690 13128 001_Xenix_Dev_Sys_Prog_Ref_Guide_Jan1983 001 Xenix Dev Sys Prog Ref Guide Jan1983
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I, . COMPUTER SYSTEMS ALTOS 586 Computer System XENIX Development System Programmer's Reference Guide ( Part Number: 690-13128-001 January 1983 Altos is a registered trademark of Altos Computer Systems. XENIX is a trademark of Microsoft, Incorporated and is a l6-bi t mi cr ocomputer impl ementa tion of the UNIX operating system, version 7. UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories UNET is a trademark of 3Com Corporation The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Changes will be incorporated in new editions of the document as they are published. Copyright (e) 1913. All right. re.erved. Altos Co.pater By.te •• ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XERIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERERCH GUIDE TABLE OF CORTER'rS 1. IRTRODU CT ION USING THIS MANUAL 1-1 Purpose/Scope 1-1 Organization 1-1 OTHER DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE 1-4 Altos 586 Operator's Guide 1-4 Altos Introduction to Xenix Manual 1-4 Altos Business Solution 1-4 Bell Laboratories Manuals 1-4 Unix Programmer's Manual 1-4 Unix Reference Card 1-5 Commercially Available Books 1-6 2. INSTALLIBG XERIX DEVELOPMERT SYSTEM 3. UTILITY PROGRAMS REFUERCH GUIDE USEFUL UTILITIES 3-1 UNIX MANUAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS BSH(l) 3-6 CSH (1) 3-1121 DIGEST(l) 3-28 EDIT(l) 3-3121 EX(l) 3-33 FCOPY(l) 3-36 FORMAT (1) 3-37 FSCK(l) 3-38 LAYOUT (1) 3-41 LS(l) 3-43 MAIL(l) 3-47 MAP (1) 3-53 MULTIUSER (1) 3-54 PRINTENV(l) 3-55 PS(l) 3-56 RESET(l) 3-59 SIZEFS(l) 3-6121 TAR(l) 3-61 UA(l) 3-64 VI(l) 3-68 LOCKING(2) 3-69 RDCHK (2) 3-71 CURSES(3) 3-72 MENUS (5) 3-74 TERMCAP (5) 3-79 TTYTYPE(5) 3-87 i 2-1 3-3 AL'l'OS 586 COIlPUTER SYSTEM B. UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE 8886 ASSEMBLY LAICOAGE REFERENCE MANUAL XENIX Software Development Extract from Microsoft Manual I. 'tUTORIAL AND REFERENCE MATERIAL (UNIVERSI'l'Y OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY MARUALS) An Introduction to the C Shell An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi Quick Reference for Ex,Vi Ex Reference Manual Edit: A Tutorial Ex/Edit Command Summary (Version 2.0) Mail Reference Manual -ME Reference Manual Screen Updating and Cursor Movement Organization Screen Updating and Cursor Movement Organization: Package iii A Library ALms 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM Appendix B: UNIX PROGRAJUIER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Floppy Diskette Organization A brief reference describing how files are allocated on floppy diskettes. Appendix C. The Serial Line Printer and Spooler Information regarding the serial line printer and spooler, such as hardware connections required, configuring your system wi thout a printer, connecting more than one printer, and changing/setting band rates. Appendix D. List of Terminal Capabilities A data base listing special capabilities of all terminals supported by Altos XENIX. Appendix E. Numeric Formats, C, and Fortran 77 Reference information on the internal format used for numerical representation in these languages. Appendix F. Sample List of XENIX utilities A sample list of utilities furnished with your system. Appendix G. Copying files from the Altos 8600 to the Altos 586 under the XENIX operating system. A description on how to transfer files from an Altos 8600 to an Altos 586 computer system under the XENIX operating system, or between two 586 computer systems. It discusses the uucp (UNIX-to-UNIX copy) Facility. Appendix H. 8086 Assembly Language A description of the XENIX 8086 Assembly Language. Appendix I. Tutorial and Reference Material (University of California, Berkeley Manuals) Documentation describing UNIX modifications developed at the University of California, Berkeley. The material is supplied from the Regents of the University. 1-2 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTBII Appendix B: URIX PROGRAIUIBR' S RBFBRBRCB GOIDB Floppy Diskette Organization A brief reference describing how files are allocated on floppy diskettes. Appendix C. The Serial Line Printer and Spooler Information regarding the serial line printer and spooler, such as hardware connections required, configuring your system without a printer, connecting more than one printer, and changing/setting band rates. Appendix D. List of Terminal Capabilities A da ta base listing special capabil i ti es of all terminals supported by Altos XENIX. Appendix E. Numeric Formats, C, and Fortran 77 Reference information on the internal format used for numerical representation in these languages. Appendix F. Sample List of XENIX utilities A sample list of utilities furnished with your system. Appendix G. Copying files from the Altos 8600 to the Altos 586 under the XENIX operating system. A description on how to transfer files from an Altos 8600 to an Altos 586 computer system under the XENIX operating system, or between two 586 computer systems. It discusses the uucp (UNIX-to-UNIX copy) Facil i ty. Appendix H. 8086 Assembly Language A description of the XENIX 8086 Assembly Language. Appendix I. Tutorial and Reference Material (University of California, Berkeley Manuals) Documentation describing UNIX modifications developed at the University of California, Berkeley. The material is supplied from the Regents of the University. 1-2 ALms 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM XERIX PJlOGRAJIUIER' S RBFBRBRCE GOlDE information on Unix programming (C language). Volume 2B contains additional reference mater ial, and includes advanced topics and languages. For example, this volume includes information or supporting tools and languages such as~, which is a tool for writing compilers for other languages. It also includes information on system implementation and maintenance. ORIX Reference card A 36 page concise reference booklet, loosely bound in order to lie flat. It contains information on UNIX commands, documentation preparation, and C language functions. Co. .ercially Available Books There are numerous commercially available books on UNIX that explain it and give tutorial material. Two such books are: A User Guide to the UNIX System, by Thomas and Yates Using the ORIX System, by Richard Gauthier Two useful programming books related to UNIX are: ~e C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie. This book describes the C programming language, which is the language that the UNIX operating system is written in. It provides tutorials as well as a reference section. Software Tools, by Kernighan and Plauger. This books is a guide to good programming techniques and a source of proven, useful programs written in RatFor (Rational Fortan). The C language, which is designed for UNIX, provided the model for Rat For. Many of the tools described in this book are based on UNIX model s. 1-4 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAIUlBR' S RBFBRBHCE GUIDE information on Unix programming (C language). Volume 2B contains additional reference mater ial, and includes advanced topics and languages. For example, this volume includes information or supporting tools and languages such as~, which is a tool for writing compilers for other languages. It also includes information on system implementation and maintenance. UNIX Reference card A 36 page concise reference booklet, loosely bound in order to lie flat. It contains information on UNIX commands, documentation preparation, and C language functions. Co.mercially Available Books There are numerous commercially available books on UNIX that explain it and give tutorial material. Two such books are: A User Guide to the UNIX System, by Thomas and Yates Using the UNIX System, by Richard Gauthier Two useful programming books related to UNIX are: ~e C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie. This book describes the C programming language, which is the language that the UNIX operating system is written in. It provides tutorials as well as a reference section. Software Tools, by Kernighan and Plauger. This books is a guide to good programming techniques and a source of proven, useful programs written in Rat For (Rational Fortan). The C language, which is designed for UNIX, provided the model for Rat For. Many of the tools described in this book are based on UNIX models. 1-4 ALms 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGR.AMIIER' S REFERENCE GUIDB Section 2 IRSTALLIBG UNIX DEVELOPMENT SYSTBM To install the Xenix Development System on your Altos 586 Computer System, you should: 1. Install the Xenix Run-Time System by following the instructions in the Altos Introduction to Xeniz Manoal. Do not shut the system down. If you interrupt the installation procedure for some reason, or your system was shut down by a power failure or system crash, see the Resuming Interrupted Installation section in the Altos Introduction to XENIX Manual. 2. Make sure you are logged as super-user (root). 3. Enter cd /This command causes the system to go to the top directory (or parent directory) of the XENIX system. 4. Insert the diskette labeled nXenix Utilities #2 of n,n where nn n is the total number of utili ty diskettes. Enter tar xv This command causes the directories and files on the utility diskette to be loaded onto the XENIX system. For information on the ~~~ utility, see the section SAVING AND RESTORING FILES in the Altos Introduction to XBNIX Manual or under the entries for Tar(l}, DD(2}, Dump (I) and Restore (I) in the UNIX Programmer's Manual. 5. Repeat step 4 for each utility diskette. 6. When you have loaded all of the utility diskettes, enter install 7. To load the C compiler onto the XENIX system, you should: Insert the diskette labeled nC Compiler. n Enter tar xv Enter 2-1 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE install You have just loaded the C Compiler. 8. If you wish to load the UNIX Fortran compiler, you should: Insert the diskette labeled "F77." Enter cd /tap Enter install You have just loaded the UNIX Fortran compiler. 9. If the prior steps were successful, System is correctly installed. your XENIX Development If you purchased Altos communication network services, refer to the Altos 586 UNET User Guide for information on how to install the communication network services. If you purchased the ASS package or other Altos application packages, refer to the Altos XENIX Application Software User Guide for information on how to install the ABS-586 Menu Shell and application programs. If you wish to start a XENIX up, see the "Start-Up XENIX" section of the Altos Introduction to XENIX Manual. If the system has not been shutdown, skip steps 2 and 3. If you don't plan on using your XENIX system at this time, you can shut the system down by entering: # etc/haltsys ** Normal System Shutdown ** 2-2 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XDIX PROGRAIIIIER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Section 3 UTILITY PROGRAMS REFERENCE GUIDE USEFUL UTILITIES Table 3-1 lists some useful utilities that are supplied with the Altos implementation of XENIX. This list is not intended to be complete, but merely a summary of those utilities you will find useful in getting started with XENIX. A complete listing and description for all utilities may be found in the UNIX Programmer's Manual, Volume 1. You may list the full set of utilities supplied with any particular release of XENIX by displaying the contents of the /bin, /usr/bin, and /etc directories. Appendix F contains a sample list of utilities. The Altos implementation of XENIX provides some utilities which differ from standard UNIX, and also some new utilities from various sources. This section documents the changed and new utilities, as "UNIX Manual Changes and Additions." The material supplied in this section may be kept in this supplement or inserted in the UNIX Programmer's Manual, as desired. In the follow ing pages, "UNIX Manual Changes and Addi tions," many useful utilities are documented. See Table 3-2 for a quick reference to these utilities. Note in particular: format, fcopy, multiuser, and ~, and the new version of~. The Business Shell, ~, has two accompanying utilities, menus and digest. See also the APPENDIX I for reference and tutorial material on the University of California, Berkeley utilities, such as the screen editior ~. 3-1 ALTOS 586 COKPOTER SYSTEII Table 3-1 XBBIX PROGRAIUIER' S REFERENCE GUIDE A List of Useful Utilities for Getting Started UTILITY DESCRIPTION ar Object library manager and archiver as XENIX 8086 relocatable assembler cat Display a file cc "C" compil er cd Change directory. Changes your current position in the File System hierarchy. chmod Change mode. Changes file protection attributes chown Change file ownership cmp Compare two files cp Copy a file diff Display the differences between two files ed The standard UNIX editor ld XENIX linkage editor Is List. Displays the contents of the current directory mkdir Make a new directory mv Move. Renames files and directories od Displays an octal dump of a file ps Display system status pwd Print working directory. Displays current position in the directory hierarchy rm Remove. rmdir Delete a directory stty Set terminal options, such as baud rate tar File system archiver. dumps and restores Deletes a file 3-2 May be used for file system AL'l'OS 586 COIlPU-nR SYSTEM XBRIX PROGRAIUIER' S REPERENCE GUIDE UNIX IIAlItJAL CllAlGES ARD ADDITIORS The material in this section may remain in this supplement or be inserted in Sections 1 through 5 of Volume 1 of the UNIX Prograamer's Kanual, as you wish. If you insert these documents into the manual, place them in the sections corresponding to the number in parentheses after the utility name. (Entries within sections are in alphabetic order.) Some of the utilities are enhancements or variations of existing Bell Laboratories UNIX utilities. Others are completely new. The origin of each utility is specified (in abbreviated form) in column 2 of Table 3-2. Utilities labelled "(altos)" are provided by Altos Computer Systems. Utilities labelled "(bell)" were developed by Bell Laboratories after their current manual was published. Utilities labelled "(msoft)" were developed by Microsoft, Inc. Utilities labelled "(uofcb)" were developed at the University of California, Berkeley. They are supplied under license from the Regents of the University. Table 3-2. List of UNIX Kanual Changes and Additions UTILITY SOURCE bsh (1) (al tos) Business Shell. A menu-driven user system with special guidance and convenience features. It enables you to access the more commonly used UNIX utilities via menus. csh (uofcb) A shell (command interpreter) with Clike syntax. digest (1) (altos) Create menu systems for the Business Shell. edi t (uofcb) Text editor (variant of the ex editor for new or casual users). ex (1) (uof cb) Text editor. fcopy (1) (al tos) Copy a floppy diskette, while in XENIX. (1) (1) DESCRIPTION 3-3 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Table 3-2. List of UNIX Kanual Changes and Additions (cont.) UTILITY SOURCE format (1) (altos) Format a floppy diskette, XENIX. fsck (1) (bell) File system consistency check and interactive r epai r. layout (1) (altos) Configure a hard disk. Is (1) (uofcb) List contents of directory (uof cb) Send and receive mail. (The U.C.B. "Mail" utility goes in front of, and makes use of, the Bell Labs "mail" utility. The names of the two utilities are distinguished by whether the first letter is capitalized or lower case.) map (1) (altos) Create an alternate sector map for a hard di sk dr i vee multiuser(l) (altos) Bring the system up multiuser. pr intenv (1) (uofcb) Print out the environment. ps (1) (uof cb) Processor status. reset(l) (uofcb) Reset the terminal predef ined sta tee sizefs (1) (al tos) Determine the size of a logical device from the layout informa tion associated with a hard disk. tar (1) (bell) Tape or floppy archiver. restores hard disk files. ua(l) (altos) User administration. Adds and deletes user accounts on the system. vi (1) (uofcb) Screen oriented (visual) display editor. locking(2) (msof t) Lock or unlock a record of a file. rdchk (2) (msoft) Check if there is data to be read. Mail (1) DESCRIPTION 3-4 status while in bits Dumps to a and ALTOS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTEM XERIX PllOGR.AMIIBR· S REFERENCE GUIDE Table 3.2 List of UNIX Manual Changes and Additions (Cont.) UTILITY SOURCE cur ses (3) (uofcb) Screen functions with "optional" cursor motion. (Has window capability.) men us (5) (altos) Develop menus for Business Shell. termcap (5) (uofcb) Data base which defines cursor-control sequences for most commonly used CRTs. It is used by most "screen oriented" software, such as the Altos shell and visual screen editor, xi. ttytype (5) (altos) Data base for defining terminal type associated with each 586 serial port. DESCRIPTION 3-5 BSB(l) NAME UNIX (BSB Version 1.') 8SB(1) bsh -- Altos Computer Systems Business Shell SYNOPSIS ~ [ -~ ] [ menusystem ] DESCRIPTION .aah is a menu-dr i ven command language interpr eter. It may be installed as the "login shell" in the password file, or it may be invoked directly by the user. The command is implemented using the termcap and curses facilities from UC Berkeley. It must be run from a terminal which is defined within /etc/termcap. This command should only be run interactively. A user's terminal may be left in a very strange state if ~ is run in the background. In the options described below, either "return" performs the newline function. "line feed" or Options -L Start ~ in "fast" mode. In this mode, a prompt whose first letter is a lower-case alphabetic or numeric character is executed immediately when the first letter is typed. The system does not wait for a terminating newline. Prompts whose first letter is upper-case alphabetic wait for a terminating newline before executing the requested actions. Fast mode is the default initial mode, if not over-ridden by the command line or the BSHINIT variable (see below). The current mode may be changed during execution through use of the "?mode" command (described below). -h displays a short help message describing how to invoke .bRll. -z. displays a one-line descriptive summary of the syntax used to invoke ~. -~ Start ~ in "slow" mode. In this mode, all prompts must be terminated by newline before execution occurs. The current mode may be changed during execution through use of the -?mode" command (described below). A menu system may be specified if desired. In this case, utilizes the designated menu system instead of the defaul tone (jetc/menusys.bin). Prior to use by .bRh a menu system must be "digested" using the digest(l) utility. If the specified menu system does not exist or if it is not read-accessible, ~ issues an error message and terminates. ~ BSB(l) UNIX (BSB Version 1.1) BSB(l) How to create a new menu system and how to update or modify an existing menu system is described in menus(S). Commands prompts Typing any of the prompts on the current menu screen immediately causes the actions associated with the prompt to be executed. It is the responsibility of the menu designer to ensure that reasonable actions exist for each prompt. Selecting a prompt with no associated action causes an error message to be displayed. An action may be anyone of the following: > Go to a specified menu > Execute a sh(l) script > Execute a bsh internal command (e. g. chdir (1) ) menuname Typing the name of a menu causes it to immediately become the current menu. If the menuname is misspelled, or if it does not exist in the current menu system, an error message is displayed. newline Typing a newline causes the immediately preceding menu to become the current one. If there is no previous menu, an error message is displayed. ~ does not distinguish between Rline feed R and Rreturn R -- both generate a newline. ? Typing a question mark (?) causes the RhelpR menu associated with the current menu to be displayed. Help menus are no different from normal menus (except, perhaps, in the type of information they contain). When the current menu is named RxyzR, typing a question mark is entirely equivalent to typing ·xyz?" ?? Typing a pair of question marks (??) causes the ~ system help information to be displayed. It contains much the same information as is presented here. menuname? Typing the name of a menu followed by question mark causes the designated help menu to become the current one. manual page?? Typing the name of an entry in the Unix manual followed by two question marks causes the designated manual page to be displayed. Thus, to see the entry for ~ one ORIX (BSH Version 1.1) 8SH(1) may type "bsh??" typing "lman bsh." BSH(l) This is precisely equivalent to 1command The exclamation point (1) allows the user to "escape" to the standard shell (sh(l». The command must follow the usual rules as described in the shell documentation. In particular, the command may consist of a sequence of shell commands separated by semicolons -thus several actions may be invoked. If the command is absent, shell is invoked as a sub-shell with no arguments. In this case, ~ will be resumed as soon as the sub-shell terminates. (Usually, this is accomp1 i shed by sending the sub- shell an end-of-f il e. Endof-file is Control-d on most terminals.) You may escape to the Berkeley C shell (csh(l» by typing "lcsh." ?index This special command causes ~ to display its internal "index" for the current menu system. The index contains the names of every accessible menu. ?mode This special command allows the user to change from "slow" mode to "fast" mode and vice versa. The user is asked if he wishes to change to the alternate mode. If your response begins with "y" or "Y", the change is made, otherwise the current mode remains in effect. interrupt will immediately return to the top-level command interpreter upon receipt of an interrupt signal. Such a signal is usually generated via the DEL, RUBOUT or BREAK key. li.Q.b backspace understands the Backspace function (as obtained from /etc/termcap). li.Q.b CANcel .a.ab interprets the CANcel key to mean "restart input." The CANcel key is Control-x on many of the more popular terminals. ESCape Typing an ESCape has the same effect as does typing CANcel. DC2 If the screen becomes "dirty" for some reason, you can force bRh to clear it and redisplay the current contents by transmitting an ASCII "DC2." This is Control-r on most of the currently popular terminals. q Typing a "q", "0· or ·Ouit" all have the same effect: 3-8 BS8(1) UNIX (BS8 Version 1.') BS8(1) Ub. is terminated. If Ub. is your login shell, "quit" also results in your being logged out. Environment BSHINIT The BSHINIT environment variable contains the initial value of the default mode ("fast" or "slow"). If this variable does not exist in the environment, ~ assumes "fast" mode. BSHINIT should be set by inserting the line BSHINIT="fast" or BSHINIT="slow" into your .prof ile file. Note that even if bRb is designated as the "login shell" in /etc/passwd, your .profile file will be interpreted correctly. (See login(l) and sh(l).) In particular, any overriding definitions you may have for the kill and erase characters will be correctly interpreted by .b.Qb. FILES -/.profile /etc/menusys.bin /etc/passwd /etc/termcap /usr/lib/bsh.messages contains commands to be executed during login(l) default menu system used by bsh used to define a user's login name, password, horne directory, shell, etc. contains terminal attribute descriptions system warning and error messages SEE ALSO digest(IM), login(l), menus(5), sh(l), termcap(5) DIAGNOSTICS The diagnostics produced by explanatory. ~ are intended to be self- BUGS probably should never allow itself to be run in the background. ~ BRb should detect the fact that the current terminal is not defined in /etc/termcap and abort gracefully. 3-9 CSH(l ) CSH (1) cm - a shell (command int.arpretar) With C-llke syntax SYlfePSlS nh ( -eef1nst.,VzX] [ arl .•. ] DESClUP'l'ICK Osh 11 a command la~uaie interpret.er. It belW by execut1nC commands from the me •.cshM:' ill the Mf7U cUreclory of the invoker, It t.h.t3 11 a 10&11'1 shell then It also executes commands trom the me ·.login' there, In the normal case. the shell Will then begin readq commancb trom the terminal. prompt.!ni With "~ " Process1n& ot ar.uments and the use of tha .hell to process mls contai.nlll.i command scripts will bl described lataI'. Tba· shell then repeat.edly performs the tolloW1ni actions: a Une of command input 18 read and broken int.o UIOnLs. This .equence ot words is placed on the command hist.ory list and then parsed., Finally each command in the current. Une 11 Ixecuted. ' nen a 10l1n Ihell terminat.e.it Ixecutls commands from the me ·.lOl0ut· in the use" Qoc:.e cUrect.cry. Lezlcal 8t.:uctmw The .hell IpUta input Une. 1Dt.c word. at blanks and tabs W'1th the tollo'tt'ini 8xcept.1ons. The charact.e" 'ac' .<' '>' '(' ')' form .eparat.e words. If lioubled. 1D ·ac.·. ·t I'. '« or '»' these pain form line!e words. These parser cetacharact.ers may be mada part. ot other words, or prevent.ad their 'Pecial meanmal by prececi1na tham wtt.b. ·V. A. new111'1e preceded. by a 'V 1. equiftlent to a blank. . In add.1UoJ:l .tr1n&1 enclosed 1D matchec! pain of quotaUoas, .... , .... or '-1 form paru ot a word.: met.acharact.e" in these strings. 1DclucUnc blanks and tabs. do Dot torm leparate words. These quot.aUoc.s have .emanUcs t.o be described sub.equently. Wit.hi:1 pairs ot •• or .- characters a DewUne preceded by a '" gives a true n8,,111'1e character. nen the sheU's input 11 Dot a terminal. the character ." introduces & comment wbic!1 continues t.o the end of the input Une. It. 111 prevented Ws speci4l mee.n.i.l:.i -heD preceded by'" and in quotaltom usmc .W . . . . . and. '-. 'r ';' ~mman&U A limple :ommand 11 a sequence ot word.s, the ~st of which spec~es the command to be .xecuteet. A simple comm&1'1d or a sequence of simple comcancis ..paratad by characters torms a pipeline. The ~uti'ut of .ach command in a pipeUna 111 connected ~ the 1Dput of the next. 'Sequence. of pipeUnes may be Nparatad by';'. aDd are then executed .equenUaUy. A .equence of pipelines may be .xecuted Without waitinl ~or 1t to terminate by toUowinC 1t WiCl an . k', Such a .equance 18 aui.omaUcally prevent.ed from beq terminated by & Qalliup lienal; the ftOhup command need not be used.. /my of the above may be placac! in '{' .). to torm a s1mple comc&1'1cl (wmcn cay be a compone%1t of a pipel1ne, etc.) It. 11 &.lso possible t.o separate pipelines Wit!l '11' or 'ac&' Lndlcat1n&. as 1D the C laZliuaiel that. the .econd 1II'to be executeci cm1y 11 the &-st tails or .ucce.ds respectively. (See Ezpf-UNft.s.) 'r ~bst1tuUcma 1/11/81 3-l0 1 CSH (l) CSH (1) We now describe the vuious transformations the .hell performs on the input in the order in which they occur. History subsUtutiol18 Hutory substitutions can be useci to reintrociuce sequences of word3 trom preVl~us comma..tlcis. possibly performing woci~cations on these word3. Thus !:Ustory Nbstitutions proVide a &eneral.izauon of a " @ tunction. History substitutions be,in With the character '!' and may begin anywhere ill the input stream it a history substitution is not alrfJady in prt)gress. This '!' may be preceded by an '\' to prevent 1t.3 special mean.iJli: a '!' is passed unch.anged. when it is rollowed by a blank. tab. newline. '=' or '('. Hutory substitutions also occur when an input line beiins With 'f'. This Ipecial abbreViation will be described later. Azly 1nput Une which contains history substitUtion 13 echoed 00 the ter:mc.al betor. 1t is executed as it. cowd tave been typed Without history substitution. Commands input tram the t.arminal which conaist of one or mo" wortis are savel:! on the history Ust. the lize of which is controlled by the h:i:Jtary variable. The previous command ia always reta.i.c.ed. Commands are numbered .equent1ally trom 1. For dewten.ss. conaider t.ha tolloW'il1& output trom the history command: 9 write michael 10 ex write.c 11 cat oldwrtta.c 12 cW! -wnta.c The commands are Ihcwu wtt.h their eveot numben. It ia not usually necessary to usa ..... nt numben. but the current event. number can be mad.e part ot the prompt by placill& an '!" in the prompt "~~. '1fith the c~nt. event 13 we can refer to previOUS events by event number '!l1', relatively as 11:1 '!-2" (re!err.na to t.he same event). by a predx of a comc"cd woMi U in '!d' tor event 12 or '!'" tor event 9, or by a rtri%ll containeci in a word in the command as in '!1mic?" also reterrin& to ..... nt 9. These torms. wtt.hout . turther mo~catioD. limply reintroduce the words of the Ipec~ed eventa. each separated by a s1n&le blank. As a special cue 'II" reters to the preVious command: thus '!!' alooe 1a essentially a redo. The torm "I" reterences the C1J1""1~nt command (the one bein& typed in). It allow, a word to be selected !rom further lett in the Une. to avoid retypill.i a loCi l:Wlle, u in '!1:1'. To select words tram an "ent we can foUoW' the eftol fl)ec~cs.tion by a ':' and a desi&!1Ator tor the desired words. The words of a input Une are numbered ~om O. the ~t (usually command) word beiC& O. the second word (4rst ari~ent) betna 1, etc. The basic word desi&!1Aton an: o ant (command) word " ,,'th ar&ument f Orst ariument. Le. '1' I last ariument _ ~ woMi mat.ched by (immedialaly ?recec:i1nc) 7.? .earch·· :r-y ~,e of worda -V abbreviates 'O-Y' • abbreViates' or l1ot.hi%:l.& it only 1. word in rrent. •• abbre91&tas ':r-I" '-I" I 1/18/81 3-11 2 CSH(1) CSE (!) aUke '~.' but omit.tin& word'S' The ":' .eparaUni the event speci~cation t%'1)m the word desianater can be omitt..ed if the argument selector beiins With a ',' 'S', ' .. '-' or ':;'. Att.er the optional word desianator can be placed a sectuence 01 modi~ers. lach preceded by II. ':'. The tollOWina modi~erl are de~ed.: h '. . Remove a t.raillna patbname component. leaVini the head. I' Remove a tra.ilil:1& '.:ax' component. leaV'1n& t.he root name. s/' /.,. I Substit.ute I tor .,. t. Remove allieadina patbname componenu. leaVina the tail. Ie Repeat the preVious substitution. I Apply the chanie ilobaUy, predxina the above. e·i, 'i.!t', p Print the new command but do not Ixecute it. q Quote t.he substit.uted word.s. prevenUni further substit.utions. x Like q, but. break int.o word.s at. blanks, tabs and newlines. Unless preceded by a ',' the mod~cation 15 appUed only to the tlrst mo~ble word.. In 1ZJ.1 case 11. 1.1 an error tor na word t.o be appUcable. The lett hand lide of lubstitutions are nat. re,ular expressions in the lense of the editors. but rat.her It.rin&S. Ar1y charact.er may be used as the delimit.er in place at '/'; quot.es the delimit.er into the land,. It.rin&S. The character '&' in the ri&ht. hand lide 1s replaced by t.he text. from the lett.. A'" ctuotes '&' also. A nullC uses the preVious st.rin& either trom a I or trom a contextual scan Itri1:1g • in '!?s "!'. The trailln& delimit.er in the substitution may be omitted. if a newline folloW's immecUat.ely as may the trllilln& '" in a cont.extual ICan. A history reterence may be linn without an Ivent. Ipec~cation. •. i. '!S'. In this case the reterence 1.1 to the preVious command \U1less a previous history rete~ ence occurred on the lame line in which case this form repeats the previous reterence. Thus '!?foo?'t !S' lives the tlrst. md last &ra'lCenU from the command matcl::W:1& '?foo"!'. A Jl)ecial abbreviation 01 a hist.ory reterence occurs when the tlrst nen-blank character of IZJ. input. line is a"'. This 15 lquivalent. to '!:s,' providin& a convenient shorthand for substit.utions on the text. ot the preViOUS Une. Thus "lb1'lib' ~es the speUini at "Ub' in the previous commlZJ.d. F1nally, a history IUbstitution may be surrounded wtth 't' mel 'I' if necessary t.o insulat.e it. trom the characters whi.:-:h folloy. Thus, atter "ts -ld -paw' we mi&ht do '!U~a.' to clo 'ts -ld. -paula.' , while 'lla' would look for a comma.nr1 sta.rt1ni 'la'. QuotaUoa. with • md. • The quotat.ion of ItrinlS by ,.e and ,- can be uaeel to prevent. all or lome ot the rema.illinl substitutions. StJ1n&s enclo.eel in ,.. an prevent.ed any further interpret.ation. St.rin&s Inclo.ed. 1Zl ,- are yet n.riable and. command Ixpanded as describeel below. In both case. the nsult1n.l text becomes (all 01' part of) a siD.lie word: only in one speCial ca.e (lee CommAnd Substililioft. b.loW') doe. a ,- quoled Itrlni lle!d parU ot more than ODe wor~: ,. quot..d Itrinis never do. AU•• IUbsUtuUQIl The shell maint.ains a ll.It. at aliase. winch can be estabUshed. displayed and mod~ed by U1e ~it:.r and. un.alia.. command•. Atter a command Une is Ica.cne:i. 1t. t. j)&rSed int.o distinct commands and. the ~st word at each command. lett-t.orilht. is checkeel to .e. if it. hu an all... If 1t. 40e.. then the text. wilic!l i. tJ:le I a'" 1/18/81 3-ld. CSE(:) lJNlX ?rcgrammer's Manual CSH(:) alias tor that command i.s reread With tbe history mechanism available as though that command. were the preVious input line. The ruulting words repiace the command and ariument list. It no reference 13 mad.e to the history ~t. then the argument list ls lett unchanged.. Thus it tbe alias tor 'ts' 13 'Is -1' the command 'ts lusr' would map t.o ·ts -1 Ius:,,'. the argument tist bere being ~ndistur!:)ed. Similarly l! the alias tor 'lookup' was ',rep !, /ete/passwd' then '!OO!Np bill' would map to 'iTsP bill letc/puswc1·. ·It an allas is tound. the word. transtormation of the input. text. is performed and the aliasill& process begins again on the reformed input line. Looping is prevented it tbe dnt word of tbe new text is the same as the old. by ~aUing It. t.o prev~nt further aliasing. Other loops are detect.ed and cause an errer. Note tbat the mechanism llIows aliases to introduce parser metasyntu. Thus we can 'alias print 'pr \1- Ilpr'" to make a command whichp""s iU uguments to th, u.ne printer. Variable subsUtutioll The sheU maintaiIW a .et of Variables. each of which has as value a list of zere or more words. Some of these ftl1ables are .et by the shell or referred to by it. For instance. the tI2'V'J 98riable is an image at the sheU's ugument. list. and words ot this vaMabLe', value are referred to 1n special ways. The values of Variables may be displayea ana chanaea by using the ut and U1l.Tat commands. or the 98riables reterred to by the shell a number are toggles: the sheU does not can what their value is. only whether they are .et or not. For instance. the \/wbos . . .riable t. a t.oggle which causes command input to be echoed.. The settlni of this variable results tram the ... command Une option. C+..her operations treat. 'Yariablll numerically. The '0' ~ommand permit.! numeric calc~ations to be performed and the result assigned to a va.nable. VariabLe values are. however, always "presented as (zero or more) st.rln.gs. For the purposes ot numeric operations. the null .trilli 1s conSidered t.o be zero. and the lecond and lubsequent WOrdl at mulUword values are linored. AA~ar the input 11ne t. aliased and parsed. and betore each command is executed. variable substitUtion 13 performed keyed by 'S' characters. Tl::Us expanlion can be prevented by precedilli the'S' With a '\' except. within ..... wb.er. it alw.y. occun. aDd wtt.h.in .... where 1t. l1e".r occurs. Slrill&S quoted by·... are tntef1lreted later (lee Q)m.m4M $"Ubstitu.ti.tm below) .0 'S- lubstitution does not occur there until later. II at all. A 'S' t. passed unch&llied i! toUowed by a blank. tab. or end~t-!ina. Input/output redirections are reco,lli:ed betore variable expansion. and ue variable expanded separately. Otherwise. the command name and entire ariument list are expanded to,.ther. It Is thus poslible tor the ~ (command.) word to this point. to ,enerata more than one WOM!. the drst of which becomes the command l:1ame. and t.ha rest of wbich become arguments. Onless enclosed In .- or pen the ":'1' mo~r the result.. of variable substitution may eventually be command and menama subsUt.uted. 1rith1n·- a 98riable whose ?alue consists of multiple words expands t.o a (portion at) a liJ:I.ile word. With the words ot Ule 98riables value separated by blanks. When the '::tt' modit:.er 11 ap~!1ed to a substitution the variable wtll expand to multiple wortis wtth eacb. word .e;>arated by a blank and quoted to prevent latar command or 11lencme IUbst1tuuon. 1/18/81 3-l~ CSH(1 ) CSH (1) The followtni metaseq,ulncn ue proVided for introduc~ variable v&lues into thlr shell input. Except as noted. it. is an error to reference a variable whlc!l lS net let.. Iname Ilnamei Are replaced by the words of the value of Variable fta.m.a. each sepuated by a blank. Braces insulat.. nama trom folloWilli characten which woula otherwise be part of it.. Sbell varia.bles havI cames consisting of up to 20 letters, diiitS. and und,rlcores. Il n.tmU Is not a shell variable, but is set 1n the .n~nment. then that value is returned (but: moclitlers and the other forms .iven below ue not available in this case). Iname( selectDr] Itname (selector] I liay be used to .elect ocl.y lome of the words tr'tIm the value of ncm.8. The .elector 11 subjectad tD 'S' lubstitution and may consist of a sillile number or two cumbers separated by a '-'. The drst word of a variables value is numbered '1'. Il the drst number ot a r&1l.i1 is omitted it aefaults tD '1'. l! the last member ot a raJlil 11 omitted it. default5 to ·Slname'. The selecter ' ... elecU all words. It is IlOt an error for a Z"az:l.i8 t.o be empty if the second argument is emitted or in rallie. Iiname Itlnamei Give. the cumber of word. in. the variable. This 1. u.seful for later use in. Ii '(.electDr]' . so SubstItutes the lWDe of the me from which commanc! input is being raad. An error occurs if the :!.ame 11 not. known. Inumber Ilnumberi Eq,uivalent t.o 'Iarrtnumber),. Eq,uiValent to 'Sarr{·]'. The moditlen ':h', ':t', ':r', ':q' and ':r may be applied to the substitutions above u may ':,ll', ':gt' and ':&1"'. If braces T T appear in the ccc.:nand form then the moditlen must appear Within the braces. The CUlT1tDt lmplementatioD allows oaly one ':' mocw'er em each ',. npanmcm. Tha follow1n& substitut1oD.l may not. be mod~ed With ':' mo~n. I?name I(?namei Substitute. the .trmc '1' if name is I.t.. '0' if it 11 not. Sublrtitut•• '1' if the current input dleoame 1Ilclaw. '0' if 1t 1JI net. IS Substitute the (decimal) pr'1)cess cumber ot the (parent) shell. ~mmand and mename .ubsUtuUaa. 1/18/81 3-1~ CSH(l) UNIX Programmer's Ma.nual CSH (1) The rema.ulllli substitutions. command and tnename substitution. are applied lelectively t.o the ariument.! of builtin commands. This means that portions ot eJq)ressions Which are not. evaluated are not subjected to these expansions. For commands which are not 1.nt.ernal t.o the shell. t.he command came is substltuted 'separately from the argument. tist. This occurs very late. atter iJlput.-OU~?~t ,redirection is performed. and 1.n a child of the mam sb.ell. 'Command SUbstitution Command substitution 18 indicated by a command enclosed 1:1 ..... The output from such a command is normally broken into separate words at blanks. tAbs and newlines, with null words being discarded. this t.ext then replaciIli the or",lnal st.rilli. Wit.hin ...... oaly newl.1.nes force new words: blanks and tabs are preserved. In any case. the siIlile ~al newline does not toree a new word. Note that it is thus possible tor a command substitution to yield oaly part of a word. even it the command outputs a complete Una. nIename substit.ution If a word contains any of the characters .... '1'. T or T or begins With the character '-', then that. word 13 a candidate for dlename substitution. also mown as ·,lobbilll·. This word. is then regarded as a pattern. an.d. replaced With an alp:abetical!y sorted. list ot ale names which match the pattern. In a Ust of words specifY'ini aIename substitUtion it is an error for no pattern l:) match an eXistq dle name, but it 1s not. required for each pattern to match. Only t.l::I.e meucharacters 'e', '" an.cl ,(, imply pattern matcl:.ina, the characters '-' and T beilli :nore akin to abbre11ations. In matc!m1i aIenames, the character ': at the begiening of a aIename or immeeliately followin.& a •I'. as well as the character' I' must be :natched explicitly. The character 'e' matches any It.rin.& of characters, includ.1.n.i the null It.r'illi. '!'he char3.cter '1' matches any ,qle character. The sequence ,[ ... ], matches anyone of the characters enclosed. Within '[ ... ]'. a pair ot characters separated by '-' matches any character lexically between the two. The character ..... at the bea1nefn, of a mename is used to M!fer to home directones. Stand.1ni alona. Le. •...' it expands to th. invokers home directory as retieetad in. the value ot the Variable hom... When i~llowed. by a name consistilli ot letters, d.1g1ts and '-' characters the shell learch~s tor a user with that name and. substitutes their home directcrr. thus '-ken' aught expand. to •lusr Iken' and '-ken/cbmach' to '/usr/ken/cbmach'. If the character '-' is tollowed by & character other than a leu..r or' I" or appian not at the be,;nnini of a word. it t. lett undisturbed. Th. metanotation '~b,c.d.fe' 1a a shorthand tor 'abe ace ade'. Left to ri&ht order La preserved, With results of matches beq lorted separately at a low level to preserre this order. This construct may be nested. Thus '~uree/sl/toldls,ls(.c' expands to '/usrlsouree/sl/01dls.c lusr/source/sl/la.c' whether or DOt these mes exist Without any chane\! ot error if tha hom. directory for ',ouree' t. ' lusr Isouree'.: Similariy ' .. /tmemo. ebox(" miCht expand. to •.. /memo ..Ibox ..Imbox'. (Note that ':naco' was not sorted With the results of matcllillg 'ebox'.) .u a special cue T, T and 'B' are passed undinurbed. 1/18/81 3-15 e CSH(1 ) UNlX Proirammer' s Manual CSH (1) Input/output. The standan! input and Itandar1'i output of a command may b. redinctad Wit.!:. the toll Qwil:l& syntax: name >f name llame >. >.'DAme The tne ft4m. is used as standard output. If the dle does l10t eXist then it i. created: if the tne exiSts. it.. is truncated. it. preVious cont.ents beirli lost. If the variable ftOcLabb..,. is set. then the tne must not. exist or be a character special tne (e.i. a terminal or ·/de..,/null') or an error resulu. TIlls helps pre..,ent accidental destruction of tnes. In this CU8 the '!' forms can be used. and. suppress un. check. The torms invol?lni •k' route the diainostic output into the specifted me as ."ell as the standard output. Na.tf'IA is expanded in the same way as <' input tnenames are. » name ».llame »fname ».!name • Uses me name as standar.! output Uke '>' bu.t. places output at the end. of the me. If the variable nDclabbw 1.1 nt. then it is an error tor the me IlOt. to eX1lt. unlesl one of the '!' torma 1.1 ,1..,.n. Otherwise s1mi1ar to '>'. If a command ia run detached (foUowed by 'Ie') then the default. standard 1llput lor the command. 1.1 the empt.y tne '/de..,/null". Otherwise the command recei..,es the enVirocment. in which the theU was in..,oked u modiAed by the input-output parameters and the presence of the command in a pipeUne. Thus. unlike some preViOUS the~. commands run from a me ot sheU commancis b.&ve 110 aceess to the text. ot the commands by default.; rather they receive the oriiir1al stanciard 1D;>u.t. ot the Ihell. The' <<' meehamsm should be used to present. 1nllne ciata.. This permits shell command scripts to function as component. ot j)ipelines ana allows the Ihell to block r.ad it. input. . Diagnostic; output may be directed t.hrouah a pipe With the Itanda.rd output.. Simply use the form 'Ilk' rather t.!1an Just 'r· 0 1/18/81 ~-l(, 7 CSH(l) UNIX Programmer's Manual CSH (l) Expressions A number ot the outltin commands (to oe descrioed subsequenUy) take expnslions, in which the operators are similar to those ot C, With the same precedence. These expressioDS appear in the 0, .:it, i/, and whi.J.a commands. The tollowilli operators are available: HI" ·11 "at I ,. " == != <= >= < > « » + - • / ~ ! - ( ) the precedence increases to the right, '==' and '!=', '<=' '>=' '<' Uld ':>', '~ beinl, 1%1 groups. at the same level. The operators compare their arluments as strings, all others operate '<<' and '»', '.' and '-', '.' '/' and .'==' and '1=' on numbers. St.rin&s which oegin With '0' are cODSidered octal numbers. Null or missini arguments are considered '0'. The result ot all expressions are stnD&s, wtlich represent decimal numben. It. 11 important to note that no tyO components ot an expression can appear In the same word; except when adjacent to components ot expressions which are syntactically Sii~cant to the paner (' at' '<' '>' '(' ')') they should oe surrounded oy spaces. Also available in expressions as pMm1t1ve operands are command executions Inclosed in T and 'I' and Cle enquiries ot the torm '-l name' where l 111 one ot: read access r write acclss Ixecute acce.s x I existence ownership 0 'r " z zero liZ. t cl plain me c!1rICtory The lPec~ed name is command and Clename expanded and then tested to lee 1! it has the specit1ld relationship to the real user. It the Cle does not exist or 18 ma.c'Cesstble then all Inquiries return rlLlse, 1.e. '0'. Command executions succeed. retW"'t2irl& true,!. •. '1', 11 the command eXits with status O. otbe1""W1se they rail. returninl fILls •• 1. •. '0'. II more detailed status intormation is reqUired then the command should oe executed outside ot an expression and the variable ftaZ'U4 examined. C4Iltz'QI 4GW The shell cont.a.i.ns a number of commands wbich can be used to regulate the ~O'W of control in command mes (shell scripts) Uld (in limited out useful ways) trom terminal Input. These commands all operate by toreini the shell to reread or skip in its input and. due to the implementation. restrict the placement ot lome ot the command3. Tl:w /tn'.o.r:/t.. rtuitch., and 'Whi1A statements. as Yell as the i/-th.rrr.....z... tor.::n at the if It&t.ment require that the major keY"'ords appear in a sinile simple c=mmand on an 1.npu1 Une as .hoYll oelOY. If t.ha shell's input is not. •• ekable, the shen o~en up input whenever a loop i. bema read and performs leek3 in this internal o~er tD accompl.i3h the reread1n& implied. by t.ha loop. (To the extant that t.b.i.s alloW'S. backwutC,oto's will succeed on notHeekable inputs.) Bu1ltin COm.tDaD.CD 1/18/81 3-11 8 CSH(l) 'UNIX Proirammer'l1danual CSH(l) BWlUn commands u. executed Within the shell. If a bWltin command. occurs as ~y component. of a pipeline except the last then it 1s executed in a lubshell. allas allu name allu name woMWst. The drst torm prints all aliases. The .econd (orm print.s the allas for name. The dna! (orm assilns the specitted 1.UarrlZist as the alias of nAma: 1.UoY"ali.st is command and manam. suDst.1tuteci. Ham.. 1.1 not. allow.d to b. CIli4s or \&ftGLia6 alloc Shows the amount of dynamic core in us'. broken down into used and !ree core. and address of the last location in the heap. With an ar&ument shows each used and tree block on the int.ernal dynamic memory chain indicating 113 address. liZe. and whether 1t 1.1 used or tree. This il a debUCii%li command and may ~t. work in production versions ot the shell: it reqUires a modided version ot the syst.am memory allocator. break Causes execution to resume atter the end ot t.ha nearest .JlClosing JrrraiJ. or UllLw.. The "mainin& commands on the current Une are executed. llulti18"el breakl an thus possible by writ1n& th.m all on one Une. })reanw Causes a b"u: from a nui.tch.. reSymflli atter tb.a .ftdIow. cue label: A label in a S"UAtch. statem.nt as cUscussed below. ad cdl1&me chdlr chcilrname Chanc. th••hells warkine direct.ory to directory ftAS'tU. If no ar&ument is &1"en than ch&Jl&e t.o the home direct.ory ot the Wier. lf n.am.a 1.1 not. fOW1d u a lubdirectory ot the cW'rent directory (and does net e • or " •• 1"). then each component ot the variable cdprUh. is be&in With ",.. checked to .ee if it has a IUb~ctory name. F1na1ly. if all else fails but nmn.e is a shell variable whose "alue belms With "', then W. lA, tried to lee if it. 1.1 a .d1rect.ory . I ./ CODtmue Cont.1nue execution ot Ule nearest .nclol1Jl& 'WII:ile or /o.,.,a.ch.. The rest ot t.he commancl. on t.ha current. Un. an execut.d. d8fau1t: w.b.1s the default case in a nWcA It&t.ement. The d.fault should come atter all ca.n tabe1a. _ho worcll1lt The Ip.cta.d. ... ord.s ar. written to the Ihells standard output. A "c' causes the echo t.o complet.e wit.hou.t. print.1n& a ne"line. akin to the ''\c' in n.1"Oll(!). A '\11' in ...ordUst. caus •• a n ....l1n. t.o b. printed.. Ot.herwia. lhe worda ~ .choed. separated by spa.:e.. . 1/18/81 3 -, i ; CSH(l ) lJNlX ?roiramz:er's Manual C~.rl (: ) else IIZld eDdU endsY See the description of the /or.~ch., il. nui.tch., and 'WhiLe sta.tements belo"" e%8C command The spec~ed commae.d is executed in place of the current shell. ait ~t.(expr) The shell exits either with the value at the stcUU3 variable with the value of the specUied .:pr (second form). tonach name (wordlist) (~t !Or.:l) or met The variable ~ is successively let to each member of 'Wardlist anci the .equenc. of comma.e.ds between this command and the matchin& .nd 11.""e executed. (Both/or.ach and m4 must appear alone on separate lines.) The builtin commscd conh'nu. may be used to continue the loop precatwoeiy and the builtin commae.d br.aJ: to terminate it. pnmaturely. When. this command ~ read from the t.erminal. the loop is read up once promptin& With ',. before any ltatements in the loop are executed. It you make a mistake t.ypilll in a loop at the t.erminal you cae. rub it out. &lob wordllst Like .CM but no '" escapes are recognized and words are delimit.ed by null characters in the output. tJ.etul tor programs which wish to use the sheU to mename expand • ast of words. pt.o word The sp.c~,d wcwd 11 mename and command expanded to yield a string at the torm 'label'. The Ihell reYic.ds its input as much as panible and searches tor a line at the torm 'label:' possibly preceded by bla.c.ks or ta.bs. Execution continues att.er the spec~ed line. biAorr Displays the h1st.ory nent a.t. if (expr) command If the spec~ed expression evaluates true, then the Iinlle c:Jm.m4n.d wi.th arguments 11 executed. Variable substitution on cO'"-""'47\d happens early. at the same ume it does tor the rest of the if commae.d. CQm.m.a.ftd must be a simple command. not a pipeline, a command. list. or a parent.hesized command list. Inputloutput ret:!irection occurs even if .zpr is talse. when command is not executed (this t. a bue). If Cexpr) then me Sf (expr2) then ..... .L!. eDdI.f If the .p.c~.d .:pr t. true then the commae.ds to the Cnt art! execut.ed.: else if .:prt t. true theD the commana. t42 the •• cond else an 1/18/81 3-1'1 10 CSH (1) UNlX Prolrammer's Jlanual CSH (1) executed. etc. AIly number of ti.se-if pairs e.re possible; only one rnd:i.! is needed. The .l$. part is Ukewtse optional. (The ",ords .l$e and rnd.i! m~t appear at the be&innin.& of input lines; the if must. appear alone on1ts input Une or atter an eLse.) Iocm . Terminate a IOlin shell. rep1acma it With an inst.ance of Ibin/locf.D. 'l"b.i.s is one way t.o 101 ot!. included tor compatibility With Ibin/sh.. locout Terminat.e a 101m shell. Especially ~efulif igno.,... o! is set. Dice Dice +number Dice command Dice +number command The ~st torm set.. the nic. tor this shell to 4. The second form sets the me. to the liven number. The Onal t.wo torms run .... I')mmand at priority 4and numb.,. respectively. The super-user may specify nelative niceness by usin& 'nice -number ...•. Command 1s always execut.ed in a suD-shell. and the restrictions place on commands in simple i!stat.ements apply. Dohup nohup command The ~st. torm can be used in shell sCript.s to cause han&ups t.o be 19t\ored for the remainder of the script. The second torm causes the Ipec~ed command t.o be run with haQiUPS ilnored. On the Computer Center systems at. UC Berkeley. tb.iI wo ~bmits the process. Unless the shell is running det.ached. ftOJa:ul' has no e~ect. All processes detached with "a:" an automatically ftOhup 'eeL (Thus. n.ahup is not really needed.) oD1Dtr OD.intr - onintr label Control the action of the shell on interrupt.s. The ant. form restores the detault action of the shell on interrupt.s which 11 t.o t.erminate shell scripts or to ret.urn to the t.erminal command input IneL The second torm 'onintr -' causes all int.errupt.. to be linoreeL The anal form causes the shell to execute a 'Ioto label' when an int.errupt. 11 received or a child pro~eSl terminat.es because it "as interrupteeL . In any case, if the shell 11 runnfnl detached and int.errupts are ~eilli 1inored. all torms ot onintr haft no mean.in& and interrupts continue to be finored by the sh.U and all invoked commands. rahuh C&uses the internal hash table of the content.. of the c!1rect.ories in the path nriable to be recomput.ed. Tbia 11 needed if new commancis are added to cli.rectories in the pfi.th whil. you an lOl,ed in. This should only be neces.ary if you add commands t.o on. of your OW'll directori .. , or if a Iyst.ems prolrammer cha.n&es th. contents ot oa.e of the system direct,?ri." repeat count. command . The speci1ied com.m.a.Ni 'Which 1. subject. to the lame restrictions u the com.m.4fttt in the one lJ.ne \f statAment above. 11 executed count times. 1/0 red.i.recUoJll occurs exacUy once .... n if count 11 O. 1/18/81 ~-~O 11 CSH (1) UNlX Programmer's Manual CSH (:) _to . t name .t. !lAC e =word. . t IlACe[illdex]:word. . t name=(wordlist) The th-st form ot the command. mows the value ot all shell variables. VariAbles which have other than a sUlile 'Word. as value print as a parentheslzed 'Word. list. The second form lets n.a.me to the null strilli. The third tor::: sets to the single ~01"1i The fourth form sets the inda= 'th component ot name to 'Word.; this component must alrea.dy eXist. The ~al torm sets to the list ot words in ~o,.dli.st. In all cues the value is command ~d die.llAme expanded.. These I.riumenu may be repealed. t.o let. multiple values ill a sillile set command.. Note however. that. variable expansion ha.ppens tor all ariuments before any setting occurs. _tan~ I1&me value eversion 7 Iystems only.) Seu the value ot enVironment. variable T\417'U to be ~alue. a single strillg. Useful environment. variables an '1'E1U{' the t.ype of your terminal and. 'SHEl..L' the shell you are u.silli. n.am.. n.am.. lbift lhitt variable The members ot ~ are lhifted. to the lett. ctiscard.ing ="gov[ 1]. It is an error for =vv not to be let. or to have less than one 'Word as value. The lecond. torm performl the same tunction on the specitied Variable. 8DU1'C8 name The shell reacis comm~d.s troe NZm.•. S~. commands mG.Y be nested.: if they an nested too deeply the Ihell may run out at ale descnpt:)rs. An error in a at any level terminate. all nested .OU7'C' commands. Input durini sourc. commands il ne-rer placed on the blstm"y list. 1Wit.ch (strin&) cu. strl: .oun:. c:Ialault: breakrlr eD" Each case labelil successively matched. Alainst the spec~ed string wl:Uch ~t command and alename expanded. The &e metacharacters '.'. '~. &Del '[ ••• ]' may be used in t.he case labels. wbich are Variable expand.ed. If DOne of the labels match befon a 'default' label is found. then the execution begirlS attAr the default label. Each case label and the d.efault. label must appear at. the beliDD!n, at a line. The command bna.e.nu causes execution to continue atter the tndorw. Otherwise control may tall throUih case labels and d.efault labels as in C. If no label matches and there is no d.etault. execution continues atter the rn4Jow. time t. 1/18/81 3-d' 12 CSH(!) UNIX Pr:lgrammer's Manual CSH ( : ) Ume c:lmmand With. no argument. a lummary of time \Ued by this shell and tts child.nn is printe!1. It aT.uments are .iven the 1'P.c~ed. limple command is timed. and a time summary u d.escribed under t.he tim.e vanable is printed. It neceslary, an extra Ihell 1.1 created tQ print t.he time stAtistiC when the command completes. umask umask value The die creation mask 1s displAyed (~'t torm) or set to the spec~ed value (second. form). The mask is liven in octal. Common values tor the mask are 002 giVing all access to the group and read and execute access to others or 022 givizli all access except no write access tor users in t.he .roup or others. unaliu pattern All &liases whose Ilames match the sp.c~ed pattern are discarded. Thus all aliases are removed. by 'unaliu ... It ~ not an error (or not.hinc tQ be una.lia.sat:L anhuh Use of the int.ernal huh. t.&ble to speed. location of executed programs is disabled.. unset pattern All va:1a.bles wb.ole names mAt.ch t.be s'Pec~ed pat.tern are removed. Thus all variables are removed by 'unset .. ; this Ilu noticeably distasteful lide.trICU. It 1.1 not. an error (or notbilli to be ""-ftt. "ALt. All child processe, are wait.ed tor. It. t.be shen 1.1 int.eractive, then &%linterrupt. can disrupt. the wait. at. which time the shell prints names and process numbe" ot &ll children mown to be ouUt.and.1J:1i. while (expr) end 'While the spec~ed expression evaluat.es non-zero. the commancU bet"'een the 'WIt:ila and the mat.chin& Ind are rraluated.. ereal: and. con.nnu. may be used. to terminate ·or conUnue the loop prematurely. (The whiZe and m.d must appear alone on their input l1nes.) Prompt1ll& occurs b.ere t.he ~st lime through the loop al (or tb.e /onaJ!ia. st.atement 1! the input 1.1 a term!- • D&L • name • expr • name(index] Ixpr The ~st (orm pr1nU the values of all the .hell variables. The sec:lnd !or.n •• ta the Ip.c~.d ft4J7U to the value of .:pt". If the expression cont~ '<', '>', 'k' or 'j then at leut t.his part ot the exprellion must b. placed W'lthln ttt ')t. The lh1rd form ullinl the ValUI of .=pr t.o the Vld.= 1h. argument ot nama. Both na.m.a and ita Vv:ta=1h component mUit &lraady .~t. The operators •••• , '+=', ate are available u in C. The Ipace sepuatiIli the name from the uSi&nment operator 1.1 option.al. Spaces are. however. mandatory in leparatm& componenta of .zpr which would otheMrile be lmale war". ~ = Berkllay D1m1.but1on . 1118/81 3-~~ 13 CS"rl ( 1) UNIX Proarammer's Manual CSH ( 1) Special pos~ ....... ' and ' - ' operators incr.ment and decrement fllUl'\.e respectively, 1.e. '0 1"'''''. Pre- me line 1. and .tAt will print the current Une (the new u.ne 1) se yeu can s.e where you are. In general. the current l1ne Will always be the last lin. a1!.cted by a cemmand.. Yeu can mak. a chAn&- to seme text Within the current Une by using the IUbstitat. (a) cemmand. Yeu say .ol/old /n.a1IJ/'O where old is replaced by the old charact.rs yeu want to ,et rid et and fY'W 18 the new characters yeu want to replace 1~ wtth. The cemmand me (n Will tell yeu how many lines th.re are in the b~r yeu I1re ed1t1n& &%ld wtll .ay "(llodidedJ'° if yeu have chanied it. Atter modify1n& a dIe yeu can put the bw!er text back to replace the dIe by living a write C,,) command. Yeu can then leave the ed1t.:1r by 1ss\1.Uli a qu1~ (q) cemmand.. It you run .dI.l on a ate. but cien't. ch.ance it. it 18 not necessary (but dees ne harm) to 'ft'1te the ale back. It you try to qW~ !rom .tAt atter moc:!i!yil:l& the bw!.r Wlthout 4/8179 3-30 1 EDI"!'(UCE) TJNlX l'roirammer'l Manual EDIT ( UCD ) 'WTiting it out. you wtll be wlU'~ed that there has b.en "~o WTit.e lince last. change" and tdil Yill s.wait another command. If you 1ri.lh not to WTit.e the bw!er out then you can issue another ctuit command. The bw!er is then r.~ tnevably discarded. and you return t.o the shell. . By using t.he delete and append commands. and giving Une number! t.o see lines ~1n -the ale you can make ar.,y cnAllies you deSire. You should learn at least a tew ; more t.hill.&s. how.v.r, 1! you are to use .dil more than a iew times. ·:Th. cba.n&e (c) command will. change the current line to a sequence of lines you supply (as in append you give llIles up to a line cOllSistini of only a .. ,"). You can tall ch&ll&e to change more than one Une by giving the line number! ot the lines you want to cnAllie. La. ··3.Schange'·. You can print Unes this wa.y too. Thus "1.23p" prinU the ~t 23 lines of the tn•. The undo (u) command Yill reveMe the el1ect of the last command you gave which cl::lAn&ed the butrer. Thus 1! give a substitute command which dcesn't do whAt. you want.. you can lay undo and. the old. cont.nU ot the lin.e Will be restored. You cm wo undo an undo command. so that. you cm continue t.o change your mind. Ed.il will give you a warning message wb.en commands you do a.11ect. more than one llne of tJ:1e butrer. l! the amount of change •• ems unrea.JOnable. you should consider doing an undo and loolCni to see wb..a.t ~ppened. If you decide that. the chante is ok. th.n you can und.o &ialn t.o get. it back. Not.e t.h4t. cOClmand.s such as 'Wf"\ta and pit cannot. be u.ndone. To look at the next u.ne In the butrer you can Just hit carriage ~tW'U. To look at a number ot Unes hit -D (control key ar.,d. while it is held down D ~ey. then let up both) rather than carriAie return. This Will ahow you a h.a.1! .creen ot lines on a CXI' or 12 Unes on a llAr~copy tarmi%lal. You em look at. the text around wb.ere you are by givill& the command .. z.... The current line Will then be the last l1lle pr.nt.ad.: you cm get back to the Una where you 'Were before the ,oz.'. commAnd by sayill& '''-'. The • comman.d can wo be given other iollowlni character~ "z-" prillU a screen of t.ext. (or 24 Unes) ending where you are; .• %+ .. pnnU the next IcreentW. If you want less than a IcreenIu.l of lines do. e.i .. "%.12" to get 12 Unes t.otal. This method of iiV'in& counts wcm 1.D. general; thus you can delete ~ Unas IUrt..1ni With the current line With the command "deleta ~". To ~ t.hin&s 111 the &e you can use line numbe" 1! you happen to know them; lince the lin. cumbe" change wb.eno you insert and d.eLete lines this 1s lomeweat unrella.ble. You can .earl:h backwards and forwards in the Ole for .trings by ii'vI.ni commands of the torm ItIat/ to seareh forward tor t.=t or ?text? t.o sea.r~!l. backward tor t.:t. If a se~h reaches the e~ ot the ele wtt.hout tUlding the text it wraps. end ~und. and continues t.o search back to the line wb..ere you ar~. A useful teature !1ere 1.1 a .eareh of the torm 1-t.e%tJ which .earehes tor ta:: at the beg;nnin.g of a Une. S1mJ.lariy ltans; searehes for t.:: at the end. of So line. You can leave o~ tha t.ra1l.1nc I or 1m these commands. ThII current Une bas a symbolic nama ".": this 11 most. useful In a range ot Unes as 111 .... Sprint." which priJ::l.t,3 the rest ot the liD.es In the ale. To ,et t.o the last Une 1.D. the ale you can refer to it by its symbolic name "S··. Thus the commaIld .. , rieleta" or "Sci" cialetes the wt 11::I.e !:1 the Ole. no matter whic!rUr.e was Ule current. Une bafon. Arithmetic W'lt!l l.J.ne references is WO ?ossible. Thus ~ 1me "S-~' t. the dtth befon the last. and ". +20" is 20 lines alter the ?resent.. You can ~ci out which Una you an at by d.o1n& '0. =". This is usefu11! you wuh to mo•• or copy a section ot tart wtt.h.1n a Ole or ,O.t..,..•• n &es. 1'1%1cl out. t.!:le ~,t accllut !lumbef'l 1"u Y1.Ib. to copy or men (I&Y 10 t.D 20). For a move yOQ an. 2 tDIT(UCE) UNIX l'roira.mmer's Manual EDIT(UCE) can then lay "10.Z0move "." wbich deletes these Unes trom the me and places them in a b~.r named ~ Ed.i.t has Z8 luch bW!ers named II throUib. z. You can later let these lines back by doina ..... move :' to put the content.s ot bW!er II atter the current Une. It you want to move or copy these lines bet.Yeen mes you can live an edit. (e) command atter copyina the Unes. tollo1f'ill& it with the name of. the other ·d1e yO\1 wish to edit. Le. "edit chapterZ". By cb.an&ini m.au. to copy above you can let • pattern tor copyi.n& lines. It the tan you wisb. to move or copy is all within one dle then you can Just lay '·10.Z0move S.. tor example. It is ·not necessary to use named b~ers in this cue (but you can if you wisb.). SEEALSD ex (U~). Vi (U~), 'EcUt: A tutorial', by Rick1 Blau and .fame. Joyce mTHoa 'lrWiam Joy See u(U~}. 4/8/79 ") _~ - -., ~ 00.. 3 EX(UCB) UNIX Prcgrammer' s Manual EX(UCB) ex - text editor S"(NOPSIS ex ( - ] ( -'" ] ( -t tAi ]( -r H +li:n.a'n.o ] lll1me ... ])£SCRlPTION E= 1.1 the· ~e·t. of a tamily of ecUter'S: .dit. • : and vi. E: is a supenet of .d. W'ith the" mest neubla extension being a display editiIli facility. Display based eclltm.g tI t.h8 focus of vi.. if yeu bAve c.ct used ,eL or art! a cuual user. you will and that the ed.1tor ,du is cenvanient tor yeUo It aveids sema of the cemplexities of ,: used mostly by systems programmen and pen OIlS vary familiar With ,a. If you have a en term;na l you may Wish te use a display based editor, in this cue lee vi(UCE). wCich is a cemmand wbich focuses on the display edit.in& pert10n of u. DOC:nI!NTAIIOK Fcr .dit .and. U lee the E=/Idf.t cammand ~ - Veni.oft 2. o. 't'he decument Edi.l: A tutari4l pM)V'i.des a ccmprellec.sive i.n.U'1)duction te .dit assuming llO previous kncwiedie of computen or the t1NlX system. The E= R.!.ruu:. lla.n:u.al. - ~7'SWn 2. 0 is a cemprellensive and cemplete manual tor the cemmand mode teatures of I:. but. you can.i:lot. learn to use the editer by readi.n.& it.. For an introductien to more "dvanced !Or::lS of editm.g USU:1& the command mode of U" see the editing documents writ.ten by Brian Kerniihan tor the editor ,eL' t.h8 material in the introductory and advanced documents works also With u. An J"n..tnrtw:titm. ta !X:rpla:y Editi.n.g wi.UL lot introduces the display eclltor vi and p~vides reference material on vi.. The Vt Quick R.!rrrn.s:e cUfi sw:n.mari%es the commands of vi in a usetuJ.. tlmctional ....y. and is useful with t.h8 In.t"~t-..an.. FOR !!D OSZliS If you have ust!d .d you will dnd that .: has a number ot new !eaturt!s useful on CRT Larm;na l ,. Intelli&ent t.erminal3 and biill speed t.erminals art! very pleasant t.a use With vi.. Generally. the editor uses tar men ot the- capabillt.:i.es of termiD&ls than .~ does. and uses t.h8 terminal capability data base tarm.c~(UCB) and the type of t.h8 tarm.inal. you an usin& from the nnable 1'E1W in tbA environment to cleterm.1lle ho" to driTe your terminal emcielltly. 't'he editor makes u.se of teaturws such as insert. and delete cllaractar and lli:e in lts 'rima! comm&lld (wmcn can be abbreViated ~) and which is the central mode ot edit1n.e when 1DinI vi(UCl!). Then is WO an interline ed.1Uc.& opeD. (0) cemmand which worles Oil all term;n all • E: contains a number of ne" teatures tor easily Vi.-winc the text ot the me. !he • command liTes easy acc8SS to wtnde'WS of tan. Hittin& - D causes the editor to 1C~1l a half'-willd.ow of text and ls more useful tor quickly ste'PPini ~Uill So me t.h.an just nitt.iJl& return. Of coune. the acr.en orienteci Yisu.a1 mode .ivas con.unt access to ed1t.1ll& conta:t.. E:;: &ives you more help wnen you make mistakes. 't'he tmdo (u) com.a;s.and a.llows you to revane any linile cb.a.n&a wCich ioes astray. E= (ives you a let ot teeciback. c.crmally prillt.1nc ch&n&ed lines. and incllcates when more t.h.an a rew I.i:U!S an urected by a command 10 thAt it 1.s easy to lietect when s comm&lld lla.s &1!ectad mere Unes tha.n it should haTe. 1 EX(UC3) UNlX Programmer's Manual EX(UCE) The editor also normally prevenu overwritin& existing mes UZlless you edited them so that you don't accident.a.lly clobber With a 1IJ7"'it. a ale other than the one you are ed.iti%li. II the system (or editor) crashes. or you accidentally ha.Ili up the phone. you can use the editor recover command t.o retriev. your "ork. This Will iet you back to Within a te" lines of when you lett o~. ~ ,!las severaL. features tor dea!in& With more than one ale at a time. You ean .,v.. it a list of mes on the command. line and. u.s. the next (n) command. to deal lrtth each in turn. The nen command. ean also b. given a list of dIe names. or a pattern as used. by the shell to specity a ne" set of ales to b. dealt With. In general. menames i.e. the ed.itor may b. formed. 'With full shell met.asynt.ax. The metacharacter '';' is also aVailable in tormini menames and. is replaced. by the name of the current me. For edit.in& IArie groups of related. mes you can use . : 's ta& command t.o ~Uickly locat.e tunctions and other important. pOUlts in any of the meso This is usetul when working on a large program when you want to qUickly ~d. the dednition of a particular function. The eommand cta.gs(UCE) builds a ta.gs dIe or a &roup of C programs. For moVin& text bet."••n m.s a.nc! Within a me the eelitor has a &rOup of bUl'!ers. named a. throuah. S. You can place ten in the .. named bW!ers and. earry it over when you edit. another dIe. There is a command. IE in .: which. repe au the last .ubstitute command. In addition there is a co~med substitute command.. You give a raIlie of substitutions t.o be done and the eelit.or int.eractively uks whether each substitution lS d.esired. You ea.n use the I'UbsUtuta command in .: to systematically convert the case ot letters bet."een upper IUld lower case. It is possible to tinore case ot letters ill .earcb.es and. .ubstitutions. Ez also allows regulu expressions which mat.ch words to be constructed.. This is convenient. tor example. in searcb.in& tor the word "edit." if your document also contains the word "eelitor. ,. E:: !las a set of O]'Nms which. you can .et to tailor it to your liking. One opt.:.on which is very u.setul is the =aaLndaftt opUon which. allows the edit.or to automatically supply leadini "hit.. space t.o aliin text.. You can then use the -D key as a. baclctab and space and. tab !or"'Ward. t.o align new code easily. KisceUaneous new uaetu1 features includ.e IUl int.eWaent loin 0) command which IUpplies wbite space bet.ween joined. l1nes automatically. commancis < and > which. shitt. ,roup' of Unes. and. the abilit.y to dIt.er portions ot the bU1'!er throUih commands sucb. as nrt. lusr IUb lez2. Oat.r1=Cs lusr IUb lex2. Orec~er 1U!lr IUb I ex2. 0pA.ern letc/tarmcap -I.exre Itmp 1EX7U'Lftftft Itmp IRxnnftftft sa: ern»r messqes recover command. preserve command d.escribes capabilities of terminals editor startup me editor t.emporary named b~er temporary preservation ci1rectory 1u.r/preset'9'e AI.SO awk(l). ed.(l). ,"p(l) ••• d.el). eelit(lJO), ,rep(lJO), t.ermcap(lJO} • .t(lJC3) 4/41'79 3-3'1 2 a(OCE) EX(UCE) AUT.BCR YW1Am Joy The U2'I.da command causes all marla to be lost on lille! challied and then r.estored. it the marked. lines were cha.nied.. rOAdI:J never clean the bw!er mod.~d c:uldition. ~ • command prinb a number at logical rather than physicallmes. More thAn &:Icreen tull at. output. may result it 10Zl& 1ic.es are present. rue input/output erron don't print a name if the command l.1na ,_' option is usect The" is co easy way to do a sinale scan ignor'iIli cue. Because at the implementation ot the ariuments to ft.:t, ocly ~12 bytes ot argument list are allowed there. The format af /etc/'t~1Zp and the large number ot capabilities ot termicals Wled by the editor causa tarminal type satup to ba rather slow. The editor does not warn it text is placad in named bw!en and not used beiore exit1ni the editor. Null charactars are discarded in input &es, and C&llllot appear ill resultant dies. '" ~,,"'," "" ""m",,", "" ~~, .,0"., ,", "'""d, w~."'. "" ".., '" W~, So Irom the above Ilow Chart, We Can cover ali the lines / edges with two test cases. For getting the correct answer browse down to the end 01 this page ::<:.:<,;:« :>;::.»» ~. 48: Use the fOlloWing cOde; '1 ., 2j It "liJ nlt:rt~ '''; •• .. , " ' " ,,,'" PORllAT(l) NAME URIX Programmer's Ranual PORllAT(l) format - format a floppy disk while running XENIX SYNOPSIS format DESCRIPTION Format is a menu-driven program for formatting floppy disks. Diskettes are formatted in Altos 5-1/4 inch format; doubledensity, double-sided. 3-37 LAYOUT(l) UNIX PJlOGRAIUIER' S IIAIIOAL LAYOUIJ.'(l) The options to layout are used to create some very common layouts. USAGE layout /dev/hd0.layout 586 SEE ALSO map(l), sizefs(l) 3-42 !'SCKCl) -t UNIX Programmer's Manual FSCJt(l) If ~ cannot obtain enough memory to keep its tables, it uses a scratch file. If the -t is specifiea, the file named in the next argument is used as the scratch file. Without the -t option, ~ prompts if it neeas a scratch file. The file shoula not be on the file system being checked, and if it is not a special file or did not already exist, it is removed when ~ compl etes. If no filesystems are given to ~ then a default list of file systems is read from the file /etc/checklist. Inconsistencies checked are as follows: 1. Blocks claimed by more than one i-node or the free list. 2. Blocks claimed by an i-node or the free list outside the range of the file system. 3. Incorrect link counts. 4. Size checks: Incorrect number of blocks in file. Directory size not a multiple of 16 bytes. 5. Bad i-node format. 6. Blocks not accounted for anywhere. 7. Directory checks: File pointing to unallocated i-node. I-node number out of range. 8. Super Block checks: More than 65536 i-nodes. More blocks for i-nodes than ,there are in the file system. 9. 10. Bad free block list format. Total free block and/or free i-node count incorrect. Orphaned files and director ies (allocated but unreferenced) are, with the operator's concurrence, reconnected by placing them in the "lost+found" directory. The name assigned is the i-node number. The only restriction is that the directory "lost+found" must preexist in the root of the filesystem being checkea and must have empty slots in which entries can be made. This is accomplished by making Wlost+found n , copying a number of files to the directory, and then removing them (before ~ is executed). 3-39 UNIX PROGRAMMER'S MARUAL LS(I) LS(I) -u Use time of last access instead of last modification for sorting (-t) or printing (-1). -c Use time of file creation for sorting or printing. -i Print i-number in first column of the report for each file listed. -f Force each argument to be interpreted as a directory and list the name found in each slot. This option turns off -1, -t, -s, and -r, and turns on -a; the order is the order in which entries appear in the directory. -g Give group ID instead of owner ID in long listing. -m Force stream output format. -1 Force one entry per line output format, teletype. -c Force multi-column output, e.g. to a file or a pipe. -q Force printing of non-graphic characters in file names as the character '?'; this normally happens only if the output device is a teletype. -b Force printing of non-graphic characters to be in the 'ddd notation in octal. -x Force columnar printing to be sorted across rather than down the page; this is the default if the last character of the name the program is invoked with is an e.g. to a 'x' • -f Cause directories to be marked with a trailing '/' and executable files to be marked with a trailing '*'; this is the default if the last character of the name the program is invoked with is a 'fl. -R Recursively list subdirectories encountered. The mode printed under the -1 option contains 11 characters which are interpreted as follows: the first character is d b c m if the if the if the if the file; if the entry entry entry entry is is is is a a a a directory; block-type special file; character-type special file; multiplexor-type character special entry is a plain file. 3-44 UNIX PROGRAMIlBR' S IIAROAL LAYOUT(l) LAYOUT(l) NAME layout - configure a hard disk SYNOPSIS layout layout-device 586 DESCRIPTION L~Y~~~ creates a table defining a number of "logical devices" associated with each physical disk in the XENIX system. Layout records this table on cylinder zero of each disk. Each entry in the table is in the following format: struct layout { daddr_t l_blkoff; /*Block offset to area */ daddr_t l_nblocks; /*Number of blocks in area */ }; Layout defines ten "logical devices" on the hard disk: o The whole disk, with the alternate sector mechanism disabled. 1 The swap area. 2 The root file system. 3-8 Unused. 9 Alternate sector area into which bad disk sectors are automatically mapped by the XENIX kernel. The logical device numbers above numbers in the hard disk driver. correspond to device Other device numbers are pre-defined in the XENIX kernel as follows: 10 Future expansion. 11 All of track0. 12 Boot program area. 13 Portion of cylinder zero used for file. 14 Layout information created by this utility. 15 Alternate sector map (see map(l». 3-41 ~ temporary LS(l) LS(l) UNIX PROGRAMMER' S MAllUAL NAME map - create an alternate sector map for a hard disk drive SYNOPSIS map layout mapfile drive DES CRI PT ION Map creates a bad sector map, on mapf ile, using the layout The last information, in layout, created by layout(l). argument is the logical device name which references the whole dr ive. The standard invocation is: map /dev/hd0.layout /dev/hd0.secmap /dev/hd0 The structure used for the bad sector to alternate sector mapping is as follows: struct mapsec { int bad_cyl; char bad_hed; char bad_sec; int bad_good; /* /* /* /* Cylinder number of bad sector */ Head number of bad sector */ Sector number of bad sector */ Offset into alternate sector area */ }; This structure provides a way for the XENIX hard disk driver to recover from bad sectors it encounters when reading the h a r d dis k • I f a ba d sec tor i s rea d , a sea r c h 0 f a t a b 1 e 0 f the above structures is made. If an exact match of cylinder, head and sector is found, the corresponding offset is used as an index into the area reserved on the disk for alternate sectors. SEE ALSO layout (1) , sizefs(l) 3-46 LS(l) UNIX PROGRAMMER' S MAllUAL LS(l) NAME Is - List contents of directory SYNOPSIS Is {-abcdfgilmqrstuxLCFR} name ••• DESCRIPTION For each directory argument, ~ lists the contents of the directory; for each file argument, ~ repeats its name and any other information requested. The output is sorted alphabetically by defalt. When no argument is given, the current directory is listed. When several arguments are given, the arguments are first sorted appropriately, but file arguments appear before directories and their contents. Th ere are th r e e ma j 0 r 1 i s tin g for mat s. Th e for mat c h 0 sen depends on whether the output is going to a teletype, and may also be controlled by option flags. The default format for a teletype is to list the contents of directories in multi-column format, with the entries sorted down the columns. (Files which are not the contents of a directory being interpreted are always sorted across the page rather than down the page in columns. This is because the individual file names may be arbitrarily long.) If the standard output is not a teletype, the default format is to list one entry per line. Finally, there is a stream output format in which files are listed across the page, separated by'.' characters. The -m flag enables this format; when invoked as ~ this format is also used. There are an unbelievable number of options: -1 List in long format, giving mode, number of links, owner, size in bytes, and time of last modification for each file. (See below.) If the file is a special file the size field will instead contain the major and minor device numbers. -t Sor t by ti me modif ied (la test first) name, as is normal. instead of by -a List all entries; usually'.' and ' •• ' are suppressed. -s Give size in blocks, including indirect blocks, for each entry. -d If argument is a directory, list only its name, not its contents (mostly used with -1 to get status on directory) • -r Reverse the order of sort to get reverse alphabetic or oldest first as appropriate. UNIX ?rogracmer's J,IanwU MAIl ( : ) Ptnon.tJ.L ~d systun'Lllide distribution. !-ists. It is also possible t.o cr~ate a perlonal ciistribution lists so that. for instance, you can send mail to "cohorts" and have it go to a .roup ot people. Suchlist3 can be dedned by placing a line like alias cohorts bill ozalp sklower jld mark cory:kridle .1ll the dIe .mAil~ in your home dir~ctory. The current list of such aliases can be tcUsplayed by the alias (a) command in m.=iL. System wi.de distribution lists can .be· created by editing lusr/lib/aliases. see a.lia.ses(5) and daLi~,,"",,,iL(B); these kept in a slighUy ~erent syntax. In mail you send. persow aliASes will be :expa.c.ded in mail sent to othe~ so that they ,"U be able to "ply to the ~Cl pienU. Syst.em Wide a.lia.ses an not expanded when the mail is sent. but any reply returned to the machine will have the system Wide alias expanded u ~ ma.U ioes t..brough claLi1Ja""-4iL If you ecUt lusr/Ub/a.liues. you must run the program 1LrWalWaS ( 1). Network mail (ARPA. rJrJCP, BlrlcTt.at) Mail to sites on the ARPA net"ork and lites Wlt.bin Belliabon.tories can be sent using "nameOsite" tor ARPA-net 5ltes or '"macbine!user'" for Bell labs sites. proVided appropriate gat.eways are Qown to the system. (Be sure to escape the ! 1ll Bell sites when gi'Vil:1i it on a esh command Une by p"c~dilli it With an \. Mach.ines on an instance ot the Berkeley net'Work are addressed as '"macbine:user", a.g. "csvax:bW". When addressed trom the arpa-net, "csvax;blll" illmowu as "csvu.billCberkeley". Jla:i1. has a number of options which can be let in the .~ dIe to alter its behaVlor: thus "set uk-cc" enables the "&Skcc" feature. (These options an tumma.ri%ed below.) :ar1! S01IlI.ARr (Adapted from the 'llail Raeerence Manual°) Each command is t.yped on Il line by itself. and may take argum.enU foll0wUli the comrneod word.. The ccmmand need net be typed in its entirety - the dr~t command which matches the typed p~tlx is used. For the commands which take message lists as argumenu. it no messqe list is iiven, then the next message forward. which latis~es tbe commandO s req,uir~ments is used. If there are ne mess8.ies forward ot the current messqe. the seareh prt)ceeds backwards. and i! there an no icod messages at all. m4'il types UNo applicable mess8.ies" anci aborts the command. Goes to the preVious message and prinb it out. If given a numeric arlUlllent fL. loes to lhe fL th. preVious mess8.ie and pnnu it.. Prints a brief summary of commands. Executes the UNIX shell command which rolloW'S. ! (a) With no argument.3. print.3 out all currenUy~e~ed alia.ses. With al1u one arlUlllent. print.3 out. that &11&5. With :nore than one argument. adds the users named in the second and lat.r ar.umenb to the ~4!S named in the drst. arl'l=ent. (c) C'hanies the user', working dinct.ory to that spec~ed.. 1! iiven. II no ciirectoQry is iiven. then ch.anges t.o the user's login dinctory. (cl) iakes a list of messages as argument and mar~3 t.,tlem all as dalete cleleted. Delet.ed messqes will :lOt be saved 1ll m.bo: . %lOr will they be a'V1Lilable for mo~t other commands. (aLso cit) Deletes the curr~nt messqe and print.3 the next :c.essa,ge. dp If then is no next. :nes3qe. m.a:il sa~ .• at. tOY." ee) iake. a list of messages and points the text editor at each one in , • LS(l) UNIX PROGRAMMER' S MAJlUAL LS(l) The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to owner permissions; the next to permissions to others in the same user-group; and the last to all others. Within each set the three characters indicate permission respectively to read, to write, or to execute the file as a program. For a directory, 'execute' permission is interpreted to mean permission to search the directory for a specified file. The permissions are indicated as follows: r w x if if if if the the the the file is readable; file is writable; file is executable; indicated permission is not granted. The group-execute permission character is given as ~ if the file has set-group-10 mode; likewise the user-execute permission character is given as R if the file has set-user10 mode. The last character of the mode (normally 'x' or I_I) is t if the 1000 bit of the mode is on. See .k.b.m~(l) for the meaning of this mode. When the sizes of the files in a directory are listed, a total count of blocks, including indirect blocks is printed. FILES /etc/passwd to get user IO's for 'Is-I' /etc/group to get group IO's for 'ls-g' BUGS Newline and tab are considered printing characters in file names. The output device is assumed to be 80 columns wide. The option setting based on whether the output is a teletype is undesirable as "ls-s" is much different than "ls-s Ilpr". On the other hand, not doing this setting would make old shell scripts which used lR almost certain losers. 3-45 UNIX Programmer's Manual undeleta unset. MAll. ( 1 ) '1&llidca.c.ce. (u) Takes a messqe list and marks e!\ch one I1S n.ot bein.g deleted. Takes a list of option c.ames and discards their remembered val~s: the invene ot set. . (T) Takes a message list and invokes the display editor on each mesIqe. (y) A synonym for la~ . (x) A synonym for extt . Here 1s a I~ary of the tilde escapes, wllich are used wb.en compoSlng messages ~ perform special tunctiocs. rude esca.pes an only recogruzed at the beginnilli of lines.· The name .. tilde esca.pe" is somewb.at of a misnomer SUlce the actual escape charact.er can be set by the option escape. -fcommana Executa the Indicated shell command. then retUl"!l to the message. -c name ... Add the liven names to the list of carboD. copy reciptent.3. Read the me "deaci.letter" from yotJr home directory into t.!:.e meslAie. Invoke the text editor on the messqe collected 10 far. After the edit.in& sessiCt1 I..s ~hed... you may continue appending text to the messAie. EcUt the messqe header aeIds by typi.ng each one in tur:1 and alloW'ina the user to append taxt. to the end or' mocilly the aeld by IlSlng the currant. t.erminal erue and kill charact.en. -m messAies Read the named messqes into the message being sent. siillled ~..g.b.t one~. If no messages an specified. read the cun-ent messqe. -p Print out the messqe colle clad so tar. prefaced by the meslAie header tlelcis. "'""I Abort the message beini sent. copyin& the messa,e to 'Odead.letter" In your home directQry l! sa~ is set. -rmename Read the named me into the message. -11 st.rin& Cause the named st.rin& to become the current. subject aeld. -t name .•• Add the liven names to the direct reCipient l1st. ~ Invoke an alternate eci1tor (de~ed by the VISUAL option) on the mesIqe collected 10 tar. Usually. the alternate editor Will be a screen editor. Atter you quit the editor. you may resume appending text to the end ot yotJr message . ..."mename Writ. the mess&.le onto the named dle. -tcommana P1.pe t.ba messAie through the command as a alter. If the eemmand &ins %).0 output Or" t..!"!21inates abnormally. ret.a.m the or-",mal text o! 3-50 lWl.(1) UNIX Procrammer', Manual mail- ,end a.nd receive mail SYNOPSIS mail [ -l [ Ilame ] ] [ people ... ] I!f'l'RODUCTION ~. ~ 1!a.'iJ. is a I.nlelll,e:t mail processin& system. which has a command synLax reminiacent of It:! With lines replaced by massqes. Se'ftding m4il. To .end a messqe to one or more other people. m4'iJ. can be 1nvo~ed with ar&wnenu which are the names ot people to send to. You are then expect.ed to t.ype in your message. followed by an EQT (control-D) at the begmD.ini of a line. The lection below, labeled R,plying la or origin.a.t1:n.g mm:L. describes some feat.ures of mczil aVailable t.o help you compose your let.ter. Rea.ding m.=:z. In Ilormal U3qe. m.cil is civen no ar&uments and check3 your mail out. of the post ot!ice. then print.inC out a one line header of eac!l message there. The curnnt. meslace 13 initially the ant. meslAle (numbered. 1) and C~ be printed us1n& the print command (which can be abbreViat.ed pl. You can move among the messa,es much as you move between Unes in It:!. With the command3 '.' and '-' moVini backwards and fonrarUa. and simple Ilumbers typilli the addressed meslAce. Dispa&'i:n.g at m.=:z. After exami.n.inC a mess Ale you can delete (d) the messace or reply (r) to it. Deletion causes the m4il proiram to toriet. about. the mess~e. This is not irreversible. t.h8 messace can be undelet.acl (u) by &iVinc its number. or the m.=z lession can be aborted by liVini the ent (%) command. Deleted messa,es will. hew • .,.r. usually di5appear never to be seen &&s.ill. Sp.cij'ym.g menag.s. Commands Nch as print. and delete often can be liven a list ot messace numbers as arlument t.o apply t.o a Ilumber of messages at. once. Thus "delet.. 1 2" deletes messAIes 1 and 2. while "delete 1-~'" d.eletes me,'Ales 1 t.brouah 5. The special rlame ..... addresses all messages. and "s" addresses the lut. messAle; thus the command t.op which prints the ~rst !ew Unes of a messa,e could be used in "t.op ." to print. the arst tew lines of all mes8&&es. R'1'lyiAg ta Of" or\gVt.i:tiftg m4iZ. You can U3e the reply commane! to set up a respol1le to a messAie. ,endJ.ni it back to the person who it. was from. Text you then type in. up to an e~d.-ol-me (or a line consisUn.c only ot a ..... ) de~es the conterlU of the messqe. 'While you are composinC a message. mlZil treats lines becinni::li With the charact.er "_" Ipecially. For instance. typinC "-mil (alone on a line) will place a copy of the current. message into the response right shi!tin& it by a t.abstop. Other escapes W'ill .et up subject. ~elc:1s. add and delete recipienu to the me.l&&e and allow you to escape to an editor to rmse the message or to a Ihell to run lome commands. (These OpUOr1S Will be liven in the summary below.) Bndi:n.g a. me'Ll ~c.ui.ng sasrim.. You can end a mczil session with the quit. (q) command. lless&&es which have been examined 10 to your mba: ale unless they have been deleted in which case they are discarded. Ullexammed messages go back to the post. ot!ice. The ~ option CI!1U3es m.aiZ to read in the contents of your mba= (or the lpec1.ded dle) for processinC: when you quit. m.cil wntes undeleted messAies back to this dle. 3-'11 1 lUn.(1) tJNlX Itmp/R# /usr IUb/Yail.ilelp· /U3%' IUb IMail.~ Ibm/mail I etc / delivermail SEZALSO rrogracmer's Mar.u.al tempora.ry for editor escape help ~es system initialization ~e to do actual mail.in.g postman . ptiunail( 1). fmt(l). lle'Waliases(l). aliases(S). delivermail(B) "I'he ldail Refennee MAnual' AC"I"BOR Kurt. Shoens BOGS 3-Sc.l MAll(:) JWl.(:.) u1t from .- heaciers t help bold mail pnSerTe print quit repl,. turn. On return from the editor. the messaae is read back ill. (ex Clr z) ttrecu an immediate return to the Shell Without modifyilli the user'l system mailbox. l:Us m.be.: tUe. or his edit 41e in -f . (I) Takes a list of messages A%ld prints lheir messaae headers. (h) List.s the current. ra.o.e of beaders. "hich is an 18 messllIe group. It" a"." Ariument is liven. then the next 18 message group i.s printed.. and if a Ariument. is liven. the previous 18 message Iroup is prmtAd.. A synonym tor? (ho. also prese"e) Tues a message Ust and marla each message therein to be laved. in the user's system mailbox instead of in mbe.:. Does not. override the clelete command.. (m) Takes as Argument login names and distribution Iroup names and sends mail t.o these people. (D. Uke + or CR) Goes to the next messqe in sequence and. types it. With an Argument liat.. types the next matchin& messqe. A synonym for holcL I (p) Takes a messaa. l1st and types out each message on the user's terminal. (q) Terminates the session. laVing all undeleted. unsaved messages in the user's NO: Ole in his login ci1rectory, preserTing all messages marked. with hold. or prese"e Clr never reterenced. in his system mAlIbox. and removing all other messages from bis .ystem mailbox. If n." mail has arrived dwi..l:1& the session. the messag. "'You bave new mail" 13 liven. If liven while ed1tin& a mailbox tUe with the -f tiag. then the ed1t Ole ~ rewritten. A return to the Shell UI etrected. unless the rewrite of eci1t die tails. 11:1 which case the user can escspe With the ezit command.. (r) Takes a message list and leneil mail to each messag. author just 11ke the mail command. The default message must not. be deleted. A synonym for repl,.. (.) Takes a message list and a mename and appends each message in turn to t.he end of the me. The dleneme m quot.es. followed. by the line count and character count is echoed. on the user'l t.erminal. Ylth no Arguments. prints aU variable values. Otherwise. sets option. Arauments arw of the form "option=v'alue" or "option." (m) Invokes an interactive .ersion of the shall Take. a message Ust aDd prina out. the lize in characters ot eaC!l mesl&le. • Takes a message 111t and prints the top fe" Unes of each. The number ot lines prmt.eci is controlled by the .ari.able t.optiDee a.nd de!a ult..s to dYe. el) A 'ynonym for priDt. Take• • l1st of aames c!edned by all.. commands and. c!1scar~s the r:emembered Iroup- of u.ers. The &roup oames no 10llier b.ave any u_.. (_> top ?S(1) PS(l) ps - prt)cess status SYNOPSIS t- ( ac&kInt.uTY%# ( core~e ] ( S'Wap~e ] [ Iystem ] ] DESCRIP'l'ICH < -is"'print.3 certain indicia about active processes. To get a complete print:)ut on the console or Ipr. use "ps axliT' For a q,uick snapshot of system aCUvtty. '~s au" is recommended. A minus may precede options lfit!l no el!eet. The tollowin, options may be spee~ed. • asks for information about all processes lfith lermil:l4ls (ordinarily otlly one'. own prt)cesse. are displayed.). c causes only the com.m. aeld to be displayed instead of the arguments. (The comm aeld is the tail of the path name ot the me the prt)cess last exec'ed..) Th1s option speeds up ps lomewhat aJld. reduces the amoWlt ot output. It iI also more "liable linee the process can't scribble on top of 1t. I k ) 1 • Asks tor all prt)cesses. Without t.h1s option. ps only prinb "interesting" processes. Processes are deemed to be Wllnt.erestini 1.f they U'1I prt)cess ,rt)up lladers. or if their u.uments belm w1th a '-'. This normally elim- inal's !bells and ,etty procas.es. causes the &e A£.I'r /S"!/S /eon 11 used in place of /dJI'V.ll:mAm. and /!U1i;"'t7um.. ThiJ 11 used (or postmortem Iystem debUii~. asks tor a 10111 Ust1ni. The short list.1ng eonwns the user name. process ID. tty. the cumulative Ixecution time ot t.he process and ILIl approx:u:nation lD the command Une. asb for "raw output". A non-human readable sequence of structures is output on the Itandard output. There is one structure (or each prt)cess. the tormat 11 de~ld by Print the lize of the kernel ltack ot each process. This may ocly be used wtth the short l13t.1n&. and is for use by system cllvelopen. tttyn,ama u " % , , "stricts output. to process.s whose controll.1nl tty 11 the Irec~ed t1yname (which mould be .pec~ed u prilltad by PS, I.i. tt1;3 tor tty3. tctm.Sol., (or console. tttydJJ tor ttydO. t1 tor processes With no tty. etc). ThiJ option must be the lut ona &ivan. ' A user oriented output 11 produc.cl. 't'b.U lllcludes the name of the owner at the process. process id. mee Talue. liza. "sidem I.t G%e. tty. c!>u time used.. and the commancl. lell3 ps you an 011 I. w1de t.,rminAl (132 colw:::u:u). PI normally assume. you are on an BO column terminAL 'I'h1s information is u.ed t.D decide how much ot lonl commands to print. The .. option may be repeated. I.i. "". and thl Intire command. up to 128 charactan. W1l1 be pr.nta~ Wlt!leut relard to terminal wtdt.h. asks ..en about processes w1th no lerminal A. process number may be ,ivan.. (1l1ci1catad he" by I). in "flicn cue the output ~ "strict,d to that. proces.. 't'bil option must we be Iut. 1/13/81 -, _ c I 1 UNIX ?rcgra.mmer' s J,1a.c.ual MAll. ( : ) the message. The command. fm.t(l) is often used as com.m.l:n4 to rejustity the message. --strine Insert the strin& of text in the message prefaced by a single -. Ir you lave chall&ed. the escape character. then you should. double t.llat character in ortier to send. it. :OptiollS are con~lled. ViA the let. and. unset. commanc.s. Options may be either binary. ill which cue it is only signiacant to see whether they are set or not. or . Ilrin&. in which cue the actual value is of interest. The binary options include the follo'Win&: append. Causes messaaes saved in mba: to be append.ed to the end. rather than prepend..d.. ('!"his is let. in lusr IUb IMAil.re on version 7 systems.) Causes m=.l to prompt you for the subject of each message you send.. If you respond. With limply a nf'w"line. no SUbject ~eld will be lent. uk=: Causes you to be prompted. for additioc.al carbon copy recipients at. the end ot each mesillie. Respond.ill& With a newline ind.icates yoW' saUsfaction With the current. u.st. autopriDt Causes the delete command. to behave Uke cfp - thus. atter de letin& a m.,sllie, the next one Will.be typed automaticAlly. Causes int.errupt. st&WS from yoW' termillal to be i&nored and 1&nore echoed as O' s. Usually. when a group is expanded. that. contaills the sender. the sender is removed. from the expansion. Settillg this option causes the sender to be included in the group. quiet Suppresses the print.ing of the venion when 11rst invoiced.. • •e Causes the message collected prior to a int.errupt to be saved on the me ··dead..letter" in your nome ciirectory on receipt ot two ~t.rrupts (or att.er a -q.) The folloWini options hA.... It.rill& ftlu ••: EDITOR Patlmame of the text edit.or to use in the edit command. and ~ escape. If net dedned.. then a default editor 1.1 used.. Patbname of the sheU to use fl1 the , command and. the -! escape. A d.efault shell is used if this option. is net d.edned. Palhrlame ot the text acUtor to use in the 'risual command. and -v VISUAL ••cap •. If d.edned.. the 11m character ot this option. gives the character to \De in the place of" to d.enote elcap.s. If d.edned.. liv.s the pathname of the ~e \Hed. to record all out.oin& mail. If 1101. d.e~ed.. then outi0in& mail 1.1 110t so saved. If d.edaed.. giv•• the l1umber of line. of a messqe t.o, be t'rillted out 1tith the top command; normally. th. ~st av. lines'are printed. f. lusr Ilpoollmall/ e -/mbox -I.m.ailrc post ot!1ce your old. mail me g1Vin& 1n.it.1al mail command. . '3 - s1 - ..... -~-- .. -.- PS (1) UNlX ?roirammer'l Manual PS (1) Processes With lUi' ec.Vironmec.tl. which have all QT part Qt the command ~ So block Qther Ulan Ule top block in memory, are not correctly pr.llted by ps. which oc.ly looks at Ule top block 1n memory. Thus. users using the TEPJA CAP enVironmec.t. variable will proba.bly only have their command llAme shown. 1 .' , 1/13/81 3-5b 3 PRlNTENV' ( UCE ) PRlNTE..W ( DeE ) UNIX Programmer's Manual printenv - print out the environment SYNOPSIS prillt.enT [ name] l)ESCRlPfiON .pri:n.te1l:u prints out the values of the variables ill the environment. If r It. n.am.e is speci!'1ed. only its value iJ printed.. ! If It. n.am.. is specitied and it iJ not dedned ill the environment. pnntrn:u ret'W'!ls ~ exit status 1. else i.t "tur:1S stat.us O. l' sa .&LSO mel). environ(S). csb.(UCB) BOGS ?thEdit1on ._._----- 2/24/79 3-SS --=~;::::;;;;;;==:;:;:;;;;;;====~~~-;::---.---~.-:=~ ". -:::;.-:;::;--::::---- -- . PS(l) • PS( 1) UNIX i'roirammer'l Manual A lecond argument tells ps where to look tar c~. if the c option 1s given. msteali ot Ivmcare. A t.mrd argument is the name ot a swap me to use instead ot the default. Idev/drum. U a fourth Uiument is liven. It is taken to be the ale containing the system's namelist. Otherwise. "/vmwUx" is und. The output is lome! by tty. then by procell m. The lona llsting II columnar ane! containl "'1' Fla,s associated with the process. These are detmee! by Ie!e~e lines in IUD' l1Dclude I SYl Iproc.h. : S The ltate at the process. 0: nonexistent; S: Ileepill&: W: wait.inl: R: run-... Di.J:lg: I: tnt.ermec1iate: Z: terminated.; T: stoppeci. The user Ie! at the procesl owner. t1ID Pm The procesl ID ot the process; as in certain cul13 1t 11 pOlsible to Idll a procesl it you kne" 113 true name. PPID The process m at the parent process. CPU P!-oC8l10r utilization tor .cheduJ.in&. Pm 'nle priority of the process: high numbers mean 10" priority. NICE Usee! in priority computation. ADDR The memory ae!c:1reu ot the process if resie!ent.. otherwise the disk adc:1reu. SZ The size in blocks of the memory image ot the procesl. t. ". YCHAN The event tor which the process is waitin& or Ileepq: if blank. the procesl is nmnlCi. TTY The contnlll1n& tt.y tor the process. TIl4E The cumulative execution time for the process. COlDrtAND The commane! ane! 1ts &:'lumen13. A process that has eXitee! and bas a parent. but h.as Dot yet been waited tor by the parent is marked . 11 makes an educated luess as to the me name ane! arluments ,iven when the process was createe! by examlni n , memory 01" the swap anL The methoe! 11 inherently lom."bat unreliable and in any ..,.nt. a proces~ 1s entitled' to destroy t.h1s intormation. so the names cannot be counted on too Ir.uch. hmumx Idev/mem Idev/drum l"f'mcol'I Id . . system camelist kernel memory swap devtce core ale .. arched to and swap timce ane! tty names srs.u.sa k11l( !), w( 1) : Things can change wbJle F is runDi!'ll: the ptcture it iives is only imaticn to reality. Sn1 Berkeley DLstr1but1on --:..-.:.-=-:.:===:.:..... . . :. & close appr-ox- 2 1/1~/el 3-5~1 ---===;:.:..~-...;.--------.-'--. ,. -.- -_...__. . . . . MULTIUSER (I) UNIX Programmer's Manual MULTIUSER (I) NAME multiuser - bring the system up multiuser SYNOPSIS multiuser DESCRIPTION Multiuser prompts the user to set the current system date and time, and then brings the system up multiuser. First, multiuser displays the current system date and time and asks the user to confirm or change the date and then the time. Confirmation is done by entering Return. The format for entering the date is "yymmdd." Time is entered as a 24hour clock in the form "hhmm." SEE ALSO date (1) 3-54 reset - reset troe taltty;>e bits to a se::5ible sUte ~OP5%S ,... .t OESCR::P"!lCN ). ~u.t lets th. tel.tn>e bits to 'seft-eopy terminal standard mede' Yit.!l tbl I~!e \ ch.a.r~et.ar set 1.:) cec.t.r:>H:~ &.Cd lbe kill c!laracter 1.:) • 0' .. Flu.t i5 mest us efui :. w!lan yeu cr~p cut in ra." :::lede. S!% ALSO It.ty(l) .•tty(2). ,tty(2) .xnBOB KW"t Sheens BOGS If you &oM in ~ func.y .tat.e yeu may well have t.e tn- "reset" rollewed by l.i!:.etaed (cec.t..~l-j it the" 11 :10 .uch key.) • .. IIZt\!7I 3-S~ __==-::=:=-:_~_:",,!_:-:,.~.. =-- - ---'---''''''-'~----'===r:::-..._~= - -- _.- TAR(l) NAME UNIX Progra.mer's Ranual TAR (1) tar - tape or floppy archiver SYNOPSIS tar [ key ] [ name ••• ] DESCRIPTION ~ saves and restores files on magtape or floppy. Its actions are controlled by the ~ argument. The ~ is a string of characters containing at most one function letter and possibly one or more function modifiers. Other arguments to the command are file or directory names specifying which files are to be dumped or restored. In all cases, appearance of a directory name refers to the files and (recursively) subdirectories of that directory. Note that XENIX contains a new version of tar, which permits a file to extend across media boundaries. For compatability considerations with the previous version of tar, refer to the BUGS section below. The function portion of the key is specified by one of the following letters: r The named files are written on the end of the tape. The c function implies this. x The named files are extracted from the tape. If the named file matches a directory whose contents had been written onto the tape, this directory is (recursively) extracted. The owner and mode are restored (if possible). If no file argument is given, the entire content of the tape or floppy is extracted. Note that if multiple entries specifying the same file are on the tape, the last version will overwrite all preceeding versions. t The names of the specified files are listed each time they occur on the tape. If no file argument is given, all of the names on the tape are listed. u The named files are added to the tape if either they are not already there or have been modified since last put on the tape. c Create a new tape; writing begins on the beginning of the tape instead of after the last file. This command implies r. The following characters may be used in addition to the letter which selects the function desired. 3-61 UNIX PROGRAMM.ER· S MAIIOAL MAP(l) MAP(l) NAME map - create an alternate sector map for a hard disk drive J. SYNOPSIS map layout mapfile drive DESCRIPTION Map creates a bad sector map, on mapfile, using the layout The last information, in layout, created by layout(l). argument is the logical device name which references the whole dr ive. The standard invocation is: map /dev/hd0.1ayout /dev/hd0.secmap /dev/hd0 The structure used for the bad sector to alternate sector mapping is as follows: struct mapsec { int bao_cyl; char bad_hed; char bad_sec; int bad_good; /* Cylinder number of bad sector */ /* Head number of bad sector */ /* Sector number of bad sector */ /* Offset into alternate sector area */ }; This structure provides a way for the XENIX hard disk driver to recover from bad sectors it encounters when reading the hard disk. If a bad sector is read, a search of a table of the above structures is made. If an exact match of cylinder, head and sector is found, the corresponding offset is used as an index into the area reserved on the disk for alternate sectors. SEE ALSO layout (1) , sizefs(l) 3-53 TAR(l) UNIX Programmer's Manual TAR(l) The b option should not be used with archives that are going to be updated. If the archive is on a disk file, the b option should not be used at all, as updating an archive stored in this manner can destroy it. The current limit on file name length is 100 characters. EXAMPLES To dump the directory /usr/john to diskette(s), enter the command tar cvf /dev/fd0/usr/john Note that if the device /dev/tar has been configured to reference the floppy disk drive, as desired, the above command can be abbreviated to: tar cv /usr/john 3~63 SIIEFS(l) UNIX PROGRAMMER' S MAIIOAL SIZEFS (1) NAME sizefs - determine the size of a logical device from the layout information associated with a hard disk. SYNOPSIS sizefs layout-file logical-device-number DESCRIPI'ION Sizefs prints on the standard output the size in blocks of the specified area on the disk. It gets its information out of the structure created by layout (1). Its most common use is in shell scripts for creating a file system on the hard disk, where its output is used as an argument to mkfs(l). SEE ALSO layout (1) , map(l), mkfs(l) 3-60 UA(lM) UNIX Programmer's Ranual UA(lM) exists for a new user, it is not removed. All files under /etc/newuser are copied to the new directory during the user installation process. Typically /etc/newuser will contain the standard versions of the following files: .cshrc, .login, .logout, .prof ile. The ini tial val ue given to a new user ID is one more than the maximum user ID currently in use. The same is true for a new group ID. Delete allows the deletion of an existing user or group. Deleting a user optionally also deletes his directory and all files contained within it. Deleting a user will not cause,gil files throughout the system owned by the user to be deleted -- only those beneath his directory. Thus, some files may have an "unknown" owner after a user is deleted. And, if a user is later added with the same user ID as the deleted user, these files will suddenly belong to the new user. The same problem may arise with the deletion and later addition of a group • .s.h.QXl will s h ow an i n d i v i d u a 1 use r 0 r g r 0 u p 0 r all use r s groups. The word "show" may be omitted if desired. 0 r Change allows the modification of any existing user or group. A special display mode is entered with a menu of fields for selection of the item to be modified. Typing RETURN or LINE FEED in response to a field change request will empty the field. Changes to a user or group change the corresponding entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. Changing a user's directory entry will ~ cause a renaming of the actual directory. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files remain consistent. Help displays a short informative text on the screen. "?" is equivalent to help. The message is the same one as obtained by invoking ~ with the "-h" option. 1 escapes to the shell (see sh(l)). If no arguments are given, a shell is invoked which will continue until it receives an end-of-file. Then ~ resumes. If arguments are present, a shell is invoked with the "-c" option and the arguments are passed along. ~ resumes immediately thereafter. If csh(l) is desired rather than sh(l), the command lcsh should be used. Qyit immediately terminates ~ and returns to the system. Any command which is not understood by ~~ causes an appropriate message to be displayed. As a side-effect, the working portion of the screen is cleared. lla does not distinguish between RETURN and LINE FEED. may be used interchangably. They If the screen becomes "dirty" for some reason, you can force 3-65 UNIX Programmer's Kanual TAR (I) TAR (I) v Normally.tiu. does its work silently. The v (verbose) option causes it to type the name of each file it treats preceded by the function letter. With the t function, v gives more information about the tape entries than just the name. w Causes ~ to print the action to be taken followed by file name, then wait for user confirmation. If a word beginning with 'y' is given, the action is performed. Any other input means don't do it. f Causes ~ to use the next argument as the name of the archive instead of /dev/tar. If the name of the file is I_I, tar writes to standard output or reads from standard input, whichever is appropriate. Thus, ~ can also be used to move hierarchies with the command cd fromdir; tar cf - • I (cd todir; tar xf -) b Causes ~ to use the next argument as the blocking factor for tape records. The default is 1, the maximum is 8. This option should only be used with raw magnetic tape archives (see f above). Altos recommends a blocking factor of 8 when using the cartridge tape. 1 Tells.tH to complain if it cannot resolve all the links to the files dumped. If this is not specified, no error messages are printed. s Obsolete. No longer supported. (Was size parameter, used when files did not cross diskette boundar ies.) FILES /dev/tar /tmp/tar* default input/output device DIAGNOSTICS Complains about bad key characters and tape read/write errors. Complains if not enough memory is available to hold the link tables. Tar will tell you to change volumes when the current volume (floppy or tape) becomes full. It expects you to type one or more characters and then return. BUGS This version of ~ can read old style tar disks, old tar program can read new style tar disks, as they do not extend over mul tiple floppies. Note that the old version of tar cannot be used multiple volume archives created by the new version There is no way to ask for the n-th occurrence of a Tape errors are handled ungracefully. The u option can be slow. 3-62 and the long as to read of tar. file. UA(lM) UNIX Programmer's Ranual DIAGNOSTICS The diagnostics produced by explanatory. ~ UA(lM) are intended to be self- BUGS should allow specification of alternate passwd and group files. ~ Complete consi stency checking between the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files is not done. In particular, it is possible to install a user with an unknown group in the passwd file and it is possible to install a group with an unknown user in the group file. The shells and directories specified in the /etc/passwd file are not checked for existence or accessibility. does not check for duplicated user IDs or duplicated group IDs. ~ Impossible user IDs and group IDs are permitted. Impossible or non-existent names may be specified for a user's Directory and Shell fields. The System 3 commands pwck(IM) and grpck(lm) should be incorporated into ~. NOTE: DO NOT USE llA TO SET A USER'S PASSWORD. The password would be incorrectly encrypted, and the user would NOT be able to log in successfully. Passwords .ay only be set with the passwd command, explained in PASSWD (1). ~e password field displayed by ~ is the encrypted version contained in /etc/passwde 3-67 NAME UA(lll) UNIX programmer's Manual UA(lll) ua -- user administration SYNOPSIS .wi [ -.b ] DESCRIPTION ~ is used for the addition, deletion and modification of users and groups. It provides an effective means for maintaining the system password (/etc/passwd) and system group (/etc/group) files. The command is implemented using the ~ID~ and cur£e~ facili ties from UC Berkeley. It must be run interactively from a terminal which is defined within /etc/termcap. This command should only be run by Super User -- improper results may occur if it is run by a normal user. The following option is interpreted by -.b ~: Displays the program's current version and copyright notice as well as a short description of the program's functions • displays its legal commands at the top of the screen. The "Command?" prompt at the bottom of the screen indicates that ~ is awaiting input. The command language syntax is: .llg [ addldeletelshow I change ] [ user I group ] show [ Users I Groups ] help I ? [ 0) read(fildes, buffer, nbytes); SEE ALSO read(2) DIAGNOSTICS Rdchk returns -1 if an error occurs (e.g., EBADF), 0 if the process will block if it issues a read and 1 if it is okay to read. EBADF is returned if a rdchk is done on a semaphore file or if the file specified doesn't exist. 3-71 ORIX Programmer's Manual IIBROS(S) DRUS(S) for this prompt. These are bsh(l) commands and/or sh(l) commands. An example menu for Electronic Mail Services is: &Mail \ELECTRONIC-MAIL-SERVICES Idate -a - Receive-mail -b - Send-mail -c - Return-to-starting-menu &Actions -a 0 mail -b I I l-c -1 echo read echo echo mail -n "To whom do you wish to send mail?" x "Now type the message." "Terminate it by typing a control _d." $x 11________________________________________________ Start __ &Menuidentifier must appear beginning in column one. Nenuidentifier is any string having relevance to the user. A short descriptive string is usually best. The string may not contain any blanks or punctuation ana it must begin with a capital letter. If the string ends with a question mark ("?"), the menu is called a "help menu." It will be invoked automatically when bsh is displaying the base menu and the user types a"?" command. Thus, the &Admin? menu is invoked when &Admin is the current menu and "?" is typed. The remainder of the &Menuidentifier line should be empty. The body of each menu is composed of text which will be reproduced on the screen exactly as it appears (with exceptions as described below). -~m~ may occur one or more times within the body. This indicates a prompt for which there will be an associated action within the &Actions portion of the menu. Usually there will be a short phrase or sentence describing the action just to the right of the -prompt. A prompt may be any letter, numeral or string of char acter s not containi ng punctua tion. Usually shorter (1-2 character) prompts are preferred. A prompt must be separated from its surroundings by one 3-75 C1.I'l!SES ( :3 ) tJNDC Programmer's Manual curses - Icreen tuncUocs With "optimal" curser motion SYNOPSIS ~s ] mes -Icurse. ~t.enDl1b [ llbranes ] DESCmP11CN . !=c [ ~ ~ese reutines Ii.,.. the user a method of updatinc Icreens Yith reasec.abLe ~ptimizatien.. They keep an image of the current screen. and the user lets up an :smage of a new one. Then the "!f"ulL() t.ells the reutines t.e make the current °lCreen leek Uke the new one. In order t.e I.nitiall.:e the routines. the routine Wt.i.l$C1"O must. be called betere any of the other routine. that deal With Windows and. Icreens are Wlad. S!:! ALSO Senm. Clpda.ting ~ ~o,. JlO'Ulf1IJI'fLt Optimization,: A Libf'TV'J PaJ:Jc::.gI. Ken Arnclcl. termcap (5). Itt.y (2)... teny (3) •• et.eny (3) • .wmcm XenArncld rmrcnCNS addch(ch) addst.r( IU) bex( win. vert.her) cnDedeO clearQ cl.&n)k(sc:, .beeU) clrtebetO c1rt.cael() cielY1n('WUl) .cheO erase 0 ,eteh() ,eut.:'( str) ,et.tmedeO ,etYX(W1n.1.%) 1zlch() tmt.scrO leavaek(W'in.beeU) lonaname (t.ermbul.u.me ) meye(y.%) mvcur(lasty .lutx.nawy.118W%) D8YWin(11nes.cell.be&in-1.bel~) DI() DOcrmedaO DOechcO Danl() DaraYO a.er1ay(~.wta2) overwrit.e(1rinl. win.2) pr1nt.w(fmt..&r&l.. araZ••••' raw{) Nfnah() N.uy() . add a charact.er te dt:laf:1" add a st.rin& to dtbC1" draw a bex around a W'il:1d.ew .et. cbrealc mede clear stUC1" ..t clear ~ fer """ clear to bottem on $ttUC1" clear to ena of line on $ttbt:r delet.e uAft .et eche med. erase $ttUC1" let. a char thr0Uib dd.:lC1" let e strini throUih dtbC1" let. ltoy mocie. ,et (y .%) co-ordiDat.es let char at current. (,.%) co-ora!nates initialize screens ..t leave && ter uM\ ,et lena name !rom te"",lru.! meye t.e (1.X) on dt:l.sf:fo actually mCYe cursor create a new Yinciow ..t newline mappini unset. cbreale mede unset eche mecie unset newtina mappinC unset raw meci. overlay Wil11 011 W1n2 ovel""'n'ile Yinl on lep of WU12 print! on .Itt:iaC1" set raw mede make current. scr.en lock like .IttUC1" Nsat. It.y &&1 to .~r.d ftlue 1 ... .. ~-"l'" .~-- . - - ~.:..:. -:'.~~"7:::=:-:::.,,:,~.::...::,.·=~_~_=_:::;:o~~==~~-~ .!:-~_ - - - ......_~ .. "' __:!.joa._ . _ •... • ORIX Progra.mer's Ranual IlBIlUS (5) IIDOS(S) The tilde a-" is an "escape character,· and may not be used for any other pur-pose within a menu. Each of the special escape sequences described above must be separated from surrounding text by one or more spaces or tabs. It is important to know the number of lines and columns of the terminal(s) to be used with a menu system and to be certain not to create menus longer or wider than these values. Their values are specified within the termcap(5) file for each terminal upon which the Business Shell may be run. Actions &Actions must appear beginning in column one. must appear, even if there are no actions. &Actions Each prompt in the actions section must be reproduced exactly as it appears in the body of the menu. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the spelling of prompts in the ~ and actions sections match. The case of characters is significant; so "A" is not the same as "a." Size is optional. It specifies the length of the window to be used during execution of the actions. If omitted, the default value is 5, and a window 5 rows by column columns will be reserved at the bottom of the screen for output. Column is the terminal column width as obtained from termcap(5). A ~ of 0 will reserve the entire screen. In this case, the screen is blanked prior to execution of the actions; and a prompt requesting a return or line feed is issued after execution. A negative size will reserve the entire screen similarly to the zero case, but after execution, the Business Shell is immediately resumed without waiting for a return or line feed. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the action window is large enough. The actions may be composed of bsh (1) commands or commands which are executed by the standard shell, sh(l). The actions should all be indented one tab stop from the left side of the file. A bsh(l) command is the instruction to transfer immediately to a particular menu. This is specified by writing the name of the destination menu in the semantics field. Bsh(l) commands must be typed oneper-line. Sh(l) commands follow the usual rules as described in Volume 1 of the Progra•• er's Reference KanDal. 3-77 IlENUS(S) MENUS menus UNIX Progra.mer's Manual IlERUS(S) format of a Business Shell menu system DESCRIPTION A menu system is a collection of menus which has been processed (digested) by digest(lM). The Business Shell, b s h ( I), r e qui res a men u s y s tern up 0 n wh i c h too pe rat e : i t contains all the menus which are normally displayed to accomplish some set of functions. As distributed, the Business Shell includes the default menu system (/usr/lib/menusys and /etc/menusys.bin). A menu source file may contain one or more individual menus. However, in the interest of maintainability, it is recommended that each menu source file contain only a single menu, or only very closely related menus. It is also recommended that the name of the menu source file and the menuidentifier be the same. A source menu system may be a single menu file (containing one or more menus) or a directory structure containing menu files and subordinate directories. Each menu file is an ASCII file consisting of two logical parts: the..bQQy and the actions. A (digested) menu system contains an addi tional par t, the index. The index appear s prior to the ~~. It specifies the byte-offset locations of each of the body and action sections as well as the associated menuidentifiers. Users should never attempt to construct an index by hand -- that is the function of digest (1M). Mor eover, users should never attempt to edi t a digested menu system; rather, the source menu files should be edited and then the menu system recreated using digest(lM}. The precise format of a menu source file is described below: &Menui dentif i er The substance of the menu ~epresented essentially as it is to be displayed. Within this area there usually will be one or more occurrences of: -prompt strings as well as other special commands as described below. &Actions Zero or more occurrences of: -prompt size The sequence of actions to be taken 3-74 IlBROS(S) OHIX ProgrUlJller' s Manual IIBlIUS(S) or more spaces or tabs. If a menu name and a prompt both have the same spelling, the prompt is given preference in all cases. I~ inserts the current date and time, left-justified on the "I." The date/time format is "Tue Jul 13 17:10 1982." Idate may appear more than once if desired. luser inserts the current user id, left-justified on the "I." luser may appear more than once if desired. left-justif ied on I~ inserts the current directory, the "1." The full path name is displayed, e.g. /usr/jones/admin/cur rwor k. Ipwd may appear more than once if desired. I@ indicates where the cursor is to be placed on the screen. Usually this should be just slightly to the right of the current prompt. If!@ is omitted, the cursor will be placed at the bottom left corner of the screen. At most, one occurrence of !@ should appear in each menu. with the exception of !@, the "!" may appear as a suffix in which case the string will be right-justified instead of left-justified. The "!" is an "escape characater", and may not be used for any other purpose within a menu. \string denotes a string which is to be "highlighted" using the terminal's highlighting capabilities (usually reverse video). The "\" character must be on the left of the string. It is converted into the appropriate highlighting information during display. The string may be of any length up to the width of the display screen. 'string denotes a string which is to be "underlined" using the terminal's underlining capabili ties (usually true underline). The It'" character must be on the left of the string. It is converted into the appropriate underlining information during display. The string may be of any length up to the width of the display screen. The backslash "\" and backquote ,,'It as the initial letter of a string are "escape characters" and will always have the interpretations given above. In order to create a highlighted or underlined string containing spaces, "signif icant spaces" may be repr esented a s til des (n-") within a str ing. Th us, \-hi-there- will create a highlighted ten-character string. 3-76 . 'I'tP.MCAP ( 5 ) UNIX Programmer's lh.nw TERM CAP ( 5) ed ei eo tr :bc Itr End delete mode str End insert mede: iive ":ei=:'" i! ie str Can erase over'trikes With a bl4nk (1'e) Hardcepy ter:::mnal page eject. (default -1.) st:' boe1 Hardcepy ter.nillal str Halt-line dewn (!erwarti 112 linefeed) .lui It:' U10 Heme curser (i! 0.0 em) Itr .Halt-Une up (nvene 1/2 linefeed) :bz st:' Hazeltine: can't pr.nt ""s It:' (1') ~ert character ie It:' if Name of Ole centAininl t. bo01 ~ert mede (enter); lift ":im=:" 1f Ie 1m bo01 ~ert mede dist.inguishes o.ulls en display in (pe) Itr Insert pad atter charact.er illserted 1;1 It:' is Terminal initializatien str.l1i Sent. by to other'· Nnctien keys o-g kO-k9 .t:' .t:' Sent. by backspace key kb .t:' Sent. by t.ermill.al down art'ew key kd Out ot ··keypad tra.n.smit'· mode .t:' ka It:' Sent by Ilome key 1m It:' Sent. by t.erminAl left ~ key ld Number ot "other" keys kn num Termca.p entries fer other non-functien ke~ It:' ka ]a It:' Sent. by t.erminal rilbt IJ'r1)W luy Put terminal in "keypad transmit." mede lcs It:' Sent. by terminal up UTeW key .t:' ku. 10-19 It:' Labels on. "'other" !Unction keys Number of lines on screen or page num 11 Lut line. Ont. celumn. (it no em) It:' U J.;rrf:Jw key map. used by Vi versien 2 oely str ma Sate to move wtille in insert mode bool mi Kemory lock on above curser. It:' ml Kemery unlock (turn. oj! memory lock). mu str No correcUy work::ini carr1a& e ret1Jr.1 (DM2:S00.H2000) bool DC Non-dest.ructift space (cunor r1iht) It:' nd. (1'e) Newline charact.er (default \11) nl It:' Terminal is II. aT but doesn't .croll. bo01 ns TermillaJ. oventrikes oa bo01 Pad character (rather than null) pc It:' Has hardwar1l tabs (may c.aed ~'be set with t.) pt bo01 End sUnd out mode It:' (1') Scroll !orYard3 It:' .t Number of blank chan lett by 10 or se num II Be stand. out mod.e It:' 10 (i') Scroll ""ne (backwards) Ir It:' (1') Tab (other than -lor With padd.1.n.i) bIt:' Entry ot similar tarm.ina!- must be last tc It:' Strml ~ end. Prolruns tbat us. em ta It:' St.rm.& to oelin programs that WI. em It:' t1 'Ond.encor. one :b..ar and. move ?ast it It:' 1: Ene! Wlder,coMt mod.e U8 It:' Number ot blank chars lett by WI or u.e :mm QI :hu .. t .. ,m t 4th Berkeley ~ ~/la/8C _ _ 3-g0 -- .... --.- 2 DRUS(S) UNIX Programmer's Kanual IIBRUS(S) Since a menu file may contain one or more menus or directories containing menus, the recommended way to create a menu system is to create a tree of directories containing the various portions of the system. Each subtree contains all the menus related to a given subject. Thus, a primary menu (directory) is created for, say, system management functions: and subsidiary menus are placed beneath (within) the directory for each of the individual system management functions or function areas. Help menus may be placed wherever appropriate in the structure. FILES /usr/lib/menusys /etc/menusys.bin source directory for /etc/menusys.bin digested default menu system for bsh(l) SEE ALSO bsh(l), digest (1M), shell, termcap(5) 3-78 .. 'I'ERMCAP(S) UNlX ?:-ogrammer's Manual TERM CAP ( 5 ) as '\072. II it is %leesssary to plaee a %lull cbaracter in a st.""ini capability it must be e%lcQded as '\200. The rQut.i.c.es wbieh deal 'W1t.h t.nn.c:::.p U3e C sirllli', and strip the biih biu ot the output very late SQ that a '\200 comes out as a '\000 'WOwd. l'reparini . . Description. 'e %lOW' outline hoW' tQ prspars descriptioas ot terminals. The most etreetive way ~ prepare a t.er:ninal descriptio%l is by imitatillg the description ot a similar termic.A1 in tUTI'1.Ct:1l' and. tQ build up a description gradually. U31.c.& partial descr~p tiQas with 1% UI cbeek that they are CQrreet. Be aware that. a very unusual ter-minal may ext'ose de~cieneies in. the ability ot the t.nn.t:ap Ole to describe it or bUi~ in t%. 1'0 easily test a %lew terminal description you can set the e%lvironment Variable 'l'ERMCAP tQ a paUmame ot a Ole cQntainiIli the description you are woric:in& on and the editor 1rill look there rather than in. /.tc /tr!"'l'7\t::::.p. 'l'DUr{CAP can also be set UI the termcap entry iueU t.c avoid reaciillg the ale wben starting up the editor. (This only works on version 7 sysbms.) Buic capabilities The %lumber ot CQlumns on each Une tor the ter:nil:lAl is given by the co numeric capability. It the terminal is a C3T. then the number ot u.nes on the screen is linn by the 11 capability. U the ter:ninal wraps aroWld UI the beginning ot the next line when it reaches the riiht margin. then it should. have the am capabilit.y. It the terminal can clear iu screen. then this is .lven by the ci st.-illi capability. It the terminal can backspace. then it should have the b. capability. unless a backspace is acecmplished. by a cbaracter other than "'B (\lib) in whlch case you should give this character as the be: st.ril:l.& capability. II it overst."1k:es (rather than clearini a posiliQn wben a cb.cact.er is struck over) then it showd. have the os capability. A very important point. !lere is that the local cunor motions encQded ill taTmC:lp are WlCie4D.ed at the left. and t.cp edges ot a car term..i.tlal. The editor will never attempt to backspace around. the lett edge. %lOr will It at.tempt to go up locAlly o~ the Ulp. The editor assumes that teed.ing ol! the bottom ot the screen Will cause the screen UI scroll \ll). and the am capability tells whether the cursor lUcks at. the riibt edie at the screen. II the term.il:14l !las S'W1tch seleetable autQmatic margi.cs. the t~t:1i' Ole usually assumes that t.hi.s is on. 1.e. am. These capabilities sumce to describe hardcopy and. .. giass-tty'· terminals. Thus the C1ode133 teletype i. desCribed as . t3133 Itty33:col72:cs Yhile the Lear Siegler A.OlI-3 is deSCribed as c! Iad.m3131lsi ad.m3:am:bs:cl=-Z:11i24-;coISO Cunor~ CUnor adciresstn.a U:1 t.he terminal is described by a cm .t.rini capability. Wlth escapes %x 1.n It. These substitute t.o encod1:c.is ot the ctU":~:lt Une or column position. wbile other cnaracten an ?A!lsed. t.hr0Uib. WlchAnied. II the em st.-m.a is thoUiht ot as being a function. then ib argumellts .ar~ the line and then t.he cclwnn UI which motion t. desir~d. and the :: encQcW:1gs have the tolloYiJ::li mea.z:W:lis: :u as ill f1Nt..tt. 0 oriiU1 ~ Uk. ::2d :3 Uk. ::3d ~!t3s) Uke , SI10lSO == --.--. ~-.---- .--. ,3-&;" . TERMCA?(5) T'ERMCA?(5) t.armeap - t.erminal capability daU base SYNOPSIS lete It.ermeap DESClUP1"ION _T~~p is a data base describing t.erminals. used. I.g .• by viO) and C"t.D'U$(:3). ,rerminW are described in t.7""I'7\C~p by living a set ot capabilities w!:lieb. they ~have. and by describing how operations are performed. Paddin& req,uirements -and initial~zat1on seq,uences are irlcluded ir1 tl1"mC~p. . ktries irl t.rm.c~p consist. ot a number of ':' separat.ed delds. The erst entry tor each t.erminal lives the IlAmes w!:lich are lalOW'll for t.he terminal. separated by 'I' characters. The erst Ilame 1s always 2 charact.en 10Ili and is used by older version 6 syst.ems which store the t.erminal type in a 16 bit. word in a system'Wld.e data base. The secolld Ilame liven is the most commoll abbreViatioll tor the termi1' al. and the last Ilame .iven should be a long name tully id.entifying the ter:n.inal. The second name should contain no blanks: the last name may well cont41ll blanks for readability. CAPABIIJ'l'IES (P) indicat.es paddiJ:::.& may be I'pec~ed (pe) indicates that. paddin& may be based NAme I.e al am •i as bc 'os bt 'ow CC cd ca ch el em co cr cs en' d.a dB cib ciC clc dF dl em aN cio ciT Oil. no. Unes ~ected Type Pad? Description (P) End alter:l&te character let. sU' str (pe) Add new blank Une '0001 Terminal has automatic margins sU' (P) Start alternat.e character set. IU' Backspace if not - H '0001 Terminal can backspace With -H str (P) Back tAb '0001 Backspace wraps trom column 0 to last column Command charact.er in prototype it terminAl lettable IU' (pe) Clear t.o end ot d15play IU' str (P) Cle ar to enei ot Une (P) Uke cm but horiZontal moUon omy. !ina stays same It:' str (pe) Cle ar Icreen str (P) Cuner moUon Number ot columns in a Une num (pe) CazTi.qe return. (eietaull -11) It:' str (P) Chanae sc~1liIl.& region (vt100), Uke cm IU' (P) Uk. ch but vertical only. Display may be retaineei abaft bo01 Number ot millisec of '01 delay needed num Display may be retaineei below '0001 Number of mtllisec of C%' delay needed num (pe) Delete character It:' Nwnber of milllsec of ~ delay ne.eieei num (pe) Delete Une It:' Delete mode (enter) str Nwnber of millisec of n1 delay needeei num Down one UDe str Nwnber of millisec ot tab eie1ay needed rwm o 5/10/SO ..... - -----_.. 3-1~ _-- --------..;...._. -_._----_. - _ 1 'IDMCAP(S) UNIX Programmer's Manual TERM CAP ( 5) Ther~ ar~ - - t"o basic kinds ot 1ntelligent terminals With respect to 1mert/delete character which can be desc!"'ibed usini tarm.c:p. The most ccmmon insert/delete character Qpera~O)1lS a1!ect oIlly the characten on the current Une and shitt characters ot! the end of the line rigidly. Other terminals, IUCb. as the Concept 100 and the Perkin Elmer OYL make a distinctioQ between typed and untyped blanks OQ the screen. shifting U.pOQ an insert or delete ocly to an p.Dtyped b!arik OQ the Icreen wbich is either eliminated. or erpanded to t;wo ~typed blanla. You can o.nd out wbich k:i.z:ld ot terminal ycu have by cleari.t:li the Icreen and then tYPini text separated by cunor motions. Type" abc det" UsiIli local cunor motiolU (not spaces) bet."een the "abc" and the "de!". Then position the cursor betore the "abc'· and put the terminal in insert mode. II typiIli characters causes the rest of the line to sb.i!t r'iiicily and characters to tall ot! the end. then your terminal does QOt. dist..iIliw.sc. between blanks and untyped pOSitions. If the "abc" 1b.i!U over to the "der· wb.ich then move together &.M)und the end ot the current Une and onto the next as you imert. you have the secoQd type of terminal. and should give the capability 1n. 'Wbich stands tor ··insert. QuU··. If your t.erminal does somet.hi.ng cii.1!erent and unusual then you may have to modi!y the editor t.o get. it to use the insert mode your t.erminal de~s. We have seen QO terminals wmch ll.ave an insert mode QOt. not ta.l.ling into one of these two cla.sses. The editor can hAndle both terminels wbicb. have an insert mode. and terminals which send a simple sequence to open a blank position OQ t!le current liI:.e. Give as 1m the sequence t.o let into insert mode. or iive it an empty value it your terminal uses a sequence to insert a blank position. Give as .1 the seq,uence t.o l.ave insert mode (,ive this. With an empty value also 11 you gave 1m so). Now live as Ie any lequence needed to be sent Just betore sending the cb.aracter to be inserted. liost terminals With a true insert mode will not live Ie. terminals which send. a lequence to open a screen position should give it here. (Insert mode is preterable to the sequence t.o open a positioQ on the screen i! your tarminAl has bot.h.) l! post insert padding is needed. live this as a number o! mill1s.conds in ip (a striIli option). AJ:J.y other seq,uence which ::nay need to be sent attar an insert of a single character may alse be liven in Ip. It is oecuiona.lly necessary to move around while in insert mode to delete charactars on the lam. Une (e.,. 11 there is a tab attar the insertion position). l! your terminal alloW'S motion while in insert mode ycu can iive the capability mi to sp.ed. u.p insertil:1i in this case. Omitt.i%li m1 Will a.1!ect only speed. Some terminals (notably Datamedia's) must not have m1 because of the way their insert mode wora. rtnally. yeu can specify delete mode by liViIli am and eel to tnt.ar and e%lt deleta mode. and de to delete a siIl&le cha.ra.cter wh11e in delete mode. Blchllcht1n&. undarlSnfn&. mel 1Uibl. ben. If ycur terminal has .equences to ent.er and eXit standout mode these can be ,inn U ID and .. respectively. If the" are .everal daVO" of .tandout mode (NCh u inven. Video. bUnkj!li. or underlinin.i - b..a1l bri&ht 1s not usually an acceptAble .. standout" mode untess the terminal is in 1nverse Video mode I:COstantly) the pnterred mode is inverse Video by itself. l! the code to ~ange into or out of standout mode leaves one or even tyO blank spaces on the scree!l. as the 1'V1 912 and. releray 1081 do. this is acceptable. and 4lthouah it. mAY ccc.!-..ue lOm.e p~,rams slilhtly. it can't b. helped. • S/10/BO - ...__ ...3 ~~'j ---_._._._-----_._---- ..... _. s 'I'E.~CAP ... t1NIX i'roira.mmer's Manual (5) bool Itr u1 up -.:.. Itr Itr US ..-b TERM CAP ( 5) Terminal u:cderlines even tho\lih it. doesn't overstrike 'Upline (cursor up) Start underscon made Visible bell (may not move cursor) Sequence to end open/Visual made Sequence to .tart open/visual mode aeehive (fl=escape. t2=ctrl C) A newlille is linared atter a wrap (Concept.) Ret.urn acts 11ke c. \r \.a. (Delta Data) Standout not erued by writini over it (Hi' 2S4~) Tabs are destructive, maiic so char (Teleray 1061) Itr Itt bool bool m bool 2:: boo! D bool xt A Sample Entr:r The following ent.ry, which describes the Concept-100, is amolli the more complex entries in the t'7'mCap m. as at t.his wriUlli. (This particular concept entry ill outdated, and ill \Ued at an example only.) ell c 100 ! conceptl OO:is=\E'U'.Et\E7\E~8'-El'-ENH~X'\E'\200\J:o~'200:' :al=3·\J:-R:a.n:1:bs:cd=lS·\E-C;c.=lS\J:-S;cl=2·-L:cm=~+ :f:+ :coI80:' 'f'I :dc=lS\J:-A;dl=3·\J:-B:ei=\J:\200:eo:im=\E-P:Ul:1p=lS·:11124:m1;%ld.=~=:\ :•• =\Ed\J:e:so='\ED'-EE:ta=e,t;u1;up=\E;:vb=\Ek'\EX;xn: Entries may continue onto multiple Unes by iivina a , as the last character ot a line. and that empty delds may be included tor readability (here between the last deld on a line and the ~st deld on the next). Capabilities in tenn.c~ are ot t.b.ree types: Boolean capabilities which indIcate that the t.erminal hu .ome particular feature. numeric capabilities liVini the IU. ot the t.ermil:l.Al or the lize of particular delays. and strin& capabilities. which live a sequence wblch can be used t.o perform particular t.ermmal operations. Types of CapabWU.. All capabilities have t.wo letter codes. For instance. the fact that the Concept has "automatic marlin," (l.e. an automatic return and linefeed when the end of a l1lle i.a reached) is indicated by the capability am. Hence the description of the Concept 1llcludes am. Numeric capabilities are followed by the charact.er ',. and then the value. Thus co wbicn indicates the number ot columns the ter::n1nal cas lives the valu. '80- for.lha CDncepL i'1nAUy. st.rm& Yalued capabilities. such as ee (clear to end ot l1lle le~uence) an liven by the two character code. an 'a', and then a strilli endiJli at. the next tol10Yin& ':'. A delay in mi1l1seconds may appear atter the '=' in such a ca.pability, Illd pacici1n& characte" are suppUed by the editor attar the r~mainder ot the t. lent to proVide this d.elay. The delay CaD. be either a inteier .•. ,. '20', or an intaier followed. by an ' .. , I.e. ·3 e '. A '.' indicates that the padd1n& re~uired t. proportional to the number of Unes l.1!ected by the operation. and the amount liven 1.1 the per-a11ected-o,mlt. paddUli req,uired. Yhen a '.' ~ lPec~.d. it. t. 10meUmes useful to I1Y. & delay at the form '3.!\· .pecUy a delay per unit. to tenths ot mJl.l1aeconds. A number of escape .eq,uences ar. provided in the .trill& Yalued capabilities for easy encod1nc ot characters there. A \% maps to an :::SCAlI!: charactei-...% maps to a control-x for any apprtlpria.te x. and the sequences \D '\r \1 \b \J i1ve a newline. return. tab, backspact! and formteed. F1nally, characters may be i1ven u lhr•• octal dl&iU attu a \. and the characters - IJld \ may be liven as \and. ,\. If 11 il neces.ary to place a : in a capabilit.y it must be escaped in octal nrmc 5/1Q/80 - . 3 _(''" ! ----~~.:::~-~ =-~=============:~~~~~~~-------------.-.-.....--- --_ .. _-.. . --- .. -.- .... ---- TE?.M CAP ( 5 ) -• If tabs on the terminal ~qUl1'e padding. or it the t.erminal. uses a character ot!ler Ulan -1 to tab. then this can be .iven as t.a. Hazeltine terminals. which don't allow· ... • characters to be printed should inciicate hz. Datamedia t.arminais. which ecb.o carnage-return Unefeed for car:-:age . retur:l and then ignore a folloW'ini linefeed should indicate nco Early Concept . terminals. which ignore a lineteed immediately &.iter an am Wl'ap. should indireate %n. II an erase-eol is required to let rid of standout (instead ot merely wnting on top of it). D should be .iven. Teleray ter.::linals. where tabs turIl all = characters moved over tQ blanks. should ill die ate :n. OUler spec~c ter~ "pr1:)blems may be corrected by adding more capabilities ot the form %:. OUler capabilities include is. an initialization st.ri.ng ror the terminal. and if. the name ot a Ole containing lOIli initialization st.r'inis. These strings ue expected to properly clear and then set the tabs on the terminal. 1! the terminal has settable labs. II ooth are given. ia lrill be printed betore if. This is usetul where if lS .I\I..s'7"/tib/tabsat/std. but ia clears the tabs ~ Smilar fermmm II there ue two very similar terminw. one can be de~ed as beilli just like the oUler with certain exceptioDS. The stri.n& capability t.c can be Ilven With the name ot the similar terminal. This capability must be wt and the combined tellith of the two entries must not exceed 1024. Since trrrm.lib r1:)utines seut:b. the entry {rem lett tQ riiht. and since Ule tc capability is replaced by t.he correspondi.n.i entry. the capabilities given at the lett override the ones in the similar terminal. A capability can be cancelled wiUl %XO where xx i5 t..!le capabH1ty. For example. t.b.e entry bn 12e21nl:k~O:keO:t.c:2S21: dl~.s a 2S21:l1 t.b.at does !lot have t.b.e lu or k. capabilities. and hence :'oes not turn on the function key labels when in T1SUal mode. Tbls is useful (or d~er~nt modes tel'l. term 1n"!' or for dit!erent user preferences. letc/termcap me containing tarminal descriptioDS sa .lLSC .x{l). cunls(3). tarmca.p(3). uet(l). vt(l). w(l). mon(1) m'I'BOR 'It'ill1am Joy llar~ Horton added underlin1J:li and ~eypad support E= alloW'S only 2~S charactan for 1t.ril1i capab1l1tJes. and the ~utine! in trrm.ca.p(3) do not check tor over'dcW cf this bw!er. The total leIlitb. of a sUliie entry (excludin& only escaped newlines) may :let exceed 1024. The ma. ft. and f t entries UI spec~ tQ the vi Pl"1:)&ral=Net I.J.l pl"1:),r~ support all entries. There are entries that ue not supported by Uly ?~irar::l.. 1 S/lO/SO B mnx Programmer's lb.nual TER.\!CAP ( 5 ) x. TERMCAP(5) Uke ~c adds: to value. then ~. X>xy U value> x adds y. no output. XI' reverses order of line and column. 110 output=. mcrements Une/column (for 1 oriam) =: lives a 1;"'~le ~ k exclusiv;;r row and column With 0140 (DM~OO) D SCD (11S-(X/l0» • (~10). no output. XI) Reverse cod1n& (x-Z·(X::16». 110 output. (Delta Data). COnsider the HP2645. which. to let to row 3 and column 12. needs to be sent \E&a12c03Y padded tor S milliseconds. Nole that the order of t.he rows and. columns is inverted here. and t.hat the row and column are printed as two digits. Thus its cm capabWty 1s "cm=6\.E&~r~2c;:2r·. 'I'h. Jdicrolerm ACT·rv l1eeds the current. row and colw::nn sent. preceded by a "T. With the row and column simply encoded in binary. "cm="~.;C.". Terminals which u.se .. ~.'. l1eed to be able to backspace the cursor (btl or IM:). and t.o move the cunor up one line on the ICreel1 (up introduced below). This 1. l1ecessary because it. is 110t always sate to transmit,t. \D .. ]) and \ro. as t.he system may chanae or discard them. A anal example 1s the LSI AllIl-3a. wbicD. u.ses row and column o~et by a bla.c.k character. thus "cm=\E=:;. :;. ". ~.x t· o Cw-wor moUoa. If the t.erminal can mema the cursor one positiol1 to the ",ht. teaVina the char!.ctar at the current position unchanaed. then this seCluence should be liven as nd (non-Gestructive space). U 1t can move the curlor up a line on the screen in the Ame column. t.llis should be liven as up. It the terminal has 110 cursor address1D& capability. but can home the cursor (to very upper lett corner ot screen) then this can be liven u ho: limilarly a fast way ot letl1n& to the lower lett hand corner can be liven as U: this may involve lOi%1& up With up trom the home position. but the editor will l1ever do this itself (unless 11 does) becau.se it makes 110 assumption about the et!ect ot moVln& up trom the home position. Area clean 11 the terminal can clear from U1r. current position to the end of t.he Une. 1eaVil:li the cursor where 1t 1s. tbis SD.ould ~e liven u ceo If the terminal can clear from the current posiUon to the end ot ~he display. then this should be liven as cd. The editor only u.ses cel from the &-st column of a l1ne. rnsert/delet.e llDe If the t.erm1Dal can open a ne" 'blank Une betore the line where the cur. or is. th1I SD.ould be liven as a1: this La done only from the &-st poSiUan of a line. The cunor must then appear on the ne"ly blank Une. If the terminal can delete the Une which the cursor 1s on. then this should be liven as dL this is done only trom the &-st posiUon on the line to be deleted. If the terminal can acrell the screen backwards. then thia can be liven as ab. but lust a1 .Wfices. If the term.1w can ret.a1D display memory above then the da capability should be liven: if display memory can be retained belo" then dI» mould be liven. These let the editor understand that. deletina a Une on the screen may brma 110n-blank l1lies up trom below or that. ICrollin& back With ab may brin& doW'll 110n-blank u.n.•. lIuerV delete charac:t. lSI 10/80 3-g3 --=:""'::'=-___ ., _... ----- ._-_. ____ ._ ........ -.---- --=:-~~~~~~~=~~.....--- 0, TERM CAP ( 5 ) Codes to begin under!1.n1Dg and end underlinini can be given as us and ue respectively. II the terminal has Il code to underline the current character ana move the cursor one space to the Maht. such as the Microterm Mime. this can ~e ,iven as UC. (If the underline code does not move the cursor to the right. glve the code followed by a nondestructive space.) ltthe termin!.! boas a way of Oashi%li the screen to indicate an error quietly (a b41Lreplaceme.nt) then this can be iiven as Tb; it must not move the cursor. If tHe 'terminal should be placed in a d~erent mode during open and Visual modes ot: .:. Ws can be given as n and ft. lent at. the start and end of these modes respectively. 'I'hese can be u.sed to cha.ngl. I.i .. from a underline to a block curlOr and back. ' It the terminal needs to be in a special mode when runn.ini a program that addresses the cursor. the codes to enter and eXit this mode can be iiven as ti and te. Th1s artses. tor example. trom terminals Uke the Concept with more than one page of memory. II the terminal has only memory "lative cursor admssiIli and not Icnen relative curlor addr.ss1n&. a one .creen-sized wmdow mu.st be ~ed into the tarminal for cursor addrulin& t.o work properiy. If !our terminal correctly ,enerates underUned charact.en (with no Ipecia! codes needed) even thoUib. it does not overstrike. then you sb.ould give the capab1l1ty ul. II overstrikes are erasable with a blank. then this sb.ould be lnci1cated by iiVin& eo. Xeypacl If the terminal !:las a keypad that transmiu codes when the keys are pressed. ~ information can be given. Note that 1t is not possible to hancile terminals where the keypad only works in local (this appUes. tor example. to the U%Uhifted HP 2S21 keys). II the keypad can be set. to transm1t. or not transmit. ,ive these codes as ka and n. Otherwise the keypad is assumed to always transmit.. 'I'he codes sent. by t.he lett arrow. right arrow. up arrow. dowu arrow. and home keys can be iiven as kl. la. m. kd. and kh respectively. II there are function keys Nch as to. fl ....• t9. the codes they send can be given as leO. kl •.••• Jd1. If these keys have label. other than the default to lhrou,h i9. the labels can be liven as 10. 11 ••••• 18. If there are other keys that transmit the lame code as lb.e terminal expect. tor t.h.e correspond..1n& function. IUcb. u clear screen.. the '.rm.cap 2 letter codes can be ,iven 1D the ko capabil1ty. tor example. ":ko=cl.l1 .•f .• b:". which lays that the terminal h.a.s clear. home down. scroll dowu. and Icroll up keys that transmit the same t..b.1.lla as the cit U. If. and sb entriel. The ma entry 11 also used to lrlci1cata arrow keys on t.erminals which have slnile charact.er arrow keys. It is obsolete but Itill in u.se in "nion 2 of Vi. which must be run on lome minicomputers due to memory l1m1tatiolU. Th1s d.lei 1. reduneiant with k1. kr. ku. kd. anei kh. It consiSts of ,roups ot two characten. In each ,roup. the Orst charact.er is wnat. an arroW' key lends. the second character is the correspond1na Vi commanci. 'I'hes. command. are J:L tor Jd. J for kcL k tor ku. 1 for kr. and B for kb.. Tor example. the mime would be :ma=-lQ-Zk-X1: lnci1cat1DC arrow leeys lett (-H). dowu (-!C). up (-Z). and "aht. (-Xi, (There 1a no home key on th. mime.) llllceUaneoWi If the tarminal requires other thAll a :lull (zero) charact.er as a pac1 then t.l:ls can b. given u pc. I 5/10/80 .--_ - .... - .. ---. .. .' - ,3-~~ 7 URIX ProgrUlJller' s llanual !"tiYiPB (5) "rt'iYiPB (5) NAME ttytype - data base def ining terminal type1 used for associating terminals with serial ports DESCRIPTION The ttytype data base is used to associate a manufacturer's terminal with the different serial ports on the system. Each line contains the name of a terminal, a tab character, and then the XENIX device entry for the serial ports associated with that terminal. The terminal name must correspond to an entry in /etc/termcap. Making an entry in the ttytype file for your terminals allows the system to make maximum use of terminal features for certain system facilities that use full screen capabili ties. Among these programs are vi (1), bsh (1), and ua (1) • FILES /etc/ttytype SEE ALSO vi(l), bsh(l), ua(l), termcap(5) USAGE A typical line in the tty type file might look like ndumb /dev/tty3 n or nwyse /dev/tty5. n The first says that serial port 3 is connected to a terminal described in /etc/termcap as having no special characteristics such as cursor movement. The second entry tells XENIX that serial port 5 is connected to a terminal manufactured by Wyse Technology that is described in termcap under the name nwyse. n The terminal name is the name found between the first and second vertical bars of the appropriate entry in /etc/termcap. 3-87 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XBNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix A BARD DISK ORGARIIATIOH CONFIGURATION The built-in internal l0-megabyte hard disk on the 586 System is configured as follows: CYLINDER o 1-40 Bootstrap program Swap area 40-41 Alternate-sector area 42-end XENIX file system A-l ALTOS 586 COJIPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMIIBR' S REFERENCE GUIDE LOGICAL DEVICES The following logical devices are defined in the Altos configuration of XENIX. Logical Devices - Integral Bard Disk LOGICAL DEVICE DESCRIPTION 0 hd0 all of hard disk (without sector mapping). 1 hd0a, swap swap area. 2 hd0b, root root file system. 3-8 9 unused. hd0.spares 10 spare blocks for alternate sector mapping. future expansion. 11 hd0. track0 all of track 0. 12 hd0.boot primary bootstrap on track 0. 13 hd0.roc0 rest of cylinder 0. (Consists of cylinder 0 except for track 0.) Used for fsck temporary file. 14 hd0.1ayout layout information. (See layout (1» • 15 hd0.secmap mapping information for alternate sectors (See map (1». A-2 ALms 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PJlOGRAIUIBR' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix B FLOPPY DISKETTE ORGARIIATION CONFIGURATION The floppy disk organization for a bootable XENIX File system is as follows: TRACK 0-54 Xenix file system 55-end Swap area LOGICAL DEVICES The following logical devices are defined in the Altos configuration of XENIX: DEFINITION LOGICAL DEVICE fd0 fd0.swap 0-end 55-end "Pseudo-tape" (see below) or file sy stern swap area B-1 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GOlDE BOOTIIJG FROM FLOPPY DISKETTE XENIX is not setup to be run in multiuser mode after booting from the floppy diskette. Of course, it is fine to access a file system on the floppy diskette after booting off hard disk. DISUTTES AS PSEUDO-TAPE The floppy disk may be used sequentially as a "pseudo-tape", for example, by the ~ utility. The command: tar c filel file2 archives filel and file2 to the device /dev/tar, which is usually equivalent to the floppy disk device /dev/fd0 These files may be recovered from that diskette with the command: tar x For information on using this utility, see the section, "Saving and Restoring Files Using ..tll" in the AI tOB Introduction to XERIX Manual. B-2 UNIX PROGltAIUIER' S REFERENCE GUIDE ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTBJI RANDOM ACCESS DISUftE PILES When diskettes are used with the..t..A.1: utility, they are treated as sequential files. Files on those diskettes are read from beginning to end, as with tape files. It is also possible to have -Random-Access R files on diskette. XENIX can use random access diskette files in the same way it uses the hard disk files. You can have additional files that you load into the system when needed and unload when not. Initializing Diskettes as Rando~Access Piles To use a diskette in this fashion, you must first initialize it with an empty file system as follows: 1. If necessary, format the diskette using the format utility. After the XENIX prompt, enter format , and follow the instructions given. 2. Insert (load) the formatted diskette. 3. Enter /etc/akfs'/dev/fd8 1441 Although the newly created file system is physically loaded, you must "mount" the file system before you can use it. Mountinc.; gives XENIX the information to link the diskette with its own file system on your hard disk. Similarly, you must Rdismount" (or unlink) the file system on the diskette before physically unloading that diskette. Mounting a Diskette Whenever mounted: a diskette file system is loaded, 1. Insert (load) the diskette, if necessary. 2. Enter /etc/mount it must be /dey/fdl /fd You may now access the diskette's file system through the directory Ifd. You can treat this directory as you would a directory on the hard disk. You can create files on it, transfer files to this directory, change or remove these files, etc. B-3 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XDIX PROGRAMMER' S REPEREIICE GUIDE Dismounting a Diskette Before removing a mounted diskette, it must be dismounted: 1. Enter /etc/uaount /dev/fdl 2. Remove (unload) the diskette from the drive. As with .tAr diskettes, these diskette files should be labeled with a meaningful description and dated, and kept in a safe location when not being used. B-4 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEJI / UNIX PROGRAIUIER.' S REFERENCE GUIDE .' APPENDIX C SERIAL LIRE PRIIn'ER ABO SPOOLER STANDARD PRINTER CONFIGURATION In the Altos implementation of XENIX, serial port 6 is configured for a serial printer operating at 9600 baud. The logical device name "/dev/lp" may be used to refer to this port, and the l.J2.I utility references this device automatically for printing and spooling. Th e 1 p rut iIi t y ass u mest hat 0 n 1 yon e p r in t e r , / d e v / 1 p, i s attached to the system. If you want to connect more than one printer, refer to the "Connecting More Than One Printer" section of thi s appendi x. Printer spooling is a technique that mediates printer activity in a manner that allows all users of the system to share a printer without conflict. Files to be printed are copied to a spool directory (/usr/spool/lpd) and a background process moves those copies to the line printer device. This device is found in /dev, and is called "lp" (lpl, Ip2, etc). Files in /dev are known as "special files", and are the interface to UNIX I/O. For an expanded discussion of special files in specific and I/O in general, see sections 29-32 of the UNIX Progra • • er's Ranual, Volume 2B. A great deal of this material is specific to the PDP11, however the mechanisms are the same as those for the Altos 586 computer system. Any of several programs may be used to copy material to printer devices. For example: cat /usr/john/doc > /dev/lp C-l AL'l'OS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XERIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE This command copies the file "/usr/john/doc" directly to the def aul t pr inter. If you have mor e than one pr inter, the def aul t printer is the one that is most used. This has three possibly undesirable effects: 1. If /usr/john/doc is a big take some time to complete. file, this command may 2. If another user is copying a file to the printer at the same time, the result is probably not what anyone intended. 3. Since the ~ program knows nothing about printers, and therefore nothing about baud rates, page sizes, margins, etc., the resul t may not be what is expected. The ~ utility program is used to control printer requests. This program knows something about printers, how to set baud rates, etc. To invoke the ~ utility, enter: IprN [file_list] Where: "Nil is a digit from 0 to 5 and selects one of 6 printers. Lpr may be invoked without entering a valve for "N" by entering: lpr [file_list] This command assumes the default printer, Ip, and has the same effect as entering: lprl [file_list] The ~ program copies the files in [file_list] to a spool directory and returns immediately to the invoker. Sometime later, perhaps up to 10 seconds, a printer (if not already busy) will begin printing. The printers themselves are physically connected to serial ports. B.ARDWARE CONNEC'l'IONS The connection between the 586 computer system and a printer is a cable which has 25-pin subminiature D-type connectors. The computer's port hardware is "female", which requires that the computer side of a cable have a "male" connector. Most printers also have "female" port connectors: a compatible cable should have a "male" connector on each end. The most commonly used cables have at least pins 2, 3, and 20 connected from end to end. C-2 IERIX PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE ALTOS 586 COIlPUTBR SYSTEII Printer control of computer output is accomplished by either of two methods: 1. The printer should be configured to use the X-ON, X-OFF protocol, because XENIX uses this protocol to control the flow of data to the serial printer. This method requires that the printer send an X-OFF control code to the computer when overrun is about to occur. An X-ON control code is sent when it is safe for output to the printer to continue. 2. The second method controls the RS232C DTR (signal 2~) signal to accomplish the same result. If you wish to use this method, be sure that the cable which connects the pr inter and the computer has this conductor. CORREcrIRG MORE 'l'IIAII ONE PRDlTER If you want to connect more than one printer, you should: 1. Log in as super-user (root). 2. You need to create appropriate device files in /dev. This is done with the In command. First, select which printer is to be the default printer. This printer should be the mostused printer in the system. To make the default printer device available for reassignment, enter: mv /dev/lp /dev/olp Next, select the port to which this printer is to be connected, by entering: ln /dev/ttyp /dev/lp Where: "P" is the port number of the serial port. Next, configure the system for the additional printers to be supported, selecting which printer number (1-6) they are to be, and the number of the serial port which they ae to be connected, and enter: ln /dev/ttyp /dev/lpR Where: "P" is the serial port number, and "N" is the printer number. It is suggested that "P" and "N" be the same number to alleviate the confusion that occurs when printer 5 is connected to port 3. . Next, repeat the above supported. ~n command for each printer to be C-3 ALms 3. 586 COJIPU'l'ER SYS'l'BII XBBIX PROGRAMMER' S REPBRBRCE GUIDE You need to make file names for invoking the Ipr program. For each printer device file made in the previous step, enter: In /bin/lpr /bin/lprR Where: "N" is a printer number. 4. You need to create spool directories. These directories are used to hold copies of material to be printed for each printer. For each printer device file made, enter: mkdir /usr/spool/lpdN Where: "N", as above, is a printer number. NOTE: The default directory is already installed, do not try to create it. If any of the printers have baud rates other than 9600, refer to the next section "Changing/Setting Baud Rates". CBAa;IRG/SEftIRG BADD RAIf'ES If you want to change or set a terminal or printer to a a different baud rate than 9600, you should perform the following steps. The /etc/ttys file contains entries of the form: l2ttyP The above line is interpreted by various system programs. The first digit ("1" in the above example) tells the system to attempt to log on ttyP ("P" is a serial port number). The second digit specifies the baud rate for that particular terminal (see Baud Rate list below or GETTY(8) in volume I of the URIX Programmer's Manual for the baud rates associated with these values.) For each printer to be supported, type a "disable" command for the corresponding serial port. This ensures that the system will not attempt to log on a port which is dedicated to a printer. For example, if a printer is set up for port 6, enter: disable tty6 Now, for each printer to be supported, /etc/ttys that has the following format: add a line to file IBlpR This line may be anywhere in the file. No spaces are permitted between portions of the line. "B" is a baud rate argument from the list below. "N" is the printer number. C-4 AL'l'OS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAIUIER' S REPDEIICB GUIDE If the default printer's baud rate is other than 9699, add: 'Blp NOTE: Printers whose baud rate is 9699 do not require a corresponding line in /etc/ttys. Baud Rates "B" VALUES 9 1 2 3 5 6 7 BAUD RATE 399 150 9690 1200 300 2400 4800 CONPlGURIIK2 SYSTEM WI'l'BOUT A PRINTER If you wish to support six terminals should: (with no printer), 1. Log in as super-user (root). 2. Remove the lp entry in /dev by entering you rm /dev/lp 3. Enable the login and shell on port 6 by editing the line referencing tty6 in the file /etc/ttys from "02tty6" to "12tty6", before going multiuser. C-5 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix D LIST OF TERMrRAL CAPABILITIES The basic XENIX system works with nearly all the generally available terminals, by making use of a standard "lowest common denominator n of terminal capabilities. However, some of the XENIX utilities, including many especially useful utilities, can make use of special terminal capabilites. A major example is the Business Shell. For this reason, the /etc/termcap data base has been developed to describe terminal capabilities. The following pages give essential information extracted from /etc/termcap, in a form more easily understood that when the file itself is viewed. The information given describes all terminals currently supported for special use by the Altos release of the XENIX operating system. Custoaizing Your Altos XBNIX systea The following information explains how to inform XENIX of the special capabilities of the terminals~you are using with the system. The XENIX utilities, such as the Business Shell, that make use of special terminal capabilities access the file /etc/ttytype, which defines the type of the terminal attached to each serial port. It may be necessary to edit this file to provide the correct terminal type for each port. Each line in /etc/ttytype has two fields; the terminal type, and the associated port number. The "terminal type" used in /etc/ttytype is the second field of the appropriate terminal entry in the /etc/termcap data base; that is, it is between the first two vertical bars, "I", in the entry. On the following list of "Terminals Supported by the D-l AL'l'OS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTBII DIUX PROGRAMIIER' S RBFBRBRCB GOlDE XENIX Opera ting System," the entry called "name of terminal" is the proper reference. When editing /etc/ttytype, use that name as the "terminal type." Any editor that is convenient can be used. Change the terminal type, if necessary, for each active serial port that your system uses. (See TTYTYPE(S) in the utility Reference Section for more information about /etc/ttytype. ) For example, if you are using a TeleVideo terminal, current model 92~, when you consult the following list you will find a group of entries for Televideo. The appropriate entry is "920b." Editing /etc/ttytype, you find that all ports are associated with "wyse." Change the port assignments you are using, or all port assignments, to "92~b" and update the file. If you do not find a listing for the terminal you are using, consult your dealer or Altos Customer Support. D-2 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTBR SYSTEM UNIX PIlOGRAIUtER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Terminals Supported by the XBNIX Operating System The material below is derived from the system file/etc/termcap. This file describes terminal capabilities and characteristics. The use of this file is to support screenoriented programs, such as vi. The /etc/termcap file is composed of a description entry for each supported terminal (and sometimes more than one, if the terminal has options, or is part of a family of products). This document cites the name by which a particular terminal is known to the system, and contains a short description of the terminal, including the manufacturer's name, and other useful information. Included are comments relevant to the lIse of the terminal. an example: wyse WYSE WY-HH' this entry indicates that the WYSE WY-100 terminal is supported by the system and that its name is 'wyse' (case is significant) • The 'name' of a terminal is specified to several system progr ams. Among them are: the shell (sh): % TERH = name; export TERM the C shell (csh): # setenv TERM name or, for the default definition of a port. a typical line in /etc/ttytype: name tty5 Please reference the appropriate documentation for an expanded explanation of the capabilities and uses of the above programs and structures. Terminal naming conventions: Terminal names look like: (manufacturer> - Certain abreviations (e.g. cl00 for conceptl00) are also allowed for upward compatibility. The part to the left of the dash, if a dash is present, describes the particular hardware of the teminal. The part to the right is used for flags indicating ALms 586 COMPOTBR SYSTEII DNIX PROGRAIUIBR' S RBFBRBBCB GUIDB special ROM's, extra memory, particular terminal modes, or user preferences. Names are always in lower case, for consistency in typing. The following are conventionally used for flags: rv 2p w pp na Terminal in reverse video mode (black and white) Has two pages of memory. Likewise 4p, 8p, etc. Wide - in 132 column mode. Has a printer port which is used. No arrow keys - termcap ignores arrow keys which are actually there on the terminal, so the user can use the arrow keys locally. Special manufacturer codes: A: M: q: s: hardcopy daisy wheel terminals Misc. (with only a few terminals) Homemade special (dialup, etc.) the terminals: NAME OF TERMINAL wyse du hp 2621-nl 2621 2621-wl h19-u h19-us h19-bs h19 cl1313-rvs c100-s cl130-rvna c10C!J-rvpp cl13 0 cl13C!J-rv adm3a adm3 mime bg vt52 gigi DESCRIPTION WYSE WY-l13 0 dialup Hewlett-Packard HP 2621 with no labels HP 2621 HP 2621 w/labels Heathkit with underscore cursor Heathkit w/keypad shifted/underscore cursor Heathkit w/keypad shifted Hea thki t h19 slow reverse Concept 1130 slow Concept 10" cll313 with no arrows cll313 with printer port Concept 11313 cll313 rev video LSI ADM3A LSI ADM3 Microterm Himel BBN BitGraph terminal DEC VT52 DEC GIGI D~4 ALms 586 COIlPDTBR SYSTBIl A: DRIX PROGRAIUlBR' S RBFBRERCB GUIDE DAISY WHEEL PRINTERS The A manufacturer represents Diablo, DTC, Xerox, Qume and other Daisy wheel terminals. 1620 1620-m8 dtc dtc300s gsi aj830 5520 qume5 x1720 Diablo 1620 Diablo 1620 w/8 column left margin DTC 382 with VDU DTC 300s Anderson Jacobson NEC Spinwriter 5520 Qume Sprint 5 Xerox 1720 same as the Diablo 1620 C: CONTROL DATA cdc456 cdc456tst CDC CDC D: DATAMEDIA dm1520 dm2500 dm3025 3045 dt80 dt8f(Jw Datamedia Datamedia Datamedia Datamedia Datamedia Datamedia 1520 2500 3025a 3045a dt80/1 dt80/1 in 132 char mode H: HAZELTINE h1000 h1552 Hazeltine 1000 Hazel tine 1552 (be sure auto If/cr switch is set to cr) h1552rv Hazeltine 1552 reverse video h1420 Hazeltine 1420 Hazel tine 1500 h1500 h1510 Hazeltine 1510 h1520 Hazel tine 1520 h2000 Hazeltine 2000 I: IBM, INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS, AND INTECOLOR 8001 ISC8001 Compucolor/Intecolor compucolor2 CompucolorII intest Interactive Systems Corporation (modif ied PE Owl 12000 ibm IBf.l 3101-10 M: MISCELLANEOUS TERMINALS tab132 tab132w tab132rv tab132wrv TAB TAB TAB TAB 132/15 132/15 132/15 132/15 D-5 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XBRIX PROGRAMMER' S REPERERCB GUIDB mw2 trs80 d800 Multiwriter 2 TRS-80 Radio Shack Model I Direct 800/A vc404 vc404s vc404na vc404sna Volker-Craig Volker-Craig Volker-Craig Volker-Craig vc303a vc303 404 404 w/standout mode 404 wino arrow keys 404 w/standout mode and no arrow keys Volker-Craig 303A Volker-Craig 303 ampex d132 soroc Ampex Dialogue 80 Diagraphix 132a Soroc 120 tec400 tec500 tec TEC scope TEC 500 teletec Teletec Datascreen Digilog 333 diSilog ep48 Execuport 4080 terminet1200 GE Terminet 1200 aed512 AED 512 datapoint Datapoint 3360 falco Falco TS-l dg Data General 6053 cdi CDI 1203 (AS is an arrow key. not recommended for use) sol x183 Cybernex XL-83 Omron 8025AG omron plasma Plasma Panel swtp Southwest Technical Products CT82 terak Terak emulating Datamedia 1520 CB unix virtual terminal virtual delta Delta Data 5000 Cybernex MDL-110 mdll10 zen30 zentec 30 N: ANN ARBOR aa aaa-18 aaa-20 aaa-22 aaa-24 aaa-26 aaa-28 aaa-30 aaa-36 aaa-40 aaa-48 Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor Arbor D-6 4080 Ambassador/18 Ambassador/20 Ambassador/22 Ambassador/24 Ambassador/26 Ambassador/28 Ambassador/30 Ambassador/36 Ambassador/40 Ambassador/48 lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines ALms 586 COIlPUTER SYSTEM XENIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE aaa-60 Ann Arbor Ambassador/60 lines aaa Ann Arbor Ambassador aaa-db Ann Arbor Ambassador 30 (destructive backspace) T: TELETYPE 33 43 37 Model 33 Teletype Model 43 Teletype Model 37 Teletype V: VISUAL vi200 vi20111-rvic vi2111111-f vi2111111-rv vi211l0-ic Visual 2111111 with function keys Visual 21110 revers video using insert character Visual 2111111 no function keys Visual 2111111 reverse video Visual 21110 using insert character X: TEKTRONIX tek tek40l3 tek40l4 tek40l5 tek411114-srn tek40l5-sm tek411123 411125 411125-17 4025-l7ws 4025ex Tektronix 411112 Tektronix 4013 Tektronix 4014 Tektronix 4015 Tektronix 411114 in small font Tektronix 411115 in small font Tektronix 411123 Tektronix 411124/4025/4027 Tektronix 4025 17 line window Tektronix 4025 17 line window in workspace Tektronix 4025 wi! a: ADDS Regent: lowest common denomina tor, wor ks on all regents. regent ADDS Regent Series - works on all of series. regent100 ADDS Regent 100 regent20 ADDS Regent 20 regent25 ADDS Regent 25 regent40 ADDS Regent 40 regent60 ADDS Regent 60 regent60na ADDS Regent 60 wino arrow keys a980 ADDS Consul 980 Note: If return acts strangely on a980, check internal switch 2 on the top chip on the Control PC board. viewpoint ADDS Consul 980 D-7 AL"l'OS 586 COIlPUTER SYSTBII UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE b: BEEHIVE sb2 bh3m superbeeic microb sbl fixed Super Bee BeehivellIm Super Bee with insert character Micro Bee series Beehive Super Bee - fl=escape, f2=AC. c: CONCEPT (HUI-IAN DESIGNED SYSTEMS) There seem to be a number of different versions of the C108 PROMS. The first one that we had would lock out the keyboard if you sent lots of short lines (like /usr/dict/words) at 9600 baud. Try that on your C108 and see if it sends a AS when you type it. If so, you h a v e an old v e r s ion 0 f the PROMs. The old one also messed up vi with a l32-character line-length. You should configure the C108 to send AS/A Q before running this. c108 c108 Concept 108 w/8 pages and AS/A Q Concept 108 w/4 pages and AS/A Q Concepts have only window relative cursor addressing, not s c r e en reI a t i v e. To get i t t 0 w0 r k, a 0 n e pa 9 e win dow scheme is used for screen style programs. d: DEC (DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION) It is assumed that you have smooth scroll off or are at a slow enough baud rate that it doesn't matter (12007 or less). Also this assumes that you set auto-nl to on; if you set it off, use "vt100-nam." The xon/off switch should be on. vt100 DEC VT100 vt100 VT100 wino am gt42 DEC GT42 vt132 VT132 gt40 DEC GT40 vt50 DEC VT50 dwl Decwriter I vt50h DEC VT50h ovt100 old DEC VT100 vt100-s DEC VT100 132 cols 14 lines w/o advanced video option) vt100-w DEC VT100 132 cols (w/advanced video) dw2 Decwriter I I dw4 Decwr iter IV D-8 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE h: HEWLETT PACKARD 2621-A 2621 wlnew ROM, strap A set HP 2621 with 45 keyboard 2621-45 (should be used at 48eleJ baud or less) hp2645 HP 264x series hp2626 HP 2626 (should be used at 48eJ0 baud or less) hp2648 HP 2648a graphics terminal 264el HP 264eJa 264elb HP 264x series 2621-48 HP 48 line 2621 2621-nt HP 2621 wino tabs (2621 with no labels ever) i: INFOTON (GENERAL TERMINAL) ileJel General Terminal 10eJA (formerly Inf oton leJ el) i4el0 Infoton 400 addrinfo infotonKAS k: HEATHKIT (ZENITH) h19-a Heathkit H19 ANSI mode 1: LEAR SIEGLER (ADM) If the adm31 gives you trouble with standout mode, check the DIP switch in position 6, bank @cll, 25% from back end of pc. Should be OFF. If there is no such switch, you have an old adm31 and must use oadm31. adm31 adm2 adm42 adm5 adm3a+ oadm31 LSI adm31 LSI adm2 LSI adm42 LSI adm5 ADM3A PLUS old ADM31 m: MICRTOTERM These mimel entries refer to the Microterm Mime I or Mime II. The default mime is assumed to be in enhanced act iv mode. D-9 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM ~' UNIX PROGRAIUlBR' S REFERENCE GOlDE mime3a Mimel emulating 3a microterm Microterm Act IV microterm5 Microterm Act V act5s skinny act5 - Act V in split screen mode mime-fb full bright Mimel mime-hb half bright Mimel mime2a-s Microterm Mime2a {emulating an enhanced Soroc IQ120) {but "'X can't be used a a kill character) mime2a Microterm Mime2a (emula ting an enhanced vt52) mime-3ax Mimel emulating enhanced 3a p: PERKIN ELf.1ER pe550 fox owl Perkin-Elmer 550 Perkin-Elmer 1100 Perkin-Elmer 1200 s: SPECIALS Special "terminals'. These are used to label tty lines when you don't know what kind of terminal is on it. The characteristics of an unknwn terminal are the lowest common denominator - they look about like a TI 700. arpanet bussiplexer ethernet Ipr dumb switch networ k network lineprinter unknown intelligent switch t: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ti ti745 ti800 TI Silent 700 TI Silent 745 TI Omni 800 v: TELEVIDEO Note: The 912 has a key that's like shift: 8 xmits n"'A8/r". The 920 has this plus real function keys that xmit different things. Termcap makes you use the funct key on the 912 but the real keys on the 920. tvi912 912b 920b tvi912-2p tvi950-ap tvi950-b tvi950-ns TVI920 old TeleVideo TVI new TeleVideo 912 TVI new TeleVideo 920 TeleVideo w/2 pages set to page 1 when entering ex or vi. reset to page 0 when exiting ex or vi. TV! 950 w/alt pages bare TVI 950 no is TVI 950 wino standout D-10 ALms 586 COJIPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMIlER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Note: The following TVI descriptions are for all 950's. the following attributes: It sets full duplex write protect off conversation mode graphics mode off white on black auto page flip off turn off status line clear status line normal video monitor mode off edit mode load blank character to space line edit mode enable buffer control protect mode off local edit keys program unshifted send key to send line all program shifted send key to send line unprotected set the following to nulls: field delimiter line delimiter start-protected field delimiter end-protected field delimiter set end of text delimiter to carriage return/null clear all column tabs tvi950 Note: TeleVideo 950 tvi950 sets duplicate (send) edit keys (\El) when entering vi and sets local (no send) edit keys (\EK) when exiting vi tvi950-2p Note: TeleVideo 950 w/2 pages tvi950-2p is for 950 with two pages adds the following: set 48 line page place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 when entering ex or vi, set 24 line page when exiting ex or vi, reset 48 line page, place cursor at 0,24,1 tvi950-4p TeleVideo 950 w/4 pages D-ll ALTOS 586 COMPOi'BR SYSTEM Note: UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE tvi950-4p is for 950 with four pages adds the following: set 96 line page place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 when entering ex or vi, set 24 line page when exiting ex or vi, reset 96 line page place cursor at 0,24,1 tvi950-rv tvi950-rv2p tvi950-rv4p TeleVideo 950 rev video TeleVideo 950 rev video w/2 pages TeleVideo 950 rev video w/4 pages y: TELERAY t3700 t3800 t106l t106lf dumb Teleray 3700 Teleray 3800 series Teleray 1061 Teleray 1061 with fast PROM D-12 ALTOS 586 COMPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PJtOGRAIUIER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix E HOMERIC FORMATS, C, AIID FORTRAII 77 The following information is for reference only. This information on the internal formats used for numeric representation is not necessary for general use of the C language or Fortran 77. It can be useful when examining actual memory contents or doing other specialized system programming work. The same formats are used by both languages. INTEGER FORMATS Integers and "short integers" are 16 bits in length. "Long integers" are 32 bits. For both sizes, the leftmost bit is a sign bit and the other 15 or 31 bits are magnitude. The sign is zero for pOSitive, one for negative. Negative numbers are in twos-compl ement form. The range of values is as follows: Signand 15 bits -32,768 to 32,767 Sign and 31 bits -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 FLOATIRG-POIRT FORMATS Single precision floating point is 32 bits in length, double is 64. The leftmost eight bits consist of an exponent in excess 8~ nota tion. "Excess 8~" means th at th e hexadecimal val ue s from 8~ to FF are positive exponents, corresponding to ~ through 7F. Values less than 8~ are negative exponents; 7F through ~ correspond to -1 through -7E. The remaining 24 or 56 bits consist of a leading sign bit E-l ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM XBRIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE and magnitude val ues. J.lagni tudes are normal ized. "Normal ized n means that the representation of magnitude and exponent is adjusted so that each magnitude value can be thought of as starting with .lnnn ••• For example, the value of 101, decimal 5, would be .101 with an exponent of 3. The leftmost digit of magnitude does not need to be represented, because it is always 1 except for the special case of a value of zero. Therefore, the leftmost magnitude bit is not stored but is implied. It is referred to as the "hidden bit." Example: The value 15.25, decimal. In binary, this is 1111.01 (In binary, .1 = .5 decimal; .01 = .25, etc. Moving to the right of the point halves the value at each move, just as moving to the left of the point doubles the base 2 value.) So, 1111.01 represents 15.25 decimal. Normalizing our binary value, we have .111101 with an exponent of 4. The exponent becomes 84 in excess 80 notation, or 1000 0100 in binary. The sign bit is zero (positive), and the magnitude is 11101000 ••• with as many trailing zeros as needed. Notice that the leading ".1 n has disappeared. It is the unnecessary "hidden bit." The binary and hexadecimal values are shown below. 1000 0100 0111 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 8 4 s 7 4 0 000 The example is single-precision. Double precision, in this case, would be the same with eight bytes (32 bits) of trailing zeros. other examples: The fractional decimal value .625. In binary, this is .101; that is, .5 plus .125. The value is normalized as it is, the exponent is 0, the sign is positive, 0. 1000 0000 0010 0000 ••• 80s 2 0 ••• Negative 5. In binary, 5 is 101. Before taking the twoscomplement, we supply a leading zero which will become the negative sign bit: 0101. The twos-complement is 1011. Removing the sign bit, 011. Normalizing, .1100 with the exponent -2. In excess 80, -2 is 7E. Result: 0111 1110 1100 0000 ••• 7 Ese 0 ••• E-2 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM Zero, the exception. XERIX PROGRAMMER'S REFERERCB GUIDE This is an all zero value. 0000 0000 0000 0000 ••• o 0 0 0 ••• All zeros can be thought of as zero by convention. Otherwise, it would represent the smallest positive number possible in the scheme. VALUES IN IIBIIORY As with other values in 8086 memory, floating point values are stored "back-words." The least signficant 16-bit word is stored first, then the next, and so forth. If the singleprecision value 84740000 is stored at location x, it will show as follows when displaying memory contents: x x + 2 0000 8474 However, long integers are stored in order. The long integer with a hexadecimal value of 128A34BF will show as: x x + 2 128A 34BF E-3 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XEHIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix F SAMPLE LIST OF UNIX UTILITIES The following is a sample listing of the provided in a full Xenix Development System. typical utilities You can obtain a list of your Xenix operating system's by entering: utilities cd / Is -FCRllpr LIST OF XENIX UTILITIES bin boot boot.fd boot. food dev etc fd load.hd install lib load. hd lost+found priboot pribootfd tmp usr xenix xenix.fd • /bin: ac adb ar arcv as at awk basename bc bsh cal calendar cat cb cc checkeq chgrp chmod chown clri cmp col comm cp crypt csh cu df diff du dump dumpdir echo ed edit esrep enroll eqn ex expr f77 false fgrep file find flagbad fsck graph grep icheck join kill look Ipr Is m4 mail make man mesg mkdir mntchk multiuser mv ncheck ndump neqn newgrp nice nm nroff od osh passwd pr prep prof ps ptx pwd refer restor rev rm rmail rmdi r sa sed sh size sleep sort sp spell spline split strip struct stty su sum sync t300 t300s t450 tabs tail tar test time tk touch tp tr troff true tsort tty uniq units uucp uulog uux v7grep v710gin v71s v7ps vi vplot vpr who write xset xsend yacc yes date 1 Id learn F-l ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE dc dcheck dd deroff lex lint In login quot random ranlib ratfor tbl tc tee tek ./dev: altosnet console eua0 cul0 ether fd0 fd0. swap fdl hd0 hd0.boot hd0.layout hd0.roc0 hd0. secmap hd0.spares hd0.track0 hd0a hd0b kmem lp mem null rfd0 rfdl rhd0 rhd0.boot rhd0.layout rhd0.roc0 rhd0. secmap rhd0.spares rhd0. tr ack0 rhd0a rhd0b tty4 root tty5 rroot rswap swap tar tty tty2 tty3 ./etc: accton asktime checklist cron ddate getty group hal tsys inir init menusys mknod motd mount mtab newuser rc shutdown systemi d termcap ttys umount update utmp wall dial-login dmesg menusys. bin mkf s passwd ttytype f77cl f77c2 f77crt0.o f77passl libF77.a libI77.a libc. a libcurses.a libdbm. a libln.a libm.a libmp.a libplot.a libt300.a libt300s.a • /usr : adrn altos bin dict games include lib preserve spool src sys tmp ./usr/adrn : acct messages mssbuf savacct usracct wtmp tty6 ./etc/newuser: ./fd: ./lib: c0 cl c2 cpp crt0.o libt40l4.a libt4S0.a libterrnlib. libunet.a libvt0. a ./lost+found: ./tmp: ./usr/altos: qa. text ./usr/bin: F-2 unix user ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XENIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Mail apropos chessclock chfn chsh ckdir clear clock copy ctags cxref daytime decode diff3 disest disable double enable error expand fcopy ffmt finser fleece fmt fold format from setNAME sets head iul last layout leave lock lookbib lorder makewhatis map mkstr more msgs nohup num page pcc pconfig ./usr/dict: hlista hlistb hstop papers spellhist words plot print printenv reset script sddate see sendnet set time sizefs soelim ssp strings tod tra tset ua ucp ul users uudecode uuencode uusend uversion v7wc w wc whatis whereis whoami whon xstr ./usr/dict/papers: Ind.ia Ind.ib Ind.ic Rv7man runinv ./usr/games: arithmetic backgammon banner craps master number quiz quiz.k random snake snscor e ttt wump ./usr/games/lib: fortunes mmhow snake. log snaker awscor es ./usr/games/quiz.k: af rica chinese america collectives areas ed arith elements asia europe babies greek bard inca index latin locomotive midearth morse murders poetry posneg pres province seq-easy seq-hard sexes sov spell state trek ucc ./usr/include: a.out.h ar.h assert.h core.h ctype. h curses.h dk.h dumprestor. h olda.out.h olddump.h pack. h psout.h pwd.h regexp.h saio.h setjmp.h setty. h signal.h stddef. h stdio.h symbol. h sys sys. s sysexi ts.h time.h tp-defs.h utmp. h varargs.h whoami. h xout86.h fish fortune hangman lib errno.h execargs.h grp.h i dent. h local rna the h mp.h mtab.h ./usr/include/local: layout.h sspare.h uparm.h F-3 ALms 586 COIlPUTER SYSTEIl UNIX PROGRAIlIlER' S REFERENCE GUIDE ./usr/includes/sys: acct.h file.h buf. h f il sy s. h callo.h ino.h chars.h inode.h conf.h ioctl.h dir.h locking.h fblk.h map.h ./usr/lib: Mail.help Mail.help.atrun bsh bsh. messages calendar cign mount.h mpx.h mx.h param.h pk.h pk.p prim.h crontab crontab.noUNET diff3 ex2.l3reserve ex2.l3recover ex2.l3strings ffmt ./usr/lib/font: ftB ftCE ftCS ftBC ftCl ftCw ftC ftCK ftG font learn lex lintl lint2 llib-lc llib-lm ftGl ftGf.1 ftGR ./usr/lib/learn: C.a Xinfo Linfo editor.a READ_ME eqn.a ftl ftL ftLl ftPA ftPB ftPl proc.h res.h sc.h sites.h stat.h systm. h text.h timeb.h times.h tty.h types.h user.h llib-port lpd me menusys more. help refer struct tabset term tmac uucp yaccpar ftR fts ftSB ftSl ftSr.1 ftUD f tXfwl files. a 1 count macros.a makef ile morefiles.a tee index.me local.me nUll.me rev isions sh.me tbl.me thesis.me ./usr/lib/menusys: Backup Dir Backup? Dir? Commands? Execute Execute? Help Help? Mail Mail? Start Start? SysAdmin SysAdmin: ./usr/lib/refer: hunt inv mkey ./usr/lib/lex: ncform ./usr/lib/me: acm.me chars.me deltext.me eqn.me float.me footnote.me ./usr/lib/struct: beautify structure ./usr/lib/tabset: beehive std diablo teleray vt10~ xerox1720 ./usr/lib/term: tab3~~ tab3~~-12 tab37 tab3~~s-12 tab45~-12-8 tab3~~s tab45~ tabal tablp tab832 tabn3~~ tab450-12 F-4 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE ./usr/lib/tmac: tmac.an tmac.help tmac.e tmac.r tmac.s tmac.scover tmac.sdisp tmac.skeep ./usr/lib/uucp: L-devices L.sys L-dialcodes USERFILE uucico uuclean uuxqt tunetmail unetmail uucp uucppublic ./usr/preserve: ./usr/spool: at lpd mail msgs ./usr/spool/at: lasttimedone past ./usr/spool/at/past: ./usr/spool/lpd: ./user/spool/mail: ./usr/spool/msgs: bounds ./usr/spool/uucp: ./usr/spool/uucppublic: ./usr/src: cme ./usr/srs/cmd: decode. c ./usr/sys: ./usr/tmp: ./usr/unix: ./usr/user: F-5 trnac. sref, ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix G COPYIBG FILES FROM TIlE ALTOS 8688 TO mE ALTOS 586 UNDER mE XENIX OPERATING SYSTEM If you want to transfer files from an Altos ACS 8600 to an Altos 586 system, the best method is through a uucp network. Bell Labs developed the uucp group of programs to facilitate the regular transfer of files between systems using the UNIX operating system. (Uucp stands for llniz~-Unix ~.) This appendix describes how to use uucp for a different purpose: The one-time transfer of a large number of files from an 8600 to a 586. Two assumptions are made here about your needs: It's assumed that you don't want to regularly files. transfer It's assumed that the two systems can be placed together so they can be directly hooked up. If these assumptions don't match your needs, then you should turn to the description of uucp networks in the UNIX programmer's Manual that carne with your XENIX operating system. You can find complete documenta tion of these networ ks there. This document describes only those features of uucp needed for a one-time transfer. Both systems must be using the XENIX Development System with the uucp program installed. The information in this appendix is organized into four major sections: 1. Connecting the 8600 and the 586 2. Preparing the Configuration Files 3. Disabling and Enabling the TTY Ports 4. Testing the Uucp Network 5. Copying Files Using Uucp It's assumed that you are familiar with the XENIX operating sytem and its major features. It's also assumed that you know how to use at least one of the XENIX editors. If you need more information on either Xenix or its editors, refer to the UNIX Programmer's Manual for more information. G-l ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMIlER' S REFERENCE GUIDE CONNECTIBG 'mE ACS 8688 AND mE 586 The 8600 and 586 systems should be placed close enough together that they can be directly connected by a single null-modem cable. You can connect the cable to any port on the two systems that isn't the port used by the system terminal on that system. You can have any arrangement of peripheral devices attached to either system so long as both systems at least have a system terminal connected to the them. NOTE The systems must be connected using a nullmodem cable for the procedure to work. We suggest that you connect the two systems through their tty5 ports. The examples in this document show the systems connected through these ports. If you connect the systems through other ports, be sure to modify the examples to reflect your setup. Also, ensure that both systems are set up for multiple users. If either system is in a single-user mode, lop in as super-user and type in multiuser PREPARrRG THE CONFIGURATION FILES The uucp program comes ready to use. It does need, however, certain information to establish the connection between the 586 and 8600 systems. You provide this information by adding entries to several files on each system. The following table gives the steps needed for ~ system to prepare the files: .llI& EFFECTED: TASK: Assign a system name to the system /etc/sy stemid Define the communications line characteristics /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices Give information needed to login to the other system /usr/lib/uuCp/L.SYs Specify file accessibility /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE Unless you have special requirements, you probably can edit the files on both systems in a few minutes. To make the task simpler, this section gives recommended entries. Some versions of the XENIX that comes with the 586 already have the recommended entries placed in the files. In this case, you don't have to add anything to the 586 files, but must still modify the 8600 files. G-2 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE You can use the XENIX editor to check the contents of the 586's f i 1 est 0 see if you mus t mod i f y th ern. In case you have some special requirements, this document also describes how to prepare your own entries. You'll use one of the XENIX editors to add the entries to the files. To edit the files, you must be a XENIX superuser (root). You can become a superuser either by logging in as root or by using the .Q.l.l command. Recommended Entries You can use a set of standard entries to set up the 586's files if your requirements meet these assumptions: 1. You must assign the system name Altos86 to the 8600 system and the name Altos586 to the 586 system. If you don't, you must give different system names in the /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys and /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE files. 2. The line connecting the two systems must connect into port tty5 on the each system. If it doesn't, you must give different port names in the /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices and / us r /1 i b / u u cp / L. sy s f i 1 e s. 3. The connection between the two systems must be direct. That is, it can't go through a telephone system. If it isn't a direct connection, you must give a different baud rate in the /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices and /usr/lib/uucp/~sys files. If your requirements don't meet these assumptions, read the instructions in the section "If You Have Special Requirements." They tell you how to tailor the file entries to yor requirements. If your requirements do match these assumptions, copy these entries into the files shown if they are not already there: ENTRY /etc/systemid Altos586 /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices tty5 " 9600 /usr/lib/uucp/L.Sys Altos86 Any tty5 9600 tty5 ogin:-AMogin:-AM-ogin:uucp /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE root, / /usr /tmp The entry for the /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys file must have the carriage G-3 UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE AL'l'OS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM returns (~M) embedded as shown. See the UNIX manuals for information on how to embed carriage returns within a character string using your editor • .m.R nE 8688: £lLE ENTRY /etc/systemid Altos86 /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices tty5 0 9600 /usr/lib/uucp/L.SYS Altos586 Never tty5 9600 tty5 /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE root, / , /usr /tmp If these recommended entries meet your needs, skip the next section and go to the section nTesting the Uucp Network. n IF YOU HAVE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS If you can't use the suggested entries, the following subsections give instructions on preparing each file. This section is organized as follows: Assigning System Names Defining the Communications Line Characteristics Supplying the Login Information Defining the File Accessibility Assigning the System Names Uucp needs a unique name for each system. The names identify each system in commands and during the login. To assign a system name, use an editor to add a line to the file /etc/systeDlid. This line should contain a single word entry that can be any legal UNIX name. The name cannot be the same name as any other system name that this system will communicate with through uucp. The /etc/systemid file can contain more than one system name each. Any name in this file can be used with uucp, but we suggest that you use just one name per system to avoid confusion. Defining the Communications Line Characteristics Uucp needs certain information about the communications line it will use. To provide this information, edit the file /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices on each system to add a line of this format: G-4 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE format for both systems: port call-unit baud-rate where: port names the port to be used. call-unit Enter a ., (zero) for this field. baud-rate gives the baud rate of the line. If the systems are directly connected, the baud rate is 9600. This entry: tty5 0 9600 states that the line connects through port tty5 and has a baud rate of 9600. If the communications line can operate at more than one baud rate, you must include a separate entry for each baud rate as done here: tty5 0 300 tty5 " 600 Supplying the Login Information Uucp needs certain information to establish a connection between the systems. To provide this information, edit the file /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys to add a line of this format: format for the 586 system: system-name time port baud-rate phone login \ format for the 8600 system: system-name time port baud-rate phone where: system-name gives the name assigned to the other system in ~ /etc/systemid file. time gives the times that the uucp program is to try to login to the other system. For 586 system, state Any. This has uucp establish the connection any time you call it. For the 8600 system, state Never. This prevents the 8600 from ever making the connection. G-5 ALms 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XERIX PROGRAIUlER' S REFERENCE GUIDE port names the port through which the connection is made to the other system. The port name must match the port name given in the system's /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices file. baud-rate gives the baud rate that is to be used. The baud rate must match one of the baud rates given for the port in the system's /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices file. phone must be the same name given for the port field of this entry. login for the 586 only, consists of a series of fields telling uucp how to login to the 8600 system. The entry should be: ogin:-~M-ogin:-~M-ogin: uucp The AM characters in the string are carriage returns (CONTROL-M) embedded with the string. These carriage returns must appear within the file as shown. See the UNIX documentation for information on how to embed control characters within strings using your editor. Defining the File Accessibility Uucp needs permission to access files on either system. To provide permission, edit the file /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE on each system to lines of this format: format for both systems: root, / /usr /tmp where: root, , / /usr /tmp gives the superuser on either system access to any file in any directory through uucp. gives any non-superuser on either system access to any file in any daughter directory of the /usr /tmp directories through uucp. DISABLIIk; AND ERABLIIk; -mE 'l"'l'Y PORTS Before testing the uucp network and copying files using uucp, the following steps must be performed: 1. On the 586, enter: disable /dev/tty5 G-6 ALTOS 586 COIlPOTER SYSTEM XERIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE substitute the name of the pot you're using in this command if the connection to the 8600 isn't through port tty5. 2. On the 8600, enter: enable /dev/ttyS substitute the name of command. the port you're using in this 'l'BSTIRG mE OUCP RETWORK Before you begin copying files from the 8600 to the 586, you should test the network by copying a single file. If the copy succeeds, you can start copying over the bulk of your files. If it doesn't succeed, you must check your connection and your configuration files. The test copies the file /etc/passwd from the 586 to the the file /trnp/passwd on the 8600. To conduct the test, follow these steps: 1. Boot and become a superuser (root) on both systems. 2. On the 586, enter: uucp /etc/passvd Altos86\I/tap/passvd substitute the system name you gave the 8600 in this command if you didn't name it Altos8600 in its /etc/systemid file. 3. The copy takes about one minute to complete. time, on the 8600, enter: After that cat /tmp/passwd If cat shows that the file /tmp/passwd contains the contents of the file /etc/passwd on the 586, then the uucp copy worked. If the /tmp/passwd file doesn't exist or is empty, then the copy didn't work. If the copy works, then go on to the section "Copying Files Using Uucp." If the copy didn't work, check the connection between the two systems. Once you're sure that the cable is properly connected (and that nothing is wrong with the cable) try the steps above again. If they still don't work, check the contents of the configuration files you prepared. Once you're sure that they are correct, again try the copy. If you still have problems, use the information below to try to debug your setup. These steps descr ibe what happens when uucp performs a copy. By looking at the files mentioned, you should be able to determine where the problem lies. Then turn to the UNIX Programmer's Manual. It contains more information on uucp G-7 ALTOS 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM XENIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE that should be helpful for solving your problem. When uucp performs the copy, these steps should occur: 1. The uucp program creates two files in the 586's /usr/spool/uucp directory. The first, D.Altos86eJeJneJeJ0l, contains a copy of the file /etc/passwd. The second file, C.Al tos86eJeJneJeJ0l, contains control information. (The names of these files will be different if you didn't assign the name Altos86 to the 8600.) Uucp also places the message, nQUEUED (C.Altos86130n131313l)" in the file /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE on the 586. At the end of this step, the program uucp stops execution. If a file /usr/spool/uucp/STST* exists on the 586, remove it before retrying the procedure. 2• Th e pro g ram u u c i cot hen beg ins ex e cut ion. It's fir s t t ask is to examine the 586 file /usr/lib/uuCp/L.sys. The entry in the file tells uucico to immediately login to the 861313. The following steps occur as part of the login: Uucico sends a carriage return to the 861313, which should respond with login message. Uucico then logs in on the 861313. The uucico program on the 586 program on the 861313. executes the uucico The uucico program on the 586 creates two temporary files in the 586's /usr/spool/uucp directory that are prefixed with nLCK n• Uucico on the 586 places the message nSUCCEEDED (call to Al tos86)" in the 586 file /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE. 3. The uucico program on the 586 checks its spool directory and learns that it should transfer a file from the 586 to the 861313. The message nREQUEST (S /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd user name) is placed in the /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE files on both systems. 4. Uucico on the 586 transfers the file D.Altos86eJ0n00eJl, which is a copy of /etc/passwd, from the 586 to the 861313. The uucico program on the 86130 places the file in the directory /usr/spool/uucp. It then moves the file to the file /tmp/passwd. 5. The message nREQUEST (SUCCEEDED) n is placed /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE files on both systems. G-8 in the ALms 586 COMPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REPERENCE GUIDE COPYIRG FILES USIRG UUCP After you've tested the connection and the configuration files, you can begin copying files from the 86~~ to the 586. Follow these steps to do the copying: 1. Turn on and boot both systems. both systems. Log in as the superuser on 2. If any of the 86~~ files you want to copy aren't part of the 86~~ directories, copy them into a directory. (These typically would be files that you've copied onto a diskette or tape using the tar command.) 3. Use the uucp command on the 586 to copy files from the 8600 to the 586. The last section in this appendix, "Using the Uucp Command, n gives instructions on using the uucp command. You can use the uucp command as many times as necessary to copy files. USING THE UUCP COMMAND Once you've enabled and disabled the ports, you can begin using uucp to copy files. The basic format of the uucp command is: uucp [-d) 86-system-namelsource-file destination-file where: -d is an optional parameter that has uucp create, if necessary, all necessary directories to place the source file(s) in the destination file given 8600-system-name gives the name you assigned to the 8600 in its /etc/systemid file. You must follow the system name with an exclamation mark (1). source-f ile gives the name of the source file or files to be copied from the 86~~. The name must include the pathname to the directory that con t a ins the f i 1 e 0 r f i 1 e s • Th e n am e can include the metacharaters ? * [] that the 8600 will expand. Uucp will copy every file that whose name fits in the expanded name. destination-file gives the name of the file into which uucp will place the contents of the source file. If a pathname is given, uucp places the copied file into the named directory. G-9 ALTOS 586 COIlPUTER SYSTEM UNIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Otherwise, the copied file goes into the current directory. If more than one file is copied, then the copied files are placed into files of the same name as the files on the 8600 system. Let's say that you want to copy the entire contents of the directory /usr/marketing/reports from the 8600 to a directory of the same name on the 586. You would use this command: uucp -d Altos861/usr/marketing/reports/* /usr/aarketing/reports The asterick (*) following the Altos8600 pathnarne has uucp copy all the files in the directory. The -d has uucp create the directory /usr/marketing/reports on the 586 if it doesn't already exist. (Note that in this example, the 8600 has the system name Altos8600. In your commands, you would substitute the name you assigned the 8600.) In the next example, let's say that you want to copy the file y_t_d_sales into the current directory on the 586. You would use this command: uucp Altos861/usr/jane/sales/y_t_~sales This has uucp place the file into the current directory in a file of the same name as on the 8600. G-10 ALTOS 586 COMPOTER SYSTEM XBRIX PROGRAMMER' S REFERENCE GUIDE Appendix B 8186 ASSEMBLY LAJlGUAGE REFERERCE IlAllUAL The following pages represent an 8~86 Assembly Language Reference Manual extracted with permission from a Microsoft, Inc. publication. The section and page numbers of this excerpt reflect the enumeration and pagination of the original publi ca ti on. H-l XENIX Software Development 2.5 AS: The XENIX Assembler This document describes the usage and input syncax of the XENIX 8086 assembler as. As is an assembler that produces an output file containing relocation information and a complete symbol table. The output is acceptable to the XEN!X loader ld, which may be used to combine the outputs of seve::al assembler runs and- to obtain object programs fr.om libraries. The output format has been cesigned so that if a prog~am contains no unresolved references to external symbols, it is executable without f~rther processing. 2.5.1 Osac:e As is invoked as follows: as [ -1 ] ( -0 output ] file If the optional '_1' argument is givp.n, an assembly listing is produced which includes the source, the assembled (binary) code, and any assembly errors. The output of the assembler is by default placed on the file a86.out in the current directory~ The ' - 0 ' flag causes the outP~to be placed on the named file. 2.5.2 Lexical conventions Assembler "symbols" tokens include identifiers (alt=rnatively, or "names' '), constants, and operators. Identifiers An identifier ·consists of a sequ~nce of alphanumeric characters (including period " . ' 'and underscore " " as alphanumeric) of which the first may not be numeric.Only the first eight characters are significant. The case of alphabetics in identifiers is significant. Constants A hex constant consists of a sequence of digits and the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', ar.d 'f' (anv of which may be capitaliiedl ,- pre~eede~ by- the chiracte~ 'I'. The letters are interpre~ed with the follow;~g values: 2-69 XENIX Software Development HEX A C DECIMAL 10 11 12 D E 13 14 F 15 B octal constant consists of a series of digits, p:~c~ded by the tilde character " I I The digits must be in the range from ~.to 2. An A \decimal constant consists simply of a sequence of digits. The magnitude of the constant should be representable in 15 bi~s: i.e., be less than ~,~. Blanks Blank and tab characters may be freely interspersed between tokens, but may not be used within tokens (except in character constants). A blank or tab is required to separate adjacent identifiers or constants not otherwise separated. Comments The character "I I I introduces a comment, which extends through the end of the line on which it appears. Comments are ignored by the assembler. 2.5.3 Segments Assembled code and data fall into three segments: the text segment, the data segment, and the bss segment. The text segment is the one in which the assembly begins, and it is the one into which instructions are typically ~laced. The XENIX system will, if desired, enforce the purity of the text segment of programs by trapping. '~rite operations into it. Object programs produced by the assembler must be processed by the link-editor ld (using its '-il flag) if the text segment is to be write-protected. A single copy of the text segment is shared among all processes executing such a program. The data segment is available for placing data or instructions which will be modified during execution. Anything which may go in the text segment may be put into the data segment. In programs with write-protected, sharable text segments, the data segment contains the initialized but variable parts of a program. If the t~xt segment is not pure, the data segmen~ begins immediately after the text segment. If the text segment is pure, the 2-70 XENIX Software Development data segment is in an address space of its own, starting location zero (0). at The bss segment may not contain any explicitly initialized code or data. The length of the bss segment (like that of text or data) is determined by the high-water mark of the location counter within it. The bss segment is actually an extension· of the data s"egment and begins immediately after it. At th~ start of execution of a progr·am, the bss segment: is se~ to O. The advantage in using the bss segment for storage that starts off empty is that the initialization information need not be stored in the output file. See also location counter and assignment statements below. 2.5.4 The location countet The special symbol, " . " , is the location counter. Its value at any time is the offset within the appropriate segment from the start of the statement in which it appears. The location counter m~y be assigned to, with the restriction that the current segment may not change; furthermore, the value of " . ' 1 may not decrease. If the effect of the assignment is to increase the value of ....... '.', the required number of null bytes are generated (but see Segmen ts aboVe). 2.5.5 Statements A source program is composed of a sequence of statements. Statements are separated by new-lines. There are four kinds of statements: null statements, expression statements, assig~ment statements, and keyword statements. The format for most 8086 assembly language source statements is: «label field>] [ ] £E.-~ [ ] Any kind of statement may be preceded by one or more labels. Labels There are two kinds of labels: name labels and numeric labels. A name label consists of a identifier followed by a colon (:). The effect of a name label is to assign the current value and type of the location counter to the name. An error is indicated in pass 1 if the name is alreadY defined; an error is indicated in oass 2 if t::', ...... I I value- assigned changes the definition· of the ....... , I 2-71 XENIX Software Development label. A numeric label consists of a string of digits Q to 9 and dollar-sign (S) followed by a colon (:). Such a label serves to define local symbols of the form "nS", where n is the digit of the label. The scope of the numeric label is the labelled block in which it appears. As an example, the label 9S is defined ~nlv between the lables foobar and foo: - - foobar: 9$: .byte 0 foo: .word a As in the case of name labels, a numeric label current value and type of "." to the symbol. assigns the Null statements A null statement is· an empty statement (which may, however, have labels and a comment) . A null statement is ignored by the assembler. Common examples of null statements are empty lines or liries containing only a-label. EXDression statements An expression statement consists of an arithmetic expression not beginning with a keyword. The assembler computes its value and places it in the output stream, together with the appropriate relocation bits. Assignment statements An assignment statement consists of an identifier, an equal sign (=), and an expression. The value and type of the expression are assigned to the identifier. It is not required that the type or value be the same in pass 2 as in pass 1, nor is it an error to redefine any symbol by assignment. Any external attribute of the expression is lost across an assignment. .This means that it is not possible to declare a global symbol by assigning to it, and that it is impossible to define a symbol to be offset from a non-locally defined global symbol. As mentioned, it is ?er~issible to assign to the location counter " I I It is required, however, that the type of the express ion ass igned be of the same type as ..... I I , and i =. is forbidden to decrease the value of , .. I I In practice, 2-72 XENIX Software Development the most common assignment t~ "." has the form ".=.+n" for some number ~; this has the effect of generating ~ nu:: bytes. Keyword statements Keyword statements a=e numerically the most common type, sinc~ most machine instructions are of :his sort. A ~eT~crd statement begins with one of the many p~edefined keywords of the assemble:; the syntax of the remainde~ depends on the keyword. All :~e keywords are lis~e~ below ~ith ~he syntax they require. 2.5.6 Expressions . An expression is a sequence of symbols representing a val~e. Its constituents are identifiers, constants, and operato:s. Each expression has a type. Arithmetic is two's complement. All operators have equa: precedence, and expressions are evaluated strictly left ~= right. Exoression ooerators Ooerator • (blank) + * /... , > < The operators are: Description same as + Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Log ical OR Logical AND Log ical NOT Right Shift Left Shift Tyoes The assembler deals with expressions, each of which may be of a different~. Most types are attached to the keywords and are used to select the routine which treats ~~at ~eyword. The types likely to be met explicitly are: undefined Upon first encounter, each It may become undefined undefined expression. 2-73 symbol if it is undefined. is assigned an XENIX Software Deve.lopment undefined external A symbol which is declared .globl but not defined in the current assembly is an undefined external. If such a symbol is declared, the link editor ld must be used to load the assembler's output wiEn another routine that defines the undefined reference. absolute An absolute symbol is defined ultimately from a constant. Its value is unaffected by any-possible future applications of the link-edi tor to the output file. text The value of a text symbol is measured with respect to the beginning of the text segment of the program. If the assembler output is linkedited, its text symbols may change in value since the program need not be the first in the link editor's output. Most text symbols are defined by appearing as labels. At the start of an assembly, the value of " " is text o. data The value of a data symbol is measured with respect to the origin of the data segment of a program. Like text symbols, the value of a data symbol may change during a subsequent link-editor run sinr.e previously loaded programs may have data segments. After ~~e first .data statement, the value of "." is data O. bss The value. of a bss symbol is measured from the beginning of the bss segment of a program. Like text and data symbols, the value of a bss symbol may change during a subsequent link-editor run, since previously loaded programs may have bss segments. After the first .bas statement, the value of "." is bss o. external absolute, text, data, or bss Symbols declared .globl but defined within an assembly as absolute, text, data, or bss symbols may be used exactly as if they were not declared .globl: however, their value and type ar~ avail-able to the link editor so t..'at the program may be loaded with others t..'at reference these symbols. 2-74 XENIX Software Development other types Each keyword known to the assembler has a type which is used to select the routine which processes the associated keyword statement. The behavior of such symbols when not used as keywords is the same as if they vere absolute. Tvtle propagation in expressions When operands ar~ combined by expression operators, the result has a type which depends on the types of the operands and on the operator. The rules involved are ccmplex to state but were intended to be sensible and predictable. For purposes of expression evaluation the important types are undefined absolute text data bss undefined external other The combination rules are then: If one of the operands is undefined, the result is undefined. If both operands are absolu te, the result is absolute. If an absolu te is combined with one of the 'other types'mentioned above, the result has the other type. If two operands of 'other type' are combined, the result has the numerically larger type. An 'other type' combined with an explicitly discussed type other than absolute acts like an absolute. Further rules applying to ?articular operators are: + If one operand is text-, data-, or bss-segment relocatable, or is an undefined external, the result has ~~e postulated type and the other operand must be absolute. If the first operand is a relocatable text-, data-, or bss-segment symbol, the second operand may be absolute (in which case the result has the type of the first operand): or the second operand may have the same type as t..~e first (in which case the result is absolute). If the first operand is ~xternal undefined, the second must be absolute. All other combinations are illegal. others It is illegal to apply absolute symbols. these 2-75 operators to any but XENIX Software Development 2.5.7 Pseudo-ooerations The keywords listed influence the later metanotation below introduce statements operations of the assembler. t!.a t The ( stuff means that 0 or mo~e instances of the given stuff may appear.. Also, boldface tokens are li terals, italic ....ords are substitutable. .even If the location counter "." is odd, it is advanced by one so ~~e next statement will be assembled at a word boundary. This is useful for forcing storage allocation to be on a word boundary after a .byte or .ascii directive. .float, .double .float 31459E4 The .float psuedo operation accepts as its operand an optional string of tabs and spaces, then an optional sign, then a string of digits optionally containing a decimal point, them an optional 'e' or 'E', followed by an optionally signed integer. The string is interpreted as a floating point number. The difference between .float and .double is in the number of bytes fur the result: .float sets aside four bytes, while .double sets aside eight bytes. .B .alobl .globl name name This statement makes the names external. If they are otherwise defined (by assignment or appearance as a label) they act within the assembly exactly as if the .globl statement '~re not given: however, the li~k editor ld may be used to combine this routine with other routines that refer to these symbols. Conversely, if the given symbols are not defined within the current assembly, the link editor can combine the output of this assembly with that of others which define the svmbols. It is possible to force the assembler to make all other~ise undefined symbols external. 2-76 XENIX Software Development .text, .data, .bss These three pseudo-operations cause the assembler to begin assembling into the t.ext, data, or bss segment respectively. Assembly starts in the text segment. It is forbidden to assemble any code or data into the bss segment, but symbols. may be defined and "." moved about by assignment. .comm .comm The format of the .comm is: ARRAY Provided the name is not defined elsewhere, ~~is statement is equivalen~o .globl. That is, the type of name is "undefined external", and its size is expression. rn-tact the name behaves in the current assembly just like an undeflned external. However, the link-editor Id has been special-cased so that all external symbols which are not otherwise defined, and which have a non-zero value, are defined to lie in the bss segment, and enough space is left after the symbol to hold expression bytes. All symbols which become defined in this way are located before all the explicitly defined bss-segment locations. -- .insrt /'. / The format of a .insrt is: .insrt -filename N where filename is any valid XENIX filename. Note file~ must be enclosed within double quotes. that the The assembler will attempt to open this file for input. If it succeeds, source lines will be rean from it until the end of file is reached. If as was unable to ooen the file, a Cannot open insert file error message will-be generated. This statement is useful for including a standard set of comments or symbol assignments at the beginning of a program. It is also useful for breaking up a large source program into easily managable pieces. A maximum depth of 10 (ten) time. files may be .insrted at anyone System call names are not predefined. the file /usr/include/svs.s. - -- 2-77 They may be found in XENIX Soft~are Development .ascii, .asciz The .ascii directive ·translates character strings into their 7-bit ascii (represented as 8-bit bytes) equivalents for ~se in the so~rce program. The format of the .ascii directive is as follows: .ascii /character string/ where character string contains anT character valid in a character· constant. Obviously, a must not appear within the character string. (It can be represented by the escape sequence \en) . / and / are delimiter characters, which may be character not appearing in character string any Several examples follow: .. Rex 22 68 68 65 77 61 2D 07 61 62 Code Generated: ~ 6C 6C 6F 20 74 72 65 22 72 6E 69 6E 67 20 07 20 OA / 67 63 64 65 66' / .ascii Statement: /"hello there" / .ascii "Warning-\OO7\OO7 \n" .ascii *abcdefg* / The • asciz dir ecti ve is equivalent to the . aSCll. dir ecti 'Ie with a zero (null) byte automatically inserted as the final character of the string. ThUS, when a list or text string is to be printed, a search ,for the null character can terminate the string. Nul: terminated strings are ~sed as arguments to some XENIX system calls. .list, .nlist These pseudo-directives control the assembler output listing. These, in .effect, temporarily override the '-1' switch to the assembler. Thi~ is ~sef~l when certain portions of the assembly output is not necessarily desired on a printed listing. .list .nlist turns the listing on turns the listing off 2-78 XENIX Software Development .blkb, .blkw The .blkb and .blkw directives are used to reserve blOCKS of storage: .blkb reserves bytes, .blkw reserves words. The format is: .blkb .blkw [expressionJ [expressionJ where.exoression is the number of bytes or words to reserve. If no argument is given a value of 1 is assumed. The expression m~~t be absolute, and defined during pass 1. This is equivalent to the statement has a much more transparent meaning. ".~.+ex~ression", but .byte, .word The .bvte and .word directives are used to reserve bytes and woras-and to initialize them with certain values. The format is: .byte .word [express ion J [express ion J The .byte directive reserves one byte for each expression in the operand field and initializes the value of the byte to be the low-order byte of the corresponding expression. For example, .byte 0 s;ate: .byte a reserves an byte, with a value of zero. reserves a byte with value called state. The semantics for .word are identical, words are reserved and initialized. except .end The .end directive indicates end of the-sQUrce program. The for~at is: .end a zero that the l6-bit physical [exoressionJ where eXDression is an optional argument which, if present, indicates the entry point of the program, i.e. the starting point for execution. If the entry point of a program is not specified during assembly, it defaults to zero. XENIX Software Development .end Every source program must be terminated with a files which contain a .end statement statement. :~serted will terminate assembly of the entire program, not just the inserted po=~ion. 2.S.~ Machine The 8086 ins~:~ctions treat different types of operands uniformly. ~early every instruction can operate on either byte or word =ata. In the table that follows, with some notable ex:~aptions, an instruction that operates on a byte operand wil: ~ave a b suffix on the opcode. The 8086 ins~~~ction mnemonics which follow are implemented by the Mic=~sc:t 8086 assembler desribed in this document. Some of the ~;c:des are not found in any other 8086 manual. For example, :~:3 document describes branch instructions not found in ar.: 9086 manual. The branch instructions expand into a jump on ~e inverse of the condition specified, followed by an an unconditional intra-segment jump. The operand field format for the branch opcodes is the same as the operand field for the jump long opcodes. The opcodes which are implemented only in this assembler will be annotated by an asterisk, and will be fully defined and described in this document. 2-80 XENIX Software Development 8086 Assembler Opcodes Opcode aaa aad Description aas adc adcb add addb and andb *beq *bge *bgt *bhi *bhis *ble *blo *blos *blt *bne *br call calli cbw clc cld cli cmc cmp cmpb cmps cmpsb cwd daa das dec decb div divb hlt idiv idivb imul imulb in inc ascii adjust for addition ascii adjust for division ascii adjust for multiply aSCll adjust for subt~action add wi th carry add with carry add add log ical AND logical AND long branch equql long branch grt or equal long branch grt long branch on high long branch high or same long branch les or equal long branch on low long branch low or same long branch less than long branch not equal long branch intra segment call inter segment call convert byte to word clear carry flag clear direction flag clear interrupt flag complement carry flag compare compare compare string compare string covert word to double word decimal adjust for addition decimal adjust for subtraction decrement by one decrement by one divison unsigned divison unsigned halt integer division integer division integer multiplication integer multiplication input byte increment by one int interrupt aam incb increment by one 2-81 XENIX Software Development into inw iret j ja jae jb jbe jcxz je jg jge jl j Ie jmp jmpi jna jnae jnb jnbe jne jng jnge jnl jnle jno jnp jns jnz jo jp jpe jpo js jz lahf Ids lea les lock lodb lodw loop loope loopne loopnz loopz mov movb movs movsb interrupt if overflow input word interrupt return short jump short jump if above short jump if above or equal short jump if be-low short jump if below or equal short jump i f ex is zero short jump on equal short jump on greater than short jump greater than or equal short jump on less than short jump on less than or equal jump inter segment jump short jump not above short jump not above or equal short jump not below short jump not below or equal short jump not equal short jump not greater short jump not greater or equal short jump not less short jump not less or equal short jump not overflow short jump not parity short ju:np not sign short jump not zero short jump on overflow short jump if parity short jump 1 ... parity even short jump 1'Ii:... parity odd short jump if signed short Jump if zero load AS from flags load poin ter using OS load effective address load pointer using ES lock bus load stri:"c';; byte load stri:lg word loop sho:t label loop if <2qual loop if o:ot equal loop is .lot zero loop if zero move move byte move strinq move stri:--;: byte '~ 2-82 XENIX Software Development mul mulb neg negb nop not notb or orb out outw pop popf push pushf rcl rclb rcr rcrb rep repnz repz ret reti rol rolb ror rorb sahf sal salb sar sarb sbb sbbb scab shl shlb shr shrb stc std sti stob stow sub subb test testb wait xchg multipication unsigned multipication unsigned negate negate no op log ical NOT logical NOT log.ical OR logical OR output byte output: word pop from stack pop flag from stack push onto stack push flags onto stack rotate left through carry rotate left through carry rotate right throuch carry rotate ri~ht ~rouch carry repeat string operation repeat string operation not zero repeat string operation while zero return from procedure return from intersegment procedure rotate left rotate left rotate right rotate right store AR into flagsno operands shift arithmetic left shift arithmetic left shift arithmetic right shift arithmetic right subtract with borrow subtract with borrow scan string shift logical left shift logical left shidr logical right shidr logical right set carry flag set direction flag set interrupt enable flag store byte string store word string subtraction subtraction test test wait while TEST pin exchange 2-83 XENIX Software Development )(chgb )(lat )(or )(orb exchange translate )(clusive OR )(clusive OR Addressino 2.5.9 ~odes The 8086 assembler provides many different ways to access instruction operand~. Operands may be contained in reg is ter s, wi th in- the ins truction itself, in memo ry, or in I/O ports. In addition, the addresses of memory and I/O port operands can be calculated in several different ways. Reoister O~erands Instructions that specify only register operands are generally the most compact and fastest executing of all the instruction forms. This is because the register 'addresses' are encoded in the instructions with ju.st a few bits, and because these operations are performed entirely within the C?J. Registers may serve as source operands, destination operands, or both. EXAMPLES OF REGISTER ADDRESSING sub mv mv mov cx, di ax,/3*4 /3*4/,ax ax, 2' 1 Immediate Onerands Immediate operands are constant data contained in an instru=tion. The data may be either 8 or 16 bits in length. Immediat~ operands can be accessed quickly because ~,ey are available directly from the instruction que~e: it is possible that no bus cycles will be needed to obtain an immediate operand. An immediate operand is always a constant value and can only be used as a source operand. The assembler can accept both 8 and 16 bit operands. It does not perform any checking on the operand size, but determines the size of the operand by the following symbols: *expt 4expr an 8 bit immediate a 16 bit immediate 2-84 XENIX Software Development EXAMPLES OF mov ADDRESSING cx,*PAGSIZ/2 cx,tPAGSIZ/2 map,tPAGSIZ/2 map,*PAGSIZ/2 MOV mov mov 2.5.10 ~IATE Memory Addressing Modes When reading or writing a memory operand, a value called the offset is required. This offset value, also called the effective address is the operand's distance in bytes from the beginning of the segment in which it resides. Direct Addressing Direct addressing is the simplest memory addressinq mode since no registers are involved. The effective address is taken directly from the displacement field of the instruction •. It is typically used to access simple (scalar) variables. . EXAMPLES OF DIRECT ADDRESSING push mov add *6(bp) cx,,256 si,*4 Register Indirect Addressing The effective address of a memory operand may be taken from a base or index register. One instruction can operate on many different memory locations if the value in the base or index register is updated appropriately. Indirect addressing is denoted by an ampersand @ preceding the operand. EXAMPLES OF INDIRECT ADDRESSING popl calli rrO,@rlS @moncall 2.S.10.3 Based Addressing In based addressing, the effective address is the sum of a displacement value and the content of register bx or bp. Based addressing also provides a straightforward way to address structures which may be located in different places in memory. A base register can be pointed at ~~e base of the structure and elements of the structure addressed by their displacements from the base. Different copies of the same structure can be accessed by simply changing the base register. XENIX Software Development EXAMPLE OF BASED ADDRESSING mov -2 (si) ,#/1000 Indexed Addressing In indexed addressing, the effective address is calculated from the sum of a displacement. plus the content of an index reg ister. Indexed addressing often is used to access elements in an array. The displacement locates the beginnning of the array, and the value of the index register select3 one element. Since all array elements are the same length, simple arithmetic on the index register will select any element. EXAMPLE OF INDEXED ADDRESSING mov i_cat, (bx) Based Indexed Addressing Based indexed addressing generates an effective address that is the sum of a base register, an index register, and a displacement. 8ased indexed addr~ssing is a very flexible mode because two address comP9rients can be varied at execution time. / Based indexed addressing provides a convenient way for a procedure to address an array allocated on a stack. Register bp can contain the offset of a reference point on the stack, typically the top of the stack after the procedure has saved registers and allocated local storage. The offset of the beginning of the array from the reference point can be expressed by a displacement value, and an index register can be used to access individual array elements. EXAMPLES OF BASED INDEXED ADDRESSING mov mov mov 2.5.11 (bx) (dx), sym -2(bx) (dx), sym t2(bx) (dx) ,:sym Diagnostics When syntactic errors occur, the line number and the file in which ~,ey occur is displayed. Errors in pass 1 cause cancellation of pass 2. ---ERROR--- syntax error, line xx file: vv errors - 2-86 XENIX Software Development where xx represents the line number(s) represents the total number of errors. 2-87 in error, and - YV ALms 586 COIlPOTER SYSTBIl DRIX PROGRAIUlBR' S REPERBRCB GUIDE Appendix I '.ftJ'lORIAL AlII> REPBRBRCB IlATERIAL (DRIVERSlft OP CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, BERKELEY IlARUALS) On the following pages is informational material developed at the University of California, Berkeley. The material is supplied under license from the Regents of the University. An Introduction to the C Shell An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi Quick Reference for Ex, Vi Ex Reference Manual Edit: A Tutorial Ex/Edit Ca.mand Su.mary Mail Reference Manual -ME Reference Manual Screen Updating and Cursor Roveaent Optimization: A Library package 1-1 An introduction to the C shell (Revised jor (he T!,ird Berkeley Distribution) Wi/liam Joy Computer Science Division . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Califomi~ Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 ABSTRACT em is a new command language interpreter for UNIXt systems. It incorporates good features of other shells and a history mechanism similar to the redo of INTERLlSP. While incorporating many features of other sheils which make writing sheil programs (shell scripts) easier, most of the features unique to csh are designed more for the interactive UNIX user. UNIX users who have read a general introduction to the system will find a valuable basic explanation of tbe sbell here. Simple terminal interaction with air is possible after reading just tbe first section of this document. The second section describes the shells capabilities which you can explore after you have begun to become acquainted with the shell. Later sections introduce features which are useful, but not necessary for all users of the shell. Back matter includes an appendix listing special characters of the shell ano a glossary of terms and commands introduced in this manual. December 2u, 1979 tUNIX is il Trademark of Bell uOoralories. An 'Introduction to Display Editing with Vi William Joy Rniad 1M IIfJ'S,IDIIS J.SI2.JJ by Mark Horton Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California. Berkeley Berkeley, Ca. 94720 AllSTlUCT Vi (visual) is a display oriented interactive text editor. When using vi the screen of your terminal acts as a window into the file which you are editing. Changes which you make to the file are reflected in what you see. Using vi you can insert new text any place in the file quite easily. Most of tbe commands to vi move the cursor around in the file. There are commands to move tbe cursor forward and baclcward in units of characters. words. sentences and paragraphs. A small set of operators, like d for delete and c for change. are combined with the motion commands to form operations such as delete word or change paragraph, in a simple and natural way. This regularity and the mnemonic assignment of commands to keys makes the editor command set easy to remember and to use. Vi will work on a large number of display terminals. and new terminals are easily driven after editing a terminal description file. While it is advantageous to have an intelligent terminal which can locally insert and delete lines and characters from the display. the editor will function quite well on dumb terminals over slow pbone lines. The editor makes allowance for tbe low bandwidtb in these situations and uses smaller window sizes and different display updating algorithms to make best use of the limited speed available. It is also possible to use the command set of vi on bardcopy terminals. storage tubes and "&lass tty's" using a one line editing window~ thus vi's command set is available on all terminals. The full command set of the more traditional, line oriented editor ex is available within vi; it is quite simple to switch between the two modes of editing. September 16, 1980 An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi William Joy Rniad 1M 1IfP'SI01IS J.JI21J by Mark Horton Computer Science Division Department of Electric:al Engineering and Olmputer Science University of California, Berkeley Berkeley. Ca. 94120 1. Gettinl started This document provides a quick introduction to vi. (Pronounced~) You should be runninl vi on a file you are familiar with while you are reading this. The first part of this document (sections 1 through 5) desc:ribes the basics of usml vi. Some topics of Sl'ecial interest are presented in section 6. and some nitty-gritty details of bow the editor functions are saved for section 7 to avoid ciutterinl the presentation berea There is also a short appe:ldix bere. which gives for each character the special meanings which this character has in vi. Attached to this document should be a quick reference card. This card summarizes the commands of vi in a very compact format. You should bave the card handy while you are leaminl vi. 1.1. SpeclfyinC terminal tnw Before you can start vi you must tell the system what kind of terminal you are using. Here is a (necessarily incomplete) list of terminai type codes. If your terminal does nOl appear here. you should consult with one of the staff members on your system to find out the code for your termina1. If your terminal does not have a code. one can be assigned and a description for the terminal can be created. Code Fun Dame TYlM! 2621 2645 1C14 Hewlett-Pac:Jcard 2621 AlP Hewlett-Packard 264x Mic:roterm ACT·IV Microterm ACT-V Lear Sie;ler ADM-3a Lear Sie;ler ADM-31 Human Design Concept 100 Datamedia 1520 Datamedia 2500 Datamedia 3025 Perkin-Elmer Fox Hazeltine 1500 HeathJcit b19 Infoton 100 !mitatinl a smart act4 Intelligent Intelligent Dumb Dumb Dumb Intelligent Intelligent Dumb Intelligent Intelligent Dumb In tellilent Intellilent Intelligent InteUilent ICS adm.3a 1dm31 cl00 dmlS20 dmlSoo dm3025 fox b1500 b19 ilOO mime The lin.neal su~ MCS7~76044-A03 IIId o( III ... G..-Iuale Feilowsfti~ and the MCSis-a7l91 is pte{Wly ldaulwledpd. ~.tionat Science Foundation under innIS ·2· tl061 Teleray 1061 Intelligent vtS2 Dec 'IT-52 Dumb Suppose for example that you have a Hewlett-Packard HP2621A terminal. The code used by the system for this terminal is '2621', In this case you can use one of the following com- mands to teU the system the type of your terminal: % setan TElL.,. 2621 This command wories with the shell csh on both version 6 and 7 systems. If you are using the standard version 7 sheU then you should give the commands S TERM-2621 S export TElL"d If you want to arrange to have your terminal type set up automatically when you log in, you can use the tSlt program. If you dial in on a mim~, but often use hardwired ports, a typical line for your .Iogin file (if you use csh) would be 5eWIT TERM 'tset - -d mime' or for your .projiil! file (if you use $h) TERM-'tset - -d mime' T~ knows which terminals, are hardwired to each port and needs only to be told that when you dial in you are probably on a mim~. TSlt is usually used to change the erase and kill characters, too. ,~ 1.2. IdltiDI. 81e After telling the system which kind of terminal you have, you should make a copy of a file you are familiar with. and run II; on this file, giving the command % replacing n name nam~ with the name of the copy file you just created. The screen should clear' and the If something else happens refer to the footnote.; text of your file should appear on the screen. 1.3. The editor's copy: the buffer The editor does not directly modify the file which you are editing. Rather, the editor makes a copy of this file. in a place called the lJuffer. and remembers the file's name. You do Dot atrect the contents of the file unless and until you write the changes you mue back into the original file. ,-' • If' 70U pw !be system ID iDc:orrecl terminaf type code lbcn tbe editor rnay bave just INde I mas out of 7OUI' SCI"aft. TbiI ~ ..,nen it seftds control c:odes for one kind of termina.l to some other kind of termi· aaL 111 this cue bit the keys :q (colon aDd the q key) and then bit !be uruaN key. This should let you baa 10 tbe command level ia&erpreter, Fiaure out ..,hat you did wrona (uK someone dse if nea=ssary) and try apia. ADolber tbiac wftidl I2D 10 wrona is that 70U tYJ*i !be WTOCII file name and !be editor just printed an error c1iap!OSllc. 111 UUS cae you sboWd faDo.., tbe lbow procedure for seuinl out 0( IDe editor. aDd try apia Ibis lime $CII!iliDa tbe file nam. c:orTedJY, If' !be editor doesn't seem to respond to lbe commanc1s ..,bidl you type bere. try sendinl aD InterTUl'l to it bJ biaiaa tbe DEL or au. key aa your termina.l. aDd tbeD IliUina tbe :at command apia roUowed by I c:am.qe *WIL • 3• 1.... Notational conTentions In our examples, input which must be typed as is will be presented in boJd face. Text which should be replaced with appropriate input wiJi be given in italics. We will represent special characters in SMALL CAPTTALS. . 1.5. Arrow keys The editor command set is independent of the terminal you are using. On most terminals with cursor positioning keys, these keys will also work within the editor. If you don't have cursor positioning keys, or even if you do, you can use the h j k and I keys as cursor positioning keys (these are labelled with arrows on an adm3a). • (Particular note for the HP2621: on this terminal the function keys must be shifted (ick) to send to the machine, otherwise they only act locally. Unshifted use will leave the cursor positioned incorrectly,) 1.6. Special chancters: ESC. ell ad DEL Several of these special characters are very important, so be sure to find them right now. Look on your keyboard for a key labelled ESC or ALT. It should be near the upper left corner of your terminal. Try hitting this key I few times. The editor will ring the bell to indicate that it is in a quiescent state.* Partially formed commands are canceJled by ESC, and when you insert text in the file you end the text insertion with ESC. This key is a fairly harmless one to hit, so you can just hit it if you dan't know what is I~ing on until the editor rings the bell. The CR or IlE'TURN key is important because it is used to terminate certain commands. It is usually a1 the richt side of the keyboard, and is the same command used at the end of each shell command. Another very useful key is the DEL or RUB key, which generates an interrupt, telling the editor to stop what it is doing. It is a forceful way of making the editor listen to you, or to return it to the quiescent state if you don't know or don't like what is going on. Try hitting the 'I' key on your terminal. This key is used when you want to specify a string to be searched for. The cursor should now be positioned at the bottom line of the terminal after a 'I' printed as a prompt. You can get the cursor back to the current position by hitting the DEL or RUB key~ try this now.- From now on we will simply refer to hitting the DEL or RUB key as "sending an interrupt... The editor often echoes your commands on the last line of the terminal. If the cursor is on the first position of this last line, then the editor is performing a comput.1tion, such as computing I new .,osition in the file after a search or running a command to reformat part of the bu1fer. When ~is is bappeninS you can stop the editor by sending an interrupt. 1.7. GettfDI oat of the editor After you have worked with this introduction for a while, and you wish to do something else, you can give the command ZZ to the editor. This will write the contents of the editor's bu1fer back into the file you are editing. if you made any changes, and then quit from the editor. You can also end an editor session by givins the command :q!CR;t this is a dangerous but occasionally essential command which ends the editor session and discards aU your changes. You need to know about this command in case you change the editor's copy of a file you wish - As we wiD see Later, " moves bKt to me left Oike control-I! wftidl is • bac:SsyJec:e), j moves down (in the arne column), k moves ~ (in the same column), aDd {moves to tbe ript. • On sman terminals where it is possible. tbe editor will quietly t1ub the saeeD ralber tban rinpnl tbe beil. • ~nl OYer me .,. wiD aJso cancel tbe search. - On some systemS, Ibis int~bilily comes a' a price: you c:anDOC tY)'e abead when !be editor is com""tiDa wilb the cursor on me bcnom !iDe. t AD c:ommaDds wtsid2 rll8d from the 1ul _lay line can aJso be terminated with • ESC U -n .. III C1. - 4only to look 11. Be very careful Dot to Jive this command wben you really want to save the chanles you have made. ...4 ""'. %. MO'fiDI arouDd ill the flle %,1. ScroIliDI aad padDI The editor bas a Dum~ of commands for movinl around in the file. The most useful of these is lenerated by hitlinl the control and D keys at the same time. a control-D or ·-D'. We wiD use this two character Dotation for referrinl to these control keys from DOW on. You may have a key labelled .- on your terminal. This key wiD be represented as '1' in this document; ,., is exclusively used as part of the 'AX' DOtation for control characters.* M you know now if you tried hillinl AD. this command scrolls down in the file. The D thus stands for down. Many editor commands are mnemonic and this makes them much easier to remember. For insunce the command to scroll up is -U. Many dumb terminals can't scroll up at aU, in which case hitting AU dears the screen and refreshes it with a line which is farther back in the file at the top. Ir you want to see more of the file below wbere you are, you can hit '"E to expose one more Une at the bouom of the screen, leavinl the cursor wbere it is. ~ The command -y (which is hopelessly non-mnemonic, but Dext to -U on the keyboard) exposes one more line at the top of the screen. There are other ways to move around in the fil~ the keys "'F and AB move forward and backward a page, keepinl a couple of lines of continuity between screens so that it is possible to read throu&h a file usml these rather than AD and -U if you wish. Notice thedi6erence between scrolling and pacing. If you are tryinl to read the text in a file, hitlinl 'T to move forward a pqe will leave you only a little context to look back at. Scrollinl on the other hand leaves more context, and happens more smoothly. You can con.. ___ tinue to read the text as_scrolling is takiDl plac:. * __ l.l. SeudliDl. loto, ud prenoas coatest Another way to position yourself iD the file is by pving the editor a string to search for. Type the charaI:ter / followed by a string of c:haractc:rs terminated by CR. The editor will position the cursor at the Dext occurrence of this string. Try hitting D to then 10 to the next occurTeDCe of this string. The cbaracter ! will search backwards from where you are, and is otherwise like /. t -. It the search strinl you pve the editor is not present in the file the editor will print a diqDOStie on the last line of the screen. and the cursor wiD be returned to its initial positiOD. If' you wish the search to match only at the belinning of a line. belin the search string with an T. To match only at the end of a line. end the search strine with a S. Thus IT searcheR will search for the word 'search' at the bqinDine of a lin~ and Ilastb searches for the word 'last· at the end of aline.· • Irl'OU daD', !law ••~ kay 011 10Ut tenDiaa1 tbeD lIIIn is proOallly • key IaOeJIed 'T'~ iD lIlY C2Se tbae an 0-. .ad tJIe . . . . .. Venioa J 0IlIy. • Mot i\'Uablc ill aD y 1 adi&on due 10 memory c:DIIIlniD&s. , ne. wiD aomWIy around the end 0( tile me. and tJnas lind tbe suiftl eYeD if il is DOl on a !iDe ill tile dirediaa ,.,.. ..reD provided il is anywben die ill tile fUc. You caa disatM IJIis wraperound in DIll by IMftI tbe commaad :se aown~ or more briedy :Ie ...a. -AcnIaiIy. tile SIriDI ,.,.. sift 10 ..reD far ben caa be. ,..,., ~ ill tile sen. at the edi&on t:r - 5The command G. when preceded by a number will position the cursor at that line in the file. Thus IG will move the cursor to the first line of the file. If you give G no count. then it moves to the end of the file. If you are near the end of the file. and the last line is not at the bottom of the screen. the editor will place only the character .... on each remaininl line. This indicates that the last line in the file is on the sa~ that is. the .... lines are past the end of the file. You can find out the state of the file you are editinl by typinl a AG. The editor will show you the name of the file you are editinl. the number of the current line. the number of lines in the buifer. and the percentale of the way throu&h the buirer which you are. Try dOinl this now. and remember the number of the line you are on. Give a G command to let to the end and then another G command to let back where you were. You can also let back to a previous position by usinl the command •• (two back quotes). This is often more convenient than G beause it requires no advance preparation. Try giving a G or a sean:h with I or ! and then a .. to get back to where you were. If you acedentally hit D or any command which moves you rar away rrom a context of interest. you can quickly get back by llittinl ". %.3. MOTtDI arouDd OD the screeD Now try just movinl the cursor around OD the saeen. If your terminal has arrow keys (4 or 5 keys with arrows loing in each direction) try them and convince yourself that they work. (On certain terminals using v2 editors. they won't.) If you don't have working arrow keys. you can aJways use b. J, k., and 1. Experienced users of '11; prefer these keys to arrow keys. because they are usually ri&ht underneath their finlers. Hit the + key. Each time you do. notice that the cursor advances to the next line in the file. at the first Don-white position on the line. The - key is like + but goes the other way. These are very common keys ror moving up and down lines in the file. Notice that if you 10 off the bottom or top with these keys then the saeen will saoU down (and up if possible) to brinl a line at a time into view. The R.ETtJRN key has the same efi'ect as the + key. Vi also has commands to take you to the toP. middle and bottom of the screen. H will take you to the top (home) line on the scre:n. Try preceding it with a Dumber as in 3H. This will take you to the third line on the saeen. Many vi commands take preceding numbers and do interestil'!1 thinCS with them. Try M. which takes you to the middle line on the screen. and L. which takes you to the last line on the screen. L also takes counts. thus SL will take you to the fifth line rrom the bottom. 1.... MOTiDI withiD • BDe Now try pickinl a word on some line on the screen. Dot the first word on the line. move the cursor usinl REn11l.'" and - to be on the line where the word is. Try hiuinl the w key. This will advance the CW"SOr to the next word on the line. Try bitlinl the 11 key to back up words in the line. Also try the e key which advances you to the end of the current word rather than to the bqinninl of the next word. Also try SPACE (the space bar) which moves right one d1aracter and the as (backspace or AH) key which moves left one character. The key b works IS AH does and is useful if' you don't have I as key. (Also. IS Doted just above. I will move to the ri&hL) If the line had punctuation in it you may have noticed that that the w and 11 keys stopped at each IfOUP of punctuation. You can also 10 back and forwards words without stopping at punctuation by usinl W and B rather than the lower case equivalents. Think of these as bigger words. Try these on a few lines with punctuation to see bow they differ from the lower case w and 11. The word keys wrap around the end of line. nlther than stoppinl at the end. Try moving to a word on a line below where you are by f'el)eateci1y hillinl w. ·61.5. Summary SPACE -B -n -E '"}" -G -H -N -p -U -y + I .,. B G H M L W b e D w advance the cursor one position backwards to previous page scrolls down in the file exposes another line at the bottom (v3) forward to next page teU what is loing on backspace the cursor next line, same column previous line, same column scrolls up in the file exposes another line at the top (v3) next line, at the beginning previous line, at the beginning scan for a fonowing string forwards scan backwards back a word, icnoring punctuation 10 to specified line, last default home saeen line middle saeen line last screen line forward a word.. ignoring punctuation back a word end of current word scan for next instance of I or '! pattern word after this word 1.6. View i If you want to use the editor to look at a file, rather than to make changes. invoke it as instead of vi. This will set the rmdonly option which will prevent you from acOdently overwriting the file. V" 3. Makinc simple chances 1. 3.1. IDsertiDc One of the most useful commands is the i (insert) command. After you type i. everything you type until you hit ESC is inserted into the file. Try this now~ position yourself to some word in the file and try inserting text before this word. If you are on an dumb terminal it will seem. for a minute. that some of the characters in your line have been overwritten. but they will reappear when you bit ESC. Now try finding a word which can. but does not. end in an ·s'. Position yourself at this word and type e (move to end of word), then a for append and then 'SESC' to terminate the textual insert. This sequence of commands can be used to easily pluralize a word. Try inserting and appending a few times to m.a.k.e sure you understand how this worlts~ i placing text to the left of the cursor. a to the ri&ht. II is oflen the case that you want to add new lines to the file you are editing. before or after some Sl'ecific line in the file. F11ld a line where this makes sense and then give tbe command C) to create a new line after the line you are on. or the command 0 to create a new line before tbe line you are on. After you create a new line in this way. text you type up to an ESC *Not available in UI vI edilGrS _ 10 memory coastraiDu. - 7is inserted on the new line. Many reJated editor commands are invoked by the same letter Ieey and differ only in that one is liven by a lower case key and the other is gjven by an upper case key. In these cases, the upper case Ieey often differs from the lower case Ieey in its sense of direction. with :he upper case key working backward and/or uP. while the lower case key moves forward and/or down. Whenever you are typing in text., you can give many lines of input or just a few charac· ters. To type in more than one line of text., hit a IlETtJRN at the middle of your input. A new line will be created for text. and you can continue to type. If you are on a slow and dumb ter· minal the editor may choose to wait to redraw the tail of the screen. and will let you type over the existing screen lines. This avoids the lengthy deJay which would occur if the editor attempted to keep the tail of the screen always up to date. The tail of the screen will be fixed uP. and the missing lines will reappear. when you hit ESC. While you are inserting new text. you can use the characters you normally use at the system command level (usually -H or #) to backspace over the last character which you typed. and the character whicll you use to kill input lines (usually @ ... X. or ·U) to erase the input you have typed on the QUTent line. t The character -W will erase a whole word and leave you atler the space after the previous word.; it is useful for quickly backing up in insert. Notice that when you backspace during an insertion the characters you backspace over are not ~ the cursor moves backwards. and the characters remain on the display. This is often useful if you are piannin, to type in something similar. In any case the characters disappear when when you hit ESC; if you want to get rid of them immediately. hit an ESC and then a apin. Notice also thal you can't erase characters which you didn't insert. and that you can't backspace around the end of a line. If you need to back up to the previous line to make a correction. just hit ESC and move the cursor back to the previous line. After making the correction you can return to where you were and use the insert or append command again. -an 3.2. Makinc small COrrectiODS You can make small corrections in eXlSung text quite easily. Find a single character which is wrong or just pick any character. Use the arrow keys to find the character. or get near the character with the word motion keys and then either backspace (hit the BS key or "H or even just h) or SJlACE (using the space bar) until the cursor is on the character which is wrong. If the character is nOl needed then hit the % keT, this deletes the character from the file. It is analogous to the way you % out characters when you make mistakes 00 I typewriter (except it's not as messy). It the character is incorrect. you can replace it with the correct character by giving the command rc. where c is replaced by the correct character. Finally if the character which is incorrect should be replaced by more than one character. gjve the command s which substitutes I striog of characters. ending with ESC. for iL It then: are a small cumber of characters which are wrong you can precede s with I count of the number of characters to be replaced. Counts are also useful with % to specify the number of characters to be deleted. 3.3. More COrrediODS: opentors You already know almost enough to make changes at I higher level. All you need to know now is that the cl key acts IS a dejete operator. Try the command ell' to delete a word. Try hitting. a few times. Notic:: that this repeats the effect of the ell'. The command. repeaLS the last command which made a chanle. You can remember it by analogy with an eHipsis ...... t Ia (act. me dwaclcr "H (bac:XsTJ!ace) liways worts to erue the Iul inCNl dlanc:er !tere. rqardlcss 'f'NZ erase c:nancser is. 0( _hal ·8-. Now try db. This deletes a word backwards, namely the preceding word. Try dsPACE. This deletes a single character, and is equivalent to the x command. Another very useful operator is c or change. The command c:w thus changes the text of a single word. You follow it by the replacement text ending with an ESC. Find a word which you can change to another, and try this now. Notice that the end of the text to be changed was marked with the character'S' so that you can see this as you are typing in the new material. 3.4. OpenriDI OD llDes It is often the case that you want to operate on lines. Find a line which you want to delete. and type dd. the d operator twice. This will delete the line. If you are on a dumb terminal. the editor may just erase the line on the screen. replacing it with a line with only an @ on it. This line does not correspond to any line in your file, but only acts as a place holder. It helps to avoid a lengthy redraw of the rest of the screen which would be necessary to close up the hole created by the deletion on a tennina.l without a delete line capability. Try repeating the c operator twice; this will change a whole line, erasing its previous contents and replacng them with text you type up to an ESC. t You .;;m delete or change more tiw1 one line by preceding the dd or cc with a count, i.e. Sdd deletes 5 lines. You can also give a command like dL to delete all the lines up to and including the last line on the screen. or d.3L to delete through the third from the bottom line. Try some commands like this now.- Notice that the editor lets you know when you change a larJe number of lines so that you can see the extent of the change. The editor will also always tell you when a change you make aifects text which you cannot see. 3.5. UDdoiDc NoW' suppose that the last change which you made was incorrect~ you could use the insert. delete and append commands to put the correct material back. However, since it is often the case that we re&ret a change or make a change incorrectly, the editor provides a u (undo) command to reverse the last change which you made. Try this a few times, and give it twice in a row to notice that an u also undoes a u. The undo command lets you reverse only a single change. After you make a number of changes to a line. you may decide that you would rather have the original state of the line back. The U command restores the current line 10 the state before you started changing it. OD You can recover text which you delete. even if undo will not bring it bac:k~ see the section recoverinllost text below. 3.6. Summary SPACE '"H -W erase kill o U • c advance the Cltt!or one position backspace the cursor erase a word during an insert your erase (usually -H or #), erases a character during an insert your Irill (usually @, -x, or -U), kills the insert on this line repeats the changing command opens and inputs new lines. above the current undoes the changes you made to the current line appends text after the cursor changes the object you specify to the following text t The command S is I Cl)ftvenicnl synoaym (or (or CIC. by IIWoU ";Us s. l'hin& 01 SIS. subsUtute on 1iDes, ..hile tis. substitUle Oft c:banders. • ODe subUe point here involves tile I sean:D after I Ii. Tbis wiD normany delete chanc:ten (rom tbe curTaIl positioD to the point 01 !be matdl. If ..tal is ~ is 10 dejele wbole lines indUdiI1l the two pouus. usin, Ii". tile paaem as I,.,., +t•• Iiae addna. - 9deletes the object you Sl)ecify inserts text before the cursor opens and inputs new lines, below the current undoes the last change Ii 1 o 11 4_ MOYiDC about; resn'2DgiDI and dupUC3dnc tut ".1. LDw IenJ character motioDs Now move the cursor to I line where there is a punctuation or a bracketing character such u a parenthesis or a comma or period. Try the command Cx where z is this character. This command finds the next z character to the right of the cursor in the current line. Try then hitting a ;, which finds the next instance of the same character. By using the r command and then a sequence of ;'5 you can often get to a particular plac:: in a line much raster than with a sequence of word motions or SPACEs. There is also a F comman~ which is like C, but searcbes backward. The; command repeats F also. When you are operating on the text in a line it is often desirable to deal with the characters up to, but not including. the first instance of a character. Try cU'.x ror some z now and notice that the z character is deleted. Undo this with 11 and then try d~ the t here stands for fD, Le. delete up to the next X. but not the.x. The command T is the reverse of t. When worltine with the text of a single line, an T moves the cursor to the first non-white position on the line, and a $ moves it to the end of the line. Thus Sa will append new text at the end of the current line. Your file may have tab (AI) characters in it. These c:ha.racters are re;»resented as a number of Sl)aces expanding to a tab stop, where tab stops are every 8 positions.· When the cursor is at a tab, it sits on the last of the several Sl)KeS which represent that tab. Try moving the cursor back and rorth over tabs so you understand how this works. On rare occasions, your file may have nonprinting characters in it. These characters are displayed in the same way they are represented in this document, that is with a two character code. the first character of which is .-'. On the screen non-printing characters resemble a ,-, character adjacent to another, but spacing or backspacing over the character will reveal that the two characters are, like the spaces representing a tab character. a single character. The editor sometimes discards control characters. depending on the character and the settine of the bmutifY option. if you attempt to insert them in your file. You can get a control character in the DIe by beginniDl an insert and then typing a -V before the control character. The -V quotes the followiDl character, causing it to be inserted directJy into the file:. ".l. Hlcher Ie1'el tut objects In woronl with a document it is often advantageous to work in terms of sentences. para&nphs, and sections. The operations ( and ) move to the beginning of the previous and next sentenc:e:5 respectively. Thus the command ei> ";11 delete the rest of the current sentence~ likewise Ii( will delete the previous sentence if you are at the beginninl of the current sentence. or the current sentence up to where you U'e if you are not at the beginning of the current sentence. A sentence is defined to end It I '.', '!' or '1' which is rollowed by either the end of a line. or by two spaces. Any number of closinl ')" 'J\ ••, and ". characters may IPPe3I aiter the '.'. '!' or '1' before the spaces or end of line. The operations ( and J move over paraaraphs and the operations II and move over sec· tions. t n command al tile rorm :se ts-lC1. ~ z is 4 to set tabstoCII every (our c:ojumn.s. [be editor. oc-atians require 1lIe ~lion cnar.cer to be doubled because tbey can move !be cunor far • This is sellel. b7 This bas I esfCCl OD the t ne II aDd 11 screen teFeseftlation wimm • 10· A paraaraph begins after each empty line. and also at each of a set of paragraph macros. specified by the pairs of characters in the definition of the string valued option ptUagrapns. The default seEting for this option defines the paragraph macros of the -ms and -mm macro packages. i.e. the '.lP'. •.LP', '.PP' and '.QP'. '.P' and '.U' macros.* Each paragraph boundary is also a sentence boundary. The sentence and paragraph commands can be &iven counts to operate over groups of sentences and paragraphs. Sections in the editor begin after each macro in the S«tions option, normally '.NH'. •.SH' . •.H' and '.HU'. and each line with a fonnfeed '"L in the first column. Section boundaries are always line and paragraph boundaries also. Try experimenting with the sentence and paragraph commands until you are sure bow they work. If you have a Iatle document, try looking through it using the section commands. The section commands interpret a preceding count as a different window size in which to redraw the screen at the new location. and this window size is the base size for newly drawn windows until another size is specified. This is very useful if you are on a slow terminal and are looking for a particular section. You can give the first section command a small count to then see each sucx:ssive section heading in a small window. ".3. lleurandnc and du;!'catfDI tal The editor has a sin&le unnamed buffer where the last deleted or changed away text is saved. and a set of named buffers a-z which you can use to save copies of text and to move text around in your file and ~tween files. The operator '1 yanks a copy of the object which fonows into the unnamed buffer. If preceded by a buffer name, -XY. where x here is replaced by a letter a-z. it places the text in the named buffer. The text can then be put bade in the file with the commands p and P; p puts the text after or below the cursor, while P puts the text before or above the cursor. If the text which you yank forms a part of a line. or is an object such as a sentence which partially spans more than one line. then when you put the text back. it will be placed after the cursor (or before if you use P). If the yanked text forms whole lines. they will be put back as whole lines. without changing the current line. In this case. the put acts much like a 0 or 0 comman~ . Try the command YP. This makes a copy of the current line and leaves you on this copy. which is placed before the current line. The command Y is a convenient abbreviation for rJ. The command Yp will also make a copy of the current line. and place it after the current line. You em Jive Y a count of lines to yank, and thus duplicate several lines; try 3YP. To move text within the buffer. you need to delete it in one place. and put it bade in mother. You can precede a delete operation by the name of a buffer in which the text is to be stored as in -a5dd deleting S lines into the named buffer a. You can then move the cursor to the eventual resting place of the these lines and do a -ap or -aP to put them back. In fact. you can switch and edit another file before you put the lines back. by &iving I command of the form :. flGmeo.. where ntlm~ is the name of the other file you want to edit. You wiIl have to write back the contentS of the current editor buffer (or discard them) if you have made changes before the editor will let you switch to the other file. An ordinary delete command saves the text in the unnamed buffer. so that an ordinary put can move it elsewhere. However. the unnamed buffer is lost when you change files, so to move text from one tile to another you should use an unnamed buffer. '** from wDere it aarrmlJy is. While it is easy 10 pl widI the command -. tbese cammmds would sliD be frusvalinl if tbey were easy to hit acCdeftWly. You can easily d'I.Inp or extend tJsjs set of m.c:ras by usill'lina • dift'erent sviDl to tbe ~ ~n in YOIII' EXINlT. See sedioa 6.2 for deWlI. Tbe' .•• directive is aJso considc:ed to SWt • pan.,."il.. * - 11 ~ .... Summary. T first non-white on line $ ) } end of line forward sentence forward paragraph forward section baeXward sentence backward paragraph backward .section find :r forward in line put text back, after cursor or below current line yank operator, for copies and moves up to :r forward. for operators f backward in line put text back, before cursor or above current line t baaward in line JI ( ( II .fx p "1 tx F,X P T,X S. HIgh lenI commands S.l. Writinl. quittiDI. editiDI Dew tiles So far we have seen how to enter vi and to write out our file using either ZZ or :wc::t. The first exits from tbe editor, (writing if changes were made), the second writes and stays in the editor. If you have changed the editor's copy of the file but do not wish to save your changes. either bec3use you messed up the file or decided that the changes are not an improvement to the file, then you can &ive the command :q!CR to quit from the editor without writing the changes. You can also reedit the same file (starting over) by &iving the command :e!CR. These commands should be used only rarely, and with caution, as it is not possible to recover the changes you have made after you discard them in this manner. You can edit a difi"erent file without leaving the editor by &iving the command :e namt'CR. try to do ~ then the editor will tell you this. and delay editing the other file. You can then &ive the command :wCR to save your worle and then the :e nam«:R command again. or carefully &ive the command :e! MmeO.. which editS the other file discarding the changes you have made to the current file. To Dave the editor automatically save chang~ maude SIt autowri~ in ~r EXINlT. and use :n instead of ~. If you have not written out your file before you S.l. EscapiDI to shell You can ,et to a sheil to execute a single command by &iving a vi command of the fonn :!anti:ll. The system will run the single command cmd and when the command finishes. the editor will ask you to hit a RETURN to continue. When you have finished looking at the out~ut on the screen. you should llit RETURN and the editor will c1ear the saeen and redraw it. You c:an then continue editing. You can also &ive another : command when it asks you for a RETURN~ in this case the saeen will not be redrawn. I It you wish to execute more tban one command in the sheil. then you can give the com· mand :shCll. This will give you a new sheil. and when you finish with the sheil. ending :t by typing a AD. the editor will clear the saeen and continue. On systems which support it. AZ will suspend the editor and return to the (top levei) sheil. When the editor is resumed. the screen will be redrawn. - 12 - 5.3. Markinl and returninl The command ,. returned to the previous place after a motion of the cursor by a command such as I. '! or G. You can atso mark lines in the file with single letter tags and return to .these marks later by naming the tags. Try marking the current line with the command mx.. where you should pick some letter for .r. say 'a'. Then move the cursor to a different line (any way you like) and hit '.. The cursor will return to the place which you marked. Marks last only until you edit another file. When using operators such as cI and referring to marked lines. it is often desirable to delete whole lines rather than deleting to the exact position in the line marked by m. In this case you can use the form '::c rather than 'x. Used without an operator. '::c will move to the first oon-white character of the marked line~ similarly" moves to the first non-white character of the line containing the previous context mark ". 5.4. Adjustinl the screeD If the saeen image is messed up because of a transmission error to your terminal. or because some program other than the editor wrote output to your terminal. you can hit a -L. the ASClI form-feed character, to cause the saeen to be refreshed. On a dumb terminal, if there are @ lines in the middle of the screen as a result of line deletion, you may let rid or these lines by typing -1l to cause the editor to retype the screen. dosing up these holes. . Finally. if you wish to 'place a certain line on the screen at the top middle or bottom of the !Creen, you can position the cursor to that line. and then give a z command. You should follow the z command with a RETURN if you .want the line to appear at the top of the window, a • if you want it at the center, or a - if you want it at the bottom. (L, Z-. and z+ are not available on all v2 editors.) • ,. Special topics '.1. Editio, on slow terminals When you are on a slow terminal. it is important to limit the amount of output which is generated to your sc:reen so that you will not suffer long delays, waiting for the screen to be refreshed. We have already pointed out how the editor optimizes the updating of the screen during insertions on dumb terminals to limit the delays, and how the editor erases lines to @ w~en they are deleted on dumb terminals. The use of the slow terminal insertion mode is controlled by the sJowo~n option. You can foi'O: the editor to use this mode even on faster terminals by givinl the command :se slowcR. If your system is sluggish this helps lessen the amount of output coming to your terminal. You can disable this option by :se aoslowcll. The editor can simulate an intelligent terminal on a .dumb one. Try &iving the command :se rednwCll. This simulation generates a great deal of output and is lenerally tolerable only on lightly loaded systems and fast terminaLs. You can disabJe this by &iving the command :se aorednWCR. The editor also makes editing more pleasant at low speed by starting editing in a small window, and lenin, the window expand as you ediL This works particularly well on inteiligent terminals. The editor can expand the window easily when you insert in the middle of the screen on these terminals. If possible, try the editor on an intelligent terminal to see how thiS works.. You can control the size of the window whicb is redrawn e3ch time the screen is cleared by livinl window sizes as argument to the commands which cause large screen motions: t :/!((I)" 'Plus if you are searchina for a particular instance of a common string in a file you can precede • 13 the first search command by a smail number, say 3, and the editor will draw three line windows around each instance of the string which it locates. You caD easily expand or contract tbe window, placing tbe current line as you choose, by Jiving a number on a z command, after tbe z and before the following RETURN •• or -. Thus the command 15. redraws the screen witb the current line in tbe center of a five line window. r If the editor is redrawing or otherwise updating large portions of the display. you can interrupt this updating by hitting a DEL or RUB as usuaL If· you do this you may partially confuse the editor about what is displayed on tbe screen. You can still edit the text on the screen if you wish; clear up the confusion by hitting a ·L~ or move or search apia, ignoring the current state of the display, See section 7.8 on open mode for another way to use the vi command set on slow lenni- aa1s. 6.1. OptioDS, set, IDd editor startup files The editor has a set of options, some of which have been mentioned above. The most useful options are given in the following table. Name autoindent autowrite iJllorecase lisp list magic number paragraphs redraw sections shiftwidth showmatch siowopen term Delallit noai noaw noi.: nolisp nolist nOmaglc nonu para-IPLPPPQPbpP LI nore sect - NHSHH HU sw-8 nosm siow dumb DescriptioD Supply indentation automatically Automatic write before :D, :ta, AT, ! IlDore case in searching ( I ) I commands deal with S-expressions Tabs print as AI; end of lines marlced with S The characters . ( and • are spedal in scans Lines are displayed prefixed with line numbe:-s Macro names which start paragraphs Simulate a smart terminal .on a dumb one Macro names which start new sections Shift distance for <, > and input AD and -r Show matcfling ( or I as ) or } is typed Postpone display updates during inserts The kind of terminal you are using. The options are of three kinds: numeric options, string options, and toggle options. You can set numeric and string options by a statement of the form set opr- WI/ and toggle options caD be set or unset by statements of one of the forms set opt set DOOpl These statements can be placed in your EXINIT in your environment. or given while you are running vi by preceding them with a : and following them with a CR. You caD get a list of all options which you have changed by the command :setC~, or the value of a single option by the command :set Opl?CR. A list of all possible options and thelr values is generated by :set alleR. Set caD be abbreviated se. Multiple options can be placed on one line. e." :se ai .,. DIIOt. Options set by tbe set command only last while you stay in the editor. It is common to want to have certain options set whenever you use the editor. This can be aa:ompiished by creatine a list of ex commandst 'which are to be run every time you start up ex. tOil, or VI. A t t Note IDa, the ~mmlPd 51. baa aD -=ntirdy ditfetent e6ec. piKlnl line 5 La the center All commands -hidl start witll : Ire er commaads. o( • Dew window. • 14 typical list includes a set command. and possibly a few map commands (on v3 editors). Sine: it is advisable to get these commands on one line. they can be separated with the I character. for example: set ai aVi terse:Psap @ ddjmap # x which sets the options autoindent, aulowrile. terse. (the set command). makes @ delete a line. (the first map), and makes # delete a character. (the second map). (See section 6.9 for a description of the map command, which only works in version 3.) This string should be placed in the variable EXINIT in your environment. If you use alt. put this line in the tile .Jogln in your home directory: setenv EXIN1T 'set ai aVi ters~ap @ d~ap # x' If you use the standard v7 shell. put these lines in the tile .profile in your home directory: EXlNlT-'set ai aw terselmap export EXIN1T @ d~ap # x' On a version 6 system. the concept of environments is not present. In this case. put the line in the tile .IXTC in your bome directory. set ai aVi ~p @ ddlmap # x Of course. the particulars of the line would depend on which options you wanted to set. 6.3. Reconrinc lost lines . You might have a serious problem if yoU' delete a number of lines and then regret that they were deleted. Despair not. the editor saves the last 9 deleted blocks of text in a set of numbered registers 1-9. You can get the n'th previous deleted text back in your file by the command e np. The· here says that a buffer name is to follow. n is the number of the buffer you wish to try (use the number 1 for now). and p is the put command, which puts text in the butrer after the cursor. If this doesn't bring back the text you wanted., hit 11 to undo this and then. (period) to repeat the put command. In general the. command will repeat the last change you made. As a special case. when the last command refers to a numbered text buffer. the . command increments the number of the butrer before repeating the command. Thus a sequence of the form 'pu.II.II. will. if repeated long enough. show you all the deleted text wbich has been saved for you. You can omit the 11 commands bere to gaLber up all this text in the buffer. or stop after any . com· mand to keep just the then recovered i.:~t. The command P can also be used rather than p to put the recovered text before rather than after the cursor. 6.4. Reconrinl lost tlles If the system crashes. you can recover the worle you were doing to within a few chanses. You will normally receive mail when you next login giving you the name of the file which has been saved for you. You should then chanae to the directory where you were when the system crashed and pve a command of the form: % Ti - r fllUlfe replacing fUZm~ with the name of the file which you were editing. This will recover your worlc a point near wbere you left off. t to 1 t In rare cases.. 3Qme of the lines of the file may be 1ost. The edilOr wiD live you the nwnbCS's of these lines IIId the text of the !ina wiD be ~ by tbe SU'iftl 'LOST. These Iincs will almost a./ways be amon, ttle: IaI& few wbid2 you dlanpd. You can ~thc:r cboose 10 discard the dlanaa whidl you made (j{ they arc: easy 10 temUeJ or 10 ~ t.be few 1011 lines by baDd. - IS You can Ie:t I listing of the files which are saved for you by giving the command: %" -r If there is more than one: instance of a particuiar file saved. the editor gives you the newest instance each time you recover iL You can thus Ie:t an older saved copy back by first recover· ina the: cewe:r copies. For this feature to work. vi must be: correctly installed by a super user on your system. and the mall program must exist to receive maiL Theinvocation .. vi -I· will not always list all saved files, but they can be: recovered even if they are not listed. ,.5. CoatiDllous text iaput When you are typing in large amounts of text it is convenient to have lines broken near the: right margin automatically. You can cause this to bappen by giving the command :se WID-IOcR. This causes all lines to be: broken at a space at least 10 columns from the right band edge of the screen.· If the editor breaks an input line and you wish to put it back together you can tell it to join the lines witb J. You can Jive: J I count of the cumber of lines to be joined as in 3J to join 3 lines. The iditor supplies white space, if appropriate••t the juncture of the joined lines, and leaves the cursor at this white space. You can kill the white space with x if you don't want it. '.6. Futures for edUiDa procrsms The editor has a number of commands for editing programs. The thing that most distinJUishes editing of prosrams from editing of text is the desirability of maintaining an indented structure to the: body of the program. The editor bas a autoind~nt fadlity for helping you generate correctly indented procrams. To enable this facility you can give the command :se aiCR. Now try opening a new line with 0 and t}'l)e some char~.ers on the line after a few tabs. If you now start another line. notice that the ediLOr supplies white: sp3Ce at the beginning of the line to line it up with the pre· vious line. You cannot bac~ace over this indentation, but you can use key to baclctab over the supplied indentation. -n Each time you type AD you back up one position, normally to an 8 column boundary. settabl~ the editor has an option called shiftwldth which you can set to change this value. Try givine the command :se SW-4CR and then experimenting with autoindent This amount is aaam. For shifting lines in the program left and right. there are operators < and >. These shift the lines you specify right or left by one shiftwldth. Try < < and > > which shift one line left or richt. and < L and > L shifting the rest of the display left and right. If you have a complicated expression and wish to see how the parentheses match. put the cursor It I left or right parenthesis and bit~. This will show you the matching parenthesis. This works also for braces { and I. and brackets ( and ]. If you are editing C programs. you can use the II and II keys to advance or retreat to a line starting with a {. Le. I function deciaration at a time. When IJ is used with an operator it SlOps after • line which starts with I; this is sometimes useful with 111. • nns realure is DO' available on some v2 editors. In v2 editors where i' is availabfe. Lbe breai: can oftiy ex· car to llle ri&Dt 0( tb& S1*i6ed boundary insaead of to lbe left. - 16 6.7. FilteriDC portions of the buffer You can run system commands over ponioO! of the buffer using the operator!. You can use this to sort lines in the buffer, or to reformat portions of the buffer with a pretty-printer. Try typing in a list of random words, one per line and ending them with a blank line. Back up to the beginning of the list., and then give the command !\sortCR. This says to sort the next paragraph of material, and the blank line ends a paragraph. LISn 6.8. Commands (or editinl If you are editing a LISP program you should set the option lisp by doing :se liSpCR. This changes the ( and ) commands to move backward and forward over s-expressions. The ( and J commands are like ( and ) but don't stop at aloms. These can be used to skip to the next list. er through a comment quickly. The autoindent option works di1ferently for USP. supplying indent to align at the first argument to the last open list. If there is no such argument then the indent is two spaces more than the last level. There is another option which is useful for typing in usP, the snowmatc1t option. Try setting it with :se sma and then try typing a '(' some words and then.:. ')'. Notice Illat the cursor shows the position of the '(9 which matches the ')' briefly. This happens only if the matching •(' is on the screen, and the cursor stays there for at most one second. The editor also. has an operator to realign existing lines as though they had been typed in with lisp and autoindent seL This is the - operator. Try the command -'II at the beginning of a function. This will realign all the lines of the function dedaration. When you are editing USP .. the ([ and 11 advance and retreat to lines beginning with a (. and are useful for dealing with entire function definitions. 6.9. Macros; Vi has a parameteness macro facility. which lets you set it up so that when you hit a single keystroke, the editor will act as though you had rut some longer sequence of keys. You can set this up if you find yourself typing the same sequence of commands repeatedly. Briefly, there are two flavors of macros: a) Ones where you put the macro body in a buffer register, say.x. You can then type @x to invoke the macro. The @ may be roHowed by another @ to repeat the last macro. b) You can use the mtZp command from iii (typically in your EXlJv!n with a command of the form: :map Ihs ,hS;R mapping Ihs into drs. There are restrictions: Ihs should be one keystroke (either 1 charac· ter or one function key) since it must be entered within one second (unless nOllmeout is set., in which case you can type it as slowly as you wish, and v; will wait for you to finish it before it echoes anything). The /hs can be no longer than 10 cnaracters. the ,hs no longer than 100. To get a space, tab or newline into /Ju or ,Iu you should escape them with a ·V. (It may be necessary to double the -V if the map command is given inside VI, rather than in ex.) Spaces and tabs inside the ,Iu need not be escaped. Thus to make the q key write and exit the editor, you can give the com.nund ;map q ;wq-V-va ell which means tllat whenever you type q, it win be as though you had typed the four characte~ :-wqa. A -V's is needed becluse without it the at would end the : command, rather than \ t The USP features are 001 available Otl some v2 editors due to memory CDnSZniDlS. *The macro feature is availaOia 0Diy ill versioa 3 editaa. • 17 • becoming part of the map definition. There are two -V's because from within vi. two ·Y·s must be typed to get one. The first ~ is part of the rhs. the second terminates the : command. Macros can be deleted with unmap lhs If the Ihs of a macro is "#0" through" #J", this maps the particular function key instead of the 2 character "#" sequence. So that terminals without function keys can access such definitions. the form "#X" will mean function key x on all terminals (and need Dot be typed within one second.) The character "#" can be changed by using a macro in the usual way: :map -V-V-I # to use tab. for example. You can always maximize the information on the saeen by &iving the "1t command. If you wish. you can have the editor place line numbers before each line on the display. Give the- command :se naa to enable this. and the command :se Bonaa to tum it off. You can have tabs represented as , and the ends of lines indicated with 'S' by &ivinl the command :se llstCll~ :se BoUsta turns this 06. FmaUy. lines consisting of only the character .- are disiJlayed when the last line in the file is in the middle of the saee1l. These represent physical lines which are past the 10gjc:aJ end of die. 1.1. Counts Most vi commands will use a preceding count to a1rect their behavior in some way. The following table gives the common ways in which the counts are used: new window size SC'OU ..amount line/column number repeat effect :/!(l1I -n'\] zGI most of the rest The editor maintains a notion of the CUtTent default window size. On terminals which run at speeds greater than 1200 baud the editor uses the full terminal saeen. On terminals which are slower than 1200 baud (most dialup lines are in this group) the editor uses 8 lines as the default window size. At 1200 baud the default is 16 lines. Th.is size is the size used when the editor dears and refills the saeen after a search or other motion moves far from the edge of the current window. The commands which take a new window size as count aU often cause the saeen to be redrawn. If you anticpate this. but c10 not need as lalle a window as you are currently using. you may wish to change the saeen size by specifying the Dew size before these commands. In any case. the number of lines used on the saeen will expand if you move 06 the top with a - or similar command or off the bottom with a command such as ltETUJlN or -D. The window will revert to the last specified size the next time it is cleared and refilled. t The scroll commands -n and -U likewise remember the amount of saoll last specified. using half the basic: window size initially. The simple insert commands use a count to specify a repetition of the inserted text. Thus 10. + - - - - ESC will insert a &rid-like string of text. A few commands also use a preceding count as a line or column Dumber. Except for a few commands which ignore any counts (such as -'R.), the rest of the ~itor commands use a count to indicate a simple repetition of their etfect. Thus Sw advances five words on the current line. wttile SREnJJlN advances five lines. A very useful instance of a count as a repetition is a count liven to the • command. which repeats the last changing command. If you do dw and then 3•• you will delete first one and then three words. You can then deiete two more words with 2.. . 1.3. More file manipaiatfoD commaads The following table lists the file manipulation commands which you c:an use when you are in vi. All of these commands are followed by a at or ESC. The most basic: commands are :w and :e. A normal editing session on a single file will end with a ZZ command. If you are editing for a long period of time you can pve :w commands oa:asionalJy after major amounts of editing. and then finish with a ZZ. When you edit more than one file. you can finish with one , t • SUI DOl by • "1. _hidl just reGraWi u. s:r.a .. it is. • 19 - :wq :% :a fUlm~ :a! :. + na~ :e +n :. # :w! nam~ :.x.Y" :r nam~ fUlm~ :r !and :n :D! :nargs :tatag write back changes write and quit write (if necessary) and quit (same as ZZ). edit file nam~ reedit. discarding changes edit. starting at end edit, starting at line n edi t al temate file write file nam~ overwrite file nam~ write lines x through >' to fUlm~ read file nam~ into buifer read output of cmd into buffer edit next file in argument list edit next file, discarding changes to current specify new argument list edit containinl tal tag. at tag me with a :w and start editinl a new file by living a :e command, or set aUlowrll~ and use :n . If you make changes to the editor's copy of a file, but do not wish to write them back. then you must give an ! after the command you would otherwise use~ this forces the editor to discard any changes you have made. Use this carefully. The :e command can be given a + argument to start at the end of the file. or a +" argument to start at line n. In actuality, n may be any editor command not containing a space. use· fully a scan like +I pal or +? pal. In forming new names to the e command. you can use the character % which is replaced by the current file name, or the character # which is replaced by the alternate file name. The alternate file name is generally the last name you typed other than the current file. Thus if you try to do a :e and get a diagnostic that you baven't written the tile. you can give a :w command and then a :e # command to redo the previous :e. You can write part of the buifer to a file by finding out the lines that bound the range to be written using -G, and giving these numbers after the : and before the w, separated by ,'s. You can also mark these lines with III and then use an address of the form .x.'y on the w com· mand here. You can read another file into the b\l1J'er after the current line by using the :r command. You can similarly read in the output from a command, just use !cmd instead of a file name. If you wish to edit a set of files in succ:ssion. you can give all the names on the command line. and then edit each one in turn using the command :n. It is also possible to respecify the list of files to be edited by living the :D command a list of file names. or a pattern to be expanded as you would have given it on the initial vi command. If you are editing large prov.uns. you will find the :t. command very useful. It utilizes a data base of function names and their locations. which can be created by programs such as czars. to quickly find a function whose name you give. If the :1. command will require the edi· tor to switch files. then you must :w or abandon any changes before switching. You can repeat the :t. command without any aI'luments to look for the same tag again. (The tag feature is not available in some v2 editors.) 1.4. More about seardlinc for strinp When you are searching for strings in the file with / and ? the editor normally places you It the next or previous OCCUITence of the string. If you are using an operator such as d. c: or y, then you may well wish to aired lines up to the line before the line containing the pattern. - 20 You can pve a se3tcll of the form I patl- n to refer to the ,,'th line before the next line containing par.. or you can use + instead of - to refer to the lines after the one containing par. If you don't pve a line offset. then the editor will atrect characters up to the match place. rather than whole lines~ thus use .. +0" to airect to the line which matches. You can have the editor illlore the case of words in the searches it does by giving the command :se iCCJl. The command :se DoiCCR tums this ofr. Strines given to searches may actually be regular expressions. If you do not want or need this facility, you should set nomasic in your EXINlT. In this case. only the characters f and S are special in patterns. The character .\ is also then special (as it is most everywhere in the system), and may be used to get at the an extended pattern matching facility. It is also necessary to use a \ before a I in a forward scm or a 1 in a backward scan.. in any case. The foUowing table gives the extended forms when mqie is set. T S . \< \> [szri fTmi [x-yJ • at beginning of pattern. matches beginning of line at end of pattern.. matches end of line matches matches matches matches matches matches matches any character the beginning of a word the end of a word any single character in SIT any sin&le character not in stT any character between x and y any number of the precedin& pattern If you use Dom_lie mode. then the • I and • primitives are liven with a preeding \. 1.5. More about input mode There are a number of characters which you can use to make corrections during input mode. These are summarized in the foUowing table. 'it -W erase kill \ ESC DEL a '"D O-D T""D -V deletes the last input character deletes the last input word. defined as by b your erase character. same as -H your kill character, deletes the input on this line escapes a following ~ and your erase and !till ends an insertion interrupts an insertion. terminating it abnormally starts a new line backtabs over autoitrdent kills all the autointknt same as O-D, but restores indent next line quotes the next non-printing character into the file The most usual way of making corrections to input is by typing ~ to correct a single char3cter. or by typing one or more -W's to back over incorrect words. If you use # as your erase character in the normal system. it will work like -H. Your system kill character. normally @. -X or ·U. will erase all the input y"u have liven on the :urrent line. In general. you can neither erase input back around a line boundary nor can you e.'"a5e characters which you did not insert with this insertion command. To make corrections on the previous line after a new line has been started you can hit ESC to end the insertion., move over and mUc the correction. and then return to where you were to continue. - 21 • The command A wbich appends at tbe end of the CUm:nI line is often useful for continuing. If you wish to type in your erase or Idll c.~arac-.er (say # or @) then you must precede it with a \. just as you would do at the normal system command level. A more general way of typing nan-printing characters into tbe file is to precede tbem with a -V. The -V echoes as a i character on whjch the cursor restS. This indicates that tbe editor expectS you to type a control charac:te1'. In fact you may type any character and it will be inserted into the file at that point.· If you are using aUloindent you can bacJctab over the indent which it supplies by typing a "D. Thjs bada up to a sJriftwidth boundary. This onJy worb immediately after the supplied flUtointilnL When you are using autoindent you may wish to place a label at the left margin of a line. The way to do tbis easily is to type r and tben "D. The editor will move the cursor to the left margin for one line, and restore the previous indent on the next. You can also type. a 0 followed immediately by a "D if you wish to Icill all the indent and not have it come back on the next line. 1.6. Upper case only terminals If your terminal has Guly upper case, you can stiU use vi by using the normal system convention for typinl on such I terminal. Characters wbich you normally type are converted to lower case, and you can type upper case letters by preceding them with a \. The characters ( - ) but you can escape them as \ ( \ \! \'. These cbaracten are represented o.n the display in the same way tbey are typed.: ; I . are nat available on such terminals, r \) 1.7. VI aDd ex Vi is adually one mode of editing within the editor a. When you are runnin, vi you can escape to the line oriented editor of c:c by giving the command Q. All of the : commands which were introduced above are available in a. Likewise. most ex commands can be invoked from vi using:. Just give them without the : and fallow them with a CR.. In rare instances. an internal error may occur in v;. In this case you will get a diagnostic and be left in the command mode of a. You can then save your work and quit if you wish by Jivina a command x after the : which IX prompts you with, or you can reenter vi by givin, a a v; command. There are a number of things wbich you can do more easily in a than in vi. Systematic chanaes in line oriented material are particularly easy. You can read the advanced editing doC".Jments for the editor !d to find out I lot more about this style of editinJ. El:perienced use:-s often mix their use of a command mode and vi command mode to speOld tbe work: they are doina. 1.8. Open mode: Ti on bardcopy terminals aDd "&Jus tty's'· : If you are on a hardcopy terminal or a terminal wbich does not have a cursor whidl can move off the bottom line. you can still use the command set of v;, but in a different mode. When you give a v; command, the editor will teU you that it is usina open mode. This name comes from the open command in ex. which is used to act into the same mode. The onJy dilference between visutZl mode and open mode is tbe way in whicn tbe text is • This is lICK quite true. The implementation o( tbe editor does not aBa- tile NUU. (• • ) dlancter to a~r ia dJes. Also tbe LF (Jinefe.t Of - J) cnancter is used '" the editor to ~te lines ill tile tile. so II cannot ~ ill tbe middle of a line. You can insen any alher chanete:'. ttowner. if you wail ror the editor to ec:Do Ibe t before you tn- tbe dIancter. la (ad. the edilor wiU treal a (ollo";nl letter • a requesl (or the C:OUe5POndint contrOl c:harac:ter. This is the only . .y to tVl'e OS Of .Q, since tbe sys&em nonnally uses tbem to ~d and resume ou,"", and never lives tbem to the editor to pr'OCIeIS. The , dwac:ter you live will nor edIo IUltil you tVl'e IaOther ley. Noc availab6e ill aB y2 editors due 10 memory CCIIIIIniDu.. * * ·22· displayed. In o~n mode tbe editor uses a single line window into the file. and movinl backward and forward in the file causes new lines to be displayed. always- below the current line. Two commands of vi work di1ferentJy in op'n: z and All. The z command does not take parameters, but rather draws a window of context around the current line and tben returns you to the current line. If' you are on a hardcopy tenninal. the ~ command will retype the current line. On such terminals, the editor normaUy uses two lines to represent tbe current line. The first line is a copy of the line as you started to edit i~ and you work on the line below this line. When you delete characters. the editor types a number of \ 's to show you tbe characters which are deleted. The editor also reprints the c:wTent line soon after such chanles so thal you can see what the line looks like apin. It is sometimes useful to use this mode on very slow terminals which can support vi in the full screen mode. You can do this by enterinl ex and usinl an op'n command. AcknowledlemeDts Bruce Englar encourqed the early development of this display editor. Peter Kessler helped brinl sanity to version 29 s command layouL Bill loy wrote versions 1 and 2.0 throulh 2. 7. and created the framework that users see in the present editor. Mark Horton added macros and other features and made the editor work on a larae number of terminals and Unix systems. . t - 23 Appendix: chanctu fanctioDS This appendix gives the uses the editor makes of each character. The characters are presented in their order in the ASCII character set: Control characters come first., then most special c~aract~ then the digits. upper and then lower case characters. For each character we teU I meaning it has as a command and any meaning it has dunng an insert. If it has only meaning as a command. then only this is discussed. Section numbers in parentheses indicate where the character is discussed; a 'f" after the section number means that the charader is mentioned in a footnote. ... Not a command character. If typed as the first character of an insertion it is \. replaced with the last text ~ and the insert terminates. Only 128 char\ lCterS are saved from the lat insert; if more characters were inserted the mecbanism is not available. A·@ cannot be part of the file due to the editor implementation (7.50. ·A Un~ ,. Backward window. A count specifies repetition. Two lines of continuity are 2pt if possible (2.1, 6.1. 7.2). "c Unus.L M • c:ommand. scrolls down a ba1f-window of text. A count gives the number of (logical) lines to scron. and is remembered for future aD and "'U commands <2.1. 7.2). During an insert. backtabs over QUloindenl white spac:: at the beginaiDg of I line (6.6, 7.5); this white space cannot be backspaced over. ~ses one more line below the current screen in the file. leaving the cursor where it is if possible. (Version 3 only.) Forward window. A c:ount specifies repetition. Two lines of continuity are kept if possible (2.1, 6.1. 7.2>Equivalent to :fa. printing the current file. whether it aa been modified. the current line number and the number of lines in the file. and the percentage of the way throush the file that you are. Same as left arrow. (See h). During an insert. eliminates the last input charKter. backinl over it but not erasing it; it remains so you can see wbat you typed if you wish to type something only s1iahtly different (3.1. 7.5), Not I c:ommand character. When inserted it prints as some number of spaces. When the cursor is at • tab character it rests It the last of the spaces which represent the tab. The spacing of tabstops is controUed by the tlZbS10P option (4.1. 6.6>Same as dOWD arrow (see j). Unusec1.. . The ASCII formfeed character. this causes the saeeD to be deared and redrawn. This is useful after I transmission error. if characters typed by a proaram other than the editor scramble the screen. or after output is stopped by an interrupt (5.4. 7.2f). A c:arriace return advances to the next line. It the first non-white position in the line. Given a count., it advances that many lines (2.3). Durinl an insert. a Cl causes the insert to continue onto another line (3.1). Same as doWD arrow (see J). Un~ ·24· .,. Same as up arrow (see k). Not a command character. In input mode, '"Q quotes the next character. the same as ·V, except that some teletype drivers will eat the .Q so that the editor never sees it. Redraws the current screen, e1iminatin& logical lines not corre5l)Onding to physical lines (lines with only a single @ character on them). On hardcopy terminals in open mode. retypes the current line (5.4, 7.2. 7.S). Unused. Some teletype drivers use .oS to suspend output until ·Qis Not a command character. During an insert, with autoindent set and at the bqinnin& of the line, inserts shiftwidth white space. Scrolls the screen up, inverting ·D which scrolls down. Counts work as they do for '"D, and the previous scroll amount is common to both. On a dumb terminal, '"U will often nec:ssitate clearin& and recirawin& the saeen further back in the file (2.1, 7.2). Not a command character. In input mode, quotes the next character so that it is possible to insert non-printinl and special characters into the file (4.2, 7.S)' . NOli command character. Durin& an insert, backs up as b would in command mode~ the deleted characters remain on the display (see '"H) (7.5). Unused. Exposes one' more line above the current screen, leaving the cursor where it is if possible. (No mnemonic value for this key~ however, it is next to -1) which scrolls up a bunch.) (Version 3 only.} If supported by the Unix system. stops the editor, exiting to the top level shell. Same as :stopClt. Otherwise, unused. Cancels a partially formed command, such as a z when no following character has yet been given~ terminates inputs on the last line (read by commands such IS : I and ?)~ ends insertions of new text into the buffer. If an ESC is given when quiescent in command state, the editor rings the bell or flashes the sc:r=n.. You can thus hit ESC if you don't know what is happenin& till the editor rinas the bell. If you don '( know if you are in insert mode you can type ESCa. and then material to be input~ the material will be inserted corr~tly whether or not you were in insert mode when you started (1.5, 3.1, 7.5), "'. Unused. Searches for the word which is alter the cursor as a tag. Equivalent to typing :tao this word, and then a CR.. Mnemonically. this command is "go right to" (7.3). Equivalent to :e #CR. returning to the previous position in the last edited file. I file which you specified if you got I 'No write since last change diqnostic' and do not want to have to type the file name apin (7.3), (You have to do a :w before ·T will work in this case. If you do not wish to write the file you should do :e! #CR instead.) or editing SPACE t Unused. Reserved as the command character for the Tektronix 4025 and 402'7 termina1. Same as riCht arrow (see 1). An operator, which processes lines from the buffer with reformatting commands. Follow! with the object to be processed. and then the command name terminated by Cll. Doubling! and precedinl it by a count causes count lines to be filtered; otherwise the count is passed on to the object after the !. Thus l!t/ma reformats the next two paragraphs by running them through the proaram /mL If you are workina on USP, the command !~gr;ntt:R,· given at the -tIolb /mI UX1 l"ffIi are Bertdey 'PfOIfUDS aad may IIOl be present a' aJJ iftstaJIatioas. - 2S bqinning of a function. will run the text of the function through the USP pinder (6.1, 1.3). To read a file or the output of a command into the buffer use :r (7.3), To simply execute a command use :! (7.3). • Precedes a named bu1fer specification. There are named bu1fers 1-9 us~ for savina deieted text a!!d named buifers &-1 into which you can plaa: text (4.3. 6.3) # The macro character which. when followed by a number, will substitute for a function key on terminals without function keys (6.9), In input mode, if this is your erase character, it will delete the last character you typed in input mode. and must be preceded with a \ to insert it. since it normally backs over the last input ch~r you pve. S Moves to the end of the current line. If you :se UsteR, then the end of each line will be shown by printing a S after the end of the display~ text in the line. Given a count, advances to the count'th following end of line~ thus 2S advances to the end of the following line. Moves to the parenthesis or brace { } which balances the parenthesis or brae: 11 the current cursor position. a" A synonym for :.ta. by analOlY with the command. When followed by a • returns to the previous context at the beginning of a line. The previous context is set whenever the current line is moved in a non-reiative way. When followed by a letter 1-1, returns to the line which was marked with this letter with a ED command. at the first non-white charac:er in the line. (2.2. 5.3). When used with an operator such as d, the operation takes place over complete lin~ if you use '. the operation taXes place from the exact marked place to the current cursor position within the line. ( Retreats to the bqinnin, of a sentence. or to the beginning of a USP sexpression if the lisp option is set. A sentence ends at a . ! or ? which is followed by either the end of a line or by two spaces. Any number of closing) J • and • characters may appe3J' after the • ! or ? and before the spaces or end of line. Sentences wo begin at paragraph and section boundaries (see ( and II below). A count advances that many sentences (4.2. 6.8). ) Advances to the beginning of a sentence. A count repeats the effect. See ( above for the definition of a sentence (4.2. 6.8). • Unused. Same as a when used as a command. + r Reverse of the last f t or T command, looking the other way in the current line. Especially useful after hitting too many ; cl1aracters. A count repeaLS the search. Retreats to the previous line at the first non-white character. This is the inverse of + and RETURN. If the line moved to is not on the screen. the screen is scrolled. or cleared and redrawn if this is not possible. If a large unount of scrolling would be required the screen is aJso cieared and redrawn. with the current line at the center (2.3>Repeats the last command which changed the buifer. Especially useful when deleting words or lin~ you can delete some wordsllines and then !lit . to delete more and :nore wordsllines. Given a count, it passes it on to the command being repeated. Thus after a 2dw, 3. deletes three words (3 ..3, 6..3, 7.:. 1.4). ·26 • 1 Reads a string from the last line on the screen, and scans forward for the next OCCUITence of this string. The normal input editing sequences may be used during the input on the bottom line~ an returns to command state without ever searching. The search begins when you hit CIt to terminate the pattern~ the cursor moves to the beginning of the last line to indicate that the search is in progress; the search may then be terminated with a DEL or RUB, or by backspacing when at the beginning of the bottom line. returning the cursor to its initial position. Searches normally wrap end-around to find a string anywhere in the buffer. When used with an operator the enclosed region is normally affeaed. By mentioning an offset from the line matched by the pattern you can· force whole lines to be atrected.. To do this give a pattern with a dosing a ciosing / and then an offset + n or - n. . To indude the character 1 in the search ~~~ you must escape it with a preceding \. A T at the beginning of the pattern forces the mau:h to occur at the beginning of a line onlr, this speeds the search. A S at the end of the pattern forces the match to occur at the end of a line only. More extended pattern matching is availabl~ see section 7.4; unless you set nomalic in your .e:ae file you wtll have to preceed the characters . ( • and - in the search pattern with a \ to let them to work as you wou1d naively expect (1..5. 2.2. 6.1. 7.2, 7.4>. o Moves to tJie first cllarader on the current line. numbers., after an initial 1-9. 1-9 Used to form numeric arguments to commands (2.3, 7.2>A prefix to a set of commands for tile and option manipu1ation and escapes to , the system. Input is given on the bottom line and terminated with an CR, and the command then executed. You can return to where you were by hitting DEl. or RUB if you hit : acddentally (see primarily 6.2 and 7.3). RepeatS the tast single character find which used the basic scm (4.1). < > A B C D I Also used. in forming rF t or T. A count iterates An operator which shifts lines left one sltiftwidth., normally 8 spaces. Like all operators., atrects lines when repeated. as in < <. Counts are passed through to the basic objea. thus J< < shifts three lines (6.6, 7.2>. Reindents line for LISP, as though they were typed in with lisp and aUloin""~nl Jet (6.8). An operator which shifls lines right one sltiftwidth. normally 8 spaces. Affects lines when repeated as in > >. Counts repeat the basic object (6.6. 7.1), Scans backwards, the opposite of I. See the 1 description above for details on Jeannin& (2.2., 6.1, 7.4). A macro charade%' (6.9). If this is your kill character. you must escape it with • \ to type it in during input mode. as it normally backs over the input you have given on the current line ( 7.S). Appends at the end of line. a synonym for Sa (7.2>. Baas up a word, where words are composed of non-blank sequences, pl30ng the cur.sor at the beginning of the 'Nord. A count repeats the effect (1.4). Chan~ the rest of the text on the current line; a synonym for c:$. DeJetes the rest of the text on the current tine; a synonym for dS. - 21 [ F G H I J Moves forward to the enci of a word.. definea as blanks and non-blanks, like B and W. A count repeats the effect. Finds I smile following character. backwards in the current line. A count repeats this searcll that many times (4.1). Goes to the line number liven as preceding argument. or t!le end of the file if no preceding count is given. The saeen is redrawn with the new current line in the center if necessary (7.2). Home arrow. Homes the cu~or to the top line on the saeen. If a coun t is giv~ then the cursor is moved to the count'th line on the screen. In any case the cursor is moved to the first non-white character on the line. If used as tile tarlet of an operator. full lines are afi'ectea (2..3. 3.2L Inserts at the beginning of a line; a synonym for Tl. Joins together lin~ supplying appropriate white space: one spac: between words. two spaces after a '0 and no spaces at all if the first character of the joined on line is ). A count causes that many lines to be joined rather than the default two (6.S. 7.ln. X Unused.. L Moves the cursor to the first non-white character of the Jast line on the screen. With a count. to the first non-white of the count'th line from the bottom. Operators afi'ec1 whole lines when used with L (2.3>Moves the cursor to the middle line on the screen. at the first non-white position on the line (2.3). Scans for the next match of the last pattern liven to / or '!, but in the reverse direetion; this is the reverse of D. Opens a new line above the current line and inputs text there up to an ESC. A count can be used on dumb terminals to specify a number of lines to be opened; this is generaUy obsolete, as the s/owopen option works better (3.1). Puts the last deleted text back before/above the cursor. The text goes back as whole lines above the cursor if it was deietea as whole lines. Otherwise the text is insertea between the characters before and at the cursor. May be preceded by a named butrer specification ·x to retrieve the contents of the buffer: bu1fers 1-9 contain deJetea material. buifers a-z are available for general use M N o p (6..3). Q R s T u V Quits from .,; to a command mode. In this mode, whole lines form commands. ending with a RETURN. You can live all the : commands~ the editor supplies the : as a prompt (7.7). Replaces characters on the screen with characters you type (overlay fashion). Terminates with an ESC. Changes whole lines. I synonym for cc. A count substitutes for that many lines. The lines are saved in the Dumeric bu.1fers. and erased on the screen before the substitution bqins. Takes a single foUowing character. loates the character before the cursor in the current line. and places the cursor just after that character. A count repeats the effect. Most useful with operato~ such as d (4.1). Restores the current line to its state before you started changing it (3.5). Unused. - 28 - w Moves forward to the beginning of a word in the current line. where words are defined as sequences of blank/non-blank characters. A count repeats the eff'ett (2.4). x y Deletes the character before the cursor. A count repeats the effect, but only characte1'3 on the current line are deleted. Yanks a copy of the current line into the unnamed buffer. to be put back by a later p or P; a very useful synonym for rJ. A count yanks that many lines. May be preceded by a butrer name to put lines in that buffer (7.4). zz Exits the editor. (Same as :%0.) If any changes have been made, the buffer is n written out to the CUITent file. Then the editor quits. Backs up to the previous section boundary. A section begins at each macro in the S«tiOIU option~ normally I • .NH~ or •.sH· and also at lines which which Slart with a formfeed". Lines bqinning with ( also stop n~ this makes it useful for looking bacJcwards., I function It I time, in C pf'OlJ'3lTlS. If the option lisp is set, stops at each ( at the bqinning of a line., and is thus useful for moving backwards at the top level USP objects. (4.2, 6.1, 6.6, 7.2>. \ Unused. ]) Forward to a section boundary, see II for a definition (4.2. 6.1, 6.6. 7.2" Moves to the first non-white position on the CUITent line (4.4). T Unused. -... When followed by a • returns to the previous context. The previous context is set whenever the CUITent line is moved in a non-relative way. When followed by I letter .-~ returns to the position which was marked with this letter with I ID command. When used with an operator such as cl, the operation takes place from the exact marked place to the CUITent position within the line~ if you use " the operation takes place over complete lines (2.2, 5.3). • Appends arbitrary text after the current cursor position~ the insert can continue ODto multiple lines by using R.En1RN within the insert. A count causes the inserted text to be replicat~ but only if the inserted text is allan one line. The in.sertion terminates with an ESC (3.1. 7.2" It Backs up to the beginning of a word in the current line. A word is a sequence of alphanumerics. or a sequence of special characters. A count repeats the eifed (2.4). c AD operator which changes the following object, replacing it with the following input text up to an ESC. If more than part of a sinlie line is affected. the text which is changed away is saved in the numeric named butfers. If only part of the current line is a1fected, then the last character to be changed away is marked with a S. A count causes that many objects to be a1fec1ed. thus both Jc) andc5) cb.ange the followinl three sentences (7.4). cl AD operator which deletes the (ollowing object. If more than part of a line is arect~ the text is saved in the numeric buffers. A count causes that many objects to be a1fected~ thus Jdw is the same as clJw (3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 7.4). e Advances to the end of the next word., defined as for It and w. A count the effect (2.4, 3.1). repeatS f Fmds the first instance of the next character following the cursor on the c:un-ent line. A count repeats the find (4.1). I Unused. Arrow keys h .. J. k. ~ aDd H. ·29 • h i j k Left arrow. Moves the cursor one character to the left. Like the other arrow keys. either h. the left arrow key, or one of the synonyms rH) has the same effect. On v2 editors. arrow keys on certain kinds of terminals (those WilIC;' send escape sequences, such as vtS2. cl00. or IIp) cannot be used. A count repeats the en~t (3.1. 7.S). Inserts text before the cursor. otherwise like a (i ..2L Down arrow. Moves the cursor one line down in the same column. If the position does Dot exist, vi comes as close as possible to the same column. Synonyms include -J (linefeed) and -N. Up arrow. Moves the cursor one line up. •p is a synonym. IUpt arrow. synonym. Moves the cursor one character to the right. SPACE is a m Marks the current position of the cursor in the mark re3ister which is specified by the Dext char:u::ter a-I. Return to this position or use with an operator using' or • (5.3). •o Repeats the last / or ? scanning commands (2•.2) . Opens Dew lines below the current line; otherwise like 0 (3.1). Puts text after/below the cursor. otherwise like P (6.3). p q r s Unused.. Replaces the single character at the cursor with a single character you type. The Dew character may be a RETURN~ this is the easiest way to Sl'iit lines. A count repl:u::es each of the following count characters with the single cnar:u::te: Jiven; see R above whicl1 is the more usually useful iteration of r (3.1). Changes the single character under the cursor to the text which follows up to an ESC~ given a count. that many characters from the current line are changed. The last char:u::ter to be changed is marked with $ as in c (3.2L .~dvances the cursor upto the character before the next character typed. ~ost useful with operators such as d and c to delete the characters up to a following character. You can use . to delete more if this doesn't delete enough the first time (4.1). Undoes the last change made to the current buffer. If repealed. will alternate between these two states, thus is its own i:werse. When used after an inser! which inserted text OD more than ODe line. ~e lines are saved in the numeric named bufi'ers (3.S). T w z Unused. Advances to the bqinning of the next word. as defined by b (2.4L De!etes the single character under the cursor. With a count deletes deletes that many characters forward frem the cursor position. but only on the C'.lrrent line (6.S). An operator. yanks the following object into the unnamed temporary buffer. If preceded by a named buffer Sl'ecifiC3tion. -x, the text is placed in that buffer also. Text can be recovered by a later p or P (7.4). Redraws the screen with the current line placed as specified by the following character. RETUR!'f Sl'ecifies the top of the screen •. the center of the scre=~. and - at the bottom of the screen. A count may be given after the I ll1d before the following character to spec".fy the new saeen size for the redraw A count before the z gives the number of the line to place in the center of the screen instead of the default current line. (5.4) ·30· Retreats to the beginning of the be3inning of tbe preceding paragraph. A para· &1"llph begins at each macro in the paragraphs option, normally •.IP'. •.LP· . '.Pp·. '.QP· and '.bp'. A paragraph also begins after a completely empty line. and at each section boundary (see II above) (4.2, 6.8, 7.6L Places the cursor on the character in the column specified by the count (7.1. 7.2). Advances to the bqinning of the next paragraph. See { for the definition of parqrapb (4.2, 6.8, 7.6). Unused. Interrupts the editor, returning it to command accepting state 0.5. 7.5) Ex Quid, Itcfcrcncc 1~lIlerlll~/le;n In~ l'I edil 1It/ll/.·. slarl "I cnd ... al lillc 1/ slllri III lisl silved files recllver lile lit/IIII' edil firsl; resl viu :n read only mllde exil. saving (hangcs uil, dis(ilrdinl (hanges % e I "11/111' % t:. 111/11/(' % n ~. lal: % t'I -r +" '''1: % el - r "01111' % e I"""/(, ... % el - R ""1111' : I : ql It:. slales Nurmal anti inilial slille. IIIIHlI \lwmpletl fllr by:. Your kill dlluarler nlll(els Ilarlial wlllmand. I;nlered by • I and c. Arbilrury led Ihen Icrminules wilh line havillg ollly. (huracler on il or .bnormally wilh inleffulll. bllered by open Of ,I, lerlllinilies wilh ., Of '\. Insell ()llCnl visuill It:. conllnands .11 I Ir lUllS change W\lY deletc edil lile J!luhal insert jllill lisl milll fIIark muve c co .. e nexl lIumber "lIen I"eserve I" inl IHII 'Illit reiltl leCllve. rewind set shell source II IIU 0 lI· e p pu III. 51011 q .e .ec rew lie sll so 51 III subslilule 5 I I J I ullllbbrev undo unlllap versitln visllal write xit yallk 111111 Ir",dfllV I 1'1('0f/1' I M,II u unm .e .1 w I lille " cUllenl S liI~t + IlC +" % KI !,IcvillllS " 'OIWilll1 I.S < fI' "" , n"/It > 'U 1/1'-" f/'j/lbu uwl/ Cit 11,,/1 '! 1'''' lIexl with lour !,revious wilh 1101 "hdllle .. '. f' ( Ihwllllh .' lIIalkell wilh p/eviolls COli It: x I ,-" . YI It:. com lila lid addresses " 1/1 in Versilln 1 tlwl dw2 gl40 IIt42 hi SOO hll} 110(1 mime owl JOOs 14S JJ 11 ad4 a(IS admJ 4014 11061 hlSlO vtS2 % .Iew .:XINI1' se' .Ir sci 1I0X sci x- 1001 sci sci .l? IIdmJI allmJa clOO dml520 dm1S00 dmJU1S .i aw Iglloncase lisp lis. ... lllc nllUlllu p.uI.:raphs rcdraw Ie nil Ilara 5c.oll sections shlflwldlh ShOWllliidl slowopclI window wrapscall wraplII"I"1 sect sw sm slow ws Win sUllllly indent wrile before (hllnging liles in scali nina C » II .re s-exp's prilll "I for tab, S at end . I • special in Ilallerns number lilies macro nallles whkh starl ... simulille smarl lerminal C11l11l11antl mode lines lIIacro nllllles .". for < >. anti illI'ul "I) 10 »and I IS t Ylled choke ulldaies during inserl visual mode lines alOund end of bulTer? IU lomat ic line sillilling Scanning .taUem rormallon bellinnilll of lille I $ \< \> III,' IIIIfI I {-Ji • 7.1- eml uf line 811 Y dlar acter bellinllilll of wmd elld (lr wmll allY dlln ill .. 11111 in 11, .. hel weell x allcl J' IIny IIlIlIIher oll'lccecling 1" linc " ... at elltl list sayecl lill's recuver lile /I"I/Ic' edil lilsl; rest viII :11 slart lit ItlK search fur 1'111 reatl uilly mmle exil fllllll vi. sOIvillg dlanges stilI' vi fur Iiller resllllllililln The display tasl linc @ lines Ox lu'oilidell' III" IIIIIt/" - lines Userul opllons II,IIIIC' OIl 11111 .. OIl "Z Illnce sel's here in enviwnlllent vur. enable "Iltion disable olltion live vulue I'td show challgcd options show value of oplion x 1 .. low.lle l"clit III""" Sume lermilial IYlles 4J 1J) It:nlerint:lll'llwinR fl % .1 III111/C' % t I + II IImll" 'II t I + % .1 -r % ,I - rIll"",' % ,I IIalll.· ••• I~ ,I -. 10K % ,I +IIltll I/a InllialiLing opUons ( :ollllllund Ilbhrev "Ililend 1'1" und ull versiun (I St:e also u.·/( I) 2ft21 2M S " Itcrcn~lIfc Vi Quid, S.tecUyiliG tenninal type % sdel..... U, .... In'.· S ....·:H .... = 11'1'('; npo •• n:"1\1 tabs Error messages, edlllilla illilut III : I 1 IlIti I, feetllllIck II hOIl I illl und lurllC dlllllges. Ofl scrcen ollly, 1101 ill lile. Lines Pilst Clld of lile. Conlrol characters, "1 is deletc. Expand 10 SllllCCS, cursur OIl lilsl. VI slales COlllmund Inserl tust line Normal olld initial slllie. Othels return here. ESC (cscape) ClllIl'elS Ilarlial commund. Enlered by • I " I 0 () c (: 5 S ". Arbitrary texl IhclI tc/millules wilh ESC charader, or ahllllllllully with ifllelfullt. Itcading input for: I ? or I; terlllillale wilh ESC or Cit til execule, intellllpi 10 cancel" Counts berore "I commands line/collllllll nllmber scroll amounl .elllicale insert rcpeat eH'eel I (; 0" I I "U I " I 1II0Si resl Simple conllnands dw de del .lelel I',",II'S( . cw II,""t"se u)ES( " .p ,lelel c a wllr tI . !cIlVillll !'unell/ulillll ,Idel e a line J lines inserl lexl challge WI/Ill III phil illite wtllll "all~I'''sc dli.. adcl S II"" ""II' I ... e rru ... ,.11118;. ... .... .:S(: "1 -I. . ct.'lIl n t: elld inscrl or im:ulllilicic cllld Idclele ClI' ruboult illleuullls rClllill1 ScrcCII if"1 scramhles il IIU ,J .... Ie ....... ,ml •• lull :" :". ;, :,1 :t 11,.11/4' :tl :t ... "'.",.. :e ... " :e II "I """... :" :" 1 111111/1' :1iI1 :1..,111/ :11 :II OIl'S :1 of; -, :1. '''I' .. wrilc back chilllies WI ih: 111111 Cluil 'Illil Cluil, disnrd dlllllles edil IiIc 1/""/1' Icc,lil, dislilid challies edil, slarlilllill clld edit Slilflilll III Ii lie " cdil allernlile lile S)'IICIII)'111 fm :e II wrile file IIa",c' overwrile liIe "alll,' rull shell, Ihcn relurn run ..,,,d, Ihell relllrn ed.. IIC III liIe in III glisl Sllccilr IICW arKlbl show CUll CIII file IIl1d line syllulI)'m fur :1 III lat! lilc clllr), 't'l: :11, fulluwill, WOH' is 'OK l'uslllolllul: wllhlll flIc -.- -II "n -U Ci 11'''' 1/11" II N 1'1("1 ... ,, 1,,,,,1 -" II II "I. AdJus.llIg .he 'I, It ,('I{ ,- , 1""", , III, I ('unccllous durill'; illwr' Marking IIl1d re.un .... ' II IM ... eR I or J Inrll I"" $ h or .... .. •" or -- splice Ix .'x 'h · I % dcar ,III1IICI!r;IW lelyl'C, clilllillaic @ lillcs I elh ;1I~, nil. (III HI Wlllllllw hIlI ;11 ""IIUIII alll:lIl1'l I"" IIlIe ,.1 hullulII ,. " hilL \\ IIl1luw .11 "" .. I,,w .1"wlI I lilli' home window linc lasl window linc middle window line nexl line, III firsl non-while Ilrevious line, II firsl lion-while rclurn, same IS + ncal line, slime cnlunm flrevious line, SlIlIle column belinllinl of line end of lille forward bllckwllrtls same as ~ Sllllle liS .... filld x forwllrd 1 backward ufllo -' for",'ard back uplo x repcal lasl 1 .. 1 or inverse nf i 10 sllCcified COIUIIIII find IIIlIlchinl f I ) or " II e W II .: a C I r a-u "V CIOISC laSI ,h;lIi1dcr CIiISCS 1i,,1 wlIlIl )'1I1If cr OISC, SillIIC ilS -II rour kill, crOlsc illllill Ihis lillc eSClIllCS ".. , r"ur ClOlse OIlId lIill ell,ls inscllioll, 1111(11 10 l'IllIIlIlallll illlerrulll, IClillillalcs illsCl1 ba(klab OVCI allltllll'/,'''' kill 1/1,'/1111//,'11', save fur IIcIII bul II lIIilf,ill IIcal also quole nOil-llrilllill, dlllflicier .. ' Inser....d rCI.lace • I A I r" R 1IIIIICnd ..rler cursor hlserl bdure 1I111'end al cntl of lille inserl beforc lilsl 1I0n-IIhlllk OIICII lillc helow opell IIbove rellillce sillgle char wilh " reillace chllracler5 Oper •• ors (duuble ... Il.reel IIncs) • c < > ,I -r I word forward back wllld clld of word 10 ncal senlence 10 ncal paralra .. h bad. SClllclllC hal'k Iluragiallh hl,lIIlI dclimilcd word halk W III Clld III' W CUIIIIIIlIllds ror USI' I "U It • () Words, seu.enccs. luulIgral)hs I'"' SfH~l'1I "1 Cilluacier posl.lcUllnl firs I 11011 white I • ".. "W CI lISC kill , tSc I.Il1e l)osllluIIIIII: II furwufll ScrCCllf1i1l balk"'iud slicellfull scroll duwlI hulf sueen scwll UI' half sueell 11110 lille felld dd aullt IIC III Ii lie lIIall'hilll Ilrev lille mallhinl pOI' reilCitI lasl I III 1 rcverse lasl 1111 ! II'lh lille ancr 1m' 1I'lh lille hefore IIcal scclilln/fullliion IIIC VilillS ~el'1 illlllf unclilln lilllJ mallhing f t I '" I Ilreviou, cOlllcal ," III lirsl lion-while ill'lille lIIark posilion wilh Ieller x Itl miuk ,J ..' III lirsl lion-while in linc I'urwartl S'CIII"cssioll hili tllIlI'l slclll III IIlom'; Ihrk S'ClIl'ccs~illll hili ,lilli' ,,. al alums delele chllnle Idl shirl righl shirl lillcr Ihmulh clllllmllnd indenl for I lSI' rallk lilies 10 hllll'er Miscellaneous opcullulls (: I) Ii S J •X Y V.uk and P I' II' • A} ·Id chanlC resl of line dcklere~ oflille Sllhslilule lhllrs suhslilulc lilies jilin lincs dclcle dmraders .. ' befllfe curs", )'illlk lilies ,m. 1",1 bill'lI lincs 11111 helm e 11111 fllllll hillier " )'illIlI III hullCI , ,Icicle illlu blillcr , 1I11do, rcd ... rchlne .. II 11111111 lasl lh;lIIgc IC"IIIIC IIlIlCIiI lillc Ex Reference Manual Version 3.S/2.13 - September, 1980 William Joy R__ for IIfI'SIOIU J. Jl2. JJ by Mark Horton Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California. Berkeley Berkeley. Ca. 94720 ABSTJUCT Ex a line oriented text editor. which supports both command and display oriented editing. This reference manual describes the command oriented part of ex: the display editing features of ex are described in An Introduction to D;splay Editing With Vi. Other documents about the editor include the introduction Edit: A tutorial. the Exledit Command Summary. and a Vi Quick Reference card. September 16. 1980 Ex Reference Manual Version 3.5/2.13 - September, 1980 William Joy RnrsN/o, ~'o"s l.S/l.ll Oy lv/ark Harron Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering. and Computer Science University of California. Berkeley Berkeley. Ca. 94720 1. 5tartine es Each instance of the editor has a set of options. which can be set to tailor it to your liking. The command tdit invokes a version of ex designed for more casual or beginning users by changing the default settings of some of these options. To simplify the description which follows we assume the default settings of the options. When invoked. ex determines the terminal type from the TERM variable in the environment. It there is a TERMCAP variable in the environment. and the type of tbe terminal described there matches the TERM variable. then that description is used. Also if the TERMCAP variable contains a pathname (beginning with a /) then the editor will seek the desciption of the terminal in that file (rather than the default letc/termcap.) If there is a variable EXINTT in the environment. tben the editor will execute tbe commands in that variable. otherwise if there is a file .eXTC in your HOME directory ex reads commands from that file. simulating a sourCt ~om mand. Option setting commands placed in EXINIT or .exTC will be executed before each editor session. A command to enter ex has tbe following prototype:t ex [ - ] [ -T ] [ - t lIZg] [ -r] [ -1] [ -wn] [ -s ] [ -1\1 [ + command 1 name ... The most common case edits a single file with DO opLions. Le.; es name The - command line option option suppresses all interactive-user feedback and is useful in processing editor scripts in command files. The - T option is equivalent to using VI rather than ex. The - t option is equivalent to an initial tag command. editing the file containing the lag and positioning the editor at its definition. The -r option is used in rea)vering after an editor or system crash. retrievinl the last saved version of the named file or, if no file is specified. typing a list of saved files. The -I option setS up for editing LISP. setting the showmatch md lisp options. The -w option sets the default window size to fl. and is usefui on diaJups to start in small windows. The -% option causes t!X to prompt for a key. which is used to encrypt md decrypt the contents of the file. which should already be encrypted using the same key, s~ crypt(1). The - R option sets the r~adonly option at the start. Nam~ argumentS indicate fijes to be edited. An argument of the form + command indicates that the editor should begm by * The finanoaJ su!)pOn 0( III lltoe Graduate Feliowship and the Nauonal Saence Foundation under p-aJ1u MCS74-(J7~AOJ and MCS78-Q7291 is sn1efully Icltnowledsed. t Brackeu '!' 'I' surround o~lonal parameters here. 1'0101 available In all v2 edilOrs due to memory ccnstraints. * •2• executing the specified command. If command is omitted. then it defaults to "s". positioning the editor at the last line of the first file initially. Other useful commands here are scanning patterns of the form "/pat" or line numbers. e.g... + 100" starting at line 100. 2. FUe manipulation 2.1. ClU'J'ent file Ex is normally editing the contents of a single tile. whose name is recorded in the curr~nt IDe name. Ex performs all editing actions in a buffer (actually a temporary tile) into which the text of the file is initially read. Changes made to the buffer have DO effect on the file being edited unless and until the buffer contents are written out to tbe tile witb a wrlle command. After the buffer contents are written, tbe previous contents of the written file are no longer accessible. When a file is edited. its Dame becomes tbe current tile name. and its contents are read into the buffer. The current file is almost always considered to be edited. This means that the contents of the buffer are logically connected witb the current file name. so tbat writing the current buffer ~ntents onto that file. even if it exists, is a reasonable action. If the current file is Dot edlled then ex will Dot normally write on it if it already exists.· 2.1. Alternate file Each time a new value is given to the current tile name. the previous current file name is saved as the alternate tile name. Similarly if a file is mentioned but does not become the current file. it is saved as the alternate tile name. 2.3. Filename expansion • Filenames within the editor may be specified using tbe normal shell expansion convene tions. In addition. the character '%' in filenames is replaced by the curr~nr file name and the character •#' by tbe alternate file name. t 2.4. Multiple flies and Damed buffers If more than one file is given on the command line. then the first file is edited as described above. The remaining aJ'IUments are placed with the first file in the argument list. The current aJ'IUment.list may be displayed witb the args command. The next file in the argue ment list may be edited with the nat command. The argument list may also be respecified by specifying a list of names to tbe .W%I command. These names are expanded, the resuJting list of names becomes tbe new argumeut list. and ex edits the first file on the list. For saving blocks of text while ~ting. and especially when editing more than one file. ex bas a group of named buffers. These are similar to the Dormal buffer. except that only a lim· ited number of operations are available on them. The buffers bave names a through ;,,; 2.5. Read only It is possible to use ex in rmd only mode to look at files tbat you have no intention of modifying. This mode protects you from accidentJy overwriting tbe file. Read only mode is on wben the rmdonly option is set. It can be turned on with tbe - R command line option. by the vi~ command line invocation. or by setting the r~donly option. It can be cleared by setting nor«Uionly. It is possible to write. even while in read only mode. by indicating that you really • The fi~ command will say "(Not ec1ited'" if !be c:um:nt file is not considered ec1ited. t This maJtes it easy to deal allCmalCly with two files ana elimnlllCS the need for retyplnl tbe name su""hed on aD ~/' command after a No ",",r sma iIul 'h~ diaanosuc IS r=ved. t It is aJso possible to refer to A throuct! Z: the upper case bu1fen are Ute same u the lower bUI commandos a~ to named bulfers raIDer tban rt:l)laanl if u~ cue names are used. t •3• .-- know what you are doing. You can write to a different file. or can use the! form of write. even while in read only mode. 3. Exceptional Conditions 3.1. Errors and interrupts When errors occur ex (optionally) rings the terminal bell and, in any case, prints an error diagnostic. If the primary input is from a file. editor processing will terminate. If an Interrupt signal is receiVed. ex- prints "Interrupt" and returns to its command level. If the primary Input is a file. then ex- will exit when this occurs. 3.2. Recovering from haniUPs and crashes If a hangul' signal is received and the buffer has been modified since it was last written out. or if the system crashes. either the editor (in the first case) or the system (after it reboots in the second) will attempt to preserve the buffer. The next time you log in you should be able to recover the work you were doing. losing at most a few lines of changes from the last point before the hangul' or editor c::'lU'I,. To recover a file you can use the -r option. If you were eciiting the file resum~. then you should change to the directory where you were when the crash occurred. giving the command ex -r ,num~ After checking that the retrieved file is indeed Ok. you can wrIte it over the previous contents of that file. You will normally get mail from the system temng you when a file has been saved after a crash. The command ex -r will print a list of the files which have been saved for you. (In the case of a hangul', the file will not appear in the list. although it can be recovered.) 4. Editing modes Ex bas five distinct modes. The primary mode is command mode. Commands are entered in command mode when a ':' prompt is present. and are executed each time a complete line is sent. In Cext inpvt mode ex gathers input lines and places them in the file. The appt!nd. Insert. and dlanr~ commands use text input mode. No prompt is printed when you are in t~xt input mode. This mode is left by typing a '.' alone at the beginning of a line. and comman(.' mode resumes. The last three modes are OfWn and VIsual modes. entered by the commands of the same name. and. wlthin open and visual modes tat ins~rrlon mode. O~n and VIsual modes allow loc:aJ editing operations to be performed on the lext in the file. The o~n command displays one line at a time on any lerminal while VIsual works on CRT terminals wlth random positioning cursors. using the scree..n as a (single) wlndow for file editing changes. These modes are described (only) in An Introduction 10 Display Editing WIth Vi. 5. Command structure Most command names are English words. and initial prefixes of the words are acce?table abbreviations. The ambiguity of abbreviations is resolved in favor of the more commonly used commands.- AJ an examl'ie. the commanc1 ~"SllfIJ" C2fI be ;abbreVIated '5' _hile the snonest ;avaiiaOie ;aobreviauon for the lrt commaDd IS '51:'. ·4· 5.1. CommaDd parameters Most commands accept prefix addresses specifying the lines in the file upon which they are to bave effect. The forms of these addresses will be discussed below. A number of com· mands also may take a trailing count specifying the number of lines to be involved in the com· mand. t Thus the command 00101''' will print the tenth line in the buffer while "delete 5" will delete five lines from the bu1fer. starting with the current line. Some commands take other information or parameters. this information always being given after the command name.* 5.1. CommaDd ,.uiants A number of commands have two distinct variants. The variant form of the command is by placiDa an '!' immediately after the command name. Some of the default variants may be controlled by options~ in this case, the '!' serves to toglle the default. invo~ 5.3. FJacs after commands The characters '#', 'p' and 'I' may be placed after many commands.·· In this case, the command ar"revia1ed by these characters is executed after the command completes. Since ex normally priDts the new current line after each change, 'I" is rarely necessary. Any number of '+' or '-' characters may also be given with these Oags. If they appear. the specified offset is applied to the current line value before the printinl command is executed. 5.4. CommeDts It is possible to Jive editor commands which are ignored. This is useful when making complex editor saipts for which comments are desired. The comment character is the double quote: •. Any command line beginning with • is ignored. Comments beginning with • may also be placed at the ends of commands. except in cases where they could be confused as part oi text (shell escapes and the substitute and map commands). 5.5. MuJtiple commands per liDe More than one command may be placed on a line by separating each pair of commands by a l' character. However the global commands. comments, and the shell escape '!' must be the last command on a line, as they are not terminated by a 1'. 5.6. ReportiDC IUle chances Most commands which change the contents of the editor bu1fer ~ve feedback if the scope of the change exceeds a thresbold given by the ~port option. This feedback helps to detect undesirably larae changes so tbat tbey may be quickly and easily revers~ with an undo. After commands witb more aloba! effect sucb as global or IIiSuoJ, you will be informed if the net change in the number of lines in the bu1fer during this command exceeds this threshold. 6. CommaDd addressiDC 6.1. AddressiDC priDLitiYes The current line. Most commands leave tbe current line as the last line which they a1fect. The defauJt address for most commands is the current line. thus '.' is rareJy used alone as an address. t Counts are rounded clown if necISIUT· * Examples would be ol'lion names iD a SIf CXlmmand Le. "ses number", I file name iD an ~, cornmaad. felUW expression in • S1IiJsIlllltr command. or I LlI'pI address (or I CDfIY command. i.e. ".1..5 COllY 25··. - A 'I" or 'I' must be preceded by • blank or LIb cxCC1l' In the sincJe SI'IICW cue 'lip'. , I ·: . The nth line in the editor's buffer, lines being numbered sequenllail:, from l. The last line in ~he buffe:. An abbreviation for "l,S", the entire buffer. n s 0/0 -n -n An offset relative to the current buffer line. t Scan forward and backward respectively for a line containing par. a reg.:· lar expression (as defined below). The scans normally wrap around :ne end of the buffer. If all that is desired is to print the next line contaInmg pot, then the trailing / or ? may be omitted. If par is omitted or expil' citty empty, then the last regular expression specified is located.; /pat/ ?por? •. ·x Before each non-relative motion of the current line '.', the previous current line is marked with a tag. subsequently referred to as •..•. This makes it e2sy to refer or return to tbis previous context. Marks may also be established by tbe mark command, using single lower ase letters x and the marked lines referred to as "x'. 6.2. Combining aCi~:essin& primitives Addresses to commands consist of a series of addressing primitives. separated by ': or ':'. Such address listS are evaluated left-le-right. When addresses are separaled by':' the current line'.' is set to the value of the previous addressing expression before the next address is inter· preted. If more addresses are given than the command requires. then all but the last one or two are ignored. If the command takes two addresses. the first addressed line must precede the second in the buffer. t 7. Command descriptions The following fonn is a prototype for all ex commands: aridrt!SS command .' parameters count flags All parts are optional: the degenerate case is the empty command which printS the next line in the file. For sanity with use from within VIsual mode. ex ignores a ":" preceding any command. In the following command descriptions. the default addresses are shown in parentheses. which are not, however. part of the command. abbreTiate word rlu abbr: ab Add the named abbreviation to the current list. When in input mode in visual. if word is typed as a complete word. it will be changed to rhl. ( . ) append rat abbr: a Reads the input text and places it after the specified line. After the command. '.' addresses the last line input or the specified line if no lines were input. If address '0' is given. text is placed at the beginning of the buffer. t The forms '.+3' · ... 3· IDd '+++' are all equIvalent: if the current line IS line 100 !.hey aJJ address llne 103. . used In a SCln: after a SUDsUlUle / / and ~ .. would SCln USlne the SUDslJIULe'S !'eIuiar ex"ressJon. , ~ulI address Sl)eCJticauons are permmed In a lisl of addresses. the deiault In thIS case IS the currenl line' '. thus' .100' IS equlvaienl to ..• 100'. 11 IS an error to lIve a pret'U address to a c:cmmand .... rueD ex!)eCtS none. t The forms \I and \! scan USlnl the last reluJar expression -6a! le::rt The variant tla& to ap/Wnd toggles the setting for the autoindenloption during the input of tal. The members of the argument list are printed. with the current argument delimited by • rand 'J', ( • , . ) chance count abbr: c tea Replaces the specified lines with the input teet. The current line becomes the last line if no lines were input it is left as for a .~te. input~ c! ID:t The variant toales autoindent during the dJan~. ( • • • ) copy addr flags abbr: co A copy of the specified lines is placed after addr. which may be '0'. The current line'.' addresses the last line of the copy. The command I is a synonym for copy. ( • , • ) deletel:1uffer count flags abbr: d Removes the specified lines from the buffer. The line after the last line deleted becomes the current tine~ if the lines deleted were originally at the end. the new last line becomes the current line. If a named buffer is specified by giving a letter. then the specified lines are saved in that bu1fer, or appended to it if an upper case letter is used. edit file abbr: e ex file Used to begin an editing session on a new fiJe. The editor first checks to see if tbe buffer has been modified since the last write command was issued. If it bas been. a warning is issued and the command is aboned. The command otherwise deJetes the entire contents of the editor buffer. makes the named fiJe the current file and prints the new filename. After insuring thai. this file is sensiblet the editor reads the fiJe into its buffer. If the read of the file completes without error. the number of lines and characters read is typed. If there were any non-ASCIJ characters in the file they are stripped of their nonASCD high bits. and any null characters in the file are discarded. If none of these errors occurred. the file is considered edited. If the last line of the input fiJe is missing the trailing newline character. it will be supplied and a complaint will be issued. This command leaves the current line •.' at the last line read.* t I.e.. thai il is nOi a binary file such u a direcIory, • blodt or dlanC1el' $lIeCiaJ ftIe otber than Idrvirr)· . • ter· mlnai. or • binary or execulable file (u indicaled by the finl word). , /[ ellecuted from wilbin opnr or IIISIIIIi. !.be cunem IiDe is imlWly !.be first line of the me. I • I • e! file The variant fonn suppresses the complaint about modifications having be:n made and :1ot written from the editor buffer, thus discarding all changes which have been made before editing the new file. e + ff file Causes the editor to begin at line ff rather than at the last command containing no spaces, e.g.: "+/pat". file line~ ff may also be an editor abbr: r Prints tbe current file name, whetber it has been '(Modified]' since the last H.'me command, whether it is read only, the current line. the number of lines in the buffer. and the percentage of the way through the buffer of the current line.· file file The current file name is cbanged to file which is considered' [Not edited)', abbr: , First marks each line among those specified which matches the given regular expression. Then the given command list is executed with'.' initially set to each marked line. The command list consists of the remaining commands on the current input line and may continue to multiple lines by ending all but the last such line with a '\'. If cmds (and possibly the trailing / delimiter) is omitted, each line matching par is printed. Ap~nd. Iffserr. and change commands and associated input are pemtitted~ the'.' terminating input may be omitted if it would be on the last line of tbe command list. O~ff and Visual commands are permitted in the command list and take input from tbe terminal. The global command itself may not appear in cmtis. The undo command is also not permitted there, as undo instead can be used to reverse the entire global command. The options auroprinr and auroindenr are inhibited during a giobal. (and possibly the trailing I delimiter> and the value of the report option is temporarily infinite, in deferenc: to a report for the entire gJobal. Finally, the context mark •••• is set to tbe value of '.' before the sJoba1 command begins and is not changed during a gJobaJ command. except perhaps by an o~" or !llsual within the globaL ( 1 • S) dobal /JKlt/ cmds abbr: y The ,'Viant fonn of global runs cmas at each line not matching pal. ( . ) iDsen lea abbr: j Plac::s the liven text before the specified line. The current line is left at the last line input; if there were none input it is left at the line before the addressed line. This command differs from append only in the placement of text . • In the ran cue thai the cur-rent file is '(Not ediledl' this is nOled also; in this cue you !\ave 10 use the rorm .! to wrile 10 the file. S1nce the edilor IS not sure that a write .....11 not destroy a file unrelated to the current COnleftlS of the oll6er. ·8· i! text The variant toggles auto;ndent during the insert. ( . , .+ 1 ) jom count flags abbr: j Places the text from a specified range of lines together on one line. White space is adjusted at each junction to provide at 1east one blank character, two if there was a '.' at the end of the line, or none if the first following character is a ')'. If there is already white space at the end of the line, then the white space at the start of the next line will be discarded. j! The variant causes a simpler join with no white space lines are simply concatenated. processin~ the characters in the (•) k x The k command is a synonym for IffIlric. It does not require a blank or tab before the following letter. ( • , • ) list count flags Prints the spec::ified lines in a more unambiguous way: tabs are printed as '-YO and the end of each line is marked with a trailing'S'. The current line is left at the last line printed. map Ihs rhs The IffIlP command is used to define macros for use in visual mode. Lhs should be a sinlie character, or the sequence "#n", for n a digit. referring to function key n. When this character or function key is typed in visual mode. it will be as though the corresponding rhs bad been typed. On terminals without function keys. you can type .. #n .. . See section 6.9 of the "Introduction to Display Editing with Vi" for more details. (. ) mark x Gives the specified line mark x, a single lower case letter. The x must be preceded by a blank or a tab. The addressing form "x' then addresses this line. The current line is nol aft'ected by this command. ( • • • ) moYe addr abbr:m The mo~ command repositions the specified lines to be after addr. The first of the moved lines becomes the current line. abbr: Dext D The next file from the command line argument list is edited. D! The variant suppresses warnings about the modifications to the buffer not having been written out. discarding (irretrievably) any changes which may have been made. a jileliSl a + command jileiiSl 1 -9The specified filelisT is expanded and the ;esulting list replaces the current argument list; the first file in the new list is then edited. If command is given (it must contain no spaces), then it is executed after editing the first such file. abbr: # or nu Prints each specified line preceded by its buffer line number. The current line is left at the last line printed. ( • , • ) Dumber count flags flags ( . ) open / pat / flags ( • ) OpeD abbr: 0 Enters intra1ine editing open mode at eac.i addressed line. If pat is given. then the cursor will be placed initially at the beginning of the string matched by the pattern. To exit thiS mode use Q. See An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi for more details. * prese"e The current editor buffer is saved as though the system had just crashed. This command is for use only in emergencies when a write command has resulted in an error and you don't know how to save your work. After a preserve you should seek help. ( • , . ) print count abbr: p or P Prints the specified lines with non-printing characters printed as control characters '-x'; delete (octal 177) is represented as '·7'. The current line is left at the last line printed. ( • ) put ln4f~ abbr: pu Puts back previously deleted or yank~ lines. NormaUy used with fkiele to effect movement of lines. or with yank to effect duplication of lines. If no buffer is specified, then the last de/et~ or yanked text is restored.· By using a named buffer, text may be restored that was saved there at any previous time. quit abbr: q Causes ex to terminate. No automatic write of the editor buffer to a file is performed. However. ex issues a warning message if the file has changed since the last wme command was issued, and does not qUit. t Normally, you will wish to save your changes. and you should give a 'Write command; if you wish to discard them, use the q! command variant. q! Quits from the editor, discarding changes to the buffer without complaint. ( • ) read fiie abbr: r Places a copy of the text of the given file in the editing buffer after the specified line. If no fiie is given the current file name is used. The current file name is not changed unless there is none in which case fiie becomes the current name. The sensibility restrictions for the edit command apply here also. If the file buffer is empty and there is no current name then e::r treats this as an ~dit command. , Not Iwilabie in ail v2 editors due to memory constraintS. • But :'10 moclifyinl commands may InLervene between tbe ~rtr or )lfZnlc and the (Nt. nor may tines be moved between iHcs WIthout USlnl a named tnurer. , Ex will also ISSUe a diacnoslic if tbere are more tiles in the 3rwument tist. - 10 - Address '0' is legal for this command and causes the file to be read at the beginning of the buffer. Statistics are given as for the edit command wben the rtad successfully terminates. After a read the current line is the last line read.; ( • ) read !command Reads the output of the command command into the buffer after the specified line. This is not a variant form of the command. rather a read specifying a command rather than a filename: a blank or tab before the ! is mandatory. reaJyer file Recovers file from the system save area. Used after a accidental hangup of the phone·" or a system crash·· or pns~ command. Except wben you use ",e~ you will be notified by mail when a file is saved. rewiDd abbr: rew The argument list is rewound, and the first file in the list is edited. rew! Rewinds the argument list discarding any changes made to the current buffer. set parame~ With no arzuments. prints those options whose values have been changed from their with parameter all it prints all of the option values. defaults~ Giving an option name followed by a '?' causes the current value of that option to be printed. The '?' is wmecessary unless the option is Boolean valued. Boolean options are given values either by the form 'set option' to tum them on or 'set no option' to tum them otf~ string and numeric options are assigned via the form 'set option-value'. More than ODe parameter may be given to ser~ they are interpreted left-to-right. abbr: sh shell A new shell is created. When it terminates, editing resumes. soan:efi/e abbr: so Reads and executes commands from the specified file. Soul'Ce commands may be nested. ( • , • ) substitute I pat / rep/ / options count ./fags abbr: s On each specified line. the first instance of pattern pal is replaced by replacement pattern rq/. If the global indicator option character 'g' appears. then aU instances are substituted; if the confirm indication character 'c' appears. then before each substitution the line to be substituted is typed with the string to be substituted marked with 'T' characters. By typing an 'y' ODe can cause the substitution to be performed. any other input causes no change to take place. After a substitute the current line is the last line substituted. Lines may be split by substituting new-line characters into them. The newline in repl must be escaped by preceding it with a '\'. Other metacharacters available in par and repl are described below. t Wjt= 0"" IUd _ I the current line is set 10 (be tint line read rather :ban tbe 1uL - The system saves a co'" of tbe tile you were editin& ol1ly if you !lave made cftanlCS to tbe file. - 11 stop ,Suspends the editor. returning control to the top level shell. If autowme is set and there are unsaved changes. a write is done first unless the form stop! is used. ThIs commands is only available where supported by the teletype driver and operating system. abbr: s ( .•. ) substitute options count flags If pat and rep/ are omitted. then the last substitution is repeated. This is a synonym for the & command. ( • • • ) t addr flags The t command is a synonym for copy. ta liZg The focus of editing switches to the location of tag. switching to a different line in the current file where it is defined. or if necessary to another file. i The tags file is normally created by a program such as czags. and consists oi a number of lines with three fields separated by blanks or tabs. The first field gives the name of the tag. the second the name of the file where the tag resides. and the third gives an addressing form which can be used by the editor to find the tag~ this field is usually a contextual scan using •/ pall' to be immune to minor changes in the file. Such sc:a.ns are always performed as if ffOmagTC was set. The tag names in the tags file must be sorted alphabetically. i unabbreTiate word Delete word from the list of abbreviations. undo abbr: una abbr: u Reverses the changes made in the buffer by the last buffer editing command. NOle thal global commands are considered a single command for the purpose of undo (as are open and visual.) Also. the commands write and edit which interact with the file system cannot be undone. Undo is its own inverse. Undo always marks the previous value of the current line •.' as ••••. After an undo the current line is the first line restored or the line before the first line deleted if no lines were restored. For commands with more global effect such as glo!xzi and VIsual the current line repins it's pre-a>mmand value after an undo. unmap lhs The macro expansion associated by map for lhs is removed. ( 1•S) T / pat / cmds A synonym for the global command variant I!. running the specified cmds on each line which does not match paL nrsion abbr: Ye Prints the current version number of the editor as well as the dale the editor was !ast cb.anged. : If you Ilave modified tbe currenl file before &ivinc I lDr command. you must wme I4f command. spec{Yln! no lDr will reuse the prevIous las. : NOl available In aU v2 eGIlOf"S due to memory construnts. It out: ;tYIng another - 12 ( • ) yisual ry~ count fiags abbr: yj Enters visual mode at the specified line. Ty~ is optional and may be •- ' , 'T' or •.' as in the z command to specify the placement of the specified line on the screen. By default, if ~ is omitted, the specified line is placed as the first on the screen. A count specfies an initial window size~ the default is the value of the option window. See the document An introduaion to Display Editing with Vi for more details. To exit this mode, type Q. Tisual tile Yisual + n tile From visual mode, this command is the same as edit. ( 1 $ ) write fik abbr: w t Writes changes made back to fik, printing the number of lines and characters written. Normally fik is omitted and the text goes back where it came from. If a file is specified, then text will be written to that tile.· If the file does not exist it is created. The current tile name is changed only if there is no current file name~ the current line is never changed. If an error occurs while writing the current aDd tdittd file, the editor considers that there bas been "No write since last change" even if the buffer had not previously been modified. ( 1 $ ) write> > fik abbr: t w> > Writes the buffer contents at the end of an existing file. w! fIIl~ Overrides the checking of the normal write command, and will write to any file which the _system permits. ( 1 $ ) w !commtlnd t Writes the specified lines into command. Note the difference between w! which overrides checks and w ! which writes to a·command. wq fIIlme Like I wri~ and then I quit command. wq! fIIlme The variant overrides checking on the sensibility of the wrIte command, as w! does. xU fIIlme If any changes have been made and not wrinen, writes the buffer out. Then, in any case, quits. ( • t • yuk INffer count abbr: ya Places the specified lines in the named buffer. for later retrieval via put. If no buffer name is specified, the lines go to a more volatile place~ see the put command description. ) I file OIliy if it is tbe c:urrent file and is ftiilrd.. if tbe tile does nol exist. or if the tile is te1etYJ)C, Idnfrry. IdnfffIIiJ.. Olberwise., you must Jive tbe vanant form w! to force the wnte. • The editor wntes to ICNaJ)y t I - 13 .. ( .+ 1 ) z count Print the next count lines. default wmdo ....·. ( . ) z rype count Prints a window of text with the specified line at the top. If rype is '-' the line is ~lacec at the bottom; a '.' causes the line to be placed in the center.· A count gives the number of lines to be displayed rather than double the number specified by the scroil option. On a CRT the screen is cleared before display begins unless a count which is less than the screen size is given. The current line is left at the last line printed. ! command The remainder of tbe line after the '!' character is sent to a shell to be executed. Within tbe text of command the characters '%' and '#' are expanded as in filenames and the character '!' is replaced with the text of the previous command. Thus, in particular. '~!' repeats the last such shell escape. If any such expansion is performed. the expanded line will be echoed. The current line is unchanged by this command. If there has been "(No write]." of tbe buffer contents since the last change to tbe editing buffer, then a diagnostic will be printed before the command is executed as a warning. A single '!' is printed when the command completes. ( addr • addr) ! command Takes the specified address range and supplies it as standard input to command; the resulting output then replaces the input lines. (S) Prints tbe line number of the addressed line. The current line is unchanged. (.,.) > (.,. ) < count flags count flags Perform intelligent shifting on the specified lines; < shifts left and > shift right. The quantity of shift is determined by the shi/twldth option and the repetition of the specification character, Only white space (blanks and tabs) is shifted; no non-white characters are discarded in a left-shift. The CUrTent line becomes the last line which changed due to tbe shifting. "n An end-of-file from a terminal input scrolls through the file. The scroll option speCifies the size of the scroll. normally a half screen of text. (.+1 .. +1) (.+1,.+1>1 An address alone causes the addressed lines to be printed. A blanK line prinLS the next line in the file . • Forms 'z.' and 'zT' aiso eXISt; ·z·' places the current line in the center, surrounds It with lines of '-' characters and leaves the culTent line at this line, The (orm 'z r pnnlS the wtndow before 'z -' would. The charaaers '+', T and • - ' may be reJ)eateO for cumWau\le etfect. On some \12 ec1IlOrs. no ryrw may be lIVen. • 14 - - ( • • • ) " options count ./lags RepealS the previous substitute command. ( • • • ) - options count ./lags Replaces the previous regular expression with the previous replacement pattern from a substitution. 8. Reaular expressions and substitute replacement patterns 8.1. Replar expressions A regular expression specifies a set of strings of characters. A member of this set of strings is said to be matchfti by the regular expression. Ex remembers two previous regular expressions: the previous regular expression used in a substitute command and the previous regular expression used elsewhere (referred to as the previous scanning regular expression.) The previous regular expression can always be referred to by a null re, e.g. 'I/' or '??'. 8.2. Malic and Domalic The regular expressions allowed by a are constructed in one of two ways depending on the setting of the magic option. The a and vi default setting of magic gives quick access to a powerful set of regular expression metacharacters. The disadvantage of magic is that the user must remember that these metacharacters are magic and precede tbem with the character '\' to use them as "ordinary" characters. With nomagic. the default for edit. regular expressions are much simpler, there being only two metacharacters. The power of the other metacharacters is still available by preceding the (now) ordinary character with a '\'. Note that '\' is thus always a metacharacter. The remainder of the discussion of regular expressions assumes that that the setting of this option is magic. t 8.3. Basic re:ular expression summa". The foUowing basic constructs are used to construct magic mode regular expressions. char An ordinary character matches itself. The characters T at the beginning of a line, 'S' at the end of line, '.- as any character other than the first. ' .•• '\', 'I', and ,-, are not ordinary characters and must be escaped (preceded) by '\' to be treated as such. T At the beginning of a pattern forces the match to succeed only at the be:;}nning of a line. At the end of a regular expression forces the match to succeed only at the end S of the line. Matches any single character except the new-line character. Forces the match to occur onJy at the beginning of a "variable" or "word"; \< that is, either a1 the beginning of a line. or just before a letter, digit, or underline and after a character not one of these. Similar to "<', but matching the end of a "variable" or "word", i.e. either \> the end of the line or before character which is neither a letter, nor a digit, nor the underline character. t To d.iJa:m wnat is ltUe witb - r c it su1!'.ces to remember that the only J1)eCiaJ charal::len in this cue will be 'T' al the Oe&inulftl of • l'eIular eltl'f'eS$iou. 'S' .. the end of I I'elWar Ul)I"eSSIon. and '\'. With ""~II: the dIaraclen ,-, and 'a;' aIIo lose tbeu J1)eCiaJ mearunp reiIIled to the ~ent panem oi. suDsulule. - 15 IstmrgJ Matches any (single) character in the class defined by string. Most charac:ers in string define themselves. A pair of characters separated by . -' in slrIng defines the set of characters collating between the specified lower and upper bounds. thus '[a-z]' ~ a regular expression matches any (single) lower-case letter. If the first character of string is an T then the construct matches those characters which it otherwise would not; thus . [y a - zj' matches anything bu t a lower-case letter (and of course a newline). To place any of the characters 'T'. '[', or '-' in string you must escape them with a preceding '\'. 8.4. Combinin& rqular expression primitives The concatenation of two regular expressions matches the leftmost and then longest string which can be divided with the first piece matching the first regular expression and the second piece matching the second. Any of the (single character matching) regular expressions mentioned above may be followed by the character ,.' to form a regular expression which matches any number of adjacent occurrences (including 0) of characters matched by the regular expression it follows. The character ,-, may be used in a regular expression, and matches the text which defined the replacement part of the last suost/lUle command. A regular expression may be enclosed between the sequences '\ (' and '\)' with side effects in the subsltture replacement patterns. 8.5. Substitute replacement patterns The basic metacharacters for the replacement pattern are '&' and '-'; these are given as '\&. and '\ -, when nomagfc is set. Each instance of '&' is replaced by the characters which the regular expression matched. The metacharacter ,-, stands, in the replacement pattern. for the defining text of the previous replacement pattern. Other metasequences possible in the replacement pattern are always introduced by the escaping character '\'. The sequence '\n' is replaced by the text matched by the "..th regular subexpression enclosed between '\{' and '\)'.t The sequences '\u' and '\1' cause the immediately following character in the replacement to be converted to upper- or lower-case respectlveiy if this character is a letter. The sequences '\U' and '\L' turn such conversion on. either until '\E' or '\e' is encountered. or until the end of the replacement pattern. 9. Option descriptions autoindeat. al default: noai Can be used to ease the preparation of structured program text. At the beginning of each appen~ change or i1UB1 command or when a new line is opened or created by an append. change. Insert. or SUDstilUre operation within open or visual mode. ex looks at the line bemg appended after. the first line changed or the line inserted before and calculates the amount of white space at the start of the line. It then aligns the cursor at the level of indentation so determined. If the user then types lines of text in. they will continue to be justified at the displayed indenting level. If more white space is typed at the beginning of a line. the following line will start alig."led with the first non-white character of the previous line. To back the cursor up to the preceding tab stop one can hit -D. The tab stops going backwards are defined at multiples of the shift'",,,drh option. You CDnnot backspace over the Indent. except by sending an end-of-file with a -D. ,. When nested. j)arenthesized subexpressions ue prexnt. n is determined by c:oununl OCXUl'Tences of .\ (" SlartJnI (rom tDe left. - 16 Specially processed in this mode is a line with no characters added to it, which turns into a completely blank line (the white space provided for the autoindent is discarded.) Also specially processed in this mode are lines beginning with an 'T' and immediately followed by a AD. This causes the input to be repositioned at the beginning of the line, but retaining the previous inaent for the next line. Similarly. a '0' followed by a An repositions at the beginning but without retaining the previous indent. AUloindent doesn't happen in global commands or when the input is not a terminal. autopriDt, ap default: ap Causes the current line to be printed after each delete, copy. join, mo~. substitute, t. undo 'or shift command. This has the same effect as supplying a trailing 'p' to each such command. AUloprint is suppressed in globals. and only applies to the last of many commands on a line. autoWTite, aw default: noaw Causes the contents of the buffer 10 be written 10 the current file if you have modified it and give a nat. rnvind, SlOp, IIlg, or ! command, or a AT (switch files) or -J (tag golO) command in y;suaL Note, that the «iit and ex commands do Dot aUlOwrite. In each case. there is an equivalent way of switching when autowrite is set to avoid the autowrtte (edit for n~ rnv;nd! for.l rewind. SlOp! for SlOp. IIlg! for tag, shell for .I, and :e # and a :ta! command from within Yisua/). beautify. bf' default: nobeautify Causes all control characters except tab. newline and form-feed to be discarded from the input. A complaint is registered the first time a backspace character is discarded. Beauttjy does not apply 10 command input. directory, clir default: dir- Itmp Specifies the directory in wbich ex places its buffer file. If this directory in not writable, then the editor will exit abruptly when it fails 10 be able to create its buffer there. edcompatible default: noedcompatible Causes the presence of absence of I and c: suffixes on substitute commands to be remembered. and 10 be lOggJed by repeating the suffices. The suffix r makes the substitution be IS in the - command, instead of like ct.. ~ errorbells. eb default: noeb Error messages are preceded by a bell.· If possible the editor always places the error message in a standout mode of the terminal (such as inverse video) instead of ringing the bell. hardtabs, bt default: ht-8 Gives the boundaries on which terminal hardware tabs are set (or on which the system expands tabs). iporec:ase, Ie: default: noic u Version J only. • BetI nnsm& ill 0"." and WSJIIIi on errors is nOI suppressed by setlinl fftIftI. - 17 - All upper case characters in the text are mapped to lower case in regular ~xor:SSlon matching. In addition, all upper case characters in regular expressions are mapped to lower case except in character class specifications. lisp default: nolisp AUIOtndent indents appropriately for lisp code, and the ( ) { } and VIsual are modified to have meaning for lisp. list II and II commands in ooe" default: nolist All printed lines will be displayed (more) unambiguously, showing tabs and end-of-lines as in the list command. default: magic for ex and vrt If ffomagic is set, the number of regular expression metacharacters is greatly reduced. with only T and'S' having special effects. In addition the metacharacters ,-. and '&' of :he replacement pattern are treated as normal characters. All the normal metacharacters may be made magic when ffomaglc is set by preceding them with a '\'. malic: mesg default: mesg Causes write permission to be turned off to the terminal while you are in visual mode. if ffomesg is set. U Dumber. nu default: nonumber Causes all output lines to be printed with their line numbers. In addition each input line will be prompted for by supplying the line number it will have. open default: open If ffoo~n. the commands open and visual are not permitted. This is set for edit to prevent confusion resulting from accidental entry to open or visual mode. optimize. opt default: optimize Throughput of text is expedited by setting the terminal to not do automatic carriage returns when printing more than one (logical) line of output. greatly speeding output on terminals without addressable cursors when text with leading white space is printed. panlraphs. pan default: para-IPLPPPQPP LIbp Specifies the paragraphs for the { and J operations in open and VIsual. The pairs of characters in the option's value are the names of the macros which stan paragraphs. prompt default: prompt Command mode input is prompted for with a':'. redraw default: no redraw The editor simulates (using great amounts of output). an intelligent terminal on a dum b terminal (e.g. during insertions in Visual the characters to the right of the cursor pOSitIon are refreshed as each input character is typed.) Useful only at very high speed. t ,VOlfllZflC for ~IL U versIon J only. - 18 - remap default: remap If on. macros are repeatedly tried until they are unchanged. ii For example. if 0 is mapped to 0, and 0 is mapped to I, then if remDp is set. 0 will map to I, but if noremap IS set, it will map to O. report default: report-St Specifies a threshold for feedback from commands. Any command which modifies more than the specified number of lines will provide feedback as to the scope of its changes. For commands such as global. o~n., undo, and "isual which bave potentially more far reaching scope, the net change in the number of lines in the buffer is presented at the end of the command. subject to this same threshold. Thus notification is suppressed during a global command on the individual commands performed. default: scroll- Ih window scroll Determines the number of logical lines scrolled when an end-of-file is received from a terminal input in command mode, and the number of lines printed by a command mode : command (double the value of saoJ/). default: sections-SHNHH HU Specifies the section macros for the II and II operations in o~n and ",suaL The pairs of characters in the options's value are the names of the macros which start paragraphs. sectioas default: sh -/bin/sh Gives the path name of the shell forked for the shell escape command '!', and by the shell command. The default is taken from SHELL in the environment, if present. shell. sh ., shiftwidth. sw default: sw-8 Gives the width a software tab stop, used in reverse tabbing with tknl to append text, and by the shift commands. -n when using autom- showmatch. SID . default: nosm In o~n and ",sual mode, when a ) or } is typed. move the cursor to the matching ( or { for one second if this matching character is on the screen. Extremely useful with lisp. slowopell, l10w terminal dependent A1fea..~ the display algorithm used in W$UI1/ mode. bolding off display updating during input of new text to improve throughput when the terminal in use is both slow and uninte1ligc:nL See An Introduction 10 D,spilly Ediling With Vi for more details. tabstop, 15 default: IS-8 The editor expands tabs in the input file to be on UZDS10P boundaries for the purposes of display. taclealth, tl default: tJ-O Tags are not significant beyond this many characters. A value of zero (the default) means that all characters are significant. n Version 3 only. f 2 for filii. - 19 - tags I default: tags - tags lusr Ilib/tags A path of files to be used as tag files for the rag command. ~:: A requested lag is searched for in the spec:fied files. sequentially. By default (even in version 2> files called tags are searched for in the current directory and in lusrllib (a master file for the entire syste:rl.) from environment TERM term The terminal type of the output device. terse default: no terse Shorter error diagnostics are produced for the experienced user. warn default: warn Warn if there has been '[No write since last change]' before a '!' command escape. window default: window - speed dependent The number of lines in a text window in the Visual command. The default is 8 at slow speeds (600 baud or less), 16 at medium speed (1200 baud), and the full screen '.."inus one line) at higher speeds. w300, w1200, w9600 These are not true options but set window only if the speed is slow (300). medium (1200), or high (9600). respectively. They are suitable for an EXINIT and make it easy to change the S/16/full screen rule. default: ws Searches using the regular expressions in addressing will wrap around past the end of the wnPSc:tD, ws file. default: wm-O wrapmUliD, wm Defines a margin for automatic wrapovcr of text during input in See An IntroductIon TO Text Editing WIth Vi for det.3ils. o~" and VIsual modes. writnny. wa default: now a Inhibit the checks normally made before wrll~ commat:ds, allowing a write to any file which the system protection mechanism will allow. 10. Limitations Editor limits that the user is likely to encounter are as follows: 1024 characters pe:- line. 256 characters per global command list, 128 characters per tile name, 128 characters in the pre· vious insened and deleted text in o~n or VIsual. 100 characters in a shell escape command. 63 characters in a string valued option. and 30 characters in a tag name. and a limit of 250000 lines in the tiJe is silently enforced. The vrsual implementation limits the number of macros defined with map to 32. and the total number of characters in macros to be less than 512. A.cknowi~dgm~nlS. Chuck Haley contributed greatly to the early development of ex. Bruc: Englar encouraged the redesign which led to ex version 1. Bill Joy wrote versions I and :.0 through 2.7. and created the framework that users see in the present editor. Mark Horton added macros and other features and made the editor work on a large number of terminals md U nix systems. ;: Verston J aaly. Edit: A Tutorial Rickl 8/aLi James Joyce Computing Services University of California Berkeley. Caiifornia 947:0 A.BSTRA.CT This narrative introduction to the use of the :e:<, editor edj( assumes no prior familiarity with computers or with te: . to change each final "ing" to "ed" and pnnt the changed lines. The symbol .•••• indicates the beginning of a line. Thus. :sr II. I instructs the editor to insen "1." and a space al the beginning of the current line. The characters "S" and ..... have speciai meanings only in the context or" searching. At other times. they are ordinary characters. [f you ever need to search for a character that ha!i ~ special me:uting, you must indicate that the character is to temporarily lose its speCIal siillificance by tYl'ing another special character. the bacleswh (\). before it. : 5/\ $I dollar/ looks for the character "S" in the current line and replaces it by the word "dollar" W~re:l not for the baclestash. the "S" would have represented "the end or the line" in your se:lrC:1. r:llher than the ~h:lr:lcter "S" Tne backsiash retains ils special sl~nlficance unless II IS pre· .:..:~eu by .lnother backsla.sh. • 18 • IS5uinl t.:~l:,{ c:ornmancis"Jrom [he editor I-\fte: cre:lting several :lles ...vith the editor. you may want to de!ete tiles no longer useful to you or ask for a li5t of your rues. Removing and listing file:s are :lOt funC!ions oi :he ~Cltcr, and so they reqwre the ~e of UNIX system comm3Ilds (:liso refe:T~ ,0 lS "sheil" commanos. as "sheW' IS the 'name oi the program that processes Li:"lIX commands), You Jo not ne:e:J :0 quit the et1itor to e:t~:.1te a t:~IX commanc1 lS long as you indicte that it is to be sent to ,:1e sheil for execution. To use the ~tx command I'm to ,emove the :lle rlame~ "junk" type: :!rm junk The excamation mark (!) indic:ues that the rest of the line is to be proc:sscO as a U~lX com· mand. II the buffer contentS have not been written sinc: the last change. a wamIng ',a,il! be printcO before the command is e:t~.lteO. Tne editor printS i .• ~ •• when the command is .:om· p'eteO. The tutorial "Communicating with UNIX" c1escribes useful features of the system. of which the editor is only one part. Filenames lnd file manipulation Throughout each et1iting session. edit keeps tr:lCk of the name of the file being eeite:J .lS the I.·U"tnt /i'enam~. Edit remembers as the current filename the name given when you ~ntere:J the et1itor. The C'.lrrent filename changes whe!'1ever the et1it (e) command is used to specify do new file. Once edit has r~ort1ed a current tilename. it inserts th:u name inLo any command where a filename has been omitted. If J. write command does not spedfy a rue. edit. a.s we have seen. suppiies the current tile!'1ame. You en have the editor write onto a different :1le by inc udin~ itS name: in the write commmd: : ,.. l:hap'erJ "cll~ter3" 23~ lines. 8698 cnancters The ~urrent filename ~-emembered by the editor w,II !lOf b~ changed as IJ muir of the wf'llt com· mand unless If IS th~ fiTSt filename g7vf!n Iff th~ edirmg session. Thus. In the rle:tt wnte command which does not specify a name. edit will write onto the C'.lrrenc file and not onto the nie "cnapterJ". The file ([) c:ornm2nci To ask for the C'.lrT'e:1t filename. tJ1'e file (or n. [n response. the editor prOVIdes current information about the buffer. inci.:ding the filename. your curre!'1t positlon. and the numbe:- of lines in the buffer: :! ·text" (Modified I line 3 oi -+ - i 5'%- If the contentS of the butrer have cl'lanied sine: the last time the rue was wntten. the ~ilor 'NtH teil you that the aIe has be-..n "(Modifiedl", After you save to,e ci'langes ~y 'Nrmng onto l disk file. the outfer Will no longer be considered modified: :w "te:tt" -+ lines. 88 charac:e:-s :( -te:tt" line J of ~ -75%-- Re-.Jciinl lciditional tiles (r1 The rnci (r) I:ommand ..ulows :/OU to Jdd ~he contents of l tile ~o ~he ,uner without ..:e!:itrOYl"i the :~:tt ..ure:l.Ciy there. To ~~ It. sD~:iy :he line .lfter wn,,:, ,he new text wlil j~ - 19 placed. the command r, and then the name of the file. : Sr bibliogr2phy ·'oibliography· 18 lines. 473 characters This command reads in the file bibliography and adds it to the buffer lfter the last line. T.1e current filename is not changed by the read command unless it is tbe first filename given in the editing session. WritiDl pans of the butfer The write (,,) command can write all or part of the buffer to a file you specify. We are already familiar with writing the entire contents of the buffer to a di.sk file. To write only part of the buffer onto a file. indicate the bqinning and ending lines before the write command. for example : 45,S" endiDl Here all lin~ from 4S throuih the end of the buffer are written onto the tile named ending. The lines remain in the buffer as part of the document you are editing. and you may continue to edit the entire buifer. Recoverinl files Under most circumstances. edit's crash recovery mechanism is able to save work to within a few lines of changes after a crash or if the phone is hung up accidently. If you lose the contents of an editing buffer in a system crash. you will normally receive mail when you login which gives the name of the recovered file. To recover the tile. enter the editor and type the command r!COyer (ree), followed by the name of the lost tile. : recoYer chapa Recover is sometimes unable to save the entire buffer successfully, so always check the contents of the saved buffer carefully before writing it back onto the origina! file. Other recovery techniques If something goes wrong when you are using the editor. it may be possible to save your work by using the command prese"e (pre). which saves the buffer as if the system had crashed. If you are writing a tile and you get the messase "Quota exceeded". you ha·.. e tried to use more disk storage than is allotted to your account. Proceed with caUllon because it is likely that only a part of the editor's buffer is now present in the tile you tried to write. In this case you should use the shell escape from the editor (!) to remove some files you don't need and try to write the tile again. If this is not possible and you cannot find someone to heip you, enter the command : prese"e and then seek heip. Do not simply leave the editor. If you do, the buffer will be lost. and you may not be able to save your tile. After a preserve. you can use the recover command once the .problem has been corrected. If you make an undesirable change to tbe buffer and issue a write command before discovering your mistake. the modified version will replace any previous version of the rue. Should you ever lose a good version of a dOC'.lment in ,his way, do not panic and leave the editor. As long as you stay in the editor. the contents of the buffer remain accessible. Depending on the nature of the problem. it may be possible to restore the buffer to a more complete staLe with the undo command. After fixing the damaged buffer. you can again wnte the :lie to diSk. o 20 0 Funher re::uiinl ~d other information ,-Edt is an editor designed for be~lng and casual users. It is ac:ually a Ve:-Slon of . 20 Ex Reference Manual. 20 file. 1 file r=:overy, 19 filename. 1 Interrupt (message), 6 line numbers, see also current line dollar sign (S), 7, 14 dot (.). 8. 14 relative (+ and -), 14 louing out. 5 login procedure. 2 non-printing characters. 7 "not found" (message). J program. 1 r=:overy see file recovery shell. 18 shell escape (!). 18 special characters (.. S. \). 17 text input mode. 4 UNIX. 1 Ex/Edit Command Summary (Version 2.0) Ex and rriit are text editors. used for creating and modifying files of text on the UNIX computer system. Edit is a variant of u with features designed to malee it less complicated to learn and use. In terms of command syntax and etrect the editors are essentiaJly identical. and this command summary applies to both. The summary is meant as a quick reference for users aJready acquainted with ~it or ex: Fuller explanations of the editors m:ay be found in the documents Edit: .... Tutorial (a self·teaching introduction) and the Ex R,/,nnr:r Mallual (the comprehensive reference source for both ~it and 0-). Both of these writeup! are available in the Computing Services Library. In the examples included with the summary. commands and texl entered by the user are printed in boldfam to distinguish them from responses printed by the computer. The Editor Buft'er In order to perform its tasks the editor sets aside a temporary work space. called a buffv. separate from the user's permanent file. Before starting to wor1c on an existing file the editor maKes a copy of it in the buifer. lavinl the oripn.. uncouched. All editing changes are made to the buifer copy. which must then be written back to the permanent file in order to update the old version. The butTer disappears at the end of the editing session. Editing: Command and Text Input Modes Durin" an editing session there are two usual nlo::es nf' opera,i"n: COIffIIWII"1 ",ode and 1m inflllt mode. (This disreprds. for Ihe moment. a"" and visual modes. discussed below.) In command mode. the editor issues a colon prompt (:) 10 show that it is ready 10 accept and execute a command. In tut input mode. on the other band. there is no prompt md the editor mereiy accepts te:olt to be added to Ihe butTer. Text input mode is initiated by the· commands apfWnd. i".,.,. and r:itGIIfr. . It is terminated by typing a period as the first charac:ler on a line. followed immediate.y by a curiaae reIW11. Line Numbers and Com. . . . Syntas: The edilor keeps lrac:k 01 lines of lext in Ihe butrer by Ilumbering them consecutively startinl wilh 1 and renumberinl as lines are added or defeted. At any given lime the edilor is positioned alone of these lines: this position is ailed the nI'~nt lin,. QeneraUy. commands that change the conlents of the buifer print the new c:utrent line at the end of tbeir execulion. Most commands can be preceded b) one or two line-number addresses which indiQte the lines to be aifected. If one number is given the command operates on that line only~ if two, on an inclusive range of lines. Commands that can take line-number prefixes also assume default prefixes if none arc given. The default assumed by each command is designed 10 make it convenient to use in many instances without any line-number prefix. For the most part. a command used without a prefix operates on the current line. though exceptions 10 this rule should be noted. The print command by itself. for instance. causes one line. the current line. to be prinled at the terminal. The summary shows the u~mber of line addresses that can be prefixed to each command as weJl as the defaults assumed if they are omitted. For example. f. •. ) means thaI up to 2 linenumbers may be given. and that if none is gjven the command operates on the current line. (In Ihe address prefix notation. ".u stands for the current line and "s" stands for the last line of the buffer.) If no such notation appears. no line-number prefix may be used. Some commands talee trailing intonnation; only the more important instances of this are mentioned in Ihe summary. Open and Visual Modes Besides command and text inpul modes. u and ~it provide on some lerminais other modes of editing, a".n and VIsual In these modes the cursor can be moved to individual words or chara.cte:s in a line. TI. I. a. :nr.lat.·:.s the:: giver wi': very different from the standard editor commands; most do not appear on the screen when typed. An Introdu~ion to Display Editlnr Mltlh Vi provides a full discussion. SpKial Characters Some chara~ take on special meanings when used in context searches and in patterns liven to the SUlnlllUll command. For ~it. these are .. -.. and "S", meaning the beginning and end of a line. respectively. Ex has the following additional special characters: " • I To use one of the speeia' characters as it! simple graphic representation rather than with its special meaning. precede it by a ~cJcslash (\). The badtSlllSh always has a special meaning. Consult the more complete wrileups on edit and ex for details on the use of special characters. • .. _ .. _• .,n In,,,," I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name Begins text input mode. adding lines to the buffer after the line spec;fied. Appending continues until ..... is typed alone al the beginning of a new line. followed by a carriage return. Oa places lines at the beginning of the buffer. Uappend Deletes indicated line An address alone followed by a carriage return causes the line to be printed. A carriage return by i~elr prints the line following the currenl line. :the line after the current line .;urches for tile fte.U line in whicn and prints it. :fIhis partemJ This pattern next occurs here. /I ptln"." oa:urs :11 RCl'e3ts the most recent search. This pattern also occurs here. !parrmr? Se:arches in the reverse direction for ?? Repeats the most recent search. moving in the reverse direction throup the buffer. ptlnr",. MAIL REFERE~CE MA.NUAL Kurt Shoens Version 1.3 December 2. 1979 1. Introduction Mail provides a friendly environment for sending and receiving mail by dividing incoming mail into its constituent messages and allowing the user to deal with them in any order. It provides a set of ed-like commands for manipulating messages and sending mail. This document describes the Mail command at an introductory level appropriate for the casual user as well as a more detailed level appropriate for those whose usage of Mail is sufficiently frequent to justify such familiarity. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the UNIX' Shell. the text editor, and some of the common UNIX commands. If you are a neophyte Mail user, section two of this document should provide enough information to allow you to effectivelY use Mail. The balance of this document describes more advanced features, which are useful to those commonly barraged with a large volume of mail. 2. Common usage The Mail command has two distinct usages, according to whether one wants to send or receive mail. Sending mail is simple: to send a m~age to a user whose login name is, say, "root," use the Shell command: % Mail root then type your message. When you reach the end of the message, type an EOT (control-d) at the beginning of a line, which will cause Mail to echo "EDT" and return you to the Sheil. When the user you sent mail to next logs in, he will receive the message: You have mail. to alert him to the existence of your message. Incidentally. once you have sent mail to someone. there is no way to undo the act. so be careful. The message your recipient reads will consist of the message you typed, preceded by a line telling who sent the message (your login name), the teletype from which the message was sent, and the date and time it was sent. If you want to send the same message to several other people, you can list ail of their login names on the command line. Thus, % Mail sam bob john Tuition fees are due next Friday. Don't forget!! 1 UNIX IS a trademark of Bell uboralOnes. Mail Reference ~1anuai 12121'79 2 EOT % will send the reminder to sam. bob. and john. If, when you log in, you see the message, You have mail. you can read the mail by typing simply: % Mail Mail willl'eSl'ond by typing its version number and date and then listing the messages you have waiting. Then it will type an underscore and await your command. Tne messages are assIgned numbers starting with 1 - you can refer to the messages with these numbers. To look at a Sl'ecific message. use the tYl'e command, which may be a.bbreviated to simply t. For e:wnple. if you had the foilowing messages: 1 root Wed Sep 21 09:21 "Tuition fees 2 sam Tue Sep 20 22:55 you could examine the first message by giving the command: type 1 which might cause Mail to respond with, for example: Message 1: From root tty8 Wed Sep 21 09:21:45 1978 Subj: Tuition fees N Tuition fees are due aext Wednesday. Don't forget!! Normally, each message you receive is saved in the file mbo::c in your login directory at the time you leave Mail. Often, however, you will not want to save a particular message you have received because it is only of passing interest. To avoid saving a message in mbo::c you c:m deiete it using the delete command. In our example, delete 1 will prevent Mail from saving message 1 (from root) in mbo::c. In addition to not saving deleted messages, Mail will not let you ty-oe them. either. The effect is to make the message disappear aitogether, aiong with its number. The delete command can be abbreviated to simply d. When you have perused all of the messages of interest. you can leave Mail with the quit command, which saves ail of the messages you have typed but not deleted in the 51e mbo::c in your login directory. Deleted messages are disC3I'ded irretrievably. and messages left untouched are preserved in your system mailbox so that you will see them the next time you type: % ~ail The quit command can be abbreviated to simply q. If you wisb for some re:sson to leave Mail quickly without altering either your system mailbox or mbox. you can type the x command (sbort for exit). which will immediatelY return you to the Shell without changing anything. II. instead. you want to exet:".lte a Shell command without leaving ~ail. you can type command prec::ded by an exdamatlon ;:loint. just as in the text ~tor. Thus. for instanc:: !date wdl print the C'.lITent date without le:lving 1. ~he ~ail. FnaHy. the help command is available to ;Jrint out a brief summary of the ~faJi com- mands. usini on1y tne single c:uracter command lobrevialions. ~ai1 Reference ~aDual 1212/79 3 3. Tilde escapes While typing in a message to be sent to others. it is often useful to be able to invoke the text editor on the partial message. print the message. execute a shell command. or perform some other auxiliary function. Mail provides these capabilities through tilde escapes, which consist of a tilde n at the beginning of a line. foHowed by a single character which indicates the function to be performed. For example. to print the text of the message so far, use: -p which will print a line of dashes, the recipientS of your message, and the text of the message so far. If you are dissatisfied with the message as it stands. you can invoke the text editor on it using the escape -e which causes the message to be copied into a temporary file and an instance of the editor to be spawned. After modifying the message to your satisfaction. write it out and quit the editor. Mail will respond by typing (continue) aiter which you may continue typing text which will be appended to your message. or type to end the message. It is often useful to be able to include the contentS of some file in your message: the escape -r filename is provided for this purpose. and causes the named file to be appended to your current message. Mail complains if the file doesn't exist or can't be read. If the read is successful. the number of lines and characters appended to your message is printed. after which you may continue appending text. As a special case of -r, the escape -d reads in the file "dead.letter" in your home directory. This is often useful since Mail copies the text of your message there when you abort a message with RUBOUT. In order to save the current text of your message on a file you may use the -w filename escape. Mail will print out the number of lines and characters written to the file. after which you may continue appending text to your message. If you are sending mail from within Mairs command mode (read about the reply and mail commands, section six). you can read a message sent to you into the message you are constructing with the escape: -m 4which will read message 4 into the current message. shifted right by one tab stop. You can name any non-deleted message, or list of messages. This is the usual way to forward a message. If. in the process of composing a message. you decide to add additional people to the list of message recipients. you can do so with the escape -t name I namel ... You may name as few or many additional recipientS as you wish. Note that the users origmally on the recipient list will still receive the message: in fact. you cannot remove someone from the recipient list with -t. If you wish. you can associate a subject with your message by using the escape -s Arbitrary string of text ~aiI Referenc:e :'Ybnuai 12/2/79 whicn replaces any previous subject with "Arbitrary string of text." The subject. if given. is sent neu tile top of the message prefixed with "Subj:" You can see what the message will look like by using • p. For politic:ai reasons. one oc:3SionaUy prefers to list c:rtain people as recipients oi carbon copies of a message rath-er than direct reepientS. The escape -c namel came2 .•. adcis the camed people to the "0::" list. similar to -to Again. you can exec-olte .p to see what the message will look like. The recipients of the message together constitute the "To:" field. the subject the "Sub;:" field. and the carbon copies the "Cc" field. If you wish to edit these in ways impossible with the -l, -s. and -c escapes. you can use the escape il which prints "To:" followed by the current list of recipients and leaves the cursor (or printhead) at the end of the line. If you type in ordinary c.~aracters. they are appended to the end of the current list of recipients. You can also use your erase character to erase back into the list of recipients. or your lcill character to erase them altogether. Thus. for example. if your erase and lcill characters are the sundard # and @ symbols. il To: root Icurt####bill would change the initial recipients "root leun" to "root bill." When you type a newline. Mail advances to the "Subj:" field. where the same rules apply. Another newline brings you to the "C:." field. which may be edited in the same fashion. Another newline leaves you appending tc."Ct to the end of your message. You can use -p to print the current text oi tbe header fieicis and the body of the messqe. To eif=:t a temporary escape to the sheil. tbe escape -!command -is used. which exec-oltes command and returns you to mailing mode without altering the text of your message. If you wish. instead. to filter the body of your message through a sheil command. then you can use 1:ommand which pipes your message through the command and uses the output as the new text of your message. If the command produces no output. Mail assumes that something is amiss and retains the old version of your message.. A frequently-used filter ;., the command Imr whicn is designed to format outgoing mail. If you wish (for some reason) to send a message which contains a line beginning with a tilde. you must double it. Thus. for example. -"This line begins with a tilde. sencis the line -nis line bqins wi th a tilde. Finally. the esape -., prints out a brief summary of the available tilde escapes. 4. ~essqe lists . The tnJe and deiere commands described in section two take a list of messalJes as argument. 3.S do many of the commands described in se:::ion six. This sec:ion desC10es the construction oi message listS in general. Mail Reference Manual 1212/79 5 A message /iSl consists of a list of message numbers, ranges, and names, separated by spaces or tabs. Message numbers may be either decimal numbers, which directly specify messages. or one of the special characters "r" "." or "$" to specify the first relevant, current, or last relevant message, respectively. Relevant here means, for most commands "not deleted" and "deleted" for the undelete command. A range of messages consists of two message numbers (of the form described in the previous paragraph) separated by a dash. Thus, to print the first four messages, use type 1-4 and to print all the messages from the current message to the last message, use type .-$ A name is a user name. All of the user names given in the message list are collected together and each message selected by other means is checked to make sure it was sent by one of the named users. If the message consists entirely of user names, then every message sent by one those users which is relevant (in the sense described earlier) is selected. Thus, to print every message sent to you by "root," do type root As a shorthand notation, you can specify simply .. ·.. to get every relevant (same sense) message. Thus, type • prints all undeleted messages. delete • deletes all undeleted messages, and undelete • undeletes all deleted messages. S. Command line options This section describes the alternate usages of Mail from the shell. As you continue to receive system mail. you will most likely accumulate a large collection of messages in the file mbox. In order to help you deal with this. Mail allows you to edit files of messages by using the ·f flag. Specifically, Mail - f filename causes Mail to edit "filename" and Mail-f causes Mail to read "mbox" in your home directory. All of the Mail commands except preserve are available to edit the messages. When you type the quit command. Mail will write the updated file back. Since you will usuaHy have a large number of messages stored in mbox. Mail will only print out the first 18 message headers when editing more than 18 messages. To display the other message headers, the he2ders command takes as an optional argument either + or - :0 move forward or back to the next or previous 18 message &rOUp. If you send mail over a noisy phone line. you will notice that many of the garbage characters tum out to be the RUBOUT character, which causes Mail to abort the message. To deal with this annoyance. you can invoke Mail with the ·i option to causes these garbage characters to be ignored. Unfortunately. as you are typing in a line of text to a program. the little gnome which gathers up the characters is instructed to throw them all away when a RL:BOUT is seen, For thiS reason. Mail indicates that a RUBOUT has been received by echoing an @ to tell you that everything you had typed on that line has been thrown away. ~ail Reference ~anual 12/Z/i9 6 6. Additional curnmands This seaion describes additional Yfail commands available when receivini mail. The next command goes to the next message and types it. If given a messaie list. next goes to the first such message and types it. Thus. type root goes to tile next messaie sent by "root" and types it. The next command c:m be abbreviated to simply a newline. which means that one can go to and type a messaie by simply givini its message n~mber or one of tile magic characters or "S". Thus. "r" "." prints tile current message and 4 prints message 4. The - command goes to tile previous message and prints it. The - command may be given a decimal ..lumber n as an argument. in which C3Se the nth previous message is gone to and printed. The saTe command alloW! you to save messagc:5 received from others on a file other than mbox. Its syntax varies somewhat from tile other commands which accept a message list in that the final word on the command line is taken to be the file on which to save the messages. The namet1 messaies are appended to the file (which is created if it did not already exist) and are marked as saved. Saved messages are not automaticaily saved in mbox at quit time. nor are they seleaed by the next command described above. uniess explicitly specified. The save command providc:5 a facility for saving messages pertaining to a particujar subjea or from a panicular person in a special place. The undelete command causes a message which had been deieted previously to re32in its initial status. Only messa&es which are already deleted may be undeleted. This command may be abbreviated to lJ. The prese"e command takes a message list and maries each message therein so that it will be saved in your system mailbox instead of being deleted or saved in mbox when you quit. This is useful for saving messages of importance that you want to see again. or messages not intended for you if you are sharing a login name. Often. one wants to deal with a message by responding to its author right then and there. The repJy command is usefuj for this PUl1'ose: it takes a message list and sends mail to the authors of those messages. The message is cotlet::ed in the usual fashion by reading up ~o an EOT. All of the tilde escapes described in seaion three will worle in reply. Additional1y. if there are beader fieids in the message being replied to. this information is copied into the new message. The reply command can be abbreviated to f. In order to simply mail to a user inside of Mail.· the mail command is provided. This sends mail in the manner descibed for the reply command above. except that the user supplies a list of recipient togin names and distribution groups. All of the tilde escapes desc:ioet1 in section three will worle in mail. The mail command may be abbreviated to m. In order to e&t individual messages using the text editor. the edit command is provided. The edit command takes a list of message as described under the type command l11d processes e.ac."l by writing it into the file Messagex '",here x is the message number being ~dited and !xe· cuting the text e&tor on it. When you bave edited the message to your satjsfac:ion. write :he message out and quit. upon ...,hic!l Yfail will iead the message bacx lnd iemove the fiie. Edit may oe abbreviated to e. It ls often useful to be able to invoice one of two editors. based on the type of terminai ~in~. To invoke a display oric:net1 :ditor. you on use the visual command. T:,e ope:'3.tion of the visual command is otherwise identic::lJ to that of the edit command. one is Mail Reference Manual 1212/79 i When ~aiJ is invoked to receive mail. it prints out the message header for each message. In order to re~~lnt the headers for remaining messages (those which haven't been deleted), you may type the headers command. Deleted messages do not appear in the listing, saved messages are flagged with a ... ., and preserved messages are flagged with a ··P." The from command takes a list of messages and prints out the header lines for each one: hence from joe is the easy way to display all the message headers from "joe." The top command takes a message list and prints the first five lines of each addressed message. It may be abbreviated to to. The dt command deletes the current message and prints the next message. It is useful for quickly reading and disposing of mail. 7. Summary of commands. e5apes, and options This sections describes tersely all of the Mail c:"mmands. escapes. and options. For each command. its most abbreviated form (in brackets) and a short description of the command is given below. First, message lists are computed by determining the set M which consists of all message referenced explicitly or through ranges. Then, the set U is computed, which consists of all messages sent by any of the user names specified. Finally, the message list is calculated by finding the intersection of sets M and U. Each Mail command is typed on a line by itself, and may take arguments following the command word. The command need not be typed in its entirety - the first command which matches the typed prefix is used. If the argument begins with a digit or special character, then no space is required following the command letter, but otherwise the space is required. If a Mail command does not take arguments, they may be specified. even though they are ignored. For the commands which talee message lists as arguments. if no message list is given. then the next message forward which satisfies the command's requirements is used. If there are no messages forward of the current message, the search proceeds backwards, and if there are no good messages at all. Mail types "No applicable messages" and aborts the command. [-] Goes to the previous message and prints it out. If given a numeric argument n, goes to the nth previous message and prints it. If there is no previous message. it prints "Nonzero address required." [-] Prints out the current message number. Takes no arguments. ? [?] Prints out the file /usr/lib/Mail.help, which contains a brief summary of the commands. Takes no arguments. [!] Executes the UNIX Shell command which follows. Unlike other commands. there does not need to be a space after the exclamation point. raj With no arguments, prints out all currently-defined aliases. With one argualias ment, prints out that alias. With more than one argument, adds the users named in the second and later arguments to the alias named in the first argument. [cl Changes the user's working directory to that specified, if given. If no directory chdir is given. then changes to the user's login directory. [d] Takes a list of messages as argument and marks them all as deleted. Deleted delete messages will not be saved in mbox, nor will they be available for most other commands. Default messages may not be deleted already. dp [dp] Deletes the current message and prints the next message. If there is no next message. types out .• At EOF." - Mail ReierenC!! Manual 8 dt [dt] Same as tip. edit [e1 Takes a list of messages and points the text editor at each one in tum. On return from the editor. tile message is re3d back in. The default message for edit may not be saved or de!etea. [ex1 Eff~.s an immediate rerum to the Sheil without modifying the user's system mailbox. his mbox file. or his edit file in - C. (f} Takes a list of messages and prints their message beaders. The default message is neither saved nor deleted. [h] ListS the current range of headers, which is an 18 message group. If the" -+- ~, argument is giv~ then the next 18 message group is printed. and if the .. - " argument is given. the previous 18 message group is printed. exit from haders help (heil A synonym for? hoLd (ho1 Takes a message list an~ marks each message therein to be saved in the user's system mailbox instead of in moox. Does not override the delete command. The default message must not be deleted. list (l] The list command listS all of the availabLe user commands in the order that the command proc::ssor sees them. It takes no arguments. mail (m1 Takes as argument login names and distribution group names and sends mail to those people. TUde escapes work in mail. next (n] Goes to the next message in sequence and types it. If a message list is given. then next goes to the first message in the message list. preserve (prel A synonym for hold. print (p1 Takes a message list and tn'es out each message on the user's terminaL The default message must not be de!eted. quit (q] Terminates the Mail session. saving all undeleted. unsaved messages in the user's mbox file in his login direaory, preserving all messages marlced with hold or prese"e in his system mailbox. and removing all other messages from his system mailbox. If mail bas arrived during the Mail session. the message "You have new mail" is typed. If eXel:".lting while editing a mailbox file with the -f flag. then the edit file is rewritten. A return to the Sheil is effec:ed. unless the rewrite of edit file fails. in which case the user can escape wtth the exit command. reply (rl Takes a message list and sends mail to each message author just like the mail command. The default message must oot be deleted. (rl A synonym for reply. respond \ 12/Z/79 save (sI TaJces a message list and a filename and appends each message in tum to the end of the file. The filename in quotes, foLlowed by the line count and charac~er count is echoed on the user's terminaL The default message for saTe may not be saved or deleted. set [seI With no arguments, prints all variable values. Otherwise. sets option. Arguments are of the form "option-value" or "option." sheil [shI Invoices an interactive version of the shell. size (sil TaJces a message list and prints out the size in charac:ers of each message. The default message for size must not be deleted. top [toI TaJces a message list and pnntS the top so many lines. The number of iines printed is controiled by the variable "toplines" and defaults to five. type [tl A synonym for print. unalias (unaI Takes 1 list of names defined by llias commands and disCJ.tds the remem· bered groups of users. The group names no longer have any signulcnce. ~ai1 Reference ~anual 12/2179 9 [u] Takes a message list and marks each one as not being deleted. Each message in the list must already be deleted. The default message must be deleted. runs] Takes a list of option names and discards their remembered values; opposite unset of set. [v J Takes a message list and invokes tbe display editor on each one. visual [wl A synonym for save. write [XJ A synonym for exit. xit Recall that tilde escapes are used when composing messages to perform special functions. Tilde escapes are only recognized at the beginning of lines. The name "tilde escape" is some· what of a misnomer since the actual escape character can be set by the option "escape." Here is a summary of the tilde escapes: -!command Execute the indicated shell command, then return to the message. -c name ... Add the given names to the list of carbon copy recipients. Read the file "dead.letter" from your home direc!ory into the message. Invoke the text editor on the message collected so far. After the editing session is finished, you may continue appending text to the message. Edit the message header fields by typing each one in tum and allowing the user to append text to the end or modify the field by using the current terminal erase and kill characters. -m' messages Read the named messages into the message being sent. shifted right one tab. If no messages are specified. read the current message. Print out tbe message collected so far. prefaced by the message header fields. Abort the message being sent, copying the message to "dead.letter" in your home directory if "save" is set. -r filename Read the named file into the message. -s string Cause the named string to become the current subject field. -t name ... Add the given names to the direct recipient list. Invoke an alternate editor (defined by the VISUAL option) on the message collected so far. Usually. the alternate editor will be a visual editor. After you quit the editor, you may resume appending text to the end of your message. -w filename Write the message onto the nained file. ~command Pipe the message through the command as a filter. If the command gives no output or terminates abnormally, retain the original text of the message. -string Insert the string of text in the message prefaced by a single -. If you have changed the escape character. then you should double (hal character 10 order to send it. Options are controlled via the set and unset commands. Options may be either binary, in which case it is only significant to see whether they are set or not, or string. in which case it's actual value is of interest. The binary options include the following: undelete append ask Causes messages saved in mbox to ,e appended to the end rather than prepended. Causes Mail to prompt you for the subject of each message you send. If you respond with simply a newline. no subject field will be sent. ~ail Re!eren~ askcc autoprint ignore metoo quiet save The EDITOR SHELL V1SUAL record top lines Manual 1212179 10 Causes you to be prompted for additional C3I'bon copy recipients at the end of each message. Responding with a newline indicates your satisfaction with the current list. Causes the delete command to behave like dp - thus, after deleting ames· sage. the next one will be typed automatically. Causes interrupt signals from your terminal to be ignored and echoed as @'s. Usually, when a IfOUP is expanded that contains the sender. the sender is removed from the expansion. Setting this option causes the sender to be included in the group. Suppresses the printing of the version when Mail is first invoked. Causes the message coHected prior to a RUBOUT to be saved on the file "dead.letter'9 in your home direaory on ree:ipt of the RUBOUT. Also causes the message to be so saved in the same fashion for -q. foHowing options have string values: Pathname of the text editor to use in the edit command and -e escape. If not defined.. then a default editor is used. Pathname of the shell to use in the! command and the -! escape. A default shell is used if this option is not defined. Pathname of the text editor to use in the visual command and -v escape. If defuled.. the first character of this option gives the C!laracter to use in the place of - to denote esapes. If defined. gives the pathname of the file used to r~ord aU outgoing mail. If not defined. then outgoing mail is not so saved. If defined. gives the number of lines of a message to be printed out with the top command; nonnally, the first five lines are printed. 8. Conclusion I would like to acknowledge the suggestions and criticisms of Eric Allman. Ken Arnold. Bob Fabry, Richard Fateman, Bob KricUe. Doug Merritt. David Mosher, Eric Schmidt. Polly Siegel. Michael Ubell. and especially Bill Joy, who sneezed nearby~ I caught the bug. Re'ftZS~ 1.1/20 Erir:P.A./JmQn Eecronic:s Researe!'1 I..lbor.uory University of CJJ.jfomia. Bericeiey Berlceiey. California 94i20 This document describes in extremely terse form the futures oi the - me r!".ac:-o .,ac:Jcaie for version seven !'4ROFr/TllOFr. Some familiarity is wumet1 with those proirarr...s. 5;le:ifially. the reader sbould understand breaks. fonts. pointSiz=s. tbe use and definition of numoer ~ters and SuUles. how to define ml1C'05. and sc::tiini factors for ens. points. T' s (vertic.! line s;ac:s). etC. ror a more asuaJ introduc:tion :0 te:ct proc:ssinl using NROFF. refer to tile doc:-..unent Writi", Pa~n WIth ."fRO" lain, -",~. There are a llumber of macro parameters that be adjustet1, rontS:nay be set to 3. font rtumber only. La NROFF font 8 is unaerlined. and is set in bold font in neFF (although font J. bold in nOFF. is net underiinet1 in NROFF). Font 0 is no font change: the font oi ttle surrounding text is usett instead. ~otic:= that fonts 0 and 3 ue ";lSeudo-fontS"; that is. they are simulalet1 by the mac::'0S- This me:ms that althougn it is l~ to set a font r~ister :0 zero or eiant. it is !lot lep! to use tbe esa~e c!lancter form.. suc±1 as: may \f8 All distanc:= are in basic: units. so it is ne:1tiy always necessary to use exam;le. the requCSl to set the ?ata~n indent to elant one~n S;lac::s is: 3. salin, fac:tor. For .m' pi 8n and not .M pi 8 wltic:.~ would set the parail'3;Q indent to eight basic: unItS. or about 0.02 inc:!'1. Default .,anmeter values ~e given in braclcets in the remainder of tll1s doc'.lment. Re~te~ and strin~ oi the form Sx may be used in ex;ressions but should' not ,e c..,anieQ. ~ac::'Os of the form Sz.,erform some rune-jon (as desC:"lbed) lnd :nay oe redennea :0 c."tanie this fune-jon. This may ~ a sensItive o~eration; iOOK .1t the boay of ~ne angInal mac:-o before chanlinl it. AU names in -me: foilow a rilid namin, convention. The user :nay de:lne :lumoer rei1s• te:"S. Strin15. and maC'os• .,rovidet1 that slhe uses sinlie d'l:lr.1c::er u1)"er QSe :lames or aouole c:ha.rac::er names consisting oi Iette~ and digitS. with at le:J.St one u;lper ::3.Se ~etler. In no c:1Se should S;leci:lJ ;narac::::s be us~ in user~enned names. On daisy whe:i ty;e I'rinlC~ in tweLve I'itc:."l. the -r.d flai :m ~ statet1 to make lines de!':lull to one ~itltn inc!'1 (the normal spac::ni for a newline in tweive-pltc::'). This is normally 1 .., teo mw.l rOt =sy r=Qcilicy. so ~: ~e£~t :s :0 !;ace oae sir..:. ~c:. '!'his :.oc-~==taUCU ~ nO" =1 :a Iw:: ~. L9i9 mc1 a;~ii= to vnoa 1.1I:0 of :~e - 'l1e :nac:::lS. 1. l'~;Ji:til2c 7he:sa ~ in used to o!l1in ~~~ The SWlc.art1 ~a a:%3C'O :s .;9: :.::a om= are ail variantS tQ be USed tor 5;eCa1 i'~QSes.. The ant =:i1 to oae ot tile ~;lCinI ::w::cs ~en:= ia ~ sccn or t:e ..sh ~ (cie::ed. in che ~ex: session) i"mali:D tile :m.c:o ;=rec:::sscr. ....fxe: inic:i~oa ic :s :lot ;:CS3icle to :J» m., ot:!Xe roUowin3 ~ .JC. .l4. .m.. or..:co Also.. Qe ~!l'== oi Qan~1 ~~ te:: '.hie w;ll ~"e 1 Jiocal d'ec 011 tile to~ ot tile ~e (c.ota.i2iy ;ale 1=it:1 U1c1 :'=c:.:: ana toote: ~J are :lC' -.ve'J aennec1 ma sZ1CWc1 be avoid=. J;a Be3in !e{~~umned ~il'Z;li1. C=:ue:inc ana ~ceriinil:c an au::ec1 it tileT ~ 011. tile roat is set te \4{~1 (11 :':e r~e si:: i.s set :c \n('P9 [lO~i. cc1 , \ra(QS ~ is U:1ser-.=1 o~-ore tile ~a (0":5" [: nOF? Lv or OJv in :'(itOr::' c1e;ea~ oa :.evic:: r=ciutioul. T"..:: inae:u is r=et to \ra(Sl (01 ~ias \4(pa (01 imless tile ~a is imic:: ,~Lay. (-=.al. At!aft tne a::n ~c lia= of ::e ~;lil ar= oa k~ cae Ice =a ~ Uke J~ =X=~C ~ it .;9 j:luts \4(~ (SuI 1JZ1ia Q{ inc1e::t. "n:is is tJle san- aarct~il~. Inc1e:t=:1 ~b. ,..;r.n ~I ~ The ~0c1'1 of the toao..,;al ~. ~a is inc1e"!x.= I ~ (or \A at the top of the program source 1• Also, compilations should bave the following form: cc [ flags] tne ..• -lcurses -itermlib able~ 1.3. Screen Updating In order to update the screen optimally, it is necessary for the routines to knoW' what the screen currently looks Wee and what the programmer wants it to look Uke next. For this purpose, a data type (structure) named WINDOW is detlned which describes a window image to the routines, including its starting position on the screen (the (y, x) co-ordinates of the upper left hand corner) and its size. One of these (called cu.rscr for c:u.rrrm.t screen) is a screen image or what the terminal currenUy looks like. Another screen (called stclscr, tor sta.ndard screen) is proVided by default to make changes on. -1- - ".-·,ii~··~:...: Screen Package 1 A Window is a pureLy inte~al representation. It is used to build and store a potential image ot a portion of tb.e termjnal It doesn't bear any necessary relation to what is really on tb.e terminal screen. It is more like an array ot characten on which to make cha.c.ges. When one has a window which describes what some part the terminal should look like, the routine refnsh{} (or wrefrash() if the window is not stdsc:-r) is called. RSfrash{} makes the terminal. in the area covered by the windoW', look like that wiIldow. Note. there tore. that chaniiIlg somet.bing on a window does not eha:n.gfltha t8'7"T71.inaL. Actual updates to the term;na l screen are made oo1y by call.i.n.g Nfresh() or wnfrash(). This allows the programmer to maintain several di!!erent ideas ot what a portion ot the terminal screen should look like. Also, changes can be made to windoW'S in any order, Without regard to motion emciency. Then. at Will, the programmer can etfectively say "make it look like this." a.n.ci let the package worry about the best way to do this. 1.4. N<:Imjng CollYentions As hinted above, the routines can u.se several windows. but two are automat· ically given: ~C'T', which knows wbat the terminal looks like, and std.sc:-r, wbich 13 what the pr::lgrammer want.! the terminal to look like next. The u.ser should never really access ~cr directly. Changes should be made to the appropriate screen, and then the routine rafresh() (or wrefrflsh()) should be called. :Many tunctio~ are set up to deal with std:ser as a detault screen. For e:- ample, to add a character to stdser, one ca.l.ls ad.dJ::h.() With the desired character. I! a ciitferent Window is to be u:sed, the rtlutine 'Wa.ddt:h.() (for lfindowSl'eci.fi.c a.d.d.t!hQ) is provided2 • 'I'hi:s convention of prepend.in.g tunction names ytth a "Y' when they are to be applied to specidc windows is con.s:istent. The only r~utines which do n.ot do tbi,s are those to which a window must always be specided. In order to Clove the ourrent (y, x) co-ordinates rr~m oc.e point to another, theroutin.es maveO and 'W'I'1'UnJe() are provided. However, it is otten deSirable to ~t move and then perform some 110 operatiOn. In order to avoid ciumsyc.ess. most I/O routines can bo preceded by the pretbc "my" and the desired (y, x) oo-ordinates then can be added to the argument.! to the function. For exampie. the calli. move(y, x): addch(ch); can be replaced by mvaddch{y, x. ch): and. Ytnove(Yin. y, x}: waddch(wt::I.. ell); can be replaced by mvwaddch.(win. y, x. ch): Nota that the windoW' deSCription pointer ('UI'i7t) comes betore the added (y. x) co-ordinat.es. It such. pOinten are need, they ~ always the ~st paraceters passed. c:bad. <.stdio-h> in it. !t ~ t.:1e:-e!are :-edu:da:at (bu~ ~e:IS) tar' '"..!2e ,l"Ogrammer ~o do it. too. • Ac:tually, ~) is ~ally & "id.~·· :n&c::z"Q wi~ argume::u. u are m~ ot~. "!".cc:::'czu'" wme.: d.al with ~ sa & detault. "-2- Screen Package 2. Variables Many variables which are used to describe the terminal environment are available to the programmer. They are: type name description current version of the screen (terminal curser WINDOW • screen). standard screen. Most updates are usually stdscr WINDOW • done hero. default terminal type if type cannot be deterDef_term char • mined bool use the terminal specification in De!_term. as terminal, irrelevant ot real terminal type ttytype full nnmc of the current terminal. char • int number ot lines on the terminal LINES eOLS number of columns on the terminal int int ERR error dag returned by routines on a fall. error dag returned by routines when things go OK int right. o There are also several "#cletlne" constants and types which are of general usetulness: reg bool TRUE FALSE storage class "register" (e.g., reg i:n.t i:) boolean type, actually a "char'· (e.g., boot dDneit;) boolean "true" dag (1). boolean "false" t1ag (0). 3. Usqe This is a description of how to actually use the screen package. In it. we assume all updatmg. reading. etc. is applied to stdsC'l'. All instructions will work on any window, with changing the Nnction name and parameters as mentioned above. 3.1. Sb·rtirg:&p In order to u:Je the screen package, the routines must know about terminal characteristics, and the space fCi~ cunC'l" and stdsC'l' must be allocated. These functions are performed by i:n:i.tsC'l'(). Since it must allocate space for the windows, it can ov8~ow core when attempting to do so. On this rather rare occaSion. 'i:n:i.lscT'(} returm ERR. InitsC1"(} must tlJ:wcp be called before any of the routines which atfect windows are used. If it is not, the program will core dump as soon as either c:u:rsC1" or stdsC'l' are referenced. However, it is usually best to wait to call it untU atter you are sure you will need it, like after checkini tor startup errors. Terminal status changing routines like nJ.() and crmode() should also be called atter Vt:itSC1"(). Now that the screen windows bave been allocated, you can set them up tor the run. If you want to, say, allow the Window to scroll, use scrollo1c(). If you 'Want the cursor to be lett atter the last change, use lIIaveolc(). If this isn't done. refrash() will move the cursor to the window's current (y, x) co-ordinates after updating it. New windows of your own can be created, too, by using the functions 1I.fMJJ'tIJ'iz1() and sub1ui:n.(). Delwi:n.() will allow you to get rid of old windows. If you wish to change the otncial size of the terminal by hand, just set the variables LINES and COLS to be what you want, and then call in:i.lsC1"(). This is best done betore, but can be done either before or atter, the first call to i:n:itsC'l"(), as it will. always delete any existing stdscr and/or cu.rscr before creating llew oc.es._ .- s- ; - ° ;.~~:.2--~:.~ :~~1X};:{~~ Screen Package 3.2. The Nitty'-Gritty 3.2.1. Output. Now that we have set tb.iJ:::lgs up. we will ''''ant to actually update the ter:ni~ o.a.l. The basic fw:::.c tioIlS used to cl:a.Ili e -",hat will goon a wiIldow are a.dd.: h () an::. maue (). ~lt() adds a character at t.b.e current (y. x) cO-Qr-dlnates. ret'..l.~g ER.~ it it would cause the wiIlc.ow to illegally scroll. Le .. prin~ a character L=. the lower ng.b.t-hand corner ot a te.r:o.inal wbic!:l automatically scrolls L! scr:iliI:.g is not allowed. lJerue(} ch.a.nges the curTeIlt (y. x) c~rdinates to whatever you want them to be. It returns ERR it you try to move o~ the window when scroUiI:..g is IlOt allowed. As mentioned above. you can combine the t.."o into m.va~h() to do both thiJ::lis ill one teU swoop. The other output tlmctioc.s. such as a.dd.sf:7-() and. pri:rttwO. all call a.d.dl:l1.() to add characters t() the wtnciow. Attar you !lave put on the wi.ndow what you want. ther-e. when you want t!::le porJ.on ot the terminal covered by the window to be made to look 11ke It. you must call "!resh(). In order to optil::li%e ~d.ing cb.a..Ilges. re!'r-esh() assum.es that any part ot the WindoW' not cbanged since the last reJresh() ot that window ~ not been cb.a.D.ged on the term;nal. i.e .. that you have not refreshed a por:ioc. ot the ter.:c.inal With an overlapping iVindow. It ~ is not the case. the routine to"U.J:hwi:n.() is prOVided to make it look like the eIltire 'I'rtIldow ha:! been c~ged. thus ma.ki.Ilg refresh() check the ·..hole subsection ot the terminal (or- cbanges. 3.2.2. Input. Input is esseIltially a mirror image ot output. The complementary !uz:.ctioc. to o.dd.t:h() 13 g~tt:!t() whicll. it echo i~ set. will call a.ti.d.t:h() to echo the character. SInce the sc:oeen package need~ to bew what is on the ter.ninal at all times. it characters are to be echoed. the tty must be in raw or cbreak mode. U it Ls not. g8tt:h() sets it to be r-aw. and then M!ads ill thc character. 3.2.3. lliscellimeou:s All sort3 ot tun tunctiOIl3 emb tor maintai.D..i.D.g and chaogillg il::.!or::le.ticc. about the windows. F~r the most part. the descMptioc.s in secti.on 5.4. should sutnce. 3. 3. F!n.i:dting up In order to do certain optiI::li2atioIlS. a.D.d. on some terminals. to •... ork at all. some tb.iIl.g3 Clust be done betore the SCM!en routi.D.es start up. These f-cct:'or-..2 are pertor:::led in gdttmtJd.a() and SQtt:rrm.(). wb..i.cb. are called by i:nitsc7'(). I=. order to clean up atter the routi:les. the routine rnd:wi:n.() is pr-ovtded. :t restores tty modes to .,.,bat they ""e~ when 'i:1:i.tscr() was first called. Tht.:.S. a:..y. time atter the call to i.lli.tscr. rru:i:wi'n.O should be called betore exiti.og. ~ Canor Motion Optimization: Standing Alone It is possible t,Q use the cursor- optimi%ation (unctiOll.! ot tbi~ sc:oeec. package Yithout the overhead and additional si%e of the sc:o~et1. updat~ ~UI:.c':.:Cc.s. The sc:oeea updating runctioml are designed for uses whe:oe parts ot the 9c:'eec. are c!:lar..ged. but tlle overall i:clage ~r:laiIlS t!::le same. This includes 3\:.C:::' ?r~ira.I:O.S as eye and Vi~. Cer-tai.D. ot.!:ler pr-ograms will One:. it coc.side:oaoiy ~~c~~ to use these tUllctiollS in this manner wi.thout considerable 1.ln!'!ecessar:.r pr:- .--. ".-:-.. •. _ . - . ' •• _ . .' ... J. I Screen Package gram overhead. For such applications. such as some "CTt hacks .. 4 and optimizing cat(1)-type programs. all that is needed is the motion optimizations. This. therefore. is a description ot what some ot what goes on at the lower levels of this screen package. The descriptions assume a certain amount ot familiarity with programming problems and some ftner pnints or C. None ot it is terrlbiy dit!icult. but you should be forewarned. 4.1. Terminal In!ormatioD. In order to usc a terminal's features to the best of a program's abilities, it must drst know what they ares. The letc/termcap database describes these. but a certain amount ot decoding is necessary. and there are. of course, both e1!lcient and inetficient ways ot reading them in. The algorithm that the use:;: is taken from vi and is hideously emcient. It reads them in a tight loop into a set of variables whose names are two uppercase letters with some mnemonic value. For example. HO isa string which moves the cursor to the "home" positione. As there are two types of variables involving ttys. there are two routines. The first. gettmod.sz(), sets some variables based upon the tty modes accessed by gtty(2) and stty(2}. The second. setterm.(), a larger task by reading in the descriptions trom the letc/termcnp database. This is the way these :'outines are used by -£n.- iUc-r(): it (isatty(O» t gettmodeO: it (sp=getenv("TER.\{"» setterm(sp); J else setterm(Def _ term); ~uts(n): ~uts(VS); IsaityO checks to see it file deSCriptor 0 is a terminal? If it is. gettmod£ () sets the terminal description modes from a gtty(2}. Geten.v() is then cz.lled to get the oa.-c.r c~ the terminnl, and tha ... valu~ (if there is I'n",) ;.s passed ~" s,.tterm.(). which reads in the variables trom letc/termcap associated With that terminal. (Gfltlln.V() returns a pointer to a string containing ".he name of the terminal. which we save in the character pOinter .!p.) If isaity() returns ralse. the default terminal De/_term. is used. The TI and VS sequences initialize the terminal (..pu.ts() is a macro which uses tputs() (see termcap(3}) to put out a string). 4.2. Movement Optimi2a.tions, or, Getting Over Yonder Now that we have all this useful information. it would be nice to do seme4 Graphics prosrams desi&ned to run em charac:+-er-oriemed terminals. I could :wne :n.a:ry. but they come and go, so the llst would be quickly out of dat.e. Recently. there have been progra.ms suc.il as racket. and CUJL 5 If this comes as any surprise to you, there's this tower' in Paris they're +b;nking of junki.,g ~!lar. I CaD let. you haye tar a sonl. e These names are identical to those variables used in the letc/termcap database to describe each capability. See Appendix A tor a complete list of those read. and termcap(5) for a run deSCription. , Isa#rl() is de1!ned in the default. C llbrary tunctiOD rout.:ines. It. does a &ttJ(2) on the de3c~pr.or and chec.k:l the retun1 YIIlu•• ~-. .' • -5- _ : ~ _. ~. J I .. ...~. '. ....... '" ....-' - ..... ;. ~; ... "!4 ~.. ;..~ ' 't... .' :- .... '. - Screen Package r thilli wi.t.b. its. r=-e mo:::t d.i.Ocult t""jl"'g to do proper-Iy is ::lotioc. ~?t=-=i.zat:o::.. When you coo.side:- boow ::la.ny ciiee:-~nt !eat:.l.r~s di~er~::.t ter-:n.l!:.al.s =.ave (ta:=s. ba.cktabs. l:.On-~~st:"".lctive space, ,b.ot:J.e sec..ue!:lces, absolute tabs ...... ) yolo! ca=. see that deci~g how to get from b.e!"e to t!:.ere can be a dec~c.ec.ly ncc.-tr-:V'1.al task. The edit::r vi uses many ot these features. a..r:.c. the routi!:.es it uses ~:: :ic tms take up ::la.ny pages ot code. Fortw::.ately, I was abLe to liberate t!:.e= wlt!:. the author-'s per-::UssioD.. a.nd use them he:-e. AIter using gettm..tJde() a.nd setterm.() to get the ter=.itlal descript:o::.s. t=.e function Tff.7JC"..J:!"() deals W1tll. this task. It usage is simple: you simply teil :t wi:.e!"e you are noW' and where you wa.nt to iO. For example mvcur(O, 0. UNES/2. COLS/2) would move the cursor ~m the home positioc. (0, 0) to the t:liddle ot the scree::.. If you wish to !oree absolu.te a.d~ssiD.g. you can use the functioc. tgoto (; tr~~ the termlib(7) routines. or you can tell Tff.1JC'W"() that you are impossl'::Ly ~a: a.way, like Cleveland. For exa!:lole. to absolutely address the lowe:- Left ::'a=.d corner ot the screen from aIlJi"here just claim that you are in the upper r-.g::.t band cor:le r: mvcur(O, COLS-l. LlNES-l. 0) 5. The Functions In the !cllcwU::l.g detmiticc.:s. "t'. meaIl!S that the "rw::.cticn" is really a "#defule" mac:"o wtt.ll arguce!lts. This means that it will !lot show 'J.p i:. stack traces in the debugger. cr. in the case of such h:..tlctioc.s as a.::idcJt(). it ;vi.2.l sh.ow up as it's "".' counterpart. The arguments are give!l to show the ot"cie:- a::..c. type ct eac::" Their c..a.cles are Coct manc.atory. just suggestive. 5.1. Output functioc.:J a.ddt:h( ch) l' char ch; '\ri.dde !l(lriI.. ~h) WINDOW ~; c h.t::r:r cli.o' Add the character ch CIl the wtIldow at t:'e c,;~re!lt (y. x) co-or~:~z :es. T:::.ls r9tur:l.S ERR 11 it would cause the scree::. to sc:"oll illegally. add.str{:str) r ~tr; cJu:zr wadr:Utr(win. str} WINDOW ~; ~tr; cha:r Add the sL........... g poiIlted to by str co. the Wi..tldcw at the cur."e::.~ Cy x) ==ordinates. !=.is ret'..lr~S ERR it It ·,.,ocid cause t!le sc:-ee!l to sc!"oU ilega..:.::: I.e. tb.i3 case. it '.-rill put on as :nuch ~ it can. • AA::-.wly. ~~ ::~ ':e ~=oconaUy :"~~ iu.3t ~o let ~. =or:::u~on. :-=~:.:s '..:NAl.::r :I~:' ·':-.le. :! you ~.ye ~e ,oc:~~ ~. of 4 r.:::.:r..at. ~cweve:". -s- : Screen Package box(win.. vert, hor} WINDOW ~; char vert, hor,' Draws a box around the Window using vert as the character for drawing the vertical sides, and Mr for drawing the horizontal lines. If scrolling is not allowed, and the window encompasses the lower right-hand corner of the terminal, the corners are lett blank to avoid a scroll. clearO f yclenr(win) WINDOW -win; Resets the entire window to blanks. It 'Win is a screen, this sets the clear dag, which. Will cause a clear-screen sequence to be sent OD. the next r?.fresh() call. clenrok(scr, booU) f WINDOW ~r: boot boot/: Sets the clear dag ~or the screen scr. If boolf is TRUE, this will. force a clear-!creen to be printed on the next "fresn(} or wrefresh{}, or stop it trom doing so 11 booLf is FALSE. This only works on screens, and. unlike claa.r(}, docs not alter the contents ot the screen. It sr::r is CUTSr::r, the n.ext refresh() call will cause a clear-screen, even if the Window passed to refresh(} is not a screen. clrt.obotO f 'W'clrtobot(mn) WINDOW "tum: Wipes the window clear (rom the current (y, x) co-ordinates tc the bottom, This does not torce a clear-screen sequence OD. the next refresh under any cir~ums~i'r,ces. 'l'h.: 'j h1.S ~n as!lociat:.e-i ,. ~.,.' '!ommao'=".. • . clrtoeolO f ... yc!.rtoeol( win) WINDOW ~,' Wipes the window clear from the current (Y', x) co-ordinates to the en.d or the line. This has no associated u mv" commend. .. -- . ereeOf werue(win) WINDOW -r.um. .. Er~es the Window to blanks without setting the clear ftag. This is analagous to c laa:r 0, except that it never causes a clear-screen sequence to oe generated on a refresh(). This h.as no associated 'Omv'· command. ..... - -7- .. . .. ........ ......-. , . Screen Package move(y. x) t 1/.:: W wmove(win. y. %) WINDOW ewin.: W 1/.:: Cb..ange the cur:-erlt (y. x) co-ordinates of t!:le wi.ndow to (Y. =). T'-wis !"etu:-...s ERR i1 it would cause the screerl to scroll illegally. overlay(mnl. mn.2} WINDOW -win 1. ewin2; Overlay 1.U'i:nl OIl tui.n2. The cOIlterlts of wi:n.1. insofar as they dt, are pLaced OIl wi'n.2 at. their starting (y. x) co-ordinates. This is done non-destr".J.ctlvely. i.e., blaI:lks OIl wi:n.1 leave the conterlts of the space on tJJi:t.2 untouched. overwrite(winl. win2} .,,1N DO W -win 1. er.ui:n.2; Ovenrrite 1.U'i:nl OIl. u.i.1t2. The COrlterlts of 'tui:n.l. insofar as they ftt. are placed OIl 1.Ui3t.2 at their start1Ilg (y. x) co-ordinates. This is dOrle dest:--..:.ctively. Le .• blank.3 OIl uri:n.l become blank 00. wi:n.2. priIltw(!mt. argl. arg2•.•• ) c~ ~t; . Yprintw(win. fin t. argl. arg2•..• ) WINDOW ~n.; chr:::r ~t: Performs a pri:n.t!() on the wi.ndow starting at the current (y. x) coordinates. It uses a.::J.d.srr() to add the string on the w1rldow. It is otten adVisabLe to use the deld. Width optiOo.s ot pri:n.tl() to avoid. leaVin.g things on th.e Wi.nd.ow trom earlier calls. This returns ERR Lt it would cause the sc:ee:l to scrt)ll illegally. re!reshO t wretresh(win) WIN DO '1f -win; Syncbroc.i2e the termitl.al screen With the desired ·o'riD.dow. II the Wi.l:c.ow ~s not a screet:l. ool.y tllat part covered by it is updat.ed. This ret:.J.r!lS ERR i! it would cau:se the screen to scroll illegally. In tb.i..s case. it will update wi:.atever it can Withou.t caWling the scroll. standoutO l' lr.Ibndout(win) iY!N DO W "'tL.'i.7t; standendO t lr.Itandend(win ) if IN DO W -.uin.; -a- Screen Package Start and stop puttillg characters in standout mode sta:n.d.01d 0 causes any characters added to the window to be put in standout mode OIl. the terrr.J.nal (if it has that capability). sta:nd.end.(} stops this. The sequences SO and SE (or US and UE if they are not dedned) are used (see Appendix A). 5.2. Input Functions crmodeO t nocrmodeO t Set or unset the terminal to/from cbreak mode. echoOt n08choO t Sets the terminal to echo or not echo characters. get.ch.() t wgetch(win) WINDOW -win.: Gets a character from the terminal and (if necessary) echos it on the window. This returns ERR if it would cause the screen to scroll illegally. Otherwise. the character gotten is returned. If no.eha has been set. then the window is lett unaltered. In order to retain control of the terminal, it is necessary to have ono of noflCha, cbreak, or rrrwm.ad.e set. If you do Ilot set one. whatever routine you call to read characten will set cbreaJ: tor you, and then reset to the original mode when dnished. getstr(str) t ~: eha:r ''I ctsll (wiD• .J;"r) WINDOW char -wi:rt.; "!str,. Get a string through the window and put it in the location pointed to by str, which is assumed to be large enough to handle it. It sets tty modes it necessary. and then calls getch.{} (or wgeteh('U1i:n)) to get the characters needed to tlll. in the string until a newline or EOF is encountered. This returns ERR if it would cause the screen to scroll illegally. rawOt norawO t Set or unset the terminal to/from raW' mode. On version 7 tnf1XI' this also turns of newline mapping (see nl(}). ·'D'Jm[is. trademark at Sell Laboratories. ... -9- ' . ......,:.. ~ . . . 't .. ..... ";.' ..:... .' "': ', . ' ., .. ....- .. -e.~.- -, _.............. :.~ ~. •• " • .,' ~ . '. -": ...-.:- Screen Package scan'W(!m t. arg 1. arg2. ••• ) cha:r ~:: 1'r'SeaIlw("frill. tm t. WINDOW eu.-in: ch.trr ~t: a.rg 1. arg ~ .•• ) Pedor::n a sc::n./() tJ:.reugh the windoW' us~ 1m!. It does tbis usi..Il..g cct:.secutive gQtchO's Cor 'W;lltch("W'i.71.)'s). Tbis retur..s ERR i! it would ca~e :::'e screen to scroll illegally. 5.3. lliscellClIllCoWl Functions dehrin(win) WINDOW "Win; Deletes tb.e wtlldow from emtee.ce. All resources ~ !reed for tut"~e use by caJlacO. cfrnO. etc. I! a window 1:.a.s a S'Ub~O allocated Window j..r::.!uc.e ot it. deleting the outer window the subwindow is !lot ~ected. eve!l tb.c~'::' tl::Ws doe~ invalidate it. Therefore. subwindow~ should be deleted. ~e!ore their outer '1'Ii:l.dows are. ench:i.nO FUlish up wi..ndo'W routines before exit. Tbi:J ~stores the ter ....lmal ~o the state it was before in.:i.t.se-rO (or gllt!m.od2() aIld set:e-r-mO) 'Was called. It should always be called before eXiting. It does o.ot eXit. This is espec:al1:r usetul for resetting tty stats whee. trapping r"'..lbouts V1a rignoJ.(). letyx{Yin. y, %) l' WIN DO ;Y -u.in.; W y.=: Puts t.b.e cur:-ee.t (y. x) co-ordinates ot ~ ill ~b.e variables 11 and:. 5i..::::e it is a cacro. not a Nnction. you do o.ot pass the address o~ y and :. illchO r winch ("frill) l' WINDOW "Win; Retllr'nS tb.e character at the current (y. x) co-;:,rdinates on the give=. Wi:::.doW'. '!'his does not make a.c.y cb.anges to the Window. TIll..5 has e.o assoc~a:ed "mv" command. imucrQ Initialize the screee. routines. ~ must be called before any of t::'e 3c!"e~::. routines are used. It initializes. t!le ter:mnal-type data and sue::'" a::.c. Wlthout it. lloe.e of tb.e routines call operate. It stanc.a!"d mput ~s ilot a:::: it sets tb.e soecukatioc.s to the tel"=llnai wnose ila..r:J.e is '::)omte::' := ": ... Del _tn-m. (iIlit!aly "c.umo"). It ~h.e booLean .TJy_!a-rm. ~s trJ.e-. E-ef _:ern alway~ used. .s leave1:)k(win. bool1) t WINDOW -..z..-i:1t,. booL bool/,' -10- Screen Package Sets the boolean ftag tor leaving the cursor after the last change. It bool! is TRUE, the cursor will be left after the last update on the terminal. and the current (y, x) co-ordinates for 'U.Iin. Will be changed accordingly. I1 it is FALSE, it will be moved to the current (y, x) co-ordinates. This ftag (initialy FALSE) retains its value until changed by the user. longname(termbuf. name} ch.a:r -name; Fills in nama with the long (!ull) name ot the terminal described by the termcap entry in term.buf. It is generally ot little use. but is nice for telling ~he user in a readable format what terminal we think he has. This is available in the global Variable ttytype. Term.buf is usually set via the termlib routine tgetsnt (J. ~erm.bu.f, mvwin(win, y, x) WINDOW -win; y, i:nt =: Move the position ot the window win from its current starting coordinates to (y, z(J). It it does not dt at that position, mvwi:n(J returns ERR and does not change anytb.i.ng WINDOW "tle1n'1in(lines, eols. ~ginJ. be!gin_x) lins:r, c:oi.s, begin_y, bagin_=: Create a new window with linas lines and c:oi.s columns starting at position (bag-m._y, bagi11._=). If either lines or cols is 0 (zero). that dimensioIl will be set to (LINES - beg7:n._y) or (COLS - bagin_z) respectively. Thu.s. to get a new window of dimensions LINES x COLS, use nB1JJ'UJin(O, 0, 0, 0). int DIOt nonlO t Set or UllSf!t the te~itl.al t"lfrom nl mode. i.e., start/stop the system from mapping <.mrrt1RN> to . If the mapping is Ilot dune. refresh() can do more optil:l:ili:ation. so it is recommeuded. but not requir~d. to turn. it of!. scroll(lrin) WINDOW -win; Scroll the window upward one line. This is normally not used by the user . . - -... scrollok(win, boaU) t WINDOW -wi:n; booL ooolf; Set the scroll ftag for the given Window. If boolf is FALSE, scrolling is not allowed. This is its default setting. touchlrin(win} WINDOW -win; Make it appear that the every location on the window has been changed. This is only needed tor refreshes with overlapping Windows. .,'. -11- ,,':'. .... - ,. -:.... :-.. ..... - ,- -.... ......... ' .......... -~ •••: •• , ... ~ : ..... -' \# -.... ~." ' • • Screen Package I. WIN DO W -SUbwin(-wi.n. line:s. ctlls. beginJ. begin_x) WINDOW ~. w Li:n.as. coLs. begi'n.-,/, bfZg-tn_=: Create a new wi..Il.do'W with linas Unes an:' eols coiumns starti::.g at ?osi.~~on (bQgi:n.-,/, beg-m._=) i1z. thQ m:~ of tJtQ 'Window win.. 1'b.i.s means :hat. any cl:l.ange made to either Window in the arsa coversci by the subw'indow ''''1ll ':le made on both. Windows. begirt_yo OQg-tn_= aZ"1! spec~ed relative to the overall screeo.. not the relative (0. 0) of 'Win.. It either lmes or eoLs is a (zero). that dimeosion will be set to (UNES - oegt.1t_y) or (COLS - OQg-in_=) respectively. unctri( c:h} l' eha:t- eh.; ~ is actually a debug tunction for the llbI"ary. but it is of general usefulness. It ret~ a strilli which is a representation of eh.. ControL characten become their lower-case equivalents preceded by a "_". Other letters stay just as they are. To use 'U.7tCtT!O. you must ha''-e #include in your die. 5.4. Det.ail3 gettmodeO gets the tty stats. TIlis is nOI"mally called by i7t:i.tse'1"(). - mvC":ll'(wty. last:x. newy, lleW%} i.n.t wt=. 1't.a'W'!l. 1't.nu%.Moves the terminal's cunOI" frcm (l.a.sty, ltlSt.:) to (ne"ll.J'!{, new:) in an. appI"oximation ot optimal tashion. This routine uses the [unctions berrowed trom e% ver3ion 2.6. It is possible to use this optimization without the benefit of the screen routines. With the screen routin~!. this should a.ot ~e called by the user. matJe () and refresh.O should be used to move the ~ursor position. so that. the routines lalow what' 3 going OIl. ltJsty, savettyQ1' ~etty() l' Sa:uett:y() saves the current tty characteristic aags. Resetty() restores them to wl:lat strJJetty() stored. These mnctioc.s are ?e!'for:ned automaucaJ.ly by 'i.ni.ts::-r-O and m.d:wi:rr.O. setterm(name) chtrr ~,' Set the terminal characteristics to be these ot the ter.:linal caned 1UJ.me. '!"l:lis is called by i:n:i.tsC7"(), so the user usually need not botller W1tb. ~t. u:tie5s they i"Iish to use just the cunor motioo optimizat:oIl!!. -. -12- - -. ". . ", --: .... AppendizA 1. Capabilities from termcap 1.1. Disclaimer The description of terminals is a dU!icult business, and we only atte::::.pt to summarize thp capabilities here: for a full description see the paper descr:bing termcap. 1.2. Overview Capabilities trom termcap are ot three kinds: string valued options, numeric valued options. and boolean options. The string valued options are the most complicated. since they may include padding information. which we describe new. Intelligent terminals otten require padding on intelligent operations at high (and sometimes even low) speed. This is specified by a number before the string in the capability, and has meaning for the capabilities which have a P at the front ot their comment. This normally is a number ot milliseconds to pad the operation. In the current system which has no true programmable delays. we do this by sending a sequence of pad characters (normally nulls, but can be changed (specified by PC». In some cases, the pad is better computed as some number ot milllseconds times the number ot atrected lines (to the bottom ot the screen usually, except when terminals have insert modes which will shift several Unes.) This is specified as. e.g .• 12·. betore the capability, to say 12 milliseconds per atrected whatever (currenUy always Une). Capabilities where this makes sense say p •. 1.3. Variables Set By settermO variables set by setterm() Type char bool char bo"l char bool char char char char char char char char char bool char char bool char bool char Name • AL Pad p. • AM BC BS • BT P CA CD p. • • • • • • • • • • • • • cllar • CE CL CM DC DL DM DO ED EO EI HO HZ IC IN 1M IP P p. P p. p. P p. Description Add new blank Line Automatic Margins Back Cursor movement Back:Space works Back Tab Cursor Addressable Clear to end ot Displ.ay Clear to End ot line CLear screen Cursor Motion Delete Character Delete Line sequence. Delete Mode (enter) DOwn line sequence End Delete mode can Erase Overstrikes With • • End Insert mode HOme cursor HaZeltiIle ... braindamage Insert Character Insert-Null blessing enter Insert Mode (IC usually set. too) Pad alter char lruserted using IM+IE -13- AppendU:A variables set by settsrm.() Type char • char • bool bool char • bool char char • char • char • char • char • char • char • char • bool char • char • char • char • char • bool Names pescription LL quick to Last Line, colw:::m a MA ctrl character MAp for cmd mode can 1{ove in Insert mode . Ml NC No Cr: '\r sends \r\Il theo. eats \n ND Non-Destructive spa.ce OS OverStrike works PC Pa.d Character Standout End (may leave space) SE p SF ScroU Forwards SO Stand Out begin (may leave space) p SR ScRoU backwards p TA TAb (IlQt "'I or with paddil:lg) Terminal address ec.able Ending sequeo.ce TE Terminal address enable lIlitiali%atlon TI Underline Eo.~ sequence UE Uo.derLi.nio.g works eveo. though !OS UL UPline UP Underline Starting sequence 10 US VB Visible EeU Visual End sequec.ce "IE 'IS Visual Start sequence a Newline gets eate:. after wra.p XN starting with X are reserved for severely nauseous glitches 1.4. Variables. Set By gettmodeO Variables set by gettmade () type bool bool bool NONL GT U?P:'RC" ASE description Term can't hack linelceds doing a CR Gtty indicates Tabs T-rmi.J:lrU ,;enerates ('"-'y upre!-Ca~e lettl!M " -l~- Appendix B 1. The wmDOlV structure The 'flNDOW structure is defined as follows: # define WINDOW struct _ win_st struct _win_st 1 short _maxy, _maxx: short _begy, _begx: _flags; _clear: _leave: _scroll; •• J: • firstcb.; • -lastch' short bool bool bool char J: short short - . # define # define _SUBWIN _ENDLINE # define _SCROU.WIN _STANDOUT /I define # define ) _cury,_curx: short 01 02 04 010 0200 _Ft1LL'W1N _C1J.ry and _C1J.r: are the current (y, x) co-or-dinates for- the window. New characters added to the screen are added at this point. _mazy and _ma.:z::: ar-e the maximum values allowed for (_C1J.ry, _C1J.r:). _begy and _beg;:; ar-e the starting (y, x) co-ordinates on the ter-minal for- the window, i.e .• the window's home. _cv:ry, _eur:. _m.tJ....-y. and _m.a= are measured r-elative to (_begy. _beg;:;), not the terminal's home. _clear tells it a clear-scr-een sequence is to be generated on the next Tefresh{} call. This is ocly meaningful for screens. The initi.al clear·screen for the first refresh.{} call is generated by initially setting clear to be true tor C1J.rSCT, whi·:b. dwayr ,T~nerates a de~r-3crt!en if i.£~, ·.rre~evant cf +.hf' d·.m·~nsioJ'l.,! ot t': a window involved. _leaua is TRUE it the current (y. x) co-ordinates and the cursor- are to be left after the last character changed on the terminal. or not movetf it there is no change. _SC1"oU is TRUE it scrolling is allowed. _y is a pOinter to ail array of lines which describe the terminal.. Thus: _y(i] • is a pOinter to the ith line, and J(i][j] is the ith character on the ith line. Jl.agsO can have one or more values or-'d into it. _S'UBlrIN means that the window is a subwindow, which indicates to d.aLwi:n.{} that the space tor the lines ~s not to be freed. _ENDLINE says that the end of the line for this window is also the end ot a screen. F'ULL7JN says that this window is a screen. SCROLLlrlN indicates that the last character of this screen is at the lower right:-hand corne!" ot the termjnal: i.e .• it a character was put there. the terminal would scroll. _S'rANDOUT says that all characters added to the screen are in standout mode. ) 11 Allvviabl" not. :»rmally. ac::cesaed ccmmc:ts with the user's Yariabla. m~y by the ~cr an D4aled with aD imtW .. _" to 5void .-. - .... ~ . '-15~ ..~t-·· ' .it' . -;. • ',' :'.;...:. - ";-~·~I.. • ... ':.,' ,j' Appendix C 1. Exam pie:s Here we presen.t a few exac.ples of hoW' to use the to be representative. though !lot compreheIlsive. ~acka~e. They atte=.~c. 2. Screen Updating The folloWing examptes are intended to demonstrate the basic st:-"J.cture ot a program using the screen updating sectioIlS of the package. Several of t..':.e programs require calculation.al. sectioIlS which. are irrelevant of to the exampLe, and are therefore usually not included.. It is hoped that the data structure :iefini.tioIlS give enough of an idea to alloW' -understanding ot what the reLevant ~or t1o~ do. The rest is left ~ an exercise to the reader. anci will not be OIl the fi- nal. 2.1. Twinlde This is a moderately simpie program which prints pretty pattertlS OIl ';.b.e screec. that might eveIl hold your interest for 30 secoc.d.s or more. It alte~ates betweeIl raJlciom patterns of asterisks. putting them OIl OIle by OIle, and the=. taking them of! in the same lashioc.. It. is more eificie!lt USlng only the motior:. optU:tizatioIl. as ~ democ.strated below. , include <.curses.b.> I include <,signal.b.> /. • en.. ide~ Jar th:i.s ~g-ra:m. 'Was 1% '[J'1""Jc!u.ct oj tha i.ma.gin.a.ti.an of - Kurt SCftDrrt:l. Not raspO'7'l.S"i.bla Jar m:i:z.cls lost ar stol2T'.. ... • -/ I derme NeoLS 80 NUNES 24 MAXi' AITE.~NS , define # de!me struct locs ~ char y. r. typedel st:ruct locs LOes Layout(NCOLS tnt Pattern. Numsta.n: mainO 4 LOCS: e Ntrm:S]: /- c-u::-r-rnJ: pa.::27-n. 1tumoe-r e / /- -n'Umoe'" of stars i.-.o:. pa.tte-rn ~ char egetec.v(): iDt dieO: srand(~etpidO): initscrO: signal(SlG!Nr. die): !lcec!:100: leaveok(std.scr. TRL'"E): scrollo~stc!scr, FALSE): -1R_ e/ Appendix C for (;;) ~ /* make the board. se t:u.p • / /* put on '*'s e/ /* C01Jer up 1JJith' 's e / make boardO; puton('*'): puton(' '): /* * On. progra:m 8:it, m01Je thtl cursor to ths lower ZeIt corner by * d:i:re e t a.d.d.re ssin.g, sine s curt'em Za c a.ti.lJn is no t gu.a:ra.nt e e d.. e We lis a:n.d.say 'We used to bcr a.t ths * absoLuia UppflT right Corn.eT' to gua.ra:n.tee ad.dressin.g. */ dieO ~ signal(SlGINT. SIG_IGN}: mvcur(O, eOLS-l. UNES-l. 0); endwin(): exit(O); /. * Malee the c:u.rr&-n.t bocrrci setup. It piclcs Cl ra:n.ciom. pattern. ct1'tCl cicrtsrm:i:n.s if the cha:ra.r::ter is on. that pattern. * calls 1.son.() to * or not. */ makeboardO f y. x: *lp: reg iDt reg Loes Pattern = randO ~ MAXPATTERNS; Ip = Layout: 10r (y = tJ; )' < i\LiNE3: y++ j for (x = 0; x < NeOLS: x++) if (ison(y. ~ lp->y = To Ip++->x = x: x» Numstars J = Ip - Layout: /. * Raru:m. TRUE if (y. =) 'is 07'l tIt. c:u.rren.t pattcrrn. */ ison(y. x} reg iDt y. x: t switch (Pattern) case 0: f /* altarn.a.tf:rt.g If:rt.ss */ return !(y &: 01): ( ,. -17- Appendi% C cue 1: /- bo=-/ it (x >= LlNES && Y >= NCOLS) return FALSE: it (y < :3 il y >= N1INES - :3) "turn TRUE: return (x < :3 !I x >= NCOLS - :3): ease 2: /- ltoly pattarn! • / return ((x + y) & 01); case 3: ~ b~T ~oss CnU2T·/ ret.urn >= 9 && Y <= 15); ,y puton( ell) r1!g char ell: ~ ~eg LOeS r; ;:oeg int. reg tOeS ·end; temp; LOCS end = &:Layout[Numstan]; tor (lp Layout; Ip < ec.d:lp++) r randO 7. Numstars: temp = -ip; alp Layout[rJ: Layout[r] = temp; = = = ~ for (lp = Layout: Ip < end: Ip--) ~ mvaddeb.(lp->y, Ip->x. ch); retreshO: 2.2. We This pregram plays the famous computer patter~ gatne of !.i!e (Scierltittc American. May, 1974:). The calculational routines c!"eate a linked List ot str"J.ctures detiIl.iJ:lg where each piece is. Nothing here clai.ms to be optimal. me:oeiy demonstrative. !hi!! program. however, is a very good place to use the sc:"ee:: updating reutiIles 12 , as it allows them to worry about what the last position looked like, so you don't have to. It also democ.strate~ some ot the input routines. I includO! ., includ.e /- - Ru:n. ~ lila ga:rrul. This is " d.e71't.a'7"tStT:ti.an • th.a S C"1"2 an [}pd.tJ.tmg sac tum. I 'J p7""gT:"'""f7. !O~ t Ita -lC"tLTS R S c-u.TS 07" Fa.: Je:.g 2 . -/ -18- Appendilt C ) struct 1st_st I tnt struct lst_st /. LinJt:ed. List eLem.anl - / y. x: /. (y. z) positicrn oJ pi.ece • / "next. -last; /a d.o1.l.bly Li:nked - / typedef struct 1st_st IJST; LIST /* head. ollinJt:ed list - / ma1n(ac, av) tnt ac: char -av(]; ~ die(): lDt evalargs(ac, av): /'I fl'UcUuate a:rgumrrr.ts a / lmtscrO: signal(SIGINT. die): crmadeO: noechaO: noDlO; /a initialize screen getstartO: /'I get strzrti:n.g positi.lm. a,/ for (::) /* set pa.cka.ge a,/ to rrrstore tty stats • / /. sat lor char-by-ch.a:r • / input a/ /* /'lIar optim:tza.ti.on - / l /'I pri:n.t out curreTrot boa:rd. .,/ /* upcLa.te boa.rd posi.titm. - / prboardO: updateO: 1/a a This is tha r~ 'Wh:it:/a. is called 1JJhrn. ",bout is h.it. a It rU'cts tha tty sta.ts to th.tri:r origi:n.aJ. VcU1.LQS. This • is th.a 1&.D'1"77&4l1JJay ollaC1'Uing tlUl yrogra:m.. a/ dieO ~ s~nal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); mveur(O, eOLS-l. LINES-l, 0): enchrin(): exit(O): /* ig'rr.ore 'NbO'UJ,'1 a,/ /'I go to bottom. of screen. - / /'I set term,:i:n.cU to initial state •/ /'I • GIlt the sta:rf:i:ng positian. from. tluI usar. 171.11'11 keyS' U, i, a, j, L, a m., " =ut. a:re used lor m.ovi:n.g thrl.i:r rela.tiva d:i.recticrns from. the a k kay. Th:us. 1.1. move d:ia.grmaU:y u.p to tha Zalt, , moves d:i.rectly down., • fltC. % pLa.ces a. piIIce at th.a cu.rrcmt posit'icm., " .. takes it tzWcry. • '/'h.I! input ccm. also be from. a. file. Th.a list is built a./ter the - boa.rd satup is rea.d:l.J. -/ getstartO l reg char reg iDt X. To c; , -19- .• ....... .. ' .•.~.~.... ~::. ... . .':,........ .... ~ -:-~: . ;. . ;.' ~ " ~ _~ ... .. '.: ·'i;::' ... ~ ~~- ~. " . ' : - . " . .' . ;.:. -.. ':' " o· '- Appendix C 'oox(stc.scr. '1', ' _'); move( 1. 1); do /- bo= in the senen e/ / - m.a'U1! to u:FFrJ:r l2!t cor.te-:'" • 1 refresb.O: if «(c=.etcb.O) == 'q') break: switch (c) l ca:se 'U': case '\': case '0': ca:se case 1': casQ'm': 'r: ~a',': e&!Se ',': adjustyx(c); . break case'r': mvadcistr{O. O. 'Tile oame: "); getstr(bu!) : read!1le(but): break: case 'x': addcb.('X') : break: case' ': addcb.(' '): break: if (Head != NULL) dellist(Head): =t'!alloc(~'Zect (Uc:n): Hertd /" .. loap tJtr:ru.gh tha scnen. z..:,olr:i.ng faT" '='s. tm.d • a Ltl 'r1un.t / aT" i a.clt ana -/ for (y =1: y < LINES for ex ~ C1 1: y--) =1:move(y, x < COLS - 1: x++) 1 x): if (incb.O == 'r) addlist(y, x); /- - Prt':'tt ~ eM C"'.J.r."rni botl.1"oi poriti.:m. f-:-~m the !iN:2!:i !ist -/ pr!;)oard.() 1 reg UST -2!]- list Appenclix C eraseO; box(stdscr. 'I', ' _,); ". clear out la.st poS'f..tiJm. • / /e bo: in the sc-reen e/ /e e go through the List a.dd:i:rr.g e bLank boa.rd ea.ch piece to the newly . -/ for (hp = Head; hp; hp = hp->next) mvaddch(hp->y. hp->x. 'X'); refreshO: 3. ]lotion optimization The following example shows how motion optimiZation is written on its OWIl. Programs which flit from one pla.ce to another without regard for what is alrea.dy there usually do not need the overhead of both space and time associated With screen updating, They should instead usc moUon optimization. 3.1. TwiDJde The t1rinklc program is a good candidate tor simpte motion optimization., Here is hoW' it could be written; mainO I -sp; -getenvO: fputcharO. dieO: reg char char iDt srand(getpidO): It (isatty(O» ,hi iniliaJ:i.ze nu:::iom. saqv.enc E =.' l gettmode(); if (sp=getenv(UTERMU» Je.tE.. m(s?): signal(SIGlNT, die): I ebel prilltf("Need a terminal on ;:d\n", _tty _ch); eXit(l): J noechoO: tputs(CL. NUNES. fputchar); for (::) t make board 0 : puton('-'): puton(' '); ". make the board setu:p . / /. put on. ' e's • / /e cover 'Up 'W'i.lh. ' 's e / J /. e Jpu.tcha.r d.sfi:n.ed.Jo", tputs() ./ fputchar(c) -21- . '." Appendix C e: f reg char putchar( e); ciieO t sigr:W.(SlGINT. SIG_IGN); mvcur{O, eOLS-t. LINES-i. 0); endWin(); exit(O): putcc.( ell) char eh: l static iut reg LOCS reg iD.t reg LOeS . tasty. lastr. -lp; LOCS' temp: = r. -end: end &Layout(Numstar~J; far(lp Layout; lp < end: 11'++) ~ r = randO ~ Numstars: temp = -lp: -lp Layout( r]: Layout(r] = temp; = = fer (lp = Layout: 1p < end: Ip~+) /- pr"a'Vtnl.t scrolli:rtg -I' iZ ~!A)f - 1 " 1p->o;: -: !,cc:.:: mvcur(lasty. lasa. 1p->y. Ip->x): putchar(eh); lasty = Ip- >y~ if «(lastx Ip->x + 1) >= NeOLS) II :lp->y < m."Nr.S = if (A~l) ~ = 0: lasty++; lastx J ebe-la.:!tx J J -22- = :scor; - :; - 'I.) ~
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