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SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION E L E C T RON IC ASSOC IA T E S, INC. West Long Branch, New Jersey 8400 SCIENTIF1C COMPUTING SYSTEM REFERENCE HANDBOOK • I Publ. No. 00 800 9049-0 @ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN U.S.A. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - SYSTEM DESCRIPTION . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . 1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1. 2 EXPANSIONS . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . • • . • . • . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1. 2. 1 8402 Basic Computing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1. 2. 2 8403 Basic Computing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1. 2. 3 8410 Central Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1. 2.4 8420 Memory Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1. 2. 5 8430 Exchange Module . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1. 2. 6 8440 Desk Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 1-4 1. 2. 7 8490 Power Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 PROCESSOR...................................................... 1-6 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 3. 1 Memory Word . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . 1-6 1. 3. 2 Instruction Word • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 1. 3. 3 Data, Word Formats . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 1. 3.4 Processor Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 1-10 ADDRESSING • • • . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . • . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . 1-12 1. 4. 1 Direct Addressing • . • • • • . . • . . . . • . • • . • • • • . • . . • • • • • • . . • . • • . • • • . . 1-12 1. 4.2 Indexed Addressing . . • . . • . • . • • • . • . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . 1-13 1. 4.3 Indirect Addressing • . . • • . . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . 1-13 1. 4. 4 Immediate Addressing • • . • . • . • • . • . . • . • • . . . • • . • • • . • • . . . . • . • . . . . . 1-13 INTERRU PT SYSTEM • • . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 CHAPTER 2 - INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2. 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.2 EFFECTIVE ADDRESS CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2. 2. 1 Direct Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2. 2. 2 Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2. 2. 3 Indirect AddreSSing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2. 2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.2.5 Combinations of AddreSSing Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 2. 3 ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.4 NOTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.4. 1 Addressing Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 2.4.2 Register Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 THE FIXED POINT INSTRUCTION CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2. 5. 1 The Save Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2. 5. 2 2. 5 The Accumulator Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 2. 6 THE EXTENDED PRECISION INSTRUCTION CLASS . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 2. 7 THE INDEX INSTRUCTION CLASS . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 2.8 FLOATING POINT INSTRUCTION CLASS • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 i CONTENTS (Cont) 2.8.1 Floating Divide. • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 2.8.2 Floating Multiply. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . 2-13 THE DOUBLE PRECISION INSTRUCTION CLASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 2.10 THE INTEGER INSTRUCTION CLASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 2.9 2.10.1 Floating................................................... 2-15 2.10.2 Integerizing . . . . . . . . • . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 2.11 BOOLEAN CONNECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 2.11. 1 The Mnemonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 2.11. 2 Addressing................................................. 2-18 2.12 CONDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 2.12.1 The Flag Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 2.12.2 Index Jumps XJ, XJT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 2.13 INSTRUCTIONS TO LOAD AND STORE SPECIAL REGISTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 2. 13. 1 Load Register or Bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 2.13.2 Store from Register or Bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2.13.3 The Flag Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2.13.4 Location Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2. 13. 5 Timer.................................................... 2-24 2. 13.6 Mask Register . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2.13.7 Console Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2.14 EXEC BIT INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2.14.1 Exec Bit Controls . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2.14.2 Accumulator Exec Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2.15 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2. 15. 1 SFL Instruction (Set Function Line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2.15.2 TSL Instruction (Test Status Line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2.15.3 LDCD, STCD Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2.15.4 LDCC, STCC Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28 2.15.5 LDOB, STIB Instructions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 2.16 SHIFT, ROTATE AND NORMALIZE INSTRUCTIONS .......................... 2-29 2. 16. 1 Arithmetic Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 2.16.2 2-30 Rotates................................................... CHAPTER 3 - PRIORITY INTERRUPT SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii 3-1 3.1 INTRODUCTION................................................... 3-1 3.2 BASIC OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.3 PRIORITy....................................................... 3-1 3.4 INTERRUPT CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.5 MASKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3.6 USER/MONITOR MODE AND THE INTERNAL INTERRUPTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3-6 3-7 User/Monitor Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Interrupts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS (Cont) Page 3.7 EXTERNALmTERRUPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3.8 CONSOLE INDICATORS 3-10 CHAPTER 4 - mpUT/OUTPUT SYSTEM .......................................... 4-1 4.1 mTRODUCTION................................................... 4-1 4.2 DATA CHANNELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-1 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.2.1 Function 4-1 4.2.2 Structure 4-2 4.2.3 Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4.2.4 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4.2.5 Byte Assembly/Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 4.2.6 Code Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 AUTOMATIC DATA CHANNEL PROCESSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-8 4. 3. 1 Function.................................................. 4-8 4.3.2 Structure.................................................. 4-8 4.3.3 Control Words 4-8 4.3.4 Operation .............................................. ................................................. 4-10 SYSTEM INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 4.4.1 Function.................................................. 4-11 4.4. 2 Structure.................................................. 4-12 4.4.3 SFL/TSL Instructions ......................................... 4-13 PERIPHERAL DEVICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-14 4.5.1 Typewriter ................................................ 4-14 4.5.2 Card Reader (Models 8452, 8453, and 8454) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-16 4. 5. 3 Paper Tape Reader .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4- 20 4.5.4 Paper Tape Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4-21 4.5.5 Line Printer (Models 8461, 8462, and 8463) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-22 4.5.6 Card Punch (Models 8455 and 8456) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 CHAPTER 5 - COMPUTER CONSOLE OPERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.1 mTRODUCTION................................................... 5-1 5.2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-2 5.2.1 Register Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5.2.2 Typewriter Input Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.2.3 Exponent Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.2.4 Interrupt Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.2.5 Channel Condition Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.2.6 Parity Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5.2.7 System Flag Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.8 Programmer Flag Controls and Indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-6 5-6 5.2.9 Console Interrupt Controls and Indicators ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5.2. 10 Configuration Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5.2. 11 AUTO LOAD and AUTO DUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 iii CONTENTS (Cont) Page 5.3 5.4 5.2. 12 Clock Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-7 5.2. 13 System Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 5.2. 14 Console Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-7 CONSOLE DISPLAY 5-7 5.3.1 Accumulator ............................................... 5-7 5.3. 2 Display Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-7 5.3.3 Memory Data 5-8 5.3.4 Memory Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5.3.5 Exchange Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5-8 5.3.6 Location Counter 5.3.7 Channel Function ........................................... . 5-8 5.3.8 Channel Buffer ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 5-9 5.3.9 Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 5.3.10 Typewriter Input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-9 Maintenance Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-9 5.4. 1 Lamp Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-9 5.4.2 Keyboard 5-9 5.4.3 Clock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-9 5.4.4 Mode..................................................... 5-10 5.4.5 Left Half, Right Half, Left Exec, and Right Exec .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-10 5.4.6 PCO, PC1, PC2, and PC3 ...................................... 5-10 5.4.7 Data Test ................................................. 5-10 5.4.8 ERR(Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 5.4.9 BankSelect................................................ 5-11 5.4.10 PatternControl.............................................. 5-11 5.4.11 Memory - LD/NORM/UNLD .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-11 5.4.12 Clock - STEP/NORM/START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 5.4.13 Channel Select 5-11 5.4.14 Device Select 5-11 5.4.15 Byte 4/8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 5.4.16 EBITE/E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 5.4.17 Code-BIN/BCD.............................................. 5-12 5.4. 18 DBCO, DBC 1, DBC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 5.4.19 DSCO, DSC1, DSC2 5-12 5.4.20 CSCO, CSC1, CSC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 5.4.21 C1CO, C1C1 • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . .. 5-12 5.4.22 CCOThroughCC4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 APPENDIX 1 - WORD FORMATS iv ................................................ ............................................... A1-1 1. INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A1-1 2. LOGICAL DATA .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A1-1 3. FIXED POINT FRACTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A1-1 CONTENTS (Cont) Page 4. FLOATING POINT NUMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Al-2 5. INTEGERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Al-2 6. ALPHANUMERIC DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Al-2 7. GENERALIZED DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Al-3 APPENDIX 2 8400 INSTRUCTION AND TEST MNEMONICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A2-1 APPENDIX 3 - TABLE OF INTERRUPT ADDRESS CODES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A3-1 1. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERSIONS ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A3-2 2. OPERATION CODES FOR ANALOG MONITOR/CONTROL A3-2 ....................... APPENDIX 4 - TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A4-1 1. PROCESSOR INTERRUPT SFL A4-1 2. PROCESSOR INTERRUPT TSL A4-1 3. EXCHANGE INTERRUPT SFL A4-2 4. EXCHANGE INTERRUPT TSL A4-2 5. HYBRID SFL's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A4-2 APPENDIX 5 - CHARACTER CODE EQUIVALENCE TABLE ............................. A5-1 APPENDIX 6 - POWERS OF TWO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . A6-1 APPENDIX 7 - OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7-1 APPENDIX 8 - HOLLERITH CARD CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8-1 APPENDIX 9 - LINKING LOADER TEXT BINARY CARD FORMAT ..............•.......... A9-1 .......................................... AlO-1 APPENDIX 10 - PAPER TAPE FORMAT APPENDIX 11 - TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC ................................. A11-1 1. THE TWO'S COMPLEMENTS SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A11-1 2. RANGE OF NUMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A11-1 3. TRUNCATION AND ROUND-OFF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A11-1 4. SHIFTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. All-3 5. OVERFLOWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. All-4 6. MULTIPLE PRECISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Al1-4 APPENDIX 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A12-1 v/vi ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number Page Title 1-2 1-1 1-2 Typical 8400 Scientific Computing System 8400 System Diagrams . ... . 1-3 Memory Word Format .... . 1-6 1-4 Instruction Word Format- . . . . . . . . 1-7 1-5 Summary of 8400 Word Format ... . 1-8 1-6 Processor Registers . . . . . . . . 1-10 1-7 Universal Accumulator Formats 1-11 2-1 8400 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-2 Effective Address Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 3-1 Interrupt Register Mask Enable Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 1-3 3-2 Interrupt States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-3 Multi-Level Interrupts . . ". . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-4 Internal Interrupt Conditions . 3-7 3-5 Console Interrupt Buttons ... 3-9 4-1 Exchange Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-2 The Elements of a Data Channel . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-3 Data Channel SFL Instructions 4-5 4-4 4-6 4-5 Data Channel TSL Instructions Program-Controlled Data Transfer . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Byte Size/Byte Count Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 4-7 Channel Control Word Format .................. . 4-9 4-8 ADC P Action for a TCD Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 4-7 4-9 Typewriter Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 4-10 Connection of Typewriter to the Channel Buffer Register 4-15 4-11 4-12 Typewriter Character Position in Memory ......... . ........ . 4-15 Typewriter SFL Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 4-13 Hollerith- BCD Code on a Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 4-14 Position of Binary Card Characters in an 8-bit Byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 4-15 Card Reader TSL Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 4-16 Card Reader SFL Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 4-17 Paper Tape Reader SFL Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 4-18 Paper Tape Punch SFL Instructions . .... . 4-22 4-19 Vertical Format Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 4-20 Line Printer TSL Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 4-21 Line Printer SFL Instructions . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 4-22 Card Punch SFL Instructions 4-28 4-23 Card Punch TSL Instructions 4-29 vii ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont) Figure Number Title 4-24 4-25 Magnetic Tape SFL Instruction 4-30 Magnetic Tape TSL [nstruction 4-31 5-1 5-2 Control Console ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-3 Register Display/[nput-Output Typewriter . . . . . . 5-3 5-4 Paper Tape Reader and Maintenance Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 5"'-5 System Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 < •••• 5-6 System Display Panel . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5-7 Maintenance Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 viii CHAPTER 1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1. 1 INTRODUCTION terrupt lines, special control registers, location counter, interval timer control, instruction register, The 8400 Scientific Computing System (Figure 1-1) flag register, high-speed save register, and seven Organization is made up of three autonomous subsys- index registers including the Universal Accumulator. tems; memory, processor, and exchange, which operate together from one control. Figure 1-2 illus- The last subsystem, the exchange, consists of a data trates, in block diagram form, a typical 8400 Scien- channel control system and a system interface. The tific Computing System. data channel control system provides a fully buffered interface with external input/output (I/O) devices. It The memory consists of from one to four banks with includes up to eight two-way data channels which can individual controls. Each bank has four storage ac- be controlled by either the program or one of the cess channels for multiple access communication. In optional Automatic Data Channel Controllers. Each the typical configuration shown in Figure 1-2, the first channel of each bank is connected to a bus from external devices. The system interface includes an the processor. Another separate bus ties together I/O bus system that is directly addressable, as well the second channel of each bank. This bus is con- as provision for status control lines, function control channel has the capability of controlling up to fifteen nected to each optional Automatic Data Channel Con- lines, and external interrupt lines; as required for troller used. The banks' third and fourth channels the integration of hybrid or other systems with the are available for bus connection to external proces- 8400. sors and mass memory devices. With this arrangement, the banks can be accessed in an over lapped Two additional units, the Automatic Data Channel fashion by the central processor and by the external Controller and the console, are shown separately in processors in an expanded multiprocessor system. the diagram. The first of these, an optional expan- Each bank can also exchange information with external mass memory devices for efficient time-sharing sion in the exchange, provides data channel control for data transfer (independent of processor opera- processes. With this configuration, the processors tion) between external devices and memory. The may continue computation during input/output activity. console, which is considered as part of the processor, includes: system controls, register displays, The central processor, functioning as the heart of the an on-line typewriter and a paper tape station. system, has two-way communication with all subsystems and optional Automatic Data Channel Control- 1. 2 EXPANSIONS lers. Provided with a complete capability of performing all required arithmetic and logical operations, One important aspect of the 8400 is the versatility of it performs the major part in control and execution configurations. The expansions may be factory in- of the stored program. The achievement is accom- stalled or added in the field when the 8400 users' re- plished by an accumulator and an extensive comple- quirements change. A complete listing of expansions ment of registers, control lineS, and logic circuitry. may be found in Section 1. 1 of the 8400 Maintenance Series - System Information manual (EAI Publication Number 00 800 9002-0). This section provides In general, the basic items of this subsystem are: logic signal control, status lines, function lines, in- 1-1 Figure 1-1. Typical 8400 Scientific Computing Sys tern 1-2 FUNCTION LINES STATUS LINES INTERRUPT II II ~r45678 I I CHANNEL CONTROLLERS DISC- PAC CONTROLLER MEMORY BANK MEMORY BANK MAGNETIC TAPE CONTROLLER MASS STORAGE PROCESSOR MEMORY BANK 8930 Figure 1-2. 8400 System Diagrams a brief outline of the basic systems (8402, 8403) Three high-speed index registers and four in- along with the standard and optional components dex registers in coret; available. Figure 1-2 illustrates the various configu- rations. 1. 2. 1 8402 Basic Computing System - Includes the following: Masked priority interrupt system with 16 internal. and 16 external. levels; Power fail-safe system; 8410 Floating Point Processor; 8420 Memory Module - 8K capacity; 8430 Exchange Module; 8440 Desk Console; Exchange module (8430) with one (8431) data channel, one (8440) desk console with on-line input-output typewriter and one (8490) power system; 8490 Power Module. Indirect, immediate and byte addressing capa- 1. 2. 2 8403 Basic Computing System - Same as the 8402 System except that the memory module bility; and, SAVE register with 560 nanosecond cycle time. has a 16K storage capacity. t Four, high-speed index registers referred to as 1. 2. 3 8410 Central. Processor - Including: Hardware for performing fixed and floating pOint arithmetic; the Quad Index Register Pak may be optionally deleted. However, the system always has seven index registers. After the deletion is made, the system index registers include the accumulator, two highspeed registers and four registers in core memory. 1-3 Masked priority interrupt system with 16 internal and 16 external levels; and An availability for four channel interrupt lines Power fail-safe system tied to the highest A systems interface with up to 16, fully-buffered, interrupt level. 16-bit parallel input/output busses - up to 128 when less than five 8431 data channels are used; groups of status lines with 8 lines per group - 1. 2. 4 8420 Memory Module - Includes: Core storage capacity of 8192 words, each containing 32 bits for information, 2 EXEC bits for special control functions and 2 parity bits; A 650 nanosecond access time; A 1. 75 microsecond cycle time; and up to 128 groups of function lines with 8 lines per group; and, Interface terminations for optional external priority interrupt system expansions, for up to 256 interrupt levels. 1. 2.6 8440 Desk Console - Including: Independent read/write control enabling over- Operator's panel with complete display and lapped operations with other memory banks; control facilities including console, status line and, control and processor access for on-line parameter changing; The capability for handling independent busses from up to four request sources. A maintenance panel; Maximum one unit to be added in field. An on-line, Selectric Typewriter for manual and program -controlled input/output. 1. 2.5 8430 Exchange Module - Includes: 1. 2. 7 8490 Power Module - Including: A channel control system that can accommodate up to eight 8431 data channels; A capability for providing the 8400 system's full power requirements; Two bi -directional buffered data channels each Provisions for the manual, marginal testing of capable of handling 16-bit parallel communication; memory; The capability for handling 15 device control- Provisions for power-fail monitoring; and, lers per channel; Provision for over/under power protection. The capability for controlling 16, 8 and 4-bit byte assembly or disassembly sequences, including parity checking or generation as well 1. 2. 8 The follOWing list includes optional peripheral devices and system expansion components: as conversion of BCD to processor collating codes; 8441 Paper Tape Station - with a 500 cps read and 110 cps punch capability. (cps = Char/sec). The capability for independent channel control 1-4 from the processor or from the optional, 8435-1 8412 Quad Index Register Pak - adds to the Automatic Data Channel Control System (per- processor four high-speed index registers mitting simultaneous multi-channel operation); (registers 4 to 7). 8417 Timer Register - provides addressable, 8439-1 through 128 Function Line Package - real-time millisecond clock. provides in the exchange additional function 8422 8K Memory Bank - with same features as 8422-E Memory Module. (Maximum four banks groups of 8 lines each (two 8-line groups per unit). Each package provides fully buffered flip-flop storage for function line output to ex- per 8400.) ternal devices. (Maximun 64 groups.) 8423 16K Memory Bank - with a 16,384 word, core storage capacity; other features are the 8441 Paper Tape Station - 500 character-per- same as those for the 8420 Memory Module. second read and 110 character-per-second (Maximum four banks per 8400. ) punch. Mounting provisions are included in the 8431 Program Control Data Channel - provides a data channel capability for any exchange module channel position, from 1 to 7; handles up to 15 peripheral device controllers. 8440 Central Console. 8452 Card Reader - 400 cards-per-minute; 12 row cards, 80 column read. 8435-1 Automatic Data Channel Processor - 8453 Card Reader - 800 cards-per-minute; 12 provides independent block data transfer con- row cards, 80 column read. trol for the 8431 data channel of channel position 0 in the exchange module; requires the use of an 8420 Memory Interface Pak; independent 8454 Card Reader - 1400 cards-per-minute; 12 row cards, 80 column read. of central llrocessor. 8455 Serial Card Punch - 100 cards-per -minute 8435-2, 3, 4 Automatic Data Channel Processor Expansions - each adds independent block data transfer control for one 8431 data channel occupying any channel position between 1 and 7 in the exchange module; 8435-1 Automatic Data Channel is required in order to use the expansion. (Maximum of three. ) to 316 cpm. 8456 Parallel Card Punch· 300 cards-per- minute. 8461 Line Printer - 300 lines-per-minute; 132 columns-per-line, 64 characters, buffered 8420-21,22,23,24 Memory Interface Pak - printer. provides coupling interface between 8435-1 Automatic Data Channel Processor and Memory 8462 Line Printer - 600 lines-per-minute; 132 Banks 1, 2, 3, anli 4, respectively. columns-per-line, 64 characters, buffered Maximum of four; one required per memory bank. Neces- printer. sary if an ADCP is to be used. 8463 Line Printer - 1000 lines-per-minute. 8437-2 through 16 External Interrupt System Expansion Group - each group adds 16 inter- 8472 Magnetic Tape System - provides con- rupt lines to basic external interrupt system. troller handlin up to four transports (8473); 8438-1 through 128 Status Line Package - pro- vides in the exchange additional status line groups of 8 lines each (two 8-line groups per unit). Each package provides fully buffered one is included, maximum of four. The tape transport uses 7 -track, IBM compatible tapes and operates at 45 ips and 556 and 800 bpi, respectively. flip-flop storage for sense input from external 8474 Magnetic Tape System - provides con- devices .. (Maximum 64 groups.) troller handling up to four transports (8475); 1-5 one is included (maximum of four). The tape 8481 Display Monitor - provides point, line transport uses 7 -track, IBM compatible tapes and character plotting on a 10" x 10" display and operates at 75 ips and 556 and 800 bpi, of 1024 points along each axis. Light pen is respectively. included. 8476 Magnetic Tape System - provides con- 1. 3 PROCESSOR troller handling up to four transports (8477); one is included. The tape transport uses 7- 1. 3.1 Memory Word track, IBM compatible tapes and operates at 120 ips and 556 and 800 bpi, respectively. The 8400 Computer's memory word 'consists of 36 8478 Magnetic Tape System - provides con- bits: 2 bits for parity check, 2 bits for program troller handling up to four transports (8479); control (EXEC bits), and 32 data bits. The memory one is included. The tape transport (8479) word format is shown in Figure 1-3. uses 7-track, IBM compatible tapes and operates at 150 ips and 556 and 800 bpi, respec- The parity bits are generated and stored on a half- tively. word basis during the write cycle. Parity is then NDTE checked during the read cycle. If an error is lo- Model Numbers 8472-9, 8474-9, 8476-9, and cated, the console indicator lights and a parity inter8478-9 are the same as the models listed above rupt J!3 initiated. The 8400 System uses odd parity; except that they use 9 track IBM compatible tapes. this means that whenever the number of logic ONE's 31 32 33 3435 151 16 INFORMATION 0 16-BIT HALF-WORD I 16-BIT HALF-WORD E E P P , 32-BIT FULL -WORD 8-BIT BYTES I· 4-BIT BYTES SUBDIVISION OF HALF-WORDS FOR BOOLEAN OPERATIONS I I I I II I I I H,T BYTES 11111111111111111,·" T BYTES Figure 1-3. Memory Word Format 1-6 making up a word is even, a parity bit is generated indicates the normal program control capabilities of so that the result is odd. (Using odd parity, the the instruction word; for example, addressing, ad- parity bit is always the opposite when all l's or O's dress modification, and instruction interpretation. are used.) The first sixteen bits (M field) in the word format represent the operand address during a data fetch. The EXEC bits, in effect, expand the system's soft- It may also signify: an instruction address during ware capability. Used by the programmer to tag an instruction fetch, an immediate operand, or a selected memory words, these two bits are also shift count. The next four bits designate any address capable of the following: modification required. If bit 16 (*) is a binary 1, the M field contains the address of another location enabling interrupt control for memory protection, in memory that will replace the present M field, rather than the address of an operand. Bits 17 through 19 (X, where X = 1 to 7) specify the number of an dynamic relocation of object programs, Index register. Either or both may be used to change the interpretation of the instruction address during . .. stack or table pOinting, and so forth. execution. The last 12-bit (OP field) portion of the word format EXEC bit control is discussed in Chapter 2. denotes the operation to be performed. The information portion of the word may contain a full (32-bit) word, two half (16-bit) words, or por- 1. 3. 3 Data Word Formats tions thereof (8, 4, 2, or 1-bit) for Boolean operations. This section describes the word formats used in the 8400 Computer. The brief descriptions refer to Figure 1-5. Arithmetic formats are in a two's complement notation with the + sign (binary 1) indicating a negative quantity. The instruction, memory data and memory address word formats are included in Figure 1-5 for comparison. 1. 3. 2 Instruction Word Instructions are executed in sequence by the 8400 Instruction Register (I). Each instruction has a 32-bit word format as shown in Figure 1-4. This figure 0 15 M FIELD M 16 * 17 19 X 31 OP FIELD 16 - BIT (MEMORY) ADDRESS FIELD * I - BIT INDIRECT ADDRESS MODIFIER X 3 - BIT INDEXING MODIFIER OP 20 12 - BIT COMMAND (OPERATION CODE) Figure 1-4. Instruction Word Format 1-7 CHARACTERISTIC FLOATING POI NT S DOUBLE PRECISION FLOATING POINT sl { EXPONENT I lSi 23 MOST SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTIC 7 24EXPONENT lsi 23 LEAST SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTIC 7 EXPONENT - 23 INTEGER sl ~s...I_____ FIXED POINT I ~s IL...------1_5------~1 , I =:J -- ,-1----'....1I ~ Isl==7 1_5_ _ _ _ _---', _ _ _ _ _ -1-1 _ _ _ _ .... I EXTENDED FIXED POINT S I I 15 INDEX IS I 15 LOGICAL: I, 16-BIT BYTE I S I 15 I~------------------~------------------~ I~-----' 2, a-BIT I~----------------~ BYTESI~_ _ _ _ _ _"'--_ _ _ _ _ _~ 4, 4-BIT BYTESI I~-~--~--~-~ 16, 1- BIT BYTES 1 I I I 1 1.1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 6 INSTRUCTION 17 19 OPERATION M FI ELD MEMORY ADDRESS MEMORY DATA BIT SCALE RIGHT HALF LEFT HALF I 7 II a ItlMrl~1 16 EL - LEFT EXEC BIT ER - RIGHT EXEC BIT PL - LEFT PARITY BIT PR - RIGHT PARITY BIT S" SIGN:!: Figure 1-5. Summary of 8400 Word Format 1-8 1. 3. 3.1 Floating-Point. Floating-point num- 1. 3. 3. 2 Fixed-Point. Formats for the stan- bers are either single word (32-bit), or double pre- dard (16-bit) and extended (32-bit) fixed-point quan- cision (56-bit) quantities. The single-precision tities are illustrated in Figure 1-5. The standard floating-point number consists of: fixed-point format consists of a 15-bit fraction along .' with a sign bit and may occupy either half-word •.. a fractional part (23 magnitude bits), position of the memory word. The extended fixedpoint format contains two 15-bit fractional parts a sign bit, and a sign bit for each. Its left half-word contains the fifteen most significant bits and the sign of the and an exponent part ( 7 magnitude bits) with its own sign bit. entire 30-bit fractional quantities, In standard fixed-pOint arithmetic operations, the half-words This single-precision floating-point notation provides are addressed individually. an accuracy of six.decimal digits. 1. 3. 3. 3 Integer. The double-precision floating-point number occupies Integer arithmetic instruc- tion involve operations with two types of data words: two consecutive memory word locations .. The word with the lowest address contains the most significant 1. Standard, 16-bit fixed-point and fraction and exponent bits. The signed exponent part of the word (eight bits) with the higher address is . . adJusted durmg memory store to EXP-2 23 2. Single, 32-bit floating-point. . Double floating-point notation provides an accuracy of thirteen decimal digits. The data word associated with the system memory is standard, 16-bit, fixed-point notation. The operand in the Accumulator is in single 32-bit, floating-point The double-precision floating-point word format has direct correspondence with the single floating-point format. For example, when executing a 32-bit floating-point multiply, the product will be in the double-precision word format. Therefore, the results of several 32-bit floating-point multiply operations can be accumulated using double-precision floating-point add operations. The results may be operated on individually since the sign and exponent for each of the most significant and least significant portions are preserved. notation. In the integer mode, a 16-bit, fixed-point number is automatically converted from the halfword memory location to the floating-point format. LikeWise, a floating-point number in the accumulator which represents the result of a series of floating-point operations, is integerized and stored in the designated half-word memory location. Operations in this mode may be either normalized or unnormalized by post modifying the associated instructions. 1. 3.3. 4 Index. In this operation, the contents .of a specified index register is arithmetically combined Floating-point operations are normalized (adjustment with the contents of a half-word memory location. of the mantissa and floating-point number so that the The result, obtained in the accumulator, is automati- mantissa lies in the prescribed normal range) auto- cally transferred back into the specific index regi- matically after each operation unless the instruction ster and the previous contents of the accumulator ar! is post-modified by the unnormalized symbol (U). restored. Normalization is accomplished by using left shifts to remove all leading zeros from the number in the 1. 3. 3.5 Logical Byte. Logical Byte operations accumulator. The shifting continues until the con- between half-word memory locations and the accumu- tents of the first two bit positions (0, 1) in the accu- lator may be performed in 16, 8, 4, 2, or 1-bit bytes. mulator differ. A single instruction selects the desired byte size, 1-9 byte positions, logical connective and recipient (either The first section, the 16-bit A Register, is used by memory or accumulator) of the operation results. itself for 16-bit fixed-point operations and as the most significant 16 bits of all other operations. The 1. 3. 4 Processor Registers second section, the AE Register, is used when ex- The following registers in the 8400 Computer provide tended fixed-point and extended shift operations are needed. It enables the A Register to Handle 32-bit the major portion of the Processor's capability for fixed-point quantities such as: 32-bit, double-length control and execution of the stored program. (See products; and dividends of standard, 16-bit fixed- Figure 1-6). point multiply and divide operations. The AF Register, the third section, is a 16-bit A Register exten- Instruction Register (l). This 32-bit register stores each instruction as it is executed. sion and is used for single-word (32 -bit) floating- The register format is the same as the 8400 instruc- point quantities. The final section, the AD Register, provides a 24-bit extension to the AF Register. This tion word as shown in Figure 1-4. enables the accumulator to handle 56-bit, double1. 3. 4.2 Location Counter (L). This 16-bit precision floating-point quantities; such as the double- register contains the address of the next instruction precision products and dividends of a single-word to be loaded into the Instruction Register. Its primary floating-point multiplication and division operations. function is to provide system program control by sequentially directing the flow of instructions into the The accumulator provides several special 8400 pro- system. The contents of the Location Counter may gramming features. It provides a single refere.nce be stored when necessary. location for the implicit operand and the result of all arithmetic and logical operations. The accumulator 1. 3. 4. 3 Universal Accumulator (A). The is universal in that it automatically handles all inter- Universal Accumulator as shown in Figure 1-7, con- register transfers after each arithmetic operation. sists of four separate registers which carry out the Another convenience is that it may be used as an index 8400's arithmetic and data operations. register. Finally, by virtue of its self-addressing o I 16 INSTRUCTION REGISTER ( r LOCATION COUNTER (L FLAG REGISTER ( F I 1 15 o 32 I INDEX REGISTERS (X I _7) .. ·(SEVEN)* 1 1 UNIVERSAL ACCUMULATOR (A) ~ 16 i 32 151--A~REG~ER--=-=:] o INTERNAL MASK REGISTER (Ml , - - - - - - - tL----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -, EXTERNAL MASK REGISTER (El 0 L A REGISTER __ ______ AF REGISTER , - - - - - - - - - - - ---,23 INTERNAL INTERRUPT REGISTER L _ _ _ _ ~D~E~~.:mR SAVE REGISTER ($ I INTERVAL TIMER REGISTER (Tl ___ ~ ~ EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REGISTERS CONSOLE REGISTER (C L-------~ o f ,--------, .6 15 '-~REGI-;:;:-E_;_---I- 1 32 A E REGISTER _ _ _ _ _ _ ---1 L- _ _ _ _ _ _ --j _ _ _ _ _ _ --, L_~~GIST~ _ _ ..J , - - - - - - - - - - - l23 0 L _ _ _ ~D~~S~R_ _ _ _ ..J 'The A Register of the Uni versal Accumulator is Index Register Xl Figure 1-6. Processor Registers 1-10 16 31 17 s I 0 I 15 r~-----------------AE REGISTER I MANTISSA (CONTINUED IN AF REGISTER) ..J .!..M~T.!!'!.N ~I ~~ ~R!..W!!E!! ~E~ W..!.T~ ~ ~G~T~R ~S A REGISTER 31 23 "24 16 (CONTINUATION _ _ _ O!,. ~N~'~A:' _ I -1 ___ E~P~~T ____ AF REGISTER MANTISSA (LEAST SIGNIFICANT PART) - - - - - - - - -AD REGISTER - - - - - - - - - - - - Figure 1-7. Universal Accumulator Formats capability, the accumulator enables the performance When indexed address modification is specified, the of doubling and squaring at high speeds. This selfaddressing capability also enables data transfer be- effective address is formed by adding the contents of the selected index register to the contents of the M tween the accumulator and all index registers. The field. This operation has no effect on index register Universal Accumulator is addressable as memory content. location zero. 1. 3. 4.4 Save Register ($). The Save Register Index arithmetic instructions allow direct operation is a high-speed storage register similar to the Universal Accumulator. (See Figures 1-6 and 1-7.) between the respective contents of a specified index This register is used to retain the entire contents of single instruction effects the following: An automatic the accumulator prior to the execution of any arithmetic or shift instruction. The Save option is de- parallel transfer of the contents of the addressed signated by the & symbol and may be used with any arithmetic operation, as specified, combining this 'arithmetic or shift operation. quantity with that contained in the addressed memory register and an addressed memory location. A index register to the Universal Accumulator; an location; and, an automatic transfer of the result The programmer, by using the Save Register, is able back to the same index register. The transfer from to store or read operands in 560 nanoseconds, less the index register is made to the parallel A Register time than it takes using core memory. The data is automatically arranged in the proper format when of the Universal Accumulator with the previous A recalled by the Universal Accumulator. Similar to a memory cell, this register retains data until a register has no extension (AE Register), its use is restricted to operations giving a half-word (16-bit) subsequent instruction containing the $ symbol stores results. Register contents being stored. Since the index new data; the data is NOT destroyed during the savewrite cycle. 1. 3.4. 6 Flag Register (F). The addressable, Index Register (X1 - 7). Seven index registers including the Universal Accumulator (index register one) provide automatic address modification. These registers retain ha:lf-word numbers that are expressed in two's complement notation. 16-bit Flag Register continually monitors machine conditions as well as those specified by the programmer. At the end of each instruction, the status of these conditions is indicated by the register's sixteen flag bits. 1-11 1. 3. 4.8 Console Register (C). Tested by a set of transfer operations, the flags pro- This l6-bit vide the basis for the 8400's extensive program- register enables monitoring, data display and data control capability. They signify modifications of the input while the program is in progress. It may be normal sequential control for the program. Basic control instructions affected include the following: loaded by the operator or by the program.. HJf EXf Lf 1. 3.. 4.9 Interval Timer Register (T). Enabled HALT if flag f set and JUMP when execute button depressed; by the LOAD INTERVAL TIMER (LDT) instruction, EXECUTE instruction at specified this l6-bit register decrements one count each millisecond t providing computer real-time control. As location if flag f set; the register goes through zero, an interrupt is gen- LINK to subroutine if flag f set; erated and the register is reset to its maximum value. At this point, unless reloaded by the interrupt subroutine, the register continues to decrement as LRf LINK to subroutine if flag f set, before. RESET flag; JUMP if flag f set; With all its bit positions occupied, the Interval Timer. Jf JUMP if flag f set; Register will decrement through a maximum time range of 65, JRf ~36-l milliseconds{~2n)InterruPts may \\n=o JUMP if flag f set, RESET flag; be programmed to occur at any selected' time interval JSf JTf JUMP if flag f set, SET flag; within this range. Consequently, the register is JUMP if flag f set, TRIGGER flag. extremely useful for: program synchronization, periodic output of data, time-sharing programs or The LINK and JUMP operations are conditional; they consoles, periodic sense line testing, and many other purposes. depend upon the status of the flag tested. The setting, resetting, or triggering (complementing) of the flag, however, is unconditional. 1. 4 ADDRESSING The Flag Register bits indicate the status of 16 inter- The extensive addressing capability in the 8400 nal machine conditions. Eight of the bits serve as Scientific Computing System facilitates the handling of programmer console flags and are set by either con- all normally encountered address manipulations in- sole switches or the program. Internal machine volving core memory locations. Direct, indexed, and status conditions can be preserved at any particular indirect addressing have been made available to the time by storing the entire register contents in mem- programmer •. In addition, an immediate or literal ory. This enables the programmer to retrieve inter- addressing capability provides programming flexi- nal machine status after the occurrence of subsequent bility for fast efficient processing. interrupt conditions. 1. 4. 1 Direct Addressing 1. 3. 4.7 Mask Registers, Internal (M) and External (E). The Internal Mask Register and External Mask Register permit the programmer to select the interrupts a program will respond to and, to establish a priority- among these interrupts. These l6-bit registers are loaded and stored by the use .of special instructions (see Chapter 2). 1-12 With direct addressing, the l6-bit address specified by the instructions' M field referS' directly to the memory location of the data (operand) that is to be t Other factory-set timing intervals are also available. used in the specified operation. In arithmetic opera- where the address of the data may be found. tions, either full-word or half -word operands may be the address of the data is given indirectly. Thus, used. With full-word operands, the entire contents of the specified memory location are involved. With If both an index register and indirect addressing are half-word operands, either the right or left half of required by the programmer, the effective address the full-word location is used. The half-word to be is computed as previously discussed and then the in- used is designated in the instruction by a / (slash) direct address is computed. .' post modifier (see Chapter 2). 1. 4. 4 Immediate Addressing For double precision arithmetic operations, the contents of both the specified memory location and the The 16-bit address of an arithmetic or logical in- next memory location (M + 1) are accessed. In struction serves as the operand when immediate Boolean operations, the specific half-word (including addreSSing is used. This operand is a signed number its byte size and position) is specified by using post represented in two's complement notation. Immedi- modifiers in the associated instruction, i. e. , AHM4/ ate addressing is specified in the 12-bit operation SAM,,3. In this instruction: 4 specifies a four-bit (OP) field of the instruction word and is accomplished byte; SAM designates the memory location and, being in symbolic notation by placing the = symbol in this to the right of the slash, the right half-word of this field. full-word location is specified. The instruction states, "where each of the four bits in the third byte This form of addressing saves instruction time since position are high, set the corresponding bits in the it permits the direct use of data from the Instruction right half-word of memory location SAM". Register; no memory access required. This form of addressing also saves memory space since no 1.4.2 IndexedAddressing operand memory locations are required and; in ad- Indexed addressing represents an important and dition, the operand may be modified by the contents highly useful variation of direct addressing. The of a specifiC index register since the immediate 8400 contains seven index registers providing an . efficient, flexible means of address modification. operand is located in the instruction word address field. With this modification accomplished prior 'to using the immediate operand, the effective immediate Indexing adds the contents of an index register to the operand concept can be used by the programmer to address portion of an instruction, Bits 17, 18, and provide greater programming flexibility. CA store 19 of the instruction word specify which one of the command with immediate addressing capability is seven index registers is to be activated. If bit posi- called an NOP.) tions 17, 18, and 19 are zero, no indexing is specified. The contents of anyone of the computers' The immediate operand notion extends to shifting seven index registers are added to the 16-bit address operations as well. In a SHIFT instruction, the field (base part) to form the "effective address". desired number of shifts is speCified as an arithmetic operand. Direction of shifting is determined by the shift count sign. And, as an immediate operand, this shift count may be modified by the contents of a 1. 4. 3 Indirect Addressing Multi-level indirect addressing may· be used without being restricted by any 8400 instructions. The * bit specified index register. 1. 5 INTERRUPT SYSTEM (bit 16) of the instruction word is used as the indirect indicator. When indirect addressing is speci- The true multilevel interrupt system with mask con- fied' the 16-bit address gives the memory location trol permits multilevel interruption to any depth 1-13 without a loss of return-continuity. When an internal has priority over the succeeding group and each or external interrupt condition occurs and the inter- group level over lower levels. rupt action is not inhibited by masks, an instruction in a reversed interrupt location is executed (each Basically, 16 flip-flops (each set by a particular interrupt condition has a reversed location). The execution of this instruction does not change Location Counter contents. LINK, the normally executed interrupt condition) are scanned. A scanner will accept a flip-flop output only if the Interrupt Enable bit in the Flag Register and the corresponding mask instruction, transfers control to the interrupt routine register bit are both high. The scanner begins scan- while preserving the return address of the interrupted ning at selected points in the instruction flow, con- program. Once started, an interrupt action may be tinues until an interrupt condition is detected, and interrupted by the occurrence of a subsequent sys- then locks onto that position. The priority of a tem interrupt condition. scanner is established when no "higher-priority" scanner has locked up. Mter priority has been The interrupt system responds to internal conditions established, interrupt logic determines the address of the reserved interrupt location. and operating modes monitored by sixteen internal interrupt lines. It is also responsive to any of up to 256 external conditions monitored by an expanded Mter an interrupt subroutine has been given control complement of external interrupt lines. There are and the return address of the interrupted program 16 external interrupt lines in the first group with a has been saved, scanning of the higher priority inter- capability of up to 15 additional external groups. The rupt levels resume. This insures that the operation complete system is arranged in 17 groups containing of the subroutine will be interrupted only when the 16 individual interrupt levels apiece. Group 0 in- higher interrupt conditions are detected. Such in- cludes the internal interrupt levels and groups 1 through 16, the external interrupt levels. Each group terruption may be eliminated by using the appropriate masking. 1-14 CHAPTER 2 INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE 2. 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter contains a complete and precise definition of the operations performed by every 8400 instruction. Further details on input/output in- .•• the instruction address field in the left portion of the instruction word; ••• other special registers are a half-word in size. structions for peripheral devices are given in Chapter 4. The emphasis in this chapter is on pro- 2.2 EFFECTIVE ADDRESS CALCULATIONS gramming rules and conventions; moreover, as an aid in learning the entire repertoire, the instruc- 2. 2. 1 Direct Addressing tions are presented in classes and sets. The programming conventions and notation used are taken from the 8400 Macro-Assembler manual (EAI All instructions referencing an operand in memory Publication Number 07 800.0001-3). The actualOP The most basiC, direct addreSSing, uses the 16-bit code numerical values are given in the appendix and left hand number of the instruction word as the in the 8400 Programmer's Card. operand address. Other addressing modes are specify one of several ways to address the operand. termed: index modification, indirect addressing, Consistent with the objective of presenting the instruction repertoire as the programmer will use it, the view of the computer is offered as functional appropriate for the programmer. Therefore, Figure 2.1 illustrates the essential programmable elements of the central processor. Only the 16-bit input and output busses are missing. The registers required and immediate addressing. Half-word addreSSing, a variation on each of the above, is allowed when the operand is a 16-bit word. The left or right half-word selection is made after a memory address. This left/right option is an integral part of the OP code (bits 20 to 31 of the I Register as shown in Figure 2.1). for momentary storage of data traveling to the accumulator from the memory is only one explicit inter-register transfer and that is between the ac- 2. 2. 2 Indexing cumulator and the Save ($) Register. The memory- One of the primary uses of index registers arises from their ability to modify instruction addresses. For this to-register transfer paths are obvious; therefore, to occur, the instruction must specify the particular not shown. Other register transfers which are closely related to the instruction and their options index register that is to take part in the modifying are developed in the text below. activity. Indexing adds the contents of an index register to the address portion of an instruction. Figure 2.1 illustrates the following important facts: When indeXing is speCified, the contents of the index • •• The Save Register can hold a copy of the accumulator contents except for the exec bits (shown crosshatched); · •• the EA and AF Registers are alternative extensions of the A Register; · •• the A Register is also treated as Index Register one; registers are added algebraically, in two's complement notation, to the address portion of the instruction. This new address, the effective address, is then to be used as the operand. If the index register contains a negative (two's com- plement) value, the result of address modification to subtract this value from the address portion of the ! instruction. 2-1 INDEX REGISTERS o 15 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 PROCESSOR REGISTER o T c REGISTER E M F L. o I. I. 52 1__m_--1.JH_x.1. ._op_-, I .... M o EI ORY II IE 8400 REGISTERS Figure 2.1 As an example of address modification, assume that memory address 500 contains the instruction AD 124,2 and this instruction has a two in the appropriate index register position. If the contents of the index register are 27, then the number stored in memory location 151 (124 + 27 = 151) is added into the accumulator when the add AD instruction is executed. Note that memory location 500 still contains the instruction AD 124,2 in its original form. Memory address 151 is called the effective address, and the process is called address modification; that is, the address of the instruction is modified in the central processor for execution purposes, but is unaltered in memory. 2.2.3 Indirect Addressing When proceSSing data is located in several different areas of memory, it is at times convenient to operate upon an indirect address as opposed to an actual ad- AD 123. However, if he wishes to add to the accumulator, not the contents of memory location 123 but the contents of the contents of memory locat:i.on 123, then the computer would add the contents of location 1862 to the accumulator. This procedure is known as indirect addressing, and occurs when a 1 is placed in bit position 16 (*) of the instruction word. Mnemonically, it is written as: AD* 123 Note that if an index register and indirect addressing are requested by the programmer, the effective address is computed as previously discussed and then the indirect address is computed. 2.2.4 Summary Table 2.1 lists the entire 8400 Instruction Repertoire. dress. For example, if the programmer wishes to perform an add instruction at memory location 3000 An instruction that has a number (m) in the left half- (assume that memory location 123 already contains is said to address memory core location, m, which 1862), he would write location 3000 contains the operand. If the Immediate option is 2-2 word and no address modifier in the right half-word Table 2.1. 8400 Instruction Repertoire 8400 INSTRUCTION LIST ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS 32·BIT FLOA TING.POINT Subtract Cleor Subtract Cleor Add Add Com pore Multiply Store Store Rounded Divide Clear Divide 56·BIT DOUBLE FLOATING.POINT MNEMONIC FSB FCS FCA FAD FCP FMP FST FSR FDV FCD MNEMONIC Subtract Clear Subtract Clear Add Add Compar. Multiply Store Store Rounded Divide Clear Divide 32·BIT EXTENDED FIXen.POINT Subtract C lear Subtract C lear Add DeS DCA Subtract Clear Subtract Cleor Add Add DAD Add Comparet Multiply l' DSB 16·BIT FIXED POINT DCP Compore t DMP MultlplYf Store Stor. Rounded t Store Store Round"cI t OST DSR Divide t DOV Clear Divide t OeD t denotes compatible subroutine operat;ons 16·BIT INTEGER Subtract Clear Subtract Cleor Add Add Compare Multiply Store Stor. Rounded Divide Clear Divide MNEMONIC ISB ICS ICA lAD ICP IMP 1ST ISR IDV ICD Operation modifiers extend the basic list. The post modifier "U" specifies unnormaHzed operation for F,D and f Classes. The premodifier "$" specifies a Scive Register store of the accumulator contents prior to the execution of a modified instruction of any class. Examples: FADUi SEAD or $FADU. Divide t Clear Divide t MNEMONIC SB CS CA AD CP MP ST SR DV CD MNEMONIC ESB ECS ECA EAD ECP EMP EST ESR EDV ECD 16·BIT INDEX MNEMONIC Subtract C lear Subtract Cleaf Add XSB XCS XCA XAD XCP XMP XST XSR XDV XCD Add Compare Multiply Store Store Rounded Divide Clear Divide The prefixes or suHixes in the mnemonic symbol denote the class of operation or operation conditions. The basic symbol indicates t"'e operation itself. ElI:ample: In FAD, F stands for Floating.Point Arithmetic (32·bit precision). AD indicates the ADO operation. SHIFTING, ROTATION AND NORMALIZING OPERATIONS ACCUMULATOR Arithmetic Shift Logical Rotate Normalize MNEMONIC ASH ROT NRM EXTENDED ACCUMULA TOR Arit"'metic Shift Logical Rotate Normalize MNEMONIC EASH EROT ENRM Set (A 11 Ones in A) Reset (Ail Zeros in A) Memory High (Load M) Accumulator Low (Complement A) Memory Low (Complement M) Bot'" Hig'" (And) Either High (Or) Either Low (Nand) BLAn BDAn BSAn CSHAn CEHAn CELAn CBLAn BECTn Example: ELAn specifies that the result of a NAND, with on n.. bit byte in A and an n.blt byte in M, replace the A.byte. T"'e mnemonic: is interprered as follows: "For corresponding bit positions in t"'e Both Low (Nor) Both Different (Exel Or) Both Same (Equiv) Complement Both High (And A) Complement Either High (Or 'A'> Complement -Either Low (Nand A) Complement Both Low (Nor A) Memory High (Set Z Flag if Byt. in M is Zero) BLMn BDMn BSMn CBHMn CEHMn CELMn CBLMn MHMn A·byte and the _~byte,where EITHER the A.bit or the M.. bit is LOW. set resultant A.bit. n= 1,2,4,8 or 16 bits. CONTROL OPERATIONS TEST BRANCH _ ON "FLAG". I Holt - Jump Execut. Link (To Subroutine) Link _ Res.t Flag Jump _ Trigg.r Flag Jump - Set Flog Jump _ Reset Flag Jump MNEMONIC HJI EXI LI LRI JTI JSI JRI JI MNEMONIC INDEX JUMPS XJ Index Jump - Unconditional Index Jump Test XJT EXEC BIT CONTROL MNEMONIC SEX REX Set EXEC Bit Reset EXEC Bft Test EXEC Bit TEX f denotes one of the 16 conditions monitored by a special flag register. T"'ese conditions are listed below with their respective mnemonics. Complement conditions can be specffied by prefixing the condition mnemonics with the modifier, tiN". Accumulator Equals Zero Accumulator Greoter than Zero Accumulator Less than Zero Overflow (Cumulative) Examples: Halt Jump on Over· flow Is coded HJV. Holt Jump on no Overflow Is HJNV. Unconditionally True blank Z G L Carty (Or Borrow) Busy Data Channel Enabled Interrupt C B E V Progrommer Flags 1·8 1/0 OPERATIONS 1/0 REGISTER LOAD MNEMONIC Load Output BU55 Load Channel Dota Register Load Channel Control Register LDOS LOCD Set Function Line AUTOMATIC DATA CHANNEL CONTROL _ DATA BLOCK TRANSMISSION Transmit Transmit Transmit Transmit Transmit Transmit on Count _ Disconnect Until Signal _ Disconnect on Either _ Disconnect on Count _ Interrupt Until Signal _ Interrupt on Either _ Interrupt I/O REGISTER STORE MNEMONIC LDCC Store Input Buss Storoe Channel Doto Register Store Channel Control Register STiB SlCD STCC SFL Test Stotus Line TSL MNEMONIC TCD TSD TED TCI TSI TEl AUTOMATIC DATA CHANNEL CONTROL _ NO DATA BLOCK TRANSMISSION Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip on Count _ Disconnect Until Signal _ Disconnect on Either _ Disconnect on Count _ Interrupt Until Signol _ Interrupt on Either _ Interrupt MNEMONIC SCD SSO SED SCI SSI SEI SPECIAL REGISTER TRANSFER OPERATIONS LOGICAL BYTE OPERATIONS BOOLEAN CONNECTIVES _ RESUL TS TO ACCUMULATOR Both Low (Nor) Both Different (Excl Or) Both Same (Equiv) Complement Both High (And A) Complement Either High (Or A) Complement Either Low (Nand A) Complement Both Low (Nor A) Byte Equality Test (Set Z Flag if Bytes identical) MNEMONIC SAn RAn MHAn ALAn MLAn BHAn EHAn ELAn BOOLEAN COt.NECTIVES _ RESULTS TO MEMORY Set (All Ones in M) Reset (All Zeros in M) Accumulator High (Store A) Accumulator Low (Complement A) Memory Low (Complement M) Both High (And) Either High (Or) Eit"'er Low (Nand) MNEMONIC SMn RMn AHMn ALMn MLMn BHMn EHMn ELMn REGISTER TRANSFER _ LOAD Load A -Extended Load Flag Register Loai Locotion Counter Load Timer Register Load Mask Register Internal Load External Mask Register Load Console Register MNEMONIC LDAE LDF LDL LOT LDM LOE LDC REGISTER TRANSFER _ STORE Store Store Store Store Store Store Store A Extended Flag Register Location Counter Timer Register Mask Register Internal Externol Mask Register Console Regi ster MNEMONIC STAE STF STL STT STM STE STC specified, the number (m) is "immediately" treated as data (operand) rather than as an address. If the takes place before indirect addressing (*), and the final option is the half-word selection of immediate, I Indirect option is specified, core memory address m left, or right (= and contains the "address" of the operand rather than the operand itself. If the Index option is specified, a This sequence is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The notation in this figure is that parentheses around a regis- number is taken from one of the seven index regis- ter name specify the register contents; the arrow cannot appear simultaneously). ters and added to m to produce the effective address reads as "replaces", and subscripts indicate specific of the operand; while the left half contents (m) re- register bits. main the same. Several options may be used simultaneously as described in the following section. In The flow diagram of Figure 2.2 is interpreted as any case, the action of address modification is often follows: referred to as "effective address calculation". Since this is a common occurrence and is possible with 1. The instruction cycle starts with an instruction fetch, which is denoted as «L»- regularly throughout for the contents of the effective (I), or "The contents of the memory address that is the contents of address. L replaces the contents of the instruction the majority of instructions, the E notation is used register, I". 2.2. 5 Combinations of Addressing Options 2. The various address modifiers and the legal combi- If indexing is speCified (by 1 to 7 in bit positions 117, 18, 19) then the sum nations thereof are shown in Table 2.2 in the format of the number m in the instruction used when writing instructions for the assembler. address field and the contents of the specified index register forms (tenta- The precedence of the addressing options is: X, *, =, or I. This means that index modification (X) tively) the effective address E. Table 2.2 Modifier Name Remarks * Indirect Address OPN* M The address for the given instruction is taken from the address portion of the 32-bit word at location M. Multiple indirect addressing is possible. All instructions may use an indirect address. X Address Modification OPN M,x The effective address is obtained by adding the contents of the speCified index register, X, to the address, M. That is, M + (X) - E .A. All instructions except the Index Register Class can have address modification. Indexing precedes indirect addressing at every level if both are specified. I Halfword Address OPN /M The operand for 16-bit operations comes from the left half of M by using MI and the right half of M by using 1M. The slash (/) has no effect on indexing or indirect addressing. A 16-bit operation written OPN M is interpreted by the Assembler as OPN MI. = Immediate Address OPN=M The operand for this instruction is taken from the address field of the instruction itself. The immediate address may not be used with I. The immediate address is applicable to all 16-bit operations except Store and Store After Rounding. REMARKS: All legal combinations of the address modifiers are illustrated below: OPNMI OPNM OPN/M 2-4 Format OPN M/ ,X OPN 1M, X OPN* M! OPN* 1M OPN* M/,x OPN* IM,X OPN=M OPN = M,X OPN* = M OPN* = M,X FETCH INSTRUCTION (( L (1) ».... I LLEGAL I NSTRUCTION INTERRUPT FETCH NEW ADDRESS AND MODIFIERS (E.· 19 )- (1.'19) rSAVE ACCUMULATOR FETCH OPERAND (E) EFFECTIVE E-+ (D) ~(O) ADDRESS CALCULATION Figure 2.2 3. If indirect addressing is specified (by by a manual halt or an interrupt. However, 116 = 1) then a new word, located at ad- in the normal course, indirect references dress E, is obtained from the memory. can be made (at the expense of time for each memory fetch) and indexing (for dif- Only the first 19 bits of this word are used, ferent index registers) can be performed and they replace the contents of bit I o:19 ' Now, the original value m has been re- at each level of indirectness. placed in I by (E O:15 )$ and the index and indirect bits have also been replaced. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are repeated until for some indirect address, indirect addressing 4. With a new value for E, bits 125:26 in the original instruction are tested for immediate addressing (half-word operands only). is not specified. It is possible, through a programming error, for the above loop to If immediate is specified, the value of E be a closed path, which "hangs-up" the register (D) before the execution of the computer. Such a loop can be broken only accumulator instruction. Otherwise E is itself is placed in the intermediate data 2-5 used as the effective memory address for operand = E = (m) (16-bit tOPN*=m operand only) the final gathering of data from the memory. After this gathering, the left/right OPN*= m, X option selects the specified half-word for bit operand only) execution. 5. operand = E = (m + (X» (16- Note that the Save option takes place just after the immediate address test on either 2.3 ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS path. There are ten basic arithmetic instructions that The different effective address calculations occur in each of six classes of operation. The may be specified as follows, where OPN classes differ in the form of arithmetic, word size, signifies any operation code for which the and the registers affected. The resultant sixty address options are valid. mnemonics and their functions are readily committed OPNm operand = (E0:15) or (E o:31 )' E = 00 to memory. There are numerous variations to these basic instructions and they follow a consistent and logical pattern. All arithmetic instructions may exercise the Save option prior to execution; and they OPNm/ operand = (E0:15)' E = 00 set Z, G, and L decision flags after execution. All OPN/m operand = (E 16:31)' E = 00 floatillg-point operations may terminate with an unnormalized result. All multiply and divide operations OPN m, X operand = (E0:15) or (E o:31 )' require double length registers, hence the double OPN /00, X preCision instructions are executed by subroutines. E=m+(X) These mnemonics (and some others in the set of sixty basic operations) are recognized by the assem- operand = (E 16:31)' E = m+ (X) bler and replaced by the appropriate Link instruction. Alternatively, the actual codes for these instructions tOPN*m operand = (E o:15 ) or (E o:31 )' E= (00) are recognized by the computer and cause an interrupt (number 2 interrupt). Software is provided to select the right subroutine. All compare, store, and store- tOPN*/m operand = (E16:31)' E = (00) rounded instructions leave the entire accumulator unchanged. The add, subtract, and store-rounded tOPN*m, X operand = (E 0:15) or (E 0:31)' conditions generally result in bit (C) of the flag register being set. The carry flag (C) indicates that E = (m + (X» an arithmetic 'carry has been produced. Divide conditions can result in setting the overflow (V) flag tOPN*/m, X operand = (E 16:31)' E = (see Paragraph 2.8.1). (m + (X» OPN=m operand = E = 00 (16-bit 2.4 NOTATION operand only) The following shorthand notation is used throughOPN= 00, X operand = E = 00 + (X) (16-bit operand only) out this text. conventions. t one level of indirect addressing assumed for illustrations. 2-6 Some are assembly language 2. 4. 1 Addressing Conventions ($A) contents of the 16-bit A portion of the Save Register E effective adQress ($AAE) (E) m IE, 1m E, E/, m, ml OP= m OPm,X contents of the Extended FixedPoint Save Register contents of E contents of address field of instruction word specifies right half-word for 16-bit operands ($AAF) contents of the Floating-Point Save Register ($AAFAD) contents of the Double PreCision Save Register speCifies left half-word for 16bit operands immediate address, m is a contents of bits 0 to 7 in A Register (AD 0, 9:23) contents of bits 0 and 9 to 23 in literal, a constant the AD Register indexing, X is an integer 1 to 7; E = m + (X) except Index Class the one's complement of the contents of 0 to 7 of A instructions left Exec bit at effective OP*m indirect addressing, E OP* m,X indexing plus indirect, E = (m + (X)) (Note: the = (m) address right Exec bit at effective address * is part of the OP field) 2.4.2 Register Conventions Accumulator Exec bits int( ) the integer part of the floatingpoint operand. Note that for (A) contents of the 16-bit A two's complement numbers the Register of the Accumulator integer part is always the most positive integer that is more (AAE) (AAF) (AAFAD) ($) negative than the number, hence contents of the Extended FixedPoint Accumulator for negative numbers the magnitude of the integer part is larger than the magnitude of the contents of the Floating-Point Accumulator contents of the Double Precision Accumulator contents of the Save Register number. Jrac( ) the fractional part of the floating-point operand: I I frac(m) = (m) - int(m) is always a positive fraction 2-7 fit( ) the 16-bit operand converted Clear, Subtract (floated) to a floating-point CS number m,X -(E)-(A) (E 32)- (A 32 ) for m/ sgn( )-ZGL the Zero, Greater than, Less .fl- (AD l:S) than flags are set according to value of the operand relative to Subtract zero SB nrm( ) m,X the normalized value of the (A) - (E)- (A) (E 32 )XOR(A 32 ) - (A 32 ) for m/ floating-point operand Compare 2.5 THE FIXED POINT INSTRUCTION CLASS m,X sgn CP ZGL flags (AO:15, 32, 33) unchanged This is the most basic class of arithmetic instructions. No prefix is used before the basic mnemonics [(A) - (E)] - Store of AD, SB, etc., as in the other classes. The operand is always a 16-bit half-word. Two's com- ST m,X plement binary arithmetic is performed. The state (A)- (E) (A 32 ) - (E 32 ) for m/ of the Z, G, L decision flags is determined by the resultant value of (A), "zero", "greater than" or Store, Rounded "less than" zero after each operation (except CP as noted below). The addressing options *, /, and X are available for all instructions; and = is available for all but ST and SR. The Save option, $, may precede any of the mnemonics. SR m,X MultiPly MP m,X (AAE) .fl - (AEo) (AD) destroyed Load CA (A)x(E) - m,X (E)-(A) Divide (E32)-(A 32 ) for m/ .fl-(AD 1 :S ) DV m,X (AAE) + (E) Remainder - Example: (A) (AE) (AD) destroyed The above reads as follows: Line 1; The contents of Clear, Divide E (memory) replaces the contents of the A Register of the accumulator. Line 2; The left Exec bit at the CD m,X .fl- (AE) effective address replaces bit 32 of the A Register (AAE) .;... (E) - for a left half-word. (AD) destroyed Line 3; bits 1 through 8 of the AD Register are replaced by 11. (A) 2.5.1 The Save Register Add The sections of the accumulator are duplicated in the AD 2-8 m,X (A) + (E)- (A) Save Register. When the save option is exerCised, (E 32)XOR(A32)- (A 32 ) for m/ the entire contents of the accumulator (except Exec bits) are saved: (A, AE, AF, AD) - ($A, $AE, word sign bits. Therefore, the data word consists of $AF, $AD) prior to execution of the instruction. The sign plus 30 bits. The instructions, EMP, EDV, Save Register is assigned memory address number ECD, ECP, and ESR are not executed directly, but one. The actual core memory cell number one is not by programmed subroutines, since more than 32 bits accessed by arithmetic instructions (except ST and of register are required. The subroutines may be SR), nor by Boolean connective instructions (except entered in two ways. If the processor attempts to M typej see Paragraph 2.4, Boolean Connective execute one of these instruction codes, the number Instructions). To gather data from the Save Register, two interrupt occurs, and either the Monitor or the the programmer writes either 1 or $ in the address Compat routine (EAI Publication Number field (the assembler translates $ to 1). Thus, CAl 07 825 0046-0, see Preliminary Bulletin Program and CA $ result in ($A) - Information 66026) takes control and selects the (A). Since thE;l save operation takes place first, $AD $ doubles the con- proper subroutine. The more common method is for tents of Aj $SB $ clears (A)j $MP $ squares (A)j the Macro Assembler (EAI Publication Number and $CS $ inverts the sign of (A). In each case, the 07 800.0001-3) to recognize the mnemonic code and original contents of A is saved in $A. It is not possi- substitute a Link instruction to the subroutine. ble to store in the Save Register except by the $ prefix; ST 1 and SR 1 both store in core memory The state of the Z, G, L decision flags is determined location number one. by the resultant value of (AAE) after each operation. The addressing options 2.5.2 The Accumulator Address In the same manner as above, the accumulator itself is assigned memory address zero for arithmetic instructions (which cannot access core memory location zero). This results in the following operations with the fixed point instructions: CA ~ does not change (A) but resets Z, G, L if, for example, CP were the previous instructionj CS ~ inverts the sign of {A)j MP ~ squares {A)j and CD ~ overflows. ST ~ does nothing and SR ~ rounds (A). The left/right slash option is not available for addresses zero and one: CA/1 and CA 1 are the same, as are SB /~ and SB ¢. Neither (AE) nor ($AE) are affected by such operations. 2.6 THE EXTENDED PRECISION INSTRUCTION * and X are available with all instructions in the class. The immediate option is available (for all but EST and ESR) indirectly through action of the Macro Assembler. The immediate option normally means that the address field of the instruction is treated as a literal (a 16-bit data word). However, since the extended class instructions operate on whole words this is not possible. The programmer may then use the = symbol to specify a 32-bit literal. During the assembly process, the literal value is placed in a special data storage area called the Literal Pool and the instruction address field is then given the data address. The Save option may precede any of the mnemonics. Load CLASS ECA m,X (E)- (AAE) For each fixed-point instruction code and mnemonic (AD) destroyed there is a corresponding extended precision code and mnemonic. The former operate on 16-bit half-words and the latter on 32-bit whole words. All operations Add use fixed-point, two's complement, arithmetic. Execution of the extended preCision instructions takes EAD m,X (AAE) ~ (E) - (AAE) place in the AAE Register. The left half bits of the two halves of this register, A:o and AE o, are half- (AD) destroyed 2-9 Clear, Subtract to CA m. Note, however, that the X field of all of the index class instructions is used to select the ECS m,X -(E)_ (AAE) register for action and not for address modification. (AD) destroyed This addressing option is not available for the index instructions; while * and / are available for ali, and the immediate option (=) is available for all but XST Subtract and XSR. An index register must be specified. ESB m,X (AAE) - (E) (AAE) (AD) destroyed Since index registers are restricted in size to 16 bits, operations requiring whole word registers Compare (XMP, XDV, XCD, XSR) are performed by subroutines. Execution of the codes for these instruc- ECP tions results in the number two internal interrupt. m,X The Macro Assembler substitutes a Link instruction for these mnemonics. Store EST m,X (AAE)- (E) The state of the Z, G, L decision flags is determined by the resultant value of the specified index register, (X), or of the comparison (X)-(E). The Save option Multiply $, may precede any of these instructions; and (X) is EMP saved in the A portion of the Save Register, rather m,X than (A) being saved. However, in this case the rest of the accumulator is saved, i. Divide e., $XCA m, 3 causes (X3, AE, AF, AD) to replace ($A, $AE, $AF, $AD) EDV and the accumulator is unchanged. m,X Load Clear, Divide ECD XCA m,X m,X (E)_ (X) then sgn(X)- ZGL Store, Rounded Add ESR m,X XAD m,~ (X) + (E)- (X) then sgn (X)- ZGL Address Zero and One are special addresses for the Accumulator and Save Register. Therefore, they are not normally used with the Extended Precision instruc- Clear, Subtract tions, (AE) and ($AE) cannot be accessed in this manner. The result of EAD ~ is to add (A) and (AE). XCS m,X -(E)-(X) then sgn (X)- ZGL 2. 7 THE INDEX INSTRUCTION CLASS Subtract The same 16-bit fixed-point operations that take place in the A Register, may also be programmed for any index register. Thus, XCA m, 1 is equivalent 2-10 XSB m,X (X) - (E)- (X) then sgn (X)-ZGL Compare XCP 2.8 FLOATING POINT INSTRUCTION CLASS m,X sgn (X) - (E)- ZGL (X) unchanged This most important class of arithmetic instructions operates upon 32-bit data words, in the AAF portion of the accumulator. A floating number has a sign Store and a twenty-three bit mantissa, which are held in A and in the left, eight bit positions of AF (denoted as XST (X)-(E) m,X AAF 0:23 or as A, AF 0:7'). The floating-point exponent has a sign and seven bits, held in AF 8:15. The Multiply range of magnitudes for floating-point numbers is between 2 128 and 2 -128; operations that result in XMP m,X larger or smaller magnitudes cause an exponent fault interrupt. A subroutine is used to normally set Divide the accumulator to zero or the largest possible value. The value of zero is represented by 32 zero bits; XDV m,X however, if a word with a zero mantissa and a nonzero exponent is loaded it is treated as zero. Clear, Divide The basic floating-point arithmetic instructions (FAD, XCD m,X FSB, FMP, FDV) perform normalized arithmetic. Normalization means that the mantissa of the opera- Store, Rounded tion result is shifted to the left to eliminate any leading zero bits. The exponent is then decremented XSR m,X once for each bit position shifted. FCAand FCS also normalize the number loaded into the accumulator. To clear an index register, the literal constant zero is loaded by using the Immediate option; XCA = ~,X. ing and before storing. FST (floating store) does not The Immediate option is also used to add or subtract normalize. FSR (floating store rounded) normalizes after round- constants. The value of a variable just calculated in the accumulator is added to index register three by All floating instructions (except compare) may be XAD~, used with the Unnormalize option by appending the 3. Note that in this case the zero is the ef- fective address (specifically the address of A). Zero letter U to the end of the mnemonic. The effect is to and one (or $) are used to access (A) and ($A) with all inhibit the post-normalization operation. Unnormali- of the index instructions (except XST 1 and XSR 1). zed data may then be considered as 24-bit, fixed- The Slash option has no effect with address zero· and one. While XST ~, 5 is used to move a half-word point data with assigned scale factors (the exponents). When adding and subtracting, the exponents are auto- from X5 to the A Register, other means are used to matically adjusted to agree with the larger exponent. move index register contents directly to other 16-bit For multiplication and division, the exponents are registers. For example, LDAE =~, 5 loads AE added or subtracted. Care must be taken to avoid from X5, LDF =~, 3 loads the Flag Register from overflow on division. Note that FCAU loads a copy X3, and LDOB =~, 2 moves (X2) to the output bus. of (E) without normalizing, and is therefore used In these cases the zero is a literal constant. with FSTU to move 32-bit words from one core 2-11 location to another. See Paragraph 2. 7 on moving Store Exec bits. FSTU (AAF)- (E) m,X Multiple level indirect addressing (* option) and (A 32 :33 ) (E 32:33) FST = FSTU indexing is possible with all instrUctions; and as explained in Paragraph 2.3. 3, the Immediate (=) option may be employed indirectly through the use of Multiply the Macro Assembler Literal Pool feature. The Save option ($) may be exercised with all instructions FMP nrm,[, (AAF) x (E)]- (AAF AD) m,X (AE) destroyed to cause (AAF) to be stored in $AAF prior to the operation. As with all arithmetic instructions, the FMPU m,X (AAF)x(E) - (AE) destroyed ZGL flags are set by the result of each operation. Divide Load AAF FCAU (AAF AD) m,X (E)- (AAF) FDV nrm [(AAFAD) + (E)] (AAF) m,X (E 32 :33 ) - (A 32 :33 ) mantissa of Rem. - (AD) (AE) destroyed FDVU Clear, Add, Normalize (AAFAD) ..;. (E)- (AAF) m,X mantissa of Rem.- (AD) FCA m,X (AE) destroyed nrm(E)-(AAF) Clear, Divide Add FAD m,X nrm [(AAF) + (E)]- (AAF) FCD FADU m,X (AAF) - (E) - FCDU (AAF) m,X \ ~- (AD) ) then execute FDV or FDVU \ Store, Rounded Clear, Subtract FCS m,X nrm [ - (E)] - FCSU m,X (E 32:33) - (AAF) I FSR m,X nrm [(AAF) + (AD 1)2- 23 (AAF) unchanged FSRU m,X (AAF) + (AD 1)2-23 (A 32:33) I I !] (E) (E) (AAF) unchanged Subtract 2.8.1 Floating Divide FSB FSBU m,X m,X nrm [(AAF) - (E)] (AAF) (AAF) - (E) (AAF) Special characteristics of FDV, FCD must be mentioned (also true for Compare rov, ICD). Overflow will occur if the mantissa of the divisor is less than half the mantissa of the dividend. This will not occur if the FCP 2-12 m,X sgn [(AAF) - (E)] - ZGL divisor is the result of a normalized operation. The result of a floating divide operation is to leave FMP B, 3 a x b product DAD $ add partial sum XJT *-3,3,-1 index and loop FST y store single preci- the quotient in AAF and the 24-bit mantissa of the remainder in AD. Note, however, that the 24-bit AD cannot hold the exponent of the exponent of the remainder. The full remainder, as a proper floating point number, can only be recovered by deduction. 2.8. 2 Floating Multiply sion result The result of a floating multiply is a number with 2.9 THE DOUBLE PRECISION INSTRUCTION CLASS sign bit, 46 mantissa bits, and an 8-bit exponent, that is held in the AAF AD register. This number is Double preCision floating-point instructions operate converted into the double word format by separating on data consisting of a Sign, 46 bits of mantissa and the mantissa into two 23-bit segments, and adding a an 8-bit exponent. This data is held in memory as positive sign bit for the lower half. An exponent is created for the lower half which is 23 less than the two successive 32-bit words, each in proper 32-bit floating-point format. That is, each word has a upper half exponent (AF 8 :15)' The Universal Accu- sign, a 23-bit mantissa, and an 8-bit exponent. Half mulator holds the lower half mantissa in AD 1 :23 and of the double precision mantissa magnitude bits are provides for the extra sign bit," ADo_ The.extra in each word. The second sign and exponent are exponent for the lower half is not required in the redundant from the point of view of the accumulator. accumulator and is created only upon execution of a However, for multiple precision calculations by double floating store instruction. (ADo) does not subroutine, it is convenient to have each half of the enter into any mathematical operations except for double word in single preCision format. Note that holding the sign of the division remainder mantissa. the second sign is always positive and the second exponent is 23 less than the first. Double preCision After the execution of FMP, the extra sign bit ADo·· operations take place in the 46-bit AAFAD register; is reset to zero. Any two's complement fraction AF 8: 15 hold the exponent. The second exponent is consisting of bits truncated from a larger number created upon execution of double store (DST). (either sign) is itself a positive number (with an exponent). Resetting ADo makes it possible to treat All operations are performed in the same manner, the lower half of the product in normal floating-point only with the 46-bit mantissa, and with the same format. options and restructions as the single precision floating-point operations. Double multiply, divide, The double precision pr()duct is often used in an other- compare, and store-rounded must be executed by wise single precisioN computation. For example, in subroutine. If the immediate addressing option is the calculation (y = L: used, the Literal Pool feature allocates two memory ~ b i ), it is useful to accumulate the double precision results of each multiplication as cells from the data specified in the address field. illustrated in this small routine. The instruction pair, DCAU and DST, may be used to XCA =N, 3 DCA ZERO initialize bits from one memory location to another via the $FCA A, 3 save partial sum accumulator. move double precision data (both words) with exec 2-13 store LoadAAFAD DCAU (E,E + 10 : 23 ) - (AAFAD) m,X DSTU m,X (AAFAD) - (E, E + 1 0 :23 .) (AF 0:15) - 23 - E + 124 : 31 (A 32 : 33 ) - (E 32 :33 ) (E 32:33) (A 32 :33 ) (AE) destroyed DST = DSTU Clear, Add, Normalize Multiply DCA m,X nrm (E,E + 10 :23 ) - (AAFAD) (AE) destroyed DMP m,X DMPU m,X Add Divide DAD m,X nrm [(AAFAD) +(E,E, + 1 0 : 23 )) _ (AAFAD) (AE) destroyed DADU m,X (AAFAD) + (E,E + 1 0 :23 ) _ (AAFAD) (AE) destroyed DDV m,X DDVU m,X Clear, Divide DCD m,X DCDU m,X Clear, Subtract Store, Rounded DCS m,X -nrm (E,E + 1 0 :23 ) (AE) destroyed DCSU m,X - (E,E + 1 0 :23 ) - (AAFAD) (AAFAD) (E 32:33) (A 32:33) (AE) destroyed Subtract DSR m,X DSRU m,X 2. 10 THE INTEGER INSTRUCTION CLASS This unique set of instructions performs floatingpoint artthmeticoperations on fixed-point and DSB DSBU m,X m,X nrm [(AAFAD) - (E,E + 1 0 :23 )] _(AAFAD) floating- point data. The data operand in the accu- (AE) destroyed AFFAD). The data operand specified by the effective (AAFAD) - (E, E + 10 :23 ) - (AAFAD) (AE) destroyed address is always a 16-bit fixed-point data word. mulator is always a floating-point number (AAF or Each instruction (except the store commands) first gathers the 16-bit operand, converts it to a floatingpoint number, and then executes a normal floatingpoint operation. The conversion process is termed Compare floating and the reverse process, upon storing, is DCP 2-14 m,X called integerizing. It is important to understand exactly what happens part of the original contents of AAF. Then (A) is during floating and integerizingj other features stored at the effective address and AAF is restored (except half-word address option) of the ten instruc- to its original state. If the magnitude of (AAF) is tions of this class are the same as those of the equal to or greater than 2 16 an overflow will occur, Floating Point Class. and an incorrect number will be stored. 2. 10. 1 Floating The half-word addressing options (= 1) are aVailable, as well as indirect addressing and indeXing. Ad- A 16-bit data word is normally thought of as a fixed- dresses zero and one refer to (A) and ($A). The point fraction, with the binary point adjacent to the same rules for the unnormalize (U) option and divide sign bit. Fixed-point multiply and divide instructions overflow apply as for floating-point instructions. perform fractional arithmetic. On the other hand, a of the Save options will save (AAF). Use 16-bit data word may be considered to be a fixedpoint integer, with the binary point to the far right- Load, Integer hand position. This is of course the common practice when operating on memory address numbers. ICAU m,X flt(E) - (AAF) which means: No confusion occurs provided a correct scale factor (E)- (A O: 15 ) is used when the data word enters an arithmetic ~- (AF o:17 ) operation. The floating of a 16-bit word by an + 15 _ (AF 8:15) = Exponent Integer Class Instruction causes the contents of the half-word effective address to be loaded into A Clear, Add, Normalize (for Integer-clear-add, ACA), zeroes to be loaded in AF 0:7' and exponent of + 15 to be loaded in AF 8: 15. ICA m,X nrm [flt(E)] - (AAF) When in memory, the operand is considered an integer, hence a scale factor of 215 is entered in AAF Add as the number itself becomes the mantissa (a fraction) of a floating point number. The least Significant eight lAD m,X nrm [(AAF) + flt(E)]-(AAF) bits of the mantissa are made zero. After this con- lADU m,X (AAF) + flt (E) - (AAF) version, the rest of ICA is simply to normalize (AAF). In the case of lAD, ISS, IMP, etc., the above con- Clear, Subtract version is performed before presenting the floated operand to the accumulator. ICS m,X nrm [-flt(E)] - ICSU m,X -flt(E)- (AAF) (AAF) 2. 10.2 Integerizing Subtract The integer part of the result of any floating-point calculation (by floating, double precision, or integer ISS m,X nrm [(AAF) - flt(E)]- (AAF) class instruction) can be stored as 16-bit fixed- ISSU m,X (AAF) - flt(E)- (AAF) m,X (AAF) - flt(E)- ZGL point integers provided the magnitude of the number is less than 2 16 • The IST instruction (same as ISTU) Compare first causes the contents of AAF to be shifted left or right as needed, bringing the exponent to + 15. When (AF 8 :15) ICP = + 15, the binary point may be considered to be to the right of A 15 , hence (A) is the 16-bit integer (AAF) unchanged 2-15 immediate addressing. Thus, the Fortran state- store ment, A = 3B + I might be implemented by the code: ISTU m,X int(AAF)- (E) (AAF) unchanged FCA B IST = ISTU IMP =3 lAD =1 FST A Multiply IMP m,X nrm [(AAF) x flt(E)] _ (AAFAD) Where A and B are floating-point numbers, and I, a Fortran integer, is stored as a fixed-point number. Care must be taken with IDV and lCD, for the floating (AE) destroyed operand (divisor) is an unnormalized number and if IMPU m,X (AAF) x flt (E) - (AAF AD) the resultant mantissa is less than half the accumulator mantissa overflow occurs. (AE) destroyed A characteristic of negative twots complement num- Divide bers, as noted elsewhere, is that when least signifiIDV m,X nrm [(AAFAD) +flt(E)] cant bits are truncated, the result is greater in magnitude (more net negative) than the untruncated -(AAF) number. IST truncates the fractional part of (AAF) (AE) destroyed before storing and yields for negative numbers the "next more negative integer". ISR yields the nearest IDVU m,X (AAFAD)4flt(E)- (AAF) (AE) destroyed integer for both signs. The pairs; IST and ISTU, ISR and ISRU, each produce identical codes, no normalization is performed. Clear, Divide 2.11 BOOLEAN CONNECTNE INSTRUCTIONS ICD m,X (0 - ICDU m,X then execute FDV, FDVU (AD» (AE) destroyed If an accumulator (a) bit and a memory (m) bit are considered as arguments of a logical function to form a resultant bit, r. Then there are sixteen possible store, Rounded ISRU m,X functions that may be performed. int(AAF) +~ - where ~ (E) = ~ iffrae (AAF)<:1/2 = 1 iffrae (AAF»1/2 (AAF) unchanged Table 2.3 gives the function as well as showing the four possible values of r for each combination of a and m. Basic operations used in this table is indicated by: ISR = ISRU Integer arithmetic instructions may be mixed freely 1. The over-bar: logical inversion of the within floating computations to save execution time logical value. and memory space, particularly with the use of to ONE) 2-16 (ONE to ZERO and ZERO Table 2. 3. Boolean Connective Functions 6. Exclusive OR: Result is ONE if the argument values are different. a = 0 1 0 1 m= 0 0 1 1 r = 1 1 1 1 7. Equivalence: Result is ONE if argument values are the same. Set r = 1 regardless of .~ and!!!. 0 0 0 0 Reset r = 0 regardless of ~andm The last four functions are performed by first complementing a and then executing the OR, AND, NOR or NAND function. 0 1 0 1 r=a 1 1 r =m 1 0 1 0 r=a listed in Table 2. 3. One instruction stores the re- 1 1 0 0 r= iii sult r in the original location of a. The other instruc- 0 1 1 1 r = a + m OR function 0 0 0 1 r = a x m AND function Variables a, m, and r are not restricted to single 1 0 0 0 r = a+m NOR function bits but may be in bytes. If bytes are used, the byte 1 1 1 0 r = These are thirty-two basic Boolean connective in0 0 structions, two for each of the sixteen functions - tion stores r in the memory location m. 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 axm NAND function r = (a + m) (a x m) sixteen functions are performed upon individual pairs of bits within the bytes both simultaneously and inde- Exclusive OR pendently. The byte size is specified (1, 2, 4, 8 or function 16 bits) by writing the respective digit after the in- r = (a x m) + (a x m) EQUIVALENCE function 1 0 1 1 r=a+m=axm 0 0 1 0 r=axm=a+m 0 1 0 0 r=a+m=axm 1 1 0 1 sizes of the three variables are all the same. The - -- r=axm=a+iii struction mnemonic in the OP code field. A byte size of 16 is implied if no digits are specified. For example, HAl resets a single bit in the accumulator; HAS resets 8 bits; and HA resets aU 16 bits of the A register. For byte sizes of 1, 2, 4, or 8 bits, the byte position within the half-word is speCified in the count field (third subfield of the address field) by a decimal number 0 to 15. For example, RM1, m, X, 2. OR: Result is a ONE if either argument is a ONE. ~ resets the sign bit of (E); RM1, m, X, 15 resets (E 15)' The positions of larger bytes are denoted by numbers 0 to 7 for two bits, by 0 to 3 for four bits and 0 to 1 3. AND: Result is ONE only if both arguments are ONE. 4. (E s:15 ). NOR: Result is ONE if neither argument is ONE. 5. for eight bits. Therefore, RM8, m, X resets 2.11.1 The Mnemonics NAND: Result is ONE if either argument The thirty-two instruction mnemonics indicate the is ZERO. logical action performed and the designation of the 2-17 result. They do NOT indicate the name of the Boolean function. If the mnemonic ends in "A", the result is memory bits E 12:15 are inspected. For each ZERO bit (low) placed in the accumulator. If the mnemonic ends in the corresponding bit within "M", the result is put in memory. The mnemonic A 12 :15 is set to ONE and the codes for the 16 pairs of instructions appear as shown other bits of A 12 :15 are reset to ZERO. This is a byte load in- in Table 2.4. struction. Table 2. 4. Boolean Mnemonics Conditiont Destination Accumulator 2. CEHM8 m,X,fj Complement A, Either High to Memory; 8-bit Memory byte; first byte position; which SA SM Set RA RM Reset AHM Accumulator High ALA ALM Accumulator Low memory is set high, .otherwise it MLA MLM Memory Low remains low. EHA EHM Either High (OR) BHA BHM Both High (AND) BLA BLM Both Low (NOR) ELA ELM Either Low (NAND) BDA BDM Both Different (XOR) for the specified byte is simply restored (unchanged), BSA BSM Both Same (EQU) to its original location. However, MHM is a useful CEHA CEHM Compo A, Either Hi CBHA CBHM Compo A, Both Hi only action of MHM is to indicate a ZE RO byte in CBLA CBLM Compo A, Both Lo memory which, if E CELA CELM Compo A, Either Lo :I: means the complement of (A 0:7) is compared to (E o:7 )' bit by bit. If either bit of a pair is high, the corresponding bit position in AHA, MHM). * Special Cases (BEQT Replacing The two codes accumulator high to accumulator (AHA) and memory high to memory (MHM) appear to do nothing. This is nearly true, ZERO byte test, since the Z flag is set if the result of the logical function is a byte of all ZEROES. The = 0, refers to the accumulator. The AHA code is therefore redundant and is replaced by the more useful Byte Equality Test (BEQT) for which the byte size and position options are the same t The expression in the right column describes the condition for which a bit in the result is set to ONE; all other conditions produce a ZERO bit in the result. as above. Tl\e action of BEQT is to set the Z flag if and only ifall accumulator and memory bytes are the same. 2. 11. 1. 1 Examples 1. 2-18 Memory low to accumulator; 4- bit byte; byte 2.11. 2 Addressing MLA4 m,X,3 Indirect addressing and half-word addressing options position 4; which means the are valid for Boolean instructions, however immediate addressing is not possible with M-type instructions. An effective address of ZERO refers to In the following table of instructions, all of the pos- the accumulator. This results in each A and M pair sible combinations of byte sizes and byte positions of instructions being equivalent. are given by way of example. Any instruction may An effective ad- dress of ONE refers to core memory cell number one for M-typ~ instructions. address any of the bit combinations illustrated. It does not refer to $A register since storing in the Save Register is only possible by means of the $ prefix operator. In the following examples, if the result of the logical operations yields a byte (in the referenced position) See Paragraph 2.3.2. consisting of all zeroes, the Z flag is set; otherwise it is reset. Table 2.5. Boolean Instruction set and reset ¢ (one bit/byte) SAl ~,~,~ 1- (Ao) reset Z SM1 m,X, 1 1- (E1) reset Z RA1 ~,~, 2 ~ - (A2) set Z RM1 m,X,3 ~ (E 3) set Z - byte equality test BEQT1 m,X,4 (one bit/byte) if (A4) = (E 4) set Z, if ",reset Z (one bit/byte) store and load AHM1 m,X, 5 (A 5) - (E 5 ) MHA1 m,X, 6 (E 6) - (A 6 ) zero byte test MHM1 m,X,7 (one bit/byte) if (E7) = ~ set Z, if ",reset Z (one bit/byte) complement accumulator ALA1 ~,~,8 (one bit/byte) store and load complement ALM1 m,X, 9 (A 9 ) - (E 9) MLA1 m,X, 10 (E 10) - (A 10) complement memory MLM1 m,X, 11 (one bit/byte) (E 11) - (E 11) 2-19 Table 2.5. Boolean Instruction (Cont) (one bit/byte) QR, AND EHAI m,X, 12 (A 12 ) OR (E 12)-(A 12 ) EHMI m,X, 13 (A 13 ) OR (E 13) - (E 13 ) BHAI m,X, 14 (A 14) AND (E 14) - (A 14) BHMI m,X, 15 (A15) AND (E 15)- (E 15) (2 bits/byte) NOR, NAND BLA2 m,X,~ (AO} NOR (E o:1 )-(A o:1 ) BLM2 m,X, 1 (A 2: 3) NOR (E 2:3)-(E 2:3 ) ELA2 m,X,2 (A 4:5 ) NAND (E 4:5)-{A 4:5 ) ELM2 m,X,3 (A 6 : 7) NAND (E 6 : 7)-{E 6 : 7 ) (2 bits/byte) XOR, EQU BDA2 m,X,4 (A S: 9 ) XOR (E s :9 ) - (A s:9 ) BDM2 m,X, 5 (A 10 : 11 ) XOR (E10:11)-(E10:11) BSA2 m,X,6 (A 12 :13 ) EQU (E 12:13)-(A 12 :13 ) BSM2 m,X,7 (A 14: 15 ) EQU (E 14:15)-(E 14:15) (4 bits/byte) complement A, then OR, AND m,X,~ (A O:3 ) OR (E o:3 ) -(AO:3) CEHM4 m,X, 1 (A 4:7) OR (E 4:7)- (E 4:7) CBHA4 m,X,2 (A 8:11 ) CBHM4 m,X,3 (A 12 :15 ) AND (E 12 :15 ) - (E 12 :15 ) CEHA4 AND (E 8:11) - (8 and 16 bits/byte) complement A, then NOR, NAND 2-20 (A 8:11 ) CBLA8 m,X,~ (A O:7) CBLM8 m,X, 1 (A 8:15 ) NOR (E 8:15 ) - (E s:15 ) NOR (E o:7 ) - (AO:7) CELA m,X,~ (A o:15 ) NAND (E o:15 ) - (A o:15 ) CELM m,X,~ (A o:15 ) NAND (EO:15)-{EO:15) 2.12 CONDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS The condition code c, may have thirty-two values; these are the 16 codes for the bits of the flag register 2.12.1 The Flag Operations and the same codes prefixed by N to denote the inverse condition. They are: The execution of each of the following instructions Z, G, L, Y, C, B, HJc halt and jump to E EXc execute and instruction at E Lc link to E LRc reset flag, link to E JTc trigger (complement) flag, jump to E 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 N, NZ, NG, NL, NY, NC, NB, NE N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8 Normal indirect addressing is available with all instructions. JSc set flag, jump to E JRc reset flag, jump to E Jc jump E Halt tHJc m,X user mode: = 0, NOP; if (c) is conditional upon the state of the flag indicated by if (c) c; c can refer to any flag of the flag register in its interrupt no. 2 1, set or reset state. monitor mode: Example: HJ1 if (c) START = 0, NOP; if (c) 1, computer halts with (E) - The halt will occur, with subsequent transfer to (L) START, only if flag 1 is set. If it is not set, no halt occurs, and transfer to the instruction following HJ1 Execute takes place. On the other hand, the reverse applies EXc m,X to the example: if (c) = 0, NOP; if (c) = 1, execute the instruction located HJN1 at E START that is, the halt will occur if flag 1 is not set, etc. Link Lc m,X if (c) = 0, NOP; if (c) LR, JT, JS, JR cause the indicated change to the (L + 1 ) - (E), referenced flag whether the instruction is executed (E + 1 ) - (L) 1, or not; the instruction is executed conditional to the present state of the flag. If unconditional execution of the instruction is required, c is left blank. LRc m,X if (c) = 0, reset flag; if (c) = 1, reset flag, (L + D - (E) ), If unconditional non-execution of the instruction is (E + 1) - (L) required for creating a class of no-operations, c could be set to N. For this purpose HJN, EXN, LN and IN would serve. Of these the last, IN, has been selected in the assembler as the non-operation instruction, NOP. t Privileged instructions, see Chapter 3. 2-21 index, jump test Jump Jc m,X if (c) = (E) - m,X JRc m,X 1, XJT m,X,A (L) (X) + A - (X), -128 :s A:s 127 then if sgn (X) if (c) = 0, reset flag; if (c) = (E) - JSc 0, NOP; if (c) = ~ A, (L + 1 ) - (L); if I, E - (L) 1, reset flag, 2. 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO LOAD AND STORE SPECIAL REGISTERS (L) if (c) = 0, set flag; if (c) = 1, set flag, Each of the several 16-bit registers in the 8400 and (L) the 16-bit input and output busses are serviced by a (E) - pair of instructions that gather and store a half-word JTc m,X if (c) = 0, trigger (comple- ment) flag; if (c) flag, (E) - = 1, trigger (L) from either half of the memory word. The addressing options *, /, and X apply in each case and the Immediate option (=) is available for all load instructions. Exec bits are not affected or moved by these 2.12.2 Index Jumps XJ, XJT instructions, and except for the direct effect on the flag register with LDF, there is no associated Unconditional Jump - XJ m,X,A. The specified index register X is algebraically incremented by the value A, and transfer takes place to location m (NOT to location m, c). change to the flag register. The 32-bit data channel control registers (CCR) are serviced by a similar pair of instructions; however, the half-word addressing options = and / do not apply. In the case of the 16-bit channel data registers (CDR), a half-word A is accorded 8 bits (8-15) in, the instruction and is interpreted as (-) if bit 8 is "1", or (+) if bit 8 is "o!~ Thus, -128 :s A :s 127. and Exec bit are moved between memory and the registers; however, the = option does not apply and the Left-Right option is determined by another register (CFR) in the data channel. See 4. 1. 2. 12.2.2 Conditional Index Jump - XJT, m,X,A. The contents of index register X are algebraically incremented by A, and if the sign of the 2.13.1 Load Register or Bus resultant index register contents is found to be the same as that of A, transfer takes place to the instruc- LDAE m,X (E) - (AE) external accu- mulator register tion following the XJT instruction. If these differ, transfer takes place to m. A has the same signifi- (AE) destroyed cance as described above. The speCified index register is not used in the effective address determination. If indirect addressing is used with XJ or XJT, address modification by indexing does not take place at any level. LDF m,X (E) - (F) flag register LDL m,X (E) - (L) location counter LDT m,X (E) - (T) timer register LDM m,X (E) - (M) interval interrupt mask register index, jump XJ m,X,A (X) + A-(X), -128:s A:s 127 E-(L) 2-22 LDE m,X (E) - (EM) external interrupt mask register LDC m,X (E) - (C) console register LDOB m,X,R (E) - Output bus R where There are 15 bus addresses, R, which are written as octal numbers, and eight channel numbers, k R:s 178 ~ through 7). When indexing is not employed, these instructions must be written with two commas, e. g., " LDCC m,X,k (E O: 31 ) - (CCRk) channel LDOB m" 1.0 loads output bus number 8. Note that LDOB = .0, 3,.0 loads bus zero from index register control register k three. LDCD m,X,k (Eo: 15,32)- (CDRk) or (Fh6: 31, 3S> (CDRk) channel data register k according to 2. 13.3 The Flag Register the L bit of channel junction The sixteen bits of the flag register, F, are moved register as a group, although they are set and reset individually by other instructions and machine functions. 2.13.2 Store from Register or Bus The zero bit of F is not really a flag and cannot be STAE m,X (AE) - reset; it is always set. Hence, when tested by con- (E) ditional instructions, a positive test always results STF m,X (F) (E) STL m,X (L) (E) STT m,X (T) (E) (see Paragraph 2.12). Bits F 1:30 are the Z (zero), G (greater than), and L (less than) flags that are set to the sign of A after each arithmetic instruction, except the index STM m,X (M) (E) STE m,X (EM)- (E) class. For the index class, they are set by the sign resulting from the index arithmetic operation. The Boolean connective instructions also set and reset flag Z. Bit F 4 is V (overflow flag) which (E) m,X (C) tSTIB m,X,R Input Bus R - tSTCC m,X,k (CCRk) tSTCD m,X,k (E o:15 , 32) or (E 16:31, 33) laccording to the L bit of channel function when set. This flag cannot be changed in user register mode. (See 3.6.1.). Register bits F8:15 are eight, STC remains set, until reset. (E) Bit F5 is C (carry flag) which indicates if a carry from the accumulator occurred with the last arithmetic instruction. (E 0:31) Bit F 6 is B (busy flag) which indicates whether or not (CDRk) the last I/o instruction was executed. Bit F 7 is E (enable flag), enables the entire interrupt system general purpose flags available to the programmer All I/o instructions plus those that modify the limiter, (called flag 1, 2, ... flag 8). These eight flags console, mask register are privileged instructions can be set and reset manually at the computer and in user mode they are not executed by activate console. the internal interrupt number two (see 3.6.1). In a computer lacking an automatic data channel LDCC 2.13.4 Location Counter and STCC cause this interrupt in monitor mode as well. tPrivileged instructions The LDL instruction is quite equivalent to the jump instruction, but there are differences in addressing 2-23 options. Note the following fWlCtionally equivalent iLDOB, LDCC, LDCD, STIB, STCC, STCD pairs: Instructions LDL LDL =m,X m/,X J J* m,X m, X to one level of indirectness There are no direct equivalents of: LDL* m/,X LDL* /m,X LDL* -m/,X LDL* =/m,X LDL /m,X These instructions are treated in the Input/Output Instructions found in Paragraph 2. 14.3. 2. 14 EXEC Brr INSTRUCTIONS Every memory word (in core memory and on the Rapid Access Drum) contains 32 data bits plus two special bits that are identified as left and right Exec bits. The left Exec bit (Ed is in position 32, and the right Exec bit (ER) is in poSition 33, however, Thus, LDL can jump direct or indirect to addresses EL is always associated with the left half-word (bits stored in right half-words. LDL*m,X reaches to one 0:15), and ERwith bits 16:31. EL is used by all sys- more level of indirectness than does J*m,X. Note that the Indirect-immediate option is possible (LDL* = tem programs to designate a relocatable address in m,X). This differs from LDLm,X only when the con- word located in core memory. E R operates with the tents of the effective address m, X specifies indirect interrupt system to interrupt the computer when an or index modification. illegal reference is made to the memory. cell in user the left half-word. ER is primarily used to protect a mode. See Paragraph 3.6. 1. 2. 13. 5 Timer The timer may be read, but not changed in user mode. The operation is suchthat the contents of Exec bits are set, reset, and tested respectively by the three instructions: SEX, REX, TEX. In each T is decremented. once every millisecond. When (T) case, the contents, other than EL or ER, of the effective address is ignored. The slash option speci- reaches zero, internal interrupt number six is activated (see Paragraph 3.6). This interrupt forces the fies left or right Exec bit; for example, REX m, X mode into monitor mode and then the T register is struction sets the Z flag if the specified exec bit is reloaded by the monitor program. 2. 13.6 Mask Register resets EL and REX /m,X resets En. The test inset. 2. 14. 1 Exec Bit Controls The internal mask register (M) and the external mask register (EM or E) contain 16 bits each, which indi- SEX m,X 1- (E'30 set EL vidually enable interrupt lines. These registers can- SEX /m,X 1 - (E33~ set ER REX m,X ~ - (E32) reset EL REX /m,X ~- (E 33) reset ER TEX m,X (E 32) - Z flag test EL TEX /m,X (E33) - Z flag test ER not be modified in user mode. See Chapter 3. 2.13.7 Console Register Instructions LDC and STC are privileged instructions, and can be performed only in monitor mode. The contents of this register can be set and reset manually at the computer console. 2-24 2. 14. 2 Accumulator Exec Bits system conventions, index registers 5, 6, and 7 are assumed always to contain relocatable address The accumulator is the only register that accepts values. Exec bits. Bit A32 is associated with the EL of a left half-word loaded from memory. Bit A33 is 2. 15 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS associated with the E R of a whole word loaded into AAF. A32 and A33 are addressed by the above in- The instructions in this group are: structions with an effective address of zero. SFL =M" k Set a function line in bankok The accumulator Exec bits each exist for a specific purpose. A33 is used when a word is to he moved TSL =M, , k Test a sense line in bank k with its protection bit Er from one core location to LDCD M,X,K Load channel data register, channel K (output) another. The instruction pair, FCAU, FST, moves all 34 bits from core to core. Similarly, DCAU, DST is used to move double precision data (and must STCD M,X,K channel K (input) not be used to move pairs of words of any other type of data). All arithmetic instructions (except FCAU Store channel data register, STCC M,X,K and DCAU) and all Boolean instructions that change Store channel control word, channel K (input) the contents of the accumulator reset A33' Any instruction that does not change the contents of the LDOB M,X,R Load output bus R STill M,X,R Store input bus R accumulator does not alter (A33). Only FST and DST store (A33) in memory. The accumulator left Exec bit, A32' is used to preserve the relocation information throughout address calculations, as follows. The difference of two relocatable address values must be an absolute value; LDCC and STCC instructions are only available with the Automatic Data Channel Processor expansion and once initiated, govern the transfer of data without further intervention of the central processor. the sum of such numbers, however, is not defined in these terms. The sum or difference between an absolute value and a relocatable one must be relocatable. Therefore, after either of the instructions AD m/,X and SB m/,X (note: left half option only), the contents of A32 is the exclusive OR of (E 32) with the initial (A32)' A32 is located from memory only by the instructions: FCAU, FCSU, DCAU, DCSU, CA (left half), and CS (left half). All other arithmetic and Boolean instructions that change the contents of Programmed half-word transfer using LDCD and STCD are available with or without ADCP. In addition, the System Interface Instructions LDOB and STill provide data transfer between registers of external devices. A more complete summary of these instructions is given in Chapter 4, Paragraphs 4.3 to 4.5. 2.15.1 SFL Instruction (Set Function Line) the accumulator, reset A 32' All others that do not change (AAFAD), do not alter A32' Only the instruc- Immediate addressing must always be used with SFL tions FST, DST, ST (left half) store A 32 in memory. instructions. Within this instruction indexing and indirect addressing may also be used. The effective A 32 and A 33 are not saved by the Save Register address, E, is therefore always used as an im- option. Index registers do not contain bits for holding mediate operand, whose bit pattern determines the relocated Exec bits; however, by programming channel, device, and function required. 2-25 Bits 13-15 The data channel SFL's fall into two broad categories Byte Size/Count (1) initialize channel and connect device, or (2) chan00000 Exec bits only 00001 8/1 (i. e., signifies 8 bytes of 1 bit each) 00002 8/2 always set 00003 16/1 bit 1-3 channel number (0-7) 00004 4/4 bit 4-7 device designation (non-zero byte, 00005 4/1 00006 4/2 00007 4/3 nel clear, disconnect, set/reset ready interrupt, and set/reset signal interrupt. A non-zero 4-bit byte (bits 4-7) denotes the former category, whose bit pattern significance is as follows: bit ,l:S 1-15) bit 8 transfer Exec bits if set, omit Exec bits if reset bit 9 binary mode if set, BCD if reset bit 10 start transfer with left half-word In the second category of data channel functions de- noted by a zero byte (bits 4-7), bits have the following significance: initially if set, right if reset bit ,l:S unconditional channel clear alternate left to right, right to left, bit 11 bit 1-3 channel number (0-7) from word half specified by bit 10 bit 4-7 (zero byte) transfer to memory (input) if set; if bit 8-10 no significance bit 11 Reset Channel signal interrupt bit 12 Set Channel signal interrupt bit 13 Reset Channel ready interrupt bit 14 Set Channel ready interrupt bit 15 Channel disconnect if set; if reset continue transfers bit 12 reset, transfer to device (output) bit 13-15 code for bits per byte/number of bytes per half-word transferred. Bits 4-7 Device 01000 Paper Tape Reader 01400 Card Reader 02000 Paper Tape Punch 02400 Card Punch 03000 Typewriter Each device has a set of SFL's for establishing de- 03400 Line Printer vice dependent conditions, e. g., on the typewriter - compatible combinations of channel data functions may be called with one SFL instruction by setting the corresponding bits. type red or type black; on the paper tape reader 04000 2-26 Magnetic Tape read forward or read reverse; on the paper tape punch - turn power on or turn power off; and so on. 2.15.3 LDCD, STCD Instructions Available SFL's are specified in device descriptions, Paragraph 4. 5 in this manual. Having connected a device for data transfer, the The successful completion of the SFL instruction is STCD instruction. actual transfer of data is effected by the LDCD or indicated by the busy (B) flag in the flag register, which changes to a reset condition after completion. There must be one of these instructions per halfword transferred. If bit 11 of data channel SFL 2.15.2 TSL Instruction (Test Status Line) calling for left and right alternate transfer is set, two instructions per memory location are required. Immediate addressing is required with TSL instruc- Since initial and subsequent left/right half positioning tions; within this restriction, indexing and indirect is implicit in the SFL call, address specification in addressing may be used. The effective address E, this case is identical for both instructions and refers is therefore always used as an immediate operand, apparently only to the left half. whose bit pattern specifies which test is required, on which device, on which channel. As with SFL in- The instruction modifier X, *, may be used with both structions, bit 1-3 specify the channel, and bits 4-7 LDCD and with STCD. The / modifier is irrelevant the device; with the remaining bits specifying the and should not be used with either. test. The accumulator cannot be accessed directly by an For the data channel functions the following tests are STCD or LDCD instruction. (E = 0 or 1 refer to available. core location 0 or 1 with LDCD and STCD.) 00001 -00001 Test channel signal Test channel signal and clear Example: The following example reads paper tape, punched in autoload format, for N words, starting the loading 00002 Test channel parity at memory location MEMORY. The device SFL connects the paper tape reader (PTR) to transfer -00002 Test channel parity and clear Exec bits, binary mode, starting with left half memory word, alternating left/right/left, etc., reading 00004 Test channel ready from device to memory, half-words comprising four 4-bit bytes. With peripherals, device related tests are available. For example: for card reader, test if the reader is SFL =1,,1 ready; test if the reading of the previous card is conditional disconnect channel 0, bank 1 complete: for magnetic tape, test if tape movement has ceased; and so on. The available tests are speci- SFL ='-1374" 1 connect PTR JB *-1 wait until device fied in device descriptions in Paragraph 4. 6 of this manual. connected The Z flag is set if the result of a TSL is true, reset is false. XCS -N,X count of N in index register X 2-27 STCD MEMORY + transfer first half- N,X word to memory MEMORY + transfer second N,X half-word to memory Example SCI STCD ,!nterrupt (but do not disconnect) TED XJT *-2,X,1 SFL Transfer data until ]!ither count is zero loop until N words or signal is received, then Qisconnect transferred (and interrupt) disconnect. =1,,1 .§kip data until gount is zero then These ADC OP symbols could be used as shown below to cause the skipping of the first 500 words of a data 2.15.4 LDCC, STCC Instructions record, then the transfer into memory of either the remaining portion of the record if there were fewer Available only with ADCP, these instruction govern than 1500 words, or of the next 1000 words. transfer of data according to a data control word of the form SFL ARG(*) connect device for transfer to ADDRSS,X, COUNT memory where ADDRSS is the starting address of a block size given by COUNT, in a manner specified by the * and JB *-1 X bits (16-19). wait until connected LDCC The options implied by bits 16-19 are: OMIT initiate skip action bit 16 - Transfer data if set, skip if reset (T or S) bit 17 - Disconnect at end if set, do not disconnect if not set (D or I) bit 18 - Skip or transfer until signal (S) OMIT bit 19 - Skip or transfer until count complete (C) READ IN TED and are summarized mnemonically by one of the SCI ,,500 ADC OP symbol START,,1000 definitions with an interrupt routine containing following OP symbols: LDCC TCD, SCD, TCI, SCI, TSD, SSD, TSI, SSI, TED, SED, TEl, READIN initiate actual data transfer SEI in the formal context: If a signal, due to the advent of a terminating charac- OP 2-28 ADDRSS" COUNT ter or situation (stop code on paper tape, end-of- record gap on magnetic tape, end-of-card on card is a request for an arithmetic shift of the A register reader) precedes the completion of the specified contents 4 places to the right (equivalent to a division count, the number of words transmitted can be as- by 24 ). The same affect is achieved by certained by performing STCC after interrupt, and examining the count field. Transfer of data, one initiated, proceeds automatically under control of the ADCP without the need of 2. 15. 5 LDOB, STIB Instructions These system interface instructions effect the transfer of 17 bit data (16 bits plus 1 exec bit) from E via the output buss to the specified external register 4 ASH* SAM or by: central processor intervention. An interrupt is always generated on the completion of these ADCP functions. ASH where the left half contents of SAM is 4. These are examples of positive shifts. With arithmetic shifts, the sign bit ~ is propagated for right shifts, so that a negative number remains negative, a positive one positive. Similarly for left shifts (negative shifts) the sign bit does not change, and bit 1 is lost for each left shift. (LDOB), or from the specified external register via the input buss to the effective address E (STm). For extended shifts, the sign bit of the AE register does not change. Therefore, only bits 1-15, 17-31 The X, *, =and / options are available with LDOB, and X, * and / with STm are involved. For example, EASH -15 2.16 SHIFT, ROTATE AND NORMALIZE shifts the AE register, considered as an arithmetic INSTRUCTIONS quantity, to the A register. These instructions are available in single or extended precision form. If extended preciSion, the The Z, G, L and V flags reflect the resultant state A-AE registers are involved; if single precision, the A register only. of the A, or A-AE registers. Bits in positions 15-E to 15 for ASH right shift or Each instruction in this group may use the Save option. 2. 16. 1 Arithmetic Shift 31-E to 31 for EASH right shifts, where E is the number of shifts, are permanently lost. For left shifts, the same applies to bits in positions 1 to E for both ASH and EASH. If a 1 bit is lost in the latter cases for initially positive value, or a ~ bit Although = is not written in the first character position of the address field of shifts or rotates, the immediate mode is .assumed· by the hardware. Thus, for an initially negative value, the overflow flag is if N=3, and (X)=1, so that E=4 The nominal effective address is truncated by hard- ASH N,X set. ware to provide an effective immediate address E such that -64sEs63. 2-29 The Save option prefix may be used to save (A) in ($A) 2. 16. 2 Rotates prior to shifting. H indirect addressing is used, the immediate operator is still implied and the value of E The contents of the A register for single precision is taken as the shift count. Actually E is truncated at or of the A-AE register for extended precision, are regarded as a bit pattern having no arithmetic signif- 7 bits, and the effective count is: -64 $ (Eo, 10:15) $ icance, so that bit .0 and bit 16 for extended preCi- 63. sion are treated as any other bit. right arithmetic shift In contrast with arithmetic shifts, no bits are lost: ASH m,X (EO, 10:15) positive where e = (E 0,10:15) modulo 15 shift (A 1 : 15 ) right bye bits for Single precision, right-rotation (positive E) the (Ao> - - (AI:e) right-most e bits are lost extended precision rotation, the bit in position 31 is bit in position 15 is transferred to position .0; the reverse applies to left (negative) rotation. For transferred to bit position .0; the reverse applies to left (negative) rotation. EASH m,X where e = (E 0,10:15) modulo 31 shift (AAE 1:15,17:31) right by e bits (Ao) - The save prefix operator may be used, and the same immediate addressing rules apply as above for shifts. left most e bits The flags are unaffected by rotates. For example, (excluding AAE 16) right-most e bits are lost (AAE l d unchanged EROT exchanges the contents of the A and AE registers. 2. 16. 1. 2 left arithmetic shift ASH m,X (E 0,10:15 ) negative where e = (Eo, 10:15) modulo 15 shift (A l : 15 ) left by e bits .0 - right most e bits (A l :e ) lost, V flag set if any lost bits where e EASH m,X = I 16 The rotate instructions are formally summarized as follows: rotate, right (EO, 10:15) positive or negative or left for e = (EO, 10:15) (Ao) ROT m,X (AO: 15 ) - EROT m,X (AAE O: 31 >- (E 0,10:15) modulo 31 shift (AAE 1:15,17:31 } left by e bits (Ae :(15+e) ) modulo 16 (AAEe :(1+e) ) modulo 32 .0 - right most e bits (excluding AAE 16 ) Normalize left most e bits lost (excluding AAE 16 ) V flag set if any lost bits (A 0) 2-30 I The specified index register receives a count of shifts required to normalize the contents of the A register if single precision is required, or A-AE registers if extended precision desired. The contents The normalize instructions are formally summarized of the accumulator are considered arithmetic, and as: the shifts follow the rules of ASH or EASH operations. Single Precision The count appearing'in the specified index register is a positive quantity, so that the two instructions NRM ~, ASH ~, 2 NRM ~,x for (A)~~, Arith.Single Prec. left shift until [Ao] ~ [AI]' positive count of shifts c - 2 (X). for (A)=O, 0 - (X). would leave the A register unchanged, but with the number of shifts to achieve normalization in index Extended Precision register 2. ENRM NaTE The criterion for normalization is that bits !1 and 1 of the A register must be different. ~,x for (A)~~, Arith. Extend. Prec. left shift until TAo] ~ [ A I], positive count of shifts c-(X). for (AAE)=O, O-(X) 2-31/2-32 CHAPTER 3 PRIORITY INTERRUPT SYSTEM ,searches for any interrupt signals. The order of 3.1 INTRODUCTION scanning determines the priority of one interrupt conThe 8400 Interrupt System provides a means of inter- dition relative to another. If an interrupt condition is rupting a program sequence at the occurrence of some detected by the scanner, and no higher priority Sig- event, and executing a routine that corresponds to the nals were detected, the interrupt logic generates an event. Conditions both internal and external to the unique address for that interrupt. At certain pOints machine can cause interrupts. Hardware is provided in the instruction cycle, the machine acknowledges to maintain an assigned priority among the interrupt the detected interrupt by breaking the program se- conditions, and to maintain the priority while an inter- quence, and executing the instruction at the location rupt routine is in progress. specified by the interrupt logic. When the machine is interrupted, the continuity of the instruction sequence is preserved, and interrupt routines as small as one instruction can be used. The Enable Flag, E, can either enable or disable all signals from the interrupt registers. When the E flag is reset (set to zero, disabled, turned off), no 3.2 BASIC OPERATION interrupt condition can be acknowledged, except upon power failure, and the program, sequence cannot be The elements of the interrupt system are as follows: 1. A 16-bit Internal Interrupt Register with associated decoding logic and scan circuits. 2. 3. interrupted. Instructions pertaining to the flags are discussed in Chapter 2. The interrupt registers themselves cannot be disabled. Up to sixteen 16-bit External Interrupt .An interrupt condition will always set the correspond- Registers with associated decoding logiC ing bit in the interrupt register independent of the E and scan circuits. flag and the mask bits. The Enable Flag in the Flag Register denoted by (E). The interrupt registers provide a buffer to remember the occurrence of .~ interrupt conditions until the interrupt logic can ac,knowledge the signal. Depending on the type of inter- 4. 5. 6. A 16-bit Internal Mask Register denoted rupt routine used, a bit in the interrupt register is by (IMR). reset either automatically when the interrupt condi- A 16-bit External Mask Register denoted tion is acknowledged or is reset by program. Figure by (EMR). 3-1 shows the interrupt register mask configuration. An additional external mask bit denoted by (EMB). 3.3 PRIORITY When an interrupt condition occurs, a bit correspond- There are two aspects in determining the interrupt ing to that condition is set in one of the interrupt priority of specific interrupt requests: :registers. If the enable flag E and the Mask bit corresponding to that position in the interrupt regis- 1. When multiple interrupt conditions occur ter are set, a signal is gated to the scan circuits. At simultaneously, which condition will be various points in the instruction cycle, the scanner first acknowledged by the system? /3-1 Table 3-1. Memory Locations (Cont) ICO SET Octal Decimal Interrupt Name, 45 37 Memory Protect 46 47 38 39 Console 50-57 40-47 Data Channels 0-7 60-77 48-63 External Group 1 100-117 64-79 External Group 2 120-137 80-95 External Group 3 140-157 96-111 External Group 4 160-177 112-127 External Group 5 200-217 128-143 External Group 6 220-237 240-257 144-159 160-175 External Group External Group 7 8 260-277 176-191 External Group 9 300-317 192-207 External Group 10 320-337 208-223 External Group 11 RESET ICI SET RESET IC2 SET } RESET CONTROL SIGNALS ICI5 SET 1.115 L ......!ANd' GATES FLIP FLOPS IN THE INTERRUPT REGISTER :~~} INTERRUPT CONDITIONS MO} MASK BITS 1.115 E } ENABLE FLAG Figure 3-1. Interrupt Register Mask Enable Configuration 2. Timer 340-357 224-239 External Group 12 Once an interrupt has been acknowledged, 360-377 240-255 External Group 13 an interrupt routine is in progress, what 400-417 256-271 External Group 14 conditions will cause that routine to be 420-437 272-287 External Group 15 interrupted? 440-457 288-303 External Group 16 Regarding the first, the scan action of the interrupt detection logic determines which interrupts take pre- The first 16 interrupts (highest priority) are internal. cedence over other interrupts. That is, if conditions All remaining interrupts are called interrupts. The occur simultaneously, the scan determines which first 6 interrupts refer in some way to the instruction will be acknowledged first. This feature of the inter- sequence. The meaning of all internal interrupts is rupt system is referred to as hardware priority. The explained in Paragraphs 3.7. memory locations associated with the interrupts Once an interrupt has been acknowledged, there are reflect the hardware priority. The highest priority two methods by which a given priority can be main- interrupt has the lowest memory location as shown in tained for the duration of the interrupt routine. One Table 3-1. method is through the use of the mask registers. By manipulation of the mask registers, any priority Table 3 -1. Memory Locations sequence - not necessarily the same as hardware priority - can be achieved and maintained. Pr ogrammed Interrupt Name Octal Decimal 40 32 41 33 Data Exec 42 34 Illegal Instruction 43 35 Instruction Exec 44 36 Exponent Fault . Power Failure/Memory Parity Error priority allocation is discussed in Paragraph 3. 5, If the hardware priority sequence is acceptable to the user, this priority will be maintained automatically for the duration of an interrupt routine by the hardward. If certain programming rules are observed. The automatic maintenance of hardward priority is discussed in Chapter 4. 3-2 3.4 INTERRUPT CONTROL A link instruction serves to inform the interrupt system that an interrupt route is being initiated. When Interrupts can be acknowledged only at certain times during the instruction sequence: 1. After gathering of instruction, 2. After each level of address modification, and 3. After the execution of an instruction. The actual execution of an instruction can never be interrupted. Also, interrupts can never occur at the following times: 1. When executing the first instruction of an interrupt routine, 2. 3. After the machine has been halted from console, and When the E flag is reset. the link at the interrupt location is executed, the system enters a scan-limiting state, and the interrupt condition is not reset. Once in the acknowledged, but not reset state, the scan is limited so that only interrupts of higher priority can be acknowledged. The use of the link instructions, therefore, permit the hardware priority to be maintained for the duration of an interrupt routine. The Jump Trigger (JT) instruction is the means by which a program informs the interrupt system that an interrupt routine has been completed. If the system is in a scan-limiting state, and a JT instruction is executed, the system then resets the highest priority interrupt condition that has been acknowledged but not reset. There are three states for each type of interrupt. 1. Idle; no interrupt condition present. 2. Set; an interrupt condition has set the bit in the interrupt register, but the condition has An exception to the above is the po~er failure interrupt which has the highest hardware priority. This interrupt can occur, independent of its mask bit and the E flag, during auto load or auto dump and after the machine has been halted manually. not yet been acknowledged. 3. Acknowledged but not reset; a link instruction at the interrupt location was executed, and no JT instruction has yet been executed. When an interrupt is acknowledged, the machine is forced to execute the instruction at the interrupt The possible states of the interrupt system are shown location. The interrupt location address is not placed in Figure 3-2. While an interrupt is in the acknowl- in the .location counter. The resulting action depends edged state, no more interrupt of that type can be on the type of instruction at the interrupt location. received until the JT instruction is executed. The The four possible cases are as follows: bit in the interrupt register remains set until the JT is executed. If no interrupt is in the acknowledged 1. Link instructions (L or LR). state, then JT instructions have no effect on the interrupt system. 2. Jump instructions (J, JS, JR, JT, HJ, XJ, XJT, LDL). The link JT technique for interrupt routines provides Execute instruction (EX). priority without resorting the mask manipulation. An multi-level interrupt capability with the proper 3. example of multi-level interrupts is shown in Figure 4. other instructions. 3-3. For each interrupt routine, the use of the lin 3-3 Note that the resetting of the interrupt is independent of any flags associated with the JT instruction. For the instruction JTf, where f is some flag, the following occurs: OCCURENCE INTERRUPT CONDITION 1. The jump is performed if flag f is true. 2. Flag f is triggered unconditionally. 3. The highest priority acknowledged interrupt is reset unconditionally. EXECUTING A LINK AT THE INTERRUPT LOCATION When the instruction executed at the interrupt location is not a link, the interrupt conditions is automatically Figure 3-2. Interrupt States reset. If the instruction is not a jump type instruction that alters the location counter, the interrupt instruction is then executed as a one-instruction interrupt routine. The return is made to the interrupted program to insure that no instructions will have been missed. If the instruction at the interrupt location is a jump instruction, the interrupt is automatically reset, and the jump is executed. Since the location counter is loaded with a new address, the location counter value at the time of the interrupt is lost. In this case, it is impossible to determine by program at which point the program was interrupted. INTERRUPT ROUTINE WITH PRIORITY P2>PI MAIN PROGRAM INTERRUPT ROUTINE WITH PRIORITY P3 > P2 Should the instruction at the interrupt location be an Execute (EX), the resulting action depends on the object of the Execute instruction. The interrupt condition is reset automatically, independent of the object instruction unless it is a Link. If multiple Execute instructions are chained together, the entire chain, including the object instruction, is non-interruptable .• Figure 3-3. Multi-LevelInterrupts Interrupts that refer to machine instructions (interinstruction guarantees that only higher priority inter- rupts 0-5) are handled in a special way. If one of rupts can occur while the routine is in progress. these interrupts is acknowledged either after gather- When the routine is complete, the use of the JT ing of instruction or after address modification, the guarantees that the status of the interrupt system location counter is incremented by one before the before the interrupts will be re-established. instruction at the interrupt location is executed. 3-4 For example, if an illegal instruction at location L instructions pertaining to the mask bits are the causes an interrupt after gathering instruction the following: following occurs: m LDM 1. Load the Internal Mask Register " with a hali-word from memory. With a link instruction at the interrupt location, the address L + 1 is stored at the effective address of the instruction. m LDE Load the External Mask Register a half-word from memory. 2. With a non-link, non-jump instruction, Options: *, X, /, = Flags: none return would be made to L + 1, after execution of the one instruction routine. A personalized interrupt is one in which a transfer STM m Store the contents of the Internal of control takes place immediately, should the inter- Mask Register into a hali-word in rupt condition arise, where immediately means memory. following the execution of the instruction currently being obeyed. m STE Store the contents of the External Mask Register into a hali-word in memory. This is critical for such interrupts as "unvalid instruction". On the other hand, other interrupts cause the transfer of control to take place one in- Options: *, X, / Flags: none struction later than this and this is satisfactory for interrupts generated externally. SFL ='60, , 0 SFL = However, the 8800 interfacy busy interrupt is not personalized, and so the occurrence of an 8800 '61,,0 Set the external mask bit (EMB) Reset the external mask bit (EMB) instruction which causes an 8800 busy interrupt to occur, causes the interrupt routine to save the address of the instruction after the one that caused the interrupt to occur. It is wise therefore for the The B flag is set following either SFL instruction if the EMB was set prior to the instruction. programmer to follow every 8800 interface instruction that can result in an '8800 busy' interrupt, by a = '60, 00 TSL Test the external mask bit (EMB) NOP. If the interrupt occurs the address of the NOP will be saved, and the interrupt routine can occur properly. The Z flag is set following this instruction if the EMB was set, and the flag is reset if the EMB was not set. Dynamic priority allocation can be achieved by using 3.5 MASKING the masks in the following way: If some priority sequence other than the hardware priority is needed, masking must be used. For 1. Determine for each interrupt condition those interrupts with individual mask bits, any which of the others are to have higher or sequence of priority can be achieved. lower priority. The 3-5 2. During the main program, keep all mask The Reset Monitor mode instructiop., in addition to bits set and all interrupts enabled, and placing the machine in :usermode, also enables the interrupt system. Once in user mode, the interrupts perform a JT instruction to release the machine from its limited-scan control state. cannot be disabled. The interrupts can then be disabled only after an interrupt has occurred, and the machine has been returned to monitor mode. 3. Store the existing mask registers; then change the masks so that only bits for in- Instructions that cannot be executed in user mode are terrupts of priority greater than the given called privileged instructions. They are: interrupt (in the new sequence) are set. 4. 5. 1. LDT, LDM, LDE, LDC and execute the interrupt routine. 2. SFL, TSL When the interrupt routine is completed, 3. LDOB, STm the interrupts should be disabled, the original masks restored, and the interrupts 4. LDCD, STCD, LDCC, STCC 5. HJ Set the E flag to re-enable the interrupt again enabled before returning to the point that was originally interrupted. 3.6 USER/MONITOR MODE AND THE INTERNAL INTERRUPTS When one of these instruction is attempted in user mode, the instruction is not executed, a privileged instruction flip-flop is set, and an interrupt is generated. The privileged instruction flip-flop can be 3.6.1 User/Monitor Modes Every 8400 is equipped with a feature to facilitate tested and reset with the following instructions: SFL = '21,,0 Reset Privileged Instructions TSL = '21n 0 Test Privileged Instructions multi-programming and time sharing. 'rhe User/ Monitor mode feature prevents a user program from interfering with the continuous operation of the computer. In USer mode, any instruction that initiates input/output operations or modifies the state of certain control register is not executed. In monitor mode all instructions are permitted. Other illegal instructions generate this interrupt as usual, but do not set the Privileged Instruction flipflop. Since the interrupt system cannot be disabled in user The monitor mode flip-flop controls the mode of the mode, instructions that refer to the E flag in the flag computer. The machine is placed in monitor mode register are not allowed to change its state. Instruc- when any interrupt occurs, or by the INITIALIZE tions of this type are executed, but do not affect the button from the console. The flip-flop can be reset E flag, as shown by the following: and tested by the following instruction: Instruction SFL TSL 3-6 = '65,,0 = '65,,0 Reset Monitor Mode Test Monitor Mode Acts Like JSE JE JSNE JNE JRE JE lns true tion Acts Like JRNE JNE LRE LE LRNE JTE LNE If the voltage level varies beyond a safe limit, a JE power failure interrupt is generated. Memory parity JTNE JNE Interrupt Mask: Does not affect this interrupt. is checked whenever the memory is accessed either for normal program execution or for the auto- In user mode, the LDF instruction does not change matic data channel operation. Both power failure the E bit, and the JT instruction has no affect on the and memory parity error are considered catastrophic. Restart may be from the beginning of the present job interrupt system. or from the last SAVE point in the job. The following instructions are used to determine cause: TSL = 3. 6. 2 Internal Interrupts '23" 0 for Test Memory Parity Failure, and SFL Tne internal interrupts are summarized in Figure = '23,,0 for Reset Memory Parity Failure. 3-4. The interrupt number represents the bit number for the corresponding bit in the Mask Register. (1) Interrupt Name: Data Exec The lowest number has the highest priority. Each interrupt is discussed in detail below. Power failure and memor:y parity error interrupt. (0) Interrupt Name: Interrupt Location: '41 Internal Mask: '40000 The Data Exec interrupt is set for any gathering of Interrupt Location: o '40 data in the monitor mode of a word with the left Exec (POWER FAILURE)+(ANY READ)(MEMORY AIIRITY FAILURE) (DATA FETCHi(RIGHT EXEC)(USER MODE)HLEFT EXEC) (MONITOR MODEl] 2 UNSTRUCTION FETCHi(PRIVILEGED INST)(USER MODE) +ULLEGAL INST)HLDCC+STCC)(NO ADCP~ 3 (INSTRUCTION FETCH)(RIGHT EXEC)(USER MODE) 4 EXPONENT OVERFLOW 5 PROT (USER MODE)(ANY WRITE)(RIGHT EXEC)(MEMORY PROTECT ENABLE)HMEMORY ACCESS)(ADDRESS OUT OF MEMORY) TIMER TIMER DECREMENTED TO ZERO 6 MEM 7 CONsa.E INTERRUPT BUTTON DEPRESSED 8 DATA CHNO 9 DATA CHNI 10 \I 12 OR UNDERFLOW DATA CHN2 DATA CHN3 DATA CHANNEL INTERRUPTS (SEE CHAPTER 5 FOR DEFINITION OF INTERRUPT CONDITIONS) 13 14 15 Figure 3-4. Internal Interrupt Conditions 3-7 bit set, or in user mode of a word with the right (4) Interrupt Name: ExPonent Fault Exec bit set. Interrupt Location: ' 44 Internal Mask: '04000 Exceptions: TEX, LDCC, LDCD, LDOB. The cycle of instruction gathering lasts until the effective address has been fully calculated, including This interrupt is generated by a floating-point expo- indirect addressing and indexing. Instructions that nent exceeding the proper range as the result of some have operands in a memory location given by the ef- floating-point operation. The proper range for expo- fective address, have a data gathering cycle that fol- nents is -128 :s Exp:s 127. Exponent overflow does lows the instruction gathering cycle. Immediate not inhibit a floating-point operation. instructions do not have a data gathering cycle. (5) Interrupt Name: (2) Interrupt Name: Interrupt Location: Internal Mask: Memory Protect Illegal Instruction Interrupt Location: '45 Internal Mask: '02000 '42 '20000 This interrupt results when an instruction tries to In general, any instruction that is undefined or would result in stopping machine operation will cause this interrupt. Immediately after gathering instruction the interrupt is generated and the instruction is not executed. The following specific instructions cause this interrupt: modify any half-word, full-word, or Exec bit in a protected area of memory. Specifically, this interrupt occurs on a store instruction, in user mode, if and only if the right Exec bit is set at the location and the memory protect mode has been enabled for that memory bank. The memory protect mode can be enabled and disabled individually for up to four memory banks. The instructions pertaining to the memory 1. Undefined OP codes 2. STCC or LDCC when no Automatic Data Channel Processor is present 3. Privileged instructions in user mode (3) Interrupt Name: protect mode are the following: Test Set Reset Bank 1 TSL ='40,,0 SFL = '40, ,0 SFL='41,,0 Bank 2 TSL = '42,,0 SFL ='42,,0 SFL='43,,0 Bank 3 TSL = '44, ,0 SFL = '44,,0 SFL ='45,,0 Bank 4 TSL ='46,,0 SFL = '46, ,0 SFL ='47, ,0 Instruction Exec The SFL instructions set the B flag if the specified Interrupt Location: '43 mode control was set prior to the SFL action. The TSL instructions set the Z flag if the specified mode Internal Mask: ' 10000 control was set, and reset the Z flag if the control was reset. This interrupt is generated following instruction gathering in user,. mode if the right Exec bit at the This interrupt will also occur if memory is refer- location of the obtained instruction is high. The enced by an illegal address (for example, an address instruction is not executed. out of memory). If an instruction attempts to access 3-8 memory with an illegal address, the memory access value in the Timer Register, and decrementing pro- is bypassed, the instruction cycle is completed, and ceeds from there. the interrupt is generated. Console (7) Interrupt Name: Timer (6) Interrupt Name: Interrupt Location: Internal Mask: Interrupt Location: '47 Internal Mask: '00400 ' 46 '01000 The console interrupt is generated when anyone of The interval timer is an optional feature on the 8400, the four console interrupt buttons (CI1-CI4) is de- and this interrupt cannot occur on those machines pressed. Each button is buffered with a flip-flop as without a timer. This interrupt occurs when the shown in Figure 3-5. Pushing the button sets a cor- timer is decremented to zero. responding flip-flop, and generates the interrupt. An indicator in the button lights when the flip-flop is The basic element of the timer is the 16-bit Timer set. The flip-flops can be tested and reset by pro- Register. The following instructions pertain to the gram to determine which of the buttons caused the timer: interrupt. When the flip-flop is reset, the indicator light goes out. The instructions related to the con- m LDT Load the Timer Register with a sole interrupt are listed below: half-word from memory TSL = '25" 0 Test Console - Interrupt 1 half-word in memory. SFL ='25,,0 Reset Console - Interrupt 1 Options *, X, /, TSL '='27,,0 Flags: none SFL ~'27"O Reset Console - Interrupt 2 TSL ='31,,0 Test Console - Interrupt 3 m STT Store the Timer Register into a = SFL = '62,,0 Start the timer TSL = '62,,0 Test the timer SFL = '63,,0 Stop the timer Test Console - Interrupt 2 The B flag is set following the SFL instructions if the timer was operating prior to the SFL; the Z flag is set follOWing the TSL if the timer was operating. Once the timer is operating, the Timer Register is decremented every millisecond. Decrementing continues until the timer is stopped with the appropriate SFL instruction. Note that the timer runs while the machine is in a manual halt condition. After zero is reached, the next decrement produces the maximum Figure 3-5. Console Interrupt Buttons 3-9 SFL ='31,,0 TSL = SFL = '33, , 0 '33, , 0 Reset Console - Interrupt 3 Test Console - Interrupt 4 Reset Console - Interrupt 4 Interrupt Location External Mask (1, 5) '65 '02000 (1, 6) '66 '01000 (1, 7) '67 '00400 (1, 8) '70 '00200 (1, 9) '71 '00100 The TSL instructions set the Z flag if the specified (1, 10) '72 '00040 flip-flop was set. The SFL instructions set the B (1, 11) '73 '00020 flag if the specified flip-flop was set. (1, 12) '74 '00010 (1, 13) (1, 14) '75 '00004 The JT instruction that resets the bit in the interrupt '76 register has no affect on the flur flip-flops associated (1, 15) '77 '00002 '00001 with the console interrupts. Following a console interrupt, both the interrupt bit and the console flip-flop must be reset before another console interrupt can be generated. For those machines with no more than four data channels, the interrupts corresponding to channels 4-7 are available as external interrupts. In this case, lines for these interrupts are available through (8) - (15) Interrupt Name: Interrupt Location: Channel Interrupt '50 - '57 the system interface. A response line is available tl}rough the system interface that indicates when the interrupt has been serviced. The interrupts are set by a positive transistion in a Internal Mask: '00377 Each data channel has. one interrupt. Channel 0 corresponds to location '50, channell to '51, and so signal. Therefore, either pulse or level Signals can be used to generate external interrupts. When a signal on an interrupt line is set, an inter- forth. When a device is connected to a data channel, rupt will occur. If the external signal maintains its interrupts can result from the channel itself, or from position level, no more interrupts will result from the connected device. When no device is connected that signal until it falls and is set again. A positive to a channel, interrupts can result from those transition is required for both internal and external devices on the channel which have been properly interrupts. enabled. 3.8 CONSOLE INDICATORS 3.7 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS The conditions that cause external interrupts are a. function of the external equipment tied to the interrupt The following items pertain to the interrupt system: 1. The INITIALIZE button on the console sets lines. There are up to 16 groups of 16 interrupts. all interrupts in the interrupt registers, The external mask register pertains only to the first returns all inter~upts to the idle state, and resets the console interrupt flip-flops. external group which is shown below: Interrupt 3-10 Location External Mask (1, 0) '60 '-00000 (1, 1) '61 '40000 (1, 2) '62 '20000 (1, 3) '63 '10000 (1, 4) '64 '04000 2. The INTERNAL INTERRUPT indicator on the console is lit when any internal interrupt is not in the idle state. 3. The CHANNEL INTERRUPT indicator on the console is lit when any channel interrupt is not in the idle state. CHAPTER 4 INPUT/OUTPUT SYSTEM 4. 1 INTRODUCTION The input/output of the 8400 resides in the Exchange Module which contains the following functional units: 1. An Exchange Module Central CC5ntroller (EMCC) with up to 8 bi-directional data channels for buffered data transfer to a number of devices. 2. An Automatic Data Channel Processor (ADCP) which automates the data channel operation, provides direct memory access, EMCC= EXCHANGE MODULE CENTRAL CONTROLLER ADCP = AUTOMATIC DATA CHANNEL PROCESSOR 5.1. = SYSTEM INTERFACE K = CHANNEL NUMBER D = DEVICE NUMBER and permits simultaneous input/uutput/ compute operations. 3. Figure 4-1. A System Interface which permits direct Exchange Module data transfer with external data handling systems. 4. 2. 1 Function Each peripheral device is provided with a device The purpose of an 8400 data channel is to facilitate controller which enables all devices to use the gen- data transfers to or from peripheral devices with a eralized data and control interface of the exchange minimum of programming effort. Byte assembly module. and disassembly is provided for handling 4 and 8-bit bytes. All transfers between memory and a channel The operators desk, which uses the features of the are made as 17-bit halfwords (16 data bits and Exec Exchange Module, is discussed in detail in Chapter 5. bit), while transfers between the channel and a device can be in terms of 4, 8 or 16-bit bytes and an Exec A functional representation of the Exchange Module bit. is shown in Figure 4-1. Character buffering is provided so that character devices need not have their own external buffer register. 4.2 DATA CHANNELS Buffering is also provided for control signals and error indicators so that all external devices can be programmed and operated in a generalized and Every 8400 is equipped with at least one data channel and may be expanded to 8. consistent manner. Up to 15 devices can be connected to each channel, although only one device Code conversion circuitry is provided so that exter- can be selected for data transfer at a given time. nal devices which require a binary coded decimal 4-1 (BCD) code can be IUtndled as well as those that gen- transferred to a device. During input, this erate or accept the 8400 internal binary code. On register holds an assembled half-word input, the BCD code from a device is converted to. which is to be stored in memory. binary code, and on output, the internal binary code is converted to the device oriented BCD code. 3. Channel Buffer Register (CBR) Parity generation and checking logic is provided for This 8-bit register is the character buffer 4 and 8-bit byte transfers. On output, the parity bit register to which the selected device is is generated and sent with the data; on input, a parity connected. With either 4-bit or 8-bit data bit is generated and checked against the parity bit transfers, 8-bit bytes are transferred received with the data. With binary data transfers, between the Channel Data Register and the odd parity is used, and with BCD transfer, even parity is used. Channel Buffer Register. Assembly of 4bit bytes into 8-bit bytes, or disassembly of 8-bit bytes into 4-bit bytes is performed 4.2.2 Structure in the Channel Buffer Register. Parity The data channel complex includes the Exchange checki.ng and code conversion is also done in conjunction with the Channel Buffer Reg- Module Central Controller (EMCC) plus up to 8 indi- ister. With l6-bit data transfers, data is vidual channels. Associated with the individual data transferred directly between the Channel channels are the followi.ng elements: Data Register and the selected device, bypassing the Channel Buffer Register. No 1. parity checking or code conversion is pro- Channel Function Register (CFR) vided for l6-bit transfers. This 8-bit register holds a code word which specifies the type of operation to be per- 4. Control indicators as follows: formed on the channel--input or output, Channel Read'), (CDRY) indicator is true binary or BCD, 4, 8, or l6-bit bytes, etc. Details of the Channel Function Register whenever the Channel Data Register is format are discussed with the SFL instruc- ready to transfer a half-word to memory tions. Associated with the Channel Func- on input, or accept a half-word from tion Register is the channel control and device selection logic which actively con- memory on output. nects one device to the channel. It also Channel Automatic (CHA) indicator is true prevents the Channel Function Register from being changed while a cha.nnel opera- whenever the channel is under control of tion is in progress. Details of this indicator are discussed with the Automatic Data Channel Processor. the ADCP. 2. Channel Data Register (CDR) Channel Parity (CHP) indicator is set 4-2 This l7-bit (16 data bits plus one exec bit) when either the channel or a selected de- register represents the interface between vice detects a parity failure during data the data channel and memory. For output, transfer; the indicator is reset by a TSL the Channel Data Register can be loaded instruction, or when a new channel opera- with a half-word from memory to be tion is initiated. Channel Signal (CBS) indicator can be set ___ by the selected device on the channel when !!PI~!.... ____ certain conditions on the device exist. The specific conditions that set CHS are different for each device, and are described in the section pertaining to devices. When the Channel Ready Interrupt (CHRI) DCHB D indicator is true, a channel interrupt will CBRY CFR be generated whenever the CHRY indicator i becomes true. The CHRI indicator, which enables the interrupt, can be set by an SFL T instruction, and is reset by an SFL instruction. DEVICE When the Channel Signal Interrupt (CBSI) indicator is true, a channel interrupt will be generated whenever the CBS indicator becomes true. The CBSI indicator, which enables the interrupt, can be set by an SFL instruction, and is reset by an SFL COR=CHANNEL DATA REGISTER CBR-QlANNEL BUFFER REGISlER CFR=CHANNEL FUNCTION REGISTER CHRY=CHANNEL READY CHRI = CHANNEL READY INTERRUPT CHSI = CHANNEL SIGNAL INTERRUPT CHA CHANNEL AUTOMATIC CHS CHANNEL SIGNAL CHP= CHANNEL PARITY CHD = CHANNEL DISCONNECT CHB= CHANNEL BUSY CBRY= CHANNEL BUFFER REGISTER READY = = instruction. Figure 4-2. The Elements of a Data Channel Channel Disconnect (CHD) control is used to implement the conditional disconnect action. The CHD control indicator is set EMCC is an Exchange Assembly Register (EAR) which serves the following purposes: by an SFL instruction and reset when a new channel operation is initiated. Disconnect 1. All accesses to the Channel Data Registers procedures are discussed with the SFL are made through the Exchange Assembly instructions. Register. The Exchange Assembly Register acts as an intermediate buffer on all A block diagram of a data channel is shown in Fig- transfers between memory and the Channel ure 4-2. Data Register. The Exchange Module Central Controller (EMCC) is 2. With 4 or 8-bit byte operations, the as- shared by all the data channels in the Exchange sembly or disassembly of 8-bit bytes is Module. The EMCC is available to only one channel performed in the Exchange Assembly at a time. A scan mechanism searches for activity on the channels. When a request for EMCC action is Register. The Excha.nge Assembly Register, therefore, also acts like an inter- detected, the scan locks on the particular channel. mediate buffer on all transfers between When the required transfers are complete, the EMCC the Channel Data Register and the Channel is released and the scan continues. Included in the Buffer Register. 4-3 3. During 16-bit operations, the Exchange Assembly Register also is a buffer between The SFL i.nstructions related to the data channels are as shown on Figure 4-3. the Channel Data Register and the selected device. On output, when the device is ready, data is transferred from the Chan- device will be executed only if the channel is idle, nel Data Register through the Exchange and no device is already connected to the channel. If Assembly Register to the device. Simi- a device is already connected, the SFL will be re- larly, on input, data from the device goes jected and the B flag set. When the channel is not through the Exchange Assembly Register busy, the SFL performs three functions: The SFL instruction for initialize channel/connect to the Channel Data Register. 1. Device D is logically connected to the 4.2. 3 Instructions channel, and is initialized for data transfer. Instructions required to use the data channels are 2. All channel registers and indicators (ex- described below: cept for CHRI and CHSI) are reset to initial conditions. SFL =M"l Set a Function Line in bank The Channel Function Register (CFR) is 3. 1 as defined by the effective loaded with the 8 least sig.nificant bits of address. SFL address which specify the operation TSL =M"l Test a Sense Line in bank to be performed. These bits in the SFL 1 as defined by the effective address. address have the following meaning: Bits Options: * Flags B for SFL instructions E Value Operation 1 Exec bit transfer o No exec bit transfer 1 Binary transfer without code con- Z for TSL instructions B There are four banks associated with TSL and SFL version instructions. The data channels are considered bank 1, and any SFL or TSL instructions which refer o BCD transfer with code conversion to the data channels or devices connected to the channels should use the ba.nk 1 deSignation. L 1 Left half for half-word transfers to or from memory Immediate addressing always must be used with all SFL and TSL instructions. Indirect addressing and 0 indexing may also be used if desired. The B flag is set following an SFL instruction if the Right half for half-word transfers to or from memory specified function could not be performed; the B flag The L bit of the CFR is to be complemented after each half-word will be reset if the specified function was performed. The Z flag is set following a TSL instruction if the transfer to or from memory is com- A 1 pleted specified sense line or indicator was true; the Z flag will be reset if the specified sense line is not true. 4-4 0 The L bit is not to be complemented Bits I N The SFL Channel Clear instruction is an unconditional Operation Value command; this instruction will disconnect the selected 1 Input operation 0 Output operation 0 Transfer E bits only 1 Transfer 8-bit bytes, one per half- device and terminate any current operation, regardless of the state of the current operation. devices connected to the channel will be reset. whether or not the device was selected when the SFL word word This instruction is similar to the console initialize control, but it affects only one data connect command is properly used, the unconditional disconnect need not be used except in error routines. Care should be exercised in the use of this instruc- Transfer 4-bit bytes, four per half- 3 was executed. channel, rather than all channels. If conditional dis- Transfer 8-bit bytes, two per half- 2 All chan- nel indicators will be reset, and all indicators· on tion to avoid interfering with valid channel operations. word The SFL Disconnect instruction sets the CHD control 4 Transfer 4-bit bytes, four per half- indicator in the channel. The CHD indicator being word set causes a disconnect action which is conditional on the state of the channel as follows: Transfer 4-bit bytes, one per half- 5 word 1. If an output operation is in progress (I = 0), then the device will be disconnected when 6 Transfer 4-bit bytes, two per half- the channel is ready (CHRY = 1). This word feature permits the channel to complete the transfer of. its current half-word be- Transfer 4-bit bytes, three per half- 7 fore disconnecting the device. word Details of the byte assembly/disassembly are discussed later. None of the remaining SFL instructions = 0) and an input operation is in progress (I = 1), are ever rejected. then the device will be disconnected im- 2. If the ADCP is not in control (CIlA mediately when CHD gets set. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS FUNCTION INITIALIZE CHANNELl CONNECT DEVICE III K I D CHANNEL CLEAR I CHANNEL DISCONNECT SET CHANNEL READY INTERRUPT (CHRI) RESET CHANNEL READY INTERRUPT (CHRll SET CHANNEL SIGNAL INTERRUPT (CHSt) RESET CHANNEL SIGNAL INTERRUPT (CHSII IEIBIYAlII :N: I II 10000 Ixlxl~~xI3xjxl pi 10000Ixlxl~+0xl'l K 101 K 10000 IxlxlXl~xl~ II~ @K 10000 Ixlxl3xIXI I Ixlxl @ loooolxlxlifl'13x!X1 pi K 10000 ~lx~II l~xlXlXI K 01 34 7891011121514111 WHERE' K = CHANNEL NUMBER 0-7 D = DEVICE NUMBER 3. If the ADCP is in control (CIlA K 1-15 x= cp UNLESS COMBINED OPERATIONS NEEDED = 1), and = 1), an input operation is in progress (I then the device will be disconnected immediately after the next transfer into memory. This feature permits the use of SFL disconnect to terminate an ADCP operation in the middle of a block transfer without lOSing a completely assembled half-word. The data transfer operation can be resumed and completed later. provided that the channel control word is Figure 4-3. Data Channel SFL Instructions saved (using an STCC instruction). 4-5 The TSL instructions related to the data channels are shown OQ FUNCTION EFFECTIVE 4DDRESS TEST CHANNEL SIGNALlCHSllOI K foooFlxl*lxFI~11 Figure 4-4. III The Z flag is set following a TSL instruction if the ~1lAtN(~H~AR CHANNEL specified indicator is true, and reset if the indicator TEST CHANNEL is not true. ~,.¢N~H~~EAR CHANNEL III K lOoooElxMXFlxl'l~ PARITY K lOoooFFlflxlxlxl'l (CHP) 101 K 10 00 oElxHX§§I, H TEST CHANNEL REAOY(CHRYllOI K pooo\x~I+HpClXj The instructions pertaining to the Channel Data Register are the following: TEST CHANNEL AUTOMATIC 101 K lOooOlXlx\XIxlllXlxlxl (CHAI 0 I 54 71 III LDCD WHERE'K = CHANNEL NUMBER 0-7 X = ¢ UNLESS COMBINED OPERATIONS NEEOED M"K Load the Channel Data Register in channel K with Figure 4-4. Data Channel TSL Instructions a half-word at the effective address. The L bit in the 4.2.4 Programming Channel Function Register in the channel determines whether the right half or left half of the word at the The various modes of data transfer which can be achieved with the data channel are as follows: 1. effective address will be Program controlled data transfer without interrupts. used. 2. STCD M"K Store the contents of the Channel Data Register in Pragram controlled data transfer using interrupts. 3. Autamatic data channel transfers. 4. Auto load or auto dump operations. channel K into the halfword at the effective address. The L bit in the Channel Function Register Auto. load and auto dump operations are discussed determines whether to under console operatians. store into the right half or operatians are discussed in Paragraph 4. 3. Automatic data channel left half. In program controlled operations, data is transferred Cha.nnel: K Options: * = channel number 0-7 between memory and a data channel by executing LDCD or STCD instructions. The general sequence of instructions required for Flags: None program controlled transfers without interrupts is the following: For both LDCD and STCD instructions, the computer waits for CDRY to be true before executing the transfer. will be executed. Initialize the channel and connect a device with an appropriate SFL instruction. If a given Data Channel is under ADCP control (CRA is true), no instruction to that Data Channel 4-6 1. 2. Test the B flag to make sure the channel command was nat rejected. 3. 4. Transfer half-words to or from the data The basic programming sequences are illustrated in channel using LDCD or STCD instructions. Figure 4-5. Test channel or device conditions using appropriate TSL instructions. 4.2.5 Byte Assembly/Disassembly The Exchange Assembly Register (EAR) handles the 5. Terminate the operation and disconnect assembly of 8-bit bytes into half-words on input. and the device with a SFL disconnect instruc- the disassembly of half-words into 8-bit bytes on tion. output. When the exec bit is transferred with a halfword, it is treated like an additional 8-bit byte dur- Since LDCD and STCD instructions are not executed ing assembly or disassembly. The Channel Buffer until the channel is ready (CHRY Register handles the assembly of 4-bit bytes into = 1), no special timing considerations are required to transfer the 8-bit bytes on input. and the disassembly of 8-bit data. The transfer i.nstructions will be executed at bytes into 4-bit bytes on output. a rate determined by the speed of the selected device. For relatively slow peripheral devices, this method of data transfer can be inefficient. All possible variations for byte size/byte count are shown in Figure 4-6. Note that bytes are right justified and left precedent within the half-word. The use of the channel interrupt capability frees the processor for other tasks during the time that the That is, the left most byte to be transferred will always be transferred first. The numbers in the data channel is not ready for a transfer to or from figure refer to the order of bytes transferred to or memory. The general sequence of instructions from the device. required to achieve program-controlled output with interrupts is the following: 1. Initialize the channel and connect a device with an appropriate SFL instruction; test the B flag to assure that the SFL was accepted. 2. Set C HR.I to enable a channel ready interrupt and proceed with processing task. Note steps 1 and 2 may be inter-changed if desired. 3. When the channel interrupt occurs due to the channel becomi.ng ready. transfer a half-word to or from the channel with an LDCD or STCD instruction. If more transfers are needed, return to the processing task. 4. Repeat the interrupt procedure until all WITHOUT INTERRUPTS WITH INTERRUPTS data is transferred; then execute an SFL channel disconnect to terminate the process. Figure 4-5. Program-Controlled Data Transfer 4-7 ~ £.=..L ~J TRANSFER [I o I BITS tion is completed or intervention by the processor. Q n 1 2 1 1 1 I 1 N=1 TRANSFER B BIT BYffs!- I PER HALFWORD 01213J 011121 N=2 TRANSFER 8 BIT BYTES -2 PER HALFWORD 8 8 0 1 2 N=3 TRANSFER 16 BIT BYTES JRANlFEJ When referring to separate memory banks, the ADCP and processor operate at full speed without interaction from one another. Concurrent requests from the ADCP and the processor to the same memory 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 N=4 TRANSFER 4 BIT BYTES-4 PER HALFWORD [~lJ 8 data transfer continues autonomously until the opera- ~ LJ~~L bLJwJ~ D 1 D bank are handled on a cycle stealing baSiS, with the ADCP having priority. The presence of the ADCP option does not preclude program controlled operations on a data channel. 111 2 1 3 1 111112 N=6 TRANSFER 4 BIT BYTES-2 PER HALFWORD ~N- ~ 12 1 3 14 11 1 1 2 1 3 TRANSFER 4 BIT BYTES-3 PER HAL.FWORD BYTE SIZE / BYTE COUNT VARIATION N =BYTE SIZE / BYTE COUNT FIELD OF THE CHANNEL FUNCTION REGISTER Figure 4-6. Byte Size/Byte Count Variation 4. 3. 2 Structure The ADCP involves the following elements: 1. One 32-bit Channel Control Register (CCR) for each channel. These registers are arranged in a high speed integrated circuit. All bits to the left of the first byte transferred will be set to zero on input, and ignored on output. 2. A 32-bit Exchange Control Register (ECR) which holds the control word for the opera- 4.2.6 Code Conversion tion currently in progress. All accesses to the CCR stack are made through ECR. The code conversion controlled by the B bit in the Channel Function Register, converts binary to BCD on output, and BCD to binary on input. The charac- 3. Direct data and control busses between the Exchange Module and memory. ters of the 8400 character set and the corresponding binary and BCD codes are shown in the Appendixes. 4. 4.3 AUTOMATIC DATA CHANNEL PROCESSOR One Channel Automatic Indicator (CHA) for each channel. The CHA is set whenever the CCR is loaded with a new com- 4. 3. 1 Function mand and reset whenever the channel is cleared or disconnected. The Automatic Data Channel Processor (ADCP) is an optional expansion to the Exchange Module. This feature permits automatic transfer of data blocks, direct access to memory from the Exchange Module, as well as simultaneous program execution and data transfer. 4.3.3 Control Words The contents of the Channel Control Register (CCR) specifies the type of data transfer operation to be performed. In general, data is transferred to or from consecutive memory locations starting at some speci- The ADCP, using its own set of control words, per- fied location M. The length of the block to be transferred mits data transfer, independent of the processor, is controlled either by a count decrementing to zero, between memory and an external device. Once an or by the receipt of a signal in the data. The format automatic data channel operation is initiated, the of the Channel Control word is shown in Figure 4-7. 4-8 Table 4-1. OP Codes (Cont) c M FIELD Mnemonic Binary OP-Code OP-Code SSD where 0110 Function Skip until signal is received, then disconnect and M address of the first memory location involved in the transfer OP operation code which specifies how to transfer the data, and how to terminate the operation C count specifying the number of memory locations involved in the transfer. interrupt. TSI 1010 received, then interrupt. S81 0010 Skip until signal is received and then interrupt. Figure 4-7. Channel Control Word Format For symbolic assembly purposes, the 32-bit control Transfer until signal is TED 1111 Tra.nsfer until either count is zero, or signal is re- word for the Channel Control Register is expressed ceived, then disconnect and as: il!terrupt. OP M"C SED 0111 Skip until either count is zero, or signal is received, The OP codes and their meaning are listed below: then disconnect and interrupt Table 4-1. OP Codes TEl Mnemonic Binary OP-Code OP-Code TCD 1101 1011 ceived, then interrupt. Function Transfer until count is SEI 0011 zero, then disconnect and 0101 Skip until either count is zero, or signal is received, interrupt. SCD Transfer until either count is zero, or signal is re- then interrupt. Skip until count is zero, Note that an interrupt is generated following all then disconnect and ADCP operations. interrupt. TCI 1001 Transfer until count is zero, then interrupt. SCI 0001 The skip operation is useful for passing over a block of data on input without tra.nsferring any information. Skip until count is zero, then interrupt. The count refers to the number of memory locations involved in the operation. If an alternate mode is TSD 1110 Transfer until signal is used, then two half-word transfers constitute a count received, then disconnect of one. If non-alternate mode is used, then each and interrupt. half-word transfer corresponds to a count of one. 4-9 The signal refers to those conditions appropriate to code conversion/no code conversion the selected device that would set the signal flip flop left half first/right half first (CHS) in the channel. alternate/no alternate to memory/from memory The Channel Control Register is loaded with a control word using the instruction byte size byte count LDCC M"K The Channel Control Register is loaded with an LDCC instruction which also sets the Channel Automatic where Indicator. Once the channel is initialized and Channel Automatic Indicator is set, the channel operation is K channel number 0-7 under ADCP control and the processor is no longer M location in core memory of the 32-bit control required. word to be loaded into the CCR. The LDCC instruction can either precede or follow the SFL instruction for channel initialization. Before The contents of the Channel Control Register can be .initiating a new ADCP operation it is important to stored using the instruction check that the channel is not busy on a previous ADCP request. An appropriate instruction sequence is as STCC M"K where K follows: SFL JB =CFCODE" 1 =*-1 = channel number 0-7 LDCC =CCWORD" K INIT CHANNEL TEST IF CHANNEL BUSY LOAD CCR location in core memory in which the 32 bits M of the CCR should be stored. 4.3. 4 Operation An alternate sequence is as follows: TSL JZ LDCC Initiating an ADCP operation on a data channel in- SFL =CHA"l *-1 CCWORD, , K =CFCODE, , 1 TEST AUTOMATIC WAIT IF CHA SET LOAD CCR INIT CHANNEL volves two steps: Once the Channel Automatic Indicator is set and the 1. Initializing the channel and connecting a channel is initialized, all transfers to/from memory device are under ADCP control. The instructions LDCD and STCD cannot be executed by the processor when the 2. Loading the Channel Control Register with Channel Automatic Indicator is set. a control word. If the transfer is in non-alternate mode, the M field Channel initialization is performed by the channel is incremented and the C field decremented after SFL instruction which specifies the following: every transfer to/from memory. If the transfer is in alternate mode, the M field is incremented and the C field decremented after every second transfer to/from memory, independent of the initial L/R bit in the Channel Function Register. channel number device number exec bits/no exec bits 4-10 The Channel Control Register is updated immediately following the transfer to or from memory. The se- 7. Depressing AUTO DUMP pushbutton on the console. quence of operations is summarized in Figure 4-8. When an operation is terminated, the Channel Control ADCP OPERATION INITIATED IS C '" 0 ? the operation was completed. The STCC instruction YES can be used following an ADCP operation to examine the contents of Channel Control Register. Note that TRANSFER HALFWORD ALT-ERNATE MODE? NO ~~0:J M-M+I C-C-I DISCONNECT AND GENERATE INTERRUPT C M = COUNT = MEMORY Register is not changed; it remains as it was when when reading, there is a half-word uncertainty--as measured by the remaining count in Channel Control Register--as to how many words were transferred to memory. On termination, if disconnect was specified, the ~ Channel Disconnect (CRD) flip-flop is set. The data channel and device are disconnected after the current ADDRESS half-word transfer is complete. For details on the disconnect action, refer to the section on operation Figure 4-8. ADCP Action jor a TCD Operation of the Exchange Module. Note that if a device is selected to read or write, and If an SFL for conditional disconnect is executed dur- an ADCP count operation is started with the count ing an ADCP input operation, the operation is stopped zero, a record of information could be skipped on the after the next complete half-word transfer. If an external device. Care should be exercised in ini- SFL for channel clear is executed, the ADCP opera- tiating operations with the count zero. tion is terminated immediately and all channel indicators are reset. An ADCPoperation can be terminated in several ways: 1. The count in the Channel Control Register Note, that after reading data with a TCI and TCD reaching zero while a count operation is in operation, the SFL conditional disconnect waits for progress. the next transfer before disconnecting the device. If no further data is to be transferred to the channel, 2. A signal being detected in the data while a an SFL channel clear must be used to disconnect. signal operation is in progress. 3. The processor executing an SFL instruc- 4.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE tion for channel disconnect. 4.4.1 Function 4. The processor executing an SFL instruction for channel clear. 5. DepreSSing INITIALIZE pushbutton on console. The System Interface is designed for general communication to or from external devices where the function of the data channel is not required nor appropriate. Means are provided for direct data trans- 6. Depressing AUTO LOAD pushbutton on the fer between the processor and the registers of ex- console. ternal devices. The capability for testing Signals 4-11 and setting conditions on external devices is also and 7 are accessible through the interface. For provided. This interface facilitates direct computer control with a variety of system configurations. machines with more than four data channels, these interrupt lines are not available for use with the system interface. 4. 4. 2 Structure All operations with the system interface operate on The elements of the system interface are the follow- an asynchronous request/response/release basis with ing: the external device. The general sequence of events during one operation is as follows: 1. A 17-bit data output buss 1. 2. A 17 -bit data input buss 3. A 4-bit address field R 4. Up to 256 external interrupt lines 5. Command and control lines 6. The outputs from four system control but- The processor generates a request signal (input or output command) signal to the selected device, as defined by the address steering field "R". 2. The external device addressed by the request raises a ready signal when it is prepared to transfer or receive data. 3. A transfer complete signal is generated by the computer when the data is ready to tons (SCl-SC4) on the operator's console. transmit on output, or after the data has been received on input. The 17 bits (16 data plus 1 exec) of the output buss can be directed to any of 16 external registers as defined by the address field R. The output buss also 4. The device resets the ready signal when it transfers the address field of SFL and TSL instruc- has completed the transfer, and releases tions to external devices. the computer from the current operation. The input buss can receive data from any of 16 ex- The output control lines associated with the system ternal registers as specified by the address field R. interface are listed below. The signals on these lines, generated by the computer, inform the exter- Details of the external interrupts are discussed with nal devices about the operation in progress. the interrupt system in Chapter 3. Table 4-2. System Interface Output Control Lines The outputs from the system control buttons are provided to enable operator control of external devices Output Line Meaning from the console. The system control buttons are LOOB Load output buss operation latching switches. When the button is depressed, the output line is high (+ 5 volts); when the button is STIB SFL2 Store input buss operation SFL3 SFL operation in bank 3 TSL2 TSL operation in bank 2 TSL3 TSL operation in bank 3 TCS Transfer complete strobe. (This signal is set when data is ready for output, or has been received on input. ) released, the output line is low (ground). Provision is also made for four internal interrupt lines on the system interface. For those machines with no more than four data channels, the internal interrupt lines corresponding to channels 4, 5, 6, 4-12 SFL operation in bank 2 The input control lines are listed below. The sig- buss and appropriate control signals nals on these lines, generated by external devices, are set to indicate a TSL instruction are in response to the output control signals. in Bank B. Table 4-3. System Interface Input Control Lines Banks: B Input Line Options: * Flags: The Z flag is set if the selected line is 2 or 3 for the system interface Meaning SBY2 B flag response for bank 2 SFL's SBY3 B flag response for bank 3 SFL's SZE2 Z flag response for bank 2 TSL!s SZE3 Z flag response for bank 3 TSL's SRDY System Ready. (This signal is set when the device is ready to transmit or receive information, and reset when the operation is complete. ) set (binary 1). If multiple lines are addressed, the Z flag is set if any of the selected lines are high. There are no restrictions on the use of address fields for either SFL or TSL instructions in Bank 2 or 3. External decoding logic can be added to the system The SRDY signal must be reset by the external device before the computer will be released and allowed to proceed. The execution time, therefore, of all instructions pertaining to the system interface depends on the speed of the external device addressed interface to permit selection of up to 2 16 line for each bank. Note, however, that EAI standard System Interface Expansion codes have been allocated to ensure satisfactory field expansion of a system and programming compatibility. by the instruction. LOOB M" R Load external register R on the 4.4.3 SFL/TSL Instructions Output Buss with the contents of memory location M. SFL = M, ,B Set Function Line in bank B. The effective address is transferred over the 16 data lines of the output STIB M, ,R Store the contents of external register R on the Input Buss into memory buss, and appropriate control sig- location M. nals are set to indicate an SFL instruction in Bank B. Registers: R 0, 1, 2 ...... , 15 2 or 3 for the system interface Banks: B Options: * Flags: The B flag is set if the selected line (or Options: *, =, / Flags: None lines) is already set, or if some conditions prevent the setting of the selected line (or lines). If more than 16 external registers are to be used, an external address buffer can be added to the interface. TSL "" M, , B LOOB and STIB instructions could then be Test Sense Line in bank B. The preceded by an SFL instruction to set up the exter- effective address is transferred nal address buffer. Standard EAI modules in this over the 16 data lines of the output area (such as I/O Buss Controllers) are available. 4-13 4. 5 PERIPHERAL DEVICES The typewriter transmits and receives data characters in BCD mode. The data channel makes the re- 4. 5. 1 Typewriter quired code conversion from BCD code to internal 8400 code on input, and vice versa on output. Details The 8400 desk typewriter is a 132 column IBM Selec- of the code conversion are also discussed in Appen- tric. The typewriter can be connected to the data dix 5. channel as an input or an output device, or it can be used for entering data directly into the computer reg- H byte size 4 mode is used, only the 4 least signifi- isters. Details. of the latter capability are discussed with console operations, Chapter 5. Parity is checked cant bits per character are transferred. In this mode, however, parity may not be correct. on both input and output. The maximum data rate is 15 characters per second. 4. 5. 1. 2 Programming. The general sequence of instructions required to transfer data to or from A Typewriter Ready indicator on the console is lit the typewriter is the following: when the typewriter is connected to the channel and waiting for input. 1. Initialize the channel and connect the device with a channel SFL instruction. The The typewriter keyboard and the corresponding char- SFL code should specify BCD mode to acter octal codes are shown in Figure 4-9. achieve proper code conversion. 4. 5. 1. 1 Data Format. The typewriter trans- 2. Test busy to assure that the channel in- mits and receives two types of information: data struction was accepted by the Exchange characters and control characters. The data char- Module. acters are the 64 members of the EAI 8400 character set. Control characters on the typewriter are the 3. following: struction. carriage return 4. tab 5. Transfer data. Disconnect the typewriter with a channel SFL instruction. backspace upper case shift Select ribbon color with a device SFL in- The ribbon color can be selected by an SFL instruction with the address field shown in Figure 4-12. lower case shift The SFL instruction for ribbon control can be issued index any time, where the device is active or not; these instructions are never rejected. Black is considered Eight lines are used to transfer information to or from the typewriter--6 data lines, 1 control line, and the normal color. The ribbon color will be set to black when any of the following occur: 1 parity line. The parity bit is used by the data .channel, and this bit never appears in core memory. 1. Channel Clear SFL is executed Refer to Figure 4-10. The control line is high for all control characters, and low for all data characters. 2. Console Initialize The position of a typewriter character in an 8-bit byte 3. Auto Load in core memory is shown in Figure 4-11. 4. Auto Dump 4-14 60 Figure 4-9. Typewriter Keyboard o 2 3 4 5 6 1 FUNCTION DATA SET REO C K DEV 0 I 2 3 456 1 B 9 10 II 121314 15 0 000 o o XXXXXXO I SET BLACK 0 000 TYPEWRITER P C X X = PARITY DATA P BIT L I 10 XXXXXXIO I I 0 K channel number 0-7 D device number 1-15 x "don It care" positions = CONTROL BIT =0 ON INPUT = DON'T CARE ON OUTPUT Figure 4-10. Connection of Typewriter to the Channel Buffer Register Figure 4-12. Typewriter SFL Codes No TSL instructions are associated with the typewriter. I x I c o Parity can be tested using the channel parity indicator. The channel signal indicator will be set in two situations: 1. where: During input when a carriage return is typed. The occurrence of channel signal on input will always terminate the current D 6 data bits word assembly permitting transfer of the c 1 for control characters (possibly incomplete) half-word into c o for data characters o following input (forced by hardware) memory. x (X is ignored on output) 2. During output if the typewriter printing mechanism fails to respond to an output Figure 4-11.. Typewriter Character Position in Memory character within a preset amount of time (approximately 110 msec). 4-15 4. 5.2 Card Reader (Models 8452, 8453, and 8454) Reset This switch, when pressed, clears the error indicators. The card reader is an input device which reads punched cards. All models can handle either 51 or start 80 column cards. In addition, some units can handle 60 and 66 column cards. This switch, when pressed, resets the Not Ready indicator and permits the reader to be put on line for data The Model 8452 Card transfer. Reader reads 400 cards per minute (cpm), the Model 8453 reads 800 cpm, and the Model 8454 reads 1400 cpm. All models provide read-check circuits and validity-checking apparatus; the models are in- Stop This switch, when pressed, places the reader in a Not Ready condition. terchangeable and can be programmed and operated Data Format. in the same way. In general, cards have 80 columns and 12 rows. The card reader is capa4.5.2.1 OPerator Controls and Indicators. The following switches and indicators are located on the control panel of the card reader: ble of reading two types of cards: Hollerith cards and binary cards. Hollerith cards have one alphanumeric character per column, and each character is expressed in a 12-bit Hollerith code. The Hollerith Power On This switch when pressed, applies power to the card reader. code for the EAr 8400 character set is shown in Figure 4-13. When reading Hollerith cards, the card reader translates the 12-bit card code into a 6-bit Power Off This switch, when pressed turns off the card reader, BCD code. By using the BCD mode in the data channel, the BCD code is automatically converted to internal 8400 binary codes. Cards will be read as Not Ready This indicator is lit whenever the reader is not ready. The ready condition is defined under program indicators. Hollerith cards when the data channel is selected in BCD mode. The validity checking in the reader per- tains to Hollerith cards only; the reader checks that the 12-bit character punched on the card is a legal Hollerith character. Feed Check This indicator is lit whenever a jam occurs in the card feeding mechanism. Binary cards are read as two 6-bit binary characters per column. The card reader strobes each column twice, reading the top 6-bits of a column first, and Read Check This indicator is lit whenever a fault in the read circuitry is detected. then the lower 6-bits of the same column. Each card contains 160 total characters. No decoding or validity checks are performed for binary cards. The correspondence between a binary card character and its Validity On This latching switch, when depressed, enables the validitychecking circuit, and lights the indicator. Releasing the switch inhibits the validity checking. Validity Off This indicator is lit when the 4-16 image in core memory is shown in Figure 4-14. Cards are always selected as binary cards when the data channel is selected in binary mode. Provision is made for reading mixed decks of binary and Hollerith cards as follows: if the data channel is selected in BCD. mode, and the first column of a validity-checking circuits detect card has the 7 and 9 holes punched, the mode will be an invalid character. automatically switched to binary, and that card will (ROW 12 I I I II o 2 3 4 J I B K S C 0 L M I I A T U + ? ! - I 0 I ~ -6 == I . ) $ • 3 * .• ( 4 5 E N V . [ 6 F 0 W > < 7 G P X r -t 8 H Q y I I I I 9 I R Z ] t:. 4 2 "...,... 5 \ 6 "* 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 caR CBR: CHANNEL BUFFER REGISTER THE TWO MOST SIGNIFICANT BITS ARE SET TO ZERO IN 8 BIT MODE. ONLY THE FOUR LEAST SIGNIFICANT BITS ARE USED IN 4 BIT MODE. 9 NO PUNCH = SPACE CHARACTER ='60 INTERNAL BINARY CODE ='20 EXTERNAL BCD CODE Figure 4-14. Position of Binary Card Characters in an 8-bit byte Figure 4-13. Hollerith-BCD Code on a Card be read as a binary card. The first column will also Program Controls and Indicators. be strobed twice in this situation, and 160 binary The controls and indicators accessible by program characters will result from a binary card in mixed are the following: mode. At the end of the card, the mode is switched back to the BCD state. Reader Ready This indicator is true when the following conditions exist on The 8-bit mode in the data channel normally will be the reader: used with the card reader. Since 6-bit characters 1. Power on are generated by the reader, the 2 most significant the data channel can be used in Binary mode only; in 2. 3. 4. 5. this case, only the 4 least significant bits of each 6. No read check error 6-bit character generated by the reader are trans- 7. No validity check error ferred to the data channel. 8. All covers in place bits per 8-bit byte are set to zero by the data channel prior to transfer into memory. The 4-bit mode in Hopper not empty Stacker not full Start button depressed No feed check error 4-17 Binary Status This indicator is set when a This indicator is set when the Overflow 7 -9 punch is detected in the data channel fails to accept a first column of card and is re- character from the reader set by any of the following: before another character is read, and, reset by any of the 1. SFL instruction for channel following: clear 1. TSL instruction for test and reset 2. Initiating a new card cycle, 2. SFL instruction for channel whether by SFL instruc- clear tion, or by continuous card feeding 3. SFL instruction which con- nects the reader to the 3. Manual reset control on channel the reader Card Cycle In Progress Start Card Cycle This indicator is set when a This command starts a card on the way to the read station, and new card cycle is initiated- sets the Card Cycle in Progress either by SFL instruction, or indicator. by continuous card feed-and Device Interrupt Enable (DINE) reset when all 80 columns have been read. This program-controlled switch, when set, enables a channel interrupt to occur whenever the Reader Ready Reader Error This indicator is set when one indicator is high. This switch of the following: can be set only when no device is currently connected to the channel, and is automatically 1. A read-circuit malfunction reset whenever a device is is detected connected to the channel, or a channel clear instruction is 2. An invalid character is executed. detected while reading in Hollerith mode with the The TSL instructions associated with the card reader Validity switch on use the address field shown in Figure 4.15. This indicator is reset by any of the following: 1. SFL instruction for channel clear 0 K K 0 K 0 K 0 0 0 0 0 K K K 0 0 0 0 0 I 2. SFL instruction which con- X XX I X X X X XI X X X X X X XX X X I X X X XX X X X I X X X XX X X x I X XX X X xx X I XX I X X X X X K = channel number 0-7 channel D = device number 1-15 reader CARD READER ERROR CARD READER CONTINUE LEVEL END OF FILE CARD CYCLE LEVEL CARD READY LEVEL BINARY MODE OVERFLOW Where nects the reader to the 3. Manual r.eset control on the 4-18 7 8 9 10 " 12 1314 15 34 01 X = don't care Figure 4-15. Card Reader TSL Codes The Z flag is set in response to a TSL instruction, if the tested indicator is true; the flag is reset if the 8. Test error conditions using channel and device TSL instructions. tested indicator is false. The SFL instructions associated with the card reader A new card cycle can be initiated either with the SFL use the address field shown in Figure 4. 16. for Start Card Cycle, or the SFL instruction which connects the reader to the channel. Once a card cycle is started, the card moves at a fixed rate EFFECTIVE ADDRESS FUNCTION START CARD CYCLE 101 K D through the read station, and data is generated at a Ixlxlxlxlxlxlxlll 101 II SET DEVICE INTERRUPT K D III xlxl xlxl x x x I ENABLE (DI NE) '-0-'-1--3-'-4---7--'-8'------'----L--'--'----'----'--'15 rate determined by the card reader. If the SFL Start Card Cycle command is used, the reader must then be connected to the channel within 10 milliseconds, K = channel number 0-7 D = device number 1-15 X or the SFL channel command will be rejected and one card may be skipped. = don't care In general, the channel SFL instruction which conFigure 4-16. Card Reader SFL Codes nects the reader to the channel will be rejected if either the reader is not ready, or if more than 10 The SFL for Start Card Cycle is rejected, and the B milliseconds have elapsed since a new card cycle flag set if a card cycle is in progress, or if the was started. reader is not ready. If another device is connected to the data channel, the When the card reader is connected to the channel, SFL to set the DINE switch is rejected, and the B the channel signal indicator will be set at the end of flag set. a card cycle (i. e., after all 80 columns are read). Programming. The general sequence of instructions required to use the card reader is the following: At the same time the channel signal indicator is set, a 100 microsecond timing signal will be triggered. At the end of the 100 microsecond period, if the reader has not been disconnected from the channel, 1. Test for end of previous card cycle with a TSL instruction. a new card cycle will be started automatically. Therefore, once the reader is connected to the channel, cards are read continuously until the reader is 2. Initiate a new card cycle with a device SFL disconnected from the channel. instruction. 3. Test busy to make sure the SFL instruction was accepted, and take delay action if the reader is busy. 4. Initialize the channel and connect the reader No parity checking is performed by the data channel with the card reader. The channel parity indicator will be set when the reader is connected to the channel and any of the following occur: with a channel SFL command. 5. Test busy to make sure the channel com- 1. Reader overflow mand was accepted. 2. Read-Check error 6. Transfer data. 7. Disconnect the transfer. 3. Validity-Check error 4-19 A channel interrupt will result from the card reader in the following two cases: Data Format. Paper Tapes can be read in either forward or reverse direction using either binary or BCD channel options. In all cases, 1. When the reader is connected to .the channel, and the reader becomes not ready. the most significant bit per character on the tape is considered a parity bit. The data channel checks the lateral parity of each character, using odd parity in 2. When no device is connected to the channel, binary mode and even parity in BCD mode. The the DINE switch on the reader is set, and channel parity indicator is set when bad parity is the reader becomes ready. detected. If the reader becomes not ready while connected to Either a 4 or 8-bit mode can be used, with or without the channel, the data continues to be transferred, and exec bits. In the 8-bit mode, the 7 least significant the card will continue to move until the present cycle bits per character are transferred into the 7 least is complete. Once disconnected, however, the significant bits per byte, and the most significant bit reader cannot again be connected until the not ready is set to zero. In the 4-bit mode, only the 4 least condition is reset (i. e., the cause of the not ready significant bits per character plus the parity bit are condition is removed). transferred to the data channel. The connection of the reader to the channel buffer register is similar 4.5.3 Paper Tape Reader to that of the typewriter as shown in Figure 4.10. The paper tape reader is an EAI model which can Blank tape is always skipped automatically in both read 5, 7, or 8 channel tapes. The device reads binary and BCD mode. 500 characters per second in either forward or reverse direction. Fanfold tape containers for tape supply and take-up are provided. Programming. The general sequence-- of instructions required to use the paper tape reader is the following: Desk controls and indicators pertaining to the reader 1. Set forward or reverse direction with a are the following: device SFL instruction. Power On/Off This switch controls the power to the reader transport and electronics. 2. Test busy flag to see if the direction command was accepted. 3. Initialize the channel and connect the reader Run/Load This switch must be in load with a channel SFL instruction. position to insert or remove tapes from the reader. The switch must be in run position 4. Test busy flag to ensure that the channel command was accepted. for the tape to move. 5. Transfer data. Reader Ready This indicator is lit when the reader has been connected to the data channel. 4-20 6. Disconnect the reader with a channel SFL instruction. The reader direction can be selected by an SFL instruction with the address field shown in Figure 4-17. register. The channel data register is not ready when it contains a completely assembled half-word, and is waiting to transfer its contents to core memory. c: I M FIELD D K oil 2 3 : 4 5 i0 I I 6: I I , I L 7 : 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 FWD o :0 0 0 REV o : 0 0 0 : 0 0 1:0: x x x x x X I 0 I I 0 I ,0 : x x x x x x 0 I I I I I at 500 characters per second) is less thaIl 500 micro- I 1 K = channel number 0-7 D = device number 1-15 = don't care X The stopping time for the tape reader (when running seconds. When the tape motion is inhibited by the channel, the tape stops on the character just transferred to the channel. There are no TSL instructions associated with the Figure 4-17. Paper Tape Reader SFL Instructions tape reader. Parity can be tested using the channel The direction control instructions will be rejected if The channel signal indicator will be set whenever a the tape is moving in a direction contrary to that of stop code (octal 100) is detected. The detection of a the SFL command. This interlock prevents damage stop code will also terminate the current word assem- to the reader due to sudden reversal of drive power. bly' permitting transfer of the (possibly incomplete) The forward direction is considered normal. The half-word into memory. stop code detection is enabled Forward Direction is set when any of the following even in 4-bit mode. Direction of a stop code during occur: an auto load operation will terminate the input and 1. SFL channel clear instruction is executed 2. Console initialize 3. Auto Load parity indicator. disconnect the reader. 4. 5.4 Paper Tape Punch The paper tape punch is an EAI Model which handles 5 to a channel paper tapes. Ten characters per inch 4. Auto Dump When reading in reverse mode, the data channel assembled half-word has the same form as when the tape is read in the forward direction. The half-word are punched at 110 characters per second. Desk controls and indicators pertaining to the punch are the following: Power On/Off This switch, when on, enables program control over the punch transfers into memory, however, must be programmed differently in forward and reverse mode to power. When this switch is off, achieve identical full-word formats in memory. the punch power remains off unconditionally. The SFL instruction which connects the reader to the channel starts the tape in motion. The channel SFL Tape Feed command will be rejected and the B flag set if the blank tape to be punched as reader power is off, or if the reader is in a load (not long as the switch is depressed. run) condition. Tape motion will be automatically inhibited if either the channel buffer register is not This switch, if pushed when the punch power is on, causes Tape Low This indicator is lit when only ready to accept a character from the reader, or if one foot or less of tape remains the channel data register is not ready to accept a to be punched. character from the buffer register. The channel buf- Punch Ready This indicator is lit whenever fer is not ready when it contains a completely assem- the punch has been connected bled a-bit byte, and is waiting to transfer its contents to the data channel for data through the assembly register into the channel data transfer. 4-21 4. 5. 4. 1 Data Format. Both binary and BCD mode may be used for transfer of information to the The punch power is controlled by SFL instructions with the address field shown in Figure 4-18. punch. A parity bit is generated in the data channel-odd parity for binary mode, and even parity for BCD cant Qit of each character. The connection of the punch to the Channel Buffer Register is similar to 0: C K 0 I 23 4 5 6:7 B 9 10 II 12 13 1415 POWER ON 0 000 0 000 o o XXXXXXIO POWER OFF mode. The parity bit is punched as the most signifiM FIELD I oio L I 0:0 '0 AFTER ARITH. INSTR. RESULT NOT> 0 AFTER ARITH. INSTR. RESULT < 0 AFTER ARITH. INSTR. RESULT NOT < 0 AFTER ARITH. INSTR. OVERFLOW SINCE FLAG RESET NO OVERFLOW SINCE FLAG RESET CARRY IN LAST ARITH. INSTR. NO CARRY IN LAST ARITH. INSTR. LAST 1-0 INSTR. NOT EXECUTED (BUSY) LAST 1-0 INSTR. WAS EXECUTED INTERRUPT SYSTEM ENABLED INTERRUPT SYSTEM NOT ENABLED FLAG 1 TRUE FLAG 1 FALSE FLAG 2 TRUE FLAG 2 FALSE FLAG 3 TRUE FLAG 3 FALSE FLAG 4 TRUE FLAG 4 FALSE FLAG 5 TRUE FLAG 5 FALSE FLAG 6 TRUE FLAG 6 FALSE FLAG 7 TRUE FLAG 7 FALSE FLAG 8 TRUE FLAG 8 FALSE a MNEMONIC FLAGS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 19 25 I 26 FL 27 I 28 I 29 30 31 OP CONDITION (1) C N Z NZ C NC L NL V 18 TRUE FALSE TRIGGER = SET = RESET = COMPLEMENT OPERATION HALT AND JUMP TO EFFECTIVE ADDRESS (EA) EXECUTE THE INSTR AT EA LINK TO THE SUBR. AT EA LINK TO EA AND RESET FLAG JUMP TO EA AND TRIGGER FLAG (2) JUMP TO EA AND SET FLAG JUMP TO EA AND RESET FLAG JUMP TO EA (1) HALT, EXECUTE, LINKS AND JUMPS ARE CONDITIONAL UPON THE STATE OF THE FLAG TESTED WHEREAS SET, RESET AND TRIGGER ARE NOT CONDITIONAL (2) PERMITS LOW PRIORITY INTERRUPTS AFTER A HIGHER .'ffiIORITY INTERRUPT HAS OCCURRED. A2-1 APPENDIX 2 MNEMONICS Input-Output (0400-0577) All in this group are privileged instructions OCTAL 0420 0440 0460 0500 0520 054k 055k 056k 057k +R +R +R +R +R MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION FLAGS LOAD OUTPUT BUSS R WITH E. A. O:SR :S 178 STORE (INPUT BUSS R) AT E.A. LOAD OUTPUT BUSS R WITH (E. A.) STORE (INPUT BUSS R) AT /E.A. LOAD OUTPUT BUSS R WITH (fE.A.) STORE CHANNEL k's CONTROL WORD AT E.A. OS k8:S7 STORE CHANNEL k's DATA WORD AT E.A. (1) LOAD CHANNEL k's CONTROL WORD WITH (E.A.) LOAD CHANNEL k's DATA WORD WITH (E.A.)(1) LDOB = m"R STIB m"R LDOB m"R STIB /m"R LDOB /m"R STCC m, ,k STCD m, ,k LDCC m"k LDCD m, ,k Registers, TSL's and SFL's-Exec Bits (0600-0777) SFL, TSL, LOT, LDM, LDE and LDC are privileged instructions IMMEDIATE 0607 0617 062k 0627 0630 + b REX TEX LDs SEX TSL = m,X = m,X = m,X = m,X =m, ,b 0634 + b SFL = m"b Z Z B RESET L.H. EXEC. BIT AT INSTRUCTION ADDRESS TEST L.H. EXEC. BIT AT INSTRUCTION ADDRESS LOAD REGISTER s WITH E.A. SET L.H. EXEC. BIT AT INSTRUCTION ADDRESS TEST SENSE LINE(S) IN BASE 0 SPECIFIED BY E .A. o :S bS :S 3 SET FUNCTION LINE(S) IN BANK b SPECIFIED BY E.A. LEFT HALF 064s 0647 0657 066s 0667 STs REX TEX LDs SEX m,X m,X m,X m,X m,X STs REX TEX LDs SEX /m,X /m,X /m,X /m,X /m,X Z STORE (REGISTER s) AT E.A. RESET L.H. EXEC. BIT AT E.A. TEST L.H. EXEC. BIT AT E.A. . LOAD REGISTER s WITH (E.A.) SET L.H. EXEC. BIT AT E.A. Z STORE (REGISTER s) AT /E.A. RESET R.H. EXEC. BIT AT E.A. TEST R.H. EXEC. BIT AT E.A. LOAD REGISTER s WITH (fE.A.) SET R.H. EXEC. BIT AT E. A. RIGHT HALF 070s 0707 0717 072s 0727 (0') IS READ AS "THE CONTENTS OF 0::" SPECIAL REGISTER S o AE 1 2 3 4 5 6 F L T M E C EXTENDED FIXED POINT ACCUMULATION FLAG REGISTER LOCATION COUNTER TIMER REGISTER INTERNAL INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER EXTERNAL INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER CONSOLE REGISTER (1) IN STCD AND LDCD THE FORMAT OF STORAGE DEPENDS ON THE CHANNEL FUNCTION REGISTER WmCH IS SET UP BY SPL TO DEVICE 0 ON THE CHANNEL. A2-2 APPENDIX 2 MNEMONICS Index Jump Test (1000-1777) 16 18 17 * 21 0 I 22 23 24 1 T I.± I 0 FLAGS m, X.± C XJ XIT 1000 1400 20 X MNEMONIC OCTAL 19 1 27 26 28 1 30 39 31 C OPERATIONS ZGL ZGL m, X.± C 25 INCREMENT INDEX X BY C AND JUMP TO M INCREMENT INDEX X BY C AND JUMP TO M IF THE RESULT IN X HAS OPPOSITE SIGN OF C. -128::::; C ::::; 127 Arithmetic (2000-3777) 16 17 * 18 19 X 20 21 0 1 22 24 1 23 I 25 27 1 26 Mode 1 $ 28 1 29 31 30 ! OP 1 C NORMALIZED 32 BIT FLOATING POINT (FL PT) NORMALIZED 56 BIT FL PT UNNORMALIZED 32 BIT FL PT UNNORMALIZED 56 BIT FL PT INTEGER EXECUTED AS FL PT IMMEDIATE INTEGER EXECUTED AS FL PT LEFT HALF INTEGER EXECUTED AS FL PT RIGHT HALF UNNORMALIZED INT EXECUTED AS FL PT IMM. UNNORMALIZED INT EXECUTED AS FL PT L.H. UNNORMALIZED INT EXECUTED AS FL PT R. H. INDEX ARITHMETIC IMMEDIATE INDEX ARITHMETIC LEFT HALF INDEX ARITHMETIC RIGHT HALF EXTENDED FIXED POINT FIXED POINT IMMEDIATE FIXED POINT LEFT HALF FIXED POINT RIGHT HALF 2000 + C 2100 + C 2200 + C 2300 + C 2400 + C 2400+ C 2440 + C 2600' + C 2640 + C 2700 + C 3400 + C 3440 + C 3500 + C 3540 + C 3600 + C 3640 + C 3700 + C 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 SB CS CA AD CP CP ST SR DV CD $SB $CS $CA $AD $CP $MP $ST $SR $DV SCD Shifts (3000-3377) N - NORMALIZED E- EXTENDED 16 L- LOGICAL * ASH 3000 3020 $ASH 3040 ROT 3060 $ROT EASH 3100 3120 $EASH EROT 3140 3160 $EROT NRM 3200 3220 $NRM 3300 ENRM 3320 $ENRM ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, , , , , X X X X X X X X X X X X 17 18 X ZGLV ZGLV 19 20 21 22 0 1 1 I 23 24 0 IN 25 J 26 L 27 l $ 28 I 29 30 31 J - UNUSED ARITHMETIC SHIFT LOGICAL ROTATE ZGLV ZGLV EXTENDED ARITHMETIC SHIFT EXTENDED LOGICAL ROTATE NORMALIZE AND LOAD SHIFT COUNT IN X EXTENDED NORMALIZE AND LD S. C. IN X IMMEDIATE MODE IS ASSUMED IF EA IS POSITIVE, SHIFT OR ROTATE RIGHT IF EA IS NEGATIVE, SllFT OR ROTATE LEFT A2-3 MNEMONICS APPENDIX 2 Boolean Connectives (4000-7777) 16 17 * 18 X OCTAL 4000 + 4100 + 4200 + 4300 + 4400 + 4500 + 4600 + 4700 + 5000 + 5100 + 5200 + 5300 + 5400 + 5500 + 5600 + 5700 + 19 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b FORMAT OPNn 20 21 22 I 1 I 23 25 24 27 28 OP MNEMONIC FLAGS RA BLA CBHA ALA CBLA MLA BDA ELA BHA BSA MHA CEHA BEQT CELA EHA SA Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I 29 30 31 b OPERATION A-ZEROES A-A NORm A-AANDm A-A A-A NOR m A-in A-A EXCL. OR m A-A NAND m A-AANDm A-A EQUIV. m A-m A-AORm A-A- Z SET IF A = m -' NAND m A-A A-AORm A-ONES m, x, BYTE n, 1, 2, 4, 8 BYTE SIZE: UNSPECIFIED BYTE = 0, 1, ••• ,15 BYTE POSITION OPTIONS: 26 * = 16 BIT BYTE ALL BYTE SIZE/BYTE POSITIONS IS BIT BYTE TO ACCUM. ONLY ALL BOOLEAN CONNECTNES ONLY EFFECT A 1, 2, 4, 8, OR 16 BIT BYTE OF THE ACCUMULATOR WHICH IS SPECIFIED BY THE b FIELD OF THE INSTRUCTION. THE VALUE OF b MAY BE DETERMINED FROM THE TABLE OPPOSITE IS READ "IS REPLACED BY" A2-4 APPENDIX 2 MNEMONICS Boolean Connectives (4000-7777) NAME OCTAL RESET BOTH LOW BOTH mGH ACCUMULATION BOTH LOW MEMORY LOW BOTH EITHER LOW BOTH HIGH BOTH SAME MEMORY HIGH EITHER HIGH BYTE EQUAL. EITHER LOW EITHER HIGH SET 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 USING LOW USING A A DIFFERENT USING A TEST USING A + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MNEMONIC b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b FLAGS RM BLM CBHM ALM CBLM MLM BDM ELM BHM BSM MHM CEHM AHM CELM EHM SM OPERATION Z Z m - ZEROES m-ANORm m-AANDm m-A m-ANORm m-ffi m - A EXCL. OR m m-ANANDm m-AANDm m - AEQUIV. m m-m m-AORm m-A m-ANANDm m-AORm m - ONES Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z TABLE FOR COMPUTING THE VALUE OF b 1 BYTE SIZE 1M OPERAND BYTE # 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 01 03 05 07 11 13 15 17 21 23 25 27 31 33 35 37 4 1M 41 43 45 47 51 53 55 57 61 63 65 67 71 73 75 77 02 06 12 16 22 26 32 36 1M 42 46 52 56 62 66 72 76 04 14 24 34 16 8 1M 44 54 64 74 10 30 50 70 = 1M 00 20 60 A2-5 APPENDIX 2 MNEMONICS Double Precision FORMAT OPTIONS * U $ = * U $ = * U $ = * U $ = D OPN $ = * U $ = OPERATIONS ZGL C A:AF:AD - m:m + 1 ZGL -m: m + 1 A:AF:AD A:AF:AD TITLE SUBTRACT CLEAR & SUBTRACT (5) m: m+ 1 A:AF:AD CLEAR & ADD (5) (7) ZGL C A:AF:AD + m: m + 1 ZGL (2) COMPARE ZGL (2) MULTIPLY A:AF:AD _ m: m + 1 (3) (6) (7) STORE (2) (4) STORE ROUNDED ZGL V (2) DIVIDE ZGL V (2) CLEAR & DIVIDE * $ * A:AF:AD ADD Vc $ * $ * $ (1) FLAGS ZGL * m,X = (1) OPTIONS (3) DST FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO DSTU * USE OF EQUAL SIGN (=) (4) DSTU FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO DSRU OPTION CAUSES DATA GIVEN (56) BITS TO BE (5) DCAU, DCSU LOAD ACCUMULATOR EXEC BITS PLACED IN LITERAL POOL (6) DSTU STORES ACCUMULATOR EXEC BITS INDIRECT / HALF WORD = IMMEDIATE $ SAVE U UNNORMALIZED. (2) SUBROUTINE THE $ SYMBOL IS THE ONLY OPTION THAT IS A PREFIX A2-6 (7) DCAU, DSTU USED TO MOVE DOUBLE PREC. DATA MNEMONICS APPENDIX 2 1 INTEGER MNEMONIC SB OCTAL 00 FORMAT OPN OPTIONS FLAGS 01 = 02 03 * / U 04 05 = */U 06 -mf - A:AF ZGL mf - A:AF ZGL C A:AF = mf - A:AF ZGL Z SET IF A:AF = m A:AF UNCHANGED G SET IF A:AF >m L SET IF A:AF m L SET IF A:AF < m COMPARE ZGL A:AF MULTIPLY ZGL C * $ m -A:AF:AD A:AF _ m (1) (4) (5) STORE A:AF (ROUNDED) _ m, A:AF UNCHANGED STORE ROUNDED U C (2) $ * U $ = * U $ = ZGL V A:AF:AD + m QUOTIENT A:AF DIVIDE ZGL CLEAR AD THEN FLOATING DIVIDE CLEAR & DIVIDE V USE OF THE EQUAL SIGN (=) OPTION CAUSES DATA (32 BITS) TO BE PLACED IN THE LITERAL POOL. (1) FST FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO FSTN (2) FSR DIFFERS FROM FSRU IF ROUNDING RESULTS IN AN UNNORMALIZED NUMBER (3) FCAl1, FCSU LOAD ACCUMULATOR EXEC BITS (4) FSTU STORES ACCUMULATOR EXEC BITS (5) FCAU, FSTU USED TO MOVE WHOLE WORDS & EXEC BITS A2-8 TITLE U $ * m,X FLAGS ZGL I F OPTIONS * INDIRECT / HALF WORD IMMEDIATE S SAVE U UNNORMALIZED APPENDIX 2 MNEMONICS 16 Bit Fixed Point FORMAT OPN /m,X MNEMONIC SB OCTAL 00 (1) OPTIONS */ $ CS 01 * CA 02 * 03 * 04 05 / $ ST 06 (2) (3) ZGL m _ A (2) (3) ZGL VC A+ m _ A = */ * ZGL V -m - A = / $ MP A-m _ A = $ CP ZGL VC / $ AD OPERATIONS = / $ FLAGS ZGL = = ZGL V */ Z SET IF A = m A UNCHANGED G SET IF A > m L SET IF A < m A m -A:AE A-m $ SR 07 */ A (ROUNDED) - M VC $ DV 10 * / $ CD 11 * $ = ZGL V A:AE -;.. m QUOTIENT - A REMAINDER - AE ZGL V CLEAR AE THEN DIVIDE = / (1) USE OF THE SLASH (/) OPTION IS REQUIRED FOR RIGHT HALF-WORD ADDRESSING IF THE SLASH IS OMITTED LEFT HALF-WORD ADDRESSING IS ASSUMED. FLAGS Z G L V C = ACCUM. ZERO = ACCUM. > ZERO = ACCUM. < ZERO = OVERFLOW = CARRY (2) 0 - AF o - AD (1-8) (3) CA, CS LOAD LEFT ACCUMULATOR EXEC BIT (4) ST STORES LEFT ACCUMULATOR EXEC BIT A2-9 APPENDIX 2 Index MNEMONICS X (1, 2, 4) FORMAT OPN/m, X OPTIONS FLAGS * $1= ZGL VC X-m-X SUBTRACT * $1= ZGL V -m - X CLEAR & SUB 'IRAC T * $1= ZGL m - X CLEAR & ADD * $1= -*1 ZGL X+ m - X ADD ZGL Z SET IF X - m X UNCHANGED G SET IFX > m L SET IF X < m COMPARE * $1: (3) MULTIPLY *$1= X_m STORE $ vc : OPERATIONS TITLE *1 = C (3) STORE ROUNDED * $1= AGL V (3) DIVIDE * $1= ZGL V (3) CLEAR & DIVIDE $ (1) USE OF THE SLASH (/) OPTION IS REQUIRED FOR RIGHT HALFWORD ADDRESSING IF THE SLASH IS OMITTED LEFT HALFWORD ADDRESSING IS ASSUMED (2) AN INDEX REGISTER MUST BE SPECIFIED (3) SUBROUTINE (4) ADDRESS m IS NON-INDEXABLE A2-10 OPTIONS * INDIRECT HALFWORD IMMEDIATE $ BLANK U UNNORMALIZED 1 MNEMONICS APPENDIX 2 Extended Precision FORMAT OPN m, X OPERATIONS MNEMONIC OCTAL OPTIONS FLAGS SB 00 $= * ZGL VC A:AE -m - A:AE CS 01 * $= ZGL V -m _ A:AE (3) CA 02 $ = * ZGL m _ A:AE (3) AD 03 $ * ZGL VC A:AE + m _ A:AE CP 04 $ = * ZGL (1) MP 05 $ = * ZGL (1) ST 06 SR 07 DV 10 $ = CD 11 $ = * A:AE _m $ $ * C (1) * ZGL V (1) * ZGL V (1) (1) FLAGS SUBROUTINE (2) USE OF THE EQUAL SIGN (=) OPTION CAUSES DATA (32 BITS) TO BE PLACED IN THE LITERAL POOL Z G L V C ACCUM ZERO ACCUM> ZERO ACCUM < ZERO OVERFLOW CARRY (3) o o- -+ AF AD (1-8) A2-11/A2-12 APPENDIX 3 T ABLE OF INTERRUPT ADDRESS CODES Interrupt Name Octal Priority Address Mask (M Internal Mask E External Mask) Interrupt Name Octal Priority Address Mask (M Internal Mask E External Mask) pip 1 '40 Cannot be masked External Interrupt (1,7) 24 '67 E '400 Data Exec 2 '41 M '40000 25 '70 E '200 Priv. Inst. 3 '42 M '20000 External Interrupt (1,8) Inst. Exec 4 '43 M'10000 26 '71 E'100 Exp. Fault 5 '44 M '4000 External Interrupt (1,9) Mem. Protect 6 '45 M '2000 External Interrupt (1,10) 27 '72 E '40 Timer 7 '46 M'1000 '73 E '20 8 '47 M '400 External Interrupt (1,11) 28 Console Data Channel 0 9 '50 M '200 29 '74 E'10 Data Channel 1 10 '51 M'100 External Interrupt (1,12) Data Channel 2 11 '52 M '40 External Interrupt (1,13) 30 '75 E '4 Data Channel 3 12 '53 M '20 '76 E '2 13 '54 M'10 External Interrupt (1,14) 31 Data Channel 4 Data Channel 5 14 '55 M '4 32 '77 E'l Data Channel 6 15 '56 M'2 External Interrupt (1,15) Data Channel 7 16 '57 External Interrupt (2,0) 33 '100 External Interrupt (1,0) * 17 '60 M'l E '_0 External Interrupt (1, 1) 18 '61 E '40000 External Interrupt (1,2) 19 '62 E '20000 External Interrupt (1,3) 20 '63 E '10000 External Interrupt (1,4) 21 '64 E '4000 Set by SFL = '60,0 Reset by SFL = '61,,0 External Interrupt (1,5) 22 External Interrupt (1,6) 23 '65 E '2000 External Interrupt (16, 15) 271 '457 I This enables or disables all interrupts in banks 2-16 More than one interrupt is enabled by forming.a.composite mark code that is the arithmetic sum of the individual code; e. g. , for External Interrupts 4,5,6, '66 E'1000 mark = E '7400. *(b. n) Where b=Bank number n ...Number of the interrupt in the bank. A3-1 TABLE OF INTERRUPT ADDRESS CODES APPENDIX 3 HYBRID OPERATIONS Operation Codes for High-Speed Conversions 1. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERSIONS Potentiometer Setting LDOB = '15+c" 12 Single Print LDOB = '14+c" 12 Analog Mode Selection LDOB = '07 +c+m, , 12 Analog Time Constant SFL = '-47 400+a, ,2 Sequential Conversion SFL = '+47400+a" 2 Random Conversion SFL = '+17400+a" 2 Individual T /S : Store Tis: SFL = '+07400+a" 2 Individual SFL = '+37400+a" 2 Block of T /S : Store SFL = '+27400+a" 2 Track Block of T /S : Track SFL = '+47600, ,2 ADC Control Readout TSL = '+07400,,2 ADC Test = '-07000+a, ,2 SFL = '-47000+a, ,2 Random Load DAC SFL = '+27000+a" 2 Individual DAC Channel: Transfer SFL = '+17000+a" 2 Block of DAC Channels: Transfer SFL = '+47200, , 2 Clear all DAC Registers 2. LOOB Logic Word Input LOOB = '02+c, , 12 Logic 16 Bit Word Output LDOB = '02+c, , 12 Logic B Bit Word Output LDOB Status Word Readout LDOB = '06+c, , 12 Fault Word Readout LOOB where = '03+c, , 12 c = analog console number times 25 in octal for example: and DAC Test OPERATION CODES FOR ANALOG MONITOR/ CONTROL m follows the table below: OD '0400 RT '1000 ST '1400 OP '2000 H '2400 DVM Conversion LOOB = '16+c" 12 IC '3000 PS '3400 DVM Readout LDOB = 'Ol+c" 12 Analog Address Selection LOOB = '04+c" 12 Analog Address Readout LDOB = '04+c, ,12 Analog Address Step LDOB = '17+c" 12 Analog Value Selection LOOB = '05+c" 12 c = 40 for console 1 c = 100 for console 2 = conversion channel address or block address. A3-2 = '13+c, , 12 Sequential Jam DAC Random Jam DAC a = '12+c+d" 12 Logic Mode Selection Monitor Word Readout STIB = M" 12 SFL = '+07000+a, , 2 = '+07000,,2 LOOB= '11+c+t2" 12 Sequential Load DAC SFL = '+47000+a, , 2 TSL 10:1 LDOB = '10+c+t1" 12 Mask Register Loading LOOB i" 12 Digital-to-Analog Conversions SFL Selection, 1000: 1 and tl follows the table below: MSEC '000 SEC '400 APPENDIX 3 and TABLE OF INTERRUPT ADDRESS CODES t2 follows the table below: finally i corresponds to a mask placed into the most FAST '0400 significant two octal digits of the address, thus vary- MED '1400 ing between '00000 and '77000 changing only the left- SLO '1000 most two digits. 3. HYBRID SENSELINES AND FUNCTION LINES TSL = '6000 + C + S " 2 and d will be determined by the following table: RUN '0400 STOP '1000 CLR '1400 SFL where = '6000 + C + S " 2 c is console # as defined above and s is the address of the sense or control line in octal. A3-3/ A3-4 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES 1. PROCESSOR INTERRUPT SFL SFL Function Flag Indication 21 Reset Privileged Instruction Interrupt Occurred Indicator B flag if set 23 Reset Memory Parity Error Indicator B flag is set 25 Reset Console Interrupt 1 Indicator B flag if set 27 Reset Console Interrupt 2 Indicator B flag if set 31 Reset Console Interrupt 3 Indicator B flag if set Reset Console Interrupt 4 Indicator B flag if set 40 Set Memory Protect Bank 1 Indicator B flag if set 41 Reset Memory Protect Bank 1 Indicator B flag if set Set Memory Protect Bank 2 Indicator B flag if set Reset Memory Protect Bank 2 Indicator B flag if set Set Memory Protect Bank 3 Indicator B flag if set 45 Reset Memory Protect Bank 3 Indicator B flag if set 46 Set Memory Protect Bank 4 Indicator B flag if set Reset Memory Protect Bank 4 Indicator B flag if set Set External Interrupt Enable Indicator B flag if set 61 Reset External Interrupt Enable Indicator B flag if set 62 Set Internal Timer On-Off Control B flag if set Reset Inte1'nal Timer OnOff Control B flag if set 33 42 43 44 47 60 63 SFL Function Flag Indication 65 Reset Monitor Mode Indicator B flag if set 67 Reset Memory Protect Interrupt Occurred Indicator B flag if set 2. PROCESSOR INTERRUPT TSL TSL Function Flag Indication 21 Tested Privileged Instruction Interrupt Occurred Indicator Z flag if set 23 Tested Memory Parity Error Indicator Z flag if set 25 Tested Console Interrupt 1 Indicator Z flag if set 27 Tested Console Interrupt 2 Indicator Z flag if set 31 Tested Console Interrupt 3 Indicator Z flag if set 33 Tested Console Interrupt 4 Indicator Z flag if set 40 Tested Memory Protect Bank 1 Indicator Z flag if set 42 Tested Memory Protect Bank 2 Indicator Z flag if set 44 Tested Memory Protect Bank 3 Indicator Z flag if set 46 Tested Memory Protect Bank 4 Indicator Z flag if set 60 Tested External Interrupt Enable Indicator Z flag if set 62 Tested Internal Timer On-Off Control Indicator Z flag if set 65 Tested Monitor Mode Indicator Z flag if set 67 Tested Memory Protect Interrupt Occurred Indicator Z flag if set A4-1 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 3. 5. EXCHANGEINTERRUPTSFL SFL -OOOOO+K* Function Flag Indication Unconditional Channel Clean B 00001+K Disconnect Channel 00002+K HYBRID SFL's Digital-to-Analog Conversion SFL Function B 0700+a** Sequential/Normal Conversion Enable Channel Ready Interrupt B 47000+a Sequential/Jam Conversion -07000+a 00004+K Random/Normal Conversion Disable Channel Ready Interrupt B -47000+a Random/Jam Conversion 00010+K Enable Channel Signal Interrupt B Disable Channel Signal Interrupt B 00020+K 4. 27000+a Individual Channel Transfer 17000+a Block Transfer 07200 Clear all DAC Registers EXCHANGE INTERRUPT TSL TSL 00001+K -OOOOl+K 00002+K -00002+K 00004+K Function Flag Indication Test Channel Signal Z Test Channel Signal and Clear Z 47400+a Sequential Conversion -47400+a Random Conversion Individual T /S Store Test Channel Parity Z 17400+a Test Channel Parity and Clear Z 07400+a Indi vidual T /S Track 37400+a Block T /S Store Test Channel Ready Z 27400+a Block T /S Track 27600 Control Readout *K= 00000 jor Channel 0 = 40000 jor Channel 4 = 1 0000 jor Channell =50000 jor Channel 5 = 20000 jor Channel 2 = 60000 jor Channel 6 = 30000 jor Channel 3 = 70000 jor Channel 7 A4-2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion **a = DAC Channel Address or Block Address. APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL AND TSL CODES FOR 8400 STANDARD PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENTS GENERAL FORMAT (Applicable to all Data Channels and Device Controllers attached to Data Channels.) SFL Instructions K D L Crr--~A--~I,rr----~·~--~,r,--------~·~--------~ "M" Field Io I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 3 4 7 15 8 C :;: O-SFLC. Used for general Channel/Device control conditions. C:;: 1-SFLF. Used to Initialize Channel and Connect Device. Also, for Unconditional Channel/Device Disconnect if D :;: O. K :;: Data Channel Designator, 0 to 7. D :;: Peripheral Device Designator, 1 to 15. L :;: M field allocated for: 1. Setting Channel Function Register (CFR), if C :;: 1 and D :;: O. 2. Device Control, if C :;: 0 and D f 0, (i. e., Device Control Word). 3. Channel Control, if C :;: 0 and D :;: 0, (i. e., CHRI and CHSI). TSL Instructions "M" Field K C ~( D L A lr~--------""'''-----------~ Io " I I " I I I I I I I I I II I 1 3 4 7 8 15 C :;: O-TSLC. Intended for general Channel/Device status testing. C :;: 1_TSLF. Intended for general Channel/Device status testing, followed by resetting the addressed status line(s) to zero on the same instruction. K :;: Data Channel Designator, 0 to 7. D:;: Peripheral Device Designator, 1 to 15. L :;: M field allocated for: 1. Testing Channel conditions, if D :;: O. 2. Testing Peripheral Device conditions, if. D f O. A4-3 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL/TSL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TYPEWRITER OPERATIONS D L 'r~--------~'rr----------~--------~, K C , SFL(C) "M" 1 0 II I I I II I~ f I I o II III III 15 P N CFR D K SFL(F) "M" i~/Ol ~,-_-...-_-,J'-.,J o Set Additional Channel/Device Control Conditions 1,.-----''-------~1/01~1-1-----'I1"'"'"---1-1-----I1 J~ \ N Initialize Channel/ Connect Device and Clear Channel/Device 15 p K=Ot07 D = (N)p = (3)0 Function "L" Code/CFR Comments Set Ribbon Black SFL(C) X X X X X X X 1 Normal state when Data Channel is cleared or disconnected. Set Ribbon Red SFL(C) X X X X X X 1 X Initialize Channel/ Connect Device CFR (Channel transfer conditions, data format.) Indicators Affected None None Permits input or output to Typewriter. Unlocks keyboard for input. Channel Signal Channel Parity Channel Interrupt TSL Instructions There are no TSL instructions associated directly with Typewriter status signals. Parity error and certain Signals (carriage return, illegal control character) are tested via the Channel Parity and Channel Signal indicators, respectively. A4-4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 SFL/TSL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER TAPE READER OPERATIONS C SFL(C) "M" K D Io I I I I'----v---l"--' I I !! I I I I I I I I I 0 N K C SFL(F) "M" L A_ _ _ _ _ _ _......., ~~f o K=Ot07 D = (N)p = (1)0 15 P D CFR . ,---A----,~, 11 I A \ I I I'---v----J'-.rJ III III III III 15 N Set Up Channell Device Control Conditions Initialize Channell Connect Device or Disconnect Channell Device P x - Don't Care Bits Comments Indicators Affected Function "L" Code/CFR Set Reader Forward SFL(C) X X X X X X X 1 Set direction of tape motion to Forward. Device "Busy" response sets "Busy" flag if tape in motion. Set Reader Reverse SFL(C) X X X X X X 1 X Set direction of tape motion to Reverse. As Above Initialize Channel/ Connect Device SFL(F) CFR Connects Reader to Data Channel and starts tape motion. Channel Parity Channel Signal Channel Interrupt Stop Code Device "Busy" if Power off or Reader in "Load" state. TSL Instructions No status lines are tested via TSL instructions directly. A4-5 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL/TSL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER TAPE PUNCH OPERATIONS C SFL(C) K D J. ~ r~ L J._ _ _ _ _ _ _--,. v ~( , "M"I I I I I"---v---'Y I I Ii I I I I I I I I I N C SFL(F) "M" P CFR D K J. ~rr----~A~------,." 11 I Set Additional Channel/Device Control Conditions III II 111/°1 ~y N II III III Initialize Channel/ Connect Device or Clear Channel/Device P K=Ot07 X - Don't Care Bits D = (N)p = (2)0 Function "L" Code/CFR Comments Indicators Affected Power On SFL(C) X X X X X X 1 X None Power Off SFL(C) X X X X X X X 1 None Initialize Channel/ Connect Device SFL(F) CFR (Channel data transfer conditions, format, etc.) Set up Channel transfer conditions, connect Punch and start data transfer if Channel and Punch are ready. "Busy" flag in Flag Register if: a) Power off and b) Tape is low. Channel Parity Channel Signal Channel Interrupt TSL Instructions There are no status levels tested by TSL instructions. A4-6 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL INSTRUCTION LIST (FUNCTIONS AND CODES) SERIAL (COLUMN-BY-COLUMN) CARD PUNCH C K D L ~~(r_ _ _ _ _--'J.",_ _ _ _ _- " II III III III III III 01 34 15 78 '--y----Jy N P M field C = O-SFLC - Used to Set Channel/Device Control Conditions C ::r: 1---SFLF - Used to Initialize Channel, Connect Device, Unconditional Channel/Device Disconnect (D = 0) K = Data Channel Number, 0 to 7 D = Device Number; Card Punch Device No. = (N)p = (2)1 L = M Field Allocated for Setting of Data Channel Function Register, CFR (C = 1) or Device Control Conditions (D, C = 0) X = Don't Care Function Start Card . Punch Cycle SFLC or SFLF 8 CFR (for SFLF or L (for SFLC) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SFLC X XX XX X X 1 Start Card Punch Cycle and Connect Punch (Cont) to Data Channel SFLF Eject Card* (Terminate Card Cycle) SFLC XX XX 1 X X X Reject (Offset) Card Set DINE Flip-Flop (DINE = Dev. Interrupt Enable) Comments Program Indicators Affected Initiate "Card Punch "Busy" Flag. See Cycle" w/o connect- other sections for ing CP Controller to conditions. Data Channel. Initiate "Card Punch See, other sections Cycle" and connect for conditions. 'X XX XX XX X CP controller to Data Channel. CFR A , I I, , SFLC XX XX X X 1 X SFLC 1 X X X X X X X Card ejected to output hopper after punching previous column. Next card brought to Reg. Station - - waiting for next "Start Card Punch Cycle" command. Ejected mispunched card appears offset by 1/2 inch output hopper. Set Dev. Int. Enable flip-flop to allow Dev. Int. when Dev. is NOT selected, DINE flip-flop set and Card Punch is ready for next Card Punch Cycle. Non~ Uncdnditional Command " " None Unconditional Command "Busy',' Flag, if DINE flip- flop could not be set. *A card is also ejected in response to "Carriage Return" character, (155)8' This character is not punched. A4-7 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 TSL INSTRUCTION LIST (FUNCTIONS AND CODES) SERIAL (COLUMN-BY-COLUMN) CARD PUNCH K D C ~, L J. I I II I I II I I ;; o = 0, N I I II I I II I I I 3~~8 1 M Field C J. II 15 P Test Only, TSLC C = 1, Test and Reset, TSLF K = Data Channel Number, 0 to 7 D = Device Number; Card Punch Controller Code = (N)p = (2)1 L = Channel/Device Control Field A4-8 = 0) L Field TSLC or TSLF 8 9 10 Test "Card Punch Operable" Status TSLC X X X Test "Card Punch Cycle" Status TSLC X X Test "Binary Mode" Status TSLC X Test "End of Card" Status TSLC Test "Punch Error" Status TSLF Function (Channel Field if D 11 12 13 14 15 Comments X X X X 1 See other section for definition when Signal is true. X X X X 1 X This line becomes true on start of new card cycle (in response to SFL command) and is reset when card is ejected. X 1 X X X X X This line is "true" when the card is being punched in "Binary Mode" and "false" when card is being punched in "Hollerith Mode. " X X X X X 1 X X This line becomes true on ejection of card and remains true until next card is in Register Station. Start "Card Punch Cycle" SFL commands will be rejected during this period. X X X X 1 X X X This line becomes true when an error ( E'Echo-check'j error or "overflow") is detected on punching a particular column. The Punch Controller will ej ect the card in response to the Punch "next column data request. " Data Channel will be disconnected and an interrupt generated. APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARD READER OPERATIONS L D K C ~r.---J."'-----"H"'-----oA_------, SFL(C) "M" Io I I I /I I I Ii I I /I I I I I I I 0 l T Jl J -y- N P D K C~r SFL(F) "M" CFR D = (N)p =(1)1 Function .1 H i , 1o I I I I I !! I I I I I " I I I 1 " ~y N K=Oto7 15 Set Up Additional Channel/Device Control Conditions 15 P Initialize Channel/ Connect Device and Disconnect Channel/ Device x = Don't Care Bit Positions, Combined Operations Possible "V' Code/CFR Comments Indicators Start Card Cycle SFL(C) X X X X X X X 1 A card is started on its way to Read Station. An SFL(F) must follow within a period of time to enable reading. Device "Busy" setting "Busy" Flag if Card Cycle in Progress or Card Reader not Ready. Initiate Channel/Connect Device SFL(F) Instruction CFR (Data Channel Options) Connects Card Reader to Data Channel initiates "Card Cycle" if not already started. Cards are read continuously until Data Channel is disconnected. Channel Signal, Channel Interrupt, Channel Parity Disconnect Power from Card Reader SFL(C) X X X X X 1 0 X Disconnect Power when Reader not expected to be used for some time. No Device "Busy" Response Set "Device Interrupt Enable" (DINE) FlipFlop 1 X X X X X X X Enables Channel Interrupt if Reader is Ready for next card cycle, (i. e.,. Card Reader Ready = "Busy" response if any device already selected on this Data ChanneL "1"). NOTE: The two different instructions to start a card cycle are available to permit the use of Data Channel with other devices on the channel while a card is being moved relatively slowly into "read station". A4-9 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES TSL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINE PRINTER OPERATION K D C~I TSL "M" L A V A , I I I I I I I ; 1/°1 I I I I I I I I ° '---y---A-y-J N 15 P D = (N)p = (3)1 C = 0, Test Status Line Only C = 1, Test Status Line, Then Clear Status Indicator X = 0, Unless Combined Test Specified Function "L" Field Status Definition and/or Comments Test Printer Ready X X X X X 1 X X Printer in operable condition. Power turned on. "Operate-Standby" switch on Operator Panel in "operate" position, down gate is closed. Paper is in printing position. Next Character Request (=Send Data) X X X X X X X 1 Printer available to accept next character. The line will be false during printing or paper spaCing operations. Next Line Request X X X X X X 1 X Printing of previous line is complete. The Printer is ready for next line. Printer Buffer Full X X X X 1 X X X 132 characters transmitted to Printer Buffer without print (end of message) command. Paper AdvanCing X X X 1 X X X X Paper advanCing not complete. A4-10 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 SFL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARALLEL (ROW-BY-ROW) CARD PUNCH OPERATIONS D K SFL(C) I~ If I I 1"'--1--"--1 1,.--1-11-1--"--I-II-I-----I1 -----::110 o 11 I o CFR D ){" "\ I I I I I !! I I I I I I I I I 15 "'-.,-J N Set Channel/DeVice Control Conditions 15 '"...._.....,..._~J'-.,-J N P K C( SFL(F) L P Initialize Channel/ Connect Device, Clear Channel K=Ot07 D = (N)p = (2)1 x = Don't Care Unless Combined Operation Desired = Device # Function "L" Code/CFR Comments Indicators Affected Start Card Punch Cycle X X X X X X X 1 Start card on its way to Punch Station. Stop after one card moved unless Punch connected to Data Channel. Device "Busy" response if a) Punch not Ready b) Power to Punch off. Reject Card to AUX Stacker X X X X X X 1 X The card being punched to be ejected to AUX Stacker. None Initialize Channel/ Connect Device CFR Permits data transfer and punch operation. Allows bringing next card into punch station if Channel/ Device not discon.. nected. Set "Device Interrupt Enable" (DINE) FlipFlop 1 X X X X X, X X Permits an Interrupt when device becomes operable again following some failure. Device "Busy" response if instruction is too 'late to punch complete card. Channel Signal, Channel Parity, Channel Interrupt. Channel Interrupt "Busy" response if at least one device already connected to channel. A4-11 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 TSL, INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARD READ OPERATION K D C~~f TSL "M" L " Io " I I I"---v----..J I I Ii I '-v-' N P , I I I I I I I I 15 C = 0, Test Only C = 1, Test and Clear D = (N)p, K = 0 to 7 = (1)1 x = Don't Care Conditions Unless Combined Tests Requested Function "L" Code Status Definition and/or Comments Test "Card Reader Ready" Status X X X X X X Test "Read Cycle in Progress" Status X X X X X Test "Hopper Empty" X X X X Status 1 X 1 X X Response to "Start Card Cycle" command. "True" until all 80 columns are read. New card cycle initiated, after some delay when this Signal goes "False" provided Data Channel remains connected. 1 X X X True when hopper is empty and End of File button has been depressed. Test "Reader Error" Status X X X Test "Overflow" Status X X Test "Binary Card" Status X X X X X X X Test "Card Reader Continue" Status X A4-12 No jams. Stacker not full. Covers in place. Power on. Start button depressed. Feeder ready (Model 1). Read Circuits OK. Card line mechanism locked (Model 1). Hopper not empty. No character validity error. 1 X X X X 1 X X X X X 1 1 X X X X X X A photo cell malfunctioning or invalid character detected (Hollerith Mode) - if validity switch is on. A character has been missed. Once a card cycle is initiated characters are available at fixed intervals. The card being read is a "Binary Card". Card Reader has been put on-line again and the operator has depressed "Card Reader Continue" button. TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES APPENDIX 4 SFL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINE PRINTER OPERATION K D L C ~~r'----~~'------'l SFL( C) "M" I 0 II I I II o I 111/ 0 1 I L-.,---Jy N I I I 15 11 " SFL( F) "M" l......~v---'Jt.y-1 o I Set Up Channel/ Device Operating Conditions CFR D H A I I P K Cr I I I I I I I I I I 15 Initialize Channel/ Connect Device or Clear Channel Device Conditions P N K=Oto7 D = (N)p = (3)1 X = Don't Care Bit Positions Function "L" Code/CFR Initialize Channell Connect Device SFL(F) CFR , L ( 1 Set "Device Interrupt Enable" (DINE) Flip-Flop Advance Carriage to Control Tape Hole on Channell Comments o , X X X X X X Connects Printer to Data Channel and makes the latter responsive to Signals from the Printer buffer. Indicators Affected Device "Busy" response if Printer is not ready. Enables Channel Interrupt Device Busy if DES=="l". Top of Form X 1 X X 0 0 0 2 X 1 X X 0 0 0 11 X 1 X X 0 0 1 4 X 1 X X 5 X 1 X X 0 1 0 0 6 X 1 X X 0 1 0 1 7 X 1 X X 0 1 1 0 8 X 1 X X 0 1 1 1 Adv. Carr. by 1 Line X 0 0 1 0 1 Different tapes available to suit particular 0 format requirements. 1 1 0 0 X Permit direct paper spacing control with0 out reference to tape 1 loop. 1 X X 2 X 3 X 1 X X 1 0 1 1 X X 1 0 1 4 X 1 X X 5 X 1 X X 1 1 0 6 X 1 X X 7 X 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 X X "1" in this Position Specifies Paper Space Instructions ~ Disable Auto Carriage Advance on 1st Character of a Line 0 o . L 1 1 1 I X XX X X Device "Busy" response if a) printing cycle not complete b) previous space operations not complete. Same as in previous case. 0 1 0 1 I The same codes are used to obtain paper spacing by 1st character in a line. 1 To permit overprinting of a line if desired. Device "Busy" response if paper spacing taking place. A4-13 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES TSL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARALLEL (ROW-BY-ROW) CARD PUNCH OPERATION D K C ( 11/ 0 0 • 1 I I I \ L A \( • " I, I I~ N P ::1/01 I I I I I \ II I 15 K=Ot07 D = (2)1 = (N)p = Device Number C = 0 Test Status Level Only C = 1 Test Status and Then Reset Status Flip-Flop X = Don't Care Bits, Unless Combined Tests Desired Function A4-14 "L" Code Status Definition and Comments Test "Punch Ready" Status X X X X XX X 1 Cards in hopper. Die in place. Card line mechanism locked up. Card in position to be punched. Stacker not full. Power on. No jam condition. Covers are in place. No punch error. Test "Ready to Punch Next Row" Status X X X X Xl X X Punch is ready to punch next row on card. Test "Punch Cycle" Status X X X X XX 1 X Card is in punch cycle. Status remains true for the duration of punching a card. Test "Punch Error" Status X X X X 1 X X X An invalid Hollerith character punched. Inhibited in "BIN" mode. APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES TSL INSTRUCTION LIST AND CODES FOR MAGNETIC TAPE OPERATIONS K D L C ,---A.-----.~,. TSL "M" A , Io I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I 15 D = (N)p = (4)0 K=Ot07 X = 0, Unless "Combined" Tests Preferred If C = 0 Test Only If C = 1 Test and Clear Status Indicator "L" Field Function Test and Clear End 1 of Record Indicator o Status Definition and/or Comments X X X X X 1 This indicator is needed only to enable programmer to test whether EOR has been reached when Data Channel is not connected to tape unit. Test and Clear End of File Indicator 1 0 X X X X Test and Clear Overflow Indicator 1 0 X X X Test if Tape Unit Ready 1 0 X X Test if Tape is at Load Point (BOT) 1 0 X Test if End of Tape (EOT) has been Reached 1 0 1 X X X X X End of tape tab has passed the photo sense head. Test if File-Protect is On 1 1 X X X X Tape unit is loaded with reel equipped with a file-protect ring. Test for High Density 1 1 X X Test for Medium Density 1 1 X Test if Tape Unit is Rewinding 0 1 X X X Unit 0 to 7 The unit addressed is in the Rewinding state. A number of tape units can be in the Rewinding status at the same time. Test if selected tape unit is set for 7track mode. 1 1 X X X 1 X X This test is relevant when both the 7 -track and the 9-track features are available in a particular Magnetic Tape System. 1 X 1 X X 1 X X X 1 X X X X 1 X 1 X X X 1 X X X X Set up by EOF marker in Read or Write (by Check head) operations. Set up when Character is missed in Read operation or is late (Rate check) in Write operation. Tape Unit is ready to accept a new instruction. Load point tab is at photo sense head. Tape unit selected for High Density (800 bpi) recording. Tape unit selected for Medium Density (556 bpi) recording. A4-15 APPENDIX 4 TABLE OF SFL/TSL CODES SFL INSTRUCTION LIST AND CODES FOR MAGNETIC TAPE OPERATIONS D K C~~I SFL(C) "M" lo~ 0 C SFL(F) "M" I I II I ~1/01 I '---v-/'-..r' A I I II I , I P N D K ~~I It/!0 I I II I I :[1/01 '----v--''-..rJ P N FWD/REV F/R W/R D L = Forward/Reverse Motion = File/Record = Write/Read =(N)p = (4)0 Set Up Channel/ I_DeVice Operating Conditions (Other I than CFR) 15 CFR A I I I I I 1 I 15I , X't:: 0, Unless "Combined" Operations Required "L" Code or CFR Indlcators Comments Function ~led) Control Fwd/Rov' F/R w/R Unit # 1. Read Record(s) FWD 0 1 0 0 0 0107 Read record and enable data transfer if Channel Initialized and Device connected. otherwise skip one record. Channel Parity, Channel Signal, Channel Interrupt, EOR, EOT, Overfiow. 2. Read Record(s) REV 0 1 1 0 0 0107 As 1 but tape moves in REV direction. As in 1 but BOT instead of EOT. 3. Search End of FUeFWD 0 1 0 1 ,0 0107 As In 1 but Channel EOT, EOF 4. Search End of 0 1 1 1 0 Oto 7 BOT, BOF FUeREV 5. Write Record(s) (FWD Only) As in 3 hut tape moves in REV direction. 0 1 0 0 1 o to 7 Write a record after Channe1lnltlalize/ Device Connect Instr. and write LPC at end of record (word. count = 0). Channel Parity, Channel Signal, Channel Interrupt, EOR, EOT J Overflow 6. Write Blank Tape (=Erase) FWD 0 1 0 1 1 o to 7 Write as in 5 but re- Channel Parity (H tape not blank), EOT 7. Set Unit Field 0 o to 7 Set up the unit field of control register, but InltiaUze/Devtce Connect Instr. omitted. Stop after one record. Search for File Mark instead of End of Record. cord "an zero" characters. Stop tape after 3-3/4 Inches. 0 0 0 0 do not initiate any tape operat1on to allow testing of se1. unit status. 8. Write End of File 1 1 0 1 1 0107 Write EOF mark and EOF,EOT its LPC, (17}8 in both cases, under control of Tape Controller. 9. Rewind 10 Load 0 0 1 1 0 0107 Initiate Rewind opera- BOT tlon via a trigger. Point Transfer to other tape units not inhibited while rewinding. 10. Rewlnd and Unlock O 0 1 11. Initialize Channel Connect Deviee 1 1 0107 As in 9 but tape unit switched to "LOCAL" mode. BOT This instruction enables "Busy" flag If data data transfer and makes transfer not possible at that· time. " channel responsive to CFR Device signals. 12. Set "Device Interrupt Enable" (DINE) FlIpFlop A4-16 1 0 X Initialize Channell Connect Device or - - Clear Channel/Device Conditions X X X Allow channel inter"Busy" response if any rupt when MT becomes device on this Data operable again and this Channel already conflip-flop is set. nected for data transfer (DES flip-flop set). APPENDIX 5 CHARACTER CODE EQUIVALENCE TABLE Char. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1) = , : J+ A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < $ Card Punch (Hollerith) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8 12 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-0-8 12-3-8 12-4-8 12-5-8 12-6-8 12-7-8 Octal ** * 00 04 10 14 20 24 30 34 40 44 50 54 60 64 70 74 100 104 110 114 120 124 130 134 140 144 150 154 160 164 170 174 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Hex 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 '07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Char. . J K L M N 0 P Q R ! $ * J ; t::. Blank / S T U V W X y Z f- , ( n \ ~ Card Punch (Hollerith) 11 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-0-8 11-3-8 11-4-8 11-5-8 11-6-8 11-7-8 No Punch 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-2-8 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 Octal ** * Hex 200 204 210 214 220 224 230 234 240 244 250 254 260 264 270 274 300 304 310 314 320 324 330 334 340 344 350 354 360 364 370 374 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 , CARRIAGE RETURN TAB BACKSPACE UPPER CASE LOWER CASE INDEX STOP CODE 664 764 670 470 770 764 400 155 175 156 116 136 135 100 * = Right 8 Bit Byte in Each Half-Word ** =Left 8 Bit Byte in Each Half-Word A5-1/A5-2 APPENDIX 6 POWERS OF TWO 2n n 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 16 32 64 128 4 5 6 7 '0.062 0.031 0.015 0.007 256 512 1 024 2 048 8 9 10 11 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 906 953 976 488 25 125 562 5 281 25 5 25 625 812 5 4 8 16 32 096 192 384 768 12 13 14 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 244 122 061 030 140 070 035 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 524 536 072 144 288 16 17 18 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 015 007 003 001 258 629 814 907 789 394 697 348 062 531 265 632 5, 25 625 812 5 1 2 4 8 048 097 194 388 576 152 304 608 20 21 22 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 953 476 238 119 674 837 418 209 316 158 579 289 406 203 101 550 25 125 562 5 781 25 16 33 67 134 777 554 108 217 216 432 864 728 24 25 26 27 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 .059 029 014 007 604 802 901 450 644 322 161 580 775 387 193 596 390 695 847 923 268 536 1 073 2 147 435 870 741 483 456 28 912 29 824 30 648 31 625 312 5 656 25 828 125 0.000 000 003 725 0.000 000 001 862 0.000 000 000 931 0:000000000465 290 298 645 149 322 574 661,287 461 914 230 957 615 478 307'739 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 4 8 17 34 294 589 179 359 967 934 869 738 296 592 184 368 32 33 34 35 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 232 116 058 029 830 415 207 103 643 321 660 830 653 826 913 456 869 934 467 733 628 814 407 703 906 453 226 613 25 125 562 5 281 25 68 137 274 549 719 438 877 755 476 953 906 813 736 36 472 37 944 38 888 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 014 007 003 001 551 275 637 818 915 957 978 989 228 614 807 403 366 183 091 545 851 425 712 856 806 903 951 475 640 320 660 830 625 312 5 156 25 078 125 TABLE POWERS OF TWO A6-1/A6-2 APPENDIX 7 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION 0000 0000 to to 0777 0511 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1000 0512 to to 1777 1023 (Octal) (Decimal) .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0000 001.0 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0000 0008 0016 0024 0032 0040 0048 0001 0009 0017 0025 0.033 0041 0049 0057 0002 0010 0018 0026 0034 0042 0050 0058 0003 0011 0019 0027 0035 0043 0051 0059 0004 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0060 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 0045 0053 0061 0006 0014 0022 0030 0036 0046 0054 0062 0015 0023 0031 0039 0047 0055 0063 0100 0110 0120 0130 .0140 0150 0160 017.0 0064 0072 0060 0088 0096 0104 0112 .0120 0066 0074 0082 0090 00~7 0098 0105 0106 0113 0114 0121 .0122 0067 0075 b083 0091 0099 0107 0115 .0123 0068 0076 0084 0092 0100 0108 0116 0124 0069 0077 0065 0093 0101 0109 0117 0125 0070 0078 0086 0094 0102 0110 0118 0126 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 .0270 0128 0136 0144 0152 0160 0168 0176 0184 0129 0137 0145 0153 0161 0169 0177 0185 0130 0138 0146 0154 0162 0170 0176 0186 0131 0139 0147 0155 0163 0171 0179 0187 .0132 0140 0148 0156 0164 0172 0180 0188 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0181 0189 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0192 0200 0208 0216 0224 0232 0240 0248 0193 0201 0209 0217 0225 0233 0241 0249 0194 0202 0210 0218 0226 0234 0242 0250 .0195 0203 0211 0219 0227 0235 0243 0251 0196 0204 0212 0220 0226 0236 0244 0252 0 1 2 3 095~ 0065 0073 0081 0089 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0256 0264 0272 0260 0268 0296 0304 0312 0257 0265 0273 0281 0269 0297 0305 0313 .0258 0266 0274 0262 0290 0296 0306 0314 0259 0267 0275 0263 0291 0299 0307 0315 0260 0268 0276 0284 0292 0300 030Q 0316 0261 0269 0277 0285 0293 0301 0309 0317 0262 0270 0278 0286 0294 0302 0310 0318 0263 0271 0279 0267 0295 0303 0311 0319 0071 0079 0087 0095 0103 0111 0119 0127 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0560 0570 0320 0326 0336 0344 0352 0360 0368 0376 0321 0329 0337 0345 0353 0361 0369 0377 0322 0330 0338 0346 0354 0362 0370 0376 0323 0331 0339 0347 0355 0363 0371 0379 0324 0332 0340 0346 0356 0364 0372 0380 0325 0333 0341 0349 0357 0365 0373 0361 0326 0334 0342 0350 0356 0366 0374 0382 0327 0335 0343 0351 0359 0367 0375 0383 0134 0142 0150 0158 0166 0174 0182 0190 0135 0143 0151 0159 0167 0175 0183 0191 0600 0610 0620 0630 0640 0650 0660 0670 0364 0392 0400 0408 0416 0424 0432 0440 0365 0393 0401 0409 0417 0425 0433 0441 0366 0394 0402 0410 0416 0426 0434 0442 0367 0395 0403 0411 0419 0427 0435 0443 0368 0396 0404 0412 0420 0428 0436 0444 0389 0397 0405 0413 0421 0429 0437 0445 0390 0396 0406 0414 0422 0430 0438 0446 0391 0399 0407 0415 0423 0431 0439 0447 0197 0205 0213 0221 0229 0237 0245 0253 0198 0206 0214 0222 0230 0236 0246 0254 0199 0207 0215 0223 0231 0239 0247 0255 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750 0760 0770 0448 0456 0464 0472 0460 0466 0496 0504 0449 0457 0465 0473 0461 0489 0497 0505 0450 0456 0466 0474 0482 0490 0498 0506 0451 0459 0467 0475 0463 0491 0499 0507 0452 0460 0468 0476 0464 0492 0500 0508 0453 0461 0469 0477 0465 0493 0501 0509 0454 0462 0470 0478 0486 0494 0502 0510 0455 0463 0471 0479 0467 0495 0503 0511 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0516 0524 0532 0540 0548 0556 0564 0572 0517 0525 0533 0541 0549 0557 0565 0573 0516 0526 0534 0542 0550 0556 0566 0574 0519 0527 0535 0543 0551 0559 0567 0575 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 0766 0776 0764 0792 0600 0806 0816 0624 0769 0777 0765 0793 0801 0809 0617 0625 0770 0776 0786 0794 0602 0610 0616 0826 0771 0779 0787 0795 0603 0611 0619 0627 0772 0780 0766 0796 0804 0812 .0620 0826 0773 0761 0789 0797 0605 0613 0821 0629 0774 0762 0'(90 0796 0606 0614 0622 0830 0775 0783 0791 0799 0807 0615 0823 0831 bo07 1000 10to 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 0512 0520 0526 0536 0544 0552 0560 0566 0513 0521 0529 0537 0545 0553 0561 0569 0514 0522 0530 0536 0546 0554 0562 0570 0515 0523 0531 0539 0547 0555 0563 0571 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 0576 0564 0592 0600 0606 0616 0624 0632 0577 0565 0593 0601 0609 0617 0625 0633 0576 0566 0594 0602 0610 0618 0626 0634 0579 0567 0595 0603 0611 0619 0627 0635 0560 0586 0596 0604 0612 0620 0628 0636 0581 .0589 0597 0605 0613 0621 0629 0637 0562 0590 0598 0606 0614 0622 0630 0638 0583 0591 0599 0607 0615 0623 0631 0639 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 0832 0640 0648 0656 0664 0872 0660 0886 0833 0641 0649 0657 0865 0673 0881 0889 0634 0642 0650 0656 0666 0874 0662 0690 0635 0643 0651 0659 0667 0875 0863 0691 0636 0644 0852 0660 0866 0676 0884 0692 0637 0645 0853 0861 0669 0877 0685 0693 0838 0846 0854 0662 0870 0678 0886 0694 0839 0647 0655 0663 0871 0679 0887 0895 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 0640 0646 0656 0664 0672 0680 0688 0696 0641 0649 0657 0665 0673 0681 0669 0697 0642 0650 0658 0666 0674 0682 0690 0698 0643 0651 0659 0667 0675 0683 0691 0699 0644 0652 0660 0668 0676 0684 0692 0700 0645 0653 0661 0669 0677 0685 0693 0701 0646 0654 0662 0670 0676 0666 0694 0702 0647 0655 0663 0671 0679 0667 0695 0703 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 0896 0904 0912 0920 0926 0936 0944 0952 0897 0905 0913 0921 0929 0937 0945 0953 0898 0906 0914 0922 0930 0938 0946 0954 0699 0907 0915 0923 0931 0939 0947 0955 0900 0906 0916 0924 0932 0940 0946 0956 0901 0909 0917 0925 0933 0941 0949 0957 0902 0910 0918 0926 0934 0942 0950 0956 0903 0911 0919 0927 0935 0943 0951 0959 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 0704 0712 0720 0728 0736 0744 0752 0760 0705 0713 0721 0729 0737 0745 0753 0761 0706 0714 0722 0730 0738 0746 0754 0762 0707 0715 0723 0731 0739 0747 0755 0763 0708 0716 0724 0732 0740 0746 0756 0764 0709 0717 0725 0733 0741 0749 0757 0765 0710 0716 0726 0734 0742 0750 0758 0766 0711 0719 0727 0735 0743 0751 0759 0767 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 0960 0966 0976 0984 0992 1000 1008 1016 0961 0969 0977 0965 0993 1001 1009 1017 0962 0970 0978 0966 0994 1002 1010 1018 0963 0971 0979 0987 0995 1003 1011 1019 0964 0972 0980 0988 0996 1004 1012 1020 0965 0973 0961 0989 0997 1005 1013 1021 0966 0974 0982 0990 0998 1006 1014 1022 0967 0975 0983 0991 0999 1007 1015 1023 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 1 of 7) A7-1 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION APPENDIX 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460 2470 1280 1288 1296 1304 1312 1320 1328 1336 1281 1289 1297 1305 1313 1321 1329 1337 1282 1290 1298 1306 1314 1322 1330 1338 1283 1291 1299 1307 1315 1323 1331 1339 1284 1292 1300 1308 1316 1324 1332 1340 1285 1293 1301 1309 1317 1325 1333 1341 1286 1294 1302 1310 1318 1326 1334 1342 1287' 1295 1303 1311 1319 1327 1335 1343 1095 1103 1111 1119 1127 1135 1143 1151 2500 2510 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 1344 1352 1360 1368 1376 1384 1392 1400 1345 1353 1361 1369 1377 1385 1393 1401 1346 1354 1362 1370 1378 1386 1394 1402 1347 1355 1363 1371 1379 1387 1395 1403 1348 1356 1364 1372 1380 1388 1396 1404 1349 1357 1365 1373 1381 1389 1397 1405 1350 1358· 1366 1374 1382 1390 1398 1406 1351 1359 1367 1375 1383 1391 1399 1407 1158 1166 1174 1182 1190 1198 1206 1214 1159 1167 1175 1183 1191 1199 1207 1215 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 1408 1416 1424 1432 1440 1448 1456 1464 1409 1417 1425 1433 1441 1449 1457 1465 1410 1418 1426 1434 1442 1450 1458 1466 1411 1419 1427 1435 1443 1451 1459 1467 1412 1420 1428 1436 1444 1452 1460 1468 1413 1421 1429 1437 1445 1453 1461 1469 1414 1422 1430 1438 1446 1454 1462 1470 1415 1423 1431 1439 1447 1455 1463 1471 1221 1229 1237 1245 1253 1261 1269 1277 1222 1230 1238 1246 1254 1262 1270 1278 1223 1231 1239 1247 1255 1263 1271 1279 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 2770 1472 1480 1488 1496 1504 1512 1520 1528 1473 1481 1489 1497 1505 1513 1521 1529 1474 1482 1490 1498 1506 1514 1522 1530 1475 1483 1491 1499 1507 1515 1523 1531 1476 1484 1492 1500 1508 1516 1524 1532 1477 1485 1493 1501 1509 1517 1525 1533 1478 1486 1494 1502 1510 1518 1526 1534 1479 1487 1495 1503 1511 1519 1527 1535 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1539 1547 1555 1563 1571 1579 1587 1595 1540 1548 1556 1564 1572 1580 1588 1596 1541 1549 1557 1565 1573 1581 1589 1597 1542 1550 1558 1566 1574 1582 1590 1598 1543 1551 1559 1567 1575 1583 1591 1599 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3450 3460 3470 1792 1800 1808 1816 1824 1832 1840 1848 1793 1801 1809 1817 1825 1833 1841 1849 1794 1802 1810 1818 1826 1834 1842 1850 1795 1803 1811 1819 1827 1835 1843 1851 1796 1804 1812 1820 1828 1836 1844 1852 1797 1805 1813 1821 1829 1837 1845 1853 1798 1806 1814 1822 1830 1838 1846 1854 1799 1807 1815 1823 1831 1839 1847 1855 1602 1610 1618 1626 1634 1642 1650 1658 1603 1611 1619 1627 1635 1643 1651 1659 1604 1612 1620 1628 1636 1644 1652 1660 1605 1613 1621 1629 1637 1645 1653 1661 1606 1614 1622 1630 1638 1646 1654 1662 1607 1615 1623 1631 1639 1647 1655 1663 3500 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 1856 1864 1872 1880 1888 1896 1904 1912 1857 1865 1873 1881 1889 1897 1905 1913 1858 1866 1874 1882 1890 1898 1906 1914 1859 1867 1875 1883 1891 1899 1907 1915 1860 1868 1876 1884 1892 1900 1908' 1916 1861 1869 1877 1885 189.3 1901 1909 1917 1862 1870 1878 1886 1894 1902 1910 1918 1863 1871 1879 1887 1895 1903 1911 1919 1665 1673 1681 1689 1697 1705 1713 1721 1666 1.674 1682 1690 1698 1706 1714 1722 1667 1675 1683 1691 1699 1707 1715 1723 1668 1676 1684 1692 1700 1708 1716 1724 1669 1677 1685 1693 1701 1709 1717 1725 1670 1678 1686 1694 1702 1710 1718 1726 1671 1679 1687 1695 1703 1711 1719' 1727 3600 3610 3620 3630 3640 3650 3660 3670 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1921 1929 1937 1945 1953 1961 1969 1977 1922 1930 1938 1946 1954 1962 1970 1978 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1963 1971 1979 1924 1932 1940 1948 1956 1964 1972 1980 1925 1933 1941 1949 1957 1965 1973 1981 1926 1934 1942 1950 1958 1966 1974 1982 1927 1935 1943 1951 1959 1967 1975 1983 1729 1737 1745 1753 1761 1769 1777 1785 1730 1738 1746 1754 1762 1770 1778 1786 1731 1739 1747 1755 1763 1771 1779 1787 1732 1740 1748 1756 1764 1772 1780 1788 1733 1741 1749 1757 1765 1773 1781 1789 1734 1742 1750 1758 1766 1774 1782 1790 1735 1743 1751 1759 1767 1775 1783 1791 3700 3710 3720 3730 3740 3750 3760 3770 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 2024 2032 2040 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 2033 2041 1986 1994 2002 2010 2018 2026 2034 2042 1987 1995 2003 2011 2019 2027 2035 2043 1988 1996 2004 2012 2020 2028 2036 2044 1989 1997 2005 2013 2021 2029 2037 2045 1990 1998 2006 2014 2022 2030 2038 2046 1991 1999 2007 2015 2023 2031 2039 2047 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 1024 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1025 1033 1041 1049 1057 1065 1073 1081 1026 1034 1042 1050 1058 1066 1074 1082 1027 1035 1043 1051 1059 1067 1075 1083 1028 1036 1044 1052 1060 1068 1076 1084 1029 1037 1045 1053 1061 1069 1077 1085 1030 1038 1046 1054 1062 1070 1078 1086 1031 1039 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1087 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1089 1097 1105 1113 1121 1129 1137 1145 1090 1098 1106 1114 1122 1130 1138 1146 1091 1099 1107 1115 1123 1131 1139 1147 1092 1100 1108 1116 1124 1132 1140 1148 1093 1101 1109 1117 1125 1133 1141 1149 1094 1102 1110 1118 1126 1134 1142 1150 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 1200 1208 1153 1161 1169 1177 1185 1193 1201 1209 1154 1162 1170 1178 1186 1194 1202 1210 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1156 1164 1172 1180 1188 1196 1204 1212 1157 1165 1173 1181 1189 1197 1205 1213 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 1216 1224 1232 1240 1248 1256 1264 1272 1217 1225 1233 1241 1249 1257 1265 1273 1218 1226 1234 1242 1250 1258 1266 1274 1219 1227 1235 1243 1251 1259 1267 1275 1220 1228 1236 1244 1252 1260 1268 1276 0 1 2 3 3000 3010 3020 303.0 3040 3050 3060 3070 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 1537 1545 1553 1561 1569 1577 1585 1593 1538 1546 1554 1562 1570 1578 1586 1594 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 1600 1608 1616 1624 1632 1640 1648 165.6 1601 1609 1617 1625 1633 1641 1649 1657 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 3260 3270 1664 1672 1680 1688 1696 1704 1712 1720 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3360 3370 1728 1736 1744 1752 1760 1768 1776 1784 octal-Decimal Intp.f{er Conversion Table (Sheet 2 of 7) A7-2 2000 to 2777 (Odol) 1024 to 1535 (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1536 to 3000 to 3777 2047 (Octo/) (Decimal) APPENDIX 7 to 2.5.59 (Decimol) Octal Decimal 10000 - .4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 «1000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION 2.560 to .5777 (Octo I) to • 3071 (Decimol) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4470 2304 2312 2320 2328 2338 2344 2352 2380 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2381 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2348 2354 2382 2307 2315 2323 2331 2339 2347 2355 2383 2308 2316 2324 2332 2340 2348 2356 2384 2309 2317 2325 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2310 2318 2326 2334 2342 2350 2358 2388 2311 2319 2327 2335 2343 2351 2359 2387 2119 2127 2135 2143 2151 2159 2167 2175 4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 2368 2378 2384 2392 2400 2408 2416 2424 2389 2377 2385 2393 2401 2409 2417 2425 2370 2378 2386 2394 2402 2410 2418 2426 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2427 2372 2380 2388 2398 2404 2412 2420 2428 2373 2381 2389 2397 2405 2413 2421 2429 2374 2382 2390 2398 2408 2414 2422 2430 2375 2383 2391 2399 2407 2415 2423 2431 2183 2191 2199 2207 2215 2223 2231 2239 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 2432 2440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480 2488 2433 2441 2449 2457 2465 2473 2481 2489 2434 2442 2450 2458 2466 2474 2482 2490 2435 2443 2451 2459 2467 2475 2483 2491 2436 2444 2452 2460 2468 2476 2484 2492 2437 2445 2453 2461 2469 2477 2485 2493 2438 2446 2454 2462 2470 2478 2486 2494 2439 2447 2455 2463 2471 2479 2487 2495 2246 2247 2254 - 2255 2262 2263 2270 2271 2278 2279 2286 2287 2294 2295 2302 2303 4700 4710 4720 4730 4740 4750 4760 4770 2496 2504 2512 2520 2528 2536 2544 2552 2497 2505 2513 2521 2529 2537 2545 2553 2498 2506 2514 2522 2530 2538 2546 2554 2499 2507 2515 2523 2531 2539 2547 2555 2500 2508 2516 2524 2532 2540 2548 2556 2501 2509 2517 2525 2533 2541 2549 2557 2502 2510 2518 2526 2534 2542 2550 2558 2503 2511 2519 2527 2535 2543 2551 2559 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ·2 3 4 5 8 7 4000 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 2048 2058 2084 2072 2080 2088 2098 2104 2049 2057 2085 2073 2081 2089 2097 2105 2050 2058 2088 2074 2082 2090 2098 2106 2051 2059 2087 2075 2083 2091 2099 2107 2052 2080 2088 2078 2084 2092 2100 2108 2053 2081 2089 2077 2085 2093 2101 2109 2054 2082 2070 2078 2086 2094 2102 2110 2055 2083 2071 2079 2087 2095 2103 2111 4100 4110 4120 4130 4140 4150 4160 4170 2112 2120 2128 2136 2144 2152 2160 2168 2113 2121 2129 2137 2145 2153 2161 2169 2114 2122 2130 2138 2146 2154 2162 2170 2115 2123 2131 2139 2147 2155 2163 2171 2116 2124 2132 2140 2148 2156 2164 2172 2117 2125 2133 2141 2149 2157 2165 2173 2118 2126 2134 2142 2150 2158 2166 2174 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 2176 2184 2192 2200 2208 2216 2224 2232 2177 2185 2193 2201 2209 2217 2225 2233 2178 2186 2194 2202 2210 2218 2226 2234 2179 2187 2195 2203 2211 2219 2227 2235 2180 2188 2196 2204 2212 2220 2228 2236 2181 2189 2197 2205 2213 2221 2229 2237 2182 2190 2198 2206 2214 2222 2230 2238 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 2240 2248 2256 2264 2272 2280 2288 2296 2241 2249 2257 2265 2273 2281 2289 2297 2242 2250 2258 2266 2274 2282 2290 2298 2243 2251 2259 2267 2275 2283 2291 2299 2244 2252 2260 2268 2276 2284 2292 2300 2245 2253 2261 2269 2277 2285 2293 2301 0 5000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --- 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 2560 2568 2576 2584 2592 2600 2608 2616 2561 2569 2577 2585 2593 2601 2609 2617 2562 2570 2578 2586 2594 2602 2610 2618 2563 2571 2579 2587 2595 2603 2611 2619 2564 2572 2580 2588 2596 2604 2612 2620 2565 2573 2581 2589 2597 2605 2613 2621 2566 2574 2582 2590 2598 2606 2614 2622 2567 2575 2583 2591 2599 2607 2615 2623 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 2816 2824 2832 2840 2848 2856 2864 2872 2817 2825 2833 2841 2849 2857 2865 2873 2818 2826 2834 2842 2850 2858 2866 2874 2819 2827 2835 2843 2851 2859 2867 2875 2820 2828 2836 2844 2852 2860 2868 2876 2821 2829 2837 2845 2853 2861 2869 2877 2822 2830 2838 2846 2854 2862 2870 2878 2823 2831 2839 2847 2855 2863 2871 2879 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 2624 2632 2640 2648 2656 2664 2672 2680 2625 2633 2641 2649 2657 2665 26.73 2681 2626 2634 2642 2650 2658 2666 2674 2682 2627 2635 2643 2651 2659 2667 2675 2683 2628 2636 2644 2652 2660 2668 2676 2684 2629 2637 2645 2653 2661 2669 2677 2685 2630 2638 2646 2654 2662 2670 2678 2686 2631 2639 2647 2655 2663 2671 2679 2687 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 2880 2888 2896 2904 2912 2920 2928 2936 2881 2889 2897 2905 2913 2921 2929 2937 2882 2890 2898 2906 2914 2922 2930 2938 2883 2891 2899 2907 2915 2923 2931 2939 2884 2892 2900 2908 2916 2924 2932 2940 2885 2893 2901 2909 2917 2925 2933 2941 2886 2894 2902 2910 2918 2926 2934 2942 2887 2895 2903 2911 2919 2927 2935 2943 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 5250 5260 5270 2688 2696 2704 2712 2720 2728 2736 2744 2689 2697 2705 2713 2721 2729 2737 2745 2690 2698 2706 2714 2722 2730 2738 2746 2691 2699 2707 2715 2723 2731 2739 2747 2692 2700 2708 2716 2724 2732 2740 2748 2693 2701 2709 2717 2725 2733 2741 2749 2694 2702 2710 2718 2726 2734 2742 2750 2695 2703 2711 2719 2727 2735 2743 2751 5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670 2944 2952 2960 2968 2976 2984 2992 3000 2945 2953 296.1 2969 2977 2985 2993 3001 2946 2954 2962 2970 2978 2986 2994 3002 2947 2955 2963 2971 2979 2987 2995 3003 2948 2956 2964 2972 2980 2988 2996 3004 2949 2957 2965 2973 2981 2989 2997 3005 2950 2958 2966 2974 2982 2990 2998 3006 2951 2959 2967 2975 2983 2991 2999 3007 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5360 5370 2752 2760 2768 2776 2784 2792 2800 2808 2753 2761 2769 2777 2785 2793 2801 2809 2754 2762 2770 2778 2786 2794 2802 2810 2755 2763 2771 2779 2787 2795 2803 2811 2756 2764 2772 2780 2788 2796 2804 2812 2757 2765 2773 2781 2789 2797 2805 2813 2758 2766 2774 2782 2790 2798 2806 2814 2759 2767 2775 2783 2791 2799 2807 2815 5700 5710 5720 5730 5740 5750 5760 5770 3008 3016 3024 3032 3040 3048 3056 3064 3009 3017 3025 3033 3041 3049 3057 3065 3010 3018 3026 3034 3042 3050 3058 3066 3011 3019 3027 3035 3043 3051 3059 3067 3012 3020 3028 3036 3044 3052 3060 3068 3013 3021 3029 3037 3045 3053 3061 3069 3014 3022 3030 3038 3046 3054 3062 3070 3015 3023 3031 3039 3047 3055 3063 3071 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 3 oj 7) A7-3 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION APPENDIX 7 4 5 6 7 3331 3339 3347 3355 3363 3371 3379 3387 3332 3340 3348 3356 3364 3372 3380 3388 3333 3341 3349 3357 3365 3373 3381 3389 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 3394 3402 3410 3418 3426 3434 3442 3450 3395 3403 3411 3419 3427 3435 3443 3451 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3444 3452 3397 3405 3413 3421 3429 3437 3445 3453 3398 3406 3414 3422 3430 3438 3446 3454 3399 3407 3415 3423 3431 3439 3447 3455 3457 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3461 3469 3477 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 3520 3528 3536 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 3570 3578 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3526 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7400 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 7470 3840 3848 3858 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3841 3849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3844 3852 3860 3868 3a76 3884 3892 3900 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3846 3854 3862 3870 3878 3886 3894 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3655 3663 3671 3679 3687 3695 3703 3711 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7560 7570 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3961 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3908 3916 3924 .i932 3940 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 39~ 3949 3956 3957 3964 3965 3910 3918 3926 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 3718 3726 3734 3742 3750 3758 3766 3774 3719 3727 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 7600 7610 7620 7630 7640 7650 7660 7670 3968 3976 3984 3992 4000 4008 4016 4024 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 3971 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 3973 398r 3989 3997 4005 4013 4021 4029 3974 3982 3990 3998 4006 4014 4022 4030 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 3782 3790 3798 3806 3814 3822 3830 3838 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 7700 7710 7720 7730 7740 7750 7760 7770 4032 4040 4048 4056 4064 4072 4080 4088 4033 4041 4049 4057 4065 4073 4081 4089 4034 4042 4050 4058 4066 4074 4082 4090 4035 4043 4051 4059 4067 4075 4083 4091 4036 4044 4052 4060 4068 4076 4084 4092 4037 4045 4053 4061 4069 4077 4085 4093 4038 4046 4054 4062 4070 4078 4086 4094 4039 4047 4055 4063 4071 4079 4087 4095 0 .1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6000 6010 8020 6030 6040 8050 8060 6070 30n 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 3120 3128 3073 3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 8400 6410 8420 8430 6440 6450 6460 6470 3328 3338 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3329 3337 3345 3353 3381 3369 3377 3385 3330 3338 3346 3354 3362 3370 3378 3386 6100 6110 6120 8130 6140 8150 8160 8170 3138 3144 3152 3160 3168 3176 3184 3192 3137 3145 3153 3181 3189 3177 3185 3193 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3142 3150 3158 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 3143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 3392 3400 3408 3416 3424 3432 3440 3448 3393 3401 3409 3417 3425 3433 3441 3449 8200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6270 3200 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3201 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3202 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 326a 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 3264 3272 3280 3288 3296 3304 3312 3320 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3266 3274 3282 3290 3298 3306 3314 3322 3267 3275 3283 3291 3299 3307 3315 3323 3268 3276 3284 3292 3300 3308 3316 3324 3269 3277 3285 3293 3301 3309 3317 3325 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 3319 3327 6700 6710 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7000 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 3584 3592 3600 3608 3616 3624 3632 3640 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3586 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3587 3595 3603 3611 3619 3627 3635 3643 3588 3596 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3644 3589 3597 3605 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3590 3598 3606 3614 3622 3630 3638 3646 3591 3599 3607 3615 3623 3631 3639 3647 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 7170 3648 3656 3664 3672 3680 3688 3696 3704 3649 3657 3665 3673 3681 3689 3697 3705 3650 3658 3666 3674 3682 3690 3698 3706 3651 3659 3667 3675 3683 3691 3699 3707 3652 3660 3668 3676 3684 3692 3700 3708 3653 3661 3669 3677 3685 3693 3701 3709 3654 3662 3670 3678 3686 3694 3702 3710 7200 7210 7220 7230 7240 7250 7260 7270 3712 3720 3728 3736 3744 3752 3760 3768 3713 3721 3729 3737 3745 3753 3761 3769 3714 3722 3730 3738 3746 3754 3762 3770 3715 3723 3731 3739 3747 3755 3763 3771 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3756 3764 3772 3717 3725 3733 3741 3749 3757 3765 3773 7300 7310 7320 7330 7340 7350 7360 7370 3776 3784 3.792 3800 38{)8 3816 3824 3832 3777 37.&5 3793 3801 3809 3817 3825 3833 3778 3786 3794 3802 3810 3818 3826 3834 3779 3787 3795 3803 3811 3819 3827 3835 3780 3788 3796 3804 3812 3820 3828 3836 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 3 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 40/7) A7-4 6000 3072 ta ta 6777 3583 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000· .4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 40000 • 16384 50000 • 20480 60000· 2.4576 70000 • 28672 7000 3584 ta ta 7777 4095 (Octal) (Decimal) APPENDIX 7 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .030 .031 .032 .033 .000000 .001953 .003906 .005859 .007812 .009765 ;011718 .0131171 .015625 .017578 .019531 .021484 .023437 .025390 .027343 .029296 .031250 .0:i3203 .035156 .037109 .039062 .041015 .042968 .044921 .046875 .048828 .050781 .052734 .054687 .056640 .058593 .060546 .062S00 .064453 .066406 .068359 .070312 .072265 .074218 .076171 .078125 .080078 .082031 .083984 .085937 .087_ .089843 .091796 .0t3750 ._703 ..10ll6J .loasl1 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .130 .131 .132 ,133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .140 .141 .142 .143 .144 .145 .146 .147 .156 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .160 .161 .162 .163 .184 .165 .10CS4l8 .IM .107421 .10t3T1S .111328 .113281 .115234 .117187 .119140 .1210t3 .123046 .167 .170 .171 .172 .173 .174 .175 .176 .1,., .125000 .126953 .128906 .130859 .132812 .134765 .136718 .138671 .140625 .142578 .144531 .146484 .148437 .150390 .152343 .154296 .156250 .158203 .160156 .162109 .164062 .166015 .167968 .169921 .171875 .173828 .175781 .177734 .179687 .181840 .183593 .185546 .187500 .189453 .191406 .193359 .i95312 .197265 .199218 .201171 .203125 .205078 .207031 .208984 .210937 .212890 .214843 .216796 .218750 .220703 .222656 .224609 .226562 .228511 .230468 .232421 .234375 .236328 .238281 .240234 .242187 .244140 .246093 .248046 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245 .246 .247 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .260 .261 .262 .283 .264 .265 .266 .267 .270 .271 .272 .273 .274 .2TS .276 .2,., .250000 .251953 .253906 .255859 .257812 .259765 .261718 .263671 .265625 .267578 .269531 .271484 .273437 .275390 .277343 .279296 .281250 .283203 .285156 .287109 .289062 .291015 .292968 .294921 .296875 .298828 .300781 .302734 .304687 .306840 .308593 .310546 .312500 .314453 .318406 .318359 .320312 .322265 .324218 .326171 .328125 .330078 .332031 .333984 .335937 .337890 .339843 .341796 .343750 .345703 .347656 .349609 .351562 .353111 .355468 .357421 .359375 .361328 .363281 .365234 .367187 .369140 .371093 .373046 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 .305 .306 .307 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 .326 .327 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 .350 .351 .352 .353 .354 .355 .356 .357 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 .370 .371 .372 .373 .374 .375 .376 .377 .375000 .376953 .378906 .380859 .382812 .384765 .386718 .388671 .390625 .392578 .394531 .396484 .398437 .400390 .402343 .404296 .406250 .408203 .410156 .412109 .414062 .416015 .417968 .419921 .421875 .423828 .426781 .427734 .429687 .431640 .433593 .435546 .437500 .439453 .441406 .443359 .445312 .447265 .449218 .451171 .453125 .455678 .457031 .458984 .460937 .462890 .464843 .466796 .468750 .470703 .472656 .474609 .476562 .478515 .480468 .482421 .484375 .486328 .488281 .490234 .492187 .494140 .496093 .498046 ..034 .1135 .037 .040 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .046 .047 .OSO .051 ..053 .054 .055 .056 .057 •• .Ml .062 .062 .OM .115 .... ...7 .070 .071 .012 .073 .17" .075 • ITS • OTT .097U6 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 5 oj 7) A7-5 OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION APPENDIX 7 OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .000000 .000001 .000002 .000003 .000004 .000005 .000006 .000007 .000010 .000011 .000012 .000013 .000014 .000015 .000016 .000017 .000020 .000000 .000003 .000007 .000011 .000015 .000100 .000101 .000102 .000103 .000104 .000244 .000247 .000251 .000255 .000200 .000201 .000202 .000203 .000204 .000019 .000105 .000106 .000488 .000492 .000495 .000499 .000503 .000507 .000511 .000514 .000518 .000522 .000526 .000530 .000534 .000537 .000541 .000545 .000300 .000301 .000302 .000303 .000304 .000305 .000306 .000307 .000310 .00031l .000312 .000313 .000314 .000315 .000316 .000317 .000320 .000732 .000736 .000740 .000743 .000747 .000751 .000021 .000022 .000023 .000024 .000025 .000026 .000027 .000030 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000034 .000035 .000038 .000037 .000040 .000041 .000042 .000043 .000044 .000045 .000046 .000047 .000050 .000051 .000052 .000053 .000054 .000066 .000022 .000026 .000030 .000034 .000038 .000041 .000045 .00/)049 .000053 .000057 .000061 .000084 .000068 .000072 .000076 .000080 .000083 .000087 .000091 .000095 .000099 .000102 .000106 .000110 .000114 .000118 •. 000122 .000125 .000129 .000133 .000137 .000107 .000110 .000111 .0001l2 .000113 .000114 .000115 .000116 .000117 .000120 .000121 .000122 .000123 .000124 .000125 .000126 .000127 .000130 .000131 .000132 .000133 .000134 .000135 .000136 .000137 .000140 .000141 .000142 .000143 .000144 .000141 .000145 .000144 .000148 .000152 .000156 ';000160 .000184 .000167 .000171 .000146 .000147 .000150 .000151 .000152 .000153 .0001M .000155 .000156 .000157 .000160 .000161 .000182 .000163 .000184 .000165 .000166 .000167 .000170 .000171 .000172 .000173 .000174 .000175 .000176 .000177 .000056 .000175 .000057 .000060 .000061 .000062 .000083 .000084 .00006& .000068 .000067 .000070 .000071 .000072 .000073 .000074 .000075 .000076 .000077 .000179 .000183 .000186 .000190 .000194 .000198 .000201 .000106 .000209 .000213 .000217 .00001 .ooom .000228 .000232 .000236 .000240 .000259 .000263 .000267 .000270 .000274 .000278 .000282 .000286 .000289 .000293 .000297 .000301 .000305 .000308 .000312 .000318 .000320 .000324 .000328 .000331 .000335 .000339 .000343 .000347 .000350 .000354 .000358 .000362 .000386 .000370 .000373 .000377 .000381 .000385 .000389 .000392 .000396 .000400 .000404 .000408 .000411 .000415 .000419 .000423 .000427 .000431 .000434 .000438 .000442 .000446 .00Cl45O .000453 .000457 .000461 .000465 .000469 .000473 .000476 .000480 .000484 .000205 .00020$ .000207 .000210 .000211 .000212 .000213 .000214 .000215 .000216 .000217 .000220 .000221 .000222 .000223 .000224 .000225 .000226 .000227 .000230 .000231 .000232 .000233 .000234 .'000235 .000236 .000237 .000240 .000241 .000242 .000243 .000244 .000245 .000246 .000247 .000250 .000251 .000252 .0002113 .0002&4 .000255 .000256 .000267 .000260 .000261 .000282 .000283 .000184 .000185 .000266 .000267 .000270 .000171 .000272 .000273 .000274 .000275 .000276 .000277 .000549 .000553 .000556 .00Q560 .000584 .000568 .000572 .000576 .000579 .000583 .000587 .000591 .000595 .000598 .000602 .000606 .000610 .000614 .000617 .000621 .000625 .000629 .000633 .000637 .000840 .000644 .000848 .000652 .000656 .0006&9 .000863 .000687 .000671 .000675 .000679 .000682 .000686 .000690 .000694 .000698 .000701 .000705 .000709 .000713 .000717 .000710 .000724 .000728 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 6 oj 7) A7-6 .000321 .000322 .000323 .000324 -.000325 .000326 .000327 .000330 .000331 .000332 .000333 .000334 .000335 .000336 .000337 .000340 .000341 .000342 .000343 .000344 .000345 .000346 .000347 .000350 .000351 .000352 .000353 .000354 .000355 .000356 ,.000357 .000360 .000361 .000362 .000363 .000384 .000365 .000366 .000367 .000370 .000371 .000371 .000373 .000374 .000375 .000376 .000377 .000755 .000759 .000762 .000766 .000770 .000774 .000778 .000782 .000785 .000789 .000793 .000797 .000801 .000805 .000808 .000812 .000816 .000820 .000823 .000827 .000831 .000835 .000839 .000843 .000846 .000850 .000854 .000858 .000862 .000865 .000869 .000873 .000877 .000881 .000885 .000888 .0~892 .000896 .00C!900 .000904 .000907 .00091l .000915 .000919 .000923 .000926 .000930 .000934 .000938 .000942 .000946 .000949 .000953 .000957 .000961 .000965 .000968 .000972 j OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION APPENDIX 7 OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. . . ,. . . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , .0.0.1220. .0.0.1224 .0.0.,1228 .0.0.1232 .0.0.1235 .0.0.1239 .0.0.1243 .0.0.1247 .0.0.1251 .0.0.1255 .0.0.1258 ,90.1262 ,0.0.1266 .0.0.1270. .0.0.1274 ,0.0.1277 . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . .0.0.1464 .0.0.1468 .0.0.1472 .0.0.1476 .0.0.1480. .0.0.1483 .0.0.1487 .0.0.1491 .0.0.1495 .0.0.1499 . . ,90.1510. ,0.0.1514 ,0.0.1518 ,0.0.1522 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . .0.0.1712 .0.0.1716 .0.0.1720. .0.0.1724 .0.0.1728 .0.0.1731 .I}D1735 .0.0.1739 .0.0.1743 .0.0.1747 ,0.0.1750. ,90.1754 .0.0.1758 ,0.0.1762 .0.0.1766 , . , . , . , , . , . . , , , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .0.00.462 . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . , , . . . , . , , , . . , , . . . , , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .00.0.561 , . . . ,, . . . , . , . , . ,0.0.1281 ,0.0.1285 ,0.0.1289 .0.01293 .0.0.1296 , . . .0.0.1312 .0.0.1316 .0.0.1319 .0.0.1323 .0.0.1327 .0.0.1331 .0.0.1335 .0.0.1338 ,0.0.1342 .0.0.1346 .0.0.1350. .0.0.1354 ,0.0.1358 .0.0.1361 .0.0.1365 .0.0.1369 .0.0.1373 .0.0.1377 .0.0.1380. .0.0.1384 .0.0.1388 .0.0.1392 .0.0.1396 .0.0.1399 . . .0.0.1411 .0.0.1415 ,0.0.1419 .0.0.1422 .0.0.1426 .0.0.1430. .0.0.1434 .0.0.1438 .0.0.1441 .0.0.1445 .0.0.1449 .0.0.1453 ,0.0.1457 .0.0.1461 , , . , . . . , , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . .80.0.651 . . . . . . .0.0.0660. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,0.0.1525 .0.0.1529 .0.0.1533 ,0.0.1537 .0.0.1541 .0.0.1544 ,0.0.1548 ,0.0.1552 .0.0.1556 ,0.0.1560. .0.0.1564 .0.0.1567 ,0.0.1571 .0.0.1575 ,0.0.1579 ,0.0.1583 .0.0.1586 .0.0.1590. .0.0.1594 .0.0.1598 . . . .0.0.1613 ,0.0.1617 .0.0.1621 .0.0.1625 .0.0.1628 .0.0.1632 ,0.0.1636 .0.0.1640. .0.0.1644 .0.0.1647 .0.0.1651 .0.0.1655 .0.0.1659 .0.0.1663 .0.0.1667 .0.0.1670. .0.0.1674 .0.0.1678 .0.0.1682 .0.0.1686 .0.0.1689 .0.0.1693 ,0.0.1697 . , . . . . , . , . . . . , . , , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . .0.00756 . . . .00.0.762 . . , . . . .0.00771 , . . . , , ,0.0.1770. .0.0.1773 ,0.0.1777 ,0.0.1781 ,0.0.1785 .0.0.1789 .0.0.1792 .0.0.1796 . . . .0.0.1811 .0.0.1815 .0.0.1819 ,0.0.1823 ,0.0.1827 .0.0.1831 ,0.0.1834 .0.0.1838 .0.0.1842 .0.0.1846 .0.0.1850. .0.0.1853 .0.0.1857 .0.0.1861 .0.0.1865 .0.0.1869 .0.0.1873 .0.0.1876 .0.0.1880. .0.0.1884 .0.0.1888 .0.0.1892 .0.0.1895 ,0.0.1899 . . .0.0.1911 .0.0.1914 .0.0.1918 ,0.0.1922 .0.0.1926 .0.0.1930. :0.0.1934 .0.0.1937 .0.0.1941 .0.0.1945 .0.0.1949 . . .0.0.1196 .0.0.1110. .0.0.1113 .0.0.1117 .0.0.1121 .0.0.1125 .0.0.1129 .0.0.1132 .0.0.1136 .0.0.1140. .0.0.1144 .0.0.1148 .0.0.1152 .0.0.1155 .0.0.1159 .0.0.1163 .0.0.1167 .0.0.1171 .0.0.1174 .0.0.1178 .0.0.1182 .0.0.1186 .0.0.1190. .0.0.1194 .0.0.1197 , , . .0.0.1213 .0.0.1216 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table (Sheet 7 of 7) A7-7/A7-8 APPENDIX 8 HOLLERITH CARD CODES 8400 Graphics ti (ZERO) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BLANK = I : > ../ + A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < + NOTES: Standard Hollerith Card Codes Internal Binary Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-0 12-8-3 12-8-4 12-8-5 12-8-6 12-8-7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 8400 Graphics - J K L M N 0 P Q R ! $ * J ; ~ BLANK / S T U V W X y Z ,+ ,.,..( \ -H+- standard Hollerith Card Codes Internal Binary Code 11 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-0 11-8-3 11-8-4 11-8-5 11-8-6 11-8-7 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 NO PUNCH 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-8-2 0-8-3 0-8-4 0-8-5 0-8-6 0-8-7 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 1. In the binary mode do.tafrom a card reader is transferred without conversion. Each Card column is divided into two characters. Either 4- or 6-bit characters will be transferred depending upon the format option specified. 2. In the Hollerith mode do.ta from the card reader (assumed to be in BCD codes) is automatically converted to collating codes. 3. Data to a card punch is presented in collating code - character by character in the same manner as to the line printer. 4. No parity bit is presented with do.ta to/from card equipment. Error and code validity checks are performed at the respective card device. A8-1/A8-2 PREPARED BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PROGRAM TITLE _ _ _ _ _ ~ PHONE _ _ __ DATE _ _ _ _ _ PROJECT _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PAGE _ _ _ _ _ OF _ _ _ _ __ ~~116I'I.191"1111"113I14I""I"I1811YIN'"lnl"I":,, 12 11 0, ,T,T, IT, ~, I~, ,• IT, I~ T, IT, I., IT T, +-'-.J..-f''-H ,-+"'I.~+_'_~,j~y-~_M~IL___'___fJ.""---'-- 1 ~~~~~y~~~IL-y,~¥~~~~-~~~"-~~~~-~I~~,~~I~~~1mIHr~IX~",~~~-I"-~~~ ~~~12~~T~IT~,~~I~T,~IT~,~~I~T~~~-~~~~~I~T~~~~~~~+~~I~T~+-'-~+ __ ~~~~1. 8~~~~ . C, IR, T ~,-I~, H, E, 0, ,0 Iw 10, 10, Iw, 10, Iw, 10, Iw 10, IRI 101 Iw, 10 10 :0, 17 ! I L_~~~~'~~~L~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~2 L I I ! ! ! _~_~'~~IL_L ! I "~_~,~~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~~,~~,~~~_~~~~~4_~~-"-i,~~2 22~,-,~~,~~~-~,-~,~~~,~~~L.-,-~~,~-~~~,~~~~~-~~~~,~,~,~~,~~1~~~,-,~~~~~~_r~~-~~_42 23rt'-~~~~L~~L~~"-~~_~_.L.~~~J~~~,~~~~~~,~~~,~,~~~~,~_,~~~~~~,~~+~~~~" 24 f--'--~~++L.,L.! 25 , " l' '/'/' /' 1'1' I , I J L~'--'--'-~L.L--..-L' I ", ! __ L.~L_~~~~,'~~~~~,~~~,~~_~~~~~,.L.L_L~~~'"-+~ -'-'~~-'--'--j2 , '/"/' /"/13/14 /"/,,/,,/,/,,/20/"1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,/,,/,,/,,/,,/,,/32/33/,, /"/"/"/"/"/"/"/ ,,/,,1 ... I",I" 1,,/.++-/, 1"/"/ "/"/"/"/"/ "/"/"/ APPENDIX 10 PAPER TAPE FORMAT Corresponding Contents of Memory Example 0 0 0 0 '-77777/' -77777B 0 0 0 0 0 Example '12345/' 54321R 0 0 Stop Code 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 000 0 0 0 0 Left Exec Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } } Left Half Word Right Exec Bit Right Half Word 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Paper Tape Format For 4 Bit Mode with Exec Bits Parity Channel AlO-l/AlO-2 APPENDIX 11 TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC 1. THE TWO'S COMPLEMENTS SYSTEM 3. TRUNCATION AND ROUND-OFF In the sign-magnitude system, the sign bit has a value In the natural, real number system, a given number X of -1 or ±1. The sign is multiplied by the value repre- can assume any value on the continuous range - ro :;:; x sented by the magnitude bits to form the implied num- Natural numbers have infinite precision (i. e., their ber. representation requires an infinite number of digits). :;:;. The numbers that the digital computer must deal with : In two's complements, the sign bit has a variable negative weight, depending on the position of the binary point. The weight of the sign is added to the value repre.sented by the magnitude bits to form the implied number. are finite-precision, quantized numbers. We shall refer to these as "digital" or "synthetic" numbers. Digital numbers are evidently a function of the continuous natural argument X. Two such consistent functions are: y= The Representation of a 2's Complements Number If b s is the content of the sign bit, and bj the content of any other bit in position j, the number N represented Y= These functions (Figure 1) are defined as follows: In L. I., if n is an integer, y = n-l for n-l :;:; x 0, but y = n-l = n for n-l < x < n, x < o. j j=1 In the discussion above and in the following, we assume y to have integer values only (binary point to the right Note that the summation in the equation is always of least significant bit of A register, say). This does positive. not detract from the generality of the results. To convert the y values to fractions, simply multiply by 2- 15 • 2. RANGE OF NUMBERS In the 8400, the "lease integer" functions, y Let the binary point be immediately to the right of the sign bit (n 1-2 -m = 0). Then m bits can represent -1 :;:; N :;:; • Note that -1 is inside the range (bs = 1, bj = 0), but +1 is not. = lxJ, is used, as this is most compatible with two's complement notation. The "a symetry" in the range of numbers, discussed in Section 2. 1 can now be seen as a direct consequence of the L. I. function. AU-l TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC APPENDIX 11 y Y -3 -2 -I 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 -\ -----------~---------X 234 y= I -\ -I -2 -3 -4 -2 2 3 4 X -3 -4 y= rxl lX J --------r--+~---------X A less-consistent scheme, often used in sign-magnitude computers. Here y = (sgn x) (lxl). Figure All.l. Digital Numbers as Functions oj Continuous Natural Numbers Yr 4 3 2 ~--~~---;----~~--~------. %%% X -\ -2 -3 -4 Figure All. 2. Rounded Digital Numbers as a Function oj Natural Numbers Al1-2 TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC APPENDIX 11 Truncation It is also quite easy to get the function (sgn x) ~x~ (Fig- ure 2) by doing: lJ The implication of the y = x function is that when an (operation resulting in A:AE) 8400 number is truncated, it automatically assumes its "least integer" value. Thus dividing 1 (bit 15 = 1, all others zero) by 2 (ASH 1) results in the natural number O. 5., which, truncated, becomes ze~o. On the EXL ADD ST SAVE other hand, the number -1 (b = b. = 1 in the first exs J . ample, vis all bits high) when divided by 2 results in ADD AD the natural number -0. 5, which the 8400 truncates to -1. =1 Note, in particular, that the 1ST instruction will truncate (i. e., get the "least integer in x") a floating-point Round-Off number prior to storing. The schemes just discussed To round a number, one can use the SR instruction. For example, doing of obtaining other types of truncation are particularly useful here. For example, a floating point number can be "greatest-integer" truncated by EASH k SR o FCA NUMBER lAD =1 1ST will divide the number in the A register by 2k and round it. The rounded function yr appears as in Figure 2. or "sign-magnitude" truncated by The function yr is defined as y r = llx I - 1/2 J. Thus O. 5 yields 0 for the truncated result, but 1 for the FCA NUMBER EXL ADD 1ST rounded r-esult and -0.5 yields -1 truncated and 0 rounded. Note that the error committed in round-off is E r ADD lAD 2 O. 5. Programming for C. I. and "Sign-Magnitude" r If the programmer needs y = xl, he can simply do: (operation resulting in A:AE) AD = 1 ST = GI 4. =1 SIDFTS Left shifts must have zero-fill for low order bits. Right shifts must have sign-fill for high order bits. The need for sign fill in right shifts is that a right shift of k is a division by 2k of the magnitude bits if they are zero filled in the vacated high order bits. As the sign bit is an additive value in two's complement it must also A11-3 TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC APPENDIX 11 EST and DST set to corresponding sign bit in memory be divided by two and added to the shifted mantissa. Note that _zn/Zk = _Zn-k which is represented in two's to the value of the sign bit of AE(AD). All other arith- complement as a one in the sign bit position followed metic operations ignore this bit. by k one's. Adding this value in gives the appearance When X is to be treated as.two separate single preci- of a sign fill in vacated high order bits. sion numbers, their sum must clearly add up to X. That is, 5. OVERFLOWS X = (A) + (AE) • 2- 15 An overflow indicates that the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the permissible range of the computer. In two's complement, the overflow V is defined It should be clear that, unless the sign of AE is zero, the equation is not satisfied. as the exclusive -OR of the carry C and the drop-off D: Similar considerations show that the sign of the AD register must be zero if the content of that register is V=CD+CD to be operated on by F-type instructions. where D is a carry from bit position S. That this defini- tion is correct can be quickly verified by noting that, if a number has b s = b 1 = 1, it cannot be more positive then -0. 5, so it is well within the permissible range Note that a single-precision number which is to become the least-significant portion of an extended-precision number is treated as follows and will remain so when shifted left once (multiplied by 2). Thus, a carry accompanied by a drop-off is not an overflow, and, of course, neither is C = D = O. A CA LO EASH 15 carry without a drop-off signifies a positive overflow, while a drop-off without a carry indicates a negative cision you do overflow. 6. To convert a single preCision number to extended pre- MULTIPLE PRECISION CA HO LDAE =0 An extended precision number X can be regarded as a single number. In fact, all legitimate extended (E) and double-floating (D) instructions of the 8400 re- Converting a single preCision floating point number to double can be done by clearing the AD register: gard numbers in this way; that is, the computer effectively ignores the sign of the AE (AD) registers in all legitimate operations (including properlY,,:,programmed FCAU NUMBER FMPU = '40000/1 DST combat subroutines). or MP and ASH, EASH, reset the sign of AE, ECA, ECS, $DCAU DCA, DCAU, DCS, and DCSU set the sign bit of the FCAU AE(AD) as the corresponding memory bit was set. DST Al1-4 =0 $ Operation Time is in Microseconds, and Includes Instruction Fetch (1) 32 Bit Fit. pt. Operand Address (Prefix F) 56 Bit FIt. pt. (Prefix D) 16 32 Bit Integer (Prefix I) 16 Bit Fix. Pt. (Prefix [Blank]) 32 Bit Fix Pt. (Prefix E) 16 Bit Index (Prefix X) Indexing OP M, (X) . Indirect Addressing OP M Save -- $ OPM Arithmetic CA, AD CS, SB I! HIGH SPEED REGlBTERS 1$ (2) MEMORY MP I! HIGH SPEED REGlBTERS 1 $ MEMORY 3.89 NA 3.89 3.06 NA 3.06 4.17 4.72 4.17 3.33 3.89 3.33 5.28 8.06*' 5.28 4.45 5.28* 4.45 6.67 By Sub 6.67 5.28 By Sub By Sub 6.94 By Sub 6.94 5.56 By Sub By Sub 8.06 By Sub 8.06 6.67 By Sub By Sub For each level of indexing For each level of indirect addressing For a prefiXed Save Add.561IH.S. Register Addressed *no additional time required. Add 0 Add .281I MEM addressed except . . Add • 56 Add. 28 except it Save also addressed ($ 01'$) Add 2.00 Add .56 CD, DV HIGH SPEED REGISTERS CP HIGH SPEED REGlBTERS 10.00 By Sub 10.00 7.78 By Sub By Sub 1$ 10.28 By Sub 10.28 8.06 By Sub By Sub 11.39 By Sub 11.39 9.17 By Sub By Sub I~ 3.89 By Sub .3.89 3.33 By Sub 1$ 4.17 By Sub 4.17 3.61 By Sub 3.61 5.28 By Sub 5.28 4.72 By Sub 4.72 MEMORY ST MEMORY SR HIGH SPEED REGlBTERS MEMORY I+ EXAMPLES, $DST Mov. X = 5.84 DST Mov. X '" 4. 72 I~ MEMORY 1. Time shown for arithmetic operations is minimum execution tlme and does not include pre- alignment or post normalization. For each pre-alignment or post normalization-add 0.28 !-Lsec. 4.17 6.11 5.00 4.17 4.17 3.06 By Sub 3.33 2.78 By Sub = .56 .56 5.84 $CA = 3.X CA=3 $ X 3.33 4.17 = X =3.90 = 3.06 = .28 =~ 3.90. Add.56 Add 2.00 Add.56 $FMP $, X FMP$ $ (OP$) X = 6.94 = .56 =~ = 8.06 8.06 By Sub 2. High Speed Registers Are: 4.72 By Sub 5.00 4.45 By Sub By Sub + Self addressing accumulator Immediate addressing (16 Bit Operand field of instruction Reg. ) Save Register > ...... l\) I ...... >...... l\) I l\)
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