Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide, Version 6.7.0 DPQ2160DOCSIS20 821 0968 10
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Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide Part No. 821-0968-10 July 2010 Revision A Copyright © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. 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AMD, Opteron, le logo AMD et le logo AMD Opteron sont des marques ou des marques déposées d’Advanced Micro Devices. Intel et Intel Xeon sont des marques ou des marques déposées d’Intel Corporation. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques ou des marques déposées de SPARC International, Inc. UNIX est une marque déposée concédée sous licence par X/Open Company, Ltd. Ce logiciel ou matériel et la documentation qui l’accompagne peuvent fournir des informations ou des liens donnant accès à des contenus, des produits et des services émanant de tiers. Oracle Corporation et ses affiliés déclinent toute responsabilité ou garantie expresse quant aux contenus, produits ou services émanant de tiers. En aucun cas, Oracle Corporation et ses affiliés ne sauraient être tenus pour responsables des pertes subies, des coûts occasionnés ou des dommages causés par l’accès à des contenus, produits ou services tiers, ou à leur utilisation. Please Recycle Contents Preface v 1. Overview 2. Common Tasks 3. Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 4. Configuration Commands for Arrays with RAID Controllers 5. SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands for JBOD Arrays Index 1 17 29 81 207 235 iii iv Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Preface The Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide, Version 6.7.0 describes the commands in the sscs command-line interface (CLI) for Oracle’s Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems, and Sun Blade 6000 disk module. Related Documentation Oracle’s Sun Storage Common Array Manager includes the following documentation integrated within the software: ■ Sun Storage Common Array Manager online help Available via the “Help” button within the Sun Storage Common Array Manager browser interface. ■ Service Advisor Provides guided, FRU-replacement procedures with system feedback for all arrays. You can access Service Advisor from the Sun Storage Common Array Manager browser interface. ■ sscs man page commands Provides help on man page commands available on a management host or on a remote CLI client. v The following documents provide additional information related to Sun Storage Common Array Manager: Application Title Software installation, operation, and configuration information Sun Storage Common Array Manager Software Installation and Setup Guide Late-breaking information not included in the information set Sun Storage Common Array Manager Release Notes Release Notes for your array hardware Documentation, Support and Training You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of documentation, including localized versions, at the following locations. Note – Due to Oracle’s acquisition of Sun Microsystems, URLs mentioned throughout this document may eventually become obsolete. If you find a URL link does not work, refer to the latest Sun Storage Common Array Manager Release Notes version for updates concerning URL changes. Support information for this product can be found at: Training information for this product can be found at: If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to: vi Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Documentation Feedback Submit comments about this document by clicking the Feedback[+] link at Include the title and part number of your document with your feedback: Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide, Version 6.7.0, part number 821-0968-10. Preface vii viii Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 CHAPTER 1 Overview This chapter provides an overview of the sscs administration command for StorageTek and Sun Storage arrays. It contains the following sections: ■ “Overview of the sscs Command” on page 1 ■ “Understanding Command Syntax” on page 2 ■ “Getting Help with Commands and Their Syntax” on page 4 ■ “Logging In to the sscs Environment” on page 6 ■ “Exit Status Codes” on page 6 ■ “Command Quick Reference” on page 7 Overview of the sscs Command The sscs command-line interface (CLI) enables you to manage and monitor disk arrays. The CLI can be installed on a local data host or a remote management host. ■ Local CLI This is the version used in a CLI-only installation of Sun Storage Common Array Manager, and should be used if you are root user on the local host. This version does not pass commands through the web server and provides better performance by eliminating the need to authenticate the user. There is no guestonly version of the local sscs command. Directory locations for local CLI: ■ Solaris: /opt/SUNWstkcam/bin/sscs ■ Linux: /opt/sun/cam/bin/sscs ■ Windows: Program Files\Sun\Common Array Manager\bin 1 ■ Remote CLI This version is required if you are not on the Sun Storage Common Array Manager management station or if you must authenticate as a non-root user. This version passes all requests through the web server, and is more secure than the Local CLI since all traffic is encrypted. Directory locations for remote CLI: ■ Solaris: /opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs ■ Linux: /opt/sun/cam/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs ■ 32 Bit Windows: c:\Program Files\Sun\Common Array Manager\ Component\sscs\bin ■ 64 Bit Windows: c:\Program Files (x86)\Sun\Common Array Manager\ Component\sscs\bin Note – When using the remote CLI with Windows, list parameters in commands must be enclosed in double quotes. For example: sscs list template "F5100-dual-host,J4500-quad-host" Understanding Command Syntax Type the sscs command with its options from a terminal command line. You can use only the indicated option or options for that subcommand. TABLE 1-1 describes the conventions that apply to the subcommands and variables. TABLE 1-1 Syntax Conventions for sscs Commands Convention Description Bold Text in bold should be typed exactly as shown. Italic Text in italics is variable and should be replaced with the name or value used at your site. Multiple variables can be separated by a comma, but not with a space. Example: sscs list volume TestVOL,fvm13311 2 [ ] (square brackets) Text in square brackets is optional. | (vertical bar) Text separated by a vertical bar is exclusive. Specify only one of the options. Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-1 Syntax Conventions for sscs Commands (Continued) Convention Description { } (braces) Text inside braces is a required argument. Numbers in braces, e.g. {0} and {1}, represent variables in some error messages. Short and long names The sscs command accepts short or long names for each option. Short name options require a single hyphen (-). Long name options require a double hyphen (--). Special characters in names Do not use spaces, commas, colons (:), or the special characters ?,*,!,@,%, or & as a character in any name you specify unless you are prepared to escape them in the shell. Any characters that you enclose within quotation marks are acceptable for names. Note – Command syntax can vary based upon the array type (e.g., F5100, 6140, etc.) and specific array names as related to installed firmware versions. See TABLE 1-2 for proper usage of the --help command to obtain the correct syntax for an array type or specific array name. Chapter 1 Overview 3 Getting Help with Commands and Their Syntax Use the --help or -H command to view all available commands, subcommands, and their syntax. TABLE 1-2 describes how to use the --help command: TABLE 1-2 4 How to Use the --help Command Task Command Syntax Display a command list nonspecific to an array type. sscs --help Display a command list specific to an array type or array name. sscs -H -aCommand example: sscs --help -a 2510 Sample Command Output: add create delete disable enable ... revive service snapshoot unmap unregister Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-2 How to Use the --help Command (Continued) Task Command Syntax Display the subcommands sscs -H -a available for a command for a specific array type or array Command example: name. sscs list --help -a jbod1 Sample Command Output: alarm array device ... storage-system template userrole Display syntax for a command/subcommand pair for a specific array type or array name. sscs --help -a Command example: sscs list --help -a j4400 alarm Sample Command Output: list [-s|--severity <0|1|2|3>] [-f|-faultdevtype <2510|2530|2540|j4200|j4400|j4500|F5100|6120|6 130|6140|6540|6580|6780|FLX240|FLX280|FLX380|B 6000|NEM|...>] [-a|--advisor] [-S|--Summary] alarm [string[,string...]] Chapter 1 Overview 5 Logging In to the sscs Environment If you are using the local CLI, no login is required; however, you must have root access in Solaris and Linux or administrator privileges in Windows. A login is required when you use the remote CLI. To log into the remote CLI, follow these steps: 1. From a terminal window, log in to the management host where sscs resides. 2. Enter the following commands: # cd CLI_directory Refer to “Overview of the sscs Command” on page 1 for directory information. # ./sscs login -h localhost -u 3. Enter the password for your sscs user account. For further details about logging in to the sscs using the remote CLI, see the login command and all of its options, go to “login” on page 58. Exit Status Codes Upon command completion, the sscs CLI reports the following exit status codes: TABLE 1-3 6 Exit Status Codes Exit Status Code Description 0 Successful completion 15 Object not found error 25 Command parsing failure 30 Command validation error 50 Application error 75 System error 100 Nonspecific error Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Command Quick Reference There are three categories of CLI commands: ■ Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays These commands are supported on all arrays supported by Sun Storage Common Array Manager, with only a few noted exceptions. ■ Configuration Commands for Arrays with RAID Controllers These commands are supported only on those arrays that have one or more RAID controllers. ■ SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands for JBOD Arrays These commands are supported only on Sun just-a-bunch-of-disks (JBOD) arrays and are specific to Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) domain access configuration. For a complete listing of arrays supported by Sun Storage Common Array Manager, refer to the release notes for the version you are using. Monitoring and General Administration Commands The following table lists the commands used to monitor the array and perform general administration tasks. These commands are for all Sun arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems, and Sun Blade 6000 disk module. TABLE 1-4 Monitoring and General Administration Commands Command Description add notification Set up email or SNMP trap notification. add registeredarray Discovers an array or all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them. add userrole Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user privileges. list alarm Provides detailed information on a specified alarm or summary information on all alarms. list array Lists detailed information about specified arrays or all array names. Chapter 1 Overview 7 TABLE 1-4 8 Monitoring and General Administration Commands (Continued) Command Description list date Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds. (Not supported by J4500 and B6000 JBODs.) list device List the details of a device or the devices being monitored. list devices List an overview of a device or the devices being monitored. list disk List the disk information on an array. list erc Lists the error return code of the immediately preceeding sscs command. list event Lists the Fault Management Service (FMS) event log information. list firmware Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units (FRU) in this device. list fru Lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device. list jobs Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID. list log Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays. list mgmt-sw Lists the management software application that you are logged into. list notification Lists the remote notification provider and its status. list registeredarray Lists registered array information. list storage-system Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. list site Lists pertinent information on the site. list userrole Lists the user name and role defining the user’s array privileges. login Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI). logout Logs out of the remote sscs command-line interface session. modify agent Modify the fault management agent parameters. modify array Modifies the name assigned to the array. modify firmware Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array. modify mgmt-sw Stores the specified storage system name for the session. This command is useful for repeated operations with an array. modify site Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager. modify storagesystem Modifies the array information. Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-4 Monitoring and General Administration Commands (Continued) Command Description modify userrole Change the user role or the IP address from which the user can log in. register storagesystem Registers a storage system with the host. register sunconnection Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request (ASR). remove alarm Removes the current alarms. remove notification Removes a local or remote notification. remove registeredarray Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays. remove userrole Removes a user role assigned to a user name. service contact Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test). service disable Disables a target drive in a specified array. service enable Enables a target drive in a specified array. service locate Turns on the locator LED for an array, drive, or tray. service print Prints physical information available for a specified array. service set Changes the name of a specified array. unregister storagesystem Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems. unregister sunconnection Stops notifications of system health and performance to Sun using the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature. version Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, as well as the version of the sscs client. Chapter 1 Overview 9 Array Configuration Commands This section identifies the commands used to configure an array. These commands are supported only on those arrays that have one or more RAID controllers, including the Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, and FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems. TABLE 1-5 10 Array Configuration Commands Command Description add hostgroup Adds hosts to a host group. add license Adds a license to the specified array. create host Creates a storage host. create hostgroup Creates a storage host group. create initiator Creates an initiator. create iscsi initiator Creates an iSCSI initiator on a host. create pool Creates an empty storage pool on the array. create profile Creates a storage profile on the array. create repset Creates a storage replication set using a peer World Wide Name or remote array name (not applicable to 2500 Series). create snapshot Creates a snapshot for the specified volume. create vdisk Creates a virtual disk. create volume Creates a volume within a specified pool. create volume-copy Creates a copy of the volume (not applicable to 2500 Series). delete host Deletes one or more hosts. delete hostgroup Deletes one or more host groups. delete initiator Deletes one or more initiators. delete iscsi-session Deletes an iscsi-session. delete pool Deletes one or more pools. delete profile Deletes one or more profiles. delete repset Deletes one or more replication sets (not applicable to 2500 Series). delete snapshot Deletes one or more snapshots. delete vdisk Deletes one or more named virtual disks. delete volume Deletes one or more named volumes. delete volume-copy Deletes a volume-copy (not applicable to 2500 Series). Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-5 Array Configuration Commands (Continued) Command Description disable snapshot Disables one or more snapshots. export array Renders an extensible markup language (XML) representation of the array. export profile Exports one or more profiles into an XML representation. fail disk Sets a disk to the failed state. import array Applies an array configuration file to the specified array. import profile Imports one or more profiles from a specified XML file. initialize disk Initializes a disk. list controller Lists configuration information for the specified controller. list fcport Lists Fibre Channel port information for the controller of the specified array. list host Lists the host names and details for an individual host. list hostgroup Lists host group name and hosts for an individual host group. list initiator Lists the initiators and provides a description of each. list iperformance Displays iSCSI performance statistics for the 2510 array and enables you to define the type of iSCSI performance statistics to monitor. list iscsi-port Lists iSCSI ports. list iscsi-session Lists iSCSI sessions. list iscsi-target Lists iSCSI target name configured for the specified array. list license Shows all licenses that are associated with the array, along with related licensing details (serial number, controller serial number, and further details). list mapping Lists mappings for the array. You can filter the output by specifying the name of a storage domain, a host, or a host group. list os-type Shows all of the operating systems that are supported by the array. The values returned can be used in subsequent requests to create or modify initiators, or to modify the default host type of the array. list performance Shows detailed performance statistics. You can use the following options only if a single array is specified. list pool Lists storage pool information. list profile Lists the named storage profiles. Chapter 1 Overview 11 TABLE 1-5 12 Array Configuration Commands (Continued) Command Description list repset Lists replication set information (not applicable to 2500 Series). list sasport Lists SAS port information. list snapshot Lists the specified snapshot or snapshots associated with this array. list tray Lists information about one or more storage trays in the array. list vdisk Lists virtual disk (vdisk) or virtual disks information associated with this array. list volume Lists volume information. list volume-copy Lists volume copy information. If neither the source volume nor the target volume is specified, a summary of all volume copies is listed. If the source volume or the target volume is specified, a detailed listing of each is generated. map host Maps one or more volumes and snapshots to a host. Any previous mappings for the given volumes and snapshots are removed. map hostgroup Maps one or more volumes and snapshots to a host group. Any previous mappings for the given volumes or snapshots are removed. map initiator Maps one or more initiators to a volume or snapshot. map snapshot Maps one or more snapshots to a host or host group. If no host or host group is specified, the snapshot or snapshots are mapped into the Default partition. map volume Maps one or more volumes to a host or host group. Any previous mappings for the given volume or volumes are removed. modify array Modifies the configuration of the specified array. modify controller Modifies the controller settings. modify date Modifies the date on the array, allowing you to set the time on the array, or to synchronize the time with the management host (that is, setting the array's time to the management host's time.) modify disk Specifies the disk role. modify fcport Modifies the Fibre Channel port settings on the specified array. modify host Modifies the host name. modify hostgroup Modifies the host group name. modify initiator Modifies an initiator. modify iperformance Modifies the settings for iSCSI performance data. modify iscsi-port Modifies an iSCSI port. modify iscsi-target Modifies an iSCSI target. Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-5 Array Configuration Commands (Continued) Command Description modify jobs Cancels or prioritizes a running or outstanding job. modify license Activates replication set licenses (applicable to 2500 Series only when running firmware version 07.35.nn.nn or higher). modify notification Modifies notification options. modify performance Modifies settings for performance monitoring. modify pool Modifies the name or description of the storage pool or the profile with which this pool is associated. modify profile Modifies a storage profile on the array. modify registeredarray Change the locally stored password for a registered array. modify repset Modifies the mode, consistency group, or replication priority of the specified replication set (not applicable to 2500 Series). modify snapshot Modifies the specified snapshot. modify tray Modifies information about one or more storage trays in the array. modify vdisk Specifies modifications to a virtual disk. modify volume Modifies any of a volume’s attributes. modify volume-copy Modifies a volume copy (not applicable to 2500 Series). offline vdisk Sets a virtual disk offline. online vdisk Sets a virtual disk online. reconstruct disk Initiates a disk reconstruction. remove hostgroup Removes one or more hosts from a host group. remove license Removes the replication set feature license from the specified array (not applicable to 2500 Series). remove notification Removes a local or remote notification provider. reset array Resets the specified array. reset controller Resets the specified controller. resnap snapshot Resnaps one or more existing snapshots. revive disk Attempts to bring a disk to the optimal state. revive vdisk Revives a virtual disk. service fail Places a field-replaceable unit of an array into a failed state. service redistribute Redistributes volumes back to their preferred owners. Chapter 1 Overview 13 TABLE 1-5 Array Configuration Commands (Continued) Command Description service revive Attempts to place the array controller or disk drive into the optimal state. This can create complications. Do not initiate this command without first consulting Sun Customer Service personnel. snapshoot volume Creates and manages snapshots. unmap host Unmaps one or more snapshots or volumes from a host. unmap hostgroup Unmaps one or more snapshots or volumes from a host group. unmap initiator Removes the mapping from one or more initiators to a volume or snapshot. unmap snapshot Removes the mapping from one or more snapshots to a host or hostgroup. unmap volume Unmaps one or more volumes from a host or host group. SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands This section identifies commands used in SAS domain access configuration. These commands are supported only on Sun JBOD arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, and the Sun Blade 6000 disk module. TABLE 1-6 14 SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands Command Description disable sas-domain Disables access configuration for a specified SAS domain. enable sas-domain Enables access configuration for a specified SAS domain. export sas-domain Copies the configuration of the specified SAS domain to a specified template file. import sas-domain Restores configuration information for a specified SAS domain from a specified template file. list host-agent Lists the host-agents in a specified SAS domain or the details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain. list sas-domain Lists SAS domains or the details of specified SAS domains. list sas-zone Provides a list of all SAS access configuration groups and details of those groups. Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 TABLE 1-6 SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands (Continued) Command Description list template Lists a summary of all SAS domain templates known by the current management station, or lists the details of specified templates. modify sas-domain Modifies the specified properties of a SAS domain. reset sas-domain Returns the specified SAS domain to the default settings. Chapter 1 Overview 15 16 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 CHAPTER 2 Common Tasks This chapter provides examples of how to perform three common tasks using a series of CLI commands. ■ “Discovering Arrays” on page 17 ■ “Creating a Volume” on page 19 ■ “Creating a Snapshot” on page 23 Discovering Arrays TABLE 2-1 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when registering arrays with Sun Storage Common Array Manager. TABLE 2-1 CLI Commands Used When Discovering Arrays CLI Command Description sscs list storage-system sscs list devices Lists the arrays that are already registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager. sscs register -d storage-system Directs Sun Storage Common Array Manager to discover all available arrays. sscs list storage-system sscs list devices Lists all arrays registered, including the newly discovered arrays. sscs unregister storage-system Unregisters select arrays. 17 Command Sequence 1. Identify the names of the arrays currently registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager. sscs list storage-system Array: Snoopy1 Array: Snoopy2 Array: Linus1 Note – The command list devices can also be used to identify the names of arrays currently registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager. 2. Discover all arrays. sscs register -d storage-system Name Type Network Address ------------------ ---- --------------Snoopy1 6140 xx.xx.xx.103 unlabeled 6140 xx.xx.xx.112 Onyx 2540 xx.xx.xx.9 Hal 6140 xx.xx.xx.72 Linus1 6140 xx.xx.xx.16 Snoopy2 6140 xx.xx.xx.106 Johnny5 6140 xx.xx.xx.67 Pedro1 2540 xx.xx.xx.6 Serial Number ----------------------SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx SUN.xxxxx. SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx 3. Unregister the array Onyx. sscs unregister storage-system Onyx 4. Verify the list of registered arrays to ensure that Onyx is no longer registered. sscs list storage-system Array: Snoopy1 Array: ulabeled Array: Hal Array: Linus1 Array: Snoopy2 Array: Johnny5 Array: Pedro1 18 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Creating a Volume TABLE 2-2 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume. TABLE 2-2 CLI Commands Used When Creating a Volume CLI Command Description sscs list volume List volumes that already exist on a specified array. sscs create volume Create a new volume on an array. sscs list jobs Verify that the volume creation job is in progress. sscs list volumes Verify the volume characteristics. sscs list vdisk Verify the characteristics of the virtual disk used by the newly created volume. sscs list host Identify the hosts available for mapping to the volume. sscs map volume Map the volume to a host. Sample Data In this example, the following sample data are used in the execution of the commands: TABLE 2-3 Sample Data Array Name: Pool Name: Volume Name: Profile Name: Disk Names: den-toi-6130 den-pool-64k-r5 vol0-64k-r5 den-profile-64k-r5 t1d01, t1d02, t1d03, t1d04 Chapter 2 Common Tasks 19 Command Sequence 1. Identify the names of the volumes that already exist on the array den-toi-6130. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume Volume: ACC Type: Standard Pool: Default Profile: Default Volume: RCV Standard Pool: Default Profile: Default. 2. Identify the names of the storage pools that already exist on the array den-toi-6130. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 pool Pool: newNFSmirroringPool Profile: NFS_Mirroring Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: RAID1-32KB-NoReadAhead Profile: RAID1-32KB-NoReadAhead Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: RAID5-512KB-NoReadAhead Profile: RAID5-512KB-NoReadAhead Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: poolFortest6731502Raid5threeDisk Profile: test6731502Raid5threeDisk Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: den-pool-64k-r Profile: RAID0-564KB-ReadAhead Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB 3. Verify the characteristics of the storage pool den-pool-64k-r5. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 pool den-pool-64k-r Description: Profile: Total Capacity: Configured Capacity: Available Capacity: null RAID5-64KB-ReadAhead 0.000 MB 0.000 MB 1.197 TB 4. Create a new volume on array den-toi-6130. The new volume is named vol0-64k-r5, uses the storage pool named den-pool-64k-r5, and has 5GB of storage capacity: sscs create -a den-toi-6130 -p den-pool-64k-r5 -s 5GB volume vol0-64k-r5 5. Verify that the volume creation job is in progress. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 jobs Job ID: VOL:0B70418253F6 Status: In progress 20 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 6. Verify the characteristics of the volume named vol0-64k-r5. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5 Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Type: Standard WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B :70:41:82:53:F6 Pool: den-pool-64k-r5 Profile: den-profile-64k-r5 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 5.000 GB Status: Online Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Read Only: No Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled 7. List the virtual disks available on den-toi-6130. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 vdisk Virtual Disk: 1 8. Verify the characteristics of the virtual disk named 1. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 vdisk 1 Virtual Disk: 1 Status: Online Number of Disks: 4 Maximum Volume Size: 198.599 GB RAID Level: 5 Total Capacity: 203.599 GB Configured Capacity: 5.000 GB Available Capacity: 198.599 GB Disk Type: FC Disk: t1d04 Disk: t1d03 Disk: t1d02 Disk: t1d01 Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Chapter 2 Common Tasks 21 9. Identify the hosts available of the array den-toi-6130. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 host Host: 450e 10. Map the volume vol0-64k-r5 to the host 450e. sscs map -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e -l 1 volume vol0-64k-r5 11. Ensure that the mapping was successful by verifying the characteristics of the volume named vol0-64k-r5. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5 Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Type: WWN: Standard 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B :70:41:82:53:F6 Pool: den-pool-64k-r5 Profile: den-profile-64k-r5 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 5.000 GB Status: Online Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Read Only: No Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled Associations: Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc5 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9 Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc6 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8 22 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Creating a Snapshot The following section demonstrates the commands used when creating a snapshot of a volume. Commands Used TABLE 2-4 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume snapshot. TABLE 2-4 CLI Commands Used When Creating a Volume Snapshot CLI Command Description sscs list volume Verify the existence and characteristics of a volume. sscs create snapshot Create a snapshot of a volume sscs list snapshot Verify the existence and characteristics of the snapshot sscs list host Identify the hosts available for mapping to the snapshot. sscs map snapshot Map the snapshot to a host. sscs unmap snapshot Unmap the snapshot from a host. sscs delete snapshot Remove the snapshot. Sample Data In this example, the sample data listed in TABLE 2-5 are used in the execution of the commands: TABLE 2-5 Sample Data Array Name: Pool Name: Volume Name: Profile Name: Snapshot Name: Reserve Volume Name: Host Name: den-toi-6130 den-pool-64k-r5 vol0-64k-r5 den-profile-64k-r5 snapshot-vol0 reserve-vol0 450e Chapter 2 Common Tasks 23 Command Sequence 1. Verify the existence and characteristics of the volume vol0-64k-r5. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5 Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Type: Standard WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B :70:41:82:53:F6 Pool: den-pool-64k-r5 Profile: den-profile-64k-r5 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 15.000 GB Status: Online Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Read Only: No Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: Highest Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled Associations: Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc5 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9 Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc6 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8 2. Create the snapshot volume named snapshot-vol0. sscs create -a den-toi-6130 -V vol0-64k-r5 -L full -f failsnapshot -m reserve-vol0 -w 100 snapshot snapshot-vol0 3. Verify that the specified volume, vol0-64k-r5, now has a snapshot named snapshot-vol0 associated with it. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5 Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Type: Standard 24 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B :70:41:82:53:F6 Pool: den-pool-64k-r5 Profile: den-profile-64k-r5 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 15.000 GB Status: Online Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Read Only: No Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: Highest Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled Snapshots: Snapshot Volume: vol0-snap1 Creation Date: Sat Oct 25 07:40:00 36797 Reserve Volume: res-vol0 Snapshot Volume: snapshot-vol0 Creation Date: Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805 Reserve Volume: reserve-vol0 Associations: Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc5 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9 Host: 450e LUN: 1 Initiator: 450e-qlc6 WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8 4. Verify the characteristics assigned to the snapshot volume, snapshot-vol0. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0 Volume: snapshot-vol0 Type: Snapshot WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B:7A:41:86:0B:02 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 14.999 GB Status: Active Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Chapter 2 Common Tasks 25 Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy: Disabled Percent Full: 0 Failure Policy: failsnapshot Warning Threshold: 100 Creation Date: Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805 Base Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Reserve Volume: reserve-vol0 Reserve Status: Online Reserve Size: 14.999 GB 5. Identify the hosts available ob the array den-toi-6130. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 host Host: 450e 6. Map a snapshot to the host 450e. sscs map -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e snapshot snapshot-vol0 7. Verify the characteristics assigned to the snapshot volume, snapshot-vol0. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0 Volume: snapshot-vol0 Type: Snapshot WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B: 7A:41:86:0B:02 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 14.999 GB Status: Active Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled Percent Full: 0 Failure Policy: failsnapshot Warning Threshold: 100 26 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Creation Date: Base Volume: Reserve Volume: Reserve Status: Reserve Size: Associations: Host: 450e LUN: 2 Initiator: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9 Host: 450e LUN: 2 Initiator: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8 Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805 vol0-64k-r5 reserve-vol0 Online 14.999 GB 450e-qlc5 WWN: 450e-qlc6 WWN: 8. Unmap the snapshot names snapshot-vol0. sscs unmap -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e snapshot snapshot-vol0 9. Verify that snapshot-vol0 was successfully unmapped. sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0 Volume: snapshot-vol0 Type: Snapshot WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B :7A:41:86:0B:02 Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 14.999 GB Status: Active Action: Ready Condition: Optimal Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Mirroring: Enabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Flush Cache After: 10 Sec Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:Disabled Percent Full: 0 Failure Policy: failsnapshot Warning Threshold: 100 Creation Date: Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805 Base Volume: vol0-64k-r5 Reserve Volume: reserve-vol0 Reserve Status: Online Reserve Size: 14.999 GB Chapter 2 Common Tasks 27 10. Delete the snapshot named snapshot-vol0. sscs delete -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0 28 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 CHAPTER 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays This chapter describes the sscs commands and their options for monitoring and administrating all Sun arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems, and Sun Blade 6000 disk module. For configuration and other commands that apply only to arrays with RAID controllers, see Chapter 4. add notification Sets up email or SNMP trap notification. Synopsis Add email notification: add -e [ -c ] [ -r pager | email ] [ -m down | critical | major | minor ] [ -f ] [ -k ] [ -d ] [ -g ] notification local_email Add an SNMP trap notification: add -i [ -o ] [-t 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ] [-l warning | error | down ] [-m ] [-c ] [-g ] notification trap Add an email filter: add -n -s info | none notification email-filter 29 Turn on the SNMP trap notifier: add notification trap Description Sets up email and SNMP trap notification. You can add one or more email addresses for notifications. Options -e,--email Specifies that all notifications are sent to the given email addresses. -i,--ip Specifies the IP address of the host that will receive the SNMP trap data. -l,--traplevel warning | error | down Specifies the trap level associated with this notification. -o,--port Specifies the port ID used to transfer notifications. -c,--community-string Specifies an SNMP community. An SNMP community is a group that devices and management stations running SNMP belong to. The default value is public. -c,--components Specifies the array model number. For example, j4200 or j4400. -r,--format pager | email Specifies the format of the message: email or pager. If no value is specified, the command defaults to email. -m,--alarm-level down | critical | major | minor Specifies the minimum priority level of alerts to be sent out. By default, all alerts will be sent out. -f,--filter If option is used, email filters are enabled. If option is not used, email filters are disabled. -k,--skip-aggregated If option is used, components of aggregated events are skipped. If option is not used, components of aggregated events are not skipped. 30 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 -d,--advisor If option is used, Service Advisor information is added to the email. If option is not used, Service Advisor information is not added to the email. -g,--config-change If option is used, configuration event emails as well as alert e-mails are sent. If option is not used, configuration event emails and alert e-mails are not sent. -n,--event-number Specifies the event code to filter. -s,--severity info | none Specifies the severity of events to report. -t,--trapnumber 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Specifies the trap number associated with this notification. notification local_email | email-filter | trap Specifies that all notifications of the specified type are sent to the given addresses. local-email - Specifies that you want to receive the notification at your local email address. email-filter - Specifies that you want to filter the notification. trap - Specifies that you want to receive notification using the SNMP trap notification. Examples sscs add -i -o 162 notification trap add registeredarray Discovers an array or all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them. Synopsis add -d registeredarray add -i [ -q ] registeredarray Description Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 31 Discovers arrays and registers them. Options -i,--ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the device. -d,--discover Automatically discovers all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them. If discover is specified, all other options are ignored and arrays are automatically discovered. -q,--query-for-password Queries for the current password for remote proxy for the registered array. Examples sscs add -i registeredarray add userrole Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user privileges. Synopsis add -u userrole storage | guest Description Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user role as having storage or guest privileges. Options -u,--username Specifies a user name. The must already be defined on the computer in the operating system. userrole storage | guest Specifies the new user’s role. 32 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 storage - Provides full storage configuration and monitoring access. guest - Allows user to view but not change storage configurations. list alarm Provides detailed information on a specified alarm or summary information on all alarms. Synopsis list [-s <0|1|2|3>] [-f <2510|2530|2540|6120|6130|6140|6180|6540|6580|6780|flx240|flx280| flx380|j4200|j4400|j4500|f5100|b6000|nem>] [-a] [-S] alarm [Alarm_Id[,Alarm_Id...]] Description This command provides detailed information on the specified alarms. When alarm IDs are not specified, it provides summary information on all alarms. Options -a,--advisor Specifies for the command output to list Probable Cause and Recommended Action information for listed alarms. By default, this information is not listed. -s,--severity <0|1|2|3> Specifies a severity level at which to filter alarms so that only the alarms of that severity or higher are listed. Severity Levels: 0 – minor 1 – major 2 – critical 3 – down Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 33 -f,--faultdevtype <2510|2530|2540|6120|6130|6140|6180|6540|6580|6780|flx240|flx280| flx380|j4200|j4400|j4500|f5100|b6000|nem> Specifies the type of device to list. -S, --Summary Specifies that the system return a summary of alarm information. alarm [Alarm_Id[,Alarm_Id...]] Specifies the alarm or alarms to display. If no alarm is specified, summary information on all alarms is displayed. Examples When --advisor option is not specified: sscs list -f j4500 alarm Sample Output: Alarm Id Severity Type Topic Event Code Date Device Description State Acknowledged By Auto Clear Aggregated Count : : : : : : : : : : : : alarm39 Critical j4500.CommunicationLostEvent InBand 83.12.21 2010-03-26 13:58:06 jbodTop[SUN.j4500.5080020000467400] Lost in-band communication with j4500 LokiTop Open Y 0 Found one alert entry in health database. When --advisor option is specified: sscs list -f j4500 -a alarm Sample Output (truncated): Alarm Id 34 : alarm39 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Severity : Type : Topic : Event Code : Date : Device : Description : State : Acknowledged By : Auto Clear : Aggregated Count : Sample Description [Array_Name]. Probable Cause Critical j4500.CommunicationLostEvent InBand 83.12.21 2010-03-26 13:58:06 jbodTop[SUN.j4500.5080020000467400] Lost in-band communication with j4500 LokiTop Open Y 0 : Lost communication (InBand([Host_Name])) with : This problem can be caused by: - SAS cable failure - Array power offline - Array controller offline - Array is no longer reporting a valid serial number. - Array didn't report on expanders. Recommended Action : 1. Verify cables, power, and connections along data path. 2. Verify that the JBOD is reporting a valid serial number by collecting support data. 3. Verify that the JBOD is reporting information on the expanders by collecting support data. Found one alert entry in health database. list array Lists detailed information about specified arrays or all array names. Synopsis list array [array-name[,array-name...]] Description Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 35 Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. If you do not specify an array name, then all array names are listed. Examples sscs list array array00 Response Format Summary of arrays when no value is specified: Array: array-name ... Array: array-name Response Format Detail of array when the value is specified: Note – A value for the Lock Key ID field is displayed only if the array supports Data Encryption Services. Array: array-name Array Type: array-type Serial Number: serial-number Firmware Version: firmware-version Array WWN: array-WWN Health Status: OK | Degraded Hot-Spare Pool Disks: number-of-hot-spare-drives (FC, SATA, and SAS) Node WWN: node-WWN Default Host Type: host-type Default Cache Block Size: 4K | 16K Default Cache Start %: <0..100> Default Cache Stop %: <0..100> Disk Scrubbing: Disabled | Enabled Failover Alert Delay: 1..300 minutes Lock Key ID: Drives: Status: Tray Id: ... Tray Id: Host: 36 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 ... Host: Host Group: ... Host Group: Pool: ... Pool: list date Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds. Synopsis list -a date Description Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds. The time zone of the management system is assumed to be the time zone of the array. Note – This command is not supported by any JBOD array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array for which you want to see the date. Examples sscs list -a array00 date Response Format Date: weekday month day HH:MM:SS YYYY Example Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 37 Tue Dec 20 16:09:36 2004 list device Provides detailed information on a specified device or summary information on all devices. Synopsis list [ -n ] [ -i ] device [ ] Description List the details of a device or the devices being monitored. Options -n,--name Specifies the array name for which you want to see the details. If no array is specified, summary information for all arrays is displayed. Note – Other commands may use -a,--array or -d,--device in place of -n,--name. -i,--ip Specifies the IP address of the connected host when using remote proxy. device-ID Specifies one or more device IDs. Examples sscs list device Device Name Type IP Address Monitored On Key Active WWN 38 : : : : : : : F5100g f5100 camtest17 camtest17 SUN.f5100.508002000048f100 Y 508002000048f100 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Alternate IP Alt IP Number Management Level Said Time Added : : : : : camtest17 D 508002000048f100 2008-10-28 13:35:28 sscs list -n fms-6780-1 device Device Name : den-6780-1 Type : 6780 IP Address : Monitored On : camtest29 Key : SUN.24643-01.SF74700358 Active : Y Unique Identifier : 200400a0b829ec26 Alternate IP : fms-6780-1b Alt IP Number : Management Level : D Said : 600A0B800029EC260000000048931900 Time Added : 2009-02-20 15:15:42 Port WWNs : 201400a0b829ec26,202400a0b829ec26,203400a0b829ec26,204400a0b 829ec26,205400a0b829ec26,206400a0b829ec26,207400a0b829ec26,208400a0 b829ec26,2015 00a0b829ec26,202500a0b829ec26,203500a0b829ec26,204500a0b829ec26,205 500a0b829ec26 ,206500a0b829ec26,207500a0b829ec26,208500a0b829ec26 sscs list -i device Device Name : den-6780-1 Type : 6780 IP Address : Monitored On : camtest29 Key : SUN.24643-01.SF74700358 Active : Y Unique Identifier : 200400a0b829ec26 Alternate IP : fms-6780-1b Alt IP Number : Management Level : D Said : 600A0B800029EC260000000048931900 Time Added : 2009-02-20 15:15:42 Port WWNs : 201400a0b829ec26,202400a0b829ec26,203400a0b829ec26,204400a0b Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 39 829ec26,205400a0b829ec26,206400a0b829ec26,207400a0b829ec26,208400a0 b829ec26,2015 00a0b829ec26,202500a0b829ec26,203500a0b829ec26,204500a0b829ec26,205 500a0b829ec26 ,206500a0b829ec26,207500a0b829ec26,208500a0b829ec26 list devices Provides summary information on all devices. Synopsis list devices Description List a summary of the devices being monitored. Examples list devices Response Format Monitored On: Interface 40 Device: Array/system being monitored Type: Array/system model IP Address: IP-address WWN: World Wide Name Active: Is the device active? Y | N ASR: Is Auto Service Request on? Y | N Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 list disk Lists the disk information for an array. Synopsis list -a [ -t ] disk [ ] Description Lists disk information. Options -a,--array Specifies the name of the array where the disk resides. -t,--tray Specifies to display disk information only within a specified tray in a specified array. The -t option is not valid for JBOD arrays. disk This option provides detailed information on the specified disks. When disks are not specified, this option provides detailed information on all the disks in the tray. Examples Note – The information returned in the command output varies based on the type of disk (e.g. SATA, SSD, etc.). List detailed information for an SSD disk: list -a fms-6780-1 disk t1d16 Tray: 1 Disk: t1d16 Capacity: 68.366 GB Type: SSD Average Erase Count (%) 0 Remaining Spare Blocks (%) 99 Speed (RPM): 0 Status: Optimal Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 41 State: Enabled Role: Data Virtual Disk: jzSSD Firmware: MS04 Serial number: STS0000025F5 WWN: 50:00:A7:20:00:00:35:7C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Security Capable: false Security Enabled: false Disk Locked: false Security Key Id: List detailed information for a SATA disk: list -a fms-6780-1 disk t1d05 Tray: 1 Disk: t1d05 Capacity: 931.513 GB Type: SATA Speed (RPM): 7200 Status: Optimal State: Enabled Role: Unassigned Virtual Disk: Firmware: 0710 Serial number:GTF002PBHM7M6F WWN: 20:00:00:A0:B8:62:3F:90:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Security Capable: false Security Enabled: false Disk Locked: false Security Key Id: list erc Lists the command error return code. Synopsis list erc Description Lists the error return code of the immediately preceding sscs command. 42 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Examples The following examples demonstrate the execution of an sscs command, followed by the list erc command to check the error code. sscs list storage-system Array: JBODTest Array: Test10x86 Array: Demo-w2k3 Array: Demo2_JBOD Array: ColoSata Array: Denver Array: Ruby Array: NMS-OZ-12 Array: JBOD3Test Array: JBOD4Top sscs list erc 0 sscs list storage-system NMS-OZ-12 Name: NMS-OZ-12 ID: NMS-OZ-12 Type: 6130 Version: Vendor: SUN Microsystems Model: Sun StorEdge 6130 System Capacity: 2.483 TB Available Capacity: 2.077 TB sscs list erc 0 sscs list storage-system NMS-OZ-21 NMS-OZ-21: The object was not found. sscs list erc 100 Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 43 list event Lists the Fault Management Service (FMS) event log information. Synopsis list [ -s <0..3> ] [ -d ] [ -t ] [ -a ] [ -f ] [ -l ] event [ ] Description Lists the FMS event log information. You can filter by device type and severity level. Options -s,--severity <0..3> Specifies a severity level at which to filter events so that only the events of that severity or higher are listed. Severity Levels: 0 – minor 1 – major 2 – critical 3 – down -d,--device List only events for the given device. Note – Other commands may use -a,--array or -n,--name in place of -d,--device. -t,--type List only events of the given event type. Valid types can be obtained by first listing event details. -a,--aggregated Specifies to include all aggregated events in the list. By default, all aggregated events are not included. -f, --filter 44 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Filter output on the event Description by using the given keyword parameter. -l,--last Limit the number of events printed by the given number. event Specifies the event ID. Examples Get details of an event ID: sscs list event 12 Severity: Minor Date: Wed Jan 21 10:56:57 MST 2009 Device: ralphie (StorageTek 6140) Component: Type: Discovery Information: Discovered a device of type 6140 named ralphie Event Code: 57.14.16 Aggregated: No Description: Discovered a device of type 6140 named ralphie Probable Cause: A discovery operation has found a monitorable device. Recommended Action: No action required. list firmware Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device. Synopsis list [ -a ] [ -t < | > ] [ -x < | > ] firmware Description Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units in this device. You can define the FRUs to include or exclude. Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 45 Options -a,--array Shows the firmware revision level of the field-replaceable units for the specified arrays only. -t,--type < | > Shows the firmware revision level for the specified component types. The -t option can be used multiple times in the same command (see examples). Mutually exclusive options disk, expander, and sim apply to JBOD arrays. Mutually exclusive options ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod) apply to RAID arrays. -x, --exclude < | > Excludes the specified component types from the list of firmware revision levels. The -x option can be used multiple times in the same command (see examples). Mutually exclusive options disk, expander, and sim apply to JBOD arrays. Mutually exclusive options ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod) apply to RAID arrays. Examples List the component firmware revisions for all arrays: sscs list firmware List the component firmware revisions for a specified array: sscs list -a jbod1 firmware List the component firmware revisions for specified component types in a specified array: sscs list -a jbod1 -t disk -t sim firmware List the component firmware revisions for a specified array, excluding specified component types: sscs list -a array1 -x ctrl -x iom firmware list fru Lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device. 46 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Synopsis list -d [ -t ] [ -s ] fru [ ] Description Lists the field-replaceable units in this array. You can filter by component type. Options -d, --device Specifies the array for which to list installed FRUs. Note – Other commands may use -a,--array or -n,--name in place of -d,--device. -t,--type Specifies the type of field-replaceable units installed in this device to list. Use the -s option to see which FRU types would be valid for the chosen device. Note – The all option for type name is no longer valid for use. -s,--summary Lists a summary of this field-replaceable unit. fru [ [,fru-name...]>] If no FRU names are specified, lists the FRUs on the specified device. If FRU names are specified, lists the details of those FRUs. Examples sscs list -d j4400_test fru Name ----------Disk.00 LN371QV Disk.01 LN3B1DC Disk.02 LN374JE FRU Alarm State Status ------ ------------- -------Disk Enabled OK Revision -----0B92 Unique Id ---------0751S371QV3 Disk - Enabled OK 0B92 0751S3B1DC3 Disk - Enabled OK 0B92 0749S374JE3 sscs list -d j4400_test -s fru Disk.00 Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 47 Availability Capacity Caption Enabled State Firmware Host Path Id IdentifyingNumber Model Name Physical ID Product Firmware Version Product Name Revision Level SAS Address Serial Number Speed Status Type Valid SUN Disk Vendor sun-mgmt-data-host sun-mgmt-data-host-name : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Running/Full Power 146GB disk Enabled 0B92 camtest99:/dev/rdsk/c3t97d0p0 disk00. 0751S371QV 3LN371QV 0751S371QV 3LN371QV ST314655SSUN146G disk00. 0751S371QV 3LN371QV disk00. 0751S371QV 3LN371QV 0B92 SEAGATE ST314655SSUN146G 0B92 50:00:C5:00:07:BB:59:65 0751S371QV 3LN371QV 3G OK SAS TRUE SEAGATE camtest99 list jobs Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID. Note – When using the Local CLI, only Fault Management Service (FMS) jobs are listed. Synopsis list -a jobs [ ] Description Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID. 48 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Options -a,--array Specifies the name of the array. jobs [ ] Specifies the job’s identifier. If one or more job IDs are given, this option lists detailed information on the jobs. If no job ID is given, this option lists summary information on all jobs. Examples sscs list -a array01 jobs Response Format (when no value is specified) Job ID: job-ID Status: job-status Response Format (when one or more values are specified) Job ID: job-ID Type: job-type Status: Pending | In Progress % Complete: complete Time to Completion: time-to-complete or Unknown Priority: priority Volume: volume-name list log Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays. Synopsis list [ -s { [ mmdd ] HHMM | mmddHHMM [ cc ] yy } [ .SS ] ] [ -f { [ mmdd ] HHMM | mmddHHMM [ cc ] yy } [.SS ] ] [ -t ] log Description Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 49 Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays. You can filter the listings by date and time or most recent entries. If you do not specify any options, all log messages are displayed. Options -s,--start { [ mmdd ] HHMM | mmddHHMM [ cc ] yy } [ .SS ] Lists all log messages starting at the date specified by the date options. Use with the -f,--finish subcommand to specify a date range. -f,--finish { [ mmdd ] HHMM | mmddHHMM [ cc ] yy } [ .SS ] Lists all log messages ending at the date specified by the date options. Use with the -s,--start subcommand to specify a date range. mmdd Specifies the month and day. For example, 0331 for March 31. HHMM Specifies the hour and minute. The hour is based on a 24-hour clock. For example, 1:30 p.m. is 1330. cc Specifies the century part of the year. yy Specifies the two-digit year. .SS Specifies the seconds of the hour. -t,--tail Lists the most recent log messages as specified by number. Examples sscs list -t 100 log Lists the last 100 messages. Response Format Timestamp:message 50 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 list mgmt-sw Synopsis list mgmt-sw Description Lists the management software application that you are logged into. Examples sscs list mgmt-sw Response Format Application Name: “Sun Storage Common Array Manager” User: storage Current Logins: 2 Server: Server OS: SunOS Server OS Version: 5.10 Product Version: Build Date: 2005/12/03 Install Info: Build 61 Critical Alarms: 13 Down Alarms: 0 Major Alarms: 24 Minor Alarms: 0 Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 51 list notification Synopsis list notification [local_email|email-filter|emailserver|trap|categories] Description Lists the remote notification provider and its status. Options local_email Specifies to list only email entry information. email-filter Specifies to list email filter information. email-server Specifies to list only email server information. trap Specifies to list only SNMP trap information. categories Specifies to list valid selectable components that can be used in setting up email. Examples Example 1: sscs list notification Response Format Email Configuration SMTP Server for Email:server SMTP Server User Name:user-name SMTP Server Password:password Use Secure SMTP Connection:true | false 52 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Email Address of Sender:email-address Maximum Email Size MB:size-in-megabytes Email Entries Entry:entry-no Email/Events:email-address Type:notification-type Device:device-type Priority:priority Events:events Active:active-flag SNMP Trap Configuration Notifier State:Enabled | Disabled SNMP Trap Entries ID:trap-id IP Name/Address:ip-address Port:port Minimum Alert Level:trap-level Example 2: sscs list notification local_email Response Format Entry:entry-no Email/Events:email-address Type:notification-type Device:device-type Priority:priority Events:events Active:active-flag Example 3: sscs list notification email-filter Response Format Filter Id:filter-id Event Code:event-code New Severity:new-severity Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 53 Example 4: sscs list notification email-server Response Format SMTP Server for Email:server SMTP Server User Name:user-name SMTP Server Password:password Use Secure SMTP Connection:true | false Email Address of Sender:email-address Maximum Email Size MB:size-in-megabytes Example 5: sscs list notification trap Response Format ID:trap-id IP Name/Address:ip-address Port:port Minimum Alert Level:trap-level Example 6: sscs list notification categories Response Format Component:component Description:component-description list registeredarray Lists registered array information. Synopsis list [ -a ] registeredarray Description Lists registered array information or the names of all arrays. 54 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Options -a,--array Specifies the registered array or arrays to list. If no arrays are specified, a list of all array names is provided. Examples sscs list registeredarray Array: Array: Array: Array: array01 array02 j4400_test j4500_test2 sscs list -a array01 registeredarray Array: array01 IP Address: IP Address: list site Synopsis list site Description Lists pertinent information for the installation site. Example sscs list site *Company Name *Site Name Address Address 2 Mail Stop *City State Zip Code : Sun Microsystems : Interop Lab : : : : Broomfield : : Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 55 *Country *Contact First Name *Contact Last Name Telephone Number Extension *Contact Email : : : : : : USA Fred Jones list storage-system Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. Synopsis list storage-system [ ] Description Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. If you do not specify an array name, then all array names are listed. Options storage-system [ ] If no array names are specified, all array names are listed. If array names are specified, details for those arrays will be listed. Examples sscs list storage-system Response Format Summary of arrays when no value is specified Array: array-name ... Array: array-name 56 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Detail of array when the value is specified ./sscs list storage-system j4400_test Name: j4400_test ID: j4400_test Type: J4400 Version: 3R21 Vendor: SUN Microsystems Model: Sun Storage J4400 Capacity: 3.074 TB list userrole Lists the user name and role defining the user’s array privileges. Synopsis list userrole [ ] Description Lists the user name and role defining the array privileges. Options userrole storage | guest List the users with the specified role. The storage role allows write access so that the user can configure the array. The guest role can only monitor the array. Example sscs list userrole storage Response Format User Name: user-name User Role: user-role ... User Name: user-name User Role: user-role Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 57 login Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI). Synopsis login -h [ -s CAM | Legacy ] [ -t ] [ -f ] [ -u ] Description Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI) on the management system specified by the -h . This command starts a CLI session on the management host. 58 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 There are two versions of the CLI: ■ Local ■ Remote The local CLI requires a user to run the command as administrator from a shell on the management host. Because of this limitation, the login and logout commands are not supported. Both CLI versions can manage any array that has been registered and added to the Common Array Manager inventory. The array type and array management path (inband, out-of-band, proxy agents) has no limitations with local or remote CLI usage. Both CLIs manage the same arrays with the same command set. Logging In and Out Using the CLI The following explains how to log in to and out of the management host using the CLI. The options for accessing the CLI are presented in the next section. There are different CLI directories for the remote and local CLIs. For further details, see “Overview of the sscs Command” on page 1. Note – sscs has an inactivity timer. The session terminates if you do not enter any sscs commands for 30 minutes. You must log in again before you can enter a command after the timeout. 1. Telnet or ssh to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager management host. ssh root@cam_mgmthost1 2. Change to the CLI directory (varies by operating system). a. Access the remote CLI directory: ■ Solaris: /opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs ■ Linux: /opt/sun/cam/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs ■ 32 Bit Windows: c:\Program Files\Sun\Common Array Manager\ Component\sscs\bin ■ 64 Bit Windows: c:\Program Files (x86)\Sun\Common Array Manager\Component\sscs\bin b. Access the local CLI directory: ■ Solaris: /opt/SUNWstkcam/bin/sscs ■ Linux: /opt/sun/cam/bin/sscs ■ Windows: Program Files\Sun\Common Array Manager\bin Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 59 3. Log in to the remote CLI by typing the following command: % sscs login -h -u Note – The local CLI on a data host does not require the login command. Options -h,--hostname Required. Specifies the management host name. -s,--system-type CAM | Legacy This option specifies whether you are logging into any of the current arrays supported by the Common Array Manager or the now legacy 6920 array. In some cases, using the -s CAM option may log you in faster as it skips a step of listening for a response from the legacy array. You no longer have to specify the system type to login. -t,--http Enables you to use the HTTP protocol to connect to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager server, instead of HTTPS. An HTTP connector is configured in Tomcat, the servlet container in Java, for the Java Web Console at port 6789. If SSL is not functioning between the client and the server, this might be required. -f,--force Exists for backward compatibility with legacy management applications that only allow one login per user. This option forces a login to the management host. If another user with the same user name is already logged on, the duplicate user is then logged off. -u,--username Specifies the user name to log in. Example ./sscs login -h localhost -u root 60 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 logout Synopsis logout Description Logs out of the remote sscs command-line interface session. This command is not supported with the local version of the CLI. Examples ./sscs logout modify agent Modify the fault management agent parameters. Synopsis modify [ -a ] [ -d ] [ -r ] [ -i ] agent [ [,agent-id...]] Description Modify the fault management agent parameters. Fault Management Service (FMS) periodically scans devices for new messages and updated health status. This command allows changing the scan interval as well as enabling or disabling the scan. If no options are given the current agent settings are printed out. Options -a,--activate Specifies that the system activate the monitoring agent. -d,--deactivate Specifies that the system deactivate or turn off the monitoring agent. -r,--run Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 61 Specifies that the system schedule the agent to run either immediately or as soon as the currently scheduled run has finished. -i,--interval Specifies the interval, in minutes, before the agent scan runs. agent [ [,agent-id...]] Specifies the agent that you want to modify. The name of the agent monitoring the device can be retrieved using the list device command Examples sscs modify -i 5 agent modify array Synopsis modify -N array Description Modifies the name assigned to the array. Note – Refer to the modify array command in Chapter 4 for extensive configuration options that apply to arrays with RAID controllers. Options -N,--new-name Specifies the new name of the array. array Specifies the name of the array to be modified. Examples sscs modify -N array2 array jbod1 62 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 modify firmware Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array, and installs the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware or user-provided firmware image to the FRUs in the device. Synopsis modify -a [ -f ] [ -o ][ -t < | > ] [ -x < | > ] [ -p ] [ -c ] [ -w ] firmware Description Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array, and installs the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware or user-provided firmware image to the FRUs in the device. Options -a,--array Modifies the firmware revision level of the specified field-replaceable units for the specified array only. -c,--component Modifies the firmware for the selected components. To get the valid values, execute the sscs list -a firmware command. Values for either the Name or Model fields can be used in place of . If a Name value is used, only the given component will be modified. If a Model value is used, all components with the given model name will be modified. Note – For RAID arrays only: NVSRAM does not have a component name or model name. Use -c system to install or modify NVSRAM firmware. -f,--force Modifies the firmware revision level of the all field-replaceable units even if the firmware revision level is already at the baseline level. -o,--offline Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 63 Specifies to allow installation of firmware to FRU components excluded from installation by default. Certain FRU component types (such as disk drives, SIMs, and expanders) require I/O operations to stop before a firmware installation. As a precaution, these components are excluded from the firmware installation by default. To install firmware on these component types, stop all I/O operations on these components and use this option. -p,--path Specifies the full path of the firmware image file. Loads firmware from a file directly onto the array. Caution should be exercised when using this command because unsupported firmware can be loaded onto a field-replaceable unit. If the -p option is provided, the -c option is required. The full path of the firmware image file must be specified when using the -p option. If the -p option is not specified, this command will default to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware image. Note – For Windows OS only, replace \ (backslash) with / (slash) when specifying the firmware image file path. For example, use C:/TEMP/firmware-img.fw instead of C:\TEMP\firmware-img.fw. -t,--type < | > Modifies the firmware revision level of the field-replaceable units of the specified type only. The -t option can be used multiple times in the same command. Mutually exclusive options disk, expander, and sim apply to JBOD arrays. Mutually exclusive options ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod) apply to RAID arrays. -w,--no-warn Modifies the firmware without displaying the standard warning. -x,--exclude < | > Excludes the specified component type from the firmware install. The -x option can be used multiple times in the same command. Mutually exclusive options disk, expander, and sim apply to JBOD arrays. Mutually exclusive options ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod) apply to RAID arrays. Examples modify -a MyArray -f firmware 64 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 modify mgmt-sw Synopsis modify -X mgmt-sw Description Stores the specified storage system name for the session. This command is useful for repeated operations with an array. After this command is executed, the -a option for subsequent sscs commands is not necessary. Options -X,--storage-system Specifies the name of the storage system. Example modify -X MyArray mgmt-sw modify site Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager. Synopsis modify [-r ] site [ ] Description Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager. The site properties contain information needed for notification providers. Upon command execution, updated site information is displayed. Options -r,--remove ] [ -d ] [ -u ] [ -q ] [ -U ] [ -Q ] storage-system Description Modifies array information such as array name, description, and user name. Options -d,--description Provides a textual description of the array. -N,--new-name Changes the array name. -Q,--query-for-device-specific-password Queries for device-specific password. -q,--query-for-password Changes the array password. -U,--device-specific-user Specifies to use a device-specific user-name. -u,--user-name Changes a username on the array. storage-system Specifies the array where the changes will take effect. Example sscs modify -q storage-system MyArray Enter the array password: Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 67 Confirm password: modify userrole Change the user role or the IP address from which the user can log in. Synopsis modify -u -p -i userrole Description Modifies a user role or the IP address from which the user can log in. The storage role can perform configuration changes while the guest role can just monitor an array. Options -u,--username Specifies the user name that has an assigned role (storage or guest). -p,--password-required true | false Specifies whether to require user login with a password. -i,--ip-address ANY | Specifies the IP addresses from which the user can log in. You can let the user log in from anywhere or restrict access to specified IP addresses. userrole storage | guest Specifies the role assigned to the user. Examples sscs modify -u bsmith -p true -i ANY userrole guest 68 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 register storage-system Synopsis register -i [ -s ] [ -p ] [ -u ] [ -q ] [ -U ] [ -Q ] storage-system register -d storage-system Description Registers a storage system with the host. Options -d,--discover Specifies that the host will discover a registered array. -i,--ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the storage system that you want to register. -p,--port Specifies the port ID of the storage system that you want to register. -s,--set-name Specifies an array name. -u,--user storage | root | guest Specifies the user name that has an assigned role. -q,--query-for-password Specifies whether to query for a password for this registered storage system. -U,--device-specific-user Specifies a specific name for this device. -Q,--query-for-device-specific-password Specifies whether to query for a specific password for this registered device. Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 69 register sun-connection Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request. Synopsis register [ -u ] [ -H ] [ -P ] [ -U ] [ -t ] sun-connection Description Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request. Auto Service Request monitors the array system health and performance and automatically notifies the Sun Technical Support Center when critical events occur. Critical alarms generate an Auto Service Request case. The notifications enable Service to respond faster and more accurately to critical on-site issues. All newly discovered arrays will also be registered with the saved registration options. Options -H,--proxyHost Specifies the proxy host name. -P,--proxyPort Specifies the proxy port number. -t,--testMessage Specifies to send a test message using the current settings. -U, --proxyUser A proxy host authenticated user name. -u,--user Specifies a valid Sun online account user name. To get one, go to: Examples sscs register -H Proxy1 -P 8080 -u MySunAcctId sun-connection 70 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 remove alarm Synopsis remove [-s <0|1|2|3>] [-f ] [-A] alarm [ ] Description Removes the current alarms. Options -f,--faultdevtype Removes alarms by the device type using a device key filter. -s,--severity 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Removes alarms with severity levels up to and including the level specified. Severity Levels: 0 – minor 1 – major 2 – critical 3 – down -A,--All Removes all of the alarms. alarm [ ] Specifies the alarm ID or alarm IDs you want to remove. Examples sscs remove -f 6140 alarm sscs remove -s 2 alarm sscs remove -A alarm Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 71 remove notification Removes a local or remote notification. Synopsis remove [-e ] email-filter | trap notification local_email | remove [-i ] [-o ] [-t 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ] notification local_email | email-filter | trap remove -d notification local_email | emailfilter | trap Description Removes a local or remote notification. Options -d, --id Removes the specified device ID notification. -e,--email Stops notifications to the specified recipient. -i, --ip Stops sending SNMP trap data to the IP address of the specified host. -t,--trapnumber 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Stop notifications for the specified trap number. -o,--port Specifies the port ID used to transfer notifications. local-email Removes the notification from your local email address. email-filter Removes the email filter from the notification. 72 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 trap Removes the SNMP trap notification. Examples sscs remove -e notification local_email sscs remove -t 2 notification trap remove registeredarray Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays. Synopsis remove -a registeredarray Description Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays. Options -a,--array Specifies the registered arrays to remove. Example sscs remove -a array00 registeredarray remove userrole Removes a user role assigned to a user name. Synopsis remove -u userrole Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 73 Description Removes the privileges (storage or guest role) assigned to a user name. Options -u,--username Specifies the user name. userrole storage | guest Specifies the user’s role to remove. Examples sscs remove -u jf39992 userrole guest service contact Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test). Synopsis service -a contact Description Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test). Options -a,--array Specifies the array to which connectivity is tested. Examples sscs service -a j4400_test contact Executing the contact command on j4400_test Completion Status: Success 74 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 service disable Disables a target drive in a specified array. Synopsis service -a -t disable Description Disables a target drive in a specified array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array containing the target drive to disable. -t,--target Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit to disable. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See “list fru” on page 46 for further details. Examples sscs service -a j4400_test -t Disk.00 disable service enable Enables a target drive in a specified array. Synopsis service -a -t enable Description Enables a target drive in a specified array. Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 75 Options -a,--array Specifies the array containing the target drive to enable. -t,--target Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit to enable. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See “list fru” on page 46 for further details. Examples service -a j4400_test -t Disk.00 enable service locate Turns on the locator LED for an array, drive, or tray. Synopsis service -a [ -t ] [ -o ] locate Description Identifies the array, drive, or tray whose locator LED will be turned on. Options -a,--array Specifies the array whose locator LED will be turned on, or the array containing a specified target FRU. -t,--target Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit whose locator LED will be turned on. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See “list fru” on page 46 for further details. -o,--off Specifies to turn off the locate LED. 76 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Examples Turn on the locate LED for a specified array: service -a j4500_rocky locate Turn on the locate LED for a target disk in a specified array: service -a j4500_rocky -t Disk.00 locate Turn off the locate LED for a target disk in a specified array: service -a j4500_rocky -t Disk.00 -o locate service print Prints physical information available for a specified array. Synopsis service -a -t arrayprofile print Description Prints the contents of the array profile for a specified array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array for which information is printed. -t,--target arrayprofile Specifies a target file to print. Examples Print the specified array’s profile: service -a j4500_rocky -t arrayprofile print Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 77 service set Changes the name of a specified array. Synopsis service -a set name= Description Changes the name of a specified array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array for which you want to change the name. Examples Change array name from array_bob to array_steve: sscs service -a array_bob set name=array_steve unregister storage-system Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems. Synopsis unregister storage-system Description Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems. Options storage-system 78 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Specifies the storage system or systems that you want to unregister from the list of registered storage systems. Example sscs unregister storage-system array19 unregister sun-connection Stops notifications of system health and performance to Sun using the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature. Synopsis unregister sun-connection Description Unregisters Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays from Auto Service Request (ASR) which monitors the array system health and performance and automatically notifies the Sun Technical Support Center when critical events occur. Newly discovered arrays will not be registered with the saved registration options. Examples sscs unregister sun-connection version Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, the version of the sscs client, or the version of the pclient. Synopsis -V,--version Chapter 3 Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays 79 If running the remote CLI, shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host and the version of the sscs client. If running the local CLI, only the version of the current Sun Storage Common Array Manager installation will be shown. -v If running the remote CLI, shows the version of the pclient. Not valid with the local CLI. Description Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, the version of the sscs client, or the version of the pclient. Examples sscs -V Sun Storage Common Array Manager v6.7.0.7 sscs client v2.1.4 sscs -v $Id: pclient.c,v 1.1 2007/03/24 18:55:51 wf142404 Exp $ 80 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 CHAPTER 4 Configuration Commands for Arrays with RAID Controllers This chapter describes the sscs commands and their options for arrays with RAID controllers, including the Sun StorEdge 6130 array, StorageTek 6140 and 6540 arrays, Sun Storage 6180 array, Sun Storage 6580 and 6780 arrays, StorageTek 2500 Series arrays, and FlexLine 240, 280, and 380 Systems. For monitoring and administration commands for all Sun arrays, see Chapter 3. add hostgroup Synopsis Adds hosts to a host group. add -a -h hostgroup Description Adds hosts to a host group. Options -a,--array Specifies the array associated with this host. -h,--host Specifies the host or hosts that you want to add to the host group. 81 hostgroup Specifies a host group name of up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and spaces. Examples sscs add -a array00 -h host01,host02 hostgroup hg01 add license Adds a license to the specified array. Synopsis add -a -l license Description Adds a license to the specified array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array to associate with this license. -l,--license Specifies the license to associate with this array. The location specified must be a regular file path supported by the management host OS (URL paths are not supported). The license file can be in either the .xml or .key formats. Note – The file extension does not need to be specified. Examples sscs add -a array_test -l C:\temp\licenses\snapshot-license license Adds a license to the array_test array from the specified location. 82 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 create host Creates a storage host. Synopsis create -a [ -g ] host create -a [-g ] [-w ] [-d ] host Description Creates a storage host where data is initiated. You can create up to 256 hosts per array on the 6130/6140 arrays and up to 512 hosts on the 6540 array. Options -a,--array Specifies the name of the array on which you want to create a host. For crossplatform compatibility, you can substitute -X,--storage-device in place of the a,--array option. -w,--wwn Specifies the initiator World Wide Name (WWN). -d,--description Specifies the host description. -g,--hostgroup Specifies a host group with which you associate this new host. host Specifies the name of the host that you want to create, using up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and spaces. Examples sscs create -a array00 host host1 Chapter 4 Configuration Commands for Arrays with RAID Controllers 83 create hostgroup Creates a storage host group. Synopsis create -a hostgroup Description Creates a group of hosts to share storage. You can create up to 256 host groups per array on the 6130/6140 arrays and up to 512 on the 6540 array. Options -a,--array Specifies the array on which you want to create a host group. hostgroup Specifies the name of the host group that you want to create, using up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and spaces. Examples sscs create -a array00 hostgroup hg1 create initiator Creates an initiator. Synopsis create -a -w [ -h ] [ -o ] initiator Description Creates a FC initiator on a host. 84 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 Options -a,--array Specifies the array. For cross-platform compatibility, you can substitute -X,-storage-device in place of the -a,--array option. -w,--wwn Specifies the initiator World Wide Name (WWN). For example: 210000e08b047212. -h,--host Specifies the data storage host name. -o,--os-type Specifies the operating system (OS) type. Use the command sscs list -a os-type to view all of the operating systems that are supported by the array. Then, use an applicable OS type value for . initiator Specifies an initiator name of up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and spaces. Examples sscs create -a array00 -w 210000e08b047212 -h host01 -o AIX initiator myInitiator-01 create iscsi initiator Creates an iSCSI initiator on a host. Synopsis create -a [ -h ] [ -o ] [ -i ] [ -u ] [ -c ] initiator Description Creates an iSCSI initiator on a host. Options Chapter 4 Configuration Commands for Arrays with RAID Controllers 85 -a,--array Specifies the array. For cross-platform compatibility, you can substitute -X,-storage-device in place of the -a,--array option. -h,--host Specifies the data storage host name. -o,--os-type Specifies the operating system (OS) type. Use the command sscs list -a os-type to view all of the operating systems that are supported by the array. Then, use an applicable OS type value for . -i,--iqn Specifies the iSCSI qualified name (IQN) for the initiator. -u,--authentication Specifies to use the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication method for accessing the target. Values are CHAP or none. -c,--chap-secret Specifies the CHAP secret ID (up to 256 alphanumeric characters) used to authenticate the target. initiator Specifies an initiator name of up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and spaces. Examples sscs create -a IEC_iSCSI_LCA -h Myhost_19852 -o SOLARIS_MPXIO -i -u CHAP -c 123123123123123123 initiator initiSCSI create pool Creates an empty storage pool on the array. Synopsis 86 Sun Storage Common Array Manager CLI Guide • July 2010 create -a -p