87002 Change In Name
User Manual: 87002
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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES SUBMIT THIS FORM TO YOUR LOCAL TAX COLLECTOR OFFICE www.flhsmv.gov/offices/ VESSEL STATEMENT OF BUILDER PART Ι. HOMEMADE VESSEL I (We) ____________________________________________ hereby certify that the vessel described in item 5 below was constructed or assembled by major components or materials purchased or obtained from the following sources: 1. HULL DECK/RIGGING MACHINERY/ENGINES Attach copies of bill of sale or receipts (must contain name, address and signature of seller). Notarization is not required. I (We) hereby certify that said vessel was built for my/our personal use. If other than for personal use, I (we) certify that said vessel was constructed for the following individual or firm: 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip 3. 4. 5. I (We) hereby certify that all applicable sales tax has been paid on the material used in the construction of the vessel described in item 5 below. I (We) hereby certify that the vessel described below has never been previously registered or titled with the State of Florida, or in any other state or country, and that a Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin or Builder’s Certificate has never been issued for said vessel. I (We) hereby certify that the following information applies to this specific vessel. PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION SITE: Street Address State: ______________________________________________________ City _________________________________ _______________ Zip: _____________ Year Vessel Construction Was Completed _______________ Hull Length ______________ VESSEL TYPE Open Motorboat Cabin Motorboat Auxiliary Sailboat Inflatable Houseboat Personal Watercraft HULL MATERIAL Sailboat Airboat Canoe Pontoon Other __________ Specify Wood Wood/Fiberglass Fiberglass Aluminum Steel Other _______________ Specify PROPULSION Outboard Inboard Inboard/Outboard Air Propelled Sail Other _______________ FUEL Gasoline Electric Diesel Other _____________ Specify Specify PART Π. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS DATE: ________________________ UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. NO MATERIAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE VESSEL HAS BEEN OMITTED. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINTED NAME OF APPLICANT PRINTED NAME OF CO-APPLICANT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF CO-APPLICANT HSMV 87002 (Rev.10/11) www.flhsmv.gov INSTRUCTIONS TO HOMEMADE VESSEL TITLE APPLICANT DEFINITION: “Homemade Vessel” means any vessel built after October 31, 1972, for which a Federal hull identification number is not required to be assigned by the manufacturer pursuant to Federal law, or any vessel constructed or assembled prior to November 1, 1972, by other than a licensed manufacturer for his own use or the use of a specific person. A vessel assembled from a manufacturer’s kit or constructed from an unfinished manufactured hull shall be considered to be a homemade vessel, provided such a vessel is not required to have a hull identification number assigned by the United States Coast Guard. In no event shall a rebuilt or reconstructed vessel be construed to be a homemade vessel. Pursuant to s. 328.07(2), F.S., the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall assign all hull identification numbers for homemade vessels. REGISTRATION AND TITLING PROCEDURES: All undocumented homemade vessels propelled by machinery must be registered and titled in order to be operated on Florida waters. The vessel owner must file an application for registration and titling with the tax collector’s office in the county where the vessel is located or in the county where the vessel owner resides. In applying for an initial title, the owner of a homemade vessel less than 16 feet in length shall submit to the county tax collector, Form HSMV 82040, along with a Vessel Statement of Builder and applicable title fee. Upon receipt of the application, the Department may elect to conduct a visual inspection to insure that the vessel meets the legal definition of a homemade vessel. The owner of a homemade vessel 16 feet or more in length shall be required to contact the nearest district office of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to arrange for a physical inspection of the vessel (http://myfwc.com/contact/staff-contacts/regional-offices/). At the time of inspection, the owner of the homemade vessel shall be required to submit a completed Vessel Statement of Builder or Builder’s Certificate to the inspecting officer. Upon completion of the inspection, the inspecting officer shall provide the owner of the homemade vessel with an executed Certificate of Inspection; form FWC/DLE126, which must be submitted to the county tax collector, along with HSMV 82040 and the Vessel Statement of Builder. Check your local phone book government pages or visit the following website for current mailing addresses: http://www.flhsmv.gov/offices/ HSMV 87002 (Rev.10/11) www.flhsmv.gov
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