83311300AK_BJ701_BJ7B1_Installation_Dec84 83311300AK BJ701 BJ7B1 Installation Dec84
83311300AK_BJ701_BJ7B1_Installation_Dec84 83311300AK_BJ701_BJ7B1_Installation_Dec84
User Manual: 83311300AK_BJ701_BJ7B1_Installation_Dec84
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83311300 ( ',,-- &J £:\ CON1"R.OL DATA \!:II r::J CORJ'QRf\T10N . CONTROL DATA® STORAGE MODULE DRIVE BJ701 BJ7B1 INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE DIAGRAMS WIRE LISTS PARTS DATA (' HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL REVISION RECORD DESCRIPTION REVISION A Preliminary manual, never printed. (12-01-75) B (02-20-76) C (05-18-76) D (09-16-76) E (11-23-76) F (02-15-77) G (04-12-77) H (05-10-77) J (08-05-77) K (10-10-77) L (12-09-77) M (02-28-78) Manual released by ECO's: 37733, 37775, 37815. Also included are ECO's: 37636, 37653, 37655A, 37656, 37667, 37669, 37673, 37679, 37700, 37705, 37726, 37734, 37742, 37743, 37744, 37771, 37772, 37774, 37783, 37787, 37788, 37789, 37799, 37800, 37807A, 37811, 37813, 37814, 37826, 37827, 37828, 37831, 37839, 37840, 37853, 37854, 37867, 37868, 37869. 37895, 37896. Update manual with ECO's: 37787C, 37801, 37825A, 37910A, 37925, 37928, 37951, 37965, 37966, 37967, 37979, 48002. Technical and editorial changes. Update manual with ECO's: 37841C, 48003, 48014, 48028A, 48029, 48030, 48098, 48101, 48140; FCO 48014A. Technical and editorial changes. This edition obsoletes all previous editions. NOTE: ECO 37881B inadvertently omitted from Rev. D. Update manual with ECO's: 48056, 48086, 48113A, 48154, 48226. Technical and editorial changes. Update manual with ECO's: 48099A, 48365A. Technical and editorial changes. Update manual with ECO 48322; FCO's 48365, 48406, 48407. Technical and editorial changes. Update manual with ECO's 48575, 48504; FCO 48504. Technical and editorial changes. Update manual with ECO 48477; FCO's 48477, 48490, 48494. Technical and editorial. Manual updated to include the following ECO's: 48574, 48630, 48690A. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include the following ECO's: 48602, 48744. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO's 55084, 48896. Technical and editorial changes. REVISION LETTERS I, 0, Q AND X ARE NOT USED. @ 1976,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84 By Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America ii Address comments concerning this manual to: Control Data Corporation Twin Cities Disk Division Customer Documentation Dept. 5950 Clearwater Drive Minnetonka, Mn 55343 or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. 83311300 AK I '- REVISION RECORD {Contd} REVISION N (04-24-78) P (06-26-78) R (08-14-78) S (10-18-78) T (01-10-79) U (05-02-79) V (07-11-79) W (11-06-79) y (11-27-79) Z (01-11-80) AA (04-15-80) AB (07-08-80) AC (03-06-81) AD (06-20-81) AE (10-08-81) AF (03-05-82) AG (05-18-82) AH (08-31-82) AJ (10-11-84) 83311300 AK DESCRIPTION Manual updated to include ECO's 48953, 48798. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 55155. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 55168. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 55310 and 55393. Technical and editorial changes. Update with ECO 55290 and additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECOs 55521, 55520, 55534, 37826 and 55522. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO's 55658, 55523B, 55700, and FCO 55700. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO's 55798, 55812 and additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 55884. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO's 60000 and 55844B. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 60071. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to include ECO 55952B. Additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO 60129 (Class II), 60353 and 60381. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO's 60392, 60421 and FCO 60394. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO DJ00043A. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO's DJ00029, DJ00044, DJ00072, DJ00075A. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO's DJ00143A, DJ00198. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO DJ00282, FCO DJ00284. Technical and editorial changes. Manual updated to incorporate ECO DJ00228E. Technical and editorial changes. iii REVISION RECORD (Contd) REVISION AK (12-05-84) iv DESCRIPTION Manual updated to include ECO's DJ00463A, DJ00491A, DJ00493. DJ00505. Technical and editorial changes. (Class II ECO's: DJ00304, 315. 325, 349. 360. 420. 439, 456. 575. 647, 652, 654, 666. 729. 83311300 AK MANUAL TO EQUIPMENT LEVEL CORRELATION This manual reflects the equipment configurations listed below. EXPLANATION: Locate the equipment type and series code number, as shown on the equipment FCO log, in the list below. Immediately to the right of the series code number is an FCO number If that number and all of the numbers underneath it match all of the numbers on the equipment FCO log, then this manual accurately reflects the equipment. This correlation sheet also manuals: applies to the following related Pub. NO. __________________Rev. _____ EQUIPMENT TYPE BJ701 A/C/E BJ7B1 C/O BJ7B1 A/B/E/F BJ7B1 C/O BJ7B1B BJ7B10 BJ701B BJ701A-F/J/K BJ701A-F/J/K '''--- - 83311300 AK SERIES COOE 10 & Above 14 & Above 14 & Above 14 & Above 16 & Above 16 & Above 16 & Above 16 & Above 37 & Above 38 & Above 39 40 41 42 43 44 thru 54 WITH FCOs 48014A 48365 48406 48407 48504 48477 48490 48494 60379 60394 None None None None None None COMMENTS v LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Sheet 1 of 6 New features, as well as changes, deletions. and additions to information in this manual are indicated by bars in the margins or by a dot near the page number if the entire page is affected. A bar by the page number indicates pagination rather than content has changed. PAGE Cover Blank Title P ii iii iv v Blank vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii Blank xxix Blank S-l Div Blank 83311300 AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-6.1 Blank 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 S-2 Div Blank 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 S-3 Div Blank 3-1 Blank REV D D K AK D M AK AK D AK AB AB D AJ AC AC AC AK AE AC AC AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ T vii LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 2 of 6 PAGE S-3A Div Blank 3-3 3-4 3-4.1 3-4.2 ~-4.3 3-4.4 3-4.5 3-4.6 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 S-3B Div Blank 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-22.1 Blank S-3C Div Blank 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 viii REV AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AK R AD AK AD AD AF AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AK AK W W D D AC D PAGE 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 Blank S-3D Div Blank 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-45 3-46 3-46.1 Blank 3-47 3-48 3-49 3-50 3-51 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-54.1 3-54.2 3-55 3-56 3-57 3-58 3-59 3-60 3-61 3-62 REV D D D D T F W U F R R F F F AJ AK AJ AJ F Z T T T Z V U U AK T AK AK J AJ Z AF Z 83311300 AK LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 3 of 6 PAGE 3-63 Blank S-4 Div Blank 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-30.1 Blank 4-31 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-35 "'--_J/ "- .. - / REV AF AK AK AF AF T T T AC AC T AK AK AF AE AK AE AF AE AF AH AE T T AH AH AF AF AF AF AK AK AK AF AK AK AF PAGE 4-36 4-37 4-38 4-39 4-40 4-40.1 4-40.2 4-41 4-42 4-42.1 4-42.2 4-43 4-44 4-45 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 4-50 4-51 4-52 4-53 4-54 4-55 4-56 4-57 4-58 4-59 4-60 4-61 4-62 4-63 4-64 4-65 4-66 4-67 4-68 4-69 4-70 4-71 4-72 REV AF AJ AF AF AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AC AC AF AC AC AC AC AF AF AK AF AC AC AC AC AC AC AF AF AF AF AF AF AK AF AF l "'- '''---- - 83311300 AK ix LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 4 of 6 PAGE 4-73 4-74 4-75 4-76 4-77 4-78 4-79 4-80 4-81 4-82 4-83 4-84 4-85 4-86 4-87 Blank 5-5 Div Blank 5-1 Blank 5-2.1 5-2.2 5-2.3 5-2.4 5-2.5 5-2.6 5-2.7 5-2.8 5-2.9 Blank 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-12.1 REV AK AF AK AF AF AF AF AK AF AK AF AF AF AF AF y y Y y Y y Y Y Y Y y Y y Y T A A A N A N PAGE 5-12.2 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-16.1 Blank 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-6 Div Blank 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 REV E N N A A Z Z D A A A D D J A B U AK AK AB AH AK AK AG AG AK AK AK AK B AG AK AJ B Z B Z Z / x 83311300 AK LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 5 of 6 PAGE 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 6-30.1 6-30.2 6-31 6-32 6-33 Blank 6-34.1 6-34.2 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 Blank 6-41 6-42 6-42.1 Blank 6-43 6-44 6-45 6-46 6-46.1 6-46.2 6-46.3 6-46.4 6-46.5 6-46.6 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-51 '----- - " 83311300 AK REV AK Z AK AE AE E E AB AB AB AK AK AF AC AK AK AK AK AK AK AF AK AK AK AB AB V AD AB AJ T AA AJ AK AB AH AC AF PAGE 6-52 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 6-61 Blank 6-63 Blank App A Div Blank A-i Blank A-I Blank U/T Aids Blank A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 Blank DLTs Blank A-9 A-I0 A-II A-12 A-13 A-14 A-IS A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 REV AG AG AF AF AF AF U AF W AJ AG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U xi LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 6 of 6 PAGE A-21 A-22 Procedures Blank A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 Blank App B Div Blank B-i Blank B-1 Blank UfT Aids Blank B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 Blank DLTs xii REV U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U PAGE Blank B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 Blank Procedures Blank B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 Cmt Sht Rtn Env Blank Cover REV U U U U U U U U U AH U U U U U U U U U U U 83311300 AK PREFACE This manual contains maintenance information applicable to the following Control Data@ Storage Module drives (SMD1s): BJ701A BJ701B BJ701C BJ701D BJ701E BJ701F BJ7B1F BJ7B1J BJ7B1K BJ7B1L BJ701J BJ701K BJ7B1A BJ7B1B BJ7B1D BJ7B1E Maintenance information is provided by six sections in this manual. Section numbers and a brief description of their contents are listed below. Section 1 - Installation and checkout. Provides information on preparing the drive for initial use: unpacking. power/signal cabling. and initial checkout. Section 2 - Preventive Maintenance. Provides dures on maintaining the equipment. detailed proce- Section 3 - Corrective Maintenance. Provides general maintenance information. drive tests and adjustments. trouble analysis aids. repair and replacement procedures. Section 4 - Diagrams. Contains schematics. logic diagrams Section 5 - Wire Lists. Provides documentation logic and mechanical assemblies. and assembly on wiring for Section 6 - Parts Data. Contains parts lists and illustrations showing all field replaceable parts. The following manuals apply to the BJ701/BJ7B1 SMD I S and are available from Control Data Corporation. Literature Distribution Services. 308 North Dale Street. St. Paul. MN 55103. "-_.,/ xiii 83311300 AK Title Publication No. 83311300 Maintenance 83324220 Reference 83322440 CDC Microcircuits. Vol. 1 (Functional scriptions of integrated circuits). de- 83324440 CDC Microcircuits. Vol. 2 (Functional scriptions of integrated circuits). de- 83323770 A Guide for the Disk Drive Operator. 83311300 AK xiv CONTENTS \ Important Safety Information and Precautions INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT Introduction Uncrating Cabinet Installation General Location Leveling and Aligning Power Wiring Site Electrical Requirements Special Requirements For 3 Phase. 4 Wire. Wye Site Power General Specifications For Neutral Conductor Limiting Branch and Feeder Circuit Load Currents Power System Grounding System Grounding Floor Grid Available Floor Grid Not Available AC Power Connections Signal Cabling Sector Plug Installation Drawer Mount Installation Rack Mount Installation General Assembly Instructions xxix 1. 83311300 AK 1-1 1-1 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6.1 1-6.1 1-6.1 1-6.1 1-7 1-7 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-9 1-15 1-15 1-15 I-IS xv Slide Assemblies Installation 1-18 Initial Checkout and Startup 1-20 2. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Introduction 2-1 Maintenance Materials 2-1 Level 4 Maintenance Procedures 2-2 Inspect Actuator Assembly Clean Primary Filter (All units except Acoustic 2X) 2-2 2-2 Clean Primary Filter (2X Option only) Clean Power Supply Outputs 2-2 2-2 Clean Shroud and Spindle 2-2 Clean and Lubricate Lockshaft 2-5 Clean Carriage Rails and Bearings 2-5 Level 6 Maintenance Procedures 2-5 Replace Absolute Filter 2-5 Testing Absolute Filter 2-6 Replacing Absolute Filter 2-6 3. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE Introduction 3A. 3-1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION General Warnings and Precautions 3-3 3-3 Head/Disk Special Precautions and Procedures 3-4 General Precautions Detection and Recovery xvi 3-4 3-4 3-4.2 General Head Crash Detection 3-4.2 3-4.2 Guide for Determining the Cause of Head Crashes 3-4.3 83311300 AK Recovery from a Head Crash 3-4.4 Electrostatus Discharge Protection 3-4.5 Maintenance Tools and Materials 3-4-5 Maintenance Preliminary Conditions 3-5 Interlocks 3-5 Disk Pack Installation and Removal 3-5 Installation 3-5 Removal 3-5 Case Assembly Raising and Lowering 3-5 IX Acoustic Top Case Raising IX Acoustic Top Case Lowering 3-5 2X Acoustic Case Raising 3-6 2X Acoustic Case Lowering 3-6 Deck Maintenance position 3-5 3-6 Raise Deck 3- 6 Lower Deck 3-10 Logic Chassis Maintenance position 3-10 Side Panel Removal and Installation 3-10 Off-Line Operation 3-10 Use of Test Software 3-10 Manual Head Positioning 3--11 Power On Manual Head Positioning 3-11 Power Off Manual Head Positioning 3-12 Preparing Drive for Off-Line operation 3-12 Preparing Drive for On-Line operation 3-12 3B. DRIVE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS General 3-13 Plus and Minus 5-Volt Regulators 3-13 Adjustments SIC 23 & Below 3-13 Adjustments SIC 24 & Above 3-14 Head Alignment 3-14 83311300 AK xvii General 3-14 Initial Setup 3-16 Servo Head Offset Check 3-17 Read/Write Heads Check and Adjustment 3-18 Velocity Gain Adjustment 3-21 40 Megabyte Units 3-21 80 Megabyte Units 3-21 Speed Transducer Electrical Check 3C. 3-22.1 TROUBLE ANALYSIS AIDS General 3-23 Power System Checks 3-23 Output Voltages Check 3-23 Emergency Retract Test 3-23 Servo System Adjustments and Checks 3-23 General 3-23 Velocity Gain Check 3-23 Fine position Amplitude Check 3-24 On Cylinder Delay Check 3-24 Coarse Velocity Integrator Check 3-24 Digital to Analog Converter Check 3-25 Velocity Transducer Gain Uniformity Check 3-25 Fine Enable switching Level Check 3-27 Track Servo Amplitude Check 3-27 Cylinder Pulse switching Level Check 3-29 End of Travel Check 3-30 On Cylinder switching Level Check 3-30 Loss of Servo Control Checks 3-31 Fine position Offset Check 3-32 Read/Write System Check 3-32 Head Amplitude Test 3-32 Miscellaneous Logic Checkout xviii 3-33 83311300 AK Start/Stop Time 3-33 Speed sensing Power Up Clear 3-33 3D. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES General 3-35 Blower Motor Replacement 3-35 Brake Place Replacement 3-35 Cam Tower Replacement 3-35 carriage and Coil Assembly 3-36 Circuit Breaker Replacement 3-37 Drive Belt 3-37 Adjustment 3-37 Replacement 3-37 Drive Motor Replacement 3-37 Drive Motor Replacement (Alternate Method) 3-38 Deck Interlock Switch (A1S4) 3-40 Removal/Replacement 3-40 Repair 3-40 3-41 Adjustment 3-41 Removal/Replacement 3-41 Repair 3-44 General 3-44 Head Inspection 3-44 Head Cleaning 3-44 Head Arm Replacement Criteria 3-45 Heads Loaded Switch Adjustment -' 3-40 Adjustment Head/Arm Assemblies '--- 3-33 83311300 AK 3-46 3-46 xix Replacement 3-46 Hysteresis Brake Replacement (SIC 08 W/O 37669 & Below) 3-46 Hysteresis Brake Replacem-ent (SIC 08 WI 37669 & Above 3-47 Power Amplifier Assembly Replacement 3-48 Power Supply Replacement 3-50 Power Supply Module Repair and Replacement (SIC 23 & Below) 3-50 Power Supply Replacement (SIC 24 & Above) 3-53 Rail Bracket Assembly 3-54 Relay Replacement (K2) 3-54 Servo Preamp Board Replacement 3-54 Speed Sensor 3-54.2 Adjustment 3-54.2 Replacement 3-56 spindle Assembly 3-56 Spindle Replacement 3-56 Lockshaft Replacement 3-58 Spindle/Carriage Alignment 3-59 Static Ground Spring 3-60 Adjustment 3-60 Replacement 3-61 Time Meter Replacement 3-61 Triac Replacement 3-61 Velocity Transducer 3-62 4. DIAGRAMS Introduction 4-1 9.67 and 4.84 Clock Diagrams 4-2 9.67 MHz. 19.34 MHz Clocks 4-4 Target Register. Target Mux 4-5 RPS Steering and Interrupt 4-7 xx 83311300 AK Bus In Bits 0 thru 5 4-9 Bus In Bits 6 and 7. Write and Read Gate 4-10 Access Control and Index/Sector Decode 4-12 Reverse EOT Pulse and Max Address Fault 4-13 Access Control. Part I 4-14 Access Control. Part II 4-16 Servo Fault. Load and RTZ 4-18 Head Select. R+W and Cylinder Fault 4-20 Power Up Master Clear and Voltage Fault 4-21 Miscellaneous Fault Detect + Speed Detect 4-22 Unit Select 4-26 Transmitters 4-28 Receivers 4-30 On Cylinder Sense. Emergency Retract Control and Switching Mode 4-32 Power Amp Control 4-33 Fine Servo Decoder. Part 1 4-34 Fine Servo Decoder. Part 2 4-36 Fine Servo Decoder. Part 3 4-38 FWD/REV EOT Enables. Read AM Enable. Logic Plug and Unit Select Gating 4-40 Fine Enable. Offset Command Pulse and Fine position 4-40.2 Offset Command and Fine Position Analog 4-42 Summing Amp Output and Velocity 4-42.2 Seek Difference Generation 4-43 Cylinder Address Register 4-44 Difference Counter 4-45 Write Compensation - Converter. Pattern and Decoder Register 4-47 Write Compensation - Compensated MFM Data 4-48 Analog to Digital Converter 4-49 Lock to Data and Address Mark Detection 4-51 Address Mark Detect 4-52 83311300 AK xxi Lock to Data and Address Mark Detection 4-53 Input Control, Data Strobe Delay 4-55 Phase/Freg Comptr, Filter and VCQ 4-56 Data Separator 4-57 Head Select and Read Preamp A5 Assembly 4-58 Write Driver, Write Current Control A5 Assembly 4-59 Write Enable and Write Fault Detect A5 Assembly 4-60 AI0 - Control Panel Assembly 4-61 Speed Sensor Pulses 4-63 Start Triac Control, Kl Relay Control Brush Relay Control 4-67 Start Triac Control, Kl Relay Control 4-69 Speed 8 Interlocks 4-71 Power Up Sequence, Emergency Retract & Brake Control 4-74 Chassis Map 4-76 A8 Power Amp Assembly, A9 Emergency Retract Assembly 4-77 Ferro Resonant Xfmr, Power Supply Schematic,' AI, A2, A3 Assemblies 4-79 Al/A2 Assemblies, +5, -5 Volt Regulator 4-81 Assembly Al 4-82 Cabling/Block Diagrams with _XPN Interlock 4-83 Track Servo Preamp 4-86 Tag/Bus Decodes 4-87 5. WIRE LISTS Introduction 5-1 Wire Wrap Wire Lists 5-1 Non-Logic Wire Lists 5-1 Logic Backpanel Wirewrap 5-2.1 Base Assembly Wire List 5-7 Cable Assembly W4 Wire List 5-9 xxii 83311300 AK \ '---/ . W5 Harness Wire List (SIC 09 & Blw) 5-11 W5 Harness Wire List (SIC 10 & Abv) 5-12.1 DC Harness W6 Wire List 5-13 W10 Cable Assembly, Wire List 5-14 W12 Cable Assembly Wire List 5-15 Power Amp Driver Wire List 5-16 AC Harness Wire List 5-16.1 1/0 Cable Wire List 5-18 Fan Cable Wire List 5-25 Transducer Cable WIL 5-26 6. PARTS DATA "'" Introduction 6-1 Card Complement 6-63 . FIGURES '-. "- -" 1-1 Drive Physical Configurations 1-2 1-2 Pack Cover 1-3 1-3 Drive Shipping Hardware 1-4 1-4 Cabinet Without Drawer Mount Space Requirements 1-5 1-5 Cabinet With Drawer Mount Space Requirements 1-6 1-6 Line Current vs Start Up Time 1-7 1-7 AC Power Plug 1-8 1-8 TB1 Input Wiring 1-9 1-9 Basic Cable Routing with Drawer Mount 1-10 1-10 System Cabling 1-12 1-11 Sector Plug Installation 1-14 1-12 Cabinet Before Drawer Mount Installation 1--16 1-13 Cabinet After Drawer Mount Installation 1-16 83311300 AK xxiii 1-14 Ballast and Front Panel Installation 1-17 1-15 Rear Door GroundlFan Cable Installation 1-18 1-16 Slide Assembly 1-19 2-1 Air Filter Locations (all units except Acoustic 2X) 2-3 2-2 Cabinet Filters (Acoustic 2X only) 2-4 2-3 Carriage Rails and Bearings 2-5 2-4 Drilling of Absolute Filter 2-6 3-1 Control Interlocks 3-7 3-2 Drive Maintenance position (SIC 17 & Above) 3-8 3-2.1 Drive Maintenance position (SIC 16 & Below) 3-9 3-3 Magnet Cover and Voice Coil 3-11 3-4 Power Supply Adjustment (SIC 23 & Below) 3-13 3-4.1 Power Supply Adjustment (SIC 24 & Above) 3-14 3-5 Basic Head Alignment Check and Adjustment Procedure 3-15 3-5.1 Head Alignment Setup 3-16 3-5.2 Head Alignment Waveform 3-17 3-6 Head Arm Alignment 3-19 3-6.1 Velocity Gain Waveform - 40 Megabyte 3-21 3-6.2 Velocity Gain Waveform - 80 Megabyte 3-22 3-7 Velocity Gain Adjustment Locations 3-22 3-7.1 Speed Transducer Electrical Check 3-22.1 3-8 Fine position Amplitude Waveform 3-24 3-9 Coarse Velocity Integrator Waveform 3-25 3-10 Digital to Analog Converter Output Waveform 3-26 3-11 Integrated Velocity Waveform 3-27 3-12 Fine Enable Switching Waveform 3-28 3-13 Track Servo Amplitude Waveform 3-28 3-14 Shorted Servo Head Waveform 3-29 3-15 Blower Motor Replacement 3-36 3-16 Drive Motor Assembly 3-39 3-17 Pulley Installation 3-40 xxiv 83311300 AK 3-18 Head Replacement - Right Side View 3-41 3-19 Head Replacement - Left Side View 3-42 3-20 Typical Head Arm Components 3-44 3-21 Head Cleaning Motion 3-45 3-22 Heads Loaded Switch 3-46.1 3-22.1 Hysteresis Brake Replacement 3-47 3-23 Servo Preamp Connector 3-48 3-24 Servo Preamp Housing 3-49 3-25 Power Amplifier Assembly 3-49 3-26 Transistor Assembly 3-49 3-27 Power Supply Module Repair and Replacement (S/C 23 & Below) 3-51 3-28 Power Supply Replacement (S/C 24 & Above) 3-53 3-29 Servo Preamp Board Replacement 3-55 3-30 Speed Sensor Adjustment 3-56 3-31 Spindle Replacement 3-57 3-32 Spindle/Carriage Alignment 3-59 3-33 Static Ground Spring 3-60 3-34 Velocity Transducer Replacement 3-63 6-1 Final Assembly - IX Option 6-2 6-2 Final Assembly - 2X Option 6-6 6-3 IX Frame Assembly 6-10 6-4 2X Acoustic Option 6-12 6-5 IX Rear Door Assembly 6-14 6-6 2X Rear Door Assembly 6-16 6-7 IX Front Door Assembly 6-18 6-8 IX Side Panel Assembly 6-20 6-9 Top Case Assembly 6-22 6-10 Lower Case Assembly 6-24 6-11 Acoustic Pack Access Assembly 6-26 6-12 Control Panel Assembly 6-28 6-13 I/O Cable Assembly 6-30 83311300 AK xxv 6-14 Base Assembly 6-32 6-15 Deck Assembly 6-38 6-16 Power Supply Assembly (S/C 23 & Below) 6-44 6-16.1 Storage Module Power Supply Assembly (S/C 24 & Above) 6-46 6-16.2 Component Assembly, Type XKV 6-46.2 6-17 Logic Chassis Assembly 6-46.6 6-18 Drive Motor Assembly 6--48 6-19 Spindle Assembly 6-50 6-20 Power Amp Assembly 6-52 6-21 Carriage and Coil Assembly 6-54 6-22 Magnet Assembly 6-56 6-23 Rail Bracket Assembly 6-58 6-24 Emergency Retract Assembly 6-60 TABLES 1-1 Installation Requirements 1-5 1-2 Power Requirements 1-6 1-2.1 Conductor Load Current Limitations 1-7 1-3 I/O Connector Pin Assignments 1-11 1-4 Accessories 1-13 1-5 Sector Plug Wiring 1-14 2-1 Preventive Maintenance Index 2-1 3-1 Maintenance Tools and Materials 3-4.6 xxvi 83311300 AK APPENDIXES A-I B-1 Appendix A for SMDs with Series Code 24 (SIC 24) and Above Appendix B for SMDs with Series Code 23 (SIC 23) and Below 83311300 AK A-i B-i xxvii IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS Proper safety and repair is important to the safe. reliable operation of this unit. Service should be done by qualified personnel only. This maintenance manual describes procedures recommended by the manufacturer as effective methods of servicing the unit. Some of these procedures require the use of specially designed tools. For proper maintenance and safety. these specially designed tools should be used as recommended. The procedures in this maintenance manual and labels on the unit contain warnings and cautions which must be carefully read and observed in order to minimize or eliminate the risk of personal injury. The warnings point out condi tions or practices that are potentially hazardous to maintenance personnel. The cautions point out practices which. if disregarded. could damage the unit and make it unsafe for use. For the safety of maintenance and operating personnel. the following precautions must be observed: • Perform all maintenance in accordance with the procedures given in this manual. • Read and observe all cautions and warnings the procedures and labeled on the unit. • Use the special tools called out in the maintenance procedure. • Observe nance. • Use caution when troubleshooting a unit that has voltages present. Remove power from unit before servicing or replacing components. • Wear safety glasses when servicing units. • Wear safety shoes when removing or ponents. sound safety practices when provided performing replacing in mainte- heavy com- It ·is also important to understand that these warnings and cautions are not exhaustive. The manufacturer could not possibly know. evaluate and advise maintenance personnel of all conceivable ways in which maintenance might be performed or the possible risk of each maintenance technique. Consequently. the manufacturer has not completed any such broad evaluation. Thus. any persons who use any non-approved maintenance procedure or tool must first satisfy themselves that neither their safety nor the unit performance will be jeopardized by the maintenance techniques they select. 83311300 AK xxix SECTION 1 INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT INTRODUCTION This section contains information concerning the initial installation and checkout of the drive. The drive comes from the factory in anyone of three configurations (refer to figure 1-1) : • Cabinet with drive on top. • Cabinet with drive on top and also a drawer mounted drive. • Drawer mount to be mounted in an available cabinet. 1 UNCRATING CAUTION As unit is uncrated,use tools carefully to prevent damage to any assembly. As unit is uncrated, inspect it for possible shipping damage. All claims for this type of damage should be filed promptly with the transporter involved. If a claim is filed for damages, save the original crating materials. Most crating material may be reused if reasonable care is used while uncrating. Uncrate the unit as follows: The basic configuration is a cabinet with a drive mounted on top. This basic configuration is expanded by adding a drawer mounted unit to the lower part of the cabinet. The drawer mount can be factory installed or may come separately, in which case it must be installed in a cabinet not already containing a drawer mount. This section contains procedures for installation of all three configurations and is divided into the following areas: • Uncrating - Describes the removal of the unit from the shipping package. • Cabinet Location and Leveling Describes installation of the drive cabinet (with or without drawer mounted drive) • WARNING j Use care while cutting steel straps as they may whip when cut. 1. On air-shipped units, cut straps securing unit to skid. 2. Remove external packing material. 3. Remove polyethylene dust cover. • • Power Wiring - Explains the grounding and wiring of the drives power system. Signal Cabling - Explains the connection and routing of the drive I/O cables. o Sector Plug Installation - Describes the installation and wiring of the sector plug. • Drawer Mount Installation - Describes installation of the drawer mounted drive into the cabinet. • Final Checkout - Describes the final checkout of the drive. 83311300 D 4. Open top cover by grasping sides of cover at back of unit and raising (cover is hinged at front of frame) cover up. 5. Open pack access cover by squeezing cover latch (figure 1-2) . 6. Remove screw securing deck assembly to deck holddown bracket (figure 1-3). Loosen screw securing bracket to base assembly. Slide bracket away from deck as far as bracket will go and rotate bracket 90 degrees clockwise. Tighten screw. Install screw removed from deck into hole in deck, tighten screw. 7. Remove two deck-to-frame holddown screws at bottom of shroud (figure 1-3). 8. Raise deck assembly and install deck support bracket (figure 3-2). 1-1 CABINET WITH TOP MOUNTED DRIVE DRAWER MOUNT DRIVE CABINET WITH BOTH TOP MOUNT AND DRAWER MOUNTED DRIVES Figure 1-1. 9D27 Drive Physical Configurations 83311300 1-2 D 9. Inspect base assembly, deck assembly and power supply for damage. 10. Raise deck assembly and remove deck support bracket. \ 11. Secure deck assembly to base assembly using deck-to-frame hold down screws removed in step 7. NOTE Do not raise deck without first installing spacer and holddown screw between rear shock mounts and hinge as shown in figure 1-3. 12. Remove the screw located between the two shock mounts at rear of deck (figure 1-3). Remove spacer between deck and frame. Install screw and spacer in keeper hole in deck casting (screw must be securely installed in area between shock mounts whenever raising deck assembly) . 13. Inspect top of deck assembly for damage. 14. Loosen two turnlock fasteners securing the logic chassis to the support arm at rear of deck. Swing support arm out away from logic chassis. 15. Grasp logic chassis fan and raise chassis up. Lock chassis in this position using slide bar on top of magnet assembly (figure 1-3). 16. Inspect logic chassis connectors and wiring for loose or broken wires. Make sure all logic cards are firmly seated in connectors. 17. Lower logic chassis and secure chassis in place using support arm and two turnlock fasteners. 18. Remove carriage locking pin and place it in storage hole (refer to figure 1-3). 19. Close top cover and pack access cover. PACK COVER~ '",-- - 9D28 Figure 1-2. Pack Cover 83311300 K 1-3 20. On cabinet model, replace right side panel. CABINET INSTALLATION GENERAL NOTE If unit will not be placed on a false floor, install levelers before removing unit from skid. The cabinet installation involved determining,a ~uitable l?cation and then leveling and al~gn~ng the un~t once it is located. 21. Manually lift drive and remove skid from underneath. KEEPER HOLE (SECURE SPACER TO DECK KEEPER HOLE USING DECK REAR HOLD DOWN SCREW WHEN DECK IS LOWERED) CARRIAGE LOCKING HOLE (SHIPPING) CARRIAGE LOCKING HOLE (STORAGE) CARRIAGE LOCKING HOLE (HEAD ALIGNMENT) 8J21H Figure 1-3. Drive Shipping Hardware 1-4 83311300 AK LOCATION LEVELING AND ALIGNING When the drive is installed, there must be enough clearance around the unit to permit access to it for maintenance. Table 1-1 and figures 1-4 and 1-5 give the size and space requirements of the drive. The following procedure describes the leveling and aligning of the cabinet. 1. Roll cabinet to designated location. 2. Turn down leveling pads until casters are completely off of floor. TABLE 1-1. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Specification 3. Place spirit level on main deck so ends of level point to front and rear of deck. Level unit to height of other units. Value 4. Adjust leveling pads until surface is horizontal within three angular degrees. Cabinet Height (36.2 in) width (21.5 in) Depth (36.0 in) Weight (345 lb) 5. Place spirit level on main deck so ends of level point toward sides. 6. Adjust leveling pads until surface is horizontal within three angular degrees. 7. Repeat procedure until main deck is horizontal within three angular degrees regardless of spirit level orientation. Drawer Mount Height (11.2 in) width (19.3 in) POWER WIRING Depth (30.6 in) SITE ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Weight (165 lb) Drive power requirements are listed in table 1-2. Drive line current versus startup time is shown in figure 1-6. r- 9.0 ....:1~(:------ 36.0 ----~I 10L sl (j) .60H 0 6 ","\ 2202 ~ qo V4C -~Hz ~ u w z System Grounding The controller and its attached drives must be connected to earth ground. The permissible grounding schemes,listed in preferred order, are: 1. Controller and drives connected to qualified site floor ground. A qualified ground would be a floor grid where the horizontal and vertical members of the grid are mechanically 83311300 AK :J ~ 10 ~ ~ \ ~~~ ~ -........: ~ o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 MAXIMUM START-UP TIME (SECONDS) 8J76A Figure 1-6. Line Current vs Start Up Time 1-7 Floor Grid Available If a floor grid is available (schemes 1 or 2), each drive is to be individually connected to the floor grid. Ground each drive as follows: 1. Grounding terminal is mounted at the rear of unit, above the AC power cord. Route braided strap with free end into floor cutout. 2. Drill 11/32-inch hole in grid. 3. Secure strap lug to grid using screw (PIN 17901524) and lockwasher (PIN 10126403). Lockwasher goes under terminal lug. Floor Grid Not Available If a floor grid is not available, all of the drives must be connected to the controller in a daisy chain grounding configuration. In turn, the controller must be connected to earth ground. The ground connections are via flat braided shielding (PiN 93267009). Cut this shielding to the lengths required to go from drive to drive,drive to controller,and controller to earth ground. Crimp and solder a terminal lug (PIN 40125601) to the end of each strap. The 220/240 Vac, 50 Hz unit does not have an ac power connector, install connector to power (refer to figure 1-7) as follows: • Green or green/yellow wire to Ground Terminal. • Black to Phase One. • White to Neutral Terminal. The input power is available at board TBI. This terminal board under the deck and ahead of the it is accessible by raising the drive is adapted to the desired option by wiring terminal board ing to figure 1-8. terminal is located transformer, deck. The input voltage TBI accord- The power cable is routed out of the drive cabinet as shown in figure 1-9. Signal Cabling Each drive connects to the controller via two cables. These are designated the A cable and the B cable (refer to table 1-3 for pin assignments) . The B cable always connects directly to the controller. However, if more than one drive Earth ground at the site may be' available at the main power distribution panel (if it is connected to building ground), at the steel plate in contact with the masonry below the panel (if the panel is not connected to earth ground), or to an earth ground bus. Connect one end of a prepared ground strap to the available ground. Connect remainder of grounds as follows: 1. Grounding terminal is mounted at the rear of unit, above the AC power cord. 2. Attach two ground straps to this screw. One strap will go to each of the two closest drives. Tighten screws. 3. Repeat step 2 for remaining drives. Drive closest to controller is to be connected to controller ground. 4. Connect controller to earth ground. PHASE ONE (BRASS) ~ -~~, ~ ( r-I + '\ NEUTRAL (BRIGHT PLATED TERMINAL) -(MALE CONNECTOR (120V,15A,60Hz, 10 2 POLE,3 WIRE) AC Power Connections Each drive (except the 220/240 Vac, 50 Hz units) receives its ac power via a 10-foot cable. This cable originates from line filter FLI located in the rear of the drive below the power supply. 1-8 9D32 Figure 1-7. AC Power Plug 83311300 D VOLTAGE OPTION 60 H2 60 H2 50 HZ 50 HZ 50 H2 100V 120V 100V 220V 240 V BLKCD . CBIBI I CBIBI CBI- CBIBI ~ BI CBIBI ORNCD GRY® ~ 2 T E r-R 3 M r-I N A CB22 II CB22 1,/ ~ 411 e e CB22 5 ~ ~ ® TO TRANSFORMER TI >- - L >- BRNCD BLK® YEL CB22 4 WHT® . GRY CB22 6 WHT :> NOTES: I WIRE COLOR FOR 50 HZ UNITS. WIRE COLOR FOR 60 HZ UNITS. REFER TO SECTION 5 - BASE ASSY W/L. 4 .---.INDICATES JUMPER WIRE. ~~ Figure 1-8. is involved in the system, the A cable may be either star or daisy chain connected. Figure 1-10 shows both configurations. When connected in a star configuration, each drive A cable connects directly to the controller and the extra A cable connector (~sed for daisy chaining) is terminated. '" - When connected in a daisy chain, the drives are connected as shown in figure 1-10. In this case, only the A cable of the first drive in the chain connects directly to the controller, and the others connect via the daisy chain. The last drive in the chain is left with an extra A cable connector and this is terminated. Figure 1-9 shows a possible method of routing the cables within the cabinet. This figure shows the cabinet with a drawer mounted drive installed and the two drives connected in a daisy chain configuration. If the drives were connected in a star configuration the extra A cable connectors (J4) would be terminated. a list of cable and accessory part numbers, refer to table 1-4. ~or 9D31 B TBI Input Wiring SECTOR PLUG INSTALLATION The number of sector pulses generated by the drive for each revolution of the disk pack depends on the configuration of its sector plug. This plug is installed on the logic backpanel at card location A03 and its terminals have a one to one correspondence with the backpanel pins. This means that terminal lA on the plug connects to pin lA on the backpanel and so on. The plug furnishes preset inputs to the drives sector counter and table 1-5 shows the binary value of each sector plug terminal. The drive comes from the factory with its sector plug prewired for 64 sectors. If a different number of sectors is desired, it is necessary to rewire the plug. Prior to rewiring the plug, the correct preset value for the counter must be determine~ This is done using the following formula (refer to Publication Number 83324220 for more information). 4096 - Length of Sector Preset Value Where: length of sector 13440 (total dibits per revolutio~ Number of Desired Sectors 83311300 AK 1-9 I SEE NOTE 1 1 GROUND STRAP POWER CABLE TIE WRAP (10) GROUND STRAP AANDB CABLE NOTES: 1. REPLACED BY TERMINATOR IF IT IS LAST DRIVE IN DAISY CHAIN OR STAR CONNECTED. Figure 1-9. 1-10 9D33D Basic Cable Routing with Drawer Mount 83311300 AB TABLE 1-3. I/O CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS Cable A (J3,J4) Pins Function Cable A (J3,J4) Pins Function Cable B (J2) Pins Function 1,4 Tag Gate Out 34,37 Bus Out Bit 5 A,B,C* R/W Data 2,5 Tag Gate In 35,38 Bus Out Bit 6 H,J,E* Write Clock 3,7 Bus In Bit 1 36,39 Bus Out Bit 7 M,N,K* Servo Clock 8,12 Bus In Bit 4 40,43 Not used M,CC Seek End 10,13 Index 41,44 Not used BB,DD Module Addressed 11,14 Bus In Bit 7 42,45 Bus In Bit ° EE,HH Interrupt 15,18 Bus In Bit 2 46,49 Tag 1 (2°) 16,20 Bus In Bit 5 48,51 Tag 2 (21) 17,21 Bus In Bit 3 52,55 Tag 3 (22) 22,25 l-bdule Select Hold 53,56 Write Protect** 23,26 Bus Out Bit 0 73 Remote pick** 24,27 Bus Out Bit 1 76 Remote Ho1d** 28,31 Bus Out Bit 2 74,77 Sector 29,32 Bus Out Bit 3 75,78 Bus In Bit 6 30,33 Bus Out Bit 4 NOTES: *Shie1d ground. 83311300 AB **S/C 10 and Above Only 1-11 CONTROLLER SYSTEM GROUND A B J3 J4 J2 SMD I B J3 J4 J2 A J3 J4 B A J2 J3 B J4 SMD SMD SMD 2 3 N J2 STAR-CABLED SYSTEM MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL A AND B CABLE LENGTHS = 100 FT. & TERMINATORS NOT REQUIRED ON OLDER UNITS WH ICH HAVE TERMINATOR S ON RECEIVER CARDS. CONTROLLER SYSTEM GROUND A B B B B ---{ J3 J4 J2 J3 J4 SMD SMD 2 3 J2 J3 J4 J2 SMD N DAISY CHAIN -CABLED SYSTEM MAXIMUM CUMULATIVE A CABLE LENGTH MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL B CABLE LENGTH * EXCLUDES INTERNAL DRIVE CABLE. Figure 1-10. 1-12 =100 FT. * =100 FT. 9FI6 System Cabling 83311300 D TABLE l-4. ACCESSORIES Cable and Accessories List Cable Length 1.53 3.05 4.58 6.10 7.63 9.16 10.7 12.2 m m m m m m m m (5 ft) (10 ft) (15 ft) (20 ft) (25 ft) (30 ft) (35 ft) (40 ft) I/O Plug Terminator A Cable * (Shielded) A Cable (Unshielded) B Cable * (Shielded} B Cable (Unshielded) 77569702 77569703 77569704 77569705 77569706 77569707 77569708 77569709 77439102 77439103 77439104 77439105 77439106 77439107 77439108 77439109 47201700 47201701 47201702 47201703 47201713 47201704 47201714 47201705 75241300 75241301 75241302 75241303 75241313 75241304 75241314 75241305 - Part Number 40067209 A Cable Straight-In Kit - Part Number 95050700** Notes: Shielded A and B cables are used in high noise enviroments. * ** Kit used to modify 90° connector (standard on factory units) to 180 0 connector. Depending on the number of sectors desired, the sector length mayor may not come out evenly (without a remainder). How this is taken into account when using the formula is explained in the following examples. EXAHPLE a. ~: 64 sectors are desired so sector length is: l3440/64 which equals 2l0. This means there will be 64 sectors each 210 dibits in length. b. Substituting into the preset value formula: 4096 210 = 3886. c. Referring to table 1-5, the plug is wired as follows: - 11 2B(2 ) 10 2A (2 ) 3B (2~) 3A (2 ) 5 9B (2 13A (22 1 14B(2 ) l l4A (2 1 3886 1 Should be a logical one and connect to terminal 5A (+5V} 8B(2~) 8A (2 ) 9A (2 4 ) 15 (2 0 ) ~ Should be a logical zero and connect to terminal 1A (GND) \ '- 83311300 AJ 1-13 TABLE 1-5. Plug Terminal 2B 2A Binary Value 211 2 Decimal Value NOTE: 3B 10 2 2048. 1024 9 512 SECTOR PLUG WIRING 3A 8B 8A 9B 9A l3A l4B l4A lSB 8 27 26 2 5 24 23 22 21 20 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 Those terminals to be set to a·logical one should be connected to terminal SA (+SV) • Those terminals to be set to a logical zero should be connected to plug terminal lA (gnd) . EXAMPLE 2: 2. Compute the desired sector length and preset value then determine the proper wiring by referring to table 1-5. a. 71 sectors are desired so sector length is: 13440/71 which equals 189 with a remainder of 21. This means there will be 71 sector~each 189 dibits in length and one sector (the last before index) 21 dibits in length. NOTE In steps 3 and 4, use 24 AWG wire of the correct length with a contact crimped to each end. Refer to figure 1-11 for details. b. Substituting into the preset value formula (note that the remainder of 21 is not used): 4096 - 189 = 3907 3. Daisy chain together all the terminals that are to be a logical. one and connect the daisy chain to terminal SA (+SV) . c. In this case the sector plug should be wired to preset the counter to 3907. The correct wiring is determined using table 1-5 (refer to example 1). 4. Daisy chain together all the terminals that are to be a logical zero and connect the daisy chain to terminal lA (ground) . The procedure for wiring the sector plug is as follows (refer to figure 1-11 and table 1-5) : 5. Insert a wire and contact pin into all unused terminals in rows 1 through 6 and rows 30 through 34 (refer to fi~e 1-11). 1. Remov~the existing jumper wires from the plug. NOTES: CD .....-1f THIS SIDE PLUGS ONTO BACKPANEL PINS ® 3. JUMPER WIRE IS 24 AWG (CDC PN 24548305) AND HAS A CONTACT (CDC PN 94245607) CRIMPED ONTO EACH END. INSERT WIRE AND CONTACT (CRIMPED TOGETHER) INTO UNUSED TERMINALS IN ROWS 1-6 AND 30-34. TERMINAL 5A CONNECTS TO +5V ON BACKPANEL AND TERMINAL IA CONNECTS TO GND ON BACKPANEL. ® 9035 Figure 1-11. 1-14 Sector Plug Installation 83311300 AC DRAWER MOUNT INSTALLATION Perform the following procedure to install the drawer mounted drive into an acoustic cabinet. It is assumed that all power, ground and signal cables have been removed from the top mounted drive. Figure 1-12 shows the cabinet as it appears before the installation and indicated the parts that have to be removed before the drawer mount drive can be installed. 1. Remove and discard front door and its associated hardware from drive cabinet as follows (refer to figure 1-12). 7. Perform Slide Assembly Installation procedure. 8. Install case assembly on drive. 9. Slide drive to its closed position and tighten hardware securing keeper latches. This ensures that keeper latches are properly aligned to case. 10. Install the I/O cables (refer to discussion on signal cabling). 11. Connect the power wiring and ground the drive (refer to discussion on power wiring) • a. Remove ground strap. 12. Install new rear door as follows: b. Lift out release pin from lower hinge and remove door. a. Place door on hinges and install release pin. c. Remove both upper and lower hinges from drive cabinet. b. Install ground strap disconnected from old door in step 2 (refer to figure 1-15). d. Remove front door latch. 2. Remove and discard rear door as follows: c. Connect fan cable disconnected from old door in step 2 (refer to figure 1-15) . a. Disconnect ground strap from door. b. Disconnect fan cable from door. c. Lift out release pin from lower hinge and remove door. 13. Replace side panels by reversing the procedure of step 3. 14. Proceed to initial checkout and startup of the drive (refer to discussion on initial checkout and startup). 3. Remove left and right side panels as follows: RACK MOUNT OPTION INSTALLATION a. Remove ground strap. b. Loosen two quarter turn fasteners and lift side panel off. NOTE A convenient support for ballast installation is made by laying two, 2-inch by 4-inch boards on floor (2-inch edge against floor) and covering them with a piece of 1/2-inch plywood. 4. position ballast beneath frame and attach ballast to underside of cabinet floor using four flat washers, lock washers, and screws. See figure 1-14. 5. Refer to figure 1-14 and install upper and lower front panels. Connect ground strap to lower front panel. 6. Loosely install catches using two flat washers, lock washers and screws for each. Position keeper latches so that distance from cut out to bottom of keeper latch is less than distance from cut out to top of keeper latch. 83311300 AC GENERAL The rack mount option enables the standard SMD base assembly (with special case assembl~ to be mounted in a 19-inch standard EIA rack. The depth of this type of rack shall be 36 inches minimum. The features of this type of mounting are: • Slides have built-in stop (at 22 inches) in the pack access position. • Slides have built-in locks (at 32 inches) in the maintenance position. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Perform Slide Assembly Installation procedure. 2. Loosely install right and left keeper latches using two screws each. Orient keeper latches so that short leg of each keeper latch protrudes in the lowest position (protruding leg then forms bottom of L-shaped keeper latch). 1-15 o NOTE: CD REMOVED DURING INSTALLAT ION AND NOT REPLACED. 9D36 Figure 1-12. Cabinet Before Drawer Mount Installation UPPER DRIVE~ REAR DOOR CD ~ o KEEPER LATCH SLIDE (2)CD (2)CD LOWER FRONT PANEL Figure 1-13. 1-16 NOTE: CD ADDED DURING INSTALLATION. CD 9D37A Cabinet After Drawer Mount Installation 83311300 AC \, ..... - _.../ ' KEEPER LATCH J LOWER FRONT PANEL 9D38C Figure 1-14. 83311300 AK Ballast and Front Panel Installation 1-17 STUD ?STRAP GROUND INSIDE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF REAR DOOR . ~@ CABLE------------~ @~ ROUTE FAN THROUGH THIS CLAMP ~ 9D44B Figure 1-15. Rear Door Ground/Fan Cable Installation 3. Install case assembly on drive. 4. Slide drive to its closed position and tighten hardware securing keeper latches. This ensures that keeper latches are properly aligned to case. SLIDE ASSEMBLIES INSTALLATION Install slide assemblies as follows: 5. Ensure that slide assemblies are aligned and parallel, then tighten mounting hardware securing each end of slide assemblies to frame. 6. Extend slide assemblies to full extension as follows (refer to figure 1-16). Pullout inner slide until it stops, then depress full extension release and extend outer slide until it locks in fully extended position. 1. Loosen adjusting screws and nuts securing rear recess bracket to main bracket so that slide assembly can be adjusted. Refer to figure 1-16. 7. Loosen two nuts securing each quick disconnect keeper latch and then slide keeper latch forward. See direction arrow in figure 1-16. 2. Push brackets into fully closed position. 8. Lift quick disconnect enough to disengage mounting block (on disconnect) from mounting notch (on slide), then pull quick disconnect forward until mounting tooth slips out of mounting slot. 3. Loosely attach nut plates to frame using four screws and lock washers each. 4. Extend main and rear recess brackets of slide assembly and place slotted ends of brackets between nut plates and frame. Slide assemblies must be positioned with quick disconnect flanges at bottom and facing each other. 1-18 9. If drive has mounting pads on the bottom, remove them. 83311300 AE ® NUTPLATE~ ~~ ~ ADJUSTING <0~ NUT~ ;~ ~~~AR ~\ ~~~~~T '" y~ADJUSTING ~ SLIDE OUTER QUICK T CATCH~@ DISCONNEC ~ SCREWS CD .~~ ~MAIN ® • BRACKET : J,~~INNER ~ NUT PLATE ® ~~ ~~~~NSION ~'~ ~ ~~~~NSION n SLIDE RELEASE ./ /" g'L~~ LOCK \ TO SLIDE) QUICK NECT DISC ON T ADJUSTMENT. IS FULLY EXTENDED. NOTES, AR RECESS BRACKE WHEN OUTER SLIDE FULL EXTENSION CD ALLOW RE DED POSITION SION RELEASi'iDED, ® ® '4' \V 5 ® E:;~CTION EXTE~~~SE~:E:RESSING ~Vi~L~i~:MO~~ ~~MOVED, LOCKS IN FULLY OUT WHEN T CATCH TO ALLOWS NECT TO LOOSENINg:~~S ~H PL'k~d:s LOCK OFF~i'\'. ~~R:i~ ~NCr:..OSED P~TA~~TES WI~~AOt~TS, QUICK DISCONT SIDE OF DRIVE, ARE SUPPLIEDF,;,;gr!' THUS ALL OWN IS FOR HIGH HED WITH SLIDi'HOLES HOLES, ASSEMBLY WHICH ARE NUT NUT CENTE;ii.f> PLATE, TO THE EITHER THE SO HOLES AR THE CEN TER NUT OF PLATES INSTALL Figure 1-16. I ~-- 83311300 AC OF ARROW 9G28A S11·d e Assembly 1-19 NOTE For ease of assembly and to prevent damage to case assembly, remove case before installing drive on slide assemblies. 10. Using four countersunk flat-head screws and countersunk washers on each side, attach quick disconnects to drive's base. CAUTION 3. Open cabinet top cover. 4. Remove logic chassis card cover. 5. Verify that all logic chassis cards are firmly seated in their connectors. 6. Instail logic chassis card cover. 7. Verify that drive is connected to external power source and that external circuit breaker (if any) is on. 8. Turn on AC circuit breaker. Before mounting drive ensure that all slide assembly mount~ ing hardware is secure. Use two- people.: to lift drive _on. to. slides. When installing drawermounted drive, use care not to exert undue downward pressure or frame may tip forward. 11. Carefully lift drive over full extended slide assemblies. Engage mounting teeth of quick disconnects with mounting slots of outer slides. Seat mounting blocks of quick disconnects into mounting notches of outer slides. 12. Slide quick disconnect keeper latches toward rear until they are under outer slides. Tighten nuts to secure keeper latches. This locks the drive to the slide assemblies. 13. Press in (to release) full extension locks and then push drive all the way in and out several times to ensure that it moves freely. If binding occurs, check slide assemblies for proper alignment. INITIAL CHECKOUT AND STARTUP This procedure assumes that all of the precedingprocedures have been completed. Before performing this procedure; become familiar with all preventive maintenance procedures in section 2, with the safety precautions and maintenance preliminary conditions specified in section 3, and with all operating instructions in section 2 of publication number 83317300. 1. Set AC and DC power circuit breakers to OFF. 2. Remove dust or dirt from interior of shroud and cabinet per Clean Shroud and Spindle procedure of section 2. The main blower motor shall start. 9. Set front panel start switch to off. 10. Open top cover from rear. 11. Remove black voice coil wire. 12. Turn on POWER SUPPLY circuit breaker. The logic fan shall start. 13. Install clean scratch pack as directed in section 2 of publication number 83317300. 14. Press the START switch. following: Observe the a. Start indicator lights. b. Spindle motor starts. Purge unit in this mode for 10 minutes. 15. Stop unit and replace voice coil wire. CAUTION If abnormal heads load is observed, power down unit and have a qualified CE inspect heads and disk pack for damage. 16. Press START switch. ing: Observe the follow- a. START indicator lights. b. Spindle motor starts. c. Heads load. 17. Perform head/arm alignment procedure (refer to Section 3). 18. Perform required controller/system checks. 19. Close cabinet top cover. 1-20 83311300 AC SECTION 2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION Performance of the drive is dependent on the proper and timely execution of a preventive maintenance routine. Such a routine is provided by the Preventive Maintenance Index (table 2-1). 2 TABLE 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INDEX Level Est. T.i.Jre (Minutes) Procedure 4 2 Inspect actuator assembly 4 5 Clean primary filter* 4 2 Check power supply outputs 4 1 Clean shroud and spindle 4 2 Clean and lubricate lockshaft The following levels of scheduled preventive maintenance are required: 4 5 Clean carriage rails and bearings Level 1 - Weekly or 150 hours (no preventive maintenance scheduled) 6 20 Replace absolute filter* The index consists of six levels based on a calendar period or hours of operation (whichever comes first). The elapsed time meter keeps a cumulative record of hours of operation. Perform preventive maintenance in accordance with the indication of this meter. The Procedure column (table 2-1) lists the title of the paragraph containing the required instructions. Level 2 - Bimonthly or 1000 hours (no preventive maintenance scheduled) * Intervals are maximum times. Preventive maintenance may be required more frequently depending on dust contamination level of operating area. Level 3 - Quarterly or 1,500 hours Level 4 - Semiannually or 3,000 hours Level 5 - Annually or 6,000 hours (no preventive maintenance scheduled) Level 6 - Biennially or 9,000 hours MAINTENANCE MATERIALS The material used in the procedures of this section are listed in table 3-1. 83311300 AJ 2-1 LEVEL 4 MAINTENANCE PRO(:EDURES INSPECT ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY! 1. Open pack access cover. 2. Open cabinet top. 3. Inspect entire actuator for presence of dust and other foreign materials. Pay particular attention to the following areas: 3. Remove air filter from top cover by lifting upward so the bottom edge clears retaining trough. Pull bottom of filter towards you and out of top trough. 4. Agitate filter in mild detergent solution. Rinse in reverse direction with a low pressure nozzle. 5. Shake excess water from filter and allow filter to dry before proceeding. a. Circular cutouts in face of magnet assembly (receives voice coil) ~ 6. Replace filter in drive. b. Rail surfaces (particularly horizontal surfaces) of carriage track on which carriage and bearing assembly travels. 7. Install holddown flange and install washers and nuts removed in step 2. CHECK POWER SUPPLY OUTPUTS 4. Use lint-free gauze dampened with media cleaning solution (not soaked) to remove deposits or attracted particles. Refer to Clean Carriage Rails and Bearings procedure. Perform Output Voltage Check Procedure (see Trouble Analysis Aids Section of this manual). CLEAN SHROUD AND SPINDLE CLEAN PRIMARY FILTER (ALL UNITS EXCEPT 2X ACOUSTIC) 1. Stop spindle motor. 2. Open pack access cover. 1. Remove air filter (figure 2-1) by lifting upward so that bottom edge clears retaining trough. Pull filter towards you and out of trough. 2. Agitate filter in mild detergent solution. Rinse in reverse direction with a low pressure nozzle. 3. Shake any excess water from filter and allow filter to dry before proceeding. 4. Replace filter in drive. CLEAN PRIMARY FILTER: (2X OPTION ONLY) 1. Raise case assembly. 2. Remove hardware securing filter holddown flange and filter to case assembly (figure 2-2). Remove filter holddown flange. 2-2 CAUTION Keep disk pack at least three inches away from any part of the magnet assembly. 3. Remove disk pack. CAUTION Bearing damage can occur if alcohol runs into spindle. 4. Clean shroud with a lint-free gauze that is slightly dampened with head cleaning solution. Wipe shroud to remove all dirt and smudges. Thoroughly wipe spindle surface. 5. After cleaning shroud, use a wad of adhesive-type tape and pick up any particles that were not picked up with gauze. Make certain that all particles are removed from interior of shroud. 83311300 AJ DECK SUPPORT BRACKET /;'/ ____ ,,II ----- -----.; - - ---=..-,, ~- -- '\\, ----- \ " --~ \ -----.. ,, ~! .... -_____ I 9D45C Figure 2-1. Air Filter Locations (All units except Acoustic 2X) 2-3 83311300 AJ ABSOLUTE FILTER HOLDDOWN STRAP CASE ASSEMBLY BASE ASSEMBLY 8JI6A Figure 2-2. Cabinet Filters (Acoustic 2X only) 2-4 83311300 AJ CLEAN AND LUBRICATE LOCKSHAFT 1. Stop spindle motor. 2. Open pack access cover. 3. Remove disk pack. 4. Use lint-free gauze and a brush or . sharp instrument to clean lockshaft threads on top of spindle. 5. Apply a thin coat of lubricant paste to threads. CARRIAGE CAUTION Inspecting and cleaning the rails and bearings is a delicate procedure that should be performed only by qualified service personnel. CLEAN CARRIAGE RAILS AND BEARINGS ~L-__~~~____~~CLEAN 8J6 1. Turn off UNIT POWR circuit breaker. 2. Remove cabinet top cover. 3. Open pack access cover. Figure 2-3. Carriage Rails and Bearings. 4. Remove disk pack CAUTION If, when performing step 5, it is necessary to use head cleaning solution, use extreme caution not to get any solution into the bearings. 5. Using a clean, dry clean swab or Q tip, clean all rail and bearing surfaces (figure 2-3). In some cases, it may be necessary to dampen (not soak) the swab or Q tip with head cleaning solution. It is necessary to manually move carriage to gain access to all surfaces. Do not move carriage so far that heads load. 6. Wipe rails and bearing surfaces with dry gauze. 7. Check for cleanliness by manually moving carriage. If any slight resistance to free rolling is encountered, repeat steps 4 and 5. LEVEL 6 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES dirt particles too small to be stopped by the primary filter. Eventually the filter becomes too clogged to yield a sufficient airflow, and it must be replaced. Its useful life depends on the drives operating environment. The user has two options: (1) replace the absolute filter at fixed intervals dependent on site environment or (2) obtain a pressure gauge (see table 3-1) and replace the absolute filter when it fails the testing procedure given below. With the first option, replacement of the absolute filter is required once every two years when the drive is operated in a computer room environment. If the drive is operated in something other than a computer room environment, absolute filter replacement is required more often. In a non-computer room environment, it is suggested that the absolute filter be replaced every year or whenever there is doubt about the ability of the filter to pass air into the shroud area. REPLACE ABSOLUTE FILTER An adequate supply of clean air to the pack area is essential to proper operation of the drive. The absolute filter traps all '-" 83311300 AJ 2-5 With the second option, maintenance personnel can periodically check the airflow through the absolute filter to determine the proper time for filter replacement. Regardless of a planned testing schedule, testing should be performed whenever there is doubt about the ability of the filter to pass air into the shroud area. The following describes testing and replacement of the absolute filter. Testing Absolute Filter 1. Remove power from the drive. 2. Gain access to absolute filter and determine whether filter has a hole and plastic plug for test purposes. If not, a. Remove filter from drive. b. Drill a 0.25 inch (6.35 rom) hole in the location shown in figure 2-4. 1. 65 in. (42 mm) c. Thoroughly clean shavings from filter before reinstalling it in drive. 2.4in. (61mm) 9H239 3. Remove plastic plug and insert tubing attached to the differential pressure gauge (refer to list of Maintenance Tools and Materials). Figure 2-4. Drilling of Absolute Filter 4. Apply power to drive and load heads. 5. If pressure is 0.5 inch-water or less, filter should be replaced. If pressure is above 0.5 inch-water, filter need not be replaced at this time. sary to jiggle filter to disengage it from blower motor outlet. 5. Wipe base pan clean in area under absolute filter and around blower motor outlet. 6. Remove tubing and insert plug. (Spare plastic plugs are included in the gauge test kit.) The plastic plug must be inserted at all times except when making pressure measurements. 7. Return drive to normal operation. Replacing Absolute Filter 1. Remove power from drive and raise deck to maintenance position. 2. Remove screw and lockwasher securing filter retaining bracket (see Figure 6-15 in Section 6). 3. Remove bracket by pivoting i t toward front of drive and disenaging flange on bracket from slot in base pan. 4. Remove absolute filter by pulling it toward front of drive. It may be neces- 2-6 6. Install new filter by sliding it in from front of drive and engaging it in blower motor outlet. 7. Install filter retaining bracket and secure with screw and lockwasher. 8. Return deck to normal operating position. 9. Set circuit breaker to On and allow blowers to purge unit for at least five minutes. NOTE If a pressure gauge is not available, skip step 10 and return drive to normal operation. 10. Perform Testing Absolute Filter procedure. 83311300 AJ SECTION 3 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE \ CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION This section contains instructions for drive corrective maintenance. This information is 83311300 T 3 provided in the form of general maintenance information, drive tests and adjustments, trouble analysis aids, and repair and replacement procedures. 3-1/3-2 SECTION 3A GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION / GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION 3A GENERAL • Maintenance information is provided to aid in the repair of functionally deficient drives. Tests are performed to isolate causes of drive failures such as: Use caution while working near heads. If heads are touched, fingerprints can damage them. Clean heads immediately if they are touched. • Keep pack access cover closed unless it must be open for maintenance. This prevents entrance of dust into pack area. • Keep all watches, disk packs, meters, and other test equipment at least two feet away from voice coil magnet when case assembly is raised. • Use scratch pack for maintenance procedures, do not use data pack; otherwise customer data may be destroyed. • Do not use CE alignment disk pack unless specifically directed to do so. These packs contain prerecorded alignment data that can be destroyed if test procedure requires drive to write. This alignment data cannot be generated in the field. • Install deck rear holddown screw and spacer before ruising deck assembly and installing support bracket. Remove screw and spacer and install in .keeper hole (in back of deck) after deck assembly is back in operating position. • Do not remove any logic card without first turning POWER SUPPLY circuit breaker off. • If power to spindle motor is lost while heads are loaded and voice coil leadwire is disconnected, immediately manually retract carriage. Otherwise heads will crash when disk speed is insufficient to permit heads to fly. • If drive fails to power down when START switch is pressed, disconnect black voice coil lead wire and manually retract carriage before troubleshooting malfunction. • Observe all precautions listed under Electrostatic Discharge Protection and Head/Disk Special Precautions and Procedures. • Inability to perform required adjustments. • The occurrence of accessing failures. • The occurrence of read recovery or writing malfunctions. In general, before performing any drive adjustments or maintenance procedures, install a scratch pack or its equivalent on the drive and switch the drive to an "off-Line" mode of operation to prevent system interference. NOTE The paragraphs following safety precautions describe, in general terms, the methods used for gaining access to the various servicing areas of the drive. Once these procedures have been described, they will not be repeated in subsequent maintenance instructions. Therefore, maintenance personnel are urged to read through the general procedures at least once to become familiar with these standard procedures. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Observe the following warnings and precautions at all times. Failure to do so may cause equipment damage and/or injury. • Use care while working with power system. Line ac voltages are present at AITBI. • Keep hands away from actuator during seek operations and when reconnecting leads to voice coil (under certain conditions, emergency retract voltage may be present, causing sudden reverse motion and head unloading) . • When performing head alignment utilize the carriage locking pin to prevent personal injury. 83311300 AJ 3-3 HEAD /DISK SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES . • If the unit has had a carriage slam, examine the heads for damage and the disk pack for divots where oxide has been removed. • Ensure that the heads loaded switch is correctly positioned (see Heads Loaded Switch Adjustment procedure). A switch that is too far forward or back may result in the heads projecting slightly into the shroud area so that head 0 may be damaged by the plastic cover during pack loadl unload. GENERAL To maintain the high data integrity of the drive, it is necessary to follow certain special precautions and procedures pertaining to the disk pack and heads. These precautions and procedures will minimize the possibility of destructive head to disk contact (head crash) and subsequent loss of data. In addition to preventive measures, these discussions also describe methods of detecting and recovering from a head crash should one occur. 2. Disk Pack PRECAUTIONS There are five primary variables that cause the great majority of head crashes. These are 1) the disk drive, 2) the disk pack, 3) the environment, 4) the maintenance and 5) the operator of the disk drive. A list of precautions that can be taken to prevent head crashes will be given for each variable. 1. Do not use damaged disk packs. If disk packs arrive in damaged cartons or are suspected of having been dropped, have them inspected before use as the disks may have been bent. • Keep hands, pencils, or other objects off the disk pack surfaces. The disk pack surfaces not only can be contaminated this way, but also can be distorted or damaged through impact, excessive pressure or abrasion. • Never lift or hold a disk pack by any of the recording disks, as permanent damage will result. • Clean the outside (interiors should also be cleaned if contaminated), surfaces of the protective covers periodically to remove any build-up of dust that may occur. Use a lint free gauze pad dampened with head cleaning solution. If possible, use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust that accumulates on the cover lip. • If the disk drives are not in use and the blower is shut off, take the disk packs out of the drives and store them in their protective canisters. • Do not allow the pack to rest on or strike any other object when its bottom protective cover is removed. • Reassemble the disk pack bottom and top protective covers after the pack is mounted in the drive. This should be done even when no disk pack is contained in the cover to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating inside the covers. Disk Drive • • • • 3-4 • Check the action of the pack access cover latch as it is closed. Latching should occur only after the cover seal has been compressed slightly. The pumping action of the spinning disk pack can cause dirt and dust particles to be drawn in to the shroud if the cover is not sealed at all points. Using a strip of paper (dollar bill size), check the pack access cover-shroud seal by opening the pack access cover and laying the slip of paper on the shroud, then closing the cover (latched). Resistance should be felt while trying to withdraw the paper. Check at multiple places on each side of the shroud. Check for adequate positive pressure air flow of 0.5 inches of water (see Replace Absolute Filter procedure). Make certain the wood shipping block is removed and the coarse filter is installed in its place. Make certain the coarse filter is not plugged. Make certain the shroud area is clean. Look for possible foreign materials and if present find the source and eliminate it. 83311300 AJ • Replace cracked. disto~ted. or otherwise physically damaged pack covers. • Do not place disk pack identifying labels anywhere except outside the top protective cover assembly. The pack serial number may be used to maintain correct pack to canister identification. • 3. • Avoid building construction in the area of the drive or area used for pack storage. If construction is absolutely necessary make certain that protective steps are taken to avoid contamination in the area of the packs and drives. • One of the sources of head/disk contamination is the ambient air in the room in which the drive operates. Although the drive is designed to operate successfully over a wide range of ambient air conditions. it follows that the cleaner the room air can be maintained. the better and longer the drive air filtering and handling system can do its job of keeping potentially destructive particles out of the head/disk gap. The temperature of the disk pack must be stabilized to the temperature of the room in which the drive is operating. Environment • • • • • Install the drive in a room which is kept carefully dusted with particular attention given to keeping a smooth floor mopped and a carpeted floor vacuumed. Carpeted floors can be particularly troublesome because of the dirt and dust they trap and the amount of lint they generate. Traffic in the room housing the disk drive should be kept to a minimum. 4. Maintenance • Do not. under any circumstances. clean the heads while they are in the unit. If head cleaning is required. remove the heads from the unit and clean per the manual procedure given in this manual. This must only be performed by trained personnel. • Control Data does not recommend periodic field cleaning of disk packs. If field cleaning is employed. it is done at the risk of the user. Packs that are suspected for any reason should be returned to the vendor for disposition. • Do not over lubricate the spindle lockshaft. • Do not use any type of oil or lUbricant on the drive except for the very small amount used on the lockshaft. Maintain as much separation as possible between the disk drive and printers and tape and card punch equipment. These machines can generate a lot of paper. carbon. and ink particles. Do not store packs near this type of equipment. Eliminate eating. drinking. or smoking in the disk drive area if at all possible. Particles of food and drink can be ingested into the shroud area when the pack access cover is opened and closed. Smoke particles have a sticky characteristic. The absolute filter on the disk drive will clog more rapidly in such an environment. If at all possible. maintain the relative humidity in the disk drive operating room at 40% to 50%. Low relative humidity levels can lead to particle attraction and accumulation by static electricity. Disk packs and disk drives must be stabilized to the same temperature. 83311300 AJ 5. Operator • Keep the disk pack access cover closed and latched and if possible. keep the shroud blower energized at all times. This will help keep contaminants out of the shrOUd cavity and away from the heads. Remove pack and store in its protective canister if blower motor is not energized. 3-4.1 • Do not store pack on 'drives vibration will shake them off. • Never lift or hold a disk pack by any of the recording disks. as permanent damage and or contamination will result. • Keep disk packs out of the drives and locked in their protective covers when not in use. • Do not allow the pack to rest on or strike any other object when its bottom protective cover is removed for installation in the drive. • Reassemble the disk pack bottom and top protective covers. This should be done even when no disk pack is contained in the cover. to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating inside the covers. • • CAUTION Should the conditions under 1. 2. or 3. below. be detected. shut down the drive at once. Under these conditions the pack should not be installed on another drive without first ensuring that the pack has not been damaged or contaminated. (See "Evaluate the Disk Pack" and "Disk Pack Inspection and Cleaning" in this section). Also. do not attempt to operate the drive with another disk pack until full assurance is made that no damage or contamination has occurred to the drive heads or to the shroud area. 1. Do not place disk pack identifying labels anywhere except outside the top protective cover assembly. The pack serial number may be used to maintain correct pack to canister identification. Do not eat. smoke. or allow beverages near the drive or pack. 2. DETECTION AND RECOVERY Head to disk contact may have occurred if the following conditions are noted when the heads are over the disk. • An audible "ping" or a scratching noise is heard. • A burning odor is detected. Head to disk contact will have occurred if: • Concentric rings. nicks or areas where oxide has been removed are observed on the disk surface. • Small deposits of very fine black dust are observed on the shroud walls. Test by running fingertip along shroud wall and inspecting. General Previous sections have been concerned with precautions to be observed and preventive maintenance steps to be taken to minimize the occurrence of head crashes. But suppose all of those things have been done and the drive is in operation. Will the drive even issue any warning of an impending head crash? If a head does crash is there any danger that the crash can be propagated to other disk packs and other drives? If so what should be done? Answers to these questions will be covered in this section. Head Crash Detection It is important that the drive operator be aware of a number of head crash signals and warnings provided by the drive itself. These are described in the following paragraphs. 3-4.2 3. Warnings of impending head crashes are very often provided by the data signals picked up by the heads. Under conditions of increasing contamination in the air cushion on which the head flies. variations in flying height can become a significant proportion of the nominal height. Since both the magnetic intensity of the data pulse as recorded on the disk and the pulse as read from the disk are greatly influenced by head gap to disk distance. variations in flying height can result in the generation of data errors. Continuous monitoring of data error rate is strongly recommended. A pack may have been damaged yet have no marks visible to the naked eye. A significant increase in data error rate of the order of five to ten times normal should be heeded as a definite warning signal. 83311300 AJ g. Look at the recording surfaces and make note of which disk pack surfaces (and heads) have had contact. Guide For Determining The Cause Of Head Crashes If the drive has been shut down because head crash detection signals have been observed. the following steps should be taken: 1. h. Slide the head arms off the cam towers onto the disks. Do not rotate the disk pack or traverse the heads across disks. Look at the head assemblies (particularly those which have not crashed). Note any head load springs that are relatively close to or touching the disk. Reconstruct the operating history of the disk pack. The purpose of this history is to determine the actual source of the crash (first drive and pack) . a. Evaluate drive failures that may possibly have occurred prior to head crash. b. If available. make the previous drive on which the crashed pack was used. and the previous pack used on the crashed drive. part of the investigation. The crash may have been propagated. c. Try to reconstruct operation when the red. Had anything pened prior to the the mode of failure occurunusual hapfailure? d. How long had the pack been on the drive before the crash? Was it a new pack? New drive? Had there been any shipping damage when the drive or pack arrived on the site? 2. Reconstruct the conditions of drive. pack and heads as they existed prior to the crash. a. Drop the circuit breakers and disconnect the power cord. b. Remove the top cover. c. Reinstall the crashed disk pack. d. Manually position the head arm assemblies toward the spindle to the point just before the head arms slide off the head cam towers. i. Retract the carriage and remove the pack. (Evaluate the heads) and fUrther inspect those head assemblies during step 4 of this procedure. 3. Evaluate the Drive a. With the disk pack removed. manually position the carriage so that the heads are in a loaded position. Traverse the carriage repeatedly between the carriage front stops and the unload cams. If resistance is found. check for the following possible causes: bound velocity transducer: flex lead retainer mispositioned and is striking the rail bracket: worn rail: bad carriage bearing: obstruction caught on the magnet; foreign material on the rails. Retract the carriage to the full retract position. b. Connect the power cord and turn on the AC breaker. Check for adequate air flow entering the shroud area. If questionable. either compare with another drive in the area or remove the positive air filter and replace with another filter. Drop the AC breaker and disconnect the power cord. e. Looking through the shroud observation window with a hi-intensity light. look to see if the heads appear to be equidistant with respect to the disks. (Under no circumstances should any part of the head be in contact with a disk prior to sliding off the cam surface. c. Using a strip of paper (dollar bill size). check the pack access cover seal as follows. Open the pack access cover. lay the slip of paper on the shroud. close cover (latched). and try to withdraw the paper. Resistance should be felt while trying to withdraw the paper. Check several places on each side of the shroud. f. With the heads still in the "over the disk condition". manually turn the pack (by rotating with the top trim shield) and verify that the head to disk spacing remains constant. d. When cleaning the shroud area. look for possible foreign material (paper. plastic. etc.). If contamination exists. try to determine the type and its possible source. 83311300 AJ 3-4.3' e. Note head positions then remove all heads for evaluation and cleaning. 4. 3. Remove all heads. keeping them in order. 4. Clean the inside of the shroud and the inside of the pack access cover using lint free cloths and head cleaning solution. Do not let any solution contact the rubber gasket in the pack access cover. 5. Clean the rails and carriage (if crash debris was coarse). Remove the magnet and the carriage and coil assembly if necessary. 6. Clean the air system duct surfaces with head cleaning solution. 7. Replace the carriage and coil assembly and magnet if removed. Ensure that the carriage motion is smooth and unobstructed. 8. Consult the paragraph on head-arm replacement criteria in the repair and replacement section of this manual before installing the heads. Replace any heads that are defective per these criteria. Replacement heads should be new or those that have been cleaned by properly trained personnel. Ensure before replacing any undamaged heads that their spoiler holes are free of the characteristic fine dust which they collect when a crash occurs. Install the heads and tighten their clamping screws to 1.4 N·M (12 lb in). 9. Reinstall the case assembly. Evaluate the Heads a. While making head-pack observations in the drive. if it was noted that any part of a head load spring appeared to be close to a disk. the possibility exists that the fixed arm (part attached to the carriage) is bent. Look at the subject head for evidence of a burnish mark on the cam arm where it might possibly have struck the disk on a head cam. b. Compare crashed heads to noncrashed heads and look for possible mechanical failure differences such as bent gimbal springs. etc. c. Return non-recoverable heads to the manufacturer for further analysis. 5. Evaluate the Disk Pack a. Install crashed pack on drive (use a pack inspector if available) and try to determine if pack has been damaged in any way. Using observation window in shroud and high intensity light. rotate pack and note any disk fluctuation (up and down). None should be in evident (including upper and lower cover disks). b. Look on pack trim shield (top of pack) for any evidence of adhesive. A pack identification label might have been applied. c. Look for an unusually high amount of "dings" or chips at the outer area of the data disks. If found. these may be due to carriage slams - a drive malfunction. Recovery From A Head Crash The following procedure should be used to ensure all contamination is removed from a unit after a head crash. This is essential to eliminate propagation to both packs and drives. Consult the repair and replacement section of the manual for details on these steps. 1. Remove all power to the drive. 2. Remove the case assembly. 3-4.4 10. Disable the voice coil drive. Apply power and purge for five minutes with a good pack rotating. 11. Perform a manual heads load. Be aware of any burning odor behind the drive. an indication that the heads are still not flying correctly. If this odor is detected repeat the head crash recovery procedure starting from step 1. 12. Enable the voice coil drive. Load a scratch pack. Using a field test unit perform a sequence forward write operation. covering the entire pack. Read back for ten minutes first sequencing forward over th~ entire pack then performing random seeks. Look for error free performmance. This will give confidence that all heads are flying correctly. 13. Perform a head alignment per the procedure called out in the tests and adjustments section in the manual. 83311300 AJ ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE PROTECTION • Keep cards in conductive bags - when circuit cards are not installed in the drive. keep them in conductive static shielding bags (see table 2-1 for part number). These bags provide absolute protection from direct static discharge and from static fields surrounding charged objects. Remember that these bags are conductive and should not be placed where they might cause an electrical short circuit. • Remove cards from bags only when you are grounded - all cards received from the factory are in static shielding bags. and should not be removed unless you are grounded. • Turn off power to drive before removing or installing any circuit cards. All drive electronic assemblies are sensitive to static electricity. due to the electrostatically sensitive devices used within the drive circuitry. Although some of these devices such as metal-oxide semiconductors are extremely sensitive. all semiconductors as well as some resistors and capacitors may be damaged or degraded by exposure to static electricity. Electrostatic damage to electronic devices may be caused by a direct discharge of a charged conductor. or by exposure to the static fields which surround charged objects. To avoid damage to drive electronic assemblies. service personnel must observe the following precautions when servicing the drive: • Ground yourself to the drive - whenever the drive electronics are or will be exposed. connect yourself to ground with a wrist strap (see table 2-1 for part number). Connection may be made to any metal assembly or to the ground jack at the rear of the drive. As a general rule. remember that you. the drive. and the circuit cards must all be at ground potential to avoid potentially damaging static discharges. MAINTENANCE TOOLS AND MATERIALS The tools, test equipment and materials recommended for drive maintenance are listed in table 3-1. ,/ (~ 83311300 AJ 3-4.5 • TABLE 3-1. Description I I I Description Part Number Blank Tab Card (Computer Card) CDC 70631686 Card Extender CDC*54l0970l Carriage Alignment Arm CDC 75018400 Part Number Oscilloscope, Dual Trace Tektronix 454 or equivalent Oscilloscope Hood Tektronix 016-0083-00 CE Disk Pack 877-51 (400 TPI) CDC 70438700 Pin Straightener CDC 87369400 Chip Extender - Chip Cliplog CDC 12212196 Potentiometer Adjustment Tool CDC 12212278 Pressure Gauge Kit, Differential (Optional) CDC 73040100 Cloth, Lint Free CDC 94211400 Computer Card 5084 Crocus Cloth Commercially Available Push-Pull Gauge CDC 12210836 Removal Tool, 20-30 AWG Deck Support Bracket (S/C 16 & Below) CDC 92020500 CDC 87073000 CDC 12212885 Dust Remover, Super Dry (12 oz) CDC 95047800 I Scope Probe Tip (Hatchet 'IYPe) ---CDC 82338800 I Field Test Unit TB2l6A I MAINTENANCE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Gauze, Lint Free CDC 12209713 Grease, Dielectric (4 oz) CDC 95533600 Head Alignment CDC 77440503 Head Adjustment Tool CDC 75018803 High Intensity Light** CDC 12212038 Head Cleaning Solution (8 oz) Speed Sensor Adjustment Tool CDC 87052601 (Go NoGo Tool) Static Ground Wrist Strap Large (6 1/2 to 8 inch Wrist) Small (up to 6 1/2 inch Wrist) CDC 12263496 CDC 12263623 Static Shielding Bag CDC 12263627 Tape, Adhesive Commercially Available CDC 82365800 Terminator, SiC 09 and blw CDC 40067207 Hose Assembly CDC 82346500 Terminator, siC 10 and abv CDC 40067208 Locti te, Grade C Locti te Corp.! Top Cover Support Rod, SiC 07 W/O 37686 and below only CDC 87062300 Loctite Primer, Grade N Loctite Corp. Torque Screwdriver CDC 92016400 Lubricant Paste CDC 95016101 Torque Screwdriver Bit CDC 87016701 Mirror Commercially Available Volt/Ohmmeter (Digital) Ballentine 345 or equivalent Nutdriver, Hollow Stem Exelite #6 Wire Wrap Bi t, 30 AWG CDC 12218402 Wire Wrap Gun, Electric CDC 12259111 Wire Wrap Sleeve CDC 12218403 I *CDC® is a registered trademark of Control Data Corporation. **Works only with 120 V, 60 Hz. For other voltages and frequencies, use commercially available 100 or 150 watt outdoor floodlight with suitable receptacle and extension cord. Note: Light must have hard safety glass bulb and all items must be rated for use with applicable source power. ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_I . 3-4.6 83311300 AK I MAINTENANCE PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS INTERLOCKS \ opening the pack cover or raising deck breaks the control interlock (figure 3-1). The heads unload, the spindle motor shuts down, and the READY indicator extinguishes. Refer to Publication No. 83317300, Theory of Operation section for Control Interlock function. DISK PACK INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL 3. Place disk pack cover squarely onto disk pack and turn disk pack cover handle counterclockwise until spindle brake plate engages. 4. Continue turning handle (counterclockwise) until a clicking sound is heard. 5. Lift disk pack and cover straight up and remove. 6. Put bottom cover into place and turn disk pack cover handle clockwise until bottom cover is secure. 7. Close pack access cover. Installation Make certain the disk pack to be installed has been properly maintained. 1. Raise pack access cover. 2. Turn disk pack cover handle counterclockwise to remove bottom cover. Set bottom cover aside. CAUTION Non-fully retracted heads indicate a problem in the drive's servo, and may result in damage to the pack or heads during pack installation or removal. If heads are not fully retracted, contact maintenance personnel. DO NOT push on heads. 3. Place disk pack squarely on spindle and turn disk pack cover handle clockwise until spindle brake plate engages. 4. Continue turning (clockwise) until handle is tight. 5. Remove disk pack cover (by lifting straight up) and store with bottom cover. 6. Close pack access cover. ',--. Removal 1. Press drive START switch to stop drive motor. 2. Raise pack access cover. CAUTION Non-fully retracted heads indicate a problem in the drive's servo, and may result in damage to the pack or heads during pack installation or removal. If heads are not fully retracted, contact maintenance personnel. DO NOT push on heads. 83311300 R CASE ASSEMBLY RAISING AND LOWERING For the purpose of raising and lowering procedures, there are two types of case assemblies: 1. 1 x acoustic top case. 2. 2 x acoustic top case. The 1 x acoustic top case can have one of two methods of latching: a. Two 1/4 turn fasteners b. A slide-bolt latch The 2 x acoustic case is latched with two push-release catches. These catches mayor may not be secured with socket head screws. x Acoustic Top Case Raising 1. Open rear door and look inside drive to determine how case is secured. 2. Release top case as follows: a. If case teners, the two lift up is secured by 1/4-turn fasuse a screwdriver to release 1/4-turn fasteners~ then on rear of case. b. If case latch, actuate ward on is secured by a slide-bolt use a six mm hex wrench to the latch while lifting uprear of case. 3. Continue to lift case upward until support rod reaches its end of travel. 4. Then lower case until support rod bottoms securely in stop groove of support rod slide. x Acoustic Top Case Lowering 1. Push case assembly forward until it reaches its end of travel. 2. Lift up on support rod. 3-5 3. Lower case while continuing to lift up on support rod just long enough for i t to clear stop groove in guide; then continue to lower case to its closed position. 4. Secure case as required by: a. Using a screwdriver to turn the two 1/4-turn fasteners to their locked position, or b. Confirming that the slide-bolt latch is fully extended below the latch catch. 3. While holding in hinged rear panel, lower case assembly to its fully closed position. 4. Ensure that the latches catch. If socket head screws are used, tighten them. DECK MAINTENANCE POSITION To perform some of the corrective maintenance procedures, it is necessary to raise the deck to a maintenance position. Refer to figure 3-2. 2 x Acoustic Case Raising Raise Deck 1. Look at the rear of case assembly to determine how case is secured. If the latches are secured by socket head screws, loosen them. CAUTION Lift up case only about one inch during the next step. 2. Release case as follows: a. Depress the release catches and lift up case slightly, or b. Depress the socket head screws and lift up case slightly. 3. After case has been released and raised about an inch, swing hinged rear panel of case outward ot clear the logic chassis fan. 4. Pivot case upward and toward the front until it rests on case support arms. (In older units, a top cover support rod must be installed.) 2 x Acoustic Case Lowering CAUTION To avoid damage to latches and logic chassis fan, carefully follow instructions pertaining to the case rear panel as the case is lowered. 1. Pivot case toward rear and downward, and, as it is being lowered, swing hinged rear panel outward so i t clears logic chassis fan. Do not completely close case. 2. When case is about one inch from touching frame, swing hinged rear panel inward until it reaches its end of travel. 3-6 1. Press drive START switch to drop drive motor. 2. Set AC POWER and POWER S.UPPLY circuit breakers to OFF. 3. Disconnect input power cable from external power source. 4. Remove disk pack (refer to Disk Pack Installation and Removal paragraph) . Leave pack access cover open. 5. Remove two deck front holddown screws. 6. Raise the case assembly (refer to Case Assembly Raising and Lowering paragraph) . CAUTION Do not raise deck without installing spacer between deck and shock mount bracket. Damage to rear shock mounts could occur. 7. Remove deck rear holddown screw and spacer from keeper hole and install spacer between deck and shock mount bracket. 8. Secure deck to shock mount bracket using deck rear holddown screw. 9. Perform step 9a for SIC 16 and below units and perform step 9b for SiC 17 through 19 and 9c for SiC 20 and above units. a. Lift deck and install deck support bracket into front shock mounts. Lower deck onto deck support bracket. Deck support bracket fits into deck casting where deck front holddown screws were removed. 83311300 AD SHOCK MOUNT BRACKET \ DECK INTERLOCK SWITCH (MOUNTED ON SHOCK MOUNT BRACKET, UNDER DECK) 8J122C Figure 3-1. 83311300 AK Control Interlocks 3-7 REAR DECK MOUNTING SCREWS CABLE CLAMP REAR DECK HOLDDOWN CASE ; \ ASSEMBLY 9H146E Figure 3-2. Drive Maintenance Position (SIC 17 and Abv) 3-8 83311300 AD IO@ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i DECK FRONTHOLDDOWN-.........u I SCREWS I , /;'/ ------------ ,,~ -- --:::---=-~, ---.;.; \\, \ -------~ .". ,, \ ,, -----\ 9FIB Figure 3-2.1. Drive Maintenance position (SiC 16 and Blw) \ 83311300 AD 3-9 b. Lift up deck from front of drive until deck support bracket is completely extended. Carefully lower deck until support bracket slides into locking position (hinge in center of bracket should point slightly towards rear of drive. LOGIC CHASSIS MAINTENANCE POSITION The logic chassis is hinged on a bracket attached to the deck. The logic chassis is secured to the deck by a turnlock fastener. To raise the logic chassis to the maintenance position, proceed as follows: 1. Raise case assembly. c. Lift deck from front of drive until deck support bracket is completely extended. Carefully lower deck until support bracket slides into position (hinge in center of bracket should point slightly towards rear of drive). Remove thumb screw from storage hole and secure in the locking hole located on the face of the deck support bracket. The thumb screw must be in the locking hole when deck is in raised position. 2. Loosen turnlock fastener securing logic chassis to deck. 3. Swing logic chassis to a vertical position. 4. Move slide bar (located on top of magnet assembly) toward logic chassis until i t stops. 5. Lower logic chassis onto slide bar. NOTE Lower Deck 1. Perform step la for SIC 16 and below units and perform step lb for SiC 17 through 19 and lc for SIC 20 and above units. a. Lift deck and remove deck support bracket. b. Lift deck until the deck support bracket disengages from locked position and push front of bracket slightly, then lower. c. Remove thumb screw from locking hole and secure in storage hole. Lift deck until the deck support bracket disengages from locked position and push back of the bracket slightly forward, then lower deck slowly. 2. Inspect underside of deck and base assenbly for any particles of dust or foreign material. If material is present, vacuum area and with a dampened cloth, remove any residue. Steps 6 and 7 are only necessary if card accessibility is required. 6. Loosen four screws securing logic chassis cover to logic chassis. Do not remove. 7. Swing cover away from top screws (closest to fan) and lift off of bottom screws. 8. To lower logic chassis to operating position, reverse steps 1 through 7. SIDE PANEL REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION (CABINET MODEL) The side panels are secured to the frame by two screws located toward the top of the panel. Also, a quick disconnect ground strap is attached to the panel in the lower corner. The panel tilts out from the top and lifts off the bottom positioning brackets. 3. Lower deck to normal operating position. OFF-LINE OPERATION 4. Secure deck to front shock mounts using two deck front holddown screws. 5. Remove deck rear holddown screw and spacer. Store in keeper hole. 6. Lower case assembly (refer to Case Assembly Raising and Lowering paragraph) . 7. Connect input power cable to external power source. 8. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to ON. 9. Install disk pack (refer to Disk Pack Installation and Removal paragraph) . 10. Press drive START switch to load heads. 3-10 Certain procedures require execution of operational commands (seek, read, etc.). These commands may be derived by means of the FIELD TEST EXERCISER (refer to Preface applicable Publication number for tester operating procedures) . USE OF TEST SOFTWARE The drive is prepared for test software whenever the drive motor is up to speed p the heads are loaded and the READY indicator on the control panel is lighted. Refer to manuals or other documentation applicable to the specific system or subsystem for information concerning the test software routines. 83311300 AF MANUAL HEAD POSITIONING Power 0 n Man ual Head Positioning 5. Disconnect black voice coil leadwire (refer to figure 3-3). 6. Remove magnet cover to gain access to voice coil (refer to figure 3-3). Manual head positioning (with power on and disk pack up to speed) is not recommended unless required by maintenance procedure or loss of servo control makes it necessary. 1. Observe the following safety precautions during manual carriage operation. • Make certain that heads will unload or are unloaded before turning power off. 7. Position carriage as required by maintenance procedure by applying a lateral (parallel to voice coil movement) pressure to voice coil. WARNING j Keep hands away from actuator. 8. Replace black voice coil leadwire: • If power to drive motor is lost while heads are loaded and voice coil leadwire is disconnected, immediately retract carriage. Otherwise, heads crash when disk speed is insufficient to enable heads to fly. • When positioning heads, do not use excessive downward force on voice coil. • Before reconnecting black voice coil leadwire, make sure fingers and tools are clear of coil and actuator. • a. Touch black leadwire to terminal and ensure carriage locks on cylinder. If erratic voice coil movement is noticed, remove leadwire immediately and troubleshoot malfunction. b. After carriage locks on cylinder, firmly seat black voice coil leadwire. 9. Replace magnet cover. 10. Lower case assembly (refer to Case Assembly Raising and Lowering paragraph) . Do not use CE disk pack unless specifically directed to do so. Use only the type of pack called for in the maintenance procedure. 2. Install disk pack (refer to Disk Pack Installation and Removal paragraph). CAUTION If loss of servo control necessitates manual loading and unloading of heads, observe the following: Do not load heads unless disk pack is up to speed. When manually loading or unloading heads, simulate normal load (unload) speed of servo under electrical control. Disconnect black voice coil leadwire before attempting to load heads. 3. Press drive START switch to allow normal power-up first seek. I 4. Raise case assembly (refer to Case Assembly Raise and Lower paragraph). 83311300 AD Figure 3-3. Magnet Cover and Voice Coil. 3-11 Power Off Manual Head Positioning 5. Disconnect cables from J2, J3, and J4. CAUTION 6. Terminate J4. Do not position heads manually with power off and a disk pack installed. 7. Connect tester cable as follows: a. PI to J3 on drive. 1. Press drive START switch to stop drive motor. 2. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to OFF. 3. Remove disk pack (refer to Disk Pack Installation and Removal paragraph). 4. Raise case assembly (refer to Case Assembly Raising and Lowering paragraph) . 5. Remove magnet cover to gain access to voice coil (refer to figure 3-3). b. P2 to J2 on drive. c. P3 and P4 to tester. 8. Loosen four screws securing logic chassis cover and remove cover. 9. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to ON. CAUTION If normal load is not observed, drop POWER SUPPLY circuit breaker to OFF immediately. CAUTION Do not use excessive downward pressure on voice coil. 6. position carriage as required by maintenance procedure by applying a lateral (parallel to coil movement) pressure to voice coil. 10. Press START switch to start drive motor and load heads. When heads are loaded and READY indicator is lighted, the drive is ready to perform the test. 11. Perform the desired test procedure. PREPARING DRIVE FOR ON-LINE OPERATION 7. Return carriage to full retract position. 1. Press drive START switch to stop drive motor. 8. Replace magnet cover. 9. Install disk pack (refer to Disk Pack Installation and Removal paragraph). 2. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to OFF. 3. Disconnect terminator from J4. 10. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to ON. 11. Press drive START switch to load heads. PREPARING DRIVE FOR OFF-LINE OPERATION 1. Press drive START switch to stop drive motor. 4. Replace logic chassis cover. 5. Connect cables (from system) to J2, J3, and J4. 6. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to ON. 7. Return logic chassis to normal operation position. 2. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to OFF. 8. Lower case assembly. 3. Raise case assembly to gain access to logic chassis. 9. Press drive START switch to start the drive motor and load heads. 4. Place logic chassis in maintenance position. NOTE If the drive is in a system that is daisy chain, it is necessary to by-pass the drive so other drives remain under system control. 3-12 83311300 AD SECTION 38 DRIVE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS \ .. DRIVE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL This section provides information on all the electrical test and adjustments which can be performed in the field. The adjustments contained here are limited to those which can be performed at the drive level. These tests should only be performed as required elsewhere in this manual, or when there is suspicion that the drive is not functioning properly. A drive that passes all the requirements in this section may be considered operationally acceptable. If any of the adjustments, contained in this section, cannot be completed satisfactorily, terminate the procedure and refer to the Trouble Analysis section. Mechanical adjustments are contained in the Repair and Replacement section. Other tests normally associated with analyzing a malfunction, are contained in the Trouble Analysis section. A person performing these tests and adjustments should already be familiar with the information contained in the General Maintenance Information section. Refer to that section for information on safety precautions and maintenance tools and materials. These procedures assume that an FTU is connected to the drive (or that suitable software is available), that a scratch pack is installed (or CE pack where noted), and that the drive is powered on. All the following tests are written, providing first a check procedure, and then the adjustment. If the drive meets the criteria of the check, there is no need of the.~adj.ustmeat~. 38 ADJUSTMENT SIC 23 AND BELOW 1. Raise logic chassis to maintenance position. 2. Connect digital volt/ohmmeter between GND and +5 V fastons on logic chassis backpanel. 3. Command drive to do repeat seeks between cylinders 0 and 32. 4. Plus 5-volt output should be +5.10 ±0.05 volts. If not, adjust +5 V potentiometer (see figure 3-4) until output is within specification. 5. Move volt/ohmmeter leads to -5 Vfaston. 6. Minus 5-volt output should be -5.10 ±0.05 volts. If not, adjust -5 V potentiometer (see figure 3-4) until output is within specification. 7. If any adjustment was necessary in preceeding steps, recheck both outputs. 8. When both power supply outputs are within specification, restore drive to normal operation. The following procedures are contained in this section, in the order specified: • Plus and Minus 5 Volt Adjustment • Head Arm Alignment • Velocity Gain Adjustment PLUS AND MINUS 5-VOLT REGULATORS This procedure checks the output of the plus and minus 5-volt power supplies while the drive is doing repeat seeks. Power supply outputs are checked at the logic chassis backpanel. Therefore, the supplies are being checked in a manner to account for both line loss and loading. This procedure assumes that the FTU is connected to the drive, a scratch pack is installed and power is applied. 83311300 AD Figure 3-4. Power Supply Adjustment (S/C 23 and Below) 3-13 ADJUSTMENT SIC 2.4 AND ABOVE HEAD ALIGNMENT 1. Raise logic chassis to maintenance position. 2. Connect digital volt/ohmmeter between GND and +5 V fastons on logic chassis backpanel. 3. Command drive to do repeat seeks between cylinders 0 and 32. 4. Plus 5-volt output should be +5.10 ±0.05 volts. If not, adjust +5 V potentiometer on card A1Al (see figure 3-4.1) until output is within specifications. 5. Move volt/ohmmeter leads to -5 V faston. 6. Minus 5-volt output should be -5.10 ±0~05 volts. If not, adjust -5 V potentiometer on card A1Al (see figure 3-4.1 until output is within specification. 7. If any adjustment was necessary in preceeding steps, recheck both outputs. 8. When both power supply outputs are within specification, restore drive to normal operation. - 5 V ADJUSTMENT +5. V ADJUSTMENT \ v/ '-C~_., I 9H155A Figure 3-4.1. Power Supply Adjustment (S/C 24 and Above) 3-14 GENERAL Alignment of the heads is checked under the following conditions: 1. During initial installation of the drive. 2. After replacing one or more head arm assemblies. 3. When misalignment of one or more heads is suspected. (For example, inability to read a pack written on another drive.) If it is determined that a head is misaligned, the head arm is adjusted to bring the alignment of the head within specifications. Figure 3-5 is a flowchart summarizing the basic functions of the head alignment check and adjustment procedure. Head alignment is performed by using a Field Test Unit (FTU) or by using the controller, microprogram diagnostics, head alignment card and meter. This procedure applies only to the method using an FTU. Refer to the FTU maintenance manual for switch settinas and functions called for in this procedu~e. When performing head alignment, give special consideration to the following: Thermal Stabilization - In order to ensure accuracy during head alignment, it is important that the drive, CE pack, and FTU be at their normal operating temperature. This requires that all three be connected and allowed to operate (pack turning and heads loaded to cylinder zero) for a minimum of 60 minutes. If head alignment is being performed on more than one drive, and provided tha t the pack \A/as taken immediately from a previous drive, and provided that the drive under test has been operating with heads loaded for a minimum of 60 minutes preceding tests; then the CE pack only requires a 15minute stabilization time. Alignment Tool - Use only the head alignment tool specified in the maintenance tools and materials table. Use of a different tool may cause damage to head arm or carriage. Always inspect the adjustment end of tool prior to use. Tool must be free of nicks and scratches and must have a polished surface where it enters the carriage alignment hole. If any aluminum deposits are present, polish tool surface with crocus cloth. Any other polishing medium will damage the tool. Do not use a defective tool; repair or replace tool if damage exists. When using tool, position it so that pin in end of tool engages alignment slot in head arm. The tool should slip easily through the alignment hole in the carriage and into the alignment slot in .the head arm. If anything 83311300 AD \ DUMP DATA FROM ALL DISK PACKS WRITTEN BY THIS DRIVE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH HEAD ALIGNMENT UNLOAD HEADS. TORQUE HEAD-ARM CLAMPING SCREWS OF HEADS NEEDING ADJUSTMENT TO 0.5 ± 0.1 N.m (4 ± 1/2 LBF·IN) RETURN TO TRACK 245 TROUBLESHOOT SERVO CIRCUIT ADJUST HEADS UNTIL OFFSET IS WITHIN A ± 75 mV RANGE OES ANY HEAD-ARM EACH ITS END~OF YES TRAVEL BEFORE HEAD IS ALIGNED YES ~ RECENTER SERVO HEAD. THEN COMMAND SEEK TO TRK 245 AND CHECK OFFSET OF ALL RIW HEADS NO UNLOAD HEADS. TORQUE LOOSENED CLAl\lPING SCREWS TO 1. 4 ± 0.1 N·m (12 ± 1/2 LBS·IN) YES IS 0FFSET OF ANY Rlw 1':\ HEAD OUTSID ~ ACCEPTABLE 6 RL ALIGNMENT WITHIN SPEC. REMOVE TEST SETUP. RETURN DRIVE TO OPERATION. NO EXERCISE HEAD ASSEMBLIES.. THEN COMMAND SEEK TO TRK 245 AND CHECK OFFSET OF ALL R Iw HEADS ill ACCEPTABLE RANGE DEPENDS ON CE PACK USED: • IF PACK IS SAME ONE USED FOR LAST ALIGNMENT, RANGE IS 0 ± 150 mv. • IF PACK IS NOT SAME ONE USED FOR LAST ALIGNMENT, RANGE IS 0 ± 225 mv. Figure 3-5. 83311300 AD Basic Head Alignment Check and Adjustment Procedure 3-15 more than a small amount of force is required to adjust the head, the tool is probably binding in the hole of the carriage. Ensure that alignment tool is kept p'erpendicular to hole in carriage at all times. INITIAL SETUP 1. Install CE disk pack and perform thermal stabilization. 2. Set AC POWER and POWER SUPPLY circuit breakers to OFF. Carriage Locking - During the alignment procedure (when the heads are over the alignment track) the carriage locking pin and ring assemblv must be installed in the ALIGN TRACK LOCK hole in the rail bracket assembly. This locks the carriage in one head alignment position. Failure to install the pin and ring assembly would allow the carriage to retract if any emergency retract signal were generated. Since your hands are in the actuator during the head alignment procedure, the retract could be dangerous. 3. Raise case assembly to maintenance position. 4. Install head alignment card into location A08 of the logic chassis. 5. Raise logic chassis. 6. Connect FTU to drive. Refer to FTU maintenance manual for installation instructions. CAUTION 7. Install terminator on I/O connector. If unit is a dual channel drive, install terminator on I/O connector of channel being used by FTU. Should an emergency retract condition be generated when the locking pin is in the ALIGN TRACK LOCK hole, the fol10wing results may occur: • Blown fuses, • Tripped dc circuit breaker • Blown power amplifier transistors, and • Unretracted heads on a stationary CE pack. 8. Connect meter cables between head alignment card and FTU-null meter. (Refer to figu;re 3-5.1) " 9. Connect oscilloscope to test point z (ground) and test point Y (dibits) on head alignment card. Carefully observe the instructions regarding the installation and removal of the carriage locking pin and ring assembly. 6 INDICATORS 10. Install head alignment cable between A08 pins 8-11 A and Band JI04 of head select/read amplifier card. _FSV CARD {OPOWER OINPUT O&AD TRK co o FA °B-A>O I 2 ---xiV ~ A4R6 FA>FB OA-B>O 'fbI I A4RI 10K lOOK x/v II CD ~-- I ~N - 2R2 39 f B ~ 2R6 1.00 K - 2C6 2R7 " Y 15 I - AOI03B , VOLTAGE CONTROLLED 9.67 MHZ NOM. = C> 322 AR2 OSCILLATOR -------------, I I -= .IUF I 6 BIR7 2C8 h -= 2RI 1K I ~RI .IUF 100 2VRI BIR9 VI/' 1 39 3.6V I-J.... -15V -=-=.~5::' L-= II I J BIR9 162 .L.. I IG3~ (SERVO CLOCK) AOI9.67 MHZ OUT 12B, A06-03B(l7 r-- 2.2K -i-2 4.84 MHZ CLOCK liB ( (-I.35V) ~-15V ~~-------22V 91B ,21B -= 261 - ~+15V ~L.-----~+22V - c BIR51BIR6 261 162 ~ 215 3.3V l +5V B3RI 3 ....LI~C~F '1:' ~ ,OIUF +5V T~T IL--------------==~0~5~B ' r- ~ 10 2C I '0 OK 2C2 ~ HH' THII o )A10-33A ~~~ - "ee BU-~~3 I A 5~1 FA>FB ODDtEVEN DIBITS II .. u, 2R5 180 2C IUF • °A-B>O FB>FA °B-A>O +5V r ---x7Y ~ A4R6 I~ I 2 10 XI Y +1 H~-= I IIt .IUF 2R3 2N I.OOK c 2C5 1'15PF 2C6 +5V r--1~ -= R 23 92 f :=liz TPA B [ +5V ~RI 2.2K ~~ 1 2,CRI = 2R9 2R6 I.OOK 2R7 220 BIR5 261 ( ~~ -= I UF 3.6V L-= - 2~RI Y~15 151 u~~-+---------------- ~L_----_-22V 0lB,21B -5V(-5.05V,-~.IV) 4.84 MHZ CLOCK (-1.35V) 4.88 MHZ CLOCK liB, CD B VBB 24B, CD 51.1 a ABV DIVIDE BY 12 -5.1 V -5.IV DIBITS ! 806 KHZ CLOCK ~U.J , ., , !'" 4 ",,-. _ r'_OCK 403 KHZ C,'_OCK +5V >06B 4.88 Mel ceo" Z3B: COJ 51.1 +5V C3R2 2.2 K A -= 261 * C2R2 (24)AI0-12B J c + 5V NOTES: (DNOT USED @BIR2 NOT USED REV H ODD I -5.05V f ~-15V ~ ':>'::1 1-1- -15V 3.3V B!R6 162 BIR7 I 1>,1><1 r-__~IV.R-I--~~~ __r - - ' I 2C8 93.1 -;-2 -~+15V IL_ ~ ____ _- + 22V 14B,34B 1 .0IUF 2R4 t> 322 AR2 --L- CD (j) VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR 9.67 MHZ NOM. ------------ +5V _1 5 I AO'038 <(j) 0"_ CLSV REV D a 25B, CD 13B c A03-31A(7) ABV . leo 9 67 AND 4.84 CLOCK DIAGRAMS LOC' AOI 3 26B. A03-15A(7) IA ~ I 4 ~ ... 3 2 1 D D 4R2 lOOK 4CI 4C2 TP-X 3.3UF !20% TP-Y c c 4R4 TP-W 4C4 DIR5 162 ±I% 47PF~ 4C6 +5V DIUF 4R7 147 4CRI +5V B +E4RI -15V 4VRI B 3.3V 2.2K CD~ DIR7 162 !I% ~2 WRITE PLO CLOCK AOI(9.67 MHz) 288 -'-'-----'-'----=-=<, HIGH FREQ CLOCK (19.34 MH,) 112 AI4-IOB (32) 30B, AI4-09A(32) (-1.35V) I/V\r-- V88 ~ A D2RI D2R2 IK IK A NOTE: CD 00 w W 2 I-' I-' W ® o o :J::I t7j 4 -5.IV NOT USED. FOR AOI VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 1. 140H CHIP USED ON CLSV REV C AND BELOW 3 @) -5.IV DIR9 REV H 8 A8V. 9.67 MHZ, CLOCKS 19.34 MHZ (~-- ,/ /~---, . 00 w 3 4 w I-' I-' 2 /- 1 I W o o BUS OUT BIT' I (AB) 4,6 +:lV 1-:3 D D +:lV V TAG 2 IK A02(19) A07-05B B BUS OUT BIT 0 ""AOH,. A 80S OUT .OT I ,.,on ".)A07-IOA 7A .US OUT BIT , TARGET REG " "."07-10. , . BUS OUT .OT 3 TARGET REG ,- (7)A03-". •• 'RESE.T SEO REG " ~A PRESENT SEC REG 2 C J (7)A03-25B~6B PRESENT SEC REG 2 REG (TAG 101 + TAG III· BIT 0) REG C) :I ,r D E F) :I (7)A03-24A 4 (A) LOAD TARGET 5 I 6 ~ ~=15~1 ~ I I ~ I. A B I (IB)A07-14B 2 13 I G ) 4 ~2 3 II L.....L--..I BUS OUT BIT 3 BUS OUT BIT 4 CAC) 6 AD) 6 3 TARGET REG 2 BUS OUT BIT 5 TARGET REG 22 TARGET REG 21 K) 6 TARGET REG 2° L) 6 liB BUS OUT BIT 6 liB)A07-09 12B BUS OUT BIT 7 IIA PRESENT SEC REG 2° (7)A03-30B lOA PRESENT SEC REG 21 (7)A03-30A,IOB PRESENT SEC REG 22 (7)A03_3IB 09A PRESENT SEC REG 23 c 16 BUS OUT BIT 4 (IB)A07-IIA (7)A03-29A 4 A B2 12 7 I I (lB) A07-17B II REG " 5i ~:" Hi I I I TARGET 16 B B r ~~I 4 A I I • L-_-+--':":::...j 2 A> Btttl~ CD A= B CD AB A=B AB ~t-A=B ZA-3_3_A---,Ic:..:.=.D::;EX::.. (19) SECTOR -------------------L~~ -- I A07-2BB~" (IB) 0 + 3 4 I co 2 ~ TIE HIGH DI 3 (7) (7) 0 SECTOR COMPARE A02- A03-21B ,33B A03-I3B ,33A -3 CD 4N SECTOR 21:' • ___ • ,"0" @ r- CD ID - '" I I I +5V 3 (AB) BUS OUT BIT 0 TARGET REGISTER TAG (101) B (18) A07-28B c 92 , 3 (AA) BUS OUT BIT 0 (19) A07 -liB )23A ,-I I -L INTERRUPT 02B 0AU~: ® - ~ I v __ ~n ~ ''1 8 ~ (l2)AOlHIA (18) I 12 I BUS OUT BIT 5 1.2~A~~D~I~A~G~NO~S~T~IC~~T~A~G~(0~10~)~ 3 N .. A07- 31A )- ____________________ ~~12~ I" u Ala) AE) c ---------, ® JA02I - ® LOAD TARGET REG ( A ) 3 TAG 1110 BIT 0 1(12) A05-21B POWER UP CLEAR + I (16) ADS-lOA ~9)_ A07-31B _ _ _MANUAL _ _ _FAULT _ _CLEAR _ ----JI B I4 10 BUS OUT BIT. UNIT CLEAR A0232A ( JA02 _ 9A (43) ATTENTION IB (Q - I READY NOTES: A CO W W I-' I-' W 0 0 :t:' () CD ® NOT G) SIC 10 WITHOUT @ SIC 10 ® 17!5H CHIP USED BPEV REV B AND BELOW. USED. FAULT PANEL CLEAR ASSY. WITH SWITCH LOCATED ON SWITCH A 48140 AND BELOW. 48140 AND APPLICABLE TO BPEV ABOVE. AND INTERRUPT LOC- A02 4 3 (- /- / 00 4 w w + 3 2 1 ~ ~ w o o UNIT READY ~ 4 (T (') TIE (AE) 4 IK HIGH D D A02(14) A05-2eB ,24A UNIT READY 5 I' 146H E2C 4 (Q CLEAR ATTENTION (l2)A05-16B ON "0' A04-Q3A ON CYL "2IAO'-23A " . READ.WR'T' FAULT C 1".' A07-30A CYL- (W+R) FAULT TARGET 3 F 16. REG TARGET REG 2:l .US A0230A ""-'7A116' BUS IN BIT 6 5 24 TAG 2' "., A07-33. , . . IN .'T 2 3 7 'OA TAG TAG TAG " "21 A06-'7. {I" c U 6 V 3,6 +5V B IK X""YGO l' ~~~~ ~+5V (43) JA02-IIA 21B LOGIC (13) A05_14B ....17A 3 23 VOLTAGE FAULl" H A02-0IA ,,17B A PLUG TARGET REG 1 15A LOGIC PLUG 22 (12) A05-30A 15B HEAD SELECT FAULT TARGET REG I I I ~ 22 ~ 12 II 0 I 10 2 9 3 G3 04 GROUND (43)JA02-12A 3 (J 1 23 13 ~ 1 4 5 ~~ 6 2 7 BUS IN BIT 4 I ' BUS IN BIT 5 2 CD 3 ® ~ ~ I ~ 4 3 ON BJ70lJ/K UNITS 17!1H CHIP USED BPEV REV BAND BELOW. A06-IIB (16) 16A ' A06-12A (16) A NOTE. CD NOT USED ® USED ONLY 21A 14 CD BUS IN BITS o THRU 5 . ~ I 4 I-' o DI (27)AII_2IB- 3 2 1''' A0224B OFFSET OFFSET WRITE A0205A, A05-27A (14) PROTECT COMMAND D AIO - OSA (42) TA~2 21 TAG LOGIC (43)JA02-IIB ,22A 21 PLUG 1:-:- REG 21 TARGET LOGIC PLUG (43) JA02-14A ,14B TARGET SEEK (l0)A04-IIA 23B IN BIT 6 22B, A06-IOB (16) IN BIT 7 14A , A06-IIA (16) 20 REG I- 20 BUS (j) 3@ CI BUS CD 30 C ERROR 5~ SELECTED A02FAULT (12) A05-3IA J5B (14) A05_3IB- 13A WRITE 3@ PROTECT DELAY WRITE B 3 (Ac) BUS ,OUT BIT 3 [J I a 14 O A4A ~ READ +5V J270 CONTROL (IS) A07-25A g3B TAG +5V GATE +5V 270 BIT 4 OUT \B 04B AI5-3IB(35) c A05-22B(l2) AII- 24B (25) A16-12 B (36) GATE 270 (III) 6 3@ JAOI-IOB (41) A05-24B (12) 05B _ A06-26A (17) A 14-12B (32) A13-16B (31) BUS OUT BIT I ADDRESS MARK DELAYED 02A, A05-27B (12) 4 NOTES' CD ® NOT USED. SIC 09 WITH 4S02SA ONLY. ADDRESS A MARK ENABLE APPLICABLE TO 5PEV 00 w w BUS IN BITS 6 AND 7 WRITE AND READ GATE I-' I-' W o o 1-3 LOC'A02 4 3 31B A16-13B (36) AII-24A(25) , A14-26B (33) A15-27B (35) ® 1A ,/-- /--. // ,/ / . 00 w w 3 4 ...... ...... 2 1 w 0 a :t:oo ~ DI A0224B OFFSET (271AII_2IB- TAG 22 TAG 21 LOGIC (43) JA02-11 B ,22A COMMAND D 21 PLUG BUS REG 21 TARGET LOGIC PLUG (43) JA02-14A ,I4B BIT 6 IN BIT 7 REG 14A A06-IIA (16) 2° Ie 3@ CI SEEK (10) A04-IIA 23B ERROR +5V NO HD SELECTED ...,. 22B, A06-IOB (16) 2° BUS TARGET IN CD 30 ,20' t .., 50 A02FAULT (12) A05-31A ,13B +5V IK OFFSET WRITE PROTECT 05A, A05 -27A (14) AIO- 08A (42) (14) A05_31B J3A WRITE 3@ PROTECT DELAY JAOI-IOB (41) A05-24B (12) 05B, A06-26A (17) A14-12B (32) A13-16B (31) BUS OUT BIT I WRITE GATE B 3 3 <'A2l READ 04B A15-31B (35) . A05-22B (12) AII- 24B (25) A16-12 B (36) GATE BUS .OUT BIT 3 +5V IB 270 (18) A07- 25A g3B CONTROL TAG (II I) ~ 1 4 1 ADDRESS 3 (AD) BIT 4 OUT ADDRESS MARK DELAYED MARK ENABLE A APPLICABLE TO BPEV NOTE: CD NOT USED. BUS IN BITS 6 AND 7 WRITE AND READ GATE LOC' A02 """ I I-' ...... 4 3 02A, A05-27B (12) 31B A16-13B (36) AII-24A(25) ( A14-26B (33) A ~ I I-' A0331A I\.) (I )AOI-l3B (403 KHz CLOCK) INDEX REF CLOCK 000 + EVEN DIBITS (24)AI0-33A A CIR4 +5'1 ( I)AOI-26B SECTOR -- SECTOR CLOCK 15A (806 KHZ) )I_V 15 2ii -, 02B 02A 6 15 4 3 210 29 28 03B 03A I' ,lL CD l l~CD ~J" 12 13 9 * ~.. I I I I. 27 24 2 ~C I I I I X-Vi' 15 23 6 15 4 3 22 -;T ~ I I --®~ ~ ~+5V :=I TPA TPZ ! I 34A I-' o o :t:>' ~ CD CD J 2 G/,3+1 28A SECTOR COUNT 29 B INCREMENT SECTOR COUNT E:NABU:: C4RI 3.9 K 15 6 II : 12 2 10 13 I ----2... ,!LCD , ,.!L CD ~ ~ ,.a. CD 1 ~ r- ~ 140 2 U -C3A 3 9 -,'~CD CD '~CD l - ,~CD ICD , 12 -, 13 , 14 ICD ICD l PRESENT SEC REG 2 6 PRESENT SEC REG 2 5 PRESENT SEC REG 2 4 25B 24A 24B A02-06B(3) A02-08A(3) A02-08B(3) • ~ G2 G3 I", R ~ 8 I X -V11 115 +!5V 309K 1500PF 9", GI U-C2F fC"1 -::r AB!!.CD 14 A· B 2 ,1.rs - m I A 501 U-E3 ~- PRESENT SECTOR COUNTER I , X-Vi' G3 ~CD 15 ~ 'f:'·2 r---2- 309K ~ ~ -: . . l ICD ICD ICD ICD J 16 CNTR 158 2 U- E4 2 C , 3+1 - G3 ill PRESENT SEC REG 2 3 PRESENT SEC REG 22 PRESENT SEC REG 21 PRESENT SEC REG 2 0 -, II 1'- -, 13 -, l -, 14 9,.., L ~~G2 CD NOT A02-09A(3) A02-IOB(3) A02-IOA(3) A02-IIA(3) USED. SHOWN FOR 64 SECTOR PLUG. REFER TO SECTION 1 FOR SECTOR PLUG ACCESSORIES. ~R I/'.R ~ 30B 29A ® WIRING GI 7 BG2 10 G3 .....J.Q... G3 31B 30A NOTE' U 9", GI t w ICD I CD ICD ICD 16 CNTR 1158 U-C4 + 5V 00 w I-' W G3 16158 CNTR U- B4 2,3+1 rf~' I I ~CD A06-02A(i6) A02-33B(4) 3 r4~ SICD E3RI 3.9K ~aG2 I I SR-8 1527 U- E2 I J I 1 I 2 ~3 15 ICD 4 1CD 3 I CD 25 I 14B I 14A I 15B U-CIA O.IUS A0321B SECTOR +!5V 6 ICD 26 13A R GI X-VI' 115 I I I 3 ~8G2 ~:05A I 108B 108A 109B 109A CIRI 23.7 :tl% ~ 4 I> 1Il-1, 1915 6 l.J: C 2,3+1 I 148 U-A30 1l; E2RI 3.9K h:t2% 12 2 3.9K ~~ +5V ,E- CD INDEX DECODE 8 84.5K ,JLCD ICD ICD ICD ICD +!5V ~ G3 1151 16 CNTR 1158 U-A4 II 23.7K ~1'YoCIR3 BIT COUNTER ACCESS CONTROL AND INDEX I SECTOR DECODE NORMANOALE LOC' A03 CODE IDtNT 19333 IC -- OW(; NO SMD 7490 . /---- ( ( /-- w w A03(l1)A04-0'7B) 17B I-' I-' ... 3 4 (X) 2 1 SERVO READY W (II)A04-Q6B) 17A LOAD + RTZ 0 0 7 ::t:' A ODD + EVEN OIBITS (1) I-!j A0327A NO SERVO TRACK D A03(l1)A04-13B- 12 A +5V -I (24) AIO-32A) (24) AID-lIB ~ (lIlA04-2IB .o4B FORWARD EOT ODD DIBITS I EVEN DIBITS I ~ ~14°h ~ U-AIA _121 "_ .. ,,, 1 1 lI_r'>l\ 1 T - --I III 113 l!! ~llall~ ;-~rll-l.:Ol.~ -b I I f3~9K I 3 40 US L _175 REV EOT PULSE +-'4 1 ~ F.-r 141 3~4 - I 140 II IS' ~g~ 12 "_AI,, 12 __ 9 II 4r-r-T"1 I, (26)AII-23A 28B (GNO) FWD + REV EOT RTZ 131 U-B3A (i9)A07-04B 26B BUS OUT BIT I (i8)A07-IOA 26/\ BUS OUT BIT 2 °r _______ J I + 5V I D2RI I 3.9K I I ______ , L I 9 16 1: 10 8 501 U-D2 II 4 A 12 2 13 A>B 15 A"B 14 AB A"B A<8 ON CYL. CYL SEL ;sFfRlW 6 S ADDRESS PROTECT ~ I W 141 18 06A SET RTZ 06B 4 ENABLE 21A CLEAR LOAD 07B MAX ADDRESS FAULT 33A FINE - A04-IIB(l0) (A04-24A(l1l I. A04-17A(9) 3 7 . A04-29A(lO) NOTES: CD NOT 2 @ @ USED FOR A03 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 7 NOT USED ON BJ701 J/K UNITS USED ONLY ON BJ701 J/K UNITS IA I REVERSE EOT PULSE AND MAX ADDRESS FAULT LOC· A03 2 A04-25B(lI) -~ L _______________ J 4 B I-' -- I (18) A07-24A )33A HI CYL BIT B I (l9)A07-05B )32A HI CYL BIT 0 II (19) A07-04B ) liB BUS OUT BIT I I I (lB) A07 -lOA' 26B BUS OUT BIT 2 I (18) A07-IOB ,26A BUS OUT BIT 3 I I r----I I .... --1 BUS OUT BIT I I 4 (18) A07-17B ,22A I 5 US) A07 -14B ,238 6 (IS) A07-IIA ,23A HIGH (7) A03-05A ,25A OS) A07-09A )32B MAXIMUM 4 3 ot:>- -- - - - - - - --- - - - 0 1: 501 U-D3 6 (IS)A07-IIA 25A I UB )A07-09A _32B __________ J (30)AI3-07A 278 ~ 16B - A04-02A(II) IB 22A BUS O~T BIT I A I 10 FINE ENABLE (l8)A07- 24A 32A HI CYL BIT B (19)A07-05B liB BUS OUT BIT 0 (i8)A07-IOB UB)A07-17B (l8)A07-14B 07A ( A04-32B(11l SEEK ----------------, B I(8)A07-23A 33B HI CYL BIT 9 I @ ( AII-14B(25) IC II FWDToT (l9i A07-05A ) 12 B lOB HEADS LOADED ci (7)A03-0IA) IIA D REV EOT (251AII-09B ) lOA (25)AII-08A) 16A A04-33A(l1l I HEADS LOADED 1 + 3 4 ~ I I-' 2 1 ~ 10 10 DI '--/ 10 SEEK C A04- REV A0408A A09- 22B(20) SEEK 9 ~..LD~\I ID . AI?_?ICI(?Q\ (30)AI3 -13B 30)AI3-07A I ----, I.. ~ I I I I !:'\&In l"II:'I:'V A09- 23B(20) AI2 - 16B (29) SLOPE ,1;.)1-\ (20)A09-24B VI" ,:)~ ... u~ '" 1 L el II 'L:;j"I 11 W U-C2A :3 I~~~ 195 ~mS D UJI ~5' Lc~ 175H(" 0'4B - A 11_ 16A(26) ON CYLINDER 03A:: !~~=~~~1;?) ON r.VI O'IR INn~A A05-24A(12) ~ 17A (8)A03-2IA -OGA 17B FINE Ie 10 ENABLE 10 T ~1 A0416B A12-22B (28) COARSE II II '-J 10~ BI START I I SEEK I IUJ~ II 172H 10 M FINE SICI (23)AI0-07B (23)AI0-08B A0428B CYL DET 27B CYL DET 18 06A::AII_23B(26) A0416A AI2-17B(28) IB A B GATED CYL 10 PULSES 14A AII-12A AI3-03B(31 A09-27B(21) t A (31)AI3-07B}2B T=O ex> w W I-' I-' W o o ~ t<:I (31 )AI3-17A NOTE: CD NOT ACCESS USED. 2 FOR A04 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 10 4 LOC: 3 CONTROL. PART I A04 /-- ,/-- /- / ( I co w w 2 3 I-' I-' CD 10 o 10 ::t>o ~ G) @) SEEK 10 D 1 NOTES NOT USED 2 FOR A04 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 10. G) CR NO AS SHOWN FOR HFRV REV P 8 ABV CR NO 23 FOR REV N W o A04- + FWD (30IAI3-13B REV \"" I I I I 1''' I I I I ~72~L~HIPS REV U 8 ~ USED ON OLDER BELOW USES FINE. ® REV U 8 BELOW PIN 12 OF U-C3A CONNECTS TO A04-16A. REV V 8 ABV USES D5C. UNITS. o VO"~!?i~i~B~~~\ ON CYLoCYL SELo SR ROY (301 A13-07A ... ~ ~~~" Ii! v'~!?i~~::g~: v,u~AII-16A(2.6) SLOPE (20IA09-24B 10 c c 10 (B)A03-2IA I u , A0416B ~ A12-22B (28) COARSE II INEo HEADS LOADED II I'~' 10 B 10 06A(AII_23B(2~) ON CYLoCYL SELo SR ROY B I 'v '::: AI2-17B(28) A04-09A(9) @ (24)AIO-07B G> p", I (24) AIO- OBB -.- . ----- (9) A04-16A 14A ::: AII-12A(26 AI3-03B(3I, A09-27B(21 +5V~ + 5V t A (31IAI3-07B)_2B T70 (31 )AI3-17A ~ I I--' U1 4 3 1 ~ ... 3 4 I I-' 2 1 '" 9( D C) ON CYLINDER ON CYL· CYL SEL· SR ROY D +5V A04-'~~~~~~~~ FORWARD (26)A 11_ 09A g5A OFFSET COMMAND PULSE TIED TO AIR'. (30IAI3-07A ;~:- ON cl ( G) 9 CYL· CYL SEL-SR ROY I ~9 SEEK A04 OSB::: SEEK 3OA::: ·U CD AII-13B(25) !E3R3 SEEK END . EOT A04-~~- (S)A03-06A ~IIB -.1 EOT STATIC"," T=O 9~' (M )9 II@ FWD 32A. JA02-05A (43) .. UNLOAD HEADS A04- (26)AII-12B- 23A OFFSET COMMAND "~~,, ~nnvn IV r I PULSE Ie IIA(A02-23B(6) START SEEK ( F) 9 B II (N ) SERVO S)A03-33A :>29A MAX READY B 1.2 U SEC ADDRESS FAULT 1 13 1 LOAD+RTZ +SEEK A04ERROR 15B(AI3_25B (31 ) II (D) ~4~ LOAD-tRTZ SEEK II (T) MAX ADD FIT· (FWDEQT + REVECiT).SERVO READ' MAX ADDRESS FAULT A 00 LV LV I-' I-' :--.,. I ] NOTE: CD NOT USED. o o tr:I A A0434B LV ;J::I (CF) II ;=J APPLICABLE TO ELVV / LLVV ~ ACCESS CONTROL. PART II LOC: 4 3 2 I I 01 AOA 1 ::;pj ,r----'. . 00 w w 4 3 I-' I-' W 0 0 1 2 :t::' ON CYL I-Ij DI 0 CYL SEL 0 SR ROY 'M )9 CYLINDER ON 90 9 D ON CYLINDER (QJ A04ON CYLINDER 03Ac: A02-32B(5) AI3-05B(30) A04-~~~~--------- ~9 (30IAI3-07A ,028 ON CYLo CYL ·SEL-SR ROY TIED TO AIRI, STATIC .," SEEK 08B, SEEK 3OA( FWDEOT 9( J) T =0 'Ti 0 i E3R3 38.3K I I 4~ SEEK END A04- - - - 8)A03-06A ,liB FWD EOT . II LOAD ® + AII-13B (25) 9 +~v e II ( 0 ) CD 32A JA02-0~A Ie (43) l.l"'f RTZ UNLOAD HEADS A04 A04_01A,23A IV , GND SEEK ERROR IIA'A02_23B(6) ~ (26)AII_09A,05A OFFSET COMMAND PULSE )~ ~S~E:R~V~O~R~E~A~~~ __ B . ________________________________ ~~ ~I~_iQUD~~~~C~~_' __ __________________ ~ ~M~~ -2_4_A-.::S.::.E..:...T-=..:..RT~Z~+_ _ _ _ _ _ __ .01 UF CERAMIC (S)A03-16B ~2A B II ~C2CI FWD+REV EOT ____ ®]>:>-2_6-"B_-. . .: :.U:. -P~TO~S~P~E:.E c!:!D (14)A05- 26A _________ t-_________========= .I START "I ON CYLINDER MAX 10 NOTES' CD NOT USED. ® LOCATED ON 3. @ 01=» t \-' \0 AII-25B (25) I ~~1)12A A A0426A I ____ -:.J;=~~~-=--t-------l-L-.LJ., 205 JA02- UP TO SPEED + UNLOAD HEADS ADDRESS HEADS FLT LOADED ® 17 2H CHIP USED ON OLDER UNITS. 5 OP FOR A04 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS ABOVE AS SHOWN AI3-33B. SEE SIC 09 AND 4 APPLI CABLE TO MLVV PNL. SIC 10 AND (311 UNLOAD HEADS I~ • PULSE SERVO FAULT, LOAD AND RTZ SHEET 10. BELOW LOC 3 A04 1 ~R 10 A04- Al19-25EH20) 13B _ AIO-27S(24) A03-12A(tlJ IA ~ + 3 4 I IV o 2 1 ,---- , , ® ~ ,...LESe, IT .0,", D I I ,>Iv) VOLTAGE FAULT ' , I: 10 ~-~ - - ._-- 13B OIA (42) FAULT LED DISPLAY ~~ A04-33B (II) L 12 - II 0 • 0 • o A12-07A , "9-'-J IL~Lj~________________~FA~U~L~T__3~IA~A02_13B ~~ I - :g2-27A';,! AOJA026-' OA "6' , - , (6) I r 1 ~ I ~I------------------------_________ ...:.JI •... _ A02- 1 ~. ~.~ OPERATOR PA~.7':_~".~:' ~';';."::"® 0281 I r-~~~ I (42)JP201-028_ CI 3 FAULT CLEAR IIA I - I L A02-27A (14) A04-31 B (II) @ Ie --~ ____________ _ I 22A 1"1 CAD I"UCI"1l nIA""'''''TII'''' (19) A07-06B, 13 (W) MASTER FAULT CLEAR+ CLEAR FAULT STATUS I r----~ (41) JAOI-09A 28A (6) A02-02A 27B (39) J AO I -08A 30B B (13) A05-25B (19) A07-03B I I WRITE FAULT ADDRESSDELAYED MARK ENABLE a 140 12 MASTER FAULT CLEAR (6) A02-05B ,24B READ GATE (9) A04-03B -}4A ON CYLINDER I U-E5B I 2NI.2~ 3_ U-~5D I'". T "",n I II " 6 I ~..J ~1 L III _. I L. = • I I - ''I JA02lPA2 12B J/P 201-12B (42) t..;.;15'--....:W:!.!R.!.!I.!.T!:::.E-'FC!A~U~L1.T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~<;9B ~ A02-27B (5) JA02lPA2 I 13 HEAD SELECT FAULT ~~ J/P201-IOB(42) 12 WRITE. READ FAULT ~~A 10 'Q"NCYL.(W+R) I~B E5C2 .OIUF 'T'l WRITE GATt. (6) A02-04B ,22B ~ t~~~J ~RGTR = 4 HEAD SELECT FAULT CLEAR FAULT STATUS +5V I ,----=-.1 I ~ r •I I ,.:. '1 e A02-15B (5) JA02/PA2 IB J/P201-08B (42) A02-25B (5) JA02/PA2 03B J/P201-13B (42) ~A02-3IA(5) -l L ___ _ ® USED ON LL YV NOTES' A CD NOT @ REV La BELO W USED. A FAULT CLEAR SWITCH LOCATED ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY. 00 w USED ON MLYV REV M 8 ABOVE. W I-' I-' W o o ~ ~ 3. FOR @ A05 VOLTAGE INPUT SIC 10 WITHOUT SIC 10 WITH 4 PINS SEE SHEET 13. 48140 AND BELOW. 48140 AND ABOVE. 3 1 / " ---- I /~ / / ~ w ~ " 3", 2 1 I-' t:; A01-03B (19) CLEAR FAULT STATUS CLEAR FAULT STATUS o A05-23B(i2) +5V : tIj N_O. O SI C5RI D !B3RI IK MOMENTARY MASTER-CLEAR ~ + 5V +5V 25~ >--< ~~R4 fK t A05- C5CRI ~ ~:~~ CLEAR FAULT STATUS + MASTER FAULT CLEAR POWER-UP MASTER CLEAR rrC +~V t 5V C5R5 I.IOK tl% 1 A0534B , C5R1+22V 1• 21K tl% C5R8 5.901< +10/, • +5V IB CI; · ,33B ~2B ~ -5V 32B I IA ;=J I TPA C 14,15 Y 12,14 B4R3 • IK I. VOLTAGE FAULT B5R3 16.9K :tIOY. l:t,OY. .13 -SV = 12 A B4RI 3.9K -42V A05 BI -VOLTAGE FAULT lOB B4R4 A5R4 5.90K ±I% IK A5R5 I.IOK A5R2 I. 10K ., % -5V ±I% I A5CRI ~ lA5R6 CD IB I +5V -20V~~----~I~-------------- -5V' Ie +5V B5R2 1.33K :tIOY. -= 34A A05_A06-IOA (Ie)"" 05B A01- 31 B (l9)\t:I AI5 - 2BB (35) AII- 05B (25) A14- 01B (33) + VOLTAGE FAULT h....-- :tIOY. · -42V TPZ UP CLEAR I ~~: L ~K5R6 B5RI 16.9K +42V • 1) I I • I.IOK tlOY. +42V PWR +5V C5R9 _ 22V 3B CD - • + 22V 10 +~ A05VOLTAGE FAULT 14B , 1" JA02lPA214B P/J20114B 14B ,<--------< 'IP201~I4B '''''' A5R3 1.21K ±IO/o TEST I ASVRI gn6- ~ :SR8 A02- 17A(5) A5CI OIUF r· -= -22V A I NOTES' CD NOT @ SIC 10 WITH ® IA USED. 48140 AND 113 H CHIP USED LLYV REV ABOVE. E 8 BELOW -_ ... __ .... _ .. _-- ~ ~ I-' POWER AND NORMANDALE DIVISION 4 3 ' " UP, MASTER VOLTAGE CLEAR FAULT LOC· A05 2 I 1 ,:::,. I 3 4 N N L 2 1 +5V ,wRiTE I I PROTECT- SW -, I· I I --1- ®J 0 14 L __- _____ DI (6) A02 - 0 5A A08-14B I ~ ~>- 10K ...J 100 o I ~2R2 10K LOCK-TO-DATA 14A, E2RI CD ~;;"r--' ~-]~~~ A04- A16OIA OIA 12 (H) .!L E2CI __ r FAULT - - ~~ lUF ±IO% +. I ~ 3 . I 13 WRITE PROTECT DELAY 31B A02- 13A (6) ' JAOI-13A (40) E2R3 1.5K E2CR2 ' C2R6 390 C3R3 IK (II) A04-07B ,25A II ~'j.n. +5V c·· ~2RI B3CRI B3R5 68 1/2W "'"OF--F:":S--E-::-T""'W""'R'""I-::-TE=--P--R""'OT--E-C-T JA04_ ~~3A FAULT POWER STORAGE r I r"n. +46V JA0208A 0 ::JS~E~R~V~OJR~E~A~D~Y~~~r~=======±==t==============~~~~~~~~~~~~ I PWR UP CLEAR +5V C3R4 +5V r---- ~o,. 09B 'A02-'I 13A ,~, UNIT READY 28B ® /n/ - I ....... 14L c I +5V L , A02-24A (5) +i:iNiTREAoY SPEED OR VOLT FAULT +5V 29A, CD 21A, A13-15A (31) lB. UP TO SPEED 17B, A04-23B (II) B4R6 3.9K +5V C2R8 10K .1 5 25 SEC DELAY 33A, A04-09B (II) C2C3 6.8UF ~6V BRUSH CYCLE 26B, o NOTES' NOT USED. CD ® LEO LOCATED ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY 3. FOR A05 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 13. SIC 09 WITHOUT 37831. 37869 a DELAY TIME FOR REF ONLY. ® WRITE PROTECT SWITCH LOCATED ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY. ® CAPACITOR LOCATED UNDER LOGIC CHASSIS AT LOCATION JA04. BLW MISC. FAULT DETECT + SPEED DETECT LOC' A05 2 CD UP TO SPEED 26A, A04-26B (II) 1 A /--~- / (" 00 w 4 W I-' I-' CD W o o ,13A ~ 3 READ ENABLE 2 1 T5V . I ~WRiTE PROTECT- SW -, 1-3 I I I ----L.- I c I I ®..l 14 L __- _____ D (6) A02 - 0 5A AOB-14B JA02OBA ) >- ...J B3CRI B3R5 68 1/2W B3CR2 27A -=-OF==F::::S:::ET=-:':W7::R':'=IT::::E-:P:-::R""O:::TE:-::C=T o JA04_ ~~~A FAULT POWER STORAGE r I LOCK-TO-DATA 14A ( -, ~:n('500UF I :®_~~~<:.J JA04- A16OIA ~ E2CI 12 ( H) OIA T-= ~ioO/o , I F'AUlT ~>--:} E2R3 470 E2CRI WRITE PROTECT +5V 3 251 31B, ~~;I-_II;: ~:b) -5V C3R3 IK (Ill A04-07B DELAY E2R4 1.8K +5V c CD +5V <:!!J ~::V~PR~~~~R I T ' I r---- C2R7 3.9K 09B JA02- I I¥ I I (~) UNIT READY 2BB ® "'''' // 14 • +5V L - AC2-24A (5) + +UNiTREAoY 15 ( 0 I B c , ~ (Y) 15 (F I'~ 29A( I III VOLTAGE FAULT SPEED OR VOLT FAULT 'v~ +5V 15 (G I , I ~ UP TO SPEED B4R6 3.9K I CD B 2JA, A13-15A (311 17B( A04-23B (II) +5V 4 C2RB 10K 25 SEC DELAY 33A, A04-09B (II) l' +5V BIR2 IK C2C3 6.BUF 6V BRUSH CYCLE 26B( BIR3 27K @ DELAY TIME FOR REF ONLY. @) WRITE PROTECT SWITCH LOCATED NOTES' A BICI 15(E~ • )1 CD UP TO SPEED 26A( A04-26B (J II 4 CD NOT USED. ® LED LOCATED ""rin'XI .0IUF ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY 3. FOR A05 VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 13. ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY. ® CAPACITOR LOCATED UNDER LOGIC AT LOCATION JA04. CHASSIS SIC 09 WITH 37831 BUT NOT 37869 25 SEC ~ I tv W 3 4 ---------------------- - "II.'··..· 0 • MISC. FAULT DETECT + SPEED DETECT B LOC' A05 2 1 A t 4 N ~ CD 3... _13A JA02(42)J/P201-09B,08A OPERATORWRITEPROTE~T ~A .- 200 - ~ I L I 21A J\j()~, (6) A02 -05A OFFSET WRITE PROTECT A08- I 4B HEAD JA0409A B3CRI 12CRIt)2RI 2CR2 82.5.n. B3R5 14 ?I!.u 5~311~ ~~ JA04- A16OIA OIA T U-C ±IO% -= FAULT 12 lE2R2 3.9K H 14A, fj'\ \!...I 3A" 7 r 13 WRITE PROTECT DELAY (TO WRITER) E2CR3 C2R6 220 E2CR2 A02- 13A (6) JAOI-13A (40) 1 Ie +5V POWER UP CLEAR 25B 31B E2R3 IK ±I% _ 5V -=- C3R3 IK A05-07B 3~ ,.-,FL IUF +5V Oil 1 ~ I0 .!.L E2CI 500 UF I e1 Iz L,I I 02 L " - ~_]:? ~<:J ~>--:L -= 10K B3CR2 32A FAULT POWER STORAGE r+£-)~1(;\ 1 +5V U-B3F D1 2 ~h SERVO READY C2R7 JA02- ~~ J/P201-13A(42) UNIT READY UNIT READY 28B. A02-24A (5) iJNiTREADY 15 D )-:::::::--::==':====~::::;:;:=:7."=------------------I----J ~~V~OL~T~A~GE~F~A~U~LT~__________________________________t-________________T-t-t-~ BI 29A, CD -1-r.015UF ±IO% UP TO SPEED +5V ® 1<' 1"""81 15(G) + VOLT FAULT 21A A13-15A (31l UP TO SPEED t B4R6 3.9K 17B IB A04-23B (J Il +5V ~C2R8 ~ 5 I 14~ I r;B 1A-B ~16 AB 114 A =B A----7FA t SPEED SENSOR ® JA02(46) J/P205.05B 5.IIK :tl% ~:-02A +5V C2RI 3.9K START 4 START E I B C2CI T·IUF = B START 14 :t20% -to5V C2CR3 C2R4 3.9K 14 C2CR2 POWER UP CLEAIt> 13 14 IU-C2BI -to -L-IC2C2 6.8UF 6V NOTES- CD A ® 3. @ ® ® NOT USED. LOGIC PLUG SWITCHES ARE LOCATED ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY. SWITCHES SHOWN IN LOGIC NUMBER POSITION. FOR A05 SIC AS SHOWN - SIC NOT USED - SIC II AND ABOVE 10 AND BELOW 173 H CHIP USED LLYV REV E a BELOW A VOLTAGE INPUT PINS SEE SHEET 13. 10 AND BELOW. ABOVE, AS SHOWN SIC SIC 09 WITH 37831, 37869 09 AND a ABV UNIT SELECT J205- 05B ~~,02A """I N -...) UNLOAD HEADS LOC·A05 4 3 2 1 . 01::- I tv 00 -cDl- I nUL~11 I lJ.'9J.A~.1 ~I~ (S)A02-2BA - - Jt~tl POWER UP l::LEM _ _ - (9)A07-33A ~B 01 3 4 I" - --- 21A - - A06I lOA 2 +~ POWER ® 470 -- X/V JPN (S)A02-25A BUS IN BIT 0 16B BUS IN +5V BIT I 12 BUS IN BIT 0 13 BUS IN BIT 0 9 BUS IN BIT I 17A BUS IN BIT 17B 2 I I , _ LI"IT l I? BUS IN BIT 2 IN BIT 2 BUS IN BUS IN BIT 3 9 (5) A02-16A liB BUS 12A 15 22B 17 ~ 3 A IK 12 BUS IN 13 BUS IN BIT 4 BUS IN BIT 5 BIT 4 BUS IN BIT 6 I I T; lolX/Y kI2" IIA BUS II IN BIT 7 ,5 Frx7Y1. C! ~~--------------~I~W (7) A03-13B ~2B INDEX (7) A03 _ 21 B g2A SECTOR ItiJ NOTES: CD ~ CD FAULT CLEAR SWITCH LOCATED ON SWITCH PANEL ASSY. SIC 10 WITHOUT 48140 AND BELOW. SIC 10 WITH 4BI40 AND ABOVE. SIC II AND ABOVE. 5 BUS IN BIT BUS IN BIT 6 BUS IN BIT BUS 6 IN BIT 7 BUS IN BIT 12 I.NDEX 13. INDEX 7 SECTOR SECTOR TIE HIGH ONLY w w TRANSMITTERS o o LOC: A06 4 Ie 17 3 15A 08 15B 16 ~ )~ _ 16A 20 ) ) ~ 13A 78 136 II IB )~ )~ ) B 13 I-' I-' ~ 21B )~ 22A IB ) BUS IN BIT 5 (6)~02-22B ,lOB (6) A02-14A , w 07 IN BIT 4 13 ( 00 25A TIE HIGH +5V A ~ BIT 3 BIT 10 ~ BUS BUS IN (S)A02-2IA 17 J3-J4 ~ 24A BUS IN BIT CI BI B~ A=B 2 G) 7 6 IIS)A07-2SA ,33B 16 ( A HD SEL TAG (011) BIT 7 , I !lS)A07-IIA ,30A BUS OUT BIT 6 - I (lS)A07-14B ,33A BUS OUT BIT 5 CD NOT I '" A2:..:7~B:""-_ _ _-'VV~T--yr--;-] "0 ERROR RECOV"y DIAGNOSTIC 32A ~ ~ ~ TAG 22 TAG CD , A02-288 (" "'A A02-IG' (" 3D' ' " 19 TAG (OOil (010) D \!.J 31A A02-12A (4) 470 298 "0 TAG GATE ~32B 4 29A OUT 19 2BA "«' 55 c " lAG 2 "0 ~:I:PI~A(~2s1) 25B 19 24B TAG (000) 20 HD SEC TAG A06-3" "" T 4TO 470 DO' HIGH eYL BIT A13-3IA (3O',AD2-12"3I A03-"".', A06-3O."" A13-21A"D1'~:l~l: A« _ 048 (25' 24A IK ~ 12A B~~ ~UT ~-------:-:-:::"';';;:;-- +5V (BI-~~~H 470 ~ '~IT ~ r-----, 4TO OOA " S OUT 6 WA POWER UP CLEAR+MANCLR: L ___ -1 19(L 19 (BB\...____ 19 4TO () A HOLD m 1,2- 10 BUS OUT 21B BIT .. , 5 ~ ... I'IA A 470 -- ~ ro~n ~J BUS OUT 470 ".4 '!(U 21A BIT 4 I fn ~-;;:-- --"!Y':. ~GI I 13 RCVR 162 C4 ..... I. I , 12 6 G2 B <4l 8 III 172H EI ,IT «8<" , r 6 288 A02-028(41 2 LOW CYL TAG ( l 1 0 ) c = @ 1: \ A13-06B (36) B 9 CONTROL TAG (III) 9 8 10 1,2-~ L -____~~ 140 A2 10 8 1 I 146 01 . f.12~ ~A02-03B(6) I TAG GATE IN 19 ~ IIA A13-33A A02- (30),AII-03A(25) ,A06-30A" TI 6 TARGET REGISTER TAG (lOll 146 01 ® A03-2""', A03-23A'" BUS 0"' 8 GI ~M~0~D~A~D~DR~E~S~S___GD~3~_r----------------SELECT 23A "-' 4 TO '" CYL BIT 9 'i' 4 1,2-~ BUS OUT BIT L.(D 19 , A06-03A (17) 5 14B, AI3-30A(30), A02-09B(31, A06-33A(l7) AII-06A(25),AO~23A(6),AOW3B(6) BUS OUT 09B BIT 3 32 ~ 8B A 31 ~ ~ 00 w w ...... ...... w o o ~ BUS OUT 13A BIT 2 13B L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.::.BU::.;S=--=0c::;U..:..T....:B~I..:..T_4_'___r_-----17-'-(B, AI3-28B(30), A02-04A(3), AII-07B(25) ~ 470 BUS OUT BIT 470 470 BUS OUT BIT ® NOT 2 9 8 GI 12' USED . INPUT PINS TO THIS RECEIVER SECTION ARE VERTED SO OUTPUT IS COMPLEMENTED. 4 ~ IN- GD ® ® SIC 10 WITHOUT 46140 AND BELOW. ARSV 19 RE_V_ E NOT USED ON BJ701 J/K UNITS USED ONLY ON BJ701 J/K UNITS RECEIVERS LOC: A07 3 0 lOB AI3-29B(30), A02-03A(3) A03-22A(!U.t A03-26A(8)0 lOA AI3-24A(30), A02-07A(3) A03-26A(!U.tA03-26B(8)0 ~ 19 NOTES' CD A03-23B(BAA03-22A(8)(;\ ~ 19 470 ~ \:V \V A (/ / 00 . 3 4 W /-,/ ,~ ( LV I-' I-' W 2 1 19 o I' o ""H' AII·05A(25) 'AII-IIB(25) L~ ... " ........ vl ~ ~ -I~ ;'::~l:l: D 0 o A02-2SB (5) A02-16B (5) ERROR RECOVERY DIAGNOSTIC TAG (!) 31A TAG A02-12A (4) 19 1_ BUS OUT BIT 2SA 09A' A06-33B (171 , A13-31A 1301.A02-12B (3) A03-32BIS), A06-30B1171 AII-04B 1251 7 24A CYL BIT S c ® AI3-2IAI30I , A03-32AISI A03-33B IB) @ 1- ",u" v, .... D" ® ""', AI3-25A(30).A03-33BlS) " ® 1- I I I I 1- 19 19 (BB) tlU~ UUI ......... ~ ...... ,,~vv tlll @ A03·25A lBI. A03-23AISI IIA,AI3-33AI301, A02-IIBI31 AII-03A(25) .A06-30A(l7) b TARGET REGISTER TAG (lOll ---002.02B(4) LOW CYL TAG (1101, --~q13.06BI36J I I IY B B I. D3CI 6BOPF 1'2% "'~'''' 330NS '"U u~, LV~CA02.0J8(6) LV",A06-03AII7) ... on BUS OUT BIT 5 14B, AI3-30AI301. A02-09B(31, A06-33A(l7) AII-06A(25). A03-23AlSI. A03-23~1 ® 2-1 .. "", vv, "" " ... " VU I D" " 'V": DU;;J vu D" '" 'V", AI3-24A(301. I MENTED. ® NOT USED ON BJ701 J/K UNITS. NOTES: o ~ 1 W NOT USED. 4 . ~ USED ONLY ON BJ701 J/K UNITS. o 3 AI3-29B(30), A02-03A(3) 0A03-22J\IS), A03-26AIS)@ ® ® ARE INPUT PINS TO THIS RECEIVER SECTION INVERTED SO OUTPUT IS COMPLELOC: A07 ~ AI3-2SB(30). A02-04A(3). AII-07B1251 ®A03-23BIS). A03-22AIS)@ u ... " A I-' c A02-07A(3) A03-26AISI,A03-26BIS)@ A (--- ,f- " ~ ... 00 w w 3 4 f-J 2 ~-\ 1 ...... w o +5V ® o D3R2 2.00 K 1% ~ ~ +5V II ID A07- D <~JA02-04B (43) MOD ADDRESSED ~ A06-09B (I6) 1I'~ POWER MOD ADDRESSED POWER lJ 18 r@-- - - - -- TAG (III) TI (BB) 18 10K HIGH 10K -5V J3-J4 SELECT HOLD I r-----, I I I I ® --L ~ A05- 25B ii3il A05-2IB{l2)1 A02 - 27A (4) I A06 - IDA (I6) I JA0202B I LL_:-=~~~~ )) 470 >IV'v 470 I SELECT HOLD >IV'v Wl8 10K -~ +5V c c I 1'6 27 06A ~) 24 04A BUS OUT BIT I TAG (III)· BIT 0 IIB( A02-23A(4) 470 >IV'v 470 BUS OUT BIT I 04B A13-22B (30) ( A02-06A (3) ® A03-26B(8) 26 0 ~)3A BUS OUT BIT 0 23 ERROR REC 18~ (£) 470 >IV'v 470 028 1_ BUS OUT BIT r: (OIO) 180 18 ( J) 01::> I W I-' EARLY STROBE 15A AI6-D4B(36) SERVO OFFSET NEGATIVE 16B, AII-2IA (27) II SERVO OFFSET 16A, AII-22B (27) POSITIVE P CLEAR I'" CLR CHK RTZ (§) CL EAR SWITCH LOCATED SIC 09 WITH @) SIC 10 WITHOUT 48140 ® SIC 10 WITH 48140 4 37966 FAULT STATUS B DIAGNOSTICS 03B, A05- 25B (I3) 06B( A05- 22A{l2) '" I BUSS OUT BIT 2 USED. FAULT 15B: AI6-03B(36) 14 NOTESNOT STROBE BUSS OUT BIT 3 18( H' CD ® ® LATE BUSS OUT BIT 4 18~ A A03-IIB (S) A13-26B (30) , A02 -07B{ 3 ) A03-IIB(8) A03-3A{S) o@ BI TAG 05B TAG (001) LOW CYL TAG 18~- 0 AND ON ABOVE. SWITCH PANEL ASSY. o ® NOT USED ON BJ701 USED ONLY ON OLDER UNITS FOLLOWING. BJ701 USE J/K UNITS J/K THE RECEIVERS AND BELOW. LOC: AD7 AND ABOVE. 3 SEEK 05A ( A03-12B (8) ® 8,2!F AD4-27A (ID) A .J:>, 4 I LV 3 2 1 N A09(Z7) AII-Z6A g6A CD .. ~ FINE POSITION ANALOG INVERTING AMP AIR5 31.6K AIR4 -1.61 ~ U, AIRI Z.15K ~ 1M (Z6)AII-ZZA ,27A 1-42VA9RI"A91 I ~,14B I ~ -.98 I~ -1.61 0-- ~ 9 D HORIZONTAL INPUT 6A . VERTICAL OUTPUT AR 5 - PIN 9 D ON CYL SENSE A09-248 C A04-15A (9) AII- 33A (Z7) AIRZ 2.15K 1M FINE. HEADS LOADED+OFFSET COMMAND -42V EMERGENCY JA098B 3RI RETRACT 'VVI C7 ...~...L-! 8-E3 (49) 511 ±I". 3CJN -:r-I ~.I~_~-l I -.98 ----r:r (Ill A04-138 ,258 II HEADS LOADED TO EMERGENCY RETRACT POWER STAGE +15V c c IR2 Q2 + -L- (Z8)A12-2SB~,128 T-=- VELOCITY TRANSDUCER 14 4RI IN' ZI5 K 3.9K DICI I50UF ZOV :!:20% 4R2 Z.ZMEG .- JA09- ~9B lI' 8-EIZ(49) IRI ±5~. ±I~. 3.9K IR3 1.2K -15V B Z38 FORWARD SEEK FORWARD SEEK (9) A04 -08A ,2Z8 REVERSE SEEK REVERSE SEE K (9) (Z8) A04- 07A AI2 _ Z68 ,288 C4 I ® ~REG -22.V C4 @ : + 12V +15V ~-15V ~ C2R5 ~~~K INVERTING AMP 2.87K !:I% I HORIZONTAL INPUT 288 VERTICAL OUTPUT U-EI-PIN 8 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Z2B LOW EIRI 238 HIGH + 5V t>.ITY 5V I LVN 3ZA '.+4ZV G GI 9 -I A @ f I 4ZV NOTES: 8 '4A ® @J LV LV TPA ~ I-' t-' W o o 1 TPZ I CD NOT USED 4 \ : @ LOCATED ON EMERGENCE RETRACT ASSY. ® WITH ELPV. REV C. 3 f -IV (AJ) ZI ~ ~~~P HORIZONTAL INPUT 288 VERTICAL OUTPUT EID PIN 8 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2ZB HIGH 236 LOW ON CYLINDER SENSE, EMERGENCY RETRACT CONTROL AND MODE LOC: A09 ~ M:j ENABLE -1.5V -15V ,3A, r> '. Z.ZK SWITCHING MODE AR7 3ZB ro ~ ~~~ t + 1.5V +IV -+ 5V 018 B ZI r C2R6 L...-...J ,348 ® SUMMING AMP OUTPUT SUMMING AMP OUTPUT .. 2ZV ZI A / ;----\ r- ,/ co w w 4 ... 3 2 /----- 1 I-' I-' w 0 0 !J:>r ~ PIIJI A09- 32B(~ A3-14 (50) +42V 01 r: A09- FROM POWER AMP GROUND C2R9 17B GROUND 20 - AH SUMMING AMP 3.16K ~- OUTPUT CURRENT FEEDBACK ~ ~------, 1% BR5 13.3K 1/2 W I 'Y. (II) A04 -218 158 LOAD (II) A04-25A ~---r HEADS I SWITCHING , MODE ENABLE 9!\r-:;r --l I I I I r-...l...--- I 29B 100 I RETRACT RELAY I K2 VOICE COIL C2VR2 10V :t5% I I 100 10 C2R7 6 >---<> ~MERGENCYc 8RI 10V :!5% IN NO NC I BR4 390 IW 2.2 MEG C2VRI I I 9CR2 9R2 .0039UF 20Q) 0.25°1 9R3 511 .! 1% 9CR3 C2RB CI I +42V 9RI 150 IW 9CRI A0916B HEADS LOADED 1° P/JA0921B POWER BCRI AMP 6CRI ® I I I I-S~E2 6RI 100 (31l A13-17B (9 lA04-30B A0926B T~7 12 -15V ~ 27B CYL PULSE BLANKING BI 6R3 390 IW 13 E2R1 - +5V---" I ~~~/~K i 3C~~I~ 3CR3 3CR2 @ REVERSE 20 (Ai) FORWARD SEEK ~ SEEK ) ) 2.2K ~DIR5 14 20 ~I~ " I I I F>-< 926 F 9 U-DIC 3R3 150 IW AI CD NOT ® LOCATED ON POWER AMP USED FOR A09 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 16 , ~ w LV 4 3 IB L-l TT~l I ~~14 I !.I% I 0250 I I -42v 2H~T~9_ -42V I I I I -' A09- -5V NOTES: ____ 07B ~ 4,,~ "..[J 6R4 13.3K t .i9_ ·1 06 03B PI/JI- (~ A3-14(50) IA I """ w """ ~ 23(A~ 3 , 2 __ A_G_C____________________________________________________- - - o +14V (~~ t I 7RI 100 7C I .1 UF ~20",. DIBITS FROM SERVO PRE AMP 7R3 rE- !!ICI ~ .01 UF TP-M 'VV'r- 4C2 ( DIBITS@ .IUF AK 23,24 I.OOK r-l ! 7C2 OIB 23B 23B CI l~ 7C3 470PF -=5PF J8- JAIO- AIO02B 25B 25B 7R21 100 .1 UF 7R4 6 ""'" :t20'l\, I.OOK 4C3 7R5 51.Ul t20"lo - 1 YE- r .IUF 7C6 j:20'l\,~ 5R4 r.OIUF I.OOK + 14v L 7VR2 7.5V BCRI l· BRI 38.31< .0IUF rl ±20",• 4C4 OIUF r· +5V E4_CI +14v • IUF %20"'. Ie -14V BCR2 B 5C4 -1~ .IUF AL .23,24 ? E4R3 33K ,.--I~:!!I% eCI o,uF + !!IV B E4R4 9.!!I3K CD 2 BR2 38.3K AIO) 348 BVRI • +5V 918 7. !!IV • -!!IV +22V 010 ~+14V -22V !!IO U SEC 02 -14V -14V -14V r· BC2 OIUF ~-14V A 00 w w TPA ::J IA NOTE: CD TPZ 1 I I-' NOT USED ~ 2er.:l I-' FINE SERVO W o o ~ ... LOC: AIO 4 3 2 23,24 A / / I 00 w 4 W f-' f-' W / + 3 2 / 1 o o :J::' I-Ij D D Q AGC CONTROL 24 10 kn ~AI~~~) ~ ,.~ +DIBIT , I( , +12 V pF 1 2('" QP-C6 • , . .Y.. n -• ------1r----------------------~(A)23 ~J 1 kn 249 2.15 kn +12 v Q4 n 2.2 kO 3.3 kO DEBITS FROM SERVO PRE AMP c 4.99 kn -12 V • 249 200 n 2.15 kn 1 kn 2.2 kO . ( B) 23 AIO:::34B '+:iV ::: OIB +22 ,338 B ,028 r , -5V V QIO 6.8 kn 3.3 kn ::~:VV ~ REG r - - - -....-~+5 ! ® ~ B , -12V TPZ OIA . +5 V -12 V -22V~ ,34A -- c CR2 6,8 kn V 9.53 kn 33 kn SEVORS.Jl~; TPA HEAD ~ 5 ~~ FZON JB -02 8 ~ = NOTE: CD ® A -12 V NOT USED THIS CARD HAS TW'O SEPERATE "*"GROUNDS CONNECT TO PIN 34A. OTHERS CONNECT TO PIN IA. SEE SHEET 50 +5 V 1 kn ...--------------~~ '''I~'' ~~.~ @ +SENSING DIBITS, "7, A 3MS USED ON HFRV REV P S ABOVE· MAGNETlC I'ERJI'HEJII.LS INC. -~- ~ I W U1 4 3 + I HO""ANaA.L.I FINE SERVO DECODER, PART I LOC: Ala 2 cz 0"""_ 19333 1 ,I:::. 3 4 I W 0'\ +14V TP-U 22'24~ i ·OICRI +5V 0lCR2 CIRS fClR8 10K I.OOK Dl OlR3 2.21< .tS"r. tn. r1r · OIUF CIR!5 CD CIRI2 TP- R D 0lCR3 A2RI CIR4 Ii214 J... OICI -= 'T' .IUF @ A2CRI 10.0 K ... ,13 i.......-- -t • • .t20"r. -L.. ....L..OIC2 fo.IR4 'l" .01UF 180K :!:20 % 'T' 0lC4 .01 UF 11 !5'"1o CIRI CIR2 CD CD ~ t--- "" OIVRI 7.5v SENSI NG-= 01 BITS 22,24 (AN) CIRII 17.8 K 0lR2 10.OK 10.OK 1 I olC] -= ·DIR5 10 499 CD 2 II 6 01 RI + r- L- -14V C2R5 -14V ~ 10.OK CI C2CI • -7~ TP-T • 0IUF 22, 24 fA2'. + 5V A2R3 ~5% C2R8 C2R6 I.OOK 13 -5v 02RI 2.21< II ~5"r. • 2.87K 1 ~3 10 D2R2 499 D2CRI ~ , 11 A2R4 383 .... h -& I -b 3CI 2200 PF 1000K C2RI C2R2 CD C2R7 20.0K ..._ _ _-' I B ~ CD T !'...9 I 1214 Il~g~ y2g~F ~ -L""" -14V CD AIR7 SELECTED DURING AICRI -14V 00 W W looo"r~~ t=JA'" W 0 0 4 TP-L ..... _ - 096 AIRI6 4.99K ~~rR' 2.15K I-' I-' ~ -5V 2.15K AIRII 7 AIRI2 6 :t~0':: AIR8 ~ AIRIO 120% +14V 13.01< • 10.OK ~I L+--- +5V B O.IUF RI=2.87Kl1 AND R2= 34811 RE V L AND 8ELOW. ~ +5V -14V -)I MANUFACTURE FOR AID INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 18 @ 4.991< 2.2M .t 5"r. AICI \1 TEST A2R6 I.ooK 180K AtR9 NOTE: !,20% A2R5~ 1.001< 2R4 l ... , 24 (AP) EVEN DI81T READ GATE - A2~R~ "'N'¥-- 10K 2.49K CD 3 :t 5 '1. fl~~~7 2.15K A AIRI4 TP-Q 470 .±5% ,. AII-266 (26) AGe FINE SERVO DECODER, PART 2 LOC 2 AID I 1 AM) 22 /--- I / f /~-.\ I 4 CXJ w w • 3 I-' I-' 2 1 -l W 0 0 , T :x:oo C.j Dl 22 7 0 IE .1 r uF I.1 6S~P-~4 AGC'O 0181T5 (2 V poP @NUll) ---, ! 210 1 kn L, 1 -12 V ! N. 10 kn CI I( 220 1'" , 9 .1 uF , ~2.'5 kn I ' :" I :!:.L '.1:' 1 uF _5% • 'le ~ ~ o F316AF7 :Rb~ "_nA ~ t +5 V • ,~ 24 (i)+POS PEAK DET. GATE Ie a:-C4 +12 V +1 of uF I ~ ~.' '0 kn -12 V 210 n '~ +12 V +20 V 680 n ~6.9B kn i 2.10 kn 1 4.99 kn 24 .1· uF 2.15 kn n 0 uF 11 ~1 KII f2.94 kO x/v T AGC'O OIBITS ~ E) 24 (4 V pop @NULL) 1<- uF ~ -= -12 V ----.lL10 pF !10% 2IcRP-B~15 16rcRP~B311 A I I I I I II +5 V +5 V I 180 n -NEG. PEAK 24(K ~ OET. GATE I(B) , 61 X/V ~ AI .. I~ f I I I I I I I 1 I I 13: 14 L____ J I I I I 1 I I 1 1 114 I 31 'T'470 pF -= IB L 1 POS. PEAK DEl. IF) 24 10 kn -12 V 232 kO t- ( 10 pF -12 V +12 V +12 v 232 kn CR~ 10 kn 2 N NEG. PEAK DEl. 1 (.94 kn G 24 10 kn ( 1'47U pF 1'"0 •." " SMD 7490 MAGNETIC PERJrHER.t\LS INC. "=:':"c~o. ~ I W -....J IT ,~~, ''''I 200 n BI 4 3 + 2 1 DP I, ~ 3 4 I W 2 1 co D D +14V ~ +!5V E2R3 2.74K +!5V tr E2R7 33 PF '.CI AIO278 IlA04-13B HEADS LOADED c EIR!5 19.6K EIR6 Z8.7K % I PF EVEt-I DIBIT READ GATE EIRI AIO- CD ODD DIBITS 12B :: AOI-22B (I ) + !5V SENSING OIBITS Ie D3RI 270 t5'Y. OIBITS 22,23 ODD + EVEN +I·V E2R4 26.1 E2R2 2J4K ODD DIBITS DIBITS EVEN· DIBITS E2R5 EVEN 'f -14V OIBITS I I EIR7 28.7K lEIR4 19.6K EIR2 CD 12 D3R2 270 t!5'Y. 000+ EVEN E2C3 . J.OIUF ODD DIBIT READ GATE CD 2 @ SELECTED DURING liB A03-05B(B) CD A03-04A (8) DIBITS lOB NEG. ,I PEAK DET. +12 v ~3 -12 V 'S9 4.22 kn 2.87 .n ID 1+ CR4 lOkO E1 v 1 1 . IC18 8 kn 14.7 '" . " ~!8! 1 .c"'- am" , a'" "."" )-=-A04-27"51 0101 >=-A04-2B'''" 07' lOOO R74 10 AOJ kn AGC '.02 R17 kO -5 c )~ TRACK SERVO SIGNAL -12 V ~CR5 v R70 4.'.'n 1 .1 R73 "" .. 2.R1kO '5 V. AGe CONTROL t l. 470 !5% n 7 7 470 Ie H) 22 ( n. t5% 412 -12 V +12 V...",.., 2.26 kn +5 B H. 100 (} n 825 23 n 19.6 kn =. RSI 28.7 kG +5 V ~ R102 '5 V B & 33 pF (D) AGC'D DIBITS (2V P-P(a:l NULL) 1 kn !5% .POS. PEAK DET. GATE III 175 (7) A04- 13B P ~) ~ AGC'D DIBITS 23 (E' (4 V P-F'(Q) NUlL) 10 9 . +12 V.. A T ~Y 11 ~ -r 10 9 NC 12 *= ~n S -000 I , rxiY'I - (4) 22B (I) - (OOO.EVEN OIBITS) ~AOI-04B(I) , L-A03-22B(3) R98 270 .... ,~..... 825 2.26 kn 100 n I( 33 pF !IO% NOTE: ~ c +5 V" R93 28.7 kn + 5 0/0 t(OOO. EVEN R103 TEST SELECTED RESISTORS MA~~::'~C PERJPHERt\LS INC (g:!> '~',,",,''''''''~'''~ ~ I 3 n DIBITS»)~ NC & ...... 19.6 kn 4 ~~A03-04A OIBlTS~AOI_ )~A03-05B(3) .EVEN OIBlTS -5 V ... \.0 )~ EXT. INHIBIT HEAD S LOADE D w (:0 23 -EVEN DIBITS • FI NE SERVO DECODER, PART 31· LOC:AIO 2 NORIroIANDAl[ CWFR.6.TIONS 1- I ~CO~D'~'D~,"~T~~~-~~~----~~---L~ 19333 A .;:.. I 4 .;:.. .i- 3 2 1 0 +5V AII(II) A04-06B )IOB DI (10) A04-30A - 13B -- --I 1,2 LOAD + RTZ A2 PIN I A2 PIN 8 0 I I +2V (B)A03-IOB 14B I, TI I I REV EOT PULSE It ,T I I I I II I I I II -IV (9)A04 -22A 13A VELOCITY 3 I n~ ~ READ (6)A02-04B ,24B (6) A02 - 31 B - 24A "4 SEEK D +5V B2RI 3.9K ~+5V F'''' 3.9K GATE B2R2 3.9K 4 FWD EOT AII- ~ OBA, A03-16A (B) REV EOT EN'ABLE 9 AIII" READ ADDRESS MARK ENABLE 09B, A03-IOA (B) JAOI- 2;~~ J101-I1B(36) ADDRESS MARK ENABLEIO AII- CD REV (O.IV liN / SEC) I C~ I +2V C3R2 UP-TO-SPEED· UNLOAD HDS (II) A04-26A - 25B FWD SEEK OV TEST POINT C L.:: (2B) A12-30B ,02A I I I +IV 909K CYLINDER PULSES 0 1---- 13 SEEK I I I I I II I I I II I I I liB (lB) A07-25B , 3,4,5 ~ 6 141 AIIIIA UNIT SELECT TAG (000) B3B r.-. 29A ' AI5-23B(35) 9 \.!..I'28A 0' I "I 0 8B BI c ~Ci) CD csJ7A 12 13 QjOA ::::: ± E=i ® co CD 15 .• CD 31B IB 0 CD 4c QjIA ItJ R 520 RGTR AII(18) A07-25B ,05A Q)(13)A05-05B) ~04B A (18) A07-09A (18) A07_IIA03A BUS OUT BIT 7 BUS OUT BIT 6 (18) A07- 14B (18) A07- 17B BUS OUT BIT 5 BUS OUT BIT 4 06A 07B I NOTES: Ci) w o o ® ...... ::t>' ~ 2. 4 CD I-'-- 0 CD UNIT SELECT 2 UNIT SELECT 12 CD 13 I - - - II CD ~CD I.....-- 14 FOR All INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 26 SIC II AND ABOVE 3 21 UNIT SELECT 22 UNIT SELECT 2 3 ELUV REV K NOT USED. - 'A, A05-07A (15) U'l -':O(B CD ~ CD I - - - - ","6 I I--' + CD 51----7 ! 00 W w 4~ I I I UNIT SELECT TAG (000) PWRUPCLEAR a BELOW FWD/REV EOT ENABLES, READ AM ENABLE, LOGIC PLUG AND UNIT SELECT GATING LOC: All . A05-06B (15) U " --B. A05-07B(15) Ull u. -7A. A05-08A (15) IA / ( 00 3 4 w w I-' I-' W _ 25B 2 1 +UP TO SPEED-UNLOAD HEADS (7IA04-26A 0 0 ... 5V AIILOAD + RTZ (II) A04-06B ,lOB :t>' ~ 5 D - ---I 4 SEEK (10) A04-30A ,13B .015/,F REV EOT PULSE (4) A03 - lOB ; 14B CYLINDER-PULSES (5) A04-22A;: 13A (24)AI2-30B II L t.dlll III 0 o 6 909K _ 9 2A 1111 II " A2 PIN 2 A2 PIN I VELOCI TY (O.IIIN/SEC) -2V -IV ov +IV +2V TEST POINT C +15 v~I-I-----' 10.OK c C 114iA07-29A ,24B (J4)A07 .31 A 24A READ GATE 3 ADDRESS MARK ENABLE 2 I ri I IB AII- liB (IB) A07-25B , 12,13 U 140 BI 6 -FORWARD EOT 12.70K III AII29B ' " 29A READ ADDRESS MARK ENABLE CD' BI ~>-- 29B - 0A 31B UNIT SELECT TAG (000) PWR UP CLEAR CD (18) A07-09A ~04B 03A (18) A07- IIA (18) A07- 14B ,OSA BUS OUT BIT 7 BUS OUT BI T 6 BUS OUT BIT 5 12 (18) A07- 17B BUS OUT BIT 4 13 CD o 2. CD 7 6 10 II 15 14 UNIT SELECT 2 0 04A , A05-07A CD UNIT SELECT 038 CD UNIT SELECT 22 CD UNIT. SELECT 21 23 ELUV REV L 8 ABOVE NOT USED. FOR All INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 2G I ~ FWD/REV EOT ENABLES, READ AM ENABLE, LOGIC PLUG AND UNIT SELECT GATING LOC: All o 4 -0 IA NOTES I-' IB ~0 03 03 ~ 0 ~ zat;' ENABL;:~:03-16A ~ (lsI , A05-0GB (151 068, A05- 07B (15) 07A , AOS - 08A (15) IA 00 ... 3 4 w w 2 I-' I-' W 0 0 AII- :t::' ~ INTEGRATED VELOCITY (28) A12-27B ,08B D t> ,34B ) ~ "]1 +5V Y :l:S,.. FINE ENABLE • +12V ,., mv ~ -22V ~JJ AII23A A03-2BB (8) : +12V 415V -15V TPA ~IA.34A I TPZ 1 +5V t B2R3 3.9K ±5,.. el ID 2RI0 LVN G 9 1 G AR2 -5V 32B ~2B .-----2- • +5V OIB ..rr (19) A04 -14A 12A GATED CYLINDER PULSES I +5V AR2 PIN 9 II ° A4R' 33.2K 12 A4CI + +5V Ie INPUT PIN liB A4RI 3.9K :1:5,.. (27)' (AS 13 OFFSET COMMAND 12B A04-23A(l0)(D 161 FINE;' HEADS LOADED OFFSET COMMAND 22A U-B4 (9) A04 -06A AII23B FINE • IMS A09- 27A (20) HEAD S LOADED +5V OFFSET COMMAND PULSE ~ BI 12B A04 - 05AOO) IB 2.2K ±5"1. (9) A04 -04B .16A 9 SLOPE Iv r::-::I BICI 1t150PF ±1O'r. @ AI (24) A10-09B ,26B (flCR NO AS SHOWN FOR HFRV REV P 8 ABOVE. CR NO 25 FOR HFRV REV N 8 BELOW. BIR6 10.OK 10.OK B~ • N~ TRACK SERVO SIGNAL NOTE: (DNOT USED BIRS In.nll ~ 5.-liK ___ FINE POSITION SIGNAL ~~!~ ~~!~I EWV ~ 1 -15V ~ 0 N 4 3 AT 27 IA 10 + 2 REV K a ~- / // 00 / + 3 4 w W 2 1 I-' I-' w +18V o o 100 pF 10.01< >' 9.761< +15V ~ D J! AII(24) A12- 27B ,08B INTEGRATED VELOCITY 9JX 341 A2 Y X>Y ~~~"".-.-+-- +5V D _ 114 2.21< v---113 ~ 6.041< 12A GATED CYLINDER 'PULSES 10.01< _112 ~ (27)(AS) OFFSET COMMAND 12.70 I< TPA T ,0 IA. 34A +15V~t I TPZ AII- 1'1. -FINE ENABLE 23ACA03-28B(4). (5) A04 - 14A TP-I< TP-J +20 V c c 33.ZI< I kn 1- • +5V -15 V 3.91< UF ±5.". 13 +' CD + 6 AII191 A04-06A ,238 FINE. HEADS 12 fiNE. HEAOS LOADED II IMS OffHT COMMAND + 22A A09- 27A (20) 13 LOADED +5V B L -_ _ _ _ _ _..::O.:...F:...:FS:.:E:.:T:.......::C.::.O::.:M::.:M::.AN::.;O=-.:.P..;U:.::L.::.SE::..........:.<:I~ B A04 _ 05A (10) B 2.2K 2.2K '1 (9) A04-04B ,16 150 pF 000 1° ( 10.21< A (24) AI0-09B 26 B TRACK FINE POSITION SIGNAL A ELUV REV L NOTE. CD ~ I-' NOT a ABOVE FINE ENABLE. OFFSET COMMAND PULSE AND FINE POSITION -15V *'I " LOC: All 4 (AT) 27 7 SERVO SIGNAL 3 2 1 ~ 4 I ~ . 3 IV 2 1 r, AII21B +5V t 01 OFFSET COMMAND D4RI 3.9K 15"!. ---.------J .- , ,~ AII- SERVO OFFSET ,22B SERVO (19) A07-16B ,21A C3R5 2.2K ±5"!. , ,.., All Lt CI 16B CD >;5A CD 15B CD 14A CD 17A TP-D C2R7 r IOO~ C4R6 C2R5 10.OK 1.96K 82.5K ~ C2R9 14 C2RI0 4 82.51< 17B ~ t DIR7 2 FOR All INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 22 +5V t r i~k ~ :t5% 3RI 3.3K AI ~ :t>' ~ ON CYl 32A (9) A04-03A>-- I~~~F I 4 .. DIC3 T·022UF :t20% r'f'('U I 237K T:E I DIRIO >NY- ~5% :t10"!. 7N FINE POSITION DIRI2 34.8K +15V DIR5 lOOK 1M 4l----·· pI<" -=- iOOK AII26A A09-06A (20) A12-15B (28) ~DIRI 2K IA lOOK -15V ~ ELUV REV OFFSET COMMAND AND FINE POSITION ANALOG lOC: All POSITION SIGNAL 3 ANOlOG 6 f"" FINE • ~ ~~ DIRII 56.2K 6.8K :t5% I ~:;IB I IB DIC2 +15V EIR3 6.8K AI2-23B(28) 19.6K -15V EIR2 2.2K ±5% AII09 A_ NOTCH AMPLIFIER TP-F I N t-J :t5% _ _... 26@ 121K DICI 0 ~+200!. X/V 10 200U-EIE (20) A09-24B 00 W I t4RI 3.3K +5V CYl SENSE 0' Ali33A II -15V Q~ i'5% W 0 0 r ~ BI I-' I-' IC 986 A U-C4 FINE POSITION w C3R6 202K :l:5"!. OFFSET NEGATIVE • +1 10 POSITIVE +15V SS @22 +5V _ ___ (19) A07-16A A02-24B (6) 2 I ,."""" I " I 1 SMD 7490 IAJ / 00 . 3 4 w w I-' 2 1 I-' W 0 0 AII21B !J::I A02-24B (6) ~ +5V OFFSET COMMAND D 2.21< AII(l9 ) A01.16 .,22B SERVO OFFSET (19) A0 1. I 6 B' 21 A SERVO POSITIVE '''l OFFSET NEGATIVE ~"i (AS) 26 D +5V 3.9K 52021< +15 V c c 261K + + 21j (AT) 4 FINE POSITION SIGNAL FINE POSITION B NOTE: (i) 2 NOTCH AMPLIFIER AII09A AI2-23B(28) B TP-F NOT USED FOR All INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 22 20.0K 21'. lOOK ~2K f lOOK !50PF 3.3K 3.3K 56.2K AII26A -15V +5V ON CYL SENSE 2.2K +5V 2.2K +15V 6.8K 34.8K 5100K "'15V 1M 21< A OOK 6.8K -15V EWV REV L a ABOVE OFFSET COMMAND POSITION ANALOG 01::> J 01::> LOC: All tv I-' 4 3 A09-06A (20) A12-158 (28) 2 A (Xl w w w o o :t>' O (Ill A04_29B ]B ~~~8s NOTES: ~+15V NOT USED FOR AI2 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SHEET 25 6.8K IR2 t5"1. 3.3K +15V TP-T • :!: 5 0/. 9.09K LOCATED G LOAD GATE 2. E2RII o 2 IRI 12 13 I E2RIO ~ .! 3 4 I-' I-' QI 9.o9K 09 ON SEE DECK 4 SIC 5 6 SIC 09 WITH 37938 OLDER UNITS USE THE WITH 37854 a a ABOVE o ABOVE FOLLOWING: IR4 5.62K 12 IR5 5.62K IR6 -15V~9~K------C:l TP-Y I~:e E2RI5 82.5 ® 1.78K I.OOK +1!5V IR8 6.8K t5% c G) I I 3RI !%'ifo 3R2 r?~ G 1~~A---,,-~N=.;LTA..:.:.~::;.GpR_A_T_O_R_~ DICRI VELOCITY ~~gscrSfAIN DICR3 I VELOCITY ~9B COMPENSATION 28.7K 150PF A2CI TP-F LI __2~OIT __ VELOCITY TRANSDUCER A2R3 (201 A09-12B) DICR8 , DICR9 DICRIO DICRII DICRI2 TP-E 330 26B SUMMING AMP OUTPUT A09-28B (201 c 51.IK DIR9 909K DIRIO 909K DIRII -15V 61.9K I I DIC2 DIR8 I Dlel TP-B J T 100PF TP-D DIRI2 38.3K ... DICR7 2200PF 31.6K I E2CI E2R7 DICR6 '" 31.6K DICR4 DICRS t5% A2VR2 ~t 4.7 V 4.7 V :t5% A2Clt5% 9O.9K DIR7 I CD DICR2 A2VRI ® DIRI4 """" 75.0K DIR6 I ,I VELOCITY (91 A04 -13A -,, 3.3K 15% 10V DIR5 .. -----;:15V1 -15V E2RI4 DIVR2 10V t5'Yo r------JO~. E2RI3 DIVRI -'\N\r 619K B B A2R2 ~ I.OOM -15V 29 ( A ) COARSE POSITION ERROR -15V +5V -15V C4R2 (27IAII_09A~~3~B~F;IN~E~P~0~S~I~T~1O~N~N~O~T~C~H~A~M~P~L~IF~I~E~R------------------------------+-----------+------------===~~~~1-~ 2.61K (9IA04_16B2iB C4R3 2.2K ~5°/. COARSE C4RII ...JVV\r ®90.9K C4R4 1.96K (27IAII-26A 158 FINE POSITION ANALOG A ( 91 A04 _I ~6~ FiNE C4R5 ~:':~ 56.21< t S "I. INTEG N 3~8AII_02A (251 VELOCITY 2~BAII_08B (261 SUMMING AMP OUTPUT AND VELOCITY , >I:>. >I:>. N A VELOCITY LOC: AI2 ~ ? 1 ,~- I 00 W / 4 ... 3 W I-' 2 1 I-' W 0 0 +15V ~ , ~ TP-X D4CRI r 8 ~4 10 D3R3 I .~~ 112 1 +5V II 2 12 I lU""" f 2.21K I D4CI _ 82PF - , 2.15K 2.15K D3R2g D3RI I.OOM I.OOM TP-C C4R8 ~ C2R6 -15V C2RI0 I=:._IQW" +15V CI Ie TP-V C2R8 6.19K T A) 28 C2CRI B2R7 ~ NI-l:~NrTOO"1 -15V I -15V 306 B2R4 ~ l I.OOM BI +5V IB C4RI0 2.2K :!:s-r. 21B REV SEEK (9) A04-08A ) (8) ADS -13B +SV+ I o 3B U-A4A 3- CD 02A SERVO (II) A04-31A 348 (i) TRACK FAULT ® 5 , +5V ~ -15V ) A X7T O IB £;2~.'" OIA I 200- -----= >-------< fA'"' 2.2K ±5% 2 A4R2 2.2K tS.". A4R3 2.2K :tS.". A04-338 (II) 04A 03A 4 6 SERVO TRACK FAULT 07A CD NOT I ® ® USED LOCATED ON OPERATOR MAINT. PNL. OLDER UNITS USE THE FOLLOWING. A :~+15V ~-15V ~ LOC: AI2 I w 4 CD CD NOTES: SEEK DIFFERENCE GENERATION ~ P/J201-01A (42) 3 2 1 "'" 1 A13A04-06B :> 26A (II) SERVO RDY • ON CYL • CYL A07-23A .,25A HI C~L BIT 9 HI CYL BIT 8 T~I I 146 A13CYLINDER ADDRESS REGISTER ------~ I l BUS OUT BIT I 18) C I I BUS OUT BIT 3 A07-IOB )29B (18) • I 146 U-D4B T 231: BIT 6 21B, CAR BIT 6 22ft FWD +REV 10 II 15 ,14 TIE HIGH .0 :; BUS OUT BIT 5 ~~)7- ___ BIA07-IIA 33A CD (40) CD 13B~ A04-04A I- ~}31 IC §31 146 U-EIE ~31 10 ~31 IL_3_~ CYLINDER ADDRESS REGISTER 146 U-EIB I\_ _ _ _ _ _..., 14B -}>OA (40 CD §31 , 1" CD (9) CIRI .3.9K 4 D 24~JAOI-l2A +5V ------ BUS OUT BIT 4 121: CAR U-EIC 18) CD 23~JAOI_IIA CAR BIT 7 5~1 b- 6 146- -'IA07- 178 )28B BIT 8 13A, JAOI-IOA 12B, (40: 520 13 CD BUS OUT BIT 2 BIT 9 CAR BIT 7 .. A07-IOA ,24A CAR CAR '~ 5 22B BIT 9 R RGTR ~~DU-" '~ BUS OUT BIT 0 CAR CAR BIT 8 ~ 19) ~~)-04B 'AX} 31 I I ~6 k8 1. ~I 146U-C4D 6 SEL U-C4C 9 A07..,24A ,lIA 18) IA07-05B 1 2 LOAD+ RTZ (18) D . 3 4 1 "'" "'" 9 I.... SF) 31 C i4 BUS OUTBIT6 (18) B 2 "5 "1 iO i2 i5 14 ) AI 348 • +5V TPA TPZ ~ 00 OIA W W I-' I-' A !1 NOTE W 0 0 CD NOT ® 149 H CHIP USED ON FLW V MOD B 8 BELOW USED 4 ~ ~ \ -r 3 -f 2 I 1 ~- ( ,-- -"\ /~ ,/ co I 4 w , 2 W I-' I-' w o o 30@ !J::I ~ TIE HIGH 30(8c) 2 "',,: " A13- T 2. 256 14A 9 n """ ""Toe ","J II A04-14B(9) lOB: .",' CD ~CD ID 04 B - AI2-27A(29) 15B~ CD 17A~ CD +1 ~U~ LOAD + RTZ+ ~H: coone SITK II.. rIl I~-I In ftg;l-I5B (21) 12 T 5,7 17B_ A09-26B ~ 26 II C13U~5 15t I GI fill- CD A1302B 9l A AI2-IIB(29) Ie ~AAI2_ 30~ 30 (Be) CD -< 12B(29) 04AA12- 13A (29) SELECTI\E COMP 12 ® T 5 I A 1308B_ CD T;:5; I (9) 06A. A04-17B -,=-;0 (9) 07B - A04-22B T=O OBA. 9 CD JU-A4DJ B A13(9)A04-14A)03B GATED CYLPULSES UNLOAD 9 +1 B HEADS@ 4 -I 1'4 UP TO SPEED + VOLTAGE FLT 14B, JA02-07 (47,52) @ A K4 E3 JA02- ~ ~~)32A UNLOAD 1(1't)A05-2IA)15A UP TO SPEED ... VOLT (6)A02-05B) 16B WRITE GATE HEADS @ NOTE. CD "'I"' 111 "'"' NOT USED. FOR AI3 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 26 4 I FLT ® SIC 09 WITH 37951 G) @) NOT USED - SIC 10 AND AND ABOVE 3 AMPLIFIER READ FLWV REV H a ABOVE. 149 H CHIP USED ON FLWV REV 8 BELOW a 10 DIFFERENCE ENABLE 16A (JAOI-OIB (39) ®A06- 29B(l7) IA • ~ I ~ '" ~ I DIFFERENCE COONl!It 2 .~ I +5v 30~HIGH 30@ 01 TI T ilj 10 A04-158 (10) IF 8 2 6 +1 6 _I A04-14B(9) ~CD IlL T ~ 256 I ID CD 0'"' • B - AI2-27A!291 -&..: CD T ~ 128 101 T ~ 128 17A< CD G~ II -i OIF 29 16CNTRl 5 O0 U _ B3 4 14A HIGH (STATIC "I" ) 28 30(80) A13- T 2 256 29 C .14 'It I" 13 T ~7 17~A09-268 ~ 30~ 30(B'F) CI 30~ 30 BH 30 Bt3 2 6 25 CD c 24 SELECTIVE ~ 22 30(BK B -i A13(9)A04-14A _03B A13· 338, ~~8 GATED cv, CD t- U-EID ~P 4 TO SPEED' VOL TAGE FAULT 148 JA02-07B (0) A CXl W W I-' I-' w a a >' ~ 1(I't)A05-2IA)15A CD~ 'U"'P"iO ~6)A02_05B)16B lliJ SPEED' VOL T FL T (J7) 1~6110 AMPLIFIER READ ENABLE WRITE GATE REV J NOTE CD NOT USED FOR AI3 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 26 4 I a DIFFERENCE 3 + 16A ( ~~~I~ ~~: (39) U-C4E ABOVE COUNTER LOC: AI3 2 T 1 IA ,/~ ;/ ,/ co w + 3 4 W I-' I-' W 2 1 +!lV A4RI 1.2K o o ~ o o WRITE GATE 33 TP-D (6) A02 _ 05B' 12B WRITE GATE , "1 61'S GATE .. O GATE (SP) 33 c (2) AOI-28B) lOB (2) AOI_30BP9A ..... - ....... - ._- __ c HIGH FREQ CLOCK (19.34 MHZ) I I I B4RI 2.2K Q)~ +1 CD 6 no' (19.34 MHZ) HIGH FREQ CLOCK 229 2.2K (35)AI5-24B ~+!lV glB ~::A B EARLY ® 33 12 LATE ® 33 -!IV II T I~ U-C2A 33 6 I _34A (SR) I 1.B XOOI -a10 I 2085 4 (17) A06_29A,23B t-. 8 EARLY po 6 LATE (BW) 33 (BX) 33 WRITE DATA A A NOTE, CD CD NOT USED SIC II ANO ABOVE WRITE COMPENSATION -CONVERTER, ~TTERN I ~ -...) REGISTER AND DECODE LOC' AI4 ~ 4 3 2 1 + ~ 1 4 ~ CDI CD CD DI 3 I 00 A14048 2 A1403A 41"1~5 2 " 058 3 J 04A I" I ~05A 5 C~ 175 RU-A3A~6 038 , ' I-Ij (19IAD7_15B?5B STROBE LATE 4 _I a 10104 +t'12~,,--_ _ D o .----:<........11 U-A3A 119IA07_15A,04B STROBE EARLY DELAYED I' DATA (CA) 37 TTL+ ECL c c . AT-B3-4 MFM READ DATA (34lAI5-04B .09B MFM READ DATA (34lAI5-03B JOB B B r- C3RI 100 :t~". 24B READ REF CLOCK (I IAOI-238 .238 READ REF CLOCK II IAOI_248 -5.IV NOTE CD & (6) A02_04B;128 R'EAo"GATE X/Y USED 8 TLZ TERMINATOR CONFIGURATION 260 162 I -5.IV~GND ~ TTL. ECL A NOT TYPICAL PIN NU~BER SHOWN ON DIAGRAM A FOR AI6 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 33 (6) A02-3IB~3B ADDRESS MARK ENABLE ODE IDENT INPUT CONTROL, DATA DELAY TTL. ECC ~ I lJl lJl STROBE 19333 DA LOC AI6 4 3 2 1 oj:>, 4 I . 3 U1 0'1 2 1 ,- o D FILTER r B2CI c ~ : : CC DELAYED F 12040 U-B2 6 ~ DATA FEED6ACK CLOCK PULSE :t~~o~: B2R2 AT-82·3 AT-B2-5 ~ TP-W veo B2C2 ~I----~ c O.IUF 9 +15V IA>IB "A-B IB>IA 38 -> "B-A A16- , • +5V ~ .-5.IV 34B 21B ,33B S ~-"v'I I IR4 5.11K +15V '-----'VV'o. IC6 22PF :t10% 02 B _ 2 2 V 'm ~ 1+ EIRI '~tF ~+22V REG B 36 IR5 lOOK IRI 10K IMEG 15% IR7 2.00K IRB 10K :t5% 1R9 6.49K 3RI 100 100 :t5% B WoK IRIO 27.4 = 19.34 MHz I -5.IV L ___ _ NOTE CD & NOT USED TYPICAL TERMINATOR 8 260 162 NOM I NAl FRED I CONFIGURATlON_5.'~ND PIN NUMBER SHOWN ON DIAGRAM A A 00 W W I-' I-' PHASE/FREQ eOMPTR, FILTER AND veo W o o ~ LOC: AI6 4 3 2 1 co 4 W LV ... 3 2 I-' I-' W o o ~ t'Ij AT-D3-4 o o TP-X A16- 112 37 B B NOTE: (!) & NOT USED TYPICAL TERMINATOR CONFIGURATION -5.IV 8 260 162 I AT-D3-6 AT-C3-5 ~GND PIN NUMBER SHOWN ON DIAGRAM A A FOR AI6 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET 33. @ IN DRIVES WITHOUT PLO THIS POINT IS NOT USED_ IN DRIVES WITH PLO THIS POINT IS WIRED TO A06-25B . .:::. I U1 'I 4 3 1 ~ 4 I Ul 00 P IIOJ (40)P 1 03.02 ,02 01 (40)P 103·01 , . 3 WR I Tf CU RR EN T WR 1 Tf CUR R E N T 2 1 A1CR 2 A1CRI AI +5V -r- 01 04A t JIOIlOA GND IIA SEL BIT 'f~ 2 HE AU (l7)A06_32A~-'2A 02A (l7)A06-3IB ~ 13A SEL .3 I I 7 .• 101 AI II rG":":'"ii I I 5 .• I D 12 DCDR 1 12 HE AU (l71A06-32B~' HEADOE~ X-+YO~ 8-::91 BI T 1 HEAD S El BIT 2 8 4 3 4 2 5 II HEAD I E ~ 6 .1 0 TP-H2 HEAD 2 E ~ 2.2K 1 TP-H3 HEAD 3E~ I c TP-H4 .5 V HEAD 4 .3 r 16 14 4 .• 13 r 1414 6 •• II 15 .• 12 c E AI 2.21< 1.78K J A 0 I· JIOI- (35)AI3_16A~~B WRITE 14 1"1 GATE READ ENABLE 1.96K 1.78K TPQ JIOI-6 V 1.33 K 1.33K MULT HEAD SELECT TPA FAULT JAOI- ~~A 08~ A05-30B(16) J104- ~( HEAD ALIGNMENT 0UTPUT ~ B B 'J AOORESS MARK OElE CT JIOIJAOI- +6V .IUF ~~ AI5-2IB(35) ADDRESS MARK DETECT IK A 00 W W I-' I-' W o o ~ MISSING JAOI- JIOI04B liB (~51 A 11-25A ~, 14B (40) ·033~FNOTE CD NOT USED ~ 4 ADDRESS ADDRESS MARK T -=- JIOIIB (52)~>.Jio2:l (+42) 3 09~ ENABLE AI5-22B(35) A 1 ~ ! 00 LV LV .. /- /' 4 ~ 2 3 1 I-' I-' LV 0 0 +SV ::x:- (') 01 41 ® ENABLE A WRITE JAOI09B JIOI06B (33)AI4-29B~~ TP-D 08B 07B 03 I I I _ I" 02 . _ 1-..4 DLC 06 WRITE CURRENT [ ... 01 WRITE CURRENT J10302 01 P103-2 (39) P103-1 (39) WRITE VOLTAGE SENSE 9 ~ -SV TP-C FF MFM COMPENSATED WRITE DATA (33)AI4-29A~~) o WRITE DRIVER J10202 ~ S I c CD I'v MFM DATA PULSES (DA) 41 WRITE VOLTAGE FLT (DB) 41 c TP-B os JAOI- JIOI- J102- (30)AI3-21·B~~7 IIA 04A TP-O CAR BIT 7 06 CAR BIT 8 (30)AI3-23B~~5 CAR BIT 9 (301 AI3 - 24B I~J WRITE ~~>--=..:...::.:......c=-:"'--=-----4 WRITE CURRENT CURRENT TP-G B 13A 02A OBA (14) AOS -31B ~>--------;» WRITE PROTECT DELAYED ~ CR3 41 (DO) WRITE JW 2 (39)) ENABLE B B VOLTAGE SWITCH WRITE PROTECT DELAY TP-J OB JMN I"VI CURRENT SENSE I TPR ~. +42V REG (39) ,10 • +27V • +5V TPZ «:::~2 5V! A A NOTE: CD NOT USED WRITE DRIVER, WRITE CURRENT CONTROL A5 ASSEMBLY ~ I Ul \0 4 3 "'I" 4 '" o 4 (DC) WRITE 3 CURRENT 2 1 FAULT D D JAOI(6) JIOI- J102- A02-05BI~~~ I'V / WRITE GATE WRITE ENABLE B (DO) 40 ENABLE A (DE) 40 +5V WRITE o3RI7 4.7K +5V • C3R3 330 TP-M 12 13 c c WRITE FAULT JI026 > 40 (oA MFM c:lJ DATA PULSES 4 Ii JIOI- JAOI- ~3~~~05-28A (16) I ". I...n... ,.,I 161 U-B3 6 600 NS +5V ® B B 40 (DB) A 00 w W I-' I-' WRITE VOLTAGE ~ FAULT A NOTES: CD NOT 2 @ USED REFER TO SHEET 37 FOR INPUT VOLTAGE PINS. 149 H CHIP USED ON FLWV REV B 8 BELOW W o o ;x:.o (') t'I 4 3 /~ co w w ~ ~ 1 r,:-----, w o o .... 2 3 4 +5V AIRI :t:' "VI/'I (J I® I 270 JI P201- // I' ~I AICRI PA2IJA0214B 14B ;" VOLTAGE F A U L T . . ::+--- A05-14B (13) D D" // AIR2 270 // ~I AICR3 'V\II 270 // AIR4 270 ~I AICR4 AIR5 // V\II VIII 270 I 5 WRITE FAULT 9 W-R FAULT 13 ~I AICR5 12B OBB OBA ::~ ::+--- A05-29B(12) A05 - 23A (12) c lOB ~, ,~ * FAULT // @ O~A START IRI IK A05-30A(12) PA2IJA02- ~;A r -.i.- S2 @ ICR2 START 01 -- 12B , L ____ -.JI //@ L ,~ A05-16B(12) lOB HD SEL FAULT START + 5V 13B ~, +5V +5V 13B )' ~ AICR2 AIR3 c --ON CYL-(WRITE+READ) ,1 3 ~I 'V\II 07A S3-C(PACK COVER SW) (46) IR2 lloK -= ~ LOGIC CHASSIS GND FAULT ~ PA2IJA02OIA A05-13B (12) OIA 3 99CRI B + 5V READY 13A / ~/ @ tI UNIT READY 4 99C"" JA02lPA2lOA -.i.-@ 1-= r J201- :;>-,_ _ (52) A16-018 , - 5 VOLTS Z~ (52) A02-01B 0~8 GROUND ::IBE 058 I S3 02B 02B A05-21B (12) A04-3IB [II) )) :: CD NOT USED ® LOCATED ON BACK OF PC BOARD @ @ ® ....L@ +5V t 1- \ S4 @~ OPERATOR WRITE_ PROTEC~_ WRITE PROTECT OPTION (EZYNI ELVV ONLY I 0'\ ~ 4 3 OBA A02-05A (6) A05-27A (14) AOB-14B (14) A LOCATED ON OPERATOR CONTROL PANEL FRONT w::. ® WRITE PROTECT -5V + CLEAR NOTES: A B :: A05-09B[l4) FAULl ....:+_5::....:V::.0=LT.:..:S~_ _ _ _<~0~EA:...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I +5V (52) A02-IOA 13A )' Ala - CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY "'I" 3 4 0'\ 2 1 tv +5V A3RI IK D JA02-/PA2048048 J/P201Q4A (19) • ~~ 2 a MOD ADDRESSED A07-33A~~ D X/Y 3 ~_ JA02-/PA205AOM voA A04-32A ~>---+ (10) lo2[ ~ GI ~~ I SEEK f------'-5 END X/Y r~06B 12 ~} P J/P201 J203 J2MOD ADDRESSED I 03A ~~. 048 ~~ + MOD ADDRESSED. P W a lo2[ 6 ~GI 13 8 SEEK END 9 SEEK END ~I ~ J2- 02A ..... ::xc~CC~ ~ I/O PANEL ~ 038..... -5V c c JA02lPA2- J/P201- 09~~~A J/P204 INTERRUPT .. J2- L~+-____________________________________~I~N~T]E~R~RUillP~T~====~0~8~A(~~ I HH} I/O ~ ",'~r+13: INTERRUPT 07B(~~ ~12:< l PANEL -5V B B LOGIC PLUG SWITCHES SI o t 8 [ NO .- ~-------------oo C I PA2IJA02. NO 3 LOGIC PLUG 22 IIA(~ :g~~~7: l~~) 12A 4 !NO ~ LOGIC PLUG 2 LOGIC PLUG 21 liB (~ LOGI C PLUG 20 14A A05-08B (15) (..,...-----.. A02-14B (6) 2 r NO 0 ~ A05-04A (15) (..,...-----.. A02-15 (5) I A02-22A(~ ~ A A NOTES: CD ® 00 w W f-' f-' NOT USED FOR INPUT VOLTAGE PINS SEE SHEET I. PANEL w o o ~ () A05-03A(l5) 4 3 ASSEM BL Y /- / 00 4 w w . 3 I-' I-' 2 W o o f; +5V D D3RI 6.8K q P202- I o D3R7 2.37K 8UFFER AMP D3R8 D3R5 6R3 681 D3R4 4.64K ±I'Y. 3 ~I'Y. 5CC ~ 6RI 4/5 I-.--....< 2.2K D3R3 I.IOK :t1'Y. = P2053A D SCHMIDT TRIGGER ~I'Y. 10 2 SPEED SENSOR I +5V I~ C2RI IK I SPEED SENSOR PULSES , +5V +5V c D2RI 10K 46 (0 ( A ) 45 c C4RI IK 4 SliiiT D2CI I .1 UF START (H ) 45 +5V 6/ MISSING PULSE DETECTOR NOTES: CD 2 NOT USED. C4R2 I MEG B 7 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS: +5V P20512,13 I +20 II "~U-C4.3 MISSING PULSE ( B) 45, 46 POWER UP CLEAR ( K ) 45 14B +5V 18 -5V P20514A,IA AI ( A "I:APPLICABLE TO AXPN SPEED SENSOR PULSES START CMMD tt:I ~ W All ASSY 4 3 , ~ . 3 4 0"1 ~ D3RI 6.8K J202 I D3R7 2.37K ±I% BUFFER AMP 10 o q: J SENSOR D3R4 4.64K ±,.,.. 4/5 D3R3 I.IOK ±" I.,.. ~ -= P205- CD~ 1 +5V +5V D 2 1 D SCHMIDT TRIGGER D3R8 D3R5 681 ~I"'. P205- "I.loW 1 2 h:>1 6R3 U:;;A I D3R6 I.IOK 560 C2RI IK 2.2K 1- SPEED SENSOR PULSES D2RI 10K 46 c C4RI IK 4 D2CI 0 ( A ) 45 +5V +5V c A05-17A (15) -t-:>v ~ 6RI ± ,.,.. JA02- O;~~ SPEED SENSOR t=-'W' If- START .1 UF START PULSE ( H )45 +5V 81 MISSING PULSE DETECTOR NOTES: CD 2 NOT ~C4R2 B I MEG 8 USED. 5 INPUT VOLTAGE PINS: SIC 09 AND BELOW PI12,13 +20 3 MISSING PULSES DELAYED ( B )45,46 14 +5V IB -5V POWER UP CLEAR ~--------------------------------------------~~~~~~~--~(K )45 P22,3,5 AI , ~ A 00 W W APPLICABLE TO BXPN REVA-J I-' I-' SPEED SENSOR PULSES START CMMD W 0 0 >' h:j All ASSY 4 3 "- 00 4 w ... 3 W 2 1 f-J f-J W 0 0 ~ I'lj +~V ~5V D2RI 6.8K BUFFER AMP P202I D2R7 23.7K D2RB ~I% D2R5 2 5R3 ~ 6.81 K o~~ ~ SPEED D SCHMIDT TRIGGER 1 SPEED SENSOR 560 ~I% +5V P205- JA02028 038 )~>--A05-17A(l5) D2R4 46.4K ~ D2R3 II.OK ~ D2R6 II.OK ±I% 5RI 2.2K BIRI IK 1<+ ~I% ( A ) 4~ SPEED SENSOR PULSES P20503A ------' CD~( c +5V +5V B2RI 10K 46 (0 START B2CI c C3RI IK -~ I( .1 UF START PULSE .. ( H )4 5 +5V 81 MISSING PULSE DETECTOR NOTES: CD NOT C3R2 B I MEG USED. INPUT VOLTAGE P205 12B,I3B PINS +22V MISSING PULSES DELAYED (B) 4j 46 14B +5V ) 'L18 AI -5V POWER UP CLEAR ( K ) 4 J,46 14 •. 01. ) A ~ APPLICABLE TO BXPN REV K THRU T AND C REV D a ABV PULSES ,J::. I 0'\ V1 4 3 ... All ASSY ~ . 3 4 I 0"\ 2 1 0'1 4.7 +5 V +20 V .... +5 V I f~ )~>-A05-17A 111) 4.7 K 10 33 K S~lo:~~~q O I0 P2 2 SENSOR +5 V 5R2 1 K P202- 2 4.7 K SPEED 120 K ",V 1ao P205-" J100 OlA 0~(----' +5V +5V c 41 __ 0 azcl IE- START .1 UF B °:- ;~02- 1 ;PEED D B2RI C3RI 101( IK of c 4 ( HH~ START PULSE B NOTES: CD 2 NOT USED. INPUT VOLTAGE PINS P2 0 5 12B,13B , I '22Y MISSING PULSES DElAHO (6) 4~.46 14B >-----+5V , -5V 018 IH.OIA A >---. POWER UP CLEAR G) RESISTORS ON REV AD AND ABOVE ONLY. W @ RESISTOR USED ON REV AG AND ABOVE ONLY. APPLICABLE TO BXPN REV U PULSES W o o ~ ~.46 A w All ASSY 4 4 ~ co f-' f-' (K ) 3 a ABOVE. / / ex) 3 w W t-' t-' W • 2 1 o o ~ t"Ij +5V !3 J ~ START TRIAC P205 START lOB +r 4 >-------+ K5 KI lp~?6- NO OBB (DECK S4 INTERLOCK P206- SWITCH) )~ 46~ A4- K4 -07~~~ 44{H +5V CMD 09B CYCLE COMPLETE ~ EI ~>-------+ J)46 NOTE: CD NOT USED. APPLICABLE TO AXPN START TRIAC CONTROL Kl RELAY CONTROL BRUSH RELAY CONTROL "'I" 0'\ -...J TYPE' _XPN All ASSY K3 4 .I::- I . 3 0'\ co 440 440 46 0 2 POWER UP CLEAR MISSING +5V ~"R2 AIRI IK + 5V SPEED SENSOR PULSES +5V (i)1 t82RI IK +5V J:TART 12 SEC START O~ '}' ~A3R' TRIAC A3CRI 3.3 MEG t 82R2 27K II I l'·V~ AIR3 26.7 K + ! 1'Yo A3C2 3.3UF 35 V P205 , J - C~l:R- SWITCH) P206- AICl .oOIUF !IO'" ~ L..- CYCLE t:OMPLETE CIR2 O " Q7 I. 10 CIR3K START PULSE ~ +5V B~ Ie + I.OK A2CI 4700PF~ B3RI IK 46 {D' (DECK. S4 IfV\ro 82CR2 440 P6 ~~ CIRI T KI NO I I A!q F"I el ID +5V 18.2 K ±I% +5V 46~ 46 START DI 44 (A 0 'III PULSE ~B3R21 ~ 27K ~B3R3 ~I MEG NC LOADED HEADS ~ , -'DB 47~ ~ IB 131 CYCLE COMPLETE 46 !.L T A2C2 3.3UF 15V SPEED A co w NOTE: CD NOT A USED. ® 03,04,06,07,07 ON 94675201 w APPLICABLE TO BXPN REV I--' START TRIAC CONTROL K 1 RELAY CONTROL BRUSH RELAY CONTROL TYPE' _XPN A ...... W o o ~ I-tj 4 3 A-J AND CXPN REV A-C I~-- (~ r--'- " 00 4 w w + 3 ..... i- ,/ /""- , 2 I-' W 0 0 i;j DI 44 \..!:) POWER UP CLEAR o t +5V .l +5V 1 AICR2 A3R2 18.2K A3RI IK SPEED SENSOR •I 44 ( A ) PULSES c f :I./~ 12~5 +5V AICRI +5V A3CI 2.2 UF tlO"!. 10V '4 ~CD 82R2 IK K5-3 C)47~ SPEED>2K 12 SEC START K5 START TRIAC P205K588 4 »----~ AIRI 3.3M 82R3 27K c A3C2 r-1 -= 01 UF ________ ,,_= .001 tlO"!. . .. START 4RI IK 47 04 0 Nol 52 HEADS ~LOADED _ ) lOB B 44 ® C 13RI IK MISSING PULSE B CONTROL FOR KI RELAY 98 P~~06- )~ NCo S4 (DECK INTS~I~~CHK) NO P:~6 NOTE' CD NOT USED ) APPLICABLE TO BXPN RE V K IHRU T ~ RUN TRIAC +5V A 01=» I 0\ I I MAGNmC rERJrHERj\LS INC (5ID"."~.", .. ,,,,,,,",,,~ START TRIAC CONTROL KI RELAY CONTROL AND CXPN RE V D a ABV SMn 74QO TYPE' _XPN 4 3 + 2 A 1 I BJ . ~ I 4 '-.I o DI 44~ 3 2 1 POWER UP CLEAR o t , +5V +5V 1 AICR2 A3R2 18.2K A3RI IK h +5V ~5 II" 1 In. AICRI 1l1li +5\1 A3CI 2.2 UF !IO"l. 15 V B2R2 IK CD 1 12 SEC ~TART K5-3 C)47~ SPEED>2K P205- K5 START TRIAC K5- ~~ AIRI 3.3M B2R3 27K 40€ cl c 40 ( [ ) SPEED SENSOR PULSES 01 ~ PULSE 46' - . START -+ I .47~ 4RI IK S2 lOB n B HEADS ._~ LOADED d-_ NC B CONTROL 44 0 ~ MISSING PULSE "., ~~~A~I '" P~706)~ " 98 0 NC INTERLT~CHK) ,., (DECK NO P~~6 NOTE - CD NOT USED } 00 LV LV APPLICABLE TO eXPN REV u I-' I-' MA~~~C rERjrHEfl/.lS INC. a W o o ~ RUN TRIAC +5V A ~ I 3 a ABV START TRIAC CONTROL KI RELAY CONTROL NORMANOALE OPERATIONS "CI'oIUp,QlII.U,(OIIf'O¥ICJI't + IC EM CODE IDENT TYPE- _XPN 4 2 A All ASSY 19333 1 /' 00 2 3 4 w 1 W I-' I-' W o o ~ ~ I-zj 45(C) D D +5V C2R3 IK 45( J) r START -L c ~2R4 IK r 13 p:,I 3 SEC CYCLE CMD ~C2R5 ~ IK CYCLE COMPLETE CYCLE J" PACK COVER SWITCH NC C2CI .1 UF ~, NO START PA207A 07~ ( G ) 45 C2R6 IK c I +5V )~ LOGIC GROUND fO; D2R3 3.9K CDO~A COMPLETE +5V C2CRI 06~--~ill----____[,'N' ~~'- ~ ",05~ ~~3 c D}45 12 REMOTE 1 ( E)45 START ~--------------------------------------------------~(F)44 +20V -:==rJ +5V B P205 _ 04B C2R7 IK 7CRI B) MISSING PULSES DELAYED 7RI 9~ + 20V t 2.2K 12B 99CI .IUF IT - 6 CD READY ALERT 199c: T - 6.8UF 35V t +5V JIP201-" 36 13A )~>------K- ® F' NOTES: NOT USED APPLICABLE TO AXPN SPEED 8 I ...J I-' INTERLOCKS All ASSY ~ 4 3 B , INTERLOCK 44( A PACK COVER INTERLOCK ~~ A I . 3 4 oj:::. -...J N 45 (C) 2 1 SPEED> 2K D +5V C2R3 IK 45 J START ---1...- L:'05A CI 07A C2R5 IK CYCLE COMPLETE 5 6 PACK COVER +5V SWITCH NC C PJ05S3 06B START 0---« NO PA207A LOGIC f~9K -= REMOTE X/Y G +5V • Ie +5V START START E} 45, 47 MISSING PULSES DELAYED POWER UP CLEAR P205058 r'1 ~7CR' I lc2R7 IK PA02- MISSING PULSES DELAYED 9~ ;~~_18; '=0 10K 1 7* 2.2K Q7 rl INTERLOCK + 20V t C3RI 309K !1'Yo ~I PACK COVER INTERLOCK (OPTIONAL) P205048 +5V 99CI C3R2 .IUF 4 4,47 02A A04-12A (II) »---~>--- A05-02A{l5) START +'V 47 M 0 +20V 44 ( B ~ 45 F~R6 3.9K START 45 (p ~ 45 .. 5V +5V -r- 5~ f CYCLE COMPLETE D2R3 3.9K 0 47 ( L D 12 3 SEC CYCLE COMMAN:> ~GROUND 47 C2R4 IK IB 128 IJ T 199C: 6.8UF 35V PA2IJf.D2(I4) A05-09B pA "'U"'-N::-::IT-R-EA-D-Y P201- 13~ 00 W W I-' I-' W " ® NOTES: CD ® '"Ij 4 READY NOT USED READY ALERT IS CONNECTED ONLY IF I.NTERLOCK OPTION I.S INSTALLED. PACK COVER o o ~ +5V " "l A-J AND CXPN REV . All ASSY 2 ~ 1 A-C t A /' / / I co 4 w w 3 2 I-' I-' W 0 0 ::t:' ~ D D ~~1 0- - -'421 START I I ; -.L: c iI I ljP~~~' ~ i I I L_ : PACK COVER SWITCH NC S3 t +5V P205068 ~ +5V BIR5 BIRZ 3.9K 3.9K START PAZ07 A I BZR4 IK ~ _ __ 07A J ~ c +5V O----<~ NO 5V LOGIC GROUND J +5V 82C3 3.3 UF 15V -/,0 ; 1 47R (E) 4S,47 START 3.9K REMOTE 47 MISSING PULSES START DElAYED STAiiT 44W POWER UP 44 . 47 ~----------------------------------------~S~TA~R~T------~)~~ADS ~ CLEAR 47 ( F) P205058 ---- PA0202A A 04 I 2 A (II J D2A (IS) +ZOV PACK COVER INTERLOCK (OPTIONAL) +5V P205048 r' ~------~):J] IZCRI INTERLOCK 44( 8) MISSING PULSES DELAYED B + 20V 9"" t EZRI IZ8 309K ::1% fA, 99CI .IUF E2R2 IT 199cz) T - - 6.8UF 35V P A 2 J AD 2 (14)ADS-D98 ~3A;;-: UN,...,I-;T......".,RE,...,A~D."..Y READY 13~t ALE.RT U-EIC (t. READY NOTES: CD NOT USED ® READY ALERT IS CONNECTED ONLY IF INTERLOCK OPTION IS INSTALLED. PACK COVER K B ABV AND CXPN REV SPEED ~ 1 -..J W +5V P20J- XIY 200-1~'~------------------~ 4 1 • TYPE: _XPN .2 8 INTERLOCKS All ASSY 1 D B ABV A f 4 -...] 3 . . 2 1 ~ +!W +5V E2R3 3.9K 05 ci:A - DI E2RI 2 470 E2R2 F2R I 390 CD X/Y ] 162C GI 1,2- 5A +5V E2R4 470 4 9 06A 07A ~ 6 470 10 P205- UNIT SELECT STROBE G2U-E2 -=- _ E2CI 9 I'OOPF ±IO% + 20V -5V 46 F2R2 2.2K START CI +22V 7RI MISSING Pll...SES DELAYED 46 M +5V +5V F2R3 7CRI IK 45 (C ---SPEED>2K 46 2K 13 46 r=\ START II 8CRI gPJ'J'lESSIONi ~~~~EERESIS BCRI PA2 , -_ _04 A : A04-24B ( I I ) K6CR2 IK6CR3 .5V B B K7CRI REMOTE . ° A6 !);~~ ~/:;08: ).~'~: :.A j.; . : UU_::_II~_:_ ~~> + 5V >---< 76 SL " ,,- SI rvv~- -----r >--->~ ·,V 2 02A P AO°le" 13A (31)AI3-14B~ ./ ~ ~ I • 15 K7CR2 I EM"''''' REMOTE START 'If.1- 46 ''''ACT 220 6CRI +20 B ': ; :~ ' 6R2 " " A "OJ (A3+20' OJ,,, "-'TIl". 50" ~"'IIT 501l2 = NOTE· CD A NOT USED OLDER CARDS USE THE FOLLOWING LOGIC: APPLICABLE TO BXPN REV POWER UP SEQUENCE EMERGENCY RETRACT BRAKE CONTROL TYPE· _XPN ~ U1 I 12 0. )0 180 '" ® I -...J ,.-----, L_~,-_ _ _ _~I~I ,e---. ..:..:..:.:WW-,-,:__ CO~~t~TOR A .. 4 3 2 K 8 ABV AND CXPN REV D 8 ABV EM 8 All ASS)' 1 ~ 4 I -....J 3 2 1 '" D D ® ® ® AOI A02 A03 A04 I i i A05 A06 A07 i i i A08 A09 AIO i i i All AI2 AI3 AI4 i i i AI5 I AI6 I ;%) "ll en en .... :I: el '" l> ;%) g ~ (J) '"r '" .... ("') II> '"'" 0 0 :IE ;%) ;;: II> (J) ~ ;%) '"l> 0 ~ l> ." ~ ~ ." r ... '" '"< ;%) n ;%) ~ (J) "ll '"'" '"I 0 0 '" .... n '" .... ("') :IE :! .... ;%) '" l> "ll ~ "ll i 5 .... II> ~ ~ \ Ie (J) (J) II> 0 "ll l> ("') ("') '" 5 0 ~ (J) '" .... ("') .... ;%) l> c .... ~ ~ ...l> r ("') ~ ~ 0 ij .... ,., ("') .... .... C ;%) ("') Z 0 r ::::; ... ~ ~ '"en n 0 ~ '" ~ ("') BI CD ® G> ® ® co W W f-' f-' W 0 0 ~ I"Ij 0 .... ~ ~ .... 0 Z en '"Z '" ~ ~ ~ ... ~ '"'" ~ Z '"l> ~ ("') ;%) 0 II> ~ ("') 0 ~ l> ~ l> 0 r ~ "ll r 0 z < '" ~ ~ I I I I I I I I II I I I I M~NIEzKNI AI ("') ~ '" ~ g 0 0 ~ ;%) ("') ~ z("') '" < d ... c en 0 ~ ....0l> ~ 0 USED FOR HEAD ALIGNMENT. AS ASSEMBLY LOCATED BEHIND LOGIC CHASSIS AND UNDER SHROUD. LOCATED ON POWER AMP ASSEMBLY NEXT TO MAGNET. I®J ® ® NOT USED HLRV KLRV FZJN MZJN IN IN IN IN SC 09 SC40 SC 09 SC 09 ® DLQV IN SC 08 WITH OUT 37854 AND BELOW HLQV IN SC 08 WITH 37854; SC 09 WITHOUT 37938 JLQV IN SC 09 WITH 37938 AND ABOVE ® ELVV IN SC 09 WITHOUT 37966 AND BELOW MLVV IN SC 09 WITH 37966 AND ABOVE 4 CD SPEV - SIC 09 ® ELPV HFRV DLUV JLQV FLWV CLXV IIFZQNI AND LOCATED UNDER AXPN; SIC 10 BELOW. BPEV - SIC 10 AND ABOVE. DECK ASSEMBLY. (SIC 09 AND AND ABOVE, AS SHOWN.) BELOW, HHV - sic 10 AND BELOW. ATHV - sic II AND ABOVE. DTHV - SIC 18 AND ABOVE. @ IN ALL UNITS EXCEPT BJ7BI CID USE: AXPN - SIC 09 AND BELOW BXPN - SIC 10 AND ABOVE ON BJ7B ICID USE CXPN S LLYV SIC 39 WIO DJ00044 a BELOW MLYV SIC 40 W/OJ00044 a ABOVE 37979 WITH 37979 AND ABOVE W/DJ00072 (B701 ONLY) WITHOUT 37925 AND BELOW WITH 37925 AND ABOVE le~N @ OPTIONAL CARD WITH PLO OPTION ® ~t~~ :~ ~g g~ ~1,~~0~13~~~~~9;cA~~ ~FTL~cfUT ® leZYNI IB ® BLZV IA CHASSIS 3 ® MAP /' -' 4 W r • 3 I-' I-' W o 2 1 -42V o I :t:oo 1/4!l I- , 1 -...J -...J 4 3 . SIC 21 a BLW DWG NO A8 POWER AMP ASSEMBLY AJ A9 EMERGENCY RETRACT ASSEMBLY ~----~--~-------'r---~--~ 2 1 • ~ 4 J -..J 3 ex> TO PWR SUPPLY I5o)A3 J/PI-IO +4ZV , 2 Z A8-RZ 1144 lOW 1 D ,-------E!5 :I 30B EIO I I ~II_ _ M'="40,E ___ ~ 121) A09-07B 298 I I I __ ...J r------~ MJ403!5 C Ell I -. I I I ~8 1 - -l I T -.! E7 ~ B + 1 CRI 1 AC VC-Z VOICE COil VC-I ~)Il CURRENT SENSE I ... 7 9 ... 3 2 ... 8 : A09-218 121) c CRI 1 I~ I~ " - .!2..J ____ "-,+,,. OEENERGIZEO 30W I I 102 1 P~~ 9- 1 1 1 I ~ f2.-1l H 6 I I'" ______ 1 I L Ell 1 Iii E9 ,------, I I I 1 1 I 1211 A09-06B I I I Ell ~ 068 r--------- --1 1\ BUSS BAR (zl! A09-Z9B : B t ' l 01 E6 CI ---, l' I (ZI) A09-lOB D EI3 Zr I TO 42V GROUND , 3 PI JI-" (501 +- :~ 1 __ J 1 E 14 I 1/40 30W AB-RI TO POWER SU PPlY Z ISO A3 J/PI-IZ B .., + AC - 42V CRZ ~ B ,~CR2 I A8-R4 r-----TO POWER AMP DRIVER CA 8lE WIO P/J 109 E3 088 \20) A09-0118 1 E2 18 1 ~8_M'="402.5 _ _ _ AI ex> w w I-' I-' \20) A09-09B E1.2 TRANSISTOR CASE ~ L A9 _ 03 . _ _ -r 4 3 A09 -14B (20) C7 ~E~E~Y..!E~Ac:! A!.SY -.J A .. SIC 22 I + a ABV AS-POWER AMP ASSEMBLY A9-EMERGENCY RETRACT ASSEMBLY ~-- o JAOS 148 ' MAGNETIC 1'E~I'HERf,LS INC. o I-Ij ..... L..- ._ RESISTOR lOCATED ON DECK w :J::I - , EMERGENCY I RETRACT -- NOTE: 4 w w ...... ...... w 2 3 1 o o PI! JI ~ []+5 I RED I I-%j ID D ~ j: I TBI CD CD CD WHT GRY VO'l J:3~ r~NOFWER FILTER OUTPUT CI I J-hI [ ~I 5\ 6 4i: 5 'V REGUI :3~1 GRY II 12 BLK 21 L I CD ® GRY 10VI0 :3 I w GND I:3GRY BLK WHT BLK YEL 4 4 tlL.K U-5 :3 S S 6 6' 0<0 I gO'n WHT 14 ISORN 16 WHT 7 14 WHT 1 I, ,." I C 1-1-12 S SI 9 9 1 -12 5L10W YEL 17 -20 BRN 10J (SENSE) ~ISBLKIIIIII~ PWR AMP (AS) R2-2 (49) ,19 YEL 112112 B Ie L ___ _ _ _ .42 '-L. , I B I -I --.J NOTES: CD 1 SOHZ TRANSFORMER PRIMARY CONNECTIONS. e 100VAC: JUMPER TBI-I TO TBI-:3 AND TBI-2 TO TBI-4.APPLY IC. TO I AND 4. 220VAC: JUMPER TBI-2 TO TBI-:3.APPLY AC TO I AND 5. AI 1 I leR9 @}l I I ~ 'T' ~:.-------J 240VAC: JUMPER TBI-2 TO TBI-:3.APPLY AC TO I AND 6. ® ORN 6.01' F 660VAC TUNING CAP I, R4 SIO lOW ~~~~~~~~~______~________~ ~ 19 IL J I - - - - - - - - - - - - L ___________________ -.J II 9 II BLU I~ 12 PWR - 42 AMP (AS) R:3-2 (49) (SENSE) 60HZ TRANSFORMER PRIMARY CONNECTIONS. 100VAe: APPLY AC TO I AND 2. 120 VAC: APPLY AC TO I AND :3. ® TI AND TBI LOCATED ON BASE ASSY. ~ o INDICATES WIRE SOLDERED TO BOARD. @) 0 DENOTES TWO WIRES CRIMPED INTO ONE PIN. A SIC 23 a BLW FERRO RESONANT XFMR POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC AI, A2, A3 ASSEMBLIES ~ I -....J ~ 4 3 . ~ 4 I 00 0 r~ @ TBI 6 DI AC POtiER ~~~~ FlUER OUTPUT 4 3 @ CD 6 TI tiHT 15 IF 16 G'Y 5 VEL 4 VIO r: BRN 1~17 V 10 IS GRY 19 BlK ORN (50) GRY (60)2 BlK (50) 1 ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, +20 V + 5V (SEE SHEET 51 ----------1 FOR DETAilS) , I I I I II I [PA'.038 "2(L0 -5 V I +20 V o r'iHT +20 V - - ---' V l-- 6 c 5A SLOW 12 r'iHT CD CONNECTIONS. TRANSFORMER PRIMARY CIS + 50 Hz 100 V AC' JUMPER TBI - I TO TBI - :3 TBI - 2 TO TBI - 4 APPLY AC TO 1 ANO 4 .. ~5 r :11 F2 C I NOTES I0 L---l-_ _~G,,-,N-tD L_ 14 IP2 AND -5 V REGULATORS 20 GRY tiHT (60) I +5 V I 10 I}- 3 Be< ' " ' ' 1..2.. .., r Pl BRN (50) 2 , '2 'T' I "F 35 V 50 Hz 220 V AC' JUMPER TBI - 2 TO TBl - :3 APPLY AC TO 1 AND 5 ~101 ~121 - L - C14 50 Hz 240 V AC, JUMPER TBI - 2 TO TBI -:3 APPL Y AC TO I AND 6 I }JF ,-C15 /f' 7500 }JF 30 V 60 Hz lQO V AC' APPLY AC TO 1 AND 2 35V R17 560 2 fI .. PAl-12B (52) A09-17B (21) AS R3-2 (49) ±L C'9 /T'- II'F I 35 V ~ s"'I--4--- PAl ·02B (52) 60 Hz 120 V AC' APPLY AC TO 1 AND:3 BI® ® B t--- 4 TI AND TB I ARE lOCATED ON BASE ASSY. ~14 C21- C24 6 C29-C32 ARE NOT USED IN OLDER UNITS. C29 9 _VEL - 42 V @ RI9 510.n 10 W 10 IBlK Iltl~ IYEl I7 .... I4 '-- ~PA1-14B(52) L-~----'---. PAO~-03B 9 11 PrjR AMP I L A __________ _ lIs 00 W W I-' ~ tJ::~ C1RN ORN A 660 V AC TUNING CAP SIC 24 S. ABV MA~~C W PERJPHERAlS INC. (g~c..ONT,.:llo.o.T"(~ll()l'ol 4 (49) A3 CR2-AC (49) CB o o ~ (21) 2 (491 ~6.0}JF I-' ~ ~1 A9 CRI - - - - - - - - ------'--' CS - I f.8 3 + FERRO RESONANT XFMR POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY Al 2 NORMANDALE OPERATIONS I C DW c,09'333' 1 ( ---- / \ / (Xl w w 4 I-' 3 2 1 I-' w 0 0 ~ I'Ij a: D w => a. l=> I => ~ w H 0: ~ u <[ (J) w 0: a. :i I- l- l- 0: I- l- W II- 0 ~ ~ > z 0: 0: cr0 0 (J) ~ => 0 ...J ...J <[ => => a. l=> 0 I- u => u @@ VIO I CI I I I I I I I I BlK I => a. => 0 w W 0: (J) iw ~ 0 f~ r- --, I BRN I- I- ~ 0: ~ I- l- 0 l- D C> C> l- a. (J) (3Y4 @ w C> => a. => ~ o > 0 0: LU (J) > 0 o a. i4 ~~------~-----;~----l---------------------L-~----~ o TBOI RI,<: " I .15 15W I I I I I I .&. R3 22.1 I I t-----J L C3 14000MFD 15 VDC U2 95601100 I I ~ LI CI 1000PF 1000V I CR4 / I ~ B C5 '68 MFO 15 VDC R4 150 RB 2.0K r I I I CRI IN749A Q2 2N4441 RII 475 .&. ~ R6 1.5K R2 10.2 I I I I I I C6 .1 MFO 35V I I I I 1000PF 1000V l- => a. l=> ~ Z H ll~ o c..> ~ z <[ NOTES, I UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED All RESISTORS ARE o o o A .&. 4 I 00 I-' 4 ---0 E 1- GND w o:r (J) ~ z w=> INDICATOR CIRCUIT. A SIC 23 3 AND AC CENTER TAP INPUT Z W (J) INDICATES INCREASE IN ADJUSTMENT CLOCKWISE DIRECTION. .r::. SENSE _ 5VDC (J) 1-0 00 :='1- INDICATES CARD EDGE CONNECTIONS. INDICATES CARD QUICK-CONNECTS. I NDICATES SUPPLY INPUT - OUTPUT TERMINAL STRIP CONNECTIONS • OPTIONAL OUTPUT ~ TO CHASSIS z 1/4 W 1%. I I Isl - 5VDC ~ w~ INPUT- OUTPUT TERMINATIONS ARE AS FOllOWS' B I R5 500 = I I ==J=====~==~---r---lr-----~----1--------------------1----_1 I- c I I R9 100 R7 2.0K RI3 332 SENSE I RIO 102 C4 14000 MFD 15VDC I f61 ... 5VDC oN'V- C7 4.7MFD 50VOC ~5VOC I a BLW ,A I I A2 ASSEMBLIES .t:>. 4 I 00 N + 3 2 CD~'J +5 SENSE : CD~ (50) PI-I ~ J 1 ~1 +9 V I -:=-CI : ........... OluF r - - - - - - - - rC~7 :-::--JC ~ I E1 : .22 uF,!lO% ~2 I I I (§) I C~~ ~=- ~I". __: " " r- I (50) PI-3 ~:~ c 1 .5 kO CD~ 0~: CD~: : +5 COM i Bl_, .. J 4 E3 (50) PI-II (50) PI-? w W i-' i-' W 0 0 :t:' ~ 17 ~ I I ® @) G) ® .. C3 ;:~1 }JF 35 V ..IT 5 V C20 4700 pF SCR4 19 C17 + ;:~ / R7 7 ® 2k~~ P 10 1/2 W , ~~O}JF 16 V c R22® 1.5kn :!:I% .E!!.. 1 GND E.5 I .. ~ P2-1 (50) I " - 5 SENSE BlK +9 V I ~07 I I ~Y--------+--~--r-------+-r-----~ I R8 1.5 kO pF ;.~ I\,;,."W 1~ -:=-C7 ""'f'.01 uF C25 -\1 .!}. .22uF,_IO Yo I I R9 0 l CR3 ... C26 \1 1.5 kn r- - I 06 - -, I I 1 ex ON R7 .. RI R22 .. R 8 E R51 USED ON REV EC 8 ABOVE C25-C28 NOT USEO IN OLDER UNITS I CC I IE l ____ J EI , 5 V 19 W P ;.:r: C6" 1 }JF 35 V "'12 ~i. 5 kO 2 Nt- 1---1-1--' U3 9 ;.:r: Cl0" 1 }JF 35 V 13 .. ~- I---- -r- r-"- N IE>4.5" I 8 ~ CR4 / 2- -5 VR 3BA R13 6.49 kn I I ci SCR1 +7.1VR 10 N 6 I 1 I 1 15 Rl0 15 0 B .---I USED F B ~..IT pRIl 2 kn :!: 10 % 1/4W R23 I kn :!:.I% C~6 J I I I I I 0 * I _ 5 COM RED E6 NOTES' 2. R5 120 0 112 W ~ ~ 5 1 ® CD 12 0 ~ I I ~:.~ ~: D ~I- U2 I 15 V ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J ~ P2-3 (50) 1/ +5VR 3BA R5 [ 1 }JF +7 1VR 2.10 kO 35 V · 14 15 6 I C5 10000 (50) PI-5 J2, +5 V .120 2W R2 121131111 '--_-+1~0 N ~ I I B 00 h7.'.' ~ r--- I I .:0~ A 9 >"'-N 8 I I I ... ~ l R1 I I R4 I CD~ 1 I ~ ~ 15 0 2W E2 (50)PI-IO CD~ C2 27000 }JF 15 V l EI L_ ~ .22uF,~10% I ~Q5 CI2 (50) R3 ~ RED I D 1 20 V 20 -- V C9 ~220 }JF ,... ....... 16 V R12 120 0 1/2 YI C8 4700 pF /1120113116 I I I r-----~------~I 1 f----....-------' I -5 V ~ lR14 SIC 24 .12 0 MA~~~C PERJPHERALS INC. ASSY SIDlCl'tlJp.OO""-,QIIII'{.....,....,.. Ai a I ABV NOAMANDAlE EC OPERATIONS CODE IDFNT 19333 4 3 + 2 A ~ P2-5 (50) 1 /~ (~ 00 + 3 4 w w I-' I-' , '2 w o o ~ hj o D fAIO-oPERATORCONrROL - PANEL (PARTIAL DWG) +? - -, I START , - - - - C;'; - i:4-RELAY BOARD r-.r-, ASSEMBLY I $/: START (ALTERNATE) I \ACTION I r-<>---O II1II1 c ~ ~ _____ I I I ! I ~---o L- -= _____ _ I EI2 E2 E4 C~NC --'5~A,""p)1:-J, )hI r I 31 III ,r,--I I y c J E7 CRI I 1 I SPD+START BRAKE ......~>-'VV'v--l 02 -20 RELAY ) RI IK 04 : +5 I r1- I B ~I H- f Ell -. I I I r - - __+t~-E5 BRUSH MOTOR OPTIONAL, 1 STARTO----' TRIAC RELAY I L - - I INTERLOCK C ~ 220 CR4 EMERGENCY RETRACT RELAY CH r+t- I SWITCH SW4 E6 I, I I L _____________ J )' NO 09 a ~+20(A3+Z0) A A ~ K2 BLW CABLING I BLOCK DIAGRAMS WITH AXPN :rNTERLOCK "'00I" w 4 3 + B 1I'V\r--++5 I DECK HEADS ~ I BRUS~M~OTOR --j~L~_. ER MTR (BI) _ __ I I SPINDLE I I D I II L--...J DRIVE ~O~R~M~ _ _ -.-J I -.l LOGIC CHASSIS FAN (82) 2~~1 mWERSUPPLY(SO) NOTES: e I. ASSEMBLY AO AI, A2, A3 A4 A5 A6, A7 AB A9 AIO All TBI I DENTI FI CATION - - - PIDD/JIOO l (W6) PI/JI I TI HEAD SELECT AND READ PREAMP (39, 40, 41) I +5 AO LOGIC GND 5 CHASSIS ASSY I LOG I C CHASS I SASSY POWER SUPPLY RELAY PC BOARD (REF ONLY)(~9) HD SEL AND RIW AMP IIO PANEL POWER AMP EMERGENCY RETRACT OPERATOR CONTROL PNL BXPN BOARD DC POWER SUPPLY PZOI (42.43) Ie t-gP207 (47) 5 7 1{+421 (47) 6 iI-IZ) 9~ u B 2. RELAYS / TRUCS KI-RUN RELAY (PART OF TRIAC KI) K2-EMERGENCY RETRACT K5-oRIVE MOTOR START TRIAC/ RELAY K6-SPEED 2K K7-LOCAL/REMOTE RUN KB-START AI, A2,A3 I I IL fEMERGENcYRETRACT B I U"Izh/' -=---=--:"""-1 I - I I I~CI ~09~16) I~B(16) I I I .~~ I I (49) - ~ ~-~~6-') 'AO A09(16) fA9-=K2 . J Ipl/JI-10(~6) I I +;2+ ~ 7 -bDO< 10 _____ J P/JA09- -ijZ (45) FI ELD TEST UNI T CONNECTION JA6 eo,,,,,,,, GOING TO BACK PANEL W/W PINS JA7 ~ PAlO JA09 JA09- CR2 M A093RI I A09OBBJ {~ JAI2 C7 +T 16.000uF 65VDC - I I _ _ _ .J <3 -2 (+42) A A 00 LV LV SIC 10 - 23 I-' I-' CABLING I BLOCK DIAGRAM WITH _XPN INTERLOCK LV o o :t:' I-Ij 4 3 i-- " ,/- DO W 4 3 2 W I-' r- - - - - - - - I-' I W AC CBI I o o 1-----1 J!PDMI- I -2 BLU I 1 I ~ hj I RUN D BXPN START COMMANO BXPN RUN COMMANO II -!~~5 + 5V J20S08B(45) I : I ~~m~T ~:;>-~::..:.....---------------+.-+.-----.jf-----I-.-I-.-----------------~ A II J20S09B (45) P206-2 ~:; ):; -I P206-' C \~ --£ NO o 1 THER"'AL ~) )>- DECK INTER'_OCK , 1 DRIVE ~O~R~M~ I 1 L--..J SPINDLE I1 RUN 1 __ -.J I I r~L~E~M~ ~ ~ _ LOGIC CHASSIS FAN (B2) 2 --l rPOWERSUPPLY(sO) NOTES: c TBI I. ASSEMBLY AD AI, A2, A3 2. 10ENTIf ICATION A4 A5 RELAY PC BOARD (REf ONLy)(ij9) HO SEL AND R/W A",P A6, A7 A8 IIO PANEL POWER A",P A9 AIO All E"'ERGENCY RETRACT OPERATOR CONTROL PNL BXPN BOARD I~ REMOTE (PART S2 - HEADS LOADED S3 -PACK COVER S4 -DECK INTERLOCK CABLE WI OF 6XPN (2) I I fE'MERGENCY rA9=K2 o JA09~ =+ I CR2 ~1(20) ~6~1 AOlR-1 I 30W I I ~5VDC r- - - 1 I -42 PI!JI-12(48) L L _ _ _ I 6 PAlO JA09 -I JAI2 I I J OO~EC_ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R_3_-""1' -.J E3 R4-1 ' EL L JA7 CONNECTORS GOING TO BACK PANEL W/W PINS Aci .= 0....... 50 Hz. I RI-2 (-42) P~:~R R3-2 (GND) AB R2-2 (+42) SHEEI4q.J-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ L ___ ::.,c .!.,423 _ _ _ _ _ ..JI A a @ TO WI CABLE SHIELD ONLY ON SIC 40 SIC 24 ABV CABLING I BLOCK DIAGRAM WITH BXPN INTERLOCK AND ABOVE. I 4 a W/DJ00029 ,J::. DO -I 16,OOO;.F I JA6 C7+t I I"" -, "" A09(20} 1 @GND PRESENT ONLY ON SIC 40 W/DJ00029 ABOVE. U1 RETRACT A9 (49) PLUG INSTALLEO ON WIRE WRAP SlOE OF LOGIC CHASSIS. I A 12 _J - - - - - - - -~- - - -, -1 P!JI-12(~~~ I CAPACITOR SIZE DEPENDS ON INPUT VOLTAGE AND fREQUENCY. -----Lr----l3 ~ LINE I C~~;~'S c FIELD TEST UNI T CONNECTION [ill ;;t BOARD) ASSEMBliES ONLY 220/240 43) 46.45.44) 13 P2/J2 -AC HARNESS 1---------- -5 (+-12) AD LOGIC (-42) I Ii· SPEED> 21 11 lDCll REMOTE RUN 18 STIR! W4 -R/W a HO SEL W5 - SWT a CONTROL PNL W6 -DC PWR DISTRIBUTION w7 -SERVO OIBIT CABLE W9 - BASE ASSY WIO - LOGIC CHASSIS TO PWR AMP CD CD r---+----" GND DC POWER SUPPL Y AI, A2,A3 3. Sw ITCHES SI - LOCAl HEAD SELECT AND READ PREAMP (39. 40. 41) JAOI I +5 RELAYS! TRIACS 4 (W61 J2IP2 LOGI C CHASSI SASSY POWER SUPPLY KI - RUN RELAY(PART Of TRIAC KI) K2 - EMERGENCY RETRACT KS - DRIVE MOTOR START TRIAC! RELAY B PI/JI TI 3 ~ 4 I 00 + 3 0'\ 2 1 10 1M o o -IOOPF T 100 ~N r~'OOK "~N .4" 309 3PF :!:IPF II o.lUF lOOK 41PF 499 21.5K _ J8JAIO- 29B : ~B» + 12V 100UH c +6.2V IUF 2.4K ,14 . .0 c 4~L- \ ~ 6.BV 220 1000K J8- ,-, 10.OK 1"::'_H__.._~)02B: -+ 41 · cct ) • ~ + 6.2V ~OIB 8 \ B 1 - O.IUF SK..D JAIO-;'08 , 03A» -GND AI * ~410 ~IOO T V • v ~41 , ~ +"'T'"""""V< I'Ij OIA (22) - \,ODI TRACK SERVO PREAMP I JA10-24B (GND) I I I I, I I I I JA10-238 (22) IT~HLD t.:::..:::... JA10-26B B (GND) SHLD 2 IDI.. ' 19333 I I. I LOC'A3A05 3 1..- IA W 4 ", JAIO-2~B -6.2V 0 0 ~ I -6.2V 00 LV W I-' : I j lI T·O'~ IOOUH r'~ ,- r----H)02A I.OOK I I , SMD 7490 I I BL I / ( ~ 00 W LV I-' I-' LV o o , i;j J IF TAG OUT DECODE IS I I , AND BUS OUT IS I I BUS IN BITS BUS OUT BITS NAME , DRIVE PLACES ON BUS IN DECODE 0 SELECT I 2 3 000 (j) (j) EARLY STROBE LATE STROBE ERROR RECOVERY 001 DIAGNOSTIC 010 HEAD ADDRESS 011 HIGH CYLINDER 100 TARGET REGISTER 101 LOAD TARGET REGISTER 2 LOW CYLINDER 110 27 6 2 CONTROL III RTZ CLEAR ATTENTION + - OFFSET OFFSET CLEAR CHECK DIAGNOSTIC CLEAR FAULT STATUS 4 5 6 7 0 I 2 3 4 23 22 21 20 DEVICE I..D. DEVICE ID DEVICE I..D. ATTENTION 2 ® @ @ DEVICE I.D. DEVICE I.D. DEVICE I.D. ATTENTION 2 NO HEAD SELECT WRITE FAULT (W+R)o OFF CYLINDER W.R. FAULT VOLTAGE FAULT HEAD SELECT FAULT SEEK ERROR WRITE PROTECTED NO HEAD SELECT WRITE FAULT (W+R)' OFF CYLI NDER W.R. FAULT VOLTAGE FAULT HEAD SELECT FAULT SEEK ERROR WRITE PROTECTED ECHO READ TARGET REGISTER SECTOR 6 2 2 ECHO READ TARGET REGISTER SECTOR 6 2 2 CLEAR ERROR RECOVERY CLEAR RPS 22 21 2 TRANSFER SECTOR COUNT 6 WRITE GATE 2 2 5 5 3 24 2 24 2 READ GATE ADDRESS MARK ENABLE 3 9 2 2 22 21 2 22 21 2 0 8 0 0 5 6 7 3 22 21 20 3 22 21 2 0 5 24 2 5 24 2 AM FOUND ON CYLINDER UNIT READY OFFSET ACTIVE CHECK DIAGNOSTIC AM FOUND ON CYLINDER UNIT READY OFFSET ACTIVE CHECK DIAGNOSTIC . 0 3 22 21 2 3 22 21 20 NOTES: (j) ® ® @ UNITS WITH PLO 0' LOW TRACK DENSITY I ' HIGH TRACK DENSITY 0' LOW HEAD COUNT I' HIGH HEAD COUNT 0' SMD I: RESERVED FOR FUTURE .MII.'II711 • ~ I 00 -...J I .,·II·. crWG~ SMD 7490 TAG / BUS DECODES NORMANDALE DIVISION CODE ID£NT SHE! T 19333 54 CD jAEV AJ CROSS REF NO SECTION 5 WIRE LISTS WIRE LISTS INTRODUCTION Wire lists are divided into two basic categories; wire wrap wire lists and non-logic wire lists. WIRE WRAP WIRE LISTS Wire wrap wire lists provide wire origin/ destination information for the logic back panel and ~he R/W pin and guide assembly. Wires are referenced by logic term origin. The signal name is decoded as follows: ~-~ cb @ cb A2808; is the logic term of the inverter, multiplexer, op-amp, etc., found in the logic diagrams. 2; denotes the various outputs of the same logic term. 00; indicates daisy chain order of wires th~t go to various destinations from a single logic term. Signal names that begin with a numeral, are miscellaneous wires. These wires generally originate at some point other than a logic term (switch, bus, test point, etc.). 83311300 Y 5 Z level denotes the vertical position of a wire on a pin relative to the wire wrap board. Two vertical positions are possible. A numeral 1 in this column indicates the wire is closest to the wire wrap board. A numeral 2 indicates the wire is farthest from the wire wrap board. Both ends of a wire are always at the same Z level. NON-LOGIC WIRE LISTS Non-Logic wire lists provide wire origin/ destination information for harness assemblies and various panels. The number identification is used to sequence the wire list and provide engineering reference for change order activity. Wire color coding is as follows: o- Black 5 - Green 1 - Brown 6 - Blue 2 - Red 7 - Violet 3 - Orange 8 - Gray 4 - Yellow 9 - White In mUlti-digit color codes, the first digit denotes base color and the remaining digits denote tracer colors. 5-l/5-2 I WL IDOCUMENT NO. PIN 76038053 TITLE SIGNAL" NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ." ORIGIN AOI018 AOI028 AOI01t8 A01128 A01138 A01148 A01218 A01228 A01238 A01248 A01268 A01278 A01288 A01308 A01338 A01348 A0201A A0202A A02028 A0203A A0203A A02038 A0204A l0204A A0204B l02048 A0205l l02058 A0206A A0206A l02068 l0207A A02078 A02018 A0208A A02088 A0209A A02098 A02098 A0210A A02108 A0211A lOl118 A0212A A02128 l0213l A02138 A0214A A02148 A0215A A02158 A0216A . DESTINATION Z LEVEL A01218 1 A05028 Z A03228 2 A060311.: 1 A0331A 1 A01348 1 \ AOI018 1 A10128 1 l16238 1 A16248 1 A0315A 1 A06278 1 A14108 1 A1409A 1 A05338 2 A01148 1 A02178 1 A05278 1 A07288 1 A0326A 2 A07108 1 A0725A 1 A0322A 2 A07178 1 A0629B 1 A15318 2 A0527A Z l0524B 2 A07048 1 A03118 2 '03258 1 A03268 2 607058 .1 A03326 2 l0324A 1 A0324B 1 A03318 1 A0633A 2 A1106A 1 A03308 1 A0330A 1 A0329A 1 A0323A 1 A0131A 1 A03328 1 A05318 2 A0531A 1· A0611l 1 A05088 ? A0504A 2 l0530A l A0612A 1 I SHEET NO. 1 of 13 /REV. BA NOTES SIC 09 WIO 37951 AND BELOW KOR-OS42B-2 83311300 Y 5-2.1 I WL IDOCUMENT TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION Z LEVEL A02168 A0217A A02178 A0221A A02218 A0222A A02228 A0223A A02238 A022,.A A0221t8 A0225A A02258 A0226A A0226A A02268 A0221A A0730A A05148 A0201A A06118 A05048 A0503A A06108 A07118 A0411A A05288 A11218 A06178 A0523A A0234A A02298 A06168 A04318 A0227A A0610A 2 &05298 2 A02278 A0228A A02288 A0229A &02298 A0230A &02308 A0231A A02318 A0232A A02328 A02328 A0233A A02338 A023,.& A0301A &0304A A0301t8 A0305A l03058 A0306A A03068 &0307l A03078 A0310& A03108 A0311A l03118 A03118 A0312A A0312A A03128 A0621A A07338 &0631A &0226& A0617A A15328 A05168 A1124A JA0209A A1132A A0403A A03138 &03218 A0226A A0311A AI0118 '04218 A032ljA A1032A &04118 l0424A A04328 A04258 &11098 l11148 A0301A &0206A &13228 A09258 &04138 A0705A NO. I SHEET NO; IREV. BA NOTES 1 2 1 1- Z Z 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 i 2· 1 l SiC 09 WI 37743 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WI 48140 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WIO 48140 AND BELOW 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 SIC 09 WI 37743 AND ABOVE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z 1 A0312B Z 1 1 A0427A 2 A03138 '03138 &0315A A0233A 1 A06028 Z &01268 1 SIC 09 WI 37966 AND ABOVE KOR-OS42B-2 5-2.2 83311300 Y ( \ I WL IDOCUMENT TiTlE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTI· NATION Z LEVEL l0316l .03168 A0317l '03178 l0321' 403218 403218 40322A A03228 A03228 A0323A A0323A A03238 A03238 1.0324A 1.03248 A0325A A03258 A03264 A03268 A032613 A0327A A03278 A03218 A03288 A0329A l0330A A03308 A0331A A03318 A0332A A0332A 403328 A03328 A0333A 1.0333B A04011. AO"02A A04028 40"028 A0403A A0403A AOlt038 A040"A AO"048 A1108l 1 AO"02A 1 lO"068 1 lO"078 1 lO"17l 1 40602A 2 l02338 1 4020"4 2 II 033 A 1 AOI01t8 2 A0630A 2. A02118 1 A071"8 2 1.13301. 1 1.0208A 1 A02088 1 A0305' 1 A02068 1 A0203l 2 A0710A I 40207A Z AO"33A 2 A1301A Z AO"058 1 A1123' 1 A0211A 1 A0210B 1 A0210A 1 A0113B 1 A02091. 1 A1326B 1 A02078 Z A01,128 1 A06308 2 A0429A 1 A0724A 1 A0423A 1 A0316B 1 A1301A 1 A0405B l A02328 1 .A1305B 2 A0524A 1 A13139 1 A1116A 1 A04054 10"058 A04059 AO"06A AO"068 A04069 A0407A A11128 A04028 403218 411138 AI110B A0317A 412168 A0405A A1109A 1 1 Z 1 NO. I SHEET ~O. IREV. BA NOTES SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WIO 37867 AND BELOW SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE 1 2 1 1 KOR 0542B 2 83311300 Y 5-2.3 I Wt IDOCUMENT NO. ISHEET N~. TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION AO~07A AO~078 A09238 A0525A A0317B A09228 A12218 A0416A A0533A A13328 Al305A A02238 A0306A A0502A A1333B JA0202A A1208A A1210A A10278 A0312A A1112A A1314A A09248 A13258 A12178 A0409A A12228 A0321A A1306A A09168 A0304B A1113A A13078 A1112B A040tA A05178 A03068 JA0204A A09158 A03078 A112 5 8 A0526A A0705A A0312B A10088 AlO078 A0333A A12078 ll1138 A09278 A1202' A0227A A0511A JA0205A A0307' A0327A JA0201A A04078 A0408A A0408A A0409A A04098 A0410A A04108 A0411A A04118 A0412A A0412A A0412A A04128 A0413A A04138 AO~138 A0414A A04148 A0415A A04158 AO"16A A0416A AO"168 A0417A A04178 A04218 A04218 A0422A .A0422B A0423A A0423A A04238 A0424A A042"8 l0425A '04258 '0426A A04268 A0427A A0427A A04278 A04288 A0429A A04298 A0430A A04308 A0431A '04318 A04318 AOlt32A A04328 A0433A A04338 Z LEVEL IREV. BA NOTES Z Z 1 2 1 Z 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 sic sic 09 09 SIC SiC 09 AND BELOW 10 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WI SiC 09 WI 37867 SiC SiC 09 09 WIO 37867 AND BELOW WI 37867 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 37966 AND ABOVE SiC SiC 10 09 wi Wi 48140 AND ABOVE 37743 AND ABOVE WI WI 37966 AND ABOVE 37743 AND ABOVE 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 t 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 J. 1 1 1 2 2 37966 AND ABOVE AND ABOVE 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 -1 1 Z 1 I KOR-OS42B-2 5-2.4 83311300 Y I WL IDOCUMENT TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINA TION Z LEVEL A04338 A05138 2 A0505A 1 A0501A A0501A A0506A 2 A0502A JA0206A 1 A0502A AOlt12A l A05021\ A0802e 1 A05028 A010Z8 Z A0503A JA0211B 1 A0503A A02224 2 A05038 A09038 1 A0504A JAO?12A 1 405044 A0215A 2 A05048 JA021lA 1 A05048 A02218 2 A0505A A0501A 1 A1407B 1 A05058 A0505B AII05B 2 A05058 A0731B 2 40506A A0501A .2 A0506A JA0203A 1 A05068 A11038 1 A0507A AI10'" 1 A05078 AI1068 1 A050BA AI107A 1 A05088 JA0214A 1 A05088 A02148 2 A0509A A15258 1 A 0~09B JAOZl~A A0511A A05128 A05138 l0513B A05148 A05148 405168 405168 A0517A A05178 A0521A A05218 A0521B A0522A A05228 A0522B A05228 A0523A A0523A 405238 A0523B A04318 A07228 A1207A A04338 JA0214B A0217A A0231A JAOZ13B JA0203B A04238 A1315A JA0202B A0523B A07068 A1531B Al124B A1124B JA0208B A02258 A05258 A0521B '04038 A0205B JAOI10B AI027B A04078 A0523B A07038 A04268 ~0524A A0524B A05248 A0525A A0525A A052 58 A0525B A0526A A0526B A0527A NO. I SHEET N~. l REV. BA NOTES SIC 09 WI 37743 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 10 Tvl 48140 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE 1 2 SIC 09 WI 37743 AND ABOVE 1 1 Z 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 ? SiC 09 NI 48028; SIC 10 N/O 48140 SIC 09 WI 37951 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 48028; SIC 10 1'1/0 48140 1 1 2 1 2 1 ~TA0206A 2 A0S314B 1 SiC 09 WIO 37743 AND BELOW SIC 09 WIO 37743 AND BELOW KOR-OS42B-2 63311300 Y 5-2.5 I IL 1DOCUMENT NO. ISHEET N~. TiTlE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION Z LEVEL A0205A 2 A0521A A0202A 1 A05278 A0528A JA0109A 1 A0224A 2 A05288 A02218 2 A05298 A05Z98 JA0212R 1 A021~8 ·2 A0530A A0530A JA02108 1 A05308 JA0108A 1 A02138 1 A0531A A05318 A0213A 2 A05318 JA0113A 1 A0532A JA0409A 1 A05328 A09328 2 A05328 JAOl148 1 A0533A A04098 2 A01338 ? A05338 A05338 A08338 1 A0601A A0606A 1 A03218 2 A0602A A03138 2 A06028 A0603A A0726A 1 A06038 A01128 1 A0604A A16268 1 A0606A A06068 2 A0606A A0601A 1 A0606A 7A06068 A0733A 1 A06098 A0610 A A07318 1 A0610A A0227A 2 A06108 A02228 1 A0611A A0214A 1 A06118 A0221A 1 A0612A A0216A 1 A06168 A02268 1 A0611A A0230A 1 A06118 A0225' 1 A0621A A0228A 1 A06258 A15268 2 A0626A A14128 1 A0626A A13168 2 A06278 A01278 1-. A0629& A14238 1 A0629B A0204B 1 A0629B A1612B 2 A06298 A1316A l A0630& A0711A 1 A0630A l0323A 2 A06308 A0709A 1 A()3328 2 A06308 A0631A A0229A 1 A06318 JAOl02A 1 A0632A JAOlO)A 1 A06328 JAOI04A 1 A02098 2 A0633' jREV.BA NOTES SIC 09 wi 37743 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WIO 48140 AND BELOW SiC 09 WIO 37951 AND BELOW SiC 09 W/O 37951 AND BELmv SiC 09 WI 37951 AND ABOVE KOR-OS42B-2 5-2.6 83311300 Y. I WLI DOCUMENT NO. TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTI· NATION Z I SHEET N~. JREV. BA NOTES LEVEL \ A0633A A06338 A0701A A07039 A0701t8 A0705A A070SA A07058 A07068 A0709A A0709A A0710A A0710A A07108 A07109 A0711A A0711A A07118 A07148 A07148 A0715A A07158 A0716A A07168 A07178 A07178 A0722A A07228 40723A A07234 A07Z"A A072"A A0725A A07258 A0726A A0728A A0728B A0730A A0731A A07318 A0731B A07318 A0733A A0733A A07339 A08028 A08148 A08148 A08338 A0901A A0902A A09028 A0903A A07149 A0728A A0723A A05258 A0206A A0427A A03128 A02078 A0522A A06309 AII01t9 A1324A A03268 A0203A A13298 AI103A A0630A lO223A A03238 A0633A A16048 1 1 2 BJ701J,K UNITS SiC 18 AND BELOW ONLY 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 l 2 1 1 2 1 1 A16038 1 Al1ll8,1 I A1121A A020ltA Al1078 A13068 A05128 A1325A A0701A A03338 A1321A A02038 AI10'A A0603A A06339 A02028 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 AOl16~ 1 AOZ12A 1 A05058,2 JA0202B 2 A0610A JA0204B A06099 A02288 A05029 JA0208A A0527A A05338 A09178 A09028 A0902.& A09038 1 2 1 1 1 BJ701J,K UNITS SIC 18 AND BELOW ONLY SIC 10 WI 48140 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WIO 48140 AND BELOW l 1 1 1 1 1 2 ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C KOR·OS42B-2 l_ 833113UO Y 5-2.7 TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICAnON I ORIGIN A0903A A09038 A09038 A090ltA A090ltA A09048 A0906A A09018 A09128 A09158 A09168 A09118 A09228 A09238 A09248 A0921t8 A09258 A09268 A0927A A09218 A09288 A09298 A0931A A0931A A09318 A0932A A0932A A09328 A09328 A0933A A09338 AI0078 A10088 A10098 AI0118 A10128 AI027B A10218 AI0288 A10298 AI032A AI033A AI102A AII028 AlI03A AI103A A11038 AI104A A11048 AI10,.8 All05A AII05A A11058 AII05:1 AII05B WL DESTINATION I DOCUMENT NO. I SHEET Z LEVEL A090ltA 1 A0903A 2 A05038 1 A0903A 1 A0901t8 2 A0904A 2 A1126A 1 A09298 1 A12288 1 AOlt25A 1 A04218 2 A0901A 1 A0408A 2 AOlt01A 2 A0415A 1 A1133A ·2 A0312A 2 A131181 A1122A .1 A04308 1 A12268 1 A09078 1 A0932A ·2 A09318 1 A0931A 1 A0931A 2 A09328 1 A05328 2 A0932A 1 A09338 1 A0933A 1 A04288 1 A04278 1 A11268 1 A0304A 1 A01228 J.. A0525A 1 A04138 Z JAOI028 1 JAOl128 1 A03058 1 A03228 1 A12308 1 A15028 1 A1333A 1 A0711A 2 A05068 1 A0507A 1 A1331A \ A0709A 2 A07258 11 l11118 2 A15288 1 A1407B 2 A0505B 2 N~. IREV. BA NOTES ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C ELPV, REV.C sic 10 WI 48226 AND ABOVE Sic 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE ELPV ELPV ELPV ELPV ELPV - REV.C REV.C REV.C REV.C REV.C ELPV - REV.C ELPV - REV.C ELPV - REV.C SiC 09 WIO 37743 AND BELOW SiC SiC SiC SIC 11 10 09 11 AND ABOVE WI 48140 AND ABOVE WI 48028 AND ABOVE AND ABOVE KOR-OS42B-2 5-2.8 83311300 Y I 1WL I TITLE " SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION AI106A AI1068 AI107 A AI1079 AII078 A1108A A1I088 AII09A AI109A A11098 A11108 AI1108 AI111A AI111B A1112A A1112A A1112B A11128 A1113A A11138 A11148 A1116A A1121A A11218 A1122A A11228 A1123A A11238 A112ltA A1124A A1121t8 A1121t8 All25A A11258 A1126A A1126A A11268 A1132A Al133A A11338 A1202A A1207A A12078 A1208A A1210A A1211B A1212A A12128 A1213A A12138 A1215A A12158 A1216A A12168 A02098 A05078 A0508A A1328B A0717B A0316A A12278 A0405A A12238 A0310A A04068 A1326A A15238 Al105A A0414A A13038 A0423A A0405A A0422A A0430A A03108 A04048 A07168 A02248 A0927A A0716A A03288 A0406A A02318 Allt268 Alb128 A05228 JAOI0~8 A0426A A12158 A090bA AI0098 A02328 A09248 A15338 A0431A A05138 A04298 A0412B A0413A A1302A A13158 A1303A A1304A A1310A A13098 A11264 A13118 AOlt07A DOCUMENT NO. Z LEVEL 1 SHEET N~. IREV.BA NOTES 1 1 1 1 Z 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SIC 09 WIO 37867 AND BELOW SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WIO 37867 AND BELOW SiC 09 \'11 37867 AND ABOVE Z 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 SIC 09 WI 37951 AND ABOVE SiC 10 wlO 48226 AND BELOv] SIC 10 WI 48226 AND ABOVE SIC 10 wlO 48226 AND BELOW KOR-OS42B-2 83311300 Y 5-2.9/5-2.10 I WL IDOCUMENT TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTI· NATION l1217A A12178 A12218 A1222B A12238 A12258 A12268 A1227A A12278 l12288 A12308 l1231A A1234A A1302A A130Z8 A1303A A13038 A130Ql A0416A A0408l A04168 AI109A A13028 A09288 A13048 A11088 AOQ1Z8 A1102A A1234A A1231A l12118 A12Z58 AIZ128 AI11ZA AIZ13A AIZ27A A130~A A13048 A1305A A130'58 A1306A A13068 l1307A A1307A A13078 A1309A A13098 A1310A A13118 A1313A A13138 A1314A l13148 A1315A A13158 A1316A A1316A A13168 A13118 A1321A A13228 A13238 A1324A A13248 A1325A A13258 A1326A A13268 A13288 A13298 A1330A AO~108 AO~03A AO~178 Z LEVEL NO. tSHEET NO. 10 IREV. BA NOTES 1 1 1 1 1 1 SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE SIC 09 wi 37867 AND ABOVE 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 SIC 09 WI 37867 AND ABOVE 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 A07Z2A 1 A03278 2 A04028,1 A04228 1 A1217A 1 A1215A 1 &12138 1 A1216A 1 JAOII0A 1 AO"04A 1 A04148 J. Jl02018 1 l0521A 1 l1212A 1 JAOI018 1 A06298 2 A0626A 2 A09268 1 A0724A 2 l03118 1 JA0111A 1 A0110A 2 JAOl12A 1 A0123A 1 A04158 1 A11108 1 A0332A 1 AI1018 1 A01108 2 A03238 1 SIC 09 WI 37951 AND ABOVE KOR·0542B·2 ( '''--. 83311300 y 5-3 I WL IDOCUMENT TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION Z LEVEL A1331A AI101t8 1 A1332A JA0202A 1 A13328 A1333A A0410A 1 AI103A 1 A1333B A0412A 1 A1401A A1405' A14078 A1405. 2 A1401A 2 A05058 1 A1407B AI105B 2 A11t078 A16108 A16128 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 A112~A 1 A16138 2 JA01088 1 JAOI09B L AI1028 1 A16028 2 A16108 1 A16098,1 JAOI078 1 JA0106B 1 JAOI058 1 JAOI06A 1 AI111A 1 A14228 1 A0509A 1 A06258 2 A16138 1 A1105B 1 A14078 2 A16228 1 A02048 2 A05228 1 A02308 1 A11338 1 A16338 2 JA0401A 2 JA02058 1 A15028 2 A07158 1 A0715A 1 A15048 1 A15038 1 A1124B 1 A,l612B A,0629B 2 A16138 A16138 A16228 A1623B A1624'8 A16268 A1527B A14268 A1!i30B A0123B A01248 l0604A A1~OqA A14108 A14128 A14128 A14228 A14238 A11t268 A14268 Allt29A A14298 A15028 A1502B A15038 A15048 A15078 A15088 A15218 A15228 A15238 A15248 A15258 A15268 A15278 A15288 A15288 A15308 A15318 A15318 A15328 A15338 A15338 A1601A A16018 A16028 Al"038 A16048 A 160Q8 A15288 A0130B A01288 JAOl108 A0626A A15248 A0629A 1 2 1 1 1 1 NO. I SHEET NO. IREV. 11 BA NOTES SIC 09 AND BELOW SIC 09 AND BELOW SIC 09 WI 48028 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 37979 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 11 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 37979 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WI 48140 AND ABOVE SIC 09 WI 37979 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WIO 37951 AND BELOW SIC 09 WI 37979 AND ABOVE KOR-OS42B-2 5-4 83311300 y I TITLE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION A16338 A1533B JA0105A A1316A A0631B AI028B A0632A A06328 A1125A A163ftA A1521B A1522B A1508B A15018 A0530B A1ft29A A0528A A1429B A1313A A0524B A1ft12B A1323B JAOZIOA A1324B AI029B A0531B A0532B A0433B JA0201A JA0206B A163~A JAOI01B JAOI02A JAOI02B JA0103A JAOI04A JAOI0ftB JAOI05A JAOI058 JA0106A JAOI06B JAOI01B JAOI08A JA01088 JAOI09A JAOI09B JAOII0A JAOII0B JAOlI0B JAOl11A JA0111B JA0112A JAOl12B JAOl1)A JAOl14B JA0201A JA0201B JA0201B NOTES J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ELPV - REV.C 1 1 1 1 1 2 JA0202B A0731B 2 JA0203A JAOZ03B JA0204A JA0204B JAOZ05A JAOZ058 A0506A A0511A A04Z4B A0133A A0432A A1601B JA021~~ BA 1 A0412A 1 A0521B J. SIC 09 AND BELOW SIC 10 AND ABOVE SIC 10 WIO 48140 AND BELOW 1 1 1 2 I 1 A0502A 1 A0526B 2 JA0201B JA0201B JA0209B A1314B AOB148 A0523A A023?A JA0201A JA0111B A0530A A0504B A0503A A0504A A05298 A05098 IREV. 2 JA0202A JA0202B JAOZ06B J A0207 A JA0207A JA02018 JA020BA JA020B8 JA0209A JA0209B JA0210A JA0210B JA0211A JA02118 JA0212A JA0212B 12 1 A1332A 1 I I SHEET NO. Z LEVEL JA0202.A JA0206A JA0206A \.. WL JDOCUMENT NO. Z 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 SIC 09 ~'ll 37743 AND ABOVE SiC 09 WIO 37743 AND BELOW ELPV - REV.C (' \ " KOR-OS42B-2 83311300 Y 5-5 I WL TiTlE SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN JA02138 JA021ltA JA02148 JAOItOlA JAOlt09A DESTINATION A05168 A05088 A0514B A1601A A0532A I DOCUMENT NO. Z LEVEL ISHEET NO. 13 IREV. BA NOTES 1 1 1 2 1 KOR-OS42B-2 5-6 83311300 y 1WL I TITLE DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7874 BASE ASSEMBLY WIRE LIST (Ref 77387400) CONDUCTOR WIRE COLOR 10 1 2 4 9-60 HZ 0-50 HZ DESTINATION ORIGIN S4-C Tl-l TBl-l 0 Ml CBI-A2 4 9 Ml CBI-B2 .' 3 Tl TUNING CAP-l ) 3 Tl TUNING CAP-2 CBI-Al CB2-1 Tl-2 TBl-2 Tl-3 TBl-3 6 1 of 2 IREV. B NOTES A4-E2 3 5 ISHEET NO. 7 8 9 10 BLACK 8-60 3-50 0-60 1-50 HZ HZ HZ HZ 11 4 Tl-4 TBl-4 12 8 Tl-5 ~Bl-5 13 9 Tl-6 TBl-6 14 RED POWER SUPPLY Cl+ 15 BLUE POWER SUPPLY C2- 16 BLACK POWER SUPPLY Cl- 19 BLACK DMI BRAKE A4-EI0 20 BLACK DMI BRAKE A4-E7 21 YELLOW SWI-NC A4-E9 22 RED K5-2 C6-2 23 BLUE DMI-AC K5-1 24 YELLOW DMI-AC P302-1 25 RED DMI-AC C6-1 26 BLACK TBl-2 TBl-3 27 BLACK A9-K2-5 A9-K2-4 28 BLACK A9-K2-7 A9-K2-9 29 BLACK A9-K2-2 A9-K2-3 30 BLACK VC-2 A9-K2-8 31 YELLOW A9 32 YELLOW S4-NO J206-1 33 YELLOW S4-C J206-2 34 BLACK TBl-l TBl-3 17 18 ( \, 83311300 T (CRI AC) 220 V, 50 HZ 240 V, 50 HZ A9-K2-8 100 V, 50 HZ 5-7 TITLE I WL 1DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7874 BASE ASSEMBLY WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR ISHEET NO. DESTINATION ORIGIN 2 of 2 NOTES 35 BLACK TBl-2 TBl-4 100 V, 50 HZ 36 YEL/BL CB2-2 TBl-5 220 V, 50 HZ 37 CB2-2 TBl-6 240 V, 50 HZ 38 CB2-2 TBl-4 100 V, 50 HZ 39 CB2-2 TBl-3 120 V, 60 HZ CB1-B1 TB1-1 NEUTRAL 40 YEL/BL JREV. B 83311300 A TiTlE CABLE ASSEMBLY W4 WIRE LIST (Ref 75243700) CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR t WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7437 DESTINATION ORIGIN lSHEET NO. 1 of 2 (REV. B NOTES 1 lA 5 JAI-IB JI01-14B IB 0 JAI-IA JI01-14A lC 4 JAI-2B JI01-13B ID 3 JAI-2A JI01-13A IE 3 JAI-3B JI01-12B IF 0 JAI-3A JI01-12A IG 2 JAI-4B JI0I-IIB IH 0 JAI-4A JI0I-IIA IJ 1 JAl-SB JI0I-I0B lK 0 JAl-SA JI0I-I0A lL 0 JAI-6A JI01-9A 1M 0 JAI-8A JIOl-7A IN 0 JAl-9A JIOl-6A IP S JAI-IOB JIOl-SB lR 0 JAI-IOA JIOl-SA IS 4 JAI-IIB JIOI-4B IT 0 JAI-IIA JIOl-4A lU 3 JAl-12B JIOl-3B IV 0 JAl-12A JI01-3A lW 2 JAl-13B JIOl-2B IX 0 JAl-13A JIOl-2A lY 1 JAl-14B JIOI-IB lZ 0 JAl-14A JIOI-IA 2A 6 JAl-6B JIOl-9B 2B 9 JAl-7B JIOl-8B 2C SHLD CONDo IDENT. 3 CONDo IDENT. 3 0 JAl-7A CONDo IDENT. 2C 4 0 CONDo IDENT. 2C JIOl-8A SA 6 JAl-8B JIOl-7B SB 9 JAl-9B JIOl-6B SC SHLD CONDo IDENT. 2C CONDo IDENT. 2 S 83311300 A 5-9 TITLE CABLE ASSEMBLY W4 WIRE LIST I WL I DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7437 CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR 6 0 CONDo IDENT. 2C CONDo IDENT. 5C 7 0 CONDo IDENT. 5C CONDo IDENT. 4 ORIGIN DESTINATION ISHEET NO. 2 of 2 IREV. B NOTES . 5-10 83311300 A TITLE sic 09 & BLW W-5 HARNESS WIRE LIST (Ref 77479300) CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR WL I IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7793 ISHEET NO. DESTINATION ORIGIN 1 of 2 IREV' A NOTES 1 lA 0 PA2-1A P201-1A FAULT TO LED 2B 9 PA2-1B P201-1B GROUND 3 4 PA2-2A A4-E4 UNLOAD HEADS 4 4 PA2-2B P201-2B FAULT CLEAR 6 4 PA2-4A A4-E3 HEADS LOADED 7 4 A4-E3 S2-NO HEADS LOADED 8 4 P201-5A S3-C PACK ACCESS COVER SW. 9 4 P201-%a PA2-6A START 10 4 PA2-7A P201-7A GROUND TO START SW. 11 4 PA2-7B A4-E6 SPEED + VOLT FLT 13 1 A4-E2 S2-NC HEADS LOADED 14 4 PA2-10A P201-10A +5 VOLTS 15 4 PA2-11A P201-11A LOGIC PLUG BIT 3 16 4 PA2-11B P201-11B LOGIC PLUG BIT 1 17 4 PA2-12A P201-12A LOGIC PLUG BIT 2 18 4 PA2-13A P201-13A READY TO LED 19 4 PA2-14A P201-14A LOGIC PLUG BIT 0 20 4 S3-NO A4-E12 PACK COVER SW. 21 0 S2-7 A4-GND GROUND TO HDS. LOAD SW. 22 2 AO-+5 A4-E5 +5V TO A4 ASSY 23 2 AO-+20 K2-B 24 2 K2-B A4-EI0 25 2 A4-E5 KI-3 +20V TO K2 COIL +20V BUSS FROM K2 COIL TO A4 ASSY +5V BUSS FROM A4 ASSY TO SPINDLE MOTOR TRIAC 26 0 AO-GND A4-GND GROUND TO A4 ASSY 28 6 AO--20 29 4 K2-A . A4-E8 -20V BUSS TO ASSY BRUSH TO OPTION UP TO SPEED TO K2 COIL 30 3 PA2-12B P201-12B WRITE FAULT 31 3 PA2-10B P201-10B HD. SEL. FAULT 32 4 PA2-8B P201-8B W • R FAULT 33 4 PA2-13B P201-13B ON CYL • 5 5A 5B \ ,,- 83311300 N (W+R) 5-11 TITLE IL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7793 I W-5 HARNESS WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR ISHEET NO. DESTINATION ORIGIN 2 of 2 IREV. A NOTES 34 4 PA2-14B P201-14B VOLTAGE FAULT 35 4 PA2-5B P201-5B -5 VOLTS 36A 9 PA2-5A P201-6A SEEK END 36B 0 PA2-6B P201-6B GROUND 37A 9 PA2-4B P201-4A MOD ADDRESSED 37B 0 PA2-9B P201-6B GND 38 4 PA2-9A P201-9A INTERRUPT 39A 9 J203-1 P201-2A SEEK END 39B 0 J203-2 P201-3B SEEK END 9 J203-4 P201-3A MOD ADDRESSED P201-4B MOD ADDRESSED 36 37 39 40 40A 40B 41 41A 9 P204-2 p201-7B INTERRUPT 41B 0 P204-1 P201-8A INTERRUPT 42 4 PA2-8A P201-9B WRITE PROTECT SW. 43 4 P201-5B P205-1B 44 4 P201-13A P205-3A 45 4 A4-E1 P205-9B 46 4 A4-E2 P205-7B 47 2 A4-E5 P205-14B 48 2 A4-E10 P205-12B 49 4 A4-E12 P205-6B 50 2 K5-3 P205-14B 51 4 K5-4 P205-10B PA2-1B P205 52 5-12 52A 0 PA2-3A p205-1A 52B 2 PA2-3B P205-2B 53 0 P205-2A P205-14A 54 55 57 0 4 A4-GND P206 .... 1 P206-2 P205-14A Kl-4 P205-8B 4 83311300 A TITLE WS HARNESS WIRE LIST SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION \ (Ref. 40140801) 10 + ABV Sic ORIGIN I WL IDOCUMENT NO. DESTINATION IRE~. ISHEET NO. 1 of 2 4408 WIRE 2 COLOR LEVEL NOTES " lA PA2-1A P201-1A 9 FAULT TO LED 2B PA2-1B P201-1B 0 GROUND 3 PA2-2A P20S-S3 4 UNLOAD HEADS 4 PA2-2B P201-2B 4 FAULT CLEAR S P20S-11A P207-1 4 BRAKE CONTROL SA S3-C P20S-9A 4 PACK ACCESS COVER SW SB PA2-4A P207-2 4 HEADS LOADED 6 PA2-4A S2-NO 4 HEADS LOADED 8 P201-SA S3-C 4 PACK ACCESS COVER SW. 9 P201-SA PA2-6A 4 START 10 PA2-7A P201-7A 4 GROUND TO START SW. 11 PA2-7B P20S-13A 4 SPEED +VOLT FLT 13 P20S-103 S2-NC 4 HEADS LOADED 14 PA2-10A P201-10A 4 +S VOLTS IS PA2-11A P201-11A 4 LOGIC PLUG BIT 3 16 PA2-11B P201-11B 4 LOGIC PLUG BIT 1 17 PA2-12A P201-12A 4 LOGIC PLUG BIT 2 18 PA2-13A P201-13A 4 READY TO LED 19 PA2-14A P201-14A 4 LOGIC PLUG BIT 0 20 S3-NO P205-63 4 PACK COVER SW. 21 S2-C jAO-GND 0 GROUND TO HDS. LOAD SW. 22 AO-+S 1K1-3 2 +5V TO Kl ASSY 23 AO-+20 1K2 2 +20V TO K2 COIL 2S KI-3 !ISS-3 2 +5V BUSS TO SPINDLE MOTOR TRIACS 26 A3-GND 1P20S-14A 0 GROUND TO 3XPN ASSY 27 S2-NC P20S-10B 4 29 K2-A P205-12A 4 30 PA2-12B P201-12B 4 WRITE FAULT 31 PA2-10B !P201-10B 4 HD. SEL. FAULT 32 PA2-8B P201-8B 4 W .• R FAULT 33 PA2-13B 1P201-13B 4 ON CYL 34 PA2-14B P201-14B 4 VOLTAGE FAULT 3S PA2-SB P201-SB 4 -5 VOLTS 36A PA2-SA P201-6A 9 SEEK END 83311300 N UP TO SPEED TO K2 COIL (W+R) 5-12.1 I WL IDOC~~;~T TITLE WS HARNESS WIRE LIST SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION ORIGIN DESTINATION NO. ISHEE~ NO. l . WIRE COLOR LEVEL NOTES 36B PA2-6B P201-6B 0 GROUND 37A PA2-4B P201-4A 9 MOD ADDRESSED 37B PA2-9B P201-6B 0 GND 38 PA2-9A P201-9A 4 INTERRUPT 39A J2-CC P201-2A 9 SEEK END 39B J2-AA P201-3B 0 SEEK END 40A J2-DD P201-3A 9 MOD ADDRESSED 40B J2-BB P201-4B 0 MOD ADDRESSED 41A J2-EE P201-7B 9 INTERRUPT 41B J2-HH P201-8A 0 INTERRUPT 42 PA2-8A P201-9B 4 WRITE PROTECT SW 43 P201-SB P20S-1B 4 44 P201-13A P20S- 3B 48 K2-B P20S-12B 2 SO KS-3 P20S-14B 2 Sl KS-4 P20S-83 4 S2 PA2-1B P20S S2A PA2-3A P20S-1A 0 S2B PA2-3B P20S-2B 2 S5 p206-1 Kl-4 S7 P206-2 P205-9S 4 58 P208-3 P20S-8A 4 59 P208-1 P205-10A 4 60 p208-2 P20S-2A 4 61 P20S-1A P20S-4A 4 62 P20S-4A P20S-5A 4 5-12.2 IRE~. +S BUSS TO XPN 83311300 E TITLE CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR WL I DC HARNESS W6 WIRE LIST (Ref 75258300) I DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7583 ISHEET NO. 1 of 1 DESTINATION ORIGIN IREV·E NOTES 1 RED Jl-l AO-+5 + 5 VOLTS 2 BLACK JI-2 AO-GND GND 3 BLUE JI-3 AO--5 -5 VOLTS 4 RED JI-4 PAI-12B +12 VOLTS 5 BLUE JI-5 AO--20 -20 VOLTS 6 BLUE JI-6 PAI-2B -12 VOLTS 7 RED JI-7 PAI-14B +36 VOLTS 8 RED JI-8 AO-+20 +20 VOLTS 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 BLUE BLUE RED RED BLACK BLACK BLUE BLUE RED JI-9 JI-9 JI-I0 JI-10 Jl-11 Jl-l1 JI-12 JI-12 A9 CR-+ AO A09-3B AO A09-JB A8-R2-2 A8-R2-2 A8-R3-2 A8-R3-2 -36 -42 +36 +42 +42 AR-Rl-2 -1h A8-RI-2 A8-R2-2 -42 14 BLACK AO A09-17B A8-R3-2 15 BLUE A9 CRl-- A8-RI-2 16 BLUE A9 CRl-- A9 CR2-AO 17 BLUE AO--5 PAI-3B -5 18 RED A3-+20 PAI-13B +20 19 RED Jl~7 A3-A09-32B +42 VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C 20 RED AO A09-XX AO A09-XX +42 VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C 21 RED AO A09-XX AO A09-XX +42 VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C 22 RED AO A09-XX AO A09-XX +42 VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C 23 BLUE AO A09-XX AO A09-XX -42 VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C 24 BLUE AO A09-XX AO A09-XX -42 VOLTS I. ELPV - REV. C 25 BLUE AO AQ9-XX AO A09-XX -42 VOLTS I. ELPV - REV. C 9 +36 VOLTS,ELPV - REV. B VOLTS,ELPV - REV. C VOLTS,ELPV - REV. B VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C GND-,- ELPV - REV. B VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C VOLTS, ELPV - REV. B VOLTS, ELPV - REV. C .. 83311300 N ~ 5-13 TITLE Wl0 CABLE ASSY WIRE LIST (Ref 77396500 B) I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7965 CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR 1 YELLOW AOP09-XX A8-E12 2 YELLOW AOP09-XX A8-E15 3 YELLOW AOP09-XX A8-E3 4 YELLOW AOp09-XX A8-El0 5 YELLOW AOP09-XX A8-E9 6 YELLOW AOP09-XX A9-C7- 7 BLUE AOP09-XX A8-R3-1 8 YELLOW VC-l A8-R3-1 5-14 DESTINATION ORIGIN ISHEET NO. 1 of 1 IREV. E NOTES 83311300 N \ TITLE '-- W12 CABLE ASSEMBLY WIRE LIST (Ref 77563500) CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7635 DESTINATION ORIGIN ISHEET NO. 1 of 1 IREV. A NOTES 1 1A 0 P400-1 CB1-A2 1B 9 P400-2 CB1-B2 P400-3 GND OF BASE-GND 1C 83311300 STRAND A 5-15 TITLE POWER AMP DRIVER WIRE LIST (Ref 77396400) CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR I WL I DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7964 DESTINATION ORIGIN 1 RED A8-R2-1 A8-E13 2 WHITE A8-R4-2 A8-E4 3 YELLOW A9-C7- A8-R4-1 4 BLUE A8-R1-1 A8-E14 5 YELLOW A8-E11 A9-K2-6 WHITE A8-E12 A9-K2-1 ISHEET NO. 1 of 1 IREV. A NOTES 6 7 8 9 5-16 83311300 A TITlE AC HARNESS WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR (S/C 31 & ABV, 50 Hz) I WL IDOCUMENT NO. ISHEET NO. Ref. 77387300 1 of 1 DESTINATION ORIGIN NOTES 1 4 CB1-Al TBl-l 2 4 CBI-Bl TBl-2 3 5 GND TBl-3 4 1:1 CB1-A2 Kl-l 5 4 CBI-B2 J302-1 6 5 GND K5 BASE-GND 7 4 CBI-A2 P301-3 8 4 CBI-B2 P301-2 9 5 GND P301-1 10 4 CB2-2 TBl-2 60 HZ, 100 VAC 11 4 CB1-B1 TB1-1 NEUTRAL OR PHASE 12 5 GND CKT BKR BASE-GND 13 4 Kl-2 K5-1 14 5 GND TB1· 'BASE-GND 15 4 CB2-2 TBl-3 60 HZ, 120 V 16 4 CB2-2 TBl-4 50 HZ, 100 V 17 4 CB2-2 TBl-5 50 HZ, 220 V 18 4 CB2-2 TBl-6 50 HZ, 240 V 83311300 z IREV. B GND 5-16.1/5-16.2 TITLE AC HARNESS WIRE LIST ~DucrOR WIRE 10 (SIc 30 & BLW, 50 Hz; ALL 60 Hz) WL IDOCUMENT NO. ISHEET NO. Ref. 77387300 1 of 1 DESTINATION ORIGIN COLOR I IRE~. NOTES ~-. 1 ~I 4 CBI-Al LF-3 2 II 4 CBI-Bl LF-4 3 5 GND LF-GND 4 4 CBI-A2 Kl-l 5 4 CBI-B2 J302-1 6 5 GND K5 BASE-GND 7 4 CBI-A2 P301-3 8 4 CBI-B2 P301-2 9 5 GND P301-1 10 4 CB2-2 TBI-2 60 HZ, 100 V 11 4 CBI-Bl TBl-l NEUTRAL OR PHASE 12 5 GND CKT BKR BASE-GND 13 4 KI-2 K5-1 14 5 GND TBI BASE-GND 15 4 CB2-2 TBl-3 60 HZ, 120 V 16 4 CB2-2 TBI-4 50 HZ, 100 V 17 4 CB2-2 TBI-5 50 HZ, 220 V 18 4 CB2-2 TBI-6 50 HZ, 240 V I 83311300 Z 5-17 TiTlE I/O CABLE WIRE LIST (Ref 40139600 B) CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7264 DESTINATION ORIGIN ISHEET NO. 1 of 7 fREY. B NOTES 1 lA 0 J3-1 PA7-32B 1B 1 J3-4 PA7-29A 2A 0 J4-1 PA7-32B 2B 1 J4-4 PA7-29A 3A 0 J3-2 PA6-8A 3B 2 J3-5 PA6-7B 4A 0 J4-2 PA6-8A 4B 2 J4-5 PA6-7B 5A 3 J3-3 PA6-24B 5B 0 J3-7 PA6-25A 6A 3 J4-3 PH6-24B 6B 0 J4-7 PA6-25A 7A 4 J3-8 PA6-15A 7B 0 J3-12 PA6-14B 8A 4 J4-8 PA6-15A 8B 0 J4-12 PA6-14B 9A 0 J3-10 PA6-9A 9B 5 J3-13 PA6-8B lOA 0 J4-10 PA6-9A lOB 5 J4-13 PA6-8B 11A 0 J3-11 PA6-13B lIB 6 J3-14 PA6-14A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5-18 833113nn D l WLI TITLE I/O CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7264 DESTINATION ORIGIN 12A 0 J4-11 PA6-13B 12B 6 J~-14 PA6-14A 13A 0 J3-15 PA6-21B 13B 7 J3-18 PA6-22A 14A 0 J4-15 PA6-21B 14B 7 ISHEET NO. 2 of 7 IREV. B NOTES 13 14 J~-18 PA6-22A 15 15A 0 J3-16 PA6-15B 15B 8 J3-20 PA6-16A 16A 0 J4-16 PA6-15B 16B 8 J4-20 PA6-16A 17A 0 J3-17 PA6-22B 17B 9 J3-21 PA6-23A 18A 0 J4-17 PA6-22B 18B 9 J4-21 PA6-23A 19A 0 J3-22 PA7-2A UNIT SELECT 19B 1 J3-25 PA7-7B UNIT SELECT 20A 0 J4-22 PA7-2A UNIT SELECT 20B 1 J4-25 PA7-7B UNIT SELECT 21A 0 J3-23 PA7-2B 21B 2 J3-26 PA7-3A 22A 0 J4-23 PA7-2B 22B 2 J4-26 PA7-3A 0 J3-24 PA7-4A 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23A 83311300 A 5-19 1WL 1 TITLE DOCUMENT NO. SMD 7264 I/O CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR DESTINATION ORIGIN 3 J3-27 PA7-6A 24A 0 J4-24 PA7-4A 24B 3 J4-27 PA7-6A 25A 0 J3-28 PA7-13B 25B 4 J4-31 PA7-13A 26A 0 J4-28 PA7-13B 26B 4 J4-31 PA7-13A 27A 0 J3-29 PA7-8B 27B 5 J3-32 PA7-9B 28A 0 J4-29 PA7-8B 28B 5 J4-32 PA7-9B 29A 0 J3-30 PA7-17A 29B 6 J3-33 PA7-21A 30A 0 J4-30 PA7-17A 30B 6 J4-33 PA7-21A 31A 0 J3-34 PA7-14A 31B 7 J3-37 PA7-21B 32A 0 J4-34 PA7-14A 32B 7 J4-37 PA7-21B 33A 0 J3-35 PA7-12B 33B 8 J3-38 PA7-7A 34A 0 J4-35 PA7-12B 34B 8 J4-38 PA7-7A 23B ISHEET NO. 3 of 7 IREV. B NOTES 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 5-20 83311300 A I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7264 TiTlE I/O CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR DESTINATION ORIGIN ISHEET NO. ,IREV. 4 of 7 B NOTES 35 35A 0 J3-36 PA7-8A 35B 9 J3-39 PA7-12B 36A 0 J4-36 PA7-8A 36B 9 J4-39 PA7-12A 41A 0 J3-42 PA6-24A 41B 3 J3-45 PA6-23B 42A 0 J3-42 PA6:-24A 42B 3 J3-45 PA6-23B 43A 0 J3-46 PA7-23B 43B 4 J3-49 PA7-27A 44A 0 J4-46 PA7-23B 44B 4 J4-49 PA7-27A 45A 0 J3-48 PA7-27B 45B 53 J3-51 PA7-26B 36 37 37A 37B 38 38A 38B 39 39A 39B 40 40A 40B 41 42 43 44 45 I \ t 46 83311300 A 5-21 I WL IDOCUMENT NO. TiTlE 1/0 CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR ISHEET NO. 5 of 7 SMD 7264 B NOTES DESTINATION ORIGIN IREV. 46A 0 J4-48 PA7-27B 46B 5 J4-51 PA7-26B 47A 0 J3-52 PA7-29B 47B 6 J3-55 PA7-32A 48A 0 J4-52 PA7-29B 48B 6 J4-55 PA7-32A 49A 0 J3-74 PA6-5A 49B 7 J3-77 PA6-4B 50A 0 J4-74 PA6-5A 50B 7 J4-77 PA6-4B 51A 0 J3-75 PA6-12B 51B 8 J3-78 PA6-13A 52A 0 J4-75 PA6-12B 52B 8 J4-78 PA6-13A 53A 0 J2-EE J204-2 INTERRUPT 53B 9 J2-HH J204-1 INTERRUPT 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 54A 0 54B 9 55 55A 0 J2-AA P203-2 SEEK END, Sic 09 & BLW 55B 1 J2-CC P203-1 SEEK END, Sic 09 & BLW 56A 0 J2-BB P203-3 SiC 09 & BLW 56B 1 J2-DD P203-4 SiC 09 & BLW 56 57 57A 5-22 0 83311300 D TiTlE I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7264 I/O CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID WIRE COLOR ISHEET NO. IREV. B NOTES DESTINATION ORIGIN 6 of 7 57B 58 58A 58B 59 59A a 59B 3 J3-80 PA7-34A J4-80 PA7-34A 60 60A a 60B 3 61 61A 6 J2-A PA6-28B 61B 61C 62 9 SHLD J2-B PA6-28A 62A 6 J2-M PA6-5B 62B 62C 63 9 SHLD J2-N PA6-7A 64A 6 J2-W PA6-6A 64B 64C 65 9 SHLD J2-X PA6-6B 63A 63B 64 65A 6 J2-J PA6-26B 65B 9 J2-H PA6-27A 65C SHLD 66 a CONDo IDENTo 63C CONDo IDENTo 64C 67 a CONDo IDENTo 64C CONDo IDENTo 62C 68 a CONDo IDENTo 62C CONDo IDENTo 65C 69 0 CONDo IDENTo 65C CONDo IDENTo 61C 70 a CONDo IDENTo 61C J2 CORNER GUIDE PIN 71 J2 CORNER GUIDE PIN 4 J2-D 72 a a J2-D J2-E 73 a J2-E J2-K 83311300 D 5 5 5-23 1WL IDOCUMENT NO. TITLE SMD 7264 I/O CABLE WIRE LIST CONDUCTOR ID 5-24 WIRE COLOR ISHEET NO. 74 0 J2-K J2-T 75 0 J2-T J2-Y 76 0 J208-1 J3-73 77 0 J208-2 J3-76 78 0 J208-2 J4-76 79 0 J208-3 J4-73 80 0 J2 Corner Guide Pin IREV. B NOTES DESTINATION ORIGIN 7 of 7 BAS Ground 83311300 J I WL IDOCUMENT NO. SMD 7362 TITLE FAN CABLE WIRE LIST (Ref 76036200) CONDUCTOR 10 WIRE COLOR DESTINATION ORIGIN 1 0 CB2-2 B2-1 2 9 CB1-B1 B2-2 3 CLEAR CB1-GND LOWER GRILL B2 83311300 A ISHEET NO. 1 of 1 IREV. A NOTES 5-25 TITLE TRANSDUCER CABLE W/L (REF: 76427200 SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION 5-26 ORIGIN I A) WL DESTINATION IDOCUMENT N°·1SHEET NO. SMD 7272 1 of 1 WIRE 2 COLOR LEVEL 1 P12 34A J22 1 0 2 P12 31A J22 4 0 3 P12 28B J22 2 4 4 P12 2gB J22 3 4 5 J22 4 J22 SHLD 6 P12 34A BASE GND IRE~ NOTES 0 83311300 B SECTION 6 PARTS DATA PARTS DATA INTRODUCTION course of normal factory build. If it is necessary to order an assembly which is catalogued in this manner, the actual part number can usually be found on the part number label attached to the assembly. If the actual part number cannot be determined, be sure to include on the order the series code of the machine, and a listing of all the change orders installed. NFR in the part number column indicates that an assembly is not field replaceable. If repair of the NFR item is necessary, refer to the maintenance section of this manual for further information. This section provides the information needed to order field replaceable parts for the BJ701 & BJ7Bl Storage Module Drive (SMD). Information within this section is provided by representative illustrations and their companion parts lists. The parts shown on the illustrations are assigned index numbers. These numbers cross reference the illustrations to the associated parts lists. The first illustration in the manual shows the complete SMD. Subsequent illustrations progressively break the drive down into its component parts and assemblies. The parts lists associated with each illustration are organized in four columns: • • The Index Number column cross references the applicable entry to the associated illustration. When more than one entry is given for a particular index number, the use of the particular part is defined in the Application column. The Part Number column provides the eight digit number by which a part may be ordered. In some cases the last two digits (referred to as Tab numbers) may be shown as "xx". This situation exists when an assembly (which is not normally considered field replaceable) changes tab numbers rapidly in the 6 • The Description column provides the ~art nomenclature. This column also provldes information on the relationship of parts and assemblies. This is accomplished by means of indentation within the column. An indented item is part of a previous assembly which is indented to a lesser degree. • The Application column is used to show differences in configuration when more than one configuration of a machine is covered in the manual. This is shown by identifying a machine configuratio~ (50 Hz), by identifying a machine serles code and change order number (SiC 10 with 37900), or by identifying the last two digits of the eight digit assembly part number to which the particular part applies (Tab 17). ,.' / I", 83311300 U 6-1 /~6 16 / ' 20 6-100(2)F 6-2 FIGURE 6-1. FINAL ASSEMBLY - IX OPTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) 83311300 AK INDEX NO. III- IIIII- IIIII- PART NUMBER 76420017 76420018 76420019 76420020 76420025 76420026 76420042 76420047 76420067 76420068 76420072 76420073 76420085 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 93592428 10126402 10125106 10125606 92602002 75071700 92033221 92373004 82353600 943724XX 20 PART DESCRIPTION FINAL ASSEMBLY - IX OPTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY TOP CASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-9) SCREW, TPG. HEX PNL, 10-32 x 3/8 WASHERS, EXT. TOOTH LOCK, 8 REAR DOOR ASSEMBLIES REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY - IX OPTION (SEE FIGURE 6-5) REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY - 2X OPTION (SEE FIGURE 6-6) NUT-HEX, MACH, SCREW, 8-32 WASHERS, PLAIN, 8 CLAMP, CABLE-NYLON LEFT SIDE PANEL ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-8) IX FRONT DOOR ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-7) RIGHT SIDE PANEL ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-8) NOT USED NOT USED CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-12) ACOUSTICAL PACK COVER ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 6-11) PIN-PIVOT, COVER RETAINING RING NOT USED NYLINER-SNAP-IN LOGIC PLUG KIT (LOGICAL ADDRESS PLUG) (TAB 00-15) NOTES BJ701A BJ701B BJ701C BJ701D BJ7BIA BJ7BIB BJ7BID BJ7BIC BJ7BIK BJ7BIJ BJ701J BJ701K BJ7BIL SIC 27 & BLW SIC 28 & ABV PACKED SEPARATELY AND SHIPPED PART NUMBER TAB WITH UNIT. CORRESPONDS TO KEY NUMBER. I SPRING, GAS (SEE FIGURE 6-15) I" 83311300 AK 6-3 6-104(3)D FIGURE 6-1. 6-4 FINAL ASSEMBLY - IX OPTION (SHEET 2) 83311300 ~B I ~ INDEX NO. PART NUMBER 11 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 '. 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 10125801 10127104 77562901 77562906 77562909 92602002 77560300 75173315 10125724 76412701 75241500 75241501 95655516 77561100 76429318 94001133 76429327 76429328 77561800 10125747 10126403 10125108 10125607 77561600 77561700 10127142 76429329 76429328 76425201 76425202 77561200 10127113 10125803 76429362 10126401 10125105 77560400 77560200 76402600 75010103 75010102 75010105 75017500 47 I PART DESCRIPTION FINAL ASSEMBLY - 1X OPTION (SHEET 2) I/O CABLE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-13) WASHER, SPRING LOCK, 4 SCREW, PAN HD, MACH, 4-40 x 3/8 W12 CABLE ASSEMBLY W12 CABLE ASSEMBLY W12 CABLE ASSEMBLY CLAMP, CABLE-NYLON BASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-14) PIVOT PIN-RIGHT, COVER PLATE-NUT SCREW, FLAT HD, CRS. RES, 8-32 x 3/8 VARIABLE SECTOR OPTION (SEE CARD COMPLEMENT) CARD PLACEMENT (SEE CARD COMPLEMENT) HYSTERESIS BRAKE FEATURE HYSTERESIS BRAKE FEATURE HYSTERESIS BRAKE FEATURE SCREW, SHEET METAL, 6-20 x 3/8 FLANGE-SHROUD, RIGHT FRAME ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-3) SEAL-ACOUSTICAL TAPE, FOAM NOT USED SEAL-ACOUSTICAL SEAL-ACOUSTICAL . DAISY CHAIN-OPTION (SEE CARD COMPLEMENT) KEEPER-LATCH, DOOR, FRONT SCREW, FLAT HD, CRS. RES., 10-32 x 1/2 WASHER, EXT. TOOTH LOCK, 10 NUT-HEX, MACH., SCREW, 10-32 WASHER, PLAIN, 10 HINGE-DOOR, FRONT, LOWER HINGE-DOOR, FRONT, UPPER SCREW, PAN HEAD, MACH, 10-32 x 3/8 SEAL-ACOUSTICAL SEAL-ACOUSTICAL SHIPPING PIN & RING ASSEMBLY SHIPPING PIN & RING ASSEMBLY NOT USED FLANGE, SHROUD, LEFT SCREW, PAN HD, MACH, 6-32 x 3/8 WASHERS, SPRING LOCK, 6 SEAL-ACOUSTICAL WASHERS, EXT TOOTH LOCK, 6 NUT-HEX, MACH, 6-32 PLATE, NUT-BRACKET, PIVOT PIVOT, PIN-LEFT, PACK COVER NOT USED COVER-CHASSIS, LOGIC HEAD ARM ASSEMBLY, DATA HEADS 0 AND 3 HEAD ARM ASSEMBLY, DATA HEADS 1, 2, AND 4 HEAD ARM ASSEMBLY, SERVO HEAD SCREW, HEAD ARM NRZ TO MFM FEATURE (SEE CARD COMPLEMENT) PHASE LOCK FEATURE (SEE CARD COMPLEMENT) NOTES SIC 39 & BLW SIC 40 & 41 SIC 42 & ABV siC 08 W/O 37669 & BLW SiC 08,09 W/ 37669 Sic 10 & ABV SiC 09 W/O 37910A & BLW SiC 09 W/ 37910A & ABV SIC 27 & ABV, W/ 55658. BJ7BIC/D ONLY / \ '----- 83311300 AH 6-5 6-100(4)D 6-6 FIGURE 6-2. FINAL ASSEMBLY - 2X OPTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) 83311300 AK INDEX NO.· 2222- PART NUMBER 76420021 76420022 76420027 76420028 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 75071700 92033221 82353600 943724XX 9 83311300 AK PART DESCRIPTION FINAL ASSEMBLY - 2X OPTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY NOT USED NOT USED CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-12) ACOUSTICAL PACK ACCESS COVER ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-11) PIN-PIVOT, COVER RETAINING RING LOWER CASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-10) LOGIC PLUG KIT (LOGIG ADDRESS PLUG) (TAB 00-15) NOTES BJ701E BJ701F BJ7B1E BJ7B1F PACKED SEPARATELY AND SHIPPED WITH UNIT •. PART NUMBER TAB CORRESPONDS TO KEY NUMBER. SPRING, GAS (SEE FIGURE 6-l5) 6-7 I 15 6-100(5)M FIGURE 6-2. 6-8 FINAL ASSEMBLY - 2X OPTION (SHEET 2) 83311300 AG I \ INDEX NO. PART NUMBER 21 I ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 37 37 10125801 10127104 77560300 75173315 10125724 76412701 75241500 75241501 95655516 76423401 76423404 76423501 76429330 94001133. 76423400 76423403 76423500 76423402 76423405 10127113 10125803 76429331 10126401 10125105 77560400 77560200 76402600 75010103 75010102 75010105 75017500 76425201 76425202 77562901 77562904 77562906 PART DESCRIPTION FINAL ASSEMBLY ... 2X OPTION (SHEET 2) IIO CABLE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-13) WASHER, SPRING LOCK, 4 SCREW, PAN HEAD, MACH, 4-40 x 3/8 BASE ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 6-14) PIVOT PIN-RIGHT, COVER, PACK PLATE-NUT SCREW, FLAT HEAD, CRS. RES, 8-32 x 3/8 HYS'l'B:f{BSIS Bl ) • (See NOTE.) NOTE Speed with which needle returns to infinity (ex» is a function of capacity rating. Return swing is rapid for small capacitors, becoming slower as capacity increases. To a lesser degree, return swing is also dependent upon which meter scale is used. 83311300 U ( (' "---- A-3 TABLE A-I. DC VOLTAGES USED BY LOGIC-CHASSIS CARDS Loc. +5 V AOI .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A09 AlO All A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 .; * -5 V +12 V +42 V -42 V .; * * .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; * * .; .; +20 V -20 V .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; = Used = Brought in via back-panel connector TABLE A-2. VOLTAGES USED BY ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLIES Ass'y Name A4 Motor Relay Brd (with AXPN only) AS Hd Select, R/W Amp A8 Power Amp A8 A9 Servo Preamp Emergency Retract A10 Operator Panel All _XPN Board +5 V .; .; .; .; -5 V .; .; .; +12 V -12 V +20 V +42 V -42 V .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; = Used A-4 83311300 U Tl C5 (BLOWER MTR. 9K61 Figure A-i. Electronic Components on Base 83311300 U A-5 FRONT • \ C6 DRIVE MOTOR START CAP. " " ~ REAR "" " C7 EMERG. RETRACT CAPACITOR K2 EMERG. RETRACT RELAY DRIVE MOTOR AND PULLEY '(HYSTERESIS BRAKE NOT SHOWN) NOTE: DECK IN MAINTENANCE POSITION, VIEWED FROM LEFT SIDE OF UNIT. 9K62 Figure A-2. Electronic Components on Deck A-6 83311300 U P09-21B B (CURRENT SENSE) _L_U_ _- . VC _I _Y;..,:E;.:;L_____ BLK J 1-10 (GND) ---A09-17B C7 (_) _Y_E_L_ _ JI-12 (-42 V) A8-E4 A9CRI (-) JI-10(+42 V) R2 1....-.1...--- A9CRI (+) R2-2 +42 V R 1-2 -42 V R3-2 ±42 V GND RED A8-E13 9K67 Figure A-3. 30-W Resistor Locations for Assembly A8 83311300 U A-7/A-8 \ \ '-. ( \. DECISION LOGIC TABLES DLT (sheet 1 of 2) POWER UP 1 Warning: Tuning capacitor CB is charged to 440 volts. Enters from: Assumptions B Procedures: Logic Diagrams References: DLT 2 or sheet 2 of this DLT Exits to: Drive connected to ac power l. Assumption: 2. 3. Treat it with respect! Disk pack installed Attempt to power up and start drive from SMD panel (LOCAL mode) . CONDITIONS Does CBl trip? l. Turn on AC POWER breaker (CBl) . 2. 3. Does blower start when CBl is actuated? Turn on POWER SUPPLY breaker (CB2) . Does CB2 trip? Does logic fan start when CB2 is actuated? Does CBl or drive motor thermal brkr trip when CB2 is actuated? Is smell of burning insulation detected soon after turning on CB2? 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 45 67 8 - - - - - - - - - N - - - - - Y - - - - - Y N Y N Y - N N - - Y Y N N ACTIONS I. 2. Continue with Condition 7 on sheet 2. Suspect blower. Separate P/J301; if trouble persist, blower is OK. 4. Suspect short/gnd in blower cable or·connector. Suspect time meter. Disconnect; if trouble persists, meter is OK. 5. Suspect CBI. 6. If pwr plug customer-provided, check phase and gnd connections. 7. Check for ac at line filter. Chk for open blower, cable, or blower motor capacitor. 3. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. Suspect shorted CB. See WARNING, above. Suspect shorted logic fan or cable. Do steps 1-5 in Procedure B. Problem may be the -XKV (p. s.) brd. Suspect short in Tl or Tl wiring. Go to step 6 in Procedure B. Suspect open logic fan or cable. If ac present, replace CB2. Chk CB2 for ac input. Cause: Run triac energized before START switch has been pressed. Suspect Run logic X - - - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 2 - 1 - 3 - 4 - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - - - - - - 2 - - 1 1 - (-XPN board) . 17. Chk Run triac for shorted LOAD contacts (terminals 1,2) . IMMEDIATELY TURN OFF CB2 TO PREVENT You have lost +5 V power. BURNING UP THE VOICE COIL. To check for loss of voltage, go to DLT 2. - - - - - 2 - - - - - - X lB. Call Field Support. - 16. 5 5 5 3 3 - K0R-0679-2 83311300 U ( "'- .. A-9 i DLT (sheet 2 of 2) POWER UP 1 None Warning: Sheet 1 Enters from: C Procedures: Logic Diagrams, DLT 6 References: DLT 2, DLT 7 Exits to: l. Drive connected to ac power Assumption: 2. 3. Disk pack installed Attempt to power up and start drive from SMD panel (LOCAL mode) . CONDITIONS Does either CBl or drive mtr thermal brkr trip? 1 8 9 10 11 '1213141 N Y N N N N N N 7. Press START sw. 8. Does START light come on when START switch is pressed? Does drive motor start when START switch is pressed? Y 10. Does drive motor come up to speed? Y ll. Do heads load? 12. Does drive mtr cut out after up-to-speed timeout expires? Does CB2 trip after drive has been operating normally? 9. 13. Y Y (READY light comes on. ) N N - N - Y - - - - - N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y - - N Y - - - N - - Y - - - - Y Y N Y ACTIONS I Go to DLT 7. 19. Power-up and First Seek completed properly. 20. Suspect shorted Start triac. 2l. 22. Suspect shorted drive motor start capacitor. Suspect open Start winding in drive motor. 23. START indicator burned out. 24. Check all interlocks. 25. 27. Go to DLT 2 to check for presence of +5 volts. Chk that Local/Remote sw (BXPN brd only) is set to LOCAL. If tripped, find out why. Chk drive mtr thermal brkr. 26. 28. Suspect Run logic. 29. Suspect Run triac. 30. Replace ind/sw. Start with -XPN board. 3l. Chk hysteresis brake for mechanical binding. Suspect brake logic continuously energized (-XPN board) . 32. Suspect speed sensor, or attendant logic on -XPN board. 33. Suspect open Run winding in drive motor. 34. Refer to DLT 6--First Seek. 35. Suspect overloaded (overheated) pwr supply. 36. Call Field Support. Chk per Procedure C. X - 1 2 3 4 - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - 8 - 1 - - - - 1 - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 1 - - 6 2 - - 7 3 - - - 4 - - 9 - - - - - X - - - - 2 310 5 - 1 2 KQjR-0679-2 A-10 83311300 U DLT DC VOLTAGE CHECK 2 Warning: Tuning capacitor C8 is charged to 440 volts. Treat it with respect! Enters from: DLT 1 or when a dc voltage is suspect. Procedures: A References: Logic Diagrams DLTs 3,4,5; or DLT 1 if this table was entered from Actions 17 or 25 of that DLT. Exits to: Assumption: Lack of one or more dc voltages is noticed or suspected. Initial voltage measurements are made with all dc loads connected, using Procedure A. 1 2 3 45 6 78 910 11 12 CONDITIONS l. 2. Are ±5 voltages OK with load? With ±5 V loads disconnected (P/J2 separated) , is there +5 V (Use J2-0l as ground. ) at J2-03 and -5 V at J2-05? (0 ±20, ±42 voltages significantly low? 3. Are ±12, 4. Are ±20 voltages OK? 5. 20 V fuse (s) blown? 6. Are ±12 voltages OK with load? 7. With ±12 V loads disconnected, is there +12 V at J2-l0 and (1) (3) (Use J2-0l as ground. ) -12 V at J2-08? 8. Are ±42 voltages OK? 9. 42 V fuse (s) blown? -(2) y N N N N - N y N y - - - - - - - - NN - - - NY - - - - - N y N N y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ny - - - - - - - - - - NN N - - - - - - - - - N y y G) ACTIONS l. DC voltages are OK. X 2. Separate P/J2 (on -XKV brd) and try Condition 2. Trouble is in the ±5 V loads. Go to DLT 3. - 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Replace -XKV brd or, optionally, the entire p. s. assembly. Suspect open tuning capacitor (see WARNING, above) . Go to DLT 4. Trouble is in the +20 V loads. Separate P/J2 and try Condition 7. Trouble is in the +12 V loads. Go to DLT 3. Go to DLT 5. Trouble is in the ±42 V loads. Call Field Support. (1) - X - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - 1 - - X - X- - - - X - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - 1 - 2 X - Reconnect P/J2 to reestablish loads before going to next Condition. Fuse is bad if supply voltage does not appear on each side of fuse (use board foil as gnd) . (2) Check with VOM. (3) If no voltage, check 39D resistors R15 and R18 (figure Open resistor indicates drastic overload. Be sure to check out the loads (DLT 5) after replacing A-4) . the supply. K!2lR-0679-3 83311300 U A-II DLT LOCATING FAULTS IN THE ±5 V, 3 ±12 V LOADS Discharge C8 each time you turn off CB2 Warning: Enters from: DLT 2 D Procedures: References: Figures A-l,A-2,A-3; tables A-l,A-2; DLT 1, if required to complete Power Exits to: Assumption: DLT 2 has pointed to a load fault in (sheet 1 of 2) to separate or mate connectors Procedure A for dc voltages Up diagnostic either the ±5 V or the ±12 V networks. Precede each of the listed Conditions by turning off CB2. CONDITIONS I. b) c) d) e) 3. Remove PIOI from connector on assembly A5. Remove P201 from connector on operator panel (ass'y AIO) . f) Remove P205 from connector on -XPN brd (ass'y All). Reconnect P/J2 to establish power supply loads. Turn on CB2. Are +5 voltages OK? CD Y (1) - - (1) - - - - (0 - N - - - - - - Restore +12 V to logic chassis: a) Reconnect PAl to w/w side of logic chassis. b) Turn on CB2. Are ±12 voltages OK? N Y - - - - Add control panel (ass'y AIO) to +5 V load: Reconnect P/J201 on operator panel. a) b) 4. Remove PAl from w/w side of logic chassis. Remove PAlO from w/w side of logic chassis. g) h) 2. 1 2 3 45 67 8 Limit ±5 V load to logic chassis only: Remove ±20 V and ±42 V fuses (4) . a) Turn on CB2. Are ±5 voltages OK? Add -XPN brd (ass'y All) to ±5 V load: a) Reconnect P/J205 on -XPN board. b) Turn on CB2. Are ±5 voltages OK? - -1- Y N - - - - Y N - - - ACTIONS I. 2. Go to Procedure D to pinpoint ±5 V fault in logic chassis. 3. Go to Condition 3. 4. Turn off CB2, remove card All, and try again. If trouble persists, examine w/w from PAl to location All for +12 V short to gnd. trouble disappears when 11.,.11 is removed, replace card All. 5. Go to Condition 4. 6. Replace operator panel. 7. Go to Condition 5 on sheet 2. 8. Replace -XPN board. 9. Call Field Support. (1) - - X- - - X- - - 1 X - Go to Condition 2. - If - - - - X - - - - 1 - - - - X - - - - 1 2 - 2 - 2 As given in Procedure A. K!ZlR-0679-2 A-12 83311300 U DLT 3 LOCATING FAULTS IN THE ±S V, ±12 V LOADS (sheet 2 of 2) Discharge C8 each time you turn off CB2 to separate or mate connectors Warning: DLT 2 Enters from: D Procedures: Figures A-l,A-2,A-3; tables A-l, A-2; Procedure A for dc voltages References: DLT 1, if required to complete Power Up diagnostic Exits to: DLT 2 has pointed to a load fault in either the ±S V or the ±12 V networks. Assumption: Precede each of the listed Conditions by turning off CB2. 9 10 1112 CONDITIONS S. Add servo preamp assembly to ±12 V load: Reconnect PAlO to w/w side of logic chassis backpanel. a) Turn on CB2. Are ±12 voltages OK? b) CD Y N - - 6. Add assembly AS to ±S V, ±12 V loads: Reconnect P/J10l on assembly AS. a) b) Turn on CB2. Are any voltages below spec? Q) - - Y N ACTIONS 10. Go to Condition 6. 11- Replace the servo preamp assembly. 12. Replace assembly AS. Return to DLT 1, if required, to The ±S V and ±12 V loads are OK. complete the Power Up diagnostic. 13. 14. Call Field Support. CD X - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 2 - x 2 - As given in Procedure A. K(2lR-0679-2 83311300 U /' ( \ "---- ( "'---- A-13 DLT 4 Warning: Enters from: Procedures: References: Exits to: Assumption: LOCATING FAULTS IN THE ±20 V LOADS Discharge C8 each time you turn off CB2 to separate or mate connectors DLT 2 None Logic Diagrams; tables A-l, A-2 DLT 1, if required to complete Power Up diagnostic. Be sure that Fl and F2 Fl or F2 blows when ±20 V loads connected. are good, then precede each Condition listed below by turning off CB2. 1 2 3 45 6 78 910 11 12 CONDITIONS l. Restrict ±20 V distribution to the logic chassis: a) 2. 3. 4. Remove P10l from assembly AS. b) Remove P20S from -XPN brd (assembly All) . c) Turn on CB2. Y N Does either Fl or F2 blow? - - - - - - - - Add assembly A5 to +20 V load: a) Reconnect P/J10l. b) Turn on CB2. I - Does Fl (+20 V) blow? - Y N - - - - - - Add -XPN board (assembly All) to +20 V load: a) Reconnect P/J20S to -XPN board. b) Turn on CB2. - - - - Does Fl (+20 V) blow? Check out ±20 V wiring on logic chassis: a) Remove cards A01, AOS, A09, A10, All, A12, A16. Y N - - - - (All use ±20 V.) b) S. Turn on CB2 and check Fl and F2. Did either fuse blow? - - - - - - Y N - - - - - - Y N Check individual ±20 V cards: a) Select a ±20 V card and insert it in the proper card b) Turn on CB2. slot. Did either Fl or F2 blow? - - - - I ACTIONS Go to Condition 4. l. Problem is in the logic chassis. 2. Go to Condition 2. 3. Chk P10l cable for shorts/gnds. 4. Go to Condition 3. S. Chk P20S cable for shorts/gnds. 6. Check logic chassis backpanel wiring: -20 V is on pin 02B. - - - - - - - - - X - - - 1 - - - - X - - - - - - - - Y If OK, replace assembly AS. - If OK, replace -XPN board. - +20 V is on pin 33B, If problem cannot be located, special- - X - 1 - - - - - - - X - X order a new logic chassis. 7. Go to (or repeat) Condition S. When all cards OK, go to Action 9. 8. 9. Replace the defective card and try Condition 5 again. The ±20 V loads now check out to be OK. Return to DLT 1, if - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - X- - - - required, to complete the Power Up diagnostic. 10. Call Field Support. - - 2 - 2 - - - 2 - Kf/lR-0679-3 A-14 83311300 U DLT LOCATING FAULTS IN THE ±42 V LOADS 5 (sheet 1 of 2) Ensure that any leads you disconnect are clear of grounds or electrical elements. Caution: Enters from: DLT 2 None Procedures: Logic Diagrams; tables A-l,A-2; figure A-3 References: DLT 1, if required, to complete Power Up diagnostic Exits to: F3 and/or F4 blow when ±42 V load is connected. Assumption: This DLT involves alternately disconnecting ass'ys AS,A9,A5 and AO (locations A05 and A09 only) until faul t is found. Be sure F3 and F4 are good, then precede each Condition below by turning off CB2. CONDITIONS l. Is F3 (+42 V) the only fuse blown? 2. Disconnect ±42 V from assembly AS: 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y N - - - - (refer to figure A-3) . a) Remove the two red wires (+42 V) b) Remove the two blue wires (-42 V) c) Remove the two black wires (gnd) d) Turn on CB2. from R2-2. from Rl-2. from R3-2. - Did either.F3 or F4 blow? N - - - - - - Y N - y Disconnect ±42 V from emergency retract assembly A9: a) Discharge tuning capacitor CS. b) Remove red wire from + terminal of dual-diode package CRl. - (WARNING: 440 vol ts!) c) Remove two blue wires from d) Remove single blue wire from AC terminal of dual-diode CR2. e) Turn on CB2. terminal of CRl. Did either F3 or F4 blow? ACTIONS l. Turn off CB2, then remove Fault Store capacitor (500 Replace F3 and turn on CB2. ~F) from JA04. If fuse holds, replace capacitor. 1 - - - - - If fuse blows, reinstall capacitor and take next recommended Action. 2. Go to Condition 2. 2 X 3. Ass'y AS is OK. - - Restore wires removed in Condition 1, then qo to - - - - - - X Condition 3. 4. Replace assembly AS and try Condition 2 again. 5. ASs'y A9 is OK. 6. Replace assembly A9 and try Condition 3 again. 7. Call Field Support. Restore wires removed in Condition 3, then go to - - - 1 - - - - - X - Condition 4 on sheet 2. - - - - 3 - - 2 - 1 2 KQjR-0679-2 S33ll300 U I \,,- I '''-.._-- A-15 DLT (sheet 2 of 2) LOCATING FAULTS IN THE ±42 V LOADS Ensure that any leads you disconnect are clear of grounds or electrical elements'. S Caution: DLT 2 Enters from: None Procedures: Logic Diagrams; tables A-l ,A-2; figure A-3 References: DLT 1, if required, to complete Power Up diagnostic Exits to: Assumption: F3 and/or F4 blow when ±42 V load-is connected. This DLT involves alternately disconnecting ass'ys A8,A9,AS and AO (locations AOS and A09 only) until faul t is found. Be sure F3 and F4 are good, then precede each Condition below by turning off CB2. CONDITIONS 4. S. 7 8 9 10'11 12 13 14: Check out head sel/R-W assembly AS: a) Disconnect PIOI from assembly AS. (AS does not use -42 V. ) b) Turn on CB2. Did F3 blow? Y N - - - - - - Check out ±42 V wiring on logic chassis backpanel: a) Remove cards at locations AOS and A09 of logic chassis. b) Turn on CB2. Did F3 or F4 blow? 6. Install card AOS and turn on CB2. Did F3 or F4 blow? 7. Install card A09 and turn on CB2. Did F3 or F4 blow? 8. Assembly AS is OK. - - Y N - - - - - - - Y N - - - - - - - Y N ACTIONS 9. Reconnect P/JIOl and go to Condition S. Replace Piggy-back-ZKN board (Writer) in assembly A5 and try - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - X Condition 4 again. 10. +42 V is on Check backpanel wiring between locations A09 and A05. pin 33B, -42 V on pin 03B. Voltages come in on W5 harness attaching - - 1 - - - - - to A09 w/w pins via PA09. II. Go to Condition 6. 12. Replace card A05 and try Condition 6 again. 13. Go 14. Replace card A09 and try Condition 7 again. 15. The ±42 V distribution check out OK. to Condition 7. Go to DLT 1, if required, to - - - - - - - - 1 - - - X - - - 1 - - - X - 2 2 - 2 X complete Power Up diagnostic. 16. Call Field Support. - 2 - K0R-0679-2 A-16 83311300 U DLT (sheet 1 of 2) FIRST SEEK 6 None Warning: DLTs 1 through 5 Enters from: See sheet 2 Procedures: Logic Diagrams References: DLT 7 or sheet 2 of this DLT Exits to: Assumption: START light is on, drive is up to speed. CONDITIONS 1 2 3 45 67 8 1. READY light comes on, signifyinq successful First Seek? Y N N N N N 2. First Seek attemEted? - N N N N N 3. Check that Heads Loaded switch is transferring: a) Press START sw to stop disk. Do not turn off breakers. b) Manually push voice coil forward to move heads off unloading ramp. 4. Does voice coil attempt to retract? Check forward drive to voice coil: a) Disconnect wire from term. 2 of v.c. - - N Y Y Y (one closest to magnet assy) . b) Attach + lead of VOM to disconnected wire, com. lead to c) Press START. d) Wait for 15-20 second up-to-speed timeout to expire and then logic gnd. chk VOM. Does VOM read approx +40 V? - - - - N Y ACTIONS No problem. 2. Go to DLT 7. Go to Condition 3. X - X - I. 3. Suspect leads to (or contacts in) Em. Retract Relay. 4. Suspect open voice coil. 5. Replace Heads Loaded switch. 6. Replace power amp. 7. Hds Loaded sw OK. 8. Suspect card A09 (pwr amp control) . 9. Go to Condition 4 to chk fwd drive on v.c. Suspect cards All, A03 (direction control) . 10. Suspect card A12 (summing amp). II. Suspect card A13 (diff cntr, CAR) . 12. Suspect card A05 (speed control) and -XPN board. 13. Voice coil should attempt First Seek when up-to-speed timeout 14. Call Field Support. expires. - - - - - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - X- - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - - - X - - - - Go to Condition 5 on sheet 2. - - 5 7 K{ijR-0679-2 83311300 U A-17 DLT FIRST SEEK 6 (sheet 2 of 2) None Warning: Enters from: Sheet 1 Trk Servo Amplitude Check (section 3C) ; Hd-Arm Repl. (3D) , Hd Alignment (3B) Procedures: Logic Diagrams References: DLT 7 Exits to: Assumption: START light is on, drive is up to speed. CONDITIONS 2. First Seek attempted? 5. Drive attempts First Seek, then unloads? 6. Servo preamp input to card AlO OK? 7. Track Servo signal present at AlO-09B (output pin)? 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - N Y Y - - - - NY - - - 8. Drive seeks to forward mechanical stop, FAULT light comes on (+42 fuse blows) , but heads don't unload--unit cannot power down? - - - - 1. READY light signifies successful First Seek? (From sheet 1.) 9. (From sheet 1.) Y - - Drive seeks to fwd mech stop, waits for FAULT light (+42 fuse - - - - - Y - - - - - - Y blows) , then retracts? 10. Drive loads heads, hesitates, then creeps to fwd EaT? 15. Not sensing dibits. 16. Chk 17. Replace servo preamp. ACTIONS Chk servo preamp input to AlO (Trk Servo Ampl X - - - - - - Chk) , then go to Condition 6. ~or continuity /gnds in servo preamp cable (input to AlO) . 18. Replace and align servo head (see Procedures, above) . 19. Suspect card AlO. 20. Suspect propagation of Track Servo signal through cards All, A09, - 1 - 2 - 3 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - A12, A04. 21. 22. Replace power amp. Suspect velocity transducer and attendant logic on card A12 (cards - - - - - - - - - 3 2 2 A04, All also involved, but checked in Action 23) . 23. Suspect Fine Enable logic on cards All, A04. 24. Suspect cards A12, AlO, A09. 25. Call Field Support. - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 4 2 2 4 3 1 2 3 Kf2JR-0679-2 A-18 83311300 U DLT RTZ/CONTINUOUS SEEKS 7 None Warning: DLT 6 Enters from: None Procedures: Logic Diagrams References: DLT 8 Exits to: 1. FTU connected to drive via A and B cables Assumption: \ 2. 3. Remote/Local switch on drive (if present) set to REMOTE LAP installed and drive selected from FTU. CONDITIONS RTZ successful? 1. Actuate RTZ switch on FTU. 2. Set up and perform continuous seeks: a) 1 23 45 67 8 y N - - - y - N - Set FTU Auto Function switch to CONT. b) Set all FTU cylinder address switches "off" (down) . c) Actuate FTU's START switch. d) Sequentially select/deselect cyl addr switches (1,2,4 ... 256, 512) to step actuator between track 0 and the track indicated by the active cyl addr switch. Is Continuous Seek successful? 3. 4. - Select track (cyl) 822: • Set cyl addr switches to 366 16 (1466 8) • • Set cyl addr switches to 367 16 (1467 8) . Does Seek Error occur when attempting to go to track 823? Is seek to track 822 successful? Select track (cyl) 823: Y - - N - Y - - - N - - - ACnUN~ 1. Seeks executed properly--proceed to DLT 8. X - 2. 3. Replace A03 card (Access Control and Sector Decode) • Replace A04 card (Access Control 1) . - 4. Replace All card (Access Control 2) . - 3 5. Replace A12 card (D/A Function Generator) . - 6. Replace A07 card (Receivers) • Replace A13 card (Difference Counter and Control) . - 5 4 4 4 7. 8. Replace A02 card (RPS Steering, et al). - 6 5 5 5 9. Call Field Support. - 7 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 - - - - - 4 3 3 3 - - 2 2 2 K(2JR-0679-2 83311300 U ( /' \, - A-19 DLT WRITE 8 Warning: None DLT 7 Enters from: None Procedures: Logic diagrams References: DLT 9 Exits to: Assumption: TB303 FTU connected to drive (REMOTE operation) • switch set to WR position. FTU's RD/ACC/WR CONDITIONS 1. 1 2 3 45 6 78 910 11 12 FAULT indication given when drive is connected to controller but not when connected to FTU? N Y N N N N N N N N - YY - NY - - - - FAULT liqht on FTU panel comes on? N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4. FAULT liqht on SMD panel comes on? Is Fault limited to certain groups of contiguous addresses? N 5. Check LEDs on back of Operator panel (Ass'y AIO): 2. 3. a) WRT FLT on? b) HD SEL FLT on? c) W d) ON CYL . - R FLT on? . (W + R) on? - - - Y N - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - - y ACTIONS 2. No problem--proceed to DLT 9. Check that Write Protect switches are OFF. 3. Chk that +5 V is available. I. 4. Go to Condition 4. 5. Replace A13 card (CAR bits) . 6. Go to Condition 5. Check that the OFFSET switch on FTU panel is lIoffll (Center position) . 8. Replace AOI card (Write PLO) . 9. Replace A14 card (NRZ -+ X - If voltage OK, replace Operator Panel. 7. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X MFM) . 10. Replace A07 card (Rcurs) . II. Replace A02 card (RPS et all . 12. 13. REplace A06 card (xmtrs) . Replace A05 card (Write Protect) . 14. Replace A04 card (On Cyl) . 15. Replace Write Driver card on assembly A5. 16. Replace Read Amp card on assembly A5. 17. Call Field Support. - - X - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - 2 - - - 3 - 2 - 4 2 2 3 - 5 3 3 - - 6 4 4 - - 7 - 5 - - - - - - 8 - 6 - - - 5 4 - 9 6 7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 K{1jR-0679-3 A-20 83311300 U DLT READ 9 Warning: None DLT 7 Enters from: Procedures: References: Exits to: Assumption: Head Alignment Logic diagrams DLT 10 TB303 FTU connected to drive (REMOTE operation) . RD/ACC/WR switch set to RD position. FTU's CONDITIONS 1. Was data read properly? 2. Is ALT/ONES switch on FTU set to read the data pattern previously Y N N N N written on the disk? 3. 1 23 45 67 8 - N Y - - Is NRZ/MFM switch on FTU set correctly for data being received from - - - drive under test? 4. Are errors head-related? 1. No problem--proceed to DLT 10. X - 2. Change switch to agree with data being read and try again. - X 3. Replace A16 card (Read PLO)--for NRZ interface only. 4. Replace A15 card (Data Latch) . 5. Replace A14 card (NRZ - Y N - N - Y ACTIONS -+ MFM) . 6. Replace All ~ card (Offset) . 7. Replace A07 card (Rcurs) . 8. Replace A06.card (Xmtrs) . 9. Replace A02'card (RPS et al). 10. Check head alignment per maintenance procedures. 11. Replace Hd Sel/Rd Amp card on assembly AS. 12. Replace Faulty Head(s) 13. Call Field Support. and perform Head Alignment. - - - - X 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 1 7 - 2 8 - 3 9 - - - 4 10 - 5 KIZlR-0679-2 83311300 U \, ''''--_/ A-21 DLT POWER DOWN 10 None Warning: DLT 9 Enters from: None Procedures: Logic diagrams References: None (diagnostics completed) Exits to: Assumption: Remote operation--Attempt to power-down the drive from the FTU Local operation--Press START switch to extinguish START light and power-down the drive. 1 23 45 67 8 CONDITIONS (LOCAL mode only. ) Y Y Y Y N l. START light on SMD goes out? 2. Heads unload? Y Y Y N 3. Drive motor brakes to a stop. Y N N 4. Drive motor coasts to a stop. N N Y - - - ACTIONS l. None req'd--diagnostics completed satisfactorily. 2. Chk deck interlock switch (or wiring) for grounds. - Chk that Heads Loaded switch has transferred (PA02-4A should be - 2 3. X 1 - - - - - - - at ground). 4. Replace BXPN brd (ass'y All) or relay brd (ass'y A4) as applicable. 5. Chk hysteresis brake and intervening connectors (see logic diagrams); - 3 - - 2 1 - - - if OK, go to next recommended Action. 6. Replace A03 card (RTZ Latch) . 7. Replace A12 card (Summing Amp) . 8. Replace A09 card (Power Amp Control) . 9. Suspect base of Ql on operator panel (-ZYN card) grounded. Check - - - 4 3 4 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - - 1 associated components on -ZYN card. 10. Call Field Support. KQlR-0679-2 A-22 83311300 u /' PROCEDURES /' \'( ""---- ' PROCEDURE A: CHECKING DC VOLTAGES \ gives the usual symptoms for a malfunctioning power supply. Because spare parts for the components in the various supplies are not usually provided, a power supply is not normally repaired in the field, but simply replaced by substituting either a new power supply board or an entire power supply assembly. This procedure defines dc-voltage checkpoints on the drive for both load and no-. load conditions. It is used in conjunction with DLT2 or whenever a dc voltage is suspect. The voltage readings in table A-3 may be obtained by using either a standard (need1etype) or digital volt-ohmmeter. Table A-4 TABLE A-3. CHECKING DC VOLTAGES Volt-Ohmmeter Connections +5 -5 +12 -12 +20 -20 +42 -42 + Probe - Probe + Probe - Probe +5 Faston -5 Faston Either of the GND Fastons on logic chassis or the ground...; plane foil of the -XKV brd (see figure A-4) • J2-03 J2-0S J2-10 J2-0S J2-06 J2-04 J2-13 J2-09 J2-01 or J2-02 or J2-12 or J2-14 ffi35 U9-2 US-2 1 2 +20 Faston -20 Faston A1F3 A1F4 3~ CD No Load (A1P/J2 Separated) Normal Load (A1P/J2 Mated) Voltage to be Checked US, U9 Pin Arrangement 2"I\A~/1 0 I--- ~ TABLE A-4. +5.1 -5.1 +12 -12 +20 -20 +42 -42 (±O.OS) (±O.OS) (±2) (±2) (±2) (±2) (±2) (±2) If ± 12 vo1taqes remain in the range 7-9 V (± ) or fluctuate between ±12 V and o V, suspect a fault in the dc loads. Verify with no-load readings. Heavy overloads such as a dead short will cause the regulator's thermal protect feature to drop the output voltage to zero. FAILURE SYMPTOMS IN POWER SUPPLIES Symptom 83311300 U Voltage Readings Probable Cause 1. Noticeable ripple at output (checked with oscilloscope) Open diode or open filter capacitor 2. Less than specified output (ac input ok) Shorted diode or shorted filter capacitor 3. Output decreases significantly when load is connected. Open b1eed~r resistor A-23 PROCEDURE: 1. Turn off POWER SUPPLY breaker (CB2) 2. Raise logic chassis to maintenance position to give access to voltage Fastons. 7. If the ±5 V readings are outside the tolerances of table A-3, adjust those voltages as described under the Plus and Minus 5 Volt Regulators procedure in section 3B. 8. If further maintenance is not to be performed at this time: 3. Be sure that P/J2 is mated to provide loads for the supplies to be checked. a. turn off CB2 4. Turn on CB2 b. reconnect P/J2 5. Using the VOM probe connections from the NORMAL LOAD columns of table A-3, check each supply voltage. c. return the logic chassis to its normal position and secure the 1/4-turn fastener. 6. If any voltage is outside the tolerance given in table A-3, or is nonexistent, proceed to check the noload voltages by separating P/J2 and using the probe connections specified in the NO LOAD columns of the table. (Turn off CB2 before separating P/J2) d. turn on CB2 to restore normal drive functions. A-24 833113QO U PROCEDURE B: CHECKING AC INPUTS TO POWER SUPPLIES For this reason, do not separate P/Jl in an attempt to measure the ac input voltages directly at the pin-sockets of PI. This procedure verifies that a given secondary winding of ferroresonant transformer Tl has sufficient voltage to drive its associated power supply. The procedure should be performed whenever Tl is suspected as the cause for a lower-than-normal dc voltage, as measured using Procedure A. Steps 6 through 16 should also be performed whenever either the power supply assembly or the -XRV power supply board has been replaced, to assure that the previously malfunctioning supply did not damage the transformer. T~e first five steps in the procedure, along w1th the resistance readings in table A-5, assure that the -XKV board itself is not shorted. This ensures that the subsequent ac input readings will be a valid indication of the transformer's performance. Table A-6 shows the oscilloscope connections for monitoring the ac input to each supply. Figure A-~ gives the location of those monitoring p01nts on the -XKV board. Figure A-5 shows the square-wave input (secondary-winding output) and the nominal ac voltages, the latter given more precisely in table A-6. NOTE The ±5, ±20, and ±42 V supplies constitute the load for Tl and its tuning capacitor, A1C8. Without a load, Tl would oscillate and produce meaningless voltage readings. +5 V ADJ-------=-'/~---.,;.ERLJ -c:::r-~ --rnm:.~ ~ CBIIJ...-c:::J------;--- 5 V ADJ -c::J- U2 " U3 I Q6 (-5 V) COLL. = ',-- r[J F4 [] [J F3 [] F2 []1 FI []-1 R20 RI9 = ~ r CRI3 CR9 @ @ CR7 ±42 V 9K72 Figure A-4. 83311300 U ( '. ( "- AC-Input Probe Points on -XKV Board A-25 OSCILLOSCOPE SETTINGS SCOPE GNO TO LOG I C GNO VOLTS/OIV CH I CH 2 -NA CD TIME/OIV A- VARY FOR CONVENIENT TRACE B-NA TRIGGERING A (USE X I B (USE X E L PROBE)- LINE PROBE)- NA PROBE CONNECTIONS CH I (USE X I PROBE)CH 2 (USE X PROBE)- NA ® CD ---------~-----------.... -r-~""--~f:;;..-.;t;=_' -- - '- -- -- ±5 V: E=II V ± 20 V: E =22 V ±42 V: E =44 V ® SEE Figure A-5. Steps 1 through 5 ensure that there are no shorts in the power supplies on the -XKV board that might give the erroneous impression that Tl was at fault rather than the board itself. (Power Supply breaker) 2. Remove the plastic cover protecting the -XKV board. 3. Isolate the -XKV board by separating connectors P/Jl (to Tl) and P/J2 (to dc loads). 4. Referring to table A-5, check the input resistance of each supply. Allow time for the input capacitor to charge before determining the final reading. TABLE A-5. Power SUPPly +5 -5 ±20 ±42 A-26 V V V V CHECKING FOR SHORTED -XKV BOARD YOM Connections to Jl 1,3 5,7 6,8 2,4 Resistance (VOM Scale: RxlOO) Inf. Inf. 9K68 Tl Inputs to Power Supply (-XKV Board PROCEDURE: 1. Turn off CB2 TABLE 5. If any of the four readings are significantly lower than those given in table A-5, the -XKV board should be replaced. Steps 6 through 16 check the ac input to the -XKV board. 6. Reconnect P/Jl 7. Plug in the test scope and set the trigger control to LINE. Turn on the scope and when the horizontal trace becomes visible, center it on the graticule. 8. Connect the scope's ground probe to the ground-plane foil of the -XKV board (refer to figure A-4) . 9. Turn on CB2. 10. Connect the scope's + probe (i.e., CHI or CH2, depending upon scope set-up) to either lead of the input filter capacitor listed in table A-6 for the voltage to be checked. (Refer to figure A-4 for capacitor locations.) 11. Adjust scope's TIME/DIV control to secure a stable square-wave trace (ref: figure A-5) . 4300~ 4300~ 83311300 U TABLE A-6. CHECKING AC INPUTS TO -XKV BOARD Scope Connections Supply to be (Refer to Figure A-I) Checked. for + Probe AC Input - Probe (AC Input) (Ground) +5 V Cl -5 V C7 ±20 V Cll ±42 V C16 12. Adjust scope's VOLTS/DIV control to allow easy mental reckoning of the voltage represented by the trace, as shown against the graticule lines. 13. Record the voltage (or make a mental note, if you trust your visual memory) from the ground ieference line on the graticule to the top and bottom plateaus of the trace, as indicated by "E" in figure A-5 (two readings). 14. Repeat step 13 with the + probe connected to the other lead of the input capacitor. 15. If both steps 13 and 14 show a symmetrical wave shape about the ground reference line (that is, all four voltage readings are the same), and are within the tolerance specified in table A-6, the Tl winding for that particular supply is ok. Groundplane foil of -XKV board (see fig. A-I) AC Input Voltages (Check each Side of Input Capacitor) 11 V ±l V 11 V ±l V 22 V ±l V 44 V ±2 V any difference more distinguishable. Keep in mind that the VOM readings will be less because they are effective, not peak, voltages. 16. If the voltage readings are not the same, or if they are the same but not within the tolerances given in table A-6, the problem has to be a shorted winding in Tl. You may be able to confirm this by sniffing the transformer for evidence of burned insulation, although this is not a definite test. Proceed to step 17. WARNING j Tuning capacitor AIC8 is charged to 440 volts. Be sure to discharge it before starting step 17. No'rE If you suspect a disparity between the sets of readings taken in steps 10 and 11, check the probe points again with a VOM, which will make 83311300 U 17. Replace transformer Tl, using the procedure given in section 2D. 18. Check the newly installed transformer by repeating steps 6 through 14. A-27 PROCEDURE C: TROUBLESHOOTING HEATGENERATED PROBLEMS CAUTION If the heads perform an unscheduled retract and the START and FAULT lights are both off, immediately turn off the POWER SUPPLY breaker; you have dropped +5 V and run the risk of burning up the voice coil. Only after you've shut off dc power should you check to see if the power-down resulted from a failure on the ac line. (Hint: is the blower still on? ) If you commit the above CAUTION to memory and act instinctively upon it, you may one day save yourself a lot of trouble; failure of the +5 V supply is a common cause for abnormal shut-downs. Heat problems are of two types -- those originating in the power supplies and those developing in the various loads. Should a load fault take out a 20 V or 42 V fuse, the course is clear: simply refer to the applicable "load" DLT. If the load does not pop a fuse but merely brings up a FAULT light (on the back of the operator panel), the table below should offer a starting point for correcting the problem. (If the +5 V supply goes, of course, the fault lights won't work.) FAULT Voltage (except +5 V) On Cyl· (~HR) Write A-28 A05 A05, A02, A04 A05, A02, A13, A14, AS assy (Write Driver board) A05, A02, A07 Hd Sel Heat-related problems are easy to diagnose: they occur only when the drive gets hot, and they disappear when the drive has had a chance to cool off. If you suspect a problem is heat-related, let the drive cool down, then note the failure (or more accurately, the absence of the failure) when the drive is started up again. Often the troubleshooting period can be shortened by applying artificial heat to the suspected area (a hair dryer is useful here). Once you've diagnosed the problem, correct it as you would any other malfunction. PROBLEM RELATED TO A05, A06, AS assy (Hd Sel/Rd Amp board) Losing ±5 V can be bothersome because those supplies maintain a uniform output voltage right up to their current limit, and then drop to 0 V when that limit is exceeded. Should this happen, check to see if the supply itself is the culprit by disconnecting the 5 V load. If the voltage returns to 5 V, the fault lies in the load, not the supply. 83311300 U PROCED,URE D: PIN-POINTING VOLTAGE FAULTS IN THE LOGIC CHASSIS 4. Ensure that all other connectors are properly mated. This procedure locates ±S V, ±20 V, and ±42 V faults on cards in the logic chassis or in the logic chassis backpanel wiring. (There is no ±12 V load in logic chassis assembly A2. ) S. Remove all cards from the logic chassis. (See NOTE, above, for possible exception to this "all cards" rule.) The test procedure may be conducted in either of two ways. The first method is to check the ±S V, ±20 V, and ±42 V loads individually by entering Procedure D from the applicable DLT: ±S V -- Condition 1 of DLT 3 ±20 V Condition 1 of DLT 4 ±42 V Condition 3 of DLT 6 The second method is to check all three loads at the same time. The test for load faults in each voltage is made by adding cards to the logic chassis one at a time, so it'is more efficient to check all three loads on a given card at one time. (Of course, some cards will not require all three checks.) The second method is the one described below, ' and requires that the tests for Conditions 1 and 2 of DLT 6 have been satisfactorily completed before entering the procedure. NOTE \-.. It should be pointed out that, as shown in table A-I, only +S V is used on every card. If there is no +S V fault in the logic chassis, only the cards using the faulted voltage(s) need to be removed. 1. Be certain that Conditions 1 and 2 of DLT 6 have been tested with satisfactory results before proceeding to step 2. (Condition 1 checks the servo capacitors, Condition 2 the power amplifier.) 6. Turn on the PS breaker. 7. Load faults caused by wiring errors in (or damage to) the logic chassis backpanel will show up as a blown fuse. Check the integrity of each fuse as described in DLT 2. If a fuse blows, carefully raise the logic chassis to the maintenance position and check backpanel for grounds caused by bent pins or dangling wires. After clearing the fault, restore the logic chassis to its normal position. 8. Turn off the PS breaker. You are now ready to start putting the cards back in the logic chassis one at a time, checking for faults after each one has been inserted. 9. Before inserting a card, examine both sides for evidence of arcing across the foil. Often the carbon residue around an arc area can be removed with an alcohol swab and the card won't give any more trouble. 10. Insert the selected card properly. 11. Turn on the PS breaker, 12. Using table A-I to determine which voltages are present on the card, check the integrity of the applicable fuses. 13. If step 12 shows a blown fuse, turn off the PS breaker, replace the card just installed with a fresh one from the spare parts bin and try the test again. 14. If step 12 shows that the fuses are OK, turn off the PS breaker and, selecting another card, repeat steps 9 through 14. 2. Turn off the POWER SUPPLY (PS) breaker. 3. Separate PA80 and PA81 from their jacks on the logic chassis. /--I I ~ 83311300 U IS. When all cards have been checked good, return to the applicable "load fault" DLT to continue the dc-load checkout on the additional assemblies. A-29 I \ APPENDIX B DECISION LOGIC TABLES (DLTs) for SMDs with Series Code 23 (S/C 23) and below CONTENTS Introduction B-1 DLT 6 - First Seek B-20 Using the DLT B-1 DLT 7 - RTZ, Continuous Seeks B-22 DLT 8 - Write B-23 - Read B-24 USEFUL TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS Using a VOM to Check a Capacitor B-3 DLT 9 In-Circuit Diode Checking With a VOM B-3 DLT 10 DLTs - Power Down B-25 PROCEDURES - B-11 Procedure A: Checking DC Voltages B-27 DLT 2 Isolating Problems in the DC Network B-13 Procedure B: Checking AC Inputs to Power Supplies B-29 DLT 3 Loads Locating Faults in the DC B-15 Procedure C: Troubleshooting HeatGenerated Problems B-31 DLT 4 Loads Locating Faults in the ±20 V B-17 Procedure D: pin-Pointing Voltage Faults in Logic Cards B-32 DLT 1 DLT 5 Loads - Power Up Locating Faults in the ±42 V B-18 FIGURES B-1 Electrical Components on Base B-5 B-2 Electrical Components on Deck B-6 B-3 External Components on Power Supply Module B-7 DC Connections to Logic Chassis B-8 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-4 Voltage Checkpoints on Assembly A3 B-8 30-W Resistor Locations for Assembly A8 B-9 T1 Input to Power Supplies (Proc B) B-30 Failure Symptoms in Power Supplies (Proc A) B-29 Checking AC Inputs to Power Supplies (Proc B) B-29 TABLES B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 DC Voltages Used by Logic Chassis Cards B-4 DC Voltages Used by Electronic Assemblies B-4 Checking DC Voltages (Proc A) B-27 83311300 U B-5 B-i APPENDIX B DECISION LOGIC TABLES (DLTs) INTRODUCTION USING THE DLT Decision logic tables help the maintenance technician to organize his thinking when problems occur in the drive. For a given fault condition (or set of conditions), actions are recommended to locate and correct the fault. The actions are arranged so that the corrective measures that are easiest to perform (checking a fuse or changing a card in the logic chassis, for example) are listed before the more difficult tasks such as replacing the head/arm assembly or drive motor. The DLT is divided into four quadrants. The upper-left quadrant, CONDITIONS, contains the various test conditions that can be answered "yes" or "no". The CONDITIONS quadrant is prefaced by any ASSUMPTIONS (that is, preconditions) that must be observed if the test results are to be valid. Sometimes, prerequisite actions other than the ASSUMPTIONS must be taken before the test for a given condition is made. Such steps are included in the CONDITIONS quadrant. The yes (Y) or no (N) answers to each condition are shown in numbered columns in the top-right Situations quadrant. A section called Useful Troubleshooting Aids precedes the DLT section and is separated from it by a divider page. This section contains two general-interest maintenance procedures, as well as tables and figures that should prove useful throughout the troubleshooting effort, particularly to personnel not familiar with the SMD. The DLT section consists of ten tables, described briefly below. • DLT 1 shows how to correct problems that occur while attempting to "power up" the drive. • DLT 2 isolates dc power distribution problems either to the power supply loads or to the power supply module, and tells how to cure those that occur within the power supply module itself. • DLT 3 shows how to locate power faults in the dc loads, defining cures for those encountered in the unfused loads (±5 V, ±12 V). • DLT 4 shows how to locate and correct faults in the ±20 V loads. • DLT 5 shows how to locate and correct faults in the ±42 V loads. • DLTs 6 through 9 are to be used with the FTU (TB303) to correct various seek and read/write errors. • DLT 10 shows what to do when a drive does not "power down" properly. The procedures referred to in the DLTs form the last section in this appendix. 83311300 U To use the DLT, first determine whether the result of a condition tested is Y or N. If two or more conditions exist simultaneously, look for a situations column that combines the appropriate Y-N answers for those conditions. A dash (-) in the top-right Situations quadrant means that the related Condition is not a factor in determining what actions are to be taken for that situation. Next, determine what action should be taken for a given test result (i.e., situation) by following down the selected column to the row marked "1" in the lower-right Sequence quadrant. (If there is only one recommended action for a given situation, an "X" appears instead of the "I".) The recommended action is then located by moving across to the lower-left ACTIONS quadrant. A dash in a column of the Sequence quadrant indicates that the related Action isn't applicable. After taking the first recommended action, repeat the test that gave rise to the situation. If the test results haven't changed (same situation), try recommended action 2, and so on, being sure to repeat the test after each such action. Column 1 is generally reserved for an "everything OK" situation. If a DLT requires more than one sheet, this "no problem" column is repeated on each sheet, Similarly, the last ACTION on each sheet is a recommendation to "call field support". Don't brood over your inadequacy if you reach this last entry; not every situation can be covered in a DLT! B-l/B-2 ,/ ( ~ ( (" \,,- (, USEFUL TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS USING A VOM TO CHECK A CAPACITOR 1. Remove power from the equipment. 2. Discharge capacitor by momentarily shorting the leads with a jumper wire. (Use screwdriver for large capacitors.) 3. Isolate the capacitor by disconnecting one lead from the circuit. IN-CIRCUIT DIODE CHECKING WITH A VOM A diode that is suspect can be given a preliminary check without disconnecting it from the circuit. Merely check the diode twice, reversing the meter leads between the two readings. Of course, power should be off, and for your own peace of mind any capacitors in the circuit should be discharged. Needle goes rapidly to full scale (On), then regresses to infinity (co ) . (See NOTE.) Capacitor OK Keep in mind that the forward drop across a good diode is in the range 5 - l5n~ the reverse drop is on the order of 1 Mn. Parallel resistances in the circuit will, of course, significantly reduce the higher of these two readings, but if one is low and the other high, chances are the diode is OK. If both are low, the diode is probably shorted; if both are high, it's probably open. Needle goes rapidly to full scale and remains there. Capacitor shorted This check can also be used for a bridge rectifier. You'll probably want to check at least two diodes in the bridge, because back-circuits may give different readings across different diodes. Needle deflects slightly or not at all. Capacitor open 4. Set VOM to X1000 (ohms) scale. 5. Connect the VOM across the capacitor leads. The condition of the capacitor is interpreted as follows: Meter reading Interpretation NOTE Speed with which needle returns to infinity (CO) is a function of capacity rating. Return swing is rapid for small capacitors, becoming slower as capacity increases. To a lesser degree, return swing is also dependent upon which meter scale is used. 83311300 U TABLE B-1. DC VOLTAGES USED BY LOGIC-CHASSIS CARDS Loc. +5 V AOl .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A09 AIO All A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 .; * -5 V +12 V +20 V -20 V .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; +42 V -42 V .; * * .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; * * .; .; = Used = Brought in via back-panel connector TABLE B-2. VOLTAGES USED BY ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLIES Ass'y Name A4 Motor Relay Brd (with AXPN only) A5 Hd Select, R/W Amp A8 Power Amp A8 Servo Preamp A9 Emergency Retract AIO Operator Panel All _XPN Board .; = B-4 +5 V .; .; .; .; -5 V .; .; .; +12 V -12 V +20 V +42 V -42 V .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; .; Used 83311300 U T1 C5 (BLOWER MTR. C 8 (TUNING CAP. FOR T 1) 9K61 Figure B-1. Electrical Components on Base 83311300 U \ '--. B-S FRONT • " '\. ~ REAR "" C7 EMERG. RETRACT CAPACITOR K2 EMERG. RETRACT RELAY " DRIVE MOTOR AND PULLEY "(HYSTERESIS BRAKE NOT SHOWN) NOTE: DECK IN MAINTENANCE POSITION, VIEWED FROM LEFT SIDE OF UNIT. 9K62 Figure B-2. Electrical Components on Deck B-6 83311300 U 0 1 O. 082 /LF cp -fl-~R4 (-42 V) CUSTOMER DOCUMENTATION DEPARTMENT 5950 CLEARWATER DRIVE MINNETONKA, MN. 55343 ---------------------FOLD FOLD / CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS, P.O. BOX 0, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55440 LITHO IN U.S.A. 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