JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide 7668 User Manual

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Apparel Management Implementation Guide
Release 9.1.x

September 2014

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide, Release 9.1.x
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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products .....................................................................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals .....................................................................
Documentation Accessibility ...................................................................................................................
Related Documents ...................................................................................................................................
Conventions ...............................................................................................................................................


1 Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Overview .............................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Business Processes .............................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Integrations .........................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials .............................................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management .....................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Management ............................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management ..................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning......................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management ..................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management ............................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management...................................................
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Implementation ..................................
Global Implementation Steps.............................................................................................
Apparel Management Implementation Steps..................................................................
Business Interface Integration Objects .....................................................................................


2 Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System
Industry Environment and Concepts....................................................................................... 2-1
Steel Industry........................................................................................................................ 2-2
Paper Industry...................................................................................................................... 2-2
Furniture Industry ............................................................................................................... 2-2
Apparel Industry ................................................................................................................. 2-2
Socks and Sockets ......................................................................................................... 2-4
Lingerie and Beachwear .............................................................................................. 2-4
Leather Goods ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Costume Jewelry........................................................................................................... 2-5

Sporting Attire ..............................................................................................................
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Overview .......................
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System...................................
Industry Trades....................................................................................................................


3 Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System........................ 3-1
Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Activation ...
Forms Used to Activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System .
Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System ................ 3-2
Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
System 3-3
Understanding Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System 3-3
Forms Used to Set Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System 3-3
Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
System 3-4

4 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel


Understanding Item Management ........................................................................................... 4-1
Product Structure................................................................................................................. 4-3
Levels.............................................................................................................................. 4-4
Structures ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
Style Item Characteristics ............................................................................................ 4-4
Matrix ............................................................................................................................. 4-5
Exception Management ...................................................................................................... 4-6
Item Creation Process.......................................................................................................... 4-6
Understanding Inventory Transactions................................................................................... 4-7
Defining Size Matrix Grids ........................................................................................................ 4-7
Understanding Size Management ..................................................................................... 4-7
Forms Used to Define Size Matrix Grids.......................................................................... 4-9
Defining the Grid Code.................................................................................................... 4-10
Defining the Size Matrix Grid......................................................................................... 4-10
Defining a Size Split ......................................................................................................... 4-11
Defining Size Weight........................................................................................................ 4-11
Verifying the Setup for the System Constants "SPLITC" and "SPLITI" .................... 4-12
Defining Level Types............................................................................................................... 4-12
Understanding Level Types ............................................................................................ 4-12
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 4-13
Forms Used to Define Level Types ................................................................................ 4-14
Defining Level Types ....................................................................................................... 4-14
Defining Item Structures......................................................................................................... 4-15
Understanding Item Structures ...................................................................................... 4-15

Forms Used to Define Item Structures ..........................................................................
Defining the Item Structure Code ..................................................................................
Defining Item Structures..................................................................................................
Verifying the Setup for the System Constant "STRUCTURE"....................................
Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry...........................................................
Forms Used to Define Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry.............................
Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry....................................................
Creating an Item Hierarchy....................................................................................................
Understanding Item Hierarchy ......................................................................................
Forms Used to Create an Item Hierarchy......................................................................
Creating an Item Hierarchy.............................................................................................
Creating Root Items .................................................................................................................
Understanding Style Item Creation ...............................................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Create Root Items...................................................................................
Setting Processing Options for Style Item Master (PCW51).......................................
Bill of Material ...........................................................................................................
Version ........................................................................................................................
Delete Process ............................................................................................................
Creating Style Items .........................................................................................................
Adding a Structure to Style Item Root Level 0.............................................................
Generating Child Style Items on Demand ....................................................................
Copying Style Items .........................................................................................................
Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information ............................................
Understanding Composition and Labels ......................................................................
Cleaning Codes ..........................................................................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Define Composition and Labels ..........................................................
Working with Composition Maintenance.....................................................................
Working with Additional Style Item Information .......................................................
Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation .............................................................................
Understanding UCC and EAN13 Generation ..............................................................
Forms Used to Set Up UCC and EAN13 Generation ..................................................
Accessing the Second Description of Company UCC Codes.....................................
Defining Company UCC Codes .....................................................................................
Setting Processing Options for the Generate EAN13 Program (RCW28) ................
Values ..........................................................................................................................
Running the Generate EAN13 Report (RCW28) ..........................................................
Generating Style Items by Batch............................................................................................
Understanding Style Item Generation by Batch...........................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Running the Create and Process Child Style Items Program (RCW01)....................
Working with Item Revisions ................................................................................................
Understanding Item Revisions .......................................................................................
Forms Used to Work with Item Revisions ....................................................................



Working with Item Revisions .........................................................................................
Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items........................................................................
Understanding Item Availability for Style Items.........................................................
Prerequisites ...............................................................................................................
Forms Used to Review Item Availability for Style Items............................................
Setting Processing Options for Item Availability (PCW05)........................................
Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items.................................................................
Purging Style Item Data ..........................................................................................................
Understanding Purge Programs for Style Items ..........................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Report ...........................................................
Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Master Purge Report ........................
Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Report..........................................................
Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Balance Purge Report .......................
Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Log Report..................................................
Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Log Report ...................................................
Converting Standard Items to Style Items ...........................................................................
Understanding Style Item Master Conversion.............................................................
Running the Style Item Master Conversion Program .................................................
Issuing Inventory for Style Items...........................................................................................
Understanding Inventory Issues for Style Items..........................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Issue Inventory for Style Items ............................................................
Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10) ...............................................
Defaults .......................................................................................................................
Issuing Inventory for Style Items ...................................................................................
Adjusting Inventory for Style Items......................................................................................
Understanding Inventory Adjustments for Style Items..............................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Adjust Inventory for Style Items .........................................................
Adjusting Inventory for Style Items...............................................................................
Transferring Inventory for Style Items .................................................................................
Understanding Inventory Transfers for Style Items....................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Transfer Inventory for Style Items ......................................................
Transferring Inventory for Style Items ..........................................................................


5 Working with Collections Management


Understanding Collections Management................................................................................
Setting Up Collection UDCs......................................................................................................
Understanding Collection UDCs.......................................................................................
Forms Used to Set Up Collection UDCs...........................................................................



Defining the Collection Structure Code ........................................................................... 5-5
Setting Up Season Code UDCs .......................................................................................... 5-5
Setting Up Season Year UDCs ........................................................................................... 5-5
Defining Collection Structures.................................................................................................. 5-5
Understanding Collection Structures ............................................................................... 5-5
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 5-5
Forms Used to Define Collection Structures.................................................................... 5-6
Defining Collection Structures........................................................................................... 5-6
Creating Collections ................................................................................................................... 5-7
Understanding Collection Creation .................................................................................. 5-7
Forms Used to Create Collections ..................................................................................... 5-8
Setting Processing Options for Collection Management (PCW07) .............................. 5-9
Process............................................................................................................................ 5-9
Creating a Collection Header.......................................................................................... 5-10
Creating a Collection Structure Detail........................................................................... 5-11
Adding Style Items to a Collection................................................................................. 5-12
Setting Up Collection Templates ........................................................................................... 5-14
Understanding Collection Templates ............................................................................ 5-14
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 5-15
Forms Used to Set Up Collection Templates ................................................................ 5-16
Defining a Collection Template Name .......................................................................... 5-16
Building the Collection Template................................................................................... 5-16
Working with Style Items by Collection............................................................................... 5-18
Understanding Style Items by Collection ..................................................................... 5-18
Forms Used to Work with Style Items by Collection .................................................. 5-18
Setting Processing Options for Style Items by Collection (PCW54).......................... 5-19
Structure...................................................................................................................... 5-19
Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-19
Collections .................................................................................................................. 5-20
Delete Process ............................................................................................................ 5-20
Bill of Material............................................................................................................ 5-20
Working with Style Items by Collection ....................................................................... 5-21

6 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for
Apparel Management

Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel
Management 6-1
Backordering ........................................................................................................................
Data Purging.........................................................................................................................
Reposting Active Sales Orders...........................................................................................
Prerequisites .........................................................................................................................
Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items.......................................................................................
Understanding Price Lists for Style Items........................................................................
Prerequisites .........................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Set Up Price Lists for Style Items............................................................
Setting Processing Options for Price List (PCW17) ........................................................




Process............................................................................................................................ 6-9
Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items................................................................................ 6-9
Purging Price Lists for Style Items ................................................................................. 6-11
Running the Price List Creation Report ........................................................................ 6-11
Rounding Prices for Style Items............................................................................................. 6-11
Understanding Price Rounding Methods ..................................................................... 6-11
Understanding Price Rounding Rules ........................................................................... 6-12
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 6-12
Forms Used to Round Prices for Style Items ................................................................ 6-13
Setting Up Rounding Methods for Style Items ............................................................ 6-13
Setting Up Rounding Rules for Style Items .................................................................. 6-14
Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items ......................................................... 6-15
Understanding Price List Exchange Rate Setup........................................................... 6-15
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 6-15
Forms Used to Set Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items.............................. 6-16
Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items.................................................. 6-16
Generating Price Lists for Style Items ................................................................................... 6-16
Understanding Price List Generation ............................................................................ 6-16
Examples: Generating Price Lists ............................................................................ 6-17
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 6-19
Forms Used to Generate Price Lists for Style Items..................................................... 6-19
Setting Processing Options for Price List Generation (PCW25) ................................ 6-20
Process......................................................................................................................... 6-20
Setting the Processing Option for Generate Price List (RCW07) ............................... 6-21
Process......................................................................................................................... 6-21
Generating Price Lists for Style Items............................................................................ 6-21
Generating the Price for One Style Item........................................................................ 6-22
Creating Item Exceptions................................................................................................. 6-23
Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101).......................... 6-23
Understanding Creating Sales Orders for Style Items ................................................ 6-23
Sales Order Entry Programs .................................................................................... 6-25
Sales Order Entry and Collections .......................................................................... 6-25
Setup Considerations for Sales Order Entry.......................................................... 6-25
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 6-26
Forms Used to Create Sales Orders for Style Items ..................................................... 6-26
Creating Sales Orders for Style Items ............................................................................ 6-27
Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)............................ 6-30
Understanding Sales Order Entry for Style Items ....................................................... 6-30
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 6-30
Forms Used to Enter Sales Orders for Style Items ....................................................... 6-32
Printing Sales Orders for Style Items .................................................................................... 6-33
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 6-33
Printing Sales Orders for Style Items ............................................................................. 6-33
Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items ...................................................... 6-33
Understanding the Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items ..................................... 6-34
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 6-34
Form Used to Perform a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items............................ 6-34


Setting Processing Options for Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items (PCW61).......
Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-35
Display ........................................................................................................................ 6-35
Process......................................................................................................................... 6-36
Versions....................................................................................................................... 6-37
Reset Commit ............................................................................................................. 6-37
Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items ............................................... 6-37

7 Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel

Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management ........ 7-1
Running the Repost Active Sales Orders Program......................................................... 7-3
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 7-3
Common Terms Used in This Chapter............................................................................. 7-5
Understanding the Standard Commitment Process .............................................................. 7-7
Setting Up Commitment Rules ................................................................................................. 7-8
Understanding Commitment Rules .................................................................................. 7-8
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 7-10
Forms Used to Set Up Commitment Rules ................................................................... 7-10
Defining Codes for Commitment Rules ........................................................................ 7-11
Defining Commitment Rules for Style Items................................................................ 7-12
Setting the Priority Value for Category Codes ............................................................. 7-13
Performing Manual Allocations ............................................................................................ 7-13
Understanding Manual Allocations............................................................................... 7-13
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 7-14
Performing Manual Allocations ..................................................................................... 7-14
Performing Automatic Allocations ....................................................................................... 7-15
Understanding Automatic Allocations.......................................................................... 7-15
Understanding Shipment Creation for Style Items in the Automatic Allocations
Process (Release 9.1 Update) 7-18
Prerequisites (Release 9.1 Update) ................................................................................. 7-20
Performing Automatic Allocations ................................................................................ 7-20
Generating Allocation Proposals ........................................................................................... 7-21
Understanding Allocation Proposals............................................................................. 7-22
Understanding the Algorithm for Allocation Proposals ............................................ 7-22
Example: Setting Up and Running the Algorithm for Allocation Proposals........... 7-26
Setup ............................................................................................................................ 7-26
Algorithm Calculations ............................................................................................ 7-28
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 7-34
Setting Processing Options for Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW06)...
Status ........................................................................................................................... 7-34
Dates ............................................................................................................................ 7-35
Process......................................................................................................................... 7-35
Conditions .................................................................................................................. 7-36
Satisfaction Rate......................................................................................................... 7-36

Priority Rule ...............................................................................................................
Top/Bottom Processing............................................................................................
Proposal ......................................................................................................................
Generating Allocation Proposals....................................................................................
Generating Delivery Proposals ..............................................................................................
Understanding Delivery Proposals................................................................................
Understanding the Algorithm for Delivery Proposals................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Generating Delivery Proposals.......................................................................................
Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals ....................................................................
Understanding Allocation and Delivery Proposal Validation...................................
Forms Used to Validate Allocation and Delivery Proposals......................................
Setting Processing Options for Allocation and Delivery Proposals (PCW29) .........
Display ........................................................................................................................
Setting Processing Options for Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals (RCW37)
Reviewing Orders for Allocation and Delivery Proposals .........................................
Reviewing Items for Allocation and Delivery Proposals............................................
Reviewing Order Details for Allocation and Delivery Proposals .............................
Revising Allocation and Delivery Proposals ................................................................
Validating Allocation Proposals by Batch.....................................................................


8 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for
Apparel Management
Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel
Management 8-1
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 8-2
Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items ............................................................................. 8-2
Understanding Bills of Material for Style Items.............................................................. 8-2
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 8-8
Forms Used to Set Up Bills of Material for Style Items .................................................. 8-9
Entering Bills of Material for Style Item Root Level 0 ................................................. 8-10
Entering Bill of Material Associations ........................................................................... 8-10
Entering Bill of Material Usage....................................................................................... 8-12
Defining Bill of Material Exceptions .............................................................................. 8-12
Generating Bills of Material for Child Style Items on Demand ................................. 8-13
Generating Bills of Material for Child Style Items by Batch....................................... 8-13
Copying Bills of Material for Style Items ...................................................................... 8-13
Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items ..................................................................... 8-14
Understanding Routing Instruction Creation for Style Items.................................... 8-14
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 8-16
Forms Used to Create Routing Instructions for Style Items....................................... 8-16
Entering Routing Instructions for Style Item Root Level 0......................................... 8-17
Generating Routings for Child Style Items ................................................................... 8-17
Defining Routing Instruction Exceptions...................................................................... 8-18



Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items............................................................... 8-18
Understanding Outsource Operations for Style Items................................................ 8-18
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 8-21
Forms Used to Set Up Outsource Operations for Style Items.................................... 8-22
Setting Processing Options for Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations
(PCW62) 8-22
Default......................................................................................................................... 8-22
Setting Up Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations............................. 8-22
Setting Processing Options for Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
(RCW93) (Release 9.1 Update) 8-23
Source .......................................................................................................................... 8-23
Process......................................................................................................................... 8-24
Target........................................................................................................................... 8-26
Component Branch/Plant to Exclude .................................................................... 8-26
Creating Outsource Operation Details for Style Items................................................ 8-26
Copying Outsource Operation Details for Style Items................................................ 8-29

9 Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management
Understanding Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management ......................... 9-1
Example: Apparel Industry................................................................................................ 9-3
Working with Planning Messages for Style Items ................................................................. 9-4
Understanding Planning Messages for Style Items ........................................................ 9-4
Understanding Availability Calculations ........................................................................ 9-5
Example: Availability Calculation ............................................................................. 9-6
Understanding Adjustment Calculations ........................................................................ 9-6
Example 1: Adjustment Calculation .......................................................................... 9-7
Example 2: Adjustment Calculation .......................................................................... 9-7
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 9-8
Forms Used to Work with Planning Messages for Style Items..................................... 9-8
Setting Processing Options for Matrix Management of Messages (PCW47) ........... 9-10
Process......................................................................................................................... 9-10
Versions....................................................................................................................... 9-11
Processing Messages for Style Items.............................................................................. 9-12
Adding Quantities in Messages by Size for Style Items ............................................. 9-12
Splitting Messages for Style Items.................................................................................. 9-13
Grouping Messages for Style Items ............................................................................... 9-13
Calculating Adjustments for Style Items....................................................................... 9-13
Generating Transfer Orders for Style Items.................................................................. 9-14

10 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for
Apparel Management
Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel
Management 10-1
Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items ...........................................................
Understanding Master Work Orders for Style Items ..................................................
Collections ..................................................................................................................
Example: Apparel Industry......................................................................................



Master Work Order Headers for Style Items......................................................... 10-4
Master Work Order Details for Style Items ........................................................... 10-4
Master Work Order Parts Lists for Style Items ..................................................... 10-4
Master Work Order Routing Instructions for Style Items ................................... 10-6
Master Work Order Processing for Style Items..................................................... 10-6
Work Order Mass Update for Style Item Work Orders....................................... 10-7
Master Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items .......................................... 10-8
Master Work Order Completions for Style Items............................................... 10-11
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 10-11
Forms Used to Work with Master Work Orders for Style Items ............................. 10-11
Setting Processing Options for Master Work Order Processing for Style Items (PCW49)
Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 10-13
Category Codes........................................................................................................ 10-14
Edits ........................................................................................................................... 10-15
Display Options ....................................................................................................... 10-16
Versions..................................................................................................................... 10-16
Interop ....................................................................................................................... 10-17
Collection .................................................................................................................. 10-18
Material Analysis..................................................................................................... 10-18
Setting Processing Options for Work Order Processing for Style Items (R31F410)...........
Version ...................................................................................................................... 10-18
Entering Master Work Order Headers for Style Items.............................................. 10-18
Entering Master Work Order Details for Style Items ................................................ 10-19
Reviewing Master Work Orders for Style Items ........................................................ 10-20
Creating Parts Lists for Master Work Orders for Style Items .................................. 10-20
Revising Parts Lists for Master Work Orders for Style Items .................................. 10-21
Creating Routing Instructions for Master Work Orders for Style Items ................ 10-22
Processing Master Work Orders for Style Items ........................................................ 10-22
Issuing Inventory to a Master Work Order for Style Items ...................................... 10-22
Reversing Inventory on a Master Work Order for Style Items ................................ 10-23
Completing Master Work Orders for Style Items ...................................................... 10-24

11 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for
Apparel Management
Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel
Management 11-1
Purging Data......................................................................................................................
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................
Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items..............................................................................
Understanding Purchase Prices for Style Items ...........................................................
Forms Used to Create Purchase Prices for Style Items................................................
Setting Processing Options for Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog (PCW55)..........
Creating Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog Headers .................................................
Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items.......................................................................



Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items...............................................................................
Understanding Blanket Orders for Style Items ............................................................
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Enter Blanket Orders for Style Items ..................................................
Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items........................................................................
Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items ............................................................................
Understanding Purchase Order Entry for Style Items ................................................
Purchase Order Entry and Collections .................................................................
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Enter Purchase Orders for Style Items..............................................
Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items ...................................................................
Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items ...........................................................................
Understanding Blanket Order Release for Style Items .............................................
Example: Apparel Industry....................................................................................
Prerequisite ......................................................................................................................
Forms Used to Release Blanket Orders for Style Items.............................................
Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items....................................................................
Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items...........................................................................
Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items....................................................................


A Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System..................... A-1




Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management
Implementation Guide.

This guide is intended for implementers and end users of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products
This implementation guide refers to these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne products:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Management.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals
Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of the system
resides in a companion volume of documentation called JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.
Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne minimum technical requirements. In addition, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle
products. Refer to the cross-referenced material in the Program Documentation at
http://oracle.com/contracts/index.html for program prerequisites and version
cross-reference documents to assure the compatibility of various Oracle products.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.


Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or
visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing

Related Documents
You can access related documents from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release
Documentation Overview pages on My Oracle Support. Access the main
documentation overview page by searching for the document ID, which is 1308615.1,
or by using this link:
To navigate to this page from the My Oracle Support home page, click the Knowledge
tab, and then click the Tools and Training menu, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, Welcome
Center, Release Information Overview.

The following text conventions are used in this document:





Indicates field values.


Indicates emphasis and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or other
book-length publication titles.


Indicates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program, other code
example, or URL.

> Tutorial

Indicates a link to a recording of the described feature. Ensure that
you have an appropriate player installed. Access to these
recordings requires a valid Oracle account.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 1.1, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Overview"


Section 1.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Business Processes"


Section 1.3, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Integrations"


Section 1.4, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Implementation"


Section 1.5, "Business Interface Integration Objects"

1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Overview
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system from Oracle supports
the distribution and manufacturing industries. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management system enables you to define multi-attribute style items,
manage collections, forecast style item requirements, sell style items, procure
materials, manufacture style items, allocate inventory, and deliver style items to
With the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you can:

Set up and manage multi-attribute style items and their related data.


Define and manage collections.


Forecast style item requirements.


Price style items based on an individual item, collection, and distribution channel


Enter sales orders using matrix entry of style item information.


Enter purchase orders using matrix entry of style item information.


Generate a plan for the allocation of stock to orders for style items.


Manage inventory of style items using matrix entry.


Procure materials for the manufacture of style items with and without collections.



Outsource all or part of the manufacturing processes for style items using outside
Set up and manage manufacturing functions such as bills of material, routings,
and work orders for style items.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Business Processes

1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Business
The following process flow illustrates the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management business processes:
Figure 1–1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management business process flow

We discuss these business processes in the associated business process chapters in this
implementation guide.

1.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Integrations
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management is an integrated solution that
supports JD Edwards EnterpriseOne base functionality. The system is integrated to
support the distribution and manufacturing industries.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management integrates with these JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne products from Oracle:

1-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Integrations

Figure 1–2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system integrations

We discuss integration considerations in the implementation chapters in this
implementation guide.

1.3.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials product from Oracle provides a versatile,
cost-effective, and timesaving solution for managing your financial information. You
use the systems that make up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials product to
track information that financial users typically share.

1.3.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system from Oracle stores
item information, sales and purchasing costs, and quantities that are available by
location. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system uses the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system to set up style items.
Programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system define
item information, such as how an item is identified and stocked.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management enables you to track materials
between inventory or storage locations and the shop floor. You can manage inventory
issues and commitments, complete orders, and track order quantities throughout the
production process.

1.3.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Management product from Oracle
contains several JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems including Oracle's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Product Data Management (PDM) and Oracle's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management (SFM) systems.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management system enables you to
organize and maintain information about each item that you manufacture through the
definition of bills of material and routings.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management system enables you to
control the flow of materials inside and outside the plant by managing and tracking
manufacturing work orders. It provides an effective way to maintain and
communicate information that the system requires to complete production requests.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Integrations

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting
systems from Oracle work with other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems to ensure
that all product and manufacturing costs are tracked and transacted. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Product Costing system enables you to store and retrieve cost
information. After you establish costs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product
Costing system, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Accounting system
tracks the costs, reports variances, and posts manufacturing transactions to the general

1.3.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management product
from Oracle contains several JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems including the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system from Oracle.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system controls all aspects of purchasing
activities. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement enables you to generate blanket
and purchase orders for raw materials to use in manufacturing style items. You can
also automatically generate purchase orders for outside operations based on the
routing instructions for style items.

1.3.5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system from Oracle uses sales
orders and forecasts to pass demand for items down through the bills of material to
the components. The system also uses bills of material to determine component
requirements for planned orders and work orders without a parts list.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution Requirements Planning, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Master Production Schedule, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Material
Requirements Planning provide suggested purchasing and manufacturing orders that
are required to maintain a valid production schedule.

1.3.6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management (SOM) system from Oracle
controls all aspects of processing sales orders. The system enables price list definition,
matrix entry of style item information, and collection management.

1.3.7 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management system from Oracle
integrates with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to provide carrier and shipment
At load and delivery confirmation, the system retrieves cost information and relieves
inventory from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system. The
cost retrieval information is based on any sales orders that are load and delivery
confirmed as reported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.
In addition, the system updates the general ledger.

1.3.8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management is an integral part of the
manufacturing and distribution processes. It works in conjunction with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop

1-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Implementation

Floor Management systems to manage inventory and the products that companies
produce and ship.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system controls many
aspects of warehouse operations, from receiving and storing items to retrieving and
shipping them.

1.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management Implementation
This section provides an overview of the steps that are required to implement the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.
In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all Oracle sources of
information, including the installation guides and troubleshooting information.
When determining which electronic software updates (ESUs) to install for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, use the EnterpriseOne and World
Change Assistant. EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant, a Java-based tool,
reduces the time required to search and download ESUs by 75 percent or more and
enables you to install multiple ESUs at one time.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Software Updates Guide.

1.4.1 Global Implementation Steps
This table lists the suggested global implementation steps for the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system:

Set up global user-defined code (UDC) tables.
See "Working With User Defined Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
System Administration Guide.


Set up fiscal date patterns.
See " Setting Up Fiscal Date Patterns" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Set up companies.
See "Setting Up Companies" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial
Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Set up business units.
See "Setting Up Business Units" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Set up next numbers.
See "Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


(Optional) Set up accounts and the chart of accounts.
See "Setting Up Accounts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial
Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Set up General Accounting constants.
See "Setting Up Constants for General Accounting" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.


Set up multicurrency processing, including currency codes and exchange rates.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Business Interface Integration Objects

See "Preface" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing
Implementation Guide.

(Optional) Set up ledger type rules.
See "Setting Up Organizations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.


Set up address book records.
See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Address Book Implementation Guide.


Set up default location and printers.
See "Working with Report Printing Administration" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide.


Set up branch/plant constants.
See "Defining Branch/Plant Constants" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.


Set up Manufacturing/Distribution automatic accounting instructions (AAIs).
See "Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.


Set up document types.
See "Setting Up Document Type Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.


Set up shop floor calendars.
See "Setting Up Shop Floor Calendars" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide.


Set up manufacturing constants.
See "Setting Up Manufacturing Constants" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Product Data Management Implementation Guide.

1.4.2 Apparel Management Implementation Steps
This table lists the suggested application-specific implementation step for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system:

Activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.
See Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System.


Set up next numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
See Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System.

1.5 Business Interface Integration Objects
A business interface is a set of components that implementation teams can use to
create an integration between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and an external system.
Business interfaces can include one or more of these business interface components:

Business Services

1-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Business Interface Integration Objects


Real-Time Events


Batch Import and Export Programs

For additional information about business interfaces, and the business objects
available for this product area, see these topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Business Interface Reference Guide:

Business Interfaces Overview


Style Item Creation

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Business Interface Integration Objects

1-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management System

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 2.1, "Industry Environment and Concepts"
Section 2.2, "The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

2.1 Industry Environment and Concepts
A characteristic of today's markets for multi-attribute items is fierce global
competition. Every company needs to globalize in order to grow market share and
extend its supply chain. Companies outsource production to leverage cost and
response-time efficiencies. They may also outsource logistics functions, using the
services of partners to manage storage or packaging.
The goal of these models is to improve responsiveness to demand while providing
tighter control of the whole business cycle. Business is embracing a truly collaborative
approach among partners in the supply chain.
Customer expectations are increasingly volatile and at the same time increasingly
specific. To meet these conflicting demands and yet maintain position in the market,
manufacturers must both multiply the number of end items and customize the end
items. This creates the requirement for style items, which are items assembled from
characteristics such as style, fabric, color, length, and other variables. The number of
child or end style items available is based on the number of attributes and levels for a
parent-level style item.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system from Oracle supports
any product produced with differentiated multiple attributes such as sizes, lengths,
colors, widths, and materials. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system capabilities may apply to such industries as:













Automotive parts

Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


Industry Environment and Concepts


Consumer electronics



2.1.1 Steel Industry
The steel industry manufactures hot-rolled sheet metal, which is stored in rolls that
are, for example, 6 feet wide, 5 feet in diameter, and weigh approximately 40,000
pounds. The manufacture of hot-rolled steel includes such characteristics as material,
gauge (thickness), and width.
A steel supplier purchases hot-rolled steel from the manufacturer and puts the sheet
metal through a leveling process. The leveling process both unrolls and flattens the
sheet metal, which the supplier then cuts to length. The sheet metal product is
presented in sheets to be used for the manufacture of cabinets, sheet metal parts such
as registers or radiator grates, and metal roofing and siding for steel buildings. The
product characteristics of the sheet metal sold by the supplier are material, gauge
(thickness), width, and length.
An example of a style item in the steel industry is metal roofing. The style item is
metal roofing and the style item attributes or levels are 14 gauge rolled steel, 4 feet
wide, 10 feet long, and green in color.

2.1.2 Paper Industry
The paper industry produces paper products such as printing paper, condenser paper,
tea bags, paper towels, and toilet paper. Characteristics of paper include the material,
which consists of a chemical composition specifically formulated for usage, color,
thickness, and width and can be shipped per customer's roll diameter specifications.
An example of a style item in the paper industry is a paper towel. Characteristics of a
roll of paper towels include:

Number of ply sheets, such as 1 or 2.


Size of the ply sheet, such as 11 x 11 inches.


Thickness of each ply sheet.


Number of sheets per roll, such as 90.


Type of core (diameter and material).

The paper is manufactured, plied, cored, and cut to customer specifications. The rolls
of paper towels are then packaged on a pallet and shipped to the packaging and
distribution warehouse. Paper towels can be packaged and sold in single rolls or
packages of 3, 6, or 12.

2.1.3 Furniture Industry
The furniture industry manufactures furniture in various configurations. For example,
in the configuration of a sofa style item, variables may include the frame, feet, arms,
back cushions, and bottom cushions.

2.1.4 Apparel Industry
The apparel industry is a highly competitive market that provides different items for
different customers. The diverse profiles of apparel industry customers add
complexity to the mix. Each customer has its own set of expectations, which must be
met simultaneously.

2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Industry Environment and Concepts

Buying consumers in the apparel industry include men, women, and children.
An example of a style item in the apparel industry is jeans. Jeans have inside leg
measurements, which allow the customer to benefit from a customized item at the
price of ready-to-wear.
The apparel manufacturing industry has moved sharply towards a business model of
design, marketing, and distribution. The typical time frame for an apparel item from
concept to delivery is approximately two years. This diagram illustrates the product
life cycle of apparel items:
Figure 2–1 Apparel product life cycle

The product life cycle begins with the design of apparel items. If collections are used,
then collection development begins as well. Product and collection development
encompass seasonal and permanent items.
The forecast generated for seasonal items is typically defined as a best-guess estimate
based upon customer trends. You forecast at the item level and then drive planning
down to material requirements planning (MRP) generation at the item level.
An item may start as a seasonal item, but the hope is that it will become a permanent
item if possible. An example of a seasonal item is a swimsuit. It may be a seasonal item
in one market, but may become a permanent item in a market that sells swimwear
year round.
The forecast for permanent items is fairly standard. You forecast at the item level,
which also drives MRP at the item level. The delivery of permanent items is in a short
time frame. An example of a permanent item is jeans, which are available year round.
Technical and industrial development planning commences soon after apparel item
development begins. The technical and industrial development phase entails the
development of bills of material and routings required to manufacture items. This
phase also includes the specification of machines required for production and
determination of subcontracting requirements for outside operations.

Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


Industry Environment and Concepts

Material purchasing activities acquire the necessary fabrics, zippers, buttons, and other
items required to manufacture the apparel items. Blanket orders for purchasing are
used because you know at the beginning that you will need a specific number of yards
of fabric. You enter a blanket order with the supplier to reserve the material quantities
needed, and then you release the purchase orders at different times to support the
manufacturing process.
Approximately nine months into the development of apparel items, the pilot
manufacturing run is performed.
At the end of the first year of development, wholesale selling begins. Manufacturing of
the apparel items begins at the end of the development, planning, and purchasing
phases. Delivery begins once manufacturing is underway. Delivery may be in a short
time frame of four to six weeks to deliver all items.
The last phases involve the sale, manufacture, and delivery of replenishment items. If
you have replenishment orders but you do not remanufacture, then you replenish with
whatever items you have left.
The life cycle of permanent apparel items works a bit differently than seasonal
collections because material is needed all the time.
Ready-to-wear apparel is made in standard sizes and available from merchandise in
stock. The customer looks for characteristics such as style, color, and size when
purchasing the ready-made items.
Children's ready-to-wear apparel supports a large number of sizes in the same item.
Examples of ready-to-wear apparel products include but are not limited to:

Socks and sockets.


Lingerie and beachwear.


Leather goods.


Costume jewelry.


Sporting attire. Socks and Sockets
Socks and sockets are ready-made items. Sockets are lining socks or small anklet socks.
The manufacturing process for socks and sockets consists of:








The distribution channels imply the packaging, brand, and selling units. The same
sock can have different brand names.
Socks have multiple units of measure, which include the weight of the thread,
dimensions (knit), and selling units of the end-item. For example, you can sell socks by
pairs, and by two or three pairs. Lingerie and Beachwear
Lingerie and beachwear are multi-attribute items. The number of attributes managed
for both items is not the same. Style, color, and size make up various components.

2-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Overview

Style is differentiated by what is drawn up by the stylist. The style is always the same,
but the color and size can be different.
A top consists of style, color, straps, size, and cup. A bottom consists of style, color,
and size.
Lingerie and beachwear can be seasonal and permanent items depending on the
market area. Color depends on the season, and price may vary by color. Leather Goods
Leather goods for the apparel industry include anything made of leather that can be
worn, such as jackets, vests, hats, boots, pants, and belts for any consumer. Costume Jewelry
Costume jewelry comprises necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewelry may have
themes, such as bridal, vintage, and western as examples. Sporting Attire
The apparel industry supplies sporting attire for men, women, and children. Items
include jackets, pants, tops, hats, socks, headbands, and wristbands.

2.2 The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System
This section discusses:

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.


Industry trades.

2.2.1 The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system supports style items in
distribution and manufacturing industries. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system integrates with other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems from
Oracle to create a complete supply chain solution. Companies can use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to effectively manage complex product
assortments and continuous product line innovation throughout their entire supply
The business processes for style items can be more complex than those for standard
manufactured items because of the multiple attributes associated with style items.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system integrates with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to define and manage style
items. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system enables you to
view, adjust, issue, and transfer groups of child style items based on their multi level
hierarchical definitions.
A collection may be put together by a manufacturer or designer each season to
showcase new trends for a particular market. A collection template is a subset of style
items from one or more collections. These templates are used during sales order entry,
as well as purchase order entry, to simplify the process of entering orders. A collection
template contains frequently ordered style items.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management
provides a matrix entry form for supporting customer orders. For each style item or
Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Overview

collection template, the system displays a matrix entry form on which you can enter
item quantities by size, color, or any other attributes. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales
Order Management for Apparel Management integrates with Sales Price List,
Allocations, Inventory Management, and Collection Management. You can also
perform a mass update of sales order style items only.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system facilitates the wholesale
allocation and delivery of style items. You use allocation rules to facilitate the effective
and efficient distribution of available style items to fill sales orders. You generate
allocation and delivery proposals. Allocation proposals enable you to share the
available stock among several sales orders in the case of product shortages. Delivery
proposals ensure consistent deliveries to customers.
To perform allocations for style items you set up commitment rules, generate
allocation proposals, generate delivery proposals, and validate allocation and delivery
After you set up the style item root level 0 and child style items in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you can use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Product Data Management system to set up bills of material, create
routings, and set up outsource operations for the manufacture of style items.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning and JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management systems integrate to support material planning
for style items. The systems facilitate message review and preserve data consistency by
enabling a matrix view of the lowest level child style items. You can process messages,
add quantities by size, split messages, group messages, calculate adjustments, and
generate transfer orders for style items.
After you enter style items and collections, bills of material, and routings, you can use
programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management system to
complete the manufacture of style items. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor
Management system enables you to manage and track manufacturing work orders. A
master work order is a collection of individual standard manufacturing work orders
that correspond to the child style items.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system integrates with the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to enable you to create
purchase prices, enter blanket orders, enter purchase orders, release blanket orders,
and print purchase orders for style items and collections.

2.2.2 Industry Trades
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system supports the
manufacture and wholesale distribution of style items.
This diagram illustrates the industry trades for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel

2-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Overview

Figure 2–2 Industry trades for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system integrates with JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing systems to support the planning and
manufacturing of style items. The system also supports the outsourcing of operations.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system integrates with JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution systems to support the sale and distribution of
style items. Wholesale distribution involves selling to a distributor.
Note: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system
does not support consignment and is not a retail solution.

Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System Overview

2-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management System

This chapter contains the following topics:


Section 3.1, "Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
Section 3.2, "Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System"

3.1 Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
This section provides an overview of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system activation and discusses how to activate the Apparel
Management system.

3.1.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System
Before you can enter and process style item data, you must activate the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system. When you activate Apparel
Management, the system creates links between the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management system and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems provided
by Oracle. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system code is 41F.
For you to activate system 41F, a record containing the following data must exist in the
OneWorld System Control File table (F99410):

The Data Item field contains SY41F.


The Use Module field contains Yes.

You activate system 41F using the EnterpriseOne System Control program (P99410).
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system stores system constants in the F99410 table.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

3.1.2 Forms Used to Activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
Form Name




Work With
EnterpriseOne System

Enter P99410 in the
Fast Path field and
then press Enter.

Access forms to
activate JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne System W99410B
Control - Revisions

On the Work With
EnterpriseOne System
Control form, select
the row containing the
data item SY41F, and
click Select.

Activate the JD
Apparel Management

3.1.3 Activating the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System
Access the EnterpriseOne System Control - Revisions form.
To activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system:

Verify that the value SY41F is in the Data Item field.
The system constant description associated with SY41F, Use Apparel
Management Module, appears in the Alpha Description field.


In the Module Existence option, select Yes.


Click OK to activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.

Data Item

Displays a code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric
code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or special characters such as %,
&, and +. You create new data items using system codes 55–59. You cannot change the
Alpha Description

Displays a description of the data items. Enter text in uppercase and lowercase. The
system uses this name to search for similar data items. To enter an alpha description,
follow these conventions:
Dates: Begin all date fields with the word Date.
Amounts: Begin all amount fields with the word Amount.
Units: Begin all unit, quantity, and volume fields with the word Units.
Name: Begin all 30-byte description fields with the word Name.
Prompt: Begin any Y/N prompting field with the word Prompt.
Address Number: Begin all address numbers (employee, customer, owner) with the
word Address Number.
Module Existence

Select an option to indicate whether a particular module has been installed in your

3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

3.2 Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System
This section provides an overview of next numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management system and discusses how to set up next numbers for the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system.

3.2.1 Understanding Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System
You set up standard next numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system by system code. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system uses system code 41F. The system provides the following next





The MatrixWorkFile is an internal, non-customer facing next number used to make
a work file unique.
Note: Next numbers are central to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
systems. You must be thoroughly familiar with next numbers before
you change them.

For next numbers:

Don't omit the next number value.


Don't change the next number value after you begin processing transactions.

Document numbers can be assigned by next numbers by system or next numbers by
company and fiscal year.
For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management, next numbers are setup by
system number.
See "Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial
Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

3.2.2 Forms Used to Set Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management System
Form Name




Work With Next


Enter nn in the Fast Path

Review a list of the
systems that require next

On the Work With Next
Numbers form, select the
system (for example, 41F)
in which to set up next

Verify the setup of next
numbers that are used by
the system.

Set Up Next Numbers W0002C
by System

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System


Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

3.2.3 Setting Up Next Numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
Access the Set Up Next Numbers by System form.

3-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management for Apparel

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 4.1, "Understanding Item Management"


Section 4.2, "Understanding Inventory Transactions"


Section 4.3, "Defining Size Matrix Grids"


Section 4.4, "Defining Level Types"


Section 4.5, "Defining Item Structures"


Section 4.6, "Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry"


Section 4.7, "Creating an Item Hierarchy"


Section 4.8, "Creating Root Items"


Section 4.9, "Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information"


Section 4.10, "Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation"


Section 4.11, "Generating Style Items by Batch"


Section 4.12, "Working with Item Revisions"


Section 4.13, "Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items"


Section 4.14, "Purging Style Item Data"


Section 4.15, "Converting Standard Items to Style Items"


Section 4.16, "Issuing Inventory for Style Items"


Section 4.17, "Adjusting Inventory for Style Items"


Section 4.18, "Transferring Inventory for Style Items"

4.1 Understanding Item Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system defines discrete
inventory items, which enable you to manipulate inventory throughout the supply
chain. The term item refers to all components, raw materials, assemblies, and finished
goods that are in inventory, as well as supplies that are purchased but not included in
inventory. Before you can work with inventory, you must provide the information
about the items that you stock. You can specify information such as item information,

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Understanding Item Management

sales and purchasing costs, and available quantities by location to help track and
process each item through the supply chain.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system supports style items that
are more complex than standard inventory items. Style items may have many
attributes, such as size, length, width, and color. To handle these variations easily, you
define the variations within the product as different levels of a hierarchy. When you
define these levels for a style item, the system creates item numbers for each item
variation. Unlike style items, standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items do not have
multiple levels.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system integrates with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to define and manage style
items. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management programs that contain
functionality specific to style items are:

Item Master (P4101)


Style Item Master (PCW51)


Item Branch/Plant (P41026)


Matrix Grid (PCW03)


Size Weight Entry (PCW32)


Automatic Splitting by Size Definition (PCW33)


Item Level Type (PCW011)


Work with Item Structures (PCW01)


Composition Entry (PCW44)


Additional Style Item Information (PCW45)

You must enter details that correspond to a style item in the Style Item Master
program. The style item master information includes:

Item number.


Item name.




General information about the item.

When you create a style item, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
system stores the style item details in the Item Structure Definition (FCW02), and Item
Master (F4101) tables and it stores additional information in the Additional Style Item
Information table (FCW61).
The system uses the column position to organize records in the FCW02 table for that
level. For example, if the column position of the level Color is 4 as defined in the Item
Level Type program (PCW011) and Color is the first level in the JE51 style item
structure, then the FCW02 records for JE51 store all the JE51.Colors (for example,
JE51.BLUE and JE51.RED) at level number one based on the structure definition from
the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01). However, the system stores the
colors (for example, blue and red) in the level 4 column based on the column position
defined in the Item Level Type program. So, the system stores the color values in the
level 4 column in the FCW02 table for any style item structure that uses Color as one of
its levels.
This section discusses:

Product structure

4-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Item Management


Exception management


Item creation process

4.1.1 Product Structure
Style items have a unique product structure which consists of the style item root level
0 as the parent and its associated child items.
In the apparel industry, not only are a variety of products available; also, the customer
base is spread across different age groups and genders. This diagram shows examples
of different products and customers in the apparel industry:
Figure 4–1 Customer base of apparel products

Each product may have numerous variations. For example, a shirt can have many
styles, colors, and sizes. To manage these product variations, you must define the
product details using hierarchy levels. This diagram illustrates the hierarchy levels for
a style item:
Figure 4–2 Style item product structure

Use the first level of the product hierarchy, style item root level 0, to define general
attributes of a product. The details that you specify at the style item root level 0 are
inherited by the lower levels in the hierarchy. In addition to the basic attributes that
are inherited from style item root level 0, you can specify additional information for
the child item. These additional details are specific to the child items.
You define different variation levels in the product hierarchy by defining an item
structure. This diagram illustrates the item structure definition:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Understanding Item Management

Figure 4–3 Style item structure for style item jacket Levels
You can define variations within a product as multiple levels in the product hierarchy.
You can define color, size, style, and other variations as different levels in the
hierarchy. You may have up to 10 levels in the product hierarchy. The first level is style
item root level 0, which defines the basic attributes, such as style and other generic
information. Lower levels in the product hierarchy inherit the basic attributes from the
style item root level 0. You can attach the levels to a specific structure or structures by
using the Item Level Type program (PCW011). The system stores the level types in the
Item Level Type table (FCW011).
You can control levels in the product hierarchy using other attributes. The level that
describes color gets its attributes from a user-defined code (UDC), and you control the
level at which you define size with a size matrix grid.
See Defining Level Types. Structures
Structures are the location used to attach different variations or levels of a product. For
example, you need to define variations of the product jeans. You define the variations
as different levels using the Item Level Type program. Then you attach the variations
that are defined at the level types with a UDC to define the structure applicable to a
You use the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01) to define structures. The
system stores structure details in the Item Structure Detail table (FCW01).
See Defining Item Structures. Style Item Characteristics
The basic characteristics of a style item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system are:

4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Item Management


Multi-level structure.
You define the style item details in a hierarchical structure. You can define up to 10
levels, such as style, wash, color, width, and length.


You can manage a huge number of child-level style items by managing level
structure definitions. For example, color, size, multi-attribute, and length.


Ability to work with groups of style items.
Ability to enter, modify, and view groups of style items.


Child-level style items inherit characteristics from the root-level style item at the
time of both style item creation and style item modification.


Size grids.
You can use size grids to view and update all the style item levels at once.


Exception management.
You can make variations for an inherited attribute in any of the levels in the
product hierarchy.


Intensive usage of matrixes.
You can use a matrix when working with style items in sales, purchase, and work


Labels and composition.
You can specify the list of materials in the composition with the corresponding
percentages of each material. The label comprises the composition information. Matrix
Products often have a number of variations, although they share the same basic
properties. An example is the style item root level 0 jeans. Customers may demand
variations in the attributes of jeans, such as skinny, short, straight leg, boot cut, and
faded. After you enter the style item root level 0 jeans, you create matrix definitions to
handle variations in the product hierarchy. The matrix enables you to easily access all
available variations of a style item when you enter just the style item root level 0.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system uses matrixes for:



Order management

Sales orders


Purchase orders


Work orders

Inventory management



Inventory inquiries

Sales order and purchase order reports

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Understanding Item Management

4.1.2 Exception Management
Each level in the product structure can have different attributes. The number of child
style items available is based on the number of attributes and levels for a product. The
attributes that are set at the style item root level 0 of the style item hierarchy are
inherited by the lower levels or child style items. However, you can define an
exception for the inheritance of an attribute. For example, if you specify a price for a
shirt at style item root level 0, then this price is inherited by the child style items. If you
change the price for the shirt with a double extra large (XXL) size, then you make the
change and any further changes to price at a higher level will not be inherited by the
XXL size shirt.

4.1.3 Item Creation Process
You use the Style Item Master program (PCW51) to create a style item in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system. When you create an item, you
need to specify the following details:

Item identifiers.


Item description.


Item rules.


Item costs and prices.


Item weights and measures.

When you define a style item, define the basic UDCs and perform the system setup
first. Next, define the levels along with the column position details. Finally, attach the
UDCs to the item structures. You must have item definitions at every level of the
product hierarchy. This diagram illustrates the style item creation process:
Figure 4–4 Style item creation process

4-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Size Matrix Grids

See Also:

Creating Root Items.

4.2 Understanding Inventory Transactions
Companies routinely use inventory transactions to move items within and among
their facilities. The three types of inventory transactions are:

Issues, which typically record the removal of inventory from locations.


Adjustments, which reconcile discrepancies between physical and system counts.


Transfers, which record movement between different locations in a branch/plant
or between different branch/plants.

Inventory transactions allow users to directly update inventory quantity, location, or
lot. All inventory movement updates the item ledger. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management system enables you to view, adjust, issue, and transfer groups of
child style items based on their multi level hierarchical definitions.
See Issuing Inventory for Style Items.
See Adjusting Inventory for Style Items.
See Transferring Inventory for Style Items.
See Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items.

4.3 Defining Size Matrix Grids
This section provides an overview of size management and discusses how to:

Define the grid code.


Define the size matrix grid.


Define a size split.


Define size weight.


Verify the setup for the system constants "SPLITC" and SPLITI."

4.3.1 Understanding Size Management
Size is one of the attributes or levels for most style items. A size matrix grid defines all
of the sizes that can be used with a particular item type, such as women's shirts, belts,
or men's slacks. The grids are based on industry standards for measuring. They also
may vary by region or country.
When using size matrix grids, you should consider the countries for which the item is
being produced. Sizes might be expressed differently for different countries, as shown
in this diagram:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Size Matrix Grids

Figure 4–5 Women's wear size comparison by country

Use the Matrix Grid program (PCW03) to define size matrix grids. The system stores
size grids in the Matrix Grid table (FCW03).
To associate an item level (such as size, width, or length) with a particular size matrix
grid, you must set up grid codes for each grid and attach these grid codes to the item
You can set up multiple size matrix grids for a variety of items, countries, and
languages. A particular item can use a range of sizes within a size matrix grid. For
example, you might have a size matrix grid for women's shirt sizes within the U.S. The
grid includes values from size four to thirty. However, a specific women's shirt is
produced only for sizes six through eighteen.
Size matrix grids can also be language-specific. For the same size matrix grid code,
you can define a set of sizes for the Chinese language and a set of sizes for French.
The system retrieves size definitions from FCW03 using a combination of the
localization country code and language preference. It searches for each of the
following combinations in the order shown until it finds a match:

Localization country code and language preference, both from the User Profile
Revisions program (P0092).


Localization country code from the User Profile Revisions program and a blank or
domestic language preference.


A blank country code and the language preference from the User Profile Revisions


A blank country code and blank language preference.

After you define your size matrix grids, you can also specify size split and size weight
rules in order to allocate inventory for sales orders. The system stores this information
in the Automatic Splitting by Size Definition and Specification for Automatic Splitting
of Quantities by Size tables (FCW031 and FCW47).
You can define split rules by size for a specific grid code. You can also attach an item
category code or a customer category code to the split rules so that they only apply to
specific items and customers. The split by size is represented by percentages. These
percentages must always add up to 100 percent. These rules are used during sales
order and purchase order entry. For example, you might have sizes Small, Medium,
and Large. You can set up a rule to split the item quantity as shown:

Small - 25 percent

4-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Size Matrix Grids


Medium - 50 percent


Large - 25 percent

In this example, if a customer orders 100 of the item and they are using this split rule,
they will receive 25 size Small, 50 size Medium, and 25 size Large items.
Another method for allocating inventory by size is size weight. You can define weight
rules by size for a specific grid code. The weight by size is represented by multipliers.
These rules are used at the time that allocations are executed. For example, you might
define these weights: 1 for size 38, 3 for size 39, and 2 for size 40. In this example, the
customer will receive twice as many size 40s as size 38s, and three times as many size
See Also:

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel

4.3.2 Forms Used to Define Size Matrix Grids
Form Name




Grid Code - Work
with User Defined


Style Item
(G41F461), Grid Code

Define the grid code.

Work with Size
Definitions for Matrix


Style Item Setup
Define, review,
(G41F42), Matrix Grid update, and delete
size matrix grids.

Size Definitions for
Matrix Grid Revisions

Style Item Setup
Define a size matrix
(G41F42), Matrix Grid grid.
Click Add.

Work With Automatic WCW33C
Splitting by Size

Define, review,
Style Item Setup
(G41F42), Matrix Grid update, and delete a
size split.
Select the grid code
for which you want to
define split rules and
select Size Split from
the Row menu.

Automatic Splitting
by Size Definition

Define a size split.
Style Item Setup
(G41F42), Matrix Grid


Click Add on the
Work with Automatic
Splitting by Size
Definition form.
Size Weight Revisions WCW32B

Style Item Setup
Define size weight.
(G41F42), Matrix Grid
Select the grid code
for which you want to
define weight rules
and select Size Weight
from the Row menu.

General Parameters Work with User
Defined Codes


Style Item
(G41F461), General

Verify the setup for
the system constants
"SPLITC" and

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Size Matrix Grids

4.3.3 Defining the Grid Code
Access the Grid Code - Work with User Defined Codes form.
This is the 41F/GD UDC.

Click Add.


On the User Defined Codes form, enter values for the Codes, Description 1,
Special Handling, and Hard Coded columns.
You can define multiple grid codes at the same time.


Click OK to create your new grid codes.
Note: You also need to define your grid codes as valid UDC values
for whichever category code in the Item Master will hold the grid
code. The category code that is used for the size grid codes is defined
when you define the level type. For example, if you use SRP3, then
you must add the grid code values to 41/S3.

See Defining Level Types.

4.3.4 Defining the Size Matrix Grid
Access the Size Matrix Grid Revisions form.

Enter a value in the Grid Code field.


Enter the Localization Country Code, if applicable.
Note: You must enter the Localization Country Code when defining
country-specific size definitions for a size grid code. The system uses
the Localization Country Code that is set up in the User Profile
Revisions program (P0092) to retrieve size grid code definitions. If no
size grid code definitions exist for the Localization Country Code (set
up in the User Profile Revisions program), the system uses the size
grid code definition defined with a blank localization country code.


Enter a value in the Language field, if applicable.
You must enter the Language when defining language-specific
size definitions for a size grid code. The system uses the Language
Preference that is set up in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092)
to retrieve the language-specific size grid code definitions from
FCW03. For example, if your language preference is set to Chinese, the
system uses the size definitions that are defined for the Chinese
language. If no size grid code definitions exist for the Language
Preference (set up in the User Profile Revisions program), the system
uses the size grid code definition defined for the domestic language
(blank value).



Enter the size values for the size matrix grid in the Value fields. You can enter up
to 30 values.

4-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Size Matrix Grids

4.3.5 Defining a Size Split
Access the Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form.
Figure 4–6 Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form

To define a size split:

Enter a value in the Item Category Code field if you want the size split to apply to
specific items.
Note: The value that you enter in this field must also be attached to
the items that use this size split. Use the SPLITI system constant to
define the field from the Item Master where you attach this code.


Enter a value in the Customer Category Code field if you want the size split to
apply to specific customers.
Note: The value that you enter in this field must also be attached to
the customers that use this size split. Use the SPLITC system constant
to define the field from Address Book where you attach this code.


Enter the percentage of the quantity that you want to allocate to each of the values
and click OK. The sum of the percentages must equal 100 percent.
Note: You may want to enter a value for every size so that if you
enable a size for a style item at a later date, the size split is available
immediately for that newly enabled size.

See Also:

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel

4.3.6 Defining Size Weight
Access the Size Weight Revisions form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Level Types


Enter a multiplier for each of the values.


Click OK.
See Also:

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel

4.3.7 Verifying the Setup for the System Constants "SPLITC" and "SPLITI"
Access the General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes form.
This is the 41F/00 UDC.

Select the SPLITC code.
This code is used to attach size split to a specific customer. The constant defines
which category code in address book is used to hold the customer category code
for the automatic splitting by size definition.


Verify that Split Category Address Book is the description in the Description 01


Verify that AC03 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from
the Address Book where you want to store the customer category code for size
split. If you want to use a category code other than AC03, you can change this


Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.


If you have made any changes, click OK.


Select the SPLITI code.
This code is used to attach size split to a specific item. The constant defines which
category code in the item master is used to hold the item category code for the
automatic splitting by size definition.


Verify that Split Category Item is the description in the Description 01 column.


Verify that SRP1 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from
the Item Master where you want to store the item category code for size split. If
you want to use a category code other than SRP1, you can change this value.


Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.

10. If you have made any changes, click OK.

4.4 Defining Level Types
This section provides an overview of level types, lists prerequisites, and discusses how
to define level types.

4.4.1 Understanding Level Types
Level types refer to the actual levels or attributes associated with a particular style
item. You can define up to 10 levels for an item. The first level, style item root level 0,
defines the basic style of the item. The levels make up the hierarchy of the style item.
Color, wash, width, and length are all examples of level types. Use the Item Level Type
program (PCW011) to define level types. The system stores the level type information
in the Item Level Type table (FCW011).

4-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Level Types

This diagram illustrates a style item with multiple levels. The style item root level 0 is
Figure 4–7 Levels for style item Jeans

When you define a level type, you specify whether the valid values for the level will
be provided by a size matrix grid (grid code) or a UDC. For levels that use a grid code
(for example, waist size and leg length), you must associate them with a category code
field from the Item Master. The category code field holds the grid code value. For
levels that use UDCs (for example, type of wash and color), you must define the UDCs
All of the level types used for a particular item are grouped together in the item
structure. The values for the levels are then used to create the style items. In the
previous diagram, the item structure consists of style item root level 0, Jeans, followed
by levels for wash, color, width, and length. When you create the style item, the values
for each of these levels are included as part of the item name, which would be
JE501.SW.BLUE.32.40 in this example. In this item name example, SW indicates that
the wash is stone-washed, BLUE is the color of the jeans, 32 is the value for the width,
and 40 is the value for the length. You also define how these levels are reflected in the
creation and naming of the child style items.

4.4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:

You must create any custom UDC codes and values that you will use to define
valid values for your level types.
For example, if you will be creating a level type for color, then you might create
UDC 41F/CO with valid values that represent the colors red, black, blue, green,
and white.


You must decide which category code in the Item Master will hold the item
structure code.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Level Types

4.4.3 Forms Used to Define Level Types
Form Name




Work with Item Level


Style Item Setup
(G41F42), Define
Level Types

Define, review,
update, and delete
item level types.

Item Level Type


Style Item Setup
(G41F42), Define
Level Types

Define level types.

Click Add.

4.4.4 Defining Level Types
Access the Item Level Type Revisions form.
Figure 4–8 Item Level Type Revisions form

To define level types:

Specify a code that defines the attribute of a style item in the Level Type Code
field. The system uses this code as a level in the definition of the item structure.


Enter a description of the level type code in the Description field.


Specify whether you want to use the 2nd item code or the description to generate
the style item by entering C or D, respectively, in the 2nd Item Code or Description
For example, the level type is color and the value code for this level is BLCK with
a description of BLACK. If you enter C in this field, then the system uses BLCK. If
you enter D in this field, then the system uses BLACK.
Note: If you are defining a size-related level that will use a size grid,
you should enter D in the 2nd Item Code or Description field in order
to see the actual size when the style items are created.

4-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Item Structures


Specify a value to determine the length of the code or description for this level in
the Code or Description Length field.


Enter the column position for this level in the Column Position field. This value
determines the position where a level is placed. The system uses this value in Bill
of Material Association, for column level headings in Matrix Entry, and to store the
item hierarchy in the FCW02 table.
The column position of a level defined in the Item Level Type
program is not related to the position of a level within a style item
structure. Also, you cannot change the column position of a level once
the level is used in a structure.



If you want to update a sales category code in the Item Master with the level type
code, enter that sales category code in the Category Code Alias-Style field. You
might collect this information for reporting purposes.


Specify the UDC table to use for the values of this level in the Product Code and
User Defined Codes fields.
You will need to have previously created any custom UDC codes and values that
you want to use for this level type.


If the level is based on a size grid, leave the Define using UDC section blank.
Instead, you must specify the category code in the Item Master in which you will
define the size grid used for the item. Enter this code in the Grid Category Code
Alias-Style field.
Note: You also need to define the grid code as a valid UDC value for
the category code that you select here. For example, if you choose to
use SRP3 to hold your grid code, then you must add your grid code
values to the 41/S3 UDC table.


Click OK.

4.5 Defining Item Structures
This section provides an overview of item structures and discusses how to:

Define the structure code.


Define item structures.


Verify the setup for the system constant "STRUCTURE."

4.5.1 Understanding Item Structures
After creating level types, you must decide which levels will be used by a particular
style item. You can then define an item structure that includes all of these levels in a
specific order. You create a new structure code in UDC 41F/IS and then use the Work
with Item Structures program (PCW01) to define that item structure. The Item
Structure Detail table (FCW01) stores the item structure information from this
program. After you define the item structure, you must define the category code in the
Item Master that will contain the value of the structure. This category code is used to
attach a specific structure to a style item. To define which category code to use, you
must enter the value "STRUCTURE" into the 41F/00 UDC.
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Item Structures

This diagram shows a variety of item structures that might be set up for different style
Figure 4–9 Structure examples for different style items

4.5.2 Forms Used to Define Item Structures
Form Name




Item Structure - Work
with User Defined


Style Item
(G41F461), Item

Define, revise, or
delete item structure

Work with Item


Review, revise, or
Style Item Setup
(G41F42), Define Item delete item structures.

Define Item Structure


Style Item Setup
Define item
(G41F42), Define Item structures.
Select a row and click

General Parameters Work with User
Defined Codes


Style Item
(G41F461), General

Verify the setup for
the system constant

4.5.3 Defining the Item Structure Code
Access the Item Structure - Work with User Defined Codes form.
This is the 41F/IS UDC.

Click Add.


On the User Defined Codes form, enter values in the grid for the Codes,
Description 1, Special Handling, and Hard Coded columns.
You can define multiple item structure codes at the same time.


Click OK to create your new item structure codes.

4.5.4 Defining Item Structures
Access the Work with Item Structures form.
4-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Item Structures


Enter the item structure that you want to define in the Item Structure field.


Click Add.
Note: On the Define Item Structure form, the first level (Level 0) will
always have a Level Type Code of ROO. You cannot change this
value. Level 0 is always the style item root level 0.


For each level that you want to include in the item structure, complete these fields:

Level Type Code
Enter a code that defines the attribute of a style item. The system uses this
code as a level in the definition of item structure.


Separator (Y/N)
Enter a value that specifies whether a separator is required or not. Values are:
Y: Separator is required.
N: Separator is not required.


Separator Code
Enter a code that determines the concatenation of values for various levels of a
style item. The value entered in this field is used only if the value in the
Separator (Y/N) field is set to Y. For example, if the style item is a shirt with
blue color, XL size, and the separator code selected is /, then the system
displays the style item as Shirt/Blue/XL.


Matrix Line (Y/N)
Enter a value that determines whether to display the matrix. Values are Y or
N. The value in the first row corresponds to whether or not the system
displays the matrix.
Y: Matrix displays.
N: Matrix does not display.
The value in the last row corresponds to whether the matrix appears in a
horizontal or vertical orientation.
Y: Horizontal orientation
N: Vertical orientation
If the value in the first row is N, then the value in the last row does not have
any effect because the system will not display the matrix.

You can enter up to nine levels for the item structure, not including the style item
root level 0.

4.5.5 Verifying the Setup for the System Constant "STRUCTURE"
Access the General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes form.
This is the 41F/00 UDC.

Select the STRUCTURE code.


Verify that Alias Storing Item Structure is the description in the Description 1

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry


Verify that SRP1 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from
the Item Master where you want to store the structure. If you want to use a
category code other than SRP1, you can change this value.


Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.


If you have made any changes, click OK.
Note: The item structures that you define in the 41F/IS UDC also
need to be defined as valid UDC values for whichever category code
in the Item Master that you are going to use for item structures. For
example, if you define the system constant STRUCTURE to use SRP1,
then you must also set up all of your item structure codes as valid
values in the 41/S1 UDC table.

4.6 Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry
You must specify the column or field text descriptions that appear within matrix entry,
as well as the order in which they appear.
The column headings are directly related to the column positions that you defined for
your level types.
This section discusses how to define level column headings for matrix entry.

4.6.1 Forms Used to Define Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry
Form Name




Column Heading Work with User
Defined Codes


Style Item
(G41F461), Column

Define, review, and
delete UDCs.

Column Heading User Defined Codes


Style Item
(G41F461), Column

Define level column
headings for Matrix

Click Add.

4.6.2 Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry
Access the Column Heading - Work with User Defined Codes form.
This is the 41F/CH UDC.

Click Add.


Enter the order in which you want the column headings to appear in the Codes
field (for example, 1,2,3).


Enter the text that you want to appear for the column heading in the Description 1


Click OK to save your new column heading values.

4-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating an Item Hierarchy

4.7 Creating an Item Hierarchy
This section provides an overview of item hierarchy and discusses how to create an
item hierarchy.

4.7.1 Understanding Item Hierarchy
A style item can have many variations due to a widespread customer base. To
accommodate these variations, you need to define the style item in a multi-level
hierarchical structure with the variations as various levels of the hierarchy. The item
hierarchy defines the structure of the item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system. You can have up to 10 levels in the item hierarchy to
accommodate variations within a product. The following diagram is an example of a
style item hierarchy:
Figure 4–10

Item hierarchy for style item Shirt

The item hierarchy defines the levels of variations that are applicable for the style item
and the variations within each level. For example, a shirt can have levels such as style,
wash, color, and size. The level that defines color consists of the color variations that
are applicable for the style item. Most of the basic attributes, such as style, composition
of material, and cleaning codes, are defined at the first level, which is also called style
item root level 0 of the hierarchy. The common attributes that are defined at style item
root level 0 are inherited by the lower levels of the hierarchy. You define each level
with the corresponding details using the Item Level Type program (PCW011). Then
you must attach the level types to a structure code (UDC 41F/IS) using the Work with
Item Structures program (PCW01). You can create the item hierarchy by attaching the
structure code to a style item during the item creation or update process.
Attaching a structure code to a style item does not complete the item hierarchy
creation process. The item hierarchy creation process also includes the creation of the
child style items at various levels of the hierarchy. You can create child item definitions
automatically, on demand, or by batch. You set the mode of creating child style item
definitions in the hierarchy, in the processing options of the Style Item Master
program. You use the Item Structure Definition program (PCW02) to create the child
style item definitions manually.
Each style item hierarchy has a style item root level 0 at the parent level and then child
style items. After you create the item hierarchy and child style items, you cannot delete
the child levels or parent level items. You can, however, enable the deletion of child or
parent level items in a hierarchy by using the Delete Complete Levels processing
option on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program.
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Creating an Item Hierarchy

You can configure each level of an item hierarchy through the Multi Level Item
Revision program (PCW02A). You can select or deselect the grid or UDC values that
are attached to a level. The system creates the child style items based on the variations
that are defined at every level of the item hierarchy. For example, a matrix size grid is
attached to the structure code, which is applicable to a style item. The grid values are
32, 34, 36, 38, and 40. If you do not want to generate child style items with the size 40,
then you can select all values except 40. Then, the system generates an item hierarchy
with the selected variations at the child level.
Note: Once you create the child style items, you cannot change the
values specified at each level.

4.7.2 Forms Used to Create an Item Hierarchy
Form Name




Item Structure


On the Work With
Style Item Master
Browse form, select
style item root level 0
and select Structure
Definition from the
Row menu.

Work with the style
item hierarchy.

4.7.3 Creating an Item Hierarchy
Access the Item Structure Definition form.
To create an item hierarchy:

Search and select the style item on the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.


On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item and then select
Category Codes from the Row menu.


Enter the structure code in the Sales Catalog Section field and enter the matrix grid
code for the attached structure in the appropriate field.


Click OK to save the changes.


On the Multi Level Item Revision form, click Close.


On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, select style item root level 0 and
then select Structure Definition from the Row menu.


On the Item Structure Definition form, select the style item and click Create Child
Note: If you specified the structure code during item creation, then
the system displays the Item Structure Definition form as the exit
point during style item creation. In that case, you do not need to
perform all of the steps listed previously. Instead, you need to click the
Create Child Items button when you reach the Item Structure
Definition form.

Also, if you set the Item Structure Creation processing option on the
Structure tab of the Style Item Master program for the automatic
generation of child style items, then the system creates the structure.

4-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Root Items

4.8 Creating Root Items
This section provides an overview of style item creation, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

Set processing options for Style Item Master (PCW51).


Create style items.


Add a structure to style item root level 0.


Generate child style items on demand.


Copy style items.

4.8.1 Understanding Style Item Creation
Based on customer demands, you may need to have a wide variety of products. Also, a
product may have many variations. For example, the product shirt can have many
types of styles, colors, and sizes. To manage these variations for each product, you
need to define the product details in various levels of a hierarchy by using the Style
Item Master program (PCW51).
You set the processing options for the Style Item Master program to specify how the
system creates all of the child style items from these variations. Based on the
processing option settings of the Style Item Master program, the system creates child
style items using one of the following methods:

The system automatically creates all of the child style items after you specify the
item details and item structure information for the style item root level 0. The
automatic creation of child style items occurs when you exit from the style item
root level creation process.


On demand
You create the child style items at the end of the item creation process. For this,
after you specify the item details and item structure information for the style item
root level 0, you need to click the Create Child Items button on the Item Structure
Definition form.


In batch
You run the Create and Process Child Style Items program (RCW01) to create the
child style items after you specify the item details and item structure information
for the style item root level 0.

In the multi-level structure of a style item, the first level (style item root level 0) of an
item hierarchy consists of basic details about the item. In addition to the standard JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne item details, you need to specify the following details for a
style item at style item root level 0:

Item structure.


The size matrix grid used by the style item.



Additional information, such as additional category codes, item model number,
item number main material, and cleaning codes.
Composition details.
The composition details are important for a style item. You can specify the
percentage of each material that is used in the style item.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Creating Root Items

The basic attributes of the item are inherited from the higher level (parent) to the lower
level (child). For every style item that you create, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management system creates a corresponding record in the Item Structure
Definition (FCW02) and Item Master (F4101) tables. The system stores the additional
data that you specify for an item in the Additional Style Item Information table
You also can create style items using the Style Items By Collection (PCW54) program.
See Creating Collections.
The Style Item Master program acts as the entry point, and the Item Structure
Definition (PCW02) program acts as the exit point in the style item creation. Based on
the processing options set for the Item Master (P4101) program, the forms you use to
specify the general attributes of a style item root level 0 appear automatically during
item creation.
Important: Style items do not work with kits (stocking type K) and
configured items (stocking type C). Style items, kits, and configured
items support different business models and are thus mutually

Child style items can be components in a kit but style items cannot be
the parent kit item (stocking type K).
You can create a style item with the Style Item Master program and view and edit the
multi-level structure of it using the Item Structure Definition program. According to
item level types, which you define in the structure, details of each level appear as
either a list or a grid on the Item Structure Definition form. If the processing option of
the Style Item Master program is set for the manual creation of child level item
definitions, then you can:


Configure each level of variations that are applicable for the style item hierarchy.
On the Item Structure Definition form, you select the particular level that you need
to configure in the item hierarchy and then select Configure Level from the Row
Create end level item definitions after configuring each level of the item hierarchy.
On the Item Structure Definition form, click Create Child Items.

You can delete the style item records by setting up the Delete Complete Level
processing option on the Delete Process tab of Style Item Master program. The system
logs the details of the style items that cannot be deleted in the Style Item Master Purge
Log table (FCW88). The FCW88 table is a temporary work file. The system clears this
file subsequently after completing the delete process. Based on the Detail Log Report
processing option set on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program, the
system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) to print the style items
that cannot be deleted. Also, you can use the Style Item Master Purge report (RCW32)
to delete the style item records and call the Style Item Master Purge Log report
(RCW36) to print the style items that cannot be deleted. You can also manually run
these purge reports.

4-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Root Items

Note: On deleting a style item, the Style Item Master program calls
the Style Item Master Purge Log report along with Style Item Balance
Purge Log report (RCW34) report. You can specify the version of the
Style Item Balance Purge Log report that the system uses to print the
item branch records that cannot be purged, using the Style Item
Balance Purge (RCW34) processing option on the Versions tab of the
Item Branch program (P41026).

See Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Log Report.
> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.

4.8.2 Prerequisites
The Style Item Master program acts as the entry point for the style item creation
process. When you start creating style items, the Style Item Master program calls the
Item Master program (P4101). The Item Master program facilitates the entry of the
basic item details and integrates the style item with the standard JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne items. For this reason, you need to set up the Item Master program
before you start creating a style item. Oracle recommends that you set the processing
options for the Item Master program to call forms such as category codes, additional
system information, cost revisions, prices revisions, and item branch during initial
style item definition.
Note: If you do not access and complete all forms in the Item Master
program during initial style item definition, then you must use the
Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A) to make changes and
click the Create Structure button on the Item Structure Definition form
in order to trigger the inheritance to all child style items.

See Working with Item Revisions
You must also set up the Additional Style Item Information, Composition, and
Structure Definition processing options on the Style tab of the Item Master program to
display the following forms when you enter item details during style item creation:



Additional Style Item Information (WCW45A) to specify supplemental category
codes and cleaning codes that are applicable for the style item.
Work With Composition (WCW44A) to define the materials used in the
manufacture of the style item and their respective percentages of the composition.
Item Structure Definition (WCW02B) to view and create the child level item
definitions. If the processing option of the Style Item Master program is set up for
the manual creation of items, then you must use the Item Structure Definition
form to create the item hierarchy and the end level items.

See "Setting Processing Options for Item Master (P4101)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Creating Root Items

4.8.3 Forms Used to Create Root Items
Form Name




Work With Style Item
Master Browse


Style Item
(G41F11), Work With
Style Items

Add and review style

Item Master Revisions W4101A

On the Work With
Style Item Master
Browse form, click

Enter details of style
item root level 0.

Multi Level Item


On the Work With
Style Item Master
Browse form, search
and select the style

Review and modify
the style item
structure and end
level item definitions.

Work With


Select the item for
Specify the
which you need to
composition details of
specify the
the primary material.
composition details in
the Multi Level Item
Revision form and
select Composition
from the Row menu.

Category Codes


Select the item for
which you need to
specify the
composition details in
the Multi Level Item
Revision form and
select Category Codes
from the Row menu.

Add structure code,
matrix grids
applicable for the
structure, and
classification codes.

Additional Style Item


Select the item for
which you need to
specify additional
information in the
Multi Level Item
Revision form and
select Addl Style Item
Info from the Row

Specify additional
information, such as
additional category
codes and cleaning
codes, for style item
root level 0.

4.8.4 Setting Processing Options for Style Item Master (PCW51)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Structure
These processing options specify how to create child style items in a style item
hierarchy and how to select size grids applicable for a style item.
1. Item Structure Creation

Specify how the system creates child style items. Values are:
1: Create child items when you click Close in the Style Item Master program (PCW51).
2: Create child items on demand. You must click the Create Child Items button on the
Item Structure Definition form.

4-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Root Items

3: Create child items by batch using the Create and Process Child Style program
2. Size Grid Selection

Specify how the system displays size grids on the Item Structure Definition
(WCW02B) form. Values are:
1: Size grids appear as selected. You must deselect the size grids that you do not want
to use.
Blank: Size grids appear as deselected. You must select the size grids manually. Bill of Material
1. Bill of Material Creation

Specify how the system creates bills of material for child style items. Values are:
Blank: Create bills of material for child style items on demand. You must select Create
from the Form menu on the Work with Bill of Material (WCW12BA) form.
1: Create bills of material for child style items by batch. You run the Create BOM for
Child Style Items program (RCW53). Version
These processing options specify the version of different programs that the system
uses when you try to access it when you are creating or modifying a style item.
1. Item Master Version (P4101)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Item Master program
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0003 as the default
2. Supplier/Item Relationships (P43090)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Supplier/Item
Relationships program (P43090).
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
3. Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53) (create bill of material for child style
items [RCW53])

Specify the version of the Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53) that the
system calls from the Bill of Material for Style Items program (PCW12B).
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses XJDE0001 as the default
4. Bill of Material Revisions (P3002)

Specify the version of the Bill of Material Revision program (P3002) that the system
calls from the Style Item Master program (PCW51).
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
5. Work With Routing Master (P3003)

Specify the version of the Work With Routing Master program (P3003) that the system
calls from the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Creating Root Items

If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
version. Delete Process
1. Delete complete levels

Specify whether to delete items in the multi-level hierarchy of style items. Values are:
Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style items in the
hierarchy if the child items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy. Also,
you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are eligible for deletion.
1: Delete even if the level still contains items. You can delete any of the levels in the
hierarchy even if the child items exist for that particular level.
2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) and
prints a detail log report. Values are:
Blank: Do not print a detail log report.
1: Print a detail log report.

4.8.5 Creating Style Items
Access the Item Master Revisions form.
To create style items:

Enter the unique identifier of the style item in the Item Number field.
Note: The item number of a style item root level 0 item and the child
items in the item hierarchy should not have more than 25 characters.


Enter a meaningful description for the style item in the Description field.


Specify the text that can be used to search for the item in the Search Text field.


Enter the required details of the item in the respective fields.
See "Entering Item Master Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.


Click OK to save the changes.
See Also:

"Entering Item Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.8.6 Adding a Structure to Style Item Root Level 0
Access the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.
To add a structure to the style item root level 0 item:

On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, search and select the style item
root level 0.


On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item root level 0 and then
select Category Codes from the Row menu.

4-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Root Items


Enter the required structure code in the appropriate field.
Note: The field where you enter the structure code is dependent on
how you set this up previously. You set this up using the
STRUCTURE value in the 41F/00 UDC. For example, if you defined
SRP1 as the field to hold the structure code, then you would enter the
required structure code in the Sales Catalog Section field on this form.

If you receive an error when entering the structure code, verify that
you added your structure code to the appropriate UDC table. For
example, if using the Sales Catalog Section field, you need to add your
structure codes to UDC 41/S1.
See Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System.

Enter the matrix grid code for the attached structure code in the appropriate field.
Note: The field where you enter the matrix grid code is dependent
on how you set this up previously. You set up this information in the
Item Level Type program while defining the levels. For example, if
you defined SRP3 as the field to hold the size grid code, then you
would enter the required size grid code in that field on this form.

If you receive an error when entering the matrix grid code, verify that
you added your matrix grid code to the appropriate UDC table. For
example, if using the SRP3 field, you need to add your size grid codes
to UDC 41/S3. You specify which SRP field to use for the grid code in
the Matrix Grid program.

Click OK to save the changes.

4.8.7 Generating Child Style Items on Demand
Access the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

Search and select the style item root level 0 for which you need to generate child
style items.


Select Structure Definition from the Row menu.


On the Item Structure Definition form, select the required UDC values that are
applicable for a level. You can either select the values individually or use the Select
All button to select all values in a single step.


On the Item Structure Definition-Matrix form, select the required size grid values.


On the Item Structure Definition form, click Create Child Items to generate child
style items with the selected values, for the style item root level 0.

4.8.8 Copying Style Items
Access the Multi Level Item Revision form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Creating Root Items

Figure 4–11 Multi Level Item Revision form

Note: This task outlines the steps to copy the style item root level 0
and child style item information from one branch/plant to another

To copy style items:

On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item root level 0 to copy.


Select Item Branch from the Row menu.


Select the row for the item on the Work With Item Branch form and click Copy.


Enter a value in the Branch/Plant field on the Item/Branch Plant Info. form
(W41026A) and click OK.


Click Close on the Work With Item Branch form.
The system creates the branch/plant records for the style item root level 0 and all
its child items.
Note: You can also create a style item by copying a style item in the
Style Item Master program. When you select a style item in the Style
Item Master program and select Copy, the system reuses the
applicable structure definition, such as structure code and size grid
codes, of the selected style item.

4-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information

Important: Verify the origination of the item number you are

The initial item number inquiry upon entering the Work With Item
Branch form (W41026E) is based on the style item selected on the
Multi Level Item Revision form (WCW02AB).
If you change the item number on the Work With Item Branch form,
the system creates the branch/plant record for that style item only.
The system does not create the branch/plant records for the child style
items. Also, the system will not allow future creation of the
branch/plant records for the child style items.
To create branch/plant records for the child style items, delete the
style item root level 0 and then recreate the style item root level 0 from
the beginning of the setup process using Style Item Master and Multi
Level Item Revision programs. You must use Style Item Master and
Multi Level Item Revision programs and follow the style item creation
process to initiate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system logic.

4.9 Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information
This section provides an overview of composition and labels, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

Work with composition maintenance.


Work with additional style item data.

4.9.1 Understanding Composition and Labels
This table describes the items that are required for style item labels:
Item on Label


Made In

The country where the product was manufactured.


A list of the materials used to make the item along with the
respective percentage of each.

User Cleaning Codes

Information on how to care for the style item, such as washing
and drying instructions.

The "made in" and composition information may also be required on invoices or
exportation documents depending on local legislation. You use two programs to
capture this information for style items.
Define the composition of an item in the Composition Entry program (PCW44). The
Compositions table (FCW60) holds composition information. You can define one or
several compositions for one style item. For example, you many need to specify the
composition of the main material or fabric and the composition of the lining. Specify
all of the materials that make up a style item as well as the percentages of those
materials. For example, you may have a style item for which the main material is 90
percent cotton and 10 percent wool, but the lining is 100 percent silk. You would
record all of this information in the composition for that item.
Use the Additional Style Item Information program (PCW45) to define additional
information, such as cleaning codes. The Additional Style Item Information table
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information

(FCW61) holds the additional information. You can specify cleaning codes for a style
item, such as Dry Clean Only and Do Not Bleach. You can also set up and use 10
different category codes to hold additional style item information. These additional
category codes are not related to the category codes that you set up in the Item Master
program and are not used for any processing. You can use these codes for
informational or reporting purposes. During the style item creation process, the
system uses the category codes from the Item Master program.
When you create a new item, you can call both the Composition Entry and Additional
Style Item Information programs automatically from the Style Item Master program
(PCW51) during item creation by setting the appropriate processing options for the
Item Master (P4101) version you are calling. Cleaning Codes
Cleaning codes provide information for the consumer on how to take care of a style
item. The care instructions are found on the label of the style item. For example, the
label might instruct the consumer to "Machine wash warm, no bleach, tumble dry
low." Standard cleaning codes can be divided into five basic categories: washing,
bleaching, ironing, dry cleaning, and drying. Each cleaning code is associated with its
own UDC table. Within that UDC table, you can use the existing values or define new
values. You use the Additional Style Item Information program to update these
cleaning codes as well as other information about the style item.

4.9.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:




Define the types of material that can be used to make up the composition of the
style items in UDC 41F/MT.
Define the parts of a style item for which you want to define the composition (for
example, sleeve, lining) in UDC 41F/MP.
Verify or set up values for the following list of cleaning codes, which you can find
in the Style Item Management menu (G41F461):

Washing (UDC 41F/C1)


Bleaching (UDC 41F/C2)


Ironing (UDC 41F/C3)


Dry Cleaning (UDC 41F/C4)


Drying (UDC 41F/C5)

If you plan to use the supplemental category codes, set up values for the following
list of category codes, which you can find in the Style Item Management menu

Category Code 1 (UDC 41F/S1)


Category Code 2 (UDC 41F/S2)


Category Code 3 (UDC 41F/S3)


Category Code 4 (UDC 41F/S4)


Category Code 5 (UDC 41F/S5)


Category Code 6 (UDC 41F/S6)


Category Code 7 (UDC 41F/S7)

4-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information


Category Code 8 (UDC 41F/S8)


Category Code 9 (UDC 41F/S9)


Category Code 10 (UDC 41F/S0)

4.9.3 Forms Used to Define Composition and Labels
Form Name




Work with


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items

Review composition

On the Work with
Style Item Master
Browse form, select a
row from the grid and
click Select. Next,
select your item on
the Multi Level Item
Revision form and
select Composition
from the Row menu.
This form will
automatically appear
during item creation if
the correct processing
option is set.


Add, delete, or update
Style Item
Management G41F11), composition
Work with Style Items information.
On the Work with
Composition form,
click Add or select a
row and click Select.

Additional Style Item


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items

Work with additional
style item

On the Work with
Style Item Master
Browse form, select a
row from the grid and
click Select. Next,
select your item on
the Multi Level Item
Revision form and
select Addl Style Item
Info from the Row
This form will
automatically appear
during item creation if
the processing option
is set.

4.9.4 Working with Composition Maintenance
Access the Composition form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information


Enter the part of the style item for which you want to define the composition in
the Composition field. For example, you may want to define the composition of
the lining. You can use Search and Select to retrieve valid values from UDC
If you want to define one composition for the entire item, leave this field blank.


Enter values for the Material % and Material columns in the grid. Use Search and
Select to choose the material from UDC 41F/MT.
The total material percentage appears below the grid and must equal 100 percent.
If it does not, you will receive an error.


After you have entered all of the materials that make up the composition of the
style item, click OK.

4.9.5 Working with Additional Style Item Information
Access the Additional Style Item Information form.
Figure 4–12 Additional Style Item Information form

Note: The graphics are not shipped with the software. The user
needs to configure the cleaning code UDCs appropriately.

Enter any supplemental category codes that you want to use to further define the
style item. You can enter up to 10 different category codes. These codes are for
informational and reporting purposes only.


Enter values for each of the following cleaning codes, if desired:

Washing (UDC 41F/C1)


Bleaching (UDC 41F/C2)


Ironing (UDC 41F/C3)


Dry Cleaning (UDC 41F/C4)


Drying (UDC 41F/C5)

4-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation


Click OK.

4.10 Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation
This section provides an overview of UCC and EAN13 generation and discusses how

Access the second description of company UCC codes.


Define company UCC codes.


Set processing options for the Generate EAN13 report (RCW28).


Run the Generate EAN13 report.

4.10.1 Understanding UCC and EAN13 Generation
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the U.S., the Electronic Commerce Council of
Canada (ECCC), and the International Article Numbering Association (EAN) have
established standard identification and information transmission procedures. These
standards, known as UCC 128 compliance, facilitate uniform product identification
and the exchange of shipment information between suppliers and customers
(retailers). Based on the standards, each company can assign an identification code to
each item using 13 digits of information. The 13-digit unique identification code is
referred to as a Universal Product Code (UPC). Each UPC code consists of:



A seven-digit company or manufacturer ID that the UCC or EAN assigns. You
must save the company IDs in UDC 41/UC. For North American companies, the
company ID is represented by only six digits because the leading digit is always
zero and can be left off the code.
A five-digit product ID that the company assigns. The five-digit product ID is
system-generated and can be different from the item number.
A single-digit check character.

Because the multi-level hierarchy of a style item has a multitude of child items,
manually entering the 13–digit UPC for all the child items in a hierarchy is not easy.
Use the Generate EAN13 report (RCW28) to generate UCC and EAN-13 codes for a
style item or for all of the child-level items of an item hierarchy.
Also, you can enter the UPC code manually by accessing the Storage/Shipping form
from the Style Item Master program.
See "Setting Up Item Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Warehouse Management Implementation Guide.

4.10.2 Forms Used to Set Up UCC and EAN13 Generation
Form Name




Work With Style Item
Master Browse


Style Item
(G41F11), Work With
Style Items

Review style items.

Multi Level Item


On the Work With
Style Item Master
Browse form, search
and select the style

Review and modify
the style item details.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation

Form Name






On the Multi Level
Item Revision form,
select the multi level
style item and then
from the Row menu.

Set up item shipping

Work With User
Defined Codes


Type UDC in the Fast

Enter company UCC

Work With User
Defined Code Types


On the Work With
Enable a second
User Defined Codes
description option.
form, search for
company IDs in UDC
41/UC, select the
company UCC code
from the grid values,
and select Code Types
from the Form menu.

4.10.3 Accessing the Second Description of Company UCC Codes
You must store the UPC code in the UDC 41/UC table. In the 13-digit UPC code, the
first seven digits are used for company UCC code (company ID) and the next five
digits are the unique product ID. In every UPC code, the company ID is the same for
all child items in a hierarchy, but the product ID differs from item to item. Enter the
product ID as the second description in the UDC 41/UC, before you run the Generate
EAN13 program to generate UPC codes automatically for a company.
Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.
To access the second description of company UCC codes:

Search for UDC 41/UC.


Select the required company and select Code Types from the Form menu.


On the Work With User Defined Code Types form, search and select UC from the
list of values.


On the User Defined Code Types form, select Y in the 2nd Line (Y/N) field.


Click OK to save the changes.


Verify that the Description 02 column now appears on the Work With User
Defined Codes form.


Select the company for which you need to generate the UPC codes automatically,
and then enter the second description as a five-digit numeric code in the
Description 2 field.


Click OK to save the changes.

Every time you generate a UCC or EAN code for a style item, the system automatically
adds one to the product ID that you enter as the second description for the company
UCC code. For example, the second description that you enter for the first item is
12345 for a company. The system will add one to the second description, when you run
the Generate EAN13 program (RCW28) to generate UPC code automatically for the
next item. Then, the UPC code will be 12346 for the second item, 12347 for the third,
and so on. The system resets the product ID when it reaches the maximum value of

4-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation

Note: Before you run the Generate EAN13 program, you must
specify the company for which you need to generate UPC codes
automatically. Enter it in the Company UCC Code field, which is on
the Values tab of the processing options of the Generate EAN13

4.10.4 Defining Company UCC Codes
Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.
To define Company UCC codes:

Search for 41/UC UDC.


Click Add.


On the User Defined Codes form, click the Go to end button.


Enter the seven-digit company UCC code in the Codes field.


Enter a meaningful description for the company UCC code in the Description 1


Click OK to save the changes.

4.10.5 Setting Processing Options for the Generate EAN13 Program (RCW28)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Values
1. Company UCC Code

Specify the company UCC code from UDC 41/UC. Process
1. Update - 3rd Item Number

Specify whether the report updates the 3rd Item Number with the EAN code that is
generated. Values are:
1: Update the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code.
Blank: Does not update the 3rd Item Number.
2. Transfer Changes

Specify the tables in which the system updates the 3rd Item Number with the
generated EAN code. Values are:
Blank: Updates the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code only in the Item
Master file.
1: Updates the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code in the Item Branch file.
2: Updates the 3rd Item Number only in selected tables. Use UDC 40/IC to define the
list of tables.

4.10.6 Running the Generate EAN13 Report (RCW28)
Select Run Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Generate EAN13.
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Generating Style Items by Batch

4.11 Generating Style Items by Batch
This section provides an overview of style item generation by batch, lists prerequisites,
and discusses how to run the Create and Process Child Style Items program (RCW01).

4.11.1 Understanding Style Item Generation by Batch
Based on a processing option for the Style Item Master program, you can create child
items automatically, on demand, or by batch. When you select on demand or batch
creation by specifying 2 or 3, respectively, in the Item Structure Creation processing
option on the Structure tab of the Style Item Master program, the system does not
create child items when you exit from the Item Structure Definition program after
creating the style item root level 0. You run the Create and Process Child Style Items
program after creating the root level item to create child style items by batch. After
creating child style items, you can edit the child style item details and define
exceptions for the inherited attributes.
See Also:

Creating Root Items.

4.11.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:


Enter 3 in the Item Structure Creation processing option on the Structure tab of the
Style Item Master program.
Attach a valid item structure to the style item root level 0 during item creation or

4.11.3 Running the Create and Process Child Style Items Program (RCW01)
Select Periodic Processing (G41F20), Create and Process Child Style Items.

4.12 Working with Item Revisions
This section provides an overview of item revisions and discusses how to work with
item revisions.

4.12.1 Understanding Item Revisions
After you create a style item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system, you may have to review its details and make changes. Unlike standard JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne items, style item details are specified in a multi-level format.
You can modify the item definitions at each level of the style item hierarchy by using
the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A).
The Multi Level Item Revision program enables you to:

View the item hierarchy in a tree structure.


Review items that are created in the item hierarchy.


Define or modify details about child style items at each level of the item hierarchy.


Define variations for an attribute, which are inherited from the parent level style
item to the child level style item of the item hierarchy. You can define exceptions
for the inherited attributes at any of the child levels in the hierarchy.

4-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Item Revisions


Attach a media object to a style item root level 0.
Note: You must use Style Item Master and Multi Level Item Revision
programs to make changes to the style items. The style item specific
features such as inheritance and exceptions will work only if you
make changes to the style items using the Style Item Master and Multi
Level Item Revision programs.

You may not access and complete all forms in the Item Master program when entering
the initial style item records. The processing options may not be set to call all forms or
the setup applications may not be accessible during initial style item definition. When
you subsequently make changes to the Item Master records using the Multi Level Item
Revision program (PCW02A), then you must click the Create Structure button on the
Item Structure Definition form in order to trigger the inheritance to all child style

4.12.2 Forms Used to Work with Item Revisions
Form Name




Work With Item
Master Browse


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items

Define or modify style
item root level 0

Multi Level Item


On the Work With
Review and modify
Style Item Master
child item details.
Browse form, select a
record and then select
Revision from the
Row menu.

Item Master Revisions W4101A

Review and modify
On the Multi Level
the item definition.
Item Revision form,
select the child level
or style item root level
0 to modify and then
select Item Revisions
from the Row menu.

Work With Preference W4106J
Base Price

On the Multi Level
Item Revision form,
select an item and
then select Price
Revisions from the
Row menu.

Review and provide
exception for item
price of the child style

4.12.3 Working with Item Revisions
You can define or modify the details of an item in the multi level item hierarchy.
Access the Multi Level Item Revision form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

Figure 4–13 Multi Level Item Revision form

To work with item revisions:

On the Multi Level Item Revision form (WCW02AB), select the level that you need
to modify or add new information in the item hierarchy.


Make the necessary changes by accessing the required forms through the Row
Note: You cannot change the second item number when you update
the details of a style item.


Select the Create Structure button if the system is set up for the manual creation of
child style items.

4.13 Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items
This section provides an overview of item availability for style items and discusses
how to:

Set processing options for the Style Item Availability program (PCW05).


Review item availability for style items.

4.13.1 Understanding Item Availability for Style Items
Transactions that affect on-hand quantities affect the available quantity. Quantity
information is vital in the day-to-day management of inventories. The item availability
details help you to understand the current and future needs. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system determines the availability of an item
by subtracting outbound quantities from the sum of inbound and on-hand quantities.
You must define how you want the system to calculate item availability for each
branch/plant by using the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001). Item
4-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

availability affects how the system calculates back orders, cancellations, and customer
delivery times.
You determine style item availability using the Style Item Availability program
(PCW05). You can view the style item from the style item root level 0 to the child level
item definitions. You can also view the style item availability at each level of the item
hierarchy in a matrix or tree view.
See "Defining Item Availability" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory
Management Implementation Guide. Prerequisites
Before you perform tasks in this section, you must set up the required processing
options for the Item Availability program (P41202).

4.13.2 Forms Used to Review Item Availability for Style Items
Form Name


Style Item Availability WCW05A

Work With Item




(G41F12), Style Item

Review the style item

On the Style Item
Availability form,
enter the style item in
the Style Item field
and branch/plant in
the Branch/Plant
field, if applicable,
and click Find. Select
the required child
item from the grid
value and select Item
Availability from the
Row menu.

View the item
availability of both
standard items and
style items.

4.13.3 Setting Processing Options for Item Availability (PCW05)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
You can specify the various types of style item availability related information to
display on the Style Item Availability form. Based on the processing options set on the
Process tab, the system displays or hides the corresponding fields that contain these
1. Quantity on Hand

Use this processing option to specify whether to display the on-hand quantity. Values
Blank: Do not display the quantity on-hand.
1: Display quantity on-hand.
2. Quantity Hard Committed
Specify whether to display the hard committed quantity on sales orders. Values are:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

Blank: Do not display the hard committed quantity.
1: Display the hard committed quantity.
3. Quantity Soft Committed

Specify whether to display the soft committed quantity on sales orders and soft
committed quantity on work order parts lists. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the soft committed quantity.
1: Display the soft committed quantity.
4. Quantity Committed

Specify whether to display the total committed quantity. The system calculates total
committed quantity based on the availability calculation setup in the branch/plant
constants. The quantities from hard and soft committed to sales orders, soft committed
to work order parts lists, future committed to sales orders, hard committed to work
order receipts, other quantity 1 to sales orders, and other quantity 2 to sales orders are
included in the total committed quantity if set up to do so in the branch/plant
constants. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the total committed quantity.
1: Display the total committed quantity.
5. Quantity Available

Specify whether to display the available quantity. The system calculates available
quantity based on the availability calculation set up in the branch/plant constants.
Values are:
Blank: Do not display the available quantity.
1: Display the available quantity.
6. Quantity on Purchase Order

Specify whether to display the quantity on purchase orders. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity on purchase orders.
1: Display quantity on purchase orders.
7. Quantity on Work Order Receipts

Specify whether to display the quantity on work orders receipts. Values are:
Blank: Do not display quantity on work orders.
1: Display quantity on work orders.
8. Quantity in Inspection

Specify whether to display the quantity in inspection. Valid values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in inspection.
1: Display the quantity in inspection.
9. Quantity in Transit

Specify whether to display the quantity in transit. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in transit.
1: Display the quantity in transit.
10. Quantity in Operation 1

Specify whether to display the quantity in user-defined operation 1. Values are:

4-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

Blank: Do not display the quantity in user-defined operation 1.
1: Display the quantity in user-defined operation 1.
11. Quantity in Operation 2

Specify whether to display the quantity in user-defined operation 2. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in user-defined operation 2.
1: Display the quantity in user-defined operation 2.
12. Quantity in Purchase Order - Other 1

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 (quantity on
other purchase order) field. Valid values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 field.
1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 field.
13. Quantity in Other Quantity 1 Sales Order

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 (quantity on
the other sales order) field. Valid values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 field.
1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 field.
14. Quantity in Other Quantity 2 Sales Order

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 (quantity on
the other sales order) field. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 field.
1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 field.
15. Quantity Available + Soft Committed

Specify whether to display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed
on sales orders and work order parts lists. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed.
1: Display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed. Versions
1. Item Availability (P41202)
Specify the version of the Item Availability program (P41202) that you want the system
to use to display item availability.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
2. Supply and Demand (P4021)

Specify the version of the Supply Demand program (P4021) that you want the system
to use to display supply and demand information.
If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
3. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the Item Ledger program (P4111) that you want the system to
use to display item ledger information.
If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Purging Style Item Data

4.13.4 Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items
Access the Style Item Availability form.
Figure 4–14 Style Item Availability form

To review item availability for style items:

Enter the style item (root/intermediate/lowest-level) in the Style Item field, and
the branch/plant in the Branch/Plant field, if applicable, and click Find.


Select either Tree View or Matrix View to specify how the system displays the style
item hierarchy.


If you want to review the detailed availability across locations and lots for a child
style item, select the child style item in the Level Name field and then select Item
Availability from the Row menu.


Review the fields and click Close.

4.14 Purging Style Item Data
This section provides an overview of purge programs for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Review the Style Item Master Purge report.


Set processing options for the Style Item Master Purge report.


Review the Style Item Balance Purge report.


Set processing options for the Style Item Balance Purge report.


Review the Style Item Balance Purge Log report.


Review the Style Item Master Purge Log report.

4.14.1 Understanding Purge Programs for Style Items
The Inventory Management system of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system consists of the following special purge programs:

Style Item Master Purge (RCW32), which purges style item records.


Style Item Balance Purge (RCW33), which purges style item balance records.

When you purge style item records or style item balance records, the system enables
you to print the details of the records that cannot be deleted using the Style Item

4-42 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Purging Style Item Data

Master Purge Log (RCW36) and Style Item Balance Purge Log (RCW34) reports

4.14.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:

Save copies of the files affected in the purge.


Verify that no users are working with the data that you want to purge.

4.14.3 Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Report
Select Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Style Item Master Purge.
Use the Style Item Master Purge report (RCW32) to delete the style item master details
stored in the following tables:

Item Master (F4101).


Item Structure Definition (FCW02).


Media Objects Storage (F00165).


Supplier Price/Catalog File (F41061).


Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors (F41002).


Item Cross Reference File (F4104).


Collection Detail (FCW07).


Price List Detail (FCW34).


Collection Templates Detail (FCW56).


Additional Style Item Information (FCW61).


Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71).

You can define whether style item records are eligible for deletion by setting up the
Delete Complete Levels processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item Master
Purge report.
When you try to purge a style item master record, the Style Item Master Purge report
does the necessary validations to check whether the record is eligible for purging.
Before purging style item master records, the system verifies that the records are not
associated with these tables:

Item Location File (F41021).


Item Branch File (F4102).


Item Cost File (F4105).


Lot Master (F4108).


Bill of Material Master File (F3002).


Routing Master File (F3003).

If the Detail Log Report processing option is set on the Process tab of the Style Item
Master Purge report, then the system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log program
(RCW36) to print a detailed log of the style items that cannot be deleted.
The Style Item Master Purge Log report helps you to analyze the reason for not
deleting the records.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Purging Style Item Data

Also, you can purge the style item master records and print the detailed log report
using the Style Item Master program (PCW51).
See Creating Style Items.

4.14.4 Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Master Purge Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Delete Complete Levels

Specify whether to delete items in the multi-level hierarchy of style items. Values are:
Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style items in the
hierarchy if the child style items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy.
Also, you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are eligible for
1: Delete even if a level still contains items. You can delete any of the levels in the
hierarchy even if child style items exist for that particular level.
2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) and
prints a detail log report. Values are:
Blank: Do not print a detail log report.
1: Print a detail log report.

4.14.5 Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Report
Select Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Style Item Balance Purge.
Use the Style Item Balance Purge report (RCW33) to purge the style item branch
records that are stored in the following tables:

Item Cost File (F4105).


Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors (F41002).


Item Location File (F41021).


Item Cost Component Add-Ons (F30026).


Supplier Price/Catalog File (F41061).


Supplier/Item Relationships (F43090).


Price List Detail (FCW34).


Copy to Outsource Operations for Style Items (FCW93).


Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71).

You can define whether to delete the multiple-level style item branch records based on
the Delete Complete Levels processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item
Master Balance Purge report. In addition to the Delete Complete Levels processing
option, the system does the following validations before purging an item balance

Work orders do not exist in the Work Order Master File (F4801).

4-44 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Purging Style Item Data


Parts list does not exist in the Work Order Parts List (F3111).


Bill of material does not exist in the Bill of Material Master File (F3002).


Any secondary locations do not exist in the Item Location File (F41021).


Data is not present in any of the following fields for the item location record:



Hard Commitments


Soft Commitments


Back Order Quantity


On Order Quantity


Quantity Outbound (EDI)


Quantity Inbound (EDI)

You can opt for printing a detailed log report of the style item balance records that
cannot be purged by setting up the Detail Log Report processing option on the Process
tab of the Style Item Balance Purge report.
Note: You can delete only style item balance records using the Style
Item Balance Purge report. To delete standard JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne items balance records, you must use the Item Balance
Purge (F4102) report (R4102P).

See "Running the Item Balance Purge" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.14.6 Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Balance Purge Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Delete Complete Levels

Specify whether to delete style item branch records in the multi-level hierarchy of style
items. Values are:
Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style item branch
records in the hierarchy if the child style items are not created under a parent level in
the hierarchy. Also, you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are
eligible for deletion.
1: Delete even if a level still contains items. You can delete any of the style item branch
records in the hierarchy even if child style items exist for that particular level.
2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34) and
prints a detail log report of the style item balance records that cannot be purged.
Values are:
Blank: Do not print a detail log report.
1: Print a detail log report.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Purging Style Item Data

4.14.7 Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Log Report
Use the Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34) to analyze the details of the
style item balance records that cannot be deleted.
You can call the Style Item Master Balance Purge Log report from any of the following

Style Item Balance Purge (RCW33).
When you run the Style Item Balance Purge report, the system calls the Style Item
Balance Purge Log report to display the details of the style item balance records
that cannot be deleted. The system calls the Style Item Balance Purge Log report
only if you set the Detail Log Report processing option on the Process tab of the
Style Item Balance Purge report.


Style Item Master (PCW51).
The system calls Style Item Balance Purge Log report along with the Style Item
Master Purge Log report when you delete a style item master record. For this, you
must set up the Detail Log Report processing option on the Delete Process tab of
the Style Item Master program.


Item Branch (P41026).
The system calls Style Item Balance Purge Log report when you delete a style item
branch record by accessing the Item Branch program through the Multi Level Item
Revision (PCW02A) program. In this case, the system calls the Style Item Balance
Purge Log report only if the following conditions are satisfied:

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system is activated.


The item branch record is for a style item.


The Detail Log Report processing option on the Delete Process tab of the Style
Item Master program is set.

4.14.8 Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Log Report
You use the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) to print the style items that
cannot be purged. The system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report to print the
details of style item records that cannot be deleted. You can call the Style Item Master
Purge Log report from both the Style Item Master program and the Style Item Master
Purge report.
You can define whether to print the detailed log report of style items that cannot be
purged based on the processing options set on the Process tab of the Style Item Master
Purge report or on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program. If the
processing option is set to print the detailed log report, then you have to run the Style
Item Master Purge report to call the Style Item Master Purge Log report. If you try to
delete a style item record from the Style Item Master program, then the system
automatically calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report.
Note: When you call the Style Item Master Purge Log report from
the Style Item Master program, the system calls the Style Item Balance
Purge Log report (RCW34).

See Setting Processing Options for Style Item Master (PCW51).

4-46 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Issuing Inventory for Style Items

4.15 Converting Standard Items to Style Items
This section provides an overview of the style item master conversion and discusses
how to run the Style Item Master Conversion (RCW04) program.

4.15.1 Understanding Style Item Master Conversion
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management and JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management systems store style items in the Item Structure
Definition (FCW02) and Item Master (F4101) tables. The system stores additional style
item information in the Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61) and standard
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items in the F4101 table. You can convert a standard JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne item to a style item using the Style Item Master Conversion
program (RCW04). When you run the Style Item Master Conversion program, the
system copies the standard item details to the FCW02 and FCW61 tables. You can
access the converted item details through the Style Item Master program (PCW51).
Note: The system considers an item to be a style item when a style
item record exists in the FCW02 table.

4.15.2 Running the Style Item Master Conversion Program
Run Periodic Processing (G41F20), Style Item Master.

4.16 Issuing Inventory for Style Items
This section provides an overview of inventory issues for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Matrix Entry (PCW10).


Issue inventory for style items.

4.16.1 Understanding Inventory Issues for Style Items
When you issue inventory, you remove it from a location. You can issue inventory
using the Inventory Issues program (P4112). The following diagram illustrates the
inventory issue process for a style item:
Figure 4–15

Inventory issue process for a style item

You can view the availability of the style item in the matrix display.
(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent
level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Issuing Inventory for Style Items

or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the
Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix
Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style
Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
Note: The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the
primary unit of measure (UOM) when processing quantities,
regardless of the UOM entered in the Inventory Issues program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the
style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to
notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary
UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory
Issues program or in the matrix entry grid.
See "Issuing Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory
Management Implementation Guide.

4.16.2 Prerequisites
Before you issue inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system, you must set up the following processing options for Inventory Issues:


Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style
item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature,
enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.
Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry
(PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry
program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Issues (P4112)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.16.3 Forms Used to Issue Inventory for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Inventory


(G41F12), Inventory

Review inventory

Inventory Issues


On the Work With
Issue inventory for
Inventory Issues form, style items.
click Add.

Matrix Entry


On the Inventory
Issues form, enter the
style item number in
the Item Number
field, and the system
will display the style
items to be issued in a
matrix structure on
the Matrix Entry form.

4-48 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

View the style item
and child item
availability in a matrix
format. Also, you can
enter the quantity and
information of the
style item to be

Issuing Inventory for Style Items

4.16.4 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Availability (Y/N)

Specify whether the system displays item availability. Values are:
Y: The system displays item availability for locations containing the style item.
N: The system does not display item availability.
Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101), Purchase
Order Entry (P4310), Inventory Issues (P4112), Inventory Transfers (P4113) and
Inventory Adjustments (P4114).
2. Matrix Code or Description

Specify how the system displays information for the matrix code. Values are:
Blank: The system displays the matrix code.
1: The system displays the description of the matrix code.
2: The system concatenates the matrix code and description and displays it using the
format Code/Description, using / as the separator.
Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101), Purchase
Order Entry (P4310), Purchase Order Receipts (P4312), Inventory Issues (P4112),
Inventory Transfers (P4113), and Inventory Adjustments P4114). Sales/Purchasing
1. Splitting Code

Specify whether the system automatically splits quantities and whether the automatic
split can be overridden by a manual entry of the values. Values are:
Blank: Do not automatically split the quantities.
1: Automatically split the quantities and enable the manual override of values.
2: Automatically split the quantities and do not enable the manual override of values.
Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101) and
Purchase Order Entry (P4310).
2. Type of Availability

Specify whether the system displays the standard availability or the amounts available
for allocation. The value of the Availability processing option must be set to Y before
the system uses the value that you specify in this processing option. Values are:
Blank: The system displays the standard availability.
1: The system displays the amounts available for allocation.
Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101).

4.16.5 Issuing Inventory for Style Items
Access the Inventory Issues form.
To issue inventory for style items:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Adjusting Inventory for Style Items


Enter the required value in the Branch/Plant field.


Enter a date in the G/L Date field.


Enter the date on which the transaction is complete in the Transaction Date field.


Enter the unique identifier of the item to be issued in the Item Number field. You
can enter any of the child level items or the style item root level 0 in this field.


On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the items to be issued in the matrix
grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if desired. Based on
the level of the selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and issue
applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0 on the
Inventory Issues form, then you can enter all the quantity to be issued for all child
items in the hierarchy.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item
on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the
row for the style item and review the item availability information in
the Style Item Availability subform.

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

Click OK to save the changes.
When you save the changes, the system loads the updated item quantities in the
matrix grid to the inventory issues grid. Also, the system loads the location and lot
information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.


On the Inventory Issues form, click OK to save the changes.

4.17 Adjusting Inventory for Style Items
This section provides an overview of inventory adjustments for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to adjust inventory for style items.

4.17.1 Understanding Inventory Adjustments for Style Items
You use inventory adjustments to reconcile discrepancies between physical item
counts and system item counts. You can enter adjustments to increase or decrease the
on-hand quantity and the cost of inventory items in a branch/plant without

4-50 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Adjusting Inventory for Style Items

conducting a complete physical inventory. For example, you can adjust inventory
when a discrepancy exists between the number of items that is recorded for a location
and the actual count.
You can set up processing options to display default values and the availability of the
style item in a matrix structure. The following diagram illustrates the inventory
adjustment process for a style item:
Figure 4–16

Inventory adjustment process for a style item

Use the Inventory Adjustments program (P4114) to enter adjustments in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system. You can view the availability
of a style item in the matrix display.
(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent
level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant
or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the
Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix
Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style
Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
Note: The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the
primary UOM when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM
entered in the Inventory Adjustments program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the
style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to
notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary
UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory
Adjustments program or in the matrix entry grid.
See "Adjusting Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory
Management Implementation Guide.

4.17.2 Prerequisites
Before you adjust inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system, you must set up the following processing options for Inventory Adjustments:

Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style
item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature,
enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Adjusting Inventory for Style Items


Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry
(PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry
program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Adjustments (P4114)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.17.3 Forms Used to Adjust Inventory for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Inventory


(G41F12), Inventory

Review inventory



On the Work With
Adjustments form,
click Add.

Adjust inventory for
style items.

Matrix Entry


On the Inventory
Adjustments form,
enter the style item
number in the Item
Number field, and the
system will display
the style items to be
adjusted in a matrix
structure on the
Matrix Entry form.

View the style item
and child item
availability in a matrix
format. Also, you can
enter the quantity and
information of the
style item to be

4.17.4 Adjusting Inventory for Style Items
Access the Inventory Adjustments form.
To adjust inventory for style items:

Enter the required value in the Branch/Plant field.


Enter a date in the G/L Date field.


Enter the date on which the transaction is complete in the Transaction Date field.


Enter the item number in the Item Number field.


On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the various items to be adjusted in
the matrix grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if desired.
Based on the level of selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and adjust
the applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0 on the
Inventory Adjustments form, then you can enter all the quantity to be adjusted for
all child items in the hierarchy.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item
on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the
row for the style item and review the item availability information in
the Style Item Availability subform.

4-52 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Transferring Inventory for Style Items

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

Click OK to save the changes.
When you save the changes, the system loads the style item quantities in the
matrix grid to the inventory adjustments grid. Also, the system loads the location
and lot information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.


On the Inventory Adjustments form, click OK to save the changes.

See "Adjusting Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory
Management Implementation Guide.

4.18 Transferring Inventory for Style Items
This section provides an overview of inventory transfers for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to transfer inventory for style items.

4.18.1 Understanding Inventory Transfers for Style Items
You might want to transfer inventory from one location to another. Inventory transfers
follow a similar process as issues and adjustments, except that you must specify the to
and from branch/plant and location. These locations can be within the same
branch/plant or in different branch/plants.
Availability is not necessarily changed if you are moving inventory within the same
branch/plant. If the inventory transfer happens between two different branch/plants,
then the on hand quantity of the from branch/plant decreases and the on hand
quantity of the to branch/plant increases.
You can transfer style items between two locations. When you want to transfer style
items, you can select each style item or all child items in a style item hierarchy. The
following diagram illustrates the style items inventory transfer process:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Transferring Inventory for Style Items

Figure 4–17 Inventory transfer process of a style item

Use the Inventory Transfers program (P4113) to transfer inventory between two
locations. You can view the availability of the style item in the matrix display.
(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent
level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant
or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the
Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix
Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style
Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
Note: The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the
primary UOM when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM
entered in the Inventory Transfers program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the
style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to
notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary
UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory
Transfers program or in the matrix entry grid.
See "Transferring Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory
Management Implementation Guide.

4.18.2 Prerequisites
Before you transfer inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system, you must set the processing options for the Inventory Transfers program:


Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style
item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature,
enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.
Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry
(PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry
program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Transfers (P4113)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4-54 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Transferring Inventory for Style Items

4.18.3 Forms Used to Transfer Inventory for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Inventory


(G41F12), Inventory

Review inventory

Inventory Transfers


On the Work With
Inventory Transfers
form, click Add.

Transfer inventory for
style items.

Matrix Entry


On the Inventory
Transfers form, enter a
style item number in
the Item Number
field, and the system
will display the style
items to be transferred
in a matrix structure
on the Matrix Entry

View the style item
and child item
availability in a matrix
format. Also, you can
enter the quantity and
information of the
style item to be

4.18.4 Transferring Inventory for Style Items
Access the Inventory Transfers form.
To transfer inventory for style items:

Enter the date of transaction in the Transaction Date field.


Enter the G/L date in the G/L Date field.


Enter the branch/plant from which and to which the inventory is transferred in
the From Branch/Plant and To Branch/Plant fields, respectively.


Enter the unique identifier of the item to be transferred in the Item Number field.


On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the various items to be transferred
in the matrix grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if
desired. Based on the level of selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and
transfer the applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0
on the Inventory Transfers form, then you can enter all the quantity to be
transferred for all child items in the hierarchy.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item
on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the
row for the style item and review the item availability information in
the Style Item Availability subform.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management


Transferring Inventory for Style Items

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

Click OK to save the changes.
When you save the changes, the system loads the style item quantities in the
matrix grid to the inventory transfers grid. Also, the system loads the location and
lot information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.


On the Inventory Transfers form, enter the from and to locations for the item
transfer in the From Location and To Location fields, respectively.
Note: You can enter From and To locations on the Matrix Entry form.
The system overrides the values entered in the Matrix Entry form with
the values entered in the Inventory Transfers form.


Click OK to save the changes.

4-56 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Collections Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 5.1, "Understanding Collections Management"


Section 5.2, "Setting Up Collection UDCs"


Section 5.3, "Defining Collection Structures"


Section 5.4, "Creating Collections"


Section 5.5, "Setting Up Collection Templates"


Section 5.6, "Working with Style Items by Collection"

5.1 Understanding Collections Management
A collection is a coherent assortment of style items. It may be put together by a
manufacturer or designer each season to showcase new trends for a particular market.
You can find many collections in the apparel industry based on seasons, such as winter
collections and summer collections, as well as other themed collections, such as leather
collection or cotton collection.
A collection offers total control of catalogues, seasonal offers, and collection overlap,
with time frames, customer targets, pricing conditions and, if required, order entry
specialization by collection to ensure control of distribution.
The main characteristics of collections are that they:

Are introduced for one brand (manufacturer).


Are time-bound.
Generally, a collection is designed and marketed for one season or year.


Are specifically designed for one or more markets.


Have a multilevel structure.
The collection structure defines the attributes of the base collection and different
variations within the collection. The collection structure consists of multiple levels
such as themes, brands, and styles.



Can contain the same style item that is present in other collections at the same
Are used by sales orders, purchase orders, and shop floor management.

By introducing a collection, you can:

Group related style items together.

Working with Collections Management


Understanding Collections Management




Control style items used for sales, purchase, or work orders.
View and modify style item details using the Style Items by Collection program
Create collection templates from one or more collections using the Collection
Templates Entry program (PCW42). These predefined templates are used to
simplify order entry.
Manage sales prices by season and collection.

A collection structure defines the levels or segments within a collection. You can have
up to five levels in a collection structure. These levels might reflect various brands,
product lines, themes, and items for the collection. For example, a collection named
European Summer Collection can have different levels of details based on the different
customer groups for which the collection is defined (for example, women and men),
and based on the variations in the style items that are included in the collection (for
example, casual and evening). In the following diagram, the collection USA contains
levels for brands, product lines, themes, and style items:
Figure 5–1 Collection USA structure

Setting up a collection is similar to setting up a style item because you create levels
and define a structure for both.
The steps to define a collection are:

Define the collection structure code.
Use the 41F/CS UDC to define the collection structure code.


Define season codes and season years.
Define the season codes and season years in the 41F/SE and 41F/SY UDCs.

5-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Collections Management


Create collection levels or segments by creating your own UDCs.


Define the collection structure by attaching UDCs to the collection structure code.
Use the Define Collection Structure Code program (PCW06) to specify which
UDCs will be used for the collection.


Create the collection.
Use the Collection Management program (PCW07) to specify the collection name,
season code, season year, and other basic information about the collection.


Build the collection structure.
Use the Create Collection Detail Structure program (PCW16), which is accessed
from the Collection Management program, to specify the collection levels or
segments that make up the collection structure. The Create Collection Detail
Structure cannot be accessed directly.


Add and remove style items in the collection structure.
Use the Item Collection Detail program (PCW081), which is accessed from the
Collection Detail program (PCW08) within the Collection Management program,
to add style items to the collection structure. The Item Collection Detail program
cannot be accessed directly.


Create collection templates.
Use the Collection Templates Entry program (PCW42) to create a collection
template that can be used to simplify sales order entry and purchase order entry.
Collection templates enable you to group a subset of style items from one or more

See Setting Up Collection Templates.
This diagram illustrates the collection management process:
Figure 5–2 Collection Management process flow

Note: Every style item is not required to be attached to a collection.
Use collections with appropriate style items to meet the needs of your
specific business processes.

Working with Collections Management


Setting Up Collection UDCs

5.2 Setting Up Collection UDCs
This section provides an overview of collection UDCs and discusses how to:

Define the collection structure code.


Set up Season Code UDCs.


Set up Season Year UDCs.

5.2.1 Understanding Collection UDCs
Before you can define the structure of a collection, you must create the collection
structure code in the 41F/CS UDC. You will specify the collection structure code to use
when you define your collection structure.
Also, because a collection must be associated with a particular year and season, you
must set up season codes and season years using the UDCs 41F/SE and 41F/SY
respectively. Some examples of season codes are summer, winter, fall, and spring.
However, the season codes are user-defined and not limited to these values. After you
define the season code and season year values, you will specify the season code and
season year to associate with your collection when you create the collection header.
See Creating a Collection Header.

5.2.2 Forms Used to Set Up Collection UDCs
Form Name




Collection Structure Work with User
Defined Codes


(G41F462), Collection

Define, review,
update, or delete
user-defined codes.

Collection Structure User Defined Codes


(G41F462), Collection

Define the collection
structure code.

Season Code - Work
with User Defined


(G41F462), Season

Review, revise, and
delete season codes.

Season Code - User
Defined Codes


(G41F462), Season

Set up season code

Click Add.
Season Year - Work
with User Defined


(G41F462), Season

Review, revise, and
delete season years.

Season Year - User
Defined Codes


(G41F462), Season

Set up season year

Click Add.

5-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Defining Collection Structures

5.2.3 Defining the Collection Structure Code
Define the collection structure code (41F/CS).
Access the Collection Structure - User Defined Codes form.

Enter values in the grid for the Codes, Description 1,Special Handling, and Hard
Coded columns.
You can define multiple item structure codes at the same time.


Click OK to create your new collection structure codes.

5.2.4 Setting Up Season Code UDCs
Access the Season Code - User Defined Codes form.

Enter values for the Codes and Description 1 columns.
For example, you might enter codes SP,SU,FA, and WN with descriptions Spring,
Summer, Fall, and Winter.


Click OK to create your new season codes.

5.2.5 Setting Up Season Year UDCs
Access the Season Year - User Defined Codes form.

Enter the years that you want to create in both the Codes and Description 1


Click OK to create your new season years.

5.3 Defining Collection Structures
This section provides an overview of collection structures, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to define collection structures:

5.3.1 Understanding Collection Structures
Collection structures provide a way to define and organize the levels used by a
particular collection. You can have up to five levels in a collection structure. Each level
represents a different attribute for your collection. For example, the European Summer
Collection might have the following levels: brands, product lines, and themes. You
specify and organize these levels when you define the collection structure. One
collection structure can be used by multiple collections. Use the Collection Structure
Definition program (PCW06) to define your collection structures. The collection
structure details, such as the possible levels, are stored in the Collection Structure
Definition table (FCW05). You will attach your collection structure to your collection
when you create your collection using the Collection Management program (PCW07).

5.3.2 Prerequisites
Before you create collection structures, you must define the levels or segments to
include in your structure. Similar to the levels for a style item, these levels represent
different attributes for your collection. You describe these levels by creating a UDC
and valid values for each level. These levels are completely user-defined and should
be specific to your business. For example, you might have a collection with the
following attributes:

Working with Collections Management


Defining Collection Structures




Product Line



You could set up the following UDCs and values for the levels in the preceding


Valid Values



Apollo, Gemini

Product Line


Casual, Attraction



Day, Evening, Travel

5.3.3 Forms Used to Define Collection Structures
Form Name




Work with Collection


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Collection
Structure Definition

Review collection

Collection Structure


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Collection
Structure Definition

Define collection

Click Add.

5.3.4 Defining Collection Structures
Access the Collection Structure Definition form.
Figure 5–3 Collection Structure Definition form

To define collection structures:


Enter the collection structure that you want to define in the Collection Structure


Enter the product code and user-defined code values that you used to set up your
levels in the Product Code and User Defined Codes fields respectively.

5-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Collections

For example, if your first level is Product Line and you set up your valid brand
values in UDC 56/PL, then enter 56 in the Product Code field and PL in the User
Defined Codes field.
The User Defined Codes field is also sometimes referred to as a UDC type.

Repeat entering the product code and user-defined code for all of the levels that
you want to attach to this collection structure.
You can attach up to five levels to a collection.


Click OK.

5.4 Creating Collections
This section provides an overview of collection creation and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Collection Management (PCW07).


Create a collection header.


Create a collection structure detail.


Add style items to a collection.

5.4.1 Understanding Collection Creation
Three steps are involved in creating a collection. You must create both a collection
header and the collection structure detail. Finally, you must add style items to your
collection. The collection header is where you attach the collection structure. It
includes the following information:

Collection name


Season code


Season year


Collection structure


Price reference date


Effective and expiration dates

Use the Collection Management program to create the collection header. The collection
header information is stored in the Collection Header table (FCW06).
The Create Collection Detail Structure program (PCW16) is used to build the collection
from the structure. It is called from the Collection Management program. In the Create
Collection Detail Structure program, you build the collection by copying and pasting
the available collection structure levels in a tree structure.
To add style items to your collection, you use the Item Collection Detail program
(PCW081) accessed through the Add Style Items option on the Row menu of the
Collection Detail program (PCW08). The Collection Detail program (PCW08) is
accessed using the Collection Detail option on the Row menu of the Collection
Management program (PCW07). You select the lowest collection level, where the
collection hierarchy consists of a maximum of five collection levels, in the Collection
Detail program (PCW08) and select the Add Style Items option on the Row menu. You
can add style items to a selected collection level and remove style items from a selected
collection level using the Item Collection Detail program (PCW081).
You use the Item Collection Detail program to:

Working with Collections Management


Creating Collections


Display collection details in the Collection Level field in the header on the Style
Item Collection Detail form. (Release 9.1 Update)
The Collection Level field displays the hierarchy for the selected collection level to
which style items are being added or removed. This field is noneditable. (Release
9.1 Update)





Add a style item to the collection by selecting the row and clicking Select. (Release
9.1 Update)
Display existing and new style items included in the collection in aqua color
highlight in the grid. (Release 9.1 Update)
Remove a style item from the collection by selecting the row and clicking Select.
(Release 9.1 Update)
Display removed style items in red color highlight in the grid. (Release 9.1 Update)

To view the items in the collection, you use the Collection Detail by Style Item
program (PCW082) which you access through the View Style Items option on the Row
menu of the Collection Detail program (PCW08). The Collection Detail by Style Item
form displays the hierarchy of the selected collection level in the Collection Level field
in the form header. (Release 9.1 Update)
The collection detail information, such as different levels and style items that exist in a
collection, is stored in the Collection Detail table (FCW07).

5.4.2 Forms Used to Create Collections
Form Name




Work with Collections WCW07A

Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter

Review, update, and
delete collections.

Collection Revisions

Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter

Create a collection


Click Add.
Build Collection


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter

Create a collection
structure detail.

Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter

Add style items to a

Note: The Create
Select a row and then Collection Detail
select Build Collection Structure program is
accessible only from
from the Row menu.
the Collection
Collection Detail


Select a row and then
select Collection
Detail from the Row

5-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Review the collection
Note: The Collection
Detail program is
accessible only from
another application.

Creating Collections

Form Name




Style Item Collection


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter

Add style items to a

Select a row and then
select Add Style Items
from the Row menu
on the Collection
Detail form.
Collection Detail by
Style Item


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter
Select a row and then
select View Style
Items from the Row
menu on the
Collection Detail

Note: The Item
Collection Detail
program is accessible
only from another
View the style items in
a collection.
Note: The Collection
Detail by Item
program (PCW082) is
accessible only from
another application.

5.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Collection Management (PCW07)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Allow Same Item in Different Collection Levels

Specify whether an item can exist in multiple collection levels (subcollections)
belonging to a collection.
Values are:
Blank: Yes
1: No
2. Delete Collection Level

Specify whether the system validates that items under a collection level are used in an
open sales order.
Values are:
Blank: No validation.
1: The system issues a warning if the items under a collection level have been used in
an open sales order.
2: The system issues an error message if the items under a collection level have been
used in an open sales order.
Note: The first processing option is used by the Item Collection
Detail program, which is called by the Collection Detail program
when you use the Row menu to add style items to the collection. The
second processing option applies to the Collection Detail program,
which is called from the Collection Management program when you
use the Row menu to go to the collection detail.

Working with Collections Management


Creating Collections

5.4.4 Creating a Collection Header
Access the Collection Revisions form.
Figure 5–4 Collection Revisions form

To create a collection header:
The required fields on this form have orange asterisks (*).
To create a collection header, complete these fields and click OK:

Enter a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the same
time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market.
You must enter a value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).
Description Line 1

Enter a description of the collection.
Season Code

Enter a code to specify the season for which the collection is being manufactured.
Season Year

Enter a code that specifies the year of manufacture of the collection.
Collection Structure

Enter a collection structure that was defined using the Collection Structure Definition
program. The collection structure is used to define various collection levels based on
the UDCs. Collections can have a maximum of five collection levels. The UDC denotes
the collection levels, whereas the UDC values denote the collection segment at each
collection level.
Price Reference Date

Enter a date to be used to determine the price for the collection.

5-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Collections

Note: The Price Reference Date field is used at the time of sales order
and purchase order entry to fetch the price of the style items attached
under the collection.
Effective Date

Enter a date that identifies when a collection becomes active. This date is used for
informational purposes only.
Expiration Date

Enter a date that identifies when a collection expires. This date is used for
informational purposes only.

5.4.5 Creating a Collection Structure Detail
Access the Build Collection form.
Your collection appears at the top of the tree structure and all available collection
levels appear below it. Use this form to copy and paste the collection levels that you
want to add to your collection.
Figure 5–5 Build Collection form

To create a collection structure detail:

Expand the tree structure to view all of the available collection level values.


Select the collection level value (for example, Attraction or Casual) that you want
to add to your collection.

Working with Collections Management


Creating Collections


Click the Copy icon in the upper right-hand corner of the tree structure pane.


Select your collection to which you want to add the level.


Click the Paste icon in the upper right-hand corner of the tree structure pane to
add it to your collection.


Select the next collection level that you want to add to your collection.


Click the Copy icon in the upper right-hand corner of the tree structure pane.


Select the level that you previously added to your collection and click Paste.
You are creating a structure for your collection, so the levels will nest within one
another. For example, you may have a level called Casual and want to add a
Travel-wear level within the Casual level.
Note: If there is any level mismatch while building the structure, the
particular level will not be added. For example, Travel-wear cannot be
added under Asia Fall collection because Travel-wear is the second
level. It can only be added under a first level, such as Casual.


Repeat these steps for each collection level value that you want to add to your

10. If you would like to delete a collection level, select the level and click Delete.

If the collection level that you are attempting to delete is used in any sales orders,
you may receive a warning or an error depending on how you have the Delete
Collection Level processing option set.
11. When you are finished creating your collection structure, click Close.

5.4.6 Adding Style Items to a Collection
Access the Collection Detail form.

5-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Collections

Figure 5–6 Collection Detail form

To add style items to a collection:

Select the lowest level of the collection and select Add Style Items from the Row
Note: If the lowest level of the collection is not selected, then you
will not be able to perform any action from the Row menu.


Enter the style items or other criteria that you want to find in the Query By
Example (QBE) line at the top of the grid and click Find.


Select the style items that you want to include in the collection by selecting the
check box in the row header for each and clicking Select. If the style root level 0
item is selected, then its corresponding child items will be added to collection.
Selected rows display in aqua color highlight in the grid. (Release 9.1 Update)
Note: Depending on how you set the Allow Same Item in Different
Collection Levels processing option, you may or may not be able to
select the same item for multiple collection levels (subcollections)
belonging to a collection. If the processing option is blank, you can
select the same item for multiple collection levels; if the processing
option has a value of 1, you cannot.


You can also use the options above the grid to see all of the attributes associated
with a particular style item and narrow down the style items to include in the
collection at a lower level.
For example, if you select color, all of the colors associated with the style item are
displayed in the grid. You might then select size; all of the sizes with respect to the
color of the style item are displayed. If you have already included the style item

Working with Collections Management


Setting Up Collection Templates

with the color black in the collection, all of the sizes associated with the color black
have a green check mark showing that they are all associated with the collection.

To deselect a particular style item, click the check box in the row header for each
and click Select and the style item will be removed from the collection. The row
initially displays in red color highlight. The row becomes gray after you click Find.
(Release 9.1 Update)


After you have selected all of the style items that you want to include in the
collection, click Close.


To verify that your style items have been added, select View Style Items from the
Row menu.

Collection Level

Displays the hierarchy of the selected collection level to which style items are being
added or removed. (Release 9.1 Update)

5.5 Setting Up Collection Templates
This section provides an overview of collection templates, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:

Define a collection template name.


Build the collection template.

5.5.1 Understanding Collection Templates
A collection template is a subset of style items from one or more collections. You can
add style items from multiple collections to a collection template. For example, if a
designer has 100 style items under six collections but only wants to use 20 style items
associated with three particular collections during sales order entry, he can attach the
desired style items in the template. Templates are all user-defined; no predefined
templates are available. Use the Collection Templates Entry program (PCW42) to
create templates. Collection templates are stored in the Matrix Work File table
These templates are used during sales order entry, as well as purchase order entry, to
simplify the process of entering orders. A collection template contains frequently
ordered style items. A collection template applies to all customers. For example, you
can create a collection template that lists the most frequently ordered style items from
a particular collection. Or you could identify a collection template that lists all of the
most frequently ordered style items, regardless of their collection. You should
regularly update existing collection templates to ensure that the order entry process
remains accurate and efficient. For example, you can add and remove style items on an
existing collection template. When you use a collection template with a sales order, the
matrix order entry displays all of the style items associated with the collection
template that you are using so that you can choose which style items to order and
enter the appropriate quantities.

This diagram illustrates how collection templates are created and used during sales
order entry:

5-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Collection Templates

Figure 5–7 Collection template overview

> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.

5.5.2 Prerequisite
Before you create a collection template in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system, you must set the processing option for the Collection Templates
Entry program to specify the version of the Collection Template List report (RCW10)
that you want to call. This program is used to generate the matrix entry display for the
collection template that you define. It is called when you select Generate Matrix from
the Form menu on the Collection Template Detail form. It is also called when you
select OK after making a change to a template, such as adding or removing an item.

Working with Collections Management


Setting Up Collection Templates

5.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Collection Templates
Form Name




Work with Collection


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter
Collection Templates

Review, revise, and
delete collection

Collection Template


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter
Collection Templates

Define a collection
template name.

Click Add.
Collection Template


Collection Setup
(G41F44), Enter
Collection Templates

Build the collection

Select a row and then
select Update
Template from the
Row menu on the
Collection Template
Header form or select
a row and then select
Update Template
from the Row menu
on the Work with
Collection Template
Matrix Display


Select Matrix Display
from the Form menu
on the Collection
Template Detail form.

Review the collection
template as it will
appear in the Matrix
Entry program, which
is called within sales
order, purchase order,
and inventory

5.5.4 Defining a Collection Template Name
Access the Collection Template Header form.

Enter the collection template name and description in the grid.


Click OK.

5.5.5 Building the Collection Template
Access the Collection Template Detail form:

5-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Collection Templates

Figure 5–8 Collection Template Detail form

To build the collection template:

Expand the tree structure in the right-hand pane to see all of the available
collection levels and style items.


Select the level or specific style item that you want to add to the collection
template and click the arrow button to move it into the collection template in the
left-hand pane.
If you select an attribute or collection level that includes multiple style items, all of
those style items will be moved to the collection template when you click the
arrow button.


After you select all of the style items that you want to add to the collection
template, select Generate Matrix from the Form menu to create the matrix entry
display for the collection template. The system uses this template during sales
order and purchase order entry.


Click OK to run the report.
Review the report output and verify the results.
The Collection Template List report (RCW10) runs and creates the list of style
items included in the collection template for the matrix entry display.
Note: This report can also be submitted manually from Batch
Versions. If the report does not complete successfully, it will not
contain all of the style items. Verify that the report has finished
running before you view the results. Otherwise, you will not obtain
the results that you expect.


To verify and review the matrix entry display that has been created for the
collection template, select Matrix Display from the Form menu.


If you want to remove all of the style items from the template, select Delete All
from the Form menu on the Collection Template Detail form.


If you want to delete individual style items from the template, select those items
and click Delete.

Working with Collections Management


Working with Style Items by Collection

Note: Once you have created a template, you can update the existing
template by selecting your template on either the Work with
Collection Template or the Collection Template Header forms and
selecting Update Template from the Row menu on either form.

5.6 Working with Style Items by Collection
This section provides an overview of style items by collection and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Style Items by Collection (PCW54).


Work with style items by collection.

5.6.1 Understanding Style Items by Collection
The Style Items by Collection program (PCW54) is very similar to the Style Item
Master program (PCW51) except that it provides a way for you to access, review, and
update style items within a particular collection. It enables you to search for style
items by collection or any of the collection details, and then review the detailed
information for those style items. It also provides access to style items that are not
attached to a collection.

5.6.2 Forms Used to Work with Style Items by Collection
Form Name




Work with Collection
Item Master Browse


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by

Work with collection
style items.

Multi Level Item


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by

Review style items
associated with a
See Working with
Item Revisions.

Select a row and then
click Select or select
Revision from the
Row menu.
Item Structure


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by
Select a row and then
select Structure
Definition from the
Row menu.

5-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

See Working with
Item Revisions.

Working with Style Items by Collection

Form Name




Items without


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by

Access and review
style items that are
not associated with a

Select Item w/o
Collection from the
Form menu.

5.6.3 Setting Processing Options for Style Items by Collection (PCW54)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Structure
1. Item Structure Creation

Specify how the system creates child style items.
Values are:
1: Create child items when you click Close.
2: Create child items on demand. You must click the Create Structure button on the
Item Structure Definition form.
3: Create child items by batch using the Create and Process Child Style program
2. Size Grid Selection

Specify how the system displays size grids in the Item Structure Definition (WCW02B)
Values are:
Blank: Size grids appear as deselected. You must select the size grids manually.
1: Size grids appear as selected. You must deselect the size grids that you do not want
to use. Versions
1. Item Master Version (P4101)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Item Master program
(P4101). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0003
as the default version.
2. Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53) (Default version XJDE0001)

Specify the version of the Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53) that the
system calls from the Bill of Material for Style Items program (PCW12B). If you leave
this processing option blank, then the system uses XJDE0001 as the default version.
3. Bill of Material Revisions (P3002)

Specify the version of the Bill of Material Revision program (P3002) that the system
calls from the Style Items by Collection program (PCW54). If you leave this processing
option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

Working with Collections Management


Working with Style Items by Collection

4. Work With Routing Master (P3003)

Specify the version of the Work With Routing Master program (P3003) that the system
calls from the Style Items by Collection program (PCW54). If you leave this processing
option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version. Collections
These processing options specify default values that the Style Items by Collection
program uses when other values are not entered.
1. Collection

Specify a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the same
time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You must enter a
value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).
2. Season Code

Specify a code that specifies the season for which the collection is being manufactured.
3. Season Year

Specify a code that specifies the year of manufacture of the collection. Delete Process
1. Delete Complete Levels

Specify whether to delete items in the multi level hierarchy of style items.
Values are:
Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style items in the
hierarchy if the child items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy. In this
case, you can delete all levels in the hierarchy.
1: Delete even if a level still contains items. You can delete any of the levels in the
hierarchy even if child items exist for that particular level.
2. Generate Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) and
prints a detail log report.
Values are:
Blank: Do not print a detail log report.
1: Print a detail log report. Bill of Material
1. BOM Creation

Specify how the system creates bills of material for child style items.
Values are:
Blank: Create bills of material for child style items on demand. You must select Create
from the Form menu on the Work with Bill of Material form.
1: Create bills of material for child style items by batch. You run the Create BOM for
Child Style Items program (RCW53).

5-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Style Items by Collection

5.6.4 Working with Style Items by Collection
Access the Work with Collection Item Master Browse form.
To work with style items by collection:

Enter information in any of the following fields and click Find.



Season Code


Season Year


Item Level No
Enter a number that identifies the level of an item structure. You can have up
to ten levels starting from level 0 to level 9 in an item structure. The parent
item is defined as the first level in the multi-level item structure. The child
style items inherit their basic attributes from their parent level.


If you want to look for a style item that is not attached to a collection, select Item
w/o Collection from the Form menu.
Use the QBE line at the top of the grid to search for a style item and narrow your

Working with Collections Management


Working with Style Items by Collection

5-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales
Order Management for Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 6.1, "Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management
for Apparel Management"


Section 6.2, "Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items"


Section 6.3, "Rounding Prices for Style Items"


Section 6.4, "Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items"


Section 6.5, "Generating Price Lists for Style Items"


Section 6.6, "Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)"


Section 6.7, "Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)"


Section 6.8, "Printing Sales Orders for Style Items"


Section 6.9, "Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items"

6.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management
for Apparel Management
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management helps you to manage the sales
process from the time a customer service representative takes an order until payment
for it is received from the customer. The Sales Order Management system is integrated
with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial, Inventory, Manufacturing, Warehouse
Management, Transportation Management, Apparel Management, and EDI systems to
ensure that customer demand is met.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management supports a matrix entry form for
adding customer orders in Apparel Management. This matrix integration enables you
to manage style items. For each style item or collection template that you enter on the
order, the system displays a matrix entry form on which you can enter item quantities
by size, color, or any other attributes. The system displays Matrix Entry for a style item
during sales order entry only if an item structure is attached to the style item.
See Adding a Structure to Style Item Root Level 0.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management integrates with Apparel
Management, Price List, Allocations, Inventory Management, and Collection
This diagram illustrates the integration of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management

Figure 6–1 Integration of Sales Order Management

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management used with Apparel Management
provides the following ways to create orders for style items:

By style item root level 0 (parent level).
When you enter the parent style item (for example, JEAN), the Matrix Entry form
displays all of the corresponding levels (for example, JEAN.BLK.36.34,


By intermediate item level (for example, JEAN.BLK).
When you enter the intermediate style item, the Matrix Entry form displays all of
the corresponding levels (JEAN.BLK.36.34, JEAN.BLK.32.30).


By collection template.
When you use a collection template, which is built in the Collection Templates
Entry program (PCW42), the Matrix Entry form displays all of the items from the
collection template.

Using Sales Order Management with Apparel Management can significantly decrease
your data entry time and errors because:


One style item root level 0 (JEAN) automatically displays all lower level items
(JEAN.BLK.26.17, JEAN.BLK.26.18) in the sales order detail line.
Collection templates contain groups of similar or different items that are typically
sold together.

Some additional features of Sales Order Management when used with Apparel
Management include:


Price effective dates, which the collection provides by default to the sales order
Style item validation for a collection in a sales order.
Splitting of total quantities in a sales order detail line based on the size split
percentages defined for a size grid.

6-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Sales order mass update functionality for style items to update multiple sales
order detail records in order to change commitments or dates and to cancel sales
order lines.


Use of collection, season, and season year in the sales order header.


Foreign and domestic sales orders for style items.



Ability to create price lists used to update the price for style child items in the Item
Base Price File (F4106) based on the price defined for the style root level 0 item.
Ability to copy price lists based on customer, customer group, and currency code.

This diagram illustrates the sales order management process:
Figure 6–2 Sales Order Management process flow

The process flow for Sales Order Management for Apparel Management is similar to
and uses many of the same programs as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order
Management. The process flow consists of these steps:

Enter sales order (P4210 or P42101).
You can enter style items or use a collection template to enter an order.
When you enter style items, the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) opens so that you
can enter specific quantities for different child style items.
Note: If you enter the lowest level child style item, Matrix Entry will
not open because there are no more attributes below that level from
which to choose.


Print sales order for style items (RCW02).
Use the Print Sales Order for Style Items program to print the sales order for style
items in a matrix format.


Print pick slip (R42520).
Use the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. It does not contain any
specific style item functionality.
See "Processing Sales Orders, "Printing Picking Documents" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.


(Optional) Perform a mass update of sales order style item lines (PCW61).

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management

Use this program to update dates or reset commitments for sales order style item
lines, or to cancel order lines.

Confirm shipment (P4205).
Use the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. It does not contain any
specific style item functionality.
See "Confirming Shipments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales
Order Management Implementation Guide.


Print invoice (R42565).
Use the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. It does not contain any
specific style item functionality.
See "Invoicing" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.


Run Sales Update (R42800).
Use the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. It does not contain any
specific style item functionality.
See "Updating Customer Sales" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales
Order Management Implementation Guide.
> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.

6.1.1 Collections
Sales order entry integrates with Collection Management. Using processing options,
you can set a default collection to automatically populate your sales orders. You can
also perform a check during sales order entry to verify that the items entered belong to
the collection that is attached to the sales order; or you can create collection templates
that can help simplify sales order entry.

6.1.2 Backordering
In the Sales Order Management process for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
Management system, you do not normally backorder seasonal merchandise. Fashion
trends vary each year based on apparel industry experts and fashion shows. Orders
placed based on a fashion show or a seasonal trend are not delivered instantly because
the items require time for manufacturing and delivery. Also, backordered sales order
lines are not considered for the apparel allocation process. For these two reasons,
backordering is not usually activated for sales order processing for style items in this
However, you can perform backorders, if desired, for a "permanent style item", an item
that is not part of a collection and not a seasonal item. How you use this functionality
is dependent on your business needs.
See Setting Up Commitment Rules.

6.1.3 Data Purging
You run the Purge Sales Order Header (F4201) program (R4201P) to remove records
from the Sales Order Header (F4201) and Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File
(F41F201T) tables and to archive the deleted records. Typically, you run the Purge Sales
Order Header (F4201) program at the end of the sales order process to clean up the

6-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items

sales order tables. When you purge these sales order tables, you have the option to
archive the deleted records. The F41F201T table has a corresponding history table, the
Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History File (F41F2019), which is similar to the
Sales Order Header History table (F42019). If purging is done through the Sales
Update (R42800) option, the F41F201T is purged as well.
See "Purging Data" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.

6.1.4 Reposting Active Sales Orders
If you are using allocations and have outstanding proposals, then you must validate
the proposals to clear the commitments before you run the Repost Active Sales Orders
program (R42995). If you repost a style item that is in a proposal, you may cause
commitment issues for that style item.

6.1.5 Prerequisites
Before you begin the tasks in this chapter:

Ensure that customer address information is set up in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Address Book system.
See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Address Book Implementation Guide.


Ensure that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system is set
up to support style items.
See "Sales Order Management Implementation Steps" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.


Define customer information including customer and address book records and
customer billing instructions.
See "Setting Up Customer Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

6.2 Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items
This section provides an overview of price lists for style items, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

Set processing options for Price List (PCW17).


Set up price lists for style items.


Purge price lists for style items.


Run the Price List Creation report (RCW23).

6.2.1 Understanding Price Lists for Style Items
Price lists drive the prices in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
system. The solution offers a set of applications that, based on the collection concept
and customer or distribution channel characteristics, enables you to define specific
conditions. You use price lists to generate prices for style items.
Use price lists to define prices for style items by:

Style item root level 0 or child style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items

When you enter prices for a style item, the child style items inherit these prices.
You can also create exceptions to the prices. Price exceptions can be set specific to a
particular level like color or size.

Item and branch.


Item, branch, and location.





Customer group, distribution channel, or both (for example, retail, wholesale,
geographical location).
Multicurrency pricing for export markets.
You can set up and use exchange rates when creating price lists.

This diagram illustrates the price list process:
Figure 6–3 Price list process flow

You can create separate price lists for items based on individual levels. For example,
you might price larger sizes or darker colors higher than smaller sizes or lighter colors.
You might also price longer inseam lengths higher. A defined price can be active
during a specific period of time with a defined currency. For example, the style item
Jean might be 19.00 USD for customer 4242 effective from October 1, 2015 until March
31, 2016. You can also manage price exceptions.
You complete these steps to define price lists:

Enter price lists.
You can define prices by customer or customer group using the Price List program
(PCW17). Prices are inherited by child style items, but you can define exceptions to
the prices.


Generate price lists.
You run the Price List Creation program (RCW23) for your price lists to create the
item price records in the Item Base Price File table (F4106). Depending on how you
set processing options, the Price List program calls the Price List Creation program
automatically, on demand, or not at all.


Create rounding definitions.
You use the Rounding Method program (PCW18) to specify whether the system
uses mathematical or price point rounding to round the price of a style item.

6-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items


Create rounding rules.
You use the Rounding Rule program (PCW19) to specify which rounding
definitions to use. You can use one of each type of rounding definition
(mathematical rounding and price point rounding) to create a rounding rule.


Define exchange rates.
You use the Price List Exchange Rate program (PCW22) to define exchange rates.
You can set up multiple exchange rates with different effective dates. The system
uses these exchange rates to create the base price for an item. This exchange rate is
not the exchange rate used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financials system.


Generate price lists.
Rather than enter all of your prices manually, you can use the Price List
Generation program (PCW25) to create and copy prices. You can also use
multipliers, rounding rules, and exchange rates to create a new price list. The Price
List Generation program calls the Generate Price List report (RCW07) to generate a
price list.

You use the Price List program (PCW17) to create base prices for style items. You can
generate prices in three different ways based on your processing option settings:

When you select OK, the system automatically generates prices.


On demand
Select an option from the Row menu to generate prices.


By batch
You must manually run the Price List Creation program (RCW23) to create prices.

You can also use processing options to specify at which child item level you enter
prices and whether the prices are based on the style item, style item and branch/plant,
or style item, branch/plant, and location.
When you use the Price List program to create prices, the system populates the Price
List Header table (FCW33) and the Price List Detail table (FCW34). The system uses
these tables to populate the standard Item Base Price table (F4106). Before updating the
F4106 table, you can add rounding rules, multipliers, and exchange rates to update the
prices that you have entered using the Price List program. You do all of these tasks to
arrive at the base price in the F4106 table.
This diagram illustrates how the Price List program functions:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items

Figure 6–4 Price List program overview

Note: Price List is specific to Apparel Management and is not related
to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing.

6.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you set up price lists, you may want to define the following user-defined codes
(UDCs) if you plan to use them when you set up your price lists:

Collection Category Code 1 (41F/O1)


Collection Category Code 2 (41F/O2)


Collection Category Code 3 (41F/O3)


Collection Category Code 4 (41F/O4)


Collection Category Code 5 (41F/O5)

You can use these UDCs, which are located on the Category Codes tab in the Price List
program, for reporting and classification purposes. Theses fields are optional.
You can set up the UDCs from Apparel Setup, User Defined Codes, Collection
Management menu (G41F462).

6.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up Price Lists for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Price List


Sales Order
(G41F14), Work with
Price List

Review price lists for
style items.

Price List Header


Sales Order
(G41F14), Work with
Price List

Set up price lists for
style items.

Click Add.

6-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items

Form Name




Price List Detail


Sales Order
(G41F14), Work with
Price List

Set up price lists for
style items.

Select a row and select
Price List Detail from
the Row menu.

6.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Price List (PCW17)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Sales Price Level (Required)

Specify whether the system maintains standard sales prices for an item, different sales
prices for each branch/plant, or different sales prices for each location and lot within a
branch/plant. The system maintains sales prices in the Base Price file (F4106). Valid
codes are:
1: Item level
2: Item/Branch level
3: Item/Branch/Location level
2. Item Level Number

Specify the item level for which the price can be defined.
3. Update Sales Price Record (Required)

Specify how to update item base prices. Values are:
1: Update item base price record automatically.
2: Update item base price record on demand.
3: Do not update item base price record.
In this case, you need to run the Price List Creation report (RCW23) to update the item
base price record.
All of these values are also applicable for purging price list details.

6.2.5 Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items
Access the Price List Header form.

Select either the Customer Number or Customer Price Group option, depending
on how you want to set up your price list.


Enter the customer number or customer price group (based on the previous step)
in the Customer Number or Customer Price Group field.
If you enter a customer price group, the associated category codes appear,
enabling you to select the appropriate values.


On the Currency and Dates tab, complete the Currency Code, Effective Date, and
Expiration Date fields.


If desired, enter category codes on the Category Codes tab.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Price Lists for Style Items

You can enter up to five different category codes for your price list. You can use
them for grouping and reporting purposes.
You can also use these codes as search criteria when looking for specific price lists
to review.

If you want to attach a collection to your price list, complete the Collection, Season
Code, and Season Year fields on the Collection tab.
These fields are informational only; the system does not search for a correlation
between the date of the collection and the date of the price list.


Click OK to create the price list header.


On the Work with Price List form, click Find and select your price list.


With your price list selected, select Price List Detail from the Row menu.


Enter the style item root level 0 for which you want to create a price in the Root
Note: The name of this column depends on the description entered
in the 41F/CH UDC table.

10. If you want to create the price at a lower item level, enter the level values in the

appropriate columns.
11. If you set the processing option to record price by branch/plant or location, enter

the appropriate branch/plant and location information.
12. Enter the price for the item in the Unit Price column.

If you want to create a credit price, enter it in the Credit Price column.
13. When you finish entering item prices, click OK.

If you have the Update Sales Price Record processing option set to automatically
update the item base price, the system updates the F4106 table automatically when
you click OK.
14. If you have the Update Sales Price Record processing option set to update the item

base price on demand, you must select Update Sales Price from the Row menu on
the Work With Price List form to update the item base price.
Note: This option is disabled if you do not have the processing
option set to update the item base price on demand.
15. If you have the Update Sales Price Record processing option set to not update the

item base price, then you must run the Price List Creation report when you are
ready to update the item base price record.
Note: This option is disabled if you do not have the processing
option set to update the item base price on demand.

See Running the Price List Creation Report.

6-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Rounding Prices for Style Items

6.2.6 Purging Price Lists for Style Items
Access the Work With Price List form.

Find and select the price list that you want to purge.


Select Purge Detail from the Row menu.


Select OK when asked "Do you want to purge the selected price list?"
Selecting to purge a price list deletes that price list detail as
well as all of the item base price records in the F4106 table that you
created from your price list.


6.2.7 Running the Price List Creation Report
If the Update Sales Price Record processing option for the Price List program is set to
not update the item base price, you must run the Price List Creation report (RCW23) to
update the F4106 table with the base prices.
Reports (G41F19), Price List Creation

6.3 Rounding Prices for Style Items
This section provides overviews of price rounding methods and price rounding rules,
lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set up rounding methods for style items.


Set up rounding rules for style items.

6.3.1 Understanding Price Rounding Methods
Sales pricing takes into account different rules based on currency, rounding, and
exceptions to produce a final base price. The rules are based on two different types of
rounding methods:

Mathematical rounding
Use mathematical rounding to calculate a final price by rounding to the nearest
value. This rounding method rounds values that fall within a certain range to the
nearest value. You define both the range and the value. For example, you might
want to round prices to the nearest tenth or hundredth, depending on the


Price point rounding
Use price point rounding to convert prices to values that appear to provide a
better value to the buyer. For example, a buyer may think that an item with a price
of 9.99 USD is a better value than the same item with a price of 10.00 USD.

Use the Rounding Method program (PCW18) to create a list of rounding values for
several ranges of prices based on either mathematical or price point rounding. The
system applies the rounding values to the price list. The system stores rounding
methods in the Rounding Methods table (FCW35).
For price point rounding, you specify a value that is calculated for a particular price
range. For example, prices between 12.00 USD and 15.00 USD are rounded to 14.99
USD. You can specify multiple price ranges.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-11

Rounding Prices for Style Items

Mathematical rounding enables you to specify the unit used for rounding a range of
prices. For example, for prices from 0.00 USD to 10.00 USD, the system rounds prices
to the nearest dollar.

6.3.2 Understanding Price Rounding Rules
Use rounding methods to create rounding rules that enable you to calculate a final
base price. Sales price uses three types of rounding rules:

Mathematical rounding.


Price point rounding.


A combination of mathematical rounding and price point rounding.
For this method, the system uses mathematical rounding first, followed by price
point rounding.

Use the Rounding Rules program (PCW19) to create rounding rules based on
mathematical rounding methods, price point rounding methods, or a combination of
the two. The system stores rounding rules in the Rounding Rules table (FCW36).
This diagram shows the relationship of rounding methods and rounding rules:
Figure 6–5 Relationship of rounding methods and rounding rules

6.3.3 Prerequisites
Before setting up rounding methods and rounding rules, verify that the following
UDCs are set up.

UDC 41F/RT should have the following values:


Description 01

Special Handling

Hard Coded





Price Point



UDC 41F/RM should have the following values:


Description 01

Special Handling

Hard Coded







6-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Rounding Prices for Style Items


Description 01

Special Handling

Hard Coded





UDC 41F/ST should have the following values:


Description 01

Special Handling

Hard Coded










6.3.4 Forms Used to Round Prices for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Rounding


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Rounding

Review rounding
methods for style

Rounding Method


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Rounding

Set up rounding
methods for style

Click Add.
Work with Rounding


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Rounding

Review rounding
rules for style items.

Rounding Rules


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Rounding

Set up rounding rules
for style items.

Click Add.

6.3.5 Setting Up Rounding Methods for Style Items
Access the Rounding Method Detail form.

Select the Mathematical or Price Point option for the type of rounding method that
you want to create.


Enter a name for your rounding method in the Rounding Name field.
This field is required.


Enter the first value for your range of prices in the Rounding Start column.


Enter the ending value for your range of prices in the Rounding End column.


If using mathematical rounding, enter the place value to which you want to round
in the Rounding Value column.
For example, if you enter the following values:







Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-13

Rounding Prices for Style Items










Any price between 0 and 100 will be rounded to an integer.
Any price between 101 and 1000 will be rounded to a number divisible by 10.
Any price between 1001 and 10000 will be rounded to a number divisible by 100.

If using price point rounding, enter the price to which you want to round in the
Rounding Value column.
For example, you might enter the following values:

















Click OK.

6.3.6 Setting Up Rounding Rules for Style Items
Access the Rounding Rules Detail form.
Figure 6–6 Rounding Rules Detail form

To set up rounding rules for style items:

Enter a name for the rounding rule in the Rounding Rule field.

6-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items


Complete the Rounding Mode field.
This field uses the 41F/RM UDC. The values are hard-coded. They are G
(Greater), L (Lesser), and N (Nearest).
The rounding mode works in conjunction with the mathematical rounding range
that you set up for your rounding method. For example, the value to be rounded is
975.366 and the mathematical rounding method has the following values:

Start = 950


End = 999


Value = 10

In this example, if the Rounding Mode value is L (Lesser), then the final rounded
value is 970.
If the Rounding Mode value is G (Greater), then the final rounded value is 980.
Finally, if the Rounding Mode value is N (Nearest), then the final rounded value is

Select the mathematical rounding, price point rounding, or both methods that you
want to attach to your rounding rule.
You can only attach one mathematical rounding method and one price point
rounding method to your rounding rule. If you attach one of each, then the
mathematical rounding is performed first.

6.4 Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items
This section provides an overview of price list exchange rate setup, lists prerequisites,
and discusses how to set up price list exchange rates for style items.

6.4.1 Understanding Price List Exchange Rate Setup
When you generate price lists, you have the option of using a price list exchange rate
to calculate the target price. This rate is independent of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
standard exchange rate used in the Financials system. The apparel industry typically
needs to set up style items and prices for future seasons, the exchange rate enables you
to calculate what you think the exchange rate will be at that time and then use that
exchange rate to arrive at the base price for your style items.
You can have multiple currency rates with effective dates. The system uses the rate
defined for the closest preceding effective date from the system date. For example, if
your company's currency is the Euro, then you can convert Euros into various other
currencies, like U.S. dollars and Japanese yen, using a user-defined exchange rate. Use
the Price List Exchange Rates program (PCW22) to set up price list exchange rates. The
system uses the price list exchange rates during price list generation. The system stores
this information in the Price List Exchange Rate table (FCW38).

6.4.2 Prerequisite
Before you set up price list exchange rates, set the processing option for the Price List
Exchange Rates program to specify the Currency Code - From.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-15

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

6.4.3 Forms Used to Set Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Price List
Exchange Rates


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Price List
Exchange Rate

Review price list
exchange rates for
style items.

Price List Exchange
Rate Detail


Sales Order
Management Setup
(G41F43), Price List
Exchange Rate

Set up price list
exchange rates for
style items.

Click Add.

6.4.4 Setting Up Price List Exchange Rates for Style Items
Access the Price List Exchange Rate Detail form.

Enter a currency in the From Currency field.
The system automatically displays the currency of the company in this field.


Enter a currency in the To Currency field.


Enter the date from which the conversion rate becomes effective in the Effective
Date column.


Enter the conversion rate to use to convert from the currency code to the target
currency in the Exchange Rate column.
You can enter several different exchange rates with effective dates. The system
uses the exchange rate with the preceding effective date closest to the system date.


Click OK.

6.5 Generating Price Lists for Style Items
This section provides an overview of price list generation, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

Set processing options for Price List Generation (PCW25).


Set the processing option for Generate Price List (RCW07).


Generate price lists for style items.


Generate the price for one style item.


Create item exceptions.

6.5.1 Understanding Price List Generation
Price List Generation enables you to copy prices from a source price list to a target
price list. This capability provides an easier way to set up a large number of prices
rather than creating them all individually and manually. You can also use a specific
exchange rate, a multiplier, and rounding rules when you generate a target price.
You can define exceptions by item group to the multipliers and rounding rules. For
example, price exceptions can be set specific to a particular color or size.

6-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

For example, if your company's currency is EURO, you can convert EURO into various
other currencies, like USD and JPY, using a user-defined exchange rate. This diagram
illustrates the conversion process:
Figure 6–7 Price list generation from base price in Euros

You use the Price List Generation program to copy prices from a source price list to a
target price list. After you set up source and target information, select an option from
the Row menu to call the Generate Price List report (RCW07). This report performs the
actual copy to the target price list. The Price List Generation program writes price list
and price list exception information to the Price List Generation (FCW40) and Price
List Generation - Exception (FCW42) tables.
You can use the Price List Generation program to copy prices for all of the items in a
source price list, or you can copy just one item based on a processing option for the
Generate Price List report. To take advantage of this functionality, set up different
versions of the Generate Price list report and specify which version to call from the
Price List Generation program. You might want to copy just one style item if you have
made changes to a style item in the source price list or added a new style item to the
list. Examples: Generating Price Lists
You can use the Price List Generation program to copy a list of prices. You can also use
a coefficient, exchange rate, and rounding rules to arrive at the target price list.
This diagram illustrates price list generation using a coefficient:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-17

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

Figure 6–8 Price list generation for all items using a coefficient

This diagram illustrates price list generation using a coefficient and an exchange rate:
Figure 6–9 Price list generation for all items using coefficient and exchange rate

This diagram illustrates price list generation using a coefficient, exchange rate, and
rounding rules:

6-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

Figure 6–10

Price list generation for all items using coefficient, exchange rate, and rounding rules

6.5.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, verify that:


Price List Header records (FCW33) for the target price list exist before you run the
price generation process.
The style item price level for all target price list header records is equal to the style
item price level of the source price list.

6.5.3 Forms Used to Generate Price Lists for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Price List


Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Review price lists for
style items.

Generate Price List


Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Generate price lists for
style items.

Click Add.
Price List Header
Search and Select


Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Select the source and
target price lists.

Click the Source Price
List or Target Price
List icon.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-19

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

Form Name




Style Item Search and


Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Generate the price list
for one style item.

On the Work with
Price List Generation
form, select a row and
select For One Item
from the Row menu.
Work with Item


Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Review item

On the Work with
Price List Generation
form, select the row
and select Item
Exceptions from the
Row menu.
Item Exceptions Detail WCW25E

Sales Order
(G41F14), Price List

Create item

On the Work with
Item Exceptions form,
click Add.

6.5.4 Setting Processing Options for Price List Generation (PCW25)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Currency Code

Specify the currency code by which the system processes the transactions between the
source and target price lists.
2. Generate Price List Version (RCW07)

Specify which version of the Generate Price List (RCW07) the system will use for Price
List Generation.
If you leave this option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.
3. Price List Generation Process

Specify how the price list needs to be processed. Values are:
Blank: The system deletes all existing target items and copies the price from all source
1: The system processes only new items in the source without deleting the existing
target items.
2: The system processes all source items without deleting the existing target items.
This processing option is applicable only when all items are processed.

6-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Price Lists for Style Items

4. Item Exception

Specify how the item exception needs to be set up. Values are:
Blank: Multiple item groups can be used to define the item exception.
1: Only one item group can be used to define the item exception.

6.5.5 Setting the Processing Option for Generate Price List (RCW07)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Generate Price List for One Item (Y/N)

Specify whether the system generates the price list for one item or for all items. Values
Y: Generate price list for one item.
N: Generate price list for all items.

6.5.6 Generating Price Lists for Style Items
Access the Generate Price List Detail form.
Figure 6–11

Generate Price List Detail form

To generate price lists for style items:

Click the Source Price List icon.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-21

Generating Price Lists for Style Items


On the Price List Header Search and Select form, select the price list to use as the
source price list and click Select.
The Source Price List section is populated with the price list header information.


Click the Target Price List icon.


On the Price List Header Search and Select form, select the price list to use as the
target price list and click Select.
The target price list must have the same sales price level as the source price list.
The Target Price List section is populated with the price list header information.


Enter a coefficient in the Coefficient field.
The system uses this number as a multiplier when calculating the new price list.
For example, if you enter 2.00000 as the coefficient, then the target prices are
double the source price values. This field is required so if you do not want to use a
multiplier, then enter 1.00000 in the Coefficient field.


Enter the rounding rule that you want to use in the Rounding Rule field.
You can use the search button to select the rounding rule. After you select a
rounding rule, the remaining field values are automatically populated.


Click OK and then click Cancel to return to the Work with Price List Generation


Find and select the new price list record that you just created.


Select Copy All Items from the Row menu.
This option calls the Generate Price List report to copy all of the items from the
source price list to the target price list.
Note: The availability of this option depends on how the processing
option is set up for the version of the Generate Price List report that
you are calling. You specify whether to generate prices for one item or
all items using this processing option. The version of Generate Price
List is specified in the processing options of the Price List Generation

See Setting the Processing Option for Generate Price List (RCW07).
10. View the report output to verify the results.

6.5.7 Generating the Price for One Style Item
Access the Work with Price List Generation form.
Note: You might want to regenerate the price for one style item
when you add a new price or modify one price in the source price list
and do not want to regenerate all of the prices in the price list.

Select the row that corresponds to the price list that contains the item price that
you want to recalculate.


Select Copy One Item from the Row menu.

6-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)

Note: The availability of this option depends on how the processing
option is set up for the version of the Generate Price List report that
you are calling. You specify whether to generate prices for one style
item or all style items using this processing option. The version of
Generate Price List is specified in the processing options of the Price
List Generation program.

See Setting the Processing Option for Generate Price List (RCW07).

Find and select the style item for which you are recalculating the price and click


Submit the report.
The Generate Price List (RCW07) report runs and copies the style item from the
source price list to the target price list.


View the report output to verify the results.

6.5.8 Creating Item Exceptions
Access the Item Exceptions Detail form.
Note: You can use a different coefficient for one or several groups of
style items. If you define individual parameters for style items, they
override any general parameters that you define for the entire price

Select the row that corresponds to the price list for which you want to define an


Select Item Exceptions from the Row menu.


Click Add to define new parameters for the price calculation.


Enter the item price group that you want to define in the Item Price Group field.


Enter the multiplier that you want to use for the price generation in the Coefficient


Enter the rounding rule that you want to use in the Rounding Rule field.
You can use the search button to select the rounding rule. After you select a
rounding rule, the remaining field values are automatically populated.


Click OK to return to the Work with Price List Generation form.

6.6 Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)
This section provides an overview of creating sales orders for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to create sales orders for style items.

6.6.1 Understanding Creating Sales Orders for Style Items
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system has the following
features to support the creation of sales orders for style items:

Matrix entry for multi-attribute style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-23

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)


Collection integration.


Automatic total quantity split by size.

During sales order entry, you use matrix integration to manage style items. When
working with style items, the Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and P42101) call the
Matrix Order Entry program (PCW10), which uses the Matrix Work File table
(FCW20). The Matrix Order Entry program opens for the style item only if the style
item has a structure in the Item Structure Detail table (FCW01). The Matrix Entry
program appears when you exit the line on the Order Detail form. The Matrix Order
Entry form facilitates entry of child style item quantities by attributes such as size and
(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent
level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant
or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the
Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix
Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style
Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
Sales order entry integrates with Collection Management. Using processing options,
you can set a default collection to automatically populate your sales orders. You can
also perform a check during sales order entry to verify that the items entered belong to
the collection that is attached to the sales order; or you can create collection templates
that can help simplify sales order entry.
Note: The Matrix Entry program supports only the primary unit of
measure (UOM) when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM
entered in the Sales Order Entry program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the
style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to
notify you that the UOMs differ. Quantities that you originally entered
in the Sales Order Entry program or quantities entered in Matrix Entry
are processed using the primary UOM.
If you have set up size weight or size split functionality, you can manually enter
quantities in the Total Quantity field on the Matrix Entry form and the system will use
the size weight or size split setup to allocate quantities across the sizes. To enter
quantities on the Order Detail form before the Matrix Entry form appears, first enter a
value in the Quantity Ordered field, then enter the style item in the Item Number field,
and then exit the row.
See Defining a Size Split.
See Defining Size Weight.
Note: If the Use Apparel Management Module system constant
(SY41F) is disabled in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System Control
program (P99410), you can order a style item, but the system does not
display the Matrix Entry form.

When updating an existing sales order, you can only modify the existing style end
items on the order. You cannot enter new style item lines. Also, the system does not
6-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)

perform automatic size split or size weight for end style items based on the quantity
from the Edit Sales Order form. Sales Order Entry Programs
Along with the Sales Order Entry program (P42101), you can also use the Sales Order
Entry program (P4210) to create sales order records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Sales Order Management tables. The two Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and
P42101) work together to process sales order information. Both programs update the
same tables in the system. Even if you do not use the P4210 entry program to create
and modify sales orders, you must create a version of that program that specifies
processing information. You use this version of the P4210 program in the processing
options of the P42101 program. When you create and modify sales orders using
P42101, the system uses the information in the processing options of P42101, along
with the information in the specified version of P4210, to process the sales order. Sales Order Entry and Collections
The Sales Order Entry programs support the entry of sales orders for style items by
collection and collection template. You set processing options on the Style tab of the
Sales Order Entry program to facilitate the automatic use of collections at sales order
You can enter a collection on the Sales Order Header form and validate all of the style
items in the order to verify that they are included in the collection.
You can also use collection templates to simplify sales order entry. When you attach a
collection template to the sales order, all of the style items for that collection template
automatically populate the lines in the Matrix Entry form. You can then enter the
desired quantity for each style item.
Within the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), you can use a collection template by
selecting Style Templates from the Form menu to call the Style Templates program
(PCW43). You select a collection template on the Collection Template Search & Select
form (WCW43A), and the collection template is passed to the Matrix Entry form for
For both Sales Order Entry programs (P4210, P42101), you can also enter a collection
template name in the sales order detail line instead of a style item number. The
appropriate prefix must precede the collection template for the system to recognize it.
This prefix is specified in the Prefix for Collection Templates processing option for the
Sales Order Entry program (P4210). For example, you might specify % as the prefix in
the processing option and enter %{template name} on the sales order detail line to
retrieve the collection template. You can also enter only the prefix in the item number
field and then use the visual assist to select the collection. Depending on the
processing option for collections validation for the Sales Order Entry program (P4210),
the items in the template may need to belong to the collection that is attached to the
sales order header.
When you access the Matrix Entry form from the Manage Existing Order form, you
can modify only the existing style end items on the order.
See Prerequisites. Setup Considerations for Sales Order Entry
If you are using Allocations for style items and you use blanket sales orders, you may
want to set up the blanket sales order process to use the Other Quantity 2 SO field by
setting the Commit to Quantity 1 or Quantity 2 processing option on the Commitment
tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-25

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)

6.6.2 Prerequisites
Before you create sales orders for style items:



Use the ZJDE0007 Sales Order Entry - Style version of the Sales Order Entry
program (P42101) to create sales orders for style items or set up your own version
Set the processing options for the version of Sales Order Entry (P4210) specified in
the Sales Order Model Version processing option on the Versions tab of the Sales
Order Entry program (P42101).
Set the processing option for the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) to specify
whether the system automatically splits quantities and whether the automatic split
can be overridden by manually entering values.
If you set this processing option to automatically split quantities, then the
quantities are split according to the size split set up for the matrix grid used by the
style item or customer.
See Defining a Size Split.


Set the processing option for the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) to specify
whether the system displays the standard availability or the quantity available for
See Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
See Also:

"Entering Sales Orders for Customer Service Representatives" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management
Implementation Guide.

6.6.3 Forms Used to Create Sales Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Manage Existing


Sales Order
Review sales orders.
(G41F14), Create Sales

Order Header


Create sales orders for
Sales Order
style items.
(G41F14), Create Sales
Click Add.

Enter New Order


Create sales orders for
Sales Order
style items.
(G41F14), Create Sales
Click Save and
Continue on the
Order Header
Revisions form.

6-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)

Form Name




Matrix Entry


Create sales orders for
Sales Order
style items.
(G41F14), Create Sales
Enter a style item on
the Enter New Order
form and exit the row.

6.6.4 Creating Sales Orders for Style Items
Access the Order Header Revisions form.
Figure 6–12

Matrix Entry form

To create sales orders for style items:

Complete the required fields for the order header and any other information that
you want to add.
See "Entering Sales Orders for Customer Service Representatives" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.


On the Style tab, if you are using a collection with your order, complete the
following fields:

Enter a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the
same time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You
must enter a value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).
If you use the Visual Assist to select a collection, the remaining field values are
automatically populated based on that collection.


Season Code
Enter a code that specifies the season for which the collection is being


Season Year
Enter a code that specifies the year of manufacture for the collection.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-27

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)


Price Effective Date
Enter a date that determines the applicable price for the collection.
Note: You must enter a valid combination of collection, season code,
and season year or the system displays an error. Also, if the Validate
Items Against Collection processing option for Sales Order Entry
(P4210) is set to 1 or 2, then the Collection field becomes a required
field, and the system displays an error if you leave it blank.

See Prerequisites.

Click Save and Continue.


On the Enter New Order form, enter the style item information, such as the
quantity and item number, on the first line and then exit the row.
You can also just enter the style item number and wait to enter the quantities on
the Matrix Entry form.
When you exit the row, the Matrix Entry form appears.
Note: You can enter the style item root level 0 in the Item Number
column or be as specific as you want. For example, you could enter
JEAN and Matrix Entry displays all of the colors and sizes of jeans. Or,
you could enter JEAN.BLK and Matrix Entry displays all of the sizes
for black jeans.

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales
Order Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item.
To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and
review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability

Instead of a style item number, you can also enter a collection
template name in the Item Number column. The appropriate symbol
must precede the collection template for the system to recognize it.
This symbol is specified in the Prefix for Collection Templates
processing option for the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).


If you enter a collection template in the Item Number column, then
the system retrieves all of the style items associated with that
collection template and automatically populate the lines in the Matrix
Entry form with those items.
See Prerequisites.

Enter the quantity you want to order for each of the child style items in the
appropriate columns.
If the processing option for Matrix Entry is set to automatically split quantities,
then the quantities are already entered for each child style item. The system splits
the quantities according to the size split set up for the matrix grid used by that

6-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P42101)

particular style item or customer. You can manually override these quantities if the
processing option in Matrix Entry is set to allow an override.
See Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10).
See Defining a Size Split.
Note: If you enter a quantity on the Enter New Order form, the Total
Original Quantity field at the bottom of the form displays the original
quantity that you entered on the sales order line. The Total Selected
Quantities field reflects the total quantities that you entered in Matrix
Entry. Use these fields to ensure that you are maintaining the original
quantity entered. If the Total Selected Quantities value is not equal to
the Total Original Quantity value, then the system displays an error
when you attempt to create the order.

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

After you enter all of your desired quantities, click OK.
The system adds new lines to the sales order to reflect the quantities ordered for
each child style item.


Review your sales order detail lines and click Submit and Enter New if you want
to enter another order or click Submit and Close.


To update an existing sales order, select Order, Style Matrix Entry from the Row
This option enables you to execute Matrix Entry so that you do not have to update
the individual sales order detail lines.
You can only modify the existing style end items on the order. Also, the system
does not perform automatic size split or size weight for end style items based on
the quantity from the Edit Sales Order form.
Optional: You can also enter a reason for the update in the Reason Code field on
the header of the Matrix Entry form. This reason code is saved on any sales order
line that is cancelled through the Matrix Entry form. If the line is only changed, the
reason code is not saved on the order line.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-29

Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Note: You cannot enter new style item lines when updating an
existing sales order. Also, this option is disabled if you have audit
logging enabled.

6.7 Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)
This section provides an overview of sales order entry for style items, lists
prerequisites, and lists the forms used to enter sales orders for style items.

6.7.1 Understanding Sales Order Entry for Style Items
Along with the Sales Order Entry program (P42101), you can also use the Sales Order
Entry program (P4210) to create sales order records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Sales Order Management tables. The two Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and
P42101) work together to process sales order information. Both programs update the
same tables in the system. Even if you do not use the P4210 entry program to create
and modify sales orders, you must create a version of that program that specifies
processing information. You use this version of the P4210 program in the processing
options of the P42101 program. When you create and modify sales orders using
P42101, the system uses the information in the processing options of P42101, along
with the information in the specified version of P4210, to process the sales order.
(Release 9.1 Update) During sales order entry, you can view the availability of selected
style items at the parent level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item
level) for a branch/plant or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style
item availability on the Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability
form on the Matrix Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix
Entry form to the Style Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
When entering a sales order in the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), you can use a
collection template for your order. When you select to use a collection template, all of
the style items associated with that collection template automatically appear as line
items on the Matrix Entry form. Using templates enables you to be more efficient
during sales order entry because you do not have to enter individual items.
To use a collection template, select Style Templates from the Form menu on the Sales
Order Detail Revisions form.
You can also use a collection template by entering the template name preceded by a
symbol on the sales order entry detail line. The symbol must be the one that you
specified in the Prefix for Collection Templates processing option for the Sales Order
Entry program (P4210).
When updating an existing sales order, you can only modify the existing style end
items on the order. You cannot enter new style item lines. Also, the system does not
perform automatic size split or size weight for end style items based on the quantity
from the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

6.7.2 Prerequisites
Before you enter sales orders for style items:

Set up the following processing options for Sales Order Entry (P4210) on the Style
tab of the processing options:

6-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)


1. Collection
Specify a default collection that the system uses in the sales order header. The
system stores collection codes in the Collection Detail table (FCW07). Also,
you must define the combination of collection, season code, and season year as
a valid collection using the Collections program (PCW07). If the combination
is not valid, then all three values will be left blank on the sales order header.


2. Season Code
Specify a default season code that the system uses in the sales order header.
Enter a value from UDC table 41F/SE. Also, you must define the combination
of collection, season code, and season year as a valid collection using the
Collections program (PCW07). If the combination is not valid, then all three
values will be left blank on the sales order header.


3. Season Year
Specify a default season year that the system uses in the sales order header.
Enter a value from UDC table 41F/SY. Also, you must define the combination
of collection, season code, and season year as a valid collection using the
Collections program (PCW07). If the combination is not valid, then all three
values will be left blank on the sales order header.


4. Validate Items Against Collection
Specify whether the items entered into the grid are validated against the
collection. Also specify whether or not to issue a warning or error when you
validate items. Values are:
Blank: Do not validate items. You can enter any items into the grid.
1: Issue a warning if the item entered is not part of the collection.
2: Issue an error if the item entered is not part of the collection.
If this processing option is set to 1 or 2, the system requires
you to enter a collection in the sales order header to validate the style
items. If you leave this processing option blank, you can leave the
Collection field in the sales order header blank.



5. Prefix for Collection Templates
Specify a symbol used to prefix the collection template entered in the Item
Number field to display the Matrix Entry form with a collection template.
Collection templates are a subset of items belonging to a collection. When
entering a sales order, generally an item number is entered and the Matrix
Entry form displays the item only. To display a collection template, you must
prefix the template by the special symbol that is specified in this processing
option. For example, if the symbol is * (asterisk) and the template name is
M06, then entering *M06 in the order line displays the Matrix Entry form
using collection template M06.


6. Send Address Number for Split Percentage to Matrix Entry (PCW10)
Specify the customer for whom the system retrieves the category code values
to identify the split percentage in the Matrix Entry program (PCW10). This
processing option value determines whether to send the Ship To or Sold To
customer number to the Matrix Entry program. Values are:
Blank: Send Ship To customer number.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-31

Entering Sales Orders for Style Items with Sales Order Entry (P4210)

1: Send Sold To customer number.
The system identifies the category code in address book used for split
percentages by using the SPLITC code in the 41F/00 UDC table.
The system locates the appropriate grid code for that category code value in
the size split table, which was set up using the Automatic Splitting by Size
Definition program (PCW33).

7. Item Search and Select
Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist. Values
Blank: Display the standard item visual assist.
1: Use the Item Search & Select program (PCW41011) to display the style items
for selection.
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management
Module system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
System Control program (P99410).



Specify which version of Matrix Entry to use by setting the Style Matrix Entry
(PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab of the Sales Order Entry program
Set the processing option for Matrix Entry (PCW10) to specify whether the system
automatically splits quantities and whether the automatic split can be overridden
by a manual entry of the values.
If you set this processing option to automatically split quantities, the quantities are
split according to the size split set up for the matrix grid used by the style item.
See Defining a Size Split.


Set the processing option for Matrix Entry (PCW10) to specify whether the system
displays the standard availability or the quantity available for allocation.
See Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
See Also:

"Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

6.7.3 Forms Used to Enter Sales Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Customer Service


Sales Order
(G41F14), Enter Sales

Review sales orders.

Sales Order Header


Sales Order
(G41F14), Enter Sales

Enter sales orders for
style items.

Click Add.

6-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items

Form Name




Sales Order Detail


Sales Order
(G41F14), Enter Sales

Enter sales orders for
style items.

Click OK on the Sales
Order Header form.
Collection Template
Search & Select


Sales Order
(G41F14), Enter Sales

Select a collection
template to use for the
sales order.

Select Style Templates
from the Form menu.
Matrix Entry


Sales Order
(G41F14), Enter Sales

Enter sales orders for
style items.

Enter a style item on
the Sales Order Detail
Revisions form and
exit the row.

6.8 Printing Sales Orders for Style Items
You use the Print Sales Order for Style Items program (RCW02) to print the sales order
for style items in a matrix format. The report prints a header section for each order on
a new page. If a unit price for a given style item level is different than any other unit
price for that same style item level, then the report does not print the unit price. For
example, the unit price for the same jeans might vary depending on length. A longer
length might have a higher price. In this case, the unit price does not print. The report
prints No Data Found if the system cannot location any orders within the data
selection criteria. This program only prints a report; the system does not update any
This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to print sales orders for style items.

6.8.1 Prerequisite
Before you begin the task in this section, set the processing options for the Print Sales
Order for Style Items program to specify the From and Through next status codes of
the sales orders to be processed. These processing options are required.

6.8.2 Printing Sales Orders for Style Items
Select Reports (G41F19), Print Sales Order for Style Items or select Periodic Processing
(G41F20), Sales Order Form.

6.9 Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items
This section provides an overview of performing a mass update of sales order style
items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items (PCW61).


Perform a mass update of sales order style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-33

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items

6.9.1 Understanding the Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items
Use the Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items program (PCW61) to update a large
number of sales order style item lines at one time. You can:



Update dates for multiple sales order style item lines by:

Requested date.


Promised delivery date.


Promised ship date.


Scheduled pick date.

Update the next status for multiple sales order style item lines when you update
one or more dates.
Reset commitments for multiple sales order style item lines from hard to soft
You can also reset the next and last status values when you reset commitments.


Cancel multiple sales order style item lines.
Note: The Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items program will
only display and process sales order lines that contain style items with
an item structure attached.

Also, the Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items program prevents
the processing of Transportation order lines and order lines that have
the potential to go in and out of Warehouse.

6.9.2 Prerequisites
Before performing a mass update of sales order style item lines:

Set the processing options for Sales Order - Mass Update of Style Items (PCW61).


Enter multiple sales orders for style items.


If you are resetting commitments, then you must create non-primary inventory
locations, and run some of the order lines through pick slips.

6.9.3 Form Used to Perform a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items
Form Name




Sales Order - Mass
Update for Style Item


Periodic Processing
(G41F20), Sales Order
- Mass Update for
Style Items

Perform a mass
update of sales order
style items.

6.9.4 Setting Processing Options for Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

6-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items Defaults
1. Order Type

Specify the order type that the system uses as the default value on the Sales Order
Inquiry tab for filtering sales order detail lines.
2. Branch/Plant

Specify the branch/plant that the system uses as the default value on the Sales Order
Inquiry tab for filtering sales order detail lines.
3. Requested Date

Specify whether you can update the requested date for the sales order. Values are:
Blank: The system does not allow you to update the requested date.
1: The system allows you to update the requested date.
4. Promised Delivery Date

Specify whether you can update the promised delivery date for the sales order. Values
Blank: The system does not allow you to update the promised delivery date.
1: The system allows you to update the promised delivery date.
5. Promised Ship Date

Specify whether you can update the promised shipment date for the sales order.
Values are:
Blank: The system does not allow you to update the promised shipment date.
1: The system allows you to update the promised shipment date.
6. Scheduled Pick Date

Specify whether you can update the scheduled pick date for the sales order. Values are:
Blank: The system does not allow you to update the scheduled pick date.
1: The system allows you to update the scheduled pick date. Display
1. From Next Status Code

Specify a default value for the Next Status From field on the Sales Order Inquiry tab
that the system uses for filtering sales order lines.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not use the Next Status
From value for filtering the display of sales order lines.
2. Thru Next Status Code

Specify a default value for the Next Status Thru on the Sales Order Inquiry tab that
you the system uses for filtering sales order lines.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display sales order lines
with a Next Status value of 999.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-35

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items Process
1. Reset Commitments

Specify whether to enable the Reset Commitments option on the Row menu. The Reset
Commitments option enables you to reset commitments for sales order lines. Values
Blank: Disable the Reset Commit option on the Row menu.
1: Enable the Reset Commit option on the Row menu.
2. Update Dates

Specify whether to enable the Update Dates option on the Row menu. This option
enables you to update dates for sales order lines. Values are:
Blank: Disable the Update Dates option on the Row menu.
1: Enable the Update Dates option on the Row menu.
3. Cancel Lines

Specify whether to enable the Cancel Lines option on the Row menu. This option
enables you to cancel sales order lines. Values are:
Blank: Disable the Cancel Lines option on the Row menu.
1: Enable the Cancel Lines option on the Row menu.
4. Mandatory Reason Code

Specify whether the system requires a valid reason code for canceling sales order lines.
Values are:
Blank: Canceling sales order lines does not require a valid reason code.
1: Canceling sales order lines requires a valid reason code.
5. Reason Code

Specify a default value for the reason code that you want the system to use for
canceling sales order detail lines. The system displays this value on the Process tab of
the Sales Order - Mass Update form.
6. Override Next Status

Specify the Next Status value the system uses when you update dates on sales order
detail lines. The system displays the value that you enter here on the Process tab of the
Sales Order - Mass Update form.
7. Update Next Status

Specify whether the system updates the status of sales order lines when you enter new
dates. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the status of sales order lines when you enter new
1: The system updates the status of sales order lines when you enter new dates using
the value in the Override Next Status processing option.
8. Enable/Disable Non Selected Dates

Specify whether the system updates date fields that are not selected for update on the
Defaults tab. Values are:
Blank: Does not update date fields that are not selected for updates.
1: Updates date fields that are not selected for updates.

6-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items Versions
1. Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Specify the version of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) that the system uses to
update sales order lines. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
default version ZJDE0001. Reset Commit
1. Status Code - Next

Specify the Next Status code the system uses when resetting commitments for order
lines. The system automatically displays the value that you enter here on the Process
tab of the Sales Order - Mass Update form, but you can override the value. A valid
Next Status value is required for resetting commitments.
2. Status Code - Last

Specify the Last Status code that you want the system to use when resetting
commitments for order lines. The system automatically displays the value that you
enter here on the Process tab of the Sales Order - Mass Update form, but you can
override the value. A valid Last Status value is required for resetting commitments.

6.9.5 Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items
Access the Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Item Lines form.
Figure 6–13

Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Item Lines form

To perform a mass update of sales order style items:

Enter values for the desired fields on the Sales Order Inquiry tab and QBE line and
click Find to retrieve the sales order lines that you want to update.


Select the Process tab.


If you want to update order dates, perform these steps:

Enter the new date to which you want to update the checked dates in the Date
Updated field.


Select which dates to update with the new date.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel Management 6-37

Performing a Mass Update of Sales Order Style Items

You can select to update the requested date, promised delivery date, promised
ship date, or scheduled pick date.
Note: The dates are selected or deselected and enabled or disabled
based on the values in the processing options.

Select the rows that you want to update.


If you also want to update the next status, enter a status in the Override Next
Status field.
A default status appears based in the Override Next Status processing option.


Verify that the Update Next Status option is selected.
This option will be selected if you set the Update Next Status processing
option to 1.


Select Update Dates from the Row menu.

If you want to reset commitments, perform these steps:

Verify the Status Code - Last and Status Code - Next fields.
These values are defined on the Reset Commit tab of the processing options.



Select the rows that you want to update.


Select Reset Commit from the Row menu.

If you want to cancel sales order lines, perform these steps:

Enter a reason for canceling the lines in the Reason Code field.
This field may or may not be mandatory based on a processing option.
If you entered a reason code in the Reason Code processing option, the system
displays it in this field.


Select the rows that you want to cancel.


Select Cancel Lines from the Row menu.

6-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 7.1, "Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel


Section 7.2, "Understanding the Standard Commitment Process"


Section 7.3, "Setting Up Commitment Rules"


Section 7.4, "Performing Manual Allocations"


Section 7.5, "Performing Automatic Allocations"


Section 7.6, "Generating Allocation Proposals"


Section 7.7, "Generating Delivery Proposals"


Section 7.8, "Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals"

7.1 Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system facilitates the wholesale
allocation and delivery of style items.
Note: You cannot use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Order
Fulfillment system for style items.

You use allocation rules to facilitate the effective and efficient distribution of available
style items to fill sales orders. You define allocation rules based on your business
Sales orders may contain a large number of detail order lines for style items that have
a short period of time for initial delivery. One sales order line consists of a group of
child style items.
Work order receipts for discrete item manufacturing are often spread among many
sizes of child style items. You use allocation rules to determine which customer gets
what items and in what sizes. If one size cannot be shipped, then you create exceptions
or overrides in the allocation rules to determine when not to ship items and when to
deliver. All allocation rules are applicable to sales orders for style items only.
Allocation rules enable:

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management 7-1

Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Dynamic order priority definition.
The system prioritizes the sales orders.


Delivery of meaningful orders.
You can use allocation rules to define what style items can and cannot ship

Coordinating style items.
For example, coordinates such as jackets and trousers are delivered at the
same time. Other coordinates can be sold separately too. You use top and
bottom management functionality to coordinate style items that you deliver at
the same time.


Size proportionality.
Distributing available goods to sales orders proportionately is more
reasonable than delivering all available goods to a single order.


Size weight.
The frequently used sizes in the market are set with a higher weightage than
the sizes which are rarely used or used by the minority of people.
For example, the most common required sizes, such as medium (M) and large
(L), need to be delivered more frequently compared to sizes such as extra
small (XS) and extra large (XL).


Automatic shortage management.
When available quantity is less than the total demand from sales orders, you can
use allocations to balance the delivery of goods to the sales orders by allocating a
certain percentage of the demand. You use the sprinkling rate or fair share
processing in allocations to automatically manage shortages.


Seasonal order availability.
For seasonal orders, availability is zero during sales order entry. For nonstyle
items the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business process is to backorder
items with no availability. However, this may not be a desirable practice for style
items in some industries.


Proposals with manual or automatic validation.
You can validate proposals manually or use an automatic process.

Allocations are performed by the system based on the allocation rules defined by the
user. You can also use allocation rules to create buffer stock to keep building inventory
to fill large, high-priority sales orders.
You can generate allocation and delivery proposals for style items. Allocation
proposals enable you to share the available stock among several sales orders in the
case of product shortages. Delivery proposals ensure that the appropriate number of
goods are shipped as needed.
You can manage the allocation and delivery proposal processes at the same time if you
set constraints at the same time that you allocate stock. The processes can also be split
and run separately. In this case, you first allocate the stock (hard commitment) and
then manage delivery constraints.
This diagram illustrates the integration between the allocations process and other JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne programs and systems:

7-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

Figure 7–1 Allocations integration

The calculation of allocations for style items uses one of the following processes:

Manual allocations
See Performing Manual Allocations.


Automatic allocations
The Automatic Allocations process may consist of calculating both allocation and
delivery proposals.
See Performing Automatic Allocations.
Important: The system considers only style items for the allocations
process. The system does not consider nonstyle items and therefore
ignores sales order lines containing nonstyle items during data

7.1.1 Running the Repost Active Sales Orders Program
If you are using allocations and have outstanding proposals, then you must validate
the proposals to clear the commitments before you run the Repost Active Sales Orders
program (R42995). If you repost a style item that is in a proposal, you may cause
commitment issues for that style item.
See "Reposting Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.

7.1.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter, you must complete the following setup:


Set the Specific Commitment (Days) field on the Branch/Plant Constants form to
999 to eliminate future commits.
Deselect the Backorders Allowed option on the Branch/Plant Constants form to
specify that backorders not be allowed for the branch/plant.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management 7-3

Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

If backorders cannot be disabled at the branch/plant level,
then you can bypass backorder processing by setting the Activate
Availability Checking processing option on the Commitment tab of
the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to blank.


See "Setting Up Branch/Plant Constants" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

Select the Other Quantity 1 SO option on the Item Availability Definition form in
the Branch/Plant Constants to enable the system to deduct the other quantity 1 on
the sales order from available quantity.
See "Setting Up Item Availability" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.
Note: The Other Quantity 1 SO field stores the retained quantity
during the allocations process.

Important: Blanket sales orders use the Other Quantity 1 SO field. If
you use blanket sales orders, then you may want set up the blanket
sales order process to use the Other Quantity 2 SO field by setting the
Commit to Quantity 1 or Quantity 2 processing option on the
Commitment tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).


Set up a specific status for allocations in the order activity rules.
For example, order status 529 (in allocations).
See "Setting Up Order Activity Rules" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.


Leave the Activate Availability Checking processing option on the Commitment
tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) blank to disable availability
Important: You must complete this setup in order to perform

See "Setting Processing Options for Sales Order Entry (P4210)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

Verify the setup of the following user-defined codes (UDC) tables:

Level Alias (41F/LA)
The level alias codes define the SRP codes for sales category codes. The
Top/Bottom UDC (41F/RC) uses the UDC 41F/LA.


Top/Bottom (41F/RC)
The Item Category Code Alias 1 and Item Category Code Alias 2 processing
options on the Satisfaction Rate tab and the Item Category Alias Top/Bottom,
Item Category Alias Grouping Code 1, and Item Category Alias Grouping
Code 2 processing options on the Top/Bottom Processing tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) use the 41F/RC UDC.

7-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

You use top and bottom management functionality to deliver items at the
same time, for example a jacket and pant that are sold together.

Extract or Order Based (41F/SB)
The Satisfaction Rate based on processing option on the Process tab of the
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program uses the 41F/SB UDC.


Processing Types (41F/TT) (treatment types)
The Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program uses the 41F/TT UDC.


Reason Codes for Not Retained (41F/NR)
The reason code identifies the reason why the particular sales order line or
style item has not been retained.

7.1.3 Common Terms Used in This Chapter
Not Processed Quantity

Calculated for both sales order headers and sales order detail lines. The calculation
takes into account both selected and nonselected lines.
The calculation corresponds to the ordered quantity minus the canceled quantity for
lines with a next status (before these lines were processed by the Generate Allocation
and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06)) that is less than or equal to the value of the
Next Status Code Thru processing option on the Status tab of the Generate Allocation
and Delivery Proposals program. As a result:


If the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to P for allocation proposal, then
the not processed quantity corresponds to the quantity that was never allocated.
If the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to D for delivery proposal, then
the not processed quantity corresponds to the quantity that was never proposed
for deliveries.

Open Quantity

Calculated for sales order detail lines only.
The calculation corresponds to the ordered quantity for lines with a next status (before
these lines were processed by the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program) that is in the range defined by the Next Status Code From and Next Status
Code Thru processing options on the Status tab of the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program. As a result:


If the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to P for allocation proposal, then
the open quantity corresponds to the quantity that is ready for allocation.
If the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to D for delivery proposal, then
the open quantity corresponds to the quantity that is ready for delivery proposals.

Ordered Quantity

Calculated for sales order headers only and corresponds to the initial ordered quantity.
The calculation does not include sales order detail lines and does not depend on the
order line statuses. Canceled lines are not taken into account.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Understanding Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

Processed Quantity

Calculated for sales order headers only.
The calculation of the processed quantity is ordered quantity minus open quantity.
The calculation of processed quantity corresponds to quantities that passed the step of
allocation or delivery proposal processing during a previous processing cycle.
Proposed Quantity

Calculated for both sales order headers and sales order detail lines.
The calculation of proposed quantity is open quantity multiplied by the sprinkling
rate, where the sprinkling rate is one of the following values:


If the Fair Share processing option on the Conditions tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to Y to activate fair share
processing, then the sprinkling rate corresponds to the ratio (total available
quantity / total open quantity) where the sum is made taking into account all
extracted sales order lines. The system calculates fair share for each item and not
each sales order line.
If the Fair Share processing option on the Conditions tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to N to deactivate Fair Share
processing, then the program uses the value of the Sprinkling Rate processing
option on the Conditions tab. If the Sprinkling Rate processing option is left blank,
then the proposed quantity is equal to the open quantity. The proposed quantity is
calculated for selected sales order detail lines only as defined by the data selection
and the Next Status Code From and Next Status Code Thru processing options on
the Status tab of the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program.
Note: If you enable both fair share and sprinkling rate processing,
then the system performs calculations using fair share and ignores the
sprinkling rate.

Note: Fair share and sprinkling rate processing are valid for
allocation proposals only. The delivery proposal algorithm does not
use fair share or sprinkling rate processing.
Retained Quantity

Calculated for both sales order headers and sales order detail lines. The system:


Sorts sales orders according to the priority rules as defined in the Priority
Commitment Rule processing option on the Priority Rule tab.
Determines the proposed quantity.
Compares the proposed quantity to the available quantity if the Processing Type
processing option on the Status tab of the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program is set to P.
The minimum quantity from the comparison of the proposed quantity to the
available quantity is processed for other constraints such as satisfaction rate and
top/bottom management.


Applies various constraints, such as satisfaction rates and top/bottom balancing,
as defined in the processing options of the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program.

7-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding the Standard Commitment Process

The result, which is the quantity present in the allocation and delivery proposals, is the
retained quantity.

7.2 Understanding the Standard Commitment Process
The standard commitment process is a commonly used order process in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. This diagram illustrates the
Sales Order Management Commitment process:
Figure 7–2 Standard Sales Order Management Commitment Process

You must select the Backorders Allowed option on the Branch/Plant Constants form
to specify whether to allow backorders for a specific branch/plant. You can allow
backorders by item using the Item Master (P4101) or Item Branch/Plant (P41026)
program, by customer using the Customer Billing Instructions program (P03013), or by
branch/plant using the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001). You must select the
Backorders Allowed option in all programs for the system to backorder an item on a
sales order.
You must also set the Activate Availability Checking processing option on the
Commitment tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to 1. The system then
performs availability checking. If the quantity is unavailable, the system issues a
warning that the quantity for this item exceeds the available quantity. The system
Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management 7-7

Setting Up Commitment Rules

automatically backorders or cancels any quantity that is unavailable based on
backorder information that is set up in the Item Master, Item Branch/Plant,
Branch/Plant Constants, and Customer Billing Instructions programs.
You enter sales orders using the Sales Order Entry program (P4210 and P42101). When
the backordered quantity becomes available, you print pick slips using the Print Pick
Slips program (R42520). You confirm shipments using the Shipment Confirmation
program (P4205).
In some industries, no stock is available when sales orders are entered, particularly for
seasonal items. Thus, the standard sales order entry commitment process does not
fully support the requirements of these industries. You use the allocation and delivery
proposal processes to distribute items when stock becomes available.
See "Setting Up Constants" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.

7.3 Setting Up Commitment Rules
This section provides an overview of commitment rules, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:

Define codes for commitment rules.


Define commitment rules for style items.


Set the priority value for category codes.

7.3.1 Understanding Commitment Rules
You define commitment rules for allocation and delivery proposals using the
Commitment Rules for Style Item program (PCW41). The system stores the
commitment definition in the Commitment Rules table (FCW41).
You define user-defined codes (UDCs) for the commitment rules in the Commitment
Rules UDC (41F/CR). Once the commitment rule code is set up in the UDC, you
define the details of each parameter in a commitment rule.
You use the Priority Category Codes program (PCW23) to select values for the Alias
Customer 1 through Alias Customer 5 fields on the Define Commitment Rules for
Style Items form (WCW41A). You use the 30 category codes and one country code
(CTR) from the Address Book Master table (F0101) based on the customer used in the
sales order. For example, the Alias Customer 1 field is set as AC01.
The Priority Category Codes program also enables you to define the priority for each
category code and country code independently of the commitment rule code. The
priority for each category code value can be set from 0 to 99, where 0 is the highest
priority and 99 is the lowest priority. For example, category code AC01 has a category
value of 105. You use the Priority Category Codes program to define the priority for
category codes or country codes based on the Priority Alias UDC (41F/PA). The values
are stored in the Priority Value for Category Codes table (FCW39).
Each category code can have different values for different customers. The Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) uses the priority value of a
category code during the prioritization of sales order detail lines.
You set the priority for the following parameters of a commitment rule on the Define
Commitment Rules for Style Items form:

Alias Customer 1

7-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Commitment Rules


Alias Customer 2


Alias Customer 3


Alias Customer 4


Alias Customer 5


Priority Shipped Date
The specific date (alias RSDJ or PDDJ) that is used depends on the Priority Date
Shipped Based processing option on the Priority Rule tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06).


Priority Order Date
This date field uses alias URDT.


Priority Requested Date
This date field uses alias DRQJ.


Priority Code
This priority code uses alias PRIO. The priority code is a value that corresponds to
a customer and is set up in the billing instructions in the Customer Master
program (P03013).

For each parameter on the Define Commitment Rules for Style Items form, the priority
is set from values 1 to 9, where 1 is the highest priority and 9 is the lowest priority. For
example, the Priority Shipped Date field is set as 1 and Alias Customer 1 is set as 2.
Note: Duplicate values are not allowed for priority. Also, use values
in order, such as 1, 2, 3, and not 1, 4, 5.

The system does not allow duplicate or out of sequence priority
values. If you enter duplicate values, then the system cannot
determine the correct priority.
If you sequence rules as 1, 4, 5, then the system processes rule 1 but
ignores rules 4 and 5 as they are out of sequence.
Thus, when you use duplicate or out of sequence values, the sorting of
allocation rules becomes ineffective and results may be unpredictable.
When you run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06), the
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program prioritizes the sales order detail
lines and sets the priority value (PRIO) based on the rule set in the FCW41 table. The
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program concatenates the values based on
priority to generate a priority string.
For example, a sales order in the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211) has customer
4242 and a shipped date of 10/23/2010. When the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program runs, the program uses the commitment rules, where the shipped
date is set as priority 1. Thus, the priority code (PRIO) is set as 10232010.
Priority 2 is set as Alias Customer 1 defined as AC01. For customer 4242, the program
retrieves the category code AC01 value (for example, 115) from the F0101 table.
The priority value for 115 is set at 99 in the Priority Category Codes program. Finally,
the priority code (PRIO) is calculated as 10232010 + 99 = 1023201099.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management 7-9

Setting Up Commitment Rules

The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program then sorts the calculated
priority string for every sales order in ascending order.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
ranks the calculated priority string for every style item sales order in
ascending order from the smallest value to the largest value. For
example, 1023201050 is ranked before 1023201099.


7.3.2 Prerequisite
Before you begin the tasks in this section, verify that the appropriate values are set up
in the Priority Alias UDC (41F/PA). The priority alias codes appear on the Priority
Category Codes Search & Select form for use in setting the values for the Alias
Customer 1 through Alias Customer 5 fields on the Define Commitment Rules for
Style Items form.

7.3.3 Forms Used to Set Up Commitment Rules
Form Name




Commitment Rules Work With User
Defined Codes


Allocations (G41F464), Review, update, and
add commitment
Commitment Rules
rules in UDC 41F/CR.
(UDC 41F/CR)
Click the search
button in the
Commitment Rules
field on the Work
With Commitment
Rules for Style Items
form. On the Select
User Define Code
form, select Revisions
from the Form menu.

Note: The Generate
Allocation and
Delivery Proposals
program uses UDC
41F/CR in the Priority
Commitment Rule
processing option on
the Priority Rule tab.

Commitment Rules User Defined Codes


Click Add on the
Commitment Rules Work With User
Defined Codes form.

Define codes for
commitment rules.

Work With
Commitment Rules
for Style Items


Allocations Setup
Commitment Rules
for Style Item

Review, update, and
add commitment
rules for style items.

Define Commitment
Rules for Style Items


Enter a value in the
Commitment Rules
field on the Work
With Commitment
Rules for Style Items
form and click Add.

Define commitment
rules for style items.
Update an existing
commitment rule.

Select a commitment
rule on the Work With
Commitment Rules
for Style Items form
and click Select.
Work With Priority
Category Codes


Allocations Setup
(G41F47), Priority
Category Codes

7-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Work with priority
values for category

Setting Up Commitment Rules

Form Name


Priority Category
Codes Search & Select

Priority Category
Codes Detail




On the Define
Commitment Rules
for Style Items form,
click the search button
in the Alias Customer
1 through Alias
Customer 5 fields.

Review and select
priority category
codes for a
commitment rule.

Select a category code Set the priority value
for category codes.
on the Work with
Priority Category
Codes form and select
Priority from the Row
Select a category code
on the Priority
Category Codes
Search & Select form
and select Priority
from the Row menu.

7.3.4 Defining Codes for Commitment Rules
Access the Commitment Rules - User Defined Codes form.
Figure 7–3 Commitment Rules - User Defined Codes form

You must define UDCs for commitment rules in UDC table 41F/CR. After you define
the UDC, you can define the corresponding commitment rules.
To define codes for commitment rules:

Click in the last blank line in the table.


Complete the Codes, Description 1, and Hard Coded fields.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Setting Up Commitment Rules


Click OK.

7.3.5 Defining Commitment Rules for Style Items
Access the Define Commitment Rules for Style Items form.
Figure 7–4 Define Commitment Rules for Style Items form

To define commitment rules for style items:

Select values for the category codes Alias Customer 1 through Alias Customer 5

Click in the Alias Customer 1 through Alias Customer 5 fields and click the
search button to access the Priority Category Codes Search & Select form.
The system uses the Priority Category Codes program to select the values for
the Alias Customer 1 through Alias Customer 5 fields.


On the Priority Category Codes Search & Select form, select the row for the
value and click Select.
The priority category code consists of 30 category codes and one country code
(CTR) from the F0101 table.


On the Define Commitment Rules for Style Items form, enter a value from 1 to 9 in
the Priority field for the five category codes, three dates, and the Priority Order
In the Priority field, 1 is the highest priority and 9 is the lowest priority.

7-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing Manual Allocations


Click OK.

7.3.6 Setting the Priority Value for Category Codes
Access the Priority Category Codes Detail form.
Figure 7–5 Priority Category Codes Detail form

The Priority Category Codes program enables you to define the priority for each
category code and country code independently of the commitment rule code. The
Priority Category Codes program enables you to define the priority for each category
that is specific to the combination of commitment rule and category code.
To set the priority value for category codes, enter a value from 0 to 99 in the Priority
In the Priority field, 0 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest priority.

7.4 Performing Manual Allocations
This section provides an overview of manual allocations, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to perform manual allocations.

7.4.1 Understanding Manual Allocations
You can perform manual allocations to fulfill sales orders for style items. When
performing manual allocations, you have to use hard commitments. This diagram
illustrates the Manual Allocations process for style item orders:

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Performing Manual Allocations

Figure 7–6 Manual Allocations process

The Manual Allocations process just outlines the basic process that needs to be
performed. Instead of performing manual calculations, you can use the Allocations
module to manage this process automatically.

7.4.2 Prerequisite
Before you perform manual allocations, you must set the Check Availability
processing option on the Edits tab of the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to 1
to enable availability checking.
See "Setting Processing Options for the Shipment Confirmation Program (P4205)" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

7.4.3 Performing Manual Allocations
To perform manual allocations:

Enter a sales order using Sales Order Entry (P4210 or P42101).
Note: The Activate Availability Checking processing option on the
Commitment tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) is blank so
that the system does not check availability of the style items on the


Calculate the quantities to be allocated for each order manually when stock is


Run the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to hard commit the allocated
quantity calculated manually for each order.

7-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing Automatic Allocations


Run the Print Pick Slip program (R42520) to pick the quantities for each sales


Run the Shipment Confirmation program to perform the shipment confirmation.
The version of the Shipment Confirmation program that is run
to perform ship confirm is a different version from the one that is run
to hard commit the quantities to the orders. You use different versions
of the Shipment Confirmation program for the hard commit and ship
confirm processes as the processing option settings may differ for each
business process.


7.5 Performing Automatic Allocations
This section provides overviews of automatic allocations and shipment creation for
style items in the automatic allocations process (Release 9.1 Update), lists prerequisites
(Release 9.1 Update), and discusses how to perform automatic allocations.

7.5.1 Understanding Automatic Allocations
You can perform automatic allocations to fulfill sales orders for style items. Automatic
allocations support both allocation proposals and delivery proposals. This diagram
illustrates the Automatic Allocations process for style item orders:
Figure 7–7 Automatic Allocations process

You define the parameters for the allocation of products and the primary order to fill.
You also define the constraints for delivery. Once the parameters are defined, you run
the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) to generate
allocation and delivery proposals. You can run both allocation and delivery at the
same time. You can also separate the processes to first allocate and commit stock, and

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Performing Automatic Allocations

then run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program again to deliver the
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program calls the Calculate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW08) and Create Allocation and Delivery
Proposal Lists (RCW09) programs to calculate and create the allocations proposal. A
group of sales orders is the input for the reports. You set the data selection based on
sales order selection.
Note: Oracle recommends that you set distinct data selection
because the program contains approximately 255 columns.

The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW06), Calculate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals (RCW08), and Create Allocation and Delivery Proposal Lists
(RCW09) programs first extract the sales order lines based on the statuses set in the
processing options of the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program. The
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program uses order information stored in
the Sales Order Header File (F4201) and F4211 tables to prioritize the sales order lines.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program generates allocation
proposals based on the commitment rules defined in the Commitment Rules for Style
Item program and stored in the FCW41 table.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program then updates the Proposal
Order Line Details (FCW31), Proposal Processing Details (FCW43), Proposal Order
Details (FCW44), and F4211 tables.
The FCW31 table contains values and other proposal details from the F4211 table plus
the priorities applied based on the FCW41 table.
The FCW43 table stores the processing option values of the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program as set at the time the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program is run. The system stores the processing option values because the
values can be changed for every run of the program and the values are required later
for further processing. The system also stores the proposal name that is equal to the
version name of the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program. The FCW43
table stores multiple records and multiple proposals. Each proposal is independent of
the others.
The FCW44 table stores values and other proposal details from the F4201 table. The
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program updates the FCW44 table.
The Size Weights for Proposal table (FCW46) stores the size weight information for
different sizes to be used during the proposal process. This table stores information for
both allocation and delivery proposals.
The Fair Share Sprinkling Rate table (FCW105) stores values for the fair share
calculation. The Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program (RCW60) adds all
quantities to be allocated by item and stores the value in the Fair Share Sprinkling Rate
(FCW105) table only if the Available Quantity is greater than 0. The Calculate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program uses the values in the FCW105 table to
calculate the fair share.
The F4211 table is updated for order activity rule status and to reflect the other
quantity 1 SO.
The quantity in the Soft Committed field is transferred to the Other Quantity 1 SO
field for the sales order in the Item Location File table (F41021).

7-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing Automatic Allocations

Note: Because the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program updates the Proposed Quantity to the Other Quantity 1 SO
field, the other quantity 1 SO should be included in the availability

During the allocation process, the system calculates item availability
based on the availability definition in the branch/plant constants and
then uses item availability and allocation constraints to determine the
proposed quantity. The system stores the proposed quantity in the
Other Quantity 1 SO field.
If the availability definition in the branch/plant constants does not
include Other Quantity 1 SO, then the system does not subtract the
proposed quantity in the Other Quantity 1 SO bucket from the on
hand quantity when calculating item availability. Thus, the item
availability calculation is incorrect.
See Prerequisites.
This diagram illustrates the tables used by the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program:
Figure 7–8 Allocation process tables

You review the calculated values in the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
(PCW29). You can modify, validate, and cancel proposals using the Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program.
The proposals reside in the FCW31 table. The Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program processes hard commitments against the validated order lines.
When you validate or cancel proposals, the Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program calls the Validate Proposals program (RCW29V) to:

Validate a proposal from the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program.


Update the status and commitment flag in the F4211 table to a hard commitment.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Performing Automatic Allocations


Transfer quantity from the Other Quantity 1 SO field to the Hard Committed Sales
field in the F41021 table.

You can also use the Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program (RCW37) to
validate or cancel an allocation proposal. The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals
program is run in standalone mode only.
Note: The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program is run for
allocation proposals only. The program does not run for delivery

> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.

7.5.2 Understanding Shipment Creation for Style Items in the Automatic Allocations
Process (Release 9.1 Update)
The Automatic Allocations process supports the creation of a new shipment number
for sales order lines that have not been validated by the allocation process due to
availability, size, color, or style selection.
Validated sales order lines for style items are sales order lines that satisfy the allocation
rules. Validated sales order lines for style lines retain the original shipment number
created at sales order entry.
Non-validated sales order lines for style items are sales order lines that do not satisfy
the allocation rules. Non-validated sales order lines for style items remain soft
committed. If all the style sales order lines are non-validated, then the non-validated
sales order lines retain the original shipment number.
You set the Remove Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment
processing option on the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
(RCW06), the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (PCW29), or the Validate or
Cancel Allocation Proposals program (RCW37) depending upon which program you
use to validate the proposal.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system automatically
generates the respective shipment numbers for sales orders. The Remove
Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment processing option on
the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program enables new shipment
number creation for those sales order lines that have not been validated.
In the case of a partially validated sales order line for a style item, the system splits the
sales order line. The original sales order line contains the validated quantity and
original shipment number. The new sales order line contains the non-validated
quantity and the Automatic Allocations process assigns a shipment number based on
the shipment consolidation mode set in the Transportation Constants (P49002).
The following table describes the shipment creation of validated and non-validated
sales order lines for style items:
Shipment Consolidation
Mode Option
Transportation Constants

Style Sales Order

Multiple Order Consolidation


Shipment Outcome
Remains on the original

7-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Performing Automatic Allocations

Shipment Consolidation
Mode Option
Transportation Constants

Style Sales Order

Multiple Order Consolidation


Removed from the original
shipment and placed on a new
or existing shipment.

Multiple Order Consolidation

Split line with

Placed on a new or existing

Single Order Consolidation


Remains on the original

Single Order Consolidation


Removed from the original
shipment and placed on a new
or existing shipment of the
same order.

Single Order Consolidation

Split line with

Placed onto a new or existing
shipment of the same order.

Transactional Consolidation


Remains on the original

Transactional Consolidation


Removed from the original
shipment and placed on a new

Transactional Consolidation

Split line with

Placed onto a new shipment.

No Consolidation


Remains on the original

No Consolidation


Remains on the original

No Consolidation

Split line with

Placed on a new shipment.

Shipment Outcome

The system does not select non-style items for the Automatic
Allocations process; therefore, sales order lines for non-style items
retain the original shipment number.


To process transportation sales orders for style items:

The system sets the shipment status to pending when you enter a transportation
sales order.


The system removes the non-validated sales order lines from the shipment
associated with the validated sales order lines after running the Automatic
Allocations process.


You must approve the shipment associated with validated sales order lines.
Approving the shipment for the validated sales order lines prevents the system
from assigning this shipment number again.

Record reservation reserves sales orders in which the validated and non-validated
sales order lines for style items share the same shipment number before validation
Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Performing Automatic Allocations

begins. The system releases the records after validation and shipment creation of
non-validated sales order lines for style items. Therefore, you cannot modify sales
orders in the allocation run; and if orders selected for the allocation run are already
reserved, you cannot validate the proposal. You can modify the sales order line after
the system creates the shipment number and validation is complete.

7.5.3 Prerequisites (Release 9.1 Update)
Before you perform automatic allocations for style items, complete the following
setups to create new shipment numbers for non-validated style sales order lines:

Set the Shipment Consolidation Mode in the Transportation Constants program
See "Setting Up Transportation Constants" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Transportation Management Implementation Guide.


Set the Remove Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment
processing option on the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals, Allocation
and Delivery Proposals, and Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals programs.

7.5.4 Performing Automatic Allocations
To perform automatic allocations:

Enter a sales order using Sales Order Entry (P4210 or P42101).
Note: The Activate Availability Checking processing option on the
Commitment tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) is blank so
that the system does not check availability of the style items on the


Run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) when
stock is available.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program consists of two
programs, the Calculate Allocation and Delivery Proposals and Create Allocation
and Delivery Proposal Lists programs.

The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) launches
the Calculate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW08) to perform
the calculation of allocation and delivery proposals.


The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) launches
the Create Allocation and Delivery Proposal Lists program (RCW09) to create
the allocation proposal list.
The Create Allocation and Delivery Proposal Lists program (RCW09) updates
the FCW44 table.

If the system encounters any record reservation error message while running the
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06), then the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program calls the Proposals Error Log program
(RCW40) to log the error messages.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems provide you with a record reservation
capability which allows only one user at a time to update information in tables.
Inaccuracies can result when multiple users are updating data at the same time,
therefore, you may want to limit access to the programs to preserve data integrity.

7-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

Important: Multiple users cannot run the same version of the
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program simultaneously.
If multiple users run the same version of the program, then the system
deletes prior proposal details corresponding to the version. You can
reuse the same version if the proposal has already been validated and
no corresponding records exist in the Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program (PCW29). You should create and use a new version
when prior proposals await validation.

The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program launches the Calculate
Fair Share for Proposals program after the insert of proposal lines in the FCW31
table if the Fair Share processing option on the Conditions tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is set to Y.
The Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program adds all quantities to be allocated
by item and stores the value in the Fair Share Sprinkling Rate (FCW105) table only
if the available quantity is greater than 0. The Calculate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program uses the values in the FCW105 table to calculate the fair share.


Run the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (PCW29) to work with
proposals generated by the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program.


Run the Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program to validate the proposed
quantity and determine an allocated quantity based on stock availability.
The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program is also used to cancel
If the system encounters any record reservation error message while running the
Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program, then the Validate or Cancel
Allocation Proposals program calls the Proposals Error Log program to log the
error messages.
Note: The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program is for
allocation proposals only.


Run the Print Pick Slip program (R42520) to pick the quantities for each sales


Run the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to perform the shipment

7.6 Generating Allocation Proposals
This section provides overviews of allocation proposals and the algorithm for
allocation proposals, provides an example for setting up and running the algorithm for
allocation proposals, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW06).


Generate allocation proposals.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals

7.6.1 Understanding Allocation Proposals
You run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program to generate
allocation proposals. Allocation proposals enable you to distribute available stock
among several sales orders if product shortages exist.
The system stores allocation proposal information in the FCW43 and FCW44 tables.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is capable of handling four
decimal positions.
The report for the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) does
not print any information, nor does the report send any messages to the work center. If
the report encounters an invalid data selection, then the No Data Selected message
prints on the report.
The Create Allocation and Delivery Proposal Lists program (RCW09) generates a
report for a allocations.
Note: Sales order detail lines with a W (work order) line type are
excluded from the allocation proposal process. Work order line types
are fulfilled when their associated work orders are completed.

7.6.2 Understanding the Algorithm for Allocation Proposals
When the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is run to generate
allocation proposals, the algorithm:

Extracts sales order detail lines from the F4211 table and stores them in the FCW31
table according to the following criteria:

The data selection is set for fields from the F0101, F4211, Item Master (F4101),
Additional Style Item Information (FCW61), and Item Structure Definition
(FCW02) tables.


The processing options on the Status tab are set to filter by next statuses.


The processing options on the Dates tab are set to filter by dates.


The Minimum Quantity Ordered processing option on the Process tab is set to
specify a quantity.
Note: If the sales order detail lines contain a quantity ordered that is
smaller than the value in the Minimum Quantity Ordered processing
option, then the program ignores the sales order detail lines.

The system sets the In Warehouse flag to lock sales orders when the sales
orders are extracted for allocations processing.

Sorts the extracted sales order detail lines according to the priority rules as
identified by the Priority Commitment Rule processing option on the Priority Rule
Note: Priority rules are defined in the Commitment Rules for Style
Item program prior to running the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program.

7-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals


Determines the proposed quantity using one of the following calculations:

Calculates the proposed quantity based on the value in the Sprinkling Rate
processing option on the Conditions tab.
For all extracted sales order detail lines, the quantity ordered is multiplied by
the sprinkling rate percentage to calculate the proposed quantity.
In the next calculations, the system forgets the initial quantity ordered on the
sales order and deals only with the result of this multiplication, which is called
the proposed quantity.


Calculates the proposed quantity based on fair share processing when the
value in the Fair Share processing option on the Conditions tab is set to Y.

The system calculates the sprinkling rate for every child item as the ratio between
the stock that can be allocated (available stock) and the total open quantity in all
extracted sales order detail lines. Fair share sprinkling rate = (Total available
quantity) ÷ (Total open quantity)
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program calls the Calculate Fair
Share for Proposals program to calculate the fair share for an item when the Fair
Share processing option on the Conditions tab of the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program is set to a value of Y. After the insertion of proposal
lines in the FCW31 table and before launching the Calculate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program, the Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program adds
all quantities to be allocated by item and stores the calculated value in the FCW105
table. The Calculate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program then uses the
value to calculate the fair share.
The open quantity is multiplied by the sprinkling rate for every extracted sales
order detail line to calculate the proposed quantity.
If the calculated proposed quantity is less than the value in the Minimum Qty per
Child Item processing option on the Conditions tab, then the proposed quantity is
equal to either the value in the Minimum Qty per Child Item processing option (if
the last one is smaller than the open quantity), or the open quantity.
Note: If you enable both fair share and sprinkling rate processing,
then the system performs calculations using fair share and ignores the
sprinkling rate.

Determines retained quantities.
For every sales order detail line, the retained or allocated quantity represents the
minimum between the available quantity and proposed quantity.


Applies the For Order Line processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab using
size weights.


Applies the For Level 4 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.
Note: Size weight is only applicable when the For Order Line
processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab is set. Size weight is not
applicable to processing options For Level 0 Item through For Level 4

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals


Applies the For Level 3 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.


Applies the For Level 2 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.


Applies the For Level 1 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.

10. Applies the For Level 0 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no

size weighting.
11. Applies the following processing for every order if the Top/Bottom Management

(Y/N) processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab is set to Y.

Groups all extracted sales order detail lines into families according to the
value of one or two specific item category codes. The aliases of these category
codes are set up in the Item Category Alias Grouping Code 1 and Item
Category Alias Grouping Code 2 processing options on the Top/Bottom
Processing tab.
As a result of this step, the sales order detail lines are sorted into one or
several families.
Top or Bottom is specified in the Special Handling field of the item category
code defined in the Item Category Alias Top/Bottom processing option on the
Top/Bottom Processing tab. If the value of the Special Handling field is equal
to 1 or T, then the item is considered to be Top. If the value of the Special
Handling field is equal to 2 or B, then the item is considered to be Bottom.


Calculates the total retained quantity of the Top (TQR) and Bottom (BQR) for
every family.


Calculates the total proposed quantity of the Top (TQP) and Bottom (BQP) for
every family.
If TQP or TQR equals zero, then it does nothing; otherwise, it compares the
TQR/TQP and BQR/BQP fill rates.
If the Top fill rate (TQR/TQP) is smaller than the Bottom fill rate, then all Top
items are retained for the allocation.
If BQR is smaller than BQP x (TQR / TQP + (Allowed %) / 100), where
Allowed % is the value in the Tolerance Limit (in %) processing option on the
Top/Bottom Processing tab, then all Bottom items are retained for the
allocation as well.
Otherwise, only the total quantity BQP x (TQR / TQP + (Allowed %) / 100) of
Bottom items is retained. To obtain this total value, for every Bottom item line
the system adjusts the retained quantity by the factor BQP x (TQR / TQP +
(Allowed %) / 100) / ∑BQR.
If the Bottom fill rate (BQR / BQP) is smaller than the Top fill rate, then all
Bottom items are retained for the allocation.
If TQR is smaller than TQP x (BQR / BQP + (Allowed %) / 100), where
Allowed % is the value in the Tolerance Limit (in %) processing option on the
Top/Bottom Processing tab, then all Top items are retained for the allocation as
Otherwise, only the total quantity TQP x (BQR / BQP + (Allowed %) / 100) of
Top items is retained. To obtain this total value, for every Top item line the

7-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

system adjusts the retained quantity by the factor TQP x (BQR / BQP +
(Allowed %) / 100) / ∑TQR.

Adjusts the retained quantities if necessary using the Tolerance Limit (in %)
processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program.

12. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the Item Category Code Alias 1,Item Category

Code Alias 2, and Group Satisfaction Rate processing options on the Satisfaction
Rate tab.
Note: The Item Category Code Alias 1,Item Category Code Alias 2,
and Group Satisfaction Rate processing options on the Satisfaction
Rate tab are referred to as Item Group Constraint.

Groups all extracted sales order lines into item groups based on the value of one or
two specific item category codes. The aliases of the category codes are set up in the
Item Category Alias Grouping Code 1 and Item Category Alias Grouping Code 2
processing options on the Top/Bottom Processing tab.
As a result of this step, the sales order lines are sorted into one or several item
For every item group:

The system calculates the ratio between the total retained quantity and the
total proposed quantity.


If this ratio is less than the value set in the Group Satisfaction Rate processing
option on the Satisfaction Rate tab, then the retained quantity is set to zero for
all items within this group.
If the Item Group Constraint processing options on the
Satisfaction Rate tab are activated and the Top/Bottom Management
(Y/N) processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab is set to a
value of Y, then all items within one Top/Bottom family should
belong to the same item group to obtain consistent results. The JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system does not verify
this condition. The user is responsible for ensuring this consistency.

13. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the sales order based on the Satisfaction Rate

processing option on the Process tab.
Depending on the value of the Satisfaction Rate based on processing option on the
Process tab, the satisfaction rate is calculated for every sales order based on either:

All order detail lines for the sales order.


Only on extracted lines, which are sales order detail lines filtered via the data
selection and the processing options on the Status and Dates tabs.

The system compares the satisfaction rate to the ratio between the total retained
quantity and the total proposed quantity.
14. Applies the Minimum Quantity Allocated and Maximum Quantity Allocated

processing options on the Process tab.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals

Compare the total retained quantity of this order with the range in the processing
options. If the total retained quantity is not in the range of the processing options,
then the order is not retained for the allocation.
15. Performs automatic validation based on the setting of the Create Automatic

Validation processing option on the Validations tab of the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program.
If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is set to a value of 1, then the
program validates all lines retained for the allocation. The validated lines are hard
committed to the sales order, or committed to Other SO1 or Other SO2 based on
the processing option setting on the Validations tab.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program uses
the same business function for validation as the Validate or Cancel
Allocation Proposals program.


If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is blank, then no automatic
validation is required and the order lines retained for the allocation are neither soft
committed nor hard committed. The system adds the item quantities to the values
in the Quantity On Other 1 field in the F41021 table.

7.6.3 Example: Setting Up and Running the Algorithm for Allocation Proposals
This example shows the setup for allocation proposals for a style item and how the
algorithm calculates allocations for the sales orders. Setup
A customer enters the following sales orders:

Child Style Item



Sales Order

Next Status














































Commitment rule 01 is set up using the following parameter values:



Alias Customer 1



Alias Customer 2



Alias Customer 3



7-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals




Alias Customer 4



Alias Customer 5



Priority Date Shipped

Not applicable


Priority Date Orders

Not applicable


Priority Orders

Not applicable


Priority Requested Date

Not applicable


The commitment rule 01 and category code 1 combination is set up using the
following values:





Mexico City Branch



New York Branch

The processing options of the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
uses the following settings:

Processing Option



Processing Type



Next Status Code From



Next Status Code Thru



Override Next Status Code



Include Processed Orders in



Maximum Transaction Date



Promised Delivery Date From 01/02/2006


Promised Delivery Date Thru



Satisfaction Rate based on



Satisfaction Rate (expressed in 40


Minimum Quantity Ordered



Minimum Quantity Allocated



Maximum Quantity Allocated Blank


Sprinkling Rate



Fair Share



Minimum Qty per Child Item


Priority Rule

Priority Commitment Rule


Priority Rule

Priority Shipped Date Based


Satisfaction Rate

For Level 0 Item


Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals


Processing Option


Satisfaction Rate

For Level 1 Item


Satisfaction Rate

For Level 2 Item


Satisfaction Rate

For Level 3 Item


Satisfaction Rate

For Level 4 Item


Satisfaction Rate

For Order Line


Satisfaction Rate

Item Category Code Alias 1


Satisfaction Rate

Item Category Code Alias 2


Satisfaction Rate

Group Satisfaction Rate


Top/Bottom Processing

Top/Bottom Management


Top/Bottom Processing

Item Category Alias


Top/Bottom Processing

Tolerance Limit (in %)


Top/Bottom Processing

Item Category Alias Grouping Blank
Code 1

Top/Bottom Processing

Item Category Code Alias
Grouping Code 2

Blank Algorithm Calculations
When you run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program to generate
allocation proposals, the algorithm:

Extracts sales order detail lines based on the Next Status From processing option
value of 540 and Minimum Order Quantity processing option value of 5. The
system extracts the following sales order lines:

Child Style Item



Sales Order






































Sorts the extracted sales order detail lines according to the priority rules as
identified by the Priority Commitment Rule processing option on the Priority Rule
Order extract before sorting:

Child Style Item

Sales Order

Available Quantity






7-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

Child Style Item

Sales Order

Available Quantity


























The customers have the following category code setup:
Customer Number

Category Code - AC01 Value Priority Value Set in PCW23







Order extract after sorting:

Child Style Item

Sales Order



Customer Number





































Determines the proposed quantity with a sprinkling rate of 60% and fair share set
to N. The system performs the following calculations:
Proposed Quantity

Child Style Item

Ordered Quantity

Available Quantity

Proposed Quantity =
Ordered Quantity x
Sprinkling Percent




























Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals


Determines retained quantities.
For every sales order detail line, the retained or allocated quantity represents the
minimum between the available quantity and proposed quantity. The system
determines the following retained quantities:

Child Style Item









































Applies the for Order Line processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab using
size weights.
The size weights are set as 1 for size 01, 3 for size 02, and 2 for size 03. The
satisfaction rate on the for Order Line processing option is set at 65%.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:

Child Style Item






























For the attribute CTN and color BLU, you perform the following calculations:
(intermediary variable) Total Proposed Quantity = 60 x 1 + 60 x 3 + 60 x 2 = 360
(intermediary variable) Total Retained Quantity = 60 x 1 + 40 x 3 + 30 x 2 = 240
Total Retained / Total Proposed = 240 / 360 = 67% Because 67% is greater than the
satisfaction rate of 65%, the system retains the order lines.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:

Child Style Item















For the attribute CTN and color PURP, you perform the following calculations:
(intermediary variable) Total Proposed Quantity = 60 x 1 = 60

7-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

(intermediary variable) Total Retained Quantity = 30 x 1 = 30
Total Retained / Total Proposed = 30 / 60 = 50% Because 50% is less than the
satisfaction rate of 65%, the order line is not retained.
The calculations are the same for attribute SPX and color PURP so that order line is
also not retained.
The result from this step of the allocation calculation is that the
JACKET.BLK.S1, and TIE.BLK order lines are retained.

Applies the value in the For Level 4 Item processing option on the Satisfaction
Rate tab with no size weighting.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.


Applies the value in the For Level 3 Item processing option on the Satisfaction
Rate tab with no size weighting.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.


Applies the value in the For Level 2 Item processing option on the Satisfaction
Rate tab with no size weighting.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.


Applies the value in the For Level 1 Item processing option on the Satisfaction
Rate tab with no size weighting.
The satisfaction rate on the For Level 1 Item processing option is set at 50%.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:

Child Style Item




















For style item root level 0 JEANS4 and attribute CTN, you perform the following
(intermediary variable) Total Proposed Quantity = 60 + 60 + 60 = 180
(intermediary variable) Total Retained Quantity = 60 + 40 + 30 = 130
Total Retained/Total Proposed = 130 / 180 = 72% Because 72% is greater than the
satisfaction rate of 50%, the order lines are retained.

Child Style Item










For style item root level 0 JACKET and attribute BLK, you perform the following

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals

(intermediary variable) Total Proposed Quantity = 60
(intermediary variable) Total Retained Quantity = 45
Total Retained/Total Proposed = 45/ 60 = 75% Because 75% is greater than the
satisfaction rate of 50%, the order line is retained.

Child Style Item










For style item root level 0TIE and attribute BLK, you perform the following
(intermediary variable) Total Proposed Quantity = 60
(intermediary variable) Total Retained Quantity = 55
Total Retained/Total Proposed = 55/ 60 = 91.66% Because 91.66 % is greater than
the satisfaction rate of 50%, the order line is retained.
10. Applies the value in the for Level 0 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate

tab with no size weighting.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.
11. Applies the following processing for every order if the Top/Bottom Management

(Y/N) processing option on the Top/Bottom tab is set to Y.
The Item Category Alias Top/Bottom processing option is set to SRP7 and the
Tolerance Limit (in %) is set to 10 percent.
Special handling code 1 is for top and special handling code 2 is for bottom.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:


Code (SRP7)
































Child Style Item


Total Bottom Retained Quantity (BQR) = 60 + 40 + 30 = 130
Total Bottom Proposed Quantity (BQP) = 60 + 60 + 60 = 180
Fill rate for bottom items = 130 / 180 = 72%
Total Top Retained Quantity (TQR) = 45
Total Top Proposed Quantity (TQP) = 60
Fill rate for top items = 45 / 60 = 75%
Top fill rate = 75%
Bottom fill rate = 72%
7-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

Allowed percentage from the processing option is 10%.
If the bottom fill rate is less than the top fill rate, then all bottom items are retained.
The bottom fill rate of 72% is less than the top fill rate of 75%, so the system retains
the bottom items.
Ratio correction = bottom fill rate + [(bottom fill rate x Allowed %) / 100]
Ratio correction = 72 + [(72 x 10) / 100] = 79.2%
For every top line, the system calculates the retainage percentage, where Retainage
Percentage = Retained Quantity / Order Quantity.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:

Child Style Item

Order Quantity

Retained Quantity






For every top line, the system calculates a new retained quantity if the retainage
percentage is greater than the ratio correction.
New Retained Quantity = Order Quantity x Ratio Correction Else New Retained
Quantity is unchanged.
The system uses the following order information to perform calculations:

Child Style Item

Order Quantity









This table illustrates the results after top and bottom processing:

Child Style Item

Proposed Quantity

Retained Quantity

New Retained





















12. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the Item Category Code Alias 1,Item Category

Code Alias 2, and Group Satisfaction Rate processing options on the Satisfaction
Rate tab.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.
13. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the sales order based on the Satisfaction Rate

processing option on the Process tab.
The calculation of satisfaction rate is Satisfaction Rate = Total Retained Quantity /
Total Ordered Quantity.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals

The Satisfaction Rate processing option is set to 40%, so the system retains all the
This table illustrates the results after satisfaction rate processing:
Child Style Item

Order Quantity

Proposed Quantity

Retained Quantity





















14. Applies the Minimum Quantity Allocated and Maximum Quantity Allocated

processing options on the Process tab.
The system does not perform any calculations because this processing option was
not set.
15. Performs automatic validation based on the setting of the Create Automatic

Validation processing option on the Validations tab of the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program.
If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is set to 1, then the program
validates all lines retained for the allocation. The validated lines are hard
committed to the sales order, or committed to Other SO1 or Other SO2 based on
the processing option setting on the Validations tab.
If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is blank, then no automatic
validation is required and the order lines retained for the allocation are neither soft
committed nor hard committed. The system adds the item quantities to the Other
Sales 1 field in the F41021 table.
You can use the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (PCW29) to commit
the retained quantity.

7.6.4 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:


Set the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program to P for allocation proposal.
Set the remaining processing options of the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program as appropriate.

7.6.5 Setting Processing Options for Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Status
1. Processing Type

Specify the processing type of the proposal. Values are:

7-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

P: Allocation Proposal
D: Delivery Proposal
2. Next Status Code From (Required)

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
3. Next Status Code Thru (Required)

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
4. Override Next Status Code

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
5. Include Processed Orders in Delivery

Specify whether to include processed orders in delivery. Valid values are:
Blank: Do not include processed orders in delivery.
1: Include processed orders in delivery. Dates
The date processing options enable you to specify the default date selection for sales
order extraction from the F4211 table.
Note: The processing options on the Dates tab are optional. You can
leave these processing options blank so that you do not have to
maintain the processing options for date expiration.
1. Maximum Transaction Date

Specify the latest transaction date that the system uses to select the orders for
generation of allocation and delivery proposals.
2. Promised Delivery Date From

Specify the beginning date of the promised delivery date range that the system uses to
select the orders for generation of allocation and delivery proposals.
3. Promised Delivery Date Thru

Specify the end date of the promised delivery date range that the system uses to select
the orders for generation of allocation and delivery proposals. Process
1. Satisfaction Rate based on

Specify whether the satisfaction rate is based on customer or extract. Values are:
C: Customer
E: Extract
2. Satisfaction Rate (expressed in %)

Specify the order-level satisfaction rate as a percentage. The system calculates the
order-level satisfaction rate based on the satisfaction rate that is specified either for
customer or extract.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Allocation Proposals

3. Minimum Quantity Ordered

Specify whether to filter orders that do not satisfy the minimum quantity ordered for
generation of allocation and delivery proposals.
4. Minimum Quantity Allocated

Specify the minimum quantity to be allocated during the generation of allocation and
delivery proposals.
5. Maximum Quantity Allocated

Specify the maximum quantity that can be allocated during the generation of
allocation and delivery proposals. Conditions
1. Sprinkling Rate

Specify the sprinkling rate that the system uses to calculate the proposed quantity.
2. Fair Share

Specify whether to enable fair share processing. Valid values are:
Y: Activate fair share.
N: Do not activate fair share.
Fair share processing calculates the proposed quantity based on the total available and
total ordered quantities. If fair share processing is enabled, then the sprinkling rate is
not used.
3. Minimum Qty per Child Item (minimum quantity per child item)

Specify the quantity of units affected by this transaction. Satisfaction Rate
1. For Level 0 Item

Specify the satisfaction rate for style item root-level 0 items.
2. For Level 1 Item

Specify the satisfaction rate for level-1 style items.
3. For Level 2 Item

Specify the satisfaction rate for level-2 style items.
4. For Level 3 Item

Specify the satisfaction rate for level-3 style items.
5. For Level 4 Item

Specify the satisfaction rate for level-4 style items.
6. For Order Line

Specify the satisfaction rate for the order line before child style items.
7. Item Category Code Alias 1

Specify how to group the items based on the category codes that are used for grouping
a satisfaction rate.
8. Item Category Code Alias 2

Specify how to group the items based on the category codes that are used for grouping
the satisfaction rate.

7-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Allocation Proposals

9. Group Satisfaction Rate

Specify the group satisfaction rate for an item group. Priority Rule
1. Priority Commitment Rule

Specify a user-defined code (41F/CR) that determines the priority for the sales order
lines based on the dates and Address Book category codes of the customer.
2. Priority Shipped Date Based

Specify whether to use the promised delivery date or the scheduled pick date as the
ship date. Valid values are:
Blank: Use the promised delivery date as the ship date.
1: Use the scheduled pick date as the ship date. Top/Bottom Processing
1. Top/Bottom Management (Y/N)

Specify whether to enable top/bottom management processing. Valid values are:
Y: Activate top/bottom management processing.
N: Do not activate top/bottom management processing.
2. Item Category Alias Top/Bottom

Specify the category code from which top or bottom is identified based on a special
handling code.
If the special handling code is either 1 or T, then it is top.
If the special handling code is either 2 or B, then it is bottom.
3. Tolerance Limit (in %)

Specify the tolerance percentage by which top can exceed bottom and vice versa.
4. Item Category Alias Grouping Code 1

Specify the category codes used to group the style items for top/bottom management
5. Item Category Alias Grouping Code 2

Specify the category codes used to group the style items for top/bottom management
processing. Validations
1. Create Automatic Validation

Specify whether the system performs automatic validation. Valid values are:
Y: Enable automatic validation of sales orders.
N: Disable automatic validation of sales orders.
2. Override Next Status Code

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
3. Commitment for Allocated Order Lines

Specify how the system commits the allocated order lines. Valid values are:
Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Delivery Proposals

Blank: Hard commit allocated orders.
1: Soft commit using Other Quantity 1.
2: Soft commit using Other Quantity 2.
4. Remove Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment (Release
9.1 Update)

Specify whether the system removes non-validated style sales order lines from their
existing shipment and places them onto a new shipment. Non-style sales order lines
are not affected by this processing option. Values are:
Blank: Do not remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing
shipment. All style sales order lines remain on their original shipment.
1: Remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing shipment and place
them on a new shipment based on the shipment consolidation mode set in the
Transportation Constants (P49002). The validated style sales order lines remain on
their original shipment.
This processing option is effective only when the Create Automatic Validation
processing option on the Validations tab is set to a value of Y. Proposal
1. Include Order Lines with No Allocated Quantity in Proposal

Specify whether to include order lines with no allocated quantity in the proposal. Valid
values are:
Blank: Include order lines with no allocated quantity.
1: Do not include order lines with no allocated quantity.

7.6.6 Generating Allocation Proposals
Select Allocations (G41F15), Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW06).
To generate allocation proposals:

Select options to prompt for data selection and data sequencing on the Version
Prompting form.


Click Submit.


Enter data selection criteria on the Data Selection form and click OK.


Enter data sequencing criteria on the Data Sequencing form and click OK.


Click OK on the Printer Selection form.

7.7 Generating Delivery Proposals
This section provides overviews of delivery proposals and the algorithm for delivery
proposals, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to generate delivery proposals.

7.7.1 Understanding Delivery Proposals
In many aspects, the algorithm for delivery proposals is similar to the algorithm for
allocation proposals.
In the delivery proposal process, you run the Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program. Delivery proposals ensure consistent deliveries to customers.
7-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Delivery Proposals

The system stores delivery proposal information in the FCW43 and FCW44 tables.
The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is capable of handling four
decimal positions.
The report for the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program does not print
any information, nor does the report send any messages to the work center. If the
report encounters an invalid data selection, then the No Data Selected message prints on
the report.
Note: Sales order detail lines with a W (work order) line type are
excluded from the delivery proposal process. Work order line types
are fulfilled when their associated work orders are completed.

After a delivery proposal is validated, the system updates the Statuses and Commit
Flag fields in the F4211 table for the hard commitment.
If a delivery proposal is canceled, then the system reverses statuses in the F4211 table.
For delivery proposals, the ordered quantity and proposed quantity will always be the
The retained quantity depends on satisfaction of the constraints. For example, if you
set up a satisfaction rate, then the retained quantity equals the proposed quantity if the
rate is reached. If not, then the retained quantity is zero.
If you use top/bottom management, then the retained quantity changes to balance the
other category quantity.
The system does not commit the retained quantity. The system calculates only the
retained quantity.

7.7.2 Understanding the Algorithm for Delivery Proposals
When the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program is run to generate
delivery proposals, the algorithm:

Extracts sales order detail lines from the F4211 table to the FCW31 table according
to the following criteria:

The data selection is set for fields from the F0101, F4211, F4101, FCW61, and
FCW02 tables.


The processing options on the Status tab are set to filter by next status.
Sales order detail lines with a next status that is less than the smallest status
selected in the Next Status Code From and Next Status Code Thru processing
options on the Status tab are not ready yet for the delivery proposal and
typically are not allocated lines.
Sales order detail lines with a next status greater than the largest status
selected in the Next Status Code From and Next Status Code Thru processing
options on the Status tab are processed lines that have already passed through
the delivery proposal procedure and typically are shipped lines. These lines
are extracted only if the Include Processes Orders in Delivery processing
option on the Status tab is set to 1. In this case, when the system checks
various constraints such as satisfaction rates, the processed quantities are
added to retained quantities. Otherwise, the processed quantities are ignored
by the system. The program works as if the processed lines were never

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Delivery Proposals


The processing options on the Dates tab are set to filter by date.


The Minimum Quantity Ordered processing option on the Process tab is set to
specify a quantity.
Note: If the sales order detail lines contain a quantity ordered that is
smaller than the value in the Minimum Quantity Ordered processing
option, then the program ignores the sales order detail lines.


Sorts the extracted sales order detail lines according to the priority rules as
identified by the Priority Commitment Rule to be used processing option on the
Priority Rule tab.
Note: Priority rules are defined in the Commitment Rules for Style
Item program prior to running Generate Allocation and Delivery


Does not calculate the proposed quantity based on fair share or sprinkling rate
Note: Delivery proposal calculations do not use fair share or
sprinkling rate processing.


Does not calculate retained (available) quantities.


The system ignores the inventory.

Applies the for Order Line processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab using
size weights.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines that are present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).


Applies the for Level 4 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).

7-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Delivery Proposals

If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).

Applies the for Level 3 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).


Applies the for Level 2 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).


Applies the for Level 1 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no
size weighting.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).

10. Applies the for Level 0 Item processing option on the Satisfaction Rate tab with no

size weighting.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Delivery Proposals

If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).
11. Applies the following processing for every order if the Top/Bottom Management

(Y/N) processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab is set to a value of Y.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value in the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).

Groups all extracted sales order detail lines into families according to the
value of one or two specific item category codes. The aliases of these category
codes are set up in the Item Category Alias Grouping Code 1 and Item
Category Alias Grouping Code 2 processing options on the Top/Bottom
Processing tab.
As a result of this step, the sales order detail lines are sorted into one or
several families.
Top or Bottom is defined in the Special Handling field of the item category code
defined in the Item Category Code Alias Top/Bottom processing option on the
Top/Bottom Processing tab. If the value of the Special Handling field is equal
to 1 or T, then the item is considered to be Top. If the value of the Special
Handling field is equal to 2 or B, then the item is considered to be Bottom.


Calculates the total retained quantity of the Top (TQR) and Bottom (BQR) for
every family.


Calculates the total proposed quantity of the Top (TQP) and Bottom (BQP) for
every family.
If TQP or TQR equals zero, then the system does nothing; otherwise, it
compares the TQR/TQP and BQR/BQP fill rates.
If the Top fill rate (TQR/TQP) is smaller than the Bottom fill rate, then all Top
items are retained for the allocation.
If BQR is smaller than BQP x (TQR / TQP + (Allowed %) / 100), where
Allowed % is the value in the Tolerance Limit (in %) processing option on the
Top/Bottom processing tab, then all Bottom items are retained for the
allocation as well.
Otherwise, only the total quantity BQP x (TQR / TQP + (Allowed %) / 100) of
Bottom items is retained. To obtain this total value, for every Bottom item line,
the system adjusts the retained quantity by the factor BQP x (TQR / TQP +
(Allowed %) / 100) / ∑BQR.
If the Bottom fill rate (BQR / BQP) is smaller than the Top fill rate, then all
bottom items are retained for the allocation.
If TQR is smaller than TQP x (BQR / BQP + (Allowed %) / 100), where
Allowed % is the value in the Tolerance Limit (in %) processing option on the

7-42 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Generating Delivery Proposals

Top/Bottom Processing tab, then all top items are retained for the allocation as
Otherwise, only the total quantity TQP x (BQR / BQP + (Allowed %) / 100) of
Top items is retained. To obtain this total value, for every Top item line the
system adjusts the retained quantity by the factor [TQP x (BQR / BQP +
(Allowed %) / 100)] / ∑TQR.

Adjusts the retained quantities if necessary using the Tolerance Limit (in %)
processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program.

12. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the Item Category Code Alias 1,Item Category

Code Alias 2, and Group Satisfaction Rate processing options on the Satisfaction
Rate tab.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).
Note: The Item Category Code Alias 1, Item Category Code Alias 2,
and Group Satisfaction Rate processing options on the Satisfaction
Rate tab are referred to as Item Group Constraint.

The Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program groups all extracted
sales order lines into item groups based on the value of one or two specific item
category codes. The aliases of the category codes are set up in the Item Category
Alias Grouping Code 1 and Item Category Alias Grouping Code 2 processing
options on the Top/Bottom Processing tab.
As a result of this step, the sales order lines are sorted into one or several item
For every item group:

Calculates the ratio between the total retained quantity and the total proposed


If this ratio is less than the value set in the Group Satisfaction Rate processing
option on the Satisfaction Rate tab, then the retained quantity is set to zero for
all items within this group.
If the Item Group Constraint processing options on the
Satisfaction Rate tab are activated and the Top/Bottom Management
(Y/N) processing option on the Top/Bottom Processing tab is set to a
value of Y, then all items within one Top/Bottom family should
belong to the same item group to obtain consistent results. The JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system does not verify
this condition. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this consistency.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Generating Delivery Proposals

13. Calculates the satisfaction rate for the sales order based on the Satisfaction Rate

processing option on the Process tab.
The formulas for delivery proposals are similar to those used for allocation
proposals with some modifications. The system accounts for not only the sales
order detail lines selected for processing, but accounts for all the sales order detail
lines present in the same sales orders.
If the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the Status tab is
blank, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x (Retained
Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity −Processed Quantity).
If the value of the Include Processed Orders in Delivery processing option on the
Status tab is 1, then the satisfaction rate calculation is (Satisfaction Rate) = 100 x
(Retained Quantity + Processed Quantity) / (Ordered Quantity).
Depending on the value of the Satisfaction Rate based on processing option on the
Process tab, the satisfaction rate is calculated for every sales order based on either:

All order detail lines for the sales order.


Only on extracted lines, which are sales order detail lines filtered via the data
selection and the processing options on the Status and Dates tabs.

The system compares the satisfaction rate to the ratio between the total retained
quantity and the total proposed quantity.
14. Applies the Minimum Quantity Allocated and Maximum Quantity Allocated

processing options on the Process tab.
Compares the total retained quantity of this order with the range in the processing
options. If the total retained quantity is not in the range of the processing options,
then the order is not retained for the allocation.
15. Performs automatic validation based on the setting of the Create Automatic

Validation processing option on the Validations tab.
If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is set to a value of 1, then the
program validates all lines retained for the allocation. The validated lines are hard
committed to the sales order, or committed to Other SO1 or Other SO2 based on
the processing option setting on the Validations tab.
If the Create Automatic Validation processing option is set to a value of Blank,
then no automatic validation is required and the order lines retained for the
allocation are neither soft committed nor hard committed. The system adds the
item quantities to the Quantity On Other 1 field in the F41021 table.

7.7.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:


Set the Processing Type processing option on the Status tab of the Generate
Allocation and Delivery Proposals to a value of D for delivery proposal.
Set the remaining processing options of the Generate Allocation and Delivery
Proposals program as appropriate.

7.7.4 Generating Delivery Proposals
Select Allocations (G41F15), Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals (RCW06).

7-44 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

7.8 Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals
This section provides an overview of allocation and delivery proposal validation and
discusses how to:

Set processing options for Allocation and Delivery Proposals (PCW29).


Review orders for allocation and delivery proposals.


Review items for allocation and delivery proposals.


Review order details for allocation and delivery proposals.


Revise allocation and delivery proposals.


Validate allocation proposals by batch.

7.8.1 Understanding Allocation and Delivery Proposal Validation
After allocation and delivery proposal generation, you review the calculated values in
the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (PCW29). You can modify, validate,
and cancel proposals using the Allocation and Delivery Proposals program. The
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program calls the Validate Proposals program
(RCW29V), which validates or cancels both allocation and delivery proposals.
The 41F/NR (Not Retained) UDC contains reason codes for allocations. The UDC
contains reasons as to why an order or an line was not allocated. The 41F/NR reason
codes are used in sales order entry and purchase order entry to support providing a
reason code when you add or update orders. The reason codes are informational only
because the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not perform any further
processing using these values.
You can also use the Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program (RCW37) to
validate or cancel a proposal. The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program is
run in standalone mode only. The Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program
(RCW37) runs for allocation proposals only.

7.8.2 Forms Used to Validate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Form Name




Work With Proposals


Allocations (G41F15),
Allocation and
Delivery Proposals

Work with allocation

Proposal Order List


On the Work With
Proposals form, select
a version and select
Proposal Order List
from the Row menu.

Review orders for
allocation and
delivery proposals.

Proposal Item List


On the Work With
Proposals form, select
a version and select
Proposal Item List
from the Row menu.

Review items for
allocation and
delivery proposals.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

Form Name


Proposal Order Detail WCW29E



On the Proposal
Order List form, select
a row and select
Order Detail from the
Row menu

Review order details
for allocation and
delivery proposals.

On the Proposal Item
List form, select the
Detail option to
enable. Select a row
and then select
Proposal Revisions
from the Row menu.

Revise allocation and
delivery proposals.

Note: When you select
the Detail option on
On the Proposal Item the Proposal Item List
List form, select a row form, the system
and select Order
activates the Order
Detail from the Row
Detail option on the
Row menu.
Proposal Revisions


On the Proposal
Order Detail form,
select a row and select
Proposal Revisions
from the Row menu.

7.8.3 Setting Processing Options for Allocation and Delivery Proposals (PCW29)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
For programs, you can specify options such as the default values for specific
transactions, whether fields appear on a form, and the version of the program that you
want to run. Process
1. Processing Type

Specify a code that identifies the processing type of the proposal. Values are:
P: Allocation Proposal
D: Delivery Proposal
2. Override Next Status Code

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
3. Commitment for Allocated Order Lines

Specify how the system commits the allocated order lines. Valid values are:
Blank: Hard commit allocated orders.
1: Soft commit using Other Quantity 1.
2: Soft commit using Other Quantity 2.
4. Remove Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment (Release
9.1 Update)

Specify whether the system removes non-validated style sales order lines from their
existing shipment and places them onto a new shipment. Non-style sales order lines
are not affected by this processing option. Values are:
7-46 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

Blank: Do not remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing
shipment. All style sales order lines remain on their original shipment.
1: Remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing shipment and place
them on a new shipment based on the shipment consolidation mode set in the
Transportation Constants (P49002). The validated style sales order lines remain on
their original shipment. Display
1. Matrix Code or Description

Specify how the system displays information for the matrix code. Values are:
Blank: The system displays the matrix code.
1: The system displays the description of the matrix code.
2: The system concatenates the matrix code and description and displays it using the
format Code/Description, using / as the separator.
Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101), Purchase
Order Entry (P4310), Purchase Order Receipts (P4312), Inventory Issues (P4112),
Inventory Transfers (P4113), and Inventory Adjustments (P4114).

7.8.4 Setting Processing Options for Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals (RCW37)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
For programs, you can specify options such as the default values for specific
transactions, whether fields appear on a form, and the version of the program that you
want to run. Process
1. Version Proposals

Specify a version.
A user-defined set of specifications that control how applications and reports run. You
use versions to group and save a set of user-defined processing option values and data
selection and sequencing options. Interactive versions are associated with applications
(usually as a menu selection). Batch versions are associated with batch jobs or reports.
To run a batch process, you must choose a version.
2. Validate or Cancel

Specify whether to validate or cancel the allocation proposal. Values are:
V: Validate
C: Cancel
3. Commitment for validated order lines

Specify the commitment for validated order lines. Values are:
Blank: Hard commit allocated orders.
1: Soft commit using Other Quantity 1.
2: Soft commit using Other Quantity 2.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

4. Override Next Status Code

Specify a user-defined code (system 40/type AT) indicating the next step in the order
flow of the line type.
5. Remove Non-Validated Style Sales Order Lines from Existing Shipment (Release
9.1 Update)

Specify whether the system removes non-validated style sales order lines from their
existing shipment and places them onto a new shipment. Non-style sales order lines
are not affected by this processing option. Values are:
Blank: Do not remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing
shipment. All style sales order lines remain on their original shipment.
1: Remove non-validated style sales order lines from their existing shipment and place
them on a new shipment based on the shipment consolidation mode set in the
Transportation Constants (P49002). The validated style sales order lines remain on
their original shipment.
This processing option is effective only when the Validate or Cancel processing option
on the Process tab is set to a value of V.

7.8.5 Reviewing Orders for Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Access the Proposal Order List form.
Figure 7–9 Proposal Order List form

To review orders for allocation and delivery proposals:

Review the list of orders on the allocations proposal.


Select a record and then click Select.
A green tick mark displays next to the record.


Select an option on the Row menu to validate the proposal, cancel the proposal, or
access the detailed order information.

Quantity Proposed

Displays the quantity proposed by the allocation and delivery proposal process.
Quantity Retained

Displays the quantity retained by the allocation and delivery proposal process.

7.8.6 Reviewing Items for Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Access the Proposal Item List form.

7-48 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

Figure 7–10

Proposal Item List form

Review the list of items on the allocations proposal.
You can select an item and select an option on the Row menu to access proposal
revisions or order detail.

Select to display order details in the proposal item list.
Open/Not Processed/Total

Select to display open, not processed, and total quantities for the allocation or delivery
R/O (retained/open)

Displays a value to indicate whether the line is for retained or open quantities. Values
R: Retained
O: Open

7.8.7 Reviewing Order Details for Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Access the Proposal Order Detail form.
Figure 7–11

Proposal Order Detail form

Review the details of an order on the allocations proposal.
(O)pen / (N)ot Processed / (T)otal

Select to display open, not processed, and total quantities for the allocation or delivery
Ignore Retained

Select to ignore the display of not retained quantities for the proposal.

Working with Allocations for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management


Validating Allocation and Delivery Proposals

7.8.8 Revising Allocation and Delivery Proposals
Access the Proposal Revisions form.
Figure 7–12 Proposal Revisions form

To revise allocation proposals:

On the Proposal Revisions form, review the following fields for each attribute:

Open Quantity


Retained Quantity


Quantity Available


Reason Code




Revise the value in the Retained Quantity field.


Click OK.

7.8.9 Validating Allocation Proposals by Batch
Select Reports (G41F19), Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals (RCW37).

7-50 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Product Data Management for Apparel

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 8.1, "Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data
Management for Apparel Management"


Section 8.2, "Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items"


Section 8.3, "Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items"


Section 8.4, "Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items"

8.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management
for Apparel Management
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management system enables you to
integrate all of the aspects of product data. This system provides basic data for other
manufacturing systems. Bills of material (BOM), routings, and work center
information are used throughout an organization.
The bill of material is the primary method for defining and communicating the
structure of the product. A BOM identifies the manufacture of finished products (end
items), subassemblies, and components. When you can create a bill of material, you
define components, quantities, reference information, and additional information as
necessary. The system uses a bill of material as a master list when generating the parts
lists for work orders, cost roll-ups, lead-time roll-ups, and production scheduling.
After you have defined a style item's components using a bill of material, you must
specify where each operation occurs and the sequence of operations that is necessary
to manufacture the item. Work centers consist of people and machines in which
routing operations occur. Routing instructions define the operations that are required
to produce a style item and the lead time for a style item at each routing instruction
For an operation that is to be performed on a style item by an external supplier, you
can define an outside routing operation. An external supplier may perform such
outside operations as cutting, dyeing, or sewing. For an outside operation, a purchase
order is required. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system
enables you to automatically generate purchase orders for outsourced operations on
the routing instructions. You can generate the purchase order when you run the Work
Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410). You can also enter a purchase
order interactively after you have attached the routing to the work order.
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

After you set up the style item root level 0 and child style items in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you can use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Product Data Management system to set up bills of material, create
routings, and set up outsource operations for the manufacture of style items.

8.1.1 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter:

Verify the following user-defined codes (UDCs) setup:

Bill Type (40/TB)


Time Basis Code (30/TB)


Stocking Type Code (41/I)


Routing Types (40/TR)
See "Setting Up User-Defined Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Product Data Management Implementation Guide.


Send Record (48/SN) (generic rates and message code)

Verify item branch/plant information setup for style items.
See Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel

8.2 Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items
This section provides an overview of bills of material for style items, lists prerequisites,
and discusses how to:

Enter bills of material for style item root level 0.


Enter bill of material associations.


Enter bill of material usage.


Define bill of material exceptions.


Generate bills of material for child style items on demand.


Generate bills of material for child style items by batch.


Copy bills of material for style items.

8.2.1 Understanding Bills of Material for Style Items
A bill of material defines all the components that are included in the manufacture of a
style item. For style items, you define the bill of material for the style item root level 0.
The bill of material for the style item root level 0 cascades down to the lowest-level
child style items.

Style items use discrete manufacturing only.

Style items are multilevel items with complex bills of material, for example, 100 styles
with 5 colors, 5 sizes, and 3 fits creates 7500 child style items. Each child style item has
a different bill of material because the components are based on attributes, such as size
and color. Thus, one style can have 75 different bills of material.

8-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

When defining the bill of material for the style item root level 0 for the first time, you
must use either the Style Item Master program (PCW51) or the Collection Item Master
program (PCW54). The Style Item Master and Collection Item Master programs
provide access to the Bill of Material for Style Items program (PCW12B), which in turn
calls the Bill of Material Revisions program (P3002) for bill of material entry and
The Bill of Material for Style Items program enables:

Creation of the style item root level 0 bill of material.


Generation of multilevel inheritance and exceptions.


Association of components based on attributes.


Definition of usage of quantities for the components based on sizes.


Copying a bill of material.

You can create bills of material for child style items on demand using the Bill of
Material for Style Items program (PCW12B) or by batch using the Create BOM for
Child Style Items program (RCW53).
The system provides visual assistance on the Work With Bill of Material for Style Items
form (WCW12BA) as color coding in the column headings. The color of the column
headings changes according to the following statuses:

Blue is status 0.
The color is blue after you create the bill of material for the style item root level 0
or any level of the style item but you have not yet created bills of material for the
child style items.


Red is status 2.
The color is red after you make changes to the bill of material for the style item
root level 0 or any level of the style item without re-creating the bills of material
for the child style items.


Black is status 9.
The color is black when all updates to the bill of material for the style item root
level 0 or any level of the style item have been proliferated to the child style items.

The system stores bill-of-material information for style items in the Bill of Material
Association Header (FCW48) and Bill of Material Association Detail (FCW49) tables.
The Bill of Material Master File table (F3002) is also populated with the multilevel bills
of material.
This diagram illustrates the on-demand bill-of-material creation process for style

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

Figure 8–1 On-demand bill-of-material creation process for style items

When creating the bill of material, you enter the components that you need without
accounting for an attribute such as color. An example is a jacket that is made of fabric,
a zipper, and a lining.
You then further define the bills of material by creating component associations, which
is an automated process to:

Associate colors of components with style items.


Associate sizes of components with style items.

8-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

The system supports 9 levels of associations and up to 30 values. You use the Bill of
Material for Style Items program to define associations. The bill of material
associations are stored in the Bill of Material Association Matrix table (FCW50).
You associate the bill of material with colors, such as black fabric, black lining, and
black zipper. This diagram shows an example of color associations for a bill of
Figure 8–2 Bill of material associations by color

You can also associate the size of components with style items. This diagram shows an
example of size associations for a bill of material:
Figure 8–3 Bill of material associations by size

Bill of material associations cannot be made based on level numbers. This diagram
illustrates the errors that occur when you attempt to create associations by level

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

Figure 8–4 Incorrect associations by level number

Bill of material associations must be based on column position. This diagram
illustrates associations by column position:
Figure 8–5 Associations by column position

See Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel
Note: For bill of material associations to work, the column position
of a level of a BOM component must match the column position of the
related level of the BOM parent.

When you enter the quantity for components on the bills of material, you enter the
quantity that is used for the majority of the bills of material. The bills of material for
the lower-level child style items inherit the associations from the style item root level 0.
Once you generate bills of material for the lowest-level child style items, you can use
the Bill of Material Exception program (PCW34) to define exceptions at the desired
level of the style item's bill of material. For example, an exception might be a different
quantity of fabric based on size, a blue skirt with a black button, or using a 1/2 cm size
button on a size extra small (XS) skirt.
After associations are created, you define usage. In usage, you define the quantity of
components based on style item size and not by level in the style item structure. For
example, component quantity is associated with sizes such as extra small (XS), small
(S), and such. The quantity entered for the style item root level 0 is the default value
for usage, but you can override the values. The bill of material usage is stored in the
BOM Usage table (FCW51).

8-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

If you intend to include nonstyle items in bills of material for a
style item, then the nonstyle items must have a record in the Item
Structure Definition (FCW02) and Additional Style Item Information
(FCW61) tables. If you attempt to include nonstyle items on bills of
material and no records exist in the FCW02 and FCW61 tables, then
the components will not appear on the bills of material.


The style item root level 0 is always passed from the entry points of the Style Item
Master (PCW51) and Collection Item Master (PCW54) programs to the Bill of Material
for Style Items program, regardless of the level from which it was called. You use the
Bill of Material Exception program to select the level of the style item to modify. The
system also supports the use of substitute items.
You can run the Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53) in batch to create
the BOMs for the lowest-level child style items.
The creation of BOMs for child style items is different than the item creation process
for style items. When you create BOMs for style items, the system creates BOM records
for the lowest-level child style items only. The system does not create a BOM for items
at an intermediate level because BOMs are not needed for intermediate-level style
items. You can use the Bill of Material Exception program to create a BOM for an
intermediate-level style item. The system uses the BOM of an intermediate-level style
item to track exceptions to apply to lower-level style items.
In the manufacture of some style items, not all components are on the bill of material.
For example, in the apparel industry, thread is generally not part of the bill of material.
Thread is considered as a base foundation item and is purchased in bulk.
The bill of material is used to derive the cost of the style items. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system uses the base manufacturing cost
functionality in Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Costing and
Manufacturing Accounting systems in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing
and Supply Chain Management suite from Oracle.
To maintain bills of material for style items, Oracle recommends that you perform
maintenance through the Style Item Master and Collection Item Master programs to
enable inheritance and maintain links between parent and child style items
When you copy a bill of material that already has multilevel bill-of-material
definitions, the system copies the definitions for levels other than level 0. When you
copy a style item with a different item structure, the system automatically disables the
Copy associations and usages option and copies only the FCW48 and F3002 records.
When you delete a bill of material at the parent level, the Bill of Material for Style
Items program deletes all records for the style item root level 0 and child style items
from the FCW48, FCW49, FCW51, and F3002 tables. You use the Create BOM for Child
Style Items program for both the deletion and creation of bills of material. When
deleting bills of material, you define a version of the Create BOM for Child Style Items
program in the processing options of the Style Item Master program. The version of
the Create BOM for Child Style Items program defined in the Style Item Master
program must have a specific data selection set.
See "Product Data Management Overview" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Product Data Management Implementation Guide.
See "Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Costing and Manufacturing
Accounting" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Product Costing and
Manufacturing Accounting Implementation Guide.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.

8.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:




Set the Bill of Material Revisions (P3002) processing option on the Version tab of
the Style Item Master program (PCW51) to specify the version of the Bill of
Material Revisions program for the Bill of Material for Style Items (PCW12B)
program to use.
Set the Bill of Material Revisions (P3002) processing option on the Version tab of
the Collection Item Master program (PCW54) to specify the version of the Bill of
Material Revisions program for the Bill of Material for Style Items (PCW12B)
program to use.
Set the Bill of Material Creation processing option on the Bill of Material tab of the
Style Item Master program (PCW51) to specify whether the system creates bills of
material on demand or by batch.
Set the Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53) processing option on the
Version tab of the Style Item Master program if the Bill of Material Creation
processing option on the Bill of Material tab of the Style Item Master program is
set to 1.

8-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

8.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up Bills of Material for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Bill of
Material for Style


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items

Work with bills of
material for style

Search for a style item
and select a row on
the Work With Style
Item Master Browse
form (WCW51E); then
select Bill of Material
from the Row menu.
Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by

Generate bills of
material for child style
items on demand.
Note: The Bill of
Material for Style
Items program
(PCW12B) is
accessible only from
another application.

Search for a collection
and select a row on
the Work With
Collection Style Item
Master Browse form
(WCW54A); then
select Bill of Material
from the Row menu.
Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items
On the Work With
Style Routing form,
select a row and then
select Bill of Material
from the Form menu.
Enter Bill of Material


Define Bill of Material WCW12BC
Association by
{Variable Name}

On the Work With Bill Enter bills of material
of Material for Style
for style items.
Items form, click Add.
Review and update
On the Work With Bill bills of material for
style items.
of Material for Style
Items form, select a
Note: When you click
record and click
Add, the system
preloads the style
item root level 0 into
the Parent Item field
on the form.
On the Work With Bill
of Material for Style
Items form, select a
record and then select
Association from the
Row menu.

Enter bill of material
Enter bill of material

On the Work With Bill
of Material for Style
Items form, select a
record and then select
Usage from the Row

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management


Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

Form Name




Work With Bill of
Material Exception


On the Work With Bill
of Material for Style
Items form, select a
record and then select
Exception from the
Row menu.

Define bill of material

View Bill of Material

Copy Bill of Material
for Style Items



On the Work With Bill
of Material Exception
form, select a record
and then select View
BOM from the Row

Note: The Bill of
Material Exception
program (PCW34) is
accessible only from
another application.
Review bills of
Note: You can review
the bill of material for
the lowest-level child
style item without
saving any changes.

On the Work With Bill Copy bills of material.
of Material for Style
Items form, select a
record and then click

8.2.4 Entering Bills of Material for Style Item Root Level 0
Access the Enter Bill of Material Information form.
To enter bills of material for style item root level 0:


Enter a value in each of the following fields in the header, if applicable:



Parent Item


Batch Quantity


Type of Bill

Define the components, quantities, and additional information required to
manufacture the style item.
See "Entering a Bill of Material" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Product Data Management Implementation Guide.


Click OK to create the bill of material for the style item root level 0.
Important: The system generates the bill of material for the style
item root level 0 only. You create bills of material for the lowest-level
child style items on demand or by batch.

8.2.5 Entering Bill of Material Associations
Access the Define Bill of Material Association by {Variable Name} form.

8-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

Figure 8–6

Define Bill of Material Association by Colors form

Note: The Define Bill of Material Association by {Variable Name}
form enables associating values of each style item root level 0 with
components possessing similar levels. If the value that you entered
does not match with the system default values, then you can enter
another value for the corresponding level. You can enter any value
you want even if the values match.

Depending upon the style item definition, you may have to define
several associations for a style item. The association forms succeed
each other when you click Next or select Next on the Form menu. The
system stores any changes made on the current form before moving to
the next Define Bill of Material Association by {Variable Name} form.
The system supports up to 9 attributes of the Define Bill of Material
Association by {Variable Name} form.
The system suggests associations for the first level on the Define Bill of
Material Association by {Variable Name} form. The Define Bill of
Material Association by {Variable Name} form displays the variable as
columns for the style item root level 0 bill of material and grid with
the specific values for each component.
To enter bill of material associations:

Enter values for variables.


Click the Next button or select Next on the Form menu to navigate to the next
The system suggests associations for the second level on the Define Bill of Material
Association by {Variable Name} form.


Click the Next button or select Next on the Form menu to navigate to the next
The system supports up to 9 attributes of the Define Bill of Material Association by
{Variable Name} form.
When you initially create the associations for the style item root level 0, the system
launches the Define Bill of Material Association By Usage form. The system
returns to the Work with Bill of Material for Style Items form after completing the
BOM usage.
When you complete all associations for the lowest-level child style items using the
Association option from the Row menu, the system returns you to the Work With
Bill of Material for Style Items form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-11

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items

If any specification is omitted, then the component is not used for the variable under
consideration. For example, if the lining variable for white fabric is blank, then the
system creates a BOM for the white skirt without the lining component.

8.2.6 Entering Bill of Material Usage
Access the Define Bill of Material Association by Usage form.
Figure 8–7 Define Bill of Material Association by Usage form

Important: You maintain the required quantities for each component
in the BOM for a style item using only the Define Bill of Material
Association by Usage form in the Bill of Material for Style Items
program (PCW12B).

To enter bill of material usage:

Enter the quantity required for each component based on size.


Click the Next button or select Next on the Form menu to navigate to the next

8.2.7 Defining Bill of Material Exceptions
Access the Work With Bill of Material Exception form.
You define exceptions at the desired level of style items. You can apply exceptions to
associations, usages, BOMs, or all three.
To define bill of material exceptions:

Select the style item level in the tree for which to apply an exception.


Click Select.


On the Work With Bill of Material for Style Items form, select the same record that
you selected on the exceptions tree and click Select.


Enter bill of material exceptions on the Enter Bill of Material Information form.


Click OK to save the changes.
The bill of material record is red.


Select a record on the Work With Bill of Material for Style Items form and select
Create from the Row menu.
The bill of material record is black.

8-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Bills of Material for Style Items


Click Close to return to the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

8.2.8 Generating Bills of Material for Child Style Items on Demand
Access the Work With Bill of Material for Style Items form.
You set the Bill of Material Creation processing option on the Bill of Material tab of the
Style Item Master program (PCW51) to blank to specify that the system creates bills of
material on demand.
To generate bills of material for child style items on demand:

Select a style item root level 0.


Select Create from the Row menu.
The system validates and generates the bills of material for all lowest-level child
style items. After bill-of-material creation, you can view the bills of material for the
lowest-level child style items. Also, once the system creates bills of material for
child style items, the color of the row of the parent style item changes from blue to
You can set data selection and data sequencing for the program.

8.2.9 Generating Bills of Material for Child Style Items by Batch
Select Product Data Management (G41F24), Create BOM for Child Style Items.
You can set data selection and data sequencing for the Create BOM for Child Style
Items program.

8.2.10 Copying Bills of Material for Style Items
Access the Copy Bill of Material for Style Items form.
Figure 8–8 Copy Bill of Material for Style Items form

To copy bills of material for style items, complete the following fields and select the
option as applicable:

Item Number



Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-13

Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items


Type of Bill


Batch Quantity


Copy associations and usages

8.3 Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items
This section provides an overview of routing instruction creation for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Enter routing instructions for style item root level 0.


Generate routings for child style items.


Define routing instruction exceptions.

8.3.1 Understanding Routing Instruction Creation for Style Items
Routing instructions are the sequence of operations carried out in the process of
manufacturing a style item. You use the Work With Style Routing Master program
(PCW35) and Enter/Change Routing (P3003) to define the routing for the style item
root level 0. The style item root level 0 is always passed into the Work With Style
Routing Master program regardless of the level from which it is called in the Style Item
Master (PCW51) or Style Items by Collection (PCW54) program.
The routings for the lowest-level child style items are copied from the style item root
level 0. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, the routing
typically remains the same for the style item root level 0 as well as the child style
Routing instructions do not depend on attributes such as color or size. For example,
the process for the production of a blue jacket is no different from that for a green
jacket. The process also remains the same in regard to size because the process does
not change for a jacket size of small (S) versus medium (M). Thus, child style items
inherit the routing of the style item root level 0.
The system enables review and modification of child style item routings. You use the
Routing Exception program (PCW36) to override the style item root level 0 routing at
the child level through exception processing. The child style item has the same routing
as the style item root level 0 except when:

One material is not used for a color or a size.
For example, a skirt lining is not used for the black color.


Manufacturing times differ for bigger versus smaller sizes.
For example, the number of hours required for the stitching operations.

The system provides visual assistance on the Work With Style Routing form as color
coding in the column headings. The color of the column headings changes according
to the following statuses:

Blue is status 0
The color is blue after you create the routing for the style item root level 0 or any
level of the style item but you have not yet created routings for the child style


Red is status 2

8-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items

The color is red after you change the routing for the style item root level 0 or any
level of the style item without re-creating the routings for the child style items.

Black is status 9
The color is black when all updates to the style item root level 0 or any level of the
style item routing have been proliferated to the child style items.

The system stores routing information in the Style Routing Master File (FCW52) and
Routing Master File (F3003) tables.
This diagram illustrates the routing creation process for style items:
Figure 8–9 Routing creation process for style items

Once the routing is created, the system uses standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
If you use the Work With Style Routing Master program to delete a routing, then the
system deletes the routings for the style item root level 0 or any level of the style item.
The system deletes the routing records from the FCW52 and F3003 tables.
The system enables the use of outside operations for which a particular operation is
outsourced to a vendor. For example, manufacturers in the apparel industry might
outsource such manufacturing tasks as dyeing, cutting, and sewing. A specific
operation sequence in the routing instructions is identified as an outside operation.
After defining the routing steps, the system creates the required documents, such as a
purchase order, for the outside operations.
See "Creating Routing Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Product Data Management Implementation Guide.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-15

Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items

8.3.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:


Set the Work With Routing Master (P3003) processing option on the Version tab of
the Style Item Master program (PCW51) to specify the version of the
Enter/Change Routing program for the Work With Style Routing Master program
to call.
Set the Work With Routing Master (P3003) processing option on the Versions tab of
the Collection Item Master program (PCW54) to specify the version of the
Enter/Change Routing program for the Work With Style Routing Master program
to call.

8.3.3 Forms Used to Create Routing Instructions for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Style


Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items

Work with routings
for style items.

Select a row on the
Work With Style Item
Master Browse form
(WCW51E), and then
select Routing from
the Row menu.
Style Item
(G41F11), Work with
Style Items by
Select a row on the
Work With Collection
Style Item Master
Browse form
(WCW54A), and then
select Routing from
the Row menu.
On the Work With Bill
of Material for Style
Items form, select
Routing from the
Form menu.

8-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Note: The Work With
Style Routing Master
program (PCW35) is
accessible only from
another application.

Creating Routing Instructions for Style Items

Form Name




Enter Routing


On the Work With
Style Routing form,
click Add.

Enter routing
instructions for style

On the Work With
Style Routing form,
select a record and
then click Copy.

Copy routings for
style items.

On the Work With
Style Routing form,
select a record and
click Select.

Work With Routing

View Routing



On the Work With
Style Routing form,
select a row and then
select Exception from
the Row menu.

On the Work With
Routing Exception
form, select a record
and select View
Routing from the Row

Review and update
routings for style
Note: For style items,
you must use the
Work With Style
Routing Master
program (PCW35) to
access the
Routing program
Define routing
instruction exceptions.
Note: The Routing
Exception program
(PCW36) is accessible
only from another
Review routings for
style items.
Note: You do not
apply changes on the
View Routing
Information form.

8.3.4 Entering Routing Instructions for Style Item Root Level 0
Access the Enter Routing Information form.
To enter routing instructions for style item root level 0:

Define the operations, work centers, hours, and other applicable information
required to manufacture the style item root level 0.
See "Creating Routing Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Product Data Management Implementation Guide.


Click OK.
Important: The system generates the routing for the style item root
level 0 only the first time that you create the routing.

8.3.5 Generating Routings for Child Style Items
Access the Work With Style Routing form.
To generate routings for child style items:

Select the row for the routing line written in blue.


Select Create from the Row menu to generate routings for all child style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-17

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items


The line color changes to black.

8.3.6 Defining Routing Instruction Exceptions
Access the Work with Routing Exceptions form.
To define routing instruction exceptions:

Select the style item level in the tree for which to apply an exception.


Click Select.


Select a record on the Work With Style Routing form and click Select.


Enter routing instruction exceptions on the Enter Routing Information form.


Click OK to save the changes.
The routing instruction record is red.


Select a record on the Work With Style Routing form and select Create from the
Row menu.
The routing instruction record is black.


Click Close to return to the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

8.4 Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items
This section provides an overview of outsource operations for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:


Set processing options for Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations
Set up exchange rates for style item outsource operations.
Set processing options for Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
(RCW93). (Release 9.1 Update)


Create outsource operation details for style items.


Copy outsource operation details for style items.

8.4.1 Understanding Outsource Operations for Style Items
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system enables the use of
outside operations in which a particular operation is outsourced to a vendor. The
outsource operation is for a service. For example, manufacturers in the apparel
industry might outsource such manufacturing tasks as dyeing, cutting, and sewing.
This diagram illustrates the outsource operations process for style items:

8-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

Figure 8–10

Outsource operations process for style items

A specific operation sequence in the routing instructions is identified as an outside
operation. For example, if routing sequence 10 of style item JEA301 is defined as an
outside operation, then the system creates style item JEA301*OP10. Both the stocking
type and line type for style item JEA301 are set to X (outside processing).
After defining the routing steps, the system creates the required documents, such as a
purchase order, for the outside operations.
Each time a new vendor or style item is set up, you must complete setup activities
such as creating all style items, bills of material, routings, prices, cost records, and
branch/plant relationships. To enable outsourcing of style items, the system:

Creates and maintains the *OP item.


Copies bills of material and routings.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-19

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items



Creates Item Branch/Plant records for the style item root level 0, all child style
items, and all components.
Updates the item supplier and country of origin.

You use the Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations program (PCW62) to
define exchange rates between currencies for style items. The value in the From
Currency Code field on the Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations Detail
form is the default value from the Currency Code From processing option.
You use the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program (PCW93) to
create the outside operations for style items by copying from a source branch/plant to
a target branch/plant. The Source Branch/Plant field represents the logistics
branch/plant. The Target Branch/Plant field represents the outside vendor to perform
the outside operations.
The Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program copies and creates a
*OP outside operation for the target branch/plant only if an outside operation is in the
source branch/plant. If the Job Type field on the routing instruction for the outside
operation is blank, then no routing is created. Also, the code in the Outsource
Operation Code field on the Style Item Outsource Operation Details form and the code
in the Job Type field in the routing instruction must match. If the codes do not match,
then the system does not create the *OP items. The system does not display an error
If you leave the Multi Level BOM processing option on the Process tab of the Create
Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program blank, then the system copies the
multilevel bill of material for the style item. However, the system does not copy the
bills of material for the components of the style item that was copied. For example, a
style item has the following bill of material:
Figure 8–11 Style item bill of material example

Item 1 has a bill of material consisting of Component 1, Component 2, and Component
3. Component 3 has a bill of material consisting of Component 3_A and Component 3_
B. Item 1 and Component 3 are style items with lower-level child style items.
On the Process tab of the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
processing options, the Bill of Material processing option is left blank to process bills of
material and the Multi Level BOM processing option is left blank to process multilevel
bills of material.

8-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

When the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program processes Item
1, the system copies the bill of material of Item 1 from the source branch/plant to the
target branch/plant. It also copies the child style item records of Item 1 from the
source branch/plant to the target branch/plant. The system copies only Component 1,
Component 2, and Component 3 in the bill of material.
The system does not copy the bill-of-material records for the child items of Component
3 to the target branch/plant. If you want the bill of material records for Component 3,
then you must run the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program to
copy the Component 3 records to the target branch/plant.
The Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items program (RCW93) enables
you to create outside operation items (*OP items) for style items along with item cost,
item price, and item location. The Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
report prints the No Data Selected message on the report if no records exist in the
FCW93 table corresponding to the data selection.
The Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) creates outside
operation (*OP) purchase orders if the system is setup to automatically create the
purchase orders.
The manufacturer sends the work to the outside vendor and the vendor completes the
work and sends it back to the manufacturer. The outsource work is applied to internal
work orders.
See "Working with Work Orders and Rate Schedules" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide.
See "Working with Multifacility Planning" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.
Important: Use the outsource operation programs only if you have
outside operations.

8.4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:





Set up the following user-defined codes:

Job Type (06/G)


Cost Method (40/CM)

Set the Inventory Cost Level field in the Item Master program (P4101) to a value of
1 or 2 for style items.
Enter a value for the style item root level 0 in the Item Cost File table (F4105) in the
Item Branch program (P41026).
Set processing options for the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (PCW93).
Set processing options for the Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (RCW93).

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-21

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

8.4.3 Forms Used to Set Up Outsource Operations for Style Items
Form Name


Work With Exchange WCW62A
Rates for Style Item
Outsource Operations



Work with exchange
Product Data
rates for style item
Management Setup
(G41F48), Exchange
outsource operations.
Rates for Style Item
Outsource Operations
On the Work with
Outsource Operations
for Style Items form,
select Transaction
Rate from the Form

Exchange Rates for
Style Item Outsource
Operations Detail


On the Work With
Set up exchange rates
Exchange Rates for
for style item
Style Item Outsource outsource operations.
Operations form, click

Work with Outsource
Operations for Style


Product Data
(G41F24), Create
Outsource Operation

Style Item Outsource
Operation Details


On the Work with
Create outsource
Outsource Operations operation details for
for Style Items form,
style items.
click Add.

Work with outsource
operations for style

8.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource
Operations (PCW62)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Default
Currency Code From

Specify a code for the currency of a transaction.

8.4.5 Setting Up Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations
Access the Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations Detail form.
Figure 8–12 Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations Detail form

8-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

The value in the From Currency Code field on the Exchange Rates for Style Item
Outsource Operations Detail form is the default value from the Currency Code From
processing option.
To set up exchange rates for style item outsource operations:

Enter a currency code in the To Currency Code field.


Enter a date in the Effective Date field.


Enter an exchange rate in the Exchange Rate field.


Enter additional effective dates and exchange rates as needed.


Click OK.

8.4.6 Setting Processing Options for Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style
Items (RCW93) (Release 9.1 Update)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Source
1. Target Branch/Plant (Required)

Specify the branch/plant that the system copies records to for style item outsource
2. Type Bill of Material (Required)

Specify a user-defined code (40/TB) that designates the type of bill of material. You
can define different types of bills of material for different uses. For example:
M: Standard manufacturing bill
RWK: Rework bill
SPR: Spare parts bill
The system enters bill type M in the work order header when you create a work order,
unless you specify another bill type. The system reads the bill type code on the work
order header to know which bill of material to use to create the work order parts list.
Material requirements planning (MRP) uses the bill type code to identify the bill of
material to use when it attaches MRP messages. Batch bills of material must be type M
for shop floor management, product costing, and MRP processing.
3. Type of Routing (Required)

Specify a user-defined code (40/TR) that indicates the type of routing. You can define
different types of routing instructions for different uses. For example:
M: Standard Manufacturing Routing
RWK: Rework Routing
RSH: Rush Routing
You define the routing type on the work order header. The system then uses the
specific type of routing that you define in the work order routing.
Product Costing and Capacity Planning systems use only M type routings.
4. Update Supplier (Source Item Branch/Plant)

Specify how the system updates the supplier field in the Item Branch File table (F4102)
for the source item branch/plant. The system determines the value in the supplier
Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-23

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

field based on the address number of the branch/plant in the Inventory Constants
table (F41001). This processing option works in conjunction with the Create item
branch processing option on the Process tab. Values are:
Blank: Do not update the supplier field in the source item branch record.
1: Update the supplier field in the source item branch record with the address number
from the target/subcontractor branch/plant record in the F41001 table.
2: Update the supplier field in the source item branch record with the address number
from the component branch/plant record in the F41001 table.
3: Update the supplier field in the source item branch record with the value entered in
the Supplier Number field in the Routing section of the Style Item Outsource
Operation Details form (WCW93B).
5. Update Country of Origin (Source Item Branch/Plant)

Specify whether the system updates the country of origin field when the supplier field
is updated in the source item branch. This processing option works in conjunction
with the Create item branch processing option on the Process tab and the Update
Supplier processing option on the Source tab. Values are:
Blank: Update the country of origin field when the supplier field is updated in the
source item branch record.
1: Do not update the country of origin field when the supplier field is updated in the
source item branch record.
6. Base Currency Code (Exchange Rates)

Specify a code that identifies the currency of a transaction. Process
1. Bill of Material

Specify whether the system includes the bill of material (BOM) when copying the
product data. Values are:
Blank: Include the bill of material when copying the product data.
1: Do not include the bill of material when copying the product data.
2. Routing

Specify whether the system includes the routing details when copying the product
data. Values are:
Blank: Include the routing details when copying the product data.
1: Do not include the routing details when copying the product data.
3. Create item branch

Specify whether the system creates the item branch record in the Item Branch File table
(F4102) for the target/subcontractor branch/plant. Values are:
Blank: Create the item branch record in the F4102 table for the target/subcontractor
1: Do not create the item branch record in the F4102 table for the target/subcontractor

8-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

4. Cost method to copy

Specify whether the system copies the cost method in the Item Cost File table (F4105)
from the source branch/plant to the target/subcontractor branch/plant. This
processing option is used in conjunction with the following processing options:


Create item branch on the Process tab: If this processing option is set to blank, then
the system copies the cost information from the source branch/plant to the
target/subcontractor branch/plant for the specified cost method.
Bill of Material on the Process tab: If this processing option is set to blank, then the
system copies the cost information from the source branch/plant to the
target/subcontractor branch/plant for the components of the BOM.

Values are:
Blank: Do not copy the cost method for the target/subcontractor branch/plant.
Value from UDC 40/CM: Copy the specified cost method for the target/subcontractor
5. Create item *OP

Specify whether the system copies the cost details in the Item Cost File table (F4105)
and purchase price details in the Supplier Price/Catalog File table (F41061) from the
source branch/plant to the target/subcontractor branch/plant for a *OP item. This
processing option applies only when an outside operation (*OP) item exists in one of
the routing steps for the style item.
This processing option is used in conjunction with the Cost method to copy for item
*OP and Update buying Price *OP processing options on the Process tab. Values are:
Blank: Copy the cost details from the F4105 table and the purchase price details from
the F41061 table from the source branch/plant to the target/subcontractor
branch/plant for a *OP item.
1: Do not copy the cost details from the F4105 table and purchase price details from the
F41061 table for a *OP item.
6. Cost method to copy for item *OP

Specify whether the system copies the cost details from the Item Cost File table (F4105)
from the source branch/plant to the target/subcontractor branch/plant for the *OP
item. This processing option is used in conjunction with the Create item *OP
processing option on the Process tab. Values are:
Blank: Do not copy the cost details for the *OP item.
Value from UDC 40/CM: Copy the specified cost details for the *OP item from the
source branch/plant to the target/subcontractor branch/plant.
7. Update buying Price *OP

Specify whether the system copies the buying price details from the Supplier
Price/Catalog File table (F41061) from the source branch/plant to the
target/subcontractor branch/plant for the *OP item. The system uses the supplier and
operation price entered in the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (PCW93). This processing option is used in conjunction with the Create item
*OP processing option on the Process tab. Values are:
Blank: Copy the buying price details from the source branch/plant to the
target/subcontractor branch/plant for the *OP item.
1: Do not copy the buying price details for the *OP item.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-25

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

8. Multi Level BOM

Specify whether the system copies the multilevel bill of material for the style item from
the source branch/plant to the target branch/plant. The system does not copy the bills
of material for the components of the style item that was copied. This processing
option is used in conjunction with the Bill of Material processing option on the Process
tab. Values are:
Blank: Copy the multilevel bill of material for the style item from the source
branch/plant to the target branch/plant.
1: Do not copy the multilevel bill of material for the style item. Target
1. Type of bill of material to create

Specify a user-defined code (40/TB) that designates the type of bill of material. You
can define different types of bills of material for different uses. For example:
M: Standard manufacturing bill
RWK: Rework bill
SPR: Spare parts bill
The system enters bill type M in the work order header when you create a work order,
unless you specify another bill type. The system reads the bill type code on the work
order header to know which bill of material to use to create the work order parts list.
MRP uses the bill type code to identify the bill of material to use when it attaches MRP
messages. Batch bills of material must be type M for shop floor management, product
costing, and MRP processing.
2.Type of routing to create

Specify a user-defined code (40/TR) that indicates the type of routing. You can define
different types of routing instructions for different uses. For example:
M: Standard Manufacturing Routing
RWK: Rework Routing
RSH: Rush Routing
You define the routing type on the work order header. The system then uses the
specific type of routing that you define in the work order routing.
Product Costing and Capacity Planning systems use only M type routings. Component Branch/Plant to Exclude
1. Branch/Plant for Component 1 through 10. Branch/Plant for Component 10

Specify the component branch/plant that the system excludes when copying the bill of
material. Values are:
Blank: Do not exclude any component branch/plant when copying the bill of material.
Values from Business Unit Search form: Exclude the specified component
branch/plant when copying the bill of material.

8.4.7 Creating Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
Access the Style Item Outsource Operation Details form.

8-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

Figure 8–13

Style Item Outsource Operation Details form

To create outsource operation details for style items:

Enter a branch/plant in the Target Branch/Plant field.


Enter a code in the Outsource Operation Code field.


Enter a value in the Style Item Root Level 0 field.


To create bills of material for outsource operations, complete the following fields:





Component Branch/Plant


Issue Type Code

To create routings for outsource operations, complete the following fields:

Supplier Number


Work Center


Queue Hours

To create price and cost for outsource operations, complete the following fields:

Operation Price


Currency Code


Effective Date


Expiration Date

Click OK.

Target Branch/Plant

An alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you
want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job,
project, work center, branch, or plant. You can assign a business unit to a document,
entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system
provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to
track equipment by responsible department. Business unit security might prevent you
from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-27

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

Outsource Operation Code

A user-defined code (06/G) that identifies the jobs within your organization. You can
associate pay and benefit information with a job type and apply that information to
the employees who are linked to that job type.
For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management, the system compares the code
in the Outsource Operation Code field to the code in the Job Type field of the outside
operation routing step for the source branch/plant. The system verifies that the job
type codes in the Outsource Operation Code and Job Type fields match during the
outsource operation process.
Component Branch/Plant

A secondary or lower-level business unit. The system uses the value that you enter to
indicate that a branch or plant contains several subordinate departments or jobs. For
example, assume that the component branch is named MMCU. The structure of
MMCU might be:
Branch/Plant - (MMCU)
Dept A - (MCU)
Dept B - (MCU)
Job 123 - (MCU)
Issue Type Code

A code that indicates how the system issues each component in the bill of material
from stock. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management, it indicates how
the system issues a part to a work order. Values are:
I: Manual issue
F: Floor stock (no part is issued)
B: Backflush (when the part is reported as complete)
P: Preflush (when the parts list is generated)
U: Super backflush (at the pay-point operation)
S: Sub-contract item (send to supplier)
Blank: Shippable end item
You can issue a component in more than one way within a specific branch/plant by
using different codes on the bill of material and the work order parts list. The bill of
material code overrides the branch/plant value.
Supplier Number

The address book number of the preferred provider of this item.
Work Center

A code that represents a high-level business unit. Use this code to refer to a branch or
plant that might have departments or jobs that represent lower-level business units
subordinate to it. For example:
Branch/Plant (MMCU)
Dept A (MCU)
Dept B (MCU)
Job 123 (MCU)
Business unit security is based on the higher-level business unit.
8-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

Queue Hours

The total hours that an order is expected to be in queue at work centers and moving
between work centers. The system stores this value in the Item Branch table (F4102).
You can calculate this value using the Leadtime Rollup program or you can enter it
manually. When you run the Leadtime Rollup program, the system overrides manual
entries and populates the table with calculated values.
Operation Price

The unit cost of one item, as purchased from the supplier, excluding freight, taxes,
discounts, and other factors that might modify the actual unit cost that you record
when you receive the item.

8.4.8 Copying Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
Select Product Data Management (G41F24), Copy Outsource Operation Details.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management for Apparel Management 8-29

Setting Up Outsource Operations for Style Items

8-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Material Planning Operations for
Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:


Section 9.1, "Understanding Material Planning Operations for Apparel
Section 9.2, "Working with Planning Messages for Style Items"

9.1 Understanding Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning is part of Oracle's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Supply Chain Management product line. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Requirements Planning consists of these features:

Resource and Capacity Planning
Resource and Capacity Planning enables you to prepare a feasible production
schedule that reflects demand forecasts and production capability. Resource and
Capacity Planning consists of:



Resource Requirements Planning (RRP)


Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP)


Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

Material Planning Operations
Material Planning Operations provide a short-range plan to cover material
requirements that are needed to make a product. Material Planning Operations
analyze demand from all the operational areas. Material Planning Operations
consist of these feature sets:

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)


Master Production Scheduling (MPS)


Material Requirements Planning (MRP)


Multifacility Planning


Project Requirements Planning (PRP)

See "Understanding Requirements Planning" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning and JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Apparel Management systems integrate to support material planning

Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management 9-1

Understanding Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management

for style items. The systems facilitate message review and preserve data consistency by
enabling a matrix view of the lowest level child style items.
Some companies use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to create forecasts, extrapolate the
forecast to lowest level child items, and import the spreadsheet into the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne system.
The manual spreadsheet process does not use electronic data


You run the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) and Master Planning Schedule
- Multiple Plant (R3483) programs to create MRP messages for the lowest level child
style items. You use the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program (P3411) to add
new messages.
See "Planning Material Requirements" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.
See "Working with Multifacility Planning" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.
You use the Matrix Management of Messages (PCW47), Material Analysis (PCW96),
and Grouping Messages (PCW97) programs to manage messages for child style items.
This diagram illustrates the material planning process for child style items:

9-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management

Figure 9–1 Material planning process for style items

9.1.1 Example: Apparel Industry
In the apparel industry, you develop an initial forecast for the following requirements
before the development of the collection is complete:

Grey fabrics booking for blanket orders.


Manufacturing human resources booking.


Collection and style item level.

You create the forecast for style item and color, and confirm (purchase) one-third of the
fabrics at the color level. Note that the apparel industry has an industry standard,
according to supplier requirements, that 30 percent of the supplies are purchased at
the time the forecast is created.
You review the forecast after three to five weeks of selling and complete the following

Extrapolate the collection to the lowest level child items.

Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management 9-3

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items


Isolate atypical orders.


Calculate additional forecast for replenishment orders.


Complete purchase of the fabrics.

9.2 Working with Planning Messages for Style Items
This section provides overviews of planning messages for style items, availability
calculations, and adjustment calculations, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Matrix Management of Messages (PCW47).


Process messages for style items.


Add quantities in messages by size for style items.


Split messages for style items.


Group messages for style items.


Calculate adjustments for style items.


Generate transfer orders for style items.

9.2.1 Understanding Planning Messages for Style Items
The Matrix Management of Messages program (PCW47) provides a consolidated view
of all messages through a matrix display. The Matrix Management of Messages
program enables matrix message modification for the lowest level child style items.
You can manage existing messages only. You can group and split messages to create
orders. You cannot add new messages.
The size grid columns that appear in the Matrix Management of Messages program
are based on the size grid defined in the Matrix Grid program (PCW03). The size grid
columns that the Matrix Management of Messages program displays are not based on
the sizes selected on the orders for the style items. For example, the size grid in the
Matrix Grid program displays all 23 columns, even though only seven sizes are
selected for the style item on an order.
The Matrix Management of Messages program displays all size grid columns to
support all style items that can have a varying number of sizes. If the Work With
Matrix Management of Messages form lists two style items and the first style item has
seven sizes and the second style item has nine sizes, then the system displays all sizes
for both items. Thus, the system always displays style item sizes based only on the size
grid. You cannot enter data into the quantity fields in the size columns on the Work
With Matrix Management of Messages form.
You generate a semi-finished good from the Work With Matrix Management of
Messages form by selecting a row and then selecting Semi-Finish Good Gen
(semi-finish good generation) from the Row menu.
Both work orders and purchase orders manage multiple child style items. The system
enables processing of style items grouped for purchase order and work order
generation using the Grouping Messages program (PCW97). For example, you group
work orders for style items manufactured of the same fabric for master work order
You can split a message into several messages if the suggested quantity is too large for
a single order. You split one order into two orders with different dates.

9-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

You use the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program (P3411) to add new
messages for style items.
Important: If you call the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions
program from the Matrix Management of Messages program (PCW47)
and the Apparel Management Module system constant (SY41F) is
enabled, then the Item Number, Planner, Planning Family, Project
Number, Buyer, Planning Code, Demand Branch, and Item Flash
Message Display fields in the header of the Work With Detail
Messages form are hidden. The Master Work Order and Previous
Master Work Order fields are visible in the header of the Work With
Detail Messages form.

If you call the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program from a
menu or Fast Path and the Apparel Management Module system
constant (SY41F) is enabled, then the Work With Detail Messages form
presents the form by means of the base functionality.

9.2.2 Understanding Availability Calculations
You determine the availability of components using the Material Analysis program
(PCW96). You can monitor component shortages and apply quantity changes to
planning messages based on shortage calculations.
You calculate material shortages using the Shortage Calculation option on the Form
menu of the Work With Material Analysis of Style Items form if you want to use
additional branch/plants. Otherwise, the shortage calculation runs automatically. You
do not need to select the Shortage Calculation option on the Form menu if you use one
You can set processing options for the Material Analysis program. On the Process tab,
set the Additional Branch/Plant processing option to specify the branch/plant to use
with the message branch/plant for the component shortage calculation.
On the Process tab, set the Order Multiplier processing option to specify the multiplier
quantity to use during the adjustment calculation to change the work order quantity.
On the Process tab, set the Minimum Quantity processing option to specify the
minimum quantity to use during the adjustment calculation to change the work order
On the Work With Material Analysis of Style Items form, the Additional Branch/Plant
field in the form header specifies the branch/plant to use for the shortage calculation
in conjunction with the branch/plant specified in the planning message.
You can change the value in the Transaction Quantity field in the grid for each
To perform the shortage calculations, the system verifies the demand based on the bill
of material (BOM) for the child style item in the message to determine the components
and quantities required. The system then compares the component availability to the
demand in the BOM to determine any material shortage. The system uses the
following equation to calculate material shortage:
(Material shortage) = (Component demand) −(Availability based on message
If you use an additional branch/plant from which to supply material, then the
shortage is calculated as:

Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management 9-5

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

(Material shortage) = (Component demand) −(Availability based on message
branch/plant) −(Availability based on additional branch/plant) Example: Availability Calculation
For example, a planning message indicates a requirement for a quantity of 200 EA of
style item XPJ01.B.0–3. The table illustrates the components and quantities indicated
by the BOM:

Quantity and UOM


25000 CM


2400 CM


200 UN

The table illustrates the demand and availability the system uses to calculate material



Availability (Based
on Message


25000 CM

18800 CM

6200 CM


2400 CM

1800 CM

600 CM


200 UN

160 UN

40 UN


In this example, the shortage for style item XFPJ.B is calculated as (Material shortage)
= (25000) −(18800) = 6200.
This table illustrates the demand and availability that the system uses to calculate
material shortage if you use an additional branch/plant from which to supply
Availability (Based
on Additional




Availability (Based
on Message


25000 CM

18800 CM

1000 CM

5200 CM


2400 CM

1800 CM

200 CM

400 CM


200 UN

160 UN

30 UN

10 UN

In this example, the shortage for style item XFPJ.B is calculated as (Material shortage)
= (25000) −(18800) −(1000) = 5200.

9.2.3 Understanding Adjustment Calculations
You use the Material Analysis program to adjust the style item quantities on work
orders. The Adjustment Calculation form displays the transaction quantity for each
child style item and the total quantity for all style items.
The system uses values in the Total Transaction Quantity, New Quantity, Multiplier
Quantity, and Minimum Quantity fields to perform adjustment calculations and then
updates the quantity of each child style item.
The system completes the following steps to perform adjustment calculations:
9-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items


Calculates the percentage of each style item based on the total transaction quantity.
Style item percentage = (Item transaction quantity) ÷ (Total transaction quantity) *


Distributes the new quantity among the style items.
Style item calculated quantity = (Style item percentage) * (Total new transaction
quantity) ÷ 100


Compares and verifies that the calculated value is greater than the value in the
Minimum Quantity field.
Calculated value > Minimum Quantity


Rounds the calculated quantity so that the value is a multiplier of the value in the
Multiplier Quantity field.
For example, 185 is a multiple of 5. (Rounded calculated quantity) = 37 * 5 = 185
The rounded calculated value is the final value. This is the new quantity for the
style items.

You can also select Automatic Split from the Form menu on the Adjustment
Calculation form to distribute the new quantity among the items proportionately.
Minimum and multiplier quantity constraints are applied after the automatic splitting
occurs. Example 1: Adjustment Calculation
For example, use the following criteria to perform an adjustment calculation:


Total Transaction Quantity


Total New Quantity


Item Transaction Quantity


New Quantity


Multiplier Quantity


Minimum Quantity


The system completes the following steps to perform adjustment calculations:

Style item percentage = (155) ÷ (1505) * 100 = 10.29%


Style item calculated quantity = (10.29) * (1800) ÷ 100 = 185.22


Calculated value > Minimum Quantity = 185.22 > 1


(Rounded calculated quantity) = 37 * 5 = 185 Example 2: Adjustment Calculation
Use the following criteria to perform an adjustment calculation:


Total Transaction Quantity


Total New Quantity


Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management 9-7

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items



Item Transaction Quantity


New Quantity


Multiplier Quantity


Minimum Quantity


The system completes the following steps to perform adjustment calculations:

Style item percentage = (155) ÷ (1505) * 100 = 10.29%


Style item calculated quantity = (10.29) * (2000) ÷ 100 = 205.8


Calculated value > Minimum Quantity = 205.8 > 170


(Rounded calculated quantity) = 22* 9= 198
(Rounded calculated quantity) = 23* 9= 207
Because 207 exceeds the calculated quantity of 205.8, 198 becomes the new
quantity for the style items.

9.2.4 Prerequisites
Before you begin the tasks in this section:

Set the processing options for your versions of the MRP/MPS Detail Message
Revisions (P3411), MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482), and Master
Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483) programs.
See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions (P3411)"
in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation
See "Setting Processing Options for MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482)" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning Implementation
See "Setting Processing Options for Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant
(R3483)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Requirements Planning
Implementation Guide.


Run the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) and Master Planning
Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483) programs.


Set the processing options for your version of Material Analysis (PCW96).


Set the processing options for your version of Grouping Messages (PCW97).

9.2.5 Forms Used to Work with Planning Messages for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Matrix
Management of


Material Planning
(G41F16), Matrix
Management of

Process messages for
style items.

9-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

Form Name




Matrix Management Detail Message


On the Work With
Matrix Management
of Messages form,
select a row and click

Work with detail
message revisions.

Matrix Management Split Messages


On the Matrix
Split messages for
Management - Detail style items.
Message Revisions
form, select a row and
select Split Messages
from the Row menu.

Matrix Management Add Quantity by Size


On the Matrix
Add quantities in
Management - Detail messages by size for
Message Revisions
style items.
form, select a row and
select Add Quantity
by Size from the Row

Message Grouping


On the Work With
Matrix Management
of Messages form,
select records and
select Group
Messages from the
Row menu.

Group messages for
style items.

Work With Material
Analysis of Style


On the Work With
Matrix Management
of Messages form,
select Material
Analysis from the
Form menu.

Review the
availability of
components for style

On the Work With
Matrix Management
of Messages form,
select a row and select
Material Analysis
from the Row menu.
Calculation form


On the Work With
Material Analysis of
Style Items form,
select Adjustment
Calc. from the Form

Calculate adjustments
for style items.

On the Work With
Material Analysis of
Style Items form,
select a row and select
Adjustment Calc.
from the Row menu.
Detailed Parts List


On the Work With
Material Analysis of
Style Items form,
select a row and select
Detailed Parts List
from the Row menu.

Review the detailed
parts list for child
style items.
The Detailed Parts
List form displays all
the component items
for the style item with
associated quantity.

Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management 9-9

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

Form Name




Consolidated Parts


On the Work With
Material Analysis of
Style Items form,
select Consolidated
List from the Form

Review the
consolidated parts list
for child style items.

On the Work With
Matrix Management
of Messages form, for
a row selected with a
green check mark,
select Validate from
the Form menu.

Process messages for
style items.

Work With Detail


You can determine the
component shortage
by comparing the
quantity ordered and
quantity available.

Add messages for
child style items.

Note: You cannot add
a message for style
items when calling the
DRP Daily Operations
MRP/MPS Detail
(G3411), DRP Detail
Message Revisions
Message Review
program from the
MPS Daily Operations Matrix Management
of Messages program.
(G3412), MPS Detail
You can only process
Message Review
or validate the
MRP Daily
messages. To add a
Operations (G3413),
new message for style
MRP Detail Message
items, you must call
the MRP/MPS Detail
Message Revisions
program separately.
See "Planning
Requirements" in the
JD Edwards
Requirements Planning
Implementation Guide.

9.2.6 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Management of Messages (PCW47)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Message Processing Status

Specify the type of message processing status. Enter a value that is set up in
user-defined code (UDC) table H01/MR.
2. Work Order Document Type

Specify the document type that the system uses when creating work orders. Enter a
value from UDC 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents).
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses document type WO.
You can specify multiple work order types in a string without any separator. The
system parses every two digits of the string.

9-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

3. Distribution Branch/Plant

Specify the distribution branch/plant. The value that you enter in this field appears as
the default value in the Item/Branch Plant program (P41026).
4. Transfer Order Document Type

Specify the order type that you want the system to use for new transfer orders. Enter a
value from UDC 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents).
If you leave this field blank, then the system uses OT as the default order type.
5. Transfer Lead Time

Specify the lead time in days for the transfer order generation.
6. Semi-Finished Goods Stocking Type

Specify the stocking type that the system uses to process semi-finished goods. The
system retrieves information about stocking types from the Item Branch table (F4102).
The stocking type is a UDC (41/I) that indicates how you stock an item. For example,
you might stock an item as finished goods or raw materials. The stocking types that
you can specify for this processing option are hard-coded, and you should not change
them. For each stocking type, the first character of Description 2 indicates whether the
item is purchased (P) or manufactured (M). Values are:
O: Phantom.
B: Bulk Floor Stock.
C: Configured Item.
E: Emergency / Corrective Maintenance.
F: Feature.
K: Kit or Parent Item.
N: Non-stock Item.
You can specify multiple stocking types in a string without any separator. The system
parses every one digit of the string.
7. Message Status for Transfer Order Generation

Specify the type of message status for transfer order generation. Enter a value that is
set up in UDC table H01/MR.
8. Message Status for Semi-Finished Goods Generation

Specify the type of message status for semi-finished goods generation. Enter a value
that is set up in UDC table H01/MR.
9. Message Status for Grouping (PCW97)

Specify the type of message status for grouping messages. Enter a value that is set up
in UDC table H01/MR.
10. Message Status for Material Analysis (PCW96)

Specify the type of message status for material analysis. Enter a value that is set up in
UDC table H01/MR. Versions
1. MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions (P3411)

Specify which version of the MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program (P3411) the
system uses to process messages.

Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management


Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

If you leave this option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
2. Material Analysis (PCW96)

Specify which version of the Material Analysis program (PCW96) the system uses for
work order simulation.
If you leave this option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
3. Grouping Messages (PCW97)

Specify which version of the Grouping Messages program (PCW97) the system uses
for grouping messages.
If you leave this option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

9.2.7 Processing Messages for Style Items
Access the Work With Matrix Management of Messages form.
To process messages for style items:

Enter the style item root level 0 in the Style Item Root Level 0 field and click Find.


Select a row to process based on message type and demand quantities, and click
Select from the Row menu.
The system displays a green check mark in the row.
Note: You use the Deselect option on the Row menu to remove a row
from message processing. The system displays a red X in the row.


With the row selected, select Validate from the Form menu.


Click Find on the Work With Detail Messages form.


Select all the rows and select Process Message(s) from the Row menu.
You can also select Auto Process from the Row menu.


Review the master work order number in the Previous Master Work Order
Number field.
The system generates a master work order number using next numbers. The
system uses the master work order to process all the selected style items for


Review the work order number in the Order Number field for all records.
The system processes the selected messages and generates a work order number
for every child style item message. The system stores records in the Work Order
Header for Style Items (FCW65) and Work Order Detail for Style Items (FCW66)
tables with the master work order number. All records are now firm orders.


Click Close.

9.2.8 Adding Quantities in Messages by Size for Style Items
Access the Matrix Management - Add Quantity by Size form.
To add quantities by size for style items:

Enter quantities in the size fields as required.


Click OK.

9-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

9.2.9 Splitting Messages for Style Items
Access the Work With Matrix Management of Messages form.
To split messages for style items:

Enter the style item root level 0 in the Style Item Root Level 0 field and click Find.


Select a row based on the message type and total demand that you want to process
and click Select.


Select a row on the Matrix Management - Detail Message Revisions form.


Select Split Messages from the Row menu.


Add new rows containing start date and quantity information on the Matrix
Management - Split Messages form.
For example, if you want to split the initial order into two orders, then enter the
dates and quantities of the second order in a new line.
In the first order line, the system maintains the initial dates. The first order line
also maintains quantities that are equal to the difference between the initial
quantities and those chosen for the second order.


Click OK.
The system displays the Matrix Management - Detail Message Revisions form
with the new split quantities.


Click OK.
The system displays the Work With Matrix Management of Messages form with
new split quantities and other modified data.


Process the style items as required.

9.2.10 Grouping Messages for Style Items
Access the Message Grouping Detail form.
To group messages for style items:

Enter values in the Start Date, Requested Date, and Message Type fields in the
If you update the start date or other data, then the system groups the messages
together based on the start date or other data entered.
You can also group messages by different sizes by selecting the messages on the
Work With Matrix Management of Messages form.


Select the rows to group messages for style items.


Click OK.

9.2.11 Calculating Adjustments for Style Items
Access the Adjustment Calculation form.
To calculate adjustments for style items:

Enter values in the New Quantity, Multiplier Quantity, and Minimum Quantity


Select Automatic Split from the Form menu to have the system automatically split
the adjustments.
Working with Material Planning Operations for Apparel Management


Working with Planning Messages for Style Items

The system splits the new quantity among the child style items displayed on the
Adjustment Calculation form.

Select Save results from the Form menu to save the results of the adjustment
Note: The system performs the calculation using the value in the
Multiplier Quantity field. When you define a new quantity, the system
computes each single quantity per child style item as a multiple of the
multiplier quantity. If the resulting quantity is less than the value in
the Multiplier Quantity field, then the system applies the minimum

See Understanding Adjustment Calculations.

9.2.12 Generating Transfer Orders for Style Items
Access the Work With Matrix Management of Messages form.
To generate transfer orders for style items:

Enter the style item root level 0 in the Style Item Root Level 0 field and click Find.


Select a row based on the message type and total demand that you want to


Select Transfer Order Gen from the Row menu.


On the Message form, click OK.
The system creates a new transfer message with order type S.

9-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop
Floor Management for Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:


Section 10.1, "Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management
for Apparel Management"
Section 10.2, "Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items"

10.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management
for Apparel Management
After you enter style items and collections, bills of material, and routings, you can use
programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management system to
complete the manufacture of style items. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor
Management system enables you to manage and track manufacturing work orders.
Important: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management
system supports discrete manufacturing only for style items.

Creating one work order for each style item is not ideal in many industries. A master
work order is a comprehensive work order that corresponds to one or several style
item root level 0 items. A master work order is a collection of individual standard
manufacturing work orders that correspond to the child style items.
See Also:


"Preface" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop Floor
Management Implementation Guide.
"Preface" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Work Orders
Implementation Guide.

10.2 Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items
This section provides an overview of master work orders for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Set processing options for Master Work Order Processing for Style Items (PCW49).


Set processing options for Work Order Processing for Style Items (R31F410).


Enter master work order headers for style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items


Enter master work order details for style items.


Review master work orders for style items.


Create parts lists for master work orders for style items.


Revise parts lists for master work orders for style items.


Create routing instructions for master work orders for style items.


Process master work orders for style items.


Issue inventory to a master work order for style items.


Reverse inventory on a master work order for style items.


Complete master work orders for style items.

10.2.1 Understanding Master Work Orders for Style Items
A master work order is a comprehensive work order that corresponds to one or
several style item root level 0 items. A master work order encompasses a group of
related standard manufacturing work orders that correspond to the child style items.
A master work order is not a parent work order.
The system calls the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) when you enter a style item root
level 0 on the master work order.
(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent
level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant
or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the
Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix
Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style
Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.
You manage everything at the master work order level. You group your parts lists and
enter the exact quantities to use. The system prorates the quantities between the
different lines in the master work order to specify the actual amount of material
required for each child work order.
The master work order has corresponding child work orders, such as numbers 1, 2, 3,
and so on, for the child style items.
The Work Order Detail for Style Items table (FCW66) ties the master work order of the
style item root level 0 to the standard work orders for the child style items.
This diagram illustrates a master work order and standard work orders for the
associated child style items:

10-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Figure 10–1

Master work order example

> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature. Collections
Collections for style items also integrate with master work orders. You can use a
collection on the work order, however collection templates do not function with work
You set collection processing options on the Collection tab of the Master Work Order
Processing for Style Items program. You enter collection information on the Status
Type tab of the Master Work Order for Style Items form during master work order
See Working with Collections Management.
See Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management for Apparel
Management. Example: Apparel Industry
An example of a master work order is the apparel-specific process of cutting fabric for
one style. In apparel manufacturing, cutting fabrics may be called stack cutting or
multiply cutting. Stack cutting consists of cutting 20–50 pieces of the same size at once.
The width of the fabric is always assumed to be standard size. In fabric cutting, the
sizes and styles are mixed to maximize the use of the fabric with the goal of
minimizing waste.
In stack cutting of fabrics, one cutting operation can exist. If two fabrics or style item
root level 0 items exist, then two master work orders are needed. From the two master
work orders, ten standard work orders are created because the system creates one
work order for each child style item.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items Master Work Order Headers for Style Items
You use the Master Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49) to enter a
work order header for the master work order.
For a master work order header, you enter the description, order type, branch/plant,
and requested date for the master work order. You can also enter other optional
information, such as the revision level for the bill of material and category codes.
Note: You need not enter style item numbers in the header for the
master work order.

The system stores the master work order header information in the Work Order
Header for Style Items table (FCW65).
See "Entering Work Order Headers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop
Floor Management Implementation Guide. Master Work Order Details for Style Items
After entering the master work order header, you enter the style item root level 0 items
in the master work order detail. The master work order detail supports the generation
of each child work order. Each style item root level 0 that you enter on the master work
order calls the Matrix Entry form to configure the child style items to include on the
master work order.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop
Floor Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item
on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the
row for the style item and review the item availability information in
the Style Item Availability subform.

When you save the master work order, the system generates the child level work
orders. The system populates the grid with the work order number for each child style
The system stores the master work order details in the FCW66 table. The FCW66 table
links to the Work Order Header for Style Items (FCW65) and Work Order Master File
(F4801) tables. Master Work Order Parts Lists for Style Items
You use the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program (PCW50) to create
and manage the consolidated parts list at the master work order level. You copy the
bill of material for the style item root level 0 to create the parts list for the master work
order. The system uses the batch quantity of 0 for the bill of material and routing. You
can also run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) to create
the parts list. You run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program to protect
against performance issues when a master work order contains a significant number of
child work orders or deep bills of material.
The calculation for the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field on the Master Work
Order Parts List Details for Style Items form is (style item root level 0 quantity ordered
by attribute) x (bill of material usage for the component) = (quantity of the component
required to manufacture the ordered units of the style item).

10-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

This diagram shows an example of the quantity-ordered calculation:
Figure 10–2

Quantity ordered calculation example

Total Quantity of component FBPJ.B = 25 + 37.5 + 112.5 + 125 = 300
You can also use the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program to view,
modify, and delete parts lists for master work orders. The system stores the parts lists
for master work orders in the Style Work Order Parts List table (FCW67). The FCW67
table is a workfile and holds the consolidated view of all the child work order parts
The system also enables the creation of parts lists by means of a batch program. You
run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program to create the parts lists by
setting data selection over the Work Order Detail for Style Items table (FCW66).
The Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program generates the standard
parts lists for all child style item work orders. Once the child style item work orders
are created, transactions and changes to the master work order are pushed down to the
parts lists of the individual child style item work orders.
You group the parts lists and enter the exact amount to use. The system prorates the
quantities between the different lines to specify the actual amount of material.
Changes and additions of components are split over single work orders.
The system enables global changes to the work order parts list of the child style item
work orders. You can:

Remove a component.


Change component quantity.


Add a new component.
When entering a new component you should specify a line number of an existing
component for the system to base the split off of. Without an existing line number
reference, the system cannot append a new component because it does not know
how to split the quantity ordered across the single work orders.
Note: The components must have records in the Item Structure
Definition table (FCW02).

The system recalculates the parts list every time you use the Parts List option on the
Row menu of the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form. The system
pushes changes at the child style item work order level up to the master work order.
See "Attaching Parts Lists" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop Floor
Management Implementation Guide.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items Master Work Order Routing Instructions for Style Items
You use the Work Order Routing for Style Items program (PCW52) to create routing
instructions for master work orders. You can copy and delete routings at the master
work order level using the Work Order Routing for Style Items program. You can also
run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) to create the routing
instructions. You run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program to protect
against performance issues when a master work order contains a significant number of
child work orders.
The routing is automatically copied to the master work order when a routing for the
ordered quantity, or zero or non-zero batch quantity exists for the Item/Branch
Plant/Type of Routing combination. The system automatically creates the routing
when you attach a bill of material.
The master work order routing does not have management features similar to master
parts lists. For example, after the child style item work orders are created, transactions
and changes to the routing on the master work order are not pushed down to
individual child style item work orders. You must maintain routing instructions at the
child work order level.
The system pushes changes at the child work order level up to the master work order.
The system stores the routing instructions for master work orders in the Style Work
Order Routings table (FCW68). The FCW68 table is a workfile and data is present in
the table only at the time when the routing is attached.
Note: You cannot perform backflush or super backflush at the master
work order level using the Master Work Order Processing for Style
Items program. You can perform backflush or super backflush only at
the child work order level using the Work with Work Order
Completions program (P31114) and Super Backflush program (P31123)

See "Attaching Routing Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop
Floor Management Implementation Guide.
See "Working with Completions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop
Floor Management Implementation Guide. Master Work Order Processing for Style Items
You use the Master Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49) to create,
process, and maintain master work orders for style items. After you create the master
work order, you run the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) to
attach the parts lists and routing instructions for each child work order.
The Work Order Processing for Style Items program updates the Work Order Parts List
(F3111) and Work Order Routing (F3112) tables.
The source data for the Work Order Processing for Style Items program comes from
three tables: Work Order Detail for Style Items (FCW66), Work Order Master File
(F4801), and Work Order Master Tag File (F4801T). The FCW66 table stores the
cross-reference between the master work order and its child work orders. The
cross-reference information enables processing of all child style item work orders
based on the master work order number.
Based on the data selection in the Work Order Processing for Style Items program, the
system runs the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) for each

10-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

child work order of the master work order. The Work Order Processing for Style Items
program calls the Order Processing program (R31410), which processes the work
orders to attach parts lists and routing instructions.
If you attach the parts list and routing instructions interactively, you can use the Work
Order Processing for Style Items program to generate and print the shop paperwork.
The system prints the parts list and routing instructions, shop packet summary, and
shortage report based on the processing option settings of the Order Processing
program. The system prints all the child work orders together in one output.
After all child work orders are processed, the master work order status is updated if
the Master Work Order Detail processing option on the Edits tab is set to a value of 1.
The system updates the status of the master work order with the status of the first
child work order. Although a child work order is at status 10, the first child work order
is at status 45 so the master work order will be at status 45. You use the Manufacturing
Work Order Processing program (P48013) to review the child work orders. You can
also select a child work order on the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form
and then select Update Child WO from the Row menu to launch the Manufacturing
Work Order Processing program.
The Additional Style Item Information Work File table (FCW63) stores the master
work order number derived from a next number bucket.
During master work order processing, the system uses the Work Order Header for
Style Items table (FCW65) to enable data selection for outside operations. The system
groups the outside operations.
This diagram illustrates the master work order process:
Figure 10–3

Master work order process Work Order Mass Update for Style Item Work Orders
When you make changes to the master work order, the Master Work Order Processing
for Style Items program (PCW49) makes the corresponding updates to the child work

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

orders. This functionality includes the ability to perform a mass update of dates for
child work orders associated with a master work order.
You can update the following dates by master work order:

Order Date (TRDJ)


Start Date (STRT)


Request Date (DRQJ)

The work order mass update process enables you to select and modify multiple work
orders at one time. You can use the Search for Work Orders (P48022) and Work Order
Mass Update (P48714) programs to select work orders to change, and enter the new
values to assign to the work order records.
After you select the records to update and specify the new values, you run a batch
program to update the work orders in the database. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
software also provides the Work Order Mass Update Template program (P48710) that
enables you to set up templates with default values for the fields to update, and to lock
fields to prevent updates to the locked fields.
When you work with manufacturing work order mass updates, you can determine
whether to include style items in your search for work orders to update. You set
processing options in the Search for Work Orders program to set a default value for a
check box to exclude style items, and to lock that filtering check box.
See "Using the Work Order Mass Update Process" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Work Orders Implementation Guide Master Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items
Inventory issues are made at the master work order level. You enter the total
consumption of inventory for the master work order. The system splits the inventory
issues of the master work order between the individual child work orders.
The system processes a batch inventory issue to record a total of what was used in the
manufacturing process. The system does not process the issuing locations as
determined based on availability.
The system uses elements of the Work Order Inventory Issues program (P31113) to
deduct the quantities that are issued to the shop floor through an issue transaction
from inventory. This transaction reports the actual quantities and cost of materials that
were used in the production process to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Accounting systems. You
need to set up the Work Order Inventory Issues program to suggest issue quantities
that are based upon the work order quantity.
When you initiate master work order inventory issues for style items from the Master
Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49), the system limits the
number of visible parts list attributes and input capable fields. The following fields are
input capable on the Issues tab of the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style
Items form (WCW50E):

Issues (TRQT)


Location (LOCN)


Lot/Serial Number (LOTN)

You can issue a quantity that is equal to, less than, or greater than the order quantity
on the master work order. For a full inventory issue, the split of consumption by work
order is based on the quantity on the child work order.

10-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

For a partial issue, the system spreads the issue of each component to the child work
orders based on the percentage of the child work orders to the total issue. When
issuing a partial quantity on the master work order, the system spreads the quantity to
all the child work orders without rounding up the quantity. For example, if the order
has an issue quantity of 100 buttons and you partial issue 26 buttons, then the master
work order shows that 26 buttons have been issued. The system spreads the 26 buttons
to the individual child work orders by the percentage that each work order represents.
The system does not round up the issue quantity so that only whole numbers of
buttons are issued to each child work order.
You can set the Issue Material for processing option on the Display Options tab of the
Master Work Order Processing for Style Items program to a value of 1 to have the
system automatically suggest issue quantities. If you set the Issue Material for
processing option to blank, then you must manually enter a quantity on the Issues tab
on the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form.
When issuing material to the master work order, the system supports splitting to
multiple locations. You can perform multiple location issues to a master work order
using the Multi Location option on the Row menu of the Master Work Order Parts List
Details for Style Items form. When performing a multiple location issue, the system
limits the issue to nine locations per component that can be returned to the Issues
After you enter quantity and location information on the Issues tab, you click OK on
the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form. The system runs the
Work Order Issues for Style Items program (R41F050) to process the inventory issues
for the child work orders.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides record reservation capability within
the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program (PCW50) for the master
work order and the Work Order Issues for Style Items program for child work orders.
Record reservation helps ensure the integrity of the data and prevents data loss. To
avoid simultaneous processing of the same records, the system reserves (locks) records
for processing by any other manufacturing program. Thus, the system does not enable
you to edit a record that has been locked by a different user or application.
The Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program locks the master work
order. When the Work Order Issues for Style Items program runs to process inventory
issues for child work orders, the system activates record reservation by work order
number so that only the Work Order Issues for Style Items and Master Work Order
Parts List for Style Items programs can access the records in the Work Order Header
for Style Items (FCW65) and Work Order Master File (F4801) tables. If the Work Order
Issues for Style Items and Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items programs
encounter a work order that is already locked by another application within the
manufacturing system, then the Work Order Issues for Style Items and Master Work
Order Parts List for Style Items programs send a message to the Work Center and do
not process the work order. You must re-submit the work order for processing.
The Work Order Issues for Style Items program issues inventory to the associated child
work orders. After the inventory issues processing is complete, the system removes
record reservation on the work orders so that another user or application can access
the record to update information in the tables.
If you run the Work Order Issues for Style Items program for the child work orders of
a master work order and the Work Order Inventory Issues (P31113), Work Order
Completions (P31114), Component Scrap (P31116), Super Backflush (P31123), Hours
and Quantities (P311221), or Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013)
programs try to access the work order, then you receive a message that the file is

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management 10-9

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

locked. You must wait until the system releases the records to process them. However,
you can view the records.
When a program that uses record reservation is interrupted, orphaned reservation
records might remain in the Business Object Reservation table (F00095). This can occur,
for example, when technicians are working with a server, or when a workstation shuts
down without warning. If an interruption stops one of the programs in the Work
Order Issues for Style Items and Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items
programs before it releases the reservations that it creates, you cannot update the
records until the orphaned reservations are removed.
Note: If you click the Cancel button on the Printer Selection form
while running the program, then the master work order record
remains locked by the system.

You can use the Remove Business Object Reservation program (P00095) to release
unwanted record reservations. This program stores reservation information in the
Business Object Reservation table (F00095).
You can also select Issues from the Row menu in the Manufacturing Work Order
Processing program (P48013) to issue material to a child style item work order.
If you use serialized components, then you issue the serialized components at the
individual child style item work order level.
You can use the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (R31F410) to perform
inventory issues at the master work order level when you use preflushing. If you
perform preflushing, then you do not perform inventory issues at the child work order
You can backflush components by accessing the Work Order Inventory Issues program
(P31113) from the Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013), Work Order
Completions (P31114), and Super Backflush (P31123) programs.
Note: The system does not support unplanned issues for master
work orders.

You can reverse issues to a master work order using the Reversal option on the Row
menu of the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form. When
reversing a master work order issue, the system spreads the reversal back through all
of the child work orders. The system performs reversals for partial issues, completions,
and over issues.
If you issued a component across multiple locations and must perform a reverse issue,
then the system spreads the entire quantity issued for that location based on the
percentage that the quantity represents for each child work order. If the issued lot and
location was not blank during the original issue and the quantity is reversed, then the
lot and location remains the same in the parts list.
When you issue inventory to a master work order, the Work Order Issues for Style
Items program generates a portable document format (PDF) file which specifies
whether the batch completed successfully or ended with errors. If inventory issues to
the child work orders completed normally, then the PDF indicates that the report
completed with success. If inventory issues completed with errors, then the PDF
indicates that errors occurred and to check the Work Center for messages. The report
completes in error only when hard errors occur during inventory issues processing.

10-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Although warning messages may exist in the Work Center, the PDF indicates that the
report completed successfully.
See "Working with Issues, Material Movement, and Kanbans" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide. Master Work Order Completions for Style Items
You use the Work Order Completions Matrix Entry program (PCW46) to complete a
master work order using a matrix form. The result is the completion of child work
orders as well as completion of the master work order.
You can also review the quantities of child style items on a master work order in a
matrix form using the Detail Matrix option on the Row menu of the Work with Master
Work Orders for Style Items form (WCW49A).
You perform manual completions at the master work order level only. If you want to
perform backflush or super backflush, then you must perform the completion at the
child work order level.
See "Completing Discrete Work Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide.

10.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:

Set the processing options for the version of the Order Processing program that
you specify in the Order Processing (R31410) processing option of the Work Order
Processing for Style Items program.
See "Setting Processing Options for the Order Processing Program (R31410)" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide.



Set the Purchase Order Entry (P4310) processing option on the Versions tab of the
Order Processing program (R31410) to support outside operations.
Set the following processing options for the Purchase Order Entry version that you
specify to generate purchase orders for outside operations:

Set the Order Type processing option on the Defaults tab to OO for outside


Set the Line Type processing option on the Defaults tab to X for outside


Set the Business Unit Validation processing option on the Interfaces tab to 1.

10.2.3 Forms Used to Work with Master Work Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Master
Work Orders for Style


Shop Floor
(G41F17), Master
Work Order

Work with master
work orders for style

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Form Name




Master Work Order
for Style Items


On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
click Add.

Enter master work
order headers for style

On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Parts List from the
Row menu.

Create parts lists for
master work orders
for style items.

Revise master work
On the Work with
orders for style items.
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Update Status from
the Row menu.
Master Work Order
Parts List Details for
Style Items


On the Master Work
Order Revisions for
Style Items form,
select a row and select
Parts List from the
Form menu.

Revise parts lists for
master work orders
for style items.
Delete parts lists for
master work orders
for style items.
See "Attaching Parts
Lists" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Shop Floor
Implementation Guide.

On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Inventory Issues from Issue inventory to a
the Row menu.
master work order for
style items.
Work Order Routing
for Style Items


On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Routing from the Row

Create routing
instructions for master
work orders for style
Delete routing
instructions for master
work orders for style
See "Attaching
Routing Instructions"
in the JD Edwards
Applications Shop Floor
Implementation Guide.

10-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Form Name




Work Order
Completions Matrix


On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Detail Matrix from the
Row menu.

Review master work
order details in a
matrix view.
Complete master
work orders for style

The system displays
the Work Order
Completions Matrix
Inquiry form.
On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
select a row and select
Completion from the
Row menu.
The system displays
the Work Order
Completions Matrix
Entry form.
Master Work Order
Revisions for Style


On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items form,
find your master work
order, select a row,
and select Detail from
the Row menu.

Enter master work
order details for style
Review master work
order details for style
Revise master work
order details for style

Work With Material
Analysis of Style


On the Work with
Master Work Orders
for Style Items, select
a row and select
Material Analysis
from the Row menu.

Review the
availability of
components for style
See Working with
Material Planning
Operations for
Apparel Management.

10.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Master Work Order Processing for Style Items
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Document Type

Specify the default document type associated with a work order. Enter a value from
user-defined (UDC) table 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents) that identifies the
origin and purpose of a document.
2. Back Scheduling Unit of Measure

Specify the default unit of measure to use for back scheduling the work order. Enter a
value from UDC 00/UM (Unit of Measure) that identifies the unit of measure to use in
the document.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

3. Back Scheduling Queue and Move Hours

Specify the method that the system uses to back schedule queue hours in the work
order routing. Values are:
Blank: Back schedule queue hours as a percentage of the resource units per day.
1: Back schedule queue hours as a percentage of the work hours per day.
4. Status Min Display

Specify a code from UDC 00/SS that indicates the status of a work order, rate
schedule, or engineering change order. Any status change from 90 through 99 triggers
the system to automatically update the completion date.
5. Work Order Type

Specify the default work order type to associate with the work order. Enter a value
from UDC 00/TY (Work Order/ECO Type) that identifies the type of work order.
6. Work Order Priority

Specify the default priority to associate with the work order. Enter a value from UDC
00/PR (Work Order Priority) that identifies the priority of the document.
7. Beginning Status

Specify the default beginning status code for the work order header. Enter a value
from UDC 00/SS (Work Order Status) that identifies the status of the work order to
use when a work order is created.
8. Charge to Business Unit

Specify whether the system uses the project number in the Business Unit Master table
(F0006) or the branch/plant on the work order as the Charge to business unit. Values
Blank: Branch/plant.
1: Project number.
9. Cross Reference Code

Specify the default cross-reference code. Enter a value from UDC 41/DT (Cross
Reference Type Code) to specify how the system retrieves item replacements for
obsolete items.
When you enter an order containing an item that will be obsolete for the work order
time frame, the system enables you to specify a replacement item if you set this
processing option to R.
10. Summary Issued

Specify whether to display a summary of the inventory issues. Values are:
Blank: The system does not display the summary of the inventory issues.
1: The system displays the summary of the inventory issues. Category Codes
1. Category Code 1, 2. Category Code 2, and 3. Category Code 3

Specify the default category codes for the work order. Work order category codes are
UDCs 00/W1, 00/ W2, and 00/W3 that identify the category for the work order. Enter
the category codes to use as the default values or select them from the Select User
Defined Codes form.
4. Category Code 1 on the Work Order Header, 5. Category Code 2 on the Work Order

10-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Header, and 6. Category Code 3 on the Work Order Header

Specify the default item/branch category codes for the work order header.
Item/branch category codes are UDCs (32/CC) that identify the item/branch
classification codes on the work order header. Edits
1. Quantities and Dates

Specify whether the system automatically recalculates the parts list and routing
instructions when the quantities or the dates on the work order change. Values are:
Blank: Do not recalculate.
1: Recalculate.
2. Item Branch/Plant Validation

Specify whether the system validates an existing item/branch record when you add or
update a work order. Values are:
Blank: Do not validate.
1: Validate.
3. Inventory Issues

Specify whether to update the master work order status for inventory issues with the
status of the work order that was entered first. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the master work order status.
1: The system updates the master work order status.
4. Completion

Specify whether to update the master work order status for work order completions
with the status of the work order that was entered first. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the master work order status.
1: The system updates the master work order status.
5. Close Master Work Order

Specify whether to update the master work order status with the status of the work
order that was entered first. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the master work order status.
1: The system updates the master work order status.
6. Parts List

Specify whether to update the master work order status for the parts list with the
status of the work order that was entered first. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the master work order status.
1: The system updates the master work order status.
7. Master Work Order Detail

Specify whether to update the master work order status for master work order detail
with the status of the work order that was entered first. Values are:
Blank: The system does not update the master work order status.
1: The system updates the master work order status.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items Display Options
1. Bill of Material Type Field

Specify whether the system displays the Bill of Material Type field on the Work Order
Details form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.
2. Routing Type Field

Specify whether the system displays the Routing Type field on the Work Order Details
form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.
3. Issue Material for

Specify whether the system enters the recommended issued quantity for all
components with a valid issue type code. The system uses the value from the Issue
Material For field on the Work With Work Order Inventory Issue form. The system
issues only items with an issue quantity. Values are:
Blank: The system does not enter the quantity.
1: The system automatically enters the quantity. Versions
1. Bill Availability (P30200)

Specify the version for the system to use when you select to access the Bill Availability
program (P30200) from the Row menu on the Work With Manufacturing Work Orders
form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the Bill Availability program.
Versions control how the Bill Availability program displays information. Therefore,
you may need to set the processing options to specific versions to meet the business
2. ECO Work Order Entry (P48020)

Specify the version for the system to use when you select to access the ECO Work
Order Entry program (P48020) from the Row menu on the Work With Manufacturing
Work Orders form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the ECO Work Order Entry program.
Versions control how the ECO Work Order Entry program displays information.
Therefore, you may need to set the processing options to specific versions to meet the
business need.
3. Assign Serial Numbers (P3105)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select to access the Assign Serial
Numbers program (P3105) from the Row menu on the Work With Manufacturing
Work Orders form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the Assign Serial Numbers program.
Versions control how the Assign Serial Numbers program displays information.
Therefore, you may need to set the processing options to specific versions to meet the
business need.

10-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

4. Routings (P3112)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select to access the Work Order
Routings program (P3112) from the Row menu on the Work With Manufacturing Work
Orders form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the Routing program.
Versions control how the Routings program displays information. Therefore, you may
need to set the processing options to specific versions to meet the business need.
5. Parts List (P3111)

Specify the version that the system uses when you select to access the Work Order
Parts List program (P3111) from the Row menu on the Work With Manufacturing Work
Orders form or the Work Order Details form. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses the ZJDE0001 version of the Parts List program.
Versions control how the Parts List program displays information. Therefore, you may
need to enter the processing options to specific versions to meet the business need.
6. Material Issues (P31113)

Specify the version that the system uses when you access the Work Order Inventory
Issues program (P31113) from the Row menu on the Work with Master Work Orders
for Style Items form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the
ZJDE0001 version of the Work Order Inventory Issues program.
7. Enter/Change Order (P48013)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Manufacturing Work
Order Processing program (P48013). If you leave this processing option blank, then the
system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
8. Completion (P31114)

Specify the version of the Work Order Completions program (P31114) that the system
uses when you access the program from the Work Order Details form (W48013A). If
you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
9. Material Analysis (PCW96)

Specify the version of the Material Analysis program (PCW96) that the system uses
when you access the Work With Material Analysis form (WCW96A). If you leave this
processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
10. Matrix Entry (PCW10)

Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) that the system uses to
retrieve the style item matrix data. If you leave this processing option blank, then the
system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Interop
1. Transaction Type

Specify the transaction type that the system uses for export processing. Enter a value
from UDC 00/TT (Transaction Type) that identifies the type of transaction for the work
order. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not use export

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items Collection
1. Collection

Specify a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the same
time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You must enter a
value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).
2. Season Code

Specify the season for which the style items are being manufactured. Enter a value
from UDC 41F/SE.
3. Season Year

Specify the year of manufacture of style item. Enter a value from the UDC 41F/SY.
4. Check Item Presence in Collection

Specify whether the system verifies the style item presence in a collection. Also, if you
verify the style item presence, you can specify whether to display a warning message
or error message in the absence of the style item. Values are:
Blank: The system does not validate the presence of an item in the collection.
1: The system validates the presence of a style item in the collection and displays a
warning message if the item is not present in the collection.
2: The system validates the presence of the style item in the collection and displays an
error message if the item is not present in the collection.
5. Check Collection on Header

Specify whether to validate the collection in the header. Values are:
Blank: The system does not validate the collection in the header.
1: The system validates the collection in the header. Material Analysis
1. Work Order Status Code

Specify a code from UDC 00/SS that describes the status of a work order, rate
schedule, or engineering change order. Any status change from 90 through 99 triggers
the system to automatically update the completion date.

10.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Work Order Processing for Style Items (R31F410)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Version
1. Order Processing (R31410)

Specify the version of the Order Processing program (R31410) that the system uses
when generating work orders for style items.

10.2.6 Entering Master Work Order Headers for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order for Style Items form.
To enter master work order headers for style items:

Enter a value in the Document Type field, if applicable.

10-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items


Enter a value in the Branch/Plant field.


Enter a description of the master work order in the Description field.


Enter a value in the Start Date field on the Dates tab.


Enter a value in the Requested Date field on the Dates tab.
The requested date is the date when the work order should be completed.


Enter additional work order detail information in the fields on the tabs as


Click OK.
The system displays the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form.

10.2.7 Entering Master Work Order Details for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form.
Figure 10–4

Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form

To enter master work order details for style items:

Enter a style item root level 0 in the Item Number field in the first row in the detail


Click Tab or move off the row.
The system displays the Matrix Entry form.


Enter the quantity for each child style item in the Matrix Entry form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

Click OK.
The system displays the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form.


Review the child style items that appear as lines on the master work order.
Note: You can continue with another style item root level 0 item, if


Click OK when all style items are added to the master work order.
The system generates the master work order.

10.2.8 Reviewing Master Work Orders for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items form.
After you enter the master work order header and details, you can view the child style
item information that is generated for the master work order.
To review master work orders for style items:

Review the following fields for master work order detail information:

Item Number
Displays the item number of the child style item.


Quantity Ordered


Order Number
Displays the child work order that relates to the child style item.


Start Date
Displays the start date of the work order.


Requested Date

Click Cancel.

10.2.9 Creating Parts Lists for Master Work Orders for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form.

10-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Figure 10–5

Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form: Parts List tab

To create parts lists for master work orders for style items:

Select Copy BOM from the Form menu to copy the bill of material for the style
item root level 0 and batch quantity 0.
Note: You cannot create a parts list without copying a bill of
material. After you copy the bill of material for the style item root
level 0, you can add, modify, or delete components on the parts list.


Enter a value in the Branch/Plant field on the Copy BOM to Work Order for Style
Items form.


Enter a value in the Bill Revision Level field, if applicable.


Click OK.


Review the parts list on the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Item


Click OK to validate the parts list.

10.2.10 Revising Parts Lists for Master Work Orders for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form.
To revise parts lists for master work orders for style items:

To delete all components on the parts list, select Delete Parts List on the Form


To delete one component on the parts list, select a line, click Delete, and then click
The component is removed from the parts lists of all child work orders.


To modify the quantity of one component, enter a value in the Quantity Ordered
The quantity of the component is changed only for that particular work order
where this components is used and not in all parts list of child work orders where
it exists. The quantity follows the same ratio between the quantity before and after
the change.


To add a new component:

Enter the item number and quantity.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items


Enter the line number of the component from which you want to inherit
information and split in the Line No (line number) field.
The quantity ordered of the new component is split among individual child
work orders based on the same ratio as the original component that you are
pointing to.


Click OK.

10.2.11 Creating Routing Instructions for Master Work Orders for Style Items
Access the Work Order Routing for Style Items form.
Figure 10–6 Work Order Routing for Style Items form

To create routing instructions for master work orders for style items:

Enter routing instructions or review the existing routing on the master work order.
Note: The routing is automatically copied to the master work order
when a routing for the ordered quantity, or zero or non-zero batch
quantity exists for the item, branch plant, and type of routing
combination. The system automatically creates the routing when you
copy a bill of material.


Click OK.

10.2.12 Processing Master Work Orders for Style Items
Select Shop Floor Management (G41F17), Work Order Processing for Style Items
The Work Order Processing for Style Items program is used to create the parts list and
routing instructions for the master work order as well as the child work orders.

10.2.13 Issuing Inventory to a Master Work Order for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form.

10-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Figure 10–7

Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form: Issues tab

To issue inventory to a master work order for style items:

On the Work with Master Work Orders for Style Items form, select a master work
order and select Inventory Issues from the Row menu.


On the Issues tab of the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form,
review the values in the Quantity Ordered and Quantity Issued fields for each
item on the parts list.


Enter a value in the Issues field for each item on the parts list, if applicable.
If the Issue Material for processing option on the Display Options tab of the
Master Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49) is set to a value
of 1, then the system populates the Issues field with the quantity to issue for each
item on the master work order.


Click OK.


Enter a value that represents the available quantity, which might consist of the
on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. You enter this
value in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

10.2.14 Reversing Inventory on a Master Work Order for Style Items
Access the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Figure 10–8 Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form: Issues tab

To reverse inventory on a master work order for style items:

On the Work with Master Work Orders for Style Items form, select a master work
order and select Inventory Issues from the Row menu.


On the Issues tab of the Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items form,
review the values in the Quantity Ordered and Quantity Issued fields for each
item on the parts list.


Select a record.


Select Reversal from the Row menu.
The system automatically reverses the quantity that was originally issued to the
master work order. The system reverses the quantity previously issued to the
current parts list location.
You cannot perform a reversal for a quantity that is less than
or greater than the issued quantity. You can only reverse the original
quantity to the same location and lot.



Click OK.

10.2.15 Completing Master Work Orders for Style Items
Access the Work Order Completions Matrix Entry form.

10-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

Figure 10–9

Work Order Completions Matrix Entry form

To complete master work orders for style items:

Complete fields in the master work order completions header, as required.
The system displays a matrix, which enables you to enter completed quantities.
Note: The system populates the Country of Origin field with the
default value from the Address Book master of the Header Business

If you are completing a work order for a new lot, and the item/branch
requires a country of origin, the system uses the value of country of
origin through this field. The system displays an error if you leave the
field blank. If you are completing the work order for an existing lot,
and the value of country of origin in the form is different from the
value in Lot Master, the system displays an error.

Enter a value in the Qty Completed (quantity completed) and Qty Scrapped
(quantity scrapped) fields for each child style item.


Click OK to validate the master work order completion.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management for Apparel Management


Working with Master Work Orders for Style Items

10-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Procurement Management for Apparel

This chapter contains the following topics:

Section 11.1, "Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
Management for Apparel Management"


Section 11.2, "Prerequisites"


Section 11.3, "Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items"


Section 11.4, "Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items"


Section 11.5, "Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items"


Section 11.6, "Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items"


Section 11.7, "Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items"

11.1 Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
Management for Apparel Management
Procurement is the process of obtaining products and services from suppliers. It
includes decisions about how much to purchase and when to purchase goods and
services, the actual purchasing of goods and services, and the process of receiving the
requested goods or services.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system integrates with the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to support style items. This
diagram illustrates the integration of Procurement Management for Apparel

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management 11-1

Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management

Figure 11–1 Integration of Procurement Management for Apparel Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system integrates with the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to enable you to:

Create purchase prices for style items.


Create blanket and purchase orders for raw materials.


Manage the purchase of stock and non-stock style items.


Use matrix entry to enter purchase orders.


Enter purchase orders for collections.


Release blanket orders.


Print purchase orders for style items.


Enter receipts for style items.


Purge data.

Procurement for Apparel Management provides the following ways to create orders
for style items:

By the style item root level 0 (parent level).
When you enter the parent style item (for example, JEAN), Matrix Entry displays
all of the corresponding levels (for example, JEAN.BLK.36.41, JEAN.BLUE.32.32).


By intermediate item level (for example, JEAN.BLK).
When you enter the intermediate style item, Matrix Entry displays all of the
corresponding levels (JEAN.BLK.36.41, JEAN.BLK.32.34).


By collection template.
When you use a collection template, Matrix Entry displays all of the items from
the collection template.

You can enter purchase orders for a collection with the following characteristics:

Only one collection for one purchase order is supported.

11-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management


Items in the purchase order must belong to the collection.
This requirement is based on a processing option setting.

See "Understanding Procurement" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.
The system processes an order based on the items that you purchase and the supplier
from whom you make the purchases. You can specify the items that you purchase
from a supplier to create supplier and item relationships.
See "Setting Up Supplier Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.
The process flow for Procurement Management for Apparel Management is very
similar to and uses many of the same programs as standard JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement Management. The process flow consists of these steps:

Enter purchase order (P4310).
You can enter style items or use a collection template when entering an order.
When you enter style items, Matrix Entry (PCW10) opens so that you can enter
specific quantities for different child style items.


Print purchase order (RCW03).
The Print Purchase Order for Style Items program (RCW03) is solely a report and
is not a purchase order print program similar to the Purchase Order Print program


Print purchase order (R43500).
See "Setting Processing Options for Purchase Order Print (R43500)" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.


Print purchase receiver (R43510).
See "Printing Purchase Receivers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.


Perform purchase order receipt (P4312).
You enter receipts for style items by purchase receipt or by item using the PO
Receipts program (P4312). You do not use the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
when entering purchase order receipts.
See "Entering Receipts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement
Management Implementation Guide.


Perform voucher match (P4314).
You perform voucher match using the Voucher Match program (P4314). You do
not use the Matrix Entry program when matching vouchers.
See "Creating Vouchers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement
Management Implementation Guide.

This diagram illustrates the procurement management process for style items:

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management 11-3


Figure 11–2 Procurement management process for style items

11.1.1 Purging Data
You run the F4301 Purchase Order Header Purge program (R4301P) to remove records
from the Purchase Order Header (F4301) and Purchase Order Header Style Items Tag
File (F41F301T) tables and archive the deleted records. The F4301 Purchase Order
Header Purge program is typically run at the end of the purchase order process to
clean up the purchase order tables.
Before you run the F4301 Purchase Order Header Purge program, you should run the
Detail (F4311) Purge program (R4311P). If the Purchase Order Detail File table (F4311)
is not purged first, then the system does not delete the record. You can check the
records that are not deleted in the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121). If the
record is fully paid, then it is eligible for deletion.
To be eligible for record deletion, purchase orders must meet the following criteria:

Next status of 999.


No open quantities or amounts.


No purchase order lines in receipt routing.

Header records can be purged if no detail records exist.
You set the Archive F41F301T Table Name processing option on the Process tab of the
F4301 Purchase Order Header Purge program to archive the deleted records.
See "Purging Data" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement
Management Implementation Guide.

11.2 Prerequisites
Before you begin the tasks in this chapter:

Ensure that supplier address information is set up in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Address Book system.
See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Address Book Implementation Guide.


Ensure that appropriate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system setups
are in place to support style items.
See "Procurement Implementation Steps" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

11-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items


Define supplier information including supplier and item information and supplier
purchasing instructions.
See "Setting Up Supplier Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.


Set the Archive F41F301T Table Name processing option on the Process tab of the
F4301 Purchase Order Header Purge program (R4301P) to archive deleted records
when you purge data.

11.3 Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items
This section provides an overview of purchase prices for style items and discusses
how to:

Set processing options for Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog (PCW55).


Create style item supplier price/catalog headers.


Create purchase prices for style items.

11.3.1 Understanding Purchase Prices for Style Items
The Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog program (PCW55) is similar to the Supplier
Catalog Maintenance program (P41061). The Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog
program enables price entry for style items based on a supplier catalog. You enter
prices at any style item level from the style item root level 0 to child style item. You set
up and maintain prices through inheritance and exceptions.
The Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog program updates the Supplier Price/Catalog
File table (F41061) based on the style item structure that is applicable for the style item.
This diagram illustrates the purchase price process for style items:
Figure 11–3

Purchase price process for style items

See "Setting Up Supplier Information", "Defining Supplier Prices and Discount Rules"
in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management Implementation

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management 11-5

Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items

11.3.2 Forms Used to Create Purchase Prices for Style Items
Form Name



Work With Style Item
Supplier Price/


Purchase Order Setup Work with purchase
(G41F45), Style Item
prices for style items.

Style Item Supplier
Price/Catalog File –
Header Revisions


On the Work With
Style Item Supplier
Price/Catalog form,
click Add.

Create a style item
supplier price/catalog

Select a row on the
Work With Style Item
Price/Catalog form,
and then select Detail
from the Row menu.

Create purchase
prices for style items.

Style Item Supplier
Price/Catalog – Detail


11.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog (PCW55)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Purchase Price Level

Specify where to retrieve the purchase price for an item from when you enter a
purchase order. Values are:
1: Use the supplier/item price from the Purchase Price table (F41061).
2: Use the supplier/item/branch price from the Purchase Price table (F41061).
2. Number of Item Structure Levels to Display

Specify the number of item structure levels to display in the grid of the Style Item
Supplier Price/Catalog – Detail Revisions form (WCW55A).

11.3.4 Creating Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog Headers
Access the Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog File – Header Revisions form.
To create style item supplier price/catalog headers:

Complete the following fields:

Supplier (required)


Data in the Catalog field is for informational purposes. The Catalog field can
be left blank.


Currency Code (required)


The prices that you enter are specific to the branch/plant specified in the
Branch/Plant field. You must enter a branch/plant when you select a value of
2 in the Purchase Price Level processing option on the Process tab of the Style

11-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items

Item Supplier Price/Catalog program. Purchase price level 2 creates a
purchase price at the supplier/item/branch level.



Effective From (required)


Effective Thru (required)

Click OK.

11.3.5 Creating Purchase Prices for Style Items
Access the Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog – Detail Revisions form.
Figure 11–4

Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog – Detail Revisions form

To create purchase prices for style items:

Complete style item-related fields, for example, Root, Style, and Fabric.
The style items appear based on the style item structure and the value set in the
Number of item structure levels to display processing option on the Process tab of
the Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog program.



Enter the following price-related information for the style item root level 0 or child
style items:

Unit Cost


Quantity Ordered


UOM (unit of measure)

Click OK to record the prices.
Note: When you click OK, the system updates the purchase prices in
the Supplier Price/Catalog File table (F41061). You cannot update
purchase prices for style items using on demand or batch

11.4 Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items
This section provides an overview of blanket orders for style items, lists prerequisites,
and discusses how to enter blanket orders for style items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management 11-7

Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items

11.4.1 Understanding Blanket Orders for Style Items
Blanket orders are generally used early in the process to assist the manufacturer in
planning resources and plant capacity when only forecasts are available and no sales
orders exist. You forecast at the style item root level 0 and the forecast determines the
type of material, but not the specific characteristics, such as the color. The blanket
order is for raw materials only. You can create a blanket order at any level from style
item root level 0 to a child style item. You use a version of the Purchase Orders
program (P4310) without the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) enabled to create a
blanket order for a style item at any level.
Once the first sales orders are available, then you generate the final forecast, which is
precise to the lowest-level child style items.
You use the Generate POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release program (P43060)
to release all or part of a blanket order. The blanket order release generates purchase
orders for the raw material identifying the specific characteristics. For example, in the
apparel industry, the purchase order specifies fabric and color.
See "Working with Blanket Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

11.4.2 Prerequisites
Before you begin the tasks in this section:




Use the ZJDE0006 Order Entry - Blanket version of the Purchase Orders program
(P4310) for blanket order entry of style items.
Set the processing options for the ZJDE0006 Order Entry - Blanket version of the
Purchase Orders program (P4310).
Verify that the Display Matrix Entry (PCW10) processing option on the Style tab of
the Purchase Orders program is blank so that the Matrix Entry form does not
appear during the entry of a blanket order for style items.
Set the Item Search and Select processing option on the Style tab of the Purchase
Orders program.

11.4.3 Forms Used to Enter Blanket Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Order


Purchase Order
(G41F18), Enter
Purchase Orders

Work with blanket
orders for style items.

Select the arrow to the
right of the menu
option and select
On the Work With
Versions form, find
and select version
ZJDE0006 Order Entry
- Blanket.
Click Select.

11-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items

Form Name




Order Detail


On the Work With
Order Headers form,
click Add.

Enter blanket orders
for style items.

11.4.4 Entering Blanket Orders for Style Items
Access the Order Detail form.

11.5 Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items
This section provides an overview of purchase order entry for style items, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to enter purchase orders for style items.

11.5.1 Understanding Purchase Order Entry for Style Items
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system supports the
creation of purchase orders for style items with the following features:

Matrix entry for multi-attribute style items.


Collection integration.


Automatic total quantity split by size.

During purchase order entry, you use matrix integration to manage style items. When
working with style items, the Purchase Orders program (P4310) calls the Matrix Entry
program (PCW10) to create purchase orders for multilevel child style items. The
Matrix Entry program opens for the style item only if an item structure is attached to
The system does not display the Matrix Entry form if the Matrix Line for the ROO
level (style item root level 0) in the structure is not selected and the Apparel
Management system is not enabled.
The Matrix Entry form (WCW10B) appears when you exit the Item Number column or
exiting the line on the Order Detail form (W4310A). The Matrix Entry form facilitates
entry of child style item quantities by attributes such as size and color.
(Release 9.1 Update) During purchase order entry, you can view the availability of
selected style items at the parent level (style item root level 0) or child level
(intermediate item level) for a branch/plant or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry
form. To view style item availability on the Matrix Entry form, you must embed the
Style Item Availability form on the Matrix Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item
field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style Item field of the Style Item Availability form.
See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User’s Guide.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management 11-9

Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items

Note: The Matrix Entry program supports only the primary UOM
when processing quantities regardless of the unit of measure entered
in the Purchase Orders program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the
style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to
notify you about the unit of measure difference. Also, the quantities
that you originally entered in the Purchase Orders program or in the
Matrix Entry grid are processed using the primary UOM regardless of
the UOM that was entered.
You can manually enter quantities in the Total Quantity field on the Matrix Entry form
and the system will use the size weight setup to allocate quantities across the sizes. To
enter quantities on the Order Detail form before the Matrix Entry form appears, first
enter a value in the Quantity Ordered field, then enter the style item in the Item
Number field, and then exit the row.
Note: If the Use Apparel Management Module system constant
(SY41F) is disabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410), then you can enter only the lowest level style item. You
cannot enter any intermediate level style item.

You can perform automatic splitting based on customer category code, item category
code, or a combination of both category codes. You define category codes in
user-defined code (UDC) 41F/00.
You define the splitting percent by size in the Automatic Splitting by Size Definition
program (PCW33). The system uses the following sequence to perform size splitting:

Exact match on both item category and address book category code values.


Exact match on either item category and address book category code values and
then blank for the other category code.


Blank values for both item category and address book category code values.


Else, no automatic size splitting is performed.
> Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature. Purchase Order Entry and Collections
The Purchase Orders program supports entry of purchase orders for style items by
collection and collection template. You set processing options on the Style tab of the
Purchase Orders program to facilitate the automatic use of collections at purchase
order entry.
You can enter a collection on the purchase order header and validate all of the style
items on the order to verify that they are part of the collection. The validation is driven
by a processing option setting.
You can also use collection templates to simplify purchase order entry. When you
attach a collection template to the purchase order, all of the style items for that
collection template automatically populate the lines in the Matrix Entry form. You can
then just enter the desired quantity for each of the style items.

11-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items

The collection template is not dependent on the collection fields on the Style tab of the
purchase order header. You can specify any collection template regardless of the field
values on the Style tab.
Within the Purchase Orders program, you can use a collection template by selecting
Style Templates from the Form menu to call the Style Templates program (PCW43).
You select a collection template on the Collection Template Search & Select form
(WCW43A) and the collection template is passed to the Matrix Entry form for
For the Purchase Orders program, you can also enter a collection template name in the
purchase order detail line instead of a style item number. The appropriate symbol
must precede the collection template in order for the system to recognize it. This
symbol is specified in the Prefix for Collection Templates processing option for the
Purchase Order Entry program (P4310). For example, if the prefix symbol is % and the
collection name is Fall, then you enter %Fall.
When you access the Matrix Entry form from the Work with Order Headers form, you
can modify only the existing style end items on the order.

11.5.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the task in this section:

Use the ZJDE0034 Order Entry - Style version of the Purchase Orders program
(P4310) to create purchase orders for style items.


Set the processing options on the Style tab of the Purchase Orders program.


Set the processing options for the version of Matrix Entry specified in the Style
Matrix Entry (PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab of the Purchase
Orders program.

See "Setting Processing Options for Purchase Orders (P4310)" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

11.5.3 Forms Used to Enter Purchase Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Work with Order


Purchase Order
(G41F18), Enter
Purchase Orders

Work with purchase
orders for style items.

Order Detail


On the Work with
Order Headers form,
click Add.

Enter purchase orders
for style items.

Matrix Entry


On the Work With
Order Headers form,
select a record and
select Style Matrix
Entry from the Row

Revise matrix lines on
purchase orders for
style items.

11.5.4 Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items
Access the Order Detail form.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management


Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items

Figure 11–5 Order Detail form

To enter purchase orders for style items:

Enter the order header information required for the order.
See "Entering Order Header Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.


On the Style tab, if you are using a collection with your order, complete the
following fields:

Enter a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the
same time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You
must enter a value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).
When you enter the collection, the remaining field values are automatically
populated based on that collection.


Season Code
Enter a code that specifies the season for which the collection is being


Season Year
Enter a code that specifies the year of manufacture of the collection.


Price Effective Date
Enter a date that determines the applicable price for the collection.

Optionally, you can prepopulate the collection fields based on processing option
Note: You must enter a valid combination of collection, season code,
and season year or you will receive an error. Also, if you have the
Validate Items Against Collection processing option for the Purchase
Orders program set to 1 or 2, the Collection field is a required field
and you will receive an error if you leave it blank.

11-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Entering Purchase Orders for Style Items


Enter the style item information, such as the quantity and item number, on the first
line and then exit the row.
When you exit the row, the system displays the Matrix Entry form (WCW10B).
Note: You can enter the style item root level 0 in the Item Number
column or be as specific as you would like. For example, you could
enter JEA and Matrix Entry will display all of the colors and sizes of
jeans. Or you could enter JEA.BLK and matrix entry will display all of
the sizes for black jeans.

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Procurement Management system is integrated with the Composite
Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item.
To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and
review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability

Instead of a style item number, you can also enter a collection
template name in the Item Number column. The appropriate symbol
must precede the collection template in order for the system to
recognize it. This symbol is specified in the Prefix for Collection
Templates processing option for the Purchase Orders program.


If you enter a collection template in the Item Number column, then
the system retrieves all of the style items associated with that
collection template and automatically populates the lines in the Matrix
Entry form with these items.

Enter the order quantity by attribute for each style item in the matrix.
If you have the processing option for Matrix Entry set to automatically split
quantities, then the quantities are already entered for each of the child style items
based on the quantity you entered in the Total Quantity field. The quantities are
split according to the size split set up for the matrix grid used by that particular
style item. You can manually override these quantities if you have the processing
option in Matrix Entry set to allow this.
See Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10).
The Total Original Quantity field at the bottom of the form
displays the original quantity that you entered on the purchase order
line. The Total Selected Quantities field reflects the total quantities that
you have entered in Matrix Entry. Use these fields to ensure that you
are maintaining the original quantity entered. If the Total Selected
Quantities is not equal to the Total Original Quantity, then you receive
an error when you attempt to create the order.


Also, if you do not enter a quantity on the purchase order line, then
the Total Original Quantity field is hidden on the Matrix Entry form.
Thus, the system does not perform any quantity balancing.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management


Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items

Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero
Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the
Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
as Y.

If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays
the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you
cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand
quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not
display that row.
If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program
is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the
quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

Once you have finished entering all of your desired quantities, click OK.
New lines are added to the purchase order to reflect the quantities ordered for
each of the child style items.


To add additional lines corresponding to another style item, enter the style item
information or collection template name on the first empty line, and then exit the


Click OK.
New lines are added to the purchase order to reflect the quantities ordered for
each of the child style items.


Click OK on the Order Detail form and then click Cancel.

11.6 Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items
This section provides an overview of blanket order release for style items, lists a
prerequisite, and discusses how to release blanket orders for style items.

11.6.1 Understanding Blanket Order Release for Style Items
You generate a blanket order for a parent style item to book resources from the
manufacturer when only forecasts are available and no sales orders exist. Once the first
sales orders are available, you generate the final forecast, which is precise to the
lowest-level child style items.
You can generate a purchase order from a blanket order if the blanket order was
created for any level of a style item using the Purchase Orders program (P4310). You
use the Generate POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release program (P43060) to
release all or part of the blanket order and generate purchase orders for a child style
item. The blanket order release generates purchase orders for the raw material
identifying the specific characteristics.
The Generate POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release program calls the Style
Substitute Items program (PCW48) to select a lowest level child style item of the
parent style item to create a firm purchase order from a blanket order. You cannot
substitute a style item if the item on the blanket order is a child style item.
The Style Substitute Items program provides a search and select over the Style End
Item Workfile table (F41F02WF), which is built from the Item Master (F4101) and Item

11-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items

Structure Definition (FCW02) tables. The F41F02WF table contains only the lowest
level child style items of the parent style item that is on the blanket order.
This diagram illustrates the release of a blanket order for style item root level 0 of
Figure 11–6

Blanket order release example

For example, you create a blanket order for the style item root level 0 Jeans (Item 1).
During the blanket order release process, you select the order and access the Substitute
Style Items Search & Select form (WCW48A). The system displays all of the child style
items, items 4 through 7. You select a single child style item and return it to the blanket
order release process to release a purchase order against the blanket order.
If you create a blanket order for item 2, then only items 4 and 5 appear in the
Substitute Style Items Search & Select form.
If the style item on a blanket order is already a child style item, then you cannot access
the Substitute Style Items Search & Select form.
Note: If the Use Apparel Management Module system constant
(SY41F) is disabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410), then the Substitute Style Itm option on the Form menu is
disabled in blanket order release. Example: Apparel Industry
In the apparel industry, you enter a blanket order for 2000 yards of style item FABRIC.
Once you know the colors of fabric required, you release partial quantities of the
blanket order to create purchase orders for the specific fabrics. At a time, you typically
release only one color on a purchase order. You release a partial quantity of the blanket
order and create a purchase order for 500 yards of the style item FABRIC.BLU. You
could also release a partial quantity of the blanket order and create a purchase order
for 500 yards of the item FABRIC.RED. The purchase orders consume portions of the
blanket order.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management


Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items

11.6.2 Prerequisite
Before you begin the task in this section, set the processing options for the Generate
POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release program (P43060).
See "Working with Requisitions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

11.6.3 Forms Used to Release Blanket Orders for Style Items
Form Name




Work With Order


Purchase Order
(G41F18), Order

Work with blanket
order release for style

Order Release


Select detail lines on
the Work With Order
Release form, and
click Select.

Release blanket orders
for style items.

Substitute Style Items
Search & Select


On the Order Release Select a child style
form, select Substitute item to release on a
Style Itm from the
purchase order.
Form menu.

11.6.4 Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items
Access the Order Release form.
Figure 11–7 Order Release form: Detail Information tab

To release blanket orders for style items:

Specify the quantity from the blanket order to release to the purchase order in the
Release Qty field on the Release Information tab.

11-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items


Enter the requested delivery date in the Requested field on the Dates tab.


Select the Substitute Style Itm option from the Form menu.
The system displays all child style items that correspond to the style item root
level 0.


Select a row for the child style item on the Substitute Style Items Search & Select
form and click Select.
The item number of the child style item selected on the Substitute Style Items
Search & Select form appears in the Item Number field on the Detail Information
tab of the Order Release form.


Click OK.


Review the blanket order quantities remaining to purchase within the blanket
order on the Work With Order Release form.


Click Close.


On the Cancel Order Generation Confirmation message, click OK to generate the
purchase orders.
If you click Cancel, then the system does not generate the purchase orders.


Review the list of generated purchase orders on the Generated Purchase Orders

10. Click Close.

11.7 Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items
You use the Print Purchase Order for Style Items program (RCW03) to print the
purchase order for style items in a matrix format. The report prints a header section for
each order on a new page. If a unit cost for a given style item level is different than any
other unit cost for that same style item level, then the report does not print the unit
cost. The report prints No Data Found if no orders are found within the data selection
criteria. This program only prints a report; it performs no updates.
This section discusses how to print purchase orders for style items.

11.7.1 Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items
Select Reports (G41F19), Print Purchase Order for Style Items.

Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management for Apparel Management


Printing Purchase Orders for Style Items

11-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management System


This appendix contains the following topics:

Section A.1, "Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management

A.1 Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
This table lists the tables used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management in
alphanumeric order:


Item Structure Detail (FCW01)

Stores the style item structure details. Each
style item structure consists of the levels of
variations that are applicable for a style item.

Item Structure Definition (FCW02)

Stores style items and their associated details.
It also includes the structure definition
associated with a style item root level 0.

Matrix Grid (FCW03)

Stores the size grids that can be used with a
particular item type. The system uses size grid
details while allocating inventory for sales

Collection Structure Definition (FCW05)

Stores the collection structure details and
different possible levels.

Collection Header (FCW06)

Stores the collection header details, effective
period, and season code.

Collection Detail (FCW07)

Stores the different collection levels and style
items that exist in a collection.

Category Codes Work File (FCW08)

Stores information about the category codes
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The data stored in the table is
fetched from the Item Master table (F4101).

Item Revisions Work File (FCW09)

Temporarily stores item master information
for a style item. The FCW09 table stores the
before and after images of the style item
master record from the Item Master table
(F4101). The changed information is inherited
by all the child level style items.

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System A-1

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Item Branch Work File (FCW10)

Stores the item branch information for a style
item temporarily. The FCW10 table stores the
before and after images of the style item
branch record from the Item Branch File table
(F4102). The changed information is inherited
by all the child level style items.

Item Base Price File Work File (FCW11)

Temporarily stores the item price information
of a style item for the Item Base Price File table
(F4106). The FCW11 table stores the before and
after images of the style item price record. The
changed information is inherited by all the
child style items.

Item Cost File Work File (FCW12)

Temporarily stores the item cost information
of a style item for the Item Cost File table
(F4105). The FCW12 table stores the before
and after images of the style item cost record.
The changed information is inherited by all
the child style items.

Item Location Work File (FCW13)

Temporarily stores the item locations
information of a style item for the Item
Location File table (F41021). The FCW13 table
stores the before and after images of the style
item location record. The changed information
is inherited by all the child level style items.

Item Master Tag Work File (FCW14)

Stores information for the Style Item Master
program in a temporary work file. This table is
subsequently cleared after you run the Clear
Style Item Master Work Files program
(RCW15). The records in this table are related
to the item master records that are stored in
F4101 and the Item Structure Definition
(FCW02) tables.

Work File F41171 (FCW15)

Stores the item branch master service/warranty extension information of a
style item for the Item Branch Master Service/Warranty Extension table (F41171) in
a temporary work file. The FCW15 table stores
the before and after images of the style item
branch master - service/warranty record. The
changed information is inherited by all the
child style items.

Work File F4016 (FCW16)

Stores information about the print messages
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The data stored in the table is
fetched from the Print Messages table (F4016).

Work File F41002 (FCW17)

Stores information about the Unit of Measure
Conversion Factors associated with a style
item in a temporary work file. The data stored
in the table is fetched from the Item Units of
Measure Conversion Factors table (F41002).

Work File F49075 (FCW18)

Stores information of the product mix
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The data stored in the table is
fetched from the Product Mix table (F49075).

A-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Work File F46010 (FCW19)

Stores information of the item profile
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The data stored in the table is
fetched from the Item Profile table (F46010).

Matrix Work File (FCW20)

Stores the details that appear during the
matrix entry. It also stores the collection
template. A collection template is a subset of
items from one or more collections. You can
add items from multiple collections to a
collection template.

Lot Master Work File (FCW22)

Stores lot information for style items such as
cost center, location, lot number, and short
item number.

Enter Work Order Work File (FCW25)

Stores work order information in a temporary
work file. The system populates this table with
the child work order information while
launching the Matrix Entry program (PCW10)
and clears it on closing the program. This table
relates the master work order record in
FCW65 table to the work order records for
child items that are stored in the Work Order
Master File (F4801) and FCW66 tables.

Proposal Order Line Details (FCW31)

Stores proposal details for an order line based
on the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211).
This table stores information for both
allocation and delivery proposals.

Item Shipping Information (F4908) Work File

Stores shipping information of style items in a
temporary work file. This table is
subsequently cleared after you run the Clear
Style Item Master Work Files program
(RCW15). The records in this table are related
to the item master records that are stored in
the F4101 and FCW02 tables.

Price List Header (FCW33)

Stores the price list header details
corresponding to a customer or customer
group, effective period of the collection, price
list number assigned by the system, audit
fields, and currency code.

Price List Detail (FCW34)

Stores the details of the items for which the
price list is applicable. It stores the details such
as system assigned price list number, levels of
the style item, and audit fields.

Rounding Methods (FCW35)

Stores the rounding method and rounding
range corresponding to both mathematical
and price point rounding.

Rounding Rules (FCW36)

Stores the rounding rules based on the
rounding method, which is stored in the
Rounding Methods table (FCW35).

Price List Exchange Rate (FCW38)

Stores the price list currency exchange rate,
which is specific for style items. The Price List
Exchange Rate program (PCW22) populates
the FCW38 table.

Priority Value for Category Codes (FCW39)

Stores the priority values for every category
code value (AC1–AC30) and country code,
which are used in the Commitment Rules for
Style Item program (PCW41).

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System A-3

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Price List Generation (FCW40)

Stores the tariff creation details when you
copy one price list to another price list. Also,
stores the rounding rule and coefficient used
for copying.

Commitment Rules (FCW41)

Stores the commitment rules that are used
during the calculation of allocations.

Price List Generation-Item Exception (FCW42) Stores the tariff creation detail when you
encounter any exceptions while you are
copying one price list to another price list.
Also, stores the rounding rule and coefficient
used for copying.
Proposal Processing Details (FCW43)

Stores the processing option values of the
Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
program (RCW06) by version that are set
when you run the Generate Allocation and
Delivery Proposals program. The processing
option settings for the Generate Allocation
and Delivery Proposals program are used by
the Allocation and Delivery Proposals
(PCW29) and Validate or Cancel Allocation
Proposals (RCW37) programs.

Proposal Order Details (FCW44)

Stores the proposal details for a sales order
based on the Sales Order Header File table
(F4201). Also, the FCW44 table stores
information for both allocation and delivery

Size Weights for Proposals (FCW46)

Stores the size weight information for different
sizes to be used during the proposal process.
This table stores information for both
allocation and delivery proposals.

Bill of Material Association Header (FCW48)

Stores information pertaining to the bill of
material association of the parent style item,
such as short item number, cost center, type of
bill, units batch quantity, status and quantity.
The Bill of Material for Style Items (PCW12B),
Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53),
Create Outsource Operation Details for Style
Items (PCW93), and Copy Outside Operation
Details (RCW93) programs populate the
FCW48 table.

Bill of Material Association Detail (FCW49)

Stores information pertaining to the bill of
material association for all the child style
items with components, such as short item
number, cost center, type of bill, units batch
quantity, level number, level code, status, and
component number item. The PCW12B,
RCW93, and PCW93 programs populate the
FCW49 table.

Bill of Material Association Matrix (FCW50)

Temporarily stores information pertaining to
the bill of material association for matrix style
items. The PCW12B program populates this

BOM Usage (FCW51)

Stores the bill of material usage. In usage, you
define the quantity of material that each
components require for each item level. The
PCW12B and PCW93 programs populate this

A-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Style Routing Master File (FCW52)

Stores the routing information of style items.
Routing instructions are the sequence of
operations carried out in the process of
manufacturing an item. The PCW93 and Work
With Routing Master (P3003) programs
populate this table.

Bill of Material Work File (FCW54)

Stores job number, user ID, short item number,
and final quantity in a temporary work file.
The PCW10 and PCW64 programs populate
this table.

Collection Templates Header (FCW55)

Stores the basic collection information that is
used in the collection template, such as name,
description, and audit information.

Collection Templates Detail (FCW56)

Stores the detailed information of collection
that is included in the collection template,
such as collection validity, items included, and
so on.

Work File Additional System Information
(F4101) (FCW57)

Stores additional system information
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The table stores information from
the F4101 table.

Item Master - Service/Warranty Extension
(F4117) Work File (FCW58)

Stores information of Customer Service
Extension associated with a style item in a
temporary work file. The table stores
information from the Item Master
Service/Warranty Extension table (F4117).

Bulk Item Master (F41011) Work File (FCW59)

Stores basic item information of bulk items in
a temporary work file. This table is
subsequently cleared after you run the Clear
Style Item Master Work Files program
(RCW15). The records in this table are related
to the bulk item master records that are stored
in the Bulk Item Master (F41011) and FCW02

Compositions (FCW60)

Stores the composition information of a style
item. The composition details consist of the
list of the materials that are used to make the
style item along with the respective
percentage of each. This table is populated by
the Composition Entry program (PCW44).

Additional Style Item Information (FCW61)

Stores additional category codes to provide
additional information for a style item such as
cleaning codes, washing instructions, and so
on. The system uses the additional
information for printing labels. This table is
populated during the style item creation
process. Additional style item information can
be updated through the Additional Style Item
Information program (PCW45), which is
available from the Row menu of the
Multi-level Item Revisions program

Compositions (FCW60) Work File (FCW62)

Stores composition information associated
with a style item in a temporary work file. The
table stores information from the
Compositions table (FCW60).

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Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Additional Style Item Information Work File

Stores additional style item information
associated with a style item in a temporary
work file. The table stores information from
the Additional Style Item Information table

WO Receipts Matrix Entry Work File (FCW64) Stores information for matrix entry in a
temporary work file. The Work Order
Completions Matrix Entry (PCW46) and
Master Work Order Processing for Style Items
(PCW49) programs populate the FCW64 table.
The system clears the table after the Clear
Style Item Master Work Files (RCW15)
program runs.
Work Order Header for Style Items (FCW65)

Stores the master work order header
information. This table is populated by the
PCW49 program upon data entry.

Work Order Detail for Style Items (FCW66)

Stores the detail information of a master work
order and associated child work order
numbers. This table is populated by the
PCW49 program upon data entry.

Style Work Order Parts List (FCW67)

Stores the details of parts lists for master work
orders. This table is populated by the Master
Work Order Parts List for Style Items program
(PCW50) upon data entry.

Style Work Order Routings (FCW68)

Stores the routing information for master
work orders. This table is populated by the
Work Order Routing for Style Items program
(PCW52) upon data entry.

Work Order Parts List Issues (FCW69)

Stores the information regarding work order
parts list issues information. This table is
populated by the Master Work Order Parts
List for Style Items program (PCW50) upon
data entry and also by Work Order
Completions Matrix Entry program (PCW46)
through the Row menu option to Completion
from the Work Order Processing for Style
Items program (PCW49).

Supplier Price/Catalog File - Header (FCW70) Stores general information related to the price
details, such as, branch/plant, catalog name,
supplier number, currency code, and effective
Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71)

Stores general information related to the
prices details, such as, branch/plant, style
item levels - 0 thru 9, item numbers, supplier
number, currency code, unit costs, quantities,
and effective dates.

A-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Work File F43090 (FCW83)

Temporarily stores the supplier/item
relationships information of a style item. The
FCW83 table stores the before and after
images of the style item's supplier/item
relationships information stored in the
Supplier/Item Relationships table (F43090).
The changed supplier/item relationships
information is inherited by all the child style
item of the style item by the PCW02A
application. The FCW83 table is subsequently
cleared after the changes are applied to child
style items. The system clears this table when
you run the Clear Style Item Master Work
Files program (RCW15).

Exchange Rate for Outsource Operations

Stores the exchange rate information for a
style item. This table is populated by the
Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource
Operations program (PCW62). The
information stored in this table will be used
while creating an outsource operation for a
style item by using the Create Outsource
Operation Details for Style Items (PCW93) and
Copy Outsource Operation Details (RCW93)

Item Cost Component Add Ons Work File

Stores the item cost component's add on
information for the style Item in a temporary
work file. This table is subsequently cleared
after you close the Multi Level Item Revision
program (PCW02A). The records in this table
are related to the item cost component add ons
records that are stored in the Item Cost
Component Add-Ons table (F30026).

BOM Quantity Work File (FCW86)

This table is used by the PCW12B program as
a work file for the bill of material quantity

Style Item Balance Purge Log (FCW87)

Stores information about style item balance
purge, such as job number, style item root
level 0, cost centers, short item number, 2nd
item number, and payroll status flags. The
Style Item Master (PCW51) and Collection
Item Master (PCW54) programs populate this
table. You run the Style Item Balance Purge
Log (RCW34) program to delete the table

Style Item Master Purge Log (FCW88)

Stores the item master records that could not
be purged. This table is populated when the
user tries to purge a style item master record
through the Style Item Master program
(PCW51) or through the Style Item Master
Purge program (RCW32). When a user tries to
get an item master record, the RCW32
program does the necessary validations to
check whether the record is eligible for
purging. Also, the FCW88 table maintains
item master records that are not eligible for

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System A-7

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items

Stores the inventory issues information for
work orders. This table is populated by the
Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items
program (PCW50) upon data entry and also
through the Row menu option to Inventory
Issues from Master Work Order Processing for
Style Items program (PCW49).

Copy to Outsource Operations for Style Items

Stores the outside operation information for a
style item. The Create Outsource Operation
Details for Style Items (PCW93) program
populates this table upon data entry.

Restore Composition Work File (FCW94)

Stores the composition information for a style
item in a temporary work file. This table is
subsequently cleared once you close the Multi
Level Item Revision program (PCW02A). The
records in this table are related to the item
master composition records that are stored in
the FCW60 table.

Material Analysis (FCW96)

Stores information that the system uses to
determine the availability of material
components used in the style item that are
included in the work order.

Grouping Messages (FCW97)

Store the messages, which were grouped
together in the Matrix Management of
Messages program (PCW47).

Item Level Type (FCW011)

Stores the levels that are associated with an
item structure. Details corresponding to each
level consist of the variations within the level.
For example, a level used to define color
consists of the various colors possible for a
style item. You can define a level that uses a
code to define variation by using a UDC and a
level that uses a grid to define variations by
entering the SRP. You can attach the level
types to a user-defined code value to define
the item structure and store the details in the
FCW01 table.

Automatic Splitting by Size Definition

Stores the splitting percentages for the size
definitions of a grid code of a style item. The
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition
(PCW33) program populates this table upon
data entry.

Style WO Component Scrap Information

Temporarily stores the work order component
scrap information. This table is populated by
the Master Work Order Parts List for Style
Items (PCW50) and Master Work Order
Processing for Style Items (PCW49) programs
upon data entry.

Fair Share Sprinkling Rate (FCW105)

Stores the dynamic sprinkling rate (fair share)
for a style item. This table is populated by the
Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program
(RCW60) if the Fair Share processing option
on the Conditions tab of the Generate
Allocations and Delivery Proposals program
(RCW06) is set to a value of Y.

A-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System



Simulation Detailed Parts List (FCW961)

Stores information that the system uses to
determine the availability of component items
for style items that are included in the work

Simulation Consolidated Parts List (FCW962)

Stores information that the system uses to
determine the availability of component items
on a consolidated basis for all style items that
are included in the work order.

Adjustment Calculation (FCW963)

Stores information that the system uses to
adjust the quantities for each parts list during
a quantity change based on the minimum and
multiplier quantity.

FCW02 Item Structure Definition Unedited
Transaction Table (FCW02Z1)

Stores the details of inbound style items.
When you run the Style Item Inbound
Processor report (RCW02Z1), the system
copies all the details that are stored in the
FCW02Z1 table to the FCW02 table.

Style End Item Workfile (F41F02WF)

Stores the end items for a parent style item
and is used by the Substitute Style Item
program (PCW48).

Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File

Stores sales order header and collection
information in a tag file. Stores such
information as collection, collection season
code, collection season year, price effective
date, and order date for a style sales order.
This table also contains fields for future use.

Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History
File (F41F2019)

Stores sales order header style item tag history
data. This table is a replica of the Sales Order
Header Style Items Tag File (F41F201T).

Purchase Order Header Style Items Tag File

Store purchase order header and collection
information as a tag table to the Purchase
Order Header table (F4301).

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System A-9

Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

A-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Apparel Management Implementation Guide

An alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you
want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job,
project, work center, branch, or plant. You can assign a business unit to a document,
entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system
provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to
track equipment by responsible department. Business unit security might prevent you
from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.
A coherent assortment of items:

Introduced at the same time.


For one brand (manufacturer).


For one season and year.


For one market.

A collection is marketed during a limited period of time. A collection can be
segmented; for example, a collection might consist of items for men, women, and
children. A single item can belong to several collections at the same time.
For example, 50, 100, or 1000 styles may be in one collection.
You may also use collections for catalogs.
The specific color of an item.
A way to manage changes to style items and groups of style items that should not
inherit the changes for specific fields where changes have already been applied.
If you make changes to child style items, then the properties that you change become
exceptions so that changes made at the parent level are not inherited. Exceptions are
exempt from inheritance so that they are not overwritten. The system validates
exceptions by field and not by record.
For example, if you specify a price for a shirt at style item root level 0, then this price is
inherited by the child style items. If you change the price for the shirt with an extra
large (XL) size, then any further changes to price at a higher level will not be inherited
by the XL size shirt.



Style item data passes from the style item root level 0 (parent item) to the child-level
style items. The child level style item inherits its characteristics from the style item root
level 0 item at the time of both item creation and item modification.
A label must contain made-in, composition, and user cleaning code information for a
style item. You can define one or several compositions for each style item. For
example, in the apparel industry, you define the composition of the main fabric and
lining used in the style item.
An option that is a selectable characteristic of an item, for example, a pocket on a shirt,
color, or zipper.
An option may also be referred to as a variable.
The design or drawing of the item.
Style item
An item that is assembled from characteristics such as style, fabric, color, length, and
other variables. Items can be up to 10 levels deep.
Style Item Root Level 0
A code that represents the parent style item (or first level) in a multi-level structure of
style items. You can have up to 10 levels starting at level 0 through level 9 in an item
structure. The parent item is the first level in the multi-level item structure, and it is
termed as style item root level 0. The style item root level 0 stores the style item
definitions. The basic attributes defined at the first level are inherited by the lower
level (or children) style items in the hierarchy.
For example, jeans (JEA) are setup as style item root level 0. A child item of the jeans is
JEA.BLACK.ZIP.28.30, which is a pair of black jeans with a zipper, a waist of 28 inches,
and length of 30 inches.


activating the Apparel Management system, 3-1
Additional Style Item Information (PCW45)
Additional Style Item Information form, 4-32
overview, 4-29
Additional Style Item Information form, 4-32
Additional Style Item Information form
(WCW45A), 4-23
Additional Style Item Information table
(FCW61), 4-29, 8-7, A-5
Additional Style Item Information Work File table
(FCW63), 10-7, A-6
Address Book Master table (F0101), 7-8
adjust inventory for style items
overview, 4-50
prerequisites, 4-51
Adjustment Calculation form, 9-6
Adjustment Calculation table (FCW963), A-9
adjustment calculations
example 1, 9-7
example 2, 9-7
overview, 9-6
calculating, 9-6
Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
(PCW29), 7-17
processing options, 7-46
usage, 7-45
Allocation Process Tables diagram, 7-17
allocation proposals
generating, 7-38
setting up and running the algorithm
example, 7-26
understanding, 7-22
understanding the algorithm, 7-22
generating delivery proposals, 7-44
generating proposals, 7-38
performing automatically, 7-20
performing manually, 7-14
proposal validation overview, 7-45
reviewing allocation and delivery proposals, 7-50
reviewing items for allocation and delivery
proposals, 7-48
reviewing order details for allocation and delivery

proposals, 7-49
reviewing orders for allocation and delivery
proposals, 7-48
setting up and running the algorithm
example, 7-26
understanding delivery proposals, 7-38
understanding proposals, 7-22
understanding the algorithm for delivery
proposals, 7-39
understanding the algorithm for proposals, 7-22
validating proposals by batch, 7-50
Allocations for Apparel Management, 7-1
Allocations Integration diagram, 7-3
apparel industry, 2-2
material planning example, 9-3
Apparel Management
business processes, 1-2
implementation, 1-5
implementation steps, 1-6
integrations, 1-2
overview, 1-1
Apparel Management Module system constant, 9-5
Apparel Management system overview, 2-5
Apparel Product Life Cycle diagram, 2-3
Associations by Column Position diagram, 8-6
automatic allocations
creating shipments for style items, 7-18
performing, 7-15, 7-20
Automatic Allocations Process diagram, 7-15
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition (PCW33)
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form, 4-11
usage, 4-11
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form, 4-11
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition table
(FCW031), A-8
calculating, 9-5
availability calculations
example, 9-6
overview, 9-5

backordering, 6-4
beachwear, 2-4
Bill of Material Association Detail table


(FCW49), 8-3, A-4
Bill of Material Association Header table
(FCW48), 8-3, A-4
Bill of Material Association Matrix table
(FCW50), 8-5, A-4
Bill of Material Associations by Color diagram, 8-5
Bill of Material Associations by Size diagram, 8-5
Bill of Material Exception program (PCW34), 8-6
Bill of Material for Style Items program
(PCW12B), 8-3
Bill of Material Revisions program (P3002), 8-3
Bill of Material Work File table (FCW54), A-5
bills of material
copying, 8-13
defining exceptions, 8-12
entering associations, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-10
entering associations by color, 8-5
entering associations by size, 8-5
entering style item root level 0, 8-10
entering usage, 8-12
generation child style items by batch, 8-13
generation child style items on demand, 8-13
blanket order release, 11-14
Blanket Order Release Example diagram, 11-15
BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53), 8-7
BOM Quantity Work File table (FCW86), A-7
BOM Usage table (FCW51), 8-6, A-4
Build Collection form, 5-11
Bulk Item Master (F41011) Work File table
(FCW59), A-5
Business Interface Integration Objects, 1-6
Business Object Reservation table (F00095), 10-10

Calculate Allocation and Delivery Proposals
(RCW08), 7-16
Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program
(RCW60), 7-16
category codes
setting the priority value in commitment
rules, 7-13
Category Codes (W4101B), 4-24
Category Codes Work File table (FCW08), A-1
cleaning codes
adding, 4-32
overview, 4-30
Collection Detail (PCW08)
Collection Detail form, 5-12
overview, 5-7
Collection Detail by Style Item (PCW082)
overview, 5-8
Collection Detail form, 5-12
Collection Detail table (FCW07), 5-8, A-1
Collection Header table (FCW06), A-1
Collection Item Master program (PCW54), 8-7
Collection Management (PCW07)
Collection Revisions form, 5-10
processing options, 5-9
Collection Revisions form, 5-10


collection structure code, 5-5
Collection Structure Definition form, 5-6
Collection Structure Definition table (FCW05), A-1
collection structures
building, 5-11
defining, 5-6
overview, 5-2, 5-5
prerequisites, 5-5
Collection Template Detail form, 5-16
Collection Template List (RCW10), 5-17
collection templates
building, 5-16
defining template name, 5-16
overview, 5-14
prerequisites, 5-15
Collection Templates Detail table (FCW56), A-5
Collection Templates Entry (PCW42)
Collection Template Detail form, 5-16
Collection Templates Header table (FCW55), A-5
adding style items, 5-12
building, 5-11
creating a collection header, 5-10
creation overview, 5-7
entering purchase orders, 11-10
overview, 5-1
process flow diagram, 5-3
steps to define, 5-2
working with master work orders, 10-3
commitment rules, 7-8
defining, 7-12
defining codes, 7-11
setting the priority value for category codes, 7-13
Commitment Rules - User Defined Codes form, 7-11
Commitment Rules for Style Item program
(PCW41), 7-8
Commitment Rules table (FCW41), 7-8, 7-16, A-4
company UCC codes
defining, 4-35
Component Scrap program (P31116), 10-10
overview, 4-29
prerequisites, 4-30
working with, 4-31
Composition Entry (PCW44)
overview, 4-29
Compositions (FCW60) Work File table
(FCW62), A-5
Compositions table (FCW60), 4-29, A-5
Copy Bill of Material for Style Items form, 8-13
Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (PCW93)
processing options, 8-23
Copy to Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (RCW93), 8-21
Copy to Outsource Operations for Style Items table
(FCW93), A-8
copying details, 8-29
costume jewelry, 2-5
Create Allocation and Delivery Proposal Lists

(RCW09), 7-16
Create and Process Child Style Items program
(RCW01), 4-21
overview, 4-36
Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53)
usage, 8-3
Create Collection Detail Structure (PCW16)
Build Collection form, 5-11
overview, 5-7
Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items
program (PCW93), 8-20
creating collections, 5-7
Customer Billing Instructions program (P03013), 7-7
Customer Master program (P03013), 7-9

data purging, 6-4
Define Bill of Material Association by {Variable
Name} form, 8-10
Define Bill of Material Association by Usage
form, 8-12
Define Collection Structure Code (PCW06)
Collection Structure Definition form, 5-6
Define Commitment Rules for Style Items form, 7-8,
delivery proposals
generating, 7-44
understanding, 7-38
understanding the algorithm, 7-39

EAN13, 4-33
Enter Bill of Material Information form, 8-10
Enter Routing Information form, 8-17
Enter Work Order Work File table (FCW25), A-3
Enter/Change Routing program (P3003), 8-14
EnterpriseOne System Control - Revisions form, 3-2
EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410), 11-10
adjustment calculation 1, 9-7
adjustment calculation 2, 9-7
availability calculation, 9-6
setting up and running the algorithm for allocation
proposals, 7-26
exception management
overview, 4-6
Exchange Rate for Outsource Operations table
(FCW84), A-7
exchange rates
overview, 6-15
prerequisite, 6-15
setting up, 6-16
Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations
Detail form, 8-20, 8-22
Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations
program (PCW62)
usage, 8-20

F00095 table, 10-10
F0101 table, 7-8
F3003 table, 8-15
F3111 table, 10-6
F3112 table, 10-6
F4101 table, 11-15
F41021 table, 7-16
F4105 table, 8-21
F41061 table, 11-5
F41F02WF table, 11-15, A-9
F41F2019 table, 6-4, A-9
F41F201T table, 6-4, A-9
F41F301T table, A-9
F4201 table, 7-16
F4211 table, 7-9, 7-16
F4801 table, 10-4, 10-6, 10-9
F4801T table, 10-6
Fair Share Sprinkling Rate table (FCW105), 7-16, A-8
FCW01 table, 6-24, A-1
FCW011 table, A-8
FCW02 Item Structure Definition Unedited
Transaction table (FCW02Z1), A-9
FCW02 table, 4-2, 8-7, 11-15, A-1
FCW02Z1 table, A-9
FCW03 table, A-1
FCW031 table, A-8
FCW05 table, A-1
FCW06 table, A-1
FCW07 table, 5-8, A-1
FCW08 table, A-1
FCW09 table, A-1
FCW10 table, A-2
FCW103 table, A-8
FCW105 table, 7-16, A-8
FCW11 table, A-2
FCW12 table, A-2
FCW13 table, A-2
FCW14 table, A-2
FCW15 table, A-2
FCW16 table, A-2
FCW17 table, A-2
FCW18 table, A-2
FCW19 table, A-3
FCW20 table, 6-24, A-3
FCW22 table, A-3
FCW25 table, A-3
FCW31 table, 7-16, A-3
FCW32 table, A-3
FCW33 table, A-3
FCW34 table, A-3
FCW35 table, 6-11, A-3
FCW36 table, 6-12, A-3
FCW38 table, A-3
FCW39 table, 7-8, A-3
FCW40 table, A-4
FCW41 table, 7-8, 7-16, A-4
FCW42 table, A-4
FCW43 table, 7-16, A-4
FCW44 table, 7-16, A-4

FCW46 table, 7-16, A-4
FCW48 table, 8-3, A-4
FCW49 table, 8-3, A-4
FCW50 table, 8-5, A-4
FCW51 table, 8-6, A-4
FCW52 table, 8-15, A-5
FCW54 table, A-5
FCW55 table, A-5
FCW56 table, A-5
FCW57 table, A-5
FCW58 table, A-5
FCW59 table, A-5
FCW60 table, 4-29, A-5
FCW61 table, 4-29, 8-7, A-5
FCW62 table, A-5
FCW63 table, 10-7, A-6
FCW64 table, A-6
FCW65 table, 10-4, 10-7, 10-9, A-6
FCW66 table, 10-2, 10-5, 10-6, A-6
FCW67 table, 10-5, A-6
FCW68 table, 10-6, A-6
FCW69 table, A-6
FCW70 table, A-6
FCW71 table, A-6
FCW83 table, A-7
FCW84 table, A-7
FCW85 table, A-7
FCW86 table, A-7
FCW87 table, A-7
FCW88 table, A-7
FCW89 table, A-8
FCW93 table, A-8
FCW94 table, A-8
FCW96 table, A-8
FCW961 table, A-9
FCW962 table, A-9
FCW963 table, A-9
FCW97 table, A-8
integrations, 1-3
furniture industry, 2-2

Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program
(RCW06), 7-15
processing options, 7-34
usage, 7-8
Generate EAN13 report
overview, 4-33
Generate EAN13 report (RCW28)
running, 4-35
Generate Price List (RCW07)
processing option, 6-21
usage, 6-22
Generate Price List Detail form, 6-21
generate style items by batch
overview, 4-36
global implementation steps, 1-5
grid code, 4-10


Grouping Messages program (PCW97), 9-2, 9-4
Grouping Messages table (FCW97), A-8

Hours and Quantities program (P311221),


Apparel Management, 1-5
Apparel Management-specific, 1-6
global steps, 1-5
implementation steps, 1-6
Incorrect Associations by Level Number
diagram, 8-5
industry environment and concepts, 2-1
industry trades, 2-6
Industry Trades for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Apparel Management diagram, 2-6
Integration, 1-6
Integration of Procurement Management for Apparel
Management diagram, 11-1
allocation, 2-6
Apparel Management, 1-2
Financials, 1-3
Inventory Management, 1-3, 2-5
Manufacturing Management, 1-3
Procurement, 1-4
Procurement and Subcontract Management, 1-4
Procurement Management, 2-6
Product Costing and Manufacturing
Accounting, 1-4
Product Data Management, 1-3, 2-6
Requirements Planning, 1-4, 2-6
Sales Order Management, 1-4, 2-6
Shop Floor Management, 1-3, 2-6
Transportation Management, 1-4
Warehouse Management, 1-5
Inventory Adjustments program (P4114), 4-51
inventory for style items
adjusting, 4-52
issuing, 4-49
transferring, 4-55
Inventory Issues program (P4112), 4-47
Inventory Management
integrations, 1-3
inventory transactions
overview, 4-7
Inventory Transfers program (P4113), 4-54
issue inventory for style items
overview, 4-47
prerequisites, 4-48
Item Base Price File Work File table (FCW11), A-2
Item Branch program (P41026), 8-21
Item Branch Work File table (FCW10), A-2
Item Branch/Plant program (P41026), 7-7
Item Collection Detail (PCW081)
overview, 5-7

Item Cost Component Add Ons Work File
(FCW85), A-7
Item Cost File table (F4105), 8-21
Item Cost File Work File table (FCW12), A-2
item exceptions, 6-23
item hierarchy
creating, 4-20
overview, 4-19
Item Level Type (PCW011)
Item Level Type Revisions form, 4-14
usage, 4-14
Item Level Type program (PCW011)
Item Level Type table (FCW011), 4-4
Item Level Type Revisions form, 4-14
Item Level Type table (FCW011), A-8
Item Location File table (F41021), 7-16
Item Location Work File table (FCW13), A-2
item management
overview, 4-1
Item Master - Service/Warranty Extension (F4117)
Work File table (FCW58), A-5
Item Master program (P4101), 7-7, 8-21
Item Master Revisions form (W4101A), 4-24
Item Master table (F4101), 11-15
Item Master Tag Work File table (FCW14), A-2
item revisions
creating, 4-37
overview, 4-36
Item Revisions Work File table (FCW09), A-1
Item Shipping Information (F4908) Work File table
(FCW32), A-3
item structure code, 4-16
Item Structure Definition form (WCW02B), 4-23
Item Structure Definition table (FCW02), 4-2, 8-7,
11-15, A-1
Item Structure Detail table (FCW01), 6-24, A-1
item structures
defining, 4-16
item structure code, 4-16
overview, 4-15

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
Business Process Flow diagram, 1-2
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management
System Integrations diagram, 1-2

overview, 4-29
prerequisites, 4-30
leather goods, 2-5
level column headings, 4-18
level types
defining, 4-14
overview, 4-12
prerequisite, 4-13
lingerie, 2-4

Lot Master Work File table (FCW22),


manual allocations
performing, 7-13, 7-14
Manual Allocations Process diagram, 7-14
Manufacturing Management
integrations, 1-3
Manufacturing Work Order Processing program
(P48013), 10-7, 10-10
mass update of sales order style items
overview, 6-34
prerequisites, 6-34, 6-37
Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program
(R3483), 9-2
Master Work Order Example diagram, 10-2
Master Work Order for Style Items form, 10-18
Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items
form, 10-4, 10-20, 10-21, 10-22, 10-23
Master Work Order Parts List Details for Style Items
form (WCW50E), 10-8
Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program
(PCW50), 10-4, 10-9
Master Work Order Process diagram, 10-7
Master Work Order Processing for Style Items
program (PCW49), 10-6, 10-8
processing options, 10-13
usage, 10-4
Master Work Order Revisions for Style Items
form, 10-19, 10-20
master work orders, 10-2
completing, 10-24
creating parts lists, 10-20
creating routing instructions, 10-22
entering details, 10-19
entering headers, 10-18
issuing inventory, 10-8, 10-22
processing, 10-6, 10-22
reversing inventory, 10-23
reviewing, 10-20
revising parts lists, 10-21
working with headers, 10-11
working with order details, 10-4
working with order headers, 10-4
working with parts lists, 10-4
working with routing instructions, 10-6
Material Analysis program (PCW96), 9-2, 9-5
Material Analysis table (FCW96), A-8
Material Planning Operations for Apparel
Management, 9-1
Material Planning Process for Style Items
diagram, 9-2
material shortage, 9-5
overview, 4-5
matrix entry
level column headings, 4-18
Matrix Entry (PCW10)
overview, 6-24


Matrix Entry program (PCW10), 10-2
usage, 11-8, 11-9
Matrix Grid program (PCW03), 9-4
Matrix Grid table (FCW03), A-1
Matrix Management of Messages program (PCW47)
processing options, 9-10
usage, 9-2, 9-4
Matrix Work File (FCW20), 6-24, A-3
MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions program
(P3411), 9-2, 9-5
MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program
(R3482), 9-2
Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A)
Multi Level Item Revision form, 4-37
overview, 4-36
Multi Level Item Revisions form (WCW02AB), 4-24

sockets, 2-4
socks, 2-4
sporting attire, 2-5
steel industry, 2-2
understanding allocation and delivery proposal
validation, 7-45
understanding allocation proposals, 7-22
understanding automatic allocations, 7-15
understanding bills of material, 8-2
understanding delivery proposals, 7-38
understanding manual allocations, 7-13
understanding outsource operations, 8-18
understanding routing instructions, 8-14
understanding shipment creation in automatic
allocations, 7-18
understanding the algorithm for allocation
proposals, 7-22
understanding the algorithm for delivery
proposals, 7-39
understanding the standard commitment
process, 7-7

next numbers
setting up, 3-4
next numbers setup,


On-Demand Bill-of-Material Creation Process for
Style Items diagram, 8-3
Order Detail form, 11-9, 11-11
Order Header Revisions form, 6-27
Order Processing program (R31410), 10-6
Order Release form, 11-16
outside operations, 8-29
creating details, 8-26
setting up exchange rates, 8-22
outsource operations
copying details, 8-29
creating details, 8-26
setting up exchange rates, 8-22
Outsource operations process for style items
diagram, 8-18
Allocations for Apparel Management, 7-1
apparel industry, 2-2
Apparel Management system, 2-5
beachwear, 2-4
costume jewelry, 2-5
furniture industry, 2-2
industry trades, 2-6
leather goods, 2-5
lingerie, 2-4
Material Planning Operations for Apparel
Management, 9-1
paper industry, 2-2
Procurement Management for Apparel
Management, 11-1
Procurement Management for Apparel
Management process steps, 11-3
Product Data Management for Apparel
Management, 8-1
setting up commitment rules, 7-8


P00095 program, 10-10
P03013 program, 7-7, 7-9
P3002 program, 8-3
P3003 program, 8-14
P31113 program, 10-8
P31114 program, 10-10
P31116 program, 10-10
P311221 program, 10-10
P31123 program, 10-6, 10-10
P3411 program, 9-2, 9-5
P4101 program, 7-7, 8-21
P41026 program, 7-7, 8-21
P41061 program, 11-5
P4112 program, 4-47
P4113 program, 4-54
P4114 program, 4-51
P4205 program, 7-8
P4210 program, 7-8
overview, 6-30
prerequisites, 6-30
processing options, 6-30
P42101 program, 7-8
Order Header Revisions form, 6-27
prerequisites, 6-26
usage, 6-27
P43060 program, 11-8, 11-14
P4310 program, 11-3, 11-8, 11-9
P4312 program, 11-3
P4314 program, 11-3
P48013 program, 10-7, 10-10
P99410 program, 11-10
paper industry, 2-2
PCW011 program
Item Level Type Revisions form, 4-14
usage, 4-14
PCW02A program

overview, 4-36
PCW03 program, 9-4
PCW05 program, 4-38
PCW06 program
Collection Structure Definition form, 5-6
PCW07 program
Collection Revisions form, 5-10
processing options, 5-9
PCW08 program
Collection Detail form, 5-12
overview, 5-7
PCW081 program
overview, 5-7
PCW082 program
overview, 5-8
PCW10 program, 10-2
overview, 6-24
usage, 11-8, 11-9
PCW12B program, 8-3
PCW16 program
Build Collection form, 5-11
overview, 5-7
PCW17 program
overview, 6-7
processing options, 6-9
PCW18 program
overview, 6-11
PCW19 program
overview, 6-12
Rounding Rules Detail form, 6-14
PCW23 program, 7-8
PCW25 program
Generate Price List Detail form, 6-21
processing options, 6-20
usage, 6-21
PCW29 program, 7-17
processing options, 7-46
usage, 7-45
PCW33 program
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form, 4-11
usage, 4-11, 11-10
PCW34 program, 8-6
PCW35 program, 8-14
PCW36 program, 8-14
PCW41 program, 7-8
PCW42 program
Collection Template Detail form, 5-16
PCW43 program
usage, 11-11
PCW44 program
overview, 4-29
PCW45 program
Additional Style Item Information form, 4-32
overview, 4-29
PCW47 program
processing options, 9-10
usage, 9-2, 9-4
PCW48 program
usage, 11-14
PCW49 program, 10-6, 10-8

processing options, 10-13
usage, 10-4
PCW50 program, 10-4, 10-9
PCW51 program, 4-21, 8-7, 8-14
usage, 8-3
PCW52 program, 10-6
PCW54 program, 8-7, 8-14
overview, 5-18
processing options, 5-19
usage, 5-21
processing options, 11-6
PCW55 program
usage, 11-5
PCW61 program
overview, 6-34
prerequisites, 6-34
processing options, 6-34
Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Item Lines
form, 6-37
usage, 6-37
PCW62 program
processing options, 8-22
usage, 8-20
PCW93 program, 8-20
processing options, 8-23
PCW96 program, 9-2, 9-5
PCW97 program, 9-2, 9-4
planning messages
adding quantities by size, 9-12
calculating adjustments, 9-13
generating transfer orders, 9-14
grouping, 9-13
processing, 9-12
splitting, 9-13
understanding, 9-4
PO Receipts program (P4312), 11-3
POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release
program (P43060), 11-8, 11-14
Allocations for Apparel Management, 7-3
creating routing instructions, 8-16
entering blanket orders, 11-8
entering purchase orders, 11-11
generating allocation proposals, 7-34
generating delivery proposals, 7-44
performing manual allocations, 7-14
Procurement Management for Apparel
Management, 11-4
Product Data Management for Apparel
Management, 8-2
releasing blanket orders, 11-16
setting up bills of material, 8-8
setting up commitment rules, 7-10
setting up outsource operations, 8-21
working with planning messages, 9-8
Price List Creation Report (RCW23), 6-11
Price List Detail table (FCW34), A-3
Price List Exchange Rate table (FCW38), A-3
price list exchange rates


exchange rates, 6-15
price list generation
overview, 6-16
prerequisites, 6-19
Price List Generation (PCW25)
Generate Price List Detail form, 6-21
processing options, 6-20
usage, 6-21
Price List Generation table (FCW40), A-4
Price List Generation-Item Exception table
(FCW42), A-4
Price List Header table (FCW33), A-3
Price List program (PCW17)
overview, 6-7
processing options, 6-9
price lists
creating item exceptions, 6-23
generating, 6-21
generating for one style item, 6-22
overview, 6-5
prerequisites, 6-8
process diagram, 6-6
purging, 6-11
setting up, 6-9
steps to define, 6-6
price rounding methods
rounding methods, 6-11
price rounding rules
rounding rules, 6-12
Print Pick Slips program (R42520), 7-8
Print Purchase Order for Style Items program
(RCW03), 11-3
Print Purchase Receiver program (R43510), 11-3
Print Sales Order for Style Items (RCW02), 6-33
Priority Category Codes Detail form, 7-13
Priority Category Codes program (PCW23), 7-8
Priority Value for Category Codes table
(FCW39), 7-8, A-3
integrations, 1-4
Procurement and Subcontract Management
integrations, 1-4
Procurement Management for Apparel
Management, 11-1
purging data, 11-4
understanding blanket order release, 11-14
understanding blanket orders, 11-8
understanding purchase order print, 11-17
understanding purchase orders, 11-9
understanding purchase prices, 11-5
Procurement Management for Apparel Management
process steps, 11-3
Procurement Management Process for Style Items
diagram, 11-3
Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting
integrations, 1-4
product costing and manufacturing accounting, 8-7
Product Data Management
integrations, 1-3
Product Data Management for Apparel


Management, 8-1
product structure
overview, 4-3
Proposal Item List form, 7-49
Proposal Order Detail form, 7-49
Proposal Order Details table (FCW44), 7-16, A-4
Proposal Order Line Details table (FCW31), 7-16,
Proposal Order List form, 7-48
Proposal Processing Details table (FCW43), 7-16, A-4
Proposal Revisions form, 7-50
reviewing for allocation and delivery, 7-50
reviewing items for allocation and delivery, 7-48
reviewing order details for allocation and
delivery, 7-49
reviewing orders for allocation and delivery, 7-48
validating for allocation by batch, 7-50
purchase order entry and collections, 11-10
Purchase Order for Style Items program
(RCW03), 11-17
Purchase Order Header Style Items Tag File table
(F41F301T), A-9
purchase order print, 11-17
Purchase Order Print program (R43500), 11-3
Purchase Orders program (P4310), 11-3, 11-8, 11-9
Purchase Price Process for Style Items diagram, 11-5
purchase prices, 11-5, 11-7
purge data, 11-4

Quantity Ordered Calculation Example
diagram, 10-5

R31410 program, 10-6
R31F410 program, 8-21, 10-10
processing options, 10-18
usage, 10-4, 10-6
R3482 program, 9-2
R3483 program, 9-2
R41F050 program, 10-9
R42520 program, 7-8
R42995 program, 6-5, 7-3
R43500 program, 11-3
R43510 program, 11-3
overview, 4-36
RCW01 program, 4-21
RCW02 program, 6-33
RCW03 program, 11-3, 11-17
RCW04 program, 4-47
RCW06 program, 7-15
processing options, 7-34
usage, 7-8
RCW07 program
processing option, 6-21
usage, 6-22

RCW08 program, 7-16
RCW09 program, 7-16
RCW10 report, 5-17
RCW23 program, 6-11
RCW28 report
overview, 4-33
processing options, 4-35
RCW29V program, 7-17, 7-45
RCW32 report, 4-22
overview, 4-43
processing options, 4-44
RCW33 report
overview, 4-44
processing options, 4-45
RCW34 report, 4-22
overview, 4-46
RCW36 report, 4-22
overview, 4-46
RCW37 program, 7-18, 7-45
processing options, 7-47
RCW53 program, 8-7
usage, 8-3
RCW60 program, 7-16
RCW93 program, 8-21
Remove Business Object Reservation program
(P00095), 10-10
repost active sales orders, 7-3
Repost Active Sales Orders (R42995), 6-5
Repost Active Sales Orders program (R42995), 7-3
Requirements Planning
integrations, 1-4
Restore Composition Work File table (FCW94), A-8
review item availability
overview, 4-38
Rounding Method program (PCW18)
overview, 6-11
rounding methods
mathematical rounding, 6-11
overview, 6-11
prerequisites, 6-12
price point rounding, 6-11
setting up, 6-13
Rounding Methods table (FCW35), 6-11, A-3
rounding rules
overview, 6-12
prerequisites, 6-12
setting up, 6-14
Rounding Rules Detail form, 6-14
Rounding Rules program (PCW19)
overview, 6-12
Rounding Rules Detail form, 6-14
Rounding Rules table (FCW36), 6-12, A-3
Routing creation process for style items
diagram, 8-15
Routing Exception program (PCW36), 8-14
routing instructions
defining exceptions, 8-18
entering style item root level 0, 8-17
generation for child style items, 8-17
Routing Master File table (F3003), 8-15

Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Item Lines
form, 6-37
Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Items (PCW61)
overview, 6-34
prerequisites, 6-34
processing options, 6-34
Sales Order - Mass Update for Style Item Lines
form, 6-37
usage, 6-37
Sales Order Detail File table (F4211), 7-9, 7-16
Sales Order Entry (P4210)
overview, 6-30
prerequisites, 6-30
processing options, 6-30
Sales Order Entry (P42101)
Order Header Revisions form, 6-27
prerequisites, 6-26
usage, 6-27
sales order entry for style items
overview, 6-23
prerequisites, 6-26
setup considerations, 6-25
usage, 6-27
using collections with, 6-25, 6-27
Sales Order Entry program (P4210), 7-8
Sales Order Entry program (P42101), 7-8
Sales Order Header File table (F4201), 7-16
Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File
(F41F201T), 6-4
Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File table
(F41F201T), A-9
Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History File
(F41F2019), 6-4
Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History File table
(F41F2019), A-9
Sales Order Management
backordering, 6-4
data purging, 6-4
features, 6-2
integrations, 1-4
overview, 6-1
prerequisites, 6-5
process flow, 6-3
sales orders
reposting, 7-3
season code, 5-5
season year, 5-5
second description of company UCC codes
accessing, 4-34
set up next numbers, 3-3
Set Up Next Numbers by System form, 3-3, 3-4
setting up next numbers, 3-4
activate the Apparel Management system, 3-1
Shipment Confirmation program (P4205), 7-8
Shop Floor Management
integrations, 1-3
Shop Floor Management for Apparel
Management, 10-1

Simulation Consolidated Parts List table
(FCW962), A-9
Simulation Detailed Parts List table (FCW961), A-9
Size Definition program (PCW33)
usage, 11-10
Size Definitions for Matrix Grid Revisions form, 4-9
size management, 4-7
size matrix grid
defining, 4-10
overview, 4-7
size split, 4-11
size weight, 4-11
Size Weights for Proposal table (FCW46), 7-16
Size Weights for Proposals table (FCW46), A-4
sockets, 2-4
socks, 2-4
SPLITC, 4-12
SPLITI, 4-12
sporting attire, 2-5
standard commitment process, 7-7
standard items to style item conversion
overview, 4-47
Standard Sales Order Management Commitment
Process diagram, 7-7
steel industry, 2-2
Style End Item Workfile table (F41F02WF), 11-15,
style item
copying, 4-27
style item availability
reviewing, 4-42
Style Item Availability program (PCW05), 4-38
processing options, 4-39
Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34), 4-22
overview, 4-46
Style Item Balance Purge Log table (FCW87), A-7
Style Item Balance Purge report (RCW33)
overview, 4-44
processing options, 4-45
Style item bill of material example diagram, 8-20
style item characteristics
overview, 4-4
style item creation
overview, 4-21
prerequisites, 4-23
style item creation process
overview, 4-6
style item levels, 4-4
Style Item Master Conversion (RCW04)
program, 4-47
Style Item Master program (PCW51), 4-6, 4-21, 8-7,
processing options, 4-24
usage, 8-3
Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36), 4-22
overview, 4-46
Style Item Master Purge Log table (FCW88), A-7
Style Item Master Purge report (RCW32), 4-22
overview, 4-43


processing options, 4-44
Style Item Outsource Operation Details form, 8-27
Style Item Outsource Operations program (PCW62)
processing options, 8-22
style item root level 0, 4-21
attaching structure, 4-26
style item structure, 4-3
overview, 4-4
Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog – Detail Revisions
form, 11-7
Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog (PCW55)
processing options, 11-6
Style Item Supplier Price/Catalog program (PCW55)
usage, 11-5
style items
bills of material overview, 8-2
blanket order release, 11-14
blanket orders, 11-8
commitment rules overview, 7-8
creating, 4-26
creating purchase prices, 11-7
creating supplier price/catalog headers, 11-6
industry environment and concepts, 2-1
outsource operations overview, 8-18
printing purchase orders, 11-17
purchase order entry, 11-9
purchase prices, 11-5
routing instructions overview, 8-14
understanding planning messages, 9-4
working with master work orders, 10-2
Style Items by Collection (PCW54)
overview, 5-18
processing options, 5-19
usage, 5-21
Style Items by Collection program (PCW54), 8-14
Style Routing Master File table (FCW52), 8-15, A-5
Style Substitute Items program (PCW48)
usage, 11-14
Style Templates program (PCW43)
usage, 11-11
Style WO Component Scrap Information table
(FCW103), A-8
Style Work Order Parts List table (FCW67), 10-5, A-6
Style Work Order Routings table (FCW68), 10-6, A-6
Super Backflush program (P31123), 10-6, 10-10
Supplier Catalog Maintenance program
(P41061), 11-5
Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail table
(FCW71), A-6
Supplier Price/Catalog File - Header table
(FCW70), A-6
Supplier Price/Catalog File table (F41061), 11-5
supplier price/catalog headers, 11-6
system constant, 3-1
system constants
SPLITC, 4-12
SPLITI, 4-12

collection templates, 5-14
transfer inventory for style items
overview, 4-53
prerequisites, 4-54
Transportation Management
integrations, 1-4

UCC, 4-33
UDC 41/UC, 4-34
UCC and EAN13 Generation
overview, 4-33
41F/00, 11-10
41F/CR, 7-8
41F/NR, 7-45
41F/PA, 7-8
UDC 41/S1, 4-27
UDC 41/S3, 4-27
UDC 41/UC, 4-35
user defined codes
41F/00, 4-12, 4-17
41F/CS, 5-5
41F/GD, 4-10
41F/IS, 4-16
41F/RM, 6-12
41F/RT, 6-12
41F/SE, 5-5
41F/ST, 6-12
41F/SY, 5-5
overview, 5-4
user-defined code
06/G, 8-21
30/TB, 8-2
40/CM, 8-21
40/TB, 8-2
40/TR, 8-2
41/I, 8-2
48/SN, 8-2

Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals program
(RCW37), 7-18, 7-45
processing options, 7-47
Validate Proposals program (RCW29V), 7-17, 7-45
Voucher Match program (P4314), 11-3


Work File F41171 table (FCW15), A-2
Work File F43090 table (FCW83), A-7
Work File F46010 table (FCW19), A-3
Work File F49075 table (FCW18), A-2
Work Order Completions Matrix Entry form, 10-24
Work Order Completions program (P31114), 10-10
Work Order Detail for Style Items table
(FCW66), 10-2, 10-5, 10-6, A-6
Work Order Header for Style Items table
(FCW65), 10-4, 10-7, 10-9, A-6
Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items table
(FCW89), A-8
Work Order Inventory Issues program
(P31113), 10-8
Work Order Issues for Style Items program
(R41F050), 10-9
Work Order Master File table (F4801), 10-4, 10-6,
Work Order Master Tag File table (F4801T), 10-6
Work Order Parts List Issues table (FCW69), A-6
Work Order Parts List table (F3111), 10-6
Work Order Processing for Style Items program
(R31F410), 8-21, 10-10
processing options, 10-18
usage, 10-4, 10-6
Work Order Routing for Style Items form, 10-22
Work Order Routing for Style Items program
(PCW52), 10-6
Work Order Routing table (F3112), 10-6
Work With Bill of Material Exception form, 8-12
Work With Bill of Material for Style Items form, 8-3,
Work With Composition form (WCW44A), 4-23,
Work With EnterpriseOne System Control form, 3-2
Work With Inventory Adjustments form
(W4114B), 4-52
Work With Inventory Issues form (W4112D), 4-48
Work with Item Structures program (PCW01)
Item Structure Detail table (FCW01), 4-4
Work With Material Analysis of Style Items
form, 9-5
Work With Matrix Management of Messages
form, 9-12, 9-13, 9-14
Work With Next Numbers form, 3-3
Work with Routing Exceptions form, 8-18
Work with Size Definitions for Matrix Grid
form, 4-9
Work With Style Item Master Browse form
(WCW51E), 4-24
Work With Style Routing form, 8-14, 8-17
Work With Style Routing Master program
(PCW35), 8-14

Warehouse Management
integrations, 1-5
WO Receipts Matrix Entry Work File (FCW64), A-6
Work File Additional System Information (F4101)
table (FCW57), A-5
Work File F4016 table (FCW16), A-2
Work File F41002 table (FCW17), A-2




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