800 1755 10A_Using_NROFF_and_TROFF_198805 10A Using NROFF And TROFF 198805

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Part Number: 800-1755-10
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sun Workstation is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Material in this manual comes from a number of sources: NrofJITroff User's
Manual, Joseph F. Ossanna, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A Troff
Tutorial, Brian W. Kernighan, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Typing Documents on the UNIX System: Using the -ms Macros with Troff and Nroff,
M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A Guide to Preparing
Documents with -ms , M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey;
Document Formatting on UNIX Using the -ms Macros, Joel Kies, University of
California, Berkeley, California; Writing Papers with Nroff Using -me, Eric P.
Allman, University of California, Berkeley; and Introducing the UNIX System,
Henry McGilton, Rachel Morgan, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983. These
materials are gratefully acknowledged.

Copyright © 1987, 1988 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This publication is protected by Federal Copyright Law, with all rights reselVed.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
translated, transcribed, or transmitted, in any fonn, or by any means manual,
electric, electronic, electro-magnetic, mechanical, chemical, optical, or otherwise, without prior explicit written pennission from Sun Microsystems.


Chapter 1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................


1.1. nroff aIld troff ........................................................................................................


Text Fonnatting Versus Word Processing .....................................................


The Evolution of nroff and troff ..............................................................


Preprocessors and Postprocessors .......................................................................


1.2. troff, Typesetters, and Special-Purpose Formatters ..............................


1.3. Using the nroff and troff Text Formatters .............................................


Options Common to nroff and troff .......................................................


Options Applicable Only to nroff ..................................................................


Options Applicable Only to trof f ..................................................................


1.4. General Explanation of t ro f f and nr 0 f f Source Files .......................


Backspacing .....................................................................................................................


Comments .........................................................................................................................


Continuation Lines .......................................................................................................


Transparent Throughput ............................................................................................


Formatter and Device Resolution ........................................................................


Specifying Numerical Parameters .................................................. ,',:...................... .
Numerical Expressions .................................................................,., .....,;,.:......:0';..... ;-••.;:••••••••
1.5. Output and Error Messages .....................,......................... ":~~ ..; ....,...,...;.; ... ;;:;:;.:"~ .. ;.~,,......;;;;

Chapter 2 Line Fonnat ............................................................;;;........ ,~ ..:,:,.....:,:;,:;;;; ..............:,,:.:.:......


2.1. Controlling Line Breaks ..................................................... i:••.•;.;";:;; ••..• ~~,, .......i;;... ;;;;;;.:..·.... ;; ••• >:::::>
. br -

Break Lines ........................................................................":;..;... ;.; . ;;.;:;..... ~;;.:." ... ,,.. .

Continuation Lines and Interrupted Text .....................................:••.,.;.:..............

- iii-

Contents -


2.2. Justifying Text and Filling Lines ............................................................................


· ad - Specify Adjusting Styles ........................................................................


· na -No Adjusting .................................................................................................


· nf and . f i-Tum Filling Off and On .....................................................


2.3. Hyphenation .......................................................................................................................


· nh and . h Y -

Control Hyphenation ............................................................


· hw - Specify Hyphenation Word List ........................................................


· he - Specify Hyphenation Character ..........................................................


2.4. . ee -

Center Lines of Text ....................................................................................


2.5. . ul and . eu - Underline or Emphasize Text ............................................


2.6. . uf -

Underline Font ................................................................................................


Chapter 3 Page Layout .........................................................................................................


3.1. Margins and Indentations ............................................................................................


· po -

Set Page Offset .............................................................................................


· 11 -

Set Line Length ...........................................................................................


· in -

Set Indent ........................................................................................................


· ti -Temporarily Indent One Line ..............................................................


3.2. Page Lengths, Page Breaks, and Conditional Page Breaks .....................


· pI -

Set Page Length ...........................................................................................


· bp -

Start a New Page .........................................................................................


· pn -

Set Page Numl>er ........................................................................................


· ne -

Specify Space Needed ..............................................................................


3.3. Multi-Column Page Layout by Marking and Returning ...........................


• mk -

Mark Current Vertical Position ..........................................................


· rt -

Return to Marked Vertical Position .................................................


Chapter 4 Line Spacing and Character Sizes ......................................................


4.1. . sp -

Space Vertically .............................................................................................


4.2. . ps -

Change the Size of the Type ...................................................................


4.3 . . vs -

Change Vertical Distance Between Lines .......................................


4.4. . 1 s -

Change Line Spacing ..................................................................................


4.5. \x Function -

Get Extra Line-Space ................................................................



Contents -


4.6. . sv -

Save Block of Vertical Space ............................................................... ..


4.7 . . as -

Output Saved Vertical Space ................................................................ ..

4.8. . ns -

Set No Space Mode ......................................................................................

4.9. . r s -

Restore Space Mode ....................................................................................


4.10. . ss -

Set Size of Space Character ................................................................ ..


4.11 . . cs -

Set Constant-Width Characters ........................................................ ..


Chapter 5 Fonts and Special Characters ..................................................................


5.1 . . f t -

Set Font ...............................................................................................................


5.2. . fp -

Set Font Position ............................................................................................


5.3. . f

z -

Force Font Size ...............................................................................................


5.4. . bd -

Artificial Boldface .........................................................................................


5.5. Olaracter Set ..................................................................................................................... .


5.6. Fonts ........................................................................................................................................


5.7. . 1 g -

Control Ligatures ...........................................................................................


Chapter 6 Tabs, Leaders, and Fields ..........................................................................


6.1. . ta -

Set Tabs ...............................................................................................................


Setting Relative Tab Stops ......................................................................................


Right-Adjusted Tab Stops ........................................................................................


Centered Tab Stops ......................................................................................................


.t c -

Change Tab Replacement Olaracter ...............................................


Summary of Tabs ..........................................................................................................


6.2. Leaders -

Repeated Runs of Characters ..........................................................


Change the Leader Character ...............................................................


6.3. . f c - Set Field Characters .....................................................................................


Chapter 7 Titles and Page Numbering ......................................................................


7.1. Titles in Page Headers ..................................................................................................


7.2. Fonts and Point Sizes in Titles ................................................................................ .


7.3. . pc -

Page Number Character .............................................................................


7.4. . t 1 Request - Three Parameters ........................................................................


Chapter 8 traff Input and Output ...........................................................................


. 1c -



Contents -


8.1. . so -Read Text from a File .................................................................................


8.2. . nx -Read Next Source File ................................................................................


8.3. Pipe Output to a Specified Program (nrof f only) .....................................


8.4. . rd - Read from the Standard Input ................................................................


8.5. . ex -

Exit from nroff or troff ...................................................................


8.6. . tm -

Send Messages to the Standard Error File ......................................


Chapter 9 Strings .......................................................................................................................


9.1. . ds -

Define Strings ..................................................................................................


9.2 . . as -

Append to a String ........................................................................................


9.3. Removing or Renaming String Definitions ......................................................


Chapter 10 Macros, Diversions, and Traps ........................................................... lOS
10.1. Macros .................................................................................................................................
· de -


Define a Macro .............................................................................................


· rm - Remove Requests, Macros, or Strings ............................................


· rn -Rename Requests, Macros or Strings ..............................................


Macros With Arguments ..........................................................................................


· am-Append to a Macro ....................................................................................


Copy Mode Input Intetpretation ...........................................................................


10.2. Using Diversions to Store Text for Later Processing ...............................


· di -Divert Text .....................................................................................................


· da -

Append to a Diversion .............................................................................


10.3. Using Traps to Process Text at Specific Places on a Page ....................


· wh -

Set Page or Position Traps .....................................................................


· ch -

Change Position of a Page Trap .........................................................


· dt -

Set a Diversion Trap .................................................................................


· it -

Set an Input-Line Count Trap ..............................................................


· em -

Set the End of Processing Trap ...........................................................


Chapter 11 Number Registers ......................................................................................... 121
11.1 . . nr -

Set Number Registers ...............................................................................


11.2. Auto-Increment Number Registers .....................................................................



Contents -


11.3. Arithmetic Expressions with Number Registers .........................................


11.4. . af -

Specify Fonnat of Number Registers ..............................................


11.5. . rr -

Remove Number Registers ...................................................................


Chapter 12 Drawing Lines and Characters ........................................................... 131
12.1. \ u and \ d Functions -

Half-Line Vertical Movements ......................


12.2. Arbitrary Local Horizontal and Vertical Motions ......................................


\ v Function -

Arbitrary Vertical Motion ....................................................


\h Function -

Arbitrary Horizontal Motion ..............................................


12.3. \ 0 Function -

Digit-Size Spaces ......................................................................


12.4. '\ ' Function -

Unpaddable Space ...................................................................


12.5. \ I and \ ... Functions - Thick and Thin Spaces .......................................


12.6. \& Function-Non-Printing Zero-Width Character ..............................


12.7. \

Function -

Overstriking Characters .........................................................


12.8. \ z Function -

Zero Motion Characters ........................................................


12.9. \ w Function -

Get Width of a String ..............................................................


12.10. \k Function -

Mark Current Horizontal Place ......................................


12.11. \b Function -

Build Large Brackets ...........................................................


12.12. \r Function -

Reverse Vertical Motions ..................................................


12.13. Drawing Horizontal and Vertical Lines ........................................................



\ 1 Function -

Draw Horizontal Lines ...........................................................


\ L Function -

Draw Vertical Lines ................................................................


Combining the Horizontal and Vertical Line Drawing
Functions ...........................................................................................................................


12.14. . mc -

Place Characters in the Margin ........................................................


Chapter 13 Character Translations .............................................................................. 149
13.1. Input Character Translations ..................................................................................


13.2. . ec and . eo -

Set Escape Character or Stop Escapes .......................


13.3. . cc and . c2 -

Set Control Characters ........................................................


Output Translation .....................................................................................


13.4. . tr -

Chapter 14 Automatic Line Numbering .................................................................. 153
14.1 . . nm -

Number Output Lines ...............................................................................



Contents -


14.2. . nn -

Stop Numbering Lines .............................................................................


Chapter 15 Conditional Requests ................................................................................. 157
15.1. . if -

Conditional Request ..................................................................................


15.2. . ie and . e l - If-Else and Else Conditionals ..........................................


15.3. . ig -


Ignore Input Text ........................................................................................

Chapter 16 Debugging Requests ................................................................................... 165
16.1. . pm -

Display Names and Sizes of Defined Macros ............................


16.2. . f 1 - Flush Output Buffer ..................................................................................


16.3 . . ab -


Aoort ..................................................................................................................

Chapter 17 Environments ................................................................................................... 169
17.1 . . ev -

Switch Environment .................................................................................


Appendix A traff Request Summary ................................................................... 173
Appendix B Font and Character Examples ............................................................ 181
B.1. Font Style Examples .....................................................................................................


B.2. Non-ASCII Characters and minus on the Standard Fonts ..........................


B.3. Non-ASCII Characters and " "', G, +, -, =, and * on the Special
Font .........................................................................................................................................


Appendix C Escape Sequences ....................................................................................... 187
Appendix D Predefined Number Registers ............................................................ 191
Appendix E traff Output Codes .............................................................................. 195
E.1. Codes 0 Oxxxxxx -

Flash Codes to Expose Characters ...........................


E.2. Codes lxxxxxxx - Escape Codes Specifying Horizontal
Motion ...................................................................................................................................


E.3. Codes Ollxxxxx-Lead Codes Specifying Vertical Motion ..............


EA. Codes 010 lxxxx - Size Change Codes ..........................................................


E.5. Codes 010 Oxxxx -

Control Codes .....................................................................


E.6. How Fonts are Selected ...............................................................................................


- viii-

Contents - Continued

E.7. Initial State of the elM ............................................................................................


Index .......................................................................................................................................................




Table 1-1 Scale Indicators for Numerical Input ............................................................


Table 1-2 Default Scale Indicators for Certain traff Requests and
Functions .......................................................................................................................


Table 1-3 Arithmetic Operators and Logical Operators for Expressions .......


Table 2-1 Constructs that Break the Filling Process ..................................................


Table 2-2 Formatter Requests that Cause a Line Break ...........................................


Table 2-3 Adjusting Styles for Filled Text ......................................................................


Table 5 -1 Exceptions to the Standard Ascn Character Mapping ........................


Table 6-1 Types of Tab Stops .................................................................................................


Table 7-1 Requests that Cause a Line Break ..................................................................


Table 11-1 Access Sequences for Auto-incrementing Number
Registers ........ _...........................................................................................................


Table 11-2 Arithmetic Operators and Logical Operators for


Table 11-3 Interpolation Formats for Number Re gisters .. ,..,....:....;: .... ;;:.;;:,.;..,.......:... ;....:", . .
Table 12-1 t r a f f Width Function -


Table 12-2 Pieces for Constructing Large Brackets .......:•.•.;.... ,:,.;.;.:;; .............;;;,,;:.,., ...;:,.:;;..
Table 15-1 Built-In Condition Names for Conditional



." ................. ..


Tables -


Table A-I Summary of nraff and traff Requests .............................................


Table A-2 Notes in the Tables .................................................................................................


Table B-1 Summary of t ro f f Special Characters ....................................................


Table C-l t r 0 f f Escape Sequences .................................................................................


Table D-l General Number Registers .................................................................................


Table D-2 Read-Only Number Registers ..........................................................................


Table E-l Size Change Codes .................................................................................................


Table E-2 Single Point-Sizes versus Double Point-Sizes ........................................


Table E-3 C/A{f Corttrol Codes and their Meanings ................................................


Table E-4 Correspondence Between Rail, Mag, Tilt, and Font Number ........




Figure 2-1 Filling and Adjusting Styles ............................................................................


Figure 3-1 Layout of a Page .....................................................................................................


- xiii-

This manual provides reference information and examples for the text fonnatters
nraff and traff. We assume you are familiar with a tenninal keyboard and
the Sun system. If you are not, see Getting Started with SunOS: Beginner's
Guide for infonnation on the basics, like logging in and the Sun file system. If
you are not familiar with text editors, read Doing More with SunOS: Beginner's
Guide and the chapter "Introduction to Text Editing" in Editing Text Files.
Finally, we assume that you are using a Sun Workstation, although specific terminal infonnation is also provided.
For additional details on Sun system commands and programs, see the SunOS
Reference Manual.

Summary of Contents

Here is a summary of the chapters that follow:


Introduction - Describes what t r a f f can do for you, some tools you can
use with traff or nraff to refine your results, how to use nraff and
traff, the differences between the two text formatting programs, and a little about the mechanisms built-in to nraf f and traf f.


Line Format- Explains how the text formatting programs fill and adjust
text input lines and how various formatting requests affect filling and adjusting functions in traff.


Page Layout - Describes the default page layout parameters built-in to
traff and how you can alter them. Also explains how certain fonnatting
requests interact in laying out pages.


Line Spacing and Character Sizes - Explains the availabl~>tYPejffid ·spacing sizes in traff and nraff, and how to change.theln. ..
. ....


Fonts and Special Characters - Describes thefoflt~av~¥apH~witlfhf6f:E
and t r a f f and how to change them.


Tabs, Leaders, and Fields - Explains what tabs, ldlderS,andfie14sarelarid
how to set them.


Titles and Page Numbering - Explains how to create page head.erS and
page footers. Also covers how to use the built-in traff pagcfriumber register to print page numbers on your document automatically.

. "..



. .....


Preface -



troff Input and Output -

Describes how to embed files within files, to
switch input from one file to another, to display a message on your tenninal
when troff reaches a certain point in a file, and in nroff only, how to
pipe the output from a file to a program by using a special nroff command
in the file.


Strings - Explains how to give a string of characters a new name so you
can reference them easily. Also provides a facility for referencing the values
of the strings.

10. Macros, Diversions, and Traps - Describes how to define macros, store
infonnation in diversions, and use diversions and traps to process text at
specific places on pages.
11. Number Registers - Explains what troff number registers are and what
you can use their values for.

12. Drawing Lines and Characters - Describes the several built-in troff
functions for moving to arbitrary places on the page and for drawing things.
13. Character Translations - Describes how to change the escape character
and translate the value of one character into another.
14. Automatic Line Numbering - Explains how to use the troff requests for
numbering lines in the output file.

15. Conditional Requests - Describes troff mechanisms for conditionally
accepting input.
16. Debugging Requests - Explains requests for displaying names and sizes of
defined macros, flushing the output buffer, and aborting the fonnatting.
17. Environments - Describes how to shift input processing between the three
nroff /troff environments.
A. t ro f f Request Summary t ro f f requests.

A quick reference summarizing nro f f and

B. Font and Character Examples - Several tables of special characters like
Greek letters, foreign punctuation, and math'symbols.
C. Escape Sequences - Summarizes escape sequences for obtaining values of
number registers, for describing arbitrary motions and drawing things, and
for specifying certain miscellaneous functions.
D. Predefined Number Registers Number Registers

Conventions Used in This

t ro f f Output Codes totypesetter.

Tables of trof f General and Predefined

A summary of the binary codes for the C/A{f pho-

Throughout this manual we use


Preface - Continued

as the prompt to which you type system commands. Bo1dface typewriter font indicates commands that you type in exactly as printed on the
page of this manual. Regular typewriter font represents what the system prints out to your screen. Typewriter font also specifies Sun system command names (program names) and illustrates source code listings. Italics indicates general arguments or parameters that you should replace with a specific
word or string. We also occasionally use italics to emphasize important tenns.

Notation Used in This Manual

Numerical parameters are indicated in this manual in two ways. ±N means that
the argument may take the forms N, +N, or -N and that the corresponding effect
is to set the affected parameter to N, to increment it by N, or to decrement it by N
respectively. Plain N means that an initial algebraic sign is not an increment
indicator, but merely the sign of N. Generally, unreasonable numerical input is
either ignored or truncated to a reasonable value. For example, most requests
expect to set parameters to non-negative values; exceptions are . sp, . wh, . ch,
.nr,and .if. The requests .ps, .ft, .po, .vs, .ls, .11, .in,and .It
restore the previous parameter value in the absence of an argument.
Single-character arguments are indicated by single lower case letters and one- or
two-character arguments are indicated by a pair of lower case letters. Character
string arguments are indicated by multi-character mnemonics.

- xvii-


Introduction .......................................................................................................................................


1.1. nroff and troff ........................................................................................................


Text Fonnatting Versus Word Processing .....................................................


The Evolution of nroff and troff ..............................................................


Preprocessors and Postprocessors ......... ................................. ........................ .....


1.2. troff, Typesetters, and Special-Purpose Formatters ..............................


1.3. Using the nraff and traff Text Fonnatters .............................................


Options Common to nraff and troff .......................................................


Options Applicable Only to nroff ..................................................................


Options Applicable Only to trof f ..................................................................


1.4. General Explanation oftroff and nroff Source Files .......................


B ackspacing .....................................................................................................................


Comments .........................................................................................................................


Continuation Lines ...................................... .................................................................


Transparent Throughput ............................................................................................


Formatter and Device Resolution ........................................................................


Specifying Numerical Parameters .......................................................................


Numerical Expressions ..............................................................................................


1.5. Output and Error Messages ........................................................................................



1.1. nroff and traff

nroff and troff are text processing utilities for the Sun system. nroff formats text for typewriter-like tenninals (such as Diablo printers). trof f is
specifically oriented to formatting text for a phototypesetter. nroff and traff
accept lines of text (to be printed on the final output device) interspersed with
lines of format control information (to specify how the text is to be laid out on
the page) and format the text into a printable, paginated document having a userdesigned style. nroff and troff offer unusual freedom in document styling,


detailed control over page layout;


arbitrary style headers and footers;


arbitrary style footnotes;


automatic sequence numbering for paragraphs, sections, etc;


multiple-column output;


dynamic font and point-size control;


arbitrary horizontal and vertical local motions at any point;


a family of automatic overstriking, bracket construction, and line drawing

nroff and troff are highly compatible with each other and it is almost

always possible to prepare input acceptable to both. The formatters provide
requests (conditional input) so that you can embed input expressly destined for
either nroff or troff. nroff can prepare output directly for a variety ofterminal types and is capable of utilizing the full resolution of each terminal.
This manual provides a user's guide and reference section for nroff and
troff. Note that throughout the text we refer to nroff and troff more or
less interchangeably - places where the narrative refers specifically to one or the
other processor are noted. 1
You should be aware that using nroff or troff 'in the raw' requires a
detailed knowledge of the way that these programs work and a certain knowledge
1 The material in this chapter evolved fnm A troffTuJorial, by Brian Kernighan of Bell Laboratories, and
from nroffltroff User's Manual, originally wrinen by Joseph Os sanna of Bell Laboratories.


Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

of typographical tenns. nroff and troff don't do a great deal of work for you
- for example, you have to explicitly tell them how to indent paragraphs and
number pages and things like that.
If what you are trying to do is just get a job done (like writing a memo), you

shouldn't be reading this manual at all, but rather the chapter "Fonnatting Documents with the -ms Macros" in the Formatting Documents manual. If, on the
other hand, you would like to learn the fine details of a programming language
designed to control a typesetter, this is the place to start reading.
In many ways, nroff's and troff's control language resembles an assembly

language for a computer - a remarkably powerful and flexible one - many
operations must be specified at a level of detail and in a form that is too hard for
most people to use effectively.
The single most important rule when using troff is not to use it directly, but
through some intermediary such as one of the macro packages, or one of the vari0us preprocessors described in Formauing Documents. In the few cases where
existing macro packages don't do the whole job, the solution is not to write an
entirely new set of t r 0 f f instructions from scratch, but to make small changes
to adapt existing packages. In accordance with this strategy of letting someone
else do the work, the part oftroff described here is only a small part of the
whole, although it tries to concentrate on the more useful parts. In any case,
there is no attempt to be complete. Rather, the emphasis is on showing how to
do simple things, and how to make incremental changes to what already exists.
If you are interested in the complete story, look into the t r 0 f f source itself.

Text Formatting Versus Word

Many newcomers to the UNIX system are surprised to find that there are no word
processors available. This is largely historical- the types of documents (such
as the Sun manuals) that people do with the UNIX system's text formatting packages just can't be done with existing word processors. Before you get into the
details of nrcff and troff, here is a short discussion on the differences
between text fonnatters and word processors, and their relative strengths and
A word processor is a program that to some extent simulates a typewriter - text
is edited· and fonnatted by one program. You type text at a computer tenninal,
and the word processor fonnats the text on the screen for you as you go. You
usually get special effects like underlining and boldface by typing control indicators. The word processor usually displays these activated features using inverse
video or special marks on the screen. The document is displayed on the tenninal
screen in the same fonnat as it will appear on the printing device. The effects of
this are often tenned 'What You See Is What You Get' (usually called
WYSIWYG and pronounced 'wizzi-wig'). Unfortunately, as has been pointed
out, the problem with many WYSIWYG editors is that 'What You See Is All You
Get'. In general, word processors cannot handle large documents. In principle, it
is possible to write large manuals and even whole books with word processors,
but the process gets painful for large manuscripts. Sometimes a change, such as
deleting a sentence or inserting a new one, in the early part of a document can
require that the whole document has to be refonnatted. A change in the overall
structure of the formatting requirements (for example, a changed indentation
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 1 - Introduction


depth) will also mean that the whole document has to be reformatted. Word processors usually don't cope with automatic chapter and section numbering (of the
kind you see in the Sun manuals), neither can they generate tables of contents
and indices automatically. These tasks have to be done manually, and are a
potential source of error. Word processors are eminently suitable for memos and
letters, and can handle short documents. But large documents, or formatting
documents for sophisticated devices like modem phototypesetters, requires a text
A textformatter such as nroff or troff does not in general perform anyediting - its only job is reading text from a file and formatting that text for printing
on some device. Entering the text into the file, and formatting the text from that
file for printing are two separate and independent operations. You prepare your
file of text using a text editor such as vi (described elsewhere in this manual).
The file contains text to be formatted, interspersed with formatting instructions
which control the layout of the final text. The text formatter reads this file of
text, and obeys the fonnatting instructions contained in the file. The results of
the formatting process is a finished document. The disadvantage of a text formatter is that you have to run them to find out what the final result will look like.
Many people find the idea of embedded 'formatting commands' foreign, as they
do the idea of two separate processes (an edit followed by a run of the formatter)
to get the final document.
Notwithstanding all of the above, the UNIX system has had text formatting utilities since the very beginning, and many documents were written using the capabilities of nroff or traff.
The Evolution ofnraff and

One of the very first text fonnatting programs was called runoff and was a utility
for the Compatible Time Sharing System (crSS) at MIT in the early 1960's.
Runoffwas named for the way that people would say 'I'll just run off a document'.
When the UNIX system came to have a text formatter, the text formatter was
called roff, because UNIX people like to call things by short and cryptic names.
Roffwas a simple program that was easy to work with as long as you were writing very small and simple documents for a line-printer. In some ways, roff is
easier to use than nraf f or traf f because roffhad built-in facilities such as
being able to specify running headers and footers for a document with simple
nraff stands for 'Newer roff. troff is an adaptation ofnroff to drive a
phototypesetting machine. Although traff is supposed to mean 'typesetter
roff, some people have formed the theory that traff actually stands for 'Times
Romanoff' because of t ra f f' s penchant for the Times Roman typeface.
nraff and traff are much more flexible (and much more complicated) programs - it's safe to say that they don't do a lot for you - for instance, you have
to manage your own pagination, headers, and footers. The way that nraff and
trof f ease the burden is via facilities to define your own text formatting commands (macros), define strings, and store and manipulate numbers. Without
these facilities, you would go mad (many people have - the author of this

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

document among them). In ad~tion, there are supporting packages for doing
special effects such as mathematics and tabular layouts.
Preprocessors and

Because troff or nroff are so hard to use 'in the raw', various tools have
evolved to convert from human-oriented ways of specifying things into codes
that troff or nroff can understand. Tools that do translations for troff or ,
nrof f before the fact are called preprocessors. There are also tools that hack
over the output of nroff for different devices or for other requirements. Tools
that do conversions of t r 0 f f or nr 0 f f output after the fact are called postprocessors. Refer to the manual Formatting Documents for explanations of nrof f
and tro f f pre- and postprocessors.


Please be sure to read this: this section covers some aspects oftroff that

and Special-Purpose

are generally glossed over in the traditional UNIX system manuals. trof f was
originally designed as a text fonnatter targeted to one specific machine - that
machine was called a Graphics Systems Incorporated (GSI) C/Aff (Computer
Assisted Typesetter). The C/Aff is a strange and wonderful device with strips of
film mounted on a revolving drum, lenses, and light pipes. The C/A{f flashes
character images on film which you then develop to produce page proofs for your
book or manual or whatever. The C/Aff is almost extinct now except for some
odd niches like Berlceley.
troff was written very much with the C/Aff in mind. The internal units of
measurement that troff uses are C/A/f units, troff only understands four
fonts at a time, and so on. Throughout this chapter, much of the tenninology is
based on troff's intimate relationship with the C/Aff.

1.3. Using the nroff and
troff Text

To use nroff or troff you first prepare your file of text with nroff or
troff requests embedded in the file to control the formatting actions. The
remainder of this document discusses the fonnatting commands. Then you run
the fonnatter at the command level like this:
( hostname% nroff

options files


or, of course:
( hostname% troff

options files


where options represents any of a number of option arguments and files
represents the list of files containing the document to be fonnatted.
An argument consisting of a single minus (-) is taken to be a file name
corresponding to the standard input. If no file names are given, input is taken
from the standard input.

Options may appear in any order so long as they appear before the files. There
are three parts to the list of options below: the first list of options are common to
both nroff and troff; the second list of options are only applicable to
nroff; the third list of options are only applicable to troff.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Each option is typed as a separate argument -


for example,

hostname% nroff -04,8-10 -T300S -ms file1 file2

fonnats pages 4, 8,9, and 10 of a document contained in the files namedfilel and
file2, specifies the output terminal as a DASI-300S, and invokes the -msun macro

Options Common to nraff
and traff

Print only pages whose page numbers appear in list, which consists of
comma-separated numbers and number ranges. A number range has the
fonn N-M and means pages N through M; an initial -N means from the
beginning to page N; and a final N- means from N to the end.

Number first generated page N.
Stop every N pages. nraff will halt prior to every N pages (default N=I)
to allow paper loading or changing, and will resume upon receipt of a newline.

Adds the macro file /usr / lib/tmac/tmac. name before the inputfiles.
Register a (one-character) is set to N.

Read standard input after the input files are exhausted.

-q Invoke the simultaneous input-output mode of the . rd request.

-z Suppress formatted output. The only output you get are messages from. tm
(tenninal message) requests, and from diagnostics.

Options Applicable Only to

- h Output tabs used during horizontal spacing to speed output as well as reduce
byte count. Device tab settings assumed to be every 8 nominal character

widths. Default settings of input (logical) tabs is also initialized to every 8
nominal character widths.

Specifies the name of the output tenninal type. Currently-defined names are
37 for the (default) Model 37 Teletype®, tn300 for the GE TermiNet 300
(or any terminal without half-line capabilities), 300 S for the DASI-300S,
300 for the DASI-300, and 450 for the DASI-450 (Diablo Hytenn).
-e Produce equally-spaced words in adjusted lines, using full tenninal resolution.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Options Applicable Only to

-t Direct output to the standard output instead of the phototypesetter.

-a Send a printable (ASCII) approximation of the results to the standard output.

Print all characters in point size N while retaining all prescribed spacings
and motions, to reduce phototypesetter elapsed time.

1.4. General Explanation
oftroff andnroff

Source Files

This section of the nraff and traff manual covers generic topics related to
the fonnat of the input file, how requests are fonned, and how numeric parameters to requests are stated.
To use traff, you have to prepare not only the actual text you want printed, but
some infonnation that tells how you want it printed. For traff, the text and the
formatting information are often intertwined. Most commands to tra f f are
placed on a line separate from the text itself, beginning with a period (one command per line). For example:
Here is some text in the regular size characters,
but we want to make some of the text in a
.ps 14
larger size to emphasize something

changes the 'point size', that is, the size of the letters being printed, to '14 point'
(one point is In2 inch) like this:
Here is some text in the regular size characters, but we want to make some of the
text in a larger size to emphasize something
Occasionally, though, something special occurs in the middle of a line - to
produce Area = 1tr 2 you have to type



\(*p\flr\fR\ I \s8\u2\d\sO

(which we will explain shortly). The backslash character (\) introduces traff
commands and special characters within a line of text.
To state the above more formally, an input file to be processed by traff or
nraff consists of text lines, which are destined to be printed, interspersed with
control lines, which set parameters or otherwise control subsequent processing.
A control line is usually called a request.
A request begins with a control character - nonnally. (period) or ' (apostrophe or acute accent) - followed by a one or two character name. A request is
a basic request
(also called a command) which is one of the many predefined things that
nraff or traff can do. For example, .11 6. 5i is a basic request to set
the line-length to 6.5 inches, and . in 5 is a basic request to indent the left
margin by five en-spaces.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 1 - Introduction


a macro reference
specifies substitution of a user-defined macro in place of the request. A
macro is a predefined collection of basic requests and (possibly) other macros. For example, in the -ms macro package discussed elsewhere in this
manual, . LP is a macro to start a new left-blocked paragraph.
The ' (apostrophe or acute accent) control character suppresses the break
function- the forced output of a partially filled line- caused by certain
The control character may be separated from the request or macro name by white
space (spaces and/or tabs) for aesthetic reasons. Names must be followed by
either space or newline. nraff or traff ignores control lines whose names
are unrecognized.
Various special functions may be introduced anywhere in the input by means of
an escape character, normally \. For example, the function \ nR interpolates the
contents of the number register whose name is R in place of the function. Here R
is either a single character name in which case the escape sequence has the form
\ nx, or else R is a two-character name, in which case the escape sequence must
have the form \n (xx. In general, there are many escape sequences whose onecharacter form is \ fx and whose two-character form is \ f (xx, where f is the
function and x or xx is the name.
To print the escape character (usually backslash), use \e (backslash e).

Unless in copy mode, the ASCII backspace character is replaced by a backward
horizontal motion having the width of the space character. Underlining as a form
of line-drawing is discussed in the section on Arbitrary Motions and Drawing
Lines and Characters. A generalized overstriking function is also described in
the above- mentioned section.


Comments may be placed at the end of any line by prefacing them with \ ". A
comment line cannot be continued by placing a \ at the end of the line - see the
discussion on continuation lines below.
A line beginning with \" appears as a blank line and behaves like a . sp 1
Here is a line of text.
\" Here is a comment on a line by itself.
Here is another line of text.

when we format the above lines we get this:
Here is a line of text.
Here is another line of text.

If you want a comment on a line by itself but you don't want it to appear as a
blank line, type it as . \ " :
Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Here is a line of text
.\" and here is a comment on a line by itself
and here is another line of text

when we fonnat the above lines we get this:
Here is a line of text
and here is another line of text

Continuation Lines

An uncomfortably long input line that must stay one line (for example, a string
definition, or unfilled text) can be split into many physical lines by ending all but
the last one with the escape \. The sequence \ (newline) is always ignored except in a comment - see below. This provides a continuation line facility.
The \ at the end of the line is called a concealed newline in the jargon.

Transparent Throughput

An input line beginning with a \ ! is read in copy mode and transparently output
(without the initial \ !); the text processor is otherwise unaware of the line's
presence. This mechanism may be used to pass control infonnation to a postprocessor or to embed control lines in a macro created by a diversion. Refer to
Chapter 10 for infonnation describing diversions.

Formatter and Device

traff internally uses 432 units/inch, corresponding to the phototypesetter
which has a horizontal resolution of 1/432 inch and a vertical resolution of 1/144
inch. nraff internally uses 240 units/inch, corresponding to the least common
multiple of the horizontal and vertical resolutions of various typewriter-like output devices. traff rounds horizontal/vertical numerical parameter input to the
actual horizontal/vertical resolution of the Graphic Systems typesetter. nraff
similarly rounds numerical input to the actual resolution of the output device
indicated by the -T option (default Model 37 Teletype).

Specifying Numerical

Many requests can have numerical arguments. Both nroff and traff accept
numerical input in a variety of units. The general fonn of such input is

where. xx is the request, nnnn is the number, and units is the "scale indicator."
Scale indicators are shown in the following table, where S is the current type size
in points, V is the current vertical line spacing in basic units, and C is a nominal
character width in basic units.

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 1 -Introduction

Table 1-1


Scale Indicatorsfor Numerical Input





Number of basic units


Pica = 1/6 inch
Em = Spoints
Point = 1n2 inch
Basic unit
Vertical line space
Default, see below





In nroff, both the em and the en are taken to be equal to the C, which is
output-device dependent; common values are 1/10 and 1/12 inch. Actual character widths in nraff need not be all the same and constructed characters such as
-> ( ~) are often extra-wide.
The default scaling is ems for the horizontally-oriented requests and functions,
V s for the vertically-oriented requests and functions, p for the vertical spacing
request; and u for the number register and conditional requests. See Table 1-2 for
a summary of the default scale indicators for the traff requests and functions
that take scale indicators.
Table 1-2

Default Scale Indicatorsfor Certain troff Requests and Functions


Default Scaling Unit


machine units (u)




Default Scaling Unit

vertical units (Vs)


picas (p)

All other requests ignore any scale indicators. When a number register containing an already appropriately-scaled number is interpolated to provide numerical
input, the unit scale indicator u may need to be appended to prevent an additional
inappropriate default scaling. The number, N, may be specified in decimal fonn,
but the parameter finally stored is rounded to an integer number of basic units.
Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

The absolute position indicator I (the pipe character) may precede a number N to
generate the absolute distance to the vertical or horizontal place N. For
vertically-oriented requests and functions, I N becomes the absolute distance in
basic units from the current vertical place on the page or in a diversion (see
Chapter 10 for the section on diversions) to the vertical place N. For all other
requests and functions, I N becomes the distance from the current horizontal
place on the input line to the horizontal place N. For example,
will space in the required direction to 3.2 centimeters from the top of the page.
Numerical Expressions

Table 1-3

Wherever numerical input is expected, you can type an arithmetic expression.
An expression involves parentheses and the arithmetic operators and logical
operators shown in the table below:

Arithmetic Operators and Logical Operators for Expressions

Arithmetic Operator





Logical Operator



Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Equal to

Except where controlled by parentheses, evaluation of expressions is left-to-right
- there is no operator precedence.
In certain requests, an initial + or- is stripped and interpreted as an increment or
decrement indicator respectively. In the presence of default scaling, the desired

scale indicator must be attached to every number in an expression for which the
desired and default scaling differ. For example, if the number register x contains
2 and the current point size is 10, then
( ,II



will set the line length to 1/2 the sum of 4.25 inches + 2 picas + 30 points.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 1 -

1.5. Output and Error



The output from . tm, . pm, and the prompt from . rd, as well as various error
messages are written onto the standard error message output. The latter is different from the standard output, where nroff fonnatted output goes. By
default, both are written onto the user's tenninal, but they can be independently
redirected - in the case of t r a f f, the standard output should always be
redirected unless the -a option is in effect, because troff's output is a strange
binary format destined to drive a typesetter.
Various error conditions may occur during the operation of nroff and traff.
Certain less serious errors having only local impact do not stop processing. Two
examples are word overflow, caused by a word that is too large to fit into the
word buffer (in fill mode), and line overflow, caused by an output line that grew
too large to fit in the line buffer; in both cases, a message is printed, the offending excess is discarded, and the affected word or line is marked at the point of
truncation with a * in nroff and a ¢:::: in traff. The philosophy is to continue
processing, if possible, on the grounds that output useful for debugging may be
produced. If a serious error occurs, processing tenninates, and an appropriate
message is printed. Examples are the inability to create, read, or write files, and
the exceeding of certain internal limits that make future output unlikely to be

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Line Format
Line Fonnat ......................................................................................................................................


2.1. Controlling Line Breaks ..............................................................................................


Break Lines ....................................................................................................


Continuation Lines and Interrupted Text ........................................................


2.2. Justifying Text and Filling Lines ............................................................................


· ad -

Specify Adjusting Styles ........................................................................


· na -

No Adjusting .................................................................................................


· nf and . f i-Tum Filling Off and On .....................................................


2.3. Hyphenation .......................................................................................................................


· br -

· nh and . hy -

Control Hyphenation ............................................................


· hw -

Specify Hyphenation Word List ........................................................


· he -

Specify Hyphenation Character ..........................................................


Center Lines of Text ....................................................................................


2.4 . . ce -

2.5 . . ul and . eu 2.6. . uf -

Underline or Emphasize Text ............................................


Underline Font ................................................................................................


". s





Line Format

Perhaps the most important reason for using troff or nroff is to use its filling
and adjusting capabilities. Here is what filling and adjusting mean:

means that t r 0 f f or nr 0 f f collects words from your input text
lines and assembles the collected words into an output text line until
some word doesn't fit. An attempt is then made to hyphenate the
word in an effort to assemble a part of it into the output line. Filling
continues until something happens to break the filling process, such
as a blank line in the text, or one of the troff or nroff requests
that break the line - things that break the filling process are discussed later on.


means that once the line has been filled as full as possible, spaces
between words on the output line are then increased to spread out the
line to the current line-length minus any current indent. The paragraphs you have just been reading are both filled and adjusted.
Justification implies filling - it makes no sense to adjust lines
without also filling them.

In the absence of any other infonnation, t ro f f 's or nro f f 's standard behavior

is to fill1ines and adjust for straight left and right margins, so it is quite possible
to create a neatly fonnatted document which only contains lines of text an9 no
fonnatting requests. Given this as a starting point, the simplest document of all
contains nothing but blocks of text separated by blank lines - t ro f f or nro f f
will fill and justify those blocks of text into paragraphs for you. To get further
control over the layout of text, you have to use requests and functions embedded
in the text, and that is the subject of this entire paper on using t ro f f.
A word is any string of characters delimited by the space character or the beginning or end of the input line. Any adjacent pair of words that must be kept
together (neither split across output lines nor spread apart in the adjustment process) can be tied together by separating them with the unpaddable space character '\ '(backslash-space)- also called a 'hard blank' in other systems. The
adjusted word spacings are unifonn in troff and the minimum interword spacing can be controlled with the .55 (space size) request. In nroff, interword
spaces are nonnally nonunifonn because of quantization to character-size spaces,
but the -e command line option requests unifonn spacing to the full resolution
of the output device. Multiple inter-word space characters found in the input are
retained, except for trailing spaces.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Filling and adjusting and hyphenation can all be prevented or controlled by
requests that are discussed later in this part of the manual.
An input text line ending with. , ?, or ! is taken to be the end of a sentence, and
an additional space character is automatically provided during filling.

A text input line that happens to begin with a control character can be made to
not look like a control line by prefacing it with the non-printing, zero-width filler
character \ &. Still another way is to specify output translation of some convenient character into the control character using the . t r (translate) request see the relevant section.
The text length on the last line output is available in the . n number register, and
text baseline position on the page for this line is in the nl number register. The
text baseline high-water mark on the current page is in the . h number register.

2.1. Controlling Line

When filling is turned on, words of text are taken from input lines and placed on
output lines to make the output lines as long as they can be without overflowing
the line length, until something happens to break the filling process. When a
break occurs, the current output line is printed just as it is, and a new output line
is started for the following input text. There are various things that cause a break
to occur:

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 2 - Line Format

Table 2-1


Constructs that Break the Filling Process

Blank liners)

If your input text contains any completely blank lines, traff or nraff
assumes you mean them. So it prints the current output line, then your blank
lines, then starts the following text on a new line.


at the beginning of a line are significant. If there are spaces at the start of a
line, traff or nraff assumes you know what you are doing and that you
really want spaces there. Obviously, to achieve this, the current output line
must be printed and a new line begun. Avoid using tabs for this purpose,
since they do not cause a break.

A . b r request

A . br request (break) request can be used to make sure that the following
text is started on a new line.

traff or nraff requests

Some traff or nraff requests cause a break in the filling process.
However, there is an alternate format of these requests which does not cause a
break. That is the format where the initial period character ( . ) in the request
is replaced by the apostrophe or single quote character ('). The list of
requests that cause a break appears in the table below this one.

A \p Function

When filling is in effect, the in-line \p function may be embedded or attached
to a word to cause a break at the end of the word and have the resulting output
line spread out to fill the current line length.

End offile

Filling stops when the end of the input file is reached.
Breaks caused by blank lines or spaces at the beginning of a line enable you to
take advantage of the filling and justification features provided by traff or
nraff without having to use any traff or nraff requests in your text.
As mentioned in the table above in the item entitled "traff or nraff
requests," there are some requests that cause a break when they are encountered.
The list of requests that break lines is short and natural:

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Table 2-2

Formatter Requests that Cause a Line Break
· bp
· br

· ce
·f i
· nf

· sp
· in
·t i

Begin a new page
Break the current output line
Center line(s)
Start filling text lines
Stop filling text lines
Space vertically
Indent the left margin
Temporary indent the left margin for the next line only

No other requests break lines, regardless of whether you use a . or a ' as the control character. If you really do need a break, add a . br (break) request at the
appropriate place, as described below.
. br -

Break Lines

The . b r (break) request breaks the current output line and stops filling that line.
Any new output will start on a new line.

Summary o/the . br Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not Applicable

If No Argument:

cause break


Stop filling the line currently being collected and output the line without
adjustment. Text lines beginning with space characters and empty text lines
(blank lines) also cause a break.

Continuation Lines and
Interrupted Text

The copying of an input line in nofill (non-fill) mode (see below) can be interrupted by tenninating the partial line with a \ c. The next encountered input text
line will be considered to be a continuation of the same line of input text. Similarly, a word within filled text may be interrupted by tenninating the word (and
line) with \c; the next encountered text will be taken as a continuation of the
interrupted word. If the intervening control lines cause a break, any partial line
will be forced out along with any partial word.

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 2 -

Line Format


2.2. Justifying Text and
Filling Lines
. ad -

Specify Adjusting


Table 2-3

To change the style of text justification, use the . ad (adjust) request to specify
one of the four different methods for adjusting text:
Adjusting Styles for Filled Text


.ad 1


.ad r
.ad c


.ad b
.ad n


Produces flush-left, ragged-right output, which
is the same as filling with no adjustment.
Produces flush-right, ragged-left output
Centers each output line, giving both left and
right ragged margins.
Justifies both left and right margins.
Resumes adjusting lines in the last mode

It makes no sense to try to adjust lines when they are not being filled, so if filling
is off when a . ad request is seen, the adjusting is deferred until filling is turned
on again.

Summary of the . ad Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

. ad b - that is, adjust both margins.

If No Argument:

Adjust in the last specified adjusting mode.


Adjust lines - if fill mode is off, adjustment is be deferred until fill mode is
back on. If the type indicator c is present, the adjustment type is changed as
shown in Table 2-3.


E (see Table A-2)
The current adjustment indicator c can be obtained from the . j number register.
The following figure illustrates the different appearances of filled and justified

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

This paragraph is filled and adjusted on both margins. This is the easiest fonnatting style to achieve
using nraff or traff because you don't have to place any requests in your text - you just type the
blocks of text into the input file and the formatter does something reasonably sane with them. Although
we specified nothing to get the paragraph filled and adjusted, we could have used an . ad b (adjust
both) request, or a . ad n (adjust normal) request - they both mean the same thing, namely, fill lines
and adjust both margins.

This paragraph is an example of 'flush left, ragged right', which is what you get when you have filling
without adjusting - words are placed on the line to fill lines out as far as possible, but no interword
spaces are inserted so the right-hand margin looks ragged. This paragraph was formatted using an . ad
1 (adjust left) request, which has the same effect as using a . na (no adjust) request described later.

Then this paragraph is an illustration of text fonnatted as 'flush right, ragged left' - words are placed on
the line to fill lines out as far as possible, then the lines are made to line up on the right-hand margin, no
interword spaces are inserted, and so the left-hand margin looks ragged. This paragraph was fonnatted
using an . ad r (adjust right) request.

Finally, this paragraph is an instance of a fonnatting style called 'centered' adjusting, also known as
'ragged left, ragged right' - words are placed on the line to fill lines out as far as possible, then the lines
are centered so that both margins look ragged. This paragraph was formatted using an . ad c (adjust
center) request.

Figure 2-1
. na -

No Adjusting

Filling and Adjusting Styles
If you don't specify otherwise, traff or nroff justifies your text so that both
left and right margins are straight. This can be changed if necessary - one way,
as we showed above, is to use the . ad 1 request to get left adjusting only so
that the left margin is straight and the right margin is ragged. Another way to
achieve this same effect is to use the . na (no adjust) request. Output lines are
still filled, providing that filling hasn't also been turned off - see the . n f (no
fill) and . f i (fill) requests below. If filling is still on, troff or nroff produces flush left, ragged right output. To tum adjusting back on (return to the previous state), use the . ad request.

Revision A, of9 May 1988

Chapter 2 - Line Format


Summary of the . na Request

no adjust

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Adjusting is on by default

If No Argument:

adjusting is turned off


Turn off adjustment - the right margin will be ragged. The adjustment
type for the . ad request is not changed. Output lines are still filled if fill
mode is on. To turn adjusting back on (return to the previous state), use the
. a d request.


E (see Table A-2)

. n f and . f i-Turn Filling
Off and On

The . nf (no fill) request turns off filling. Lines in the result are neither filled
nor adjusted. The output text appears exactly as it was typed in, complete with
any extra spaces and blank lines you might type - this is often called 'asis text', or 'verbatim'. No filling is mainly used for showing examples, especially in computer books where you want to show examples of program source
You should be aware that traditional typesetting people have trouble with the
concept of no filling, because their typesetting systems are geared up to fill and
adjust text all the time. When you ask for stuff to be printed exactly the way you
typed it, they have problems, especially when you want blank lines left in the
unfilled text exactly where you put them. In the world of typography, things that
don't fit into the Procrustean mold of filled text are often called 'displays' and
have to be handled specially.
The . f i (fill) request turns on filling. If adjusting has not been turned off by a
. na request, output lines are also adjusted in the prevailing mode set by any previous . ad request.

Summary of the . fi Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Filling is on by default

If No Argument:

filling is turned on

Exp lanation:

Fill subsequent output lines. The number register . u is 1 in fill mode and 0
in nofill mode.


E,B (see Table A-2)


Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary o/the . nf Request

no fill

Form o/Request:


Initial Value:

Filling is on by default

If No Argument:

filling is turned off


Subsequent output lines are neither filled nor adjusted. Input text lines are
copied directly to output lines without regard for the current line length.
The number register . u is 1 in fill mode and 0 in nofill mode.


E,B (see Table A-2)

2.3. Hyphenation

When troff or nroff fills lines, it takes each word in tum from the input text
line, and puts the word on the output text line, until it finds a word that will not
fit on the output line. At this point, troff or nroff tries to hyphenate the
word. If possible, the first part of the hyphenated word is put on the output line
followed by a -, and the remainder of the word is put on the next line. We
should emphasize that, although the examples show text that is both filled and
justified, it is during filling that troff or nroff hyphenates words, not adjusting.
If you have words in your input text containing hyphens (such as jack-in-the-box,

or co-worker), troff or nroff will, if necessary, split these words over two
lines, even if hyphenation is turned off.
. nh and . hy Hyphenation


Nonnally, when you invoke troff or nroff, hyphenation is turned on, but
you can change this. The . nh (no hyphenation) request turns off automatic
hyphenation. When hyphenation is turned off, the only words that are split over
more than one line are those that already contain hyphens. Hyphenation can be
turned on again with the . h Y (hyphenate) request.
You can give. hy an argument to restrict the amount of hyphenation that troff
or nroff does. The argument is numeric. The request. hy 2 stops troff or
nroff from hyphenating the last word on a page .. hy 4 instructs troff or
nrof f not to split the last two characters from a word; so, for example,
'repeated' will never be hyphenated 'repeat-ed' .. hy 8 requests the same thing
for the first two characters of a word; so, for example, 'repeated' will not be
hyphenated 're-peated'.
The values of the arguments are additive: . h Y 12 makes sure that words like
'repeated' will never be hyphenated either as 'repeat-ed' or as 're-peated'. . h Y
14 calls up all three restrictions on hyphenation.
A . h y 1 request is the same as the simple . h y request - it turns on hyphenation everywhere. Finally, a . hy 0 request is the same as the . nh request - it
tums off automatic hyphenation altogether.

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Chapter 2 -

Line Format


Only words that consist of a central alphabetic string surrounded by (usually
null) non-alphabetic strings are considered candidates for automatic hyphenation.
Words that were input containing hyphens (minus), em-dashes (\ (em), or
hyphenation characters - such as mother-in-law - are always subject to splitting after those characters, whether or not automatic hyphenation is on or off.

Summary of the . nh Request

no hyphenation

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Hyphenation is on by default

If No Argument:

hyphenation is turned off


Turn automatic hyphenation off.


E (see Table A-2)

Summary of the . hy Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Hyphenation is on by default in mode 1.

If No Argument:



Turn automatic hyphenation on for N ~ 1, or off for N =0. If n = 1, all words
are subject to hyphenation. If N =2, do not hyphenate last lines (ones that
cause a trap). If N =4, do not hyphenate the last two characters of a word. If
N =8, do not hyphenate the first two characters of a word. These values are
additive - that is, N =14 invokes all three restrictions. Note: odd values of
N (except 1) don't make sense.


E (see Table A-2)

. h w - Specify Hyphenation
Word List

If there are words that you want troff or nroff to hyphenate in some special
way, you can specify them with the . hw (hyphenate words) request. This
request tells troff or nroff that you have special cases it should know about,

for example:
( .hw pre-empt ant-eater


Now, if either of the words 'preempt' or 'anteater' need to be hyphenated, they
will appear as specified in the . hw request, regardless of what troff or
nroff 's usual hyphenation rules would do. If you use the . hw request, be
aware that there is a limit of about 128 characters in total, for the list of special

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . hw Request

hyphenate word

Form of Request:

.hw word1 ...

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Specify hyphenation points in words with embedded minus signs. Versions
of a word with tenninal s are implied - that is, dig-it implies dig-its. This
list is examined initially and after each suffix stripping. The space available
is small- about 128 characters.

. he --- Specify



A hyphenation indicator character may be embedded in a word to specify desired
hyphenation points, or may precede the word to suppress hyphenation. For
example, hyphenation looks particularly disruptive if it occurs in titles. So, if
you had a long title like:
Input and Output Conventions and Character Translations,
you could shorten it, or you could insert the hyphenation character just before the
first character of each of the long words at the end of the title. The input might
look like this:
.R C "Input and Output Conventions and \%Character \%Translations'

(If you are using a reasonable line length, you don't need to worry about hyphenation occurring earlier in the title in this example.)
Here is an example of using the hyphenation character to specify acceptabl~
hyphenation points within a word. The word "workstation" is often mishyphenated because of the collection of consonants at the end of "work" and the
beginning of "station". So, your input might look like this:




Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 2 -

Line Format


Summary of the . he Request

hyphenation character

Form of Request:

.he c

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Set hyphenation indicator character to c or to the default \ %. The indicator
does not appear in the output.


E (see Table A-2)

2.4. . ce - Center Lines of

When we described "Filling and Adjusting," we showed how the text produced
by nroff or troff could be centered by using the . ad e request. Setting
text adjustment for centering is a fairly unusual way of getting centered text,
because the text is being filled at the same time. The more usual use for centering is to have unfilled lines that are centered - that is, each line that you type is
centered within the output line. You get lines centered via the . ee (center)
request, which centers lines of text.
If you just use a . ee request without an argument, troff or nroff centers the
next line of text:



centers the following line of text, whereas:




centers the following five lines of text. Filling is temporarily turned off when
lines are centered, so each line in the input appears as a line in the output, centered between the left and right margins. For centering purposes, the left margin
includes both the page offset (see later) and any indentation (also see later) that
may be in effect.
An argument of zero to the . ee request simply stops any centering that might be
in progress. So, if you don't want to count how many lines you want centered,
you can ask for some large number of lines to be centered, then follow the last of
the lines with a . ee 0 request:

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

.ce 100

lines of text to be centered

.ce 0

The '100' in the example above could be any large number that you think is
bigger than the number of lines to center.
Note that the argument to the . ce request only applies to following text lines in
the input. Lines containing nroff or troff requests are not counted.

Summary of the . ce Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Centering is off by default.

If No Argument:



Center the next N input text lines within the current line (line-length minus
indent). If N=O, any residual count is cleared. A break occurs after each of
the N input lines. If the input line is too long, it is left adjusted.


E,B (see Table A-2)

2.5. . ul and. cu Underline or
Emphasize Text

There are times when you want to lend emphasis to a word in a piece of text.
The nonnal way to do this is to place the word or piece of text in italics if you
have an italic font, or underline the word if you don't have an italic font. The
· ul (underline) request underlines alphanumeric characters in nroff, and
prints those characters in the italic font in troff. As with the . ce request, a
· ul request with no argument underlines a single line of text, so:

simply underlines the following line of text. Unlike. ce, though, . ul does not
tum filling off. A numeric argument to the . ul request specifies the number of
text lines you want underlined, so:
( .ul 3


underlines the next three lines of text. As with centering, an argument of zero
· u 1 0 cancels the underlining process.
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 2 -

Line Format


Summary of the . ul Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Underlining is off by default.

If No Argument:


Exp lanation:

Underline in nroff (italicize in troff) the next N input text lines. Actually, switch to underline font, saving the current font for later restoration;
other font changes within the span of a . ul will take effect, but the restoration will undo the last change. Output generated by a . t 1 request is
affected by the font change, but does not decrement N. If N > 1, there is the
risk that a trap-interpolated macro may provide text lines within the spanenvironment switching can prevent this.


E (see Table A-2)

Another form of underlining is called up with the . eu request, and asks for continuous underlining. This is the same as the . ul request, except that all characters are underlined. Again, if you are using troff the characters are printed in
the italic font instead of underlined. There is a way to get characters underlined
in troff, and this technique is explained later in this manual.
As with. ee, only lines of text to be underlined are counted in the number given
to the underline request. nroff or troff requests interspersed with the text
lines are not counted.

Summary of the . eu Request

continuousl y underline

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Underlining is off by default.

If No Argument:



A variant of . ul that underlines every character in nroff. Identical to
. ul in troff.


E (see Table A-2)

2.6. . u f


Underline Font

nroff automatically underlines characters in the underline font, specifiable
with a . uf (underline font) request. The underline font is nonnally Times Italic
and is mounted on font position 2. In addition to the . ft (font) request and the
\fF, the underline font may be selected by the . ul (underline) request and the
. eu (continuous underline) request. Underlining is restricted to an outputdevice-dependent subset of reasonable characters.

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . uf Request

underline font

Form of Request:

.uf F

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Set underline font to F. In nro f f, F may not be on position 1 (initially
Times Roman).

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Page Layout
Page Layout ......................................................................................................................................


3.1. Margins and Indentations ............................................................................................


· po -

Set Page Offset .............................................................................................


· 11 -

Set Line Length ...........................................................................................


· in -

Set Indent ........................................................................................................


· t i-Temporarily Indent One Line ..............................................................


3.2. Page Lengths, Page Breaks, and Conditional Page Breaks .....................


· p l - Set Page Length ...........................................................................................


· bp -

Start a New Page .........................................................................................


· pn -

Set Page Number ........................................................................................


· ne -

Specify Space Needed ..............................................................................


3.3. Multi-Column Page Layout by Marking and Returning ...........................


· mk -

Mark Current Vertical Position ..........................................................


· rt -

Return to Marked Vertical Position .................................................


Page Layout
Now we get into the subject of altering the physical dimensions of the layout of
text on a page. There are two major parts to page control, and they can be
roughly divided into controlling the horizontal aspects of lines, and controlling
the vertical aspects of the page dimensions.
Horizontal page control
Vertical page control

Deals with subjects such as the location of the left margin, the location of the
right margin (the length of the line), and indentation of lines.
Deals with the physical length of the page, when pages get started, and whether
there's enough room on the current page for a block of text. Page numbering is
also covered in this area.
These topics are covered in this section. We deal first with horizontal page control, then with the vertical aspects of page control.
We should explain how traff thinks of a page. The next page contains a
diagram of a page of text, and here we explain what some of the terms mean:

Page Offset

is the distance from the physical edge of the paper to the place where all text
begins. In normal-world terms, this distance is called the 'left margin'. Normally you only set the page-offset at the very start of a formatting job and you
never change it again.

Line Length

is the distance from the left margin (or page-offset) to the right edge of the text.
The line-length is relative to the page-offset. In some respects, 'line-length' is a
bit of a misnomer, because once you have set the page-offset at the start of the
document (and assuming you never change it), the line-length really nails down
the position of the right margin and has little to do with the length of the line.


is where the left edge of your text starts. Normally the indent is zero, so that the
edge of the text is where the page-offset is, but you can change the indent so that
the text starts somewhere else. Note that the line-length is not affected by the
indent - that is, indenting the text doesn't change the position of the right margin.

Page Length

is the distance from the extreme top of the page to the extreme bottom of the
page, that is, the page length is the physical length of the paper.
The following figure is a diagram of a page of text with the relevant parts pointed
out. This diagram is a scale-model of an 8.5 x II-inch sheet of paper, so while
the numbers quoted in the text below are expressed in 'real' units, the actual
dimensions are scaled.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Figure 3-1

left header

Layoutofa Page
center header

right header

This paragraph has the page-offset set to give a left margin of approximately one inch (scaled). The
line-length is set to 6.5 inches (scaled). This means there is a one-inch (scaled) left margin and a oneinch (scaled) right margin. The indent is set to zero so that the current left margin is at the same place
as the page-offset.
This paragraph has the page-offset and the line-length the same as the last paragraph, but
we've used a . in +0. Si request to indent the left margin by half an inch - the current left
margin is now page-offset + indent. Note that the position of the right margin remains the
same as in the previous paragraph - only the left margin moved, so the effective length of the
lines is shorter.
This paragraph now has the left margin back to the original position because we inserted a . in
- 0 . 5 i request before it.
This paragraph could have the left margin moved, not by indenting, but by changing the page-offset via
a .po +0. Si request. Now all text would be moved to the left, and because the line-length hasn't
changed, the right margin would move as well. The example can't show this because page offset is
measured from the margin, and because this example is in a box, changing the page offset within the
box is meaningless.
This is the regular old paragraph where the first line is indented and the rest of the text in the paragraph is flushed to the left margin. The first line was indented via a . ti +0. 25i request to give a
temporary indent of the first line.

This paragraph is an example of an 'item' or 'bulleted' or 'hanging' paragraph, where the left margin is moved to the right, and the 'bullet' or 'tag' is moved back to the old left margin. This effect
was achieved via a . in +0. 2Si request to move the left margin rightward, and then the 'bullet'
was preceded by a . t i - 0 . 25 i request to get a temporary indent to the old position of the left

Finally, note that tab stops are relative to the current left margin as we show here with a couple of
blocks of text with different indents. Note that the positions of the tab stops are shown with exclamation point ( ! ) characters:
You can see by the line of ! marks above where the tab stops are.
Now we have another block of text here but with the indent moved over a half-inch. As you
can see by the line of ! marks below, the tab stops have moved with the left margin:
left footer

center footer

right footer

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Chapter 3 -

Page Layout


3.1. Margins and

As we said above, the positions of the left-hand and right-hand margins are controlled via the page-offset and the line-length. After that, any movements of the
left-hand margin are controlled via indent and temporary indent requests. These
topics are discussed in the following subsections.

. po - Set Page Offset

The usable page width on the Graphic Systems phototypesetter is about 7.54
inches, beginning about 1/27 inch from the left edge of the 8 inch wide, continuous roll paper. The physical limitations on nroff output are output-device
The page-offset is the distance from the extreme left-hand edge of the paper to
the left margin of your text When you use 'standard' 8.5xll-inch paper, it is
customary to have the left and right margins be one inch each, so that the physical length of the printed lines are 6.5 inches - or you'd say that the measure was
39 picas if you're a typographer and can't handle inches.
In general, you only set the page-offset once in the course of formatting a docu-

ment. Setting the page-offset determines the position of the physical left margin
for the text, and then you (almost) never change the page-offset again - all
indentation is done via. in (indent) requests and . ti (temporary indent)
requests. We talk about these requests later in this part of the manual.
The position of the physical right margin for the text is determined by the linelength relative to the page-offset. The .11 (line length) request is discussed

Summary of the . po Request

page offset

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

o in nrof f, 26/27 inch in trof f

If No Argument:

Previous value


Set the current left margin to ±N. In trof f the initial value is 26{27 inch,
which provides about one inch of paper margin including the physical
typesetter margin of 1/27 inch. In trof f the maximum (linelength)+(page-offset) is about 7.54 inches. In nroff the initial page-offset
is zero.


v (see Table A-2)


The current page-offset is available in the . 0 register.
. 11 -

Set Line Length

troff gives you full control over the length of the printed lines. By the way,
typographers don't use terms like 'line-length', they use the word 'measure' to
mean the length of a line. They always measure vertical distances in 'picas'.

Nevertheless, to set the line-length in troff, use the .11 (line length) request,
as in

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

[ .11 6i


As with the . sp request, the actual length can be specified in several ways inches are probably the most intuitive unless you live in one of the very few
places in the world where they don't use inches.
The maximum line-length provided by the typesetter is 7.5 inches, by the way.
To use the full width, you have to reset the default physical left margin ('pageoffset'), which is nonnally slightly less than one inch from the left edge of the
paper. This is done by the . po (page offset) request discussed above.


( .po 0
sets the offset as far to the left as it will go.

Note that the line-length includes indent space but not page-offset space. The
line-length minus the indent is the basis for centering with the . ce request. The
effect of the .11 request is delayed, if a partially-collected line exists, until after
that line is output. In fill mode, the length of text on an output line is less than or
equal to the line-length minus the indent. The current line-length is available in
the . 1 number register. The length of three-part titles produced by a . t 1
request (see Chapter 7, Titles and Page Numbering) is independent of the linelength set by the . 11 request - the length of a three-part title is set by the . It

Summary o/the .11 Request

line length

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

6.5 inches

If No Argument:

Previous value


Set the line-length to N where N is the value of the line length, or an increment or decrement for the line-length. In t ro f f the maximum (linelength)+(page-offset) is about 7.54 inches.


E, m (see Table A-2)

. in - Set Indent

Given that you've got your page-offset and line-length correctly set for a document to establish the position of the left and right margins, you now make all
other movements of the left margin via the . in (indent) request discussed here,
and via the . ti (temporary indent) request described below.
The . in (indent) request indents the left margin by some specified amount from
the page-offset. This means that all the following text will be indented by the
specified amount until you do something to change the indent. To get only the
first line of a paragraph indented, you don't use the . in request, but you use the

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Chapter 3 -

Page Layout


. t i (temporary indent) request described below.

As an example, a common text structure in books and magazines is the 'quotation' - a paragraph that is indented both on the right and the left of the line. A
quotation is used for precisely that purpose, namely to set some text off from the
rest of the copy. We can achieve such a paragraph by using the . in request to
move the left margin in, and the .11 request to move the right margin leftward:
.in +O.Si
.11 -O.Si
I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new
situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method
it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization .
. 11 +O.Si
.in -O.Si

When you fonnat the above construct you get a block that looks like this:
I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation

by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating
the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency,
and demoralization. 2
Notice the use of' +' and '-' to specify the amount of change. These change the
previous setting by the specified amount rather than just overriding it. The distinction is quite important: .11 +2.0 i makes lines two inches longer, whereas
. 11 2. 0 i makes them two inches long:
.11 2.0i
I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new
situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method
it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

I was to learn later in life that

we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a
wonderful method it can be for
creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion,
inefficiency, and demoralization.
With . in, . 11, and . po, the previous value is used if no argument is specified.
So, in the above example, the lines:

2 Petronius Arbiter, A.D. 60.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff




could have been

and would have had the same effect.
Note that the line-length includes indent space but not page-offset space. The
line-length minus the indent is the basis for centering with the . ce request. The
effect of the . in request is delayed, if a partially collected line exists, until after
that line is output. In fill mode the length of text on an output line is less than or
equal to the line-length minus the indent. The current indent is available in the
. i number register.

Summary of the . in Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

Previous value


Set the indent to ±N where N is the value of the indent, or an increment or
decrement on the current value of the indent. The . in request causes a


E, m (see Table A-2)

. t i-Temporarily Indent
One Line

The . t i (temporary indent) request indents the next text line by a specified
A common application for . t i is where the first line of a paragraph must be
indented just like the one you're reading now. You get such a construct with a
sequence like:
.ti 3
A common application for .

. .

and when the paragraph is formatted, the first line of the paragraph is
indented by three specified units just like this one. Three of what? The default
unit for the . t i request, as for most horizontally-oriented requests - . 11 (line
length), . in (indent), and . po (page offset) - is ems. An em is roughly the
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 3 -

Page Layout


width of the letter 'm' in the current point size. Thus, an em is always proportional to the point size you are using. An em in size p is the number of p points
in the width of an 'm'. Here's an em followed by an em dash in several point
sizes to show why this is a proportional unit of measure. You wouldn't want a
20-point dash if you are printing the rest of a document in 12-point text. Here's
12-point text:

Here's 16-point text:

And here's 20-point text:

Thus a temporary indent of . t i
of three m's width or Immmi.

3 in the current point size results in an indent

Although inches are usually clearer than ems to people who don't set type for a
living, ems have a place: they are a measure of size that is proportional to the
current point size. If you want to make text that keeps its proportions regardless
of point size, you should use ems for all dimensions. Ems can be specified as
scale factors directly, as in . ti 2. Sm.
Lines can also be indented negatively if the indent is already positive:
( .ti -O.3i


moves the next line back three tenths of an inch. A common text structure found
in documents is 'itemized lists' where the paragraphs are indented but are set off
by 'bullets' or some such. Item lists are often called 'hanging paragraphs'
because the first line with the item on it 'hangs' to the left. For example, you
could type the following series of lines like this (we've deliberately shortened the
length of the line to illustrate the effects):


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

shorten lines for this example
.11 4.0i
.in +O.2i
indent left margin by afifth inch
.ta +O.2i
set a tab for the hanging indent
center a line of title
Indent Control Requests
· t i - 0 •2i
melle left margin back temporarily
\(bu tab the \fL\&.po\fp request sets the
page-offset to the desired amount thereby making
sure the left margin is correct.
· t i - 0 •2i
melle left margin back temporarily
\(bu tab the \fL\&.in\fp request sets the
indent from the left margin for all following text.
· t i - 0 •2i
melle left margin back temporarily
\(bu tab the \fL\&.ti\fP request sets the indent for
the following line of text only, thus providing for
fancy paragraph effects.

We had to play some tricks with tabs as well to get everything lined up, but that
won't affect the main point of the discussion. The tab markers in the lines above
show where there's a tab character, and the \ {bu sequence at the start of the
lines gets you a bullet ( • ) like that - we'll show the special character sequences
later in this manual. When you fonnat the text as shown in the example above,
you get this effect:
Indent Control Requests
• the. po request sets the page-offset to the desired amount
thereby making sure the left margin is correct.
• the. in request sets the indent from the left margin for all
following text.
• the. t i request sets the indent for the following line of text
only, thus providing for fancy paragraph effects.
Remember that the line-length includes indent space but not page-offset space.
The effect of a . ti request is delayed, if a partially collected line exists, until
after that line is output. In fill mode the length of text on an output line is less
than or equal to the line-length minus the indent. The current indent is available
in the . i register.

Summary of the . ti Request

temporary indent

Form o/Request:


Initial Value:


1/ No Argument:



Indent the next output text line a distance ±N with respect to the current
indent. The resulting total indent may not be negative. The current indent
is not changed. The . t i request causes a break.


E, m (see Table A-2)

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 3 -

3.2. Page Lengths, Page
Breaks, and
Conditional Page

Page Layout


Neither nroff nor troff provide any facilities for top and bottom margins on
a page, nor for any kind of page numbering at all. The -ms macro package
described in a previous section of this manual sets things up so that reasonable
pagination with top and bottom margins and page numbers is done automatically.
If you want top and bottom margins when using raw troff or nroff, you have
to do some tricky stuff. The tricky stuff is done via traps and macros. The trap
tells troff or nroff when to do some processing for the margins (for exampIe, you might set a trap to start the bottom margin 0.75 inches from the bottom
of the page), and the macro defines what to do when the trap is sprung. It is conventional to set traps for them at vertical positions 0 (top) and -N (N from the

A pseudo-page transition onto the first page occurs either when the first break
occurs or when the first non-diverted text processing occurs. Arrangements for a
trap to occur at the top of the first page must be completed before this transition.
In the following tables, references to the current diversion mean that the mechanism being described works during both ordinary and diverted output (the fonner
considered as the top diversion level). Refer to Chapter 10 for more infonnation
on diversions.
. pl -

Set Page Length

Just as the . po, .11, . in, and . ti requests changed the horizontal aspects of
the page, the . p 1 (page length) request detennines the physical length of the
page. In general you won't need to use the . pl request because the standard setting is right for all but the most esoteric purposes.

Summary of the . pi Request

page length

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

11 inches

If No Argument:

11 inches


Set page length to ±N. The internal limitation is about 75 inches in troff
and about 136 inches in nroff. The current page length is available in the
. p number register.


v (see Table A-2)

. bp - Start a New Page

This request causes a break and skips to a new page.

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Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . bp Request

begin page

Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

Increment current page number by 1.


Eject the current page and start a new page. If ±N is given, the new page
number will be ±N. Also see the . ns (no space) request. The . bp request
causes a break.


v (see Table A-2)

. pn -

Set Page Number

Summary of the . pn Request

page number

Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:



The next page (when it occurs) will have the page number ±N. A . pn
request must occur before the initial pseudo-page transition to affect the
page number of the first page. The current page number is in the % register.

. ne -

Specify Space Needed

In some applications you need to make sure that a few lines of text all appear

together on the same page. There are several ways to achieve this ranging from
simple to complicated. One of the simplest ways is to use the . ne (need) vertical space request:
.ne 3
on the
same page

specify we need at least three lines

The arrangement of the . ne request specifies that if there are many lines of text
in (say) a paragraph, at least three of the lines will appear together on the same
page, otherwise a new page will be started. The object of this exercise is to avoid
what typographers call 'orphans' - that is, the first line of a paragraph appearing
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 3 - Page Layout


all alone and lonely on the bottom of a page, while the rest of the paragraph
appears on the next page. This is generally considered to be somewhat ugly and
should be avoided if possible. By itself, troff is too stupid to recognize the
existence of orphans (indeed of any text constructs at all), but the facilities are
there to avoid these situations. In general, macro packages such as the -ms
macro package discussed elsewhere have 'begin paragraph' macros such as . PP
which take care of controlling orphans.

Summary of the . ne Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Need N vertical space. If the distance, D, to the next trap position is less
than N, a forward vertical space of size D occurs, which will spring the trap.
If there are no remaining traps on the page, D is the distance to the bottom
of the page. If D < V, another line could still be output and spring the trap.
In a diversion, D is the distance to the diversion trap, if any, or is very large.


v (see Table A-2)

3.3. Multi-Column Page
Layout by Marking
and Returning

It is possible to achieve multi-column output in trof f or nrof f via the . mk

(mark) and . rt (return) requests. Other useful special effects can also be
obtained using these requests, but one of the common uses is to do multi-column
output. Basically, the . mk request marks the current vertical position on the
page (you can place the result of the mark in a register). You do a column's
worth of output, then when you get to the end of the page, instead of starting the
next page, you return (via the . rt request) to the marked position, set up a new
indent and line-length, and crank out another column.

. mk - Mark Current
Vertical Position

Summary of the . mk Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

R is an internal register


Mark the current vertical place in an internal register (both associated with
the current diversion level), or in register R, if given. See the . rt request.

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

. rt - Return to Marked
Vertical Position

Summary of the . rt Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

return to place marked by a previous . mk request


Return upward only to a marked vertical place in the current diversion. If
±N (with respect to the current place) is given, the place is ±N from the top
of the page or diversion or, if N is absent, to a place marked by a previous
.mk. Note that the . sp request (refer to the chapter Line Spacing and
Character Sizes) may be used in all cases instead of . r t by spacing to the
absolute place stored in a explicit register; for example, using the sequence

.mkR . . . . sp - \nRu.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Line Spacing and Character Sizes
Line Spacing and Character Sizes ...................................................................................


4.1. . sp -

Space Vertically .............................................................................................


4.2. . p s -

Change the Size of the Type ...................................................................


4.3 . . vs -

Change Vertical Distance Between Lines .......................................


4.4. . 1 s -

Change Line Spacing ..................................................................................


4.5. \x Function -

Get Extra Line-Space ................................................................


4.6. . s v -

Save Block of Vertical Space .................................................................


4.7. . os -

Output Saved Vertical Space ..................................................................


4.8. . ns -

Set No Space Mode ......................................................................................


4.9. . rs -Restore Space Mode ....................................................................................


4.10. . S8


Set Size of Space Character ..................................................................


4.11. . C 8


Set Constant-Width Characters ..........................................................


Line Spacing and Character Sizes
4.1. . sp - Space

You get extra vertical space with the . sp (space) request. A simple


( .sp

request with no argument gives you one extra blank line (one. VS, whatever that
has been set to). Typically, that's more or less than you want, so . sp can be followed by infonnation about how much space you want-

[_.SP_2i_ _ _ _ _ _ _J
means 'two inches of vertical space'.
( .sp 2p


means 'two points of vertical space'; and
( .sp 2


means 'two vertical spaces' - two of whatever . vs is set to (this can also be
made explicit with. sp 2v); troff also understands decimal fractions in most
places, so


( .sp 1.Si

is a space of 1.5 inches. These same scale factors can be used after the . vs
request to define line spacing, and in fact after most requests that deal with physical dimensions.
It should be noted that all size numbers are converted internally to 'machine
units', which are 1/432 inch 0/6 point). For most purposes, this is;enough resolution that you don't have to worry about the accuracy of the representation. The
situation is not quite so good vertically, where resolution is 1/144 inch (1/2


Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . sp Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Space vertically in either direction. If N is negative, the motion is backward
(upward) and is limited to the distance to the top of the page. Forward
(downward) motion is truncated to the distance to the nearest trap. If the
no-space mode is on, no spacing occurs (see. ns, and . rs below).


B, v (see Table A-2)

4.2. . ps - Change the
Size of the Type

In t ro f f, you can change the physical size of the characters that are printed on
the page. The . ps (point size) request sets the point size. One point is In2
inch, so 6-point characters are at most l/12-inch high, and 36-point characters are
l/2-inch. troff and the machine it was originally designed for understand 15
point sizes, listed below.

6 point: Pu:k my box with fiw: dozen liquor jugs.

7 point: Pack my box with five dazen liquor jugs.

8 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

9 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

10 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

11 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
12 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

14 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

16 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

18 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

20 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

22 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

24 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

28 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor

36 point: Pack my box with five doz
If the nUIIlber after a . ps request is not one of these legal sizes, it is rounded up
to the next valid value, with a maximum of 36. If no number follows . ps,
troff reverts to the previous size, whatever it was. troff begins with point
size 10, which is usually fine. This document is in II-point.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 4 -

Line Spacing and Character Sizes


The point size can also be changed in the middle of a line or even a word with an
in-line size change sequence. In general, text which is in ALL CAPITALS in the
middle of a sentence tends to 100m large over the rest of the text and so it is customary to drop the point size of the capitals so that it looks like ALL CAPITALS
instead. You use the \8 (for size) sequence to state what the point size should
be. You can state the size explicitly as in this line here:


(The \s8POWER\sO of a \s8SUN\sO

to produce the output line like:
The POWER of a SUN
As above, \ s should be followed by a legal point size, except that \ 8 0 makes
the size revert to its previous value (before you just changed it).
Note that because there are a fixed number of point sizes that the system knows
about, the sequence \ s 96 gets you a nine-point 6 instead of 96;:POint type like you
wanted, whereas the sequence \ s 18 0 gets you an 18-point U instead of 180point type.
Stating the point size in absolute tenns as above is not always a good idea what you really want is for the changed size to be relative to the surrounding text,
so that if your document is in II-point type like this one, you'd really like the
bigger (or smaller stuff) to be a couple of points different without your having to
know explicitly what the actual size is. So in this case, you can use a relative
size-change sequence of the fonn \ 8+ n to raise the point size, and \ s- n to
lower the point size. The number n is restricted to a single digit. So we can
rework our previous example from above like this:


( The \s-2POWER\s+2 of a \s-2SUN\s+2

to produce the output line like:




Relative size changes have the advantage that the size difference is independent
of the starting size of the document. Of course this stuff only works really well
(in typography terms) when the changes in size aren't too violently out of whack
with the point size - a change of two points in 36-point type doesn't have quite
the same impact as it does for 12-point type - there is a question of the weight
of the type, but by the time you get to that stuff you'll be much more knowledgeable about typography.
The current size is available in the . s number register. nroff ignores type size

Revision A. of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . p s Request

point size

Form o/Request:


Initial Value:

10 points

If No Argument:

Previous value


Set point-size to ±N. Alternatively embed \ sN or \ s±N. Any positive size
value may be requested; if invalid, the next larger valid size will result, with
a maximum of 36. The sequence
.ps +N
.ps N

works the same as
.ps +N
.ps -N

because the previous requested value is also remembered. Ignored in


4.3. . vs - Change
Vertical Distance
Between Lines

E (see Table A-2)

The other parameter that detennines what the type looks like is the spacing
between lines, which is set independently of the point size. Vertical spacing is
measured from the bottom of one line to the bottom of the next. The bottom of
the text on a line is often called the baseline. The vertical spacing is often called
leading (pronounced 'led-ing') and comes from the days when text was produced
with lead slugs instead of electronic widgets like laser printers.
You control vertical spacing with the . vs (vertical spacing) request. For running text, it is usually best to set the vertical spacing about 20% bigger than the
character size. For example, so far in this document, we have used II-point type
with a vertical line-spacing of 13 points between baselines. Typographers call
this'll on 13', so when you hear some one say that a book is set in 'lIon 13',
you know that it's II-point type with 13-point vertical spacing.
So, somewhere at the start of this document, the macro package that formats this
document for us had requests like:


.ps IIp
.vs 13p



Had we set the point size and the vertical spacing like this:


.ps IIp
.vs IIp


'-----------Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 4 -

Line Spacing and Character Sizes


the running text would look like this. After a few lines, you will agree it looks a
little cramped. The right vertical spacing is partly a matter of taste, depending on
how much text you want to squeeze into a given space, and partly a matter of
traditional printing style. By default, troff uses 10 on 12.
Point size and vertical spacing make a substantial difference in the amount
of text per square inch. This is 12 on 14.
Point size and wrtic:al SJ*:ing IJlIIkc a substaDtial. difference in the amount oftcxt per rquam inch. For example, 10 on 12 USCII about twice as much
space as 7 on 8. This is 6 00 7, which is even smaller. It packs a lot IDOIC words per line, but you can go blind trying to n:ad it.

When used without arguments, both . ps and . vs revert to the previous size and
vertical spacing respectively.
The vertical spacing (V) between the base-lines of successive output lines can be
set using the . vs request with a resolution of 1/144 inch = 1/2 point in troff,
and to the output device resolution in nr 0 f f. V must be large enough to accommodate the character sizes on the affected output lines. For the common type
sizes (9-12 points), usual typesetting practice is to set V to 2 points greater than
the point size; troff default is 10-point type on a 12-point spacing. This document is set in II-point type with a 13-point vertical spacing. The current V is
available in the . v number register.

Summary of the . vs Request

vertical spacing

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

1/6 inch in nroff, 12 points in troff.

If No Argument:

Previous value

Exp lanation:

Set vertical base-line spacing size V. Transient extra vertical space available with \x'N ' (see section on \x Function).


E, p (see Table A-2)

4.4. . 1 s - Change Line

Multiple- V line separation (for instance, double spacing) can be requested with
the . 1 s (line spacing) request.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the .ls Request

line spacing

Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

Previous value


Set line spacing to ±N. N-l Vs (blank lines) are appended to each output
text line. Appended blank lines are omitted, if the text or previous appended
blank line reached a trap position.


E (see Table A-2)

4.5. \ x Function - Get
Extra Line-Space

If a word contains a vertically tall construct requiring the output line containing it
to have extra vertical space before and/or after it, the extra-line-space function
\ x'N ' can be embedded in or attached to that word. In this and other functions
having a pair of delimiters around their parameter (here '), the delimiter choice
is arbitrary, except that it can't look like the continuation of a number expression
for N. If N is negative, the output line containing the word will be preceded by N
extra vertical space; if N is positive, the output line containing the word will be
followed by N extra vertical space. If successive requests for extra space apply
to the same line, the maximum values are used. The most recently used post-line
extra line-space is available in the . a register.

4.6. . sv - Save Block of
Vertical Space

A block of vertical space is ordinarily requested using the . sp (space) request,
which honors the no-space mode and which does not space past a trap. A contiguous block of vertical space may be reserved using the . sv request (see

Summary of the . sv Request

save space

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Save a contiguous vertical block of size N. If the distance to the next trap is
greater than N, N vertical space is output. No-space mode has no effect. If
this distance is less than N, no vertical space is immediately output, but N is
remembered for later output (see the . as request). Subsequent. sv
requests will overwrite any still-remembered N.


v (see Table A-2)

Revision At of 9 May 1988

Chapter 4 -

Line Spacing and Character Sizes


4.7. . os - Output Saved
Vertical Space

Summary of the . as Request

output saved space

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Output saved vertical space


Output saved vertical space. No-space mode has no effect. Used to finally
output a block of vertical space requested by an earlier . s v request.

4.8. . ns - Set No Space

Summary of the . ns Request

no-space mode

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Tum on no-space mode


Tum on no-space mode - When on, the no-space mode inhibits . sp
requests and . bp requests without a next page number. The no-space mode
is turned off when a line of output occurs, or with . r s.


D (see Table A-2)

4.9. . rs - Restore Space

Summary of the . r s Request

restore space mode

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Tum off no-space mode


Restore spacing - tum off no-space mode.


D (see Table A-2)

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

4.10. . 88 - Set Size of
Space Character

Summary of the . ss Request

space-character size

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

12/36 em

If No Argument:



Set space-character size to N/36 ems. This size is the minimum word spacing in adjusted text. Ignored in nroff.


E (see Table A-2)

4.11. . C8 - Set ConstantWidth Characters

Summary of the . cs Request

constant spacing

Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Constant character space (width) mode is set on for font F (if mounted); the
width of every character is taken as N/36 ems. If M is absent, the em is that
of the character's point size; if M is given, the em is M-points. All affected
characters are centered in this space, including those with an actual width
larger than this space. Special Font characters occurring while the current
font is F are also so treated. If N is absent, the mode is turned off. The
mode must be still or again in effect when the characters are physically
printed. Ignored in nroff.


P (see Table A-2)

Revision A, of9 May 1988

Fonts and Special Characters

Fonts and Special Characters ..............................................................................................


5.1. . f t -

Set Font ...............................................................................................................


5.2 . . fp -

Set Font Position ............................................................................................


5.3 . . fz -Force Font Size ...............................................................................................


5.4. . bd - Artificial Boldface .........................................................................................


5.5. Character Set ......................................................................................................................


5.6. Fonts ........................................................................................................................................


5.7. . 1 g -


Control Ligatures ...........................................................................................

Fonts and Special Characters
trof f and the typesetter allow four different fonts at anyone time. Nonnally
three fonts (Times Roman, italic and bold) and one collection of special charac-

ters are pennanently mounted.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

The Greek, mathematical symbols, and miscellany of the special font are listed in
Appendix B, Font and Character Examples.
troff prints in Roman unless told otherwise. To switch into bold, use the . ft
(font) request:




and for italics,




To return to Roman, use. f t R; to return to the previous font, whatever it was,
use either. f t P or just. ft.


Revision A. of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

5.1 • . f t -

Set Font

Summary of the . ft Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

Previous Font


Change font to F. Alternatively, embed \ fF. The font name P is reserved
to mean the previous font.


E (see Table A-2)
The 'underline' request


( .ul

makes the next input line print in italics. . ul can be followed by a count to indicate that more than one line is to be italicized. Refer to Chapter 2 for a more
detailed description of the . ul request.
Fonts can also be changed within a line or word with the in-line request \f:

boldface text
is produced by the input


( \fBbold\flface\fR text

If you want to do this so the previous font, whatever it was, is left undisturbed,
insert extra in-line \fP commands, like this:


( \fBbold\fP\flface\fP\fR text\fP

Because only the immediately previous font is remembered, you have to restore
the previous font after each change or you lose it. The same is true of . p s and
. vs when used without an argument.
There are other fonts available besides the standard set, although you can still use
only four at any given time. The . fp (font position) request tells troff what
fonts are physically mounted on the typesetter:


( . fp 3 H

says that the Helvetica font is mounted on position 3. Appropriate . fp requests
should appear at the beginning of your document if you do not use the standard

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 5 -

Fonts and Special Characters


It is possible to make a document relatively independent of the actual fonts used
to print it by using font numbers instead of names; for example, \ f 3 and . f t 3
mean 'whatever font is mounted at position 3' , and thus work for any setting.
Nonnal settings are Roman font (R) on font position 1, italic
on position 2,
bold (B) on position 3, and special (S) on position 4 - the mnemonic 'R I B S'
might help you remember.


5.2. . fp - Set Font

Summary of the . fp Request

font position

Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Font position - this is a statement that a font named F is mounted on position N (1-4). It is a fatal error if F is not known. The phototypesetter has
four fonts physically mounted. Each font consists of a film strip that can be
mounted on a numbered quadrant of a wheel. The default mounting
sequence assumed by traff is R, I, B, and S on positions 1,2,3 and 4.
Any . fp request specifying a font on some position must precede . f z
requests relating to that position.

5.3. . f z - Force Font Size

Summary of the . fz Request

font size

Form of Request:

. fz SF N

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Forces font F or S for special characters to be in size N. A . f z 3 -2
causes implicit\S-2 every time font 3 is entered, and a matching\s+2 when
left. Same for special font characters that are used during F. Use S to handle special characters during F. . f z 3 -3 or . f z S 3 -0 causes
automatic reduction of font 3 by 3 points while special characters are not
affected. Any. fp request specifying a font on some position must precede
. f z requests relating to that position.
There is also a way to get 'synthetic' bold fonts by overstriking letters with a
slight offset. Look at the . bd request.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

5.4. . bd - Artificial

Summary of the . bd Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

No Emboldening


Artificially embolden characters in font F by printing each one twice,
separated by N-l basic units. A reasonable value for N is 3 when the character size is in the vicinity of 10 points. If N is missing the embolden mode
is turned off. The mode must be still or again in effect when the characters
are physically printed. Ignored in nroff.

Form of Request:

.bd SF N


Embolden characters in the special font whenever the current font is F. The
mode must be still or again in effect when the characters are physically


P (see Table A-2)
Special characters have four-character names beginning with \ (, and they may
be inserted anywhere. For example,

Ih+ Ih= 3h
is produced by


In particular, Greek letters are all of the form \ (* x, where x represents an upper-

or lower-case Roman letter reminiscent of the Greek. Thus to get

in raw t ro f f we have to type
[ \(*S(\(*a\(mu\(*b)

\(-> \(if


That line is unscrambled as follows:

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 5 - Fonts and Special Characters





Upper-case Sigma or Sum



\ (mu



lower-case alpha
multiplication sign or signum
lower-case beta










tends toward

A complete list of these special names occurs in Appendix B, Font and Character Examples.
In eqn, explained in the chapter "Fonnatting Mathematics with eqn" in Format-

ting Documents, you can achieve the same effect with the input

SIGMA ( alpha times beta ) -> inf


- - - - - -


which is less concise (31 keystrokes instead of 27!), but clearer to the uninitiated.
Notice that each four-character name is a single character as far as troff is concerned. For example, the translate request

.tr \ (mi\(em



" ' - - - -

is perfectly clear, meaning
[ . tr - -

that is, to translate - (minus sign) into -


Some characters are automatically translated into others: grave" and acute '
accents (apostrophes) become open and close single quotes' '; the combination
of" ... " is generally preferable to the double quotes" ... ". Similarly a typed
minus sign becomes a hyphen -. To print an explicit - sign, use \ -. To get a
backslash printed, use \ e.

5.5. Character Set

The troff character set consists of the Graphics Systems Commercial II character set plus a Special Mathematical Font character set - each having 102 characters. These character sets are shown in Appendix B, Font and Character
Examples. All ASCII characters are included, with some on the Special Font.
With three exceptions, the ASCII characters are input as themselves, and nonASCII characters are input in the fonn \ (.xx where .xx is a two-character name
also explained in Appendix B. The three ASCII exceptions are mapped as follows:

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Table 5-1

Exceptions to the Standard ASCII Character Mapping


acute accent
grave accent

Printed by trof f



close quote
open quote

The characters " ' , and - may be input by \ " \ ' , and \ - respectively or by
their names found in Appendix B. The ASCII characters @, :fI:, n, " ' , <, >, \, {,
}, -, ,. , and _ exist only on the Special Font and are printed as -a one-em space if
that font is not mounted.
nroff understands the entire troff character set, but can in general print only
ASCII characters, additional characters as may be available on the output device,
such characters as may be constructed by overstriking or other combination, and
those that can reasonably be mapped into other printable characters. The exact
behavior is determined by a driving table prepared for each device. The characters " ' , and _ print as themselves.

5.6. Fonts

The default mounted fonts are Times Roman (R), Times Italic (I), Times Bold
(B), and the Special Mathematical Font (S) on physical typesetter positions 1,2,
3, and 4 respectively. These fonts and others are used in this document. The
current font, initially Roman, may be changed (among the mounted fonts) by use
of the . f t request, or by embedding at any desired point either \fx, \ f (xx, or
\ fN where x and xx are the name of a mounted font and N is a numerical font
position. It is not necessary to change to the Special font; characters on that font
are automatically handled. A request for a named but not-mounted font is
ignored. trof f can be infonned that any particular font is mounted by use of
the . fp request The list oflrnown fonts is installation-dependent. In the subsequent discussion of font-related requests, F represents either a one- or twocharacter font name or the numerical font position, 1 through 4. The current font
is available (as numerical position) in the read-only number register. f.
nroff understands font control and nonnally underlines italic characters.

5.7. . lg - Control

A ligature is a special way of joining two characters together as one. Way back
in the days before Gutenberg, scribes would have a variety of special fonns to
choose from to make lines come out all the same length on a manuscript. Some
of these forms are still with us today.
Five ligatures are available in the current troff character set - fi, fI, ff, ffi, and
ffl. They may be input (even in nroff) by \ (fi, \ (fl, \ (ff, \ (Fi, and
\ (Fl respectively.
The ligature mode is normally on in troff, and automatically invokes ligatures
during input.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 5 -

Fonts and Special Characters


If you want other ligatures like the cc, re, IE, andCE ligatures, you have to make
them up yourself- troff doesn't know about them. See Chapter 12 the section on "Arbitrary Horizontal Motion" (the \h function) for some examples on
constructing these ligatures.

Summary of the .lg Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Offin nroff, on in troff.

If No Argument:



Tum Ligature mode on if N is absent or non-zero. Turn ligature mode off if
N=O. If N=2, only the two-character ligatures are automatically invoked.
Ligature mode is inhibited for request, macro, string, register, or file names,
and in copy mode. No effect in nroff.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Tabs, Leaders, and Fields

Tabs, Leaders, and Fields .......................................................................................................


Set Tabs ...............................................................................................................


Setting Relative Tab Stops ......................................................................................


Right-Adjusted Tab Stops ........................................................................................


Centered Tab Stops ......................................................................................................


.t c -

Change Tab Replacement Character ...............................................


Summary of Tabs ..........................................................................................................


6.2. Leaders - Repeated Runs of Characters ..........................................................


Change the Leader Character ...............................................................


Set Field Characters .....................................................................................


6.1. . ta -

ole -

6.3. . f c -

Tabs, Leaders, and Fields
There are several ways to get stuff lined up in columns, and to achieve other
effects such as horizontal motion and repeated strings of characters. The three
related topics we discuss in this section are tabs, leaders, and fields .


behave just like the tab stops on a typewriter.


are for generating repeated strings of characters.


are a general mechanism for helping to line stuff up into

This part of the document concentrates on the 'easy' parts, so to speak. Later
sections of this document contain discussions on the facilities for drawing lines
and for producing arbitrary motions on the page.

6.1. . t a - Set Tabs

Tabs (the ASCII horizontal tab character) can be used to produce output in
columns, or to set the horizontal position of output. Typically tabs are used only
in unfilled text. Tab stops are set by default every half inch from the current
indent (in troff) and every 0.8 inch from the current indent (in nroff), but
can be changed by the . ta (tab) request. In the example below, we set tab stops
every one-and-a-half inches and set some text in columns based on those tab
stops. We place a line of exclamation marks ( !) above and below the text to
show where the tabs stops are in the output page:
. t a l . 5 i 3. 0 i 4. 5 i 6. 0 i
set tabs
I tab ! tab I tab ! tab !
show where tabs are with! character
word-one tab word-two tab word-three tab word-four tab word-five
I tab ! tab I tab I tab I

When we format the above example, we get this output:







Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Setting Relative Tab Stops

The tab stops set in the example above are in tenns of absolute position on the
line. You could also set tabs relative to previous tabs stops by preceding the tab
stop number with a + sign, and get exactly the same result:
.ta 1.Si +l.Si +l.Si +l.Si
set tabs
show where tabs are with! character
word-one tab word-two tab word-three tab word-four tab word-five
! tab ! tab ! tab ! tab !

Right-Adjusted Tab Stops

In the standard case as shown in the above examples, the tab stops are left-

adjusted (as on a typewriter). You can also make the tab stops right-adjusting for
doing things like lining up columns of numbers. When you right-adjust a tab
stop, the action of placing a tab before the field places the material behind the tab
stop on the output line. Here's an example of some input with both alphabetic
and numeric items:
.ta 2.0iR
July tab 5
August tab 9
September tab 15
October tab 60
November tab 85
December tab 126

Notice the . ta request - it has the letter R on the end to indicate that this is a
right-adjusted tab. When we fonnat that table, we get this result:



Notice how the numbers in the second column line up.
Centered Tab Stops

Finally you can make a centered tab stop, so that things get centered between the
tabs. We can use the centering tabs to put a title on our table from above:

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 6 -

Tabs, Leaders, and Fields


.ta 2.0iC
Month tab Shipments
.ta 2.0iR
July tab 5
August tab 9
September tab 15
October tab 60
November tab 85
December tab 126

and when we fonnat this table now, we get this result:




Notice that the column headings are centered over the data in the table.
If you have a complex table, instead of using troff or nroff directly, use the
tbl program described in the chapter "Fonnatting Tables with tbl" in Formatting Documents. A good example of where tbl does more work for you is when
numerically-aligned items have decimal points in them - it is really hard to do
this using the raw troff or nroff capabilities.

. tc - Change Tab
Replacement Character

A tab inserts blank spaces between the item that came before and after it. You
can change this by filling up tabbed-over space with some other character. Set
the 'tab replacement character' with the . t c (tab character) request:


.ta 2.5i 4.5i


This produces
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Age
There is a more general mechanism for drawing lines, described in the sections
uDrawing Vertical Lines" and "Drawing Horizontal Lines" in the chapter "Arbitrary Motions and Drawing Lines and Characters."
To reset the tab replacement character to a space, use the . t c request with no
argument. Lines can also be drawn with the in-line \ 1 command, described in
the chapter "Arbitrary Motions and Drawing Lines and Characters."

Revision At of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . tc Request

tab character

Form of Request:

.tc c

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



The tab repetition character becomes c, or is removed, specifying motion.


E (see Table A-2)

Summary of Tabs

The table below is a summary of the types of tab stops. There are three types of
internal tab stops -left-adjusting, right-adjusting, and centering. In the following table:

Table 6-1


is the distance from the current position on the input line
(where a tab was found) to the next tab stop.


consists of the input characters following the tab up to the next
tab or end of line.


is the width of next-string.

Types of Tab Stops


Length of motion or
repeated characters

Location of





Right adjusted within D
Centered on right end of D



Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 6 - Tabs, Leaders, and Fields


Summary of the . ta Request


Form of Request:

.taNt ...

Initial Value:

0.8 inches in nroff, 0.5 inches in troff.

If No Argument:



Set tab stops and types - N is the tab stop value and t is the type. t ro f f
tab stops are preset every 0.5 inches; nroff tab stops are preset every 0.8
inches. t=R means right-adjusting tabs, t=C means centering tabs, and if t is
absent, the tabs are left-adjusting tab stops. Stop values in the list of tab
stops are separated by spaces, and a value preceded by + is treated as an
increment to the previous stop value.


E, m (see Table A-2)

6.2. Leaders - Repeated
Runs of Characters

Leaders are repeated runs of the same character between tab stops. Leaders are
most often used to hang two separated pieces of text together. A common application is in tables of contents. If you look at the contents for this manual you
will see that the chapter and section titles (on the left of the line) are separated
from the page number (on the right end of the line) by a row of dots. In fact here
is a short example to illustrate what the leaders look like:


2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs ................................................................. .
2.1 Social Clubs ........................................................................... .
2.2 Arthritic Clubs ....................................................................... .
2.3 Golf Clubs .............................................................................. .
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs


The dots are called leaders, because they 'lead' your eye from one thing to the
other. It is not nearly so easy to read stuff like that if the leaders aren't there:


2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs
2.1 Social Clubs
2.2 Arthritic Clubs
2.3 Golf Clubs
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs


The leader character is normally a period, but it can in fact be any character you
like - some people prefer dots and some people prefer a solid line:

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2.1 Social Clubs
2.2 Arthritic Clubs
2.3 Golf Clubs
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs


A leader is very similar to a tab, but you get the" repeated characters by typing an
in-line \ a sequence instead of a tab or a \ t sequence. The \ a sequence is a
control-A character or an ASCn SOH (start of heading) character and is hereafter
known as the leader character for the purposes of this discussion. When the
leader character is encountered in text it generates a string of repeated characters.
The length of the repeated string of characters is governed by internal tab stops
specified just as for ordinary tabs as discussed in the section on tabs above. The
major difference between tabs and leaders is that tabs generate motion and
leaders generate a string o/periods. Let's look at a fragment of the text that generated the examples above:
.ta 5.0i-SnR S.OiR
2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs \a\t13"
2.1 Social Clubs \a\t16"
2.2 Arthritic Clubs \a\t18"
2.3 Golf Clubs \a\t2S"
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs \a\t29"

What we're trying to get here are lines of text with the section numbers and the
titles, followed by a string of leader characters, followed by some space and then
the page number at the right-hand end of the line. Tables of contents tend to look
better with shorter line lengths, so we set our first tab to five inches minus five
en-spaces to leave a gap at the end of the leader. The second tab is set to a rightadjusting tab at five inches. Each line of the table now contains the text to appear
on the left end, followed by a couple of spaces, followed by the \ a sequence to
indicated the leader, followed by the \ t sequence to indicate the tab, and finally
followed by the page number. The result of fonnatting all that stuff is:
2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs ..................................................................
2.1 Social Clubs ............. ........... ............. ........... ............. ........... ....
2.2 Arthritic Clubs ......... ........................ ........................ ........... ....
2.3 Golf Clubs ...............................................................................
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs ............ ................................................ ....

~~ sun



Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 6 - Tabs, Leaders, and Fields

. Ie - Change the Leader


Just as you could use the . te request to change the character that gets generated
with tabs, you can use the . I e (leader character) request to specify the character
that is generated by a leader. The standard leader character is the period. We can
show this by taking our last fragment and placing a Ie request before it to
change the leader character to an underline:


set leader character
. ta 50 Oi-5nR 5. OiR
set tabs
2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs \a\t13"
2.1 Social Clubs \a\t16"
2.2 Arthritic Clubs \a\t18"
2.3 Golf Clubs \a\t25"
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs \a\t29"

Then when we fonnat the thing, it looks like this:


2.0 Blunt Uses of Clubs
2.1 Social Clubs
2.2 Arthritic Clubs
2.3 Golf Clubs
2.4 Two-by-Four Clubs


Whereas the length of generated motion for a tab can be negative, the length of a
repeated character string cannot be. Repeated character strings contain an integer
number of characters, and any residual distance is added before the leaders as
space. Tabs or leaders found after the last tab stop are ignored, but may be used
as next-string tenninators.
Tabs and leaders are not intetpreted in copy mode. \ t and \ a always generate a
non-intetpreted tab and leader respectively, and are equivalent to actual tabs and
leaders in copy mode.

Summary of the ole Request

leader character

Form of Request:



Initial Value:
If No Argument:

Removed - successive \ as act like tabs


The leader repetition character becomes c, or is removed. Successive leader
requests (\as) act like tabs.


E (see Table A-2)

Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

6.3. . f c - Set Field

A field is a more general mechanism for laying out material between tab stops.
Hardly anyone ever needs to use fields, but the tbl preprocessor uses them for
placing tabular material on the page. This section is a very short discussion on
how to use fields. In general, when you want to layout tabular material you
should use tbl to do the job for you. Fields are a way of reducing the number of
tab stops you have to set, and also have troff or nroff do some automatic
worlc in parceling out padding space for you.
A field lives between the current position on the input line and the next tab stop.
The start and end of the field are indicated by a field delimiter character. troff
or nroff places the field on the line and pads out any excess space with spaces.
You indicate where the padding actually goes by placing padding indicator characters at various places in the field. You set the field delimiter character and the
padding indicator character with the . fc (field characters) request. In the
absence of any other infonnation, troff or nroff has the field mechanism
turned off entirely. The . f c request looks like:
( .fc dp


where d is the field delimiter character and p is the padding indicator character.
If you do not specify any character for a padding indicator, the space character is
the default. However, this means that you could not have spaces within the field,
so you nonnally specify the padding indicator as something other than a space.
So let's start with a very simple example of a single field and see what we get.
Here is the input:
. t a 3. 0 i
. fc # @

! tab !
#string of characters#
! tab

set a single tab at three inches
setfield cklimiter character to # and
set padding indicator character to @
the ! characters show where tabs are
the ! characters show where tabs are

and here is the output after formatting:
string of characters

This is not very exciting - the characters in the field are simply left-adjusted in
the field, and the rest of the field up to the tab stop are padded with spaces. You
would get exactly the same result if you placed the padding indicator character at
the right end of the field to indicate that you wanted the padding on the right:

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 6 - Tabs, Leaders, and Fields

.ta 3.0i
.fc # @
! tab !
#string of characters@#


set a single tab at three inches
setfield delimiter character to #
set padding indicator character to @
the ! characters show where tabs are
the ! characters show where tabs are

! tab


As you can see, the result is identical to the one just above:

string of characters
But now we can place a padding indicator character at the left end of the field
and get strings right-adjusted in the field:
.ta 3.0i
.fc # @

set a single tab at three inches
set field delimiter character to #
set padding indicator character as @
the! characters show where tabs are

! tab !
#@string of characters#
#@another string of characters#
! tab
the ! characters show where tabs are

We used two strings of different length here to show how they are right-adjusted
against the tab stop:

string of characters
another string of characters

You can see how the spaces were placed on the left end of the field because that
is we where we placed the padding indicator character, and the strings got
adjusted right to the tab stop.
Then we can get fields centered by placing the padding indicator character at
both ends of the string:
.ta 3.0i
.fc # @
! tab


set a single tab at three inches
setfield delimiter character to #
set padding indicator character as @
the ! characters show where tabs are

#@string of characters@#
#@longer string of characters@#
! tab
the ! characters show where tabs are

Again we used two strings of different lengths to show the effect of centering the

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

string of characters
longer string of characters

In general, a field or a sub-field between a pair of padding indicator characters is
centered in its space on the line.
Things get even more useful when you have multiple sub-fields in a field - the
padding spaces are then parceled out so that the sub-fields are unifonnly leftadjusted, right-adjusted, or centered between the current position and the next tab
.ta S.Oi
.fc #: @

set a single tab at five inches
set field delimiter character to #
set padding indicator character as @
use the ! characters to show where tabs are

! tab !
#:string of characters#
#:string of characters@another string#
! tab !
use the ! characters to show where tabs are

and here is the output after we fonnat that:

string of characters
string of characters

another string



And finally we can show three strings within a field, with the left part leftadjusted, the center part centered, and the right part right-adjusted:
.ta S.Oi
.fc # @
! tab !
#left string@center string@right string#
#longer left string@longer center string@longer right string#
! tab !

and here is the output after we fonnat that:

left string
longer left string


center string
longer center string

right string
longer right string

So to summarize, a field is contained between a pair of field delimiter characters.
A field consists of sub-fields separated by padding indicator characters. The field
length is the distance on the input line from the position where the field begins to
the next tab stop. The difference between the total length of all the sub-fields and
the field length is incorporated as horizontal padding space that is divided among
the indicated padding places. The incorporated padding can be negative.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 6 - Tabs. Leaders, and Fields


Summary of the . fc Request

field character

Form oj Request:

.fcJ p

Initial Value:

Field mechanism is off

If No Argument:

Field mechanism is turned off.


Set the field delimiter to f, set the padding indicator to p (if specified) or to
the space character if p is not specified. In the absence of arguments, the
field mechanism is turned off.

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Titles and Page Numbering

Titles and Page Numbering ..................................................................................................


7.1. Titles in Page Headers ..................................................................................................


7.2. Fonts and Point Sizes in Titles .................................................................................


7.3. . pc - Page Number Character .............................................................................


7.4. . t 1 Request - Three Parameters ........................................................................


Titles and Page Numbering
7.1. Titles in Page Headers

This is an area where things get tougher, because troff doesn't do any of this
automatically. Of necessity, some of this section is a cookbook, to be copied
literally until you get some experience.
Suppose you want a title at the top of each page, saying just
left top

center top

right top

There was a very early text formatter called roff, where you could say
.he 'left top'center top' right top'
.fo 'left bottom'center bottom'right bottom'

to get headers and footers automatically on every page. Alas, this doesn't work
in troff, which is a serious hardship for the novice. Instead you have to do a
lot of specification:

You have to say what the actual title is (reasonably easy . t 1 request to specify the title).

you just use the


You have to specify when to print the title (also reasonably easy trap to call a macro that actually does the work),


and finally you have to say what to do at and around the title line (this is the
hard part).

you set a

Taking these three things in reverse order, first we define a . NP macro (for new
page) to process titles and the like at the end of one page and the beginning of the

'left top'center top'right top'

To make sure we're at the top of a page, we issue a 'begin page' request 'bp,
which skips to top-of-page (we'll explain the' shortly). Then we space down
half an inch (with the ' sp O. 5 i request), and print the title (the use of . t 1


Revision A. of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

should be self explanatory -later we will discuss the title parameters), space
another 0.3 inches (with the' sp O. 3i request), and we're done.
To ask for . NP at the bottom of each page, we have to say something like 'when
the text is within an inch of the bottom of the page, start the processing for a new
page'. This is done with a 'when' request. wh:

(~.W_h_-l_iN_P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~)
See Chapter 10 for a more detailed description of the . wh request. No dot (.) is
used before NP in the when request because in this case, we're specifying the
name of a macro, not calling a macro. The minus sign means measure up from
the bottom of the page, so '-1 i' means one inch from the bottom.
The . wh request appears in the input outside the definition of . NP; typically the
input would be
.de NP
definition of the NP macro

.wh -li NP

Now what happens? As text is actually being output, traff keeps track of its
vertical position on the page. After a line is printed within one inch from the bottom, the . NP macro is activated. In the jargon, the . wh request sets a trap at the
specified place, which is 'sprung' when that point is passed. . NP skips to the top
of the next page (that's what the 'bp was for), then prints the title with the
appropriate margins.
Why 'bp and ' sp instead of . bp and . sp? The answer is that. bp and . sp,
like several other requests, break the current line - that is, all the input text collected but not yet printed is flushed out as soon as possible, and the next input
line is guaranteed to start a new line of output. If we had used . bp or . spin the
. NP macro, a break would occur in the middle of the current output line when a
new page is started. The effect would be to print the left-over part of that line at
the top of the page, followed by the next input line on a new output line, something like this:
last line but one at almost the bottom of the page
last line at the bottom of the

title on the bottom of the page

page break

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 7 - Titles and Page Numbering


title on the top of the next page


This is not what we want. Using' instead of. for a request tells troff that no
break is to take place - the output line currently being filled should not be
forced out before the space or new page.
The list of requests that break lines is short and natural:
Table 7-1

Requests that Cause a Line Break
· bp

· br

· ce
·f i

· in

·t i

Begin a new page
Break the current output line
Center line(s)
Start filling text lines
Stop filling text lines
Space vertically
Indent the left margin
Temporary indent the left margin for the next line only

No other requests break lines, regardless of whether you use a . or a '. If you
really do need a break, add a . br (break) request at the appropriate place.

7.2. Fonts and Point Sizes
in Titles

One other thing to beware of - if you're changing fonts or point sizes a lot, you
may find that if you cross a page boundary in an unexpected font or size, your
titles come out in that size and font instead of what you intended. Furthennore,
the length of a title is independent of the current line length, so titles will come
out at the default length of 6.5 inches unless you change it, which is done with
the .1 t (length of title) request.

Summary of the . 1 t Request

length of title

Form of Request:

.It ±N

Initial Value:

6.5 inches

If No Argument:

Previous value


Set length of title to ±N. The line-length and the title-length are independent. Indents do not apply to titles; page-offsets do.


E, m (see Table A-2)
There are several ways to fix the problems of point sizes and fonts in titles. For

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

the simplest applications, we can define the . NP macro to set the proper size and
font for the title, then restore the previous values, like this:
. ft


\" set title font to Roman
\" and size to 10 point
\" and length to 6 inches
, left' center' right'
\" revert to previous size
\" and to previous font

This version of . NP does not work if the fields in the . t 1 request contain size or
font changes. What we would like to do in cases like this is remember the status
of certain aspects of the environment, change them to meet our needs for the time
being, and then restore them after we're done with the special stuff. This requirement is satisfied by troff's environment mechanism discussed in Chapter 17,
To get a footer at the bottom of a page, you can modify . NP so it does some processing before the 'bp request, or split the job so that there is a separate footer
macro invoked at the bottom margin and a header macro invoked at the top of the
Output page numbers are computed automatically as each page is produced
(starting at 1), but no numbers are printed unless you ask for them explicitly. To
get page numbers printed, include the character % in the . tIline at the position
where you want the number to appear. For example
[ .tl



% _u

centers the page number inside hyphens.

7.3. . pc - Page Number

You can change the page number character with the . pc request.

Summary of the . pc Request

page-number character

Form of Request:

.pe c

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Set the page-number character to c, or remove it if there is no c argument.
The page-number register remains %.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 7 - Titles and Page Numbering


You can set the page number at any time with either. bp n, which immediately
starts a new page numbered n, or with . pn n, which sets the page number for the
next page but doesn't skip to the new page. Again, . bp +n sets the page number
to n more than its current value; . bp means . bp + 1.

7.4. . t 1 Request - Three

The . t 1 (title) request automatically places three text fields at the left, center,
and right of a line (with a title-length specifiable via the . It (length of title)
request. The most common use for three-part titles is to put running headers and
footers at the top and bottom of pages just like those in this manual. In fact, the
. t l request may be used anywhere, and is independent of the nonnal text collecting process. For example, we just placed a three-part title right here in the


Hunting the Snark

Smiles and Soap

by typing the a three-part title request that looks like:
.tl 'Hunting the Snark'- % -'Smiles and Soap'

and you might notice that the page number in the formatted example is the same
as the page number for this page.

Summary of the . t l Request


Form of Request:

. t 1 ' left' center' right'

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



The strings in the left, center, and right fields are respectively left-adjusted,
centered, and right-adjusted in the current title-length. Any of the strings
may be empty, and overlapping is pennitted. If the page-number character
(initially %) is found within any of the fields it is replaced by the current
page number having the fonnat assigned to register %. Any character may
be used as the string delimiter.

Revision A, of9 May 1988

t ro f f Input and Output

traff Input and Output ........................................................................................................

8.1. . so -


Read Text from a File .................................................................................


8.2. . nx - Read Next Source File ................................................................................


8.3. Pipe Output to a Specified Program (nraff only) .....................................


8.4 . . rd - Read from the Standard Input ................................................................


8.5. . ex -

Exit from nraff or traff ...................................................................


8.6. . trn -

Send Messages to the Standard Error File ......................................



Input and Output

We now describe two troff requests that we omitted earlier, because their usefulness is more apparent when you understand the troff command line. Normally troff takes its input from the files given when it is called up. However
there are ways in which the formatter can be made to take part of its input from
elsewhere, using t r 0 f f requests embedded in the document text.

8.1. . SO - Read Text
from a File

The . so request, which tells troff to switch over and take its source from the
named file. For example, suppose you have a set of macros that you have
defined, and you have them in a file called macros. We can call them up from
the troff command line:
hostname% troff macros document

as we showed earlier, but it's a bit of a nuisance having to do this all the time.
Also, if only some of our documents use the macros, and others don't, it can be
difficult to remember which is which. An alternative is to make the first line of
the document file look like this:

Now we can format the document by:


hostname% troff document
[ hostname%

" " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' "

The first thing troff sees in the file document is the request. so macros
which tells it to read input from the file called macros. When it finishes taking
input from macros, troff continues to read the original file document.
Another way of using the . so request lets you format a complete document, held
in several files, by only giving one filename to the troff command. Let us
create a file called document containing:


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff


and so on through the document until . ..
. so appendix.C

We can now format it with the traff command line:
hostname% troff document I 1pr

This is a lot easier than typing all the filenames each time you format the document, and a lot less prone to error.
This technique is especially useful if your filenames reflect the contents of the
various sections, rather than the order in which they appear. For instance, look at
this file which describes a whole book (something like the one you are reading):
hostname% cat book
.so bookmacros
.so preface
.so intro
.so login
\"Getting Started on the UNIX System
.so directs
\"Directories and the File System
.so stdio
\"Commands, Processes, and Standard Files

.so biblio

It is obviously much easier to fonnat the whole thing with a traff command
line like this:
hostname% troff book I 1pr

than it would be if you had to supply all the filenames in the right order. Notice
that we used the comment feature of traff to tie chapter titles to filenames.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 8 -

troff Input and Output


Summary of the . so Request


Form of Request:

· so filename

Exp lanation:

Switch source file - the top input (file reading) level is switched to
filename. The sourced-in file is read directly and processed immediately
when the . so line is encountered. When the new file ends, input is again
taken from the original file. . s os may be nested.

8.2. . nx - Read Next
Source File

Summary of the . nx Request


Form of Request:

· nxfilename

If No Argument:



Next file isfilename. The current file is considered ended, and the input is
immediately switched to filename. There is no return to the file containing
the . nx command.

8.3. Pipe Output to a
Specified Program

A couple of examples of programs you might want you pipe your nroff output
to are lpr and col. Your source line might look like this:

(nro f f only)


(.Pi /usr/ucb/lpr

( .pi /usr/bin/col


if you had formatted tables in your source file.

Summary of the . pi Request


Form of Request:

· pi program_name


Pipe output to program (nro f f only). This request must occur before any
printing occurs. No arguments are transmitted to program.

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Using nroff and troff

8.4. . rd - Read from the
Standard Input

Another troff request that switches input from the file you specify is the . rd
(read) request. The standard input can be the user's keyboard, a pipe, or a file.
The . rd request reads an insertion from the standard input. When troff
encounters the . r d request, it prompts for input by sounding the tenninal bell or
flashing the screen. A visible prompt can be given by adding an argument to
. rd, as we show in the example below.
Everything typed up to a blank line (two newline characters in a row) is inserted
into the text being formatted at that point. This can be used to 'personalize' form
letters. If you have an input file with this text:
.po 10
.in 20
14th February
.in 0
.rd who
will you be my Valentine?
If you will, give me a sign
(I like roses, I like wine) .

then when you format it, you will be prompted for input:
hostname% troff valentine I Ipr

After typing the name Peter you have to press the RETURN key twice, since
troff needs a blank line to end input. The result offonnatting that file is:
14th February

will you be my Valentine?
If you will, give me a sign
(I like roses, I like wine) .

To get another copy of this for Bill, you just run the t ro f f command again:
hostname% troff valentine I Ipr

and again for Joe, and for Manuel, and Louis, and Alphonse, and ...

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Chapter 8 -

troff Input and Output


Since traff takes input from the tenninal up to a blank line, you are not limited
to a single word, or even a single line of input. You can use this method to insert
addresses or anything else into form letters.

Summary of the . rd Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Read insertion from the standard input until two newlines in a row are
found. If the standard input is the user's keyboard, prompt (or a BEL) is
written onto the user's tenninal. . rd behaves like a macro, and arguments
may be placed after prompt. Use the standard way to access arguments in
macros (see Chapter 10.
If insertions are to be taken from the tenninal keyboard while output is being
printed on the terminal, the command line option -q will tum off the echoing of

keyboard input and prompt only with BEL. The regular input and insertion input
cannot simultaneously come from the standard input.
As an example, multiple copies of a form letter may be prepared by entering the
insertions for all the copies in one file to be used as the standard input, and causing the file containing the letter to reinvoke itself using. nx (see the previous
section); the process would ultimately be ended by a . ex in the insertion file.
Letter File

Names File
blank line
blank line

.nx Letter

To put everything together, you could use:
( hostname% cat Names I troff Letter


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Using nroff and troff

8.5. . ex nroff

Exit from
or troff

Summary of the . ex Request


Form of Request:

. ex prompt


Exit from nro f f or t ro f f. Text processing is terminated exactly as if all
input had ended.

8.6. . tm - Send Messages
to the Standard Error

The . tm (terminal message) request displays a message on the standard error
file. The request looks like:
( .tm tell me some good news


and when troff or nroff encounters this in the input file, it displays the string

on the standard error file. This request has been used in older versions of the
-ms macro package to rebuke the user when (for instance) an abstract for a paper
was longer than a page. Other macro packages use the . tm request for assisting

in generating tables of contents and indices and such supplementary material.

Summary of the . tm Request

terminal message

Form of Request:

. tmstring

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Display a newline


After skipping initial blanks, string (rest of the line) is read in copy mode
and written on the user's terminal.

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Strings ...................................................................................................................................................


9.1 . . ds -

Define Strings ..................................................................................................


9.2. . as -

Append to a String ........................................................................................


9.3. Removing or Renaming String Definitions ......................................................


Obviously if a paper contains a large number of occurrences of an acute accent
over a letter 'e' , typing \ 0 " e \ ,,, for each e would be a great nuisance. (See
Chapter 12 for more detailed infonnation on drawing lines and characters.
Fortunately, troff provides a way that you can store an arbitrary collection of
text in a string, and thereafter use the string name as a shorthand for its contents.
Strings are one of several t ro f f mechanisms whose judicious use lets you type
a document with less effort and organize it so that extensive fonnat changes can
be made with few editing changes. A reference to a string is replaced in the text
by the string definition.
A string is a named sequence of characters, not including a newline character,
that may be interpolated by name at any point in your text. Note that names of
trof f requests, names of macros, and names of strings all share the same name
list. String names may be one or two characters long and may usurp previouslydefined request, macro, or string names.
You create a string (and give it an initial value) with the . ds (define string)
request. You can later add more characters to the end of the string by using the
. as (append to string) request.
String names may be either one or two characters long. You get the value of a
string placed in the text, where it is said to be interpolated, by using the notation:
'*X _ _ _ _ _- - - - - " )

for a one-character string named x, and the more complicated notation:


( \* (xx

for a two-character string named xx.
String references and macro invocations may be nested.


Revision A. of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

9.1. . ds -

Define Strings

You create a string (and define its initial value) with the . ds (define string)
request The line
( .ds e \o"e\'"


defines the string e to have the value \ a " e \ ,,,
You refer to them with the sequence \ * x for one-character names or \ * ( xy for
two-character names. Thus, to get telephone, given the definition of the string e
as above, we can say t\*el\*ephone.
As another live example, in the section on ligatures in Chapter 5 , Fonts and Special Characters, we noted that traff doesn't know about the Scandinavian
ligatures - you have to decide for yourself how to define them. Here are our
definitions of the strings for those ligatures:



See the section entitled "\ h Function - Arbitrary Horizontal Motion" in
Chapter 12 for a discussion on what the \ h constructs are doing in the string
definitions above. Having defined the strings, all you have to do is type the
string references like this:
. . . the Scandinavian ligatures \*(oe, \*(ae, \*(Oe, and \*(Ae . . .

in order to get ... the Scandinavian ligatures re, 3!,
stream of text.


and IE ... into your

If a string must begin with spaces, define it as
( .ds xx "



The double quote character signals the beginning of the definition. There is no
trailing quote - the end of the line tenninates the string.
A string may actually be several lines long; iftraff encounters a \ at the end
of any line, the backslash and the newline characters are disregarded resulting in
the next line being added to the current one. So you can make a long string simply by ending each line except the last with a backslash:
.ds xx this \
is a very \
long string

Strings may be defined in tetms of other strings, or even in tenns of themselves.

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Chapter 9 -



Summary of the . ds Request

define string

Form of Request:

. ds xx string

Initial Value:

Not applicable

IJ No Argument:


Exp lanation:

Define a string xx containing string. Any initial double-quote in string is
stripped off to pennit initial spaces.

9.2. . as - Append to a

The . as (append to string) request adds characters to the end of a string. You
use the . a s request like this:


( . as xx string-of-characters

where string-oJ-characters is appended to the end of whatever is already in the
string xx.
Note that the string mentioned in a . a s request is created if it didn't already
exist, so in that respect an initial. as request acts just like a . ds request.
For example, here's a short fragment from the . H macro that was used to generate the section numbers in this document. The . H macro is called up like

where level-number is 1, 2, 3, ... to indicate that this is a first, second,
third, ... level heading. The . H macro keeps track of the various section
numbers via a bunch of number registers HI through H5, and they are tested for
and appended to the SN string if appropriate. For example:

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Using nroff and troff

. ds

SN \\n(Rl .
\\n(NS>l .as
\\n(NS>2 .as
\\n(NS>3 .as
\\n(NS>4 .as



set the initial section number string
append H2 if needed
append H3 if needed
append H4 if needed
append H5 if needed

more processing to compute indentations and such . ..

\\*(SN\\ \\ \t\c

Now output the text

and yet more processing . ..

Let's unscramble that mess. The essential parts are the initial line that says:
.ds SN \\n(Rl.

set the initial section number string

which sets the SN (section number) string to the value of the HI number register
that counts chapter level numbers. Then the following four lines essentially all
perform a test that says:
. if the level-number is greater than N, append the next higher section counter to the string. That is, if the current section number is
greater than 2, we append the value of the level 3 counter, then if the
section number is greater than 3, we append the value of the level 4
counter, and so on.

Finally, the built-up SN string, followed by the text of the title, gets placed into
the output text with the lines that read:
\\*(SN\\ \\ \t\c

Now output the text

And in fact we can use the mechanisms that exist to play games like that because
we are using a macro package to format this document, and those number registers are available to us. So we can define a string like this:
( .ds




and interpolate that string like this:



to get the value
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Chapter 9 -



printed in the text. Now we can append the rest of the section counters to that XX
string like this (without caring whether they have any values):
( .as




and then when we interpolate that string we get this:
which, if you look, should be the section number of the stuff you are now reading.

Summary of the . as Request

append to string

Form of Request:

. as xx string

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Append string to string xx (append version of . ds). The string xx is created
if it didn't already exist

9.3. Removing or
Renaming String

Strings (just like macros) can be renamed with the . rn (rename) request, or can
be removed from the namelist with the . rm (remove) request. Refer to Chapter
10 for more detailed descriptions of the . rn and . rm commands.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Macros, Diversions, and Traps

Macros, Diversions, and Traps ........................................................................................... 105

10.1. Macros .................................................................................................................................


· de -

Define a Macro .............................................................................................


· rm -

Remove Requests, Macros, or Strings ............................................


· rn -

Rename Requests, Macros or Strings ..............................................


Macros With Arguments ..........................................................................................


Append to a Macro ....................................................................................


Copy Mode Input Interpretation ...........................................................................


10.2. Using Diversions to Store Text for Later Processing ...............................


· di -

Divert Text .....................................................................................................


· da -

Append to a Diversion .............................................................................


10.3. Using Traps to Process Text at Specific Places on a Page ....................


· wh -

Set Page or Position Traps .....................................................................


· ch -

Change Position of a Page Trap .........................................................


· dt -

Set a Diversion Trap .................................................................................


· it -

Set an Input-Line Count Trap ..............................................................


• ern -

Set the End of Processing Trap ...........................................................


· am -

Macros, Diversions, and Traps
10.1. Macros

Before we can go much further in nr 0 f f or t rof f, we need to learn something
about the macro facility. In its simplest form, a macro is just shorthand notation
similar to a string. A macro is a collection of several separate troff commands
which, when bundled together, achieves (sometimes complex) fonnatting when
the macro is invoked. Whereas a string is somewhat limited because its
definition is specific, a macro can interpret arguments that can change its
behavior from one invocation to the next.
A macro is a named set of arbitrary lines that may be invoked by name or with a
trap. Macros are created by . de and . di requests, and appended to by . am and
· da requests; . di and . da requests cause nonnal output to be stored in a
macro. A macro is invoked in the same way as a request; a control line beginning
· xx interpolates the contents of macro xx. The remainder of the line may contain
up to nine arguments. Request, macro, and string names share the same name
list. Macro names may be one or two characters long and may usurp previouslydefined request, macro, or string names. String references and macro invocations
may be nested. Any of these entities may be renamed with a . rn request or
removed with a . rm request.

. de -

Define a Macro

Suppose we want every paragraph to start in exactly the same way - with a
space and a temporary indent of two ems. We show a (very simplified) version
of the . PP (paragraph) macro from the -ms macro package:
[~.t_i+_2m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

Then to save typing, we would like to collapse these into one shorthand line, a
troff 'request' like
( .PP


that would be treated by t ro f f exactly as if you had typed:


[ .sp
.ti +2m

· PP is called a macro. The way we tell troff what. PP means is to define it

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Using nroff and troff

with the . de (define) request:
.de PP
.ti +2m

The first line names the macro (we used. pp) which is a standard macro notation
for 'paragraph'. It is common practice to use upper-case names for macros so
that their names don't conflict with ordinary traff requests. The last line. .
marks the end of the definition. In between the beginning and end of the
definition, is the text (often called the replacement text), which is simply
inserted whenever troff sees the request or macro call
( .PP


The definition of . PP has to precede its first use; undefined macros are simply
ignored. Names are restricted to one or two characters.
Using macros for commonly-occurring sequences of requests is critically important. Not only does it save typing, but it makes later changes much easier. Suppose we decide that the paragraph indent should be greater, the vertical space
should be less, and the font should be Roman. Instead of changing the whole
document, we need only change the definition of the . PP macro to something
.de PP \" paragraph macro
.sp 2p
.ti +3m
.ft R

and the change takes effect everywhere we used . PP .
The notation \ " is an in-line t r a f f function that means that the rest of the line
is to be ignored. We use it here to add comments to the macro definition (a wise
idea once definitions get complicated).

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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps


Summary of the . de Request


Form of Request:

. de xxyy

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

.yy= . .


Define or redefine the macro xx. The contents of the macro begin on the
next input line. Input lines are copied in copy mode until the definition is
tenninated by a line beginning with . yy, whereupon the macro yy is called.
In the absence ofyy, the definition is tenninated by a line beginning with
'. .'. A macro may contain . de requests provided the tenninating macros
differ or the contained definition tenninator is concealed. '. .' can be concealed as \ \. . which will copy as \. . and be reread as '. .' .

. rm -

Remove Requests,

Macros, or Strings

Summary of the . rm Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Remove request, macro, or string. The name xx is removed from the name
list and any related storage space is freed. Subsequent references will have
no effect.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and traff

. rn - Rename Requests,
Macros or Strings

Summary of the . rn Request


Form of Request:

. rn xxyy

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Rename request, macro, or string xx to yy. Ifyy exists, it is removed first.
Refer to Chapter 9, Strings for information on defining strings.
As another example of macros, consider these two, which start and end a block of
offset, unfilled text, like most of the examples in this paper:
.de BS \" start indented block
.in +O.3i
.de BE \" end indented block
.in -O.3i

Now we can surround text like
Copy to:
Richard Roberts
Stanley Smith
by the requests. BS and . BE, and it will come out as it did above. Notice that
we indented by an incremental amount: . in +0. 3i instead of . in o. 3i.
This way we can nest our uses of . BS and . BE to get blocks within blocks.
If later on we decide that the indent should be half an inch, then it is only necessary to change the definitions of . BS and . BE, not the whole paper.

Macros With Arguments

The next step is to define macros that can change from one use to the next
according to parameters supplied as arguments to the macro. To make this work,
we need two things: first, when we define the macro, we have to indicate that
some parts of it will be provided as arguments when the macro is called. Then
when the macro is called we have to provide actual arguments to be plugged into
the definition.

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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps


When a macro is invoked by name, the remainder of the line can contain up to
nine arguments. The argument separator is the space character, and arguments
may be surrounded by double-quotes to pennit embedded space characters. Pairs
of double-quotes may be embedded in double-quoted arguments to represent a
single double-quote. If the desired arguments won't fit on a line, a concealed
newline (\) may be used to continue the arguments on the next line.
When a macro is invoked the input level is pushed down and any arguments
available at the previous level become unavailable until the macro is completely
read and the previous level is restored. A macro's own arguments can be interpolated at any point within the macro with \ $N, which interpolates the Nth argument (l~~9). If an invoked argument doesn't exist, a null string results. For
example, the macro xx may be defined by
.de xx
\"begin definition
Today is \\$1 the \\$2.
\"end definition

and called by
( .XX

Monday 14th


to produce the text
( Today is Monday the 14th.


Note that the \$ was concealed in the definition with a preceding backslash (\).
The number of currently available arguments is in the . $ register.
No arguments are available at the top (non-macro) level in this implementation.
Because string referencing is implemented as an input-level push-down, no arguments are available from within a string. No arguments are available within a
trap-invoked macro.
Arguments are copied in copy mode onto a stack where they are available for
reference. The mechanism does not allow an argument to contain a direct reference to a long string (interpolated at copy time) and it is advisable to conceal
string references (with an extra \) to delay interpolation until argument reference
Let's illustrate by defining a macro. SM that will print its argument two point
sizes smaller than the surrounding text. That is, the macro call


will produce UNIX.
The definition of . SM is

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Using nroff and troff




Within a macro definition, the symbol \ \ $n refers to the nth argument that the
macro was called with. Thus \ \ $1 is the string to be placed in a smaller point
size when . SM is called.
As a slightly more complicated version, the following definition of . SM pennits
optional second and third arguments that will be printed in the nonnal size:
.de SM



Arguments not provided when the macro is called are treated as empty, so
( .SM








[ .SM


It is convenient to reverse the order of arguments because trailing punctuation is
much more common than leading.

The following macro. ED is the one used to make the 'bold Roman' we have
been using for troff request names in text. It combines horizontal motions,
width computations, and argument rearrangement.
.de BD


The \ h and \ w commands need no extra backslash, as we discuss in the section
Copy Mode Input Interpretation. The \ & is there in case the argument begins
with a period.
Two backslashes are needed with the \ \ $ n commands, though, to protect one of
them when the macro is being defined. Perhaps a second example will make this
clearer. Consider a macro called. SH which produces section headings like the
ones in this manual, with the sections numbered automatically, and the title in

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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps


bold in a smaller size. The use is


"Section title ... n

If the argument to a macro is to contain spaces, then it must be surrounded by
double quotes, unlike a string, where only the leading quote is permitted.

Here is the definition of the . SH macro:
.nr SH 0 \" initialize section number
.de SH
.sp O.3i
.ft B
.nr SH \\n(SH+l\" increment number
.ps \\n(PS-l \" decrease PS
\ \n (SH.
\ \$1 \" number. title
.ps \\n(PS
\" restore PS
.sp O.3i
.ft R

The section number is kept in number register SH, which is incremented each
time just before it is used. A number register may have the same name as a
macro without conflict but a string may not.
We used \ \n (SH instead of \n (SH and \ \n (PS instead of \n (PS. If we had
used \n (SH, we would get the value of the register at the time the macro was
defined, not at the time it was called. If that's what you want, fine, but that isn't
the case here. Similarly, by using \ \n (PS, we get the point size at the time the
macro is called.
As an example that does not involve numbers, recall our . NP macro which had:
( .tl 'left'center'right'


We could make these into parameters by using instead


( .tl '\\*(LT'\\*(CT'\\*(RT'

so the title comes from three strings called LT, CT and RT for left title, center
title, and right title, respectively. If these are empty, then the title will be a blank
line. Normally CT would be set with something like
.dS _CT_%
--_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

to give just the page number between hyphens, but a user could supply private
definitions for any of the strings.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

. am - Append to a Macro

Summary of the . am Request

append to macro

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Append to macro xx (append version of . de).

Copy Mode Input


During definition and extension of strings and macros (not by diversion) the
input is read in copy mode. The input is copied without interpretation except

The contents of number registers indicated by \ n are interpolated.


Strings indicated by \ * are interpolated.


Arguments indicated by \ $ are interpolated.


Concealed newlines preceded by backslash (\ newline) are eliminated.


Comments indicated by \


\ t and \a are interpreted as ASCII horizontal tab and SOH respectively (see
Chapter 6, Tabs, Leaders, and Fields for more information).


\ \ is interpreted as \


\ . is interpreted as " • "


are eliminated.

These interpretations can be suppressed by adding another \ (backslash) to the
beginning of the command. For example, since \ \ maps into a \, \ \ n will copy
as \ n which will be interpreted as a number register indicator when the macro or
string is reread.

10.2. Using Diversions to
Store Text for Later

There are numerous occasions in page layout when it is necessary to store some
text for a period of time without actually printing it. Footnotes are the most
obvious example: the text of the footnote usually appears in the input well
before the place on the page where it is to be printed is reached. In fact, the place
where it is output normally depends on how big it is, which implies that there
must be a way to process the footnote at least enough to decide its size without
printing it.
traff provides a mechanism called a diversion for doing this processing. A

diversion is very similar to a macro and in fact uses the same mechanisms as the
macro facility. Any part of the output may be sent into a diversion instead of
being printed, and then at some convenient time the diversion may be brought
back into the input.

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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps

. di -

Divert Text


The request . di .xy begins a diversion - all subsequent output is collected into
the diversion called xy until a . di request with no argument is encountered,
which tenninates the diversion. The processed text is available at any time
thereafter, simply by giving the request:

('---oxy_ _ _ _ _ _J
The vertical size of the last finished diversion is contained in the built-in number
register dn.
As a simple example, suppose we want to implement a 'keep-release' operation,
so that text between the requests . KS and . KE will not be split across a page
boundary (as for a figure or table). Clearly, when a . KS is encountered, we have
to begin diverting the output so we can find out how big it is. Then when a . KE
is seen, we decide whether the diverted text will fit on the current page, and print
it either there if it fits, or at the top of the next page if it doesn't. So:
.de KS \" start keep
\" start fresh line
.ev 1
\" collect in new environment
\" make it filled text
.di XX \" collect in XX
.de KE \" end keep
\" get last partial line
\" end diversion
.if \ \n (dn>=\ \n (.t .bp
\" bp if doesn't fit
\" bring it back in no-fill
\" text
\" return to normal environment

Recall that number register n 1 is the current position on the output page. Since
output was being diverted, this remains at its value when the diversion started.
dn is the amount of text in the diversion; . t (another built- in register) is the distance to the next trap, which we assume is at the bottom margin of the page. If
the diversion is large enough to go past the trap, the . if is satisfied, and a . bp
is issued. In either case, the diverted output is then brought back with It . xx.
trof f will do no further processing on it.
This is not the most general keep-release, nor is it robust in the face of all conceivable inputs, but it would require more space than we have here to write it in
full generality. This section is not intended to teach everything about diversions,
but to sketch out enough that you can read existing macro packages with some
Processed output may be diverted into a macro for purposes such as footnote processing or determining the horizontal and vertical size of some text for conditional changing of pages or columns. A single diversion trap may be set at a
specified vertical position. The number registers dn and dl respectively contain
the vertical and horizontal size of the most recently ended diversion.
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Using nroff and troff

Processed text that is diverted into a macro retains the vertical size of each of its
lines when reread in nofill mode regardless of the current V. Constant-spaced
(. cs) or emboldened (. bd) text that is diverted can be reread correctly only if
these modes are again or still in effect at reread time. One way to do this is to
embed in the diversion the appropriate. cs or . bd requests with the 'transparent' mechanism described in the chapter Introduction to nroff and troff.
Diversions may be nested and certain parameters and registers are associated
with the current diversion level (the top non-diversion level may be thought of as
the Oth diversion level). These are the diversion trap and associated macro, nospace mode, lhe internally-saved marked place (see .rnk and . rt), the current
vertical place ( . d register), the current high-water text baseline (. h register), and
the current diversion name ( . z register).

Summary of the . di Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

End of diversion


Divert output to macro xx. Normal text processing occurs during diversion
except that page offsetting is not done. The diversion ends when the request
. di or . da is encountered without an argument; extraneous requests of this
type should not appear when nested diversions are being used.


D (see Table A-2)

. da -

Append to a Diversion

Summary of the . da Request

append to diversion

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

End of diversion


Append to diversion xx. This is the diversion equivalent of the . am (append
to macro) request.

10.3. Using Traps to
Process Text at
Specific Places on a

Three types of trap mechanisms are available, namely page traps, diversion
traps, and input-line-count traps.
Macro-invocation traps may be planted using the . wh (when) request at any page
position including the top. This trap position may be changed using the . ch
(change) request. Trap positions at or below the bottom of the page have no
effect unless or until moved to within the page or rendered effective by an
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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps


increase in page length.
Two traps may be planted at the same position only by first planting them at different positions and then moving one of the traps; the first planted trap will conceal the second unless and until the first one is moved. If the first one is moved
back, it again conceals the second trap.
The macro associated with a page trap is automatically invoked when a line of
text is output whose vertical size reaches or 'sweeps past' the trap position.
Reaching the bottom of a page springs the top-of-page trap, if any, provided there
is a next page.
The distance to the next trap position is available in the . t register; if there are
no traps between the current position and the bottom of the page, the distance
returned is the distance to the page bottom.
A macro-invocation trap effective in the current diversion may be planted using
the . dt (diversion trap) request. The . t register works in a diversion; if there is
no subsequent trap a large distance is returned. For a description of input-linecount traps, see the . it request below .
. wh - Set Page or Position

Summary of the . wh Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Not applicable


Install a trap to invoke xx at page position N; a negative N is interpreted
with respect to the page bottom. Any macro previously planted at N is
replaced by xx. A zero N refers to the top of a page. In the absence of xx,
the first-found trap at N, if any, is removed.


v (see Table A-2)


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Using nroff and troff

· ch - Change Position of a
Page Trap

Summary of the . ch Request

change trap

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Not applicable


Change the trap position for macro xx to be N. In the absence of N, the trap,
if any, is removed.


v (see Table A-2)

· dt -

Set a Diversion Trap

Summary of the . dt Request

diversion trap

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Tum off diversion trap


Install a diversion trap at position N in the current diversion to invoke macro
xx. Another . dt will redefine the diversion trap. If no arguments are
given, the diversion trap is removed.


D, v (see Table A-2)

Set an Input-Line
Count Trap
· it -

Summary of the . it Request

input-line-count trap

Form of Request:

.it Nxx

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Tum off trap


Set an input-line-count trap to invoke the macro xx after N lines of text input
have been read (control or request lines don't count). The text may be inline text or text interpolated by in-line or trap-invoked macros.


E (see Table A-2)

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Chapter 10 - Macros, Diversions, and Traps


. em - Set the End of

Processing Trap

Summary of the . em Request

end macro

Form of Request:

. em xx

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

No trap installed

Exp lanation:

Call the macro xx when all input has ended. The effect is the same as if the
contents of xx had been at the end of the last file processed.


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Number Registers

Number Registers ......................................................................................................................... 121
11.1. . nr -

Set Number Registers ...............................................................................


11.2. Auto-Increment Number Registers .....................................................................


11.3. Arithmetic Expressions with Number Registers .........................................


11.4. . af -

Specify Format of Number Registers ..............................................


11.5. . rr -

Remove Number Registers ...................................................................


Number Registers
In a programmable text formatter such as troff, you need a facility for storing

numbers somewhere, retrieving the numbers, and for doing arithmetic on those
numbers. trof f meets this need by providing things called number registers.
Number registers give you the ability to define variables where you can place
numbers, retrieve the values of the variables, and do arithmetic on those values.
Number registers, like strings and macros, can be useful in setting up a document
so it is easy to change later. And of course number registers serve for any sort of
arithmetic computation.
Number registers, just like strings, have one- or two-character names. They are
set by the . nr (number register) request, and are referenced anywhere by \ n x
(one-character name) or \n ( .xy (two-character name). When you access a
number register so that its value appears in the printed text, the jargon says that
you have interpolated the value of the number register.
A variety of parameters are available to the user as predefined, named number
registers (see Appendix D). In addition, users may define their own named registers. Register names are one or two characters long and do not conflict with
request, macro, or string names. Except for certain predefined read-only registers, a number register can be read, written, automatically incremented or decremented, and interpolated into the input in a variety of formats. One common use
of user-defined registers is to automatically number sections, paragraphs, lines,
etc. A number register may be used any time numerical input is expected or
desired and may be used in numerical expressions.
troff defines several pre-defined number registers listed in Appendix D.
Among them are % for the current page number, nl for the current vertical position on the page, dy, rna, and yr for the current day, month and year (see Table
D-l) for a complete list); and. s and . f for the current size and font - the font
is a number from 1 to 4. Any of these number registers can be used in computations like any other register, but some, like. s and . f, cannot be changed with a
. nr request because they are "read only" (see Table D-2) for a complete list).

11.1. . nr - Set Number

You create and modify number registers using the . nr (number register) request.
register is created if it doesn't already exist. The . nr request specifies the name
of the number register, and also specifies the initial value to be placed in there.
So the request

In its simplest form, the . nr request places a value into a number register -


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Using nroff and troff

( .nr




would be a request to set a register called PD (which we might know as 'Paragraph Depth' if we were writing a macro package) to the value 1.5v (l.5 of
troff's vertical units).
As an example of the use of number registers, in the -IDS macro package, most
significant parameters are defined in tenus of the values of a handful of number
registers (see the chapter "Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros" in F ormatting Documents). These include the point size for text, the vertical spacing,
and the line and title lengths. To set the point size and vertical spacing for the
following paragraphs, for example, a user may say:


.nr PS 10
(.. nr VS 12

The paragraph macro . PP is defined (roughly) as follows:

\\n(PS \" reset size
\\n(VSp \" spacing
\" font
\" half a line

This sets the font to Roman and the point size and line spacing to whatever
values are stored in the P S and vs number registers.
Why are there two backslashes? When troff originally reads the macro
definition, it peels off one backslash to see what's coming next. To ensure that
another is left in the definition when the macro is used, we have to put two
backslashes in the definition. If only one backslash is used, point size and vertical spacing will be frozen at the time the macro is defined, not when the macro is
Protecting by an extra layer of backslashes is only needed for \n, \ *, \$, and \
itself. Things like \ s, \ f, \ h, \ v, and so on do not need an extra backslash,
since they are converted by t ro f f to an internal code immediately upon being

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Chapter II-Number Registers


Summary of the . nr Request

number register

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Assign the value ±N to number register R, with respect to the previous
value, if any. Set the increment for auto-incrementing to M.


u (see Table A-2)

11.2. Auto-Increment
Number Registers

When you set a number register with the . nr request, you can also specify an
additional number as an auto-increment value - that is, the number is added to
the number register every time you access the number register. You specify the
auto-increment value with a request such as:

(,---onr_ s n0 _ 1_

_ _ _ _]

to specify a (hypothetical) section number register that starts off with the value 0
and is incremented by 1 every time you use it. This might be applicable (for
instance) to numbering the sections of a document automatically - something
you might expect a computer to do for you. You might also define a numbered
list macro that would clock up the item number every time you added a new list
Here's a very quick and dirty example of the use of auto-incrementing a number
.nr en -1 2
the odd numbers \n+(cn, \n+(cn, \n+(cn, \n+(cn, \n+(cn, \n+(cn,

When we format the above sequence, we get the following:
... the odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9, 11, ...
The table below shows the effects of accessing the number registers x and .xx
after a . nr request that sets them to the value N with an auto-increment value of

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Using nroff and troff

Table 11-1

Access Sequences for Auto-incrementing Number Registers


11.3. Arithmetic
Expressions with
Number Registers

Effect on


\n (xx



.nr x N M
.nr x N M


x incremented by M
x decremented by M


.nr xx N M
.nr xx N M

\n+ (xx

xx incremented by M
xx decremented by M


.nr x N M
.nr XX N M


Arithmetic expressions can appear anywhere that a number is expected. As a
trivial example,
( .nr PS \\n(PS-2


decrements the value in the PS macro by 2.
Expressions can use the arithmetic operators and logical operators as shown in
the table below. Parts of an expression can be surrounded by parentheses.
Table 11-2

Arithmetic Operators and Logical Operators for Expressions
Arithmetic Operator






Logical Operator


or =

Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Equal to





Except where controlled by parentheses, evaluation of expressions is left-to-right
- there is no operator precedence.



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Chapter 11 -

Number Registers


Although the arithmetic we have done so far has been straightforward, more
complicated things are somewhat tricky. First, number registers hold only
integers. traff arithmetic uses truncating integer division. Second, in the
absence of parentheses, evaluation is done from left to right without any operator
precedence (including relational operators). Thus

becomes' -1'. Number registers can occur anywhere in an expression, and so
can scale indicators like p, i, In, and so on (but no spaces). Although integer
division causes truncation, each number and its scale indicator is converted to
machine units (1/432 inch) before any arithmetic is done, so 1i/2u evaluates to
O.Si correctly.
The scale indicator u often has to appear where you would not expect it - in
particular, when arithmetic is being done in a context that implies horizontal or
vertical dimensions. For example,


[.11 7 /2i
would seem obvious enough - 3.5 inches. Sorry - remember that the default
units for horizontal parameters like the .11 request are ems. So that expression
is really '7 ems / 2 inches', and when translated into machine units, it becomes
zero. How about


(.11 7i /2
Still no good-the '2' is '2 ems', so '7i{2' is small, although not zero. You
must use


( .11 7i/2u

So again, a safe rule is to attach a scale indicator to every number, even constants.
For arithmetic done within a . nr request, there is no implication of horizontal or
vertical dimension, so the default units are 'units', and 7i/2 and 7i/2u mean the
same thing. Thus


.nr 11 7i/2


to produce»


Frequently \h is used with the width function, \w, to generate motions equal to
the width of some character string. The construction


Omar Khayyam - the Rubdiytit

Revision A. of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff


( \ w' thing'

is a number equal to the width of 'thing' in machine units (1/432 inch). All
troff computations are ultimately done in these units. To move horizontally
the width of an 'x', we can say


( \h'\w'x'u'

As we mentioned above, the default scale factor for all horizontal dimensions is
m (ems), so here we must have the u for machine units, or the motion produced
will be far too large. troff is quite happy with the nested quotes, by the way,

so long as you don't leave any out.
As a live example of this kind of construction, the re, re, ffi, and IE ligatures discussed in the section on ligatures in the chapter Fonts and Special Characters,
were constructed using the \ h function to define the following strings:



and for any given one of those strings, the mess is unscrambled like this:

. ds ae


12.3. \ 0 FunctionDigit-Size Spaces


Define a string called 'ae' .
Letter' a' in the string.
Move backward 0.4 of the width of the letter' a' .
Letter' e' in the string.

The in-line \ 0 function is an unpaddable white space of the same width as a
digit. 'Unpaddable' means that it will never be widened or split across a line by
line justification and filling. You could use the digit space to get numerical
columns correctly lined up. For example, suppose you have this list of items:

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Chapter 12 -

Drawing Lines and Characters


. ta sr1
.sp sp
1. Unpack the handy dandy fuse blower.
Inspect for obvious shipping defects.

Find a wall socket.
10. Insert handy dandy fuse blower in wall socket.
11. Push red button to blow all fuses .
. fi

When you fornat this list of operations, you get this result:
Step Description

Unpack the handy dandy fuse blower.
Inspect for obvious shipping defects.


Find a wall socket.
Insert handy dandy fuse blower in wall socket.
Push red button to blow all fuses.

As you can see, the numbers do not line up at the decimal point, but instead are
lined up on the left. Placing a space character in front of the digits in the input is
not sufficient measure to line up the digits at the decimal. A space is not the
same width as a digit (at least not in traff). A solution is to use the unpaddable digit-space character \ 0 in front of the single digits like this:
.ta sn
.sp 5p

Unpack the handy dandy fuse blower.
Inspect for obvious shipping defects.

Find a wall socket.
10. Insert handy dandy fuse blower in wall socket.
11. Push red button to blow all fuses .
. fi

Now when you fornat the text, you get this result:

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Using nroff and troff



Unpack the handy dandy fuse blower.
Inspect for obvious shipping defects.

Find a wall socket.
Insert handy dandy fuse blower in wall socket
Push red button to blow all fuses.

which looks better than the previous example.

12.4. '\ ' Function UnpaddabJe Space

There is also the in-line \ function, which is the \ character (backslash) followed
by a space character. This function is an unpaddable character the width of a
space. You can use this to make sure that things don't get split across line boundaries, for instance if you want to see something like nrof£ -T1p myfile in
the stream of text, with the command line set off like it was here and ensuring
that it all appears on one line, you would type it in as
\ \ \f(LBnroff\ -Tlp\fP\ \fImyfile\fP\ \
in-line in the text.

12.5. \ I and \ - Functions
- Thick and Thin

In typography, there are times when you need spaces that are one-sixth or onetwelfth of the width of an em-space. troff supplies the in-line \ I function

which is one-sixth of an em -space wide - this is sometimes called a 'thick
space'. Where would you want such a thing? Well one place it could be used is
in making an ellipsis look better. In general, an ellipsis in a proportional font
looks too cramped if you just string three dots together:

["",---... - - - - - - - ]
and the dots tend to look too spread out if you just place spaces between them:

(. . .


and so the answer is often to use the thick space to get a more pleasing effect like


which was actually achieved by typing:


( .\ I.\ I.

Lastly, the in-line \ ... function is one-twelfth of the width of an em-space space.
This function is almost always used for a typographical application called italic
correction. Consider an italic word followed by some punctuation such as do
tell! Because the italic letters are slanted to the right, they lean slightly on the
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Chapter 12 -

Drawing Lines and Characters


trailing punctuation, especially when the last letter is a tall one like the I in the
example. So, what typographers do is to apply the italic correction in the fonn of
a thin space just before the punctuation, so that the effect is now do tell! What
we actually typed here was

with the italic correction just before the exclamation mark.
Typing the italic correction at every instance of adjacent Roman and italic text,
would be a lot of work. Some macro packages construct special-purpose macros
for applying the italic correction. For example, the -man macro package has a
• I R macro that joins alternating italic and Roman words together so that you can
italicize parts of words or have italic text with trailing Roman punctuation. You
use the . IR macro like:
( .IR well spring


to get the composite effect of wellspring in your text. The . IR macro (somewhat simplified) looks like this:
.de IR

and you can see the italic correction applied after every parameter that is set in
the italic font.

12.6. \ & Function - NonPrinting Zero-Width

The \ & function is a character that does not print, and does not take up any space
in the output text. You might wonder what use it is at all? One application of
the non-printing character used throughout this manual is to display examples of
text containing troff or nroff requests. To print a trof f request just as it
appears in the input, you have to distinguish it from a real troff request. You
cannot print an example whose input looks just like this:
.in +O.Si

indent the text half an inch

lots of lines of text to be processed

.in -O.Si

unindent the text half an inch

The . characters at the beginning of each line would be interpreted as troff
requests instead of text representing examples of requests. In such cases, we
have to use the \ & function to stop troff or nroff from interpreting the. at
the start of the line as a control character. We would type the example like this:

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Using nroff and troff

indent the text half an inch
lots of lines of text to be processed
unindent the text half an inch
\&.in -O.Si
\&.in +O.Si

Another place where the \ & function is useful is within some of the other in-line
functions such as the \ 1 function. The \ 1 function draws lines and you type the
function like:
( \ l' length



where length is the length of the line you want to draw, and character is the character to use. Sometimes, the character might look like a part of length, for


doesn't get you a one-inch line of = signs as you might expect, because the =
sign looks like an expression where you are trying to say that "1.Oi is equal to"
something else. When you encounter this situation, type the \ 1 function like
( \l'l.Oi\&='

and the result is a one-inch line of

12.7. \ 0 Function Overstriking


=========== signs as you see here.

Automatically-centered overstriking of up to nine characters is possible with the
in-line \ a (overstrike) function. The \ a function looks like \ a' string' where
the characters in string are overprinted with their centers aligned. This means for
example, that you can print from one to nine different characters superimposed
upon each other. traff detennines the width of this "character" you are creating to be the width of the widest character in your string. The superimposed
characters are then centered on the widest character. The string should not contain local vertical motion. The in-line \ a function is used like this:

This is useful for printing accents, as in
syst\o"e\(ga"me t\o"e\(aa"l\o"e\(aa"phonique

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Chapter 12 -

Drawing Lines and Characters


which produces
systeme telephonique
The accents are \ (ga (grave accent) and \ (aa (acute accent), or \' and \ ';
remember that each is just one character to tr off.



( \0"\ (mo\




12.8. \ z Function - Zero
Motion Characters

You can make your own overstrikes with another special convention, \ z, the
zero-motion command. \ z x suppresses the normal horizontal motion after
printing the single character x, so another character can be laid on top of it.
Although sizes can be changed within \0, troff centers the characters on the
widest of them, and there can be no horizontal or vertical motions, so \ z may be
the only way to get what you want:

is produced by
.sp 2

The . s p 2 line is needed to leave enough vertical space for the result.
As another example, an extra-heavy semicolon that looks like
; instead of ; or ;
can be constructed with a big comma and a big period above it:
( \s+6\z,\v'-O.25m' .\v'O.25m'\sO


where 0 . 2 Sm is an empirical constant.
As further examples, \ z \ (ci \ (pI produces

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Using nroff and troff

and \ (br\z\ (rn \ (ul \ (br produces the smallest possible constructed box:

There is also a more general overstriking function for piling things up vertically
- this topic is discussed in the section "\b Function - Build Large Brackets"
later in this chapter.

12.9. \ w Function - Get
Width of a String

Back in the section on using tabs, we saw how we could set tab stops to various
positions on the line and lay stuff out in columns based on the tab stops. Sometimes it is hard to figure out where the tab stops should go because you can't
always tell in advance how wide things are - this is especially true for proportional fonts (by definition the characters aren't all the same size). Often what you
want is to set tab stops based on the width of an item. Then you can set tab stops
based on that width and remain independent of the size of the characters if you
decide to change point size.
The in-line width function \ w' string , generates the numerical width of string
(in basic units). For example, . ti -\ w' 1. 'u could be used to temporarily
indent leftward a distance equal to the size of the string '1. '. Size and font
changes may be safely embedded in string, and do not affect the current environment.
In a previous example we showed how a large capital letter could be placed in a
verse with vertical motions and we played some games with indenting to get the
thing to come out more-or-Iess right. The problem with that approach is that we
had to measure the size of the character and arrive at the indent by trial and error
(actually, error and trial). Another problem is that the measured indent didn't
take the point-size into account - if we decide to change sizes, the measurements are all wrong. The width function can measure the size of the thing
directly, so here's our example all over again using the \ w function:
.in +\w'\s36A\sO'u
.ti -\w'\s36A\sO'u
\v'1.O'\s36A\sO\v'-1.O'\h'-5p'wake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
\h'lp'Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight:
.in -\w'\s36A\sO'u
And La! the Hunter of the East has caught
The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light.

and when we fonnat that text we get this result:

A wake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
ft. Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Hight:
And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught
The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light.
The width function also sets three number registers. The registers st (string top)
and sb (string bottom) are set respectively to the highest and lowest extent of
string relative to the baseline; then, for example, the total height of the string is
\n (stu-\n (sbu. In troff the number register ct (character type) is set to a
value between 0 and 3:
Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 12 -

Table 12-1


troff Width Function- ct Number Register Values
ct Number




12.10. \ k Function Mark Current
Horizontal Place

Drawing Lines and Characters

all of the characters in
string were short lower
case characters without
descenders (like e)
at least one character has a
descender (like y)
at least one character is tall
(like H)
both tall characters and
characters with descenders
are present.

The in-line \k.x function stores the current horizontal position in the input line
into register x. As an example, we could get a bold italic effect by the construction:


( \kxword \h' I \nxu+2u 'word

This emboldens word by backing up to its absolute (hence, the I) beginning
(\kxword\h'I\rnm) plus 2 machine units (+2u) and overprinting it, resulting in


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

12.11. \b Function Build Large
Table 12-2

The Special (mathematical) font contains a number of characters for constructing
large brackets out of pieces. The table below shows the escape-sequences for the
individual pieces, what they look like, and their names.

Pieces for Constructing Large Brackets





left top of big curly bracket


left bottom of big curly bracket





right bottom of big curly bracket



left center of big curly bracket



right center of big curly bracket



bold vertical



left floor (left bottom of big square bracket)



right floor (right bottom of big square bracket)

right top of big curly bracket



left ceiling (left top of big square bracket)



right ceiling (right top of big square bracket)

These pieces can be combined into various styles and sizes of brackets and
braces by using the in-line \b (for bracketing) function. The \b function is used
like this:
( \b' string



to pile up the characters vertically in string with the first character on top and the
last on the bottom. The characters are vertically separated by one em and the
total pile is centered 1/2-em above the current baseline (1/2-line in nroff). For
\x' -O.Sm' \x'O.Sm' \b' \(lc\(lf'E\I\b' \(rc\(rf'

produces [E] . As with previous examples, we should unscramble the whole
mess for you:

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Chapter 12 - Drawing Lines and Characters




start bracketing function



left ceiling





letter E


start bracketing function



right ceiling



right floor

Here's another example of using braces and brackets. You get this effect:

{[ xJ}
by typing this:


x \b'\(rc\(rf' \b'\(rt\(rk\(rb'

12.12. \r FunctionReverse Vertical
12.13. Drawing Horizontal
and Vertical Lines

The \r function makes a single reverse motion of one em upward in troff,
and one line upward in nroff.

\ 1 Function - Draw
Horizontal Lines

The in-line \ 1 (lower-case ell) function draws a horizontal line. For example,
the function \ 1 ' 1 . 0 i ' draws a one-inch horizontal line like this
_ _ _ _ _ _ in the text.

Typesetting systems commonly have commands to draw horizontal and vertical
lines. Of course typographers don't call them lines - they are called 'rules'
because once upon a time they were drawn with rulers. troff provides a convenient facility for drawing horizontal and vertical lines of arbitrary length with
arbitrary characters, and these facilities are described in the subsections following.

The line is actually drawn using the baseline rule character in troff, and the
underline character in nro f f, but you can in fact make the character that draws
the line any character you like by placing the character after the length designation. For example, you could draw a two inches of tildes by using \1'2 . Oi _I to
in the text. The construction \L is entirely
analogous, except that it draws a vertical line instead of horizontal.
The general form of the \ 1 function is

(~\_l__'l_en_g_t_h_Ch_a_r_a_ct_er_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~J
Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

where length is the length of the string of characters to be drawn, and character
is the character to use to draw the line. If character looks like a continuation of
length, you can insulate character from length with the zero-width \ & sequence.
If length is negative, a backward horizontal motion of size length is made before
drawing the string. Any space resulting from length/ (size of character) having a
remainder is put at the beginning (left end) of the string. In the case of characters
that are designed to be connected such as baseline-rule (_), underrule C), and
root-en (-), the remainder space is covered by overlapping. If length is less than
the width of character, a single character is centered on a distance length. As an
example, here is a macro to underscore a string:


ode us



and you use the us macro like this:

to yield underlined words in the stream of text. You could also write a macro to
draw a box around a string:
ode bx
\(br\\$l\(br\ l'IO\(rn'\ l'IO\(ul'

and SO you can type:

(.bX "words


in a box"

to get some !Words in a boX! in the text stream.
\ L Function - Draw Vertical

The in-line \L (upper-case ell) function draws a vertical line. As in the case of
the \ 1 function, the general fonn of the function is


This draws a vertical line consisting of the (optional) character character stacked
vertically apart 1 em (1 line in nroff), with the first two characters overlapped,
if necessary, to fonn a continuous line. The default character is the box rule,
I( \ (br); the other suitable character is the bold vertical I ( \ (bv). The line
is begun without any initial motion relative to the current base line. A positive
length specifies a line drawn downward and a negative length specifies a line
drawn upward. After the line is drawn no compensating motions are made; the
instantaneous baseline is at the end of the line.

Revision A, of9 May 1988

Chapter 12 - Drawing Lines and Characters


Combining the Horizontal
and Vertical Line Drawing
The horizontal and vertical line drawing functions may be used in combination to produce large boxes. The zerowidth box-rule and the 1/2 - em wide underrule were designed to fonn comers when using one-em vertical spacings.
For example the macro
.de eb
.sp -1
\"compensate for next automatic baseline spacing
\"avoid possibly overflowing word buffer
\h '-.5n '\L' 1 \ \nzu-1 '\1'\ \n( .lu+1n\ (ul '\L '-1 \ \nzu+1 '\1' 1Ou-. Sn\ (ul'
\"draw box

draws a box around some text whose beginning vertical place was saved in number register z (using. mk z) as done
for this paragraph.

12.14. . me - Place
Characters in the

Many types of documents require placing specific characters in the margins. The
most common use of this is placing bars down the margins to indicate what's
changed in a document from one revision of a document to the next. This paragraph and the remainder of the text in this section were preceded by a
( .mc \s12\(br\sO


request (that is, place a l2-point box-rule character in the margin) to tum on the
marginal bars, and followed by a simple


[_.mc_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

request to tum off the marginal bars.
Currently, this request is not bug-free, and the margin character only appears to
the right of the right margin, but not in left margins. Also, you'l1 notice that the
marginal bars do not appear on incomplete lines, such as this one .

• \sun


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . me Request

margin character

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Tum off margin characters


Specifies that a margin character c appear a distance N to the right of the
right margin after each non-empty text line (except those produced by . tl).
If the output line is too long (as can happen in nofill mode) the character is
appended to the line. If N is not given, the previous N is used; the initial N
is 0.2 inches in nroff and 1 em in troff.


E, m (see Table A-2)

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Character Translations
Character Translations .............................................................................................................. 149
13.1. Input Character Translations ..................................................................................


13.2. . ec and . eo -

Set Escape Character or Stop Escapes .......................


13.3. . cc and . c2 -

Set Control Characters ........................................................


Output Translation .....................................................................................


13.4. . t r -

Character Translations
13.1. Input Character

The newline delimits input lines. In addition, STX, ETX, ENQ, ACK, and BEL are
accepted, and may be used as delimiters or translated into a graphic with a . t r
(translate) request (refer to the section entitled . t r - Output Translation). All
others are ignored.

13.2. . ec and. eo - Set
Escape Character or
Stop Escapes

The escape character \ introduces escape sequences - meaning the following
character is something else, or indicates some function. A complete list of such
sequences is given in a later chapter. The \ character should not be confused
with the ASCII control character ESC of the same name. The escape character
can be changed with an . e c (escape character) request, and all that has been said
about the default \ becomes true for the new escape character. \ e can be used to
print whatever the current escape character is. If necessary or convenient, the
escape mechanism can be turned off with an . eo (escape oft) request and
restored with the . e c request.

Summary of the . ec Request

escape character

Form of Request:

.ec c

Initial Value:


If No Argument:



Set escape character to \, or to c, if given.

Summary of the . eo Request

escape mechanism off

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Escape mechanism is on

If No Argument:

Tum escape mechanism off.


Turn escape mechanism off.


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

13.3. . cc and . c2 - Set
Control Characters

Both the control character. and the no-break control character' may be
changed, if desired. Such a change must be compatible with the design of any
macros used in the span of the change, and particularly of any trap-invoked macros.

Summary of the . cc Request

control character

Form of Request:

. cc


Initial Value:

If No Argument:

Set the basic control character to c, or reset to ' . '.

Summary of the . c2 Request

no-break control character

Form of Request:

. c2


Initial Value:

If No Argument:

13.4. . t r - Output

Set the no-break control character to c, or reset to '

One character can be made a stand-in for another character using the. t r
(translate) request. All text processing (for instance, character comparisons)
takes place with the input (stand-in) character that appears to have the width of
the final character. The graphic translation occurs at the moment of output
(including diversion).

Summary of the . t r Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not Applicable

If No Argument:

No translation

Exp lanation:

Translate a into b, c into d, etc. If an odd number of characters is given, the
last one is mapped into the space character. To be consistent, a particular
translation must stay in effect from input to output time.


o (see Table A-2)


Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Automatic Line Numbering

Automatic Line Numbering .................................................................................................. 153
14.1 . . nm - Number Output Lines ...............................................................................


14.2. . nn -


Stop Numbering Lines .............................................................................

Automatic Line Numbering
14.1. . nm - Number
Output Lines




Output lines may be numbered automatically via the . nm (number) request.
Refer to the following table for a summary of the . nm request. When in
effect, a three-digit, Arabic number and a digit-space begins each line of
output text. The text lines are thus offset by four digit-spaces, and otherwise
retain their line length. To keep the right margin aligned with an earlier
margin, you may want to reduce the line length by the equivalent of four
digit spaces. Blank lines, other vertical spaces, and lines generated by . t I
are not numbered. Numbering can be temporarily suspended with the . nn
(no number) request (see below), or with an . nm followed by a later . nm
+0. In addition, a line number indent I, and the number-text separation S
may be specified in digit-spaces. Further, it can be specified that only those
line numbers that are multiples of some number M are to be printed (the others will appear as blank number fields).

Summary of the . nm Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Line numbering turned off.

If No Argument:

Line numbering turned off.


Tum on line numbering if±N is given. The next output line numbered is
numbered ±N. Default values are M= 1, S= 1, and 1= O. N is the line
number counter (or incrementer if you use ±N), M is the multiple of the
numbered lines to be printed on the page, S is the spacing between line
numbers and text, and I is the amount of indent for the line numbers.
Parameters corresponding to missing arguments are unaffected; a nonnumeric argument is considered missing. In the absence of all arguments,
numbering is turned off; the next line number is preserved for possible
further use in number register In.


E (see Table A-2)


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

14.2. . nn - Stop
Numbering Lines

When you are using the . nm request to number lines (as discussed above), you
can temporarily suspend the numbering with the . nn (no number) request.

Summary of the . nn Request

no numbering

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



The next N text output lines are not numbered.


E (see Table A-2)
As an example, the paragraph portions of this chapter are numbered with



M= 3: . nm 1 3 was placed at the beginning of the chapter, . nm was
placed at the end of the first paragraph; and . nm + 0 was placed in front of
this paragraph; and . nm finally placed at the end. Line lengths were also
changed (by \ w ' 00 00 ' u) to keep the right side aligned.

Another example is

[.nm +5 5 x 3

which turns on numbering with the line number of the next line to be 5
greater than the last-numbered line, M= 5, spacing S is untouched, and with
the indent I set to 3.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Conditional Requests

Conditional Requests ................................................................................................................. 157
15.1. . if -

Conditional Request ..................................................................................


15.2. . ie and . e1 -If-Else and Else Conditionals ..........................................


15.3 . . ig -


Ignore Input Text ........................................................................................

Conditional Requests
15.1. . if - Conditional

Suppose we want the . SH macro to leave two extra inches of space just before
section 1, but nowhere else. The cleanest way to do that is to test inside the . SH
macro whether the section number is 1, and add some space if it is. The . if
request provides the conditional test that we can add just before the heading line
is output:
( .if \\n(SH-1 .sp 2i \" first section only


The condition after the . if can be any arithmetic or logical expression. If the
condition is logically true, or arithmetically greater than zero, the rest of the line
is treated as if it were text - here a request. If the condition is false, or zero, or
negative, the rest of the line is skipped.
It is possible to perfonn more than one request if a condition is true. Suppose
several operations are to be done before section 1. One possibility is to define a
macro . S 1 and invoke it if we are about to do section 1 (as detennined by a
. if) .
. de 81
processing for section 1 --.de 8H
.if \\n(SH=1 .S1

An alternate way is to use the extended fonn of the . if, like this:
.if \\n(SH=1 \{--- processing for section 1 ----\}

The braces \ { and \} must occur in the positions shown or you will get unexpected extra lines in your output. troff also provides an 'if-else' construction,
which we will not go into here.
A condition can be negated by preceding it with !; we get the same effect as
above (but less clearly) by using


Revision A. of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

There are a handful of other conditions that can be tested with . if. For example, is the current page even or odd?
.if e .tl "even page title"
.if 0 .tl "odd page title"

gives facing pages different titles when used inside an appropriate new page
Two other conditions are t and n, which tell you whether the fonnatter is
troff or nroff.


.if t troff stuff ...
[ .if n nroff stuff .. .

' " - - - - - - - - - - - '

Finally, string comparisons may be made in an . if:
( .if




does 'stuff' if string1 is the same as string2. The character separating the strings
can be anything reasonable that is not contained in either string. The strings
themselves can reference strings with \ * , arguments with \ $, and so on.
In the following table, c is a one-character, built-in condition name, ! signifies
not, N is a numerical expression, string1 and string2 are strings delimited by any
non-blank, non-numeric character not in the strings, and anything represents
what is conditionally accepted .

• sun


Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Chapter 15 - Conditional Requests


Summary of the . if Requests
Mnemonic :Iif, if-else, else
Form of Request:

· if c anything

Initial Value:

Not Applicable

If No Argument:

Not Applicable


If condition c true, accept anything as input. In multi-line case use \{anythingV.

Form of Request:

· i f ! c anything


If condition c false, accept anything.

Form of Request:

· if N anything


If expression N > 0, accept anything.

Form of Request:

· if


If expression N sO, accept anything.

Form of Request:

· if 'string1 'string2 ' anything


If string1 identical to string2, accept anything.

Form of Request:

· i f ! ' string 1 'string2 ' anything


If string1 is not identical to string2, accept anything.

Form of Request:

· ie c anything


If portion of if-else (like above i f forms).

Form of Request:

· el anything


Else portion of if-else.

!N anything

The built-in condition names are:
Table 15-1

Built-In Condition Namesfor Conditional Processing


True 1f
Current page number is odd
Current page number is even
Formatter is traff
Formatter is nraff

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

If the condition c is true, or if the number N is greater than zero, or if the strings
compare identically (including motions and character size and font), anything is
accepted as input. If a ! precedes the condition, number, or string comparison,
the sense of the acceptance is reversed.
Any spaces between the condition and the beginning of anything are skipped
over. The anything can be either a single input line (text, macro, or whatever) or
a number of input lines. In the multi-line case, the first line must begin with a
left delimiter \ { and the last line must end with a right delimiter \ }.

15.2. . ie and. el - IfElse and Else

The request . i e (if-else) is almost identical to . if except that the acceptance
state is remembered. A subsequent and matching . e1 (else) request then uses
the reverse sense of that state. . ie - . e1 pairs may be nested. Refer to the
Summary of the . if Requests for summaries of . ie and . el.
Some examples are:
( .if e .tl ' Even Page %'"


which outputs a title if the page number is even; and
.ie \n%>l \{\

'sp O.5i
.tl ' Page %'"

'sp - 1.2i \}
.el .sp - 2.Si

which treats page 1 different!y from other pages.

15.3. . i g - Ignore Input

Another mechanism for conditionally accepting input text is via the . ig (ignore)
request. Basically, you place the . ig request before a block of text you want to
. ig

start of ignored block of text

block of text you don't want to appear in the printed output

end of ignore block signalled with.


The . ig request functions like a macro definition via the . de request except
that the text between the . ig and the tenninating. . is discarded instead of
being processed for printing.
You can give the . ig request an argument -

that is, an

Revision A. of 9 May 1988

Chapter 15 -

Conditional Requests


. ig xy



' - - - - - - - request ignores all text up to and including a line that reads




which looks just like a request:


start of ignored block of text

block of text you don't want to appear in the printed output

. zz

end of ignore block signalled with . zz

You can of course combine the . ig request with the other conditionals to ignore
a block of text if a condition is satisfied. For example, you might want to omit
blocks of text if the printed pages are destined for different audiences:
This manual is for Wizards only

.nr W 1

further processing

.if \nW .ig


If the manual is for wizards

Tutorial material beneath the attention of wizards




end of ignored block of text

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Summary of the . ig Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

Ignore text up to a line starting with.

Exp lanation:

Ignore input lines up to and including a line starting with . yy - use. . if
no argument is specified on the request .. ig behaves exactly like the . de
(define macro) request except that the input is discarded. The input is read
in copy mode, and any auto-incremented number registers will be affected.



Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Debugging Requests

Debugging Requests ................................................................................................................... 165
16.1. . pm -

Display Names and Sizes of Defined Macros ............................


16.2. . f 1 - Flush Output Buffer ..................................................................................


16.3. . ab -


Abort ..................................................................................................................

Debugging Requests
troff and nroff resemble languages for programming a typesetter rather than
a mechanism to describe how a document should be put together. There are

times when you just can't figure out why things are going wrong and not generating results as advertised. The requests described here are for dyed-in-the-wool
macro wizards.

16.1. . pm - Display
Names and Sizes of
Defined Macros

The . pm (print macros) request displays the names of all defined macros and
how big they are. Why would anybody want to do such a thing? Well, if you're
using a macro as a diversion, you might find out (by printing its size) that it is far
bigger than you expect (that it's swallowing your entire file).

Summary of the . pm Request

print macros

Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:



Print macros. The names and sizes of all of the defined macros and strings
are printed on the user's terminal; if tis given, only the total of the sizes is
printed. The sizes are given in blocks of 128 characters.


Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

16.2. . f1 - Flush Output

The . f 1 (flush) request flushes the output buffer using nroff interactively.

this can be used when you're

Summary of the . f1 Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

adjusting is turned off

Exp lanation:

Hush output buffer. Used in interactive debugging to force output.

16.3. . ab -


A final useful request in the debugging category is the . ab (abort) request which
basically bails out and stops the formatting.

Summary of the . ab Request


Form of Request:

. ab text

Initial Value:

Not applicable

If No Argument:

No text is displayed


Displays text and terminates without further processing. If text is missing,
'User Abort' is displayed. Does not cause a break. The output buffer is
flushed .

• ~sun


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Environments ................................................................................................................................... 169
17.1. . ev -

Switch Environment .................................................................................


As we mentioned, there is a potential problem when going across a page boundary: parameters like size and font for a page title may well be different from
those in effect in the text when the page boundary occurs. traff provides a
very general way to deal with this and similar situations. There are six environments, each of which has independently-settable versions of many of the parameters associated with processing, including size, font, line and title lengths,
fill/nofill mode, tab stops, and even partially-collected lines. Thus the titling
problem may be readily solved by processing the main text in one environment
and titles in a separate one with its own suitable parameters.

17.1. . ev - Switch

The command. ev n shifts to environment n; n must be in the range 0 through 2.
A . ev command with no argument returns to the previous environment.
Environment names are maintained in a stack, so calls for different environments
may be nested and unwound consistently.
When t r 0 f f starts up, environment 0 is the default environment, so in general,
the main text of your document is processed in this environment in the absence
of any information to the contrary. Given this, we can modify the . NP (new
page) macro to process titles in environment 1 like this:



\" shift to new environment

\" set parameters here


any other processing
\" return to previous environment

It is also possible to initialize the parameters for an environment outside the . NP
macro, but the version shown keeps all the processing in one place and is thus
easier to understand and change.

Another major application for environments is for blocks of text that must be
kept together.
A number of the parameters that control the text processing are gathered together
into an environment, which can be switched by the user. The environment
parameters are those associated with requests noting E in their Notes column; in




Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

addition, partially-collected lines and words are in the environment. Everything
else is global; examples are page-oriented parameters, diversion-oriented parameters' number registers, and macro and string definitions. All environments are
initialized with default parameter values.

Summary of the . ev Request


Form of Request:


Initial Value:


If No Argument:

Switch back to previous environment


Switch to environment N, where 0g{'5:2. Switching is done in push-down
fashion so that restoring a previous environment must be done with. ev
rather than specific reference.

Revision A, of9 May 1988

traff Request Summary

troff Request

Summary ..................................................................................................... 173

traff Request Summary

This appendix is a quick-reference summary oftroff and nroff requests. In
the following table, values separated by a : are for nroff and troff respectively.
The notes in column four are explained at the end of this summary.
Table A-I

Summary oJnroff andtroff Requests


If No

.ab text


User Abort

.ad c




Displays text and tenninates without
further processing; flush output buffer.


Adjust output lines with mode c from

. af Rc


Assign fonnat to register R (c



1, i,


. am xxyy

.yy= ..

Append to a macro .

. as xx string


Append string to string xx.

. bd FN



Embolden fontF by N-l units.t

.bd S FN



Embolden Special Font when current
font is F.t

.bp ±N



Eject current page. Next page is

. br



.c2 c


Set nobreak control character to c.

. cc c


Set control character to c .


Revision A, of9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Table A-I

Summary oJnroff and troff Requests- Continued

.ce N



.ch xxN
.cs FNM


.cu N




.de xxyy


Center following N input text lines.


Change trap location.


Constant character space (width) mode



Continuous underline in nroff; like
. ul in t roff.



Divert and append to xx.
Define or redefine macro xx; end at call

.YY= ..





.ds xx string


.dt Nxx


.ec c



Define a string xx containing string.



Else portion of if-else .

. eo


.ev N


End macro is xx .


Turn off escape character mechanism .

Environment switched (push down).

. ex
.fc ab

Set a diversion trap.
Set escape character.

. el anything
• em

Divert output to macro xx.

Exit from nroff/troff .


Set field delimiter a and pad character

.f i



.f 1
.fp NF



Fill output lines.
Flush output buffer.
Font named F mounted on physical
position 1~~4.

Revision A, of9 May 1988

Appendix A - troff Request Summary

Table A-I

Summary oJnroff and troff Requests- Continued



.ft F


. fz SFN


.hc c


.hw word1 ...


.hy N


If No


Change to font F = x, xx, or 1 through
4. Also \fr, \f(xx, 'iN.
Forces font F or S for special characters
to be in size N.



Hyphenation indicator character c.
Exception words.



Hyphenate. N = mode.

· ie c anything

If portion of if-else; all above forms
(like. if).

· if c anything

If condition c true, accept anything as
input, for multi-line use \{anything V.

· if ! c anything

If condition c false, accept anything.

· if N anything

If expression N > 0, accept anything.

· if !N anything

If expression N

· if 'string1 'string2 ' anything

If string1 identical to string2, accept

· if ! 'string1 'string2 ' anything -

If string1 not identical to string2,
accept anything .

. iq yy
. in ±N


.yy= ..



0, accept anything.

Ignore until call of yy .


.it Nxx



Set an input-line count trap.

. lc c



Leader repetition character.

.lq N



.11 ±N

6.5 in



. 1s N




Ligature mode on if N>O.
Line length .
Output N-I V s after each text output

Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Table A-I

Summary o/nroff and traff Requests- Continued

. It ±N

6.5 in


.mk R







Length of title .



Set margin character c and separation



Mark current vertical place in register




.ne N


No output line adjusting.


Need N vertical space (V = vertical


No filling or adjusting of output lines.






No hyphenation.




Number mode on or off, set parameters.


Do not number next N lines.

.nn N


.nr R±NM


Define and set number register R by

±N; auto-increment by M.

. nx




Next file.


. os

.pc e

Tum no-space mode on.

Output saved vertical distance .


Page number character.

.pi program

Pipe output to program (nroff only).

.pm t

Print macro names and sizes. If t
present, print only total of sizes .


. ps ±N




Point size, also \S±N.t

.pl ±N

11 in

11 in


Page length.

.pn ±N



.po ±N

0: 26/27 in


Next page number is N.

Page offset.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Appendix A -

Table A-I

troff Request Summary

Summary oJnraff and traff Requests-- Continued





. rd prompt


Read insertion.

.rn xxyy


Rename request, macro, or string xx to


Remove request, macro, or string.



Remove register R .

. rr R


.rt ±N




Restore spacing. Turn no-space mode


Return (upward only) to marked vertical place.
Interpolate contents of source file name
when . so encountered.

. so filename

.sp N

.ss N



12{36 em

.sv N




Space-character size set to N/36 em.t



Save vertical distance N.


.ta Nt ...

0.8: O.Sin


.tc e






.ti ±N

Space vertical distance N in either

. tl 'left 'center 'right'

Tab settings: left type, unless t equals R
(right), or C (centered).
Tab repetition character.
Temporary indent.
Three-part title.

.tm string

Print string on terminal (to standard
error) .


. tr abed....


. uf F



. ul N




Translate a into b, c into d, etc. on output.
Underline font set to F (to be switched
to by . ul) .


Underline N input lines (italicize in
troff) .



Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

Table A-I
. vs N

Summary oJnroff and troff Requests- Continued
1I6in: 12pts

If No

.wh Nxx



Vertical base line spacing (V) .
Set location trap. Negative is with
respect to page bottom.

t Point size changes have no effect in nroff.

+The use of ' as the control character (instead of .) suppresses the break function.
Table A-2




Notes in the Tables


Request nonnally causes a break.
Mode or relevant parameters associated with current diversion level.
Relevant parameters are a part of the current environment.
Must stay in effect until logical output.
Mode must be still or again in effect at the time of physical output.
Default scale indicator - if not specified, scale indicators are ignored.
Default scale indicator - if not specified, scale indicators are ignored.
Default scale indicator - if not specified, scale indicators are ignored.
Default scale indicator - if not specified, scale indicators are ignored.

Revision A, of 9 May 1988

Font and Character Examples

Font and Character Examples ............................................................................................. 181
B.1. Font Style Examples .....................................................................................................


B.2. Non-ASCII Characters and minus on the Standard Fonts ..........................


B.3. Non-ASCII Characters and " ',G, +, -, =, and * on the Special
Font .........................................................................................................................................


Font and Character Examples
B.1. Font Style Examples

The following fonts are printed in 12-point, with a vertical spacing of 14-point,
and with non-alphanumeric characters separated by lA-em space. They are Times
Roman, Italic, Bold, and a special mathematical font.

Times Roman

• 0 - - _ IA ~ % fi fl ff ffi ffl 0

t ' ¢ ® © TM

Times Italic
abcdefg hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


• 0 - - _ 114 lh 314 fiflffffiffl 0 t' ¢ ® © TM
Times Bold

!$% &()"*+-.,/:;=?[]I
- _ 1;" ~

•0 -


fi ft ff ffi fft


t ' ¢ ® © TM

Special Mathematical Font

'\ A


,_ /

< > { } #@+_=*


-V-~~=-~:#~f- i .tx+±U(lC::)C::)ood
§ V -, f oc 0


E =I:

~ <= lor L1Ji

r I LJ rl I


Revision A, of 9 May 1988


Using nroff and troff

B.2. NOn-ASCII Characters
and minus on the
Standard Fonts









B.3. Non-ASCII Characters
and ',', ,+, -, =, and
* on the Special Font

Table B-1












close quote
open quote
3/4 Em dash
hyphen or
current font minus








foot mark
cent sign


The ASCII characters @, #, ", " " <, >, \ {, }, -, "', and _ exist only on the special
font and are printed as a I-em space if that font is not mounted. The following
characters exist only on the special font except for the upper case Greek letter
names followed by t which are mapped into upper case English letters in whatever font is mounted on font position one (default Times Roman). The special
math plus, minus, and equals are provided to insulate the appearance of equations
from the choice of standard fonts.

Summary oftroff Special Characters



\ (mi

math plus
math minus
math equals
math star
acute accent
grave accent
slash (matching backslash)




= \«= \(== \(-= \(ap \ (! = \(-> kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho Taut Upsilon Phi Chit Psi Omega square root root en extender >= <= identically equal appro x = approximates not equal right arrow ~ \«- i \(ua \(da \ (mu left arrow up arrow down arrow multiply \(di Char K: A, Jl v ~ 0 1t p T y X 'P n ...J ~ ~ ;:::: t: ~ Char A M N ... ...... a n P L 00 a V --, J oc 0 E I =1= => ¢= I 0 r L Input Name Character Name \(*L \(*M \(*N \(*C \(*0 \(*P \(*R \(*S \(if \(pd \(gr \(no \(is \(pt \(es \ (mo \(br \(dd \(rh \(lh \(or \(ei \(It Lambda Mut Nut Xi Omicront Pi Rhot Sigma infinity partial derivative gradient not integral sign proportional to empty set member of box vertical rule double dagger right hand left hand or circle left top of big curly bracket left bottom right top right bot left center of big curly bracket right center of big curl y bracket bold vertical left floor (left bottom of big square bracket) right floor (right bottom) left ceiling (left top) right ceiling (right top) backslash (escape character; ~ \(lb \(rt \(rb \(lk divide r \(rk u \(+\(eu plus-minus cup (union) I L \(bv \(If () \(ea cap (intersection) J \(rf c \(sb \(sp \(ib \(ip subset of superset of improper subset improper superset ! x ± ::) ~ ~ 183 1 j r 1 \ \(Ie \(re \e Revision A, of 9 May 1988 8 Manipulating Files Manipulating Files ....................................................................................................................... 185 8.1. Comparing Different Files ......................................................................................... 185 Comparing Binaries with crop .............................................................................. 185 Comparing Text with di f f ................................................................................. 186 diff -First Form ............................................................................................... 187 Second Form ......................................................................................... 187 diff -Third Form ............................................................................................. 187 diff - diff3 ............................................................................................. 191 Finding Common Lines with cormn ................................................................. 192 Combining Files with join ................................................................................ 195 Repeated Lines and uniq ..................................................................................... 196 8.2. Modifying Files ................................................................................................................ 197 8.3. Printing Files ................. ..................................................................................................... 197 Three Files - 8 Manipulating Files 8.1. Comparing Different Files Occasionally you want to know whether two files are identical, or if they are not, what the differences are. There exist several different text utilities for comparing the contents of files. You can choose the command best for the task at hand, based on what kind of infonnation it conveys to you. Most of the commands issue no output if the files are the same. Some return terse output stating barely more than the fact that the files differ. Others give a more complete summary of how the files differ and how you would have to modify one file to match the other(s). The command crop is an example of a command that issues terse output. At most, crop prints the byte and line number where the files differ. Two other functions for directly comparing files are diff and camm. camm compares two files, putting the comparison infonnation into three different columns: column one lists lines only injilel, column two lists lines only injile2, and column three lists lines common to both files. di f f compares files and also directories. A special version of diff, diff3, also compares three files, identifying the differing contents with special flags. The relational database operator j a in compares a specific field or fields in two files. Each time j a in finds the compared fields in the two files identical, it produces one output line. For comparing adjacent lines in a single file, there is the command uniq. uniq can be made to report merely the repeated lines or to count them or to remove all but the first occurrence. Comparing Binaries with crop The command crop is for comparing two files. The synopsis of the crop command is: ( cmp [-1] [-8] file 1 file2 J crop comparesjilel andjile2. Iffilel is the standard input ('-'), crop reads from the standard input. Under default options, cmp makeS no comment if the files are the same. If the files differ, crop announces the byte and line number at which the difference occurred. If one file is an initial subsequence of the other, that fact is noted. 185 Revision A, of9 May 1988 186 Editing Text Files The options available with crop are: -1 Print the byte number (decimal) and the differing bytes (octal) for each difference. -g Comparing Text with diff Print nothing for differing files; return codes only. For summarizing the differences between two files or directories, diff is the appropriate tool. To use the di f f command, you would follow one of these models: di££ [-cefh] [-b] filelfile2 di££ [-D5tring] di££ [-1] [-r] [-b] filelfile2 [-5] [ ] [-Sname] [-cefh] [-b] dirl dir2 diff is a differential file comparator. When run on regular files, and when com- paring text files that differ during directory comparison (see the notes below on comparing directories), diff tells what lines must be changed in the files to bring them into agreement. Except in rare circumstances, diff finds a smallest sufficient set of file differences. If neither filel nor file2 is a directory, either may be given as '-', in which case the standard input is used. Ufilel is a directory, a file in that directory whose file-name is the same as the file-name of file2 is used (and vice versa). There are several options for output format; the default output format contains lines of these fonns: [ nl a nJ.n4 nl,n2 d n3 ~l ,n2 c n3 ,n4 1 These lines resemble ed commands to convertfilel intofile2. The numbers after the letters pertain to file2. In fact, by exchanging 'a' for 'd' and reading backward you can see how to convertfile2 into filel. As in ed, identical pairs where nl = n2 or n3 = n4 are abbreviated as a single number. Following each of these specification lines come all the lines that are affected in the first file flagged by the character '<', then all the lines that arc affected in the second file flagged by the '>' character. If both arguments are directories, di f f sorts the contents of the directories by name, and then runs the regular file di f f program as described above on text files that are different. Binary files that differ, common subdirectories, and files that appear in only one directory are listed. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 8 - Manipulating Files di f f - First Form 187 To produce a script of append (a), change (c), and delete (d) commands for the editor ed, which will recreatefile2 fromfileJ, use the first form of diff with the option -e. Extra commands are added to the output when comparing directories with diff -e, so that the result is a Bourne shell (sh) script for converting text files common to the two directories from their state in dir J to their state in dir2. To produce a script similar to that using -e, but in the opposite order, that is, to recreatefilel fromfile2, use diff -f. The script generated with the -f option is not useful with ed, however. To surround the specification lines the simplest use of diff puts out with some lines of context, use di f f -c. The default is to present three lines of context. To change this (to 10, for example), add 10 to the -c option (-cl0). With the-c option, the output format is slightly different from other di f f output. It begins by identifying the files involved and the dates they were created. Then each change is separated by a line with a dozen stars (*). The lines removed fromfilel are marked with '-'; those added to file2 are marked '+'. Lines that are changed from one file to the other are marked in both files with' !'. If you know you've only made small changes to the files you are comparing, and you want to speed up the time diff takes to work, you can use diff -h. This command only does a fast, half-hearted job. diff -h works only when changed stretches are short and well-separated, but does work on files of unlimited length. Except for the -b option, which my be given with any of the others, the options -c, -e, -f, and -h are mutually exclusive. di f f - Second Form To create a merged version offilel andfile2 on the standard output with C preprocessor controls included, use the second form of diff with the option Dstring. Compiling the result without defining string is equivalent to compiling file 1 , while compiling the result with string defined will yieldfile2. If you want diff to ignore trailing blanks (spaces and tabs), use the option -b. Other strings of blanks compare equal. The way di f f works, when it compares directories with the -b option specified, diff first compares the files (as in cmp), and then decides to run the di f f algorithm if they are not equal. This may cause a small amount of spurious output if the files then tum out to be identical, because the only differences are insignificant blank string differences. di f f - Third Form When comparing directories, you might be interested in several different things. If diff puts out a lot of output, you probably want to use the -1 option (for long output). Each text file di f f is piped through the program pr to paginate it, (see "Printing Files" later in this manual). Other differences are remembered and summarized after all text file differences are reported. To compare directories and subdirectories, use the -r option. -r applies di f f recursively to common subdirectories encountered. Since di f f ordinarily only outputs information on files and directories that differ, if a file or several files are identical in directories you are comparing, you won't see the identical files listed in the output. The -8 option reports files that Revision A, of 9 May 1988 188 Editing Text Files are the same, in addition to the usual di f f output, which are otherwise not mentioned. Here are two directories, macros and new. For this example, here are lists of their contents. hostname% 1s macros Makefile SunMacros.msun contents.pic contentsfile.msun document.styles.msun intro.msun making. index. msun mechanisms.msun mmemo.7 model.makefile.msun process.pic structures.msun summary.msun test.tr text.effects.msun troff.msun hostname% 1s new Makefile SunMacros.msun contents.pic contentsfile.msun document.styles.msun intro.msun making. index. msun mechanisms.msun mmemo.7 model.makefile.msun process.pic structures.msun summary. msun test.tr text.effects.msun troff.msun Right now these two directories are identical. The output of dif f for these two directories macros and new, if there are no differences is: ] ( hostname% diff macros new The nonnal output is nothing, no response. Now if we edit some files and remove some others in the directory new, leaving the files like this: hostname% 1s macros new macros: Makefile making.index.msun SunMacros.msun mechanisms.msun contents.pic mmemo.7 contentsfile.msun model.makefile.msun document.styles.msun process.pic structures. msun intro.msun new: Makefile SunMacros.msun contents.pic document.styles.msun intro.msun making.index.msun mechanisms.msun model.makefile.msun summary.msun test.tr text.effects.msun troff.msun structures .msun summary .msun text.effects.msun troff.msun Revision A. of 9 May 1988 Chapter 8 - Manipulating Files 189 The regular diff output looks like this: hostname% diff macros new diff macros/Makefile new/Makefile 7c7 < FORMATTER /usr/local/iroff > FORMATTER /usr/doctools/bin/troff Only in macros: contentsfile.msun diff macros/intro.msun new/intro.msun Oal > .LP 6,lOc7,9 < Document preparation at Sun Microsystems relies on variations of the < .I troff < text formatter as the underlying mechanism for turning your wishes into < printed words and outlines on paper. Using < .I troff > Document preparation at Sun Microsystems relies on variations of the > troff text formatter as the underlying mechanism for turning your wishes > into printed words and outlines on paper. Using troff Only in macros: mmemo.7 diff macros/model.makefile.msun new/model.makefile.msun 3,7c3 < The < .I Makefile < below is the : < . I Makefile < used to actually make this document: > The Makefile below is the Makefile used to actually make this document: Only in macros: process.pic Only in macros: test.tr hostname% The output of diff is rather cryptic. But if you look carefully at the specification lines and the direction of the angle brackets, you can decipher the results accurately. To get a more complete picture of how the two directories compare, you might want to know which files are identical and which files exist only in one directory. For this, you use di f f -8. The di f f -8 output from our example above looks like this: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 190 Editing Text Files hostname% diff -s macros new diff -s macros/Makefile new/Makefile 7c7 < FORMATTER /usr/local/iroff > FORMATTER /usr/doctools/bin/troff Files macros/SunMacros.msun and new/SunMacros.msun are identical Files macros/contents.pic and new/contents.pic are identical Only in macros: contentsfile.msun Files macros/document.styles.msun and new/document.styles.msun are identical diff -s macros/intro.msun new/intro.msun Oal > .LP 6,lOc7,9 < Document preparation at Sun Microsystems relies on variations of the < .1 troff < text formatter as the underlying mechanism for turning your wishes into < printed words and outlines on paper. Using < .1 troff > Document preparation at Sun Microsystems relies on variations of the > troff text formatter as the underlying mechanism for turning your wishes > into printed words and outlines on paper. Using troff Files macros/making.index.msun and new/making.index.msun are identical Files macros/mechanisms.msun and new/mechanisms.msun are identical Only in macros: mmemo.7 diff -s macros/model.makefile.msun new/model.makefile.msun 3,7c3 < The < .1 Makefile < below is the < .1 Makefile < used to actually make this document: > The Makefile below is the Makefile used to actually make this document: Only in macros: process.pic Files macros/structures.msun and new/structures.msun are identical Files macros/summary.msun and new/summary.msun are identical Only in macros: test.tr Files macros/text.effects.msun and new/text.effects.msun are identical Files macros/troff.msun and new/troff.msun are identical hostname% To compare two directories beginning somewhere in the middle of the directories, use the option - Sfilename where filename is a file in one of the directories you are comparing. The syntax for this command is (~d_i_f_f__-_S_~_k_n_anre ___d_U_l_~_·r_2______________________________________~] For example, comparing the two directories from the example above, and Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 8 - Manipulating Files 191 beginning with the file model.makefile .msun: hostname% diff -Smode1.makefi1e.msun macros new diff macros/model.makefile.msun new/model.makefile.msun 3,7c3 < The < .I Makefile < below is the < .I Makefile < used to actually make this document: > The Makefile below is the Makefile used to actually make this document: Only in macros: process.pic Only in macros: test.tr Three Files - di f f 3 If you have three versions of a file that you want to compare at once, use the diff3 command. The synopsis for the diff3 command is: ] ( 141 · cu (continuously underline) request, 29 A o \0 (digit-size space) function, 134 A \a (leader character) function, 72 · a (post-line extra space) number register, 52 · ab (abort) request, 166 access format for number registers, 125 accessing strings, 98 · ad (adjust) request, 21 adjusting, 17 center, 21 flush left, ragged right, 21 flush right, ragged left, 21 justified, 21 · af (format of number register) request, 125 • am (append to a macro) request, 112 append to a diversion, 114 macro, 112 string, 99 arguments to macros, 109 arithmetic expressions with number registers, 124 · as (append to string) request, 99 auto-incrementing number registers, 123 automatic hyphenation, 24 B \b (bracket) function, 142 backslash - how to print it in troff, 9 basic request, 8 · bd (boldface) request, 60 begin page, 41 blank lines, 19 bold-face request, 60 box lines, 145 · bp (start new page) request, 41 D \d (move down) function, 131 · d (vertical place in current diversion) number register, 114 · da (append to a diversion) request, 114 · de (define macro) request, 105 -201- Index - Continued G defining troff objects macros, 105 number registers, 121 strings, 98 deleting number registers, 127 device resolution, 10 · di (divert text) request, 114 diversion traps, 114, 116 diversions, 113, 114 divert text, 114 dl (width of last finished diversion) number register, 113 dn (height of last finished diversion) number register, 113 document preparation formatters, 3 thru 13 nroff program, 3 Ihr" 13 text formatters, 3 Ihru 13 troff program, 3 Ihr" 13 drawing in troff boxes, 145 brackets, 142 horizontal lines, 143 vertical lines, 143, 144 · ds (define string) request, 98 · dt (set a diversion trap) request, 116 dy (day of month) number register, 121 general number registers %-page-number, 42,121 et - character type, 141 dl - width of last finished diversion, 113 dn - height of last finished diversion, 113 dy -day of month, 121 mo -month of year, 121 nl - vertical position of last baseline, 121, 113 sb - string depth below baseline, 140 s t - string height above baseline, 140 yr -last two digits of year, 121 get vertical space request, 47 H \h (horizontal motion) function, 133 • h (text high-water mark) number register, 18, 114 half em-space, 136 half-line motions \d (move down) function, 131 \ u (move up) function, 131 hanging indent, 39 hard blank, 17 • he (hyphenation character) request, 26 headers, 81, 85 horizontal lines, 143 horizontal motion, 133, 134, 136, 138 horizontal place marker, 141 • hw (hyphenate word) request, 25 · hy (hyphenate) request, 24,25 hyphenation, 24 automatic, 24 control,24 indicator, 25 indicator character, 26 special cases, 25 specuyinglocation, 25 tum on and off, 24 E · ee (set escape character) request, 149 · el (else conditional) request, 159 • em (set the end-of-processing trap) request, 117 end-of-file, 19 end-of-processing traps, 117 end-of-sentence,18 environmentswioching, 169 · eo (set escape off) request, 149 escape character, 149 escape code for elM, 196 · ev (switch environment) request, 169 · ex (terminal message) request, 94 expressions with number registers, 124 I · i (current indent) number register, 38, 40 · ie (if-else conditional) request, 159 · if (conditional processing) request, 157 · ig (ignore lines) request, 160 F · f (current font) number register, 62 · fe (set field characters) request, 74 · fi (fill) request, 23 ignoring input lines, 160 · in (indent) request. 37 in-line functions \ (unpaddable space) function, 136 \ & (zero-width non-printing) function, 137 (thin space) function, 136 \ I (thick space) function, 136 \ 0 (digit-size space) function, 134 \ a (leader character) function, 72 \b (bracket) function, 142 \e (continuation line) function, 20 \d (move down) function, 131 \h (horizontal motion) function, 133 \k (mark horizontal position) function, 141 \ 1 (horizontal line) function, 143 \L (vertical line) function, 144, 143 \ 0 (overstrike) function, 138 field character, 74 fields, 74 fill request, 23 filler character, 18 filling, 17 · fl (flush buffer) request, 166 flash code, 196, 196 flush output buffer, 166 font position request, 59 footers, 81, 85 force font size request, 59 · fp (change font position) request, 59 · ft (set font) request, 58 · f z (force font size) request, 59 \ -202- A Index - Continued local motions, continued (thin space) function, 136 \ I (thick space) function, 136 \0 (digit-size space) function, 134 \b (bracket) function, 142 \d (move down) function, 131 \h (horizontal motion) function, 133 \ 1 (horizontal line) function, 143 \L (vertical line) function, 144, 143 \0 (overstrike) function, 138 \r (reverse line) function, 143 \u (move up) function, 131 \ v (vertical motion) function, 132 \ z (zero motion) function, 139 long lines, 10 .1s (change line spacing) request, 51 · It (set length of title) request, 83 in-line functions, continued \p (break and spread) function, 19 \r (reverse line) function, 143 \ u (move up) function, 131 \ v (vertical motion) function, 132 \w (width) function, 140 \x (get extra line space) function, 52 \ z (zero motion) function, 139 include from file, 89 from standard input, 92 incrementing number registers, 123 indentation first line of paragraph, 38 permanent, 37 temporary, 38 input-line-count traps, 114, 116 interpolating number registers, 121, 125 interrupted line, 20 · it (set an input-line-count trap) request, 116 italic correction, 136 itemized lists, 39 \ A M macros,9,105 append to, 112 arguments to, 109 copy mode, 112 defining, 105 embedded blanks, 111 invoking, 105 print names and sizes, 165 remove, 107 renaming, 108 margin character, 145 margins on a page with nroff and troff, 21, 35 mark horizontal position, 141 vertical position, 43, 114 • me (margin character) request, 145 measure, 35 • mk (mark vertical position) request, 43, 114 mo (month of year) number register, 121 J · j (current adjustment indicator) number register, 21 K \k (mark horizontal position) function, 141 L \1 (horizontal line) function, 143 \L (vertical line) function, 144, 143 · 1 (line-length) number register, 36 large boxes, 145 .1c (set leader character) request, 73 leaders and leader characters, 71, 72 left margin, 35 length of title, 83 .1g (set ligature mode) request, 63 ligatures, 63 line adjusttnent indicators both,21 center, 21 indentation, 37 left, 21 normal,21 right, 21 line drawing functions, 143, 144 horizontal, 143 vertical, 143, 144 line numbering start, 153 suspend,154 line spacing request, 51 line-length, 35 .11 (set line-length) request, 35 local motions, 132 \ (unpaddable space) function, 136 \ & (zero-width non-printing) function, 137 N · n (text length) number register, 18 · na (no adjust) request, 22 · ne (need space) request, 42 need space, 42 newpage, 41 · nf (no fill) request, 23 · nh (no hyphenation) request, 25, 24 nl (vertical position of last baseline) number register, 121, 113 · nm (number lines) request, 153 · nn (no number) request, 154 no adjust request, 22 no fill request, 23 no hyphenation request, 24, 25 no space mode request, 53 no-break control character setting, 150 non-printing character, 137 · nr (set number register) request, 121 n roff command exit from, 94 introduction to, 3, 13 -203- Index - Continued predefined number registers, continued sb - string depth below baseline, 140 st - string height above baseline, 140 yr -last two digits of year, 121 print macros, 165 Procrustean mold, 23 . ps (change point size) request, 49 · n s (no space mode) request, 53 number registers, 121 access format, 125 auto-incrementing, 123 creating, 121 expressions, 124 interpolating, 121 removing, 127 setting, 121 numbering lines, 153, 154 · nx (next file) request, 91 R \r (reverse line) function, 143 . rd (read standard input) request, 92 read-only number registers • $ - number of arguments, 109 · a - post-line extra space, 52 · d - vertical place in current diversion, 114 · f - current font, 62 · h - text high-water mark, 18, 114 · i-current indent, 38, 40 · j - current adjustment indicator, 21 .1-line-Iength,36 · n - text length, 18 •0 page-offset, 35 · p - page-length, 41 · s - point-size, 49 · t - distance to next trap, 113, 115 · u - fill mode indicator, 23 · v - vertical spacing, 51 • z -name of current diversion, 114 reading from standard input, 92 referencing strings, 98 removing macro definitions, 107 number registers, 127 string definitions, 107 renaming macros and strings, 108 requests, 8 · ab - abort, 166 · ad - adjust, 21 · af - format of number register, 125 · am - append to a macro, 112 · as - append to string, 99 · bd - break line, 60 · bp - begin page, 41 · br - break line, 20, 19 · e2 - set no-break control character, 150 · ee - set control character, 150 · ee - center lines, 28, 27 thru 28 · eh - change position of a trap, 116 · es - constant spacing, 54 · eu - continuously underline, 29 · da - append to a diversion, 114 · de - define macro, 105 · di - divert text, 114 · ds - define string, 98 · dt - set a diversion trap, 116 · ee - set escape character, 149 · el - else conditional, 159 · em - set the end-of-processing trap, 117 · eo - set escape off, 149 · ev - switch environment, 169 · ex - exit from nroff or troff, 94 · fe - set field characters, 74 · fi - fill, 23 o (overstrike) function, 138 .0 (page-offset) number register, 35 one-twelfth em-space, 136 orphans, 43 · os (output saved vertical space) request, 53 output saved vertical request, 53 overstriking, 138 \ 0 P \p (break and spread) function, 19 · p (page-length) number register, 41 padding indicators, 74 page length changes, 41 page number, 42, 84 page traps, 114 page-offset, 35 · pc (set page number character) request, 84 · pi (pipe to program) request, 91 pipe to program, 91 · pI (set page length) request, 41 · pm (print macros) request, 165 · pn (set page number) request, 42 · po (set page-offset) request, 35 point size request, 49 predefined number registers % -page-number, 42,121 • $ - number of arguments, 109 · a - post-line extra space, 52 · d - vertical place in current diversion, 114 • f - current font, 62 · h - text high-water mark, 18, 114 · i-current indent, 38, 40 · j - current adjustment indicator, 21 · I -line-length, 36 · n - text length, 18 • 0 page-offset, 35 · p - page-length, 41 · s - point-size, 49 · t - distance to next trap, 113, 115 · u - fill mode indicator, 23 · v - vertical spacing, 51 · z - name of current diversion, 114 ct - character type, 141 d l - width of last finished diversion, 113 dn - height of last finished diversion, 113 dy - day of month, 121 mo - month of year, 121 n I - vertical position of last baseline, 121, 113 -204- Index - Coruinued requests, continued • f1-flush buffer, 166 · fp - font position, 59 · ft - set font, 58 · f z - force font size, 59 • he - hyphenation character, 26 · hw - hyphenate word, 25 .hy-hyphenate, 24, 25 · ie - if-else conditional, 159 • if - conditional processing, 157 · ig - ignore lines, 160 • in - indent, 37 · it - set an input-line-count trap, 116 .1e - set leader character, 73 · 19 - set ligature mode, 63 .11- set line-length, 35 .15 -line spacing, 51 · It - set length of title, 83 · me - margin character, 145 • mk - mark vertical position, 43, 114 · na - no adjust, 22 .ne -need space, 42 · nf - no fill, 23 · nh - no hyphenation, 25, 24 · nm - number lines, 153 · nn - no numbering, 154 · nr - set number register, 121 · ns - no space mode, 53 · nx - read next source file, 91 · os - output saved vertical space, 53 · pc - set page number character, 84 · pi - pipe to program, 91 · pI - set page length, 41 · pm - print macros, 165 · pn - set page number, 42 · po - set page-offset, 35 · ps -point size, 49 · rd - read from standard input, 92 removing, 107 renaming, 108 · rm - remove request, macro, or string, 107 · rn - rename request, macro, or string, 108 · rr - remove number register, 127 · rs - restore space mode, 53 · rt - return to position, 44, 114 · so - switch source file, 89 · sp - space, 47 · s s - set space size, 54 • sv - save vertical space, 52 · ta - set tab stops, 67 · tc - set tab character, 69 · t i-temporary indent, 38 · t 1 - define title, 85 · tm - tenninal message, 94 · tr - translate characters, 150 · uf -underline font, 29 · u1 - underline, 28 · vs - vertical spacing, 51 · wh - when something, lIS, 82 resolution, 10 restore space mode request, 53 return to marked vertical position, 114 return to vertical position, 44 reverse line function, 143 revision bars, 145 right-adjusted tabs, 68 · rm (remove request, macro, or string) request, 107 · rn (rename request, macro, or string) request, 108 · rr (remove number register) request, 127 · rs (restore space mode) request, 53 · rt (return to position) request, 44, 114 rules horizontal,143 vertical, 143, 144 running headers and footers, 81, 85 s · s (point-size) number register, 49 save vertical space request, 52 saving state, 169 sb (string depth below baseline) number register, 140 sentence endings, 18 set font request, 58 set ligature mode request, 63 set page number, 42 set space-character size request, 54 setting line-length, 35 setting number registers, 121 setting tabs, 67 skipping input lines, 160 · so (switch source) request, 89 · sp (get vertical space) request, 47 space request, 47 spaces, 19 · s s (set space-character size) request, 54 st (string height above baseline) number register, 140 standard input reading t ro f f input from, 92 start line numbering, 153 start new page, 41 strings, 97 accessing, 98 appending to, 99 beginning with blanks, 98 defining, 98 removing, 107 renaming, 108 substituting characters, 150 suspend line numbering, 154 · sv (save vertical space) request, 52 switch source file, 89 T · t (distance to next trap) number register, 113, 115 · ta (set tab stops) request, 67 tabs absolute, 68 centered, 68 relative, 68 replacement character, 69 right-adjusted, 68 setting, 67 -205- Index - Continued X · t c (set tab character) request, 69 temporary indent of one line, 38 text lines as trof f input, 8 ignoring, 160 words in, 17 thick space, 136 thin space, 136 three-part titles, 85 · ti (temporary indent) request, 38 title length, 83 titles, 81 · t l (title) request, 85 • tm (terminal message) request, 94 · tr (translate characters) request, 150 translating characters, 150 transparent throughput, 10 traps change position of, 116 diversion, 116 end-of-processing, 117 input-line-count, 116 page, 114 troff command exit from, 94 introductionto,3,13 turn escape mechanism on and off, 149 \x (get extra line space) function, 52 y yr (last two digits of year) number register, 121 Z \ z (zero motion) function, 139 . z (name of current diversion) number register, 114 zero motion function, 139 zero-width character, 18, 137 U \u (move up) function, 131 · u (fill mode indicator) number register, 23 · uf (underline font) request, 29 · u 1 (underline) request, 28 underline font request, 29 underline request, 28 units, 10 unpaddable space, 17 V \ v (vertical motion) function, 132 · v (vertical spacing) number register, 51 vertical lines, 143, 144 vertical motion, 132 vertical position mark,43 return to, 44 vertical spacing request, 51 · vs (change vertical spacing) request, 51 W \w (width) function, 140 • wh (when something) request, 115, 82 when something request, 82, 115 width function, 140 word,17 -206- ~"sun® • microsystems Formatting Documents Part Number: 800-1756-10 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Workstation is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Material in this manual comes from a number of sources: Typing Documents on the UNIX System: Using the -ms Macros with Troff and Nroff, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A Guide to Preparing Documents with -ms, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Document Formatting on UNIX Using the -ms Macros, Joel Kies, University of California, Berkeley, California; Tbl-A Program to Format Tables, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A Systemfor Typesetting Mathematics, Brian W. Kernighan, Lorinda L. Cherry, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Typesetting Mathematics - User's Guide, Brian W. Kernighan, Lorinda L. Cherry, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Updating Publications Lists, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the UNIX System, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Writing Papers with Nroff Using -me, Eric P. Allman, University of California, Berkeley; The -me Reference Manual, Eric P. Allman, University of California, Berkeley; and Introducing the UNIX System, Henry McGilton, Rachel Morgan, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983. These materials are gratefully acknowledged. Copyright © 1987, 1988 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. This publication is protected by Federal Copyright L~w, with all rights reseIVed. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, transcribed, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means manual, electric, electronic, electro-magnetic, mechanical, chemical, optical, or otherwise, without prior explicit written permission from Sun Microsystems. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Document Preparation ............................................ 3 1.1. What Do Text Formatters Do? ................................................................................. 3 1.2. What is a Macro Package? ......................................................................................... 4 1.3. What is a Preprocessor? ............................................................................................... 4 1.4. Typesetting Jargon .......................................................................................................... 5 1.5. Hints for Typing in Text .............................................................................................. 6 1.6. Types of Paragraphs ....................................................................................................... 7 Paragraph Illustrations ............................................................................................... 9 1.7. Quick References ............................................................................................................. 10 Displaying and Printing Documents .................................................................. 11 Technical Memorandum ........................................................................................... 12 Section Headings for Documents ........................................................................ 13 Changing Fonts .............................................................................................................. 13 Making a Simple List ................................................................................................. 14 Multiple Indents for Lists and Outlines ........................................................... 15 Displays .............................................................................................................................. 16 Footnotes 16 Keeping Text Together - Keeps .......................................~.•.. ;",+~ ... ,..... ~~ .....:"."..,.. Double-Column Format .................................................... ,.;" .. ~ ..... ;;.... ~~ ......;::.:;~" .......... ,.;~~< Sample Tables ..................................................................;•...~ ........ ;;; . . . . . . ,.......................;:':;;::''''';'.«< Writing Mathematical Equations .......................,;; . .;.;.; .....,.........:•. ;.:....."".:.;....•..:.:...........;.::: Registers You Can Change ...................................................."......,.':...;" ....:.:.:.:.......:..:.:':':....;.. Chapter 2 Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros ....... .:,:.:;;;.: .............. - iii- 27 Contents - Continued 2.1. Changes in the New -ms Macro Package ......................................................... 27 2.2. Displaying and Printing Documents with -ms .............................................. 27 2.3. What Can Macros Do? ................................................................................................. 28 2.4. Formatting Requests ...................................................................................................... 28 Paragraphs ......................................................................................................................... 29 . PP .............................................................................. 29 . LP .......................................................................... 29 Indented Paragraph - . IP ............................................................................... 30 Nested Indentation - . RS and . RE ........................................................... 31 Quoted Paragraph - . QP .................................................................................. 32 . SHand . NH .................................................................... 33 Standard Paragraph Left-Block Paragraph - Section Headings - Cover Sheets and Title Pages - . TL and . AU .......................................... 34 LH, CH, RH ......................................................... 35 .OH, . EH, . OF, and . EF ................ 36 . 2C and . MC ....................................................... 37 . FS and . FE ..................................................................................... 38 Endnotes ........................................................................................................ ~................... 39 Displays and Tables - 39 Running Heads and Feet - Custom Headers and Footers Multi-Column Formats Foomotes - . DS and . DE .............................................................. Keeping Text Together - . KS, . KE and . KF .......................................... 40 Boxing Words or Lines - . BX and . Bland . B 2 .................................. 40 . I, . B, . Rand. UL ........................................................ 41 Changing Fonts - Changing the Type Size - . LG, . SM and . NL ......................................... 41 Dates- .DA and .ND .............................................................................................. 42 Thesis Format Mode - . TM ................................................................................. 42 . XP .................................................................................................. 42 Bibliography - Table of Contents - . XS, . XE, . XA, . PX ................................................. 43 Defining Quotation Marks ....................................................................................... 43 Accent Marks .................................................................................................................. 43 2.5. Modifying Default Features ...................................................................................... 45 Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 45 2.6. Using nroff and troff Requests .................................................................... 47 2.7. Using -ms with eqn to Typeset Mathematics ................................................ 48 2.8. Using -ms with tbl to Fonnat Tables .............................................................. 49 -iv- Contents - Continued 2.9. Register Names ................................................................................................................. 49 2.10. Order of Requests in Input ....................................................................................... 49 2.11. -ms Request Summary ............................................................................................. 51 Chapter 3 The -man Macro Package ....................................................................... 59 3.1. Parts of a Manual Page ................................................................................................. 59 3.2. Coding Conventions ...................................................................................................... 60 The Header and Footer Line ( . TH) - Identifying the Page ............... 60 The NAME Line ........................................................................................................... 60 The SYNOPSIS Section .......................................................................................... 61 The DESCRIPTION Section ............................................................................... 61 The OPTIONS Section ............................................................................................ 62 The FILES Section ..................................................................................................... 63 The SEE ALSO Section .......................................................................................... 64 The BUGS Section ...................................................................................................... 64 3.3. New Features of the -man Macro Package ...................................................... 64 New Num1:>er Registers .............................................................................................. 64 Using the Num1:>er Registers ................................................................................... 65 3.4. How to Fonn.at a Manual Page ................................................................................ 65 Chapter 4 Formatting Documents with the -me Macros ........................... 69 4.1. Using -me ........................................................................................................................... 70 4.2. Basic -me Requests ....................................................................................................... 70 Paragraphs ......................................................................................................................... 70 Standard Paragraph - . pp .............................................................................. 70 .lp ........................................................................ 71 . i p and . n p ........................................................ 71 Paragraph Reference .............................................................................................. 73 Left Block Paragraphs - Indented Paragraphs 4.3. Headers and Footers - . he and . fa ................................................................ 74 Headers and Footers Reference ............................................................................ 74 Double Spacing - . Is 2 ..................................................................................... 75 Page Layout ..................................................................................................................... 75 Underlining - 77 -v- . ul .................................................................................................... Contents - Continued Displays .............................................................................................................................. Major Quotes - 77 . (q and .) q ...................................................................... 77 Lists - . (1 and . ) 1 .......................................................................................... 77 Keeps - . (b and .) b, . (z and .) z ...................................................... 78 4.4. Fancy Displays .................................................................................................................. 78 Display Reference ........................................................................................................ 80 Annotations ...................................................................................................................... 81 Footnotes - . (f and . ) f ..................................................................................... 82 Delayed Text ................................................................................................................... 82 Indexes- . (x .) x and . xp .............................................................................. 82 Annotations Reference ............................................................................................... 83 4.5. Fancy Features .................................................................................................................. 84 Section Headings - . sh and . uh .................................................................... 84 Section Heading Reference ............................................................................... 85 Parts of the Standard Pa{>er ..................................................................................... 86 Standard Paper Reference ................................................................................... 88 Two-Column Output - . 2 c ................................................................................. 90 Column Output Reference .................................................................................. 90 Defining Macros - . de .......................................................................................... 90 Annotations Inside Keeps ........................................................................................ 90 4.6. Using traff for Phototypesetting ....................................................................... 91 Fonts ..................................................................................................................................... 91 Point Sizes - . s z ...................................................................................................... 93 Fonts and Sizes Reference ................................................................................. 93 * (lq and \ * (rq .............................................................................. 94 4.7. Adjusting Macro Parameters ..................................................................................... 94 4.8. raff Support .................................................................................................................. 96 4.9. Preprocessor Support ..................................................................................................... 96 4.10. Predefined Strings ......................................................................................................... 97 4.11. Miscellaneous Requests ............................................................................................ 97 4.12. Special Characters and Diacritical Marks - . sc .................................... 98 4.13. -me Request Summary ............................................................................................. 98 Quotes - \ -vi- Contents - Chapter 5 refer - Continued A Bibliography System .................................................... 103 5.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 103 5.2. Features ................................................................................................................................. 103 5.3. Data Entry with addbib ........................................................................................... 105 5.4. Printing the Bibliography ........................................................................................... 106 5.5. Citing Papers with. refer ......................................................................................... 107 5.6. refer Command Line Options ........................................................................... 108 5.7. Making an Index .............................................................................................................. 109 5.8. refer Bugs and Some Solutions ....................................................................... 110 BlaI1k.s at Ends of Lines ............................................................................................. 110 Interpolated Strings ...................................................................................................... 111 Interpreting Foreign Surnames .............................................................................. 111 Footnote Num1:>ers ........................................................................................................ 111 5.9. Internal Details of refer .......................................................................................... 112 5.10. Changing the refer Macros ................................................................................ 114 Chapter 6 Formatting Tables with tbl ................................................................... 119 6.1. Running tbl ...................................................................................................................... 121 6.2. Input Commands .............................................................................................................. 122 Options That Affect the Whole Table ............................................................... 123 Key Letters - Fonnat Describing Data Items ............................................ 123 Optional Features of Key Letters ......................................................................... 125 Data to 1:>e Fonnatted in the Table ....................................................................... 127 Changing the Format of a Table ........................................................................... 128 6.3. Examples .............................................................................................................................. 129 6.4. tbl Commands .............................................................................................................. 140 Chapter 7 Typesetting Mathematics with eqn .................................................. 143 7.1. Displaying Equations - . EQ and . EN ............................................................. 144 7.2. Running eqn and neqn .............................................................................................. 145 7.3. Putting Spaces in the Input Text ............................................................................. 146 7.4. Producing Spaces in the Output Text ................................................................... 147 7.5. Symbols, Special Names, and Greek Letters ................................................... 147 -vii- Contents - Continued 7.6. Subscripts and Superscripts - sub and sup ....................................,........... 148 { and } .................................................................... 149 7.8. Fractions - over .......................................................................................................... 150 7.9. Square Roots - sqrt ................................................................................................. 151 7.10. Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators ...................................... 152 7.11. Size and Font Changes ............................................................................................... 153 7.12. Diacritical Marks .......................................................................................................... 154 7.13. Quoted Text ..................................................................................................................... 155 7.14. Lining Up Equations - mark and lineup ............................................... 156 7.15. Big Brackets ..................................................................................................................... 156 7.16. Piles-pile ................................................................................................................. 157 7.17. Matrices-matrix .................................................................................................. 158 7.18. Shorthand for In-line Equations - delim .................................................. 159 7.19. Definitions - define ............................................................................................. 159 7.20. Tuning th.e Spacing ...................................................................................................... 161 7.21. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 161 7.22. Precedences and Keywords ..................................................................................... 162 7.23. Several Examples .......................................................................................................... 166 7.7. Grouping Equation Parts - Chapter 8 Verification Tools ............................................................................................ 173 8.1. spell ................................................................................................................................. 173 8.2. checknr ........................................................................................................................... 173 8.3. soelim .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.4. deroff .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.5. fmt ........................................................................................................................................ 173 8.6. col ........................................................................................................................................ 173 8.7. colcrt .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.8. ul ........................................................................................................................................... 173 Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 175 - viii- Tables Table 1-1 How to Display and Print Documents .......................................................... 11 Table 1-2 Registers You Can Change ................................................................................. 23 Table 2-1 Display Macros ......................................................................................................... 40 Table 2-2 Old Accent Marks .................................................................................................... 44 Table 2-3 Accent Marks ............................................................................................................. 44 Table 2-4 Units of Measurement in nroff and traff ........................................ 46 Table 2-5 Summary of -ms Number Registers ............................................................ 47 Table 2-6 Bell Laboratories Macros Deleted From -ms ......................................... 51 Table 2-7 New -ms Requests .................................................................................................. 51 Table 2-8 New String Definitions ......................................................................................... 52 Table 2-9 -ms Macro Request Summary ......................................................................... 52 Table 2-10 -ms String Definitions ....................................................................................... 55 Table 2-11 Printing and Displaying Documents ........................................................... 55 Table 3-1 Summary of the -man Macro Requests ..................................................... 66 Table 4-1 Special Characters and Diacritical Marks 98 Table 4-2 -me Request Summary .......................................................... ,.,.:,:,:,:•...;.•~...,.;,,:''':,:,:~.~.;..•••..: :-. Table 7-1 Character Sequence Translation ................................ ;.,.;.....i.:.;.;.;; •.•• ;·.;.............:.:,;,... ,,::-:.. Table 7-2 Greek Letters ......................................... ".................................. "..... ;.O:;;+,.;;:;:;.:;:+~.;;;'H;;;•••••• 164 Table 7-3 eqn Keywords ............ ".............................................. "..................................; ,................. 165 -ix- Figures Figure 2-1 Order of Requests in Documents ....................................................... 50 Figure 4-1 Outline of a Sample Paper ................................................................................ 88 -xi- -IDS Preface This manual provides user's guides and reference information for various document processing tools. We assume you are familiar with a terminal keyboard and the Sun system. If you are not, see Getting Started with SunOS: Beginner's Guide for infonnation on the basics, like logging in and the Sun file system. If you are not familiar with text editing, read "An Introduction to Text Editing" in the manual Editing Text Files, or" An Introduction to Document Preparation" in this manual. Finally, we assume that you are using a Sun Workstation, although specific terminal information is also provided. If you choose to read one of the user's guides, sit down at your workstation and try the exercises and examples. The reference sections provide additional explanations and examples on how to use certain facilities and can be dipped into as necessary. For additional details on Sun system commands and programs, see the SunOS Reference Manual. Summary of Contents This manual is divided into three sections: o Macro Packages o traff Preprocessors o Verification and Reformatting Programs 1. Introduction to Document Preparation - Describes the basics of text processing, macros and macro packages, provides a guide to the available tools and several simple examples after which to pattern your pa~rs~d documents. Newcomers to the Sun document fonnatters shoulClrid·4Ocllmep.ts.<· .. Includes new -ms macros. . ... ... ..... ...... .... ......... . ............ « .. ............ -:::». ".:<-:.:.' .';<';'," -::';::":":.. "," ..:::::"<:" 3. The -man Macro Package - User's guide and referer1cettlfortrtatidJl>f6r the -man macros for formatting manual pages (man pages). 1)$ .TE Output: Definition Name Ff"t Z- e- dt t 1 Gamma r(z Sine sin(x)= 2i (eIX-e- lX ) Error erf(z)=~ rZe-t'dt 1 . . .,JiJ> 1 1t Bessel J rl..z F1t"! cos(z sinG)d G Zeta ~(s)= I:k- 6 (Re s > 1) 1=1 Writing Mathematical Equations A displayed equation is marked with an equation number at the right margin by adding an argument to the . EQ line: Input: .EO (1.3) x sup 2 over a sup 2 .EN - sqrt {p z sup 2 +qz+r} A displayed equation is marked with an equation number at the right margin by adding an argument to the . EQ line: Output: (1.3) Revision A, of 9 May 1988 22 Formatting Documents Input: .EQ (2.2a) bold V bar sub nu-=-left [ pile {a above b above c } right ] + left [ matrix { col { A(ll) above . above. } col { . above. above .} col {. above. above A(33) }} right] cdot left [ pile { alpha above beta above gamma } right ] .EN OUtpUt: --[1 [ Vv - rJ J b + A (11). . . .. C • • A (33) ~ (2.2a) 1. Input: .EQ I '"' 2. 75i F hat ( chi ) - mark I del V I sup 2 .EN .EQ I '"' 2. 75i lineup =- {left ( {partial V} over {partial x} right ) } sup 2 + { left ( {partial V} over {partial y} right ) } sup 2 lambda -> inf .EN - Output: Input: $ a dot $, $ b dotdot$, $ rho tilde-times-y vec$. Output: a, b", pxy. (with delim $$ on). Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 1 - Introduction to Document Preparation 23 Registers You Can Change Table 1-2 Register Name Registers You Can Change Controls Default Setting Command to Change Takes Effect Next LL Line length of text 6 inches (6i) .nr LL 7.Si paragraph LT Length of titles LL .nr LT Si page FL Line length of footnotes 5.5i .nr FL LL .FS request FI Footnote indent 5 ens (5n) .nr FI 2n .FS request PS Point size 10 .nr PS 11 paragraph VS Vertical spacing 12 .nr VS 13 paragraph CW Column width LL.7/15 .nr CW 3i · 2C or • MC request GW Intercolurnn spacing LL.l/15 .nr GW .Si • 2 C or . MC request HM Header margin Ii .nr HM .7Si page FM Footer margin Ii .nr FM .7Si page PI Paragraph indent 5 ens (5n) .nr PI 2n paragraph PD Paragraph depth .3 vertical space .nr PD 0 paragraph QI Left and right indent for quote paragraph ( . Qp) 5n .nr QI 8n .QP request DD Vertical distance around displays .5v .nr DD 1v · DS request PO Page offset Ii .nr PO O.Si page (.3v) LH Left page header null .ds LH Sun page CH Center page header null .ds CH Confidential page RH Right page header null .ds RH Software page LF Left page footer null .ds LF Do Not Copy page CF Center page footer page number register .ds CF Draft page RF Right page footer null .ds RF % page .nr % 3 page (-'nPN-) % Page number Revision A, of 9 May 1988 2 Fonnatting Documents with the -ms Macros Fonnatting Documents with the -ms Macros ........................................................ 2.1. Changes in the New Macro Package ......................................................... -IDS 27 27 -IDS .............................................. 27 2.3. What Can Macros Do? ................................................................................................. 28 2.4. Fonnatting Requests ...................................................................................................... 28 Paragraphs ......................................................................................................................... 29 2.2. Displaying and Printing Documents with Standard Paragraph - . p p .............................................................................. 29 . LP .......................................................................... 29 Indented Paragraph - . IP ............................................................................... 30 Nested Indentation - . RS and . RE ........................................................... 31 Quoted Paragraph - . QP .................................................................................. 32 . SHand . NH .................................................................... 33 Left-Block Paragraph - Section Headings - Cover Sheets and Title Pages - . TL and . AU .......................................... 34 LH, CH, RH ......................................................... 35 .OH, . EH, . OF, and . EF ................ 36 . 2C and .MC ....................................................... 37 . F S and . FE ..................................................................................... 38 Endnotes ............................................................................................................................. 39 . D Sand . DE .............................................................. 39 Keeping Text Together - . KS, . KE and . KF .......................................... 40 Boxing Words or Lines - . BX and . Bl and . B2 .................................. 40 . I, . B, . Rand. UL ........................................................ 41 Running Heads and Feet - Custom Headers and Footers Multi-Column Formats Footnotes - Displays and Tables - Changing Fonts - Changing the Type Size - . LG, . SM and . NL ......................................... 41 Dates - . DA aIld . ND .............................................................................................. Thesis Fonnat Mode Bibliography - 42 . TM ................................................................................. 42 . XP .................................................................................................. 42 . XS, • XE, • XA, • PX ................................................. 43 Defining Quotation Marks ....................................................................................... 43 Accent Marks .................................................................................................................. 43 2.5. Modifying Default Features ...................................................................................... 45 Dimension3 ....................................................................................................................... 45 2.6. Using nroff aIld troff Requests .................................................................... 47 2.7. Using -ms with eqn to Typeset Mathematics ............................................... 48 2.8. Using -ms with tbl to Fonnat Tables .............................................................. 49 2.9. Register Names ................................................................................................................. 49 2.10. Order of Requests in Input ....................................................................................... 49 2.11. -ms Request Summary ............................................................................................. 51 Table of Contents - 2 Formatting Documents with the -IDS Macros This chapter describes the -IDS macro package for preparing documents with nroff and troff on the Sun system. 1 The -IDS Request Summary at the end of this chapter provides a quick reference for all the -ms macros and for useful displaying and printing commands. If you are acquainted with -IDS, there is a quick reference for the new requests and string definitions as well. The differences between the new and the old -IDS macro packages are described in the section entitled "Changes in the New -ms Macro Package." The section "Displaying and Printing Documents with -IDS" describes how you can produce documents on either your workstation, printer, or phototypesetter without changing the text and formatting request input. 2.1. Changes in the New ms Macro Package The old -ms macro package has been revised, and the new macro package assumes the name -IDS. There are some extensions to previous -IDS macros and a number of new macros, but all the previously documented -IDS macros still work exactly as they did before, and have the same names as before. The new -ms macro package includes several bug fixes, including a problem with the single-column . 1 C macro, minor difficulties with boxed text, a break induced by • EQ before initialization, the failure to set tab stops in displays, and several bothersome errors in the refer bibliographic citation macros. Macros used only at Bell Laboratories have been removed from the new version. We list them at the end of this chapter in the 2.2. Displaying and Printing Documents with -ms After you have prepared your document with text and -IDS formatting requests and stored it in a file, you can display it on your workstation screen or print it with nroff or troff with the -ms option to use the -IDS macro package. A good way to start is to pipe your file through IDO re for viewing: ( hostname% nroff -ms ji/ennme ... I more J If you forget the -IDS option, you get continuous, justified, unpaginated output in which -IDS requests are ignored. You can format more than one file on the 1 The material in this chapler is derived from A Revised Version of -ms, B. Tuthill, University of California, Berkeley; Typing DocUlTU!ntson the UNIX System: Using tM -ms Macros with traff and nraff, M.E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; and Document Formatting on UNIX: Using the -ms Macros, Joel Kies, University of California, Berkeley. 27 Revision A, of9 May 1988 28 Formatting Documents command line at a time, in which case nroff simply processes all of them in the order they appear, as if they were one file. There are other options to use with nroff and troff; see the SunOS Reference Manual for details. You can get preview and final output of various sorts with the following commands. To send nroff output to the line printer, type: (......h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e_%_n_r_O_f_f_-_mB __ fi_le_name ___1_l_p_r_-_p_p_r_in_te_r_____________J To produce a file with tables, use: hostname% tbl filename I nroff -ms I Ipr -printer To produce a file with equations, type: hostname% neqn filename I nroff -ms I Ipr -printer To produce a file with tables and equations, use the following order: hostname% tbl filename I neqn I nroff -ms I Ipr -printer To print your document with troff, use: hostname % troff -ms filename I Ipr -t -printer See Ipr(l) in the SunOS Reference Manual for details on printing. 2.3. What Can Macros Do? Macros can help you produce paragraphs, lists, sections (optionally with automatic numbering), page titles, footnotes, equations, tables, two-column format, a table of contents, endnotes, running heads and feet, and cover pages for papers. As with other fonnatting utilities such as nroff and troff, you prepare text interspersed with fonnatting requests. However, the macro package, which itself is written in traff commands, provides higher-level commands than those provided with the basic traff program. In other words, you can do a lot more with just one macro than with one t ra f f request. 2.4. Formatting Requests An -ms request usually consists of one or two upper-case characters, and usually in the form . XX. The easiest way to produce simple fonnatted text is to put a . LP request on a line by itself at the beginning of the document. Add your text, on the following lines, leaving just a blank line to separate paragraphs. The . LP request produces a left-blocked paragraph, as we used throughout this chapter. Your output will have paragraphs and be paginated with right and left-justified margins. When you use a macro package, you type in text as you nonnally do and intersperse it with formatting requests. For example, instead of spacing in with the space bar or typing a tab to indent paragraphs, put a . PP request on a line by Revision At of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - 29 Formatting Documents with the -ros Macros itself before each paragraph. When formatted, this indents the first line of the following paragraph. Note: You cannot just begin a document with a line of text. You must include an -ms request before any text input. When in doubt, use . LP to properly initialize the file, although any of the requests. PP, . LP, . TL, . SH, . NH is good enough. See the section "Cover Sheets and Title Pages" later in this chapter for the correct arrangement of requests at the start of a document. Paragraphs Standard Paragraph - You can produce several different kinds of paragraphs with the -ms macro package: standard, left-block, indented, labeled, and quoted. .p P To get an ordinary paragraph, use the . PP request, followed on subsequent lines by the text of the paragraph. For example, you type: .PP Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. to produce: Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a longhandled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Left-Block Paragraph - . LP You can also produce a left-block paragraph, like those in this manual, with . LP. The first line is not indented as it is with the . PP request. For example, you type: [~ _·~_~ __a_p_p_e_a_r_e_d_________________________________________________ ~] to produce: Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. There are default values for the vertical spacing before paragraphs and for the width of the indentation. To change the paragraph spacing, see the section "Modifying Default Features." Revision A. of 9 May 1988 30 Formatting Documents Indented Paragraph - . IP Another kind of paragraph is the indented paragraph, produced by the . I P request. These paragraphs can have hanging numbers or labels. For example: . IP [1] Text for first paragraph, typed normally for as long as you would like on as many lines as needed . . IP [2] Text for second paragraph, . LP ... produces [1] Text for first paragraph, typed normally for as long as you would like on as many lines as needed. [2] Text for second paragraph, ... A series of indented paragraphs must be followed by an ordinary paragraph beginning with . P P or . LP, depending on whether you wish indenting" or not Here we used the . LP request. More sophisticated uses of . IP are also possible. If the label is omitted, for example, you get a plain block indent: Torn appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush . . IP He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden . . LP which produces Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. If a non-standard amount of indenting is required, specify it after the label in character positions. It remains in effect until the next . PP or . LP. Thus, the general form of the . IP request contains two additional fields: the label and the indenting length. For example, Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - 31 Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros .IP "Example one:" 15 Notice the longer label, requ1r1ng larger indenting for these paragraphs . . IP "Example two:" And so forth . . LP produces this: Example one: Notice the longer label, requiring larger indenting for these paragraphs. Example two: And so forth. Notice that you must enclose the label in double quote marks because it contains a space; otherwise, the space signifies the end of the argument. The indentation request above is in the number of ens, a unit of dimension used in typesetting. An en is approximately the width of a lowercase 'n' in the particular point size you are using. The . IP macro adjusts properly by causing a break to the next line if you type in a label longer than the space you allowed for. For example, if you have a very long label and have allowed 10 en-spaces for it, your input looks like: .IP And And And And And "A very, very, now here's the now here's the now here's the now here's the now here's the long text text text text text and verbose label" 10 that you want. that you want. that you want. that you want. that you want. And your output is adjusted accordingly with a break between the label and the text body: A very, very, long and verbose label And now here's the text that you want. And now here's the text that you want. And now here's the text that you want. And now here's the text that you want. And now here's the text that you want. Nested Indentation oRE 0 RS and It is also possible to produce multiple (or relative) nested indents; the . RS request indicates that the next IP starts its indentation from the current indentation leve1. Each RE undoes one level of indenting, so you should balance RS and RE requests. Think of the RS request as 'move right' and the RE request as 'move left'. As an example: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 32 Formatting Documents .IP I. South Bay Area Restaurants .RS .IP A. Palo Alto .RS .IP 1. La Terrasse .RE .IP B. Mountain View .RS . IP 1. Grand China .RE .IP C. Menlo Park .RS . IP 1. Late for the Train .IP 2. Flea Street Cafe .RE .RE .LP results in: I. South Bay Area Restaurants A. Palo Alto 1. La Terrasse B. Mountain View 1. Grand China C. Menlo Park 1. Late for the Train 2. Flea Street Cafe Note the two . RE requests in a row at the end of the list. Remember that you need one end for each start. Quoted Paragraph - . QP All of the variations on . LP leave the right margin untouched. Sometimes, you need a a paragraph indented on both right and left sides. To set off a quotation as such, use: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 33 .QP Precede each paragraph that you want offset as a quotation with a .QP. This produces a paragraph like this. Notice that the right edge is also indented from the right margin. to produce Precede each paragraph that you want offset as a quotation with a • QP. This produces a paragraph like this. Notice that the right edge is also indented from the right margin. Section Headings .NH . SHand There are two varieties of section headings, unnumbered with. SH and numbered with . NH. In either case, type the text of the section heading on one or more lines following the request. End the section heading by typing a subsequent paragraph request or another section heading request. When printed, one line of vertical space precedes the heading, which begins at the left margin. nra f f offsets the heading with blank lines, while traff sets it in boldface type. . NH section headings are numbered automatically. The macro takes an argument number representing the level-number of the heading, up to 5. A third-level section number is one like' 1.2.1'. The macro adds one to the section number at the requested level, as shown in the following example: .NH Bay Area Recreation .NH 2 Beaches .NH 3 San Gregorio .NH 3 Half Moon Bay .NH 2 Parks .NH 3 Wunderlich .NH 3 Los Trancos .NH 2 Amusement Parks .NH 3 Marine World/Africa USA generates: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 34 Formatting Documents 2. Bay Area Recreation 2.1 Beaches 2.1.1 San Gregorio 2.1.2 Half Moon Bay 2.2 Parks 2.2.1 Wunderlich 2.2.2 Los Trancos 2.3 Amusement Parks 2.3.1 Marine World/Africa USA • NH without a level-number means the same thing as . NH 1, and . NH 0 cancels the numbering sequence in effect and produces a section heading numbered 1. Cover Sheets and Title Pages . TL and .AU - -InS provides a group of macros to format items that typically appear on the cover sheet or title page ofa formally laid-out paper. You can use them selectively, but if you use several, you must put them in the order shown below, normally at or near the beginning of the input file. The first line of a document signals the general fonnat of the first page. In particular, if it is . RP (released paper), a cover sheet with title and abstract is prepared. The default fonnat is useful for scanning drafts. Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 35 Sample input is: • RP (Optional; usefor released paper format) .TL Title of document (one or more lines) .AU Author(s) (may also be several lines) .AI Author's institution(s) .AB Abstract; to be placed on the cover sheet of a paper. Line length is 5/6 of normal; use .11 here to change . • AE (abstract end) text ... (begins with. pp) (See Order of Requests in Input for a quick example of this scheme.) If the . RP request precedes. TL, the title, author, and abstract material are printed separately on a cover sheet. The title and author information (not the abstract) is then repeated automatically on page one (the title page) of the paper, without your having to type it again. If you do not include an . RP request, all of this material appears on page one, followed on the same page by the main text of the paper. To omit some of the standard headings (such as no abstract, or no author's institution)' just omit the corresponding fields and command lines. To suppress the word ABSTRACf type . AB no rather than . AB. You can intersperse several • AU and . AI lines to format for multiple authors. These macros are optional; you may begin a paper simply with a section heading or paragraph request. When you do precede the main text with cover sheet and title page material, include a paragraph or section heading between the last title page request and the beginning of the main text. Don't forget that some -ms request must precede any input text. Running Heads and Feet LH,CH,RH The -ms macros, by default, print a page heading containing a page number (if greater than 1). You can make minor adjustments to the page headings and footings by redefining the strings LH, CH, and RH which are the left, center and right portions of the page headings, respectively; and the strings LF, CF, and RF, which are the left, center and right portions of the page footer. For nroff output, there are two default values: CH is the current page number surrounded on either side by hyphens, and CF contains the current date as supplied by the computer. For t r 0 f f CH also contains the page number, but CF is empty. The other four registers are empty by default for both nroff and troff. You can use the . ds request to assign a value to a string register. For example: ( .ds RF Draft Only \ (em Do Not Distribute ) This prints the character string Revision At of 9 May 1988 36 Formatting Documents Draft Only - Do Not Distribute at the bottom right of every page. You do not need to enclose the string in double quote marks. To remove the contents of a string register, simply redefine it as empty. For instance, to clear string register CH, and make the center header blank on the following pages, use the request: (____ odS _CH_ _ _ _ _ _ _] To put the page number in the right header, use: ] ( ods RH % In a string definition, '%' is a special symbol referring to nro f f 's automatic page counter. If you want hyphens on either side of the page number, place them on either side of the '%' in the command, that is: ( ods RH -%- ] Remember that putting the page number in the right header as shown above does not remove it from the default CH; you still have to clear out CH. If you want requests that set the values of string and number registers to take effect on the first page of output, put them at or near the beginning of the input file, before the initializing macro, which in turn must precede the first line of text. Among other functions, the initializing macro causes a 'pseudo page break' onto page one of the paper, including the top-of-page processing for that page. Be sure to put requests that change the value of the PO (page offset), HM (top or head margin), and PM (bottom or foot margin) number registers and the page header string registers before the transition onto the page where they are to take effect. For more complex fonnats, you can redefine the macros Pf (page top) and BT (page bottom), which are invoked respectively at the top and bottom of each page. The margins (taken from registers HM and PM for the top and bottom margin respectively) are nonnally 1 inch; the page header/footer are in the middle of that space. If you redefine these macros, be careful not to change parameters such as point size or font without resetting them to default values. Custom Headers and Footers .OH, • EH, • OF, and . EF - You can also produce custom headers and footers that are different on even and odd pages. The . OR and . EH macros define odd and even headers, while .OF and . EF define odd and even footers. Arguments to these four macros are specified as with the nrof f . tl, that is, there are three fields (left, center and right), each separated by a single apostrophe. For example, to get odd-page headers with the chapter name followed by the page number and the reverse on even pages, use: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - .OH .EH Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 37 ' For Whom the Bell Tolls' , Page %' ' Page %' , For Whom the Bell Tolls' Note that it is an error to have an apostrophe in the header text; if you need an apostrophe, use a backslash and apostrophe (') or a delimiter other than apostrophe around the left, center, and right portions of the title. You can use any character as a delimiter, provided it doesn't appear elsewhere in the argument to .OR, .ER, .OF,or .EF. You can use the . PI (dot-P-one) macro to print the header on page 1. If you want roman numeral page numbering, use an . af PN i request. Multi-Column Formats . 2C and .MC If you place the request . 2 C in your document, the document will be printed in double column fonnat beginning at that point. This is often desirable on the typesetter. Each column will have a width 7/15 that of the text line length in single-column fonnat, and a gutter (the space between the columns) of 1/15 of the fu11line length. Remember that when you use the two-column . 2 C request, either pipe the nroff output through col or make the first line of the input .pi /usr /bin/ col. The . 2 C request is actually a special case of the . MC request that produces formats of more than two spaces: ( .Me [column width [gutter width 1 1 J This formats output in as many columns of column width as will fit across the page with a gap of gutter width. You can specify the column width in any unit of scale, but if you do not specify a unit, the setting defaults to ens. . Me without any column width is the same thing as . 2 C. For example: .Me Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. To return to single-column output, use . 1 C. Switching from double to singlecolumn always causes a skip to a new page. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 38 Formatting Documents Footnotes - . F Sand . FE Material placed between lines with the commands. FS (footnote start) and . FE (footnote end) is collected, remembered, and placed at the bottom of the current page. * The formatting of the footnote is: ... at the bottom of the current page.* .FS * Like this . . FE By default, footnotes are 1l/12th the length of normal text, but you can modify this by changing the FL register (see the "Modifying Default Features" section). When typeset, footnotes appear in smaller size type. Because the macros only save a passage of text for printing at the bottom of the page, you have to mark the footnote reference in some way, both in the text preceding the footnote and again as part of the footnote text. We use a simple asterisk, but you can use anything you want. You can also produce automatically-numbered footnotes. Footnote numbers are printed by a predefined string (\ **), which you invoke separately from. FS and . FE. Each time this string is used, it increases the footnote number by one, whether or not you use . F S and . FE in your text. Footnote numbers are superscripted on the phototypesetter and on daisy-wheel terminals, but on lowresolution devices (such as the line printer and a treminal), they are bracketed. If you use \ * * to indicate numbered footnotes, the . F S macro automatically includes the footnote number at the bottom of the page. This footnote, for example, was produced as follows: 2 This footnote, for example, was produced as follows:\** .FS If you never use the ... . FE If you are using \ * * to number footnotes, but want a footnote of the same style marked with an asterisk or dagger, give that mark as the first argument to . FS:t give that mark as the first argument to .FS:\(dg .FS \ (dg In the footnote, the dagger .FE Footnote numbering is temporarily suspended, because the \ ** string is not used. Instead of a dagger, you could use an asterisk * or double dagger represented as \ (dd. +, * Like this. If you never use the \ * * string, no footnote numbers will appear anywhere in the text, including down here. The output footnotes will look exactly like footnotes produced with -mos, the old -ms macro package. 2 t In the footnote, the dagger will appear where the footnote number would otherwise appear, as shown here. +~t!! Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Endnotes Displays and Tables and. DE Fonnatting Documents with the -rns Macros 39 If you want to produce endnotes rather than footnotes, put the references in a file of their own. This is similar to what you would do if you were typing the paper on a conventional typewriter. Note that you can use automatic footnote numbering without actually having the . F S and . FE pairs in your text. If you place footnotes in a separate file, you can use . IP macros with \** as a hanging tag; this gives you numbers at the left-hand margin. With some styles of endnotes, you would want to use . PP rather than . IP macros, and specify \** before the reference begins. . DS To prepare displays of lines, such as tables, in which the lines should not be rearranged or broken between pages, enclose them in the requests . D S and . DE: .DS lines, like the examples here, are placed between .DS and .DE macros .DE which produces: lines, like the examples here, are placed between .DS and .DE macros By default, lines between. DS and . DE are indented from the left margin. If you don't want the indentation, use . DS L to begin and . DE to produce a left-justified display: to get something like this You can also center lines with the . DS C and . DE requests: This is an example of a centered display. Note that each line is centered individually. A plain. DS is equivalent to . DS I, which indents and left-adjusts. An extra argument to the . DS I or . DS request is taken as an amount to indent. For example, . DS I 3 or . DS 3 begins a display to be indented 3 ens from the margin. There is a variant. DS B that makes the display into a left-adjusted block of text, and then centers that entire block. Nonnally a display is kept together on one page. If you wish to have a long display which may be split across page boundaries, use. CD, • LD, and . BD in place of the requests. DS C, . DS L, and . DS B respectively. Use. ID for either a plain . DS or . DS I. You can also specify the amount of indentation with the . ID macro. Use the following table as a quick reference: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 40 Fonnatting Documents Table 2-1 Display Macros Macro with Keep .DS .DS .DS .DS .DS Macro without Keep I .ID L C .LD .CD B .BD .ID Note: It is tempting to assume that. DS R will right-adjust lines, but it doesn't. Keeping Text Together .KS, .KE and .KF It you wish to keep a table or other block of lines together on a page, there are 'keep - release' requests. Ita block of lines preceded by . KS and followed by • KE does not fit on the remainder of the current page, it will begin on a new page. There is also a 'keep floating' request. If the block to be kept together is preceded by . KF instead of . KS and does not fit on the current page, it will be moved down through the text to the top of the next page. nroff fills in the current page with the ordinary text that follows the keep in the input file to avoid leaving blank space at the bottom of the page preceding the keep. Thus, no large blank space will be introduced in the document In multi-column output, the keep macros attempt to place all the kept material in the same column. If the material enclosed in a keep requires more than one page, or more than a column in multi-column fonnat, it will start on a new page or column and simply run over onto the following page or column. Boxing Words or Lines - To draw rectangular boxes around words, use the request .BX and .BI and. B2 ) ( .BX word to print 1W0rd las shown. You can box longer pieces of text by enclosing them with. BI and . B2: .Bl Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden . . B2 This produces: Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He sUlVeyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros Changing Fonts and UL 0 I, 0 B, 0 R 41 To get italics on the typesetter or reverse display on the workstation, say: 0 .1 as much text as you want can be typed here oR as was done for these three words. The R request restores the nonnal (usually Roman) font. If only one word is to be italicized, you can put it on the line with the . I request: 0 (oI word J and in this case you do not need to use an . R to restore the previous font. You can print boldface font by .B Text to be set in boldface goes here .R As with . I, you can place a single word in boldface font by putting it on the same line as the . B request. Also, when . I or . B is used with a word as an argument, it can take as a second argument any trailing punctuation to be printed immediately after the word but set in normal typeface. For example: ( oB word J prints word) that is, the word in boldface and the closing parenthesis in nonnal Roman directly adjacent to the word. If you want actual underlining as opposed to italicizing on the typesetter, use the request (,,---oUL_word_ _ _ _ _ ~J to underline a word. There is no way to underline multiple words on the typesetter. Changing the Type Size • LG, SM and NL 0 0 You can specify a few size changes in troff output with the requests. LG (make larger), . SM (make smaller), and . NL (return to nonnal size). The size change is two points (see the "Dimensions" section for a discussion of point size); you can repeat the requests for increased effect (here one NL canceled two • SM requests). These requests are primarily useful for temporary size changes 0 Revision ~ of 9 May 1988 42 Formatting Documents for a small number of words. They do not affect vertical spacing of lines of text. See the section on "Modifying Default Features" for other techniques for changing the type size and vertical spacing of longer passages. Dates - When you use -ms, nroff prints the date at the bottom of each page, but troff does not Both nroff and troff print it on the cover sheet if you have requested one with . RP .. To make t ro f f print the date as the center page footer, say. DA (date). To suppress the date, say. ND (no date). To lie about the date, type • DA July 4, 1776, which puts the specified date at the bottom of each page. The request: . DA and . ND ] ( .ND September 16, 1959 in . RP fonnat places the specified date on the cover sheet and nowhere else. Place either . ND or . DA before the . RP Notice this is one instance that you do not need to put double quote marlcs around the arguments. Thesis Format Mode - Bibliography - . XP . TM To fonnat a paper as a thesis, use the . TM macro (thesis mode). It is much like the . th macro in the -me macro package. It puts page numbers in the upper right-hand comer, numbers the first page, suppresses the date, and doublespaces everything except quotes, displays, and keeps. Use it at the top of each file making up your thesis. Calling . TM defines the . CT macro for chapter titles, which skips to a new page and moves the page number to the center footer. You can use the . P 1 (p one) macro even without thesis mode to print the header on page one, which is suppressed except in thesis mode. If you want roman numeral page numbering, use an . af PN i request To fonnat bibliography entries, use the . XP macro, which stands for exdented paragraph. It exdents the first line of the paragraph by \n(pI units, usually 5n, the same as the indent for the first line of a . PP. An example of exdented paragraphs is: .XP Lumley, Lyle S., \fISex in Crustaceans: Shell Fish Habits,\fp\~ Harbinger Press, Tampa Bay and San Diego, October 1979. 243 pages. The pioneering work in this field . • XP Leffadinger, Harry A., ~Mollusk Mating Season: 52 Weeks, or All Year?" in \fIActa Biologica,\fP\~ vol. 42, no. 11, November 1980. A provocative thesis, but the conclusions are wrong. which produces: Lumley, Lyle S., Sex in Crustaceans: Shell Fish Habits, Harbinger Press, Tampa Bay and San Diego, October 1979. 243 pages. The pioneering work in this field. Leffadinger, Harry A., "Mollusk Mating Season: 52 Weeks, or All Year?" in Acta Biologica, vol. 42, no.11, November 1980. A provocative thesis, but the conclusions are wrong. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 43 You do have to italicize the book andjoumal titles and quote the title of the journal article. You can change the indentation and exdentation by setting the value of number register PI. Table of Contents . XE, .XA, .PX . XS, There are four macros that produce a table of contents. Enclose table of contents entries in . XS and. XE pairs, with optional . XA macros for additional entries . Arguments to . xs and . XA specify the page number, to be printed at the right. A final . P X macro prints out the table of contents. A sample of typical input and output text is: .xs ii Introduction .XA 1 Chapter 1: Review of the Literature .XA 23 Chapter 2: Experimental Evidence .XE .px Table of Contents Introduction ....................... ............. ........... .............................................................. Chapter 1: Review of the Literature ........................................................................ Chapter 2: Experimental Evidence ............................................... ..... ............. ......... ii 1 23 You can also use the . xs and . XE pairs in the text, after a section header for instance, in which case page numbers are supplied automatically. However, most documents that require a table of contents are too long to produce in one run, which is necessary if this method is to work. It is recommended that you make the table of contents after finishing your document. To print out the table of contents, use the . P X macro or nothing will happen. Defining Quotation Marks To produce quotation marks and dashes that fonnat correctly with both nroff and troff, there are some string definitions for each of the formatting programs. The \*- string yields two hyphens in nroff, and produces an em-dash -like this one in troff. The \*Q and \*u strings produce" and" in troff, but" in nroff. Accent Marks To simplify typing certain foreign words, the -ms macro package defines strings representing common accent marks. There are a large number of optional foreign accent marks defined by the -ms macros. All the accent marks available in -mos are present, and they all work just as they always did. For the old accent marks, type the string before the letter over which the mark is to appear. For example, to print 't'el'qtxne with the old macros, you type: (t\*'el\*'ePhone J Revision A, of9 May 1988 44 Formatting Documents Unlike the old accent marks, the new accent strings should be placed after the letter being accented. Place . AM (accent mark) at the beginning of your document, and type the accent strings after the letter being accented. A list of both sets of diacritical marks and examples of what they look like follows. Note: Do not use the tbl macros. TS and . TE with any of the accent marks as the marks do not line up correctly. Table 2-2 Old Accent Marks Accent Name acute grave umlaut circumflex tilde haeek cedilla Table 2-3 Input \*'e \*'e \*:u \* . . e \*-a \*Cr \*,c Output e e ti ~ av r c AccentMarks Accent Name acute grave circumflex cedilla tilde question exclamation umlaut digraphes harek macron o-slash yogh angstrom Thorn thorn Eth eth hooked 0 ae ligature AEligature oe ligature OEligature Input e\* ' e\*' 0\* . . c\*, n\*\*? \*! u\*: \*8 c\*v a\* 0\*/ kni\*3t a\*o \*(Th \*(th \* (D\*(d\*q \*(ae \* (Ae \*(oe \*(Oe Output e e 6 C fi. J I ii J3 v c a r/J kni3t ~ P p D a Q 3! .IE re (E If you want to use these new diacritical marks, don't forget the . AM at the top of your file. Without it, some of these marks will not print at all, and others will be placed on the wrong letter. Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - 2.5. Modifying Default Features Formatting Documents with the -ros Macros 45 The -ms macro package supplies a standard page layout style. The text line has a default length of six inches; the indentation of the first line of a paragraph is five ens; the page number is printed at the top center of every page after page one; and so on for standard papers. You can alter many of these default features by changing the values that control them. The computer memory locations where these values are stored are called number registers and string registers. Number and string registers have names like those of requests, one or two characters long. For instance, the value of the line length is stored in a number register named LL. Unless you give a request to change the value stored in register LL, it will contain the standard or default value assigned to it by -ms. The "Summary of -ms Number Registers" table lists the number registers you can change along with their default values. Dimensions To change a dimension like the line length from its default value, reset the associated number register with the troff request. nr (number register): [ .nr LL 5i J The first argument, LL, is the name of a number register, and the second, 5 i is the value being assigned to it In the case above, the line length is adjusted from the default six inches to five inches. As another example, consider: ( .nr PS 9 J which makes the default point size 9 point. The value may be expressed as an integer or may contain a decimal fraction. When setting the value of a number register, it is almost always necessary to include a unit of scale immediately after the value. In the example above, the 'i' as the unit of scale lets troff know you mean five inches and not five of some other unit of distance. But the point size cPS) and vertical spacing (VS) registers are exceptions to this rule; ordinarily they should be assigned a value as a number of points without indicating the unit of scale. For example, to set the vertical spacing to 24 points, or one-third of an inch (double-spacing), use the request: ( .nr VS 24 J In the unusual case where you want to set the vertical spacing to more than half an inch (more than 36 points), include a unit of scale in setting the VS register. The "Units of Measurement in nrof f and trof f" table explains the units of measurement +~t!! Revision A, of 9 May 1988 46 Formatting Documents Table 2-4 Units o/Measurement in nroff and troff Unit point pica em Abbr p p m en vertical space n v inch centimeter machine unit c i u nroff troff 1n2 inch 1/6 inch width of one character 1n2 inch 1/6 inch distance equal to number of points in the current typesize half an em same width of one character amount of space in which each line of text is set, measured baseline to baseline inch centimeter 1/240 inch inch centimeter 1/432 inch The units point, pica, em, and en are units of measurement used by tradition in typesetting. The vertical space unit also corresponds to the typesetting tenn leading, which refers to the distance from the baseline of one line of type to the baseline of the next. Em and en are particularly interesting in that they are proportional to the type size currently in use (normally expressed as a number of points). An em is the distance equal to the number of points in the type size (roughly the width of the letter 'm' in that point size), while an en is half that (about the width of the letter en'). These units are convenient for specifying dimensions such as indentation. In t r 0 f f, em and en have their traditional meanings, that is one em of distance is equal to two ens. For nroff, on the other hand, em and en both mean the same quantity of distance, the width of one typewritten character. The machine unit is a special unit of dimension used by nroff and troff internally. This is the unit to which the programs convert almost all dimensions when storing them in memory, and is included here primarily for completeness. In using the features of -ms, it is sufficient to know that such a unit of measure exists. Note that a change to a number register such as LL does not immediately change the related dimension at that point in the output. Instead, in the case of the line length for example, the change takes place at the beginning of the next paragraph, where -ms resets various dimensions to the current values of the related number registers. If you need the effect immediately, use the nonna! troff command in addition to changing the number register. For example, to control the vertical spacing immediately, use: ] ( .vs This takes effect at the place where it occurs in your input file. Since it does not Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 47 change the VS register, however, its effect lasts only until the beginning of the next paragraph. As a general rule, to make a pennanent change, or one that will last for several paragraphs until you want to change it again, alter the value of the -ms register. If the change must happen immediately, somewhere other than the point shown in the table, use the t r a f f request. If you want the change to be both immediate and lasting, do both. Table 2-5 Summary of -ms Number Registers Register PS VS LL LT PD PI FL CW GW PO HM FM Controls point size line spacing line length title length para. spacing para. indent footnote length column width intercolumn gap page offset top margin bottom margin Takes Effect next para. next para. next para. next para. next para. next para. next. FS next.2C next.2C next page next page next page Default 10 12 pts 6" 6" 0.3 VS S ens 11/12 LL 7/15 LL 1/15 LL 26/27" 1" I" You may also alter the strings and which are the left, center, and right headings respectively; and similarly and which are strings in the page footer. Use the traff . ds (define string) request to alter the string registers, as you use the · nr request for number registers. The page number on output is taken from register to pennit changing its output style. For more complicated headers and footers, you can redefine the macros and as explained earlier. See the "Register Names" section for a full list. 2.6. Using nroff and troff Requests You can use a small subset of the t r a f f requests to supplement the -ms macro package. . Use. nr and . ds requests to manipulate the -ms number and string registers as described in the "Modifying Default Features" section. You can also freely use the other following requests in a file for processing with the -ms macro package. They all work with both typesetter and workstation or tenninal output. · ad b Adjust both margins. This is the default adjust mode. · bp Begin new page. · br 'Break' line; start a new output line whether or not the current one has been completely filled with text. · ce n ~), sun ~ microsystems Center the following n input text lines individually in the output. If n is omitted, only the next (one) line of text is centered. Revision A. of 9 May 1988 48 Formatting Documents Define string register named XX. • ds XX · na Tum off adjusting of right margins to produce ragged right. xx. · nr XX Define number register named · sp n Insert n blank lines. If n is omitted, one blank line is produced (the current value of the unit v). You can attach a unit of dimension to n to specify the quantity in units other than a number of blank lines. Note: The macro package executes sequences of troff requests on its own, in a manner invisible to you. By inserting your own troff requests, you run the risk of introducing errors. The most likely result is simply for your troff requests to be ignored, but in some cases the results can include fatal troff errors and garbled typesetter output. As a simple example, if you try to produce a centered heading with the input: [ .ce .SH Text of section heading 1 you will discover that the heading comes out left-adjusted; the . SH macro, appearing after the . ce request overrules it and forces left-adjusting. But consider the following sequence: .sp .ce .B Line of text which successfully produces a centered, boldface heading preceded by one line of vertical space. There are lots of tricks like this, so be careful. To learn more about troff see the chapter on "Formatting Documents with nroff and troff." 2.7. Using -ms with eqn to Typeset Mathematics If you have to print Greek letters or mathematical equations, see the chapter ''Typesetting Mathematics with eqn" for equation setting. To aid eqn users, rns provides definitions of . EQ and . EN which nonnally center the equation and set it off slightly. An argument to . EQ is taken to be an equation number and placed in the right margin near the equation. In addition, there are three special arguments to . EQ: the letters C, I, and L indicate centered (default), indented, and left adjusted equations, respectively. If there is both a format argument and an equation number, give the fonnat argument first, as in ( • EQ L (1. 3a) ] for a left-adjusted equation numbered (1.3a). Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - 49 Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 2.8. Using -ms with tbl to Format Tables Similar to the eqn macros are the macros. TS and . TE defined to separate tables from text with a little space (see the chapter "Formatting Tables with tbl"). A very long table with a heading may be broken across pages by beginning it with . T S H instead of . T S, and placing the line . THin the table data after the heading. If the table has no heading repeated from page to page, just use the ordinary . T S and . TE macros. 2.9. Register Names The -ms macro package uses the following register names internally. Independent use of these names in your own macros may produce incorrect output. Note that there are no lower case letters in any -ms internal name. .. #T T. IT AV CW , ... '" , lC 2C Al A2 A3 A4 DW EF FC FL FM FP AS AB AE AI AU B BG BT C C1 C2 CA GW HI H2 H3 H4 H5 CB CC CD CF CH CM CS CT D DA DE DS 2.10. Order of Requests in Input HM HT IF IK 1M IP DW DY E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 EE EL EM EN EQ Number Registers Used in -ms IQ NA LL IR LT NC IT MF ND KI MM NF LI MN NS LE MO 01 String Registers Used in -ms I EZ KF KQ FA 11 FE 12 KS FJ 13 LB 14 FK LD FN 15 LG FO ID LP FQ IE ME FS 1M MF FV IP MH FY IZ MN HO MO KE OJ PD PE PF PI PN MR ND NH NL NP OD OK PP Pf PY QF R PO PQ PS PX RO ST Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 RC RE RF RH RP RQ RS T. TB TC TD TN TQ RT SO SI S2 SG SH SM SN SY TA TE TH TV VS WF YE YY ZN TL TM TQ TS TT UL WB WH WT XD XF XK The following diagram provides a quick reference for how to order macro requests when using the -IDS macro package to format documents. The central arrow indicates that the minimum formatting requests you need with -ms are the paragraph macros. These initialize certain quantities and are necessary to obtain predictable results when you use other macros. The double-edged arrows indicate optional requests. The single-edged arrows indicate dependencies. For example, if you use a . AB request, you need a . AE request. If you use a . AU request, you don't need a . AI request, but if you use a . AI request, you have to use a . AU request first. The locations of the side arrows relative to the other requests indicate the relative locations of the requests in the document source. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 50 Formatting Documents For simpler documents, use just a . LP initializing request and just leave blank lines between paragraphs. Figure 2-1 Order of Requests in -ms Documents .AM - .NO ... • RP ... • TM - ... .nrXX -... . dsXX ... .EH .0 H .EF .na .1sN .OF~ .TL - -- .. _ .AU + .AI .AB .- .AE ~ SH .NH ... . LP .PP !IE--':- - - ; . . . : ; . . nh text Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - 2.11. -ms Request Summary Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 51 This section includes tables of the old Bell Laboratories that have been removed from the new -ms package, of new -ms requests and string definitions, and of useful printing and displaying commands. It also includes a complete -ms request and string summary for easy reference. Table 2-6 Bell Laboratories Macros Deleted From -ms Macro Request .CS .EG .HO .IH .1M .MF .MH .MR .ND .OK .py .SG .TM .TR .WH Table 2-7 Explanation Cover sheet BTL Engineer's Notes Bell Labs, Holmdel, N.J. Bell Labs, Naperville, Ill . BTL internal memo BTL file memo Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J . BTL record memo BTL date BTL keywords for tech memo Bell Labs, Piscataway, N.J . Signatures for tech memo BTL technical memo BTL report format Bell Labs, Whippany, N.J . New -ms Requests Macro Request .AM .cr .EH .EF .FE .FS .IP\** .IX .OF .OH .PI .PX .TM .XS .XE .XA .PX .XP Explanation New accent mark definitions . Chapter title in . TM format. Define even three-part page header. Define even three-part page footer. End automatically numbered footnote . Begin automatically numbered footnote . Endnotes with automatic numbering. Index words . Define odd three-part page footer . Define odd three-part page header. Put header on page one in . TM format . Print table of contents . Thesis mode format. Start table of contents entry. End table of contents entry . Additional table of contents entry . Prints table of contents . Exdented paragraph. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 52 Formatting Documents Table 2-8 New String Definitions Definition \*- \*Q \*U Table 2-9 In nroff Two dashes -Open quote " Oose quote" In troff Em dashOpen quote" Close quote " -ms Macro Request Summary Macro Request Initial Value Cause Break? yes no no .AT no yes yes yes yes yes no yes . AU .B x no no yes no . BI .B2 .BT no no date yes yes no . BX x .CM no no no . 1C .2C .AB .AE . AI no .AM yes . CT .DA x . DE .DS x .EF x .EN date no no yes yes no yes Explanation One column fonnat on a new page . Two column fonnat. Begin abstract. End abstract. Author's institution follows . New accent mark definitions Print ' ...Attached' and turn off line filling. Author's name follows . Print x in boldface; if no argument switch to boldface. Begin text to be enclosed in a box . End text to be boxed and print it. Bottom title, automatically invoked at foot of page. May be redefined. Print x in a box . Cut mark between pages (only if troff). Chapter title in thesis mode only . Page number moved to CF. 'Date line' at bottom of page is x (only in nroff). Default is today. End displayed text. Implies . KE . Start of displayed text to appear verbatim line-by-line. x=I for indented display (default), x=L for left-adjusted on the page, x=C for centered, s=B for make left-justified block, then center whole block. Implies . KS. Even three-part page footer x Space after equation produced by eqn or neqn. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Table 2-9 Formatting Documents with the -InS Macros 53 -ms Macro Request Summary- Continued Macro Request Initial Value Cause Break? .EQ xy yes . FE .FS x yes no .1 x no no .IP xy no yes .KE yes .KF no yes . KS . LG . LP .ND date no no yes yes yes yes no .NH n . NL .IX xy yes yes . OF x .OH header .Pl no no no .PP no .PT pg# +~~t!! no yes yes Explanation Precede equation; break out and add space. Equation number is y. The optional argument x may be I to indent equation (default), L to left-adjust the equation, or C to center it. End footnote . Start footnote. x is optional footnote label. The note will be printed at the bottom of the page. Italicize x; if x is missing, italic text follows. Start indented paragraph, with hanging tag x. Indentation is y ens (default 5). End keep. Put kept text on next page if not enough room. Start floating keep. If the kept text must be moved to the next page, float later text back to this page. Start keeping following text. Make letters larger. Start left-blocked paragraph . Use date supplied if any as page footer; only in special format positions. Same as . S H with section number supplied automatically. Numbers are multilevel, like 1.2.3, where n tells what level is wanted (default is 1). Make letters normal size . Index entries wand y and so on up to 5 levels. Make letters normal size. Odd three-part page footer . Odd three-part page header. Print header on first page (only in thesis mode). Begin paragraph. First line indented. Page title, automatically invoked at top of page. May be redefined. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 54 Formatting Documents Table 2-9 -ms Macro Request Summa~ Continued Macro Request Initial Value .PX x yes .QP yes .R .RE .RP yes no yes no . RS yes . SH yes . SM . TA x ... . TE . TH . TL .TM .TS x .UL x no 5... no off Explanation Cause Break? no no yes yes yes no yes yes Print table of contents; x=no suppresses title. Begin single paragraph which is indented and shorter. Roman text follows . End relative indent leve1. Cover sheet and first page for released paper. Must precede other requests. Start level of relative indentation. Following. IPs are measured from current indentation. Section head follows, font automatically bold. Make letters smaller. Set tabs in ens. Default is 5 10 15 ... End table. End heading section of table. Title follows . Thesis mode fonnat. Begin table; if x is H, table has repeated heading on subsequent pages. Underline argument, even in troff. .XA xy yes .XE yes .XS xy yes .UL x yes Another index entry; x=page for no for none, y=indent. End index entry or series of . IX entries. Begin index entry; x=page or no for none, y=indent. Underline argument, even in troff. Revision A. of 9 May 1988 Chapter 2 - Table 2-10 Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 55 -ms String Definitions Name Definition In nroff In troff quote unquote dash month of year current date numbered footnote \*Q \*U \*\*(MO \*(DY \** " " " " March 6 March 1988 [1 ]footnote March 6 March 1988 1ootnote The following table summarizes command lines you use to print and display documents. Use the same order with troff for preprocessing files with tbl and eqn. If you use the two-column. 2C request, either pipe the nroff output through col or make the first line of the input. pi /usr /bin/ col. Table 2-11 Printing and Displaying Documents What You Want to Do How to Do it Display file on screen nroff -ms file(s) more Print file on line printer nroff -ms file(s) l.pr Print file with tables tbl. file(s) I nro£f -ms I 1pr Print file with equations neqn file(s) I nroff -ms I 1pr Print file with both tb1 file(s) I neqn i nroff -ms I 1pr Print file using t r 0 f f troff -ms file(s) I 1pr -t Revision A, of 9 May 1988 3 The -man Macro Package The -man Macro Package .................................................................................................... 59 3.1. Parts of a Manual Page ................................................................................................. 59 3.2. Coding Conventions ...................................................................................................... 60 The Header and Footer Line (. TH) - Identifying the Page ............... 60 The NAME Line ........................................................................................................... 60 The SYNOPSIS Section .......................................................................................... 61 The DESCRIPTION Section ............................................................................... 61 The OPTIONS Section ............................................................................................ 62 The FILES Section ..................................................................................................... 63 The SEE ALSO Section .......................................................................................... 64 The BUGS Section ...................................................................................................... 64 3.3. New Features of the -man Macro Package ...................................................... 64 New Number Registers .............................................................................................. 64 Using the Number Registers ................................................................................... 65 3.4. How to Fonnat a Manual Page ................................................................................ 65 3 The -man Macro Package The -man macro package is used to format the manual pages to look like those in the SunOS Reference Manual, for example. 3.1. Parts of a Manual Page A manual page consists of several parts: o The first part is the header and/ooter or . TH line. This line identifies the manual page and sets up the titles and other information to print the page headers and footers. o The next few sections are all introduced by . S H macro requests. A skeleton command file would look something like this: .TH :xx I "7 November 1984" .SHNAME .SH SYNOPSIS .SH DESCRIPTION .SHOPTIONS .SHFILES .SH "SEE ALSO" .SH DIAGNOSTICS .SHBUGS The sections have the following meanings: NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPI'ION OPTIONS FILES SEE ALSO BUGS The name of the command and a short description. A short synopsis of the command including its options and arguments. A brief narrative description of what the command does. A list of the options in terse itemized list format. Names of files that this command uses or creates. Other relevant commands and files and manuals. Known deficiencies in the command. Occasionally there may be other sections you can add. For instance, a couple of the manual pages have a section called RESTRICTIONS, which contains the notice that this software is not distributed outside of the United States of America. 59 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 60 Formatting Documents Leave out sections that do not apply - it is not necessary to have a title without any content to go with it. Definitely avoid sections that read: BUGS None. 3.2. Coding Conventions The following subsections compose a fairly detailed description of what the different sections of the manual page contain. The Header and Footer Line (. TH) - Identifying the Page The . T H macro is the macro that identifies the page. The fonnat is ] ( .TH n cxvm This means, for example: Begin page named n of chapter c. The x argument is for extra commentary for the center page footer. The v argument alters the left portion of the page footer. The m argument alters the center portion of the page header. The . T H command line also incidentally sets the prevailing indent and tabs to .5i. To code a manual page called traff (1), for example, you would code a . TH macro like: ] ( . TH TROFF 1 "today' s date" The third parameter to the . T H macro is the date on which you created or last changed the manual page. You code today's date in international fonn: numerical day spelled-out month numerical year So if today is September 3rd, 1984, you code the . TB macro like: ] ( .TH TROFF 1 "3 September 1984" The NAME Line The NAME line is a one-liner that identifies the command or program. You code the infonnation like this: .SH NAME troff \- typeset or format documents This line must be typed all in the Roman font with no font changes or point-size changes or any other text manipulation. Typing the command line all in Roman with no text manipulation is for the pennuted index generator. It gets all confused if there is anything in that line other than plain text Revision ~ of 9 May 1988 Chapter 3 - The -man Macro Package 61 Note the \- in there - why do we type a \-? Well, in troff jargon, a simple sign gets you a hyphen. We actually would like a en-dash Oike - ) instead of a hyphen, in lieu of actually having a em-dash (like -). This use of the \- to get a - is a UNIXt tradition. The SYNOPSIS Section The SYNOPSIS line(s) show the user what options and arguments can be typed. The conventions for the SYNOPSIS have varied wildly over the years. Nonetheless, here are the guidelines: D Literal text (that is, what the user types) is coded in boldface. D Variables (that is, things someone might substitute for) are typed in italic text. D Optional things are enclosed in brackets - that is the characters [ and ] . D Alternatives are separated by the vertical bar sign ( I ). The synopsis should show what the options are read like this: some manual pages used to SYNOPSIS trofT [options] filename ... but it should read: SYNOPSIS trofT [-opagelist] [-oN] [-m name] ... [filename] The DESCRIPTION Section The DESCRIPTION section of a manual page should contain a brief description of what the command does for the user, in tenns that the user cares about. Within the DESCRIPTION and OPTIONS sections, italic text is used for filenames and command names. The rationale here is that UNIX commands are simply files. When referring to other manual pages, you type the name in italics and the following parenthesized section number in Roman, as in make ( 1). Use the -man macro. IR to get alternating words joined in italic and Roman fonts. Note that the macros that join alternating words in different fonts (. IR, . IB, • BR, . BI, . RI, . RB) all accept only six parameters. See the section on how to fonnat a manual page for more fonnatting rules. Part of the description in the grep manual page used to read: ..... grep patterns are limited regular expressions in the style of ed (1) ; it uses a compact nondetenninistic algorithm. egrep patterns are full regular expressions; it uses a fast deterministic algorithm that sometimes needs exponential space. fgrep patterns are fixed strings; it is fast and compact Most users do not care that egrep uses a fast detenninistic algorithm. As an example of a more useful way of describing a command for the user, here is how t UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. Revision A, of9 May 1988 62 Formatting Documents that sentence in the grep manual page currently reads. . . . .. grep patterns are limited regular expressions in the style of ed ( 1) . egrep patterns are full regular expressions including alternation. fgrep searches for lines that contain one of the (newline-separated) strings. f grep patterns are fixed strings - no regular expression metacharacters are supported. Here's another bad example: the Ipr (1) command used to tell you that the -s option uses the symlink (2) system call to make a symbolic link to the data file instead of copying the data file to the spool area. The user may not know what this means or how to use the infonnation. The description was changed to just tell you that the -s option makes a symbolic link to the data file. How it is done is of little concern to some poor blighter who just wants to print a file. The OPTIONS Section The OPTIONS section of a manual page contains an itemized list of the options that the command recognizes, and how the options affect the behavior of the command. The general fonnat for this section is -option Description of what the option does. A specific example from the troff manual page looks like this: OPTIONS Options may appear in any order as long as they appear before the files. -olist Print only pages whose page numbers appear in the comma-separated list of numbers and ranges. A range N-M means pages N through M; an initial -N means from the beginning to page N; and a final N- means from N to the end. -oN Number first generated page N. -mname Prepend the macro file /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.name to the input files. -raN Set register a (one-character) to N. -i Read standard input after the input files are exhausted. -q Invoke the simultaneous input-output mode of the rd request. -t Direct output to the standard output instead of the phototypesetter. In general, you will have to use this option if you don't have a typesetter attached to the system. -a Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 3 - The -man Macro Package 63 Send a printable ASCn approximation of the results to the standard output. Some options oftroff only apply if you have a C/Aff typesetter attached to your system. These options are here for historical reasons: -sN Stop every N pages. troff stops the phototypesetter every N pages, produces a trailer to allow changing cassettes, and resumes when the typesetter's start button is pressed. -f Refrain from feeding out paper and stopping phototypesetter at the end of the run. -w Wait until phototypesetter is available, if currently busy. -b Report whether the phototypesetter is busy or available. No text processing is done. -pN Print all characters in point size N while retaining all prescribed spacings and motions, to reduce phototypesetter elapsed time. The FILES Section The FILES section of a manual page contains a list of the files that the program accesses, creates, or modifies. Obviously, you can leave this section out if the program uses no files. The example from the troff manual page looks like this: If the file /usr / adm/tracct is writable, troff keeps phototypesetter accounting records there. The integrity of that file may be secured by making troff a 'set user-id' program. FILES /tmp/ta* /usr/lib/tmac/tmac. * /usr/lib/term/* /usr/lib/font/* /dev/cat /usr/admltracct temporary file standard macro files terminal driving tables for nroff font width tables for troff phototypesetter accounting statistics for Idev Icat Revision A, of 9 May 1988 64 Formatting Documents The SEE ALSO section of a manual page contains a list of references to other programs, files, and manuals relating to this program. For example, on the troff manual page, the SEE ALSO section looks like this: The SEE ALSO Section SEE ALSO Formatting Documents and Using NROFF and TROFF, nroff(1),eqn(1),tbl(1),ms(7),me(7), man(7),col(1) Make sure that the references are useful- the rm ( 1) command references the unlink (2) system call. Does the user care what system call is used to get rid of a file? It's not intuitive that you use a function called unlink to remove a file. Leave this section out if there are no interesting references. The BUGS section of a manual page is to convey limitations or bad behavior of the command to the reader. Please limit bugs to these categories. The BUGS Section Leave this section out altogether if there are no bugs worth noting. 3.3. New Features of the man Macro Package Recent enhancements to the -man macro package facilitate including manual pages in manuals. The major new features are number registers that can be set from the itroff, iroff, troff, di troff, or nroff command line. The number registers are: New Number Registers D C Pnnn Xnnn ~) sun ~ microsystems Fonnat the document for double-sided printing if the D number register is set to 1. Double-sided printing means that the page numbers appear in different locations on odd and even pages. Page numbers appear in the running footers in the lower right comer of odd-numbered pages and in the lower left comer of even-numbered pages. Number pages contiguously - pages are numbered 1,2,3,••• even when you fonnat more than one manual page at a time. Every new topic used to start numbering at page 1. Start Page numbering at page nnn - page numbering starts at page 1 if not otherwise specified. Number pages as nnna, nnn b, etc when the current page number becomes nnn. This feature is for generating update pages to slot in between existing pages. For example, if a new page called s/cyversion(8) should be included in an interim release, we can number that page as page '26a' and drop it into the existing manual in a reasonable fashion. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 3 - Using the Number Registers The -man Macro Package 65 Number registers are set from the itroff, iroff, troff, ditroff, or nroff command line by the -r (set register) option, followed immediately by the one-letter name of the register, followed immediately by the value to put into the number register: hostname% troff -man -rDl manpage.1 hostname% This example shows how to request a fonnat suitable for double-sided printing. If your gr ab (1) manual page used to be three pages long and is now five pages long, you need the pages numbered 1, 2, 3, 3a, and 3b instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You get this effect by using the -rX option on the command line, setting the X register to 3: hostnarne% troff -man -rX3 grab.l hostnarne% We introduced the screendump (1) and screenload (1) manual pages in the 1.2 release. screendump (1) and screenload (1) come immediately after the sec s di f f ( 1) manual page. sec s di f f 's last page number is page 260, so we get screendump (1) and screenload (1) formatted with this command to start page numbering at 260 and to start putting in extra page letters at 260 as well: hostname% troff -man -rP260 -rX260 acreandump.l acreenload.l hostname% 3.4. How to Format a Manual Page Any text argument t to a macro request may be from zero to six words. Quotes my be used to include blanks in a 'word'. If the text field is empty, the macro request is applied to the next input line with text to be printed. In this way, .I italicizes an entire line, and .SM followed on a separate line by .B creates small, bold letters. A prevailing indent distance is remembered between successive indented paragraphs, and is reset to the default value upon reaching a non-indented paragraph. Default units for indents i are ens. Type font and size are reset to the default values before each paragraph, and after processing font-and size-setting macros. These strings are predefined by -man: \*R \*S ~~ sun ~ microsystems ®, '(Reg)' in nroff. Change to default type size. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 66 Fonnatting Documents Table 3-1 Summary of the -man Macro Requests II no Request Cause Break .B t . BI .BR . DT .HP oI t oIB .IP . IR . LP .PD .PP .RE no no no no yes no no yes no yes no yes yes t=next text line t=next text line t=next text line .5i 1i... i =prevailing indent t=next text line t=next text line x="" t=next text line no no yes t=next text line t=next text line i=prevailing indent no yes yes yes t=next text line t=next text line .TP yes i =prevailing indent • TX tp no t t i t xi t d .RB t .RI t oRS . SB .SH .SM .TH t t t ncxvm Argument d=.4v Explanation Text t is bold. Join words of t alternating bold and italic . Join words of t alternating bold and Roman. Restore default tabs. Set prevailing indent to i. Begin paragraph with hanging indent. Text t is italic. Join words of talternating italic and bold. Same as .TP with tag x. Join words of t alternating italic and Roman. Same as .PP. Interparagraph distance is d. Begin paragraph. Set prevailing indent to .5i. End of relative indent. Set prevailing indent to amount of starting .RS. Join words of t alternating Roman and bold. Join words of t alternating Roman and italic. Start relative indent, move left margin in distance i. Set prevailing indent to .5i for nested indents. Print t in smaller boldface . Subheading. Text t is two point sizes smaller than surrounding text. Begin page named n of chapter c. The x argument is for extra commentary for the center page footer. The v argument alters the left portion of the page footer. The m argument alters the center portion of the page header. The . TH command line also incidentally sets the prevailing indent and tabs to .5i. Set the prevailing indent to i. Begin indented paragraph with hanging tag given by the next text line. If the tag does not fit, place it on a separate line. Resolve the title abbreviation 1; join to punctuation p . To learn. how to format manual pages on your tenninal or workstation screen, refer to the man ( 1) manual page. Revision A. of 9 May 1988 4 Fonnatting Documents with the -me Macros Formatting Documents with the -me Macros ........................................................ 69 4.1. Using -me ........................................................................................................................... 70 4.2. Basic -me Requests ....................................................................................................... 70 Paragraphs ......................................................................................................................... 70 Standard Paragraph - . pp .............................................................................. 70 . lp ........................................................................ 71 . i P and . n p ........................................................ 71 Paragraph Reference .............................................................................................. 73 . he and . fo ................................................................ 74 Headers and Footers Reference ............................................................................ 74 Double Spacing - . 1 s 2 ..................................................................................... 75 Page Layout ..................................................................................................................... 75 Underlining- . ul .................................................................................................... 77 Displays .............................................................................................................................. 77 Left Block Paragraphs Indented Paragraphs 4.3. Headers and Footers - Major Quotes - . (q and . ) q ...................................................................... 77 Lists - . (1 and . ) 1 .......................................................................................... 77 Keeps - . (b and . ) b, . (z and . ) z ...................................................... 78 4.4. Fancy Displays .................................................................................................................. 78 Display Reference ........................................................................................................ 80 Annotations ...................................................................................................................... 81 Footnotes - . (f and . ) f ..................................................................................... 82 Delayed Text ................................................................................................................... 82 Indexes- . (x .) x and . xp .............................................................................. 82 Annotations Reference ............................................................................................... 83 4.5. Fancy Features .................................................................................................................. 84 Section Headings - . shand . uh .................................................................... 84 Section Heading Reference ............................................................................... 85 Parts of tile StaIldard Paper ..................................................................................... 86 Standard Pa{)er Reference ................................................................................... 88 Two-Column Output - . 2 c ................................................................................. 90 Column Output Reference .................................................................................. 90 Defining Macros - . de .......................................................................................... 90 Annotations Inside Keeps ........................................................................................ 90 4.6. Using troff for Phototypesetting ....................................................................... 91 Fonts ..................................................................................................................................... 91 Point Sizes - . s z ...................................................................................................... 93 Fonts and Sizes Reference ................................................................................. 93 * (lq and \ * (rq .............................................................................. 94 4.7. Adjusting Macro Parameters ..................................................................................... 94 4.8. roff SUPIX>rt .................................................................................................................. 96 4.9. Preprocessor Sup{X>rt ..................................................................................................... 96 4.10. Predefined Strings ......................................................................................................... 97 4.11. Miscellaneous Requests ............................................................................................ 97 4.12. Special Characters and Diacritical Marks - . sc .................................... 98 4.13. -me Request Summary ............................................................................................. 98 Quotes - \ 4 • :0 ••••••~ .:~. • ~.:! •• :; Formatting Docutnents with the -me Macros This chapter describes the -me macro package. 1 The first part of each section presents the material in user's guide format and the second part lists the macro requests for quick reference. The chapter contents include descriptions of the basic requests, displays, annotations, such as footnotes, and how to use -me with nroff and troff. We assume that you are somewhat familiar with nroff and traff and that you know something about breaks, fonts, point sizes, the use and definition of number registers and strings, and scaling factors for ens, points, vertical line spaces, etc. If you are a newcomer, try out the basic features as you read along. All request names in -me follow a naming convention. You may define number registers, strings, and macros, provided that you use single-character, upper case names or double-character names consisting of letters and digits with at least one upper case letter. Do not use special characters in the names you define. The word argument in this chapter means a word or number which appears on the same line as a request and which modifies the meaning of that request. Default parameter values are given in brackets. For example, the request ( .sp J spaces one line, and ( .sp 4 J spaces four lines. The number '4' is an argument to the . sp request; it modifies . s p to produce four lines instead of one. Spaces separate arguments from the request and from each other. 1 The material in this chapter is derived from Writing Papers with nro f f Using -me, E. P. Allman, and - me Reference Manual, E. P. Allman, University of California, Berkeley. 69 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 70 Formatting Documents 4.1. Using -me When you have your raw text ready, run the nraff fonnatter with the -me option to send the output to the standard output, your workstation screen. Type: hostname% nro££ -me -Ttypefiles hostname% where type describes the type of tenninal you are outputting to. Common values are dtc for a DTC 300s (daisy-wheel type) printer and Ipr for the line printer. If you omit the -T flag, a 'lowest common denominator' tenninal is assumed; this is good for previewing output on most terminals. For easier viewing, pipe the output to more or redirect it to another file. For formatting on the phototypesetter with traff (or your installation's equivalent), use: ] hostname% tro££ -me file hostname% [ 4.2. Basic -me Requests The following sections provide descriptions and examples of the basic -me requests. Paragraphs The -me package has requests for formatting standard, left block, and indented paragraphs. Standard Paragraph - . pp Begin standard paragraphs by using the . pp request. For example, the input: .pp Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Four score and seven years ago, ... produces Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Four score and seven years ago, ... that is, a blank line followed by an indented first line. Do not begin the sentences of a paragraph with a space, since blank lines and lines beginning with spaces cause a break. For example, if you type: .pp Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Four score and seven years ago, ... The output is: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 71 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Four score and seven years ago, ... A new line begins after the word 'men' because the second line begins with a space character. Because the first call to one of the paragraph macros defined in a section or the • H macro initializes the macro processor, do not use any of the following requests: . sc, .10, . th, or . ac (see the section called "Section Headings"). Also, avoid changing parameters, notably page length and header and footer margins, which have a global effect on the format of the page. Left Block Paragraphs - Indented Paragraphs and . np . 1P .i P A formatted paragraph can start with a blank line and with the first line indented. You can get left-justified block-style paragraphs as shown throughout this manual by using .1p (left paragraph) instead of . pp. Sometimes you want to use paragraphs that have the body indented, and the first line exdented, that is, the opposite of indented, with a labe1. Use the . ip request for this. A word specified on the same line as . i P is printed in the margin, and the body is lined up at a specified position. For example, the input: .ip one This is the first paragraph. Notice how the first line of the resulting paragraph lines up with the other lines in the paragraph . . ip two And here we are at the second paragraph already. You may notice that the argument to .ip appears in the margin . . lp We can continue text ... produces as output: one This is the first paragraph. Notice how the first line of the resulting paragraph lines up with the other lines in the paragraph. two And here we are at the second paragraph already. You may notice that the argument to . i P appears in the margin. We can continue text without starting a new indented paragraph by using the . 1 P request. If you have spaces in the label of an . i P request, use an unpaddable space instead of a regular space. This is typed as a backslash character (\) followed by a space. For example, to print the label 'Part 1', type: (~_.l_·P__,_,p_a_r_t_\__l_"__________________________________________~J If a label of an indented paragraph, that is, the argument to . i p, is longer than the space allocated for the label, . ip begins a new line after the label. For Revision A, of 9 May 1988 72 Formatting Documents example, the input: .ip longlabel This paragraph has a long label. The first character of text on the first line will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines, although they will line up with each other. produces: longlabel This paragraph has a long label. The first character of text on the first line will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines, although they will line up with each other. You can change the size of the label by using a second argument which is the size of the label. For example, you can produce the above example correctly by saying: ] ( .ip longlabel 10 which will make the paragraph indent 10 spaces for this paragraph only. For example: longlabel This paragraph has a long label. The first character of text on the first line will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines, although they will line up with each other. If you have many paragraphs to indent all the same amount, use the number register i i. For example, to leave one inch of space for the label, type: J (,,---.nr_ ili i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ somewhere before the first call to . i p. If you use . ip without an argument, no hanging tag is printed. For example, the input: . ip [a] This is the first paragraph of the example. We have seen this sort of example before . . ip This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph, but it does not have a tag in the margin. produces as output: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - [a] Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 73 This is the first paragraph of the example. We have seen this sort of example before. This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph, but it does not have a tag in the margin. A special case of . ip is . np, which automatically numbers paragraphs sequentially from 1. The numbering is reset at the next. pp, .lp, or . H request. For example, the input: .np This is the first point . . np This is the second point. Points are just regular paragraphs which are given sequence numbers automatically by the .np request . . lp This paragraph will reset numbering by .np . . np For example, we have reverted to numbering from one now. generates: (I) This is the first point. (2) This is the second point. Points are just regular paragraphs which are given sequence numbers automatically by the . np request. This paragraph will reset numbering by . np. (1) For example, we have reverted to numbering from one now. Paragraph Reference .lp Begin left-justified paragraph. Centering and underlining are turned off if they were on, the font is set to \n (pf [1], the type size is set· to \n (pp [lOp], and a \ (nps space is inserted before the paragraph (O.35v in troff, Iv or O.5v in nroff depending on device resolution). The indent is reset to \n ($1 [0] plus \n (po [0] unless the paragraph is inside a display (see . ba in "Miscellaneous Requests''). At least the first two lines of the paragraph are kept together on a page . . pp Like .lp, except that it puts \n (pi [5n] units of indent This is the standard paragraph macro . .i P T I ~) sun .... microsystems Indented paragraph with hanging tag. The body of the following paragraph is indented I spaces (or \ n (ii [5n] spaces if I is not specified) more than a non-indented paragraph is (such as with . Ip). The title Tis exdented. The result is a paragraph with an even left edge and T printed in the margin. Any spaces in T must be unpaddable. If T will not fit in the space provided, . ip starts a new line. Revision A. of 9 May 1988 74 Fonnatting Documents An . ip variant that numbers paragraphs. Numbering is reset after · np -an .lp, . pp, or . H. The current paragraph number is in \n$p. 4.3. Headers and Footers - .heand .fo You can put arbitrary headers and footers at the top and bottom of every page. Two requests of the fonn . he title and . f 0 title' define the titles to put at the head and the foot of every page, respectively. The titles are called three-part titles, that is, there is a left-justified part, a centered part, and a right-justified part. The first character of title (whatever it may be) is used as a delimiter to separate these three parts. You can use any character but avoid the backslash and double quote marks. The percent sign is replaced by the current page number whenever it is found in the title. For example, the input: ( • he . fo " %" ' Jane Jones" ] My Book' results in the page number centered at the top of each page, 'Jane Jones' in the lower left comer, and 'My Book' in the lower right corner. If there are two blanks adjacent anywhere in the title or more than eight blanks total, you must enclose three-part titles in single quotes. Headers and footers are set in font \ n (t f [3] and size \ n (t p [lOp]. Each of the definitions applies as of the next page. Three number registers control the spacing of headers and footers. \n (hm [4v] is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the header, \ n (fm [3v] is the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the footer, \ n (tm [7v] is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the text, and \n (bm [6v] is the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the text (nominal). You can also specify the space between the top of the page and the header, the header and the first line of text, the bottom of the text and the footer, and the footer and the bottom of the page with the macros . ml, . m2, . m3, and . m4. Headers and Footers Reference · he 'I'm'r' Define three-part header, to be printed on the top of every page. · f 0 'I'm'r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every page. · eh 'I'm'r' Define header, to be printed at the top of every even-numbered page . . oh 'I'm'r' Define header, to be printed at the top of every odd-numbered page. · e f 'I'm'r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every even-numbered page. · of 'I'm'r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every odd-numbered page. . hx . ml +N Suppress headers and footers on the next page. Set the space between the top of the page and the header [4v] . Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Double Spacing - .1s 2 Formatting Documents with the -me Macros • m2 +N Set the space between the header and the first line of text [2v] . • m3 +N Set the space between the bottom of the text and the footer [2v] . . m4 +N Set the space between the footer and the bottom of the page [4v] . 75 .ep End this page, but do not begin the next page. Useful for forcing out footnotes. Must be followed by a . bp or the end of input. .$h Called at every page to print the header. May be redefined to provide fancy headers, such as, multi-line, but doing so loses the function of the . he, . fo, . eh, .oh, . ef, and . of requests, as well as the chapter-style title feature of . +c. . $f Print footer, same comments apply as in . $ h . .$H A normally undefined macro which is called at the top of each page after processing the header, initial saved floating keeps, etc.; in other words, this macro is called immediately before printing text on a page. Used for column headings and the like. nrof f will double space output text automatically if you use the request . 1 s 2, as is done in this section. You can revert to single-space mode by typ- ing .ls 1. Page Layout You can change the way the printed copy looks, sometimes called the layout of the output page with the following requests. Most of these requests adjust the placing of 'white space' (blank lines or spaces). In these explanations, replace characters in italics with values you wish to use; bold characters represent characters which you should actually type. Use. bp (break page) to start a new page. The request. sp N leaves N lines of blank space. You can omit N to skip a single line or you can use the form N i (for N inches) or N c (for N centimeters). For example, the input: .sp 1.5i My thoughts on the subject .sp leaves one and a half inches of space, followed by the line 'My thoughts on the subject', followed by a single blank line. The . in +N (indent) request changes the amount of white space on the left of the page. The argument N can be of the form + N (meaning leave N spaces more than you are already leaving), - N' (meaning leave N spaces less than you do now), or just N (meaning leave exactly N spaces). N can be of the form N i or N c also. For example, the input: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 76 Formatting Documents initial text .in 5 some text .in +li mLJre text .in -2c final text produces 'some text' indented exactly five spaces from the left margin, 'more text' indented five spaces plus one inch from the left margin (fifteen spaces on a pica typewriter), and 'final text' indented five spaces plus one inch minus two centimeters from the margin. That is, the output is: initial text some text more text final text The . t i +N (temporary indent) request is used like . in +N when the indent should apply to one line only, after which it should revert to the previous indent. For example, the input: .in Ii .ti 0 Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius, Halcyon House, 1950. An excellent book containing translations of most of Confucius' most delightful sayings. A definite must for anyone interested in the early foundations of Chinese philosophy. produces: Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius, Halcyon House, 1950. An excellent book containing translations of most of Confucius' most delightful sayings. A definite must for anyone interested in the early foundations of Chinese philosophy. You can center text lines with the . ce (center) request. The line after the . ce is centered horizontally on the page. To center more than one line, use . ce N, where N is the number of lines to center, followed by the N lines. If you want to center many lines but don't want to count them, type: [oce 1000 ~ines to center .ce 0 1 The . ce 0 request tells nroff to center zero more lines, in other words, to stop centering. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 77 All of these requests cause a break; that is, they always start a new line. If you want to start a new line without performing any other action, use . br (break). Underlining - . ul Use the . ul (underline) request to underline text. The . ul request operates on the next input line when it is processed. You can underline multiple lines by stating a count of input lines to underline, followed by those lines, the same as with the . ce request. For example, the input: .ul 2 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. underlines those words in nroff. In troff they are italicized. Use displays to set off sections of text from the body of the paper. Major quotes, tables, and figures are types of displays, as are all the examples used in this manual. All displays except centered text blocks are single-spaced. Displays Major Quotes - . (q and . ) q Major quotes are quotes which are several lines long, and hence are set in from the rest of the text without quote marks around them. Use . (q and . ) q to surround the quote. For example, the input: As Weizenbaum points out: • (q It is said that to explain is to explain away. This maxim is nowhere so well fulfilled as in the areas of computer programming, ... . )q generates as output: As Weizenbaum points out: It is said that to explain is to explain away. This maxim is nowhere so well fulfilled as in the areas of computer programming, ... Lists - . (1 and . ) 1 A list is an indented, single-spaced, unfilled display. You should use lists when the material to be printed should not be filled and justified like normal text. This is useful for columns of figures, for example. Surround the list text by the requests . (1 and . ) 1. For example, type: Alternatives to avoid deadlock are: · (I Lock in a specified order Detect deadlock and back out one process Lock all resources needed before proceeding ·)I to produce: Revision A, of9 May 1988 78 Formatting Documents Alternatives to avoid deadlock are: Lock in a specified order Detect deadlock and back out one process Lock all resources needed before proceeding Keeps - . (b and . ) b, . (z and .) z A keep is a group of lines that are kept together on a single page. If less vertical space exists on the current page than can accommodate text within a keep, the fonnatter begins a new page and keeps those lines together. Keeps are useful for printing diagrams because you don't want them spread across two pages. For comparison, lists may be broken over a page boundary, whereas keeps may not. Blocks are the basic kind of keep. They begin with the request. (b and end with the request . ) b. If there is not enough room on the current page for everything in the block, the fonnatter begins a new page. This has the unaesthetic effect of leaving blank space at the bottom of the page. When this is not appropriate, you can use the alternative called a floating keep. Floating keeps move relative to the text. Hence, they are good for things which will be referred to by name, such as 'See figure 3'. A floating keep will appear at the bottom of the current page if it will fit; otherwise, it will appear at the top of the next page. Floating keeps begin with the line . (z and end with the line . ) z. An example of a floating keep is: • (z .hl Text of keep to be floated . . sp .ce Figure 1. Example of a Floating Keep . . hl ·)z The . hI request draws a horizontal line so the figure stands out from the text. 4.4. Fancy Displays Keeps and lists are nonnally collected in nofill mode, so they are good for tables and displays. If you want a display in fill mode (for text), type . (1 F. Throughout this section, comments applied to . (1 also apply to . (b and . (z. This kind of display produced by . (1 is indented from both margins. For example, the input: · (1 F And now boys and girls, a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before! Be the first on your block to have your own computer! Yes kids, you too can have one of these modern data processing devices. You too can produce beautifully formatted papers without even batting an eye! · )1 Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 79 will be fonnatted as: And now boys and girls, a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before! Be the first on your block to have your own computer! Yes kids, you too can have one of these modem data processing devices. You too can produce beautifully formatted papers without even batting an eye! Lists and blocks are also normally indented, while floating keeps are normally left-justified. To get a left-justified list, type . (1 L. To center a list line-forline, type . (1 c. For example, to get a filled, left-justified list, use: [ • (1 L F text of block .)1 1 The input: . (1 first line of unfilled display more lines .) 1 produces the indented text: first line of unfilled display more lines Typing the character L after the . (1 request produces the left-justified result: first line of unfilled display more lines Using C instead of L produces the line-at-a-time centered output: first line of unfilled display more lines Sometimes you may want to center several lines as a group, rather than centering them one line at a time. To do this use centered blocks, which are surrounded by the requests . (c and . ) c. All the lines are centered as a unit, such that the longest line is centered, and the rest are lined up around that line. Notice that lines do not move relative to each other using centered blocks, whereas they do using the C keep argument. Centered blocks are not keeps, and you may use them in conjunction with keeps. For example, to center a group of lines as a unit and keep them on one page, use: Revision A. of9 May 1988 80 Formatting Documents . (b L • (c first line of unfilled display more lines .) c .) b to produce: first line of unfilled display more lines the result would have been the same, but with no guarantee that the lines of the centered block would have all been on one page. Note the use of the L argument to . (b; this centers the centered block within the entire line rather than within the line minus the indent. Also, you must nest the center requests inside the keep requests. Display Reference All displays except centered blocks and block quotes are preceded and followed by an extra \n (bs (same as \n (ps) space. Quote spacing is stored in a separate register; centered blocks have no default initial or trailing space. The vertical spacing of all displays except quotes and centered blocks is stored in register \n ($R instead of \n ($r. · (1 m/ Begin list Lists are single-spaced, unfilled text If/ is F, the list will be filled. If m [I] is I the list is indented by \n (bi [4n]; if it is M, the list is indented to the left margin; if it is L, the list is left-justified with respect to the text (different from M only if the base indent (stored in \n ($i and set with .ba) is not zero); and if it is C, the list is centered on a line-by-line basis. The list is set in font \n (df [0]. You must use a matching . ) 1 to end the list. This macro is almost like. DS except that no attempt is made to keep the display on one page. · )1 End list. · (q Begin major quote. The lines are single-spaced, filled, moved in from the main body of text on both sides by \n (qi [4n], preceded and followed by \n (qs (same as \n (bs) space, and are set in point size \ n (qp, that is, one point smaller than the surrounding text. · )q End major quote. · (b m/ sun microsystems Begin block. Blocks are a form of keep, where the text of a keep is kept together on one page if possible. Keeps are useful for tables and figures which should not be broken over a page. If the block will not fit on the current page a new page is begun, unless that would leave more than \n (bt [0] white space at the bottom of the text. If \ n (bt is zero, the threshold feature is turned off. Blocks are not filled unless/is F, when they are filled. The block will be left-justified if m is L, indented by \n (bi [4n] if m is I or absent, Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 81 centered (line-for-line) if m is C, and left justified to the margin, not to the base indent, if m is M. The block is set in font \n (df [0]. · )b • (z Annotations End block. mf Begin floating keep. Like. (b except that the keep isfloated to the bottom·ofthe page or the top of the next page. Therefore, its position relative to the text changes. The floating keep is preceded and followed by \ n ( z s [Iv] space. Also, it defaults to mode M. ·)z End floating keep. · (c Begin centered block. The next keep is centered as a block, rather than on a line-by-line basis as with. (b C. This call may be nested inside keeps. ·)c End centered block. There are a number of requests to save text for later printing. Footnotes are printed at the bottom of the current page. Delayed text is intended to be a variant form of footnote; the text is printed only when explicitly called for, such as at the end of each chapter. Indexes are a type of delayed text having a tag, usually the page number, attached to each entry after a row of dots. Indexes are also saved until explicitly called for. Revision A, of9 May 1988 82 Formatting Documents Footnotes - . (f and . ) f Footnotes begin with the request . (f and end with the request . ) f. The current footnote number is maintained automatically, and can be used by typing \ **, to produce a footnote number. 2 The number is automatically incremented after every footnote. For example, the input: • (q A man who is not upright and at the same time is presumptuous; one who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant; one who is untruthful and at the same time is incompetent; such men I do not count among acquaintances.\** . (f \**James R. Ware, .ul The Best of Confucius, Halcyon House, 1950. Page 77 . .)f .) q generates the result: A man who is not upright and at the same time is presumptuous; one who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant; one who is untruthful and at the same time is incompetent; such men I do not count among acquaintances. 3 Make sure that the footnote appears inside the quote, so that the footnote will appear on the same page as the quote. Delayed Text Delayed text is very similar to a footnote except that it is printed when explicitly called for. Use this feature to put a list of references at the end of each chapter, as is the convention in some disciplines. Use \ *# on delayed text instead of \ * * as on footnotes. If you are using delayed text as your standard reference mechanism, you can still use footnotes, except that you may want to refer to them with special characters* rather than numbers. Indexes - . (x . ) x and . xp An index resembles delayed text, in that it is saved until called for. It is actually more like a table of contents, since the entries are not sorted alphabetically. However, each entry has the page number or some other tag appended to the last line of the index entry after a row of dots. Index entries begin with the request . (x and end with . ) x. An argument to the . ) x indicates the value to print as the 'page number.' It defaults to the current page number. If the page number given is an underscore L), no page number or 2 Like this. 3 James R. Ware, The Best o/Conjucius, Halcyon House, 1950. Page 77. * Such as an asterisk. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 83 line of dots is printed at all. To get the line of dots without a page number, type · ) x "", which specifies an explicitly null page number. The . xp request prints the index. For example, the input: • (x Sealing wax .) x 9 • (x Cabbages and kings .xp generates: Sealing wax ... .... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ...... ... .......... ....... .... ........... ....... .... ......... ....... 9 Cabbages and kings < etc. > The . (x request may have a single-character argument, specifying the name of the index; the normal index is x. Thus, you can maintain several indices simultaneously, such as a list of tables and a table of contents. Notice that the index must be printed at the end of the paper, rather than at the beginning where it will probably appear (as a table of contents); you may have to rearrange the pages after printing. Annotations Reference · (d · )d n End delayed text. The delayed text number register \ n ( $ d and the associated string \ * # are incremented if \ * =#= has been referenced. · pd Print delayed text. Everything diverted via . (d is printed and truncated. You might use this at the end of each chapter. · (f Begin footnote. The text of the footnote is floated to the bottom of the page and set in font \ n (f f [1] and size \ n (fp [8p]. Each entry is preceded by \ n ( f s [O.2v] space, is indented \ n (f i [3n] on the first line, and is indented \ n (f u [0] from the right margin. Footnotes line up underneath two-column output. If the text of the footnote will not all fit on one page, it will be carried over to the next page. ·)f n · $s ~~ sun ~ Begin delayed text. Everything in the next keep is saved for output later with . pd in a manner similar to footnotes. mlcrosystems End footnote. The number register \ n ( $ f and the associated string \ * * are incremented if they have been referenced. The macro to generate the footnote separator. You may redefine this macro to give other size lines or other types of separators. It currently draws a I.S-inch line. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 84 Fonnatting Documents · (x X Begin index entry. Index entries are saved in the index x until called up with. xp. Each entry is preceded by a \n (xs [O.2v] space. Each entry is 'undented' by \ n (xu [O.5i]; this register tells how far the page number extends into the right margin. •)x PA End index entry. The index entry is finished with a row of dots with A [null] right justified on the last line, such as for an author's name, followed by P [\n% ]. If A is specified, P must be specified; \n% can be used to print the current page number. If P is an underscore, no page number and no row of dots are printed. · xp x Print index x [x]. The index is fonnatted in the font, size, and so forth in effect at the time it is printed, rather than at the time it is collected. 4.5. Fancy Features A large number of fancier requests exist, notably requests to provide other sorts of paragraphs, numbered sections of the fonn '1.2.3', such as those used in this manual, and multicolumn output. Section Headings - You can automatically generate section numbers, using the . sh request. You must tell . s h the depth of the section number and a section title. The depth specifies how many numbers separated by decimal points are to appear in the section number. For example, the section number '4.2.5' has a depth of three. .uh . shand Section numbers are incremented if you add a number. Hence, you increase the depth, and the new number starts out at one. If you subtract section numbers, or keep the same number, the final number is incremented. For example, the input: .sh .sh .sh .sh .sh .sh .sh 1 "The Preprocessor" 2 "Basic Concepts" 2 "Control Inputs" 3 3 1 "Code Generation" 3 produces as output the result: 1. The Preprocessor 1.1. Basic Concepts 1.2. Control Inputs 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 2. Code Generation 2.1.1. You can specify the beginning section number by placing the section number after the section title, using spaces instead of dots. For example, the request: ( .sh 3 "Another section" 7 3 4 ~~sun ~ microsystems J Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 85 will begin the section numbered '7.3.4'; all subsequent. sh requests will be numbered relative to this number. There are more complex features which indent each section proportionally to the depth of the section. For example, if you type: [_ onr __Si NX_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J each section will be indented by an amount N. N must have a scaling factor attached, that is, it must be of the fonn Nx, where x is a character telling what units N is in. Common values for x are 'i' for inches, 'c' for centimeters, and 'n' for 'ens,' the width of a single character. For example, to indent each section one-half inch, type: (_._n_r__S_i__O_.5_i__________________________________________~J The request indents sections by one-half inch per level of depth in the section number. As another example, consider: (onr si 3n J which gives three spaces of indent per section depth. You can produce section headers without automatically generated numbers using: ( 0 uh "Title" J which will do a section heading, but will not put a number on the section. Section Heading Reference . sh +NTabcdef Begin numbered section of depth N. If N is missing, the current depth (maintained in the number register \ n ( $ O) is used. The values of the individual parts of the section number are maintained in \ n ($1 through \ n ( $ 6. There is a \ n (s s [Iv] space before the section. Tis printed as a section title in font \n (sf [8] and size \n (sp [lOp]. The 'name' of the section may be accessed via \ * ($n. If \ n (si is non-zero, the base indent is set to \ n (si times the section depth, and the section title is exdented (see . ba in "Miscellaneous Requests"). Also, an additional indent of \ n (so [0] is added to the section title but not to the body of the section. The font is then set to the paragraph font, so that more infonnation may occur on the line with the section number and title. A . s h insures that there is enough room to print the section head plus the beginning of a paragraph, which is about 3 lines total. If you specify a through/, the section number is set to that number rather than incremented automatically. If any of a throughfare a hyphen that number is not reset. If T is a single underscore (_), the section depth Revision A, of 9 May 1988 86 Formatting Documents and numbering is reset, but the base indent is not reset and nothing is printed. This is useful to automatically coordinate section numbers with chapter numbers. · sx +N Go to section depth 'N [ -1 ]', but do not print the number and title, and do not increment the section number at level N. This has the effect of starting a new paragraph at level N . · uh T Unnumbered section heading. The title T is printed with the same rules for spacing, font, etc., as for. she · $p TB N Print section heading. May be redefined to get fancier headings. T is the title passed on the . sh or . uh line; B is the section number for this section, and N is the depth of this section. These parameters are not always present; in particular, . sh passes all three, . uh passes only the first, and . sx passes three, but the first two are null strings. Be careful if you redefine this macro, as it is quite complex and subtle. · $0 T B N Called automatically after every call to . $p. It is normally undefined, but may be used to put every section title automatically into the table of contents, or for some similar function. T is the section title for the section title just printed, B is the section number, and N is the section depth. . $1- .$6 Traps called just before printing that depth section. May be defined to give variable spacing before sections. These macros are called from . $p, so if you redefine that macro you may lose this feature. Parts of the Standard Paper Some requests help you to format papers. The . t p request initializes for a title page. There are no headers or footers on a title page, and unlike other pages, you can space down and leave blank space at the top. For example, source for a typical title page might be: .tp .sp 2i . (1 C A BENCHMARK FOR THE NEW SYSTEM .sp by .sp J. P. Hacker .) 1 .bp The request. th sets up the environment of the nroff processor to do a thesis. It defines the correct headers, footers, a page number in the upper right-hand comer only, sets the margins correctly, and double spaces. Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 87 Use the . +c T request to start chapters. Each chapter is automatically numbered from one, and a heading is printed at the top of each chapter with the chapter number and the chapter name T. For example, to begin a chapter called Conclusions, use the request: [~_.+_C__'_'C_O_N_C_L_U_S_I_O_N_S_"______________________________________~J which produces on a new page, the lines CONCLUSIONS with appropriate spacing for a thesis. Also, the header is moved to the foot of the page on the first page of a chapter. Although the . +c request was not designed to work only with the . t h request, it is tuned for the format acceptable for a standard PhD thesis. If the title parameter T is omitted from the . +c request, the result is a chapter with no heading. You can also use this at the beginning of a paper. Although papers traditionally have the abstract, table of contents, and so forth at the front, it is more convenient to format and print them last when using nroff. This is so that index entries can be collected and then printed for the table of contents. At the end of the paper, give the . ++ P request, which begins the preliminary part of the paper. After using this request, the . +c request will begin a preliminary section of the paper. Most notably, this prints the page number restarted from one in lower case Roman numbers. You may use . +c repeatedly to begin different parts of the front material for example, the abstract, the table of contents, acknowledgments, list of illustrations, and so on. You may also use the request . ++ B to begin the bibliographic section at the end of the paper. For example, the paper might appear as outlined below. (In this figure, comments begin with the sequence \" .) Revision A, of 9 May 1988 88 Formatting Documents Figure 4-1 Outline of a Sample Paper .th · fa "DRAFT" .tp · (l C A BENCHMARK FOR THE NEW SYSTEM .sp by .sp J.P. Hacker .) 1 .+c INTRODUCTION • (x t '" '" '" '" set for thesis mode define footer for each page begin title page center a large block '" end centered part ," begin chapter named 'INTRODUCTION' ," make an entry into index 't' Introduction .)x ," end of index entry text of chapter one .+c "NEXT CHAPTER" • (x t Next Chapter '" begin another chapter ," enter into index 't' again .)x text of chapter two .+c CONCLUSIONS • (x t Conclusions .)x text of chapter three .++ B .+c BIBLIOGRAPHY ," begin bibliographic information '" begin another 'chapter' • (x t Bibliography .)x text of bibliography .++ P .+c "TABLE OF CONTENTS" .xp t .+c PREFACE text of preface Standard Paper Reference '" begin preliminary material '" print index 't' collected above \" begin another preliminary section .tp Begin title page. Spacing at the top of the page can occur, and headers and footers are suppressed. Also, the page number is not incremented for this page. .t h Set thesis mode. This defines the modes acceptable for a doctoral dissertation. It double spaces, defines the header to be a single page number, and changes the margins to be 1.5 inch on the left and one inch on the top. Use. ++ and . +c with it. This macro must be stated before initialization, that is, before the first call of a paragraph macro or . H. . ++ m H This request defines the section of the paper you are typing. The section type is defined by m: C means you are entering the chapterportion of the paper, A means you are entering the appendix portion of the paper, P means the material following should be the preliminary portion (abstract, table of contents, etc.) of the paper, AB means that you are entering the abstract (numbered independently from 1 in Arabic numerals), and B means that you are entering the • sun ... microsysterns Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 89 bibliographic portion at the end of the paper. You can also use the variants RC and RA, which specify renumbering of pages from one at the beginning of each chapter or appendix, respectively. The H parameter defines the new header. If there are any spaces in it, the entire header must be quoted. If you want the header to have the chapter number in it, use the string \ \ \ \n (ch . For example, to number appendixes' A.I ' etc., type . ++ RA " , \ \ \ \n (eh. % '. Precede each section (chapter, appendix, etc.) by the . + e request. When using t r 0 f f, it is easier to put the front material at the end of the paper, so that the table of contents can be collected and generated; you can then physically move this material to the beginning of the paper. .+eT Begin chapter with title T. The chapter number is maintained in \ n (eh. This register is incremented every time . +e is called with a parameter. The title and chapter number are printed by . $ e. The header is moved to the footer on the first page of each chapter. If T is omitted, . $ e is not called; this is useful for doing your own 'title page' at the beginning of papers without a title page proper. . $ e calls . $ C as a hook so that chapter titles can be inserted into a table of contents automatically. The footnote numbering is reset to one. .$eT Print chapter number (from \n (eh) and T. You can redefine this macro to your liking. It is defined by default to be acceptable for a standard PhD thesis. This macro calls $C, which can be defined to make index entries, or whatever. . $CKNT This macro is called by . $e. It is normally undefined, but can be used to automatically insert index entries, or whatever. K is a keyword, either 'Chapter' or' Appendix' (depending on the . ++ mode); N is the chapter or appendix number, and T is the chapter or appendix title . . ae A N ~) sun " microsystems This macro (short for. aem) sets up the nroff environment for photo-ready papers as used by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). This format is 25% larger, and has no headers or footers. The author's name A is printed at the bottom of the page, but off the part which will be printed in the conference proceedings, together with the current page number and the total number of pages N. Additionally, this macro loads the file /usrllib/me/acm.me, which may later be augmented with other macros for printing papers for ACM conferences. Note that this macro will not work correctly in t ro f f, since it sets the page length wider than the physical width of the phototypesetter roll. Revision A. of9 May 1988 90 Formatting Documents Two-Column Output - . 2c Column Output Reference You can get two-column output automatically by using the request . 4c. This produces everything after it in two-column fonn. The request . be will start a new column; it differs from . bp in that . bp may leave a totally blank column when it starts a new page. To revert to single-column output, use . 1 c. .2e+SN Enter two-column mode. The column separation is set to +S [4n, O.Si in ACM mode] (saved in \ n ( $ s). The column width, calculated to fill the single-column line length with both columns, is stored in \ n ($1. The current column is in \ n ( $ c. You can test register \n ($m [1] to see if you are in single-column or doublecolumn mode. Actually, the request enters N-column [2] output. Defining Macros - . de . 1e Revert to single-column mode . .b c Begin column. This is like . bp except that it begins a new column on a new page only if necessary, rather than forcing a whole new page if there is another column left on the current page. A macro is a collection of requests and text which you may invoke with a simple request. Macros definitions begin with the line . de xx where xx is the name of the macro to be defined, and end with a line consisting of only two dots. After defining the macro, invoking it with the line . xx is the same as invoking all the other macros. For example, to define a macro that spaces vertically three lines and then centers the next input line, type: .de SS .sp 3 .ce and use it by typing: .ss Title Line (beginning of text) Macro names may be one or two characters. In order to avoid conflicts with command names in -me, always use upper case letters as names. Avoid the names TS, TH, TE, EQ, and EN. Annotations Inside Keeps Sometimes you may want to put a footnote or index entry inside a keep. For example, if you want to maintain a 'list of figures', you will want to use something like: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 91 • (z • (c Text of figure .) c .ce Figure 5. \ ! . (x f \!Figure 5 \ ! .) x ·)z which will give you a figure with a label and an entry in the index 'f', presumably a list of figures index. Because the index entry is read and interpreted when the keep is read, and not when it is printed, you have is to use the magic string \! at the beginning of all the lines dealing with the index. Otherwise, the page number in the index is likely to be wrong. This defers index processing until the figure is generated, and guarantees that the page number in the index is correct. The same comments apply to blocks with. (b and . ) b. 4.6. Using troff for Phototypesetting You can prepare documents for either displaying on a workstation or for phototypesetting using the troff fonnatting program. Fonts A/ont is a style of type. There are three fonts that are available simultaneously, Times Roman, Times Italic, and Times Bold, plus the special math font for use with the eqn and neqn mathematical equation processors. The notmal font is Roman. Text which would be underlined in nroff with the . ul request is set in italics in trof f. There are ways of switching between fonts. The requests . r, . i, and . b switch to Roman, italic, and bold fonts respectively. You can set a single word in one of these fonts by typing, for example: (____ oi w_ord_ _ _ _ _ _ _] which will set word in italics but does not affect the surrounding text. In nroff, italic and bold text is underlined. Notice that if you are setting more than one word in a different font, you must surround that word with double quote marks (n) so it will appear to the nroff processor as a single word. The quote marks will not appear in the fotmatted text. If you do want a quote mark to appear, quote the entire string even if a single word, and use two quote marks where you want one to appear. For example, if you want to produce the text: "Master Control" in italics, you must type: (~_.l_'_'_"_"_'M_a_s_t_e_r__c_o_n_t_r_O_l_\_I_"_"_"________________________________-JJ Revision A, of9 May 1988 92 Formatting Documents The \ I produces a narrow space so that the '1' does not overlap the quote sign in troff. There are also several pseudo-fonts available. For example, the input: ] ( .u underlined generates underlined and ] (.bX "words in a box" produces I words in a box I You can also get bold italics with ] (.bi "bold italics" Notice that pseudo font requests set only the single parameter in the pseudo font; ordinary font requests will begin setting all text in the special font if you do not provide a parameter. No more than one word should appear with these three font requests in the middle of lines. This is because of the way troff justifies text. For example, if you were to give the requests: ( .bi "some bold italics" J and ] ( .bx "words in a box" in the middle of a line, troff would overwrite the first and the box lines on the second would be poorly drawn. The second parameter of all font requests is set in the original font. For example, the font request: (~._b__b_O_l_d__f_ac_e__________________________________________~J generates 'bold' in bold font, but sets 'face' in the font of the surrounding text, resulting in: boldface To set the two words 'bold' and 'face' both in bold face, type: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 93 (~_.b__'_'b_O_l_d__f_a_c_e_"__________________________________________~] You can mix fonts in a word by using the special sequence \ c at the end of a line to indicate 'continue text processing'; you can join input lines together without a space between them. For example, the input: ( .~ ~nde~ ] \c · .1. 1.tal1.cs generates undeitalics ,but if you type: ] [ .u under ~i italics the result is under italics as two words. Point Sizes - .sz The phototypesetter supports different sizes of type, measured in points. The default point size is lO points for most text and eight points for footnotes. To change the point size, type: (.SZ +N ] where N is the size wanted in points. The 'vertical spacing,' that is, the distance between the bottom of most letters (the baseline) and the adjacent line is set to be proportional to the type size. Note: Changing point sizes on the phototypesetter is a slow mechanical operation. Consider size changes carefully. Fonts and Sizes Reference · sz +P The point size is set to P [lOp], and the line spacing is set proportionally. The ratio of line spacing to point size is stored in \n($r. The ratio used internally by displays and annotations is stored in \n($R, although . s z does not use this. ·r WX Set W in roman font, appending X in the previous font. To append different font requests, use 'X = \ c. If no parameters, change to roman font. ·i WX Set W in italics, appending X in the previous font. If no parameters, change to italic font. Underlines in nroff. ·b W X Set W in bold font and append X in the previous font. If no parameters, switch to bold font. Underlines in nroff. · r b W X Set W in bold font and append X in the previous font. If no parameters, switch to bold font . . rb differs from. b in that. rb does not underline in n r ·u WX ~~ sun ... microsystems 0 ff. Underline W and append X. This is a true underlining, as opposed to the . ul request, which changes to 'underline font' (usually italics in Revision A, of 9 May 1988 94 Formatting Documents t ro f f). It won't work right if W is spread or broken, which includes being hyphenated, so in other words, it is only safe in nofill mode. ·q WX Quote Wand append X. In nroff this just surrounds W with double quote marks (" "), but in t r 0 f f uses directed quotes. · bi W X Set Win bold italics and append X. Actually, sets Win italic and overstrikes once. Underlines in nrof f. It won't work right if W is spread or broken, which includes being hyphenated, so it is only safe in nofill mode. · bx W X Sets W in a box, with X appended. Underlines in nrof f. It won't work right if W is spread or broken, which includes being hyphenated, so it is only safe in nofill mode. Quotes- \ * (lq and \ * (rq It looks better to use pairs of grave and acute accents to generate double quotes, rather than the double quote character (n) on a phototypesetter. For example, compare "quote" to "quote". In order to make quotes compatible between the typesetter and the workstation or a tenninal, use the sequences \ * (lq and \ * (rq to stand for the left and right quote respectively. These both appear as " on most terminals, but are typeset as " and " respectively. For example, use: \*(lqSome things aren't true even if they did happen.\*(rq to generate the result: "Some things aren't true even if they did happen." As a shorthand, the special font request: (~_.q__,_,qu__o_t_e_d__t_e_x_t_"______________________________________~] which generates "quoted text". Notice that you must surround the material to be quoted with double quote marks if it is more than one word. 4.7. Adjusting Macro Parameters You may adjust a number of macro parameters. You may set fonts to a font number only. In nroff font 8 is underlined, and is set in bold font in troff (although font 3, bold in troff, is not underlined in nroff). Font 0 is no font change; the font of the surrounding text is used instead. Notice that fonts 0 and 8 are pseudo-Jonts; that is, they are simulated by the macros. This means that although it is legal to set a font register to zero or eight, it is not legal to use the escape character fonn, such as: J [ \f8 All distances are in basic units, so it is nearly always necessary to use a scaling factor. For example, the request to set the paragraph indent to eight one-en spaces is: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - (.nr Formatting Documents with the -me Macros pi 8n 95 J and not (.nr pi ] 8 which would set the paragraph indent to eight basic units, or about 0.02 inch. You may use registers and strings of the fonn $ x in expressions but you should not change them. Macros of the fonn $ x perfonn some function as described and may be redefined to change this function. This may be a sensitive operation; look at the body of the original macro before changing it. On daisy wheel printers in twelve-pitch, you can use the -rxl flag to make lines default to one-eighth inch, which is the nonnal spacing for a newline in twelvepitch. This is nonnally too small for easy readability, so the default is to space one-sixth inch. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 96 Formatting Documents 4.8. raff Support o ix +N obI N Indent, no break. Equivalent to " in N'. Leave N contiguous white spaces, on the next page if not enough room on this page. Equivalent to a sp N inside a block. 0 opa +N Equivalent to obp. oro Set page number in Roman numerals. Equivalent to af % i. oar Set page number in Arabic. Equivalent to af % 1. 0 0 o n1 Number lines in margin from one on each page. o n2 N o sk Number lines from N, stop if N = O. Leave the next output page blank, except for headers and footers. Use this to leave space for a full-page diagram which is produced externally and pasted in later. To get a partial-page paste-in display, say s v N, where N is the amount of space to leave; this space will be generated immediately if there is room, and will otherwise be generated at the top of the next page. However, be warned: if N is greater than the amount of available space on an empty page, no space will be reserved. 0 4.9. Preprocessor Support o EQ mT Begin equation. The equation is centered if m is C or omitted, indented \n (bi [4n] if m is I, and left-justified if m is L. T is a title printed on the right margin next to the equation. See the ''Typesetting Mathematics with eqn" chapter in this manual for more about equation fonnatting. o EN c End equation. If cis C, the equation must be continued by immediately following with another EQ, the text of which can be centered along with this one. Otherwise, the equation is printed, always on one page, with \n (es [O.5v in troff, Iv in nroff] space above and below it. 0 o TS h Table start. Tables are single-spaced and kept on one page, if possible. If you have a large table that will not fit on one page, use h = H and follow the header part to be printed on every page of the table with a TH. See the "Formatting Tables with tbl" chapter in this manual for more infonnation on laying out tables. 0 o TH With TS H, ends the header portion of the table. o TE Table end. Note that this table does not float, in fact, it is not even guaranteed to stay on one page if you use requests such as s p intermixed with the text of the table. If you want it to float (or if you use requests inside the table), surround the entire table (including the TS and TE requests) with (z and z. 0 0 o ~) sun ~ microsystems 0 0 0 ) Revision A. of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - 4.10. Predefined Strings 4.11. Miscellaneous Requests 97 \** Footnote number, actually \ * [ \ n ($ f \ *]. This macro is incremented after each call to . ) f. \*# Delayed text number. Actually [\n ($d]. \* [ Superscript. This string gives upward movement and a change to a smaller point size if possible, otherwise it gives the left bracket character ( [). Extra space is left above the line to allow room for the superscript. For example, to produce a superscript you can type x\ * [2 \ *] , which will produce x2 . \*] Unsuperscript. Inverse of \ \*< Subscript. Defaults to < if half-carriage motion not possible. Extra space is left below the line to allow for the subscript. \*> Inverse of \ *<. \*(dw The day of the week, as a word. \*(mo The month, as a word. \*(td Today's date, directly printable. The date is of the form September 16, 1983. Other fonns of the date can be used by using \n (dy (the day of the month; for example, 16), \ * (rna (as noted above) or \n (rna (the same, but as an ordinal number, for example, September is 9), and \n (yr (the last two digits of the current year). \*(lq Left quote marks; double quote in nrof f. \*(rq Right quote marks; double quote in nr 0 f f. \*- An em-dash in troff; two hyphens in nroff. · re Reset tabs. Set to every O.Si in troff and every 0.8i in nroff. · ba +N Set the base indent to +N [0] (saved in \n ($ i). All paragraphs, sections, and displays come out indented by this amount. Titles and footnotes are unaffected. The . H request performs a . ba request if \n (si [0] is not zero, and sets the base indent to \n (si *\n ($0. · xl +N Set the line length to N [6.0i]. This differs from .11 because it only affects the current environment. .11 +N * [. Set line length in all environments to N [6.0i]. Do not use this after output has begun, and particularly not in two-column output. The current line length is stored in \ n ($1. · hI Draws a horizontal line the length of the page. This is useful inside floating keeps to differentiate between the text and the figure . . 10 This macro loads another set of macros in /usr / lib/mel local. me, which is a set of locally-defined macros. These macros should all be of the form . * X, where X is any letter (upper or lower case) or digit. ~) sun ~ Formatting Documents with the -me Macros microsystems Revision A, of 9 May 1988 98 Fonnatting Documents 4.12. Special Characters and Diacritical Marks - .sc There are a number of special characters and diacritical marks, such as accents, available with -me. To use these characters, you must call the macro . S c to define the characters before using them. •S c Define special characters and diacritical marks. You must state this macro before initialization. The special characters available are listed below. Table 4-1 Special Characters and Diacritical Marks Name Acute accent Grave accent Umlaut Tilde Caret Cedilla Czech Circle Usage \*' \*' \*: \*\*"'/e\*-f/ \*,/c\*,t/:. \*v/e\*v/e \*0 Example a\ *' 'a e\*' 'e u\ *: "u n\ *--n A\*o ~ 4.13. -me Request Summary Table 4-2 Request · (c · (d · (f · (1 • (q · (x x • (z · · · · · )c )d )f )1 )q · )x •)z .++ mH -me Request Summary Initial Value Cause Break yes no no yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no Explanation Begin centered block. Begin delayed text. Begin footnote. Begin list Begin major quote. Begin indexed item in index x. Begin floating keep. End centered block. End delayed text End footnote. End list End major quote. End index item. End floating keep. Define paper section. m defines the part of the paper and can be C (chapter), A (appendix), P (preliminary, for example, abstract, table of contents, etc.), B (bibliography), RC (chapters renumbered from page one each chapter), or RA (appendix renumbered from page one). Revision A. of 9 May 1988 Chapter 4 - Table 4-2 Request .le .2e . EN . EQ xy Cause Break yes 1 1 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no . TE . TH . TS x .ae AN .b x no yes .ba +n 0 yes . be . bi x . bx x .ef 'x'y'z' .eh 'x'y'z' . fo ' x' y' z' . he ' x' y' z' . hl . hx .i x . ip xy no no no "" "" yes no no no no no no yes no no yes . lp . 10 yes yes no .np .of ' x'y' z' .oh 'x'Y'z' .pd .pp .r .re .se 1 yes no no yes yes no no no no no " " "" no yes 99 -me Request Summary- Continued Initial Value .+e T Formatting Documents with the -me Macros Explanation Begin chapter (or appendix, etc., as set by . ++). T is the chapter title. One-column fonnat on a new page. Two-column fonnat. Space after equation produced by eqn or neqn . Precede equation; break out and add space . Equation number is y. The optional argument x may be I to indent equation (default), L to leftadjust the equation, ore to center the equation. End table. End heading section of table. Begin table; if x is H, table has repeated heading . Set up for ACM-style output. A is the Author's name(s), N is the total number of pages. Must be given before the first initialization. Print x in boldface; if no argument switch to boldface. Augments the base indent by n. This indent is used to set the indent on regular text (like paragraphs). Begin new column. Print x in bold italics (nofill only) . Print x in a box (nofill only) . Set even footer to x y z. Set even header to x y z. Set footer to x y z. Set header to x y z. Draw a horizontal line. Suppress headers and footers on next page . Italicize X; if x is missing, italic text follows . Start indented paragraph, with hanging tag x . Indentation is yens (default 5). Start left-block paragraph. Read in a file of local macros of the fonn . *x . Must be given before initialization. Start numbered paragraph. Set odd footer to x y z. Set odd header to x y z. Print delayed text. Begin paragraph. First line indented. Roman text follows. Reset tabs to default values. Read in a file of special characters and diacritical marks. Must be given before initialization. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 loo Formatting Documents Table 4-2 -me Request Summary- Continued Cause Break Explanation yes Section head follows, font automatically bold. n is level of section, x is title of section. Leave the next page blank. Only one page is remembered ahead. Increase the point size by n points. Produce the paper in thesis fonnat. Must be given before initialization. Begin title page . Underline argument (even in trott) (nofill only). Like '.sh' but unnumbered. Print index x. Request .sh nx Initial Value .sk no no .sz +n .th lOp no no no . tp .u x . uh .xp x no yes no yes no Revision A, of9 May 1988 5 re fer - re fer - A Bibliography System A Bibliography System ................................................................................. 103 5.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 103 5.2. Features ................................................................................................................................. 103 5.3. Data Entry with addbib ........................................................................................... 105 5.4. Printing the Bibliography ........................................................................................... 106 5.5. Citing Papers with refer ......................................................................................... 107 5.6. refer Command Line Options ........................................................................... 108 5.7. Making an Index .............................................................................................................. 109 5.8. refer Bugs and Some Solutions ....................................................................... 110 BlaIlks at Ends of Lines ............................................................................................. 110 Interpolated Strings ...................................................................................................... 111 Interpreting Foreign Surnames .............................................................................. 111 Footnote Numbers ........................................................................................................ 111 5.9. Internal Details of refer .......................................................................................... 112 5.10. Changing the refer Macros ................................................................................ 114 5 re fer 5.1. Introduction A Bibliography System refer is a bibliography system that supports data entry, indexing, retrieval, sorting, runoff, convenient citations, and footnote or endnote numbering. You can enter new bibliographic data into the database, index the selected data, and retrieve bibliographic references from the database. This document assumes you know how to use a Unix editor, and that you are familiar with the nroff and t r 0 f f text formatters. The refer program is a preprocessor for nroff and troff, and works like like eqn and tbl. refer is used for literature citations, rather than for equations and tables. Given incomplete but sufficiently precise citations, refer finds references in a bibliographic database. The complete references are fonnatted as footnotes, numbered, and placed either at the bottom of the page, or at the end of a chapter. A number of related programs make refer easier to use. The addbib program is for creating and extending the bibliographic database; sortbib sorts the bibliography by author and date, or other selected criteria; and roffbib runs off the entire database, fonnatting it not as footnotes, but as a bibliography or annotated bibliography. Once a full bibliography has been created, access time can be improved by maleing an index to the references with indxbib. Then, the lookbib program can be used to quickly retrieve individual citations or groups of citations. Creating this inverted index will speed up refer, and lookbib will allow you to verify that a citation is sufficiently precise to deliver just one reference. 5.2. Features Taken together, the refer programs constitute a database system for use with variable-length information. To distinguish various types of bibliographic material, the system uses labels composed of upper case letters, preceded by a percent sign and followed by a space. For example, one document might be given this entry: %A %T %1 %C %D Joel Kies Document Formatting on Unix Using the -ms Macros Computing Services Berkeley 1980 103 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 104 Formatting Documents Each line is called a field, and lines grouped together are called a record; records are separated from each other by a blank line. Bibliographic infonnation follows the labels. This field contains data to be used by the refer system. The order of fields is not important, except that authors should be entered in the same order as they are listed on the document. Fields can be as long as necessary, and may even be continued on the following line(s). The labels are meaningful to nroff and troff macros, and, with a few exceptions, the refer program itself does not pay attention to the labels. This implies that you can change the label codes, if you also change the macros used by nroff and troff. The macro package takes care of details like proper ordering, underlining the book title or journal name, and quoting the article's title. Here are the labels used by refer, with an indication of what they represent: %H %A %Q %T %S %J %B %R %V %N %E %P %1 %C %D %0 %K %L %X Header commentary, printed before reference Author's name Corporate or foreign author (unreversed) Title of article or book Series title Journal containing article Book containing article Report, paper, or thesis (for unpublished material) Volume Number within volume Editor of book containing article Page number(s) Issuer (publisher) City where published Date of publication Other commentary, printed at end of reference Keywords used to locate reference Label used by -k option of refer Abstract (used by roffbib, not by refer) Only relevant fields (lines) should be supplied. Except for %A, the author field, each field should be given only once. In the case of multiple authors, the senior author should be entered first. Your entry in such a case, might look like this: %A %A %T %I %C %D Brian W. Kernighan P. J. Plauger Software Tools in Pascal Addison-Wesley Reading, Massachusetts 1981 The %Q is for organizational authors, or authors with Japanese or Arabic names, in which cases there is no clear last name. Books should be labeled with the %T, not with the %B, which is reserved for books containing articles. The %J and %B fields should never appear together, although if they do, the %J will override the %B. If there is no author, just an editor, it is best to type the editor in the %A Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - refer - A Bibliography System 105 field, as in this example: ] ( %A Bertrand Bronson, ed. The %E field is used for the editor of a book (%B) containing an article, which has its own author. For unpublished material such as theses, use the %R field; the title in the %T field will be quoted, but the contents of the %R field will not be underlined. Unlike other fields, %H, %0, and %X should contain their own punctuation Here is an example: %A Mike E. Lesk %T Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System %B Unix Programmer's Manual %1 Bell Laboratories %C Murray Hill, NJ %0 1978 %V 2a %K refer mkey inv hunt %X Difficult to read paper that dwells on indexing strategies, giving little practical advice about using \fBrefer\fP. Note that the author's name is given in normal order, without inverting the surname; inversion is done automatically, except when %Q is used instead of %A. We use %X rather than %0 for the commentary because we do not want the comment printed every time the reference is used. The %0 and %H fields are printed by both refer and roffbib; the %X field is printed only by roffbib, as a detached annotation paragraph. 5.3. Data Entry with addbib The addbib program is for creating and extending bibliographic databases. You must give it the filename of your bibliography: ] ( hostname% addbib database Every time you enter addbib, it asks if you want instructions. To get them, type y; to skip them, type RETURN. addbib prompts for various fields, reads from the keyboard, and writes records containing the refer codes to the database. After finishing a field entry, you should end it by typing RETURN. Ifa field is too long to fit on a line, type a backslash (\) at the end of the line, and you will be able to continue on the following line. Note: the backslash works in this capacity only inside addbib. A field will not be written to the database if nothing is entered into it. Typing a minus sign as the first character of any field will cause addbib to back up one field at a time. Backing up is the best way to add multiple authors, and it really helps if you forget to add something important. Fields not contained in the prompting skeleton may be entered by typing a backslash as the last character before RETURN. The following line will be sent verbatim to the database and addbib will resume with the next field. This is identical to the procedure for dealing with long fields, but with new fields, don't forget the % key-letter. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 106 Formatting Documents Finally, you will be asked for an abstract (or annotation), which will be preselVed as the %X field. Type in as many lines as you need, and end with a control-D (hold down the CfRL button, then press the "d" key). This prompting for an abstract can be suppressed with the -a command line option. After one bibliographic record has been completed, addbib will ask if you want to continue. If you do, type RETURN; to quit, type q or n (quit or no). It is also possible to use one of the system editors to correct mistakes made while entering data. After the Continue? prompt, type any of the following: edi.t, ex, vi, or ed - you will be placed inside the corresponding editor, and returned to addbib afterwards, from where you can either quit or add more data. If the prompts nonnally supplied by addbib are not enough, are in the wrong order, or are too numerous, you can redefine the skeleton by constructing a promptfile. Create some file, to be named after the -p command line option. Place the prompts you want on the left side, followed by a single TAB (control-I), then the refer code that is to appear in the bibliographic database. addbib will send the left side to the screen, and the right side, along with data entered, to the database. 5.4. Printing the Bibliography sortbib is for sorting the bibliography by author (%A) and date (%D), or by data in other fields. Sortbib is quite useful for producing bibliographies and annotated bibliographies, which are seldom entered in strict alphabetical order. Sortbib takes as arguments the names of up to 16 bibliography files, and sends the sorted records to standard output (the tenninal screen), which may be redirected through a pipe or into a file. The -sKEYS flag to sortbib will sort by fields whose key-letters are in the KEYS string, rather than merely by author and date. Key-letters in KEYS may be followed by a + to indicate that all such fields are to be used. The default is to sort by senior author and date (printing the senior author last name first), but -sA+D will sort by all authors and then date, and -sATD will sort on senior author, then title, and then date. roffbib is for running off the (probably sorted) bibliography. It can handle annotated bibliographies - annotations are entered in the %X (abstract) field. roffbib is a shell script that calls refer -B and nroff -mbib. It uses the macro definitions that reside in /usr / lib/tmac/tmac. bib, which you can redefine if you know nroff and troff. Note that refer will print the %H and %0 commentaries, but will ignore abstracts in the %X field; roffbib will print both fields, unless annotations are suppressed with the -x option. The following command sequence willlineprint the entire bibliography, organized alphabetically by author and date: ( hostname% sortbib database I roffbib I Ipr ) This is a good way to proofread the bibliography, or to produce a stand-alone bibliography at the end of a paper. Incidentally, rof fbib accepts all flags used Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - refer - A Bibliography System 107 with nroff. For example: hostname% sortb1b database I ro£fbib -Txerox -sl will make accent marks work on a Xerox printer, and stop at the bottom of every page for changing paper. The -n and -0 flags may also be quite useful, to start page numbering at a selected point, or to produce only specific pages. roffbib understands four command-line number registers: N, V, L, and o. These are something like the two-letter number registers in -ms. The -rNl argument will number references beginning at one (1); use another number to start somewhere besides one. The -rV2 flag will double-space the entire bibliography, while -rVl will double-space the references, but single-space the annotation paragraphs. Finally, specifying -rL6i changes the line length from 6.5 inches to 6 inches, and saying -rO 1 i sets the page offset to one inch, instead of zero. (That's a capital 0 after -r, not a zero.) 5.5. Citing Papers with refer The refer program normally copies input to output, except when it encounters an item of the form: [~;rtial citation 1 The partial citation may be just an author's name and a date, or perhaps a title and a keyword, or maybe just a document number. refer looks up the citation in the bibliographic database, and transfonns it into a full, properly-formatted reference. If the partial citation does not correctly identify a single work (either finding nothing, or more than one reference), a diagnostic message is given. If nothing is found, it will say "No such paper." If more than one reference is found, it will say ''Too many hits." Other diagnostic messages can be quite cryptic; if you are in doubt, use checknr to verify that all your.[ s have matching .] s. When everything goes well, the reference will be brought in from the database, numbered, and placed at the bottom of the page. This citation, for example, was produced by: This citation, .[ lesk inverted indexes .] for example, was produced by The . [ and .] markers, in essence, replace the . F S and . FE of the -ms macros, and also provide a numbering mechanism. Footnote numbers will be bracketed 1 Mike E. Lesk, ""Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System," in Unix Programmer's MOIlIlLll, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1978. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 108 Fonnatting Documents on the lineprinter, but superscripted on daisy-wheel tenninals and in troff. In the reference itself, articles will be quoted, and books and journals will be underlined in nroff , and italicized in troff . Sometimes you need to cite a specific page number along with more general bibliographic material. You may have, for instance, a single document that you refer to several times, each time giving a different page citation. This is how you could get "p. 10" in the reference: .[ kies document for.matting %P 10 .] The first line, a partial citation, will find the reference in your bibliography. The second line will insert the page number into the final citation. Ranges of pages may be specified as "%P 56-78". When the time comes to run off a paper, you will need to have two files: the bibliographic database, and the paper to format Use a command line something like one of these: hostname% refer -p database paper I nroff -ms hostname% refer -p database paper I tbl nroff -IDS hostname% refer -p database paper I tbl I neqn I nroff -ms If other preprocessors are used, refer should precede th1, which must in tum precede eqn, or neqn. The -p option specifies a "private" database, which most bibliographies are. 5.6. refer Command Line Options Many people like to place references at the end of a chapter, rather than at the bottom of the page. The -e option will accumulate references until a macro sequence of the form [ ~~IST$ 1 is encountered (or until the end of file). refer will then write out all references collected up to that point, collapsing identical references. Warning: there is a limit (currently 200) on the number of references that can be accumulated at one time. It is also possible to sort references that appear at the end of text. The - sKEYS flag will sort references by fields whose key-letters are in the KEYS string, and permute reference numbers in the text accordingly. It is unnecessary to use-e with the -sKEYS flag, since -s implies -e. See the section "Printing the Bibliography" for additional features of the - sKEYS flag. refer can also make citations in what is known as the Social or Natural Sciences format. Instead of numbering references, the -1 Getter ell) flag makes Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - refer - A Bibliography System 109 labels from the senior author's last name and the year of publication. For example, a reference to the paper on Inverted Indexes cited above might appear as [Lesk1978a]. It is possible to control the number of characters in the last name, and the number of digits in the date. For instance, the command line argument -16,2 might produce a reference such as [Kemig78c]. Some bibliography standards shun both footnote numbers and labels composed of author and date, requiring some keyword to identify the reference. The - k flag indicates that, instead of numbering references, key labels specified on the %L line should be used to mark references. The -n flag means to not search the default reference file, located in /usr / dict/papers/Rv7man. Using this flag may make refer marginally faster. The -an flag will reverse the first n author names, printing Jones, 1. A. instead of J. A. Jones. Often -al is enough; this will reverse the first and last names of only the senior author. In some versions of refer there is also the-f flag to set the footnote number to some predetermined value; for example, - f 2 3 would start numbering with footnote 23. 5.7. Making an Index Once your database is large and relatively stable, it is a good idea to make an index to it, so that references can be found quickly and efficiently. The indxbib program makes an inverted index to the bibliographic database (this program is called pubindex in the Bell Labs manual). An inverted index could be compared to the thumb cuts of a dictionary - instead of going all the way through your bibliography, programs can move to the exact location where a citation is found. indxbib itself takes a while to run, and you will need sufficient disk space to store the indexes. But once it has been run, access time will improve dramatically. Furthermore, large databases of several million characters can be indexed with no problem. The program is exceedingly simple to use: (~h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e_%__i_n_dxb ___ ib __da __t_ab __ l a_s_e________________________________ Be aware that changing your database will require that you run indxbib over again. If you don't, you may fail to find a reference that really is in the database. Once you have built an inverted index, you can use lookbib to find references in the database. lookbib cannot be used until you have run indxbib. When editing a paper, lookbib is very useful to make sure that a citation can be found as specified. It takes one argument, the name of the bibliography, and then reads partial citations from the terminal, returning references that match, or nothing if none match. Its prompt is the greater-than sign. Revision A, of9 May 1988 110 Fonnatting Documents hostname% lookbib databa •• Instructions? n > l.ak inv.rted index•• %A Mike E. Lesk %T Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System %J Unix Programmer's Manual %I Bell Laboratories %C Murray Hill, NJ %0 1978 %V 2a %X Difficult to read paper that dwells on indexing strategies, giving little practical advice about using \fLrefer\fP. > If more than one reference comes back, you will have to give a more precise citation for re fer. Experiment until you find something that works; remember that it is hannless to overspecify. To get out of the lookbib program, type a CTRL-D alone on a line; lookbib then exits with an "EOT" message. lookbib can also be used to extract groups of related citations. For example, to find all the papers by Brian Kernighan in the system database, and send the output to a file, type: hostname% 1ookb1b /usr/dict/papers/Ind Instructions ? n > kernighan > kern. refs > CTRL-D EOT hostname% cat kern.refs Your file, "kern.refs", will be full of references. A similar procedure can be used to pull out all papers of some date, all papers from a given journal, all papers containing a certain group of keywords, etc. 5.8. refer Bugs and Some Solutions Blanks at Ends of Lines The refer program will mess up if there are blanks at the end of lines, especially the %A author line. addbib carefully removes trailing blanks, but they may creep in again during editing. Use an ex editor command- [g/ - J *$/s/// or similar method to remove trailing blanks from your bibliography. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - Interpolated Strings refer - A Bibliography System 111 Having bibliographic fields passed through as string definitions implies that interpolated strings (such as accent marks) must have two backslashes, so they can pass through copy mode intact. For instance, the word "telephone" would have to be represented: J in order to come out correctly. In the %X field, by contrast, you will have to use single backslashes instead. This is because the %X field is not passed through as a string, but as the body of a paragraph macro. Interpreting Foreign Surnames Another problem arises from authors with foreign names. When a name like "Valery Giscard d'Estaing" is turned around by the -a option of refer, it will appear as "d'Estaing, Valery Giscard," rather than as "Giscard d'Estaing, Valery." To prevent this, enter names as follows: %A Vale\\*'ry Giscard\Od'Estaing %A Alexander Csoma\Ode\OKo\\*:ro\\*:s (The second is the name of a famous Hungarian linguist.) The backslash-zero is an nraff and traff request meaning to insert a digit-width space. Because the seccnd argument to the %A field contains no blank spaces to confuse the refer program, refer will treat the second field as a single word. This protects against faulty name reversal, and also against mis-sorting. Footnote Numbers Footnote numbers are placed at the end of the line before the.[ macro. This line should be a line of text, not a macro. As an example, if the line before the . [ is a . R macro, then the . R will eat the footnote number. (fhe . R is an -ms request meaning change to Roman font.) In cases where the font needs changing, it is necessary to use the following method immediately before the citation: Abo \fIet al.\fP .[ awk aho kernighan weinberger .] Now the reference will be to Aho et al. 2 The \ f I changes to italics, and the \ fR changes back to Roman font. Both these requests are nraff and traff requests, not part of -ms. If and when a footnote number is added after this sequence, it will indeed appear in the output. 2 Alfred V. Abo, Brian w. Kernighan, and Peter I. Weinberger, Awk-A Pattern Scanning and Text Processing Language, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NI. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 112 Formatting Documents 5.9. Internal Details of refer You have already read everything you need to know in order to use the refer bibliography system. The remaining sections are provided only for extra information, and in case you need to change the way refer works. The output of ref er is a stream of string definitions, one for each field in a reference. To create string names, percent signs are simply changed to an open bracket, and an [F string is added, containing the footnote number. The %X, %Y and %Z fields are ignored; however, the annobib program changes the %X to an AP (annotation paragraph) macro. The Lesk citation used above yields this intermediate output: 0 .ds [F 1 .] - .ds .ds ods .ds .ds .ds .ds .nr .nr .nr .] [ [A Mike E. Lesk [T Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System [J Unix Programmer's Manual [I Bell Laboratories [C Murray Hill, NJ [0 1978 [V 2a [T 0 [A 0 [0 0 1 journal-article These string definitions are sent to nroff, which can use the -msmacros defined in / u s r /1 ib / rnx / rns . xre f to take care of formatting things properly. The initializing macro . ] - precedes the string definitions, and the labeled macro 0] [ follows. These are changed from the input 0 [ and 0] so that running a file twice through refer is hannless. The 0] [ macro, used to print the reference, is given a type-number argument, which is a numeric label indicating the type of reference involved. Here is a list of the various kinds of references: Field Value Kind of Reference %J %B %G %1 %M none 1 3 4 2 5 0 Journal Article Article in Book Report, Government Report Book Bell Labs Memorandum (undefined) Other The order listed above is indicative of the precedence of the various fields. In other words, a reference that has both the %J and %B fields will be classified as a journal article. If none of the fields listed is present, then the reference will be classified as "other." The footnote number is flagged in the text with the following sequence, where number is the footnote number: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - refer - A Bibliography System 113 ( '* ( [ .number' * ( . 1 ] The \ *([. and \ *(.] stand for bracketing or superscripting. In nr 0 f f with lowresolution devices such as the lpr and a crt, footnote numbers will be bracketed. In troff, or on daisy-wheel printers, footnote numbers will be superscripted. Punctuation nonnally comes before the reference number; this can be changed by using the -P (postpunctuation) option of re fer. In some cases, it is necessary to override certain fields in a reference. For instance, each time a work is cited, you may want to specify different page numbers, and you may want to change certain fields. This citation will find the Lesk reference, but will add specific page numbers to the output, even though no page numbers appeared in the original reference. ·[ lesk inverted indexes %p 7-13 %I Computing Services %0 UNX 12.2.2. ·] The %1 line will also override any previous publisher infonnation, and the %0 line will append some commentary. The refer program simply adds the new %P, %1, and %0 strings to the output, and later strings definitions cancel earlier ones. It is also possible to insert an entire citation that does not appear in the bibliographic database. This reference, for example, could be added as follows: ·[ %A %T %I %D Brian Kernighan A troff Tutorial Bell Laboratories 1978 ·] This will cause refer to interpret the fields exactly as given, without searching the bibliographic database. This practice is not recommended, however, because it's better to add new references to the database, so they can be used again later. If you want to change the way footnote numbers are printed, signals can be given on the . [ and . ] lines. For example, to say ~'See reference (2)," the citation should appear as: See reference ·[ ( partial citation ·] ) , Revision A, of 9 May 1988 114 Formatting Documents Note that blanks are significant on these signal lines. If a permanent change in the footnote format is desired, it is best to redefine the [ . and .] strings. 5.10. Changing the refer Macros This section is provided for those who wish to rewrite or modify the refer macros. This is necessary in order to make output correspond to specific journal requirements, or departmental standards. First there is an explanation of how new macros can be substituted for the old ones. Then several alterations are given as examples. The refer macros for nroff and troff supplied by the -ms macro package reside in /usr / lib/ms/ms . xref; they are reference macros, for producing footnotes or endnotes. The refer macros used by roffbib, on the other hand, reside in /usr/lib/tmac/tmac .bib; they are for producing a standalone bibliography. To change the macros used by roffbib, you will need to get your own version of this shell script into the directory where you are worldng. This command will get you a copy of roffbib and the macros it uses: ] ( hostname% cp /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.bib bibmac You can proceed to change bibmac as much as you like. Then when you use roffbib, you should specify your own version of the macros, which will be substituted for the normal ones [ J hostname% roffbib --m bibmac fi/e1lOl1le --------- -. where filename is the name of your bibliography file. Make sure there's a space between -m and bibmac. If you want to modify the refer macros for use with nroff and the -ms macros, you will need to get a copy of "ms.ref': ] ( hostname% cp /usr/lib/ms/ms.ref refmac These macros are much like "bibmac", except they have . F S and . FE requests, to be used in conjunction with the -ms macros, rather than independently defined • XP and . AP requests. Now you can put this line at the top of the paper to be fonnatted: ( .50 ] refmae Your new refer macros will override the definitions previously read in by the -ms package. This method works only if "refmac" is in the working directory. Suppose you didn't like the way dates are printed, and wanted them to be parenthesized, with no comma before. There are five identical lines you will have to change. The first line below is the old way, while the second is the new way: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 5 - refer - A Bibliography System 115 .if !"\\*([O'''', \\*([O\c .if !"\\*([O"" \& (\\*([O)\c In the first line, there is a comma and a space, but no parentheses. The ''\e'' at the end of each line indicates to nr 0 f f that it should continue, leaving no extra space in the output. The '\&" in the second line is the do-nothing character; when followed by a space, a space is sent to the output. If you need to format a reference in the style favored by the Modem Language Association or Chicago University Press, in the form (city: publisher, date), then you will have to change the middle of the book macro [2 as follows: \& (\c .if !"\\*([C"" \\*([c: \\*([I\c .if ! "\ \* ([0"" , \ \* ([o\c )\c This would print (Berkeley: Computing Services, 1982) if all three strings were present. The first line prints a space and a parenthesis; the second prints the city (and a colon) if present; the third always prints the publisher (books must have a publisher, or else they're classified as other); the fourth line prints a comma and the date if present; and the fifth line closes the parentheses. You would need to make similar changes to the other macros as well. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 I 6 Formatting Tables with tbl Fonnatting Tables with tbl ................................................................................................ 119 6.1. Running tbl ...................................................................................................................... 121 6.2. Input Commands .............................................................................................................. 122 Options That Affect the Whole Table ............................................................... 123 Key Letters - Fonnat Describing Data Items ............................................ 123 Optional Features of Key Letters ......................................................................... 125 Data to be Fonnatted in the Table ....................................................................... 127 Changing the Fonnat of a Table ........................................................................... 128 6.3. Examples .............................................................................................................................. 129 6.4. tbl Commands .............................................................................................................. 140 6 Formatting Tables with tbl This chapter provides instructions for preparing tbl input to fonnat tables and for running the tbl preprocessor on a file. 1 It also supplies numerous examples after which to pattern your own tables. The description of instructions is precise but technical, and the newcomer may prefer to glance over the examples first, as tbl turns a simple description of a table into a troff or nroff program that prints the table. From now on, unless noted specifically, we'll refer to both troff and nroff as troff since tbl treats them the same. tbl makes phototypesetting tabular material relatively simple compared to normal typesetting methods. You may use tbl with the equation formatting program eqn or various layout macro packages, as tb 1 does not duplicate their functions. Tables are made up of columns which may be independently centered, rightadjusted, left-adjusted, or aligned by decimal points. Headings may be placed over single columns or groups of columns. A table entry may contain equations, or may consist of several rows of text. Horizontal or vertical lines may be drawn as desired in the table, and any table or element may be enclosed in a box. For example: 1970 Federal Budget Transfers (in billions of dollars) State New York New Jersey Connecticut Maine California New Mexico Georgia Mississippi Texas Taxes collected 22.91 8.33 4.12 0.74 22.29 0.70 3.30 1.15 9.33 Money spent 21.35 6.96 3.10 0.67 22.42 1.49 4.28 2.32 11.13 Net -1.56 -1.37 -1.02 -0.07 +0.13 +0.79 +0.98 +1.17 +1.80 1 The material in this chapter is derived from Tbl-A Program to Format Tables. M.E. Lesk. Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill. New Jersey. 119 Revision A, of9 May 1988 120 Formatting Documents The input to tbl is text for a document, with the text preceded by a . TS (table start) command and followed by a . TE (table end) command. tbl processes the tables, generating traff fonnatting commands, and leaves the remainder of the text unchanged. The . TS and . TE lines are copied, too, so that traff page layout macros, such as the formatting macros, can use these lines to delimit and place tables as necessary. In particular, any arguments on the . TS or . TE lines are copied but otherwise ignored, and may be used by document layout macro commands. The fonnat of the input is as follows: ordinary text of your document .TS first table .TE ordinary text of your document .TS second table .TE ordinary text of your document where the fomat of each table is as follows: .TS options for the table format describing the layout of the table . data to be laid out in the table data to be laid out in the table .TE Each table is independent, and must contain formatting infonnation, indicated by format describing the layout of the table, followed by the data to be laid out in the table. You may precede the fonnatting infonnation, which describes the individual columns and rows of the table, by options for the table that affect the entire table. Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - 6.1. Running tb 1 Formatting Tables with tbl 121 You can run tbl on a simple table by piping the tbl output to troff (or your installation's equivalent for the phototypesetter) with the command: ) ( hostname% tbl file I troff -opti01l.'l where file is the name of the file you want to format. For more complicated use, where there are several input files, and they contain equations and -IDS macro package requests as well as tables, the normal command is: J [......h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e_%_t_b_1._fi_le_l_fi_l_e2_._._._1_e_qn __I_t_r_O_f_f_-mB ____________ You can, of course, use the usual options on the troff and eqn commands. The usage for nroff is similar to that for troff, but only printers such as the TELETYPE® Model 37 and Diablo-mechanism (DASI or as!) or other printers that can handle reverse paper motions can print boxed tables directly. If you are running tbl on a line printer that does not filter reverse paper motions, use the co 1 processor to filter the multicolumn output. If you are using an IBM 1403 line printer without adequate driving tables or post-filters, there is a special-TX command line option to tbl which produces output that does not have fractional line motions in it. The only other command line options recognized by tbl are macro package specifications such as -ms and -mm. These options are turned into commands to fetch the corresponding macro files; usually it is more convenient to place these arguments on the troff part of the command line, tb 1 accepts them as well. Caveats: Note that when you use eqn and tbl together on the same file, put tbl first. If there are no equations within tables, either order works, but it is usually faster to run tbl first, since eqn normally produces a larger expansion of the input than tbl. However, if there are equations within tables, using the de lim mechanism in eqn, you must put tbl first or the output will be scrambled. Also, beware of using equations in n-style columns; this is nearly always wrong, since tbl attempts to split numerical fonnat items into two parts, and this is not possible with equations. To avoid this, use the delim (xx ) table option to prevent splitting numerical columns within the delimiters. For example, if the eqn delimiters are $ $, giving de 1 im ( $ $) a numerical column such as 1245±16, means the column entry will not be divided after 1245, but after 16. This is the output: '1245±16' (all in one column within the table). The only recommended in-line equation delimiters inside tables (tbl) are $$ or @@. Most of the other special characters have special meanings either inside eqn ortbl. Some versions of tbllimit tables to twenty columns; however, use of more than 16 numerical columns may fail because of limits in troff, producing the 'too many number registers' message. Avoid using troff number registers used by tbl within tables; these include two-digit names from 31 to 99, and names of the fOnTIS #x, X+, x I, "X, and X-, where x is any lower-case letter. The names ##, Revision A. of 9 May 1988 122 Formatting Documents #-, and #'" are also used in certain circumstances. To conselVe number register names, the n and a fonnats share a register; hence the restriction that you may not use them in the same column. For aid in writing layout macros, tbl defines a number register TW which is the table width; it is defined by the time that the . TE macro is invoked and may be used in the expansion of that macro. More importantly, to assist in laying out multi -page boxed tables the macro . T #= is defined to produce the bottom lines and side lines of a boxed table, and then invoked at its end. Use of this macro in the page footer boxes a multi-page table. In particular, you can use the -ms macros to print a multi-page boxed table with a repeated heading by giving the argument H to the . TS macro. If the table start macro is written ] ( .TS H a line of the fonn ] ( .TH must be given in the table after any table heading, or at the start if there aren't any. Material up to the . THis placed at the top of each page of table; the remaining lines in the table are placed on several pages as required. For exampIe: .TS H center box tab (/); c s 11. Employees Name/Phone .TH Jonathan Doe/123-4567 < etc. > .TE Note that this is not a feature of tbl, but of the -ms layout macros. 6.2. Input Commands As indicated above, a table contains, first, global options, then a fonnat section describing the layout of the table entries, and then the data to be printed. The fonnat and data are always required, but not the options. The sections that follow explain how to enter the various parts of the table. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Options That Affect the Whole Table Formatting Tables with tbl 123 There may be a single line of options affecting the whole table. If present, this line must follow the . T S line immediately, must contain a list of option names separated by spaces, tabs, or commas, and must be tenninated by a semicolon. The allowable options are: center center the table (default is left-adjusted). expand make the table as wide as the current line length. bo x enclose the table in a box. allbox enclose each item in the table in a box. doub lebox enclose the table in two boxes - tab(x) use x instead of tab to separate data items. a frame. linesize (n) set lines or rules (such as from box) in n point type. delim(xy) recognize x and y as the eqn delimiters. A standard option line is: (~c_e_n_t_e_r__b_o_x__t_a_b__(_/_)________________________________________~J which centers the table on the page, draws a box around it, and uses the slash '/' character as the column separator for data items. The tbl program tries to keep boxed tables on one page by issuing appropriate troff 'need' (. ne) commands. These requests are calculated from the number of lines in the tables, so if there are spacing commands embedded in the input, these requests may be inaccurate. Use nonnal troff procedures, such as keeprelease macros, in this case. If you must have a multi -page boxed table, use macros designed for the purpose, as explained above under Running 'tbl'. Key Letters - Format Describing Data Items The fonnat section of the table specifies the layout of the columns. Each line in this section corresponds to one line of the table, except that the last line corresponds to all following lines up to the next. T&, if present as shown below. Each line contains a key-letter for each column of the table. It is good practice to separate the key letters for each column by spaces, tabs, or a visible character such as a slash '/'. Each key-letter is one of the following: Lor 1 indicates a left-adjusted column entry. R or r indicates a right-adjusted column entry. C or c indicates a centered column entry. N or n indicates a numerical column entry, to line up the units digits of numerical entries. A or a indicates an alphabetic subcolumn; all corresponding entries are aligned on the left, and positioned so that the widest is centered within the column (see the "Some London Transport Statistics" example). ~) sun ~ microsystems Revision A, of 9 May 1988 124 Fonnatting Documents indicates a spanned heading; that is, it indicates that the entry from the previous column continues across this column; not allowed for the first column. S or s indicates a vertically spanned heading; that is, it indicates that the entry from the previous row continues down through this row; not allowed for the first row of the table. When you specify numerical alignment, tbl requires a location for the decimal point. The rightmost dot (.) adjacent to a digit is used as a decimal point; if there is no dot adjoining a digit, the rightmost digit is used as a units digit; if no alignment is indicated, the item is centered in the column. However, you may use the special non-printing character string \ & to override unconditionally dots and digits, or to align alphabetic data; this string lines up where a dot normally would, and then disappears from the final output. In the example below, the items shown at the left will be aligned in a numerical column as shown on the right: 13 4.2 26.4.12 abc abc\& 43\&3.22 749.12 13 4.2 26.4.12 abc abc 433.22 749.12 Note: If numerical data are used in the same column with wider L or r type table entries, the widest number is centered relative to the wider L or r items (we use L here instead of 1 for readability; they have the same meaning as keyletters). Alignment within the numerical items is preserved. This is similar to the way a type data are formatted, as explained above. However, alphabetic subcolumns (requested by the a key-letter) are always slightly indented relative to L items; if necessary, the column width is increased to force this. This is not true for n type entries. Note: Do not use the n and a items in the same column. For readability, separate the key-letters describing each column with spaces. Indicate the end of the format section by a period. The layout of the key-letters in the format section resembles the layout of the actual data in the table. Thus a simple format is: .TS c s 1 n text .TE s n. which specifies a table of three columns. The first line of the table contains a centered heading that spans across all three columns; each remaining line contains a left-adjusted item in the first column followed by two columns of numerical data. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl 125 A sample table in this fonnat is: Overall title 34.22 Item-a Item-b 12.65 Items: c,d,e 23 Total 69.87 Optional Features of Key Letters 9.1 .02 5.8 14.92 There may be extra infonnation following a key-letter that modifies its basic behavior. Additional features of the key-letter system follow: Horizontal lines - A key-letter may be replaced by '_' (underscore) to indicate a horizontal line in place of the corresponding column entry, or by '=' to indicate a double horizontal line. You can also type this in the data portion. If an adjacent column contains a horizontal line, or if there are vertical lines adjoining this column, this horizontal line is extended to meet the nearby lines. If any data entry is provided for this column, it is ignored and a warning message is displayed. Vertical lines - A vertical bar may be placed between column key-letters. This draws a vertical line between the corresponding columns of the table. A vertical bar to the left of the first key-letter or to the right of the last one produces a line at the edge of the table. If two vertical bars appear between key-letters, a double vertical line is drawn. Space between columns - A number may follow the key-letter. This indicates the amount of separation between this column and the next column. The number nonnally specifies the separation in ens (one en is about the width of the letter 'n')2. If the expand option is used, these numbers are multiplied by a constant such that the table is as wide as the current line length. The default column separation number is 3. If the separation is changed, the largest space requested prevails. Vertical spanning - Nonnally, vertically-spanned items extending over several rows of the table are centered in their vertical range. If a key-letter is followed by t or T, any corresponding vertically-spanned item begins at the top line of its range. Font chuages - A key-letter may be followed by a string containing a font name or number preceded by the letter f or F. This indicates that the corresponding column should be in a different font from the default font, which is usually Roman. All font names are one or two letters; a one-letter font name should be separated from whatever follows by a space or tab. The single letters B, b, I, and i are shorter synonyms for fB and f1. Font change commands 2 More precisely, an en is a number of points (1 point = In2 inch) equal to half the current type size. Revision A, of9 May 1988 126 Formatting Documents given with the table entries override these specifications. Point size changes - A key-letter may be followed by the letter p or P and a number to indicate the point size of the corresponding table entries. The number may be a signed digit, in which case it is taken as an increment or decrement from the current point size. If both a point size and a column separation value are given, one or more blanks must separate them. Vertical spacing changes - A key-letter may be followed by the letter v or V and a number to indicate the vertical line spacing to be used within a multi-line corresponding table entry. The number may be a signed digit, in which case it is taken as an increment or decrement from the current vertical spacing. A column separation value must be separated by blanks or some other specification from a vertical spacing request. This request has no effect unless the corresponding table entry is a text block (see Text Blocks below). Column width indication - A key-letter may be followed by the letter w or w and a width value in parentheses. This width is used as a minimum column width. If the largest element in the column is not as wide as the width value given after the w, the largest element is considered to be that wide. If the largest element in the column is wider than the specified value, its width is used. The width is also used as a default line length for included text blocks. Nonnal troff units can be used to scale the width value; if none is used, the default is ens. If the width specification is a unitless integer, you may omit the parentheses. If the width value is changed in a column, the last one given controls. Equal width columns - A key-letter may be followed by the letter e or E to indicate equal width columns. All columns whose key-letters are followed bye or E are made the same width. In this way, you can fonnat a group of regularly spaced columns. Note: The order of the above features is immaterial; they need not be separated by spaces, except as indicated above to avoid ambiguities involving point size and font changes. Thus a numerical column entry in italic font and 12-point type with a minimum width of 2.5 inches and separated by 6 ens from the next column could be specified as (~_____n_p_l_2_W____(2_._5_i_)_f____I_____6__________________________________________________________________~J Alternative notation - Instead of listing the fonnat of successive lines of a table on consecutive lines of the fonnat section, separate successive line fonnats on the same line by commas. The fonnat for the sample table above can be written: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl 127 J (____C __S__s_,__l__n__n__.________________________________________ Default - Column descriptors missing from the end of a fonnat line are assumed to be L. The longest line in the fonnat section, however, defines the number of columns in the table; extra columns in the data are ignored silently. Data to be Formatted in the Table Type the data for the table after the fonnat line. Normally, each table line is typed as one line of data. Break very long input lines by typing a backslash '\' as a continuation marker at the end of the run-on line. That line is combined with the following line upon fonnatting and the '\' vanishes. The data for different columns, that is, the table entries, are separated by tabs, or by whatever character has been specified in the option tabs option. We recommend using a visible character such as the slash character' /'. There are a few special cases: traff commands within tables - An input line beginning with a ' . ' followed by anything except a digit is assumed to be a command to traff and is passed through unchanged, retaining its position in the table. So, for example, you can produce space within a table by . sp commands in the data. Full width horizontal lines - An input line containing only the character '_' (underscore) or '=' (equal sign) represents a single or double line, respectively, extending the full width of the table. Single column horizontal lines - An input table entry containing only the character '_' or '=' represents a single or double line extending the full width of the column. Such lines are extended to meet horizontal or vertical lines adjoining this column. To obtain these characters explicitly in a column, either precede them by '\&' or follow them by a space before the usual tab or newline. Short horizontal lines - An input table entry containing only the string ',-' represents a single line as wide as the contents of the column. It is not extended to meet adjoining lines. Vertically spanned items - An input table entry containing only the character string ,\,.., indicates that the table entry immediately above spans downward over this row. It is equivalent to a table fonnat key-letter of 'A'. Text blocks - To include a block of text as a table entry, precede it by T { and follow it by T}. To enter, as a single entry in the table, something that cannot conveniently be typed as a simple string between tabs, use: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 128 Formatting Documents ••• 1 T{ block of text [ T} • • • '-------Note that the T} end delimiter must begin a line; additional columns of data may follow after a tab on the same line. See the 'New York Area Rocks' example for an illustration of included text blocks in a table. If you use more than twenty or thirty text blocks in a table, various limits in the t ro f f program are likely to be exceeded, producing diagnostics such as too many text block diversions. Text blocks are pulled out from the table, processed separately by troff, and replaced in the table as a solid block. If no line length is specified in the block of text itself, or in the table fonnat, the default is to use L xC /(N +1) where L is the current line length, C is the number of table columns spanned by the text, and N is the total number of columns in the table. The other parameters (point size, font, etc.) used in setting the block of text are those in effect at the beginning of the table (including the effect of the . T S macro) and any table fonnat specifications of size, spacing and font, using the p, v and f modifiers to the column key-letters. Commands within the text block itself are also recognized, of course. However, traft commands within the table data but not within the text block do not affect that block. Note: Although you can put any number of lines in a table, only the first 200 lines are used in calculating the widths of the various columns. Arrange a multipage table as several single-page tables if this proves to be a problem. Other difficulties with fonnatting may arise because, in the calculation of column widths all table entries are assumed to be in the font and size being used when the . TS command was encountered, except for font and size changes indicated (a) in the table format section and (b) within the table data (as in the entry \s+3\fldata \fP\sO ). Therefore, although arbitrary troff requests may be sprinkled in a table, use requests such as . p s (set the point size) with care to avoid confusing the width calculations. Changing the Format of a Table If you must change the format of a table after many similar lines, as with subheadings or summarizations, use the . T& (table continue) command to change column parameters. The outline of such a table input is: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl 129 • TS start of the table options afecting the whole table format of the columns data to beformatted in the table data to beformatted in the table • T& indicates a new format for the table format of the columns data to be formatted in the table data to be formatted in the table • T& indicates a new format for the table format of the columns data to be formatted in the table data to be formatted in the table • TE end of the table as in the 'Composition of Foods' and 'Some London Transport Statistics' examples. Using this procedure, each table line can be close to its corresponding format line. Note: It is not possible to change the number of columns, the space between columns, the global options such as box, or the selection of columns to be made equal width. 6.3. Examples Here are some examples illustrating features of tbl. Glance through them to find one that you can adapt to your needs. Although you can use a tab to separate columns of data, a visible character is easier to read. The standard column separator here is the slash (/). If a slash is part of the data, we indicate a different separator, as in the first example. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 130 Formatting Documents Output: Input: .TS tab (%) box Language c c c Fortran PL/l C BLISS IDS Pascal III . Language%Authors%Runs on Fortran%Many%Almost anything PL/1%IBM%360/370 C%BTL%11/45,H6000,370 BLISS%Carnegie-Mellon%PDP-10,11 IDS%Honeywell%H6000 Pascal%Stanford%370 .TE Authors Many mM BTL Camegie-Mellon Honeywell Stanford Runs on Almost anything 360/370 11/45,H6000,370 PDP-I0,11 H6000 370 Output: Input: .TS tab (/) allbox; C 5 C C C 5 n n n . AT&T Common Stock Year/Price/Dividend 1971/41-54/$2.60 2/41-54/2.70 3/46-55/2.87 4/40-53/3.24 5/45-52/3.40 6/51-59/.95* .TE * (first quarter only) AT&T Common Stock Price Dividend Year 41-54 1971 $2.60 41-54 2.70 2 46-55 2.87 3 4 40-53 3.24 45-52 5 3.40 51-59 .95* 6 * (first quarter only) Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Input: .TS tab (/) box; c s s c I c I c 1 I 1 In. Major New York Bridges Bridge/Designer/Length Brooklyn/J. A. Roebling/1595 Manhattan/G. Lindenthal/1470 Williamsburg/L. L. Buck/1600 Queensborough/Palmer &/1182 / Hornbostel Formatting Tables with tbl 131 Output: Major New York Bridges Bridge Designer Brooldyn J. A. Roebling Manhattan G. Lindenthal Williamsburg L.L.Buck Queensborough Palmer & Hornbostel Length 1595 1470 1600 1182 1380 Triborough Bronx Whitestone Throgs Neck George Washington O.H.Ammann O.H.Ammann O. H~Ammann O. H.Ammann 383 2300 1800 3500 //1380 Triborough/O. H. Ammann/_ //383 Bronx Whitestone/O. H. Ammann/2300 Throgs Neck/O. H. Ammann/1800 George Washington/O. H. Ammann/3500 .TE Input: .TS tab (/) ; c c np-2 I n I /Stack /1/46 Output: Stack 1 2 3 4 5 46 23 15 6.5 2.1 /2/23 /3/15 /4/6.5 /5/2.1 /.TE Revision A, of 9 May 1988 132 Formatting Documents Input: Output: .TS tab C/) box; LLL L L L L I LB january april june august october february may july september november I march Months '------1 december L L L L L . january/february/march april/may june/july/Months august/september october/november/december .TE Output: Input: .TS tab (/) box; cfB s s s • Composition of Foods .T& c c s s c c s s c • c I c I c Food/Percent by Weight \A/_ Composition of Foods Percent by Weight Food CarboProtein Fat hydrate .5 13.0 Apples .4 18.4 5.2 Halibut ... 22.0 Lima beans 7.5 .8 4.0 5.0 Milk 3.3 Mushrooms 3.5 6.0 .4 Rye bread 9.0 .6 52.7 \A/Protein/Fat/Carbo\A/\A/\A/hydrate .T& 1 I n I n In. Apples/.4/.5/13.0 Halibut/18.4/5.2/. Lima beans/7.5/.8/22.0 Milk/3.3/4.0/5.0 Mushrooms/3.5/.4/6.0 Rye bread/9.0/.6/52.7 .TE Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Input: .TS tab (/) allbox; cfI s s c cw(li) cw(li) lp9 lp9 lp9 . New York Area Rocks Era/Formation/Age (years) Precambrian/Reading Prong/>l billion Paleozoic/Manhattan Prong/400 million Mesozoic/T{ . na Newark Basin, incl. Stockton, Lockatong, and Brunswick Formatting Tables with tbl 133 Output: Era New York Area Rocks Age (years) Formation Precambrian Reading Prong >1 billion Paleozoic Manhattan Prong 400 million Mesozoic Newark Basin, incl. Stockton, Lockatong, and Brunswick fonnalions; also Watchlmgs and Palisades. 200 million Cenozoic Coastal Plain On Long Island 30,000 years; Cretaceous sediments redeposited by recent glaciation. formations; also Watchungs and Palisades. T}/200 million Cenozoic/Coastal Plain/Ti On Long Island 30,000 years; Cretaceous sediments redeposited by recent glaciation • . ad T} .TE Input: .EQ delim $$ .EN .TS tab (/) doublebox c c 11. Name/Definition . sp Output: Name Definition Gamma r(z )={DtZ-le-t dt Sine 1 . . sin(x)= 2i (el.X_e-l.X) 2 Bessel 1e-t"dt 1 " J rl..z )="1tLcos(z sin9)d 9 Zeta s(s )= l:k-.r (Re s > 1) Error erf(z)= .J1t z 1=1 .vs +2p Gamma/$GAMMA (z) = int sub 0 sup inf t sup {z-i} e sup -t dt$ Sine/$sin (x) = lover 2i ( e sup ix - e sup -ix )$ Error/$ roman erf (z) = 2 over sqrt pi int sub 0 sup z e sup {-t sup 2} dt$ Bessel/$ J sub 0 (z) = lover pi int sub 0 sup pi cos ( z sin theta ) d thetaS Zeta/$ zeta (s) = sum from k=l to inf k sup -s --( Re-s > 1)$ .vs -2p .TE Revision A, of 9 May 1988 134 Formatting Documents Input: .TS box, tab (:) cbssss cp-2 s s s s c I I c I c I c I c c I I c I c I c I c r2 I I n2 I n2 I n2 I n . Readability of Text Line Width & Leading for 10-Pt. Type Line:Set:1-Point:2-Point:4-Point Width: Solid: Leading: Leading:Leading 9 Pica:\-9.3:\-6.0:\-5.3:\-7.1 14 Pica:\-4.5:\-0.6:\-0.3:\-1.7 19 Pica:\-5.0:\-5.1: 0.0:\-2.0 31 Pica:\-3.7:\-3.8:\-2.4:\-3.6 43 Pica:\-9.1:\-9.0:\-5.9:\-8.8 .TE Output: Readability of Text Line Width & Leading for 10-Pt. Type Line Width 9 Pica 14 Pica 19 Pica 31 Pica 43 Pica I-Point 2-Point 4-Point Set Solid Leading Leading Leading -S.3 -7.1 -9.3 -6.0 -4.S -1.7 -0.6 -0.3 -5.0 -S.l -2.0 0.0 -2.4 -3.8 -3.6 -3.7 -S.9 -9.1 -9.0 -8.8 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl Input: .TS tab (/1 c s cip-2 s 1 n an. Some London Transport statistics (Year 19641 Railway route miles/244 Tube/66 sub-surface/22 Surface/156 .sp .5 .T& 1 r a r passenger traffic \- railway Journeys/674 million Average length/4.55 miles Passenger miles/3,066 million .T& 1 r a r Passenger traffic \- road Journeys/2,252 million Average length/2.26 miles Passenger miles/5,094 million .T& 1 n a n .sp .5 Vehicles/12,521 Railway motor cars/2,905 Railway trailer cars/1,269 Total railway/4,174 Omnibuses/B,347 .T& 1 n a n .sp .5 Staff/73,739 Administrative, etc. /B, 553 Civil engineering/5,134 Electrical eng./l,714 Mech. eng. \- railway/4,310 Mech. eng. \- road/9,152 Railway operations/B,930 Road operations/35,946 .TE Output: Some London Transport Statistics (Year 1964) Railway route miles Tube Sub-surface Surface Passenger traffic - railway Journeys Average length Passenger miles Passenger traffic - road Journeys Average length Passenger miles 244 66 22 156 674 million 4.55 miles 3,066 million 2,252 million 2.26 miles 5,094 million Vehicles Railway motor cars Rail way trailer cars Total railway Omnibuses 12,521 2,905 1,269 4,174 8,347 Staff Administrative, etc. CiviI engineering Electrical eng. Mech. eng. - railway Mech. eng. - road Railway operations Road operations 73,739 5,553 5,134 1,714 4,310 9,152 8,930 35,946 135 136 Formatting Documents Input: .ps 8 .vs lOp .TS tab (I) center box; c s s ci s s c c c IB 1 n New Jersey Representatives (Democrats) .sp .5 Name/Office address/Phone .sp .5 James J. Florio/23 s. White Horse Pike, Somerdale 080831609-627-8222 William J. Hughes/2920 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic city 08401/609-345-4844 James J. Howard/801 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park 07712/201-774-1600 Frank Thompson, Jr./10 Rutgers Pl., Trenton 08618/609-599-1619 Andrew Maguire/115 W. Passaic st., Rochelle Park 07662/201-843-0240 Robert A. Roe/U.S.P.O., 194 Ward st., Paterson 07510/201-523-5152 Henry He1stoski/666 Paterson Ave., East Rutherford 07073/201-939-9090 Peter W. Rodino, Jr./Suite 1435A, 970 Broad st., Newark 07102/201-645-3213 Joseph G. Minish/308 Main St., Orange 07050/201-645-6363 Helen s. Meyner/32 Bridge st., Lambertville 08530/609-397-1830 Dominick V. Daniels/895 Bergen Ave., Jersey City 07306/201-659-7700 Edward J. Patten/Natl. Bank Bldg., Perth Amboy 088611201-826-4610 .sp .5 .T& ci s s 1B 1 n (Republicans) .sp .5v Millicent Fenwick/41 N. Bridge St., Somerville 08876/201-722-8200 Edwin B. Forsythe/301 Mill st., Moorestown 08057/609-235-6622 Matthew J. Rina1do/1961 Morris Ave., Union 07083/201-687-4235 .TE .ps 10 .vs 12p Output: New Jersey Representatives (Democrats) Name Office address Phone James J. Florio William J. Hughes James J. Howard Frank Thompson, Jr. Andrew Maguire Robert A. Roe Henry Helstoski Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Joseph G. Minish Helen S. Meyner Dominick V. Daniels Edward J. Patten 23 S. White Horse Pike, Somerdale 08083 2920 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City 08401 801 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park 07712 10 Rutgers Pl., Trenton 08618 115 W. Passaic SL, Rochelle Park 07662 U.S.P.O., 194 Ward St., Paterson 07510 666 Paterson Ave., East Rutherford 07073 Suite 1435A, 970 Broad SL, Newark 07102 308 Main SL, Orange 07050 32 Bridge St., Lambertville 08530 895 Bergen Ave., Jersey City 07306 Natl. Bank Bldg., Perth Amboy 08861 609-627 -8222 609-345-4844 201-774-1600 609-599-1619 201-843-0240 201-523-5152 201-939-9090 201-645-3213 201-645-6363 609-397 -1830 201-659-7700 201-826-4610 Millicent Fenwick Edwin B. Forsythe Matthew J. Rinaldo 41 N. Bridge St., Somerville 08876 301 Mill St., Moorestown 08057 1961 Morris Ave., Union 07083 (Republicans) 201-722-8200 609-235-6622 201-687 -4235 This is a paragraph of normal text placed here only to indicate where the left and right margins are. Examine the appearance of centered tables or expanded tables, and observe how such tables are formatted. Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl 137 Input: .TS center tab (/) c s s s c s s s c c c c n n n n . LYKE WAKE WALK Successful Crossings 1959-1966 Year/First Crossings/Repeats/Total 1959/89/23/112 1960/222/33/255 1961/650/150/800 1962/1100/267/1367 1963/1054/409/1463 1964/1413/592/2005 1965/2042/771/2813 1966/2537/723/3260 .TE Output: Year 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 LYKE WAKE WALK Successful Crossings 1959-1966 First Crossings Repeats Total 89 23 112 222 33 255 650 150 800 1100 267 1367 1054 409 1463 2005 1413 592 2042 771 2813 3260 2537 723 Revision A. of 9 May 1988 138 Formatting Documents Input: .TS tab (Il box; cb c I c I c ltiw(li) I Itw(2i) I Ip8 I Iw(1.6i)p8 . Some Interesting Places Name/Description/Practical Information T{ American Museum of Natural History T}/T{ The collections fill 11.5 acres (Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA) of exhibition halls on four floors. There is a full-sized replica of a blue whale and the world's largest star sapphire (stolen in 1964). T}/Hours/10-5, ex. Sun 11-5, Wed. to 9 \-/\-/Location/T{ Central Park West & 79th st. T} \-/\-/Admission/Donation: $1.00 asked \-/\-/Subway/AA to 81st st. \-/\-/Telephone/212-873-4225 Bronx Zoo/T{ About a mile long and .6 mile wide, this is the largest zoo in America. A lion eats 18 pounds of meat a day while a sea lion eats 15 pounds of fish. T}/Hours/T{ 10-4: 30 winter, to 5: 00 summer T} \-/\-/Location/T{ 185th st. & Southern Blvd, the Bronx. T} \-/\-/Admission/$1.00, but Tu,We,Th free \-/\-/Subway/2, 5 to East Tremont Ave. \-/\-/Telephone/212-933-1759 Brooklyn Museum/T{ Five floors of galleries contain American and ancient art. There are American period rooms and architectural ornaments saved from wreckers, such as a classical figure from pennsylvania station. T}/Hours/Wed-Sat, 10-5, Sun 12-5 \-/\-/Location/T{ Eastern Parkway & Washington Ave., Brooklyn. T} \-/\-/Admission/Free \-/\-/Subway/2,3 to Eastern Parkway. \-/\-/Telephone/212-638-5000 T{ New-York Historical society T}/T{ All the original paintings for Audubon's .I Birds of America .R are here, as are exhibits of American decorative arts, New York history, Hudson River school paintings, carriages, and glass paperweights. T}/Hours/T{ Tues-Fri & Sun, 1-5; Sat 10-5 T} \-/\-/Location/T{ Central Park West & 77th st. T} \-/\-/Admission/Free \-/\-/Subway/AA to 81st st. \-/\-/Telephone/212-873-3400 .TE sun microsystems Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 6 - Formatting Tables with tbl 139 Output: Name American M useum of Natural History Bronx Zoo Brooklyn Museum New-York Historical Society Some Interesting Places Description Practical Infonnation The collections fill 11.5 acres Hours 10-5. ex. Sun 11-5. Wed. to 9 (Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA) Location Central Park West & 79th St. of exhibition halls on four Admission Donation: $1.00 asked Subway floors. There is a full-sized reAA to 81st St. plica of a blue whale and the Telephone 212-873-4225 world's largest star sapphire (stolen in 1964). About a mile long and .6 mile Hours 10-4:30 winter, to 5:00 summer wide, this is the largest zoo in Location 185th St. & Southern Blvd, the Bronx. America. A lion eats 18 pounds Admission $1.00, but TU,We,Th free of meat a day while a sea lion Subway 2,5 to East Tremont Ave. eats 15 pounds of fish. Five floors of galleries contain American and ancient art. There are American period rooms and architectural omaments saved from wreckers, such as a classical figure from Pennsylvania Station. All the original paintings for Audubon's Birds of America are here, as are exhibits of American decorative arts, New York history, Hudsol1 River school paintings, carriages, and glass paperweights. Telephone 212-933-1759 Hours Wed-Sat. 10-5. Sun 12-5 Location Eastern Parkway & Washington Ave.• Brooklyn. Admission Free Subway 2.3 to Eastern Parkway. Telephone 212-638-5000 Hours Tues-Fri & Sun. 1-5; Sat 10-5 Location Central Park West & 77th St. Admission Free Subway AA to 8Ist St. Telephone 212-873-3400 Revision A. of 9 May 1988 140 Formatting Documents 6.4. tbl Commands Table 6-1 tbl Command Characters and Words Command Meaning a A allbox b B box c C Alphabetic subcolumn Draw box around all items Boldface item Draw box around table Centered column center doublebox e E expand f F Center table in page Doubled box around table Equal width columns Make table full line width Font change i I 1 L Italic item Left adjusted column Numerical column Column separation Point size change n N nnn p p R s S t T tab (x) r T{ v V w W .xx I I I \--- \- T} Right adjusted column Spanned item Vertical spanning at top Change data separator character Text block Vertical spacing change Minimum width value Included troff command Vertical line Double vertical line Vertical span Vertical span Double horizontal line Horizontal line Short horizontal line Revision A, of9 May 1988 7 Typesetting Mathematics with eqn Typesetting Mathematics with e qn ............................................................................... 143 7.1. Displaying Equations- .EQ and .EN ............................................................. 144 7.2. Running eqn and neqn .............................................................................................. 145 7.3. Putting Spaces in the Input Text ............................................................................. 146 7.4. Producing Spaces in the Output Text ................................................................... 147 7.5. Symbols, Special Names, and Greek Letters ................................................... 147 7.6. Subscripts and Superscripts - sub and sup ................................................ 148 { and } .................................................................... 149 7.8. Fractions - over .......................................................................................................... 150 7.9. Square Roots - sqrt ................................................................................................. 151 7.10. Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators ...................................... 152 7.11. Size and Font Changes ............................................................................................... 153 7.12. Diacritical Marks .......................................................................................................... 154 7.13. Quoted Text ..................................................................................................................... 155 7.14. Lining Up Equations - mark and lineup ............................................... 156 7.15. Big Brackets ..................................................................................................................... 156 7.16. Piles-pile ................................................................................................................. 157 7.17. Matrices - matrix .................................................................................................. 158 7.18. Shorthand for In-line Equations - delim .................................................. 159 define ............................................................................................. 159 7.20. Tuning the Spacing ...................................................................................................... 161 7.21. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 161 7.22. Precedences and Keywords ..................................................................................... 162 7.7. Grouping Equation Parts - 7.19. Definitions - 7.23. Several Examples .......................................................................................................... 166 7 Typesetting Mathematics with e qn This chapter explains how to use the eqn preprocessor for printing mathematics on a phototypesetter, and provides numerous examples after which to model equations in your documents. 1 You describe mathematical expressions in an English-like language that the eqn program translates into t rof f commands for final tr 0 f f formatting. In other words, eqn sets the mathematics while troff does the body of the text. eqn provides accurate and relatively easy mathematical phototypesetting, which is not easy to accomplish with normal typesetting machines. Because the mathematical expressions are embedded in the running text of a manuscript, the entire document is produced in one process .. For example, you can set in-line expressions like lim (tanX).m2x =1 or display equations like %-i11t12 G(z)=e lnG(%) =exp SiZ"] =Ile S %I/i l:-- [ i~l i~l k 1 eqn knows relatively little about mathematics. In particular, mathematical symbols like +, -, x, parentheses, and so on have no special meanings. eqn is quite happy to set these symbols, and they will look good. eqn also produces mathematics with nr 0 £ £. The input is identical, but you have to use the programs neqn and nro££ instead of eqn and tro££. Of course, some things won't look as good because your workstation or terminal does not provide the variety of characters, sizes and fonts that a phototypesetter does, but the output is usually adequate for proofreadin~. 1 The material in this chapter is derived from A System/or Typesetting Mathematics, B.W. Kernighan. L. L. Cherry and Typesetting Mathematics - User's Gu.ide, B.W. Kernighan. L.L Cherry. Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill. New Jersey. 143 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 144 Formatting Documents 7.1. Displaying Equations - .EQ and .EN To tell eqn where a mathematical expression begins and ends, mark it with lines beginning .EQ and . EN. Thus if you type the lines: 1 .EQ x=y+z [ .EN - -------------' your output will look like: x=y+z eqn copies' .EQ'and '.EN' through untouched. This means that you have to take care of things like centering, numbering, and so on yourself. The common way is to use the troff and nrcff macro package package '-ms', which provides macros for centering, indenting, left-justifying and making numbered equations. With the -ms package, equations are centered by default. To left-justify an equation, use . EQ L instead of . EQ. To indent it, use . EQ I. You can also supplement eqn with t rc f f commands as desired; for example, you can produce a centered display with the input: .ce .EQ x sub i Y sub i .EN which produces x;=y;.' . You can call out any of these by an arbitrary 'equation number,' which will be placed at the right margin. For example, the input .EQ I (3.1a) x - f(y/2) + y/2 1 [.• EN produces the output x=J (y/2)+yl2 (3.1a) There is also a shorthand notation so you can enter in-line expressions like xl without. EQ and . EN. This is described in the section "Shorthand for In-line Equations. " Revision A. of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 7.2. Running eqn and neqn 145 To print a document that contains mathematics on the phototypesetter, use: hostname% eqn files I troff -options I l.pr -t -Printer troff or your installation's equivalent does the formatting, which is sent to your phototypesetter as indicated by -Pprinter. If you use the -IDS macro package for example, type: hostname% eqn files I troff --ms -t I l.pr -t -Printer To display equations on the standard output, your workstation screen, use nroff as follows: ( hostname% neqn files I nroff -options J The language for equations recognized by neqn is identical to that of eqn, although of course the output is more restricted. You can use the online rendition of the mathematical formulae for proofing, but the output does not accurately represent the symbols and fonts. You can of course pipe the output through mor e for easier viewing: hostname% neqn files I nroff -options I more or redirect it to a file: hostname% neqn files I nroff -options> newfile To use a GSI or DASI tenninal as the output device, type: ] ( hostname% naqn files I nroff -Tx where x is the tenninal type you are using, such as 300 or 300S. To send neqn output to the printer, type: hostname% neqn file I nroff -options I l.pr -Pprinter You can use eqn and neqn with the tbl program for setting tables that contain mathematics. Use tbl before eqn or neqn, like this: hostname% tbl files I eqn I troff -options or hostname% tbl files I neqn I nroff -options Revision A, of 9 May 1988 146 Formatting Documents 7.3. Putting Spaces in the Input Text eqn removes spaces and newlines within an expression and leaves normal text alone. Thus, between. EQ and . EN, OEQ x-y+z r 1 .EN and [ ~E~ Y + z 1 .. EN and .EQ x y + z .EN all produce the same output, namely: x=y+z You should use spaces and newlines freely to make your input equations readable and easy to edit. In particular, very long lines are a bad idea, since they are often hard to fix if you make a mistake. The only way eqn can deduce that some sequence of letters might be special is if that sequence is separated from the letters on either side of it. To do this, surround a special word by ordinary spaces (or tabs or newlines) , as shown in the previous section. You can also make special words stand out by surrounding them with tildes or circumflexes: 1 is much the same as the last example, except that the tildes not only separate the magic words like sin, omega, and so on, but also add extra spaces, one space per tilde: x = 2 7t Jsin (00 t ) dt You can also use braces { } and double quotes " . . . " to separate special words; these characters that have special meanings are described later. Remembering that a blank is a delimiter can be a problem. For instance, a common mistake is typing: sun microsystems Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 147 1 f.EQ (x sub i) .EN ------- [ which produces instead of !(Xj) eqn cannot tell that the right parenthesis is not part of the subscript. Type instead: [ .EQ f(x sub i 1 .EN 7.4. Producing Spaces in the Output Text To force extra spaces into the output, use a tilde - for each space you want: 1 gives x =y +z You can also use a circumflex "', which gives a space half the width of a tilde. It is mainly useful for fine-tuning. Use tabs to position pieces of an expression, but you must use troff commands to set the tab stops. 7.5. Symbols, Special Names, and Greek Letters eqn knows some mathematical symbols, some mathematical names, and the Greek alphabet. For example, .EQ x=2 pi int sin ( omega t)dt 1 [_ .EN produces X=21tfsin(CJY )dt Here the spaces in the input are necessary to tell eqn that int, pi, sin, and omega are separate entities that should get special treatment. The sin, digit 2, and parentheses are set in roman type instead of italic; pi and omega are made Greek; and int becomes the integral sign. When in doubt, leave spaces around separate parts of the input. A very common error is to type Revision A, of9 May 1988 148 Formatting Documents [_f_<_P_i>_____________________________________________J without leaving spaces on both sides of the pi. As a result, eqn does not recognize pi as a special word, and it appears as f (Pi) instead of f (x). A complete list of eqn names appears in the section "Precedences and Keywords. n You can also use special characters available in t r 0 f f for anything eqn doesn't know about 7.6. Subscripts and Superscripts - sub and sup To obtain subscripts and superscripts, use the words sub and sup. 1 x.EQ sup 2 + y sub k [ .EN -----gives eqn takes care of all the size changes and vertical motions needed to make the output look right. You must surround the words sub and sup by spaces; x sub2 gives you xsub 2 instead of X2. As another example, consider: .EQ x sup 2 + Y sup 2 z sup 2 1 [_ .EN which produces: Furthermore, don't forget to leave a space (or a tilde, etc.) to mark the end of a subscript or superscript. A common error is to say something like .EQ Y= (x sup 2)+1 .EN which causes instead of the intended y=(x 2 )+1 which is produced by: .EQ y = (x sup 2 )+ 1 .EN .sun • microsystems Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 149 Subscripted subscripts and superscripted superscripts also work: .EQ x sub i sub 1 .EN is A subscript and superscript on the same thing are printed one above the other if the subscript comes first: .EQ x sub i sup 2 .EN is Other than this special case, sub and sup group to the right, so ( x sup Y sub z J means x J• , not x J z • 7.7. Grouping Equation Parts - { and } Nonnally, the end of a subscript or superscript is marked simply by a blank, tab, tilde, and so on. If the subscript or superscript is something that has to be typed with blanks in it, use the braces { and } to mark. the beginning and end of the subscript or superscript: 1 e.EQ sup {i omega t} [ .EN " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " is You can always use braces to force eqn to treat something as a unit, or just to make your intent perfectly clear. Thus: .EQ x sub Ii sub 1} sup 2 [ , .EN 1 is with braces, but Revision A, of 9 May 1988 150 Formatting Documents x.EQ sub i 1 sub 1 sup 2 [ .EN ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' " is which is rather different. Braces can occur within braces if necessary: .EQ e sup {i pi sup {rho +1}} 1 [_ .EN is The general rule is that anywhere you could use some single entry like x, you can use an arbitrarily complicated entry if you enclose it in braces. eqn looks after all the details of positioning it and making it the right size. In all cases, make sure you have the right number of braces. Leaving one out or adding an extra causes eqn to complain bitterly. Occasionally you have to print braces. To do this, enclose them in double quotes, like" { ". Quoting is discussed in more detail in Quoted Text. 7.8. Fractions - over To make a fraction, use the word over: [OEQ a+b over 2c =1 1 .EN gives a+b=l 2c The line is made the right length and positioned automatically. .EQ a+b over c+d+e 1 1 [_ .EN produces a+b =1 c+d+e Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 151 Use braces to clarify what goes over what: .EQ {alpha T beta} over {sin (x)} .EN is a+~ sin(x) When there is both an over and a sup in the same expression, eqn does the sup before the over, so [OEQ -b sup 2 over pi 1 .EN ~ 2 is -b instead of -b 7t The rules that detennine which operation is done first in 7t cases like this are summarized in the section "Precedences and Keywords." When in doubt, however, use braces to make clear what goes with what. 7.9. Square Roots - sqrt To draw a square root, use sqrt: [OEQ sqrt a+b 1 .EN produces and .EQ sqrt a+b + lover sqrt {ax sup 2 +bx+c} .EN is ..Ja+b +-;=::;:;=1== ..Jax 2+bx+c Note: Square roots of tall quantities look sloppy because a root-sign big enough to cover the quantity is too dark and heavy: OEQ sqrt {a sup 2 over b sub 2} .EN [ 1 -------------" Revision A, of 9 May 1988 152 Formatting Documents is Big square roots are generally better written as something to a power: which is .EQ (a sup 2 /b sub 2 ) sup {lover 2} .EN 7.10. Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators To produce summations, integrals, and similar constructions, use: .EQ sum from i=O to {i= inf} x sub i 1 [_ .EN which produces ;=;=0 Notice that you use braces to indicate where the upper part i=oo begins and ends. No braces are necessary for the lower part i=O, because it does not contain any blanks. The braces will never hurt, and if the f rom and to parts contain any blanks, you must use braces around them. The from and to parts are both optional, but if both are used, they have to occur in that order. Other useful characters can replace the sum in our example: prod union inter 1 become, respectively, f nun Since the thing before the from can be anything, even something in braces, from-to can often be used in unexpected ways: [ .~Q Ilm from {n -> inf} x sub n =0 .EN 1 ' - - - - - - - - - - " ' +~t!! Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 153 is 7.11. Size and Font Changes By default, equations are set in 10-point type with standard mathematical conventions to detennine what characters are in roman and what in italic. Although eqn makes a valiant attempt to use aesthetically pleasing sizes and fonts, it is not perfect. To change sizes and fonts, use size n and roman, italic, bold and fat. Like sub and sup, size and font changes affect only the thing that follows them; they revert to the normal situation at the end of it. Thus 1 .EQ x y bold [ .EN ' - - - - - - - - - - - - " is xy and .EQ size 14 bold x = y + size 14 {alpha + beta} .EN gives X=y-tO above if-x=O above if-xO if x=O -1 ifx=0$. This works as you might expect; spaces, newlines, and so on are significant in the text, but not in the equation part itself. Multiple equations can occur in a single input line. Enough room is left before and after a line that contains in-line expressions that something like $sum from i=1 to n x sub i$ does not interfere with the lines surrounding it. The printed result looks like: Let Clj be the primary variable, and let ~ be zero. Then we can show that x 1 is ~. To tum off the delimiters, use: [.EQ delim off .EN 1 Notes: Don't use braces, tildes, circumflexes, or double quotes as delimiters; chaos will result. Also, if you're using tbl, don't use sharps (pound signs) either. 7.19. Definitionsdefine eqn provides a string-naming facility so you can give a frequently-used string of characters a name, and thereafter just type the name instead of the whole string. For example, if the sequence .EQ x sub i [, .EN sub 1 + Y sub i sub 1 1 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 160 Formatting Documents appears repeatedly throughout a paper, you can save re-typing it each time by defining it like this: .EQ define xy 'x sub i sub 1 + Y sub i sub l' .EN This makes xy a shorthand for whatever characters occur between the single quotes in the definition. You can use any character instead of quote to mark the ends of the definition, as long as it doesn't appear inside the definition. Now you can use xy like this: .EQ fIx) = xy ... 1 [· .EN and so on. Each occurrence of xy will expand into what it was defined as. Be sure to leave spaces or their equivalent around the name when you actually use it, so eqn will be able to identify it as special. There are several things to watch out for. First, although definitions can use previous definitions, as in .EQ define define xi ' x sub i ' xi1 ' xi sub 1 ' .EN Don't define something in terms of itself. A common error is to say .EQ define X • roman X • 1 [· .EN This is a guaranteed disaster, since X is now defined in tenns of itself. If you say .EQ define X • roman "X" • 1 [ · .EN however, the quotes protect the second X, and everything works fine. You can redefine eqn keywords. You can make slash C/) mean over by saying .EQ define [· .EN / • over • 1 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 161 or redefine over as / with .EQ define over ' / ' 1 [_ .EN If you need things to print on a workstation or tenninal as well as on the phototypesetter, it is sometimes worth defining a symbol differently in neqn and eqn. To do this, use ndefine and tdefine. A definition made with ndefine only takes effect if you are running neqn; if you use tdef ine, the definition only applies for eqn. Names defined with plain def ine apply to both eqn and neqn. 7.20. Tuning the Spacing Although eqn tries to get most things at the right place on the paper, it isn't perfect, and occasionally you will need to tune the output to make it just right. You can get small extra horizontal spaces with tilde and circumflex. You can also say back n and fwd n to move small amounts horizontally. The n is how far to move in 1/100s of an em (an em is about the width of the letter 'm'.) Thus back 50 moves back about half the width of an m. Similarly you can move things up or down with up n and down n. As with sub or sup, the local motions affect the next thing in the input, and this can be anything if it is enclosed in braces. 7.21. Troubleshooting If you make a mistake in an equation, like leaving out a brace, having one too many, or having a sup with nothing before it, eqn tells you with the message: syntax error between lines x and y, file z where x and yare approximately the lines between which the trouble occurred, and z is the name of the file in question. The line numbers are approximate, so look nearby as well. There are also self-explanatory messages that arise if you leave out a quote or try to run eqn on a non-existent file. If you want to check a document before actually printing it, run: ( hostname% eqn files >/dev/null J to throwaway the output but display the messages. If you use something like dollar signs as delimiters, it is easy to leave one out. You may also occasionally forget one half of a pair of macros or have an unbalanced font change. These can cause problems, but you can check for balanced pairs of delimiters and macros with checkeq and checknr. For instance, to run checkeq on this chapter called eqn . ug to check for unbalanced pairs of . EQs and . ENS, type: Revision A, of 9 May 1988 162 Formatting Documents hostname% checkeq eqn.uq eqn.ug: New delims , line 2 in EQ, line 2 Spurious EN, line 46 Delim off, line 1254 New delims , line 1278 New delims , line 1635 in EQ, line 1635 New delims tt, line 1991 Delim off, line 1999 hostname% We left out the . EQ before the . EN on line 46 to show you some sample output. This also reports on the delimiters. You can also use checknr with specific options to check specifically for a particular macro pair. For example, to run checknr to check that there is an . EQ for every. EN, type: hostname% checknr -s -£ -a.EO.EN eqn.uq 46: Unmatched .EN hostname% Specify the macro pair you want to check for with the -a option and the six characters in the pair. The -s option ignores size changes and the - f option ignores font changes. See checknr(l) in the SunOS Reference Manual for more details. Inline equations can only be so big because of an internal buffer in t ro f f. If you get a message word overflow, you have exceeded this limit. If you print the equation as a displayed equation, that is, offset from the body of the text with . EQ and . EN, this message will usually go away. The message line overflow indicates you have exceeded an even bigger buffer. The only cure for this is to break the equation into two separate ones. On a related topic, eqn does not break equations by itself; you must split long equations up across multiple lines by yourself, marking each by a separate . EQ . •. . EN sequence. eqn does warn about equations that are too long to fit on one line. 7.22. Precedences and Keywords If you don't use braces, eqn will do operations in the order shown in this list. dyad vec under bar tilde hat dot dotdot Vwd back down up fat roman italic bold size sub sup sqrt over from to The operations that group to the left are: over sqrt left right All others group to the right. For example, in the expression Revision A, of9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 163 .EQ a sup 2 over b [_ .EN 1 sup is defined to have a higher precedence than over, so this construction is 2 2 parsed as ~ instead of a b. Naturally, you can always force a particular parsing by placing braces around expressions. Digits, parentheses, brackets, punctuation marks, and the following mathematical words are converted to Roman font when encountered: sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh max min lim log ln exp Re 1m and if for det arc The following character sequences are recognized and translated as shown. Table 7-1 Character Sequence Translation You Type Translation >= <= ~ ~ - != +- '±* -> <- f- « » « » inf partial prime approx nothing cdot times del grad ~ a ::: x V V , ... , sum int prod union inter L J n U n Revision A, of 9 May 1988 164 Formatting Documents Table 7-2 To obtain Greek letters, simply spell them out in whatever case you want: Greek Letters You Type Translation You Type Translation DELTA GAMMA LAMBDA OMEGA PHI PI PSI SIGMA THETA UPSILON XI alpha beta chi delta epsilon eta gamma II iota kappa lambda mu nu omega omicron phi pi psi rho sigma tau theta upsilon xi zeta 1 r A n cI> n 'I' 1: 8 y .... a p X ~ £ 11 "I K A Jl v co 0 4> 1t 'I' p 0' 't 0 '\) l; ~ Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn Table 7-3 165 The eqn keywords, except for characters with names, follow. eqn Keywords above back bar bold ccol col cpile define delim dot dotdot down dyad fat font from fwd gfont gsize hat italic leol left lineup lpile mark matrix ndefine over pile rcol right roman rpile size sqrt sub sup tdefine tilde to under up vec , _ A {} " ... " Revision A, of9 May 1988 166 Formatting Documents 7.23. Several Examples Here is the complete source for several examples and for the three display equations in the introduction to this chapter. Square root Input: .EQ x = {-b +- sqrt{b sup 2 - 4ac}} over 2a .EN Output: x -b±~ 2a Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators Input: .EQ lim from {x -> pi /2} .EN (tan-x) inf Output: lim (tan x )=00 x~1tI2 Input: .EQ sum from i=O to infinity x sub i .EN pi over 2 Output: 00 1t D·=-2 i=() I Input: .EQ lim from {x-> pi /2} .EN ( tan-x) sup{sin-2x}-=-1 Output lim (tan x )sin 2x x-m/2 =1 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 167 Input: .EQ define define define define int dx left 1 ernx "{e sup rnx}" mab "{m sqrt ab}" sa "{sqrt a}" sb "{sqrt b}" over {a ernx - be sup -rnx}-=lpile { over {2 mab} -log{sa ernx - sb}over{sa ernx + sb} above 1 over mab-tanh sup -1 ( sa over sb ernx above -1 over mab-coth sup -1 ( sa over sb ernx ) } .EN Output: Quoted Text Input: .EQ lim- roman "sup" -x sub n [ .EN o 1 Ouput: lim SUPX/l=O Big Brackets Input: .EQ left [ x+y over 2a right 1-~-1 1 [ .. EN Output: [x:] ~ 1 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 168 Formatting Documents Fractions Input: .EQ a sub 0 + b sub lover {a sub 1 + bsub 2 over {a sub 2 + b sub 3 over {a sub 3 + ... }}} .EN Output: Input: .EQ I G(z)-mark =- e sup { In - G(z) } exp left ( sum from k>=l {S sub k z sup k} over k right ) prod from k>=l e sup {S sub k z sup k /k} .EN Output: G(z)= eln G(z ) =exp Zk [ Sk ] l:-- k~l k = TIe S z'/k k~l I Input: .EQ I lineup = left ( 1 { S sub 1 sup 2 z left ( 1+ { S sub + { S sub 2 sup 2 + ... right ) ... . EN + S sub sup 2 } 2 z sup z sup 4 1 z + over 2! + ... right) 2 } over 2 } over { 2 sup 2 cdot 2! } Output: Slz2 =[ 1+S 1z+--+'" 2! Z2 1[1+--+--+'" S2 SiZ4 l·... 2 22'2! Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Chapter 7 - Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 169 Input: .EQ I lineup sum from m>=O sum from pile { k sub 1 ,k sub 2 above k sub 1 +2k sub 2 + ... { S sub 1 sup {k sub I} { S sub 2 sup {k sub 2} left ( , ... , k sub m >=0 +mk sub m =m} } over {I sup k sub 1 k sub 1 } over {2 sup k sub 2 k sub 2 { S sub m sup {k sub m} right z sup m }}- over {m sup k sub m k sub m .EN Output: = L m~ [ L k,.k ...... k..~ S~, S~· -k-, -k-.-, 1 'k l • 2 k 2• k,+2k.+ ..• +mk.=m Shorthand for In-line Equations Input: [ .EQ delim IH 1 .EN Let #x sub i#, #yt and #alpha# be positive Output: Let Xi, Y and a be positive Revision A, of 9 May 1988 8 Verification Tools Verification Tools ........................................................................................................................ 173 8.1. spell ................................................................................................................................. 173 8.2. checknr ........................................................................................................................... 173 8.3. soelim .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.4. deroff .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.5. fmt ........................................................................................................................................ 173 8.6. col ........................................................................................................................................ 173 8.7. colcrt .............................................................................................................................. 173 8.8. ul ........................................................................................................................................... 173 8 Verification Tools 8.1. spell This command returns a list of misspelled words in a file. Because of the limited size of the on-line dictionary -less than 25,()()() words - some words spell thinks are misspelled are in fact correct. 8.2. checknr This program checks the syntax oftroff files, in much the same way lint checks the syntax of C programs. People who try it often find it very helpful. 8.3. soelim This program follows. so commands in troff files, incOlporating the contents of these sourced files into the output. This program is helpful for searching groups of source files, and is also useful with preprocessors such as refer, tbl, and eqn, none of which follow source commands to fruition. 8.4. deroff This command removes troff constructs from source files, and sends the results to standard output. Because some troff constructs necessarily contain text, some information may be lost from the output. 8.5. fmt This command is a simplified formatter for use inside vi or mail. Devoid of hyphenation facilities, it does very little except fill text. 8.6. col This command takes two-column text from nroff containing reverse line-feed escape sequences for the model 37 Teletype, and displays the two columns sideby-side, so they can be printed on a dumb lineprinter. 8.7. colcrt This command is analogous to col, but was designed for CRT terminals, as it makes use of terminal capabilities when available. 8.8. ul Also designed for CRTs, this command highlights underlined text using a terminal's underline mode, if available, and otherwise reverse video mode. 173 Revision A, of 9 May 1988 Index E A eqn program, 143/hru 169 accent marks, 154 adjusting the spacing, 161 big brackets, 156 bracketing expressions, 156 defining prepackaged strings, 159 diacritical marks, 154 displaying finished equations, 145 .EQ/ .ENpairs, 144 escaping eqn's fonnatting, 155 examples, 166 font changes, 153 fractions, 150 Greek letters, 147 grouping parts of an equation, 149 in-line equations, 159 integrals, 152 keywords and precedence, 162 lining up two equations, 156 mark and lineup, 156 matrices with matrix, 158 over and under expressions, 150 piles with pile, 157 point size changes, 153 precedence and keywords, 162 printing finished equations, 145 quoted text, 155 separating equations from text, 144 spaces in the input, 146 spaces in the output, 147 square roots, 151 subscripts and superscripts, 148 summations, 152 superscripts and subscripts, 148 symbols and special names, 147 text with in-line equations, 159 troubleshooting, 161 tuning the spacing, 161 equation formatting in documents, s~fe,art nroQ:iratirf accent marks, 43, 98, 111, 154 B bibliographies and citations, see refer program C citations and bibliographies, see refer program D document formatting, see document preparation document preparation, 3 thru 23 bibliographies and citations, 103 thru 115 changing fonts, 13 display breakout, 16 displaying documents, 11 entering text, 6 eqn program, 143 thru 169 equation formatting, 21, 143 thru 169 font changes, 13 footnotes, 16 formatters, 3 jargon for typesetting, 5 keeping text on one page, 17 list of items, 14 macro packages, 4 -man macros, 59 thru 66 mathematical equations, 21, 143 thru 169 -me macros, 69 thru 100 -ms macros, 27 Ihru 55 multiple columns, 17 number registers, 23 outline of items, 15 paragraph types, 7 preprocessors, 4 printing documents, 11 quick reference, 10 refer program, 103 thru 115 sample paragraphs, 9 section headers, 13 tables inside documents, 19, 119 thru 140 tbl program, 119 Ihru 140 technical memorandum, 12 text fonnatters, 3 typesetting jargon, 5 typing in text, 6 F fonnatting documents, see document pn;~pa:ratiioIl M -man macro package, 59 thru 66 bugs in programs, 64 coding conventions, 60 -175- Index - Continued -man macro package, continued -me macro package, continued cross references, 64 description of program, 61 elements of a manual page, 59 files related to program, 63 formatting a manual page, 65 identifying the page, 60 name of program, 60 new features, 64 number register usage, 65 options of program, 62 parts of a manual page, 59 request summary, 66 see also section, 64 swnmary of requests, 66 synopsis of program, 61 title header line, 60 margins on a page with -me macros, 71, 86, 88, 97 with -ms macros, 36, 45 mathematical equations in documents, see eqn program -me macro package, 69 thru 100 accent marks, 98 adjusting macro parameters, 94 annotation reference, 83 annotations, 81 basic requests, 70 changing font and point size, 91 defining macros, 90 delayed text, 82 delayed text inside keeps, 90 diacritical marks, 98 display reference, 80 displaying documents, 70 displays, 77 displays (fancy), 78 double column format, 90 double spacing, 75 elements of document, 86 endnotes, 82 font changes, 91 footers and headers, 74 footnotes, 82 footnotes inside keeps, 90 headers and footers, 74 indented paragraph, 71 keeping text on a single page, 78 left block paragraph, 71 listing items, 77 miscellaneous requests, 97 mUltiple column reference, 90 numbered headers, 85 page layout, 75 paragraph reference, 73 paragraphs, 70 parameters of macros, 94 parts of document, 86 point size changes, 93 predefined strings, 97 preprocessor support, 96 printing documents, 70 quotation marks, 94 quoted text, 77 request summary, 98 rof f support, 96 section header reference, 85 section headers, 84 special characters, 98 standard paragraph, 70 string registers, 97 summary of requests, 98 table of contents, 82 thesis format, 88 two column format, 90 typesetting caveats, 91 typography reference, 93 underlining, 77 unnumbered headers, 86 -ms macro package, 27 thru 55 accent marks, 43 bibliographies, 42 boxing words and text, 40 capabilities of various macros, 28 changes in new package, 27 changing fonts, 41 changing point sizes, 41 cover sheet, 34 date stamp, 42 defaults and how to change them, 45 diacritical marks, 43 dimensions of page elements, 45 displaying documents, 27 displays, 39 double column format, 37 endnotes, 39 eqn preprocessor use, 48 even page header and footer, 36 font changes, 41 footers and headers, 35 footnotes, 38 formatting requests, 28 headers and footers, 35 indented paragraph, 30 keeping text on a single page, 40 left block paragraph, 29 left shift - • RE, 31 modifying defaults, 45 multiple column format, 37 nested indentation, 31 nro f f requests, 47 number register names, 49 numbered section headers, 33 odd page header and footer, 36 order of requests, 49 paragraphs, 29 point size changes, 41 printing documents, 27 proper order of requests, 49 quotation marks, 43 quote paragraph, 32 register names, 49 relative indentation, 31 request summary. 51 right shift - • RS, 31 running headers and footers, 35 section headers, 33 standard paragraph, 29 -176- Index - -ms macro package, continued string register names, 49 smnmary of requests, 51 table of contents, 43 tbl preprocessor use, 49 thesis format, 42 title page, 34 t roff requests, 47 unnumbered section headers, 33 tbl program, continued lines of data, 127 linesize option, 123 multi-page tables, 122 n - numeric data, 123 option specification, 123 p - point size changes, 126 printing finished tables, 121 r - right adjust data, 123 s - span data, 123 space between columns, 125 specifications and data, 122 summary of commands, 140 t - top of vertical span, 125 T & to change format, 128 tab () option, 123 table continue with T&, 128 text blocks - T { and T}, 127 v - change vertical space, 126 vertical lines, 125 w - width of column, 126 troff command, 3 N nroff command, 3 R refer program. 103 thru 115 accent marks, 111 adding bibliographic data. 105 altering refer macros, 114 bugs and solutions, 110 capabilities explained, 103 citing papers and books, 107 command line options, 108 creating a bibliography, 105 efficiency improvements, 109 endnotes instead of footnotes, 108 features explained, 103 footnote numbering, 111 foreign names in data, 111 indexing the bibliography, 109 internal details, 112 macro modifications for refer, 114 printing the bibliography, 106 referring to papers and books, 107 sorting the bibliography, 106 T table formatting in documents, see tbl program tbl program, 119 thru 140 " - vertically span data, 124 a - alphabetic data, 123 allbox option, 123 blocks of text - T { and T}, 127 box option, 123 c - center data. 123 center option, 123 changing format in mid-table, 128 cornrnandsummary, 140 continued headings with . TH, 122 data and specifications, 122 data to be formatted, 127 del im () option, 123 displaying finished tables, 121 doublebox option, 123 e - equal width columns, 126 examples of tables, 129 expand option, 123 fields of data, 127 font change control, 125 format specification keys, 123 format specification options, 125 horizontal lines, 125 input structure for tables, 122 1 - left adjust data, 123 -177- Continued Notes

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