89633300H_AB107_AB108_Hardware_Maint_Manual_Jul80 89633300H AB107 AB108 Hardware Maint Manual Jul80
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89633300 CON1'R..OL DATA CORfO~TION CONTROL DATA® CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT AB107 AB108 BA201 BU120 BT148 GD611 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OPERATION INSTAllATION AND CHECKOUT THEORY OF OPERATION DIAGRAMS MAINTENANCE PARTS DATA APPENDIX WIRE LIST HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL REVISION RECORD REVISION DESCRIPTION a--____02_____ I __E_C_0__C::.cK.:.: 0. :.4."'5____ 6 r_e_l..:..ea::..:s'-e_d_m_a::..:nc.:.u_a_l_t::..:o.--,-c_la_s_s_B.:..,_________ .____._._____ ..._._ . _... __. ____. _.... __ ._________ .___._.__.____._ (JanyarY,,197;L, I. . ,- J j ; . 03 . '-'. ECO ·tK'O''''''S2'''''Z--an-d--EC-0--C-KO-7-4-8-c-o-m-p-l-et·-e-l-y-re-v-i-s-ed--m-a-nu-a-l-.------------·-.. --· ....-..-..- -----.-----.-------.---.. --(October:1974) ~.I-"-'--.,,-.-------;------------~----'-------------------------------.-------.---.--------... - - ' -- - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - i s_e_d_ma_n_u_a_I_.__~__________________.______.______________________ _ I_~~'~g_4____,__~ dCO-H!JJl.,.re._vc_ (March 1975) I-'----=-:...::..c.----I------------· _________________________·____·___ ---------.------------.--A ECO CK1312 released manual to class A. 1--------------1----------.------------------- ----------------------.--(Augu st 1975) B ECO CKI347 affected pages: xv, 2-5, 2-6, 3-13, 3-19. 5-7. 9-1, 9-147. -------------------------1 (October 1975) C ECO CK1421 incorporated Field Change Orders CK1415. CK1422. CK1431. (January 1976) Pages revised: ii to xv. 3-13, 4-45, 4-46, 4-56. 5-39. 5-87. 5-145, 5-151. 5-155. 5-159. 5-259 5-379. 5-380 to 5-383. 5-385. 5-389, 5-393. 5.397. 5-403, 5-408. 5-409. 5-414 to 5-421. 5-430. 6-4, 8-1, 8-2, 9-2, 9-7, 9-26, 9-36, 9-37, 9-40, 9-45, 9-49, 9-55. 9-57, 9-63, 9-80, 9-85, 9-88. 9-89, 9-90, 9-93, 9-98, 9-147 Pages added: 3-13A, 3-13B, 5-160 to 5-166, 5-410 to 5-413, 5-422, 9-2A. -----~----.------------.----~.---------.-------- 1--------1--- D (July 1976) E I_ _--''--_ __ (July 1977) ECO CK1559 incorporated ECO CKJ526 and CAR'sLJL043, 158. 173. 174. -------------1-------- ECO CK1830. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __'___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..--CAR's incorporated: LJL046/268, LJL072/383. Internal CAR 406, LJL186/505, LJLI99/515, LJL203-381/5J7 LJL206/519. LJL207/520. LJL211/524 I·--=--'--'-=-::..:~..::.c::...:... ~-----------I------ ---.--~----~:--------~----~~----------------------- ECO's incorporated: CK1054. CK1436, CK1588, CK1788, and ECO/FCO CK0676. 1-___________ ...!_<3~.~~ __':lid~~__ 3-29, 3-30, 8-3. Pages deleted: 9-2A. 1________.____ ~Cl~.~~ ...r:~\I.i~~~: iii to vi, vi i i. xi i to xvi i, 4-5, 4-9, 5-23, 5-32, 5-36, 5-82, 5-89, 5-J45, 5-296, 1-________.______.._.5.:-171 to 5-4'0, 5-1.35, f..-h h-?7, f\-l. F\-? q-l to q-8. q-4~. 9-61. 1-________..____~_~_a.!=E!~_:.._Manual-to-Equipment Correlation sheets and Parts Data. F ECO CKI996 Incorporated Models C and D. Reference CAR LJL209/522, CAR LJL216/531. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ 1------- (November. 1..97.11.. __ . ____________._.________________________________________________________ G ECO CK2784 corrected the following: 1 - - ' - - - - - -.. - ...- - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (July 1979) Wrong Console PWA part number 89602068 changed to 89602069: pages 5-143. 5-145, 5-157. ,__________ ~_iJ:~hcap__.P_art number 89769400 added to Parts Data; 29 must be ordered with Console PWA 89602069 __________ I_~in~s~e~ri~e~s~~_y~~s 8-1~8-2. Pag~e~8~-_~3~de~l~e~t~e~d~b~y~ne~w~l£ay~o~u~t~.________________1 1________ -.TJ:ll::~~_ wi res_..chan~.!;L-ln-Jt{LrJng-Jj.sLdue I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ng to E..c.oJ£il_CK2372: pages q-34. q-6.1.'-".~q'--"'68"".~--------. error corrected..hy adding connection 115-11 (sheet 6) to 1152-4 (sheet 2)' page 5-395 I - - - - - - - - - I - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - -..--·:--;---;----·----;~-:_____=__;_---___;_-__:_--__;___;--------------1 H ECO CK 3018 Incorporated changes of Series Codes, part numbers and pin numbers in the wiring list. 1--(J-u-1Y-1-9-8-0)--II-=R-ef:=-.--:'C-A-:-;R:;--;;2-=-52·~and TAR 065965. Pages to be replaced: ii, iii/iv, 5-143, 5-421, 5-425, 5-429/5=430, --5-4317S:432;--8-1~-8-2, 8-3/8-4, 9-46, 9-65, 9-66, 9-71 and Comment Sheet. 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - · - - - - - - - - - -..· - - · - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Publication No. 89633300 Page ii @ 1974 to 1980 by Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America Address comments concerning this manual to: Control Data Corporation Publications and Graphics Divisio 4455 Eastgate Mall, La Jolla, California 92037 or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. MANUAL TO EQUIPMENT LEVEL CORRELATION SHEET This manual reflects the equipment configurations listed below. EXPLANATION' Locate the equipment type and series number, as shown on the equipment FCO 109, in the list below. Immediately to the right of the series number is an FCO number. If that number and all of the numbers underneath it match all of the numbers on the equipment FCO log, then this manual accurately reflects the equipment. MANUAL EQUIPMENT WITH REVISION TYPE 02 AB107-A04 AB108-A04 AB107/8-A05 AB107/8-A06 AB107/8-A07 BT148-A04 BA20l-A03 BA20l-B03 BA20l-A/B04 BU120-A03 GD6ll-A02 CK0573 CK0263 CK0677 CK0705 CK0736 CK0668 CK0652 CK0457 CK0673 CK0705 CK0245 03 AB 107l8-A08 BT148-A05 BU120-A04 CK0840 CK0677 CK0939 04 AB107/8-A09 AB107/8-A10 AB 107l8-A 11 AB107/8-A12 BT148-A06 BU120-A05 CK1063 CKI 0 11 CK0992 CK124l CK1063 CK0992 A/B AB107/8- A1 3 BT148-A07 BA20l-A/B05 BU120-A06 CKll09 CK0906 CK0978 CK124l C AB107-A14 AB108-A14 AB107l8-A15 AB 107l8-A 16 AB107/8-AI7 BT148-A08 BU 120-A07 CK1272 CK12 73 CK14l6 CK1415 CK1431 CK1415 CK1272 D/E AB107/8-AI8 AB 107l8-A 19 BU120-A08 CK1448 CK1526 CK1588 F AB107l8-COl AB107/8-C02 AB107/8-C03 BTI48-COI BT148-c03 AB107/8-DOl BT148-DOl CK1491,1931 CK1502,1931 CK1562,1931 CK1491 CK1842 CK1909,193l CK1909 G/H AB107/8-D02 CK2372 02/03/04 02 up COMMENTS ECO/FCO , 89633300 H ... I I 1/ I V PREFACE This manual provides customer engineering information for the CONTROL DATA R AB107 and AB108 with memory and supporting equipment. The AB107 and AB108 computers are physically compact and are designed for high computation and input output speeds. They feature a semiconductor memory with a basic size of 4096 (4K) 18-bit words which is field expandable in 4K word increments to 65K words. NOTE: Equipments identified without type identifier A,C,D refer to all three. The following Control Data publications may be useful when installing and maintaining this equipment. Pub. No. Control Data Publication 1784 Computer System Reference Manual 1784 Key to Logic Symbols System Maintenance Monitor Manual (SMM17) AB107/AB108 Execution Charts 89633400 89723700 60182000 1784 Computer Input-Output Specification Manual CDC Mini-Computer System Site Preparation Manual, section 2 89723800 89673100 60437000 1784 Computer System Peripheral Equipment Hardware Maintenance Manuals: (HR/M means combined Hardware Reference/Maintenance Manual) AF108 Paper Tape Reader/Punch Controller HR/M 89865200 AT310 DJ815 FA442 FA446 FA716 FC106 GN109 FEl19 TTL A/Q DSA Bus Expander Asynchronous Communications Controller ICL Magnetic Tape Transport Controller LCTT Magnetic Tape Transport Controller Cartridge Disk Drive Controller Key Entry Station Controller Key Entry Distribution Unit Card Reader Controller FE203 FF524 FJ505 FJ606 Card Punch Controller Line Printer Controller Binary Synchronous Communication Controller Synchronous Communications Controller 89633300 F I 89758600 HR/M 89600054 89637700 89637700 89638100 89672200 89672200 HR/M 89637500 89910800 89637300 89934100 89638500 (Continued on next page) v I PREFACE (Continued) Control Data Publication FV497 ICL Phase Encoding Formatter Fv618 LCTT Phase Encoding Formatter I vi Pub. No. 89796100 89796100 . 896333000 F The following list includes the documents associated with the cQnversational display terminal: Publ ication No. Ti tl e 713-10 Operator's Guide 62037900 713-10 Reference Manual 62033400 713-10 On-Site Maintenance Manual 62048500 713-10 Installation Instruction 62048700 Following is a 1 ist of documents relating to the non-impact printer station: Title Pul icat ion No. 713-11 Operator's Guide 62149600 713-11 Reference Manual 713-11 Installation Instructions 62149700 62149800 713-11 On-Site Maintenance Manual 62149900 Other Publications For 33 ASR/KSR teletypewriters: I Teletype Bulletin 310B, Volume Teletype Bulletin 310B, Volume 2 Teletype Bulletin 1184B, Parts Schematic package WDP03l6 includes document Nos. l1805D, 9334wD, 9335WD, 9336WD, 4970WD, 7887WD, 181821, 183079, 183087. For 35 ASK/KSR teletypewriters: I Teletype Bulletin 281B, volume Teletype Bulletin 281B, Volume 2 Teletype Bulletin 1201B, Parts Schematic Package. 89633300 F vii CON TEN T S SECTION 1. Page GENERAL DESCRIPTION Introduction Physical Characteristics 1-1 1-4 En vi ron men t 1-5 1-5 System Power 2. I 3. OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING Programming 2-1 Ope rat i on 2-1 Switching On Initial Conditions and Operation 2-1 Battery Operation 2-5 INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT Introduction 3-1 Uncrat ing Inspection and Preparation 3-1 Mechanical Inspection Electrical Inspection and Preparation Ins ta 11 a t ion Initial Operation Installation/Removal of the Battery Installation of the Battery Remova 1 of the Bat te ry Procedure to Install External Shielded Cable Assemblies Te letypewri ter (TTY) Models 33 ASR/KSR "odels 35 ASR/KSR 35 ASR/KSR I/O Cable Connections Conversational Display Terminals (COT) vi i i 2-4 3-2 3-2 3-5 3-14 3-11t 3-19 3-19 3-21 3-22 3-21t 3-21t 3-25 3-25 3-27 89633300 F CONTENTS (continued) SECTION 4. THEORY OF OPERATION I ntroduct ion Basic Computer The Central Processing Unit (CPU) Data Path Main Registers Control and Timing Section Memory System Introduction Memory Control System Principles of The Dynamic Semiconductor Memory Chip Detailed Operation of The Memory Unit Refresh Time Chip Select Power Supply Levels I nputC lock Amp Ii tudes System Considerations Memory Module The Memory Module Block Diagram Auxiliary Circuit Functions Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) Mode.. Power Back-Up Programmer1s Console In.put!Output The Teletyp.ewriter (TTY) Controller Direct Storage Access (OSA) A/Q Channel Interrupts Power Supply Electrical Mechanical General Description and Block Diagram 89633300 Page D 4-1 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-8 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-15 4-26 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-30 4-30 4-31 4-32 4-34 4-36 4-36 4-38 4-39 4-40 4-40 4-45 4-51 4-55 4-55 4-57 4-57 ix CONTENTS {continued} Page SECTION 5. DIAGRAMS lntroduction Key to Logic Symbols Signa 1 Flow Logic Diagram Revision Correlation Sheet Memory Sys tem Memory Module Protection Against Catastrophic Failure Memory Address Kiloword Selector Row Selector Column Selector Module Selector Data In Data In: Parity and Protect Bits Memory Control Low Power Data Retent ion (LPDR) Memory Control Access Selector Memory Control Timing Memory Control Basic Control Signals Basic Control Signals Write Control Signals Memory Control Data Output Li nes Memory Control Bank Address The Central Processing Unit Programmer I s Console Register Selectors Data Bit Selectors Control Switches and Indicators Switches ,and Output Signals Indicator Lights and Input Signals x 5-1 5-3 5-3 5-8 5-19 5-21 5-30 I 5-45 5-49 5-52 5-57 5-60 5-65 5-685-81 5-83 5-90 5-99 5-to5 5-107 5-115 5-121 5-429 5-141 5-143 5-147 5'-15t 5-155 5-155 5-156 89633300 F I CONTENTS (continued) SECTION 5. Page DRAWINGS (Cont I d.) Arithmetic ~nd Logic Unit (ALU) Addend Registers and Gates Augend Registers and Gates Arithmetic and Logic Operations Shifter Interrupt Logic Decoder Instruction Register and First Level Decoders Addend Gate Controls Augend Gate Controls Controls for ALU and Addressing Register Clock Controls Timing State Equations Typical Timing Sequences Oscillator and Phase Generator Counter Interrupt Timing, V Register Control Logic Main Sequence Flip-Flops Auxiliary Sequence Flip-Flops Input/Output (I/O) Interface A/Q Channel Control Memory Request Logic Index (i) Address and Write Enable Controls Decoder for Fl Field Augend Controls and X Register Clock Control Controls for Shifter and A/QChannel Direction Main Sequence Flip-Flop Controls , Overflow Logic Enable-Interrupt logic 89633300 D 5-168 5-178 5-182 5-190 5-193 5-202 5-211 5-215 5-220 5-225 5-228 5-232 5-241 5-242 5-245 5-249 5-258 5-265 5-270 5-277 5-291 5-294 5-299 5-302 5-307 5-310 5-314 5-318 5-322 5-327 xi ··CONTENTS (continue,d) SECTION 5. (Cont'd) Page DRAWINGS Console Interface Start/Stop Sequence Flip-Flops Program Protect Logic Test Mode and Autorestart AlU Logic Enter Interrupt Logic Skip Logic Te 1etypewri ter (TTY) Controller PWA 89967400 A/Q Channel Data Path Controller/Teletype Interface Oscillator- Baud RataSelector Address Decoding- Reply/Reject Logic Control and Interrupt Logic Breakpoint Logic Teletypewriter (TTY) Controller PWA 89947600 A/Q Channel Data Path Controller/Teletype Interface Osc ill ator'" Baud Rate Se lector Address Decoding- Reply/Reject Logic Control and Interrupt Logic Teletypewriter (TTY) Controller PWA 89984700 A/Q Channel Data Path Oscil1ator- Baud Rate Selectpr Breakpoint Logic Te 1etypewri ter (TTY) Controller PWA 89976400 Osc ill ator- Baud Rate Se 1ector Enclosure Power Input The Power Input Ci rcui t Power Supply Unit Power Supply Wiring Diagrams High Power (HP) and Control Assembly LoW Power Circuit Assembly xi i 5-337 5-339 5-345 5-352 5-357 5-364 5-369 5-374 5-374 5-379 5-382 5-386 5-390 5-396 5-402 5-404 5-405 5-406 5-407 5-408 5-410 5-412 5-413 5-414 5-416 5-418 5-421 5- 4221 5- 423 5-426 5-437 5- 446 89633300 F 1 CONTENTS (continued) SECTION 6. Page MAINTENANCE Tools and Special Equipment Calibrate Power Supply Levels Check Battery Inspection or Replacement of Printed Wiring Board Inspection or Replacement of the Power Supply Unit Check Programmer's Console Controls and Indicators Inspection or Replacement of Programmer's Console and 6-1 6-3 6-5 6-7 6-9 6-12 6-15 I Components On It Inspection or Replacement of Cooling Blowers Power On: Procedure For Switching On Power Power Off; Procedure For Switching Off Power Emergency Shut-Down Regular Shut-Down Diagnostics and Margin Tests 7. 6-22 6-26 6-27 6-27 6-27 6-28 MAINTENANCE AIDS TTL Ci rcu it Oper.at ion MOS Circuit Operation The MOS Process and Silicon Gate Technology Precautions in Handling the Memory Modules Protection Against Catastrophic Damage 7-1 7-3 7-3 7-9 7-9 8. PARTS DATA 8-1 9. WI RE LISTS 9-1 89633300 F xi i i I LI S T OF TABLES Section 4 Table Page 1-1 Equipment Description 1-1 4-1 Basic Computer Functional Units 4-2 4-2 Basic Timing Specifications of the Memory Units 4-25 4-3 DSA Channel Pin Assignments 4-41 4-4 A/Q Channel Pin Assignments 4-48 4-5 Interrupt Access Pin Assignments 4-52 4-6 Summary of Regulated Power Supply Circuits 4~63 I 4-63 6 6-1 Power Supply Levels and Tolerances 6-4 9 9-la TTY Internal Cable PIN 89684200 9-2 9-lb TTY External Shielded Cable PIN 89642300 9-2 9-2 Memory Expansion BU120-A08 External Cable Assembly {pO AWG 28 PIN 89658101 (3 sheets) 9-3 9-3 Memory Expansion BU120-A08 External Cable Assembly (P2) AWG 28 PIN 89658501 (3 sheets) 9-6 xiv 9-4{a) AB107/AB108 Backplane Wiring-Signal Name Order 9-9 9-4{b) AB107lAB108 Backplane Wiring Card Slot Order 9-51 I 9-5 BT148 Backplane Wire List 9-138 9-6 COT External Cable Assembly Wire List 9-147 89633300 F LI ST OF FIGURES FIGURE Page 2-1 2-2 AC Power Switch and Connection 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-3 Card Placement Slot Assignment: Expansion Enclosure 3-4 Power Supply Heat Shield and Retainin.g Screws 3-6 Inside of Main Enclosure Front Door 3-8 Power Supply Connector Panel 3-8 AC Power Switch and Connection 3-9 Rear of Enclosures 3-12 General View and Dimensions of Main Enclosure: Type Ident. A 3-15 External Dimensions of Main Enclosure: Type Identifiers A,C,D 3-16 Rear Cover With Battery 3-20 Installation Kit Part No. 89986600 For External Shielded Cable 3-23 4-1 4-2 4-3 Computer System Simplified Block Diagram CPU Block Diagram 4-3 4-5 Memory Address System and Data Flow 4 ... 13 4-4 The Memory Ce 11 4-5 Memory Unit (a) (b) (c) (d) 4-6 Memory Timing (a) CPU and DSA Cycles (b) Refresh Cycles 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 Memory Module Block Diagram AC-to-DC Converter and Protection Circuits: Block Diagram 4-13 Power Supply Regulator and Control Circuits: Block Diagram 4-14 Switching Regulator: Basic Circuit and Waveforms 4-17 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-33 4-42 4-49 4-50 4-58 4-60 4-64 4-66 89633300 Computer Front View 2-3 2-7 Card Placement Slot Assignment: Main Computer Enclosure Block Diagram and External Connections Detailed Block Diagram Circuit Details Circuit Details DSA Channel Timing A/Q Channel Timing A/Q Channel Input/Output Lines Power Supply: Simplified Block Diagram F xv I LIST OF FtGURES (continued) FIGURE Page 6-1 Computer Backplane Showing the Power Supply Test Points 6-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6a. 6-6b. 6-7 6-8 Use of Board Extractor and Board Extender 6-8 6-8 Exposed View of Two Lower Fans and Electrical Connections 7-1 Diode AND Gates 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 TTL AND Gates xvi Power Supply Heat Shield and Retaining Screws Power Supply Adj us tmen ts and Fuses 6-11 Power Supply Terminals and Reta in i ng Screws Inside of Computer Enclosure Front Door 6-11 Inside of Computer Enclosure Front Door 6-20 6-21 6-25 6-19 Blower Assembly in Top of Enclosure (All type identifiers) MOS Inverter Circuits 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-6 7-6 MOS Inverter With Output Booster 7-7 MOS Transmission Gate 7-7 Typical Logic Level Margins for TTL Micrologic Typical MOS Characteristic 89&33300 F SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The CONTROL DATA~ABI07 and ABI08 computers are small, stored program parallel mode digital computers with semiconductor memory of a basic 4096 (4K) 18-bit words, field expandable to 65K words in 4K word increments. The main computer enclosrues houses the first 32K words {32,768} memory bank, the second bank (memory expansion) being accommodated in the BT148 Expansion Enclosure. The main computer and the expansion enclosures also house the peripheral controllers. The following table lists the equipment which make up the ABI07 and ABI08 computers. Equipment described in this manual (see preface for CE Manuals of associated equipments). TABLE 1-1. Equipment Number ABI07-A EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Description The central processing unit performs the following functions: a. Arithmetic and logical operations required by the stored program. b. Control operations to execute and synchronize operations within the central processor, in the memory and for input/output. c. Interrupt processing for one internal and fifteen external priority interrupts. d. Program protection to protect one set of programs in the memory from the effect of other programs. The equipment combines with 'up to eight BA201-B Memory Modules housed in the computer enclosure to provide a bank of 32,768 (32K) words of semiconductor memory storage with a cycle time of 900 nanoseconds. 89633300 A 1-1 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (cont'd) AB107-A (cont'd) The memory Illay be expanded by up to eight BA201-B Memory Modules to provide a second bank uf 32K words housed in the BTI48-A Expansion Enclosure with the BUI20-A Memory Expansion Controller to give a total of 65,536 (65K) words memory. The memory is innerentlyvolati Ie. I t may be made non-volati Ie within an enclosure by install ing the optional GD611-A Memory Hold Battery in the enclosure. The equipment includes the following, in addition to the central processing unit: 'a. Front panel Programmer1s Console carrying all the system b. controls. Non-buffered input/output channel based on the A and the Q register (A/Q channel). c. Direct Storage Access (DSA) channel for the buffered data transfers from peripheral control equipment housed in the main computer enclosure or external to it. d. Controller for the standard input/output Teletypewriter. The Teletypewriter to be used is the Teletype Corp. Models ASR/KSR 33/35. e. Wiring, power suppl ies and enclosure for the ABI07-A equipment circuits and in addition, for the following circuits: FA716-A Cartridge Disk Drive (COD) Controller FA442-A/FV497-A Magnetic Tape Transport (MTT) Controller it: peripheral controllers, up to four on the A/Q channel and I up to three on the DSA channel . FA446-A/FV618-A Magnetic Tape Transport (MTT) Controller * GD611-A Memory Hold Battery (optional) The equipment works from 110 vac 50/60 Hz line voltage, and can be field converted to 220 vac, 50/60 Hz. 1-2 , 89633300 A EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (cont'd) AB108-A Equipment identical to the AB107-A except in that it combines with BA201-A Memory Modules to provide a memory cycle time of 600 nanoseconds. The Input/output operations (A/Q and DSA channels) are correspondingly faster in this computer but the input/output equipment used is the same as in the AB107-A. The equipment works from 110 vac 50/60 Hz line voltage, and can be field converted to 220 vac, 50/60 Hz. BA201-A BA201-B Semiconductor storage module containing 4096 (4K) 18-bit words. The unit is designed to operate with the AB107 and AB108 computers and uses control logic provided by them to execute read and write operations. The storage read/write cycle durations are: BA201-A controlled by AB108-A: BA201-B controlled by AB107-A: BT148-A 600 nanoseconds 900 nanoseconds Expansion enclosure houses (but does not include) a) a bank of up to eight BA201-A or BA201-B Memory Modules to provide a memory expansion of up to 32,768 18-bit words for the AB107/AB108 computers. b) the BU120-A Memory Expansion Controller (similar to the Memory Controller of the AB107/AB108). c) peripheral controllers for I/O expansion. thi~ (Note that requires TTL A/Q-DSA Bus Expander, equipment AT310-A in the main computer enclosure). The equipment includes the cabinet wiring and power supplies. It works from 110 vac 50/60 Hz line voltage and can be field-converted to 220 vac, 50/60 Hz. 89633300 A 1-3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (cont'd) GD611-A The AB107/AB108 can util ize an .optional Memory Hold Battery, equipment GD611-A,which can be housed in the computer enclosure. On failure of the main power the equipment switches automatically to the battery. This wi,11 supply power for retaining the memory content in the full memory of 32 kilowords for at least eight hours, but will not provide the equipment with normal operating capabil ity. The battery is recharged automatically during power-on periods, and is fully charged in not more than 32 hours. The GD611-A equipment can also be installed in the BTI48-A Expansion Enclosure so as to preserve the contents of the memory expansion of up to, another, 32 kilowords. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS . Dimensions (approximate) each enclosure Weight: 1-4 Width 19 inch, 433 mm Height 15 3/4 inch, 400 mm Depth 20 inch, 508 mm The basic complete enclosure weighs about 80 lbs, 36.4 kg. 89633300 A ENVIRONMENT Operating Temperature 40°F to 120°F (5°C to 50°C) Operating Humidity Storage and Shipping Temperature Storage and Shipping Humidity 10% to 90% non-condensing -40·F to 160°F (-40°C to 70°C) o to 100% RH non-condensing NOTE Extremes of temperature and humidity must not occur together. SYSTEM POWER Power input 104 - 127 vac, or 49 - 60.6 Hz, single phase, 600 VA 198 - 264 vac, 49 - 60.6 Hz, single phase, 600 VA Note: the equipment can be field-converted from one voltage range to the other (see Section 3). Equipment ground The equipment chassis is connected to the third (ground) lead in the line cord. It must be connected to a good ground (refer to Site Preparation Manual, publication No. 60437000). The logic ground of the equipment is isolated from the chassis. It should be connected to the general logic ground of the ins ta 11 a t i on. 89633300 A 1-5 SECTION 2 OPERATION AND PROGRrut4ING OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING For programming information refer to the 1784 Computer System Reference Manual, Publication number 89633400. OPERATION This part describes the switching on and operation of the computer using the controls and indicators on the Programmer's Console (front panel). The console is illustrated in Figure 2-2, the controls and indicators are described in section 6 of the 1784 Computer System Reference Manual, Publication number 89633400. SWITCHING ON PROCEDURE After the computer has been installed, checked and the initial operation procedure carried out (Section 3), the computer may be switched on by performing the following steps: 1. Connect the main computer enclosure (equipment AB107/AB108) to the power outlet by means of the power cord and apply the power by sw i· tch i ng on the AC POWER sw itch a t the top of the enc los u re rea r panel (Figure 2-1). ENCLOSURE REAR PANEL TO LINE POWER OUTLET POWER SWITCH SOCKET FOR AC LINE CORD 89633300 A 2-1 2. Switch ON the dc POWER switch on the Programmer's Console front panel (see Figure 2-2). The indicator above the switch should 1 i gh t. WARNING If the indicator does not light or if any other fault is suspected, the computer must be switched off immediately by turning off the AC POWER switch at the top of the rear panel. Refer to Section 6 for further procedures. EXPANSION ENCLOSURE FRONT PANEl DC POWER SWITCH 3. If an expansion enclosure (equipment BT148) is connected, carry out steps (1) and (2) above for the expans ion enclosure. The control s on the expansion enclosure are in the same relative positions as those on the main computer enclosure. WARNING Should it become necessary to switch off the computer always switch off the expansion" enclosure first at the rear panel AC POWER switch. 2-2 89633300 A ... (I) en ..,N U c ..,: CD • .c:u ~ OJ - ~ c( 0:0 ~~ ~O ~~ 0° lH b :::;)~ """" 0 c( CD •.,. .::11 ~ U C ... -,:a o u . ... ; ~ CD ..¥ u o U) Figure 2-10 89633300 0 AC Power Switch and Connection 2-3 INITIAL CONDITIONS AND OPERATION NOTE The manual controllers and indicators on theProgranmer's Console (front panel) are shown in Figure 2-2 and are described in Section 6 of the 1784 Computer System Reference Manual, Publication number 89633400. Set up initial conditions by the following procedure (use the controls on the Programmer1s Console). 1. 2. 2-4 The installation has up to 32K word memory: 1.1 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton. 1.2 Set Mode switch (65K/32K) to 32K. 1.3 Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 1.4 Set INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to its central (COMPUTE) position. 1.5 Set PARITY FAULT STOP switch to the central (off) position. 1.6 Set SELECTIVE STOP and SELECTIVE SKIP switches to the down (off) position. 1.7 Press the GO pushbutton. 1.8 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton. The installation includes memory expansion (equipments BU120-A and BA201-A or BA20l-B) in the expansion enclosure (equipment BT148) and ,therefore has more than 32K (but less than 65K) words memory: 2.1 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton on the main computer. 2.2 Set Mode switch (65K/32K) to 65K on the main computer. 2.3 Set ENTER/SWEEP sw itch to ENTER. 2.4 Set INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to its central (COMPUTE) position. 89633300 A 2.5 Set PARITY FAULT STOP switch to the central (off) position. 2.6 Set SELECTIVE STOP and SELECTIVE SKIP switches to the down (off) position. 2.7 If the full complement of eight memory modules is installed in the 2.8 expansion enclosure: set P register to FFFF 16 • Press the GO pushbutton on the main computer. 2.9 Press the MASTER CLEAR pushbutton on the main computer. The computer may now be operated. NOTE Do not switch SELECTIVE SKIP or PROGRAM PROTECT switch when computer is in RUN operation. BATTERY OPERATION Introduction On failure of the external ac power the computer automatically switches to the Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode of operation, and so connects the optional Memory Hold Battery, equipment GD6ll-A. In this mode, the battery (if installed) supplies the power to retain the memory content in the full memory of 32 kilowords, but the equipment does not have normal operating capability. The battery, when installed, provides power for'LPDR operation for at least eight hours when fully charged. It is recharged automatically during normal operation and reaches full 89633300 F charge in not more than 32 hours. I Memory Expansion I The Memory Expansion Controller, equipment BU120~Af and the BT148 Expansion Enclosure provide the same facilities for power failure to the memory expansion. Thus with a Memory Hold Battery, equipment GD611-A, installed in the expansion enclosure, the full memory content can be retained for eight hours after fai lure of the external ac power. Operation Failure of the external ac power is shown by the POWER indicator light and all other indicators going dark during operation. If this happens, check the external ac supply. If this failed because of no voltage or voltage reduced under allowed tolerances (see section 1) System Power) this is indicated by "brown out II of illumination. The battery will conserve the contents of the memory for eight hours. Operation of the computer may be resumed as soon a.s ac power returns. If the ac power appears to be in order but the front pane 1 ind i cators are st iI' dark, swi tch off the AC POWER switch at the top of the computer rear panel (figure 2-1) and refer to section 6. WARNING Do not sw itch off the f ron t pane 1 DC POWER switch. 2-6 • IIi I: 'l · I- •· -fo- I-- · ~~ en I--I-- III ~_I =I [±l-II I l·t E)-Jl a-II, ~>:;: sO °i 01 O-[] OaE) 0, 01 0-8 ID 01 oi O-I!J aD a '. ~ :-1 ;-1 ~ I i ~ j O~[] ~. 0 1 01 O-E] J~D • 0'_ 1 0 10 o ·EiI 0; -,". I Figure 2-2. 89633300 A Computer Front View. (Programmer1s Console, Controls and Indicators). 2-7 SECTION 3 INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT INTRODUCTION This section provides installation procedures for the AB107/AB108 computers. To install peripheral equipments refer to the appropriate Customer Engineering or Installation manuals. Refer also to Control Data Mini Computer Systems, Site Preparation Manual, publication No. 60437000. UNCRATING INSPECTION The equipment is packed in cartons with adequate packing material in the carton to isolate it from shocks in transit. must be made before uncrating. A preliminary inspection of the carton Evidence of damage must be noted and reported immediately (refer to Field Procedures Guide). UNPACKING To unpack the equipment lay each carton in turn on a clean smooth flat surface. Cut the sealing tape of the carton, open out the flaps, re~ove the packing material on top and sides of the equipment and lift out the equipment onto the clean surface beside the carton. Check the contents of each carton against packing (consignment) list and inspect each item for transit damage (dents, scratches, signs of breakage). Note and report damaged or missing parts (refer to Field Procedures Guide). CRATING INFORMATION Consult Control Data procedure 8.504.00 in the Customer Engineering Field Procedures Guide. 89633300 A 3-1 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION Inspect the main computer enclosure and the expansion enclosure BT148 (if ordered) as follows: a. Mechanical inspection * Inspect the enclosure for superficial damage, loose cables and screws * Open the enclosure * Check the Identification Plates on the right hand side of the enclosure (inside the door). Make sure that the equipment supplied corresponds to the Customer1s order * Check that all the printed wiring assemblies corresponding to the equipments shown on the Identification Plates are inserted in their proper slots (see Fi gures 3-1, 3-2) I f necessary insert them and stick the corresponding Identification Plate on the right side of the enclosure interior. * Check that the computer enclosure corresponds to the Memory Modules supplied: I Enclosure main expans ion I ABI07 AB108 BT148 BT148 Computer Cycle Time 900 nsec 600 nsec Memory Module BA201-B BA20l-A * Check that each printed wiring assembly is properly seated * Note serial number and part number of equipments suppl fed for future reference. This information is written on the Identification Plates. 00 \.D (j\ DECODER W W W ALU (LEAST SIGNIFICANT o o ALU (MOST SIGNIFICANT) " MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY ADDRESS 1111111 EIGHT MEMORY MODULES I mI AQ BUS TIMING rL /O INTERFACE CONSOLE INTERFACE i DSA BUS AQ BUS '11 I'fi' TTY CONTROLLER IIII II I III II I II CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT CARTRIDGE DISK DRIVE CONTROLLER :.- ...... 0 CIt % :;; ~ '"::u CIt '" 0 i 0 0 :.- :.CIt CIt PHASE NRZI MAGNETIC ENCODING TAPE TRANSPORT FORMAT-. TER !coNTROLLER c ~ 6 -< ::u ~ ::u 0 0 % ~ 0 0 0 :.-0 ~ ~ i ~ :.- :.- ::u CD 0 :.Z r- '" ~ 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I , PWAI S part of equipment ABI07/ABI08 NOTES 11. W I W IIIIIIII The Memory Control board and-the Memory Address board together form the Memory Controller. This is similar to equipment BUI20-A in the Expansion Enclosure. 2. Memory modules must be installed sequentially from slot 29. For instance, if equipment contains 16K, four modules are installed in slots 29 through 32. 3. See section I for definition of equipments. Figure 3-1. Card Placement Slot-Assignment: Main Computer Enclosure - I I r?r DSA BUS \N I .c:- MEMORY CONTROLLER J, I EIGHT MEMORY MODULES !6 ~ 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 2e DSA BUS I I 11-, II I I' I OPEN 25 /Q BUS A/Q BUS DSA BUS. A/Q BUS I I OPEN OPEN 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I NOTES 1. The Memory Control board and the Memory Address board together form the Memory Expansion Controller, equipment number BUI20-A. ~ 2. Memory modules must be installed sequentially from slot 29. For instance, if equipment contains 16K, four modules are installed in slots 29 through 32. ~ ~ Q o ~ 3. See section 1 for definition of equipments. Figure 3-2. Card Placement Slot Assignment: Expansion Enclosure b. Electrical inspection and preparation * Check the ac line voltage available * The equipment can accommodate one of the following nominal line voltages: Note: * either 110 vac, 50-60 Hz, single phase or 220 vac, 50-60 Hz, single phase the exact specifications are given in Section l. Check the enclosure Identification Plate for the line voltage of the enclosure. If this coincides with the one available, skip the next paragraph and proceed to the one after; if the enclosure line voltage is not the same as that avai 1able, proceed with the modification as described in the next paragraph. * To modify the enclosure (main or expansion) to allow it to accommodate a line voltage (110 vac or 220 vac nominal) other than it is connected for, proceed as follows: make sure that the enclosure is not connected to line voltage remove the power supply heat shield by removing its retaining screws on the inside of the enclosure front cover (refer to Figure 3-3). 89633300 F 3 I F4 r~ ~ • • • - r--- ll~ • " I I Figure 3-3. 3-6 • • • Power Supply Heat Shield and Retaining Screws 8.9633300f connect the shorting links on TB2 of the power supply connection panel according to the supply voltage available. See figures 3-4 and 3-5. NOTE: The view in figure 3-4 is exact for series A12 and down. Three areas, marked PC, PS, MH in figure 3-4, were physically altered in series A13 and up, including type identifiers C and D. PC: The soldered connections of the programmer's console cable to the programmer's. console card were ~eplaced by two horizontal connectors, which are mounted in the same area and are marked J20 and J21 on the nearby enclosure wall. This change affects the procedure for removing the console card. PS: The three soldered connections to the power supply were replaced by a single vertical connector. This change affects the procedure for removing the console card. MH: The route of the main harness to the backplane under the cardfile was shifted away from the enclosure wall towards the center. This change does not affect the procedure for removing the card. SHORTING LINKS FOR 110VA.C INPUT NOMINAL INPUT VOLTAGE 110 vac SHORTING LINKS FOR 220VAC INPUT SHORT I NG LINKS ON TB2 TERM INALS 1-2, 3-4-5, 6-7-8, INPUT TO TERMINALS 3, 7 9-10 220 vac 89633300 F 2 - 3, 5 -6 , 8 -9 3, 7 3-7 PC I Figure 3-4. Inside of Main Enclosure Front Door _(Not _app 1i ~ab le to ~ l·~eriesi. See ...!'ote on pag!.. 3-7. L GND o • • • I Figure 3-5. 3-8 Power Supply Connector Panel 8963330{) F * As a further check inspect the power supply connections as follows: make sure that the enclosure is not connected to line voltage remove the power supply heat shield by removing its retaining screws on the inside of the enclosure front cover (unless already removed). Refer to figure 3-3 and to figure 3-4. inspect the shorting links on TB2 of the power supply connection panel and make sure that they are in their correct position. Refer to figures 3-4 and 3-5. * Check fuses: Fuse designation Fl Function Current ac power 8 A for 110 vac 4 A for 220 vac Speed (b low) - F2 battery 1 A slow F3 F4 dc power 5 A fast dc aux 100 rnA slow Locat i on Location refer to Figure 3-6 Input unit } Power Figure 3-3 Supply - Figure 3-6. 89633300 F AC Power Switch and Connection 3-9 * If the system includes the memory back up power source, battery equipment GD611-A, check: proper installation of the equipment in each enclosure (refer to installation procedure) voltage at the battery terminals (nominal 28 vdc; for exact specification refer to Section 1) If the battery has to be changed refer to battery installatIon information at the end of this section. * Check for electrical short circuit between conductors on the equipment power supply cable connector, also between each conductor and logic ground (do not forget the third conductor). Use highest resistance scale on the multimeter and make sure that the AC POWER switch at the top of the equipment rear panel is OFF (Figures 3-6 and 3-7). I * Check all connections for tightness. * Reinstall the power supply heatshield by replacing its retaining screws (refer to Figures 3-3 and 3-4). * If the system includes a BT148 Expansion Enclosure, check that the equipments match by checking the identification plates on the enclosure, on the two assembl ies of the Memory Expansion Controller , and on each of the memory modules (refer to the table on page 3-13). Make sure that the main computer and the expansion unit match. 3-10 89633300 F 12. If the system includes memory expansion (equipments BUI20 and BA201-A or BA201-B) in the BTl48 Expansion Enclosure and therefore has more than 32K words memory, carry out the following: Switch off the dc POWER on both enclosures. enclosure cables (refer to Figure 3-7). Install the expansion I Switch on the dc POWER on both enclosures. 12.1 Press STOP sw itch on ma i n computer. 12.2 Make sure that the main computer and expansion equipment have I the same memory cycle time (see page 3-13). 12.3 Perform steps 1 and 2 above for the enclosure. NOTE All control switches (except the dc POWER ON switch of the Expansion Enclosure) are located on the main computer front panel. 12.4 Press MASTER CLEAR switch. 12.5 Set Mode switch (32K/65K) to 65K. 12.6 Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 12.7 Set INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to its central (COMPUTE) position. 12.8 Set PARITY FAULT STOP switch to its central (off) position. 12.9 Set SELECTIVE STOP and SELECTIVE SKIP switches to their down (off) positions. 12.10 If the full complement of eight memory modules is installed in the expansion enclosure: 89633300 F set P register to FFFF 16 . 12.11 Press the GO pushbutton. 12.12 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton. 12.13 Perform steps 12 .. 4, 12.5, 12.6 above. I 3-11 W I ..,. N COMPUTER ENCLOSURE Part Cab le I Number EXPANSION ENCLOSURE Connections Computer Expansion Figure 3-7. 3 4 89658100 89658100 89658500 89658500 5 89802800 2 $0" w w w 0 0 .,., 33Pl 31Pl 33P2 31P2 23P1A07 _~3Pl B11 (GND) 31Pl 33Pl 31P2 33P2 27P2A23 27P2B21 (GND) Rear of Enclosures Equipment Number Memory Cycle nsec I 900 600 E x pan s ion Me m 0 r y Enclosure Contro t 1er Memory Module BT148 BU120-A BA201-B BT148 BU120-A BA201-A Note power supply requirements: Initial Operation paragraph 4 Insert the Memory Expansion Controller assembl ies (2) and the memory module assemblies in the slots of the expansion assigned to them and make sure that they are well seated. (Figure 3-l) Connect the five cables of the Memory Expansion Controller (refer to Figure 3-7 and Section 9). I Note that the Memory Expansion Controller (slots 27,28) are wired to slots 31 and 33 through the back plane. The flat cables plug into slots 31,33. * Connect on each enclosure a length of insulated wire of adequate crossection to the enclosure ground and one to the Jogic ground I lug (refer to Figure 3-7); make sure the wire is long enough to connect the computer (or expansion enclosure) to the nearest logic ground outlet in the installation. Adequate crossection for this ground-wire is considered to be 89633300 F 110 vac line voltage: AWG 12 llO vac line voltage: AWG 16 3-13 INSTALLATION Ensure that there is no obstruction to free air circulation around either enclosure and that there is enough room to insert connectors and open the rear cover. See figures 3-8,3-9 for the necessary clearance dimensions around the enclosure. I En'sure that the equipment· is properly grounded by performing the following for each enclosure: * check that the third pin (ground) of the power cord (chassis ground) connects to a good ground * connect the logic ground of each enclosure to the system logic ground (refer to Figure 3-7 and the paragraphs on preparation of the equipment) * I connect the chassis ground to the system ground. Refer to the Mini Computer Site Preparation Manual, CDC publication number 60437000. Hook up the power by plugging the equipment line cord to the enclosure rear panel (Jl: I . Figures 3-6 and 3-7) and then to the util ity outlet. INITIAL OPERATION The equipment has been fully tested in the factory before despatch. The following procedure checks the equipment on first installation on site and prepares it for operation. It is assumed that it has been checked as detailed in the previous paragraphs and any discrepancies corrected. The computer main enclosure is set up first; only when that is prepared is the expansion enclosure prepared, if it is part of the installation. 3-14 89633300 F l 00 \D Q'\ \,\I \,\I \,\I o o / . "T1 I ! I \( / .... /' II! I :. I .,.. - t - - .. - r. ... I i 1·---·_ .... \,\I I ~ .-~ .:t -..-. ..... L. __._w I i ~'-- .. .. ,/ AIR -- +'! I!! I :t'·ml!:If, ~~ ~·iiTTtT y .... -......-til. t-.....--.....1 I j -, \\ '\'.. \\'L-.... '. aJ " AIR INLETS __ -4 -1_ .... Figure 3-8. General View and Dimensions of Main Enclosure: Type Identifier A '--\'t:-_.... ... - Type Identifier A AB107-A AB108-A BTl 48-A ,f Type Identifier C Type Identifier 0 AB107-C AB108-c B1148-c AB107-D AB 108-D BTI48-D * Type identifiers C 16~40 Tc) FAN: eAst * , I I and D have two fans installed in the base of the enclosure. I Figure 3-16 3-9. External Dimensions of Main Enclosure: Type Identifiers A,C,D 89633300 F INITIAL OPERATION - Continued The Programmer's Console (front panel) controls used in the following are described in Section 6 of the 1784 Computer System Reference Manual, publication number 89633400. The console is shown in figure 2-2 of this manual. 1. Open the front cover of the enclosure and pullout all the printed wiring assemblies from their connectors but leave them in their slots. 2. Turn on the AC POWER switch at the top of the rear panel (see figures I 3-6 and 3-7). Examine the enclosure to see that all blowers work. NOTE: The number of blowers is four or six, depending on the type identifier. Refer to Maintenance Section 6. If there is no airflow, or some other fault is detected, switch off the equipment immediately using the emergency shut-down procedure on page 6-3. Location of the air inlets and outlets is shown in figures I 3-8 and 3-9. 3. Turn on the DC POWER switch on the operator's console (enclosure front panel - refer to flgure 2-2l. The indicator above the switch should light. WARNING If the indicator does not light, or if any other fault is suspected, the equipment must be switched off immediately by turning off the AC POWER switch at the top of the rear panel. See page 6-3 for the emergency shut-down procedure. 4. Check the power supply voltages (see section 6). Check that the value of VSS is correct for the memory modules installed: BA201-A or BA20l-B. See table 6-1 for power supply voltages. 5. Switch off the DC POWER switch on the Operator's Console and re-insert the printed wiring assemblies. Make sure that they are well-seated. 6. Repeat step 3 in this procedure. 89633300 F 3-17 I INITIAL OPERATION - Continued 7. I If the Expansion Enclosure,.e.quipmentiiS;J:l;;#i"Js part of the installation, repeat steps 1 through 6 for it. Set up initial conditions by the following procedure: 8. 9. The installation has up to 32K word memory: 8.1 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton. 8.2 Set Mode switch (65K/32K) to 32K. 8.3 Set ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 8.4 Set INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to its central (COMPUTE) position. 8.5 Set PARITY FAULT STOP switch to its central (off) position. 8.6 Set SELECTIVE STOP and SELECTIVE SKIP switches to their down (off) positions. 8.7 Press the GO pushbut.to,n.· 8.8 Press MASTER CLEAR pushbutton. Check all registers by entering data in each one. Note that this check also serves as a lamp test for the indicators associated with the registers and the data input keys. 10. Enter a pattern into memory and correct any problems. 11. Sweep the memory to check for par i ty error. NOTE In steps 8 and 9 refer also to 1784 Computer System Reference Manual, publ ication 89633400. 3-18 89633300 F INSTALLATION/REMOVAL OF THE BATTERY (Figure 3-10) The optional power back-up source, rechargeable battery equipment G0611-A is normally packed separately. cover of the enclosure. In operation, the battery is housed in the rear To install the battery follow the outline procedure given below. Installation of the battery 1. I If the battery is new, install the battery, starting from step 4. If the battery is not new, or if there is some doubt about its state of charge, go on to the next step. 2. Check the open circuit voltage of the battery. 2.1 Connect a vol tmeter/mul timeter of 20,000 ohms per volt or more across the terminals of the battery. 2.2 Measure the open-circuit voltage to be 24.2 vdc or more. 2.3 If not, replace the battery by a fully-tested one. I f yes, go on to the next step. 3. Check the full load voltage of the battery. 3.1 Connect two 60 ohm, 5%,10 Watt resistors in parallel across the terminals. 3.2 Connect the voltmeter. 3.3 Measure the full load voltage to be 24.2 vdc or more. 3.4 If not, replace the battery by a fully-tested one. If yes, disconnect the multimeter and resistors and install the battery, starting from step 4. 89633300 F 3-19 -----, ___ - - -__ J Figure 3-10. 3-20 Rear Cover With Battery 89633300 F I 4. Remove rear cover of the enclosure by undoing the two th~mb-screws at the top of the rear cover, tilting the cover back and sliding it out of its slots. I 5. Fix the battery to the rear cover (Figure 3-10)using the four screws and corresponding nuts and washers provided. 6. Install the battery cable provided as follows: 6.1 connect the cable shoes under the nuts on the battery terminals, the red lead to the positive (+) terminal 6.2 slide the rear cover (with the battery fixed to it) into its slots and support it by hand 6.3 connect the other end of the cable to connector JO on the enclosure, inserting the red lead to the lower pin of the connector 6.4 close the rear cover onto the enclosure and tighten the two thumbscrews 7. Check the battery fuse (refer to Figure 3-6). If the equipment is newly installed or has not been used with a battery before perform also the following steps: 8. Load the memory with a pattern and check the pattern under normal operating conditions. Record the pattern. 9. Turn off the equipment power supply (Power Off Procedure, section 6) 10. After a few minutes turn on the power again (Power On Procedure, Section 6) and check that the pattern in the memory has been retained. If the pattern has. been retained, proceed with normal operation. If the pattern has not been retained recheck the battery (see step 1 above). If battery is in order proceed to memory diagnostics. Removal of the battery 89633300 F Do steps 6, 5, 4, in that order. 3-21 PROCEDURE TO INSTALL EXTERNAL SHIELDED CABLE ASSEMBLIES (Figure 3-11) The ground screw to which the external shielded cable is to be attached may or may not have a cable already attached to it. Ground Screw Without Cable Attached 1. On the interior surface of the rear connector panel, scrape off a 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) diameter circle of paint around each of the three lower holes. 2. Open Installation Kit Part No. 89986600 that contains all the attachment parts needed. 3. Slide the external tooth lock washer onto the screw. 4. Insert the screw and external tooth lock washer into the hole of the rear connector pane 1• 5. Mount the spring lock washer. 6. Mount the plain washer. 7. Mount one of the two hexagonal nuts. 8. Slide the flat-locking terminal of the cable onto the screw. 9. Mount the other hexagonal nut. Secure the cable into place. Ground Screw With Cable Attached 1. Remove the securing nut and save it. 2. Slide the flat-locking terminal of the cable onto the screw. CAUTION Do not mount more than four external shielded cables onto the same screw. 3. Mount again the nut that was removed in step 1. Secure the cable into place, making sure there is proper electrical contact with the cables already attached. 3-22 89633300 FH Addr... L ~ Add..... ~ Stabl. Addr.ss Can Chang. t OVH H Prlohar,e 2 I V L .." \Q ..,r:: CD H Cenable " L ~ - I -~ III • 03: ""0 CD c:~ III .., H Read/Write Data In (Write Only) t OVL - / "'" H L Co -4 (/13 » -. ::::J Data Out (Write,Read/Write ) X Data Can Change H L O\Q tpo "- ~-- ~ "< n =40mV RLOAD =IOOA CLOAD =IOOPF VREF CD III Data Out H ( Read) L V ~ L ::::J"< c -. ~ twp tpw - -- --- I', ~g~a N t V~fi~ Ii ~ '.,. -Data Out Valid , --------Data Out Valid I N W Data Can Chanae Stable Data 1\ 'L CLOCK Addr... ( Row Only) Precharge H L H L H Cenable Read/Write L H 2 3 I I 4 5 6 I 7 8 9 I I ~ ~ /' "- L Figure 4-6. Memory Timing. (b) . Refresh Cycles 4-24 89633300 A The memory unit described here has two versions differing in their basic cycle times: ~': the BA201-B module allows a computer cycle time of 900 nanoseconds in the AB107 equipment ~~ the BA20 I-A modu 1e allows a compute r cyc 1e time of 600 nanoseconds in the AB108 equipment One type of memory module (BA201-A or BA201-B) may be accommodated in the I enclosures (computer enclosure .and expansion enclosure, equipment BT148) at anyone time. The memory controller and memory expansion controller are suitable for both types and only the enclosure supply voltage (V SS ) has to be changed. This is done at the time of installation of the first memory module in the enclosure. The basic timing specifications of the memory units are given in Table 4-2. TABLE 4-2. BASIC TIMING SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MEMORY UNITS , Symbol Per i od MIN tREF Time between refresh tAC Address to Cenable setup time tOVL Precharge & Cenable overlap, MAX Chip used in BA201-A Module MIN 2 low tOVH Chip used in BA201-B Module 115 MAX 1 UNIT ms nsec 30 , 25 nsec -10 Precharge & Cenable overlap, high 140 tpw Precharge to Read/Wri te delay twp Read/Write pulse width tpo End of Precharge to 165 500 nsec 500 nsec nsec 40 50 output delay 115 85 120 75 nsec t ACCl Address to Output Access 300 135 nsec t ACC2 Precharge to Output 310 165 nsec 89633300 F Ac~ess 4-25 DETAILED OPERATION OF THE MEMORY UNIT To begin a cycle, Precharge is brought low, to approximately VDO potential. This operation activates the row and column decoders, and also charges all read and write data lines negatively, i.e., to the equivalent of a logic "high" state for the P-channel MOS. (In the discussion which follows, clocks, etc. are considered "on" at VOO level, and "off" at VSS level. "High" and "Low" refer to the change with respect to the MOS substrate.) The decoder circuitry is somewhat faster than the line charging circuitry, so addresses need not be stable until somewhat after Precharge is applied. Address data may be provided before Precharge is turned on. After Precharge and address data have been present long enough for the data lines to charge and the row and column decoders to stabilize (time tAC after Precharge is low). the Cenable clock is turned on low state. i.e., dropped to its At this time, the desired read-select line is activated and the read-data line charging circuits are disabled. This initiates the writing of the contents of the 32 cells along the selected row into the 32 on-chip refresh amplifiers, one amplifier for each column in the array. The data lines begin to discharge selectively, with the signals on them approaching values corresponding to the complements of the data stored in the selected row of cells. As the read-data lines selectively discharge, the Precharge signal is turned off, i.e., raised high to VSS. Following this the contents of the refresh amplifiers are written back into their respective columns; and after the period !PO the output appears. This is accompl ished by the removal of the charging signal on the write-data lines, and closing a path to selectively discharge these lines. The cell contents are restored by activating the write-~elect line corresponding to the selected read-select line. The signal level on the write-data line is a function of the overlap time between Precharge 4-26 89633300 A and Cenable. If this overlap is too short, the read-data lines will not have discharged sufficiently when the discharge path from the refresh amplifiers to the write-data lines is closed. levels written into the cells may be reduced. As a result, high (negative) If, however, the overlap time is excessive, weak lows within the cells may result in some discharge of the read lines before closure of the write-back path. Thus cells with weak lows have higher levels (even weaker lows) written back into them, eventually resulting in lows changing to highs. This problem is somewhat aggravated by the small but unavoidable capacitive coupling between the data and select lines and the cell storage capacitor. Provision is made for controlling the overlap time in the Memory Control and Memory Add ress un i ts. When Cenable is turned on, a current path from VSS to the output is established, for one column decoder is enabled and all write-data lines have been charged high (negative). If the selected cell (the cell at the intersection of the selected column and selected row) contains a low, the write-data line will discharge after Precharge is removed and the output current will be cut off. If, however, the selected cell has been negatively charged (high), the output current will continue to flow. Cenable must remain present for a sufficient time after Precharge turn-off to allow the contents of the selected row of cells to be refreshed. Even after Cenable is turned off (raised to VSS ) the addresses must remain present for about 20 nanoseconds to allow completion of internal operations. Precharge will not be applied again until Cenable has been off for at least 85 nanoseconds (see Memory Control operation). To write new data into the selected cell, with or without a read operation, all sequences proceed as above. However, the write line is activated before Cenable is removed and tpw after the pos:tive edge of Precharge; this allows the write-data lines to stabilize. As a result, the read 89633300 A 4-27 data lines are discharged, effectively disconnecting the refresh amplifiers from the write data lines. ~ path from the data-input line is also enables into the selected write data 1 ine. Thus., a direct path from the data input to the selected cell is established. A signal on this input will then overwrite the contents of the cell. The timing specifications for operating the unit are shown in Table 4-2. All the time values listed, except t po ' t ACCl are generated by the memory system. The time designated tpo refers to the time delay observed between the turn-off of Precharge and the availability of data at the chip output terminals, and is a characteristic of the unit. The two access times, t ACCl and t ACC2 represent a combination of system operating parameters and characteristics of the chip. Thus the stated "minimum" values represent the shortest access times which can be guaranteed when the unit is operated within the limits specified and with rise and fall times of 20 nanoseconds. System access times will exceed these values because of the additional delays and tolerances introduced by the rest of the system. 4-28 89633300 A REFRESH TIME The maximum time interval between accesses to memory cells (t REF ) is specified as 2 milliseconds for units on the BA201-B module, 1 milliseconds for units on the BA201-A module. To guarantee that data is retained within the memory, at least one read or write cycle must be executed for each row of cells within this refresh interval. As the rows are selected by address inputs AO through A4 at least 32 memory cycles, one for each state of address lines AO through A4 must be executed in each refresh interval. These cycles may result from normal accessing, as in a sequential-access mode of operation of the memory. In other cases special refresh cycles must be executed. In the Memory System (AB107 equipment) the cells are refreshed every 1.5 millisecond, in the Memory System (ABIOS equipment) every 1.0 millisecond. CHIP SELECT In operation, the Cenable clock also acts as a chip (memory unit) select. That is, Precharge and write signals may be applied at their normal times in the cycle, but if Cenable is not applied, the unit will neither deliver current to the output terminal nor will the contents of any cell be altered; no refreshing of memory content takes place during such a cycle. POWER SUPPLY LEVELS Signal and power supply levels are important to the proper operation of the unit. Speed is a function of both the VSS level and clock amplitudes. In general, higher amplitudes or voltages result in faster operation. Substrate This bias improves noise bias VBB also has an effect on performance. immunity and prevents parasitic interaction within the device. 89633300 A 4-29 INPUT CLOCK AMPLITUDES To guarantee operation of the memory chip over the full temperature range at the speeds specified the clock amplitudes must be maintained at the specified values. These are:High: Low: The value of the supply voltage (VSS) determines that of the bias voltage VBB (refer to Figure 4-13 of the Power Supply Regulator and Control Circuits). SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS The memory units are used in a rectangular 18 x 4 array to provide storage units of 4096 (4K) words of 18 bits each. S~ch an array with its supporting circuitry is called a Memory Module, with the main addressing and control circuits for up to eight modules carried on the Memory Address and Memory Control units. These are described in other parts of this seetion and in Section 5. Maintenance and safety precautions relating to the Memory Modules and to the memory units are given in Section 7. The contents of the memory unit has to be refreshed periodically as it is a basically volati Ie store. The memory system, however,', is made nonvolatile for at least 8 hours with the use of a battery and a special Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode of operation. This is also described in other parts of this section. 4-30 89633300 A MEMORY MODULE The Memory Module is the basic unit of the AB107/AB108 memory system. It consists of a 4xl8 array of memory units to give 4096 (4K) 18-bit words together with' immediate supporting circuitry, all accommodated on a single 50-PAK printed wiring board. given in Figure 4-7. The block diagram of the Memory Module is The memory units are described in previous paragraphs. The following paragraphs give the description of the block diagram followed by the function of the auxiliary circuits listed in the table. Function Circuit Level Shifters adapt TTL logic levels to MOS levels Cenable-Precharge delay regulates the overlap (t OVL ' t OVH ) Aux iIi a ry log i c generates internal control signals from available control signals LPDR ci rcu i t generates the switched supply (Vccs) used in Low Power Data Retention operation Data Out Sense Amplifiers convert the signals appearing on the opencol lector of the memory uni t data out lines to TTL signals (current to TTL logic conversion) i . I ~ A description of these circuits is given in Section 5 (Memory Module). 89633300 A 4-31 :J THE MEMORY MODULE BLOCK DIAGRAM -J. :1: The memory matrix provides the actual storage 1oca tio,,·ii th i n the memory system. It is an array of four rows of 18 memory units, forming four thousand words of 18 'b i ts each. The data flow to and from the IlIf;!III1Ory matrix is on the 18 data-i,n and 18 data-out lines corresponding to the 18 bits of each kiloword. The data-in lines of the memory units of corresponding bits in the four rows are connected together in a wired-OR and the same is true of the data output lines. A level shifter is incorporated in each of the 18 data-in lines to adapt the TTL levels from the CPU to the HOS logic levels needed in the memory matrix. Similarly the data out lines from the memory matrix are buffered and level converted in the sense amplifiers. " Selectfbn of a particular location in the matrix is achieved In two stages: first one of the four rows of 18 memory units (one kiloword) is selected by the corresponding kiloword selector signal (fl<.t):::'·rough lK3). This allows the memory control signals (Precharge, C:enable) to reach the if memory unit-&: of that word. In the second stage th~row and column address signals, through the address. level shifters, select a particular 18 bit word within the selected kiloword • '. . ~ The memory control and timing signals perform functions as follows: r--"'" . ; Cenab Ie R/W Read or Wri te Strobes output data . Chooses memory modulei .... J 4-32 89633300 A 00 \.0 0' Cenable Precharge Delay w w w o o ." Kiloword 4, Select (IK0-IK3 ) . 4 • I ~ 4 ~~ 4 Precharge Level Shifter 4 1 T .. I ermlnatlon, CE - - I I Memory Matrix - 4 - ( Y 18) 4 Cenable Cenable Level Shifter - Data In Leve I Shi fte rs Precharge (Bits 0-16) 4 B - -- 18 Fast Precharge (Bit 17) 4 - 4 x 18 Array of Separate Control Signals For Each Kiloword Memory Units Forming four Kilowords of 18 - Bits Each. (IKO through IK3) Read/Write 4 ,'4 '5 B 4 R/W ..... R/W Level Shifter r----- ] Common A'idres:1 Lines to All Units 5 Strobe Row A,ddress (ARAO-ARA 4} 5 5 - Address Level Sr.ifters ~18 , Column Address {ACA5-ACA9 ) Addres~ 5 ~ ~~~,~ary Logic Strobe ..... Disable REF MDX Stnbe --+ ] Common Level Shifters I MD --+ Controls VCC2 • s(robe '; ". .. MD 1-----.. B 0 ' I cnJ eet ?ILPDR • , VCCS 18 Data Out Lines MPWRO~-+---' I. .s::I W W I Figure 4-7. Data - out Sense Amplifiers Memory Module Block Diagram ~ Data flow is shown in thick lines. --r=;:=::t..T 2. Transfer takes place only when condition i. pre •• nt. AUXILIARY CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS Leve t Sh i fters: TTL to MOS TTL logic levels are 0.7 volts (low) and 2.0 volts (high). MOS levels are A level shifter is needed to approximately zero volts to VSS (17 volts). match the two kinds of logic circuits. The following signals use identical control signal level shifters: Precharge Read/Write (R/W) Address I The Cenable signals use the same level shifter but with two components added. See page 5-23. Level shifters are also used on the 18 data-in lines to adapt the TTL logic levels of the incoming signals to the MOS level of the memory circuits. The Overlap Circuit (Cenable - Precharge Delay) There is an overlap delay circuit in the precharge line of each kiloword unit on the Memory Module. It regulates the overlap timing tOVL and tOVH in the memory units (see Table 4-2 and the Detailed Operation of the Memory Unit), and consists of a diode switching network controlling RC delay circuit. 4-34 89633300 F Low Power Data Retention During power failure the computer reverts to Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode. During refresh cycle bursts in this mode none of the TTL logic circuits receive power. This circuit controls the V 2 supply to produce the switched cc logic (V CCS ) supply, provided the optional power back-up sources battery equipment G0611-A is installed. This arrangement preserves the memory content for up to eight hours (see next subsection). Data-Out Sense Amplifiers The open collector outputs of the corresponding bits of the four kilowords on the module are wire-ORed to form 18 lines. These are ampl ified in and gated by the sense amplifiers to form the 18 TTL-compatible output lines of the memory module. 89633300 A 4-35 LOW POWER DATA RETENTION (LPDR) MODE POWER BACK-UP The memory chips are volatile: they will lose their stored charges if they are not refreshed periodically. To make the memory system non-volatile, it is designed to switch over to battery operation automatically in case of power failure. A bac·k-up battery, optional equipment GD611-A when installed can supply power for the retention of the full memory contents for a period of up to eight hours. When the utility power fails, the voltage on the dc power supplies begins to drop. The power supply senses this voltage drop, and raises the signal RGPWR to the Memory Control. Due to large storage capacitors in the power supply, the voltages remain in the uncritical region for at least one millisecond and the memory continues to function. When the Memory Control receives the raised RGPWR signal, it continues to operate normally for half a mil1 isecond. During this time the CPU performs a special interrupt subroutine. At the end of this one-half millisecond period the Memory Control switches to the back-up mode. To retain the memory content in the back-up mode the Me~ry Control will not perform CPU or DSA cycles, but immediately performs a burst of 32 row refresh cycles in rapid succession and so refreshes the whole memory. The power supply switches to battery operation. All circuits which require constant powe~ such as the memory chips, continue to operate from the battery. All circuits that do not require power, such as the CPU, are allowed to fail as the util ity power fails. All circuits which need power only during refresh burst, such as address drivers, are power switched by the Memory Control during refresh burst. Since 32 row refresh bursts require 4-36 89633300 A only 14 microseconds to perform, and refresh bursts are performed once every 1024 microseconds, the power switched circuits are off for a considerable time, conserving a significant amount of power. In the back-up mode the memory chips use most of the power. When the power supply senses that util ity power has returned, it switches to util ity power, and drops the RGPWR signal. The Memory Control performs one more refresh burst, and then switches to normal mode operation. During LPDR operation the Memory Hold Battery (optional equipment GD611-A) supplies power. During normal operation the battery is recharged from the power supply. 89633300 A 4-37 PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE The equipment front panel serves as the Programmer's Console: it carries the switches and indicator lights which enable the operator to control and monitor computer operations. The front panel controls and indicators are described in the 1784 Computer Their layout is shown in Reference Manual, publication number 89633400. Figure 2-2 of this manual. The circuits on the Programmer's Console can be grouped in three functional areas: * * * Control switches and indicators and associated circuits; Register selectors; Data-bit selection circuit. These circuits are described in SectionS of this manual. 4-38 89633300 A INPUT/OUTPUT Any peripheral controller that uses the A/Q channel or the DSA channel may I be accommodated in the ABI07/ABI08 equipments. The following table is a partial list. See the preface for more information. CONTROLLER EQUIPMENT No. I CONTROLLER DESIGNATION Part of ABI07/ABI08 Teletypewriter FA716-A Cartridge Disk Drive Controller (CDDC) FA442-A ICL Magnetic Tape Transport Controller (MTTC-ICL) Fv497-A FA446-A ICL Phase Encoding (PE) Formatter LCTT Magnetic Tape Transport Controller(MTTC-LCTT) Fv618-A LCTT Phase Encoding (PE) Formatter (TTY) The Teletypewriter (TTY) Controller forms part of the ABI07/ABI08 equipment; the other controllers are separate equipments and are accommodated in prewired slots within the main enclosure (ABI07/ABI08 equipment). Other controllers may be connected to the compyter through one of the two access channels, the non-buffered AQ channel using the A and Q registers and the Direct Storage Access (DSA) channel. In the following a short functional description of the TTY controller is given as well as the pin assignment and timing diagrams for the AQ and DSA channels. The TTY controller logic circuit diagrams are given and are described in detail in Section 5. Refer to the 1784 computer Input-Output Specification Manual, pub! ication number 89637100 and appropriate peripheral controller manuals for further information. 89633300 F 4-39 THE TELETYPEWRITER (TTY) CONTROLLER The TTY Controller can interface the computer CPU with a Teletypewriter Terminal and with a Conversational Display Terminal (COT). It provides for communication at 9600, 1200, 300 or 110 bauds. The baud rate is selected by inserting a jumper pI ug in the appropriate 10cat ion on the board. DIRECT STORAGE ACCESS (DSA) The DSA channel provides fast external access to the computer (equipment AB107/ABI08). Access connections are available on identical pins of preassigned slots of the main enclosure (equipment AB107/AB108) and of the expansion enclosure, equipment BT148 (refer to Figures 3-1 and 3 w 2) I Printed wiring boards conforming to 50-PAK specifications can be accommodated in these slots. on the DSA channel. Figure 4-8 shows the timing of the signals The pin assignment for the slots allocated to controllers using the DSA channel is given in Table 4-3. DSA Circuit Connections The DSA channel is designed to be used with TTL 2-input NAND buffers (IC 7438, PN62031200). Each DSA line is terminated by a 270 ohm pull-up resistor (to V ) in the CPU. Each input to the CPU loads the linewithup to cc 20 TTL load units. DSA output lines should be loaded with one TTL load unit or less. Scanner conditions are not prewired and should be made at the time of installation (refer to customer engineering manual for appropriate I controller). See the list in the preface. 4-40 89633300 F TABLE 4-3. OSA CHANNEL PIN ASSIGNMENTS P2 P1 I A S005 so06 5000 S012 SOll so03 so04 Me S'R'SM SRQ PIT S016 m SOl7 32kW i !I I SAOS SA09 SAIO SAlt SA12 SA13 GNO SA14 SA15 I A B 5001 1 5002 2 so07 3 so08 4 S009 5 SOlO 6 7 8 S013 9 S014 10 11 12 SS 13 SPI 14 S'iIT 15 16 SCRiM (SRi) SVIO 17 18 AUTOLOAO 19 SC FMM (S'FJ) 20 SWRITE 21 22 SAvO 23 SAO 1 24 SA02 25 26 SA03 SA04 27 SA05 28 29 SA06 30 SA07 31 1 B 1 GNO i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Vcc 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 GNO -- NOTES: 1. Signal polarity Address bits (SAOO~SA15) are active high. Oata bits (SOOO~S015) are active high for OSA transfers from the computer (Write). Oata bits (SOOO~S015) are active low for OSA transfers to the computer (Read). All other signals on the OSA bus are as indicated (overlined: active low). Power Supply v =+5V. 2. cc Total usage of all controllers on A/Q and OSA buses should not exceed 30 amperes in each enclosure. ~ GND = logic ground. 89633300 A 4-41 . fI) CD en IV Q. ... )( CD C ...0 1- .l -,.- Z J. L. 1 CD '+CD U L. .. -- ! Q ... In CD z0 .J ...~ --- --fI) fI) kI a:: I~ 8 c ! -- - 5z kI iLl 11.1 i I Figure 4-8. 4-42 - ----a:: kI ;~ -i ~8 -... 00 -~- III ...~ ~·ft tC Q~ ... - ~ I11.1 ~ iE f DSA Channel Timing 89633300 A NOTES to Figure 4-8. 1. Signal names: TAC : SRQ: 2. DSA Access Time Memory Access Request from DSA channel. Timing 1 784 - 1 1 784 - 2 Remarks minimum (nsec) A. B. - c. - D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. N. S. - TAC 50 390 - 110 70 - 0 150 0 typ i cal (nsec) 440 600 - - maximum (nsec) - - - 605 - - 655 900 10 - - - - 215 285 220 - 855 1455 89633300 A - typical (nsec) 70 175 120 60 490 - minimum (nsec) 50 - - maximum (nsec) 110 200 245 60 705 - - - 320 470 330 -. 1240 190 120 0 210 0 10 - 2140 at maximum DSA access rate wi th DSA Pr iori ty without" DSA Priori ty 4-43 NOTES to Figure 4-8 (Cont'd.): 3. Refresh cycle time: 4g0 nsec once every 32 microseconds (600 nsec Memory) 735 nsec once every 48 microseconds (gOO nsec Memory) 4. Modes of Operation Worst Case ·The maximum DSA access time (TAC ) oC'curs whe'n the memory system performs CPU access cycles 'and successive Refresh cycles. DSA Priority signal active The memory system cannot perform CPU cycles. The DSA access, time (TAC ) is minimum; It is increased by the regular occurrence of Refresh cycles. Successive DSA requests The memory system cannot perform CPU cycles on the memory bank addressed by the equipment on the DSA channel. The DSA cycle time Is equal to the memory cycle time (600 nsec or, goo nsec). The DSA cycle time will be Increased by the Refresh cycles. Note that on single-bank operation no CPU access can occur if the DSA requests are generated fast enough. 4-44 8g633300 A A/Q CHANNEL This is the non~buffered bi-directional input/output (I/O) channel for the computer (equipment ABI07/ABl08). It util izes the 16-bit A and Q registers of the CPU. The Q register contains the address of the peripheral equipment; the A register contains the data equipment status and director functions. Access connections are available on identical pins of preassigned slots of the main enclosure (equipment ABI07/ABI08) and of the expansion enclosure equip~ent BTl48 (refer to Figures 301a, 30Ib). Printed wiring boards conforming to 50-PAK specifications can be accommodated in these slots (refer to AB107/AB108 Computer Input-Output Specification Manual, publ ication number 89637100). Output on A/Q Channel A single word is output from the A register whenever an output instruction is executed by the computer. The presence of the output data is signified by the active state of the write I ine. The peripheral equipment whose address is in the Q register should respond with a Reply or a Reject signal within 4 microseconds. The computer generates an internal Reject and reinitiates execution of instructions if no response is received from the device within 12.8lJsec (ABI08) or, 19.2lJsec (ABI07). If a Reply is received by the computer, the next instruction executed is the one following the output instruction (P+l). If an external Reject is received, the next instruction executed is located at P + 1 + 6, where 6 is the lowest eight bits of the output instruction, the highest bit of 6 being a sign bit. If an internal Reject is generated the next instruction executed is located at P + 6. P is the address of the output instruction. 89633300 C 4-45 Input on A/Q Channel A single word is input to the A register whenever an input instruction is executed by the computer. The request for data by the computer is signified by the active state of the read 1 ine. The peripheral device whose address is in the Q register responds with a Reply when data is available to the A register. If no data is available, the peripheral device responds with a Reject. In either case, the peripheral device must respond with a Reject Reply within 4 microseconds. If no response is obtained in 12.8psec (AB108) or 19.2psec (AB107), the computer generates an internal Reject. Reply causes the computer to go to address P + 1, where P is the address of the input instruction. An external Reject causes the computer to go to address P + 1 + 6, where 6 is the lowest 8 bits of the input instruction, the highest bit of 6 being a sign bit. Internal Reject causes the computer to go to address P + 6. Status on A/Q Channel Each peripheral device must have one or more codes which can be loaded into the Q register. When the computer executes an input instruction the status of that device will be loaded into the A register. All devices must respond to status requests wi th a Reply s inee the status must always be available within 4 microseconds. If a no response is received by the computer, it gen~rates an internal Reject after 6.4 psec (ABI08) or 9.6 psec (ABI07). 4-46 89633300 C A/Q Channel Access A/Q Channel accesses are available on identical backplane pins of prewired card slots of the equipments. va r i ous signa 1s • Table 4-4 lists pin assignments for the A/Q Channel Timing Figure 4-9 describes timing restrictions of the A/Q channel. In addition to the signals shown, a timing pulse is generated 135 nsec (±40 nsec) before a Read or Write signal can appear on the A/Q channel. The timing pulse is active for 75 nsec (±20 nsec). For more detailed signal description and timing, refer to I/O Specification manual number 89673100. A/Q Channel Loading Rules Each signal (data or control), transmitted from a peripheral controller to the CPU .in the A/Q channel, must be driven by an open-collector NAND buffer (IC Type 7438, CDC PN62031200). Each input line is terminated at the input to the receiver on the CPU by a 180 ohm pull-up resistor (to V ). cc loads the line with 20 TTL loading units. The input Each device on the A/Q channel is allowed to load any line from the CPU by one TTL load unit. The data bus (A register) is bi-directional. Figure 4-10 gives examples of typical input, output and bi-directional 1 ines. 89633300 A 4-47 TABLE 4-4. A/Q. CHANNEL PIN ASSIGNMENTS P2. P'I A A05 A06 AOO m: All )ijJJ A04 TP A)5 0.00 0.02. 0.04 0.06 Q,08 0.10 0.12. rui WEZ READ REPLY PRTM GND Notes: I 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2.0 2.1 2.2. 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 30 31 B A -AO) I m m I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q,O) 11 12 A02. A07 A08 A09 GND ~ CMI GND 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.) 3 0.)5 WRITE REJECT RC 1) Q.OOiQ.15 are active high; Vcc 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2.0 21 22 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 28 2.9 30 31 B GND all other signals are active low. 2) Vcc ~ +5V. Total usage of all AQ. and DSA controllers should not exceed 30 amps in, each enclosure. 3) GND = logic ground 4-48 89633300 A INpuT OPERATION j At1T. b ____~--~II~______~ DATA -,Bje- READ L -.J REPLY OR REJECT ~SEC MIN A = 0 B = 0.0 ~SEC MIN (ci) COMPUTER C = 0.0 "SEC (q) E----~~________~r_l~___ PERIPHERAL DEVICE D =0 "SEC MIN (ci) PERIPHERAL DEVICE E = "SEC MAX (ci) PERIPHERAL DEVICE 4.0 0.2 ~ SEC MIN (ci) PERIPHERAL DEVICE MIN (ci) PERIPHERAL DEVICE OUTPUT OPERATION -.J DATA .... A REPLY OR REJECT L I. A = 0.1 B = O. 0 ~ SEC MIN ~ COMPUTER C = O.O.~ SEC ~SEC I I~------~~___ ~ WRITE L U j-j.--------i.1 D t-I A ' - MIN ~ COMPUTER MIN ~ PERIPERAL -tBI- .mL..-..,; ______ ...jCI- E ./ DEVICE D = 0.1 E = ~ SEC 4.0 ~ SEC ~!lL-.-_ MIN (ci) COMPUTER MAX (ci) PERIPHERAL DEVICE 0.2 ~ SEC MIN ~ PERIPHERAL DEVICE NOTE: THE ADDRESS BITS WILL BE ON THE CHANNEL A MINIMUM OF 0.1 ~SEC BEFORE AND AFTER THE READ OR ~RITE SIGNAL. Figure 4-9. 89633300 A A/Q Channel Timing 4-49 Vee OUTPUT LINE I 204 ~ 1 1 180 Vee INPUT LINE 1 146 I 180 ~--'---~----~I~--~1L~2=~~r-- I Vee I I I I "'I- I 204 .... r :·,80 I I I BI-DIRECTIONAL LINE 146 I I COMPUTER NOTE: I I I I I I I I I BACKPLANe:' CONNECTIONS .A I • 204 I PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER ~ 146 can be replaced by any TTL logic circuit gate providing that the line is loaded by only one load unit. Figure 4-10. 4-50 1.. 146, I I I .A I i I 1 A/Q Channel Input/Output Lines 89633300 A INTERRUPTS There are 15 external interrupt positions provided, each brought out on an individual backplane pin. These are used to interrupt the computer program on specified conditions arising in the peripheral devices. The computer program determines the interrupt priorities, that is, the order in which the interrupt requests are ~ealt with in the cQmputer. The program acts th-rough the computer mask (M) register. Should two interrupts occur simultaneously, the hard-wired order of interrupts will- determine priorities (refer to table 4-5). Interrupt Access The 15 external interrupts are accessible on the backplane pins of the main enclosure. A single wire (part number 89724702) is required to connect an interrupt source to the appropriate interrupt level. I Table 4-5 1 ists the pin assignments for the interrupt levels. Interrupt signals are active low. See section 3 for the installation procedure of the interrupt cable. For the interrupt connections for controllers installed in the BT148 expansion enclosure, refer to Hardware Maintenance Manual publication number I 89758600 of the AT310 TTL A/Q-DSA Bus Expander. 89633300 F 4-51 TABLE 4-5. INTERRUPT ACCESS PIN ASSIGNMENT ABI07lABI08 Card Slot Line Pin o 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PI Bl 0 PIA07 P1B07 PIA05 PIA06 PIB06 PI B05 PIAIO PIBIO PIA07 PI B07 PlA05 PIA06 PI B06 . PIB05 NOTE: Interrupt priority levels are in reverse order of interrupt line numbers. _._-_ _- ........ '---_ 4-52 .. ------------" 89633300 F Timing Considerations for Two Bank Operation The computer can have one or two memory banks (see paragraphs on Memory System in this section), each with a maximum of 32K words. The two banks work independently. Any memory request using an address of 7FFF16 or less will access the lower bank. Any memory request using an address of 8000 16 or above will access the upper bank. logic. The two banks have identical control Each bank can perform three types of memory cycles: refresh cycle, DSA cycle or CPU cycle. The DSA has priority over the CPU and refresh cycles have priority over the other two. DSA and CPU cycles are initiated by external signals while refresh cycles are initiated by internal timing logic. If the CPU accesses one bank, the DSA can simultaneously access the other bank. In this case, the CPU and DSA can work at maximum speed subject to refresh cycle requirements. If the CPU and DSA access the same bank, then memory cycles are shared between them. If the CPU requests a memory access while a DSA cycle is in progress, it must wait until the DSA cycle is finished. If a refresh cycle is pending when the DSA cycle ends, the CPU must also wait for that refresh cycle to be completed. Similarly, if the DSA requests access while a CPU cycle is in progress, it must wait until the CPU cycle is finished. If a refresh cycle is pending when the CPU cycle ends, the DSA must also wait for that refresh cycle to be completed. 89633300 A 4-53 Successive DSA cycles: if a DSA cycle is followed by another one within the maximum delay specified after the start of RESUME (see Figure 4-8, note 2) and the CPU is waiting to reference the memory, then the second DSA request will be taken and the CPU forced to wait. This is because the memory system gives the DSA priority over the CPU. Thus the DSA can obtain continuous memory cycles and block CPU memory accesses by sending memory requests at a high enough rate. This does not apply in two bank operation because the CPU can access the upper bank while the DSA sends a request to the lower bank. If the DSA then tries to access the upper bank it has to wait until the CPU access ends. The DSA can unconditionally block all CPU memory accesses with the signal PRIORITY. This allows the DSA to access both banks at maximum speed, except when it has to wait for a refresh cycle. Note that the speed of data transfer is a functton of the computer clock in the Timing circuits. This clock is 1.5 times faster in the AB107 equipment than in the ABl08 allowing proportionally fasterDSA access. 4-54 89633300 A POWER SUPPLY The following paragraphs descdbe the functions and organization of the power supply unit. The power supply unit is part of the main computer enclosure (equipment ABI07/ABI08) and the expansion enclosure (equipment BT148) I Detailed circuit and connection diagrams are given in Section 5 of this manual. ELECTRICAL The power supply receives the main line-voltage through the three-conductor flexible power cord which plugs in the socket at the rear of the enclosure. The AC POWER switch and input fuse are located adjacent to the input socket (Figure 2-1). The power supply unit provides all the operating supplies for the equipment within the enclosure, including the charging and protection circuits for the backup source, Memory Hold Battery, equipment G0611-A. The supplies,with brief characteristic~ are lis ted in Tab Ie. 6-1 . The input ac line specifications are as follows: or Note: 104 - 127 vac, 49 - 60.6 Hz, single phase, up to 600 VA 198 - 264 vac, 49 - 60.6 Hz, single phase, up to 600 VA the equipment is normally suppl ied for nominal Il0V operation. It can be field converted to nominal 220V (refer to Section 3). 89633300 F 4-55/56 I MECHANICAL The power supply unit is mounted on the hinged front door of the computer and expansion enclosures (Figure 3-2). Access to it may be obtained by opening the front door of the enclosure. It is cooled by a blower mounted immediately beneath it (in the door). The power supply may be field calibrated (refer to Section 6). The memory hold battery (equipment GD611-A) when installed, is situated on the inside of the equipment rear cover. The battery fuse is part of the input circuit situated at the rear of the enclosure (Figure 2-1). WARNING The power supply does not use a main isolatin'g 1 ine-transformer at its input; its circuits between the ac line input and the isolating networks are therefore at line voltage. Do not handle the powe r supp I y un i t wh i I e the compu te r 1 i ne co rd is connec ted to the ac supply. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND BLOCK DIAGRAM The power supply unit is described below, the explanation being based on the simpl ified block diagram of Figure 4-11. More detailed block diagrams follow. Detailed circuit diagrams are given in Section 5. The ac input power is taken to the computer enclosure through the power line cord. This plugs into the ac power socket of the Input Unit mounted at the top rear of the computer enclosure (Figure 2-1,3-5). The Input Unit contains the computer main circuit breaker (AC POWER switch), the input fuse (Fl), the battery fuse (F3) and the line filter. Note that the input unit is not part of the power supply unit. The computer chassis (frame) is connected to the third conductor of the line cord; the conductor must be connected in turn to the ground (refer to Control Data Mini Computer Systems, Site Preparation Manual, publication number 60437000). The logic ground is brought out on a separate pin and should be connected to the logic ground of the installation (refer to Section 3). The equipment is switched on in two stages: first th..: ac line power is applied to the power supply unit of the enclosure by switching ON the AC POWER switch on the rear panel (part of the Input unit); in the second stage the power supply unit is activated by turning on the dc POWER switch on the Programming Console. 89633300 A 4-57 .c:- I \1'1 00 VCC AC to DC ConYerter V~C Regulator .., 10 ., C (I) AC Po .c:I ~ .,z,. + 35v Input Circuit * ~ ) ., (I) V) Chall •• Ground - - ..... 35vac 35vdc auxiliary ..--. AC Line Cord i" Preregulotor ~ 25vdc auxiliary -7ydc Circultl Protection f-4~ ~ -- Vss ..... - - Reference -----Reference Generator "C "C - 4 ~. CI) :I "C Battery Choroer and Battery Crowbor + Sen.. -h from (I) Q. VCC back plane Terminal CD n 7:' Q AI .,AI 10 No t!.: Til t main in IIcoted power flow i. by thick line. \0 '" \AI \AI \AI 0 0 » * Isolating Diode Battery F3 Bottery :I 00 I 1t ~~ f 0 T The Input Circuit i. not part of the Pow.r Supply Front Panel DC POWER }--1 ~ -= VCC2 -5" C -< VBB Regulators -12" overcurrent VCC Logie Ground Fu.e Equipment GD6J1-A (Optional) ~30v Unregulated -SENSE am back plane ground terminal The main source of dc power is the ac-to-dc converter. This provides the main unregulated logic supply of the computer (V cc ) and the internal auxiliary supplies (+35V, +25V, -7V). The circuit uses a high frequency switching regulator to generate Vcc. This circuit serves as preregulator for the other supplies which are derived from the +35V supply through the regulator section. Closely associated with the converter are the overvoltage and overcurrent protection circuits which switch off the whole of the unit, should preset fail conditions be exceeded on anyone of the supplies. One of the auxiliary independent supplies (+25V) provides the voltage for the reference generator of the regulators to aid in operation of the circuits on switching on. On failure of the ac line power the +35V internal supply fails and the backup power source, optional memory hold battery equipment G06ll-A (if installed), suppl ies the regulators througn an isolating diode, connecting it to the +35V line. In this case the computer switches to Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode of operation and only the memory power supplies are active. The LPOR operation is described in paragraphs on the operation of the Memory in this section and in Section 5. Note that the front panel DC POWER switch must remain ON during LPDR operation. The battery charge circuit charges the memory hold battery during normal operation of the equipment. The battery is protected by its fuse both against excessive charging current and against overload. The battery fuse is blown also through the battery crowbar (SCR) circuit when an overvoltage is detected on any one of the power supplies used during emergency (LPDR) operation. The front panel dc POWER switch controls the power supply: with the rear panel AC power ON, the DC POWER switch disables the power supply circuits when off and enables them when on. The AC-to-DC Converter and Protection Circuits Figure 4-12 shows the block diagram of the main dc generator circuits with their controls and the power supply protection circuits. 89633300 A 4-59 I ! • r- - f • ~ I + - - -----, ~I--~ I ~I I !I: t I L____ -- _ ____ J i I I I I+ 111-! I~ f • + t r---- --l 1 A---f--=t 11. I II f- ------...J I illli ti~1 I I I I r---- --i I I ;1 I!!I + I I L _______ JI !II Figure 4-12. 4-60 AC-to-DC Converter and Protection Circuits: Block Diagram. 89633300 A A feature of the power supply main power path is that the main isolating transformer works at a frequency of about 20 kHz. Its bulk is therefore drastically reduced compared to the input transformer of a more conventional solution working at 50Hz. The 1 ine rectifier is connected directly to the ac input line and its sl ightly filtered dc output taken through a voltage regulator to a 20kHz inverter. The isolating transformer can handle substantial powers in a small volume because of its high frequency of operation. This frequency allows also high efficiency final filtering with comparatively small components, resulting in a dc output with very small ripple-content. The technique of employing an isolator removed from the direct input makes it necessary to employ small isolators in the control paths. Signal transformers serve in the alternating and interrupted current paths, and an optical coupler is used where the coupling signal is dc (switching regulator curcurrent·sense circuit). The main switching regulator regulates the logic supply (V ). Its control cc reference voltage from the reference generator to circuit compares the V cc the V voltage sensed at the computer circuits. The regulator therefore comcc pensates both for input and for load changes on the V I ine. As this carries cc typically 35 amperes, the load regulating feature with remote sensing is particularly important. The remote sensing points (+ SENSE, - SENSE) are at the backplane of the enclosure. The switching regulator serves as a preregulator for the +35V and -7V internal dc suppl ies, though load changes on the V supply will show as regulation cc noise on these. As they feed the final regulators, this noise does not appear on the power supplies, except the +30V unregulated supply. An auxi I iary supply (+25V) is generated by a conventional I ine transformer and rectifier filter directly from the ac line input. This supply is used in the reference generator and the regulators which get their supply from the +35V I ine: when the ac I ine is appl ied to the computer (Ae POWER switch on the rear of instrument) this connection allows the regulators to stabi] ize before the front panel dc POWER switch enables the circuits in the main power path. The auxil iary supply is protected by a separate fuse (F2: 100mA). 89633300 F 4-61 I The Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode of operation is initiated when the main logic supply (Vee) fails, due to anyone of several conditions (see Protection circuits below). The failure of the V supply is sensed in the cc . Power Failure Detector by the absence of the switching signal to the V cc switching regulator while the front panel de POWER switch is ON. During LPDR operation, only the circuits are supplied which are needed to retain the content of the memory within the enclosure, provided the power back-up source (memory hold battery, equipment GD6ll-A) is installed (refer to paragraphs on memory operation in this section). To avoid hunting on momentary recovery of the ac supply, the power recovery delay allows the computer to return to normal operation only when the ac supply has been established for some seconds. Note that the power fail detector is actuated also by failure of the switching regulator control circuit: when the duty cycle of the switching regulator tends to 100% (continuous current) the power fail detector initiates an LPDR signal. Protection Circuits The power supply is protected against both overvoltage and excess current. Over-current occurrring on anyone of the supplies, the whole power supply shuts down. When an overcurrent condition occurs in the main power path, the main voltage regulator (switching regulator for V ) is shut down. This is cc done by stopping its switching signal through the overcurrent protection circuits. Should the overcurrent condition last for more than one second, the overcurrent latch reduces the voltage of the switching regulator and so activates the power fail circuit. The overcurrent latch is set also if any of the circuits in the regulator section detect an overcurrent condition. In this case, the LPDR mode of operation is initiated. If the overcurrent protection circuit fails to shut down the main power path, the crowbar drive is activated directly through its isolating transformer and so fires the SCR of the main crowbar circuit. This in turn blows the main fuse (Fl). Each of the supply voltages is connected to the overvoltage detector. Should a preset volta~e be exceeded on anyone of the supplies, the detector actuates the crowbar circuits, which in turn blow both the main fuse (Fl) and the battery fuse (F3). 4-62 89633300 F Regulators and Control Circuits The computer supplies, other than the main logic supply (V), have individual cc control and regulator circuits. Table 4-6 summarizes these. TABLE 4-6. Supply Designation SUMMARY OF REGULATED POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS Type of Regulator Overcurrent Detector Supply from Vcc2 swi tch i ng yes +35V dc VSS switching yes +35V dc VBB series no +35V dc -12V series no 35V ac - 5V seri es yes -7V dc +30V none yes +35V dc Figure 4-13 is a block diagram showing these circuits. I All regulators receive their reference voltage from the reference generator, except the VSS supply,whose reference is a tap of a potentiometer divider on the VBB supply. The reason for this arrangement is that the memory unit bias and supply voltages must be applied together and at a definite differential between them.to avoid possible overheating of the unit. Note that the +30V supply has no regulator but relies on the regulation from the V regulator acting on the +35V internal supply. cc The reference generator uses the sense line (the remote computer logic ground, -SENSE) as its reference ground, thus compensating for current in the ground circuit between the power supply and the computer. The reference generator is actuated as soon as the AC power switch on the rear panel is switched on. It is thus stabilized whenever power is applied to the computer and is ready for operation as soon as the front panel dc POWER switch is thrown ON. 89633300 F 4-63 ,f:I 35vClc 0'\ ,f:- -- + 3!5v Line (+30 V ) "- AuxlllClry+25v Front Ponel DC Power Reference aenerator t--+ To VCC Regulator 4 .. -- - Sen •• .. .. Switching Regulator (VCCZ) -.. Switching Regulator (VBB ) L ----- ~ g ~ Auxiliary -7vdo - Serl •• Regulator (-5v) Vaa ~ .~ f' ~ Switching Regulator (VSS) VC02 ~ V SS Ref.renCI ~ --llv -'" Computer Logic Ground & 30v ~ Series Regulator (-IZv ) ~- -- 1 -+ Overcurrent Detector - Vas ~ - -Iy ~ • re C~".~ Lt,,'. Circuit Figure4-l3. Power Supply Regulator and Control Circuits: Block Diagram (see also page 5-448) The Switching Regulator Figure 4-14 illustrates the basic principles of the voltage conversion circuit which is at the heart of the switching regulator. Transistor Ql is a switching transistor in the main load path. It is switched on and off by a pulse waveform generated in the switching network. The voltage and current waveforms are shown in part b of Figure 4-14. This voltage is smoothed by the LC filter to give dc output with very little ripple. Diode 01 is a catching diode to complete the inductor circuit when the transistor h. off. The output voltage of this circuit is thus the average of the switched waveform VO: t V out = v.In~ T and it is substantially independent of the load current. The dissipation in the transistor is determined by the difference in input and output voltages and the load current~,·as in a series regulator. but is reduced by the duty cycle factor (to/toff ) compared with the conventional series regulator. The output voltage can be changed for· a particular input by varying the duty cycle of the swi tched \ i To determine which memory bank the CPU or DSA is addressing. SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN SIGNAL ffi P2AOl P2A05 CRI CAA 15 32KW P1B26 PIA25 P2A06 CRQ. ICA P2A09 P2A08 SA15 I NAME OF SIGNAL I 1::1 LOCATI ON .. .SQUARE .~HEET DSA address Line 15 More than 32K of memory are ava i 1ab 1e CPU Index address OOFF CPU address line ALU15 32KW Swi tch on Ma inframe front panel. I I 6 6 C-3 B-3 6 C-3 6 B-3 6 6 0-3 0-3 6 C-l B-1 C-l C-l Ouq~uts: IC0 ICfI IS0 TSJ P2B03 P2A02 P2A04 P2B04 II I I Lower-bank Lower-bank Lower-bank Lower-bank CPU CPU DSA DSA address address address address correct incorrect correct incorrect 6 6 6 Description of Operation The outputs of this circuit are connected via the back-plane of the computer enclosure to the appropriate CPU and DSA address function. The circuit decodes the CPU and DSA address information to determine if the memory bank is correctly addressed. 89633300 A 5-129 MEMORY CONTROL Signa 1 Funct ions SIGNAL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 6, cont'd). SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION LOCATION SHEET SQUARE IC' u66/6 Lower-bank CPU address correct 6 If any of u66/6 inputs are Low" ' the CPU requests access to the lower memory bank. Otherwl se the memory reques~ access to the upper memory bank. Cl iCJ U6/8 Lower-bank CPU address incorrect ., The inverse of IC". 6 Cl IS' u63/3 Lower-bank DSA address correct. If any of U63/3 inputs are Low, the DSA requests access to the lower memory bank. Otherwise the memory requests access to the upper memory bank. 6 Cl IS' U62/10 Lower-bank CPU address 6 i nco rrec t. The inverse of IS'. ' Cl Interconnections: The Bank address is connected to the Access Selector via the back-plane wiring as follows: Lower-memory bank: IC' TCJ I Sri IS' ---- ICA ICA ISA NOT CONNECTED Upper-memory bank: I Cf} Ttl I Sf} TSJ 5-130 m ICA NOT CONNECTED ISA 89633300 A . 00 \0 I~ <7' 1 4 AI' \Ill \Ill \Ill o o I IS 14 ~ HI ) vce RGTR 168 Ulill II CO 181=-2 O r o - ZI R24 470 --- PIAlli ...---!! Ifp-- MUT9 PII15 2~ti ~ ut8 9--10 - :~ vee ~ I I D,UT 10> PIAII .• I vee =~~ MUTI5)-'- ~ '. f- a OIUT 14 4 5 , >-- I PI824 I "I' 470 ~~ PIA21 ~ ~ _ , ~ ~ 41 ~ ..... V1 I ......... ''0 I 4 AL 12 UlS ~ - 0.- 5 K ~. '~ro "~, 5 L!2t. I >_!!~ DIUTI RI5 AT 4.lI 470 vee E D'UT2 PII04 RI9 470 F vee II PIAU U30 II-- III 3 ..... ~ I ~ l-- ~ tJJ @-=! __ • I • -.. 1\ PIIU e!!- 0'UT4> PlI07 _, PII12 PIAZO PlAit ,"5014 , HI "SOIll -, ". ,IIX.II _ '" 2 4 ~II iPEc IIX411 II PZIIID ,DF~ ~OELE" ".. D'UTI d I I T 6 IoIxaL PlBllI "IoIX7L - • P7_ -'PEL ...... 0 Ji:ePE a DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY CONTROL COO[ IDENT IC cw(; NO 89619100 ,HUT -.- - 5 I I~V MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 5,. cont'd.) MX17 [P1A26] This signal is connected to CXO and 017 from the Memory Address card (P1B27). sends the status of the protect bit to the CPU on read and write cycles. CPB signal is active, MX17 will be low. be high. It If the If the SPB signal is active, MX17 will If the CPB and SPB signals are inactive, and the memory location is unprotected, MX17 will be low. If the CPB and SPB signals are inactive, and the memory location is protected, MX17 will be high. For MX17 truth table see table at end of this part. CVIOI [(U P1A28] This signal is connected to CXO and Protect Fault. When a protect fault occurs during a CPU cycle, this signal is low, otherwise it is high. The signal is high during a read cycle because protect fault only occurs on write cycles. SXO [U20/7] This signal is active high for 5 clocks of a OSA cycle, beginning at clock 8. SXRO [U21/6, 8] This signal is active high for 5 clocks of a OSA read cycle only, beginning at clock 8. 5000-5015 (H) These signals are connected to SXRO and the data out latches after O~UT lines. They transmit stored-buffered memory data to the OSA on read cycles only. The true state of this data is active high. Data to the OSA is transmitted by powerful open collector 2-input NAND buffers. Pull-up resistors are located on the OSA lines. by one of two signals, SXO or SXRO. These NAND gates are opened All data to the OSA lasts for 4 clocks beginning at clock 9. 5016 (odd) [P2A21] This signal indicates the parity of data read from or written into memory of the OSA lines. 89633300 A It is connected to SXO and a parity selector UI4/6. 5-125 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 5, conti d.) 5016 is active such that the sum of the data on 5000-5017 (18 bits) will be odd. During a read cycle, 5016 is determined by the parity register U15/8. During a write cycle, 5016 is determined by 016 P2B06 from the Memory Address card. 5017 [ell P2A18] This signal indicates the status of the protect bit during a OSA read or write cycle. It is connected to SXO and the protect register U1S/6. If the location in memory is protected, 5017 is low, otherwise 5017 is high. SVlft [ell P2B24] This signal is connected to SXO and the Protect Fault. When a Protect Fault occurs during a OSA cycle, this signal is low, otherwise it is high. This signal is high during a read cycle because protect fault can only occur during write cycles. TRUTH TABLE FOR MX17 CPB SPB lOCATION PROTECTED MX17 H X l X H X X l H l H l NOTES: 5-126 L L H = High, L = Low, l H X = irrelevant. 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100. sheet 3, S. cont'd). Parity error is indicated by the data registers and parity checker circuit. Because the D0UT 1 ines are stable on clock 8, and because D~UT may change after clock 8 on a write cycle, the data must be stored on clock 8. Between clocks 6 - 8 the data latches U33. U34 are opened. The first 16 bits of data pass through these latches during this time. and enter the parity checker. The parity checker for the first 16 bits (U16, USI. U32) is relatively slow (100 nsec). It requires stable data to be present before clock 8 and to continue until clock 10 in order to allow the parity checker to be stable by clock 10. Bit 16, (D0UT16), the Parity bit, and bit 17 (D0UT17), the Protect bit, are stored in D-fl ip-flops (U1S) on clock 8. The outputs from UIS/8, 9 and UIS/S, 6 do not have to stabil ize until after clock 8 because the parity checker is relatively fast (SO nsec) for these two bits. The parity checker is designed so that if the binary sum of 00UTOOtD0UT17 is even. the parity checker output U32/8 will be high indicating a parity error. Otherwise U32/8 will be low (i .e. parity error did not occur). The 00UT 1 ines come from the open collector sense ampl ifier outputs on the memory modules. MC assembly. The pull-up resistors are located on the 00UT 1 ines in the Only one of the possible eight memory modules sense-amplifier outputs can be active, as determined by the module selector MOX and the signal STR~BE. Protect Fault [(H) U28/6] - refer to sheet 3 Protect fault [condition 1] occurs when an unprotected instruction (u28/S) attempts to write ~28/3) u28/6 is active high. to deactivate u28/4. into a protected location (u28/4). Protect fault The protect register is preset (UI5/4 low) on clock 5 This prevents unnecessary spikes between clocks 6 - 8 when the other two inputs are stable and CXO or SXD are stable. prevents unnecessary spikes on 5017, the DSA protect bit. It also Protect fault is val id between clocks 8 - 5 after the protect register is stable. 89633300 A 5-123 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 5, cont'd). Note that the memory system recognizes protect fault condition 1 only. Conditions 2 and 3 are conditions within the CPU and are not related to the memory or DSA operations. Both the parity fl ip-flop clock (U15/11) and the protect fl ip-flop clock U15/3) are positive edge triggered on clock 8. Data to the CPU (MX) and to the DSA bus (SO) is transmitted by high speed open collector 2-input NAND gates. Pull-up resistors for these signals are located in the CPU. These NAND gates are opened by the signals, CXD (CPU) or CSRD (DSA). All data to the CPU is val id at clock 9. CXD (U31/6,8) CXRD [UI3/6,8] - signal origin: sheet 4. These signals are active high between clocks 6-10 for CPU cycles only. They are to gate the memory data for CPU cycles. MXOO-MX15 (H) These signals are derived from the D0UT 1 ines gated by CXRD. They transmit buffered memory data to the CPU during read cycles. The true state of this data is active high. DElE0 [ell P2B20] This signal is sent to the CPU on a read cycle only. MXOOtMX07 are all at logic low. The signal is low when DFE0 [(l) P1B20] This signal is sent to the CPU on a read cycle only. The signal is low when MX12-MX15 are all logic low. MPRY [P1A27] This signal is PAR (P1B28) from the Memory Address assembly gated by CXD. It Is a special parity bit to the CPU on write cycles (bit 16). If the sum of the 16-bit data sent from the CPU to the memory is even, MPRY is low. Otherwise it is high. Information on MPRY during CPU read cycles is meaningless and is not used by the CPU. 5-124 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY CONTROL DATA OUTPUT LINES (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 5) Funct ion: To transmit data to the CPU and to the OSA SIGNAL E B CMOR clock 6 G"PE'C ,SIGNAL SOURCEI ICONNECTOR PIN [Ull. 7] LOCATION SHEET SQUARE Clock signals [U10/7] P2B02 E·B 4 Par i ty 5 5 3 4 4 [u63/11 ] I P2B23 I I 016 017 PAR ! CX RX F clock 7 OOUTOO+00UT17 I P2B06 P1B27 P1B28 I [U7/8] I [U45/6] B-1 ! 0-2 A-3 B-1 0-41 0-4 I [U24/6] End of cycle (clock signal) [U28/2] 18 locat ions Memory data output I i , Outputs ! 1 CCP'E m CPEC OELE0 OFEO MPRY MX17 CV101 I I I I , 89633300 A P2A1O P2B26 P1A31 P2B20 P2B19 P1A27 P1A26 P1A28 , CPU cyclic parity error General parity error ; i MXOO·MX01·MX02 ••••• MX07 MX12·MX13oMX14·MX15 = 0 Parity information to CPU Protect bit status to'CPU Protect fault =0 , i 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 A-l! I I A-l/ A-31 I A- 4 1 A-4,, I 0-3j 0- 3 1 A-3 i I I I 5-121 MEMORY CONTROL Outputs (cont'd) (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 5, cont'd). SIGNAL ICONNECTOR SIGNAL SOURCEI PIN SD16 SD17 SVlfl MXOO-MX15 SDOO-SD15 P2A21 P2A18 P2B24 16 locations 16 locations FUNCTION Par i ty bit for DSA data Protect bit for DSA data Protect fault on DSA cycle Data to CPU Data to DSA on read cycles LOCATION ! SHEET SQUAREI 4 4 4 D-2 I D-21 D-2 I ! Ci rcu it Descript ion All the Data lines are open collector. Corresponding bits are connected to the same bus line for multi-bank operation. Parity Error Checking is performed on CPU and DSA read and write cycles. If a parity error is detected, it is an indication that the memory is not working correctly. Parity error is detected when the summation of DI/JUTOO-DOUT17 (data out bits 00-17) is not an odd number. There are two types of indicators for parity error detection. 1. PEL [P2B26] General parity error: a parity error was detected. The J - K register (U48) continues to be active until U48/3 is cleared by the CPU signal GPEC(P2B23). The J input, u48/4 will detect a parity error, excluding the refresh cycle (RX U30/9 is not low) if U32/8 is high at clock 10. The clock (u44/l) is negative edge triggered at clock 10 by the F-register (U45)· 2. 5-122 CCPE [P2A10] CPU Cyclic Parity Error: a parity error was detected on the last CPU cycle. The J - K register (u48) continues to be active until CPEC(P1A31) (a multibank output) clears u48/8 on clock 7 on the next CPU cycle. The J input, u48/9 will detect a parity error only on a CPU cycle (CX U30/12 is high if U32/8 is high at clock 10. The clock (u48/1) is negative edge triggered at clock 10 by the F-reglster output. 89633300 A 00 \.0 0'. W W W .... ." o o 204_~ 5 , In",. <5DI7 o J:- s{N) , ......& '~I s.'.' • P2AOT 6 J V1 I \.0 "N o D'UTlT~ '~I DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd). R/WREG [(H) u44/8] This register provides timing to the Read/Write (R/W) signal in memory. It also determines if the R/W signal should be activated. This register is negative edge tirggered and is connected to the 0SC (u44/13). It is activated on clock 8 (u44/8 goes high) only if one or both of the AND-OR K inputs is active on clock 7. only on clock 7. U44/10, 11 is active If the instruction from the PROTECTREG is protected (u44/9 high), or if the protect bit from the memory location addressed was inactive (u44/12 high), then u44/8 can activate on clock 8. Thus, a write cycle will not occur if the location in memory is protected and the instruction is unprotected. The only other condition necessary for the R/WREG to activate is that the WRITEREG (U44/5) indicate that the memory cycle is a write cycle. If the memory cycle is a read cycle, the R/WREG is preset, (u44/5 is active low) and u44/8 will remain low on clock 8. If the R/WREG activated on clock 8, it will deactivate on clock 11 after 0 (u44/3, 4) activates the J input between clock 10 - 5. The J and K inputs can never be active simultaneously because of this timing. Read/Write: R/W [ell P2A20] The R/W signal activates the R/W signal within the memory. If activated the R/W signal will go high between clocks 8 - 11 (U59/10 high). The R/W signal cannot activate if the INHIBITREG is active (U59/9 low), or if the system is in lPDR operation (Normal, U59/13 low). DE [(l) U5716] DE activates the data-in 1 ines on the Memory Address assembly. These 1 ines transmit data to the memory on write cycles. It is desirable to activate these lines by clock 8 because these 1 ines may create noise on the data out 1 ines from the memory and interfere with parity checking on a Read/Write cycle. DE goes low on clock 8 when (U57/4) goes high. DE goes 89633300 A high on clock 12 which is approximately 50 nanoseconds after 5-117 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawi"ng number 89619100, sheet 4, cont'd.) register Ewent low as determined by the RC delay on U57/3. The D£ signal needs to be active until after the R/W signal within the memory has completely deactivated. If the WRITEREG register indicates that the memory cycle Is a read cycle (U57/5 Is low), DEwitl not activate. 5-118 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd). WRITE CONTROL SIGNALS Function The memory system includes a protect system. The primary purpose of this feature is to protect the program in foreground from being destroyed by careless programming, or faulty memory operation. of the write system within the memory. The protect feature is part The read/write and protect status of the memory cycle is determined by multiplexer-selector u64. The following table shows its input and output signals. Input Controls RX SX (Pin 3) (Pin 13) Outputs WRITE cycle I Cycle Selected \ Unprotected Instruction (Pin 2) (Pin 15) PRTM CPU cycle SPl DSA cycle Refresh cycle L L WE L H SWRITE H L Low Low H H irrelevant irrelevant I : --- , Signal Description The following paragraphs describe each signal in detail: the signal name heads each paragraph together with the integrated circuit and pin number where it appears. The letter (H) and (L) indicate whether the signal at the corresponding pin is active High or active Low. WRITEREG[(H) Ul2/5, (L) U12/6] This register is positive edge triggered. On clock 6 it stores both during a read cycle (pin 5 low) and a write cycle (pin 5 high). inverse of pin 5. Pin 6 is the U12/4 (active low) is preset (pin 5 goes high) on clock 4. This is to prevent unnecessary spikes on the data out 1 ines to the DSA and CPU 1 ines. 89633300 A 5-115 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4, cont'd.) PROTECTREG (H) U29/8, (L) U29/9 This registe~ is positive-edge triggered. On clock 6 it stores whether the cycle is a protected instruction (U29/8 high) or an unprotected instruction (U29/8 low). P9 is the inverse of pin 8. U29/13 (active low) is cleared (p8 goes high) when the PRTSW (Prote.ct Switch, P2BOl)- is low. In this case (protect switch low) all instructions appear as protected within the memory system. The protect switch is situated on the programmer's console (front panel) INHIBITREG [(L) U29/5] This register is positive edge triggered. On clock 6 it stores provided either one of two conditions occurred: The first condition is that a parity error occurred on either memory bank while the instruction was unprotected. The second condition is that during a CPU cycle a parity error occurred in the selected memory location and that the SPB or CPB (Set or Clear Protect Bit) is activated on this memory cycle. The two conditions may be summed up: when an attempt is made to execute CPB or SPB instructions when a parity error exists in the selected memory location. The procedure for recognizing condition 2 works because before CPB or SPB, the program must read from the location in memory, and immediately afterward perform the CPB or SPB in that same location. If the INHIBITREG register recognizes either condition 1 or condition 2 or both conditions, U29/5 will go low. Otherwise U29/5 is high. U29/4 (active low) is preset (U29/5 goes high when the PRTSW (Protect Switch, P280l) Is low]. When the protect switch is low, the protect feature of the system appears to be disabled. 5-116 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL 3) (Orawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd). The memory system is processing the CPU request, but has not yet reached clock O. The combination of the following conditions define this: the memory Is processing a CPU cycle between clock 6-11 (U60/10) , and has not yet passed clock 8 because register B (u60/9( is active. Two memory systems are used in systems having more than 32K word memories. A second signal (G_M2: P2B07) is employed in the expansion memory system; it is basically identical to GIJMl in its function. Further explanation of the CPU memory request system. Schottky TTL circuits are employed in this system because timings must remain synchronized with the oscillator. The CPU transmits the CPU request signal CRQ between its clock 2-5 of pass 1 only. Also, the signal G_Ml must be high for one clock at the end of a CPU pass, which is why GIJMl is released before memory system clocks 3 and 9. The timing relationships are shown below. __ CPU PASS CPU PASS 2 -f I i CPU Clock 0 Memory Clock 0 CRQ e'MI 89633300 A 1 0 2 0 I I 3 4 2 5 3 I 6 4 7 5 8 6 I 9 7 9 0 8 9 I 2 10 3 11 I I H L H L 5-113 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd). Basic Control signals to the DSA SRSM (L) P2Bl8 The SRSM synchronizes the DSA with the memory. Because the DSA is an asynchronous device, the SRSM does not have to be a fast signal. The SRSM appears at an open collector gate, and can be used as a wired-OR function. In multibank memory operation the SRSM of both lower and upper banks are connected together. This is an active low signal; normally the line will be high. When one of the memory systems wants to activate the SRSM line, it merely activates its own SRSM signal. The entire SRSM is then forced low until this same bank deactivates its SRSM signal. When SRSM is high, at the beginning of a DSA cycle, it informs the DSA device that the memory has not accepted the DSA address, and that the DSA should continue to transmit the address. When SRSM falls, it informs the DSA device that it has accepted the DSA request and address. The DSA should immediately clear the DSA request and address lines, and it can send a new DSA request and address if desired. Further, for a DSA write-into-memory cycle, the low SRSM signal informs the DSA that the memory has not yet accepted data, and that the DSA should continue transmitting data to the memory. Also, for a DSA read-from memory cycle, the rising edge of the SRSM signals informs the DSA device that data from the memory is now valid. The SRSM is low between DSA cycle clocks 3-11. Refer to DSA Timing Specification in Section 4 and the Input/Output Specification Manual. 5-114 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL cxp (L) (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd.) (P2B16) sxp (l) (P2All) HelD (H) (P2B14) These three signals provide initiate and hold signals for the selector/latches on the memory address assembly. Before a memory cycle begins, HelD is High to hold the old memory address. SXP and CXP are also high. When the ex access selector activate at clock 1; CXP goes low, which allows a new AlU address into the MA address selectors. The CXP signal is also fed into U23/10, so U23/8 goes high and HelD (U42/8) goes low. This overlap of exp and HelD is important, because it allows the outputs of the MA address selector/latches to change only once. On clock 2.5 the signal AP5 (U58/4,5) goes low and HelD goes high. This holds the address in the MA address selector/latches. The HelD signal and AP5 are fed into a NAND gate whose output (U23/11) causes CXP to go high. This overlap of HelD and CXP prevents the HA address selector/latch from changing during this transient period. In other words, exp and HelD behave like the Q and Q of an R-S fl ip-flop; except HelD is Q inverted. For a DSA cycle, SXP behaves like the CXP signal during the CPU cycle. the DSA cycle, exp always remains high. HelDW (H) During (P2A24) The HA address selector/latches for the kiloword decoder do not have the same This decoder can have transients requirements as the other address bits. when the Disable signal is inactive between clocks - 1.5. However, it is desirable to have the kiloword decoders completely decoded before the Disable signal activates at clock 1.5. For this reason, a special hold signal called HelDW is used for the MA kiloword decoder. It is the signal AP5 inverted, and is active high between clocks 2.5 - 11. No time is wasted in the kiloword decoder when exp goes low at clock 1 because H~LDW is already low on clock 1. 89633300 A 5-111 MEMORY CONYROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd). Basic control signals to the CPU GeM 1 (H) P2B09 The CPU and memory are both synchronous devices using the same oscillator. However, the memory system is not always ready for the CPU because it may be performing DSA or Refresh cycles. When this happens, it is important to stop the CPU. The CPU is a two pass machine. During pass 1 the ALU caloulates address information and holds this information at the end of pass 1. During pass 2 the ALU calculates or receives data information and holds or accepts this information at the end of pass 2. Both ALU passes are 5 clocks long; therefore pass 1 and pass 2 together take 10 clocks. This causes a discrepancy, because the CPU memory cycle is 11 clocks long. When the CPU is performing a memory request, it must be stopped for one clock so that both the CPU and CPU memory cycle will have the same number of clocks, namely 11. The CPU is stopped by the memory system with the signal G0Ml. If this signal is low at the end of CPU memory request pass 1 or pass 2, it will stop at the end of that pass. Further, the memory system requires address information between CPU memory cycle clocks 1-3 and data information between clocks 3-9. conditions for lowering the G0Ml signal can now be defined. 1) The memory system is busy with a DSA or Refresh cycle. the following three conditions define this: The three The combination of if the memory is not processing a CPU cycle (ex: u60/5), the CPU requested memory access (CRQ: U60/6), the address is in this memory bank (ICA: U60/4). 2) The memory system is processing the CPU request, but has not yet reached clock 3. The combination of the following conditions define this: the CPU requested memory CRQ (U60/1) for this memory bank leA (U60/11, 12), the memory cycle has not passed clock 2 because register A (U60/13) is active. 5-112 89633300 A (Drawin~ MEMORY CONTROL DISABLE number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd.) P2B10 (l) Disable activates (low) when IPS (u41Pl0) ~oes high at clock 1.5. Disable deactivates when F (U41P12) goes low. One clock after F goes low, BUSY (U41P9) goes low. Then F goes high. When the next access selector activates, BUSY goes high. If leADRA (U41PI3) is low, Disable is inactive. leADRA is used for lPDR operation. CE (l) P2B27 This signal falls at clock 4 when register C falls, and rises when register rises. REF (l) E P2A07 This is a 2-2 AND-OR gate. REF is low during refresh cycles because U61Pl,13 is connected to RX. REF is low for DSA and CPU cycle until clock 3 when register B (U61P10) falls, and REF remains high until clock 11 when register E (u61P9) rises. STROBE (l) P2Al2 This signal is the inverse for register D. Because Disable and CE are critical timing signals going to eight memory modules, they employ extra powerful buffers to be less noise susceptible. STReBE is extra powerful because each of eight memory modules uses 2.5 TTL logged units from this signal. 89633300 A 5-109 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6 cont'd). Basic Control signals during refresh cycles. SXA (l) P2B08 This active low signal informs the Memory Address (MA) assembly that a OSA cycle is being processed. Pl6 (l) It is the inverse of SX, active between clocks 1-11. P2A17 Active low signal opens the 16 bit parity latch on the MA assembly; activates at clock 7 when A (U23/2) rises until clock 9 when C (U23/1) falls. B (l) P2B12 Active low signal clocks the protect bit (bit 17) register on the MA assembly. Activates at clock 7.5 when 0SC rises. Deactivates at clock 8 when 0SC falls. B cannot activate during other time intervals. CHOR (l) P2B02 M1 Active low signal provides timing to the CPU data in memory latch. CHOR activates at clock 4 when E (U63/5) goes high and activates at clock 8 when B (U63/4) goes low. 5-110 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd.) Introduction The Control unit processes a collection of control signals and can be divided into two parts: 1. Basic Control Signals Control signals necessary for all types of memory cycles, i.e., read or write cycles in protected or unprotected locati ons. 2. Write Control Signals Control signals for write memory cycles used with the protect system. For timing signals refer to Memory Control Timing (sheet 4). Note: BASIC CONTROL SIGNALS DISABLE (L) P2B10 The falling edge of this signal activates the precharge signal in the memory. The falling edge starts at clock 1.5, giving the memory system half a clock period to select one of four kilowords on each memory card. As each kiloword has its own control signals (precharge, cenable, R/W) only one kiloword will be activated. Since the precharge signal consumes most of the memory power delaying the disable until clock 1.5 conserve~ power consumption without imposing critical set-up or hold time restrictions on other memory signals. The rising edge of the disable signal deactivates the cenable (cell enable signal) in the memory. This occurs at clock 10 for DSA and CPU cycles, and clock 8 for Refresh cycles. 89633300 A 5-107 MEMORY CONTROL CE (L) (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4,6, cont'd.) P2B27 (Cenable) The falling edge of this signal at clock 4 activates the cenable signal in the memory. Also, within the memory, the canable signal forces the precharge signal to deactivate. The crossover of the cenable-active precharge-inactive is performed on the memory card (rather than the memory control card) because of critical overlap times required by some memory chip manufacturers. The CE signal deactivates at clock II for DSA and CPU cycles, and clock 9 for Refresh cycles. It is important to have the CE signal deactivate one clock after the Disable signal deactivates. If the CE ~ignal deactivates earlier, the precharge signal may reactivate at the end of a memory cycle. REF (L) P2A07 The REF signal blocks the module selector (MDX#) within the memory card. During Refresh cycles the REF signal is always activate low because a Refresh cycle must refresh all of the memory modules. During DSA and CPU cycles, this is low during clock 1 to 3 because the module selector decoding is slow The REF signal goes high between clock 3-11. and not stable during this time. For all unselected memory modules during this time, the precharge signal deactivates one clock before the Cenable signal, and the cenable with the memory card never activates. Only in the one memory module selected by the module selector does the precharge-cenable sequence continue. STR0BE (L) P2Al2 This signal is active low between clocks 5-10 for DSA and CPU cycles, and clock 5-9 for Refresh cycles. It enables the data out sense amplifiers within the memory card. It also deactivates the Read/Write (R/W) signal (see R/W signal later in this section) slightly faster than the cenable signal, helping meet an end of cenable - end of R/W specification for the memory chip of some manufacturers. This signal performs no useful function during refresh cycles. 5-108 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3,4,6). MEMORY CONTROL BASIC CONTROL SIGNALS Function: To provide all control signals to the memory, memory address, CPU and OSA devices. Note: The following signal I ists include a number of signals not directly connected to the circuits described here. Inputs SIGNAL !SIGNAl SOURCE/, ICONNECTOR PIN: PRTSW PRTM P2BOI I FUNCTION , , PI B30 LOCATION SHEET SQUARE 3 A-I 3 0-2 3 C-2 j SPI PI B29 WE P1A30 I Ii 3 0-2 SWRITE P1B31 ! 3 C-2 6 0-3 6 0-3 3 A-2 IIISCA U38/6 CRQ P2A09 ICA PBC 89633300 A I I , II i I I I Oscillator buffered CPU cycle Request I P2A08 P2A22 I ! 5-105 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3~4,6,(cont'd). Outputs SIGNAL . SIGNAL SOURCE, CONNECTOR PIN GriM 1 GfJM2 DISABLE P2B07 6 0-1 6 0-1 I! 6 B1 P2B08 DSA active ('SX) 3 A-2 R/W I, P2A20 Read/Write 3 C-2 CXP I P2B16 CXeSX-HeLD-AP5 3 C-2 ! P2A24 AP5 3 C-2 3 B-2 3 C-2 4 B-1 4 B-1 4 C-I 4 A-I 4 D-4 i H"LDW HrlLD SXP S'RsM I I I REF CE DE P16 B I STReBE CMDR CVIOI . i I cx] ; P2B14 AP5 [SX + P2A11 SX·HOLD-AP5 ! P2B18 SX.[D + B] DSA Synchronizing signal II P2A07 RX [B + E] ! ,i P2B27 • P2B17 Data-line Enable , i 1 P2AI7 A·C I i P2B12 Second Counter stage 4 B-1 i P2A12 Timed by D (='6) , 4 B-3 P2B02 B'E , 4 B-1 4 A-3 I II I I t t i I I i I I ! i It I CX~B.E LOADRA-f-BUSY .. IP5 I I I ICA·CRQ + P2BI0 ill I P2B09 LOCATION SHEET SQUARE FUNCTIGN -[.'C = C + E, (Cenable) I ! ; ., !, I, i , I : I I ; PIA28 (See sheet 5) I , 5-106 89633300 A (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4, contld.) MEMORY CONTROL Detailed Circuit Description The BUSY signal clears the five-stage ring-counter (U9, When this signal goes high the counter is free to run. will be the first to toggle because outputs E and the J E UIO, Ull). Flip-flop A (U9/S) are inversely connected to and K terminals of the A flip-flop relative to the other J and K connections. The ripple-through process shifts the toggling along the counter on the appearance of each clock pulse. The counter is clocked by the 0SC signal, the flip-flops being triggered on the negative going edge of the signal. The J input activates the flip-flops, the K input and the Clear input (Busy signal) deactivates them. The K input activates Register F (U4S). During DSA or CPU cycles, this register activates after inputs U4S/11 (f), and U4SP12 (D) are activate. However, during Refresh cycles this register activates two clock cycles after inputs u4S/9 (RX) and U4S/10 (A and B) are active. The J inputs are grounded, so only the Preset input u4S/S (BUSY) can deactivate the Register. to the ~SC The clock U4S/13 is connected and is negative edge-triggered. Half of U9 (U9/7,9) is not part of the ring counter; it generates the timing signal APS. It is activated on the half clock after the J input U9/11 is active. The K. input (U9/12) is grounded, so this register can only be deactivated by the clear input U9/14 (BUSY). This register is negative-edge triggered, but because it is connected to ~SCA it operates between clock cycles. The IPS register consists of two NAND gates wired as on R-S fl ip-flop. inputs U42/1,S are high, the flip-flop holds its state. When Both inputs will never be low at the same time because the BUSY signal is common to both of them but inverted in U42 5. After an access register activates, U42/1 (BUSY) goes high. On the half clock after the access register went high, U42/12 and U42/13 (BUSY) is high. (~SC) goes high, U42/S goes low, activating the IPS flip-flop. At the end of the timing sequence, the BUSY signal (U42/l) goes low, deactivating the fl ip-flop. 89633300 A Since IPS is connected to ~SCA and activates when 0SCA is high, S-lC3 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheets 4,6) the IP5 activates during a half-clock. All the register, A, B, C, D, E, FI AP5 and IP5 are super high speed Schottky TTL devices to meet specifications in the high speed (600 nsec) memory system. Q ~~ o~ ;~ 0 0: 0 >CI) X 0 ;:) ID 0 ..J "Q :z: Go )( 0 I~ I~ lit "Q ~ !e Go .... 0:: 0 0 5-104 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4) MEMORY CONTROL TIMING Control Signal Diagram for DSA Cycles Memory Clock SXA I 2 I I ¥ 4 8 6 7 8 9 I I 10 " 2 I 3 ¥ I I I 4 I n I I CXP SXP 3 H L H I I + I ~ :1 I I t t H~LDI H L. H L H SRESUME L Control Signal Diagram for Refresh Cycles I Memory Clock Disable I I Cenable REF 89633300 A 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 I H L H L L 5-101 (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4, cont'd.) MEMORY CONTROL The advantage of the full ring counter is that only one of the five major timing signals (A, B, C, D, or E) can clock a cycle. Any timing sequence can be chosen from this pattern by simply ANDing or ORing one or two timing signals since only one timing signal can change at any time. On clock 10 of DSA and CPU cycles register F (End of cycle) activates. This deactivates the Access Selector one clock later, and the Busy signal will fall, clearing the timing circuit. There are two special purpose timing signals, IPS and APS. Both of these timing signals activate on half clocks (in between usual clock edge triggering) instead of full clocks. Both of them are cleared by the Busy signal. IPS activates between clock I and.2{referred to as clock 1.5). APS activates during clock 2 and 3 (referred to as clock 2.5). . is shorter because data For a Refresh cycle, the timing sequence is shortened two clock cycles. A Refresh cycle is neither read nor written during this cycle, so time need not be allowed for data from the memory to stabilize. The Refresh cycle is shortened by activating register F (End of cycle) on clock 8 instead of clock 10. When the Busy signal falls during the next clock, all· timing signals are cleared. The J input activates the Timing circuit registers. deactivates them. The K input or clear A hazard may arise in the Refresh cycle timing sequence as registers D and E are asynchronously cleared. Any timing function combining registers D and E may have spikes in it. Care was taken not to use function D and E (or their inverses or combinations) in places where spikes might impair the behavior of the system. 5-102 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY CONTROL TIMING Function: (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 4) To provide all timing signals within the memory system. Inputs SIGNAL f}SC ~SCA BUSY RX SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN [U56/6,8] [U38/6] [U38/12] [u24/8] NAME OF SIGNAL Clock Oscillator buffered One of access selectors active Refresh cycle selector LOCATI ON SHEET SQUARE 3 3 3 3 04 Cl Cl 03 Outputs A A AP5 AP5 B B [U9/5] [U9/6] [U9/9] [U9/7] [UIO/9] [UIO/7] C [UI0/5] [UIO/6] C 0 0 E E F [Ull/5] [Ull /6] [Ull /9 [UII/7] [U45/8] [U45/6] [u42/6] F IP5 1 Clock phase 1 > } Clock 2.5 } Clock phase 2 1 Clock phase 3 1 Clock phase 4 } Clock phase 5 } End of cycle Clock 1.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 02 02 C2 C2 C2 B2 C2 C2 02 B2 B2 B2 B4 A4 A2 Description of Operation The heart of the memory timing circuit is a five stage ring counter (fl ip-flops contained in U9, UIO, Ull. This gives the main timing signals (A,B,C,D, and E). The counter is cleared by the BUSY signal (active low). The clock cycle is selected by the Access Selector when the BUSY signal goes high. This frees the counter which starts generating ~he clock pulses. The pattern of pulses is shown in the following two figures. 89633300 A 5-99 (Drawing-number 89619100, sheet 4) MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY CONTROL TIMING Memory clock I , 2 6 4 3 a 7 I I 8 , 1O 9 3 2 /I 4 6 I I ~- Disable H L L~ cenabl. H REF L L: STROBE H Pia L H LJ PI7 l H H91LDW L H R/W (Write Cycle Only) l 2 I SXA CXP SXP , I t 4 I 5 I I a I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 II 2 I I I I 1 I III I I I H9JLDI f 4 I I I I 3 I I I I III I I I I I I 5-100 3 I I , 2.5 2.5 I I t 89633300 A 5 I H L H L H l H l 00 \D 0' \II) \II) \II) o o » &. THE CDC TY PE DESIGNATORS "'OR U 6, U24, U25, U56 AND UII8 VCCR'...... \TI I \D ...... ....... \D 00 (NOT """" ,1'2A1J I '''1 A RE DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY CONTROL PENDING. MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number B9619100, sheet 3, conti d.) CX Selector Flip-flop (U7) K inputs to CX activate CX, J inputs deactivate CX K input to CX (U7) This is a 2,2 AND/OR input gate. U7/9,10 are grounded, reducing it functionally to a 2 input AND gate. U7/12: U7/11: Synchronized CPU request. Conditional activate CX if: 1) U5/9, 10 A (Sychronized) Refresh cycle is not requested. or 2) or 3) U5/2,3 a) and b) 4) or a) The (Synchronized) DSA priority or 32KW are not blocking the CX selector. The CPU address is not valid and did not address this memory bank: U5/1: CPU request delayed 2 clock cycles. Sychronized. U5/3: Incorrect CPU address to this memory bank A DSA cycle is not desired: U5/6: DSA request was activate for at least 2 clock cycles to allow time for the DSA address lines to stabilize. Synchronized. and b) U5/4: Correct DSA address to this memory bank. J input to CX F(U7/1,2) End of cycle B9633300 or U7/3,4 and and 1. 2. 3. A Condi t ional The CPU address is valid and it is found that the CPU did not desire usage of this memory bank: uB/l: CRQ2 CPU requests delayed two clock cycles. Synchronized. uBI2 : CRQ CPU reques t . Synch ron i zed. UB/13: Incorrect CPU address to this memory bank. 5-95 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd.) Preset input to CX (Active Low) U7/5: Conditional deactivate CX if: 1) U38/10: RX is active 2) U38/11: SX is active 3) U38/9: LPDR operation. Clock input to CX U7/13: Clock fall ing edge triggered clock connected to the oscillator. Qoutput from CX U7/8: CX CPU cycle Q Output from CX U7!6: not a CPU cycle. ex Indicating output signals BUSY (U41/6) One of the 3 access selectors is active "SC (U56/6,8):· Osci llator buffered. Usually used to clock faJ1 ingedge triggered flip-flops. (U38/6) Oscillator buffered. Usually used to cl~ck rising edge triggered flip-flops. Because the ~SC line is long, it is double buffered and terminated AUXiliary Circuits The signal at P2A29 is always high because a pull-up resistor R2 is attached to the line and the line is never connected in the computer. This line is used during manufacturing testing to pre-synchronize certain signals. 5-96 89633300 A MEMORY CONTROL Signal Functions (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd.) RX Selector Flip-flop (U24) J J inputs activate RX, K input deactivate RX inputs to RX R'X{U24/5) RRQl (U24/3) Synchronized refresh request. BUSY(U24/4) The memory system is not busy with a DSA or CPU cycle (or redundantly with a Refresh cycle). Synchronized (with the clock). K inputs to RX F{U24/9, 10,11) End of cycle. Synchronized. Clear input to RX Active low LOADRA{U24/2) Kaster clear signal to deacti'late RX before going into LPDR operation. Q output from RX RX{U241B) Refresh cycle Q output from RX RX(U24/6} Not a Refresh cycle. Clock input to RX Clock(U24/l2) Falling edge triggered clock connected to the Osc ill ator. 89633300 A 5"93 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd). SX Selector Flip-flop (u6) J inputs activate SX, K inputs deactivate SX J inputs to SX MSXA(u6/4) The other memory bank is operating on a DSA request. Ignore DSA requests on this memory bank. Synchronized. ISA(U6/3) Correct DSA address to this memory bank. (u6/S) Conditional Activate SX if: 1) U40/1,2: Refresh Synchronized cycle is not requested. The double connections ensure that the condition is held when it occurs (RRQ) and one clock after (RRQ1). and 2) u40/4 The memory system is not busy with a Refresh, DSA or CPU cycle. Synchronized. and 3) u40/S The DSA request was activated during the last clock cycle. This allows the DSA address lines to stabilize so that the SX selec.tor wi 11 act ivate only on the correct Synchronized. memory bank. K inputs to SX U6/9,lO, 11: F End of cycle. Synchronized. Clear Input to SX (active Low): u6/2 Normal: When the memory system is in LPDR operation, the SX reg i ster is constant 1y dea.ct i vated. Q output from SX sx(u6/8): DSA cycle Q output from SX SX(U6/6) : Not a DSA cycle Clock input to SX Clock(U6/12): Falling edge triggered clock connected to the oscillator. 89633300' A MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd) Outputs SIGNAL RX RX SX $x CX ex I i II esc BUSY 0sC'A ! HsXA \- R/W I CXP 89633300 A SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN u24/8 u24/6 u6/8 U6l6 U7/8 U7/6 U56/6,8 U38/12 U38/6 P2A14 P2A20 P2B16 NAME OF SIGNAL LOCATION SHEET SQUARE ~ Refresh cycle 3 D3 ~ DSA cycle 3 C3 ~ CPU cycle 3 B3 3 3 3 3 3 3 D4 Cl Cl A4 C2 C2 Oscillator buffered Active of access selectors Oscillator buffered DSA cycle bank selector 5-91 MEMORY CONTROL (Drawing number 89619100, sheet 3, cont'd.) Description of Operation The basic units of this circuit are the three cycle selectors/registers RX, SX, and CX (U24, U6, U7). These correspond to Refresh cycle, DSA cycle, and CPU cycle respectively. Only one may be active at any time. After the cycle is over, all of the selectors must be inactive for at least one clock cycle. To assure this operation, all the registers are activated and deactivated synchronously (through their J or K inputs). The active low c1ear inputs of these registers are used for clearing them during LPDR (Low Power Data Retention on power failure) operation. The active low preset input on the CX register is used for lPDR operation and to assure that theCX register will not activate during a Refresh or a DSA cycle. If simultaneously more than one access cycle is initiated at the beginning of an access cycle, only the one with the highest priority is selected. The order of priorities for the different cycles is as follows: Refresh has the highest priority. DSA has the next highest priority. CPU has the least priority. Because there can be two 32 kiloword memory systems, one in the main and one in the expansion enclosure, communication between these two units is essential. The signal MSXA prevents the DSA selector from being active simultaneously on both 'banks. The CPU selectors on both banks may be active simultaneously, but the improperly addressed bank may not reactivate until the next CPU is sent. The signal SRQE tells the CPU selector that the DSA request has been accepted by one of the memory banks and that the DSA address is no longer valid due to transients. The DSA priority signal blocks the CPU access selector. The 32KWE signal blocks the CPU selector only on the upper bank if the CPU is in 32KW operation (a switch ,on the AB107/AB108 front panel). When the 32KW switch is active, the CPU never addresses the upper bank. Blocking the CPU access selector assures the DSA that its access time to the memory will not be delayed because the CPU selector is active. On the lower memory bank in the main computer enclosure 32KWE is not connected to the 32KW switch. Instead it is permanently wired to ground so as to make it inactive. 5-92 89633300 A I 00 \.0 P21150 (7\ w w w o o tTl tYCC3 :1 RG'WII >'ZII21 "" ... " MO YCC3~ 470 \.T1 I 00 \.0 ~ ~~~~~~=-~'~U~51, iiiWil ~ I ~ I 61 ~CD " I 3.5-- I GNO PIA29 \AI I ,-:--.-.--L . • I ~6~t~ • 1 47 GNO a 68nf a .-< ;~o r: J ~;J. o. GNO PI6)P2A14 o p P2812 (GNO) P2821 0110116 ':' , --- -~.;;;w;z.;-C~IT-- -----,1 I I +57V !!.L...J iJii:PIAli CPlM PII" :~: 1221 I I -M~R P2A30 P2831 R30 330 ~ L ____ 146: If 4 I R31 LOK . + C, I -'- 33"F iOV T ~ ~u (+5V SWITCHED) C5.CI2.CI3 ~_~ I c II ___ _' R5I ~:~ v." 19 61 13 ~I-il-:lt-I • -51.' • ~ 2A2~ I 14~H ~ 2 B I I R35 270 R41 8 9 00 43 ~ ~ F 6 ibLl!-- ~ 6~ ~t--_ _ _.:;:I0"f~ ~ ~ 9 PIBI6 R36 ~ 502 S ---'! 2 3 ] SD7,-PIB05 ,L-..!! 4 PIAI7 /DINIO ,7 PIAI8 DIN9 ~2~70~+-__~r+~ 4 U 13 U31 s~r~~~: r!---! 00 ~ 270 SD6 PlB06 SD5'PIB07 4 U47 ' 5 , ! 146 "i\>++---"'H--'-fCO ~ U46 --.:;J.1ji\. 6 ~ ~ ..tp\ 2\J B ~ I-- I II 0 I I 14 0 13 I R34 270 vee Br--'~ ~ R47 270 R46 ~ S I 4 3~ R49 270 r * -- '" - 2 0 I 5 0 --.!. I ----.! ~ 270 ~, K 6 502 U45 ~ -t i, ,!t,J ...... 8 2 R44 270 R50 r-- r-+-++_~I0:t I . 270 ,---+-+-t-+~-~9:i V1 I I .,~: IU60 _ U43 ,'~ ~ 146H 16 CD ~ U44 18 ~ 20 ~121 , , CD r=----'" 22 ~ p!.J ~ _ 4 PIA03 APP SD9~~~------, ~ : ~ I I CHKO 5011 \. PIAI5 SD8,PIBI4 RRGTR 168 14 ~ 0 12 PIB02 /, 13 I ,DINI - R43 270 vee W ORFT DATE h~O L-----------+T+-H-4::1:5i;,GI ~ ;JC J!I U64 DESCRIPTION 5010 \. PIB20 . / PIBI8 I r 15 ~~I SD2,.PIB04 ~~ L...t:. RRGTR _ .,,;., l'R~Rr I ~~ ~ ~ 146H 2$' .........!! CD .!!.J U48 » L~vL £CO SD3'--"-'''!.l''- ~ ~ ~C ) REVISION RECORD ,,- PIB03 500 501'- PIAOI Q) \D . - 12 PIB24 DINI2 j DWG NO C 89615200 SHEET ~ 5 I 100V A HEHORYADDRESS DATA IN: (drawing number 89615200, sheet 6) PARITY AND PROTECT BITS Function: This circuit generates the parity and protect bits for data into the memory. The Power Switch Circuit for LPDR operation is also shown here. SIGNAL CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION LocATION SHEET SQUARE In~uts U45/6 u41/6 U31/6 U2716 SXA DE P16 Df}UT17 CPBH SPBH CHDR B [K] [H] ['F) 1 6 c4 C2 C3 Cl B2 B4 c4 A4 c4 C4 B4 A4 6 C2 I. A2 D2 A2 B2 B2 5 I Pari ty Generator Outputs t ! [L] J [A] [D] P2A14 P2B10 P1B13 PlA12 P2A06 P2B08 I I 5 6 Protect bit output Out~uts DINl6 DIN17 016 D17 PAR PBC P2B12 P2A10 P2A22 P2A13 P2All PlAl3 Pari ty bit Protect bi t j I 6 Functional Descri~tion DIN16 and DINl7 are the parity bit and protect bit into the memory respectively. Their outputs "are always low if DE is high. The purpose of DIN17 is to rewrite the protect bit during write cycles. The protect bit read from memory (Df}UT17 line) is stored into register UI8/5, 6. The negative edge of B (P2B08) clocks this register on clock 7.5. On clock 8 of a write cycle, DIN17 will be the same polarity as Df}UT17 was on clock 7.5. 5-68 89633300 A MEMORY ADDRESS DATA IN: (drawing number 89615200, sheet 5) 16 BIT DATA AND PARITY GENERATORS Function: To select data from the CPU or DSA lines and transmit this data to the memory. SIGNAL CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION LOCATION SHEET SQUARE Inputs SDOO -: SOlS ALUOO .; ALU15 SXA DE CMDR DSA bus ALU (CPU) bus P2A20 P2Bl8 P2A06 Outputs DINOO -: DIN15 DSA cycle selector Data Enable Data Input to memory [U45/6] [U4l/6] [U3l/6] [U2716] Par i ty Generator Outputs 5 II 5 6 B3 B4 B4 5 I I 5 C4 C3 C2 Cl Circuit Description The CPU data enters the memory system on the ALU (ALUOO~AlUI5) lines. These lines, buffered and inverted, go to the address latches. Because their polarity is wrong for data to the memory, they must be inverted again. The AlU lines must be buffered because they may otherwise be overloaded, especially if the AlU lines are connected to both the lower and upper memory banks. The double buffered AlU lines enter data latches. These latches are opened jf SXA (P2A20) is high and CHDR (P2A06) is low. Thus. data can enter the data latch during clocks 4 - 8 of a CPU or Refresh cycle. On clock 9 the latches are 89633300 A 5-65 .... .... VI I (7\ (7\ :I{L) ••• 47 • PI6~P2A14 r-- --POW-;.;-;W;;.;-C';;I:;-----,' I SP8M):P:IA:I.~_ _ _ _-=~ Cl>iiii )..-...... ____ -. I I 1221 lIr .4 -L 6 +!I.7V P2AaO iiPWri PZII3I t 10V - .~--+-.. R:llI 410 I I I . '-'X 2.4.lI (PSC 1'- . --'- (DINI7 IP' V (D17 . II~, II • -_.- QC) \J) '" \oN \oN \oN o o ):0 ! ..OK CII.CI2.Clli IP'- . --.. (PAR 1 RliO 330 CII +as,.F V_ (+:lV SWITCHED) I I I I L ____ :._t ___ --1 1961 13 P2BIO D.UT ~7~ P2808 . R31 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY ADDRESS co .. \D 0' w w w o o ~ I@" 5.1.I@CIIP » , PIlOt I I ...." 111 vee PlI.. ALU811" SAI4 U 1.1 A" AW4' .. J 170 II~ I Plall J 110 Il1O "ILD vee I ~ lIT" 4. I , .!l~ UI4 ~ I • ,f:j~ I-'Ii ~. 1111 ZM J IIZI III 1111 III II r:~ ~r-;-II 140M ~ . 12 .... PRIGS , 1i1U PIAGI..,iiiili , PIA041: , iiDii ~ I. 4 , r::i 141" • ~ ~ ~I-~ ;:J~ n I~ ~.. I PlI041 1iiim . PlIOI;, , iii1iiI I~ ~I • "I 141M ~~ "'" ~ .... I PlAG7J iiDii pn07 iIDI PZAoa ii6iY ~ ~ ~ 5 - 1.8 I~ 4 , ~ T RI2 III iii1i" ~ ~ roe ...,Jt; : ~PZI05 m :~PU05 .. , P21 .. "0' ~~ I II ....Mp.!2...-- r ~I H I • lUll ... 12 II 1- Z ALU 11- II • I 141" --'..!!.!! lIB PIIII .~ ~ 0' Lr;.!!! I 140"--r.~ 4 ~ ~ m , PZIOI D Ir-- .....! . . . I ...!l- Ull m W Sf' --' ~ 217M 4. I vee 11M III 148" ~ Fl' ...I~bL I· ~~I 1111 III 31 ~r-..---l!' I . ,,"127 1M2., IIZI III , i~~1rL- I .... " UIO " un I" 14'" UI2 vee [CO I~ use 40 r----"I t-• II~" 4. "ID~I , "ASO "[V l.Jgr-..-- "'4~1 >"All I PUOI " URI SAil 1127 III vee .1.1 lIE IIIP ALUlIi V1 I ~ 7ii" PUll ~ I 148H ,I 51 U5S """- 8 r®& J PIBI9 J, ElIIT COMPUTERS LTD • 111.5""" •• DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ME MOllY ADDRESS • MEMORY ADDRESS (drawing number 89615200, sheet 4, cont'd.) Description The module selector selects the address of one of eight memory modules according to either the DSA address or CPU address, and latches it. The CPU lines are active low, the DSA lines are active high. The selector outputs are active low. If a memory module assembly is installed in the computer, it pulls the DX# signal corresponding to its location to ground. Otherwise the DX1 signal remains high. CPU and DSA addresses must correspond to each other. That is ALU12 ALUI3 ALUI4 must correspond to II II II II II II SA12 SA 13 SAI4 DXI refers to module I (the second memory assembly location) and MDXI activates memory module I. The sign U (DXU) represents one of the memory location numbers (I ~ 7). The first memory assembly location is always occupied. No information is on the module selector during refresh cycles. The REF signal activates all the memory modules during a refresh cycle, so decoding of the module selector is not necessary. However, the module selectors remain stable during a refresh cycle and no spikes occur on them. This is a safeguard and not strictly necessary since the REF signal provides timing on the memory modules for the module selectors. If all eight memory modules are installed the module addressed is the one that is used. If less than eight memory modules are available the module that is used is selected by the storage-wrap around table, built according to a) b) how many modules are available which module is addressed. Formulas for this are given below: 12, 13 and 14 refer to address bits ALUI2, ALUl3 and ALUI4 or SAI2, SAI3 and SAI4. The wrap-around table resulting is also shown. 89633300 A 5-61 (drawing number 89615200, sheet 4, cont'd.) MEMORY. ADDRESS MDXO MDXl MDX2 MDX3 MDX4 MDX5 MDX6 MDX7 = .. = = = = = = (DX 1. 12) ( 12) (DX3.12) ( 12) (DX5.12) ( 12) (DX7.12) ( 12) (DX2.13) (DX2.13) ( 13) ( 13) (DX6.13) (Dx6.13) ( 13 ) ( 13) (DX4.14) (Dx4. Pi) (Dx4.14) (Dx4.14) ( 14) ( 14) ( 14) ( 14) Storage Addressing Wrap-Around STORAGE SIZE (KWORDS) STORAGE MODULE ADDRESSED o1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 65 234 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F o0 o0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 o1 o1 o1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 o 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 o1 2 3 0 1 2 o 1 234444 012 o 1 234 5 4 5 0 1 2 o1 2 3 4 5 6 6 o1 2 o1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o1 2 o 1 234 5 6 7 888 0 0 0 0 0 o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 000 1 o 1 G 1 2 o 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 6 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 89 898 989 6 7 8 9 A A 8 9 A A 6 7 8 9 A B 8 9 A B 6 7 8 9 ABCCCC 6 7 8 9 ABCDCD 6 7 8 9 ABCDEE 6 7 8 9 ABCDEF EFFECTIVE MODULE ADDRESSED For example, if the computer has 16K (16,38410) words of storage, the highest permissible address is 3FFF16. If the program attempts to address location 504016 (located in a nonexistent storage module 5), it actually references location 104016 in module 1. 5-62 89633300 A 00 \0 . (7\ W W W - 11' AEVISION RECOIIO o o ll2r-~ ~ J> v_ AW7L ~PIAa. 1 I I I ... PIIU I I46H ~ ....... PIUO r-- ,. .. ALII .. , ... , PlAIt I I y ~~ II 4 ~ 2 , vee ALII.; PI. . 4.U®" I4IH UI7 .r-L~ U@)- II I I46H "re UI7 vee II I ~I. III 210' Y I IIZ1 110 11111 Il1O I - I~ lUI Il1O PIli' "1.1 0 . - -- CODE IDENT DETAILED LOGIC DIAIII. . IC 1IIII000Y ADDIIES' DWG NO ....zoo SHEET 1 I I I~V MEMORY ADDRESS (drawing number 89615200, sheet 4) MODULE SELECTOR Function: SIGNAL Ineuts ALU12 ALU13 ALU14 ALU15 SA12 SAt3 SA14 CRI CXP SXP HflJLD DXt SIGNA(SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN DX5 DX6 DX7 P2A16 P2B09 P2B16 P2Bl3 PtB27 PtA3t PtA30 [AG] [AF] [AE] [AH] P2AOl P2BOt PtB31 P2Bll P2B06 P2B05 P2A05 Outeuts MDXO MDXl MOX2 MDX3 MDX4 MDX5 MDX6 MDX7 CAA15 P2B03 P2A02 P2A04 .P2B02 P2B04 P2B07 P2A07 P2A08 PtB19 Off DX3 DXli" 5-60 To select one of eight memory module cards. LOCATION SHEET SQUARE FUNCTION 4 B4 D4 C4 A4 B4 D4 c4 D4 D4 04 c4 D3 B4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 I IMemory Module Address CPU (from I, j I I i I Module Address i from DSA ~Memory I I 4 3 4 J 00FF 16 address from CPU CPU cycle selector .0SAcyctesetector .. i I Memory Module Presence Indicators ! I I I i I, I 4 4 Memory Module r,ie 1ector Signa 1s. 4 -. Dt Cl Cl Cl Cl Bl Bl Bl Al 89633300 A (drawing number 89615200, sheet 3) MEMORY ADDRESS COLUMN SELECTOR Function: SIGNAL To select and latch the memory column address to the memory card. SIGNAL SOURCE/ r.ONN~"('""nR PIN FUNCTION LOCATION SQUARE SHEET Inputs: ALU07 ALu08 ALU09 ALU10 ALUll SA07 SA08 SA09 SAlO SAll CRl CXP H0LD P2A09 P1A28 P1A22 P1A27 P1B28 P1B23 P1B30 P1B29 P1A26 P1B21 P1B22 y2/8] P2A25 3 Memory Address Lines \from CPU I I I I ,I I I i , ; Memory Address Lines from OSA , ,I \ I 00FF 16 address from CPU CPU cycle selector Latch hold (row,column, module) 3 2 2 04 c4 C4 B4 A4 04 C4 B4 B4 A4 04 A4 B4 Outputs: ACA5 ACA6 ACA7 ACA8 ACA9 P2B19 P2B17 P2B24 P2A18 P2B20 3 Memory Column Address Signals I I I 3 01 Cl Bl Bl Al Circuit Description Note: This circuit is similar to the Row Selector. The column latch selects and latches the memory address from either CPU or DSA address. The output of this latch is sent without decoding to the memory chip column address inputs (A5-A9). The memory address inputs are arbitrarily wired. 89633300 A 5-57 MEMORY ADDRESS ; (drawing number 89615200, sheet 3, cont'd.) However, CPU and DSA addresses must correspond. The CPU address must select the same locat ion in the memory as the DsA address for that location. Thus: ALU07 must correspond to SA07 II II ALU08 II SA08 II II ALU09 II SA09 II II II ALU10 SA10 II II II ALUll SA 11 The DSA address inputs are active high. Jow. The CPU address inputs are active When CRI is active (high) ALU07 appears as low, and ALU08-ALUJl appear as high. During a refresh cycle there is no special information on the coJumn address. However, the lines are held stable during this time to reduce system noise. The latching circuit is similar for the row, column and module selectors. It is described opposite sheet 2. 5-58 89633300 A .. ~ " 00 \D ~ \AI \AI \AI o o » I - _ _....;.-.:~""" ___( iiiiiiii ~ V'I I V'I V'I ...... V'I I V'I ~ DlTAlLED LDeIC DI_AM MEMOIIY ADDIIESS 4 MEMORY ADDRESS (drawing number 89615200, sheet 2, cont'd.) Functional Description The row latch selects and latches the DSA or the CPU addresses. The outputs of this latch, through the Refresh address Selector (ARAO through ARA4) , are sent without decoding to the memory unit row address inputs (AO through A4). The memory address inputs are arbitrarily wired. However CPU and DSA addresses must correspond, i.e., the CPU address must 5elect the same location in memory as the DSA address. That is ALU02 must correspond to ALU03 ALU04 " " " ALU05 ALU06 " " " " " " " " " SA02 SA03 SA04 SA05 SAo6 The DSA addresses are active high; the CPU addresses are active low. When CRI is active (high) the ALU address output appears as all zeros. Although no decoding is performed, (the 5 to 32 conversion is performed in the memory unit) the latch does go through a Refresh Selector. When a refresh cycle is being performed, it is not the latch information that goes to the memory row address but the refresh row address from the refresh address counter (U33). Circuit Description The row refresh address is stored in a five bit binary counter circuit U33. ADVANCE (P2B14) advances the counter just before a refresh cycle is performed. L0ADRA (P2A29) presets the counter so that BRWRA (P2B29) goes active (low) on the 32nd count advance after L0ADRA. BRWRA remains low only during the 32nd count. exception. The outputs of the counter are arbitrarily wired with one The memory units save power if the memory row address bit A4 goes low to high after the last Cenable was inactive. 89633300 A 5-53 MEMORY ADDRESS (drawing number 89615200, sheet 2, cont'd.) This is very desirable for lPDR (low Power Data Retention) operation. Thus, ARA4 is wired so that it will often be low on the 32nd rapid refresh cycle, and high after the 32nd rapid refresh is completed. The row address information is taken through the Refresh Selector gates (AND-OR gates U36/8, U35/8, U35/6, U51/8, U51/6). The control inputs (U36/1 and U36/10 fO,r ARAO and corresponding terminals on the other gates) are driven from RXA and its inverse; RXA active selects a refresh cycle row address, RXA selects the outputs of the DSA/CPU address latches. This arrangement avoids spikes on the row address lines (ARAO ~ ARA4) when changing from a DSA or CPU cycle to a refresh cycle. Row, Column and Module Selector latching The row, column and module selector register share a common latching system. This is described here. The signals SXP, CXP and HelD from the memory control assembly ~re designed so that spikes will not occur on the row, column or module selectors. By overlapping signals so that SXP (Ul/8) and HelD on a DSA cycle or CXP (U2/6,8) and HelD on a CPU cycle are never zero at the same time, the selectors will not generate unnecessary spikes by blocking all the information lines. HelD overlaps with CXP (SXp) at the beginning of the cycle so that the new address can be fed into the latch before the old one is finished. CXP (SXp) overlaps with HelD at the middle of the cycle assuriilg that the address is latched before it is blocked. 5-54 89633300 A MEMORY ADDRESS (drawinq number 89615200, sheet 2, cont'd.) DSA Cycle Input (Active High) SAO 1 SAOO L (SXP low) Output (Active Low) lKO 1K1 1K2 L L ~I L H H L H H H H H L H CRI (HiQh) H 1KO H H H L L Refresh Cycle Input --- RXA H H H H L H H H L H H L H (CiP low) CPU Cycle Input (Active LOw) ALUOl ALUOO L L L H 1K3 Output (Act i ve Low) 1K1 1K2 lK3 H L H H H L L H H H H ~ H H H (RXA high) Output (Act i ve Low) 1K1 1K2 1KO L L L 1K3 L The kiloword selector must be stable at clock 1.5 so t~at only one kiloword will be activated by the Disable signal on the Memory module. Note that the critical kiloword selector circuits use super-high speed TTL circuits. 89633300 A 5-51 (Drawing number 89615200, sheet 2) MEMORY ADDRESS ROW SELECTOR Function: cycles. Input SIGNAL ALU02 ALU03 ALU04 ALU05 ALU06 SA02 SA03 SA04 SA05 SA06 CXP SXP HI/JLD CRl RXA L0ADRA ADVANCE To select and latch the memory row address for DSA, CPU and Refresh SIGNAL SOURCE/ LOCATION FUNCTION PIN SHEET S_Q.UARE " P1B10 B4 2 P1A10 B4 . Memory Address 1 i nes 02 P2A17 from CPU P2A15 C2 1.1 P2A12 B2 B4 P1BOl B4 P1A06 02 }Memory Address 1 ines P1B09 from DSA C2 P1A09 J B2 P1A21 B4 CPU cycle selector P2B26 A4 P2B28 DSA cycle selector B4 Latch hold (row, column, module 2 P2A25 04 00FF 16 Address from CPU P1B22 3 2 Refresh cycle selector 03 P2B27 2 load Refresh Address A3 P2A29 Advance refresh address counter 2 P2B14 A3 ~ON~TOR Outeuts ARAO ARAI ARA2 ARA3 ARA4 BRWRA 5-52 P2B15 P2B22 P2A23 P2A21 P2B23 P2B29 I' 2 I } Memory Row Address Signals 32nd Refresh Address count 2 B2 B2 01 Cl Bl Al 89633300 A MEMORY ADDRESS (Drawing number 89615200, sheet 2) KILOWORD SELECTOR Function This circuit selects one of four kilowords on a memory module. Inputs SIGNAL ALUOO ALUOI SAOO SAOI CXP SXP HilLDW RXA CR1 SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN PI812 PIA II P2A24 P2825 P2B26 P2828 P2AI9 P2827 U42/12 FUNCTION 1 CPU address bits LOCATION SHEET SQUARE 2 } DSA address bits CPU cycle selector DSA cycle selector Latch hold (Kiloword) Refresh cycle selector 00FF l6 Address from CPU 2 3 04 c4 04 c4 84 I A4 c4 03 03 Outputs I KO m 1K2 I K3 89633300 A P2A28 P2B30 P2A26 P2A27 I' 2 ) Kiloword Selector Signals to Memory Module J 2 02 02 C2 C2 5-49 MEMORY ADDRESS (drawing number 89615200, sheet 2, cont'd) Description U19 and U3 select and latch the first two DSA or CPU address bits. This is achieved as follows (for timing diagram - clocks - refer to Figure 4-6) and to the timing diagram associated with sheet 4 of the Memory Control circuits. Between clocks 1 and 2.5 either SXP (for a DSA cycle) or CXP (for a CPU cycle) will be active low while H~LDW remains low. This allows SAOO, SAOl (for a DSA cycle) or ALUOO, ALUOl (for a CPU cycle) to pass through U19 and U3. At outputs U19/8 and U3/8 the signal is inverted. The signals are re-inverted and fed back into U19/1 and U3/1 in separate AND gates U34/1, 2 and U34/13, 12 forming a latch. At clock 2.5 H~LDW goes high, allowing U19/1 and U3/1 to pass through to the output (thus, the address is latched). After clock 2.5 SXP and CXP will be high so that their corresponding addresses can change without affecting the address that is latched. At clock 11 H~LDW goes down, losing the address-latch. The address is no longer needed after clock 10 because the Disable signal blocks the kiloword selector on the memory module assembly. Dropping the H~LDW signal at clock 11 decreases through-put time for a new address. The address selector must be stable by clock 1.5 of the next cycle when the Disable signal does not blook the kiloword selector on the memory assembly. The signal CRI is inverted and ANDed into the CPU address lines (refer to sheet 3). When this signal is active (high) andCXP is active (low) and blocked, ALUOO and ALUOl appear low; CRl is a signal used by the CPU to automatically address location (OOFF)16 in the memory (second Index Register). All inputs to U19 and U3 are active high. This implies that SAOO, SAOl are active high. Outputs U19/8 and U3/8 are used by the one-out-of-four decoder (U17, U50) to select one kiloword of the memory module (lKO through lK3). The kiloword selector output is active low. If the memory system is performing a refresh cycle, all the kilowords of the module are activated. The following tables summarize the operation of these circuits (in tables; H = logic high, 5-50 L = logic low). 89633300 A co \,0 w MEMORY ADDRESS ~ o continued from previous page 0\ w > Address and Control Lines to Memory ALU12 f AL014~ Module SA12 + SA14 ~ Selector ~ MDXO + MDX7 Module Presence DXl + DX71'7 (first module is al\iaYs present). Data t , PU : fALUOO + ALU15 # 16 lLALU08 + ALUIS From DSA: SDOO f SD15 ~16 )V Protect Bit} from Memory JrHodule Address Unes L I I Data-Inl l~DINOO I 4 I D~UT 17 f DINI5 Decodes the memory modul e address and· selects one of eight memory module assemblies. Data to Memory Parity Generator Output Pari ty BI t IProtect BIt Logic Descr i pt ion DIN16 DIN17 Selects data from the CPU of DSA 1 ines and transmits this data to the memory. Parity Bit} Protect Bit To Memory PAR1 .. IMemory Controll:to CPU for Pari ty Check DI7Jr HX17 = Protect Register Status. Generates the parity and protects bits for data into the memory. VI • .t:r ..... Memory Address Block Diagram V'I I - I I REVISION RECORD SHEET REIIISlOII STATUS ~ (X) 1/1/ II£v I 2 I 4 5 5 . , , - SHIET llUEIlENCI LETlE II ." - SHEET ."'EIlEIICES IS" Z S [II ~~N ,~T 4 • 5 A IZ n , IS 14 12 14 cs D4 II e4 D4 L . el D4 ez D4 II DZ A4 I' CZ I II IZ S T D4 OS U V W e4 x M DESCRIPTION U'''- To DR_NO EIIIIOIII ON' 1HZ' T.p 54 SH 4, UZ4-J. U24-5.IIIO, "" SH5, PlA05 SH., "","" ,!NYEIn'Eil UI4-II,ID 01 eK7I5 eORREeT DWG EilRORS 09 CKIII _ U: 1111 WAS "". Sill LII:,,"_S l1li1. liEF DESIG. DID NOT 'IT ASSY PWG. A4 e A4 @ Y# I lICe Ivee v.o' IS CS @ es D4 CZ @) -'_". 1;'" - 1At- "~Jot. .. ~ -".~ 1Wit. .!r-+ jsor.", ~'L $II' 4 IIU IIICC ..0;. es DS D4 14 AI AS es DZ Ae e4 DZ es n AD AE A4 DS D4 AI' A4 DS D4 D4 IS 84 ez es 04 l1li N,TES' I. ALL RESIST.IIS ARE 0.25 WATT S'I(, es z. THE VtfLTAGE SUPPLIED Tf ALl THE INTEGRATED elRCUITS 14 C4 i PUSI IS Vee EXCEPT 1"11' I UI7.U". UU. U3S.USI.U50.U5I.AND USZ T' WHleH Ve.. IS SUPPLIED -'IICC ~ 'ND~ PIAn + ;;~ PlIII CIO SSpI' IOV pZAOI. CI-C4 :::~C.-Ct .IN' '''D, pZIZI (X) '''D t UNLESS \'''IERWlS[ sprCIFED DltIlN51tJ11 AIitE 'N INC"S ~ \.0 ~ \AI \AI \AI Cl 2 ... !! t. 2 PI.AC[ 1: ANG ... ES t. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING I FIRST USEe ON TITLE Of e .____:~ • >- APPR FI=----_--- ..,,. ZS./~-II &~. MATERIAL _ - - - - - LOGIC DETAILED DIAGRAM ABI01-A 'IIImjmllMbl II.'''·1f ""'U"'k~ "' ~ D4 AA 'ND, I til) I va; 111 III "if VA ,.~ ~. If"' r=:~"!....=",:,,~~" FtI.TEll. _ " . , ".toN TDSMJ. 1125 III CHICD A", t.iif:i1i 14.:1. DETAOIED LIST AV WAS. PI ~-.urt DiTE _T <_ n ....- 07 CI< 770 A D4 Y AG AH AJ . A4 AS AI z + IV 1/ D Q ECO OS CKJ5' 01 CII 5Z5 / I:.NGR MFG Q.A ~ ... • :-t!- A,~ 1Ui1• ;11,i [. l' iI ~ MEMORY ~ •. 1J I." .... tf/Y. ~ TOE IDENT <·:A. E I ~ ADDRESS Ic I ORAWfliG NO 89815200 -TSHE£T ... f 01 & MEMORY ADDRESS The Memory Address circuits receive the address buses from the DSA channel and from the CPU and generate the addressing signals for the whole memory system. They also generate the data parity and protect bits. The memory data input is routed through this assembly, it also accommodates the switching circuit for the switched +5V supply (V CCS ) used during LPDR (Low Power Data Retention) operation. This page lists the principal blocks of the Memory Address. I ts block diagram is given on the next two pages. THE MAIN FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS - ......- - - - -. ", Des i gnation -......... ... ...--". - ..----, - -~ Shown on sheet Ki loword sel ector 2 Row selector Co.1 unm se 1ec to r Module selector Data in: 16 bit data and parity generators Data in: parity and protect bits 2 89633300 A --.-,-~ 3 4 5 6 5-45 V1 I J:C7' MEMORY ADDRESS The Memory Address circuits are accommodated on a single 50-PAK printed wiring board. The logic circuit diagram is given in drawing number 89615200, (sheets 1-5). These pages show the pr i nc i pa 1 blocks mak i ng up the Memory Address together with the main input and output signals. Both the circuit and the signals are described in detail on pages ~ssociated with corresponding sheet of the circuit diagram. CRQ SRQ CXP SXP RXA CRI HI1JLD HI1JLDW LI1JADRA ADVANCE Address and Control Lines to Memory CPU (ALU) & DSA (SA) Address and Data Li nes ALUOO, ALUOI SAOO, ALU02 SAOI ALu06 5 T -,I- SA02 .: SA06 ALU07, ALU08 00 \.0 C7' 'oN 'oN 'oN T ~ SA07 T SAIl Ki loword Selector Kl } 1lKO 1K2 1K3 Kiloword Li nes Row Selector ARAO ARAI ARA2 ARA3 ARA4 BRWRA Row Address Lines (decoded in Memory Unit) (5 .. 32) Selects and latches the memory row address for DSA, CPU and Refresh cycl es. Column. Selector ACA5 ACA6 ACA7 ACA8 ACA9 Column Address Lines (decoded in Memory Unit) (5 .. 32) Selects and latches the memory column address to the memory ca rd. 5 ALUll 5 5 Descr i'pt ion Selects one of four ki lowords on a memo ry mod uIe. Address o o » Memory Address Block Diagram (diagram continued on next page) "Pages 5-40 to 5-44 are unassigned ll 5-40/5-44 89633300 A 4 VI ~ C! 1 \AI (X) r.:o! o _)r"e 'I OINIY'- 11 =~~= . Iii 1":"~IM' '1>' • (1101 pi ~ .,)r_1W • 1>'1111 I I I 1,,:, ICIIIOI r.~? Iell" IV.. ? .p. .pl' r.r lCIIII [? [eM; ., 1~:, Ial42 1,- tIM. 1,,:, lCll4? "I I , IT lCRM (11)1 IV. al '1 ,~. , 'As p" I t -rc;; 1,.111. l'u 1M ,S hi? lCIIS? 01')1 IT lCMI I,,:: ICll40 I v.. 21 • p~ B _)'I.U _:: DlNII ~s r • 1Ir==J>. ,~rrI8 lun: JO 4 rt ? I~ , , @I E :v.. I (X) \D <7' AI U \AI \AI \AI 0 0 » .. 4 ~ t 64 011 \.0 ! Vol > ::::: ~ w 0 0 ("') 35 om 0 - 39,F - 4700F 35V - + 04 530F lCI _ R2 IK RI 100 2.. VCCI/-"W'> V. ;;j=::IOnF ;;j=:: 10tIf' 1iJ5Wlf) P2810 iii)!&! C69-C72,C77 CII,CI2,C84,C89, ctI.cM,CH-C98 100nF. 1 r .... > Plnl • I V. iF i- ~ f..-t'"~'· :e" -- W W Z M II~ M CRI CRS i:: ;l: 2N2_ PI811 CI G GIlD PZAOI Voo >PIAOI ~ y 1: C74,c7ll,C7lI,CIO,C90, • v.. ~ EC'7,ClB,C1JR/W'I'lIUF • . ____ 470.' V. 65 GND P2821 15 .. II GND PIA29 Ie ~QI iii' P2121 iii >P2801 011 ,!1215' 112 t I .... I~ l!!r-:-w Ie iii !:t CIOII • +2IV + +2Iv>P2AOI 67 ~.,>P2AII I T4.7pF .... 10V V.. !1:C5. Vee' 'T'llpF .... 10V _IIV>PIAZ6 BI CII52 IN4005 calX 470nFT en, C78, CIII, CIZ ~ CIIlI II N CIIS ~ R6 270 ..L CII4 '1'£ ~ 2 xl ~ - .-IIV m TC60,:7I,C95 t [ CI04 »toF 470nF .... >P2A24 1111l...!ra1 L!!!.J RII v. IB Vo.. mIIII )PZA07 A A \II I W \.D !iOX'PZ- .. DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY o V1 I r---------------------------, \oN 0" I ," +ZIV 1£ ILEV£L 'S"",TEII 11104 . w • IC;IIICUITL: I I II + II I, rev",.,W.IIl c £ (X)I •• THE COII_UTS INCLOIID III DQHED LIIIIIS FOil II " LEVIL ."'TIIIIL.•.1 THE liEF. DESIt. t1F IT CDilPONINTS FOR THI DIFFEIIENT ..LEVIL StlFTEIl CIRCUITS IHOWN ON Ttli lHEET MI lIVEN IN THETMLI. DESIIl. °NColN TAILI NEANI: COIIPONENT AND LINE / I'IoT ODNNICTEO IN THI SPECIFIIO I..' . (Y)4 .41 I@--- 10 - II I--. L.S... ";--- IW L.U be ~v I / ..(.1. 10 1 I~ "r FAST\;z~~Z.5,4 @S,4 'I """ 1 jr~pc"182" i v,' FA!!I 'No lliiji" .. ·~2.S.4 fiQ .,4 ':"""~2 J1 OQ \.D 0" \oN \oN \oN o o l> , o T fl) ",/ // 1..1. II 1. .•• I 'ii' CINI8 . . . . .I2 .1.4 /I 121''';;'' "''''8 2 •1 ,4 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUITS '+ ~ (X) \0 0'\ \AI \AI \AI o o I: » ARAO) PU25 ARAI >P2A21 3 3 Ef} 14~H Eft I4~H 4 UI 4 I 8 14~S U7 ARA2 > P_2~A::.2,,"1_ _ _ _ _ I ~ 14~S . L.S I AO @Z,3,4 I AI @2,3,4 RII2 41 RIOI ,.!.! 45 Rill 41 .!eo. U3 I I L.S U3 5 "I S 2.3,4 &. AM3) P2125 ~4 13 I L.S :;.., I ~~ THE TYPICAL LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUIT IS ON SHEET 5 @2.3.4 OUTPUT ARA4 >_P_21_2=1_ _ _- ACA5 >P2821 i "I ~ 14~H 13 12 L.S .1:..... , I L.S RI22 .!! 13 I RI21 12 I ~~ @2,3,4 AS @2,3,4 UI ~ ACAI) P2823 3 14~ 4 L.S 1; I AI@2,3,4 UI ACAI ACAI >P2822 >P2AI7 I I~:H 2 ~ 5 I:H I ~ 1114~H REFERENCE QA QI Qt 10 I L.S RI23 I RI20 L.S I L.S ,.!.;. !.eo, ~o, R"I 43 I AT 8 2,3,4 DESIGNATIONS IN LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUITS QO ItA • IIC au CA CI CU AO Q80 068 014 Ql6 A90 1161 123 II4S CI8 C40 Cltl1 Al 016 Q54 Ql0 Q32 A86 1163 RJ9 141 CI4 C36 ClII3 A2 Q19 Q57 QI3 Q3S A89 III 122 R44 CI1 C3t Cltll A3 018 Q56 Q12 Q34 A88 R115 121 143 CII C38 CltIS ~.4 Q77 Q55 QlI Q33 AS1 RIi4 120 R42 tiS a1 Cltl4 AS Q90 Q68 ~. 1146 Rloo R11 R33 ASS C2II CSO tRZ9 A6 QI19 067 023 Q4S R99 R16 R32 R54 C27 C4. CR28 A7 091 069 Q2S 041 Rl0l R18 R4 A88 C2t CSI CIt:lll AI IJ8II Q66 Q22 Q44 R98 A15 R3I R53 C2t C48 CR21 A9 081 Q6S ~1 1143 197 A1. R30 R52 C25 C41 CR26i I--- ~ ACA7) P2AU SIGNAL 10 I I A8@2,3,4 51 A9 @2,3,4 UI ~ \11 I \AI ""-J DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUITS . , ~ ~ REVISION RECORD REVI 00 \.0 0' 3 512 4 256 2 128 I 64 15 32 --.8.. 16 AOOoo 7 » J. H ...i 1111'1 5®, R/WO 2,3,5 AA lSl ~HO Y FA T ,3,5@CENO ORFTI DATE .ICHI MEMj UOl7 12 A2CD AI,2~ 512 256 x-v 2 128 64 ~ 32 ,~ 7 16 9 ,. ~ ~ 3,5 2,3,5~@R/WI AE : FAST PCHI 18 LJ '~~a 16" ,3,5@ AOooO c Lt.&:. VCC G2 I> MEMj UII7 ~A2CD AI2 RI62 180 14 3 512 4 256 2 128 I 64 ~ 32 8 16 AOOOO Lt. x-v ~ ~ 8 J I~ ~@R/W2 ,2,3,S AJ FAST PCH2 8 3 RI61 I~ '2,3,S@ CEN2 .". 2,3,6 2,3,6 2,3.6 2,3,' 2,3,6"4P' I -!~ ~2,3,6 AT 4 I ,2,3,6( AV 2.3,6 AX 2,3" 2,S :? '2,3,6 AR 3 4 512 256 x-v Y AS AS A7 -.9. 9 ~ ~ AOOOO ~ AIT V 6 G2 RCVR 162C UI5 2 ltJ) 1,2- 2,3,~ RI42 &,. 4 P2A02 J oeUT 17 330 2'110 & .". 18 2.3,5@ R/W3 FAST PCH3 . Z,3,5@C£'N3 A "~; 16 a G2 I>MEMI U 317 L.J!fA2CD V"1 I W V"1 2,3,8 AI.~ 2 128 I 64 15 32 8 16 7 B ~2,3 G2 I> MEMJ U217 12 A2CD 2N2222 RI60 IS 2". ~~~a 3,S 1'" .-Lt. &. AI,2 p.!.!- WBIT COMPUTERS IT! • IUISIDI •• ' 0' I DETAILED LOGIC Illml:TIImlB ., '" DIAGRAM MEMORY (BIT 17) rODE 'DENT 1 :'1 owG NO C B961~ . SHEET 4 REv A V1 r----------------------------, I W '" I +28V: I&. I I LEVEL I !HlHER I CIRCUITIL.SI V" &. : I : THE I I RI04 I I I 18 34 X)2,! FASTPCHOTD BIT RL ""-i ~-L.S-.2-1 >= .. .@ I 00 \.0 '" ~ > ',~ '0 L.S.4 .< 0) L.U I '(11) L.S. 10 I .@ • ~r 17 REF. DESIG. OF IT COMPONENTS FOR THE DIFFERENT LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUITS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE GIVEN IN THE TABLE. OESIG 'NC'IN TABLE MEANS' COMPONENT AND LINE NOT CONNECTED THE SPECIFIED L.S (YH 38 ! 41 'No ~ I• 1 L.S.3 > ~~3 THE COMPONENTS ENCLOSED IN DASHED LINES FORM A LEVEL SHIFTER( L.S.l CENO 02.3,4 I '_@.",. FAST~I PCHI t @'" PCHI@2 )J ~ o "" •@ ®=2 S I rAt;ill"'y"y ~"T . 11 L.S. 12 ~ I ~.~ }; ! (Atj3,4 e6 CEN3@2,3,4 i ""@"'" W W W o o m DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY LEVEL SHIFTER CIRCUITS . IN [ ~ Cot V1 " I W ~ ~ ~3512X_T 256 III I 14 -=========-=11 r : ---""2 ) 1 : I AOOOO iiiiii" .IT I&A 'H ~===ffffftmF~~ ! 511 X-T 118 t~+4~~:tl:~BIH H-+-...Jl6U~ 18 4.5 -4512 .....,. 258 -i ~8 r X-T -'132 1'1 16 3 " lID I 21 I 12 PO DOUT I TlA I IA "51 I II 100000 I "57 'IAO II) 1'S' " 1.'55 '". '21 '2 " ... ,~ '5 I"s~ I .. 'IAI7I 17 .1'5' 'IAI9I I, 11152 12. ' " '12 ,,' '" ,,, PI ...' 21 "'5' .... 5' 'J ,AlSO ,. , I, ,,8 '" '12 , ...~, 25 II , .. "8 '2 " ".,.1 I 12 p'..,'1 ., 1"~7 I I Pltz,')1 JR'''' ,,, .. 1,.1 12 'In I 17 I 13 lIP I 17 ,~ IIQ I ,6 ' " Ir;;-T., '5 I" II I 2 I" 12 I' 15 II 12 I.'~' 27 ,.,U c 33 I"~s "1)'1 10 ,.,~~ , ... " " I"~J A AIT :; .!J.t~ u:n. ~R/W2 2"~8I'CHZ I 22 I ' '". ,,' '2 " 14 PC I, 'It , tJ 1 Hf-+-+-.....JU: 4 " 'Zl I 2 ,.. '2. '2 " 5 :: t1+H-i--I-..J1!!I , I P' I .. '.1'22111112 1 (SEE SHEET 1)- 1.& I V, .!!.t I!JGI T 1> MEM r .& B TPA ~S£IE~ I'D oeUT .~O...ii1itI 4,5 @-:r.;';;\..CEN2 2.4,5®- 1IiIl!l!lIlI-! ! ! i!~!l Il!lIl1l1li!1512X-T !!IAZCD AI,Zp..!L ":" 1128 I:: .!.2!!.22. I4:'~ 101023 &. 25& 1 18 00 \J) ~ A W W W o o I tllil "'Ml'Vltn U~ , . . . . . . , . . . to 1&111::2111• ):> .1": DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY(BIT 1+16) ~ r:E~:] . . ~ 00 \.0 '" \N \N \N ift'II&& 1111, o o . AOOOO iiOii' 5 - ~ 0-3 II '-'ST DIFFERENT VALUES IN THE lAND 600Nsec(EOUIPMENT SA- 201A) 27DPF 4 C 55 RI61 \lOOO- UOl7 U100-U1I7 U2OO-U217 U300-U317 ~ ill 1~7+ ",y' ~53. L.A' . cr.!4-. # ,./ V ...~ 0 PIN NO. 10 Veel 10 V•• 11 V.. II v•• 10 uNLESS Be , 8-1 TABLE IlN SHEET 3 ., BB -'J ~// 8-Z A-3 i .t. & ""', '1 APP ~ II ........"5 .,,, '6,"02- V55 8-2 C-3 UII -U23 UOOO-UOI7 UIOO -U1I7 U200-U217 U300-U317 C -I .oS & & .6\ II~T"c~~t> It- F~l~!t~'MP~.~~ THE 8 V' ~ \)1i .. ET£t> (%'*&.0-3 . 8-2 SHEET CtlMPIl~ 1"'''' 89876300 (900WSI L.·'-/ 8 ".N'2' 8-3 9OON"C(EQUIPME1iI'k~ 8-3 AH AM &"imrE~TIl /I 1-3 8-2 c •• DEClO AY "' ... ~ ut.s,*,,;t CI("O l!4N0/0 INST'-'.INCoRR ..c.r "W ""A5 C_aA...c"T At ..,.. 5 .,~ 15"'02- 8-1 ~·""'liI'TES' C-3 AD AL ~ 0-3 Z AG '""", 8-2 :; 011 cti .78 • • • " ••~ " .. 7 #IIIQ .,."" "'I".t.J'I. C,rt • . ,..... fW'"".,rao rq , .•. our_ur C-2 & A-4 A-4 0-4 AA AC 8-4 A-4 10 7 C-I C-I OIIFT DATE C_ DESCRIPTION 02 CK 364 REDRAWN PER CDC STD. 03 CK498 C 105 WAS IOpl'.35V 04 CK 621 IRa WAsno 1ltI1I•. & 05 CllIoT! 0," CI(77C 0-3 8-4 8M A 8 C-4 B-1 .. itA 0-2 J 8-4 PI A II A II a A A II L,IIIcATlIIN K U I 3 8 S ,l.r~" SHEET 0 T /'" B 0-1 0 _. 7 6 0-4 ~ I--- 5 A ECO 5 6 7 8 REv 0 0,01 jo2PZ III I SHEET LeCATI"N P !'-.:~ P2~ SHEET REFERENCE 'FF 2 3 4 ()~"*.RWtSl SPECIFEO OIMEloiSION ARE IN INCHES TOI..ERANC£S 3 PLACE ± Z PLACE ± ANGLES ± 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING MA::------ FI::-------A ElBIT COMPUTERS LTD • su.,", •• , 'f 11'llllil'!,! OWN CHKO FIRST USED ON TITLE BAZOI-A BA201-B IONA k".. MFG ., ,', ,\. ,,() APPR HAIM f. a:;? 4A ~ DIAGRAM J MEMORY DEC. I A.b, •. ENGR ISH'YfT DETAILED LOGIC '.0&-::'.11. , rODE IOENT '1-' I Ic I I, .r:/.JJ" SCALE I .. DRAWING NO 89615502 ISHEET I OF8 4: [ .CMI & 0' CR 59 \oN \oN \oN o o . ~ i '+ IREVI ~ I AlVISION IlECORO O"-CRI""O~ ____ .-lOI!FTJ.9~TJ JCHKOI j,j.p ECO I CR 6~ . I[ o » - J~ CR CR 74 70 l .- . . CR 44 CR77 :. ~I a.4~ AQ AO Clt79 'C1I1l! 1 1PC!I RIWI 5 A.I iil4 • II • CR4I VSS ~ ~ • ~D'" u. 2 ~~I 2 ,..!!,IAZCD Ie 1£& AI r 1 14 512 ~ X_¥II I ~ 1-1 ~ M CR 51 CRee ........- iil2 Aoooo 7 : • CR Ie ~ --9!!!. l RIW2_ 81 I- 84 iil2 ~ .. A102ii1 U~ CR CR 81 15 I>MEIII CR8i!I ~ 2 121 111'\. CEIiII AI _·1 rr •.... r-r ..2116 A102ii1 ] 1£ .A. tiD IE ... AS4 - CR CR !112 96 CR 55 CR95 R CR56 R9I CR99 1 CR96 RI59 .1:IiE_ _ _ , I- D.UTO i!Ii!ID 2... CRI I CR97 ~ I' ~ .. REv DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM MEMORY ( BIT 0 ) V'I I \oN \oN ~ ~ 1 MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502) Power supply considerations. Setween VSS and VSS the memory unit presents the equivalent of a silicon junction diode, which is reverse biased under normal operating conditions. During power supply turn on, VSS should rise at least as fast as VSS and during operation VSS should not fall below VSS. To insure proper VSS regulation and to guarantee these turn-on characteristics, VSS is generated by regulating VSS at 3-4V below VSS. Secause the memory unit draws very little current from VSS protective series resistance used; VSS is adequately bypassed to VSS at the unit, and level shifters connected to VSS are connected to the power supply side of the series resistance. 89633300 A 5-31 - .. I SHEfT IllEl'fMNC( fFF V1 I \AI tiff N SHEfT 1IJ.f'~.I'I!i~ I 1,.~T1:~'" ~ 3 4 I II 0-1 B C-4 0-1 Q C-4 0-2 E C-4 0-1 BE I' C-4 C-2 BF C-4 REFERENCE LETTER 2 C-I BG C-I BH L 1-4 C-I AJ M 1-4 C-I BK N 1-4 C-2 BL P 1-4 B-1 BM Q 1-4 B-1 BN R A-4 B-1 BP &. &. C-3 &. &. &. &. C-2 B-2 BO BW U &-4 B-1 BX &. &. B-2 1-2 1-2 A-2 BY B-2 1-2 &-2 &-3 BZ x 1)-4 1)-4 1-2 & ,t, Z 1)-4 1)-4 0-4 0-3 11-4 0-4 0-4 0-3 AB C-4 SHEET ct!MP!lNENT C-3 C-4 1-3 8 C52.C53. C54 C 55 AE C-4 C-4 C-4 1-3 4 AI' B-4 RI61 UOOO- UOl7 U100-U1I7 U200-U217 U300-U317 1-3 1-3 AH B-4 1-4 1-4 &-3 AJ B-4 1-4 1-4 1-3 AK A-4 2 .&. & &-3 lA-4 &-4 1-3 A-4 &-4 &-3 &-3 AM A-4 AN A-4 A-4 A-4 AP 0-4 8-4 A-4 £ AO C-4 .A- 4 A-4 C- 3 AR B-4 A-4 A-4 C-3 AS 8-4 A-4 A-4 C-3 AT A-4 A-4 A-4 C- 3 AU A-4 A-4 A-4 1-3 AV A-4 .A-4 A-4 1-3 ~ AW .A-4 .A-4 A-4 1-3 AX A-4 A-4 A-4 1-3 AY A-4 .A-4 A -4 A-3 o o SA 0-3 A-3 / A-3 / C -I \HI .&:. 0-3 II(: &. I)-~ / INTEGRATED CIRCUITS UI- UIO w,," eft( 978 . . . c":;' R::' "'."C ~~:I ~.~~ RI!Lfl'Sfb e v•• C~ flU 1'("." A.1,0 cLIIH -,. WA, ,~..., ,..• 4»8 cIS 'P'. "N. SM .8 VSs .0,- N"I'4-,. ('It... ....... ·fVlr ~ #Ms Tq , .•. 04l7P"r _"""'11 CAPIICl'IIRS SETWlU Vee .£_f ~"'''F &. II..L. "- '·'.76 "". D J~~ fl.C.o. l' E CK TO MATCH MFD. PWA'S:· J~30 SH 1 , NOTE 2 : 900NS: 89876600 REPLACES 89876300 600NS: 89876300 REPLACES 89876600 ELEMENL • IDENTIFIER SJ.\5. 11. ~ IIjIi ~ ~ 39 PI' 27.4 1103 OHMS!~ 1103-1 ARE PENDING I " VOLTAGE APPLIED Vees Veel V•• ~ PIN NO. '* ~ I"t17 V.. II VA 10 UNlESS QTHERWlSl sPECIFEO OIM[JiSION ARE IN INCHES TOlERANC£S HalT COMPUTERS LTD I FIRST USEO ON TITLE 'IU'SIDI'.'Of~GI"~ DETAILED LOGIC 0 8 li'I:lliI'II'M~ BA2.0Ioo~~ 8 (SOOHS) MEMORY ± .t ~ !~ e, !?:J:. g 8 DEC. '"~ .... Ie ...c 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING OWN A.IONA, k J GM~ '"iO ::: i! rODE ID~T c HYtT'1-1 ~ ~ . . .. . .. 5 PLACE 2 PLACE ANGLES l CI) ~ CHKD c II [)c:(..Il.. EHGR CI) >- DIAGRAM ~ oJ CI) CI) 'lI &-.1+. ,#,'+ It"'" ,,",A$ CoitA.EC, lit ~" 15302- /I ,""2, B-1 ~ ALL UNMARKED RESISTIIIRS ARE 0.25 WATT 5%. ~ lh A B-2 ..,. ALL UNMllRKED DIIIIDES ARE IN4151 UII -U23 UOOO-UOI7 UIOO -U1I7 U200-U217 U300-U317 0-3 -a, C C.K S.Ma : VA L\JE OF 13O'" <:93 CoRR.e:CTE B-2 56.20HMS!2% +- 'f- "' .......,,'50 lSI. 15502- (2DIII 0-31. B-2 Ino;""a~~ ...., 7 Ar l>~L£"-"1> DI'I"'~CT.O B-3 270 PI' Col C,.D IONA DEClO AY "'''I~ 191.5'402 CK'SO R"'O(.IM$Tj\.IMca~.c.r B··I 122~IA;': DOFT DATE CK77C l)£TAC.U'lI LIST all THE FIlLLf/lWING CIIMPIINENTS HAVE DIFFERENT VALUES IN THE C-4 1-4 . 01. 9OON ... IEQUIPMENT SA 201-BIAND 600NHCIEOUIPMENT SA- 20IAI C-4 CIc; ('75 p7 B-3 / C-4 AL ""'''' I!I 0$ Till TABLE \liN SHEET 3 C-4 DESCRIPTION CK 364 REDRAWN PER CDC STD. CK498 C lOS WAS IO}lF.35V CK 621 R 3 WAS 350 "HMS. C-2 B-2 C-3 1-4 02 ·03 C-I C-3 NIIITES' REFER 0-3 A& AG A AA 0-3 0-4 ~ 0-3 &. &. B-1 ~ 8 C-3 &-4 V. 7 6 & A-4 I, A lh lh &. S _. . i~ ECO A A 1\ A A II III 0-2 T W 5 REVISION RECORD 5 6 7 8 REV !l4 ~CATI~ 4 3 BD 1-4 AD I SHEET 1111'1' SHEET K AC \AI \AI \AI 8 0-4 Y 00 7 A 2 34 -' / SMUT L'<:ATItIN J f'T'I • SHEET REVISION STATUS - FI:-------- MFG t'1', APPR HAl., T. QA ~ ... ) I '.' w I I, ::/.7J'" SCALE I DRAWfNG NO 89615502 SHEET ... I OF8 MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502) PROTECTION AGAINST CATASTROPHIC FAILURE Capacitive coupling circuit The MOS-level signal, after the level shifter, is fed to the precharge 1 ine on all memory modules. This 1 ine includes a capacitive coupl ing circuit, which protects the memory chips from catastrophic damage. Power dissipation in the chip is a function of precharge duty cycle. If a precharge driver fails or remains active (low output) for too long, the memory units may overheat and be destroyed. However, with the capacitive coupling circuit, the precharge is pulled up even if the level shifter output continues to remain low. The capacitive coupling circuit does not slow down the precharge signal in operation. A series termination resistor (22 ohm) connects the MOS-level signals to the memory chips, after the capacitive co~pling circuit. The signals run down the l8-bit kiloword bus, connecting to each memory chip. The address lines branch into 4 groups, each running down a separate l8-bit kiloword line. A clamping diode is connected at the end of each line to VSS to prevent the signal from exceeding VSS. There is one diode for each kiloword line, that is, a total of 4 diodes are located on the address lines. For bit 17 (protect bit), the one physically closest to the level shifters, the precharge signal is connected directly after the capacitive coupling device without series termination. This decreases precharge overlap time due to line reflections, and thereby decreases data output time for bit 17. 5-30 89633300. 03 l/ / MEMORY MODULE Power su (drawing 89615502) con side ra t ion / Between VSS and VBB the me {y unit presents the ~uivalent of a sil icon junction diode, whicH, is reverse biased nder normal \ operating conditions. During~ower supply tur on, VBB should rise at least as fast as VSS an~ during oper ion VBB should not fall below VSS. To insure p\oper VBB r gulation and to guarantee these turn-on character\s.t. i Ci:'BB is generated by regulating VSS at 3-4Vbelow VBB • \Becau e the memory unit draws very little current from VBB protec iv series resistance used; VBB is adequately bypassed to VSS at ~he unit, and level shifters connected to VBB are d to the power supply side of the series resistance. 89633300 A 5-31 MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheets 3,4) Sense Amplifiers The data output (terminal 14) of the memory units appears on an open collector. The output pins of corresponding bits of the four kilowords on the module are wire-ORed to form the 18 output lines of the Memory Module. Each wired-OR is taken through a 330 ohm resistor to ground which converts the current source output of the memory unit to a voltage level. This voltage level is fed to a differential sense amplifier (receiver unit l62C) whose output is the D0UT line. The other input of the receiver is connected to a reference voltage. This reference voltage is determined by the two resistors acting as a divider on V using Q92. The value of the reference voltage (VREF) differs in the cc high speed and low speed units: BA20I-A: BA201-B: VREF VREF = 110 mV = 50 mV The data output is activated by the cell enable (Cenable) signal to the memory unit. The output of the sense amplifier is not enabled unless the STROBE is low (during clocks 5 - 10) and the module was selected (HOi low). When the sense amplifier is not enabled, its output is high. Pull-up resistors located on the Memory Control assembly pull the D0UT lines to Vee 5-28 89633300 A MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheets 3,4) VCC STRt6BE ----.;;6...62 RCVR RI61 162C VREF I RI60 15.4 ~4~-DfJUT MDX--..... --~2% TERMINAL OF MEMORY UNITS (DATA OUTPUT) Equipment Note: BA201-B BA201-A R161 56.2 ohms ± 2% 27.4 ohms ±2% VREF 50 mV 110 mV Data-Out Sense Amplifier Circuit Diagram 89633300 A 5-29 MEMORY MODULE (Drawing 89615502, sheet 8) Low Power Data Retention Between refresh cycle bursts in the Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) made during a power failure, none of the TTL logic circuits receive power. This circuit ensures that the Precharge and Cenable signals do not activate as the Vcc is switched "on". It achieves this by keeping the enabling inputs of the Precharge output gates low (at U9/6). VCC2 33,F l·:---T VCC2 68nF 1.5K LPDR CIRCUIT OUTPUT U9/6 IOnF 1"' f T IOnF Switched Supply (VCCS ) and LPDR Circuit The circuit senses that the switched logic supply (V ees ) dropped, and, with a short delay, holds U9/6 low; when Vees rises, the circuit releases U9/6, after a short delay. The attack time of the circuit (the time allowed between Vces dropping and U9/6 being held low) is 10 milliseconds. The release time is determined by the Disable signal: Disable will not go active (1 ow) for 1.6 milliseconds after MPwr is active (that is Vees is active, thus the circuit has 1.6 milliseconds before it must release U9/6. 5-26 89633300 A MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheet 8, cont'd) The main logic supply (VCC ) may fail during normal operation. This will not affect memory operation If the optional back-up source, battery equipment GD611 is installed. In this case the computer switches to Low-Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode and to conserve power the following TTL circuits are connected to the switched logic supply (V CCS ): - Column address (A5 - A9) Data-in level shifters Data-out sense amplifiers During intercycle refresh bursts, all circuits not directly involved are switched off by VCCS. The outputs level of the sh ifter.s to precharge, Cenable and R/W continue, however, to rema.ili high. Address Level Shifter.s To avoid long transmission paths on the memory module assembly five of the addresses, located far from the connector, have two TTL inverters instead of the usual one. 89633300 A 5-27 MEMORY MODULE 89615502, sheet 7) ! f / .' Data-In Level ! The level shifters for the data input to \ ~ch " memory unit is an open collector inverter with a 1 Kiloh"\pull-u p resistor to VSS. The DATA IN (DIN) lines are normally low. When a D~TA-IN line beobmes active (high) during a write cycle, \ the information on it is i diately valid. The outputs of the data-in level sh i fters have a a comparatively slow rise time, making them suitable XIV Data To Data In 0 - - - - 1 200 . . - - - _ -.....~-----4,...--O Memory Units (Terminal 12) Data-in Level Shifter and Clamp 5-24 89633300 A MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheets 5,8) The Overlap Circuit (Cenable - Precharge Delay) One overlap delay circuit is in the precharge line of each kiloword unit on the Memory Module. It regulates the overlap timing tOVL and tOVH in the memory units (see Table 4-2 and the Detailed Operation of the Memory Unit), and consists of a diode switching network controlling an RC delay circuit. The circuit is snown below. In normal operation Cenable at the output of a level shifter is high, blocking diode 01 and so allowing a voltage of about 2 volts to develop on the delay network (Cl, R2). This voltage enables the precharge output gate. When the Cenable line is activated (gone low), diode 01 conducts and blocking diodes 02, D3 isolate the delay circuii. The voltage to the precharge unit decays with the time constant of the delay circuit so end i ng the precha rge s i g na 1• vees RI 100 e.nabll (HI8H- -lev, To Precltar,. LOW-O.7V) Output lat. el Overlap (Cenable-Precharge Delay) Circuit: 89633300 A Circuit Diagram 5-25 MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheet 5) Level Shifters: TTL to MOS TTL logic levels are 0.7 volts (low) and 2.0 volts (high). MOS levels are approximately zero volts to VSS (16 volts). A level shifter is needed to match the two kinds of logic circuits. The following signals use identical level shifters: Precharge, Read/Write (R/W) and Address These level shifters are common emitter push-pull inverting amplifiers, using four transistors. They accept TTL input and provide an output to drive MOS circuitry, that is, they drive a 300 pf load in 45 nanoseconds. Two capacitors are used to speed up the operation. The use of -5V and +28V power sup- I pl ies improves delay and rise-fall times. See page 4-34. The Cenable 0, 1, 2, 3 signals use the above type of level shifter, but with two components added: a 470-ohm resistor and a type lN4151 diode. The resistor and diode are connected for the Cenable level shifters only. To indicate this, they are drawn in dashed lines in the circuit diagram below. In logic drawing 89615502 sheet 5, the 470-ohm resistor is marked RE and the type lN4151 diode is marked CRB. Vss +28V IN 4151 470 12K TTL INPUT 470 ,--- i M.O.S LEVEL "--~OUTPUT 1N4151 : f- I1_ _ - I -5V ® TTL to MaS Logic Level Shifter Circuit Diagram 89633300 F 5-23 MEMORY MODULE (drawing 89615502, sheet 7) Data-In Level Shifters The level shifters for the data input to each memory unit is an open collector inverter with a I Kilohm pull-up resistor to VSS. normally low. The DATA IN (DIN) lines are When a DATA-IN line becomes active (high) during a write cycle, the information on it is immediately val ide The outputs of the data-in level shifters have a fast fall time, but a comparatively slow rise time, making them suitable for this signal polarity. Vss IK x,/y Data In 0 - - - - 1 200 To ...----411--.....- -.....- - 0 Data Memory Urnts . (Terminal 12) I Data-In Level Shifter and Clamp 5-24 89633300 F MEMORY MODULE The Memory Module circuits are accommodated on a single 50-PAK printed wiring board. The logic circuit diagrams are given in drawing number 89615502, sheets 1-8. The equipments, BA201-A and BA201-B are both designated Memory Modules. The difference in function between the two equipments is their speed of operation expressed in terms of the memory read/write cycle time, as follows: Memory Module Equipment Cycle Time BA201-A 600 nsec BA201-B 900 nsec Accommodated in Equipment I ABla8, BT148 AB107, BT148 The memory module,as pa-rt of the memory system is described in Section 4 of this manual. The principles of operation and circuit configuration of the two equipments are identical. The component memory units they util ize are similar and differ only in their speed of operation (refer to Section 4'of this manual for detailed operation and timing). Changes in the values of other components between the two equipments are noted on sheet 1 of drawing 89615502. The memory module block diagram is described in Section 4 of this manual. Detailed circuit diagrams are given here. The circuits are repetitive and for bits 1 through 16 they are identical. Only one circuit diagram is given therefore and it is supplemented by tables defining each component. The level shifters and other circuits which make up the memory module are described in the following. The memory unit is described in detail in Section 4. Its terminal functions are summarized in the following diagram. 89633300 F 5-21 AO ROW SELECTOR SI GNALS AI A2 A3 A4 A5 COLUMN SELECTOR SIGNALS A6 A7 A8 A9 RIW PRECHARGE (PCH) CENAB LE (CE) 3 512 X.Y 4 256 2 128 I 64 15 32 8 16 7 8 9 4 13 2 s AOOOC A 1023 I 181\ 51\ 161\ ~ ....a G2 III t>MEM DATA IN I 2 {A2CD AI.2:,'4 DATA OUT SUPPLIES SUPPLY VSS VOLTAGE + I9.7V(BA20I-A) +16.7V (BA201-B) TERMINAL 17 17 VBB VSS +3V 10 VOD GROUND II Memory Unit External Connectors 5-22 89633300 F MEMORY SYSTEM The memory system consists of the printed wiring assemblies (PWA's) listed in the following table: Designation Slot Location Memory Module 29 th rough 36 Memory Address 28 Remarks Equipment BA201-A or BA201-B ) ) Memory Controller System PWA's Memory Control 27 ) Notes: I 1. The slot allocation is identical in equipments AB107/AB108, BT148. 2. The Memory Controller system in the expansion enclosure is equipment BUI20-A. It is similar to the Memory Controller used in equipments ABI07/AB108. The memory timing is shown in figure 4-6 and in the timing diagram associated with sheet of the Memory Control assembly. 89633300 F 5-19/ 5-20 "Pages 5-9 to 5-18 are unassigned." 89633300 F I 5-91 5-18 j?r I I DSA BUS ex> \.D MEMORY 0' W W W CONTROLLER DSA BUS 11 o o ." I I EIGHT MEMORY MODULES A/Q BUS /Q BUS DSA BUS ~BUS I TIl DSA BUS 1m I 1", 'I' A/Q BUS I ! I OPEN OPEN OPEN , 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 2~ 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I I I L..- I NOTES 1. The Memory Control assembly and the Memory Address assembly together form the Memory Controller, equipment number BUI20-A. defi~ition 2. See section I for 3. Slot 25 is provided with an additional connection to logic ground at 25P1A03. of equipments. Slot 26 is provided with an additional connection to logic ground at 26p2B06. \J"I I -....J Card Placement Slot Assignment - Expansion Enclosure DIAGRAM REVISION CORRELATION SHEET The following is a numerical list of the logic diagrams (prefix LD) and the wiring diagrams (prefix WD) included in section 5, with the revision status for revision F of this manual. See the table of contents. NUMBER-REVISION WD 89601601 - A LD 89614300 - A fLD 89614900 - A LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD WD WD WD LD I 5-8 89615200 89615502 89616400 89616400 89616400 89616400 89617000 89618800 - 89619100 89619700 89640500 89640501 89640502 89640800 - A E J H G F A B C A B A A D 89657700 - B 89762200 89911800 89942600 89982800 - 05 B A A NAME Power Supply Wiring Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Decoder Memory Address Memory TTY Con t ro 11 e r TTY Cont ro 11 er TTY Cont ro 11er TTY Con t ro 11 e r Timing Console Interface Memory Control Input/Output (I/O) Interface Programmer's Console Programmer's Console Programmer's Console LP Card - Power Supply HP Control Unit Power Supply Input-Output Wiring Power Supply Wiring Power Supply Input-Output Wiring Anti-Bounce Circuit 89633300 F Test Points The test point symbol on the logic diagram shows the connections of a test point on the printed wiring board (PWB). The number adjacent to the symbol refers to the test point position on the PWB at the edge opposite the connectors. Only test point number one is labeled on the edge of the PWB, the other test points are numbered sequentially. CONNECTING LINES Connect ing and Non-Connect i ng Lines Lines eonnected to a common point or at a junttion point are shown in the upper part of this illustration. No more than three lines are normally connected to a common point in the diagrams. NON - CONNECTING LINES Lines crossing but not connected are shown in the lower part of this illustration. Connectors All PWB connectors are sockets (female) and are shown as such. The name of the signal is placed in the open end of the connector symbol (shown below), using the full name of the signal or the common abbreviation applicable to logic diagrams. The connector number, pin row and pin numbers are located above the line extending from the connector symbol. Refer to Input/Output specification manual publication number 89673100 for an explanation of the mechanical location of connector pins. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIGNAL NAME CONNECTOR NUMBER PIN ROW , . . . . - - - - - - - - PIN NUMBER r------------r---------- READ 89633300 A »)---------5-5 V1 I '" m " I, AO .... TIMINI ~ Ilo' INTERFACE MEMORY CONTROL MEMORY ADDRESS i l ::s n 0 .e C n .,AI Q. "0 I I I I' I I I EIIHT MEMORY MODULES AI n CD ., i::s r1' I CONSOLE INTERFACE I 1.1 II I I I II I I I I I CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT CD ITI r1' 0 ,...- .., C » III CD III ::s n III en S•t • : ;;-c Ic i 0 III ai 5::s r1' 36 00 '" \At \At \At 0 ·0 » • 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 ~ 25 24 23 22 21 20 DSAIUS AGIUS n 'I I r _ZI PHAIE CARTR IDIE DISK . . .ETIC ENCOD'TAPE 'ING DRIVE CONTROLLER TRANSPORT fORIMrI~ TER ~II ca ::s \D 11 TTY CONTROLLER '1 • 0 ~ =- 0 n .z , n !! =• Ir0 III ~ ~ ~ ~ II 17 II Ie 14 13 12 II let • I 7 I e 4 3 2 I NOTES The Memory Control assembly and ,the Memory Address assembly together form the Memory 1. Controller. This Is similar to equipment BUI20-A in the Expansion Enclosure. See Section I for definition of equipments. 2. ~y TO LOGIC SYMBOLS Publication 89723700 (Key to Logic Symbols) or equivalent, lists the symbols used in the logic diagrams in this manual and gives a short description of the functions they represent. The symbols confo~m ~enerally to Control Data usage (Microcircuit Handbook, publication number 15006100), using the polarity logic convention. The following paragraphs describe the signal flow conventions used. SIGNAL FLOW Input signals are drawn coming from the left or above; drawn going to the right or down. The signal lines are sometimes interrupted to components and to avoid long lines. all~1 output signals are· logical grouping of At each such. interruption one of th.e following indicators is used: On-Sheet Continuation Reference Symbo.1s These symbols when used with the logic symbols in the following diagrams indicate that a connection exists betlt/een two points on a sheet. The arrows attached to each circle point from signal origin to signal destination. The letters, C, H, I, 0 and P are not used inside the circles, since they bear special significance on logic diagrams. 89633300 A 5-3 ( ON SHEET Off-Sheet Continuation Reference Symbols 2 ) These symbols when used with the logic symbols in the following diagrams indicate two sheets in a series of related drawings. These symbols point from output to direction of input as shown in the illustration. The number(s) --------.@3.6 (ON 23 SHEET 6) next to each hexagon indicate the ~~----------- sheet(s) that the signal is continued from or on. For instance, the numbers 3.6 refer to sheets 3 and 6, while 2.3 refers to sheets 2 and 3. It should be noted that the referenced sheet number(s) is always placed opposite the line extending from the hexagon. r--' SHEET OFF-SHEEl SIGNAL', REFERENCE l 2 3 4 LETTER A BIT3 O-r I B BIT2 C-r C BITl B-r 0 BITO A-r E 5 ; ,, PTAOO 0-2 0-2 The interconnections are listed in an Off-Sheet Reference table in the logic diagrams. This table gives the location of the off-sheet reference on each sheet and generally indicates the signal on which the signal originates (~). The signal name at the interconnection is ~lso generally given in the table when avai lable. ~ F QTAOO 0-2 0-1 G KTAOO 0-2 0-2 - ----- MTAOO A-2 D-2 ._-- 5-4 '-_.-.................. ... 89633300 A SECTION 5 INTRODUCTION This section carries the explanation of the detailed logic and circuit diagrams r~lating to equipments AB107/AB108 and BT148. These equipments are described in Section 1 of this manual; their theory of operation is given in Section 4. The explanation is grouped in functional units, as follows: Functional Group Circuit/Board Memory System '} 5-20 Memory Module (equipment BA201-A or BA201-B) Memory Controller Memory Address Memory Control Central Processing Unit (CPU) Programmer1s Console Arithmetic and Control Unit (ALU) Decoder Timing Input/Output (I/O) Interface Console Interface TTY Contro 11 er Power Input Circuit Power Supply Unit High Power (HP) and Control Low Power (LP) Board 89633300 F Page 5-21 5-45 5-81 5-141 5-143 5-167 5-211 5-241 5-291 5-337 5-373 5-424 5-427 5-436 5-461 5-1 I Notes: 1. All units, except the Power Supply assembly and Programmer1s Console, are mounted in slots in the main body of the enclosure (refer to card placement slot assignment, pages 5-6, 5-7). The order of the explanation follows the reverse order of slot assignments. 2. I I The Memory Controller, (consisting of the Memory Address and Memory Control boards) as equipment BU120-A is installed in the BTl48 enclosure. 3. The calibration of the Power Supply unit is different in the AB107 and the ABI08 equipments. The following table gives a summary: EQUIPMENT I I ABI07 and BT148 connected to it AB108 and BT148 connected to it CALIBRATION VSS VSS = +16.7 = +19.7 V V This information is given in other parts of the manual as required. See the Diagnostics and Margin Tests on page 6-7. The diagrams, together with their latest revision status, are listed in the Revision Correlation Sheet. The diagrams themselves are not bound in this manual, but are packaged separately. An explanation of symbols used in the diagrams is given in the Key to Logic Symbols and Signal Flow. 5-2 89633300 F SECTION DIAGRAMS 5 ... /lfFF - SHEET REFERENCE 00 I.D 0" W W W "FF SHEET REFERENCE LETTE R A 8 o o 0 SHEET LeCATllJN 4 2 3 A-I A-3 8 -I A -2 C-4 0-2 C"> BATTERY) I f1"" ~P.S P22-A / P22-B r P22-c eN/tiFF GRQJUND .,.,...-; S30 POWER ®H RII2 IK ...... ,YCC P21 -19 YCC NilTES >P2U-II YCC I C8-CI6 C18-C20 , OND r OND , P20-11 OND OND GND P21 -08 I .;:V'1 """ V'1 I .;:- - .... P21 -13 , OND / GNO P20-13 )P21 -04 OND OND -I , P20-34 , P20-37 OND OND - I YCC ! CI7 33"F 10V P20-27 OND V'1 ..... ........ OND , I CI-C7 ARE InF 2 ALL RESISTeRS ARE 0.25 WATT 5'" 3 RI- R17, R34+R50 AND R97 ... R103 ARE 180 ,sHMS 4 RI8 -R33, R1I4,R1I3 ARE 330 II)HMS 5 RSI - R74, R 76, R77, R79, RBI-R96,RI12 ARE IK 0HMS 6 R104-R110 ARE 5609lHMS 7 R 75 AND Rill ARE 33K 0HMS. B C23, C24 ARE 100 nF 9. C21, C22 ARE 0.47 MF 10 R7B, RBO ARE 5.6 K II) HMS P21 "II P21-24 P21 -2' / -...P21-1L ,,'<", ..... "", .. , .• , - 'I :111111 ...... '",- o\RI 'rr. ,.rHl ~ 00 I.D DETAILED o N o LOGIC DIAGRAM PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE I.D 0"\ 00 >« ~ c;.,. ... INO NO ---'.' 0" Logic Diagram 89640500, Sheet 1, For Programmerls Console PWA PIN 89985400 and PWA PIN 89602069 I PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (Sheet 2) REGISTER SELECTORS Function The the has The seven pushbutton switches (Sl through S7) allow the selection of one of I six internal registers or the Breakpoint (B) register. When a register been selected, the corresponding front panel indicator lamp lights. circuits are actuated on pressing the pushbutton. Pushbutton Switches PANEL DESIGNATION CIRCUIT DESIGNATION M P Y X A Q B Sl S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 FUNCTION Selects Selects Selects Selects Selects Selects Selects register register register register register register register M P Y X A Q B Inputs SIGNAL ACTIVE SEN H P4M CLREG H H 89633300 F FUNCTION Active when computer stopped (from TTY Controller) Clock from Memory Address LOCATION SHEET SQUARE 2 D-2 2 3 B-2 A-4 5-147 PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (sheet 2, cont'd) Output I SIGNAL ACTIVE CSM CSP CSY CSX CSA CSQ CS8 CLR8 8CK CSCK CLREG PCL L L 5-148 FUNCTION L l L L H L H H L L Register control signals LOCATION SHEET SQUARE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Clears B Register 8 Register clock Clears selected register Clears all CPU timing flip-flops when P Register is cleared 2 2 2 2 2 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 C-l C-l 0-1 A-I A-I 8-1 C-l C-1 89633300 F PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (sheet 2, cont'd) Circuit Description The switches are connected to the corresponding register control lines through input network and gating circuits. The input network also ensures that only one register at a time may be selected. The input network consists of a set-reset flip-flop in each selector line; the set input of the fl ip-flop is taken from the switch through a pull-up resistor and delay capacitor, the reset input from the inverted output of a~ the switches. 8-input NAND gate whose inputs are also taken directly from When anyone switch is pressed, its I ine is grounded and all the register select fl ip-flops are held reset, including the one selected. When the pushbutton switch is released, all fl ip-flops remain reset except the one selected; this is set by the signal (ground) conserved on the delay capacitor at its set input. The indicator lamp drivers are actuated from the selector fl ip-flop output and cause the indicator to light when the flip-flop corresponding to it is set. The register control signals are obtained by ANDing the output of the corresponding selector fl ip-flop with the signal SEN in AND and NAND gates. This prevents manual operation of the computer while it is running under program control. 89633300 A 5-149 I PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (sheet 2. cant'd) The other output signals are as follows: Signal Equation Function/Remarks CIRB CSB'ClREG Clears the B register CLREG Clears selected internal register PCl CSP'ClREG Resets all CPU timing flip-flops when P register is cleared CSCK SEN· P4M·C Clocks data into one of the six internal registers. It is produced when anyone of the data bit or clear pushbutton switches is pressed [condition C (U26,10)] and is active only when the computer is stopped (condition SEN). The frequency of the clock is that of P4M. P4M - clock signal from Memory Control; repetition rate approximately 0.44~sec for AB108, 0.65~sec for ABI07. BCK 5-150 P4M·CSB·C Clocks the B register. It is produced when anyone of the data bit or the clear pushbutton switches is pressed (condition C) and has the frequency of P4M. 89633300 A ., It oJ 00 \.0 vec '" W W W o o o SEN ') r •.•-.... " 1213MI r., .... ( Ie; R51 IW vee ~ -....... R97 . • I I "I V1 • V1 IICC I..... ~I DETAILED LOGIC 04AGItA,. PROGRAMMER'S CONSOlE .. PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (sheet 3) DATA BIT SELECTORS Funct ion The circuit allows data input to each of 16 bits of the computer from the programmer's console when the computer is stopped. The indicators associated with each b.it allow monitoring the contents of each bit location, both on manual operation and when the computer is running under program control. The clear pushbutton and its circuitry are included here. Pushbutton Switches PANEL DESIGNAT/Oti 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CLEAR CIRCUIT DESIGNATION S23 S22 S20 S21 S19 SI8 S17 SI6 S15 S14 SI2 S13 SI 1 SIO S9 S8 S24 FUNCTION ASSOCIATED SIGNAL SET 00 SET 01 SET 02 Se t s da ta bit in selected regi sterj corresponding indicator lights Clears selected registers (sheet 2) SET 03 SET 04 SET 05 SET 06 SET 07 SET 08 SET 09 SET 10 SET 11 SET 12 SET 13 SET 14 SET 15 CLREG .. I 5-152 89633300 D PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE Input See switches and notes on output signals. Outputs SIGNAL ACTIVE CNS aL thru eNS lL CNS OM thru eNS 1~ Notes: a. b. FUNCTION LOCATION SHEET SQUARE L Main data path 3 L Main data path 3 3 ! ! A-2 8-2 C-2 0-2 these signals are bidirectional when computer is operated from the front panel. these signals are inputs when computer runs under program control. Circuit Description Each pushbutton switch is connected through a pull-up resistor and an inverter to an open collector NAND gate used as an inverter. The open collector outputs drive the CNS lines corresponding to the switch pressed. When the computer runs under program control the main data path signals appear at the pins carrying the CNS signals. The indicator lights corresponding to the bit locations are lit according to the signal on the appropriate CNS line. Two auxiliary signals are produced as follows (these are used on sheet 2): Condition C: CLREG: 89633300 0 active high when anyone of the pushbuttons in this circuit is pressed. Clear Register 5-153 1 O'l I vee ~ O'l ~ , §l w W eN ~ o DETAIlED LOGIC DIAGRAM PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE CONTROL SWITCHES AND·· INDICATORS SWITCHES AND OUTPUT SIGNALS PANEL DESIGNATION AUTOLOAD MANUAL INTRPT. STOP MASTER CLEAR GO POWER BREADPOINT STORE BREAKPOINT PARITY FAULT STOP AUTO RESTART PROGRAM PROTECTS TEST MODE 32K 65K ENTER SWEEP SELECTIVE SKIP SELECTIVE STOP INSTRUCTION CYCLE CIRCUIT S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 530 SWITCH TYPE Pushbutton (P) Tog~l e iT) P P P P P T S31 T S32 T S33 T S34 T S35 S36 S37 T T T S38 T SIGNAL OUTPUT AUTOLOAD M.1. ST0P CS MCCS G0CSW PWR. SW AUT0RSW PRTSW TMSW 32KW (32KW) ENTER SWEEP SLK INSTEP ST0PCS NOTE: The signal PRGST is transmitted to the console interface board. It;s used to stop the computer under certain conditions. 1. When the cyclic parity error signals CCPE is active and the PE stop switch is set. 2. When the BEAC signal is active and the Breakpoint stop switth is set. BEAC is active when the contents of the Breakpoint register equals the CPU memory address. 89fi33300 n 5-155 I PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE (C9nt'd) 3. When the BEAC and 0PST signals are active and the Breakpoint store switch is set. 4. When the SLSE signal is active and the selective stop switch is set. INDICATOR LIGHTS AND INPUT SIGNALS PANEL DESIGNATION INTERPT ENABLED PROG. PROTECT OVERFLOW PROTECT FAULT PARITY FAULT CPU INACTIVE INSTRUCTION INDIRECT ADR. INDEX OPERAND POWER - CIRCUIT DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 DS6 DS7 DS8 DS9 OSlO DS34* - - INPUT SIGNAL EINTB PRT BIT 0VFL PRFIND PEIND SEN RNIB ADDR RIND 0PIND PWRIND CC'J5r 0PST BEAC SLSE PWRSW * Indicates dc power switch on. I 5-156 89633300 0 . f vr:r ~ r RBI --'oN 00 \.0 P20-01 (j\ W W W 0 0 -;;~ P2114 1'21-17 STIJI'CS INITIP 1''',INO) P20-21 I DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM V1 00 - ~"I [: vee C') IOAFTloAu- 5CR1P·10~ -=B'. r------~-- fPST~ RIO Df .!Co _ 3 ~ I"' "~IO IOB CCPE~QI - - _ . PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE Logic Diagram 89640500, Sheet 4, For Programmer's Console PWA PIN 89985400 and PWA PIN 89602069 . ~ 00 \.0 0' \oN \oN \oN [ o o "T'I I :1 veC' " - - - ' . : I I I . ~IREDIVCC .---. I~" I.. I.. r,' 1 CI -'T' I t" Ie ~:: P=+ ~'~"'... RT. ... 5... IWHTI'iiT t2 ~ I .(BLKIGND ~ IORYI 00 SWITCH SIDE IBRNI M.I SWITCH SIDE U'NLns o,.......,t: V1 I V1 \.D PIN 89987600 AND PWA PIN 89987700 ~rcl,.t:o Ot."I.OtrI .... , ... IHOCS ~ USED WITH PWA fO!,.lltAJilClS DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ANTI-BOUNCE CIRCUIT J. ... I • 51001 '"o OFF SHEET IREFEIIENCE LETTER A 8 D ECO __ I IlEVISION RECORD I_TIDAT& DESC...TIOfI I~ ItltftfliA 11~5591-- A I-I ~'Hr'~ OFF - SHEET REFERENCE \11 I STATusl .___ l.!l!l!L4 '''h.J'hJ _I ClAU LOCATION SHEET 4 2 3 A-3 A-I A-2 8-1 D-2 I C-4 1 f- If ~' I. CI-C7 ARE InF. 2. ALL RESISTORS ARE 0.25 WATT 5110. 3. RI- RI7, R34.R!IO AND R97+R103 ARE ISO ,eHMS 4. RIS-R33 ARE 330 "HMS. a. R51-R96 ARE 1000 -..MS. ~ 6. RI04 - R liD ARE l560 "HMS· 7. LO 89982800 REFERENCED ON $.H.4 IS LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR ANTI- SOlNE CR:UT SlII-ASSEMBIY S. LOGIC FIlS AIM 8964OaOO i£WJRKED TO PIN 89987600 8Y FeD CKI43I Yee) ~ I T I ...oo II ~+5Y CS-CI6 CI8-C20 68I1F GN~~----~--------1 CIT 33,.F lOY f- .... FOR PWA '-----@--..oo <".. ....... 0""......... II. . .IION Hi!: WltICMb o 00 ~ '" W W W o o " .N..11 :i ~ ....... TO~:=' 05" .. .. j;; 0"\ l!f co l!i ~ « DO HOI" SCALf DIIAWING ElIIT CllIIMEIIS IJlI ,_ •••••• I l . ' • PIN 89987600 "WST USED 0011 nTLE f '.Mlgi._ DETAILED 107-A LOGIC DIAGRAM IJ PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE FOR PIN 89987600 10NA z. CHKO HAIM 106£f' EN.. b#KD "'EllS MN OWN A_i ! ICoILI r;B. IIIIA.... NO 89640501 I_TI 111'4 co \0 m w w w o o o (J'1 I ...... m ...... DETAILED LOGIC DIMIWI PROOR_R', CONIOI.I y w .. (J"I I 1..& 0\ '" ~ m w w w o o o ~ DETAUD LOGIC DIAGRAM • .. .., 00 ~ 0'\ W W W Cffi)r4_7_ _ __ ." .~ o o IIf --- II 't:::j' ill~ . - rE, • IIOIPIIGST +5V 1185 49 PWR.sw) S8 I II "4 1178 .esUloo 699&800 !114 'il +5V >I ~ 1117 II. . ...'" 1188 'U IT PROGIIAM PROTECT ~AuTiiSw 6 !! 01- TEST IIOOE 5SS 1189 RIO 2 '=' UK ~ 534 '=' IL(PIITIW ~II2KW 1192 11.1 'PINO) 5 PWRlNO)4 r r I ENTEII "1- SWEEP I"u r I ~I 203 ~4 US. 535 '=' ':iiiU 5. ( H(tNTEII . SKIP 1193 0 4( lSM "8 11M h(SUi SE!-. STOP 0 ? 1195 Vl MIl)!! , ADDII)!5 , 41 'I f 121 I 0'\ W PRF 11'I'lN01) • 1179 :TlON SS7 °lOCVClE 5S8 • ~+5V FOR PWA 89987600 ;!FF - SHEET REFERENCE , \.n "FF SHEET REFERENCE LETTER A B D C1' .t:- SHEET L8CATIBN 3 4 2 A-I A-3 B-1 A -2 D-2 C-4 1 P2Z-B rr'"~P.S. P22-A " p22-e ~ BATTERY) GlltlUND S 30 InIIIIFF ) POWER RII2 ® ..IK '.{>, vee .vec P21 -III .~ " NIITES' ,P20-1lII vee , ce-clS CII-C2D liND GND GND GND GND GND PZD-D4 i"'-----"i" &lNF " I. 2. 3. 4. CI -C7 ARE In F. ALL RESISTSRS ARE 0.25 WATT 5%. RI - Rt7, R34+R50 AND R97+ R 103 ARE 180 .BHMS. RI8 - R33 ARE 330 !l'HMS. 5. R51-R74, R 76 - 96 AND RII2 ARE IK 0HMS 6. R104-R1I0 ARE 560 !l'HMS. 7. R75ANDRIII ARE 33K 0HMS. vee .., + crl' ;; j"5J"f IDV .... , P20-1J r ,P2D-IB r ,,P20-27 ,P2D-54 " , P2D-57 ,PZI -04 GND r GND GND GND GND GNO GNO 00 1..0 ,,P21 -08 , P21-15 , PZI_I' P21-24 FOR " P21 -29 ." PIN 89987700 UffLUS 01l£AWlS£ SPE.CII'E:O EII.".tON .ltf IN INCHU P21-57 " TOl.l.RANCIEI - C1' W W W 0 0 PWA r DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM DRAWING NO :3 .,: 1213HI'c; r~.,-", r~, -«; ( CSB [AJ P2I-55 ( m , ~ R51 iii , I I·" vee ~.:o.y U'1 I 5@ CUIU J-I 0'1 U'1 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE , " .,.. rr=- Interrupt Li nes ,. Location Sheet Square +5v P2A31 GND PI Bll GND PlA29 GND P2A03 8 A2 GND P2821 8 A2 50::172 Vee Logic Ground 89633300 0, ALU (drawing 89614300) Outeuts --'-""--' Signal " Active Connector/ Pin -.-> ..-.- ..- ...... ~-- ~ ,,"" . ',. • _ •• _ • • • •4 • • , ...... ' . . . , _ .. _ ' _ 0• • _ _ , Locat ion Sheet Square Function .......... , - ....... ,'. "'".. , ••••••••• __• ... ;. . . . . . ~., f-----... 2 C2 P1B12 2 B2 H P1All 2 B2 Q.02 H P1A08 2 B2 Q03 H P1809 2 82 Q.04 H P2A24 3 82 Q.05 H P2828 3 B2 Q06 H P2B25 3 82 Q.07 H P2A28 3 82 WEI L P2829 QO3+Q.04+Q05+Q06+Q.07 3 C2 XGQ H P2At7 {X} > {QJ 3 D2 XSQ. H P2818 {X} 3 D2 rlAOO H P2A05 4 82 rlA01 H P1B02 4 82 rlA02 H P1A30 4 82 f/JA03 H P2804 4 A2 rlA04 H P2A23 5 82 f/JA05 H P2824 5 82 rlA06 H P2A22 5 82 H P2B22 5 82 Q30 H PIB08 Q.OO H Q01 rlA07 89633300 A - .........- ..• QOO-Q.01-Q02 Q register bits ~ < {Q.} .... Gated A register outputs ~,,-, 5-173 ALU (drawi.ng 89614300) Outeuts (cont I d.) Signal Connector/ Pin Active i .-._'-"'--' -- ... ~,~- AOO L P2A27 AUG07 H AEZ -_.'......... Locat ion Sheet Square Funct ion '" Least significant bit of A regi ster 5 A3 P2B08 5 Dl H PIBI6 AOO -A01·AOf·A03 -A04 -A05 -A06--;;;O-; 4 A3 XSElO7 H P2A19 SHA H A07 5 D2 P2B26 6 C3 H P2B23 6 C3 Q.7A H P2BOI 6 A4 CNSOO L P1B31 6 B2 CNSOI L P1A31 6 B2 CNS02 L P1B29 6 B2 CNS03 L PIB28 6 C2 CNso4 l P2Bt2 7 C2 CNS05 L P2Atl 7 C2 CNSO~ l P2Bt3 7 A2 CNS07 l P2Bl1t ... 7 A2 GH H P2B03 "- 7 B3 PH H P2AOI 7 B3 H i ! PIB2t 6 B2 6 B2 GL Pl H ~ 5-174 ... ... ..... -.. ~ , ... I .J X selector output bit 7 >CNS data bus bits Carry generate and propagate PIA23 . . . -' .... ................. -.,.-" ........ , ". - -- ....,...... ,................ ..-..... ...... ~ 89633300 A ALU (drawing 89614300) Outputs ------.-.----.~- Signal ..... - - t _ - - ..... - ...•......... , .. - .... -_ .. , .•.••. ,., ..._._ •. _ - - , .. , .., ......,.-.-_ ... - .. ' . Connector/ Pin Active 1------+-,--,_... _----- ..... ,. " 0 . . . . . . . . . . _ , ' " .... , .... ..-'.' .•. ' ' .. ~'.--' -'-......, .. Locat ion I Sheet Square: Function ... "'" ..... _..... _._........... ., . . . . . . _ _ . _. . . . .' . ,___ .. _._ .. r.'·.~ •. ' ___ .• _._ .• __ ." ~ TA02 L PIB04 8 Cl TAO 1 L P1A04 8 Bl , TAOO L P1B02 8 Bl GS L PIA02 8 Bl L P1BOl 8 B1 ALUOO H P1B24 7 ALUOl H P1B30 7 ALU02 H P1B27 7 ALU03 H P1A21 7 ALU04 H P2B17 ALU05 H ALU06 7 04 P2A16 7 c4 H P2A15 7 c4 ALU07 H P2B15 7 A4 ALU07A H P2B02 7 A4 ALUOA H P1A27 89633300 A »ALU signals to bus . __ ; ~ 5-175 V'I I .~ ..... tIFF SHEET REFERENCE LETTER A 8 C D E F G K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z 0 AA AI AC AD AE AF AG AK AL AM AN AP AO 2 D-I C-I 8-1 A-I D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 A-I 8-1 C-I D-I 8-2 C-3 D-3 D-4 8-3 0-1 D-3 D-3 D-3 A-I 0-2 . D-2 D-2 . C-4 : 8-4 D-4 8-4 A-4 A-4 A-4 C-4 IIFF - SHEET REFERENCE SHEI UR:A I'IIIN 4 3 5 6 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 D-2 D-I D-4 D-2 D-2 C-2 8-2 D-2 D-2 7 8 8-3 8-3 8-3 A-4 C-3 2 . AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ C-3 C-3 D-3 D-3 8-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 8-4 C-4 C-4 8-4 D-I C-I 8 ... SA C-4 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-4 A-4 A-4 8-4 A-I' C-I 0-1 8-1 C_NTINUES D-4 ·sv )"...... I lIN I . 3 8-1 A-I A-t 8-1 C-I 0-1 A-I A-I A-I A-I SHEET. 5 6 7 8-4 8-4 A-2 8-2 0-1 D-I C-I c-a -' c-a o-a -" t I~ I::z Ivee GNO~ 8-4 8-4 GND~ GNO)rsp§! HI '! "TE: ALL RESISTeRS ARE 0.25 WATT 5... 0) 00 \.0 ~ \oN \oN \oN o o » ............ ,... - • UJLIa 0 " ' - . .eIND DETAD..ED LOGIC DIAGRAM REVISION RECORD iliFF-SHEET REFERENCES (C "'TlNUEO FRill.. SHEET 00 \.0 a\.II) \.II) \.II) 0 0 J 2 I I L » ...f :1 ~ II I I I L I I- 8B BC BO BE BF BG BK BL BM BN BP BR BS BT BZ BU BY BV BW BQ CA CB CC CO CE CF CG CK CL CM CN CP CR CS CT 8X 3 4 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 A-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 C-4 0-3 C-4 B-4 C-4 0-3 C-4 0-4 5 0 7 6 0-1 C-I B-1 A-I 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 A-3 0-3 0-3 C-3 0-3 B-4 0-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 0-3 C-4 0-4 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 I 1I 8 "1 II I 0-1 2 C-I 3 4 5 CU CW A-I tv CX CQ CY OA DB DC DO DE OF OX OY A-I B-1 C-I 0-1 B-4 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 0-1 8-1 A-I C-3 A-I B-1 C-I 0-1 B-2 B-2 8-2 C-4 DESCRIPTION ----- I I C-4 8-1 J B-2 B-3 .1 6 7 C-3 B-3 C-3 B-3 C-I C-2 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-4 C-3 ~ 0-2 A-I 0-2 0-2 0-2 C-4 0-1 0-2 A-3 0-2 0-3 0-2 I 3 I· 8 J j ~ A-3 A-3 I I II 0.,.3 I- I IJ DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ALU V1 I -....I -....I A " p>o' ID'NT] . C I DWG NO 89614300 I..·HT. • I~ ~ ALU (drawing 89614300, sheets 2,3) ADDEND REGISTERS AND GATES Functlon This section contains the following circuits: the addend registers Q, P, M; the X register which is used both as an addend and augend register; the addend gates and the comparator for comparing the X and Q register contents. Description NOTE As in the rest of the ALU, one board accommodates the circuitry sufficient for eight bits and therefore two boards are used. In the following the numbers refer to the lower eight bits 00 through 07 (ALU slot location 25): for the board dealing with the upper eight bits (08 through 15)· increment the bit number by eight. The Q, P and M registers store the information selected by the shifter (refer to sheets 6,7). Each one is timed by a separate clock signal (QCK, PCK, MCK) generated on the Timing board. The P and M registers are reset by the Master Clear (Me) signals, the Q register by its own clear signal (CLRQ). The Q register outputs supply the A/Q channel The three least significant bits bus through open collector buffers U36, u48. of the Q register are also sent, in complement form, to a three-input AND gate (U49/6) to produce the signal Q30 = QOO-Q01·Q02. This signal leaves the board through an open-collector driver. 5-178 89633300 A ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 2, 3, cont'd. The five higher bits of the Q register (the W field) are used to produce the function WEZ: Q03·Q04·Q05·Q06·Q07 at U35/8. The signal, from the most significant ALU board, is sent to the A/Q channel through the console interface board. The WEZ and Q30 signals from both ALU boards are used to sense when the contents of the Q register is zero (see Console Interface sheet 6). The X register and its associated selector are described on pages facing sheets 4, 5 of the ALU circuit. The comparator U54, u62 compares the outputs of the Q register with the complement of the X register. This comparator produces the signals XSQ and XGQ (X Q) which are sent to the console interface card. This comparator is used only during divide instruction. Because the absolute values of X and Q must be compared and the X register content is always negative during the divide instructions, the complement of the X register content is input to the comparator. The addend selector gates select the outputs of one of the addend register for transfer to the ALU under control of the signals QTADD, PTADD, MTADD and STADD. 89633300 A 5-179 ... \11 I .. .... _ _ It 00 o vee R44 II< C"PARA11IR 4~8 % I 4 524 4J!,!,.i)-J2 2 AM lrxt.~ i E$. 5U CI< PUllS 1 J,4, u.s@- M-REGISTER R 12 I '!" Ace 14 8 " 4 8 9 2 A08GI I r8 co;-- ~ 10 5-~ 6., AD ICI< PIAI4 CLRO"PlAl3 I AN" 49 I I 1 E ......i ] 520 U46 CDo 5~ 12 13 3 AE PCI< 4.11.6 AG 00 \D 0' PI813 I ~ .....!~ a 23 2 ...! U48 4- 7 6 10 r-vr '81 co.- " 15 14 (§f p-REmER I 9 C RRGTR 520· U63 5 COo u9- 1JQ. _ II 13 U64 4®-tl I@ MTADD " PI814 3 f~5 180 8 R28 f80 I::;:;: II .~ 2~ r.:.. ...... PI808 "050 , 4,6 AL 12~~ 4,6 AI< 13ro-15 I 14 » • - tf" • 10 • PI8I2/~o.0. Ir-"~ 2~ PIAII, .0 to0 • 8 UI2 4~ ~ PIA08 0 • ~ 3 • 4- .010 4@-yf PI809 ~O.,o" 9 10 -• UI4 6 • ~~ .:-- J®8 r-"I" I 13 • • 2~ 3 • ~ 4~ ~ 4ID-rl 7 -~ 10 • U31 9 10 • ~- ~L ----@8 \AI \AI \AI o o • 4~ 9 7 4~ ~ I 4®-rl: V3 4',6 @ ~]E 13 • 6 • ~~ I 10 U64 R27 180 UI5 10 • vee ft26 180 • 9 oooi R46 2~4 2~ 3 • 4~ vee 2~4 4 213H 6 3 U49 ~ OTADD" P2A26 XTADD;' PlA09 ~~" :~ER 1iJ: C Ii:\. 6.3 F 7 L-.@3 ADDEND GA' I r-"r""j"" 13 • • ,Ie PTADD "PlA12 !.-.@ 3 R45 ~ CO. 3 E ~8 ~ 13~~ I 14 1""1 DATI ICIII I 3 G 7al ~ ECO ~3 ~.83 !-oj- .~ I...r. C ....RRGTR 520 U47 r-~ COo H. \ 2 A 0 8 GI " . . . GI A08 I U62 G2 IlO£vl DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ALU 6 • I I RE1I1SION RECORD 10EvI I OESCRIPTION ECO 10RFT OATEL:HKDlup 00 \.0 0'\ W W W o o 1-"--:"';='-<.JU:t\lL, XGOM ) I 32KW) P2A29 ~VFW) P2B27 » 7 7 P2Bla 2 2,4,5.6, ,-I AF}---.....-'''''l!' " CO 5.7 az 5 CD4 • 5.7fiiih. >::::/ 5 7 BX • 2 ===========---:-===---==11 3 5 I CO;--~ 12 co-- ~ 13 IIIII 62 AD z@ 11111 ~~ R43 IK 10 8 I Wffi.WEzi. P2B29 U39 C04 10 13 - 15 14 CDr I _ U CD .~12 6®--- _ a ~04 Tr - R31 180 3 U23 ~ 8 AR 7 . BIT-5 II ~ ~] 10 ~ 1:....-J I-~ I; ~ 209H ' 3 8 12 R54 180 " yee 13 U50 5~a U24~S}7 U I 4 - r®1 AZ 8 BIT-.f >=J I 9- a 10 ~I 8A B ::.&.,. ;J:it~ " AX 8 - -{ill AY 8 ~ '----~ ELBITCDMPUTlASLlD ... "., .,," faD' q P2BOI If 5 6 9- P2A28 07 015 ~ 12~CD 15 6 00 I 4 - 5 AU ~06,014 ~ ~ I~I Q7M a ;®-rl a R32 IBO P2A24 ,04,012 P2B25 ~ -~ 2_ 209H 3 a I P2B28 '05,013 1_ L-. 5 '3 4 I---- ~~ 6 "9lJQ. - 8 1; RGTR ~ R30 180 ~~ 1I11Llli.~C 520 U40 R29 180 I~a II T 13 2 ~[REGISTER AO 7 ~~ yee 12 - a -----1l ,... 13 F::-3 c ~ U7 9110 a 9 U50 RRGT 520 ~~ \J'1 I 41- 5~ a "-'-' U 44 I"'~ i-= 2U "f: a 3 ~iREGISTER 5 ~ 7 ~CD5 6 IIIII Zt- I - 15 ~ I ~~~4 --.JQ. ~ I~~I yee 2 213H,lL 13 U35 9 .;;.;;;. ~ - III ! l !@-t,......2 V a r-- ~ 76 TI ~ I !lh=t ~ Ii 7 BY )(SOM DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ALU 1411111mlllM I ') ... " I '0"', , DWG NO C ,REV 89614300 St·t t T .. 3 I A ALU (drawing 89614300, sheets 4, 5). AUGEND REGISTERS AND GATES Function This circuit contains the augend registers A, Y and the augend gates; as well as the X register, which is used both as an augend and addend register. Descri pt i on NOTE As in the rest of the ALU, one board accommodates the circuitry sufficient for eight bits and therefore two boards are used. In the following the numbers refer to the lower eight bits 00 through 07 (ALU slot location 25); for the board deal ing with the upper eight bits 08 through 15) increment the bit number by eight. The A and Y register store the information selected by the shifter (refer to sheets 6, 7). Each one is timed by a separate clock signal (ACK, YCK) generated on the Timing board. The X register stores either the shifter outputs or the MX outputs of the memory control board. The choice between the two inputs is made in the X selector (US3, u61) under control of the signal XEZ from the I/O interface circuit. The MX data from the memory control board is the memory output durin~ a read memory reference cycle: MXOO through MX07 for the ALU board dealing with the least significant bits, Mx08 through MX15 for the ALU board dealing with the most significant bits. The MX data lines are terminated in 330 ohm pull-up resistors on the ALU boards The A and Y registers are reset by Master Clear (MC) whereas the X register has its own clear signal (ClRX). 5-182 89633300 A ALU (drawing number 89614300) sheets 4, 5, cont'd. The outputs of the A, Y and X registers form some of the inputs of the augend selector gates. The outputs of anyone register are transferred to the augend gates under control of the signals ATAUG, YTAUG, XTAUG. The other control inputs to the augend selector gates are SG, 51, SF and DELTAUG. The following figure shows the augend gate control signal connections. Notes (to Augend Gate Control Signals): 1. 2. 89633300 A 01 : 03 on the LSB, are bits 04 : 07 on the LSB, j are bits bits 09 . lIon the MSB. bits 12 t 15 on the MSB. 5-183 AlU (drawing 89614300) sheets 4, 5, cont'd. SF ,'" SI XTAUG 8 ,'" ~ ,'- 8 H YTAUG , Xo ~ ~ '- ATAUG ,'" I BIT 0 8 Yo ~ 8 Ao , SG ,'" ~ E 8 I ~ a H Xj ~ ~ BITS j . a Yj ~ a A·J ~ ," E a I ~ DELTAUG ,'" a Xi ~ BITS i a y.I ~ a Ai ," 5-184 ~ ~ E Augend Gate Control Signals 89633300 A ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 4, 5, cont'd. The augend selector gates can, with the aid 0; the above signals, transfer the content of the A register, Y register, or X register to the ALU. These gates can also transfer part of the content of the X register with the upper bits zero, as follows: Transfer Signal DELTAUG DELTAUG L- Remarks . Remaining X-Register bits: X Register Bits transferred 00 T 03 00 T 07 00 .. 07 12 bits 8 bits 8 bits to bit recognized as zero recognized as zero si!=jn-extended according X07 1 The output of the augend gates is active low. The following table summarizes the selection of the constants: r'Contro 1 Signa 1 SI·SF S I·SG SI·SF·SG ATAUG·YTAUG·XTAUG·ST 89633300 A . ..--- _..-...-.. .." ....... _----, Constant Selected I +1 -1 -0 +0 5-185 ALU (drawing 89614)00) sheets 4,5, cont1d. The following truth tables show the augend gate control signal configurations for both ALU boards and the corresponding augend gate outputs. AUGEND SELECTOR - MOST SIGNIFICANT BOARD (MSB) .. I Augend Gate Control and (Corresponding Signal) i I I"'.' -_..... . .-.. ! . YTAUG l XTAUG (YTAUG) (XTAUG) 1-----+--- DEL TAUG' SF (H) (SE) i' SG SI (SSE) (I M) "--'-'~---~---+-----il------I l H l l l L H H L L l l L H H L L L H H L l xb7 X07 X07 X07 X07 l.___. . I l H H H H H · l L l , ··:i _-- ................. -- .--..... ! . .. .-. -" .. '1"........ ........ '''. A:rAUG (ATAUG) " Augend Gate Output (act ive low) -"--''' ........ .... -,,-.~----- L . l L L H H I, I I A register Y register X register Extended sign bit of ~ 00 16 FF16 -I.-_.l--.---I.._--4t__ . .___- - - - - - ...I.-_--'-_ _ ! AUGEND SELECTOR - lEAST SIGNIFICANT BOARD (lSB) '~"-""--.~"~----"---"'~'--'-'~-''''''"'''''-- -'-.- .. -----.~.' ..... ....----.------,--.-----.--~.----- Augend Gate Control and (Corresponding Signal) ... -.-.". .......... ..... I----r-----,:--~--·--··--- Augend Gate Output (act ive low) ...- ..-.- ...- - - - - - - . _ - - 1 r-'" ATAUG (ATAUG) YTAUG (YTAUG) XTAUG (XTAUGl) H l l H H L H l H H l l H H H l l H L H l l l H H l l l l H l H • _ _ _ _ _L _ . _ _ ....._ DELTAUG SF (DELTAUG) (SFl) ... A register Y reg i ster X register lower 4 bits of X, 11011 extended I: -_ The signals ATAUG, XTAUGL, XTAUGM, and SIL are produced on the decoder board. The signals YTAUG and SGL are produced on the timing board. The signals SFl, 1M, SE, and OELTAUG are produced on the I/O interface board. H = active high, 5-186 l = active . ....... ..... _-, ........ low 89633300 A ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 4,5, cont'd. The A register outputs supply the A/Q channel bus through open-collector NAND gates. The outputs of these gates are controlled by the A/Q channel control signal, AQC, from the I/O interface. The A register outputs are wire.-ANDed after inversion in Ul3 and U3 to produce the signal AEZ. This indicates whether the content of the A register is zero. This circuit includes a fl ip-flop (U5l/6) which stores the least significant bit of the A register. The input to the flip-flop is the least significant bit of the shifter. It is clocked by the A register clock and cleared by Master Clear (MC). Its output is used during multiply instructions where this bit must be stable early in the cycle. 89633300 A 5-187 .r. v V'I I 00 00 0'-:', '" j;;( ~ PIAI8 XEZ .. -.X, ~hg~> 5 CB 5 au VCC RH R6 R7 RB 330 330 330 330 MX3L PIAI6 M M MX3M' MX2L PIBI5 M MX3M M MXIL PIAI9 M MXIM M MXOL MX PIBI8 MXOM, MX 5 CA YCK PIA20 CLRXr~ Me ILl 189 U61 9 110 10 I I 3 0 AF ~:g U45 5 BK 15 5~76 4~~2 Ll...-- II~ I r-r-- ~181~ 'I~a , 4~ 'm1 5a ~60 10 I~ 6 9 10 J J!ro;-15 ~ 2 2 ,6 AG .r:-::>. '~ 2 AK 2 AL . ~R !J C R I 4 YGTR( 520 U44 COo I ~2 2; I ~ a 2 ~ 2 13 6 ~ reo-- ~ 00 15 0'\ \N \N \N o o » cf ISO ISO a I -r--- 2 ~ 120910 5 6 9 10 r:@" PZ AQZ. 121-- II r@6 ~14 '-- ~~ 3 26 10 I UI3 _~ 13~~ II~~ ~~ ! PIA30 a U28 6 ~ BIT-I a ~~ P2A05 J'AO"A8 r@)6 W- A "j=~_6 8 II~ ~ RI5 180 ~9 I-- ~_ I "--- 3 RI6 Vee RI4 RI3 2 204~ U30 41-== 5 _ 6 fo:-:.-- ~ 10 12 CD 6 ~a 4- 5@- 5~ 1 C ~al "--- ~ 1 ~. 8 BJT-2 UI2 ]E ~2 .:....-.. -.!co.-~ ....!:co;- 7 BII. .CK PIBI9 A CK ~~ 520 12 r!-::-;-@ 1IT.-3 lOa W 2 I....- U29 9~ L 2 ~ CDo I 209H 5a 6 ' IK 5~ ';~ W R 2,3,5,6,8 2 ,- ~a 4~ !,.QI 'Ice a 2~ XTAUG~~ N 2 ~2 13 5@ XTAUGM P 2 I ~2 ~'ir-4 j ~ T AUGEND GATES I r-r-- 5@ 5 BG 5 BF 12~10 13 I 2 r--!~7 I ~ 17 IJR 13 CDI ~1i>-12 6 I , PIAI5 25 iii, JA9 SE(MI,PIB22 SFL 1 ~]E I~ 13 a I 2~ 209H in ,iiAiO a P2804 {ii!, iJ,ijj :a ~ Y UII 9 II P1816/AL AM 29 4~ 8IT-0 15 a ~JE '--- k!ID5 ~Vcc IK l~l'lT tllllPlmIS,LT!I ' ......... " nF'TAII F'n lOGIC DIAGRAM rOOE IDEO' _I OWG NO C ALU 4 89614300 1 .... v 0) .P2AI9 _~.9/XSEL7M '@};~f---d ,.. '""I ;,P2A30 ,/ 13 iii 209H 213 8 41- A-REGISTER ..9 JR ) 3AU 59 520 )RGTRI U37 4 CD. 2 ~I-- 131ci;-- 15 ~I-12 II ~ ~~ V'1 I 0) \0 2,4,6 ;'\ '.J r-'j'"' ~S-~ 2 5t6 ~ 203M L---.J! If 4 ~- ~ IE 7 13 iii 209H 2138 4 I 5 U22 6 8 10 9 8 4ill IN 4 8 I1T-4 ~ ~L 3 I--:~ T 131--~ I ~ 11 , i6 P2A27 ----.; IHAIT rn.PIIIIA~ 11111 • ... ... lI.eI:,'Ua'in!ih1· 7 <------...! I"" . . . . r®r ,I P2822, iA7,lii5 eo ~J.:..- , DA 4 52_ ~ 2,3,4,6.~ I '--- 12 3 ~ 175H I" R U51 - I BIT-5 r:::llf- ji4 'AI2 P2124';IA5,iAi3 {---@7 ,. P2A22 iiA6, jjAj4 ~- 6@- ~ ~.' CE 7 <41 12'cD;-~ 13 146H UI8 CF 7 P2A23 2 204 3 U20 5 _.6 10 5 III U21 6 9 10 iii Vee ~~~~~ ~r-;;- ~ 51cD;- 7 I Be 7 BIT-6 r;f!f- s~ 3,7 85f '~L- ~~7 ~ ~ , BB 7 ~I- ~ 4 8 BIT-7 ~~ IMIHIGH III "cii";'- ~ 5f~ AUG7M 4 5 111 U4 6 9f10 III R!IO III i5EL'ii'OO P2B16 10 AUGEND GATES I I'""'j""" 13 III 209H ~III 4®--l 9j "1iJ Y 4@ Vee 10",.TI DATE I DE5CRIPTION YTAUG PI817 Y-REGISTER 4 ~®--l55;4 c, ATAUG P2A21 ~~3 3 !.O....I • I SEIMI,SGL ,PlA22 SIM ,SIL :PIAI7 5~ 7 BQ 3 CD. ~ 4~ 2 IR 3 CD. s ,....J~4 , ... P2A20 ~~ ~ ~~7 0 I fr co;-- 12 13. 6 -; I 9 t-- ~ T 4 BU IB9 ~liI U53 . MX7M,MX71 ... P2B19 » 4 GI IAEVI 'co " X-REGISTER OF TAILF.[l lOGIC DIAGRAM AI.l/ I"'C'" r c DWG NO 89614300 I ...... 1 & I ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 6, 7 ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC OPERATIONS Function The ALU microcircuits U57, U59 form the heart of the ALU board. the nine arithmetic and logical functions used in the computer. Description They perform NOTE As in the rest of the AlU, one card accommodates the circuitry sufficient for eight bits and therefore two boards are used. In the following, the numbers refer to the lower eight bits 00 through 07 (ALU slot location 25); for the board dealing with the upper eight bits (08 through 15), increment the bit number by eight. The outputs of the addend and augend gates are combined in the ALU microcircuits, the four lower bits going to U59, the four upper bits to U57. The control inputs (SOO through S03, M) are generated in the Decoder board. The carry look-ahead function is provided in the Console Interface circuit which produces the four carry signals for the ALU boards. The ALU microci rcuit outputs (ALUOO through ALUO]) form the inputs to the shIfter and feed the ALU bus through 33 ohm series termination resistors. The ALU bus carries CPU memory address and memory data to the memory address card of both the internal and the optional expansion memory banks. The CNS data gates, (U56, U58) are open collector NAND gates which transfer ALU data to the bi-directional CNS data bus. The eNS data gates are controlled by the signal CLREG from the programmer's console. 5-190 89633300 A ALU (drawing 89614300)sheets 6,7, cont'd. The ALU Microcircuit (509) The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) microcircuit is a commercial I.C. package (509 or 74181/9341 described in the Key to Logic 5ymbols, Control Data publ ication number 89723700 (or equivalent) and in manufacturer's specifications. Its salient features are repeated here and its specific use in the computer ALU circuit is described. The parallel ALU is controlled by the four Function 5elect inputs (50,51,52,53, having binary designation 1 ,2~4,8) and the Mode Control input (M). It can perform all the 16 possible logic operations or 16 different arithmetic operations on active high or active low operands. In this computer it operates on active low data because the addend and augend selector gates complement the data. When the Mode Control input (M) is high, all the internal carries are inhibited and the device performs logic operations on the individual bits. When the Mode Control input is low, the carries are enabled and the device performs arithmetic operations on the two, 4-bit words. The device incorporates full internal look-ahead carry and provides for either ripple carry between devices using the signals PL (carry propagate) and GL (carry generate). PL and GL are not affected by carry in. When speed requirements are not stringent the 74181 can be used in a simple ripple carry mode by connecting the carry out 16 (pin 16) signal to the carry input (C) of the next unit. For high speed operation the 74181 is used in conjunction with the 74182 carry look-ahead circuit. One carry look-ahead package is required for each group of four 74181 devices. 89633300 A 5-191 ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 6,7, cont'd. The computer ALU circuits utilize nine of the possible 32 functions of the ALU microcircuit. The functions and the control signals are shown in the following table. MODES OF OPERATION OF ALU MICROCIRCUIT (509) M INPUTS S3 S2 Sl FUNCTION OESCRI PTI ON SO _______ 1..... ·• H L L L L AUGEND 1. Complements the register selected by the Augend. H L L L H ADDEND-AUGEND 2. NAND function H L H L H ADDEND 3. Complements the register selected by the Addend H L H H L ADDEND,AUGEND 4. Transfers register content (except Q) through the ALU when the computer is stopped. H L H H H AUGEND -ADDEND 5. Transfer the Q register content through the ALU when the computer is stopped. (In this Case Augend is zero). H H L L H ADDENDtAUGEND 6. Exclusive-OR function H H H H L ADDEND-AUGEND 7. AND funct ion L L H H L AUGEND MINUS ADDEND 8. Subt ract ion L H L L H AUGEND PLUS ADDEND 9. Addition H - logic high, 5-192 I L - logic low 89633300 A AlU (drawing number 896l4300) sheets 6,7 SHIFTER Function The shifter outputs determine which data is valid at the input of the CPU registers at the end of a cycle. Description NOTE As in the rest of the AlU, one card accommodates the circuitry sufficient for eight bits and therefore two boards are used. In the following the numbers refer to the lower eight bits 00 through 07 (AlU slot location 25); for the board dealing with the upper eight bits (08 through 15) increment the bit number by eight. The circuit consists of eight-input selectors (505), one for each bit of a computer word, and a flip-flop. Each selector is controlled by three selector lines (three of CO through C3) which select one of the eight input signals. The table following the next paragraph is the truth table for the shifter, together with the operation of the ALU circuits. The circuit functions are explained in the paragraphs following the table. Shift Fl ip-Flop In addition to the selectors, the AlU board carries the Shift flip-flop and associated gating (U5l/8,9 and U26, U3/8,lO, UlS/2,4,lO, Ul9/S). The flipflop, located on each ALU board, stores information during the first step of a double-word long shift. The information stored is from the ALU board itself or generated in the current cycle on another board. It is stored here so that it should not be lost at the end of the cycle, as it may be needed during the ?econd step of the long shift. During the first step of a long shift or during a short shift the content of the flip-flop is never used. It is sometimes used in the second step of a long shift. 89633300 A 5-193 VI I SHIFTER CIRCUIT OPERATION \0 -I:" r Contro lSi gna 15 C3 C2 Cl CO Selects Input No. Bits j BI ts I OUT PUT S Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit (15) Input of flip-flop Operation I~ ~--~--.----- L L L L L L o o L o H ALtJ06 ALU06 n ALUi-l ALUlo-1 SHB -., Short left shift Z5 Q .. First step of long left shift; used only during divide Instruction. This code usedl also during second step of any long left I III ~ ::::J IQ ::::J C L L H L 2 2 SHC l H L L it it ALU07 6 6 ZI ALU i+ 1 ALUOI ° ALUi ALUOI ALUI_l SHB H H L H L L H H L H H 3 3 H 5 QA07 7 CNS'07i . CNS i ALU06 ALUOO ALUi+1 L ITAI A'EUOo Second step of any long right shift Direct transfer ALU data .......... g. .,CD 00 \0 0' ALUOO Short right shift or first step of any long right shift -I:" W Q First ste~ of cyclic long left shift In shift Instruction. Transfer trap address :r • ITAO o o I II CD CD ,..,. III 0' H H L H 5 H H H H 7 .• _ ,_,1 .. _,j QAi QAOO -CNSOO Transfer A/Q data ....... Transfer CNS data n o::::J ,..,. Q.. NOTES: \0 i • 01 through 06 t j • OOt 07 for ALU board in slot 25 (LSB) 09 through 14 t j .. 08 t 15 for ALU board in slot 26 (HSB). W W for 00 3. Control Inputs are connected as follows: r· 0' W o o » jO. Bits 01 t 06 t 10'; 13 connected to H. ~ High- logic high; L=logic low Control signals CO Cl C2 C3 --0.' . . . . . . . . .'__ .•.. _ _ . . . . . . __ B C A ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 6,7, contld. The connections to the shifter selectors and flip-flop are summarized in the following figure. CO co C2 z:s SHI ALUI ITAO ALUO- liT 0 i1ii liT? ALUI_I ITAI ALUi liTS i OJ CNii SHIFTER SELECTORS CII CI SHIFT FLIP-FLOP 89633300 A 5-195 ALU (drawing 89614300}sheets 6,}, cont'd. Shift Operations NOTE Timing diagrams for shift operations are given in the first sheet for the Timing ci rcuits in section 5. During a short left shift, each output of the shifter receives the next lowest bit of the ALU. The lowest bit of the shifter (SHOO) receives the signal Z3. The signal Z3 of each ALU board is wired to the most significant bit of the ALU output on the other ALU board. Thus the shift is cyclic. The first step of a long left shift. is similar to a short shift. During the first step of a long left shift during divide, the SHOO bit is connected to SHB. During this time, the signal QSX is stored in the shift flip-flop. QSX is equivalent to the end-around-borrow resulting from substracting the X register from the content of the Q register (X from Q). In the MSB, SHB is connected to ALU07 of the LSB. In the LSD, SHB is connected to SHA of the MSB. During the first step of a long left shift, the signal QTADD is high so thatSHA becomes bit A07 of the MSB. During the second step, QTADD is low so that SHA becomes the bit that was previously stored in the shift flip-flop. The first step of a cyclic long left shift differs from a long left shift in that the bit stored in the Shifter/register is Q07 of the MSB. The execution of a long left shift is shown below. 5-196 89633300 A AU) (drawi n9 89614300, sheets 6,7, cont'd.) MSB LSB 0 0 00 07 CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK - PLANE A 00 07 a L..-_-I SHIFT ~~~ } - ..... FF a o CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK - PLANE _--' OSX OR 007 STORED 1. 07 First step of double word left shift. MSB LSB A A CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK -PLANE o SHIFT FF 2. 89633300 A a CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK -PLANE Second step of double word left shift. 5.. 197 ALU (drawing 89614300) sheets 6,7, cont'd. The short right shift may also be used as the first step of a long right shift. During the operation each bit is shifted one place to the right. The least significant bit ALUO is stored in the shift f1fp-flop. The most significant bit of the shifter receives Zl. In the LSB Zl Is connected to ALUO of the MSB. In the MSB Zl is connected to the function. (ALU07 of MSB) + (F = 2) This causes the resulting word to be sign-extended, except during multipl ication, when a positive sign is assumed. The second step of a long right shift is the same as the first except that SH07 receives the input SHC. On the LSD, SHC is connected to ALUOO of the HSB while on the MSD it is connected to SHA of the LSB. The execution of a long right shift is shown below. , AW07 OF MSB) + (F=2) MSB LSB A ZI StlFT FF CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK-PLANE 1. First step of double word right shift. MSB A SHC LSB SHe A 07 SHIFT FF SH CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACK-PLANE SHA=SH CONNECTION ON COMPUTER BACk- PLANE 2. 5-198 Second step of double word right s~.ift. 89633300 A ALU (dra~ing 89614300) sheets 6~7, cont'd. The signals which are used during double word shifts to control the end bits in the shift flip-flop are connected as follows: " , _ ••••• , . • "'''. ~.''''' _. INPUT .0 A _ _ _ _, SIGNAL t40st significant board 89633300 _~ = (F = 2)+(ALUOO Least significant board of MSB) ALUOO of MSB Zl ZJTSH Z3 ALU07 of LSB ALU07 of MSB Z5 QSX QSX SHB ALU07 of LSB SHA of MSB SHe SHA of LSB ALUOO of HSB 5-199 V'I .. "" I N o o 33 7 SHIFTER po- ~._W(~ & (7\ \N \N \N o o ;I> DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM ALU . _- ...1 ..l. IREvl "" I.~ 3.;" mIo I I I Eca '! 'CtIKD' ~ .~~::~ I SHIFTER .oj: I' r 6{CY .rB~-5 r - 3;5 ~ I~ VI I N o A 4J Z I- " I I I I - - AlU (drawing number 89614300) sheet 8 INTERRUPT LOGIC Function This circuit accepts the signals on the interrupt lines and processes them to produce outputs according to the content of the mask (M) register and the predetermined interrupt priority. Description NOTE As in the rest of the ALU, one card accommodates circuitry sufficient for eight bits and therefore two boards are used. In the following the numbers refer to the lower eight bits 00 tnrough 07 (AlU slot location 25): for the board dealing with the upper eight bits (08 through 15) increment the bit number by eight. The interrupt signals are stored in the interrupt register (UI6, UI7). This is clocked by the interrupt clock (INTCK) from the Timing board and reset by Master Clear ('Me). The signals on the interrupt I ines are active low. 5-202 89633300 A ALU (drawing number 89614300) sheet 8, cont'd. The outputs of the register are gated through to a priority encoder (U6S) under control of the content of the M register. The priority signals coinciding with a logic high in the M register are allowed to pass, and are considered active. The priority decoders on the two ALU boards are connected in cascade to detect the highest priority interrupt which is active at any time. The interrupts have ascending priority from INT1S to INT08 and from INT07 to INTOO,the interrupts on the board dealing with the least significant data bits (LSB) having priority. The following table shows the operation of the priority encoder: EI o o o o o o o o o INPUTS 2 . 34 S 6 OUTPUTS TA2 TAl TAO Ee x X X X X X X X· H H H H H H H X X X X XX X X X X X X o 7 GS H L H H H H H H L L L L L L H L L L L H H H L L H H L H L H H H H H H H L L H L H H X L H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L L H H H L H H H H H H X X X X XX X X X L L H H X X X L H H H X X L H H H H X L H H H H H = Logic High L = Logic Low X = irrelevant The input EI on the LSB is connected to ground while El on the HSB is connected to Ee on the LSB. The signal GS from both ALU boards go to the console interface card. GS from the MSB is connected to ITAS of the LSB. The outputs TAO, TAl, and TA2 of both ALU boards go to the console interface and are used to produce the trap address bits (ITA2, ITA3, and ITA4) which are connected to the LSB of the ALlI (see console interface sheet 7). 89633300 A 5-203/S-204 6 7 9 ~ 7 V1 I N o V1 r.t" I IS Pla04 PIA: Pia ~TA2L. TA2M !AIL. TAIM TAol. TAOM PIA:2 ~:.GSM Pia DETALED LOGIC DIAGRAM ALU "Pages 5-206 to 5-210 are unassigned". 5-206/5-210 89633300 A .. ~ECODER The Decoder circuits are accommodated on a single 50-PAK printed wiring board. The logic circuit diagram of the unit is given in drawing number 89614900, sheets 1-6. The Decoder circuits include the instruction register with its decoder and other CPU control circuits. This page lists the functional blocks The circuits and signals are described in accommodated on this board. detail on pages facing the corresponding sheets of the circuit diagram. MAIN FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS ---_..._--------- ------------~------------------~ Designation . -.---................ .............. ,..~ Shown on sheet --------.,--- Instruction Register 2 First Level Decoders 2 Addend Gate Controls 3 Augend Gate Controls 4 Controls for ALU and Addressing 5 Register Clock Controls 6 89633300 A 5-211 , V1 N N PFF - SHEET REFERENCE reFSI£ET EFERENCE LETTER A 8 0 E F G J K L M N 0 R S T U V W X Y Z AA 00 \.0 0'\ UJ UJ UJ o o » AB AD AE AF AG AJ AK AL AM AN AO AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB THIS SIGNALS 2 0-4 "OEC 0-3 DEL 8-4 17 8- 3 17 RI 8-3 WI' 8-4 Jrr 8-4 R4 8-3 8-3 R3 A-3 R2 A-4 R3 A-4 R4 fa C-2 8-2 TI T4 8-2 8-3 Flo() 0-2 T3 A-3 FloA C-I TI 16 8-3 16 8-3 C-4 ~ B-3 15 C-4 1'4 C-4 14 0-3 0-4 13 C-3 12 12 C-4 C-3 !" C-4 11 10 0-3 10 C-3 165 B-3 B-3 123 Fl'6 B-3 Flo7 B-3 Floe B-2 A-3 FloC FloO A-2 FloF A-3 FI-O A-2 FoO C-I F-2 B-1 TABLE CeNT HUES elN n SHEET LPCAT/~N 3 4 5 C-3 8-4 8-3 C-2 C-I 8- 2 A-4 8-1 C-2 0-4 C-4 C-2 8-2 C-4 0-4 C-I 0-4 0-4 0-4 C-4 0-4 8-4 8-2 8-4 8-4 C-I 8-3 8-3 C-4 8-2 0-3 8-3 0-2 A-3 C-3 0-3 A-3 A-3 B-3 A-4 C-3 B-3 A-4 C-4 A-3 A-4 6 0-2 0-2 0-2 C-I 0-3 0-3 63 8-4 +5V) B-4 ~el GND ) P2A03 , GND ) PIB21 I :.~J'F I I vec l' ~et 68HF !"IAU GND. GNO') PIBU C-3 A-4 0-3 A-3 B-3 B-4 B-2 RI (ii) 0-2 )!.. Ivee C-2 A-4 A-4 ~, A-4 C-4 C-4 A-4 B-3 B-3 A-4 0-3 C-4 0-3 SHEET 7 ALL UNMARKED RESIST""S ARE 0.25 WATT 5% ~ ELEMENT JDENTlFER IS PENDING UNLUS Oft«'""" PlCI'EO D._liON -=-I .A, ... TOLIItMCII OETAIL"EO LOGIC DIAGRAM DECODER ... • I 00 \.0 ~ \oN \oN \oN o o » V'I I N \oN ....... V'I I N ~ lRE~ (C~NTINUEO FR;M SHEET I) ~FF - SHEET REFERENCE eFF-SHEET REFERENCE SIGNALS LETTER F=3 8C 81) F-5 F-6 r- BE Fo7 8F 8G FoB FoB 8H FoO BJ FoE BK FoF 8L 8M FIIlI FI.8 BN FI=9 BP 80 FI =2 FloO BR 8S FI'A FI=E 8T F .... O BU F.9 8V BW F.... A BX F.. Y F .. 5 BY F~7 BZ CA FoOC C8 F .. O CC F.. F CD RE1F CE ITR CF 016 RNl21 CG fIIPE CH CSM -2J FI,o&+7+F CK CL RI.R2,R3.R4 CM RNlI2 RNIII CN CP F"QFI°2.3 ePO CO RNI22 CR CS MOSE CT MOSE CU ~ CV CW ENl2E CX fIIOO 2 CY 0002 000 CZ 000 DA . 2 8-1 C-I 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 A-I A-I A-I 8-2 B-2 8-2 SHEET L"CATIt1N 4 3 5 8-2 A-3 A-4 A-4 _I DRFT I DATE DESCRIPTION CHICO " " 6 0-3 (>-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 A-3 B-3 8-3 C-2 C-I 8-4 8-4 A-2 A-3 A-2 C-I C-I C-I C-I C-I 8 -I 8-1 A-I A-I REVlSIOII RECORD ECO 0-4 C-3 0FF - SHEET REFERENCE LETTER 08 DO DE OF OH OG OJ OK OL OM ON DP OQ DR OS DT DU 0-3 C-3 B-3 A-4 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-2 0-3 8-3 8-3 C-3 8-2 0-4 0-4 0-3 0-4 0-3 8-4 A-4 C-3 C-3 A-3 8-4 A-3 8-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 8-1 8-1 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-2 0-3 0-3 C-3 C -2 C-2 0-4 A-3 A-3 8-4 A-4 A-4 C-3 C-3 8-2 C-3 8-4 8-4 C-3 C-3 C-3 0-4 0-4 0-3 8-4 C-3 SIGNALS 2 ENI20 RE 18 MDS1 FIE23 OELTAUG IO+SHI SIL II'CNTE~ CSA ~ M6T CSO SHI SHEET L;CATI N 3 4 5 A-I 8-2 8-4 C-4 C-3 0-3 0-3 8-4 B-4 A-4 0-3 A-4 C-4 C-2 C-I C-2 C-4 B-1 8-1 C-I C-I C-4 C-4 C-4 A-2 I 6 8-3 D~4 0-1 8-4 B-2 0-2 8-3 C-2 8-2 A-4 A-4 8-2 8-4 I C-4 0-4 0-4 C-3 A-3 C-4 C-3 j C-2 8-2 0-4 8-3 0-4 A-3 C-4 0-4 C-3 -ft - - • .... "".. .. 'I •• DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM DECODER COOE IDENT IC DWG NO 89614900 SHEET or. ~ 7 I pr 'p.~£OD~ (drawing 89614900) sheet 2 INSTRUCTION REGISTER AND FIRST LEVEL DECODERS Function This circuit consists of the instruction register and the first level of decoding logic. . Ineuts . SIGNAL CONNECTOR PIN ACTIVE -,,------- -HDEL IRCK HX03 HX04 HX05 Hx06 HX07 Hx08 HX09 HX10 HXll HX12 HX13 HX14 HX15 CLRIR ..... NOTE: I H H HXOO HXOl HX02 H H H H H H I I l I I• H H H H H H H H H H ! ; LOCATION ! SHEET SQUA~~ FUNCTION H I, ! I I II I I I I I I, ! ; I P1B20 P1A21 P1B16 P1A16 P1A18 P1A20 P2B19 P2B17 P2A19 P2A18 P1A25 P1A:l3 P1B14 P1B15 P2B05 P2A08 P2B.08 P2A05 P1A31 -..1.---_ ••. -_ .._-...._---._-- fl field zero from memory 04 04 2 Instruction Register Clock c4 C4 04 I I I ! I, I, >Oata read from memory i , ! I !• ! ! I !; I I j I, j I II I i Clear Instruction Register _ .___----l ...". 2 . 04 c4 B4 c4 B4 B4 B4 A4 A4 C2 C2 C2 C2 A4 An alternative notation, emphasizing the significance of the bits of data read from memory employs the letters L (less s'gnificant) and H (more significant). Thus the following pairs are identical: HXOO - HXOL, HX07 - HX7L, Hx08 ~ HXOH, HX15 - HX7H. 89633300 A 5-215 I I I I• I !; I I I ~ : : ., : \ '. i i ! ,! I ! ,\ 1 ; ; (Drawi ng 89614900) sheet 2, cont I d. DECODER Oytputs , ::GNAL I AC~'VEf.::I:c~or-:~=_~~.-·- FUNCT;-~--. ::~~ATf~~R~'·1 I ' I i Ii I I I I I, i I I I• I ,I I R2 R3 R4 10 H P1A28 H I P1A24 H l p 1B28 H I P1B13 11 12 H 13 14 15 16 H Tf L L DE[ H H H H DEL2 Tl T2 H T3 T4 H Of L L L L 02 03 OD 165 H H H H I· P1B05 P1B10 P1A10 P2B26 P2B24 P2B23 P2A23 P1A14 P1A15 P2A06 P2B09 P2A09 P2B06 P1B30 P1B31 P2BOl P2AOl P2A22 i I I Fl field of instruction register A3 A3 A3 D3 . Instruction Register bits A field zero (stored) see text F - field outputs F - field content is F - field content is 2 F - field content is 3 F - field content is D16 16-15- 2 D3 D3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 D3 D2 Cl Dl Dl Dl Bl Bl Bl Al B2 -_._-_ ------~~------~--------~--------------------.----,~--.---- 5-216 ' ........... 89633300 A DECODER (Drawing 89614900) sheet 2, cont'd. The instruction register is a 16 bit register. Its input is the data read from memory through the memory control board (signals MXOO through MXI5). The register is clocked by the tRCK from the timing board and cleared by CLRIR from the console interface. The register itself uses two types of components. The Fl field of the instruction register are high speed dual D-type flip-flops (u45, U46). These are used because the Fl field must be decoded early in the execution of the instruction. The F field and ~ field are stored in quad D-type flip-flops (U39, U41, U47) like those used in the ALU registers. The outputs of the F field and the Fl field are decoded in two four-to-sixteen decoders (U57, U58) each having sixteen active low outputs, one for each possible input code. Four outputs from F-field decoder (OT, 02, 03, OD) which are active when F = 1, F = 2, F = 3, and F = D respectively, (hexadecimal notation) are outputs of the Decoder assembly. The DEL flip-flop, (U60/8), stores the signal MDEL from the memory control assembly This signal indicates when the delta (~) field is equal to zero. The flip-flop is clocked by tRCK and cleared by CLRIR. The output of this flip-flop is an output of the assembly, through an inverter, as (~FO). orr The outputs of the instruction register fields are summarized in the following table: FIELD 89633300 A .... ............... OUTPUTS -- ... ...-...- BITS ~ F TI, T2, T3, T4 FI Rl, R2, R3, R4 to through 17 A '--- _ - -- 12 18 60 ·· 15 ·· II ·· 7 5-217 DECODER (Drawing 89614900) sheet 2, cont'd. The signal DEL2 is produced by decoding MX data lines. I ts equa t i on is: DEL2 = MDELoMX11 MXlOoMX09-MX08 • (Fl=5)-(6=0) 0 It is used by the interrupt logic to sense the inhibit interrupt instruction and prevent an enter interrupt sequence under certain conditions ~ee Console Interface sheet 5). The signal 123 = 17- ib is produced by U38/3 The signal 165 = 16 15 is produced by U38/8. 5-218 0 It is used on the I/O Interface. 89633300 A ... 00 \D [(Fl~0).(R4.R3).DEl] = Rl·R3 + Rl·R3.[(Fl~0).(R4.R3).DEl] 89633300 A ... oJ 00 U) 0'\ W W W o o W9A) P2B13 GOeS) P2B25 , 4 r ~I ,1'6 P2AI3 (S3 I'a ..,,,... 20 ... " 23 3.4 M , , V'I I N W PIB24 I"~-T'- (AIH I' .. , , PIA26 (AD2 DH>4 REV DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM DECODER A .. DECODER (drawing 89614900) sheet 6 REGISTER CLOCK CONTROLS Function This circuit generates the register clock controls WP, WA, WQ, WH, WXLI; bit bucket signal (BB) and the signal FIE23. the The WP, WA, WQ, WH signals are used on the Timing circuit to generate clock pulses for their respective registers (refer to timing circuit, sheet 3). The WXLl signal is part of the condition for writing into the X register. It is transmitted to the I/O interface board where it generates the signalsWXL, WXH. r Inl2uts o , I :::NAL ... DBB BBCK WRQ WE BXI5 HDS' QI5 CRQ JiNT XI5 r~:I ~-~. r·~C~~~:::TORT··H H H L H H H H L H PI B21 PIA22 PIAl I PIBI2 P2A28 P2B27 I PIB28 PIB26 PIA04 PIB22 L H H H H H H PIAl2 PIB25 PIB04 P2A26 P2B03 P1B29 P2829 FUNCTION ... ........ --~ r - . " ..... LOCATION SQUARE .,. -. SHEET6 ! .. ~ ..• . I I ,• I It ., i . ; I I I I I I 6 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 c4 B4 A4 C2 C2 C2 Outeuts wrr BB WP WA WM WQ F1E23 5-232 6 II I . (FI-2)+(Fl=3) I 6 C3 DI Cl Bl Bl 81 Dl 89633300 A DECODER Description (Drawing 89614900) sheet 6, cont'd. The BB flip-flop (U60/5) stores DBB from the console interface. This signal is used during multiply and divide instructions (see Console Interface. sheet 7). The flip-flop is clocked by the signal BBCK from the Timing assembly. The output is used on the Decoder assembly and is also transmitted to the I/O interface. The signal F1E23 = (Fl = 2) +(Fl = 3) is produced by the AND gate Ul3/8. is used on this assembly and also transmitted to the I/O Interface. It The equations of the register clock control are as fo'llows: WP = JRNI + CSP '+ CRQ'SIL + RNI·~DD·(F=O)·(Fl=l) where CRQ is generated in the timing circuit and is active during the first part of a CPU memory cycle. This is an ~DD cycle in which data is sent from the CPU to memory. SIL is active whenever the P register is changed (incremented or decremented) by one. WH = CSH + RNI·EVEN·(F=0)·(Fl=8)·10 WQ = + + + + + + CSQ + HD1·BX1S + HD21·Q1S HDS·EVEN·(CNTE2 + Tl) ITR·0i6·15 RNI·EVEN·(F-O)·(Fl=C,D) RNI·EV~N·(F=E,F) RNI·EVEN·(F=0)·(Fl=8)·ll RNI·EVEN·(F=O).(Fl=F).IS·1b·(SHI + ~ WA = CSA + HDS·8DD·(CNTE2 + Tl) + HDS1·~DD·BX1S + ITR·EIS·16 + 8P·EVEN· (F=O)· (Fl=2) + RNI·EVEN·(F=0)·(Fl=F)·[IS·16·(KO + 10) + 16·00' + SHI)] +RNI·EVEN·(F=0)·(Fl=8)·12 + RNI·EVEN·(F=O)·(Fl = 9,A) + RNI.EVEN·(F~0)·[T4·T3 + (F=C) + (F=7)·PEF + (F=2,3)·BB] 89633300 A 5-233 DECODER (Drawing 89614900) sheet 6, cont'd. WXLI = WRQ·WE + MDSI·000·(X15 + Tl) + RNI·eoO·(F=0)·(Fl=2,3,8) where - WRQ is produced on the Console Interface and is high during the second pass (EVEN) of each CPU memory cycle - WE is produced on the I/O interface and is high during a CPU memory read cycle. Thus the term WRQ·WE clocks data read from the memory into the X register. 5-234 89633300 A . v I 27 " I IREVI '00 -' ECO IIEVISIOII RECORO DESCRIPTION IDRFTI DATE IC"ool UP \D '" ~BB W W W o o II o J.!!...--- » .1 ~I 13 UI4 - ... PIB04 CRQr=:!!--" I (WP ~ .. ~ I( 2.3,4 II P2A26 4 0'. 2.4~N I4t • DU II UI2 . 14 .'1'1 Y1 IS 12.2222 IItZ. 897711201 Y1 IS IB.3133 IIIl baTHE ~1LL\lJIR CIRCUIT (SIIEET 2. 1IlIIE 1-2) FnR ASSEJIIlY 11!177'1?OO HAS : C16 - ~_47 F IS NIT _EClED P.I~ - 100 0I1'1S IS 1fT "MEnED C15 - 47PF IS SHORT - CIRCUITED BY JIII'ER WIRE s. AELEl1EnT IDEnT!.fIER ARE PENDlno. "I' AriD 1149 ARE 7451411. (-2 0-2 .. I , ' • . . . . . '!>t " . " ' •• '!a, "M" It ....,.. '.' r'.I. • nIl , ::t:o Nil> DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TIMING --~ ...... .t. .a_.......,. .. •••• , .... , t .s TIMING (drawing 89617000 sheet 2) OSCILLATOR AND PHASE GENERATOR Function The oscillator and phase generator form the basic clock of the CPU and therefore of the computer. The basic oscillator frequency is determined by crystal Vl. This frequency differs in the two versions of the computer as shown in the table: , "e,. 1. I1._Equ.......i pment I AB107 AB108 .!.••. --,~ ....... ~.•• ,.- •... ,- Memory Cycle Time .... ..... ..... ,., ,~ ...... . , ... 900 nsec 600 nsec ' .... .~ ..... _-----.. -_ _---: ..... : Basic Clock Frequency i .. -i· .. .. ...... ! ....---1 12.222 MHz 18.333 MHz ." -.l The oscillator circuit itself is a resonant circuit using the crystal Vl as the frequency determining element in the base-collector circuit of transistor Ql; the simplified circuit diagram shows this clearly. The output of the comparator acting on the threshold of the logic circuits in the feedback path ensure that the oscillator output signal Is a symmetrical square wave. Transistor Q2 and the common emitter resistor R13 stabilize Ql of the oscillator; series stabilizing transistor Q3 isolates the VCC2 supply line from the oscillator signals. 89633300 A 5-249 TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) ISOLATED SUPPLY ( VCC2) CI8 C8 RII RI3 Oscillator Simplified Circuit Diagram 5-250 89633300 A TIMING SIGNAL VI0 G0AQ i I G~MI I G0M2 ;, CSPR , - (Drawing Number 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) ACTIVE CONNECTOR l L L PIA06 PIBI6 PI AoB P1A05 l P1A04 H I ! , I I H II STPCK EXCK i ClREQ I I , !.. MMRQ ~ ". 89633300 P2B22 PIAI9 PI B27 l SS I EXT A lOCAT 10N·_· _ . SU.E ~_:_ SQUARE Program Protect Violation 2 0-4 Hold CPU during 1/0 operation Hold CPU on busy MelOOry (bank I) Hold CPU on bu~y Memory (bank 2) 2 0-2 2 0-2 2 0-2 Clocks registers to enter data Ii 2 0-2 2 0-2 Set Go 2 B-4 Set Stop Extended odd CPU cycle (compare 00D2) Stop Clock External Clod Clear Reque~t 2 0-4 2 C-4 2 B-3 2 A-2 C-2 B-2 from Programmer IS Console i i i SG-I I FUNCTION H H i H i H I. H I ......4 PI B07 PlB02 P2Al5 P1B03 ... ". • ; Hem()ry rPfjUest ............... ~ ••••••••• " ."' _. _ _ • • • ~_ _ ~ I !, 2 li _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _. _ _ _ _ • _ _ • • 2 _~ __ 5-251 TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, conti d.) outouts: , i SIGNAL ACTIVE ... , , , , I I I i I I j I PHI PH2 PH3 PH4 JKCK GfJCS EVEN fJOO fJ002 fJ002 H L I CRQ CRQ H L iSC L H I I, 5-252 H H H H H H H L· OCK I : i I I : ~ .. ! j I ! I CONNECTOR FUNCTION -----.----..-.- ... ............. .... .., PIAI5 PIB08 PIA22 PIB25 P2B05 PlB21 P2AI8 P2BI9 PIB22 P2Bli ....- ; .. - ..... , ~~ Phase generator outputs I } PIA03 PIBI9 PIA07 PIB06 TOCJJ:TION SHEET SQUARE Phase 5 of Phase generator Computer running Even CPU cycle Odd CPU cycle I C-2 C-2 C-2 0-1 C-I 0-3 B-1 .B-I 2 C-3 B-3 2 2 2 2 B-1 B-1 A-I 0-1 .2 Two consecutive odd CPU cycles CPU cycle request to Memory Control card I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Clock to Memory system Not connected I! I iI I I I I I .1! I j ! ! I I II , -.--~.------.j 89633300 A TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) Description The output at U66/6,8 provides the clock signal to the memory system (0SC); the output at U48/8 (0SC) drives the phase generator. The oscillator is stopped by a low on signal STPCK. clock signal may be connected at EXCK. In this case an external The oscillator output drives the five-phase generator (PG). This consists of three-stage counter PG1, PG2, PG3 (U17, U18) and associated gates forming a fivestate machine. The equations of the phase generator outputs are as follows: PHl = PGl • PG2 • PG3 PH2 = PGl • PG2 PH3 = PGl • PG2 PH4 = PGl • PG2 • V10 PHS = JKCK = PG3 The output waveforms of the oscillator and phase generator are shown below. Note that the waveforms are the same for the two equipments AB107 and AB108, the time scale shown applies to the AB108. To obtain the timing for the AB107 (900 nsec memory cycle), multiply the figures by 1.5. 109 ,.--""" 'SC 183.5 218 272.5 TIME (nstc) I L~ L: PHI H L PH2 H L PH3 H L PH4 H JICCIC L The fifth phase of the clock (JKCK) is the last phase of the CPU cycle. trailing edge forms the main timing data for all state flip-flops. 89633300 A Its 5-253 TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) The signal V10 causes the phase generator to jump directly from PH4 to PHI, avoiding the JKCK clock. This occurs during program protect violation (types 2, 3) (see program protect: 1784 Reference Manual, publication number 89633400, pages 4-9, 4-10, 5-3,6-4, 6-7). The signal G~AQ stops the phase generator while waiting for the Reply or Reject in an I/O operation. The CSPR is active when the computer is not running. It enables D-type clocks used for setting bits in registers of Programmer's Console, while J-K clocks are avoided. In this circuit it gates flip-flop PG3. The signals G'MI and G'M2 are generated by the Memory Control (upper and lower banks) and are used to hold the CPU on phase five; this occurs in two cases: 1) When a CPU Memory Request arrives while the memory is busy with a D5A request (CPU held just before end of an odd cycle); 2} When the CPU is wa.iting for data or sending data to the memory (CPU held just before end of even cycle). Computer Active/Inactive The G'C5 flip-flop (U61) indicates whether the computer is running or not; its output (G'CS) is connected to the CPU INACTIVE indicator on the programmer's console (computer not running). The G~CS signal also stops the computer on phase 1 (PHI) of the phase generator, just after the beginning of an odd cycle. The G'CS flip-flop is set by signal SGI and is cleared by S51, both from the console interface board. The flip-flop is synchronized by the clock output (~SC); fl ip-flop U61114,15 acts as a synchronizing buffer for the G'CS flip-flop. 5-254 89633300 A TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) Even - Odd Circuit Every CPU cycle is defined as either an even or an odd cycle. The even and odd fl ip-flops (u4) determine the state of the machine. Usually even and odd cycles will alternate so that one fl ip-fl~p will be set and the other reset on the first cycle, and both flip-flops will change state on the following cycle. In some cases the odd state continues for two successive cycles. In such a condition a third fl ip-flop, called 0002 (U8) will be set during the second odd cycle. The 0002 fl ip-flop is set by the signal EXT from the I/O Interface board and resets itself after one cycle. The fl ip-flops EVEN, 000 and 0002 are clocked by JKCK. The input equations are as follows: SET Fl ip-flop , I EVEN 000 I 8002 I I RESET MPC i .J 8002 + EXT H SGI G0CS H H MPC 800'EXT i K II H 8002 + EXT 8002 Ii The RQ fl ip-flop (UI7) produces a timing signal for CPU memory requests. It is set at PH3 on odd CPU cycles and cleared at the end of the cycle. The output of this flip-flop is multiplied by VIO and by the signal MMRQ from the I/O Interface to product CRQ which is transmitted to the Memory Control Card. 89633300 A 5-255 TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 2, cont'd.) A timing diagram for typical. CPU Memory Cycles Is shown below. Note that the JKCK signal is extended in the even .' part of the cycle when the CPU is stopped by the G'MI or G'M2 signals, the timing of the CRQ signal is determined by the RQ flip-flop. The timing shown is for the 600 nsec memory cycle. To obtain the timing for the 900 nsec memory cycle multiply the figures by 1.5. 0 Tim. (nllo) 8'l8 PHI 109 218 327 436 I I I I 16!.8 272.5 n Sl 548 I 496.8 381.!5 L..-_ _ _ _ _ _ (0) 109 I I 600 n ~ 5'l8 1~3.8 I I l I ----~_j:~ ... I I I I '--____~n -+----'n I H L H L I: I L--_ _ _ H L H L H I GOMI I L I' H I 'DO --1 L H I EVEN L I CRQ I : I 200 I I :~::~s ________~I-~r--lL_______________I~------·r! DATA FROM MEMORY I I V.=~=L~ID~_______Ir----------------~ I DATA TO MEMORY ~ST.!!~=8:::LE::""______ 472.8 I I I I : I I I I I I I f-1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' L !-..~------ 5-256 436 ONE MEMORY CYCLE (600 n.. o ) J H L H L H L H L , 89633300 A 00 1.0 Vii) GOM2) PIA05 PIA06 Giiiil eSPR GeAQ 9 0'\ \N \N \N r II o o T 0.1 0.1 RI4 vecI ~.....-Yh~ ~ r ... ~ (PH4 » ... ~ 3 2 PIB22 P2811 (eD02 m"P2822 ~~ I VCC2) PIAOI .!r: RIT IK r t::' . MMRQ)PI803, PI8t9 (CRQ ~I ---t-I-'\~-IL.II_ - -; - -- - - ~ '"'., (iii; ·C2 ~I V1 I N V1 ...... VCC I ) P2A31 I C3+ C6 I I :1CI ~v "'" 33,.,. I 5.6K I'll. L ____ _ I II£> DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TIMING A TIMING (Drawing number 89617000, sheet 3) COUNTER Function: The 5-bit binary count down counter is used for the following: I. During shift instructions it is used to count the number of times a word is shifted. 2. During Multiply/Divide instruction it is used to count the number of iterations necessary to complete the operation. In this case it is loaded with the number 10110 2 • 3. During any memory reference instruction it may be used to count the number of memory reference cycles needed to calculate the effective address of the operand. In this case it may be loaded with either 00000 2 , 00010 2 , 00100 2 , or 00110 2 • 5-258 89633300 A TI HI NG (Drawing number 89617000, sheet 3, cont'd.) Inputs .T--.-. - . --; . SIGNAL ACTIVE: CONNECTORII . PIN : l-······· .. · ......FUNCTION I LOCATION . SHEET SQUARE -+----+----·+-I-----------~--·-· MPC- L [AS] ENT L [T] Master clear or clear-to-P-reglster, CPU in interrupt state JKCK H [S] Clock from phase generator(sheet 2): 10 II ~ 12 H PIBl7 PIB18 P1A17 P1B05 P1B24 P2A10 P2B10 P2B09 [AV] [AN] see [V] H H 13 14 15 16 H 'Ji'TR L PH4 H F23 H PG2 AOI A02 Outputs NO CNTE2 N41 H [W] H H P1A16 P1B20 H H H L H Jib £15 to101 L L H PIB28 P2A09 P2B07 P2Al6 P2Al7 I I Least significant bits of instruction register I f I fJ Set ITR flip-flop Clock phase generator (sheet 2) Instruction register F=2 or F=3 Second stage of phase G c4 c4 c4 04 04 03 02 02 A4 A4 I , I ., I II Least significant bit of counter Counter conten.t .. 00010 2 Counter content ~ 00001 2 '00'16 EVEN-IS "' __~._._._.. _. P2B01____... L.'=~::!"'--:=N~3--=N=2"""=-N:l--:-N:O:---A~0~R~_F~2~:3 ... __.___.__ ._.__ 89633300 A 3 .- 3 A4 B4 03 04 03 B3 Bl Bl Bl Al B3 5-259 TIMING {Drawing number 89617000, sheet 3, cont'd.} Description The counter itself is made up of five flip-flops; NO, NI, N2, N3 and N4 (U13, U14, U12). The most significant bit is N4 and the least significant is NO. All the flipflops are clocked by phase S of the clock (JKCK) and they are cleared by either the clock signal MPC or by signal ENI. MPC is active when the CPU receives a Master Clear signal or a Clear to the P register. ENI is active when the CPU goes into an interrupt state. The counter is loaded through the set (S) input of each flip-flop, as follows:For Shift instructions the counter is loaded with the five least significant bits of the Instruction register, 14,13,12,11,10. The setting of the flip-flops is enabled by the signal JITR·PH4 which is produced at US8/1l. For Multiply/Divide .instructions ·the counter is loaded with the number 10110 2 • The flip-flops are set by the signal SP-EVEN-PG2-F23. The signals SP-EVEN and PG2 define a specific time period while F23 is active, that is, when the F field of the instruction register is decoded as F = 2 or F = 3. For Memory Reference instructions the counter is set by the signals ADI and AD2. These signals are produced on the Decoder assembly. They determine whether the counter will be preset to00000 2 , 00010 2 , 00100 2 , or 00110 2 • The setting of the flip-flops is enabled by the signal RNI-SDD-FEO-PH4, where RNI, SDD and PH4 define a specific time period and FEO is active when the F field of the instruction register is not equa I to zero. Eac;.h fl ip-flop changes state on JKCK when its J and K inputs are high. This occurs on th~signal transmission (high-to-low) when the previous flip-flop changes state. 5-260 Thus the counter counts down. 89633300 A TIMING (Drawing number 896l7000, sheet 3, cont'd.) The least significant fl ip-flop (NO) changes state on every JKCK clock except when one of the following conditions is true (signal at u45/6): 1. (Counter = 0) -RN 112 - (ADl + AD2) at U44/8. This function enables the counter to decrement immediately on loading the memory reference instruction. Note that the function N41-ml determines that the (Counter = 0) and that this situation exists most of the time. Here N41 = ii4-N3-N2-NT 2. ADR-(Counter = 2)[(Fl = 5, 7, D, F)-32KW-Xl5 + EVEN]. This occurs during multi-level indirect addressing, when the counter is not decremented until the last level is reached. 3. J ITR This occurs when the counter is loaded at the beginning of a shift instruction. 4. MDS-EVEN This occurs during multiply/divide instructions, when the counter is decremented only on odd cycles. This occurs during Double Word Shift operations, when the counter is decremented only on EVEN cycles. A simplified diagram of the loading and decrementing counter is given on page 5-264. 89633300 A 5-261 TIMING (Drawing 89617000, sheet 3, cont'd.) Three signals derived from the counter are also used on other assemblies of the CPU. These are: Counter content Connector/pin Signal -----,----+-------------" . -t---------------t CNTE2 P2A9 N41 P2B7 NO I I .....__- -...-.....--.-.-.-,---'.~--.. .. 00010 2 I 00000 2 or 00001 2 lit. - PIB28 , , -. -_.... ...--- ......._--- ... ~ , ....... ....._.. ___ .o~~ n~:be~~ The following signals produced on the Timing assembly are used by the Decoder: I. MOl, (at UJO/8), is active during multiply/divide instructions when the counter is at 00001 2 2. m = iDD + 1b iT6 and EI5 are used during Shift Instructions. 5-262 89633300 A . .... AD2) PIB2D 00 \.D 0'\ I 5®-:-:= ._ " PIBIT • 11> PIBla 13) PIB05 , 14" PlB24 \10.1 \10.1 \10.1 0 0 » II '" 11111 '~ II I I I ~ 22 ADI) PIAI6 15 -II I /1'1 1 17 21 5~J~----------~-t~===--, pia;' ,'( 5,6(AN) RI) I I ...... ,.. 4,5@~ 8 ~ .I1T1f) . P2809 I!!~ P2AIO pgBIO 16' V'I I N 0'\ \10.1 , !I ' I DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TIMING P2A17 (EI!! TIMING i I • ! i · ~ 0; • I i i !II j IfEil. ..... ..! , 8 _ ~ i. i !I i 5-264 89633300 A (Drawing number 89617000, sheet 4) TIM I NG INTERRUPT TIMING, V REGISTER CONTROL LOGIC Function: This circuit includes timing signals which control the transition into the interrupt state and logic for controlling the V register in the ALU. Inputs FUNCT ION _____.. _........_... . IN32 JENI KEN 11 R2 R3 R4 [AC] [AD] [AS] [AK] {Fl=4}+(Fl=C} (Fl=6)+ (FI=E) Sets ENI Resets ENI Bit 9 of IR Bit 10 of I R Bit 11 of IR Programmer's Console selects V-register See sheet 5 See sheet 3 See sheet 5 RNI12 (AOI+A02) o'NO oN"loN2 o'N3 oN4 [AP] NO oifl oN2 oN3 oN4 = NOoN41 H L PIA20 P2B12 P2A28 P2Bl8 PlB29 H H H CSV L 32KW N41 MPC H H L eOD NO L ,: [K], [R] H [A] eOO02 H [V] I GeCS I AOR H [L] H [V] 1m l [AY] ep2 H [AQ] RNI EVEN H: [xl H [N] • 89633300 A 0 See sheet 2 See sheet 3 N41 oNO [AP] t I _._ ... _._...!..--. .... .... LOCATION S UARE 4 03 04 c4 c4 B4 C4 04 04 02 .~J:iEET See sheet 5 See sheet 5 See sheet 2 .... .. ........._--------_ ..... .. ! ~~.,-- ~ : , - 4 5-265 TIMING (Drawing number 89617000, Sheet 4, cont'd.) Outputs r--'--------T-" i SIGNAL ENI ENI03 H ENI02 ENI20 H L L L H H L ~P2' I ::~UG I ADY ,--,-,.,~.--,,- P2Bl5 P2B16 P2A06 P2A21 P2A20 P2A24 P1A3.o P2Al4 P1A24 H ENI2E ; ·CONNECTOR PIN ACTIVE -.- • • • •_ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , •••• ~~, • • _ . __ • • • • • • ~- . . . . . . ._ I FUNCTION Enter interrupt LOCATION SQUARE: i SHEET ----~----------~; 4 ENI·INf2·G~CS EN I ·~DD2 ENI2·~DD ENI2·EVEN . ~P2·~DD Controls output of Y register -lor -0 to Augend gates Add Y register • 4 A3 A3 B3 A2 Bl 01 C1 B1 01 A Descri pt ion The Enter Interrupt Sequence is initiated by the signal JENI from the Console Interface card. This signal causes the ENI flip-flop (U7/15) to be set. The flip-flop is clocked by phase 5 of the timing chain, JKCK (see Timing, sheet 2) and is reset by MPC (see Timing,sheet 5). The output of the flip-flop is at u24/2. At the end of time ENI ·~DD2 the ENI2 flip-flop (U7/11) is set. This flip-flop is also clocked by JKCK and cleared by MPC. The output of the ENI2 flip-flop is ANDed with EVEN and ~DD (see Timing, sheet 2) to produce ENI2E and ENI20 respectively. ENI20 is used to reset the ENI and ENI2 flip-flops. This is the normal end of the enter interrupt sequence and is followed by the setting of the RNI flip-flop (see Timing, sheet 5). The Enter Interrupt Sequence may be aborted prematurely by the signal KENII which resets the ENI flip-flop and prevents the RNI flip-flop from resetting. 5-266 89633300 A (Drawing number 89617000, sheet 4, cont'd.) TIMING Other signals produced by this logic circuit are: ENi'tn= EN I •ENi1f1 •Gee S and = ENI02·EVEN = ENI2E SGL (at P2A14) SGL is an ALU control. Timing diagram for this logic circuit is shown below. ENI Completed ENI Aborted "00 ____~r-l~__________ '002 RNI ----1 __ _ -i'L.-.._ _ _ _..... ____~r_l~__________ -----------,.L ---NOTE __ ~~---- ENI ENr02 ENI03 ~~---- ~ NOTE: RNI mayor may not be active at this time. ALU Y register control The signal YTAUG is produced in this section. This signal allows the output of the Y register to be enabled through the augend gates to the adder in the ALU circuit. The logic equation of this signal is as follows: YTAUG = CSY + f}P20 + ADY where ADY = ADR·Gf}CS·Nl·Rl.(R4+R3)·NO.INO·Nt·N4l·(IN4+IN32·32KW.X15) 89633300 A 5-267 TIMING (Drawing number 89617000, sheet 4, cont'd.) The first two terms of AOY are G(lJCS (see Timing, sheet 2) and ADR (see Timing, sheet 5). This restricts the YTAUG to situations where the computer is in the addressing state, and is running. The remaining terms of ADY define specific cycles of the addressing state where the YTAUG signal is not active. The signals NO, Nol, and N4, are produced by the counter (see Timing, sheet 3). The signals Rl, R3 and R4 are equivalent to bits 08, 10, and 11 respectively of the instruction register. Signals INO, IN32, and IN41 are produced on the I/O Interface and are decoded from the FI field of the instruction register. The signal XIS is the most significant bit of the X register which is stored in a flip-flop (see Timing, sheet 6); the signal 32KW is connected to the 65K/32K mode switch on the programmer's console. In addition, the terms CSY and (lJP20 produce a YTAUG signal when the Y register is selected by pushbutton on the Programmer's signal is active. ~onsole or when the (lJP20 timing The signal WY at the output of U24/12 is the decoded condition for writing in the Y register. It is transmitted to the Timing circuit {sheet 6} where it is ANDed with a clock signal to produce the Y register clock. The logic equation of this signal is: WY = EAO + CSY + RNI·(lJDO + (lJDO·(COUNTER ~ 0) + (COUNTER = 1)·R2 The signal EAD (End of Address or End of effective Address) is generated in the Timing circuit (sheet 5). It is active on the last CPU cycle of the addressing sequence for the memory reference instruction. CSY is active when the computer is stopped and the Y register is selected on the programmer's console. The signal RNI.(lJDD is active during the first CPU cycle of each instruction. The signal Rl is active when the counter is at I and bit 9 of the instruction register is such that Fl = 2, 3, 4, 7, A, B, E, or F. ~-268 89633300 A .. 00 \0 '" W W W R4>PZBlI , 27 __ r--:'\ -,PI12' CSy 0 0 » AS> PZA21 W(;;fv ~ l..!!!!.J PIA24 PIAZO 1P:!I!.v......,.._ __ PZA20 6 P2AI4 ~atI''''''"--- II) iii ~ , V'I I N '" \0 m! ENI (ENl2E multiply/divide • I ins truct ions 6 fI I I ~ Bucket clock Timing for sh I ft F =0 01 1 ~ Register clocks I I I ! .) • • • ~n~ ...... . . . . . -• • - Cl Cl Cl 03 03 c4 A3 B3 03 6 Bl Bl AI AI AI AI AI B3 B3 B3 89633300 A TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 6, cont'd.) Description Signals MOS and MOSI are active during multiply/divide instructions. During the ~P.EVEN cycle of multiply/divide,the counter (Timing, sheet 4) is loaded with 101102 (22 10 ). On the next cycle, the 0P stat~ is not active, the counter decrements to 21 10 and the signal M021 defines the timing. M02l is the J-input of the MOSI fl ip-flop. MOSI is active for the following two cycles and its K input is connected to the function MOSI -000. The MOS fl ip-flop becomes active immediately after MOSI and remains active for 34 cycles. The K input is connected to the funct ion CNTE2 -000 where CNTE2 means "coun ter equa Is 210". The M021 signal is also combined with the fourth clock phase, signal PH4, to produce BBCK which is a clock to the bit bucket on the decoder card. The bit bucket is used to restore the sign of the result in multiply/ divide instructions. The ITR fl ip-flop (U22) is active during shift instructions. Its J and K inputs are produced on the I/O Interface board. The fl ip-flops MOSI, , MOS and ITR are all clocked by the fifth phase clock signal JKCK and reset by MPC. The X15 fl ip-flop (U64) always holds the most significant bIt of the X register except during multiply/divide. Its 0 input is XSEL7M which is the input to the X register taken from the ALU assembly. Its clock is PG3-WXM-MOSI The FEO flip-flop (U64) stores the signal OFEO which is active when the F field of a word read from the memory is equal to zero. The predecoding for OFEO is on the Memory Control assembly. The clock to this fl ip-flop is: IRCK 89633300 A = RNI-EVEN-PG3 5-279 TIMING (drawing 89617000, sheet 6, cont'd~) JRCK is also used to clock the instruction register. The flip-flop is set by the signal ClRIR which clears the instruction register. Thus this flip-flop indicates whether the F field of the instruction register is zero. Register Clocks Clock signals for the registers in the AlU are produced in this section. The clock signals of the various registers are produced by multiplying JKCK ~hase 5 of the clock) (Timing, sheet 2) with the appropriate signals (W): Regi ster Q. P Y M A Signals for clock generation WQ. WP WY WM WA WXM X The signal AMCK which clocks the roost sign i ficant 8 bits of the _Aceg istercan bebloc-k.-ed by the CiIT' signa 1. Th i si s used by peripheral devices which transfer only 8 bits of data on each input on the A/Q. channel. The signal W9A is transmitted to the decoder card AlU/shifter. equation is: W9A 5-280 Its = RNI·EVEN + M021 + MD1 +.MOSI + GeCS 89633300 A V1 I ~ 00 ___ P_2~iiil DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TIMING "Pages 5-282 to 5-290 are unassigned." 5-282/5-290 89633300 A INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE The I/O Interface circuits are accommodated on a single 50-PAK printed wiring board. The logic circuit diagram of the unit is given in drawing number 89619700, sheets 1-10. The I/O Interface circuits generate control signals for the main inputo.utput (A/Q) channel and for the circuits commanding the peripheral controllers. It also generates control signals for the CPU. This page lists the functional "locks accommodated on this board. The circuits and signals are described in detail on pages facing the corresponding sheets of the circuit diagram. MAIN FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS Des i gnat ion Shown on Sheet .. - .'-"'-- -- .--------------------.--.... - - - -...- - - - - -.---.-----l.... A/Q channel control 2 Memory request logic Index (i) address and write enable cont~ols 3 4 Decoder for FI field Augend controls and X register clock control 5 6 Controls for shifter and A/Q channel direction 7 Main sequence flip-flop controls 8 Overflow logic Enable-Interrupt logic 9 L_______ 89633300 A 10 ._---/ 5-291 . V'I 'I N I \,0 N SHEET REFERENCE LETTER 2 A • C-4 0- 3 o E C- 3 C- 3 F G 8-3 8-2 J K A-2 L 8-1 M 8-1 3 4 SHEET II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I~" REV All 8 9 C-3 C-3 0-2 8 -4 C-2 8 -3 8-4 0-4 A-4 0-2 e. DESCRIPTION _T illiTE REDRAWN PER CDC ITO R.I. Uev" L. ~,/...( ...... 1_ <.7l """ 12 ._5 I..,~ .,,~_ N __ ••ac.,."" _.... AIPIT. . . . P ~ oc c.oc 6ZJ; __ ..c'"- ... ,,_. 7 6 fCO 04 CK lI23 OCATION 0-1 C-4 A-2 2 04 04 04 It A It It It It It II- II It SHEET REFERENCE ".oFF flFF C-2 C-2 ;i ei. "';C "".- 10 0' C-3 C-3 /I 41611 . . . . ZC "to ~ CHIlD APP .." + '.... -""I 11_ I~ _. '-..... 1".,. 1"""'•. __ ",1.... 7400. ~ 4DD1ID CIOOS" .'0. 'wI( uf./11# ItELlUSII]) ClASS II- ,...., 1"_ 8-2 1S781~otI fttI.C/ ~ ~'P ~1L I...?" f- C -3 8-3 II ~ 1 C-2 8-3 C-2 8-3 N 0-4 Q 0-4 C-I C-2 8-1 R 0-4 0-3 S T U 0-4 C-4 8-4 5V1 C-I V C-I W X 8-4 C-4 I 33MFW C-I Y C-3 8-1 Z 0-3 0-2 AA AI I-I 8-3 A-3 AD C-I 0-1 0-4 AG AJ C-Z C-Z A-Z AK AL 8-4 8-2 Q C~ AN 0-2 0- 2 AQ 0-2 C-J AR AS C-I A-2 1-4 I- 'Vee C2"C9 10V C-3 0-4 I C - I . CI A -3 68.F :- Lo I" A-4 C-4 RI IK "" +IIVI 0-2 ® A-3 C -2 C-Z AE N_TES: II 0-5 C-4 A:'5 (:-4 1-4 C-5 C-4 C-4 II ALL RESIIT6RI AJI£ 0.25 WATT II .. C-4 C-4 2) THIS SHEET IS C6NTINUEO 'I SHEET II. !I DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM 1/0 INTERFACE II C-t ~2 C-4 C-2 C-2 C-4 0-4 D-4 C-4 A-4 C-4 UNLESS OTt£RWlSE SPECIFED O'IIIENSIONAAEININCHtS 00 O o I!! \,0 0'\ o W W W ~ 0 ! o o It) 0) to . - 1'0 >- :it c( c( ,.LA" !l" iii ~ ~ i5 . tIlN C~ AT AU » REVISION RECORD SH£ET RE\IISION STATUS ~ :!l TOLE'''''''' 2 PLACE ANGLES ± ± DDNOTSCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FI RST USED ON "'mMn" OWN CHKD N1 A ENGR NI A A.... MFG FINISH - ElIlT COMPUTERS U'D • '.'111."" TITLE I' A8107-A Ir84I1B~A ..... IU3 RACHEL l/j~trt;:",,, iik.t. )1 ~r/o ,J> "'."H Il"'," HI/litf j. Q.A 1.1,-.- I',: 'II!J. _ -I'CODE IDENT DI'.O .f""':" 3.17.75" ,., SCALE 1 II C .. I, ORA...G NO 89619700 SHEET I OF II .. - ~ 00 \D OFF . I 111£" IIEYIIIOfI RECORD ECO IDRfT DATE ICHKDI_ DESCRIPTION SHEET REFERENCE (T\ OFF SHEET II £FEll ENCE LET TEll W W W o o AV AW AX AY AZ BA 81 10 IE IF IG » SHEET LOCATION Z I C-4 A-I 8-4 · • BO III IS IT 8U IV IW IX IY , I OH 7 • I C-4 10 I 8-1 0-3 C-2 0-3 A-3 C-4 C-2 0-2 C-4 C-4 A-4 C-3 1-3 0-2 O-Z C-I 1-4 C-4 C-I C-4 I C-4 I-I A-I D-2 A-I B-3 0-1 C-Z 8-2 0-2 C-I C-2 1-3 C-3 1-2 B- 4 C-5 A-2 1-3 B-4 0-4 1-2 B-3 0-3 1-4 A-2 8-4 0-2 0-4 0-4 C- 2 ~ 1-4 C-2 I ~-4 C-3 0-2 C-2 C-3 D-I OS EA • A-3 IZ OA 01 DO DE DB · 5 C-Z ... IK IL 1M 4 1-4 1-4 1-4 A-4 C-4 1-4 C-4 1-3 8-2 0-3 0-3 O-Z 1-4 C-4 DP J IElIlT COMPUTERS l 1!1 VI ...... ".".. I N 1.0 W - .. 11'1111iI'II'td~ll DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM 110 INTERFACE - CODE IDEN] C DWG NO 89619700 SHEET II ~ I l~' INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing 89619700, sheet 2) A/Q CHANNEL CONTROL Function This circuit controls the A/Q data channel. The A/Q data channel is used to transfer data, controller status, or controller instructions between a peripheral controller in the computer and the A register. The Q register defines the address of the peripheral controller. This circuit transmits two control signals (READ, WRITE) to the peripheral controllers via the A/Q channel bus and receives one' of two responses (REPLY, REJECT) from the controller addressed. Inputs 5i gna~-;:t~:;l_~~~~~c~~~~ P4M MC REJECT REPLY RNI JKCK H L L ~ I I i I H P2A21 P2A23 P2A24 C4 B4 P2B25 PtB20 P2A19 2 B4 P2A22 2 B2 Cl Outputs RP TRJ 1RE"Ai> I WRITE L~ 5-294 H I ! L L L L I I' .•.... - .. '.,-, P2A25 1 P2B02 P2BOt P2A26 -.-- .--_._.,._ ....... ! ! -.-.~-~,-- -- -- --.- - .•.. _............ _... ........ -.. ; 2 Bl Bl Al I I J! ------.---- ---.---~.... 89633300 A (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 896l9700,sheet 2 continued) Description The A/Q input/output sequence is initiated by the signal RNlll.FlE23·JKCK (U2/l2). This clears the A/Q flip-flop (Ul/10) and clears the reply latch (U2/6 , U2/8). The output of the A/Q flip-flop gates the signal P4M through U3/8 to the count-up of the internal reject counter (U19). up/down counter with a carry output. This is a four-digit binary P4M is a clock signal generated on ~sec the memory control board with a repetition rate of approximately 0.88 for the ABl08, 1.30 ~sec for the AB107. The output of the A/Q fl ip-flop is ANDed with OP·EVEN·JKCK·FEO to generate G0AQ at U51/8. ~P·EVEN Its function is to stop the basic timing chain in the state, with phase 4 and JKCK of the phase generator both high (see Timing sheet 2). (U20/3, U20/6). G0AQ is also used to set the READ/WRITE latch The output of the latch gates the output buffer-gates (U27/3, U27/ll) to generate either a READ or a WRITE signal according to the code (Rl through R4) present on decoder U58 (refer to sheet 5). The READ, WRITE signals control the direction of data flow in the A/Q channel. The read/write latch (U20/3) gates the response signal (REPLY or REJECT) from the peripheral controller in reply to the signal READ or WRITE. I The timing chain remains stopped until a REPLY or REJECT is received from the channel. If no REPLY or REJECT is received within 12.8~sec in equipment AB108 (19.2~sec in equipment AB107) of the Read or Write signal, an Internal Reject signal (IRJ) is generated at the carry output of the internal reject counter (P2A25). 89633300 E 5-295 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 2, continued) IRJ is transmitted to the Decoder and is also used to preset the A/Q flip-flop and clear the reply latch. The signal G0AQ goes high, allowing the timing chain to continue running. As the timing chain continues, the read/write latch is cleared by G0CS·0DD and both READ and WRITEgo high. The computer increments the P register ac~ording to the state of signals IRJ and RP (both sent to the decoder). In the next CPU cycle, the internal reject counter (U19) is cleared by RNI·WRQ. The timing diagram of the sequence is shown below. Ilf a REJECT signal is received before the internal reject (IRJ) is generated, then REJECT resets reply latch U2, causing signal RP to go low. REJECT is also gated through U3/6 to set the A/Q flip-flop, which is clocked by P4M. Therefore, the input/output sequence terminates synchronously, as described above. Ilf a REPLY signal is received before the internal reject (IRJ) is generated, then REPLY is gated through U3/6 to set the A/Q flip-flop. The input/output sequence terminates as described above. ... I 00 \D 0\. \,Ill W W 0 0 1I 1'411 ) PUll ~"'.IO ):0IIC) PZAU 146 11 U51 t'1 II~ 51 tl . .1 INTE RNAL REJECT ctlUHTER j X·Yoj I .... t-IJ. ! PIAU (fiiJ CARRY veei ,. R4 180 PIAU iiiTECT~ _ _... PII2I ~. REPLY JKCIC ... PZAIt vee In 55 110 f R2 110 1'1801 (iiiiD RNI) 1'1820 It REPLY F.F. 5~ u 1 1 1'2101 ';iiii1i 1'113) 1'2120 PUI6 (iiii V'1 I N \D ..... ....... V'1 I N \D 00 \ DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM 110 INTERFACE INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 3) MEMORY REQUEST LOGIC Function This circuit generates the memory request signal (MMRQ) to initiate the CPU memory cycle by way of the signal CRQ on the Timing assembly. C4 04 04 04 3 A4 A4 02 3 Cl RNI·'OO· (F"O) RN I ·eoo· (F=O) Outputs MMRQ FIEF H H P1A07 PI018 I Memory Request ,_ _ _ • _ _ • • • 89633300 A ~_ ."<~ ~ • • •_ _ •• 01 5,-299 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 3, cont'd.) Oescr ipt ion' The MMRQ signal is generated by high speed gates (series 74H) to conform to the constraints of the memory access time. The equation of the signal is as fo 11 ows : MMRQ = AOR [N41-(F=2,3,8,9,A,B,C,E,F)-(Fl=1,2,3)-OEL] + (lJP-(lJOO + (lJ002 + (lJP2-(lJOO + ENI2-(lJOO + RNI-(lJOO-(F ~ O)-(Fl=A).(~ ~ 0) + RNI-(lJOO-(F = O)-(FIEF)·SHI + (F=O)-Fl = 1,2,3,E,F-ENI3 5-300 89633300 A 00 \D ~ \oJ \oJ \oJ 0 0 J iPii .001 » ~7 PI _ N 141H 10 iifii )"~-- 1141 " )Pt8l4 II f-!!!!-l J \:J-'- IIII 5.8~~ LI I .: I ; 1.7.8 <:.:7 _PlACe 1r::El I ••, .. 12 :1113H • 5.1 I! .='(- • 8 .-.-. II I _>PI8I2 1.8.1~ PIEU)PtAZO .. ~ 5r:r UID 110 ~ ,... _, .,1,. • 5.7.1"'" 81C1)PIA. ~)n_A08~ iiiiiii >'1104 10 "'''~al 13 ________ I 1'10 r::::J'.. "1 13 1U3D1 lol •• ;u t-..8 I I , Pta", ~J)4.6.' , (E)2,6.8.10 ~ \n I \oJ o DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM 110 INTERFACE f1EF INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 4) INDEX (i) ADDRESS AND WRITE ENABLE CONTROLS Funct ion This circuit generates control signals for an index (i) address operation and Write Enable involving: a. the second index register (location 00FF 16 ) b. the memory write cycle (signals WE, SPBM, CPBM, 'PST) (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 4, cont'd.) Descript ion The signal CRI is defined by: m = ADRoCNTE2 o (Fl = 5,7,D,F)oX15 + [ADRoCNTE2 oDEL + 0 32KW RNlo0DDo(F~0)oDEL]o[Fl = 1,3,9,B] Itis used on the Memory Address board to force the current memory reference to be made to the second index register (memory location 00FF 16 ) rather than the address specified by the ALU lines (indirect addressing). The output of the index flip-flop (RIND) controls the INDEX indicator on the Programmer's Console. It is active during the second pass of a CPU memory cycle in which the index location is addressed. The signal INDIND = ADRoRIND controls the INDIRECT ADDRESS indicator on the programmer's console. It is also used on the Console Interface board to determine the timing in which an interrupt is accepted (see JENI, console interface). The signal WE is active when a CPU memory write cycle must be performed. It acts on circuits on the memory control board. Its equation is: -WE = ENTER + + 'P·(F E~12oEVEN = ~.5,6.7.D) + ,p·G'CSo'DDoFEOoDEL·(FI 89633300 A = 6,7) 5-)03 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 4, cont'd.) The signals 'S'P'BM and C'P'iiM' .i~dicate that the computer is executing a "set protect b'it" or "clear protect bit" instruction respectively. These signals are used on the memory address card to determine the polarity of the protect bit written back in the specified location. Their equations are as follows: SPBM = SP-G0CS-000-FEO-OEL-(FI = 6} CPBM = 7} = 0P-G0CS-000-FEO-OEL-(FI The signal 0PST is used by the breakpoint stop logic on the Programmer's Console to allow the computer to be stopped when executing a memory write cycle to a specified location. Its equation is: 0PST = 5-304 ENTER + ENi2E + 0P-(F = 4,5,6,7,0) 89633300 A . ~ &. & 0' w w w o o )10 ,..6"" 'F'...LI_ _ _ _--'-'PZAOI (RIND (I.IND PIAl2 (51 CiiTi'i) ......, .PC) ..... PIAI4 Ta) PIAII 1.-:""'1 I (1PsT T4' PlIII roo I{!! d ) NIO ENTER) pt. -) .... , , "I I "I . """" I ,.815 I !I VI I W o VI ...... VI I W o 0' DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM I/O INTERFACE . (iii INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 5) DECODER FOR Fl FIELD Function This circuit decodes the Fl field of the instrwction register on the Decoder assembly (Rl, R2, R3, R4), and generates control signals using these decoded signals. Ineuts .......... -....._.- ...._..... -~ Signal R4 R3 R2 RI ENi1i Outeuts IE INR INO IN32 IN41 SLS SHAOR X\C 89633300 A ,"'- I ' .., ......... _... ---'-'.- _- Location Connector/ Sheet Square Active Function Pin ,._-_._- •.. -.... -.--. _....__... _..... - _. . _-------- -"-"---""'- - ... __ ._... 04 H PlB22 5 H PlBl9 04 FI field H PlA23 04 PlA24 04 H '5 B4 Enter Interrupt Indicato PlAIa L __ H H H H H PIA22 PIB23 PlB27 PlB29 PlA30 PlB24 P2Al6 L PIA21 H H _. " '" 5 Selective Stop Short Address Q. channel control (see sheet 7) 5 01 01 CI Cl 81 BI Al CI 5-307 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing nl,lmber 89619700, sheet 5, cont'd.) Descri pt ion The decoder's (U5R) 16 active-low outputs correspond to the instruction register Fl field codes (RI, R2, R3, R4). The following signals are generated with their aid and are transmitted to other boards: The signal SHADR is active during memory reference instructions in which one CPU cycle (RNI-O) is enough to calculate the effective address (and therefore the ADR timing is not needed). It is used on this assembly as well as the Timing assembly to produce the control signals for the RNI and ADR flip-flops. Its equation is: SHADR = (FI = 0) + DE[-(FI = 2,8) The signal SLS is sent to the programmer's console and stops the computer if the SELECTIVE STOP switch is set. Its equation is: SLS = RN I- EVEN- (F = 0) - (Fl = 0) - ENi1i" The signa I ENi1i' is produced on the Console I nterface and is used to prevent the first cycle after an enter-interrupt from being interpreted as a selective stop. It is used here to generate SLS. Other signals are: IE = (Fl = E) INR = FEO-(Fl - 8} INO - (Fl - 2,6,E) IN32 = (FI = 6,E) IN41 - (FI 5-308 = 4,c) 89633300 A .... 16 00 \.0 0\ 24 \N \N \N 3,8 0 0 PIA22 (IE » PII22 114) Plllil 11:\) PlA23 8 PIB23 (INR 112~ III PI, I {a; PIB27 (INO 4 ,.. 8 PIA21 (.iQc c 41 20. 1 ilL PI1I29 (IN 32 '11.30 (IN41 PI824 (SLS iii') PIAIO 2~ 51 JB 1- PZAII(SHADR " \1'1 I W o \.0 DETAILED LOGIC 110 INTERFACE DIAGRAM INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 6) AUGEND CONTROLS AND X REGISTER CLOCK CONTROL Function This circuit generates: a. augend controls not included on the Decoder assembly (DELTAUG, SE, 1M, SFL) b. X register clock controls (WXL t WXM) Inputs Signal Connector/ Pin Active WRQ H PIEI SKT H ffi' lMT L L MDS2 H H ~ j P2Al0 PIA27 P2A30 PtA)1 PtB28 PtBl3 Function Locat ion Sheet Square ._- 6 04 c4 c4 B3 B3 02 6 C3 C3 01 Cl Cl Bl Bl Al 6 FI - I Skip condition Outputs XEZ DELTAUG C'lRQ WXH WXL SE SIH SFL 5-310 H L .L H H H H H P2A05 P2B30 (X - 0) Pl807 P2A07 P2At5 P2A04 P2A09 P2B05 . Clear Q register }x Register clock controls 89633300 A ( I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 6, cont'd.) Oescription The augend gate controls are described together wi th the augend gates (ALU circuit, sheets 4,5). Their equations are as follows: OELTAUG = RNI·000·0D02·(F = O)·(FI- l)·SKT This function is active during skip instructions when the skip condition (S KT) i s me t • = ENI2·EVEN SE + RNI·SOO·(F = 0)·FIE23 + RNI·SOO.(F ~ 0).0E[.R4 1M - 17 + ENI2·EVEN SF'[ - ENI2·EVEN·FE'O·OEL The X register clock control signals are used on the Timing assembly to produce clocks for the two ALU boards (WXL is associated with the ALU LSB, WXM with the ALU MSB). Their equations are as follows: WXL - CSX + WXLl + EAO + ENI3 WXM - WXL + RNI·SOO·(F = O)·[(FI = E) + R4·17] where WXLI comes from decoder (sheet 7) EAO is produced on the timing card (see Timing, sheet 4) and is active during the last cycle of the address calculation. The signal XEZ is transmitted to the ALU circuit and controls the X regi.ster selector. When this signal is high, the X register receives memory data from the Memory Control board; when it is low, the X register receives data from the shifter.. The equation is as follows: XEZ 89633300 A = WRQ + RNI·SOO.(F = O).(Fl = 0,1,4,5,8,9,A,C,O) 5-311 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 6, cont'd.) The following signals are decoded from the Fl field of the instruction reg i s ter: F1EI= (Fl = 1), used in Console Interface circuit FIEF = Rl·R2·R3·R4, used in timing circuit The signal CIRQ is transmitted to the ALU assemblies to clear the Q register. Its equation is: - - CLRQ = MC + MDS2·MDS·EVEN-03 It is act i ve dur i ng Master C1ea r and when the computer is runn i ng; it clears the Q register at the beginning of the multiply instruction execution. 5-312 89633300 A . , ~ 00 \D C7' \.AI \.AI \.AI o o 40 WRQ')P2A1O » 8 MDSI ')!!!!! II PII07 <: CLiiQ 5.11 'I' 'Ii' rSRYR( XIZ FIEI) PlA2T I PZAOT( WXM 3.5~ P" SKT,)P2AI0 P2110(GEL TAUG , • PZAII( WXL 10•• I212" I I j,!1!-_ _ _ _ __ PlAII ,$PII2I 5.7.8 US7 36 1I{81') , P~"--I- ;II ~ - - - - ,'2!!Q4 4 II '1111(., I '1114 (KRIll I • I (lit .~r.J UIS J.4.6{A~ II F 01)"'" 'PIS (.iiii • PIAII ( oIOPl 6 • filj') ....6 1.IO~ 6~ V'I I IoN N 10 '.10(_ 12 44 1'1.01 (lIT 6 I DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM 1/0 INTERFACE .. INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) INTERFACE (drawin~ number 89619700, sheet 9) OVERFLOW LOGIC Funct ion This circuit generates the overflow signal (eVFL), for arithmetic operations in the computer. Inputs Signal r Connector/ Pin Active Function 1 - - - - - + - - -......- - - - - -... __ . KflVF BB A7M H 03 L 32KW SO ADD7M AUG7M ALU7AM H M H PTA DO H H H H H H H I P2B19 P2A27 P2A20 P2B07 P2A02 P2B26 P2B28 P2A28 P2A29 P2B03 P2B24 . " "..-.. . . Locat ion Square I Sheet ~'''--------_+_-----__f Overflow flip-flop, K Input 9 c4 B4 B4 ~ :: I Addition/Subtraction control 9 B3 B3 B3 A3 C2 D3 Outputs 5-322 BXl5 H 'VfL H P2B27 P2Al2 9 C3 01 89633300 A (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 9, contld.) Description The state of the overflow flip-flop (U39/IS) determines the overflow signal. Its output (fJVFL: U41/2) is transmitted to the Programmerls Console (OVERFLOW indicator) and to the Console Interface. The J input to the flip-flop is connected to the signal Jf)VFL (U38/8): J~VFL = MMRQof)OOoABRo(F = 2)o(F = 3)oPTAOOoM ° (AUG7M ~ ALU7M) (SO ~ AUG7M .~ ADD7M) 0 This restricts overflow to instructions in which arithmetic sums occur ADD, SUB, RAQ, ADQ, INQ and INR. The signal SO controls addition (high) and subtract (low) in the ALU. Thus during addition an overflow will occur according to the function: (AUG7M $ ALU7M) ° (AUG7M <.T.) A007M) Thus on overflow the two numbers being added have the same sign while the sum has the opposite sign. During subtraction an overflow will occur according to the function: (AUG7M ® ALU7M) ° (AUG7M (t) A007M) Thus the two numbers being subtracted have opposite signs; the subtrahend and difference also have opposite signs. The K input, Kf)VF, is produced on the console interface card and is active during skip-on-overflow and skip-on-no-overflow instructions. The preset is connected to the signal (u40/6): f)pof)OO·FEO·(FI = E)·32KW·XI5 + [f)P·f)DD + MOS·CNTE2].(F = 3)·A7MoJKCK 89633300 A 5-323 (I/O) INTERFACE (drawing number 89619700, sheet 9, cont'd.) Thus the overflow flip-flop is set during an exit-from-interrupt instruction when the computer Is In 32K mode (Operator's Console switch 32K/6SK) and the sIgn bit of the X register Is set. The flip-flop is also set during a dIvide Instruction If the quotIent is too large for the A register. The overflow flip-flop Is cleared by the signal (U55/12): Thus the flip-flop is cleared under the conditions for setting it, except that the sign bit of the X register is not set. Itis also cleared by Master Clear '" ... 'IIU _>PlAOI tHO}'2"1 1I '" \.AI \.AI 8 ~ ...... ALL . . . . , . . AM O.·WATT,'" DeTAILED LOIIC DIAGRAM CClNIOLE INTERFAC£ IK CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing 89618800, sheet 2) START/STOP SEQUENCE FLIP-FLOPS Function This circuit works in conjunction with the Timing board. It produces the signals for starting and stopping timing sequences under control of signals from the Programmer's Console and from other computer control circuits •. 1nputs -T-·-·----···· f'· . i Signal Active i, I· Connector/ ! Pin I, . Function .. -... ··t "'--'--""'-'- ........... . -.. - .. - ..-- .. -..... _... -.. locat ion Sheet Square . RNI H INT-SW STfJPCS PRGST H McCS L GSeS H t~(1RMAL H PC'[ L l l L SOD. JKCK. H PlAl7 PIBl6 PlAl6 .PlAlO P2B27 P2AOS P2Al 1 P2A22 PlBl3 P2Bl8 CRQ MPRY H PlB25 P2AI2 GfJCSW L P2A04 - L ----".-,.~-- 89633300 i Read Next Instruction iI -, 1 I .. ·····---·1 q I i. . 2 I i .. I ; Normal/Power fail indicator Odd cycle Last phase of clock Parity signal 2 04 04 04 04 c4 c4 C4 c4 B4 B4 I, 1 A4 A4 A4 .. A 5-339 CONSOLE INTERFACE Outputs (Drawing 89618800, sheet 2, conti d.) ~gn;~_. -__~-t~v~ __ ~ _ ft~::t~~~_~~ • • ~~~.~~~~~~n~~-_- ~r--_S~~!:~t~~:. re MC l Me H SS I H l l I P2A27 I 01 1 j 01 P2A13 Start timing chat1 el I, I PIA27 P2B22 WRQ H ; PIAII PRY H . .i i I I. I' P2B28 i.... .... _. __ 01 PIB15 I I TP 2 I I I Master Clear ! P2B29 H I Master Clear I ,I H MPC I I l P2B25 el el ! Memory Request _...... _._'.... . Bl ! BI 2 .~ .•• ' •.••. ,,_.- ___ ..•••.• _..... ' ..••~._~ .. ,..,_~.~. __ .. __ •. ____ ... _ ... _ .". I Al .. I Description The Timing chain is started by the signal SGI (see Timing sheet 2). is generated in the GQI fl ip-flop (U22/S). of its clock input. This is set by the positive edge This signal may be produced by GQlCSW from the Programmer's Console or by the test mode logic (sheet 1.). after the active. SGT signal 5-3"0 Two clock pulses is received by the Timing assembly, the GQlCS signal becomes This resets the GQI fl ip-flop. also be reset by MPC SGI = MC Alternatively the GQI fl ip-flop can + PCl. 89633300 A CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawi~g 89618800, sheet 2, cant'd.) The timing chain, and therefore the computer, is stopped by the signal SSI produced by the stop flip-flop (U23/8). The stop flip-flop is set by the following signals: WRQ (RNI-INST + STOP.CS + PRGST-FS) + HCCS + HCT where - WRQ is active during the second CPU memory cycle (see below). This flip-flop is clocked by the signal PH3 from the Timing assembly phase-generator. According to this equation the flip-flop is set (and the computer stops) - - at the beginning (Phase I of RNI'~DO) of the next instruction with the instruction stop switch set at phase I of the 0DO that follows the firstWRQ with the CYCLE step or the STOP pushbutton set when the PRGST signal from the Programmer's Console is active at phase I of the first 0DO cycle after the master clear is pressed or when a signal is received from the test mode logic. The stop flip-flop is cleared by MPC and preset by the NORMAL signal from the Memory Control assembly. The First Step signal (FS: U23/5) is active high during the first memory cycle after a master clear or P register clear - 89633300 A after P clear after an abor·ted ent~r- interrupt sequence, (see sheet 5). 5-341 CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing 89618800, sheet 2, cont'd.) The signal is preset by MPC+ KENI1-JKCK and clocked by EVEN-PH3. This signal causes the CPU to request the memory according to the address P (Instead of P, + 1) in the fol1owlng cases: - while reading first instruction when starting to operate program when first enter/sweep is executed when the ENI sequence is aborted and the CPU has to call again on the instruction located in address P. The Master Clear signal MC (U30/6). Its equation is: The Master Clear is active when the N'RHAL signal from Memory Control Is low the computer Is not running and the master clear button on the Programmer's Console Is pressed - Master Clear signal is received from the test mode logic when the computer is running and the Master Clear button is pressed, the computer is first stopped by the stop fl ip-flop and then cleared. The signal N'RHAL is active high unless the computer is in power fail mode. The signal WRQ (U26/11) shows an EVEN cycle occurring after an 'DO cycle in which a request to memory was made. Its data input is eRQ which is produced on the Timing assembly. It is clocked by JKCK and is cleared by HPC. The WRQ2 flip-flop (U26/1S)is active during the odd cycle that follows the The parity fl ip-flop, PRY (US/S) is clocked by WRQ. I t stores the parity of each 16 bit Word written into the memory by any store-type instruction being executed in the CPU. PRY (Parity) is high when the nu~er of I bits in the 16 bit word is even. The output of the flip-flop, PRY is transmitted to the Decoder assembly and used in the execution of the SPA instruction. The parity of the word written into memory is generated in the Memory Address assembly. S-342 89633300 A 00 RNI 1.0 ~ vee 0" W W W 0 0 J 32 PIBI6 INT.SW 8 vee 2 204 U43 P2A27 (Me vee ~ 180 3 R 22 560 PIBI5 551 PIAI6 ST¢!> CS P2B2 CJ MC "''' veel PRGST 3~ R21 560 ~-.--- 40 ..... PUll MCCS SGI ..",n G~CS P2A05 > N8'RMA~ U30 4~ IAn II 6 r--- a L.. T I I I I I I r- , .. 1"'- 1"- ..... ..,' I s(w} ----. .. L. 12 CRQ PiAI2 MPRY i .-,,"".. II 560 , ,,, r -'='" ...... I -'='" -'='" T.P. na" ( WfIQ PRY W \J"I I 10 W W 1'2821 ". Jl'AI efCsw) II P28II JKCK I ( MPC 3,4,6,7 4 \J"I ( FS P PCl JDl) ~140~ WLJ DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM CON8oLE INTEM'ACE CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing number 89618800, sheet 3) PROGRAM PROTECT LOGIC Function • used by the program protect system This circuit includes most of the logic of the computer. violations: a. It detects two of the four types of program protect An attempt to execute a protected instruction after a non-protected one. b. An attempt to execute an unprotected instruction which can affect the protect system. The other two types of violation are detected in the Memory Control. They are transmitted to the Console Interface by means of a single signal (CVIOl). Inputs .. -.. ····__ ·_····Loca t ion _._-, Signal Shee t . ,," ~ Squa re I . .... .. I 04 I . ~ - PRTSW H MX17 IRCK H H P2A14 P2A19 P1A20 FEO Ql002 L L P2A10 P2B11 B4 INR H P2A29 B4 10 IF H P2B23 H R3 R4 H P2B19 P2B06 B4 B4 B4 H P1A30 89633300 A 3 c4 , -~-, I ! c4 c4 3 B4 5-345 (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 3, cont'd.) CONSOLE INTERFACE. Inputs (cont I d.) _ I~~-~f~~: I~ "~~~_-:-:ct-o-r/-~Ii[----F-~~~ti ~~=-F ~_~~h~~~~~ t~~~a re SWEEP ENTER PIT CVIOl PH3 PHI L L L L PIB17 P1B18 H P2B05 PIAI4 H Pl B06 P2B04 ! . I ! ~ j ; f A4 A4 c) I I I C3 B3 .i! ,. Clock phases .1 ............... __......... ... ~--- ... -.~'.- A3 A3 3 ...---'".... ...- . - - ....- _..,._." ~ Outeuts . [ S1 9 nal Act i ve ." PRT BIT PRTAQ 'P"R'TM INToo PEF Vii" PFIND CLREQ ClRXM 5-3"6 ~_.- .-.-.. . Connector/ Pin ~ H L L L L L H H H Function "'-""", PIA25 P2A28 P2B24 P2B07 P2A09 P2B15 P2B13 P2B12 P2A29 .,'" . '-~' ....., -.-.. ".,'.-. Par i ty Bit " ,- .-- .. ... , -~- Locat ion Sheet Square ..-...... _.-....... -. -', 3 I Protect Faul t Indicator (PRFA) Clear RQ flip-flop ! L! 3 Dl Dl Cl Cl Cl Bl B1 Al Dl ---' . __... 89633300 A CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 3, cont'd.) Description An illegal instruction sequence is detected by the flip-flops MXl7 (U48/s,8). is MXI7. The MXl7A flip-flop (U48/S) is clocked by IRCK. Its data input The first half of the fl ip-flop (MXI7A) stores the protect status of the current instruction. Its output clocks MXl7B (U48/9). When a protected instruction follows a non-protected one, the output of MXl7A goes high causing the Q output of MXl7B to go high. The MXl7A flip-flop is set by the signal MCT +ENI + PRTSW. Thus the first instruction after a master clear or after an enter-interrupt sequence may be protected without causing a protect violation. When the protect switch is NOT set, every instruction is considered protected. flip-flop is cleared by ENTER + S\/EEP + PRFB. The MXl7A PRFB is active when a protect violation caused by an illegal instruction is sensed~ instruction is executed as a non-protected selective stop. sweep modes are also non-protected. Such an The enter and The output of MXl7Ais also used on the Memory Control assembly and by the A/Q and DSA busses. The flip-flop MXl7B is preset by: MCT + ENI + PRTSW + ENTER + SWEEP + PRfB This blocks a protect violation when the protect switch is not set and allows a protect violation to be cleared by the master clear signal or by the enter interrupt sequence. It also causes the fl ip-flop to be preset after a protect fault is detected. The MXl7B is cleared by PRfB to ensure correct t imi ng. The protect bit flip-flop read from the memory. (see sheet 2). Console. 89633300 A (u24/6) stores the protect bit of every word The data input is MX17 and it is clocked by WRQ The output, PROTFCT-BIT is displayed on the Programmer1s 5-347 CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 3, cont'd.) The flip-flops PRFA (U35/15) and PRFB (U35/11), are set when a protect fault is detected on the console interface card. The clock is PH3 and data input to both flip-flops is the following function: VI0 = PRTSW·MX17B + PRTSW.MX17A.RNI·0DD.(F=0).(INR.,0+IE+R3·R1D This signal is active when the protect switch is set and an illegal sequence is detected; or when the switch is set,. the current instruction is not protected, and one of the following instructions has been read: EIN, liN, SPB, CPB, EXIT, or INR (Inter Register). Here the M register is a destination register. The flip-flop J-input is VIO. It is also used by the Timing assembly to block the memory request signal CRQ and to avoid the clock JKCK when one of these violations occurs (see Timing, sheet 2). The PRFA flip-flop may also be set, through its preset input, by the signal CVIOI from the Memory Control assembly. This signal becomes active when the memory control detects protect violations during a memory cycle, caused by the CPU. CVIOI also sets a latch made up of two NAND gates (U8/8,11). reset by the signal: This latch is 0DD+0DD2+PH3+ENTER+SWEEP+RNI The signal PEF is active when the latch is set or when the signal PEL·MXI7A is active. PEF is sent to the decoder and is used to avoid changing the A register during the SPA instruction in case the memory write cycle was aborted due to protect fault or parity error. The PRFA flip-flop is cleared by the signal MC·PRTSW. It may also be reset by KPF which is produced on the Console Interface (sheet 7). It is active during skip-on-protect-fault or skip-on-no-protect-fault instructions. 5-348 89633300 A CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 3, cont'd.) The output of the PRFA flip-flop (PFIND) is connected to the PROTECT FAULT indicator on the Programmer's Console. It is also wire-ORed through open collector inverter (U47/8) to be part of the signal INTOO which is hard-wired to the zero level interrupt on the ALU least significant board (LSB). The equation 6f INTOO is: INTOO = PEL·RGPWR·PFIND The PRFB flip-flop is cleared by PHI. It produces the signal CLREQ which is sent to the Timing assembly to clear the RQ fl ip-flop. This prevents any memory request signal even after the VIO signal has become inactive. The CLREQ signal also clears the instruction register so that the instruction is executed as a non-protected selective stop (see Console Interface, sheet 5). 89633300 A 5-349 Timing Sequence During Protect Fault Caused By Illegal Instruction \on I W \on o -I INSTRUCTION ..----, PHI ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION CLOCKED INTO INSTRUCTION REGISTER I REGISTE~R CPU EXECUTES CLEARED ________________ SELECTIVE STOP __________________; ~-, J;7 ...----. A~ :::r CD rT 3 ::J IQ -. ., ~ III IQ PH2 -I m ::xJ ~ ....... .,c III rT ~ CD ::J IQ ., "0 0 rT CD 0 rT ""'h ::J c: 3 CT .,CD 0) III \..0 0'\ rT 0) 0) ~ 0 0 c: RQ Z ""'h 3 :::r JKa< 0 m n m ., PH4 en r III 0 PH3 n 0 z CD rT CD 0 EVEN rT III III :::r CD CD CD rT c: W .0 RNI CD ::J 0 CD 0 0 ::J rT VIO III III :::r 0 0) \0 0'\ w W w 0 0 l> CLREQ ~ ::J CT CD cr:rmr 0 ~ -. ~ .... .... 00 ~ I" 0'\ , ...;..n ( CLRXM co"§>' ( PRT BIT W W W o o pv » PRTSW) '7"'" , 1"- ,"I . - (PRTAQ IF''' MlCI7 JRCK 'ffi) .. ~ -~ 1f'12, ~~I"""'~ AG 8 U:53 ~&I~J 11002 "12Ci3lf'1O , (Pii'fii P2IOl (INTOL PEF U8 ~ l_ INR IE RlI R4 ) PlMQ I I ~@I Il6 I 7 .~ 1 cM RGPWR ) _Pl_822;;:;""..L1~w I , SWEEP U1 • "'" U1 00iii DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM CONSOLE INTERFACE nlla (VIJ 1'1" """o;! (PFIND II''' ......... (elMO CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing number 89618800, sheet 4) TEST MODE AND AUTORESTART Funct ion This is the circuit which executes the commands from the TEST MODE and the AUTORESTART positions of toggle switches on the Programmer1s Console. Both features cause the computer to start running after a master clear. Inputs r--'~-igna 1 ........ ..... ---...-......-----.----,.---,.. - .....-.. ........ Connector/ Pin Function ."~' Act i ve r-i~~:~ "--i- ~--.~ ' -,.~-- ...... -,....._,.. ~ T'MSW L 32M H H P2A30 .. ~,. --- ..'- .... ..._.,._-Location Sheet Square ~.--- ..,' .. 4 P2B09 P2B31 P2A08 P2A2 1• P2B26 .,' Breakpoint signal Autorestart switch Test Mode switch 04 04 B4 B4 B4 Outputs BEAC 5-352 controlled .........1IBEA ___________ _ 4 CI -----.-1 89633300 A CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 4, cont'd.) Oescr i pt ion The test mode feature is activated either by the TEST MODE switch or the AUTORESTART switch, both on the Programmer's Console. These switches produce the signals TMSW and AUTRSW respectively, which clock the test mode fl ip-flop (TM1, TM2: U17) with the signal 32M-(TMSW + AUTRSW-AUTiRS} where 32M is a clock of about 32 psec period generated on the memory control board. - AUT'RS is the output of flip-flop U5/8 (see below). The outputs of two-stage counter formed by TM1 and TM2 are decoded as H"CT (U44/3) and Gif (U20/6). These signals generate a Master Clear (Me) and then a clock pulse to the G' flip-flop. The latter starts the computer running (see sheet 2). With the AUTORESTART switch set the computer is master cleared and starts running on restoration of line power after a power failure. When a power failure occurs, the signal N'RMAL from the Memory Control assembly goes low. When power is restored, NIRMAL goes high, clocking the AUTIRS flip-flop (U5/8). If the AUTORESTART switch is set, the test mode flip-flops are activated, causing Master Clear (MC), and clocking the GI flip-flop. The GI flip-flop produces the signal SGT (see console interface sheet 2) which resets AUTIRS thus clearing the test mode flip-flops and allowing the computer to run. 89633300 A 5-353 CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 4, cont'd.) The AUTiRS flip-flop also resets a latch (U6/3, II) which blocks the breakpoint signal (BEA). This latch is cleared by Master Clear. The gates U3/6 and 1J34/6 produce sync pulses when the contents of the breakpoint register and that of the memory address register are equal. These pulses may be. used for hardware debugging. 5-354 89633300 A .. v 00 \D 0' W W W o o OPST) riEpY! » :1 2.56.7@ e?.!@ l _ ............ IlEA) 1"2'11 , ~ 2@ 'I IS P2A!O <8EAC 1201111>6 (AD) 2 PO' CAl> 2 vee AUTRSW) pc"...". iiiii> P2AU 52M >P2826 , VCCI' I I , V'I I W V'I V'I ........ V'I I W V'I 0' DETAILED LDGIC ·DIAGRAM CONSOLE INTERFACE . CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing number 89618800, sheet 5) ALU LOGIC Funct ion This circuit performs arithmetic and logic functions in conjunction with the two ALU boards of the CPU. These functions are: - carry generation calculation of the trap address QSX: (contents of Q register) < (contents of X register) DBB: that bit of the bit bucket register which is used to generate the sign bit for the result of multiply/divide operations. NOTE Two ALU assemblies are used to accommodate the 16 bits of the computer word (without parity or protect bits). One assembly designated LSB, operates on the least significant bits (bits 00 through 07), the other assembly (MSB) operates on the most significant bits (08 through 15). Signals associated with the LSB are labelled L, those associated with the MSB are labelled M, these letters being appended to the signal name. 89633300 A S-357 (Orawing number 89618800, CONSOLE INTERFACE sheet 5, cont'd.) Inputs r"'" .... '-"--"'r-'-' .-........... '1' .-.·..--.. . -.....·.-----.. -T---.~····-·-------·-···· : Signal I Active ! I --: l TA2H 1 ! TA2l H J Connector/Pin! f ' j. i I H Function . ...... ...- • Location sheet square __._._- 5 P2A21 04 P2B26 Trap address generators • ! TA1H H TAll H : TAOH 04 P2A17 04 P2B17 04 H P2B16 D4 TAOl H P2A15 GHH H P2B03 ALU Carry generate (b i ts 12 T 15 04 c4 PHH H P2A02 ALU Carry propagate (b its 12 . 15~ c4 GlH H P1B20 ALU Carry generate T 11'J c4 ; PlH H PIA21 ALU Carry propagate (b i ts 8 T 11' c4 i GHL H PI B31 ALU Carry generate (bits 4 T t c4 i PHL H P2BOI ALU Carry propagate (bits 4 T 7 c4 .: GLL I H P2B02 ALU Carry generate (bits 0 T 3' c4 i PLL i H P2AOI ALUCarry propagate (bits 0 T 3) c4 ; A7H H P1B08 D2 H P1A08 D2 j Q.7M I1 ! 03 H P1B09 D2 i XGQ.L H i XSQ.M H i 1 !, I I i (b i ts 8 1 i I i XI5 I I II XGQ.M . -_.... 5-358 L H I 1 I I P1B07 F - 3 C2 P1A03 {X} > {Q.} on LSB C2 P1B02 {X} < {Q.} on MSB C2 P1A02 0' • ..... ._. {X} > {Q.} on MSB ... ~'" ._ ..... ~ .!_---- -.~. ~- j 89633300 A I (DrawIng number 89618800, sheet 5, cont'd.) CONSOLE INTERFACE Outputs r - - - - - - r -...- - - - . Signal _ ..... _ ....... _ ...._. _.-.. __. '-"' ........ - .......... - ..... -- ........ - ....... " Active Connector/Pin Function locat i o~""'-sheet ITA4l l P2A26 ITA3l l P2A18 ITA2l l P2A16 MCNM H P1B30 lCNM H P1 B29 MCNl H P1A31 LCNL H PIA2) DBB H P1A06 QSX . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . _. 89633300 A H ___ .p' h_ .. 5 Trap Address • __ .~ ••. ~, ..... , D3 ! II C3 - C3 Carry output to lSB _ It _ Bit bucket sIgn bit {Q} < {X}, over 16 bits ~_, ••. , ...... _.. _ _ .. _ .. _ •••.•.•• _ . . . . . . . ·._·· ....... _ · _ _ ._'· •• I C3 Ca r ry output to MSB P1B03 'h'_'~' squa re 1 . . .... ··_····_·1 D3 I D3 - '! I J 5 B3 Cl Cl P.__ .. _· . ...... _. __ ... __._., . . .,. .. ~ 5-359 CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 5, cont'd.) Description NOTE The two ALU boards will be refered to as follows: MSB: Board dealing with eight most significant bits; LSB: Board dealing with eight least significant bits. The carry generator of the ALU is the look-ahead microcircuit, U49. It accepts the carry propagate (p) and carry generate (G) outputs of the ALU microcircuits (74181) from the ALU circuit (sheets 2,3), and returns four carry inputs. Each group of four bits of the ALU produces a G and a P signal, the suffixes specify the group of bits. The following table is a key to these suffixes. I Board -p;:;;-;;;-~f bi"~;-i h8j~ -N;;'~.Sufflxl _ LS;-..-.·.-I.----~::~·-----:·-· I higher MSB i lower H58 i._.... ...... . .. ,". 5-360 j LSB , i higher . •...•..•... ___ ..... ' .. ~._ .• II I I I t i -io ~ . . . . . . --, -;.-~.; 4 "LL .. -.- 7 HL 8 t 11 LM 11 ............ _~ T f 15 . HM .............._ _ _ _ _+_ - _ .. _ ...- ............ _. 89633300 A CONSOLE ItITERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 5, cont'd.) The logic equations for the output signals are: LCNL = GMM· GML • GLM • (GLL • PLL + PML) + GMM • (PLM • GLM + PMM) MCNiL = LCNL. GLL + GLL.PLL LeNM = LCNL GML GLL + GML • GLL PLL + GML PML MCNM = LCNL • GML • GML • GlL + GLM • GML • GLL • PLL + GLM • GML • PML + + GLM • PLM The signal LCNL is generated in the super-high speed AND-OR-INVERT gates U50, U36/6. The output signals are returned to the ALU board designated in the last letter of the signal name: LNCL and MCNL to the LSB, LCNM and MCNM to the MSB. The trap address is calculated from the TAO, TAl, TA2 signals of the two ALU boards, the corresponding signals from the two boards being ANDed together to form the trap address signals (ITA2L, ITA3L, ITA4L) which are returned to the lSB. Comparison of the contents of the X and Q registers is performed on each ALU board for the bits on that board. The following signals are generated and sent to this circuit as inputs: Signal Origin Significance o XGQl XGQH XSQH Note: V(} lSB MSB fo1SB 00 -- _._ O-----t {X} > {Q} o {)(} {X} > {Q} CO {Q} signifies "content of register X over the eight bits of the board". The output of this circuit is QSX which is active when the content of register Q is smaller than the content of register X, over all 16 bits. Its equation Is: QSX = XGQM + XGQL • XSQH 89633300 A 5-361 (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 5, cont'd.) CONSOLE INTERFACE The bit bucket, located on the decoder card, is used to store a bit at the beginning of multiply and divide instructions. In mUltiply instructions the bit stored is A7M{jjXI5 where A7M is the sign bit of the A register and XI5 is the sign bit of the X register. In division the bit stored is Q7MEB XI5 where Q7M is the sign bit of the Q register. or divided. Thus the bit will be set if numbers of different signs are multiplied The bit bucket is set by the signal DBB generated at U54/8, from signals of the A, Q and X registers on the MSB: DBB 5-362 = (AI5E9xI5) ·03+ (QI5¢ixI5) ·03 89633300 A . ~ 00 1.0 '" \oN \oN \oN 0 0 TA2M TA2L TAIM TAIL TAOM TAO!.. > I"v "'qI~'" (iii4L A7M til r~"'D ~ miL XIS P2A18 iTiiL. v rf!1OI rf! 015) Pl801 Os >PlB07 'lII04I (D. GMM PMM GLM PLM ... GMt.. PML GLL PLL ? :!~!?~ 5n. a 4K AW p.' 5-:.' ( ~ P-":~' ( xeOL >PlA03 XSO. ~ xaQ. '- PlA02 SID ~";--:;;:;u.~ P CF ,L.-:_ _ _ _ "' Me... LCN. MCNt. GIl ~ ..ri1r.1205S II 111111 t--iU50 M ~ LeNt. ! 91- II~ I ~ V'1 I \oN '" \oN DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM CONSOLE INTERFACE CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing number 89618800, sheet 6) ENTER INTERRUPT LOGIC Function This logic circuit controls the initiation of the enter interrupt sequence. (see Timing, sheet 4). Ineuts ---...--.- ... ... r ..... Signal Act ive r . ..... _...- - - --. ·······1·--- -.----. -_ ..- ' . ' _ •. Connector/ Pin _,_.,..~ _ _ _' • __ 0_." _ _ _ _ Locat ion Sheet Square Function .. ENI H ENI20 KRN 11 GSL GSM INO INO EINT DEL2 DFEO L P1A1S P1B24 P1B28 P1A22 P1A24 P1B23 P1A19 P2A20 P2B08 H L L H H H 6 03 C3 C3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 A3 6 Dl 6 I I Masked Interrupt detected _---- I I Indirect Address i nd i catal i Interrupt System Enabled . Outeuts 'VFW L ENi'4 L CLRIR KRNI H KEN I I H JENI H . I --_'_"'_'",._----.,.- 5-364 H ..... "- ENI ·fJVFL P1B12 P2B14 P2Bl0 P2A06 P1A28 Clear Instruction Regist P2A25 ... .................. ' -~ -- ............... _ ,. - .....- .. '. ... Cl Cl Bl Bl . .. .- ..., .............. 6 At 89633300 A CONSOLE INTERFACE (Orawing number 89618800, sheet 6, contld.) Description The ENI f1 ip-flop on the timing card is set by the signal JENI. is: JENI = [(RNI·IPS + INOINO)·(GSM This signal + GSL)·WRQ·EINT]· [RNI.MX17A.MXl7·~ • [RNI.MXl7A·MXI7·OFEO·OEL2]· [RNI·PRTSW·DFEO.OEL2] where EPS is active during enter of sweep mode EPS = ENTER + SWEEP - GSM and GSL are generated by the ALU boards and are active when any interrupt line is active and its corresponding bit in the M register is set INOINO is generated by the I/O interface and is active when the computer is doing indirect addressing EINT is produced by the I/O interface and is active when the interrupt system is enabled. The JENI signal becomes active during RNI or in indirect addressing in the CPU cycle following a memory request if the interrupts are enabled and a masked interrupt is detected. However the JENI signal will be blocked if one of the following conditions exists: a. b. The next instruction is liN and the protect switch is OFF. The next instruction is a protected liN and the present instruction is protected. The next instruction will cause an illegal instruction sequence (because of a protected instruction following a non-protected one) and a protect fault does not already exist. c. 89633300 A 5-365 CONSOLE INTERFACE (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 6, cont'd.) The signal KENII is used to abort the enter interrupt sequence when the H register is changed just before the sequence has begun and the Interrupt is therefore no longer masked. The equation of KEN I I is: KEN I I = Gsii·GSt·RNI·ENI KENII is used to block the KRNI signal which allows the RNI state to remain active. It is also used to preset the FS flip-flop (see Console Interface sheet 2). The signal CLRIR Is used to clear the Instruction register. during: It is active - RNI·ENI which is the first CPU cycle of the enter interrupt sequence (at U20/13); - ENI2._DD (timed by PH3 during sweep or enter) at the end of the sequence; - CLREQ (see Console Interface sheet 3) at U20/9 and Master Clear at U20/12. The signal ENI2·_DD sets the ENI4 flip-flop (U24/9). The output of this fl ip-flop prevents the fi rst RNI cycle after the enter inte.rrupt sequence from being interpreted as a selective stop. This is necessary as the instruction register is cleared at the time of that sequence. The signal _VFW = ENI·'VFL is used to set bit 15 of the P register with the status of the everflow bit during enter-Interrupt when the computer is in 32K mode (32K/65K mode switch on Programmer1s Console). 5-366 8g633300 A . .... 00 \0 '" IoN IoN IoN o o I'" (OVFW » iTiiO > r'8.~ i!1 (\8 P2814 (EHI4 P2"", (CLAIR ICMII - KRNI iii. EINT PIA DEL2 P2AN DFEO~ ~ .. , ""......'", , rrU\R (JENI V1 IoN V1 IoN '" 00 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM CONSOLE INTERFACE 1 CONSOLE INTERFACE (drawing number 89618800, sheet 7) SKIP LOGIC Funct ion This circuit carries the logic used i'n executing the skip instruction. lnputs Signal 32KW 15 FIEI IJVFL 14 Act ive H H H L H SLK AM AL L Wffi' L QEZI H mr L 16 H IT L H H Computerl Pin PlAl2 P1AOl PlA09 P1B10 PlBOl P1A07 PlA26 P1B26 P1At3 I I P1B27 P2A07 P1B05 P1A05 Locat ion Sheet Square Funct ion .-. 7 Bit 5 of Instruction Register Bit 4 of Instruction Register I ~ontents of A register 200 I ~ field of Q-register equals zero Bit 6 of Instruction Register Bf t 7 of Instruction Register 7 04 04 04 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 : Outputs ~VF H rnr L SKT WEZ H 89633300 A L PIAlO P1B21 P1B04 P2B30 7 Skip Condition ~EZ - WEZM (logically) 7 01 Cl Cl Al 5-369 CONSOLE INTERFACE Description (Drawing number 89618800, sheet 7, cont/d.) The signal SKT is active when the conditions for a skip exist. Its equation is: SKT = 15·16·17· (TIiE9AL AM) + T7.lb.IS· (T4$A7M) +T7.16.TS". (fli"Qi)WEZM·WEZL·QEZ ) + T7.16.IS· Cf4 $Q7M) + 17·1b·T5· (".{~ SLK) + 17·lb. IS· (l¥(i)i\iF[) +17016.T;.(TZi'$PEL) + 17. 16• IS·Cfli'$PFIND) where - 14, IS, 16, 17 are bits 4 T 7 of the instruction register, - AL and AM are produced by the ALU boards and are active when the contents of the A register is zero - A7M and Q7M are the sign bits of the A and Q registers - the signal WEZM·WEZL·QEZ) is hiqh when the Q register is zero - SLK is low when the selective skip switch is set - the signals ~VFL, PEL and PFIND are active during overflow, parity error, and protect fault, respectively. The signal CGPE is used by the Memory Control assembly to clear the general parity error flip-flop. It is active during skip-on-parity-error and skip-on-no-parity error instructions and also during master clear. The signal K0VF is used by the I/O Interface assembly to clear the overflow. fl ip-flop. It is active during skip-on-overflow and skip-on-no-overflow instructions and also when the computer enters an interrupt while in 32K mode (programmer's console switch 32K/6SK). The skip logic also produces a signal (U27/8) which clears the protect fault indicator during a skip-on-protect-fault or skip-on-no-protect-fault instruction. S-370 89633300 A . , ~ 00 \0 0'\ eN eN eN a a 32KW) ptAI2 1&) ... AO, ~ 12r I'T1 T &1 - T ptA' FIEI I,,§L _ _ _ _ _ _P_'_A'O ( KtlVF PIB21 (em I~ ~FL) pt_B='O"--_~ J 4 ).----f!IQ! ilK) I 4 b~_______~P~IB~0__ ~ PlA07 AM) PIAU "'I AL) ptp, .. '" I ",,,,, 'I WEIM) I (SKT Q30·QE~ WIn.) P2A07 '" I E 1. > I'!IOO , 11 > !'1M 1""1 & I CJ'1 ~ a ~ 6 ~ 4 '- 1:" 180 P2B30 (WEZ ~ I eN -....J --' ......... W -....J N A DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM CONSOLE INTERFACE ... TELETYPEWRITER (TTY) CONTROLLER The Teletypewriter (TTY) Controller circuits are accommodated on a single I 50-PAK wiring board. The logic circuit diagrams and descriptions cover four different printed wiring assemblies (PWA) in the field. The relevant pages are indexed in the lower table on this page. The TTY Controller interfaces the computer CPU with a Teletypewriter Terminal or with a Console Display Terminal (COT). It provides for communication at 9600, 1200, 300 or 110 bauds. The baud rate is selected by inserting a jumper plug in the appropriate location on the board (see circuit description, sheet 4. This page lists the functional blocks accommodated on this board. The circuits and signals are described in detail on pages facing the corresponding sheets of the circuit diagram. This board also carries the Breakpoint Logic. MAIN FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS Shown on sheet Designation A/Q channel data path 2 Controller/Teletype interface 3 4 Oscillator - Baud rate selector Address decoding - Reply/Reject logic Control and i nte rrupt logic 5 6 Breakpoint logic 7, 8 PWA PART NO. PAGE 89967400 5-374 5-402 89947600 89984700 89976400 89633300 E I 5-410 5-416 5-373 I TTY CONTROllER (PWA 89967400, logic Diagram 89616400, Rev. J) A/Q CHANNEL DATA PATH I (sheet 2) Function: This circuit receives parallel data from the CPU and converts it into serial form for transmission to the teletypewriter. It also receives serial data from the teletypewriter, converts it into parallel form, and transmits it to the CPU. Inputs LOCATION SIGNAL SOURCE/ SiGNAL FUNCTION SHEET SQUARE CONNECTOR PIN AOS P2B23 0-4 A register bus bits -2 A13 P2A I I 0-4 RDA [U22/181 Reset Data Available D-4 } SDIN CP EPS [U22/20] [U22/l71 P2A28 Ser i a I Data Input Clock Pu I se PARITYSEL P2A22 Even Parity Select Pa r i ty Select -12V P2A23 Supply vo I tage B-4 c-4 D-2 D-2 l. B-4 2 ..... I A- I Bi-directional Signals AOO P2A20 A5T A62 P2B20 Busy Status P2BI9 Interrupt Status Data AD3 A04 P2AI7 P2A21 , AOS AOi5 P2B22 End-of-Operation Status Alarm P2BI8 lost Data Status A07 P2AI9 Parity Error Status A09 AIO P2B24 A-I A-I or data B-1 bits B-1 to/from A-register B-1 B-1 B-1 -...I P2B26 A-I 2 A-I -2 D-4 Outputs m P2B28 SPIaUT [U22/2S1 TBMT [U22/221 E0C [U22/241 0R DA PE [U22/IS] [U22/19] [U22/ 131 S-374 Serial Data Output C- I C- I End-of-Operation Status C-I Data Available .A-4 A-4 A-4 2 89633300 E TTV CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 2, cont'd) Description Lines AOO through A07, A09 and A10 communicate with the CPU and serve both as input and output lines. Lines A08 and A13 are served as inputs to the contro 11 er. Signal All is an output from the controller. The input signals are buffered and converted. They are used as director function bits and are input to the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UAR/T) U22, and other parts of the controller. The cirCUit is built around the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UAR/T). In its receive portion, this accepts serial data from the teletype- writer (SDIN) and converts it to data on eight parallel 1 ines (terminals 5 through 12) timed by the clock pulses (Cp) from the oscillator baud rate selector (sheet 4). In its transmit portion, the UAR/T accepts parallel data on eight lines (terminals 26 through 33) and transmits it to the teletypewriter as SDeUT under the action of the same clock (cpl. The control inputs to the UAR/T are XR, OS, CP, RDA, PARITVSEL, and even parity: XR resets the internal registers of the UAR/T OS is a strobe for parallel input (transmitter) CP is the clock input RCA resets the data available signal DA (receiver) PARITVSEL is used to select the parity option, EPS: selects whether even or odd parity is used. The following table summarizes the action of the parity selector signals: SIGNAL LOGIC LEVEL EPS High Even parity generated in UAR/T EPS Odd parity generated in UAR/T. PARITVSEL Low Low PARITVSEL High 89633300 E FUNCTION Enables parity in UAR/T (7 data + parity bit) No parity generation (8 bits from CPU) 5-375 I TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 2, cont'd) The control outputs are PE, SR, DA, TBMT and ESC signals. PE is active when the parity option is selected and a parity error is detected in the serial data input. SR is active when a new character is received on the SDIN input, and the DA output has not yet been reset. DA is active when a character has been received on the SDIN input and is stable on the parallel data outputs. TBMT is active when a new character is transmitted in the SDSUT and remains active until the start of transmisston of the next character. The data flow from the CPU to the teletypewriter is thus from the common input/output lines of the controller (AOO through A07, A09, A10) with parallel data, to the single line serial data (SDSUT), according to the baud-rate clock and according to the control signals. The data flow to the CPU is selected by multiplexers U23, U37. The outputs of these multiplexers are either the eight data bits from,U22 or the eight status bits: Busy, Interrupt, Data EOP, Alarm, Lost Data and Pari,ty Error. One status bit is always "1". The data selectors are controlled by signal DSEN which comes from the address decoding and reply/reject logic. BitsAOO to A07 are strobed by the signal (DSEN+RDA+READ) which comes from the receiver/transmitter control logic. This signal is active when the controller sends data or status to the CPU. The status bits are strobed by signal DSEN. They are used as follows: A09: read mode All : manual interrupt NOTE I Sheet 2 on page 5-378 differs from some older revisions in the following areas: * * * 5-376 zone B-4: U22/20 is not connected to U22/21(zone C-l) zone C-3: AND-gate type 140 is U7/9,10-8 zone A-2: AND-gate U68/1,2,13-11 is type 213S 89633300 E 00 1..0 _0' v.> v.> v.> o o rr1 fFF SHEET REFERENCE OFF SH[ET ""'EII£NCE LETTER 4 8 ______ 0 __ F G J K L M N P 8-4 - --- -B-4 B-4 8-4 C-3 A-4 C -I ,1.-4 C-3 5 T U V W )( Y - C-I C-3 C-2 . @ -----"IIV'tr--4 vee ~:n--~vcc v.> C-4 ,1.-3 C-3 B-1 0-1 0-1 B-1 2 AV AX AY AZ BA BB - BO BF BG IfH"-- -A-4 BK BL BM BN C-3 C-3 0-2 0-4 0- 3 - - ---iii>-- 0-4 C-I 4 0-1 5 6 0-3 C -3 C-3 B-2 0-2 C -3 C-2 C-I B-1 C -I B -4 C -I 0-4 B-2 B-2 0-3 C-I 0-3 B-3 0-4 D-3 B-1 8-1 as B-2 B-4 ---- B-2 B-1 -~~ --- --- -- - -------- BU BV ,1.-2 ---,1.-4 - "'Z t-- - - i N(lTE -- ---- A:J RESISTeRS I. 8 B-3 8- 3 0-2 C-I C-I C-I A-3 ,1.-2 0-3 B-3 A-3 ALL UNMARKED ARE 025 WATT 5"4 --.J R,. ® a.. ,vcc~vcc R3S R8 IK If< ®- ~vcc ®-~--- .3 P2A:29 (CRT-REC -12V :;:;:s 38 TTS FF lis -- I S QJ Z".z.H G GK R33 +19V )r_P~2=B2=7'----'l;..~?':;.___..,.______J~..J1.12Y CII2 I .. 759A US R 61 ••• ~A!I G;3" CI C4 C!I 68.' C6 - - C7 61., 1 .. C9 cta CII CI2 CI5 .1.' 68 ., .1., 61., .1.' \11 CI!I .8.' CI4 00 - - - - . ...........".-. :z * 1I Ic! T. -=- f DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM I W I -12V) P2!2 4 I I I I I ..Lc.~ 1 r I I I I I I I\U T~ 1-T I - 1 1. T 1 I I T 'Ft7 : - . TTY CONTROLUR .t 55Y -: 611." 1-!2V TTY CONTROLLER (Drawing number 89616400, sheet 4) OSCILLATOR - BAUD RATE SELECTOR Function: The Oscillator-Baud Rate Selector Circuit generates the clock signals required to oper.ate the controller at four different rates: 9600, 1200, 300 and 110 baud. The three higher rates are used only with the COT. The circuit consists of a clock section and a group of programmable counters forming the rate selector. SIGNAL SIGNAL SOURCE/ CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION LOCATION SHEET SQUARE EXTCLI< P2A09 External Clock STPCLK P2B09 Clock Stop Enabl e 0-4 BAUD SEL P2A08 Programmed Selector Enable 8-4 4 D-4 , Outputs I CP [U7/l1] Clock pulses 4 8-1 1 .3].ls [U15/3] ].3 J.lsec clock 4 0"1 5-382 89633300 E TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 4, cont'd.) The Clock Section The main oscillator consists of U45, U68, Q5, Q6 and a 12.2222 MHz crystal. The output of this oscillator is divided by 10 (programmable counter U31 and flip-flop U14). I The resulting signal of 1.2222 MHz goes to divide-by-16 counter (U15). One output of U15 (Pin 3), is a clock with a 1.3 microsecond period used in other parts of the control logic. The output at U15 (Pin 6) is a 152.8 kHz clock which goes to the Baud Rate Selection Circuit. The Rate Selector Baud rate selection is accomplished by changing the preset inputs to programmable counters UIO and Ull. These process the 152.8 kHz clock signal according to the preset input lines coming from multiplexor U12. This chooses between two groups of four signal lines: BAUDSEL active selects four hard-wired logic levels as inputs to the selector, setting the programmable counter to the 1200 baud rate; BAUDSEL inactive selects four programmable lines from location U13 as inputs to the selector. A removable jumper plug at this location selects one of the baud rates as follows: Baud rate Jumper plug in position U13 terminals 110 89633300 E JO - 7 300 1200 11 - 6 12 - 5 9600 13 - 4 5-383 I TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 4, cont'd.) The action of this circuit Is now described. When the 9600 baud is selected, the jumper plug at U13/10 -7 forces U12/4 to logic low while the other outputs remain high. This clears flip-flop U9, blocking the output from counter UIO, and gates the 152.8 kHz clock through u8/3 and U5/6. The resulting clock pulse (Cp) goes to the clock input of U22 in the A/Q channel data path logic. When 1200 baud is selected, pin U12/12 becomes low while the other outputs are high. This causes the data inputs of programmable counter Ull to be 1011 2 and the data inputs of programmable counter UIO to be 0000 2 , The circuit composed of U9, UIO and Ull thus behaves as a divide-by-8 counter and the clock frequency signal (Cp) becomes 19.1 kHz. Similarly, when 300 baud is selected, the counter divides by 32 to produce a frequency of 4.77 kHz. When 110 baud is selected the counter divides by 87 to produce a frequency of 1.76 kHz. Note that the jumper plug for baud rate selection in location Ul3 has to be inserted at the time of installation. I NOTE Sheet 4 on page 5-385 differs from some older revisions in the following areas: * * * 5-384 zone c-4: two capacitors (CI8, 0.47NF and C20, 47PF) and 180-ohm resistor R62 are not moUnted in the oscillator circuit. zone C-3: AND-gate u68/11,9,10-8 is type 2l3S. zone B-1: AND-gate type 140 is U7/12,13-1l. 89633300 E 00 1..0 0" Vol Vol Vol £lCTCL. o o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ >~..:.P=.;ilA::::ot~ ~ ~~~,---~ ITI vec ~ R!I!I R!l6 !!. 4vcc IK ........ hlCc ., ......... ...... ... yr .L ~T4'" CIII 12~~22 MHZ "'---,11 11115 a.1. r 111Uf I. '\ 12 .~ \1'1 I Vol 00 \1'1 OSCILLATOR -BAUD RATE SELECTOR DETALED L08IC DlAIRAIl T.T.Y CONTROLLER TTY CONTROLLER (drawi ng 89616400, sheet 5) ADD~ESS DECODING ~ REPLY/REJECT LOGIC Function This circuit decodes the A/Q channel address bits from the the CPU as well as the RE'Ai) and WRITE signals. It decides (REPLY or REJECT) to the CPU based on these signals and on the controller itself. The circuit also generates control other parts of the controller. Q register of on the response the status of signals used in Inputs SIGNAL ACTIVE WIT L QOO Q04 Q05 Q06 Q07 Q08 H H H H H H H H Q09 QIO RfAi) WRITE Me L L L I CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION LOCATION SHEET SQUARE P2A15 P2A05 P2B07 P2B15 P2A14 P2A06 P2BI4 P2AI6 P2BI6 P2A04 P2B06 P2B08 5 P2B13 P2BI2 5 5 5 c-4 B-4 C-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 B-4 B-4 A-4 Outputs REJECT REPLY I 5-386 L L 89633300 0-1 0-1 E TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 5, cont'd) Description The CPU addresses the TTY controller through the signals WEZ. Q04 through Q10. When WEZ, Q10, Q09, Q08, Q06, Q05 are at logic low and Q04. Q07 are at logic high, the TTY controller is selected and the logic high at the output of the address decoder (u44/12: TADR) opens the decoder gates (U30, u44/6). The decoder gates produce four signals, which are active according to the information and data flow (under CPU command): Note: TADR is active high at u44/12 when the TTY controller is addressed. Termi na 1 Signal Equation Information/ Data Flow U30/12 RDEN TADR. READ. QOO Data from TTY to CPU (Read Data Enable) U30/6 WDEN TADR.WRITE.QOO Data from CPU to TTY (Write Data Enab le) U30/8 DSEN TADR.READ.QOO Status of controller to CPU (Director Status) u44/6 DFEN TADR. WRI TE .QOO Director function from CPU to controller The strobe flip-flops provide the timing for the controller outputs (REPLY. REJECT). They are clocked by the 1.3 microsecond pulse train from the oscillator/baud selector circuit (sheet 4) and cleared (stopped) unless either the "R'E"AD or WRI TE command is act i ve. The controller gives a REPLY or REJECT output to the CPU during strobe pulses. The REPLY signal is active when the output control gate (U39/6) is high. This occurs when anyone of its inputs is low. The following table summarizes the input conditions to the output control gate. 89633300 E 5-387 I TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 5, cont'd.) Input Signal REPLY Active U39/1 i5'S"EN Read Status, Reply always U39/2 OS·WRITE Transmission of character f rom con t ro 11 e r to TTY complete U39/4 RBA. READ Character from TTY i n con t ro 11 e r and ready for transmission to CPU U39/5 Decoder output (U58/8) Director function sent from CPU to controller when exp ress ion in note i.s high Te·rmi na 1 I NOTE Sheet 5 on page 5-389 differs from some older revi"s ions in the following areas: *zone 0-2: U57/9, R/R CLOCK, is connected to U5/9 (zone A-4) *zone 0-2: TPl2 is connected to U57/9. 5-388 89633300 E ... 0.1 ,,~ 00 \.0 a- IoN IoN IoN o o R/R CLOCK IT1 ,i' IOm-· o o9 , Q. Q • .- o• Q4~imi 1111 I 21 o7 . . ) PZIlaIl I 'r lOll.,!)-" l -- (iIu)4 ~ ADDRESS DECODING - REPLY/REJECT LOGIC V1 I \,oJ 00 \.0 " '~ ..AlII 4ocK ro---qUM' DETAILED LOalC DIMRAMI T.T. Y CONTROLLER I \,; I .....400 I'd I = i \It TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 6) CONTROL AND INTERRUPT LOGIC Function This circuit generates an interrupt signal for the End-of-Operation (E~P), ALARM, DATA and Manual interrupt conditions. It also contains a number of control fl ip-flops and generates the associated signals: Signal Fl i p-flop READ/WRITE, M0DE DATA READ, L~ST DATA MECH BUSY WM0DE, RM~DE ~, L~ST DATA(LD) BUSY, E~P, DATA, MECH-BUSY Inputs SIGNAL ACTIVE MNL -INTRPT MNL - IR:T~~T CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION P2A13 PIA05 ) Manua 1 Interrupt J from Progral1ll\er I s console 6 6 c-4 c-4 P2B25 P2A12 Character Input Interrupt (E~P) 6 6 A-3 0-1 L L LOCATION SHEET SQUARE Outputs ..&.- CHI' INTIL NOTE: , 15-'390 L L , Sheet 6 on page 5-395 differs from some older revisions in the following areas: * zone C-3: the Manual Interrupt flip-flop is U5/11, type 242H * zone c-4: 6.8NF capacitor C16 is not connected between signal MNL INTRPT at P2A13/PIA05 and ground. 89633300 E (Drawing number 89616400, sheet 6, cont'd) TTY CONTROLLER The Interrupt Circuit Each of the interrupt conditions (DATA, E~P, ALARM) is set by the corresponding director functJon (A02, A03, A04) together with the signal DFEN, and is latched in the corresponding D-type fl ip-flop (part of U2). The interrupt conditions are reset by the Clear Interrupt (CLEAR). (U2) are clocked by DF=WRITE·MC. The latches When the latch output (interrupt enable) coincides with the corresponding signal, an interrupt signal is produced at the output of U6. The Manual Interrupt signal (from the MANUAL INTERRUPT pushbutton on the Programmer's Console) sets the manual interrupt fl ip-flop (U5) and also sets the interrupt signal through u6. The following table summarizes the action of this circuit: Note: Interrupt Condition Director Function Gate Data A02 U36/6 U2/4,3 E0P A03 U21/8 U2/ 12, 11 ALARM A04 U21/6 U2/5,6 Manual --- U5/11 --- ALARM INTERRUPT = PE·DATA·READ + L~ST Latch Terminals I I DATA that is when a parity error is detected on input data or data is lost. The output of gate u6 is used as the interrupt status bit in the A/Q channel data path logic circuit (sheet 2); its inverse (U56/1l) is transmitted to the CPU. Control flip-flops The Read/Write gate (U36/8) forms a latch with U2/13, 14 to produce the clocked mode signals WM~DE and RM0DE used in the control and teletype interface circuit (sheet 3). It is set by the director function A08, ANDed with E0P and DFEN and reset by RESET from the address decoding and reply/reject circuit (sheet 5). 89633300 E 5-391 TTY CONTROLLER (drawing 89616400, sheet 6, cont'd.) The Data Read flip-flop (U43) stores the information showing that a character has been received from the periphe~al device. It is preset by the function DA·RM~DE·ID·MECH8USV Where RM0DE means that the controller is in Read Mode DA is an output of U22 in the A/Q channel data path logic L0ST DATA,(~ is an output from flip-flop U9 and means that a character has been received by the controller and not transferred to the CPU MECHBUSV (output from flip-flop U43) means that the controller is sending a character to the peripheral device. The data read flip-flop is cleared by the rising edge of the signal from u28 and it is asynchronously cleared by CC0N+MC or L0STDATA atR. The flip-flop Lost Data (U9) is clocked by the rising edge of the signal. DATAREAD·MECHBUSY·0R toutput of U29) , where 0R comes from the UAR/T of the A/Q channel data path logic. The flip-flop is cleared asynchronously by CC0N+MC or RM0DE (u60/8). The signal L~ST DATA (LD) is used as a status bit in the A/Q channel data path logic. The MechBusy flip-flop (u43) is set while data is transmitted to the controlled peripheral and is cleared when the transmission has been completed and the WRITE signal is no longer active. Its actuating signals are as follows: Set: Preset: Clear: I 5-392 by TBMT from the UAR/T to the A/Q channel data path (sheet 2) CC0N+MC by rising edge of E0C·TBMT.RDEN·WQEN 89633300 E TTY CONTROLLER (Drawing number 89616400, sheet 6, cont'd) Miscellaneous output signals are produced using the signals of the above fl ip-flops. These are: Signal BUSY Equation Description/Remarks Origin LOST DATA + CHI to UAR/T of A/Q channel data path (sheet 2) U29/6 READ'DATAREAO Character Input prevents the most significant field of the CPU A register from being changed during a read data operation U52/8 MECHBUSY + DA'RMeDE Status bit U59/11 Status bit (End-of-Operation interrupt) U24/12 DATA Eep·WMODE + DATAREAD Status bit (data interrupt) U42/6 PARITY ERROR PE·DATAREAD Status bit (data interrupt) u8/11 ALARM PARITY ERROR Status bit (alarm interrupt) u8/6 Active after transmission of u28/6 D$.·WR ITE character used in the UAR/T of the A/Q channel data path (sheet 2) timed by 1.3 psec signal. NOTE: OS = E'P 89633300 E WMODE WDEN + DATAIN RMODE MECHBUSY (1.3 psec) at U27/8. 5-3931394 I II (AZ) , 48 _PF~'~NL--r-_ _ _ _ __ ex> I.D I "'I 2.5fAB' ~ AZ ""' w w w ~ .. '.. o o R[II.S.Of< RECORD 0, . • ':> - ,to'. , Iv .. ,.r I 0 ... · ICHICD • .,.~ '-@2 100 ENABLE "NL G> I INT 1''' "P'" +5V~ 24 2H r'r~~~NA~~~~~t~~~-fT--1T~M~N~l.~1N;T;===:::l;±f11 1t - ~O:~E 10. FF (~ EOP rOEOP ENABLE 31 ~ 2 '. iiNl R"'DE ~~ 144 iiiii. iffiiji'J 49 I .0' U43M "ECH BUSY LOST DATA l 1~5 .-+ ,.30 47 I LOST DATA 0') 2 2(Gr--+=---'-I 305 ) I • -----------. ~I ~ , "I V1 I W I.D V1 "U ~ L ____________~=~=_ I (~"\35 P2b~'l - ,.UIe "" srJsl> 146 .f/VFL )-f2&'l. ~ EtlT)~UII!I 0" ~ 1154 00 \,0 voc ItO W W W " ,8 • PINe <'JIIDt P!J2I (.e om ~ .... ~ Ij aREAl( PflINT LfGJC o o !ICy DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM T.T.Y CONTROLLER I'T1 " A REV O~ C'l 09 ECO C.K4-IO I REVISION RECORD I DRFTT DATE I CHKD lAPP DESCRIPTION tlEOftAWN PElt CoDe. STDS CK~J2 c.\<.~3a 07 CK'7co5" 03 CK"'~'t 10 CK795 ~ ~~ s \ v-. , \.~ CK8Se A CK \, 79 P.ELEASED CLASS A. ALL +5V R.EPL. BY vee.. Il s", B CK.\2.'2.~ O~F-S\-\EET C cKI241 CK\229 CANCt:.LLE"D. COMBINED J) cK928 E CKI2~8' 'U22 -19!U'-C)-4 f EL~TEJ). CODE 'DENT C REV DWG NO 89616400 SHEET J 9 .A. 89633300 E 5-401 TTY CONTROLLER (PWA 89947600, logic diagram 89616400, revision H) The logic diagrams and logic descriptions for PWA 89947600, logic revision H, pages 5-402 through 5- 40 9, are basically the same as for PWA 89967400, logic revision J, pages 5-374 through 5-401. The sheets of logic revision H are located on the following pages of this manua 1 : sheet page 2 5-403 5-404 3 5-405 5-406 5 5-407 6 5-408 7 5-399 8 9 5-400 5-409 PWA 89947600, logic revision H, differs from PWA 89967400, logic revision J in the following areas; Sheet 1: Revision H matches PIN 89947600 Sheet 2: *zone B-4: U22/20 is connected to U22/2l (zone C-l) *zone C-3: AND-gate type 140 is U5/2,1-3 Sheet 3: ,'tzone B-3: the TTS fl ip-flop is U7/11, made up of two type-140 gates. *zone c-4: the signal atP2A10 is not identified. Sheet 4: *zone B-1: AND-gate type 140 is U5/5,4-6 Sheet 5: *zone c-4: U39/6 is connected to U5/9 (zone A-4) *zone c-4: TP12 is connected to U39/6 Sheet 6: *zone C-3: the Manual Interrupt flip-flop is U5/ll, made up of two type-140 gates '~zone c-4: 68NF capacitor C16 is connected between srgnal MNL INTRPT at P2A13/P1A05 and ground. Sheet 9: revision record H The logic descriptions for revision J also apply to revision H. I 5-402 89633300 E 00 ~ 0FF SHEET REFERENCE 0' \oN \oN \oN o o J"T1 OFF SHEET ~.~. ~. o 8-4 8-4 A-4 F G J K I L loll N I o I I R 5 I I T I p . A-4 I I C-I I I C-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 A-3 e-2 W )( Y I I C-3 I C-3 I 0-2 I 8-4 I I I I C-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-1 I I I I I I C-2 I C-2 0-4 0- 3 I- -_.,•. BH'-~ A-4 1---. 8K ~.~N_~ BP 0-4 -.--.- 8-2 8-4 f f I I B-2 =~ == f~lf:l+=~t~1itt~- 13 ~ ~!'A~ ~. .;~~ .vee "40 lK @~.vee RI' I~ V1 I ~ o - @:J~vee ®H4 RI2 IK ..... R3S 6 C I B-4 C -I 0-4 C -3 C-3 8 -2 0-2 C -3 C-2 C-I 8-1 -- BO f:: .-. NIITE 8-1 8-1 - A-4 A-3 RESIST0RS & -.. II< IK RIS II< II< A •.,-- 8 '--- - A-2 B-3 B-3 0-2 C-I C-I C-I A- 3 0-3 I ARE 025 WATT 8-3 5% PIN 89947600 RI4 ,~ee riil\...~~'L. ~vee R8 R35 0-3 B-2 A-2 A-2 A-4 - -- T 0-3 • C-4 B-4 8W U~MARKED 7 C-I 0-3 B-3 0-4 r--- BU BV ALL T B-2 B-2 0-3 Bioi 0-3 B-4 5 0-3 BL C - I . - l .. _ _ ~ C-I A-4 4 0-1 3 AX AY AZ IBA - ---- -----f--_ 8. 8 _ BO BF 8G 0-2. C-2 I AL _ _ _ C.:I AM C-I AN A,. AQ 2 AV C-2 C-2 C-2 I C-3 8-1 0-1 0-1 C-4 C-2 C-I C-I 8-1 AK f 8-4 C-2 8-<1 C-2' 8-1 8-1 f C-3 A8 AC I f 8-1 A-3 C-3 C-3 Z AA AF I 8-3 8-4 A-4 C-4 A-3 I I I ---I--- - C-3 I AD 8 A-3 U AJ f- - C-4 C-3 8-3 7 6 8-1 v ~ ___AG t..=-· C-I A-4 C-3 . L~CATIIIIN 5 SHEET 4 8- I 2 3 8-4 8-4---' REFERENCE LETTER A 8 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM T.T.Y CONTROLLER ®-~vee~.~---ovcc ~'lCC ~ ..... vce RI IK ~ ~-'---- "WJ IIi X.Y] ~ 3 )iGI ~'?/ ~.. U~3 I ~ 9 I-- :~ AA~ ~ 146·R I - @r~ I ":~~ ~~~ lVCC ~. ,I ~' DATA PATH PIN 89947600 ~~_____~~I~r------~6 DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TTY CONTROLLER 00 \..0 '" W W W o P2B30 o ( .----_----'t-4Ivcc ITI R26 / 1.211 Q4 R25 4,7K TTY-KT.) r'MW R32 ~~.oP2AZ6 TTYPR ...... - P ..c:.* .. :1 2N2901 •• CII5 .41111 1"9 "'''0 (MOTOR ON ~3 P2A3p (CRT-REC .i I~ 13 L -_ _ -12V , ~ '19V ) P2B27 E R33 150 YoI'. 1,12V CR2 IN ~~ 'If r- . I I C4 I I I 'T I ~ - lC~ 'In' r I "oF I Ice C6 C1 6Bn' 68nl 1 I -12V) P2A24 I I I I 1 I~ ,~C9 1 IC~ 61nF. 68nF I I ell 6BnF CI~ 68nF CI2 V"I I - CONTROLLER/ TELETYPE V"I ---,_., '-A' INTERFACE I -:- 6BnF ICl3 68nF ,,",C14 !'t68rr "!. O I 63 c2 .t:- 1~9A I T. 1.+ 61 1 1-!2V C3 4i8~F 55Y ~ j OETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TTY CONTROLLER - • -' b=: • ~IIECOM) :t " .. .,.~ .,'1. .. ' .......1_ V1 I '5 0' EKTCl.K :l >.P2Aot II ~ ~~~------R56 IK vee ........ ~~~A' ~VCC .. It ..... ,.. 11M T. ...L CI9 471'1' I~ , YI ~ 12.2222 MHZ 'I'~ lin I. •• ~ t /.~ It'3 Ie A ~ 110 I- CD I. 1.0 0' \N \N \AI o o IT! OSCILLATOR/ BAUD RATE SELECTOR DETALED LoeIC DlAIIIAIl T. T. Y CONTROLLEIt 00 \.0 (j'\ Vol Vol Vol o o R/R CLOCK ITI .=I' '\ "I 11: ) roo..... Me PIN 89947600 PIN ~ V"1 I g ...... ADDRESS DECODING - REPLY/ REJECT LOGIC DETAILED LOGIC DiAl RAM T.T. Y CONTROLLER I I "I •••••00 i 1,» I -- - • 11£1115'0lIl RECOIID • (41 \.11 ) on!! I I &~ 't. 2.S~~) ~ ':> ... If' • ,.- '" (.... ,.tIOA· ICHlCD • •" I .. , r&;;' ... 2 4& .J:- t o ex> VA'A , --@2 10D ENABLE MNL lINT 1'(1 .., ..,' Ciiii lOEOP [!!ABLE -:l\.... , ... ~ _ ell .... nr I ~ w ( iiiTit EOP EDP WMIDE MANuAL. I NTEflR,.\lPT ..L - FF f MNllNT ~ PIAl. IIM'OE 144 . ."., I I MECH 8USY -.30 CONTROL AND INTER RUPT LOGIC 1 CCON + Me • <~ R ) 35 ex> 1..0 0" W W W o o I'TI .~ . "t.AU rwt."'~ S I ..,. 146 "--, 2. L lOBs . p2e<,_~ U52 204 8__ .__ ~Oii f!!m CO"PUHR~ lT~ DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TTY CONTROLLER mTIl1Ulli1M.J ~ PIN 89947600 PIN 89984700 PIN 89976400 J .. REVI O~ C' Oa REVISION RECORD ECO CK4-IO 1DRFT1 DATE I CHKD lAPP DESCRIPTION ~e:DftAWN PEr( c:.oc. STpS cK'12 C.K"38 07 CK7foS 09 c.K.. 7<8Lf10 CK7~5 II cK8Se A CK 1'79 S\ t-\ \,.~ '< 'rc.. B RELEASED CLASS A, ALL +5V R.EPL. BY vee. CK\2.2~ O~F-S~EET REF "BV" ADDE D. SJ.\2. AP REPL B'( V"S C CKI2.41 U~8 WAS 2.J3H. FITS ASS,( 8994-2.700. CK\2.2e CANCELLED. COMBINED WITH CKIZLtI.SAM!: APPEAR 1N CK 12.28 APPEAR IN cl( C~ANGES THAT \,2. Lj. , • D cKca2.8 E F G 'l4 f<.EVERSE cHANGES To us I, U7 IN ECo ~12. U22 -19!U'-O-4 .e.EPLACES UZ~-J~7U~S-~ 2 j u2.!:) -8/ U("'8-1)2 f<.ePLAe'ES U2S-VU 4-b:-.9 j U"'~-/2./U4-'-.9 REPLACES u~e-12/u~O -4-. CK 142.2 FITS PWA ~99'7<;'!fOO.INcoRPoRATES REWO~.K OF CKI2.~8l.pEL.ETES OSCILLATo/'Z P-EWCRK 01= eK.eS's. u~e IS 7'HH I . C.KI2.~8 CKI'+If~ FITS PWA 8998Lf-700. INcoRPoRATES REWoRK 15 7'+ H II . ~ OF ct<.I2.~e. U~8 CK \'+ 4-7 "eVISION R.ECORD: U"8 WAS 213 H. FITS PWA GM . of T.T.Y. CONTROLLER I CO()£ IO£NT C 'OwG NO REV 896' 64-00 SHEET H 9 A 89633.300 E 5-409 I TTY CONTROLLER (PWA 89984700, 1ogi c ~ i agram 89616400, rev i s ion G) The logic diagrams and logic descriptions for PWA 89984700, logic revision G, pages 5-410 through 5-415, are basical1~ the same as for PWA 89947600, logic revision H, pages 5-402 through 5-409. The sheets of logic revision G are located on the following pages of this manual: sheet page 1 5-411 2 5-412 3 5-405 4 5-413 5 5-407 6 5-408 7 5-414 8 5-400 9 5-415 PWA 89984700, logic revision G, differs from PWA 89947600, logic revi s ion H, in the following areas; Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet 1 : Revision G matches PWA 89984700. 2: *zone A-3: AND-gate u68 is type 213H 4: *zone C-3: AND-gate u68 is type 213H 7: *zone A-3: AND-gate u68 is type 213H 9: revision record G The logic descriptions for revisions J and H also apply to-revision G. I 5-410 89633300 E 'IF ex> 1.0 OFF W a a IT1 SHEET SHEET REFERENCE LETTER 2 A B B 4 B-4 I __ r-. f--.. D 3 L0CATI0N 4 5 . 6 F A-4 A-4 J K C-I A-4 B-3 B-4 L C-3 C-I C-4 C-3 B-3 C-3 I I I P o " s I 9-3 B-3 A-3 T I I U v w )( I I y I C-3 0-2 C -2 AA C-2 I I ~- :~ I _ C-3 --- --- A-4 C-2· C-I C-I B-1 Rf_y':_ ~- ~ 2.1 ~ Iif .f). G: 7 81"9 J AA A A A AA A " B B A B AI I...... B A ~ .D D B p, DBA C-2 C-4 I I I C-3 B-4 B- 4 f-- B-4 I I C-2 I I C- 2 C 2 I I I C-2 I B-2 I I 0-4 B-2 BK BL C-I ~_ I 1--.!,,_-..:2=---1-_ _+ B-1 ------f----~-:::~f___ R40 IK ~.vee ~3~vee R36 ®-- IK RJ IK R68 BV BW ~ --.t'.. NflTE ·.----tvcc @ "".., I vee I . ., 1 H 'l' 0-3 1 C-4 I B-3 B-4 0-3 B-3 0-2 B-2 C-I 1 ::: 1 ::; 1 ARE 025 WATT 5% PIN 89984700 JO NOT SCALE DRAWING I :4'\j ¥Al! RIA .... c:.,. .. I ,~, > .',' N ' . . ~' 1;-":._ IU. '.0 en ,n .. I~i~.: 0-4 I B-3 RESiST0RS ... , T TLE IS.TiLl.lda itS. 1~lhlli\lJli1J1lI : :~,-~ gl§. ~~ ~ 0-3 A-3 ALL UNMARKED ~ 0-3 B-3 B-1 A-4 mIT COMPUTfRS lTD' II< B. t. Ed ¥:- =- ¥ ~ vee ~~--- DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM T.T.Y CONTROLLER I" ,"' Ic I 896~~:~~ 5'1~fr I ()~ E I V1 I J::- r' _·-· .." ....t) P2AZ2 :~ i: -> ::::: ... > '. H6 -r_T+-____...uJ· ~ ~____ __ , ,. Z 3.5 . ~ AA5.6 6~ ABS. ~ AO AC S I lvee IiI ~ "~ ." b .IS E.VEN PARr-f'2A28 N U22 j--@3 ·T" ~6 . ,. x.vu 4~ 6(8)"""",' " -, UNlIT s@..ti-~~ 3/" \!~ 6 LtftttE- I~ l l & 0" ~ .: W W W o o IT! t !i A/Q CHA NNEL TlW" ~ e DATA P2BI9 (m ~~ PIBIS 50> P2800 L® . B f 8 " w \AI m 32KW >PIIO • I ~ fi I ~::: ~ o S1ii p.LI::I!!IlL..<'SEN GfilCS>".Idill""'-'''I C.. -~. ~ vee ~2:*"m " 203 I" 'EL)P2A07 RNI P2804 I I'- II!& ~ II 'j 8REAKPfilINT Lfil61C DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM TTY CONTROLLER ., .. PIN 89984700 PIN 89976400 .. ECO REVI O~ C.K4-IO O~ cK'12 CK"3S C' REVISION RECORD 1DRFT1 DATE 1 CHKD lAPP DESCRIPTION REDf'tAWN PE~ CDC. S"'OS 07 CK7C.S 09 CK....,~~ 10 CK795 1 I cK8Se ~~~S \ '" \..~ \ CK l \'79 "ELEASED CLASS A, ALL +5V REPL. SY vee.. B CK\2.2«e O~F-S~EET ~EF' "BV" ADDED. SJ.\2. AP RePL B'{ v,s A U~8 WAS J) 2.J '3 H. FITS ASS,! 9994-2.700. cKI2Lf-\ CK \229 CANCeLLED. COMB)NED WI"'H CKIZ4-I,SAMe C"ANGES. THAT APPEAR IN CK 12.28 APPE.AR IN cK \ 2.Lf. \. cKca2.8 /tEVe.RSE cHANGES To us £. U7 IN Eco "2.. , E C.KI2.~8 F rt-EPLAC.ES u~e-J 2/u~O -4-.. ..... FITS PWA S997"Lfoo.INcoRPo·RATES REWO~K OF r'III CKI~2.2 C\<.I2.~8l.pELETES OSCILLATo1Z "ewoRK O~ CKtl5"a C U22 -19!U'-O-Lf f<.EPLACES UZ~-J9/u"e-~ 2 j u2.3-8/ U'=oS-I)2. REPLAcES u2.S-&/U4-b-.9; U"~-/2./U4-'-.9 LJ~e IS G 7'+,", II. CKI'+'+(;:. FITS PWA 8998lf700. INcoRpoRATES REWORK OF c.KI2."e, U"8 IS 7", H I I . , I . PIN 89984700 LTD oF I DETA'LED LOGI C T.T.Y. I> GM. CONTROLLER CODE IDENT C REV DWG NO 896164-00 SHEET G 9 .A. 89633300 E 5-415 I TTY CONTROLLER (PWA 89976400, logic diagram 89616400, revision F) The logic diagrams and logic descriptions for PWA 89976400, logic revision F, pages 5-416 through 5-419, are basically the same as for PWA 89984700, logic 'revision G, pages 5-410 through 5-415. The sheets of logic revision F are located on the following pages of this manua 1 : sheet page 2 5-417 5-412 3 5-405 4 5-418 5 5-407 6 5~408 7 5-414 8 5-400 9 5-419 PWA 89976400, logic revision F, differs from PWA 89984700, logic revision G, in the following areas: Sheet 1: Revision F matches PWA 89976400. Sheet 4: >'~zone c-4: The oscillator circuit contains 47 picofarad capacitor C20 and 180 ohm resistor R62 in the path of crystal VI, and 0.47 nanofarad capacitor Cl8 to ground, on the input line to the base Sheet 9: of transistor Q6. revision record F. Except for the change in the oscillator circuit on sheet 4 described above, the logic descriptions for revisions J, H, and G also apply to revision F. I 5-416 89633300 E ... 00 eFF SHEET REFERENCE U) (J'\ IoN IoN IoN OFF SHEET REFERENCE LETTER o & o I L__ ~~O 1-4 A-4 J C-I A,-4 G I( L N I I , I o I I I i I I I I " • T U v W It Y I 1--_ Z AC AD AF SHEET 4 I A-3 A-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 0-2 I I C-2 C-I C-I I-I B-1 B-1 AJ I 8-1 L!lCAT~ 5 I B-1. 6 I 7 8 8AIBSIA 13IA D D D BlB I'D BIA -f- _ E E DIBIB E &-4 C-2 B-1 0-1 0-1 B-1 2 I C-3 I 1-4 I 1-4 I I I C-2 I I I I I I C-2 I AZ B-4 B~ C-2 8-2 B-2 B-2 I 0-4 I 0- 3 I L=:~ BL I C-2 I A-4 ~~ It< - --, ® ~12 c~ B 2 BW NIHE ALL UNMARKED RESIST0RS ~r ~ 0 ~~ ~~8 ~ ~ ~vcc ~ ..... vcc @ v.* Ivee ; ~I!i 0-3 C- I I IE: I I I ~ 0-3 C-I H 0- 3 8-3 ARE 025 WATT 5% pIN 89976400 " t )Q .... A1 JO" Iiij;l:iji~'~j I:: :o,-~ NOT SCALE DRAWING I ,., I H~II\ "I T TLE DETAILED LOGIC DIAGRAM T.T.Y CONTROLLER I "C' 1:""1._ "'~_1~·.!..._ ;.i>~ I~I· B-2 C-2 C -I 8- I I HBIT COMPUTfRS lTD I ••• ' IK C -3 * I,,~__ IK a 7 I I I r~=: ~8-2 IE: I IA-,~ IA-2: I:=~ I,-.~~~ I RI. 1M,......,... ... • "" IVCC~VV~VCC R~ R8 --v¥'----oIVCC I I A-4 I I A-3 BV ~ ®-~VCC®--~--- P2Aot I ma:;~ II 15 ~::t. Hl>J' R56 • II( ...... lvee - to ._H07..t - -.. ~ ~ 5~.K ., lIZ c.e "2,- I / Hlr~ czo V ....,pF 0.£+'7 NF • ~ 1~222 IllS ~'K :T\ T.. ~ I( . 10 A ~ 113r.r;l'2 Ii![ 110 I- ' 'Il00 00 ~~c \,0 '" w w w R o o f"I'1 OSCILLATOR - BAUD RATE SE LECTOR ~ l DETALED LOItC DlA.AII T.T.Y COIITROUD PIN 89976400 ,. REVISION RECORD REVI ECO Ob CK4-IO Ott3 07 C' CK7~S 09 cl<..7C8lf I RE:Df<.AWN PE~ c.oc. STDS cK'12 cl<~3a ~ ~c, 10 CK 7<65 I I DRFT I DATE I CHKO lAPP DESCRIPTION S,,,, ,\..~ I CK8S6 A CK l 1'79 "ELEASED CLASS A. ALL +5V REPL. BY vee. REF "BV" ADDE D. s~2. AP REPL B'( v,s B CK\2.2.'2I 01=F-S,l-'IEET u~a WAS 2.J3H. FITS ASS,( 9994-2.700. C CKI2.Lf-1 CK\229 CANCelLED. COMBINED WITH CKI2lfl,SAME C\-\ANGES THAT APPEAR I N \ 2.4}' etc:: 12.28 APPEAR IN cK "'2.. D cKca28 f<..EVE.«..SE CHANGE s To u5 I, U7 IN ECo E CK12~8 U2.2 -19(U'-O-Lf t<.EPLACES U2.2-19/u~e-I.l2 j U2.3-8/ lJ~ca-IJ2 «.EPLAcES U2S-&/LJ4-b-:.9 j U"~-I2./U4-'-.9 F REPLACES UbB-12/u~O-4-. CKILf2.2 FITS PWA a99'7"lfoo.INcoRPoRATES CKI2.~8 u~e IS & DEL.ETES 7*J..l/1 • REwo~K OSCILLATo1Z P-EWC~K 01= ..... OF eK.ess. ~ r- PIN 89976400 LTD oF I CODE IDENT DETAILED LOGIC DGM. T.T.Y. CONTROLLER 'REV DwG NO C 896\6LtOO SHEET F 9 A 89633300 E 5-419/5-420 I ENCLOSURE POWER INPUT The power supply and power input wiring of the main computer enclosure (equipments AB107/AB108) and that of the expansion enclosure (equipment BT148) are identical. A Power Supply Input-Output Wiring Diagram shows the input power distribution in the equipment. The power line enters the enclosure through the line filter unit and is taken to the power supply unit (PSU) and the blowers through the PSU terminals. The PSU generates all internal suppl ies for the equipment. The power supply wiring diagrams in this section apply to the fol lowing different equipments: DRAWING NO. 89762200 PAGE NO. EQUIPMENTS 5-429 AB107-A04 to A12 AB108-A04 to A12 Part of BT148-A06 BT148-A05 and down 89942600 ..}, 5-431 AB107-A13 to A19 AB108-A13 to A19 Part of BT148-A06 89911800 "k 5-433 AB107-A10 to A15 AB108-AlO to A15 BT148-A07 5-435 AB107-A16 and up AB107-C AB107-D ABlo8-A16 and up AB108-c AB108-D 89601601 BT148-A08 up BT148-c BT148-D The wire I ists in section 9 give details on the interconnections. Tr.e I ine filter unit and the power supply unit are described later in this section. *In using WI ring diagram 89911800 for the programmeris console connections in series A13, A14, A15, substitute the progr3rlmer i s console connections of wiring diagram 89942600. Note also that al I series have one forced-air blower in the power supply and three axial fans installed in the top of the enclosure. Type identifiers C and D have two more fans, installed in the bottom of the enclosure. 9633300 H 5-421 I THE POWER INPUT CIRCUIT The input circuit of the enclosure (Line Filter Unit) is mounted at the top center of the rear panel. See figure 3-7 and the detail on this page. The following table summarizes the components and their functions. FUNCTION NAME DESIGNATION J1 Line power socket Accommodates the 1 ine power cord Fl Input fuse Line protection F2 Battery fuse Battery protection S1 AC line switch (on/off) Appl ies ac 1 ine power to the equipment Line filters Isolate the equipment from surges and noises on the ac line Margin test socket Used in the Margins test (Refer to section 6) FLl, FL2 J2 AC Power AC Fuse SIr"witch Socket for Power Cord Battery Fuse OFF JI 5-422 eA o J2 IAS8 89633300 F POWER SUPPLY UNIT (PSU) . The PSU is an autonomous assembly mounted at the top of the front door of the AB107/AB108 main computer enclosure and in the same place in the BT148 expansion enclosure. The PSU is part of the equipment which it supplies. This sheet summarizes the circuit diagrams showing the power supply ~nit; the diagrams themselves are. given in the following pages, together with a brief description of the circuit functions. All connectors for connecting the PSU to the rest of the AB107/AB108 or the BTl48 equipment are brought out on the power supply connector panel on four terminal strips: TB1,TB2,TB3,TB6. These terminal strips are shown in a figure on one of the following pages. The interconnection (wiring) diagrams show the interconnections between the main units of the power supply, including terminal strips, for all series of computers in the field. The power supply unit receives the main line power through the input circuit mounted at the rear of each enclosure. This input circuit, as well as the general power input connections to the enclosure, have already been presented. The block diagrams of the PSU and their descriptions appear in section 4 of this manual. The diagrams are repeated in the following pages for convenience. Most of the circuitry of the PSU is mounted on two printed c~rcuit boards within the power supply assembly, as follows: BOARD DESIGNATION DRAWING NO. ASSOCIATED CIRCUITS High Power (HP) and Control 89657700 Ac-to-dc converter, V regulator, cc +35V preregulator, Protection and control circuits (except individual current limits) Low Power (LP) 89640800 Regulators, individual current limit circuits, reference voltage generator, battery charge circuit WARNING The power supply does not use a main isolating line-transformer at its input. Its circuits between the ac I ine input and the isolating networks are therefore at line voltage. Do not handle the PSU while the computer line cord is connected to the ac supply. 89633300 F 5-423 V1 I .l:N VCC .I:- AC to DC VG C + AC~Line Pow.r ~ Regulator Pr.regulator to-- ~ * AC Line Cord auxiliary ---- '--------'~ ~ 25 vdc --- Regulator. auxiliary -7vdc r-" r'-'I Cha .... Ground Logic --- Ground --. 35vac 35vdc Input Circuit » 35v Converter Circuit. Protection overcurrent VCC --t- ;;;f~;;;'-- Reference G.enerator + Sense Battery from bock V CC Terminal Charger and Batte ry Crowbor plane main indicated * 00 '-D C7' W W W power by The Input port of t f Note: The w flow i. Isolating Diode Bott.ry F3 Battery thick line. Circuit i. not the Power Supply Front Panel DC POWER I--~ ":" I -= o o .." POW E R 5 U P PLY B L 0 C K 0 I A G RAM FUI. Equipment GD611-A ( Optional) VBB VCC2 -12v -5v ~30V Un regulat.d ... I........t - - L -____________~------------------_+-------------------------~~)~----~ ~.--------. VSS -SENSE From bock plan. ground terminal POWER SUPPLY UNIT (continued) COMPUTER DC SUPPLIES Supply No. Designation Nominal voltage volts Nominal Current Remarks 1. V cc +5 35A R 2. V cc2 +5.3 3A R,M 3. VSS +16.7 5A AB107/BA20l-B,R,M VSS +19.7 5A AB108/BA20l-A,R,M 4. VBB VSS + 3.5 40mA R, M 5. -12V -12 100mA R, 6. -5V -5 lA R 7. +30V +30 300mA unregulated, M 8. battery cha rge r 200mA cur rent regulated Internal suppl ies +35V +35 preregulated 10. auxiliary no. 1 +25 unregulated 11. auxi I iary no. 2 -7 unregulated internal supply 9. NOTES: R: regulated supply M: supply to the memory only The tolerance on all regulated voltages is The maximum permissible ripple is ~ ~ 0.5 percent. 2 percent of each regulated voltage. See also table 6-1. I Use adjustment VBB to adjust VSS' 89633300 H 5:-425 POWER SUPPLY WIRING DIAGRAMS I These drawings show the circuits of the complete power supply units for all computer series. The circuits accommodated on the two main printed circuit boards are shown on separate circuit diagrams. High Power and Control (HP) drawing number 89657700 and Low Power (LP) drawing number 89640800. Terminal connector strips TBI, TB2, TB3, and TB6 on the power supply con- nector panel provide the connections between the power supply unit and the other circuits of the computer. A following figure and figure 3-5 show the connector panel. The following table lists the connections. T Connection TB-l/J Designation Connection/Function ON/OFF Connection to programmer1s console dc POWER on/off switch; controls power supply operation. /2 + SENSE Sensing wire from +Vcc connection on enclosure back-plane (Figure 3-7). /3 RGPWR Power fail indicator signal for Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) operation (to Memory Control board). /4 -SENSE Sensing wire from logic ground on enclosure back-plane (Figure 3- 7). /5 -12V -12V regulated supply output /6 -5V -5V regulated supply output /7 +30V +30V unregulated supply output /8 VBB VBB regulated supply output to Memory system /9 VSS Vss regulated supply output to Memory system /10 VCC2 VCC2 regulated supply output to Memory system continued 5-426 89633300 F I POWER SUPPLY WIRING DIAGRAMS (continued) TABLE OF TERMINAL STRIP CONNECTIONS (continued) Connection Designation Connection/Function TB-2/1 /2 /3 Main line voltage inputs from Input circuit: Nominal Input to Shorting 1 inks voltage terminals (terminals) /4 /5 110V /6 220V 3, 7 3, 7 1-2, 3-4-5, 6-7-8, 9-10 2-3, 5-6, 8-9 /7 /8 /9 /10 1 TB-3/1 Vcc MARG /2 VBB MARG /3 + 30 V /4 GND Ground for margin circuits +BAT Battery positive terminal TB-6/1 J Connections for margin-tests on VCC and VBB (refer to section 6) /2 not used /3 not used /4 89633300 F TEST 5-427 POWER SUPPLY WIRING DIAGRAMS (continued) • GND o • • Power Supply Connector • Panel (See also figure 3-5) The main logic supply (V ) and logic ground are brought out on two separate cc terminals. A heavy gauge wire, suitable for carrying the high current of this supply (nominal 35 amperes), connects these terminals to the backplane of the enclosure. The cabling of the other supplies also terminates on the back- plane, as shown in figure 3-4. Power supply internal connections are made on terminal strips TB4 and TB5, mounted inside the power supply unit on the frame carrying th~ output filter and capacitors. Other components are shown on these drawings grouped according to the mounting positions within the power supply assembly. They are shown in their functional relation to the rest of the circuitry in circuit diagram 89657700 for the High Power and Control Unit (HP) and in circuit diagram 89640800 for the Low Power (LP) Card. They are described in the following pages. For instructions and explanation of enclosure grounding, refer to the installation instructions in section 6 and to the maintenance aids in section 7 of this manual. Refer also to the Site Preparation Manual, publication number 60437000. 5-428 89633300 F 4 3 00 I..D 0' . USED ON \.N \.N \.N AB107-A04 to A12 o o AB108-A04 to A12 :c PART OF BT148-A06 CABINET ASSY BT148-A05 DOWN CiND UNIT i"iRT-OFLINEFILTER UNITASiliiiL'i I I ~ PO -"-':!:LI.lo...----i1 I k 0 11£0- WHT 1I I. . E_VU-WHT __________ ~2 [pAiiT GND PLANE Of (iiiOUNDPL ... NEA'Ssi1 I IIIIUOOO ::~-WHT ~ 1-.. · ~wn'- m. . . u. <6,), ! ) ~ I ! V1 I ~ \.N o I. • GND BLOWERS fPAiiTOFTOPASSY - I I I I I .. I L~!....J & - , ILK I~f :~: I' L _________ ~ • , , UM.U, OTl1E,""," .t:CIt"IED 1lI_IiIIION Aft' IN INCHLS TOLlR"NeiU I "- I I I PROO. CONSL.61 A~ )E6 ~ N ClND ~ '-,---tl-):~O I t ------ -.J .,I . I 0 IIWHT• PIIOG. CONSL GND vee ( :ILU f(_If-!'!!::L~U_ _ _.-J £5 r - - - - - i - - 4 ) [I V1 I..D BRAID LJ__ _ [I ~ :: I I -.J WIRE I 000 I r~ ~- -:- t -BRN~ --I~-+--' I IICC 0 I '=' ~...!. ~ Mil i1:-1I£0 ii'1 I_JIO LL~J VEL-GRN ~V"A J(BLK rm~ ~-~ .~': +~ II-~~.--~~ I~I ~~SI.!..._ J LINE FILTER BATTERY PART NUIII8ER I r89773800-,I Aee,It, _ _ ARI 'OlOEII POINTS ON THE _AIIIIIIIR'S CONSOLE PW ASSY TO OW lID. 89780800 fOil SUPPLY DIAGRAM ......aoo. ~.nll POWER COMf'LETI: WIIIlNt Of r.I .... ND TN. 00 I.D '" W W W o o USED ON AB107-A13 to A19 AB108-A13 to A19 PART OF BT148-A06 r----1I PARTOFREAR~NECT.PANEl.. C,A8INET r - - - - -I WIRE I 1 :::z:: EI2 IBRAID JT : A., .... E II II 'T)7. lStLAS~!§. 2~.J lEt~SI~G~J LINE FILTER UNIT rtAii"T-OFLINEFILTER UNITASSEMBLY - - , 89880100 r"-- ------': BATTERY 89650100 PI 250V/8A I, JIL( ILK _14 r I!:!~'" '_ L_ _ I I!!! r-"""""", LZ ~ powEll ASSY = I" y ~ . - -i-"---"?i, .c:- \.AI V'1 -.I. -.- ~~ H-iu- ~~ 1.. 1- ,I , I I ~o Ll _I_ .. ~t rc--, L .........., . r·-:; ....... • ' I i:a.!., lb~""~~"t:' ~ ,or-,I CIO, . . 'u........ ~~. ~ TI'UT . eee·· e .... ~ eel v. ----l:!! e e +... Vd I (lltA 1 ee.-$V OL ""ee,-tlY ""'-m....,.... m fliED ·:=. e ii :;5 ee &'CS.MIfTf11P.S.IIOUNTtIFIWIIE Am. ALL OTHER. MItTS SMOWN ._ II IrNI"UTi v.!v...:'':'. ~OII' T -1 "'"! .SlNS£~ 2 MN e e l Qt VCC2 (See also page 4-64) Power Supply Regulator and Control Circuits: Vss ~ -5v I-- . To Current Lllllit Circuit Block Diagram POWER SUPPLY UNIT (contld.) LOW POWER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (draw.jng 89640800, contld.) The VBS regulated supply is derived from the +35V internal supply. It is regulated by a conventional series regulator using transistor Q30 as the series element and the differential amplifier in the reference voltage generator package (U3) as the comparator. The two inputs of this comparator are the general voltage reference (VREF) through R79 and the tap on the voltage divider chain on the output. The output voltage of the regulator can be adjusted by means of potentiometer RV3 in the output voltage divider chain. The potentiometer is accessible through the top cover of the power supply unit (refer to Figure 6-4). Note that this adjustment affects the value of VSS directly see VSS supply below. The supply is connected to the overvoltage detector through diode CR34; its current is limited by the conventional circuit of Q31, R77, which cuts off the series regulator on occurrence of overcurrent. The regulator output voltage (and therefore VSS ) can be changed by loading the output voltage divider chain and through it one of the comparator inputs through the VBB MARGIN terminal (refer to Section 6 for Margin Tests). The VSS regulated supply is derived from the +35V internal supply, and is regulated by a switching regulator (see Section 4 for the principles of operation of switching regulators). I The switching element in this circuit is transistor Q44 with Q9 as predriver and Q8, Q33 as parallel drivers. The main output filter capacitors are located on the filter board in the power supply assembly. See the relevant power supply wiring diagram. The regulator is driven at about 22 KHz by emitter-coupled oscillator QlI, Ql3. The duty-cycle of this oscillator (and therefore the proportional regulation of the circuit) is determined by the ratio of emitter currents of the two transistors. This in turn is controlled by the differential amplifier QlO, Ql2 sharing the current source Q39, Q40. One input of the differential amplifier is the VSS reference voltage derived from the VBB supply through driver transistor Q34. To avoid sudden changes in the inductor current (and therefore large voltage spikes on the inductor) a rise-time limiter integrator (RIOl, C47 and Q45) is included in the reference line of the regulator. 89633300 F 5-449 POWER SUPPLY UNIT (cont'd.) LOW POWER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (drawing 89640800, cont'd.) Overcurrent in this circuit is detecte~ by the voltage developed on R98 acting as the gating voltage on transistors Q14, Ql5 cO'nnected as a Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR). This is driven by the oscillator output and is therefore reset on every cycle of·the switching inverter. When an excess current flows through the switching transistor, +35V is connected to the overcurrent bus through transistor Q15. This supply is connected to the overvoltage detector and crowbar circuit through diodeCR33. The Vcc2 regulated supply has a similar circuit to that of the VSS supply. It receives its reference voltage through a reference voltage divider chain and its output voltage can be adjusted by potentiometer RV2. Access to RV2 is obtained through the power supply assembly cover (refer to Figure 6-4). The reference generator utilizes the reference portion of the voltage regulator package U3 (see the circuit diagram below) to supply the reference voltage to the regulated power supplies. ground (-SENSE); Its supply is referred to the remote enclosure it is switched through from either the auxiliary supply or battery by transistor Q32, under control of the dc POWER on/off switch on the Programmer's Console. The overvoltage detector and crowbar input circuit utilize the comparator in the voltage regulator Ul to turn on the transistors Q24, Q25 connected in a Silicon-Controlled-Rectifier (SCR) configuration when an over-voltage occurs on anyone of the regulated supplies (-12V, -5V, Vcc2' VSS ' vBB,V cc )' The positive supplies are ORed to the inverting input through common base level shifters Q22, Q23. The comparator thus changes state when the absolute voltage on anyone of the suppl ies increases over the value preset by the voltage divider on each supply. The inputs to the comparator are biased from the reference source in Ul. 5-450 89633300 F LOW POWER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (drawing 89640800, cont'd.) VOLTAGE REGULATOR (~A723C) CIRCUIT AND TERMINAL ASSIGNMENTS 14 NC NC CURRENT LIMIT 2 13 FREQUENCY COMPENSATION CURRENT SENSE 3 INVERTING INPUT 4 NON -INVERTING INPUT 5 12 V+ II Vc 10 Vout VR1' 6 9 Vz V- 7 8 NC V+ FREQUENCY COMPENSATION TEMPERATURECOMPENSATED ZENER INVERTING INPUT .>-....-0 REF NON-INVERTING INPUT VOLTAGE REFERENCE AMPLIFIER V- t----o OUT CURRENT LIMIT ERROR AMPLIFIER 89633300 F '---OVz CURRENT SENSE CURRENT LIMITER 5-451 LOW POWER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (drawing 89640800, cont'd.) Thus when Ul turns on transistors Q24, Q25,they apply the switched battery or auxiliary supply to the crowbar bus. This signal turns on the battery crowbar (SCR Q46) and actuates the crowbar circuit on the HP assembly (drawing 89657700), which in turn blows the main supply fuse (Fl), and the battery fuse (F2). I The following text relies on HP assembly drawing 89657700 and on· the relevant power supply wiring diagram. The on/off dc POWER switch on the Programmer1s Console controls the supply to the crowbar input circuit (just as it controls the supply to the reference generator). When it is on, transistor Q32 switches on the battery or the auxiliary supply through to the supply line of the crowbar circuit. The auxi I iary on/off sensor (U2) is a vol tage regulator package connected as a Schmitt-trigger. The on/off dc POWER switch of the Programmer1s Console controls its output frequency which forms the input signal of the power fail detector on the HP board. Two auxiliary supplies are generated on the LP board. The -7V supply (feeding the -5V regulated supply) is generated by full-wave rectifier CRI2, CRl3 from the 7 vac output winding of the main transformer TI. The +25V supply is generated by the rectifier bridge (CR21, CR22, CR23, CR24) from the separate auxiliary mains transformer T2. This supply feeds the auxiliary supply line while the main power circuit and isolating power transformer TI do not reach their normal voltage. This may occur when the equipment is first switched on, or when it recovers from power failure. 5-45a 89633300 F POWER SUPPLY UNIT (cont'd.) I LOW POWER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (drawing 89640800 cont'd.) With the main power circuit supplying full voltage, the 35 vac winding on the main transformer (T1) takes control of the auxiliary line through halfwave rectifier CR30. The battery charging circuit charges the Memory Hold Battery (equipment GO 611-A) from the +35V internal supply. When this supply is on, transistors Q20, Q21 form a current source which feeds the battery through current amplifier Q43 (terminal 17). The battery supplies power to the +35V bus and through it to the equipment through isolating diode CR31 when the +35V supply fails (power fail condition: Low Power Data Retention (LPDR) mode of operation). 89633300 F 5-453 ... 070 5.' • 11~-----------+-----+--~--+-----l------------------4-------------------------- "::N ____~~_IEN'E GO Ni)-.______..;m;.;.;.....__________________..J n u 89633300 F .,. ... I.t • - .__ ------------4-< _..... ~,- ______ Q 89633300 A ~~ ID __________________..J (,) ID 5-469 SECTION 6 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE This section appl ies to the equipment listed in Section 1 of this manual. TOOLS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT The following is a 1 ist of maintenance tools for the equipment. Part Number • Part Description 12210275 Tweezer Fine Point 12210314 Iron Soldering 15W Miniature 12210315 Tip Soldering Iron .046 In. Spade 12210433 Stripper Wire 20-20 Ga 12210437 Solder 60/40 24 Ga. (.022 In) 12210849 Tool Wire Removal 20-26 Gauge 12210436 Desoldering Tool 89688700 Board Extender 89980600 Board Extractor Quantity 2 2 Oscilloscope (Tektronix 453 or Equivalent) Voltmeter (20,000 ohm/V min) Load Resistor 60 ohm, 5%, 10 watt Isopropyl 89633300 F 2 Alcohol 6-1 The pubJications Jisted beJow are appJ icabJe to the equipment. PubJication Number Mini Computer Site Preparation ManuaJ 60437000 J784 Reference ManuaJ 89633400 J784 I/O Specification ManuaJ 89673JOO J700 Computer System Codes ManuaJ 60J63500 TeJetypewriter C.E. ManuaJ 60J63700 System Maintenance Monitor (SMM J7) 60J82000 Refer aJso to Preface of this ManuaJ. 6-2 89633300 A CALIBRATE POWER SUPPLY LEVELS This calibration appl ies to both main and expansion enclosures. Check/Condition 1. Action System power on, system 1. Open the enclosure rear cover. not opera tiona 1 • 2. Connect the voltmeter (multimeter) to the test point (TP) for the main logic supply (Vee); location of the test point is shown in Figure 6-1. Check the value of the V cc supply (see Table 6-1). Correct? a. No Yes + Adjust the V supply voltage cc by screwdriver control located as shown in Go to next step Figure b. 3. 6-4. Repeat check. Repeat 2 with the computer running under test. 11. Repeat 2 and 3 for the following suppl ies: -12V, -5V, +30V (see Table 6-1). 2. System ac power switch OFF, front panel dc POWER switch ON, memory hold battery installed. 89633300 A 5. Repeat 2 above for the following suppl ies: V V (see Table 6-1). V cc2' SS' BB 6-3 TABLE 6-1 Supply No. - COMPUTER DC SUPPLIES Designation Nominal vo I tage volts Remarks Nominal Current 1. V cc + 5.0 35A R 2. V cc2 + 5.3 3A R,M 3. VSS +16.7 5A AB107/BA201-B, R, M VSS +19.7 5A AB108/BA201-A, R, M 4. VBB VSS + 3.5 40mA 5. -12V -12.0 100mA R, 6. - 5V - 5.0 lA R 7. +30V +30.0 300mA unregulated, M 8. battery cha rger 200mA current regulated R, M Internal suppl ies +35V 9. 10. auxiliary nol 11. auxi I iary no2 NOTES: 1. R: regulated supply 2. preregulated +35 un reg u I ated unregulated i nterna I supply - 7 M: supply to the memory only The tolerance on all regulated voltages is less than + 1/2 %. The maximum permissible ripple is 2% of each regulated voltage. 3. All power supply levels are generated in the power supply unit (terminal configuration shown in Figure 6-5). 4. All power supply levels are to be measured on the computer backplane at the test points (TP) shown in Figure 6-1. I 5. 6-4 Memory supply voltage (V SS ) is varied by VBB adjustment. 89633300 H CHECK BATTERY (Optional power back-up source, equipment GD611-A) Check/Condition Action System power off. 1. 1. Make sure the battery is fully charged. Note: the battery is fully charged if it is charged 32 hours. fully dis~harged If the battery is not a shorter period of charging may be sufficient. Disconnect the battery from its terminals in the enclosure; refer to Figure 3-7. Connect the voltmeter {multimeter} across the battery. WARNING Do not short battery, I Check the battery vol tage () 24.2V). Cor rec t? , -----~. No Yes Change battery (refer to instructions in Section 3). Go to next step 2. Connect two 60 ohm 5% 10 watt resistors across the battery in parallel. Connect the voltmeter (multimeter) across the resistors. Check the battery voltage (~24.2V). Correct? No -----------------~~ t Change battery (refer to instructions in Section 3). Yes Reconnect battery Go to next step. 3. Switch off all power and close the enclosure rear 89633300 F cover. 6-5 1'1 AC F2 OOFFGeONO 0 .J2 _ VBB. Console GNO[l] • -SENSE TTY Internal Cable .SENSE. • PWR •• -12V VCC2 FAIL Figure 6-1. Computer Backplane Showing the Power Supply Test Points 89633300 F INSPECTION OR REPLACEMENT OF PRINTED WIRING BOARD Should it be deemed necessary to remove or inspect any of the printed circuit assemblies in the enclosure, proceed as follows: NOTE WARNING Make sure that system Do not remove any circuits with the enclosure power on. is not operational before switching off system power. 1. System power off. (Power off Procedure, 1. Open enclosure front door. NOTE refer to page 6-27). When removing a printed wiring assembly note its slot number carefully for future reference. In a system including 2. 2. Remove the suspected printed wiring assembly the expansion enclosure from its place in the enclosure using the its power must be card extractor tool (part 89670300) as switched off before the illustrated in Figure 6-2. main enclosure. WARNING Memory Module assembl ies (equipments BA20l-A, BA20l-B) require special handl ing: refer to Section 7, Protection Against Catastrophic Damage. 3. Replace a suspected PWA into its slot only if it is not faulty. Otherwise substitute a fully tested similar PWA. 4. 89633300 A Close front door of enclosure. 6-7 BOARD EXTRACTOR PUlL TO IIfMOVE I'WA > BOARD EXTENDER I'WA W_R TEST IIOAIID EXTRACTOR Figure 6-2. 6-8 Use of Board Extractor and Board Extender 89633300 F INSPECTION OR REPLACEMENT OF THE POWER SUPPLY UNIT Should it be deemed necessary to remove or inspect the power supply unit in the enclosure, proceed as follows: NOTE The power supply unit should not be repaired in the field. In case of a fault the unit should be replaced as a whole. 1. System power off. 1. Open the enclosure front door. (Power off procedure, refer to page 6-27). 2. I n a sys tem inc 1ud i ng the expansion enclosure, its power must be switched off before the power of the main enclosure. WARNING The power supply -does not use an input isolating transformer and parts of its circuits are at line voltage during operation. Do not touch the power supply unit while the line cord is plugged in. 2. Remove the power supply heat shield by removing its retaining screws on the inside of the enclosure front door (refer to Figure 6-3). 3. Remove all connections from power supply connector panel (refer to Figure 6-4). 4. Remove the power supply unit by removing its retaining screws (refer to Figure 6-5). 5. Reconnect the power supply after repair and testing or reconnect another one by reversing the procedures under 3 and 4 above. 6. Recalibrate the power supply voltages as described earl ier in this section. 7. Replace the power supply heat shield by reversing procedure in 2 above). 8. " 89633300 A Close enclosure front door. 6-9 I - ..-- e • • • • • • Fisrure 6-3. Power Su?plv Heat Shield and Retaining Screws 6-10 89633300 F ( ( .... ~ti== »>";' .) ~ f3 5A 0 F4 0 lOOmA () 0 Figure 6~4. Power Supply Adjustments and Fuses GIlD o • • / / • POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS figure 6-5. 89633300 F Power Supply Terminals and Retaining Screws 6-11 CHECK PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS NOTE Section 2 describes the controls and indicators of the Prog'ranvn~r's Console. These tests relate only to the main computer enclosure after its proper installation. Action Check/Condition 1. I. System power on Check that all I ights corresponding to regist~r positions (except the Breakpoint register) on the front panel are extinguished. Yes No - - - - - - - -....... I~-----------~. 2. Press MASTER CLEAR switch a. Take appropriate action b. Repeat check Press the M register selector and the data enter pushbutton switches (0 through 15) Check that all indicators corresponding to the switches pressed light (1) Yes No.,;;..··-----------1... a. Take appropriate action b. Repeat check __________________..... 3. Press CLEAR button l ~ ~ Check that all data enter indicators are extinguished Yes No ----------------.. a. b. Go to next step 6-12 Take appropr iate act ion(2) Repeat check Note,s: refer to next page. 89633300 F 4. Repeat 2, 3 for registers P, Y, X, A, Q, B 5. Actuate each of the following switches in turn: AUTOLOAD, MANUAL INTRPT., STOP, MASTER CLEAR, GO All pushbutton switches Check if the switches operate correctly (refer to Section 2 and the SMM manual). No __________________ Yes t Go 2. ~.. a. . . (3) Take appropriate action b. Repeat check to next step Controls and Indicators checked. Notes: 1. The CLEAR and MASTER CLEAR functions are defined in the Computer System Reference Manual (publication number 89633400). The signals may be traced with the aid of the Programmer's Console basic diagram (refer to Section 5) and the back-plane wire list (refer to Section 9). 2. To replace an indicator lamp, carry out the appropriate procedure outlined in the following pages. 3. 89633300 F To replace a pushbutton switch, carry out the appropriate procedure outlined in the following pages. 6-13 E"ECTOR PIN MARKS (4 PLACES) l f REMOVE AMY PRO"ECTION FROM MOUNTING BASE Bottom View of Programmer's Console Pushbutton Switch Part No. 89652300 (See also CDC Specification 89652300) 6-14 89633300 F INSPECTION OR REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAMMER'S CONSOLE Should it be deemed necessary to inspect or remove the Programmer's Console printed wiring assembly; to inspect or replace a pushbutton switch or indicator lamp, proceed as follows: NOTE Make sure that system is not operational before switching off system power. Switch off system power according to Power Off procedure below. 1. 1. Open the enclosure front door. 2. Remove the power supply heat shield by removing its retaining screws on the inside of the computer enclosure front door (refer to Figure 6-3). 3 •.. Remove two screws hold i ng cover of front panel from the rear of the front door (refer to Figure 6-6a). ; 4. Remove two small front covers (carrying names of switches and indicators) from the front of the door. 5. Remove three screws from each of the two edges of the front panel as shown on Figure 6-6b. WARNING Do not remove the other four screws on the (hinge side) edge of the front door, as these secure the door to the enclosure. 89633300 A 6-15 SYSTEM 17 PROGRAMMERS CONSOLE PUSH BUTTON SWITCH INSTALLATION 1. SCOPE These instnic,tions detail requirements switch PIN 896S~300, used on System 17 PIN 89640300. 2. installing push button rogrammer's Console APPL I CABLE DOCUMENTS \,\. "',,- \t, CDC SPEC 89652300 - 3. REQUIREMENTS 4. Premounting 5. pus~~ttqil Switch, X 1\ preparatiO?~ . / / SPST. '\ \, " ''\. Switch Preparation ,f Switch mounting b . .e shall be free from burrs, as outlined in Fi~re 1, and other undes eable projections. Note, the Rohdium all0.'; contacts project 0.0035 ,ttes below the mounting base. A smoot/, projection free, mounting ba~\~ is imperative for proper sWitcfoperat ion. 6. / \ \ Printed WVring Board Preparat ion - Cleaning / I \ \ \ The sW~Ch is sensitive to cleaning solvents. Safe ~Jeaning solvents to usr are trichlorethylene, methyl denatured alcohol r isopropyl alcoiol. PWB's shall be cleaned and dryed before mountl i and/not afterwards. WARNING I Do not use Freon TMC. It will eat away at / / ~ the plastic material. Freon TF will distort I \ 6-15A 'Jl'.~' \S ~ ~ I D 9. 3. To replace an indicator 10. Check the pushbutton switch (refer to previous subsection). Locate and remove the faulty indicator lamp on the Programmer's lamp: Console assembly, perform lamp and remove it. steps. 10~ 13. unsolder the two legs of the To remove unwanted solder use suitable copper braid. (Indicator lamp: WARNING Do not use suction to remove unwanted solder, suction may lift off printed conductors from the board. CDC PIN 8963700) 11. Clean the printed wiring board with methyl denatured alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. 12. Mount the replacement indicator lamp by inserting its two legs in the freed holes until the lamp is seated flat against the board. Carefully solder the two legs to the printed wiring pads. Remove unwanted solder and clean the area using the materials of step 11. 13. Check the indicator lamp (refer to previous subsection). 89633300 A 6-17 4. To replace the 14. Programmer's Console Proceed in removing the whole'Programmer's Console by the following procedure: assembly follow steps 14 through 16. - * unsolder the. power supply connection at bottom right hand corner of the assembly I NOTE: Steps noted by asterisks apply to series A12 and down. For other series, see the notes at the bottom of this page. (looked at from the inside of the front door of the enclosure: refer to Figure 6-6a) - * open rear cover of enclosure, remove the connector of the assembly (refer to Figure 6-1) and slide the cable and connector through under the card nest to the front of the enclosure remove the printed wiring assembly by removing 10 screws around its periphery. 15. To reconnect the printed wiring assembly after repair or with another, good one, reverse the order of procedures 1 through 5 and 8. 16. Check all Programmer's Console indicators and switches according to the instructions (refer to previous subsection). I * This step in the procedure appl ies only to series Al2 and down. For series AI3 and up, including models C and D, this instruction reads: - remove the power supply connector at bottom right hand corner of assembly (looked at from the inside of the front door of the enclosure}. Refer to figure 6-6a. ~ This step applies only to series A12 and down. For series AI3 and up, including models Cand D, this instruction reads as follows: - disconnect the two connectors on the programmer's console card which attach the main harness. They are marked J20 and J21 on the enclosure. 6-18 89633300 F 00 I.D ~ BLOWER WIRE SOLDERED JOINTS W W W o o ." GND vee BLOWER RETAINING SCREWS OF DISPLAY PANelS ~ I I.D Figure 6-6a. Inside of Computer Enclosure Front Door Note: This view does not apply to all series. See the note on page 3-7. REMOVE THESE SCREWS o •• Figure 6-6b. 6-20 Inside of Computer Enclosure Front Door. 89633300 A LOWER FAN BASE WITH FOUR RETAINING SCREWS (TYPE IDENTIFIERS C AND D ONLY) Figure 6-7. Blower Assembly in Top of Enclosure (All Type Identifiers) 89633300 F 6-21 INSPECTION OR REPLACEMENT OF COOLING BLOWERS I Each enclosure of type C or D is cooled by sLx centrifugal blowers'. Three blowers are housed in the top of the enclosure (figure 6-7), two in the bottom of the enclosure(not installed in type A, see figure 6-7), and one blower is in the front door of the enclosure. (figure 6-6a). The blower in the front door cools the power supply unit mounted above it. The blowers in the enclosure (three on top and two on bottom) supply cooling air to the printed wiring assemblies in the main body of the enclosure. Should it be deemed necessary to inspect or remove one or more of the blowers, follow the appropriate procedure outl ined below. WARNING The computer must not be operated or switched on with the blowers outside the enclosure, or otherwise not operational. Note that free access of air around the enclosure must be maintained. Inspection of the b10wer in the front door Provided proper care is 1. Open the enclosure front door. 2. Inspect the blower visually. exercised system power need not be switched To check the airflow a sheet of paper may be placed off. momentarily on the air inlet: with proper airflow the paper will be sucked close to the body of the blower. 3. If the blower does not function switch off the power to the enclosure immediately (refer to Power Off Procedure), check wiring continuity according to appropriate wiring diagram (see Section 5) and if necessary, remove the blower. Otherwise close the enclosure front door and 6-22 proceed with normal operation or further checks. 89633300 F Inspection of blowers in the enclosure To inspect the three blowers in the top of the enclosure and the two blowers in the bottom, they have to be slid out from the body of the enclosure. 1. Make sure that the system is not operational and switch off th~ system power according to Power Off Procedure. CAUTION In step 2, do not let the blower box that is mounted in the bottom of the enclosure fall freely after its four mounting screws have been removed. Support it by hand or some other way, to prevent strain and possible damage to the two connectors. 2. Undo the screws holding the blower box (two screws on either side of the enclosure: refer to Figure 6-7). See Caution. 3. Open the enclosure front door. 4. 51 ide out the blower box carefully and inspect the blowers and the wiring. To check the airflow of the blowers, prepare a sheet of paper, switch on the power to the enclosure for a very short time and place the sheet of paper across the inlet of each blower momentarily; with proper airflow the paper will be sucked close to the body of the blower. 5. If one of the blowers does not function, check wiring continuity according to appropriat~ wiring diagram (refer to Section 5) and if necessary, remove the blower according to outline procedure below. Otherwise sl ide back blower box carefully, replace the four screws holding it, close the enclosure front door and proceed with normal operation or further checks. 89633300 F 6-23 Removal and replacement of a blower NOTE Make sure that the system is not operational before switching off system power. Before removing a blower inspect it (see two previous subsections) and make sure that its removal is necessary. I. Undo electrical connection of the blower: a. the wire of the blower in the front door is part of the cable form of the door; to remove the blower connection cut the ta~ing of this cable, cut the heatshrinkable tubing over the blower connection and cut the wires (Figure 6-6a); b. the blowers in the top part of the enclosure are wired through a terminal I ADDENDUM: c. the blowers in the bottom part of the enclosure are block (refer to Figure 6-7); to disconnect a blower its wire has to be removed from this terminal block. wired to individual connectors (figure 6-8). To disconnect a blower, pullout its plug. 2. Remove the blower bodily by undoing the three screws holding it (refer to Figures 6-6a, 6-7). WARNING Do not operate or switch on the computer without one of the blowers. 3. Ensure that replacement blower is in good working order. Install it by reversing the procedure of paragraphs 2 and I above. After installation inspect the blowers and close the enclosure (refer to previous subsections). 6-24 89633300 F ___ tL. ___ l1.. __ ... ,1 {~/I 1 (V'-I " ~I ---1J-YV-- I REFERENCE: MAl N HARNESS 89633300 F / Figure 6-8. Exposed View of Two Lower fans and Electrical Connections 6-25 WARN TURN M - , POWER ON: PROCEDURE FOR SWITCHING ON POWER To apply power to the computer (equipment AB107lAB108) and the Expansion Enclosure (equi pment 8T148), proceed as follows:· NOTE It is assumed that the equipment has been installed and is operational. For Power On Procedure on first installation refer to Section 3 of this manual. 1. Make sure all the power switches of the computer are off. are listed in the following table: Equipment Swi tch Des i gnat ion The sw itches Location ABl07/AB108 AC POWER DC POWER Rear Panel Front Panel BT148 AC POWER Rear DC POWER Panel Front Panel 2. Make sure that the power cord of each enclosure is connected to a utility outlet. 3. Switch on the power to the utility outlets. 4. Turn on the equipment switches in the following order. On turning on the DC POWER, the associated indicator should light. Step Sw itch Designation Location Panel 1. ABl07lABl08 AC POWER Rear 2. AB107/ABl08 BTl48 BT148 DC POWER AC POWER DC POWER Front Panel Rear Panel Front Panel 3. 4. 6-26 Equipment 89633300 F POWER OFF: PROCEDURE FOR SWITCHING OFF POWER To remove the power from the computer (equipment ABI07/ABI08) and associated Expansion Enclosure (equipment BT148) proceed according to the following instructions: EMERGENCY SHUT-DOWN In case of emergency (suspected burning in the computer and associated equipment) perform anyone or all of the following steps (the steps are given in order of preference): Step Action Locat ion 1. Swi tch off circuit breaker of ins ta II at ion Depends on installation 2. Switch off AC POWER switch on each equipment AB! 07 Pull power cord(s) from .uti I ity outlet Utility outleds) 3. ABI08 BT148 J rear panel REGULAR SHUT-DOWN To shut down the computer proceed as follows: 1. Make sure that the system is not being operated. 2. Turn off the equipment switches in the following order: Step Equipment Swi tch Designation 1. BTI48 DC POWER Front Panel 2. BTI48 AC POWER Rear 3. ABI 07/ABI 08 DC POWER Front Panel 4. ASI 07/AB 108 AC POWER Rear 89633300 F Locat i on Panel Panel 6-27 DIAGNOSTICS AND MARGIN TESTS TEST PROGRAMS SMM17 Memory, Command and Random Protect Tests. TEST CONDITIONS (See alJo table 6-1) CONDITION VCC VSS NOMINAL DC VOLTAGES 1 +5% +5% VCC: 2 -5% +5% 3 -5% -5% 4 +5% -5% +5.3 VDC VCC2: VSS: +1~.7 VDC (AB107) VSS: +19.7 VDC (AB108) VBB: VSS + 3.5 VDC -12.0 VDC -12 - 5.0 VDC - 5 +5.0 VDC I Operational Tests At nominal voltages, run several passes of each SMM test. errors on any test are allowed. No Run several passes of each test at each of the 4 conditions listed above. Return the supply to its nominal values, and re-run the tests. Shock testing is not recommended, but very light tapping should not produce errors. 6-28 89633300 F SECTION MAINTENANCE 7 AIDS MAINTENANCE AIDS TTL CIRCUIT OPERATION The transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is analogous to diode-transistor logic (OTL) in certain respects. As shown in Figure 7-1 a low voltage at inputs A or B will allow current to flow through the diode associated with the low input, and no drive current will pass through diode 0 3, If inputs A and B are raised to high voltage, drive current will pass through d10de 0 3 , In TTL circuitry the multiple-emitter transistor performs the same function as the diodes in OTL (see Figure 7-2). However the transistor action of the multiple-emitter transistor causes transistor Ql to turn-off more rapidly thus providing an inherent .switching-time advantage over the OTL circuit. Although one-volt dc noise margins are typical for TTL circuits, an absolute guarantee of 400 millivolts is given for every unit by manufacturers. Each output is tested to ensure that the logic high output voltage will not fall below 2.4 volts. This is done with full fan-out, lowest Vcc and 0.8 volt on the input: 400 mV more than the logical low maximum. Each output is tested to ensure that the logic low output voltage will not exceed 0.4 volt. This is done with full fan-out, lowest Vec and 2 volts on the input: 400 mV less than the logic high minimum. In actual system operation, the majority of circuits do not experience worst-case conditions of fan-out, supply voltage, temperature, and input voltage simultaneously. In addition the threshold voltage of the TTL circuits is about 1.5 volts. These characteristics allow a larger voltage change on an input without false triggering. This typical noise margin is shown in Figure 7-3. Another important feature of the design is the output configuration which both supplies current (in the logical high state) and sinks current (in the logical low state) from a low impedance. Typically logical low output impedance is 12 ohm and logical high output impedance is 70 ohm. This low output impedance in either state rejects capacitively coupled pulses and ensures small R-C time constants which preserve wave-shape integrity. 89633300 A 7-1 Vee Vee 01 Input A 03 Output o-~I--I--II~o Output 02 Input Input A B Inpllt B o----J "=' Figure 7-1. Diode AND Gate. OC Leve' Figure 7-2. 2,8 Vee 4,715 V (volta) 2,0 V ',2 - . ,a. Figure 7-3. 7-2 r .. Not.. " ..gift I I 40 I 80 Logio Hi,h Logio Low 1 Logic LoW • 20 I TTL AND Gate. IT Lotic High "argin 0,4 o - ~ eround III' T.,..,.rotur. (Oe) Typical Logic Level Margins for TTL Micrologic 89633300 A MOS CIRCUIT OPERATION THE MOS PROCESS AND SILICON GATE TECHNOLOGY The memory unit is realized with silicon gate metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) technology. This technology offers a number of advantages over aluminum gate MOS technology; some of these are listed: a. Gate oxide is protected immediately on formation in the silicon gate process. b. The self-aligned gate of the silicon gate device permits the construction of a smaller device with less gate-to-drain capacitance than is possib.le with aluminum technology. Faster, more compact circuits are made possible. c. The silicon layer can be used for interconnections, permitting reduced chip area per function. This is an important factor in large scale integrated (LSI) circuits where interconnection area affects cost even more than active component area. d. Improved reliability of the 'silicon gate devices due to the number of layers above the gate. e. Lower threshold voltage due to the use of silicon rather than aluminum as the gate material. 89633300 A 7-3 Static and Dynamic HOS Circuits The characteristics of the HOS field-effect-transistor (HOSFET) permit the construction of a wide variety of logic circuits with a large device and function density while giving good reliability and yield. An example of the application of these circuits is the memory unit of the computer, a 1024-bit random access, fully decoded read-write memory unit, accommodated on a single semiconductor chip. In general the HOS device may be used as an active amplifier or as a load Typical characteristi.cs of a HOSFET device are shown in resistor. Figure 7-4, together with a curve corresponding to it used as a load resistor with a 12 volt supply. The curves show drain current (IO) versus drain-tosource voltage (VOS) with gate-to-source bias voltage (V GS ) as a parameter. The substrate is assumed to be at source potential. The load resistor curve In the following is approximate as substrate bias effects have been neglected. discussion on the various circuits high and low refer to the relative magnitude of the voltage with respect to the substrate voltage level (VSS). Polarities are taken as correct for a p - channel device, i.e., all voltages negative with respect to the substrate. Note that the supply voltage for MOS devices is typically -15 to -18 volts; the logic high and low signals to the memory unit are typically as follows:· min. 7-4 max. input low voltage VSS - 17 VSS - 14.5 input high vo ltage VSS - 0.7 VSS + I 89633300 A Four types of MOSFET inverter stages are shown in Figure 7-5. In Figure 7-5a two MOS devices (Ql, Q2) are wired as a static inverter. When input is sufficiently hi.gh, Q2 turns on and the output is low. If the input is low it causes Q2 to be off and Ql pulls the output high. This circuit requires that for equivalent bias, Q2 should have much higher conductance than Ql to get reasonable noise margins; the two devices have therefore radically different geometries. This is shown in Figure 7-5a by representing Ql as a resistor and Q2 as a FET. As a result of the low conductance of Ql, current available from it to charge load capacitances is quite limited in this inverter and low-to-high transitions are rather slow. The circuit of Figure 7-5b is similar to that in Figure 7-5a when the clock is active. By making the clock voltage higher than V, a more consistent high output level is established. Once the output level is established, the clock may be switched off to save power. This technique is used in the low power data retention mode of operation (lPDR) to conserve battery and may be used also to give improved noise margins. The circuit of Figure 7-5c behaves as an inverter when the clock is active (high). This circuit may be used to drive relatively large capacitive loads through the high conductance of Q1, though it may consume relatively large amount of power while both the input and the clock are active (high). In the circuit of Figure 7-5d the capacitive load is charged when the clock input C is high and is discharged when C goes low, provided that the input is high. This circuit draws current only to charge and discharge the load and there is no dc drain. The load capacitance is, however, reflected back into the clock driver. The circuits of Figures 7-5b, c, d make use of temporary retention of data on the load capacitance and are therefore said to be dynamic, while that of Figure 7-5a is dc-stable and therefore static. 89633300 A 7-5 " •• idor C ...v. Load - 4.0 Ves =-IOV Vas·- IV . - 2.0 Ves =-IV Vas =-4V Vas =-2 V -8 Figure 7-4. -10 -18 Typical HOS Characteristic V V V C o--t VDS -20 V C 01 o--t Output Output o--t C>-i Input tftput - a. Statio Input - It. Gated Static Figure 7-5. 7-6 Output Output I c. I Input ,.,.... I -!- d. Dynamic. Low Power ....L '" - -:Dynamio I -L- HOS Inverter Circuits 89633300 A v Q3 _-0 Output Q4 Input Figure 7-6. MOS Inverter with Output Booster C 0 • I I I rt *cs I ~ Figure 7-7. 89633300 A • I I ...L. ..,... CL I + MOS Transmission Gate 7-7· Larger capacitive loads may be driven by static inverters only if a booster stage is added. A loss of high level is introduced unless bootstrap techniques are used. A booster stage is shown in Figure 7-6. A transmission gate is shown in Figure 7-7. The load capacitance CL is charged When towards the voltage on the input capacitor Cs when the clock C is high. the clock input is returned low it switches off Ql and CL retains the voltage it was charged to. The circuit of Figure 7-7 may be driven from a number of different source circuits. When the source is dynamic the transmission gate clock C should be kept high during the entire period when Cs and CL are being charged and discharged,otherwise improper voltages may result. For example if Cs is initially charged and CL initially discharged, they will share their charge when the transmission gate is opened by the clock being made active. The voltage on the capacitors will thus be a function of the relative values of the two capacitors. Unless the circuit is designed to operate with such intermediate voltage levels incorrect operation will result. Such circuits make up the memory unit (Section 4) which work together with auxiliary and control circuits in the memory module, memory address and memory control circuits. 7-8 89633300 A PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING THE MEMORY MODULES The The and and memory banks are arrays of memory units mounted on the Memory Modules. memory units are MOSFET circuits characterized by very high impedances some special precautions should be observed while handling them both in out of circuit. PROTECTION AGAINST CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE As with any semiconductor component, the memory units can be damaged by misuse, or misapplied voltages. The component should be protected from such misuse during shipment, handl ing, and when installed in the system. MOS circuits are characterized by high impedances, and therefore are capable of being charged to high voltages by static charges. The gate circuits of MOS transistors are subject to destructive breakdown if excessively charged. The memory unit has an effective gate protection circuit for all input connections, and requires no elaborate precautions in normal use. However, some environments are subject to extreme build up of static charge, and are capable of releasing sufficient amounts of energy to damage any semiconductor MOS components in particular should be protected from these static component. charges. Some precautions which are easy to implement and yet which are quite effective are: 89633300 A a. Carry components and memory unit cards in conductive trays, such as metal or foil-lined pans. b. Personnel must touch ground, the chassis or the carrier tray before picking up components and memory unit cards. Avoid high static materials and fabrics in work areas. 7-9 SECTIor~ 8 PARTS LIST -~ PARTS DATA (Sheet 1) Use the parts listed below to maintain the equipments listed on page iii. Numbers enclosed in parentheses indicate notes. PART NAME PART NUMBER IN EQUIPMENT AB107-A/C/D AB108-A/C/D BT148-A/C/D BU120-A ALU PWA Timing PWA (1) Decoder PWA I/O Interface PWA (1) TTY Controller PWA (6) Console Interface PWA Memory Address PWA 89614100 89614100 89778200 89934400 89791300 89967400 89600043 89615000 89778201 89934400 89791300 89967400 89600043 89615000 89949000 89602069 89893800 89637000 89652300 89690200 89764900 89949000 89602069 89893800 89997700 92371016 93419306 92383005 9341922r ~637100 89637100 89637000 89652300 89690200 89764900 53397915 53397918 93947009 51788834 97030200 53397915 53397918 93947009 51788834 97030200 Memory Control PWA Programmer's Console PWA (2,3,4) Console Cable Assembly (2,5) Power Supply Unit (7) Fuse, 5A, fast blow Fuse, 100 rnA, slow blow Fuse, 8A, slow blow Fuse, lA, slow blow Blower (mounted in door) Blower (mounted in enclosure) Lamp, indicator bulb Switch, pushbutton (3) Switch, pushbutton (4) Switch, pushbutton (4) Connector, Rlug .. (5) Contact, socket (5) Connector (2) Contact, socket (2) Switch, DPDT (AC input) Lamp, miniature, 6v (power on) 89633300 H 89997700 92371016 93419306 92383005 93419222 89637100 89637100 89615000 89949000 89997700 92371016 93419306 92383005 93419222 896371 00 I 89637100 97030200 89818700 8-1 PAR T S DAT A (Sheet 2) PART NUMBER IN EQUIPMENT PART NAME AB107/8-A/C/D AB108-A/C/D BT148-A/C/D BU120-A Switch,toggle, 2P, 7201/Jl-CB 89640901 89640901 Switch,toggle, 3P, 7203/J2-CB Lens, lamp red (power on) 89640904 89640904 Lens, lamp, white 89633100 89640901 89780201 89633100 Equipment BA201-A, 600 nanosecond Memory, Part Number 89876300 Equipment BA201-B, 900 nanosecond Memory, Part Number 89876600 Equipment GD611-A, Memory Hold Battery, Part Number 89650100 NOTES: (1) Timing PWA 89778200 (or 89778201) and I/O Interface PWA 89791300 must both be used at the same time. If you replace one, you must also replace the other. (2a) The PIN for the programmer's Console PWA with its related series code is as follows: PWA SERIES 89987600 A04-A12 89987700 A13-A16 89985400 A17-A19 89602068 88602669 C01-C03 D01- (2b) Programmer's Console PWA PINs 89640300 and 89987600 include an integral cable assembly PIN 89893800, used in series A04 to A12. Programmer's Console PWA PINs 89881800 and 89987700, used in series A13 up, do not include the cable assembly. To install PIN 89881800 or 89987700 (more lately 89985400 and 89602069) into series A04 to A12, make sure of the following: * Install cable assembly 89893800 at the same time. * Use connector 93947009 and four socket contacts 51788834 on the power supply wire harness assembly (P22). I 8-2 89633300 H PAR T S DAT A (sheet 3 of 3) NOTES (continued) (3) Pushbutton switch 89652300 is used with Console PWA 89640300 in A04 to A12. (4) Pushbutton switch 89690200 is used with Console PWA 89602069 in A13 up. Twenty-nine switchcaps PIN 89764900 must be ordered together with Console PWA 89602069. (5) Plug connector 53397915 and contact sockets 53397918 are parts of Console Cable Assembly 89893800. (6) TTY Controller PWA 89967400 is one of four valid TTY Controller part numbers in the field. See page 5-373 for details. (7a)The PIN for the power supply PWA and its related series code is as follows: PWA SERIES 89964700 A04-A09 89983000 Al0-A19 DOl 89997700 (7b) Two power supply wiring diagrams and two power supply I/O wiring harnesses are provided in section 5 to cover Power Supply Unit part number 89997700 and the other valid units in the field. 89633300 H 8-3/8-4 I SECTION 9 WIRE LISTS WIRE LISTS Table 9-la gives the wire list for the TTY Internal Cable. I Table 9-lb gives the wire list for the TTY External Shielded Cable. I Tables 9-2 and 9-3 are the wire 1 ists for the Memory Expansion Cables, which form part of equipment BU120-A. Refer to Figure 3-4 for placement details of these cables. Table 9-4(a) and 9-4(b) give the backplane wiring of the AB107/AB108 in, respectively, signal name order and card slot order. These tables incorporate the wiring for the CPU, Memory System, A/Q and DSA buses and that for the slots preassigned to equipments FA716, FA442, FA446 , Fv497 and Fv618. For slot assigned allocation refer to page 5-6. Table 9-5 gives the backplane wiring of the BT148 Expansion Enclosure in signal name order. For slot assignment allocation refer to page 5-7. Table 9-6 supplies the COT external cable assembly wire list. Note: The signal names shown in the wiring 1 ists may differ slightly from those listed in Section 5. Equivalents of typical signal names are given below. Signal name in Section 5 Section 9 ACA05 ACAS D~UT07 ALUOO DOUT7 ALUOL ·· · ALU07 ·· ·· ALU7L ALU08 ALUOM ·· ·· ··· · ALU7M ALU15 MC 89633300 E MC* , Notes I" Double/single digit representation of numbers under 10 16 signals to 'the two ALU assemblies: suffix L: least significant suffix M: most significant Inverse signal: over1 ine/asterisk 9-1 TABLE 9-1 a. TTY INTERNAL CABLE PIN 89681,200 CONDUCTOR I DENT. COLOR RED 1 2 ORIGIN DESTI NAT ION (1) (2) P2A03 A08 A 13 3 4 B21 A22 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11, RED A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 P2A31 I Pl-24 13 23 58 41 43 45 1,7 49 51 53 55 57 PI-08 REMARKS/ SIGNAL NAME GRO UN D BAUD SEL M. I • GROUND PAR.SEL -12V -12V TTY-KB TTY-PR CRT-TRANS EVEN PARITY MOTOR ON CRT-REC VCC (1) Origin: 66-h61e connector shell plug. (2) Destination: 62-hole connector block. _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 TABLE 9-1b. TTY EXTERNAL SHIELDED CABLE PIN 89642300 --'--r--COLOR CONDUCTOR I DENT. 1 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 I, BlK RED GRN WHT BRN BLU ORN YEL ORIGIN REMARKS/ SIGNAL NAME (1) DESTI NAT ION (2) 5 43 -12V 7 6 8 45 -12V TTY-KB TTY-PR NOT US ED NOT US ED NOT USED NOT US ED 47 49 (1) Origin: Molex type. (2) Destination: Continental type. I 9-2 89633300 E I TABLE 9-2. MEMORY EXPANSION BU120-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (PI) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658101 (sheet 1 of 3) ------- CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i1 -12 13 14 1'J 16 17 18 ;q J; ?; n 23 :~4 25 26 27 28 29 30 COLOR GRN-WHT BLK GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT I RED GRN-WHT i GRN-WHT ORN GRN-WHT I I,I GRN-WHT VEL I I GRN-WHT GRN-WHT i GRN GRN-WHT , GRN-WHT I! BLU , GRN-WHT ! GRN-WHT I! VIO f GRN-WHT I GRN-WHT GRA GRN-WHT GRN-WHT WHT GRN-WHT I I I i I I I I I ORIGIN DESTINATION (I) (2) GND P1BOl GND GND P1B02 GND GND P1B04 GNO GND P1B06 GND GND P1B08 GND GND P1B09 GND GND P1A10 GND GND P1B10 GND GND P1All GND GND P1A12 GND GND Pl BOl GND GND P1B02 GND GND P1B04 GND GND P1B06 GND GNO P1B08 GNO GND P1B09 GND GND P1A1O GND GNO P1B1O GND GND I P1All I GND GNO P1A12 GND I -- !, -~I REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 31 SLOT 33 MXOL ---I -"'-1 i SOl I Ij , ! I MX1L SA2 MX2L SOO ,I I I MX3L S02 , , I MX4L I SD3 I I ,! I MX5L SD7 I I I ALU3L I SA3 i I I ALU2L SD6 ALU1L SOS ALUOL 504 -- Numbers enclosed in parentheses indicate notes. See sheet 3. 89633300 E 9-3 I TABLE 9-2. MEMORY EXPANSION BU120-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (pl) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658101 (sheet 2 of 3)" CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 COLOR GRN-WHT BLK GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT RED GRN-WHT GRN-WHT ORN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT YEL GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BLU GRN':'WHT GRN-WHT VIO GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRA GRN-WHT GRN-WHT WHT GRN-WHT ORIGIN (1) GND P1B12 GND GND P1A13 GND GND P1B13 GND GND P1B14 GND GND P1B15 GND GND P1A16 GND GND P1B17 GND GND P1B18 GND GND P1B21 . GND GND P1A22 GND DESTINATION (2) GND P1B12 GND GND P1A13 GND GND P1B13 GND GND P1B14 GND GND P1B15 GND GND P1A16 GND GND P1B17 GND GND P1B18 GND GND Pl B21 GND GND P1A22 GND Numbers enclosed in parentheses indicate 9-4 REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 31 SLOT 33 MX6L SA5 MX71 SA4 MXOM SPBM MX1M CPBM MX2M SD8 MX3M SDll MX7M SD9 MX4M SD14 MX6M SDl3 MX5M SOlO notes. See sheet 3. 89633300 E I TABLE 9-2. MEMORY EXPANSION BU120-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (Pl) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658101 (sheet 3 of 3) CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 COLOR ORIGIN DESTINATION GRN-WHT BLK GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN:"'WHT GRN-WHT RED GRN-WHT GND P1B22 GND GND P1A23 GND GND P1B23 GND GND P1B22 GND GND P1A23 GND GND P1B23 GND (1) (2) REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 31 SLOT 33 ALU1M SA6 ALU2M SAll ALUOM CRI (1) Origin: 62-contact connector I (.2) Destination: 62-cQntact connector 89633300 E 9-5 TABLE 9-3. MEMORY EXPANSION BU120-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (P2) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658501 (sheet 1 of 3) I CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 COLOR GRN-WHT BLK GRN~WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN~WHT GRN-WHT RED GRN-WHT GRN-WHT ORN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT YEL GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BLU GRN-WHT GRN-WHT VIO GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRA GRN-WHT GRN-WHT WHT GRN-WHT ORIGIN DESTINATION (1) (2) GND P2B02 GND GND P2B03 GND . GND P2B04 GND GND P2B05 GND GOO P2B06 GND GND P2A09 GND GND P2B09 GND GND P2A10 GND GND P2B10 GND GND P2All GND GND P2B02 GND GND P2B03 GND GND P2B04 GND GND P2B05 GND GND P2B06 GND GND P2A09 GND GND P2B09 GND GND P2A10 GND GND P2B10 GND GND P2A11 GND REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 33 SLOT 31 ALU3M SD12 MX17 SA7 MPRY SD15 CVIOl SAlO WE SA12 PRTM SA9 CPEC SA14 SPI SA8 S WRITE SAl3 CRQ EDX Numbers inside parentheses insicate notes. See sheet 3. 9-6 89633300 E I TABLE 9-3. MEMORY EXPANSION BU120-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (P2) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658501 (sheet 2 of 3) CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 . 55 56 57 58 59 60 COLOR GRN-WHT BLK GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT RED GRN-WHT GRN-WHT ORN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT YEL GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BLU GRN-WHT GRN-WHT VIO GRN-WHT GRN-WHT GRA GRN-WHT GRN-WHT WHT GRN-WHT ORIGIN DESTINATION (1) (2) GND P2Bll GND GND P2A12 GND GND P2B12 GND GND P2A13 GND GNO P2B13 GND GND P2B14 GND GND P2B15 GND GND P2B16 GND GND P2B17 GNO GND P2A18 GND GND P2Bll GND GND P2A12 GND GND P2B12 GND GND P2A13 GND GND P2B13 GND GND P2B14 GND GND P2B15 GND GND P2B16 GND GND P2B17 GND GND P2A18 GND REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 31 SLOT 33 CCPE --- --~ GOM2 SA15 ALU7L PRTSW ALU5M 32KW ALU6L NORMAL ALU7M MSXA ALU5L SDl7 ALU4M SRSM ALU6M SS ALU4L SD16 - Numbers inside parentheses indicate notes. See sheet 3. 89633300 E 9-7 I TABLE 9-3. MEMORY EXPANSION BUI20-A08 EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY (P2) AWG 28 PART NUMBER 89658501 (sheet 3 of 3) CONDUCTOR IDENTITY 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 I COLOR ORIGIN (1) GRN-WHT BlK GRN-WHT GRN-WHT BRN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT RED GRN-WHT GRN-WHT ORN GRN-WHT GRN-WHT VEL GRN-WHT DESTINATION (2) GND P2B18 GND GND P2A19 GND GND P2B19 GND GND P2B20 GND GND P2A22 GND GND P2B18 GND GND P2A19 GND GND P2B19 GND GND P2B20 GND GND P2A22 GND REMARKS/SIGNAL NAME SLOT 31 SLOT 33 DFEO SVIO MDEL SAO SAl GPEC SRQ PEL RGPWR Origin: 62-contact connector (2) Destination: 62-contact connector (1) 9-8 89633300 E TABLE 9-4.a WIRE LIST AB 107/AB 108 BACKPLANE (in signal name order) 89633300 A 9-9/9-10 PAGE N) ~ 1 I TO R F l I A 8 1 0 118 S T SIGNAL-NAME w.l. 20P2A24 08PlAOl QAP1 AH C8PIR30 08P2A 11 08P2 Bll 08P2dOA 08P? AJ1 12 PI ~Ofl -12V A NOENV ( 1) A POST MII8lE A POS1AMBlE A REACY f A REACV G A.SKEINCVF F A .SKEwCVF G 13P2Rl~ AID AID O~P2A06 11 PI R31 1'5P2AIA 13P1Al3 08 Pl All lOP2AOt) lOP2A26 09P2A2b lOPl A04 09I Pl A04 lOPl A2 8 09P1A28 lOP! 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T.P. T.P. T.P. T.P. T.P. T.P. WIRE LIST 8T148 89633300 A WIRE LIST BT148 12P1A09,13P1A09 05P1A09,IIP1A09 05P1A20,11P1A20 04P1A20,05P1A20 l1P1A20,12P1A20 12P1A20,13P1A20 20P1A20,21P1A20 13P1A20,19P1A20 03P1A20,04P1A20 01P1A20,03P1A20 19P1A20,20P1A20 19P1B21,20P1B21 01P1B21,03P1B21 13P1B21,19P1B21 05P1B21,11P1B21 12P1B21,13P1B21 20P1B21,21P1B21 03P1B21,04P1B21 04P1B21,05P1B21 -11P1B21,12P1B21 T.P. T.P. WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WEZ* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* WRITE* TABLE 9-6. COT EXTERNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY WIRE LIST (P/N 89668300) COT WIRE WIRE CPU CONNECTOR/PIN GAUGE COLOR CONNECTOR/ SIGNAL NAME PIN AWG22 BLK P14-51 CRT-TRANS -3 RED Pllt-57 CRT-REC -7 GRN P14-58 COMMON (GND) WHT/BLU Pl-5* CLEAR TO SEND jumpered to REQ~EST TO SEND f!-2 Pl-4 AWG22 * Pl-5 (CLEAR TO SEND) is jumpered to assembly connector for COT. 89633300 C pl~4 (REQUEST TO SEND) at 9-147/148 COMMENT SHEET MANUALTITLE CONTROL OATA R CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT 8A201-8, 8T148, 8U120, G0611 0 _ _ _ __ 0_ PUBLICATION NO. _8-=9:.....6-=3;,.::;3..::;.3_ FROM: ABl07, ABl08, BA20l-A HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL REVISION _ _ _~H_ __ NAME: ____________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ COMMENTS: This form is not intended to be used as an order blank. Your evaluation of this manual will be welcomed by Control Data Corporation. Any errors, suggested additions or deletions, or general comments may be made below. Please include page number references and fill in publication revision level as shown by the last entry on the Record of Revision page at the front of the manual. Customer engineers are urged to use the TAR. NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN U. S. A. FOLD ON DOTTED LINES AND STAPLE STAPLE STAPLE mw mw ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1I 111111 I NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES I I I I I I 1 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 8241 w MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Z :;:; POST AGE WILL BE PAID BY CONTROL DATA CORPORATION PUBLICATIONS ANO GRAPHICS DIVISION 4455 EASTGATE MAll LA JOllA, CALIFORNIA 92037 l- I:::> :u I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~w mw
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