901713B_Sigma_6_Reference_Man_Jun71 901713B Sigma 6 Reference Man Jun71
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• Xerox SIGMA 6 Computer Reference Manual ... .~I XEROX SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Code In$truction Nome Page LB LH L':I LD LCH LAH LCW LAW LCD LAD LS LM LCFI LCF XW STB STH STW STD STS STM STCF 22 72 52 32 12 5,0. 5B 3,0. 3B 1,0. IB 4,0. 2,0. 02 70 46 75 55 35 15 47 2B 74 . Load Immediate Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Byte Hallward Ward Doubleword Complement Hallward Absolute Hallward Complement Word Absolute Word Complement Doubleward Absolute Doubleword Selective Multiple Load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate Load Condition. and Floating Control Exchange Word Store Byt. Store Hallward Store Word Store Doubleword Store Selective Store Multiple Store Condition. and Floating ConlJol 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 6B 20 50 30 10 58 38 18 23 57 37 56 36 66 73 53 33 Add Immediate Add Hallward Add Word Add Doub leward Subtract Hallward Subtract Word Subtract Doubleward Multiply Immediate Multiply Hallward Multiply Word Divide Hallward Divide Word Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Add Short Add Long Subtract Short Subtract Long Multiply Short Multiply Long Divide Shart Divide Long 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 7E 7F 79 78 7B 7A 70 7C 76 77 Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Load Store Add Subtract Multiply 56 56 57 57 57 DECIMAL DL DST DA OS OM DO DC DSA PACk UNPk 31 39 39 PUSH DOWN 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 PSW PLW PSM PLM MSP 37 Analyze Interpret 3D 10 3C IC 3F IF 3E IE FAS FAL FSS FSL FMS FML FDS FDl MIS CBS TBS HBS EBS FIXED-POINT ARITHMETIC AI AH AW AD SH SW SO MI MH MW DH OW AWM MTB MTH MTW ~ Decima I Oi vide Decimal Compar. Decimal Shift Aritlvnetic Pock Decimal Digits 58 58 58 Unpack Decimal Digits 59 59 61 60 .1 40 63 Move Byte String Compare Byte String Translate Byte String Tran. late and Test Byte String Edit Byte String 61 62 63 63 64 09 Push Word Pull Word Push Mu hiple Pull Multiple Modify Stock Pointer 69 69 70 70 71 Execut. Branch on Condition. Set Branch on Conditions Reset Branch on Incrementing Regist.r 73 73 73 73 Branch on Decrementing Regist.r Branch and Link 7. 74 Calli Call 2 Call 3 Call. n n n n BYTE STRING ANALYZE/ INTERPRET ANLZ INT Instruction Nome FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC (!!I!!ionol) LOAD STORE LI Code Mnemonic Add Word 10 Memory Modify and Test Byte Modily and Te.t Hallward Mod ily and Te.t Word 43 43 43 Compore Immediat. 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 44 08 OB OA 13 EXECUTE/BRANC H EXU BeS BeR BIR BDR BAL 67 69 68 65 64 6A COMPARISON CI CB CH CW CD CS CLR CLM 21 71 51 31 II 45 39 19 Compore Compare Compare Compare Byte Halfword Word Doubleward Compare Selective Compare with Limits in Register Con:'pore with Limits in Memory LOGICAL OR EOR AND 49 48 4B OR Word Exclu.ive OR Ward AND Word 46 46 46 SHIFT S SF 25 24 Shilt Shift Floating ... 29 28 Convert by Addition Convert by Subtroc.tion CALI CAL2 CAL3 CAL. 04 05 06 07 CONTROL (prIvileged) LPSD XPSD LRP MIN:. WAIT RD WD OE OF 2F 6F 2E 6C 60 Load Program Slotu. Doubleward Exchange Program Status Doubleword 73 Load 75 75 77 'II 'II Regilter Pointer Move 10 Memory Control Wait Rood Direct Write Direct .7 INPUT/OUTPUT (prIvileged) 49 50 SIO HIO TlO TDV AIO CONVERSION CVA CVS CALL 4C 4F .0 4E 6E 73 Start Input/ Output Halt Input/ Output Test Input/ Output 83 86 86 Telt Device 87 87 Acknowledge Input/ Output Interrupt XEROX Xerox SIGMA 6 Computer Reference Manual 90 17 138 June © 1970. 1971. Xerox Corporation 1971 File No.: 1X13 XL47, Rev. 0 Printed in U.S.A. REVISION This publication is a revision of the Xerox SIGMA 6 Computer Reference Manual, 90 17 13A, and describes the new SIGMA 6 Computer System features. Changes to the previous manual are indicated by a vertical line in the margin of the affected page. RELATm PUBLICATIONS Publication No. Xerox Sigma Glossary of Computer Terminology 90 09 57 Xerox Meta-Symbol/LN,OPS Reference Manual 900952 Xerox Symbol/lN,OPS Reference Manual 90 1790 Xerox Macro-Symbol/LN,OPS Reference Manual 90 1578 Manual Type Codes: SP - batch processing, LN - language, OPS - operations, RBP - remote batch processing, RT - real-time, SM - system management, 15 - time-sharing, UT - utilities. All SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ii CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction General Characteristics Standard and Optional Features Real-Time Features General-Purpose Features Time-Sharing Features Multiuse Features 1 1 4 4 5 6 6 SIGMA 6 SYSTEM ORGANIZATION 8 Information Format Core Memory Dedicated Memory Locations Information Boundaries Computer Modes Master Mode Slave Mode CPU Fast Memory Central Processing Unit General Registers and Register Block Pointer_ Memory Control Storage Memory Map and Acc.ess Protection Instruction Format Immediate Operand Memory Reference Addresses Memory Address Control Memory Map and Access Protection Memory Write Locks Program Status Doubleword Interrupt System Internal Interrupts External Interrupts States of an Interrupt Level Control of the Interrupt System Time of Interrupt Occurrences Singl e-Instruction Interrupts Trap System Nonallowed Operation Trap Unimplemented Instruction Trap Push-Down Stack Limit Trap Fixed-Point Overflow Trap Floating-Point Arithmetic Fault Trap Decimal Arithmetic Fault Trap Watchdog Timer Runout Trap Call Instruction Traps 3. Unimplemented Floating-Point Instructions _ _ Floating-Point Add and Subtract Floating-Point Multiply and Divide Condition Codes for floating-Potnt Instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deci mal Instructions Packed Decimal Numbers Zoned Decimal Numbers Decimal Accumulator Decimal Instruction Format Illegal Digit and Sign Detection Overflow Detection Decimal Instruction Nomenclature Condition Code Settings Byte-String Instructions Push-Down Instructions Stack Pointer Doubleword Push-Down Condition Code Settings Execute/Branch Instructions Ca II Instructi ons Control Instructions Program Status Doubleword Loadi ng the Memory Map Loadi ng the Access Protection Controls Loadi ng the Memory Wri te Protecti on Locks __ Interruption of MMC Read Direct Internal Computer Control (Mode 0) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIGMA 6 SYSTEM 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 14 14 15 17 18 18 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 '24 25 25 26 26 26 27 INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE 28 Load/Store Instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anal yze/Interpret Instructions Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions Comparison Instructions Logical Instructions Sh ift Instructions Floating-Point Shift Conversion Instructions Floating-Point Arith'metic Instructions Floating-Point Numbers 31 37 39 44 46 47 48 49 50 50 4. 5. 52 52 52 53 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 60 67 68 68 72 74 75 75 78 78 79 79 80 Write Direct Internal Computer Control (Mode 0) Write Direct, Interrupt Control (Mode 1) _ _ _ Input/Output Instructions I/O Address I/O Unit Address Assignment I/O Status Response Status Information for SIO 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 IN PUT/OUTPUT OPERA TIO NS 89 lOP Command Doublewords Order Memory Byte Address Flags Byte Count 90 90 91 91 92 OPERATOR CONTROLS 93 Processor Control Panel POWER CPU RESET/CLEAR I/O RESET LOAD UNIT ADDRESS SYSTEM RESET/CLEAR NORMAL MODE RUN WAIT 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 iii INTERRUPT PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD INSERT INSTR ADDR ADDR STOP SE LECT ADDRESS STORE DISPLAY DATA COMPUTE CON TROL MODE MEMORY FAULT ALARM AUDIO WATCHDOG TIMER INTERLEAVE SELECT PARITY ERROR MODE PHASES RE GISTER SELECT SENSE CLOCK MODE Loading Operation Load Procedure Load Operation Details 94 94 94 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 135 INDEX APPENDIXES A. iv REFERENCE TABLES 100 XDS Standard Symbols and Codes XDS Standard Character Sets Control Codes Special Code Properties XDS Standard 8-Bit Computer Codes (EBCDIC) XDS Standard 7-Bit Communication Codes (ANSCII) XDS Standard Symbol-Code Correspondences _ _ Hexadecimal Arithmetic Addition Table Multiplication Table Table of Powers of Sixteenl0 Table of Powers of Ten16 Hexadecimal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table Hexadecimal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table Table of Powers of Two Mathematical Constants 100 100 100 100 B. REFERENCE DIAGRAMS Notes on Basic SIGMA 6 Instruction Execution Cycle Basic SIGMA 6 Instruction Execution Cycle _ _ Floati ng-Point Instruction Execution Floating-Point Multiplication and Division __ Floating-Point Addition and Subtraction _ _ _ Floating-Point Shift Edit Byte String Instruction Execution 1. 119 1 122 122 123 124 125 C. SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTIONS (MNEMONICS) 126 D. INSTRUCTION TIMING 128 FIGURES SIGMA 6 Computer System v 1. A Typical SIGMA 6 System 2 2. Information Boundaries 9 3. SIGMA 6 Central Processing Unit 10 4. Index Displacement Alignment 14 5. Generati on of Actua I Memory Addresses 16 6. Typical Interrupt Priority Chain 7. Operational States of an In~errupt Level ~ 8. Processor Control Panel 93 101 101 102 106 106 106 107 107 108 114 118 118 TABLES 1. SIGMA 6 Dedicated Memory Locations SIGMA 6 Interrupt Locations 3. Summary of SIGMA 6 Trap System 4. Glossary of Symbolic Terms 5. ANALYZE Table for SIGMA 6 Operation Codes_ 6. Floating-Point Number Representation 7. Condition Code Settings for Floating-Point Instructions 8. Status Bits for I/O Instructions 9. Program Status Doubleword Display D-1. Basic Instruction Timing D-2. Additional Instruction Timing 2. 'l 19 23 30 38 51 53 84 95 129 133 · 6 Computer Sigma 1. SIGMA 6 SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The SIGMA 6 computer system can concurrently process operations for business, engineering/scientific, and generalpurpose applications. The basic system consists of a central processor, 32, 768 words of memory, and independent, multiplexed I/O capability. It is easily expandable by adding memory units, input/output processors, and peripheral devices. Figure 1 shows a typical SIGMA 6 system. A SIGMA 6 system consists of the following major elements: • A memory consisting of up to four magnetic core storage units. • A central processor unit {CPU} that addresses core memory, fetches and stores information, performs arithmetic and logical operations, sequences and controls instruction execution, and controls the exchange of information between core memory and other elements of the system. • An i nput/output system cor.troll ed by one or more i nput/ output processors {lOPs}, each providing data transfer between core memory and peripheral devices. The lOPs have separate access to core memory which are independent of the CPU. They operate asynchronously and simultaneously with the CPU. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS A SIGMA 6 computer system has features and operating characteristics that permit efficient functioni ng in realtime, general-purpose, time-sharing, and multiuse computing envi ronments: • • Word-oriented memory {32-bit word plus parity bit} which can be addressed and altered as byte (8-bit), halfword {2-byte}, word {4-byte}, and doubleword (8-byte) quantities. • • • Sixteen general-purpose registers, expandable (in blocks of 16) to 512 to reduce transfer of data into and out of registers in a multiuse environment. • Hardware memory mapping, which obviates the problem of memory fragmentation and provides dynamic program relocation. • Selective memory access protection with four modes for system and information security and protection. • Selective memory-write protection. • Watchdog timer, assuring nonstop operation. • Real-time priority interrupt system with automatic identification and priority assignment, fast response time, and up to 235 levels that can be individually armed, enabled, and triggered by program control. • Interrupti bi Ii ty of long i nstructi ons, guarantee i ng fast response to interrupts. • Automatic traps, for error conditions and for simulation of optional instructions not physically implemented, all under program control. • Power fai I-safe, for automatic, safe shutdown in the event of a power failure. • Multiple interval timers, with a choice of resolutions for independent time bases. • Privileged instruction logic {master/slave modes}, for concurrent, time-shared operati on. • Complete instruction set including: • Byte, halfword, word, and doubleword operations. • Use of all memory-referencing instructions for register-to-register operations, with or without indirect addressing and postindexing, and within the normal instruction format. • Multiple register operations. • Fixed-point arithmetic operations in halfword, word, and doubleword modes. • Optional floating-point hardware operations, in short and long formats, with significance, zero, and normalization control and checking, all under program control. Displacement index registers, automatically selfadjusting for all data sizes. • Full complement of logical operations {AND, OR, exclusive OR}. Immediate addressing' of operands, for greater storage efficiency and increased speed. • Comparison operations, including compare between limits {with limits in memory or in registers}. Full parity checking for both CPU/memory and input/ output operations. Memory expandable from 32,768 to 131,072 words {131 ,072 to 524,288 bytes} in increments of 16,384 words. • • Direct addressing of the entire core memory, within the primary instruction word and without the need for base registers, indirect addressing, or indexing. Indirect addressing, with or without postindexing. SIGMA 6 System CENTRAL PROCESSOR UNIT (CPU) Standard Features: • Decimal arithmetic unit • Memory mop • • • • • • Access protection Memory write protection Two register blocks Power fail-safe Two reol-time clacks External interface (direct VOl Optional Features: • Two additional real-time clacks 30 additional register blocks Floating-point arithmetic External priarity interrupt system (up to 224 levels) • • • MEMl:: - --- - - - - r=---=-~:-eM-:1-uNiT - - -1 I Standard Features: I I I • • • I I I I I I 16,384 or 32,768 words Two ports (multiaccess) Two-way interleaving Four-woy interleaving Parity checking • I Optional Features: • Four additional ports • Memory system expandable by adding up to three additional 32K memory units I Standard Features: I 32,768 words Two ports (multiocess) Two-way interleaving Four-way interleaving Parity checking I Optional Features: I • : Four odditional ports L--.---T'""""'-----' '--___.==. .==.=..:.r..............•.....................•...•...•....••........•.•....••.•.•.! .::.:=.~.=.=.=.=== : I : I ...-_ _ _ _ _-..1._ _ _ _:..'_--. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . r - MIOP EXPANsION OPTION- MUlTIPLEXING INPUT/OUTPUT PROCESSOR (MIOP) Standard Features: • • • • • One device controller per subchonnel ISDIENVGICLEE UNIT II ··· IMULTI~UNIT DEVICE IE£!'I~~L!RJ I I..- T -I r-----, DEVICE..JI Ir -t'-1/0 ____ Ii/O~VlC~ . L.. _ _ _ _ " I L fiiO I • I I I I ~------, I I r.--1-~ r-J.--, r-J--, I DEVICE I I DEVICE I ICONTROlLERI' • 'ICONTROLLERI L_,---i L..;.-T- ..... L_,_-J I I r--L-,~_J-:1 I rVODEvlcE] I~ L~ __ ~O ~~~ lYO ~~~ . (Up 10 : pl --------------Standard-$PMd peripheral devices - - - - - - - - - - - -..... 1- High-speed peripheral devices -I Note: Standard units and pracessan are shown enclosed with solid barder lines. Optional units, processors, device contrallen, - - and devices are enclosed with clashed barder lines. Standard and optional features within a unit or processor are as listed. Figure 1. General Characteristics I Ll~de~ces) J ~~e~~J 2 32 device control/en L-I.-Vo DeVICE! 1I DEViCE . , (Up to I L--r-------J I I I I --:1 I MULTI-UNIT I I DEVICE I . • '1 DEVICE I I CONTROLLERJ I CONTROLLER I I SINGLE UNIT I I I I r.- J I Accommodates: One device contraller I I ~~~O'!:!:E.!J ~V~ J I subchannel L __per,_____ ,__ I r.:-.J.._:j Single-byte interface Four-byte interface I Accommodates: Accommodates: I Stondard Features: I Two additional groups aF eight subchonnels Two additional groups of eight subchannels _..l-:::-1 One group of eight subchannels Single-byte interface Optional Features: Optianal Features: [1/0 I I Standard Features: One group of eight subchonnels Single-byte interface Four-byte interface r;:--1--, r - -smcroRi~puT/OUTPUT-1 Il PROCESSOR (SlOP) I -, (ONE PER MIOP) A Typical SIGMA 6 System • Call instructions permitting up to 64 dynamically variable, user-defined instructions, and permitting a program to gain access to operating system functions without operating system intervention. • Decimal hardware operations, including arithmetic, edit, and pack/unpack. • • • • • Push-down stack operations (hardware implemented) of single or multiple words, with automatic limitchecking, for dynamic space allocation, subrouti ne communication, and recursive routine capabi I ity. • Automatic conversion operations, including binary/ BCD and any other weighted-number systems. An analyze instruction, for facilitating effective address computation. • An interpret instruction, for increased speed of interpretive programs. • Shift operations (left and right) or word or doubleword, including logical, circular, arithmetic, and floating-point modes. • Allows the transfer of a 32-bit data word between an affected regi ster and an external devi ce. In add ition, a 16-bit address is transferred for selection and control purposes. Each transfer is under direct program control. • Is used for the attachment of external units to the direct I/O interface. External units may be Xerox external interrupts, Xerox system interface units, or nonstandard special equipment. Comprehensive complement of modular software: • Expands in capabi I i ty and speed as system grows. • Basic system programming support: "Stand-Alone" Systems and Basic Control Monitor (BCM). • Operating systems: Real-time Batch Monitor (RBM), Batch Processing Monitor (BPM), Batch Time-Sharing Monitor (BTM), Universal TimeSharing System (UTS), and Xerox Operating System (XOS). When larger computing capacity is required, UTS and XOS users can expand to the Xerox SIGMA 9 Computer. • Language processors that include: FORTRAN IV -H, Extended Xerox FORTRAN IV, Xerox ANS COBOL, BASIC, FLAG, Symbol, Macro-Symbol, MetaSymbol; also, utilities and applications software for both commercial and scientific users, e. g. , Data Management System (DMS), General ized Sort and Merge, Manage, 140 1 Simulator, Functional Mathematical Programming System (FMPS), FMPS Matrix Generator/Report Writer (GAMMA3), Simulation Language (SL-l), General Purpose Discrete Simulation package (GPDS), Circuit Analysis Systems (CIRC-AC, CIRC-DC), etc. Independently operating input/output system with the following features: • Direct input/output of a full word, without the use of a channel. • Up to eight input/output processors (lOPs). • Multiplexor input/output processors (MIOPs) for simultaneous operation of up to 24 devices per lOP. • MIOP expansion option for simultaneous operation of up to 24additional devices, and includes conflictresolving circuitry that allows it to share a memory bus with an MIOP. • Selector input/output processors (SlOPs) (8 or 32 bits wide}for data transfer rates approaching 4 mi IIi on bytes per second. • Up to 32 device controllers can be connected to each SlOP. • Both data and command chaining, for gather-read and scatter-write operations. • Up to 32,000 output control signals and input test signals. External interface feature that: • Provides an exter-nal interface for the attachment of external equipment to a SIGMA 6 computer via the Direct I/O system (Write Direct/Read Direct). • Standard and special-purpose peripheral equipment includes: • Rapid Access Data (RAD) fi les: Capacities to 6.2 million bytes per unit; transfer rates to 3 -million bytes per second; average access times from 17 mi lIiseconds. • Magnetic tape units: 7-track and 9-track systems, IBM-compatible; high-speed units operate at 150 inches per second wi th transfer rates up to 120,000 bytes per second; and other units operate at 37.5 inches per second with transfer rates up to 20,800 bytes per second and at 75 inches per second with transfer rates up to 60,000 bytes per second. • Displays: Graphic display has standard character generator, vector generator, and close-ups, as well as I ight pen and alphanumeric/function keyboard with a display rate of up to 100,000 characters per sec ond. General Characteristics 3 • • • • • • Card equipment: Reading speeds of up to 1500 cards per minute; punching speeds of up to 300 cards per minute; intermixed binary and EBCDIC card codes. A SIGMA 6 system may have the following optional features: • Two additional real-time clocks Line printers: Fully buffered, with speeds of up to 1500 lines per minute; 132 print positions with 64 characters. • Up to 30 additional register blocks • Floating-point arithmetic unit Keyboard/printers: Ten characters per second; also available with integral paper tape reader (20 characters per second) and punch (10 characters per second). • Up to 224 external priority interrupts • Up to four additional memory ports • Up to three additional Multiplexor I/O Processors (MIOPs) • Up to two additional groups of eight multiplexor subchannels with each MIOP • MIOP expansion option for each MIOP with 4-byte interface and one group of eight subchannels • Selector Input/Output Processor (SlOP) with 4-byte interface Paper tape equipment: Readers with speeds of up to 300 characters per second; punches with speeds of up to 120 characters per second. Graph plotters: Digital incremental, providing drift-free plotting in two axes in up to 300 steps per second at speeds from 30 mm to 3 inches per second. Data communications equipment: A complete line of character- and message-oriented equipment to connect remote user terminals to the computer system via common carrier lines and local terminals directly. STANDARD AND OPTIONAL FEATURES A basic SIGMA 6 system has the following standard features: • A CPU that includes: • • • • Decimal arithmetic unit Memory map with access protection Memory write protection Watchdog timer • • • Two register blocks • • • • Memory parity interrupt Two real-time clocks Power fa ii-safe Input/output interrupt Control pane I interrupt External interface (Direct I/O) • 32,768 words of main memory with two ports • Multiplexor Input/Output Processor with eight subchannels and 4-byte interface feature. 4 Standard and Opti ona I/Rea 1- Ti me Features I REAL-TIME FEATURES Real-time appl ications are characterized by a need for hardware that provides quick response to an external environment, enough speed to keep up with the real-time process and sufficient input/output flexibility to handle a variety of data types at varying speeds. The SIGMA 6 system includes provisions for the following real-time computing features. Multi level, True Priority Interrupt System. The real-time oriented SIGMA 6 system provides for quick response to interrupts bymeans of up to 224 external interrupt levels. The source of each interrupt is automatically identified and responded to according to its priority. For further flexibility each level can be individually disarmed (to discontinue accepting inputs to it) and disabled (to defer responding to it). Use of the disarm/disable feature makes programmed dynam;c reassignment of priorities quick and easy, even while a realtime process is in progress. In establishing a configuration for the system, each group of 16 interrupt levels can have its priority assigned in different ways in order to meet the specific needs of the problem; the way in which interrupt levels are programmed is not affected by the pri ority assignment. Programs that deal with interrupts from specially designed equipment sometimes must be checked out before that equipment is actually available. To permit simulating this special equipment, any SIGMA 6 interrupt level can be triggered by the CPU itself through exec uti on of a si ngle instruction. This capability is also useful in establishing a hierarchy of responses. For example, in responding to a high-priority interrupt, after the urgent processing is completed, it may be desirable to assign a lower priority to the rema i n i ng porti on in order to respond to other cri ti ca I i nterrupt levels. The interrupt routine can accomplish this by triggering a lower-priority level, which processes the remaining data only after other interrupts have been handled. I Nonstop Operation. When connected to special devices (on a ready-resume basis), the computer can sometimes become excessively delayed if the special device does not respond quickly. A built-in watchdog timer assures that the SIGMA 6 computer cannot be delayed for an excessive length of time. Real-Time Clocks. Many real-time functions must be timed to occur at specific instants. Other timing information is also needed - elapsed time since a given event, for example, or the current time of day. SIGMA 6 can contain two (or four) real-time clocks with varying degrees of resolution (1/60 second or V8 mi lIisecond, for example) to meet these needs. These clocks also allow easy handling of separate time bases and relative time priorities. Rapid Context Switching. When responding to a new set of interrupt-initiated circumstances, a computer system must preserve the current operating environment, for continuance later, whi Ie setting up the new environment. This changing of environments must be done quickly, with a minimum of II overhead II costs in time. In SIGMA 6, each one of up to 32 blocks of general-purpose arithmetic registers can, if desired, be assigned to a specific environment. All relevant information about the current environment (instructi on address, current genera I regi s"er block, memory-protecti on key, etc.) is kept in a 64-bit program status doubleword (PSD). A single instruction stores the current PSD anywhere in memory and loads a new one from memory to establish a new environment, which includes information identifying a new block of general-purpose registers. A SIGMA 6 system can thus preserve and change its operating environment completely through the execution of a single i nstructi on. Simultaneous I/O Channel Operation. The use of a multiplexor input/output processor (MIOP) or MIOP expansion option permits up to 24 channels with standard-speed devices to operate concurrently; the addition of more MIOPs increases this throughput. High-Speed Channel Operation. The use of the selector input/output processor (SlOP) permits very high-speed data transfer - up to one 32-bit word per memory cycle. To meet special needs, data size can be 8 or 32 bits wide. Memory Protection. Both foreground (real-time) and background programs can be run concurrently ina SIGMA 6 system, because a foreground program is protected against destructi on by on unchecked background program. Memory write-protection guarantees that protected areas of memory can be written into only under predefined conditions. Under operating system control, the memory access-protection feature also prevents accessing of memory for specified combinations of reading, writing, and instruction acquisition. Variable Precision Arithmetic. Much data encountered in real-time systems are 16 bits or less. To permit this length of data to be processed efficiently, SIGMA 6 provides halfword arithmetic operations in addition to fullword operations. Doubleword arithmetic operations (for extended precision) are also included. Direct Data Input/Output. For handl ing asynchronous I/O, a 32-bit word can be transferred directly to or from a general-purpose register, so that an I/O channel need not be occupied with relatively infrequent transmissions. Interleave/Overlap. To increase processing speeds, memory banks overlap cycles automatically wherever possible. Core memory addresses can be interleaved modul0-2 or modul0-4 on a bank basis to increase the probability of overlapping. GENERAL-PURPOSE FEATURES General-purpose computing applications are characterized primari Iy by an emphasis on computation and internal data handling. Many operations are performed in floating-point format and on strings of characters. Other typical characteristics include decimal arithmetic operations, the need to convert binary numbers into decimal (for printing or display), and considerable input/output at standard speeds. The SIGMA 6 system includes the following general-purpose computer features. Floating-Point Hardware (optional). Floating-point instructions are avai lable in both short (32-bit) and long (64-bit) formats. Under program control, the user can select optional zero checking, normalization, and significance checking (which causes the computer to trap when a post opera.tion shift of more than two hexadecimal places occurs in the fraction of a floating-point number). The significance checki ng feature permits the use of the short floating-point format (for high processing speed and storage economy) and the use of the ·Iong format when loss of significance is detected. Decimal Arithmetic Hardware. Decimal arithmetic instructions operate on up to 31 digits plus sign. This instruction set also includes pack/unpack instructions (for converting to/ from the packed format of two digits per byte) and a generalized edit instruction (for zero suppression, check protection, and formatting byte information with punctuation to displc:y or print it). Indirect Addressing. This feature provides for simple table linkages and permits the user to keep data sections of his program separate from procedure sections for ease of maintenance. Displacement Indexing. The technique of indexing by means of a IIfloating li displacement permits the user to access the desired unit of data without the need to consider its size. The index registers automatically align themselves appropriately; thus, the same index register can be used on arrays with different data sizes. For exomple, in a matrix multiplication of any array of fullword, single-precision, fixed-point numbers, the results can be stored in a second array as double-precision numbers, using the same index quantity for both arrays. If an index register contains the value of k, then the user always accesses the kth element, whether it is a byte, halfword, word, or doublaword. Incrementing by various quantities according to data size is not required; instead, incrementing is always General-Purpose Features 5 by units in a continuous array table no matter which size of data element is used. Powerful Instruction Set. The availability of more than 100 major instructi ons results in programs that are short, rapidly assembled, and quickly executed. Translate Instruction. This instruction permits rapid translation between any two 8-bit codes (such as EBCDIC to ANSCII); thus data from a variety of input sources can be easi Iy handled and reconverted for output. Conversion Instructions. Two generalized conversion instructions provide for bidirectional conversions between internal binary and any other weighted number system, including BCD. Call Instructions. Four instructions permit handling up to 64 user-defined subroutines (as if they were built-in machine instructions) and gaining access to specified operating system services without requiring its intervention. Interpret Instruction. This instruction simplifies and speeds interpretive operations such as compi Iing, thus reducing the space and time requirements for compilers. Four-Bit Condition Code. This feature simplifies the checking of results by automatically providing information on almost every instruction execution (including indicators for overflow, underflow, zero, minus, and plus, as appropriate) without requiring an extra instruction execution. TIME -SHARING FEATURES Time-sharing is the abi lity of a computer system to share its resources among many users at the same time. Each user may perform a different task that requires a different share of the avai lable resources and, in many instances, each may be on-line in an interactive ("conversational") mode with the computer. Other users may enter work to be batch processed. The SIGMA 6 system provides for the following time-sharing computer features. Rapid Context Saving. When changing from one user to another, the operating environment can be switched quickly and easi Iy. Stack-manipulating instructi ons permit from one to 16 general-purpose registers to be stored in a pushdown stack by a single instruction - with automatic updating of stack status information - and to be retrieved (again, by a single instruction) when needed. The current program status doubleword (which contains the entire description of the current user's environment and mode of operation) can be stored anywhere in memory and a new program status doubleword loaded, all with a single instruction. Multiple Register Blocks. The optional avai lability of up to 32 blocks of 16 general-purpose registers further improves response time by reducing the need to store and load register blocks. As needed, ea~h user can be assigned a distinct block; the program status doubleword automatically points to the currently appl icable register block. 6 Time-Sharing/Multiuse Features User Protection. The slave mode of operati on restricts each user to his own set of instructions while reserving to the operating system those instructions that could, if used in- ~ correctly, destroy another user's prog:am. A memory acce~ protection system prevents any user from accessing storage areas other than those assigned to him. This access protection permits the user to access certain areas for reading only, such as those containing public subroutines, whi Ie preventing him from reading, writing, or accessing instructions in areas set aside for other users. Storage Management. SIGMA 6 memories are available in seven sizes (from 32,768 to 131,072 words) to provide the capacity needed, while assuring potential for expansion. To assure efficient use of available memory, the memory map hardware permits storing a user's program in fragments (as small as 512 words) wherever space is available; yet, all fragments appear as a single, contiguous block of storage at execution time. The memory map also automatically and dynamically handles program relocation, so that the program appears to be stored in a standard way at execution time (even though it may actually be stored in a different set of locations each time it is brought into memory). The memory map for the full-sized SIGMA 6 memory is provided no matter how sma II the actua I memory may be. Th us, the system can always address a virtual memory of 131,072 words regardless of physical memory size. I' Input/Output Capability. Sigma 6 can control up to eight I input/output processors (of two types) in various combinations. Each multiplexor I/O processor or MIOP expansiort-" option can have up to 24 standard-speed I/O channels operating simu Itaneously; selector I/O processors can have any one of up to 32 high-speed I/O devices operating on each processor. The I/O processors operate semi-independently of the central processor, leaving it free to provide faster response to overall system needs. Nonstop Operation. A watchdog timer assures that the system conti nues to operate even if certain special I/O capabilities are used with special devices that can cause delays or halts if they fail. Multiple real-time clocks with varying resolutions permit establishing several independent time bases, thus allowing flexible allocation of time slices to each user. MULTIUSE FEATURES As implemented in the SIGMA 6 system, II multi use II combines two or more computer applicati on areas. The most difficult computing problems are associated with real-time applications. Simi larly, the most difficult multiuse problems are associated with time-sharing applications that include one or more real-time processes. SIGMA 6 system design is especially suited for a mixture of applications in a multiuse environment. Many of the hardware features that are required for specific application areas are equally useful in others, although in different ways. This multiple capabi lity makes SIGMA 6 particularly effectiv.", for multiuse applications. The major SIGMA 6 multiuse computer features are: Priority Interrupt. In a multiuse environment, many elements operate asynchronously. Thus, a true pri ority i nterrupt system is essential. It allows the computer system to respond quickly {and in proper order} to the many demands made on it, without the high overhead cost of compl icated programming, lengthy execution time, and extensive storage allocations. Quick Response. The many features that combine to produce a quick-response system - multiple register blocks, quick context saving, push-pull operations - benefit all users because more of the computer's resources are available for useful work. Memory Protection. The memory protection features protect each user from every other user and also guarantee the integrity of programs that are essential to critical real-time applications. Input/Output. Because of its wide range of capacities and speeds (with and without channels), the SIGMA 6 I/O system simultaneously satisfies the needs of many different application areas economically, both in terms of equipment and of programming. Instruction Set. The large SIGMA 6 instruction set provides the computational and data-handling capabilities required for widely differing application areas; therefore, each user's program length (thus running time) is decreased and the speed of obtaining results is increased. Multiuse Features 7 2. SIGMA 6 SYSTEM ORGANIZATION The primary el ements in a basic SIGMA 6 system - a centrai processor, core memory, and input/output processor - are all designed around a central, double bus structure. Each primary element of the system operates asynchronously and semi -independently, automatically overlapping the operation of the other elements (when circumstances permit) for greater speed. The basic configuration can be expanded merely by increasing the number of core memory units (up to four), increasing the number of buses (up to six), increasing the number of input/output processors (up to eight), or by increasing the number of central processors. INFORMATION FORMAT The basic element of SIGMA 6 information is a 32-bit word, in which the bit positions are numbered from 0 through 31, as follows: A SIGMA 6 word can be divided into two 16-bit parts (called halfwords) in which the bit positions are numbered from 0 through 15, as follows: Byte 1 Byte 2 SIGMA 6 core memory systems use a 32-bit word (four 8-bit bytes) plus a parity bit as the basic unit of information, All of memory is directly addressable by the CPU (except for memory locations 0 through 15)and by the lOPs. The SIGMA6 addressing capabi lity accommodates a maximum memory size of 131, 072 words (524,288 bytes). Core memory is modular and is available in increments of 16, 384 words (65,536 bytes), The main memory for SIGMA 6 is physically organized as a group of "units", A memory unit is the smallest, logically complete part of the system. It is the smallest port that can be logically isolated from the rest of the memory system. A memory unit may consist of up to two physical memory banks. Each memory bank operates independently and asynchronously with respect to each other. 128K words of main memory is comprised of four memory units. The memory is word, halfword, and byte addressable for both reading and writing. Each memory unit has a set of "ports" that are common to both banks within the unit; that is, all ports in a given memory unit give access to the bonks within that unit. The basic system is provided with two ports, expandable to six. The memory system has 2-way interleaving capabi lity within a unit and 4-way interleaving between two adjacent units. Interleaving increases the probabi lity that a processor can gain access to a given memory bonk without encountering interference from other processors: A multiple bonk system increases the probability that successive memory accesses may be overlapped. In combination, these two features provide the SIGMA 6 system with effective memory cycle times of a fraction of the individual bonk cycle times. A SIGMA 6 word can also be divided into four 8-bit parts (called bytes) in which the bit positions are numbered from o through 7, as follows: Byte 0 CORE MEMOR't' Byte 3 DEDICATED MEMORY LDCATIONS Memory locations 0 through 319 are reserved by standard XDS software for dedicated purposes as shown in Table 1. Two SIGMA 6 words can be combined to form a 64-bit element (called a doubleword) in which the bit positions are numbered from 0 through 63, as follows: INFORMATION BOUNDARIES I : least si9ni~cant ward: d 52 I SIGMA 6 instructions assume that bytes, halfwords, and doublewords are located in storage according to the following boundary conventions: 1. A byte is located in bit positions 0 through 7, 8 through 15, 16 through 23, or 24 through 31 of a word. Four bits of information can be expressed as a single hexadecimal digit. A byte can be expressed as a 2-digit hexadecimal number, a halfword as a 4-digit hexadecimal number, a word as an 8-digit hexadecimal number, and a doubleword as a 16-digit hexadecimal number. In this reference manual, a hexadecimal number is displayed as a string of hexadecimal digits enclosed by single quotation marks and preceded by the letter X". For example, the binary number 01011010 is expressed hexadecimally as 2. A halfword is located in bit positions 0 through 15 or 16 through 31 of a word. 3. A doubleword is located such that bits 0 through 31 of the doubleword are contained within an even-numbered word, and bits 32 through 63 of the same doubleword must be contained within the next consecutive (oddnumbered) word. X ' 5A', The various information boundaries are illustrated in Figure 2. 32 33 34 35136 37 38 39 40 41 42 43144 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 II 8 51 GMA 6 System Organization 53 54 55 56 57 58 59160 61 62 63 i Doubleword I I Doubleword I .• I I Word (even address) ! i I Halfword 1 Halfword 0 Halfword 0 Word (odd address) Word (even address) Word (odd address) Halfword 1 Halfword 0 Hal fword 1 Halfword 0 Halfword 1 1 I I iI : Byte 01 Byte 1 Byte 21 Byte 3 Byte 0 1 Byte 1 Byte 2/ Byte 3 Byte 0 / Byte 1 Byte 2\ Byte 3 Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2[ Byte 3! Figure 2. Table 1. SIGMA 6 Dedicated Memory Locations Location Hexadecimal Decimal 0 Information Boundaries Function 0 Addresses of general registers 15 F 16 10 COMPUTER MODES The SIGMA 6 computer operates in either the master mode or the slave mode. The mode of operation is determined by the state of the master/slave mode control bit in the arithmetic and control unit. MASTER MODE Reserved for future use 31 1F 32 33 20 21 34 22 41 29 42 2A 63 3F 64 40 Cpu/Iop communication Program stored by LOAD switch on the processor panel SLAVE MODE First record read from periphera device during a load operation Traps (see Table 3) 79 4F 80 50 87 57 88 58 91 5B 92 93 5C 5D Input/output interrupt level/ 94 95 5E 5F Reserved for future use 96 60 t External interrupt level/ tSee Table 2 13F The slave mode is the problelT)-solving mode of the computer. In this mode, "privileged" instructions are prohibited. Privileged instructions are those relating to input/ output and to changes in the basic control state of the computer. All privileged instructions are performed in the master mode only. Any attempt by a program to execute a privileged instruction while the computer is in the slave mode results in a return of control to the resident executive program. Override interrupt levels t Counter interrupt level/ 319 The master mode is the basic operating mode of the computer. In this mode, all SIGMA 6 instructions are permissible. It is assumed that there is a resident executive program (operating in the master mode) that controls and supports the other programs operating in the master or slave mode. The master/slave mode control bit can be changed only when the computer is in the master mode; thus, a slave program cannot directly change the computer mode from slave to master. However, the slave program can gain direct access to certain executive program operations by means of call instructions. The operations available through call instructions are established by the resident executive program. CPU FAST MEMORY Several high-speed integrated circuit memories may be used in the SIGMA 6 CPU. These memories are capable of delivering information to (or receiving information from) the arithmetic and control unit simultaneously with the operation of core memory. These memories are not accessible to any other unit in a SIGMA 6 system. Computer Modes/CPU Fast Memory 9 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT This section describes the organization and operation of the SIGMA 6 central processing unit in terms of information processing and program control, instruction and data formats, indirect addressing and indexing, memory mapping and protection, overflow and trap conditions, and interrupt control. Basically, the SIGMA 6 CPU consists of a fast memory and an arithmetic and control unit (see Figure 3). CPU fAST MEMORY ARITHMETIC AND CONTROL UNIT GENERAL REGISTER BLOCK (nPiCALI INSTRUCTION REGISTER o o I....________~ 1~:n~:n~§I~&~m~@~@~@~Th~~@~%~~@~@~ru~w~M~a~ 2 3 III I III I I 8 lil!!:i!!!i:[!I[ttlllIililili!il@ttilIi!illi:it}!ttitl:1!~@!IMI1!@!!i!i!Ii!i!{fi!1 1?:::Iffl:::l:::Ijljl!i!ill:iImt:1:::I1~iI::fliJi::~l:lIllIlllIIiIi}}tIIl 5 1:}I: :i: t: :~l: i ~: i i i:i~i lili il!il :l\l\l liIlili~il:~i~i~\1!1:1\~\1lI1l1l1ltjl :l:l j:lt tl:l:tlt: 1 General Register Designator 11 ITIJ Index ~ Registers Operation Code Field 7 ITTIJ 1:~~:::::fII:J:~:lJlI:l:jiI:Il~:~:~::II:1I::ililil:::lilmI1lljIIlllll\llllllItm!ililti::1 4 Indirect Address Flag o 12 Index Register Designator ,. Reference Address Field 11111111111111111111 15 .....~--...-jt~ 6 1:::t:!!I:t:I:I:Iiili!11!il!lljlIll\illllllllilttIi:lilIJliti!tI::1il!:::!Illl!tl!lH 7 31 I.. f))))))):))))!)!!i~!:r!I:l)ijl)l)!)~!)ljl)~I!!!lj~~IIjjjljljj!j!j!j)))))jI)I!lj:)))I1)!1!Iijj)~1!~~))liI)j)lI!J • ~ I a ] 9 Priority Interrupt System 10 Write Direct PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD 11 12 o Condition Code 3 ITTI 31-digit Decimal Accumulator 14 15 rrrn ~------------------~ ~ 13 o S Flooting-point Mode Control 7 Master/Slave Mode Control o ~------------------~3' ~ Memory Map Control 9 OJ MEMORY CONTROL STORAGE Memory Map Arithmetic Trap Masks 10 \I Instructian Address 111111111111111111 I - 256 a-bit page addresses ---t IS Memory Access Protection III1I111I1111 ~ ~--+-I""-'-II"""'-II I--- 256 2-bit access codes ~ II1II1III1I11 ~~~II~III l---- 256 2-bit write locks ---I Figure 3. Central Processing Unit 31 OJ OTI - Write Key 343S Memory Write Protection 10 I To/From Core Memory To/From I/O Processors • Read/Write Direct __ Interrupts .• 37 I Interrupt Inh ibits 39 III III ss Register Block Pointer 59 SIGMA 6 Central Processing Unit I I I -- GENERAL REGISTERS AND REGISTER BLOCK POINTER A register block is a high-speed memory consisting of sixteen 32-bit words contained in the basic SIGMA 6 CPU for general-purpose register usage. A SIGMA 6 contains two such register blocks (expandable to 32), and a 5-bit control field (called the register block pointer) in the arithmetic and control unit selects the block currently available to a program. The 16 general registers selected by the register block pointer are referred to as the current register 'block. The register block pointer can be changed only when the computer is in the master mode; thus, a slave program cannot change the register block pointer. Each general register in a current register block is identified by a 4-bit code in the range 0000 through 1111 (0 through 15 in decimal, or X'O' through X'F' in hexadecimcl notation). Any general register can be used as a fixed-point accumulator, floating-point accumulator, temporary storage, or can contain control information such as a data address, count, pointer, etc. Any (or all) of general registers 1 through 7 can be used as index registers. Registers 12 through 15 are used as a decimal accumulator that is capable of containing 31 decimal digits plus sign. The use of registers 12 through 15 is automatic when a decimal instruction is executed; however, these registers may be used for other purposes by instructions not in the decimal instruction set. MEMORY CONTROL STORAGE Three high-speed integrated-circuit memories are avai 1able for storage of a memory map, a set of memory accessprotection codes, and a set of memory write-protection codes, all of which can be changed only when the computer is in the master mode. MEMORY MAP AND ACCESS PROTECTION The memory map feature includes high-speed memories for both the memory map and the access-protection codes. Use of the map is determined by the state of the memory map control bit in the arithmetic and control unit. Memory Map. Two terms are essential to a proper understanding of the memory mapping concept: virtual address (Jnd actua I address. A virtual address is a value used by a machine-level program to designate the location of an instruction, the location of an element of data, the location of a data address (indirect address), or to designate an explicit quantity, such as a count. Normally, virtual addresses are derived from programmer-suppl ied labels through an assembly (or compi lation) process followed by a loading process. Virtual addresses maya Iso be computed during a program's execution. Thus, virtual addresses include all instruction addresses, data addresses, indirect addresses, and addresses used as counts within a s~ored program, as well as those addresses computed by the program. An actual address is a value used by the CPU t:. access memory for storage or retrieval of information, as required b>, tl1e execution sequence of an instruction. Thus, actual addresses designate wired-in hardware storage locations. When the memory map is not in effect in a SIGMA 6 computer, as determined by the memory map control bit, all virtual address values above 15 are used by the CPU as actual addresses. Virtual addresses in the range 0 through 15 are always used by the CPU as general register addresses rather than as core memory addresses. Thus, for example, if an instruction uses a virtual address of 5 as the address where a result is to be stored, the result is stored in general register 5 in the current register block instead of in core memory location 5. When the computer is operating with the memory map, virtual addresses in the range 0 through 15 are sti II used as general register addresses. However, all virtual addresses above 15 are transformed into actual addresses, by replacing the high-order portion of the virtual address with a value obtained from the memory map. The memory map replacement process is descri bed in the secti on II Memory Address Control" . Memory Access Protection. When the computer is operati ng in the slave mode with the memory map, the accessprotection codes determine whether or not the program may access instructions from, read from, or write into specific regions of the virtual address continuum (virtual memory). If the slave program attempts to access a region of virtual memory that is so protected, program control is returned to the executive program. (The access-protection codes are described in the section "Memory Address Control".) MEMORY WRITE PROTECTION The memory write-protection feature operates independently of the memory map and access protection. The memory write-protection feature includes the high-speed memory for the memory write locks. These locks operate in conjunction with a 2-bit field, called the write key, in the arithmetic and control unit. The locks and the key determine whether or not the program (slave or master) may alter the contents of specific regions of core memory as accessed by actual addresses. The write key can be changed only when the computer is in the master mode; thus the current write key cannot be changed by a slave program. (The functions of the locks and key are described in the section "Memory Address Control".) INSTRUCTION FORMAT The normal SIGMA 6 memory-addressing instruction has the following format: * This bit position indicates whether or not indirect addressing is to be performed. Indirect addressing is performed (one level only) if this Instruction Format 11 bit position contains a 1, and is not performed if this bit position contains a 0. Operation This 7-bit field contains the code that designates the operation to be performed. R This 4-bit field designates any of the 16 registers of the current register block as an operand source, result destination, or both. x This 3-bit field designates anyone of registers 1-7 of the current register block as an index register. X =0 designates no indexing; hence, register cannot be used as an index register. ° Reference address This 17-bit field contains the initial virtual address of the instruction operand. Although the contents of this field is always, in itself, a word address, the reference address field allows any word, doubleword, left halfword, or leftmost byte within a word in memory to be directly addressed. Halfword and byte operations require additional address bits for halfwords and bytes that do not begin on a word boundary. Thus, to address the second halfword of a word, the X fi~ld of the instruction must designate a register that contains a 1 in its low-order bit position. To address bytes 1, 2, or 3 of a word, the X field of the instruction must designate a register that contains 01, 10, or 11, respectively, in its two low-order bit positions. See II Indexing and Index Registers" for a more complete description of the SIGMA 6 indexing process. Some SIGMA 6 instructions are ofthe immediate-addressing type. The format of these instructions provides for an operand within the instruction word itself, as shown below. The functions of the Operation and Rfields are identical to those of the normal instruction format. ° This bit position is shown coded with a 0 because indirect addressing cannot be used with this type of instruction. If indirect addressing is attempted, the computer treats the instruction as a nonexistent instruction. Operand This field contains an operand that is 20 bits in Iength, with negative numbers represented in two's-complement form. There are several methods by which an instruction word may specify the source of an operand or the destination of a result. These methods are explained below. IMMEDIATE OPERAND The operation code of an i'mmediate operand instruction spec i fi es that an operand is to be found in the operand field (bit positions 12-31) of the instruction word itself, 12 Instructi on Format and not in a general register or core memory location. The operand field of this type of instruction cannot be modified by indexing. The following SIGMA 6. instructions are of the immediate operand type: Instruc ti on Name Mnemonic load Immediate LI 29 load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate LCFI 32 Add Immediate AI 36 Mul tipl y Immediate MI 38 CI 41 Compare Immediate Page The byte string instructions are similar to those of the . immediate operand type in that they cannot be modified by indexing. However, the operand field of these instructions contains a byte address displacement (or a byte address) that is a virtual address subject to modification by the memory map. If an immediate or byte string instruction is indirectl y addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction by the computer. MEMORY REFERENCE ADDRESSES ° Core memory locations through 15 are not accessible to the programm~r because memory addresses through 15 are reserved as register designators for "register-to-register" operations. Thus, an instruction can treat any register of the current register block as if it were a location in core memory. Furthermore, the register block can be used to hold an instruction (or a series of up to 16 instructions) for execution just as jf the instruction (or instructions) were in core memory. The only restriction upon the use of the register block for instruction storage is: ° If an instruction accessed from a general register uses the R field of the instruction word to designate the next higher-numbered register and execution of the instruction would alter the contents of the register so designated, the contents of that register should not be used as the next instruction in sequence because the operation of the instruction in the affected register would be unpredictable. In the maximum core memory configuration (131,072 words), memory addresses II wrap around" with address (general register 0) being the next consecutive memory address after X I1FFFFI(131,071). Core memory location 16 follows general register 15 as the next location in ascending sequence. ° Direct Reference Address. If neither indirect addressing nor indexing is called for by the instruction, the reference address field of the instruction is a direct reference address. Indirect Reference Address. If indirect addressing is called forbythe instruction (a 1 in bit position 0 of the instruction word), the reference address field is used to access a word location that contains the direct reference address in bit positions 15-31. Tile direct reference address then replaces the indirect reference address. Indirect addressing is limited to one level; only the reference address field of the indirect word is significant. Index Reference Address. If indexing is called for by the instruction (a nonzero value in bit positions 12-14 of the instruction), the direct reference address is modified by addition of the displacement value in the general register (index) called for by the instruction (after scaling the displacement according to the instruction type). This final reference address value (after indirect addressing, indexing, or both) is defined as the effective address of the instruction. If indirect addressing and indexing are both called for in an instruction, the index displacement is not used to modi fy the indi rect reference address, but is used to modify the direct reference obtained from the loca~ tion pointed to by the indirect reference address. ThiS method of indexing after indirect addressing is called postindexing. Register Address. If any instruction produces a virtual address that is a memory reference (i. e., a direct, indirect or indexed reference address) in the range 0 through 15, the CPU does not attempt to read from or write into core memory. Instead,the 4 low-order bits of the reference address are used as a general register address, and the genera I register (of the current register block) corresponding to this address is used as the operand location or result destination. Thus, the instruction can use any register in the current register blockasthe source of an operand, thelocation ofa direct address, or the destination of a result. Such usage is referred to as a IIregister-to-register ll operation. Actual Address. An actual address is the address value actually used by the CPU to access core memory. If the computer is not operating with the memory map, all virtual addresses above 15 automatically become actual addresses. However, if the computer is operating in the memory map mode, all virtual addresses above 15 are transformed (usually into alternate addresses in a different memory page) by the memory map, and these then become actual addresses. Virtual addresses below 16 are never transformed by the memory map and thus always refer to a general register for a register-to-register operation. Effective Address. The effective address is defined as the final virtual address computed for an instruction. The effective address is usually used as the virtual address of an operand location or result destination. However, some instructions do not use the effective address as a location reference; instead, the effective address is used to control the operation of the instruction (as in a shift instruction), to designate the address of an input/output device (as in an input/output instruction), or to designate a specific element of the system (as in a READ DIRECT or WRITE DIRECT instruction). Effective Location. An effective location is defined to be the actual location(in core memory or in the current register block) that is to receive the result of a memoryreferencing instruction, and is referred to by means of an effective address. Because an effective address can be either an actual address or a virtual address, this definition of an effective location assumes, where applicable, the transformation of vi rtual addresses into ac tual address. Effective Operand. An effective operand is defined to be the contents of an actual location (in core memory or in the current register block) that is to be used as an operand by a memory-referencing instruction, and is referred to by means of an effective address. This definition of an effective operand also presupposes the transformation of virtual address into actual addresses. ADDRESS MODI FICA nON Indirect Addressing. The 7-bit operation code field of the SIGMA 6 instruction word format provides for up to 128 instruction operation codes, nearl y all of which can use i ndirect addressing (the exceptions, already mentioned, are the immediate and byte string instructions). The indirect addressing operation is limited to one level, as called for by the indirect address bit (bit position 0) of the instruction word. Indirect addressing does not proceed to further levels, regardless of the contents of the word location pointed to by the reference address field of the instruction. Indirect addressing occurs before indexing; that is, the 17-bit reference address field of the instruction is used to obtain a word, and the 17 low-order bits of the word thus obtained effectively replace the initial reference address field; then, indexing is carried out according to the operation code of the instruction. Indexing aAd Index Registers. The X field of the normal instruction format permits anyone of registers 1 through 7 in the current register block to be designated as an index register. The contents of this r~gister are then treated as a displacement value. Figure 4 shows how the indexing operation takes place. As the instruction is brought from memory, it is loaded into a 34-bit instruction register that initially contains OIS in the two low-order bi t posi ti ons (32 and 33). The di splacement val ue from the index register is then aligned with the instruction register (as an integer) according to the addressing type of the instruction. That is; if it is a byte operation, the displacement is lined up so that its low-order bit is aligned with the least significant bit of the 34-bit instruction register. The displacement is shifted one bit to the left of this position for a halfword operation, two bits to the left for a word operation, and three bits to the left for a doubleword operation. An addition process then takes place to develop a 19-bit address, which is referred to as the effective address of the instruction. High-order bits of the 32-bit displacement field are ignored in the development of th is effective address (i. e., the 15 high-order bits are ignored for word operations, the 25 high-order bits are ignored for shift operations, and the 16 high-order bits are ignored for doubleword operations). However, the displacement value can cause the effective address to be less than the initial reference address within the instruction if the displacement value contains a sufficient number of high-order lis (i. e. , if the displacement is a negative integer in twols complement form). The effective address of an instruction is always a 19-bit byte address value; however, this va lue is automati cally ad justed Instruction Format 13 Instruction in memory: Instruction in instruction register: Byte operation indexing alignment: Halfword operation indexing alignment: Word operation indexing alignment: Shift operation indexing alignment: Doubleword operation indexing alignment: Effective virtual address: Figure 4. Index Displacement Alignment to the SIGMA 6 information boundary conventions. Thus, for halfword operations, the low-order bit of the effective halfword address is 0; for word operations, the two low-order bits of the effective word address are OIS; and for doubleword operations, the 3 low-order bits of the effective doubleword address are 0 1 s. If no indexing is used with a byte operation, the effective byte is the first byte (bit positions 0-7) of a word location; if no indexing is used with a halfword operation, the effective halfword is the first halfword (bit positions 0-15) of a word location. A doubleword operation always involves a word at an even-numbered word address and the word at the next sequential (odd-numbered) word address. If an oddnumbered word location is specified for a doubleword operation, the low-order bit of the effective address field (bit position 31) is automatically forced to O. Thus, an oddnumbered word address (referring to the middle of a doubleword) designates the same doubleword as an even-numbered word address, when used for a doubleword operation. the memory map and the memory write locks. The memory map provides for dynamic relocatabi lity of programs and for access protection through inhibitions imposed on slave mode programs. The memory write locks provide memory write protection for both master and slave mode programs. MEMORY MAP AND ACCESS PROTECTION The memory map can be represented as a series of 256 a-bit registers, each of which contains an a-bit actual memory page address code for a specific 512-word page of virtual addresses, and a series of 256 2-bit registers, each of which contains a 2-bit access control code for a specific 512-word page of virtual addresses. (The access control codes are applicable only to programs operating in the slave mode with the memory map. ) The memory page address codes are assigned to pages of virtual addresses as follows: I I Memory page X Memory page K MEMORY ADDRESS CONTROL With a SIGMA 6 computer,' two methods are avai lable for control Ii ng the use of core memory by a program; they are 14 Memory Address Control Vi rtua I addresses X'lO'_X'lFF ' (virtual page 0) I~ ~ I Memory page N Virtual addresses Virtual addresses X'200'-X ' 3FF' Xil FEOO'-X'l FFFF' (virtual page l) (virtual page 255) I The access control codes are assigned as follows: I I I IHI I I AC AC AC AC AC ·Virtual addressts +Vi r tua I ~ddresses 1 I I X'lFEOOI-XllFFFF' X 600 ' - X 7FF 1 Vi rtua I addresses (virtual page 255) XI4001-X I5FF' Virtual addresses Virtual addresses XI2001-X I3FF' XllFCOOI-XllFDFF' Vi rtua I addresses XllOI-XllFF' (virtual page 0) 1 The memory page addresses and access control codes can be changed only by the privileged instruction MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (see "Control Instructions"). When the CPU is operating in the mapping mode, all memory references used by the program (including instruction addresses) whether direct, indirect, or indexed, are referred to as virtual addresses. Virtual addresses in the range 0 through 15 are not used to address core memorYi instead, the 4 loworder bits of the virtual address comprise a general register address. However, if an instruction produces a virtual address greater than 15, the 8 h~gh-order bits of the virtual address are used to obtain the appropriate memory page address and access control codes. For example, if the 8 highorder bits of the virtual address are 0000 0000, the first page address code and the first access control code are used; if the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address are 0000 0001, the second page address and access control codes are used; and so on, through the 256th page address and control codes. Thus, each 512-word page of virtual addresses is associated wi th its own memory page address and access control codes. When the memory map is accessed, the CPU performs a test to determine whether or not there are any inhibitions on using the virtual address by a slave program. (If the CPU is in the master mode, this test is not performed.) The 2-bit access control code is interpreted as follows: AC Function 00 The slave program can write into, read from, or access instructions from this page of virtual addresses. 01 The slave program cannot write into, but can read from or access instructions from this page of virtual addresses. 10 The slave program cannot write into or access instructions from, but can read from this page of virtual addresses. 11 The slave program is denied any access to this page of virtual addresses. If the instruction being executed by the slave program fails this test, the instruction execution is aborted and the computer traps to location X 140 ', the "nonallowed operation" trap (see II Trap System"). If the instruction being executed by the slave program passes this test (or the CPU is in the master mode), the page address bits in the accessed byte of the memory map replace the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address, to produce the actua I address of the core memory location to be used by the instruction. If the page address bits in the accessed byte of the memory map are all O'S, and when combined with 9 low-order bits of the virtual address, an actual address is produced that corresponds to a word address in the range 0 throug h 15, the corresponding general register in the current register block is not accessed. In this one particular instance, a word address in the range 0 through 15 corresponds to actual core memory locations rather than general registers. Figure 5 illustrates the address modification and mapping process for an indirectly addressed, indexed, halfword operation. As the figure shows, word address 1 is the contents of the reference address field in the instruction stored in memory. The instruction is brought into the instruction register, and word address 1 (assumed to be greater than 15) is converted from a virtual address to an actuol address by the memory map. The 17 low-order bi ts of the core memory location pointed to by word address I, labeled word address 2, then replaces word address 1 in the instruction register. The index register designated in the X field of the instruction is then aligned for incrementing at the halfwordaddress level, the final virtual (effective) address is formed, and the effective address (assumed to be greater than 15) is also transformed, through the memory map. The final 19bit core l1)emory address, which automatically contains a low-order 0, is then used to access the halfword to be used as an operand for the instruction. MEMORY WRITE LOCKS The access control bits in the memory map provide access protection, through inhibitions imposed on slave programs. However, this protection is only available when the memory map is in effect, and is only operative with respect to slave programs. A memory protection feature, independent of the memory map, is provided by a lock and key technique. A 2-bit write-protect lock (WL) is provided for each 512word page of actual core memory addresses. The writeprotect locks consist of 256 2-bit write locks, each assigned to a 512-word page of actual addresses as follows: I I I I I WL WL WL WL • WL I~ ~ WL I I I WL +. Actua I addresses Actual addresses X I600 1-X'7FF' X'I FEOOI-XIIFFFF' Actual addresses (memory page 255) XI4001-X I5FF' Actual addresses Actual addresses XI2001-X I3FF' XIIFCOOI-XIIFDFF' Actual addresses 0-XI1FF' (memory page 0) 1 I The write-protect locks can be changed on Iy by the execution of the privileged instruction MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (see Control Instructions). Memory Address Control 15 Instruction in memory: Instruction in instruction register: The 8 high -order bi ts of the reference address are replaced with page address Z from memory map: Actual address of memory location that contains the direct address: Di rect address in memory: Indirect addressing replaces reference address wi th di rect address: II I I Halfword operation indexing alignment: II II Effective virtual address: The 8 high-order bits of the effective address are replaced with page address N from memory map: Final memory address, which is the actual address of halfword location containing the effective halfword: Figure 5. Generation of Actual Memory Addresses The write-key (a 2-bit field in the arithmetic and control unit) works in conjunction with the lock storage to determine whether or not the program (whether slave or master) can write into a specific page of core memory locations. The keys and locks control access for wri ti ng, accordi ng to the following rules: A lock value of 00 means that the corresponding memory page is "unlocked"; write access to that page is permitted independent of the key value. A key value of 00 is a "skeleton ll key that wi II open any locki thus, write access to any memory page is permitted independent of its lock value. A lock value other than 00 for a memory page permits write access to that page only if the key value is identical to the lock value. 16 Memory Address Control Thus, a program can write into a given memory page if the lock value is 00, if the key value is 00, or if the key value matches the lock value. Note that the memory access protection feature is provided with the memory map and operates on virtual addresses, whereas the memory write proctection feature operates on actual memory addresses. Thus, if the access protection feature is invoked (that is, the CPU is in the slave mode and is using the memory map), the access protection codes are examined at the time the virtual address is converted into an actual address. Then, the locks and keys are examined to determine whether or not the program (master or slave) is a lIowed to alter the content< of the core memory location corresponding to the final actual address. If an instruction attempts to write into a write-protected memory page, the computer aborts the instruction, and traps to location X'40', which is the "nonallowed operation" trap (see Trap System). Designation the generation of zero results, and the normalization of the results of floating-point additions and subtractions, respectively. (The floating-point mode controls are described in Chapter 3, "Floating-point Instructions".) Any program (slave or master) can change the state of the current floatingpoint mode controls by executing either the instruction LCFI or the instruction LCF; any program can store the current state of the current floatingpoint mode controls by executing the instruction STCF. PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD The critical control conditions of the SIGMA 6 CPU can be defined by 64 bits of information. These 64 bits are collectively referred to as the current program statusdoubleword (PSD). The current PSD can be considered as a 64bit internal CPU register, although it actually exists as a collection of separate registers and flip-flops. When stored in memory, the PSD is always in the following format: Designation CC MS Master/slave mode control. The computer is in the master mode when this bit is a 0; it is in the slave mode when this bit is a 1. The master/slave mode control cannot di rectly be changed by a slave program; however, a master mode program can change the control by executing either the instruction LOAD PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (LPSD) or the instruction EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (XPSD). These two privi leged instructions are described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions". MM Memory map control. The memory map is in effect when this bit is a 1; it is not in effect when this bit is O. The memory map control cannot be changed by a slave program. A mas'ter mode program can change the memory map control by executing either the instruction LPSD or the instruction XPSD. DM Decimal mask. The decimal arithmetic trap (see "Trap System") is in effect when this bit is a 1; the trap is not in effect when this bit is a O. The conditions that can cause a decimal arithmetic trap are described in Chapter 3, "Decimal Instructions". The decimal trap mask cannot be changed by a slave program; a master mode program can change the mask by executi ng either the instruction LPSD or the instruction XPSD. AM Arithmetic mask. The fixed-point arithmetic overflow trap is in effect when this bit is a 1; the trap is not in effect when this bit is a O. The instructions that can cause fixed-point overflow are described in the section "Trap System". The arithmetic trap mask cannot be changed by a slave program; a master mode program can change the mask by executing either the instruction LPSD or the instruction XPSD. IA Instruction address. This 17-bit field contains the virtual address of the next instruction to be executed. WK Write key. This field contains the 2-bit key used in conjunction with the memory protection feature. A slave program cannot change the current write key; a master mode program can change the write key by executing either the instruction LPSD or the instruction XPSD. Functi on Condition code. T~is generalized 4-bit code indicates the nature of the results of an instruction. The significance of the condition code bits depends on the particular instruction iust executed. After an instruction is executed, the instructions BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET (BCS) and BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET (BCR) can be.used, singly or in combination, to test for a particular condition code setting (these instructionsaredescribed in Chapter 3, "Execute/Branch Instructions"). In some operations, only a portion of the condition code is involved; thus, the term CC 1 refers to the first bit of the condition code, CC2 to the second bit, CC3 to the third bit, and CC4 to the fourth bit. Any program (slave or master mode) can change the current value of the condition code by executing either the instruction LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL IMMEDIATE (LCFI) or the instruction LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (LCF); any program can store the current condition code by executing STORE CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (STCF). These instructions are described in Chapter 3, "Load/Store Instructions". FS Floating significance mode control FZ Floating zero mode control FN Floating normal ize mode control The three floating-point mode bits (FS, FZ, and FN) control t~e operation of the computer with respect to floating-point significance checking, Function Program Status Doub Ieword 17 il Designation Function CI Counter interrupt group inhibit. II Input/output interrupt group inhibit. EI External interrupt group inhibit. The three inhibit bits (CI, II, and EI) determine whether an interrupt can occur. The functions of the interrupt inhibits are described in the section "Interrupt System". A slave program cannot change the state of the interrupt inhibits; a master mode program can change the interrupt inhibits by executing LPSD, X PSD, or the instruction WRITE DIRECT (WD). The WD instruction is described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions ". Register pointer. This 5-bit field selects one of the 32 possible blocks of general-purpose registers as the current register block. A slave program cannot change the register pointer; a master mode program can change the register pointer by executing LPSD, XPSD, or the instruction LOAD REGISTER POINTER (LRP). The LRP instruction is described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions". INTERRUPT SYSTEM The SIGMA 6 priority interrupt system is an improved version of the system used successfully in XDS 900/9300 series computers. Up to 237 external and internal interrupt levels are normally available, each with a unique location (see Table 2) assigned in core memory, each with a unique priority, and (except for the Power on and Power off interrupt levels) each capabl e of being sel ectively armed and/or enabled by the CPU. Also, any interrupt level can be "triggered II by the CPU (suppl ied with a signal at the same physical point where the signal from the external source would enter the interrupt level). The triggering of an interrupt permits the te~,ting of special systems programs before the special systems equipment is actually attached to the computer, and also permits an interrupt-servicing routine to defer a portion of the processing associated with an interrupt level by processing the urgent portion of an interruptservicing routine, triggering a lower-priority level (for a routine that handles the less-urgent part), then clearing the high-priority interrupt level so that other interrupts may be processed before the deferred interrupt. SIGMA6interruptleveisarearranged in groups that are connected in a predetermined priority chain by groups of levels. The priority of each level within a group is fixed; the first level has the highest priority and the last level has the lowest. The user has the option of ordering a machine with a priority chain starting with the override group and connecting all remaining groups in any sequence. This allows the user to establish external interrupts above, between, or below the counter and input/output groups of internal interrupts. Figure 6 illustrates this with a configuration that c typical user might establish; where (after the override group) the counter group of internal interrupts is given 18 Interrupt System the second-highest priori ty, followed by the first group of external interrupts, then the input/output group of internal i nterrupts, and finally all succeeding groups of external interrupts. 1st Priority Override Interrupts 4 2nd Priority --- Counter Interrupts 3rd Priority Externa I Interrupts Group 2 4th Priority ~ I nput/Output Interrupts 4 5th Priority Externa I Interrupts Group 3 Figure 6. r. Typical Interrupt Priority Chain INTERNAL INTERRUPTS The three groups of internal interrupts include standard interrupts that are normally supplied with a SIGMA 6 system, as well as power fail-safe and the additional counter interrupts. OVERRIDE GROUP (Locations X'50' to X'56') This group of seven interrupt levels always has the highest priority in a SIGMA 6 system. The power fail-safe feature inc Iudes the Power on and Power off interrupt levels. A system can have two or four count-pulse interrupt levels that are triggered by pulses from clock sources. Counter 4 has a constant frequency of 500 Hz; counters 1, 2, and 3 can be individually set to any of five manually switchable frequencies - the commercial line frequency, 500 Hz, 2 kHz, 8 kHz, and a user-supplied external signal -:- that may be different for each counter. (All counter frequenci es are synchronous except for the line frequency and the signal supplied by the user.) Each of the countpulse interrupt locations must contain one of the modify and test instructions (MTB, MTH, or MTW). Counter 4 uses the mapped location if map is currently invoked in the PSD. The results of any other instruction are unpredictable when the instruction is executed as the result of a count-pulse interrupt level advancing to the active state. When the modification (of the effective byte, halfword, or word) causes a zero result, the appropriate counter-equafs-zero interrupt (see "Counter-Equals-Zero Group") is triggered. The override group also includes a memory parity interrupt level that is triggered whenever a memory parity error is reported to the CPU. Table 2. Location Dec. Hex. WRITE DIRECT Register bitt SIGMA 6 Interrupt Locations Function Availabi lity Power on ttt Power offttt Counter 1 count pulse Counter 2 count pulse Counter 3 count pu Ise Counter 4 count pulse Memory Pari ty Reserved for future use 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 none 88 89 90 91 58 59 5A 5B 22 23 24 25 Counter Counter Counter Counter 1 zero 2 zero 3 zero 4 zero optional (as a set) 92 93 94 95 5C 5D 5E 5F 26 27 Input/Output Control Panel Reserved for future use Reserved for future use standard 96 60 16 16 17 18 19 20 111 6F 31 112 70 16 127 7F optional (as a set) 120 standard X'O' CI standard II External Group 2 X'2' External Group 3 X'3' EI , 16 12F 31 304 130 16 13F none 31 303 319 WRITE DIRECT Group code tt none standard optional 288 PSD Inhibit External Group 14 X'E' External Group 15 X'F' 31 t When the privileged instruction WRITE DIRECT is used in the interrupt control mode to operate on interrupt levels, the interrupt levels are sel ected by specific bit positions in register R. The numbers in this column indicate the bit position in register R that corresponds to the various interrupt levels. tt The numbers in this column indicate the group codes (for use with WRITE DIRECT) of the various interrupt levels. tttThese interrupts can not be disarmed, disabled, nor inhibited. COUNTER-EQUALS-ZERO GROUP (Locations X'58' to X'SB') Each interrupt level in the counter-equals-zero group (called a counter-equals-zero interrupt) is associated with a countpulse interrupt in the override group. When the execution of a modify and test instruction in the count-pulse interrupt 10cation causes a zero result in the effective byte, halfword, or word location, the corresponding counter-equals-zero interrupt is tri ggered. The counter-equa Is-zero interrupts can be inhibited or permitted asa group. If bit position 37 (CI) of the current program status doubleword contains a 0, the counterequals-zero interrupts are allowed to interrupt the program being executed. However, if the CI bit is a 1, the counterequals-zero interrupts are notal lowed to interruptthe program. I INPUT/OUTPUT GROUP (Locations X'SC' and X'5D') This interrupt group includes two standard interrupts: the I/O interrupt and the control panel interrupt. The I/O interrupt Interrupt System 19 level accepts interrupt signals from the standard I/o system. The I/o interrupt location is assumed to contain an EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (XPSD) instruction that transfers program control to a routine for servicing all I/O interrupts. The I/O routine then contains an ACKNOWLEDGE I/o INTERRUPT (AIO) instruction that identifies the source and reason for the interrupt. The control panel interrupt level is connected to the INTERRUPT buttons on the processor control panel. The control panel interrupt level can thus be triggered by the computer operator, allowing him to initiate a specific routine. The interrupts in the input/output group can be inhibited or permitted by means of bit position 38 (II) of the program status doubleword. If II is a 0, the interrupts in the I/O group are allowed to interrupt the program being executed. However, if the II bit is a 1, the interrupts are inhibited from interrupting the program. POWER FAIL-SAFE FEATURE The two power fail-safe interrupt levels, which cannot be disabled, disarmed, or inhibited, are used to enter routines that save and restore volatile information (e. g., registers, interrupt environment, etc.) in case of primary powerfailure. When primary voltage drops below safe limits, the power off interrupt is triggered. Typically, a power off routine stores volati Ie information in main memory to faci litate recovery, halts all I/O operations, and ends in a waiting state. When primary power returns to safe limits, the power on interrupt is triggered. Typically, a power on routine restores information from main memory and prepares to resume processing. (Note: When power is restored, software timeouts for I/O operations may occur.) Because the power on interrupt has a hi gher priority than the power off interrupt (see Table 2), a power failure cannot interrupt a power on routine before the system is restored to a predi ctab Ie state (registers restored, etc.). Since main frame power supplies maintain voltages for five milliseconds after detecting an imminent power failure, the total time of the power on and power off routines must be less than five mi Iliseconds. External Input Trigger Input : ~ Active, waiting, or d;sarmed stale I A SIGMA 6 system can contain up fl.' 14 groups of optional interrupt levels, with 161evels in each group. As shown in Figure 6, the groups can be connected in any priority sequence. All external interrupts can be inhibited or permitted by means of bit position 39 (EI) of the program status doubleword. If EI is a 0, external interrupts are allowed to interrupt the program; however, if EI is a 1, all external interrupts are inhibited from interrupting the program. STATES OF AN INTERRUPT LEVEL A SIGMA 6 interrupt level is mechanized by means of three flip-flops. Two of the flip-flops are used to define any of four mutually exclusive states: disarmed, armed, waiting, and active. The third flip-flop is used as a level-enable. The various states and the conditionscausing them to change state (see Figure 7) are described in the following paragraphs. DISARMED When an interrupt level is in the disarmed state, no signal to that interrupt level is admitted; that is, no record is retained of the existence of the signal, nor is any program interrupt caused by it at any time. ARMED When an interrupt level is in the armed state, it can accept and remember an interrupt signal. The receipt of such a signal advances the interrupt level to the waiting state. WAITING When an interrupt level in the armed state receives an interrupt signal, it advances to the waiting state, and remains r---------------------I ~: ----0 Armed state 1-. EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS : I I ---------------------~ O;sabled stale Remember interr~pt Enabled state WAITING STATE Group n inhibit = 1 on off Group n inhibit = 0 --------------------------------------------- I Note: The armed, disarmed, waiting, and active states are controlled by two flip-flops and the enabled/disabled I states are controlled by the level-enable flip-flop. Figure 7. 20 Interrupt System Operational States of an Interrupt Level in the waiting state unti I it is allowed to advance to the active state. If the level-enable flip-·flop is off, the interrupt level can undergo all state changes except that of moving from the waiting to the active state. Furthermore, if this flip-flop is off, the interrupt level is completely removed from the chain that determines the priority of access to the CPU. Thus, an interrupt level in the waiting state with its level-enable in the off condition does not prevent an enabled, waiting interrupt of lower priority from moving to the acti ve state. interrupt-servicing routine cannot be interrupted by a lower-priority interrupt as long as it remains in the active state. Normally, the interrupt servicing routine clears its interrupt and transfers program contro I back to the poi nt of interrupt by means of an LPSD instruction with the same effective address as the XPSD instruction in the interrupt location. CONTROL OF THE INTERRUPT SYSTEM When an interrupt level is in the waiting state, the following conditions must all exist simultaneously before the level advances to the active state. 1. The level must be enabled (i. e., its level-enable flipflop must be set to 1). 2. The CPU must be at an interruptible point in the execution of a program. 3. The group inhibit (CI, II, or EI, if applicable) must be a 4. O. No higher-priority interrupt level is in the active state or is in the waiting sto4-e and totally enabled (i. e. , enabled and not inhibited). ACTIVE When an interrupt meets all of the conditions necessary to permit it to move from the waiting state to the active state, it is permitted to do so by being acknowledged by the computer, which then executes the contents of the assigned interrupt location as the next instruction. The instruction address portion of the program status doubleword remains unchanged until the instruction in the interrupt location is executed. The instruction in the interrupt location must be one of the following: XPSD, MTB, MTH, or MTW. If the execution of any other instruction in an interrupt location attempted as the result of an interrupt level advancing to the active state, the results of the instruction are unpredictable. The use of the privi leged instruction XPSD in an interrupt location permits an interrupt-servicing routine to save the entire current machine environment and establish a new environment. If working registers are needed by the routine and additiona I register blocks are avai lable, the contents of the current register block can be saved automatically with no time loss. This is accomplished by changing the value of the register pointer, which results in the assignment of a new block of 16 registers to the routine. An interrupt level remains in the active state unti I it is cleared (removed from the active state) by the execution of the LPSD instruction or the WD instruction. An interruptservicing routine can itself be interrupted whenever a higher-priority interrupt level meets all of the conditions for becoming active; and then continued after the higher-priority interrupt is cleared. However, an The SIGMA 6 system has two points of interrupt control. One point of interrupt control is at the individual interrupt level. The WD instruction can be used to individually arm, disarm, enable, disable, or trigger any interrupt level except for the power fail-safe interrupts (which are always armed, always enabled, and cannot be triggered). The second point of interrupt control is achieved by means of the interrupt inhibits (CI, II, and EI) in the program status doubleword. If an interrupt inhibit is set to 1, all interrupt levels in the corresponding group are effectively disabled; i. e., no interrupt in the group may advance from the waiting state to the active state and the group is removed from the interrupt recognition priority chain. Thus, a waiting, enabled interrupt level (in a group that is not inhibited) is not prevented from interrupting the program by a higherpriority,' waiting, enabled interrupt level in a group that is inhibited. However, if an interrupt group is inhibited whi Ie a level in that group is in the active state, no lower-priority interrupt level may advance to the active state. nME OF INTERRUPT OCCURRENCES The SIGMA 6 CPU permits an interrupt to occur during the following time intervals (related to the execution cycle of an instruction) providing the control panel COMPUTE switch is in the RUN position and no "halt" condition exists: 1. Between instructions: An interrupt is permitted between the completion of any instruction and the initiation of the next instruction. 2. Between the initiation of an instruction and memory or register modification: For some instructions, an interrupt is permitted after an instruction has been in process and up to the point in time when a memory location or a general register is modified. If an interrupt occurs during this time interval, the instruction is aborted, the instruction address portion ofthe program status doubl eword remai ns poi nti ng tothe interrupted instruction, and the instruction in the interrupt location is executed. After the interrupt-servi c i ng routine has been processed, program control is returned to the interrupted instruction, and the interrupted instruction is then reinitialized. Most instru.:tions have such a short execution time that they are not abortable by an interrupt; thus, an interrupt normal I y occurs onl y before or after an instruction execution. Interrupt System 21 3. When a modify and test instruction is executed in a countpulse interrupt location, all of the above conditions appl~ in addition to the following: If the resultant value in the effective location is zero, the corresponding counterequals-zero interrupt is triggered. Between instruction iterations: An interrupt is also permitted to occur during the execution of the following multiple-operand instructions: Move Byte String (MBS) Compare Byte String (CBS) Translate Byte String (TBS) Translate and Test Byte String (TTBS) Edit Byte String (EBS) Decimal Multiply (OM) Decimal Divide (00) Move tt::) Memory Control (MMC) TRAP SYSTEM When a condition that is to result in an interrupt is sensed, a signal is sent to an interrupt level. If that level is "armed" it advances to the waiting state. When all of the conditions for its acknowledgment have been achieved, the interrupt level eventually advances to the active state, where it finally causes the computer to take an instruction from a specific location in memory. The computer may execute many instructions between the time that the interrupt requesting condition is sensed and the time that the actual interrupt acknowledgment occurs. However, detecting any of the conditions listed in Table 3 results in a trap (the immediate execution of the instruction in a unique location in memory). The control and intermediate results of these instructions reside in registers and memory; thus, the instruction can be interrupted between the completion of one iteration (operand execution cycle) and the point in time (during the next iteration) when a memory location or register is modified. If an interrupt occurs during this time, the current iteration is aborted and the instruction address portion of the program status doubleword remains pointing to the interrupted instruction. After the interrupt-servicing routine is completed, the instruction continues from the point at which it was interrupted and does not begin anew. SINGLE-INSTRUCTION INTERRUPTS A s ingle- instruction interrupt is a situation where an interrupt level is activated, the current program is interrupted, the singleinstruction in the interrupt location is executed, the interrupt level is automatically cleared and armed, and the interrupted program continues without be ing disturbed or delayed (except for the time required for the singl e-instruction). If any of the following instructions is executed in any interrupt location, then that interrupt automaticall y becomes a single-instruction interrupt. Instruction Name Mnemonic Modify and Test Byte MTB Modify and Test Halfword MTH Modify and Test Word MTW The modify and test instruction modifies the effective byte, halfword, or word (as described in the section "Fixed-point Arithmetic Instructions") but the current condition code remains unchanged (even if overflow occurs). The effective address ofa modify and test instruction in an interrupt location (except counter 4) is always treated as an actual address, regardless of whether or not the memory map is currently being used. Counter 4 uses the mapped location if map is currently invoked in the PSD. The execution of a modify and test instruction in an interrupt location, including mapped and unmapped counter 4, is independent of the memory access protection codes and the write-protection locks; thus, a memory protection violation trap cannot occur (a nonexistent memory address wi II cause an unpredictable operation). Also, the fixed-point overflow trap cannot occur as the result of overflow caused by executing MTH or MTW in an interrupt location. The execution of a modify and test instruction in an interrupt location automatically clears and arms the corresponding interrupt level, allowing the interrupted program to continue. 22 Trap System When a trap condition occurs, the CPU sets the trap state. Depending on the type of trap, the instruction currently being executed by the CPU mayor may not be carried to completion. In any event, the instruction is terminated with a trap sequence. ~ In this sequ~nce, the instruction address (IA) portion of the program status doubleword (PSD), which has already been incremented by 1, is decremented by 1 and then the instruc tion in the location associated wi th the trap is executed. An interrupt acknowledgment cannot occur unti I the execution of the instruction in the trap location is completed. The instruction in the trap focation must be an XPSO instruction; if the execution of any other instruction in a trap location is attempted as the resul t of a trap activation, the results of the instruction are unpredictable. The detai led operation of XPSD is described in Chapter 3, II Control Instructions". I The XPSO instruction in a trap location is accessed without using the memory map, regardless of whether or not the memory map is in effect when the trap condition occurs. Also, no memory protection violation or privileged instruction violation can occur as a result of either accessing or executing an XPSO instruction in a trap location. Table 3 summarizes the description of the trap system. NONALLOWED OPERATION TRAP The occurrence of one of the nona II owed operations always causes the computer to abort the instruction being executed (at the time that the nona II owed operation is detected) and to immediately execute the instruction in trap location X'40'. NONEXISTENT INSTRUCTION Any instruction that is neither standard nor optional on SIGMA 6 is defined as nonexistent (this incl udes immediate addressin"g instructions that are indirectly addressed). If execution of a nonexistent instruction is attempted, the computer traps to location X ' 40 ' at the time the instruction is decoded. The operation of the XPSD instruction in trap Table 3. Location Dec. Hex. 64 40 Summary of SIGMA 6 Trap System Function PSD Mask Bit Nonallowed operation none Time of Occurrence Spec ial Action During XPSD 1. Nonexistent instruction Instruction decoding Set CCl after new CC is loaded from memory. If bit 9 of XPSD is 1, add 8 to the new instruction address value loaded from memory.' 2. Nonexistent memory address Prior to memory access Set CC2 after new CC is loaded from memory. If bit 9 of XPSD is 1, add 4 to the new instruction address value loaded from memory. 3. Privileged instruction in slave mode Instruction decoding Set CC3 after new CC is loaded from memory. If bit 9 of XPSD is 1, add 2 to the new instruction address value loaded from memory. 4. Memory protection Prior to memory access Set CC4 after new CC is loaded from memory. If bit 9 of XPSD is 1, add 1 to the new instruction address value loaded from memory. 65 41 Unimplemented instruction none Instruction decoding none 66 42 Push-down stac k lim it reached TW, TSt At the time of stack limit detection none 67 43 Fixed-point arithmetic overflow AM For al I instructions except DW none and D H, trap occurs after completion of instruction. For DW and D H, instruction is aborted with memory, regi sters, CC 1, CC3, CC4 unchanged. 68 44 Floating-point fault 1. Characteristic overflow none none 2. Divide by zero none At time of fault detection; the condition code is set to indicate the reason for the trap 3. Significance check FS, FZ, FN 69 45 Decimal arithmetic fault DM At time of fault detection; the condition code is set to indicate the reason for the trap none 70 46 Watchdog timer runout none At time of runout none 72 48 CALL 1 none Instruction decoding 73 49 CALL 2 none Instruction decoding 74 4A CALL 3 none Instruction decoding 75 4B CALL 4 none Instruction decoding 76 4C The R fi el d of the CA LL i nstruction is ORed into new CC settings loaded from memory. If bit 9 of XPSD is 1, the R field of the CALL instruction is added to the new instruction address value loaded from memory. Reserved 79 ~ 4F _ _~~_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L ' . _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ tThe TW and TS mask bits are contained within the stack pointer doubleword for each push-down stack. Trap System 23 location X'40' (with respect to the condition code and instruction add~ess portions of the PSD) is as follows: 1. Store the current PSO. The condition code stored is that which existed at the end of the instruction executed immediately prior to the nonexistent instruction. 2. Load the new PSD. The current PSD is replaced by the contents of the doubleword location following the doubleword location in which the current PSD was stored. 3. Modify the new PSD: a. Set CCl to 1 (CC2, CC3, and CC4 remain set at the values loaded from memory). b. Ifbitposition90fXPSDcontainsal, the instruction address loaded from memory is incremented by S. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 0, the instruction address remai ns at the value loaded from memory. NONEXISTENT MEMORY ADDRESS Any attempt to access a nonex istent memory address causes a trap to location X '40' at the time of the request for memory service. A nonexistent memory address condition is detected by memory on the basis of the actual address presented to it. If the CPU is currently using the memory map, the virtual address wi II already have been modified by the memory map to generate an actual (but nonexistent) address. The operation of XPSD in trap location X'40' is as follows: 1. Store the current PSD. 2. Load the new PSD. 3. Modify the new PSD: a. Set CC2 to 1 (CC1, CC3, and CC4 remain set at the values loaded from memory). b. Ifbitposition90fXPSDcontainsa 1, the instruction address loaded from memory is incremented by4. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 0, the instruction address remains at the value loaded from memory. The operation codes, OC, aD, 2C, 20, and their indirectly addressed forms, SC, SO, AC, AD, are both nonexistent and privileged. If one of these operation codes is used I while the CPU is in the slave state, both CCl and CC3 wi~ be set to )'s after the new PSD has been loaded, and if bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the instruction address loaded from memory is incremented by 10. MEMORY PROTECTION VIOLATION A memory protection violation can occur either because of a memory map access control bit violation (by a slave program using the memory map) or because of a memory write lock violation (by either a slave or a master mode program). When either memory protection violation occurs, the CPU aborts execution of the current instruction (without changing protected memory) and traps to location X'40'. The operation of the XPS D in trap location X'40' is as follows: 1. Store the current PSD, 2. Load the current PSO. 3. Modify the new PSD: a. Set CC4 to 1 (CC 1, CC2, and CC3 remain at the values loaded from memory. b. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the instrucl ti on address loaded from memory is incremented by 1. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a a, the instruction address remains at the value loaded from memory. An attempt to access a memory location that is both protected and nonexistent causes both CC2 and CC4 to be set to lis after the new PSD has been loaded, and if bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the instruction address loaded from memory is incremented by 5. PRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION IN SLAVE MODE An attempt to execute a privileged instruction while the CPU is in the slave mode causes a trap to location X1 40 ' at the time of instruction decoding. The operation of XPSD in trap location X 140 ' is as follows: UNIMPLEMENTED INSTRUCTION TRAP There is one SIGMA 6 optional instruction group. the floating-point option. This is The floating-point option includes the following instructions: 1. Store the current PSD. 2. Load the new PSD. 3. Modify the new PSD. a. b. 24 Set CC3 to 1 (CC1, CC2, and CC4 remain at the val ues loaded from memory). If bi t position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the instruction address loaded from memory is incremented by 2. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 0, the instruction address remains at the value loaded from memory. Trap System Instruction Name Mnemonic Operation Code Floating Add Short FAS X ' 3D' Floating Add Long FAL X'ID' FI oati ng Subtract Short FSS X ' 3C' Floating Subtract Long FSL X'lC' Floating Multiply Short FMS X'3F' Floating Multiply Long FML X'lF' Floating Divide Short FDS X'3E' Floating Divide Long FDL X'lE' If an attempt is made to execute an instruction (directly or indirectly addressed) in this group when the floating-point option is not implemented, the computer traps to location X'41'. The operation of the XPSD in trap location X'41' is as follows: 1. 2. Store the current PSD. The condition code stored is that which existed at the end of the instruction immediately prior to the unimplemented instruction. Load the new PSD. The condition code and the instruction address portions of the PSD remain at the values loaded from memory. PUSH-DOWN STACK LIMIT TRAP Push-down stack overflow or underflow can occur during execution of any of the following instructions: Instruction Name Mnemonic Push Word PSW Pull Word PLW Push Multiple PSM Pull Multiple PLM Modify Stack Pointer MSP During the execution of any stack-manipulating instruction (see Push-down Instructions) the stack is either pushed (words added to stack) or pulled (words removed from stack). In either case, the space count and word count fields of the stack pointer doubleword are tested prior to moving any words. If execution of the instruction would cause the space count to become less than 0 or greater than 2 15 _1, the instruction is aborted with memory and registers unchanged; then, if bit 32 (TS) of the stack pointer doubleword is 0, the CPU traps to location X'42'. If execution of the instruction would cause the word count to become less than 0 or greater than 2 15 -1, the i nstructi on is aborted wi th memory and regi sters unchanged; then, if bit 48 (TW) of the stack pointer doubleword is a 0, the CPU traps to location X'42'. If trapping does occur, the condition code remains at the value it had immediately prior to the instruction that caused the trap. When trapping is inhibited, either CCl or CC3 is set to 1 (or both CCI and CC3 are set to l's) to indicate the reason for aborti ng the i nstructi on. The stack poi nter doubleword, memory, and registers are modified only if the instruction is successfully executed. The execution of XPSD in trap location X'42' is as follows: 1. 2. Store the current PSD. The condition code stored is that which existed immediately prior to the execution of the aborted push-down instruction. Load the new PSD.' The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSD remain at the values loaded from memory. fiXED-POINT OVERflOW TRAP Fixed-point overflow can occur for any of the following instructions: Instruction Name Mnemonic Load Complement Word Load Absolute Word Load Complement Doubleword Load Absol ute Doubleword Add Immedi ate Add Ha Ifword Add Word Add Doubleword Subtract Halfword Subtract Word Subtract Doublword Divide Halfword Divide Word Add Word to Memory Modify and Test Halfword Modify and Test Word LCW LAW LCD LAD AI AH AW AD SH SW SD DH DW AWM MTH MTW Except for the instructions DIVIDE HALFWORD (DH) and DIVIDE WORD (DW), the instruction execution is allowed to proceed to completion, CC2 is set to 1 and CC3 and CC4 represent the actual result (0, -, or +) after overflow. If the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (bit 11 of PSD) is a 1, the CPU traps to location X'43' instead of executing the next instruction in sequence. For OW and DH, the instructi,on execution is aborted without changing any registers and CC2 is set to 1; but CCl, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged from their values at the end of the instruction immediately prior to the OW or DH. If the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask is a 1, the CPU traps to location X'43' instead of executing the next instruction in sequence. 1. Store the current PSD. If the instruction causing the trap was an instruction other than DW or DH, the stored condition code t is interpreted as follows: CCl tt CC2 CC3 o CC4 Meaning o o resu It after overff ow is negative o o result after overflow is zero result after overflow is positive no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 t A hyphen (-) indicates that the condition code bit is not affected by the condition given under the "Meaning" heading. ttCCl remains unchanged for the instructions LCW, LAW, LCD, and LAD. Trap System 25 FS = 1 and FN = 0), or a postnormalization shift of m more than two hexadecimal places (with FS = 1 and FN = 0), the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: If the instruction causing the trap was DW or DH, the stored condition code is interpreted as fol lows: CCI CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning CCI overflow 2. Load the new PSD. The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSD remain at the value loaded from memory. FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC FAULT TRAP Floating-point fault detection is performed after the operation called for by the instruction code is performed, but before any results are actually loaded into the general registers; thus, the floating-point operation that causes an arithmetic fault is notcarried to completion (in the sense that the original contents of the general registers remain unchanged). Instead, the computer traps to location X ' 44 1 with the current condition code indicating the reason for the trap. A characteristic overflow or an attempt to divide by zero always results in a trap condition; a significance check or a characteristic underflow result in a trap condition only if the floating-point mode controls (FS, FZ, and FN) in the program status doubleword are set to the appropriate state. If a floating-point instruction causes a trap, the execution of XPSD in trap location X' 44 1 is as follows: 1. Store the current PS D. If division is attempted with a zero divisor or if characteristic overflow occurs, the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning 0 0 0 0 0 2. 0 zero result of addition or subtraction more than 2 postnormal izing shifts, negative result 0 more than 2 postnormalizing shifts, positive result Load the new PSD. The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSD remain at the values loaded from memory. DECIMAL ARITHMETIC FAULT TRAP When either of two decimal fault conditions occur (see Decimal Instructions), the normal sequencing of instruction execution is halted, CCI and CC2 are set according to the reason for the fault condition, and CC3, CC4, memory, and the decimal accumulator remain unchanged by the instruction. If the decimal arithmetic trap mask (bit position 10 of PSD) is a 0, the instruction execution sequence continues with the next instruction (in sequence) at the time of fault detection; however, if the decimal arithmetic trap mask bit is a 1, the computer traps to location X'45 1 at the time of fault detection. The execution of XPSD in trap location X'45 1 is as follows: CCl CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning 0 0 0 0 0 divide by zero CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning o characteristic overflow, positive result If none of the above condi tions occurs, but characteristic underflow occurs with the floating zero (FZ) mode bit set to 1, the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: Store the current PSD. The stored condition code is interpreted as fo II ows : CCI characteristic overflow, negative result 0 0 1. all digits legal and overflow o 2. illegal digit detected Load the new PSD. The condition code and instruction "address portions of the PSD remain at the values loaded from memory. WATCHDOG TIMER RUNOUT TRAP CCI CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning characteristic underflow, negative result 0 0 characteristic underflow, positive result If none of the above conditions occurs, but an addition or subtraction results in either a zero resul t (with 26 Trap System The instruction watchdog timer insures that the CPU must periodically reach interruptible points of operation in the execution of instructions. An interruptible point is a time during the execution of a program when an interrupt request (if present) would be acknowledged. Interruptible points occur at the end of every instruction and during the execution of some instructions (such as the byte string group). The watchdog timer measures elapsed time from the last interruptible point. If the maximum allowable time has been reached before the next time that an interrupt could be recognized, the current instruction is aborted and the watchdog timer runout trap is activated. Except for a nonexistent address used with READ DIRECT (RD) or WRITE DIRECT (WD) instructions, programs trapped by the watchdog timer cannojo (in general) be continued. Execution of XPSD in trap location X'46' is as follows: 1. Store the current PSD. The stored condition code is, in general, meaningless. 1. Store the current PS D. The stored condi ti on code is that which existed at the end of the instruction immediately prior to the call instruction. 2. Load the new PSD. 3. Modify the new PSD. a. The R field of the cal I instruction is logically ORed with the condition code value loaded from memory, and the result is loaded into the condition code. b. CAll INSTRUCTION TRAPS If bit 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the R field of the call instruction is added to the instruction address loaded from memory. The four call instructions (CAll, CAL2, CAL3, and CAL4) cause the computer to trap to location X'48' (for CAll) If bit 9 of XPSD containa a 0, the instruction address remains at the value loaded from memory. 2. Load the new PSD. The instruction address portion of the PSD remains at the values loaded from memory; however, the resulting condition code is, generally, meaningless. X'49' (for CAL2), X'4A' (for CAL3), or X'4B' (for CAL4l. Execution of XPSD in the trap location is as follows: Trap System 27 3. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE This section describes all SIGMA 6 instructions, grouped in the following functional classes: d. Doubleword index alignment: the reference addre~ field of the instruction {plus the displacement valuel can be used to address any doubleword in core memoryor in the current block of general registers. The addressed doubleword is automatically located within doubleword storage boundaries. e. Immediate operand: the instruction word contains an operand value used as part of the instruction execution. If indirect addressing is attempted with this type of instruction (i.e., bit 0 of the instruction word is a 1), the instruction is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) a nd traps to Iocat i on X 140 1, the nona /I owed operation" trap. Indexing does not apply to this type of instruction. Page 28 34 36 41 43 1. Load and Store 2. Analyze and Interpret 3. Fixed-Point Arithmetic 4. Comparison 5. Logical 6. Shift 7. Conversion 8. Floating-Point Arithmetic (optional) 9. Decimal 10. Byte String 11. Push Down 12. Execute and Branch 13. Call 14. Control 15. Input/Output 44 46 47 51 57 64 69 71 72 79 II f. SIGMA 6 instructions are described in the following format: MNEMONIC CD INSTRUCTION NAME ® (Addressing type @, Optional 0 Privi leged @, Interrupt Action®) Description Affected 4. If the instruction is not in the standard SIGMA 6 instruction set, it is labeled "optional". If execution of an optional instruction is attempted on a computer in which the instruction is not implemented, the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X ' 41 1 , which is the "unimplemented instruction trap". 5. If the instruction is not executable while the computer is in the slave mode, it is labeled "privileged". If execution of a privileged instruction is attempted whi Ie the computer is in the slave mode, the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to 10.cation X'40'. 6. If the instruction can be successfully resumed after its execution sequence has been interrupted by an interrupt acknowledgment, the instruction is labeled "continue after interrupt". Otherwise, the instruction is either completed or the instruction is aborted and then restarted after the interrupt is cleared. In the case of the "continue after interrupt" instructions, certain general registers contain intermediate results or control information that allows the instruction to continue properly. In the case of aborted instructions, all affected registers are restored to the values they contained immediately before the aborted instruction was begun. ® 0 Trap @) Symbol ic notation ® Condition Code Settings@ Trap Action@ Example@ 1. MNEMONIC is the code used by the SIGMA 6 assemblers to produce the instruction IS basic operation code. 2. INSTRUCTION NAME is the instruction's descriptive title. 3. The instruction's addressing type is one of the following: 28 a. Byte index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address a byte in core memory or in the current block of general registers. b. Halfword index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address a halfword in core memory or in the current block of general registers. c. Word index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address any word in core memory or in the current b lock of general registers. Instruction Repertoire Immediate displacement: the instruction word contains an address displacement used as part of the instruction execution. If indirect addressing is attempted wi th th i s type of instruct i on, the computer treats the instruction as a nonexistent instruction, in wh i ch case the computer uncond i ti ona /I y aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40'. Inde'xing does not apply to this type of instruction. 7. Instruction format; a. Indirect addressing -If bit position 0 of the instruction format contains an asterisk (*), the instruction can uti Iize indirect addressing; however, if bit position 0 of the instruction format contains a 0, the instruction is of the immediate addressing type, which is treated as a nonexistent instruction if indirect addressing is attempted (resulting in a trap to location XI401). b. Operation code - The operation code field (bit positions 1-7) of the instruction is shown in hexadecimal notation. c. R field - If the register address field (bit positions 8-11) of the instruction format contains the character "R", the instruction can specify any register in the current block of general registers as an operand source, result destination, or both; otherwise, the function of this field is determined by the instruction. d. e. f. X field - If the index register address field (bit positions 12-14) of the instruction format contains the character II X" , the instruction can specify indexing with anyone of registers 1 through 7 in the current block of general registers; otherwise, the function of this field is determined by the instruction. Reference address field - Normally, the reference address field (bit positions 15-31) of the instruct ion format is used as the in Hia I address va lue for an instruction operand. For instructions of the immediate addressing type, the effective address of the instruction is not used to access an operand; instead, the effective address itself is used as an operand. In these cases, the function of the effective address is represented in the lower half of the reference address field in the instruction format diagram. Value field - In some fixed-point arithmetic instructions, bit positions 12-31 of the instruction format contain the word "value". This field is treated as a 20-bit integer, with negative integers represented in twols complement form. g. Displacement field - In the byte string instructions, bit positions 12-31 of the instruction format contain the word "displacement. II In the execution of the instruction, this field is used to modify the source address of an operand, the destination address of a result, or both. h. Ignored fields - In the instruction format diagrams, any area that is shaded represents a field or bit position that is ignored by the computer (i. e., the content of the shaded field or bit has no effect on instruction execution) but should be coded with O's so as to preclude conflict with possible modifications. In any format diagram of a general register or memory word modified by an instruction, a shaded area represents a field' whose content is indeterminate after execution of the instruction. 8. The description of the instruction defines the operations performed by the computer in response to the instruction configuration depicted by the instruction format diagram. Any instruction configuration that causes an unpredictable result is so specified in the description. 9. All programmable registers and storage areas that can be affected by the instruction are Iisted (symbol ically) after the word II Affected". The instruction address portion of the program status doubleword is considered to be affected only if a branch condition can occur as a resul t of the instruction execution, since the instruction address is updated (incremented by 1) as part of every instruction execution. 10. All trap conditions that may be invoked by the execution of the instruction are Iisted after the word liT rap". SIGMA 6 trap locations are summarized in the section liT rap System". 11. The symbol ic notation presents the instruction operation as a seri es of general i zed symboli c statements. The symbolic terms used in the notation are defined in Table 4. 12. Condition Code settings are given for each instruction that affects the condition code. A 0 or a 1 under any of columns 1, 2, 3, or 4 indicates that the instruction causes a 0 or 1 to be placed in Cel, CC2, CC3, or CC4, respectivel y, for the reasons given. If a hyphen (-) appears in columns 1, 2, 3, or 4, that portion of the condition code is not affected by the reason given for the condition code bit{s) containing a 0 or 1. For example, the following condition code settings are given for a comparison instruction: 2 3 4 Result of comparison 0 0 equal 0 register operand is arithmetically less than effective operand 0 0 register operand is arithmetically greater than effective operand the logical product (AND) of the two operands is zero the logical product of the two operands is nonzero CC1 is unchanged by the instruction. CC2 indicates whether or not the two operands have 11 sin corres. ponding bit positions, regardless of their arithmetic relationship. Ce3 and Ce4 are set according to the arithmetic relationship of the two operands, regardless of whether or not the two operands have lis in corresponding bit positions. For example, if the register operand is arithmetically less than the effective operand and the two operands both have l's in at least one corresponding bit position, the condition code setting for the comparison instruction is: 2 3 4 o The .above statements about the condition code are valid only if no trap occurs before the successful completion of Instruction Repertoire 29 the instruction execution cycle. If a trap does occur during the instruction execution, the condition code is normally reset to the value it contained before the instruction was started, and then the appropriate trap location is activated. 13. Actions taken by the computer for those trap conditions that may be invoked by the execution of the instruction are described. The description includes the criteria for the trap condition, any controlling trap mask or inhibit bits, and the action taken by the computer. In order to avoid unnecessary repetition, the two trap conditions that apply to all Table 4. Meaning () Contents of. AM Fixed-point arithmetic trap mask - bit 11 of the program status doubleword. If this bit is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 after executing an instruction that causes fixedpoint overflow; if this bit is a 0, the computer does not trap to location X'43 1• Term Instruction register - the internal CPU register used to hold instructions obtained from memory whi Ie they are being decoded. Ru 1 x General register address value - the 4-bit contents of bit positions 8-11 (the R field) of an instruction word, also expressed symbolically as (1)8-11' In the instruction descriptions, register R is the general register (of the current register block) that corresponds to the R field add ress va Iue • Odd register address value - register Ru 1 is the general register pointed to by the value obtained by logically ORing 0001 into the address value for register R. Thus, if the R field of an instruction contains an even value, Ru 1 = R + 1, and if the R field contains an odd value, Ru 1 = R. EVA 30 EBL Effective byte location - the byte location pointed to by the effective virtual address of an instruction for a byte operation. EB Effective byte - the 8-bit contents of the effective byte location, or (EBL). EHL Effective halfword location - the halfword location pointed to by the effective virtual addressof an instruction fora halfword operation. EH Effective halfword - the 16-bit contents of the effective halfword location, or (EHL). EWL Effective word location - the word location pointed to by the effective virtual address of an instruction for a word operation. EW Effective word - the 32-bit contents of the effective word location, or (EWL). EDL Effective doubleword location - the doubleword location pointed to by the effective virtual address of an instruction for a doubleword operation. If an odd-numbered word location is specified for a doubleword operation, the low-order bit of the effective address field (bit position 31) is automatically forced to 0. Thus, an odd-numbered word address (referring to the middle of a doubleword) designates the same doubleword as an even-numbered word address, when used for a doubleword operation. ED Effective doubleword - the 64-bit contents of the effective doubleword location, or (EDL). CC Condition code - a 4-bit value (whose bit positions are labeled CC 1, CC2, CC3, and CC4) that is establ ished as part of the execution of most SIGMA 6 instructions. FN Floating normal ize mode control - bit 7 of the program status doubleword. If this bit is a 0, the results of floating-point additions and subtractions are to be normalized; if this bit is a 1, the results Clre not normalized. t- Reference address - the contents of bit positions 15-31 of an instruction word. This 17-bit field is capable of directly addressing any general register in the current register block (by using a value in the range 0-15) or any word in core memory in the address range 16 through 131,07l. This address value is the initial address value for any subsequent address computations, memory mapping, or both computation and mapping. Effective vIrtual address - the virtual address value obtained as a result of indirect addressing and/or indexing. This address value is Instruction Repertoire Meaning independent of the program1s actual location in core memory, and is the final address value before memory mapping is performed. Index register address value - the 3-bit contents of bit positions 12-14 (the X field) of an instruction word. If X = for an instruction, no indexing is performed. If X a for an instruction, indexing is performed (after indirect addressing if indirect addressing is called for) with general register X in the current register block. ° RA 14. Some instruction descriptions provide one or more examples to illustrate the results of the instruction. These examples are intended onl y to show how the instructions operate, and not to demonstrate their full capability. Within the examples, hexadecimal notation is used to represent the contents of general registers and storage locations {condition code settings are shown in binary notation. The character "x" is used to indicate irrelevant or ignored information. Glossary of Symbolic Terms Term R instructions (i. e., nonallowed operations and watchdog timer runout) are not described for each instruction. I Table 4. Glossary of Symbolic Terms (cont.) Term Meaning FS Floating significance mode control - bit 5 of the program status doubleword. If this bit is a 1, the computer traps to location X'44' when more than two hexadecimal places of postnormalization shifting are required for a floating-point addition or subtraction; if this bit is 0, no significance checking is performed. FZ Term Floating zero mode control - bit 6 of the program status doubleword. If this bit is a 1, the computer traps to location X'44' when either characteristic underflow or a zero result occurs for a floating-point multiplication or division; if this bit is a 0, characteristic underflow and zero resu I ts are treated as normal conditions. IA Instruction address - the 17-bit value that defines the virtual address of an instruction immediately prior to the time that the instruction is executed. X'n' Hexadecimal qual ifier - a hexadecimal value {n} is an unsigned string of hexadecimal digits (O through 9 and A through F) surrounded by LOAD/STORE INSTRUCTIONS The following load/store instructions are implemented in SI GMA 6 computers: Instruction Name Load Immediate Load Byte Load Ha Ifword Load Word Load Doubleword Load Complement Halfword Load Absolute Halfword Load Complement Word Load Absolute Word Load Complement Doubleword Load Absolute Doubleword Load Selective Load Multiple Load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate Load Conditions and Floating Control Exchange Word Store Byte Store Halfword Store Word Store Doubleword Store Selecti ve Store Multiple Store Conditions and Floating Controls Mnemonic LI LB LH LW LD LCH Meaning single quotation marks and preceded by the qualifier "X" (for example, 7B0 is writ16 ten X'7BO'. AND (Iogi cal product, where 0 nO;::: 0, 1 = 0, 1 n 0 = 0, and 1 n 1 = 1). n on OR (logical inclusive OR, where 0 u 0 = 0, 1 u 0 ;::: 1, and 1 u 1 ;::: 1). u o u 1 = 1, EOR {logical exclusive OR, where 0 @ 0 1 ;::: 1, 1@ 0;::: 1, and 1 @ 1 ;::: O}. o@ Sign extension - some SIGMA 6 instructions operate on two operands of different lengths; the two operands are made equal in length by extending the sign of the shorter operand by the required number of bit positions. For positive operands, the result of sign extension is high-order O's prefixed to the operand; for negative operands, high-order l's are prefi xed to the operand. This sign extension process is performed after the operand is accessed from memory and before the operation called for by the instruction code is performed. SE Load instructions load the information indicated into one of the genera~ registers in the current register block. Load instructions do not affect core memory storage; however, nearly all load instructions provide a condition code setting that indicates the following inf9rmation about the contents of the affected general register(s) after the instruction is successfully completed: Condition code settings: 2 3 4 ------ o LAH LS LM STCF SIGMA 6 load and store ihstructions operate with information fields of byte, halfword, word, and daubleword lengths. o Result zero - the result in the.affected register{s) is all O's. negative - register R contains a 1 in bit position O. o LAD XW STB STH STW STD STS STM 0 o LCW LAW LCD LCFI LCF = 0, positive - register R contains a 0 in bit position 0, and at least one 1 appears in the remainder of the affected register(s} (or appeared during execution of the current instruction.) no fixed-point overflow - the result in the affected register{s} is arithmetica II y correct. fixed-point overflow - the result in the affected register(s) is arithmetically incorrect. Store instructions affect only that portion of memory storage that corresponds to the length of the information field specified by the operation code of the instruction; thus, register byte<; are stored in memory byte locations, register halfwords in memory halfword locations, register words in memory Load/Store Instructions 31 word locations, and register doublewords in memory doubleword locations. Store instructions do not affect the contents of the general register specified by the R field of the instruction, unless the same register is also specified by the effective virtual address of the instruction. II o LOAD IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) Condition code settings: 2 .LW 3 4 Result in R 0 0 1 0 1 0 zero negative positive LOAD WORD (Word index al ignment) 1 LOAD IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12 of the instruction ward) 12 bit positions to the left and then loods the 32-bit result into register R. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 (I)12-31SE R Conditi on code setti ngs: 2 3 4 Result in R 0 0 0 1 0 zero negative positive If LI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in .which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X' 40' with the contents of register R and the condition code unchanged. LB LOAD BYTE (Byte index alignment) LOAD BYTE loads the effective byte into bit positions 24-31 of register R and clears bit positions 0-23 of the reg ister to allOls. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 EB R24 - 31 ; 0 RO- 23 LOAD WORD loads the effective word into register R. Affected: (R),CC3,CC4 EW R Condition code settings: 2 4 3 o o o 1 LH .LD Affected: (R),CC3,CC4 EHSE 32 R Load/Store Instructions o o 0 1 0 zero negative positive LOAD DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 highorder bits of the effective doubleword. The condition code settings are based on the effective doubleword, rather than the final result in register R (see Example 3, below). Affected: (R),(Ru 1),CC3,CC4 ED Rul; ED _ O 31 32 63 Condition code settings: 2 zero nonzero LOAD HALFWOR D extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left and then loads the 32-bit result into register R. Result in R LOAD DOUBLEWORD loads the 32 low-order bits of the effective doubleword into register Ru 1 and then loads the 32 high-order bits of the effective douhleword into register R. Result in R LOAD HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) 4 1 Condition code settings: 2 3 R 3 4 Effective doubleword o o 0 1 1 0 zero negative positive Example 1, even R field value: Before execution ED (R) (Ru 1) CC After execution X 1 0123456789ABCDEF ' X ' 0123456789ABCDEF I xxxxxxxx X1 01234567 1 xxxxxxxx X' 89ABCDEF ' xxx x xx 10 Example 2, odd R field value: ED (R) CC X ' 0123456789ABCDEF' xxxxxxxx xxxx X' 0123456789ABCDEF' X' 01234567 1 xx 10 Condi tion code settings: Example 3, odd R field value: X'00000000 I 2345678' X' 00000000' X 00000000 12345678' ED I (R) CC ~ LCH xxxxxxxx xxxx xxlO LOAD COMPLEMENT HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) 2 3 4 Result in R 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow 1 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X '43 ' after execution of LOAD COMPLEMENT WOR D; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. LOAD COMPLEMENT HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left and then loads the 32-bit two's complement of the result into register R. (Overflow cannot occur. ) LAW LOAD ABSOLUTE WORD (Word index 01 ignment) Affected: (R),CC3,CC4 ~~HSEJ - R Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resu I tin R o o O· I 0 zero negative positive I If the effective word is positive, LOAD ABSOLUTE WORD loads the effective word into register R. If the effective word is negative, LAW loads the 32-bit two's complement of the effective word into register R. Fixed-point overflow occurs if the effective word is -231 (X '80000000 ' ), in which case the result in register R is _2 31 and CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. LOAD ABSOLUTE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) LAH Affected: (R),CC2,CC3,CC4 Trap: Fixed-point overflow IEWI-· R Condition code settings: If the effective halfword is positive, LOAD ABSOLUTE HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left and then loads the 32-bit result in register R. If the effective halfword is negative, LAH extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left and then loads the 32-bit two's complement of the result into register R. (Overflow cannot occur.) Affected: (R),CC3,CC4 IEH SEI -- R 2 3 4 Result in R 0 0 0 0 zero nonzero no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow (sign bit on) 1 0 1 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43 ' afterexecution of LOAD ABSOLUTE WORD; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resu Itin R o 0 0 zero nonzero 1 LCW LCD LOAD COMPLEMENT WORD (Word index alignment) LOAD COMPLEMENT WORD loads the 32-bit two's complement of the effective word into register R. Fixed-point overflow occurs if the effective word is _2 31 (X 'BOOOOOoo" in which case the result in register R is -2 31 and CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. Affected: (R),CC2,CC3, CC4 -EW - R Trap: Fixed-point overflow. LOAD COMPLEMENT DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) LOAD COMPLEMENT DOUBLEWORD forms the 64-bit two's complement of the effective doubleword, loads the 32 loworder bits of the result into register Ru I, and then loads the 32 high-order bits of the result into register R. If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 highorder bits of the two's complemented doubleword. The condition code settings are based on the two IS complement of the effective doubleword, rather than the final result in register R. Fixed-point overflow occurs if the effective doubleword is -263 (X '8000000000000000 '), in which case the result in Load/Store Instructions 33 registers Rand Rul is -2 63 and CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. registers Rand Ru 1 is -2 63 and CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. Affected: (R), (Ru1 ),CC2, Trap: Fixed -point overflow CC3,CC4 [-ED] 32-63 Ru 1; [-ED]O_31 R Affected: (R),(Ru 1),CC2, CC3,CC4 IED1 _ Rul; 1ED10_31 32 63 Condition code settings: Cond i ti on code setti ngs: 2 3 4 Two's complement of effective doubleword 0 0 0 0 1 0 zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow 0 0 1 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43' after execution of LOAD COMPLEMENT DOUBLEWORD; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. ED (R) (Ru 1) CC After execution X'0123456789ABCDEF' xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx X '0123456789ABC DEF' X'FEDCBA98' X '76543211' xOOl Example 2, odd R field value: ED (R) CC X'0123456789ABCDEF' xxxxxxxx xxxx LAD LOAD ABSOLUTE DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index al ignment) X'0123456789ABCDEF' X'FEDCBA98' xOOl 3 4 Absolute value of effective doubleword 0 0 1 0 0 zero nonzero no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow (sign bit on) 0 1 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43' after execution of LOAD ABSOLUTE DOUBLEWORDi otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. Example 1, even R field value: ED (R) (Ru 1) CC Before execution After execution X'0123456789ABCDEF' xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx X'0123456789ABCDEF' X'01234567' X'89ABCDEF' xOl0 Example 2, even R field value: ED (R) (Ru 1) CC X'FEDCBA9876543210' xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx x X'FEDCBA9876543210' X'01234567' X'89ABCDFO' x010 Example 3, odd R field value: ED (R) CC LS If the effective doubleword is positive, LOAD ABSOLUTE DOUBLEWORD loads the 32 low-order bits of the effective doubleword into register Ru 1, and then loads the 32 highorder bits of the effective doubleword into register R. If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 high-order bits of the effective doubleword. The condition code settings are based on the effective doubleword, rather than the fina'! result in register R. R 2 Example 1, evenR field value: Before execution Trap: Fixed-point overflow. X'0123456789ABCDEF' xxxxxxxx xxxx X '0123456789ABCDEF' X'01234567' xOl0 LOAD SELECTIVE (Word index alignment Register Ru1 contains a 32-bit mask. If R is an even value, LOAD SELECTIVE loads the effective word into register R in those bit positions selected by a 1 in correspondi ng bit positions of register Ru 1. The contents of register R are not affected in those bit positions selected by a 0 in corresponding bit positions of register Ru 1. If the effective doubleword is negative, LAD forms the 64-bit two's complement of the effective doubleword, loads the 32 low-order bits of the two's complemented doubleword into register Ru 1, and then loads the 32 high-order bits of the two's complemented doubleword into register R. If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 high-order bits of the two's complemented doubleword. The condition code settings are based on the two's complement of the effective doubleword, rather than the final result in register R. Affected: Fixed-point overflow occurs if the effective doubleword is _~3 (X'8000000000000000'), in which case the result in If R is even, [EWn(RulUu[(R)n(Rul)]-R If R is odd, EWn(R)-R 34 Load/Store Instructions If R is an odd value, LS logically ANDs the contents of register R with the effective word and loads the result into register R. If corresponding bit positions of register Rand the effective word both contain l's, a 1 remains in register Ri otherwise, a 0 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. (R), CC3, CC4 If the effective virtual address of the LM instruction is in the range 0 through 15, then the words to be 'oaded are taken from the general registers rather than from core memory. In this case the results will be unpredictable if any of the source registers are also used as destination registers. Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resul t in R o 0 zero o bit 0 of register R is a o bit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1 LeFt LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) Example 1, even R field value: EW (Ru 1) (R) CC Before execution After execution X' 01234567' X'FFOOFFOO' X'01234567' X' FFOOFFOO' xxxxxxxx xxxx X'01xx45xx' xx10 Example 2, odd R field value: Before execution After execution EW (R) CC X'89ABCDEF' X' FOFOFOFO' X'89ABCDEF' X' 80AOCOEO' xxOl LM LOAD MULTIPLE 0Nord index alignment) xxxx If bit position 10 of the instruction word contains a 1, LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL IMMEDIATE loads the contents of bit positions 24 through 27 of the instruction word into the condition code; however, if bit 10 is 0, the condition code is not affected. If bit position 11 of the instruction word contains a 1, LCFI loads the contents of bit positions 29 through 31 of the instruction word into the floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode control bits, respectivel y (in the program status doubl eword); however, if bit 11 is 0, the FS, FZ and FN control bits are not affected. The functions of the floating-point control bits are described in the section "Floating-point Instructions". Affected: CC, FS, FZ, FN If (1)10 = 1, (1)24-27 LOAD MULTIPLE loads a sequential set of words into a sequential set of registers. The set of words to be loaded begi ns wi th the word poi nted to by the effecti ve address of LM, and the set of registers begins with register R. The set ofregisters is treated modulo 16 (i. e., the next register loaded after register 15 is register 0 in the current register block). The number of words to be loaded into the general registers is determined by the value of the condition code immediately before the execution of LM. (The desired value of the condition code can be set with LCF or LCFI.) An initial val ue of 0000 for the condition code causes 16 consecutive words to be loaded into the register block. Affected: (R) to (R+CC-l) (EWL) -R, (EWL+1) - R+l, ... , (EWL +CC-1) -R+CC-l If the instruction starts loading words from an accessible region of memory and then crosses into an inaccessible memory region, either the memory protection trap or the nonexistent memory address trap can occur. In either case, the trap is activated with the condition code unchanged from the value it contained before the execution of LM. The effecti ve address of the instruction permits the trap routine to compute how many registers have been loaded. Since it is permissible to use indirect addressing or indexing through a general register, or even to execute an instruction located in a general register,. a trapped LM instruction may have already overwritten the index, direct address, or the LM instruction itself, thus destroying any possibility of continuing the program successfully. If such programming must be done, it is advisable ,that the register containing the direct address, index displacement, or instruction be the last register loaded by the LM instruction. CC If (1)10 =·0, CC is not affected If (1)11 = 1, (1)29-31 - - FS, FZ, FN If (1)11 = 0, FS, FZ, and FN n,ot affected Condition code settings, if (I) 10 = 1: 2 3 4 If LCFI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40' with the condition code unchanged. LCF LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (Byte index 01 ignment) If bit position 10 of the instruction word contains a 1, LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL loads bits 0 through 3 of the effective byte into the condition code; however, if bit 10 is 0, the condition code is not affected. If bit position 11 of the instruction word contains a 1, LCF loads bits 5 through 7 of the effective byte into the floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode control bits, respectively; however, if bit 11 is 0, the FS, FZ and FN control bits are not affected. The Load/Store Instructions 35 functions of the floating-point mode control bits are described in the section "Floating-point Instructions". STW STORE WORD (Word index alignment) Affected: CC, FS, FZ, FN If (1)10 = I, EB O_ - - CC 3 If (1)10 = 0, CC not affected If (1)11 If (1)11 = I, = 0, EB _ FS, FZ, FN 5 7 FS, FZ, FN not affected Condition code setti ngs, if (1)10 2 3 = 1: STORE WOR D stores the contents of register R into the effective word location. Affected: (EWl) (R) EWl STD 4 STORE DOUBlEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) {EB)2 XW EXCHANGE WORD (Word index alignment) EXCHANGE WORD exchanges the contents of register R with the contents of the effective word location. Affected: (R),(EWl),CC3,CC4 (R) (EWl) STORE DOU BlEWORD stores the contents of register R into the 32 high-order bit positions of the effectivedoubleword location and then stores the contents of register Ru 1 into the 32 loworder bit positions of the effective doubleword location. Affected: (EDl) (R) EDl _ ; (Ru1) O 31 3 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 Result in R (R) (Ru I) (EDl) zero negative positive = Before execution After execution X ' 01234567' X ' 89ABCDEF' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X '01234567 1 X'89ABCDEF' X ' 0123456789ABCDEF' Example 2, odd R field value: STORE BYTE (Byte index alignment) ST8 _ 32 63 Example I, even R field value: Condition code settings: 2 EDl (R) X ' 89ABCDEF' (EDl) = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STS STORE BYTE stores the contents of bit positions 24-31 of register R into the effective byte location. X'89ABCDEF' X '89ABC DEF89ABC DEF' STORE SELECTIVE 0/Vord index alignment) Affected: (EBl) (R)24-31 STH - EBl STORE HAlFWORD (Halfword index alignment) STORE HAlFWORD stores the contents of bit positions 16-31 of register R into the effective halfword location. If the information in register R exceeds halfword data limits, CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. EHl Condition code settings: 2 o 3 4 - EWl Example 1, even R field value: Information in R (R) 0 _ 16 ~ a II 0' s or all 1 Is (R)0-16 36 IfR isan odd value, STS logically inclusiveORs the contents of register R with the effective word and stores the result into the effective word location. The contents of register R are not affected. Affected: (EWl) If R is even, [(R)n(Ru 1)] u [EWn(~)] If R is odd, (R) u EW EWl Affected: (EHl),CC2 (R)16-31 - Register Ru1 contains a 32-bit mask. If R is an even value, STORE SELECTIVE stores the contents of register R into the effective word location in those bit positions sel·ected by a I in corresponding bit positions of register Ru 1; the effective word remains unchanged in those bit positions selected by a o in corresponding bit positions of register Rul. :I all load/Store Instructions O's or all l's (R) (Ru 1) EW Before execution After execution XI 12345678 1 XI FOFOFOFO' xxxxxxxx XI 12345678' XI FOFOFOFO ' X'1x3x5x7x ' Example 2, odd R field value: Before execution After executi on (R) EW X'OOFFOOFF ' XI 12345678 1 X'OOFFOOFP XI 12FF56FP STM STORE MULTIPLE (Word index alignment) Affected: (EBL) (PSD)O_7 EBL ANALYZE/INTERPRET INSTRUCTIONS ANLZ o ) STORE MULTIPLE stores the contents of a sequential set of registers into a sequential set of word locations. The set of locations begins with the location pointed to by the effective word address of STM, and the set of registers begins with register R. The set of registers is treated modulo 16 (i.e., the next sequential register after register 15 is register 0). The number of registers to be stored is determined by the value of the condition code immediately before execution of STM. (The condition code can be set to the desired value before execution of STM with LCF or LCFI.) An initial va lue of 0000 for the condition code causes 16 general registers to be stored. Affected: (EW L)to (EWL + CC-1) (R) --EWL, (R+ 1)-EWL+ 1, ... , (R+CC-l)- EWL+CC-l If the instruction starts stori ng words into an accessible region of the memory and then crosses into an inaccessible memory region, either the memory protection trap or the nonexistent memory address trap can occur. In either case, the trap is activated with the condition code unchanged from the value it contained before the execution of STM. The effective address of the instruction permits the trap routine to compute how many words of memory have been changed. Since it is permissible to use indirect addressing through one of the affected locations, or even to execute an instruction located in one of the affected locations, a trapped STM instruction may have al ready overwritten the direct address, or the STM instruction itself, thus destroying any possibil ity of continuing the program successfully. If such programming must be done, it is advisabl e that the direct address, or the STM instruction, occupy the last location in which the contents of a register are to be stored by the STM instruction. If the effective virtual address of the STM instruction is in the range 0 through 15, then the registers indicated by the R field of the STM instruction are stored in the general registers rather than in core memory. In this case the resul ts will be unpredictable if any of the source registers are also used as destination registers. STCF STORE CONDITIO NS AND FLOATING CONTROL (Byte index alignment) STORE CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL stores the current condition code and the current values of the floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode cOr:ltrol bits of the program status doubleword into the effective byte location as follows: ANALYZE (Word index alignment) The ANALYZE instruction treats the effective word as a SIGMA 6 instruction and calculates the effective virtual address that would be generated by the instruction if the instruction were to be executed. ANALYZE produces an answer to the question, "What effective vi rtual address would be used by the instruction located at N if it were executed now?" The ANALYZE instruction determines the addressing type of the "analyzed" instruction, calculates its effective virtual address (if the instruction is not an immediate-operand instruction), and loads the effective virtual address into register R as a displacement value (the condition code settings for the ANALYZE instruction indicate the addressing type of the anal yzed instruction). The nonexistent instruction, the privileged instruction violation, and the unimplemented instruction trap conditions can never occur during execution of the ANLZ instruction. However, either the nonexistent memory address condition or the memory protection violation trap condition (or both) can occur as a result of any memory access initiated by the ANLZ instruction. If either of these trap conditions occur, the instruction address stored by an XPSD in trap location X ' 40 ' is always the virtual address of the ANLZ instruction. The detailed operation of ANAL YZE is as follows: 1. The contents of the locarion pointed to by the effective virtual address of the ANLZ instruction is obtained. This effective word is the instruction to be analyzed. From (1 memory-protection viewpoint, the instruction (to be analyzed) is treated as an operand of the ANLZ instruction; that is, the analyzed instruction may be obtained from any memory area to which the program has read access. 2a. If the operation code portion of the effective word specifies an immediate-addressing instruction type, the condition code is set to indicate the addressing type, and instruction execution proceeds to the next instruc,," tion in sequence after ANLZ. The original contents of register R are not changed when the analyzed instruction is of the immediate-addressing type. 2b. If the operation code portion of the effective word specifies a reference-addressing instruction type, the condition code is set to indicate the addressing type of the analyzed instruction and the effective address of the analyzed instruction is computed (using all of the normal address computation rules). If bit 0 of the effective word is a 1, the contents of the memory locat;on specified by bits 15-31 of the effective word are obtained and then Analyze/Interpret Instructions 37 used as a di rect address. The nonallowed operation trap (memory protection violation or nonexistent memory address) can occur as a resu I t of the memory access. Indexingisalwaysperformed{with an index register in the current register block) if bits 12-14 of the analyzed instruction are nonzero. The effective virtual address of the analyzed instruction is aligned as an integer displacement val ue and loaded into register R, according to the instruction addressing type, as follows: Table 5. X'n l Byte Addressing: Halfword Addressing: Word Addressing: Doubleword Addressing: Operation codes and mnemonics for the SIGMA 6 instruction set are shown in Table 5. Circled numbers in the table indicate the condition code val ue (decimal) available to the next instruction after ANALYZE when a direct-addressing operation code in the corresponding addressing type is analyzed. Affected: (R), CC Condition code settings: 2 a a a 1 1 1 3 a a 1 a a a 1 4 Instruction addressi ng type a 1 a a 1 a byte immediate byte halfword word immediate, word doubleword direct addressing (EWO = 0) indirect addressing (EWO = 1) X'OO'+n X120'+n X'40'+n X'60'+n 00 01 02 03 - AI CI TTBS TBS CBS MBS LCFI® LI - MI 04 05 06 07 CAll CAL2 CAL3 CAL4 SF S - 08 09 OA OB PLW PSW PLM PSM CVA LM STM OC OD OE OF LPSD @ XPSD 10 11 12 13 AD CD LD MSP INTERPRET (Word index alignment) - EOR OR LS AND BCR BCS BAL INT WAIT LRP SIO TIO TDV HIO RD WD AIO MMC AW CW lW MTW AH CH lH MTH LCF CB LB MTB - - - STCF STD STH DH MH STB PACK 0 UNPK CVS ® - - 14 15 16 17 - - STW DW MW 18 19 1A 1B SD CLM LCD LAD SW CLR LCW LAW IC ID 1E IF FSL FAL FDL FMl FSS FAS FDS FMS SH LCH LAH -- - EXU ® DS DA DD DM DSA DC DL DST loads OIS into bit positions 0-15 of register R (bits 4-15 of the effective word are ignored in this case). Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC O3 EW 4._ 15 - 2 Analyze/Interpret Instructions 0 - CC R20 - 31 ; 0 - RO- 19 Rul _ ; 0 _ 16 3I 16 31 Condition code settings: 38 EBS BDR BIR AWM EW INTERPRET loads bits 0-3 of the effective word into the conditi on code, loads bits 4-15 of the effective word into bit positions 20-31 of register R (and loads a's into the remai nder of register R), and then loads bits 16-31 of the effective word into bit positions 16-31 of register Ru 1 (and loads a's into bit positions 0-15 of register Ru 1). If R is an odd val ue, I NT loads bits 0-3 of the effective word int0 the condition code, loads bits 16-31 of the effective word into bit positions 16-31 of register R, and CD - - ANLZ CS XW STS EW _ INT ANA LYZE Table for SIGMA 6 Operation Codes 3 RuI _ O 15 4 EWO Example 1, even R field value: EW (R) (Ru 1) CC Before execution After execution X I12345678 I xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx X I 12345678' X 100000234' X'00005678' 0001 2 FIXED-POINT ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS The following fixed-point arithmetic instructionsare included as a standard feature of the SIGMA 6 computer: Instruction Name Mnemonic Add Immediate Add Halfword Add Word Add Doubleword Subtract Halfword Subtract Word Subtract Doubl eword Multiply Immediate Multiply Halfword Multiply Word Divide Hal fword Divide Word Add Word to Memory Modify and Test Byte Modify and Test Halfword Modify and Test Word AI AH AW AD SH SW SO MI MH MW DH OW AWM MTB MTH MTW The fixed-point arithmetic instruction set performs binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integer operands that may bf; data, addresses, index values, or counts. One operand may be either in the instruction word i tsel f or may be in one or two of the current general registers; the second operand may be either in core memory or in one or two of the current general reg isters. For most of these instructions, both operands may be in the same gen era I reg i ster, thus perm i tti ng the doubl i ng, squari ng, or clearing the contEmts of a register by using a reference address value equal to the R field value. All fixed-point arithmetic instructions provide a condition code setting that indicates the folJowing information about the result of the operation called for by the instruction: 3 4 o Result no carry - For an add or subtract i nstruction, there was no carry of a I-bit out of the high-order (sign) bit position of the result. carry - For an add or subtract instruction, there was a l-bit carry out of the sign bit position of the result. (Subtracting zero will always produce carry.) AI ADD IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) The value field (bit positions 12-31 of the instruction word) is treated as a 20-bit, two's complement integer. ADD IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12 of the instruction word) 12 bit positions to the left, adds the resulting 32-bit value to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. Affected: (R), CC Trap: Fixed-point overflow (R) + (I) 12-31SE - - R Condition code settings: 2 o o 3 4 Result in R o o 0 1 zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 o If AI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resul t o 0 zero - The result in the specified general register{s) is all zeros. o negative - The instruction has produced a fixed-point negative result. o o positive - The instruction has produced a fixed-poi nt posi ti ve resu It. fixed-point overflow has not occurred during execution of an add, subtract, or divide instruction, and the result is correct. fixed-point overflow has occurred during execution of an add, subtract, or di vide instruction. For addition and subtraction, the incorrect result is loaded into the designated register{sL For a divide instruction, the designated register(s), and CC1, CC3, and CC4 are not affected. instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction {at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40' with the contents of register R and the condition code unchanged. If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43' after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. AH AOD HALFWORD (Halfword index 01 ignment) ADD· HALFWORD extends the sign· of the effective hal ~ord 16 bit positions to the left (to form a 32-bit word in which bit positions 0-15 contain the sign of the effective halfword), adds the 32-bit result to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. Affected: (R), CC (R) + EHSE - - R Trap: Fixed-point overflow Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 39 2 Condition code settings: _---.:2::....-_3_ _ 4 o o 1 0 1 0 o o 1 1 Resu It in R zero negative positive no fi xed-poi nt overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 If C C2 is set to 1 and the fi xed-poi nt ari thmetic trap mask is 1, the computer traps to location X 143 1 after loading the sum into regi ster R; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. ADD WORD (Word index alignment) AW o Condition code settings: 3 4 Result in R o o 0 1 0 zero negative positive n() fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 o 1 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 after loading the sum into registers Rand Ru1; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. Example 1, even R field value: ED (R) (Ru 1) CC ADD DOUBlEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) ADD DOUBlEWORD adds the effective doubleword to the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (treated as a single, 64-bit register); loads the 32 low-order bits of the sum into register Ru1 and then loads the 32 high-order bits of the sum into register R. R must be an even value; if R is an odd value, the result in register R is unpredictable. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R,Ru1) + ED--R,Rul After execution X' 33333333EEEEEEEE ' X' 33333333EEEEEEEE ' X 144444445 1 X1222222211 0010 X ' 11111111 1 X' 33333333 1 xxxx SUBTRACT HAlFWORD (Halfword index al ignment) Affected: (R), CC -EH + (R)-R SE Trap: Fixed-point overflow Condition code settings: 2 o 3 4 Result in R o o 0 zero negative positive no fixed-poi nt overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 1 1 0 1 o If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM)" is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. SW SUBTRACT WORD 'YVord index 01 ignment) Trap: Fixed-point overflow 3 4 _Resu It in R, Ru 1 SUBTRACT WORD forms the two1s complement of the effective word, adds that complement to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. o 0 zero negative Affected: (R), CC -EW + (R)-- R Condition code settings: o 40 Before execution SUBTRACT HAlFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left (to form a 32-bit word in which bit positions 0-15 contain the sign of the effective halfword), forms the two1s complement of the resulting word, adds the complemented word to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X' 43 1 after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. 2 positive no fixed-point ove:-flow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 1 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask AD o Trap: Fixed-point overflow Affected: (R), CC (R) + EW- R 1 Result in R, Ru1 1 ADD WORD adds the effective word to the contents of register R and loads the sum into register R. o 4 o SH 2 3 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions Trap: Fixed-point overflow If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 low- Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in R o o zero negative positive no fi xed-poi nt overflow fixed-poi nt overflow no corry from bit position 0 corry from bit position 0 o o 1 1 o 1 o If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X '43 1 after order bits of the product. Thus, in order to generate a 64bit product, the R field of the instruction must be even and the multiplicand must be in register R+1. The conditioncode settings are based on the 64-bit product formed duri ng instruction execution, rather than on the final contents of register R. Overflow cannot occur. Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC2, CC3, CC4 (Rul) x (1)12-31 SE Condition code setti ngs: 2 loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. so R, Ru1 3 4 64-bit product o o o zero negative o SUBTRACT DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) o positive resul t is correct, as represented in register Ru 1 result is not correctly representable in register Ru 1 alone SUBTRACT DOUBlEWORD forms the 64-bit twols complement of the effective doubleword, adds the complemented doubleword to the contents of registers Rand Ru1 (treated as a single, 64-bit register), loads the 32 low-order bits of the sum into register Ru1 and loads the 32 high-or.der bits of the sum into register R. R must be on even value; if R is an odd value, the result in register R is unpredictable. Affected: (R),(Rul),CC -ED + (R, Ru1)--R, Ru1 Trap: Fixed-point overflow If MI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X ' 40 ' with the contents of register R, register Ru 1, and the condition code unchanged; otherwi se, the computer executes the next i nstruction° in sequence. Example 1, even R field value: Condition code settings: Before executi on 2 o i o 3 4 Result in R, Ru1 o o o zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 1 o If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X I43 1 after the result is loaded into registers Rand Ru1; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. MI MULTIPLY IMMEDIA TE (Immediate operand) The value field (bit positions 12-31 of the instructions word) is treated as a 20-bit, twols complement integer. MUlTIPLY IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12) of the instruction word 12 bit positions to the left and multiplies the resulting 32-bit value by the contents of register Ru 1, then loads the 32 high-order bits of the product into register R, and then loads the 32 loworder bits of the product into register Rul. After execution (1)12-31 = X?OOOOI X?OOOOI (R) xxxxxxxx X 100007000 1 (Ru 1) X 110001000 1 X?OOOOOOOI CC xxxx xll 0 Example 2, odd R field value: 1 1 (1)12-31= X 01234 X ' 01234 1 (R) X 1000300021 X '369C2468I CC xxxx xOlO MH MULTIPLY HAlFWORD (Halfword index al ignment) MULTIPLY HALFWORD multiplies the contents of bit positions 16-31 of register R by the effective halfword (with both halfwords treated as signed, twols complement integers) and stores the product in register Ru1 (overflow cannot occur). If R is an even value, the original multiplier in register R is preserved, allowi ng repetitive halfword multiplication with a constant multiplier; however, if R is Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 41 an odd value, the product is loaded into the same register. Overflow cannot occur. OH DIVIDE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) Affected: (Rul), (C3, CC4 (R)16-31 x EH - - Rul Condition code settings: 2 3 4 a a a 1 a DIVIDE HALFWORD divides the contents of register R (treated as a 32-bit fixed-point integer) by the effective hal fword and loads the quotient into register R. If the absolute value of the quotient cannot be correctly represented in 32 bits, fixed-point overflow occurs; in which case CC2 is set to 1 and the contents of register R, and CC1, CC3, and CC4 are unchanged. ResultinRul zero negative positive Example 1, even R field value: EH (R) (R u 1) CC Before execution After execution X'FFFF ' X 'xxxxOOOA I xxxxxxxx xxxx X'FFFF ' X I xxxxOOOA I X ' FFFFFFF6 1 xx01 Affected: (R), CC2, CC3, CC4 (R)~ E H - R Condition code settings: 2 X'FFFF ' X I xxxxOOOA I xxxx EH CC 3 4 a a a 0 a 1 a 1 a Example 2, odd R field value: (R) Trap: Fixed-point overflow X'FFFF ' X ' FFFFFFF6 1 xx01 Result in R zero quotient, no overflow negative quotient, no overflow positive quotient, no overflow fixed-point overflow If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 with the contents of register R, CC1, CC3, and CC4 unchanged. MW MULTIPLY WORD (Word index al ignment) MUL TIPL Y WORD multipl ies the contents of register Ru 1 by the effective word, loads the 32 high-order bits of the product into register R and then loads the 32 low-order bits of the product into register Rul (overflow cannot occur). If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 loworder bits of the product. Thus, in order to generate a 64bit product, the R field of the instruction must be even and the multiplicand must be in register R+1. The condition code settings are based on the 64-bit product formed during instruction execution, rather than on the final contents of register R. Affected: (R),(Rul),CC (Ru 1) x EW - - - + R, Ru 1 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 64-bit product a 0 zero a negative a a positive result is correct, as represented in register Ru 1 result is not correctly representable in register Rul alone 42 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions ow DIVIDE WORD (Word index al ignment) DIVIDE WORD divides the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (treated as a 64-bit fixed-point integer) by the effective word, loads the integer remainder into register R and then loads the integer quotient into register Ru 1. If a nonzero reml..li nder occurs, the remai nder has the same sign as the dividend (original contents of register R). If R is an odd value, DW forms a 64-bit register operand by extending the sign of the contents of register R 32 bit positions to the left, then divides the 64-bit register operand by the effective word, and loads the quotient into register R. In this case, the remainder is lost and only the contents of register R are affected. If the absolute value of the quotient cannot be correctly represented in 32 bits, fixed-point overflow occurs; in which case, CC2 is set to 1 and the contents of register R, register Rul, CC1, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged; otherwise, CC2 is reset to 0, CC3 and CC4 reflect the quotient in register Ru1, and CCl is unchanged. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC2 Trap: Fixed-point overflow CC3, CC4 (R, Rul) -;- E W - R (remainder), Ru1 (quotient) Condition code settings: 2 3 4 o a a o a Resul tin Ru1 zero quotient, no overflow negative quotient, no overflow violation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Condition code seHings: 2 3 o 4 Result in Rul o positive quotient, no overflow fixed-point overflow If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 with the original contents of register R, register Ru1, CCl, CC3, and CC4 unchanged; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. AWM ADD WORD TO MEMORY (Word index al ignment) ADD WORD TO MEMORY adds the contents of register R to the effective word and stores the sum in the effective word location. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. Affected: (EWL), CC EW + (R)-- EWL Affected: CC if (1)8-11 OJ (EBL) and CC if (1)8-11 If (1)8-11 f If (1)8-11 = 0, I 0 0, EB + (1)8-11 SE-- EBL and set CC test byte and set CC Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in EBL 0 0 0 1 0 0 zero nonzero no carry from byte corry from byte 0 1 If MTB is executed in an interrupt location, the condition code is not affected (see Chapter 2, "Single-Instruction Interrupts") . MTH Trap: Fixed-point overflow MODIFY AND TEST HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) Condition code settings: 234 o o o o 0 1 0 1 Result in EWL zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from bit position 0 carry from bit position 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X ' 43 1 after the result is stored in the effective word location; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. MTB MODIFY AND TEST BYTE (Byte index alignment) If the value of the R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R field (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 12 bit positions to the left, to form a halfword with bit positions 0-11 of that halfword equal to the high-order bit of the R field. This halfword is added to the effective halfword and then (if no memory protectior violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective halfword location and the condition code is set according to the value of the resultant halfword. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. This process allows modification of a halfword by any number in the range -8 through +7, foil owed by a test. If tile value of the R field is zero, the effective halfword is tested for being a zero, negative, or positive value. The condition code is set, according to the result of the test, but the effective halfword is not affected. A memory writ€:protection violation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Affected: CC if (1)8-11 If the value of R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R field (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 4 bit positions to the left, to form a byte with bit positions 0-4 of that byte equal to the high-order bit of the R field. This byte is added to the effective byte and then (if no memory protection violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective byte location and the condition code is set according to the value of the resultant byte. This process al lows modification of a byte by any number in the range -8 through +7, fol lowed by a test. Trap: Fixed-poi nt overflow (EHL) and CC if (1)8-11 If (1)8-11 = 0, If (1)8-11 f f 0 test halfword and set CC 0, EH + (1)8-11 SE-- EHL and set CC Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in EHL o 0 zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from hal fword carry from hal fword o 1 If the value of the R field is zero, the effective byte is tested for being a zero or nonzero value. The condition code is set according to the result of the test, but the effective byte is not affected. A memory write-protection = 0; o 1 o 1 1 0 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 43 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43' after the result is stored in the effective halfword location; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. However, if MTH is executed in an interrupt location, the condition code is not affected and no fixed-point overflow trap can occur (see "SingleInstruction Interrupts"). MTW MODIFY AND TEST WORD (Word index alignment) If the value of the R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R field (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 28 bit positions to the left, to form a word with bit positions 0-27 of that word equal to the high-order bit of the R field. This word is added to the effective word and then (if no memory protection violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective word location and the condition code is set according to the value of the resultant word. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. This process allows modification of a word by any number in the range -8 through +7, followed by a test. If the value of the R field is zero, the effective word is tested for being a zero, negative, or positive value. The condition code is set according to the result of the test, but the effective word is not affected. A memory write-protection violation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Affected: CC if (1)8-11 = 0; Trap: Fixed-point overflow (EWL) and CC if (1)8-11 f COMPARISON INSTRUCTIONS The following comparison instructions are available to SIGMA 6 computers: Instruction Name Mnemonic Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare CI CB CH CW CD CS f COMPARE IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) (I COMPARE IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12) of the instruction word 12 bit positions to the left, compares the 32-bit result with the contents of register R (with both operands treated as signed fixed-point quantities), and then sets the condition code according to the results of the comparison. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 (R) : (1)12-31 SE Cond ition code setti ngs: 2 0 3 4 Result in EWL o o 0 zero negative positive no fixed-point overflow fixed-point overflow no carry from word carry from word 1 o o 1 1 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'43' after the result is stored in the effective word location; otherwise, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. However, if MTVV is executed in an interrupt location, the condition code is not affected and no fixed-point overflow trap can occur (see IISingleInstruction Interrupts ll ) . 44 Comparison Instructions 3 4 Result of Comparison o 0 equal o 0, EW + 18 _ 11 SE -EWL and set CC register value less than immediate value o Condition code settings: 2 ClR ClM All SIGMA 6 comparison instructions produce a condition code setting which is indicative of the results of the comparison, without affecting the effective operand in memory and without affecting the contents ofthedesignated register. If (1)8-11 = 0, test word and set CC If (1)8-11 Immediate Byte Halfword Word Doubleword Selective With Limits in Register With Limits in Memory o register value greater than immediate value no I-bits compare, (R) n (I) 12-32SE = 0 one or more I-bits compare, (R) n (I)12-32SE f 0 If CI· is indirectl y addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and then traps to location X'40' with the condition code unchanged. CB COMPARE BYTE (Byte index al ignment) COMPARE BYTE compares the contents of bit positions 24-31 of register R with the effective byte (with both bytes treated as positive integer magnitudes) and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparison. 2 Affected: o CC2, CC3, CC4 Condition code settings: 3 4 Result of Comparison o o equal o 1 register byte less than effective byte o register byte greater than effective byte o no l-bits compare, (R)24-31 n EB = 0 one or more l-bits compare, (R)24-31 n EB -I 0 CH 4 Result of Comparison o reg i ster word greater than effect i ve word no 1-bits compare, (R) n EW = 0 one or more l-bits compare, (R) n EVv fa 1 (R)24-31 : EB 2 3 COMPARE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) COMPARE HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective hal fword 16 bit positions to the I eft, then compares the resultant 32-bit word with the contents of register R (with both words treated as signed, fixed-poin l quantities) and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparison. COMPARE DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) CD COMPARE DOUBLEVvORD compares the effective doubleword with the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (with both doublewords treated as signed, fixed-point quantities) and sets the condition code accordi ng to the resul ts of the comparison. If the R field of CD is an odd value, CD forms a 64-bit register operand (by duplicating the contents of register R for both the 32 high-order bits and the 32 low-order bits) and compares the effective doubl eword with the 64-bi t register operand. The condition code settings are based on the 64-bit comparison. Affected: CC3, CC4 (R, Ru 1) : ED Condition code settings: 2 Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 (R) : EHSE 3 4 Result of Comparison 0 0 equal {) register doubleword less than effective doubleword Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result of Comparison o o 0 equal register word less than effective halfword wi th si gn extended o o no 1-b its compare, (R) n EH SE = 0 COMPARE WORD (Word index alignment) COMPARE WORD compares the contents of register R with the effective word, with both words treated as signed fixedpoi nt quantities, and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparison. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 (R) : EW Condition code setti ngs: 2 3 4 -----o 0 o cs register dou91eword greater than effective doubleword COMPARE SELECTIVE (Word index alignment) register word greater than effective halfword with sign extended one or more 1-bits compare, (R) n EHSEfO CW 0 Result of Comparison equal register word less than effective word COMPARE SELECTIVE compares the contents of register R with the effective word in only those bit positions selected by a 1 in corresponding bit positions of register Ru 1 (mask). The contentsof register R and the effective word are ignored in those bit positions designated by a 0 in corresponding bit positions of register Ru 1. The selected contents of register R and the effective word are treated as positive integer magnitudes, and the condition code is set according to the result of the comparison. If the R field of CS is an odd value, CS compares the contents of register R wi th the logical product (AND) of the effective word and the contents of regi ster R. Affected: CC3,CC4 If R is even: (R) n(Ru 1) : EW n(Ru 1) If R is odd: (R) : EW n(R) Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Results of Comparison under Mask in Rul o o 0 1 1 0 equal register word less than effective word register word greater than effective word (if R is even) Comparison Instructions 45 ClR All logical operations are performed bit by corresponding bit between two operands; one operar d is in register Rand the other operand is the effective word. The result of the logical operation is loaded into register R. 39 ~ ! 2 J!4 5 COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN REGISTERS simultaneously compares the effective word with the contents of register Rand with the contents of register Ru 1 (with all three words treated as signed fixed-point quantities), and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparisons. Affected: CC (R) : EW, (Ru 1) : EW 2 3 4 Result of Comparison o o 0 1 0 contents contents contents contents contents contents 1 o J o elM OR of of of of of of R equal to effective word R less than effective word R greater than effecti ve word Ru 1 equal to effecti ve word Ru 1 less than effective word Ru 1 greater than effective word OR WORD (Word index alignment) I 2 Condition code setti ngs: 2 3 4 Result of Com~arison 0 0 contents of R equal to most significant word, (R) = ED _ O 31 word, (R) 0 0 0 2 I~ " " n"" " " vl~ ~ i • " 4 Resul t in R o 0 zero bit 0 of register R is a 1 Obit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1 o I EXCLUSIVE OR WORD (Word index alignment) 2 EXCLUSIVE OR WORD I ogical/y exclusive ORs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register Rand the effective word are di fferent, a 1 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R; if the contents of the corr<:!sponding bit positions are alike, a 0 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. The effective word is not affected. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 (R)@EW--- R, where O@O = 0, 0@1 = 1, 1@0=1, 1@1=0 Condition code settings: 2 contents of R greater than most significant word, (R) > ED _ O 31 3 4 Result in R o o 0 zero bit 0 of register R is a 1 Obit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R conta in at least one 1 contents of R equal to least significant AND AND WORD 0/'Iord index alignment) contents of R less than least significant 0 word, (R) 0 46 3 o < ED 0-31 word, (R) = ED 32-63 I X I : Referenc~ address Condition code settings: contents of R less than most significant 0 R • '" " " " " " " " " .. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 (R) u EW R, where 0 u 0 = 0, 0 u 1 = 1, 1 u 0 = 1, 1 u 1 = 1 EOR Affected: CC (R) = ED _ ; (R) : ED O 31 32 63 " OR WORD logically ORs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register R and the effective word are both 0, a 0 remains in register R; otherwise, a 1 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. The effective word is not affected. COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN MEMORY (Doubleword index alignment) COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN MEMORY simultaneously compares the contents of register R with the 32 high-order bits of the effective doubleword and with the 32 low-order bits of the effective doubleword, with all three words treated as 32-bit signed quantities, and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparisons. I 49 o Condition code settings: o o LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN REGISTERS (Word index alignment) < ED 32-63 contents' of R greater than Ieast significant word, (R) > ED _ 32 63 Logical Instructions o I 2 AND WORD logically ANDs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register R and the effective word ale bath 1, a 1 remains in register R; otherwise, a 0 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. The effecti ve word is not affected. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 (R) n EW - - R, where 0 n 0 1 n0 I = 0, = 0, 0 n1 1 n1 = 0, =1 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in R 0 0 zero 0 bit 0 of register R is a 0 bit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1 SHIFT INSTRUCTIONS The instruction format for logical, circular, and arithmetic shift operations is: s integer, with the high-order bit (bit position 25) as the sign (negative integers are represented in two's complement form). A positive shift count causes a left shift of C bit positions. A negative shift count causes a right shift of Ic bit positions. The value of C is within the range: -64: C :: +63. All double-register shift operations require an even value for the R field of the instruction, and treat registers Rand Rul as a 64-bit register with the high-order bit (bit position Oaf register R) as the sign for the entire register. If the R field of SHIFT is an odd value and a double-register shift operation is specified, a register doubleword is formed by duplicating the contents of register R for both the 32 high-order bits and the 32 low-order bits of the doubleword. The shift operation is then performed and the 32 high-order bits of the result are loaded into register R. Overflow occurs (on left shifts only) whenever the value of the sign bit (bit position 0 of register R) changes. At the completion of logical left, circular left, and arithmetic left shifts, the condition code is set as follows: SHIFT (Word index 01 ignment) 2 3 4 o If neither indirect addressing nor indexing is called for in the instruction SHIFT, bit positions 21-23 of the reference address fi eld determine the type, and bit positions 25-31 determine the direction and amount of the shift. If only indirect addressing is called for in the instruction, bits 15-31 of the instruction are used to access the indirect word and then bits 21-31 of the indirect word determine the type, direction, and amount of the shift. If only indexing is called for in the instruction, bits 21-23 of the instruction word determine the type of shift; the direction and amount of shift are determined by bits 25-31 of the instruction plus bits 25-31 of the specified index register. If both indirect addressing and indexing are called for in the instruction, bits 15-31 of the instruction are used to access the indirect word and then bits 21-23 of the indirect word determine the type of shift; the direction and amount of the shiftare determined by bits 25-31 of the indirect word plus bits 25-31 of the specified index register. Bit positions 15-20 and 24 of the effective virtual address are ignored. Bit positions 21, 22 and 23 of the effective virtual address determine the type of shift, as follows: 21 22 23 Shift Type 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Logical, single register Logical, double register Circular, single register Circular, double register Arithmetic, single register Arithmetic, double register Undefined Undefined Bit positions 25 through 31 of the effective virtual address are a shift count that determines the direction and amount of the shift. Theshiftcount(C} is treated asa7-bit signed binary Result of Shift even number of l's shifted off left end of register R odd number of l's shifted off I eft end of register R o no overflow on left shift overflow on left shift At the completion of logical right, circular right, and arithmetic right shifts, the condition code is set as follows: 234 o 0 Logica I Shift, Single Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right IC places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the left.· (Bits shifted past R31 are lost.) I Affected: (R), CC1, CC2 Logical Shift, Double Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. Bits shifted past bit position 0 of register Ru1 are copied into bit position 31 of register R. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted right IC I places, Shift Instructions 47 with OIS copied into vacated bit positions on the left. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register R are copied into bit position a of register Ru 1. (Bits sh ifted past Ru 131 are lost.) Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC1, CC2 Circular Shift, Single Register FLOATING-POINT SHifT See "Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions" for a definition of floating-point numbers. The forma~ for the floating-poinj shift instruction is: SF If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registerR are shifted left C places. Bits shifted past bit position 0 are copied into bit position 31. (No bits are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right ICI places. Bits shifted past bit position 31 are copied into bit position O. (No bits are lost.) Affected: (R),CC1,CC2 Circular Shift, Double Register If the shift count, C is positive, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted left C places. Bits shifted past bit position a of register R are copied into bit position 31 of register Ru1. (No bits are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru1 are shifted right places. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register Ru1 are copied into bit position a of register R. (No bits are lost.) Ici Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC1, CC2 Arithmetic Shift, Single Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right places, with the contents of bit position 0 copied into vacated bit positions on the left. (Bits sh ifted past R31 are lost. ) Ic I If indirectaddressing or indexing is called for in the instruction word, the effective virtual address is computed as for the instruction SHIFT except that bit position 23 of the effective virtual address determines the type ofshift. Ifbit 23 is aO, the contents of register R are treated as a short-format floatingpoint number; if bit 23 is a 1, the contents of registers Rand Ru1 are treated as a long-format floating-point number. The shift count, C, in bit positions 25 through 31 of the effective virtual address determines the amount and direction of the shift. The shift count is treated as a 7-bit signed binary integer, with the high-order bit (bit position 25) as the sign (negative integers are represented in twols compl ement form). The absolute value of the shift count determines the number of hexadecimal digit positions the floating-point number is to be shifted. If the shift count is positive, the floatingpoint number"is shifted left; if the count is negative, the number is shifted right. SHIFT FLOATING loads the floatLng-point number from the register(s) specified by the R field of the instruction into a set of internal registers. If the number is negative, it is two's complemented. A record of the original sign is retained. The floating-point number is then separated into a characteristic and a fraction, and CCl and CC2 are both reset to O's. A positive shift count produces the following left shift operations: 1. If the fraction is normalized (i.e., is less than 1 and is equal to or greater than 1/16), or the fraction is all O's, CC1 is set to 1. 2. If the fraction field is all O's, the entire floating-point number is set to all O's (true zero), regardless of the sign and the characteristic of the original number. 3. If the fraction is not normalized, the fraction field is shifted 1 hexadecimal digit position (4 bit positions) to the left and the characteristic field is decremented by 1. Vacated digit positions at the right of the fraction are filled with hexadecimal O's. Affected: (R), CC1, CC2 Arithmetic Shift, Double Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registers Rand Ru1 are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. Bits shifted past bit position a of register Ru 1 are copied into bit position 31 of register R. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted right ICI places, with the contents of bit position a of register R copied into vacated bit positions on the left. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register R are copied into bit position a of register Rul. (Bits shifted past Ru1 31 are lost.) Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC1, CC2 48 Shift Instructions SHIFT FLOATING (Word index al ignment) If the characteristic field underflows (i.e., is all lis as the result of being decremented), CC2 is set to 1. However, if the characteristic field does not underflow, the shift process (shift fraction, and decrement characteristic) continues until the fraction is normalized, until the characteristic field underflows, or until the fraction is shifted left C hexadecimal digit positions, whichever occurs first. (Any two, or all three, of the terminating conditions can occur simultaneously. ) 4. 5 At the completion of the left shift operation, the f1oatingpoint result is loaded back into the general register{s). If the number was originall y negative, the two's compi ement of the resul tant number is loaded into the general register{s}. The condition code settings following a floating-point left shift are as follows: 2 3 4 Result o o o true zero (all O's) negative o o o positive C digits shifted (fraction unnormalized, no characteristic underflow) fraction normalized {includes true zero} Floating Shift, Single Register The short-format floating-point number in register R is shifted according to the rules established above for floating-point shift operations. Affected: {R}, cc Floating Shift, Double Register The long-format floating-point number in registers Rand Rul is shifted according to the rules established above for floatingpoint shift operations. (If the R field of the instruction word is an odd value, a long-format floating-point number is generated by duplicating the contents of register R, and the 32 high-order bits of the result are loaded into register R.) Affected: (R), (Ru 1 ), cc characteristic underflow CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS A negative shift count produces the following right shift operations (again assuming that negative numbers are two's complemented before and atter the shift operation): The following two conversion instructions are provided by the SI GMA 6 computer: 1. The fraction field is shifted 1 hexadecimal digit position to the right and the characteristic field is incremented by 1. Vacated digit positions at the left are filled with hexadecimal O's. Instruction Name Mnemonic Convert by Addition Convert by Subtraction CVA CVS If the characteristic field overflows (i.e., is all O's as These two conversion instructions can be used to accompl ish bidirectional translation betw~en binary code and any other weighted binary code, such as BCD. 2. the result of being incremented), CC2 is set to 1. However, if the characteristic field does not overflow, the shift process {shift fraction, and increment characteristic} conti nues unti I the characteristic field overflows or until the fraction is shifted right hexadecimal digit positions, whichever occurs first. (Both terminating conditions can occur simultaneously.) Ici 3. If the resultant fraction field is all O's, the entire floating-point number is set to all O's {true zero}, regardless of the sign and the characteristic of the original number. 4. At the completion of the right shift operation, the floating-point result is loaded back into the general register{s}. If the number was originally negative, the two's complement of the resultant number is loaded into the general register{s}. 5. 3 4 Resul t If an interrupt or memory protection violation trap occurs during the execution of either instruction, the instruction sequence is aborted (without having changed the contents of register R or Ru 1) and restarted {at the beg inning of the instruction sequence} after the interrupt or trap routine is processed. o o o true zero {all zeros} eVA The condition code settings following a floating-point right shift are as follows: 2 negative o o o 0 The effective addresses of the instructions CONVERT BY ADDITION and CONVERT BY SUBTRACTION each point to the starting location of a conversion table of 32 words, containing weighted values for each bit position of register Rul. The 32 words of the conversion table are considered to be 32-bit positive quantities, and are referred to as conversion values. The intermediate results of these instructions are accumulated in internal CPU registers unti I the i nstruction is completed; the result is then loaded into the appropriate general register. Both instructions use a counter (n) that is set to 0 at the beginning of the instruction execution and is incremented by 1 with each iteration, unti I a total of 32 iterations have been performed. CONVERT BY ADDITION 0/Vord index alignment) positive I IC digi ts shifted (no characteristic overflow) characteri sti c overfl ow CONVERT BY ADDITION initially clears the internal A register and sets an i nterna I counter (n) to O. If bit position n Conversion Instructions 49 of register Ru1 contains a 1, CVA adds the nth conversion value (contents of the word location pointed to by the effective address plus n) to the contents of the A register, accumulates the sum in the A register, and increments n by 1. If bit position n of register Ru1 contains a 0, CVA only increments n. If n is less than 32 after being incremented, the next bit position of register Ru 1 is examined, and the addition process continues through n equal to 31; the result is then loaded into register R. If, on any iteration, the sum has exceeded the value 2 32 -1, CCl is set to 1; otherwise, CC 1 is reset to O. If n < 32, repeat; otherwise, (A) - - R, (B) conti nue to the next instruction Condition code settings: 2 n If n = 0, Result in Ru 1 0 0 zero repeat; otherwise, (A) next instruction 0 bit 0 of register Ru 1 is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register Ru 1 contain at least one 1 The following floating-point arithmetic instructions are available as optional SIGMA 6 instructions: 234 0 Instruction Name Mnemonic Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating FAS FAL FSS FSL FMS FML FDS FDL R and continue to Condition code settings: ResultinR zero bit 0 of register R is a 1 Add Short Add Long Subtract Short Subtract Long Multiply Short Multiply Long Divide Short Divide Long Obit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1 o sum is correct (less than 2 32 ) sum is greater than 2 32 - 1 cvs bit 0 of register Ru 1 is a 1 then n + 1 - - n < 32, o o 4 FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS If (Rul) = 1, then (EWL + n) + (A) - A , n + 1 - n n 3 0 Affected: (R), CC1, CC3, CC4 o --A, 0 - - n If (Ru 1) Ru 1 and CO NVERT BY SUBTRACTION 0Nord index al ignment) CONVERT BY SUBTRACTION loads the internal A register with the contents of register R, clears the internal B register, Old sets an internal counter (n) to O. All conversion val ues are considered to be 32-bit positive quantities. If the nth conversion value (the contents of the word location pointed to by the effective address plus n) is equal to or less than the current contents of the A register, CVS increments n by 1, adds the two's complement of the nth conversion value to the contents of the A register, stores the sum in the A register, and stores a 1 in bit position n of the B regi ster. If the nth conversi on val ue is greater than the current contents of the A register, CVS only increments n by 1. If n is I ess than 32 after bei ng incremented, the next conversion value is compared and the process continues through n equal to 31; the remainder in the A register is loaded into register R, and the converted quantity in the B register is loaded into register Rul. FLOATING-POINT NUMBERS SIGMA 6 accommodates two number formats for floatingpoint arithmetic: short and long. A short-format floatingpoint number consists of a sign (bit 0), a biased t , base 16 exponent, which is called a characteristic (bits 1-7), and a six-digit hexadecimal fraction (bits 8-31). A long-format floating-point number consists of a short-format floatingpoint number followed by an additional eight hexadecimal digits of fractional significance and occupies a doubl eword memory location or an even-odd pair of general registers. A SIGMA 6 floating-point number (N) has the following formct: A floQting-point number (N) has the following formal defi nition: 1. N =F x 16 C -64 where F = 0 or 16- 6 :s IF l::s 1 (short format) or 16- 14 :s IFI::s 1 (long format) and O::s C ::s 127 Affected: (R), (Rul), CC3, CC4 (R) --- A, 0 --B, 0 - - n If (EWL + n) :s (A) then A - (EWL + n) - - A, 1 - - Bn, n + 1 - - n . If (EWL + n) 50 > (A) then n + 1 - - n Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions tThe bias value of 4016 is added to the exponent for the purpose of making it possible to compare the absolute magnitude of two numbers, i. e., without reference to a sign bit. This manipulation effectively removes the sign bit, making each characteristic a 7-bit positive number. 2. 3. 5. SIGMA 6 contains three mode control bits that are used to qualify floating-point operations. These mode control bits are identified as FS (floating significance), FZ (floating zero), and FN (floating normalize), and are contained in bit positions 5, 6, and 7, respectively, of the program status doubleword (PSD 5 -7)' The_ floating-point mode is established by setting the three floating-point mode control bits. This can be performed by any of the following instructions: <1 A negative floclting-point number is the two's compl ement of its positive representation. By this definition, a floating-point number of the form 1xxx xxxx 11 11 0000 . .. 0000 1xxx xxxx 0000 0000 . •• 0000 is illegal and, whenever gf'nerated by floating-point instructions, is converted to the form 1yyy yyyy 1111 0000 . .. 0000 +(16 -3)(209/256) + (16 -63)(2047/4096) +(16 -64) (1 /16) a (called true zero) Load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate LCFI Load Program Status Doubleword LPSD Exchange Program Status Doubleword XPSD Instruction Name Mnemonic Store Conditions and Floating Control STCF Exchange Program Status Doubleword XPSD Floating-Point Number Representation ± +(16+ )(5/16) LCF Short Floating -point Format Dec imal Number 3 . Load Conditions and Floating Control The floating-point mode control bits are stored by executi ng either of the following instructions: is normal ized, and a floating-point number of the form +(16+63)(1-2 -24) Mnemonic Instruction Name A negative floating-point number is normal ized if and onl y if its two's compl ement is a normal ized positive number. Table 6. a a a a a a Table 6 contains MODES OF OPERATION A positive floating-point number is normal ized if and onl y if the fraction is contained in the interval 1/16 sF 4. where yy ... y is 1 less than xx ... x. examples of floating-point numbers. Apositivefloating-pointnumberwith a fraction of zero and a characteristi c of zero is a IItrue ll zero. A positive floating-point number with a fraction of zero and a nonzerO characteristic is an lIabnormal ll zero. For floatingpoint multipl ication and division, an abnormal zero is treated as a true zero. However, for addition and subtraction, an abnormal zero is treated the same as any nonzero operand. F C 111 Hexadecimal Value 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 7F FFFFFF 100 0011 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 43 500000 all 1101 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 3D Dl0000 1101 1111 000 0001 0111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 01 7FFOOO 000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 100000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 000000 -(16 -64)(1/16) 1 111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 FF FOOOOO -(16 -63)(2047/4096) 1 111 1110 1000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 FE 801000 -( 16 -3) (209/256) 3 -( 16+ )(5/16) _(16+ 63 )(1_2 24 ) 1 100 0010 0010 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 C2 2 FOOOO 1 all 1100 1011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 BC BOOOOO 1 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 80 000001 Spec ia I Case: e -(16 )(l) e 1 -(16 + )(1/16) 1 is changed to e 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 -- 1 e + 1 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 whenever generated as the result of a floating-.point instruction. Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions 51 UNIMPLEMENTED FLOATING-POINT INSTRUCTIONS ~S set equal to true zero, the condition code is set to 1000, and the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. If more than two hexadecimal place~ of postnormalization shifting are required one characteristic under .... flow does not occur, the condition code is set to 1010 if the result is positive, or to 1001 if the result is negative; then, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. (Exception: if characteristic underflow occurs with FS = 0, FZ determines the resultant action.) If the optional floating-point instruction set is not implemented in the computer and execution of a floating-point arithmetic instruction is attempted, the computer unconditi onall y aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding). The computer then traps to location X ' 41 1 , with the contents of the condition code and all general registers unchanged. Location X'41' is the "unimplemented instruction" trap location. FLOA TlNG·-POINT ADD AND SUBTRACT FS =1 The floating normalize (FN), floating zero (FZ), and floati ng significance (FS) mode control bits determine the operation of floating-point addition and subtraction (if characteristic overflow does not occur) as follows: FN Floating normalize: FN = a The results of additions and subtractions are to be postnormalized. If characteristic underflow occurs, if the result is zero, or if more than two postnormalization hexadecimal shifts are required, the setti ngs for FZ and FS determine the resultant action. If none of the above conditions occur, the condition code is set to 0010 if the result is positive or to 0001 if the result is negative. FN = 1 FZ Floating zero: (applies only if FN FZ = a FZ = 1 FS a If characteristic overflow occurs, the CPU always traps to location X'44' with the general registers unchanged and the condition code set to 0110 if the result is positive, or to 0101 if the result is negative. FLOATING-POINT MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE The floating zero (FZ) mode control bit alone determines the operation of floating-point multiplication and division (if characteristic overflow does nqt occur and division by zero is not attempted) as follows: FZ Floating zero: FZ =a If the final result of a multiplication or division operation cannot be expressed in normalized form because of the characteristic being reduced below zero, underflow has occurred. If underflow occurs, the result is set equal to true zero and the condition code is set to 1100. If underflow does not occur, the condition code is set to 0010 if the result is positive, to 0001 if the result is negative, orto 0000 if the result is zero. FZ =1 Underflow causes the computer to trap to location X'44' with the contents of the general registers unchanged. The condition code is set to 1110 if the result is positive, or to 1101 if the result is negative. If underflow does not occur, the resultant action is the same as that for FZ = O. = 0) If the final result of an addition or subtraction operation cannot be expressed in normalized form because of the characteristic being reduced below zero, underflow has occurred, in which case the result is set equal to true zero and the condition code is set to 1100. (Exception: if a trap results from significance checking with FS = 1 and FZ = 0, an underflow generated in the process of postnormalizing is ignored.) Characteristi c underflow causes the computer to trap to Iocati on X '44' with the contents of the general registers unchanged. If the result is positive, the condition code is set to 1110. If the result is negative, the condition code is set to 110 1. Floating significance: (applies only if FN = 0) FS -= 52 Inhibit postnormalization of the results of additions and subtractions. The settings of FZ and FS have no effect on the i nstructi on operation. If the result is zero, the result is set to true zero and the condition code is set to 0000. If the result is positive, the condition code is set to 0010. If the result is negative, the condition code is set to 0001. Inhibit signifi-ance trap. If the result of an addition or subtraction is zero, the result is Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions The computer traps to location X'44' if more than two hexadecimal places of postnormalization shifting are required or if the result is zero. The condition code is set to 1000 if the result is zero, to 1010 if the result is positive, or to 1001 if the result is negative; however, the contents of the general registers are not changed. (Exception: if a trap results from characteristic underflow wi th FZ = 1, the results of significance testing are ignored.) If the divisor is zero in a floating-point division, the computer always traps to location X'44' with the general registers unchanged and the condition code set to 01 00. If characteristic overflow occurs, the computer al ways traps to location X'44' with the general registers unchanged and the condition code set to 0110 if the result is positive, or to 0101 if the resu It is negative. FAl CONDITION CODES FOR FLOATING-POINT INSTRUCTIONS The condition code settings for floating-point instructions are summarized in Table 7. The following provisions apply to all floating-point instructions: 1. The effective doubleword and the contents of registers Rand Ru1 are loaded into a set of internal registers. Underflow and overflow detection apply to the final characteristic, not to any lIintermediate ll value. 2. If a floating-point operation results in a trap, the original contents of all general registers remain unchanged. 3. All shifting and truncation are performed on absolute magnitudes. If the fraction is negative, then the two's complement is formed after shifting or truncation. FAS The operation of FAL is identical to that of F LOA TIN G ADD SHORT (FAS) except that the fractions to be added are each 14 hexadecimal digits long, guard digits are not appended to the fractions, and R must be an even value for correct results. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the sum is loaded into registers Rand Ru1 as a long-format floatingpoint number. Traps: Unimplemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic fault Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC (R, Ru1) + ED R, Ru1 FLOATING ADD SHORT (Word index al ignment, optional) FSS The effective word and the contents of register R are loaded into a set of internal registprs and a low-order hexadecimal zero (guard digit) is appended to both fractions, extending them to seven hexadecimal digits each. FAS then forms the floating-point sum of the two numbers. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the sum is loaded into register R as a short-format fl oati ng-poi nt number. Affected: (R), CC (R) + EW-R FLOATING ADD LONG (Doubleword index al ignment, optional) FLOATING SUBTRACT SHORT (Word index alignment, optional) The effective word and the contents of register R are loaded into a set of i nterna I registers. FLOATING SUBTRACT SHORT forms the two's complement of the effective word and then operates identicall y to FLOATING ADD SHORT (FAS). If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the difference is loaded into register R as a short-format fl oati ng-poi nt number. Traps: Unimplemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic fault Affected: (R), CC (R) - EW-R ; Traps: Unimplemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic fault Table 7. Condition Code Settings for Floating-Point Instructions Condition Code Mean i ng if no trap to location X'44 t occurs 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 *(l) * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 -A + A 1 N 1 0 N >0 1 1 0 0 1 0 underflow with FZ=O and no trap by FS=l 1 * * ~I : 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 A x 0, O/A, or -A + ACD with FN=l N <0 N >0 Notes: CD - I I norma I results Meaning if trap to location X'44' occurs *(l) * * div ide by zero overflow, N < 0 overflow, N > 0 < CD °I> 2 postnorma'-l FS=O, FN=O, and izing shifts no underflow CD -A + A N <0 N >0 I I always trapped > 2 postnormalizing shifts * underflow, N < 0 underflow, N >0 l I FS=l, FN=O, and no underflow with FZ= 1 FZ=l result ~et to true zero (l) 11*11 indicates impossible configurations @ applies to add and subtract only where FN=O Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions 53 FSL FLOATING SUBTRACT LONG (Doubleword index 01 ignment, optional) Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Ru 1) x ED R, Ru 1 FDS Traps: Un implemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic faull FLOA TING DIVIDE SHORT 0Nord index al ignment, optional) The effective doubleword and the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are loaded into a set of internal registers. 3E FLOATING SUBTRACT LONG forms the two·s complement of the effective doubleword and then operates identically to FLOATING ADD LONG (FAL). If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the difference is loaded into registers Rand Ru 1 as a long-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Rul) - ED - R , Rul FMS Traps: Unimplemented instruction, f/oatingpoint arithmetic fault o 1 1 78,9 1011 12 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 19120 21222324 25262712829 30 31 The effective word (divisor) and the contents of register R (dividend) are loaded into a set of internal registers and both numbers are then prenormal ized (if necessary). FLOATING DIVIDE SHORT then forms a floating-point quotient with a 6-digit, normal ized hexadecimal fraction. If no floatingpoint arithmetic fault occurs, the quotient is loaded into . register R as a short-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), CC (R) + EW R Traps: Unimplemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic faul t FLOATING MULTIPLY SHORT (Word index al ignment, optional) FDL o 2 FLOATING DIVIDE LONG (Doubleword index alignment, optional) 2 The effective word (multipl ier) and the- contents of register R (mul tipl icand) are loaded into a set of internal registers, and both numbers are then prenormal ized (if necessary). The product of the fractions contains 12 hexadecimal digits. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the product is loaded into register R as a properly truncated short-format floating-point number. The result of floating-mul tiply is always postnormal ized. At most, one place of postnormalizing shift may be required. Truncation takes place after postnormal ization. Affected: (R), CC (R) x EW R Traps: Unimplemented ins tru cti on, fI oat i ngpointarithmetic fault The effective doubleword (divisor) and the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (dividend) are loaded into a set of internal registers. FLOATING DIVIDE LONG then operates identically to FLOATING DIVIDE SHORT (FDS), except that the divisor, dividend, and quotient fractions are each 14 hexadecimal digits long, and R must be an even value for correct results. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the quotient is loaded into registers Rand Ru 1 as a long-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Rul) + ED R, Rul Traps: Unimplemented instruction, floatingpoint arithmetic faul t DECIMAL INSTRUCTIONS FML FLOATING MULTIPLY LONG (Doubleword index alignment, optional) The effective doubreword (multiplier) and the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (multiplicand) are loaded into a set of internal registers. FLOATING MULTIPLY LONG then operates identically to FLOA TING MULTIPLY SHORT (FMS), except that the mul tipl ier and the multiplicand fractions are each 14 hexadecimal digits long, the product fraction is 28 hexadecimal digits long, and R must be an even value for correct results. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the postnormalized product is truncated to a long-format floating-point number and loaded into registers Rand Ru 1. 54 Decimal Instructions The fallowing instructions comprise the standard decimal instruction set: Instruction Name Mnemonic Decimal Load Decimal Store Decimal Add Decimal Subtract Decimal Multiply Decimal Divide Decimal Compare Decimal Shift Arithmetic Pack Decimal Digits Unpack Decimal Digits Edit Byte String (described under Byte String Instructions) DL DST DA DS DM DD DC DSA PACK UNPK EBS PACKED DECIMAL NUMBERS All SIGMA 6 decimal arithmetic instructions operate on packed decimal numbers, each consisting of from 1 to 31 decimal digits (in absolute form) plus a decimal sign. A decimal digit is a 4-bit code in the range 0000 through 1001, where 0000 = 0, 0001 = 1, 0010 = 2, 0011 = 3, 0100 = 4, 0101 = 5, 0110 = 6, 0111 = 7, 1000 = 8, and 1001 = 9. A positive decimal sign is a 4-bit code of the form: 1010(X'A'~ 1100(X'C}, 1110(X ' E' ), or 1111 (X'F"). A negative decimal sign is a 4-bit code of the form: 1011 (X'B') or 1101 (X'D'). However, the decimal sign codes generated for the result of a decimal instruction are: 1100 (XlC') for positive results, and 1101 (X'D') for negative results. The format of packed decimal numbers is: II I sign digit o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I For the decimal arithmetic instructions, a packed decimal number must occupy an integral number (1 through 16) of consecutive bytes. Thus, a decimal number must contain an odd number of decimal digits, the high-order digit (zero or nonzero) of the number must be in bit positions 0-3 of the first byte, the decimal sign must be in bit positions 4-7 of the last byte, and all decimal digits and the decimal sign must be 4-bit codes of the fc-rm described above. ZONED DECIMAL NUMBERS The indirect address bit (position a), the operation code (positions 1-7), the index field (12-14), and the reference address field (15-31) all have the same functions for the decimal instructions as they do for any other SIGMA 6 byte addressing instruction. However, bit positions 8-11 of the instruction word do not refer to a general register; instead, the contents of this field (designated by the character ilL") designate the length, in bytes, of a packed decimal number. (If L = 0, a length of 16 bytes is assumed.) ILLEGAL DIGIT AND SIGN DETECTION Prior to executing any decimal instruction, the computer checks all decimal operands for the presence of illegal decimal digits or illegal decimal signs. For all decimal arithmetic instructions except DECIMAL MULTIPLY and DECIMAL DIVIDE, an illegal decimal digit is a sign code (i. e., in the range X'A ' through X'F') that appears anywhere except in bit positions 4-7 of the least significant byte (the sign position) of the packed decimal number; an illegal decimal sign is a digit code (i. e., in the range X'O' through X ' 9 1) that appears in the sign position of the packed decimal number. For the instructions DECIMAL MULTIPLY and DECIMAL DIVIDE, the effective decimal operand is checked for illegal digits or signs as above. However, the operand in the decimal accumulator is checked to verify that there is at least one legal decimal sign code somewhere in the number. (This type of check is a result of the interruptibility of these instructions, which may leave the decimal accumulatorwith a partially-completed result containing an internal sign code.) In zoned decimal format, a single decimal digit is contained within bit positions 4-7 of a byte, and bit positions 0-3 of the byte are referred to as the "zone" of the decimal digit. A zoned decimal number consists of from 1 to 31 bytes, with the decimal sign appearing as the zone for the last byte, as follows: If an illegal digit or sign is detected, the computer uncon- A decimal number can be converted from zoned to packed format by means of the instruction PACK DECIMAL DIGITS. A decimal number can be converted from packed to zoned format by means of the instruction UNPACK DECIMAL DIGITS. ditionally aborts the execution of the instruction (at the time that the illegal digit or sign is detected), sets CC 1 to 1 and -esets CC2 to O. If the decimal arithmetic faul t trap mask (bit position 10 of the program status doubleword) is a 0, the computer then executes the next instruction in sequence; however, if the decimal arithmetic fault trap mask (PSDlO) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'4S'. In either case, the contents of the decimal accumulator, the effective deci mal operand, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged. DECIMAL ACCUMULATOR OVERfLOW DETECTION All decimal arithmetic instructions imply the use of registers 12 through 15 of the current register bank as the decimal accumulator, and registers 12 through 15 are treated as a single 16-byte register. The entire decimal accumulator is used in every decimal arithmetic instruction. Arithmetic overflow can occur during execution of the following decimal instructions: DECIMAL INSTRUCTION FORMAT DECIMAL ADD: overflow occurs when the sum of the two decimal numbers exceeds the 31-digit ca)acity of the decimal accumulator (+ 10 31 - 1 to - 10 3 + 1). The general format of a decimal instruction is as follows: DECIMAL SUBTRACT: overflow occurs when the difference between the two decimal numbers exceeds the 31-digit capacity of the decimal accumulator. Decimal Instructions 55 DECIMAL DIVIDE: overflow occurs either when the divisor is zero, or when the dividend is greater than 14 digits in length and the absolute value of the significant digits to the left of the 15th digit position (counting from the right) is greater than or equal to the absolute value of the divisor. If arithmeti c overflow occurs during execution of DECIMAL ADD, DECIMAL SUBTRACT, or DECIMAL DIVIDE, the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of overflow detection), resets CC 1 to 0, and sets' CC2 to 1. Then, if the decimal arithmetic fault trap mask (PSD 10) is a 1, the computer traps to location X'45'; if the decimal arithmetic fault trap mask is a 0, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. In either case, the contents of the decimal accumulator, memory storage, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged. DECIMAL INSTRUCnON NOMENClATURE For the purpose of abbreviating the instruction descriptions to follow, the symbol ic term IIDECA" is used to represent the decimal accumulator, and the symbolic term IIEDO II is used to represent the effective decimal operand of the instruction. For the instructions DECIMAL LOAD, DECIMAL ADD, DECIMAL SUBTRACT, DECIMAL MULTIPLY, DECIMAL DIVIDE, and DECIMAL COMPARE, the effective decimal operand is a packed decimal number that is IILII bytes in length, where L is the numeric value of bit positions 8-11 of the instruction word, and a val ue of a for L designates 16 bytes. The effective byte addresses of these instructions point to the byte location that contains the most significant byte (high-order digits) of the decimal number, and the effective byte address pi us L-l (where L = a = 16) points to the least significant byte (low-order digit and sign) of the dec imal number. Thus, for these instructions, the effective decimal operand (EDO) is the contents of the byte string that begins with the effective byte location, is L bytes in Iength, and ends with the effective byte location plus L-l . CONDITION CODE SETTINGS All decimal instructions provide condition code settings, using CCI toindicate whether or not an illegal digit or sign has been detected, and CC2 to indicate whether or not overflow has occurred. Most (but notall) of the decimal instructions provide condition code settings, using CC3 and CC4 to indicate whether the decimal number in the decimal accumulator is zero, negative, or positive, as follows: CC3 CC4 Result in DECA a zero - the decimal accumulator contains a positive or negative decimal sign code in the 4 low-order bit positions; the remainder of the decimal accumulator contains all a's. a 56 a negative - the deci mal accumulator contains a negative decimal sign code in the 4 loworder bit positions; the remainder of the decimal accumulator contains at least one nonzero decimal digit. Decimal Instructions CC3 CC4 positive - the decimal accumulator contains a positive dec imal sign code in the 4 loworder bit positions; the remainder of the decimal accumulator contains at least one nonzero decimal digit. a DL Result in DECA DECIMAL LOAD (Byte index alignment) If no illegal digit or illegal sign is detected in the effective decimal operand, DECIMAL LOAD expands the effective decimal operand to 16 bytes (31 digits + sign) by appending high-order D's, and then loads the expanded decimal number into the decimal accumulator. If the result i., the decimal accumulator is zero, the converted sign remains unchanged. Affected: (DECA), CC Traps: Deci mal arithmetic (EBL to EBL + L-I) - - DECA Condition code settings: 2 3 4 illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted a a a a a a a a a CST Result in DECA ·0 zero negative a positive I no illegal digit or illegal sign detected, instruct i on completed DECIMAL STORE (Byte index al ignment) If no illegal digit or sign is detected in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL STORE stores the low-order L bytes of the decimal accumulator into memory from the effective byte location to the effective byte location plus L-l. If the decimal accumulator contains more significant information than is actually stored (i. e., at least one nonzero digit was not stored), CC2 is set to I; otherwise CC2. is reset to O. If the result in memory is zero, the converted sign remains unchanged. Affected: (EBL to EBL + L-l), CC1, CC2 Traps: Decimal arithmetic (DECA) low-order bytes - - EBL to EBL + L-l Condition code setti ngs: 2 a 3 4 Result of DST illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted 2 o 3 4 o Result of DST all significant in_j formation stored no illegal digit or illegal sign detecsome significant ted, i nstructi on information not completed stored o CCl is reset to 0, CC2 is set to 1, and the instruction is aborted with the contents of the previous decimal accumulator, CC3 and CC4 unchanged. Affected: (DECA), CC (DECA) - EDO - - DEC A Condition code settings: 2 OA DECIMAL ADD (Byte index 01 ignment) mal operand or in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL ADD expands the effective decimal operand to 16 bytes (31 digits plus sign) by appE~nding high-order O's, algebraically adds the expanded decimal number to the contents of the entire decimal accumulator, and then loads the sum into the decimal accumulator. If the result in the decimal accumulator is zero, the resulting sign is forced to the positive form. Overflow occursifthesum exceeds thecapacityof the decimal accumulator (i. e. , if the absolute value of the sum is equal to or greater than 1031 ), inwhich case CC1 is reset to 0, CC2 is set to 1, and the instruction aborted with the previous contents of the decimal accumulator, CC3 and CC4 unchanged. Affected: (DECA), CC (DECA) + EDO DECA Traps: Decimal arithmetic Condition code settings: 2 3 4 0 0 instruction aborted overflow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OS Result in DECA illegal digit or sign detected 0 0 zero ) negative positive 3 4 0 If no i II ega I di git or sign is detected in the effecti ve dec i- no illegal digit or sign detected, no overflow, instruction completed DECIMAL SUBTRACT (Byte index 01 ignment) If no illegal digit or sign is detected in the effective decimal operand or in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL SUBTRACT expands the effective decimal operand to 16 bytes (31 digits plus sign) by appending high-order O's, algebraically subtracts the expanded decimal number from the contents of the entire decimal accumulaTor, and then loads the difference into the decimal accumulator. If the result in the decimal accumulator is zero, the resulting sign is forced to the positive form. Overfl ow occurs if the <:Ji fference exceeds the capac i ty of the decimal accumulator (i.e., if the absolute value of the difference is equal to or greater then 10 31 ), in which case Traps: Decimal arithmetic illegal digit or sign detected a a a a a a a a a a 0 OM Result in DECA i nstructi on aborted overflow zero negative positive } no illegal digit or sign detected, no overflow, instruction completed DECIMAL MU LTIPL Y (Byte index 01 ignment, continue after interrupt) If no illegal digit or sign is detected in the effective dec imal operand and there is at least one decimal sign in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL MULTIPLY multiplies the effective decimal operand (multiplicand) by the entire contents of the decimal accumu~ator (multiplier) and then loads th~ product into the decimal accumulator. If the result in the decimal accumulator is zero, the resulting sign is forced to the positive form. No overflow can occur; how~ver, an indeterminate result occurs (with an incorrect condition code indication, and with no trap activation) if any of the following conditions are not satisfied before the initial execution of DECIMAL MULTIPLY: 1. The 4 low-order bit positions of the decimal accumulator must contain the sign of the multiplier. 2. The 16 high-order digit positions of the decimal accumulator (i .e., general registers 12 and 13) must contain all O's. 3. The effective decimal operand must not exceed 15 decimal digits (i. e., the value of L must not exceed 8). This instruction can be interrupted during the course of its exec;ution, and then be resumed, without producing an erroneous product (provided that the contents of the decimal accumulator are not altered between the interruption and continuation). Actually, the instruction is reexecuted, but since there is no initializing phase, it begins with the same iteration that was started prior to the interrupt. Affected: (DECA), CC (DECA) x EDO DECA Traps: Decimal arithmetic Condition code settings: 234 Result in DECA illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted Decimal Instructions 57 2 3 4 a a a a a 0 a a a a Result in DECA zero negative positive DC } no illegal digit or sign detected, i nstructi on completed DECIMAL DIVIDE (Byte index al ignment, continue after interrupt) DO If there is no illegal digit or sign in the effe~tive decimal operand and if there is at least one decimal sign in the dec imal accumulator, DECIMAL DIVIDE divides the contents of the decimal accumulator (dividend) by the effective decimal operand (divisor). Then, if no overflow has occurred, the computer loads the quotient (15 decimal digits plus sign) into the 8 low-order bytes of the decimal accumulator (registers 14 and 15), and loads the remainder (also 15 decimal digits plus sign) into the 8 high-order bytes of the dec imal accumulator (registers 12 and 13). The sign of the remai nder is the same as that of the original dividend. If the quotient is zero, the sign of the quotient is forced to the positive form. Overflow can occur if any of the following conditions are not satisfied before the initial execution of DECIMAL DIVIDE: If there is no illegal digit or illegal sign in the effective decimal operand or in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL COMPARE expands the effective decimal operand to 16 bytes (31 digits plus sign) by appending high-order OIS, algebraical Iy compares the expanded decimal number to the contents of the entire dec imal accumulator, and sets CC3 and CC4 according to the result of the comparison (a positive zero compares equal to a negative zero). The divisor must not be zero. 2. The length of the divisor must not be greater than 15 decimal digits (i.e., the value of L must not exceed 8.) 3. If the length of the dividend is greater than 15 decimal digits, the absolute value of the significant di gits to the left of the 15th digit position (i.e., those digits in registers 12 and 13) must be less than the absolute value of the divisor. This instruction can be interrupted during the course of its execution, and can then be resumed without producing an erroneous result (provided that the contents of the decimal accumulator are not altered between interruption and continuation). Actually, the instruction is reexecuted, but since there is no initializing phase, it begins with the same iteration that was started prior to the interrupt. Condition code settings: 2 3 4 a a a a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 a 58 zero quotient I negative quotient positive quotient Decimal Instructions Result of comparison I illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 (DECA) equals EDO (DECA) less than EDO 0 (DECA) greater than EDO no illegal digit or sign detected, instruction completed DECIMAL SHIFT ARITHMETIC (Byte index alignment) Reference address If no illegal digit or sign is detected in the decimal accumulator, DECIMAL SHIFT ARITHMETIC arithmetically shifts the contents of the decimal accumulator (excluding the decimal sign), with the direction and amount of the shift determined by the effective virtual address of the instruction. If the result in the decimal accumulator is zero, the resulting sign remains unchanged. no illegal digit or sign detected, no overflow, instruction completed The shift count, C, is treated as a 16-bit signed binary integer, with negative integers in twols complement form. If the shift count is positive, the contents of the decimal accumulator are shifted left C decimal digit positions; if the shift count is negative, the contents ::If the decimal Result in DECA overflow 4 instruction aborted Traps: Decimal arithmetic illegal digit or sign detected 3 If no indirect addressing or indexing is used with DSA, the shift count C is the contents of bit positions 16-31 of the instruction word. If only indirect addressing is used with DSA, the shift count is the contents of bit positions 16-31 of the word pointed to by the indirect address in the instruction word. If indexing only is used with DSA, the shift count is the contents of bit positions 16-31 of the instruction word plus the contents of bit positions 14-29 of the designated index register (bits 0-13, 30, and 31 of the index are ignored). If indirect addressing and indexing are both used with DSA, the shift count is the sum of the contents of bit positions 16-31 of the word pointed to by the indirect address and the contents of bit positions 14-29 of the designated index register. Condition code settings: 2 Traps: Decimal arithmetic Affected: CC (DECA) : EDO DSA 1. Affected: (DECA), CC (DECA)';- EDO DECA DECIMAL COMPARE (Byte index al ignment) } accumulator are shifted right -C decimal digit positions. In either case, the decimal sign is not shifted, vacated decimal digit positions are filled with OIS, and any digits shifted out of the decimal accumulator are lost, Although the range of possible values for C is 2 -15 ~ C ~ 2 5_ 1, a shift account greater than +31 or less than -31 is interpreted as a shift count of exactly +31 or -31. If any nonzero decimal digit is shifted out of the decimal accumulator during a left shift, CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset to O. CC2 is unconditionally reset to 0 at the completion of a right shift. Affected: (DECA), cc 3 4 o o o o o o o PACK 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 Result in DECA 0 0 illegal di git or sign detected, instruction aborted Example 1, L == 6: negative positive right shift or no nonzero dir:;it shifted out of DECA on I eft shi ft no illegal digit or sign detected, instruction completed 1 or more nonzero digit{s) shifted out of DECA on left shift PACK DECIMAL DIGITS (Byte index al ignment, continue after interrupt) PACK DECIMAL DIGITS converts the effective decimal operand (assumed t·o be in zoned format) into a packed decimal number and, if necessary, appends sufficient highorder OIS to produce a decimal number that is 16 bytes (31 decimal digits plus sign) in length. The zone (bits 0-3) of the low-orderdigitof the effective decimal operand is used to select the sign code for the packed decimal number; all other zones are ignored in forming the packed decimal number. If no illegal digit or sign appears in the packed decimal number, it is then loaded into the decimal accumulator. If the result in the decimal accumulator is zero, the resulting sign remains unchanged. The L field of this instruction specifies the length, in bytes, of the resultant packed decimal number in the decimal accumulator; therefore, the length of the effective decimal operand is 2L-1 bytes (where L :-= 0 implies a length of 31 bytes for the effective decimal operand). This instruction can be interrupted during the course of its execution, and can then be resumed without producing an erroneous result {provided that the contents of the decimal accumu lator are not .al tered between interruption and continuation}. Actually, the instruction is re-executed, but Result in DECA illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted 0 0 o o Condition code settings: 0 zero Traps: Decimal arithmetic packed (EBL to EBL + 2L - 2 ) - DECA 0 o o cc Affected: (DECA), Traps: Decimal arithmetic Condition code setti ngs: 2 since there is no initializing phase, it begins with the same iteration that was started prior to the interrupt. zero negati ve 0 positive } no illegal digit or sign detected, instruction completed Before exec uti on After execution EDO X'FOFIF2F3 F4F5F6F7 F8F9FO I X'FOF1 F2F3 F4F5F6F7 F8F9FO I (DECA) xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx X'OOOOOOOO 00000000 00000123 4567890(' CC xxxx 0010 Example 2, L = 6: EDO X'000938F7 E655B483 02Fl BOI X'OO0938F7 E655B483 02Fl BOI (DECA) xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx X'OOOOOOOO 00000000 00000987 6543210D I CC xxxx 0001 UNPK UNPACK DECIMAL DIGITS (Byte index al ignrnent, continue after interrupt) If no illegal digit or sign is detected in the decimal accumulator (assumed to be in packed decimal format), UNPACK DECIMAL DIGITS converts the contents of the low-order L bytes of the decimal accumulator to zoned decimal format and stores the result, as a byte string, from the effective byte location to the effective byte location plus 2L-2. The contents of the 4 low-order bit positions of the decimal accumulator are used to select the sign code for the last digit of the string; a zone of 1111 (XI FI) is used for all other digits. The contents of the decimal accumulator remain unchanged, and only 2L-l bytes of memory are altered. If the decimal Decimal Instructions 59 accumulator contains more significant information than is actually unpacked and stored, CC2 is set to 1; otherwise eC2 is reset to O. If the result in memory is zero, the resulting sign remains unchanged. This instruction can be interrupted during the course of its execution, and can then be resumed without producing an erroneous result (provided that the contents of the decimal accumu lator are not altered between interruption and conti nuation). Actually, the instruction is re-executed, but since there is no initializing phase, it begins with the same iteration that was started prior to the interrupt. Affected: (EBl to EBl + 2l -2), Cel, CC2 Traps: Decimal arithmetic zoned (DECA)- EBl to EBl + 2l -2 Condition code settings: 2 o 3 4 Result of UNPK o illegal digit or sign detected, instruction aborted 0 all significant information zoned and stored o some significant information not zoned and stored no illegal digit or sign detected, i nstructi on completed Example 1, l = 10: Before execution After execution (DECA) X '00000000 00000001 23456789 0123456D' X '00000000 00000001 23456789 0123456D' EDO xxx xxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx X'FOFOFOF1 F2F3F4F5 F6F7F8F9 FOF1F2F3 F4F5D6' ce xxxx OOxx EDO xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx X'FOFOFOFl FOFOC4' CC xxxx 01xx BYTE -STRING INSTRUCTIONS Five instructions provide for the manipulation of strings of consecutive bytes. These instructions are standard with the SIGMA 6 computer. The byte string instructions and their mnemonic codes are as follows: Instruction Name Mnemonic Move Byte String Compare Byte String Translate Byte String Translate and Test Byte String Edit Byte String MBS CBS TBS TTBS EBS These instructions are in the immediate displacement class, are memory-to-memory operations, and proceed one byte at a time (except for the instruction MOVE BYTE STRING, which proceeds four bytes at a time under certain conditions). These operations are under the control of information that must be loaded into certain general registers before the instruction is executed; hence, they may be interrupted after any individual byte operation. The general format for the information in the instruction word and in the general registers is as· follows: Instructi on word: Contents of register R: Contents of reg i ster Ru 1: Example 2, l = 8: (DECA) = EDO ee X '00000000 23000000 10001234 0012345C' X '00000000 23000000 10001234 0012345C' xxxxxx.xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx X'F1FOFOFO F1F2F3F4 FOFOF1F2 F3F4C5' xxxx 01xx Example 3, l = 4: (DECA) = 60 X '00001 001 00001002 00001003 0001004F' Byte-String Instructions X'00001001 00001002 00001003 0001004F' Designation Function Operation The 7-bit operation code of the instruction. (If any byte string instruction is indirectly addressed, the computer traps to location X'40' at the time of operation code decoding. ) R The 4-bit field that identifies register R of the current general register bank. Displacement A 20-bit field that contains a signed byte displacement value, used to form an effecti ve byte address. The displacement value is right-justified in the 20-bit fiel# # 035 END The new condition code is: 1011 Fxampl e 2, before execution: The initial conditions are identical to example 1, except that the contents of the decimal information field are: 06 54 32 1Example 2, after execution: The instruction word and the decimal field are unchanged The new contents of registers 6 and 7 are identical to those given for example 1 The new contents of the destination byte string are *6,543.2115CR The new contents of register 1 are: X 'xxx020l3' PUSH-DOWN INSTRUCTIONS The term "push-down processing" refers to the programming technique (used extensively in recursive routines) of storing the context of a calculation in memory, proceeding with a new set of information, and then activating the previously stored information. Typically, this process involves a reserved area of memory (stack) into which operands are pushed (stored) and from which operands are pulled {loaded} on a lost-in, first-out basis. The SIGMA 6 computer Push-Down Instructions 67 provides for simplified and efficient programming of pushdown processing by means of the following instructions: Instruction Name Mnemonic Push Word Pull Word Push Multiple Pull Multiple Modify Stack Poi nter PSW PLW PSM PLM MSP However, this trap action can be selectively inhibited by setting either (or both) of the trap inhibit bits in the SPD to 1. Bit position 32 of the SPD, referred h as the trap-on-spac8 (TS) inhibit bit, determines whether 0\ not the computer is to trap to location X'421 as a result of impending overflow or underflow of the space count (SPD33-47), as follows: TS Space count overflow/underflow action o If the execution of a pull instruction would cause the space count to exceed 2 15 -1, or if the execution of a push instruction would cause the space count to be less than 0, the computer traps to location X'421 with the condition code unchanged. STACK POINTER DOUBLEWORD Each of these instructions operates with respect to a memory stack that is defined by a doubleword located at the effective address of the instruction. This doubleword, referred to as a stack pointer doubleword (SPD), has the following structure: Instead of trapping to location X'42', the computer sets CCl to 1 and then executes the next instruction in sequence. Bit position 48 of the SPD, referred to as the trap-on-word (TW) inhibit bit, determines whether or not the computer is to trap to location X'42' as a result of impending overflow or underflow of the word count (SPD49-63)' as follows: TW Word count overflow/underflow action o Bit positions 15 through 31 of the SPD contain a 17-bit address field that points to the location of the word currently at the top (highest-numbered address) of the operand stack in a push operation, the top-of-stack address is incremented by 1 and then an operand in a general register is pushed (stored) i~to that'location, thus becoming the contents of the new top of the stack; the contents of the previous top of the stack remain unchanged. In a pull operation, the contents of the current top of the stack are pulled (loaded) into a general register and then the top-of-stack address is decremented by 1; the previ ous contents of the stack remain unchanged. Bit positions 33 through 47 of the SPD, referred to as the space count, contai n a 15-bit count (0 to 32,767) of the number of word locations currently available in the region of memory allocated to the stack. Bit positions 49 through 63 of the SPD, referred to as the word count, contai n a 15bit count (0 to 32,767) of the number of words currently in the stack. In a push operation, the space count is decremented by 1 and the word count is incremented by 1; ina pull operation, the space count is incremented by 1 and the word count is decremented by 1. At the beginning of all push-down instructions, the space count and the word count are each tested to determi ne whether or not the i nstructi on would cause either count field to be incremented above the upper I imit of 2 15 -1 (32,767), or to be decremented below the lower limit of O. If execution of the push-down instruction would cause either count limit to be exceeded, the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction, with the stack, the stack pointer doubleword, and the contents of general registers unchanged. Ordinarily, the computer traps to location X ' 42 1 after aborting a push-down instruction because of impending stack limit overflow or underflow, and with the condition code unchanged from the value it contained before execution of the instruction. 68 Push-Down Instructions If the execution of a push instructi on would cause the word count to exceed 2 15 _1, or if the execution of a pull instruction would cause the word count to be less than 0, the computer traps to location X'421 with the condition code unchanged. Instead of trapping to location X ' 42 1, the computer sets CC3 to 1 and then executes the next instruction in sequence. PUSH-DOWN CONDITION CODE SETTINGS If the execution of a push-down instruction is attempted and the computer traps to location X ' 42 1, the condition code remains unchanged from the value it contained immediately before the instruction was executed. If the execution of a push-down instruction is attempted and the instruction is aborted because of impending stack limit overflow or underflow (or both) but the push-down stack limit trap is inhibited by one (or both) of the inhibits (TS and TW), then, eCl or CC3 is set to 1 (or both are set to lis) to indicate the reason for aborti ng the push-down i nstruction, as follows: 2 3 o 4 Reason for abort impending overflow of word count on a push operation or impending underflow of word count on a pull operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibi ted by the TW bit (SPD 48) o impending overflow of space count on a pull operation or impending underflow of space count on a push operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibited by the TS bit (SPD ) 32 2 3 4 Reason for abort impending overflow of word count and underflow of space count on a push operation or impending overflow of space count and underflow of word count on a pull operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibited by both the TW and the TS bits 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the space count. Affected: (SPD), (TSA+1), CC (SPD)15_31 + 1 - - SPD 15 _ 31 (R) - (SPD _ ) 15 31 (SPD)33_47 - 1 - - SPD 33 _47 If a push-down instruction is successfully executed, CC1 (SPD)49-63 + 1 - and CC3 are reset to 0 at the completion af the instruction. Also, CC2 and CC4 are independently set to indicate the current status of the space count and the word count, respectivel y, as follows: Condition code settings: 2 3 4 ------o 0 o Status of space and word counts the current space count and the current word count are both greater than zero the current space count is greater than zero, but the current word count is zero, indicating that the stack is now empty. If the next operation on the stack is a pull instruction, the instruction wi II be aborted o 0 Result of PSW 0 0 0 space count is greater than 0 0 0 space count is now 0 0 word count = 2 15 _1, TW = 1 0 space count TS = 1 0 0 PUSH WORD (Doubleword index al ignment) PUSH WORD stores the contents of register R into the pushdown stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PSW. If the push operation can be successfully performed, the instruction operates as follows: The current top-of-stack address (SPD15-31) is incremented by 1, to point to the new top-of-stack location. 2. The contents of register R are stored in the location poi nted to by the new top-of-stack address. 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is decremented by 1 and the word count (SPD49-63) is incremented by 1. I instruct i on completed = 0, space count = 0, word count = 0, TS = 1 ° PlW 1. 4 0 If the computer does not trap to location X 1421 as a result PSW 3 0 0 SPD 49-63 2 the currert word count is greater than zero, but the current space count is zero, indicating that the stack is now full. If the next operation on the stack is a push i nstructi on, the i nstructi on wi II be aborted of impending stack limit overflow/underflow, CC2 and CC4 indicate the status of the space and word counts at the termination of the push-down instruction, regardless of whether or not the space and word counts were actually modified by the instruction. In the following descriptions of the push-down instruction, only those condition codes are given that can actual I y be produced by the instruction, provided the computer does not trap to location X1421. Trap: push-down stack limit instruction aborted word count = 2 15 _1, space count = 0, TW = 1, and TS=l PULL WORD (Doubleword index alignment) PULL WORD loads register R with the word currently at the top of the push-down stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PLW. If the pull operation can be performed successfully, the instruction operates as follows: 1. Register R is loaded with the contents of the location pointed to by the current top-of-stack address (SPD 15-31). 2. The current top-of-stack address is decremented by 1, to point to the new top-of-stack location. 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is incremented by 1 and the word count (SPD49-63) is decremented by 1. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the status of the new word count. Affected: (SPD), (R), CC ((SPD)15_31) (SPD)33_47 + 1 -SPD Trap: Push-down stack limit Ri (SPD)15_31 -1 SPD 33 _4 i SPD 15 _ 31 (SPD 49-63- 1 49 63 Push-Down Instructions 69 Condition code settings: 0 2 3 4 Result of PLW 0 0 0 word count is greoter than 0 0 0 0 0 0 I word count is now 0 Condition code settings: instruction completed 2 3 4 Resu I t of PSM ° 0 0 0 spoce count> 0 0 space count = 0 0 0 word count + ec> 2 15 _1, TW = 1 0 space count 2 15 _1, TS = 1, and TW = 1 0 space count = 0, TS = 1 OB i 2 PUSH MULTIPLE stores the contents of a sequential set of general registers into the push-down stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PSM. The condition code is assumed to contai n a count of the number of regi sters to be pushed i nto the stack. (An initial value of 0000 for the condition code specifies that all 16 general registers are to be pushed into the stack.) The registers are treated as a circular set (with register 0 following register 15) and the first register to be pushed into the stack is register R. The last register to be pushed into the stack is register R+ CC -1, and the contents of this register become the contents of the new top-of-stack location. If there is sufficient space in the stack for all of the specified registers, PSM operates as follows: 1. The contents of registers R to R+ CC -1 are stored in an ascending sequence, beginning with the location pointed to by the current top-of-stack address (SPD15-31) plus 1 and ending with the current topof-stack address pi us Cc. 2. The current top-of-stack address is incremented by the value of CC, to point to the new top-of-stack location. 3. The space count (SPD 33 - 47 ) is decremented by the value of CC and the word count is incremented by the value of CC. 4. space count = Of word count + ec > 2 5-1, TS = 1, and TW = 1 If the instruction starts storing words into an accessible region of memory and then crosses into an inaccessible memory region, either the memory protection trap or the nonexistent memory address trap can occur. In ei ther case, the trap is activated with the condition code unchanged from the val ue it contained before the execution of PSM. The effective address of the instruction permits the trap routine to compute how many words of memory have been changed. Since it is permissible to use indirect addressing through one of the affected locations, or even to execute an instruction located in one of the affected locations; a trapped PSM instruction may have already overwritten the direct address, or the PSM instruction itself, thus destroying any possibility of continuing the program successfully. If such programming must be done, it is advisable that the direct address, or the PSM instruction, occupy the last location in which the contents of a register are to be stored by the PSM instruction. If the address of the elements within the stack (pointed to by the top-of-stack address) is in the range 0 through 15, then the registers indicated by the R field of the PSM instruction are stored in the general registers rather than in core memory. In this case the results wi /I be unpredictable if any source registers are also used as destination registers. PLM PULL MULTIPLE (Doubleword index alignment) The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the space count. Affected: (SPD), (TSA+1)to (TSA+CC), CC Trap: Push-down stack limit (R)-(SPD)15_31 + 1 ... (R+CC-l)-(SPD)15_31+ CC (SPD)15_31+ CC (SPD )33-47- CC - SPD 15 _31 SPD 33_47 (SPD)49_63+CC-SPD 49-63 70 instruction aborted space count = 0, word count = 0, TS = 1 0 o instruction completed space count 0 = 0, TW =1 space count = 0, word count 2 -1, TS = 1 15 space count + CC >2 -1, word count 2 -1, word count = 0, TS = 1, and TW = 1 Bit positions 16 through 31 of register R are treated as a signed integer, with negative integers in f"'NCls complement form (i. e., a fixed-point halfword). The modifier is algebraicallyadded to the top-of-stack address, subtracted from the space count, and added to the word count in the stack pointer doubleword. If, as a result of MSP, either the space count or the word count would be decreased below 0 or increased above 2 15 _1, the instruction is aborted. Then, the computer either traps to location X ' 42 1 or sets the condition code to refl ect the reason for aborti ng, dependi ng on the stack limit trap inhibits. If the modification of the stack pointer doubleword can be successfully performed, MSP operates as follows: instruction aborted If the instruction starts loading from an existent region of memory and then crosses a memory page boundary into an inaccessible memory region, either the memory protection trap or the nonexistent' memory address trap can occur. In either case, the trap is activated with the condition code 1. The modifier in register R is algebraically added to the current top-of-stack address (SPD}J 5-31, to poi nt to a new top-of-stack location. (If the modifier is negative, it is extended to 17 bits byappending a high-order 1.) 2. The modifier is algebraically subtracted from the current space count (SPD 33 - 47 ) and the result becomes the new space count. 3. The modifier is algebraically added to the current word count {SPD49-63} and the result becomes the new word count. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the new space count and new word count. Affected: (SPD), CC Trap: Push-down stack limit Push-Down Instructions 71 computer traps to location X '40 ' if the actual address of the instruction is nonexistent or instruction-access protected. If the instruction address ;s existent and is not instruction-access protected, tht: instruction is accessed and the instruction address portion of the program status doubleword is incremented by 1, so that it now contains the virtual address of the next instruction in sequence (referred to as the updated instruction address). (SPD)15_31 + (R)16-31SE -SPD 15 _ 31 (SPD)33_47 - (R)16-31 - - SPD 33 _47 (SPD)49_63 + (R)16-31 - SPD 49-63 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 a a a a Result of MSP space count > 0, word count> 0 a space count> 0, word count = 0 a a a space count:::: 0, word count> 0 a a space count = 0, word count = 0, modifier = a a 0 instruction completed If CC1, or CC3, or both CC1 and CC3 are lis after execution of MSP, the instruction was aborted but the pushdown stack limit trap was inhibited by the trap-an-space inhibit (SPD32), by the trap-on-word inhibit (SPD48), or both. The condition code is set to reflect the reason for aborting as follows: 2 3 4 Status of space count and word count a word count > 0 word count a o =:: If a trap condition occurs during the execution sequence of any instruction, the computer decrements the updated instruction address by 1 and then traps to the location assigned to the trap condition. If neither a trap condition nor a satisfied branch condition occurs during the execution of an instruction, the next instruction is accessed from the location pointed to by the updated instruction address. Ifa satisfied branch condition occurs during the execution of a branch instruction (and no trap condition occurs), the next instruction is accessed from the location pointed to by the effective address of the branch instruction. Thus, during execution of a branch instruction, the updated instruction address is decremented, unchanged, or replaced, as determi ned by the following critera: 1. =0 a space cou nt >0 space count =0 a =:: space count - modifier =:: 2 15 -1 space count - modifier < 0, and TS = 1 or space count - modifier> 215 -1 TS = 1 The branch instruction is indirectly addressed, but the address of the location containing the direct address is either nonexistent or unavailable to the slave program for read access. b. The branch instruction is unconditional (or the branch is conditional and the condition for the branch is satisfied), but the effective address of the branch instruction is unavailable to the slave program for instruction access. c. The effective address of any branch instruction {conditional or unconditional} is nonexistent. If any of the above situations occur, the computer aborts execution of the branch instruction, decrements the updated instruction address by 1, and traps to location X1401. In this case, the instruction address value (IA) stored by the XPSD instruction in location X I 40 1 is the address of the aborted branch instruction. EXECUTE/BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS The EXECUTE instruction can be used to insert another instruction into the program sequence, and the branch instructions can be used to alter the program sequence, either unconditionally or conditionall y. If a branch is unconditiona (or conditional and the branch condition is satisfied), the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the branch instruction is normally the next instruction to be executed. If a branch is conditional and the condition for the branch is not satisfied, the next instruction is normall y taken from the next location, in ascending sequence, after the branch instruction. Prior to the time that an in~truction is accessed from memory for execution, bit positions 15-31 of the program status doubleword contain the virtual address of the instruction, referred to as the instruction address. At this time, the 72 a. word count + modifier =:: 2 15 _1 word count + modifier < 0, and TW = 1 or word count + modifier> 215 _1 and TW = 1 a Trap condition. A nonal/owed operation trap condition can occur during execution of a branch instruction, but onl y if an attempt is made to access ei ther a nonexistent memory address or an address that is not avai I abl e to the slave program for instruction access. The trap condition occurs in the following situations: Execute/Branch Instructions 2. No branch condition. If the branch instruction is conditional, the condition for the branch is not satisfied, and no trap condition occurs, the updated instruction address remains unchanged. Then, instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the updated instruction address. 3. Branch condition. If the branch instruction is unconditional (or if the branch instruction is conditional and the condition for the branch is satisfied) and no trap condition occurs, the updated instruction address is replaced by the effective virtual address of the branch instruction. Then, instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective virtual address of the branch instruction. EXU Affected: (IA) if CC n RIO EXECUTE \.Word index alignment) If CC n (1)8_11 /0, EVA If CC n (1)8-11 EXECUTE causes the computer to access the instruction in the location pointed to by the effective address of EXU and execute the subject instruction. The execution of the subject instruction, including the processing of trap and interrupt conditions, is performed exactly as if the subject instruction were initially accessed instead of the EXU instructi on. If the subj ect instruction is another EXU, the computer executes the subject instruction pointed to by the effective address of the second EXU as described above. Such "chains" of EXECUTE instructions may be of any length, and are processed (without affecting the updated instruction address) until an instruction other than EXU is encountered. After the final subject instruction is executed, instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the initial EXU (unless the subject instruction is an LPSD or XPSD instruction, or is a branch instruction and the branch condition is satisfied). If an interrupt activation occurs between the beginning of an EXU instruction (or chain of EXU instructions) and the last interruptible point in the subject instruction, the computer processes the interrupt-servicing routine for the active interrupt I evel and then returns program control to the EXU instruction (or the intial instruction of a chain of EXU instructions), which is started anew. Note that a program is interruptible after every instruction access, including accesses made with the EXU instruction, and the interruptibility of the subject instruction is the same as the normal interruptibility for that instruction. If a trap condition occurs between the beginning of an EXU instruction (or chain of EXU instructions) and the completion of the subject instruction, the computer traps to the appropriate trap location. The instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in the trap location is the address of the EXU instruction (or the initial instruction of a chain of EXU instructions). Affected: Determi ned by subject instruction Traps: Determined by subject instruction Condition code settings: Determined by subject instruction BCS BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET (V%rd index alignment) BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET forms the logical product (AND) of the R field of the instruction word and the current condition code. If the logical product is nonzero, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BCS instru~tion. However, if the logical product is zero, the br:anch condition is unsatisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. = 0, _ --- IA 15 31 IA not affected If the R field of BCS is 0, the next instruction to be executed after BCS is always the next instruction in ascending sequence, thus effectively producing a "no operation" instruction. BCR BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET N'/ord index alignment) BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET forms the logical product (AND) of the R field of the instruction word and the current condition code. If the logical product is zero, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BCR instruction. However, if the logical product is nonzero, the branch condition is unsatisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (IA) if CC n R = 0 If CC n (1)8-11 = 0, EVA 15 _ 31 IF CC n (1)8-11 10, IA IA not affected If the R field of BCR is 0, the 'next instruction to be executed after BCR is always the instruction located at the effective address of BCR, thus effectively producing a "branch unconditional! y" instruction. BIR BRANCH ON INCREMENTING REGISTER N'/ord index alignment) BRANCH ON INCREMENTING REGISTER computes the effective virtual address (EVA) and then increments the contents of general regi ster R by 1. If the resul t is a negative value, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BIR instruction. However, if the result is zero or a positive value, the branch condition is not satisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (R), (IA) (R) + 1 - R If (R)O = 1, EVA 15 - 31 - I A If (R)O = 0, IA not affected If the effective address of BIR is unavailable to the slave program for instruction access and the branch condition is satisfied, or if the effective address of BIR is nonexistent, Execute/Branch Instructions 73 the computer aborts execution of the BIR instruction and traps to location X'40'. In this case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X ' 40 ' is the virtual address of the aborted BIR instruction. If the computer traps because of instruction access protection, register R will contain the value that existed just before the BIR instruction. the computer aborts execution of the BAL instruction (after loading the updated instruction address into register R) and traps to location X 140'. In thi s case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X ' 40 ' is the virtual address of the BAL instruction. BRANCH ON DECREMENTING REGISTER 0/Vord index alignment) BDR CALL INSTRUCTIONS Each of the four call instructions causes the computer to trap to a specific location for the next instruction in sequence. The four cal I instructions, their mnemonics, and the locations to which the computer traps are: BRANCH ON DECREMENTI NG REGISTER computes the effective virtual address (EVA) and then decrements the contents of general register R by 1. If the result is a positi ve val ue, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BDR instruction. However, if the result is zero or a negative value, the branch condition is unsatisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (R), (IA) (R) - 1 - R If (R)O =0 if (R)O = 1 or and (R)1-31 ,0, EVA 15 -31 (R) = 0, IA IA not affected If the effective address of BDR is unavailable to the slave program for instruction access and the branch condition is satisfied, or if the effective address of BDR is nonexistent, the computer aborts execution of the BDR instruction and traps to location X ' 40 ' • In this case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X' 40 ' is the virtua I address of the aborted BDR instruction. If the computer traps because of instruction access protection, register R will contain the value that existed just before the BDR instruction. BAl BRANCH AND LINK 0/Vord index alignment) BRANCH AND LINK determines the effective virtual address, loads the updated instruction address (the virtual address of the next instruction in normal sequence after the BAL instruction) into bit positions 15-31 of general register R, clears bit positions 0-14 of register R to Dis and then replaces the updated instruction address with the effective virtual address. Instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BAL instruction. Affected: (R), (IA) Instruction Name Mnemonic Trap Location CALL CALL CALL CALL CAll CAL2 CAL3 CAL4 X ' 48 1 X ' 49 1 X '4A ' X ' 4B ' 1 2 3 4 Each of these four trap locations must contain an EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (XPSD) instruction. Execution of XPSD in the trap location for a call instruction is described under the XPSD instruction. If the XPSD instruction is coded with bit position 9 set to 1, the next instructi on (executed after the XPSD) is taken from one of 16 possible locations, as designated by the value in the R field of the call instruction. Each of the 16 locations may contain an i nstructi on that causes the computer to branch to a specific routine; thus, the four call instructions can be used to enter any of as many as 64 unique routines. CAll CALL 1 (Word index alignment) CALL 1 causes the computer to trap to location X 148 1 • CAl2 CALL 2 0/Vord index alignment) CALL 2 causes the computer to trap to location X'49 1. CAl3 o I CALL 3 (Word index alignment) 2 CALL 3 causes the computer to trap to location X'4A'. CAl4 CALL 4 0/Vord index alignment) If the effective address of BAL is either nonexistent or is unavai labl e to the slave program for instruction access, 74 Call Instructions CALL 4 causes the computer to trap to location X '4B '. CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS 1. If bit position S (LP) of LPSD contains a 1, bits 55 through 59 of th e current program status doubl eword (register pointer) are replaced by bits 55 through S9 of the effective doublewordi if bit S of LPSD is a 0, the current register pointer value remains unchanged. 2. If bit position 10 (CL) of LPS D contains a 1, the highest-priority interrupt level currently in the active state is cleared (i. e., reset to either the armed state or the disarmed state); the interrupt level is armed if bit 11 of LPSD (AD) is a 1, or is disarmed if bit 11 of LPSD is O. If bit 10 of LPSD is a 0, no interrupt level is affected in any way, regardless of whether bit 11 of LPSD is 1 or O. (Interrupt levels are described in detail under "Interrupt System" in Chapter 2. The following privileged instructions are used to control the basic operating conditions of the SIGMA 6 computer: Instruction Name Mnemonic Load Program Status Doubl eword Exchange Program Status Doubl eword Load Register Pointer Move to Memory Control Wait Read Direct Write Direct LPSD XPSD LRP MMC WAIT RD WD If execution of any control instruction is attempted while the computer is in the slave mode (i.e., while bit 8 of the current program status doubl eword is a 1), the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40'. PROGRAM STATUS OOUBl£WORD The SIGMA 6 program status doubleword has the following structure when stored in memory: Those portions of the effective doubleword that correspond to undefined fields in the program status doubleword are ignored. Affected: (PSD), interrupt system if (1)10 = 1 ED _ CC; ED _ FS, FZ, FN 5 7 O3 EDS-MS; ED --MM 9 ED 10 - - DM; ED 11 - AM Bit DesigPosition nation Function _ IAi ED _ -WK 34 35 15 31 ED _ CI, II, Eli If (I)S = 1, ED _ RP 55 59 37 39 If (1)10 = 1 and (1)11 = 1, clear and arm interrupt 0-3 If (1)10 = 1 and (1)11 = 0, c1~ar and disarm interrupt ED 5 6 7 8 9 CC FS FZ FN MS MM 10 OM 11 15-31 34,35 37 AM IA WK CI 38 II ,39 1 ·55-59 EI RP Condition code Floating significance mask Floating zero mask Floating normalize mask Master/Slave mode control Memory Map mode control Decimal arithmetic trap mask Fixed-point arithmetic overflow trap mask Instruction address Write key Counter interrupt group inhibit I/O interrupt group inhibit External interrupt inhibit Register pointer The detai led functions of the various portions of the SIGMA 6 program status doubleword are described under II Program Status Doubleword" in Chapter 2. LPSD XPSD EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD stores the entire program status doubleword and then replaces the current program status doubleword with a new program status doubleword. Use of the memory map in interpreting the XPSD instruction address depends on the combined settings of bit 9 of the current PSD and bit 10 of the XPSD instruction, and on whether or not the XPSD is executed in an interrupt or trap location as the result of an interrupt or trap: 1. If the XPSD instruction is executed in an interrupt or trap location, the map is used to interpret the indirect reference address and the effective address if, and only if, a 1 is contained in bit positions 9 (MM) of the current PSD and 10 (MP) of XPSD. 2. The same logic applies with one exception when the instruction is not executed in an interrupt or trap location. The exception is that if the program is in the mapping mode (PSD 9 = 1), the map is used to interpret the indirect reference address regardless of the state of XPSD lO • LOAD PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment, privileged) LOAD PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD replaces bits 0 through 39 of the current program status doubleword with bits 0 through 39 of the effective doubleword. The following conditional operations are also performed: EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOU BLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment, privileged) Control Instructions 75 and bits 37 through 39 of the second effective doubleword. These conditions are summarized in the truth table shown below. General information on memory addressing is contained in Chapter2 under "Memory Control Storage", "Memory Reference Addresses", and IIMemory Address Control II. XPSD 10 PSD9 1 1 0 1 0 0 XPSD Address Type Map? Ind. Ref. Addr. Effect. Addr. Ind. Ref. Addr. Effect. Addr. Ind. Ref. Addr. Effect. Addr. Ind. Ref. Addr. Effect. Addr. yes yes no no no no no no Bit Position Designation Function 37 CI Counter interrupt inhibit 38 II VO 39 EI External interrupt inhibit interrupt inhibit If any (or all) of bits 37, 38, or 39 of the second effective doubleword are OIS, the corresponding bits in the current program status doubleword remain unchanged; if any (or all) of bits 37, 38, or 39 of the second effective doubleword are ]Is, the corresponding bits in the current program status doubl eword are set to lis. See page 19 for a detai I ed discussion of the interrupt inhibits. I yes t tllYes li only if XPSD not executed in an interrupt or trap location. 4. The current program status doubleword is stored in the doubleword location pointed to by the effective address of XPSD in the following form: If bit position 8 (LP) of XPSD contains a I, bits 55-59 of the current program status doubleword (register pointer) are replaced by bits 55 through 59 of the second effective doubleword; if bit 8 of XPSD is a 0, the current register pointer value remains unchanged. The following additional operations are performed on the new program status doubleword if, and only if the XPSD is being executed as the result of a nonallowed operation (trap to location X'40') or a call instruction (trap to location X'48', X 149 1, X'4A', or XI4BI): The current program status doubleword is replaced by a new program status doubleword as follows: 1. 2. 3. 76 The effective address of XPSD is incremented by 2, so that it points to the next doubleword location. The address thus generated is subject to the same mapping consideration as the original effective address {i.e., mapping is performed with the new address if bit 10 of XPSD is ,a 1 and bit 9 of the current program status doubl eword is also a 1; otherwise, mapping is not performed}. The contents of the next doubleword location are referred to as the second effective doubleword, or ED2. 1. Nonallowed operations - the following additional functions are performed when XPSD is being executed as a resul t of a trap to location X1 40 1 : a. Nonexistent instruction - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to execute a nonexistent instruction, bit position 0 of the new program status doubleword (CC I) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 (AI) of XPSD is a I, bit positions 15-31 of the new program status doubleword (next instrucHon address) are incremented by 8. b. Nonexistent memory address - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to access or write into a nonexistent memory region, bit position 1 of the new program status doubl eword (CC2) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 of XPSD is a I, the instruction address portion of the new program status doubl eword is incremented by 4. c. Privileged instruction violation - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to execute a privileged instruction while the computer is in the slave mode, bit position 2 of the new program statusdoubleword (CC3) is set to 1. Then, if bit position 9 of XPSD is 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status doubleword is incremented by 2. d. Memory protection violation - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to read from or write into a memory reg ion to wh i ch the program does not have proper access, bit position 3 of the new program status doubleword (CC4) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status doubleword is incremented by 1. Bits 0 through 35 of the current program status doubleword are unconditionally replaced by bits 0 through 35 of the second effective doubl eword. The affected portions of the program status doubleword are: Bit Position Designation Function 0-3 CC Condition code 5-7 FS, FZ, FN Floating control 8 MS Master/slave mode control 9 MM Mapping mode control 10 DM Decimal arithmetic trap mask 11 AM Fixed-point arithmetic trap mask 15-31 IA Instruction address 34-35 WK 'Write key A logical inclusive OR is performed between bits 37 through 39 of the current program status doubleword Control Instructions There are certain circumstances under which two of the above nonal/owed operations can occur simultaneously. The following operation codes (including their counterparts) are considered to be both nonexistent and privileged: XIOC, XIOD I, XI2C, and XI2DI. If any one of these operation codes is used as an instruction while the computer is in the slave mode, CC 1 and CC3 are both set to lis; if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status doubl eword is incremented by 10. If an attempt is made to access or write into a memory region that is both nonexistent and prohibited to the program by means of the memory control feature, CC2 and CC4 are both set to lis; if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address of the new program status doubleword is incremented by 5. 2. C::III instructions - the following additional functions are performed when XPSD is being executed as a resu It of a trap to location X' 48 1 , X 1 49 1, XI4AI, or XI4BI: a: The R field of the call instruction causing the trap is logically inclusively ORed into bit positions 0-3 (CC) of the new PSD. b. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the R field of the call instructi-:>n causing the trap is added to the instruction address portion of the new PSD. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 0, the instruction address portion of the new PSD always remains at the value establ ished by the second effective doubleword. Bit position 9 of XPSD is effective only if the instruction is being executed as the resul t of a nonall owed operati on trap or a call instruction trap. Bit position 9 of XPSD must be coded with a 0 in all other cases; otherwise, the resul ts of the XPSD instruction are undefined. Affected: (EDL), (PSD) If (I) 10 = 1, effect i ve address is vi rtua I If (1)10 = 0, effective address is actual PSD-EDL ED2 0 _ 3 ED28 - CC; ED25_7 MS; ED29 - FS, FZ, FN MM WK 34 _35 ED2 37 _39 u CI, II, EI - C I , II, EI If (1)8 = 1, ED255 _ RP 59 IA; ED2 If (1)8 = 0, RP not affected If nonexistent instruction, 1 IA + 8 - I A If nonexi stent memory address, 1 IA + 4 - I A If (1)9 LRP CC1 then, if (1)9 = 1, CC2 then, if (1)9 = 1, If privileged instruction violation, 1 - CC3 then, if (1)9 = 1, IA + 2 IA If memory protection violation, 1 - - CC4 then, if (1)9 = 1, IA + 1 - - IA = 0, fA not affected LOAD REGISTER POINTER (Word index al ignment, privi leged) LOAD REGISTER POINTER loads bits 23 through 27 of the effective word into the register pointer (RP) portion of the current program status doubleword. Bit positions 0 through 22 and 28 through 31 of the effective word are ignored, and no other portion of the program status doubleword is affected. If the register pointer is loaded with a value that points to a nonexistent block of general reg isters, the computer subsequentl y generates either all 1's or all OIS as the contents of the nonexistent block of general registers, whenever an instruction designates a general register by means of the R field or the reference address field. Affected: RP EW23-27-RP MMC MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL 0Nord index al ignment, privi leged, continue . after interrupt) MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL loads a string of one or more words into one of the three blocks of memory control registers (memory control registers are described under "Memory Address Control" in Chapter 2). Bitpositions 12-14 of MMC are not used as an index register address; instead, they are used to specify which block of memory control registers is to be loaded, as follows: Bit positi on 12 13 14 Function 100 1 0 001 Load memory map block addresses Load access protection Load memory write protection locks o ED2 10 - - DM; ED211 - - AM ED2 15 _31 - If call instruction, CC u CALLS-11 - - CC then, if (1)9 = 1, fA + C ALL 8- 11 - - fA If bit positions 12-14 of MMC contain either a" OIS or more than a single 1, the instruction produces an undefined result. Also, if an attempt is made to load unimplemented memory control storage, the contents of the general regi sters specified by the MMC instruction are undefined at the completion of the instruction, and the implemented memory control storage (if any) is not affected. Bit positions 15-31 (reference address field) of MMC are ignored insofar as the operation of the instruction is concerned, and the results of the instruction are the same whether or not MMC is indirectly addressed. The R field of MMC designates an even-odd pair of general registers (R and Ru 1) that are used to control the Ioadi ng of Control Instructions 77 the specified bank of memory control registers. Registers R and Ru 1 are assumed to contain the following information: Each word of the memory map control image is assumed to be in the following format: Register R: MEMORY MAP LOADING PROCESS Reg; ster Ru 1 : Bit positions 15 through 31 of register R contain the virtual address of the first word of the control image to be loaded into the specified block of memory control registers. Bit positions 0 through 7 of register Ru 1 contain a count of the number of words to be loaded. If bits 0-7 of register Ru 1 are initially all OIS, a word count of 256 is implied.) Bit positions 15 through 22 of register Ru 1 point to the beginning of the memory region controlled by the registers to be loaded. The significance of this field is different for the 3 modes of MMC. The R field of the MMC instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field of MMC is an odd value, the operation of the instruction is undefined. If MCC is ind irectly addressed and the indirect reference address is nonexistent, the nonallowed operation trap (location X'401) is activated. The effective vi rtual address of the MMC instruction however, is not used as a memory reference (thus does not affect the normal operation of the instruction). Bit positions 15-22 of register Ru 1 initially points to the first 512-word page of virtual addresses that is to be controlled by the map image being loaded. MMC moves the map image into the memory map control registers one word at a time, thus loading the page address for four consecutive memory map registers with each image wurd. As each word is loaded into the memory map, the virtual address of the image area is incremented by 1, the word count is decremented by 1, and the value in bit positions 15-22 of register Ru 1 is incremented by 4; th is process continues unti I the word count is reduced to O. When the loading process is completed, bit positions 15-31 of register R contain a value equal to the sum of the initial map image address plus the initial word count. Also, bit positions 0-7 of register Ru1 contain all OIS, and bit positions 15-22 of register Ru 1 contain a value equal to the sum of the initial contents plus 4 times the initial word count. LOADING THE ACCESS PROTECTION CONTROLS The following diagrams represent the configurations of MMC, register R, and register Ru 1 that are required to load the access protection controls: The instruction format is: Affected: (R), (Ru 1), memory control storage LOADING THE MEMORY MAP The contents of reg ister Rare: The following diagrams represent the configuration of MMC, register R, and register Ru 1 that are required to load the memory map: The instruction format is: a I 2 The contents of register Rare: The contents of register Ru 1 are: MEMORY MAP CONTROL IMAGE The initial address value in bit positions 15-31 of register R is the vi rtual address of the first word of the memory map control image. The word length of the control image to be loaded is specified by the initial count in bit posiTions 0-7 of reg i ster Ru 1. A word count of 64 is suffi c i ent to load the entire block of memory map control registers. The memory map control registers are treated as a circular set, with the first register following the last; thus, a word count greater than 64 causes the first registers loaded to be overwritten. 78 The contents of reg ister Ru 1 are: Control Instructions ACCESS PROTECTION CONTROL IMAGE The initial address value in register R is the virtual address of the fi rst word of the access control image, and the word length of the first control image is specified by the initial count in register Ru 1. A word count of 16 is sufficient to load the entire block of access protection control registers. The access protection control registers are treated as a circular set, with the first register following the last; thus, a word count greater than 16 causes the first registers loaded to be overwritten. Each word of the access control image is assumed to be in the following format: ACCESS CONTROL LOADING PROCESS Bit positions 15-20 of register Ru 1 initially point to the first 512-word page of virtual addresses that is to be controlled by the access control image. MMC moves the access control image into the access control registers one word at a ti me, thus loading th2 controls for 16 consecutive 512-word pages with each image word. As each word is loaded, the virtual address of the control image is incremented by 1, the word count is decremented by 1, and the value in bit positions 15-20 of register Ru1 is incremented by 4; this process continues until the word count is reduced to O. When the loading process is completed, register R contains a value equal to the sum of the initial control image address plus the in itial word count. Also, the final word count is 0, and bit positions 15-20 of register Ru 1 contain a value equal to the sum of the initial contents plus 4 times the initial word count. LOADING THE MEMORY WRITE PROTECTION LOCKS The following diagrams represent the configuration of MMC, register R, and register Ru 1 that are required to load the memory write protection locks: the sum of the initial lock image address plus the initial word count. Also, the final word count is 0, and bit positions 15-20 of register Rul contain a value equal to the sum of the initial contents plus 4 times the initial word count. INTERRUPTION Of MMC The execution of MMC can be interrupted after each word of the control image has been moved into the specified control register. Immediatel y prior to the time that the instruction in the interrupt (or trap) location is executed, the instruction address portion of the program status doubleword contains the virtual address of the MMC instruction, register R contains the virtual address of the next word of the control image to be loaded, and register Ru1 contains a count of the number of control image words remaining to be moved and a value pointing to the next memory control register to be loaded. The instruction format is: WAIT WAIT 0/Vord index alignment, privileged) The contents of register Rare: The contents of register Ru 1 are: MEMORY LOCK CONTROL IMAGE The initial address value in register R is the virtual address of the first word of the memory lock control image, and word length of the image is specified by the initial count in register Ru1. A word count of 16 is sufficient to load the entire block of memory locks. The memory lock registers are treated as a circular set, with the register for memory addresses 0 through X 11 FF' immediately following the register for memory addresses X 11 FEOOI through X 11 FFFF I; thus, a word count greater than 16 causes the first registers loaded to be overwritten. Each word of the lock image is assumed to be in the following format: MEMORY LOCK LOADING PROCESS Bit positions 15-20 of register Ru1 initially point to the first 512-word page of actual core memory addresses that is to be controlled by the memory lock image. MMC moves the lock image into the lock registers 1 word at a time, thus loading the locks for 16 consecutive 512-word pages with each image word. As each word is loaded, the virtual address of the lock image is incremented by 1, the word count is decremented by 1, and the value in bit positions 15 -20 of register Ru1 is incremented by 4; this process continues until the word count is "reduced to O. When the loading process is completed, register R contains a va lue equal to WAIT causes the CPU to cease all operations until an interrupt activation occurs, or unti I the computer operator manuall y moves the COMPUTE switch {on the processor control panel or on the free-standing console} from the RUN position to IDLE and then back to RUN. The instruction address porti on of the PSD is updated before the computer begins waiting; therefore, while the CPU is waiting, the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators contain the virtual address of the next location in ascending sequenceafterWAIT and the contents of the next location are displayed in the DISPLAY indicators {on the processor control panel and on the free-standing console}. If any input/output operations are bei ng performed when WAIT is executed, the operations proceed to their normal termination. When an interrupt activation occurs while the CPU is waiting, the computer processes the interrupt-servicing routine. Normally, the interrupt-servicing routine begins with an XPSD instruction in the interrupt location, and ends with an LPSD instruction at the end of the routi nee After the LPSD instruction is executed, the next instruction to be executed in the interrupted program is the next i nstructi on in sequence after the WAIT instruction. If the interrupt is to a single-instruction interrupt location, the instruction in the interrupt location is executed and then instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the WAIT instruction. When the COMPUTE switch is moved from RUN to IDLE and back to RUN while the CPU is waiting, instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the WAIT instruction. If WAIT is indirectly addressed and the indirect reference address is nonexistent, the nonallowed operation trap {location X1401} is activated. The effective virtual address of the WAIT instruction, however, is not used as a memory reference (thus does not affect the normal operation of the i nstructi on). Control Instructions 79 READ DIRECT (Word index alignment, privileged) RD The CPU is capable of directly communicating with other elements of the SIGMA 6 system, as well as performing internal control operations, by means of the READ DIRECT/ WRITE DIRECT (RD/WD) lines. The RD/WD lines consist of 16 address lines, 32 data lines, 2 condition code lines, and various control lines, that are connected to various CPU circuits and to special systems equipment. READ DIRECT causes the CPU to present bits 16 through 31 of the effective virtual address to other elements of the SIGMA 6 system on the RD/WD address lines. Bits 16-31 of the effective virtual address identify a specific element of the SIGMA 6 system that is expected to return information (2 condition code bits plus a maximum of 32 data bits) to the CPU. The significance and number of data bits returned to the CPU depend on the selected element. If the R field of RD is nonzero, up to 32 bits of the returned data are loaded into genera I register R; however, if the R field of RD is 0, the returned data is ignored and genera I regis, . ter 0 is not changed. The condition code is set by the addressed element, regardless of the value of the R field. READ AND RESET MEMORY FAULT INDICATORS Each core memory module is associated with a MEMORY FAULT indicator that is turned on whenever a memory parity or over-I temperature condition occurs. The following configuration of RD is used to record and reset the MEMORY FAULT indicators. If the R field of RD is nonzero, bit positions 0-23 of register R are reset to all O·s, bit positions 24-31 are set according to the current states of the MEMORY FAULT indicators, and all MEMORY FAULT indicators are reset. If a bit position in register R is set to 1, a memory fault has been detected in the corresponding core memory module. If the R field of RD is 0, the MEMORY FAULT indicators and the contents of register 0 remain unchanged (although the condition code is still set to the value of the SENSE switches). The MEMORY FAULT indicators are also reset by means of the SYS RESET/CLEAR switch on the processor control panel. Affected: (R),CC,MEMORY FAULT Indicators WD WRITE DIRECT (Word index 01 ignment, privileged) Bits 16-19 of the effective virtual address of RD determine the mode of the RD instruction, as follows: Bit Position 16 17 18 19 Mode 000 o o o o 1 Internal computer control Unassigned XDS testers 0 0 0 0 1 1 o 1 } Assigned to various groups of standard XDS products o 1 Spec ial systems control (for customer use with specially designed equipment) If bits 16-19 of the effecti ve vi rtua I address are nonzero (mode 1 through mode F), CC 1 and CC2 are set to zero and CC3 and CC4 are set according to the state of the two condition code I ines from the external device. READ DIRECT INTERNAL COMPUTER CONTROL (MODE 0) In this mode, the condition code is unconditionally set according to the states of the four SENSE switches on the processor control panel. If a particular SENSE switch is set, the corresponding bit of the condition code is set to 1; if a SENSE switch is reset, the corresponding bit of the condition code is set to 0 (see "SENSE" in chapter 5). READ SENSE SWITCHES The following configuration of RD can be used to read the control panel SENSE switches: In th is case, only the condition code is affected. 80 Control Instructions WRITE DIRECT causes the CPU to present bits 16 through 31 of the effective virtual address to other elements of the SIGMA 6 system on the RD/WDaddress lines(see READ DIRECT). Bits 16-31 of the effective virtua I address identify a specific element of the SIGMA 6 system that is to receive control information from the CPU. If the R fie Id of WD is nonzero, the 32-bit contents of register R are transmitted to the specified element on the RD;WD data lines. If the R field of WD is 0, 32 O·s are transmitted to the specified element (instead of the contents of register 0). The condition code is set by the addressed element, regardless of the value of the R field. Bits 16-19 of the effective virtual address determine the mode of the WD instruction, as follows: Bit Position 16 17 18 000 000 o 0 1 001 19 Mode o Internal computer control Interrupt control XDS testers 1 o 1 o 1 } ASSigned to various groups of standard XDS products Special systems control (for customer use with specially designed equipment) If bits 16-19 of the effective virtual address are nonzero (mode 1 through mode F), CC 1 and CC2 are set to zero and CC3 and CC4 are set according to the state of the two condition code lines from the external device. I WRITE DIRECT INTERNAL COMPUTER CONTROL (MODE 0) In this mode, the condition code is unconditionally set accordi ng to the states of the four SE NSE switches on the processor control panel. If a particular SENSE switch is set, the corresponding bit of the condition code is set to 1; if a SENSE switch is reset, the corresponding bit of the condition code is reset to 0 (see "SENSE" in Chapter 5). SET INTERRUPT INHIBITS The following configuration of WD can be used to set the interrupt inhibits (bit positions 37-39 of the PSD). A logical inclusive OR is performed between bits 29-31 of the effective virtual address and bits 37-39 of the PSD. If any (or all) of bits 29-31 of the effective virtual address are l's, the corresponding inhibit bits in the PSD are set to l's; the current state of an inhibit bit is not affected if the corresponding bit position of the effective virtual address contains a O. TOGGLE PROGRAM-CONTROLLED-FREQUE NCY FLIP-FLOP The following configuration of WD is used to "toggle" the CPU program-controlled-frequency (PCF) flip-flop: The output of the PCF flip-flop is transmitted to the computer speaker through the AUDIO switch on the maintenance secti on of the processor control pane I. If the PCF fI i p-fl op is reset whe n the above configuration of WD is executed, the WD instruction sets the PCF fI ip-floPi if the PCF fI ip-flop was previ ously set, the WD instruction resets it. A program can thus generate a desired frequency by toggling (setting and resetting) the PCF fl ip-flop at the appropriate rate. Execution of the above configuration of WD also resets the ALARM indicator. WRITE DIRECT, INTERRUPT CONTROL (MODE 1) The following configuration of WD is used to set and reset the various states of the individual interrupt levels within the CPU interrupt system: RESET INTERRUPT INHIBITS The following configuration .)f WD can be used to reset the interrupt inhibits: If any (or all) of bits 29-31 of the effective virtual address are l's the corresponding inhibit bits in the PSD are reset to O's; the current state of an inhibit bit is not affected if a corresponding bit position of the effective virtual address contains a O. SET ALARM INDICATOR The following configuration of WD is used to set the ALARM indicator on the maintenance section of the processor control panel: Bits 28 through 31 of the effective address specify the identification number (see Table 2) of the group of interrupt levels to .be controlled by the WD instruction. The R field of the WD instruction specifies ageneral register that contains the selection bits for the individual interrupt levels, excluding Power on/Power off, within the specified group (see Table2). Bit position 160f register R contains the selection bit for the highest-priority (lowest-numbered) interrupt level within the group, and bit position 31 of register R contains the selection bit for the lowest-priority (h ighestnumbered) interrupt level within the group. Each interrupt level in the designated group is operated on according to the function code specifiedbybits21 through 23 of the effective address of WD. The codes and their associated functions are as follows: Code Function If the COMPUTE switchontheprocessorcontrol panel isinthe 000 Undefi ned RUN position and the AUDIO switch on the maintenance section of the processor control panel is in the ON position, a WOO-Hz signal is transmi tted to the computer speaker. The signal may be interrupted by moving the COMPUTE switch to the IDLE position, by moving the AUDIO switch to the OFF position, or by resetting the ALARM indicator. OOlt Disarm all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. OlOt Arm and enable all levels selected by a 1; all level s selected by a 0 are not affected. Ollt Arm and disable al/ levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. 100 Enable all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. 101 Disable all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. RESET ALARM INDICATOR The following configuration of WD is used to reset the ALARM indicator: The ALARM indicator is.also reset by means of either the CPU RESET/CLEAR switch or the SYS RESET/CLEAR switch on the processor control panel. t These codes c Iear the current interrupt, i. e. remove from the active or waiting state all levels selected by a 1 (see Figure 7). I Control Instructions 81 Code Function 110 Enable ali levels selected by a 1 and disable all levels selected by a O. 111 Trigger all levels selected by a 1. All such levels that are currently armed advance to the waiting state. Bit positions 25 through 31 of the I/O address contain a 3-bit device controller code (DC) in bit positions 25-27 and a 4-bit device code (Device) in bit positions 28-31. This form of I/O address is used for device controllers (such as magnetic tape and rapid access data file controllers) that control information exchange with only one device at a time (out of a set of as many as 16 devices). INPUTjOUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS Standard" SIGMA 6 I/O refers to the normal I/O system consisting of input/output processors, device controllers, and devices. This system handles normal communications with standard peripherals such as printers, disks, tapes, and so forth. When dealing with standard I/O operations, the CPU uses the following five instructions: 110 UNIT ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT II Instruction Name Mnemonic Start Input/Output Halt Input/Output Test Input/Output Test Device Acknowledge Input/Output Interrupt SIO HIO TIO TOY AIO If execution of any input/output instruction is attempted while the computer is in the slave mode (i. e. , whi Ie bit a of the current program status doubleword is a 1), the computer uncondi tiona II y aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X '40'. Device controller numbers are normally assigned to a multiplexor lOP in numerical sequence, beginning with zero and continuing through the highest number recognized by the lOP (i. e., X,]', X'fi, X'17', or X'lF'). In the case of multiunit device controllers, the device controller number must be in the range X '0' through X '7' because the I/O address field structure allows fora 3-bit multiunitdevice controller number. In the case of si ngle-unit device controllers, any of the avai lable numbers in the range X'O' through X'lF' may be assigned to the device controller, providi ng that the Same number has not already been assigned to a multiunit device controller. For example, if device controller number X '0' is assigned to a magnetic tape unit controller, the number X'O' cannot also be used for a card reader (although the coding of the I/O address field would be different in bit position 24). The I/O address codes used by standard XDS software are I/O address Peripheral device designation x'oao' . lOP 0, devi ce controller 0, magnetic tape unit 0 The device to be operated on by an I/O instruction is selected by the effective virtual address of the I/O instruction itself. Indirect addressing and/or indexing are performed, as for other word-addressing instructions, to compute the effective virtual address of the I/O instruction. However, the effecti ve address is not used as a memory reference (i. e., not subject to memory mapping). For the SIO, HIO, TIO, and TDY instructions, the 11 low-order bits of the effective virtualaddress constitute an I/O address. FortheAIOinstruction, the device causing the interrupt returns its 11-bit I/O address as part of the response to the AIO instruction. X'Oal' lOP 0, device controller 0, magnetic tape unit 1 X'Oa7' lOP 0, device controller 0, magnetic tape unit 7 X'OOl' lOP 0, device controll er 1, keyboard/printer X'002' lOP 0, device controller 2, line pri nter X'003' lOP 0, device controller 3, card reader An I/O address occupies bit positions 21 through 31 of the effective virtual address, with bits 21, 22, and230ftheI/0 address specifying one of eight possible lOPs that can be controlled by a CPU. The remainder of the I/O address is factored into one of two forms, depending on bit 24, as follows: X'004' lOP 0, device controll er 4, card punch X'005' lOP 0, device controller 5, paper tape reader/punch 110 ADDRESSES Case I: Single-unit device controllers (bit 24 is 0) Bits 25 through 31 of the I/O address (DC/Device) constitute a single code specifying a particular combination of devi ce controller and device. Normally these codes refer to devi ce controllers that drive only a single device, such as card readers, card punches, line pri nters, etc. Case II: Multiunit device controllers (bit 24 is 1) 82 Input/Output Instructi ons 110 STATUS RESPONSE All I/O instructions result in the setting of condition code CC1 and CC2 to denote the nature of the I/o response. The R field of the I/O instruction specifies one of the general registers that is to accept additional I/O response information during the execution of an I/O instruction. In some situations, the programmer may want two sets of response information loaded into the general registers, while in other situations he may want only one set, or even no information loaded into a general register. This control is achieved by coding the R field of the I/O instruction. One set of response information is loaded into register R and another set may be loaded into register Rul. If the R field is an even, nonzero number, registers Rand R + 1 are each loaded with response information. If the R field specifies an odd-numbered general register, then only register R is loaded with response information. However, if the R field is 0, Rand Rul are not loaded with response information. Also, if RI- 0 and CCl is set to 1 as a result of the operation, no status information is returned to Rand Rul. The I/O response information loaded into the general register for 510, HIO, TIO, and TDV instructions is in the following format: Word into register R Word into regi ster Ru 1 and the device is started 0. e., advanced to the "busy" condition). If the 510 is accepted, the first command doubleword address is loaded into the IOPcommand address counter associated with the device controller specified by the I/O address of the 510 instruction. Then, if the device is in the "automatic" mode, it requests an order from the lOP. The lOP loads the first command doubleword of the 1/0 command list into its appropriate regi sters and transmits the order to the device. The CPU condition code provides an indication of whether the I/O address specified by the 510 instruction was or was nC;;t recognized by the I/O system and whether the 510 instruction was or was not accepted by the device (i. e., whether the device did or did not advance to the "busy" condition). The condition code settings for 510 are: Current Command Doubleword Address. After the addressed devi ce has received an order, this field contai ns the 16 high-order bits of the core memory address for the command doubleword (see "IOP Command Doublewords ll ) currently being processed for the addressed device. 1 234 Resul t o o 0 I/O address recognized and 510 accepted I/O address recognized but 510 not accepted o lOP address recognized but device controller either is attached to a "busy" selector lOP that cannot return status at this time or, for specific device controll ers, is currentl y "busy" wi th another devi ceo No status informati on is returned to general registers. Status. The meaning of this field depends on the particular I/O instruction being execu+-ed and upon the selected I/O device (see Table 8). Byte Count. After the addressed device has received an order, this field contains a caunt of the number of bytes yet to be transmitted to or from memory by the operation called for by the order. I/O address not recognized and 510 not accepted; no status i nformati on is returned to general registers. See the AIO instruction description for the format of I/O response i nformati on for AIO. 510 START INPUT/OUTPUT \:'Nord index alignment, privileged) START INPUT/OUTPUT is used to initiate an input or output operation with the device selected by the I/O address (bits 21-31 of the effective vi rtua I address of the instruction). 510 utilizes data in general register 0, which is assumed to have the following content when 510 is executed. STATUS INFORMATION FOR SIO In the event that the 510 instruction was not accepted (i. e., CC 1 = 0 and CC2 = 1), the status information returned as a part of the I/O response provides indications of Nhy the 510 instruction was not accepted. If the 510 instruction has been coded with an R field value of 0, or if CCI (as a result of the execution of this instruction) is a I, only the condition code settings are available. If the R field value is odd, register R contains the fol lowing information: Bit Position Function o General register 0 is temporarily dedicated during the execution of an 510 instruction to specify the starting doubleword address for the lOP command list. The doubleword address in register 0 is the 16 high-order bits of a memory address; thus, the address in register 0 always specifies an even-numbered word location. (The lOP command list is described in "10P Command Doublewords", Chapter 4.) If I/O address recogniti.on exists in the I/O system, and the device controller and device are in the "ready" condition and no interrupt condition is pending, the 510 is accepted Interrupt pendingj if this bit is 1, the addressed device has requested an interrupt and the interrupt has not been acknowledged by an AIO instruction. I/O interrupts can be achieved by coding of the flag portion of the I/O command doubleword. I/O interrupts can also be achieved by using M modifiers in the basic order to the device (M bits in the Order portion of the command doubleword). In either case, the device wil I not accept a new SIO instruction until the interrupt-pending condition is cleared (i.e., the condition code settings for the SIO instruction will indicate IISIO not accepted ll if the interrupt-pending condition is present in the addressed device. Input/Output Instructions 83 Table 8. Status Bits for I/O Instructions Posi tion and State in Register Ru 1 Device Status Byte 2 3 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 1 1 1 0 4 Operational Status Byte 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - - - - 1 - 0 1 - 00- - 0 Significance for SIO, HIO, and TIO interrupt pendi ng device ready devi ce not operational device unavailable device busy de vi ce manua I device automatic device unusual end device controller ready device controller not operational device controller unavailable device controller busy unassigned 1 1 0 1 1 - 0 incorrect length transmission data error transmission memory error memory address error lOP memory error lOP control error lOP halt Selector lOP busy Position and State in Register R Device Status Byte o 2 3 4 Operational Status Byte 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Significance for AIO unique to the device and the devi ce controller incorrect length transmission data error zero byte count interrupt channel end interrupt unusual end interrupt - 0 o : } 84 Input/Output Instructi ons unassigned Significance for TOV unique to the device and the device controller 1 same as for SIO, HIO, and TIO j Bit Position Function 1, 2 3 Devi ce condition: if bits 1 and 2 are 00 (device "ready II), all devi ce conditions required for proper operation are satisfied. If bits 1 and 2 are 01 (devi ce "not operational II), the addressed device has developed some condition that will not allow it to proceed; in either case, operator intervention is usually required. If bits 1 and 2 are 10 (device IIUnavailable ll ), the device has more than one channel of communication avai lable and it is engaged in an operation controlled by a controller other than the one specified by the I/O address. If bits 1 and 2 are 11 (device IIbusyll), the device has accepted a previous SIO instruction and is already engaged in an I/O operation. Device mode: if this bit is 1, the device is in the lIautomatic ll mode; if this bit is 0, the device is in the IImanual li mode and requires operator intervention. This bit can be used in conjunction with bits 1 and 2 to determine the type of action requ ired. For exam pi e, assume that a card reader is abl e to operate, but no cards are in the hopper. The card reader wvuld be in state 000 (device IIreadyll, but manual intervention required), where the state is indicated by bits 1, 2, and 3 of the I/o status response. If the operator subsequently loads the card hopper and presses the card reader START switch, the reader would advance to state 001 (device IIreadyll and in automatic operation). If the card reader is instate 000 when an SIO i nstruction is executed, the SIO would be accepted by the reader and the reader would advance to state 110 (device IIbusyll, but operator intervention required). Should the operator then place cards in the hopper and press the START switch, the card reader state would advance to 111 (device IIbusy" and in automatic operation), and the input operation would proceed. Should the card reader subsequently become empty (or the operator press the STOP switch) and command chaining is being used to read a number of cards, the card reader would return to state 110. If the card reader is instate 001 when an SIO instruction is executed, the reader advances to state 111, and the input'operation continues as normal. Should the hopper subsequently become empty (or should the operator press the card reader STOP switch) and command chaining is being used to read a number of cards, the reader would go to state 110 unti I the operator corrected the situation. 4 Unusual end: if this bit is 1, the previous I/O operation terminated in an II unusual end ll condition. These conditions vary from device to device (see the applicable peripheral reference manual). 5,6 Device controller condition: if bits 5and 6 are 00 (device controller "readyll), all device controller conditions required for its proper operation are satisfied. If bits 5 and 6 are 01 (device controller Bit Position Function 5,6 (cont.) II not operational"), some condition has developed that does not allow it to operate properly. In either case, operator i nterventi on is usually requi red. If bits 5 and 6 are 10 (device controller "unavailable"), the device controller is currently engaged in an operation controlled by an lOP other than the one addressed by the I/O instruction. If bits 5 and 6 are 11 (device controller "busy"), the device controller has accepted a previ ous SIO instruction and is currently engaged in performing an operati on for the addressed lOP. 7 Reserved 8 Incorrect length: if this bit is 1, an incorrect length condition has been detected during the previous operation. Incorrect length is caused by a channel end (or end of record) condition occurring before the device controller has received a IIcount done" signal from the lOP, or is caused by the de vi ce controller recei vi ng a count done signal before channel end (or end of record); e. g., count done before 80 columns have been read from a card. Normally, a count done signal is sent to the device controller by the lOP to indicate that the byte count associated with the current operati on has been reduced to zero. The lOP is capable of suppressing an error condition on incorrect length, since there are many situations in which incorrect le.ngth is a legitimate situation and not a true error condition. Incorrect length is suppressed as an error by coding the SIL flag (a 1 in bit 38) of the lOP command doubleword (see IIFlags ll , Chapter 4). At the end of the execution of an I/O command list, this status bit is 1 if an incorrect length condition occurred anywhere in the command list, regardless of the coding of the SIL flag. 9 Transmission data error: this bit is set to 1 if the lOP or device controller has detected a parity error or data overrun in the transmitted information. At the end of an execution of an I/O command list, this status bit is 1 if a transmission data error occurred anywhere in the command list. 10 Transmission memory error: this bit is set to 1 if a memory parity error has occurred during a data input/output operation. A parity error is detected on any output operation and on partial-word input operations. At the end of an execution of an I/O command list, this status bit is 1 if a transmission memory error occurred anywhere in the command list. A device halt occurs only if the HTE flag in the lOP command doubleword is set to 1 (see ll II Flags , Chapter 4). 11 Memory address error: a nonexi stent memory address has been encountered on ei ther data or commands. Operation is terminated with an II unusual end". Input/Output Instructions 85 The status information returned for HIO has the same interpretation as that returned for the instruction SIO and shows the I/O status at the time cf the halt. The count information shows the number of byies remaining to be transmitted at the time of the halt. If the R field of HIO is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register R+l is loaded as shown above, and register R contains the following information: Bi t Posi tion Function 12 lOP memory error: if a memory parity error has occurred while the lOP was fetching a command, this bit is set to 1. Operation is terminated with an "unusual end". 13 lOP control error: this bit is set to 1 if the lOP has encountered two successive TRANSFER IN CHANNEL commands. 14 lOP halt: this bit is set to 1 if the lOP has issued a halt order to the addressed I/O device because of an error condition. 15 Selector lOP busy: this bit is set to 1 if a selector lOP is addressed by the I/O instruction and the selector lOP is currently in use by some I/O device. The selector lOP is considered to be in use from the time that a device accepts an S10 instruction until the operation is completed. 16-31 Byte count: a count of the number of bytes yet to be transmitted to or from memory in the operation called for by the current command doubleword. The current command doubleword address has the same interpretation as that for the instruction SIO. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC1,CC2 Condition code settings: 2 o o If the R field value of the SIO instruction is even and not 0, the condition code and register R+ 1 contain the informa- 0 3 4 Result of HIO VA address recognized and device controll er is not "busy II • VA address recognized but device controllerwas "busy"at the time of the halt. VA address not recognized. tion described above and register R contains the following information: TlO TEST INPUT/OUTPUT 0/Vord index alignment, privileged) Bit Position Function 16-31 Current command doubl eword address: the 16 high-order bits of the core memory address from which the command doubleword for the I/O operation currently being processed by the addressed device controller was fetched. HIO HALT INPUT/OUTPUT 0/Vord index al ignment, privi leged) HALT IN PUT/OUTPUT causes the addressed device to immediately halt its current operation (perhaps improperly, in the case of magneti c tape un j ts, when the devi.ce is forced to stop at other than interrecord gap). If the device is in an interrupt-pending condition, the condition is cleared. If the R field of the HIO instruction is a or if no I/O address recognition exists, no general registers are affected, but the condition code is set. If the R field is an odd value, the condition code is set and the following information is loaded into register R. I 0', 86 ,I." St~tus I ,",. '""I"""""" .... Input/Output Instructions ~ount I~"""""u"I~~~,, Byte I TEST INPUT/OUTPUT is used to make an inquiry on the status of data transmission. The operation of the selected lOP, device controller, and device are not affected, and no operations are initiated or terminated by this instruction. The responses to TIO provide the program with the information necessary to determine the current status of the device, device controller, and lOP, the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted to or from memory in the operation, and the present point at which the lOP is operating in the command list. If the R field of the TIO instruction is 0, or if CC 1 (as a result of the execution of this instruction) is a 1, no general registers are affected, but the condition code is set. If the R field of TIO is an odd value, the condition code is set and the I/O status and byte count are loaded into register R as follows: The status i nformati on has the same i nterpretati on as the status information returned for the instruction SID and shows the I/O status at the time of sampling. The count information shows the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted at the time of sampling. If the R field of the TIO instruction is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register R + 1 is loaded as shown above, and register R is loaded as follows: The current command doubleword address has the same interpretation as for the instruction 510. The count information shows the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted in the current operation at the time of the TDV instruction. If the value of the R field of TDV is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register R + 1 is loaded as shown above, and register R is loaded as follows: Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC1,CC2 Condition code settings: 2 o 3 4 Result of TIO The current command doubl eword address has the same interpretation as for the instruction 510. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC 1 Condition code settings: 0 I/O address recognized and acceptable SIO is currently possible. o I/O address recognized but acceptable SIO is not currentl y possible. o 2 3 4 a a I/O address recognized. o I/O address recognized and devicedependent condi ti on is present. lOP address recognized but device controller either is attached to a "busy" sel ector lOP that cannot return status at this time or, for specific device controllers, is currently "busy" with another device. No status information is returned to general registers. a lOP address recognized but device controller either is attached to a "busy" selector lOP that cannot return status at this time or, for specific device controllers, is currently "busy" with another device. No status information is returned to general registers. 1/0 address not recogn i zed; no status information is returned to general registers. I/O address not recognized; no status information is returned togeneral registers. TDV TEST DEVICE (Word index alignment, privileged) TEST DEVICE is used to provide information about a device other than that obtainable by means of the TIO instruction. The operation of the selected lOP, device controller, and device is not affected, and no operations are initiated or terminated. The responses to TDV provide the program with information giving details on the condition of the selected device, the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted to or from memory in the current operation, and the present point at which the lOP is operating in the command list. If the R field of the TDV instruction is 0, or if CC 1 (as a result of the execution of this instruction) is a 1, the condition code is set, but no general registers are affected. If the R field of TDV is an odd value, the condition code is set and the device status and byte count are loaded into register R as follows: Bit Position Function 0-7 Unique to the device and device controller. 8-15 Same as for bits 8-15 of the status information for instruction 510. Result of TDV AIO ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPT 0/Vord index al ignment, privi leged) AIO is used to acknowledge an input/output interrupt and to identify what I/O unit is causing the interrupt and why. Bits 21,22, and 23 of the effective virtual address of the AIO instruction (the 10 P portion of the I/o sel ection code field) specify the type of interrupt being acknowl edged. These bits should be coded 000 to specify the standard I/O system interrupt acknowl edgement (other codi ngs of these bits are reserved for use with special I/o systems). The remainder ofthe I/o seIection code field (bit positions 24-31) has no other use in the standard I/o interrupt acknowledgement because the identificationoftheinterruptsourceis one of the responses of the standard I/o system to the AIO instruction. Standard I/O system interrupts can be initiated for the following conditions: Condition Interrupt t prerequi si te Status bit set Zero byte count IZC= 1 10 Channel end ICE = 1 11 t rzc , ICE, IUE, HTE, and SIL refer to flag bits in the lOP command doublewords (see Chapter 4). Input/Output Instructions 87 Condition Interrupt .. t prerequi Sl te Status bit set Bit Position Function Transmission memory error I UE = 1, HTE = 1 12 Incorrect length I UE = 1, HTE = 1 and SIL=O 8, 12 8 (cont.) Memory address error (lOP memory error or lOP control error) IUE= 1 12 Transmission data error IUE = 1, HTE = 1 9, 12 Unusual end IUE= 1 12 lOP halt IUE= 1 12 When a device interrupt condition occurs, the lOP forwards the request to the CPU interrupt system I/O interrupt level. If this interrupt level is armed, enabled, and not inhibi ted (see Chapter 2, II Control of the Interrupt System"), the CPU eventually acknowledges the interrupt request and executes the XPSD instruction in core memory location X'5C, which leads to the execution of an AIO instruction. For the purpose of acknowledging standard I/O interrupts, the lOPs, device controllers, and devices are connected in a preestablished priority sequence that is customer-assigned and is independent of the physical locations of the portions of the I/O system in a particular installation. If the R field of the AIO instruction is 0 or if no device interrupt request is present, the condition code is set but the general register is not affected. If the R field of AIO is not 0, the condition code is set and register R is loaded with the following information: Bit Position Function 0-7 Unique to the device and the device controller. 8 Incorrect length: if this bit is I, an incorrect length condition has been signaled to the lOP by the device controller during the previous operation. Incorrect I ength is suppressed as on error by coding the SIL flag (0 1 in bit 38) of the command doubleword. At the end of the execution of on I/O command list, this status bit is 1 if on incorrect length condition occurred anywhere in the command I ist, regardless of the coding of the SIL fI ago 9 Transmission data error: this bit is set to 1 if the lOP or device controller has detected a parity error or data overrun in the transmitted information. 10 Zero byte count interrupt: if this bit is 1, the byte count for the operation being performed by the interrupting device has been reduced to 0, and the interrupt at zero byte count (IZC) flag in the command doubleword for the operation was coded with a1. 11 Channel end interrupt: if this bit is 1, the device controller has signaled channel end to the lOP, and the interrupt at channel end (ICE) flag in the command doubleword for the operation was coded with a 1. 12 lOP unusual end interrupt: if this bit is 1, the lOP has originated the interrupt as a result of a fault or unusual condition reported by the device. 13-20 Reserved 21-31 I/O address: this field identifies the highestpriority devi ce requesting on interrupt. Bit positions 21-23 identify the lOP. If bit 24 is 0, bits 25-31 constitute a common device controller and device code; if bit 24 is 1, bits 25-27 constitute a device controller code and bits 28-31 identify a device attached to that device controller. The AIO instruction resets the interrupt request signal from the highest priority I/O device requesting interrupt service (i. e., the device identified above in bits 21-31). Affected: (R), CC1, CC2 Condition code settings: 2 o t IZC, ICE, IUE, HTE, and SIL refer to flag bits in the lOP command doublewords (see Chapter 4). 88 Input/Output Instructions o 0 3 4 Result of AIO normal interrupt recognition. unusual interrupt recognition. no interrupt recognition. 4. INPUT jOUTPUT OPERATIONS In a SIGMA 6 system, input/output operations are primari I y under control of one or more input/output processors (lOPs). This allows the CPU to concentrate on program execution, free from the time-consuming details of I/o operations. Any I/O events that require CPU intervention are brought to its attenti on by means of the interrupt system. In the following discussion, the terminology conventions used are that the CPU executes instructions, the lOP executes commands, and the device controllers and/or I/O devices execute orders. To illustrate, the CPU will execute the START INPUT/OUTPUT {SIO} instruction to initiate an I/O operation. During the course of an I/O operation, the lOP might issue a command called Control, to transmi t a byte to a device controll er or I/O device that interprets the byte as an order, such as Rewi nd. The SIGMA 6 CPU plays a minor role in the execution of an I/o operation. The CPU-executed program is responsible for creating and storing the command I ist (prepared prior to the initiation of any I/O operation) and for supplying the lOP with a pointer to the first command in the I/O command list. Most of the communication between the CPU and the I/O system is carried out through memory. The following is an example of the sequence of events that occurs during an I/O operati on: 1. A CPU-executed program writes a sequence of I/O commands in core memory. 2. TheCPU executes the instruction START INPUT/OUTPUT and furnishes the lOP with an 11-bitl/Oaddress (dessignating the device to be started) and a 16-bit first command address (designating the actual core memory doubleword location where the first command for this device is located). At this point, either the device is started (if in the "ready" condition with no device interrupt pending) or an instruction rei ect occurs. The CPU is informed by condition code settings as to which of the two al ternatives has occurred. If the START I/O instruction is accepted, the command counter portion of the lOP register associated with the designated device.controller is loaded with the first command address. Assuming that the SIO instruction is accepted, from this time until the full sequence of I/o commands has been executed, the moin program of the CPU need play no role in the I/O operation-. At any time, however, it mayobtain status information on the progress of the l/O operation without interfering with the operation. 3. The device is now in the "busy" condition. When the device determines that it has the highest priority for access to the lOP, it requests service from the lOP with a service call. The lOP obtains the address of the first command doubl eword of the I/O sequence {from the command counter asssociated with this de-vice}. The lOP then fetches the I/O command doubleword from core memory, loads the doubleword into another register associated with the device, and transmits the first order (extracted from the command doubl eword) to the device. 4. Each command counter contains the memory address of the current I/O command in the sequence far its device. When the device requires further servicing, it makes a request to the lOP, which then repeats a process similar to that of step 3. 5. If a data transmi ssi on order has been sent to a device, control of the transmission residesin thedevice. Aseachcharacter is obtained by the I/Odevice, the lOP is signaled that data is available. The lOP uses the information stored in its own registers to control the information interchange between the I/o device and the memory, on either a word-by-word or character-by-character basis, depending on the nature of the device. SIGMA 6 lOPs operate independentl y after they have been started by the central processor. They automatically pick up a chain of one Of" more commands from core memory and then execute these commands until the chain is completed. The multiplexor input/output processor (MIOP), or MIOP expansion option (wh ich includes confl iet-resolving circuitry to permit it to share a memory bus), can simultaneously operate up to 24 device controllers. Each device controller is assigned its own channel and chain of I/o commands. The seleetor input/output processor (SlOP) can handle any of up to 32 high-speed device controllers at rates up to the full speed of the core memory (one 32-bit word/cycle). The flexible SIGMA 6 I/o structure permits both command chaining (making possible multiple-record operations) and data chaining (making possible scatter-read and gatherwrite operations) without intervening CPU control. Command chaining refers to the execution of a sequence of I/O commands, under control of an lOP, on more than one physical record. Thus, a new command must be issued for each physical record even if the operation tobe performed for a record is the same as that performed for the previous record. Data chaining refers to the execution of a sequence of I/O commands, under control of an lOP, that gather (or scatter) information within one physical record from {or to} more than one region of memory. Thus, a new command must be issued for each portion of a physical record when the data associated with that physical record appears {or is to appear} in noncontiguous locations in memory. For example, if information in specific columns of two cards in a file are to be stored in specific regions of memory, the I/o command I ist might appear as follows: 1. Read card, store col umns 1-10, data cha in 2. Store columns 11-60, data chain 3. Store columns 61-80, command chain (end of data chain) 4. Read card, store col umns 1-40, data chain 5. Store columns 41-80 {end of command chain, end of data chain} Input/Output Operations 89 I 6. When all information exchanges called for by a single I/o command doubl eword have been compl eted, the lOP uses the command counter to obtain the next command doubl eword for execution. This process continues until all such command doubl ewords associated with the I/O sequence have been executed. lOP COMMAND DOUBLEWORDS All lOP command doublewords (except Transfer in Channel and Stop) are assumed to be in the following format: ORDER Bit positions 0 through 7 of the command doubleword contain the I/O order for the device controller or device. The I/o orders are shown below. t Bits represented by the letter', "M" specify orders or special conditions to the device and are unique for each type of device. Bit positions o 1 234 5 6 7 Order MMMMM M 0 MMMMM Ml MMMMM M 1 M M M M 0 1 0 MMMMl 1 0 Write Read Control Sense Read Backward 1 o 1 o o Write. The Write order causes the device controll er to initiate an output operation. Bytes are read in an ascending sequence from the memory location specified by the memory byte address field of the command doubl eword. The output operation continues until thedevice signals "channel end", or until the byte count is reduced to 0 and no further data chaining is specified. Channel end occurs when the device has received all information associated with the output operation, has completed all checks, and no longer requires the use oflOPfacilities for the operation. Data chaining is described on the following page. Read. The Read order causes the device controller to initiate an input operation. Bytes are stored in core memory in an ascending sequence, beginning at the location specified by the memory byte address field of the command doubleword. The input operation continues until the device signals channel end, or until the byte count is reduced to 0 and no further data chaining is specified. Channel end occurs when the device has transmitted all information associated with the input operation and no longer requires the use of lOP faci Ii ti es for the operati on. tNot all I/o devices recbgnize all these orders. See the particular XDS SIGMA peripheral reference manual for orders appl icable to that device. 90 lOP Command Doublewords Control. The Control order is used to initiatespecial operations by the device. For magnetic tape, it is used to issue orders such as rewind, backspace record, backspace fi Ie, etc. Most orders can be specified ':>y the M bits of the Control order; however, if additional information is required for a particular operation (e.g., the starting address of a disk-seek), the memory byte address field of the command doubleword specifies the starting address of the bytes that are to be transmitted to the device controller for the additional information. When all bytes necessary for the operation have been transmitted, the device controller signals channel end. Sense. The Sense order causes the device to transmit one or more bytes of information, describing its current state. The bytes are stored in core memory in an ascending sequence, beginning with the address specified by the memory byte address field ofthecommanddoubleword. The number of bytes transmitted is a function of the device and the condition it describes. The Sense order can be used to obtain the current sector address from a disk unit. Read Backward. The Read Backward order (for devices that can execute it) causes the device to be started in reverse, and bytes to be transmitted to the lOP for storage into core memory in a descending sequence, beginning at the location specified by the memory byte address field of the command doubleword. In all other respects, Read Backward is identical to Read, inc! uding reducing the byte count with each byte transm itted. The Transfer in Channel command doub leword is assumed to be in the following format: Transfer in Channel. The Transfer in Channel command is executedwithin the lOP, and it has no direct effect on any of the I/o system el eme"ts externa I to the addressed lOP. The primary purpose of Transfer in Channel is to perm it branching within the command list so that the lOP can, for example, repeatedly transmit the same set of information a number of times. When the lOP executes Transfer in Channel, it loads the command counter for the device controller it is currently servicing with the command doubleword address field of the Transfer in Channel command, loads the new command doubleword specified by this address into the lOP registers associated with the device controller, and then executes the new command. (Bit positions 0-3, and 32-63 of the command doubleword for Transfer in Channel are ignored.) Transfer in Channel thus allows a command list to be broken into noncontiguous groups of commands. When used in conjunction with command chaining, Transfer in Channel facilitates the control of devices such as unbuffered card punches or unbuffered line printers. The current flags (see "Flags" below) are not al tered during th is command; thus the type of chain ing called for in the previous command doubleword is retained until changed by a command doubleword following Transfer in Channel. For example, assume that it is desired to present the same card image twelve times to an unbuffered card punch. The punch counts the number of times that a record is presented to it and, when twelve rows have been punched, it causes the lOP to sk ip the command it would be executing next. Thus, a command list for punching two cards might look Iike the following example. Location A Command Punch row for card 1, command chain Transfer in Channel to A B Punch row for card 2, command chain primarily used to terminate a command chain for an unbuffered device, as illustrated in the example given for Transfer in Channel. MEMORY am ADDRESS For all I/O commands (except Transfer in Channel and Stop), bit positions 13-31 of the command doubleword provide for a 19-bit core memory byte address, designating the memory location for the next byte of data. For the Write, Read, and Control orders, this field (as stored in an lOP register) is incremented by 1 as each byte is transmitted to the I/o operation; for the Read Backward order, the field is decremented by 1 as each byte is transmitted. Transfer in Channel to B Stop The Transfer in Channel command a Iso can be used in conjunction with data chaining. As one example, consider a si tuation often encountered in data acquisition appl ications, where data is transmitted in extremely long, continuous streams. In this case, the data can be stored alternately in two or more buffer storage areas so that computer processing can be carried out on the data in one buffer whileadditional data is being input into the other buffer. The command list for such an application might look like the following example. Location A FlAGS For all I/o commands (except Transfer in Channel and Stop) bit positions 32-39 of the command doubleword provide the lOP with eight flags that specify how to handle chaining, error, and interrupt situations. The functions of these flags are: Bit Position 32 (DC) Data chain. If this flag is 1, data chaining is called for when the current byte count is reduced to o. The next command doub Ieword is fetched and loaded into the lOP register associated with the device controller, but the new order code is not passed out to the device controller; thus, the operation called for by the previous order is continued. (Except for Transfer in Channel, the new command doubleword is used only to supply a new memory address, a new count, and new flags.) If the data chain flag is 0, no further data chaining is called for. Channel end is initiated either by the device running out of information, or by the byte count being reduced to O. At channel end, the device may accept a new SIO instruction, providing that a device interrupt is not pending as a result of coding the IZC (bit 33), ICE (bit 35), or IUE (bit 37) flags, and no fault condition exists. 33 (IZC) Interrupt at zero byte count. If th is flag is 1, the lOP requests an interrupt at location X'5C' when the byte count of th is command doub leword (as stored in the lOP register) is reduced to O. An Ala instruction executed after the interrupt is acknowledged results in a 1 in bit position 10 of register R, to indicate the reason for the interrupt. 34(CC) Command chain. If this flag is 1, command chaining is called for when channel end occurs. If the previous operation did not terminate with an "unusual end" condition, the next command doubleword is fetched and loaded into the lOP register associated with the device controller, Command Read data, store in buffer 1, data chain Store in buffer 2, data chain Transfer in Channel to A If the lOP encounters two successive Transfer in Channel commands, this is considered an lOP control error, resulting in the lOP setting the lOP control error status bit and issuing an "lOP halt" signal to the device controller. The lOP then halts further servicing of this command list. The Stop command doubleword is assumed to be in the following format: Stop. The Stop command causes certain devices to stop, generate a channel end condition, and also request an interrupt at location X'5C' if bit 0 in the Stop command is a 1. An Ala instruction executed after the interrupt is acknowledged results in a 1 in bit position 7 of register R, to ind icate the reason for the interrupt. (Bit positions 32-39 of the command double~ord for Stop must be zero; bit positions 8-31 and 40-63 are ignored). The Stop command is Function lOP Command Doublewords 91 Bit Position Function Bit Position and the new order code is passed out to the device controller. If the CC flag is 0, no further command chaining is called for. If both data chaining and command chaining are called for in the same command doubleword, data chaining occurs if the byte count is reduced to 0 before channel end, and command chaining occurs if the channel end occurs before the byte count is reduced to O. 35 (ICE) 36 (HTE) The HTE flag must be coded identically in every command doubleword associated with the same· physical record. Th is means that when data chaining occurs, the HTE flag in the new lOP command doubleword must be the same as the HTE flag in the previous lOP command doubleword. This restriction applies to data chaining only, and not to command chaining. 37 (IUE) 38 (SIL) 92 and the lOP performs as spucified by the HTE and IUE flags. Incorrect length is caused by a channel end condition occurring before the device controller has received a count-done signal from the lOP, or is caused by the device controller rece ivi ng a count-done signal before end of record; e. g. , count-done before 80 columns have been read from a card. Normally, a count-done signal is sent to the device controller by the 10 P to i ndi-I cate that all data transfer associated with the current operation has been completed. The lOP is capable of suppressing an error condition on incorrect length, since there are many situations in which incorrect length is a legitimate condition and not a true error. Interrupt at channel end. If this flag is 1, the lOP requests an interrupt at locationX'5C' when channel end occurs for the operation being controlled by this command doubleword. An AIO instruction executed after the interrupt is acknowledged results in a 1 in bit position 11 of the status information, to indicate the reason for the interrupt. If the ICE flag is 0, no interrupt is requested. Halt on transmission error. If this flag is 1, any error condition (transmission data error, transmission memory error, incorrect length error) detected in the device controller or lOP results in halting the I/o operation being controlled by this command doubleword. If the HTE flag is 0, an error condi tion does not cause the I/o operation to halt, although the error conditions are recorded in the lOP register and returned as part of the status information for the instructions 510, HIO, and TIO. Interrupt on unusua I end. If th is flag is 1, the device controller requests an interrupt at location X'5C' to be triggered when an II un usuaI end" condition is encountered. When an "unusual end" condition is signaled to the lOP, further servicing of the commands for that device is suspended. An AIO instruct ion executed after the interrupt is acknowledged results in a 1 in bit position 12 of register R, (status information) to indicate the reason for the interrupt. If the IUE flag is 0, no interrupt is requested. Suppress incorrect length. If th is flag is 1, an incorrect length indication is not to be classified as an errorby the lOP, although the lOP retains the incorrect length indi cation and provides an indicator (bit 8 of the status response for 510, HIO, and TIO) t~ the program. If the SIL flag is 0, an incorrect length is considered an error lOP Command Doublewords Function The SIL flag must be coded identically in every command doubleword associated with the same physical record. This means that when data chaining occurs, the 51L flag in -the new lOP command doubleword must be the same as the SIL flag in the previous lOP command doubleword. This restriction applies to data chaining only, and not to command chaining. 39 (S) 5kip. If this flag is 1, the input operation (Read or Read Backward) controlled by this comm~nd doubleword continues normally, except that no information is stored in memory. When used in conjunction with data chaining, the skip operation provides the capability for selective reading of portions of a record. If the 5 flag is 1 for an output (Write) operation, the lOP does not access memory, but transmits zeros as data instead (i. e., the 10 P transmits the number of X'OO' bytes specified in the byte count of the command doubleword). This allows a program to punch a blank card (by usi ng the 5 bit and a Punch Binary order with a byte count of 120) without requiring memory access for data. If the 5 flag is 0, the I/O operation proceeds normally. am COUNT For all commands (except Transfer in Channel and Stop) bit positions 48-63 of the command doubleword provide for a 16-bi t count of the number of bytes to be transmitted in the I/O operation; thus, 1 to 65,536 bytes (16,384 words) can be specified for transfer before command chaining or data chaining is required. This field (as stored in an lOP register) is decremented for each byte transmitted in the I/O operation; thus, it always contains a count of the number of bytes to be transmitted to and from memory, and this count is returned as part of the response information for the instructions, 510, HIO, TIO, and TDV. An initial byte count of 0 is interpreted as 65,536 bytes. 5. OPERATOR CONTROLS The standard SIGMA 6 system has a processor control panel (PCP) mounted on one of the central processor cabinets. This panel serves as an operator's control center. CPU RESET/CLEAR The CPU RESET/CLEAR switch is used to initialize the central processor. When this switch is pressed, the following operations are performed: PROCESSOR CONTROL PANEL The processor control panel (see Figure 7) has two distinct functional s'ections. The upper section (labeled MAINTENANCE SECTION) is reserved for maintenance controls and indicators, and the lower section contains the controls and indicators for the computer operator. POWER The POWER switch controls all AC p,ower to the central processor and to all units under its direct control. The POWER switch is unl ighted when the AC power is off, and is lighted when AC power is on. The POWER switch is always operative. 1. All interrupt levels are reset to the disarmed and disabled state. 2. The ALARM, WRITE KEY, INTRPT INHIBIT, POINTER, CONDITION CODE, FLOAT MODE, MODE, and TRAP indicators are all reset to O's (turned off). 3. The INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators are set to X'25'. 4. The DISPLAY indicators are set to X '02000000', which is a LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROLS IMMEDIATE (LCFI) with an R field of 0 to produce a "no operation" instruction. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAn.. 1[~A.'i(~ "S".fCTlQN - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --M£MO~YfA;;'i.f-- •••••••• CDl CDl [XXX) tll v !::. , - ,-........., 'it ______ ~tl~'_f AI.>;;"';'~, .-.... - . - . - -.. -... - - - - - - '. ( t i J " I I i 1( XI X)[ XI I It XII )(' X, )[ II ,,, XXI) Figure 8, Processor Control Panel Operator Controls 93 The C PU RESET/CLEAR switch does not affect any operations that may be in process in the standard input/output system. The CPU RESET/CLEAR switch is also used in conjucntion with theSYS RESET/CLEAR switch to clear core memory (Le., reset memory to all OIS). The two switches are interlocked so that both must be pressed simultaneously for the memory clear operation to occur. The memory clear operation does not affect any general register - core memory locations 0 through 15 are cleared instead. Also the clear operation does not affect the memory control storage (write locks). Note that pressing the SYS RESET/CLEAR switch affects the I/O system and the MEMORY FAULT indicators. 3. The PARITY ERROR MODE switch is in the CONT (continue) position 4. The CLOCK MODE switch is in the CONT (continuouilii position 5. All logic power margins are "normal" If any of the above conditions is not satisfied, the NORMAL MODE indicator is unlighted. RUN The RUN indicator is lighted when the COMPUTE switch is in the RUN position and no halt condition exists. I/O RESET The I/O RESET switch is used to initialize the input/ output system. When the switch is pressed, all peripheral devices under control of the central processor are reset to the "ready" condition, and all status, interrupt, and control indicators in the input/output system are reset. The I/o RESET switch does not affect any operations that may be processed in the central processor. LOAD The LOAD switch initializes memory for an input operation that uses the peripheral unit selected by the UNIT ADDRESS switches. The detailed operation of the loading process is described in the section "Loading Operation". UNIT ADDRESS The three UNIT ADDRESS switches are used to select the peripheral unit to be used in the loading process. The left switch has eight positions, numbered 0 through 7, designating an input/output processor. The center and right switches each have 16 positions, numbered 0 through F (hexadecimal) that designate a device controller/device under the control of the lOP. SYSTEM RESET/CLEAR The SYS RESET/CLEAR switch is used to reset all controls and indicators in the SIGMA6 system. Pressing this switch causes the computer to perform all operations described for the CPU RESET/CLEAR switch, perform all operations described for the I/O RESET switch, initialize the memory control logic, and reset the MEMORY FAULT indicator. The SYS RESET/CLEAR switch is also used in conjunction with the CPU RESET/CLEAR switch to reset core memory to OIS. NORMAL MODE The NORMAL MODE indicator is lighted when all the following conditions are satisfied: 1. The WATCHDOG TIMER switch is in the NORMAL position 2. The INTERLEAVE SELECl switch is in the NORMAL position 94 Processor Control Panel WAIT The WAIT indicator is I ighted when any of the following halt conditions exist: 1. The computer is executing a WAIT instruction. 2. The program is stopped because of the ADDRESS STOP switch. 3. The computer is halted because of the PARITY ERROR MODE switch. INTERRUPT The INTERRUPT switch is used by the operator to activate the control panel interrupt. If the control panel interrupt (level X I5DI) is armed when the INTERRUPT switch is pressed, a single pulse is transmitted to the interrupt level, advancing it to the waiting state. The INTERRUPT switch is lighted when the control pone" interrupt level is in the waiting state, and remains lighted until the interrupt level advances to the active state (at which time the INTERRUPT switch is turned off). If the control panel interrupt level is disarmed (or already in the active state) when the INTERRUPT switch is pressed, no computer or control panel action occurs. If the control panel interrupt level advances to the waiting state and the level is disabled, the INTERRUPT switch remains lighted until the level is either enabled and allowed to advance to the active state or is returned to the armed or disarmed state. The INTERRUPT switch is always operative on the processor control panel. PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD Two rows of binary indicators are used to display the current program status doubleword (PSD). For the convenience of use and display, the second portion of the PSD, labeled PSW2, is arranged above the first portion, labeled PSW1. The PSD display consists of the indicators shown in Table 9. INSERT The INSERT switch is used to make changes in the program status doubleword. The switch is inactive in the center position and is momentary in the upper (PSW2) and lower (PSW1) positions. When the INSERT switch is moved to the Table 9. PSW2 PSW1 Program Status Doubleword Display PSD Des ignat ion Indicator Function PSD Bit Posiiton WRITE KEY Write key 34-35 WK INTRPT INHIBIT CTR I/O EXT Interrupt i nhi bits Counter interrupt group inhibit Input/output interrupt group inhibit External interrupts inhibit 37-39 37 38 39 CI, II, EI CI POINTER Register block pointer 55-59 RP CONDITION CODE Condition code 0-3 CC FLOAT MODE SIG ZERO NRMZ Floating-point mode controls Significance trap mask Zero trap mask Norma I i ze mask 5-7 5 6 7 FS, FZ, FN FS FZ FN MODE SLAVE MAP Machine state/memory map controls Master/slave mode control Memory map control 8-9 8 9 MS,MM MS MM TRAP DEC ARITH Arithmetic trap masks Decimal arithmetic fault trap mask Fixed-point arithmetic overflow trap mask 10, 11 10 11 DM, AM DM AM INSTRUCTION I.DDRESS Address of next instruction to be executed 15-31 IA PSWl or PSW2 position, the corresponding indicators in the program status doubleword are altered (or unchanged, according to current state of the 32 DATA switches below the DISPLAY indicators). 2. II EI Using the new value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators, the contents of the location pointed to by the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS is displayed in the DISPLAY i nd i cators. INSTR ADDR ADDR STOP The INSTR ADDR (instruction address) switch is inactive in the center position; the upper position (HOLD) is latching and the lower position (INCREMENT) is momentary. When the switch is placed in the HOLD position, the normal process of incrementing the instruction address portion of the program status doubleword with each instruction execution in inhibited. If the COMPUTE switch is placed in the RUN position while the INSTRADDR switch is at HOLD, the instruction in the location pointed to by the value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators is executed, repeatedly, with the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators remaining unchanged. If the COMPUTE switch is moved to the STEP position while the INSTR ADDR switch is at HOLD, the instruction is executed once each time the COMPUTE switch is moved to STEP; the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators remain unchanged unless the instruction is LPSD, XPSD, or a branch instruction with the branch condition satisfied. The ADDR STOP (address stop) switch is used (with the COMPUTE switch in the RUN position) to cause the central processor to establ ish a halt condition and turn on the WAIT indicator whenever the CPU accesses the memory location whose address is equal to the SELECT ADDRESS value. The foil owing operations are performed each time the INSTR ADDR switch is moved from the center position to the INCREMENT position: 1. The current value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators is incremented by 1. When the halt condition occurs, the instruction in the location pointed to by the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators appears in the DISPLAY indicators. The displayed instruc- . tion is the one that would have been executed next, had the halt condition not occurred. If the halt condition is caused by an instruction access, the value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators (at the time of the halt) is equal to the SELECT ADDRESS value. If the halt condition is caused by execution of an instruction with an indirect reference address equal to the SELECT ADDRESS value (i .e., by a direct address fetch), is caused by an instruction operand fetch, or is caused by an unsatisfi ed conditional branch instruction whose effective address is equal to the SELECT ADDRESS value, the value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators (at the time of the halt) is 1 greater than the address of the instruction that referenced the SELECT ADDRESS value. Processor Control Pane I 95 If an interrupt or tr'::lp condi ti on is detected after the ADDRESS STOP halt condition is detected and before the CPU reaches the normal ADDRESS STOP halt phase, the CPU executes the instruction in the appropriate interrupt or trap location and then enters the ADDRESS STOP halt phase. In this case; the value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators (at the time of the halt) is equal to the address of the next instruction in logical sequence after the instruction in the rnterrupt or trap location. The ADDRESS STOP halt condition is reset when the COMPUTE switch is moved from RUN to IDLE; if the COMPUTE switch is then moved back to RUN (or to STEP), the instructi on shown in the DISPLAY indicators is the next instruction executed. is latching in both the upper (1) and lower (0) positions. In the center position, aDATAswitchrepresentsnochange, in the upper or lower position it represents a 1 orO, respectively. The single DATA switch is used to d,l)nge the state of the DISPLAY indicators. The switch is inactive in the center position and is momentary in the CLEAR and ENTER positions. When the switch is moved to the CLEAR position, all the DISPLAY indicators are reset (turned off). When the switch is moved to the ENTER position, the display indi cators are not affected in those positions corresponding to DATA switches that are in the center position, but if a DATA switch is in the 1 or position, that value is inserted into the correspondi ng i ndic ator. ° SELECT ADDRESS The SE LECT ADDRESS switches select the address at which a program is to be hal ted (when used in conjunction with the ADDR STOP switch), select the address of a location to be altered (when used in conjunction with the STORE swi tch), and sel ect the address of a word to be displayed (when used in conjunction with the DISPLAY switch). Each SELECT ADDRESS switch represents a 1 when it is in the upper position, a'1d represents a in the lower position. ° STORE The STORE switch is used to alter the contents of a general register or a memory location. The switch is inactive in the center position and is momentary in the INSTR ADDR and SELECT ADDR positions. When the switch is moved to the INSTR AD DR position, the current value of the DISPLAY indicators is stored in the location pointed toby the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators; when the switch is moved tothe SELECT ADDR position, the current value of the DISPLAY indicators is stored in the location pointed to by the SELECT ADDRESS switches. COMPUTE The COMPUTE switch is used to control the execution of instructions. The center position (IDLE) and the upper position (RUN) are both latching, and the lower position (STEP) is momentary. When the COMPUTE switch is in the IDLE position, all other control panel switches are operative and the ADDRESS STOP halt and the WAIT instruction halt conditions are reset (cleared). If the computer is in a halt condition as a result of a memory parity error, moving the COMPUTE switch to IDLE does not clear the memory parity halt condition. This condition can be cleared only by pressing the SYS RESET/CLEAR switch. When the COMPUTE switch is moved from IDLE to RUN, the RUN indicator is lighted and the computer begins to execute instructions (at machine speed) as follows 1. The current setting of the DISPLAY indicators is taken as the next instruction to be executed, regardl ess of the contents of the location pointed to by the current value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators. 2. The value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators is incremented by 1 unless the instruction in the DISPLAY indicators was LPSD, XPSD, or a branch instruction and the branch should occur (in which case the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators are set to the value established by the LPSD, XPSD, or branch instruction). 3. Instruction execution continues with the instruction in the location pointed to by the new value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indi cators. DISPlAY The DISPLAY switch is used to display the contents of a general register or memory location. The switch is inactive in the center position and is momentary in the INSTR ADDR and SELECT ADDR positions. When the switch is moved to the INSTR ADDR or SELECT ADDR position, the word in the location pointed to by the indicators or switches, respectively, is loaded into the instruction register and displayed with the DISPLAY indicators. The 32 DISPLAY indicators are used to display a computer word, when used together with the INSTR ADDR, STORE, DISPLAY, and DATA switches. The DISPLAY indicators represent the current contents of the internal CPU instructi on reg i ster. When the COMPUTE switch is in the RUN position, the only switches that are operative are the POWER switch, the INTERRUPT switch, the ADDR STOP switch, the INSTR ADDR switch (in the HOLD position), and the switches in the maintenance section. Each time the COMPUTE switch is moved from the IDLE to the STEP position, the following operations occur: 1. The current setting of the DISPLAY indicators is taken as an instruction, and thesingle instruction is executed. 2. The current value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators is incremented by 1 unless the "stepped" instruction was LPSD, XPSD, or branch instruction and the branch should occur (in which case the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators are set to the value establ ished by the LPSD, X PSD, or branch i nstructi on). DATA The 32 DATA switches beneath the DISPLAY indicators are u sed to al ter the contents of the program status doubl eword (when used in conjunction wIth the INSERT switch) and to alter the value of the DI.SPLAY indicators (when used in conjunction with the single DATA switch). Each of the 32 DATA switches is inactive in the center position arld 96 Processor Control Panel 3. The instruction in the location pointed to by the new value of the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicator is displayed in the DISPLAY indicators. If an instruction is being stepped (executed by moving the COMPUTE switch from IDLE to STEP), all interrupt levels are temporarily inhibited while the instruction is being executed; however, a trap condition can occur whi Ie the instruction is being executed. In this case, the XPSD instruction in the appropriate trap location is executed as if the COMPUTE switch were in the RUN position. Thus, if a trap condition ( ) + I $ * % XDS Standard 8-Bit Computer Codes (EBCDIC) XDS Standard 7-Bit Communication Codes (ANSCII) # @ 63-character set: same as above plus I ? --, XDS Standard Symbol-Code Correspondences 89-character set: same as 63-character set plus lowercase letters Hexadecimal Arithmetic Addition Table Multiplication Table Tab Ie of Powers of Si xteen 10 Table of Powers of Ten 16 2. ANSCII 64-character set: uppercase letters, numerals, space, and ! $ % & () * + , / \ < >? @ [] Hexadecimal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table /'\. # Hexadec ima I-Dec ima I Fraction Conversion Table 95-character set: same as above plus lowercase letters and { } Table of Powers of Two Mathematical Constants CONTROL CODES XDSSTANDARDSYMBOLSANDCODES The symbol and code standards described in this publication are opplicable to all XDS products, both hardware and software. They may be expanded or altered from time to time to meet changing reqcirements. The symbols Iisted here incl ude two types: graphic symbols and control characters. Graphic symbols are displayable and printable; control characters are not. Hybrids are SP, the symbol for a blank space; and DEL, the delete code, which is not considered a control command. Three types of code are shown: (1) the 8-bit XDS Standard Computer Code, i.e., the XDS Extended Binary-CodedDecima I Interchange Code (EBCDIC); (2) the 7-bit American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ANSCIl); and (3) the XDS standard card code. 100 Appendix A In addition to the standard character sets listed above, the XDS symbol repertoire includes 37 control codes and the hybrid code DEL (hybrid code SP is considered part of all character sets). These are I isted in the table titled XDS Standard Symbol-Code Correspondences. SPECIAL CODE PROPERTIES The following two properties of all XD S standard codes wi /I be retained for future standard code extensions: 1. All control codes, and only the control codes, have their two high-order bits equal to "00". DEL is not considered a control code. 2. No two graphic EBCDIC codes have their seven loworder bi ts equa I. XDS STANDARD 8-BIT CIIt1PUTER CODES (EBCDIC) Most :;'1:1'" ,.. uno Digits Hexadec imal .~ 1£5 I~ 3 0 1 2 Binary 0000 0001 0 0000 NUL OLE ds I 0001 SOH DCl ss 2 0010 STX DC2 fs 3 0011 ETX DC3 4 0100 EOT DC4 5 0101 6 OliO HT 4 3 SP BEL si 1000 IE~ ~AN 9 1001 ENQ EM A 1010 INAK SUB B lOll ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~Z ~ ~ _1 S C 1100 FF FS < 0 1101 CR GS ( ) E 1110 SO RS + ; US I2 F 1111 . SI ESC , % .Z B C lOll D 1100 1101 E F 1110 1111 ~ ~~~~ . VT NOTES: A 1000 1001 1010 .:~ ;~;;' I 9 8 ~~~~ Iv> ] - /l, r" .", ETB ~ 8 7 ~~ / ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ NL 0111 6 0010 0011 0100 0101 OliO 0111 ACK SYN 7 5 0 j k b s \1 A J { 1 B K S 2 C l T 3 1 I t d m u [ 1 0 M U 4 ] 1 E N V 5 t F 0 W 6 I e n v f 0 w g p x G P X 7 h q y H Q Y 8 i r z I R Z 9 ~ ~~~~ @ '{'" r", "" "'.'1. 1;,,, ,,,,,.....~:iiJ~e,d,~ Wi ~ ~ ~ , ? " I --. I , = The characters i 1 - . appear in the XDS 63- and 59-character EBCDIC sets but not in either of the xes ANSCII-based sets. However, XDS software translates the characters t into ANSCII characters as follows: c : > l [] The characters - \ { are ANSCII characters that do not appear in any of the XDS EBCDIC-based character sets, though they are shown in the EBCDIC table. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ , ANSCII EBCDIC \ (6-0) : (7-12) - (7-14) The EBCDIC control codes in columns 0 and I and their binary representation are exactly the some os those in the ANSCII table, except for two interchanges: LF/NL with NAK, and HT with ENQ. Characters enclosed in heavy lines are included only in the XDS standard 63and 59-character EBCDIC sets. These characters are included only in the XDS standard 89-chorocter EBCDIC set. XDS STANDARD 7-81T COMMUNICATION CODES (ANSCII) 1 Most Significant Digits Decimal rows) (col's.)- I 2 1 Binary 0 0000 NUL DLE SP I 0001 SOH DCI ! 2 0010 STX DC2 II 3 0011 ETX 4 3 4 7 6 5 1 Most significant bit, added for 8-bit format, is either 0 or even parity. xOOO xOOI xOIO xOll xlOO xlOI xll0 xiii 5 0 @ P , I A Q a q Columns 0-1 are control codes. P Columns 2-5 correspond to the XDS 64-character ANSCII set. Columns 2-7 correspond to the XDS 95-character ANSCII set. 2 B R b r DC3 , 3 C S c s 0100 EOT DC4 S 4 0 T d t is 5 0101 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u is 6 0110 ACK SYN /l, 6 F V f v 7 G W g w '0. 0 C 0 ~ 1 0 4 On many current teletypes, the symbol is (5-14) (5-15) ESC or ALTMODE control (7-14) and none of the symbols appearing in columns 6-7 are provided. Except for the three symbol differences noted above, therefore, such teletypes provide all the characters in the XDS 64-character ANSCII set. (The XDS 7015 Remote Keyboard Printe( provides the 64-character ANSCII set also, but prints ..... as /I .) 7 0111 BEL ETB . 'c01 8 1000 BS CAN ( 8 H X h X S 9 1001 HT EM ) I Y i Y (2-1) 1010 LF NL is 10 SUB . 9 : J Z j z is (5-11) 11 1011 VT ESC + ; K [ 5 k { is (5-13) is (5-14) v; ~ 12 1100 FF FS , 13 1101 CR GS - 14 1110 SO RS 15 1111 SI US '---" / On the XDS 7670 Remote Batch Terminal, the symbol < L \ I I I = M ] 5 m l > N n - ? 0 0 DEL 4 ..... 5 - 4 4 and none of the symbols appearing in columns 6-7 are provided. Except for the four symbol differences noted above, therefore, this terminal provides all the characters in the XDS 64character ANSCII set. , ~ndix A 101 XDS STANDARD SYMBOL -CODE CORRESPONDENCES EBCDICt Hex. Dec. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Symbol Card Code Meaning Remarks 00 through 23 and 2F are control codes. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NUL SOH STX ETX EOT HT ACK BEL B50rEOM ENQ NAK VT FF CR 50 51 12-0-9-8-1 12-9-1 12-9-2 12-9-3 12-9-4 12-9-5 12-9-6 12-9-7 12-9-8 12-9-8-1 12-9-8-2 12-9-8-3 12-9-8-4 12-9-8-5 12-9-8-6 12-9-8-7 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-9 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-5 1-5 O-Ii 0-12 0-13 0-14 0-15 null start of header start of te~d end of t~t end of transmission hori zontGJ tab acknowledge (positive) bell backspace or end of message enquiry negative acknowledge vertical tab form feed carriage return shift out shift in 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA 1B 1C 10 1E IF 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DlE DCl DC2 DC3 DC4 IF or Nl SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 12-11-9-8-1 11-9-1 11-9-2 11-9-3 11-9-4 11-9-5 11-9-6 11-9-7 11-9-8 11-9-8-1 11-9-8-2 11-9-8-3 11-9-8-4 11-9-8-5 11-9-8-6 11-9-8-7 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 0-10 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 data link escape device control 1 devi ce control 2 device control 3 device control 4 line feed or new line sync end of transmission block cancel end of medium substitute escape fi Ie separator group separator record separator unit separator 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 7 ds ss fs si 11-0-9-8-1 0-9-1 0-9-2 0-9-3 0-9-4 0-9-5 0-9-6 0-9-7 0-9-8 0-9-8-1 0-9-8-2 0-9-8-3 0-9-8-4 0-9-8-5 0-9-8-6 0-9-8-7 12-11-0-9-8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-8-1 9-8-2 9-8-3 9-8-4 9-8-5 9-8-6 9-8-7 tHexadecimal and dec"imal notation. tt Decimal 102 AN scutt notation (column-row). Appendix A digit selector significance start field separation immediate significance start EOM is used only onXD5 Keyboord/ Printers Models 7012, 7020, 8091, and 8092. Replaces characters with parity error. 20 through 23 are used with Sigma EDIT BYTE STRING (EBS) instruction - not input/output control codes. 24 through 2E are unassigned. 30 through 3F are unassigned. XDS STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES (cont.) E8CDICt Hex. Dec. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 48 4C 4D 4E 4F 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 SA 58 5C 5D 5E 5F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 68 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 78 7C 7D 7E 7F 77 78 79 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Symbol Card Code ANSClI SP blank 12-0-9-1 12-0-9-2 12-0-9-3 12-0-9-4 12-0-9-5 12-0-9-6 12-0-9-7 12-0-9-8 12-8-1 12-8-2 12-8-3 12-8-4 12-8-5 12-8-6 12-8-7 2-0 i or ' < ( + I or I I 8. ! $ * ) ; - or -, / ...... , % - > ? II @ I = " Meaning Remarks blank 41 through 49 wi II not be assigned. 12 12-11-9-1 12-11-9-2 12-11-9-3 12-11-9-4 12-11-9-5 12-11-9-6 12-11-9-7 12-11-9-8 11-8-1 ".1-8-2 11-8-3 11-8-4 11-8-5 11-8-6 11-8-7 6-0 2-14 3-12 2-8 2-11 7-12 cent or accent grave period less than left parenthesis plus vertical bar or broken bar 2-6 ampersand Accent grove used for left single quote. On model 7670, \ not available, and i:: ANSCII 5-11. On Model 7670, : not available, and I :: ANSCII 2-1. 51 through 59 will not be assigned. 11 0-1 11-0-9-2 11-0-9-3 11-0-9-4 11-0-9-5 11-0-9-6 11-0-9-7 11-0-9-8 0-8-1 12-11 0-8-3 0-8-4 0-8-5 0-8-6 0-8-7 12-11-0 12-11-0-9-1 12-11-0-9-2 12-11-0-9-3 12-11-0-9-4 12-11-0-9-5 12-11-0-9-6 12-11-0-9-7 12-11-0-9-8 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 tt 2-1 2-4 2-10 2-9 3-11 7-14 exclamation point dollars asterisk right parenthesis semicolon tilde or logical not 2-13 2-15 minus, dash, hyphen slosh On Model 7670, ! is I. On Model 7670, - is not available, and -. :: ANSCII 5-14. 62 through 69 wi II not be assigned. 5-14 2-12 2-5 5-15 3-14 3-15 circumflex comma percent underline greater than question mark On Model 7670 ~ is""'. 7015 ...... is " (caret). On Model Underline is sometimes called "break character"; may be printed along bottom of character line. 70 through 79 wi II not be assigned. I 3-10 2-3 4-0 2-7 3-13 2-2 colon number at apostrophe (right single quote) equals quotation mark tHexadecimal and decimal notation. ttDecimal notation (c.,fumn-row). Appendix A 103 XDS STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES (cont.) EBCDIC t Hex. Dec. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 88 8C 80 8E 8F 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 98 90 9E 9F 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 AO Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 89 BA BB BC BD 8E BF 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 9C Symbol a b c d e f g h i j k I ~ n 0 p q r s t u v w x y z \ t J [ ] Card Code 12-0-8-1 12-0-1 12-0-2 12-0-3 12-0-4 12-0-5 12-0-6 12-0-7 12-0-8 12-0-9 12-0-8-2 12-0-8-3 12-0-8-4 12-0-8-5 12-0-8-6 12-0-8-7 12-11-8-1 12-11-1 12-11-2 12-11-3 12-11-4 12-11-5 12-11-6 12-11-7 12-11-8 12-11-9 12-11-8-2 12-11-8-3 12-11-8-4 12-11-8-5 12-11-8-6 12-11-8-7 11-0-8-1 11-0-1 11-0-2 11-0-3 11-0-4 11-0-5 11-0-6 11-0-7 11-0-8 11-0-9 11-0-8-2 11-0-8-3 11-0-8-4 11-0-8-5 11-0-8-6 11-0-8-7 12-11-0-8-1 12-11-0-1 12-11-0-2 12-11-0-3 12-11-0-4 12-11-0-5 12-11-0-6 12-11-0-7 12-11-0-8 12-11-0-9 12-11-0-8-2 12-11 -0-8-3 12-11-0-8-4 12-11-0-8-5 12-11-0-8-6 12-11-0-8-7 tHexadecimal and deci.mal notation. ttDecimal notation (column-row). 104 Appendi X A ANSCU tt Meaning Remarks 80 is unassigned. 81-89, 91-99, A2-A9 comprise the lowercase alphabet. Available only in XDS standard 89- and 95character sets. 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 8A through 90 are unassigned. 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 7-0 7-1 7-2 9A through AI are unassigned. 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 AA through 5-12 7-11 7-13 5-11 5-13 backslash left brace right brace left bracket right bracket eo are unassigned. On Model 7670, ~ is i. On Model 7670, is!. B6 through SF are unassigned. XDS STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES (cont.) EBCDICt Hex. Dec. 192 CO 193 Cl 194 C2 195 C3 196 C4 197 C5 198 C6 199 C7 200 C8 201 C9 CA 202 203 CB 204 CC CD 205 206 CE 207 CF DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF 224 225 226 227 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 FE FF 2L8 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 Symbol A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DEL Card Code 12-0 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-0-9-8-2 12-0-9-8-3 12-0-9-8-4 12-0-9-8-5 12-0-9-8-6 12-0-9-8-7 11-0 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 12-11-9-8-2 12-11-9-8-3 12-11-9-8-4 12-11-9-8-5 12-11-9-8-6 12-11-9-8-7 0-8-2 11-0-9-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 11-0-9-8-2 11-0-9-8-3 11-0-9-8-4 11-0-9-8-5 11-0-9-8-6 11-0-9-8-7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12-11-0-9-8-2 12-11-0-9-8-3 12-11-0-9-8-4 12-11-0-9-8-5 12-11-0-9-8-6 12-11-0-9-8-7 ANScn tt Meaning Remarks CO is unassigned. Cl-C9, DI -D9, E2-E9 comprise the uppercase alphabet. 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 CA through CF will not be assigned. DO is unassigned. 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 5-0 5-1 5-2 DA through DF will not be assigned. EO, E1 are unassigned. 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 EA through EF will not be assigned. 3-0 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 FA through FE will not be assigned. delete Special - neither graphic nor control symbol. tHexadecimal and decimal notation. ttDecimal notation (c~lumn-row). Appendi X A 105 HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC ADDITION TABLE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OS DC 00 OE OF 10 2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 3 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 4 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 5 06 07 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 6 07 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 08 09 OA OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 OA OB DC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A OB DC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A C 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 0 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C E OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 1E MULTIPLICATION TABLE 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 2 04 06 08 OA DC OE 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E 3 06 09 DC OF 12 15 18 1B 1E 21 24 27 2A 2D 4 08 OC 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 5 OA OF 14 19 1E 23 28 20 32 37 3C 41 46 4B 6 OC 12 18 1E 24 2A 30 36 3C 42 48 4E 54 5A 7 OE 15 1C 23 2A 31 38 3F 46 4D 54 5B 62 69 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 9 12 1B 24 20 36 3F 48 51 5A 63 6C 75 7E 87 A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 50 5A 64 6E 78 82 8C 96 B 16 21 2C 37 42 4D 58 63 6E 79 84 8F 9A A5 C 18 24 30 3C 48 54 60 6C 78 84 90 9C A8 B4 D 1A 27 34 41 4E 5B 68 75 82 8F 9C A9 B6 C3 E 1C 38 46 54 62 70 7E 8C 9A A8 B6 C4 02 F 1E 2A 20 . 3C 4B 5A 69 78 87 96 A5 B4 C3 D2 E1 Appendix A TABLE OF POWERS OF SIXTEEN II n o 16 0.10000 00000 00000 00000 x 10 0.62500 00000 00000 00000 x 10- 10- 2 10- 3 256 2 0.39062 50000 00000 00000 x 4 096 3 0.24414 06250 00000 00000 x 65 536 4 0.15258 78906 25000 00000 x 1 048 576 5 0.95367 43164 06250 00000 x 16 777 216 6 0.59604 64477 53906 25000 x 10- 268 435 456 7 0.37252 90298 46191 40625 x 4 294 967 296 8 0.23283 06436 53869 62891 x 68 719 476 736 9 0.14551 91522 83668 51807 x x 10- 8 9 1010 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1018 10- 1 099 511 627 776 10 0.90949 47017 72928 23792 186 044 416 11 0.56843 41886 08080 474 976 710 656 12 0.35527 4 503 599 627 370 496 13 0.22204 46049 25031 72 057 594 037 927 936 14 0.13877 78780 78144 56755 x 15 0.86736 17 592 281 1 152 921 1 504 606 846 976 14870 x 13678 80050 09294 x 30808 17379 88403 54721 x x 10- 4 10- 6 7 TABLE OF POWERS OF TEN 16 o A 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0.1999 9999 9999 999A 64 2 0.28F5 C28F 5C28 F5C3 x 3E8 3 0.4189 374B C6A7 EF9E x 16- 1 16- 2 2710 4 0.680B 8BAC 710C B296 x 16- 3 86AO 5 0.A7C5 AC47 1B47 8423 x 16- 4 F 4240 6 0.10C6 F7 AO B5E 0 8037 x 16- 4 98 9680 7 0.1 A07 F 29 A BCAF 4858 x 5F5 E100 8 0.2AF3 1 DC4 61 1 8 73BF x 3B9A CAOO 9 0.44B8 2FAO 9B5A 52CC x 2 540B E400 10 0.6 OF 3 7F67 5EF6 EAOF x 16- 7 16- 8 17 4876 E800 11 O.AFE B F FOB CB24 AAFF x 16- 9 E8 D4A5 1000 12 0.1197 9981 2DEA 1 119 x 918 4E72 AOOO 13 0.lC25 C268 4976 81C2 x 5AF3 107A 4000 14 0.2009 370 D 4257 3604 x 3 807E A4C6 8000 15 0.480E BE7B 9D58 566D x 23 86F2 6FC1 0000 16 0.734A CA5 F 6226 FOAE x 163 4578 5 D8A 0000 17 0.B877 AA32 36A4 B449 x DEO B6B3 A764 0000 18 0.1272 5 DD1 D243 ABA1 x 8AC7 2304 89E8 0000 19 0.1083 C94F B6D2 AC35 x 16- 5 16-6 16- 9 16- 10 16 -11 16- 12 16- 13 16- 14 16- 14 16- 15 Appendix A 107 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE The table below provides for direct conversions between hexadecimal integers in the range O-FFF and decimal integers in the range 0-4095. For conversion of larger integers, the table values may be added to the following figures: Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecima I Decimal 01000 02 000 03 000 04 000 05 000 06 000 07 000 08 000 09 000 OA 000 OB 000 OC 000 00000 OE 000 OF 000 10 000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15 000 16000 17 000 18000 19000 lA 000 lB 000 lC 000 10000 IE 000 IF 000 4 096 8 192 12 288 16 384 20480 24576 28672 32768 36864 40960 45056 49 152 53 248 57344 61440 65536 69632 73728 77 824 81 920 86 016 90 112 94208 98304 102400 106496 110 592 114688 118784 122 880 126 976 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 AO 000 BO 000 CO 000 DO 000 EO 000 FO 000 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600 000 700000 800 000 900 000 AOO 000 BOO 000 COO 000 000 000 EOO 000 FOO 000 1 000 000 2000 000 131072 196608 262 144 327680 393 216 458752 524 288 589824 655 360 720896 786 432 851 968 917 504 983040 1 048576 2 097 152 3 145 728 4 194304 5 242 880 6 291 456 7 340 032 8388608 9437 184 10485 760 11 534 336 12582912 13631 488 14680064 15728640 16777 216 33554432 Hexadecimal fractions may be converted to decimal fractions as follows: 1. Express the hexadecimal fraction as an integer times 16-n, where n is the number of significant hexadecimal places to the right of the hexadecimal point. O. CA9BF3 16 = CA9 BF3 16 x 16-6 2. Find the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal integer CA9 BF3 3. 16 = 13 278 195 10 Multiply the decimal equivalent by 16-n 13 278 195 x 596 046 448 x 10- 16 0.791 442096 10 Decimal fractions may be converted to hexadecimal fractions by successively multiplying the dec imal fraction by 16 , 10 After each multiplication, the integer portion is removea to form a hexadecimal fraction by bui Iding to the right of the hexadecimal point. However, since decimal arithmetic is used in this conversion, the integer portion of each product must be converted to hexadecimal numbers. Example: Convert 0.895lD to its hexadecimal equivalent 0.895 16 ------@.320 ~ ,.-----@.120 ~ Z 0.E51 E .. ·----@.720 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 000 010 020 030 0000 0016 0032 0048 0001 0017 0033 0049 0002 0018 0034 0050 0003 0019 0035 0051 0004 0020 0036 0052 0005 0021 0037 0053 0006 0022 0038 0054 0007 0023 0039 0055 0008 0024 0040 0056 0009 0025 0041 0057 0010 0026 0042 0058 0011 0027 0043 0059 0012 0028 0044 0060 0013 0029 0045 0061 0014 0030 0046 0062 0015 0031 0047 0063 040 050 060 070 0064 0080 0096 0112 0065 0081 0097 0113 0066 0082 0098 0114 0067 0083 0099 0115 0068 0084 0100 0116 0069 0085 OlDl 0117 0070 0086 0102 0118 0071 0087 0103 0119 0072 0088 0104 0120 0073 0089 0105 0121 0074 0090 0106 0122 0075 0091 OlD7 0123 0076 0092 0108 0124 0077 0093 0109 0125 0078 0094 0110 0126 0079 0095 0111 0127 080 090 OAO OBO 0128 0144 0160 0176 0129 0145 0161 0177 0130 0146 0162 0178 0131 0147 0163 0179 0132 0148 0164 0180 0133 0149 0165 0181 0134 0150 0166 0182 0135 0151 0167 0183 0136 0152 0168 0184 0137 0153 0169 0185 0138 0154 0170 0186 0139 0155 0171 0187 0140 0156 0172 0188 0141 0157 0173 0189 0142 0158 0174 0190 0143 0159 0175 0191 OCO 000 OEO OFO 0192 0208 0224 0240 0193 0209 0225 0241 0194 0210 0226, 0242 0195 0211 0227 0243 0196 0212 0228 0244 0197 0213 0229 0245 0198 0214 0230 0246 0199 0215 0231 0247 0200 0216 0232 0248 0201 0217 0233 0249 0202 0218 0234 0250 0203 0219 0235 0251 0204 0220 0236 0252 0205 0221 0237 0253 0206 0222 0238 0254 0207 0223 0239 0255 108 Appendi x A HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) 0 1 2 A D F 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0259 0275 0291 0307 0260 0276 0292 0308 0261 0277 0293 0309 0262 0278 0294 0310 0263 0279 0295 0311 0264 0280 0296 0312 0265 0281 0297 0313 0266 0267 0282 0283 0298 0299 0314 0315 0268 0284 0300 0316 0269 0270 0285 0286 0301 0302 0317 0318 0324 0325 0340 0341 0356 0357 0372 0373 0326 0342 0358 0374 0327 0343 0359 0375 0328 0344 0360 0376 0329 0345 0361 0377 0330 0331 0346 0347 0362 0363 0378 0379 0332 0348 0364 0380 0333 0334 0335 0349 0350 0351 0365 0366 0367 0381 0382 0383 B C E 100 110 120 130 0256 0257 0258 0272 0273 0274 0288 0289 0290 0304 0305 0306 140 150 160 170 0320 0336 0352 0368 0321 0337 0353 0369 0322 0323 0338 0339 0354 0355 0370 0371 180 190 lAO lBO 0384 0400 0416 0432 0385 0401 0417 0433 0386 0402 0418 0434 0387 0403 0419 0435 0388 0404 0420 0436 0389 0405 0421 0437 0390 0406 0422 0438 0391 0407 0423 0439 0392 0408 0424 0440 0393 0409 0425 0441 0394 0410 0426 0442 0395 0411 0427 0443 0396 0397 0412 0413 0428 0429 0444 0445 0398 0414 0430 0446 0399 0415 0431 0447 lCO lDO lEO lFO 0448 0464 0480 0496 0449 0465 0481 0497 0450 0466 0482 0498 0451 0467 0483 0499 0452 0468 0484 0500 0453 0469 0485 0501 0454 0470 0486 0502 0455 0471 0487 0503 0456 0472 0488 0504 0457 0473 0489 0505 0458 0474 0490 0506 0459 0475 0491 0507 0460 0476 0492 0508 0461 0477 0493 0509 0462 0478 0494 0510 0463 0479 0495 0511 200 210 220 230 0512 0528 0544 0560 0513 0529 0545 0561 0514 0515 0530 J531 0546 0547 0562 0563 0516 0517 0518 0532 0533 0534 0548 0549 0550 0564 0565 0566 0519 0535 0551 0567 0520 0536 0552 0568 0521 0537 0553 0569 0522 0538 0554 0570 0523 0539 0555 0571 0524 0540 0556 0572 0525 0526 0541 0542 0557 0558 0573 0574 0527 0543 0559 0575 240 250 260 270 0576 0592 0608 0624 0577 0593 0609 0625 0578 0594 0610 0626 0580 0581 0582 0583 0596 0597 0598 0599 0612 0613 0614 0615 0628 0629 0630 0631 0584 0600 0616 0632 0585 0601 0617 0633 0586 0587 0602 0603 0618 0619 0634 0635 0588 0604 0620 06,36 0589 0605 0621 0637 0590 0606 0622 0638 0591 0607 0623 0639 280 290 2AO 2BO 0640 0656 0672 0688 0641 0657 0673 0689 0642 0643 0658 0659 0674 0675 0690 0691 0655 0671 0687 0703 2CO 2DO 2EO 2FO 0704 0720 0736 0752 300 310 320 330 0579 0595 0611 0627 0271 0287 0303 0319 0645 0661 0677 0693 0646 0662 0678 0694 0647 0663 0679 0695 0648 0664 0680 0696 0649 0665 0681 0697 0650 0651 0666 0667 0682 0683 0698 0699 0652 0668 0684 0700 0653 0669 0685 0701 0654 0670 0686 0702 0705 0706 0707 0721 0722 0723 0737 0738 0739 0753 0754 0755 0708 0709 0724 0725 0740 0741 0756 0757 0710 0726 0742 0758 0711 0727 0743 0759 0712 0728 0744 0760 0713 0729 0745 0761 0714 0730 0746 0762 0715 0731 0747 0763 0716 0732 0748 0764 0717 0733 0749 0765 0718 0719 0734 0735 0750 0751 0766 0767 0768 0784 0800 0816 0769 0785 0801 0817 0770 0786 0802 0818 0771 0787 0803 0819 0772 0773 0774 0788 0789 0790 0804 0805 0806 0820 0821 0822 0775 0791 0807 0823 0776 0792 0808 0824 0777 0793 0809 0825 0778 0794 0810 0826 0779 0795 0811 0827 0780 0796 0812 0828 0781 0797 0813 0829 0782 0798 0814 0830 0783 0799 0815 0831 340 350 360 370 0832 0848 0864 0880 0833 0849 0865 0881 0834 0850 0866 0882 0835 0851 0867 0883 0836 0837 0838 0839 0852 0853 0854 0855 0868 0869 0870 0871 0884 0885 0886 0887 0840 0856 0872 0888 0841 0857 0873 0889 0842 0858 0874 0890 0843 0859 0875 0891 0844 0860 0876 0892 0845 0861 0877 0893 0846 0862 0878 0894 0847 0863 0879 0895 380 390 3AO 3BO 0896 0912 0928 0944 0897 0913 0929 0945 0898 0914 0930 0946 0899 0915 0931 0947 0900 0916 0932 0948 0904 0920 0936 0952 0905 0921 0937 0953 0906 0907 0922 0923 0938 0939 0954 0955 0908 0924 0940 0956 0909 0925 0941 0957 0910 0926 0942 0958 0911 0927 0943 0959 3CO 3DO 3EO 3FO 0960 0961 0962 0963 0976 0977 0978 0979 0992 0993 0994 0995 1008 1009 IJIO 1011 0644 0660 0676 0692 0901 0917 0933 0949 0902 0918 0934 0950 0903 0919 0935 0951 0964 0965 0966 0967 0980 0981 0982 0983 0996 0997 0998 0999 1012 1013 1014 1015 0968 0969 0970 0971 0984 0985 0986 0987 1000 .1001 1002 1003 1016 1017 1018 1019 0972 0973 0974 0975 0988 0989 0990 0991 1004 1005 1006 1007 1020 1021 1022 1023 Appendi x A 109 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) 110 0 1 2 3 4 400 410 420 430 1024 1040 1056 1072 1025 1041 1057 1073 1026 1042 1058 1074 1027 1043 1059 1075 1028 1044 1060 1076 440 450 460 470 1088 1104 1120 1136 1089 1105 1121 1137 1090 1106 1122 1138 1091 1107 1123 1139 480 490 4AO 480 1152 1168 1184 1200 1153 1169 1185 1201 1154 1170 1186 1202 4(0 400 4EO 4FO 1216 1232 1248 1264 1217 1233 1249 1265 500 510 520 530 1280 1296 1312 1328 540 550 560 570 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 1029 1030 1045 1046 1061 1062 1077 1078 1031 1047 1063 1079 1032 1048 1064 lOBO 1033 1049 1065 1081 1034 1050 1066 1082 1035 1051 1067 1083 1036 1052 1068 1084 1037 1053 1069 1085 1038 1054 1070 1086 1039 1055 1071 1087 1092 1108 1124 1140 1093 1109 1125 1141 1094 1110 1126 1142 1095 1111 1127 1143 1096 1112 1128 1144 1097 1113 1129 1145 1098 1114 1130 1146 1099 1115 1131 1147 1100 1116 1132 1148 1101 1117 1133 1149 1102 1118 1134 1150 1103 1119 1135 1151 1155 1171 1187 1203 1156 1172 1188 1204 1157 1173 1189 1205 1158 1174 1190 1206 1159 1175 1191 1207 1160 1176 1192 1208 1161 1162 1177 1178 1193 1194 1209 1210 1163 1179 1195 1211 1164 1180 1196 1212 1165 1181 1197 1213 1166 1182 1198 1214 1167 1183 1199 1215 1218 1234 1250 1266 1219 1235 1251 1267 1220 1236 1252 1268 1221 1237 1253 1269 1222 1238 1254 1270 1223 1239 1255 1271 1224 1240 1256 1272 1225 1241 1257 1273 1226 1242 1258 1274 1227 1243 1259 1275 1228 1244 1260 1276 1229 1245 1261 1277 1230 1246 1262 1278 1231 1247 1263 1279 1281 1297 1313 1329 1282 1298 1314 1330 1283 1299 1315 1331 1284 1300 1316 1332 1285 1301 1317 1333 1286 1302 1318 1334 1287 1303 1319 1335 1288 1304 1320 1336 1289 1290 1305 1306 1321 1322 1337 1338 1291 1307 1323 1339 1292 1308 1324 1340 1293 1309 1325 1341 1294 1310 1326 1342 1295 1311 1327 1343 1344 1360 1376 1392 1345 1361 1377 1393 1346 1362 1378 1394 1347 1363 1379 1395 1348 1364 1380 1396 1349 1365 1381 1397 1350 1366 1382 1398 1351 1367 1383 1399 1352 1368 1384 1400 1353 1354 1369 1370 1385 1386 1401 1402 1355 1371 1387 1403 1356 1372 1388 1404 1357 1373 1389 1405 1358 1374 1390 1406 1359 1375 1391 1407 580 590 SAO 5BO 1408 1424 1440 1456 1409 1425 1441 1457 1410 1426 1442 1458 1411 1427 1443 1459 1412 1428 1444 1460 1413 1429 1445 1461 1414 1430 1446 1462 1415 1431 1447 1463 1416 1432 1448 1464 1417 1418 1433 1434 1449 1450 1465 1466 1419 1435 1451 1467 1420 1436 1452 1468 1421 1437 1453 1469 1422 1438 1454 1470 1423 1439 1455 1471 5(0 5DO 5EO 5FO 1472 1488 1504 1520 1473 1489 1505 1521 1474 1490 1506 1522 1475 1491 1507 1523 1476 1492 1508 1524 1477 1493 1509 1525 1478 1494 1510 1526 1479 1495 1511 1527 1480 1496 1512 1528 1481 1497 1513 1529 1482 1498 1514 1530 1483 1499 1515 1531 1484 1500 1516 1532 1485 1501 1517 1533 1486 1502 1518 1534 1487 1503 1519 1535 600 610 620 630 1536 1552 1568 1584 1537 1553 1569 1585 1538 1554 1570 1586 1539 1555 1571 1587 1540 1556 1572 1588 1541 1557 1573 1589 1542 1558 1574 1590 1543 1559 1575 1591 1544 1560 1576 1592 1545 1561 1577 1593 1546 1562 1578 1594 1547 1563 1579 1595 1548 1564 1580 1596 1549 1565 1581 1597 1550 1566 1582 1598 1551 1567 1583 1599 640 650 660 670 1600 1616 1632 1648 1601 1617 1633 1649 1602 1618 1634 1650 1603 1619 1635 1651 1604 1620 1636 1652 1605 1621 1637 1653 1606 1622 1638 1654 1607 1623 1639 1655 1608 1624 1640 1656 1609 1610 1625 1626 1641 1642 1657 1658 1611 1627 1643 1659 1612 1628 1644 1660 1613 1629 1645 1661 1614 1630 1646 1662 1615 1631 1647 1663 680 690 6AO 6BO 1664 1680 1696 1712 1665 1681 1697 1713 1666 1682 1698 1714 1667 1683 1699 1715 1668 1684 1700 1716 1669 1685 1701 1717 1670 1686 1702 1718 1671 1687 1703 1719 1672 1688 1704 1720 1673 1674 1689 1690 1705 1706 1721 1722 1675 1691 1707 1723 1676 1692 1708 1724 /677 1678 1693 1694 1709 1710 1725 1726 1679 1695 1711 1727 6(0 600 6EO 6FO 1728 1744 1760 1776 1729 1745 1761 1777 1730 1746 1762 1778 1731 1747 1763 1779 1732 1748 1764 1780 1733 1749 1765 1781 1734 1750 1766 1782 1735 1751 1767 1783 1736 1752 1768 1784 1737 1753 1769 1785 1739 1755 1771 1787 1740 1756 1772 1788 1741 1757 1773 1789 1743 1759 1775 1791 Appendix A 5 6 1738 1754 1770 1786 1742 1758 1774 1790 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONYERSION TABLE (cant.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 A B C D E F 700 710 720 730 1792 1808 1824 1840 1793 1809 1825 1841 1794 1810 1826 1842 1795 1811 1827 1843 1796 1812 1828 1844 1797 1813 1829 1845 1800 1816 1832 1848 1801 1817 1833 1849 1802 1818 1834 1850 1803 1819 1835 1851 1804 1820 1836 1852 1805 1821 1837 1853 1806 1822 1838 1854 1807 1823 1839 1855 740 750 760 770 1856 1872 1888 1904 1857 1858 1873 1874 1889 1890 1905 1906 1859 1875 1891 1907 1860 1876 1892 1908 1861 1862 1863 1877 1878 1879 1893 1894 1895 1909 1910 1911 1864 1865 1866 1867 1880 1881 1882 1883 1896 1897 1898 1899 1912 1913 1914 1915 1868 1884 1900 1916 1869 1885 1901 1917 1870 1886 1902 1918 1871 1887 1903 1919 780 790 7AO 7BO 1920 1936 1952 1968 1921 1922 1937 1938 1953 1954 1969 1970 1923 1939 1955 1971 1924 1940 1956 1972 1925 1941 1957 1973 1926 1927 1942 1943 1958 1959 1974 1975 1928 1929 1930 1931 1944 1945 1946 1947 1960 1961 1962 1963 1976 1977 1978 1979 1932 1933 1948 1949 1964 1965 1980 1981 1934 1950 1966 1982 1935 1951 1967 1983 7CO 7DO 7EO 7FO 1984 1985 1986 1987 2000 2001 2002 2003 2016 2017 2018 2019 2032 2033 2034 2035 1988 1989 1990 1991 2004 2005 2006 2007 2020 2021 2022 2023 2036 2037 2038 2039 1992 2008 2024 2040 1993 1994 1995 2009 2010 2011 2025 2026 2027 2041 2042 2043 1996 1997 2012 2013 2028 2029 2044 2045 1998 1999 2014 2015 2030 2031 2046 2047 800 810 820 830 2048 2049 2064 2065 2080 2081 2096 2097 2050 2051 2066 2067 2082 2083 2098 2099 2052 2068 2084 2100 2053 2069 2085 2101 2054 2070 2086 2102 2055 2071 2087 2103 2056 2057 2072 2073 2088 2089 2104 2105 2058 2074 2090 2106 2059 2075 2091 2107 2060 2061 2076 2077 2092 2093 2108 2109 2062 2078 2094 2110 840 850 860 870 2112 2128 2144 2160 2114 2115 2130 2131 2146 2147 2162 2163 2116 2132 2148 2164 2117 2133 2149 2165 2118 2134 2150 2166 2119 2135 2151 2167 2120 2121 2122 2136 2137 2138 2152 2153 2154 2168 2169 2170 2123 2139 2155 2171 2124 2140 2156 2.172 880 890 8AO 8BO 2176 2177 2178 2192 2193 2194 2208 2209 2210 2224 2225 2226 2179 2195 2211 2227 2180 2196 2212 2228 2181 2197 2213 2229 2182 2198 2214 2230 2183 2199 2215 2231 2184 2200 2216 2232 2187 2203 2219 2235 2188 2189 2204 2205 2220 2221 2236 2237 8CO 8DO 8EO 8FO 2240 2256 2272 2288 2241 2257 2273 2289 2242 2258 2274 2290 2243 2259 2275 2291 2244 2260 2276 2292 2245 2261 2277 2293 2246 2262 2278 2294 2247 2263 2279 2295 2248 2249 2264 2265 2280 2281 2296 2297 2250 2251 2266 2267 2282 2283 2298 2299 2252 2268 2284 2300 2253 2254 2255 2269 2270 2271 2285 2286 2287 2301 2302 2303 900 910 920 930 2304 2305 2320 2321 2336 2337 2352 2353 2306 2322 2338 2354 2307 2323 2339 2355 2308 2324 2340 2356 2309 2325 2341 2357 2310 2326 2342 2358 2311 2327 2343 2359 2312 2328 2344 2360 2314 2330 2346 2362 2316 2332 2348 2364 2317 2318 2333 2334 2349 2350 2365 2366 940 950 960 970 2368 2384 2400 2416 2369 2385 2401 2417 2370 2371 2386 2387 2402 2403 2418 2419 2372 2388 2404 2420 2373 2389 2405 2421 2374 2390 2406 2422 2375 2391 2407 2423 2376 2377 2378 2379 2392 2393 2394 2395 2408 2409 2410 2411 2424 2425 2426 2427 980 990 9AO 9BO 2432 2433 2448 2449 2464 2465 2480 2481 2434 2435 2450 2451 2466 2467 2482 2483 2436 2452 2468 2484 2437 2453 2469 2485 2438 2454 2470 2486 2439 2455 2471 2487 2440 2456 2472 2488 2441 2457 2473 2489 2442 2458 2474 2490 9CO 9DO 9EO 9FO 2496 2497 2498 2499 2512 2513 2514 2515 2528 2529 2530 2531 2544 2545 L546 2547 2500 2516 2532 2548 2501 2517 2533 2549 2502 2518 2534 2550 2503 2519 2535 2551 2504 2520 2536· 2j52 2505 2521 2537 2553 2506 2522 2538 2554 2113 2129 2145 2161 6 7 1798 1799 1814 1815 1830 1831 1846 1847 2185 2201 2217 2233 2313 2329 2345 2361 2186 2202 2218 2234 2315 2331 2347 2363 2125 2141 2157 2173 2063 2079 2095 2111 2126 2127 2142 2143 2158 2159 2174 2175 2190 2206 2222 2238 2191 2207 2223 2239 2319 2335 2351 2367 2380 2381 2396 2397 2412 2413 2428 2429 2382 2383 2398 2399 2414 2415 2430 2431 2443 2459 2475 2491 2444 2445 2460 2461 2476 2477 2492 2493 2446 2462 2478 2494 2447 2463 2479 2495 2507 2523 2539 2555 2508 2524 2540 2556 2509 2525 2541 2557 2510 2526 2542 2558 2511 2527 2543 2559 Appendix A 111 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSiON TABLE (cant.) 1 0 112 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2569 2585 2601 2617 A B C D E F 2572 2588 2604 2620 2573 2589 2605 2621 2574 2590 2606 2622 2575 2591 2607 2623 2636 2637 2638 2652 2653 2654 2668 2669 2670 2684 2685 2686 2639 2655 2671 2687 AOO Al0 A20 A30 2560 2561 2576 2577 2592 2593 2608 2609 2562 2578 2594 2610 2563 2579 2595 2611 2564 2580 2596 2612 2565 2581 2597 2613 2566 2567 2582 2583 2598 2599 2614 2615 2568 2584 2600 2616 A40 A50 A60 A70 2624 2625 2640 2641 2656 2657 2672 2673 2626 2627 2642 2643 2658 2659 2674 2675 2628 2644 2660 2676 2629 2645 2661 2677 2630 2631 2646 2647 2662 2663 2678 2679 2632 2633 2634 2648 2649 2650 2664 2665 2666 2680 2681 2682 A80 A90 AAO ABO 2688 2704 2720 2736 2689 2705 2721 2737 2690 2706 2722 2738 2691 2707 2723 2739 2692 2708 2724 2740 2693 2709 2725 2741 2694 2695 2710 2711 2726 2727 2742 2743 2696 2697 2712 2713 2728 2729 2744 2745 2698 2699 2714 2715 2730 2731 2746 2747 2700 2716 2732 2748 2701 2717 2733 2749 2702 2703 2718 2719 2734 2735 2750 2751 ACO ADO AEO AFO 2752 2768 2784 2800 2753 2754 2769 2770 2785 2786 2801 2802 2755 2771 2787 2803 2756 2772 2788 2804 2757 2773 2789 2805 2758 2759 2774 2775 2790 2791 2806 2807 2760 2761 2762 2763 2776 2777 2778 2779 2792 2793 2794 2795 2808 2809 2810 2811 2764 2780 2796 2812 2765 2781 2797 2813 2766 2782 2798 2814 BOO BlO B20 B30 2816 2832 2848 2864 2817 2818 2833 2834 2849 2850 2865 2866 2819 2835 2851 2867 2820 2836 2852 2868 2821 2837 2853 2869 2822 2838 2854 2870 2823 2839 2855 2871 2824 2840 2856 2872 B40 B50 B60 B70 2880 2896 2912 2928 2881 2882 2897 2898 2913 2914 2929 2930 2883 2899 2915 2931 2884 2900 2916 2932 2885 2901 2917 2933 2886 2902 2918 2934 2887 2903 2919 2935 2888 2889 2890 2891 2904 2905 2906 2907 2920 2921 2922 2923 2936 2937 2938 2939 2892 2908 2924 2940 B80 B90 BAO BBO 2944 2960 2976 2992 2945 2961 2977 2993 2946 2962 2978 2994 2947 2963 2979 2995 2948 2964 2980 2996 2949 2965 2981 2997 2950 2966 2982 2998 2951 2967 2983 2999 2952 2968 2984 3000 2953 2954 2955 2969 2970 2971 2985 2986 2987 3001 3002 3003 2956 2957 2958 2959 2972 2973 2974 2975 2988 2989 2990 2991 3004 3005 3006 3007 BCO BOO BEO BFO 3008 3024 3040 3056 3009 3025 3041 3057 3010 3011 3026 3027 3042 3043 3058 3059 3012 3013 3014 3028 3029 3030 3044 3045 3046 3060 3061 3062 3015 3031 3047 3063 3016 3032 3048 3064 3017 3033 3049 3065 3018 3034 3050 3066 3019 3035 3051 3067 3020 3036 3052 3068 3021 3037 3053 3069 COO Cl0 C20 C30 3072 3088 3104 3120 3073 3089 3105 3121 3074 3075 3090 3091 3106 3107 3122 3123 3076 3077 3092 3093 3108 3109 3124 3125 3078 3094 3110 3126 3079 3095 3111 3127 3080 3096 3112 3128 3081 3097 3113 3129 3082 3098 3114 3130 3083 3099 3115 3131 3084 3100 3116 3132 3085 3086 3101 3102 3117 3118 3133 3134 C40 C50 C60 C70 3136 3152 3168 3184 3137 3153 3169 3185 3138 3154 3170 3186 3140 3156 3172 3188 3142 3158 3174 3190 3143 3159 3175 3191 3144 3160 3176 3192 3145 3161 3177 3193 3146 3162 3178 3194 3147 3163 3179 3195 3148 3164 3180 3196 3149 3165 3181 3197 3150 3151 3166 3167 3182 3i83 3198 3199 C80 C90 CAO CBO 3200 3201 3216 3217 3232 3233 3248 3249 3204 3205 3206 3207 3220 3221 3222 3223 3236 3237 3238 3239 3252 3253 3254 3255 3208 3224 3240 3256 3209 3225 3241 3257 3210 3226 3242 3258 3211 3227 3243 3259 3212 3228 3244 3260 3213 3229 3245 3261 3214 3230 3246 3262 3215 3231 3247 3263 CCO COO CEO CFO 3264 3265 3266 3280 3281 3282 3296 3297 3298 3312 3313 3314 3272 3288 3304 3320 3273 3289 3305 3321 3274 3275 3290 3291 3306 3307 3322 3323 3276 3292 3308 3324 3277 3293 3309 3325 3278 3294 3310 3326 3279 3295 3311 3327 Appendix A 3139 3155 3171 3187 3202 3203 3218 3219 3234 3235 3250 3251 3267 3283 3299 3315 3268 3284 3300 3316 3141 3157 3173 3189 3269 3285 3301 3317 3270 3286 3302 3318 3271 3287 3303 3319 2570 2571 2586 2587 2602 2603 2618 2619 2635 2651 2667 2683 2825 2826 2827 2841 2842 2843 2857 2858 2859 2873 2874 2875 2767 2783 2799 2815 2828 2829 2830 2831 2844 2845 2846 2847 2860 2861 2862 2863 2876 2877 2878 2879 2893 2909 2925 2941 2894 2910 2926 2942 2895 2911 2927 2943 3022 3023 3038 3039 3054 3055 3070 3071 3087 3103 3119 3135 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (cant.) 0 2 3 4 D 3:~~ 6 7 8 9 A B C 3334 3350 3366 3382 3335 3351 3367 3383 3336 3352 3368 3384 3337 3353 3369 3385 3338 3354 3370 3386 3339 3355 3371 3387 3340 3356 3372 3388 3341 3342 3357 3358 3373 3374 3389 3390 3359 , 3375 I 3391 3402 3418 3434 3450 3403 3419 3435 3451 3404 3420 3436 3452 3405 3406 3421 3422 3437 3438 3453 3454 3407 3423 3439 3455 3465 3466 3467 3480 3481 3482 3483 3496 3497 3498 3499 3512 3513 3514 3515 3468 3484 3500 3516 3469 3485 3501 3517 3470 3486 3502 3518 3471 3487 3503 3519 3532 3533 3534 3548 3549 3550 3564 3565 3566 3580 3581 3582 3535 5 E 000 D10 D20 D30 3328 3344 3360 3376 3329 3345 3361 3377 3330 3346 3362 3378 3331 3347 3363 3379 3332 3333 3348 3349 3364 3365 3380 3381 D40 3392 3408 3424 3440 3393 3409 3425 3441 3394 3410 3426 3442 3395 3411 3427 3443 3396 3412 3428 3444 3397 3413 3429 3445 3398 3399 3414 3415 3430 3431 3446 3447 3400 3401 3416 3417 3432 3433 3448 3449 3456 3457 3472 3473 3488 3489 3504 3505 3458 3474 3490 3506 3459 3475 3491 3507 3460 3461 3476 3477 3492 3493 3508 3509 3462 3463 3478 3479 3494 3495 3510 3511 3464 3520 3521 3536 3537 3552 3553 3568 3569 3522 3538 3554 3570 3523 3539 3555 3571 3524 3525 3540 3541 3556 3557 3572 3573 3526 3527 3542 3543 3558 3559 3574 3575 3529 3545 3561 3577 3584 3600 3616 3632 3586 3602 3618 3634 3587 3603 3619 3528 3544 3560 3576 ......... -.. 3592 3608 3624 3640 3594 3610 3626 3642 3595 3611 3627 3643 3596 3597 3612 3613 3628 3629 3644 3645 3648 3649 3650 3664 3665 3666 3680 3681 3682 3696 3697 3698 3659 3675 3691 3707 3660 3676 3692 3708 3661 3662 ..5663 3677 3678 3679 3693 3694 3695 3709 3710 3?1 i DSO D60 D70 080 D90 DAO DBO DCO ODO nEO DFO - ....... ......~-~.-.~~-"'-.-.----- EGO 1:10 EiO E30 tAO E.50 [60 E70 I E80 I E90 I EAO ESO 3530 3546 3562 3578 3531 3547 3563 3579 ~-.--.,.~-------. I 3551 3567 3583 r'=i~90 3598 J_" , i 3614 3615 i 3630 3631 I 3646 :3635 3588 3604 3620 3636 3589 3605 3621 3637 3606 3,,22 3638 3591 3607 3623 3639 3651 3667 3683 3699 3652 3653 3668 3669 3684 3685 3700 3701 3654 3670 3686 3702 3655 3671 3687 3703 3656 3672 3688 3704 3657 3658 3673 3674 3689 3690 3705 3706 37i3 3714 3715 3728 3729 3730 3731 3744 3745 3746 3747 3760 3761 3762 3763 3716 3717 3732 3733 3748 3749 3764 3765 3718 3734 3750 3766 3719 3735 3751 3767 3720 3736 37.52 3768 3721 3737 3753 3769 3722 3723 3738 3739 3754 3755 3770 3771 3724 3740 3756 3772 3725 3741 3757 3773 3726 3742 3758 3774 3727 3743 3759 3775 3585 3601 3617 3633 I 3712 3590 3593 3609 3625 3641 ~c471 EEO EFO 3776 3792 3808 3824 3777 3793 3809 3825 3778 3794 3810 3826 3779 3795 3811 3827 3780 3796 3812 3828 3781 3797 3813 3829 3782 3798 3814 3830 3783 3799 3815 3831 3784 3800 3816 3832 3785 3801 3817 3833 3786 3802 3818 3834 3787 3803 3819 3835 3788 3804 3820 3836 3789 3805 3821 3837 3790 3806 3822 3838 3791 3807 3823 3839 FOO FlO F20 F30 3840 3856 3872 3888 3841 3857 3873 3889 3842 3858 3874 3890 3843 3859 3875 3891 3844 3860 3876 3892 3845 3846 3861 3862 3877 3878 3893 3894 3847 3863 3879 3895 .3848 3864 3880 3896 3849 3865 3881 3897 3850 3866 3882 3898 3851 3867 3883 3899 3852 3853 3868 3869 3884 3885 3900 3901 3854 3870 3886 3902 3855 3871 3887 3903 F40 F50 F60 F70 3904 3920 3936 3952 3905 3921 3937 3953 3906 3922 3938 3954 3907 3923 3939 3955 3908 3909 3910 3924 3925 3926 3940 3941 3942 3956 3957 3958 3911 3927 3943 3959 3912 3928 3944 3960 3913 3929 3945 3961 3914 3930 3946 3962 3915 3931 3947 3963 3916 3932 3948 3964 3917 3933 3949 3965 3918 3934 3950 3966 3919 3935 3951 3967 F80 F90 FAO FBO 3968 3984 4000 4016 3969 3985 4001 4017 3970 3986 4002 4018 3971 3987 4003 4019 3972 3988 4004 4020 3973 3989 4005 4021 3974 3975 3990 3991 4006 4007 4022 4023 3976 3992 4008 4024 3977 3993 4009 4025 3978 3994 4010 4026 3979 3995 4011 4027 3980 3996 4012 4028 3981 3982 3983 3997 3998 3999 4013 4014 4015 4029 4030 4031 I FCO FDO FEO FFO 4032 4048 4064 4080 4033 4049 4065 4081 4034 4050 4066 4082 4035 4051 4067 4083 4036 4052 4068 4084 4037 4053 4069 4085 4038 4039 4054 4055 4070 4071 4086 4087 4040 4056 4072 4088 4041 4057 4073 4089 4042 4058 4074 4090 4043 4059 4075 4091 4044 4060 4076 4092 4045 4046 4047 4061 4062 4063 4077 4078 4079 4093 4094 4095 I ECO EDO I I Appendix A " I 1 113 HEXADECIMAl~DECIMAl FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE i~nc. i DeC;'Tl0i ~exadec;mc! 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EO 000000 EI 00 00 00 i .E2 00 0000 .E3 0000 00 .E4 000000 .E5 00 00 00 .E6 00 00 00 .E7 000000 .E8 00 00 00 .E9 00 00 00 .EA 00 00 00 .EB 00 00 00 .EC 00 00 00 .ED 000000 .EE 00 00 00 .EF 00 00 00 .70 00 00 00 .71 000000 .72 0000 00 .73 00 00 00 .74 0000 00 .75 00 00 00 .76 00 00 00 .77 00 00 00 .78 000000 .79 00 00 00 .7A 00 00 00 .7S 0000 00 .7C 00 00 00 .70 00 00 00 .7E 00 00 00 .7F 00 00 00 .43750 00000 .44140 62500 .404531 25000 .44921 87500 .40531 2 50000 .405703 12500 .46093 75000 .46484 37500 .46875 00000 .407265 62500 .47656 25000 .408046 87500 .48437 50000 .408828 12500 .409218 75000 .409609 37500 .BO .Bl .B2 .B3 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 .68750 00000 .6914062500 .69531 25000 .69921 87500 .7031 2 50000 .70703 12500 .7109375000 .71484 37500 .71875 00000 .7226562500 .72656 25000 .73046 87500 .73437 50000 .73828 12500 .7421875000 .74609 37500 .25000 00000 .25390 .25781 .26171 .26562 62500 25000 87500 50000 .26'i'53 12500 .27343 .27734 .281 25 .28515 .28906 00000 62500 25000 87500 50000 12500 75000 37500 00000 62500 25000 87500 50000 i 2500 75000 37500 I I .B4 .B5 .86 .B7 .B8 .B9 .BA .BB .BC .BD .BE .BF 00 00 .50000 00000 .50390 62500 .5078] 25000 .51171 87500 .5156250000 .51953 : 2500 .52343 75000 .52734 37500 .CO .Cl .(2 .C3 .C4 .C5 .C6 .C7 .(8 .C9 .CA .CB .CC .CD .5312.5 00000 0000 00 I I ! I II .FO .F I .F2 .F3 .F4 .F5 .F6 .F7 .F8 .F9 .FA .fB .Fe .FD .FE .FF 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 000000 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 0000 OG 000000 000000 000000 00 00 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 .75000 OOO{)(j .75390 i! 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Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal .0000 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0007 .00 08 .0009 .OOOA .OOOB .OOOC .OOOD .OOOE .00 OF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 .00000 00000 .00001 52587 .00003 05175 .0000457763 .00006 10351 .00007 62939 .00009 15527 .0001068115 .00012 20703 .00013 73291 .00015 25878 .00016 78466 .00018 31054 .0001983642 .00021 36230 .00022 88818 .0040 .0041 .0042 .0043 .0044 .0045 .0046 .0047 .0048 .0049 .004A .004B .004C .004D .004E .004F 0000 0001) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .0009765625 .00099 18212 .00100 70800 .00102 23388 .00103 75976 .001 05 28564 .00106 81152 .00108 33740 .0010986328 .00111 38916 .00112 91503 .0011444091 .00115 96679 .00117 49267 .0011901855 .0012054443 .0080 .0081 .0082 .0083 .0084 .0085 .0086 .0087 .0088 .0089 .008A .008B .008C .0080 .008E .008F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 .00195 31250 .00196 83837 .00198 36425 .0019989013 .00201 41601 .00202 94189 .00204 46 777 .00205 99365 .00207 51953 .00209 04541 .00210 57128 .0021209716 .00213 62304 .00215 14892 .0021667480 .00218 20068 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 CO 0000 ClOD 00 C2 0000 C3 0000 C4 00 00 C5 0000 C6 0000 C7 00 00 C8 0000 C9 0000 CA 00 00 CB 0000 CC 00 00 CD 00 00 CE 0000 CF 00 00 .00292 96875 .00294 49462 .00296 02050 .00297 54638 .00299 07225 .0030059814 .00302 12402 .00303 64990 .00305 17578 .00306 70166 .00308 22753 .00309 75341 .00311 27929 .0031 2 8051 7 .00314 33105 .00315 85693 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA 1B lC 1D lE 1F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 .00024 .00025 .00027 .00028 .00030 .00032 .00033 .00035 .00036 .00038 .00039 .00041 .00042 .00044 .00045 .00047 41406 93994 46582 99169 51757 04345 56933 09521 62109 14697 6728.) 19873 72460 25048 77636 30224 .0050 .0051 .0052 .0053 .0054 .0055 .0056 .0057 .0058 .00 S9 .005A .005B .005C .005D .005E .005F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .0012207031 .0012359619 .00125 12207 .00126 64794 .00128 17382 .0012969970 .00131 22558 .0013275146 .0013427734 .00135 80322 .00137 32910 .0013885498 .00140 38085 .00141 90673 .00143 43261 .00144 95849 .0090 .0091 .0092 .0093 .0094 .0095 .0096 .0097 .0098 .0099 .009A .009B .009C .00 90 .009E .009F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pO 0000 00 00 .00219 72656 .00221 25244 .00222 77832 .00224 30419 .00225 83007 .00227 35595 .00228 88183 .00230 40771 .00231 93359 .00233 45947 .00234 98535 .00236 51123 .00238 03710 .0023956298 .00241 08886 .00242 61474 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 0000 0000 00 DC 00 00 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 .00317 38281 .00318 90869 .00320 43457 .00321 96044 .00323 48632 .00325 01220 .00326 53808 .00328 06396 .0032958984 .00331 11572 .00332 64160 .00334 16748 .00335 69335 .00337 21923 .00338 74511 .00340 27099 .00 20 .00 21 .0022 .0023 .00 24 .0025 .0026 .0027 .0028 .00 29 .002A .002B .002C .00 2D .00 2E .002F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .0004d 82812 .00050 35400 .00051 87988 .00053 40576 .000S493164 .00056 45751 .00057 98339 .00059 50927 .00061 03515 .00062 56103 .00064 08691 .00065 61279 .00067 13867 .00068 66455 .00070 19042 .00071 71630 .0060 .0061 .0062 .0063 .0064 .0065 .0066 .0067 .0068 .0069 .006A .006B .006C .006D .006E .006F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .00146 48437 .00148 01025 .0014953613 .00151 06201 .0015258789 .00154 11376 .0015563964 .00157 16552 .0015869140 .00160 21728 .00161 74316 .00163 26904 .0016479492 .00166 32080 .00167 84667 .0016937255 .00 .00 .00 .00 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97509 .00088 50097 .00090 02685 .00091 55273 .00093 07861 .00094 60449 .00096 13037 .0070 .0071 .0072 .0073 .0074 .0075 .0076 .0077 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .00170 89843 .00172 42431 .0017395019 .00175 47607 .00177 00195 .00178 52783 .00180 05371 .00181 57958 .00183 10546 .0018463134 .00186 15722 .0018768310 .00189 20898 .00190 73486 .00192 26074 .00193 78662 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .0026855468 .00270 08056 .00271 60644 .00273 13232 .0027465820 .00276 18408 .00277 70996 .00279 23583 .0028076171 .00282 28759 .0028381347 .00285 33935 .00286 86523 .00288 39111 .00289 91699 .00291 44287 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .00366 21093 .00367 73681 .00369 26269 .00370 78857 .00372 31445 .00373 84033 .00375 36621 .00376 89208 .00378 41796 .00379 94384 .00381 46972 .00382 99560 .0038452148 .00386 04736 .00387 57324 .0038909912 .001'8 .0079 .007A .007B .007C .0070 .007E .007F Appendix A 79687 32275 84863 37451 90039 42626 95214 47802 00390 52978 05566 58154 10742 63330 15917 68505 115 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (cant.) Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal ,00 00 00 .0000 01 .00 00 02 .00 00 03 .00 00 04 .00 00 05 .00 00 06 .000007 .00 00 08 .00 00 09 .00 00 OA .00 00 OB .00 00 OC .00 00 aD .00 00 OE .0000 OF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OC 00 00 00 · 00000 00000 .00000 00596 .00000 01 J 92 .00000 01788 .00000 02384 .00000 02980 .00000 03576 .00000 04 J 72 .00000 04768 ,00000 05364 .00000 as 960 .0000006556 .00000 07152 .00000 07748 .00000 08344 .00000 08940 .0000 40 .00 00 41 .00 00 42 .00 00 43 .00 00 44 .00 00 45 .00 00 46 .00 00 47 .00 0048 .0000 49 .00004A .0000 4B .00004C .00004D .00004E .00004F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 38146 .00000 38743 .00000 39339 .00000 39935 .00000 40531 .00000 41127 .00000 41723 .00000 4231 9 .00000 42915 · 00000 43511 · 00000 44107 .00000 44703 .00000 45299 .00000 45895 .00000 46491 .00000 47087 .00 00 80 .00 00 81 .00 00 82 .0000 83 .00 00 84 .00 00 85 .00 00 86 .00 00 87 .00 00 88 .00 00 89 .00 00 8A .00 00 8B .00 00 8C .00 00 8D .00 00 8E .00 00 8F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 76293 .00000 76889 · 00000 77486 .00000 78082 .00000 78678 .00000 79274 .00000 79870 .00000 80466 .0000081062 .00000 81658 .00000 82254 .00000 82850 · 00000 83446 .00000 84042 .00000 84638 .00000 85234 .0000 co .00 00 Cl .00 00 C2 .0000 C3 .00 00 (4 .0000 C5 .0000 C6 .00 00 C7 .0000 C8 .0000 C9 .00 00 CA .00 00 CB .00 00 CC .00 00 CD .00 00 CE .00 00 CF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 · 0000 1 14440 .00001 15036 .00001 15633 .00001 16229 .00001 16825 .00001 17421 .00001 18017 .00001 18613 .00001 19209 .0000 I 19805 .00001 20401 .00001 20997 ,0000 1 21 593 .00001 22189 .0000 1 22785 .00001 23381 .000010 .00 00 11 .00 00 12 .00 00 13 .0000 14 ,00 00 15 .00 00 16 .00 00 17 .0000 18 .0000 19 .0000 1A. .00 00 1B .00 00 1C .0000 1 D .00 00 1E .00 00 IF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 00000 .00000 ·00000 .00000 .00000 ,00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 ·00000 .00000 .00000 09536 10 132 10728 11324 1 1920 12516 13113 13709 14305 14901 15497 16093 16689 I 7285 17881 18477 .00 00 50 .00 00 51 .00 0052 .00 00 53 .00 00 54 .00 00 55 .00 00 56 .000057 .000058 .0000 59 .00005A .00 00 5B .00 00 5C .00 0050 .00 00 5E .00 00 5F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 ·00000 .00000 · 00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 47683 48279 48875 49471 50067 50663 51259 51856 52452 53048 53644 54240 54836 55432 56028 56624 .00 0090 .00 0091 .00 00 92 .00 00 93 .00 00 94 .00 0095 .00 0096 .00 00 97 .00 0098 .00 00 99 .00 00 9A .00 00 9B .00 00 9C .0000 9D .00 00 9E .00 00 9F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 · 00000 .00000 ·00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .09000 .00000 .00000 .00000 · 00000 85830 86426 87022 87618 88214 8881 0 89406 90003 90599 91195 91791 92387 92983 93579 94175 94771 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 DO 00 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 23977 .00001 24573 .0000 1 25169 .00001 25765 ·0000 1 2636 1 .00001 26957 .0000 1 27553 .00001 28149 ·00001 28746 .00001 29342 .00001 29938 .00001 30534 .0000 1 311 30 .00001 31726 .00 00 20 .00 00 21 .00 00 22 .0000 23 .0000 24 .0000 25 .00 00 26 .0(1 00 27 .00 00 28 .00 00 29 00002A .00002B .00 00 2C .0000 2D .00 00 2E .00002F 00 00 .00000 .00000 · 00000 .00000 ·00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 ,00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 19073 19669 20265 20861 21 457 22053 22649 23 245 23841 24437 25033 25629 26226 20822 27418 28014 .00 00 60 .00 00 61 .00 00 62 .00 0063 .00 00 64 .00 00 65 .00 00 66 .0000 67 .000068 .00 00 69 .00006A .00006B .00 00 6C .00 00 6D .00006E .00 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 57220 .0000057816 .00000 58412 · 00000 59008 · 00000 59604 .00000 60200 .00000 60796 .00000 61392 · 00000 61 988 .00000 62584 .00000 631 80 .00000 63776 .00000 64373 .00000 64969 .00000 65565 .00000 66161 .00 00 .0000 .0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .0000 .0000 .00 00 .0000 .00 00 ,0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 AO Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 95367 95963 96559 97155 97751 98347 98943 99539 00135 00731 01327 01923 02519 03116 03712 04308 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 · 00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .OCOOO .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .0000('; .()OOOO .00000 .COOOO 286 10 29206 29802 30398 30994 31590 32186 32782 33378 33974 34570 35 166 35762 36358 369)4 .00 0070 .0000 71 .00 00 72 .00 00 73 .00 00 74 .00 00 75 .0000 76 .00 00 77 .00 00 78 .00 00 7'1 .00 00 7,6.. .00 00 73 .00 00 i'C ,'X) 00 7D .00 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ce, .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .0000 .00 00 .0000 BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC •• _._~l_;J_f=_,)~_._..c_:o._o.c_,·_;._3:'_'~_:::1:_)_.LGCJ 00 IF .00000 66757 .00000 67353 .00000 67949 .00000 68545 .00000 69141 .00000 69737 .00000 70333 .00000 70929 .00000 71525 . 00000 72121 .00000 7271 7 .00000 73313 .00000 73909 · 00000 74505 .00000 75101 .00000 75697 .0000 1 43051 .00 00 FO 00 · 0000 1 04904 00001 43647 .00 00 Fl 00 .00001 05500 .00001 44243 .00 00 F2 00 .0000 1 06096 .00001 44839 .0000 F3 00 .00001 06692 .0000 F4 00 · 0000 I 45435 · 00001 07288 .00001 46031 .00 00 F5 00 .00001 07884 .0000 I 46627 .00 00 F6 00 .00001 08480 .00001 47223 .00 GO F7 00 .00001 09076 .00001 47819 j .00 00 F8 00 .00001 09672 .00001 48415 .00001 10268 . .0000 F9 00 /)0001 490 11 .00 00 FA 00 .00001 !O864 .00001 49607 .00001 11460 .00 00 FB 00 .00001 50203 .00001 12056 .0000 FC 00 .0000 I :::0799 .00001 12652 .0000 FD 00 .0000 1 5135 .0000 1 13248 I' .00 00 FE 00 .OOOOFF 00 ,OGCI()l ~1)91 .:)000113844 ---L ___ .-____ ,__.___ .000030 .00 00 31 .00 00 32 ,00 00 33 .000034 .00 00 35 .000036 .00 00 37 .00 00 38 .0(\ 00 39 ,co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 :")0 3.4. 1)0 JJ 00 3C 00 ,~~ GO :: D GO .,,:0 CO 2E 00 116 Appendix A I I II I .1 ,'jC I)oJ ~,',vo" . SD 00 BE 00 BF 00 Dl 00 .00001 32322 .0000 1 32918 .00001 33514 .0000 1 341 1a .00001 34706 .00001 35302 .00001 35898 .00001 36494 .00001 37090 .00001 37686 .00001 38282 .00001 38878 .00001 39474 ,00001 40070 · JOOO 1 40666 .00001 41263 .00001 41 859 .00001 42455 I I I 1 r_ HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) Hexadec ima I Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadec'mal Decimal .00000000 .00000001 .00000002 .00000003 .00000004 .00000005 .00000006 .00000007 .00000008 .00000009 .00 0000 OA .000000 DB .000000 DC .OOOOOOOD .000000 DE .000000 OF .00000 00000 .00000 00002 .00000 00004 .00000 00006 .00000 00009 .00000 0001 I .00000 000 I 3 .00000 00016 .00000 00018 .00000 00020 .0000000023 .00000 00025 .0000000027 .0000000030 .0000000032 .00000 00034 .00000040 .00000041 .00000042 .00000043 .00000044 .00000045 .00000046 .00000047 .00000048 .00000049 .0000 00 4A .0000004B .00 00 00 4C .0000004D .0000004E .0000004F .00000 00149 .00000 00151 .00000 00 153 .00000 00155 .00000 00158 .00000 00 160 .0000000162 .00000 00 165 .0000000167 .0000000169 .00000 00172 .0000000174 .00000 00176 .00000 00179 .0000000181 .00000 00183 .00000080 .00000081 .00000082 .00000083 .00000084 .00000085 .00 00 00 86 .00 000087 .00000088 .00000089 .0000008A .00 00 008B .0000008C .0000008D .000000 8E .0000008F .00000 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00495 .00000 004 98 .00000 00500 .0000000502 .00000 00505 .00000 00507 .00000 00509 .00000 0051 2 .00000 00514 .00000 0051 6 .00000 0051 9 .00000020 .000000 21 .000000 22 .00000023 .00000024 .000000 25 .00000026 .000000 27 .00000028 .00000029 .000000 2A .0000002B .0000002C .0000002D .0000002E .0000002F .00000 00074 .00000 00076 .00000 00079 .00000 00081 .00000 00083 .00000 00086 .00000 00088 .00000 00090 .00000 00093 .00000 00095 .00000 00097 .00000 00 100 .0000000102 .00000 001 04 .00000 001 07 .00000 00109 .00000060 .00000061 .00000062 .00000063 .00000064 .00000065 .00000066 .00000067 .00000068 .00000069 .00 00 00 6A .0000006B .00 00 00 6C .0000006D .0000006E .0000006F .00000 00223 .00000 00225 .00000 00228 .00000 00230 .00000 00232 .00000 00235 .00000 00237 .00000 00239 .00000 00242 .00000 00244 .00000 00246 .00000 00249 .00000 00251 .0000000253 .00000 00256 .00000 00258 .000000 AD .000000 AI .000000 A2 .000000 A3 .000000 A4 .000000 A5 .000000 A6 .000000 A7 .000000 A8 .000000 A9 .000000 AA .000000 AB .000000 AC .000000 AD .000000 AE .000000 AF .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 00372 00374 00377 00379 00381 00384 00386 00388 00391 00393 00395 00398 00400 00402 00405 00407 .000000 .000000 .000000 .0000 00 .000000 .000000 .0000 00 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 EO EI E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF .00000 00521 .00000 00523 .00000 00526 .00000 00528 .00000 00530 .00000 00533 .0000000535 .00000 00537 .00000 00540 .00000 00542 .00000 00544 .00000 00547 .00000 00549 .00000 0055 I .00000 00554 .00000 00556 .00000030 .00000031 .00000032 .00000033 .00000034 .00000035 .00000036 .00000037 .00000038 .00000039 .0000003A .0000003B .0000003C .0000003D .000000.3E .00 00 00 3F .00000 00111 .0000000114 .0000000116 .00000 00118 .00000 00121 .00000 00123 .00000 001 25 .00000 00 128 .00000 001 30 .0000000132 .00000 001 35 .0000000137 .00000 00139 .0000000142 .00000 00144 .00000 00 I 46 .00000070 .00000071 .00000072 .00000073 .00000074 .00 00 00 75 .00000076 .000000 77 .00000078 .00000079 .0000 00 7A .0000007B .00 00 00 7C .0000007D .0000007E .0000007F .0000000260 .00000 00263 .00000 00265 .00000 00267 .00000 00270 .00000 00272 .0000000274 .00000 00277 .00000 00279 .00000 00281 .00000 00284 .00000 00286 .00000 00288 .00000 00291 .00000 00293 .00000 00295 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .00000 00409 .00000 0041 2 .00000 004 14 .00000 00416 .00000 0041 9 .00000 00421 .00000 00423 .00000 00426 .00000 00428 .00000 00430 .00000 00433 .0000000435 .00000 00437 .00000 00440 .00000 0044 2 .00000 00444 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .OC 00 00 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .00 0000 .000000 .000000 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 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255 511 022 776 552 104 208 40 41 42 43 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 909 454 227 113 494 747 373 686 701 350 675 837 772 886 443 721 928 464 232 616 237 118 059 029 915 957 478 739 039 519 759 379 062 531 765 882 5 25 625 812 5 17 35 70 140 592 184 368 737 186 372 744 488 044 088 177 355 416 832 664 328 44 45 46 47 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 056 028 014 007 843 421 210 105 418 709 854 427 860 430 715 357 808 404 202 601 014 007 003 001 869 434 717 858 689 844 422 711 941 970 485 242 406 703 351 675 281 562 1 125 2 251 474 949 899 799 976 953 906 813 710 421 842 685 656 312 624 248 48 0.000 000 000 000 49 0.000 000 000 000 50 0.000 000 000 000 51 0.000 000 000 000 003 001 000 000 552 776 888 444 713 356 178 089 678 800 839 400 419 700 209850 500 250 125 062 929 464 232 616 355 677 338 169 621 810 905 452 337 890 668 945 334 472 667236 625 312 5 656 25 328 125 InIT 1.1«72 98858 "9400 1.2500 CMBF 2.71828 18284 590t45 2.B7El 5163 0.36787 9«11 71«2 0.5E20 5809 ..Je 1.64872 12707 00128 I.A612 98E2 loglOe 0.43429 44819 03252 0.6F20 EC55 log2 e 1.«269 1]15" 7653 -1 0.57721 56649 01533 0.93C" 67E4 -0.54953 93129 81645 -0.8CAE 9BCl .J2 1.41421 35623 73095 1.6A09 E668 In 2 0.69314 71805 59945 O.BI72 17F8 logl02 0.30102 99956 63981 0.4010 40"2 ..JlO 3.16227 76601 68379 3.298B 075C In 10 2.30258 "0929 94Q.46 2. "D76 3777 25 125 562 5 781 25 599 199 398 797 627 254 509 018 370 740 481 963 496 992 984 968 52 0.000 000 000 53 0.000 000 000 54 0.000 000 000 55 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 222 II I 055 027 044 022 511 755 604 925 302 462 151 231 575615 031 308 515 654 257827 628 913 084 042 021 510 726 363 181 590 333 618 166 809 583404 791 702 164 082 541 270 062 031 015 507 5 25 625 812 5 72 144 288 576 057 115 230 460 594 188 376 752 037 075 151 303 927 855 711 423 936 872 744 488 56 0.000 000 000 57 0.000 000 000 58 0.000 000 000 59 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 013 006 003 001 877 938 469 734 787 807 893 903 446951 723 475 814 456 907 228 953614 976 807 755 377 188 094 295 647 823 411 395 697 848 924 851 925 962 481 135 567 783 391 253 626 813 906 906 953 476 738 25 125 562 5 281 25 152 305 611 223 921 843 686 372 504 009 018 036 606 213 427 854 846 693 387 775 976 60 0.000 952 61 0.000 904 62 0.000 808 63 '0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 867 433 216 108 361 737 988 403 680 868 994201 840 434 497 100 420217248 550 547 773 886 443 205 602 801 400 962 240 981 120 490 560 745280 695 347 173 086 953 976 988 994 369 684 342 171 140 570 285 142 118 Appendix A 88963 Y 503 007 014 028 000 000 000 000 ~ InY 4 9 18 36 000 000 000 000 6A89 e e 8 0.003 9 0.00 I 10 0.000 11 0.000 Hexadecimal Value Constant 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 APPENDIX B. REFERENCE DIAGRAMS This appendix contains flow diagrams that are intended to illustrate the major operations involved during the execution of instructions by the SIGMA 6 computer. The flow diagrams are not intended to depict actual computer operati ons and sequences, but the operations and sequences shown are valid representations of the internal computer operations. The symbolic notation used in the flow diagrams is consistent with that used in other portions of this reference manual. The symbolic terms used are: Term Meaning A An internal CPU register used to hold an operand obtained from the general register that is specified by the R field value in the instruction word. AC Access control code - the code used to determine whether or not a slave program operating with the memory map may read from, access instruction from, or write into a specific page of virtual addresses. ADDR Address - any virtua I address. B An internal CPU register used to hold an operand obtained from the ~eneral register that is specified by the value produced by performing a logicalOR between the R field of the instruction and the va lue 1. C An interna I CPU register used to hold an immediate operand obtained from the instruction, or a byte, halfword, or word operand obtained from the memory (or general register) location specified by the effective address of the instruction. For doubleword operations, this register holds the 32 high-order bits of the effective doubleword. D An internal CPU register used to hold the32 loworder bits of the effective doubleword in a doubleword operation. EB Effective byte. EBL Effective byte location. ED Effective doubleword EDL Effective doubl eword location. EH Effective halfword. EHL Effective ha Ifword location. EW Effective word. EWL Effective word location. Instruction register. IA Instruction address. IRA Indi rec t reference address. MA Memory Address - an actua I core memory address. OP Operation code - bits 1-7 of an instruction word. R General register address value. TCC Trap condition code - the code that is used during the EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS DOUBLEWORD (XPSD) instruction. TYPE Memory access type - the following values are used to indicate the reason for accessing memory: o= write 1 = instruction read 2 = operand read WK Write key WL Write lock X Index register designator. NOTES ON BASIC SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTION EXECUTION CYCLE The hexagonal elements in the flow diagram labeled "Memory Contro I" refer to th~ memory request process shown at the right of the basic flow diagram. The memory request process is represented as a subrouti ne with two inputs: an address value (ADDR) and a memory access TYPE, separated by a slash, that correspond to the values shown in the "Memory Control II elements of the basic flow diagram. The circular entry point labeled "TRAP" is a continuation of the circular exit points labeled "Trap X'n''', where n is the appropriate trap location. The triangular entry point labeled "EXU" indicates the point in the basic flow diagram at which an instruction (being executed as an operand of the EXECUTE instruction) is started. The triangular entry point labeled "ANLZ" indicates the point in the basic flow diagram at which the effective address computation for the instruction being analyzed is started; the triangular exit points indicate the completion of the effective address calculation. Appendix B 119 BASIC SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTION EXECUTION CYCLE (1)15-33' (X)13-31- '15-331------, EB - C 2 4-31 0 - C0-23 0- 0 EW-C 0-0 120 Appendix B BASIC SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTION EXECUTION CYCLE (cont.) o yes Appendix B 121 FLOATlNG- POINT INSTRUCTION EXECUTION FLOAnNG-POINT MULnpUCAnON AND DIVISION yes no no 122 Appendix B FLOATING-POINT ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Right shift number with smaller characteristic and increment its characteristic by 1 far each hex place shifted until the characteristics of the numben are equal X'5'- CC yes yes < pastnarmalization ~_ _.....;..:......_ _.... required mare than 2 hex shifts? no Appendix B 123 FLOATING-POINT SHIFT yes yes RIGHT SHIFT lEFT SHIFT no yes Shift fraction risht 1 hex place, fill vacated bit pcIIitions on the left with O's, increment characteristic field by I, and increment shift caunt by one. Shift fraction left 1 hex place, fill vacated bit position on the right with O's, decrement characteristic field by I, and decrement shift count by I. Form the 2's complement of the final floating-point number 0-Ce3 I-CC4 124 Appendix B EDIT BYTE STRING INSTRUCTION EXECUTION Fill - (R)O_7 SA = (R)I3-31 0=(1)12_31 C DA = (Ru 1)0-7 = (Ru 1)13-31 = byte buffer = byte buffer II = digit buffer d. = X'2O' •• ~ X'21' h = X'22' .i = X'23' a IJ Appendix B 125 APPENDIX C. SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTIONS (MNEMONICS) 126 Mnemonic Code Instruction Name Addressing Type Page AD AH AI AIO AND ANLZ AW AWM BAL BCR BCS BDR BIR CALl CAL2 CAL3 CAL4 CB CBS CD CH CI CLM CLR CS CVA CVS CW DA DC DD DH DL DM OS OSA DST DW EBS EOR EXU FAL FAS FDL FDS FML FMS FSL FSS HIO INT LAD LAH LAW LB LCD LCF 10 50 20 6E 4B 44 30 66 6A 68 69 64 65 04 05 06 07 71 60 11 51 21 19 39 45 29 28 31 79 70 7A 56 7E 7B 78 7C 7F 36 63 48 67 10 3D lE 3E IF 3F 1C 3C 4F 6B 1B 5B 3B 72 1A 70 Add Ooubleword Add Halfword Add Immediate Acknowl edge I/O Interrupt (pri vi I eged) AND Word Analyze Add Word Add Word to Memory Branch and Link Branch on Conditions Reset Branch on Conditions Set Branch on Decrementing Register Branch on Incrementing Register Call 1 Call 2 Call 3 Cal14 Compare Byte Compare Byte String Compare Doubleword Compare Halfword Compare Immediate Compare with Limits in Memory Compare with Limits in Register Compare Selective Convert by Addition Convert by Subtraction Compare Word Decimal Add Decimal Compare Decimal Divide Divide Halfword Decimal Load Decimal Multiply Decima I Subtract Decimal Shift Arithmetic Decimal Store Divide Word Edit Byte String Exclusive OR Word Execute Floating Add Long Floating Add Short Floating Divide Long Floating Divide Short optional Floating Multiply Long Floating Multiply Short Floating Subtract Long Floating Subtract Short Halt Input/Output (privileged) Interpret Load Absolute Doubleword Load Absolute Halfword Load Absolute Word Load Byte Load Complement Doubleword Load Conditions and Floating Control Daub Ieword Halfword Immediate, word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Byte Immediate, byte Doubleword Halfword Immediate, word Doubleword Word Word Word Word Word Byte Byte Byte Halfword Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Immediate, byte Word Word Doubleword Word Doubleword Word Doubleword Word Doubleword Word Word Word Doubleword Halfword Word Byte Doubleword Byte 40 39 39 87 Appendix C 46 37 40 43 74 73 73 74 73 74 74 74 74 44 62 45 45 44 46 46 45 49 50 45 57 58 58 42 56 57 57 58 56 42 64 46 73 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 53 86 38 34 33 33 32 33 35 SIGMA 6 INSTRUCTIONS (MNEMONICS) (cont.) Mnemonic Code Instruction Name Addressing Type Page lCFI 02 lCH lCW lD lH LI lM lPSD lRP lS lW MBS MH MI MMC MSP MTB MTH MTW MW OR PACK PlM PlW PSM PSW RD S SD SF SH SIO STB STCF STD STH STM. STS STW SW TBS TDV TIO TTBS UNPK WAIT WD XPSD XW 5A 3A 12 52 22 2A OE 2F 4A 32 61 57 23 6F 13 73 53 33 37 49 76 OA 08 OB 09 6C 25 18 24 58 4C 75 74 15 55 28 47 35 38 41 4E 40 40 77 2E 60 OF 46 load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate load Complement Halfword load Complement Word load Doubleword load Halfword load Immediate load Multiple load Program ~tatus Doubleword } privileged load Register Pointer load Selective load Word Move Byte String Multiply Halfword Multiply Immediate Move to Memory Control (pri v iI eged) Modify Stack Pointer Mod ify and Test Byte Modify and Test Halfword Modify and Test Word Multiply Word OR Word Pack Decimal Dig its Pull Multiple Pull Word Push Multiple Push Word Read Direct (privileged) Shift Subtract Doubleword Shift Floating Subtract Halfword Start Input/Output (privileged) Store Byte Store Conditions and Floating Control Store Doubleword Store Halfword Store Multiple Store Selective Store Word Subtract Word Translate Byte Stri ng Test Device } privileged Test Input/Output Translate and Test Byte String Unpack Decimal Digits Wait - } Write Direct privileged Exchange Program Status Doubleword Exchange Word Immediate, word Halfword Word Ooubleword Halfword Immediate, word Word Ooubleword Word Word Word Immediate, byte Halfword Immediate, word Word Ooubleword Byte Halfword Word Word Word Byte Word Word Word Word Word Word Ooubleword Word Halfword Word Byte Byte Doubleword Halfword Word Word Word Word Immediate, byte Word Word Immediate, byte Byte Word Word Doubleword Word 35 33 33 32 32 32 35 75 77 34 32 61 41 41 77 71 43 43 44 42 46 59 70 69 70 69 80 47 41 48 40 83 36 37 36 36 37 36 36 40 63 87 86 63 59 79 80 75 36 Appendix C 127 APPENDIX D. INSTRUCTION TIMING This appendix shows the timing (in microseconds) for executing individual SIGMA 6 computer instructions under a variety of circumstances. All of the times are based on the assumption that whenever the CPU requests a service cycle from a parti cular memory bank, it never has to wait for such service due to other devices (such as lOPs) that are connected to that memory bank. execution times for some of the possible combinations of memory bank configuration, data placement, and instruction type, where MAX = Time with no memory overlap (i. e., all sequential memory accesses come from the same bank) MIN = Time with complete memory overlap (i. e. I all sequential memory accesses come from a bank not currently busy, that is, the bank being accessed is not being used by the CPU or any external lOP) Execution times depend not only on the nature of the specific instructions, but also on the configuration of memory banks in the system, and the placement of instructions and operands. The following table provides a means of estimating instruction Average Instruction Execution Time Memory Bank Configuration Instructions that utilize byte., ha Ifword, and word addressing Instructions that uti Iize doubleword addressing A II instructions and operands are in the same memory bank MAX MAX All instructions are in one memory bank and all operands are in a different memory bank MIN A II instructions and operands are in two interleaved memory banks 1/2 MAX + 1/2 MIN 1/4 MAX + 3/4 MIN A II instructions and operands are in four interleaved memory banks 1/4 MAX + 3/4 MIN 1/8 MAX + 7/8 MIN All instructions are in one memory bonk and all operands are in two interleaved memory banks. (Both operand memory banks are different from instruction memory bank.) Basic timing information is summarized in the following two tables. A dash entry for any item indicates a non-applicable or impossible condition for the instruction. Special notes (identified by numbers in the II Notes" column are given at the end of the table to which they apply. Table D-1 shows the execution times for instructions under the most common conditions that the user can expect to encounter in his program. Table D-2 shows the additional times that must be added to the basic times if (1) the instruction performs a register-to-register operation (i. e., accesses one or more of the genera I registers for an operand(s) or a direct address} or (2) the register pointer in the current program status doubleword selects one of the register blocks in the range from X I 4 1 through X l l P (4 through 31 decimal). The times given in Table D-2, where the instruction performs a register-to-register operation, assume the following conditions. 1. The CPU is operating in the mapping mode with one memory bank so that no memory overlap occurs. 2. All instructions are in core memory. 128 1,12 MAX + 1/2 MIN Appendix D MIN MIN 3. In the case of an instruction with a direct address, its operand is in one or more of the general registers. For a push-down instruction with a direct address, however, its stack pointer doubleword is in the general registers and the stack is in core memory. 4. In the case of an instruction with an indirect address, the indirect reference is to one of the general registers, which contains the direct address of the operand. The resultant virtual address is assumed to be a core memory address. For a push-down instruction with an indirect address, therefore, both the stack pointer doubleword and the stack are assumed to be in core memory. The timing data given below are for a typical system. A specific CPU may vary by up to ±1O% of the times shown. For Jarge core memory configurations, an additional. 1 I-Isec per memory access may be encountered due to added cable lengths. Table D-1. Basic Instruction Timing No Memory Overlap Maximum Memory Overla) Notes Mnemonics Indirect Direct No Index No Index +,----t---- - I"dex Index Indirect Direct No Index Index No Index - R~ 0 AID --------.------ - 6. 1 AND -.32 . ~_ _ _ _ .,-___ AW 6. 1 .. _2_.6____2_9 No Index 2 :.-6 6. I ~~-~~-~: 2.0 6. I 2.7 6.7 2.9__ 6.7 U .., ~.! __ I f_-2.O 2.7 2.9 3.3 3. : 3.8 2.4 4.0 3.0 4.4 3.0 2 .. -------. r--------~ ..----i---------..--- - r - - - . - - - - l - - - - - _ + - - - - - - - . - f - - 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.7 2.0 2.4 Indirect Direct Index No Index Index No Index 3.6 2.5 3.2 3.4 I Index 3.8 _:::-~~ ~:~(~~-;;-~-+ :: , 6. I 6. 1 6.7 -'~2i3:. '.1 , 6.7 2.6 •.• i 6. I 6. 1 t :~ /3.6 2.3 3.8 2.9 4.2_ 2.9 1.6 1.8 2.3 3.3 0.9 1.5 1.8 2.9 2.3 ____ __ ~ 2.6 3.9 2.8 2.9 <.S_ _~ _ _:~_r-_2.~___ ~_-+~~~ 3.6 6.7 '.1 1.4 2.2 I 2.2 2.8 ----+------- 6.7 2 --31..5 ---+-3 . : _ . _ 2.4 2 i 1------- f__- 2.2 .- BCR branch 1.0 Ii BCR no branch 2.0 ~._6____ 3._0_ _+-3-.-3-+--2-.-1--+--2-.8----3.-1-~-3-.-5--~_1_._9_~-2-.5----2.-8-_+-3-.-1--~-2-.-0-_+-2-.-7----2-.9-_+-3._3_~ BCS branch 1.0 !I -------T------------- ; 1.6 4_~-3.-0-.--3. 3 ~~ __ -~~~--~~--~-- .._____~3-.-3-+_ •. 1 ------r-32·.-03---L=-2·.~3---=--2·.99---~2·.-92 Index No Index __1>---2-. ._---_.-+------1,-- 6.7 03-13~.69 ---~ . 93 I 2.0 ---BAA"!l~- 6. 7 Indirect Direct Index ~-~- ~~--- ~~--+--4.-2--+--2-.-9--+- 3_._7____3_._9_+-_4_.3_ .~----_+-------r----:-:-o-------4·-R--iO=::-~~9 . 7.' :::: Map No Map Map No Map 0.9 --------+---~------.~----~--_+------+_--_+---+_------~--~ no branch· BCS 2.0 2.0 o. 9 1. 5 3.0 3.3 2.1 2.8 3.1 3.5 1. 9 i 2.5 2. 8 3. 1 2.0 2. 7 2.9 3.3 1. 7 2.4 2.4 1. 4 1. 8 2.4 2.5 1. 4 1. 7 2.3 2.3 1.4 1.8 2.3 2." 2.3 1.0 1.7 2.0 2.4 1. 8 2. 2 o. 9 i J 1. 4 BDR branch ----- BDR no branch J 1.6 2.6 ~---~.------I__--+_------------~--_4---+_------__I-----~--~----------------1---- 1. 6 2.3 1.8 ----------+----~ ---+---------+-----4---+_-------If_---~---f_------_+----I__---_+-------+---~ 2.4 2.- 3.4 3.4 2.5 2.9 3.5 3.6 2.3 12.6 3.2 3.2 2.4 2.8 3.4 i' 3.4 ~-----~------~---~-------------+----+------- !~ ____ b_ro_nc_~____ ~~~~-~.!-------~~~---2-.4---_+-1.-4-_+--1.-8----2-._4_+-_2_.5_---t_1_.4_--+!_1._7_.__2_._3_+_2_.3__---t_1_.4_-+_1._8___ BIR 2.3 i 2.4 ~ ---3.-4-l~.4 2.5 2.9 3.5 3.6 2.3 2.6 3.2 3.2 2.4 2.8 3.4 I 3.4 __ ~ _--+-=:-~_~_3___ 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3. 2 3.2 3. 2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 I 3.2 3.3 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.6 1.5 2.2 2.4 no branch CAL 1-4 2. 4 r--~~--f-------r-~.-~CBS 2 -t' ~~-- -~-- -~~-f_~- .j:~N -- 2.9 3.6 ~___ 2._9_ +::~N +;:~N 2.9 +::~N r-------f-------I-----+----------f_--I----i----------------if_----+------ii-------~---_t---_+_------i__-__I CD 3.4 3.8 3.6 2.5 3.2 3.9 4.2 2.9 3.7 2.4 3.0 3.3 3.9 4.3 - - - - - f - - - - - - - - + - - - - - f - - - - - - - - f - - - _ + - - - t - - - - - - _ + - - ----+-----+-------I--------t 2.4 2.9 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.4 12.0 2.3 2.6 t---.---r-------~-- CH 2.0 2.6 r-------I----- CI :--__ 1. 9 ~;:;,--- ~--,~-- ~--= ~ ___~__ _ ~L~:~ 3.0 17.1 tD.6N 117.1 ! .Q.6N DA DC -~~.----_+_----!__-------_+---~ -- 1.9 >-;:;-- -;;--;:;- .;-- -, . 7,- - 3:3- 3.' 17.6 ~0.6N 17.6 +0.6N f_----- .-35. 2 17.1 +0.7N 17.1 +O.7N ~0.7N 17.8 38.4 38.5 f---~--f__---~- - -.. - --- 17.8 +0.7N f------- 17.1 +O.5N 17.1 +O.5N 17.3 to.6N - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. 17.3 17.3 17.2 17.2 .0.7N +O.7N +O.6N +O.6N - - - f-----"1i-----------+-----I 36.7 36.6 33. 7 36. 8 36.7 33.2 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.6 1.5 2.2 2.4 2.9 20.6 20.6 19.2 19.2 20.0 20.0 19.4 19.4 ::.:O--r~:~--;~:-:-~--- ~::~~ _:_:~ -~~:-7- ~::D ~::o ~::D ~::o ~::D 20.6 +0.30 20.6 +0.30 ::::0 +0.30 +0.30 ~::o I ~::~D 12.8 , 12.8 -'0.30 +0.30 +0.30 I+0.30 -----+-----1 30.8 +O.8K 31.4 +O.8K 31.4 +0.8K 11:S--- 12.5 19.2 I .0.30 20.0 .0.30 20.0 +0.30 19.4 +0.30 ---~---.---------- .!:!..__ 19.4 +0.30 +0.30 +0.30 33. 7 ----------- +0.30 +0.3D +0.30 12.4 113.0 13.4 ~113.7 12.4 30.8 31.4 31.4 +0. 8K ____ ~~__ +0.8K 13.2 13.4 13.8 29.7 +0.8K j29.7 +O.8K 30.3 +O.8K . 30.3 +O.8K 30.8 +O.8K ::A -- - - oST 6 ~.:3~Nti+~._~__~.30_+~~~~ ,~._3~_ +O.~__ +~~~__ 612 __ ~_4~N 61.2 61.8 \' 61.8 62.3 ~._4~~ _~_~~~_ ~~~4D~ ~~4~ 62.3 62.9 62.9 61.2 12.0 to. 70 11.3 +0.7D 61.2 61.8 61.8 .~~~_ ~_~_~~o~ _+O.4~~ ~~~~~:~~ __ ~4DN -t 12.0 +O.7D 11.3 +0.70 12.1 .0. 70 12.5 +0.3~___ ~~-~--tO.3~-~~-~~---~~--~0.30-- ~0.3~ __ ~------+-------------._i---- ---- -------- -.--- .. - - - - - - - , - - - - - /".3 i .0.70 13.7 +0.30 -- ~:o ~-:O~§.!O-~!O- _~~c:~o_~:o_ ~:o 11.3 +0. 70 I ~U- Q-0---~3 ~---~~-1--13.3 ~--- - 4 - - ~~~~--_r~~;----1-2~~--11~4--~- -~;~~--tl~·~--~-;~-- 12.5~;~;--~~~~--~~~--- ~2~;-- --;-~ OM ___ 3.8 33. 2 38.4 ~------- ~:~_~~ __ f_--2..:~ +0: ______________ 3.4 3.3 ------.------ -.---. 29.7 l29.7 30.3 30.3 30.8 ___ .. _________ ~. 8K _ ~~.~~ __ 8K .. ~ I~:~~__ +0.8K DH 3.2 17.3 .0.6N -------+-----------'--------- ------- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - ----.- - . - - - - - ---------- 2.5 3-.-1--_+--1-.8---+-2.-6-----2-.-8--+-3-.-2--1 2.9 ----f~ 19.2 ---_._-- I -- . 4~~ ~·-=-_~_+2~ ____ ~~__ ~~_f_~-~-~~8---- ~~_~--~--.-7----3-.-9---+--4.-3---I ___2.0_!_~~ ___ - 1. 8 38.5 --- -- - CW - - _~__~___ ~ ____~. ~ _ _2~_ ~.~3____ ~~_____ ~~_ ------ --------+-----------34. 7 i 34. 7 35. 2 CVS ---_.- DO 'l' ,- ~=;. 0 _t6_~~2. 9_ CVA - - - - - ----- r3.'3 i 2.0 12.1 +0.70 62.3 +0.4oN 62.3 +O.4DN 62.9 +O.4oN 62.9 +O.4DN :·:0 ::0 ::0 ::0 ::0 ::0 ::0 ::0 -------< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ----------------~- 11.3 +0. 70 11.3 +0.70 11.3 +0.70 12.0 +0.70 12.0 to. 70 11.3 +0. 7D 12.1 +0.70 I 12.1 I +0.7D Appendix D 129 Table D-1. Basic Instruction Timing (cont. ) No Memory Overlap Maximum Memory Ovedop No Map - - - --Direct Indirect Direct f---- - r - - - -- - - r' No No No Mop No Mop Mop -- - - - - - - - - - r-----------,.--------i Indirect Direct Indirect Direct Indirect ---- - - - - - - ----_t----.----\ No No No No No Index Index --."'-- i DW 13.8 :;5 _-_ ~j" '-__ EOR _ EXU 19 - 1.8 2.~ _ _ 2.~+ 1. 1.6 3.0 I.B .__ 2.5 2.~ 31 14 2.2,2.2 18 22 2.4 I t - 1 20 23 126 15 2 2 2 4 2.9 1.6 2.1 2.2 1.3 1.8 2 2 2.4 r ~---~~---+----+----.~--~ I:: -- ,:; ,:; ,::' ,:: ,:: ,:: ,:; !,:L ,:; ,:: ,:: ,:: j~:-:~: _!~LtYPir.alj'12 FASmin ------ r I FAS max 5.0 5.5 ___ ~___ ~ ___ ~~r-~.7 6.0 10 3.3 3.9 4.2 4.2 11 B.2 8.9 9.1 4.6 3.3 4.0 B.2 9.0 --- - - " --.--.- ·----1 _~~ty~~co~J~2 9.5 -. ---.---- -----.-----. __ ~O__ 4.6 4.9 5.3 FDLmin 113,14 254 261 26.4 126.7 FDL r1I- 34 7 r- 35 .. 12 4 r;3 ;--- 6.4 5.0 4.7 3.3 ------1---9. I 9.6 B.2 ~---r--" 4._0__ ~_4.7 5.5 5.9 3.9 4.2 ----- .---8.9 9. I ,::--'~~-+-I-:-.--:--t-I-:-'~---I 6.1 5.1 5.7 6.0 6.4 4.6 3.3 4.0 4.2 4.7 9.5 8.2 9.0 9. I 9.6 -----.-.-----t----.,.---f----+---_+_--~ 4.9 5.4 4.0 4.6 4.9 5.3 4.0 4.7 4.9 27.0 26.B 25.4 26.1 26.-4 26.7 25.5 261 270 - -35.4 36.3 36.1 34.7 35.4 35.7 36.0 - -13.4 :-;;...-- 5.4 -.-f--- ma~- FDS min f-- - 13,14 I - 35 7 13~ ~I 36.0 255 34 B -~3- 7 -- -~2 4 26.1 r-~~:~"-- t~=~-~-!~~6- ~~;---~~-- _17-;~= ~~.-;FMlmin 13,14 9.1 f - - .--- --.- - - - - . 9.8 10.0 10.4 9.2 13. B -.. 12.4 -;7.6 17.6 IB.-;;- 10.0 10.2 10.6 13.3 - - ~3~~T 16.61-;.~-- -;~~--9.1 9.8 10.0 34.8-- 35:4 36:3t36~I-- ~2.-i-- ;3~.4--- 13:~- 13.7 26B -tru-- -1-7-.9--+--16-.·-6-+-17-.-6-+-1-7-.6--t-I-B-.O- - I 10.4 9.2 10.0 10.2110.6 ----t--__j----t----+--__jc----+_---~r_---_+_--_t---+---- - - - ----- ----- 14.7 15.4 15.6 16.0 14.8 15.6 IS.8 16.2 14.7 15.4 15.6 16.0 14.8 15.6 15.8 16.2 - - - -..-- .... - - . - - - - - - + - - - + _ - - - + - - - - I , - - - + _ - - - - t - - - f - - - - + - - - + - - - f - - - - + - - - - f - - - + - - - - + - -....-+----1 2 FMLmox" f----.-- ::~ ~;;j ~,,,-::. ..~_:_.-_. ~~~__ I 10 F5lmax fil __ :_~ _+-.:__: +-_:_:_:_+-.1_:_::--+-::-:-+-:-:-:-_+-:-:-:-_+_1-:-::_ _ +_:._.:_.+_:_:_:_+ __:_:_:_+-1_: __: 0_ :_+_::_:_+_:_:_:_+1_:_: ~-4-.-1-+_-4-.-7-~-5-.0-_+_-5.-3-~-4-.-2-~-4-.-9-4--S-.-1._t--_5._5_-+_4_._I_+_-4-.-7-t---5-.0-~-S-.3--+-4-.--2 ~_4_._9_+_-5-.I-_t-S-.-5--I 13.7 14.2 14.6 14.8 13.8 14.4 14.7 15.1 13.7 14.2 14.6 14.8 13.8 14.4 14.7 IS.I ~;yp.;~'t_'2~=-_. ~.-.~--5-.5--+-5-.-9-+-6.-.-1-4_-5-.-1-_+_-5-.7-_+-6.-0-+-6_._4_~-5-.-0-+_-5-.5-+-5.-9-+_-6-.-1-~-5-.-1-_+_-5-.7-_t-6._0 _+-6-.-4-~ - ~min _ ~ _ _ .. _~~--+_-4.-2-~-4-.-6-;--3-.-3-+_-4-.0-_+-4.-2-_r-4-.-7_-r. _3_._3_ _+_-3-.9-~-4.-2-+-4-.-6-+-3-.-3. --+_-4-.0-_t-4-.2_-+_4_._7_-1 __ F5S mox I 11 8.2 8.9 9. I 9.5 8.2 9.0 9. I 9.6 8.2 8.9 9. I 9. 5 8.2 9.0 9. I 9.6 f__---_+-------- - - - - -..----~--~----_+---+---_+---;---1_--_+_--_+---+_--_;---t__--+_--_+-----1 FSS typical 12 4.0 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.9 5.3 4.0 4.0 4.6 4.9 5.3 4.0 4.7 4.9 5.4 5.4 - -- ~----4------+_----_+----~f------_r----_+----~r-----~------~----+_----_+------~----~ r--'HIO R = even,/O 9.7 9.7 10.3 10.3 9.7 9.7 9.4 9.5 10.. 3 10.3 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.5 10. I 10. I ~-.- .. - -- -+-----1--.-- ------.-.- HIO R = odd - - - - r'--'--'-HIO R= 0 8.3 f----- 7. I 8.3 - - - . -- 7. I 8.9 8.9 8.3 8.3 8. 9 8.9 8.3 8.3 8.9 8.9 8.3 8.9 8.3 8.9 -f-.---+_---_t---f---_t----f----;----+---_+----+_------if__---+---_+-----f__---I 7.7 7.7 7. I 7. I 7.7 7. I 7.7 7.7 7. I 7.7 7.7 7.7 7. I 7. I -----------+--------+-----r-----~----_r----_t------f__----1_----1_----~------i-----,f__----+_----_t----_+------+-----1------1 INT 2.4 3.0 3.4 3.6 2.5 3.2 3.4 3.8 2.3 2.9 3.2 3.5 2.4 3. I 3.3 LAD 3.4 4.0 4.3 4.6 3.4 4.2 4.4 4.8 3. I 3.7 4.0 4.3 3.2 3.9 4.2 4.6 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 3. I 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2..7 2.9 3.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 3. I 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.8 2.4 2. 7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 i LAH LAW LB l 1 ~------ LCD 3..7 3. I --------T-----+_----_1----~f__----_r----_1------~----_+------~----+_----4-----_+------~----+------t__----~----~ LCF 2.9 3.6 3.9 4.2 2.9 3.7 3.9 4.3 2.4 3.0 3.3 3.6 2.S 3.2 3.4 3.8 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.1 LCFI 1.3 LCH 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.1 LCW 2.0 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3. 3 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.1 LD 2.9 3.6 3.9 4.2 2.9 3.7 3.9 4.3 2.4 3.0 3.3 3.6 2.5 3.2 3.4 3.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 f----------4--------i-----1------~----_+------r-----1_----__jf__----r_----~----_+------r_----_r------r_----~---_+------+_----1 LH 2.0 Ll 1.3 LM 15 2.3 +1.0N 2.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.9 3.3 1.4 2.3 +LON 3.0 +1. ON 3.0 +1.0N 2.4 +1. IN 1.8 2.4 2.7 3.0 2.4 +1. IN 3.0 +1.IN 3.0 +1. IN 2.2 +1.0N 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.1 2.3 +I.IN 2.8 +LIN 2.8 +LIN 1.4 1.3 2. 2 +1. ON 2.8 +1. ON 2.8 +1. ON 2.3 +1. IN f-----.----.---------r-----r-----+----_+------+------+------f-----+_----_t------f------+_-----+------+----_r----__if__----~----~ lPSD 4.4 4.4 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.7 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.7 5.2 5.2 3.4 2.3 3.0 3.2 3.6 ~------------1-----1-----__ir_----+_-----~----__i~----_r----_+------r_----4_----_+-- LRP 130 2. 2 Appendix D 2.8 3. I 3.4 2. 3 3.0 3. 2 3.6 2. 2 2.8 3. I Table D-l. Basic Instruction Timing (cont. ) No Memory Overlap Maximum Memory Over;"p No Map Notes Mnemonics Direct Indirect No - - , - No Index 3.4 ;~: ~N MBS byte 4.2 +3,4N Index Index Index Index --:;;--- Index Index -- --- --- --- I - - 4.4 to.8N - - , - - Index - - 4.3 t3.4N 4. 2 to. aN 3,4 -;.-; -- 3.8 MH 4.8 4.4 4.7 ~M-M_:-:--+R-I-O--~~ 5.3 3.1 +3. IN 4.8 3.8 5.1 --- ii - - I ------+ 3.9 4.7 4.9 5.3 ! -------+---------+---- I 3.1 +3. ON t ~;gl~-~~-----;r---:-:-~---'~--:-:-~--~---~-~----~-:-:-~-:-:-:-~-:-:-:-~-:-::---+:-:-::--+il--:-:-~! ! --c--- ~:_:_- :~-(::-=tIl~:--tit:___~c~~_ :: :: :: :~t:: . _M_:__:_: __ I' 5.1 3.0 +2.9N ----+-- r- ---t-- 4.4 to.8N ------- 3.~- 2.4' ------- 5.0 - - - - - - . - - - c-------- - - - - - i -;-; 4.3 +3.4N -----------c--.-.--- 5.1 -===±::::===--==+=====1 -;~- ~~- ------ 4.9 - - - - - - - - - - f - - - -- MI 5.0 I - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - -~~- --3.0 MMC 15 +3.0N Index 3.3~±tt±i5 39 4.2 +3.4N 3.9 5. I I Index : Index Index 2.6 - - --1------ ---~'----+-----~I- Indirect -N~-T-- Index --- - - - - - - t 3.7 - - -- -- - - - - -- - - Direct ,-------N--;;-- ----f---N;;--i--- --- No --f--- Indirect 3.7 2.6 3.3 3.5 3.9 2.5 3.1 3. 0-- -~;_r__;-;_ ~- ~ r-~7- ~- -----r----+----- MBS word Direct No --- - - 2.5 3.1 ---------;r--1.-8-- "2.~- LW Indirect No Map No Map Direct IndeXr~ndex Index - - c-- - - lS Map :_:__-+_:_:_--.i_:_:__ _:___-+ 4.1 ~-:_'~:~ -i + I; _ : _ : ____-_:', MTW RIO 3.8 ,4.2 MTW R~ 0 3.4 3.8 6.0 6.5 MW 2.2 2.4 2_ 8 12 . 0 itO.6N ; 12.8 +0.6N 12.8 +0 6N OR PACK 16 1--_ _ _ _+--____ +-tO_._6_~_ .._ PLM +~.~N_l~.:.6-~_+ ':?..:.6f\J._~~~~_+ to.6N ,.. -1-1------,;:-t'::15 10.0 10.0110.8110.8 +1 ON l1.0N I t1.0N ! 'LON , 10.5110.5 +1 IN t1.1N to.6N to.6N 12.0 +O.6N +0.6N to.6N i +0.6N 11.! +1. IN 11.1 +1 IN 9.5 +ION 9.5 +10N 10.0 +10N I '~----1-- i10.0 +1 ON i' 12.0 to.6N 1 10.2 +1.0N i 10.2 : +1.0N +---~ , 10.7 -1. IN ~:--+5 -_'::_-'~~- ~-11~~--~;;- ~~:---~~-+I~:-+~::: -f~~-~~~ :1:.: I~:: I------Jt--------- T1.0N PSW! +I~_ r~:-~~ ~~_~~~I ON 9.8 i 9.8 110.5 i 10.5 I ...r--------RO- ---.-+j-nt-e-rn-a-,- - t 2:' external RO 17 S left 18 2.8 2.5 _+ 1}8 I Srih, 9 50 118 2.1 L--- _~._:N__ i .. G SF If ISingle 9.3 9.3 3. 1 2.5 3 ,4 2.8 3. 1 3.4 I 2.83,4 2.8! 1 +1.0N 9,8 9.8 9.8 ; 9.9 : 10.5 [10.5 2.5 3. 1 3. 1 2.5: 2 5 : 3. 1 I 3 I 2.8 1 3.4 3. 4 2.8 I 3.4 1 i 2.8 : 3_4 ~:~~--I +_0~4~_c--::<>,4~_11:0,4~_ _tO'4N _~4~_+~:_~_1 to.~~ ~~:~~--+_'~~~~_~_:I'J 2.2 i 2.2 2.8 2.8 2. I 2.8 1 2. 8 2.2 1 2. 2 2.9 2.9 2.1 1 2. I I 2.7 2. 1 1 '" to_'.~~__ ~~2~_li.02N"'. 2N . r : ' N . - c:C·.2N- ."'~_ ~"'-t 3.6 2.6 ,0.2N 10.9 10.9 II::: +1.0~~: +0.8N I i .1.0N 10.7 +1. 1 N I 2.7 2.1 2.8 2.2 i 2.1 ! 2.2 : 2.7 +1.0N : +O,4N ! 2.7 -~~~-J:-~:-~r:..- -~~~--t.~~~~r:.- _~~~ _~~~_(~.~~_++O:-~r:.--, ~~ _I~_ ~~_+_~~-~O~~-j~ +2.1 2.9 to.8N 10.~~ 2.5 _ I to.8N +1. ON 1- 3~ ~-, I 3.4 +O.9N +1.0N 3. 1 +0.41''---t-0~~I'~__L~.4N__ L- ~:4N 2. I I 2. I I 2.7 I 2.7 r---------L---- .0. I~__ ~ +O~~N__ j +1.0N I 3.9 4.2 2.6 3.2 " ' . " ' , 0 . 2N 3.2 I'0.2N I 2.9 3.7 2.7 2.7 '0. 2'#tO.2N 2" 3.9 4.3 2.4 3.0 3.3 +0.2N 3.3 +0.2N 2.6 -+{).2N 2.6 +0.2N 4.7 4.7 4.0 4.0 4.6 to.6N 4.6 to.6N 3.8 +O.6N 3.8 to.6N , 2. 8 ~. 2N I 3.3 "'. " ' _ : 0 '" 3.6 2.5 3.2 +0.2N 2.7 to.2N 4.6 4.6 ~~_:~ ____~~+ +{).2N_ TO.2N 4. +0.2N I 3.2 J +0. 2N i ,0. 2N 3.2 'I l 2.7 +0. 2N 12.9 ,"'. 2N 12.9 ~ i 3.4 ! ! 3.3 I iTO. 2N 3.8 3.3 +O.2N ~~--i;j;~~ +~:_:N ~-~~_l_:-,~-._-.-r_~. ;~=l:N_£:;~J:cl~J:-c:rrN-c-~:N +_~:~N_·t~;N- ~:NI i'~~N1 I I 4. I ~.~_~- ~:~N _ SF left double SF . h rig t Idouble r---~-- :: 510 STB 119 3.8 +0.6N 3.8 to.6N 4.6 ~~~ u.6 _ +O.2N __ 4.4 to.6N 4.4 +O.6N I 4. I 4. +~~:~---t' +~3_~. __ ~!~_ ~O..:~ 3.9 to.6N I 3.9 to.6N 4.4 to.6N 4.4 +{).6N 3.9 to.6N ::::",~':: 1: :~jl_~=_;:~l'~ :~ ~~[:T~;f; J;~;_ci~ ~~±--i;-;,:- ': 'R~O _ _ 7.1 3.0 'sTcF'-- ------ -3.-0 5TD '., II 4.0 4.0 to.2N ___to.2~_ 7.1 ~~ 3.0; 3.6 3.0 3:6---1-3.'6-- 3.-6----;.6 ____ 7.7 ___ 13.6 7.1 3.1 r-~:-~---l~:~ I~__ ~~__+~~ 3.1 3.7 3.7 2.9 2.9 i .0.2N I 3.9 i to.6N 4. I ,4. 7 +0.2N! +O.2N 4 . 6 , 4.6 ,to.6N I TO.6N ::-1 : : : : _7.7 7.7 7.1 7.1-+-;~~~ 3.5 13.5 3.0 3.1 3.0 3. I i -3.I--~-- '---3.7-- -3. i- c--- 2. 9 --~+i5I3. 5 3.I,! 3.7 3.6!-~ -~~~---t 4.-;-·3.-;----;~;---~~_;_--___z;-- 3.2-;;-1-~;-l--;-·7-- -;.-5----r--;-~- r---;~;-j--;:-;- Appendix D 131 Table D-l. ~ I I ''',,~..,onics' Basic Instruction Timing (cont.) ~------------~--------~~~--M-a-x-im-u_m_M_e~m-or-y-O-v-e-rla-p----------------~ D-;"~;_~C~_op Ind;~-'----Di-re-c-t--M-,a,p--In-di-re-c-t----+--D-j-re-c-t--N-O~--dj-r-e-C-'----t----D;-re-c-'--M-rap---In-di-re--c-,- - _N_o_M_e_m,o_'y_o_v_e_rl_ap____ Noles I - - -- N-;;-- ------f--~,- No No No No No No Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Inde" Index Index 3.0 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.1 3.1 3.7 3.7 2.8 2.8 3.5 3_9 3.0 3.0 3.6 4.0 2.2 ,1.0N 2.2 +1.0N 2.-S +1. ON 2.8 tl.ON 2. 1 + 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.7 1.6 1.3 FSL 2.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 O.B 0.6 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 1.5 1.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 r--------1---+--_1--+_-~~-;_---_+---;---~----_+--_; AW 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 FSS A'V/M 2.2 1.6 ' 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 HIO t---.--I------+---+----+--+---+------jf----+---t---~I-__I BAl OJ 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 INT 1.4 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.6 LAD 2.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 0.4 D.3 0.8 0.6 LAH 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.6 LAW 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 LB 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.6 LCD 2.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.3 O.B 0.6 LCF 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 BCR branch BCR no blanch 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.3 BCS branch 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.4 BCS no branch 2.5 1.9 1.3 1.3 BDR blanch 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.4 BDR nob,allch BIR branch .'-'--- - - -- - I - - ----- ----..--+----_+--+_--+----1 2.4 2.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.6 LCFI 0.1 --------+------4----~--_+-----~--_1~----~--~----~----+_--~ BIR no branch 2.4 2.1 CAL 1,2,3,4 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 LCH 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 LCW 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 O.B 0.6 -----.-i----+_-_1--~--_+--;_---.~I--_+_---+_--+_--~ CB CBS 1.2 1.4 1.3 24 0.6 0.6 0.7/'J LO 2.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 LH 1.2 0.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 1------ CD , 22 1.4 1.2!'2 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 r-C-H----+-·-----t--l:-3-4--0.-6-+--1.-3-4--'-.2-+------+--0-.4-+--0.-3-+--0-.8--r-O-.6~ LI 0.1 ~-----+----~---+---~---~--.----+-----+---+--------- LM 0.8N r--.--- -----+----t--f---+---- -.--~--.+----+----~--~ 0.8N 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 LPSO I.B 1.8 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 ~-C-LM-----+_---_~-I-.-5_+-1-.-2~_I-.-2-_i-1.--2-+__----+--0-.4-+--0._3_+__0-.8--r-0-.6~ LRP 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 ~-C-LR-__+_-----t--l-._3__+-0-._7-+-_i-.4-- i 1.4 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.4 0.7 1.5 '.5 0.4 0.3 O.B 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.4 CI 0.4 0.3 O.B 0.6 LS 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 LW 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MBS 27 0.2N 28 0.3N CVA 30 1.4 I 1.3 I 1.4 CVS 30 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1.4 CS 0.7 1.3 0.7 MBS CW 1.3 0.6 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 MH OA 0.10 0.10 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MI DC 0.10 0.10 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MMC 1.5 0.6 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.8N 0.6 ~---+_--~--+_-~-·--+_--+---·~-~---+_--~c--- ~-D-D--~~----+_-3.-5-+-3-.-5+-1-.5-.t-l-.)---~-----1-0-.-4-+-_0_.4~f--O.-7_+-0.-7~ DH 1.5 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 MSP MTB RIO 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 DL 0.10 0.10 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MTB R=O 1.5 0.8 i.5 1.5 OM 3.5 3.5 1.5 j .5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MTH RIO 2.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 OS O.lD 0.10 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 OJ MTH R=O 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 MTW RIO 2.4 1.7 '.5 1.5 R=O 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.0 I------~----+--+--_+_--+_--t-----~--+---+--~-~ o 1.4 L4 OSA -------+----+---+----+--- ---0.30 0.30 1.5 1 .5 DST ow EBS 1.5 25 0.8 1.4 1.4 0.7 1.4 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 ---I-----+-------1~-_+-__I OAN 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 MTW 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 MW 0.3 0.8 0.6 OR 0.3 1.4 0.7 ~------+_----_r----+_--_+----t---_+------+---_+----+_----~--- EOR 1.4 0.4 PACK O.2N 0.2N 1.5 3.2 3.2 1.1 ~.-~r_.--~--_+----+_-_+--~f--_+_---+--_1--__i EXU 26 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 26 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 PLM '.5 0.4 0.4 0 .1-, 0.7 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 Appendi X D 133 Table D-2. ! 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