707000 11C00_CP V_C00_Release_Notes_Nov74 11C00 CP V C00 Release Notes Nov74
707000-11C00_CP-V_C00_Release_Notes_Nov74 707000-11C00_CP-V_C00_Release_Notes_Nov74
User Manual: 707000-11C00_CP-V_C00_Release_Notes_Nov74
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Program Description XEROX Page 1 of 84 Catalog No. SIG~~ 707000-11Cf)f) 7/9, XEROX 560 CP-V AUTHOR: XEROX (NOVEMBER, 1974) DESCRI P rrION PAGE 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 5 1• 1 PURPOSE 5 1.2 FEATURES 5 1.2.1 Transaction Processing 5 1.2.2 XEROX 560 Support 6 1.2.3 Boot Time Reconfiguration end Partitioning 7 1.2.4 Real Time, Phase II 8 1.2.5 File Management Enhancements 8 Restructuring of OPEN Overlay 8 Link Fixing Ghost 9 Shared Update Keyed Files 9 Redundant Directories 9 1.2 ... 5... 3,. 1.2.6 Monitor Size Reduction and Performance Improvements 10 Monitor Reference Mode 10 Unmapped Monitor "Overlay" 10 1.2.G.3 Miscellaneous Size Reductions 10 Svlapper Enh ancement 10 2 of 84 1.2.7 1 .3 Catalog No. Security Enhancements Me~ory Granule Cleaning Page Cleaning 10 10 11 1.2.8 Hew Device Support 11 1.2.9 ELLA, Error Log Lister and Analysis 11 1.2.10 On-Line Diagnostic Test System 11 1.2.11 Symbiont Enhancements 12 1.2.12 SHO'"! Processor 12 1.2.13 Rf.lA Enhancements 12 1.2.14 Restricted Processor List 13 1.2.15 SYSGEN Modifications 13 UNANNOUNCED FEATURES 14 1 .3 • 1 BACKUP/FILL Enhancements 14 1.3.2 FSAVE/FRES Enhancements 14 1.3.3 On-Line GENMD Processor 14 1.4 SUPPORTING PUBLICATIONS 15 2.0 Hj\RD~'lARE 16 3.0 SIDRS CLOSED 17 II n -t.v RELEASE COUTENTS 27 4. 1 COO RELEASE TAPES 27 4. 1 • 1 :COOCI 27 4.1.2 :COOSI /,7 4•1•3 :COOBO 27 4. 1 .4 3531SYS 3f) 4. 1 .5 COBLIB 31 4.1.6 RPGLIB 31 CONF IGURATION Pa~e 3 of 84 Catalog No. 707000-11COO 4.1.7 SORTLIB 31 4. 1 .8 CDGBLIB 31 4. 1 .9 X 31 4.2 STARTER SYSTLMS 32 4.3 -11 33 4.4 -91 33 4.5 TEST TAPE' 33 4.6 COMPRESSED LISTING TAPE 33 4.7 VOLINIT 33 4.8 -02 ELEMENT, UNPUBLISHED TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION 34 5.0 SYSGEN CONSIDERATIONS 35 5.1 INTRODUCTION 35 5.2 PASS:; CHANGES 35 5.3 PASS3 CHAl.'lGES 36 5.4 M:MON LOCCT CHANGES 37 5.5 HOW TO SYSGEN CP-V COO 37 5.6 HO\'l TO DO A SYSGEN ON 1-.ND FOR A 64K r.U\CHINE 39 5.7 HOH TO DO A SYSGEN WITH NO COC 39 5.8 HOW TO DO A SYSGEN FOR CP-V COO UNDER CP-V BOO 40 G.O INCOMPATIBILITIES 71 6. 1 SPECIAL SHARED PROCESSORS 71 6.2 PRE-BOO LOAD MODULES 72 G. 3 OTHER PRE-BOO INCOMPATIBILITIES 72 7.0 RESTRICTIONS/KNO~m 74 7•1 DRSP PROBLEMS 74 Page 4 of 84 Catalog No. 7070()1)~11c6f) .,. 7.2 PROCESSOR SIZE LIMITATION 74 8.0 ~~INTENANCE 75 8. 1 PATCH DECK 75 8.2 SPECIAL PATCHING PROCEDURES 75 8.3 PROBLEM REPORTING 76 9.0 110NITOR SIZING 78 9.1 GENERAL CORE REQUIREMENTS 78 9.2 MO~lITOR 10.0 CP-V COD TEST PROCEDURES 82 10.1 THE TEST TAPE 82 10.2 USE OF THE TEST TAPE 83 10.3 UPDATING THE TEST TAPE 84 PROCEDURES SIZE CHANGES BASED O!'l SYSGEN PROCEDURES 80 Page Catalog No. 5 of 84 1 .0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1• 1 PURPOSE 70700()-11COO The purpose of the COO release of CP-V is to provide for distribution to the field a major develop~ent release, including Transaction Processing (the fifth facet of CP-V) and Xerox 560 support. Fifteen CP-V development projects and 402 srDR fixes are included \vi th this release. 1.2 FEATURES The major features of ·CP-V COO are described belo\". 1• 2 • 1 Transaction Processing The COO version of CP-V supports Transaction Processing (TP). TP consists of a collection of general purpose processors and supporting CP-V monitor services. TP is designed to enable the entry of business transactions fro~ their point of origin to a centralized data base. It enables output reports to be generated by user-created application modules for distribution to the originating station or to alternative stations. TP includes the extended communications software to enable a single processing program to cOIT~unicate with mUltiple remote terminals. It allows for optional journalization of all transactions and is designed for "fail safe" operation \'lith minimal impact on the user at his remote station. The TP processors provide a complete interface between L~e remote terminal and installation-supplied transaction processing application modul~s~... , , In TP,. ~rn2ha~;l~_ is_ Qlg~~ _"'_._____ _ on protection provided by the system-; Application progra-ms"'--'·_··_··are coded in traditional fashion and protection· devices- are provided centrally within the system. The protection and control features below are provided by TP: o User terminals are authorized by a log-on procedure which controls access to TP elements. o A received transaction is optionally journalized so that it will not be lost if an error occurs somewhere bet\.,ecn its arrival and its processing. o The application program may generate a journal record of data base changes so that any changes made by an aborted transaction may he undone or a damaged data base may be restored. Page 6 of 84 o Catalog No. 7070()')-1 iCr)(} Delivery of output reports is delayed until the ~ransaction is successfully processed. TP programs execute as independent jobs. The programs provided by Xerox include the follo\·,ing in addi tion to CP-V monitor services: o A 7P control program (TPG) o rl o A Transaction Processing Controller (TPC) o ~p Terminal Interface Controller (TIC) Supporting Utilities The Xerox TP system is fully described in the CP-V Transaction processing Reference t1an ual (90 31 12). 1.2.2 Xerox 560 Support The COO version of CP-V will be available at the tine of the first XEROX 560 shipment and fully supports all standard peripherals available on the XEROX 560. CP-V support of the 560 is functionally identical to the systcn offered on the SIGMA series of computers. ~ll five roodos of CP-V are supported with no user-visible differences in operation. User prograr.1s 't-vritten for SIG11A computers ",ill operate in a compatible manner on the XEROX 56(}, except in cases \.,here unique !1ardware considerations (e. q., hardware cycle times or special device configurations) are a factor. The najor enhancements to CP-V for the XE?OX 560 are in th~ area of Reliability, Haintainability, and Availability. The COO version of CP-V includes a new hard\&lare fault handler vlhich makes the most advantageous use of the error detection and reporting facilities of both SIG~~ and 560 co~put-er5. lie . .·•· :ea tures of the XEROX 560 in the area of error detection and reporting utilized and supported by rp-v are the :olloVling. Error Detectiol1 software and hardware features on the XEROX 560 alla.v for the following: rICH o Inter-unit parity checking and reportinq a HeMory error detection and reporting 7 of 84 Catalog No. 7()70()()-11C~f) o Register block parity checking and reporting o System control memory error detection and reportinq o Control sequence fault detection and reporting o Critical system failure recovery (i.e., power on/off) The net result is superior detection, processing, and reporting of hardware faults and errors which, in turn, will allo\v faster isolation and repair of faul ty hardware components. ~vrite L-ock Protection cp-v utilizes the real memory I/O write lock protection feature of the 560 to prevent the resident portions of ~~e system from being overwritten due to erroneous I/O requests. Remote Assist Terminal Facility cP-V supports the Channel B (Remote Assist Terminal) to allow on-line system troubleshooting by remotely located maintenance personnel. Using this facility, maintenance personnel can monitor a CP-V system on D~e 560 and determine if any corrective action should be initiated based on fault and error data collected during operation of the system. Power Fail Safe Feature CP-V supports the XEROX 560 power fail safe trap in the follo~,,'ing 'manner:' 1.2.3 a For primary pO,"ver interruptions of "less than 500 -Msec duration, power fail safe will be processed exactly as implemented on the SI~~ computers. o For interruptions greater than 500 msec duration, manual operator intervention to simulate a power fail safe trap will be required, after which processing \vill be as implemented in CP-V on the SIG~1A computers. Boot Time Reconfiguration and Partitioning Boot time reconfiguration and partitioning is a procedure which determines the hard'tvare' s peripheral configuration and the~ removes or partitions specified devices and/or Page 8 of 84 Catalog No. 707 Of) 0-.1 , controllers from the sys~em when they are faulty, non-existent, or unavailable. The boot tir~e reconfiguration conmands define the hardware addres3es and device types or remove non-existent devices. The hoot tire partitioning command temporarily removes unavailable devices (which may be returned during operation of the sys tern via SYSCON). These procedures allo\v for the boot tirne proces3 to change or remove devices and to parti tion unavailable devices. This is especially useful if the system is built for devices which are not currently present on the system but will be available in the future. It also allo~tls a system to be moved from one hardware configuration to another similar configuration. 1.2.4 Real Time Phase I I The real time processing introduced in CP-V BOO has b~en enhanced for COO to provide more services for both the unmapped user and the mapped, centrally-connected user. These enhancements can be grouped into three new fr;atures: (1) Extended I/O fac~lities for the mapped real time user, including I/O device pre-e~ption and end-action control at the time of the I/O interrupt; (2) Dynamic physical page acquisition which allows the size and location of ~~c reserved resident foreground memory to be changed duri~q operation of the system; and (3) Real time user control of the operating mode of the CPU is provided by a f.1ASTER/SLl\VE service. This service sets the real time user PSD to master mode (master protected mode on the SIG~~ 9 and AT.ROX 560) ~ith a write key of 1, or back to SLAVE mode. 1 .2 .5 File l-lanagement Enhancements A number of enhancements to file management are included in the COO release of CP-V. These are intended to i~prove the security and reliabil.ity of the CP-V file system. Res tructuring of the OPEn i·toni tor Overlay Due to the evolutionary growth of file management capabilities in CP-V, the monitor overlays associated with, OPEn have been res tructured to allovl for future enhancements. The tape open logic has heen separated from the dis}~ file opea, and the associated regrouping. of functions reduces monitor overhead and provides growinn room for ne\-l H: OPEn options. en f) Page 9 of 84 Catalog No. 707()OO-11Cf)O Link Fixing Ghost (FIX) CP-V Ghost haunts the system to perform consistency checks and (optionally) to repair files for which a 75 type error has been detected. FIX also is used, under operator control, to release or delete files. The repair ~echanism of FIX is triggered by batch or on-line users with the required privilege. Under operator control, FIX will delete a specified file or all files in a specified account with or without granule release. FIX replaces the current HGPRECON. A ne\v Execute Only Files A new file access attribute has been added to CP-V to provide Execute Only file support. The new access attri'1 ute adds Execute Accounts to the exis ting Read Accounts and ~vrite Accounts. The intent of this enhancement is to provide an inJtallation the capability to permit the execution of proprietary programs while restricting the ablility to copy or examine the~. Shared Update Keyed Files Shared Keyed Files have become a standard feature in CP-V COO. This enhancement allows users to perform, in the shared mode, any operation which would be legal for a single update user. The enhancement performs buffer truncations following an M:WRITE or M:DELREC operation, and at the beginning of a CAL only when the contents of the file have changed since ~~e buffers were established. Update in place restrictions have been removed. It is the responsibility of the users to follow the enqueue/dequeue protocol to enforce proper staging of operations and thereby insure data integrity. CP-V \'iill only insure that the master index structure is not modified so as to produce a file inconsistency. , Redundant Directories In order to insure that directory inconsistencies are virtually eliminated from CP-V operations, a second copy of each public directory granule will be maintained at a physically separated location (i.e., separate devices if available, separate cylinders or tracks if not). The format of the directories is cha~ged to accommodate a dual FLINK/BLINK pair and the new account directory forMat holds 126 entries, compared to 96 in the previous format. Page Catalog No. 10 of 84 1 .2.6 I1onitor Size Reduction and Performance Irnprovefi\ents 1.2.G.1 Honitor Reference Hode 7070()()-.11 cao This enhancement to CP-V is designed to enable increased flexibility in the structuring of the monitor. It will enable, vIi th some exceptions, various modules to exist as elements of the monitor root, or as overlays of the Monitor ~·,ithout affecting the code of the modules involved. Intermodule communication is independent of the module's status as a root or overlay module. Although this enhancement is not widely use~ in the COO version of CP-V, i t lays the groundwork for significant future reductions the resident size of the CP-V monitor. This feature involves some significant changes in the procedures for a CP-V Sysgen and they are described in Chapter 5 of this document, the System Management Reference Manual, and the -91 Hanual Updates document. in Unmapped Hon i tor "Over lay" This enhancement provides a general nethod to remove code \.;hich al\vays operates unmapped (such as handlers and 010.,..:;.10"" the h. ,"Io.tert reliability. Listed below are the enhancements \'lhich have been included: o ALLYCAT HGP data is checksummed before ALLYCAT goes to sleep and just after }\LLYC~.T vlakes up. T!lis ensures that if l\LLYCAT's data has been destroyed it will be detected before catastrophic allocations of disk space are allowed. o The code to save and restore tables in Recovery has been reduced in size. o Contents of core starting at X'4000' i~ dumped hcforc it is des troyed by Recovery so tl)at lNLZ dumps Hill show the true contents of these locations. P2--:;:':: ------ 13 of 84 Catalog No. 707000-11 COO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.14 o RVGHOST utilizes I/O buffering to improve its speed. o The Power Fail Safe recovery routines have been enhanced to reflect current Field Engineering philosophy on correct Power Fail Safe Trap/Interrupt handling. These enhancements represent a more failsafe approach to handling the known peculiarities of power failures. o The modules ERRLOG, RDERLOG, and ERR:FIL have been enhanced to correct some of the errors and performance problems discovered in CP-V BOO. Several longstanding SIDRs have been closed in this activity as well. Restricted Processor List SUPER authorization is expanded such that a user may be restricted to a set of processors, or from a set of processors an individual account baSIS: on 1.2.15 SYSGEN Hodifications ~~difications to Sysgen processors have been made to support the following major features: o XEROX 560 Support o 560 o Transaction Processing Support o Unmapped and Optional Overlays Devic~ Support New Sysgen procedures are noted in Section 5 of "this document. Page 14 of 84 Catalog No. 1 .3 UNAHNounCED FEATURES 1 .3. 1 BACKUP/FILL Enhancements 707000-:11cd'o The operator interface with the FILL processor has been substantailly changed in CP-V COO. The operator directs information to FILL wi t~l an INT, FILL command rat!1er than having FILL ask for operator responses by itself. The line printer output for BACKUP operations has been modified to provide more information about the file syste~ and to improve readability. Diagnostic code has been added to provide SNAPS ,,-,hen unexpected errors occur in order to enhance its maintainability. The basic FILL operations, however, remain unchanged. 1.3.2 1.3.3 FSl\VE/FRl-:S Enhancements FSAVE : The +VOL command has heen implerented for CP-V COO to allow the user to specify a rILL compatible serial nlli~ber rather than use t~c one maintained internally in the F:BRr.C file in :SYS. FRES: The +CHECK command has been implcIPentcd for CP-V COO to allow the user to check the files on a volume created by FSl\VE or FILL for errors without restoring the files (i.e., a verify capability) • On-Line GEN~ID Processor rrhe GENHD processor that performs load module patchinq at boot time is now available during normal system operation in ghost, batch, and on-line modes. As a ghost job, input and output is through the OC device \'li th the fOrr:1at the same as during the boot process. As a hatch job, input is through the t·1:C device and output is through r·1:LL. The format is the same as during the boot process except that the initial LHN may be specified on the processor control card (! GEUHD Lr.UJ) • As an on-line processor, additional capabilities arc availubleo '1':1e i'l:C Dcn may be assigned to a file of patcIleSj the :1:S1 DCB may be assigned (implicitely or explicitcly) to the Lr1N to be patched; DELTA may be associated to simplify the patching format, and a description of the input format may be obtained by typing a "?". Page 15 of 84 1.4 707000-11CO'l Catalog No. SUPPORTING PUBLICATI~~S The major features of the COO release of CP-V are described in the follo\.,ing documents: cP-V SH Reference Hanual 90 16 74G CP-V TS Reference Hanual 90 09 07F-1 CP-V 90 17 64F BP Reference Manual cP-V Transaction Processing Reference Manual 90 31 CP-V OPS Reference !-1anual 90 16 75G cP-V Remote Processing Manual 90 30 26D-1 CP-V TS Users Guide 90 16 92D-2 cP-V System Programmers Reference Manual 90 31 CP-V Data Base Technical Manual 90 19 95C 121\ 131\ corrections and updates to these manuals are contained in document 7070~91COO. Page 2.0 16 of 84 Catalog No. 70700')-.11COf) HARDWARE CONFIGURATION CP-v runs in a minimum configuration of 64K words of memory; however, the minimum requirements are dependent on the options selected (for example, the TP option requires a m~n1mum of 8DK memory). Combinations of options ~ay require more than the standard minimum for CP-V. CP-V supports a larger than 128K memory on both the SIG~!"'i\ 9 and the Y£ROX 560. CP-V supports up to a 512K memory on the SIQ1A 9, and up to 256K memory on the XEROX 560. Pcge 3.0 17 of 84 Catalog No. 7070(}f)-11 COO SIDRS CLOSE:> The COO release of cp-v contains 344 difficulty SInR fixes and 58 improvement SIDR fixes for a total of 402 SIDRs closed. These SIDRs are itemized on the following pages. of 84 Catalog No. Difficulty SIDRs Closed 09673 09973 10034 10108 10249 10290 10447 10531 10561 10969 10970 10971 11126 11270 11352 11.362 11365 11419 11540 11 556 11641 11785 11819 11844 11968 11974 11977 12044 12066 12084 12091 12238 12241 12263 12279 20082 20084 20090 20096 20120 20144 20166 20216 20226 20267 20437 20446 20516 20595 20657 20 6 ~,8 CCI I/O KEYIN LNKTRC DCBS STEP peL DEBUG peL PRIV PACKS INITIAL CENTRAL SYSTEr~ CF.N'.£1RAL SYSTErA FSAVE PCL FSAVE BPH DELTA LOADER peL CCI PCL P-ECOVERY FDIT DELTA CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTR]\&L SYSTEH LINK FSAVE PCL DELTA CENTRAL SYS7EH STEP PCL cel DELTA CENTRl'~L SYS~EH DELTA HA1IDLERS peL FRrs CENTRAL SYSTEr·~ DELTl\ TEL EDIT CEN1'RAL SYSTr.M CENTRAL SYSTEr1 peL LOADER LDEV SYT-lBIONTS 70 70 t) f) -~1 1 C () () 19 of 84 Catalog No. 20872 20880 21006 21059 21192 21250 21251 21252 21253 21254 21255 21256 21257 21259 21260 21262 21263 21264 21265 21266 21267 21268 21269 21270 21271 21272 21273 21275 :1278 21281 21282 21284 21286 21287 21288 21289 21290 21292 21293 21294 21296 21297 21298 21299 21303 21304 21305 ~ 1307 ERR:LIST ERR:LIST CENT PAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYS TF.H CENTPJ\.L SYSTE!-1 CENTP~...L SYSTE!'1 BATCH CENT Rl\L SYSTE~1 FILL CENTRAL SYSTEM ERR:LIST CENTR..l\L SYSTEH IIGPRECON CENTEAL CENTR1\.L CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL DRSP SYSTEH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM FILL PACKRECON LINK CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTEH STEP FILL CENTRAL CENTR}\L CENTPAL CENTRAL SYSTEH SYSTEH SYSTEM SYSTEf-1 PACKRECO~·l CENTRAL SYSTEr-i DELTA STEP CENTP..i\L SYSTEH FSAVE FSAVE CFllTR.~ SYSTEH LDRV ERRLOG FILL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTFLt\L CENTRAL SYSTEM SYSTEH SYST£M SYSTEH CENTRA.L SYSTEH RUNDO~TN CENTP..AL SYSTEM ~1309 CENTRAL 21310 21 311 21312 21313 21314 SUPER SYSTE~1 CEN'l'RAL SYSTEt-! CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTEH SYST'1AK 70700f)-11COO 20 of 84 Catalog No. CENTRAL SYSTEH CENT Rl\'L SYSTF.!' CEnTRAL SYSTEr~ CE~lTRAL SYSTE!--1 CENTRAL SYSTE!·~ CENTRAL SYSS:E~1 CENTRJlL SYSTEn CENTRAL SYSTEt-! 21 31 5 21317 21318 21320 21321 21322 21323 21324 21325 21329 21330 21331 21333 21334 21410 21426 21534 21544 21636 21637 21638 21639 21640 2 1641 21643 21645 21647 21648 21649 21678 21680 21681 21683 21G85 21686 21G87 21688 21691 21692 21695 21697 21698 21699 21700 21701 21704 CENT PAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LOADER CENTRJ.L BATCH CENTRAL BATCH CENTRAL CENTP..AL CENTRAL ~1705 CENTRAL SYS'rEf·1 '21708 21709 CEN'J'Rl\L SYSTL~·1 ~1711 ~1712 21713 21714 21718 STEP CENTP.AL SYSTE~·i CENTP.}\L SYSTEH IRBT CE!rrRAL SYSTE~\1 DELTA PCL CENTRP-.L SYSTE!1 CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTR.;;L SYSTE~·rf CCl CENTRAL SYSl"fEr,1 RECOVERY CENTPJ\L SYSTE~~ FSi\VE CENTRAL SYSTEM FILL CENT Rt'\L SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTEM CE-:1TRIU.I SYSTETl IIA!!DLERS CENTRAL SYSTEH PRIV PACKS ceI eeI SYSTEH SYSTEH SYSTE~·1 SYSTEH SYSTEH SYSTEn SYSTEH SYSTEH SYS Tr.!-1 SYSTE~'1 SYSTE~" CENTRAL SYSTE t l CENTRAL SYSTE~~ CENTRAL SYSTE~1 CENTRAL SYSTF~1 CENTRAL SYSTE~1 707nn1-11COf) Page 21 of 84 Catalog No. 21724 21725 21728 21733 21734 21735 21737 21738 21739 21740 21743 21744 21745 21746 21747 21748 21749 21751 21752 21753 . 21754 21755 21756 21759 21760 21761 21764 21765 21767 21768 21769 21770 21774 21777 21835 21877 21909 21914 21924 21928 21958 21960 21965 21969 21989 21991 ~2026 2203i 22032 22033 22034 22035 22050 22076 FILL CENTRAL SYSTEr1 CENTRAL SYSTP.H LOADER CENTRAL SYSTEr·~ CENT HAL SYSTEr~ CONTROL HGPRECON CEUTP_i;L SYS r:r'E ~.~ CENTR1\L SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTEH CENT PAL SYSTE}~ CENTR1\.L SYSTEH CENTRllli SYSTE~l RECOVERY CENTRAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTR.1\L SYSTEt1 CENTRl\L SYSTF.~1 HECOVERY LOADER HO'JE Cl'ili SYSGEN EDIT IRBT SY~.J3 rONTS IRBT TEL TEL CENT PAL SYSTEH IRBT HANDLERS CENTRAL SYSTE~1 peL RECOVERY DEF PCL l\LLOCAT CENTRAL SYSTr.~i FSAVE PCL FSAVE cac CENTRAL SYSTE'" CENTRAL SYSTErA CENTRAL SYSTEM HGPRECON HGPRECON HGPRECON HGPRECON PCL eeI CENTFJ\L SYST~H 707000-11C1J0 Page 22 of 84 _22079 22081 22096 22137 22138 22147 22157 22158 22176 22254 22256 22267 22270 22272 22276 22303 22317 22319 22339 22368 22374 22375 22378 22421 22428 22438 22452 22463 22485 22487 22513 22529 22556 22564 22574 22578 22580 22585 22596 22601 22632 22634 22635 22639 22642 22656 22669 ~2680 22682 ~2G94 22701 22703 22726 22743 CENTRAL SYSTEH DEF CE~rTRAL SYSTE~1 SYSTEl1 SUPER CENTRAL SYSTE~·1 FRES FRES DEVDMP CENT PAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTF.~~ LDLV CEN1 RAL SYSTE~~ ERR:FIL ERR:LIS'l' SYMBI0NTS LDEV BATCH CENTRAL SYSTFH PURGE CENTRl1L SYSTEM CDC CEi~TRZ\L 1 ANLZ DRSP CENTRAL SYSTF.~'! CENTRAL SYSTEH l\..."'1LZ CEtlTRAL SYSTE~'! DELTA CENTRAL SYSTE!1 TEL CDC SYSGEN CENTRAL SYSTE!: SUPEP PCL PCL FSAVE CENTRAL SYSTF.!1 HANDLERS SUPER FSAVE CENTRAL SYSTBH CENTRAL SYSTBH BATCH SYSGEN DELTA FRES CENTRAL SYSTLH DELTA CEi'ITRAL SYSTEr~ CENTRAL SVSTF.t1 CEnTRAL SYSTEM ERRLDG Page 23 of 84 22744 22754 22765 22766 22767 22768 22771 '22772 22777 22785 22786 22798 22799 22809 22825 22827 22839 22844 22845 22852 22867 23077 23085 23087 23090 23094 23097 23099 23102 23124 23126 23133 23144 23148 23152 23161 23163 23164 23191 23215 23216 23225 23234 23236 23274 23278 23290 23304 ~3305 23316 23335 23352 23353 23363 ERRLOG CENTRAL CENTRAL PCL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LOADER peL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL SYSTEH SYSTEH SYSTE!·1 SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTr.H SYSTEf'1 SYSTE~ SYSTEH CENTRf,\L SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTE~,t DELTA CENTRAL SYSTEH FRR:LIST PCL CENTRAL- SYSTEf,! CENTRi\L SYSTEM TEL SUPER ceI CENTRAL SYSTEM CENTRAL SYSTEH FRRLOG CENTRAL SYSTB1'1 EDIT ceI CENTRAL SYSTEM r.RRLOG TEL CENTRAL SEGLD CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL TEL CBNTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL FILL CENTRAL CENTRAL FSl\VE C:cNTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL ERRLOG CENTRAL SYSTEM SYSTEH SYSTEM SYSTE~1 SYSTEM SYSTEt-1 SYSTEM SYSTEH SYSTEH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEH SYSTE~JI SYSTEM SYSTF."1 Page 24 of 84 23375 23376 23384 23385 23386 23421 23 1133 23442 23449 23453 23462 23476 23736 23737 23739 23740 23766 23781 23782 23834 CENTRAL SYS 'TE~.~ l\NLZ CENTP.AL LDEV rRRLOG SYS r:'E~.~ HANDLERS CENTRAL rRRLOG CENTRAL SYST~~·1 SYS~EH ceI CENTRAL SYSEt·1 IRnT CENTRAL SYSTE~ CF.N~RAL SYSTE~~ CENTPAL SYSTE~! r.RRLOG CENTRAL SYSTE~~ CENTRAL SYSTF.~·~ CENT PAL SYSTF.!"t CENTRAL SY;;TEf.1 Page 25 of 84 Catalog No. 70700'J-l1CI)O ------~~--------------------------.--------------------------------~--------- Improvement SIDRs Closed 06538 07942 07960 09148 0)323 09758 09 880 09891 10005 10230 11167 11233 11280 11315 11468 12143 12371 20103 20370 20924 21049 21279 21283 21356 21379 21388 21428 21439 21449 21469 21644 21646 21673 21771 21882 21933 21973 22020 22028 22097 22115 22156 22165 22407 22419 22436 22447 22496 22512 22560 22602 22604 INITIAL ItlITIAL cae DELTA CENTRAL SYSTEM ERR:LIST PRoes LOADER CENT~.L SYSTE'M DELTA RECOVERY COC FSAVE FRES COC ERRLOG Hl\NDLERS ALLOCAT PRES IIGPPECON CENTP..l.. r. SYSTEr"l FSAVE DELTA cac Y~YIN KEY IN EDIT CENTRAL SYSTE?1 CENTRAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTE~1 Rl\TES CENTRAL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTEH IRBT RBBAT cac CENTRAL SYSTEM PRES HGPRECON FSAVE DRSP FRES GAC cac CENTRAL SYSTE~·1 SYSGEN cac COC IRBT SYMBIONTS FRES FRES 26 of 84 Catalog No. 22GB7 22709 22745 23079 23146 23272 CENT Rl. . L SYSTF!'~ CiNT?AL SYSTEH CENTRAL SYSTEn CE~1TR.AL HBBAT DELTA SYSTEM 707000-.11CQa 27 of 84 Catalog No. 4 .. 'J RELEASE CONTEnTS 4. 1 coo RELEASE TAPES (7070'JO-26/46/66 COO) 7070f)O-11Cf)r) T~f'lO FSAVE tapes contain all the input necessary to generate a CP-V COO system. There are also control files on the tapes \-'lhich will facilitate the SYSGEN process. These tapes contain the following accounts which will be described separately. :COOCI :COOSI :COODO X 3531SYS COBLIB RPGLlB CDBGLIB SORTLIB Compressed Source Symbolic Updates Binary from :COOCI and :COOSI assemblies Non-supported utilities Standard Processors COBOL Library RPG Library COBOL DEBUG Library SORT Library' The COO FSAVE tapes are INSN OOBO and OOB1, Account :SYS. 4. 1 • 1 :COOCI Compressed files for CP-V COO. DA~ADEF is included in :COOCI for assembling module PART in the CONTROL processor. It is not a standard CP-V release element and no development support of DATADEF is implied. 4. 1 • 2 :COOSI Updates that have been applied to the compressed files in :COOCI. The two accounts, :COOCI and :COOSI, are included in the release-as a convenience and are not normally needed to create a PO tape for CP-V COO. The ROMs in account :COOBO have been created by assernbling the compressed files in :COOCI i.'lith the update files in :COOSI. These two accounts allovol the installation to recreate any ROr-, in :COOBO. 4. 1 • 3 :COOBO Binary ROI~ of all the files necessary to generate a CP-V system. Systems UTS, BPM, TP:TPO, LP:TPOQ, RTPROCS, DIAG, DATADEF, and SIG7FDP are contained in :COOBO. :COOBO also contains the following files to assist an installation in building a system: Catalog No. 28 of 84 o SLOCCTS 707000':11C~,) This job contains the source for all t.~e CP-V LOCCTS vlhic!1 are needed in t~c PASS 3 phase of 5YSGE~!. The eleJTlen t files are listed one per line and specify the account :COOBO. T~e PASS2 generated files and the files pulled in hy SYSGFN are expected in the current account (usually :COOSGE:n. a $PASS2 'fuis job is the PASS2 input of the SYSGE:T used in Ll Segundo for experimental development. It should be modified to fit the particular installation's software requirerents, hardware configuration, and syste~ management controls. (References: CP-V 5r,1 Reference llanual, 9016 74G, 1974; Section 5.0 of this document, 70700Q-11COO; attached CP-V SM Reference Hanual updates, 707000-91CaO). o $GE:IJOB 1 This job brings in the required files from the :COOBO and 3531SYS accounts, loads H: MON and the JIT, builes :JO, :J 1, and i'v10NS'I'K, then BATCHes off the $Grr-JJOB~ file. o $GENJOB2 This job is started by $GFNJOB1 or hy $GENMINI1 and loads the initial set of ghosts and processors, then BATCHes off the $GENJOB3 file. o $GENJOB3 This job is started by $GET'TJ0I32, loads the remaining ghosts and processors, and builds symbols for ANl'LYZE. o $DEFJOB This job writes two CP-V PO tapes. o $CPYSTD This file is a peL standard file \vhich contains the names of all the files which must be in the :CQOSGEN account. These files include device handlers, the systeM libraries, the DCBs, the various SYSTE~"S (BPH, SIG7FDP, etc.) and the processors from the 3531SYS account (COBOL, FORTRAN, etc.). The $GEl'Jxxx1 files mentioned hC'rp. begin with a peL • COPYSTD , of thi~ file into the :COOSGENaccount. o $P2HIHI This file is an example of the P!SS~ that was used to create one of the starter system PO tapes (see Section 4.2). Pa-;;e 29 of 84 Catalog No. 707f)()()-11COn o $GENMINI1 This file is the equivalent of $GRNJOB1 except that i t is designed to run on systems that ~ave only 64K memory. a $P2illlCOC This file is the equivalent of $PASS2 except that all references to coe and ONLINE have been deleted. It is included as a convenience for users who want a HON-COC system. o $CLOCCTS This file is the equivalent of $LOCCTS except that it is set up for use under CP-V BOO. o $CGENJOB1 This file is t...~e equivalent of $GENJOn 1 except that it is set up for use under CP-V BOO. o $CGENJOB2 This file is o $CDEF This file is the equivalent of $DEFJOn except that it is set up for use under equivalent of the $GENJOB2 and $GENJOB3 files except that it is set up for use under Cp-v BOP. cp-v o $NEWCOCJOB ~~e nO~. coo contains three versions of C0C in :COOBO. The one selected by SYSGEN depends on the PASS2 options specified. CP-V (MINICOC) selects MINICOC. (TP) selects TPCOC even if MINICOC is specified. Absence of both of the above selects COC. Since these versions are assembled based on different asseTI'tbly svlitches, $NEWCOCJOB is included in :COOBO to demonstrate how to assemble any or all of the three COC versions. o H:MODNUM This file contains the device/controller model number data. The data was cOMpiled from Field Enqineering and Marketinq information and should be complete; however, the file may be updated or modified using the SYSCON processor (see CP-V System Management Reference Manual, 90 16 74G). Page 30 of 84 707!')1)f)-11Cf)') Catalog No. o The DEVD~~P file is a stand-alone pronrar that will rraJ:e a device copy of any P]'.. D or pack on ~agnetic tape. It is loaded using the stand-alone loader I LOl.DDF.VDHP I from account Y.. It is descrihp.rl in the CP-V Operations Reference Manual, 90 16 75G. To obtain copies, use the follo~·li.n(! . commands: DEVD1''lP !PCL COpy LOADDE\1D~1P. X TO CP (BIN) C()py DEVDMP.: COOBO TO CP (RI!'-T) EnD 4.1.4 ..3.5J1SYS Ij t Account 3531SYS contains the following standard processors. The $CPYS7D file copies them from the 3531SYS account to the :COOSGEN account. PILE i'JAI-'1E PROCESSOR VF.~SrON :BLIB FORT FORT FORT F.f)O F.') 0 PORT Pf)O :POO FORT :P1 : P 11 FORT FORT EOO EOO EI)() J\PL APL APL n00 nf)O BASIC COBOL COl CODOL EASY EASY EOl AOO ERRNQ,TES FLAG FORT FORTLID P.PG A01 FLAG Ext. FORTRNl IV SYSTE~·! FORTLIR Df)O--- - HERGE !!FRGE !'ffiT1\.S Yi! r.no H01 :DIC :LIB :PO APLTRHSB BASlr. i P.()f) FOO Af) 1 . RPG I-ffiTASY r1.BOL RPG SORT SORT Ef)O 'rEXT TEXT SIHL 1400 S I ~1ULl\TOR A02 E00 BOO Page 4.1.5 31 of 84 Catalog No. 7070f)')-11COO COBLIB Account COBLIB contains the files which make up the COB0L 1 ibrary. 4.1.6 RPGLIB Account RPGLIB contains the files which make up the RPG library. 4 • 1• 7 SORTLIB Account SORTLIB contains the files which make up the S0RT library • 4. 1 • 8 CDBGLIB Account CDGBLIB contains the files which make up the DEBUG library. 4.1.9 canOL X Account X contains a set of utility programs which are not supported, but \vhich are used by development proqra~~inq and tend to be useful to CP-V installations. Hany new programs have been added to Account X since CP-V BOO. They include cac diagnostics and helpful Fortran lihrary routines. The account has grovln to over 2000 granules. The source for each program is included in compressed form so that improvements or modifications can be made by an installation. Some files in account X which are particulary useful are these: o JOBHNSTK This file should be B1\TCHed- after-a neE system is generated in order to reload those programs in account X which load Vlith MONSTK. o JOB This file can be BATCHed to compile and load all of the programs in account x. o HELP The file HELP descrihes each program in account X and contains information about the use of each program. o nOOK This program is descrihed in BOOKHFLP and provides access to the CP-V TS Users Guide from an on-line terminal. Page 32 of 84 Catalog No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.2 STARTER sysrrEHS Since several types of disJ: or RADs may be used as ~,e system swapping device, tvlO PO tapes are available of 'mini CP-v' s'."stems as 707000-86COO. Volume 1 of • 2 is a PO tape ~ PI'>" for a 7242 or 7271 swapper. Volume 2 of 2 ~s a pn tape for a 7275 s,.;apper. The INSN of both tapes is 'epeG' and the account is :COOSGEN. These PO tapes should be used only to perform the initial SYSGEN. Page 4.3 33 of 84 Catalog No. 707()f):)-11C()f)" -11 This document (707000-11COO) contains a description of the new features of CP-V COO, a list of SIDRs closed, SYSGEN procedures, release contents, etc. 4.4 -91 This document (707000-91COO) contains last minute CP-V COO manual updates and corrections. The manuals subject to these changes are listed in Section 1.4. 4.5 TEST TAPE A QUAe Test Tape (707000-76COO) contains the CP-V COO Test Case Library. Section 10 of this document descrihes the test procedures. The QUAe Test Tape is an FSl. .VE tape with an INSN=19AO and ACCQUNT=:SYS. 4.6 COHPR:SSED LIST lNG TAPE Compressed listing tapes (707000-56COO) which contain listings of all supported modules in CP-V. The listing tapes contain additional commentary and documentation in addition to the :COOSI updates." These tapes may he " uncornpressed and listed using the UTILIST utility proqram in account X. The tape INSNs are DOAO, aOA 1, 0()J\2 and there are 3 volumes in the set. The account is :SYS. Section 5. a, example 10' shows a standard UTILIST job. 4.7 VOL IN IT The DOD version of VOLINIT (706226-DOO) is a stand-alone program which initializes disk packs '(writes headers and does surface checking). A description is in the CP-VOperations Reference Hanual. Note: only the Doa version of VOLINIT may be used to prepare packs for CP-V. VOLliJIT is not released with CP-V but may be ordered hy the ~)ove catalog number. Page 4.8 34 of 84 Catalog No. -02 ELEHENT, UNPUBLIS.:ED TECHNICAL OOCUr--1F.~ITATIf')N Thi~ element contains the CP-V COO internal specifications uhich uere \vritten to describe the inpleP1entation of the CP-V COO features. This element is not part of the standard release package, but can be obtained hy special order for 707000-02COO. . The specifications in the -02 element are: DRA~'lIHG SYSTE~" TITLE NurmER TP Queue Manager TP TIC TP Ghost Basic 560 Conversion Boot Time Reconfiguration and Partitioning Real Time - Phase II File Man~gement Enhancements o OPEN/CLOSE Restructuring o Link Fixing Ghost (FIX) o Granule Cleaning o NS Tapes o Redundant File Directories o Shared Keyed Files Remote Assist Terminal Interrace 703232 703231 703279 703260 703240 703313 70326 11 703309 703286 703274 703272 703275 703222 Page 35 of 84 Catalog No. 5.0 SYSGEN CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 INTRODUCTION 7070f)f)-11COO This section describes SYSGEN processor changes as well as procedures to follow when doing a coo SYSGFN. Two "starter" PO tapes are available, one for a 7271 disk pack swappcr (for use with 7242, 7271, or other 6 sector per track disk pack devices); the other for a 7275 disk pack swapper. These "starter" PO tapes are supplied as starter systems to generate CP-V COO target systeMS. 5.2 PASS2 CHAHGES a A new command has been added to the list of co~mands that may be submitted as input to PJ\.SS? The new command is :IIANDLERS2. It does not require any options. Its function is to inform P~SS2 that a fixed group of handler names is to be placed in the new HAUDLERS2 record of SPEC :Hl\ND. These handlers are destined to be placed in UHOV, the unmap!led monitor overlay. If :HN~DLERS2 is not included as a PASS2 control command, all handlers are destined to be placed in the root of the monitor. o Another new record has been added to the SPEC:HAND file. This record has the key 'OVNAHES·. The contents of the record are names of monitor overlay~ that are to be removed from the H:MON LOCCT bv PASS3. PASS2 decides which ones go into this record the basis of information obtained from the :HO~1, :FRGD, and :Hk~DLERS2 control co~~ands. The optional overlays may be one or more of the follo\\Ting: on UMOV TQOV1 TQOV2 RTOV ENQOV ECBOV o The :MOl~ command may specify up to three target machines and memories in excess of 128K for either a SIGHA 9 or a XEROX 560. Appropriate fault handler, will be selected and other pertinent information will be generated accordina to the systems selected. New options on the :HON card are: (SIGfl), (SI(;9), (X560) I (BIG), (TP), (HINICOC). The t-1IUIC()C ann TP options also determine the typa of cac handler that will be selected. Page 36 of 84 707~Q9-11COf) Catalog No. a The :FRGD and :INTLB commands have a new set of options superceding the ones previously required. o Two new standard device types are recognized. are: These 110 Hessage mode communication equinment for TTl Me The remote assist terminal (maintenance console specific to and required for the XF.POX 560) o A new RAD, 3214, and a ne\'l pack, 3275, are recoqni 7. ed as standard disk devices. o New options on the device card are: ( S~'ll\PCD ,N) • o The number of COCs is liMited to 8, and the output CDC interrupt must be one greater than the input interrupt in an in/out pair. o T:le TP feature has heen added to the list of feature;. previously recognized by the :PAUTH corrrnand. o The !PASS2 command no longer requires that a monitor type be specified. o \-.Jhen PASS2 is finished, o The :IHC command has one additional option for TP - (DD), (CC), it will print out the nUITl}v:r of errors, if any, that were encoun tered as \-lell as appropriate warnings. PvlP. o The :COC command has one additional option- BCD. o :SPROCS defaul t list is smaller. The !'-10SP}\CE option has been deleted. Refer to the Systen Hanager.cnt section of the -91 (707000-91C00) for the :SP~OCS default list. Note all new options are described in detail in rlanagernent Reference !"ianual. 5.3 t~c Syster PASS3 CHANGES o PASS) will link to a loader, other than the one in :SYS, if the user pre-ass igns the F: LOl\Dr.R DCB to the des ired loader Ll-1N file \vith an ! ASSIGN or a Sr.'l' comr.~and • Page a 5.4 Catalog No. 37 of 84 7070')O-11COO· For the M:MON load, PASS3 will check the SPEC:HAND file to determine which handlers go into the HA.NDLF'!<.S file, and which handlers, if any, go into the EANDLERS2 file. Also, it obtains the nane of each q:>tional overlay from t..he OVtlAMES record in SPEC :H~.ND and renoves it from the· H:HON LOCCT along with t!1e associated ROM names. Thus, the loader '\vill not attempt to load these overlays. B: HON LOCCT CHA...~GES Begin~L~g with CP-V COO, the monitor is structured as an overlaid load module \vi th the mont tor root and all possi~) Ie moni tor overlays being specif ied in the M:liON LOCCT input. PASS3 will remove from the output LOCCT file overlay ann ROH names not needed for a particular SYSGEN. (See example 9•) 5.5 HOH TO SYSGEn CP-v coo Step 1 Boot starter PO tape, keying-in "IPFT" upon request. Note: XDELTA should he omitted while generating the target system. (See Example 1.) Ste? 2 LOGON under :SYS,LBE and use SUPER to modify the :SYS account for ITaximum privile~e and core, plus tapes. Create the :COOSGF.N account. The SYSGEN will he performed in this account. Account authorization should include tapes, core, RAD, and disk. (See exaITlple 2.) Step 3 Using PRES (see example 3), restore accounts :COOBO and 3531SYS from the release tapes to secondary storage; these accounts contain all of the files necessary to perform the target SYSGEN. STEP q Logon under the :COOSGEN account and copy the following files from the :COOBO account: $PASS2 $GENJOB 1 $GENJOB2 $GENJOB3 $DEFJOB $LOCCTS (Example (Exarnp Ie (Example (Example (Example (Example 4) 5) 6) 6) 7) 9) !1aintain these files in the :CnOSGEN account for inclusion on the target PO tape. l"'hen t~e· target PO tape is booted, these files will then be available in the :SYS account for futur0. reference and/or future modification. 38 of 84 Catalog No. ***spr;CIAL HOTE*** Line 60. of ~G~NJOB~ has an error - !STEP EO,O should be altered to !STEP LQ,O hefore proceeding, (OR to ZERO). Step 5 BATCH the file $LOCCTS. This job -vlill create LOCCTs for the PASS3 loads. T~e job s~ould terminate normally. Step 6 tDrT the $PASS2 file to fit tl)c hard\'lAre configuration and the desired installation management parameters. The $prSS2 file supplied '\vith the release tape duplicates one of the PASS2s used for testinq in El Sequndo; the $P2MINI file (included in t~e :COOB0 account on the release tape) may be usp-d as an example of a PASS2 used to qenerate a st.arter system. step 7 BATCH the rDTTed $PASS2 file and verify the results. Step 8 BATCH the $GF.NJOB1 file; this job will Bl\TCIT the $GENJOB2 file '\'/hich vlill, in turn, Rl\TCH the $GENJOB3 file, so make sure that they exi~t under those names in the :COOSGEU account. Step 9 Cjeck all output from ~GE!IJOB 1 , ~GF.NJOB2 I' and $CENJOB3. rl'~ese jobs s:l.ould run th only t:1C follo~ving messaqes: ,..,i o PASS3 of !l: r.!ON gives a severity level 4 message. o PASS3 of FILLA gives a severity level 4 message. o PASS 3 a P~.sS3 of ~·1:HON for a dis}: pack has a PRFF for XFFFEOO. of ANLZ has il J :ote: The proccs sor LOCCTS PREF for in the ~SHAP~DE'''. svrap~)cr ~L()CCTS are commented as: • R~'()n I 'Step 4 Identical to section 5.5 except substitute the file $GEN!'-1INI1 (example 8) for $GF'NJOB 1. The differences betHeen these t"TO files have to do ~ainly with substituting special LO]\DE~_s for small core systems. Steps 5-7 Identical to Section 5.5. Steps 8-12 Identical to Section 5.5 except substitute $GEN!1INI1 for references to the file ~GF.NJOB 1 • rIOH TO DO A SYSGEN WITH NO Steps 1--1 Step 4 coe The same as section 5.5 vlith the following exceptions if booting a starter PO tape on a machine with no cac: o Add a reconfiquration card to partition out the CDC (i. c. , . : REHOvr: l\() 5) .. o Run SUPER as a batch joh. The same as section 5.5 except substitute $P2UNCOC for $PASS2. 'EDIT the $LOCCT file as follows: a Delete these lines from the EF list (COCO, : coo 80) ,; (1'1: coe) o ,; Add this line to the FoF list (THr:UNCOC I o : COOBO) , ; Delete these names from the ~-1oni tor TRE~ COCDt·1:COC- o ~dd this line to the !1oni tor TPEE (in the data area, e.g., after the line which contained COCO) THBlJNCOC- ; note: THEUNCOC contains ::> ECT3 buffers. If more ECB huffers arc required, 'fIll :UNCOC must be reassembled \'Ii th • NUr1I3UF EOU n' (where n is the number of buffers) replacing th0 NUHIJUF definition in the SI-for 'l'IIEUNCOC. - Page 41 of 84 707000-11 COO Catalog No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steps 5-12 The same as Section 5.5 except substitute SP2L::COC for references to $PJ..SS2. The $P2u~COC file has been edited to delete all references to cae and ONLINE pararieters. Note: T"DIT may be run as a GHnST from the f)C ~~en the system has no COCa Consult t~e cP-v TS Reference Hanual (90 09 07F-1) for EDIT co~mands. 5.8 HOt'l TO DO A SYSGEN FOR CP-V COO llJDER CP-V BOO Following are the steps required to do a SYSGFH for CP-V COO while running under CP-V BOO. Step 1 Using BOO FRES, restore accounts :COOBO and 3531SYS from the release tapes to secondary storage. These accounts contain all of the files necessary to perform the target SYSr;r1!. Step 2 Create the :COOSGEN account as Example 2. Step 3 Logon under the :COOSGEH account and copy follovling files from the :COOBO account: defin~d in t~e $PASS2 $CLOCCTS $CGENJOB1 $CGENJOB2 $CDEF All these files except $CDEF may be deleted from :COOSGEN prior to DEFing the PO tape. Step 4 BATCH the file $CLOCCTS. This job will create LOCCTs for the PASS3 loads. This job should terminate normally: hOHever, there is no printout of the monitor LOCCT. Step 5 EDIT the $PASS2 file to fit the hardvlare configuration and desired installation management parameters for the target sy~tem. Clange the ! PASS2 command to the follo\vinq commands: !RON (LHN,COOPASS2,:COOBO) !DATA PASS2 Step 6 BATCH the EDITed $PASS2 file and verify the . results. Step 6A Edit the. ! LINIT reco!:d of file CGENJOB2, for the the PASS3 on RECO\:"ER, froi:l. a ; LaliT ~t· .. exil£ 24 to CORE~32. . . ~., .. ; .. +1.;'- ,....:.. 8 e .' -.led 'Q.~.... 'sehe oe . sot' .~if!l: ,."AI,~,·".~V~'t·. ,t, .1. .:L\ ',D'~ ..·k,·, . D~·!'·. :;'l, ., "'~""" ,I!"·,.,,,oi,lj'.·.,!!r.~!~,.!' nandle paged load modules other than the EOnitor. taO~\lle l,:rhich includes "II , ., I, ..1 Page l~ 2 of 34 Ste~s Catalog No. 7-1' 707000-11C'10 The same as Steps 8-12 in Section 5.5 except substi tute $CGEtlJOB 1 and $CGEI'lJOB2 for $G:~1lJOn 1 and $GENJOB2 respectively ($CGENJnn2 incorporates hath $GENJOB2 and ~GENJ0n1). hIso"substitute $CDEF for references to $DEFJOB. Note: Prior to running ~CDEr, delete ~CLOCCTS, $CGENJOB 1, SCGF.NJOB ~ and copy the con files $LOCCTS, $GENJOB 1, $GEH\.TOB 2, $GENJOB3, and $DEFJOB into :COOSrF.H for inclusion on the PO tapes to facili~ate later SYSGENs under COO. Also, re-edit the altered SPASS2 file control cards {see Ste;J 5) hack to !Pl'·SS7 before DEFinq thp- PO tape. Page 43 of 84 Catalog No. 7070()O-11COn Example 1 - Booting the Starter PO tape for a 7271 Disk Pack Swapper* (Volume 1 of 7070nO-86COO) 1. Use the following patches to boot on 7242 pack /DISCLIMS+1/.5DCO/ RECOVER// s~apper: Size of 7242 * 2. Add Boot Time Reconfiguration cards to the heqinninn of the patch deck if necessary, e.g., : SAVE :TYPE 9T7322,B80 :TYPE ME7611,A10 :TYPE DP7271,C80 :REMOVE ACO :END (to change tape address) (to change cac address) (Note: when changinq the dis}: pack address, the DPmodcl re~ains 7271 even if pack is 7242.} (to partition out device) 3. Key in "IPFT" upon request (add "C" if you have patches or reconfiguration cards). 4. Key in DATE ruid TI r-m. 5. Change address of swapper, card reader, and printer if needed. Note: If addresses are changed here, he sure to add the proper reconfiguration cards as well. C/LL/DC CRA03 = LPA02 = DPAEO = 6. * ASSIGN OK (YES/NO) NO CFnnn LPnnn DPnnn System will now boot normally. For 7275 Starter PO tape (Volume 2 of 707000-86C00) follow the sane instructions except substitute 7275 for references to 7271. 44 of 84 Catalog No. Starter System Devices Name Address 7Y LP A01 A02 A03 A80 CR 9T DT DP DP :m ACe AEO AEO AOS Hodel 7012 7445 7140 7322 3345 (X560 7271 7275 7611 ns Tape) 7070nO-11COO 45 of 84 . Catalog No. Example 2 - SUPER setup for SYSGEN Log on 'to :SYS,LBE !SUPER :SYS,LBE --B$PR = CO; O$PR = CO --OMCO 64; BMCO 64 --BM9T = 1; OM9T = 1 --BMPDISC = 32000: OMPDISK = 32000 . --BMTS~ORE = 32000; OMTSTORE = 32000 --BMPS~RE = 32000; OMPSTOP~ = 32000 -H = -- @ -c = :COOSGEN,CPV = 80: O$PR = 80 --BHca = 64; OMCO = 64 --BM9T = 1; OM9T = 1 --BMPDISC = 32000; OMPDISC = 32000 --BMTSTORE = 32000; OHTSTORE = 32000 --BHTI!iE = 999; OHTIME = 999 --BHLO = 9999; OMLO = 9999 ~ --B$PR --E lOFF 707000-11COO Page 46 Qf 84 Catalog No. Example 3 - !JOB PRES setup for SYSGEN :SYS,LBE,7 !LIMIT (9T,1),(CORE,50) !FRES +VOL aOBO +SELECT :COOBO 3531SYS +EUD 707()f)')-11CO') 707000-11Cf)() 47 of 84 .. w ... -. ; r c..----I:_ ~ ~r~:T (TIM~J~)J(C?~~/32) to 55: G\. ~: E ~} (F 1LE ,": >Je";\0:V J : COQ!jb) I ( IN) ~ ~SS~ 7 .'..... ',;~! .J '~-~~~ , 9 , C. '.J t~ lC-G0C ::~vrCi : C.-.! /l ".. :C~vICE 1 1 t C 1_" 0 : 2 • C: -' '..,- : Cro! ,. \ ::: E: \j : eEL P A (1 F I (l'" e c ,,~ ... - • .. • : -;'~. ~LE~S2 :C1'1;o.\ f' -. .- • 1,... _.' '-' TVAS11(~e~/7C12'7C12) LPA02/(~tiC/74~~J7~45) J 7 4 .. 5 I 7 4 ~ 5 ) :C~,A' :.f:-(;()C :C~v!CE :7·'::'~C :C~A\; :8-C0t :G~vICE CPAC4~{~6DJ716CJ7160) M8AuA~(~eCJ~~~F,~~F~)J (le),(~ANU/V2IBfV2CW)/(CLIST616) 1 ~ • (. I) C : C ~ Po \ . . .. .. 2G.GC0 :CEvICE reAl~~(reC/~~~F/FFFF)1 (IB),(HANUJV2r~~ViCU)/(CLISTI16) 21.C(I(' ;Crip\ c.e .C(;:~ :S~V!(E RBA16, (Mec,::-F~FI;:-TF~), (HALF) ; :3 • C"J 0 : C~ A'\ ~ ~ • l ) .: ~~'CJC ~.(G~ 7-COO C8-L~0 cS • C('.: : C E: V IcE :CEVrC[ :CEvI(~ :G~~ICE ;CE~ICE : CE V : C E : C"'tA:~ I (11-\8T) e 9 T A'"; 0 J (I"". C J 7:3 22 J 7321 ) 9TAkl}(MBDJ732~/7321) 9TA~21(~BCJ7323J7321) 9rA83/(~BD,7323/7321) 9TA8~J(~RC,7323'7321) 9 T A ~ 5 # (~. 5 r~ I } ~ 2 3' 7321 ) 3C • C'.JC 31-(00 :CEvICE 32 • GIJ0 : C!-iAN 33·CuC 3 4 'C0: :CE~[CE :CEVIC~ DC8FO~(MBCI~J7212/7211)I(PSAI~O) CCB~1/(~eDIJI721217211),(PSAI40) ~5.(~C 36·cac :Crl,A\. :cE~ICE CCC~o,(MBCJ~/7232,7231)I(PERI20G' 3l·COO :CEvICE CCCV!, (h{:H)I[j17232,,7231)' (PFAI20Q) 3~.COC :CHA~ ~5'(>JC ;CEvICE '+c. ~C)O : CE\I ICE XPCuDI(~eCI12COJ1200)/(PAPERI3A/84) DPD~OJ (t--:eDJ:'172i.i.21721+0)/CPFA"C8) D~D~1/(~eD,2172~2,7240),(PFAJC8) 1 t cce· :CEvICE DPD~2/(~eC,J#72~2172~O)I(pRlv) C • C'j C ::'~\lrCf DFDb3" (t-'BCJ ~:' J 72"2,72'+0) I (PR 1 V) ":!'LjC :C.-.i,A\ .. "'. ('JC :l~vICE DFAt. 0' (/". ft C , :; 1 7 2 7 11 7 2 7 0 ) I ( P F A I 19 (J ) ,...::tCC::. :C~'vICE DPAt, 11 (M ec, J J 72.7 11 7270 ) , ( P F A I 19l1) .. 6 t CJ'_ ;GE~rc.t CPA t, 2 J (~e c" ~) , 727 11 7270 ), ( J.- FA' 19 V ) .. 7 - Ci_iC :LE\lICl [) p At 3 J (~e c I ~; I 7 2 I l' 7 27 0 ) I ( P FA, 1 9 U ) ~ 4. 48,-luC :C~\I!CE CPAF41(~eCI:1727117~70),(PFAI19u) ... S·C): :~E"tC[ [) PAt. j., (~tH; 1 ~ J 7 '2 ::( 'lU'''': ;::;t.-vICE CPA t' b J :: 1 • \.>,-' .~. ::~vIC[ C • C. ~, :. :Ct\tIcE ;~~\lICE [:PAf-.7 1 (t'-' tt C I / 11 7? 7 0 ) 1 ( P r: A I 19 U ) 7 2 7 1 , 7 2. 70 ) , ( P F A,I 1 9lJ ) (MeCJ::;,72.1117270)I (PFAI19u) :; J CPAFO,(~Hr':;J7271,7270)'(PFA'19U) DP Ar; 11 (7"\fjC J .~ J 7271,1 7 C 70) I (pr: AI 19u) :example 4. I (RBS) 707000-11CO() 48 of 84 , (~UO •~-.. ~: 6 C'(~:Q e (.. l':') ~7'LCU ~~'l'JU bS- COO " r "";" \ . - . ': :'.c.. IJ ICE :~D~\I : :.? c3'l,00 C""C"'JO i,. :; • (_~ C 0 tce('GO t: 7 "LGC ~~elCO t::S·C00 JCeL(:O 71 elf)!) 7c. t (.CO 73·CuO 74.G0C 7~'CCO t. A 1 C, ( ~/ d D, ~ t. 7 6 1 1 , 7 6 11 ) All. (..., ~;) I 7 h 11 , 71: 11 ) .1 of!. \; " ~~:~vICE tC· (.:;uO bC'C~)O V : .~ t .. ! CE ES (I~'C~AC3)I(eUT/LpAOF)/(5~T/LPA02)J(B~TICPA04)/~ (MX~T~~'7)J(eUT/XPCOD) «(2IC;~), (C3IC~), (L2,LP), (L3JLr), (L,+,LP> .. (LoILP)"J (L6'LP). (L7.1LP)" (LJ~ILP)' (L 9,XP), (~2"CI-')' (P:3 / (P) ( ~ E S,C ~ ) I ( C S lY-1 J 98 ) I ( 8 M A X J 6 '+ ) I ( d D( .. J 3 2 ) .I ; (jSU~'25)' COrv.AXJ25)" (bDE~125)'~ (REs,9r)I(TOT'6)I(6SU MI6) .. (BMAX J t)I(8DEFlv)11 ( es Ui'" I c, :: ~\, ( 6 ) .I ( f:t t-1 A X I 6 ) I ( B [) E F ; 0 ) I ( GS l) ~-1, 4 ) I ( Gi"'. A X J 4 ) , ( GDEF I 2 ) S I l:: 6 ) I ( 1 ~ F ILL iI 1 20 , J ( S UT F 1 L t. , 1 =; C ) J ( CtF~ t. .. 1 C8 ) , i (~L~~lJ30), (~P8~L,25),{C~BBL,d),«(FU)7C)J(TP),; ( ':1 F\ J J 7 .. ) I ( (A~SCET> :~ t.,....;Tr-.· (El~)J >' P P. TC~.. (JE), 7:5 0 ) I (~ e"9:19'9~g9) I i t LJ6, ~99 .. 99S19' I (TS TGRt:.J 61.+,1000) J (PSTtjkt./6~11 aeo) I ; '~F5bL"6J 1~}, (TC'ISk.lCOC/l000)' (PUISKI1CO.llOOCl :~Ll~IT (TIMtJ9999/g999)'(Le,9999,~399) .. (PbI99~919~99)/{De'~99 ~#99~9)#1 (UeJ999919g3~)I(TST8K~164'10GO),(PSi~REJt4'1000)li {FPtfLI6Jl~)J (rrrSK,2UCll000)/(PUISK 1 1CQ,lOOO) 76-000 :SLIMIT {TI~1~'999915999)/(Le,999YI~999J/(PB'9999'9999)'(DaI39 9~/99J3;,; 77'C0J: (Ue,S9~gJ3199),(TSTB~EI~2767'3276/) .. (PSTb~E'32767"3276 7}li 7~.GOU (FFAeL/616)I{TDISKJ32767,327b7),(PDI~:l 0 : r v. ~A A X :j I 1 S ) J (I'" A X B L I ~ 8 ) , ( MA X b " 8 , I ( CL b C K , 2 '+ 0 ) I c. ~Z~LJO ~3'COG t:""lUO 6 r: • (»0 ~f::'C'jU ~ 7 • V 1)0 ( ( U ~ ti L 5 C K I 1 1+ ) , i (~LA~TA,30~)1 (MI~~UAN,20),(P~~,2~),; {5PRle~FE)/(dP~I~,FE),(GpRIB,F~)IJ (CeC~U~'20)/(PIIO)'i (T~~[S~8L~,5CO)/(L8GT,35)I(lNTIll2C)/{b~CKuPALL',; : (~~SI1E/25)I(RAT~'5000) :;;:.;1 {U~LtjC!.(.)1 (SwAP) .. (~l.;A:-·.;J50C)" (~TIOJ6)' i ( CtIC' 6l+ ) , ( T I ME, 0 199:; ) , ( p ART, 16 ) ~ ~ • c. (J 0 ~ S • Ctli) : ~ p,"\ h CS< TE. .x T ) I ( AP L I 6 ) I (E A 5 Y , T ) I (~L.. A G I '+ ) , ( A jW I 6 ) I ( I DP , 6 ) I J e. 9 .:; (.\0 (EDIT)I(PCL),(METASVM'2)/(FjRT/3)1(~ATCh) .. (BASIC)'J (PbSP~CE/6)I(PSPACE/2'b4)'(:P2/P}/(:P3/P) 5 C • (, \,.) (J 51 "V(.I(J 3c'C~jJ . 93' CI.IO :7 .. • G~':O 9~·cuO '~c 'evo :CbC (DE~I(E,A1C),{LI~~SI64),(~UFF~~S/12C)/l~I~~'32}/(SS),tSA).; (E5) .. (~A), (E:.CH,2C>,. (2741'~9·511~6·60)/J t~ATlS}3J'3Ie·l1J13115W~7}52-55/61·b~)/; (ryp[;~13Jf-l1/13J15·47152·5~/61·63)IJ (~A~CAIREJ(·15)1; S7·CC'U SF-;'0vU tetC) I ([)~,VICf:.'Al1), (II\i.62>, (HUTI63)1 (LI1\t. S ,2l+), J , t~ L: ~ F- E. I"( S I 6 ~ ) J (R I N l;" 3 2 ) I ; 99'~OO '~~TtS/l?O"l) ll,l'~>JQ 1 (,1 ' ~u U l(_c'l()O 1 L:: • C ,_. 0 • J I (TYP~IC,l),; (hJ.~L-t\lh't.'l : ~ ;..: L; ~ : ! \ TL f~ ( ~ t:.. ) S r:; ~ J 1 ~ '" 1 0 J C () ) , ( ~ ( i.( 4 J 6 ~ I 8 't ) I ( H:' I b 5 , I " T, 9 ) , ( DY N RE ~ CF I 1 0' 5 ) 8~ ), (f.( 6 I 66 , 86 ) J ( P 11 1 0 () 1 J 9 1 ) , ( p 2., 1 C02 I 9 2 ) 49 of 84 • ., ~ 2.":::; • . ., ., .. • • . .. J,,3 l,.!r-'IT 'TrME~30'1 (L?,9999)I(ceRE',64)1 (BROER) ...,¥-.) M:MBNJfJ1JMB~STK/JITOJ:JC s.eea $CP¥STD.:cnOSB CepY~TD bt-;C:l ~e?y .. . . .. ~ 3. "","" ,.., PCL. ... GO~ )ELETE • ., • •.. ".,.':'" - ._'""....; 7070f)f)-11COfJ 7.:C) E~D 9.CC:> :M:~tjN a.cOo ., ... •~c: ~f'\ ,j. ...,; • ~""''"' _ "" ...1 12 .cc) - ..., . , j , _-'..J ~ ..... :tJliO ASS1GN M:EII (FILEI~:MeN) ASSiGN M:Ee .. tFILE" IJ1) CEF :-3H ASSIGN M:EI, (FILE,M:M6N) 16 ',-,""J 17 • ,... "'" ,...f", .... DE,,-~eM ....... ~SSlGN 19.COO DEFLBM ....."j ...., . lB..cOo ,...,... ..... 2C .~"' ... 21 teC) O~ PAS'=:)3 l"'tCC:; lC::; ':'0:; .J T6 ftLIB.:SYS,SSSR8M,:COOS tt tlVER :BI.1B ~SSIGN i1:Ee.l CrILE,M8NSTK) M:EI.{VILE"JyTO) ASS1GN M:E81(FiLEI!~O) ~SSIGN M:E!,(FILE,MsMeN)I(INftUT) Sy~c.eN 22.cOJ ~UIlJ 23.cO:; E~D (LIB) STEP £),0 t3AT~H sGE.t\iJ9B2 Example 5. $GENJOB1 70 70 ') 0 --1 1 C () f) 50 of 84 r • '_ ~ ~ J I r'" I T ( T ! :v E,l ::: ) I (l b k c. I 2 ~ ) I. ( L 5 J 9 9 :1 9 ) ~ASS3 :ALL~CAT : ANL-l 8 • :.,. i_ ~ ~ SS3 :' S. i:uJ 1 C 0 C U,) 1 1 ..... :_') ; CS{\ TRSL : CR SP . : c: ~;;.( : F I L : c • '- ,; -: 1 ::: • c ,~: ) 1 .... '_ ':. ,. '" 'W f1 ~ L r ~. I T ;.~ A ~ S 3 GE r-.. ~ C 1 :; • '~ '; I) lc'(J)C :t.LLA 17-(,u(; !~I,-L : : ~ • ,~ ~..':-I -., ~ ~ lS'~0C LI~IT c.C ":CG ?l':'C:.) c. 2 • '"" ''; J ~ ~~ • (J:':~ :VILLA :~ Ix ( T I ;v t:.. 1 c; ) , (c to RE.I 2 4 ) , ( Le, 9 9 9 ~ ) (TIM~'l~),(C~RE'i4)J(LB'999~' FASS3 : ~- q £- S ;FSp.JL ..;'30 I- L'~ TT ~ASS~ 2S'!~C'C 3C' • ~ \..HJ :r::ntSTl ..J~J :; LI/\lT '3 1 • 'j C C r; ASS 3 3c' el'S : eCPGl-sT :3 3 • r ,j fJ to.. ':t ~ 3 .. • ~.-:. ~) ~ L. I r--' I T ( T I ~ EJ 1 C ) , :3:=: • ~>~\(J ~ ASS :; 3 6 • C 0 C, : ~ 3 cAT 37·C{}O J~t, 3~'~OO LIMIT 39' (,cr FASS3 ",c,cPv '~ ,~: (. L; 1• I.t C • '- -, ':J ... 3 t ",'.J':: ... '+ • (_ '.' (., .. :: • : .) (., ~~'~GO 47·;~(~l; ... 8 • :'~'.~ 2 4 ), (L B J 9999 ) (TI~E/lC),((eREJ24)I(Le'999~) !~ECBVt:f~ ... ~ ~ L It, I T ( T I t~: [, 10 ) J ( Ce R E.I 2 Lq 1 ( L ~ J 99 g ~ ) ~ASS3 : ~ 1\ \ R u t. ~ t' ~ lI~IT ~ASS3 (TIME 1C)/(ceRE I 24)/CLBJ9999) ' : ~ V G H f; S T L;S'I...~·C :S~tI1 :: I:' • 0 ; STAT S ~. ~;~ ~ :I ~ I T i_ (_- (c eRE I ~~ ~ ( T I E J 1 C ) I (C RE.I 2 Lt ), ( ~ L e , 99 9 ) r;xamplc 6. ~Gr.HJOB2 51 of 84 PASS3 :SYSCfi'\ ::-C·C00 ::7.C00 ""oe: LI~lT (TIME/1C),(ceRE/24),(Le/9999) ~ASS~ 5~·l...fJO ;xDELTA 55·[00 E~D 6(-(,,00 STl:,.P EG,S 61' COO tATC"" ;r.GEN~923 70700r)-11C1f) 70701')O-11COO 52 of 84 1 • (~ ( ,.:) C"C,\..-Q Livr-:'" :: :: '"'(; FA:::S3 · ·· 1 r r ,. t ~,-- .... ........ { -; I {vi t.. , 1 G ) I eJ 99 9 9 ) ( C f~ ~ t. J C ~ ) I ( L ( CdR E J cit) J ( L f! I 9999 ) . ~ :..,. 7· G·)'] ~ .'- ;~U S-_.)J ll.··i~!·U .: ~ it \,.. '- 'j 1 C' \.. :,'0 , .,. 1" .... • r t'-" :t.~ - :: ... V ... ~ w'Co_ _ .~I 0 L r .'.1 IT 17'(.,U0 ~A~S3 1 f. It '-- l}("J(;C :L!'.><- 2:.: • '-: :)0 -. . s-.. (T 1 MElle 1 J ~I~I1 FASS'3 (TIMl/IC)I(C5~~/24}I(L~/9999) 2t,C8J LI~Il !TIME/10)I(C5R~/2~)~(L~1999g) 27· C ')0 PASS3 : ~A ;t.S rl',-~0 cc·ceo --' it:vC0 •~ ('0 c~ 2~ • j•..., 9 'v \.)(j .ena 2S·c..vQ ~~ ,.:, , c (~ 0 :SiJPEM" ; sy .... ~l'!";JU 3:: • r.,; (> a 3t"'-CC~J 37,CliU 32 • :~JJ 33 • C. L·a ~C• Ct t\. ~ - lI~I! :! 2 • : UrJ 33. 'JOU 34·(,..OC tV f:~ ~ : CE~ CeM :GR5U;;3C :S:·.:'V~L ,, T:. ... :...- (; ,) 0 LI -J !~ tCL~O ~A:;S3 ~c"~~_-,Q lo4~t((\0 4 Lo t \~ t •• J :i..A;:t.l : ~ j... ~ ~~ • l~ ::: -1 4 t: t i. ' ','; ..I' :~~CCT ~ S2 A ~ ~; j.::; ... J • l 'J lJ 4E·C,lU .~JJ ~ \.. • (. J {j (TIME,tO)I(Ce~('c4)I'LbI9999) FASS3 · . • ~ t- ." '3 ,T 1 M t. , 1 0 ) I ( Ce ~ E:. J ~ 4 ) I ( LeI 99 9 9 ) 53 of 84 707000-1'C')O :.:·c~u . :. ..... -':C,J ~ ::. -~ t: '_. (. ...; .~ r~; j ::7·(,00 !r;~~~~L ::~ ·C(;~) :1_IST:..,p- ::;'000 ~:~ 'C C CJ '- I' r ~ ;':ASS3 (T 1 V::' J : ,:; ) I ( Cr,; ~ E J 2 1+ , I ( Lf I 9" 9 9 ) :F"'(t.P~eAD 63'\..00 !G.P~E;; ~,-.:,~\j ::~t.v;,<~ ~~'GCC; :ST>'~"'L ~t: .'. . CJ :TF::;:';-L ~~ t:?t:,US ~ ::~'CGO lI~IT ~S.-:C.:; ASS I G~· ~: E I J ('F 1 L t } {' • (. 0 0 ~ 7:':\.~ ,-'3~~ LI~IT 7 C .:~ 0·) 7 2 ~ Cl':J 7 .... (..),) ~'- U\ ~ ~)('J I 1::. R RT l XT ) E .... ~ ......... ~ ) (CjKLJ?8),(TI~EJ~),(oKDER) Svrc5~ :L_ ~J\ 7f.. (L v~... tT~~ • (Tl~~11C)J(CtREJ10'J(U~J9999)J(eRUcR) ~E CAhD MLST H[FLECT TY~ ; I, T E0 F ReM T H t. M: M t1 f\ (~ ~ _\,~. 'L ... ·"A·~Ll) CAiA 77·~OO A~ALYLE 7~.(;()O ... ;';'ITE.. 9'v{tU SY~~f-: .... S I'-" .Mt1"-. :CCOSGEt\ SVSGt~ I~ T~E ACL8U~T ELSE ;SYS ACCBUNT. T~E 54 of 84 1-000 70700')-11c')n JB~ 2.000 LIMIT tTIMEle)J(C8~£132)1(9T,11/(~ROERl ASSIGN MIPe,(DEVICtI9T),{eUTSN,CP~G) 3.000 DEF cp,eaD 4.000 :INCLUDE (SY~b8LS,DtAGJDATADEF) ="-000 6-000 :INCLUDE (RT~RecS) 7.000 :INC~UDE (GEr~AINJLP:TP8Q,TIC,TlrU~es,TP:TPft,TPCMTPCD~S,TPl.SIM) 8.000 :WRliE 9-000 JaB 10-000 LI~lT (TIMEJ6'J(ce~FJ32'/(9Tll),(~RVER) ASSiGN M:peJcDEvICr,9T)I(eUTSN,CP~G) 11-000 12.000 DEF (P,COO 13.000 :l~CLUJE ,Sv~b8lSIDIAG,DATADEF) 14,000 :INCLUDE (RTPKSCS) 15-000 :I~CLUDE (GtT~AI'~,Lp:TPeQ,TIC,TlcU~BS,Tp!Tpe,TPC,TPcDMS,TPcSIM) 16-000 :WRITE Example 7. ~:DFFJOB 70700n-11('')O 55 of 84 l·CtJU 2-C:OO 2-81)0 .. -080 ."Jeb L 1:'"' I T (T! ~ E I 3 0 ) I FCL DELlTE C~PY 7-000 7-100 E~O FASS3 9'CGO :~:Me" CeR t. I 6 '+ ) , ASSIGN F:Lf:tA~~Ekl n:·:L~ILtJADLR, :SYS) 5-20U ~ASS3 lC·CUU Io :.,,;!TO ASS I G~,; r/: F. 1.# {1=" I LE:.I v ASSIGN ~:Ebl(FILEI:Jl) : ~ tj r-.. ) l"lti~CJU CE~ceM l\S~IGf\i ~:EII (FILEJ~':>Jj~') ::"\';~JO ~SSlG~ ~:~~,(FILEJv~~ST~) lc'UOO 1 7 • C~)O DEFce~~ 1 3 • C () J ASSIGN I"';El, CFILE:.JJITO) IV: EM, ( r= I L E. J : ..J c ) .. (,lJ0 ASS J G1': 1 S ~ (, iJO CEFce~ ~4'GOO 5T~P 1~ (e i"'< c: E R ) F:LeALE~I(~ILlJLDLeADRI:CCObj) :9 • 1 (;0 :l CGO lc"COO . { $CPYSTD.:CccB B TB DC :ELr8.:SYSJSSSRBM.:CoodB bVER :BLlb ~SSIG~ ~·COO L tIS 9 9 9 } .I M:Mb~/:Jl,~6~STKIJITGI:JO 5-liOO C~PYSTD ctCOO { c: ~ • (. COr. ATe,,", lL,( $ Gt f\h.J S ;. 2 r.xample 8. $GENPltlI1 56 of 84 7070()()-11CIJO • 1.000' JaB 2aOOO Lt~IT CTIME,?), (CBFFll0)1 (BRDER) 3.000 ASSIGN M:P8,(OEVlcr I N81 ,+.000 ~eC~T fLMNJM:Me~),j 5.000 cSIASIO)ICSLIF),(N6r(B),(MREFI15)" 6-000 7-000 cEF',J {PERM)6(A8~11(NeSYSLIB)I(MAP',(LD~P)~1 8.000 cM8N::eRG)JJ 9-QOO (T8pReer,:cnOBB)" 10-000 11e000 12-000 13.800 14,000 15.000 16"000 17.000 18.000 19.000 CO.OOO 21-000 22.000 PASS2 (SSD.AT~:COCRe)/J t M II6MSD)IJ (P~DATJ:COCRe)J; l CBCD, : C0088), J (TA8LES,:COOBB),; c TCATCHI:C008B)jJ (M:CBClJJ fM:SPRaCSl,. PASS2 PASSe: {M:P~GD}li PASS2 ( M I I Me ) PASS2 J I (SG:PNT).IJ (SGSRNi)I; PASS2 PASS2 (SG:~TY)IJ ~ASS2 fSG:RCT),; (SG:ePNM)IJ PASS2 000 26,000 27.000 (SG1BP):)IJ cSG:F'LG)IJ PASS2 PASS2 fSGh.. NT).fJ P.ASS2 28-000 (SGJDLNT)IJ PASS2 fM:ELIMIT),J f"'ASS2 23-000 ~.OOO 29 0 000 30.000 31-000 32-000 33.000 ~4.000 35-000 36.000 37.000 38.000 39'000 4+0.000 41-000 42-000 fo'ASS2 (REQOC, : corSe) ,'J ,MSCPU)11 PASSE' PASS2 cM,CeNF!G)JJ PASS~ (I8TABLE)'J tM:DCTM80)JI PASS2 PASS2 IM:SO£V,,; (CeMBATICCon6a)l~ PASS2 (M:PART)'J cHGPSTK,:ConBe)IJ c INITRCVR, :COOBe)IJ tGP~GP,:COOBe)/J IACC'fI:C0088);S 43.000 tHANDLt.RS),J (EPHNDLR,:cnOBB)ll '+'+-000 {CSEHA~D,:cnOBe)ll '+b.OOO CCSEBRANCH',J l+6.000 CF"BCD"JC008B)IJ 4-7.000 '+8'000 49,000 • • 000 ~.OOO tS(HDSUB,:coOBe)11 fRTPVSRJ:CooB6l/; (STEP,:COOP9),J (ECBELK,:Cr.nBB)/J ~2.000 (E(SP8ST,:coOBB)IJ PASS? tSr~ED,:COOBe)IJ Example 9. 707000-11 eno 57 of 2.4 .. It • • • .. 3-000 (c . . J ::::,000 ::6-000 ":;7·COO (C ... E·,,~J; . • . • .. • !c~)~e),: I t CcoBe) {AL Tep, :CQCBB) (;J/'"'J:Cc03B),; 61-000 ! T:'3vJ :C80?Bl,J ( Ie::l.t :C0(80) I J 62.000 (Et'-;TRY J ! CCC'lR6) 63-800 (9L:;;-J:C'JCp8)J~ ..- .... ",n" ...,""1.) J (CAL~R~CI:cnOBe)/J ~9.000 to-oOo I (~lv-J !C~C8e),; :.e.OOO 65.:;00 .. lEC~!NITJ:(OOBB)JJ _... coo 3;~~'J ,:l~s ! I j J J !::C::Jal,J . . as : CO~8a) I ; { AC).1 : C:J:Q~ l J; ~7,COO (C.e3FJ :COOBB)JJ t8,~OO (SY~SU?qJ:C~08B},' 69.000 7S.00Q 71·0CO ! !e=
" (ANALZ~3J:COOB8)11 163.:)00 16 ... 000 .S.JCO ; ...:6.~C() 167.0Co 168.000 169.:)00 CSL .. F ) I ~~AJS 1 6 0.000 TREE:. I ( T S~ t R0) J ( BR Er I 2C Q ) RESIDENT ~Il~ I j ~eN~TK J 1~9.000 lei.COo lt2·COo Me~STK rALLYHD,:CrnSB)li l~O.OOO 1~4.COO wITH RESIDENT ~eADS (MAP),(EFJj (MflNS 11<' ) ) AN AL Z • v 9 \ S 'T K ,. ( A N AL Z l' A ~~ ALl tJ 2 J A'4 AI Z 3 ) e e L'lATA :L5CLT LaCl.T A~LZ (L~NICf\TRfL),(BIAS/AOOO)I(SL'V)Ja (prq!~)J (A5Sll (N5SYSLYB)I(TSS,30cl.J rEFIJ L~ADS ~ITH (C~~~AI~I:(nOBe)" (ceNSU;:;', ;Cr(68) I i RESIDE~T Me~STK 60 of 84 1"000 1 7 10000 172.0GC) 173.000 (PART .. :C0089)IJ (ERRMSGE/:C~CBe)li (~8NSTK}) DATA 17Lt,~CO :L8cr...r 175.:)00 LoBel.T 176.aCO 1 7 7.:(;0 178tJOQ 17S.COO CBNTRBL (LM'4.1 QPSP) J l B I AS, Aooe), (Sl..l {PERM)J (A3~); {Nf:}SYSLIB),1 (M8\5TK)) lb2·~CO :l9Cc..T L9Ct.T DRSP (LM~llR~:FIL)/(BIAS,AOOO),(SL,F"tN8TCBlll (PERM), (A8~}1 (r-.;eSYSLl~),1 10".000 le5'JOo LijADS WITH RESyDENT M6NSrK (ErIJ (ERRFILJ:CrnS9)JJ lebe:;CO 1~7.JCo (JULIA\I::C~B9)J; 188.000 (MSDCTM9D)JJ 189-000 (MeNSTK») 190,000 DATA 191'JCO :L8Cl.T 192-000 Lect..T ERR:F'"!l 193-000 ,LMNIFILL),t8IASIAOOO)I(~~'f)'J (PE~M)J(ABSl/(~eSYSLIB)/s CEr,A 194"jCO 1.JCO 1 9 6.008 L8ADS 1'.37-J(;Q (FILLDCBJ:cnOBo)11 199-::>00 (JGLIANJ:C006B)/; 200.000 201.000 202-aOO DATA 2()3.000 :L.eCc..T RESIDENT Me~STK Le(~T t MAIL8xl:CnaBB)I# (MttNSTlt:») rIll (LMN,FILLA)J(BIAS,AOOO),(b~IF),J 205.000 CP[RM),tA8S\,(N8SYSLIB),i 206-0°0 (EFIJ ~~ADS ~IT~ RESIDENT MBN5T< tFILLA,,:COCB8)/J (BACKUPA/:cnOS6l,J 207·000 -208.000 209-aOo (PURGEAI:Cr~B9}1; 210.QUO 211·0CO ,F!LlDC3AJ!C008B)JJ ( J LJ L 1 A':, : C c () Be) I 212.~OO ; CMAIL8xI :CrnB5) II t M8\STK) 213·000 CATA 215.000 ;L6Cl.r L9CLr FILLA (Lr.~,~IX)J(A6S)J(NBSvSLtb)I(TSS,2~,,(PERM),(SLIF)~, 2l7.JeO t E ~ .I J 21~.JOO (FI x 1 .I L. ti ADS WIT h RES t DEN T MtHHi TK : COO E· 5 ) J ; 219,000 (RCVTA8/:C(n8~"j 2A-JOJ 2~. JOO (M8NSTK) 222.JOO Wlr~ (VIlLRBMI:cnOsB)/} ,BACKUp,:Cr.aB9)1; 'PL.;RGE,:COc3e)JJ 198.000 216-,:)00 MBNSTK (SVS~AKOI:(no88',' t;ATA 21l.+. J Co J (DRSPRe~J:CnCBe)IS l~l.:CO 20'+11000 r ) I C!\Jere8) I LbAOS WITh RESIDENT (EFIJ lbC'JCJ lb3.:;CO 707f)')O-11C0n 61 of 84 311000 L~CC.T 707')()r)-11r.O') !Lt>I\i,~;;ES)J r5IAS,AOOOil (bL .. t-), (N5TCBl, J (PER'.!}" (A6S~1 (~eSYSLIB)I; .. 22~'JOO ~ 225 ll CKEtNSTK») eCPGHST (LMt--J,PPS).J t8IAS,AOOO)' (SL,t-)1 2~~.OOO (E~'i 2~9"0CO ,PPS4:COcse"J (MeNSiK» 290.0°0 291.000 292-000 293-000 ~eACS wlT~ l...eC"-T ,LHN,PREPLeAD)'CBIAS,ACOO)/(SL'~)'J (EF,l (PREPL8AD,:COOB5),; 2 ' .000 3 .OCO 328.:100 WITH RESIDE~T CLMN,QPREP),(BIAS,AOOO),(tiL,F)IJ (PERM) I (ABS" (E~JJ LeADS WITH RESIDENT QPREP (LMN,QREMAK~'J(BIAS,AOOO)/{~Llf)lj (PER,"") .. CAbS', REQUIRED FtlR TP (NBSYSLlo),i !N8SYSLIB),; {ErIA (QREMAKE,:cnOa6)/J ~6ADS M8NSTK REQuIRED FeR TP wITH RESIDENT H6NSTK cM8NSTK» QRE~AKt ,LMNIR8BAT)I(BIAS,AOOO),(~L/F)JfNATCB)'J (P£~M11 (AB~'I (N8SYSLIB) .. ; (MA?);CEF'J ~BADS WITh RESIDENT (RB8AT~I:CcnBe)'l MBN5TK (M:SVMbL'J (M8NSTK)) DATA :LecLT L9Cl. T T~ MBNST~ CMBS,:COOBBl/J (GETuSfR#I:COOBB)'J (RSBATRJ:CrnBB)JJ 320-000 3. LtlAD5 pRE-PLBAD CMtlNSTK) LecLT ~eR (Me~STK» 303- J Oo : ~ecc.. r REQUIRED (PERM), (ABS\I (N8SYSL.IB),1 304_000 305.000 DATA 306-0°0 :L.eC(.,T L8Cl.T 307-000 3°8.000 3099000 310·000 311·000 312.000 DATA 321.000 322.000 323.0vO 324.0UO 3i5·000 MBNST~ PPS (QPREP1:CorBa',l ,- - 31"'.000 315.0Co 316.000 317.0°0 318.000 319.000 RESIDENT DATA :LaCL.T 294-000 295tO OO 296-0°0 297-000 298-000 DATA 299'000 :L.. scc.,'r 300.000 LeC(..T 3",000 3~.OOO ___ 313.000 REQUIRED F~R REAL-rIME. j (~ERM),(NfSYSLIB),(MAP)/; 2~7~OOO RB8AT CLMN,R(ceVFR),(BIAS,40CO)J(SL,F)IINRTCs),j (PE~M),(AB~,,(N8SYSLIB),S (MAP)ICEFIJ cR(VCTL,:CrnBB)li LeADS WITH RESIDENT M6NSTK 63 of 84 !CYC;S~I:CrnBe),; {KCViASJ:CCnB~)I; ?,JOO 3:3\":.000 j.jltOOO .. • CTST"GPA:CCOB8)IJ tSY~~I~SI!CnOBe"J (RCV~IAJ:CrnBB),J 332.000 333.000 334.000 335.000 336.000 3~7·000 CGRSU6.1:COC:R8)/J CM5·'\STK)JJ {RCV~E~J:Cnn88)I(I8TA8LEl) .. ., BE ADJACENT. REcevEp. 3 4 1,COC '3.;.2.cOG (RvG~e~,:CDnBB)/J L~CLi RESIDENT MON5TK ~'+3.000 (MeNSTK) ) DATA 3 4 5.000 :L9CLT 3'+6.000 L5Cl.T 3 4 7.000 3'+g.oOo RVG>45ST 3"9.000 (S~B~RS~I:CnOBe)IJ 3~O.oOo (L~NJSH8W), (8IAS"AQOO), (St., .. ); (NOrCB)4J (P£R~)J(NBsySLIB)'J ~eADS ,EV,l 3:;,1.000 DATA . 3t)2.000 :L8Cr...r 3.000 4.000 LeCc..T SHBw cLp~JJSTATS}, (BIAS,AQOO), (~L"F)'J (PER...,); CABS)I (NOSYSLIB),I LBADS WITH 3~b.OOC (E~,; 3:'6.000 (STATSR8M/:C0086)IJ 3:'8,000 • 3:)9.000 :LBCLT 3 6 0.000 LeCLT 361.000 3 6 3.000 364.000 365-000 366-000 DATA 367.000 :LeCCT 368.000 L,eCL.T 369-000 3 7 0-000 311.000 3"12.000 373.000 3"14'000 DA.TA 375,000 :LeCc..T 3 7 6,000 LBCLr 377.000 3~1.000 M~~STK {L~NJSYSCe~)/(BIASJAOOO)/{SL,FjA(NRTCB)Ji cP(q'-'\)J (ABE)I (N8SYSLlr3),~ (~AP)/tEFIJ LtlADS WITH REsrDENT M~NSTK OATA 362-000 ;"." ~ C • COO RESIDE~T (M~~STk') 3~7.000 • ~ . '~.:.'.:. 701000 _ 9,0 0 0 WITH REsyDENT MBNSTK· c MeNSTK) , IP It MU~T {LV"RVGHeST),(aIAS/AOOO)I(~L,F)ltNaTCB),J (p~~~}J'ABS)I(NeSYSLtB)/1 cMAPlJtEF'J ~tlADS WIT~ 3'+4,000 • • DATA 338 .. 000 :L9CLr 339_000 3Lf.O.QOo It 70701')O-11COO STArs (SYSCN J :COCR6),J (GET~IELDI:C008B)/J (M8~STK» SYSC5N REQUIRED FeR lL~~,TpG)I(RIAS/AOOO)/(SLIF)IJ :PER~), cABS}1 (Ml00)IJ (MAP)/(EF/J (TFG, ip LeADS WITH RESIDENT M8N6TK :~OOBtlIJ (TPG!R8M,:COOBo)/J CMANSTp<) rPG (L~N,XJELTA)/(SIASJEAOO)/(S~,F,,(NOTC8),; (p~~""')J (ABS)I (NBSYSLIB),J (MAP}I(EF/J ,XCLT/:COObO).JJ (SyvTA~J:Cl:nBe)/J (~e~STK.» L~ADS WlT~ RESIDENT M6NSTK 7070f)O-11Cf)O 64 of 84 3b.QOQ DATA 383.000 :LBC(,.T 384+-000 385-000 LeCLT 3 g b-OOO 3g7.000 388·000 392-000 393-000 LeAD!=) WITH ( : JO) ) DATA :~8Ct.,;T L.ect.T BATCH (LM~,CCI)J(BIAS,AOOO)'(~~/f)/(NeTr~}'J (PE~r)~!ABs),(N8SYSLI8)Jj 3~5.000 ( EF j J 396·000 397·000 (CCIRJ:COOAB)IJ cTELSC8 P E,:CQ08B)" LBADS wITH SJO (DE8UGR,:ccn6e),~ 399,000 tTREE~J:COORe)/; ~oo (LlSTJtCOO8B)JJ (LeADR,:CorAB)IJ .. ooo (Rl)\JR,:COO88),J (ASSGR,:COCR6)/J ,LIMR/:COOB8)Ii (LeGRT,:COCR5)" ~O3.()OO 1+040_000 405.000 406.000 (Je8RI:COQ8e)~1 ,+~ooo ~O~-oOo (bpNSTARFI:CoOaB)IJ (HEAD31,:C00B6)IJ 409-000 (CHARR8JT,~COO8e),s 410aOOO (SUBRI:COOP-S)'I ,CCITASLS,:COOSB)IJ (M:E80CBI:COQS6)11 CSGSRNT111 411.000 412·000 413.000 414.000 415-000 416-0°0 1+17-000 DATA ~18.COQ :L,aC~T 1+19.000 420.000 421"000 L.6Cl.T pAti~2 (SG:LNT)IJ pA~S2 (SGIPNT)IJ pA~S2 ( :JO) ) eey (LMN~OrF)'IBIASJAOOO"(S~;~)'J (PERM)#(ABS',(NeSYS~IB),(TSS/100)'J , E~ I i l+22.000 (DEFRe~,:Ccn6B),J 423-000 424+-000 425-000 DATA 426-000 II..BCCT 427.000 LaC~T 428.000 429.000 (DFDC3S,IConS8)Ij DEF 430-000 (DFC~~I 4:31.000 :JO (SATCH2ISConsB)IJ 401.00Q 4U2-000 ~- (A8S}1 (N8SYSLIB)J; (ER~MSGE/:CnoBB)/1 3~8·000 _. (PE:::(~;)A (6ATCH11:cr.nBB)I~ 394.000 -- (L~'J3A:CH)I(BIAS'AOOO)J(~L/F),tNATCB)'1 (EFJs 389~OOO 390.000 391-000 xD~L.TA (UTMB?~aTI:COOBel.) (LM~,DE~CeM',(BIAS,AOOO)/(S~,F)'(NBTCB),J (PERM' .. (ABS \, (NBSYSL I B) (E~'J : cooes) 1 i ) DATA 4+.,000 :L.eCL.T L.BC~T 4 ..... 000 DEFCBM ~3,+. ~)OO ( PER M ) J (A B S \ I (L~NJDELTA),(BIASI1COOO)I(S~,F)J(~BTCB),J ( NBS YS LIB , I ; GS of C E~ J 5.0Co 436.0CO It ( : ...; 0 ) ) III ,,38.000 DATA It ~39,OOO :~6Cc..T II 440.000 Lec.LT III ':~41(tCO~ DE~iA • 4'+2·CCO ( E~ I 443.000 444.000 COELUTL,ICOoB6)) • • . .. • • DEL,.U1L CLv.\l,EDIT)1 (BIAS/ACOO)" 447.00C {p~~~),(A3S}/(NBSYSL!B)/; ~E;-'J '+"'9~OOC (E~ITReMI:cnOBe);J 4:;0.000 CM:EIDCS,:coOBB)JJ (M:EBDCBI:coOSB)J; 4~3.000 DATA eo 1+54-.000 :LBCCT • • '+~5.00o '+':l6~OOO • 407.000 LaceT 464.000 465.000 466.000 467,000 .. • {ELLAOSPJ:cnOS8}IJ ( : JO ) ) iREt: ~eCL.T ~68,OOC ~!" . ELLA. (L~NIERRMW~)/(BIASIAOOO)I(~~~F)J(N8TC~)'i ,PER~) .. {ABS)I (N8S YSLIB),' ( : JO) ) DATA ct72.00C :Le-CLr 47 3-000 Lect.r 47l+,OOo 47 5_000 ERRMp,lR (LM~JGAC',CRIAS,AOCO)I(SL/F)/(NBTrB)JJ (PER~)J{ABS,,(NaSYSLIB),; 47 6.000 {~~AP)J'EFJJ (GAc~eMJ:CGnBe)/; 4+77.000 t 478.000 DATA J+ 7 9.00Q :\..8c(..r 400_000 Le(L.T 4+~2.00~ DATA 4~3_000 :LAC~T L8C~T ~ 4t .0 Co .~~.ooo 4~7.00Cl GA( (lM~/GENMD)I(PERH)/(ABs)/(NaTCB,,(~BSYsLtB"1 ( GEN"1 DA I : coo Be) J fSSS;(B~J,CrOB8)' DATA ) , ( sL I r) GEN~D (L~~/GRBUP3n'J(PERM,L18)/(~~IF)IJ ( E~ I .. 86-000 LeADS wITH :JO :~O,) ( t. ~ I ,+81.000 ._i-l L8ADS wITH :JO (t):'l C[~R~WR8M/:COOB8)IJ 4070.000 ~71.000 ELLARenT~:Jo~(ElLACSLIELLATMDIELLASUM'ELLADSP) DATA lLact.r • . lt69.000 • .- LeADS WITH :JO (E~LATMDI:cnOBe)IJ (ELLASU~J:(nOBe)IJ 462.0°0 • (L~NJELLA),(PERM)I(SL/F'J(MAP)/J (E~/J 9'000 0.000 &+61.000 463.000 EDti (E_LARseT,:COO88)/J CELLACSLI!COOS8)/J 458-000 • • )IJ ':JOl) • . cSL,r LeADS WITH :JO 4l+8.C()c 4-t:>2'tOOO FfjR ~ DATA 4J.l.5.00c H.. eCLT L8(I...T 4 4 6_000 "':'1.00: RFQUIRED (LMN,DELUTL\/(BIAS,AOOO)I(~~,F"J (PER~)" (ABS}I (N8S Y SlIS),S • • ." LeAD:; WITH :JO J (C ... T~/:coOpe)'J ~37tOCC ; 7070')O-1'COO 8~ TP 66 of 84 ~ 707000-11C()() 4 ' t 000. I Lee T GReUP30 't901l000 (PER~),(ABS)8(NeSYSLIB),; 4+91.000 492.000 ( MA P ) , ( EF , J cr-H c e NF I G) 6 J ,+93.000 (J!TI :COOBB) i+~9 .. 000 L8CLT DATA 495'000 :t.. 8Ct..T 496.000 l.Bct...r 497.000 (LM~JJ!TO)I(BIAS/8COO)I(~~/~ )/(NBTCB)IJ 494'000 (LMNJLABEL)~(SLIF),(N6TC~),(BIAS'AOOO)ltPERM),J cEFJj tLABEL R 8M,tCOOB6) 't9o·000 499.000 590:)000 :t..acc..r DATA :'01-000 L..6CLT LAeEL (L~NILDEV)ltBIAS,AOOO)I(SLIF)'(N8TCB)IJ 502.000 (PER~),(ABS\/(N8SYS~IB',; 503!JOOO 50411000 CMAP)I(EFll cLDEv R9M,:CnOSB)I, 50::;.000 C: JO) ) 506.000 507-000 DATA :I..eccr S08.0 0 0 1.8C~T 509.000 510-000 511-000 5i'000 5 000 514-000 DATA 515.000 H.. BCe.. T 516-000 ~aC~T 517.000 518.000 519·000 (LHN,LI~K),tBIAS,1COOO),(S~,F),tNATCB)'1 tPER~),(ABS)I(N8SYSLIB),i (E~'J LBADS WITH IJO (1..P\K,:CooB61l1 f:JO}IJ (VDC81 :COO;B» LI~K (LMN,L~ADER)I(BIAS,AOOo),(S~,F)I(NeTCB),; (P[RM),CA8S),CN6SYSLIB),(MAP)'J (EF'l cLDR,:CQOBB)IJ (PS1,ICOOBEn,; 5~2.000 ,IN2'ICQOB~)IJ (?S2,:COOB~"J f ALL,:cooe6)IJ ,SaZ.ilCOOee"J cEVL,:C.OOBft)IJ (WRT,:COOBfll" - -524 - OOQ ;~--52 5.000 --- 526. 000 527~OOO (MeOJ :coosa) I; 528.000 529.000 530.000 531.000 532.000 533,000 53~.OOO C:JOlll CrIN,:coose\, TREe. LDR.pS?-:Jc.(IN1'PS111~2,AL~ISwZI~VL/WRT'FIN·MeD) DATA :L..eC~T LBC~T 53:'.000 5:36-000 537,000 LeAD~R (LMNIL~CCT),(BIAS'AOOO)I(S~IF),J (P£q~)J(AB~)/(N8SYSLIB),(TSS/100).J (EV'l cLeCCTRBM,sCOOaS)IJ (M:EeDCB/:CnOBB» 5 • • 000 539'.000 LeADS wITH SJO J 521.000 523.000 LeADS WITH :JO LDEV ( I Nil : CQ oB f' ) , 5cQ·OOo I JITo UAT" 5 4 0.000 :L8Cl.T LB(CT 67 of 84 rL~~JPASS2',fBIASJAOOO)/(~L'F)/J (PEQ~)~(ABS1J(BREr,20)/(T~S/500)/l '-:J-"'lt:}OO 5"2 <)00 (EF~J 5 4 3IJOOo 5 4 4tOOO 5"-5.000 f P 2CCI/:Co(88)/J {P?DCBSI:CcoBB),l 5~6.000 (MBD!FY,ICcnBB)11 5"'7.000 ,U8CHA~J:COOBB)AJ 54 (SDEvICEI:ccOBe)l~ (X~B~ITeRI:COOBe)/1 ,XLI~ITJ :ConBB) I; 81lQOC 549~OOO 55C!OOO (P2SCPU,:CnnBB),i ,PEceC,:COC58),J 5:;1~:JOO 552-000 ,5~3 COO (lMC, :COOBe)IJ Q '" 707~00-11C00 5~'f.COO CSPRecs,:Cc088)IJ 505.COo (XPA~T,:COCAe)/j 5:'6-000 ( P? L DV I '" 507.000 : CO [l Be) , J (PC'BPL. . . :COCR8)/J Co(;:~B) I J '" 5:'8.00C t F AUirl J .. 5598000 .. .. 5609000 561-000 CFRGD.,:COOB8),J (P2R(S,:CorBtJ" 562.000 ". 563. 000 .. . . : P2CCI-P?DCSS.M8DIFY-cURCHANISDEVlrt,P2RfS,p2LOV,rAUTH, F~GJIJ P28PLIXPART,XMBNIT8R,XL!M1T/P2SCPU,P2Cf1(,IHC,SPRttcS) DATA =>64,000 :L.eCCT 5,000 L9C::'i 6.000 lIP ~67.000 .. .. .. .. • 56b.OOO 569.000 570.000 DATA 571.000 n .. eC(..T 572.000 L.9CLT pASS? ,L~N#PASS3)~(BIASJAOOo),(~~IF},J (PERM) ( t.f. , ; I (ASS), (NBSYSL IB).1 ( TbS,2QO) • J cPASS3RBH,ICOOSB)/; (M:E!D(B/:COOBe» pASS3 (LMN/PCL)IC8IASIAOOO)I(S~J~),C~eTr8\" I!f 5'73.000 (PER~),(ABr-,/(NeSYSLIB)JJ • • 574-000 b75.000 CEF,J {PCLR8M,:CunBB),; _~ 576-000 __ 577. 000 578-000 (BLDCB,:COCR6),l tCeM6IN~I:CoOBe)IJ (C8PVALL,:COOSB),; 579-000 cC8PvTe,:CcnBB),i 580.000 cCBPYTRAN,:COQSB)JJ cDEVTRAN,:cOOSe),J cE~R~R .. :COr.R6)IJ (FILTRAN/:CoOB5)IJ 5~1.aOo 582.000 5~3·00c 5~4·000 (FIX~RGISCcnBe)J' 585.000 (GETARG,:CcnBB)Ji 5~6.000 ~~7·00a 5bb.OOO 589.000 :le.oeo 1 taOo ~2.000 5Y3.000 (HEXOUMP,:CoOS6)11 ( I~TARG,:CcnBe)/; (PCLLIST,:CnOBB)/ (PRTER~I:CGnBe),) ,RC",RT, :COCBB)J; cSTBQVLP,:rnOSSl,J (TEXTARGI:CnOS 6 ) / i (UTILITYJ:cOOse)JJ LeADS WITH :JO 68 of 84· 707000-11COO pA~S2 {SG:~NT)/J 5.'000· 595'000 !SG:;:(iY)II pA~S2 596-000 597-000 (SG:ePNM)'J (SG1FLG)/J PA~S2 598.000 599'000 600-0°0 n. eeL ... lfj(r..."" 6v1-000 602.000 603.0°0 604·0UO 605-000 696.0CO 607.0°0 608·000 609.000 610.0°0 611.000 612'000· 613-000 DATA 614'000 n •.. BeLT 615.000 LB(l..T 616.000 617-000 ( : JO) ) 0"'000 620'000 CA""A 021.000 ;LaC(..T 622.000 L9CL.T 023.000 624.000 625.000 626.000 627-0°0 628'000 :lecc...r 629.000 LeC~T tLM~,PFIL)~tBIASIAOOO),{SLIF),iTS~,\OO)'l t PERM)/(ABs},(N8SYSLIB),i (EVIl ,TAPEFCN,:COQS8", ,TPECHST,:CnOBtl)) pFIL (LMN,RATES),(BIAS,AOOO),(~LIF)6(NATCB)JJ ,PE.RI~)' CABS)" CN8SYSLIB),J cEVJJ LeADS WITH :JO ,RATER9MJ:cn08~)JJ , : JO) , RATES (LM~~RE~)I(RIASJAOOO)I(~LIF)'(TSS.100)'J CPERM),(AB5),(NaSYSLlti),1 CErJJ ;(E w (LMN,RUNNER),(8IAS'1COOO)'(~L,~)"NeTCB),S CPERM),(A8S\I(NBSYSLIB),1 (~AP),(EFIJ L~ADS WITH :JO (RUNR9H,:CcnSB)IJ ( : JO) ) ~UN~ER (L~NJSleVRL\I(PERMILlB1,(~~IF);, (EF,l (S:BvRLyRI:r.OOBB)" 630.000 6~1·000 6~2·000 LeADs WITH :JO l : JO) ) 633'000 DATA 634+·000 :L9CL'r 635.000 L3C\...; 636.COO 637'000 638.000 639.000 :LBcc-r LeCl.i 6'+2.QOO 6 4 3.000 6-.000 S;SVRL (LMN,ST~UTL,,(BIAS,AOOO)I(SLlF)JJ (PER~),(ABS)/(NBSYSLIB),; (E~'J (Si~UTLI:CoOBe) ) STNUTL CL~NISuMMA~Y)I(BIAS,AOOO),(SL'F)IJ f P£ Ri'1 ) I ( EF J J ( ABS) I j (SUM,tCOOBB\IJ 6~.OOo 6'+6-000 peL (TAP[rCN,:CnoBB"J cTPECHST,:CnoS6» 6l;..Lt 000 6 4 0_000 6 4 1_000 PA~S2 ,Su~:;CE'I:CcnB8) DATA. ) RrQUIRED FtlR TP 69 of 84 '~7.000 648.000 649.000 :L.ecc:r L9:c..r (LM\~SUPER),(BIAS,AOOO}/(~~I~),(NATCB)JJ (P[::<~), CABS), (N9SYSLI6j,J LeADS WITH (EF J 6b1-000 (SUPER1, :Cr,nB8),; 6~2.000 ; It 6:>4.0CQ ,SuPER21ICCnB8),J (SCP[R3,:CcnSB)JJ (SG:PNT),J • • 655.000 (SG!RNT),J pA~Sc: 6:)6~OOO (SG:ePNM).IJ t:iG:LNT),J pA~S2 .• . lit .." 6":)7.000 6:)8.00:> 6:'3.,)00 LiA;"A '660.000 :L9CfwT 661.000 \...BCLT 662.00Q 6b3.000 66"".aOo • .• 665.000 6b6.000 [;ATA 66l-000 :L8C(,i 668.00Q L9Ct..T 669.000 • • • .. II • • • .. • -_. OIl • .. • • • pA~S2 (:JC) SUPER 'LM~ISYMCe~)/(BIAS,AOOO),(SLJV)'(NeTCB':J (PERH)J(ABS)I(NBSYSLIB),I (Er}; (SMC\lIICOOE'8)li LOADS WITH :JO ( : JO) } 5YHCSN. r" (LH~, TtL), fBIAS,lC600), (~L. .. ,N6rCB)'l (PER~),(ABSl,(N8SYSLIB),(~SECT1)11 Lt1ADS 2.000 673.000 (ERRMSGEJ:coOB6)IJ (SG1RTV)11 pAS52 67 ... 000 (SG:RNT)IJ (SG:BPI\IH)JJ (SG:F"LG)li pA~52 675.000 676.000 677.000 678.000 DATA 679.000 :!... 9CLT 680.000 L9Ct..T oMl.aOo 6~2.000 o~3.000 6~'t.oOO WITH :JO (T£LR8M::Cooo8)'i "l1.0Cc . . : JO pA~S2 (E~/; 61~.OOO , SUM~~RY 6~O,OOo 6:'3.000 - 70701)')-11CDQ pAbSc pA~S2 ( : JO) ) TEL {LM~~TFDUTL)/(BIASJAOOO)/(SL,F)J; (P[RM)JCABS1,(NBSYSLIB),i REQUIRED FtlR TP CEF"IJ ,TFDUTL,:CoOBe)) DATA 685.000 :LeCc.r 6~t;.:JCo L9Cc..T 6b7.)CG ob8.~Oo 6b9.000 6 9 0,000 691·000 DA.TA 692.aOo :L5CLT TF"DUTL (LMN,WEBF), tBIAS,Aooo), (51-,r), CTS!=;) (FtR~)I(A8S~I(N6SYSLIB)J~ (EaFI J (TAPEFCNJ:cnOBB)IJ (TPECHST,:CnOB8») wESt: 1.00)~J Page 78 of 84 Catalog No. l~xar:role e 10 - 7070f)O-11Cf)Q Usage of UTILIST 'l'ile 3 compressed listing tapes (707000-56COO) may be listed using the UTILIST processor in account x. To list all the files on the CP-V COO listing tapes, copv UTILIST to : SYS and BATCH the folloYTing job: !JOB ! LIHIT (Tlr·m, 999 9) , (UO, 32000) , (9T=1) !ASSIGN H:EI, (LABEL, $, :SYS), (INSN,OOAO,OOA1 ,007'2) !UTILIS'r FB To list a single module, BATCH the following job: !JOB !LIHIT (TIHE,5), (U(),999) , (9T=1) ! ASSIGN H:EI, (LABE!L, $, : SYS) , (INSN , 001\2) !UTILIST FB SCHED To list a range of modules, BATCH the following job: !JOB !LIHIT (TIHE,999), (UO, 32000) , (9T=1) !ASSIGN r.1:EI, (LABEL,$, :SYS), (INSN,OOA1) !UTILIST FB ACCT -CALPROC Hate: t·ladule name requires 8 characters, so leave appropriate number of spaces if necessary.) LISTING TAPE CONTENTS OOAO ACCT to GETFIELD 001\ 1 GETHAIN OOA2 to QREMAKE RA to 744610 Page 71 of 84 Catalog No. 6.0 INCOHPATI13ILITIES 6. 1 SPECIAL SHARED PROCESSORS 7071),)O-11Cf)() cP-v COO special shared processors have been loaded as fo110,'1s: TEL .1C600 LINK I DATA I • 1cooo DELTA I I • 1 C400 PROCEDUPY. • 1e600 .1 C200 I DATA • 1cdoo I PROCEDURE DATA .1cooo RUNNER DCB • 1C200 PROCEDURE • 1c400 CORE PROCEDURE LIBRARIES • 1 C200 Since LINK and TEL are "co-existing" processors (i.e., users may begin LINK, suspend it and use TEL, and then return to LINK and resume operation), TEL's procedure pages must not extend downVlard below LINK I S procedure pages. Core Libraries may not extend downt-lard below DELTA's procedure pages (since a user may have both DELTA and a core library associated with his proqram). Use of the Si)ccial shared processor area is controlled through the use of the BIAS option on LOCCT. Users \"ho have \'lrittcn their o\"n special shared processors which must co-exist with TEL must J:1ake sure that TEL's Page 72 8= 34 7070')()-1'COO Catalog No. procecure pages do not extend downward belo,.., the user special shared processor procedure pages. Gser Soecial Shared Processor (Co-exl sts vIi th no rebiasing of TEL) I DeBS DATA • 1coao I PROCEDURE • 1 C600 User Special Shared Processor (Requi.res redbiasing of 'rEL to co-exist) DCBS DATA • 1 COOO TEL as ~eloaded .1C400 PROCEDURE .1C800 by User IW~ PROCF.DUPY. • 1C800 6.2 PRE-BOO LOAD BODULES cp-v AD1 or earlier systems must be reloaded to run under CP-V COO. Attempts to execute these obsolete load modules on CP-V CO.O will abort the user with the error code All load modules created under "A560 LOAD NODULE IS PEE-BOO" A conversion package (707000-961300) is available from the Software Library for UTS-DOO and CP-V AOO/A01, ,-,hich may be used to reload the necessary programs prior to installing cP-v cao. (See 707000-111300, Section 6.1.3 and 70700')-)1000 for complete information.) 6.3 O~HER p~-noo INCOMPATIBILITIES Conversion to CP-V COO from UTS-DOO or CP-V A()O/A()1 involves the same restrictions as conversion ·to CP-V BOn. I I 73 of 84 Catalog No. 70 70f) n-11 COO The -11 for BOO (707000-11BOO) describes these inconpatibilities in detail and should be referenced if there are questions regarding the conversion. 74 of 84 '7.0 7. 1 Catalog No. PES1'RICTIONS/KNO~'l:'1 707000-11C()() PROBIJEMS DRS? DRSP can no longer be used to replace a monitor overlay. I~ conjunction with this, the (MOSPACE,n) option has been deleted from the :SP?OCS co~mand in PASS2. 7.2 PP~CESS0R ~he SIZE LI~ITATION si~e of processors associated with a user is ~odulc SSDAT. l\Il in-sr.-lap user may require that the root of a shared processor, One of its overlays, a shared library, and a monitor overlay be swapped in vIi th t~e user. The aggregate size of these four items cannot exceed 30K words hecause of the fixed length shell command list in SS;~AT. If larger in-swaps are expected, SSDAT must be reass eIfu,-)led \vi th the symbol PROCSIZE EQUed to the value of the largest expected aggregate size in uni~s of K-words. aggregate linitcd hy tIle size of a table in Pago 75 of 84 Catalog No. 8.0 l·4.AI?JTENA..NCE PROCEDURES 8.1 PATCH DECK 7070t)O-11CO() In CP-V, corrections to problems are distributed to users via patches. Normally, only severity 1 or 2 problems will be patched. All others are closed as pending the next release. A copy of the current patch deck which has been tested and used in a production enviroTh~ent is available as the file COOPATCH, in account PATCH, on the Sigma 7F in El Segundo. ~his file is updated once a week and a patch area of 750 words is assumed. Each patch contains the date, SIDR nUr"ber, and a card sequence ntnnber. New patches are also added to the beginning of the file CHRONO-Cf)O (also in account FATCH). This file contains all the patches in chronological order \.;i th explanatory notes about each s ct of patches. Software Services will distribute the patch files to the field on a regular basis, hOHever, the content, distribution, and frequency of release are controlled by the Field Engineering Home Office. The local Field Engineering analyst is responsible for supplying the . customer with the current patches. 8.2 SPECIAL PATCHIUG PROCEDURES In COO CP-V, the handlers and other modules which run only unmapped may optionally be placed in. L~OV, the unmapped ~ overlay. Since these modules may either be in the UMOV overlay or in the monitor root, the followinq patch deck procedure is used which handles either case: UMOV// #ELSE #UHOV=O # UMOV/HTAP+. 22/NOP/ Therefore, patches to the modules optionally contained in UMOV will be patched as heinq in that overlay and will work for systems not using that overlay as well. See the SysteM ~anagement section of the -91 (707000-91CQO) for the naMes of these modules. Page 76 of 84 Catalog No. 707000-11COO Due to the new SYSGEN procedures, the module ECBCHECK nay be placed in either of two overlays. If TP is present i~ the system, ECBCHECK is placed in overlay TOOV2. If the system has no TP, ECBCIIECK is placed in its a-tln overlay ECBOV. Patches to ECBCHECK will be based on the conditional presence of the particular overlay. Therefore, patches to ECBCHECK \rlill appear in both overlays but \'iill he skipped if that overlay is not present in the system. ECBOV// r:CBOV/r::CBCHECK+.150/nOp/ TQ()V2// TQOV2/ECBCHECK+.150/NOP! TQOV2/TPQ2+.432/NOP/ Other modules which have varying structures based on SYSGFrT parameters (such as cac, Fault Handlers, etc.) will also })e maintained using conditional patching procedures. 8.3 PROBLE!'-! REPORTING Difficulties encountered in CP-V COO, as well as improvements, should he reported through the srDR system. Use of the SIDR system is described in the P~L (Proqram Availability List) Manual. The system catalog number for CP-V is 707000. Proqram catalog numbers to be used in suhmitting SrDRs should reflect the following functional areas: 707001 707002 707003 70700!l 707005 707006 707007 707008 707009 707010 707011 707012 File Maintenance File Hanagement System llanagement (includinq Rcal TiMe) Communications Iecovery Soft,..,are Checks Operator Communications SYSGEN Debug Loaders Symhionts Accounting & Performance Page 77 of 84 Catalog No. 707013 707014 707015 707016 707017 707018 707019 70700f}-'1COO Honitor Services (including F.NQ/DEQ) Initialization Reliability Job Processors Utility Processors Miscellaneous Transaction Processing Page 78 of 84 Catalog No. 9.0 :~ONITOR 9.1 GEUERAL CORE REQUIREHENTS 707000-11C00 S IZ ING The ootional features of CP-V COO are listed below with their~ resident Monitor core requirements. IRBT IRBT Support 3 pages + 1 page* per IRBT device 2780 & IR3T Support 4 1/4 pages + 1 page* per 7605 device 7670 & IRBT Support 4 1/2 pClges + 1 page* per IRBT device 2780 & 7670 (; Support TP IP~T 5 1/2 pages + 1 page* per 7605 device 2780 Support 2 1/4 pages + 1/2 page* per 7605 device 7670 Support , 2780 & 7670 Support 3 1/2 pages + 1/2 page* per 7G05 device TP rtodules 2 1/2 pages Additional for Message Hode Lines Additional for Queue 1/2 pages 1 1/2 pages + 1 buffer page** per HOC line 5 pages** Also 2-5 pages of the TIC (; TPC modules may he temporarily locked in memory during processing. -----~----~--------------------~~~-----~~--~~---~---~-----~ * Thes~ ** These pages are only required when TP is active. pages are subtracted from the maximum user size, but not from the swap space when the line is not logged on. Note that on large-core machines maximum user size is not affected by these paqp-s since it is limited by other factors. Page 79 of 84 RA Catalog No. Read ~~ead Modules 7071)OO-11con 1 page For Table Size, see RASI7:E description on :I!-!C option RT Real Time l10dules 1 1/2 pages Additional for RESDF number of pages specified by SYSGEN Additional for DYNRESDF nu~ber of pages specified by SYSGEN* ~------~~---~-----~-------~-----~~--~~--------~---~--~-~--~ * These pages are subtracted from the maxinum user size, but are not actually acquired until they are reeded. Page 9.2 80 of 84 707000-11 Catalog No. r·10NITOR TABLE SIZES BASED ON SYSGE~1 PARAMETERS Keyvlord :SPROCS 9 1/2 words per shared processor entry + 1/2 word per entry if disk pack swapper + 1/2 word per entry if (BIG) specified (Haximum 10 1/2 words per entry) 1 Vlord per physical worJ: page :IMC 8 1/4 words per user (n+D'+p) 1/4 \'lords per ghos t job * (P~.vp ,n) (MAXOL,n)+("~l\XR ,m) + 4 + (r1AXG, p) 22 \'lords initially + 3 t,'lords per entry (Rl\SIZE,n) + 1/4 word per entry if (BIG) specified :coc 4 6 1 4 words per buffer (BUFFERS,n) 1/4 words per line (LlrffiS,n) word per buffer (RING,n) \"ords per ECB (ECB ,n) 2 words per entry (ENQ,n) 34 ".vords per MPOOL (HP()()L ,n) 40 words per CPOOL (CPOOL,n) 9 words per IOQ (QUEUE,n) 19 words per CPU (CFU,n) Patch space (n words) U1PATCH,n) 1/4 word per physical page (COP.E ,n) + 1/4 word per physical page if (BIG) specified (m-X'62') words (ORG,m) , 310 words for Sigma 9 traps (SIG9) 480 words for X560 traps (X560) , 44 words for Sigma 7 traps (SIC7) or (SIC6) 1781 \vords for HINICO~(I-_,{r1INICOC) ~lCl 2215 words for cae ne1ther (TP) nor (MINICOC) 2710 words for TPCOC {TP}* : HOiI 1 1/4 words for every label (label,n,m) :INTLB 12 words per entry (NI;'IT 1 n) for EESDF a.'1d DYNRESDF :FRGD See RT size * TP sy~tems only. cao Page 81 of 84 Catalog No. : CHAN 2 words per CHANNEL (CIT entry) :DEVICE 15 ,,,ords per DEVICE 70700a-11COO (nCT entry) + 3 1/2 words per tape device (AVR table!=» + 3 1/2 words per (PP.IV) disk pack (AVR tahles) (HGP tables) + B words per public RAD or pack + n words per private pack n = 20 for 7274 } 20 for 7271 35 for 7275 assuming default logical cylinder sizes + 5 words per PBT device + 7 words per RAD or disk pack model + 7 - 74 word CLIST per device = 74 words DP = 12 words other = 6-8 words non-standard device-variable PtJNCH + 4 words per non-standard device type : RES 1/2 word per specified RES + 6 1/4 words per RES option + 1/4 word per (RES option)*(number of partitions) : PART G 3/4 words per partition :LDEV 3/4 word per entry :OPL :SDEVICE / 1 1/4 words per non-standard entry 3 words per symbiont device + (4 1/2 words) * (MXSTRM value) Page 82 of 84 Catalog No. 10.0 CP-V COO TEST PROCEDURES 10. 1 THE TEST TAPE 707(}I)O-11COO The QUAC TEST tape (707000-76COO) is an FSAVE tape, IN S 1\1 19A0, containing the COO test case library in account C7308398. The test case library consists of job sequences and the files necessary to run ~~em. Test cases are organized in groups which exercise a particular area of the system. These groups are described below. An asterisk indicates a new COO group. *88TPDt1S *88TPSIH *88TPs.:rC *88TPTPC *88TPPFH 99GROUP1 99GROUPEB 99GROUPEE 99GROUPEE1 9·9GROUPG 99GROUPGA 99GROUPIA 99GROUPID 99GROUPPJ 99GROUPJA 99GROUPJB 99GROUPKA TP-DMS Sample Application TP-Simulator Tests TP-TIC/QUEUE Tests TP-TPC/QUEUE Tests TP-Performru~ce Tests General Exerciser Job Step Control Nultibatch Scheduler {Partitions} Hultibatch Scheduler (Resources) Swapper LDF.V Monitor CALs Shared Processors File Hanagement A..~S Tapes Private Pack Tests BACKUP, FILL, Pt :RGF. 99GROUPPQ 99GROUPTIB DRSP ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE Cel SUPER, CONTROL, SHOW LOADER 99 GROUPRH~l\ SYSCON/~~ 99GROUPLH 99GROUPNQ 99GROUPPA *99GROUPRP 99GROUPRT Restricted Processors Real Time 99GROUPSA 99GROUPSC peL BATCH 99GROUPT Language Processors A file 'LIBLIST' on the QUAC ~EST tape contains the names and descriptions of the individual tests within each group. The test cases arc identified by using the test name as th~ extended accounting information of the !JOB command. Tests that should abort are designated as such in the 'LlnLIST' file. fbst test cases are self-sufficient and rely on operator intervention only for tape mountinq and key-in responqes. \'lhere operator intervention is required (as in the TP and. RT tests), comprehensive instructions are displayed' on the operator's console. . Catalog No. 83 of 84 i8.2 7070f)')-11cao USE OF THE TEST TAPE The following job is used to restore the QUAe TEST tape library, to authorize accounts, and initialize the system controls. !JOB :SYS,LBE,7 !LIHIT (9T, 1), (CORE,50) IFRES +VOL 19AO +END !BATCH 99QUAC.C7308398 !FIN Due to the special sys-tem control parameters necessary for certain tests, only one group should be run at a time. ~ group is entered into the batch stream with a !BATCn groupname.C7308398 comrnand. For example, to enter the peL test cases usc: !JOB :SYS,LBE,7 !BATCH 99GROUPSA.C7308398 !FIN Test cases can be run selectively from within group~ hy using the DUCK program on-line. A description of how to use DUCK is in the file • DUCKHELP' on the QUAC TEST t.apc. To run DUCK, copy it from account C7308398 into account :SYS and then !DUCK will start the program on-line. To run !DUCK, the user should be logged on to account C7308398,CPVQ00003121. 10.3 UPDATING THE TEST LIBRARY Test cases can be added or deleted by editing the relevant 88 or 99 GROUP. See the Time Sharinn Reference Hanual (90 39 07F) for Edit procedures. A new test tape can be generated by the following commands: IJOB :SYS,LBE,7 ! BATCH QUAC.C7308398 !FIN Page 84 of 84 Catalog No. 707000-11COO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~- Some tests require processors and libraries which are not distributed wit~ the CP-V releases. A list of the orocessors and libraries included in the CaD release can be found in Section 4. The installation can create a te~t tape containing all the necessary processors by restorina the QUAC tape under its present syste~ and running the foIl O'v'l in g ( 5 amp 1 e) job: !JOB ! LIHIT (9T, 1) ! NESSAGE USE OUTP UT Tl\PP, #XXXX, RING !FSAVE ** In** +DUMP +SELECT : SYS DlcrNARY (reauired for : SYS : SYS DMSDUMP 1 DHSI flIT DBS Modules :SYS DMSLOAD : SYS : SYS :SYS : SYS J EDHSnUMP) ED1-1SFDP I:DMSINIT ( EDBSLOAD) : SYS :SYS : SYS EDHS SUr·iS FILEUP :SYS REPORT : SYS RETRIEVE Hodules (required for Hl\r1l\CEt BAN AGE C7308398 DHSLIB EDMSL13 + END ED~S rll~·)jl~.GE) (required for HAN_"f\GE) (required for ~11\~JAGE) Program Description XEROX Page Catalog No. 1 of 3 707000-11COO COO-II ADDENDlTIvI Section Title Page 1.0 COO LISTING TAPES (Element 707000-56COO) 2 2.0 MODIFICATIONS TO SYSGEN PROCEDURES FOR PERFORMING A SYSGEN ON A XEROX 560 2 3.0 MODIFICATIONS TO SYSGEN PROCEDURES FOR PERFORHING SYSGEN ON A COC-LESS SYSTEM 3 4.0 DEFAtJLT LIST FOR SHARED PROCESSORS 3 Page 2 of 3 Catalog No. 707000-llCOO ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 COO LISTING TAPES (Element 707000-56COO) The listings provided on the COO-56 release element have been found to be incorrect for the following list of modules. BACKUP CLSTP FBeD MTAP NSLP OBSE OPLO THEUNCOC It is suggested, that for patching and/or development purposes, t.he above module listings be obtained from an assembly of the C1 and SI provided in the -26/46/66 release elements. 2.0 MODIFICATIONS TO SYSGEN PROCEDURES FOR PERFORHING A SYSGEN ON A XEROX 560 When perfor.ming a SYSGEN on a Xerox 560 using the starter PO tape, it is necessary to utilize boot-tLme reconfiguration and partitioning commands to remove the 9Tdevice specified in the starter PO tape system. An example of the necessary command cards to accomplish this follo~: :TYPE :TYPE :TYPE :TYPE :TYPE TY7012,AOI LP7445,A02 CR7I40,A03 DT3345,A80 DP7271,AEO (note changed address) :TYPEME-U-ll"A05 : END The SUPER authorizations for the accounts :SYS, LEE and :COOSGEN,CP-V as shown in Section 5.8, Example 2 of the COO-II, page 45, must be changed so that the line: --EM9T=1; OH9T=1 is followed by the line: --BMDT=l; ONDT=I This is referenced in Section 5.5. Step 2. page 37 of the COO-II. .: t' .. ' Page 3 of • 3 Catalog No. 707000-llCOO Additionally, when using FRES to restore the release tape as in Section 5.8, Example 3 of the COO-II, page 46, the !LIMIT card must be changed from (9T,I) to (DT,l) and a !ASSIGN card must be added just before the ! FRES card which has the follmving format: • !ASSIGN M:EI,(DEVICE,DT) This is referenced in Section 5.5, Step 3, page 37 of the COO-II. When defining the target w~chine configuration for a system which will only be run on a Xerox 560, and therefore has only 3345 or NS Tape Drives, it is advisable to utilize the mneurnonic "9T" instead of "DT" to specify the tape drives and to define the attributes as for the "DT" tape drives as follows: :DEVICE 9TACO,(MOD,3345,3340),(T),(IO),(BIN),; (HAND,NSTAP,NSTAPCU),(CLIST,8),(R),(DD),(CC) 3.0 HODIFICATIONS TO SYSGEl'i PROCEDURES SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING SYSGEN ON A COC-LESS All of the SYSGEN job procedures provided with the COO release are set up to run in the log-on account (that is, no account specifications appear on the !JOB cards). When submitting these jobs from the operator's console using the BATCH processor in the ghost mode, it is necessary to supply the proper SYSGEN account on the !JOB cards, otherwise the SYSGEN will be performed in the :SYS account which will not work. 4.0 DEFAULT LIST FOR SHARED PROCESSORS The default list of shared processors has been shortened for COO. The processors which are no longer shared by default, and the number of overlays for each, are: BASte • 2 HATell EDIT FORT NETASY}1 peL 3 .., L. • ~~ - --= -- - ~KUOUI l..;:)t,t...on ,......... ..ro. t...~t:.~1 ,..,..-,...,.. ~~;:)t:.i\OCU .... . . ~-~~~- ~uuut.r -- L.UOL..tH.. L. I -- .... ........... _ ...... --- _ ~VU!"""A~"..::t ..- Uc..I:jUU .... uc..rf"on ........ ~~,. Ut:.L..U,1.. ........... ,,... vt:.V'I"\I'\''.IV"'l"'Ir I..V,lo\tJf'I I lIlII"''''''I'C,:IIM I-V\,iIV''f''V I A~O'" 1-' • I ' "" .... I .,. A Or'" 1'·~I-V""\.01 M'CTl"'\rc. I I. 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