83323370F+upd G_TB216_Field__Unit_Hardware_Maintenance_Nov81 83323370F Upd G TB216 Field Unit Hardware Maintenance Nov81
83323370F+updG_TB216_Field__Unit_Hardware_Maintenance_Nov81 83323370F+updG_TB216_Field__Unit_Hardware_Maintenance_Nov81
User Manual: 83323370F+updG_TB216_Field__Unit_Hardware_Maintenance_Nov81
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83323370 &J .::::\ CONTI\.OL DATA \::I r:::J CO~ORf\TION CDC~ FIELD TEST UNIT TB216 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OPERATION. THEORY OF OPERATION MAINTENANCE DIAGRAMS WIRE LISTS PARTS DATA HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL R~VIS_IPt~t RE€ORD . --. :.-.---;~ DESCRIPTION • yl ~{ 01 11- 21-78 ) 02 Preliminary manual released . Preliminary manual revised with technical changes. Manual released with ECOs 55123 and 55224. 9«f02-12~.1i9') I. A • we (03- 27:7J7 9}. ; ~-, "l.in! r · : I ; \ :) - B_:rr :. . _l (I51-UJ,-;80) )6 (8-22-80) ....D .f "I • Ma-~u~l updat-ed wi th"ECOs 54243, 54272A, plus additional technical and editorial changes. Manual updated wi th ECO's 54~256 and 54290 plus technical and editorial changes. This edition obsoletes all previous editions. Add Appendix A • (12-08-80 ) ~ E f .-:-:.;.: (·1-1- 8 F) F ( 11-4-81) Manual updated with ECO/FCO 54327. Appendix A deleted. Technical and editorial changes. This edition obsolete_ all previous editions. Manual updated with ECOs 54344, 54343B, plus additional technical and editorial changes. .REVISION LETTERS I, 0, Q AND X ARE NOT USED. (c) 1978,1979,1980,1981 Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America ~y ii, Address comments concerning this manual to: Control Data Corporation Technical Publications Dept. 7801 Computer Avenue Minneapolis, Mn 55435 or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. 83323370 F MANUAL TO EQUIPMENT LEVEL CORRELATION This manual reflec~s the equipment configurations listed below. EXPLANATION: Locate the equipment type and series code number, as shown on the equipment FCO log, in the list belo\l. Immediately to the right of the series code number is an FCO number If that number and all of the numbers underneath it match all of the numbers on the equipment FCO log, then this manual accurately reflects the equipment. EQUIPMENT TYPE TB216 83323370 E SERIES CODE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WITH FCOs .None None None None None None None None None None None None 54327 COMMENTS ~ .l I II -. I ! i I I " iiii LIST OFEFFE(,:TIVEPAGES Sheet 1 of 4 New features, as well as changes, deletions, and additions to information in this manual are indicated by bars in the margins or by a dot near the page number if the entire page is affected. A bar by the page number indicates pagination rather than content has changed. PAGE Cover Blank Title P ii iii Blank REV PAGE REV F C F E 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 F C 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 xiv D 2-18 xv xvi xvii xviii 8-1 Div D 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 2-36 v vi vii viii ix F F F F F Blank xi xii xiii Blank 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 D D C C c c C F F C. 8-2 Div Blank 2-1 2-2 2-2.1 Blank 83323370 F F C F C C C E C C C E E E F F E C E F F E E E E E E E E E E E C E E E v : LIST -OF EFFEC'TIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 2 of 4 2-37 2-38, 2- 38.1 Blank' 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-43 2-44 2-45 2-46 2-47 2-48 2-49 2-50 2-51 2-52 2-53 2-54 2-55 2-56 2- 56.1 Blank 2-57 2-58 2-59 2-60 2-61 2-62 2-63 2-64 2-65, 2-66 2-67 2-68 2-69 2-70 2-71 2-72 2-73 . E E F F E E E E E E F E E E E E E E E E F F E E E E E E F E E E E E E E E E E ; vi " REV PAGE REV PAGE 2-74 2-75 2-76 2-77 2-78 2-79 8-3 Div Blank 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 S-4 Div Blank' 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 ., 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 S-5 Div Blank' 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 Blank :,' 5-9 :' : ' ., ,', E E E E E E C C C C E C C C C C' C F F C C D D D' '-D D , •• j. ~. C C C C C C C E :, •. ' ';, L,IST OF EFFECTIVE PAC?,ES (Contd) Sheet 3 of 4 PAGE REV PAGE REV 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 C C C C 5-51 5-52 5-53 5-54 5-55 5-56 5-57 C C C C F F C Blank 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 C C E C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Blank 5-35 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 5-42 5-43 5~44 5-45 C C C C C C C C C C C Blank 5-47 5-48 5-49 5-50 I 83323370 F C C C C Blank 5-58 5-59 5-60 5-61 5-62 5-63 5-64 5-65 5-66 .5-67 C E E E C C C E C C Blank 5-69 5-70 5-71 C C C Blank 5-73 5-74 5-75 5-76 5-77 C C C C C Blank 5-79 5-80 5-81 C C C Blank 5-83 5-84 5-85 5-86 5-87 5-88 5-89 5-90 E C C C E C C C vii LIST ~'OF' EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 4 of 4 PAGE 5-91 5-92 5-93 5-94 5-95 5-96 S-6 Div Blank 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 S-7 Blank 7-1 Blank S-7A Div Blank 7-3 Blank 7-5 7-6 7-7 viii REV C C F F F F C C B B B B B. C E E F F PAGE Blank 7-9 7-10 7-11 Blank 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 Blank S-7B Blank 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-27 Cmt Sht Rtn Env Blank Cover REV E C F F C C C C F F C F C C E E E 83323370 F PREFACE INTRODUCTION This manual is prepared for customer engineer ing and provides general description, operation theory of operation, maintenance, diagrams wire lists and parts data for the Control Data TB216-A/B Field Test unit (FTU). It is assumed that customer engineering is familiar with the computer system, drive controller, and the drive logic, as well as system programming techniques for executing I/O operations, including sequencing I/O commands and routing signal between the drive and controller. This manual is divided into seven sections as follows: Section I - General Description. Contains the physical description and functional specifications for the FTU. Section 2 - Operation Provides installation information, a description of the front panel controls, indicators, and test points, procedures for operating the FTU in all modes, and descriptions of codes used with the FTU. Section 3 - Theory of Operation. Explains ~he functioning of the tester as a microprocessor-based tester. Section 4 - Maintenance.. Contains procedures and required tools to maintain the FTU and information for handling electrostatic sensitive devices. Section 5 - Diagrams. Contains logic diagrams, both internal and I/O cabling diagrams, and a schematic diagram of the power supply. Section 6 - Wire Lists. Contains a double-ended all wiring on the logic backpanel. listing of Section 7 - Parts Data. Contains an exploded view of the FTU and a spare parts list. 83323370 F ·ix CONTENTS . Abbreviations General Description Introduction Specifications Functional Description Access Mode Direct Seek Direct Continuous Sequential Forward Sequential Reverse Sequential Forward/Reverse Random Seek X - N Seek Read/Write Modes Write Format write/Read Format write Read Write/Read Access Only 2. OPERATION Introduction xvii 1. 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 2-1 General Operating Information General Operating Voltage Selection I/O Cables Controls and Indicators Test Points and Jacks Loading Data 2-1 83323370 E xi 2-1 2-1 2-5 2-11 2-29 2-32 Operating Procedures . 2-34 2-34 General Pow~r Up Initializa~ion 2-34 2-35 Selecting Drive SMD, MMD, FMD, S.election 2-38.1 CMD Selection 2-38.1 Sector Count Check 2-40 Data Field Length 2-42 Number Of Data Records 2-44 Manual Tags . 2-46 Status Bypass 2-48 RTZ Command 2-49 Direct Seek/Access Only 2-49 Direct Cont/Access Only 2-49 Seq Forward Seek/Access Only 2-51 Seq Reverse Seek/Access Only 2-52 Seq FWD/REV - Access Only 2-52 Random Seek/Access Only 2-53 X-N Seek/Access Only 2-54 Read/Write Operation 2-55 Write or Write Format Operation 2-56 Write/Read or Write/Read Format Operation 2-58 Read/Write Operations on Fixed Heads 2-61 MFM Read/Write Exceptions to Read/Write Operations 2-61 Read Operations 2-62 I/O Line Check 2-64 Access Time Check 2-65 EOT stop Access Time Check 2-65 Manual Stop Access Time Check 2-65 FTU Access Time Verification 2-66 Flagging a Bad Track 2-66 Releasing Processor From Loop 2-68 xii 83323370 F Head AlignmentGeneral 3. 2-67 2-67 FTU· Preparation Offset Displays status Bytes General 2-68 2-69 Tag-Bus I/O (0) 2-72 Cylinder (1) 2-72 Head (2) 2-72 Record (3) 2-72 Sector (4) Pattern (5) 2-72 2-72 Address Error Counter (6) 2-73 Data Error Counter (7) 2-73 Flag/pass Counters (8) Seek Counter (9) 2-73 2-73 Average Access Time (A) 2-73 Access Time Counter (B and C) 2-73 Cylinder Destination 1 (D)' 2-73 Cylinder Destination 2 (E) 2-74 MUX Status (F) Theory of Operation Introduction Microprocessor Card 2-71 2-71 2-74 3-1 3-1 3-1 I/O Control Card Read/Write Control Card 3-2 Control Panel Interface Card 3-2 Led Display Board 3-2 Control Panel Board 3-5 Test Point Board 3-5 Power Supply 3-5 83323370 C xiii 4 •. Maintenance Introduction ,power Supply Voltage Check and Adjustments Processor Test Phase 2 Clock Test ,Lamp Test 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-4 Self Test 4-4 Handling Electrostatic Sensitive Devices 4-8 5. Diagrams Introduction 5-1 6. Wire List Introduction Reading Wire Lists 6-1 6-1 Signal Name 6-1 Origin/Destination Z Level 6-1 6-2 7. Parts Data Introduction 7-1 7A. Illustrated Parts Breakdown General 7-2 7B. SPARE PARTS LIST General 7-1 'xiv 83323370' E FIGURES 1-1 2-1 TB216 Field Test Unit (FTU) Acessing Terminal Strip 1-3 2-2 Terminal Strip Connections Cable Identification 2-4 I/O Cable Hook-Up FTU Front Panel 2-8 2-18 3-1 X -- N Test Loading Data into FTU Device Type Code Determination Read/Write Data Format Diagram Functional Block Diagram 4-1 Phase 2 Clock Timing 4-3 4-2 Switch Test Display 4-10 5-1 Diagram Title Block 5-2 7-1 Final Assembly. Front Panel Assembly 7-4 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 Logic Chassis Assembly Control Panel Assembly Power Supply Assembly -83323370D 2-2 2-6 2-10 2-33 2-38 2-44 3-3 7-8 7-12 7-14 7-16 xv TABLES 1-1 TB2l6-A Specifications 1-4 2-1 I/O Cable Configurations 2-2 Controls and Indicators 2-5 2-11 2-3 Test Points 2-30 2-:-4 Device Type Codes 2-36 2~5 Data Field Length 2-43 2-6 Sector and Data Record Relationship 2-46 2-7 Manual Tags 2-48 2-8 status Bypassbit Table 2~49 2-9 Head Alignment Displays 2-10 Status Bytes 2-71 2-75 3-1 4-1 FTU Circuit Elements 3-6 Voltage Adjustments 4-2 4-2 Error Address 4-6 4-3 Switch Test Initial Setup 4-7 4-4 Maintenance Tools 4-9 5-1 Contents Of Diagrams .5-3 , x.vi ABBREVIATIONS ABV ADD ADDR AM AMCTR AMFND AMGT A008X BAVAL BCD BIB BIT BLW BOB BYTCK CKT CLK CLR CMD CONFIG CONT CRCTR CR-CRTREN CR REF CTR CYL D/A DEC DISP ECL ECO ENBL ENCK2 ENCL2 ENGI':'AM 83323370 C Above Address Address Address Mark Address Mark Counter Address Mark Found Address Mark Gate Address 008X (X = Don't Care) Bus Available Binary Coded Decimal Bus In Bit Binary Below Bus Out Bit Byte Clock Circuit Clock Clear Cartridge Module Drive Configuration Continouus Character Counter Character Counter Enable Cross Reference Counter Cylinder Digital To Analog Decimal Display Emitter - Coupled Logic Engineering Change Order Enable Enable Clock. 2 Enable Clock 2 Enable Gate I Address Mark ENG2 ENLAT ENPIA ENRCV ENT ENTRN EOCOV EOT ERR FCO FIG FLT FLTIO FMD FTU FWD Gl5US G25US GND HEX I/O IRQ LED MAN MB MEMSL MFM MMD l'tlPU MUX MUXIO NC NMI NRZ PATT PN PROM Enable Gate 2 Enable Latches Enable Peripheral Interface Adapter Enable Receivers Entry Enable Transmitters End of Conversion End of Test Error Field Change Order Figure Fault Fault I/O Fixed Module Drive Field Test Unit Forward 5 llsec GI Gate 5 llsec G2 Gate Gr.ound Hexadecimal Input/Output Interrupt Request Light Emitting Diode Manual Megabyte Hemory Select Modified Frquency Modulation Mini-Module Drive Microprocessor Unit Multiplexed Multiplex I/O No Connection Non-Maskable Interrupt Non-Return-to-Zero Pattern Part Number progr~rnmable Read Only Memory xvii ABBREVIATIONS (Contd):-- PROT PWR PWRSQ R/W R/-W RAM RAN RCVR RD RDCLK RDDAT RDGT RDY REV RFI ROM RTZ SIC SECTR SEL DRV SELD SH xviii ProtectPower Power Sequence Read/Write Read Not Write Random Access Memory Random Receiver Read Read Clock Read Data Read Gate Ready Reverse Radio Fequency Interference Read Only Memory Return to Zero Series Code Sector Select Drive Selected Sheet SK SKEND Seek Seek End SMD Storage Module Drive Servo Clock SRVCK Standard STD Switch SW Terminal Board TB TLA Top Level Assembly - Test Point TP TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic With W/ without W/O WRCLK Write Clock WRT Write WRTDA write Data WRTGT Write Gate WT Write WTCK2 write Clock 2 VMA Valid Memory Address XMTR Transmitter 100 US CLOCK 100 ~sec Clock 83323370 C SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTI"ON 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The Control Data TB2l6 Field Test Uni t (FTU) is a portable self contained (microprocessor 6800 based) unit housed in a suitcase-type carrying case (see figure 1-1). ~he FTU contains a front panel assembly, power supply, log ic chassi s assembly, power cable, I/O cables, and the head alignment adapter for CMD and SMD. . The front panel assembly contai ns a hexadecimal keyboard, various switches, indicators, and test points. The FTU simulates off line input/output control functions of a disk storage controller and is used in maintaining the storage Module Drive (SMD) , Mini-Modules Drive (MMD) , Cartridge Module Drive (CMD) , 1 X Fixed Module Drive (FMD) and Lark Drive (LMD). SPECIFICATIONS Specifications for the FTU are provided in table 1-1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The FTU provides seven access modes, six read/write modes, and three modes for determining head selection. ACCESS MODE In access modes (seeks), the moveable heads in the dr ive are positioned over a particular cylinder on the disk pack. Direct Seek The drive under test performs a number selected by the operator. single seek to the cylinder Direct Continuous The drive performs seeks between cylinder zero and the cylinder number selected by the operator. 83323370 C 1-1 Sequential Forward starting at cylinder zero, the dr ive performs sequentially increasing seeks at cylinder intervals selected by the operator. After seeking the last track,. it will return to cylinder zero and repeat the operation. Sequential Reverse starting at the maximum tially decreasing seeks operator. After seeking mum cylinder an~ repeats cylinder, the drive performs sequenat cylinder intervals selected· by the cylinder. zero, it returns to the maxithe operation. Sequential Forward/Reverse Starting at cylinder zero, the drive performs sequentially increasing seeks up to the maximum cylinder followed by sequentially decreasing seeks down to cylinder zero. The seeks are in increments selected by the operator. Random Seek The drive seeks microprocessor. x - cylinder addresses generated randomly by the N Seek The drive seeks from each cylinder to every higher cylinder and back, thus performing all possible seeks. numbered READ/WRITE MODES The FTU generates serial NRZ or MFM write data at a rate determined by the servo clock signal transmi tted from the uni t under test. When a repeated access mode is selected, a read/write operation in completed at the selected cylinder. Then a seek is initiated to the next cylinder address (as determined by the access mode) and the read/wr i te operation repeated. This seek - read/wr i te sequencing continues until the end of test or until the STOP key is pressed. For direct seeks, the read/write operation continues at the selected cylinder (depending upon the head select mode) ·until the STOP key is pressed. 1-2 83323370 C Figure 1-1. .83323370 C TB216 Field Test unit (FTU) 1-3 TABLE 1-1. Characteristic Size TB2l6 SPECIFICATIONS Condition L x Wx H 457 x 330 x 223 mm (18.0 x 13.0 x 8.75 in) 15.9 kg (35 1bs) Non-Operating -40.4°C 158 ° F) to Operating 20% to 80% Non-Operating 5% to 95% Operating -305 to 6500 ft) 2000 Non-Operating 60 Hz, single Weight Temperature Specification Operating Gradient (r ise per hour) Relative Humidity (no condensation)' Altitude Input Power* I 50 Hz, single (-40°F to m (-1000 to -305 to 4572 15 000 ft) m (-1000 to 100 (+7 , A, max. -10) V ac at 120 (+7, -16) A, max. ** V ac at 1.8 200 (+20, -20) A, max. V ac at 1.1 240 (+17, -27) A, max. V ac at 0.9 V ac at 2.2 100 (+7 , A, max. 70o·C -10) 2.2 Table Continued on Next Page 1-4 83323370 F TABLE 1-1. Characteristic TB216 SPECIFICATIONS (Contd) Condition Specification 120 (+8, -18) V ac at 1.8 A, max. 200 (+20, -20) V ac at 1.1 A, max. 220 (+15, -22) V ac at 1.0 A, max 240 (+17 , -24) V ac at 0.9 A, max *Conversion is made on terminal board in power supply. **Unit shipped with CSA listing at this rating any other combination not tested or listed by CSA. The mode of head selection chosen determines the number of tracks read or wr i tten dur ing each read/wr i te operation. For manual head selection, the FTU reads or wr i tes only the track under the head selected. For sequential head selection, the FTU sequences the heads to read or write each track in the cylinder. When the highest-numbered head has been exercised, the drive seeks to another cylinder (except in direct seek) and repeats the read/write operation at the new cylinder, starting wi'th head zero. For random head selection, the FTU randomly selects one head per cylinder for its read/write operation. The same options are available for record selection. In the manual record mode, one manually selected record is wr it ten or read for each selected track.' In sequential record mode, the same operation takes place once per track on randomly chosen record. Write Format The FTU wr i tes each selected track wi th the appropr iate track address and a repeti tive l6-bit data pattern that has been entered on the FTU keyboard. The FTU also prov ides a means for indicating. a defective track when using the write format mode. 83323370 F 1-5 I Write/Read Format The FTU commands the drive to alternate between· writing the appropriate track address and repetitive data pattern and reading them back on each selected track. Write After the track address has. ·been read and verified, the FTU writes each selected track with a repetitive l6-bit data pattern that has been entered on the FTU keyboard. On drives that transmit MFM read data to the FTU, the address is not read. Read The FTU commands the dr i ve to read data f rom each selected track after the track address has been read and verified. On dr ives that transmi t MFM read data to the FTU, the address is not read. Write/Read The FTU commands the dr i ve to al terna te between wr i ting a re-· petitive data pattern and then reading it on -each selected track. Access Only The FTU does not command a read or write operation after. each track is accessed. 1-6 83323370 C · SECTION 2 OPERATION OPERATION 2 INTRODUCTION This section is divided into two parts. The first provides general descriptive background information pertinent to the FTU and its inter f ace wi th . the dr i ve • The second contains procedures for operating the FTU when servicing the drive. Refer to the individual drive manual' for information concerning the drive during these operations: GENERAL OPERATING INFORMATION GENERAL The general operating information consists of a variety of topics the operator should be familiar with prior' to using the FTU. Topics included are: • Operating voltage selection • Description of I/O cables fication, and hook-up. • Functions of FTU front panel controls and indicators. • FTU front panel, test points, and jacks. • Data entry switch loading parameters. their configuration, indenti- OPERATING VOLTAGE SELECTION The FTU operating voltage (input power) is set, at the factory, to 120 V ac, 60 Hz. Add i tional input power capabili ties of 100, 200, 220, 240, V ac, 50/60 Hz and 120 V ac, 50 Hz require internal modification as follows: 1. Open FTU, raise front panel, and secure .into place. 2. Remove transformer terminal block cover exposing terminal strip (see figure 2-1). 83323370 F 2-1 I TRANSFORMER TERMINAL BLOCK COVER TERMINAL STRIP 9H249 Figure 2-1. 2-2 Acessing Terminal Strip 83323370 C 3. Modify FTU for input power of 100 V ac, 50/60 Hz by proceeding as follows: a. Reposi tion wires on (see figure 2-2). b. Reinstall assembly. terminal board TBl for terminal· block cover and lower 100 V ac front panel c. Remove CSA certification label. 4. Modify FTU for 120 V, rating label. 50 HZ input power 5. Modify FTU for 200, 220 and 240 V, by proceeding as follows: by removing CSA 50/60 HZ input power a. Obtain appropriate cord plug. b. Remove molded plug by cutting cord close to plug and stripping back wires. c. Connect replacement plug as follows: • Black wire (phase 1) to brass colored terminal. • • White wire (phase 2) to silver colored terminal •. Green wire (chassis ground to ground terminal. d. Reposition wires on terminal input power (see figure 2-2). board TBl for desired e. Remove bracket mounting holding power receptacle. 83323370 F f. Disconnect green/yellow ground wire, whi te wire, and black wire from power receptacle. Remove power receptacle from bracket. g. Obtain dual rating power receptacle PN 24556501 from supplementary supply items and install this receptacle in bracket. h. Connect replacement receptacle as follows: • • • Black wire (phase 1) to terminal x. White wire (phase 2) to terminal Y. Green/yellow termi:nal W. wire (chassis ground) to middle j. Re-install bracket mounting in the tester. k. Remove old 83271600. power connector on power cord assembly 1. Obtain dual rating power connector PN 24514300 from supplementary supply items and install connector as follows: m. • Black wire (phase 1) to pin X. • White wire (phase 2) to pin Y. • Green wire (chassis ground) to pin W. Remove CSA certification label. n. Re-install· terminal block cover and lower front panel assembly. 6. Check FTU operating vol tage and adjust if· necessary per Power Supply Adjustments procedure in the maintenance section of this manual. '..".- 83323370 F 2-3 I TBI 0 100 V 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 )R' ~, 0' (jj) {!- 1 TO RFI-I I 0 0 ,~~\ 4,-/~ 6_~ ,', ======================::::.,_ TBI 120 V TO RFI-I 00 0 @ (lj) (Jj)0 (]) ~ ~ ~fl ~/fiO =====================:::::J~ . TBI TBI 220 V TO 0 0' 0 ~ 0 (lj) V- 0 @ 0 ~ f-6_~ RFI- I ============~======::::.,_ TBI 240 V TO 0 ([) ([) Figure 2-2. (lj) V- ~-~. RFI- I 2-4 0 (lj) @ 0 ~f-6 _ 0 9H248 Terminal Strip Connections 83323370 C I/O CABLES The cable configuration, that interfaces the FTU with the drive, varies with the type of drive being serviced. Cable information in this section includes: a listing of the different cable configurations (see table 2-1}, identification of the individual cables and adapters within the configurations (see figure 2-3), and illustrations showing how the individual cables and adapters are interconnected (see figure 2-4). For signal information on the cables and adapters, refer to the Diagram section of this manual. For information on installing cables and teminators, into the dr i ve, refer to 'the applicable drive manual. TABLE 2-1. I/O CABLE CONFIGURATIONS Drive CABLE USED -75-pin Mux 26 50 10 75 34 Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin I/O Cable Assembly B5 I/O Cable Assembly-A2 I/O Cable Assembly-A4_ Adapter Cable Assembly-AID Adapter Cable Assembly-B7 -75 Pin Std 50 10 75 34 26 Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin I/O Cable Assembly-A2 I/O Cable Assembly-A4 Adapter Cable Assembly-A6 Adapter Cable Assembly-B3 I/O Cable Assembly B5 -50 Pin I/O Cable 50 Pin I/O Cable Assembly-A2 26 Pin I/O Cable Assembly-B5 60 Pin I/O Cable 50 10 60 26 Std and Mux Pin Pin Pin Pin I/O Cable Assembly-A2 I/O Cable Assembly-A4 Adapter Cable Assembly-A8 I/O Cable Assembly-B5 -- 83323370 C 2-5 -----...p 3 A2P202 50 PIN I/O CABLE ASSY A2 26 PIN I/O CABLE ASSY B5 . . A4P~ A2.P201~ 10 PIN I/O CABLE ASSY A4 A2J2 34 PIN ADAPTER CABLE ASSY (MUX) B7 75 PIN ADAPTER CABLE ASSY (MUX) AID TEST LEADS (2) (1 RED AND 1 BLACK) Figure 2-3. 2-6 9H344-1 Cable Identification (Sheet 1) 83323370 C 34 PIN ADAPTER CABLE ASSY (STD) B3 A2Jl75 PIN ADAPTER CABLE ASSY (STD) A6 60 PIN ADAPTER CABLE ASSY A8 HEAD ALIGNMENT CABLE ASSY CMD HEAD ALIGNMENT CABLE ASSY (2) 9H344-2 Figure 83323370 C- 2-3~ Cable Identification (Sheet 2) 2-7 . 7S PIN STD TB216-A LOGIC CHASSIS ASSY NOTE: & RED ORIENTATION MARKINGS DENOTES PIN 1, WHEN INSTALLING CABLES INTO DRIVE. RED ORIENTATION MARKINGS ARE TO THE RIGHT, WHEN FACING FTU AND INSTALLING CABLES. Figure 2-4. • 2-8 9H345-1A .I/O Cable Hook-Up (Sheet 1) 83323370 E TO DRIVE ORIENTA&N MARKS & NOTES: SEE NOTE ON SHEET 1. TO DRIVE 9H345-2 Figure 2-4. 83323370 C I/O Cable Hook-Up (Sheet 2) 2-9 N I I-' o .--------DEVICE TYPE t-%j a . - - - - - - u N I T NUMBER ...,1.0 c: DESTINATION HEAD ROW I RECORD FIXED HEADS DATA PATTERN H CD SEEK INCREMENT MPU ADDRESS l..-_ _ _ _ _ MPU DATA I ROW 2 L---_ _ _ _ U1 F (E [J C ~~~:~J B A 9 . 8 7 WRT FORMAT WRT IRO rAMT WRITE ROW 3 READ WRT/RD ALIGNMENT ACCESS ONLY .-------MANUAL TAGS 6 ROW 4 8 9 Ie 12 13 14 STANDAR[) INTERFACE '5 •••••• 0 •••• 0 •••• A STATUS BYTES t'V 2 a AM FOUND© BIBo TAG ,~ NOT USED© B13, TAG 2 © ON CYL© BI132 TAG 3© READY© BI33 BOBo © NOT USED© B13. BOBI ~ NOT USED~ 81B, 8082 ~ SK ERR~ 81~ BOB3 ~ FAULT~ BIB7 BOB. ~ RD GATE~ . RD CLK~ .------DIRECT SEEK DIRECT CONT SEa FWD/REv RANDOM SEEK WRT + @@ BOB 7 ROB. 808, BOB. BOB3 BOB 2 'BOB6 ® BOB, BOBr ® BOBo GATE~ BOBe © NOT USED BOB9.® NOT uSED WRT DATA© L -_ _ _ _ HEAD ALIGNMENT ~ TAG 21 TAG 22 WRT CLK® X-+N SEEK FIXED VOLUME LAMP TEST L.._ _ _ _ _ _ SELF TEST BOBs TAG 20 RD DATA® SEa FORWARD SEa REVERSE MULTIPLEXED INTERFACE AM READ GATE~ ERR~ BOBlo © NOT USED INDEX© SECTOR~ GND© 9H240A CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Table 2-2 contains functional descriptions of the controls and indicators located on the front panel of the FTU. The purpose of each switch is given in general terms. Following that is a list of switch positions in the 'left-hand column; the drive and/or FTU operation corresponding to this switch setting is descr ibed in the right-hand column. Keyboard keys' are listed on the left with a result of pressing them given to the right. Finally, the LED indicators are listed along with a description of the condition lighting them. The only control not located on the front panel is the circui t breaker; this is mounted on the power supply module and is used to turn the FTU on and off. TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator DATA ENTRY switch DEVICE TYPE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Function This is a rotary switch that is set to different positions to allow specific kinds of information to be entered into the FTU memory through the keyboard. This information can be entered in either hexadecimal, decimal, or binary code unless only one of these codes is specified. Also, each switch position allows display (on the top row of 16 LEDs) of data previously entered in that segment of the FTU memory. A descr iption of each swi tch posi tion follows. A four-character code is loaded into the FTU memory. This code programs the FTU to exercise a specific type of drive. Table Continued on Next Page I '''-- / 83323370 C 2-11 . TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator UNIT NUMBER CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function The logical address of the drive being tested, determined automatically by the FTU, is displayed on row 1 LEDs. May be reset to any unit number. DESTINATION The track destination for a direct seek is loaded into the FTU memory in the direct seek and direct continuous modes. The entry is made in decimal form. HEAD Wi th the HEAD toggle swi tch in the MAN position, a specific moveable head address in selected. The entry is made in decimal form. High order byte displays bus-in for manual multiplex tag. RECORD A specific record address is loaded, provided that the RECORD toggle switch is in the MAN position. The entry is made in decimal form. FIXED HEADS The numbe r of fixed head s is loaded decimal), and the microprocessor setup for fixed head access. DATA PATTERN A sixteen-bit data pattern is entered (in hexadecimal) into the FTU memory. In -write operations, this data pattern is repeated throughout the data field. (i n is Table Continued on Next Page 2-12 83323370 E I TABLE 2-2.' CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Control/Indicator Function STATUe BYTES Up to sixteen different status words are displayed on row 1 LEOs. The four least significant bits of row 2 LEOs indicate the code of the status word which has been entered on the keyboard and is being displayed. 512 memory locations may be displayed by pressing CLR ENT key and entering an address. It also allows entry of error bypass bi t in status, byte F. Refer to table 2-11. SEEK INCREMENT In sequential access modes, the FTU is programmed to command seeks to every nth cylinder after the number "nil has been entered (in decimal) on the keyboard. For example, if three is entered, the dr ive will seek every third cylinder. Wi th no entry, the seek increment is one, and no cylinders are skipped in the sequence. MPU ADDRESS A valid MPU address can be entered via the keyboard and displayed on row 2 LEOS. When the LOAD key is pressed, the address is transferred to row.1 LEOs and the data at this address is then displayed in the right 8 bi ts in row 2 LEDs. This operation is for use only by an operator who is extremely kno~ledgeab1e in the microprocessor machine language. 'Tab1e Continued on Next Page I "'-- .. 83323370 E 2-13 TABLE 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) .. Control/Indicator Function MPU DATA For a gi ven MPU address, new data can be enter ed on the keyboard and loaded by pressing the LOAD key. Row 2 LEDs displays the new data in the left eight bi ts and the contents of the next address in the right eight bits. The address on row 1 LEDs is incremented by one. This operation is for use only by an operator who is extremely knowledgeable in the microprocessor machine language. B Used to enter valid wri te protect code (code 5754) prior to commanding drive to write on C.E. Cylinder (innermost, highest number) cylinder only. If code is not entered the WT PROT LED will flash. C Ordinar i1y, the number of sectors used by the drive is automatically calculated by the FTU. In this position, the FTU can be programmed to operate on a different sector count. D A maximum data length, other than that calculated by the FTU, is loaded into the FTU memory. E Used to enable wr i ting on any cyl inder other than track 256 (FTU prevents wr i ting on track 256). Wi th swi tch at position E, enter, via keyboard, a hexadecimal non-zero number (O-F) into lower byte (row 1 LEDs 0-7) while preserving the number of logical records displayed in hexadecimal, in upper byte (row 1 LEDs 8-F). Note that pressing SEL DRY key destroys any information entered with DATA ENTRY switch at position.E. Table Continued on Next Page 2-14 83323370 E TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator F RD/WRT SELECT switch CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function Displays maximum cylinder number hexadecimal, which can be altered. in This is a rotary switch which determines the operation performed by the drive after each track has been accessed. A description ·of each swi tch posi tion follows. WRT FORMAT The address and data pattern is written on the selected track. WRT/RD FORMAT The drive alternates between writing the address and data pattern and then reading them back on a selected track. WRITE The data pattern is written on a selected track after the address has been read and ver if ied. On dr i ves . that transmi t MFM read data to the FTU, the address is not read. Positioning RD/WRT SELECT swi tch to a wr i te position will not allow write operation if: 1. WRITE PROT/OFF switch is set to OFF. 2. The FTU wr ite protect is overr idden by rotating DATA ENTRY swi tch to B position and code 5754 is entered manually. READ The data pattern is read from a selected track after the address has been read and ver if ied. On dr i ves that transmit MFM read data to the FTU, the address is not read. WRT/RD Alternately, the data pattern is written and then read on a selected track. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 F 2-15 I TABLE 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Control/Indicator Function ALIGNMENT In head alignment procedures, the offset of a selected head is displayed in coded form on row 2 LEOs. Ref er . to table 2-12. ACCESS ONLY After accessing a cylinder, does not command any write or erations. 7 After accessing each cylinder, the drive performs a Return-to-Zero seek. 8 After setting HEAD and RECORD toggle switches to RAN, the drive randomly performs either a write or a read operation on each selected track. 9 Checks data. A-F Unused ,;} .j ACCESS SELECT switch MANUAL TAGS wr i te clock as if it the FTU read op- were MFM This is a rotary switch that enables selection of a number of accessing modes for the dr i ve . These modes vary from a direct seek to a particular cylinder to a more complicated pattern of seeking between different cylinders. A description of each swi tch posi tion follows. The tag and bus data displayed on row 2 LEOs will be put on the I/O lines when the GO key is pushed. Table Continued on Next Page 2-16 83323370 F TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function DIRECT SEEK When the GO key is pressed, the dr i ve seeks to the particular cylinder stored in the destination register. with the SINGLE/CONT switch in the CONT position and the EOT STOP swi tch up, the seek will be commanded 10 000 times. wi th the EOT STOP switch down, the seek will be commanded until the STOP key is pressed. DIRECT CONT The drive . continuously seeks between cylinder zero and the cylinder stored in the destination register until the STOP key is pressed. The dr i ve can be commanded to seek continuously between two tracks other than the zero track by loading the first track in the destina~ tion register, switching to DIRECT SEEK, and then pressing the GO key; after switching to DIRECT CONT and reloading the destination register with the second track, this type of continuous seeking will occur from the time the GO key is pressed until the STOP key is pressed. with the EOT STOP switch up, 10 000 seeks will be performed. SEQ FORWARD The drive seeks to cylinder zero and then sequences up to the maximum cylinder. I f the EOT STOP toggle swi tch is in the up pos i tion, the test will end. Otherwise, the drive will return to cylinder zero and continue to sequence up until the STOP key is pressed. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E x = N = 0 INC N- NO INC X NO N = X STOP 9H346 Figure 2-6. 2-18 X -- N Test 83323370 C TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function SEQ REVERSE The dri ve se_eks to the maximum cylinder and then sequences down to cylinder zero. If EOT STOP toggle switch is in the up pos it ion, the test will end. If EOT STOP switch is not set, the drive will return to the maximum cylinder and continue to sequence down until the STOP key is pressed. SEQ FWD/REV Starting at cylinder zero, the drive seeks sequentially upward to the maximum cylinder and then seeks sequentially downward to cylinder zero. with the EOT STOP switch in the UP position, the test ends afte r one complete sequence. Otherwise, it con tinues until the STOP key is pressed. RANDOM SEEK The dri ve seeks to cylinder addresses randomly generated by the microprocessor until the STOP key is pressed or after 10 000 seeks with the EOT STOP switch up. X -- N SEEK The dr i ve seeks f rom each cylinder to every higher-numbered cylinder and back, thereby performing all possible seeks. This seeking continues until' all possible combinations of seeks have been completed wi th the EOT STOP swi tch up or un til the STOP key is pressed, refer to Figure 2-6 • . FIXED VOLUME Pressing the SEL DRV key sets the FTU to access CMD fixed volume only. Pressing the GO· key sets up the FTU to ·access both fixed volume and removable disk pack. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2-19 TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator LAMP TEST SELF TEST CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function Pushing the cept the +5 off. A +5 cates that to the.FTU, er supply, both of the GO key causes all LEOs exor -5 LEOS to flash on and or -5 LED not lighted indipower is not being applied and failure of the FTU powor the failure of one or LEOs. The processor performs a limi ted selftest routine on the FTU. During the test, the RD and WT LEOs al ternately flash. Failure of the self-test is indicated by the RD and DATA ERR LEOs flashing alternately. If the test is satisfactory, it ends wi th the RD, 29 and 211 LEDs on steadily. Then all switch positions can be checked out; chang ing any swi tch posi tion results in _a change in the LED display. Normally self-test is performed wi th the HEAD, RECORD, -/+, and LATE/EARLY switches in the center posi tion, DATA ENTRY swi tch set to DEVICE TYPE position,. RD/WRT SELECT switch set to WRT FORMAT position, the PROCESSOR switches in the START and RUN positions, and all other toggle swi tches in the down posi tion with the exception of SEQ PWR which is not tested. B The microprocessor program jumps to the MPU . address entered on row 2 LEDs when the Go key is pressed. C Ave~age access time for the. drive can by pressing the GO key. The RD/WRT SELECT switch must be in the ACCESS ONLY position.· Calculation of this is done automatically after 10 000 seeks in DIRECT SEEK, DIRECT CONT, and RANDOM be measured for certain access modes Table Continued on Next Page , 2-20 83323370 F TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND' INDICATORS (Co"ntd) Function C (Contd) SEEK: calculation is done at the end of test for sequential seeks. Each group of four LEDs in row 1 represents a binary coded decimal digit, the least significant one being 0.1 ms and the most significant being 100 ms with a maximum display value of 999.9 ms. Time is displayed in status Byte A. D-F Unused. Toggle Switches HEAD switch and are The toggle switches on the FTU their'respective switch positions descr ihed below. This is a three-position switch that used for moveable head sequencing. is MAN A particular head can be selected using the number 'loaded wi th the DATA ENTRY switch in the HEAD position. SEQ At each access track, record are selected sequentially. RAN addresses At each accessed track, a record is . randomly selected for the desired operation. RECORD Switch This three-position switch allows differentpatterns of record addressing. MAN A particular record can be selected us ing the number loaded wi th the DATA ENTRY switch in the RECORD position. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 F 2-21 I TABLE 2~2.CONTROLS Control/Indicator AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function· SEQ At each' acces sed tr ack , record dresses are selected sequentially. RAN At each accessed track, one record is randomly selected for the des ired operation. PROCESSOR switches START/RESET RUN/HALT STEP SINGLE/CONT switch ad-. These three toggle switches are associated with the microprocessor. They are primarily intended for use during maintenance of the FTU and are of no concern to the operator of the FTU. In normal operation, the switches are respectively in the START and RUN positions (STEP is sp~ing-loaded). This toggle switch allows the choice of single or continuous. accessing of tracks. SINGLE An access is performed only once by the drive. CONT An access is performed 10 000 times with the. EOT STOP swi tch up until the STO~ key is pressed. -/+ switch This is a three-position toggle swi tch that directs the drive to offset the carriage for better data recovery.~ An offset spindle. is ordered away from the Table Continued on Next Page -2-22 83323370 E TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function center position No offset tion) • + An offset is ordered toward the spindle. LATE/EARLY switch is . called for (normal pos i- This is a three-position toggle swi tch that allows the shifting of read data strobes away from nominal timing to check error recovery. LATE The drive read strobes are shifted to a later time with respect to data. center position· The drive strobes (normal position). EARLY The dr i ve read strobes are shi fted to an earlier time with respect to data. WRITE FLAG/OFF switch at nominal timing In the up position, the FTU will command the drive to write a flag on a bad track provided that: a. RD/WRT SELECT swi tch is FORMAT or WRT/RD FORMAT. b. ACCESS SELECT swi tch ECT SEEK. set to WRT is set to DIR- c. HEAD switch is set to MAN. In the up position, while performing a WRITE or READ operation, the FTU will stop if a flag bit is found. WRITE PROT/OFF swi tch . In the up position, this switch protects the drive from being commanded to wr i te by the FTU • Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2-23 • TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator AM/SECTOR switch CONTROLS "AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function This toggle switch allows" the" choice of address mark or sector mode of operation. AM This drive writes mark. or reads an address SEcrOR The wr i ting and reading of data is referenced to the sector count. EOT STOP/OFF switch with this switch in the up position, in sequential seeks, the test will stop after one complete sequence. Placed in the up position during self-test, this switch causes the error display to be bypassed which facilitates troubleshooting the FTU with an oscilloscope. DATA ERROR OVERRIDE/OFF switch with this switch in the up position, the FTU will not stop an access sequence when a data error is discovered. In self-test a data error in the MPU is bypassed: with the swi tch up, the MPU continually loops when there is a data error. ADDR ERROR OVERRIDE/OFF switch with this switch in the up position, the FTU will not stop an access sequence when an address error is discovered. In self-test, if there is a data error, that address will be skipped, the address counter will be incremented and the program will continue. Table Continued on Next Page • 2-24 83323370 E TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator .SHIFT PATT/DATA PATT switch SEQ PWR switch CONTRQLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function In the DATA PATT position, the same data pattern is repeated throughout tre entire accessing sequence. In the SHIFT PATT position, each time the drive seeks a new track, the data pattern is shifted one bit to left, and the sixteenth bit becomes the first bi t. This function is used when performing a write/read operation. I In the SEQ PWR posi tion, the FTU commands the dr i ve to power up, provided that a. The drive is in the REMOTE mode. h. Primary power is available at too drive. c. The drive START dicator lighted). switch is ON (in- Keyboard Panel The result of pressing each keyboard key is given in the following. description: Data Keys O-F New. data can be entered with these keys. Entered data is displayed on row 1 LEDs. HEX key Pressing this key resul ts in the conversion of the BCD number in the' lower display to hexadecimal form. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2-25 I TABLE Control/Indicator 2~2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function DISP key The hexadecimal data, in row 1 LED, is transferred into row 2 LED. The hexadecimal/decimal data, in row 2 LED.I is transferred, in hexadecimal, into row 1 LED. CLR ENT key This key is used to clear the entry displayed in row 2 LEDs when an incorrect entry has been made. LOAD key Pressing the LOAD key transfers the data entry in the second row of 16 LEDs to row 1 LEDs and loads it into memory via the DATA ENTRY swi tch while clearing the second row. DEC key The hexadecimal number in the display is converted to decimal. BIT key When pressed prior to a data entry, the data will be entered bi t-by-bi t in binary form. SEL DRV key Pressing this key initiates a drive selection sequence. Note that pressing SEL DRV Key destroys any information that may have been en tered wi th DATA ENTRY switch at position E. CLR FLT key Pressing this key clearing sequence. RTZ key Pressing this· key initiates the drive by commanding a return-to-zero seek. initiates a lower fault Table Continued on Next Page • 2-26 83323370 E TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function CLR key This key clears the display status, and resets the FTU. GO key Pressing this key ted FTU operation. STOP key When thi s key is pressed, the FTU is stopped at the end of the operation in progress. LEO Display A description of the condition, causing each of the LEDs to be lighted, is given below. Row 1 LEOs These LEOs indicate in binary form data that has been loaded into the FTU .memory.· Possibilities include: initiates and all' the selec- a. A keyboard data entr y that has been loaded with the LOAD key. b. A previous entry indicated DATA SELECT rotary switch. by the c. A status word. d. Self test information. Row 2 LEDs These LEOs indicate data that has been entered on the keyboard before the LOAD key has been pressed. It also displays the code of the status word, when a status word is being displayed, head alignment offset, and the address' of a failed component during self test. I/O RDY LED This LEO indicates that a device type code has been loaded and that the transmitters and receivers have been enabled •. Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2-27 • . TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator UNIT RUN LED CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Functio~ .The drive is in the process forming a commanded operation. an On of per- ON CYL LED The FTU is receivlng signal from the drive. Cylinder ROY LED The FTU receiving from the drive. WT PROT LED The FTU is receiving signal from the drive. a Wri te SELD LED The FTU is receiving signal from the drive. a Uni t SEEK ERROR LED The FTU is receiving a Seek Error signal from the dr i ve. . FLT LED The FTU is receiving from the drive. a unit Ready signal a Protect Selected Fault signal BUSY LED ·The FTU is receiving a Busy signal from the drive. The BUSY LED will also flash while the FTU is wai ting for a Ready signal during a select drive command. FLAG LED This LED lights when a flag is read. If the WRITE FLAG switch is OFF the FLAG LED goes off when the next head is selected. If the WRITE FLAG swi tch is ON,' the FLAG LED stays on and the test stops, until the CLR key is pressed. DATA ERR LED This LED lights when the FTU has detected a discrepancy between the data pattern written by the drive and the data pattern read by the drive. If the DATA ERROR OVERRIDE switch is on, the DATA ERR LED goes off when the next head is selected. If the DATA ERROR OVERRIDE switch is off, this LED stays lighted and the test halts. A time out during Table Continued on Next Page 2-28 83323370 E TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function DATA ERR LED (Contd) a read or write in the data field indicated when DATA ERROR indicator ON and row 3 LEDs continually flash. ADDR ERR LED This LED lights when the address information received from the drive differs from the requested address, If the ADDR ERROR OVERRIDE swi tch is on, the ADDR ERROR LED goes off when the next head is selected. If the ADDR ERROR OVERRIDE switch is off, this LED stays lighted and the test halts. A time out in the address field is indicated when ADDR ERR indicator is ON and row 3 LEOs continually flash. RD LED The FTU is commanding a read operation. WT- LED The FTU is commanding a write operation. CLK LED The Read Clock the drive. +5 LED The power supply volt output. in the FTu has a -5 LED The power supply volt output. in the FTU has a -5 RUN LED The microprocessor ning. is run- signal in is the coming FTU is is from +5 TEST POINTS AND JACKS Thirty-three test points and two head alignment jacks are located on the front panel of the FTU. Many of these test points serve a dual purpose; the signal found on them depends on whether a standard interface or multiplexed interface is being used. In this case, the signal designation for standard and multiplexed interfaces are printed to the left and right of the test point respectively. One label is valid- for both interfaces when it appears alone to the left of the test ~oint. '----- 83323370 E 2-29 • Table 2-3., lists the test point labels as they appear on the FTU front panel. Definitions of the signals present are given for both types of interfaces. Two banana jacks for head alignment are located in the lower left corner of the front panel." The black and red leads from the head alignment card plug into the jacks marked - and + respectively. TABLE 2-3. TEST POINTS STD Label MUX Label STD Definition Mux Definition AM FOUND "BIBO Address Mark Found from the drive Bus In Bit 0 from the drive NOT USED BIBI Not Used Bus In Bit I from the drive ON CYL BIB2 On Cylinder from the drive Bus In Bit 2 from the drive READY BIB3 Ready signal from the drive Bus In Bit 3 from the drive NOT USED BIB4 Not Used Bus In Bit 4 from the drive NOT USED BIBS Not Used Bus In Bit S from the drive SK ERR BIB6 Seek Error from the drive Bus In Bit 6 from the drive FAULT BIB7 _ Fault signal from the drive "Bus In Bit 7 from the drive RD GATE RD GATE Read Gate from the drive Read Gate to the drive RD CLK RD CLK Read Clock from the drive Read Clock from the drive Table Continued on Next page: • 2-30 83323370 E TABLE 2-3. TEST POINTS (Contd) STD Label MUX Label STD Definition Mux Definition RD DATA RD DATA Read Data from the dri ve Read Data from the dr ive WRT GATE WRT GATE write Gate to the drive Write Gate to the drive WRT CLK WRT CLK Write Clock to the drive Write Clock to the drive WRT DATA WRT DATA Write Data to the drive Wr i te Data to the drive AM GATE AM GATE Address Mark Gate Address Mark Gate READ ERR READ ERR A read error is detected in the FTU A read error is detected in the FTU GND GND Ground Test Point Ground Test Point TAG 1 TAG 2 0 Tag 1 to the drive Tag 2 0 to the drive TAG 2 TAG 21 Tag 2 to the drive Tag 21 to the drive TAG 3 Tag 3 to the drive Tag 3 2 to the drive BOBO Bus Out Bit 20 to the drive Bus Out Bit 27 to the dr ive Bus Out Bit 12 to the drive Bus Out--Bi t 24 to the drive Bus Out Bit 22 to the dri ve Bus Out ·Bit 2 5 to the drive BOB2· BOBS Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2-31 TABLE 2-3. TEST POINTS (Contd) STD Label MUX Label STD Definition Mux Definition BOB3 BOB4 Bus Out Bit 2 3 to the drive Bus Out Bi t 24 to the dr ive BOB4 BOB3 Bus Out Bit 24 to the drive Bus Out Bit 2 3 to the dr ive BOBS BOB2 Bus Out Bit 2 5 to the drive Bus Out Bi t 22 to the dr ive BOB6 BOBI Bus Out Bit 2 6 to the drive Bus Out Bit 21 to the dr ive BOB7 BOBO Bus Out Bit 27 to the drive Bus Out Bit 2 0 to the drive BOBa NOT USED Bus Out Bit 2 8 to the drive BOB9 NOT USED Bus Out Bit 2 9 to the drive BOBIO NOT USED Bus Out Bit 210 to the drive INDEX INDEX Index signal from the drive Index signal from the dr ive SECTOR' SECTOR Sector signal from the dr i ve Sector signal from the drive --I--. LOADING DATA Data is entered into upper byte (8-F LEDs) and lower byte (0-7 LEOs) of row 2 vi a the FTU key board swi tches O-F (see figure 2-7). After ensuring data, in row 2, is correct pressing LOAD key: • Transfers row 2 data into row 1. • En"ters row 2 data into memory. • 2-32 83323370 E ,The following are 3 methods of entering DATA ENTRY switch to desired position. • data after rotating NO'rmal entry - Each time any (O-F) key is pressed, its hexadecimal value is entered into lower 4 LEDs (0-4) of row 2. Data presently in LEDs 0-4 shifts 4 LEDs to the left. Any data shifted left beyond F is lost (drops off). UPPER BYTE PRESSING . IDISpl KEY MOVES DATA IN ROW 1 BACK INTO ROW 2. PRESSING ICLR ENT I KEY REMOVES DATA FROM FTU ROW 2. LOWER BYTE 10 II 12 13 14 15 PRESSING ILOADI KEY ENTERS DATA FROM ROW 2 INTO ROW 1 AND INTO MEMORY ROW 1 UPPER BYTE LOWER BYTE ROW 2 DATA IS ENTERED INTO ROW 2 OVERLOADING UPPER AND LOWER BYTES OF ROW 2, CAUSES DATA MOVING FROM RIGHT TO LEFT TO DROP OFF (IS LOST) Figure 2-7. 9H349 Loading Data into FTU • Bi t entry - Pressing BIT key, prior to causes the corresponding LEDs to toggle. key clears bit mode. • Display - Data can be exchariged between row 1 and row 2 by pressing DISP key (action will not effect memory). enter ing data, Pressing LOAD Pressing DEC key converts row 2 hexadecimal data to (BCD) data. Pressing HEX key converts row 2 decimal data (to hexadecimal data. Pressing CLR ENT key clears row 2 LEDs. 83323370 C 2-33 OPERATING PROCEDURES GENERAL The operating procedures provide Jnstructions for operating the FTU when controlling the drive. Prior to performing these operations, the operator should be familiar wi th all the information contained in General Operating Information. Refer to the individual drive manual for procedures concerning operation of the dri ve • POWER ~p INITIALIZATION 1. Remove dri ve , t o be serviced, from the system and connect FTU to dri ve using applicable cable configuration listed in table 2-1. 2. Set circuit breaker CBl, on power supply assembly, to ON and ensure that LEDs -5 and +5, in row 4, are lighted. 3. position PROCESSOR switches; lows: on FTU front panel, as fol- a. Set S.TART/RESET switch to RESET position. b. Set RUN/HALT switch to HALT position 4. position switches on FTU front panel as follows: SWITCH -- • 2-34 POSITION SINGLE/CONT CONT -/+(Carrage offset) Center LATE/EARLY Center (normal) WRITE FLAG OFF WRITE PROT ON AM/SECTOR EOT STOP as desired OFF DATA ERROR OVERRIDE OFF ADDR ERROR OVERRIDE OFF SHIFT PATT/DATA PATT DATA PATT R/W SELEcr ACCESS ONLY ACCESS SELEcr DIRECT SEEK (OFF) 83323370'E 5. position PROCESSOR switches as follows: a. Set START/RESET toggle switch to start. b. Set RUN/HALT swi tch to RUN and ensure that ON CYL, RDY, WT PROT, SELD, SEEK ERR, FLT, BUSY, and RUN LEOs are lighted. 6. If drive is operating in remote power sequence mode, ensure that FTU SEQ PWR/OFF switch is set to SEQ PWR to allow drive to complete power up first seek operation. 7. Perform Selecting Drive Procedures. 8. Install scratch pack on drive. perform read/write tests on C.E. ber) cylinder only. 9. Ini tiate manual. drive heads load For fixed media drives, (innermost, highest num- sequence per individual dr ive SELECTING ·DRIVE· . NOTE Erratic and unreliable drive operation is possible if drive type code is not cor~ect. Determine device type code, for drive being serviced, by referring to table 2-4 and/or figure 2-8. When selecting drive, the FTU sequences through 16 (0-15) possible logic signals from drive. The logic number is displayed in rO\ll 1 LED, when DATA ENTRY swi tch is rotated to UNIT NUMBER position. If drive is not selected, following several retries, the FTU times out and the SEL LED flashe~. 1. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DEVICE TYPE position. 2. Enter device type code. Ensure that code is entered correctly by observing its display, in hexadecimal on row 2 of LEDS. If code is not correct, press CLR ENT key, clearing row 2, and reenter code. 3. Press LOAD key, transferr ing code from row 2 into row 1 and into memory. Ensure that code has transferred correctly by observing its display on row 1 of LEOs. If code is not correct, press DISP key, returning code from row 1 back into row 2. Press CLR ENT key, clearing code from row 2, and reenter code. 83323370 E 2-35 TABLE 2-4. DRIVE FAMILY S M D DEVICE CAPACITY INTERFACE 9760-40 9762-80 DEVICE TYPE CODES DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/A (NRZ DATA) *A DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/B (MFM DATA)**B DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/A (MFM DATA)**A Mux lAOS 60/75 Std OA05 1205 0205 3A05 2A05 3205 2205 Mux 1905 60/75 Std 0905 1105 0105 3905 2905 3105 2105 9764-150 Mux lA19 60/75 Std OA19 1219 0219 3A19 2A19 3219 2219 9766-300 Mux 1919 60/75 Std 0919 1119 0119 3919 2919 3119 2119 973X-12 Mux 1802 60/75 Std 0802 1002 0002 3802 2802 3002 2002 --. DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/B (NRZ DATA)*B I M M D I 973X-24 Mux 1804 60/75 Std 0804 1004 0004 3804 2804 3004 2004 973X-80 Mux 1905 60/75 Std 0905 1105 0105 3905 2905 3105 2105 973X-160 Mux 1910 60/75 Std 0910 1110 0110 3910 2910 3110 2110 973X-2.5 Mux 1004 60/75 Std OD04 1504 0504 2004 2D04 3504 2504 I Table Continued on Next Page 2-36 83323370 E TABLE 2-4. DRIVE DEVICE FAMILY CAPACITY INTERFACE DEVICE TYPE CODES (Contd) DEVICE "TYPE INDEXSECTOR/B (NRZ DATA)*B DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/A (NRZ DATA) *A DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/A (MFM DATA}**A DEVICE TYPE INDEXSECTOR/B (MFM DATA)**B - 973X-5.0 Mux 60/75 Std lE04 OE04 1604 0604 3E04 2E04 3604 2604 973X-I0 Mux 60/75 std IF04 OF04 1704 0704 3F04 2F04 3704 2704 C M D 9448 Mux 60/75 Std 99XX 89XX 91XX 81XX B9XX A9XX BIXX AIXX F M D 9775 Mux 60/75 Std IB40 OB40 1340 0340 3B40 2B40 3340 2140 k 9455 Mux 60/75 Std 1904 0904 1104 0104 3904 2904 3104 2104 M M D D *** * ** *** units with Read PLO for MFM to NRZ conversion Units without Read PLO for MFM to NRZ conversion Maximum cylinder number must be modified (DATA ENTRY position F) to 205 decimal (CD in hexadecimal) . 83323370 E 2-37 Determine Drive Options L ~A0 I I I Number of Heads Number of Cylinders I 4 I 2 I 1 2 1 o 7 6 543 8 141 2 I 1 8 141 2 I 1 I M::Is t si gn. bit Least sign. bit Example: J number of moveable heads (decimal number) 150 megabyte SMD has 19 moveable R/W hea ds thus the last two digits of the select code are 19 } Code uses 3 of the 4 b; ts av ailable 0 - 320 or if none apply. 1 - 823 in the 4 bit hex number to determi ne the number of cylinders the drive has from a lookup table. ill 2 - 411 I 3 - 843 4 - 1647 5 - 32 6 - 64 7 - 128 Example: 150 megabyte SMD has 411 cyl i nders , 411 on table is a 2. Index/sector si~nals in the B cable Multiplex ( -11 interface MFM data (no read PLO in driveJ Not Used CMD tyoe dri ve 08 Hex 10 Hex 20 Hex 40 Hex 80 Hex 00 If none apply The first 5 bits determines 1/0 and drive options and are entered with the cylinder code as two Hex numbers. Example: 150 megabyte SMD with standard 60 pin I/O with no read PLO, and index/sector signals in the B cable is a 28 (Hex) code. 28 Hex Thus the device type code is 2A19. + 2 Hex 2A Hex Note: ~ If none apply, after selecting drive, rotate DATA ENTRY switch to F position and manually enter, via keyboard, the number of cylinders. 9H351A Figure 2-38 2~8.Device Type Code Determination 83323370 E I 4. Ensure that LED I/O RDY, in row 3, is lighted. Status of remaining LEDs, in row 3, can be disregarded for this step of the procedure. 5. Press SEL DRV key and interpret -results as follows: 6. • If SEL LED, lights and drive logical address appears in row 1 of LEDS, selection is successful, proceed to desired operation. • If SEL LED is flashing and/or incorrect logical address appears in row 1 LEDS, selection is unsuccessful', proceed to step 6. Proceed as follows if unable to select drive: a. Verify that correct device type code is entered. b. Troubleshoot select problem on drive. If desired to select drive during troubleshooting, perform Status Bypass procedures prior to pressing SEL DRV key. SMD, MMD, FMD, Selection Perform Selecting Drive procedures. CMD Selection Selection of CMD drive includes selecting fixed volume, removable volume (cartr idge), and both fixed and removable volume. Note, when going between fixed and removeable volumes, any information that may have 'been entered with the DATA ENTRY switch at position E is destroyed when the SEL DRV Key is pressed. 83323370 F' 2-38.1 I Removable Volume Perform selecting Drive procedures. Fixed Volume Perform Selecting 5 below: Dr~ ve precedures followed by steps 1 through 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to FIXED VOLUME position. 2. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. 3. Select status byte 2 by pressing key 2. NOTE When changing from removable volume to fixed volume, pressing SEL DRV after performing function E will destroy contents of E. 4. 5. Press SEL DRV key and interpret results as follows: • If SELD LED lights and drive "logical address appears in row 1 of LEOs, selection is successful, proceed to desired operation. • If SELD LED is flasing and/or incorrect logical address appears ln row 1 of LEDs, selection is unsuccessful, proceed to step 5. Proceed as follows if unable to select drive: a. Verify that correct device type code is entered. b. Troubleshoot select problem on drive. If drive is selcted " dur ing troubleshooting, perform status bypass procedures prior to pressing SEL DRV key. 6. Toggle WRITE PROT switch (to WRITE PROT position and back to OFF position). 83323370 F 2-39 • Fixed and Removable Volume Select CMD fixed and iemovablevolume by"positioning FTU front panel switches as follows: 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to FIXED VOLUME position. 2. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. 3. Select status byte 2 by pressing key 2. 4. Press GO key and interpret results as follows: 5. • If SEL LED, lights and drive logical address appears in row 1 of LEOs, selection is successful, proceed to desired operation. • If SEL LED is flashing and/or incorrect logical address appears in row 1 of LEDS, selection is unsuccessful, proceed to step 5. Proceed as follows if unable to select drive: 1. Verify that correct device type code is entered. 2. Troubleshoot select problem on drive. If desired to select drive during' troubleshooting, perform Status Bypass procedures prior to pressing SEL DRV key. LMD (Lark) Selection Per form Selecting Dr i ve proceedures below: followed by steps land 2 1. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to F position. 2. Enter via keyboard, the LMD hexadecimal maximum cylinder number OOeD. SECTOR COUNT CHECK The FTU automatically counts and displays the number of sector pulses generated by the drive per revolution of the disk. This s'ector pulse count is used to calculate the length and number of data records to be written on each track. 2-40 83323370 E Note that while the FTU is capable of handling a max~mum of 128 sectors, the following procedure will vary according to the number of sectors the particular drive is set to generate. Some sector counts, gene~ated by the drive, will 'produce an ex-' tra sector pulse at' the end of the track that will resul t in a short sector (the last sector of the track will be shorter than the rest). Sector counts not listed in Table '2-4.1 will result in a short sector at the end of track. Whenever the FTU counts and displays a sector count not listed in Table 2-4.1, the FTU must be programmed to ignore the short sector to eliminate the possibility of writing over index and into the protected area. 1. Refer to the applicable drive specifications or sector swi tch set tings and dete rmine the cor rect numbe r of, sector pulses for the dri ve (not the number observed, as on an osc i llos cope) • 2. Refer to Table 2-4.1, and determine whether the sector count will result in a short sector and verify the sector count as follows. a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to C position. b. Press DISP key, on keyboard, count in hexadecimal. displaying the sector c. Press DEC key, converting the sector count to decimal.' I f the sector count is the same number as determined in step 1, proceed with desired operation. If the sector count is one number larger than the number determined in step 1, program the FTU to ignore the short sector by proceeding to step 3. If the sector count is not the same as the number determined in step 1 or one number larger, troubleshoot the problem, prior to performing any write operation. 3. Program the FTU to ignore the shor t track as follows: a. Press CL~R sector at the end of ENT key, canceling display. b. Enter the correct sector count, determined in step 1, in decimal. c. Press HEX key, mal. 83323370 E converting number entered to hexadeci- 2-41 • d. Press LOAD key, into memo ry • entering correct sector count nUmber e. Repeat step 2 to verify. that the FTU is counting and displaying the correct sector count for that particular drive. TABLE 2-4.1 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 -SEcrOR COUNTS WITHOUT A SHORT SEcrOR 14 15 16 20 21 24 28 30 32 35 40 42 48 56 60 64 70 80 84 96 105 112 120 128 DATA FIELD LENGTH The data field length, based on the number of sectors per drive (see figure 2-8) is automatically updated when the sector length of the drive is updated. The data field length is displayed in row 1 LEDs when DATA ENTRY switch i~ set to D position (see table 2-6) • TABLE 2-5. p.wi tch Set ting DATA ENTRY switch set to D pas i tion ROW 1 LED Indicators (2 15 - 2 8 ) Number of words less 1. For special test purposes, fied as follows: • 2-42 DATA FIELD LENGTH the data ROW 2 LED Indicators (2 7 - 20) Number of 4 bi t bytes per word less 1. field length can be modi- 83323370 E TRACK I I INDEX I I RECORD 14 t' SECTOR 15 SECTOR 00 \.~ RECORD 0 SECTOR 01 I -~ 'V' I I PROTECTED ; AREA I -~ ,...---- ---- ........ -- .... ------- I ~ ..... OVERHEAD BYTES -- ---- ......... ..... ..... .......... .......... .......... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------- DATA FIELD , I ,FORMAT ILLUSTRATES _--A DRI V1-SET FOR 161------I SECTORS I I LENGTH CAN BE MODIFIED I ,, ,, 'I I 1 I I I I DATA FIELD LENGTH 9H347 Figure 2-9. 8 3323 37 a E ,I Read/Write Data Format Diagram 2- 4 3 • CAUTION Use extreme care not to enter a number larger than the number ·calculated in step 1, when modifying the data field length. Entering too large a number could cause drive to write ihto protected area (see figure 2-8). 1. Calculate maximum allowable data field length as follows: Data Field Length Byte? where: Bytes per Record = = Bytes per Record minus Overhead Bytes per track - Bytes in Protected sectors Number of Records Overhead Bytes figure 2-8) = Bytes in Protected Sector(s) III (for all applications (see = Bytes per Track x Number of Number of sectors Protected Sectectrs (see figure 2-7) 2. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to D position and ·observe row 1 LEDs. 3. Manually enter (in hexadecimal) desired data field length, not to exceed the number calculated in step 1. NUMBER OF DATA RECORDS The FTU displays the total number of data records available for use on each track. The number of records correspond to the total number of sectors per track minus the sectors contained in the protected area immediately following index (see figure 2-8). The FTU prevents writing in the protected area thus any sectors located in the protected area are unavailable for storage of data. The number of sectors in the protect area , varies with the total number of sectors per revolution generated by the dr ive, while the size of the protected area remains constant. Changing the total number of sectors, per revolution, causes the si ze of the sectors (bytes per sector) to change. The relationship between the number of sectors, protected area, and sector location available for writing the first data record. is illustrated in table 2-6 . • 2-44 83323370 E TABLE 2-6. SECTOR AND DATA RECORD RELATIONSHIP 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 71-96 87-112 103-128 EXAMPLE: Sector Location of 1st Data Record Number Protected Number of Sectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (0) (0 ,1) (0-2 ) (0-3) (0-4) (0-5) (0-6) (0-7) 64 sector drive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I (sector 0-63). Sector 0,1,2, and 3 are protected. Sectors 4 through 63 are available for data records numbered a through 59. Record a corresponds to sector 4. Record 59 corresponds to sector 63. NOl'E Perform step 1 to display number of dat a records. Perform step 2 to change number of data records. 1. Display the number of data records as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to position E. b. Observe number of data records displayed in upper byte of row 1 LEOs. ' 2. Change the number of data records as follows: CAUTION When changing the number of data ,records, do not enter a number larger than the number of sectors generated by the dri ve minus the sectors in the' protected area (see Sector Check procedure). Entering a number of data records larger than the number of sectors could cause dri ve' to write into protected area (see figure 2-8) • 83323 370, E 2-:-'45, a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to E position. b. Using Bit entry per Data Loading new numberrif data records. c. Observe upper byte number is correct. if row 1 LEOs procedures; to' ensure enter that the MANUAL TAGS Manual tags allow a specific command (combination of tag and bus bits) to be put on I/O lines to drive being serviced when GO key is p'ressed. Determine proper tag and bus bi ts of desired command by referring to applicable drive manual. 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to MANUAL TAG position. 2. Set SINGLE/CONT swi tch to desired posi tion. If single tag is desired, set switch to SINGLE position. If multiple tags are desired, set switch to CONT position. 3. Press BIT key. 4. Enter applicable information from dri ve manual and table' 2-8 to make desired tag and bus bits true. Observe bit selection displayed on row 2 LEOs. NOTE I If 7. transient tag is desired, proceed If permanent tag is desired: • Perform steps 6 and 7 for drive with multiplex interface • Perform steps 5 and standard interface. 7 for to drives step with 5. Ensure thatSINGLE/CONT switch is set to SINGLE position. Press BIT key, on keyboard, and observe bi t selection on row 2 LEOs. 6. Ensure that SINGLE/CONT switch is set to SINGLE position. Proceed to STATUS BYPASS procedure and per form CONT. UPDATE MUX STATUS bypass pr ior to pressing BIT key on keyboard. Observe bit selection on row 2 LEOs. 7. Press GO' key, sending the I/O command out on interface. 2-46 83323370 F TABLE 2-7. FTU KEY/LED F STD I/O Bit -- MANUAL TAGS MUX I/O Data Entry Swi tch Posi tioned To Head Bit -- Mux Bus In Bit 0 E Tag 3 Tag 2 1 D Tag 2 Tag 1 2 C Tag 1 Tag O 3 4 B -- -- A -- 9 Bit 9 8 Bit 8 ---- 7 Bit 7 Bus Out Bi t 0 - - - 6 Bit 6 Bus Out Bit 1 - - - 5 Bit 5 Bus Out Bit 2 - - 4 Bit 4 Bus Out Bit 3 - - 3 Bit 3 Bus Out Bit 4 - - 2 Bit 2 Bus Out Bit 5 - 1 Bit 1 Bus Out Bit 6 - 0 Bit 0 Bus Out Bit 7 - - 83323370 E 5 6 7 - 2-47 • STATUS BYPASS The FTU will normally not send commands to drive if error conditions are present. For special test purposes; it is possible to over ride this condi tion and continue exercising the dri veby positioning FTU front panel switches as follows: 1. Rotate DATA ENrRY swi tch to STATUS_ BYTES position. 2. Pres s F key. 3. Press CLR ENT key. 4. Press BIT key. 5. Enter appropriate bypass bit(s) from table 2-9. Row 2 LEDs will display the bypass- bi t (s) of· er ror condi tion in row 3. directly below it. 6. Press LOAD key. 7. PressF key. TABLE 2-8. Bit Display Bypass Bit STAT_US BYPASS BIT TABLE Bypas s S tat us 213 0 On Cylinder 212 C Tag Gate In (ROY) 210 A Selected 29 9 Seek Error 28 8 Fault 215 F Time Out 214 E Continuous Updated MUX Status The FTU is now programmed to continue exercising the drive despite error condition. • 2-48 83323370 E ITI COMMAND Command drive to perform RTZ (return to zero) tioning FTU front panel switches _as follows: seek by posi- 1. Press RTZ key. 2. EnsUre that ON CYL, ROY, and SELD LEDs are lighted. DIRECT SEEK/ACCESS ONLY 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2. Perform Drive Selection Procedure. 3. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 4. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to DIRECT SEEK position. 5. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DESTINATION position. 6. Enter a cylinder LOAD key. 7. Press GO key. 8. Press STOP key. 9. Press CLR key. next test. address FTU is number now ready (in decimal) to be and programmed press for 10. Observe row 1 LEDs, to ensure that cylinder address is being sequenced, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. b. Press 1 ke y . DIRECT CONT / ACCESS ONLY Perf orm steps 1 through 7 to perform a see~ between 0 and one selected address. Perform steps 1 through 11 to perform a seek between two selected addresses. 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2. Perform Dri ve Selection Procedure. 83323370 E 2-49' • 3. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 4. Rotate ACCESS SELECT swi tch to DIRECT SEEK posl tion. 5. Rotate DATA ENl'RY swi tch to DESTINAT.ION posi tion. 6. Enter a cylinder LOAD key. 7. Press GO key. 8. Press STOP key. 9. Rotate ACCESS SELEcr swi tch to DIRECT CDNT posi tion. address number 10. Enter second cylinder address key. (in decimal) (in decimal) and press and press LOAD 11. Press GO key. NOTE Observe each cylinder address by performing step 12. Otherwise proceed to step 13. 12. Each cylinder address will be displayed, on row 1 LEDs;each time GO key is pressed after positioning switches as follows: a. Set SINGLE/CONT toggle switch to SINGLE position. b. Rotate DATA/ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. c. Press 1 key. d. Press GO key, and observe first selected address. e. Press GO key, and observe second selected address. 13. Set SINGLE/CONT switch to desired position. In SINGLE, drive seeks between two tracks once and stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed depends on setting of Ear STOP/OFF switch. Set EOT STOP/OFF switch as instructed in either a or b below. a. Enable drive to seek cootinuously until STOP pressed by setting Ear S.TOP/OFF switch to OFF. key is b. Enable drive to stop automatically after 10 000 seeks by setting Ear S.TOP/OFF switch to EOT STOP. Test can also be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing STOP key. • 2-50 83323370 E 14. Press GO key. Drive is now performing test. step 15 when test is complete. 15. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. Proceed to The FTU is now ready to be pro- SEQ FORWARD SEEK/ACCESS ONLY 1. Perform Power Up Ini tialization procedure. 2. Perform Dri ve Selection Procedure. 3• Rotate ACCESS SELEcr swi tch to SEQ FORWARD pas i tion. This test normally causes seeks in increments of one cylinder. If desired to increment by more than one cylinder, position switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY, switch to SEEK INCREMENT position. b. Enter (in hexadecimal) the desired increment number am observe that the nLnnber is displayed in row ILEDs. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELEcr switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 5• Set S INGLE/CONT swi tch .to des i red pas i ti on • InS INGLE, drive performs one seek and stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed deperrls on setting of Ear STOP/OFF swi tch. Set EOT STOP/OFF swi t.ch as instructed in· ei ther a or b below. . a. Enabl e dri ve to seek con ti nuously until STOP pressed by set ting Ear S.TOP /OFF swi tch to OFF. key is b. Enable drive to stop automatically after performing all possible seeks once by setting EOT STOP/OFF switch to Ear STOP. Test can also' be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing S~OP key. 6. Observe row 1 LEDs, to ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENTRY swi tch to STAT.US BYTES posi tion. b. Press 1 key. c. Press 00 key, instructing drive to perform test. test is completed, proceed to step 7. 7. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. 83323370 E when The FTU is now ready to be pro- 2-51 • SEQ REVERSE SEEK/ACCESS ONLY 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2. Perform Dri ve Selection Procedure. 3• Rotate ACCESS SELECT swi tch to SEQ FORWARD pas i tion. This test normally causes seeks in increments of one cylinder. If desired to increment by more, than one cylinder, position switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to SEEK INCREMENT position. b. Enter (in hexadecimal) the desired increment number and observe .that the number is displayed in row I LEDs. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT swi tch to ACCESS. ONLY posi tion. 5. Set SINGLE/CONT switch to desired position. In SINGLE, drive performs one seek and stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed deperrls on setting of Ear STOP/OF? swi tch. Set EOT STOP/OFF swi tch as instructed in-' ei the r a or b below. a. Enable drive to seek continuously until S,TOP pressed by setting EDT S~OP/OFF switch to OFF. key is b. Enable drive to stop automatically after J>erforming all possi ble see ks once by set ting EOT STOP JOFF swi tcn to EDT STOP. Test can also be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing STOP key. 6. Observe row I LEOs, to ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENTRY swi tch to STAT.US BYTES posi tion. b. Press I key. c. Press test. 7. GO key two times, instructing drive to perforn When test is completed,' proceed to' step 7. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. The FTU is now ready to be pro- SEQ FWD/REV - ACCESS ONLY 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2.. Perform Selecticn Drive Procedure • • 2-52 83323370 E 3. Rotate ACCESS SELEcr swi tch to SEQ' FORWARD pos i tion. This test normally causes seeks in increments of one cylinder. If desired to increment by more than one cylinder, position switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to SEEK INCREMENT position. b. Enter (in hexadecimal) the desired increment number arrl observe that the number is displayed in row 1 LEDs. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. S. Set S INGLE/CONT swi tch to des ired pos i ti on • InS INGLE, drive performs one seek and stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed deperrls on setting of Ear STOP/OFF switch. Set EOT STOP/OFF switch as instructed in-' either a or b below. . a. Enable drive to seek continuously until STOP pressed by set ting Ear STOP/OFF swi tch to OFF. key is b. Enable drive to stop automatically after Eerforming all possible seeks once by setting EOT STOP/OFF switch to EDT STOP. Test can also be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing STOP key. . 6. Observe row 1 LEDs, to ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENTRY switch to STATDS BYTES position. b. Press 1 key. c. Press test. 7. GO key two times, instructing drive' to perform When test is completed, proceed to step 7. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. The FTU is now ready to be pro- RANDOM SEEK/ACCESS ONLY 1. Pe rform Power Up Ini tial ization procedure. 2. Perform Dri ve Selection Procedure. 3. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to RANDOM SEEK position. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 83323370 E 2-53 • 5. Observe row 1 LEDs, to ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced; after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENTRY switch to STATUS-BYTES position. b. Press 1 key. NOTE Command each seek individually by performing step 6, otherwise proceed to step 7. 6. Command each as follows: see k i ndi vi dually, by posi ti oning swi tches a. Set SINGLE/CONT toggle swi tch to SINGLE posi tion. b. Press 1 key. c. Press GO Key for each seek. 7. Set S.INGLE/CONT switch to desired position. In S.INGLE, dri ve performs cne seek am .stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed depends on setting of EOT STOP/OFF switch. Set EOT STOP/OFF switch as instructed in either a or b below. a. Enable drive to seek continuously until STOP pressed by set ting Ear S.TOP /OFF swi tch to OFF. key is b. Enable dri ve to stop automatically after performing all possi ble seeks once by set ting EOT STOP /OFF switch to EOT STOP. Test can also be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing S~OP key. 8. Press GO key. Drive is now performing test. step 9 when test is canplete. 9. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. x - Proceed to The FTU is now ready to be pro- N SEEK/ACCESS ONLY 1. Pe rform Power Up Ini tial ization procedure. 2. Perform Dri ve Selection Procedure. • 2- 5 4 83 323 37 0 E 3. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to X - N SEEK position. This test normally causes seeks in increments of one cylinder. .If des ired to increment by more than one cylinder, position the switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to SEEK INCREMENT position. b. Enter (in hexadecimal) desired increment number and observe that the number is displayed in row 1 LEDs. c. Press LOAD key. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 5. Observe row 1 LEDs, to ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. b. Press 1 key. 6. Set SINGLE/CONT swi tch to desired posi tion. In SINGLE, dr i ve per forms one seek and stops. In CONT, the number of seeks performed depends on setting of EOT STOP/OFF switch. Set EOT STOP/OFF switch as instructed in either a or b below. a. Enable drive to seek continuously until STOP pressed by setting EOT STOP/OFF switch to OFF. key is b. Enable drive to stop automatically after performing 10 000 seeks by setting EOT STOP/OFF swi tch to EOT STOP. Test can also be stopped manually, at anytime, by pressing STOP key. 7. Press GO key. Drive is now performing test. ~tep 8 when test is complete. 8. Press CLR and RTZ keys. grammed for next test. Proceed to The FTU is now ready to be pro- READ/WRITE OPERATIONS The FTU is capable of performing five types of read/write operations. It can perform anyone. of these in conj unction ~..,i th anyone of the access operations. All read/wr i te operations are covered in the following three procedures: (1) write/Write Format, (2) Write/Read or write/Read Format, and (3) Read. 83323370 E 2~55 NOTE During sequential head operations, if I/O status goes bad·, the· test execution will stop but the head counter will cycle through to zero. To determine which· head is failing, the test must be rerun with the head switch in RANDOM or MANUAL. Write or Write Form~t Operation The following procedure describes how to prepare the FTU to per form either a wr i te or wr i te format ope.r a tion. Our ing a wr i te, the FTU commands the dr i ve to wr i te the data field portion of a record (see figure 2-8) with the operator determining the data pattern. During a write format, the entire data record including the address field is written, the operator supplies only the data field, the address is calculated and supplied automatically by the FTU. 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2. Perform Drive Selection procedure. 3. Perform Sector Count Check procedure. 4. Prepare for desired seek operation by performing a, b, or c below and then proceeding to step 5: a. If X -N, random, or sequential (FWD, REV or FWD/REV) seek is desired, set ACCESS SELECT switch to that pos i tion. b. If direct seek is desired, of Direct Seek procedure. perform steps 3 through 6 c. If direct continuous seek is desired, perform steps 3 through 13 of Direct Continuous Seek procedure. 5. Set HEAD switch to desired position (see Head Selection procedure. If switch is set to MANUAL Position, perform a and b. Otherwise, proceed to step 6. NOTE I Manual WRITE next record. a~ may destroy data in the Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to HEAD position. b. Enter key. 2-56 FORMAT desired head number (in decimal) and press LOAD 83323370 F 6. Rotate RD/WRT "SELECT switch either WRT or WRT FORMAT sition. po~ NOTE If in WRT FORMAT position, switch must be in SEQ position. 7. RECORD- toggle Set RECORD switch to desired position. If switch is set to MANUAL posi tion, perform a and b. Otherwise, proceed to step 8. a. Set DATA ENTRY switch to RECORD position. 83323370 F 2-56.1 I b. Enter desired head, number key. (in ,decimal) and' press" LOAD 8. Set +/- swi tch to OFF (center, posi tion). 'Setting swi tch to + or -' position causes drive to indicate fault condition. 9. Set EARLY/LATE swi tch t'o OFF (center posi tion) . 10. set WRITE FLAG/.Off switch to desired position~ 11. Set AM/SECTOR switch to desired position. 12. Set ERROR OVERRIDE switches sired positions. (DATA/OFF, ADDR/OFF) to de- 13. Set SHIFT PATT/DATA PATT switch to desired position. 14. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DATA PATTERN position and enter desired data pattern as follows: ' a. Enter 16 bit data pattern decimal characters). (consisting of four hexa- b. Press LOAD key. CAUTION Return WRITE PROT/OFF toggle swi tch to WRITE PROT position after desired write operation is completed. Failure to return swi tch to protect posi tion could cause an accidential loss of customer data. 15. set WRITE PROT/OFF switch to OFF. NOTE Perform step 16 to write on C.E. (innermost, highest number) cylinder only.- Perform steps 16 andl7 to write all 'tracks except 256, (track 256 is' locked out when drive :is controlled by FTU). 16. Allow wr i tirig only onCE (innermost highest number) inder by proceeding as follows: cyl- a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to position B. b. Enter 5754 via keyboard. c. Press LOAD key. '--- - 83323370 E 2-57 • , 17 ~ Allow, wii"ting on ;Eill cyli nders' (e~'xcept '<:256) ~ as follows: by "proceeding a. Rotate DATA ENl'Ry':switch to posi tion 'E. b. Press DISP key. c. Press BIT key. d. Press l' key. e. Press LOAD key. 18. Press ,GO key. FTU is now commanding drive to perform desired write operation. Write/Read or Write/Read Format Operati!ln The following procedure describes how to prepare the FTU to command the drive to first write information and then to read the same information back. During a wri tel read 'format operation, the FTU writes then reads the entire record including the address field (see figure 2-7). During a write/read, the entire record is read but only the data' field portion of a re-, cord is written. In both cases, the operator can control only what is wr i tten in the data field' portion of the record, the address field is automatically calculated and supplied by the FTU. 1. Perform Power Up Ini tialization procedure. 2. Perform Drive Selection procedure. 3• Perform 4. Prepare for desired seek operation by performing a, b, or c below and then proceeding to step 5: S~ctor Count Check pro"cedure. a. If X - N, randOm,' or sequential (FWD, REV or FWD/REV) seek is' desired, set 'ACCESS SELECl' swi tch to that posi tion. ' b. If direct seek is desired, of Direct Seek procedure. perform steps 3 through 6 c. If direct con tinuous seek is desire¢!, perform steps 3 through'13 of Direct Continuous See k procedure • • 2-58 :' 5. Set HEAD switch to desired position (see Head Selection procedure) • If swi tch is 'set to MANUAL Posi tion, perform a and b. Otherwise, proceed to step 6. a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to HEAD position. b. Enter d esi red head number key. (in decimal) and pres s LOAD 6. Rotate RE/WRT SELEcr switch either WRT/RD or WRT/RD FORMAT posi tion. 7. Set RECORD swi tch to des ired pas i tion • If swi tch is set to ~NUAL posi tion, perform a and b. Oterwise, proceed to step 8. a. Set DATtA ENI'RY swi tch to RECORD pos i tion. b. Enter desired head number key. (in decimai) and press LOAD 8. Set +/- switch to OFF (center position) Setting switch to + or - position causes drive to indicate faul tcondition of this test. 9. Set EARLY/LATE switch to OFF (center position). 10. Set WRITE FLAG/ Off switch to desired position. 11. Set AM/S~CrOR switch to desired position. 12. Set ERroR OVERRIDE sired pas i tions. swi tches (DATA/OFF, ADDR/OFF) to de- 13. Set SHIFT PATlI'/DATA PAT.T swi tch to desired position. 14. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DATA PATTERN position and enter desired data pattern as follows: a. Enter 16 bit data pattern decimal characters). (consisting of four hexa- b. Press LOAD key. 83323370 E 2-59 • :,·CAUTION I:. Return WRITE PRDr/OFF toggle swi,tch to WRITE PROT position after desired write operation is completed. Failure to r,eturn switch to prOtect position, could cause ,an acci.dential'loss of customer data. " 15. set WRITE PROT/OFF switch to OFF. NDrE Perform step ·16 to write on C.E. (innermost; highest number) cylinder only. Perform steps 16 andl7 to write all tracks except 256, (track 256 is locked out when dri ve is controll ed by FTU) • 16. Allow writing ooly on CE (innermost highest ntnnber) inder by proceeding as follows: cyl- a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to position B •. b. Enter 5754 via keyboard. c. Press LOAD key. 17. Allow wri ti ng en all cylinders as follows: (except 256) by proceeding a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to position E. b. Press DISP key. c. Press BIT key. d. Press 1 key. e. Press LOAD key. 18. Press GO key. FTU is now commanding drive to perform desired wri te ope ration. • 2-60 83323370 E READ/WRITE OPERATION ON FIXE[) HEADS Whenever an entry is made wi th DATA ENTRY swi tch set to fixed heads, information previously entered with DATA ENTRY switch in E posi tion, will be destroyed, and WT PROT LED will flash. WRITE PROT swi tch may be swi tched ON, to- stop the flashing, but if a write operation is desired, the WRITE PROT switch must be switched OFF again prior to performing a write operation. When performing read/write operations on fixed heads the read/wr i te functions and displays apply as for movable heads, with the following exceptions: • Stat,us byte 1, for standard interface drives, will display the logical cylinder address of the fixed head being accessed. • Only the maximum logical quential fixed heads. • status byte 2 displays the physical head number. • When performing an Access Select function, rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to DIRECT SEEK and load DESTINATION to zero (zero cylinder address). • Other access functions may not work correctly. cylinder is displayed for se- When moving from fixed heads to movable heads operation, with DATA ENTRY switch in FIXED HEADS position, enter all zeros. CAUTION Customers data will be destroyed when wr i ting with fixed heads. 1. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to FIXED HEADS position. 2. Enter the total number of heads being access (48 or 96). 3. Perform steps 15 through 17 of Read/Write operation. MFM READ/WRITE EXCEPTIONS TO READ/WRITE OPERATIONS When performing MFM read/write operation, tions exist: the following excep- 1'--. __ 83323370 E 2-61--· WRT/RD FRMT, • RD/WRT select switch applies to WRT/FORMAT; and READ functioos on~y. • SHIFT PAT.,T swi tch is ignored because pattern high or low f re quency • • Address is not written or read, therefore ADDRESS ERROR, FLAG, and A.M./SECTOR switches do not apply. • MRM type dri ves do not have read PLO, therefore FARLY/LATE strobe swi tch, that controls the read PLO, is inoperati ve. is nei ther Read Operations The following procedure describes how to prepare the FTU for read operation. During a read operation, the FTU cormnand~ the drive to read any data record (or records) selected by the operator. It is important to note that this test will work only if the record (0 r records.) to be read were wr i tten by the FTU. 1. Perform Power Up Initialization procedure. 2. Perform Drive Selection procedure. 3. Perform Sector Count Check procedure. 4• Pre pa re fo r des ired see k ope rat ion by pe rf 0 rm i ng a, b, c below and then proceeding to step 5: 0 r a. I f X - N, random, 0 r sequenti al (FWD, REV or FWD/REV) seek is desired, set ACCESS SELECT switch to that posi tion and proceed to step 4. b. If di rect seek is des ired, of Direct S.,eek procedure. perform steps 3 through 6 c. If direct continuous seek is desired, perform steps 3 through 13 of Direct Can tinuous Seek procedure. 5. Set HEAD switch to desired position (see Head Selection procedure. If swi tch is set to MANUAL Position,' perform a and b. Otherwise, proceed to step 6. a. Rotate DATA ENl'RY swi tch to HEAD posi tion.' b. Enter desired head number key. • 2- 6 2 (in decimal) and press LOAD 83323 37 0 E 6. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch Read position. 7. Set RECORD switch to desired position .. ·· If switch is set to MANUAL posi tion, perform a and b. Otherwise, proceed to step 8. a. Set DATA ENTRY switch to RECORD position. b. Enter desired head number key. (in decimal) and press LOAD 8. Set +/- switch to desired position. 9. Set EARLY/LATE switch to OFF (center position). 10. Set AM/SECTOR switch to desired position. 11. Set ERROR OVERRIDE sired positions. swi tches (DATA/OFF, ADDR/OFF) to de- 12. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DATA PATTERN position and enter desired data pattern as follows: a. Enter 16 bit data pattern decimal characters). (consisting of four hexa- b. Press LOAD key. CAUTION Return WRITE PROT/OFF toggle swi tch to WRITE PROT position after desired read operation is completed. Failure to return switch to protect position could cause an accidential loss of customer data. 13. Set WRITE PROT/OFF switch to OFF. NOTE Per.form highest 14 and (track trolled step 14 to read on C. E. (innermost, number) cylinder only. Perform steps 15 to read all tracts except 256~ 256 is locked out when drive is conby the FTU). 14. Allow reading only on C.E. (innermost, cylinder by proceeding as follows: 83323370 F highest number) 2-63 a. Rotate DATA- ENTRY switch to B position." b. Enter 5754 via keyb~ard. c. Press LOAD key. 15. Allow reading en all cylinders (except 256) as follows: by proceeding a. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to E position. b. Press DISP key. c. Press BIT key. d. Press 1 key. e. Press LOAD key. 16. Press GO key. FTU is now commanding drive to perform desired read operation. 1/0 LINE CHECK FTU commands dri ve to seek cylinders that are numbered powers of 2 only (l,i,4,8,l6, etc.) to check I/O lines. Power Up Initialization procedure and by 1. Perform dri ve • select 2. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to SEEK INCREMENT position. 3. Enter number 8000 and press LOAD key. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ACCESS ONLY position. 5. Rotate ACCESS SELECT swi tch to SEQ REVERSE posi tion. 6. Press GO key. 7. Ensure that the cylinder address is being sequenced by observing row 1 LEDs, after positioning switches as follows: a. Rotate DATA/ENrRY switch to STAT-US BYTES position. b. Pres s 1 ke y • 2-64 83323370 E ACCESS TIME CHECK - The FTU automatically calculates the time that the dri ve requires to perform a seek operation. The operator can use ei ther of two methods, EOT (End of test) stop or manual stol?, to obtain this time. Using the EDT stop method, the FTU indl.cates the access when the drive takes to complete the entire test (10 000 seeks for random, direct continuous, or sequential and 1 cycl e for X - N). Using the· manual stop method the FTU indicates the access time for any number of seeks. The FTU uses a crystal osci llator to gene rate the time base for the access time check. Due to tolerances and differences between crystals, the access time indicated by the FTU may vary slightly f rom the actual time. Therefore, when the FTU is first used and periodically thereafter (due to changes in crystal characteristics) the access time should be checked. This is done by checking it against a known time standard am noting the percentage of deviation. The following procedures explain both methods of calculating access time and also describe a method for verifying that the FTU is calculating the time correctly. EOT Stop Access Time Check 1. Set S INGLE/CONT swi tch to CONT ard Ear STOP /OFF swi tch to EOT STOP. 2. Command desired seek operation. 3. Rotate DATA ENTRY swi tch to STATUS BYTES posi ti on, A key, and read access time from ROW 1 LEOs. press Manual Stop Access Time Check 1. Set S INGLE/CONT and EOT STOP JOFF swi tches si tions. 2. Commarrl desired seek function. 3. Rotate ACCESS SELEcr switch to C posi tion • 4. Press GO key. 5. Rotate DATA ENl'RY switch to STATJJS BYTES position, press A key, and read access time f rom ROW' 1 LEOs. 83323370 E to des ired po- 2-65 • FTU Access Time Verification 1. Connect oscilloscope to observe on-cylinder signal at drive. Note that the on-cylinder signal referred to here remains active all during the time the drive is on cylinder. Do not confuse it with the on cylinder pULses, which are acti ve only for a short time after the dri ve reaches, on cylirrler. 2. Commarrl dri ve to perform di rect seek by performing steps 1 through 8 of Direct Seek/Access Only procedure. Observe arrl note how long the on-cylinder s ignal rema~ns inactive (on-cylinder goes inactive when the seek begl.ns and active again when the seek ends) • 3. Rotate ACCESS SELECI' switch to position C. 4• Rotate DATA ENrRY swi tch to STAT.DS_ .BYTES posi tion, press GO key, and read access time f rom ROW 1 LEDs. 5. Calculate percentage of deviation between values obtained in steps 2 and 4 by using the following formula. % of Deviation = Oscilloscope Value - FTU Value X 100 FTU Value Example: Assume oscilloscope value (from step 2 is 100 mV a'nd FTU value (from step 4 is 125 mV. % of Devi ation = 100 - 125 X 100 = -20% 125 6. Wr i te value from step 5 on piece of tape and attach tape to upper right hand corner of FTU front panel. During subsequent access time checks, use pe rcentage of d evi ation to cal cuI ate actual access time. FLAGGING A BAD TRACK with the ERROR OVERRIDE swi tches down any read test in progress, the FTU will stop exercising the drive in the event of a data or address error. Before flagging the track on which the er ror occur red, first WRITE and then READ the track several times to ensure that the error was not a random one. 1. Program tester to command operations on bad track. a. Place DATA ENTRY swi tch in STAT-US BYTES posl tion, press the 1 key and ·observe cylirrler address of bad track in hexadecimal form on row 1 LEDs. • 2-66 83323370 E b. Press nISP key to move cylinder address to row 2 LEDs. c. Place d. Press BCD. D~A ENTRY switch in DESTINATION position. DEC key to convert bottom display from hex to e. Press LOAD key. 2. Program tester to command operations at bad head address. a. Place DATA ENTRY switch in STATUS BYTES position, press the 2 key and observe head address of bad track in hexadecimal form on row 1 LEDs. b. Press DISP key to move head address to row 2 LEDs. c. Place DATA ENTRY switch in HEAD position. d. Press DEC key to convert row 2 LEDs from hex to BCD. e. Pres s LOAD key. 3. Place HEAD toggle switch in MAN position. 4. Set RECDRD switch to SEQ position (to flag one sector only, set RECORD swi tch to MANUAL), set DATA ENTRY swi tch to REOJRD position and enter record number to be flagged. 5. Place ACCESS SELEcr swi tch in DIREcr SEEK pas i tion • NOTE The logical record number is oot the s arne as the sector number (see table 2-7) • 6. Place RE/WRT SELEcr switch in .WRI'/RD and S.INGLE/CONT toggle swi tch in SINGLE pos i tion. 7. Press GO key and note whether ADDR ERR or DATA ERR LEDs light. Repeat this step several time. If either LED lights consistently, the track is bad. Flag bad track by performing steps 8, 9, and 10. Otherwise, skip to step 11. 8. Place WRITE FLAG toggle switch in up position. 9. Place RD/WRT SELEcr switch in WRT FORMAT position. 10. Press 00 key. 83323370 E 2-67 • NOTE When any operation other thaon formatting is being done and WRITE FLAG toggle switch. is in up position,' the FTU will stop when _a write flag is detected. 11. Place WRITE FLAG toggle switch in OFF position. 12. Press RTZ and CLR keys. 13. Return to WRT/RD procedure covering bad track. in progress prior to dis- RELEASING PROCESSOR FROM LOOP. It is possible for the processor to get hung up in a loop if it is given an illegal command. This is evidenced by the keyboard STOP, GO, CLR, and RTZ keys having no effect on the condition of the UNIT RUN LED. In this situation, the operator has two options. One option is ini tializing the FTU again by reentering all the previously entered parameters. However, a more convenient option is the following: 1. Place PROCESSOR RUN/HALT switch in HALT position. 2. Press STOP key. 3. Place PROCESSOR RUN/HALT switch in RUN positi"on. 4. Press GO key. The FTU will continue funciton occurred. in the test at the point where the mal- HEAD ALIGNMENT General This section is intended to be used in conjuction with the head alignmen t procedure in. the manual for the dr i ve being tested. The manual for the drive being tested outlines the speci fic procedure and specifications for head alignment. The information given here relates to operation of the FTU and interpretation of the displays of head offset on the FTU. '. 2-68 83323370 E FlU PreparationPerform the following steps to prepare the FTU for head alignment. 1. Perform Power Up Intialization procedure. 2. Perform Drive Selection procedure. 3• Connect· on head and the panel. 4. Connect Head Alignment Cable per alignment procedures in applicable drive manual. 5. Set XI/X.l switch, on head alignment board to Xl position and leave swi tch in Xl pos i tion desregarding dr i ve manual instructions. test leads (see figure 2-3) between + and - jacks alignment card, that is installed in the drive, + and - HEAD ALIGNMENT jacks on the FTU f ron t (observe polarity). NOTE Select heads as described in steps 6 and 7 only when di rec ted to do so in appl i c abl e dr i ve manual Head Alignment procedure. 6. Select first follows: head to be aligned by setting switches as a. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to ALIGNMENT position. b. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to HEAD position. c. Set HEAD toggle switch to MAN position. d. Enter the head number of the head being aligned. e. Press LOAD key. f. Select type of of fset display (Bi t: GO) (HEX: GO) or (DEC: GO) and proceed with head alignment as directed in dr i ve manual. 7. Select next head follows: to be aligned by positioning switches as a. Press STOP and CLR keys. b. Perform steps d, e, and f above. 83323370 E 2-69 • Offset Displays Three ,different LED displays of head sible. All three displays in table These LEDs are labelled O-F just as For all three display modes, if LED F' is negative. offset vol tage are pos2-10, use row 2 LED's. on the FTU front panel. is lit then the read out For example to obtain the head offset in HEX, push HEX key am then the GO key. This will set up a display pattern such that LEDS 0-3 indicates the offset value (mV) multiplied by 16 0 . LEDs 4-7 indicates the offset value (mV) multiplied by 16 1 • LEDS 8-A indicates the offset value (mV) multiplied by 16 2 • LEDS B-E not used. LEDS F indicates minus sign. Thus, if the following LEDs are lit: • 0 0 0 F C 000 • B 8 o 00. 0 7 4 The offset read is -12516 mV 3 = .0. 0 -293 mV (or, from table 2-4, HEX mode, LED 8 +5 +2 +0 (mV) = = = = + 256 + 32 + 4 + -1 293 mV and LED F indicates that this result is negative) 'Similarly, to obtain an offset readout in BCD, push the DEC key and then the GO key. • 2-70 83323370 E The display pattern for this mode is: LEDS 0-3 indicates the offset value (mV) multiplied by 10°. LEOs 4-7 indicates the offset value (rnV) -multiplied by 10 1 ., LEOS 8-B indicates the offset value (rnV) multiplied by 10 2 • LEOS C is the offset value (in mV) multiplied by 10 3 • LEOS O-E not used. LEOS F indicates minus sign. Thus, if the following LEDs are lit: a a a a a • 0 0 a F B 8 7 C ••a •a a • 4 3 0 The offset 'read is + 469 10 mV = +469 mV , (or, from table 2-4, DEC mode, LED A +6 +5 +3 +0 (mV) = = = = = + 400 + 40 + + + 20 8 1 469 mV Push ing the BIT key and then the GO key sets up a third type of display. Each of the nine LEDs on the right side of the display (0 throug h 8) repre sen ts an incremen t of 10 mV. Each of the next five LEDs (9 through D) represents an increment of 100 mV. If the offset is 600 mV or more, LED E is lighted. For example, if LEDs F, A, and 5 are lit, the head offset is -260 mV. 83323370 E 2-71 • TABLE 2-9. LED Desig~ation HEAD ALIGNMENT DISPLAYS Representation (In mV) HEX Mode DEC ModeBIT Mode 0 1 1 10 1 2 2 20 2 4 4 30 3 8 8 40 4 16 10 50 5 32 20 60 6 64 40 70 7 128 80 80 8 256 100 90 9 512 200 100 A 1024 400 200 B Not Used 800 300 C Not Used 1000 400 D Not Used Not Used 500 E Not Used Not Used F - Sign - Sign 600 And Above - Sign STATUS BYTE$ General Sixteen status bytes are available to the operator of the FTU. They are numbered from hexadecimal 0 to hexadecimal F. To call up a particular status byte, place the DATA ENTRY switch in • 2--72 83323370 E STATUS BYTES position and press the corresponding key on the keyboard. The number of the chosen status byte appears on the r ighthand 4 LEOs on row 2. The status byte appears on row 1 LEOs. For each of the 16 status bytes, table 2-10 gi ves the value assigned to each LED. Tag-Bus I/O (0) This status byte displays tag and bus signals as they are sent from the FTU to the d ri ve. Cylinder (1) This status byte displays the cylinder on \'1hich the drive is operating. The binary value assigned to each LED is given in table 2-10. Head (2) This status byte displays the head with which the drive is reading or writing in hexadecimal. For example, for head 17, LEOs 4 and 0 are lighted. Record (3) This status byte displays the record on which the drive is performing a read/write operation. The display pattern is identical to the Head display. This is readily visible only in manual or random record (see description of RECORD toggle switch in table 2-2). Sector (4) When the drive has been selected, this status byte indicates the total number of sectors being used by the drive. During read/write operations, the sector on which the drive is reading or writing is indicated. This is readily visible only in manual or random record. Pattern (S) This status byte displays the 16-bit data pattern that has been entered in FTU memory and is repeated in the data field written by the drive. 83323370 E 2-73 • Address -Error Counter (6) -. This rors ADDR drive status byte displays a -count of the numb~r of ~ddress eroccurring during an extended read operation. Unless - the ERROR OVERRIDE toggle switch is in the up position, the will stop reading when an address error occurs. Data Error Counter (7) This status byte displays a count of the number of records that contain data errors. Unless the DATA ERROR OVERRIDE toggle switch is in the up position, the drive will stop reading when a data error occurs. Flag/Pass Counters (8) Display bits a through 7 indicate how many passes the drive has made through the disk pack in an extended seek operation. Display bits 8 through F indicate the number of flagged tracks detected in a read operation. Seek Counter (9) This status byte displays a count of number of seeks performed in a multiple seek operation. Average Access Time (A) This status byte displays the average access time for a series of seeks. The display is binary-coded decimal where each group of four LEDs represents a decimal digit. The least significant digit is in tenths of milliseconds. Access Time Counter (8 and C) These two displays indicated a series of seeks. This is lower order 16 bits compose order 16 bits compose the B tenths of milliseconds. the total access time required for a binary representation where the the C status byte, and the higher status byte. The readout is in Cylinder Destination 1 (D) When the drlve is performing a continuous seek between two cylinders, this status byte indicates the address of the first cylinder. • 2-74 83323370 E Cylinder Destination 2· (E) When the drive is perfoi~ing a continuous seek between two cylinders, this status· byte indicates the address of the second cylinder. MUX Status (F) This display indicates the faul t status signals sent back from a drive that has a multiplexed interface. The status condition indicated by each LED is given in table 2-10. LEOs 2 and 6 are not used. 83323370 E 2-75 • - TABLE 2-10. ~ --, : ..... - -- ~. STATUS BYTES r---:-' Status Byte Number/Name r--' 0 1 Tag-Bus I/O Cyl inder R/W F First Enabled 2 Fixed Volume Access D E T 4 16384 I 0 A 2 8192 S C G 1 4096 p B L· A 1024 1024 A 9 512 512 Y 8 256 256 Hold Tag 3 Head Record Enabled (CMD) Not Used Not Used 2048 Not Used Not Used 7 B 128 128 128 128 6 U 64 64 64 64 B 5 S 32 32 32 32 I 4 16 16 16 16 T 3 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 I / S 2 0 -Table Continued on Next Page -- • 2-76 83323370 E ( \ TABLE 2-11. STAT.US BYTES (Contd) Status Byte Number/Name 4 5 Sector Not Used 6 Pattern 32768 Addr Error Ctr 7 Data Error Ctr D F I E 16384 16384 S D 8192 8192 P C 4096 4096 L B 2048 2048 A A 1024 1024 y 9 512 512 8 Not Used 256 Not Used Not Used 32768 256 7 128 128 128 128 B 6 64 64 64 64 I 5 32 32 32 32 T 4 16 16 16 16 S 3 8 8 8 8 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 E 2~77 • TABLE 2-11. STATUS BYTES (Contd) r-" Status Byte Number/Name 8 Flag/Pass Counters D F I E F L A 9 Seek Counter B Average Access Time Access Time Cts (O.lMS) 128 32768 800 MS 2 147 483 648 64 16384 400 MS 1 073 741 824 32 8192 200 MS 536 870 912 16 4096 100 MS 268 435 456 8 2048 80 MS 134 217 728 4 .1024 40 MS 67 108 864 2 512 20 MS 33 554 432 1 256 10 MS 16 777 216 128 128 8 MS 8 388 608 64 64 4 MS 4 194 304 32 32 2 MS 2 097 152 16 16 1 MS 1 048 576 8 8 0.8 MS 524 288 4 4 0.4 MS 262 144 2 2 0.2 MS 131 072 1 1 0.1 MS 65 536 A S D G P C L B C A A T Y 9 R 8 7 P B 6 A I 5 T S 4 S S 3 C 2 T 1 R 0 Table Continued on Next Page • 2-78 83323370 E TABLE 2-11. STATUS BYTES (Contd) STATUS BYTE NUMBER/NAME C D Access Time Ctr (O.lMS) Cylinder Destination E F Cylinder Destination Mux Status D F .32768 32768 32768 No Head Se1 I E 16384 16384 16384 Wrt Fault S D 8192 8192 8192 W+R Off Cy1 P C 4096 4096 4096 W/R Fault L B 2048 2048 2048 Voltage Fault A A 1024 1024 1024 HD SEL Fault y 9 512 512 512 Seek Error 8 256 256 256 WRT Protect 7 128 128 128 B 6 64 64 64 I 5 32 32 32 On Cy1 T 4 16 16 16 unit·Rdy S 3 8 8 8 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 Offset Active 0 1 1 1 Chk Diag. --. 83323370 E 2-79 • c· (' SECTION 3 THEORY OF OPERATION 3 THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION The TB216 is a microprocessor-controlled tester containing a 6800 series microprocessor and related support chips. The microprocessor operates under control of firmware loaded into FTU memory during manufacture. The main elements in the FTU are a power supply, four cards in the logic chassis, and three circuit boards on the front panel. The microprocessor system is located on the logic cards. The front panel circuit boards contain switches and indicators that are used by the operator to control and moni tor FTU and drive operation. Figure 3-1 is a block diagram of the FTU showing the circuit cards and their principal logic elements. This figure also shows the data bus, address bus, and various control lines connecting these elements. The logic elements appear ing in the figur~ are described in table 3-1. The following text describes the purpose of each circuit card and its relationship to the system. MICROPROCESSOR CARD The microprocessor card performs the processing and memory functions of the FTU. The microprocessor chip on this card makes computations and controls data transfer to and from the other system elements as directed by the microprogram. The microprocessor is responsive to changes in the front panel switch settings (operator instructions) and signal appearing on the dr i ve I/O. The microprocessor sends commands to the. I/O control, read/write control, and control panel interface. These determine what is communicated on the interface to the disk drive and what is displayed on the fron panel. ~/O CONTROL CARD The I/O control ·with the drive. I/O 83323370 C card contains circui try to interface the FTU Commands f rom the microprocessor prepar e the 3-1 control for communications between the FTU and the drive. Responding to the device type code entered by the operator into FTU memory, ensures that the proper interface is used in routing these communications on the I/O lines. Signals transmi tted to the drive include commands and wr ite data. The I/O control follows microprocessor instructions to generate the command signals. It also routes write data (format and data. pattern) from the read/wri te control card to the drive I/O lines. Signals received from the drive include status information and read data. The I/O control indicates the dr ive status to the' microprocessor and routes read data to the read/wr i te control card. . READ/WRITE CONTROL CARD The read/write control card processes read/write data by prepar ing it to be wr i tten and interpreting it as it is read. During a write operation, it enters into its memory formatting data followed by repetitions of the data pattern entered by the operator on the FTU keyboard. This data is sent to the drive via the I/O control card when the heads are at the proper point over the disk pack. The FTU determines the proper point by using the Index and Sector signals it receives from the drive. During the read operation, the data read by the drive is routed by the I/O control card to the read/write control card for compar ision wi th the data stored in its memory. This compar ison indicates data and address errors that occurred in the write/read operation. An additional function of this card is.conversion of the analog head alignment offset into digital form for LED display of head offset. CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE CARD The control panel interface card has two basic functions. First, it translates control panel switch settings into instructions for the microprocessor. Second, it responds to specif ic signal combinations on the microprocessor system busses by lighting appropriate LEDs on the front panel. LED DISPLAY BOARD The LED display board provides a number of indications to the operator. These include keyboard entries, FTU status bytes, 3-2 83323370 C self' test status, and head alignme-nt offset. For more .information about these, refer to the controls and indicators table in the operation section. CONTROL PANEL BOARD The control panel board contains the swi tches used to control operation of the FTU. For more information about these, refer to the controls and indicators table in the operation section. TEST POINT BOARD The test. point board allows the operator to connect an oscilloscope to various drive I/O lines. The test point terminals are defined in the operation section under Test Points and Jacks. POWER SUPPLY The power supply, located in the FTU case, produces the regulated voltages (±S V dc) used by the FTU circuitry. By changing connections and jumpers on the primary of the power transformer (TI) , the operator can use the FTU wi th a variety of line voltages (refer to Operating Voltage Selection in the operation section). 83323370 C 3-3 I...----I~v TRANSMITTERS RECEIVERS (202.206, 207. 208) ~ ~ I/O SIGNALS TO/FROM DRIVE A ~ '-ZEV TEST (A3) IPOIr-.NTS C5 '---------1~ ... '" 1...-_ _ _ _- - - ; ~ I------.~ / o a:: I TEST POINTS V r-? I I I (602) -------1 I ~) CONTROL LINES PIA ~ / I "J V ~.----. ·:II: 6 IE-- (303) I RO/WRT CIRCUITS (305-311) I "t "'~L......L.~ CO,ef~TER ~ PIA:II: 5 (302) ~~E§£[IT[i~~_ .. i~ ~ ~ DRESS BUS AO ·A15 _JJX RD/WRT CONTROL (A2A/B03) PIA ENABLES L ___ _ ~ ·~ : I CIRCUITS (3~2) II I I I - - - - - - '"iEAD ALIGNMENT SERVO DATA DATA , FROM DRIVE PROCESSING CIRCUITS (951-954) ~I I I I I I I I l=.ZPV HD ALiGNMEN~ ~ NOTES: I. NUMBERS IN PARENTHESIS ARE REF NUMBERS OF DIAGRAMS WHERE LOGIC IS FOUND. 9H329-2 Figure 3-1. 3-4 Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2) 83323370 C .pjy CONTROLPANEL(A5) T_JKXCONTROL PANEL INTERFACE(A2BOi) I I I I I I L ______ _ _ .J -ZFV LED DISPLAY I I (A4) I I I CONTROL PANEL SWITCH MATRIX (702,703) ~ I I CONTROL LINES I I I I DRIVE BUFFERS (105, 106 107,108) LED DISPLAY (502,503) I --, ~ ..•~ ; CONTROL PANEL ENA8LE (\J _JGX MICRO PR6CESSOR(A2A/B04-) - ~ I I ---1 .. ADDRESS BUS AO-AI5 ADDRESS BUFFERS (405) cc~nROL LINE BuFFERS (405,409) ~ ~~---------~~~ ~----~ CONTROL LINES 0,------------., < Vl :J c:: CONTROL PANEL ENA3LE L PIA ENABLES - - T:"JGV ±5VPOWER - 1 - - I SUPPLY (A I) I +5 V AC PWR INPUT -5 V L Figure 3-1. 83323370 E I I 9H329-IA Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) 3-5 'TABLE 3~i. Circuit Element FTU CIRCUIT ELEMENTS Function ----.-------------------~----------------------~---------------------------~ Microprocessor A single chip containing ar i thmetic and logic elements that control 'operation of the FTU. The processor operates under control of firmware stored in the read only memory (ROM). RAM Random access memory for storage of data used during cessor operation. ROM Programmable read only memory chip containing firmware that directs the activities of the microprocessor chip. This chip is programmed during manufacture. Timers Con trol and measure timing and read/write operations. Data and Address Buffers Extend the fan-out capability of the microprocessor chip. PIAs Peripheral interface adapters allowing the microprocessor chip to interface with external circuitry such as control panel switches of drive I/O. Address Decoder Enables particular devices (RAM, ROM, timers, PIAs) depending on the address present on the address bus. Addressable Latches Register Recognizes microprocessor command to light a particular front panel LED and then energizes the LED driver for that LED. 3-6 temporary micropro- dur ing seek 83323370 C ··1 SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE I" 4 MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION This section contains procedures to check and adjust power supply voltages, information for handling electrostatic sensi tive devices, tests to maintain the FTU, and a list of required maintenance tools in table 4-1. POWER SU.PPLY VOLTAGE CHECK AND ADJUSTMENTS The FTU power supply voltages must be checked per table 4-2 and adjusted if necessary when any of the following problems are eviderit: • FTU operation becomes unreliable itialize) • (processor will not in- • FTU operating voltage (input power) has been modified. • Power supply board assembly -ZJV has been replaced. Adjust power supply as follows: 1. Raise FTU front panel assembly and secure into place. 2. Install 30 pack extender A2AOl) . 3. Ensure that all chassis assembly. 4. Apply power to FTU: logic into spare logic slot cards are installed (location into logic CAUTION To prevent possible damage to equipment, always use a nonmetallic screwdriver when making any voltage adjustments. 83323370 C 4-1 TABLE 4-1 •.: MAINTENANCE TOOLS Des'cr iption CDC Part Number Description CDC Part Number Chip Extender (Chipclip) CDC*122l2l96 Wire Wrap Bit, 30 Gage. Extender Board, 30 Pack CDC 75845700 Wire Wrap Gun, CDC 12259111 Electr ic Extender Board, 60 Pack CDC 75845300 Wire Wrap Removal Tool 20-30 Gage Oscilloscope, Dual Trace Tektronix 454 or equivalent Volt/ohmmeter, Digital Fluke 8000A or equivalent Wire Wrap Sleeve, 30 Gage CDC 12218402 CDC 12259183 CDC 12218403 *CDC is a registered trademark of Control Data Gorporation. 4-2 83323370 C 5. Using digi tal table 4-2-. meter, 6. Adjust any out of tolerance voltages through access holes marked -5 and +5 VOLTAGE ADJ, in power supply board assembly cover. TABLE 4-2. measure power supply vol tages per VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENTS VOLTAGE EXTENDER PIN NO. ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONS +5 V -5 V GND 04A/B 02A/B 06A/B +5.0 ± 0.05 V -5.0 ± o .05 V PROCESSOR TEST 1. Set Circuit Breaker CBI, on power supply, to ON position and ensure that +5 V and -5 V LEDs are lighted. 2. Set PROCESSOR switches as follows: SWITCH PROCESSOR START/RESET , POSITION START RUN PROCESSOR RUN/HALT 3. Ensure that PROT, ROY, these LEDs function is +5, -5, RUN, BUSY, FLT, SEEK, ERR, SELD, WT and ON CYL LEDs ar e not Ii gh ted. I f any of are lighted, a probable microprocessor malindicated. PHASE 2 CLOCK TEST 1. Using 30 pack extender, extend component assembly JKX. 2. set PROCESSOR, START/RESET switch to START position. 3. Set PROCESSOR RUN/HALT switch to RUN position. 4. Prepare ocilloscope and shown on figure 4-1. 83323370 C check Phase 2 Clock Timing as 4-3 _" O. 5 II S--- --- ±20 ns - - -fP-- ov --- r-- ..... r-- . ~I.O llS ±40 ns '""- -- - r-- . - r-- .. . -'---'- ----- OSCILLOSCOPE SETUP INPUT: CHANNEL VOLTS/DIV CONNECTION CH I 0.2 V AOI-07B CH 2 NOT USED SIGNAL NAME CLOCK 2 TIMING TRIGGERING: SLOPE/SOURCE CONNECTION INTERNAL POSITIVE NOT USED SIGNAL NAME NOT USED SCOPE GND TO GND ON LOGIC CARD. USE XIO PROBES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TIME/DIV: IllS MODE: NOT USED NOTES: 9H348 Figure 4-1. 4-4 Phase 2·C1ock Timing . 8332·3370 ~ C LAMP TEST 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to LAMP TEST position. 2. Press GO key. 3. Ensure that LEDs, on FTU front panel, flash and continue to flash until STOP key. is pressed. Failure of LEDS to light indicates a probable failure of: • LEDs • Decoder LED drivers • Data bus buffer • PIA 1 SELF TEST This test includes both a component check and switch test. The component check must be completed satisfactorily prior to performing the switch test to ensure the reliability of switch test res ul ts. 83323370 C 4-5 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch .to SELF TEST position. 2. Set ERROR OVERRIDE position. 3. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DEVICE TYPE position. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch. to WRITE FORMAT position. 5. Set the following switches: swi tch SWITCH DESCRIPTION HEAD RECORD SINGLE/CONT -/+ OFFSET EARLY/LATE WRT FLAG WRT PROT AM/SECTOR EOT STOP SHIFT PATT SEQ PWR DATA/OFF and ADDR/OFF to OFF POSITION SEQ SEQ CONT CENTER (OFF) CENTER (OFF) OFF OFF SECTOR OFF DATA PATT DON'T CARE 6. Press GO key, initiating component check. 7. Interpret component check results as follows: a. If LEDs RUN, +5, -5, RD, and 29 and 211 in row 2 LEOs are all lighted, FTU is operating properly, proceed to step 11 and perform switch test. b. If any LEOs, in step a, do not light the FTU has detected an error and is displaying the address of the error causing component in row 2 LEDs (see table 4-3). NOTE Per form a repeat test or stop on error for troubleshooting purposes by performing steps 8 through 10. 8. Set EOT STOP/OFF and ERROR OVERRIDES swi tches operation in a or b. to desired a. Repeat test once and stop on error by setting EOT STOP/OFF and ERROR OVERRIDE switches to OFF position. b. Repeat test continuously and stop on positioning switches as follows: . I 4-6 error only, by 83323370 F TABLE 4-3. ERROR ADDRESS Address Of Error*' Type Location Of Error Circu1t Location Type** Location 0000-007F CJGX A2A/B04 585 3841 MPU 0088-8B AJKX A2A/BOl 586 0741 PlA#l 008C-8F AJHX A2A/B02 586 4442 PlA#2 0090- 93 AJHX A2A/B02 586 5242 PlA#3 0094-97 AJHX A2A/B02 586 5842 PlAi4 0098-9B . BJJX A2A/B03 586 0429 PlA#5 009C-9F BJJX A2A/B03 586 1329 PlAi6 00AO-A7 'CJGX A2A/B04 587 0446 TlMER#l 00A8-AF CJGX A2A/B04 587 1246 TlMER#l 00BO-B7 , CJGX A2A/B04 587 1946 TlMER#3 00B8-BF CJGX A2A/B04 587 2746 TlMER#4 1000-13FF CJGX A2A/B04 2114L-2 0409 Card Function RAM (Bits 0-3) 2114L-2 2609 RAM (Bits 4-7) 3000-37FF CJGX A2A/B04 5905 2731 ROM 3800-3FFF . CJGX A2A/B04 5904 0431 ROM * Displayed in row 2 LEDs. Data written is in Row 1, High Order; Data Read or Check Sum is in Row 1, Low Order. ** This refers to CDC element number as shown on the logic diagrams see Normandale Circuits Manual (Publication Number 83322440) for more information. 83323370 F 4-7 9. • set ERROR OVERRIDES switch to OFF position. • set EOT STOP/OFF switch to EOT STOP position. Set PROCESSOR START/RESET switch to RESET to START position. 10. Press GO key. FTU is now repeating and then back test~ 11. Prepare FTU for switch test as follows: a. Set all 4-4. swi tches to ini tial posi tions shown in Table b. Observe that all LEOs are off. TABLE 4-4. SWITCH -TEST INITIAL SETUP Switch DATA ENTRY RE/WRT SELECT ACCESS SELECT HEAD/MAN, SEQ, RAN RECORD/MAN, SEQ, RAN PROCESSOR, START/RESET PROCESSOR, RUN/HALT PROCESSOR, STEP SINGLE/CONT -/+ (offset) LATE/EARLY (strobe) WRITE FLAG/OFF WRITE PROT/OFF AM/SECTOR EOT STOP/OFF ERROR OVERRIDES, DATA/OFF ERROR OVERRIDES, ADDR/OFF SHIFT PATT/DATA PATT SEQ PWR/OFF 4-8 Initial position DEVICE TYPE WRITE FORMAT SELF TEST SEQ SEQ START RUN down CONT center center OFF OFF SECTOR OFF OFF OFF DATA PATT OFF 83323370 C 12. Perform switch test as follows: a. Set switch to be tested to desired test position. b. Refer to figure 4-2 and ensure proper LEDs are lighted. c. Return switch to its initial position (see table 4-4). d. Repeat a through c for each switch tested. HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES The FTU uses logic cards having metal-oxide semiconductor integrated circui ts. These circui ts require special handling procedures to prevent damage from static electr ici ty. The logic card having metal-oxide semiconductor circui ts is at location B03. Listed below are some precautions that service personnel must observe when handling these cards. • Never use an ohmmeter on the JBX microprocessor card assembly. • Always remove the microprocessor card from the drive, before using an ohmmeter on the drive. • Turn off power cards. • Ensure that anything corning in contact wi th the card is electr ically connected to ground. This includes tools, the body, clothing, containers, etc. • Touch the logic chassis to bleed off any accumulated static charge before removing and installing the card, and continue to touch the chassis while removing and installing the card. • Handle the card only at a non-circuit portion. Connector pins and circuit connection points must not be touched. • Make sure that the special protective container for the card is in contact wi th the logic chassis ground before and during the time the card is inserted into or removed from the container. The protective container must have affixed to it a CDC Warning Label, Form AA5642. • Keep logic card in the approved container when not installed in the logic ·chassis or at a properly prepared work station. 83323370 C before removing and installing any logic 4-9 LED DISPLAY Lt" ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 6 2 25 24 23 22 21 20 DEVICE TYPE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNIT NUMBER - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - RECORD 2 - - - 2 - 2 - - DATA PATTERN - 2 2 - - - FIXED HEADS - - STATUS BYTES - 2 2 2 - - - - - HEAD - - - DESTINATION - SEEK INCREMENT 2 - - - - - - S MPU ADDRESS 2 - - 2 - - W MPU DATA 2 - - - - B 2 - 2 I 2 2 - - T C 2 2 - - C D 2 2 - - - - H E 2 2 E F 2 WRT FORMAT DATA ENTRY S ! - - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 - - 2 2 2 - - - - X X X X X X WRT/RD FORMAT - - - WRITE - - - - - READ - - - - WRT/RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X X X X X X X X X - - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - RD/WRT SELECT ALIGNMENT ACCESS ONLY - - NOTES: ~ X = INDICATES INITIAL POSITION OF SWITCH. RETURN EACH SWITCH TO ITS INITIAL POSITION BEFORE TESTING NEXT SWITCH 1 2 = INDICATES LIGHTED ROW 1 LED = INDICATES LIGHTED ROW 2 LED 9H350-1 Figure 4-2. 4-10 Switch Test Display (Sheet 1 of 5) 8-3323370,D LEO DISPLAY & ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 7 - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 - - - 0 - - - - - 2 2 - 2 - - - - E - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 - - F - - - - C - - 2 B - - - - - - - - - A - - - 9 - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - X X X X X X - - ACCESS SELECT S MANUAL TAGS - - W DIRECT SEEK - - I DIRECT CO NT - - T SEQ FORWARD c SEQ REVERSE H SEQ FWD/REV - E RANDOM SEEK - S X - N SEEK FIXED VOLUME - - LAMP TEST - - - - - SELF TEST X X X X B - - - 2 - 2 2 C - - - - 2 2 - - D - - - - 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 - - 2 2 2 2 - E F - - - - - 2 I 2 I I -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X X X X X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: & See Sheet 1 9H350-2 Figure 83323370 D 4-2~ S~itch Test Display (Sheet 2 of 5) LED DISPLAY.,&· ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO- II 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 13 2 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 3 2 22 21 20 MAN - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - SEQ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RAN - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - MAN - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - SEQ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RAN - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - HEAD . RECORD . S SINGLE/CONT W SINGLE - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - I CONT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X T - / + C - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - H CENTER POSITION X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E + - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CENTER POSITION X X X X X '- X X X X X X X X X X EARLY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S LATE/EARLY LATE 1 NOTES: £see Sheet 1 9H350-3 Figure 4-2. 4-12 S~itch .. Test D~SP~~Y (Sheet 3 of 5) LED DISPLAY ~ ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 21~ ~O 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 WRITE FLAG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WRITE PROT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X· X X AM - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - SECTOR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EOT STOP - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WRITE FLAG/OFF WRITE PROT/OFF I I AM/SECTOR EOT STOP/OFF S W DATA/OFF I DATA ERROR - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - T OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C ADDR/OFF H AD DR ERROR - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - E OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SHIFT PATT - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - DATA PATT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SEQ PWR - - - - - - - - - - - - - .;. - - OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S SHIFT PATTI DATA PATT SEQ PWR/OFF NOTES: £See Sheet 1 9H350-4 Figure 4-2. 83323370 D Switch Test Display (Sheet 4 of 5) 4-13 LED DISPLAY ROW 1 ROW 2 0 215 1 . 14 2 & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2° - - 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 2 - - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - 2 - 2 - 2 - - 2 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 - - 2 - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 - 2 2 KEYBOARD 0-9 A-F ] INDICATES VALUE (IN BCD) OF KEY PRESSED. IN 2°_.2 3 ROW 2 LEOS. S HEX - - - W DISP - - I CLR ENT - - T LOAD - - C DEC - - H BIT - E SEL DRV CLR FLT RTZ - - - S - - - CLR - - GO STOP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - 2 2 I I NOTES: ill See Sheet'1 9H350-5 Figure 4-2. 4-14 Switch Test Display (Sheet 5 of 5) 83323370 D ! /' ( SECTION 5 DIAGRAMS 5 DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION This section contains diagrams describing all electrical circui try and wiring found in the FTU. It also contains information concerning the interpretation of the electr ical circui t and wiring diagrams. This results in the diagrams set actually containing three different types of diagrams; (1) key to logic, (2) card logic diagrams, and (3) cabling diagrams. The diagrams set begins with the key to logic diagrams. These sheets contain information concerning the interpretation on the actual circuit diagrams. The key to logic is divided into the following sections: assembly locator, cable and backpanel locations, intersheet referencing, card coord inates, logic levels, abbreviations, and integrated circuit descriptions. The card logic diagrams follow the key to logic and constitute the major portion of the diagram set. The organization of these diagrams is discussed later in this section. The cabling diagrams show each cable. Signal names are given for each wire as well as the connector pin number where the wires temi.nate. In following a signal from one card to another, it is not necessary to trace it through the relevant cabling diagram. The cabling diagrams are presented for completeness and to faciliate troubleshooting. In cases where one of several card types may appear in a particular location in the FTU, there may be similar sets of diagrams cover ing the different card types. In this case, each set of diagrams contains a note on its cover sheet that specifies which card type is descr ibed by it. To determine what card types appear in a particular tester, find out the tester's series code by examining the equipment identification plate. Then refer to the spare parts list at the end of the parts data section; this list correlates the card types to the tester series code. 83323370 C 5-1 TITLE c CODE IDENT 19333 LOC: AI7 CROSS REf NO CARD LOCATION CARD TYPE 171 SHEET CnOSS REFERENCE NC\IBER SHEET NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 9E85 Figure 5-1. Diagram Title Block Each sheet in the diagrams has a title block containing the information shown on figure 5-1. This information is explained as follows: • Title sheet. • Publication Number - Indicates the publication number of this manual. This number is in lieu of the number usually found at the bottom of each page. • Manual Revision Letter -Indicates the revision level of the page. • Diagram Revision Letter Indicates revision level of this diagram and changes due to engineering change order etc. • Card Type - Indicates the type of card containing the circui try shown on this diagram. This is included only on the first sheet of each card type but not at all on diagrams showing key to logic or cabling information. • Card Location the FTU. 5-2 Descriptive of the information contained on that Indicates the location of the card within 83323370 C • Cross Reference Number - Each sheet (except those in key to logic) has a unique 3 digit cross reference number. • Sheet Number - Pertains to the number of sheets required to show this circuitry and should· match the last digit of the cross reference number. • Page Number - Indicates the page number of this sheet within the manual. This number is in lieu of the number usually found at the bottom of each sheet. Table 5-.1 lists the contents of the diagrams set and includes the cross reference number, location and title of each sheet in the set. However, each ti tIe and cross reference number is listed only once. This is important to note where several sheets have the same title and cross reference number but contain different· information because they apply to different units. TABLE 5-1. Cross Reference Number Module Location CONTENTS OF DIAGRAMS Title Key to Diagrams - Assembly Locator Key to Diagrams - Cable and Backpanel Locator Key to Diagrams encing Intersheet Refer- Key to Diagrams - Miscellaneous 001 A2AOl 002 A2AOl 101 A2BOl Prewired Spare Card Slot cessor Signals Diagrams Micropro- Prewired Spare Slot Microprocessor Signals . Control Panel Interface Diagrams Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 C 5-3 TABLE 5-1. CONTENTS OF DIAGRAMS (Contd) " Crosq Ref.erence Number Module Location T~tle , 102 A2BOl Bidirectional Data Bits 0-7 103 A2BOl Rowand Column Switch Decode 104 A2BOl Interrupt and Processor Run/Halt/Reset 105 A2BOl Decoder and LED Drivers, Part 1 106 A2BOl Decoqer and LED Drivers, Part 2 107 A2BOl Decoder and LED Drivers, Part 3 108 A2BOl Decoder and LED Drivers, Part 4 201 A2A/B02 202 A2A/B02 Input Receivers 203 A2A/B02 PIA Data, and Bus Control 204 A2A/B02· PIA Data and Receiver Enable 205 A2A/B02 PIA Data and Transmitter Enable 206 A2A/B02 Output Transmitters 207 A2A/B02 Bus Out Multiplexer mitters, Part 1 and Trans- 208 A2A/B02 Bus Out Multiplexer mitters, Part 2 and Trans- 209 A2A/B02 Bidirectional Data Bits 301 A2A/B03 Rea~/WriteControl A2A/B03 Head Alignment 302 ,. I/O Control Diagrams Diagram Table Continued. on Next Page 5-4 83323370 C TABLE 5-1. Cross Reference Number CONTENTS OF DIAGRAMS (Contd) Module Location Title 303 A2A/B03 Read/Write Enable Control "304 A2A/B03 Bidirectional Data Bits 0-7 305 A2A/B03 MFM and write/Read Enable 306 A2A/B03 Address Mark and Data Error 307 A2A/B03 Read/Write Data Control 308 A2A/B03 write Address/Data RAM 309 A2A/B03 Address/Data Error Compare 310 A2A/B03 Read/Write Data Control Counter 311 A2A/B03 Read/Write Address Control Counter 401 A2A/B04 402 A2A/B04 Microprocessor and Reset 403 A2A/B04 Read Only Memory 404 A2A/B04 Clock and Address Mark Counter 405 A2A/B04 Buffered Addresses 0-15 406 A2A/B04 Read/Write Random Access Memory 407 A2A/B04 ROM and RAM Decode Select 408 A2A/B04 Bidirectional Read/Write Data Bits 0-7. 409 A2A/B04 Phase Two Clock 501 A4 Microprocessor LED Display Diagrams Table Continued on Next Page "-.. 83323370 C 5-5 ,'TABLE· 5-1. Cross Reference Number CONTENTS OF 'DIAGRAMS (Contd) Module Location 502 A4 LED Display, Part 1 503 A4 LED Dispiay, 601 A3 602 A3 701 AS 702 AS Control Panei Board 703 AS Control Panei Board 801 Al 802 Al 803 901 Part 2 Test poirit Board Diagrams Test Poirit Board Control Panel Board Diagrams +5 / -5 Volt Power Supply Diagrams +5 / -5 Volt Power Supply Input Power Configuration Microprocessor FTU Internal Cabling Diagrams 902 LED nisplay cables 903 Test Point cables 904 Control Panel Cable 910 TB2l6 I/O Cabling Di~grams 911 I/O "Ail A2/A4 912 I/O "An 75 Pin Adapter Cable S1'D) (AlO MUX) 913 60 Pin Adapter Cable A8 MUX) " (A6 (STD and Table Continued on Next Page . 5-6 " ~ - 83323370' C TABLE 5-1. Cross Reference Number Module Location CONTENTS OF DIAGRAMS (Contd) Title 914 75 Pin Adapter B7 (MUX) / Cable B5 (STD and MUX) 915 75 Pin Adapter B3 (STD) / Head Alignment Cable 951 Head Alignment Diagrams 952 DIBIT Amplifier, Pa'rt 1 953 DIBIT Amplifier, Part 2 954 DIBIT Amplifier, Part 3 83323370 C I/O 5-7 , 4 ... 3 2 J 1 REVISIONS 1-REV ~~: REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS .D 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 2 3 4 A A A A B A A A A c A A A A 0 A A A A I 0 ECO. DESCRIPTION PE23000 RELEASED PE54244 ADO NOTE TO STATUS DRFT. MATRIX DATE PE54H4A ERROR CORRECTION "18'81 "18'81 PE54Z71 3 "'II SELECT MATRIX CODES CHK'D ", - A D l- e e . B ·B NOTES: & DEVICE TYPE CODES ARE IN SECTION 2 OF THIS MANUAL ~ A A [l""wN C/II:.": " I:. II ENGINEER a. /31PfIi£- ~:!.£:jt ~'V~ M.-.GNtTlC 1'[I\JI'II[R!-lS Jid!! "=~'0If'0¥I~ iJ'jc. KCY TO LOGIC DIAGRAMS CODE IDEN! 19333 APPROVED 4 3 + NnMMAfHlAl' Ut't.HA IIIJNb 2 c\ CROSS REF NO Ujj2jj'rO r \ E PAGE HEET I OF 5 1 REF 75121200 J 5-9 0 4 2 3. 1 A4 - LED DISPLAY BOARD D o 801-_JKX @ ~ ci) ..ci) ci) ~ c ~ '@Q)) ~ J[) ~ ~ ('; ('; c ~ ~ ~ G A3-TEST POINT BOARD NOTES: &. I. ASSEMBLY LOCATOR B THE FOLLOWING SHOWS EACH MAJOR ASSEMBLY ITS PHYSICAL LOCATION CODE AND WHERE IT IS FOUND IN THE DIAGRAMS. • ASSEMBLY & POWER SUPPLY LOGIC CHASSIS _JKX CTL PANEL INTERFACE _JHX I/O CONTROL _ JJX RD/WRT CONTROL A HEAD ALIGNMENT CARD ~ ~ ~J _JGX MICROPROCESSOR _ZEV TEST POINT BOARD _ZFV LED DISPLAY BOARD _ZJV CONTROL PANEL BD _ZPV HD ALIGN CARD B PHYSICAL DIAGRAM LOCATION CROSS REF NUMBER CODE AI 801 A2 A2BOI A2A1B02 A2A1B03 101 201 301 A2AiB04 A3 A4 A5 401 601 501 701 .- A 951 v· MA9~~C PERIPHERALS IN~. . ASSEMBLY· LOCATOR ell) t.OolllPOI'ou.C()IIII"OI.AllOJ'II 4, INCLUDES _JGV-POWER SUPPLY BOARD 3 NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS CODE IOENT 19333 2 C A .'. ( D BACKPANEL LOCATOR 2. CABLE AN CAL LOCATION HOWS THE PHYSI RENCED IN SHEC~TBCE CONNECTOR :i~~LY PLUGS GRAMS. (NOTE TH THIS OF EACH THES~E~:RENCED.1 . OLE EDGE SHOWN ON CA RE THAT ItEAVY INDICAT RAND MARKE CONNECETSODIAGRAM. MATCH ARE ~~N~ED MARKER'RE~~I~NTATION D 2 3 4 3. INTERSHEET REFERENCING D THE FOLLOWING EXP.LAINS THE BASIC METHOD OF INTER-SHEET REFERENCING. HEXAGON IDENTIFIES SIGNALS LEAVING OR ENTERING THIS SHEET BUT NOT THE CARD. SIGNAL NAME WHEN ACTIVE +. ACTIVE HIGH· ("I") - •. ACTIVE LOW ("0") ADJACENT NUMBERS IDENTIFY OTHER 'CROSS REFERENCE NUMBERS WHERE SIGNAL IS USED c c +HRB CJI-'~'- -_-. . :G:. :O:. . . :,-A:_+_P;.;.AK'--__ a r---0 __ '22 ,'24 _+~--~~~ 294 A29-OIA rI 293 r::J CJ E:J 11:) G;J 123 A12~25A (!)---~S=E=EK~---Ol~________~J OIA»>-_ _ _ _-...:G:..:;O_ _ _..J...>_ TIMING CONTROL ( RUN CONTROL LOC:A29 B B SOURCE SHOWS WHERE SIGNAL ORIGINATES DESTINATIONS SHOW OUTPUT SIGNALS GO ALL LOCATIONS WHERE WITHOUT REGARD TO ACTUAL BACKPANEL WIRE ROUTING. IN THE EXAMPLE :rf 7 SHOWN IT IS AS FOLLOWS' 294 A rHO~5 REFERENCE NUMBER LOCATION ~ A PIN NUMBER INTERSHEET REFERENCING 4,; 3 2 4 3 2 1 ". --A.Nv-2K o , 2~ ____________J o 4. CARD COORDINATES I ~ HOftIZONTAL EACH COMPONENT ON THE A2 LOGIC CARDS IS IDENTIFIED ON THE LOGIC DIAGRAM BY A FOUR - DIGIT COORDINATE LOCATOR. THE FIRST TWO DIGITS LOCATE IT HORIZONTALLY, AND THE LAST TWO DIGITS LOCATE IT VERTICALLY. EACH CARD HAS THE COORDINATE NUMBERS PRINTED ALONG ITS EDGES. AS VIEWED FROM THE COMPONENT SIDE, THE COORDINATES FOR AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ARE GIVEN FOR THE LOCATION OF THE UPPER RIGHT-HAND PIN (ACROSS FROM PIN II. THE COORDINATES FOR A DISCRETE COMPONENT ARE GIVEN FOR THE POINT WHERE THE UPPER LEAD IS ATTACHED. .. 0---' .... . ~ ~.- ... ---:- .----- .... ~ c c (COMPONENT SIDE SHOWN I 5. LOGIC LEVELS TTL "I" • +3.6 (±1.61 V "0" • + 0.4 (±o.41 V 0.79(tO.IBIV ECL "I· • "0· • 1.95(t0.43IV CMOS "I" a 2.4 V MIN B ·0" • B 0.4 V MAX 7. INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 6. ABBREVIATIONS ALL ABBREVIATIONS ARE DEFINED IN A LIST PROVIDED IN THE FRONT MATTER OF THIS MANUAL. ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ARE DESCP.lBED IN THE NORMANOALE CIRCUITS MANUAL. A A M"'~~.~C "lIlJl"llI\f\l!> INC. MI~C[LL.ANr:OU!l .~ """'........ '0.'.,.,."'•• CODE IDENT 19333 4 3 + 2 4 , • 3 2 -REv A a REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I D , I REVISIONS ECO. PE23000 PE~4Z36 DESCRiPTION RELEASEO ADO TWO ORFT. OATE CHK'O ". CII SIGNA~S 5-ZI.~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A 8 B 0 l- e e AOI44A)5=J+5 V 448) OGA), • +5 v -GND ~?~ ~ 238)>-- B 39A~S= 398) B 02A)5=J -5 V 028) • -5 V ~ A A DRAWN IG,~~ CHECKED ENGINEER It(/~ APPROVED 4 I 3 i!I'IS'7'l J/"/'1 MAGNETIC rERirHER,A.LS INC. _=~c_"'" . PREWIRED SPARE CARD SLOT MICROPROCESSOR SIGNALS DIAGRAMS LOCI A2AOI 2 I NORMANOALE O,[AATIONS CODE IOENT 19333 CJ CROSS REF NO 83323370 001 1 lSHEET P.EF I OF 2 75121212 Ic I jPAGE 5-15 B , 4 2 3 AOI405 A04-30A 07A»~----+-B~U~F-F-ER~E~D~R-I--W----------------~- 1 - DATA BIT 0 >-:: NC NC 409 B04-08A 07B»~----+~E~N~A~B~L~E~0~2~------------------__ 405 B04 - 16B 08B»~----+~B;..:U;.;..F..;...F.::cERc.:..:E~D;........:.V.;.;.;M.;....;A----------------_ D 409 B04-19B 09A»~------E-N-A-B-LE--0-2---------------------- -DATA BIT I >--< 409 B04 _ 18A o9B»>-_ _ _ -~B....:;;U..;;..S_f>.~'!I.;....;A~IL:....A..;;..B.::.LE::....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 407 B04 _ 29B lOA »>-____~+....:M~E:::.M:.:..;._=S:.=E~L=_D___________________ 407 B04 - 21A lOB »>-_____-~E:::.NA~B.::.L=_E~A,.;.;;D;.;;D..;...R;:;;ES;.:S;;.;A.::.BL;:.:E::.....;;L~AT~C~H....:;;E;.:.S_______ 409 B04 -24B ~>>------+-W-R:....I-T-E-.-02"--------------------- 407 B04-14A ~>>-____-_0..;...0~8:....X_________________________ 409 B04-26A 29A»~----+-Wc.:..:R..;...IT..;...E~--------------------__ 409 B04 - 29A .1!!!..)>>-_____+~R~E:....A_D__________________________ - DATA BIT 2 >-< - DATA BIT 3 >--< 405 A04-16B ~)>-_____+_B_U_F_F_E_R_E_D_A_O___________________ c -16A 13B»r-____+____-+__~A:....I___________________ -31B 14A»r-____+____-+____ A_2___________________ >--< - DATA BIT 4 -27B 14B»r-____+____-+__~A..;;..3_________________ -37A 15A»r-____+____-+____ A_4 __________________ -15A _ 14B -13A -DATA BIT 5 >-< ~,r----+-----+--~A..;;..5-----------------16A»r-____+____-+____ A_6__________________ 16B»>-____+___~---~A:....7------------------- 405 A04 _ 33B 17A - DATA BIT 6 >-:: »>-____ +____-+-____ A_8___________________ 405 B04 _ 13A 17B )',>-____+____-+__---:..A;.:.9___________________ -13B 18A»>-____+ ____-+____A~10 ___________________ • - DATA BIT 7 >-< )1 )1 AOI0 4B 0 5B >1 )1 )1 )1 )1 5 0 3B 4 3B 43A - A » D~ -12A ~,>------+----+---,.;.;;A..;...I~I------------------08B B ", o 102 BOI-08A 209 A02-05B 304 A03-16A 408 B04-17A 102 209 304 408 BOI _ 03B A02-05A A03-15B B04-16A 102 BOI - 03A . 209 B02-03B 304 A03-07A 408 B04-15A 102 BOI-07B 209 B02-43B .304 A03 -08B 408 B04 -28B c 102 BOI - 058 209 802-43A 304 A03 -07A 408 B04 - 28A 102 209 304 408 BOI- OM A02-04A A03-058 804 -25A 102 BDI _ D'A 209 B02-03A 304 A03-04A 408 B04-26B 19B)~>-----+-----+----A~12::....------------------ -lOA 20A»>-____+____~--~A~13~----------------_ liB 102 BOI- 08B 209 A02-04B 304 A03-17B 408 B04-17B B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_B_R_E_AK_P_OI_N_T_ _-7)~ 104 BOI-28B 20B»~---+-----..:.;A:....14:.-.--------- 405 B04 _. lOB 21A »>-_____+-'B:;.;U;..:.F~F...;;Ec.:..:R~E.;:..D_A'_I..;.5___________________ NC ----------------------I-R-Q~-------~)~402 A04-32A - __________ -_R_E_SE_T_ _ _~)~ 102 BOl-17A He A A MAGNETIC PERIPHERALS INC, •• ::':::r.:'.(~,O't PREWIRED SPARE CARD SLOT' MICROPROCESSOR SIGNALS NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS ClIDL IDENT LOC· A2AOI 4 3 + 2 I 19333 CI 83323370 eftosa REF NO 1 1c ·1 B ( ! 4 .. 3 2 1 REVISIONS ~~~~(c=o--r---------DC-'-CA-'P~TI-ON----------~D~~"~O-.'-t-rC-H'~'01 REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS D FILTER CAPACITORS 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 2 3 4 A A A A A A A A 8 A 8 8 A A A A ", A 1'£23000 "ELEAn B PE~4238 ADD TWO SIGNALS CB ~'21-11C .1 uF +5 V 0610 0622 1133 1610 1622 1633 1655 1743 2210 2221 2233 2355 2710 2733 ~~~~------------------~-r~~~D IUNUSED LOGIC ELEMENTS C ELEMENT LOCATION 140LS 140LS 141 141 200 200 1953 0331 2453 2920 2931 1909 OUTPUT PIN(S) 11 3.8.11 6 6,8 6,12 6.8 C A2PB1- B01904 ~ P 1 _03 26A» 2 6A),>-__+..5__ V-.________--.______-..___ +5 V 904 ~ Pl-20 I )r 2753 -t:L6; 8 uF :t250"V T3 1 B 26B» 26B5S----J 1 1_. A2Pl0l 1 uF 902 902 B01- ..... A2PB1- ~ Pl-0l ~Pl-18 r----1~~902 ~P2-13 A2PB1- B01- 904 5 Pl-06 23A»23A 904 A5 P1-23 23B)~ 39A 39A 902 A4 P1-25 39B)~ 902 A4 Pl-08~>=-7. 06A) 06B) ,~ .----~....,~ GNO ~)44A )~ 902 = §J P2-30 B A2PB1- B01902 902 ~ 4 Pl-28 A4 PH 1 42A)~S.....--~5....;V~---------. -5 V 42B)~ /'Q2A/. 02B 5 A2PB1- BO 1r;;l 27A)~27A ~ 904 ~ Pl-02. /' . -SEQ PWR NC 203 A02-07B A A ORAWN G. K'1It!,AJ( ".1f·7~ CH[Ck[D ENGINEER rll,/~~ 11't!!i MAGNETIC r[RJrH[RI\lS INC. C.=~c~o.. 3 + NORMANDAlE o .. tnATIOND CODE IDENT TYPE' AJKX APPROVED 4 CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE DIAGRAMS 2 LOC' A2BOI 19333 cl CROSS REF NO 83323370 101 1 j SHEET I I 8 I PAGE OF REF 75121201 E B 5-17 4 , 2 3 ~ ..... 9 1 LJ 140LS ~ -f~:6-E2 P. I.A. B01- D 407 -BUFFERED A2 ~ 111u---r- B04-21B~\-_-.!..~~~----r""'--'~48LS 13 4 A -0. +BUFFEREO A2 - ENABLE P.I.A. t AND 2 103 105.106.107 .108 . C 103 . 9B +BUFFEREo A2 1 ~ 1942 140LS p.:::.6_-..-u-,~ J.NC 405 A04-31B 0331 409 B04- 29A 07A »\-_~+:!R!..!:E:!!A~D~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--, RCVR ~> ~ 1 3~:2 (3) (6) 1 rE (1F 409 B04- 26A 04B 1~F »\--~~~-------------r-I----l +WRITE • c 4 7 I B' -DATA III T 1 4'go02A -1002 A 002 -1 >--< >-< 0342 (3) 1 F~ 01·0!l1l 209 A02-05B 304 A03-16A 01-05A 209 A02-05A 304 A03.-15B 40S B04-16A . F~ ~ -DATA BIT 3 (10) >--< +OATA BIT +OATABIT +DATA BIT +DATA BIT RCVR 934 0353 1 F2 -DATA F FU1l1_ _ _ _~1_+_------_. (1 F14 3 2 1 0 ~-®103.106 .- E 103.106 ~0103.105 G 103.105 BIT 4 C A01-03B 209 B02-03B 304 A03-14A 40S· B04-154 ;' (13) ~ r 304 A03-17B 408 B04-17B , 1 ~ 01-04B ~002A ~. 209 A02-04B 408 B04-17A hlF (3lli B01- >---< 0 -DATA BIT 2 DRVR 934 ~ - READ BIT or ~ -+ ' -DATA F F F 11 F 14 D B01- >-< A01-43B ~002 209 B02-43B ,or 304 A03-0SB 40S B04-2SB >-< -DATA BIT 5 A01-43A ~002 , 209 B02-43A B 304 A03-07A 400 U04-26A ~ _ _ _ _ _~1~5F~--' 'i .J 4 7 ~ ~ F~ 10~ F A01-04A 209 A02-04A 304 A03-05B . 40S B04-25A 2 A01-03A ~lo0 ;' 209 B02~03A 13, 304 A03-04A 40S B04-26B A MAGNETIC rERJrHERt\lS INC. eli> ~=~JACC",-o-.A;~ BIT BIT BIT BIT 7 6 5 4 + >-<0 >-< >-<-0 >-< NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BITS 0.;..7 C 2 103.108 J 103.10S L 103.107 A 103.107 A CODE IDENT LOC. A2BOI 3 ~. >-< -DATA BIT 7 +DATA +OATA +DATA 'tDATA 4 -1 002 >-< -DATA BIT 6 DRVR 934 0;53 F~ 19333 1 ( 4 2 3 1 A2PB1- B01- ", 21B S'ROW 2 703j~ Pl :~: ~ 21A B 5 ROW 1 ROW 1 ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW A ~ ROW 3 -07~ B~ROW4 -24~ A ~ ROW 5 -10~ B ~19B ) ' ROW 6 -27~ D -22 703 B ~24B 5< ROW ¥.9. B ~14B)5 ROW ~Pl-32 ~ 7 8 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 -® -0 -0 -0 104 104 N 104 Q 104 104 5 104 104 104 U D +!5 V f20 c 102 102 102 102 102 E 102 102 102 J 405 A04·13 +OATA BIT 0 G 3 :f 0+0ATA BIT 1 +OATA BIT 2 0+0ATA BIT 5 +OATA BIT 6 H +OATA BIT 7 BOlA 10B), +BUFFEREO A7 102 A 102 C -BUFFERED A2 - ENABLE P. I. A. 1 AND 2 II I ,2! B01- NC 27B):\ 104 10 4 AA Z R/W 40 CAl 39 CA2 18 CBl 19 CB2 +HAL T + (+ROW 7) +INTERRUPT B01NC 31B), B Vee 586 31 3 02 0741 03 29 PIA 04 NO.1 28 05 2 21 06 2 07 24 CSO CS1 23~ CS2 3~ RS1 3E RSO 2! ENABLE ~ RESET ®+OATA BIT 3' +OATA BIT 4 L DO 01 I PAO 12 PAl ~ PA2 4 PA3 5 PM Q PA5 7 PA6 ta PA7 9 ~B2 13 PB3 14 PB4 15 PBS 16 PB6 PB7 17 IRQB 37 IRQA 38 Vss B 001· +BUFFEREO AO A04-16B 12B" 10AS<' +BUFFEREO A1 A04-16A B04-08A 13B), +ENABLE . 13A), -RESET BOl-28A A04-30A 11B5( +BUFFEREO R/·W A2PB1- B01~,COLUMN 8 702 §]P1-15 11 A +AO +Al ,. -0 +ENABLE 02 -RESET +REAO + (-WRITE) ~ -0 10 W 1 10 5 X 1 10 5 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 6 ll4)-lli7. 8A ~, COLUMN 5 '/ 20A ..., 09 20A)~ 26 BOl , 09B ~ 402 A04-32A (; 09A 7-~ 402 B04-078 -IRQ B -IRQ A ~I 405 405 409 104 405 ~ 14~~ 1 SA» 15B 31 1§.!4)-!-E-7. '/ c 10 PBO 11 PBl 12 COLUMN 4 20B ..., COLUMN 3 20B)~ '/ 24A " os 24A)~ ,,/ 702 § ] P1-04 2SA A COLUMN 2 25A ,,' COLUMN 1 )r-7.' / MA~~~C PERJPHEMlS INC. ell U»oI'''''CIoUA(~c:-. ND~MANDALE O~EAATIONS ROW AND COLUMN SWITCH DECODE CODE IDENT LOC' A2BOI 4 3 2 19333 C B , 3 4 , 2 103 103 103 103 103 D ". D ____1k~----~;:~--------~+~H~A~L~T~+~(~+~R~0~W~71)L-----------~ A2PB1- B01- 0210 r ~7-~------------~~-------+5V 3.9 I<.n 703~P1_28~~~-H~A~LT~----------------------------------------4-~ +5 V _----~2\1125"'3r_------__. .3.9 kn 002 A01-25A AA 103 -l__~ 28B)~-B~R~E~A~K~P~O~I~N~T____________________________________ 703 ~ P1-25 17B)~~-S~T~EP:""-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---1~ 16B)~~~-R~U~N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ C 703~P1-30 4-__________ ~09 OO~-190 30n~~-~E~N~An~L~E~0~2~ ________________ ~~ +5 c V_------~~~----~~--~~-----,~----------------------------------~+~GO~/~-~H~AhLTI-~ ____________________ ~~ ~~ ~ __ B01- 402 B04-31A + B 703 ~ P1-13 .1.hr-:;-' 16A)~)--S_T.;.;.A;.;..RT;......-______________________________________ B - RESET 402 B04-38B 103 B01-13A 203 802-058 A A· MA?~~C rERJrHER(\lS C.OIfIIPOOM(~Of .. • INC. INTERRUPT AND PROCESSOR RUN I HALT I RESET NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS CODE IDENT LOC·A2BOI 2 19333 C 8 CROSS REF NO 1 4 , 2 ". 102 r-----------------____________________________________________ ~-~G~A~TE~L~A~T~CH~E~S~ __~AB 106.107.108 D 103 A2P101)l.i- 502 ~ P1-34 ~502 P1-26 ~ 502 P1-17 ~ 502 P1-09 ~~503 P2-19 102 _2 8 -BI T C -BIT 7 -FA L -I/O READY C B01-A2PB1- ~~ 503 ~ P2-27 .- -+ 14 3 2 I !S!S2 1920 I!S II 13 102 A2P101- _2 1 12 ~ 502~P1-33 II 10 -BIT 14 9 -- -BIT 6 7 -SEEK ERROR 6 -CLOCK )-ll- 502 P1-25 ~ 502 P1-16 ~ 502 B P1-8 B01- A2PB1- ~)-lli- 503 P2-20 ~)lli- 503 Bp2-2 4 A A _ _ _ <_00 M~..E,~C I'f.RJrHEI!,f.LS 4 3 ... INC. DECODER AND LED DRIVERS PART I LOC·A2BOI 2 , 4 2 .3 1 ". D D ATCHES + AO - RESET - + DATA BIT 2 102 E 13 _22 10 -BIT C -BIT 5 -SELECTED 10 -READ A2P101~ 502 ~P1-32 ~502 P1-204 ~502 P1-15 ~ 502 P1-7 C B01- A2PB1- ~~503 P2-~1 ~~ 503~P2-4 +- -+ 14 3 2 I 552 0820 15 B 102 +DATA BIT 3 0 13 12 _2 3 " _2 11 10 -BIT 9 -BIT 4 7 -WRITE PROTECT 6 -ADDRESS ERROR A2P101~ 502 ~P1~31 ~ 502 P1-23 ~ 502 P1-104 ~ 502 BOI- A2PBI~)lli 503 B P1-6 P2-22 ~~ 503~P2-5 5 4 A A MA~~~C rER}rHERf.,LS INC. .8 ....""' ..... <"'."..''',•• 4 3 ... DECODER AND LED DRIVERS PART 2 LOC·A2BI 2 \. 3 4 2 1 D D -GATE LATCHES +A2 +AI +AO - REstT 102 L +.DATA BIT 4 _2 4 2 _2 12 -BIT 1 C 4 -BIT 3 A2P101- )22)-ll- 502 ~ P1-30 502 P1-22 >-1L 502 P1-13 ~ 502 P1-5 ~>-ill- 503 P2-23 ~~ 503 ~ P2-6 B01- A2PB1- 2 -DATA ERROR C +14 '3 2 I 552 1320 15 B 102 K + DATA BIT5 12 -2 5 II _2 13 10 10 -BIT -BIT 2 9 -ON CYLINDE 7 10 6 A2P101- ~ 502 ~P1-29 ~ 502 P1-21 ~ 502 P1-12 >--L 502 Pl-4 B B01- A2PB1- ~)-ill- 503 P2-24 -FLAG ~)-MJL 503 ~P2-7 5 .. A A . DECODE R AND LED DRIVERS PART :3 LOC. A2BOI 2 ,4 ,+ 3 , 2 ", 'D D -OATE LATCHES + A2 + AI + AO -RESET 102 J +DATA BIT 6 A2P101502 ~ P1-28 ~502 P1-20 )-1L ~1-11 )-lL -2 14 -BIT 9 C 502 ~502 » B01- A2PB1-BUSY ~32~ 32A 503 " -WRITE ... ~)-ll!L 503 P1-3 C P2-18 ~ P2-3 +14 3 2 552 1931 15 B 102 H + DATA BIT 7 12 _2 7 II -2 15 10 3 9 7 -BIT 0 3 -UNIT RUN A2P101502 ~ P1-27 ~502 P1-19 ~502 P1-10 )-L P1-2 )-1L 502 B B01- A2PB1- ~~ 503~P2-26 6 r .' . 4 A A MAGNETIC rERJrHERAlS INC. .. ~r:-C~OI DECODER AND LED DRIVERS PART 4 LOC 1 A2BOI 3 + 2 NORMANOALE Ol'EIIATIONS CODE IDENT 19333 C CIIOSS lIEF NO A f , 4 .. 3 2 I -. REv A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I D 2 3 4 5 6 7 A A A A A A A B A B A C B A B C B UNUSED RESISTOR PACKS LOCATION PIN(S) 0831 3020 2.7.8 4220 6.7.8 4720 3.6.8 5920 6020 2.7.8 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A B A A A B A A A 1 REVISIONS ECD PE23000 ORFT. DESCRIPTION DATE CHOOD ". RELEASE B PE54237 OiANGf DUAL CHANNEL BUSY e PE!I4249A CHANGE CoB CB CARD TEST POINT ~·II·ec: 5'2~ 0 UNUSED LOGIC ELEMENTS OUTPUT LOCATION PINS 146LS 6031 2.10 146 1042 169 LS 0442 9 , 12 ~ ELEMENT & c C A02· 44A) +5 V 44B)~ J2454 6.8 uF 1±2O% 35 V B02· 44A~~ 44B) A2P203 ~, J6954 . 6.8 uF I±2O% 35 V t·, +5 V uF A02- A2PB2- -» 06A)~602 §] P1-17 -GND ~S-- L..;) 06B)~602 §] -L .~~ ~ ~>----. P1-34 .JJL»---. B B ~>--'-< ~)---i rl FILTER CAPACITORS A02_ .1 uF ~E= 39BS~ 238) 39A +5 V B02- 39A~~ ~ NOTE: & A02-5 V 02A)p 028) PINS 9 a 12 OF189LS AT 0442 ARE UNUSED ONLY ON ~JHX REV E a BLW 1 "1" A DRAWN c.~,(Jt ~.8·71 MAGNETIC PERJPHERt-LS INC. CHECKED ENGINEER W-:tl.u.. APPROVED 4 0354 6.8 uF :!:20% 35 V 3 L 1/"'/71 . 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(SELECT HoLD) • TAG GATE 204 AV -ill l1fiA 4420 ~ ~ -TAG l/TAG -TAG 1/TAG n 9 ,- 20 20 ( / -UNIT SELECT/SEL HOLD/TAG GATE -UNIT SEL/SEL HOLDITAG GATE 13 12 " <~ .I " !11 -5 V B ~~ -TAG 2121 205 BA 5 ~ ~ 1 -TAG 3/22 20 5 CA ~ ~ 176A 4431 r Q -TAG 2ITAG 21 -TAG 2ITAG 21 13 12 -TAG 3/TAG 22 -TAG 3ITAG 22 B ~.: , ~ .I , <: ,I -5 V .... rJ-Q. 5 +BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE 20 5 AY A0241B· . . 305 A03-32A~ 7.1 -~RITE ~ ~ 1 CLOCK 176A 4909 A <'~ 1~. 2P203<:"~ ~ -I'fRITE CLOCK ·"IlITE CLOCK 13 12 ~ L-...l A2P201-' ,- -BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE -BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE a 9 A --". !11 -5 V MA~~~C PER}PHERAlS INC. t!:2) .....' ........ '0.'"..''''''' BUS OUT MULTIPLEXER AND TRANSMITTERS. PART 2 4 + C A CODE IDENT LOC. A2A/B02 3 NORMANDALE OPERATIONS 2 .19333 1 ( / 4 3 , 2 ", 203 D -ENABLE PIA 1&2 A BO 2B ~, 203 N 203 R 409 B04-26A >-< +DATA +DATA 2030~ +DATA >-< +DATA 203 5 BO 2A , ~ 140LS 3 3S31 . 4 & 140LS 3S31 I +READ 409 B04-29A ~'I' c 2 +AOORESS 2 203 AG 204 ~-ENABLE PIA 3&4 6 9 1 140LS 8 10", 3831 0 1 2 3 & 140LS 13 3831 -READ 'Ni BIT BIT BIT BIT 12 (3)" (6)" (10).1'1 (13) " - 11 o I RCVR 934 3S42 1 F2 F5 F 11 F 14 A02-DATA BIT 0 >-< '\. 04B 002 ", 102 304 408 -DATA BIT 1 >-<-~ 002 , 102 304 40S -DATA BIT 2>-< '\. 05A 002 , 102 304 B02- 40S -DATA BIT 3 >-< , 03B 002 ,. 102 304 40S 1 l 1 1 +I'/RITE 15 F 'I' 1 l ORVR 934 3842 1 F~ 4 F~ ~ F F ( 10) 13) 1 A01-04B B01-0SB A03-17B B04-17B A01-05B, B01-0SA A03-16A B04-17A A01-05A B01-03B A03-15B B04-16A c A01-03B B01-03A A03-14A B04-15A lNF 203 B 203 T V >-< +DATA +DATA 203~~ +DATA +DATA 203@>-< BIT BIT BIT BIT RCVR 934 3853 1 ~ 0_ 4 31J- 5 ~(j~ 6 ( 10)--", (13)1' 7 -DATA BIT 4 F 2 F >-<~ , r. 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'0 UNUSED lOGIC ELEMENTS OUTPUT ELEMENT LOCATION PINeS) c HOLS 140lS 208lS 148lS 148LS 1553 4909 2609 3209 5831 6 8,11 8 1 4 228S 228S 146lS 2620 6631 5842 8 6 6 - 603· 44A)pV ~~ A03· 06A), 1 .1 uF +5 V 0?57 ~ »)------< ~~602 ~ P2-01 ~)366)~ ~)378)~ -13 -14 ~~~ -17 ~~~ 80306A)>-- -15 ~)24A)~ 068)>-- -18 -19 -20 -21 ~~~ ~ 26A 23A)>-238)>- 26A ='"A ~~~ ~~ ~"A -22 ~)29A)~ ~)30A)~ B -23 -24 ·25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -34 -33 ~~~ ~)32A)~ ~~)33A)~ ~~)34A)~ ~~)35A)~ ~~)36A)~ ~~)37A)~ -~~ t-~)40A)~ ---7)39A)~ ---7)398)~602 ~ 026) A 1 I IT -= DRAWN a01filAIC ENGINEER I 7r ~tJtL..h J/I,/", ClI) ;=~c~Ot APPROVED 4 1.:1 3 ... I 4243 4309 4320 4731 5309 5244 5321 5331 6131 6521 nr.rm 6932 B I- P2-16 -5 V 0318 6.8 uF 0327 ±20% ~.1 uF 35 V MAGNETIC PERJPHER(\lS INC. 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R44 150 ,~ ,~ R42 1 ~.... .F1.48 150 25 n .... 150 n " CR37 R40 150 R49 28 ~' n CR34 CR35 ror 150 R47 104 ;>----1 ~' ;>----1 ;>----1 n ,~ ror~ n R38 150 R45 105 -42A n R43 150 ,..- 150 R41 -BUSY 107 - 42B n ,~ R36 150 R39 150 -DATA ERROR 101 150 n o CR33 R34 150 n R37 -SELECTEO - SEEK ERROR n R35 -ON CYLINDER -WR I TE PROTECT 106 150 -UNIT RUN ~, ~~ R33 -1/0 READY - READY 106 101 B » 108 107 - 27 , I .'. A4P2- D 2 3 n CR48 +5 V 30 B ~) ~) NC NC -14) NC ~) NC --1.4) NC ~) NC I- A A •• =:;:.c_. . MAGNETIC PERJPHEF.-\LS INC. A I -;) ..&. LED NORMANOALE OPERATIONS DISPLAY I PAR 2 ., LOCI §) I CODE IDENT 19333 cl CIIOSS liE' NO 83323370 ~03 " ISHUT 3 I cf A II'M(S-71/72 · ,....;J~; ,--( , 4 ... 3 2 I f-- REV. A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I 2 3 4 A A 1 ECO. PE23000 RElEASED - REVISIONS ORFT. OESCRIPTION CHO·O OATE 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D 0 l- e c l -I - - i- I -I - - - - - - - - I -I - B B A A ORAWN IQJJ ~A. '2.->-/1' ENGINEER - APPROVEO I •• MAGNETIC rER,lI'HEFl-LS INC. CHECOEO ~41~ J//1/11 - =~c_"'" ... TEST POINT BOARD DIAGRAMS TYPE' AZEV ... NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS LOC' ~ I CODE IDENT 19333 cl CROSS REF NO 83323370 601 . r HEET IOF2 --- -_.- C rAGE I 5-73 A 4 3 'q' 'I 1 6 205 205 205 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 205 205 205 202 206 202 202 206 206 202 202 203 203 201 '0 C §] A3P1PB2-22B ~) -22A ~) -21B ~) -21A ~) -20B ~) -20A -19B'2.4) -19A ~) -18B -18A -17B ~) -17A -!-7) -¥-7) --:-4) -!-:7) -16B~) -16A~) -15B~) -15A ~) -14B ~) -14A'~) -136~) -13A~) -12B ~> -12A~) -11B~) -11A~> -06B~ 201~ PB2-06A TAG 1/TAG 20 TAG 21TAG 2~ TAG 3ITAG 22 BUS OUT BO BUS OUT B1 BUS OUT B2 BUS OUT B3 BUS OUT B4 BUS OUT 65 BUS OUT B6 BUS OUT B7 BUS OUT BS BUS OUT B9 BUS OUT B10 AM FOUND/BUS IN BO BUS IN B1 ON CYL/BUS IN B2 READY/BUS IN B3 BUS IN B4 BUS IN 65 SEEK ERROR/BUS IN B6 FAULT/BUS IN B7 OA OB OC OD OE 0 OF OG OH OJ OK OL OM ON OP OV OW OX OY OZ OAA OBB C OCC OR OS MM ..l.L7. A3P2306~ PB3-25B ~) -26B -4> 305 -27B ~) 309 -28B ~) 306 -29B ~) 305 -30B ~> 306 -31B ~> 306 -326 306 -246 301 -33B 903 -36B 301 -37B 301 -38B 301 -39B 301 -40B 17 301 301, -24A ~ -25A ~ 301 -26A ~ 301 -27A ~ 301 301 -2SA~ -29A ~ ,301 -30A ~ 301 -31A ~ 301 -32A ~ 301 -33A ~ 301 -301 -34A ~ -35A~ 301 :-36A ~ 301 '-37'A'~ 301 -3eA ~ ~01: 301 :~-39A ~ -+7> ~ READ GATE READ CLOCK READ DATA WRITE GATE WRITE CLOCK (SERVO CLOCK) WRITE DATA AM GATE READ ERROR ODD OEE +- OFF OGG OHH OJJ OKK OLl GN 7-fi7. 7s7. B 8 ~ 5 A:, , , 'J I~ ~ +HD ALIGNMENT -HD ALIGNMENT U )1L- 302 (!g) PB3-34B 302 ~ PB3-35B RED BLACK + HEAD ALIGNMENT JACKS LOCATED ON FRONT PANEL i '" i I NOTE: 6 3Q1~ PB3-40A'~ MAGNETIC PERIPHERALS INC. CONNECTORS LOCATED ON LOGIC,CHASSIS BACKPANEL'.: . "!- NORMANOAlE OPERATIONS TEST POINT BOARD ClI)=~cOl/'Ollofo. LOC' 4 A3P2- ~ 3 + 2 ~ C A "r- A CODE IDENT 19333 1 -~ ", \ 4 . 3 2 I 1--REv A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS 1 REVISIONS ECO. PE23000 DESCRIPTION ORFT. CHK'D DATE RELEASEe I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A A D D l- e c - -+ B B t- A A DRAWN .. 2--2-/'9 MAGNETIC rERJrHER.t\LS INC. ENGINEER (Ci) ~=~c~o. APPROVED I 1fJJ!/Lv/.. CHECKED tr..v~~.i I r/F/l1 CONTROL PANEL DIAGRAMS TYPE' AZJV BOARD NORMANDALE OPERATIONS LOC: ~ CODE IDENT 19333 cl CROSS REF NO 83323370 701 .. I SHEET IOF3 IlF"F" 75121207 C I I 5-7!5 PAGE A 4 RD/WRT SELECT SW BCD 3 CR1 ~, ~< T ~( T ~( T ~< :< D ~( & 2 CR2 4 CR3 B ~< :( T ~< T '/ R5 10 kn R6 10 kn 703 D kn CR4 .!)WRT ¥FLAG CR17 CR5 .!)WRT ., i CR7 T '/ ., a :( ~ CR1B 6RECORD MAN ?SEQ RAND ~AM 4 :< CR21 S32 ¥PROT . C3 6 T '/ ~ ~ ~ ~. 1 4 SECT ~ CR19 a . CRa CR22 S33 -;:;. 6 HEAD MAN SEQ ? RAND .1 ., C COMMON .( T ., .~~ t.< 1 CR9 T ./ .!) EOT STOP CRI3 S~ .''( 2 CF~.10 T ., 4 '( CR11 T '/ , < a CR12 ¥SINGLE CR20 HEX CR23 S~B i(ERR OVRDE ~ ~ CRI5 l) -* i ?+ ~~~R .J) SHIFT r-u PATT CR24 S).7 ~ ROW 2 9 1 ROW 3 r ROW 5 DISP -r ~ ~ DEC BIT 1 1 ~ CLR- r ROW 6 ROW 7 I , COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 6 LATE OFF EARLY ? ( I D 703 E 703 F 703 G 703 H 703 c B A5P1 26 )-7-103§jPB1-20B ;;;; [;;;; 9 31 14 COLUMN 8 COMMON 15 ~103§jPB1-UA T " 703 11 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 7 ( C ROI'l0~03 COLUMN 6 ., 703 ~ CLR T '/ B ~ ROW 4 ~ RTZ-r OVRDE S1) CRI6 ~ ~FF ROW 1 1~ 0.1 ~ OCONTo CRI4 S~ /. ~ SlDATA ~ BCD i S!4 ..-.--.u -r 1 ~ T '/ A R4 10 kn S~5 2 :< B R3 10 ~ -, ~q~Y kn T J!4 ,..,...._ _-, A5P2- R2 10 kn ~ 1 ~~< ~( c R1 10 A COMMON A5P3ACCESS SELECT SW BCD +5 V A NOTE:' ~ 16 POSITION ROTARY SWITCH LOCATED ON FRONT PANEL. CONTROL PANEL BOARD NOIIfIIIANDAlE O~IIATIONS MAGNETIC rElI.JrHER/-LS INC. _~C~ CODE IDENT 4 3 + LOC' 2 5 19333 C CROSS REF NO A , \ ". ( , 4 702 A +5 Y T R1 D 10 KO ~ ~ 2 3 ROW 1 1 6 7 02 C 6 . ROW 2 r ~ 102 c D 702 E 702 F 702 G 702 H At ROW 3 r ~ r ROW 6 10 1 .-4)-L1 03 .- -21A 103 ~~ .- -21B 10 ~ R12 F 10 r ~ LOAD r R13 10 r 10 ~ CLR FLT ~ GO r kn 1 ROW 2 kn 1 ROY! 103 -22A 1 24 ROW 4-----7~10.3 -22B kn 1 ROY! 5 1 -7'~103 -19A kn 1 ROY! 6 2 ~~103 -19B R11 B STOP ROW 7 ROW R10 1 E SEL DRY 1 ~ CLR ENT . ROW 5 1 D R9 10 kn .- ~ r ~ r ~ 1 ~ r ROW 4 '" ASP1+5 Y-~~1 3 03 ~ PB1-26A ~~1 01 -26B .- R8 10 Kn 02 B , 2 3 kn 3~)-L '" c R14 r-- R15 kn 1 lU kfl 1 10 ROW 1 ~' +- -24B R16 102 J now 0 >-?- I - B • R17 : 3.9 R19 .( R18 R20 U' .- -14B -2SA -24 -START----.:::; ~104 -RESET ~~104 -16A -17A R21 531 1 '" -RUN~')-19-104 RUN " 530 ~EAKPOINT HALT - ,.... -HALT -STEP -/\ S?Q NOTE: o ~ CONNECTOR LOCATED ON LOGIC CH ASS I S BACKPANEL. MAGNETIC PERJPHER(\LS INC. .. =~c"""""''''' CONTROL PANEL BOARD LOC: NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS ~ CODE IDENT 19333 ~~104 ~ .-~101 -SEQ PI'IR 540 .4~104 GN~~101 sTEP I A B kn , 3.9 kn . 3.9 kn. 3.9 kn 3.9 kn START,., RESET ROW 0 --4' 103 COLUMN.J. ~~103 COLUMN 2 ..5:.<)---L 103 C ~ -16B -188 -178 -23A -238 A PB1- 27A A ", .J 4 • 3 2 A A REVISIONS "-REV A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 , I ECO PE23000 ORfT. DESCRIPTION DATE CHK·O RE~EAs'!:D A 0 .D I- 'I C C B B ~ A .. ., " O.. 4WN ItM 11...1.. 1:2-J-.7f MAGNETIC I'ERJrHE(l.t.lS INC. CHECKED ENGINEER ~., :ff ~Vr~ 0 ' - ' " c:DmIll_t~ TYPE'AJGV APPROVED 4 I +5 - -5 VOLT POwER SUPPLY. DIAGRAMS 3 + 2 Loe, NORMANDALE OPERATIONS ~ I CODE IDENT 19333 cl CROSS REF NO A 83323370 801 I SHEET 1 REF I I C PIlGE OF:3 75121208 5-79 A 4 JI- PI- •• 3 1 "" R1 10 D n I 220 uF J/ .~%. -10"1. CB.3 16 V ,-CR1 TI SEC ...1....:)) I I I TI SEC -4' I I I~I I ~11. 'CA~OC~ ~'- -1 I Ii 1 (QZ -: - :-El CR2 ,,. 2 R3 . .22 n 2 W R4 ... , i~-'~.I .22 n 2 W Ie : l_.!!. --~ Ic GR4 1 I L D R5 .22 2 W I Ir--_J R7 402 !1% .-- REi .22 2 w n n. n Y I L ___ J R2 220' 2 w ,; h 111 n 2" C2 ~UF~~ R8 1.21 !1% ·lg~""r"' c R9 1.21 !1% kn I ;~: B N Ul rL- . .L- ~ 10 N /) kn ~JW R111 5 1/2 W +5 v !20~ ADJ 1/2 9 N E>8A kn :!IOV R10 150 12113 '71 35V 3 TI SEC CENTER TAP ~'- • VR ~ 120 16 1 +75% / 9 v c CG ·10"1• 16V A2 C~;I' ~~~¥~~s 1 uF 35 V &,1 A2 B +7.1 VR R15 R13 3.83 !1% CR6 R1? 1.5 5 kn 1/2 kn -5 V 3 ADJ W !20% 1 '1~W R14 17 lii kn10N 6 kn A .803 CAP. . 5 I I I ») E1 N ~l ~ -:-- _ _ _CJ C2 r- CR7 + C9 ;:::f'1 uF 35 V 1/2 + C8 n w ;l'mO~F ~ L/ SCR2 ri--- N 1e:~T v 35 , RI8 / .18n W +5 - -5 VOLT POWER SUPPLY "=~c~o. 3 R17 150 19 N-L .01 C~~;:::~ ·10"1. MAGNETIC rEllJPHERALS INC. 4 kn 131113 70 H) I B R16 1.5 I -5VR ~3BA U2 815W:l 9 1 15J 7 .IT 5 V 1 , . - - - - I- - . , 04 RTN LOGIC CHASSIS GNO ,, ~ ·5 V RTN 1 CR5 ,,-~_+?V \ . ~S------J FASTON C7 + 1 uF:::r:: 35 V n w .01 ~~;~ ·'0"1. NC CHASSIS +5 V@7A ;::~220 uF SCR1 .IT5 ~C3' 1 uF ~ A2 ~ ~. 17 ,~P2-LOGIC J2- 2 A2 ~ ~ , LOGIC CHASSIS' . ·5 V(j)2A FASTON . A ( 4 , 2 3 D D TB1 100/240 { VAC 50/60 HZ BlK P3 J3 X X I'IHT Y Y GRN W 1'1 P1 RED 6 CB1 BlK 3 AMP P2 +5 V A2 4 RED GRN/YEl JGV PIS Bo A1 7 GNo lOGIC CHASSIS A2 FRAME GNo 2 C C 5 B01 -5 V A2 + C1 J~83kmF J8kmF FAN 8 INPUT VOLTAGE FREQ JUMPER WIRE TB1 TERMINAL CONNECTIONS 100 50/60 0-6 C TO F & A TO C 120 50/60 0-6 B TO E & A TO B 200 50/60 0-5 A TO C 220 50/60 0-4 A TO C 240 50/60 0-4 A TO B B NOTE: ~ FIX UNUSED JUMPER TO TB1 TERMINALS FOR STORAGE. A A MA9~~C PERJPHER(\LS INC. Gll> ....' .... """'''"''''''''00 INPUT POWER CONFIGURATION TB216A MICROPROCESSOR CODE IDENT 19333 4- .. ;:s I z I REV A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I D 2 3 4 5 6 7 A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A B B A C A A C 1 - REVISIONS ECO. PE23000 OA" DESCRIPTION e PE54236 ADO ~ 0£5431' DIAGRAM - .. ..!. .. ,.. .. TWO 01'[ ", CHl'D ~ -~ RELEASEO SIGNALS TH y. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I.i6..O... '±', '2'10 _lJ1...-" 0 l- e e A4PI I/O TO OR'V[ { B A4 CONTROL PANEL I NTERFACE CARD A2BOI "A" A2P201 _JHX "A" A2P202 IIO CONTROL "B" A2P203 A4P2 A2PElI _JKX A2PIOI _ZFV LED DISPLAY BOARD A2PBI . I A2PB2 CARD ; ASPI _ZJV A5P2 CONTROL PANEL' BOARD ASP3 A5P4 A5 A2A/B02 _JJX A2PB3 READ/WRITE A3PI CONTROL CARD FRONT PANEL SWITCH ASSEMBLIES DATA ,ENTR'f sw I ACCESS SELECT SW I I I B RD I WRT SELECT SW _ZEV TEST POINT BOARD A2A1B03 A3P2 _JGX ~ A3 MICROPROCESSOR A2A/B04 I I I I CONNECTORS ON ..- LOGIC BACK PANEL CONNECTORS ON --.j CARD EDGE A A DRAWN 1&a..J;.. '2-~'71 CMEeKED ENGINEER ~¥/~~ APPROVED 4 I 3 1/1';"7 FTU IN TERNAL MAGNETIC rERJrHERALS INC. "~~~(~o. • Pr.IlIP~"'NOALI OPlR,ATIONS CABLING DIAGRAMS CODE IDENT 19333 2 I Cl :ROSS IfEC __ -: 83323370 901 1 I SHEET I Of E 4 C 1-5-83 REF: 7 G 12120. , 4 3 A4Pl- A2Pl0l- 101~) 101..1.4) 108~) 108~) D 108~) 108~) 107~) 107~) 107~) 107 22» 106-4) 106 23 » 106~) c .106 24» 105~) 105 4) 105~) 105 26» 108~) 108 21 7) 108..11.) 108 28» 101 -14) 101' 29» B ., 101~) 107.Ml7> .106~) .1 0 621.) 106' .15» 10624) . 105...1.4> 105~) 105.J..4) 10 5 ._~.1_» +5 V 2 -BIT 0 _2 15 -BIT 1 _2 14 -BIT 2 _2 13 -BIT 3 _2 12 -BIT 4 _2 11 -BIT 5 _2 10 -BIT 8 -2 9 7~ -BIT 1 7~ -2 8 -2 1 -BIT 9 -2 6 .-PROCESSOR RUN 108 32A» -BUSY 105 33B» -CLOCK 105 33A» -FAULT »)-1»)-1L -WRITE 7)-L 7)-1L D.' »-L , -SEEK ERROR )~ 106 35B» -READ 106 35A» -SELECTED »-L »-ll»-L .106 36B» -ADDRESS ERROR 106 36A -WRITE PROTECT 101 7) 31B ) 7 37A ) 7 -DATA ERROR 101 38B» 101 38A 7) 101 39B» 101 39A» 40B» 502 108 40A» ~) 105 41A 7) )}E- : »-L »-1L -READY -FLAG »)-L- »)-K»-L»2L -ON CYLINOER -GND -GND NOT USED )~ -UNIT RUN »E- 101 42B» 101 42A» -5 V »)-1L )~ »)-1L 7)-lL 43A» NOT USED -BIT 11 )~ »-lL . 101 44B» +5 V -2 4 7)-lQ7~ 101 44A») +5 V )~ NC 45B» NOT USED »)--!L 7~ )~ NC 45A» NOT USED -BIT 12 -BIT 13 '-2 2 & »-li- 46B» NOT USED 7) 47B ) 7 NOT USED 46A -BIT 14 )~ -2 1 7)-E- 47A» NOT USED ·BIT 15 ~rJ2- 4BB~) NOT USED &~) NOT USED -2 0 »)-M- -' A 503 -I/O READY' -5 V NOT USED -2 3 >- »)-1.Q- . 43B») -'2 5 c 7)-1L NOT USED »)--13- -BI T 10 i ~ I 105 34A» . 101 ~ A4P2- 1 104 32B» 108 34B» 7)-1L 7~ 7)-117)--!.!7)-1L -BIT 8 1 A2PB1- ..., 7)---1.7)-1!7)-L 7)-1L 7)27)-1Q7)-17)-117r-L 7)--1L 7)-L 7)-li.7)-17)-1L 7)-L +5 V I B »)-lL )~ .. »)-1L' . , .. »2L NOT USED ,., ._ .. »2L )r!1- »)-!L .; A NOTE: ~ MAGNETIC rERjrHERj\LS INC. .. NO CONNECTOR PINS IN BACKPANEL NORMANDAlE • OPERATIONS LED AND DISPLAY CABLES C.=~CQllf'OYf"'" CODe IDeNT 19333 4 I 3 + ~ " .. : »)-1L 2 I CI CIIOS! "[~ NO 83323370 902 IstlnT 2 1 .;C.: ';A' 1"1 1-, -5-84 . 4 A2PS2205 22A» 205 228» ·D +TAG 312 0 203 20A» +SUS OUT BIT 2 203 20B» +BUS OUT BIT 1 203 ~) +BUS OUT BIT 4 203 1.!!!!) ~) 203 ~) 205 ~) 205 ~) 205 206 ~) 202 202 2 I 1 )~~ A2PS3301 24S» -GND »)---!!- 301 24A» -GND )~ 308 258» +AEAD GATE »)---1L 301 25A» -GND »)-12- »-L A3P1- +TAG 112 0 203~) 205 ~) ~) 203 ~) 3 ~TAG 2/2 1 +SUS OUT SIT 0 203 c I »)-l»)-?Q- »)----i»21- 202 26B» +AEAD CLOCK 301 26A» -GND 208 27B» +AEAD DATA A3P2- )r1- "' )>ll- »)-L »1Q- »)-L- 301 27A» -GND )>li- )~ 306 28B» +WAITE GATE »)--11»)---E- 301 28A» -GND »-L- 202 29B» +WAITE CLOCK +BUS OUT BIT 7 )~ 301 29A» -GND +SUS OUT BIT 10 »)---?- 306 30B» +WRITE DATA »)-1- +SUS OUT SIT 9 )~ )~ 301 30A» -GND 306~) 301 ~) +ADDRESS MARK GATE »li»)-L 30G 328» -READ ERROR 301 32A» -GND Ne 33B» -GND +SUS OUT BIT 3 +BUS OUT BIT 6 +BUS OUT BIT 5 +SUS OUT BIT 8 +BUS IN BIT 1 ~) +AM FOUND/SUS IN BIT 0 ill» -UNIT REAOY/BUS IN BIT 3 )~ )~ >- 602 )~ )~ »-L »)-ll- -GND 206 ~) +BUS IN BIT 5 206 ~) +BUS IN BIT 4 »)-1L 301 33A» -GND »)-ll- +FAULT/BUS IN BIT 7 )~ »)2L 302 348» +HEAD ALIGNMENT »)-lL 301 34A» -GND )~ 203 ~) ~) ~) +SECTOA 302 35B» -HEAD ALIGNMENT 203 ~) )rE- +INDEX »)-l.L 301 35A» -GND ~) ~) ~) OPEN »)--!L »)E»)-1L 301 36B» -GND )~ OPEN )~ )~ 301 36A» -GND »)-22- 301 378» -GND )~ ~> ~> ~> OPEN »)-ll- 301 37A» -GND OPEN .)~ 301 388» -GND »-ll- )rR- 301 38A» -GND )~ )~ 301 39B» -GND 301 39A» -GND »)-1l>)-M- 301 40B» -GND »)-22- 301 40A» -GND »)2L B ~) 201 201 +SEEK ERR/BUS IN BIT 6 OPEN OPEN. OPEN ~) OPEN ~> -GND ~) -GND c )~ )~ +ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 202 - )~ 202 ~) 202 0 >- 602 »2L )~ B )~ »-B- I- )~ »)-&~ A A MAGNETIC rERlrHERALS INC. Cl:il =r:,.")",,•..,.,.. NORMANDALE OPERATIONS TEST POINT CABLES CODE IDENT 19333 4 I 3 + 2 I cl CROSS REF NO 83323370 903 1 I SHEET 3 I I~ C I/WiE 5-85 4 A5P1· ~) 101~) NOT USED ..!.4) NOT USED 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 101.1!4) +5 V +5 V COLUMN 1 NOT USED --4) COLUMN 2 103 103~) 101-4) 101..f.4) 103-4) ROW 7 ·GND -G'ND ROW 4 103~) ROW 1 103~) ROW 2 103~) COLUMN 4 103~) COLUMN 3 103~) ROW 5 103 27» ROW 6 103~> COLUMN 5 ·RESET 104~) -STEP 104..14) ·RUN 103~> COLUMN 7 103..ll7) COLUMN 8 103 ~) ROW 8 -14) .ll.7> NOT USED .li..7) C 7~ 7~ 7~ , . 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ 7~ B 7~ )~ .- 7~ 7~ 7~ NOT USED NOT USED D 7~ NOT USED ~) " 7~ 7~ ~~ COLUMN 6 103~) , 7~ -START 104 ~) . 7~ 7~ ·HALT 104~) 1 7>-ill7~ ROW 3 103~) 104 -'4> B ·SEQ PI'IR 103~> ~) I A2PB1.& I 7~ 101~) c 2 HOT USED -4) D 3 I )~ HOTE: A & A WIRE WRAP BACK PANEL PIN NUMBERS MAGNETIC PERJrHER,t\LS INC. •• 4 I' 3 =~COlf'OYo1'IOJoI + NORMANOAlE OPERATIONS CONTROL PANEL CABLE 2 ,09 333 E I T CJ CIIOSS Rff NO' 83323370 , 904 ISHEET 4 Ic I C· 1_[ 5-86 \ 2 1 REVISIONS REv REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I A ~ "23000 " .. . DlAGRA .. CHG ,~ : DAT£·, CHK'O DRFT. RELEASE 0 PE54317 ." ..... OESCRIPTION ECO. ". .. S'U"1IC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A A A A A 0 D .. I-- c C .-----r--t-;<)"'a. N ox ~ tc\i' 0 N CIJ a. CIJ 50 PIN 1/0- A2 a. N ox t--' .4--~ ox '---- B I~I a. 26 PIN I/0-B5 N FTU ~ := R ", 0 DR'VE - tev· ~ 150 1LJ. qllo '--- ~ r-r PIN I/0-A2 PIN I/0-A4 26 PIN 1I0-B5 R~ ",,,, I ~ 50 PI N I/Q-A2 0~ ClJI a. .., ~ J:. ~ FTU N a. ~ N 15 PIN ADAPTER -..J ~ 10 PIN I10-A4 '--- 34 PIN -,1 ADAPTER - B1 a: ::;1 ~ ", 26 ~. DRIVE FTU ~~ ox ~150 ~ CIJ-' PINI/0-A2 N -, ,..-r- DRIVE 60 PIN ADAPTER ~!!1 ox CIJ-' := == ii: ::; ~ll0 PIN IIO-A4 '-- - ~~ CIJ a. .., N B AS - ~ .. ;:: f="" 15 PIN ADAF-TER - " DRIVE : CIJ a.", CIJ-, 15' AIO ~ a. ~~ 1 ~IN 1~0-B5 ~ ~ AD~::~~-B3 ~~ ~ a. ~ ~ N flR r---- 'I0<>' J~....... B 26 PIN I/0-B5 J-='U FTl! ; , ..~ ,..- f-; 202 »--L »)-1-L »--L 202 -BUS OUT BIT 2 »)-L +BUS OUT BIT 2 )~ 20a ~) -BUS OUT BIT 3 »)-1- 206 +BUS OUT BIT 3 »-ll- 206 ~) 207~) -BUS OUT BIT 4 207~> +BUS OUT BIT 4 207~) »)----!- 206 24) .1.4) -BUS OUT BIT 5 ~) +SECTOR MARK 207~) +BUS OUT BIT 5 )~ 202 ~) -SECTOR MARK 20a --liL) -BUS OUT BIT 6 20a~) +BUS OUT BIT 6 »)-lQ'»)2L »)-!!»)2L »)--2L )rB»)-lL »)-2L 20aJ.2..) 20a..1.4> 20a2:4) -BUS OUT BIT 7 +BUS OUT BIT 7 -BUS OUT BIT a/SPARE +BUS OUT B~T a/SPARE 20a~) -BUS OUT BIT9/SPARE 20a~) .BUS OUT BIT 9/SPARE 202 - »2L »)-E)~ )~ )~ »--iL : »)-1L )~ 906· A2P201206 ....L) -UNIT SEL 22 /BUS IN BIT 5 3 ....L) -L) +UNIT SEL 22/BUS IN BIT 5 -UNIT SEL 23/TAG GATE IN 7 +UNIT SEL 23 /TAG GATE IN 12 »)-1- 206 206 206 ~) »)--lL 206~> 202 ~) 202~) +FAULT/BUS IN BIT 7 »)-12»)-1L 203 202~) -FAULT/BUS IN BIT 7 )~ 203 +SEEK ERROR/BUS IN BIT 6 »)-lL ·SEEK ERROR/BUS IN BIT 6 )~ & »-iL »)2!»-iL , -OPEN CAOLE/SEL HOLD NOTE' ° ; +OPEN CABLE/SEL HOLD 202~) )~ : 206~> 202...1.4) ", 0 »)-1L »)-1-L »)2L -UNIT SEL 2 1/BUS IN BIT 4 +UNIT SEL 2 1/ BUS IN BIT 4 206 ~) .. »)-!L -UNIT SEL 20 /BUS IN BIT '1 +UNIT SEL 20 /BUS IN BIT 1 »)-R»)--L 208...ll7) " P2- 1 )~ 20a~) B & I -TAG 1/TAG 20 +TAG 1/TAG 20 20a--4) c 2. 8 .WRITt PROTECT/SPARE ~3 »)--2.- 56 -SEQ PWR PICK »)-L -L) 73 -L) -SEQ PWR HOLD 76 »-L »)--L 20a~) -BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE 54 »)-L -1.!4) +BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE 57 »)-1Q- 20a 2.....) 906 , B: »)2- +WRITE PROTECT/SPARE 202 906 PI- »)-!»--L ~ ., .. A I A " f MAGNETIC rERJrHERJl.LS INC. NORMANDALE OPERATIONS I/O "A" CABLE A2/A4 .. ==...c~ 4 I 3 +. c1°9E333T 2 I CJ 83323370 , ~SSNO. 911 ISH!I' 2 , .. I~·L~',~ I~AG[ ~"U·:,' J .... ,~ ." 906·, STANDARD I/O CABLE A2 SIGNAL'3/MULTIPLEX I/O CABLE A4 SIGNALS, 'J / \ 4 I 3 2 I & J2-TAG 905~) D - ~) ~) B ~~ ~~ ~~ -TAG 2/TAG 21 ..£4) +TAG 2/TAG 21 ~) ~) ~) ~) -TAG :3ITAG 22 P3- J2- >~ .. 905~) +ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 ~) ~) ~) ~) -ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 »)--!!!- +INDEX »)-!Q»)-!L 1I )~ -INDEX +UNIT READY/BUS IN BIT :3 ~~ -BUS OUT BIT 0 )~ +BUS OUT BIT ° )~ )~ )~ ~) ~) ~) -BUSY/GND -BUS OUT BIT 2 )~ E..) -UNIT SELECT/SEL HOLD/TAG GATE OUT 2.4) "BUS OUT BIT 2 )~ ~) +UNI T SELECT/SEL HOLDITAG GATE OUT ~) -BUS OUT BIT :3 »)E- 2..4) -UNIT SEL 201 BUS IN BIT I )r-!- 24) +BUS OUT BIT :3 ~) .. UNIT SEL 2°/ BUS IN BIT ~) ~) ~) ~) ~) - BUS OUT BIT 4 )~ )~ )~ )~ )~ -4) -BUS OUT BIT I +BUS OUT BIT I +BUS OUT BIT 4 )~ )~ )~ -BUS OUT BIT 5 .. BUS OUT BIT 5 -BUS OUT BIT 6 ~) .. 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SECTOR MARK )~ -SECTOR MARK »_I!..- -UNIT SEL 22/BUS IN BIT 5 )>-2- c > TO DRIVE )~ )~ ~) ~) 905~) ~) ~) ; »)-!l»)-31)~ +TAG :3ITAG 22 ~) ~) c ~~ +TAG II TAG 2° , & P:3- I!TAG 2 0 1 JI- P:3- -4) )~ »)-2L 905 »)-2- ~~SEL 2:3ITAG GATE IN )~, ~) +UNIT SEL 2:3/TAG GATE,IN -4) -4) -WRITE PROTECT/ SA\RE )~ )~ ~> - SEQ PWR PICK )~ - SEQ PWR HOLD -4) -OUS OUT OIT )~ )~ ~) +BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE -4> )~ )~ +UNIT SEL 2 2 /BUS IN BIT 5 B >~ +WRITE PROTECT/SPARE IO/SPARE )~ j I- A6 SIGNALS/MULTIPLE X ADAPTER AIO SIGNALS, 'A A , MAGNETIC PERIPHERALS INC. liD "A" 75 PIN ADAPTER CABLE (A6 5TO) (AID MUX) . . =;:.,~ow 4 3 2 NonMANOAll OPERATIONS c/ CODE IDE NT CROSS 19333 REf NO 83'323370 912 1 I SH([T3 / c ).4 IPA"I 5 -89 4 J2- D C . B 3 & 2 P3- ~-4) ~) -TAG 1/TAG 20 +TAG 1ITAG 20 -4) ..l.l7) -4) -TAG 21TAG 21 ~)--L +TAG 21TAG 21 ~~ +TAG 3ITAG 22 -4) -BUS OUT BIT a ~) +IUS OUT BI T a -4) -IUS OUT BIT 1 2.4) +IUS OUT BIT 1 -4) -BUS OUT BIT 2 ~) +BUS OUT BIT 2 ~) ' , 905 ~~ I 1 ill J2- ~r-!- ... -TAG 3/TAG 22 -'-4) ...1.4) ~) .14> 34) P3- +ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 »)-ll- ... -ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 »)-R- +INDEX ~)-1L -INDEX ~)-L ~)2L ~)--L ~) ..4.4) -UNIT READY/BUS IN BIT 3 ' ~) +ADDRESS MARK FOUND/BUS IN BIT a ~~ ~) -ADDRESS MARK FaUNa/BUS IN BIT a ~)--L 24> +BUSY/GNO ~~ »-lL )~ )~, »-iL ~) -UNIT SELECT/SEL HOLD/TAG GATE OUT )~ ~> +uNiT SELECT/SEL HOLD/TAG GATE OUT »)-!L -IUS OUT BIT 3 ~r-L ~~ ~)--l- ~) +BUS OUT BIT 3 24> »)-B- ~) -4) -BUS OUT BIT .. ~)--!- ~) J.4> +OUS OUT OIT .c )~ -BUS OUT lilT 5 »)---2- ..ll7) +IUS OUT liT 5 ~) -IUS OUT liT' ~) +IUS OUT II T , ~)-ll- .J..4) -lUI OUT liT 1 7)-11- ~) +IUS OUT BIT 1 ~) -IUS OUT BIT '/S~ARE ~) +IUS OUT BIT '/S~AftE .J..4) ~) +auS OUT liT '/SI"ARE -OPEN CAIL£/SEL HOLO +OPEN CAILE/SEL HOLD »-1L ~)-1L -FAUlT/IUS 1M liT 1 ..14) +SE£K ERROR/IUS IN liT 6 )~ ~)-lL )~ ... & STANDARD Ao.\PTER JI - )~ -UNIT SEL 20 /BUS IN, BIT 1 +UNIT SEL 20 /BUS IN BIT 1 -UNIT SEL 21/BUS IN BIT 4 +UNIT SEL 21/BUS IN BIT 4 +UNIT SEL 22/~~S IN BIT 5 -UNIT SEL 23/TAG GATE IN +UNIT SEL 23/TAG GATE IN -4) -WRITE PROTECT/SPARE -L» -4) +WRITE PROTECT/SPARE -4) -SEQ PWR HOLD C )~ )~. -SECTOR MARK ...L» -4) ~) 905 ~) )~ ~~ »)--2Q- -UNIT SEL 22/BUS IN BIT 5 ~ )~ • SECTOR MARK ~) ~) ...... »)-lL »)--1L »)2L +FAUlT/IUS IM'IIT 1 -SEEK ERROR/BUS IN liT' ~) ~)-lL ~)2L ~)-lL ~) ~) , NOTE: 24> ~)2.L )~ -IUS OUT liT t/SI"AltE 905..i4) ~> TO ;> DRIVE - )~ -BUSY/GND ~> 0 ~)-4L +UNIT READY/BUS IN BIT 3 ~) ~) ~) - 1 ;> D~eE P3- »)-1»-L ~r!-- B »)-1»)-2- »--L »)-L »)-L »-L - SEQ PWR PICK -BUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE - »)-1Q-' ~ +IUS OUT BIT 10/SPARE AB SIGNALS/MULTIPLEX ADAPTE R AB SIGNALS, A A MAGNETIC rE~I'HERt-lS .. =::-c~ INC. 60 PIN ADAPTER CABLE AS STANDARD A~D NORMANOALE OPERATIONS MULTIPLEX CODE IDENT 19333 4 I 3 +' 2 I cl CIIOSS 11(' NO 83323370 913 1 JSI
-~ 202 ~) ~) + INTERRUPT )~ 202 ~) ~) ~) -GND )~- 201 --1..) -GND -.!4) + READ CLOCK )~ 202 -.!.4) +READ CLOCK 2-) - READ CLOCK »)-l'!- 202 ~) -READ CLOCK ~) ~) ~) ~) - GND )~ )~ )~ -GND 208 -1.e..) --2..) 208 ~) +WRITE CLOCK 201 ..2.7) -G~Q 206 ~) +WRITE DATA ·/+READ/WRITE DATA 206 ~) -WRITE DATA ./.-~EAD/WRITE »)--ZL- >)-L -WRITE CLOCK +WRITE CLOCK + READ /WRITE DATA - READ/WRITE .14) - GND DATA + MODULE ADDRESS - MODULE ADDRESS ~) ~) ~) ~) ~) - SEEK END + RERVED - RERVED ~) ~) ~) + SEIZED I 201 )~ )~ -GND -4) -4) ..1.4) 904 .- .. ~~ERRUPT ~) B P3 P2- ;> TO DRIV.E. »)---L +READ DATAIINTERRUPT »)--lL »)--L )rJl»-L »)-L »)-lL 201 .£4) -GND 202 ~) +SELECTED/ MODULE ADDRESS )~ 202 ~) -SELECTED/MODULE ADDRESS )}-1)~ DATA »)21- 202 ~~EE-'~ END »)-19)~ -GND »)-11- )~ 2022.4)---±.!..NDEX/RESERVED )~ »)E- 202 - GND »)-Y- 201 - SEIZED )~ )~ 202~> 201 ~) »-L .... ~) .127) -INDEX/RESERVED »-lL- -GND »)-lL 202 .l..4> -SECTOR· (-SEIZED) 202 ~) +SECTOR • (+SEIZEDI 67 C »)---L +'3l EK END - GND - »)-!L -WBITE Q!'QCK )~ )~ )~ )~ )~ + SEEK END -READ DATAIINTERRUPT 0 .»)-lL )~ B 907 B5 NOTES: ffi MULTIPLEX £ STANDARD I/O CABLE ADAPTER I- 87 SIGNALS &5 SIGNALS/MULTIPLEX I/O CABLE B5 SIGNALS. A ,.\ MAGNlTIC r[HJl'lll~lS "=~(~Oo 3 INC. rn "IN AOAI'1EII Uj (:jTO) U'r(MUX)/ '"I"Iirw'A"'I'IO" 111'1 HAIII'''-' I/D CAbLE 85 (SrD AND MUX) (('Pf -I • 1 Q". 2 °0 cl CIIOSS ~UHO 83323370 914 1 SHEET 5 Ic I lPtoGE A 5-91 , 4 J3J2904 ~)>-_-_G;;..;.N;,..:;:.D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-j>~ D ~) + SERVO CLOCK )~ ~) - SERVO CLOCK »)--!:!- ...!.4) - P P :~;~>-~t~_:_~_T~ ___________________ J8- ~t~!~:~ CMD HD ALIGNMENT CABLE ANALOG READ DATA »)---!L- ~) + READ DATA )~ ~) - GND »)---!- J104~)r~~-_~~R=E=D______H~D_A_L~IG~N_M_E~N~T______________~)>____ ~) + READ CLOCK >r!- ~): »)--Y!- -2.4) : : ~) I CLOCK )ri- - ~) -WRITE CLOCK ~) +WRITE CLOCK : WHT HD ALIGNMENT )>-- BLK GND )>-- SHIELD GND >>____ SMD HD ALIGNMENT CABLE >)--!!- »_!!__ ~) - GND »)-P-- ~) +WRITE DATA »)--!!- ~) - WRITE DATA > TO c DRIVE P P J2- »>-+-_________S~E=L;,..:;:.E~CT~E=D_-~S;,..:;:.E;;..;.RV~O~________~~>>____ )~ 01 24) - GND >)-S- 02» SELECTED - S E R V O » - - - - ~) )~ 03 ) ' SERVO DATA )~ 04 » SERVO DATA SERVO DATA + SELECTEe SELECTEe ~) - SEEK END )~ 05 )/ ~) + SEEK END )~ 06), .-!..4> - GND )~ ~, ~) + INDEX )~ 08 ) ' ~) -INDEX )~ 24) -GND )~ ~) - SECTOR )~ 904 ~) + SECTOR NOTE: & o >>--l- GN D - READ DATA ..1.4) - B JI- -. 1 ~) .-4) - READ ...!4) - GND c 2 3 )~ -7~ SELECTED - SERVO -7>>>-7>_>>-- SELECTED -SERVO >>____ SERVO DATA CMD HD ALIGNMENT CABLE SERVO AND DATA B ..,. B3 STANDARD ADAPTER B3 SIGNALS. A A M~~~C PER}PHERALS INC. •• c..ON""OUA(~'OOt 75 PIN ADAPTER CABLE B3 (STD) I HEAD ALIGNMENT CABLES NClRMANDALE OPERATIONS ffln, cI 83.323370 UHN' 18333 4 3 2 I 1 ( I 4 + 3 34B» REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS • +5 V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 G G G I 2 G 1 REVISIONS REV. ECO. A PE23000 RELEASED B CNG RES VALUES 0IIrT. oaCRIPTION J9913 + 22 uF C PE54133 PE21000 0 PE~4323 CNG RELAYS· DELETE 1C4C111 AND K3CRI I~IO"O 15 V E PE54335 CNG POT F PEII0377 CNG POT G DHI3019 CNG TSTR'S AND CAP D DAT[ CHIC'D ", ~-.-lW OGD MZ ADD MDce STICICER . 5-2_ RIC 4-15_ IIICP IIKP ~ OGD 12·la« 1»0 TLf TLf e-zs.el 1-1 ....1 DO D z () OIA)" OBB» lOB» 12B), - 10- 16B» 34A») ~ WRITE CRI ..-t ~) PROTECT -- l c C ~2 356CVR2 1 3,C .+ 02 B)" 98Rl -20 V 27 n !5". -i. 1/2 W ? -12 V . T· 19BC2 19BC3-9BC10 1 uF uF +1'1!10% -= -= 9BCl ~2.~ uF 338), +20Y 99R1 27n ~5~J- 99C2 112 W+ 2.2 uF B I:!:20"· 35 V ~2 3570+ VR 3,C 199cI I·IUF = l' + ~2 ". 35 V W 1 B +12 V 199C3-99C12 UNUSED DIODE ARRAYS ,F LOCATION CRP-B2 - .--~ :r 3<4B» I I PINS 1 ,2, 3, <4,13,14,15,16 - • +5 V 9913 + 22 uF I!IO". 15 V -.. . A A • TB 216A DRAWN CHECKED MAGNETIC PERJPHERt-lS INC. .8~=~c~Ot ENGINEER APPROVED 4 I 3 • NORMANDAlE OPERATIONS HEAD ALIGNMENT TYPE,AZPV LOC' 2 CODE IDENT 19333 I cl CROSS REF NO F 83323370 951 1 ISHEET IOF4 rAGE 5-93 REF 54285400 G 4 3 " .r; SERVO Rift 2 r' 1 1,3 l' 4 r- K4Rl 71 K4 1. 50 kn K4fl2 1.00 kn I ". 12 ____~~~ ______________~~~~____~~~-------'--------------------~A I I I £ 1 I K4R3 1.00 kn K4R4 K3Cl 1.01 uF !10% 4 ------~I ~r-~~~'E~R~V~O~U~IB~I~T~S______~~~~__~~'r 1 K3 K4 ·0 1 v I I 1 I I 61 K3Rl 100 kn & 1 K3R2 100 kn I I :;t:~VO IlISITS 13 .~ ~~~~~~~----~~~1.N5~O-k-n~I~r-~~+-~------------~~~~--~--~------~------------------~B I C ~ R.'t, U 161 TS ~ II .•• I) 1I11 T S 954 0 81 B4~8 AGC CONTROL 6CRl 10 kn !5% ~ 6Rl 100 kn !5% M r 6Cl 470 pF !10% ~.*,- .12 V Q I (iJC AGC'LJ LJIBITS -------.---------------.;;....-----< A .01 uF !10% ;8 A5Rl 1.00 kn A5R5 100 n A5R2 -= Q6 3.3 kn !5% A5CRl A5Rl0 A5R3 6.8 kn -12 V!5% A4R3 2.2 kn !5% A4Rl 2.15 kn ... 12 V G 953 A5R8 200 n A5R6 100 n A5R4 1.00 kn 10 kn !5% ~ A4R4 2.2 kn !5% A4R2 2.15 kn R ~~12~--~~---------------~A~u~C~'u~J~I~8~IT~:;~--~B 14 A -12 V MAGNETIC rERJrHE~LS CC5)=~(~o. 3 + INC. HEAD "ALIGNMENT 2 953 4 . 3 2 1 ", "12 V 952 AGC'O 0181TS 0 0 A4C1 I .01 uF !10X A2C1 A4H5 ( 2.00 .01 uF !10% 5 A4R6 1 kO A2R1 2.15 kO A4R9 100 0 ~!\X A2R3 2.2 kO !!\% :flJ 0 +12 V A4R11 1.8 kO !5% A4R7 1 kO !5% AGC'O 0181T:) 9520 A4C2 I .01 A4R10 100 0 0 -12 V A4R8 uF 2.00 kO +12 V LJIBIT R£AO SIGNAL A2C2 12 A4 13 !10% C A2H4 2.2 kO !5% A2R2 2.15 kO +12 V ( A2 .01 uF !10% 14 7 C ~B B .~ A A MA9~~C P[RJPH[p,.A.LS r&S(C»tflp."""(~1OfOI 4 3 ... INC. HEAD ALIGNMENT CODE IOENT 19333 2 , 4 3 2 1 T +12 V B3111 A 10.0 kn B2R1 10 kn !20% 1 '2 rl D B3(;1 B4R3 82R2 4.99 kn D +12 V AGe ADJUST B4R5 10 kn !20% 10.0 ,kn 1/2 " +12 V r----, ,CRP-821 81 19 I I(;Rp· 821 101 17 I I I I 953 82C1 1500 p !2% I I L ___ .J, I I 112 B4R4 10.0 kn 10.0 kn 82R5 1.00 mn - 12 V kn -12 V , C .1 uF. !10 . C3R3 C3R1 B2R3 4.99 kn 10.0 kn B2R4 10 kn !20% 1(2 II C3C1 I 84C1 L ___ .J ·12 V .... 84R6 24.9 kn 84CR1 B4R1 6 10.0 kn I 51 N 83R2 I 1 I I 16 11, 2 r----, 10.0 kn U 952 C +12 V 82C2 150DpF t2% -12 V B2R6 1.00 mn 2 ~ N 8 C3R2 10.0 kn ·12 v & B B X1 +12 V D2R1 10.0 kn S U2R3 6.98 kO 7R1 10 kO t5% +12 V X +12 V 6 A Ll2R7 -12 V D2R!S 18.2 kn N 7 J1 5 4.!S3kn 5 kO !IO% 1 W A NULL ADJUST 02R6 499 0 kO 02R4 6.98 kO ~ -12 V r-G & J2 ~ -12 V .. + MAGNETIC rERJrHER."LS INC. ell ~=:: 4 3 c~o. HEAD NORMANOAlE OPERATIONS ALIGNMENT CODE IDENT 19333 2 C A SECTION .6 WIRE LIST WIRE LIST 6 INTRODUCTION This section contains wire lists for Wlr lng the logic chassis backpanel of the TB216 Field Test unit. It explains how to use the lists and identifies the columns shown on the lists. Only the wiring for the logic chassis backpanel is shown on the wire lists. All other wiring is shown on the cabling diagrams. READING OF WIRE LIST Wire lists show the signal name, origin, destination, and Z level of all wirewrap connections on the logic chassis backpanel. The wires are listed in the order of card location ~nd pin number. The lowest numbered card location and pin number are listed fir st, and the highest numbered card number and pin location are listed last. The wire list is. a double-ended list. This means that all wires are listed twicei each end is listed first as the origin and second as the destination. An explanation of all the columns used on the wire list follows. SIGNAL NAME The name of the signal carried by each wire appears in abbreviated form in the first column of the wire list. A complete signal name for each abbreviation is given in the list of abbreviations in the beginning of the manual. ORIGIN/DESTINA TION ;. The origin column identifies the card location and pin number on which the wire begins. The destination column identifies the location of the opposi te end of the wire. Both columns cohtain a six character number that specifies the points where the wire is connected. The first three characters represent that card location. The second three characters represent the pin number that appears in the Origin/Destination columns 83323370 E . 6-1 fol16ws: -I.-.---------------- c~rd .. AO . l=.----- Location Pin indentifier 03A Z LEVEL NOTES The Z level .refers to the position of the wire on the pin. There are two Z levels on all pins (refer to figure 6-1). Z level I identifies the wirewrap connection closer to the surface of the wirewrap. Z level 2 identifies the wirewrap connection farthest from the surface of the wirewrap panel. All pins may contain two wires. However, if the pin contains only one wire, that wire will be connected on Z level 1. The same Z level is maintained at both ends of all wirewrap connections. ~ LEVEL 2 ~ 2 LEVEL i 9870 6-2 83323370 E IWL 1 TiTlE DOCUMENT NO. 82361904 LOGIC WIREWRAP SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION -OATA7 -OATA7 -OATA3 -OATA3 -OATA6 -OAT A6 -OATAO -OATAO -OATA2 -OATA2 -OAT Al -DATAl +R/-\i +R/-W +ENCL2 +ENCK2 +BAVAL +VMA -ENC 1(2 -BAVAl -MEt'!SL -ENL AT -\.ITCK2 +RESET +AOD +AOD +AOD +ADO +ADD +ADD +ADD +ADO +ADD +AOO +ADD' +ADD +ADD . +ADD +AOD -AOO8X +ADD +ADD +ADD +ADD +ADD -IRQ -BKPNT +WRITE +READ +READ -OATA5 -OATA5 -DATA4 -DATA4 -OATA6 83323370 E 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DESTI2 NATION' LEVEL ORIGIN AOI03A AOI03A AOI03B AOI03B A0104A A010ltA AOI04B AOI04B A.O 105 A AOI05A AOI05B A0105B AOI07A AOI07A AOI07B A0107B AOloeA A010BB A0109A A0109B A0110A A0110B AOIIIA A0111B AOl13A A0113A A0113F3 A0113B AOl14A A0114A ~0114B A0115A AOl15B A0116A A0116B A0116B A0117A AOl17B AOllSA A011BB AOl19A A0119B A0120A AOl20B A0121A A0121B A0125A A0129A AOI41B A0141B A0143A A0143A A0143B A0143B A0204A B0203A A0304A B0203B A0314A A0204A A0305B A0204B A0317B A0205A A0315R A0205B A0316A B02(')4B A031eB B0204A A0321A B0419A B0416B B0130B A0209B B0429B B0421A 11042413 B0117A B0205A B0341B B0207A 003"1A R02Z8S A0319A A04278 A0437A A0219B A0414B B0208B A0313A A0433B 130413A B0413B B0414A B041?.A B0408B B0410A B0411B B0410n BOI09B B0128B B0229A I SHEET N~i I I REci· NOTES 2 1 2 1 2 1 ? 1 l 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1. 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 t B0241B 2 A03laA 1 nO?43A 2 A0307A 80243B A03088 B0425A 1 2 1 1 6-3 TITLE I LOGIC WIREWRAP SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION -OAT A6 -OATAO -OAT AO -OATA2 -OAT Ai! -DATAl -DATAl -PWRSQ -8AVAl -BAVAl +MUXIO +ENTRN +ENRCV +AOO 4 +AOO 5 +AOO 5 +AHGT +WRTGl +WRTOA +WRTGT +WRTGT +ENRCV +ENRCV +RODAl +ROGT +FLTIO +BYTCK +BYTCK +SKENO +WRClK -OATA7 -OAT 1.6 -OATA5 -OATA4 +EOCOV + Enc OV +AOO 7 -OATA3 -DATA2 -DATAl -OAT AO +REAO +R/-W +AOO 2 +WRITE +ENCK2 +WRClK +CRCTR 03 -ENGI-AH +GI5US +CRCTR -CR-CTREN 6-4 WL 'I DOCUMENT NO. I SHEET NO. 2, " ORIGIN DESTINATION A0204 A A0204B A020"8 A0205A A020!1A A02058 A02058 1.02078 A02098 A0209B A0215A A0215B A02168 A0219A A0219B A0219B A0220A A0221A AO,21B A02221. A02?ZA A0224A AO?24A A0224B A02251. A02258 A0235A 1.02~8A A0240R A0241B A0304 A A0305B A0307A A03088 A0310B 1.0311A A0313A A0314A 1.03158 A0316A A0317B A0318A A03188 A0319A A0320e A0321A A0332A A0343A A0403A A0404B A0401A '&'0407A 2- NOTES LEVEL AOI0ftA 2 804178 1 AOI048 2 80416A 1 A0105A 2 80417A 1 A01058 2 no 127 A 1 80418A 2 AOI098 1 B0236A 1 80240A 1 A0224A 1 A0437A 2 A0415A 1 A01158 2 B0331A 1 A02z"2A 1 803308 1 ' 1303288 2 A02?lA 1 B0240A 2 A(,2168 1 803278 1 803258 1 802388 1 80319A 1 A0408A 1 A04118 1 A0332A 1 A0103A 1 AOI04A 1 A0143A 1 A0143B 1 A0311 A 1 A0310B 1 A0116B 1 A0103B 1 AOI05A 1 A01058 1 A01048 1 1.01418 1 AOI07A 1 IREV~- .. 1.0 11 ~A l ' 8010lt8 2 AOI07B 1 A02418 1 A0407A 1 A0422A 2 B0316B 1 A03"~A 1 803378 1 83323370B I WL I TITLE DOCUMENT NO. LOGIC WIREWRAP SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION +BYTCK +G25US -ENG2 100US CLOCK +ADD 7 +AOD 7 +SKENO +ADD 6 +ADD 5 +ADO 1 +ADD 1 +AOD 0 +ADD 0 100US CLOCK +SKEND +SKEND +INDEX +SECTR -ENGI-AM -ENGI-AH + AHC TR +ADD 3 +R/-W ,+R/-W + ADD 2 +ADD 2 -IRQ -RESET -RESET 8 + ADD +ADD 4 +ADD 4 -DATA~ -DATA2 -DATA7 + WR I TE HIR ITE -DATA6 -DATA5 +READ -DATA4 -DATAl -DATAO -NMJ -IRQ -IRO +ADD 1 7 +ADD -ENPiAl-? +R/-W 0 +ADD -PESET -RESET 83323370 B DESTINATION ORIGIN l LEVEL AOlt08A A0409A A0410B A0412 B A0413A A0413.\ A0413B 40414B A0415A A0416 A A0416A A041611 A0416B A0417A AOltl7B A0417 B A0418 A A0419A A0422A A0422 A A0422B A0427B A0430A AC430A A0431B A0431B A0432A A0433A A0238A B0312A B0322A A0417A B02088 B0110B A0417B AOl16A A0219B B0207A BOI10A Bq205A B0112B A0412B A0240B A0413B B02118 B0317A A0403A B0321B B0338A AOl14B B0204B B0111 B B0228B B01,?9B BOI09B B0113A A043~A 80342A 1 AOlt33 B A0437A A0437A 130103A B010313 B0104A B01 04 B B0104B B0105A B0105B B0107A B.o107B B0108A BOI08B BOI09A B0109B B0109B 80110A 80110B BOlllA BO 111 B B01128 B0113A BOIl3A AOl17A A0219. AOl15A B0415A B0416A B04268 B04261A0320B B04?r;a B0428A B0429A B0428R B0417A 80417B B04078 A0121B A0432A A0416A AOlt13A B0421B A0430A A0416B B0205B A0433A I SHEET NO. , 3 'I RE 6· NOTES 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 ? 1 1 1 1 Z 1 ~ 1 2 1 ? 1 2 2 2 1 2 '2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ? 6-5 TITLE ._ / WL /DOCUMENT NO. 0 LOGIC WIREWRAP SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION +ENCL2 DESTINATION ORIGIN 02 80113B -RESET BOl17A -BKPNT -HALT B0128B 80127A 130128A -PWRSO +RESET +AOO 2 -ENLAT -ENCK2 -ENe K2 -OATA7 -OATA7 -OATA3 -OATA3 +ENCK2 +ENCL2 . +R/-W +R/-W +AOO 0 +AOO 0 -RESET +AOO 1 +AOO 1 -ENPIA3-4 +ADD 7 +AOO 7 + SEC TR +IHOEX +INDEX +AMFND .-ENPIAl-2 +ADO 2 +AOO 2 +WRITE +WRITE +MUXIO +SRVCK +FlTIO +ENTRN +ENRCV +REAO +REAO + ROC lK -OATA5 -OATA5 -OATA4 -OATA4 -EHPIA5-6 +G25US +G15US +SECTR +SECTR +lNOEX +BYTCK ( 80129A 80129B 80130A. 80130B B0130B B0203A 80203A B020'3B B0203B B0204A B0204A B0204B B020ltA A0205A B0205A B02058 B0207A B0207A 80208A B0208B B0208B B021tA B0211B B0211B B0215A 1l0225A B0228B B02288 B02 2QA B0229A B0236A B0237A B0238B B0240A B0240B B0241 B B0241B B0242A 80243A B024~A 802438 80243B 803094 B0312A B0316B B0317A B0317A B0318A 80319A Z /SHEET NO. . 4 ·IRE~. NOTES LEVEL 80408A 2 AOIIIB 1 A0207B 1 B04388 1 A0125A 1 80431A A0431B B0421A 80419B A0109A B0426B A0103A B0415A A0103B B0408A AOI07B A0430A A0107A A0416B AOl13A B0113A A0416A A01138 ~0420A A0413A A01168 B0317A B031.8A A0418A B0343B 80421B A04318 A0114A B04Z6A A0129A A021'5A B03298 Ao?isB A0215B A0224A B0429A A0141B BI)326B B0428A AI)143A B0428B A0143B B0420B A0409A A04048 A0419A B02llA B02lIB A0235A 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Z 2 1 1 7. 1 1 1 2 ~ ,': 1 2 1 ~. 1 2 Z 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 '0 ~ 6-6 83323370 B IWL I TITLE DOCUMENT NO. LOGIC WIREWRAP SIGNAL NAME OR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION -FNG1-AH -ENGZ +RDGT +RDCLK +RDDAT +WRTGT +SRVCK +WRTDA +AHGT -CR-CTREN +AI'1C TR +ADD 1 +ADD 0 -RESET +AHFND -NMI +ENCK2 +ENCl2 +ADD 12 +ADD 1'3 +ADD 15 +ADD 14 +ADD 11 +ADD 9 +ADD 10 -A008X -DATA3 -DATA3 -OAT A2 -DATAl +VMA 00 -DATAl -OAT Al -DATAO -DATAO -BAVAL +BAVAl -ENCK2 -ENPIA3-4 -ENPIA5-6 -ENLAT -EN LA T -ENPIA.1-2 -ENPIAl-2 -WTCt<~ -DATAb -DATA6 +WRITE +WRITE -DATA7 -DATA7 -DATA5 -DATA5 -OATA4 -0 AT A4 +READ +READ -ME"'SL -HALT +RESET 8)323370 B OESTINATION ORIGIN B03218 B0322A B0325B 903268 803278 B0328B B0329B B0330B B03318 603378 B0338A B0341A 803418 B0342A B0343B B0407B 80408A B0408A B0408B B04l0A 80410B B0411B B0412A f30413A B0413B 00414A B0415A B0415A B0416A B04161. B0416B B0417A B0417A 80417B B04178 B0418A B0419A BO,.19B B0420A B0420B a0421A B0421A 804218 B0421 B 80 4 24B 80425A 80425A B0426A R0426A B04~6R 80426B BO"26A a0428A B0428B B0428B 80429A B0429A B04298 B0431A B0438B e LEVEL I SHEET NO. 5 IRE~. NOTES A042ZA 1 A0410B 1 AO 22 5 A 1 B0242A 1 A0224B 1 A0222 A 2 R0237A 1 A0221B 1 A0220A 1 A04076 1 A04?2B 1 A0113B 2 A0113A 2 A0433A 1 B02158 1 BOlO9A 1 BO 204 A 1 901136 2 A0119B 1 A0120A 1 A0121A 1 A01l0B 1 AOl19A 1 AOll7B 1 AOl18A 1 AOI18B 1 B0203B 1 BOI03A 2 A0205A 1 B0103B 2 A0108B 1 A02058 1 B0108A 2 A0204B 1 B0108B 2 AOZ09B ? AOI08A 1 B01~OB B0208A B0309A AOIIOa B0130A BO 22 5A BOllIA A01IlA A0204A BOI05A B0229A B0104B B0203A B0104A B02't3A B0105B 802438 BOI01B B0241B 80107A A0110A B0129A B0128A 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 ? 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 6-7 . -f ( SECTION 7 PARTS DATA ,~ I "--.-. 7 PARTS DATA INTRODUCTION This section provides an Illustrated Parts Breakdown Spare Parts List for the TB216 Field Test unit. Information in this categories as follows: section is divided into two and a major • Illustrated Parts Breakdown This breakdown provides part number information for all field replaceable items. • Spare Parts List parts. This is a list of recommended spare NOTE illustrated parts Parts listed in the br eakdown , bu t not in the spare parts list, time i terns subj ect to may be long lead significant delays. 83323370 C 7-1 SECTION 7A ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN 7A I GENERAL The Illustrated Parts Breakdown provides the information needed to order' field replaceable parts. This information is presented in assembly illustrations and parts lists. The symbols used in this section are explained in the following paragraphs' along with a definition of some of the abbreviations used. Refer to the front of this manual for a complete list of abbreviations The illustrated. parts breakdown is structured as follows. Each major assembly is shown in an exploded view and assigned a figure number. More than one illustration per figure number may be required for a· complex assembly. In this case, the illustrations are titled figure X (sheet 1); figure X (sheet 2), etc. The parts shown on the illustrations are numbered. A parts list for each illustration. 'l'he number s on the figure correspond to the index numbers on the associated part lists. In some cases, the parts list will have more than one page for the corresponding sheet of figure. The Illustrated Parts Breakdown is divided into four columns: Index Number Column The numbers given in this column correspond to the numbers shown on the illustration. When more than one entry is given for a particular index number, the use of each part is defined in the Notes column. Items may be ·listed without index numbers, and are mentioned -for reference only. These items do not appear on the illustration. Part Number Column - This column provides the eight digi t number by which a part may be ordered. There are several conditions Mhen there will be an incomplete number or no number at all. 83323370 E 7-3 The symbol # # in the part number column indicates that the item is a recommended spare part, and that the part number ·is located in the Spare Parts List section. To find the part number refer to the instructions for using the Spare Parts List (section 7B)·. Descr iption Column - This column gives the name and a brief description of each part and assembly. The relationship of parts and assemblies is shown wi thin the column by means of indentation. When an item is idented more than the previous item, it is part of the previous item. When the· attaching hardware or associated parts for an item. cannot be shown on the illustration, the note (ATTACHING PARTS) or (ASSOCIATED PARTS) appears in the Descr iption column. All attaching/associated parts for the previously listed part or assembly are listed beneath this note and are separated from the rest of the parts list by the symbol ---*---. / When necessary, items left side. Right and of the FTU. are identified as being right side or left are determined by facing the front Notes Column - This column defines any mul tiple part number entr ies for a single :index number. Multiple entr ies may be necessary to identify differences such as machine configuration (for example, the part issued on a series code XX unit with the Engineering Change Order (ECO) XXXX installed). Information that is unique to one particular equipment or application will also be noted in this column. 83323370 E 7-5 8 2~1 SIC 25 & ABV WI 54344 --A-9-1700C Figure 7-1. 7-6 Final Assembly . 83323370 F PART DESCRIPTION 7-1 7-1 1 82338800 82338802 10125712 FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY SCREW, Flat Head, 6-32 x 1/4 WASHER, Counter Sunk Lock NUT, 6-32 3 93201002 10125105 4 10126401 5 10125605 WASHER, External Tooth Lock 6 WASHER, Flat, 6 6 7 75020900 75020901 75129600 HINGE, Lid Support HINGE, Lid Support ARM, Hinge 7 75129601 ARM, Hinge 7 72874900 BRACKET, Hinge 7 72874700 BRACKET, Hinge 8 9 75144600 54285300 75147300 SUITCASE ASSEMBLY COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, ZPV ENVELOPE, C. B., Foam POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (see Figure 7-5) SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 5/16 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY (see Fugure 7-2) COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JKX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JHX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, -JJX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JGX ADAPTER, CMD, Head Alignment WASHER, Internal Tooth, Lock, 6 SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 1/2 SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 8-32 x 1/2 2 6 10 11 12 10127112 13 14 15 16 17 18 ## ## ## ## 75886001 19 10126103 20 10127114 20 10127123 83323370 F NOTE TB216A TB216B SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 Right Hinge Left Hinge Right Arm, SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 Left Arm, sic 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 Right Side, SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 Left Side, SiC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 TB216A only TB216A only TB216A only SiC 25 & B1w, wi 54344 siC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 7-7 • II~gEXI PART NO PART DESCRIPTION 75145801 FINAL ASSEMBLY ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 34 Pin (B 7) 75145802 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 75 Pin (A6) 75145803 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 34 Pin (B3) 75145804 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 75 Pin (A10) 75146000 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 60 Pin (A8) CABLE ASSEMBLY, LINE 120 V HEAD ALIGNMENT CABLE ASSEMBLY LEAD, Red, Head TEST Alignment, TEST LEAD, Black, Head Alignment, ASSEMBLY, CMD, CABLE Head Alignment CABLE ASSEMBLY, CMD, Head Alignment TERMINATOR ASSEMBLY, AMEN 7-1 83271600 77440300 94389927 94389907 77612337 75882394 50151700 83323370 E NOTE MUX I/O - B Cable TB216A only STD I/O - A Cable TB216A only STD I/O - B Cable TB216A only MUX I/O - A Cable TB216A only STD OR MUX I/O - A Cable I TB216A only TB216A only TB216A only TB216A only TB216A only TB216B only 7-9 Figure 7-2. Front Panel Assembly 7-1083323370 C II:gEX\ PART NO PART DESCRIPTION 7-2 75144500 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 7-2 75144501 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 66301754 66301717 66301718 66301719 66301730 66301731 66301732 66301742 66301743 66301744 66301789 66301790 66301791 66301792 66301793 66301794 66301795 66301803 66301804 66301800 66301796 66301797 66301806 66301805 66301798 66301799 66301802 66301801 10127122 30 31 10126104 10127113 32 93114284 33 34 10125103 93114283 35 75145000 CAP, on CAP, 1 rr CAP, 2 n CAP, 3 rr CAP, 411 CAP, 5 tl CAP, 6 11 CAP, 7 n CAP, 8 n CAP, 9 n CAP, Art CAP, liB tl CAP, "C n CAP, "Drr CAP, "En CAP, "F tl KE~ CAP, "HEX" KEY CAP, "DISP" KEY CAP, "CLR ENT" KEY CAP, "LOAD" KEY CAP, "DEC" KEY CAP, "BIT" KEY CAP, "SEL DRV II KEY CAP, "CLR FLT" KEY CAP, "RTZ" KEY CAP, "CLR" KEY CAP, II GO" KEY CAP, II STOP" SCREW, Ph ill ips, 8-32 X 3/8 WASHER, Lock, 8 SCREW, Phillips, 6-32 X 3/8 STANDOFF, Hex, 8-32 X 1.312 WASHER, Lock, 6 STANDOFF, Hex, 6-32 x 1.062 PANEL, Tester Front 35 47391800 PANEL, Tester Front 83323370 F NOTE SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY SIC 25 & B1w, WI 54344 SIC 25 & Abv., WI 54344 7-11 \ INDEX/ PART NO _ NO I 7-2 36 37 38 39 40 95644000 95644001 ## ## 41 83323370 F PART DESCRIPTION FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY JACK, Red Banana JACK, Black Banana CABLE AND SWITCH ASSEMBLY KNOB, Skirted CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY (See F igur e 7-4) LOGIC CHASSIS ASSEMBLY (S e e Fig ur e 7 - 3 ) NOTE Figure 7-3. 7-14 La g1.C . Chass'1.S Assembly 83323370 C PART DESCRIPTION 3 75144100 75148300 95001403 95655429 4 93592546 5 6 7 82316700 82311801 82316602 8 9 10 11 82311701 82316502 75144300 93592238 12 13 14 15 16 17 94385500 92318023 10127123 75148400 82314500 10125106 18 19 82319802 75148300 7-3 1 2 83323370 C NOTE LOGIC CHASSIS ASSEMBLY COVER, Lower Logic TAPE, Double Coated SCREW, Type B Flat Head, 8-18 x 3/8 SCREW, Washer Head Hex 8-32 x 3/8 SPACER LABEL, Marker BAR, Card Guard, Mounting GUIDE, Circuit Card SUPPORT, Card Guide WIREWRAP PANEL ASSEMBLY SCREW, Washer Head, Hex 10-24 x 3/8 GROMMET, Saftey Trim INSULATIOR, Fish Paper SCREW, Pan Head, 8-32 x 1/2 COVER, Logic Upper GUIDE, Card Center NUT, Machine, Hex, 8-32 x 1/2 BAR, Mounting Guide COVER, Lower, Logic 7-15 ~1 6---r 9-1703B Figure 7-4. 7-16 Control Panel Assembly 83323370 C !I:gEX! P:T 7-4 1 2 75144400 54283300 10127112 3 4 5 93114217 75148603 75148602 6 7 54281700 75148600 8 9 10 54282100 75148601 75148604 ! PART DESCRIPTION ! NOTE CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, ZJV SCREW, Pan Head, 6-32 x 5/16 STANDOFF, Hex, 0.875, 6 CABLE, Control Panel CABLE, Test Point, Read/Wri te TEST POINT BOARD ASSEMBLY CABLE, Test Point, I.O. Signal LED BOARD ASSEMBLY CABLE, LED Display Board CABLE, JKX LED Display Board - c 83323370 ·C 7-17 I 9-1704(l)C Figure 7-18 7~5. Power Supply Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2) 83323370 F PART DESCRIPTION 7-5 1 701169XX 75146400 2 93592158 3 24556501 3 10128000 4 10125105 75147203 10127113 5 6 7 8 9 ## 10 11 94168004 95634806 95655543 12 70110000 12 70110002 13 14 10125107 10126402 15 16 17 18 19 10125605 75146300 10127111 ## 75147100 20 21 92006913 10126103 83323370 F NOTE POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (Sheet 1) COVER, Transformer Terminal Board SCREW, Self-Tapping Hex Head, 6-32 x 1/4 SIC 25 & B1w, CONNECTOR, 120 V W/O 54343B SiC 25 & Abv, CONNECTOR, 120 V W/ 54343B NUT, Hex, 6-32 FOAM, 1/4 Inch Thick SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 3/8 FILTER, R.F. NOT USED SLEEVING, Clear NUT, U Type Speed SCREW, Sheet Metal, 10-16 x 1/2 TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54343B SIC 25 & Abv, TRANSFORMER ASSEMB.LY W/ 54343B NUT, Hex, 10- 24 WASHER, External Tooth Lock, 10 WASHER, Plain, 6 COVER, Fan Capacitor SCREW, 6-32 x 1/4 CIRCUIT BREAKER BRACKET, Mounting Connector Circuit Brkr. PLATE, Warning WASHER, Internal Tooth Lock, 6 7-19 • 13~ 8 ~ 13~ -U 9 6 5 ...__22 12~T ,) /~~V· 11 \ 10 \ 2 23 1 6 9-1704(2)B 7-20 Figure 7-5. 'Power Supply Assembly (Sheet 2) 83323370 C PART DESCRIPTION 7-5 1 2 75147000 93592158 5 10127115 ## 75145400 5 75145401 5 75145402 6 7 8 95661326 00863717 10126105 9 10 11 12 94305529 92691003 95634801 95655517 13 14 15 16 95661324 75148500 ## 10126103 17 10127112 18 93541010 19 20 21 22 75147700 93106206 93041106 17901508 3 4 ] ,'NOTE POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (Sheet 2) COVER, Power Supply Board SCREW, Self-Tapping, Hex Head, 6-32 x 1/4 SCREW, 6-32 x 5/8 COMPONENT ASSEMBLY JGV SIC 25 & Blw, HOUSING, Tester W/O 54344 HOUSING, Tester SIC 25 W/ 54344, W/D 54343B SIC 25 & Abv, HOUSING, Tester W/54343 CAPACITOR, 83 UF, 15 V CLAMP, Capacitor Mounting WASHER, Internal Tooth Lock, 10 BUSHING, Snap-in CLAMP, Capacitor Mounting NUT, U Type Speed SCREW, Sheet Metal, 6-20 x 1/2 CAPACITOR, 18 UF, 15 V BOX, Blower Mounting FAN, Axial, 50/60 Hz WASHER, Internal Tooth, Lock, 6 SCREW, Pan Head Machine, 6-32 x 5/16 TERMINAL, Ring Tongue 22-16, #4-6 BRACKET, Block Terminal MARKER, Terminal Strip STRIP, Terminal SCREW, Thread Rolling, 6-32 x 1/4 NOTE: The following items are not shown. 75149600 AC/DC HARNESS ASSEMBLY 75149601 AC/DC HARNESS ASSEMBLY 94277400 TIE STRAP, Cable 83323370 F SIC 25 & B1w, W/O 54343B SIC 25 & Abv, W/ 54343B 7-21 SECTION 78 SPARE PARTS LIST c (--------\ SPARE PARTS LIST GENERAL The Spare Parts List serves as an aid in determining the interchangeability of assemblies and parts to be spared. An example of the columns used in the Spare Parts List is shown on the next page. NOTE The spare parts list establishes the support service level of the unit. Individual parts, assem- parts list to the associated figure number, page number, and index number in the illustrated parts breakdown. Description - This column gives the name and a brief description of the part or assembly. This column also tracks series code history information. Part Number and Replacement Part NumberThese columns provide an eight-dig1t blies, or components not on this number. list may be long lead time,items subject to significant delays. columns is that the Part Number column gives all the possible part numbers used for a particular part or assembly, while the Replacement Part-Number, column gives the interchangeable spare part number. The Spare Parts List is divided into four columns: Items Appear On - This column crossreferences the part number in the spare "83323370 C The difference between the two Notes - This column provides additional 1nformation such as Field Change Order (FCO) , Special Purchase Order (SPO) , serial number, and machine configuration. 7-23 EXAMPLE OF SPARE PARTS LIST ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST ITEMS APPEAR ON -l No. Fig 3-11 I No. No. DESCRIPTION Page Index 3-37 25 CONTROL. PANEL ASSEMBLY Used SiC 14 and above Used SiC 14 and above In the example above, the control panel assembly is referenced as index 25 on figure 3-11, which appears on page 7-24 • PART NUMBER REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER wwwww xxxxx YYYYY ZZZZZ NOTES Single Channel Dual Channel 3-37. The original part number for single-channel units was wwwww; order part number XXXXX if it must be replaced. 83323370 C ", ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST ITEMS APPEAR ON Fig _/ Page / Index No. No. No. 83323370 E PART NUMBER REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER CONTACT, Wirewrap Used SIC 14 & Above 82315001 82315001 ROM, 5904 Used SIC 26 & Above 50257904 50257904 Older units converted to this configuration by FCO 54327. ROM, 5905 Used SIC 26 & Above 50257905 50257905 Older units converted to this configuration by FCO 54327. LED, Green Used sic 14 & Above 94372504 94372504 LED, Red Used SIC 14 & Above 94372501 94372501 MICROPROCESSOR, 6802 Used SiC 14 & Above 15163603 15163603 RAM, IC Used SiC 14 & Above 15163400 15163400 SWITCH, Keyboard Used SIC 14 & Above 94363700 94363700 SWITCH, Momentary Used SIC 14 & Above 94263934 94263934 DESCRIPTION NOTES 7.;.25 • ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST ITEMS APPEAR ON Fig _/ Page / Index No. No. No. 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2' 7-2 • 7-26 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-6 14 15 16 17 38 39 PART NUMBER REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER SWITCH, SPDT Used SIC 14 & Above 94263932 94263932 SWITCH, SPDT, Center Off Used SIC 14 & Above 94263933 94263933 JKX CaMP ASSY -- Loc BOI AJKX -- Used sic 14 & Above 76965500 76965500 JHX CaMP ASSY -- Loc B02 AJHX -- Used SiC 14 & Above 76964700 76964700 76965100 76965103 76965104 76965104 76965104 76965104 76964300 76964301 76964304 76964301 76964301 76964304 CABLE AND SWITCH ASSEMBLY Used siC 14 & Above 75145600 75145600 KNOB, Skirted Used SIC 14 & Above 93152007 93152007 DESCRIPTION JJX CaMP AJJX BJJX -CJJX -- ASSY Used Used Used JGX COMP AJGX BJGX -CJGX -- ASSY Used Used Used NOTES -- Loc B03 sic 14-18 SiC 19-21 siC 22 & Above -- Loc B04 SiC 14-23 SIC 24-25 SiC 26 & Above 83323370 E I ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST ITEMS APPEAR ON Figo/page/rndeX No. No. 7-5 7-14 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-12 7-14 7-12 83323370 E PART NUMBER REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER. 54252500 54252500 FILTER, R.F. Used SiC 14 & Above 94348403 94348403 FAN, Axial, 50/60 Hz Used siC 14 & Above 94390000 94390000 CIRCUIT BREAKER Used siC 14 & Above 95587003 95587003 DESCRIPTION No. 4 7 15 18 JGV COMP ASSY -- Loe Al AJGV -- Used SiC 14 & Above NOTES 7-27 • COMMENT SHEET MANUAL TITLE: IEVISION: PUBUCA TION NO.: NAME_·___________________________________________________________________ OOMPANY: _______________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ aTY: _______________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP OODE: ______________ This form is not intended to be used as an order blank. Control Data Corporation welcomes your evaluation of this manual. Please indicate any errors, suggested additions or d.~etionl, or general comments below (please include Pose number references). o Please Reply o No Reply Necessary w Z :::J ~I ~ ~ c t!:! z iii: a.. /" ( '-' u'l ~I L()I °1 i! ~I I NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN U.S.A. FOlD ON DOTTED LINES AND TAPE. POSTAL IEGULAT10HS P'lOHlIIT THE USE Of STULIS. FOLD fOLD FIRST CLASS PERMrr NO. 8241 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BUSINESS REPLY MA.IL NO POST AGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN U. S. A. POST AGE WILL BE PAID BY CONTROL DATA CORPORATION CUSTOMER DOCUMENTATION DEPARTMENT 7801 COMPUTER AVENUE i\HNNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 FOLD FOLD I I I I I I 83323370 (::.J .., f';:J c:\ CONT~OL DATA \!:I r:!I CORPOR{\TION CDC~ FIELD TEST UNIT TB216 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OPERATION THEORY OF OPERATION MAINTENANCE DIAGRAMS WIRE LISTS PARTS DATA' HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL REVISION RECORD , I DESCRIPTION I REVISION I I Preliminary manual released. , 01 I------------~----~~-----------------------------------------, (11-21-78) I 02 Preliminary manual revised with technical I changes. (02-12-79) I , A Manual released with ECOs 55123 and 55224. I (03-27-79) I B Manual updated with- ECOs 54243, 54272A, plus (5-7-80) additional technical and editorial changes. C Manual updated with ECOs 54256 and 54290 plus (8-22-80) technical and editorial changes. This edition obsoletes all previous editions. I I D Add Appendix A. I I (12-08-80) I E Manual updated with ECO/FCO 54327. Appendix A I (4-1-81) deleted. Technical and editorial changes. This' edition obsoletes all previous editions. I F Manual updated with ECOs 54344, 54343B, plus I (11-4-81) additional technical and editorial changes. I G Manual updated with ECO 10034A. Technical and I I editorial changes. I I (11-5-82) I ,,, , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, , ,,I , , I I ,, I I I , ,I ,I I I I I I I ,, I ------------~--------------------------------------~------I REVISION LETTERS I, 0, Q AND X ARE NOT USED. (c) 1978,1979,1980,1981,1982 By Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of -America ii Address comments concerning this manual to: Control Data Corpor~tion Technical Publications Dept. 7801 Computer Avenue . Minneapolis, Mn 55435 or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. 83323370 G MANUAL TO EQUIPMENT LEVEL CORRELATION This manual refle~ts the equipment configurations listed below. EXPLANATION: Locate the equipment type and series code number, as shown on the equipment FCO log, in the list below. Immediately to the right of the series code number is an FCO number If that number and all of the numbers underneath it match- all of the numbers on the equipment Fca log, then this manual accurately reflects the equipment. EQUIPMENT TYPE TB216 83323370 G SERIES CODE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27-31 vlITH FCOs COMMENTS None None None None None None None None None None None None 54327 None iii LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Sheet 1 of 4 New features, as well as changes, deletions, and additions to information in this manual are indicated by bars in the margins or by a dot near the page number if the entire page is affected. A bar by the page number indicates pagination rather than content has changed. PAGE REV PAGE REV Blank Cover Blank· Title P ii iii Blank v vi vii viii ix Blank xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii S-l Di v Blank 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 S-2 D i v Blank 2-1 2-2 2-2.1 83323370 G 2-3 2-4 F 2-5 C C G G 2-6 2-7 2-8 G G G G F 2-9 D 2-15 F 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 G G G G C C c c C F F C 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 C E C C C E E E F F 2-23 E G E F F E E 2-24 E 2-25 E E G G E 2-21 2-22 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 F C F C 2-33 2-34 2-35 E E E C E E v LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES{C~~td) Sheet 2 of 4 PAGE REV PAGE REV 2-36 2-37 E E E F 2-73 2-74 2-75 E E E E E E E 2~38· . 2-38.1 Blank 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-43 2-44 2-45 2-46 2-47 2-48 2-49 2-50 2-51 2-52 2-53 2-54 2-55 2-56 2-56.1 .. F E E E E E E F E G E E E E E E E F F Blank 2-57 2-58 2-59 2-60 2-61 . 2-62 2-63 2-64 2-65 2-66 2-67 2-68 2-69 2-70 2-71 2-72 vi E E E E E E F E G G G G E E E E 2~76 2-77 2-78 2-79 S-3 Di v Blank 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 S-4 Di v C C C C E C Blank 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 C C G G G G G G G G G G G G G Blank S-5 Di v Blank 5-1 5-2 . 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 C C C C C C 83323370 G ... LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (Contd) Sheet 3 of 4 PAGE 5-7 REV PAGE REV C 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 5-42 5-43 5-44 5-45 C Blank 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 G G C C C Blank 5-15 5-16 5-17 '.' 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-20 5-31 5-32 - 5-~ ~ "'" C C E C C C C C G C G G C C C C C C C Blank 5-34.1 5-24.2 5-34.2 5-24.4 5-34.5 5-24.6 5-34.7 5-24.8 5-34.9 G G G G G G G G G Blank 5-35 5-26 5-37 83323270 G C C C C C C C C C C Blank 5-47 5-48 5-49 5-50 5-51 5-52 5-53 5-54 5-55 5-56 5-57 C C C C C C C C F F C Blank 5-58 5-59 5-60 5-61 5-62 5-63 5-64 5-65 5-66 5-67 C E E E C C C E C C Blank 5-69 5-70 5-71 C C C Blank 5-73 5-74 5-75 5-76 5-77 C C C C C vii LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (C~~td) Sheet 4 of 4 PAGE Blank 5-79 5-80 5-81 Blank 5-82 5-84 5-85 5-86 5-87 5-88 5-89 5-90 5-91 5-92 5-93 5-94 5-95 5-96 S-6 Di v Blank 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 S-7 Blank 7-1 Blank S-7A Div Blank 7-3 Blank 7-5 7-6 7-7 Blank 7-9 viii REV C C C E C C C E C C C C C F F F F C C B B B B B C PAGE 7-10 7-11 Blank 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 Blank S-7B Blank 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 S-7C Blank 7-27 Blank 7-29 7-30 7-31 7-32 cmt Sht Rtn Env Blank Cover REV G G G C C C G F F C G C C G G G G G G G E G G G G 83323370 G -c Head Alignment 2-67 General 2-67 FTU preparation 2-68 Offset Displays 2-69 Status Bytes 2-71 General 2-71 Tag-Bus I/O (0) 2-72 Cylinder (1) 2-72 Head (2) 2-72 Record (3) 2-72 Sector (4) 2-72 Pattern (5) 2-72 Address Error Counter 3. -- (6) 2-73 Data Error Counter (7) 2-73 Flag/pass Counters (8) 2-73 Seek Counter (9) 2-73 Average Access Time (A) 2-73 Access Time Counter (B and C) 2-73 Cylinder Destination 1 (D) 2-73 Cylinder Destination 2 (E) 2-74 MUX Status (F) 2-74 Theory of Operation Introduction 3-1 Microprocessor Card 3-1 I/O Control Card Read/Write Control Card 3-1 3-2 Control Panel Interface Card 3-2 Led Display Board 3-2 Control Panel Board 3-5 Test Point Board 3-5 Power Supply 3-5 83323370 C xiii h __ " 4. Maintenance Introduction Power Supply Voltage Check and Adjustments Processor Test Lamp- Test Self Test Electrostatic Discharg~ Protection Electrostatic Discharge Protection Handling Electrostatically Sensitive Assemblies Handling Electrostatically Sensitive Logic ~ards 5. Diagrams Introduction 6. ~vi re List Introduction Reading Wire Lists Signal Name Origin/Destination Z Level 7. Parts Data Introduction 7A. Illustrated Parts Breakdown General 7B. SPARE PARTS LIST General 7C. Card Interchangeability Chart General xiv 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-15 5-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 7-1 7-2 7-1 7-27 83323370 G FIGURES 1-1 TB216 Field Test Unit (FTU) 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 Acessing Terminal Strip 2-2 Terminal Strip Connections Cable Identification I/O Cable Hook-Up FTU Front Panel X -- N Test Loading Data into FTU Device Type Code Determination Read/Write Data Format Diagram Functional Block Diagram 2-4 2-9 3-1 4-1 5-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 2-6 2-8 2-10 2-18 2-33 2-38 2-44 3-3 Switch Test Display 4-9 Diagram Title Block Final Assembly Front Panel Assembly Logic Chassis Assembly Control Panel Assembly Power Supply Assembly 5-2 83323370 G 7-4 7-8 7-12 7-14 7-16 xv ... -- TABLES 1-1 TB2l6-A Specifications 1-4 2-1 I/O Cable Configurations 2-5 2-2 Controls and Indicators 2-11 2-3 Test Points 2-30 2-4 Device Type Codes 2-36 2-5 Data Field Length 2-43 2-6 Sector and· Data Record 2-7 Manual Tags 2-48 2-8 Status Bypassbit Table 2-49 2-9 Head Alignment Displays 2-10 Status Bytes 2-71 2-75 . 3-1 FTU Circuit Elements 3-6 4-1 Maintenance Tools 4-2 4-2 Voltage Adjustments 4-3 4-3 Error Address 4-6 4-4 Switch Test Initial Setup 4-7 5-1 Contents Of Diagrams 5-3 xvi Rela~ionship 2-46 83323370 G TABLE 2-2. Control/Indicator CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd) Function DIRECT SEEK When the GO key is pressed, the dr i ve seeks to the particular cylinder stored in the destination register. with the SINGLE/CONT switch in the CONT position and the EaT STOP switch up, the seek will be commanded 10 000 times. wi th the EOT STOP switch down, the seek will be commanded until the STOP key is pressed. DIRECT CaNT The drive continuously seeks between cylinder zero and the cylinder stored in the destination register until the STOP key is pressed. The drive can be commanded to seek continuously between two tracks other than the zero track by loading the first track in the destination reg ister, swi tching to DIRECT SEEK, and then pressing the GO key; after switching to DIRECT CONT and reloading the destination register with the second track, this type of continuous seeking will occur from the time the GO key is pressed until the STOP key is pressed. With the EaT STOP switch up, 10 000 seeks will be performed. SEQ FORWARD The drive seeks to cylinder zero and then sequences up to the maximum cylinder. If the EOT STOP toggle swi tch is in the up position, the test will end. Otherwise, the drive will return to cylinder zero and continue to sequence up until the STOP key is pressed. Table Continued on Next Page . { .. ~ ........... 83323370 E 2-17 X· :: N :: 0 ENABLE X SEEK AL TE~NATE X- N SEEK X INCREMENT N NO SEEK YES INCREMENT X SFT N :: X NOTES: X • STARTING CYLINDER N :: DESTINATION CYLINDER· Ll2El Figure 2-6. • 2-18 x -- N Test 83323370 G TABLE 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDJCATORS (Contd) Function Control/Indicator i ICLR key This key clears the display status, and resets the FTU. and all It I _ _ _ _ _ _ _--+-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J i I I IGO k ey I Presslng thlS key ted FTU operation. initlates the selec-: ,------------------411--------------------------------------------------~! ! 1- STOP key I LED Display ..Ij Row 1 LEDs I f I I I I When this key is pressed, the FTU stopped at the end of the operation progress. A description of the condition, each of the LEDs to be lighted, en below. is : in ;r i 1 causing is giv-; t i These LEDs indicate in binary form data that has been loaded into the FTU memory. Possibilities include: a. A keyboard data entry that loaded with the LOAD key. b. A previous entry indicated DATA SELECT rotary switch. has been by the I ! d. Self test information. I/O RDY LED i I c. A status word. Row 2 LEDs II These LEDs indicate data that has been entered on the keyboard before the LOAD key has been pressed. It also displays the code of the status word, when a status word is being displayed, head alignment offset, and the address of a failed component during self test. This LED indicates that a device type code has been loaded and that the transmitters and receivers have been _ enabled • . . -------------!....----------------------------------.-._... __... - - Table Continued on Next Page 83323370 G 2-27 I "TABLE 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICA~ORS (Contd) Function Control/Indicator UNIT RUN LED The drive is in the process forming a commanded operation. of per- ON CYL LED The FTU is receiving an On Cylinder signal from the drive. The On Cylinder 'LED flashes when an On Cylinder condition is disrupted. RDY LED The FTU is receiving signal from the drive. WT PROT LED The FTU is receiving signal from the drive. a Write The FTU is receiving signal from the drive. a Unit II i I SELD LED i I" i SEEK ERROR LED ! I I i FLT LED BUSY LED Ii I II a Unit Ready Protect Selected The FTU is receiving a nal from the drive. Seek Error sig- The FTU is receiving from the drive. a Fault signal The FTU is receiving a Busy signal from the drive. The BUSY LED will also f lash while the FTU is wai ting for a Ready signal during a select drive command. FLAG LED This LED lights when a flag is read. If the WRITE FLAG switch 1S OFF the FLAG LED goes off when the next" head is selected. If the WRITE FLAG swi tch is ON, the FLAG LED stays on and the test stops, until the CLR key is pressed. DATA ERR LED This LED lights when the FTU has detected a discrepancy between the data pattern written by the drive and the data pattern read by the drive. If the DATA ERROR OVERRIDE swi tch is on, the DATA ERR LED goes off when the next head is selected. If the DATA ERROR OVERRIDE switch is off, this LED stays lighted and the test halts. A time out" during .------------------------------------------------------------------~~ Table Continued on Next Page I. 2-28 83323370 G TABLE 2-7. MANUAL TAGS .-FTU KEY/LED STD I/O Bit -- F MUX I/O Bit -- Data Entry Swi tch Pos i tioned To Head Mux Bus In Bit 0 E Tag 3 Tag 2 1 D Tag 2 Tag l 2 C Tag 1 Tag O 3 4 A -- --- 9 Bit 9 -- 6 8 Bit 8 -- 7 7 Bit 7 Bus Out Bit 0 - - - 6 Bit 6 Bus Out Bit 1 - - 5 Bit 5 Bus Out Bit 2 - - 4 Bit 4 Bus Out Bit 3 - - 3 Bit 3 Bus Out Bit 4 - - 2 Bit 2 Bus Out Bit 5 - - - 1 Bit 1 Bus Out Bit 6 - - - 0 Bit 0 Bus Out Bit 7 - - - -- B " ." 83323370 E 5 2-47 ~.. -- STATUS BYPASS The FTU will normally not send commands to drive if error conditions are present. For special test purposes; it is possible to over ride this condition and continue exercising the drive by positioning FTU front panel switches as follows: I 1. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position. 2. Press F key. 3. Press CLR ENT key. 4. Press BIT key. 5. Enter appropriate bypass bites) from table 2-8. Row 2 LEDs will display the bypass bites) of error condition in row 3 directly below it. 6. Press LOAD key.·· 7. Press F key. TABLE 2-8. Bit Display Bypass Bit STATUS BYPASS BIT TABLE Bypass Status 2 13 D On Cylinder .212 C Tag Gate In (RDY) A Selected 9 Seek Error 28 8 Fault 2 15 F Time Out 214 E Continuous Updated MUX Status 2 10 I r ~ 29 i The FTU is now programmed to continue exercising the drive despite error condition. 2-48 83323370 G ACCESS TIME CHECK. The FTU automatically calculates the time that the drive requires to perform a seek operation. The operator can use either of two methods, EOT (End of test) stop or manual stop, to obtain this time. Using the EOT stop method, the FTU indicates the access when the drive takes to complete the entire test (10 000 seeks for random, direct continuous, or sequential and 1 cycle for X - N). Using the manual stop method the FTU indicates the access time for any number of seeks. The FTU uses a crystal oscillator to generate the time base for the access time check. Due to tolerances and differences between crystals, the access time indicated by the FTU may vary slightly from the actual time. Therefore, when the FTU is first used and periodically thereafter (due to changes in crys~ tal characteristics) the access time should be checked. This is done by checking it against a known time standard and noting the percentage of deviation. The following procedures explain both methods of calculating access time and also describe a method for verifying that the FTU is calculating the time correctly. For specific access time information refer to the test and adjustments procedures in the specific drive maintenance manual. EOT Stop Access Time Check 1. Set SINGLE/CONT switch to CONT and EOT STOP/OFF switch to EOT STOP. 2. Command desired seek operation. 3. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position, A key, and read access time from ROW .1 LEDs. press Manual Stop Access Time Check 1. Set SINGLE/CONT and EOT STOP/OFF switches to desired positions. 2. Command desired seek fUnction. 3. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to C position. 4. Press GO key. 5. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position, A key, and read access time from ROW 1 LEDs. 83323370 G press 2-65 I ~.-. FlU Access Time Verification 1. Connect oscilloscope to observe on-cylinder signal at drive. Note that the on-cylinder signal referred to here remains active all during the time the drive is on cylinder. Do not confuse it with the on cylinder pulses, which are active only for a short time after the drive reaches on cylinde~. 2. Command drive to perform direct seek by· performing steps 1 through 8 of Di rect Seek/Access Only procedure. Observe and note how long the on-cylinder signal remains inactive (on-cylinder goes inactive when the seek begins and active again when the seek ends). 3. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to position C. 4. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to STATUS BYTES position, GO key, and read-access time from ROW 1 LEDs. 5. Calculate percentage of deviation between values obtained in steps 2 and 4 by using the following formula. press % of Deviation = Oscilloscope Value - FTU Value X 100 FTU Value I Example: Assume oscilloscope value (from 100 ms and FTU value (from step 4 is 125 ms. step 2) is % of Deviation = 100 - 125 X 100 = -20% 125 6. Write value from step 5 on piece of tape and attach tape to upper right hand corner of FTU front panel. During subsequent access time checks, use percentage of deviation to calculate actual access time. FLAGGING A BAD TRACK With the ERROR OVERRIDE swi tches down any read test in progress, the FTU will stop exercising the drive in the event of a data or address error. Before flagging the track on which the error occurred, first HRITE and then READ the track several times to ensure that the error was not a random one. 1. Program tester to command operations on bad track. a. Place DATA ENTRY switch in STATUS BYTES position, press the 1 key and observe cylinder address of bad track in hexadecimal form on row 1 LEDs. 2-66 83323370 G b. Press DISP key to move cylinder address to row 2 LEDs. c. Place DATA ENTRY switch in DESTINATION position. d. Press DEC BCD. key to convert bottom display from hex to e. Press LOAD key. 2. Program tester to command operations at bad head address. a. Place DATA ENTRY switch in STATUS BYTES position, press the 2 key and observe head address of bad track in hexadecimal form on row 1 LEDs. b. Press DISP key to move head address to row 2 LEDs. c. Place DATA ENTRY switch in HEAD position. d. Press DEC key to convert row 2 LEDs from hex to BCD. e. Press LOAD key. 3. Place HEAD toggle switch in MAN position. 4. Set RECORD switch to SEQ position. 5. Place ACCESS SELECT switch in DIRECT SEEK position. I NOTE The log ical record number is not the sector number (see table 2-7). the same as 6. Place RE/WRT SELECT switch in WRT/RD and SINGLE/CONT toggle switch in SINGLE position. 7. Press GO key and note whether ADDR ERR or DATA ERR LEDs light. Repeat this step several time. If either LED lights consistently, the track is bad. Flag bad track by performing steps 8, 9, and 10. Otherwise, skip to step 11. 8. Place WRITE FLAG toggle switch in up position. 9. Place RD/WRT SELECT switch in WRT FORMAT position. 10. Press GO key. 83323370 G 2-67 ~ -- NOTE When any operation other than formatting is being done and WRITE FLAG toggle switch is in up position, the FTU will stop when a write flag is detected. 11. Place WRITE FLAG toggle switch in OFF position. 12. Press RTZ and CLR'keys. 13. Return to WRT/RD procedure covering bad track. in progress prior to dis- RELEASING PROCESSOR FROM LOO~ The processor may get hung up in a loop if it· is -gi ven an illegal command. Then the keyboard STOP, GO, CLR, and RTZ keys will have no effect ,on the condition of the UNIT RUN LED. In this situation, you have two options. One option is initializing the FTU again by reentering all the' previously entered parameters. However, a more convenient option is the following: 1. Place PROCESSOR RUN/HALT switch in HALT position. 2. Press STOP key. 3. Place PROCESSOR RUN/HALT switch in RUN position. 4. Press GO key. The FTU will continue in the test at the point where the malfunciton occurred. HEAD ALIGNMENT General This section is used with the head alignment procedure' in the manual for the drive being tested. That manual provides ' the specific procedure and specifications for head alignment. The information here relates to operation of the FTU and interpretation of the displays of head offset on the FTU. - 2-68 83323370 G 5. Using digital table 4-2. meter, 6. Adjust any out of tolerance voltages through access holes marked -5 and +5 VOLTAGE ADJ, in power supply board assembly cover. TABLE 4-2. measure EXTENDER PIN NO. +5 V 44A/B 02A/B 06A/B GND supply voltages per VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENTS VOLTAGE -5 V power ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONS +5.0 -5.0 I ± 0.05 V ± 0.05 V . PROCESSOR TEST 1. Set Circuit Breaker CBl, on power supply, to ON position and ensure that +5 V and -5 V LEDs are lighted. 2. Set PROCESSOR switches as follows: SWITCH PROCESSOR START/RESET PROCESSOR RUN/HALT 3. Ensure that PROT, RDY, these LEDs function is POSITION START RUN +5, -5, RUN, BUSY, FLT, SEEK, ERR, SELD, WT and ON CYL LEDs are not lighted. If any of are lighted, a prob9.ble microprocessor malindicated. I Lamp Test 1. Rotate ACCESS. SELECT switch to LAMP TEST position. 2. Press GO key. 83323370 G 4-3 < -- 3. Ensure that LEDs, on FTU front panel, flash and continue to flash until STOP key is pressed. Failure of LEDs to light indicates a probable failure of: o LEDs o Decoder LED drivers c Data bus buffer • PIA 1 SELF TEST: This test includes both a component check and switch test. The component check must be completed satisfactorily prior to performing the swi tch test to ensure the reliabili ty of switch test results. 1. Rotate ACCESS SELECT switch to SELF TEST position. 2. Set ERROR position. 3. Rotate DATA ENTRY switch to DEVICE TYPE position. 4. Rotate RD/WRT SELECT switch to WRITE FORMAT position. 5. Set the following switches: OVERRIDE swi tch SWITCH DESCRIPTION HEAD RECORD SINGLE/CONT -/+ OFFSET EARLY/LATE WRT FLAG WRT PROT AM/SECTOR EOT STOP SHIFT PATT SEQ PWR 6. I 4-4 DATA/OFF and ADDR/OFF to OFF POSITION SEQ SEQ CONT CENTER (OFF) CENTER (OFF) OFF OFF SECTOR OFF DATA PATT DON'T CARE Press GO key, initiating component check. 83323370 G 7. In terpret component check results as follows: a. If LEDs RUN, +5, -5, RD, and 2 9 and 211 in row 2 LEDs are all lighted, FTU is operating properly, proceed to step 11 and perform switch test. b. If any LEDs, in step a, do not light the FTU has detected an error and is displaying the address of the error causing component in row 2 LEDs (see table 4-3). NOTE Perform a repeat test or stop on error for troubleshooting purposes by performing steps 8 through 10. 8. Set EOT STOP/OFF and ERROR OVERRIDES switches to desired operation in a or b. a. Repeat ··test once and stop on error by setting EOT STOP/OFF and ERROR OVERRIDE switches to OFF position. b. Repeat test continuously and stop on error positioning switches as follows: o Set ERROR OVERRIDES switch to OFF position. o 9. only, by Set EOT STOP/OFF switch to EOT STOP position. Set PROCESSOR START/RESET swi tch to START position. 10. Press GO key. to RESET and then ba·ck FTU is now repeating test. 11. Prepare FTU for switch test as follows:· a. Set all 4-4. switches to initial positions shown in Table b. Observe that all LEDs are off. 83323370 G 4-5 I "C' TABLE 4-3. -. -.- ERROR ADDRESS Location Of Error ;Address Of Card Circult :Error* Type Location Type** Location Function :----~------~~~----~~~~~~~~----~~~~~--~~~~~ i JGX A2A/B04 585 3841 MPU !0088-8B JKX A2A/BOl 586 0741 PIA#l 1008C-8F JHX A2A/B02 586 4442 PIA#2 l0090-93 JHX A2A/B02 586 5242 PIA#3 :0094-97 JHX A2A/B02 586 5842 PIA~4 0098-9B JJX . ·A2A/B03 586 0429 PIA#5 009C-9F JJX A2A/B03 586 1329 PIA~6 00AO-A7 JGX A2A/B04 587 0446 TIMER#l 00A8-AF JGX A2A/B04 587 1246 TIMER#l 00BO-B7 JGX A2A/B04 587 1946 TIMER#3 00B8-BF JGX A2A/B04 587 2746 TIMER#4 1000-13FF JGX A2A/B04 2114L-2 0409 2114L-2 2609 iOOOO-007F ! I r t .. t ! RAM (Bits 0-3) RAM (Bits 4-7) 3000-37FF JGX A2A/B04 5905 2731 ROM 3800-3FFF JGX A2A/B04 5904 0431 ROM * Displayed in row 2 LEDs. Data written is in Row 1, Order; Data Read or Check Sum, is in Row 1, Low Order. High ** This refers to CDC element number as shown on the logic diagrams see Normandale Circuits Manual (Publication Number 83322440) for more information. • 4-6 83323370 G TABLE 4-4. SWITCH TEST INITIAL SETUP Switch Initial Position ! I I DATA ENTRY RE/WRT SELECT ACCESS SELECT HEAD/MAN, SEQ, RAN RECORD/MAN, SEQ, RAN PROCESSOR, START/RESET PROCESSOR, RUN/HALT PROCESSOR, STEP SINGLE/CONT -/+ (offset) LATE/EARLY (strobe) WRITE FLAG/OFF WRITE PROT/OFF AM/SECTOR EOT STOP/OFF ERROR OVERRIDES, DATA/OFF ERROR OVERRIDES, ADDR/OFF SHIFT PATT/DATA PATT SEQ PWR/OFF 83323370 G DEVICE TYPE WRITE FORMAT SELF TEST SEQ SEQ START RUN down CON'r center center OFF OFF SECTOR OFF OFF OFF DATA PATT OFF 4-7 I· 12. Perform switch test as follows: a. Set switch to be tested to desired test position. b. Refer to figure 4-1 and ensure proper LEDs.are lighted. c. Return switch to its initial position (see table 4-4). d. Repeat a throug~ c for each switch tested. e. Failure of switches indicates a probable failure of: • 4-8 e Switches • Data bus buffer • PIA 1 83323370 G LED DISPLAY & ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 DEVICE TYPE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNIT NUMBER - - - 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 2 - 2 2 - - 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - DATA PATTERN - - FIXED HEADS - 0' - 2 - 2 - - - - - RECORD - - - - - HEAD - - DESTINATION - - - - - - - - DATA ENTRY STATUS BYTES SEEK INCREMENT , ! - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X X X X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S MPU ADDRESS 2 W MPU DATA 2 I B 2 - T C 2 2 - - - C D 2 2 - 2 H E 2 2 2 - - E F 2 2 2 2 - - WRT FORKd.T X X X X X WRT/RD FORMAT - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - X X X X X X - - - 2 - 2 - - - 2 2 2 - 2 - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - RD/WRT SELECT WRITE READ WRT/RD ALIGNMENT ACCESS ONLY - - - - - - - o 2 - - NOTES: ~ X = INDICATES INITIAL POSITION OF SWITCH. RETURN EACH SWITCH TO ITS INITIAL POSITION BEFORE TESTING NEXT SWITCH 1 = INDICATES LIGHTED ROW 1 LED 2 = INDICATES LIGHTED ROW 2 LED 9H350-1 Figure 4-1. 83323370 G Switch Test Display (Sheet 1 of 5) 4-9 I ..." LED DISPLAY -- .& ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 / 26 5 2 24 3 2 22 21 20 - - - - 2 2 2 2 - - - 2 - - - 2 - 2 - - - B - - - 2 2 - 2 2 - - 2 2 - - - - 2 - - 2 - - - 2 - - - - - A - - 9 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 2 - - 2 - - - - 2· - 2 - - 2 2 - - 2 2 2 - - 2 - - - - 2 - X X X X 7 8 C E - F - 0 .' - - - - - - - - - - ACCESS SELECT S MANUAL TAGS W DIRECT SEEK I DIRECT CONT T SEQ FORWARD C SEQ REVERSE H SEQ FWD/REV E S - - - - - - - X X X X - - - - - 2 - 2 2 2 2 RANDOM SEEK - - X - N SEEK - - FIXED VOLUME - - LAMP TEST - - - - - SELF TEST X X X X B - - - - 2 - 2 2 - - 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 C 0 E F - - - - - 2 2 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X X X - - - - . - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: ill See Sheet 1 9H350-2 Figure 4-1. I 4-10 Switch Test Display (Sheet 2 of'S)· 83323370 G LED DISPLAY ~ ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 13 2 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 MAN - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - SEQ X .. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - MAN - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - SEQ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RAN - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - HEAD RAN RECORD S SINGLE/CONT W SINGLE - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - I CO NT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X T - / + C - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - H CENTER POSITION X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E + - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - CENTER POSITION X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EARLY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S LATE/EARLY LATE 1 I NOTES: ~see Sheet 1 9H350-3 Figure 4-1. 83323370 G Switch Test Display (Sheet 3 of 5) 4-11 I LED DISPLAY ~ ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ROW 2 215 214 2~3 212 21~ ~O 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2° WRITE FLAG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 OFF - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WRITE PROT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X· X X WRITE FLAG/OFF WRITE PROT/OFF I AM/SECTOR .. I - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AM - - SECTOR X EDT STOP OFF EOT STOP/OFF S W DATA/OFF I DATA ERROR - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - T OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C ADDR/OFF H AD DR ERROR - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - E OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SHIFT PATT - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - DATA PATT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SEQ PWR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S SHIFT PATT/ DATA PATT SEQ PWR/OFF X NOTES: .ffi. See Sheet 1 9H350-4 Figure 4-1. I 4-12 Switch Test Display (Sheet 4 of 5) 83323370 G LED DISPLAY & ROW 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ROW 2 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 A-F } INDICATES VALUE (IN BCD) OF KEY PRESSED. IN 20_2 3 ROW 2 LEOS. S HEX - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 I CLR ENT - - - - - - 2 LOAD - - - T - - - - - - 2 H BIT - - - - - 2 - 2 SEL DRV - - - - - 2 S CLR FLT - - - - - - - - - GO - STOP - - - - CLR - - - - - - - - - E - - DEC - - C - - - DISP - - W - - - 15 -.- f - 21 20 14 - KEYBOARD 0-9 ' RTZ .' - NOTES: - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - 2 - 2 2 2 - - 2 - 2 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 - 2 2 - - 2 2 2 - 2 2 .. .ffi See Sheet'1 9H350-S Figure 4-1. 83323370 G Switch Test Display (Sheet 5 of 5) 4-13 I ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE PROTECTION NOTE The following procedures: material is needed Conductive Static Shielding Bags* *Vendor: to perform these 95038604 (8 x 10) 95038606 (12 x 16) Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. HANDLING ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE ASSEMBLIES All drive electronic assemblies are sensitive to static electricity, due to the electrostatically sensitive devices used within the drive circuitry. Although some of these devices such as metal-oxide semiconductors (MaS) on logic cards are extremely sensitive, all semiconductors as well as some resistors and capacitors may be'damaged or degraded by exposure to static electricity. Electrostatic damage to electronic devices may be caused by a direct discharge of a charged conductor, or by exposure to the static fields which surround charged objects. '1'0 avoid damage to drive electronic assemblies, service personnel must observe the following precautions when servicing the drive: • Ground yourself to the drive whenever the drive electronics are or will be exposed, connect yourself to ground with a wrist strap. Make the connection to any metal assembly or to the dc grounding block at the rear of the drive. As a general rule, remember that you, the drive, and the circuit cards must all be at ground potential to avoid potentially damaging static discharges. • Keep cards in conductive bags - when circuit cards are not installed in the drive, keep them in conductive static shielding bags. These bags provide absolute protection from static discharge and from static fields surrounding charged objects. Remember that these bags are conductive and should not be placed where they might cause an electrical short circuit. o Remove cards from bags only when you are grounded - all cards received from the factory are in static shielding bags, and should not be removed unless you are grounded. • 4-14 83323370 G 'C -. HANDLING ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE LOGIC CARDS Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuits are used on several logic cards in the unit. The logic cards are identified by orange colored injectors/ejectors. MOS integrated circuits are extremely sensitive and therefore require special handling to avoid damage caused by static electricity. Observe the following precautions when handling or working with logic cards using MOS integrated circuits: " Turn off power before removing and card. installing the logic Ensure that anything or anyone coming in contact with the card is electrically connected to ground, including tools, the body, clothing, containers, etc. o Touch the logic chassis to bleed off any accumulated static charge before removing or installing the card. • Handle the card only by a non-circuit portion. touch pins and circuit connection points. o Never use an assemblies. • Always remove the microprocessor ohmmeter on the drive. • Place the ca rd in a conduct i ve shielded bag immedia tely following its removal from the unit. The card and the bag must be in contact with logic chassis ground before and during the time that the card in inserted or removed from the bag. The bag should have a warning label indicating that it contains an electrostatic-sensitive device. The logic card must remain in the bag or at a properly prepared work station whenever it is not installed in the logic chassis. 83323370 G ohmmeter on cards having cards Do not microprocessor before using an 4-15. 4 2 3 1 -. REv &~; REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D A A A A I 0 E REVISIONS ECO DRFT DESCRIPTION PE23000 PE54244 RELEASEO PE54271 SELECT .. ATRIX CODES ADO NOTE TO STATUS PE54244A ERROR CORRECTION .. ATRIX DATE CHK'D 3'18'81 3'18111 3 '18111 1I·9-az ADO NOTE A B A A A A C A A A A D A A A A E E 0 c C ~ B B NOTES: & DEVICE IN TYPE SECTION CODES 2 ARE OF THIS MAtlUAL A A DRAWN ENGINEER , G,RAEkItlL. :!r"'71 MAGNETIC PERJPHERf.LS 11K, CH[CKED 'k.llJ~ J/,.,/" ~~ :~C:1A(~IU. KEY TO 3 NORMANOALE OPERATIONS CODE IOENT 19333 APPROvED 4 LOGIC DIAGRAMS 2 cl 83323370 r HEET CROSS REF NO 1 IOF5 REF 75121200 I rAGE G 5·9 E 4 3 ... 2 1 A4 - LED DISPLAY BOARD o D ~ ~ & .& & ' If) If) If) If) If) If) '~IQ)) C c A3-TEST POINT BOARD NOTES: & I. ASSEMBLY LOCATOR B THE FOLLOWING SHOWS EACH MAJOR ASSEMBLY ITS PHYSICAL LOCATION CODE, AND WHERE IT IS FOUND IN THE DIAGRAMS. ASSEMBLY POWER SUPPLY & LOGIC CHASSIS _ JKX CTL PANEL INTERFACE " A : " C) ($., ~:. " HEAD ALIGNMENT CARD ~j B CARD USED IN CMD HEAD " ALIGNMENT IN DRIVE. CARD; STORED IN TESTER. • PHYSICAL DIAGRAM LOCATION CROSS REF NUMBER CODE AI 801 A2 AlBOI 101 _JHX 1/0 CONTROL A2A/B02 201 _ JJX RD/WRT CONTROL A2A1B03 301 _ JGX MICROPROCESSOR A2A1B04 401 _ZEV TEST POINT BOARD A3 601 _ZFV LED DISPLAY BOARD A4 _ZJV CONTROL PANEL BD A5 501 701 _ZPV HD ALIGN CARD - 951 A l/' MAGNETIC rERJrHERt\LS INC. ASSEMBLY LOCATOR ~~ ~;:::~(~'IOH 4 ill INCLUDES _JGV-POWER SUPPLY BOARD 3 + NORMANOAlE OPERATIONS C E CODE IOENT 19333 2 1 - 4 . 3 I 2 I -- REV A REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I D UNUSED RESISTOR PACKS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A A A A A A A A B B A B A B A A A C B A B C B A A A LOCATION 0831 3020 4220 4720 5920 6020 0 1 AEVISIONS [CO RELEASE B P[5-42~7 DtANGE DUAL CHANNEL BUSY C PE:I4249A CHANG[ PIN(S) 2.7.8 6.7.8 3.6.8 2.7.8 D - ORFT DESCRIPTION PEZ~OOO ADO CB TO PAGE CHKO 5-21- 11C CB 5-21"80 OlF 11-9-82 CARD TEST POINT HISTORY DATE 0 UNUSED LOGIC ELEMENTS OUTPUT LOCATION PINS 2·.10 146LS· 6031 146 1042 6.8;10.12 189 LS 0442 9,12 ELEMENT & c C A0244A), +5 V 448)s.--; 802- 44At~ ~ A2P203 ~, J 2454 6_8 uF It2O~ 35 V J.~954 6_8 uF Tt20% 35 V !-, +5 V uF A02- A2PB2- -GNO ~~~~ ~~602§]Pl-17 ~ ~~5r. ~) 068)~602 §] P1-34 ; ~~ ~~ ~~ B B FILTER CAPACITORS A02- .1 uF 23A~>= 238 ; +5 V 39AS~ 398»)...--. 802- 39A~S= ~ NOTE: & A02-5 V 02A)p 028) 1 PINS 9 a 12 OF1B~LS AT 0442 ARE UNUSED ONLY ON AJHX REV E a BLW "i A ";5 V 0354 6.8 uF t20 35 "V 1 1 uF J' SIC 28 a BLW, DRAWN R.4tlllJi !-l.B." CHECkED MAGNETIC rERJrHEf!/.lS INC. ENGINEER C&:=~(~1OJt APPROVED 4 C ~.~~ 1/1<1/71 ~ 0819 0933 0934 0954 1319 1934 2432 2543 2554 3032 f- W/O 100:';[' NOR ..... ND .. LE OPER .. TlONS CODE IDENT 1. 1434 2534 3123 3134 3145 4312 4318 4328 A I/O CONTROL DIAGRAMS TYPE' AJHX -5 V 3156 3519 3734 3745 4123 4234 4810 6119 6332 2054 LOC:A2A1B02 19333 cl CROSS REF NO 83323370 201 1 r HEET IOf9 AEF 75121202 I G rAGE D 5-25 r -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----------------R~C-V-R-E-N-A-B_L_E~BR r- - - - - --==t(l) , ! +~V ~ • RP-3020 1& L ___.~ __~~-1 4 16 5 3 .. SEEK ERR/BUS IN BIT 6 I D 206 B02- A2PB2- _~~ 602 ~ P1-28 ~203~~~A)~602~P1_11 .. FAULT/BUS IN BIT 1 D Lf8\. 203:204 .. INDEX &ii4 .. ON CYLIBUS IN BIT 2 ~~~ 602 L@203:204 ~,>--~+~IN~D~E~X-----------------------------~r_~~_t~ 43~~--~-I~N~D~EX~~~~~~------------------~j_~~1?--~ ~ 1 '( r:: -- - - --- - . ( 1 ) +ON CYL/BUS IN BIT 2 42 ~~__~-~ON~C~Y~L~/B~U~S~~IN~B~I~T~2~____________________~~~--~----~ I L -- _ _ '3 5 4 '/ rRP- 24201 4 - - -.... 19)~,--~+~U~N~I~T~R~E;A~D~Y/~B~U~S~IN~B~I~T~3~-------------_~2rl~41No~n_th~-----_t~~~ 4 ~ '( -UNI T READY/BUS IN BI T 3 4 3 1 20 ~~__~+~A~D~DR~E~S~S~MA~R~K~F7DU~N~D~/~B~US~I~N~B~IT~0~--------~8!r-~~_t1~-----_t~ 45)~~--~-~A~DO~R~E~SS~M~A~R~K~F~0~U~ND~/~B~U~S~I~N~B~IT~0____________~5t=~~~=f6~------1I~6j 200B J -- 949 2120 I RP-1820 I 1,\ 470n ~ , 2 .. UNIT READY/BUS IN BIT 3 .. AM FOUND/BUS IN BIT 0 ~ 5 5< - BUSY /GND + BUSY/GND 21 ( ~ 4 A2P201- 2 I 08 ~~---=-.!!W.!!R.!..IT!.!E:....!..P.!!RO::.T.:..:E:.:C~T.;../.;:.;SP:_;A~R:..:E~.-, ~( A2P203 - .. WR I TE PROTEC TlSP ARE . ~ , -5 V .- ~~--~+~S~E~R~VO~C~L~0~CK~--------------------_t--~8r_~~-ti~~-----t~6~7 ~~--~-~SE~R~V~0~C~L~OC~KL-----------------------_t~5~~~~~=f~~------1_~J IRP:5.i2ol J 5520 'L(D205 I I' L 1,\ RP -6020' 4 653 .. (jRT PROT/SPARE +READ DATA/INTERRUPT -READ DATA/INTERRUPT 1 11 +READ CLOCK r- , 56 n ~I L ____ ~~-.J --in .. SELECTED/MODULE ADDRESS 2 8 5 L- ~56 -ll) - , rRp-:-5220l ~~S5~_--=:~~~~~~~L!~~~~DD________________________~_r_r~5i'~~~~.~j~~fi--------~6j9 :1 1 J 1RP":"48201 I I 4 r - - - -.... ~ ~: ~~,-=--=--=--=-~-~S~~E:..:L}Eic~T!..!~E:..:D~/~M~O'!.!;:..D~U~LiE~7.A:::D~DiR~EJS::..:st_=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=__=_~~~-;4~1~1_=_:~~_=_1r!"3;_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;1-:;12 81 3 4920 2 "SELECTED/MOO ADDRESSED _~~~ L__ 949 1,\ 5 4 5 ~<~--~+~I~ND~E~X~/~R~ES~E~R~V~E~D--~--------~~_+--r_~ri~-~~i!------~ 10 .. SEEK ---I=r -:.... (I) •• 4 -:.... (I) 3 B02- ,~ T I"j(\ 205' .. SECTOR. (-SEIZED) p2 _5 V 24 55,>-.--..:.--.:-.!!IN~O~E:!X:!../~RE=:S~E~R~V=.EO~---------......4-f2::-f:5:-f::1:-if::5t8t3+2~41:Li~.~~. !3 ______..J r - -- - - - - 1 r - - - - - --, , RP-4120 I' RP-5320 , AJHX REV E a BLW 3.9 kll. 56 n I, 56 0 I I AJHX REV F a ABV AS SHOW MAGNETIC rERJrHE~lS INC, 1L __ _ _ _ _ .JI L~~t_________ J =~(~o. ..-t-<_ NC B· .. INDEX/RESERVED '"----\!.J BO 2 - ~20: cl NC ----------,--.-; B LOC·A2A1B02 2 A A02- ,~ NOAMANDALE OPERATIONS A04-11B 404 A04-13B ~NC 4920: INPUT RECEIVERS NC T fJ\ 205' AO 2END \.::!...J ~ 404 11 . ~~S(~____~-~SE~C~T~0~R;.~(~-S~E~I~Z~ED~)----------_._r~_t_t_r7~r-1~~~;~~----~ I r--~~~~~ NOTE: ,. _~ --+~v (I) RP- 4220 I ~-~+~SE~C~T~0~R~.~(~+~S~E~IZ~E~0~~)--------------t_~i_i_~1tl~47~0lV-n-t'8~--J J ~145 A B03-29B .~ 305 B03-26B L® 205.208 ,---------, n 2' 410 n '1 ~( ,'~305 .- ____ J L~~ +READ DATA/INTERRUPT _'12 -5 V n r--~-;P~5;;; l 7 6 4 RP~5;;0 '-I B02- '~NC LfG\ 20; +SERVO CLOCK ~ 5 0~13~6i~-~:~:~~~~~DD~~~~~~~~~KK~~~~-----t~-----t-t7~41r-4~7No~n-t'~~~~J 1~~~~~13 B +5V ~ , ___ 470n ___ _ - 'I 10 J c A02- r - -- -- - - --1 (I) _! ~ lL.__________ lL._________________. . : 306 B03-43B ~NC "BUSY/GND I + 5 V _ - 4Mr__..... rAp-:5B2"01 4 r-----, 10__k_n____---!2+1~47",,0Vl,-n-;I::-,--------j-="r-;;-11 949 4;---'V'I1V--t3: -_____-t-:;12 ..."I.,~ 602 ~P1-25 LfE\ 20;:'20~ .. 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UNUSED LOG I C ELEMEtITS OUTPUT LOCATION PINS 146LS 6031 2· 1042 6.8; 10. 12 146 ELEMENT I-I-I-1-I-- -.- -- . .-. . c C A02· 44A), +5 V 44B)~ i 2454 6.8 uF T!20X 35 V B0244A»)---. 44B>)-- I A2P203 - 1 ~ : J -GND tl +5 V 6954 6.B uF T!20~ 35 V l' IlF 1 ~>---< ~>---< ~)---1 ~)---< A02- A2PB2- ~~~602 ~ ; ~~ B B ~ ~~ F IL lUI CAPACITORS A0223A)("-23B)>--< 39 A) r - I i; 1 ur 39A~S= ~ A02- 02A)~ I 028) .. I V 1 +r" 0354 6.8 uF !20" 35 V 1, J. I I ~ G' _RArl.!l-Jl d_·B 11 MAGNHlC r£Rjrtl£Rf,LS INC. 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A ~ +I'IRITE DATA .,. u.. +WRI TE GATE, @ +OPEN CABLE/SEL HOLD ., . .I 204 B02-36A lOA ) ' 'NUX INTEAF ACE 6 IL5_ '~ 104' ~ ~ 176A 1531 11 n~~H 13 (I) ..'/RITE OATA • I+READ/IIRITE DATA 8 L!-________ -J~----------------------------------------~+O~P~E~N~~CA~B~L~E~/S~E~L=H~OllL~D~3~9 -OPEN CABLE/SEL HOLD 4 ~ , L..- A !" - 5 V MAGNETIC rERJrHERl-lS INC. •• ~=::"(~I[JIII 4 A2P203- ~ Lg~-----l~~~-------2~----------------------~_I'I;'R~I~T~E~D~A~T~A~.~/;'-~R~E~AD~/~W~Ril~TEtJD~AIT~A==~~ 12 ~C=======-l-}~--------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~---:'A2P202 3 OUTPUT TRANSMITTERS NORM.lNO.llf OI'fR.lnONI C F ~CO~D~(~ID~(N~T~~~-----r------'-~~---, LOC' A2A1B02 19333 4 2 3 1 +5 V 206 ® 20S BB D 203 AE A02- .WRITE GATE -BUS OUT BIT 0 AD -BUS OUT BIT 6 203 306 B03-25B~7/ 203 208 c y 3542 1 kfJ '~~ MUX S08lS 2653 3 3 1 Li2 5 T6 1 -BUS OUT BIT 1 2A ., 306 B03-28B~,/, 203 X A02SA ., 2f ~-YGI3 -MUX INTERFACE -REAO/~RITE ENABLE ~l' l Fhl: I 12 2 11 1 10 a -READ GATE -BUS OUT BIT 1 1 9 ~ F1 F1 3- 9 BU A2P202-BUS OUT BIT 1 -BUS OUT BIT 1 - .- -BUS OUT 81 T 0 - BUS OUT BIT 0 -~- -5 V 2 14 3 4 L2 ~l soalS 2153 A02-BYTE CLOCK ) ~ 3BA 403 A04-08A 7 6 -BUS OUT BIT 4 -BUS OUT BIT 3 ~ 12 11 10 9 I ~ ~ l AO 2306 B03-31B~' / OA ., 14 3 4 +ADORESS MARK GATE 3253 Z 203 AC ~ 19 11 tBUS OUT BIT 2 -BUS OUT BIT 5 58 ., 205 B02 - 40A ~' / tENABLE TRANSMITTERS 9 ~ 4 ~ W ~--,4 a 143 -.!~ 6 143 ~ / ~ DRVR 176A 3231 ~ B X/Y -BUS OUT BIT 5 -BUS OUT BIT 5 X/Y " S -BUS OUT BIT 4 -BUS OUT BIT 4 & 6 (~ !" -5 v ~ J) ~ ~ S~ -BUS OUT BIT 3 -BUS OUT BIT 3 F1.3- 8 ~ F1 Fl.3- 9 ~ 5~ Ii' c A2P202taUS OUT BIT 2 -BUS OUT BIT 2 ~ & F2.3- 13 ~ F2 F2 3- ~!2 I 10 1353 1 kfJ ORVR 176A 3242 5 X/Y ~ & F 1.3- 8 ~ F I F 1.3- 9 1 ~ X/Y ..--1. & F2.3 13 ~ F2 F2 3- 12 1 ~ +5 V AO 2- ~ 7 ~ B 4'j S08lS 5 203 )~ )~ -== AO 2+ BYTE CLOCK SA " 305 B03-19A~ 20;/® -ENABLE 02 203 AB 2 03((2; )~ )~ l" ~ -BIT 2 3 ~ I A j X/Y 13 F2.3 ~ F2 F2.3- 12 5 X/V ......§. ~ & Fl.3- 8 .-1. o DRVR 176A 2631 !" -5 V + TIE ~; -/, HIGH ------+ ENABLE TRANSMITTERS @ @20B 208 5" ~ 0453 ~-;- ~ ~ 143 8 - + ENABLE ~.N(\BlE ~~ TRANSMIT~ BP 208 IRANSMITTEEj ~206 : ~.,.-- 8 .~ 143 ~~ ~ MAGN[TIC r£RJPtuR,A.LS INC. CI:D :1=:;~fC"""""'" BUS OUT MULTIPLEXERS AND TRANSMITTERS, PART I lOC A2A/flni' NORMANnAI' llPtRA'UIN~ (11111 1111 ~I 19333 CI 83323 1.'tf)<;S Hlr 207 1 A , Ii 207§ +MUX INTERFACE Be 206 ... ;, - +BUS ®+BUS +BUS -BUS .BUS OUT BIT 2 OUT BIT 5 OUT BIT 7 OUT BIT 0 OUT BIT 6 ~+BUS OUT BIT 1 Y -READ DATA/INTERRUPT ~-READ/~RITE DATA ., BJ +TlE HIGH ~+ENABLE TRANSMITTERS B7 +BUS DUT BIT 8 203 Z 203 203 AE 203 203 AO 203 202 H 206 207 BT 201 205 AW " 3 5 6 @ 1 MUX 189LS 2642 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 7 " 4709 6 1 kO 4~ V 4409 D H~~ ~ XIV r-..?. & F2.3- 13 ~ F2 F2 3- 12 : ~S A2P202· -BUS OUT BIT 7 ·BUS OUT BIT 7 ~ )}-!l- 5 XlY F1.3- 8 Fl Fl.3- 9 !'i +BUS OUT BIT 6 -BUS OUT BIT 6 ~~ ~}--lQ. ~11 .-1 t-l I- v 9 -BUS OUT BIT B/SPARE -BUS OUT BIT B/SPARE ~~ '(: 12 13 12 -BUS OUT BIT 9/SPARE ·BUS OUT BIT 9/SPARE ~>{} /)--!-'L 8 /)-!-L 1 -BUS OUT BIT 9 _ DRVR 10 176A A02 )~309 B03-27B 10 F3 4 n 10 0 14 1 13 0 5 BU 207 +READ DATA ,1, -s 205 AX I +BIT 23 ~: -= D 2 ·ENABLE TRANSMITTER J" c C ·5 V ~ -TAG 1120 205 AZ 5 ~ ~ .UNIT SELECT. (SELECT HOLD) • TAG GATE 204 AV .....Uo! 1 ~ ~ 1761. 4420 t B 9 -TAG l!TAG 20 -TAG 1/TAG 20 13 -UNIT SELECT/SEL HOLD!TAG GATE -UNIT SEL/SEL HOLD/TAG GATE " ~>¥.- Srru,~ ~)1L -5 V B ~.J..Q -TAG 212' 205 BA 5 ~ ~ 1 .TAG 3/22 205 CA ~ ~ 1761. 4431 B 9 -TAG 2!TAG 2' -TAG 2ITAG 2' 13 12 -TAG 3!TAG 22 -TAG 3ITAG 22 ~ ~ ~ ~ -,~ ~~ r - -5 V '--~ 5 -BUS OUT BIT lD/SPARE 205 AY 1.02305 A03-32A 41B») +~RITE ~ ~ CLOCK 176A 4909 B 9 -BUS OUT 81 T 10/SPARE ·BUS OUT 81T IO/SPARE 13 -fiR I Tf CLOCK . nR I Tf CLOCK A2P201· ~ /~ 1 ~ ~ A II A2P203- l~ /~ A 111 ·5 V -- MAGNmc rrll,JrH£I\j\LS INC. ~~ :I-::::::~~"¥"'I." NOUMANIJAlf BUS OUT MULTIPLEXER AND TRANSMITTERS, PART 2 I1prRAllnN~ till" IIIIN' LOC A2A/R02 " '" ~ I 19333 CJ 83323370 CRfJSS AH NO 20BI!;"'" B 1 I1 G I PAGE A 5-34.8 4 D 203 AG 204 4 & 140LS 3831 I +READ 6 9 1 140LS 8 10~ 3B31 12 & 140LS 13 3B31 ,READ 11 o I 1" F >-< +DATA +DATA 2030-~ +DATA >-< +DATA 203 S N 203 R c 140LS 3 3831 ®' ENABLE P I A 3&4 409 B04-29A ~0' BO 2A 2 .ADDRESS 2 BO 2B 203 1 . ENABLE PIA 1.\2 A 203 2 3 BIT BIT BIT BIT ",J 0 1 2 3 (6)" (10)" (13) "- 409 B04-26A ~,., -DATA BIT 0 >-< , A01-04B B01-08B A03-17B BD4-17B ., 9 002 102 304 40B -DATA BIT 2>-< , 05A 002 102 304 B02- 408 -DATA BIT 3>-< , 03B 002 102 304 408 A01-05B B01-0BA A03-16A B04-17A ., A01-05A B01-039 A03-159 B04-16A ., A01-03B B01-03A A03-14A B04-15A -DATA BIT 1 >-< , 15 F DRVR 934 3B42 1 F~ 4 F~ r----L ( 10) 13\ F ~ r C I 1 002 102 304 408 F 11 F 14 I A0204B ., I +tlRITE ~, RCVR 934 3B42 1 F2 F 5 1 1 1 c 11'0 F B 203 T 203 V >-< +DATA +DATA 203®~ +OATA >-< +DATA 203 W BIT BIT BIT BIT RCVR 934 3853 1 F 2 F 5 11 F 14 F () 3 (6)" ( 10).1-, ( 13l.b I" 4 5 6 7 1 -DATA BIT 4>-< , ., 4 7 C , - ....... AOl-43A B01-05B A03-07A B04-2BA 1 A 002 102 304 40B B02-DATA BIT 7 >-<~ A OOZ /. 102 304 408 /. DRVR 934 3B53 1 F~ ~ 1 F I I) F 10 F (13) , o A01-04A B01-05A A03-05B B04-25A A01-03A B01-04A A03-04A B04-26B A . .. ,. MAGNETIC r£RjrH£Rl-LS INC. BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BITS . ~~:,=::.. .-...-.~ 3 * NOAMANIU'11 OPfR"'I"IN~ C A (Pllf 1:11"" LOC-AlA/B02 4 A 002 102 304 A02- 408 -DATA BIT 6 >-< _, ~ A AOl-43B B01-07B A03-DBB B04-289 1 ., I 002 102 304 408 1 -DATA BIT 5>-< , 15 F '- ., B0243B ? 19333 . The symbol ## in the part number column indicates that the item is a recommended spare part, and that the part number is located in the Spare Parts List section. To find the part number refer to the instructions for using the Spare Parts List (section 7B). The abbreviation CIC refers to Card Interchangeability Chart. The CIC in this manual is located in section 7C. Description Column - This column gives the name and a brief description of each part and assembly. The relationship of parts and assemblies is shown within the column by means of indentation. When an item is idented more than the previous item, it is part of the previous item. When the attaching hardware or associated parts for an item cannot be shown on the illustration, the note (ATTACHING PARTS) or (ASSOCIATED PARTS) appears in the Description column. All attaching/associated parts for the previously listed part or assembly are listed beneath this note and are separated from the rest of the parts list by the symbol ---*---. When necessary, items are identified as being right side or left side. Right and left are determined by facing the front of the FTU. Notes Column - This column defines any multiple part number entries for a single index number. Multiple entries may be necessary to identify differences such as machine configuration (for example, the part issued on a series code XX unit with the Engineering Change Order (ECO) XXX X installed). Information that is unique to one particular equipment or application will also be noted in this column. 83323370 G 7-5 I I 7 20 A m • ., SIC 25 &ABV WI 54344 --A-- Figure' 7-1. 7-6 . 1 Assembly Flna 83323370 G .. INDEXI PART NO NO -- PART DESCRIPTION 7-1 7-1 1 82338800 82338802 10125712 2 3 93201002 10125105 4 10126401 5 10125605 WASHER, External Tooth Lock 6 WASHER, Flat, 6 6 7 75020900 75020901 75129600 HINGE, Lid Support HINGE, Lid Support ARM, Hinge 7 75129601 ARM, Hinge 7 72874900 BRACKET, Hinge 7 72874700 BRACKET, Hinge 8 9 10 11 75144600 CIC 75147300 12 10127112 SUITCASE ASSEMBLY COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, ZPV ENVELOPE, C. B., Foam POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (see Figure 7-5) SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 5/16 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY (see Fugure 7-2) COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JKX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JHX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JJX COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, JGX ADAPTER, CMD, Head Alignment WASHER, Internal Tooth, Lock, 6 SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 1/2 SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 8-32 x 1/2 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 CIC CIC CIC CIC 758'86001 19 10126103 20 10127114 20 10127123 83323370 G FINAL ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY SCREW, Flat Head, 6-32 x 1/4 WASHER, Counter Sunk Lock NUT, 6-32 NOTE 1 TB216A TB216B SIC 25 & Blw, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & Blw, WIO 54344 Right Hinge Left Hinge Right Arm, SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 Left Arm, SIC 25 & B1w, WIO 54344 Right Side, SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 Left Side, SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 TB216A only TB216A only I TB216A only SIC 25 & Blw, WI 54344 SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54344 7-7 IINDEXI NO PART NO 7-1 21 10127112 22 93114326 PART DESCRIPTION I NOTE 1 FINAL ASSEMBLY SCREW, Pan Head, Machine, 6-32 x 5/16 STANDOFF, Tapped I NOTE: The following items are not shown. 75149401 75149402 75145500 75145501 75145502 75145801 SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY ITEMS SUPPEMENTARY SUPPLY ITEMS I/O CABLE ASSEMBLY, 10 Pin (A4) I/O CABLE ASSEMBLY, 26 Pin (B5) I/O CABLE ASSEMBLY, 50 Pin (A2) ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 34 Pin (B7) 75145802 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 75 Pin (A6) 75145803 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 34 Pin (B3) 75145804 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 75 Pin (AIO) 75146000 ADAPTER CABLE ASSEMBLY, 60 Pin (A8) LINE CABLE ASSEMBLY, 120 V HEAD ALIGNMENT CABLE ASSEMBLY TEST LEAD, Red, Head Alignment, TEST LEAD, Black, Head Alignment, CABLE ASSEMBLY, CMD, Head Alignment CABLE ASSEMBLY, CMD, Head Alignment TERMINATOR ASSEMBLY, AMEN 83271600 77440300 94389927 94389907 77612337 75882394 50151700 83323370 G TB216A only TB216B only MUX I/O - B Cable TB216A only STD I/O - A Cable TB2l6A only STD I/O - B Cable TB216A only MUX I/O - A Cable TB216A only STD OR MUX I/O - A Cable TB216A only TB216A only TB216A only r.I'B216A only TB216A.only TB216B only 7-9 . III ~ a () Q () a a () () ~ ~ a o o Q o () o o C) & o 0 0 () 0 0 • 0 0 0 • C) 0 9-1701C Figure 7-2. 7-10 Front Panel Assembly 83323370 G II~gEXI PART NO I PART DESCRIPTION 75144500 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 7-2 75144501 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 66301754 66301717 66301718 66301719 66301730 66301731 66301732 66301742 66301743 66301744 66301789 66301790 66301791 66301792 66301793 66301794 66301795 66301803 66301804 66301800 66301796 66301797 66301806 66301805 66301798 66301799 66301802 66301801 10127122 30 10126104 31 10127113 32 93114284 33 10125103 83323370 G J J 7-2 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 NOTE SIC 25 & Blw, WIO 54344 SIC 25 & W/ 54344 Abv, KEY CAP, "0" KEY CAP, "1" KEY CAP, "2" KEY CAP, "3" KEY CAP, "4" KEY CAP, "5" KEY CAP, "6" KEY CAP, "7" KEY CAP, "8" KEY CAP, "9" KEY CAP, "A" ., KEY CAP, "B" KEY CAP, "C" KEY CAP, "D" KEY CAP, "E" KEY CAP, "F" KEY CAP, "HEX" KEY CAP, "DISP" KEY CAP, "CLR ENT" KEY CAP, "LOAD" KEY CAP, "DEC" KEY CAP, "BIT" KEY CAP, "SEL DRV" KEY CAP, "CLR FLT" KEY CAP, "RTZ" KEY CAP, "CLR" KEY CAP, "GO" KEY CAP, "STOP" SCREW, Phillips, 8-32 x 3/8 WASHER, Internal Tooth Lock, 8 SCREW, Phillips, 6-32 x 3/8 STANDOFF, Hex, 8-32 x 1.312 WASHER, Internal Tooth, Lock, 6 I I 7-11 fINDEX NO PART NO PART DESCRIPTION 7-2 34 93114283 35 75145000 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY STAt-JDOFF, Hex, 6-32 x 1.062 PANEL, Tester Front 35 47391800 PANEL, Tester Front 36 37 38 39 40 95644000 95644001 JACK, Red Banana JACK, Black Banana CABLE AND SWITCH ASSEMBLY KNOB, Skirted CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY (See Figure 7-4) LOGIC CHASSIS ASSEMBLY (See Figure 7-3) WASHER, External Tooth Lock, 8 WASHR, External Tooth Lock, 6 ## t# 41 42 10126402·· 43 10126401 83323370 G NOTE SIC 25 & Blw, HI 54344 SIC 25 & wi 54344 Abv, I 7-13 L Figure 7-3. 7-14 . . Og1C Chassi s Assembly . 83323370 C j INDExt NO 7-4 1 2 PART NO 75144400 54283300 10127112 3 4 5 93114217 75148603 75148602 6 7 54281700 75148600 8 9 54282100 75148601 10 CIC 83323370 G PART DESCRIPTION NOTE I CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY COMPONENT ASSEMBLY, ZJV SCREW, Pan Head, 6-32 x 5/16 STANDOFF, Hex, 0.875, 6 CABLE, Control Panel CABLE, Test Point, Read/Write TEST POINT BOARD ASSEMBLY CABLE, Test Point, I.O. Signal LED BOARD ASSEMBLY CABLE, LED Display Board CABLE, JKX LED Display -Board I 7-17 I 9-17040)C Figure 7-5. 7-18 Power Supply Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2) 83323370 F t INDEX J PARr.I' NO 1 NO 7-5 1 2 75147000 93592158 10127115 3 4 5 75145400 5 75145401 5 75145402 6 95661326 00863717 10126105 7 8 crc 10 11 12 94305529 92691003 95634801 95655517 13 14 15 16 95661324 75148500 ## 10126103 17 10127112 18 93541010 19 20 21 22 75147700 93106206 93041106 17901508 9 PART DESCRIPTION NOTE POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (Sheet 2) COVER, Power Supply Board SCREH, Self-Tapping, Hex Head, 6-32 x 1/4 SCREW, 6-32 x 5/8 C6MPONENT ASSEMBLY JGV HOUSING, Tester SIC 25 & Blw, vJIO 54344 HOUSING, Tester SIC 25 W/ 54344, W/O 54343B HOUSING, Tester SIC 25 & Abv, W/54343 CAPACITOR, 83 UF, 15 V CLAMP, Capacitor Mounting "WASHER, Internal Tooth Lock, 10 BUSHING, Snap-in CLAMP, Capacitor Mounting NUT, U Type Speed SCREW, Sheet Metal, 6-20 x 1/2 CAPACITOR, 18 UF, 15 V BOX, Blower Mounting FAN, Axial, 50/60 Hz WASHER, Internal Tooth, Lock, 6 SCREW, Pan Head Machine, 6-32 x 5/16 TERMINAL, Ring Tongue 22-16, #4-6 BRACKET, Block Terminal MARKER, Terminal Strip S'I'R I P , Te rm ina 1 SCREW, Thread Rolling, 6-32 x 1/4 NOTE: The following items are not shown. 75149600 AC/DC HARNESS ASSEMBLY 75149601 AC/DC HARNESS ASSEMBLY 94277400 TIE STRAP, Cable 83323370 G SIC 25 & Blw, W/O 54343B SIC 25 & Abv, WI 54343B . 7-21 I I I I ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST I I-I-T~E-M-S~A-PP-E~A~R~O-N~I--------------------------------~--------~~--~--~----------------- IFig.IPagelIndexl INo. I No.1 No. I IREPLACE- I IMENT PARTI I I NUMBER CONTACT, Wirewrap Used SIC 14 & Above 82315001 82315001 ROM, 5904 Used SIC 26 & Above 50257504 50257904 50257905 50257905 LED, Green Used SiC 14 & Above 94372504 94372504 LED, Red Used S/C'14 & Above 94372501 94372501 MICROPROCESSOR, 6802 Used siC 14 & Above 15163603 15163603 RAM, IC Used SiC 14 & Above 15163400 15163400 ,SWITCH, Keyboard Used ,SIC 14 & Above 94363700 94363700 ROM, 5905 Used SIC 26 & Above 83323370 G PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ~ NOTES Older units converted to this configuration by FCO 54327. Older units converted to this configuration by FCO 54327. 7-25 • I I I I IITEMS APPEAR ONI IFig.IPagelIndexl INo. I No. I No. I 7-2 7-2 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-4 7-6 7-12 7-14 7-12 -. 38 39 7 15 18 ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER IREPLACE- I IMENT PART I I NUMBER I SWITCH, Momentary Used SIC 14 & Above 94263934 94263934 SWITCH, SPDT Used siC 14 & Above 94263932 94263932 SWITCH, SPDT, Center Off Used siC 14 & Above 94263933 94263933 CABLE AND SWITCH ASSEMBLY Used SIC 14 & Above 75145600 75145600 KNOB, Skirted Used SIC 14 & Above 93152007 93152007 FILTER, R.F. Used siC 14 & Above 94348403 94348403 FAN, Axial, 50/60 Hz Used SIC 14 & Above 94390000 94390000 CIRCUIT BREAKER Used SIC 14 & Above 95587003 95587003 NOTES .. ..• 7-26 83323370 G • SECTION 7C CARD INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART CARD INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART 7C GENERAL The card interchangeability chart (ere) provides the latest reV1Slon level of a card, its locations in the logic chassls, and its part number for ordering purposes. Prior to attempting to use the charts, be sure to read and understand the rules for interpreting the ere as given on page 7-29. 83323370 G 7-27 • .: \ . ~ -- 4 ."- 3 I .- I' I lib. REVISION STATUS OF' SHEETS D A A B B ~ 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 l~ 16 17 18 19 120 ... ~= C R.•X CHG. [PROMS D [54 121 [ ~IOC [PROMS TO 110115 CHO AJHX TO CJHX " 5. 0 E E TH CJ.I. o MF '.."11:8C IF L.L CI .~~5-1l I- '>-"I ~·eo t ci8 ..:it.. 1",82 -'I " D" . c c 0 ..... :~ ,DIm l1L liP"'" ~ III..UUD .,4; 54. '9.0 II I 2 3 4 1 , IA.S.MBlY - ~ "N - ; - CARD I~NTlFIU - , I I I I '" I I I I \.~ C~ ... B I I I I I"X· , 4>, I I :::::.:, G. R•• 1 • - 1... 'Il01l1. I·~_ID .y" & ·l:::=-I"y· I .y. ·X" I A , C IF APPLICABLE I I ~:::::. - SPECIAL INFORMATION I ·X· If " Z· WILL REPLACE "x" OffLY IF P"CO ·Z· IS INSTALUDtlf INDICATES IIIACKPANEL WIRING CHANGES,) - ·z" WILl ~pt aCE • x· ONLY IF CHANGES INDICATED BY NOTE, AND 8ACK~NEL CHANGES INDICAnO ARE INSTALLED. ,------1 "Y", "y" I .y. ,.x· I ·L__----I·Y I .y. ,~~ <1•." ' ..- __ ,. DoIYIIIOI!. ·z· lilY *. • WILL REPLACE· X·, ·X" WILL REPLACE .y" ·1 I +- Ilyl I .y" I I -;fl/....u.., • .to 11../7"11 "- I"Y·' WILL REPLACE ·X" ONLY IF CHANG[S INDICATED BY NOTE ARE INSTALLED. ~ 'X' - I"Y' o .... WILL REPLACE • X·, LOG FeO • z· A WILL "EPLAtt ··X·, (NO FOOt CARD INTEACHANGEABILITY CHART TB216 AlB FTU ~%~';; 1:0'1 II' ICI 83323370 .-., I _., E G 1--., ~, 4 ~ 3 I I' , J lit N. 1 ......,.. IC un I.... I"'" :-,[, .uno REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS I 0 - 2 3 4 A A B B c C 0 0 E E F F G G 6 7 8 9 10 ~ " 12 13 14 I~ ,3 A ,~ 16 17 18 19 20 - 'f !Ie '[ \4 ,4 ,"ex ip~ 2 INV, ,R '[RI AJJ~ --+ IH 8JJX 1.17,H :B I~ CB 1-15- C8 I'le :~ lA~f ,0", IF CJHX_ '''' ... , ~J, ,.. I. V- 17 'RO 110" RRE' A, HX -1 " ", ... ... r"Ji<4' 4 D 1 I I'.".BLY pm I I , r I ' I \ I ~ \ ..... CARD IDENTIFIER I '-SPECIAL C INFORMATION - C~ FCO If APPLICABLE r I -+ I .. A ~... coccalD I ......m '\ I lA, "y" WILL REPLACE "x" ONLY IF CHANGO INDICATED BY NOTE ARE INSTALLED. ~ .y" WILL RfPLACE "X· ONLY IF CHA'NGES INDICATED BY NOTE. AND BACK PANEL CHANGES INDICATED BY ARE INSTALLED. *. • .y" WILL REPLACE ·X", "x· WILL REPLACE .y. l- -I ·Z· DIY*OIII ,.y· -L-------'"Y" G. RA""'- v •." . . CARD -:r 1/~.~ y,,;,, ,• A~_IO t Il l I .Qf!. ·X" I ~ y ·Z· ,eo "Z" IS IHSTALL[Dl* INDICATES BACKPANEL WIRING CHANG[s.) "y" WILL REPLACE "x" ONLY IF -~'·Y·I I I I·x· I ., I"Y"I ---J"Y" I I"X· I * , I '" • Z· :;:r: : : :' " " I "x" I * -I I ~ -L___ & I B I ·x· ., I "y. WILL REPLACE ·X·, LOG FCO • Z· I .y. WILL "~PlAC( INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART TB216 AlB FTU I A ·X·, (NO ,eo) (7,~o;~ 1:0'· ... IC , 83323370 I"'" . . . 2 G 1..... 7-29 REF' 7:1121211 LOCATION FUNCTION. 1~IAJKXI BOI CONTROL PANfL XNTERFACf q: I I 0 I~IAJHXI ;." C ,:z:ICJHXI 'I' 0' \' 'j I I ,I I A/B02 X/O CONTROl READ/WRITE CONTROL A/S03 C I- ... I I ," AlSO. PROCESSOR I---~I." B B HUD ALIGNMENT ~I--li ..11--~ . ~ 1 - - - 1 t 5 VOLT POWER SUPPLY A A 6 TB216A ONLY CARD INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART T821S AI B 4 3 2 ...---I' .~.- .;) ". - .- ... -. ~.-- ... .- ,. - LOCATION FUNCT'ION. ~ 1~IAJKXI ,I .. I BOI CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE 0 1 I I~IAJHXI I/O CONTROL . I I ~ICJI~"i1. I' 'I A/b02 -I I I I I I I I C 0 READ/WRITE CONTROL I I I AlB03 I I I C I I, I- I I - ....... "\A/B04 PROCESSOR \ 1 I- B I I- "I B HEAD ALIGNMENT I I ·1 ±5 VOLT POWER SUPPLY I . A A CARD INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART T8216 AlB FlU 4 _I 3 2
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