II-3-3 3.3 USER REQUEST MODULES 3.3. 1 PROCEDURES The 1700 operating system allows 30 request processors in the standard release. The first 20 of these (T1-T20) are reserved for the operating system. The last 10 may be designated by the user (T21-T30). Add a request processor to the system by supplying a processing program for the request and assigning an entry point name of T21 to T30 to it. Include this program in the System Load as a core resident entry and remove the *S which links it to $7 FFF. The request processor to be added to the system must adhere to the following restrictions: The entry point name must be one from T21 to T30 Enter the request processor program by entering the location of the parameter list into the A register The request processor must exit with a jump to the request exit entry point REQXT 3.3.2 CALLING SEQUENCE A typical calling sequence to the request module is: Address Significance RTJ- ($F4) Go to monitor NUM $hhhh Request code: bits 14-09 contain the proces'sor request number which is contained in the entry point name (T21-T30). Label 11-3-4 60282700 3.4 RE-ENTRANT FORTRAN LIBRARY PACKAGE 3.4.1 PREPARATION Priority Level If the re-entrant FORTRAN library package is to be used in the system and run at more than one priority level, replace the NDISP and SCHEDU modules with the RDISP module. If the FORTRAN library package is only to be run at one level, RDISP is not necessary; then remove FMASK and FLIST from SYSBUF. FMASK FMASK is a location which indicates the software priority levels requiring the saving of the temporary area used by the FORTRAN routines. Do not assign these levels to interrupt lines, since the interrupt handler does not save the FORTRAN data. Set to one each bit position in FMASK that corresponds to each level using FORTRAN. If too many levels are allowed to run FORTRAN programs, the overhead for the low-priority programs may be unnecessarily high. Example: Label Op Address FMASK NUM $008C This allows FORTRAN at levels 2, 3, and 7. Levels 0 and 1 are reserved for unprotected programs and do not interrupt higher priority levels using FORTRAN. Therefore, the mask is not set for levels 0 and 1. The mask usually is not set for 6 because level 6 is usually used for the invalid interrupt processor. Table FLIST is the table of entry point locations in the FORTRAN library which must be saved to allow re-entrant use of the library. The symbolic names must also be declared as externals (EXT) and must appear as entry names (ENT) in the library subroutines. FLIST 60282700 ADC FEND-*-1 ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC Q8QF21,Q8Q12F, Q8QF2F, RETAD, QSAVE Q8PREP, Q8PKUP, Q8AB, ABS, IFALT, Q8SG SIGN, Q8QFIX, Q8FX, Q8QFLT, Q8FLOT IFIX, FLOAT, EXP, SQRT ,ALOG, TANH SIN, COS, A TAN, FLOT, ARGUO EQU EXT EXT EXT EXT EXT FEND(*) Q8QF21, Q8Q12F,Q8QF2F, RETAD, QSAVE Q8PREP, Q8PKUP, Q8AB, ABS, IFALT, Q8SG SIGN,Q8QFIX,Q8FX, Q8QFLT, Q8FLOT IFIX, FLOAT, EXP,SQRT,ALOG, TANH SIN, COS,ATAN, FLOT,ARGUO I1-3-5 Q8STP Also add the entry Q8STP to SYSBUF for use with the re-entrant library package: Label Q8STP Address ENT Q8STP NOP 0 JMP- ($EA) 3.4.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. Assemble RDISP and obtain a relocatable binary 2. Put the changes mentioned above under preparation into SYSBUF; assemble SYSBUF; obtain a relocatable binary 3. Assemble and obtain binaries of the desired FORTRAN library routines Re- Entrant Encode/Decode Routines IOCODE INITAL RSTORE IGETCH IPACK UPDATE DECPL INTGR SPACEX HOLRTH DCHX HXASC AFRMOT RFRMOT AFRMIN RFRMIN ASCHX HXDC FLOTIN FOUT EOUT EWRITE FORMTR II-3-6 60282700 Q8QFI Q8QFX A FORM RFORM HEXASC HEXDEC ASCII DECHEX fLOATG INITLI FORMTR Q8QFI Q8QFL Q8QFX FORTRAN 1/0 Routine Q88IO Monitor Interface Routine FORTRA Arithmetic Routines Q8EXPR Q8PRMS Q8ABR IFALTR SIGNR FXFLR EXFLR EXPRGR SQRTFR LNPRGR TANHR SNCSR ARCPGR FLOATR 60282700 11-3-7 4. Replace SYSBUF with the revised version of SYSBUF on the installation tape. 5. Also replace NDISP and SCHEDU with RDISP on the installation tape. 6. Insert the desired modules of the FORTRAN library package (listed under step 3) into the installation tape under an *L statement. 7. Install the MSOS 3.0 system as it would normally be installed in part I, section 1.3. 3.5 NON-RE-ENTRANTFORTRAN 3. 5. 1 REQUIREMENTS None 3.5.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES Non-re-entrant FORTRAN can be installed at the same time as MSOS 3.0 using an initializer *F statement. 1. Assemble and obtain relocatable binaries of the desired routines. Encode/Decode IOCODE IGETCH IPACK UPDATN DECPL INTGR SPACEN HOLRTH DCHX HXASC AFRMOT RFRMOT AFRMIN RFRMIN ASCII HXDC FLOTIN FOUT EOUT EWRITE 11-3-8 60282700 AFORM RFORM HEXASC HE;XDEC DECHEX FLOATG FORMTR INITL1 ASCHX PSEUDO Q8QFI Q8QFL Q8QFX Q8QIO Q8QGTX Monitor Interface FORTN Arithmetic Routines Q8EXPN Q8PRMN Q8AB IFALT SIGN FXFL EXPPRG SQRTF LNUPRG TANH SINCOS ARCTPG FLOAT 2. Update the MSOS 3.0 installation tape listed in part III, section 7.1 by inserting the desired relocatable binary programs after the *F statement on the installation tape. 3. When the system is installed, the program library will also be generated. 60282700 11-3-9 3.6 OUTPUT MESSAGE BUFFERING PACKAGE 3. 6.1 REQUIREMENTS Reserve buffer area in core or in mass memory for exclusive use of the buffer package at system initialization time. Reserve at least three times the maximum record size. The user may reserve the last 1000 sectors of the disk for the software buffering package. SECTOR is set to 2FFF during initialization, and the remaining sectors are used. For core buffering, put a BSS block in SYSBUF. For mass memory buffers, a *M, hhhh, s initializer statement may also be used. A word addressable disk or drum driver is necessary for this version. Replace the normal version of SYSBUF with one which defines the physical device tables for the software buffered devices. Include BUFFER as a core resident program. 3.6.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. The output message buffering package is added to the 1700 Operating System in the same way as is a driver Insert a buffer table and a character buffer area for each buffer input logical unit by using the BUFFER macro. The BUFFER macro generates a physical device table for each buffered device. 0 BUFFER f, l,h,lu, rp, n f start address of buffer (LSB) I end of buffer address plus 1 h most significant bits of mass memory buffer word address; to be blank for core buffer lu logical unit for actual output pr request priority for buffer output on this logical unit n character buffer size for actual output When using the BUFFER macro, define the internal symbols as in the following example: Label Address EQU BFLEVL(10) EQU BFMMLU($8C2) BFLEVL is the priority level of the buffer package BFMMLU is the mass memory device logical unit The BUFFER macro generates the following: U-3-10 60282700 o BTAB T Buffer Table Length 4310 t 42 43 Character Buffer Length n ~ n is the length of the character buffer specified in the macro call BTAB is the address of the buffer table that must be put in the LOG1A logical unit table The first 13 words of the table correspond to the standard 13 words required for all the physical equipment tables for all devices. The additional parameters define buffering parameters, the available core or mass memory area, and the character buffer size. The character buffer follows the last word of the buffer table. 2. Add a buffer table address to LOG1A: Label 3. 4. Op Address ADC BTABl ADC 0 ADC $FFFF Add to LOG1: Add to LOG2: 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each buffer input logical unit. 6. Insert the foUowi ng macro in SYSBUF: 60282700 II-3-11 Label ~ Address BUFFER MAC F, L, H, LU, RP, N LOC A EXT BUFDRI, BUFDRC EXT BWRITC, BREADC,BOUTPC ADC $1200+BFLEVL ADC BUFDRI, BUFDRC,BUFDRC 1-3 NUM -0,0,0,0, $28A4 4-8 NUM 0,0,0,0,0 9-13 ADC riW, riLri, riFri, riLri 14-17 ADC $04 FO+BFLEVL 18 ADC BWRITC, 0, BFMMLU 19-21 ADC 0,0 22-23 IFC riHri, NE, ADC riHri Comments 0 24 M.M. BFR ElF IFC riHri, EQ, NUM $8000 24 ADC riFri,O 25.,.26 ADC BFLEVL *16+ B FLEVL+ $0200 27 ADC BREADC, 0, BFMMLU 28-30 ADC 0, r!Ari, r!Hr!, riw, 0 31-35 VFD N8/$OC, X4NRPri,X4/BFLEVL 36 ADC BOUTPC, 0, r!LUr! 37-39 ADC 0, #r!, r!Nr! r! Ari (r!Nri) 40-42 CORE BFR ElF BZS CHAR BFR EMC 11-3-12 60282700 7. The following devices can be software buffered: 1711/1712/1713 teletypewriter 1728-430 card punch 1777 paper tape station punch 1740-501 line printer 8. Using the macro above, construct a PHYSTB for each buffered device desired as follows: Set the BUFFER macro up uSing sector 3000 and logical unit 4, the teletypewriter. is as follows: Label 9. Op Address BUFFER 0,7FFF,$24,4,3,26 The macro Assemble the BUFFER module and obtain a relocatable paper tape. 10. Insert BUFFER and replace the existing SYSBUF with a revised version of SYSBUF on the installation tape as core resident programs. 11. Install the system as it would normally be installed. 60282700 II-3-13 OUTPUT BUFFERING PACKAGE PHYSTB GENERATED BY BUFFERED MACRO o $1200+LV 1 BUF DRI 2 BUFDRC 3 ELVL Initiator Entry EDIN Continuator Entry EDCN BUFDRC Diagnostic Entry EDPGM 4 -1 Diagnostic Clock EDCLK 5 0 Logical Unit Assigned ELU 6 0 Request Address EPTR 7 0 Hardware Address EWES Type Code EREQST 8 $A4 / 9 0 Status Word 1 ESTATI 10 0 Start Core Address ECCOR 11 0 End Core Address +1 ELSTWD 12 0 Status Word 2 ESTAT2 13 0 Number of Attempts TIMER 14 F Buffer Start LOCB 15 L Buffer End +1 ENDB 16 F Temporary Buffer Start FIRST 17 L Temporary Buffer End +1 LAST 18 $04F O+LV Mass Memory WRITE DPLO 19 BWRITC Completion Address 1 20 0 Thread 2 21 BFMMLU Logical Unit 3 22 0 Length DLEG 23 0 Core Address DART 24 H MSB of Mass Memory Address DTRACK 25 F Buffer Store Pointer STOR U-3-14 STANDARD PHYSTB STANDARD PHYSTB 60282700 OUTPUT BUFFERING PACKAGE PHYSTB GENERATED BY BUFFERED MACRO (contd) 26 0 27 $200+16*LV+ LV 28 BREADC 29 0 30 BFMMLU 31 0 32 CHBUFF Control Word CONTRL Mass Memory READ DOUTO Completion Address 1 Thread 2 Logical Unit 3 Length OUTLNG Core Address DADR 33 H MSB of Mass Memory Address OUTTK 34 F Buffer Read Point READ 35 0 36 $COO+16*RP+LV 37 BOUTPC 38 Control Word SKELNG Character Output FWRITE OUTPO Completion Address 1 0 Thread 2 39 LU Output Logical Unit 3 40 0 Length 4 41 42 60282700 CHBUFF N Address of Character Buffer ACHAR Length of Character Buffer LCHAR STANDARD PHYSTB STANDARD PHYSTB II-3-15 CONVENTIONS 1. Terminate each teletype input by pressing RETURN. 2. To erase a teletype line: Type RUB OUT, LINE FE ED Press RETURN 3. After mounting a paper tape on the paper tape reader, press READY MASTER CLR on the reader. 4. If the teletype BREAK light is on, press BRK RLS on the teletypewriter before attempting to type. 5. Core locations are base 16; lengths are base ten. 6. When using the 1713 teletypewriter, it must be in K mode. 60282700 1 IlI-l-l UNIT ASSIGNMENTS 2.1 2 LOGICAL UNIT, EQUIPMENT, AND INTERRUPT LINE The released MSOS 3. 0 system configuration is: Device Core allocator Logical unit Interrupt line Equipment 1 Card equipment 1726-405 13 6 4 1728-430 10 10 8 1729-2 11 11 C 8 4 3 9 5 F 12 5 F 1731-601 unit 0 6 3 7 1731-601 unit 1 7 3 7 1732-608 unit 2 14 7 5 1732-608 unit 3 15 7 5 1732-609 unit 4 16 7 5 1732-609 unit 5 17 7 5 1777 reader 2 1 1 1777 punch 3 1 1 4 1 1 1713 punch 19 1 1 1713 reader 18 1 1 Drum 1738-853 unit 0 Line Printer 1740-501 501 FORTRAN Magnetic tape equipment Paper tape equipment Teletypewriter 1713 keyboard Dummy 60282700 5 1II-2-1 2.2 INITIALllER LOGICAL UNIT AND EQUIPMENT The lu numbers which are preceded by asterisks refer to devices which are preset to be the standard devices during the execution of the initializer until the PP message appears. lun Device Equipment Number *1 2 3 *4 5 *6 7 8 10 1777 1728-430 or 1729-2 1731-601 1738-853/854 1751 1711/1712/1713 1740-501 Dummy 1726-405 1 10 7(A/Q channel) 3 3 1 F 4 2.3 SYSTEM UNIT The standard system defines system units in LOG1A as follows: System Unit Input comment Output comment Binary input Binary output List Library Scratch I1I-2-2 lun 4 4 2 3 9 8 8 60282700 3 FIELD CHANGE ORDER (FCO) LEVELS The 1700 MSOS 3. 0 operating system is checked on a computer system which has cert.ain field change orders (FCO) installed. All FeOrs issued by 12.1. 70 were installed on this test system. 60282700 III-3-1 INITIALIZER CONTROL STATEMENTS 4 Through the use of these statements, it is possible to incorporate control statements with the actual binary programs. 4.1 ·V ENTER STATEMENTS ON INPUT DEVICE The *V statement instructs the system initializer to obtain subsequent control statements from the input device. 4.2 ·U ENTER STATEMENTS ON COMMENT DEVICE The *U statements instruct the system initializer to obtain its next and subsequent control statements from the comment device. This statement remains in effect until a *V statement is entered from the binary input device. The *U may be used to return control to the teletypewriter wherever options may be considered (loading a special routine from another device, deleting programs, etc.). 4.3 ·S ASSIGN ENTRY POINT NAME *8 patches external strings at system initialization time. It permits the name n to be assigned a value and to be placed in the loader table as an entry point. The *8 statements may be used to define unpatched externals to eliminate the error printout on the listing (e. g., *8, THREE, 7FFF). The *8 can also cause a program to be eliminated by doubly defining an entry point (e. g., *8, PRINTl, 7 FFF). This is useful in modifying a system when the source is magnetic tape or disk. 4. 3. 1 *8,n, hhhh This statement assigns the hexadecimal value hhhh to the entry point name n and places both in the loader table. Previously defined external strings are patched with hhhh as are future references. 4.3. 2 *8,n, S This statement assigns the value of the current mass storage sector to the entry point name n. statement permits dynamic assignment of values to symbolic names. This 4. 3. 3 *8,n, P This statement assigns the current value of the program base to the entry point name n. base is the next available core location into which the initializer loads. 60282700 The program III-4-1 INITIALIZER PROCEDURES 5 The following procedures describe how to enter data into core memory, examine data j~n core memory, and execute an instruction sequence. These procedures are incorporated into the system initialization instructions detailed in part I, section 3. 5.1 ENTERING DATA INTO CORE MEMORY 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches to the neutral positions 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set P register 5. Set push button register to the core location into which the first word is to be stored .6. Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER 7. Set X register 8. Enter first (or next) word of code into push button register 9. Momentarily move RUN/STEP switch to STEP 10. Clear the X register by pressing the display CLEAR button 11. Repeat steps eight through ten for all words to be entered 12. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch when finished 60282700 III-5-1 5.2 EXAMINING DATA IN CORE MEMORY 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches to the neutral positions 3. Set SELECTIVE STOP switch 4. Set the P register 5. Set the push button register to the first core location to be examined 6. Set the X register 7. Set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP 8. Momentarily move the RUN STEP switch to STEP 9. The data in the core location entered into the P register above will be displayed on the push button register 10. Repeat step eight to display the next sequential word of core memory 11. Release SELECTIVE STOP switch when finished S.3 EXECUTING INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Press master CLEAR switch on console 2. Set all switches to neutral position 3. Set the P register 4. Enter the core location for the first instruction of the sequence into the push button register 5. Set the A, Q, and X registers to their specified contents 6. Set the SELECTIVE STOP and/or the SELECTIVE SKIP switches if necessary 7. Momentarily set the RUN STEP switch to RUN III-5-2 60282700 6 INSTALLATION MESSAGES 6.1 SYSTEM INITIALIZER MESSAGES 81 It informs the operator on the comment medium that the system initializer is ready to begin operation. Q Informs the operator (on comment medium) that system initializer is ready to accept another control statement. L,nn FAILED ACTION Appears when a driver cannot recover from an error. The operator can then take corrective action and respond with either RP or CU. RP causes the request to be repeated. CD causes the error condition to be reported to the program which made the request. Any other entry causes ACTION to be retyped. ERROR 1 Asterisk initiator missing ERROR 2 Number appears in name field ERROR 3 illegal control statement ERROR 4 Input mode illegal ERROR 5 No further *YM statements can be entered ERROR 6 No further *y statements can be entered ERROR 7 *F statement previously entered ERROR 8 Name appears in number field ERROR 9 illegal HEX core relocation field ERROR A illegal mass storage sector number ERROR B Error return from loader module ERROR C Unpatched external at conclusion of *M load ERROR D Unpatched external at conclusion of *L load ERROR E Field terminator invalid ERROR F More than 120 characters in control statement ERROR 10 Ordinal name without ordinal number ERROR 11 Doubly defined entry point ERROR 12 Invalid ordinal number ERROR 13 *F statement not previously entered ERROR 14 Data declared during *M load but not by first segment. Initialization restarted ERROR 15 Attempt made to enter data into location 0 or above location $FE. Initialization restarted ERROR 16 Irrecoverable mass storage I/O error ERROR 17 Irrecoverable error. 60282700 Last program loaded was ignored I1I-6-1 6.2 PROGRAM LOADING MESSAGES All loading error messages appear on the standard print output device. EOI Irrecoverable input error; causes termination. E03 Illegal or out-of-order input block; causes termination of load. This diagnostic also appears on the comment device when illegal input from that device is detected. The device is interrogated for a new statement. E04 Incorrect common block storage reservation. Occurs if the largest common storage declaration is not on first NAM block to declare common storage. The loader uses the previously declared length and continues. E05 Program too long or loader table overflow. Terminates loading. Occurs if program to be loaded exceeds available unprotected core. It may be possible to load the program by re-arranging the order of loading to insure entry points are defined before they are referred to as external symbols. Loader produces a memory map and list of unpatched externals prior to terminating the load. E06 Attempt to load information in protected core; causes termination of load. E07 Attempt to begin data storage beyond assigned block; causes termination of load. E08 Duplicate entry point; loading is terminated. EIO Unpatched external. External name is printed following diagnostic. When all unpatched externals have been printed, the operator may terminate the job or continue execution regardless of unpatched externals. Ell Error in HEX block; loader skips remainder of block and resumes loading with the next block. The starting address is printed following diagnostic. E12 Two programs reference same external name; one with absolute addressing, the other with relative addressing; loading is terminated. E13 Undefined or missing transfer address; this code is not given if the loading operation is part of system initialization. Occurs when loader does not encounter a name for the transfer address or the name encountered is not defined in loader's table as entry point name. E14 Loader request operation code word illegal. E15 Address in I2 table is greater than $FE; issued only during system initialization. The post-resident loader initializer, 12 contains a table of information deSignated for locations within the communication region. An entry in this table consists of the storage address and the constant to be stored. If the address is greater than $FE, this comment is printed. III-6-2 60282700 6.3 JOB PROCESSING MESSAGES PARITY, hhhh Memory parity error at location hhhh16 . device. Message appears on output comment OV Overflow of volatile storage. ER Unintelligible control statement following a manual interrupt command. L, nn F AILE~ code Informs operator of device failure. ACTION Requests operator action when a failed device has no alternate. identified in the FAILED diagnostic. Message appears on output comment device. The device is nn logical unit number code code indicating cause of failure as follows. These are typical error codes. See the indi vidual driver for the actual error codes. 00 I/O hangup 01 Internal or external reject 02 Alarm 03 Parity error 04 Checksum error 05 Internal reject 06 External reject 07 Echo check error on punch operation 08 megal Hollerith punch 09 Sequence error 10 Non-negative record length 11 Change from read mode to punch mode or vice versa 12 No ~ punch 13 Error in disk read of mass memory driver ALT,aa Informs operator an alternate device, aa, has been assigned. J01,hhhh Program protect violation. COll1ments device. J02,hhhh megal request or parameters at location hhhh16 . J03, statement Unintelligible control statement is output with the diagnostic. device. J04, statement megal or unintelligible parameters in control statement. device. J05 Statement entered after manual interrupt illegal. J06,hhhh A threadable request was made at level one when no protect processor stack space was available, or an unprotected threaded request was made at level one. Standard comments device. J07,hhhh Unprotected program tried to access protected device from location hhhh. Standard comments device. J08,hhhh Attempt to access read only unit for wri te, or write only unit for read, or an attempt to access an unprotected request on a protected unit. Standard comments device. 60282700 hhhh is current contents of P register. Standard Standard comment device. Standard comments Standard comments Standard comment device. III-6-3 6.4 DEBUGGING AND LIBRARY EDITING MESSAGES The following messages appear on the output comment device. Both the system initializer and LIBEDT will attempt error recovery whenever possible. illegal input statements are not processed. BP,hhhh Breakpoint program ready for input. The breakpoint address hhhhI6 is printed only if breakpoint program was entered from previously set breakpoint. BOI, statement Statement or parameters are unintelligible for the breakpoint program. B02,hhhh hhh~6 B03,hhhh Breakpoint limit exceeded. B04 Previous *E statement requested entries in protected core. processed; breakpoint program waits for new statement. RE Recovery program ready to accept control statements. LIB Library editing program ready to accept control statements. J Job processor waiting for control statement from input comment device. LOI More than six characters in a parameter name presented to the library edi ting program. L02 More than 6 digits in a number presented to the library editing program. L03 Improper system directory ordinal presented to the library editing program. L04 Invalid control statement presented to the library editing program. L05 illegal field delimiter in a control statement presented to the library editing program. L06 illegal field in control statement presented to the library editing program. L07 Errors in loading as a result of a library editing program control statement. L08 A program to be added to the program library has an entry point duplicating one already in the directory. L09 Standard input failed on first input record following an *N request. LIO The operator is deleting a program which is not in the library. Lll No header record on file input from mass storage. LI2 On an * L, entry statement, either there was an input error, or the first record was not a NA M block. LI3 Common declared by the program being loaded exceeds available common. LI4 Program being loaded is longer than the size of unprotected core, but not longer than the distance from the start of unprotected core to the top of core. LI5 illegal input block encountered; last program stored in library is not complete. LI6 I/O input error occurred; last program stored is not complete. LI7 *L program being installed exceeds the capacity of LIBEDT to input from mass storage. LI8 Attempt to load a zero length program during an *M request. III-6-4 cannot be processed by breakpoint program because it is protected. hhh~6 is the last breakpoint processed. Entries are not 60282700 7 CARD DECK AND TAPE CONTENTS 7.1 MSOS 3.0 7.1.1 STRUCTURES Card Installation Deck ~----------------------~/ V INSTALLABLE BINARIES DECK (In same order as installation magnetic tape, section 7.1. 3) CARD INITIALIZER (Modules listed in section 7.1. 7) I--_-IV ~__________________~J / / CHECKSUM LOADER (4 CARDS) (see section 7. 1. 2) ~------ 60282700 ______________________-V!/ III-7-1 System Definitions and Skeletons Card Deck ~~------------------~/ / f' ~ See section 7.7. 2 ____________________________ ~v Optional Card Source Deck V;---------------------------~/ SOURCE (In same order as COSY tape listed in section 7. 1. 6) III-7-2 60282700 Magnetic Installation Tape System Definitions and Skeletons Magnetic Tape See section 7.1. 3 for a list of the tape contents; section 7.1. 7 lists and identifies MSOS 3.0 modules. See section 7.7.2. ABSOLUTIZED INITIALIZ ER SYSBUF ENGINEERING FILE LIBEDT STANDARD SYSTEM LOADER JOB PROCESSOR ODEBUG BRKPT DRIVERS VRFCTN REQUEST PRIORITY ASSIGNMENTS SMR EOF 60282700 I1I-7-3 Paper Tape Initializer Paper Installation Tapes See section 7. 1. 4 for a listing of the initializer tape. See section 7.1. 5 for a list of tape contents. CHECKSUM LOADER INITIALIZER EIGHT PAPER TAPES OF THE INSTALLABLE BINARIES System Definitions and Skeletons Paper Tape See section 7.7.2. ELEVEN PAPER TAPES OF SYSTEM DEFINITIONS AND SKELETONS III-7-4 60282700 Optional Tapes LIST 2 MAGNETIC TAPE LIST 3 MAGNETIC TAPE COSy.sOURCE MAGNETIC TAPE LIST 1 MAGNETIC TAPE See section 7. 1. 6 The three list tapes are in the same order as the COSY tape (section 7.1. 6) with the following divisions. r-----------------, CORE RESIDENT JOB PROCESSOR CONTAINS CORE RESIDENT THROUGH MAS DMP CONTAINS BRKPT THROUGH DRIVERS CONTAINS RE-ENTRANT FORTRAN ENCODE DECODE SMR ODEBUG LOADER MASS MEMORY MODULES BRKPT DRIVERS RE- ENTRANT AND NON- RE- ENTRANT FORTRAN AND ENCODE/DECODE SMR EOF 60282700 III-7-5 7.1. 2 CARD INSTALLATION DECK The card installation POOOO POOOI POO02 POO03 POO04 POOOs POO06 POO07 POO08 POO09 POOOA POOOS POOOC POOOD POOOE POOOF POOIO POOll POOl2 POO13 POOl4 POOlS POO16 POO17 PODIA POO19 POOIA POOlB POOlC POOlD POOlE POOIF POO20 P002l POO22 POO23 P0024 P0025 POO26 POO27 POO28 P0029 P002A P002B P002C POO20 POO2E POO2F P0030 P003l POO32 III-7-6 6867 OC06 0844 6A67 0142 ODFE l8FC 0804 68sE 0844 68sF 68sF EOOO 0421 COOO OORO 03FE EOOO 0420 02FF E8ss 6A68 DBS3 D853 C8sl 09FH 0101 18Fs 0842 ~ck NAM ENT LOADCR STA* ENQ CLR OUT STA* SQZ INQ JMP* ZERO SET 5TA* READCR CLR STA* STA* LDQ LOAD Part I is the checksum loader: LOADCR LOA OCR STADD 6 A CARD,Q ZERO -1 OUT A COUNT A QCNT CARD =N$0421 LOA =N'ii0080 nUT LDQ -1 =N'fi0420 Tf\IP I DQ* STA* RAO* RAi1* 1.01\* CLEAR 484C CAsF OFC4 684D ODOI CAsB AOOO OFOO OF48 5848 D842 CAss AOOO OOFF OFC8 6841 0001 CA4F AOOO OFFO OF44 s83F contains three parts. PAl« -1 Q\'NT REAOBF,Q QOH CARD QCNT HIli -4 SAl CLEAR .JMP* LOAD CLR Q STQ* QCI\IT LDA* READBF,Q ilLS 4 STA* TEMP INQ I LOA* READHF.Q ANI) =N'I;OFOO ARS RTJ* RAO* LOA* .AND FIGR QCNT READBF,Q =N:1iOOFF 1\1.5 8 C;TA* INQ LDA* AND TEMP 1 READBF,Q =Nf,OFFO B ARS 4 RTJ* FIGR 60282700 p0033 P0034 P003S P0036 P0037 P0038 POO39 P003A POO3B P003C P003D P003E P003F P0040 P0041 P0042 P0043 P0044 P004S P0046 P0047 P0048 P0049 P004A P004B P004C P004D P004E P004F POOSO POOSI POOS2 POOS3 POOS4 POOSS POOS6 POOS7 POOS8 POOS9 POOSA POOS8 POOSC POOSD POOSE POOSF P0060 P0061 P0062 P0063 P0064 P006S P0066 P0067 60282700 D836 CA49 AOOO OOOF OFCC ODOI 6834 CA43 ODOI AOOO OFFF 5833 C827 OCOI 0124 E83C 4828 D822 OC02 C824 09FB 0102 0842 1808 C832 981F 0132 681D 1803 0804 681B CA28 6C14 C81C 8819 D81A 0111 1822 D80E 0814 09FD 0122 ODOI 18F3 C80B 09AF 0123 0844 6806 18AC 18A3 FFFF 0000 RAO* QCNT LDA* READBF,Q AND =N$OOOF XFER SKIP STORE TWO DATA LOOP COUNT STADD ALS INQ STA* LDA* INQ AND 12 1 TEMP READBF,Q 1 =N$OFFF RTJ* LDA* ENQ SAP LDQ* STQ* RAO* ENQ LDA* INA SAl CLR JMP* LDA* SUR* SAM STA* JMP* SET STA* LDA* STA* LDA* ADD* RAO* SAN JMP* RAo.* TRQ INA SAP INQ JMP* LDA* INA SAP CLR STA* JMP* JMP* NUM NUM FIGR COUNT 1 SKIP READBF+l RECNT COUNT 2 CARD -4 STORE Q DATA READBF SEQNCE TWO SEQNCE DATA A ERROR READBF,Q (STADD) WDCNT RECNT WDCNT 1 CHECK STADD A -2 LOOP 1 DATA CARD -80 3 A QCNT LOAD READCR -0 0 III-7-7 P0068 P0069 P006A P0068 P006C P006D P006E P006F P0070 POO71 P0072 P0073 POO74 POO75 P0076 POO77 POO78 POO79 P007A POO7B P007C P007D 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 48F5 E8F5 S8F8 6A08 S8F8 68F7 E8EF lCF7 E8F4 C8FO 0000 0004 QSAV QCNT CARD SEQNCE ERROR TEMP RECNT CKSUM WDCNT FIGR CHECK NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NOP STQ* LDQ* EOR* STA* ADD* STA* LDQ* JMP* lDQ* LDA* SLS BZS END 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QSAV QCNT TEMP REAQBF,Q CKSUM CKSUM QSAV (FIGR) CKSUM ERROR 0 READBF(4) LOADCR Part 2 contains the absolutized initializer. The initializer modules are listed in section 7.1. 7. Part 3 contains the relocatable installable binaries of the system in the same order as they appear on the magnetic installation tape (section 7.1.3). 7.1. 3 MAGNETIC INSTALLATION TAPE Record one contains the initializer modules listed in section 7. 1. 7. *S,SYSlVl,5245 *S,DTIMER,7FFF *S,SYSCOP,7FFF *S,ONE,7FFF *S,TWO,7FFF *S,THREE~7FFF *S,WDADR,l *YM,EFIlE,l *YM,LIBEDT.2 *YM,LOADSD,3 *YM,JORENT,4 *YM,JOBPRO,5 *YM,PROTEC,6 *YM,JPlOAD,7 *YM,JPCHGE,8 *YM,JPTl3,9 III-7-8 60282700 *YM,MIPRO,lO *Y~l,RFSTOR,ll *YM,aDERIIG,12 *yt"hRcaVER,13 ifYM,RRKPT.I4 *YM,SFLF,l..., *Yt--hl. OGGFR, Ih ifL LorORE laCOPE IF T .... VEl SYSH~ I1RC(lRE ~IT PROC FFTI f' *M FF *M *1. L r ,< ED T LIHEDT Sr:HEI)U c.,CHEDU ~11l T C;P Nr: :"PR() NFNR DE\I I O'IDS!) I 0,\ t) HKIH.ICI-I 1\ *M lI!lP1V LCDI-IJV L MI' hi r V LLI,P{II SCMI r:HIJU flf)JO\/F r:O'\!VRT TAH (2,127> Cl,$1554) (0,15) (2,15) (12,15) (2,127) (2,127) (0,15) (2,15) (S,1S) (2,127) (2,127) (0,15) (YES, NO) *+OUFALC, ** TII-7-144 60282700 1129-2 CARD READER ** *+1129-2, (11) (2,15) 1 NTERRUPT LI NE * (13) 1 NTERRUPT LEVEL <11,15) * ( 1 1 ) (2,127) LOGICAL UNIT * () (2,127) ALTERNATE LOGICAL UNI T * (12) (0,15) EQUIPMENT NUMBER * ** 1140/501 LINE PRINTER ** HI140/501, ( 12) (2,15) INTERRUPT LINE * (10) (8,12) INTERRUPT LEVEL * (9) (2,127) LOGICAL urnT * () (2,127) ALTERNATE LOGICAL UNIT * () (2,127) FORTRAN LOGICAL UNI T * () (2,127) ALTERNATE FORTRAN LOGICAL UNI T * (15) (0,15) EQUIPMENT NUMBER * ** ** 1572 SAMPLE RATE GENERATOR *+1512, (2,15) * INTERRUPT LI NE (2) <11,15) * INTERRUPT LEVEL (13) (0,15) * EQ UI PMENT NUMB ER (~) (50,1630) * CLOCK REQUENCY IN CYCLES/SECOND (60) ( l ,10) * MAMIMUM SCHEDULES/TIMER PERIOD (5) (1,4000) * OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY/CLOCK PERIOD (3333) ** THE ABOVE PARAMETER IS EQUAL TO OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (IN CYCLES ** PER SECOND) DIVIDED BY CLOCK FREQUENCY (IN CYCLES PER SECOND) ** ** 1573 LINE SYNC CLOCK *+1513, (2) (2,15) * INTERRUPT LINE (13) <11.15) * INTERRUPT LEVEL OJ) (0,15) * EQUIPMENT NUMBER (50,7630) * CLOCK FREQUENCY IN CYCLES/SECOND (60) (5 ) (1,10) * MAXIMUM SCHEDULES/TIME PERIOD ** DUMMY INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE ** *+DUMMY, () (2,127) * LOGICAL UNIT (10) (8,10) * DUMMY LEVEL ** STANDARD LOGICAL UNI TS ** *+5 TA rWARD urn TS, (2) INPUT UNI T (2,127) * (3) OUTPUT UNI T (2,121) * (9 ) (2,121) LIST UNIT * (4) (2,127) COMMENT INPUT UNIT * (4) (2,127) COMMENT OUTPUT UNI T * (2,127) LIBRARY UNIT UD * (2,127) SCRA TCH UNI T ** ** ** PROGRAMS *PROGRAM LIBRARY ** RUNTIME LIBRARY, HFTN (yES) (Y ES ,NO) ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS * (YES) (Y ES ,tJ 0) FORTRAN INPUT/OUTPUT * (yES) (YES, NO) MONITOR INTERFACE * (YES) (YES ,NO) ENCODE/DECODE * ** ** INSERT COMPONENT FOR PROGRAM LIBRARY PROGRAMS HI NSERT, * INPUT FROM LOGICAL UNIT () (2,127) ** ** ** MI NA TE *TER 60282700 III-7-147 7.7.3 COSY SOURCE TAPE The SYSCON COSY tape contains both FORTRAN and assembly language programs and terminates with an end-of-file mark. The deck names for the FORTRAN programs are as follows: VERIFY BKCMVR CALADR CNVTNO CONTRL CONVRT CORECK CORECT DCTOAS DEFINE GETCHR GETITM INCINS INCPTR INITAL INITCM INSURT OPTCHK PAMCHK PAMCH2 PARCHK PARTIT RDSKEL RNGCHK SCNOPT SCNREC SEARCH SPCPAR SPECFl SPECF2 STOCHR SYSDAT SYSINS VALCHK VA LPRO VA RPRO WRTMMR PHASE2 CVTNUM DECASC DELETE DGNTAB EQUIVA FTNLVL FTNMSK III-7-148 60282700 GETNUM GETVAL GNSCHR mCORE INSERT INTREG LUTBLS MMREAD MSKTBL OUTLNN PRESET REDREC SCHSTK PHASE3 BINASC DE LPGM INPBIN INSPGM NEWHDR OUTORD PACKAG STAEND STAPCK STAPGM XTCORE The deck names for the assembly language programs are as follows: COMMNT CON FIG ERROR GETFLE GOCONF GOlA GOIB GOIC GOlD GOIE GOlF G02 G03A G03B INPREC INSINP MESSGS OUT BIN OUTREC PACKLN PAGEJT PICKUP PRNTLN P2NAMI 60282700 1II-7-149 P2NAM2 P2NAM3 P2NAM4 SCDKIO UNLOAD SPACE System Configurator Verification: The verification program is on the COSY source tape under the deck name VERIFY. Transfer the program to either paper tape, cards, or magnetic tape. ** VERIFICATION DECK FOR SYSCON SPECIFICATION LIST ** ** *S Y S T E M H A R D WAR E DE V ICE S ** ** INVALID COMPONENT--USED TO VERIFY CONVERSE OPTION *+1703, ** 1723/1724 PAPER TAPE PUNCH *+1723, ** 1711/1712 TELETYPE *+1711, ** 1738 DISK CONTROLLER WITH 853-4 DISK DRIVES *+ 1738/853-4, ** *CORE RESIDENT FOREGROUND PROGRAMS ** ** E006*2.1 MONITOR PACKAGE *+MONITOR, ** *MASS RESIDENT FOREGROUND PROGRAMS ** ** JOB PROCESSOR WITH LOADER, LIBRARY EDIT, BREAKPOINT, RECOVERY *+JOB PRO CESSOR, ** ** *p ROGRA M LIBRARY PROGRA MS ** *+ FTN RUNTIME LIBRARY, ** *TERMINATE III-7-150 60282700 INDEX 1704 1777 limitations II-2-32 Absolutized initializer position on tape III-7-3 see initializer Address highest core 11-1-5 transfer, error 111-6-2 ADEVequate 11-1-35 Allocatable core 11-1-1 defined II-1-21,34 location 11-1-4 SPACE II-1-1, 34 unprotected 11-1-22 use 1-1-1 see AVCORE Allocator, core see core allocator Alternate device handler 11-1-26, 35 defined 11-1-25 Alternate device table see LOG1A ALTERR defined II-1-25 AREA 11-1-22 AREAC defined I1-1-34 1731-601 11-2-24 Arithmetic routines 11-3-7, 9 ASCII input buffer II-3-3 parameter 1726-405 11-2-7 Assembly option for 1726-405 11-2"";7 60282700 Assignments entry point name 111-4-1 equipment III- 2-1 initializer equipment III-2-2 initializer logical unit III-2-2 interrupt line III-2-1 logical unit III-2-1 request priority assignment 1-1-27; 111-7-3 system logical unit III-2-2 unit I1I-2-1 AUTOLOAD program 1-1-29, 30; 11-1-34 location 11-1-4 procedure 11-1-29 SC1774 1-1-6, 30 AVCORE 11-1-1 defined II-1-21 see allocatable core BFLEVL 11-3-10 BFMMLU 11-3-10 Binary input assignment 111-2-2 Binary output assignment 111-2-2 Blank common see common, blank Blocks see common block HEX block input block loader block Bootstrap 1-1-6 card 1-1-7 magnetic tape 1-1-9, 12 paper tape 1-1-14 reserve space 1-1-17 Index-1 Breakpoint program III-6-4 BRKPT location III-7-3 BTAB II-3-11 BUFALC with 1706 II-2-3 with 1726-405 II-2-6 BUFER program II-2-7 BUFFER macro use II-3-10 BUFFER module II-3-13 Buffer 1726-405 II-2-7 1732-608/609 II-2-28, 31 ASCII input II-3-3 double option II-2-47 single option II-2-47 Buffer data channel (1706) II-I-2; II-2-2 procedures II-2-3 Buffer package see output message buffering package Buffer tables program II-I-I0 alternate device handler II-I-25 length II-3-11 Build FORTRAN installation tape 1-4-22 CALTHD defined II-I-21 Card deck contents III-7-1 list III-7-6 structures III-7-1, 2 Card equipment see card reader Card reader as input device 1-1-25 entry points 1-1-17 logical unit number II-I-25 priority level II-I-16 Card reader (1726-405) 1-1-1; II-I-2; II-2-2 assembly options II-2-7 buffered 1-7-1 description II-2-5 entry point 1-1-17 Index-2 Card reader (1726-405) (cont'd) initializer unit assignment III-2-2 input 1-1-19, 27 logical unit number 1-7-4 mass memory installation II-2-46 memory requirements 1-1-5 requirements II-2-5 procedures II-2-5 system unit assignments III-2-1 with 1706 II-2-3 with System Configuraior 1-7-5 Card reader/punch (1728-430) I-I-I; 1-7-5; II-I-2, 2; III-7-27 buffered II-3-13 entry point 1-1-17 initializer unit assignments III-2-2 input 1-1-19 logical unit 1-7-4 mass memory installation II-2-46 memory requirements 1-1-5 priority level II-I-5 system unit assignments III-2-1 Card reader (1729-2) I-I-I, 17; 1-7-5; II-I-2; II-2-2; III-7-27 described II-2-11 entry point 1-1-17 initializer unit assignments III-2-2 input 1-1-19 logical unit number 1-7-4 mass memory installation II-2-46 memory 1-1-5 priority level II-I-7, 15 procedures II-2-11 requirements II-2-11 system unit assignments III-2-1 Card system 1-1-3 bootstrap 1-1-7 installation 1-1-6 Card indicator II-I-32 CDIDRV III-7-27 CDRrv UI-7-27 Character buffer length II-3-11 Checkout, System see System Checkout 60282700 Checksum loader 1-1-6 card system 1-1-6,8; III-7-1, 6 magnetic tape system 1-1-9 paper tape system 1-1-13, 15; III-7-14 CHRSFG II-3-3 defined II-I-24 COlST 1-6-3, 4, 12 C02ND 1-6-3, 4, 12 C03RD 1-6-3, 4, 12 COBOP 1-6-4, 12, 13, 14 COBOPL 1-6-3, 4, 12 COBOPS 1-6-3, 4, 12 CODI table 11-3-3 Code command III-I-29 converter 111-1-29 disk error III-2-17 drum error II-2-21 equipment III-I-29 equipment class III-I-30 equipment type III-I-30 error III-6-1, 2, 3, 4 COLAST 1-6-3, 4, 12 Command code II-I-29 Comment control module III-7-27 Comment device message III-6-1 reassignment 1-1-6, 19, 20 Common blank memory requirement 1-4-2; 1-5-2 Commen block storage error III-6-2 Common labeled memory requirement 1-4-2; 1-5-2 Common interrupt handler II-I-7 location II-I-4 Communications region II-I-I, 5, 7, 34 defined 1-1-5 location II-I-4 JVfAXSEC II-I-9 Control module 1I1-7-27 Control statements III-4-1 error 1II-6-1 illegal 1II-6-1 60282700 Configuration II-l-l minimum 1-1-4 optional peripherals 1-1-4 see System Configurator Conventions 111-1-1 Converter code II-I-29 CONVERSE 1-7-15 Core, allocated 1-1-27 see allocatable core Core allocator 11-1-12 assignments III-2-1 logical unit 1-7-4 priority level 11-1-15 Core dumps II-I-5 Core image 1-1-25 sector written on 1-1-25 Core map of configured system 1-7-26 Core memory requirements disk II-2-14 drum II-2-18 1729-2 11-2-11 Core memory addition II-I-5 enter data 1II-5-1 location II-I-4 paper tape station II-2-35 teletypewriter (1713) II-2-40 teletypewriter (1711/1712/1713) II-2-38 Core, reservation 1-1-17 Core resident 1732-608/609 II-2-31 1777 II-2-32 location II-I-4 in PHYSTB II-I-33 reduce size I-I-17 priority 1-6-3, 4, 12 protected programs II-I-4 requirements 1-1-5 system image II-I-4 Core routines II-I-5 Core swapping II-I-21 Index-3 Corrections COSY 1-3-1 FORTRAN A 1-4-1 FORTRAN B 1-5-1 Macro Assembler 1-2-1 MSOS 1-1-2 System Checkout 1-6-1 System Configuration 1-7-1 COSY additional procedures 1-3-3 corrections 1-3-1 deficiencies 1-3-1 features 1-3-1 hardware requirements 1-3-2 installation 1-3-2 limitations 1-3-1 memory requirements 1-3-2 modify output units 1-3-3 release materials 1-3-1 verification 1-3-3 COSY source tape III-7-5, 21, 38, 54 CP EQU II-l-11 CU III-6-1 Customization II-l-l Data enter in core memory III-5-1 examine III-5-1, 2 location in mass memory II-I-4 Data block, unprotected II-I-4 DBLDRV System Configurator feature 1-7-1 Decode see encode/decode Debug messages 1II-6-4 Deficiencies COSY 1-3-1 FORTRAN A 1-4-1 FORTRAN B 1-5-1 Macro Assembler 1-2-1 MSOS 1-1-3 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-4 Index-4 Definitions and skeletons 1-7-4 card 1II-7-2 feature 1-7-1 magnetic tape III-7-3 paper tape III-7-4 Delimitor error field III-6-4 Device alternate, DUMMY II-I-23 Device capability with System Configurator 1-7-1 failure II-I-14; 1II-6-3 protected III-3-6 Device table, alternate see WGI Device table II-l-l see physical device table DGNTAB II-2-21 1777 reader II-2-34 defined II-I-25 see diagnostic timer table DKDIAG use II-2-17 see disk diagnostic subroutine Diagnostics 1-1-3; III-6-1, 2, 3, 4 execution 1-4-1; 1-5-1 runaway 1-4-1; 1-5-1 Diagnostic clock II-I-28 Diagnostic subroutine see disk diagnostic subroutine drum diagnostic subroutine Diagnostic timer program II-I-25 Diagnostic timer routine scheduler II-I-35 Diagnostic timer table II-I-I0; II-2-1 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1713 II-2-41 1726-405 II-2-6 1777 punch II-2-37 1777 reader II-2-34 defined II-I-25 disk II-2-17 line printer II-2-23 Director function II-I-29 1726-405 II-2-6 Directory see program directory system directory 60282700 Disk 1738-853/854 II-1-2; II-2-2 description II-2-13 entry point 1-1-17 EQU II-1-11 errors 1-2-1 logical unit number 1-7-4 memory 1-1-15 MMDISK II-1-26 output unit 1-1-20 priority level II-1-16 procedures II-2-14 scratch area 1-2-3 sectors 1-1-17 use 1-1-20 Disk diagnostic subroutine (DKDIAG) use II-2-17 see DKDIAG DISKWD II-2-13 limitation 1-1-2 use 1-1-20 Dispatcher II-1-24 DMDIAG use II-2-21 DIU 732 1II-7-3 macro skeleton II-2-30 Driver addition 1-1-6; II-2-1, 2 deletion 1-1-6, 17, 18; II-2-1 entry addresses II-1-26 list II-1-2 location II-1-4 mass memory installation II-1-2; II-2-46 modules II1-7-31 required routines and tables II-1-10 standard II-2-2 Driver control module II1-7-27 DRMDRZ II-2-18 see drum driver Drum 1751 II-7-1; I1-1-2; II-2-2 as output unit 1-1-20 description II -2-18 entry point II-1-18 EQU II-1-11 memory 1-1-5 MMDIAG II-1-26 60282700 Drum 1751 (cont'd) priority level II-1-16 procedures II-2-19 requirements II-2-18 unit assignments 1II-2-1, 2 Drum diagnostic subroutine use II-2-21 Drum overlay subroutine II-2-20 DUMMY routine defined II-2-23 Dummy driver II-1-10, 23 as list device 1-1-20 assignments III-2-1 EQU II-1-11 initializer unit assignment 1II-2-2 logical unit 1-7-4 table II-1-23 Dump core II-1-5 DUMP routine 1-6-13, 14 Dump programs reserve core for 1-1-17 EFILE program II-1-35 Encode/ decode routines for configurator 1-7-1 non-re-entrant II-3-8 ENDFILE 1-4-1; 1-5-1 END line limitation 1-4-1; 1-5-1 ENDMAC statement 1-2-6 End of file in PHYSTB II-1-31 Engineering error file II-I-Ii II-2-1 defined II-1-35 feature 1-1-1 limitation 1-1-2 location on tape 1II-7-3 location in memory I1-1-4 System Configurator 1-7-4 Entry points II-1-5 duplicate III-6-2 error 111-6-1, 2 in FORTRAN library II-1-24 in preset entry points table II-1-8 list 1-1-17 location in memory II-1-4 see preset entry points table Index-5 EPIlOC II-I-8, 11 1731-601 II-2-26 1732-608/609 II-2-28 defined II-I-12 interrupt lines II-I-12 use II-I-8 EQU see equivalences Equates mass memory II-2-48 Equipment assignments III-2-1, 2 class code II-I-30 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1777 punch II-2-36 paper tape reader II-2-34 code II-I-29 1711/1712/1713 II-2-38 command 1-4-21 number II-2-6; III-2-2 type code II-I-30 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1777 II-2-34, 36 Equivalence table overflow 1-4-1; 1-5-1 Equivalences LOCORE II-I-I, 5 SYSBUF II-I-I, 10 Errors 1-1-19, 21 1732-608/609 II-2-31 codes III-6-1, 2, 3, 4 file see engineering error file hardware 1-1-1 input 1-4-21 Macro Assembler limitation 1-2-1 parity II-I-32 printout, elimination III-4-1 statement editing limitation 1-1-2 System Checkout 1-6-14 System Configurator 1-7-1 see also codes, diagnostics, messages Execution diagnostics 1-4-1; 1-5-1 External string patches III-4-1 unpatched defined III-4-1 Index-6 External interrupt processor defined II-I-7 use II-1-8 see EPROC *F statement III-6-1 use n-3-8, 9 FCO levels III-2-3 Features COSY 1-3-1 FORTRAN 2.0 A 1-4-1 FORTRAN 2.0 B 1-5-1 Macro Assembler 1-2-1 MSOS 1-1-1 System Checkout 1-6-1 System Configurator 1-7-1 Field change order levels III-2-2 Field delimitor III-6-4 File see engineering error file Macro Assembler, replace 1-2-5 First word address *L programs 1-1-21 FLIST II-I-19 defined II-1-24 re-entrant FORTRAN II-3-5 table II-I-24 Floating point package defined 1-1-4; 1-5-1 FMASK defined II-I-24 re-entrant FORTRAN II-3-5 System Checkout 1-6-4 FNR routine II-I-28, 32, 33 FORMAT record II-I-32 FOR TRAN routines see also arithmetic encode/decode I/O monitor interface non-re-entrant re-entrant 60282700 FORTRAN arithmetic routines 1-1-1 FORTRAN compiler II-1-5 overlay II-1-26 FORTRAN I/O routine list II-3-7 FORTRAN library II-1-24 FORTRAN monitor interface package 1-1-1 FORTRAN priority II-1-7 FORTRAN ojbect programs II-1-24 FORTRAN re-entrant I/O package 1-1-1 FOR TRAN 2.0A common lengths III-7-70 compiler programs III-7-59 lengths II-7-70 order III-7-63 COSY deck identifiers III-7-54 COSY deck names III-7-54 entry point externals III-7-85 externals III-7-70 files III-7-63 installation tapes III-7-42 local III-7-63 object library programs III-7-61 phases III-7-54 programs III-7-54 roots III-7-63 tape structures III-7-39, 40, 41 FOR TRAN 2.0 B additional procedures 1-5-14 common III-7-114 compiler programs III-7-106 corrections 1-5-1 COSY deck identifiers III-7-101 COSY source III-7-101 deck names III-7-101, 114 deficiencies 1-5-1 externals 111-7-114 features 1-5-1 hardware requirements 1-5-2 installation procedures 1-5-3 installation tapes 1II-7-91 limitations 1-5-1 locals III-7-109 memory requirements 1-5-2 FORTRAN 2. OB (cont'd) object binary compiler program order III-7-108 entry points III-7-128 externals III-7-128 programs III-7-107 passes III-7-109 program lengths III-7-114 names III-7-101 release description 1-5-1 roots III-7-109 tape structures 1II-7-89, 90 FRWAB II-2-3 FRWBB II-2-3 Function, directory II-1-29 Functions external 1-4-1 intrinsic 1-4-1 limitation 1-5-1 statement 1-4-1 FWA for *L programs 1-1-21 FW. d format deficiency 1-4-1 Handler see common interrupt handler special interrupt handler Hang loop priority level II-1-15 Hardware address II-1-29 Hardware errors 1-1-1; II-1-35 Hardware manfunction, System Checkout 1-6-13 Hardware requirements COSY 1-3-2 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4-2 Macro Assembler 1-2-2 MSOS 1-1-4 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-5 HEX block error III-6-2 illegal III-6-1 60282700 1ndex-7 II III-7-27 12 III-7-27 12 table III-6-2 I2 DISK III-7-27 12 DRUM III-7-27 IDLE II-1-23 Idle loop II-1-16 priority level II-1-15 routine II-1-10 IDRIV module III-7-27 1LOAD III-7-27 INDEX table II-3-3 1nitializer absolute III-7-8 build new n-1-3; II-3-1 capabilities II-1-1 controller modules 1II-7-27 control statements 1II-4-1 equipment assignments II1-2-1 generate II-3-2 logical unit assignments III-2-1 other media 1-1-19 paper tape contents III-7-14 procedures II1-5-1 tape format II-3-2 Input assignment 1-7-25, 26 block, illegal II1-6-2, 4 comment assignment III-2-2 comment device EQU II-1-11 control module II1-7-27 device 1-1-25; 1-4-21 error III-6-2 using SELCOP 1-4-21 mode, illegal 11I-6-1 reassignment 1-1-6, 19 standard device EQU II-1-11 Installable binaries card deck 1I1-7-1, 8 paper tape III-7-4 Installation messages III-6-1 Installation procedures COSY 1-3-2 FORTRAN 2.0A 1-4-4 FORTRAN 2.0B I-5-3 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-5 Index-8 Installation tapes build 1-4- 22 magnetic tape contents 1I1-7-3, 8 paper tape contents III-7-16 Instructions, execute III-5-1, 2 Interrupt handler II-1-24; II-3-5 see common interrupt handler special interrupt handler Interrupt lines II-1-7 1711/1712/1713 II-2-38 1713 II-2-40 1728-430 II-2-9 1729-2 II-2-11 1731-601 unbuffered II-2-26 1777 II-2-35 assignments III-2-1 disk II-2-14 drum II-2-19 order 1-7-1 single device II-1-33 Interrupt mask table II-1-1, 7; II-2-1 defined II-1-15 see MASKT Interrupt priority levels II-1-10 Interrupt processor see external interrupt processor EPROC Interrupt response routine II-1-1, 7, 10; II-2-1 1706 II-2-4 1726-405 II-2-8 1728-430 II-2-9 1729-2 II-2-13 1731-601 II-2-26 1732-608/609 II-2-28 defined II-1-33 drum II-2-19 individual II-1-8 PHYSTB II-1-7 special II-1-13 Interrupt stack area (INTSTK) II-1-10, 20; II-1-1 defined II-1-20 INTSTK II-1-1 defined II-1-20 Interrupt timer see timer interrupt 60282700 Interrupt trap area II-I-I; II-2-1 1706 II-2-4 1711/1712/1713 1~2-38 1726-405 II-2-5 1728-430 II-2-9 1729-2 II-2-11 1731-601 II-2-24 1732-608/609 II-2-28 1777 punch II-2-35 1777 reader II-2-33 defined II-1-6 disk II-2-14 drum II-2-19 line printer II-2-22 location in memory II-1-4 timer II-2-45 I/O errors III-6-1 for SELCOP 1-4-19 interrupt lines II-1-7 requirements 1-1-20 standard capabilities II-2-1 lOCAL 1-4-19; III-7-39, 40 call 1-4-20 FORTRAN III-7-90 load 1-4-20 I/O common synchronizer 1711/1712/1713 11-2-38 1777 II-2-35 Job processor II-I-I; III-6-3 allocated core II-1-23 errors III-6-4 location on tape III-7-3 modules II-1-22; III-7-29 priority level II-1-15 JPRETN II-1-8 *K command 1-4-21 60282700 *L load 1-1-21; III-6-1 *L program 1-6-3, 4; 1-1-5 *L statement error 1II-6-4 Labeled common see common, labeled LIBEDT 1-1-1; II-1-4; III-7-27 errors III-6-4 fix mass resident priorities 1-1-27 location on tape II-7-3 messages III-6-4 LIBMAC use 1-2-6 Library device assignment 1I1-2-2 generation medule III-7-27 see object library program library system library Library macro directory file 1-2-7, 8 modification example 1-2-6 preparation routine use 1-2-6 skeleton permanent file 1-2-7, 8 tape 1-2-8 Limitations COSY 1-3-1 FORTRAN A 1-4-1 FORTRAN B 1-5-1 Macro Assembler 1-2-1 MSOS 1-1-2 System Checkout 1-6-1 Line, interrupt see interrupt line Line printer (1740-501) 1-1-2; II-2-2 buffered II-3-13 comment device 1-1-20 deletion example 1-1-18 description II-2-22 entry point 1-1-18 EQU II-l-11 FORTRAN 1-7-4 initializer unit assignments III-2-2 list device 1-1-20 logical unit number 1-7-4 mass memory installation 1I-2-46 mem-ory 1-1-5 priority level II-I-16 Index-9 Line printer (1704-501) (cont'd) procedures 1I-2-22 requirements 1I-2-22 system unit assignments III-2-1 unit assignments III-2-1 Lineprinter (1742) III-7-27 List assignment 1-7-25; III-2-2 reassignment 1-1-19, 20 tape structures III-7-5 Loader block defined 1-1-3 errors III-6-4 modules list III-7-29 position on tape III-7-3 table III-4-1 table overflow III-6-2 LOCORE II-I-I, 6 defined 1I-1-5 interrupt response name II-I-7 LOGI table 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1713 II-2-40 1726-405 1I-2-6 1728-430 II-2-9 1729-2 II-2-12 1731-601 buffered II-2-25 1731-601 unbuffered II-2-27 1732-608/609 II-2-29 1777 punch II-2-36 1777 reader II-2-34 defined II-l-ll, 14 disk II-2-15 drum II-2-19 format II-I-14 line printer II-2-22 output message buffer II-3-ll share II-I-14 LOGIA table II-I-12; III-2-2 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1713 II-2-40 1726-405 II-2-6 1728-430 II-2-9 1729-2 II-2-12 Index-l0 LOGIA table (cont'd) 1731-601 buffered II-2-25 1731-601 unbuffered II-2-27 1732-608/609 II-2-29 1777 punch II-2-36 1777 reader II-2-34 defined II-l-ll, 12 disk II-2-14 drum 1I-2-19 EPROC II-I-13 EQU II-l-ll line printer II-2-22 output message buffering II-3-11 LOG2 table II-I-15 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1713 II-2-41 1726-405 II-2-6 1728-430 II-2-10 1729-2 II-2-12 1731-601 buffered II-2-25 1731-601 unbuffered II-2-27 1732-608/609 II-2-29 1777 punch II-2-36 1777 reader II-2-34 defined II-l-ll, 15 disk II-2-15 drum II-2-19 line printer II-2-23 output message buffer II-3-ll Logical unit 1-7-1; II-I-28 alternate assignments II-l-ll engineering error file order 1-7-4 EPROC limitation II-I-8 initializer unit assignment III-2-2 input device 1-1-27 system unit assignment III-2-1, 2 Logical unit number EQU II-l-11 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4-4 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-3 initializer III-2- 2 output message buffer II-3-10, 13 system I1I-2-2 60282700 Logical unit table II-1-1, 10, 12; II-2-1 defined U-1-11 Low priority program restrictions II-1-21 LNGTH 1713 II-2-40 LPRINT 1II-7-27 Lu/lun see logical unit (number) LVLSTR defined II-1-21 example II-1-22 memory map II-1-22 *M \ ) instructions 1-6-12 load 1-1-21; III-6-1 SYSCOP III-6-4 register II-1-15 Macro Assembler II-1-5 additional procedures 1-2-5 corrections 1-2-1 deficiencies 1-2-1 hardware requirements 1-2-2 installation procedures 1-2-3 install 1728-430 I1-2-8 limitations 1-2-1 MAXSEC II-1-9 memory requirements 1-2-2 modify library macros example 1-2-6 overlay II-1-26 release description 1-2-1 release materials 1-2-2 requirements 1-2-2 system modification example 1-2-5 tape contents III-7-36 tape structures 1II-7-34 verification 1-2-9 60282700 Macro deficiency 1-2-6 library 1-2-6, 7 skeleton, DR1732 II-2-30 user defined 1-2-7 MACSKL, new 1-2-7, 8 Magnetic tape II-2-2 bootstrap 1-1-9 COSY 1-3-1 delete example 1-1-19 entry point 1-1-18 EQU II-1-11 FORTRAN 2.0A 1-4-2 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-2,3 input 1-1-19, 25, 27 load system initializer 1-1-9, 12 MSOS 1-1-3 logical unit 1-1-25; 1-4-4; 1-7-4, 5 Macro Assembler 1-2-2 memory 1-1-5 priority level II-1-7, 16 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configuration 1-7-4 tape contents III-7-8 Magnetic tape (1731-601) III-7-27 buffered 1-7-1; II-1-2 mass memory installation II-2-46 procedures 11-2-24 requirements II-2-24 initializer unit assignments III-2-1 System Configurator 1-7-5 system unit assignment III-2-1 unbuffered II-1-2 mass memory installation II-2-46 procedures II-2-27 requirements I1-2-26 Magnetic tape (1732-608/609) II-1-2 buffered II-2-46 parameters I1-2-30 procedures II-2-28 requirements II-2-28 System Configurator 1-7-5 unbuffered II-2-46 unit assignments lII-2-1 with 1706 II-2-3 Index-ll Manual input for process program defined II-3-3 priority level II-I-15 see MIPRO Map, core of configured system 1-7-26 MASDRV II-2-47 1713 II-2-40, 44 configuration feature 1-7-1 MASKT II-I-I, 7 1711/1712/1713 1~2-39 1713 II-2-44 1726-405 II-2-6 1728-430 II-2-10 1729-2 II-2-12 1777 punch II-2-37 1777 reader II-2-34 construction II-I-16 defined II-I-15 modification II-I-16 sample II-I-17 standard II-I-18 Mask table see MASKT interrupt mask table Mass memory diagnostic routine II-l-l defined II-I-26 see MMDIAG Mass memory driver II-I-2 1711/1712/1713 II-2-38 1713 II-2-40 1726-405 II-2-8 1728-430 II-2-10 1729-2 II-2-13 1777 punch II-2-35 1777 reader II-2-32 EQU II-l-11 installation procedures II-2-46 line printer II-2-24 Mass memory information II-2-2 capabilities 1-7-1 designated in PHYSTB II-I-33 diagnostic II-I-4 driver on II-I-2 options II-2-47 overlay II-I-26 Index-12 Mass memory modules list 1II-7-30 Mass memory resident drivers feature 1-1-1 Mass memory resident program execution II-I-34 priority 1-1-27 requirements 1-1-5 Mass storage device lun FOR TRAN 2.0A 1-4-4 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-3 System Configurator 1-7-5 Mass storage FORTRAN see FORTRAN 2.0A FORTRAN 2.0B MAX COR II-I-5 diagnostic II-I-4 set 1-1-6, 12, 16 MAXSEC II-l-l defined II-I-9 System Configurator 1-7-24 MAXVAL 1731-601 II-2-24,26 MDRIV III-7-27 Memory parity error III-6-3 Memory parity/protect fault routine II-I-16 Memory requirements 1-1-5 1728-430 II-2-8 1729-2 II-2-11 COSY 1-3-2 drivers 1-1-5 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4- 2 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-2 Macro Assembler 1-2-2 MSOS 1-1-5 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-5 Messages debug III-6-4 interpreter request II-I-32 job processor III-6-3 LIBEDT III-6-4 system initializer 1II-6-1 see output message buffer MINT II-3-3 60282700 MIPRO II-I-3 add user request II-3-3 defined II-3-3 SYSCOP 1-6-4 see manual input for process program MMDIAG defined II-I-26 Mode set II-I-32 Modifications build initializer II-3-1 library macros, example 1-2-6 macro assembler, example 1-2-5 object library 1-4-26 phase 1-4-25 Modules available II-3-1 core resident III-7-27 driver III-7-31 job processor III-7-29 list III-7-27 loader III-7-29 locations in memory II-I-4 miscellaneous mass memory III-7-30 system initializer III-7-27 user request II-3-4 Monitor location in memory II-I-4 Monitor interface routines list II-3-7 non-re-entrant II-3-9 MSOS installation procedures 1-1-6, 16 summary 1-1-6 MSDISK III-7-27 MSDRUM III-7-27 MTDRV III-7-27 *N command 1-4- 22 request error 1II-6-4 NAM block 1-4-22 error III-6-2, 4 NAME command 1-4-22; II-l-S Name, symbolic see symbolic names NDISP II-3-S re-entrant FORTRAN II-3-5 System Checkout 1-6-4 602S2700 NEW MACSKL tape 1-2-7, S Non-re-entrant FORTRAN 1-7-1; II-I-3, 24 procedures II-3-S programs on tape III-7-24, 25 requirements II-3-S NSCHED II-I-24 NSR defined II-2-45 Number field error III-6-1 Object library 1-4-20 construction 1-4- 24 modification 1-4-26 ODE BUG core requirements 1-1-1 limitations 1-1-2 MIPRO II-3-3 on tape III-7-3 ODP II-I-24 On-line debug package II-I-24; II-3-3 Optional tapes 1-2-2 COSY 1-3-2 FORTRAN 2.0A 1-4-2 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-2 MSOS 1-1-3 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-5 structures III-7-5 Options assignment 1726-405 II-2-7 see DBLDRV see MASDRV mass memory II-2-47 validation, 1777 punch II-2-37 Ordinals error 1II-6-1 System Checkout 1-6-12 system directory error 1II-6-4 OUtput message buffering package 1-1-2; II-I-3, 10 172S-430 II-2-10 format II-3-14 in PHYSTB II-I-31, 33 macro II-3-10 priority level II-I-16 procedures II-3-10 requirements II-3-10 Index-13 Output device comment assignment III-2-2 comment EQU II-l-11 COSY modification 1-3-3 reassignment 1-1-6, 19, 20 System Configurator 1-7-25 standard binary EQU 11-1-11 standard print EQU 11-1-11 Overflow indicator II-I-6, 7, 20 Overlay drum 11-2-20 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4-2 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-2 OVRLA Y (overlay) subroutine 11-1-1, 10 defined II-I-26 *p statement limitation 1-1-2 Paper tape as input 1-1-27 EQU 11-1-11 lun 1-1-25 installation tape contents 11I-7-16 installation tape structures III-7-1 Paper tape punch priority level 11-1-16 1723/1724 with 1777 II-2-32 Paper tape reader 1721/1722 II-2-32; I1I-7-27 FORTRAN 2.0A 1-4-4 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-3 priority level 11-1-16 System Configurator 1-7-5 Paper tape reader/punch station (1777) 1-1-1, 7; II-I-2 as input 1-1-19 buffered II-3-13 description II-2-32 entry point 1-1-18 initializer unit assignments I1I-2-2 limitations II-2-32 logical unit 1-7-4 Index-14 Paper tape reader/punch station (1777) (cont'd) memory 1-1-5 mass memory installation 1I-2-47 procedures II-2-32 punch II-2-35 reader II-2-33 system unit assignments 111-2-1 Paper tape system installation COSY 1-3-2 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4-2 FORTRAN 2. OB 1-5-2 system initialization 1-1-13 MSOS 1-1-3, 16 Macro Assembler 1-2-2 System Checkout 1-6-2 System Configurator 1-7-5 Parameter, initialization time (MAXSEC) II-I-9 Parity error II-I-32; I1I-6-3 Phase, modification 1-4-25 Physical device table (PHYSTB) II-I-I, 10; II-2-1 1706 II-2-4 1711/1712/1713 11-2-39 1713 II-2-42, 43 1726-405 II-2-6 1728-430 II-2-10 1729-2 11-2-12 1731-601 II-2-25, 27 1732-608/609 II-2-29 1777 II-2-34,36 addresses II-l-ll, 25 defined 11-1-26 disk 11-2-15 format II-I-27 line printer 11- 2- 23 LOGIA 11-1-12 output message buffer II-3-13 Preset entry points table defined points table format 11-1-8 location II-I-9 rules 11-1-9 Preset table defined 11-1-5, 6 location in core II-'I-4 60282700 Pre-resident load initializer 111-7-27 Priority level II-I-7, 34 1711/1712/1713 II-2-39 1726-405 11-2-5, 6 1777 punch II-2-35, 36 1777 reader 11-2-33 assignment 11-1-7 drivers 11-2-20 EQU's II-I-I0 output message buffer package II-3-10 PHYSTB II-1-28 re-entrant FORTRAN II-3-5 software II-3-5 standard II-I-15 System Checkout 1-6-4 Printer, line see line printer Process program priority level II-I-18 Processor, job see job processor Program directory location II-I-4 entry point name assignment III-4-1 length, error III-6-2 library location II-I-4 library and directory location II-I-4 loading messages III-6-2 priority levels II-I-15 protect violation 11-6-3 SYSDAT 1-7-24 see also *L manual input for process mass memory resident process recovery restart SPACE unprotected utility Post-resident initializer III-7-27 loader table III-6-2 Protect processor 1-1-20 Protected core, error III-6-2 60282700 Protected routines 11-1-5 PRVL see priority level PSR's 1-1-2 PTIDRV III-7-27 Punch unit 1-4-21 see card or paper tape reader/punch Q8STP II-3-6 defined II-I-24 *R command 1-4-22 RDISP II-I-24; II-3-6, 8 re-entrant FORTRAN II-3-5 Reader see card or paper tape reader Reassignment devices 1-1-6, 19 System Configurator 1-7-25 Record standard, limitation 1-1-2 transfer 1-4-21 Recovery program error III-6-4 RECVTB use II-2-3 Re-entrant encode/dec ode routine II-3-7 EQU II-1-10 Re-entrant routines II-1-9, 10, 19 Re-entrant FORTRAN library package 1-7-1; II-1-3, 24; II-3-6 EQU II-1-10 FMASK II-3-5 priority level II-3-5 procedures II-3-5 Q8ST U-3-6 tape location III-7-23, 25 Relocatable binary loading module III-7-27 Index-15 Request message interpreter II-I-32 MSOS 1-1-3 masS resident program 1-1-27 priority 1-1-27 priority assignment III-7-3 processor II-1-34; II-3-3, 4 thread error III-6-3 user modules II-1-2; II-3-4 see system directory request 'I'M *N Requirements see hardware memory Reserve core 1-1-17 Residency parameter (1732-608/609) II-2-31 Response routines interrupt II-l-1 see interrupt response routine Restart (RESTRT) program II-l-1 defined II-I-34 in SPACE II-1-34 Rewind command 1-4-22 Routines see FNR interrupt response memory parity/protect fault timer RP III-6-1 RSl\I 1-1-2 Runaway diagnostic defined 1-5-1 RWBA II-2-1; II-2-27 RWBAB II-2-3 xS command 1-4-22 xS statement II-I-23; III-4-1 S13CON II-2-40 SC1774 autoload procedures II-I-6, 29 limitations II-2-32 Schedule (SCHDLE) request II-I-20, 21, 28; II-3-8 modifications II-3-5 Index-16 Scheduler (SCHSTK) stack II-I-I, 10 defined II-I-20 sample II-I-21 SCN command limitation 1-1-2 Scratch area location in memory U-1-4 macro assembler 1-2-3 reduce 1-1-17 Scratch device II-I-5 mass memory II-1-9, 11 sector number II-l-l SYSCOP 1-6-3 unit assignment 1II-2-2 Secondary processor (SECPRO) II-1-8 addition II-1-8 defined II-1-8 LOGlA II-1-13 1713 II-2-41 SECTOR location in memory II-I-4 output message buffer II-3-10 setting of 1-1-16, 17; II-I-9 Sector addressing II-l-1 available table U-I-4 BUFFER macro II-3-13 core image 1-1-25 number II-1-5 error III-6-1 in PHYSTB II-3-3 MAXSEC II-1-l SELCOP II-7-39, 40, 90 commands II-4-21, 22 load and call 1-4-19, 20 use 1-4-21, 23 Skeleton macro, DR1732 II-2-30 see definitions and skeletons SMR feature 1-1-1 installation 1-1-27 list III-7-27 on tape II-7-3 60282700 SNAPE II-I-6 SNAPI II-I-6 Software buffer package see output message buffer Software priority assignment of II-I-16 SPACE II-I-I, 12, 21, 22 1731-601, II-2-24 1732-608/609 II-2-31 defined II-I-34 request processor II-I-34 System Configurator 1-7-2 Special interrupt handler II-I-7 Special tables II-I-25 defined II-I-23 list II-I-I0 Stack, interrupt see interrupt stack Stack, scheduler see scheduler stack Standard system on tape III-7-3 STATISTICS 1-7-15 Status check (STCK) II-2-32 Status word II-I-31 Stop command 1-4-22 Storage, volatile see volatile storage Strings, external see external strings Surveillance, time out see time out surveillance Swap area II-I-4 Swapping, core see core swapping Symbolic names III-4-1 Symbolic table 1-2-2 SYSBUF II-I-I, 7; II-2-19 defined II-I-I0 disk II-2-15 location on tape III-7-3 SYSCOP I-6-2, 3, 4, 12, 13 schedule 1-6-13 SYSDAT program 1-7-24, 25 SYSSEG 1-6-2,4 60282700 System and buffer tables program see SYSBUF Sy stem Checkout corrections 1-6-1 deficiencies 1-6-2 hardware requirements 1-6-2 installation procedures 1-6-2 limitations 1-6-2 load after initialization 1-6-12 load during initialization 1-6-2 load example 1-6-14 memory requirements 1-6-2 printout examples 1-6-15 sample initialization typeout 1-6-6 tape structures III-7-132 user instructions 1-6-13 System Configurator core map of configured system 1-7-26 corrections 1-7-1 deficiencies 1-7-4 feature 1-7-1 hardware requirements I-7-5 installation procedures 1-7-5 install configured system 1-7-24 limitations 1-7-1 memory requirements 1-7-5 verification 1-7-15 tape contents III-7-134 tape, COSY III-7-148 tape structures III-7-133 System definitions and skeletons see definitions and skeletons System directory location in core II-I-4 ordinals 1-6-2; III-6-1 request failure II-I-26 System initialization card system 1-1-6 diagnostics II-I-4; III-6-1 execution card 1-1-9 load 1-1-6 magnetic tape system 1-1-9, 12 paper tape system 1-1-16 System library II-I-4 Index-17 System library macros see macros System maintenance routine see SMR System unit assignments III-2-2 Teletypewriter (1711/1712/1713) 11-1-2; 11-2-2 buffered 11-3-13 description II-2-38 mass memory II-2-47 procedure 11-2-38 requirement 11-2-38 Teletypewriter reader-punch driver (1713) 11-1-2; 11-2-2 convention 111-1-1 *T command 1-4-21 description 11-2-40 Tl - T30 11-3-4 initialization unit assignment 111-2-2 TABLE card 1-3-3 logical unit number 1-7-4 Table mass memory 11-2-47 procedure 11-2-40 EQUIVALENCE 1-5-1 special 11-1-1 requirements 11-2-40 symbol 1-2-2 system unit assignments 111-2-1 SYSBUF 11-1-10 Thrminator invalid I1I-6-1 see alternate device Thread, top of 11-1-11 com TlMACK defined 11-2-45, 46 diagnostic timer TIMCPS defined 11-2-45 FLIST Time of day routine request code 11-1-11 12 Time out surveillance INDEX 1711/1712/1713 11-2-39 interrupt mask 1777 punch 11-2-37 loader 1777 reader 11-2-34 disk II-2-17 logical unit drum 11-2-21 MASKT Timer 1-1-25; 1-7-1; 11-1-2; 11-2-2; 11-2-46 PHYSTB preset entry points frequency 11-1-11 TABLES program 11-1-7 installation II-2-45 interrupt 11-1-24, 33 TABSIZ card 1-3-3 TAPDRB 11-2-3 interrupt acknowledge EQU II-l-11 operating frequency II-2-45 Tapes priority level 11-1-16 see optional tapes program EQU 11-1-11 magnetic tapes RESTRT II-I-35 paper tapes routine 11-1-20, 21 Tape drivers parameter (1732-608/609) 11-2-31 special interrupt response routines II-I-8 Tape format, initialization 11-3-2 see diagnostic timer table Tape record size parameter (1732-608/609) 11-2-31 Timer package Teletypewriter 1713 11-2-41 as comment/list device 1-1-20 1726-405 II-2-6 entry point 1-1-18 line printer 11-2-23 EQU 11-1-11 Top of thread II-l-11 format of output limitation 1-1-2 Transfer address error 111-6-2 memory 1-1-5 Transfer command 1-4-21 return control to 111-4-1 Trap see interrupt trap region Index-18 60282700 *U statement II-4-1 Unbuffer 1726-405 II-2-7 1732-608/609 II-2-28, 31 Unit assignments III-2-1, 2 Unpatched externals 1-1-21 Unprotected core error III-6-4 location in memory II-I-4 Unprotected program II-I-5; III-6-3 levels reserved for II-I-24 PHYSTB II-I-31 User request II-I-3 add to MIPRO II-3-3 module addition II-3-4 User instruction System Checkout 1-6-13 User macros 1-2-7 utility program see SELCOP SMR *V statement III-4-1 VALERR II-2-37 Validation option II-2-37 VEHIFY 1-4-22 System Configurator 1-7-17 Verification COSY 1-3-3 FORTRAN 2. OA 1-4-27 Macro Assembler 1-2-9 MSOS 1-1-29 System Configurator 1-7-15 60282700 Verification data set program 1-7-17 VOLBLK II-l-l allocation II-I-19 defined 11-1-19 see volatile storage Volatile storage allocation II-I-19 defined 1I-1-19 overflow III-6-3 re-entrant routines II-I-I0 VRFCTN 1-1-29 on tape 1II-7-3 verification 1-1-29 XFR block I-4-22 *y statement 1II-6-1 *y system directory entry II-I-5 *YM statement II-I-5; 1II-6-1 entry names II-I-23 ordinals II-I-23 request priorities II-I-23 Index-19 COMMENT SHEET MANUAL TITLE_l_7_0_0_M_S_O_S_3_oO_In_s_t_a_ll_a_tl_·o_n_H_an_d_b_o_o_k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PUBLICATION NO. --'-6_0_28....;2_7_0-'0_ _ _ _ __ FROM: REVISION _ _ _ _ _ __ NAME: ____________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ COMMENTS: This form is not intended to be used as an order blank. Your evaluation of this manual will be welcomed by Control Data Corporation. 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