71 218_3C_TCM 32_Core_Memory_Maint_May64 218 3C TCM 32 Core Memory Maint May64
71-218_3C_TCM-32_Core_Memory_Maint_May64 71-218_3C_TCM-32_Core_Memory_Maint_May64
User Manual: 71-218_3C_TCM-32_Core_Memory_Maint_May64
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TCM-32 Magnetic Core Me:rnory Operating and Maintenance Manual [J ,-, ',IJ J o Ll J IJ ] @ COMPUTER CONTROL COMPANY,INC. iJ Document No. 71-218 INSTRUCTION MANUAL MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEMS SERIES TCM-32 II l.-J May 1964 Computer Control Company, Inc. Old Connecticut Path Framingham, Massachusetts L..I COPYRIGHT 1964 by Computer Control Company, Incorporated, Framingham, Massachusetts. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. . 1 Printed in U. S. A. -1 n u MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM n u J TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Paragraph Page SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1-1 Purpose and Scope of this Manual 1-1 1-2 System Designation 1-1 1-3 General Description 1-1 1-4 Basic Elements and Organization 1-2 1-4. 1 Memory System Layout 1-3 1-5 Input Signals 1- 6 ,'I I SECTION II SYSTEM INSTALLATION ) L.:. I"'J I I L-1 2-1 General 2-1 2-2 Electrical Interconnections 2-1 SECTION III PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3-1 Principles of Magnetic Core Memories 3-1 3-1. 1 Magnetic Core Storage 3-1 3-1. 2 Addressing 3-4 3-1. 3 Information Sens ing 3-6 3-1. 4 Writing 3-7 3-1. 5 Information Retention 3-8 3-2 General Specifications, TCM-32 Memory System 3-8 3-3 TCM-32 Functional Description 3-10 3-3. 1 Addres s Register 3-10 3-3.2· x- 3-10 3-3. 3 Memory Timing and Control 3-12 3-3.4 Memory Core Stack 3-12 3-3. 5 Information Register 3-12 3-3.6 Sense Amplifiers 3-12 r, 3-3.7 Inhibit Driver s 3-13 U 3-3.8 Current Drivers 3-13 3-4 Functional Description of Selection and Driving Techniques 3-13 ': I -.J I u and Y -Decoders, Switches, and Drivers u iii MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM , 1 " 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) Paragraph Title Page 3-4. 1 Memory Core Stack 3-13 3-4.2 Selection Switches 3-4.3 Indicator Option 3-15 3-18 3-5 3-5.1 Operating Cycles 3-18 Standard Cycles 3-18 3-5.2 Optional Cycles 3-25 3-6 3-6. 1 Optional Modes and Features 3-26 Sequential Addressing 3-26 3-6.2 Random-Sequential Addressing 3-26 3-6.3 Sequential-Interlace Addressing 3-26 3-6.4 Serial Addressing 3-28 3-6.5 Serial-Information Inputs 3-28 3-6.6 Memory Clear 3-28 3-6.7 Partial Substitution 3-28 3-6.8 Signal Compatibility 3-29 3-6.9 Indicators 3-29 , " .'_.., --J SECTION IV LOGIC 4-1 Logic Diagrams 4-1 4-2 Input/ Output Logic Signals 4-1 .-" SECTION V MAINTENANCE ·5-1 5-2 5-3 Test Equipment 5-1 5-1 PAC Locations 5-1 5-4 PAC Handling and Repair Procedures 5-2 5-4. 1 5-4.2 Inserting and Removing System PACs 5-4.3 Component Checking 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-4.4 Component Replacement 5-3 5-5 Spare Parts 5-4 5-6 Maintenance Inspection 5-4 5-7 Preventive Maintenance Procedure 5-5 General PAC Troubleshooting iv ~-'1 -'I .nLJ MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM n TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) L...J n U o o Title Paragraph 5-8 Corrective Maintenance Procedure 5-7 5-9 Magnetic Core Matrix Maintenance 5-11 Logic Circuit Maintenance 5-14 DC Power Distribution 5-14 5-10 5-11 \ SECTION VI PAC COMPLEMENT LIST 6-1 6-1 General o nu ':I I I L. 'l J n J Il " Page ,) l,J l....; rt I L.J v MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM _ ,J LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title Figure Page 1-1 TCM-32 Magnetic Core Memory System 1-0 1-2 Memory System, Block Diagram 1-4 1-3 Memory System Layout 1-5 2-1 Installation Drawing (Sheet 1 of 2) 2-3 2-1 Installation Drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) 2-5 2-2 Connector Detail 2-7 2-3 Pin Numbering, Connectors J -102 through J -107 2-8 2-4 TCM-32 Power Wiring Diagram 2-9 3-1 Ferrite Core Hysteresis Loop 3-2 3-2 Core Control Windings 3-4 3-3 Coincident-Current Selection 3-6 3-4 TCM-32 Memory System, Block Diagram 3-11 3-5 Memory Core Stack, Simplified Schematic Diagram of Y - Coordinate Sense, and Inhibit 3-14 3-6 Simplified Selection Diagram 3-16 3-7 Internal Timing 3-17 3-8 R ead/ R egener ate Cycle External Timing 3-19 3-9 Clear /Write Cycle External Timing 3-20 3-10 Load Cycle External Timing 3-22 3-11 Unload Cycle External Timing 3-23 3-12 S-PAC Location and Functions 3-27 4-1 Memory Timing and Control, Logic Diagram 4-5 4-2 Address Register, Logic Diagram (Random Addressing, Sequential Addressing and Random-Sequential Addres sing) 4-7 Address Register, Logic Diagram (Sequential-Interlace Addressing Option) 4-9 4-4 X- Y Decoders and Selection Switches, Logic Diagram 4-11 4-5 Information Register, Sense Amplifiers, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagram (Bits 1 through 16) 4-13 Information Register, Sense Amplifiers, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagram (Bits 17 through 32) 4-15 Information Register, Sense Amplifiers, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagram (Bits 33 through 48) 4-17 4-3 4-6 4-7 vi , "' . \ . -, r"-l Jl u MAGNETIC COREMEMOR Y SYSTEM o o o o o o LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Cant) Figure Title Page Partial Substitution Option, Logic Diagram (Two- Zone, Three- Zone, or Four- Zone Information-Register Partitioning) . 4-19 4-9 Clear Option, Logic Diagr am 4-20 5-1 Strobe Adjustment Waveform 5-6 5-2 Waveform (Sheet 1 of 3) 5-8 5-2 Waveform (Sheet 2 of 3) 5-9 5-2 Waveform (Sheet 3 of 3) 5-10 4-8 ~ I ,-_J o ..-., . I \.J vii MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM , 1 LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 2-1 Wiring Connector J -102 2-11 2-2 Wiring Connector J -103 2-12 2-3 Wiring Connector J -104 2-13 2-4 Wiring Connector J-105 2-15 2-5 Wiring Connector, J-106 and J-107 2-16 3-1 Internal Logic Signals 3-24 4-1 Logic Signal List 4-2 5-1 Test Equipment Required 5-1 5-2 Spare Parts List 5-4 5-3 Operation Failures 5-12 5-4 Partial Information Word Failures 5-15 5-5 Address, 5-17 5-6 Inhibit Winding Checklist 5-18 5-7 Sens e Winding Checklist 5-19 5-8 Intra- Unit Wiring Connector 5-21 5-9 X- Winding Checklist 5-25 5-10 Y - Winding Checklist 5-26 6-1 PAC Complement List 6-2 Decoding, and Selection Failures -j ,.oC"_, viii MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM >-1.' Figure 1-l. 1-0 TCM-32 Magnetic Core Memory System MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ,,/ J o o SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1-1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL This manual contains information on the theory of operation and instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Series o TCM- 32, Magnetic Core Memory Systems (Figure 1-1). It is intended that this manual will contain all information required to properly operate and maintain the magnetic core memory system. 1-2 SYSTEM DESIGNATION The TCM- 32 is a high- speed magnetic core memory system that stores data in binary form at specific locations or addresses within the sys- J J tem. The storage capacity and speed of any TCM- 32 memory system is in- n tion of the designation indicates that the system has a half-cycle (load or un- dicated in the designation. For example, a storage system designated TCM-32 512/30-3.0/5.0 is identifiable as a TCM-32 system having 512 words of storage, each word of which contains 30 bits. The "3. 0/5.0" por- load) operating time of 3 jJ.sec and a full-cycle (clear/write or read/regen- '.......J erate) time of 5. 0 f-Lsec. 1-3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The basic storage elements of the TCM- 32 system are toroidal ferrite cores. 'I, \.J The cores are contained in a coincident-current core stack consisting of a number of mats or planes equal to the number of bits per word. A mat or plane contains a number of cores equal to the number of words of storage provided. Each core is capable of storing one bit of infor- mation; therefore, the total capacity of the memory equals the product of the number of cores per plane and the number of planes. I l-l 1-1 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM r-"', The TCM- 32 magnetic core storage systems provide economical, efficient, fast-access storage. netically stored inform~tion The memory is equipped to retain the mag- " for an indefinite period even though primary power is removed. The data signal interface between the TCM- 32 and the external digital equipment with which it is used is achieved via flip-flop registers. This allows the addres s and the information signals from the external equipment to be specified as digital logic signals in the form of levels. Command signals are received by gates and are specified in the format of pulses. ,.-" , Memory operation is controlled by internal timing circuits and occurs in response to one of several external command signals. Certain constraints exist between the timing of the command signals relative to the data signals; however, once the timing requirements are satisfied in the design of the system, memory operation is essentially independent of the associated equipment. Supervisory signals defining the status of the memory operation or signaling the completion of various phases of operation can be supplied to further augment the compatibility of the TCM- 32 with the as sociated external equipment (Figure 1-1). 1-4 BASIC ELEMENTS AND ORGANIZATION Figure 1-2 presents a simplified block diagram showing the basic elements and organization of a typical core memory system. In brief, the functions of these elements are as follows. a. Memory Timing and Control provides the sequence of pulses necessary to perform a specified operation in response to a given command (clear/write, read/regenerate, load, unload or read/m.odify/write). (This unit generates the necessary timing signals for both the internal and external requirements.) b. Address Register stores the specified address in binary 'form (static flip-flops) for a specified cycle. The outputs of the address register are used to drive the X and Y decoders. c. X and Y Decoder s and Switches decode the contents of the ad- dress register to select only the one proper address. 1-2 The selected switches '-"1 I MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM are set up to allow the drive current to read from or write into the ferrite o cores. The current pulses are directed by the switches through the proper X and Y drive lines. d. Core Stack utilizes a conventional four-wire coincident- current wiring scheme. The construction and operation of the core stack is described in detail in Section III of this manual. 11 e. I LJ Information Register stores the information, one word at a time, to be inserted into the memory during a clear/write or load cycle. The information register receives the output information of a selected addres s during read/regenerate or unload cycles. n L.J J This register also provides double- rail outputs to the external equipment. £. Sense Amplifiers receive the output of selected cores, reject noise, and amplify the outputs to set the information register. amplifier is required for each bit of the information word. One sense The amplifiers employ time and amplitude discrimination to determine a ONE or a ZERO 1 u o J J core output. g. Inhibit Driver s are controlled by the information register and timed by the inhibit timing pulse. Each plane or bit is selectively driven in the memory by its inhibit driver circuit during a write period. When a ZERO is to be written in the selected core, the inhibit driver produces a current pulse which acts in opposition to the selected drive current. If a ONE is to be written, the inhibit driver is gated off by the appropriate flip-flop in the information register. 1-4. 1 Memory System Layout Figure 1- 3 identifies the unit layout of the memory system. The memory system is mechanically designed for standard 19-inch relay rack mounting. I \.J Brief descriptions of each unit are listed below. Unit 1 contains part of the information register, timing and control circuits, and partitioning option. Unit 2 contains selection switches, current drivers, read-write gate driver, and inhibit drivers. Unit 3 contains part of the information, and address registers. \...J Unit 4 contains inhibit drivers, and address decoders . .......-' 1-3 I-' I ~ r----------------------------------..., READ 3 ~~gAD: REGENERATE CLEAR-WRITE I I MEMORY TIMING AND CONTROL I READ - WRITEl ~ MEMORY TIMING • ~ BUSY C) Z 1 M ~ X DECODERS DRIVERS a SWITCHES ADDRESS STROBE I-t DIGIT ISENSE (INHIBIT) STROBE TIMING --. () () o ~ M " ~ ADDRESS , I INPUT \ I PARALLEL LINES ~Y ADDRESS REGISTER a J DECODERS DRIVERS SWITCHES ~ H CORE ARRAY M ~ SENSE AMPLIFIERS t- o ~ K! Ul K! Ul I " \ INFORMATION STROBE ~ INFORMATION OUTPUT M ~ L PARALLEL LINES --.-________________....J INFORMATION -+r-\~, INPUT \ I I PARALLEL LINES J L________ J - - - - Figure 1-2. l J l J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Memory System, Block Diagram j J L J J [I l r "j , MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM lJ '1 l_l 1 1,_) 1 l_J "l \_1 'I1 I ,-1 ,-, I I ,-J UNIT 2 " i, -~ ~ UNIT 4 I 1.- 1 'I I I,-.J 1 I~_J UNIT 3 " LJ rJ I I,_J ,...., l~ rJ l--1 Figure 1- 3. Memory System Layout 1- 5 •... J MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM 1- 5 INPU T SIGNALS The addres s register varies from 7 to 12 bits, depending on mem- ory capacity (size). The minimum period of time and the time at which inputs must be present for a random-address operation are shown in the timing diagrams of Section III. Clear / write command initiates a cycle which clears the cores at the address specified by the address register, and writes the information provided in the information register. Read/ regenerate initiates a cycle which reads the cores at the addres s specified by the addres s register and rewrites this information in the cores previously read. The information is held in the information register until another cycle is started. to the number of bits per word. The size of the information register corresponds Information is provided in parallel to this regis- ter and must be timed as indicated in the timing diagrams of Section III. 1-6 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM SECTION II SYSTEM INSTALLATION 1 L\ 1 LJ J ] 2-1 GENERAL After unpacking the equipment, conduct a visual mechanical inspec- tion to determine whether the equipment was damaged during shipment, and immediately report any damage to the carrier or shipping agency. During positioning and installation of the equipment, do not disturb any factory adjustments. Check that the AC power switch, located on the front panel of the memory unit (Figure 1-1), is in the OFF position before making any electrical connections. The system is shipped with the core matrix, all S-BLOC chassis, and 3C S-PACs® prewired and properly secured in place. After completing the mechanical installation of the equipment in the rack, conduct a second inspection to ensure that all wiring and PACs are secured. Mechanical installa- tion is illustrated in Figure 2-1. 2-2 J ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTIONS The wiring of connectors J-l02 through J-I07 are defined in Tables 2-1 through 2-6. The physical location of these connectors is shown in Fig- ure 2;"2; the pin numbering scheme is illustrated in Figure 2-3. A diagram showing the power wiring of the TCM-32 is presented in Figure 2-4. J The AC and DC power connections should be provided via the mating connector s furnished by Computer Control Company. Refer to the pin connections in Figure 2-4 and note that two -18 volt connections are shown. These connec- tions should not be connected in PI0l but wired as separate leads back to the power supply. This will utilize the filtering capacitors in the power supply and reduce noise on the -18 volt logic buses due to inhibit pulse current. 1 ' .. -.1 rl I " .J 2-1/2-2 ] MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J ! UNIT NO. I TOP UNIT NO 4 TOP UNIT NO.3 BOTTOM UNIT NO.2 BOTTOM "s" PAC - INSERTED WITH UNIT AT MAX. TILT POSITION (SEE VIEW A-A) +-- STD 3C \ I I, •• J CONVECTION COOLED '"I I 1.,•..1 I n ' . ___ l T I I -1 _JL--~ .. I ~--r' T- 1041-4----- L- r-~- [ I I• .J 103/4 '-1 l,•• i : I ! I' I : 20 7/8 'i!;; : ----~--.I·I n AIR FLOW ! 90° MAX TILT Lt-,_ _ _ _~__ ___II I + i: I I I ! Ip ___ .__ . J I 18 1/4 § ~~~~~---- sro o 3C "s" PAC ] -~-- 8o U/V INPUT _ OUTPUT -./14--__eo*__ A-A CONNECTIONS 19 ~.J J--~ [ ) -iF I : I l ~~ r-- - - - - - - ~a-+- VIEW [ :rk ! ,,! 17 1/32 o IJ +I LFAN 2 1/2 (FILr~Ol SLIDE MOUNTING ANGLE STACK ENCLOSURE- A L ____ A STANDARD RELAY RACK PANEL NOTCHING _ _________. .t. 'i Figur e 2 -1. Installation Dr awing (Sheet 1 of 2) 2-3/2-4 ] :MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM l J J \TING \ J I ANGLE IN REAR OF CAsl N ET r - 1 0 5 0 MAX. pos. TILT 22 5/8 ~~~~LE I ----_~~r.\~~--'-~-----:""':~-->'=-"'"\--~("~----. ] I..... o ] . 10 10 .., :0 l~ I ....J ] i J 14---";- MOUNTING ANGLE ~ . \ 9 3/4 ----.J,-~ 8 ~ n..·r----------n--L....----,.~_ 10 I~ 5 7/32 ___L~ -EiiiiiiH-- ~t--~~~----------~~~Jn--~~ I 3/4 10 10 10 -! 10 15/32 .~ .. OUTER SLIDE RAIL I INTERMEDIATEJ SLIDE RAIL --+-~: I+-+----J~---___l_-----+- 27 14--t-----t- 16 I 13/16 3/4 DIA. VENTING HOLES IN BOTH SIDES 11/16--J MAX. EXT. .-..., " I ,J DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE WITH UNIT AT MAXIMUM EXTENSION. ] Figure 2-1. Installation Drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) 2-5/2-6 '/ I.J MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM J J UNIT NO. I (REF.) '1I .J AC INPUT JIOO JI02 JI03 JI04 I \.~ JI05 JI06 ..LL.lJL----- J 107 I I ..-J ' II .J MATING CONNECTORS (SHIPPED WITH TCM-32) 1.J 'i I lJ I• .J ~ l.J 1. CONNECTOR, DD-50P 3C PART NO. 941 105 001 2. PLUG, MRA-14S-JTC-H 3C PART NO. 941 114 001 3. PLUG, M4S-LS 3C PART NO. 941 115 001 NOTES: 1. UNIT WEIGHT (EMPTY) APPROX. 40 LB 2. MAX. PAC EXTRACTION FORCE REQD 20 LB 3. POWER INPUT -115 V AC FUSED ON FRONT PANEL. DC INPUT INTERLOCKED THRU AC ACTUATED RELAY. 4. MEMORY NORMALIZER BOARD (MN) IS LOCATED BEHIND CONNECTORS Ji02, Ji03, Ji04, IN UNIT 1. 5. INDICATOR POWER SUPPLY (WHEN INCLUDED AS AN OPTION) IS LOCATED BEHIND CONNECTORS Ji05, J106, Ji 07, IN UNIT 3. Figure 2- 2. Connector Detail 2-7 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Figur e 2 - 3. 2-8 Pin Numbering, Connector s J - 102 through J -107 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM '1 LJ POWER WIRING J J IIOVAC ~[\ r------+-~I-D_--' r-.. f'- r........ +12 - -+__~-r__-r__________~ 2'~ ____ J (J 100) AC PLUG 7'/-18Z J x x U U M M L L T T N N J W S J W S p P I -6 - K JIOI DC PLUG (PIN SIDE ) J B E J V ~ + 0 lLI 0: !!! co I I l- I- W ...J !:: w ...J 0 w 0 > 11 POWER BUSS IN UNITS 2 : __________________~~ 2 2 '- I I BOARDS A a a4 B TO POWER BUSSES IN UNITS 2 EI 4 GND 11I--------------------------------~ 46 46 45 44 43 45W 44 --, 43 ......J~---------------------------- Ploe PII41JI14 I I ti...J N ~ 1 W 6[J-±} ~ 6 NORMALIZER BOARD & && ~ 0 TO INHIBIT BOARDS e I} D I~ ~ATO INHIBIT __________________~~ 8 / R ~--------------------~ "/"" V ~--------------------~'- FRONT PANEL __________________________________________~ ~ TO : K H a 47~~------------------------------------~ "- 3 /10 ~--------------------~"- 9 R > o I t:;...J 0 W ~ C) 7 8 X :t I 2~ __ 1""'l 4 o 0 _/ V fT,~-. () 0 7 8 I ~______-+'XA__ -J ~lr'~J L--+-+---t-..QO_6 3() J \()6 5 I RELAYhJi.-~2 SOCKETS 0 C'2 0 4 0 1'...._-" \ [JI 30 5 \ I I- :> - :I: I W 0 0: :; ( ~ J 1081 +11---_---~ M 49 48 '- 47 ~ C4 Q 0 ¢ () 50 ~49 '- 7 - 0L 0P L/ "- 5 8 ..... * IEl3 II 501l~ /48 '-----<. ~ r--- R oA 120- -Isze ' - II ~____________~____~~ 4 H GROUND LUG ~}TOUNITS /12 r---+---+-~ ~__________________~/ 4,o--_-+-_+--_+___' 5 UN ITS 2 a 4 UNITS 163 (A-BLOC) I BI -k>o- ~ I 2 \ ON 110 VAC ROTRON "MUFFIN" FANS I 51 I I :B2-1~ II I I L: -- J-:TCM-32 DOUBLE ONLY . ...J Figure 2-4. TCM-32 Power Wiring Diagram 2-9/2-10 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM TABLE 2-l. WIRING CONNECTOR J-102 J l u J J 'I I l.J I .J rr I LJ J (Connector location is found in Figure 2- 2 Figure 2-3 shows pin numbering) Pin Number Signal Function Pin Number Signal 1 I-I Information In 26 1-13 Information In 2 I-I Information In 27 1-14 Information In 3 1-2 Information In 28 1-14 Information In 4 r:T Information In 29 1-15 Information In 5 1-3 Information In 30 1-15 Information In 6 1-3 Information In 31 1-16 Information In 7 1-4 Information In 32 I=Tb Information In 8 1-4 Infor mation In 33 1-17 Information In 9 1-5 Information In 34 1-17 Information In 10 1- 5 Information In 35 1-18 Information In 11 1-6 Information In 36 1-18 Information In 12 "[:"b Information In 37 1-19 Information In 13 1-7 Information In 38 1-19 Information In 14 1-7 Information In 39 1-20 Information In 15 1-8 Information In 40 1-20 Infor mation In 16 1-8 Information In 41 1- 21 Information In 17 1-9 Information In 42 1-21 Information In 18 1-9 Infor mation In 43 1-22 Information In 19 1-10 Information In 44 y:-zz- Information In 20 1-10 Information In 45 1-23 Information In 21 I-II Information In 46 !-IT Information In 22 I-II Information In 47 1-24 Information In 23 1-12 Information In 48 r-vr Information In 24 1-12 Infor mation In 49 Signal Gr ound 25 1-13 Information In 50 Chassis Ground Function '/ I U J 2-11 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 2-2. WIRING CONNECTOR J-103 Pin Number Signal 1 IR- i 2 Pin Number Signal Function Information Out 26 IR-13 Information Out IR-l Information Out 27 IR-14 Information Out 3 IR-2 Information Out 28 IR-14 Information Out 4 rrr:7 Information Out 29 IR-15 Information Out 5 IR-3 Information Out 30 IR-15 Information Out 6 IR-3 Information Out 31 IR-16 Information Out 7 IR-4 Information Out 32 IR-16 Information Out 8 IR-4 Information Out 33 IR-17 Information Out 9 IR-5 Information Out 34 IR-17 Information Out 10 IR-5 Information Out 35 IR-18 Information Out 11 IR-6 Information Out 36 IR-18 Information Out 12 IR-6 Information Out 37 IR-19 Information Out 13 IR-7 Information Out 38 IR-19 Information Out 14 IR-7 Information Out 39 IR-20 Information Out 15 IR-8 Information Out 40 IR-20 Information Out 16 IR-8 Information Out 41 IR-2l Information Out 17 IR-9 Information Out 42 IR-21 Information Out 18 ·IR-9 Information Out 43 IR-22 Information Out 19 IR-IO Information Out 44 IR-22 Information Out 20 IR-IO Information Out 45 IR-23 Information Out 21 IR-ll Information Out 46 IR-23 Information Out 22 IR-ll Information Out 47 IR-24 Information Out 23 IR-12 Information Out 48 IR-24 Information Out 24 IR-12 Information Out 49 Signal Ground 25 IR-13 Information Out 50 Chassis Ground Function n r-· 1"-' ~, 2-12 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 'l u TABLE 2-3. WIRING CONNECTOR J-104 Pin Number n J 1 u I I I__ .J' lJ Remarks Function 1 and 2: Twisted Pair 3 and 4: Twisted Pair 5 and 6: Twisted Pair 7 and 8: Twisted Pair 1 .Input: Read/Regenerate (SIG) 2 Input: Read/Regenerate (GND) 3 Input: Clear /Write (SIG) 4 Input: Clear /Write (GND) 5 Input: Unload Buffer (SIG) 6 Input: Unload Buffer (GND) 7 Input: Load Buffer (SIG) 8 Input: Load Buffer (GND) 9 Input: Random / Sequential Operation -6 V: -Random o V: Sequential 10 Input: Memory Clear (SIG) 10 and 11: 11 Input: Memory Clear (GND) 12 Input: Reset Unload Counter 13 Input: Reset Load Counter (Addr e s s register) 14 Input: Reset Information Register (SIG) Pulse: -6 V to 0 V 14 and 15: Twisted Pair 15 Input: Reset Information Register (GND) 16 Input: Drop-in (SIG) Pulse: -6 V to 0 V 16 and 17: Twisted Pair 17 Input: Drop-in (GND) 18 Input: Read/Modify/Write RMW 19 Input: Load Counter (Advance SIG) Pulse: -6 Vto OV 19 and 20: Twisted Pair 20 Input: Load Counter (Advance GND) 21 Input: Unload Counter (Advance SIG) Pulse: -6VtoOV 21 and 22: Twisted Pair 22 Input: Unload Counter (GND) 23 Input: Addres s Register Strobe (SIG) Pulse: Twisted Pair Twisted Pair -6 V to 0 V i..J 2-13 l ....1 Ii MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 2-3. (Cont) WIRING CONNECTOR J-I04 Pin Number Ii Function Remarks Ii 24 Input: Address Register Strobe (GND) 25 Input: Address Register Shift (SIG) 26 Input: Address Register Shift (GND) 25 and 26: Twisted Pair II 27 Input: Information Shift (SIG) 28 Input: Information Shift (GND) 29 Input: Information Register Zone A 30 Input: Information Register Zone B 31 Input: Information Register Zone C 32 Input: Information Register Zone D.- 27 and 28: Twisted Pair .. ~ partitioning option ,'--' 33 Wired Spare 34 Wired Spare 35 Wired Spare 36 Wired Spare ,~' 37 Pulse: -6 V to aV 38 and 39: Twisted Pair Pulse: -6 V to 0 V 40 and 41: Twisted Pair 38 Output: End of Cycle 39 Output: End of Cycle 40 Output: Information Ready (SIG) 41 Output: Information Ready (GND) 42 Random Access 43 Sequential Acces s 44 Load Mode 45 Unload Mode -6 V -6 V 46 Power +12 V 47 Power -6 V 48 Power -18 V ,~~ '~ -6 V -6 V 49 Signal Ground 50 Chas sis Ground 2-14 ,.-, .,.-J r~, • .-1 I"l '--' r-' c-' J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 2-4. WIRING CONNECTOR J-I05 J J 1 U I 'J 1 ~J 1 LJ Pin Number Pin Number Signal Function 1 A-I Address Reg. In 26 AR-7~:~ Address Reg. Out 2 A-2 Address Reg. In 27 AR-8 Address Reg. Out 3 A-3 Address Reg. In 28 AR-8* Address Reg. Out 4 A-4 Addres s Reg. In 29 AR-9 Addres s Reg. Out 5 A-5 Address Reg. In 30 AR-9~:~ Addres s Reg. Out 6 A-6 Address Reg. In 31 AR-I0 Address Reg. Out 7 A-7 Address Reg. In 32 AR-I0* Address Reg. Out 8 A-8 Address Reg. In 33 AR-ll Address Reg. Out 9 A-9 Address Reg. In 34 AR-ll ~:c Address Reg. Out 10 A-IO Address Reg. In 35 AR-12 Address Reg. Out 11 A-II Address Reg. In 36 AR-12~:~ Address Reg. Out 12 A-12 Address Reg. In 37 ARU-l~:~ Unload AR Out 13 AR-1 Address Reg. Out 38 ARU-2* Unload AR Out 14 AR-l ~:~ Address Reg. Out 39 ARU-3~:~ Unload AR Out 15 AR-2 Address Reg. Out 40 ARU-4~:~ Unload AR Out 16 AR-2~:~ Address Reg. Out 41 ARU-5~:~ Unload AR Out 17 AR-3 Address Reg. Out 42 ARU-6~:~ Unload AR Out 18 AR-3~:~ Address Reg. Out 43 ARU-7* Unload AR Out 19 AR-4 Addres s Reg. Out 44 ARU-8~:~ Unload AR Out 20 AR-4~:~ Address Reg. Out 45 ARU-9* - Unload AR Out 21 AR-5 Address Reg. Out 46 ARU-10~:~ 22 AR-5~:~ Address Reg. Out 47 AR U-l1 ~:~ Unload AR Out 23 AR-6 Address Reg. Out 48 ARU-12~:~ 24 AR-6~:~ Address Reg. Out 49 25 AR-7 Address Reg. Out 50 Signal Function Unload AR Out Unload AR Out 'I I l.J ~:~AR U and AR signals on request only 2-15 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 2-5. WIRING CONNECTOR J-106 11 Pin Number Signal 1 1-25 Information In 2 1-25 3 Function Pin Number Signal Function 26 1-37 Information In Information In 27 1-38 Information In 1-26 Information In 28 1-38 Information In 4 I-2b Information In 29 1-39 Information In 5 1-27 Information In 30 1-39 Information In 6 1-27 Information In 31 1-40 Information In 7 1-28 Information In 32 1-40 Information In 8 1-28 Information In 33 1-41 Information In 9 1-29 Information In 34 1-41 Information In 10 1-29 Information In 35 1-42 Information In 11 1-30 Information In 36 1-42 Information In 12 1-30 Information In 37 1-43 Information In 13 1- 31 Information In 38 1-43 Information In 14 Wi Information In 39 1-44 Information In 15 1-32 Information In 40 r:44 Information In 16 1-32 Information In 41 1-45 Information In 17 1-33 Information In 42 1-45 Information In 18 r-"IT" Information In 43 1-46 Information In 19 1-34 Information In 44 I=4b Information In 20 1-34 Information In 45 1-47 Information In 21 1-35 Information In 46 r-47 Information In 22 1-35 Information In 47 1-48 Information In 23 1-36 Information In 48 1-48 Information In 24 I=3"b Information In 49 Signal Ground 25 1-37 Information In 50 Chas sis Ground 2-16 1 U MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 2-5. (Cont) WIRING CONNECTOR J-I01 J :J 1'1 I U J n I \.J Pin Number Signal Function Information Out 26 IR-37 Information Out IR-25 Information Out 27 IR-38 Information Out 3 IR-26 Information Out 28 IR-38 Information Out 4 IR-26 Information Out 29 IR-39 Information Out 5 IR-27 Information Out 30 IR-39 Information Out 6 IR-27 Information Out 31 IR-40 Information Out 7 IR-28 Information Out 32 IR-40 Information Out 8 IR-28 Information Out 33 IR-41 Information Out 9 IR-29 Information Out 34 IR-41 Information Out 10 IR-29 Information Out 35 IR-42 Information Out 11 IR-30 Information Out 36 IR-42 Information Out 12 IR-30 Information Out 37 IR-43 Information Out Pin Number Signal 1 IR-25 2 Function 13 IR-31 Information Out 38 IR-43 Infor mation Out 14 IR-31 Information Out 39 IR-44 Information Out 15 IR-32 Information Out 40 IR-44 Information Out 16 IR-32 Information Out 41 IR-45 Information Out 17 IR-33 Information Out 42 IR-45 Information Out 18 IR-33 Information Out 43 IR-46 Information Out 19 IR-34 Information Out 44 IR-46 Information Out 20 IR-34 Information Out 45 IR-47 Information Out 21 IR-35 Information Out 46 IR-47 Information Out 22 IR-35 Information Out 47 IR-48 Information Out 23 IR-36 Information Out 48 IR-48 Information Out 24 IR-36 Information Out 49 Signal Gr ound 25 IR-37 Information Out 50 Chassis Ground . ~ lJ 2-17/2-18 r-r J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM SECTION III PRINCIPLES OF OPERA TION 3-1 PRINCIPLES OF MAGNETIC CORE MEMORIES 3 -1. 1 Magnetic Core Storage The memory core stack, housed in the magnetic core unit, is a matrix configuration of individual small (50 mils O. D., 30 mils 1. D.) ferrite cores. The cores are arranged in identical planes, each plane having X-rows and Y-columns. Basically, the ferrite core is a l-bit storage ele- ment in the form of a ferrite ceramic ring that can be magnetically saturated 'l lJ to either positive or negative flux density. The ferrite material retains a large part of the magnetic flux developed at the time the core is saturated which is an important characteristic of the core. The time required to switch a core from one polarity or state to another is primarily dependent J on the core material and size. Consequently, cores measuring only milli- meters in diameter are us ed in the memory core array to permit fast switching speeds. A similarity exists between the magnetic core and the flip-flop in that both provide storage for one bit of data. The two extremes of saturation in a magnetic core represent ZERO and ONE, as do the two stable states of a flip-flop. A core can be set to a ONE state by the application of a current pulse of similar magnitude applied in the opposite direction. Similarly, a flip-flop is set or reset by applying pulses to the appropriate inputs. Both the magnetic core and the flip-flop provide memory of the last pulse applied, but the core does so without requiring power to hold its state. The ferrite core has a nearly rectangular hysteresis loop. The hysteresis loop is a graphical representation of the flux density produced in a magnetic material, plotted against the magnetizing force that produces it. Figure 3-1 is a simplified drawing showing the generation of a typical ferrite 3-1 1..-1 ~- MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM +8 A ----~~~---+ H As Positive Current Increases Rising Flux Density is Limited by Core Saturation +8 8 --_~""""fI/C- ___ + H C ------:J+---+-.....~--+ H Most of the FI ux Rema ins after the Current is Removed. As Negative Cu rrent Reaches the Switching Point, the Core is Driven to Negative Saturation +8 D +H As with Positive Current, when Negative Current is Removed, Most of t he Flux Remains +8 E .-. "-1 +H Figure 3-1. 3-2 r-"', Thus, the Core is always Saturated in the Positive or Negative Direction Ferrite Core Hysteresis Loop '--1 '---', ", 1 I---.J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM core hysteresis loop. Starting with an unmagnetized core, an increas e in magnetizing current (H) increases the flux density (B) along the S -shaped curve (3 -lA). The flux density levels off when the core is saturated, and any ad- ditional current applied does not appreciably increase the flux density caus e the core material is supporting as much flux as it can. be- A s the current is decreased, then made to flow in the opposite direction, the flux does not 'i U I collapse along the same line (3-lB); and most of the flux remains even after the current has fallen to zero. 1L.l The amount of flux actually remaining is a function of the retentivity of the magnetic material. As a magnetizing cur- rent is applied in the opposite direction, it has little effect on the flux level until the current reaches the knee of the hysteresis loop. (Note that a cer- tain amount of current is required to overcome the residual magnetism to r-J return the core to a neutral condition. ) 1 I A slight increase in current beyond the knee of the curve switches '--..\ the core rapidly to negative saturation (3 -IC). rr l.J The point on the curve rep- resenting the amount of current required to change the state of the core is termed the coercive current. When the negative magnetizing current is re- moved, most of the flux is retained as before (3-ID). Note that the original sweep from a magnetically neutral condition is never repeated (3-IE). 'I u 'I I lJ A memory core in coincident-current use is never in a neutral condition, but is switched from one saturated state to the other. The core is thus an ex- tremely useful binary component because it can exist in either of two stable states and can switch rapidly from one to the other. For any given toroidal magnetic core, the necessary magnetomotive force required to effect switching is a func~ionof the product of the number of turns of wire and the current driven through those turns. It is not economi- cally feasible to wind multiple turns of wire around the small toroidal cores I ,-.J used in core memories; rather the number of turns is reduced to two, one in each of the perpendicular driving coordinates, and the current in these coor- l.J dinate wires is of such a magnitude as to cause switching (rapid flux change) to occur. 'I LJ In addition to the perpendicular (X and Y) coordinate selection lines, each core is also threaded by two other wires, each of which passes through every core in a plane. One is the sense winding, which detects flux-change I.J f'") U 3-3 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM '~I due to switching of a core and thus provides a readout signal from the plane. The other winding is the inhibit winding which is used, as its name suggests, to inhibit or prevent the writing of a ONE into the core, thereby causing ZERO to be stored. A single memory core, with its associated control '--'1 windings is illustrated in Figure 3-2. A disadvantage of the memory core is that it does not provide a static indication of its state, as does a flip-flop. To obtain an indication of 1-' the condition of the flux in a memory core, the state of the core must be switched. y- Line .A-+-In'o-+-+--~ X- Line Inhibit (Z) Line Figure 3-2. 3-1.2 Core Control Windings Addressing The complete core stack for a magnetic core unit consists of a num- ber of individual matrices or planes. Each plane contains memory cores assembled in a rectangular configuration. The memory cores are threaded by X - and Y -lines in each plane so that one memory core is physically 10cated at each junction of an X -line and Y -line. As previously stated, pulses of current applied along the X - and Ylines switch a memory core from one state to another. If one-half of the current required to switch a core is applied along the X -line, and one -half of the necessary current is applied along the Y -line, the core situated at the 3-4 r-, MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM junction of the energized X - and Y -lines will receive the full switching current. This type of operation is termed coincident-current operation. A coincident-current magnetic core memory depends upon the coin- cidence of two half-currents to read data from or to write data into the cores. Two additive half-current pulses will set the core to the ONE state, while two half-current pulses applied in the opposite direction will reset the core to the ZERO state. A core with two half-current inputs is essentially an AND circuit requiring that half-current be applied to both X - and Y -lines in the same direction to change the state of the flux at the core. A half-current applied to one line without a similar half-current applied to the other line has no effect on the core. Only one X -line and one Y -line of a plane are energized during a single cycle, and only that core situated at the junction of the activated Xand Y -lines will respond to the coincident half-current pulses. Therefore, only one core in each plane will be affected during a single cycle. " i LJ A simpli- fied diagram of coincident-current selection of a memory core is illustrated in Figure 3-3. In effect, the X -line selects one row (X -row), and the Y -line selects one column (Y -column). In coincident-current memories, the X - and Y -lines are wired in ~ series through all planes of the memory core array. Thus each X -line and I U J each Y -line threads corresponding rows or columns of cores in all memory planes. Figure 3-3) supplies a half-current pulse to the appropriate row of cores in every plane. I J Energizing one of the X -lines (designated Xl through Xm in Similarly, energizing one of the Y -lines (designated Y 1 through Y n)' supplies a half-current pulse to the appropriate column of cores in every plane. When pulses occur· simultaneously on two lines (X and Y), they s elect the same core position in each of the planes. Therefore, the X - and Y -lines select a word in the memory core array and enable read or write operations. l-.J 3-5 LJ --1 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Yn , ---, X, --------~--------~------~~~~--~-----4~Half-Current Half-Current Figure 3-3. 3 -1. 3 Coincident-Current Selection Information Sensing -1 Sens e lines allow the reading of information stored in the cores. One sense line (Figure 3-2) is threaded through all memory cores of each plane. To read any of the words stored in memory, half-currents in the proper direction are generated in the selected X - and Y -lines (Figure 3 -3). The read half-currents combine at the coincident junction of the X - and Ylines to change the state of the affected core in each melTIory plane. If the affected core is storing a ONE at that instant, the effect of the read halfcurrents will change the state of the core to ZERO. If the core was previ- ously in the ZERO state, the read half-currents will have no effect on the core. 3-6 When the core is switched from the ONE to the ZERO state, the rapid r-', MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM o change in flux from positive saturation to negative saturation induces a volt- o o age pulse in the corresponding sense line. n through Sk in the memory core stack are connected to sense amplifiers. w o age pulse in the sense line during been stored in the indicated core. th~ Therefore, the presence of a volt- read operation indicates that a ONE had If no voltage pulse occurs in a sense line during read operation, a ZERO is indicated. The sense lines designated So A ONE input to any of the sense amplifiers is amplified and applied to the information register. Thus, output data is transferred from its storage loca- tion in the core stack to the information register. 3-1.4 Writing Inhibit lines are used to enable a computer word or instruction to be n J written into memory at a selected address location. '1 of the magnetic core unit requires an individual inhibit line. I I A single inhibit line is threaded through each memory core in a plane (Figure 3-2), and each plane U To write information into memory, half-current pulses in the direction opposite to those generated for read operation are applied to the selected X - and Y -coincident junction to switch the affected core in each memory plane. Since all the cores at the selected address have been cleared to the ZERO state prior to the application of the write half-currents, the write halfcurrents operate to switch all cores to the ONE state. If the incoming data dictates that a ZERO is to be written into a specific core, some means must be used to prevent the core from switching to the ONE state when the write half-currents are generated. o designated Zl through Zk. This is accomplished by the inhibit (Z) lines An inhibit pulse, when transmitted through the inhibit line of the memory plane at the same time that the write half-currents are applied through the X- and Y -lines, prevents the writing of a ONE be- r-"1 I I cause the inhibit current subtracts from X- and Y -write current. L-J The inhibit pulse is of the same magnitude but of the opposite polarity to the write half-current pulses. Therefore, the inhibit pulse directly cancels the effect of one write half-current pulse. The net effect of the two write half-current pulses and an inhibit pulse, is equivalent to a single write J 3-7 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM n half-current pulse on the addressed core. This prevents the core from switching from the ZERO to the ONE state. Information to be written into memory is stored in the information register prior to being transferred to the memory core stack. During the transfer operation, a binary ONE from the register flip-flop will prevent the generation of an inhibit pulse whereas a binary level ZERO from the register flip-flop allows an inhibit pulse to be generated. In this \Xlay information is rewritten (or new information is written) into the selected me:mory location exactly as it appears in the information register. 3-1.5 Information Retention The magnetic core unit does not require power to provide static memory capability. A pulse of power is required to switch the cores from one state to another, but not to hold cores in their respective states. All cores remain in the state to which they have been switched, because of the retentivity of the core magnetic material. If power is removed or lost with- out a severe transient pulse being generated, the core stack retains the stored information indefinitely. 3-2 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, TCM-32 MEMORY SYSTEM Capacity: Words: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 11 Word Length: 8 to 48 bits (in 2-bit increments) Cycle Time: Full Cycle: 5 fJ.sec Half Cycle: 3 fJ.sec A cces s : 2. 3 fJ.s e c Modes of Operation: Clear/Write Read/Reg enera te Load Unload Read/Modify /W rite 3-8 r-, MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Operating Temperature: O°C to 50°C Humidity: 950/0 without condensation Power: +12 VDC -6 VDC As supplied by S-PAC Series RP-31 or equivalent -18 VDC Options: Read/Modify /W ri te 1 1--.,) Sequential Addressing ,... Random-Sequential Addressing J Sequential-Interlace Addressing i Serial Addres s -Register Operation Memory Clear Information-Register Partitioning J ] Serial Information-Register Operation Physical Description: Standard 19-in. drawer mount 10-1/2 in. high 20-3/4 in. deep 135 lb maximum Input Signal Specifications: a. Al1 input circuits are designed to operate between 0 V and -6 V. b. Al1 inputs are diode coupled/isolated and provide noise rejection margins of 1. 5 V minimum. J c. Each input requires a flow of approximately 2.5 rna, when the driving source is at ground and approximately 0 rna when the driving source is at -6 V. ~J d. Each input that is not strobed or clocked must have a maximum rise time of 0.2 f.1sec (10% amplitude point to 900/0 amplitude point). Minimum pulse width is 0.3 f.1sec. J ] J J 3-9 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM e. Those inputs which are clocked or strobed may rise at any desired rate as long as they fulfill specified timing requirements. Output Signal Specifications: 3-3 a. Outputs will swing between 0 V and -6 V. clamped. h. All outputs are capable of driving 400 fJ.fJ.f of stray capacitanc e in addition to 20 ma from ground. c. Typical rise times are O. I jJ.sec. 0.15 jJ.sec. All outputs Typical fall times are TCM-32 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The basic function of the TC M-32 memory system is the magnetic core storage of information which is fed to the memory by an external systern (typically, a computer) and the restoration of the information to the external system upon command. A block diagram of the TCM-32 memory is presented in Figure 3-4, to which this functional description is referenced. 3-3. 1 Address Register The address register (AR) of the memory system is composed of MF-30 flip-flops. The AR stores the selected address in static flip-flops for a specified cycle, and the AR outputs drive the X - and Y -decoders. In any of the optional sequential-addressing arrangements, the AR is wired and operated as a counter. 3-302 X - and Y -Decoders, Switches, and Drivers The X - and Y -decoders and switches decode the contents of the AR so that only one memory location is selected. A specific address input ac- ti vates one X -row of memory cores and one Y -column of memory cores, as shown in Figure 3-3. The selected switches allow the drive currents to read from and write into the corresponding cores of the memory array. (The current pulses are generated from temperature-compensated, dynamically regulated drivers, the outputs of which are essentially independent of supply voltages. ) 3-10 r--> I MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM [] * EXTERNAL * EXTERNAL RESET AR IN SHIFT - READ/ ~ RESTORE - - _ _ _ _ _ _"I_ ! --10 X-Y DECODER CLEAR/ --. WRITE *MODIFY/ READ/ Y SWITCH I --, I I I 1 INHIBIT DRIVER X ~ S W WRITE I - T C * MEMORY ___ H CLEAR J COUNTER (FOR SEQUENTIAL ADDRESS REGISTER I SELECTION L-_ _ _---,_ _ _ _ _--I _ _ _ --II LOAD --. ] 1-----1, L~I~CE ~~ON~ ~_--lI:"'-" UNLOAD J I r--- I AR. OUT lu r ADDRESS REGISTER * EXTERNAL RESET C01NT 1 * AR * EXTERNAL COUNT MEMORY CORE ARRAY ~ r - r------0 ---..JL INFORMATION OUT lNFORMATION IN r------'"--'----lI-......., MEMORY CLEAR OPTION ______ J INFORMATION REGISTER ·EXTERNAL RESET * .EXTERNAL DROP-IN * SENSE AMPLIFIERS I U * I t SHIFT J L.....-... MEMORY- STATE (LOAD/UN LOAD, RANDOM/SEQUENTIAL) ~ INFORMATION AVAILABLE ~ END OF CYCLE Figure 3-4. * INDICATES OPTIONAL SIGNALS TCM-3Z Memory System, Block Diagram J 3-11 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 3-3.3 Memory Timing and Control The memory timing and control circuits provide the sequence of pulses necessary to carry out the specific operation (read/regenerate, clear/write, load, unload, and optionally, read/modify/write). Timing and control also generates the memory-busy signal, memory-state indicator signal, an information-available marker, and an end-of-cycle marker pulse. 3-3.4 Memory Core Stack The principles of the memory core stack are described in detail in Section 3-1. The core stack utilizes a four -wire coincident-current wiring scheme and consists of a number of individual planes, each of which contains magnetic cores as sembled in an X - and Y -configuration. '--', 3-3.5 Information Register The information register (IR) stores one information word which is to be inserted into the memory during a load or clear/write cycle. The IR also provides output information during an unload or read/regenerate cycle. This register is composed of flip-flops, and if the IR partitioning option is employed, the portions, or zones, of the IR may be operated independently. The IR provides double-rail outputs to the external system. 3-3.6 Sense Amplifiers The sense amplifiers receive the output of the selected cores tl~rough the sense lines, reject noise, and amplify the outputs to set the in- formation register. The memory system has a separate sense amplifier for each bit of an information word. A sense winding comznon to all cores in a memory plane detects a change of state of an addres sed core and provides an input signal to the associated sense amplifier. One bit of the selected word is applied to each sense amplifier, thus transferring the addressed word from storage to the IR, for further transfer to the external equipment. 3-12 n l.J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Inhibit Drivers 3-3.7 Each inhibit Driver PAC, Model MI-32, contains eight circuits and controls eight bits of a word. Each channel of an MI-32 PAC receives an in- put from the assertion output of one information register flip-flop. A timing signal (ZS or Z-step) is also received which is amplified to enable and properly time any channel. l .-1 The MI-32 PAC is described in the PAC appendix. Each inhibit driver controls the flow of inhibit current through one plane of the memory core stack. Inhibit-driver conduction produces a half-select current when a ZERO is to be stored during load, clear/write or read/regenerate memory operations. An IR flip-flop disables its associated inhibit driver when a ONE is to be stored. '\ 3-3.8 Current Drivers I ~.J The two Current Driver PACs, Model MD-32 are used in each TCM-32. A channel receives input signals from the RS or WS (read step or write step) gate and provides a selection current of proper rise-time, falltime, and amplitude to a selected line. appendix. :J The MD-32 is described in the PAC Potentiometers for setting the output current amplitude are lo- cated adjacent to the core stack enclosure in unit 2. 3-4 FUNC TIONAL DESCRIPTION OF SELEC TION AND DRIVING TECHNIQUE 3-4.1 Memory C ore Stack A typical schematic diagram of the memory core stack us ed in the memory system is illustrated in Figure 3 -5. drive lines are connected in groups. switch on a Selection Switch PAC. l..J The ends of one side of the Y Each group connects to a transistor The other side of the Y drive lines con- nect to outputs 16 through 31 of a Selection Switch PAC. The decoded input address information selects a transistor switch on each side of the Y drive I lines. The logic design of the selection switches is such that only one line is L.1 selected for any input address. The X drive line connections are similar to the Y drive line connections. l ..: 3-13 ... J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM .-, OUTPUTS 16 THRU 23 OF SELECTION SwITCH #1 OUTPUTS 24 THRU 31 OF SELECTION SWITCH "'1 OUTPUTS 24 THRU 31 r~' OF SELECTION SWITCH -4 OUTPUT 33 _ _ _ _ _ _....... SEL. SW. #, OUTPUT 35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SEL. SW. -, OUTPUT 33 ______________________ ~ SEL. SW #2 OUTPUT 35 ___________________--' SEL. SW. "'2 I I I OUTPUT"'35 SEL.SW.#4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 71-163 Figure 3 -5. Memory Core Stack, Simplified Schematic Diagram of Y -Coordinate Sense, and Inhibit r-' 3-14 J J J J J J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Inhibit driver outputs are applied to the corresponding inhibit lines designated Zk' Resistors located on separate component·boards control in- hibit current amplitude and provide transient damping. component board is included in the appendix.) (Information on the The inhibit lines control the insertion of data into the memory core stack for storage The sense lines control the extraction of data from storage within the memory core unit. A sens e winding threads every core in a plane to minimize output signals due to inductive or capacitive coupling to other windings and those due to certain nonideal electrical characteristics of the magnetic cor es. 3-4.2 Selection Switches The X -row selection and Y -column selection are composed of lLJ Selection Switch PAC s. Relevant sets of digits of the address register are decoded and applied to the Y -column selection switches. Similarly, other sets of digits are decoded and applied to the X -row s election switches. Since only one X drive line and one Y drive line are selected for a given adr-'1 dress register content, only one address receives the full coincident-current. The method of selecting only one X drive line (or similarly one Y drive line) is demonstrated by the simplified selection diagram (Figure 3-6). To select drive line X o ' switches Q1 and Q3 are turned on by coincidence of decoded address information (ODA and OD B ) and the read pulse (RP). The I I other six switches are off. 'l \. .J Read current flows from ground through Q3, memory line X o ' CR1 and Q 1 to the read current source. The diodes are needed to steer the current through only the selected line. For instance, the current can not flow through the path Q3-X2-CR6-CR8-X3-X1-CR3 and Q1 because of the reversed biased diode CR6. During the write portion of the cycle, Q2 and Q4 are turned on by coincidence of the write pulse (WP) and ODA and ODB' respectively. Switches Q 1 and Q3 are off due to the absence of a read pulse, and Q5, Q6, Q7, and Q8 are off due to the abs ence of an OD puIs e. The write current flows from ground through Q2, CR2, Xo and Q4 to the write current source. The actual method used by the memory system to select the memory lines is explained as follows. r] I 3-15 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM '--"'1 "-"I t r~, READ DRIVE CURRENT r-~ RP OD A QI WP ODA RP WP PIN 33 .......- - - - - - - - _ e _ - - - - - - - Q4 QS -' WRITE DRIVE ~--------------------~---------------------------------~ CURRENT Figure 3 -6. 3-16 Simplified Selection Diagram IJ J ,J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TO l ---J INPUT PULSE l ,.J SET ADDRESS REG. a RESET INFO. REGISTER (SA- RI) SELECTION SWITCH (RE) 31.1 2 1.1 SEC 11.1 SEC SEC 4 JJ SEC 5 1.1 SEC ~ V U \ I X-Y READ DRIVE (RS) READ STROBE(STR) I INFO. DROP-IN (DO 'I .J J INHIBIT (ZS) I X-V WRITE DRIVE (WS) ' \ .....; r-"-, I r- MEMORY BUSY (MBS) U I '._..J ~ I Figure 3 -7 . In te rnal TiITling ,,"\ 3-17 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM Contents of the addres s register are decoded in groups; that is, groups of three bits rnay be decoded into one of eight outputs via DP- 32 (S -117). Enabled outputs of the decoders go to particular inputs of Selection Switch PAC, SS-32, in which they are in turn gated against a read pulse or write pulse input to enable driver current flow of one polarity or the other ".-, through the selected coordinate lines. 3-4.3 Indicator Option When used, the indicator option includes incandescent indicators on the front panel, associated LD-30 Driver PACs, and the Indicator Power Supply, Model PI. 3-5 OPERATING CYCLES 3 -5.1 Standard Cycles The four standard operating cycles of the TCM-32 Magnetic Core Mernory are load, unload, clear/write and read/regenerate. The operating cycle or rnode is selected by separate control pulses which are generated by the cornputer or external systern. The control circuits are shown in the rnern- ory block diagrarn of Figure 3-4. The internal tirning signals are shown in Figure 3-7, and the various internal logic signals are identified in Table 3-1. 3-5.1.1 Read/Regenerate Cycle (Figure 3-8). - The read/regenerate cycle transfers a selected word frorn storage to the inforrnation register upon cornrnand. As the reading process requires the resetting of all selected cores to ZERO (destructive readout) the information in the information register is reinserted into core storage to avoid loss of the information. The in- forrnation is also retained in the inforrnation register for use by the external system. A read/regenerate command is required for each word unloaded. The read/regenerate sequence is as follows. 1. A core storage location corresponding to the word in the address register is selected. 3-18 ,'-', J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM I READ/REGENERATE 1l.J '1 ,i L-J C I ADDRESS INPUTS I INFORMATION OUT III NFORMATION AVAILABLE II MARKER D I MEMORY BUSY To I IIJSEC 2PSEC 3IJSEC 4IJSEC 51..1SEC 'I 1 l) Figure 3 -8. Read/Regenerate Cycle External Timing 1 I.J 2. Information stored in the selected core storage location is read out into the information register, from which it is available to the external system. 3. The information is also held in the information register. The information in the information register is regenerated '1 ,I L~ into core storage at the selected address. The internal timing of the read/regenerate cycle is generated by two TD-32 PACs in the timing and control section of the memory (positions 22 and 23 of Unit 1). The first TD-32 generates the proper timing signals for the read half of the cycle; the second TD-32 generates the outputs and internal timing signals required for the regenerate portion. Upon the initiation of a read/regenerate pulse, two timing pulses are generated by the TD, set address (SA), and reset information register (RI). These pulses set up the new address in the address register and clear the information register to all ZEROs. Pulse RE next enables the selection switches to direct read the drive currents to the proper address. 1 l.-J After the selection switches are enabled, the X and Y drive currents are turned on and timed by RS. The outputs from the bits of the selected word are amptified by the sense amplifier. The read strobe pulse (STR) forms a part of the " .J l-l 3-19 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM detection of a logical ONE. Pulse STR follows the X - Y drive currents so that it occurs at the exact tilTIe when the core turnover out is at its peak. of a ONE being read The outputs frolTI the read alTIplifier are directed to the inforlTIation register which is then set up according to the inforlTIation read frolTI the lTIelTIory stack. [) The outputs of the inforlTIation register supply the word to the external systelTI. The regenerate portion of the read/regenerate cycle is started by the inhibit drive pulse (ZS) which turns on the inhibit drivers. The width of this pulse brackets the X-Y drive pulse (WS) and, together with WS, will restore the inforlTIation word into the selected storage location. The end of ZS signifies the end of the read/regenerate cycle. 3-5.1.2 Clear/Write Cycle (Figure 3-9). - The clear/write cycle sets all the storage cores of the selected address to ZERO, thenloads the cores with an inforlTIation word. A separate clear/write cOlTIlTIand is required for each word loaded and inforlTIation is not read out when the cores are cleared. C J ADDRESS INPUTS I CLEAR / WRITE I I I NFORMATION IN I I.R. DROP-IN I I MEMORY BUSY To Figure 3-9. I~SEC 2 J,JSEC 3 J,JSEC 4 J,JSEC 5IJSEC Clear/Write Cycle External Timing ,~, 3-20 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM The clear/write cycle is made up of the following steps. J J J 1. address register is selected. 2. The selected location is cleared of all previously stored in- 3. New information from the external system or computer is formation. loaded into the information register. 4. J J ~ \ l..J 1 L.,.., The core storage location corresponding to the word in the The information in the information register is then written into the cleared storage location. The clear/write cycle is initiated by an input pulse on the clear/ write line. This cycle follows the same timing as does the read/regenerate cycle with one exception: a DI (information drop-in) signal will be generated to transfer the information into the information registers, and the read strobe (STR) puIs e will not be present. The functional differences between the clear / write cycle and the read/regenerate cycle are as follows. The former will s elect a location, clear the information from that location, and write in the new information generated by the external system. The read/regenerate operation, on the other hand, will select a location, read the information J from this location into the information register from which it can be sampled,. and then restore the identical information back into the selected location in storage. I LJ 3-5.1.3 I Load Cycle (Figure 3 -1 0). - In the load cycle one information word is transferred from the information register to the storage cores at a .~J s elected address in response to a load command. The number of words stored J is limited only by the word capacity of the core storage, but a separate load n sequencing the address register is used, an externally generated address is command is required for each word. Unles s one of the optional methods of required for each load command. A load cycle consists of the following steps. 'I I LJ 1. A core storage location is selected which corresponds to the address word held in the address register. 'f ( .•.-'\ 3-21 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM I LOAD INFORMATION IN I I I DROP-IN I l MEMORY BUSY I I~SEC To Figure 3-10. 2. l I ADDRESS REGISTER 2~SEC 3~SEC Load Cycle External Timing An information word from the external system is loaded into the information register. 3. The information word in the information register is written into the selected core storage location. The load cycle is identical to the second half of a read/regenerate or clear/write operating cycle. Upon the application of an externally generated load pulse, the second TD-32 PAC in the timing chain is activated. The load cycle has no provision for clearing the location to be written into. Therefore, this location must have been cleared (reset to ZERO) at the start of the load cycle. 3-5.1.4 Unload Cycle (Figure 3 -11). - The unload cycle transfers one in- formation word from core storage into the information register upon command. An externally generated address is required for each unload command unless the memory system is equipped with an optional method of automatically sequencing the addres s. 3-22 ,J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ] ] I ADDRESS INPUTS '1 J UNLOAD l l ..-I J I I INFORMATION OUT "INFORMATION AVAILABLE' MARKER I D I MEMORY BUSY I l...J To ,......, I J,l5EC 2 J,l5EC 3 J,l5EC I I ~ t .,' ," Figure 3 -11. Unload Cycle External Timing The unload cycle is identical to the first half of the read/regenerate or clear/write cycle. It is initiated by an external puIs e applied to the unload "~ command line. This pulse triggers the first TD-32 PAC in the timing chain. ,'-" The timing chain produces the same timed sequences which are described in the read portion of the read/regenerate cycle. The second TD-32 is pre- vented fro In being triggered by the "not half cycle" signal (He). The HC signal is generated by the output of a flip-flop, which is controlled by the unload input command. Becaus e the unload cycle results in a de s tructi ve read- l.) out, it will leave the addressed location in a cleared or "reset to ZERO" state. 3-23 \ --' MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 3-1. INTERNAL LOGIC SIGNALS NOTE Positive-going (-6 volts to 0 volt) signals are indicated by a bar over the signal designations. Designation 3-24 Identification CW Clear/write command RR Read/ regenerate command LB Load command UB Unload command SA Set address register RI Reset information register RE Enable read selection switches RS X - Y read drivers STR Read strobe DI Information drop -in ZS Inhibit step and enable write selection switches WS X - Y write drivers MBS Memory busy signal RMW Re ad/ modify / wr i te RDM Random acces s input LBA Load set address UCT Unload addres s count puIs e LCT Load address count pulse RU Reset unload counter RL Reset load counter LC Load counter UC Unload counter HC Half cycle RAN Random address RRF Permit STR (read/regenerate flip-flop) L Load state U Unload state '-", ,~, r--' MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J TABLE 3-1. (Cont) INTERNAL LOGIC SIGNALS Designation J J J J J Identification SB Set busy SR Start read ER End read EE End extract SZ Start inhi bi t EZ End inhibit EB End busy 3-5.2 Optional Cycles 3-5.2.1 Read/Modify/Write. - A read/modify/write, cycle can be incor- porated into the operation of a TCM-32 Core Memory System on request. This option requires the addition of a read/modify/write control level. J ~J J J J ~J The read/modify/write cycle consists of an unload operation in which information modified by the external equipment is read out. then returned to storage at the same address. The modified information is The presence of the read/ modify/write signal (RMW) inhibits the address from changing while the load cycle (LB) is being performed. If the operation is sequential, RMW pre- vents the generation of a count pulse at the end of the unload portion of this operation. Because both the load and the unload operations must be per- formed at the same location, the address must remain the same for both half cycles. Thus an RMW operation consists of the following steps. 1. Provide a ground level on the RMW line and hold it through- out the extent of the operations below 2. Provide a UB command puIs e 3. Receive data and supply new data to the TC M 4. Provide an LB command puIs e J J 3-25 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM (, 3-6 OPTIONAL MODES AND FEA TURES i) 3-6.1 Sequential Addressing When a memory is specified with a sequential method of addressing, the address register is wired as a counter. This is implemented in the wiring of the three MF-30 PACs in positions 14, 15, and 16 of Unit 3 (Figure 3-10). An external control is employed which will allow the operator to clear the address register to all ZEROs, so that either load or unload operations may be initiated at a defined address. If an address -clear signal is given, ad- dressing will start at ZERO andat each subsequent load or clear/write command, the memory will sequence to the next address until the desired information is written into the memory. n At this point an address-reset command signal can clear the address register back to the ZERO address, and information can be read from the memory by a read/regenerate or an unload com- " mand until the information has been read from memory in the same order as it was written. 3-6.2 Random-Sequential Addressing The random-sequential mode of addressing is similar to the sequen- tial method described above except that a random address may be provided to the memory at any time and the memory can sequence from that point to any of the operating modes. Random-sequential addressing requires the ad",: dition of two S-169 S-PACs in positions 12 and 13 of Unit 3 (Figure 3-12). 3-6.3 Sequential-Inter lac e Addr es sing The sequential-interlace mode of addressing requires the addition of r-' a second address register, which is provided by the three MF-30 PACs in positions 21, 22, and 23 of Unit 3 (Figure 3-12). This register is wired to operate as a counter and stores the unload address. i' The register consisting of the MF-30 PACs in positions 14, 15, and 16 of Unit 3 functions as the load counter. Gating of the load or unload register content to be used is per- formed by the S-169S-PAC inposition18 (load) or the S-179S-PAC, position20 of Unit 3 (unload). 3-26 r-'I I L J [ J C J [ J L_J [-~ C J L_J L-_-J l~~ L -] L_~ l_~ L-J r- I 1 - - - - -- - . I OVER 16 BITS * IR PARTIONING INFORMATION REGISTER a SENSE AMPLI FiERS LJ L-J [--3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R D L P N P N P N :3 2 :3 :3 :3 :3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 :3 2 3 2 3 0 3 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II A. - - - - ~i~~R;1 x a Y DECODERS, TIMING a CONT/ROL TIMING AND CONTROL \SPARE INHIBIT DRIVERS ~~t"\,-...A------.. _A BITS L~ FUNCTION FUNCTION A LJ ~~~,.,.... BITS 24 32 40 48 0 S I 6 9 D M T L F D T D M 1 M I M I M I D P D P D P 0 P C L C L C L 3 0 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 :3 3 2 2 :3 2 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 3 0 3 2 D 1 :3 ~ Cl Z POSITION NO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 POSITION NO UNIT I (TOP) UNIT 4 (TOP) UNIT 3 (BOTTOM) UNIT 2 (BOTTOM) M 1-3 H o o o :;d M POSITION NO B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R B R D S S N 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 I 6 9 I 6 9 I 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10 II 12 13 M F M M F F P N 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 a S M F M M F F M I M I G D M D M 0 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 7 9 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 I 3 0 0 3 0 I 2 ** BITS 8 16 ** INFORMATION REGISTER I 6 9 POSITION NO L- " S I 6 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BITS 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 "-----..V' S L- y '''-.,---J ADDRESS REGISTER SEQUENTIAL INTERLACE SENSE AMPLIFIER :3 4 6 5 INHIBIT DRIVERS \ j ~ \ II 12 13 40961024 256(28) SELECTION DRIVERS SWITCHES l ~------------~v~--------------J FUNCTION **THESE POSITIONS USED FOR MEMORIES OVER 256 WORDS CAPACITY W I Figure 3-12. 10 ".., * OPTION THESE POSITIONS ARE SPARES IF OPTION NOT USED N -.J 9 ~ o :;d Kl Ul '-v-IV~ x- a YFUNCTION 8 """"-- L - GATE DRIVER y 7 2 ~ M S-PAC Location and Functions Kl Ul 1-3 M ~ MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM The sequential-interlace option allows load and unload cycles to be interlaced. That is, the memory may be loaded, and while continuing to be loaded, unload operations can be performed between the load cycles. Load and unload cycles may be interlaced in any sequence at any speed up to that allowed by the minimum cycle time. 3-6.4 Serial Addres sing '-"; The s erial-addres sing option is employed when it is desired to load the address register in a bit-serial manner. This is accomplished by wiring the address register (positions 14 through 16 of Unit 3) to operate as a shift register. When this option is used the address register can be loaded in a bit serial manner with a maximum shift rate of one megacycle. r' 3-6.5 Serial-Information Inputs The information register may be wired to operate in a serial shift mode to receive a bit-serial input. In a similar manner, data in the infor- mation register can be shifted out bit-serial at a rate up to I MC, to convert a parallel output of the memory to a single chain of puIs es. 3-6.6 Memory Clear The memory-clear option, implemented by the inclusion of C L-32 PACs into positions 9, 10, and 11 of Unit 4 (Figure 3-12), provides a means of clearing all information contained in the core stack with one operation. This is accomplished by the application of a single positive-going pulse (from -6 volts to 0 volt) which has a duration of at least 1.5 f.Lsec. 3-6.7 Partial Substitution This optional feature provides the division of the information regis- ter into independently controlled groups of flip-flops. One group may be un- dergoing a clear/write operation while another group is simultaneously 3-28 ("-\ J o [J J o J J J J J J n MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM operating in a read/regenerate mode. The partial-substitution option allows a portion of the information word to be changed without changing or destroying other parts of the word. The implementation of this option, shown in Figure 4-8, utilizes the PACs located in positions 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Unit 1 (Figure 3-12). These PACs control the drop-in pulse to the information register and the strobe of the sense amplifier so that the information register can be separated into two, three, or four zones. 3-6.8 Signal Compatibility Signal compatibility with voltage swings other than standard can be accommodated. 3-6.9 Indicators Individual display lamps for address register and information regis- ter flip-flops can be added to the front panel of the TCM-32. Other control flip-flops can also be displayed to indicate the operating mode or condition of the memory. I I L.J 1 u n I lJ J 3-29/3-30 J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM SECTION IV LOGIC 4-1 This section provides detailed logic diagrams of the various mem- rr J LOGIC DIAGRAMS ory elements shown in the block diagram of Figure 3-4. J :J The implementa- tion of both standard and optional modes and operations are given as follows. The logic diagram for the memory timing and control functions is pres ented in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2 illustrates the logical connections of the addres s register for random addressing, sequential addressing, and random-sequential addressing. Figure 4-3 presents the logic diagram for the address registers as connected for the optional sequential-interlaced addressing mode. The logic diagram for the X - Y decoders and s election switches is given in Figure 4-4. 1 I.J 'I I I l.-J Logic diagrams for the information register, sense amplifiers, and inhibit drivers are presented in Figure 4-5 (bits 1 through 16); Figure 4-6 (bits 17 through 32), and Figure 4-7 (bits 33 through 48). Figure 4-8 is a logic diagram of the partial substitution option which shows the partitioning of the information register into two and four zones. The optional memory-clear feature is shown in the logic diagram of Figure 4-9. The locations of the PAC s which provide these logic functions are shown in Figure 3 -12. 4-2 INPUT/OUTPUT LOGIC SIGNALS The various input and output logic signals used in the TCM-32 mem- ory system are identified and defined in Table 4-1. The designations given in the following table are employed in the logic diagrams of Figures 4-1 4-1 I 1--1 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM through 4- 9. Positive -going signals (- 6 volts rIsing to 0 volt) are indicated by a bar over the designations. TABLE 4-1. LCXJIC SIGNAL LIST Designation Identifica tion r, Standard inputs RR Read/regenerate - operation cOIllIlland pulse CW Clear/write - operation comIlland pulse LB Load - cOIllmand puIs e UB Unload - command pulse A-I AR input - address inforIllation for random access (levels) I-I· IR input - input data for inforIllation register (double - rail levels) RDM RandoIll - level to distinguish random acces s froIll sequential addres sing Standard outputs AR-l AR outputs - addres s information froIll one side of flip-flop IR-l IR outputs - output data from both s ides of flip -flop Optional Inputs RMW Read/modify/write - level which allows memory to unload, delay, then load at the saIlle addres s MeIllory clear - pulse which clears all information froIll meIllory AR clear - pulse which clears the address register AR shift - pulse which shifts the address register hit-s erially (s erial addres s option) Load address clear - pulse which clears the load address register (sequential-interlace option) Unload address clear - pulse which clears the unload address register (sequential-interlace option) LCT 4-2 Load address count - count pulse which advances load addres s register (s equential-interlace option) r-·~ 1 1• MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM .-1 TABLE 4-1. (Cont) LOGIC SIGNAL LIST Design~tion Identification Optional Inputs (Cont) n LJ :J ] UCT AR count - pulse which advances address register (all other sequential modes of addressing) SA AR set - pulse which strobes addressing data into address register DI IR set - pulse which strobes information into information register RI IR clear - pulse which clears information register ICT IR count - pulse which advances information register TA, TB, TC,TD Partial substitution (IR partitioning) - levels which control the information register zones as to RR or CW mode IRS IR shift - puIs e which shifts information register (in bit-serial mode of operation) Optional Outputs J n LJ r: EC End of cycle - puIs e which signals the end of any cycle MBS Memory busy -level which will be -6 volts throughout any operating cycle IA Information available - pulse which signals that information can be sampled from the information register PR Power failure - indication of a power failure in the system RAN Random - level which indicates that the memory is operating in a random-addressing mode SEQ Sequential - level which indicates that the memory is operating in one of the sequential-addressing modes L Load - level which indicates that the memory is operating in a load mode U Unload - level indicating that the memory is operating in an unload mode lJ 4-3 L.J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ---.1 11 TABLE 4-1. (Cont) LOGIC SIGNAL LIST Designation Identification Operating Voltages +12 volts Output of the power supply - 6 volts Output ,of the power supply -18 volts Output of the power supply Signal ground Ground level of the logic circuitry Chas sis ground Ground level of the memory frame and rack '--1 4-4 J J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM (5-169) RR 1-19 (5-169) 1-23 10-32 J J STR 2 BITS 17-32 RE _USt~+- ] 1-20 -IIS;;..II-_ _ _ _ _-+ MF cw>---+--+ J 1-21 __- .______~ OV--~1,.oI' 1-19 _us II ER _us 11 EE 3D >- ~ UF 18-t--t-......---.......-:~ ....-_..... ,....., i (S-169) L.J HC JIII-40 INFO. AVAILABLE. J-104 PI N 40 EE 33 ,~-- RI EXT J-104 PIN 14 1-22 10-32 _us I 'I JIII- .J HC -)30 RAN ~31 (S-169) r - EE 732 RMW733 _us 1...1---+----+ : UCT)---7 EXT I J-104 PIN 21 JIII-29 I ZS >-_-oE" I _US ;;..'1---1 _us 11 1-19 J 1-19 EZ I I JIII-49 I Jill-50 r - - - - - - - - - -» RMW ~ 20 Dr I BITS 1-16 I -.J 3-11 1-19 1-21 r-; I LOAD MODE J-104 PIN 44 L LeT RRF ROM 1-20 DI2 BITS 17-32 LB* : (8-169) LBA(FOR SEQ. INT.> ~~~ . : " 0 . - - RMW I MF (FOR RANDOM-SEQ.) O.v. - ., J -- - - - - - - - JIII-39 (FOR SEQ. BLOCK) J -iJCT- - - - -+-4t-- RANDOM ACCESS J-I04 PIN 42 RAN DI3 BITS 33-4€ " l.J U UNLOAD MODE J-104 PIN 45 1-19 SEQUENTIAL ACCESS J-104 PIN 43 Figure 4-1. MelTIory TilTIing and Control, Logic DiagralTI 4-5/4-6 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 1-19 PIN 11 J J LCT ADDRESS REGISTER PART 'W---_ r 26 ~ 27 3-12 ~~~ 2~4 - ~I r;1 3 -13 ~ '---t-=e-~.J.. V ~ 1O-+-.....+--t_~ LC2 2} 3-~F 1 . 3D-t---C~"LC3 ......._ _ _+-........_22.. 3-13 ..... 31 '---+<134 ~ r- 32 .... 17 9hLJo_-f-...2:.:.1~... ~V JI05-6 ,'-- A6.,,-~ 3-12 II 13 16... 12h I2Lr-~~----~r+~v~ .>-1;V 13-+---4I~" - - .. LC3 ..- '"210 C SAl MF '-- ~ 12 14 -HI 17... 10-+-..----i.., LC6 }--+-+-I..~2Io B ~ 13 1 LC 6 12 C 3-16 r ~~ 14 11 .J-t......_ _---1t-t-~24..... MF 1'-.. AI2 ~ G16 LC9 26-+--+--LC 12 .. --27 --- 3-13 25 ... 28 23... _~3 ~21 33-t-..-H-LC II 3-12 J105-12 3 -15 ".:'\. 3-13 33-+-.....- 30-l--t--4~ LC ~~U "'10 B ] 10~.-+--LCIO L ~4 I 13+-........... LCIO 3-12 I""""" ~ MF ...... 12 ~ 3-12 ~ ~ _~5 6~'-~~LCI 19 ... 10 3-16 >--+------t-+-....1-!6--. ... 3-13 -~7 ~15 JI05-2 r'\'----~ )--.___-+-+-+1~8.... MF ~ '-+----4~".LCI (8-169) ] ON ON (S~-169)~_14 AI)-- I~ LC5 _ 22 LC3 _ 23 24 LC4 -~. LC2 - .33 LC6 _ 34 3-12 A D D 25 35 RANDOM ADDRESS SEQUENTIAL BLOCK RANDOM-SEQUENTIAL J105-1 3- I 3- I 33 29-+-+----4--LCI2 210 0 K '--------' ~~------~------------------------~-----+-----------------------------~----+---------------------------------~ L:1" 3-17 ~ 1-18 PIN 24 EXTERNAL ADDRESS CLEAR (-6 VOLT TO 0 VOLTS ..r-t.PULSE ;; 2~SEC) .••~ ~: J 4~:13 SA3JIII_37 TO PIN 20 3-14,3-15 AND 3-16 8''''''''''-:--- ~-I04-1~~ 29 21 4 -13 ~ JIII-34)-- 31 33 ~J 01 28 24 ~-13 SA 2 )-----j..-~.JO JIII-35)-- 25 JIII-36 ~~ " "--....;,,~,,)....--I r--I-' .26 23 ]J .!V Figure 4-2. Address Register, Logic Diagram (Random Addressing, Sequential Addressing, and RandolTISequential Addressing) r-, J 4-7/-4- 8 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ] ADDRESS REGISTER PART SEQUENTIAL INTERLACE J n -t----I!P-" U C 7 J ] EXTERNAL LOAD ADDRESS CLEAR -6 VOLTS TO 0 VOLTS J1. 2~SEC WIDTH TO PIN 20 OF 3-14, 3-15, AND 3-16 LC4 l "J EXTERNAL UNLOAD ADDRESS CLEAR J -6 VOLTS TO 0 VOLTS IL 2~SEC WIDTH. I TO PIN 20 OF 3-21,3-22 AND 3-23 L.J -+--.........~LCIO -t----I!P-"U C 10 J LC AND UC INPUTS CONNECTED ONLY FOR SPECIFIED WORD CAPACITY. EXAMPLE: FOR 2048 WORD MEMORY LCI2 AN D UCI2 ARE REMOVED. Lca I lJ '1 -t----1~~LC5 +----1~.. L C II -t----1r-p. UC II l.J -t-....,~--u C II 'I L.. J l.J ,-+-----.. LC 12 +-'----LCI2 l...J J 'I lJ .. U C 12 -t---t~ 3-18 {S'169l Figure 4-3. Addres s Register, Logic Diagram (Sequentia1Interlace Addressing Option) 4-9/4-10 J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 2-4 4-5 ~J J ARI ARI - DP 6 35 AR2 AR2 AR9 AR9 B 33 1 34 001 002 003 004 AR3 AR3 J AR4 AR4 ARII ARII RS--. L 005 006 007 008 J J TO IRY POT TO lRX '--- 34 14 22 19 RPy READ X CURRENT 20 32 ~ 00-1 Wp·y 7 13 0015 32 0016 00-9 TOIWY 16 12 ViS ... 17 POT WRITE Y 00-10 10 22 WRITE 20 '-- LJ 0021 RP X 0023 00-17 0024 WP x ] 2-3 4-8 AR7 AR8 AR8 ARI2 19 ARI2 6 ZS 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 U 'I lJ ~J 0031 0032 ~ '14 ~ ~ ~ 10 .E 1 13 • tv ... 00-4 ~~ YO, Y2, Y4, Y6, YI6, YIB, Y20, Y22 OD-II ---;::::L ~ RE YI, Y3, Y5, Y7, YI7, YI9, Y21, Y23 rw WP y ~~ '30 OD-G G=L~ II -=r~ -. 00-12 ~~ 10 J- 15 ~ 00-5 r!1- r!!... r!!- 7 RP y 24 g r;:l 12 '31 13 r-G~ 21 ~~"22 ~ ~ 24 I ~ 12 rr=c~ ~ ~~ ~~ .. ... YB, YIO,YI2,YI4'OO-i3 Y24, Y26, Y28, Y30 Y9, Y II, YI3, Y15, Y25, Y27, Y29, 00-14 Y31 II ~ 30 ~ p~ ~~ ..- ~~ 15~~ 10 GO 00-18 12 SS-32 ,!! g ... ~ rt2- 21 .~~ .~~ ~23 ~ 24 26 ~~ ~ ~~'2i - 16- t- WP y ~ 18- t-RPy 00-25 2-10 ~ II 32- f-WP X 25 0030 rT I 34 78 .r--G~ 13 g rrx ;; 34 0022 DP WPy 24 . 7 SS-32 ~ 32 I- YI6 YI7 Y24 Y25 Y4B Y49 Y56 Y57 YIB YI9 Y26 Y27 Y50 Y51 Y58 Y59 - 32 ~ SS-32 34 RP y 00-7 7 13 I WPy 00-8 Y32, Y34, Y36, 00-15 Y!8, Y48, Y60, Y52,Y54 12 po Y20 ~ 18 Y21 Y28 r"jg r-'- ~ ~ ~Jb22 ~ ~ -... 24 ~ r;:l~ ~ 27 ~ II 16 Y52 Y53 Y60 Y61 Y22 Y23 Y30 Y31 .~ Y54 - ~ ~ ~~ -=r- Y29 ~ Y!5!5 Y62 Y63 Y40, Y42, Y44, Y46, Y1S6, Y58, Y60, Y62 ... Y33, Y35, Y37, 00-16 Y39, Y49, Y51, Y63, Y55 IO~ ~ ~- Y41, Y43, Y4!5, Y47, Y!57, Y59, Y61, Y63 I- X 0018 20 n 2-11 0019 0020 AR7 00-3 """122 r;:l Y4 Y5 YI2 ~ YI3 Y36 Y37 ~~rn Y44 ~ Y45 Y6 ~ Y7 26 YI4 ~~ YI5 Y3B ~ Y39 Y46 ~~ Y47 CURRENT ,_I '1 RP y '-- 16 34 ~~ ~ - CURRENT 14 19 AR6 AR6 ARlO ARlO II MD POT TOIWX 0017 g. r!!- 2-8 2-9 SS-32 32 ~ 2-5 l AR5 AR5 YO YI YB Y9 Jo. ~ Y32 21 Y33 Y40 Y41 Y2 r=::Y3 ~ 26 YIO YII ~~~ 28 Y34 ~ Y35 t;; Y42 Y43 .... 0011 0014 ~ ~ - 0012 0013 34 SS-32 - 0010 14 13 12 2-12 ~i3 I 009 \J lJ l READ Y CURRENT POT 'I l.J 17 00-2 ~J r--> 16 2-13 MO ~ ~ '3T ~, ; =n- XO XI X8 X9 X32 X33 X40 X41 X2 X3 XIO X II X34 X 35 )(42 )(43 J.-- 00-19 WP x 21 00-26 10 ~~ ~- * ~ 7 .... ~ r!.!. ~~ ~ 13 ~~22 • 12 00-20- - I - - ~ 24 ~¥. rv ,.....~ _ ~ 29 ~ ~ XO, )(2,X4, 00-27 X6, XI6,XI8, X20,)(22 II ... 31- f-RP x SS-32 32 ~ 34 RPX 2-7 ~2!. =n- ~ X4 X5 XI2 XI3 X38 X37 X44 X4!5 X6 X7 XI4 XI!5 X38 L......,. 32 00-28 llo ~~ ..2::t* 16 '-- J.!... ~ 7 RPX WP x 00-22 X39 X46 X47 X8, XIO,XI2, 00-29 XI4,X24, X26, X 28,X30 13 I 12 X9, XII, XI3, 00-30 XI5,X25, X27, X29,)(31 Po J.!.. ~ 21 r-G ""''22 23 ~ .... ~ ~ ~ Ir=D !! .... ~ ~ ~~ ~ .... 30 31 " p~ ~ - ... XI, X3,X5, X7, X11,X19, )(21, X23 SS-32 - 34 00-21 2-6 10 L-;:C~ D ... XI6 XI7 X24 X25 X48 X49 X!56 X~7 XI8 XI9 X26 X27 X50 X51 X58 X59 32 SS-32 34 J1.. - 16 18 RPX 00-23 WP x 7 13 • ... r-::- ~ 20 ~ ~ 122 ~ ~ .... 24 roo--25 00-24 X32, X34,X36'00_31 X38, X48. X50,X52,X64 12 ~~ ~ '26 r;; ~ ~ ~ 30 -"~ II ~~~ -=r- X20 X21 X28 X29 )(52 X53 X60 X81 X22 X23 X30 )(31 X54 ;<55 X62 )(63 X40,X42,X44, )(46, X56, X58, X60,X62 ... X33, )(36,X37. )(39, )(49, 00-32 X51, X53, X55 10 ~ ~- 35 ~ X41, X43, X45, X47,)(57, xe9, X61, X63 ALL OUTPUTS GO TO CORE STACK SELECTION LINES Figure 4-4. X - Y Decoders and Selection Switches, Logic DiagralTI 4-11/4-12 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 1-4 1- 1 J JI02-2 ~,=:21=B=R=-3=t2- Yfi 17 j ,........1-------I-i~I-t."la... ] s V JI02-llr-1 ~ '-~ 15 ----+~ 1 JI03-1 ~* i· 2 ~ ~ LI~_"'3i'123 30) 24 ~ ~ 29 ... S ~ SW-2 SW·2 ~ 27 JI02-31 1'22&\ ~ *.* V IR·2 I JI03-3 _V '- ~ V _v m.U JI03-2 R A V JI02-4 ...-----c,......"v. 11 f'R7'2 1 ........ 1. JI02-13 JI02-16 Y V_ -- ~ 11 ~--+:!Y Yr:s ~23 30) ¢----~!)-t-f_''1I'24 JIOZ-~n ~21 ....- - - - - i ! I t - 4.... ..."vI8 BR-32- ... ./ JI02-BYY-4 ~23 3D} ......-----cIl~~.."l/24 ,-, I JI03-5 --J!! v. - 0... [26\ -:Y R B 29 S ~ J102-71 1-4- ; 27 • IR·f.Lj J103-15 W fif.8Y JI03-16 JI02-18 Yr:9 IR'4 R:" IR·2 R ~A 4!! ~23 ~ 29 30) e-------<:,)-It-l--'v 24 SW-14 SW-14 IR·3 V IR'141 J103-27 W * S IAI ~ ~ v_ ~~ JI02-Z7 T 1·14 IR·4 S I'R=i4YJI03-28 11 B o.....t:_22+-_ RI rR·G 22 23 IR·7 24 25 fR·8 26 21 ZS 7 w* fif.9 r JI03-18 --I!!- ~ JI03-7 ~ y .... -----~I--I .."v24.... S -..1< JI03-8 RI ~ B IR·9 r 17 e-----(!~1-I...,,1./.18 12 lA ~ SW·5 SW-5 1'5;' JIOZ-li( f.6 ~ 11 A ~23 ~ - 30) I o-------tI!!l--I-",U Z4 l.J SW·G SW-G ~ ~ V_:.... 'Y "'I'R=51 I S JI02-Z2Y IT! '-T/_....11_-_11-+15 -1:\ - J JI03-11 W. * -v 27 IR-S I JI03-IZ R -:-22 RI Yr7i2 ~ ~23 ~ - 3D} ....---~~~f--'v24 SW·12 SW·12 V 11 29 ,... S .~ ~ - JI02-23 J 1·12 fJs\ ~ 21 8 29 Z2 ~) 30 Z3 31 Z4 " H) , H.J 32 Z5 33 ZG 34 Z7 H) 35 Z8 .. H) H.I ~ fR·12 INHIBIT BOARD f'RTI I JI03-22 I R·13 ~ *,* IR'14 IR'12TJI03-23 IR'15 1R'12~I03-24 IR·IG R 22 MI-32 28 Z9 13 ~) 29 ZIO 14 15 ~, 30 ZII .... .../ 16 17 H) 31 ZI2 20 21 >-i.l ZI~ 22 23 " 32 ~.J 33 ZI4 24 25 "...- ~) 34 ZI5 26 27 H) 35 ZIG - ~ OI -I 'I LJ STRI ZS 7 I 71-16S LJ 'I LJ Figure 4-5. Information Register, Sense Amplifiers, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagram. (Bits 1 through 16) 4-13/4-14 l..J ** vJ -:I) -V R A * TO CORE MI-32 PAC'S STACK VIA ** TO y--r.... JI02-Z4 IR·II BR·32 - ~ SW-II SW·II JI02-21 _v ~2' V' 11 )'r==:::::::~ 12 IR'II I JI03-ZI O----~~~_7uI8 .~ S ~* JI03-IO 29 IR·6 ,... JIOZ-IIII-S~2I\ l~ *' IR'?J JI03-9 * ~ ;rJ '- ~ J102-9 S _V .....,'J 11 12 ~22 1-6 ~~1.;:2=1=BR::-3:::j2~ ZI 2-2 * SW·IS ~2.... SW-IS 3 ...V V 0-.. 27 IR- 161 JI03-32 JIOZ-31 TI-1E3 r 26\ R IR-IO ID JI02-1cl"H 28 29 IR- 16 1 J103-31 30) 1·3 ~) IR-9( JI03-17 R 22 A 20 21 _V ~ .l~) ~... 16 R ~ ~ 14 15 17 IR·5 27 12S\ r;Y 1D 13 11 i1f.T3Y J103-26 r 1-13 rt5 \ MI-32 11 12 _V ~. fR-4Y II ""* ~ ~23 I ' IR·I 1-8 ~,=:21==B=R=-3=1211 j 12 ...---~~t-."..7V.ll.. S IAI v_ - ~ ,22 * ~ V JI02-25 'J IRI3T JI03-25 ~ SW·13 SW-13 JI02-28Yr:T4 * 27 r------4....-ttV'.l.:11 V ,.... S ~ V JI02-17 T f·9 11 R 22 A ~ ..... V ~ sw·a sw-a sw·g sw·g ~ SW·4 SW-4 ,J I W* y-ror- -1:\ JIOZ-51 I ·3 .l~) ,---- 12 IR'3 S V l V ~ SW·3 SW'3 ~ 2-1 ~21 BR-32 ~ 11 )\====1 12 1·5 11 )~===t I LJ fR-7YJI03-14 R A 1-2 'I ""* ''"0 I 1-7 15 \ JI02-15 T I-a ~.2~2'-_Rr ... I ~ S IAI ~ SW·7 SW.7 JI03-4 R B JI02-26 Ym _V IR-I ~ SW-I SW-I J 12 1-7 ** I J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J 1-12 1-9 I-i7 J 102-34 Y ~20 .1,;:2::1=B=R=-32=l~ ~20):. 12 17J VII ~ SW-17 SW-17 ~ V '-~ JI02-33 11-17 ~~~) ~._ JI02-36 Yi-18 A ~23 _V 11 fR-i7IJI03-34 R 22 4!! V W* ~ SW-18 SW·18 ~ ~ ·JI02-35 U -18126\ V ~ 27 fFf.i8IJI03-36 R 22 ~ L.J B n; ~:'~-RI ~ SW·23 SW·23 ~ ~,,-:2=1==BR='3=12- "- ~ V I r:24 A ~23 ...3D} ------4~ VU24 .~~}- 12 IR'19IJI03-37 ~ S ~ JI02-40Y f.2O 11 fR-T9IJI03-38 R 22 ~l~} V A 4!! 123 ,......- t:S'31 30) . - - - -.......~t-o~V24... ;/j J I 02 -47 I- 2 27 IR·24 -126'4 ~ R B '_.J ~\ 11t.. YfE ~21 ~ SW-21 SW·2t I ..... V I J102-41 ~ 11 A ~~} .....----4I~~f_o"""V24 .... _J V J102-43 1 'I ~ ~ JI02-44'li'22 l$l.23 SW-22 SW-22 12 TR-2IjJI03-41 ~ V---""",-- ''I ,.J S V ~ '-~ 1-21 ..... S ~~ ~ ~~103-42 11 R 22 IR·251 J107-1 ~ fFf25J J107-2 L¢! _ I I -26 * ~ _V ~ B 14 15 H) 30 ZI9 IR·20 16 17 ~) 31 Z20 ""\ 32 Z21 "'\ 33 Z22 ., 34 Z23 3S Z24 IR·21 B ~21 22 ~23 3D) ..-----4....-.....,Yv 24 ** V Z7 IR·22 JI03-44 R 1122 J106-6 Yr:27 ~\r. .....--------4~H,..;yVll Loot S 12 IR'3!j JI07-13 ~ 24 25 ~.1 lR·24 26 27 H) A ZS 7 ,... V 11 R 22 fR-31 J J 107-14 --¢ ~ S 29 IR·32 ~ ~ J107-16 IR-25 22 B ........-t--Ri IR·26 IR-27 1 R·28 SW-27 ~t SW'27--~ V J106-B I * TO --1:\ 1·27 ~l~} 1--"_ Y128 L;;\l.23 ** TO 11 fR-27YJI07-6 A IR·29 R 22 ~ S SW-28-~~ ~~ SW-28 ~ '-k * I R-31 .v 21 lR·28 I J107-8 I 28 ~25}I---B---4R ..1.22 V -.........--RI ...._----.... 71-166 14 15 oJ .-,) 28 Z25 .......,' .,) 29 Z26 ~, 30 Z27 ~) 31 Z28 .~ 32 Z29 .. - ..,I 16 20 21 H.I 22 23 H} 33 Z30 24 25 H.I ~ 34 Z31 - 3S Z32 27 01·2 " ZS r--" 10 13 I R·32 26 ,'6J!b-.. • '- r2&\ J I 06 -7 MI-32 PAC'S CORE STACK VIA INHIBIT BOARD " IR-30 .. - MI-32 11 12 17 30Jl====1~ IR-2~ J107-7 .-----.-t-f-""''V24 ... 4-2 * ~ S 7 - H) - oJ 1._ J (] lJ Figure 4-6. Infor:mation Register, Sense A:mplifiers, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagra:m (Bits 17 through 32) r-l...J ** J107-15 =BR='3=12~12 IR-27VI JI07-5 ~ - ~.1 2=' 11 -.. 22 23 V b-.. 27 lR·52 '--:26\ 1-32 r }t------IR ...I. 25 ~ - .-..:-I.., IR·22 ~ '0 10 13 20 21 IR·23 BR·32- ~ -- ~ J106-13 U -31 d~J JI06-IS'(I-3"2 12 R V J 106-155 R-!-22 ZI8 ~ SW-3\ SW·31 SW·32 SW·32 29 27 IR'3m JI07-12 11 } L-______________________________________~~~-------------------------------------~~ .. ..J ~ ....--------tl......~~·j.,8 21 IR·26 J J107-4 ~ W* S ~ b-.. t=i~ IR·19 J107-11 MI-32 ZI7 J107-10 29 IR·301 ~) - 28 V - J~J V *- ~ V J106-5 29 IR-22f JI03-43 ~ r·2'2I1&\ ~ Si23 ~ J106-14Yni 30)\,====1-; IR.26YJI07-3 .------4~I-iIVV24 Loot S SW·26 SW·26 ~ fif.29J 11 1-14 2=B::::R:::'3=1 .~ V _V A ~23 A Lr'3~126\ JI06-11 * ~ ~~ I I ·25 .1~J ./ J106-1 11 3-2 ~ V J106-3 ,22 :2::::' .-------4~~~U,. I r:3O V J 103-48 ~t---B---I...R-+!-2_2+-_ R I I-II J102-42Y 1=21 ~~'29 ~ SW·30 SW-30 BR·32~ 17 } 12 ....----~~~~v.,a.... s 27 IR'20I JI03-40 ~ J *- * 3 JI02-39YI-20~ 'I --~ , IR·17 IR·18 _V ----~~... ..,Yl/24... S ~ J106-4 Yr:26 29 IR-2'()(J103-39 S SW-20~""" SW-20 J106-12 ~ SW-25 SW-25 Y --f1:\ II· 19 JI02-37 ~ ~ SW·24 SW·24 ~ V J106-9 V 12 IR·29r J107-9 S ~* ~ SW·29 SW·29 ~ 29 l~ BR·32- 17\=J==~ , - - - - -.....-t-I,..;y!/.'I... 1\ 'fif.23IJI03-46 JI02-45~'23:!y J106-2 V ~ V .Y ~21 1-13 . - - - -.......~t-o~l.l.lI.... SW·19 SW-19 I~* S Loot 1'10 J102-38 Yr:19 J106-10 YfT9 12 IR·2;3 J103-45 t"""""---.......~I-I~V.,. J102-48 - - ; IR-18 1J 103-35 S 30) ....------4~~~V24... 1 ~* S Loot BR'32~ JI02-46Yi-23 N21 V IR-171 J103-33 4-1 3-1 4-15/4-16 ** MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J J 3-3 JI06'18~J~121 .--------4I~l1, ......... 11 BR-32 r--12 ~* S _.I....OL SW'33_r--~ SW'33-r-V V -- ~ J106-17 ~ ~li) V 11 R 22 ~ A o------~t-._V24 I I ~ 29 S _IA ~ ..,- SW'34 V 'l '- ~ J106-19 (r'34 L..J ~ J107-18 V ~ -J,,;J107-19 JI06-2~~ ~21 I.-J I SW.35-t-V ,v. _l;:-~ " ..J J 106-21 ~ ~l~J V_ BR-32r-- J 11 R 22 V IR'3~ JI07-21 ... L * fFN§y J107-22 +, Y 0... V J107-31 27 IR'4ol .22 ~r-___~~~~1~8~~., SW'45-1-~ SW'45-1-~ .V.A~~ J 106-41 ~ ~li) J 107-32 J~, ....----.-I"'t-'''V 24..... S ~ * -V .T""" ~ Qo.... 3 27 IR-3.§j -126\ J 106-23 1· 36 ~""'-B---1R .....22 J107-24 A iR-4i I 29 '"'" S ~ IR'4~1 ~ V ~ '-~ ~ V * B ~ IR \ ,IR39 V IR'471 J107-45 W* S ~23 fR-47r J107-46 R 22 A IR40 ZS J106-26 Yf=37 3-5 ~21 f~} ~ S SW-37-1-~ -I- V * _V T""'r" _v.::-" J106-25 11 IR·31/ J107-26 l1" 37 15 \ ~--~~ R A ~ o-------4Ii-t-.--1) 24... r--; IR-3_8]W-".J107-27 S * SW'38-1-~ SW·38 ~ r T""" ~ ~ J 106-27 r -3;- i6\ ~ I -V 27 IR'3S1 J107-28 R .....22 ~21 17) o-----.-......_!./.II... BR-32~ 12 SW-43~' ~ _v.. "'--LI 43 ~ "'- b.... JI06-40"ft--=-44 R ~23 ~V SW·44 SW·44 V IA 126\ IR=481 22 IR J I 07 - 48 IR41 R B * ~ IR44 27 IR'441 ~ J I 07 -40 R • 22 24 I I l . .-l Z36 '\ 32 Z37 \ 33 Z38 .r-, 34 Z39 ..... 35 Z40 - H.J - H./ 26 21 H) 7 MI-32 11 10 13 14 16 28 Z41 ~} 29 Z42 H) - 30 Z43 31 Z44 c:::::I.I - J"Oo IR45 20 21 t::t~. . 32 Z45 IR46 22 23 t:::t .I -""\ 33 Z46 IR47 24 25 ~ H./ 34 Z47 IR48 26 27 H} 35 Z48 BOARD ZS 7 - ~ 71-166 ri l.J Figure 4-7. Information Register, S ens e Amplifier s, and Inhibit Drivers, Logic Diagram (Bits 33 through 48) r-1 i L-.J ** ~ 1-:::1)- RI STR3 31 J" 25 01-3 ~-----------------------------.-----+~------------------------------+-t- r, Z35 17 ~ 0... 22 23 12 29 IR'~ J 107-39 S ~.\o ~ 30 4'4 to/A~ 3D, ~----~~"~V24 H' ../ - -V 27 MI-32 PAC'S *** TO TO CORE STACK VIA INHIBIT J107-38 Z34 H./ 15 Y 11 ~ 29 20 21 * IA'4¥ J 107-37 ~ ~) ~ S IR43 15\ JI06-39II-4'4 1i&\ RI S ~ SW·43 J106-37 V JI06-28'(i'73B :;M23 3D, IJ JI06-38'{r--=43 12 IR'3? I J107-25 1t------G~~_'!./.18..&...oL SW·37 V Z33 29 IA'48y' J107-47 ..... 3·8 BR-32 r--- 28 H) r--- IR42 , .J :-iJ - 17 L....i-!! ~ '-3Y 16 -V 11 3D) J106-47 1'48 R ,22 IR37 / IR38 Al 22 B BR-32 ~ f~ )~==::J 12 tt-----4\,....;t":!-"'V 24 iff.421 J107-36 15 IR36 MI-32 ..1'0 14 R ~ JI07-35 -V 21 IR35 IR'46Y J 107 -43 ~21 '--~ J 106-4511-47 ~li) V V SW·48 SW'48 IR34 ·10 13 ~ J 106-48"y;"748 * ~ SW'42 SW·42 JI07-34 ~ 3D) ....- - - -...-t~1-V24 S 27 IR'4SI J107-44 9----~.-t-~:!.I.18.... SW47 SW'4r R L_ J106-35 /1.42 1R J107-33 -V 11 '1. 42 ~",,",=,----""'""t I...... I _ + 3'1',,23 r--- 5 29 IR.3.§:( J107-23 SW-36-1-~ ~ V '-- f1\ J 104- 36 r-- J10-46 'yi-47 ~ ~ * ~V 11 fFf.451 J107-42 R 22 ~ Qo... ~ ...v-.X- S IS ... 11 12 3-10 .....---~P-..,..,,~)18..... SW·41 SW·41 A '6. 3 1-46 126\ J 106-43 RI IR33 ~ S JI06-44~46 ~23 3D)~===f~ i'!---------.;r;V r"V 24 V 12 IR·45 1 J107-41 SW'46-1-~ R B BR-32r-- SW-46-1-~ ~ JI06-34'r!~ ~21 BR-32r--V 17\=)===1 12IR·4!J J106-33 11'41 L....f: JI06-24Y!'36 L5J23 SW'36-1-~ S ~21 V ~ 29 IA '4 Q] ,.AI SW·40 ~ SW'40-'-~ 1:0/ "'V T""'r A r--- fif.3~JI07-30 JI06-42'G-=45 4-3 3-9 ...--------t!1) 3-7 SW'35-t-~ I R L# J106-31 LI·40 126\ .......,~_22..-_ R I 17 }\===~ 12 .--------.....-I"'t-''!I,II..... S r--., A 3~} e--------4It--1~...Tij24 3-4 ''I I S 11 J I 06-32'yI--:-;;w :;;\12j IR'3~ ~ J 107 -29 * 1! ~-39 ~~ L...-_+to/ R B BR·32- .-r------~~~~_I~I~.~.~h J106-29 P'39 15\ 27 ~ I J107-20 126\ ~21 SW·39-r-~ * _V SW'34-r--~ '.".J fR-3}J JI06-30U-39 ~------I11 ) SW'39-r-~ _V 1"""'r J106 '2YION4 l,;\31~23 3D} r....., V IA'~ J107-17 3-6 4-17/4-18 ** MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 1-20 PIN 18 ST--~ 1LJ D I 1-20 PIN 33 1-18 STA DIA n J TA J-104 PIN 29 J J I DIB TB J-104 PIN 30 n J L 1-17 DIC TC l J-104 PIN 31 LJ STD J J J 1-16 TO J-104 PIN 32 L INPUTS T(A,B,C,OR 0) OV FOR READ/RESTORE -6V FOR CLEAR/WRITE CLEAR I WRI TE PULSE WILL START EITHER CYCLE Figure 4-8. Partial Substitution Option, Logic Diagram (Two-Zone, Three-Zone, or Four-Zone Information-Register Partitioning) ~J ] 4-19 ~ I N o CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR 4-9 4-10 4-11 S103 S103 S103 ~ C) Z I II ""'-. * r;:I ) * I II, t-:I \ M t-3 H * () () 0 ~ M ~ M ~ 0 ~ ~ C/l ~ C/l t-3 M ~ JI04-10) • CLR • * Figure 4-9. 5103 PAC OUTPUTS GO TO INHIBIT COMPONENT BOARDS. Clear Option, Logic Diagram l I 1 J 1 1 J J 1 J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J o SECTION V MAINTENANCE o o 5-1 GENERAL This section of the manual contains information on the maintenance of the TCM-32 system. Data is included on the preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, service, and repair for the Model TCM-32 Magnetic Core Memory. Detailed PAC descriptions are included in the appendix of this manual. ~ lJ 5-2 TEST EQUIPMENT Table 5-1 lists the test equipment required to properly service the memory system. J J 'I i .-1 TABLE 5-1. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Os cillo scope Tektronix, Inc., Type 545A, or equivalent Dual Trace Preamplifier Tektronix, Inc., Type CA, or equivalent Multimeter Simpson, Type 260, or equivalent Extender Card with Current Probe Leads 3C PAC, Model XP-30 r-"J I U AC Current Probe o lJ 5-3 Tektronix p60 16 probe and passive termination (or Type 131 amplifier), or equivalent PAC LOCATIONS The PAC locations in each BLOC of the TCM-32 system are shown in Figure 3-1. o 5-1 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 5-4 PAC HANDLING AND REPAIR PROCEDURES 5-4. 1 Inserting and Removing System PACs a. Never remove or insert printed circuit cards without turning off the DC power to the unit. Failure to turn off the power may result in dam- age to the PAC. b. r-'" S-PAC insertion is accomplished by engaging the S-PAC in the appropriate slot of the S-BLOC and pressing the S-PAC into position until the connector engages and sets. The S- PAC is inserted with components on the left. c. S- PAC removal in S-BLOCs is accomplished by engaging the two holes at the handle end of the S-PAC with the S-PAC extractor tool. A 20-lb force is sufficient to disengage any S-PAC from its mating connector. S-PAC can then be removed with the fingers. The The tool should be engaged from the component side of the S- PAC to ensure against possible damage to the etched wiring. d. A hold-down bar is provided which clamps the S-PACs in place in the S-BLOC. The bar is equipped with a quick release thumb latch and bears against the S-PACs with a sponge rubber pad. e. Polarization of the connectors is accomplished by inserting two nylon pegs in the appropriate slots of the connector. This prevents any but the desired S- PAC type from being inserted in that slot. 5-4. 2 PAC Troubleshooting The Extender PAC, Model XP-30, can be used to gain access to points on the PACs. Signals on the pins of the PACs may be as certained from the PAC descriptions. The actual PAC signals can be compared with the waveforms shown in Figure 5-2. Leads for observing current waveforms with an AC current probe are provided on special Extender PACs. 5-4. 3 Component Checking a. General. Many PACs have several identical channels. In most cases components can be checked by resistance comparision with parts on other channels or other PACs. 5-2 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM b. Transistor checking. with an ohmmeter. Transistors on a PAC can be checked This should be done carefully to avoid damaging the tran- sistors by large meter currents. Check the base-emitter and collector- emitter junctions in both directions, by using the meter scale which will apply I ~J the least amount of current to the transistor and still provide a reading. Replace any transistors that have open or shorted junctions, or whose resistance readings differ considerably from those obtained from a transistor on an identical channel or PAC. c. Diode checking. Check diodes by comparing their forward and back resistances with diodes of the same type on other channels or PACs. d. Resistor and Capacitors. Using an ohmmeter in the conventional manner, free one end of the component and check its resistance. r; I I \-..: J To check most small capacitors for opens, a vacuum-tube ohmmeter will be needed to induce a needle "kick". 5-4.4 1 Component Replacement a. Use only top quality rosin-core 60/40 solder (60% tin, 40% lead). b. A small hot soldering iron should be used. A heat sink in the L-) form of a pair of plier s or an alligator clip on the lead of the component is J recommended to conduct heat away from the body of the component while soldering. c. board. J 1 Remove excess solder from the etched side of the printed circuit A piece of spaghetti, large in diameter, can be used for blowing ex- cess solder out of eyelets. d. Insert leads of the new component into and through the drilled hole or eyelet, clip off excessive wire, and solder from the etched circuit side of the PAC. LJ e. Examine the PAC carefully for excess solder. posits with a commercial cleaning solvent. Remove rosin de- Wipe the PAC clean with a dry lint-free cloth. f. Recommended replacement parts for PAC components are shown in the PAC parts list in Appendix A. 5-3 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 5-5 SPARE PARTS Table 5-2 lists the PACs suggested as spare parts for maintenance r1 and as aids in troubleshooting. TABLE 5-2. SPARE PAR TS LIST Number Required Per System PAC De s ignation Model Selection Switch PAC SS-32 Dynamic Current Driver PAC MD-32 Bit Register PAC BR-32 4-24 Inhibit Driver PAC MI-32 1-6 Gate Driver PAC GD-32 -1 1 Address Decoder PAC DP-32 4 1 Memory Normalizer Board MN 1 1 Inhibit Component Board IB 1-4 1 Gate PAC DN-30 1 1 1 1 NAND PAC . DI-30 Spares~:c 4-8 2 2 1 2 NAND PAC DL-30 1 1 Multi-Purpose Flip-Flop PAC MF-30 3-7 1 Non- Inverting Power Amplifier PAC PN-30 2-4 1 Memory Clear Driver PAC CL-32 0-3 1 Timing Distributor PAC TD-32 2 1 ~:cSuggested 5-6 number of spares (if PAC is used in customers system) MAINTENANCE INSPECTION Conduct a visual inspection periodically. In conducting this inspec- tion, watch specifically for accumulations of dust and dirt, improperly seated PACs, and damaged or improperly dressed cable and signal leads. see that 5-4 a~l connectors are securely mated. Check to " J J '1L.J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 5-7 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE a. The TCM- 32 system is extensively tested at Computer Control Company, Inc. prior to shipment. All planes are tested simultaneously under all ZEROs, all ONEs, and worst pattern conditions. The inhibit and drive line currents are set so that optimum operating margins result. The mem- ory should be tested periodically as a preventive maintenance procedure using a memory test program or an optionally supplied Computer Control Company memory exerciser. b. Voltage Adjustments. tory preset to their nominal values. The three power supply voltages are facA screwdriver adjustment of ± 2% is provided if recalibration is necessary. The power supply should be mounted physically near the TCM- 32 system to minimize voltage drops and noise due to long lead lengths. c. Drive Current Adjustments. The drive current amplitudes are adjusted by means of the four potentiometers. The adjustment procedure is as follows. (1) Turn off the DC power and remove the Dynamic Current Driver PAC, Model MD-32 (2) Put the MD- 32 PAC on a special extender PAC. brated AC current probe around the pin 1 7 lead. Clip a cali- Turn on the DC power and adjust the current to 210 rna using the associated potentiometer (connected to pin 16 of the MD-32 PAC). I \ l-< l (3) Clip the current probe around pin 19 of the MD-32 PAC and adjust the current pulse amplitude to 210 rna. I \.-1 (4) Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other MD- 32 PAC. (5) I I I The current amplitude of 210 rna is the nominal drive cur- rent at 25°C which gives best operating margins, unless noted elsewhere. l~-, This current can vary typically ± 10% under most pattern testing without error. 'I I l~ r-'I I .J l L.J The current is temperature compensated by a Thermistor- Zener diode network on the MD-32 PAC. The current varies nominally -0. 50/0rC to match the temperature characteristics of the magnetic cores used. (6) The drive line current amplitude is nominally 40 rna higher than the current out of the MD-32 PAC due to the base current of the emitterfollower circuit on the Selection Switch PAC (Model SS-32). The drive line l .-1 5-5 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM '"I current amplitude observed by a current probe at the output of the Selection Switch PAC is thus nominally 250 rna. d. Inhibit Current Adjustment. The inhibit current is determined by the -18-volt supply and two precision resistors and does not require amplitude adjustment. The value of the inhibit current is nominally 210 rna, and may be varied typically ± 150/0 under worst-pattern testing without causing errors. The amplitude may be checked by putting the MI-32 PAC on a special extender card and attaching a calibrated current probe to the appropriate output lead. e. Strobe Adjustment. The most critical adjustment in a core mem- ory is the timing of the sense amplifier strobe. Strobe is that signal which samples the sense winding voltage in order to discriminate between noise and signal. If strobe occurs too early, relative to the sense winding signal, it may give erroneous sense amplifier outputs as a result of sampling ZERO noise. If strobe is too late, it may attempt to sample the proper ONE signal after the signal amplitude has decreased to a value too low. With reference to Figure 5-1, the upper trace shows proper strobe timing, and the lower trace shows a strobe timing too late. Proper strobe timing is such that the strobe-enabled signal occurs superimposed upon a pedestal which is due to the amplified core signal. If there is no pedestal ahead of the strobe pulse, strobe is too early. CORRECT TOO I I I --.l.--------!--_ I '_ ~!_""~'_ I I i Figure 5-1. 5-6 I ' , \ f : I I I; !! I i : ; Strobe Adjustment Waveform LATE 1 I...-J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J This waveform is observed at TPI test point of any BR- 32 which is sensing a ONE signal; this test point is the outermost one on the BR-32 adjacent to the handle, and may be probed with a Tektronix scope probe without IL..J removing the PAC. Rarely should it be necessary to adjust strobe timing; an apparent shift in timing may be due to a maladjusted drive current in the memory. If it becomes necessary to change the strobe timing, this is done on the TD-32 board by moving jumpers. Refer to the TD-32 PAC write-up for this opera- tion. 5-8 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Corrective maintenance procedures consist of electrical and mechan- ical inspection, power supply troubleshooting procedures, and memory system troubleshooting procedures. a. Corrective Maintenance Inspection. Before beginning trouble- shooting procedures, a thorough inspection of the system should be performed. Check to see that the system is not physically damaged and that no wires have been torn accidentally from the equipment. and PACs fit firmly in their sockets. 1 .J I Make sure electrical connector s b. Power Supply Troubleshooting Procedures. and DC power-on are provided on the power supply. I ...J Lamps indicating AC The DC outputs are pro- tected by fast acting circuit breaker s, and an indicator is provided to indicate DC power failure. c. Memory Troubleshooting Procedures. Memory troubleshooting consists of determining the type of faulty memory operation, predicting the fl type of PAC at fault, and locating the particular faulty circuit. Test proce- I I • ~·t dures to aid in troubleshooting are listed below . (1) ''--.J The normal waveforms at various test points and PAC con- nector pins are shown in Figure 5-2. A time scale of O. 5 ~sec/cm is used throughout with 5 V / cm for voltages and O. 2 amp/ cm for currents. An ex- tender PAC should be used when checking the operating voltage and current waveforms at the PAC connectors. Oscilloscope probes should be used care- fully because shorting of connector terminals or test points may damage the PAC. 5-7 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM 'I RR/CW 1-20-34 SA 1-18-24 -6V RI-I 1-18-11 ,--, -6V STI 1-18 -8 '--' I"' OV RR/CW 1- 20-34 OV RE 4-7-10 4 .........._ . .- -6V RS 4-7-30 OA* IRY 2-4-17 OV RR/CW 1- 20-34 OV WE (lS) 4-5-10 ;_-r-6V OA *' WS 4-5-30 IWY 2-5-H *": Figure 5- 2. 5-8 200MA/CM Waveforms (Sheet 1 of 3) Figure 5-2. Waveforms (Sheet 2 of 3) ,.J 5-9 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ..... II II ,- I- ' .... lj.... II ' II I !.~ II II.. .. - ~ - II I!!!!!!!! : IiI II II !I. • I I .. I ' I ~r, II RR/CW 1-20-34 OV IR -I 1- 1-12 iii I , ov I -- I BR-32 ~ ~..,.. i!l ~ ~==,:;;;;:;,~~:~~!!::=:==;;;;~i=-7V ** TEST POINT TPI ~ ~ ~ II I: '4 I: ~ II I OV ;;;;,;; """"-- **= DI-I 1- 18 -27 IV/CM RR/CW 1-20-34 RPY 2-13-7 001 2-13-13 55-32 TEST POI NT TPI * :; 20V/CM Figure 5-2. 5-10 Waveforms (Sheet 3 of 3) f-' ] J J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM (2) Spare PACs may be used to isolate faulty circuits, in some cases, by interchanging identical PACs and noting any shift in the faulty bits or addresses. (3) Refer to the PAC schematic and assembly drawings in Section 6 to isolate and replace the defective components on the printed circuit card. (4) Memory failures are generally of the following types: opera- tion failures, which are caused by faulty timing and control circuits; partial information word failures, which are caused by faulty bit register circuits (sense amplifier and information register flip-flop); and address failures which are caused by faulty address register decoding or selection circuits. (5) 1 L•• j Memory failures may be localized by the following procedure. (a) Load the test pattern into the memory. (b) Initiate a read operation at each address sequentially and check each readout information word. (c) Check the readout information words for the following failures. 1. rr Operation failures. No apparent response to com- mands applied to the memory, or faulty operation at \ ', .• J all addresses (see Table 5-3). f""J 2. ,J Partial information word failures. Failures of one bit or a series of two or more adjacent bits at all addresses (see Table 5-4). 3. Address failures. ticular 'I Faulty memory operation at par- addres ses only (see Table 5- 5). I ' ..J 5-9 l • .-J MAGNETIC CORE MA TRIX MAINTENANCE Troubles occuring within the magnetic core matrices are unlikely under normal operating conditions. However, continuity measurements of the inhibit, sense, and drive windings will enable maintenance personnel to check the wiring of the core stack. The stack measurements should be done carefully '""1 to avoid damaging the matrix windings. a. rr Inhibit Windings (Table 5-6) (1) Turn off memory power. Remove the MI-32 Inhibit Driver PAC as sociated with the inhibit winding to be checked. 5-11 ---..' MAGNETIC CORE MEMOR Y SYSTEM TABLE 5-3. OPERATION FAILURES Trouble Probable Cause Remedy Check Waveforms (At pin indicated) No apparent response to memory commands (or faulty operation) at all addresses Readout information is all ZEROs or all ONEs at all addresses (2) Faulty input circuit 1-19, 1-22, 1-23 1-20 Faulty Timing DistriPAC bu~or Faulty read, write gates 4-5, 4-7 Faulty Gate Driver PAC 2-3-16, IS, 31,32 Faulty Dynamic Current Driver PAC 2-3-17, 19 2-4-17, 19 Faulty inhibit step 4-5-10 Faulty Gate Driver PAC 2-3-16, IS, 31, 32 Faulty Dynamic Current Driver PAC 2-3-17, 19 2-4-17, 19 Faulty Strobe Amplifier PAC 1-1S-S (1-16 bits) 1 -1 7 - S (1 7 - 3 2 bits) 1-17-11 (33-4Sbits) Place one ohmmeter lead on -IS-volt output (pin 2 of the S-BLOC or at the inhibit component board). ,(3) Place the other ohmmeter lead on the output connector pin of the inhibit driver channel in question, as shown on the logic block diagram. For example, to check the bit 4 inhibit winding, place the ohmmeter leads on connector pin 31 of the MI-32 connector. (4) The inhibit winding resistance is a function of the word length. It will vary from O. 5 to 15 ohms for 12S to 4096 word memories. The resis- tance from the inhibit driver connector pin to the -IS-volt supply includes the resistors on the inhibit component board. The total resistance, including the inhibit resistors and the inhibit line resistance, should read between 70 and 100 ohms, with a typical value of S3 ohms. bits should agree within ± lO%. 5-12 The resistance readings of all J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM b. J (1) l ; l.J (Refer to Table 5-8 for intra-unit place the ohmmeter leads on connector pins 32 and 33 of the BR- 32 connector in location 1- 2. (3) Resistance readings should be between 1 and 20 ohms for memory planes of 128 to 4096 words. The resistance readings for all.bits should agree within ± 10%. I ,-1 c. I J Drive Windings (1) '/ I ... Place the ohmmeter leads across the s.ense wire input termi- For example, to check the continuity of the bit 4 sense winding, 'r l.J Remove the BR-32 Bit Register nations at the Bit Register PAC connector. wiring.) 'I Turn off memory power. PAC associated with the sense winding to be checked. (2) l l Sense Windings (Table 5-7) Turn off memory power. Remove the Selection Switch PAC, . Model SS-32, from the PAC connectors associated with the X or Y drive line to be checked. (2) Place one ohmmeter probe on the appropriate single drive line output of the Selection Switch PAC. (3) Place the other ohmmeter probe on the other end of the drive line, at the appropriate bussed drive line output of the selction PAC. For example, to check continuity of the X5 drive line in a 2048 or 4096 word memory, place the ohmmeter leads on pins 2-10-17 and 2-11- 35. (4) I I.J Drive line resistance is a function of memory size (length of word and number of bits). Readings will vary from 1 ohm for small mem- ories to approximately 15 ohms for large memories up to 4096/48. resistance readings in a given coordinate should agree within ± 10%. All the The drive line resistance for the X- and Y - coordinates should agree within ± 10% for square matrices (i. e., 64 x 64) but will be different for non- square planes (i. e., 32 x 64). d. 'c .. J X- Windings (See Table 5-9) (1) Place the ohmmeter leads at the appropriate SS-32 selection switch output indicated in the X-winding checklist. .... j (2) A normal reading is approximately 2 to 12 ohms. All read- ings should agree within ±10%. 'I .J 5-13 ... J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM e. Y - Windings (See Table 5-10) (1) Place the ohmmeter leads at the appropriate SS-32 selection switch output indicated in the Y -winding checklist. (2) A normal reading is approximately 2 to 12 ohms. All read- ings should agree within ± 100/0. 5-10 LOGIC CIR CUlT MAINTENANCE Replacing malfunctioning packages is the quickest procedure for logic circuit maintenance and is highly recommended. Troubleshooting to the package level is best accomplished with a thorough understanding of the Principles of Operation, Section III. Some aids for troubleshooting the logic cir cuits are listed below. Aid Location (a) System Block Diagram Section III (b) Logic Diagrams Section IV (c) Timing Diagram Section III (d) Maintenance Section V (e) Circuit Schematics Appendix A (f) Special PAC Information Appendix (g) Instruction Manual, S-PAC Digital Modules Supplementary Publication Suspected faulty packages can be repaired by referring to the appropriate PAC circuit description, schematic diagram, and assembly drawing, isolating the faulty component or components, and repairing the PAC by making replacements with the recommended parts. 5-11 DC POWER DISTRIBUTION The memory power supply receives AC power and supplies the following DC system power, distributed as indicated below. -18 V: To all PACs, to inhibit component boards. -6 V: To all PACs. +12 V: 5-14 To all PACs. " J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM l TABLE 5-4. PARTIAL INFORMATION WORD FAILURES LJ J Trouble Remedy Probable Cause Check Waveforms (At pin indicated) 1 l_~ Failure of one bit (ZERO or ONE) at all addresses J J 1 One bit is a ZERO at all addresses Faulty Bit Register PAC stage See Logic Diagram (Figures 4-5,4-6, 4-7) for Pin Nutnber (Function of wo rd length) Faulty Inhibit Driver PAC channel 2 -1 2-2 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 Faulty Bit Register PAC stage See Logic Diagratn (Figures 4-5, 4-6, 4-7) for Pin Nutnber (Function of word length) Shorted sense winding (See Table 4-7) Faulty Inhibit Driver PAC channel 2-1 2-2 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 Open inhibit winding (See Table 4-6) l~ :J \ L..J n I I• ..J One bit is a ONE at all addresses I (1-8 bits) (9-16 bits) (17-24 bits) (25-32 bits) (33-40 bits) (41-48 bits) Sho rted inhi bi t winding Faulty inhibit Driver PAC channel 2-1 2-2 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 Faulty Bit Register PAC stage See Logic Diagram (Figures 4-5,4-6, 4-7) for Pin Number (Function of wo rd length) Open sense winding (See- Table 4-7) LJ 1'/ (1 - 8 bits) (9 - 16 bi t s ) (17-24 bits) (25 -32 bits) (33-40 bits) (41-48 bits) (1-8 bits) (9-16 bits) (17-24 bits) (25-32 bits) (33-40 bits) (41-48 bits) " l..J 5-15 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM ,'"I TABLE 5-4. (Cont) PARTIAL INFORMATION WORD FAILURES Trouble Probable Cause Remedy Check Waveforms (At pin indicated) Failure of eight adjacent bits (ZERO or ONE) at all addresses Faulty timing amplifier on Inhibit Driver PAC 2-1 2-2 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 Failure of up to 16 adjacent bits (ZERO or ONE) at all addresses Faulty information Register drop-in power circuit 1-18-27 (1-16 bits) 1 - 1 7 - 24 (1 7 - 32 bi t s ) 1-17 -27 (33-48 bits) r--', (1-8 bits) (9-16 bits) (17-24 bits) (25-32 bits) (33-40 bits) (41-48 bits) 11 ,-' r' 5-16 J J rr J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-5. ADDRESS, DECODING, AND SELECTION FAILURES Trouble Probable Cause Check Waveforms (A t pin indicated) J J J l Remedy Faulty operation at 1/2 of memory capacity; normal drive voltag e and current waveforms Faulty address register flip -flop circuit See Logic Diagram (Figures 4-2, 4-3) for Pin Number (Function of word capacity) Faulty operation at particular addresses; incorrect drive voltage and/or current waveforms Faulty Selection Switch PAC channel See Logic Diagram (Figure 4-4) for Pin Number (Function of word capacity) Read (or write) drive current missing in either the X - or Ycoordinate for all addresses Bad channel on Gate Driver PAC 2-3-16, 18, 31, 32 Bad channel on Dynamic Current Driver PAC 2-3-17, 19 2-4-17, 19 Faulty read or write gates (No signal inputs to Gate Driver PAC or Dynamic Current Driver PAC) 4-5-30, 4-7-30 N 0 drive current flow during read (or write) operation at particular addresses Open current steering diode on Selection Switch PAC See Logic Diagram (Figure 4-4) for Pin Number (Function of word capacity) No drive current flow in either direction (read and write) at a number of addresses equal to the number of X - or Y -drive lines Open drive line (See Tables 4-9, 4-10) Faulty addres s decoder 4-5 through 4-8 Defective Dynamic Current Driver PAC 2-3 and 2-4 Shorted current steering diode or transistor on Selection Switch PAC See Logic Diagram (Figure 4-4) for Pin Number (Function of word capacity) l..J J I I l_J 11 I u f) I I....J Reduced drive current amplitude in one or both directions l.J 1 l....J 5-17 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-6. INHIBIT WINDING CHECKLIST (Resistance measured between PAC terminal and -18 -volt inhibit) Memory Signal 5-18 Memory Memory Signal Memory Z-1 2-1-28 Z-25 4-2-28 Z-2 2-1-29 Z-26 4-2-29 Z-3 2-1-30 Z-27 4-2-30 Z-4 2-1-31 Z-28 4-2-31 Z-5 2-1-32 Z-29 4-2-32 z-6 2-1-33 Z-30 4-2-33 Z-7 2-1-34 Z-31 4-2-34 Z-8 2-1-35 Z-32 4-2-35 Z-9 2-2-28 Z-33 4-3-28 Z-10 2-2-29 Z-34 4-3-29 Z-11 2-2-30 Z-35 4-3-30 Z-12 2-2-31 Z-36 4-3-31 Z-13 2-2-32 Z-37 4-3-32 Z-14 2-2-33 Z-38 4-3-33 Z-15 2-2-34 Z-39 4-3-34 Z-16 2-2-35 Z-40 4-3-35 Z-17 4-1-28 Z-41 4-4-28 Z-18 4-1-29 Z-42 4-4-29 Z-19 4-1-30 Z-43 4-4-30 Z-20 4-1-31 Z-44 4-4-31 Z-21 4-1-32 Z-45 4-4-32 Z-22 4-1-33 Z-46 4-4-33 Z-23 4-1-34 Z-47 4-4-34 Z-24 4-1-35 Z-48 4-4-35 11 ," J J J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-7. SENSE WINDING CHECKLIST (Resistance measured across terminals A and B; BR-32 PACs must be removed) Memory Signal Memory Test Point Memory Signal Memory Test Point SW-1 1-1-7 SW-13 1-7-7 SW-l. 1-1-8 SW -13 1-7 -8 SW-2 1-1-32 SW-14 1-7 -32 SW-2 1-1-33 SW-14 1-7-33 SW-3 1-2-7 SW -15 1-8-7 SW-3 1-2-8 SW -15 1-8-8 SW-4 1-2-32 SW-16 1-8-32 sw-4 1-2-33 SW-16 1-8-33 SW-5 1-3-7 SW -17 1-9-7 SW-5 1-3-8 SW -17 1-9-8 SW-6 1-3-32 SW-18 1-9-32 sW-6 1-3-33 SW -18 1-9-33 SW-7 1-4-7 SW -19 1-10-7 SW-7 1-4-8 SW-19 1-10-8 SW-8 1-4-32 SW-20 1-10-32 SW-8 1-4.-33 SW-20 1-10-33 SW-9 1-5-7 SW-21 1-11-7 SW-9 1-5-8 SW-21 1-11-8 J SW-10 1-5-32 SW-22 1-11-32 SW-I0 1-5-33 SW-22 1-11-33 J SW -11 1-6-7 SW-23 1-12-7 SW -11 1-6-8 SW-23 1-12-8 SW-12 1-6-32 SW-24 1-12-32 SW-IZ 1-6-33 SW-24 1-12-33 J J J J J 1 u 'l\.J J 5-19 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM n TABLE 5 -7. (Cont) SENSE WINDING CHECKLIST· (Resistance Ineasured across terIninals A and Bj BR- 32 PAC s Inust be reInoved) MeInory Signal MeInory Test Point MeInory Signal MeInory Test Point SW-25 1-13-7 SW-37 3-5-7 SW-25 1-13-8 SW-37 3-5-8 SW-26 1-13-32 SW-38 3-5-32 sW-26 1-13-33 SW-38 3-5-33 SW-27 1-14-7 SW-39 3-6-7 SW-27 1-14-8 SW-39 3-6-8 SW-28 1-14-32 SW-40 3-6-32 SW-28 1-14-33 sw-40 3-6-33 SW-29 3-1-7 SW-41 3-7 -7 SW-29 3-1-8 SW-41 3-7 -8 SW-30 3-1-32 SW-42 3-7-32 SW-30 3-1-33 SW-42 3-7 -33 SW-31 3-2-7 SW-43 3-8-7 SW-31 3-2-8 SW-43 3-8-8 SW-32 3-2-32 SW-44 3-8-32 SW-32 3-2-33 SW-44 3-8-33 SW-33 3-3-7 SW-45 3-9-7 SW-33 3-3-8 SW -45 3-9-8 SW-34 3-3-32 SW-46 3-9-32 SW-34 3-3-33 SW-46 3-9-33 SW-35 3-4-7 SW-47 3-10-7 SW-35 3-4-8 SW-47 3-10-8 SW-36 3-4-32 SW-48 3-10-32 SW-36 3-4-33 SW-48 3-10-33 n (I '. 1"--" ,"""" r-", " 5-20 ~ U I MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J TABLE 5-8. INTRA-UNIT WIRING CONNECTOR J-110 Designation Pin Number Designation 1 SW-l 26 SW -13 2 SW-l 27 SW -13 3 SW-2 28 SW-14 4 SW-2 29 SW-14 5 SW-3 30 SW -15 6 SW-3 31 SW -15 7 SW-4 32 SW -16 8 SW-4 33 SW -16 9 SW-5 34 SW-17 10 SW-5 35 SW -17 11 SW-6 36 SW-18 12 sW-6 37 SW -18 13 SW-7 38 SW -19 14 SW-7 39 SW-19 15 SW-8 40 SW-20 16 SW-8 41 SW-20 42 SW -21 Pin Number J r"/ I LJ ~ \ l.J 'I I l~ " i \--1 17 ,..., 18 SW-9 43 SW -21 19 SW-9 44 SW-22 20 SW-I0 45 SW-22 21 SW-I0 46 SW-23 22 SW -11 47 SW-23 23 SW -11 48 SW-24 24 SW-12 49 SW.;.24 25 SW-12 50 I L~ f') I ~._J L~ 5-21 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-8. (Cant) INTRA-UNIT WIRING CONNECTOR J-111 Pin Number Designation Pin Number Designation 1 AR-1 26 Twisted Pair CL 2 AR-l 27 Gnd 3 AR-2 28 Twisted Pair Unload Counter 4 AR-2 29 Gnd 5 AR-3 30 Half Cycle 6 AR-3 31 RAN 7 AR-4 32 ER 8 AR-4 33 RMW 9 AR-5 34 SA 10 AR-5 35 SR 11 AR-6 36 SA 2 12 AR-6 37 SA3 13 AR-7 38 14 AR-7 39 LCT 15 AR-8 40 IA 16 AR-8 41 EE 42 EC 17 18 AR-9 43 MBS 19 AR-9 44 SB 20 AR-10 45 RS 21 AR-10 46 ER 22 AR-11 47 SZ 23 AR-11 48 WS 24 AR-12 49 EZ 25 AR-12 50 EB r- or-' r-, 5-22 J J J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-8. (Cant) INTRA-UNIT WIRING CONNECTOR J-112 Pin Nutnber Designation Pin Number Designation 1 IR-l 26 IR-26 2 IR-2 27 IR-27 3 IR-3 28 IR-28 4 IR-4 29 IR-29 5 IR-5 30 IR-30 6 IR-6 31 IR-31 7 IR-7 32 IR-32 8 IR-8 33 IR-33 9 IR-9 34 IR-34 10 IR-I0 35 IR-35 11 IR-ll 36 IR-36 12 IR-12 37 IR-37 13 IR-13 38 IR-38 J 14 IR-14 39 IR-39 15 IR-15 40 IR-40 J 16 IR-16 41 IR-41 17 IR-17 42 IR-42 18 IR-18 43 IR-43 19 IR-19 44 IR-44 20 IR-20 45 IR-45 21 IR-21 46 IR-46 22 IR-22 47 IR-47 23 IR-23 48 IR-48 24 IR-24 49 25 IR-25 50 J n, LJ ~J 1/ (, \ lJ 'I L.J I l.J J 1 lJ 5-23 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM r, TABLE 5-8. (Cant) INTRA-UNIT WIRING CONNECTOR J-113 ("I Pin Number -... " - De signa tion Designation 1 SW-25 26 SW-37 2 SW-25 27 SW-37 3 SW-26 28 SW-38 4 SW-26 29 SW-38 5 SW-27 30 SW-39 6 SW-27 31 SW-39 7 SW-28 32 SW-40 8 SW-28 33 SW-40 9 SW-29 34 SW-41 10 SW-29 35 SW-41 11 SW-30 36 SW-42 12 SW-30 37 SW-42 13 SW-31 38 SW-43 14 SW-31 39 SW-43 15 SW-32 40 SW-44 16 SW-32 41 SW-44 42 SW-45 17 5-24 Pin Number 18 SW-33 43 SW-45 19 SW-33 44 SW-46 20 SW-34 45 SW-46 21 SW-34 46 SW-47 22 SW-35 47 SW-47 23 SW-35 48 SW-48 24 SW-36 49 SW-48 25 SW-36 50 '~1 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-9. X-WINDING CHECKLIST Xk Drive Line Xk' 2-11-33 2-11-20 32 2-7-33 1 2 -11- 3.5 2-11 .. 21 33 2-7 -35 2-11-24 2 2-11-33 2-11-28 34 2-7-33 2-11-25 3 2-11-35 2-11-29 35 2-7-35 rr, 2-10-16 4 2-11-33 2-10-20 36 2-7-33 lJ 2-10-17 5 2-11-35 2-10-21 37 2-7-35 2-10-24 6 2-11-33 2-10-28 38 2-7-33 2-10-25 7 2-11-35 2-10-29 39 2~7-35 2-11-18 8 2-10-33 2.-11-22 40 2-6-33 2-11-19 9 2-10-35 2-11-23 41 2-6-35 2-11-26 10 2-10-33 2-11-30 42 2-6-33 2-11-27 11 2-10-35 2-11-31 43 2-6-35 2-10-18 12 2-10-33 2-10-22 44 2-6-33 2-10-19 13 2-10-35 2-10-23 45 2-6-35 2-10-26 14 2-10-33 2-10-30 46 2-6-33 2-10-27 15 2-10-35 2-10-31 47 2-6-35 2-7-16 16 2'-11-33 2-7-20 48 2-7-33 2-7-17 17 2-11-35 2-7-21 49 2-7-35 2-7-24 18 2-11-33 2-7-28 50 2-7-33 2-7-25 19 2-11-35 2-7-29 51 2-7-35 2-6-16 20 2-11-33 2-6-20 52 2-7-33 2-6-17 21 2-11-35 2-6-21 53 2-7-35 2-6-24 22 2-11-33 2-6-28 54 2-7-33 2-6-25 23 2-11-35 2-6-29 55 2-7-35 2-7-18 24 2-10-33 2-7-22 56 2-6-33 2-7-19 25 2-10-35 2-7-23 57 2-6-35 2-7-26 26 2-10-33 2-7-30 58 2-6-33 2-7-27 27 2-10-35 2-7-31 59 2-6-35 2-6-18 28 2-10-33 2-6-22 60 2-6-33 2-6-19 29 2-10-35 2-6-23 61 2-6-35 2-6-26 30 2-10-33 2-6-30 62 2-6-33 2-6-27 31 2-10-35 2-6-31 63 2-6-35 J LJ TI Xk Drive Line 2-11-16 0 2-11-17 Xk I (J 5-25 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM TABLE 5-10. Y-WINDING CHECKLIST ,--', Yk Drive Line Yk Yk Drive Line Yk 2-13-16 0 2-13-33 2-13-20 32 2-9-33 2-13-17 1 2-13-35 2-13-21 33 2-9-35 2-13-24 2 2-13-33 2-13-28 34 2-9-33 2-13-25 3 2-13-35 2-13-29 35 2-9-35 2-12-16 4 2-13-33 2-12-20 36 2-9-33 2-12-17 5 2-13-35 2-12-21 37 2-9-35 2-12-24 6 2-13-33 2-12-28 38 2-9-33 2-12-25 7 2-13-35 2-12-29 39 2-9-35 2-13-18 8 2-12-33 2-13-22 40 2"';8-33 2-13-19 9 2-12-35 2-13-23 41 2-8-35 2-13-26 10 2-12-33 2-13-30 42 2-8-33 2-13-27 11 2-12-35 2-13-31 43 2-8-35 2-12-18 12 2-12-33 2-12-22 2-8-33 2-12-19 13 2-12-35 2-12-23 44 45 . 2-8-35 2-12-26 14 2-12-33 2-12-30 46 2-8-33 2-12-27 15 2-12-35 2-12-31 47 2-8-35 2-9-16 1'6 2-13-33 2-9-20 48 2-9-33 2-9-17 17 2-13-35 2-9-21 49 2-9-35 2-9-24 18 2-13-33 2-9-28 50 2-9-33 2-9-25 19 2-13-35 2-9-29 51 2-9-35 2-8-16 20 2-13-33 2-8-20 52 2-9-33 2-8-17 21 2-13-35 2-8-21 53 2-9-35 2-8-24 22 2-13-33 2-8-28 54 2-9-33 2-8-25 23 2-13-35 2-8-29 55 2-9-35 2-9-18 24 2-12-33 2-9~22 56 2-8-33 2-9-19 25 2-12-35 2-9-23 57 2-8-35 2-9-26 26 2-12-33 2-9-30 58 2-8-33 2-9-27 27 2-.12-35 2-9-31 59 2-8-35 2-8-18 28 2-12-33 2-8-22 60 2-8-33 2-8-19 29 2-12-35 2-8-23 61 2-8-35 2-8-26' 30 2-12-33 2~8-30 62 2-8-33 2-8-27 31 2-12-35 2-8-31 63 2-8-35 5-26 r~1 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J '1 SECTION VI PAC COMPLEMENT LIST I lJ 6-1 1 u n J GENERAL This section contains a Magnetic Core Memory System PAC com- plement list (Table 6 -1). Parts lists for special S-PACs (p/o units 1 and 2) used in this system are contained in the appendix of this manual. The parts lists for all standard S -PAC modules are contained in the Instruction Manual for 1 MC Series S-PAC Digital Modules. 1 ~J J J 'lI LJ r-, I LJ r: u l..J I I.~ 6-1 MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM' TABLE 6-1. PAC COMPLEMENT LIST Temporary Designation Designation ..Description Quantity STANDARD PACS TCM-32 Assembly 1 DL-30 NAND PAC 2 DC-30 Diode PAC 1 ;. " MF-30 Flip-Flop PAC 7 PN-30 Non-Inverting Power Amplifier PAC 4 NON -STANDARD PACS S-086 BR-32 Bit Register PAC 24 o' S-117 DP-32 Address Decoder PAC 4 S-091 GD-32 Gate Driver PAC 1 S-083 MD-32 Dynamic Current Driver PAC 2 S-087 MI-32 Inhibit Driver PAC 6 S-026 S8-32 Selection Switch PAC 8 S-219 TD-32 Timing Distributor PAC 2 S-103 Memory Clear Driver PAC 2 S-169 Transfer Gate PAC 5 S-179 Parallel Transfer Gate PAC 1 ,_.', r-~ r' ,- 6-2 J MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY SYSTEM J J APPENDIX n U The appendix to this manual contains circuit descriptions, schematic I diagrams, and as sembly drawings for the following digital modules and component boards used in the Magnetic Core Memory System. These modules are not covered in the Instruction Manual for S-PAC Digital Modules. They are arranged in this appendix in the following order. J Bit Register PAC, model BR-32 Address Decoder PAC, model DP-32 J n J Gate Driver PAC, model GD- 32 Dynamic Current Driver PAC, model MD-32 Inhibit Driver PAC, model MI-32 Selection Switch PAC, model SS-32 Timing Distributor PAC, model S-219 =1 J J Inhibit Component Board Memory Normalizer Board Memory Clear Driver PAC, m.odel S-103 Transfer Gate PAC, model S -169 Parallel Transfer Gate PAC, model S-179 J J ~ u 1 u c A-I BIT REGISTER PAC, MODEL BR-32 J GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Bit Register PAC, Model BR-32 (Figures 1 and 2), contains two sense amplifier s with as sociated information register flip-flops. The sense amplifiers provide amplitude discrimination, time discrimination, and a high ratio of common-rIlode noise rejection. J signal appearing on the sense line. The circuit amplifies the core The amplified core signal is time- strobed to provide a digital form of output that sets a standard flip-flop circuit. Inputs to the information register flip-flops are provided for writing external information into the memory. ] CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Transistors Ql and Q2 (Figure 3) are on and their emitters are at approximately 0 volt, without a sense signal applied. The collector s of Ql and Q2 are at a +6-volt potential and tra.nsistors Q3' and Q4 are off. The collectors of Q3 and Q4 are clamped at - 6. 3 volts by,the strobe input and resistor network R ll-R13. J Transistor Q5 is reverse-biased, and its collector is clamped to +0. 3 volt by resistor R 16 and diode CR4'. with its collector clamped at -6.3 volts. Transistor Q6 is normally off, The flip-flop is reset at the beginning of the memory cycle that places Q7 on and Q8 off. The sense inputs are connected directly to the base of input transistors Ql and Q2. ] Resistors RI and R12 terminate the sense winding. Resistors R3, R6, and potentiometer R 5 provide AC stabilization for the differential amplifier (Ql and Q2). Resistor R8 is a DC stabilizing resistor, ahd,resistors R4 andR7 increase the resolution of potentiometer R5. Common-mode noise is cancelled by the high impedance of resistor R8 and no differential signal appears at the collectors of Ql and Q2. Transistor s Q3 and Q4 remain off, giving the sense amplifier a high common-mode noise rejection ratio. During the read cycle a ONE a.ppear s on the sense input. When the base of Ql goes positive, its conduction increases and its collector voltage goes negative. 1 LJ The negative pulse on the base of Q2 causes its collector to go positive. The pulse clamps to the Ql collector voltage through the emitter- base junction of Q3. J The potentiometer adjusts the DC gain and balance of transistors Ql and Q2. Diodes CRI and CR2 form an AND gate for positive signals. When the strobe input goes to 0 volt, and the collector of Q3- 04 goes sufficiently positive r; I U 1 (due to the amplified ONE input signal), the strobe .clamps the collector of Ql or Q2 to ground. Resistor RIO prevents the differential stage (Ql or Q2) from saturating during a large digit transient and allows the base of Q5 to become positive with respect to the emitter. The positive pulse at the collec- tor of Q6 sets the flip-flop that turns off Q7 and saturates Q8. The flip-flop therefore registers a binary ONE which corresponds to the state of the selected memory core. A ZERO output does not have sufficient amplitude at strobe time to saturate transistor Q5. OFF state. Resistor divider network RII-R13 holds Q5 in: the The flip-flop will not receive a set input so it remains in the zero state (since it was reset at the start of the cycle). NOTE For all applications of the BR- 32 , pin 35 should be jumper ed to pin 5 (gr ound). The jumper attenuate s noise picked up by distributed impedance of the etched circuit. SPECIFICA TIONS Frequency of Operation The maximum frequency of operation of the sense amplifier is 500 KC. Frequency of operation of the flip-flop is DC to 1 MC (max). Input The minimum ONE input signal required is 50 MV (25 MV to each base of the differential amplifier), while the maximum ZERO input signal is 15 MV. The strobe input is a - 6-volts to O-volt pulse with a nominal width of O. 20 ~sec. The load on the strobe driver is O. 5 rna per channel (1 rna per PAC) with the input at - 6 volts, and 0 rna with the strobe at 0 volt. The inputs to the flip-flop portion of the circuit include AC set and reset inputs, set and reset node inputs, a common reset input, and AC set inputs from the strobed sense amplifiers. Load and signal requirements are the same as for the FA-30 S-PAC. Output The outputs are flip-flop set and reset outputs. istics are the same as for the FA-30 S-PAC. The output character- Cir cuit Delay The analog signal delay between sense input and. monitor point (at the collectors of Q3 and Q4) is O. 20 to O. 30 ~sec. The turn- on delay between the strobe input and sense amplifier strobed output (at the collector of Q6) is typically O. 20 I-Lsec, while the turn-off delay is 0.30 to O. 40 ~sec. 2 r J Output Waveform Characteristics The strobed output of the sensed amplifier (on the collector of Q6) is a O. 30 to 0.40 f.Lsec width pulse with a maximum rise time of O. 10 f.Lsec and a falltime of typically O. 20 f.Lsec. The flip-flop output pulses are standard S-PAC signals. The waveform characteristics are the same as for the FA-30 S-PAC. Current Requirements J -18 V: - 6 V: +12 V: 100 rna 34 rna 50 rna J J J J J J 3/4 D J J J D TPIA TP2A RI6A TPIB TP28 RI6B RI7B - RI4B RI7A RI4A RI8A RI8B RI5B RI5A RI3B D D I J J J J ..--, lJ J J J RI3A R98 R2A RIOB ~-- RIOA R7A R4A RIIA R5A R6A R3A R8A R9A ~~-- RI2A R4B RIIB R7B R5B R3B R8B R6B R2B RIB RI2B R21B R20B R22B R23B ~-- .,...".,.",.--...-- RI A ----r-__ R34A --r--- RI9B - . - - - R33A - ; - - - R32A R30A R25A R27B R24A R29B R31B R288 R24B R30B R31A R26A R29A R28A R27A R25B R23A R26B R33B R32B R22A R20A R21A RI9A R34B J J J J Figure 1. Bit Register PAC, Model BR-32, Parts Location (Resistors and Test Points) 5 n ---.J [l l.-.J n QSA w C7 CIA Q5A CR5A CR2A CR3A Q3A Q4A CRIA QIA n !I I.-.J rl Q2A r' CRSB CR4A CSA QaA CRI9A n r-' CRI8A CR21 CRI7A CRI2A CRIIA C4A CR20A CRI5A C5A CRI3A Q7A CRI4A C3A CRISA CRIOA CR9A CRaA CRSA C2A CR7A I' r·-' r" I' Figure 2. Bit Register PAC, Model BR-32, Parts Location (Capacitors, Diodes, and Transistors) 6 r--' J J CIRCUIT A +12V TPI +12V +12V o +12\1 -6V R9 681 R2 681 TP2 +12V RI5 5.6K CR4 RIO 510 RI8 3K J 19.6K -= -18V -18V -18V -IBV R20 9.09K RI 178 IJ R6 15 R3 15 ~ @--f - -SENSE INPUT { SET LEVEL CONTROL AC SET I 32 CIRCUIT B ~ SAME AS CIRCUIT A AC SET 2 @---1 I AC RESET ~ I RESET LEVEL CONTROL I I I • ..J t::':\ -18V _l ~ COMMON RESET R23 14K R29 21.5K CRIO CRI6 AC SET +12V R33 21.5K +12V 2 Q ~ SET OUTPUT RESET -IBV -IBV BR-32 AC SET 2 ........2_1_ _ _--1 OUTPUT R24 4.02K --.L-r-c-7-----0 -18V I 0.GS8J::--0f 3 -6V I I ,/ C8 O.068p18+ 12V R25 14K 12 SET OUTPlJT CRI7 AC RESET RESET LEVEL CONTROL RESET LEVEL CONTROL R26 390 CRI2 16r-~~-------1~- t - - - - - - - 1 COMMON RESET AC SET 2 SET LEVEL CONTROL AC SET I STROBE INPUT -t:-"";;';"'--+lh r: SENSE INPUT { I AC RESET RESET LEVEL CONTROL lJ RESET OUTPUT R32 2.26K CR8 r ~ ~_ _ _ _ .,. _____ I II -18V -18V I I I 1 CRI9 -6vcr----_.M--. AC SET I I ~ R34 2.26K .---..r----~.-___11____i R21 4.02K C2 250PF R8 1960 I R31 6.49K CR20 -18V R7 12.1 I -IBV SET OUTPUT I ~ I Q . I R30 6.49K R27 2.26K __--------~--{)-6V L __ , I -IBV CRI3 SET LEVEL CONTROL -= STROBE -IBV - 6V CRI4 R4 12.1 ] RI2 178 R5 50 -= ~J CRS RII S 29 SET OUTPUT 27 RESET OUTPUT 22 COMMON RESET 1 u J I l.-J Figure 3. Bit Register PAC, Model BR-32, Schematic and Logic Diagram 7/8 J BIT REGISTER PAC, MODEL BR-32, PARTS LIST ASSY LEVEL fl DESCRt PTtON 3C DWG NO. CAP, fxd, mica diele c: ISO pf ± So/a, 100 VDC 930 011 131 CAP, fxd, mica dielec: 2S0 pf ± S%, 100 VDC 930 011 137 REF.DEStG. AJSJCJOJEJFJ LJ Cl, CS, C6 C2, J C3~ C4 930 301 01S O. 068 IJ.f ± 20%, 100 VDC C7,C8 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: CR4, CR1S, DIODE: Replacement type 1N816 -_._. 943 lOS 001 CR21 CR1-CR3, 943 023 001 DIODE: Replacement type 1N69S CRS-CR14, CR16- CR20 - J :J I I l..J J J J J R1, R12 RES, fxd, film: 178 ohms ± 2%, 1/4 W 932 102 113 R2, R9 RES, fxd, film: 681 ohms ± 1 %, 1/4 W 932 108 181 R3, R6 RES, fxd, film: lS.0 ohms ± 1%, 1/4 W 932 108 018 R4,R7 RES, fxd, film: 12. 1 ohm s ± 10/0, 1/4 W 932 108 009 RS RES, variable wirewound: R8 RES, fxd, film: RIO RES, fxd, camp: R11 RES, fxd, film: R13 RES, fxd, camp: 33.2 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 326 R14, R1S RES, fxd, camp: S.6 K ± S%, 1/2 W 932 004 067 RIb RES, fxd, camp: 2.4 K ± S%, 1/2 W 932 004 OS8 R17 RES, fxd, camp: 39 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 087 R18 RES, fxd, camp: 3 K ± So/a, 1/2 W 932 004 060 R19, R26 RES, fxd, camp: 390 ohms ± S%, 1/4 W 932 007 039 R20 RES, fxd, film: 9.09 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 247 R21, R22, R24 RES, fxd, film: 4.02 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 230 R23, R2S RES, fxd, film: 14 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 308 R27, R34 RES, fxd, film: 2.26 K ±2%, 1/2 W 932 103 218 R28, R32 RES, fxd, film: 2.26 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 218 R29, R33 RES, fxd, film: 21. S K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 317 R30, R31 RES, fxd, film: 6.49 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 240 SO ohms ±10% 1/4 W 1. 96 K ± 1 0/0, 1/4 W S10 ohms ± S%, 1/2 W 19.6K±2%, 1/4 W 933 20S 002 932 108 229 932 004 042 932 102 31S 9/10 J J J PI, ] BIT REGISTER PAC, MODEL BR-32, PARTS LIST (Cant) ASSY LEVEL REF. DESIG. DESCRIPTION 3C DWG NO. AJBJCJDJEJFJ Q2 TSTR: Replacement type 2N388 943 507 001 P3, Q4, Q6 TSTR: Replacement type 2N 1303 943 537 001 pS TSTR: Replacement type 2N706 943 700 001 Q7, Q8 TSTR: Replacement type 2N 1301 943 535 002 'i 1 L...J J J 'I I I LJ J I i l.-J J J 11 J J ADDRESS DECODER PAC, MODEL DP-32 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Address Decoder PA.C, Model DP-32 (Figures 1 and 2), contains a prewired binary-to-octal decoder. and eight output lines. The octal matrix has nine input lines Six inputs (three complementary pairs) are wired to activate one of the eight outputs. The three additional input line s are provided to permit the matrix to be expanded to 16, 32, or 64 outputs by connecting additional PACs in parallel. Two additional independent NAND gates are included on each P A.C. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Octal Matrix The octal matrix has nine input lines driving eight NA.ND gates (Figure 3). Six of the nine input line s (pins 15 through 2 a inclus i ve) ar e driven by the assertions and negations of a 3-bit binary number. These six input lines are prewired to three inputs on each of the eight gates. The three inputs then be- come discrete combinations of the three binary bits and their negations. As 0 1 an example, the gate driving output line six (pin 9) has 2 ,2 , and 22 as the three inputs. Each of the eight gates has six inputs. J 1 LJ Three inputs recognize a dis- crete binary number from 000 through III as described above. The other three inputs are common to all eight gates and are brought out to pins 12, 13, and 14 on the connector. The six inputs to any gate must be a ONE (- 6 V) to activate the gate output. Since pins 12, 13, and 14 form three common and direct inputs to all eight gates, all the inputs must be ONEs to have one of the eight output lines activated (0 V). When deactivated an output line is -18 volts. J No connection to pins 12, 13, or 14 is equivalent to having the input at ONE. The application of a ZERO to anyone of the common input lines inhibits the octal matrix. This feature is useful for application on multioctal matrices, BCD-to-decimal decoding, and strobing. J Multioctal Matrices Matrices having 16, 32, or 64 outputs are formed by driving multiple octal matrices in parallel. It is neces sary to inhibit all but the one matrix that contains the significant output line. trix, eight octal matrices are used. A.s an example, in a 64- output ma- It is necessary to inhibit seven of these I lJ J 1 n to activate one of 64 output lines. The seven octal matrices are inhibited by applying ZERO to either pin 12, 13, or 14. For example, if the binary bits 3 4 2 , 2 , and 25 are true (ONE), the seven matrices containing outputs 0 through 55 inclusive are inhibited. ing on the states of bits r-' Only one output from 56 to 63 is activated, depend1 2 2 , and 2 . o 2 , SPECIFICA TIONS Input Loading Binary-to-Octal and Multioctal Matrices 8 output decoder (3 bits): 3 unit loads each 1"1 16 output decoder (4 bits): 4unit loads each 32 output decoder (15 bits): 64 output decoder (6 bits): 7 unit loads each 14 unit loads each BCD-to-Decimal Decoder o rl -0 Binary bits 2 , and 2 1 -1 2 -2 Binary bits 2 , 2 , 2 , and 2 3 Binary bits 2 3 Binary bit 2 n 4 unit loads each 3 unit loads each 2 unit loads each II 5 unit loads each Frequency of Operation r DC to 500 KC Circuit Delay Turn-on delay: O. 05 Jl sec (typ) O. 10 Jl sec (max) Turn-off delay: o. 10 Jl sec (typ) 0.15 Jlsec (max) Output Waveform Characteristics Rise time: Fall time: 0.40 Jlsec (typ) Jl sec (max) o. 60 0.80 Jl sec (typ) 1.0 Jlsec (max) Output Drive Capability 17. 5 ma and 500 pf each output (s election switch load) Power Requirements -18 V: 77 ma - 6 V: 11 ma (current from supply) +12 V: 5 ma Total Power 1.6 W 2 11 i1 J J J J J R5 RI2 RIB R3B R3E CIF J J J R2F R2E 1 R2D -R4C __ :..l.-.:...-_-CI C RIC R3D R3G J R2H RIG R3J R3H R2K J J ] Figure 1. R3K C3 CIH QID C2 RIJ Address Decoder PAC, Model DP-32, Parts Location (Resistors, Capacitors, and Transistors) 3 r-' '1 CR2A CR6A CR4A W 11 '--' CR4E fI CR7B r-l L-. 11 CR4F '--' 11 CRIF 11 CR3F CRIC '1 CR4C I' CRSK CR4H Figure 2. 4 CR2K CRIK CR2H CR5J CRIJ CR3J CR3G CR4G Address Decoder PAC, Model DP-32, Parts Location (Diodes) J -SV 2 21 2"1 22 19 18 17 IS LJ 22 I t.J COMMON INPUTS OUTPUTS -18V INJ-YiS RI2 33K BINARY INPUTS 1 TYPICAL CIRCUIT A THRU H 0 2"0 J -18V 15 r: 14 Z 12 13 H CIRCUITS A THRU H PIN NUMBERS 112W RII 33K B C D E F 15 15 15 IS IS IS IS 17 17 18 18 17 17 18 18 1/2W RIO 33K 1/2W R9 33K G H A 15 CR3 R3 21.5K 19 20 19 20 19 20 19 20 1/2W R8 33K 14 14 14 14 1/2W R7 33K 14 2 + CR4 1 CR5 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 112W RS 33K C4 0.OS8UF CIRCUIT K -18V -18V -18V J J R2K CR7K 2.2SK GATE INPUTS + NODE NODE CIRCUITS BINARY INPUTS u I~ II 19 S 18 35 22 COMMON INPUTS {~ Z CIRCUIT K 20 21 22 12V 31 l - - - - - - - ' DP 20 21 R3K 21.5K A-H CIRCUIT I 12V 1/2W CIRCUIT J L-J 8+ CRS 12 1/2W R5 33K -18V 1 0- sv 12V 14 14 14 -18V ZERO ONE 17 8 IS 15 14 33 THREE TWO :J 34 FOUR FIVE 13 9 12 32 OUTPUT OUTPUT OCTAL OUTPUT NODE SIX SEVEN 'I L.J ] Address Decoder PAC, Model DP-32, ScheITlatic and Logic Diagram. 5/6 ] ] J ] ADDRESS DECODER PAC , MODEL DP-32 PARTS LIST REF. DESIG. ASSY LEVEL OEseR I PTION 3C OWG NO. AJsJeJoJEJFJ Cl CAP, fxd, mica dielec: 390 pf ±lO%, 100 VDC 930 011 142 C2, C3 CAP, fxd, mica dielec: 150 pf ±5%, 100 VDC 930 011 131 C4, C5 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: CRI-CR6 DIODE: Replacement type IN695 CR7 DIODE: Replacement type lN816 943 105 001 HI RES, fxd, film: 6.49 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 240 R2 RES, fxd, filrn: 2.26 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 218 H.3 RES, fxd, film: 21. 5 K ±2%, 1/4 W 932 102 317 R4 RES, fxd, film: 2.26 K ±2%, 1/2 W 932 103 218 JZ 5 - R 13 RES, fxd, camp: 33 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 085 f------ O. 068 ~f ±20%, 100 VDC 930 301 015 1\ I ,J J J ,] ] -_.- 943 023 001 1--- 01 TSTR: Replacement type 2N1305 943 537 002 Q2,03 TSTR: Replacement type 2N130 1 943 535 002 I I L...J I L".J l I l.-.J I I l.-J J ] ] 7 J GATE DRIVER PAC, MODEL GD-32 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Gate Driver PAC, Model GD-32 (Figures 1 and 2), consists of four identical amplifier stages that provide read and write gating pulses to X and Y selection switches. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A O-volt input to the NAND gate (Figure 3) holds transistor Ql off. J The collector of Ql is clamped to - 6.3 volts by ON transistor Q2. CR4 and CR5 are normally off. resistor R8. Diodes Transistor Q3 is off due to diode CR6 and The output at the collector of Q3 is clamped to + 0.6 volts by diode CR 7 and resistor R 7. When all inputs to the NAND gate are at - 6 volts, transistor Ql sat- J J urates. The resulting +6-volt pulse at the collector of Ql turns on diode CR4 and transistor Q3 through capacitor C2. diode CR4. biased. The collector of Q3 falls to -17 volts and diode CR 7 is reverse- During the fall time of the input pulse the collector of transistor 01 is clamped to -6.3 volts by transistor Q2. biased. J Transistor Q2 is reverse-biased by Diode CR4 becomes reverse- The negative puIs e at the emitter of Q2 is coupled through capacitor C2 and turns off transistor Q3. Capacitor C2 discharges rapidly through transistor Q2 and diode CR5. NOTE For all applications of the GD-32, pin 35 should be jumpered to pin 5 (ground). The jumper attenuates noise picked up by distributed impedance of the etched circuit. SPECIFICA TIONS Freque~cy J J of Operation The GD-32 can be used at frequencies up to 500 KC. The minimum time between pulses is 1 Jlsec. The maximum input pulse width is 5 Jlsec. Input The input is a standard S-PAC signal. load and 320 pf per channel. The input loading is 1 unit Output J J J The output is a + O. 6 to - 17- volt puIs e. Each output will provide 70 rna when it is at -17 volts and 0 rna when it is at +0.6 volt. 1 Circuit Delay n Turn on delay (10% to 10%): o. 3 0 J-l sec (typ ) o. 50 J-l sec (max) Turn off delay (90% to 90%): 0.30 J-lsec (typ) o. 5 0 J-l sec (max) Output Waveform Characteristics Rise time (10% to 90%): o. 06 J.l sec (typ) o. 1 0 J-l sec ( max) Fall time (90% to 10%): 0.25 J-lsec (typ) 0.30 J-lsec (max) Current Requirements All channels off: -18 V: 57 rna - 6 V: 21 rna (from supply) +12 V: 48 rna Normal operating conditions: 2 J-l sec: read channels on, write channels off 2 J-l sec: write channels on, read channels on 1 J-lsec: all channels off -18 V: 172 rna - 6 V: 12 rna (from supply) +12 V: 78 rna I' 11 ,1 2 J J J J J J J RBC RBB R7C R78 Q3C Q38 R6C R68 R5C R5B R4C R4B Q2C Q2B QIC QIB R3C R3B J R2C R2B RIC RIB 1 RBD RBA LJ J J J -':;;---io- R7 A R6A Q3D Q3A R5D R5A R4D R4A QID QIA R3A RIA 'l Q2A U R2A J J J rt lJ J 'I lJ Figure 1. Gate Driver PAC, Model GD-32, Parts Location (Resistors and Transistors) 3 r-, n TPIC TPID CR7C C3 CR7B TPIA TPIB rl C2B C2C CR5B CR5C CR6C CR4C CR6B r-' CR4B CIB CIC r1 --.. CR3B CR3C r, C5 C4 CR7D CR7A i1 CR5D CR6D CR5A CR6A r' C2A C2D CR4A CR4D r- 1 CIA CID CR3D CR3A CR2D CRID CR2C CRIC r-' CR2B C.RIB CR2A CRIA [' Figure 2. Gate Driver PAC, Model GD- 32, Parts Location (Capacitors, Diodes, and Test Points) 4 J J CIRCUIT A +12V -6V J TPI GD-32 16 OUTPUT INP~TS{ +12V 10 II '1 J 8 A INPUTS 14 IN:UTS { 1 18 15 lJ 9 NODE A a CR5 RI 6.49K J -Iav B INPUTS .--, @~--I NODE B INpCUTS { 31 22 R4 2.26K - -Iav 28 - -18V 25 INpDUTS { 26 29 {@ l..J OUTPUTS 21 CIRCUIT B ~--~~ SAME AS CIRCUIT A OUTPUT 0""""--.. .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.----------------t 2 'I LJ C INPUTS {@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @--.....SAMEASCIRCUIT A NODEC - - - - - - - - -, ~-~® OUTPUT I @~-..... I -------------------------~ + C3 6.8UF 1~c-4--~ +6.8UF LJ o INPUTS { NODE 0 ~~----t @--.. . -18V I,...-----~ -6V +12V .l: 6.8l)1=' C5 CIRCUIT D SAME AS CIRCUIT A ~-. . .@ -----------------------~ OUTPUT _ - - -....- - - - - - t l t - - - - - - - ( 5 GND -----------( 35 Figure 3. Gate Driver PAC, Model GD-32, Schematic and Logic Diagram S/6 :) J GATE DRIVER PAC, MODEL GD-32, PARTS LIST J ASSY LEVEL REF. OESIG. OESCRI PTION 3C OWG NO. AJSJCJOJEJFJ r-1 LJ ] 930 011 131 Cl CAP, fxd, mic a dielec: 150 pf ±100/0, 100 V C2 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: 0.01 C3-C5 CAP, fxd, elec TANTalum: 6.8 CRl, CR2 DIODE: Replacement type 1 N69 5 943 023 001 CR3 DIODE: Replacement type lN8l6 943 105 001 CR4, CR5 DIODE: Replacement type CTP462 943 001 001 CR6 DIODE: Replacement type IN8l6 943 008 001 CR7 DIODE: Replacement type lN916 943 083 001 Rl RES, fxd, film: 6. 49 K ±20/o, 1/2 W 932 103 240 R2, R4 RES, fxd, film: 2. 26 K ±2o/o, 1/2 W 932 103 218 R3 RES, fxd, film: 21. 5 K ±2%, 1/2 W 932 103 317 R5 RES, fxd, camp: 10 ahms ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 001 R6 RES, fxd, camp: 910 ahlns ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 048 R7 RES, fxd, camp: 1 K ±50/0, 1 W 932 005 049 R8 RES, fxd, camp: 3 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 060 Ql, Q2 TSTR: Replacement type 3C130l 943 535 002 Q3 TSTR: Replacement type 2N388 943 507 001 J.lf ±200/0, 100 V 930 301 009 ±200/0, 35 V 930 217 020 J.lf I I ! I I I I ! I ! ...J I j I 'I I I ,'--' I ~I I I '.-1 L .... I U 'I I ~J I .J 7 J J DYNAMIC CURRENT DRIVER PAC, MODEL MD-32 GENERA.L DESCRIPTION The Dynamic Current Driver PAC, Model MD- 32 (Figure 1), contains two identical amplifier and current regulator stages that provide temperature-compensated currents of up to 300 rna to memory drive lines. Each channel is a read or write constant-current source and is switched on and off by memory control pulses. A thermistor-controlled voltage reference net- work provides currents that are compensated to match the temperature characteristics of the magnetic cores. Rise and fall times of the output current are controlled by pas si ve components. The current amplitude is adjusted by means of an externally mounted potentiometer. J CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Transistors Ql, Q3, Q4, and Q5 (Figure 2) are off and 02 is on with 1LJ no input pulse applied. ... 18 V. Transistor Q2 and diode CR3 hold the base of Q3 at Diode CR4 is reverse-biased and its cathode is held at -14 V (at 25°C) by the thermistor-controlled reference voltage network. A. positive control input pulse (-6 to 0 V) turns on Ql. The negative pulse on the collector of QI is coupled through capacitor C2 to turn off transistor Q2. When Q2 is turned off, its collector is clamped to.6 volts by diode CR2. This voltage turns off CR3 which clamps the base of Q3 to the -14-volt reference voltage. The positive pulse at the base of Q3 turns on the emitter-follower and applies a 4-volt pulse to turn on Q4 and Q5. The emitter currents of transis- tors Q4 and Q5 are determined by the reference voltage and their respective emitter resistors. rents on 04 and Q5. The output current flow is the sum of the collector curSince transistors 04 and Q5 are not saturated, the out- put current is independent of the load voltage. The output current amplitude varies nominally -0. 5%/° C over a 0 to 50° C range to match the temperature J coefficient of the magnetic cores. SPECIFICA TIONS Frequency of Operation The maximum operating frequency is 400 KC with a maximum duty cycle of 50%. J 1 LJ ] Input The input is a standard S-PA.C (-6 to 0 V) signal with a duration determined by the output current puIs e width desired. The input loading is I unit load plus 360 pf (input at 0 V) and 0.3 rna with input at - 6 volts. I 11 Output Each output will provide constant-current pulses of 150 rna to 300 rna (determined by setting of the externally mounted potentiometer) into grounded loads. The currents will remain regulated for load back voltages up to -12 volts. The output current rise and fall times are controlled by C3 and C4 respectively. n Circuit Delay (at 250 rna, 25°C) Turn on d ela y (1 0 % to 1 0 %) : O. 25 Jl sec (typ) 0.50 Jl sec (max) Turn off delay (90% to 90%): 0.25 Jlsec (typ) 0.50 Jlsec (max) Output Current Waveform Characteristics (at 250 rna, 25°C) Rise time (10% to 90%): 0.25 Jlsec (typ) O. 30 Jl sec (max) Fall time (90% to 10%): 0.25 Jlsec (typ) 0.30 Jlsec (max) Current Requirern ents Both Channels Off Split Cycle (50% duty cycle) Full Cycle (25% duty cycle) -18 V: 125 rna -18 V: -18 V: - 6 V: <0. 1 rna - 6 V: +12 V: +12 V: 36 rna 280 rna 36 rna (into supply) 26 rna 140 rna - 6 V: 18 rna (into supply) +12 V: 13 rna i' 2 J J R9B J J C5 CG CR4B CR5 RI2 RI3 RIO RII C7 CS R9A Q5B Q5A C4B C4A Q3B Q3A RSB RSA CR3B CR3A C3B R7B RGA RGB RI5B :--+-+--....;.,-- J CR4A ----~~- RISA CR2A CR2B Q2B R4A R4B J R5e RIGe R5A RIGA Q4A Q4B C2B J CRIB CRIA QIA QIB R2B CIB J J ] Figure 1. RIB RI4B RI4A RIA CIA Dynamic Current Driver PAC, Model MD-32, Parts Location 3/4 J J CIRCUIT A r---+12V +12V -------------, I R3 750 MD-32 CRI C3 250PF R4 B.2K CI 510PF R7 10K RB .200 - INPUT r R6 510 HEATSiNK Q3 C2 1500PF R14· 10 J J J I LJ ~J J INPUT 14 }-----:-+-----JlN\i-.......---t-"1 CR2 01 R5 B.2K C4 200PF 510 ] '-~-------+-~~17 CURRENT OUTPUT 19 CURRENT OUTPUT 22 CURRENT} 20 CONTROL RI5 10 1-6V -6V -IBV 16r-~------------------------------_+-----------~------------~ -IBV CURRENT CONTROL -6V -IBV I .J L r----------- .., I CIRCUIT B SAME AS CIRCUIT A RI2 100 L-@ I ~------------~ 2 RIO 220 RII 470 @ C5 22UF + CR5 RI3 270 25°C C6 --------- ...... -IBV J J J I CURRENT OUTPUT CONTROL INPUT R9 . 17 CURRENT} 16 02 RI 2.7K 14 1 C7 ~ :~2: I I. . . 1.+_2_2u_F_ _ _I+-_0_.0_6_8_u_F__ -18V CB _0_.0_6_80 GND Figure 2. Dynamic Current Driver PAC, Model MD-.32, Schematic and Logic Diagram 5/6 ] J DYNAMIC CURRENT DRIVER PAC, MODEL MD-32, PARTS LIST ASSY LEVEL I ] ] ] REF. OESIG. A J BJ C I 0 OESCRI PTION JEJFJ 3C OWG NO. Cl CAP, fxd, mica die1ec: 5 10 pf ± 1 00/0, 100 VDC 930 011 046 C2 CAP, fxd, mic a die1ec: 1500 Ef ±100/0, 100 VDC 930 006 057 C3 CAP C4 CAP, fxd, mica die1ec: 200 pf ±10%, 100 VDC 930 011 034 C5 C6 CAP, fxd, elec TANTalum: 22 IJ,f ±200/0, 35 VDC 930 217 023 C7 C8 CAP, fxd, pJ-astic dielec: 0.068 gf ±2~_0/0, 100 VDC 930 301 015 CRI-CR4 DIODE: Replacement type IN695 943 023 001 CR5 DIODE: fxd mica die1ec: 250 pf ±5%, 100 VDC Rcpla.~~~_ment 930 011 137 943 102 001 type IN706 '1 ,J - ----------- ] ] Rl RES, fxd, c croYlP: 2. 7 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 059 R2 RES, fxd, comp: 36 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 086 R3 RES, fxd, comp: 750 ohms ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 046 R4, R5 RES, {xd, comp: 8.2 K ±50/o, 932 004 071 R6, R9 RES, fxd, comp: 510 ohm s ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 042 RES, £xd, comp: 10 K ±50/o, 1/2 W 932 004 073 R7 1/2 W -------------- -- ~----- RES, £xd, comp: 200 ohms ±50/o, 1/2 W 932 004 032 RES, £xd, comp: 220 ohms ±50/o, 1/2 W 932 004 033 RES, THERMal: 470 ohms (25°C) 932 300 002 RES, fxd, comp: 100 ohm s ±50/o, 1/2 W 932 004 025 n 13 RES, fxd, comp: 270 ohms ±50/o, 2W 932 006 -035 I ----i n 14, n 1 S RES, £xd, comp: 10 ohms ±50/o, lW 932 005 001 '• ....J R16 RES, fxd, comp: 300 ohms ± 5%, 1/2 W 932 004 036 ..J Ql, Q2 TSTR: Replacement type 2N388 943 507 001 Q3 TSTR: Replacement type 2N 1959 943 703 001 Q4, Q5 TSTR: ReplacenJent type 2N2219 943 705 003 R8 J f---- RIO ~ __ ~~\ 11 1\12 i 1------ 1 I ] "I .J J 7 i J INHIBIT DRIVER PAC, MODEL MI-32 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Inhibit Driver PA.C, Model MI-32 (Figures 1 and 2), contains eight identical channels that provide inhibit current of 150 to 300 rna. J An amplifier is provided to supply a COITlmon aITlplified tiITling signal to each driver circuit. The MI-32 can also be used as a solenoid driver or for other high.;.power driving applications. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION '1 lJ J The PAC contains eight switching circuits (Figure 3) that have positive logic AND gate inputs. Each switch can be inhibited by the output of tiITling aITlplifier Q1 which supplies one input to each switch with an aITlplified, inverted, ITleITlory inhibit input signal (ZS). Any gate input at - 6 volts will hold output transistor Q4 off. Transistors Q2 and Q3 are on and transistors Q4 and Q1 are off with no signal applied. J J J J urates. When a negative input (ZS) is applied, transistor Q1 sat- When all inputs to the positive AND gate are at 0 volt, transistor Q2 is cut off. The Q2 collector voltage rises toward -18 volts but it is clamped at -6 volts by transistor 03. The negative pulse at the emitter of transistor Q3 saturates transistor Q4. The inhibit current flows froITl ground, through transistor 04 and the inhibit hoard precision resistors, to the -18- volt supply. (During the fall time of the (ZS), input transistor Q1 turns off, turning on transistor Q2.) The positive pulse at the collector of transistor Q2 turns off transistor Q3 and turns on diode CR5. Transistor Q2 and diode CR5 provide a low impedance discharge path for capacitor C2 to allow a fast turnoff of transistor Q4. SPECIFICA TIONS Frequency of Operation J The ITlaxiITlum operating frequency is dependent on the reactance of the load. Full cycle operation is at repetition frequencies of 200 KC with a duty cycle of 40 percent. Split cycle operation results in repetition frequencies of 400 KC with a duty cycle of 80 percent. Input J ] The inputs are standard S-PAC l-MC signals. The load on each -6volt gate input is 2.2 rna (to hold the output channel in the OFF condition). The load on a 0- volt gate input is 1/2 unit load. The tiITling amplifier pres ents a load of 1. 2 units plus 50 pf to the inhibit step timing input. 1 r, Output Each output can switch load currents between 150 and 300 rna. The PA.C can handle inductive loads as large as 20 Jlh (provided an appropriate current-limiting resistor is connected in series). Inductive back voltage up to 20 volts can be tolerated. Circuit Delay Turn on delay (10% to 10%): Turn off delay (90% to 90%): o. 1 5 Jl sec (typ) 0.20 Jlsec (max) 0.40 Jlsec (typ) Jl sec (max) o. 60 Output Current Waveform Characteristics (at 200 rna) No Load Inductance Ris e time (10% to 90%): o. 3 0 Jl sec (typ) 0.40 Jlsec (max) Fall time (90% to 10%): O. 40 Jl sec (typ) o. 80 Jl sec (max) 4096-word plane L=15 Jlh (approx) O. 6 Jl sec (typ) o. 8 Jl sec ( max) o. 60 Jl sec (typ) 1 . 0 Jl sec ( max) Current Requirements " The current requirements of the MI-32 are catalogued according to operation conditions below. The inhibit current drain from the -18volt supply is not included as it appears under the specifications of the Inhibit Component Board. Split Cycle (80% Duty Cycle) Full Cycle (40% Duty Cycle) All Channels OFF All Channels OFF All Channels ON. All Channels ON -18 V: 40 rna 58 rna 60 rna 43 rna +12 V: 12 rna 60 rna 38 rna 29 rna 1 rna 110 rna 14 rna 46 rna - 6 V: (current into supply) 1"' ,._, " ,1 2 J R7H C3 C2G R9G J RIOH C2F R9F RIOG RSE C2E J J Rac R6C R7B RaB R6B R7A RaA R6A R3 R4 R9A R5B R5A J J 'i I lJ J J Figure 1. Inhibit Driver PAC, Model MI-32, Parts Location (Resistors and Capacitor s) 3 r-, CR5F Q4H CR5H CR5G Q2H Q'3H r1 Q4G Q4F CR5E I' Q4E Q4C --..Io-":'~ CR5B --'&""-L"" Q4B--+-i.~ 11 CR5A CR2G CR'3H CR4H CR4G CR'3G CR2F CR4F CR'3F CR4E CR2E CR'3E CR2D CR4D CR'3D CR4C CR2C CR3C CR2B CR4B CR4A CR'3A I' Figure 2. 4 Inhibit Driver PAC, Model MI-32, Parts Location (Transistors and Diodes) J ~-- +12V CI 200PF 1 lJ ---------j r----® ~ 23 R3 30K INHIBIT TIMING INPUT : SAM~I=;~II~C~IT A 1... ___________ J R4 560 CRI A INFORMATION { REGISTER INPUTS RI 5.6K -= -6V ~--------l -IBV ~ CIRCUITG ISAMEASCIRCUIT A -Iav ~ ~ _________ J 25 @-----L J CIRCUIT A I LJ +12V J e-r--------l l SAMEC~~C~/;C~IT ~ +12V R6 8.2K C2 2200 PF CR2 RIO 1.5K 27 @-----L - I A I - ---- - - J INHIBIT OUTPUT Q2 R5 INFORMATION { REGISTER INPUTS 2.7K II R7 CR5 12 14 15 o f 16 E INFORMATION { REGISTER 2D 21 F INFORMATION REGISTER INPUTS 1 IN~~:~:~ION{ 17 22 REGISTER INPUTS G INFORMATION { REGISTER INPUTS 23 H INFORMATION { REGISTER INPUTS 26 24 25 27 2.7K CR4 ~~~~ 7 INHIBIT TIMING INPUT M) MI-32 28 ... 1D 13 C INFORMATION { -6V '1 J REGISTER INPUTS REGISTER INPUTS --------------------------------, r B INFORMATION { 11 H) ... 29 H' .,/ 30 H) .. HJ H) ... , HJ - H) 31 32 INHIBIT OUTPUTS 33 34 35 ~ -IBV L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ --1I '1, U '1 I U 1C~ I 6.aJLf +_ I l,----~--,:: +1 - C4 6 8JLf • 8 .. 0 12 V GND lJ J I .J Figure 3. Inhibit Driver PAC, Model MI-32, Schematic and Logic Diagram 5/6 J J n REF. OESIG. ASSY LEVEL OESCR I PTION 3C OWG NO. 200 pf ± 10%, 100 VDC 930 011 034 AJSJCJOJEJFJ i U n INHIBIT DRIVER PAC, MODEL MI-32, PAR TS LIST Cl CAP, fxd, mica dielec: C2A-C2H CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: C3, C4 CAP, fxd, e1ec, TANTalum: CRI-CR5 DIODE: Replacement type 1N695 943 023 001 Rl RES, fxd, camp: 5.6 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 067 R2 RES, fxd, camp: 3 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 060 R3 RES, fxd, camp: 30 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 084 R4 RES, fxd, camp: 560 ahms ±5%, 1W 932 005 043 R5, R7 RES, fxd, camp: 2.7 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 059 R6 RES, fxd, camp: 8.2 K±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 071 R8 RES, fxd, camp: 10 ahms ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 001 R9 RES, fxd, camp: 300 ahms ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 036 RIO RES, fxd, camp: 1.5 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 053 01-03 TSTR: Replacement type 2N1301 943 535 002 04 TSTR: Replacement type 2N2374 943 553 002 2200 pf ±20%, 100 VDC 6. 8 fJ.f 20%, 35 VDC 930 301 004 930 217 020 I , I L.-l J il i l....J J ~ I l...J I ..-J I ~J ..-, I I L.J 7 SELECTION SWITCH PAC, MODEL SS-32 GENERA.L DESCRIPTION The Selection Switch PAC, Model SS-32 (Figures 1 and 2) contains eight gated transistor switches with current steering diodes for doubleended s election of memory drive lines. The proper output switch is turned on in response to the decoded address information. The read or write pulse input and the dynamic current source input determine the direction of current through the memory drive lines. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The eight input transistors, Ql and Q2 (Figure 3), are gating transistors that are normally off. They are logical AND gates that saturate when a simultaneous -18 to O-volt level and a +0. 6 to -17-volt pulse are present. Four output transistors, Q3A-Q4A and Q3B-Q4B, are the top switch pairs and are norInally off. 1 u J o ] Each top switch pair is connected through cur- rent- steering diodes CR3- CRI8 to eight Inemory drive lines. The four output transistors Q3C-Q4C and Q3D-Q4D are the bottoIn (normally off) switch pairs and connect to bused drive lines. Selecting an individual drive line in the X or Y coordinate is aCCOInplished by turning on one top switch pair and one bottoIn switch pair. The selected switch pairs are activated by the presence of a decoder input level. The read or write pulse input deterInines which input transistor in each switch pair is selected. The PAC outputs are connected to allow the decoded address register data to select an individual drive line. J Transistor Q2A is turned on by coincidence of a O-volt decoder input level and a -17-volt read pulse. saturates transistor Q4A. The -17-volt pulse on the collector of Q2A. At the same tiIne one bottom switch pair turns on if O-volt level is present at decoder input C, and transistors Ql C and Q3C J J will saturate. Read current flows froIn ground through the top switch transis- tor (Q4A), a steering diode and selected drive line, and through the bottoIn switch transistor (Q3C) to the current source. The write portion of the cycle is similar except that alternate transistors in the top and bottoIn switch pairs turn on and the write current is steered through the drive line in a direction opposite to the read current. Application of a decoder input A level and a write pulse turns on transistors QlA and ] Q3A. ] ing diode, and through Q3A to the current source. l w The decoder C level and write pulse saturates Q2C and Q4C. Write current flows froIn ground, through Q4C and the selected drive line, a steer- 1 NOTE In all applications of the SS-32 PAC, pin 15 should be jumpered to pin 5 (ground) at the PAC connector. SPECIFICA TrONS Frequency of Operation Frequency of operation is determined by load impedance and the timing relationship between the address signals and the load currents. The SS- 32 is used normally at repetition frequencies from 200 KC to 400 KC. n Input The inputs are a -18 to O-volt level at the decoder input and a +0. 6 to -17-volt pulse at the read or write pulse input. The load on the address decoder circuit is 14 rna with the input at 0 volt (during read or write time) and less than 0.1 rna with the input at -18 volts. The load on the read (or write) pulse input circuit is 70 rna when the input is at -17 volts and less than 0.1 rna with the input at +0. 6 volts. Output The circuit will provide bipolar memory drive line currents of up to 300 rna and will tolerate load back voltages of 10 volts. " Circuit Delay (at 250 rna drive current) The circuit delay is measured from the read or write pulse input to the output emitter follower current flow (decoder level input at 0 volt ). Turn on delay (10% of WP or RP to 10% of Q3 or Q4 emitter current): O. 1 5 f1 sec (ty P ) 0.30 f1 sec (max) Turn off delay (90% of WP or RP to 90% of Q3 or Q4 emitter current): O. 1 0 f1 sec (typ) 0.20 f1 sec (max) Output Current Waveform Characteristics The output current waveform is deterInined by the current source input except for the 40 rna pedestal caused by the output eInitter-follower stage. " Current RequireInents One Top Switch Output Stage on, All Circuits off Rest off - 18 V: <0. 1 rna -12 V: 2 32 rna One Bottom Switch Output Stage on, Rest off Two Output Stages on. (One Top Switch and One BottoIn Switch)Rest off 8 Ina 8 Ina 17 rna 43 Ina 34 Ina 35 rna " " n J TP2A TPIA TPIB TP2B TP2C TPIC TPIO TP20 R60 Reo R50 R70 R7C R5C J J Rec R6C ReB R7B R6B R7A R5B ReA J R5A R6A R3B R3A CIA ""'""-,...-......-RIA ~,---R4A J C2A R2A C3 C4 J J J J J Figure 1. Selection Switch PAC, Model SS- 32, Parts Location (Resistors, Capacitors and Test Points) 3 11 Q4D Q3D CR2D CRID CRIC Q2D QID QIC r-, ~ Q3C ..--, Q4C Q4B r-' Q3B Q3A CR2C CR2B Q2C r-' r-' Q4A Q2B CRI7A CRISA CRI5A CRISB CRI7S CRIGB CRI5B CRI48 CRI3B CRI2B CRtlB CRI08 CR9B CR88 CR7S CR4S C'R3B CR5S CRGS CRIB CRIA QIB QIA r' r-' CR2A Q2A CRIGA CRI3A CRI4A CRIIA CRI2A CR9A CRIOA CR7A CRSA CR5A CRGA CR3A r-' r-' r-' CR4A i' Figure 2. 4 Selection Switch PAC, Model SS-32, Parts Location (Diodes and Transistors) J ~ lJ CIRCUIT A WRITE CURRENT INPUT j--------r-e 32 TPI J J J R5 390 DECODER INPUT A CRI J fI R7 4.71< 1'26' ~ CIRCUIT ~ SINGLE SELECTION OUTPUTS SAME AS CIRCUIT A 0-1 ~ L ________ J-@ R2 21< R4 II< WRITE CURRENT IN PU T 32 READ CURRENT INPUT a. +12V -IBV READ PULSE INPUT CRIB 7 7_....-.... READ PULSE INPUT ... DECODER INPUT A t-:1::.,.3-1-.. lJ J H§) I~ I R6 560 ~ B I TP2 C2 220PF J ~ I +12V B J r-€) 01 13 -18V WRITE PULSE INPUT @--1 SINGLE SELECTION OUTPUTS WRITE PULSE INPUT ..8+-1--4 CIRCUIT C READ 34 CURRENT INPUT DECODER INPUT 8 ...1-f2-+-. TPI J J CI 220PF DECODER INPUT II C R5 390 RI 2K R7 4.7K R3 IK BUSSED 33 SELECTION OUTPUT 'l I U 7 I 'I R6 560 R2 2K U R4 IK 'l LJ 'I TP2 C2 220 PF 'I U +12V -IBV READ PULSE INPUT -IBV WRITE PULSE INPUT r---------i Q3 Q4 RB 1.5K ~I ~I 0-i I BUSSED SELECTION OUTPUTS CIRCUIT D SAME AS CIRCUIT DECODER INPUT D t-:1 1i:fo_ :~ C L _______ +12V ~1~1....... I ~ I I I DECODER INPUT C I I I I I J .. GND -..:.;:;_ _ _ _ _ ~ + ~ (2\-IBV C3 6.BUF \.V ~+12V C4 6.BUF -.1+ -- SEPARATE GROUND LEAD 0 B U J l lJ Figure 3. Selection Switch PAC, Model SS- 32, Schematic and Logic Diagram 5/6 'l J SELECTION SWITCH PAC, MODEL SS-32, PARTS LIST '1 l.J ASSY LEVEL REF. OESIG. OEseR I PTION 3C OWG NO. AJsJeJoJEJFJ Cl. C2 C3 C4 CAP, fxd, mica dielec: 220 pf ±5o/o, 100 VDC CAP fxd. elec TANTalum: 6.8 uf ±20o/o, 35 VDC 930 011 135 930 217 020 CRI-CR18 DIODE: Replacement type CTP462 943 001 001 Rl, R2 RES, fxd, comp: 2 K ±5o/o, 1/2 W 932 004 056 R3, R4 RES, fxd, comp: 1 K ±5o/o, 1/2 W 932 004 049 R5 RES, fxd, comp: 390 ohms ±5o/o, 1W 932 005 039 .R6 RES, fxd, comp: 560 ohms ±5o/o, 1W 932 005 043 R7 RES, fxd, comp: 4.7 K ±5o/o, 1/2 W 932 004 065 R8 RES, fxd, comp: 1. 5 K ±5o/o, 1/2 W 932 004 053 Ql, Q2 TSTR: Replacement type 2N1302 943 550 001 Q3, Q4 TSTR: Replacement type 2N 1305 943 537 002 L1 ,.---., 'I I 1..J I , I '--.J l I.J J ~ I I L-l ..-, I I I _.• J 7 J TIMING DISTRIBUTOR PAC, MODEL S-219 J J GENERA'L DESCRIPTION. The Timing Distributor PAC, model S-2l9 (Figures 1 and 2), provides accurately timed positive pulse sequences to drive S-PACs. The positive pulses are selected from a delay line. The S-2l9 contains a gated input pulse generator, a 4 flsec passive delay line, and six independent amplifiers. The input to each amplifier can be connected to taps on the delay line to provide output pulse sequences J J J J J CIRCUIT FUNCTION. Input negative logic signals activate a pair of AND gates (2-legged and 3-legged) which are buffered through an OR gate to the base of gating transistor Q6 (Figure 5). Q6 turns it on which, in turn, sets flip-flop Q2 and Q3. U causes a pulse to be sent down the 4-fl sec delay line. adjusted by selecting taps on the delay line on the delay line tap. J J This The pulse width may be Flip-flop reset is also dependent Values of delay from the delay line can be obtained from Table 1 and Figure 3. Each delay line tapped output can be amplified and inverted to provide an accurately timed, positive output pulse capable of Input connection points for each amplifier are located on the PAC to facilitate jumper connections to delay line tap points (Figures 3 and 4). l, The reset output from Q3 (a logical zero) will cause Q4 to cut-off and Q5 to start conduction, dri ving five S- PAC unit loads. I A logic ONE (-6V) at the base of Amplifiers A and B have AND gate inputs that can be connected to any two separate points on the delay line. arbitrarily narrow output pulses. This will provide A typical jumper connection arrangement is illustrated in Figure 4. J J J J l .J 1 SPECIFICATIONS Input Loading Maximum Operating, Frequency 1/2 unit load (each gate) 500 KC Output Input Delay 5 unit loads (each output) 100 nsec, typical delay from input to first delay line tap Output Pulse Width (max pulse width not to exceed 49% of the duty cycle) Adjustable from 0.1 to 1. 0 j1sec. Two of six channels can provide narrower pulses. Power Requirements ,1 I' Quiescent: +12 V: 6 rna - 6 V: 35 rna (rev, ) -18 V: 120 rna Total power 1. 2 W Cycling at maximum rate: r' ,1 65 rna 35 rna (rev.) [' 120 rna Total power 1. 75 W " " 2 J J J J 'l LJ J J J J J TABLE 1 DELA Y LINE TAP POINTS WITH CORRESPONDING DELAY LINE DELAYS (Refer to Figure 3) Delay Line JUITlper Connection NR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Delay Line Delay (ns ±3%) 0 36 107 179 250 322 393 465 536 608 679 751 822 894 965 1000 1036 1107 1179 1250 1322 1393 1465 1536 1608 1679 1751 1822 1894 1965 2000 Delay Line JUITlper Connection NR 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Delay Line Delay (ns ±3%) 2036 2107 2179 2250 2322 2393 2465 2536 2608 2679 2751 2822 2894 2965 3000 3036 3107 3179 3250 3322 3393 3465 3536 3608 3679 3751 3822 3894 3965 4000 J ] ] 3 r""""J C33 C6 C61 C34 C35 C60 C36 C59 C37 I' C7 C4 C32 C58 C8 C5 C31 C38 C9 C62 C30 C63 CIO C3 C29 C2 CII C57 C28 CI CI2 C39 C27 C56 CI3 C40 C26 C55 CI4 C41 C25 C54 CI5 C42 C24 C53 \..-.. 11 r: 1', \..-.. ,"-' I.-.. Ij , r-1 CI6 C43 C23 C52 CI7 C44 C22 C51 CI8 C45 C21 C50 CI9 C46 C20 C49 DLI C47 DL2 C48 DL3 DL4 I, r-' r-' r .... ·.. " r-' i' i' Figure 1. Timing Distributor PAC, Model S-219. Parts Location (Capacitors and Delay Lines) 4 RII R22 RI3 RI2 05 CR20 04 CR21 CR22 CRI3 CRI6 RI4 CRI9 RZI CRI5 RZ RIO R6 J J J CRII R4 R9 R5 CRI7 R8 CRIO R20 RI9 CRI4 R3 CRI2 02 CRI 06 RI 01 RI7 R7 RZ3A J J RZ4A 03 ---r--;;;';';'~'1· CR23A ---r-";;;";"""'!"'!:" 07A --j-"';:::';;"";:';"";;' 07B --;.-",;;,,;,;-+ R23B CR24A J CRZ5A ..;,;,;;......:.-- RZ4B CR23B - - CR24B CR25B CR23C R23C RI6 R24C RIa CR25C CR8 R23D CR23D R24D CR9 07C CR5 CR25D CR6 R23E CR7 R24E CR25E CRla 'I RI5 CRZ CRZ3E CR23F CR3 CR4 070 Q7E Q7F CR25F R24F R23F J l LJ l ] Figure 2. Timing Distributor PAC, Model S-2l9, Parts Location (Transistors, Diodes and Resistors) 5 ri [1 31 61 30 32 29 60 2 33 28 59 3 34 4 58 27 35 5 57 r-' r' L-... r-1 i' 26 36 6 56 25 37 r-' 7 55 24 r-' 54 8 38 9 53 23 39 52 22 40 (---, II 51 21 41 12 50 42 20 49 13 43 14 48 19 44 15 47 18 45 46 16 r-' r- 1 17 Figure 3. 6 r' 10 Timing Distributor PAC, Model 8-219, Jumper Interconnection Diagram r-' r-' J J J J J J J ll.-J J J :J J J J AI A2 c 0 E 'I J I LJ 'I lJ Figure 4. ] ] Timing Distributor PAC, Model 8-219, Jumper Interconnection Diagram 7/8 -IBV -IBV -IBV -IBV -Iav + 12V R3 1.6K R4 6.aK R5 6.aK CRI2 I R7 3.9K DLI DL2 R21 IK DL4 DL3 ~:~:r-rI I T~~:~T T TH-R~-~T CRI5 ~----~----~-6V J R6 1.6K -6VO---~~------. c,750PF EA t-------------------~----~------------------_+--------+_----------~20 SET OUTPUT C20 750PF EA ..-___ C34 750PF EA _ T R22 91 C4B T-H-R-U C61 750PF EA _ _ _......_ _ _....J DELAY LINE TAP 10 -IBV CRI3 CRI6 ~--------;4~------~--------b_--------~IB RESET OUTPUT -6V r-:8V-------,8V-----'vl RI 10K R2 2.2K RI4 47 CRIB I RII 2.2K AI O-______ CRI9 CRII +12V A2 b~ R23A 7.5K 81 + 12V n-------~C~R~2~4~A---~------~ 0 +12V . , CR23B CKT B J SAME AS_C_K_T_A___ ~8V CR3 INPUTS FROM DELAY LINE TAPS CR23C C S-219 CR5 _US 6 I r I --- I II--'C:..:.R:..=2..:.;4B=----'-~ I I I I -18V RIB 6.BK -IBV ~ 13 -IBV -6V + 12V CD 0) 0 C63 O.IUF :4 1 INPUTS 16 _US B _US 9 _US 10 =D- 0 E 0 . , CR23D ~CR23E ---[}- GND CIRCUITS C,D,E,F 20 F 0 I L CIRCUITS A,B _US" lC62 O.IUF I U OUTPUTS D . , CR23F I L I L +------0 ~ 7 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 0 OUTPUT -6V! CR25C I I -=- CKT C_ _ _ _US 7 CR6 OUTPUT ~ ___ CKTA 82 o _ _- t... CR4 I ~C~R~2~3~A--~I------~--~~ ·------~------~1----~6 RI2 10K R20 15K 1 u CR25A CKT D SAME AS CKT C CKT E SAME AS CKT C CKT F SAME AS CKT C ~ I I @OUTPUT ~OUTM 'I I L.-J l,.J ] Figure 5. Timing Distributor PAC, Model S-219 Sche.matic and Logic Diagram 9/10 J ~ESIG' J TIMING DISTRIBUTOR PAC, MODEL S-219, PARTS LIST ASSY LEVEL OESCR I PTION 3C OWG NO. AJSJ CJOJEJ FJ Cl Ci\P, fxd, ITlica dielec: 62 pf ±50/0, 100 VDC 930 011 122 C2, C3, C4 CAP, fxd, mica dielec: 43 pf ±50/0, 100 VDC 930 011 116 ----- C5 CAP, fxd, ceramic dielec: C6 - C61 CAP, fxd, ITlica dielec: IC62, C63 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: CR 1-CR6, DIODE: O. 1 ~f ±200/0, 25 VDC 750 pf ±20/0, 100 VDC O. 1 ~f ±200/0, 35 VDC Replacement Type IN695 930 171 007 930 001 001 930217009 943 023 001 CR 1 O-CR 13, , CR15-CR16, CR l8-CR20, CR23ACR23F, CR25ACR25F ~ J J :J I I \ ..-1 lL-J J J 943 083 001 CR7, CR9 DIODE: ,CR8 DIODE: Replacernent Type 1 N702A 943 102 004 CR14, CR17, DIODE: ReplaceITlent Type 1 N816 943 105 001 CR19, CR2l, CR22 DLI-DL4 COIL, Delay Line Rl, R12 RES, fxd, caITlp: 10K ±50/0, 1/4 W 932 007 073 R2, R 11 RES, fxd, camp: 2.2 K ±50/0, 1/4 W 932 007 057 R3, R6 RES, fxd, camp: 1.6 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 054 R4, R5, R16, RES, fxd, camp: 6.8 K ±50/0, 1/4 W 932 007 069 R7 RES, fxd, camp: 3.9 K ±50/0, 1/4 W 932 007 063 R8,R9,R19 RES, fxd, camp: 1.6 K ±50/0, 1/4 W 932 007 054 991 005 001 R18 11/12 -- 1 ~l TIMING DISTRIBUTOR PAC, MODEL S-21·9, PARTS LIST (Cant) ] REF. OESIG. J l ASSY LEVEL OEseRI PTION 3C OWG NO. AJaJ CJOJEJFJ RIO, R20 RES, fxd, camp: 15 K ±5%, 1/4 W 932 007 077 R13 RES, fxd, camp: 2.7 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 059 R14 RES, fxd, com~: 47 ohms ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 017 R15 RES, fxd, camp: 220·ohms ±5%, 932 005 033 R17 RES, fxd, camp: 20 K ±5%, 1/4 W 932 007 080 R21 RES, fxd, camp: 1 K ±5%, 1/4 W 932 007 049 R22 RES, fxd, camp: 91 ohms ±5%, 1/4 W 932 007 024 R23A-R23F RES, fxd, camp: 7.5 K ±5%, 1/4 W 932 007 070 R24A-R24F RES, fxd, camp: 2.2 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 057 QI-Q7A-Q7F TSTR: L..J r-I J ] ] 1-- Replacement Type 2N965 lW 943 543 004 J J ] I I l-' lu ,J I l-J ..--, I I L.J ] 'I I 1_) 13 INHIBIT COMPONENT BOARD GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Inhibit Component Board (Figures 1 and 2) contains the currentdetermining resistors and energy-storage capacitors used in the inhibit and clear processes, This board provides inhibit and clear currents for'up to 12 inhibit windings. Bypass capacitors are provided to reduce voltage tran- sients on the power supply. Table 1 provides the component values and ref- erence designations for two inhibi t board configurations. J CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION In the inhibit process, current flows from ground to the Inhibit Component Board (Figure 3). It is passed through a precision resistor, an inhibit line, and another precision resistor to the -18-volt supply. The amplitude of the inhibit current is determined by the series resistance of the inhibit winding and two precision resistors, During the memory clear process, current flows from ground to the Inhibi t Component Board, through the inhibit line, and a preci sian re si stor to the -18-volt supply, J J J The amplitude of the clear current, determined by the series resistance of the inhibit winding and one precision resistor, is approximately equal to the sum of the X and Y drive line currents. Provision is made on the board for additional resistors. The clear and inhibit currents through the memory-inhibit line can be reduced by shunt.;. ing the inhibit winding with a resistor, hibit line and reduce transients. This also serves to terminate the in- The currents through the inhibit line can be increased by shunting one of the precision resistors. SPECIFICA TIONS Frequency of Operation The frequency of operation is determined by the input currents. Output Waveform Characteristics The output waveform characteristics are determined by the input currents, Current Requirements Inhibit Proces s -18 V: J J Nominal inhibit current of 270 rna (270 rna) ,N, K where N = number of bits inhibited (0 to 12 per board) K = duty cycle (40% full cycle, 80% split cycle) - 6 V: None -12 V: None Clear Process 11 -18 V: Nominal clear current of 600 rna (qOO rna)· N . K where N = number of bits cleared (0 to 12 per board) K = duty cycle (1 00/0 max) " TABLE 1 COMPONENT VALUES AND REFERENCE DESIGNATIONS 2 Inhibit Board Word Length Rl 3 W, 10/0 IBI 128 to 2048 40 100 50 IB2 4096 40 100 33 R2 1/2 W, 50/0 R3 3 W, 10/0 R4 3 W, 10/0 40 ," 33 iJ I I J I J ....,;::;::.:,:;.:.-1;-- R3A I J ,.;:.f. A" R2A RIA R2B RI B ---l!R~~~~;) ---;-1'-=,;:;;~-"'-'-:,~-~ R2C--rI~~ J J ~;.;.-.·...;-I-R4B ~--;!-R3C ~~I--R4C R2E-+~~ ~~I:--R4E R2F-~"=::::~~ RIF -.....;-~:=- _ _ _' R2G RIG --!..~-==~ -~~~:-:_.~~__ R2H---f~~; RIH-....;-~~ J R2" --;.0.;;..;;.;;..;.;0":::::::;:,:; RI" -~--='::~:"""' R2K RIK R2L -~....... RIL -----~~_:--~¥::t- J J J J ~~I~-R4D ~~I~-R3E ,-,--' J ;';'-:~I-R3D RID --+-~~-:.~_, RI E --;.o.~~""" J J J ----'~-+-- R3B RIC--;-~~R2D---;.,;..-;;;.;;;;.~~ J I (~:r ~~I;---R4A -..,.,;;,~.;:--- R3F ~~:"'--R4F -=:.,...:.,..;...;...--R3G ~~--R4G -;::..~--R3H ~~--R4H -;:::.;..;.;.,.,,....;--R3" ~~--R4" ----'=...,.-;-- R3K ~--'-T--R4K ---:~~- R3L ==-.,;..-.- R4L ---=;;..;.;...- R3M :~: . . -~.;:;f~;fi.:.!:f~~,0!~~,. ~);g;;t:·~·~~~~=.~=~.o.;.;.;,. -::U .;...! Figure 1. Inhibit Component Board, Model IB (Resistor s and Capacitor s) Part s Location 3 r-' I I i 53 50 49 4--i-.... 2--~jj;~~~~~~~~ I 8 6----lr}~t5~~ I' 3 - - - i -...1IiiIL,&.i,) 12-~·.Y:bL;: . . 10 9 16 ~~~-II 54 14--~~t~~~~~~~~ i' ~,:;,--;---15 13 20 18~ 17 I 24 I. 22--,"'fK i' :~+ 26~1' 25 32 . I --'.Mr 30 .,?,~ 29--'.,,'3)' I -",,,,, 36--1-1~", 34---r-', 33 I' 40-r 3S--r, 37 I .. ~~~r 44 I :t\hl:'" , ~-'-"'- ~'.< ,~,""~ ~ ~~_A~~ 42~1--fl:~··;;;;;;;;,~:~~,;;;-~,J 4I'hlb#;..t' I .~lw': -' ~v.:~ • 43 ::-"'::I--.""'":I,-$,-n';,,,,~_. I .', ....... , 45 --;I---...·~'~ '!.l ~~-i ~:~;~':;::~~;:::::mf~:; ':,':n~~~d~ <;:r-:;-56 Figure 2. Inhibit Component Board, Model IB (Pin Connections) Part s Location i' 4 ] ] J ] ] CIRCUIT A R2 RI INHIBIT DRIVER INPUT R3 A CI CLEAR INPUT A + 22UF J J J J J J INHIBIT { WINDING A INPUT 3 R4 }------------4I---\NY---+-( I I CIRCUIT B * CIRCUIT E * CIRCUIT H * CIRCUIT L 1 .J * CIRCUIT F @-i @-J * -, t::Lr----, .J .J ~----, I G-i ~ ~ ~ 1 CIRCUIT G * 1 CIRCUIT J * 1 Gh____ C0---: -, I @-i ~ I I @--, I ..J I J I ...J 1 * I ..J _...1 e---r CIRCUIT C * 1 1 CIRCUIT D J GND @--I 1 CIRCUIT M* I 1 9--L ..J I 1 I ~ * SAME AS CIRCUIT A I .J ] :J ] J Figure 3. Inhibit Component Board, Model lB· Schematic Diagram 5/6 J INHIBIT COMPONENT BOARD, MODEL IB-I, PARTS LIST n J J REF.OESiG. ASSY LEVEL DESCRIPTION 3C DWG NO. AJeJCJOJEJFJ CI, C2 CAP, fxd: elec TANTalum: Rl, R4 RES, fxd, wire wound: R2 RES, fxd, comp: R3 RE.S, fxd, wire wound: 22 J.lf ±20%, 35 VDC 40 ohms ±l%, 3W 100 ohms ±5% . 1/2 W 50 ohms ±1%, 3W 930 217 023 932 206 410 932 004 025 932 206 411 J 1L..J I LJ '1 i l~ l l.-J J 'I ,J 7/8 INHIBIT COMPONENT BOARD, MODEL IB-2, PARTS LIST ASSY LEVEL DEseRI PTION REF. DESIG. r-"! , LJ J ~J 3C DWG NO. AJSJCJOJEJFJ C1, C2 CAP, fxd, elec TANTalum: 22 R1 RES, fxd, wire wound: 40 ohms ±l%, 3W 932 206 410 R2 RES, fxd, comp: 932 004 025 R3, R4 RES, fxd, wire wound: J.1f ±200/0, 35 VDC 100 ohms ±50/0, 1/2 W 33 ohms ±10/0, 3W 930 217 023 932 206 440 J I / , J J ] '1 i LJ lu ..-, I ro I I L-J 9 I I ,.-J MEMORY NORMALIZER BOARD GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Memory Normalizer Board (Figure 1) contains a tilne delay circuit used to normalize control flip-flops in the memory system when power J is turned on (initially condition the flip-flops to a proper state). It also has power supply bypass capacitors and a protection diode to keep the -6-volt supply from accidentally going more positive than ground. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The circuit (Figure 2) has a single form A relay contact and an RC delay in the coil circuit. The relay is normally open and permits a positive cur- rent source, clamped to ground, to be supplied to the output terminals. After a delay of approximately 0.1 second (in which time all supply voltages become ~ stabilized), the relay contact closes and the voltage at the output terminals falls to -6 volts. Th is action frees the control flip-flops for normal operation. SPECIFICATIONS Input DC supply voltage: J +12 V, -6 V, -18 V (two) Output Ground or -6 volts, directed through diodes. Board will drive 8 unit loads. The Memory Normalizer Power Requirements -18 V: - 6 V: o o +12 V: 48 rna 5 rna (current from supply) 28 rna Total Power (Static Dissipation) 1.1 W I U o o J 1 II 12 13 14 15 16 CR9 " CR5 r-' CR4 CR3 I' CR6 CRa 10 R3 r-~ CR7 r-' 2 r-' C5 7 CI KI r--' 3 C2 4 1'-' 5 C3 6 CRI a CR2 9 R2 r-' C4 RI Figure 1. 2 r' Memory Normalizer Board, Model MN-1, Parts Location J J +12V 1 MN +12V 2 J---...J 10- 1 LJ II12- R3 560 13- 14. NODE NORMALIZER OUTPUTS IS· Its- ,..--------410 NODE 'l lJ 1 u NORMALIZER OUTPUTS ~J J J J J J ] J ] KI + GND C5 100UF CR3 8r--1~------~------~---4~----------~--------~~--------~--------~ GND Figure 2. Memory Normalizer Board, Model MN -1, Schematic and Logic Diagram 3/4 MEMORY NORMALIZER BOARD, MODEL MN-l, PARTS LIST I IJ l J , LJ .., w REF. OESIG. ASSY LEVEL 3C DWG NO. Cl CAP, fxd, elec TANTalum: 47 !-if ± 20%, 20 VDC 930 217 025 C2,C3 C5 CAP, fxd, elec TANTalum: 100 1J.f ± 20%, 20 VDC 930 216 027 C4 CAP fxd, elec TANTalum: 200 IJ.f ± 20%, 15 VDC 930 220 317 CRI DIODE: Replacement type 1 N2069 943 303 001 CR2-CR9 DIODE: Replacement type IN695 943 023 001 I ~ oESCR I PTiON AJSJCJOJEJFJ . Kl RELAY: Replacement type CR Z 1 056 Rl RES, fxd, camp: 300 ohms ± 5%, lW 932 005 036 R2 RES, fxd, camp: 390 ohms ± 5%, 1/2 W 932 004 039 R3 RES, fxd, camp: 963 002 001 ) ,.. ....1 J " J 560 ohms ± 5%, lW 932 005 043 J ----; i ! L--I I LJ l 'I ~.1 J 5 ] MEMORY CLEAR DRIVER PAC, MODEL S-103 ] REF. DESIG. ] ] ] ] ASSY LEVEL OESCR I PTION 3C OWG NO. AJSJ CJOJEJ FJ el CAP, fxd, lTIica dielec: C2,CS CAP, fxd, ceralnic dielec: C3 CAP, fxd, ITlica dielec: C4,C6 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: C7 CAP, fxd, ITlica dielec: 680 pf ±S%, 100 VDC 930 011 149 C8 CAP, fxd, ITlica dielec: 930006151 C9 CAP, fxd, plastic dielec: O. 1 jJ-f ± 1 00/0, 100 VDC 930 307 239 ~10 CAP, fxd, ELEC Trol ytic: 22 jJ-f ±200/0, 3S VDC 930217023 K::l1, C12 CAP, fxd, ELECTrolytic: ~Rl,CR2, CR4, DIODE: ReplacelTIent Type 1 N69 5 943 023 00 1 DIODE: ReplacelTIent Type 1 N816 943 105 001 ~RI0 DIODE: Replacement Type IN70S 943 102 002 ~RI8-CR23 DIODE: Replacement Type 1 N2069 943 303 001 ~1,R8,R13 RES, fxd, COlTIP: 8.2 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 071 R2 RES, fxd, COITlP: 2~ 932 004 059 R3 RES, fxd, comp: 30 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 084 R4 RES, fxd, COlTIP: 16 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 078 R5 RES, fxd, COITlP: 7 SO ohlTI s ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 046 R6 RES, fxd, comp: 18 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 079 R7,R17 RES, fxd, COlTIP: 6.8 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 932 004 069 R9 RES, fxd, film: 4. 02 K ±20/0, 1/2 W 932 r03 230 RIO RES, fxd, comp: 220 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 lOS R 11 RES, fxd, comp: 200 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 104 R12 RES, fxd, COITlP: 10K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 073 1000 pf ±S%, 100 VDC 0.01 jJ-f GMV, 7S VDC 91 pf ±S%, 100 VDC 6800 pf ±100/0, 100 VDC 820 pf ±S%, 100 VDC 2. 2 jJ-f ±200/0, 20 VDC 930 011 lS3 930 lS6 001 930 011 126 930 307 227 930 216 017 ] J :J J ] CRS,CR8,CR 9 CRll-CRIS, CR17 CR3, CR6, CR7 CRi6 :J J J ] l,-.J J J 7 K ±50/0, 1/2 W 7/8 -- l___ i MEMORY CLEAR DRIVER PAC, MODEL S-103 (Cant) REF. DESIG. ASSY LEVEL DESCRIPTION 3C DWG NO. AJSJCJDJEJFJ R14 RES, fxd, camp: 3.9K±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 063 RIS RES, fxd, 1.3 K ±S%, 1,/2 W 932 004 OS2 R16 RES, £Xd, camp: R18 RES, fxd, camp: 470 ohms ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 0'41 I R19 RES, fxd, camp: 36 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 086 RES, fxd, camp: 1 K ±S%, 1/2 W 932 004 049 RES, fxd, caITlp: 27 ohms ±5%, lW 932 OOS 011 ] ~ ..J R20, R22 r-'1 R21 camp: 20 K ±5%, 1/2 W 932 004 080 J I L.J QI-Q3 Q4 TSTR: Replacement Type 2N404A 943 S19 002 TSTR: Replacement Type 2N388 943 507 001 TSTR: Replacement Type CRP-1732A 943 522 001 ~. QS l L-J I LJ I ] .J ~l I ....J I '--' 9 J MEMORY CLEAR DRIVER PAC, MODEL S-103 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Memory Clear Driver PAC, model S-103, (Figures land 2) contains a monostable multivibrator, a pulse arnplifier, and four identical output stages. The PAC can provide up to 500 rna of clear current to each of 24 inhibit windings in a magnetic core memory system. The clear current provided by the PAC resets all cores to the ZERO state. CIRCUIT FUNCTION. The Memory Clear Driver PAC (Figure 3) functions quiescently with Q2 on and Q1, Q3, Q4, and Q5 off. The application of a positive input pulse triggers the multivibrator which turns off Q2 and turns on Ql, Q3, Q4, and Q5. The negative pulse produced at the assertion output turns on the NAND gate (Q3). The positive puls.e at the collector of Q3 turns on the Q4 transistors, which in turn saturate the Q5 output transistors. SPECIFICA TIONS Frequency of Operation The maximum operating frequency is 5 KC. lllust not be applied during the normal memory cycle. A memo:r;y clear pulse After a clear pulse is applied, no other pulses s.hould be applied to the system for 200 J-Lsec. This precaution will provide the required recovery time for the power supply. Not Lnore than 20 clear pulses should be applied in any 1 O-msec period. Input The input to the multivibrator is a -6-volt to O-volt pulse with a maxin1.um rise tinle of 1 J-Lsec. The trigger input must remain positive at least 1.5 I-lsec and ITlust be negative for at least 200 J-Lsec prior to triggering action. The input loading is 2 W -loads. Output The multivibrator pulse width is nominally 30 J-Lsec. The assertion output will drive 2 W -loads, and the negation will dri ve 4 W -loads. Each clear output can provide up to 500 rna of clear current to a memory inhibit winding. The output transistors will tolerate an inductive back voltage of 50 volts. I ~ 1 Multivibrator Output Characteristics a. Assertion output (neg~tive i' pulse measured from -0.6 volt to -4.5 volts), Rise time: 1.0 jJ.sec or O. 2 percent of pulse width, whichever is longer, Fall time: b. 0.8 jJ.sec (typ) Negation output. R i s e ti me: 0, 5 jJ. sec (typ), Fall time: 0.8 jJ.sec (typ). i' Circuit Delay (Measured at 10% of voltage input to 10% of output current) O. 5 jJ. sec (typ) 1. 0 jJ.sec (max) Output Current Waveform Characteristics Rise time: 10% to 90% 4 jJ.sec (typ) 5 jJ.sec (max) Fall time: 90%' to 10% 1 0 jJ. sec (typ) 15 jJ.sec (max) Power Requirements Quiescent condition: -18 V: V: - 6 V: + 12 18 V 23 rna 1 rna 6 rna (clamp current from power supply) r -, Output $tage on (duty cycle less than 20%) -18 V: 24 rna (not including the 12 amperes of current supplied at the inhibit component board) + 12 V: 120 rna - 6 V: 864 rna (current into power supply) r--' 2 J R21A RISD RISC RISS RISA RI7 CRI7 RI6 CRI6 R/5 RI4 R9 CRIQ R5 RI2 RII J J J J J R7 eR9 r.RII '---'--- CRI5 -------- R 13 --+--CRJ3 CR3 RS R3 R2 RI CRI CR4 -CRS J -RIO R6 J J J J J J J J ] R4 CRI2 CR2 CR21D Figure 1. CR23C CR5 CRI4 Memory Clear Driver PAC, Model S-l 03, Parts Location (Diodes and Resistors) 3 i[ '--' Q4A Q4B Q4C Q40 C9A Q3 CaA C7 CaB C4 n I I L-.. III i C5 C9B C9C cac caD ]' I, L- C3 Q2 ]' ~ C90 CIOA r-' CIOB CI2 Q50 Q5C r-- CIOC CII ClOD r--' Q5B Q5A r-' " " Figure 2. 4 Memory Clear Driver PAC, Model S-103, Parts Location (Transistor s and Capacitor s) ] CIRCUIT A J J -18V -18V RI 8.2K -18V --18V R7 6.8K -18V RI3 8.2K J 7 RI4 3.9K CRI7 RI7 6.8K -6V C7 680PF NEGATION OUTPUT CRI2 r I I I RI9 36K CLEAR OUTPUTS -6V 10 ASSERTION OUTPUT C3 91PF J J -18V CRI3 CRI5 RI5 1.3K -6V SEPARATE GROUND CRII ] LEAD +12V R9 . 4.02K' R2 2.7K R3 30K ] RII 200K +12V ] -18V l ,J r RI2 10K I I R4 16K ] CLEAR OUTPUTS * CLEAR OUTPUTS CIRCUIT 0* CLEAR OUTPUTS I CRI4 CR4 s* CIRCUIT +12V R5 750 I L R6 18K r I ] I C2 O.OIUF CIRCUIT C C6 6800PF 'I G)-18V I l.J J CLEAR INPUT CR8 --------------~ -18V J J 1r-+---0 8 ~~--~------------------------------------------~ RIO 220K· 3 CII 2.2UF CI2 r---I +12V I ~ 2.2uFI· 1..-------+----0 -r_+ -6V I GND I * SAME AS CIRCUIT A L Figure 3. Memory Clear Driver PAC, Model S-103, Schematic Diagram 5/6 TRANSFER GATE PAC, MODEL S-169 J J J J GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Transfer Gate PAC, Model S-169, Figures I and 2, contains 12 identical 2-input NAND gates. The PAC is de- signed to perform parallel loading of regi sters with a minimum of logic and exte rnal conne ctions. CIRCUIT FUNCTION. The Transfer Gate PAC contains 12 NAND gates, Figure 3, arranged in four groups. 4-gate group. There is one 2-gate, two 3-gate, and one Each group of gates has one common prewired input and one free input to each gate. The NAND gate circuits are standard; if both inputs are a ONE (-6 V), the output is a ZERO (O V). If either input goes to ZERO, the out- put becomes a ONE. The common inputs can be externally connected to transfer a maximum of 12 bits of data sirnultaneously. With this arrangement, the data to be transferred is connected to the individual input of each gate and a strobe input is applied to the comITlon input. Additional S-169 PACs ITlay be used to expand the data bit transfer. SPECIFICA TIONS. Frequency of Operation Input Loading J Indi vidual input s: ComITlon inputs: o 1 unit load per circuit 1 unit load per gate Circuit Delay (ITleasures at -3 V averaged over two stages) O. 1 ~sec (max) O. 06 ~sec (typ) Output Drive Capability 7 unit loads and 400 pf stray capacitance Total Power DC to 1 MC (ITlax) Output Waveform Characteristics Rise tirne: Fall time: O. 1 ~ sec (typ) O. 1 5 ~ sec (typ) Curr ent R equir ernents -18 V: - 6 V: + 12 V: 120 ITla 63 rna (reverse current into supply) 8 rna Handl e Colo r Code None 2.2 W Polarization J J J None 1 r-1 L-.. r RIB R4B RIF R4F R3F R3B R2B QIA QIB R2A R3A RIA R4A RIJ R4J R3J R2J QIJ R2G R3G RIG R4G RIH R4H R3H R2H QIK R2K R3K QIH QIC R2C R3C RIK R4K RIL R4L RIC R4C RID R40 R3L QIL QIM R3D QID QIE R2L R3M RIM R4M R2D R3E RIE R2M R2E Figure 1. 2 R2F QIG QIF R4E Transfer Gate PAC, Model 5-169, Parts Location (Resistors and Transistors) r l-.. I' i' l-.. i' r- r--' r-' r'- , r --, C3 CRIB CIS CR3B C2 CRIF CIF CR3F CR4F CR4B CR2B CR3A CR2A CR4A CRIA CIA CIJ CRIJ CR3J CR4J CRIH CR3H CR4H CR2J CR2H CR4K CIK CR3K CR2K CRIK CR4C CIL CR4L CRIL CR3L CR2L CR4M CIM CR3M CR2M CRIM Figure 2. CR2F CR3G CR2G CR4G CRIG CIG CIH CIC CR3C CR2C CRIC CIO CR4D CRID CR3D CR2D CR4E CIE CR3E CR2E CRIE Transfer Gate PAC, Model 5-169, Parts Location (Capacitors and Diodes) 3 ] ] ] ] ] PARALLEL TRANSFER GATE PAC, MODEL S-179 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Parallel Transfer Gate PAC, Model S-179 (Figures 1 and 2), contains twelve 2-input NAND gates without collector resistors and clamp diodes; one 2-gate, two 3-gate, and one 4-gate group. These circuits provide a facility for connecting the NAND gates in parallel without decreasing the output drive capability (fanout). levels, pulses, or with a combination of both. The gates operate with The PAC is designed to perform a variety of functions which includes multiplexing of parallel groups of bits; ] parity generation; decoding; and etc. These functions are performed with groups of NAND gates connected in parallel. NAND gates with parallel collectors perform logic functions as follows: J A r--------.----~E B ] c 1 o L..J E J J CIRCUIT FUNCTION. twelve circuit. v CD The Parallel Tr-ansfer Gate PAC contains gates (Figure 3), NAND = AB arranged in four groups, and one load Each group has one common, pre-wired input and one free input to each gate. The NAND gate circuits are standard with the exception of the common load circuit; if both inputs are a ONE (- 6 V), the output is a ZERO (O-V). If either input goes to ZERO, the output becomes a ONE. The load circuit contains a pull-up resistor (to -lBV) anda clamp J J diode (to -6 V). Each gate or group of gates used on the PAC must have the load circuit or a similar circuit connected to the output. The load circuit connected to the output of the parallel gate groups does not affect the fanout. If the inputs are such that only one transistor is conducting, the J J 1 output will be at zero volt. The maximuITl drive capability, regardless of how many collector outputs are jumpered in parallel, is 7 unit loads as shown in the following illustration. LOAD CIRCU IT -lev L.. -6V OUTPUT r- - r-' '- The common inputs can be externally connected to transfer a maximum of twelve bits of data simultaneously. With thi s arrangement, the data to be transferred is connected to the free input of each gate and a strobe input is applied to the COITlITlon input. the data bi t transfer. 2 Additional S-179 FACs may be used to expand I SF ECIFICA TIONS Input Loading Frequency of Operation F lee inputs; 1 unit load per circuit COITuTIon inputs: 1 unit load per gate DC to 1 MC (ITlax) Output Waveforrn Characteristics Circuit Delay (rneasured at -3 V averaged over two stages) o. 1 p.sec (rnax) O. 06 p. sec (typ) Output D 1 i ve Capability 7 unit loads and 400 pf stray capacitance Rise time: Fall tirne: o. 1 P. sec (typ) O. 1 5 p. sec (typ) Current Requirernents -18 V: - 6 V: + 12 V: 35 rna o rna 8 rna I I~ 3
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