79504 21384 Power Protection Equipment, Statewide Purchasing Memoranda BP12V81 7950421385pm
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Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242 | www.nyspro.ogs.ny.gov | customer.services@ogs.ny.gov | 518-474-6717 Contract Award Notification Update Subject: DATE: Contract Updates (Price Lists, Resellers) AWARD #: August 12, 2016 AWARD DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: CONTACT: 21385 GROUP #: 79504 Power Protection Equipment (Statewide) July 15, 2008 - April 21, 2018 Joseph Better | 518-474-7101 | joseph.better@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT NO.: See Below CONTRACTOR: See Below Contract users please note the following changes/updates to the below-noted contract: This is to notify all state agencies and authorized users that OGS has awarded several new contracts for the purchase of Power Protection Equipment, please see group 72201 award 20191 Security Systems and Solutions for these new contracts. Please see the following link for their pricing info: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7720120191can.HTM Effective 60 days from August 1, 2016 the following contract belonging to group 79504 Award 21385 Power Protection Equipment are being terminated for convenience: PT63990 Tripp Manufacturing Company DBA Tripp Lite 1111 West 35th St. Chicago, IL 60609 Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242 | www.nyspro.ogs.ny.gov | customer.services@ogs.ny.gov | 518-474-6717 Contract Award Notification Update Subject: VAR Update DATE: AWARD #: February 11, 2015 AWARD DESCRIPTION: Power Protection Equipment CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST: CONTRACT No.: PT63990 NEG-21385 GROUP #: 79504 Debra Kruszona | 518-402-3021 | debra.kruszona@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACTOR: Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite CORRECTION: The NYS Vendor ID for the Tripp Lite Value Added Reseller (VAR), Zones, Inc., has been corrected as follows. Please disregard the previous NYS Vendor ID number of 1000049179. Zones, Inc. 1102 15th St. SW, Suite 102 Auburn, WA 98001-6509 Attn: Jason Smith, Sales Manager Phone: (253) 205-3756 Fax: (253) 205-2756 Email: teamny.goved@zones.com All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p14_Tripp_2014-01-26 Federal ID 91-1431894 NYS Vendor ID 1100005917 Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242 | www.nyspro.ogs.ny.gov | customer.services@ogs.ny.gov | 518-474-6717 Contract Award Notification Update Subject: VAR Update DATE: AWARD #: January 26, 2015 AWARD DESCRIPTION: Power Protection Equipment CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST: CONTRACT No.: PT63990 NEG-21385 GROUP #: 79504 Debra Kruszona | 518-402-3021 | debra.kruszona@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACTOR: Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripp Lite has updated the Value Added Reseller (VAR) list to include the following value added reseller. Zones, Inc. 1102 15th St. SW, Suite 102 Auburn, WA 98001-6509 Attn: Jason Smith, Sales Manager Phone: (253) 205-3756 Fax: (253) 205-2756 Email: teamny.goved@zones.com All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p13_Tripp_2014-01-26 Federal ID 91-1431894 NYS Vendor ID 1000049179 Office of General Services New York State Procurement (NYS Pro) Corning Tower, 38th Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: November 26, 2014 (Access link for complete contract information) GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NO: Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite PT63990 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Theresa Kuo Contract Management Specialist Phone: (518) 474-0259 Email: theresa.kuo@ogs.ny.gov OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services Phone: (518) 474-6717 Email: Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov For the Contractor’s pricing, visit http://www.tripplite.com/pages/stateContract/state/ny/ SUBJECT: Tripp Lite – VAR update ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripp Lite has updated the contact information for the following value added resellers. Please see the updated information in Bold below: CSDNet 874 Montauk Hwy. Bayport, NY 11705 Attn.: Fred Zappolo Phone: 631-924-7474 FAX: 631-924-7475 Email: fred.zappolo@csdnet.net Federal ID 11-3410788 NYS Vendor ID 1100008294 LANRover Network Services Inc. 85 S. Snedecor Ave. Bayport, NY 11705 Attn: Rich Sallustro, CEO Phone: (631) 576-5847 Fax: (631) 868-3743 Email: rich.sallustro@lanrover.net Federal ID 82-0560550 NYS Vendor ID 1100121881 Presentation Products Inc. 632 West 28th Street – 7th Floor New York, NY 10001 Attn: Ian Singh, Purchasing Manager Phone: (212) 736-6350 Fax: (212) 736-6353 Email: ISingh@presentationproducts.com Federal ID 22-3348910 NYS Vendor ID 1000017114 For current contract contact information, visit http://www.ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna_Trippe.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p12_Tripp_2014-11-26.doc26 Office of General Services New York State Procurement (NYS Pro) Corning Tower, 38th Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: September 5, 2014 (Access link for complete contract information) GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NO: Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite PT63990 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Theresa Kuo Contract Management Specialist Phone: (518) 474-0259 Email: theresa.kuo@ogs.ny.gov OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services Phone: (518)474-6717 Email: Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov For the Contractor’s pricing, visit http://www.tripplite.com/pages/stateContract/state/ny/ SUBJECT: Tripp Lite – VAR update ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripp Lite has added the following value added reseller: Global Gov/Ed Solutions Inc. 6990 US Route 36 East Fletcher, OH 45326 Attn: Penny Musser Phone: (888) 445-2725 Fax: (800) 562-6622 Email: penny.musser@globalgoved.com Federal ID 20-0272419 NYS Vendor ID 1000040040 Tripp Lite has also made changes to the following reseller. Please see the updated reseller’s information (in red) below. Washington Computer Services 32 West 39th Street, suite 900 New York, NY 10018 Attn: Jeff Singer Phone: (212) 997-9882 Fax: (800) 705-3045 Email: Jeff.singer@washcomp.com For current contract contact information visit http://www.ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna_Trippe.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p11_Tripp_2014-09-05.doc05 Federal ID 13-3086643 NYS Vendor ID 1000032987 New York State Office of General Services New York State Procurement (NYS Pro) Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: August 12, 2014 (Access link for complete contract information) GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NO: Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite PT63990 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Theresa Kuo Contract Management Specialist Phone: (518) 474-0259 Email: theresa.kuo@ogs.ny.gov OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services Phone: (518)474-6717 Email: Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov For the Contractor’s pricing, visit http://www.tripplite.com/pages/stateContract/state/ny/ SUBJECT: Tripp Lite – VAR update ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripp Lite has added the following value added reseller: ASI System Integration, Inc. 48 West 37th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10018 Attn: Peter Sylvester, Government Account Manager Phone: (212) 736-0111, Ext 1040 Fax: (212) 629-3944 Email: psylvester@asisystem.com For current contract contact information visit http://www.ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna_Trippe.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p10_Tripp_2014-08-12.doc Federal ID 20-3074058 NYS Vendor ID 100004188 New York State Office of General Services New York State Procurement Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: June 9, 2014 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Trippe Manufacturing Co. STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS James Patrick, CPPB Contract Management Specialist 1 Phone: (518) 408-1026 E-mail: james.patrick@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACTOR(S) – Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite CONTRACT NO(S).: PT63990 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services Phone: (518)474-6717 E-Mail: Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov SUBJECT: Tripp Lite – VAR update ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripp Lite has added the following value added resellers: Graybar Electric Co. 229 Church St. Albany, NY 12202 Attn: Adam Gentile, Account Manager Government Group Tel: (917) 417-0161 Fax: (201) 596-2653 Email: adam.gentile@graybar.com Federal ID 13-0794380 NYS Vendor ID 1000025919 LANRover Network Services Inc. 85 S. Snedecor Ave. Bayport, NY 11705 Attn: Rich Sallustro, CEO Tel: (631) 576-5847 Fax: (631) 868-3743 Email: rich.sallustro@lanrover.com Federal ID 82-0560550 NYS Vendor ID *Applied For Presentation Products Inc. 632 West 28th Street – 7th Floor New York, NY 10001 Attn: Jan Singh, Purchasing Manager Tel: (212) 736-6350 Fax: (212) 736-6353 Email: ISingh@presentationproducts.com Federal ID 22-3348910 NYS Vendor ID 1000017114 SHI International Corp. 290 Davidson St. Sommerset, NJ 08873 Attn: Jason J Richards, Tripp Lite Sales Specialist Tel: (732) 564-8034 Fax: (732) 564-8035 Email: Jason_richards@shi.com Federal ID 22-3009648 NYS Vendor ID 1000008811 Whalley Computer Associates One Whalley Way Southwick, MA 01077 Attn: Michael Roberts, Account Executive Tel: (413) 569-4248 Fax: (413) 569-4377 Email: mjr@wca.com Federal ID 04-2902969 NYS Vendor ID 1100041604 All other terms and conditions apply 21385p9_Tripp_2014-06-09.doc New York State Office Of General Services New York State Procurement Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: April 10, 2014 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Trippe Manufacturing Co. NEW, EXTENDED CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2018 CONTRACTOR(S) – Tripp Manufacturing Company D/B/A Tripp Lite CONTRACT NO(S).: PT63990 STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS James Patrick Contract Management Specialist 1 (518) 408-1026 james.patrick@ogs.ny.gov OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518)474-6717 Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov SUBJECT: CONTRACT EXTENSION ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Please be advised that the above referenced contract has been extended through April 21, 2018; or until a new contract is issued, whichever occurs first. The revised award can be found at the following URL on the OGS website: http://ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385can.HTM All other terms and conditions remain the same. Please update your records accordingly. 21385p8_Tripp_2014-03-28.docx/CMSuppOfficeEquip79504-21385tdr New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: August 22, 2012 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Trippe Manufacturing Co. Stephanie Laffin Purchasing Officer I (518) 473-9440 Stephanie.laffin@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 CONTRACTOR(S) – Trippe Manufacturing Co. CONTRACT NO(S).: SUBJECT: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS PT63990 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518)474-6717 Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov Reseller Addition 08/06/12 ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripplite has added a reseller to their contract. GoodMart, LLC d/b/a GoodMart Lighting & Electrical Supply 232 Madison Ave., Suite 405 New York City, NY 10016 Willie Huggins – Regional Sales Manager Willie.huggins@goodmart.com 212-792-0210 ext. 3001 FAX – 212-208-2480 Federal ID # -- 13-4276633 NYS Vendor No. -- 1100053339 All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p7-ResellerUpdate080612-T12sal New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: July 12, 2012 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Trippe Manufacturing Co. Stephanie Laffin Purchasing Officer I (518) 473-9440 Stephanie.laffin@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 CONTRACTOR(S) – Trippe Manufacturing Co. CONTRACT NO(S).: SUBJECT: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS PT63990 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518)474-6717 Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov Price List Update 7/5/12 ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripplite has deleted a number of products and warranties from their price list. The model numbers for those deleted items are as follows: APS1524 B062-001-USB BP240V1207C BP24V33 BP72V28-3UNAFTA KP3040 PS-615-HGUltra S6-DLX SR47UB SUBB230 SUWL520C-10 U012-006 W3STRTUP30 WEXT13-INTERNET WOS2-6K WOS3-10K WOS3-BP240 WOS5-5000 WOS5-BP48V60 WSTRTUP-BP240 WSTRTUP-RACKHW AS400 CABLE KIT BP12V81 BP240V5RT2U BP24V34 DB25-PAR LC1200WM PV750FC SM750XLNAFTA SR47UBEXP SUDC208V42P30M SUWL520C-5 ULTRACOPY WEXT3-BCPERS WOS2-10K WOS2-BP240 WOS3-5000 WOS3-BP48V80 WOS5-6K WSTRTUP-5K WSTRTUP-BP48V60 WSTRTUP-ZONE1 A copy of the price list is available on the Tripplite web site: B062-001-PS2 BP192V1407C-1PH BP24V14 BP36V27 IN3004KBM P412-008 S456-006 SP5001USB SUBB120 SUPER6OMNI SUWL630C-10 W3STRTUP20 WEXT3-BCPRO WOS2-5000 WOS2-BP48V60 WOS3-6K WOS5-10K WOS5-BP240 WSTRTUP-6-10K WSTRTUP-OFFHRS WSTRTUP-ZONE2 http://ogs.ny.gov/disclaim/default.asp?url=http://www.tripplite.com/nys All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p6-PriceListUpdate070512-T12sal New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: July 6, 2012 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Trippe Manufacturing Co. STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Stephanie Laffin Purchasing Officer I (518) 473-9440 Stephanie.laffin@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS CONTRACTOR(S) – Trippe Manufacturing Co. CONTRACT NO(S).: SUBJECT: Customer Services (518)474-6717 Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov PT63990 Contact Person Update, Reseller Add and Reseller removal ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripplite has changed their contact person as follows: Colleen Garrity Government Coordinator Trippe Manufacturing Co. 1111 W. 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609 773-869-1434 – O/773-869-1231 – FAX Tripplite has added the following reseller to their list of authorized resellers: CSDNet 874 Montauk Hwy. Bayport, NY 11705 Rich Sallustro Chief Operating Officer Phone: 631-924-7474/FAX: 631-924-7473 Richard.sallustro@csdnet.net Federal ID # -- 11-3410788 NYS Vendor # -- 1100008294 Tripplite has removed the following reseller from their list of authorized resellers: Florida Micro A copy of this information is available on the Tripplite web site: http://ogs.ny.gov/disclaim/default.asp?url=http://www.tripplite.com/nys All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p5-ContactPersonUpdate-ResellerAdd/Removal070912-T12sal New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.ny.gov PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 DATE: July 6, 2012 GROUP: PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment – Tripp Manufacturing Co. STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Stephanie Laffin Purchasing Officer I (518) 473-9440 Stephanie.laffin@ogs.ny.gov CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS CONTRACTOR(S) – Tripp Manufacturing Co. CONTRACT NO(S).: SUBJECT: Customer Services (518)474-6717 Customer.services@ogs.ny.gov PT63990 Contact Person Update, Reseller Add and Reseller removal ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Tripplite has changed their contact person as follows: Colleen Garrity Government Coordinator Tripp Manufacturing Co. 1111 W. 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609 773-869-1434 – O/773-869-1231 – FAX Tripplite has added the following reseller to their list of authorized resellers: CSDNet 874 Montauk Hwy. Bayport, NY 11705 Rich Sallustro Chief Operating Officer Phone: 631-924-7474/FAX: 631-924-7473 Richard.sallustro@csdnet.net Federal ID # -- 11-3410788 NYS Vendor # -- 1100008294 Tripplite has removed the following reseller from their list of authorized resellers: Florida Micro A copy of this information is available on the Tripplite web site: http://ogs.ny.gov/disclaim/default.asp?url=http://www.tripplite.com/nys All other terms and conditions remain the same. 21385p5-ContactPersonUpdate-ResellerAdd/Removal070912-T12sal New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.state.ny.us PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment DATE: July 15, 2010 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Dan DeBerardinis Purchasing Officer (518) 474-1912 dan.deberardinis@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518) 474-6717 customer.services@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACTOR(S): Trippe Manufacturing Company CONTRACT NO.(S): PT63990 SUBJECT: Value Added Reseller (VARs) Additions TO ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Trippe Manufacturing Company has ADDED the following VARs: Value Added Reseller (VAR) Contact Info Fed ID: Dyntek Services, Inc 12 Metro Park Road, Suite 206 Albany, NY 12205 Attn: Denise Leonard Contemporary Computer Services, Inc. 200 Knickerbocker Avenue Bohemia, NY 11716 Attn: Jerry Numeroff PC MallGov, Inc. 7421 Gateway Court Manassas, VA 20109 Attn: Carol Bailey Tel: (518) 207-3402 Fax: (518) 207-3439 Email: denise.leonard@dyntek.com 13-4067484 Tel: (631)218-5245 Fax: (631-563-9554 Email: jnumeroff@ccsinet.com 11-2339385 Tel: (703) 594-8100 Fax: (310) 630-3049 Email: carolb@pcmallgov.com 33-0964088 The Most Current VAR listing can be located here: http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. 79504-21385 TRIPP PM VAR 071510.docx New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.state.ny.us PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment DATE: June 16, 2009 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Dan DeBerardinis Purchasing Officer (518) 474-1912 dan.deberardinis@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518) 474-6717 customer.services@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACTOR(S): Trippe Manufacturing Company CONTRACT NO.(S): PT63990 SUBJECT: Value Added Reseller (VARs) Additions TO ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Trippe Manufacturing Company has ADDED the following VAR: Florida Micro, LLC. The Most Current VAR listing can be located here: http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. 79504-21385 TRIPP PM VAR 061609.doc New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.state.ny.us PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment DATE: June 3, 2009 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Dan DeBerardinis Purchasing Officer (518) 474-1912 dan.deberardinis@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518) 474-6717 customer.services@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACTOR(S): Trippe Manufacturing Company CONTRACT NO.(S): PT63990 SUBJECT: Value Added Reseller (VARs) Additions TO ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Trippe Manufacturing Company has ADDED the following VAR: Global Computer 2139 Highway 35N Holmdel, NJ 07733 FEIN: 11-2724281 Robert Buenaventura, Sr. Account Manager 732-234-5417 732-234-5434 (fax) The Most Current VAR listing can be located here: http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same. New York State Office Of General Services Procurement Services Group Corning Tower Building Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12242 http://www.ogs.state.ny.us PURCHASING MEMORANDUM CONTRACT AWARD NOTIFICATION UPDATE AWARD NUMBER: NEG-21385 GROUP: 79504 – Power Protection Equipment DATE: November 3, 2008 PLEASE ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO: STATE AGENCIES & CONTRACTORS Dan DeBerardinis Purchasing Officer (518) 474-1912 dan.deberardinis@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACT PERIOD: July 15, 2008 – April 21, 2013 OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS Customer Services (518) 474-6717 customer.services@ogs.state.ny.us CONTRACTOR(S): Trippe Manufacturing Company CONTRACT NO.(S): PT63990 SUBJECT: Value Added Reseller (VARs) Additions TO ALL STATE AGENCIES AND OTHERS AUTHORIZED TO USE STATE CONTRACTS: Trippe Manufacturing Company has ADDED the following VARs: Calculator & Computer Center, Inc. Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. GovConnection, Inc. US Tech, Inc. The Most Current VAR listing can be located here: http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7950421385cna.pdf All other terms and conditions remain the same.
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