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Xerox 550 Computer Reference Manual 90 30 77A Xerox Corporation 701 South Aviation Boulevard EI Segundo, California 90245 213 679-4511 XEROX Xerox 550 Computer Reference Manual FIRST EDITION 90 30 77A February 1974 Price: $6.50 Printed In ~.S.A. RELATED PUBLICATIONS Title Publication No. Xerox Symbol/LN,OPS Reference Manual 90 1790 Xerox Meta-Symbol/LN,OPS Reference Manual 900952 Xerox Macro-Symbol/LN,OPS Reference Manual 90 1578 Manual Content Codes; BP - batch processing, LN - language, OPS - operations, RP - remote processing, RT - real-time, SM - system management, TS - time-sharing, UT - utilities. ii CONTENTS l. 2. Instruction Exception Trap Power On Trap Power Off Trap Processor Detected Fau It Flag Register Altered Bit XEROX 550 COMPUTER SYSTEM Introduct i on General Characteristics Standard and Opti ona I Features Genera 1- Purpose Fea tures Time-Sharing Features Rea 1- Time Features Multiuse Features Multiprocessor Features Multiprocessor Interlock Multiport Memory System Manual Partitioning Capability Multiprocessor Control Function Shared Input/Output 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 SYSTEM ORGANIZATION 8 Processor C Ius ters System Control Processor Basic Processor General Registers Memory Control Storage Computer Modes Information Format Information Boundaries Instruction Register Main Memory Memory Unit Maintainability and Performance Virtual and Real Memory Types of Addressing Memory Address Control Program Status Words Centra Iized Interrupts States of an Interrupt Level Dialogue Between the Basic Processor and the Interrupt System During an InterruptEntering Sequence Dialogue During an Interrupt-Exiting Sequence Physical Organization Interrupt Groups Control of the Interrupt System Single-Instruction Interrupts Trap System Trap Entry Sequence Trap Addressing Trap Condition Code Nonallowed Operation Trap Push-Down Stack Limit Trap Fixed-Point Overflow Trap Floating-Point Arithmetic Fault Trap Watchdog Timer Runout Trap Programmed Trap CALL Instruction Trap Hardware Error Trap 8 8 8 8 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 16 17 19 26 28 30 30 32 32 32 32 35 36 36 36 36 39 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 43 3. 43 44 44 44 45 INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE 46 Load/Store Instructions LI LB LH LW LD LCH LAH LCW LAW LCD LAD LAS LS LM LCFI LCF LVAW XW STB STH STW STD STS STM STCF Ana Iyze/Interpret Instructions ANLZ INT Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions AI AH AW AD SH SW SD MI MH MW DH DW AWM MTB MTH MTW Comparison Instructions CI CB 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 iii CH CW CD CS CLR CLM Logical Instructions OR EOR AND Shift Instructions S Floating-Point Shift SF Convers ion Instruc t ions CVA CVS Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions Floating-Point Numbers Floating-Point Add and Subtract Floating-Point Multiply and Divide Condition Codes for Floating- Point Instructions FAS FAL FSS FSL FMS FML FDS FDL Push-Down Instructions (Non-Privi leged) Stack Pointer Doubleword (SPD) Push-Down Condition Code Settings PSW PLW PSM PLM MSP Push-Down Instructions (Privileged) Status Stack Pointer Doubleword PSS PLS I='VOl""II ... 'O /1lLoll"""."", ... ,...,It"'l_~• 1_,..J. .... _ ... : __ r .llloJlIIV ....... ,VII.) 77 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 81 81 82 83 83 84 84 87 88 UI' Nonallowed Operation Trap During Execution of Branch Instruction EXU BCS BCR BIR BDR BAL CALL Instructions CAll CAL2 CAL3 90 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 CAL4 iv 4. 00 _ " " ..... "'1_/ Control Instructions Program Status Words LPSD XPSD LRP Mly",C Loading the Memory Map 98 LMAP 98 LMAPRE 98 Loading the Access Protection Controls 98 99 Memory Write Protection Locks LLOCKS 99 LLOCKSE 99 100 Interrupti on of MMC Memory Access Traps by MMC Instruction _ _ 100 LRA 100 LMS 101 WAIT 103 RD 103 Read Direct, Internal Basic Processor Control (Mode 0) 104 Read Direct, Interrupt Control (Mode 1} _ _ 105 Read Direct (Mode 9) 105 WD 1W Write Direct, Internal Basic Processor Control (Mode 0) 108 Write Direct, Interrupt Control (Mode 1} _ _ 109 Input/Output Instructions 110 Overall Characteristics 110 I/O Status Information 110 SIO 118 no 119 TDV 120 HIO 121 RIO 122 POLP 122 POLR 122 AIO 123 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 71 71 72 73 73 73 74 75 77 93 93 93 93 94 96 97 5. INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS 125 External DIO Interface Multiplexor Input/Output Processor (MIOP)_ _ Device Controllers Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamentals _ _ Command List Operational IOCD 1/0 Opera ti on Phases Preparation Phase Initiation Phase Fetching Phase Executi on Phase Termination Phase 125 125 125 126 126 126 131 131 131 131 132 134 OPERATIONAL CONTROL 135 External Control Subsystem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Centra Ii zed System Control Controi Console Devices Control Commands Operator Control Commands ZCI ZcSSW ZCSS# ZCLDN###lf ___________ 135 135 135 136 136 137 137 137 137 ZCRSY ZCRBP ZCRIO ZCHLT ZCRUN Diagnostic Control Commands pc / + M L R I RUB OUT S G X Maintenance Control Commands ZC CLK J6' ZcC## ZCE## ZCKIL ZCMMO Z CMM1 Z CMM2 Z CMM3 Z CMM4 Z CMM5 Z CMM6 Z CMM7 Z CMM8 Z CMM9 L~MMA ZCLDS#### ZCLDT ZCT System Control Panel Operating Procedures and Information 138 138 138 138 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 140 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 i44 144 144 144 144 147 Standard 7-Bit Communication Codes (ANSCII)_ Standard Symbol-Code Correspondences Hexadecimal Arithmetic Addition Table Multiplication Table Table of Powers of SixteenlO Table of Powers of Ten16 Hexadecimal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table Hexadecimal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table Table of Powers of Two Mathematical Constants 169 173 173 B. GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLIC TERMS 174 C. FAULT STATUS REGISTERS 177 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONTROL 150 Configuration Control Panel (CCP) 150 l. A Xerox 550 Computer System 2. The Bas ic Processor 10 3. Information Boundaries 13 4. Main Memory 15 5. Addressing Logic 18 6. Index Displacement AI ignment (Real and Vi rtua I Addressing Modes) 21 Generation of Actua I Addresses Indirect, Virtual Addressing 22 Index Displacement Alignment (RealExtended Addressing) 23 Generation of Effective Virtual Address (Indirect Real-Extended Addressing) 24 10. Operationa I States of an Interrupt Level 31 1l. Interrupt Priority Chain 34 12. Typical 28-Word Portion of Memory Stack for PSS and PLS 86 7. 9. APPENDIXES A. 163 FIGURES 8. 6. 156 157 161 161 161 162 162 9 13. Formats of I/O Instructions 111 REFERENCE TABLES 155 14. Bootstrap Loader 138 Standard Symbo Is and Codes Standard Character Sets Control Codes Special Code Properties Standard 8-Bit Computer Codes (EBCDIC) 155 155 155 155 156 15. System Control Panel 145 16. Chassis Physical Configuration 151 17. Sample Rows of CCP Switches 151 v 15. TABLES 1. Device Status Byte (Register R or Ru1) (510, no, and HIO only) 114 Basic Processor Operating Modes and Addressing Cases 25 16. Operational Status Byte (Register Ru 1) 115 2. Interrupt Locations 33 17. Status Response Bits for I/O Instructions 116 3. Summary of Trap Locations 37 18. lOP Status Byte 117 4. TCC Setting for Instruction Exception Trap X'4D~ 44 19. Status Response Bits for AIO Instruction 118 5. Registers Changed at Time of a Trap Due to an Operand Access 20. I/O Address (AIO Response) 118 45 21. Event Messages 136 6. ANALYZE Table for Operation Codes 56 22. Diagnostic Control (P-Mode) Commands 140 7. Floating-Point Number Representation 75 23. 8. Condition Code Settings for Floating-Point Instructions Bit Assignments and Description, Processor Control Word, Register Q30 (X'l E') 148 Bit Assignments, Address Compare Register Q31 (X1'F') 149 Functions of Processor Cluster Configuration Control Panel Row 152 Functions of Memory Unit Configuration Control Panel Row 153 78 24. 9. Status Word 0 102 10. Status Word 1 103 11. Read Direct Mode 9 Status Word 105 12. Chassis Type Assignments 106 13. Description of I/o Instructions 111 C-1. Fault Status Registers 177 14. I/o Status Information (Register R) 113 C-2. Memory Unit Status Register 178 25. 26. vi 1. XEROX 550 COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS INTRODUCTION The Xerox 550 general-purpose, digital, computer system accommodates a variety of scientific, business, real-time, and time-sharing applications. A system includes system control, basic processor, I/O processor, and main memory (up to 256K words) with two ports. Each major system element performs asynchronously wi th respect to other elements. The basic system can be readi Iy expanded. Memory access paths can be increased from the basic two ports to a maximum of six ports. Input/output capabi Iity can be increased by adding more input/output processors (lOPs), device controllers, and peripheral devices. The following system features and characteristics permit efficient operation in general-purpose, multiprocessor, time-sharing, real-time, and multiuse environments: • Word-oriented memory (32-bit word plus parity bit per byte) that can be addressed and altered as byte (8-bit), halfword (2-byte), word (4-byte), and doubleword (8-byte) quantities. • Memory expandable to 256K words (K == 1024) in modular units of 16K words each. • Indirect addressing with or without postindexing. • Displacement index registers, automatically selfadjusting for all data sizes. • Immediate operand instructions for greater storage efficiency and increased speed. • Four blocks of 16 general-purpose registers for addressing, indexing, and accumulating. Multiple registers permit rapid context switching. • Hardware memory mapping, which virtually eliminates memory fragmentation and provides dynamic program relocation. • Memory access protection for system aOO informaTion security and protection. • Memory write protection within memory units to prevent inadvertent destruction of critical areas of memory from any processor cluster. • Watchdog timer to assure nonstop operation. • Real-time priority interrupt system with automatic identification and priority assignment, fast response time, and 14 internal and up to 48 external levels that can be individually armed, enabled, and triggered by program control. • Instructions with long execution times can be interrupted. • Automatic traps for error or fault conditions, with masking capability and maximum recoverability, under program control. • Power fail-safe for automatic shutdown and resumption of processing in event of power fai lure. • Multiple interval timers with a choice of resolutions for independent ti me bases. • Privileged instruction logic for program integrity in multiuse environments. The basic processor (BP) has an extensive instruction set that includes floating-point instructions. The multiaccess memory units, with interleaving, afford a high level of system performance. Main memory can be expanded in 16K word increments to a maxi mum of 256K words. Address interleaving may be performed between memory units of like size. The number of ports to each memory unit can be expanded to allow independent access to memory by up to six "processor clusters" (i.e., functional groups). Processor clusters are the grouping of two or more functions {such as a basic processor, an I/O processor, and interfaces} on a common bus. Clustering permits processors to share common faci Ii ti es, e. g., buses and memory i nterfaces. Therefore, the hardware is Iess redundant, hence less complex, resulting in more reliabi lity at a lower cost. There are multiple combinations of functional groups from which to select. Existing Sigma 5-9 programs may be run on the system. The upward compati bi Ii ty of the comprehensi ve, modular software (assemblers, compilers, mathematical and utility routines, and application packages) eliminates reprogramming. Features have been incorporated in this design to enhance overall system reliability, maintainability, and availability. Centralized switches for system repartitioning may permit faulty units, or an entire subsystem, to be isolated for diagnosis or repair whi Ie the primary system continues operation. Parity checking is performed on each byte of information for most system interfaces and internal control signals. Most failed instructions are automatically retried, and uninterrupted processing continues. The only apparent effect may be an entry in the error log. In the event an error is irrecoverable, there are error storage registers that return complete data on the fault and the status of the system at that point. Xerox 550 Computer System • Extensive instruction set that includes: • Byte, halfword, word, and doubleword operations. • Use of all memory-referencing instructions for register-to-register operations, with or without indirect addressing and postindexing, and within normal instruction format. Address stop feature that permits operator or maintenance personnel to: Stop on any instruction address. Multiple register operations. Stop on any memory reference address. • Fixed-point integer arithmetic operations in halfword, word,· and doubleword modes. Stop when any word in a selected page of memory is referenced. • Immediate operand instructions. • Floating-point hardware operations in short and long formats with significance, zero, and normalization control and checking, all under full program control. • Full complement of logical operations (AND, OR, exclusive OR). • Comparison operations, including compare between limits (with limits in memory or in registers). • Call instructions that permit up to 64 dynamically variable, user-defined instructions, and allow a program access to operating system functions without operating system intervention. • Push-down stack operations (hardware implemented) of single or multiple words, with automatic limit checking, for dynamic space allocation, subroutine communication, and recursive routi ne capabi Ii ty. • • Traps that provide for detection of a variety of fault conditions, designed to enable a high degree of system recoverabi I i ty. • Partitioning features that enable system reconfiguration via a centralized Configuration Control Panel. Units may be partitioned from the system by selectively disabling them from buses (assuming other system facilities can handle the additional load). Thus, faulty units, processors, devices, or an alternate system can be isolated from the operational system to enable diagnosis or repair while the primary system continues operation. Independently operating I/o system with the following features: Automatic conversion operations, including binary/ BCD and any other weighted-number systems. Direct input/output (READ DIRECT, W.UTE DIRECT instructions) for transfer of 32-bit words between the specified general register and an external device; a 16-bit address is transferred for selection and control purposes; and each transfer is under direct program control. • Up to five independent I/O processor clusters (restricted only by the maximum number of 6 ports). Analyze instruction that facilitates effective address computati on. • Multiplexor I/O processors (MIOPs) (up to 3 per each providing for simuitaneous operation of up to 16 devices per processor. • Data chaining for gather-read and scatter-write operati ons. • Command chaining for multiple record operations. • Write lock protect feature within memory unit for positive protection from all processors storing into memory. Interpret instruction that increases speed of interpretive programs. • Shift operations (left and right) of word or doubleword, including logical, circular, arithmetic, searching shift, and floating-point modes. Built-in reliability and maintainability features that include: I/O ciuster), Extensive error logging. When a fault is detected, system status and fault information ale available for program retrieval and logging for subsequent analysis. • • • • • 2 • • • • detection and location capability to permit the operati ng system or diagnostic program to quickly determine a faulty unit. Full parity checking on all data and addresses communicated in either direction on buses between memory units and processors, providing fault General Characteristics .. Comprehensive modular software that is program compatible with Sigma 5-9 computers: • Expands in capability and speed as system grows. • Operati ng system: Control Program Real-Time (CP-R). • • Language processors and utilities and applications software for both commercial and sci entific users. • Peripheral equipment includes: • • • • Card equipment: Reading speeds up to 1500 cards per minute; punching speed of 100 cards per minute; intermixed binary and EBCDIC card codes. Line printers: Fully buffered with speeds up to 1250 lines per minute; 132 print positions with character sets containing 64 or 95 characters. Magnetic tape units: 9-track systems, single or dual density (1600 or 800/1600 BPI), industrycompatible; high-speed, automatic loading units operating at 125 inches per second with transfer rates up to 200,000 bytes per second; and at 75 inches per second wi th transfer rates up to 120,000 bytes per second. Rapid Access Data (RAD) and disk files: RAD capacity of 2.9 million bytes, with a transfer rate of 750,000 bytes per second; disk capacities in increments of 49 million bytes per unit wi th a transfer rate of 312,500 bytes per second. • Keyboard printers: 10 characters per second. • Data communications equipment: Complete line of character-oriented, message-oriented, and procedure-oriented equipment to connect remote user terminals (including remote batch) to the computer center via common carrier lines and local terminals directly. • • A system control processor that inc ludes: • Real-time clocks (4) • Internal interrupts (14) • • • • • Power fail-safe detection External Control Subsystem (ECS) System Control Panel (SCP) Configuration Control Panel (CCP) Local and remote assist facility Error detecti on fac iI i ti es Diagnostics A system may have the following optional features: • • System Control Processor options: • Up to 48 external priori ty interrupts (in groups of 12) • External Direct Input/Output interface (010) Memory options: • Up to 4 additional access ports (in sets of 2). STANDARD AND OPTIONAL FEATURES A basic system has the following standard features: • • A basic processor (BP) that includes: • Full instruction set • Memory map with access protection • Register blocks (4) • Multiplexor Input/Output Processor (MIOP) with: • 16 subchannels • 1- or 4-byte interface • Input/Output Adapter • Input/Output opti ons: • t Multiple I/O clusters • • Up to 3 additional MIOPs, each with 16 subc hanne Is, per cluster. • One Input/Output Adapter (for one MIOP) per cluster. GENERAL-PURPOSE FEATURES General-purpose computing applications are characterized by emphasis on computation and internal data handling. Memory unit that includes: • Dua I port access • Memory write lock protection tThe aggregate of processor clusters is restricted by the maximum memory port limitation of 6. Standard and Optional Features/General-Purpose Features 3 Many operations are performed in floating-point format. Other typical characteristics include high system input/ output transfer rates. Interpret Instruction. The Interpret instruction simplifies and speeds interpretive operations such as compilation, thus reducing space and time requirements for compilers and other interpretive systems. General-purpose features are described in the following paragraphs. Floating-Point Hardware. Both short (32-bit) and long (64-bit) formats are avai lable in the floating-point instructions. Under program control, the user may select optional zero checking, normalization, floating-point rounding and significance checking. Significance checking permits use of short floating-point format for high processing speed and storage economy and of long floatingpoint format when loss of significance is detected. Indirect Addressing. Indirect addressing facilitates table linkages and permits keeping data sections of a program separate from procedure sections for ease of maintenance. Displacement Indexing. Indexing by means of a IIfloating ll displacement permits accessing a desired unit of data without considering its size. The index registers automatically align themselves appropriately; thus, the same index register may be used on arrays with different data sizes. For example, in a matrix multiplication of any array of full word, single-precision, fixed-point numbers, the results may be stored in a second array as double-precision numbers, using the same index quantity for both arrays. If an index register contains the value of k, then the user always accesses the kth element, whether it is a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword. Incrementing by various quantities according to data size is not required; instead, incrementing is always by units in a continuous array table regardless of the size of data element used. Instruction Set. The instructions permit short, highly optimized programs to be written. These are rapidly assembled and minimize both program space and execution time. Conversion Instructions. Two generalized conversion instructions provide for bidirectional conversions between internal binary and any other weighted number system, including BCD. Call Instructions. These four instructions permit handling up to 64 user-defined subroutines, as if they were bui It-in machine instructions. Call instructions also gain access to specified operating system services without requiring its intervention. 4 Time-Shari ng Features Four-Bit Condition Code. Checking results is simpl ified by automatically providing information on almost every instruction execution, including indicators for overflow, underflow, zero, minus, and plus, as appropriate, without requiring an extra instruction execution. Direct Input/Output (DIO). Direct input/output facilitates in-line program control of asynchronous or specialpurpose devices. This feature permits information to be transmitted directly to or from general-purpose registers. Multiplexor In ut/Output Processor (MIOP). Once initialized, I 0 processors operate independently of the basic processor, freeing it to provide faster response to system needs. An MIOP requires minimal interaction with the basic processor. I/O command doublewords permit both command chaining and data chaining without intervening basic processor cO:ltrol. I/o equipment speeds range from slow rates involving human interaction (teletypewriter, for example) to transfer rates of rotating memory devices of over 750, 000 bytes per second. Peripheral controllers attached to an MIOP may be operated simultaneously. TIME-SHARING FEATURES Time-sharing is the ability of a system to share its total resources among many users at the same time. Each user may be performing a different task, requiring a different share of the available resources. Some users may be online in an interactive, IIconversationalli mode with the basic processor whiie other users may be entering work to be processed that requires only final output. Time-sharing features are described in the following paragraphs. Rapid Context Saving. When changing from one user to another, the operating environment can be switched quickly and easi Iy. Stack-manipulating instructions permit storing in a push-down stack of 1 to 16 general-purpose registers by (1 single instruction, Stack status is updated automat!ca!!y and information in the stack can be retrieved when needed (also, by a single instruction). The current program status words, which contain the entire description of the current user's environment and mode of operation, may be stored anywhere in memory, and new program status words may be loaded, all with a single instructi on. Multiple Register Blocks. The availability of four blocks of 16 general-purpose registers improves response time by reducing the need to store and load register blocks. A distinct block may be assigned for different functions as needed; the program status words automatically select the applicable register block. To minimize the effect of transient errors, automatic retry of failed instructions is performed. User Protection. The slave mode feature restricts each user to his own set of instructions while reserving to the operating system certain "privileged" (master mode) instructions that could destroy another user's program if used incorrectly. Also, a memory access - protection feature prevents a user from accessi ng any storage areas other than those assigned to him. It permits him to access certain areas for reading only, such as those containing publ ic subroutines, whi Ie preventing him from reading, writing, or accessing instructions in areas set aside for other users. Real-time applications are characterized by a need for: (1) hardware that provides quick response to an external environment; (2) speed that is sufficient to keep up with the real-time process itself; (3) input/output flexibility to handle a wide variety of data types at different speeds; and (4) reliability features to minimize irreplaceable lost time. Storage Management. Main memory is expandable to 256K (K = 1024) words. To make efficient use of available memory, the memory map hardware permits storing a user's program in fragments as sma II as a page of 512 words, wherever space is available; yet all fragments appear as a single, contiguously addressable block of storage at execution time. The memory map also automatically handles dynamic program relocation so that the program appears to be stored in a standard way at execution time, even though it may actually be stored in a different set of locations each time it is brought into memory. The memory map provides the ability to locate any 128K-word virtual program in the basic processor's logical addressing space. Thus, the system can always address a virtual memory of 128K words regardless of physical memory size. Input/Output Capability. Time-sharing input/output requirements are handled by the same general-purpose input/ output capabi lities described under" General-Purpose Features". Nonstop operation. A "watchdog" timer assures that the system continues to operate even in case of halts or delays due to failure of special I/O devices. Multiple real-time clocks with varying resolutions permit independent time bases for flexible allocation of time slices to each user. Reliability, Maintainability, Availability. Since timesharing systems have many on-line users needing immediate system response, "downtime" defeats time sharing's primary purpose. Pooling of resources along with flexible reconfiguration control ensures a high level of continuous avai 1abi lity. Configuration controls are provided to switch the load from one unit to another in the event of a failure with no loss of functional capabi lity, only capacity. In addition, a nonworking subset of the total system may be logically isolated (partitioned) so that maintenance may proceed on the subset whi Ie the remainder of the system conti nues to operate. REAL-TIME FEATURES Multilevel, Priority Interrupt System. The real-timeoriented system provides rapid response to external interrupt levels. Each interrupt is automatically identified and responded to according to its priority. For further flexibility, each level can be individually disarmed (to discontinue input acceptance) and disabled (to defer responses). Use of the disarm/disable feature makes programmed dynamic reassignment of priorities quick and easy, even while a realti me process is in progress. Programs involving interrupts from specially designed equipment often require checkout before the equipment is actually available. To permit simulating this special equipment, any external interrupt level can be "triggered" by the basic processor through execution of a single instruction. This capability is also useful in establishing a modified hierarchy cf !"esp~!"!ses. F~!" ex!:!!'!'!p!e, ;~ !"e5p0l"!d i l"!2 to (1 hi2h-pri(")rity interrupt, after the urgent processing is completed, it may be desirable to assign a lower priority to the remaining portion so that the interrupt routine is free to respond to other critical stimuli. The interrupt routine can accomplish this by triggering a lower-priority level, which processes the remaining data only after other interrupts have been handled. READ DIRECT and WRITE DIRECT instructions (described in Chapter 3) allow the program to completely interrogate, preserve, and alter the condition of the interrupt system at any time and to restore that system at a later time. Nonst Operation. When connected to special devices (on a ready resume basis), the basic processor may be excessively delayed if the specific device does not respond quickly. As in the time-sharing environment, the built-in watchdog timer assures that the basic processor cannot be delayed for an excessive length of time. Real-Time Clocks. Many real-time functions must be timed to occur at specific instants. Other timing information isalso needed - for example, elapsed time since a given event, or the current time of day. The computer system can contain up to four real-time clocks with varying degrees of resolution to meet these needs. These clocks also allow easy handling of separate time bases and relative time priorities. Real-Time Features 5 Rapid Context Switching. When responding to a new set of interrupt-initiated circumstances, a computer system must preserve the current operating environment, for continuance later, while setting up the new environment. This changing of environments must be done quickly, with a minimum of II overhead" time costs. Anyone of the four blocks of generar-purpose arithmetic registers can, if desired, be assigned to a specific environment. All relevant information about the current environment (instruction address, current general register block, memory-protection key, etc.) is kept in the program status words. A single instruction stores the current program status words anywhere in memory and loads new ones from memory to establish a new environment, which includes information identifying a new block of general-purpose registers. Thus, the system's operating environment can be preserved and changed completely through the execution of a single instruction. Priority Interrupt System. In a multiuse environment, many elements operate simulatneously and asynchronously. Thus, an efficient priority interrupt system is essential. It allows the computer system to respond quickly, and in proper order, to the many demands made on it, with attendant improvements in resource efficiency. Memory Protection. Both foreground (real-time) and background can run concurrently in the system because a foreground program is protected against destruction by an unchecked background program. Under operating system control, the memory access-protection feature prevents accessing memory for specified combinations of reading, writing, and instruction acquisition. Input/Output. Because of the wide range of capacities and speeds, the I/O system simultaneously satisfies the needs of many different appl ication areas economically, both in terms of equipment and programming. Variable Precision Arithmetic. Much of the data encountered in real-time systems are 16 bits or less. To process this data efficiently, both halfword and fullword arithmetic operations are provided. For extended precision, doubleword arithmetic operations are also included. Direct Input/Output. For handling asynchronous I/O, a 32-bi t word can be transferred di rectly between any genera 1purpose register and external devices. Reliability, Maintainability, Availability. The capabilities described in the section, .. Time-Sharing Features" apply equally to the real-time environment. Quick Response. The many features that combine to produce a quick-response system (multiple register blocks, rapid context saving, multiple push-pull operations) benefit a II users because more of the system's resources are readily available at any instant. Memory Protecti on. The memory protecti on features protect each user from every other user and guarantee the integrity of programs essential to critical real-time applications. Instruction Set. The comprehensive instruction set provides the computational and data-handling capabilities required for widely differing application areas; therefore, each user's program length and running time is minimized, and the throughput is maximized. MULTIPROCESSOR FEATURES System design readi Iy permits expansion to shared memory in a multiprocessor system. The system can contain a combination of functional clusters, each of which in turn may contain multiple processors. The total number of clusters is restricted to the maximum port limitation of six. All processors ina system may share common memory. The following paragraphs describe the major multiprocessor features of the system. MULTIUSE FEATURES MULTIPROCESSOR INTERLOCK As implemented in this system, IImultiuse" combines two or more application areas. The real-time application is the most difficult general computing task because of its severe requirements. Similarly, another difficult multiuse task is a time-sharing application that includes one or more realtime processes. Because the system is designed on a realtime base, it is qualified for a mixture of applications in a multiuse environment. Many hardware features that prove valuable for certain application areas are equally useful in others, although in different ways. This multiple capabi Iity makes the system particularly effective in multiuse applications. The major multiuse features are described in the followi ng paragraphs. 6 Muitiuse Features/Multiprocessor Features In a multiprocessor system, the basic processors often need exclusive control of a system resource. This resource may be a region of memory, a particular peripheral device, or, in some cases, a specific software process. There isa special instruction to provide this required multiprocessor interlock. This special instruction, LOAD AND SET, unconditionally sets a Ill" bit inthe sign position of the referenced memory location during the restore cycle of the memory operation. If this bit had been previously set by another processor, the interlock is said to be "set" and the testing program proceeds to another task. On the other hand, if the sign bit of the tested location is a zero, the resource is allocated to the testing processor, and simultaneously the interlock is set for any other processor. MULTIPORT MEMORY SYSTEM The system has growth capabi I i ty of up to 6 ports per memory unit. A memory unit may contain 16K or 32K words. This architecture allows flexibility in growth patterns and provides high memory bandwidth, essential to multiprocessor systems. and special purpose units such as analog to digital converters. 2. Central control of system partitioning. 3. Centralized interrupt system, providing capability for the operating system to use interrupts to schedule tasks independently of the number of basic processors present ina system. 4. Processor to processor communication via processor buses. MANUAL PARTITIONING CAPABILITY Manual partitioning capability is afforded for all system units. Thus, besides the primary advantage of increased throughput, a secondary advantage of a multiprocessor system is the "fail-soft" ability. Given a duplicate unit, any unit can be partitioned by selectively disabling it from the system buses. Depending on the type of failing unit, the system will be operable, with some degree of degraded performance. An alternate processor bus with dual system capabilities can be provided. MULTIPROCESSOR CONTROL FUNCTION A multiprocessor control function is provided on all multiprocessor systems. This function provides these basic features: 1. Control of the External Direct Input/Output bus (External 010), used for controlling system maintenance SHARED INPUT/OUTPUT In a multiprocessor system, any basic processor may direct I/O actions to any I/O processor. Specifically, any basic processor can issue an SIO, TIO, TOY, or HIO instruction to begin, test, or stop any I/O process. However, the II end-action" sequence of the I/O process is directed to one of the basi c processors in the system by the System Control Processor. This feature (accomplished by setting a pair of configuration control switches) allows dedicating I/O end-action tasks to a single processor and avoids conflict resolution problems. Multiprocessor Features 7 2. SYSTEM ORGANIZATION The elements of this computer system include a basic processor (BP), input/output processors (lOPs), memory, I/O device controllers, and devices (see Figure 1). The processors and interfaces clustered into functional groups, interconnected via buses and controlled from a Configuration Control Panel and a System Control Processor. Elements within a processor cluster share an access path for intracluster communications. Thus, the total computer system can be viewed functionally as a group of program-controlled processor clusters communicating with each other and a common memory. Each processor cluster operates asynchronously and semi-independently, automatically overlapping the operation of elements within as well as the operation of other processor clusters for greater speed (when circumstances permit). PROCESSOR CLUSTERS Processors (basic processor and MIOP, for example) are grouped functionally along with a Memory Interface (MI) and a Processor Interface (PI) into a processor cluster. Elements within a processor cluster share an access path (the cluster bus) to the Memory Interface, which connects to the memory system via a memory bus. The Memory Interface resolves contention problems and controls use of the cluster bus by the elements in the cluster. A processor communicates with processors in other processor clusters through the Processor Interface, which connects directly to a processor bus. Via the processor bus, any processor can communicate with or control any other processor anywhere in the system configuration. Note: Although two processor buses are provided, a Processor Interface can be connected to one or the other of the processor buses, but not to both at the same time. Within a basic processor-MIOP processor cluster, the basic processor primari Iy performs overa" control and data reduction tasks whereas the MIOP performs the task associated with the exchange of digital information between main memory and selected peripheral devices. The MIOP communicates with device controllers via the I/o bus, which connects to the Controller Interface (CI). SYSTEM CONTROL PROCESSOR The System Control Processor performs these primary functions in the overall system: 1• System control. 2. External Control Subsystem. 8 System Organization 3. Internal and external interrupt processing. 4. External and certain internal direct I/O (DIO) control. It provides these major interfaces with other parts of the system: 1. System console interface. 2. System control bus interface. 3. Processor bus interface. 4. Internal and external interrupt interfaces. 5. External and certain internal DIO interfaces. 6. System clock interface. In addition to these major interfaces it provides paths for other signals including system reset, 1.024 MHz clock, power on/power off trap requests, and external real-time clocks. Figure 1 shows the interconnection of a System Control Processor to processor c Ius ters v ia a processor bus as we II as i nterconnection to the system console, external Direct Input/ Output (DIO), and external interrupts. BASIC PROCESSOR This section describes the organization and operation of the basic processor in terms of instruction and data formats, information processing, and program control. The basic processor comprises a fast memory and an arithmetic and control unit as functionally shown in Figure 2. .hi9Je: Functionally associated with the basic processor but physically located elsewhere are a memory map, memory access protection codes, and memory write protection codes. Memory control storage for the memory map and access codes is located in the Memory Interface, and the memory control storage for the write protection codes (write locks) is located in the memory. These functions are described in "Memory System", later in this chapter. GENERAL REGISTERS A fast (integrated circuit) memory consisting of ninety-six 32-bit registers is used wi th in the basic processor. A group of 24 registers is referred to as a register block; thus, a basic processor contains four register blocks. A 2-bit control field (called a register block pointer) in the program status words (PSWs) selects the register block currently Memory Unit Memory Urut System Control Console I I I System Control Processor (Basic) I r--- Processor Interface ____ I~ I r-..L --, I I I I I I I I I I I~ rocessoq BUS 1fT T]" I 12 I I I I _ II:' ...... . . . . . . .- I U I MIOP : r ........ "I .-J I I MIOP I I I I Ex terna I Interrupts 0 ................ "- .... T ......... --.: .......... I . , , " " . . . ..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . I I I I LC~o~J Processor Interface :> Basic Processor I I Memory Interface I I -, I Cluster (I/O) I I I I I r - ,..-.., Pr"o~;---- ~ IV , L_[_J I I I Processor ,Bus #1 I II System Control I I I I r I I Memory Interface I System Control Processor I ~~ss;;;:--------' I Cluster Memory Unit I ..... 1& ............ 11:' ...... - . - _ ...... "'" I ...J DIO Bus Device Controller Device Controller o ~ o ~ Communications . - - - - - 1 Interface Line Adapter Comm. Lines Line Adapter Comm. Lines Device Controller Device Controller Dual Access Option Dual Access Option Figure 1. A Xerox 550 Computer System Basic Processor 9 FAST MEMORY ARITHMETIC AND CONTROL UNIT GENERAL REGISTER BLOCK (TYPICAL) ol~ INSTRUCTION REGISTER o ______________~ Indirect Access Flag o 1 I.I:::::::.:::::}:=:::······ ':):::::fff::::rrttr::::t:ttt···:::::\::tt::tl III II II I Operation Code Field 1 7 []]]J 2 1:=: :": : : : : ': :::::::r:t:::::ttI:::::I:::t:::::::I:::.::I:}::::·::::::::t:':::I:I::i'::::::] 8 ITO 3 1'.::I::::::::::r:::::::=:,: .::::f:::Im:tt:::fIttt::\:t:II:t:::::::!::::'j':·::II!::::::!::1 12 4 II:::::.:::::--::::::::!:}f::: :tI:·:,:::::::!::=::::::·,!:::!:!:::':::'I:\::I::.:.:!!:.:. :.: : : .•:• !:.::::::.] Index Registers General Register Designator 11 Index Register Designator 14 Reference Address Field IIII1111111111111111 .......- -..... 15 31 • Memory I/O Processors I • I r Read/Write Direct • 7 I i:::.::::i:.:::·''):;:::::.::'::i:::::i:::::::::·:::::::::: • ::::?:ff.?::ftt:·::::::::::::f:::D::::ul. PROGRAM STATUS WORDS [[OJ o ITO Floating-point Mode Control 7 o o ~I________________~ Condition Code 3 5 Master/Slave Mode Control 8 ~I________________~ 13~1 Memory Map Control 9 ________________~ OJ Arithmetic Trap Masks 1011 14 '-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Instruction Id I III I II I I I II I I I I !ddress 15 16 32 _________. . . '-I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 191~_______________. . . 20 ~I _______________. . . 211~______________..... I I Interrupt Inhibits 39 OJ Register Block Pointer 5859 Reserved o Register Altered 60 o Mode Altered Control 61 Figure 2. The Basic Processor 10 Basic Processor Write Key 35 [[IJ 37 18 31 om 15 17 I~ r • Access Protecti on • ______________~ 9~1______________~ 10~1________________~ 12 r tv\apping • 8~1 11 Interrupts Extended Displacement avai lable to a program. The register block pointer can be changed when the basic processor is in the master mode or the master-protected mode. Only the first 16 general registers of a register block may be used by programs; the last eight are reserved. Each of the first 16 general registers in a register block is identifi ed by a 4-bi t code in the range 0000 2 through 11112 {O through 15 in decimal notation, or X'O' through X'F' in hexadecimal notation}. Any or" these 16 registers can be used as a fixed-point temporary data storage location, or to contain control information such as a data address, .count, pointer, etc. General registers 1 through 7 can be used as index registers. When the memory map is not in effect, all virtual address values above 1510 are used by the memory as actual addresses. Virtual addresses 0 through 15 are alwayst used by the basic processor as general register addresses rather than as memory addresses. For example, if an instruction uses virtual address 5 to address the location where a result is to be stored, the basic processor stores that result in general register 5 in the current register block instead of in memory location 5. When the basic processor is operating with the memory map in effect, virtual addresses 0 through 15 are still used as general register addresses. Virtual addresses above 15 are transformed into actual addresses by replacing the highorder portion of the virtual address with a value obtained from the memory map. (The memory map address replacement process is described in "Memory Address Control ", later in this chapter.) MEMORY CONTROL STORAGE The memory control storage for the memory map and the associated memory access protection codes are contained in the Memory Interface (MI). Memory control storage for the 4-bit write locks are contained in the memory units. Memory control storage can be modified when the basic processor is in the master mode or the master-protected mode. MEMORY MAP Two terms are essential in understanding the memory mapping concept: actual (i. e., absolute or real) address and '!h·t~d 0dd!"ess. An actual address is used within the memory unit (memory address registers) to access a specific, physical memory location for storage or retrieval of information as required by the execution sequence of an instruction. Actual addresses are fixed and are dependent on the wired-in hardware. A virtual address refers to a logical location as required by an individual program. Like an actual address, a virtual address may designate a location that contains a program instruction, an element of data, a data address (indirect address), or it may also be an explicit quantity. Normally, virtual addresses are derived from programmer-supplied labels through an assembly (or compi lation) process followed by a loading process. Virtual addresses m~y also be computed during a program's execution. Virtual addresses include all instruction addresses, indirect addresses, and addresses used as counts within a stored program, as well as those instructions computed by the program. (See "Virtual and Real Memory", later in this chapter.) Memory mapping transforms virtual addresses as seen by the individual program into actual addresses as seen by the memory system. Thus, when the memory map is in effect, any program can be broken into 512-word pages and dynamically relocated throughout memory in whatever pages of space are avai lable. MEMORY ACCESS PROTECTION When the basic processor is operating with the memory map in the slave mode or the master-protected mode, the access protection codes determine whether the program may access instructions from, read from, or write into specific regions of the virtual address continuum (virtual memory). If the slave mode or master-protected f}1ode program attempts to access a protected region of virtua I memory, a trap occurs (see "Memory Address Control ", "Virtual and Real Memory", and "Trap System", later in this chapter). MEMORY WRITE PROTECTION The memory write-protection feature operates independently of access protection and the memory map. The 4-bit write lock operates in conjunction with a 4-bit field, called the write key, in bits 32-35 of the Program Status Words (PSWs). The lock and the key de term i ne whether any program may alter any word of main memory. The write key can be changed when the basic processor is in the master mode or the master-protected mode. (The functions of the write lock and key are described in "Memory Address Control ", later in this chapter.) COMPUTER MODES The basic processor operates in one of three modes: master, master-protected, or slave. The operation mode is determined by the setting of three bits (bits 8, 9, and 61) of the Program Status Words (PSWs). (See "Program Status Words", later in this chapter.) Additionally, the basic processor operates in a mapped mode or an unmapped mode. t Except for the READ DIRECT (RD)/WRITE DIRECT 0/VD) instructions which can read from and store into these locations. Basi c Processor 11 MASTER MODE The master/slave control bit (bit 8 of the PSWs) must contain a zero for the basic processor to operate in master mode. In this mode the basic processor can perform all of its control functions and can modify any part of the system. The restrictions upon the basic processor1s operations in this mode are those imposed by the write locks on certain protected parts of memory. It is assumed that there is a resident operating system (operating in the master mode) that con tro Is and supports the opera ti on of other programs (wh i ch may be in the master, master-protected, or slave mode). high-order bits contain zeros. The memory map always maps 17-bit virtual addresses into 20-bit real addresses (see "Memory Address Control ", later in this chapter for a discussion of how the map is used). UNMAPPED MODE When the basic processor is operating in the unmapped mode, there is a direct one-to-one relationship between the effective virtual address of each instruction and the actual address used to access main memory. (See "Real Addressing", later in this chapter.) MASTER-PROTECTED MODE INFORMATION FORMAT The master-protected mode of operation provides additional protection for programs that operate in the master mode. The master-protected mode occurs when the basic processor is operating in the master mode with the memory map in effect and the mode altered control bit (bit 61 of the PSWs)is on. In this mode the memory protection violation trap occurs (location X 140 1, with CC4 = 1), as it does in all mapped slave programs, if a program makes a reference to a virtual page to which access is prohibited by the current setti ng of the access protection codes. Nomenclature associated with digital information within the computer system is based on functional and/or physical attributes. A "word" may be either a 32-bit instruction word or a 32-bit data word. The bit positions of a word are numbered from 0 through 31 as follows: SLAVE MODE The slave mode of operation is the problem-solving mode of the basic processor. In this mode, access protection codes apply to the slave mode program if mapping is in effect, and all "privi leged" operations are prohibited. Privileged operations are those relating to input/output and to changes in the fundamental control state of the basic processor. All privi leged operations are performed in the master or master-protected mode by a group of privileged instructions. Any attempt by a program to execute a privi leged instruction whi Ie the basic processor is in the slave mode results in a trap. The master/sla·:e mode control bit (bit 8 of the PSWs) can be changed when the basic processor is in the master or master-protected mode. Nevertheless, a slave mode program can gain direct access to certain executive program operations by means of CAll instructions. The operations available through CAll instructions are established by the resident operating system. A word can be divided into two 16-bit parts (halfwords) in which the bit positions are numbered from 0 through 15 as follows: A word can also be divided into four 8-bit parts (bytes) in which the bit positions are numbered 0 through 7 as follows: Two words can be combined to form a 64-bit element (a doubleword) in which the bit positions are numbered 0 through 63 as follows: MAPPED MODE Although the memory map is located in the Memory Interface (MI), it functions as part of the basic processor. The basic processor communicates with memory through the MI. Mapping is effective for all the words of real memory, and is invoked when bit 9 (MM) of the PSWs contains a one. Memory mopping generates rea! page addresses from v:rtuc! addresses. The memory map can be loaded with either 11-bit real page addresses or 8-bit real page addresses by means of the MOVE MEMORY CONTROL (MMC) privi leged instruction (see Chapter 3, "Control Instructions "). Elevenbit rea I page addresses are always provided for in the map, thus if 8-bit real page addresses are generated, the three 12 Basic Processor In fixed-point binary arithmetic each element of information represents numerical data as a signed integer (bil 0 represents the sign, remaining bits represent the magnitude, and the binary point is assumed to be just to the right of the least significant or rightmost bit). Negative values are represented in two1s complement form. Other formats required for floating-point and decimal instructions are described in Chapter 3. INFORMATION BOUNDARIES 2. A halfword is located in bit positions 0 through 15 and 16 through 31 of a word. Basic processor instructions assume that bytes, halfwords, and doublewords are located in main memory according to the following boundary conventions: 3. A doubleword is located such that bit positions 0 through 31 are contained within an even-numbered word, and bit positions 32 through 63 are contained within the next consecutive word (which is odd-numbered). 1. A byte is located in bit positions 0 through 7, 8 through 15, 16 through 23, and 24 through 31 of a word. Figure 3 illustrates these boundaries. Doubleword Doubleword Word (even address) Halfword 0 Halfword 1 Word (odd address) Halfword 0 Halfword 1 Word (even address) Halfword 0 Halfword 1 Word (odd address) Halfword 0 Halfword 1 I Byte 0 IByte 1 Byte 21Byte 3 Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 21Byte 3 Byte 0 IByte 1 Byte 21Byte 3 Byte 0IByte 1 Byte 21 Byte 3 Figure 3. Information Boundaries INSTRUCTION REGISTER processor is currently executing. The format and fields of the two general types of instructions (memory reference and immediate operand) are described below. Specific formats for each instruction are given in Chapter 3. Bits Descri pti on 8-11 current register block as an operand source, result destination, or both. (cont. ) 12-14 X field. This 3-bit field designates one of general registers 1-7 of the current register block as an index register. If X contains zero, indexing wi II not be performed; hence register 0 cannot be used as an index register. (See "Address Modification Example: Indexing (Real and Virtual Addressing)", later in this chapter for a description of the i ndexi ng process. ) 15-31 Reference address. This 17-bit field normally contains the reference address of the instruction operand. The reference address is translated into an effective virtual address in accordance with the addressing type (real, real extended, or virtua I) and the address modification requied (direct/ indirect or indexing). (See "Memory Reference Addresses" later in this chapter. ) MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Instructions that make reference to an operand in main memory may have the following format: Bits Description o Indirect addressing. One level of indirect addressing is performed only if this bit position contains a one. 1-7 Operation code. This 7-bit field contains the code that designates the operation to be performed. See the inside front and back covers for complete listings of operation codes. IMMEDIATE OPERAND INSTRUCTIONS R field. For most instructions this 4-bit field designates one of the first 16 general registers of the Immediate operand type instructions are particularly efficient because the required operand is contained within the 8-11 Bas i c Processor 13 instruction word. Hence, memory reference, indirect addressing, and indexing are not required. The following sections describe the organization and operation of the memory system. Also described are the various modes and types of addressing, including indexing. Bits Description o Bit position 0 must be coded with a zero. If it contains a one, the instruction is interpreted as being nonexistent. (See "Trap System", later in this chapter.) 1-7 possible clock and power sources. Memory units may contain two, four, or six ports, which have a fixed priority order for the resolution of contention problems. Operation code. This 7-bit field contains the code that designates the operation to be performed. When the basi c processor encounters any i mmediate operand operation, it interprets bits 12-31 of the instruction word as an operand. These are the immediate operand operation codes: Operation Code Instruction Name X'02' Load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate LCFI X'20' Add Immediate AI X'21' Compare Immediate CI X'22' Load Immediate LI X'23' Multiply Immediate MI Mnemonic MEMORY UNIT Main memory is divided physically and logically into one to eight module assemblies called memory units. Because the memory unit is a logical component that contains all the functions available in the entire memory, the minimum memory is one memory unit. The minimum storage capacity per memory unit is 16K words; the maximum is 32K words. A memory location stores a word of 36 bits; the first 32 bits are information and the last 4 are byte parity bits (the latter being unavailable to the program). Each memory unit comprises a specific storage capacity, drive and sense circuits, a set of operational registers (address, data, and status), a set of write lock control registers for 32K words of memory, and a timing and control unit. CORE MEMORY MODULES Core memory modules (CMMs) provide a storage faci lity of standard modules (see Figure 4). MEM ORY DRIVER 8-11 12-31 R field. This 4-bit field designates one of the first 16 general registers in the current general register block. The register may contain another operand and/or be designated as the register in which the results of the operation are to be stored or accumulated. Operand. This 20-bit field contains the immediate operand. Negative numbers are represented in two's complement form. For arithmetic operations bit 12 (the sign bit) is extended by duplication to the left through bit position 0 to form a 32-bit operand. The memory driver in each memory unit performs all memory operations except storage (provided for by the CMMs) and the few operations performed by the ports. The major functions of the memory driver are: 1• Store address word. 2. Store data-in and data-out words during memory cycles. 3. Store write locks in special memory (other than CMMs). 4. Perform parity generation and checking on address and memory bus data words, and on core memory module words. 5. Generate and store status words. 6. Control and time all transfers of address words, data words, status words, write locks, and write key among the ports, CMM, and the storage registers. 7. Centre! end time o!! date, pcr:f';1 and control signals MAIN MEMORY The memory system comprises memory units, memory interfaces (MIs), and memory buses. Figure 4 illustrates the relationships among these components. The primary technology for main memory is magnetic core. The maximum physical storage is 256Kwords. Memory units can be interleaved on a two-way interleave basis. Each memory unit is provided with a set of starting address switches on the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6) together witha two-position switch that selects one of two 14 Main Memory issued to the memory bus. 8. Accept one of two or more simultaneous memory requests on the basis of port positional priority and other priority status information such as "high priority" and "memory reserved ". (Maximum of eight) Core Memory Modules (CMM) Memory Unit Core Memory Modules (CMM) Memory Unit Memory Driver (MD) Memory Driver (MD) Core Memory Modules (CMM) Memory Unit . Core Memory Modules (CMM) Memory Unit Memory Driver (MD) . Memory Driver (MD) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Memory Bus 1 Memory Bus 2 r- -- ,---i---llI --, I r-- Memory Interface Basic Processor I I • ....en u I en ::l co L- a> ::l t--- MIOP ..-- Memory Interface I I I I I I r-- ~ 1 I I Processor Cluster I L- ....ena> I ::l U I-- I MIOP I '--- Processor Interface Processor Cluster I I I r Processor Interface I I I I L ______ --.J To Processor Bus(es) To Processor Bus(es) Figure 4. Main Memory Main Memory 15 PORTS AND MEMORY BUSES A memory unit may contain two, four, or six ports, which have a fixed priority order for the resolution of access contention. Each port allows the memory unit to communicate via a memory bus with a different external system (i.e., a processor cluster), which communicates with the memory bus via the Memory Interface (MI) (see Figure 4). Ports are numbered from 1 (top priority) to 6 (lowest priority). The selection logic is biased to select port 1 (the fast port) whenever the memory is quiescent. Thus performance is improved for the Memory Interface (MI) connected to that port, and hence to the processors connected to that MI. A memory reserve function insures proper execution of instructions that require guaranteed re-access to a memory locati on before a second processor can access it. Each port is equipped with an inhibit function that can be activated from the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6). access to a given memory location without encountering interference from another processor that is making sequentia I requests. Two memory units of the same size can be two-way interleaved. Both memory units transform an incoming address, as follows: Size of Each Memory Unit Address Bits Interchanged 32K 16K 16 and 31 17 and 31 As a result of the address transformation, even incoming addresses are assigned to one memory unit and odd incoming addresses to the other. Note that the incoming address (untransformed) is stored in the status register of the accessed unit in each cycle and is avai lable as are other types of dynamic status information. (Interleaved memory units have two status registers, one in each of the un its.) Other major functions performed by the ports are: MEMORY UNIT STARTING ADDRESS 1. Address recognition. 2. Address interleaving. The memory system is bui It up by interconnection of identically numbered ports of all memory units. Each interconnecting cable is called a memory bus, wh ich is dedicated to a single processor cluster (see Figure 4). PORT PRIORITY The multiport structure allows two simul taneous requests for memory to be processed immediately if the requests are received on different ports for different memory units, and neither memory unit is busy. If a requested memory unit is busy or receives simultaneous requests, the memory port logic selects the highest priority request first. Normally, all ports in a memory unit operate on the fixed priority basis (the fast port has the highest priority and the highest-numbered normal port the lowest). Thus, if a single memory unit simultaneously receives requests on port 2 and port 4, port 2 has first access to the memory unit. Each port also has associated with it a high-priority line which, upon receiving a high-priority request, raises the port's priority above that of all other ports except for any higher priority port, which also has a high-priority request on its line. Each memory unit is individually identified by starting address switches located on the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6). These switches define the range of addresses the memory unit responds to when servicing memory requests. All addresses, including the starting address, for a given memory unit are the same for all ports in that unit; that is, the address of a given word remains the same regard less of the port used to access the word. The starti ng address of a memory unit must be on a boundary equal to a multiple of the size of the memory unit when two memory units (of the same size) are interleaved. The starting address of one memory unit must be a multiple of the size of the two memory units together; the second memory unit must have a starting address higher than that of its companion by its own size. Another way to say this is that the starting address for the combined units must be on a boundary equal to a multiple of the total size of the interleaved assembly. MAINTAINABILITY AND PERFORMANCE Memory maintainability is enhanced by the following features: 1. Error detection. Each memory unit senses and remembers parity errors in the CMM data as well as parity errors in the address word or the memory bus data, port selection errors, CMM selection error, and undefined operations. This status information is available to diagnostic programs to facilitate error localization in space and time of occurrence. The memor; unit senses and reports, but does not remember (for diagnostic purposes) a write lock violation. 2. Modularity. For ease of replacement, the logic and storage circuitry is packaged on modules that are removable from backpanelswithoutrequiring cable disconnections. MEMORY INTERLEAVING Memory interleaving is a hardware feature that distributes sequential addresses into two independently operating memory units. Interleaving increases the probability that a processor (i.e., basic processor or MIOP) can gain 16 Main Memory 3. Diagnostic logic. Each memory driver module carries logic used exclusively for localizing faulty elements in that module. The benefit derived from this diagnostic logic depends on such external factors as the accessibility to a module tester. first 16 registers of the current register block as if it were a location in main memory. Furthermore, the register block can hold an instruction (or a series of as many as 16 instructions) for execution just as though the instruction (or instructi ons) were in ma in memory. The following terms are used in the various types of addressing described in subsequent sections. See also Figure 5, wh ich illustrates the control and data flow during address generation. Memory system performance depends on these factors; 1. Access time of memory unit. 2. Cycle time of memory unit. 3. Type of cycle requested. 4. Number of memory units. 5. Interleaving. 6. Type of port (fast or norma I) selected. 7. Self or mutual interference between memory requests. 1• Instructi on Address. Th is is the address of the next instruction to be executed. For real, real-extended, and virtual addressing the 17-bit instruction address is contained within bits 15-31 of the program status words (PSWs) • 2. Reference Address. This is the 17-bit or 20-bit address associated with any instruction (except that in a trap or interrupt location that has a 0 in bit position 10). For real, real extended, direct, and virtual addressing, the reference address is the address contained within bits 15-31 of the instruction itself. All these factors characterize not only memory performance but a Iso system performance. The reference address may be modified by using indirect addressing, indexing, and memory mapping. A reference address becomes an effective virtual address after the indirect addressing and/or postindexing (if required) is performed. Port access time and cycle time are essential memory speed characteristics pertaining to CMM operations. 1. 2. Port access time. This is the time interval measured between the clock pulse that transmits an address word from the Memory Interface (MI) to an idle memory unit and the clock pulse that translates a memory word from the same memory unit to the MI. - I.. ,... I._ I 1.1 ,_ 3. 20-Bit Trap or Interrupt Reference Address. If bit position 10 of any instruction in a trap or interrupt location contains a 0, bits 12-31 of that instruction are used as a 20-bit reference address. This 20-bit reference addi-c55 Cuii be ,li0difie:d vii~,- by \,;:;;ii9 ;iid;~~ct Gddr~~:; ing. This 20-bit reference address cannot be indexed or mapped. (See IIInterrupt and Trap Entry Addressing", later in this chapter.) 4. Direct Reference Address. If neither indirect addressing nor indexing is called for by the instruction (i.e., if bit 0 and the X field contain zero), the reference address of the instruction (as defined above) becomes the effective virtual address. Direct addressing may be used during real, virtual, or real extended addressing modes, including trap and interrupt operations. Direct addressing during virtual addressing does not preclude memory mapping. 5. Indirect Reference Address. The 7-bit operation code field of the instruction word format provides for as many as 128 instruction operation codes, nearly all of which can use indirect addressing (except immediate-operand and byte-string instructions). If the instruction calls for indirect addressing (bit position 0 contains a 1), the reference address (as defined above) is used to access a word location that contains the direct reference address in bit positions 15-31, or bit positions 12-31 for certain real extended addressing operations. The indirect addressing operation is limited to one level, regardless of the contents of the word location pointed to by the reference address field of the instruction. Indirect addressing occurs before indexing; that is, the 17-bit I '-ycte TIme. '-ycte TIme aepenas on rne ope'Uliun [}~ing performed and on the sequence of operation. Cycle time determines the maximum rate at which a memory un it can accept requests. VIRTUAL AND REAL MEMORY Virtual memory is the address space available to an individual program. The maximum size of virtual memory is 128K words, broken into as many as 256 pages of 512 words each distributed throughout the available pages of real memory. Real memory corresponds to the physical memory, and its size is equal to the total number of words contained within all memory units in the system. The size of real memory ranges from a minimum of 16K words to a maximum of 256K words. Note: Real memory address space is 1 million words. MEMORY REFERENCE ADDRESS Memory locations 0 through 15 are not normally accessible to the programmer because their memory addresses are reserved as register designators for "register-te-register ll operations. Nevertheless an instruction treats any of the Main Memory 17 Fetch contents of register. yes Add 16-19 bit index to 17-bit reference address; 17-19 bit arithmetic. Add 20-22 bit index to 17-bit direct reference address or 20-bit indirect reference address; 20-22 bit arithmetic. Fetch contents of register. Fetch contents of 20-bit rea I address. If wr ite operation, trap on writeprotect violation. 0~ ( END ) Figure 5. Addressing Logic 18 Main Memory ,V,op to 20-bit real address. Trap on access protect violation if in slave or master-protected modes. reference address field of the instruction is used to obtain a word, and the 17 or 20 low-order bits of the word thus obtained effectively replace the initial reference address field; then indexing is carried out according to the operation code of the instruction. See Figures 7 and 9, later in this chapter. 6. 7. a. 9. Index Reference Address. If indexing is called for in the instruction (a value other than zero in bits 12-14 of the instruction), the direct or indirect reference address is modified by addition of the displacement value in the general register (index) called for by the instruction (after scaling the displacement according to the instruction type). This final reference address value (after indirect addressing, indexing, or both) is defined as the effective virtual address of the instruction. Indexing after indirect addressing is ,ca lied postindexing. See also Figures 7 and 9, later in this chapter. 11. Effective Location. An effective location is defined as the actual location (in main memory or in the current register block) that is to receive the result of a memoryreferencing instruction, and is referenced by means of an effective address. Because an effective address may be either an actual address or a virtual address, when applicable, this definition of an effective location assumes the transformation of a virtual address into an actua I address. 12. Effective Operand. An effective operand is defined as the contents of an actual location (in main memory or in the current register block) that is to be used as an operand by a memory-referencing instruction, and is referred to by means of an effective address. This also presupposes the transformation of a virtual address into an actual address. Displacements. Displacements are the 16- to 22-bit values used in index registers and by byte-string instructions to generate effective addresses of the appropriate size (byte, halfword, word, .or doubleword). Register Address. If any instruction provides a virtual address that is a memory reference (i.e., a direct, indirect, or indexed reference address) in the range 0 through 15, the basic processordoesnotattempt to read from or write into main memory locations 0 through 15. Instead, the four low-order bits of the reference address are used as a general register address and the general register corresponding to this address is used as the operand location or result destination. Thus, the instruction can use any of the first 16 registers in the current register block as the source of an operand, the location of a direct address, or the destination of a resuit. Such usage is called a "register-to-register" operation. Actual Address. This is the address value actually used by the basic processor to access main memory via the memory address register (see Figure 5). If the effective virtual address is in the range 0 through 15 (X'O through X'F'), one of the first 16 general registers in the current register block is being addressed. If the basic processor is operating in the virtual addressing mode, all addresses greater than 15 (X'F') are transformed (usually into addresses in a different memory page) by the memory map into actual addresses. Contrarily, if the basic processor is operating in either real or oreal extended mode, no transformation via the memory map takes place. 10. Effective Address. The effective address is defined as the final virtual address computed for an instruction. Note, however, that some instructions do not use the effective address as a location reference; instead, the effective address is used to control the operation of the instruction (as in a shift instruction), to designate the address of an input/output device (as in an input/ output instruction), or to designate a specific element of the system (as in a READ DIRECT or WRITE DIRECT instruction) • TYPES OF ADDRESSING Except for the special type of addressing performed by some interrupt and trap instructions, all addressing within the computer system is real, real extended, or virtual. REAL ADDRESSING In real addressing, a one-to-one relationship prevai Is between the effective virtual address of each instruction and the actual address used to access main memory. Real addressing has these characteristics: 1. Each reference address is a 17-bit word address. 2. The reference address may be direct or indirect, with or without postindexing. 3. Displacements associated with indexing are automatically aligned, as required, using the full 32-bit contents of the index register. The final result is truncated to the left of the high-order bit of the original 17-bit reference address, and the effective real address is a 16-bit doubleword address, 17-bit word address, la-bit ha Ifword address, or a 19-b it byte address. 4. If indirect addressing is invoked, the 17-bit reference address in the instruction word is used to access the indirect address word in memory. ThQ low-order 17 bits of this word then replace the reference address of the instruction word in the calculations described in (3), above. 5. Memory mapping and memory access protection are never invoked. 6. Memory write protection is automatically invoked. 7. Leading zeros are automatically appended to the effective address to generate an actual word address as required by the main memory. Main Memory 19 8. Real addressing is allowed in master mode and in slave mode, and is specified when bit positions 9 and 61 of the PSWs both contain zero. VIRTUAL ADDRESSING Virtua I addressing uses the memory map to determine the actual address to be associated with a particular reference address of each instruction. Virtual addressing differs from real addressing in that there is normally no exact relationship between the effective virtual address and the actual address. These are the characteristics of virtual addressing: 1. Each reference address is a 17-bit address. 2. The reference address may be direct or indirect, with or without postindexing. 3. Displacements associated with indexing are automatically aligned, as required, using the full 32-bit contents of the index register. The final result is truncated to the left of the high-order bit of the original 17-bit reference address, and the effective virtual address is a 16-bit doubleword address, 17-bit word address, 18-bit halfword address, or a 19-bit byte address. 4. Virtua I memory access protection is always invoked. If the access protection code is invalid, the instruction aborts and traps to location X 140 1• (See "Trap System", later in this chapter.) 5. Memory mapping translates the 8 most significant bits of the effective virtual address (the page portion) into an l1-b i t page address. Th is page address is concatenated with the 9 least significant bits of the reference address. The resultant 20-bit word address is the actual address used to access memory. This feature permits anyone user at any given time to have a virtual memory of as many as 128K words (256 pages) located throughout real (actual) memory comprising as many as 256K words (512 pages). Although virtual memory may be physically fragmented, it is logically contiguous. Note that Sigma 6/1 programs may run on this computer system without requiring change to the mapping structure. The memory map is loaded with 8-bit page addresses (the 3 high-order bits of the ll-bit real page address are reset to zeros). The most significant 8 bits of the effective virtual address are then translated into the designated 8-bit page address. 6. The rnemory write-protection featl.!re !5 !n'loked for the actual address in real memory. 7. Virtual addressing may be used in all modes (master, master-protected, and slave) and is specified when bit 9 of the PSWs contains a one. 20 Main Memory ADDRESS MODIFICATION EXAMPLE: INDEXING (REAL AND VIRTUAL ADDRESSING) Figure 6 shows how the indexing operation takes place during real and virtual addressing operations. The instruction is brought from memory and loaded into a 34-bit instruction register that initially contains zeros in the two low-order bit positions (32 and 33). The displacement value from the index register is then aligned with the instruction register (as an integer) according to the address type of the instruction; that is, if it is a byte operation, the low-order bit of the displacement is aligned with the least significant bit of the 34-bit instruction register (bit position 34). The displacement is then shifted one bit to the left of this position for a halfword operation, two bits to the left for a word operation, and three bits to the left for a doubleword operation. An addition process then takes place to develop a 19-bit address, referred to as the effective address of the instruction. High-order bits of the 32-bit displacement are ignored in the devdopment of this effective address (i .e., the 15 high-order bits are ignored for word operations, the 25 high-order bits are ignored for shift operations, and the 16 high-order bits are ignored for doubleword operations). The displacement value, however, can cause the effective address to be less than the initial reference address (within the instruction) if the displacement value contains a sufficient number of high-order lis (i .e., if the displacement value is a negative integer in two1s complement form). The effective virtual address of an instruction is always a 19-bit byte address value. This value, however, is automatically adjusted to the information boundary conventions. Thus, for halfword operations the low-order bit of the effective halfword address is zero; for word operations the two low-order bits of the effective word address are zeros; and for doubleword operations the three low-order bits of the effective doubleword address are zeros. In a byte operation with no indexing, the effective byte is the first byte (byte 0 in bit positions 0-7) of a word location; in a halfword operation with no indexing, the effective halfword is the first halfword (halfword 0 in bit positions 0-15) of a word location. A doubleword operation always involves a word at an even numbered address and the word at the next sequential (which is odd numbered) word address. Thus, if an odd numbered word location is specified for a doubleword operation, the low-order bit of the effective address field (bit position 31) is automatically forced to zero. This means that in a doubleword operation an odd numbered word (reference) address designates the same doubleword as the next lower even numbered word address. In the real addressing mode, the 19-bit effective virtual address is concatenated with 3 leading zeros to form a 22-b it actua I address. In the virtua I addressi ng mode, the 8 most significant bits of the 19-bit virtual address are mapped (using the memory map) into the 11-bit actual page address, thus forming a 22-bit actual address. Instruction in memory: Instruction in instruction register: I IIII Byte operation indexing alignment: Halfword operation indexing alignment: Word operation indexing alignment: Shift operation indexing alignment: Doubleword operation indexing alignment: Effective virtual address: Figure 6. Index Displacement AI ignment (Real and Virtual Addressing Modes) ADDRESS MODIFICATION EXAMPLE: INDIRECT, INDEXED HALFWORD (VIRTUAL ADDRESSING) Figure 7 i "ustrates the address modification and mapping process for an indirectly addressed, indexed, halfword operation. As shown, reference address 1 is the content of the reference address field in the instruction stored in memory. The instruction is brought into the instruction register, and if the value of the reference address field is greater than 15, the memory map converts the 19-bit effective virtual address into a 22-bit actual address. The 17 low-order bits of the main memory location pointed to by the actual address, labeled reference address 2, then replaces reference address 1 in the instruction register. The index register designated by the X field of the instruction is subsequently aligned for incrementing at the halfword-address level. The final effective virtual address is formed by the address generator, and if the value of the reference address is greater than 15, the effective virtual address is transformed through the memory map into an actual address. The resultant 22-bit actual (main memory) address, which automatically contains a low-order 0, is then used to access the halfword to be used as the operand for the instruction. Note that for the real addressing mode, the modifications required for indirect, indexed halfword operation are the same with one exception: reference address 1 and the final effective address are concatenated with three leading zeros (as opposed to being transformed by the memory map). REAL-EXTENDED ADDRESSING Real-extended addressing is simi lar to real addressing in that a direct relationship exists between the effective virtual address of each instruction and the actual address. The function of real-extended addressing is to facilitate operations in a memory system larger than 128K words. Note: Instructions and indirect addresses that involve real-extended address calculations must themselves reside in the first 128K words of memory (or in the general registers), although they in turn may ultimately access operands in locations beyond the first 128K words of memory. Main Memory 21 Instruction in memory: Instruction in instruction registers: The 8 high-order bits of the reference address are replaced with ll-bit page address Z from memory map: Actual address of memory location that contains the direct address: ~------~~------~'r~------~~~----~ 22-bit actual address 17-bit direct address in memory: III Indi rect addressing replaces reference address with direct address: Halfword operation indexing alignment: IIII Effective virtual address: I. III ~-~it ~i~t~al,.lh.?I!~o!~ ~d~r:s:-' t t t t t t IK KKK KKK K T r t ItUI 15116 17 18 19120 21 22 23124 25 26 27128 29 30 313233 The 8 high-order bits of the effective address are replaced with ll-bit page address N from memory map: Final memory address, which is the actual address of halfword location containing the effective halfword: Figure 7. Generation of Actual Addresses Indirect, Virtual Addressing 22 Ma i n Memory Real-extended addressing is specified when PSWs bit location 9 contains zero and PSWs bit location 61 contains one. In real-extended addressing, the 17-bit reference address in the instruction word is expanded to a 20-bit reference address by the appendage of 3 bit positions to the left of the reference address (see Figure 8). If indexing or indirect addressing are not specified in the instruction, these 3 bit positions contain zeros. Otherwise, address calculations are performed in this manner: If indexing is specified (X field in the instructi-on contains a value other than zero), the contents of the specified index register are properly al igned with respect to the 17-bit reference address according to the general alignm~nt rules. Arithmetic on the aligned quantities then takes place using the full 32-bit contents of the index register. The final result is truncated 3 bits to the left of the original 17-bit reference address, these 3 bi ts having been acqui red from the index register plus any carry resulting from the addition of the 17-bit reference address with the index register contents, If the instruction specifies indirect addressing (bit position 0 contains one), the 17 bit reference address is used to access an indirect word in memory. The low-order 20 bits of the indirect word then replace the 17-bit reference address from the instruction. If indexing is also specified, the appropriate alignment of the 32-bit contents of the index register is then made and the addition operation performed. The result is truncated to the left of the 20-bit operand obtained from the indirect address word. In real-extended addressing, 20-bit address calculations actually encompass 22-, 21-, 20-, and 19-bitcalculations, respectively, for byte, halfword, word, and doubleword alignments (see Figures 8 and 9). Instruction in memory: information used by address generator: Indexed not indexed I IIII Byte operation indexing alignment: 22-bii displacement ;alue Halfword operation indexing alignment: Word operation indexing al ignment: Shift operation indexing alignment: Doubleword operation indexing alignment: 20-bit effective address: Figure 8. Index Displacement Alignment (Real-Extended Addressing) Main Memory 23 Instruction in memory: o 1 2 Instruction in instruction register: Indi rect reference addresses: Contents of indirect reference address: Address used if bit 0 = 1: Displacement aligned for halfword indexing: Final effective address: Figure 9. Generation of Effective Virtual Address (Indirect Real-Extended Addressing) The stack pointer doubJeword for push-down instructions contains a 2O-bit word address for the top of stack address field; as shown in the following format: During real-extended addressing memory write protection is invoked. Table 1 summarizes the addressing characteristics. 24 Me i n Memory Table 1. Basic Processor Operating Modes and Addressing Cases PSW BIT MS MM MA Mode and Addressing Characteristics 0 0 0 Master mode, unmapped, 17-bit calculations, real addressing (128K words, maximum). 1 0 0 Slave mode, unmapped, 17-bit calculations, real addressing (128K words, maximum). 0 0 1 Master mode, unmapped, 20-bit calculations, real-extended addressing, 17-bit instruction reference address (instructions and indirect words in first 128K words only), indexed and indirect addresses are 20 bits. 1 0 1 Slave mode, unmapped, 20-bit calculations, real-extended addressing, 17-bit instruction reference address (instructions and indirect words in first 128K words only), indexed and indirect addresses are 20 bits. 0 1 0 Master mode, mapped, 17-bit calculations, virtual addressing (128K words, maximum), map to 1M words, real (Sigma 6/7 map to first 128K words by virtue of loading map with three high-order zeros for all pages) .• 1 1 - 0 1 1 Slave mode, mapped, 17-bit calculations, virtual addressing (128K words, maximum), map to 1M words, real (Sigma 6/7 map to first 128K words by virtue of loading map with three high-order zeros for a II pages). Master-protected mode, mapped, 17-bit calculations, virtual addressing (128K words, maximum), map to 1M words, real (access protection invoked). INTERRUPT AND TRAP ENTRY ADDRESSING t-ormat ,: An instruction residing in an interrupt location (see "Centra Iized Interrupt System" later in this chapter) and executed as the di rect resu It of an interrupt sequence is defi ned as an interrupt instruction. Both conditions must be true simultaneously. Thus an instruction in an interrupt location is not an interrupt instruction if it is executed as the result of a program branch to the interrupt location under normal program control. The only valid interrupt instructions are XPSD, PSS, MTW, MTH, and MTB. Format 2: Similarly, a trap instruction (see "Trap System", later in this chapter) is defined as an instruction in a trap location executed as a direct result of a trap condition. The only valid trap instructions are XPSD and PSS. Format 1 is used in these circumstances: 1. Bit position 10 (AT) of the XPSD contains zero. In this format the reference address is a 20-bit actual address (i .e., no mapping). Note that this is true regardless of whether the instruction is in a trap, interrupt, or normal location and independent of the mode (mapped, unmapped, real-extended) of the current PSWs. If indirect addressing is specified, the indirect word contains a 20-bit address with exactly the same properties. 2. Bit position 10 (AT) of the X PSD contains one, the instruction is in a trap or interrupt location, the instruction is being executed as the result of a trap or interrupt, and the current mode of the PSWs is not rea I-extended. In this format, the reference address is a 20-bit actual XPSD Address Calculations. Address calculations associated with XPSD instructions deviate from the standard forms. Two basic formats are used in XPSD instructions, depending on whether subjective or objective addressing is being used. Bit 10 of the XPSD instruction is the addressing type (AT) designator. In the circumstances described below, it designates whether the reference address in the XPSD instruction is to be considered unconditionally as a 20-bit real address or whether the current mode of addressing ca Iculati ons is to be appl ied to it. Main Memory 25 address if PSWs bit 9 is zero (no map), or a 20-bit virtual address if PSWs bit 9 is one (map). If indirect addressing is specified, the indirect word contains a 20-bit address with exactly the same properties. Format 2: Format 2 is used in all other circumstances, namely: 1. Bit position 10 (AT) contains a one, and a. The XPSD is not being executed as the result of a trap or interrupt, or b. It is in a trap or interrupt location, is being executed as the result of a trap or interrupt, but the current mode of the PSWs is real-extended. In these cases, all of the normal rules of address calculations hold, i.e., indirect, index, and map. PSS Address Calculations. PUSH STATUS (PSS) address calculations are simi lar to but simpler than those for the X PSD instruction. Two basic formats are used: Format 1 is used when the modify and test instruction is executed in an interrupt or trap location as a result of an interrupt or trap sequence. When used as an interrupt instruction, the MTW, MTH, or MTB instruction uses the 20-bit reference address as a real address (except counter 4), without indexing or mapping. Interrupt Counter 4 uses the map if mapping is called for. Access protect and write lock violations are not active. When used as a trap instruction, the MTW, MTH, or MTB instruction uses the 20-bit address without indexing; if the PSWs specify mapping, however, the map is used, with bits 12-14 of the address ignored. Format 2 is used when the modify and test instruction is executed in the normal course of program execution. Addressing in this case is completely standard, including indexing and indirect addressing. Format 1: RD and WD Address Calculations. The final output address for a READ DIRECT (RD) or a WRITE DIRECT (WD) instruction is the low-order 16 bits of the effective virtual address. If indexing is specified in the instruction, the low-order 17 bits of the instruction are modified by the indexing operation, and the resultant 17-bit address is truncated to 16 bits and transmitted as the final address. No mapping takes place. Format 2: Format 1 is used when the PSS is executed in an interrupt or trap locati on as a resu I t of an interrupt or trap sequence. No indexing is possible because its designator field is preempted by the reference address. Indirect addressing is permitted with the same constraint against indexing; the indirect address word contains a 20-bit real address with precisely the same properties as the reference address. In the case of a trap instruction, the 20-bit reference address can be either a reo I oddre5s or a virtua! address accordlng to the value in PSWs bit position 9. If indirect addressing is specified in the instruction, the indirect address word is generated in the standard manner according to the mode bits in the PSWs. Thus mapping will occur if it is specified in the PSWs. If indexing is also specified, the indirect address in the indirect word is modified by the indexing operation and the resultant address is truncated to 16 bits and transmitted as the final address. Format 2 is used when the PSS instruction is executed in the course of normal program execution. Addressing in this case is completely standard, including indexing and indirect addressing. Two methods of program control of main memory are the memory map and the memory locks. The memory map provides for dynamic relocation of programs and for access protection through inhibitions imposed on slave or masterprotected mode programs. Access protection violations in either mode are trapped to location X'40'. The memory locks provide memory write protection for all modes of programs throughout a I I rea I memory. The memory locks apply to input/output operations as well as basic processor operations. This protection is effective at the page level, is for reai addresses, and is operative in addition to the protection provided virtual addresses at the page level. Memory protection violations in any mode are trapped to location X'40' . During the execution of the PSS instruction the interrupt stack pointer is accessed from real memory locations Oand 1. The interrupt stack address therein is a real 20-bit address with no indexing or mapping used. tvHW, MTH, uno MTS Addre:>:> Calculations. iwo basic formats are used in modify and test instructions: MEMORY ADDRESS CONTROL Format 1: Note: 2i 2, 2J,24 2) 20 2.;';28 29 26 Main Memory A WD instruction used to write into main memory locations a through 31 is not subject to write protection. MEMORY MAPPING AND ACCESS PROTECTION The memory map is physically an array of 256 l1-bit registers. The array resides in the Memory Interface (MI) of the processor cluster containing the basic processor. Each register has an 8-bit address (that corresponds to an 8-bit virtual page address) and contains an ll-bit actual page address for a specific 512-word page of memory. Mapping always transforms a 17-bitvirtual address into a 20-bit real address. The actual page addresses are assigned to pages of virtual addresses in this manner: Actual page X (11 bits) Actual page K (11 bits) Vi rtua I addresses Vi rtua I addresses X ' lO'-X'l FF' X '200'-X ' 3FF' (virtual page 0) (virtual page 1) Ac tua I page N (11 bits) Virtual addresses XI 1FEOO 1- XI 1 FFFF1 (virtual page 255) Just prior to a memory reference, the most significant 8 bits of a 17-bit virtual address are used as the address of an element of the map array. The 11 bits contained within that element are then used in conjunction with the loworder 9 bits of the 17-bit virtual address to produce a 20-bit actua I address. Sigma 6/7 compatible mapping is accomplished by loading the map with 8-bit address elements (instead of 11-bit address elements) via the MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (MMC) instruction. The 8 bits are stored in the low-order 8 bits of each map element and the 3 high-order bit positions are reset to zero. Thus the map will always relocate to the same address in the first 128K words of real memory and be compatible for Sigma 6/7 programs. Associated with the memory map feature is another array of 256 2-bit registers, also located in the Memory Interface. Each register contains a 2-bit access control code for a specific 512-word page of virtual addresses. The access-protection code indicates the allowed use or availability of the corresponding page of virtual memory. Access protection applies to all pages of the virtual address space of the active program, and is only active when the memory map is invoked. Vi rtual addresses X'600 '-X'7FF' Virtual addresses X'400'-X ' 5FF' Virtual addresses X'200'-X'3FF' Virtual addresses X'10'-X'lFF' (Virtual page 0) Virtual addresses X'lFEOO'X'l FFFF' (virtual page 255) Virtual addresses X'lFCOO'X'lFDFF' The memory page address and access-control codes can be changed only by use of the privileged MMC instruction (see Chapter 3, "Control Instructions). Access protection is in effect whenever the memory map is in effect (PSWs 9 = 1) and the basic processor is operating in the slave mode (PSWs 8 = 1) or in the master-protected mode (PSWs61 =1). Access protection is not in effect when the basic processor is operating in the master mode. When the memory map is in effect, all memory references used by the program (including instruction addresses) whether direct, indirect, or indexed, are referred to as virtual addresses. Virtual addresses in the range 0 through 15 are not used to address main memory; instead the 4 low-order bits of the virtual address comprise a general register address. If, however, an instruction produces a virtual address greater than 15, the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address are used to obtain the appropriate l1-bit actual memory page address and 2-bit access control codes. For example, if the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address are 0000 0000, the first page address code and the first access control code are used; if the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address are 0000 0001, the second page address code and the second access control code are used, etc., through the 256th page address and access control codes. Thus each 512-word page of virtual addresses is associated with its own memory page address and access control codes. When the memory map is accessed during a slave mode or master-protected mode program, the basic processor determines whether there are any inhibitions to using the virtual address. These are the four types of access protection codes: 00 A slave mode or master-protected mode program can write into, read from, or access instructions from this page of virtual address. 01 A slave mode or master-protected mode program cannot write into this page of virtual addresses; it can, however, read from or access instructions from this page of virtual addresses. 10 A slave mode or master-protected mode program cannot write into or access instructions from this page of virtual addresses; it can, however, read from this page of virtual addresses. 11 A slave mode or master-protected mode program is denied any access to this page of virtua I addresses. If the instruction being executed by the slave or masterprotected program fai Is the foregoing test, the instruction is aborted and the basic processor traps to location X '40 1 , the "non-allowed operation" trap (see "Trap System", later in this chapter). Contrarily, if the instruction being executed by the slave mode or master-protected mode program passes this test (or if the basic processor is operating in the master mode), the Main Memory 27 ll-bit page address in the accessed element of the memory map array replaces the 8 high-order bits of the virtual address to produce the actual address of the main memory location to be used by the instruction (20-bit word address that is automatically adjusted as required for doubleword, halfword, or byte operation). See Figure 7. Note: If the ll-bit page address in the accessed element of the memory map is all zeros, and an actual address is produced that corresponds to a word address in the range 0 through 15, when the ll-bit page address is combined with the 9 low-order bits of the virtual address, the corresponding general register in the current register block is not accessed. In this one particular instance a word address in the range 0 through 15 corresponds to an actual main memory location rather than a general register. REAL MEMORY WRITE LOCKS Additional memory protection, independent of the access protection, is provided by a write lock and key technique. A 4-bit write protect lock (WL) is provided for each 512word page of actual memory. Thus, for the maximum lMword real memory there would be 2048 4-bit write locks. Write locks are assigned to pages of actual addresses as follows: Actual addresses X'600'-X'7FF' Actual addresses X'400'-X'5FF' Actual addresses X'200'-X'3FF' Actual addresses O-X'lFF' (memory page 0) Actual addresses X'l FEOO'X'l FFFF' (memory page 255) Actual addresses X'lFCOO'X'lFDFF' 2. A key value of 0000 is a "skeleton" key that will open any lock; thus write access to any memory page is permitted independent of its lock value. 3. A lock value other than 0000 for a memory page permits write access to that page only if the key value (other than 0000) is identical to the lock value. Thus a program can write into a given memory page if the lock value is 0000, if the key value is 0000, or if the key value matches the lock value. Note: The memory access protection feature operates during virtua I addressing modes and on virtua I addresses, whereas the memory write protection feature always operates on actual memory addresses. Thus, if the memory access protection feature is invoked (that is, if the basic processor is operating in the slave mode or the master-protected mode and is using the memory map), the access protection codes are examined when the virtual address is converted into an actual address. Then the lock and key are examined to determine whether the program (master, master-protected, or slave mode) is allowed to alter the contents of themainmemory location corresponding to the final actual address. If an instruction attempts to write into a write-protected memory page, the basic processor aborts the instruction, and traps to location X '40', the "nonallowed operation" trap (see "Trap System ", later in this chapter). If an I/O procedure attempts to write into a writeprotected memory page, the write lock violation bit in the lOP status byte is set, and can be tested by the AIO, no, and TDV instructions. PROGRAM STATUS WORDS The critical control conditions of the basic processor are defined within 64 bits of information collectively referred to as the program status words (PSWs). The current PSWs may be considered as one 64-bit internal basic processor register, although they actually exist as a collection of separate n~g isters and flip-flops (see Figure 2 appearing earlier in this chapter). When stored in memory, the PSWs have the following format: The write protect locks can be changed only by executing the privileged instruction MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (see Chapter 3, "Control Instructions"). The write key (a 4-bit field in the PSWs for any operating program, or in the command doubleword for I/O operations) works in conjunction with the write lock to determine whether any program (slave, master-protected, or master mode) can write into a specific page of main memory iocations. The write key and lock control access for writing according to these rules: 1. 28 A lock value of 0000 means that the corresponding memory page is unlocked; write access to that page is permitted independent of the key value. Main Memory They may be optionally followed byan additional two words with the following format: .:, Designation Function CC Condition code. This generalized 4-bit code indicates the nature of the results of an instruction. The significance of the condition code bits depends upon the particular instruction just executed. After an instruction is executed, the BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET (BCS) and BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET (BCR) instructions can be used singly or in combination to test for a particular condition code setting. (These instructions are described in Chapter 3, "Execute/Branch Instructi ons "). In some operations only a portion of the condition code is involved; thus, the term CCl refers to the first bit of the condition code, CC2 to the second bit, and CC3 and CC4, respectively, to the third and fouTth bits. Any program can change the current value of the condition code by executing either the LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL IMMEDIATE (LCFI) or the LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (LCF) instruction. Any program can store the current condition code by executing the STORE CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (STCF) instruction. These instructions are described in Chapter 3, II Load/Store Instructions". FR Floating round mode control (see FN below). FS Floating significance mode control (see FN below). FZ Floating zero mode control (see FN below). FN Floating normalize mode control. The four floating-point mode control bits (FR, FS, FZ, and FN) control the operation of the basic processor with respect to invoking the roundoff mode of floating-point calculations, checking floating-point significance, generating zero results, and normalizing the results of floating-point additions and subtractions, respectively. (The floating-point mode controls are described in Chapter 3, II Floating-Point Instructions".) Any program can change the state of the current floatingpoint mode controls by executing either the LCFI or the LCF instruction. Any program De~gnaHon FuncHon FN (cont.) can store the current state" of the current floating-point mode controls by executing the STCF instruction. MS Master/slave mode control. The basic processor is in the master mode when this bit and the mode altered bit (bit 61) both contain zero; it is in the slave mode when this bit contains one. (See MS for a description of master-protected mode.) A master mode or master-protected mode program can change this mode control bit by executing the LOAD PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (LPSD), EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (XPSD), PUSH STATUS (PSS), or PULL STATUS (PLS) instruction. These privi leged instructions are described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions" • MM Memory map control. The memory map is in effect when this bit position contains a one. A master mode or master-protected mode program can change the memory map control by executing an LPSD, XPSD , PSS, or PLS instruction. AM Arithmetic mask. The fixed-point arithmetic overflow trap is permitted to occur when this bit contains one. The instructions that can cause fixed-point overflow are described in the section "Trap System", later in this chapter. The arithmetic trap mask can be changed by a master mode or master-protected mode program executing an LPSD, XPSD, PSS, or PLS instruction. IA Instruction address. This 17-bit field contains the virtual address of the next instruction to be executed. WK Write key. This field contains the 4-bit key used in conjunction with a write lock in the memory write protection feature. A master mode or master-protected mode program can change the value of the write key by executing an LPSD, XPSD, PSS, or PLS instruction. CI Counter interrupt group inhibit (see El, below). II Input/output interrupt group inhibit (see El, below). EI External interrup group inhibit. The three interrupt group inhibit bits (CI, II, and EI) determine whether certain interrupts are Main Memory 29 Designation Function EI (cont. ) allowed to occur. The function of these group interrupt inhibits are described in "Centra 1ized Interrupt System", later in this chapter. A master mode or master-protected mode program can change the group interrupt inhibits by executing an LPSD, XPSD, PSS, PLS, or WRITE DIRECT 0ND) instruction. These privi leged instructions are described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions". RP Register pointer. This 2-bit field selects one of the 4 possible blocks of general-purpose registers as the current register block. A master or master-protected mode program can change the register pointer by executing LPSD, XPSD, PSS, PLS, or the LOAD REGISTER POINTER (LRP) instruction. LRP is described in Chapter 3, under "Control Instructions" . RA MA MP Register altered bit. When a trap occurs, this bit is set to one when any general register or location in memory has been altered in the execution or partial execution of the instruction that caused the trap. Mode altered. This bit is used to invoke both the master-protected mode of operation and the real-extended addressing mode). Table 1 details the function of the setting of this bit in conjunction with the setting of the MS (bit 8)and MM (bit 9) fields. The bits are set by an LPSD, XPSD, PSS, or PLS instruction. Memory protection violation address. If the X PSD instruction is being executed in a trap routine as a result of a memory protection violation and the SP bit in theXPSD is a one, the effective virtual address causing the violation is stored in the fourth word. This storage may be invoked so that memory protection violations can be recorded. When all the conditions for acknowledging the interrupt have been achieved, the basic processor stops executing the current program and executes the instruction in the corresponding interrupt location. After the basic processor has successfully accessed the interrupt instruction, it advances the interrupt level to the active state. The basic processor may actually execute many program instructions between the time that the interrupt-requesting condition is sensed and the time that the actual interrupt acknowledgment occurs. After the interrupt is completely processed, the basic processor returns to the interrupted program and resumes its execution. STATES OF AN INTERRUPT LEVEL An interrupt level is mechanized by means of three flipflops. Two flip-flops are used to define four mutually exclusive ~tates: disarmed, armed, waiting, and active. The third flip-flop provides the disabled/enabled function and is independent of the defined state. The various states and the conditions of interrupt levels are described in the following paragraphs. Figure 10 conceptually illustrates the operational state changes of a typical interrupt level. DISARMED When an interrupt level is in the disarmed state, no signal is admitted to that interrupt level; that is, the level neither accepts nor remembers an interrupt event, nor is any program interrupt caused by it at any time. Although an interrupt level can change from any state to the disarmed state, only a special form of the WRITE DIRECT instruction (WD) can cause a disarmed level to change to another state. The WD instruction is described in Chapter 3, IIControl Instructions II. ARMED When an interrupt level is in the armed state, it can accept and remember an interrupt signal. The receipt of such a signal advances the interrupt level to the waiting state where it remains unti I it is allowed to advance to the active state. A special form of the WD instruction can cause an armed level to be advanced di rectly to the active state. A level can change from any state to the armed state. CENTRALIZED INTERRUPTS The system includes a single, centralized interrupt feature. WAITING ~~, I interrupts are terminated in the System Control Pro- cessor. The System Control Processor is described earl ier and also in Chapters 5 and 6. When a condition that will result in an interrupt is sensed, a signal is sent to the corresponding interrupt level. If that level is "armed", it advances to the waiting state. 30 Centralized Interrupts For an interrupt level to be in the waiting state, that level must have been previously armed and received an interrupt signal. The signal may have been generated externally, internally, or have resulted from a WD operation. Any signals received by an interrupt level already in the waiting state are ignored. Interrupt State Disarmed FF Configuration Source of Change Signal level Enable ~ Basic Processor I" Armed [$ [$ Basic Processor or External Signal III' Waiting ~ ~ Bas i c Processor Interrupt Timing I Active Group Inhibit off ~ No higher-priority level active, or waiting and enabled Figure 10. Operational States of an Interrupt level When an interrupt level is in the waiting state, the following conditions must all exist simultaneously before the level advances to the active state: 1. The level must be enabled (i .e., its enable/disable fl ip-flop must be set to one). 2. The group inhibit (CI, II, or EI, if appl icable) must be zero. Generally, if the enable/disable flip-flop is off (level is disabled), the interrupt level can undergo all state changes except that of moving from the waiting to the active state (see excepti on case, be low). Furthermore, if the interrupt level is disabled, it is completely removed from the chain that determines the priority of access to the basic processor. Thus a disabled interrupt level in the waiting state does not prevent an enabled, waiting interrupt level of lower priority from moving to the active state. 3. No higher-priority interrupt level is in the active state, or is in the waiting state, enabled, and not inhibited. Note this exception to the foregoing description: Although generally no interrupt level can move from the waiting state to the active state un less it is enabled, a specia I form of the WD instruction can move a waiting level to the active state whether or not the level is enabled. 4. The basic processor must be at an interruptible point in the execution of a program. ACTIVE Note that one or more interrupt levels of higher priority can also be in the waiting state if they are disabled, inhibited, or both disabled and inhibited. After the basic processor has successfully accessed !"he interrupt instruction, then the interrupting level advances to the active state. When all the conditions for acknowledgment have been achieved, the interrupt level causes the Central ized Interrupts 31 basic processor to execute the contents of the assigned interrupt location as the next instruction. (Interrupt locations are defined in "Physical Organization ll , later in this chapter.) The instruction address portion of the program status words (PSWs) remains unchanged until the instruction in the interrupt location is executed. The instruction in the interrupt location must be one of the following: XPSD, PSS, MTS, MTH, or MTW. If the execution of any other instruction in an interrupt location is attempted as the result of an interrupt level advancing to the conditions for acknowledgment, an instruction exception trap occurs. The use of the privileged instruction XPSD or PSS in an interrupt location permits an interrupt-servicing routine to save the entire current machine environment. If working registers are needed by the routine and additional register blocks are avai lable, the contents of the current register block can be saved automatically with no time loss. This is accomplished by changing the value of the register pointer (using the LOAD REGISTER POINTER instruction), which results in the assignment of a new block of 24 registers to the routine. The instruction LOAD REGISTER POINTER (LRP) is described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions ll • transmission is delayed unti I the new inhibit states of the basic processor are known; these states are transmitted to the interrupt system so the latter can record the new basic processor status. DIALOGUE DURING AN INTERRUPT-EXITING SEQUENCE When the basic processor exits an interrupt-servicing routine, it must notify the interrupt system to move the interrupt level associated with that routine from the active state to either the armed or disarmed state. To do this it must gain access to the processor bus and the interrupt system, either of which may be busy at the time access is requested. When communication with the interrupt system is established, the basic processor transmits information for setting the level state to armed or disarmed, and new inhibit states it has assumed as a result of the exit operation. PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION An interrupt level remains in the active state unti I it is cleared (removed from the active state and returned to the disarmed or armed state) by the execution of the LPSD, PLS, or WD instruction. An interrupt-servicing routine can itself be interrupted (whenever a higher priority interrupt level meets all the conditions for becoming active) and then continued (after the higher priority interrupt is cleared). However, an interrupt-servicing routine cannot be interrupted by an interrupt of the same or lower priority as long as the higher priority interrupt level remains in the active state. Any signals received by an interrupt level in the active state are ignored. Norma lIy, the interrupt-servicing routine clears its interrupt level and transfers program control back to the point of interrupt by means of an LPSD instruction with the same effective address as the XPSD instruction in the interrupt location. DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE BASIC PROCESSOR AND THE INTERRUPT SYSTEM DURING AN INTERUPTENTERING SEQUENCE When an interrupt level is ready to be moved to the active state, a dialogue takes place between the interrupt system and the basic processor. This dialogue takes place over the processor bus and involves the Processor Interface (PI) associated with the processor cluster of which the basic processor is a member. When the processor bus becomes available and the b(lsic processor is at an interruptible point, the interrupt system transmits the interrupt address to the basic processor. It initiates its interrupt actions (i.e., executes the instruction in the interrupt location and services the interrupt at the appropriate time to avoid race conditions, and communicates with the interrupt system with an indication to move the level to the active state. This latter 32 Centralized Interrupts Up to 62 interrupt levels are avai lab Ie, each with a unique location (see Table 2) assigned in the System Control Processor, and with a unique priority. The basic processor can selectively arm, enable, or arm and enable any interrupt level. The basic processor can also IItrigger" any interrupt level (supply a signal at the same physical point where the signal from the external source would enter the interrupt level). The triggering of an interrupt permits testing special systems programs before the special systems equipment is avai lable. The basic processor also permits an interruptservicing routine to defer a portion of the processing associated with an interrupt level by processing the urgent portion of an interrupt-servicing routine, triggering a lower priority level (for a routine that handles the less urgent part), then clearing the high-priority interrupt level so that other interrupts can occur before the deferred interrupt response is processed. INTERRUPT GROUPS Interrupt levels are organized in standard group configurations that are connected in a predetermined and fixed priority chain (see Table 2 and Figure 11). The priority of each level within a group is fixed; the first level has the highest priority and the last level has the lowest. INTERNAL INTERRUPTS Standard internal interrupts are provided with the system and include all group D levels (internal override, counterequa Is-zero, and I/O). Table 2. Interrupt Locations Address Dec DIO Address PSWs Inhibit Hex Function 85 86 87 52 53 54 55 56 57 Counter 1 count Counter 2 count Counter 3 count Counter 4 count Processor faul t Memory Fault 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B External group 3 (first 12 levels) CounterEquals-Zero 88 89 90 91 58 59 5A 5B Counter Counter Counter Counter I/O 92 93 94 95 5C 5D 5E 5F Input/Output Contro I pane I Reserved Reserved 96 60 Group 82 83 Internal Override 84 External Override (optional) External Group 2 (optional) 1 2 3 4 pulse pulse pulse pulse none zero zero zero zero External Group 4 (optional) 6B 128 80 8B 144 90 EI 3 CI 0 II 0 EI 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 16 External group 4 (first 12 levels) 139 0 Register Bit 16 Externa I group 2 (first 12 levels) 107 Group EI 4 27 I I I External Group 5 (optional) I I ! 155 I 9B I 16 Externa I group 5 (first 12 levels) EI I I 5 27 Centra I i zed Interrupts 33 1st Priority Internal Override Interrupts 4th Priority I/o Interrupts 3rd Priority 2nd Priority CounterEquals-Zero Interrupts External Override Interrupts 6th Priority 5th Priority External Group 4 Interrupts External Group 2 Interrupts 7th Priority External Group 5 Interrupts Figure 11. Interrupt Priority Chain Internal Override Group (Locations X I52 1 through X I571). The six interrupt levels of this group always have the highest priority in the system. The four count-pulse interrupt levels are triggered by pulses from clock sources. Counter 4 has a constant frequency of 500 Hz. Counters 1, 2, and 3 can be individua IIy set to any of four manually switchable frequencies - the commercial line frequency, 500 Hz, 2000 Hz, or a user-supplied external signal - that may be different for each counter. Each of the count pulse interrupt locations must contain one of the modify and test instructions (MTB, MTH, or MTW), an XPSD, or a PSS instruction. When the modification (of the effective byte, halfword, or word) causes a zero result, the appropriate counter-equalszero interrupt level (see IICounter-Equals-Zero Groupll) is triggered. Note: Count pulse interrupt level 4 is a subjective time counter with the following special attribute: When the instruction in location X 155 1 is executed as the result of an interrupt, it must be an MTB, MTH, or MTW; otherwise, an instruction exception trap (X I40 I) will occur. The internal override group also contains a processor fault and a memory fault interrupt level. Both locations norma lIy contain an XPSD or a PSS instruction. The processor fault interrupt level is triggered by a signal when certain fault conditions are detected. A POLR instruction must be used to reset the fault. The memory fault interrupt level is 34 Centralized Interrupts triggered by a signal that the memory generates when it detects certain fault conditions. An LMS instruction must be used to reset the fault. (See IITrap System ll later in this chapter for further information on processor and memory faults.) Counter-Equals-Zero Group (Locations X 158 1through X 15B I). Each interrupt level in the counter-equa Is-zero group is associated with a corresponding count-pulse interrupt level in the internal override group. When the execution of a modify and test instruction in the count-pulse interrupt location causes a zero result in the effective byte, halfword, or word location, the corresponding counter-equals-zero interrupt level is triggered. The counter-equals-zero interrupt locations normally cO':!tain an XPSD or a PSS instruction and they can be inhibited or permitted as a group. If bit 37 (CI) of the current PSW contains a zero, the counter-equalszero interrupt levels are allowed to interrupt the program being executed. If the CI bit contains a one, the counterequals-zero interrupt levels are inhibited from being allowed to interrupt the program. These interrupt levels wait until the CI bit is reset to zero and then interrupt the program according to priority. Input/Output Group (Locations X I5C through X I5FI). This interrupt group comprises the input/output (I/O) interrupt level, the control panel interrupt level, and two levels reserved for future use. The I/O interrupt level accepts interrupt signals from the I/O system. The I/O interrupt location is assumed to contain an XPSD or a PSS instruction that transfers program control to a routine for servicing all I/o interrupts. The I/o routine should contain an ACK NOWLEDGE I/o INTERRUPT (AIO) instruction that identifies the source and reason for the interrupt. (The AIO instruction is discussed in Chapter 3 "Input/Output Instructions II . ) The control panel interrupt level is activated from the operator's console. This location normally contains an X PSD or a PSS instruction. The opera"tor can thus trigger this interrupt level to initiate a specific routine. The interrupt levels in the I/O group-can be inhibited or permitted by means of bit position 38 (II) of the PSWs. If II is reset to zero, interrupt signals affecting the I/o group interrupt levels are allowed to interrupt the program being executed. If the II bit is set to one, interrupt signals in this group are inhibited from interrupting the program. level in an uninhibited group from interrupting the program. However, if an interrupt group is inhibited while a level in that group is in the active state, no lower priority interrupt level can advance to the active state. Note also this special case: When the processor detected fault (PDF) flag is set to 1 (see "Processor Detected Faults", later in this chapter), the processor fault, memory fault, and count pulse interrupts are automatically inhibited. The second point of interrupt control is at the individual interrupt level. The basic processor can interact with any interrupt level by means of special modes of the RD and WD instructions (described in Chapter 3, IControIInstructions"). For this purpose, the interrupt levels are organized into the following DIO address groups (see last two columns in Table 2): 1. The 14 levels of internal interrupts {internal override group, counter-equals-zero group, and I/O group} are designated as group code 0 in bits 28-31 of the effective address of the RD or WD instruction. 2. The 12 levels of each group of external interrupts are designated as group codes 2, 3, 4, and 5. That is, external group 2 is designated group code 2, external group 3 is designated group code 3, etc. 3. There is no group code 1. EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS A system can contain 4 optional groups of external interrupt levels. The external override group, group 3, contains the first 12 external interrupt levels. External groups 2, 4, and 5 each contain 12 external interrupt levels. (See Table 2 and Figure 11.) External levels may be triggered by external sources or via WD instructions, while internal levels may be triggered by internal sources or via WD instructions. All external interrupt levels normally contain XPSD or PSS :_,." ..... _"': __ ,.. _"';',J ___ "''''''uw'''''''w' \oA""" .... _ •• h_ :_l.-.:h: . . .o,...J ..., ...... "'1.,'...",_- h", rnonnt: nt _. ,...._11 ..•.. _- _, ... __ .. __ . "",. n..o.rn"l:f-+.orl the setting of bit position 39 (EI) of the program status words. If EI contains a zero, external interrupts are allowed to interrupt a program; if EI contains a one, all externa I interrupts are inhibited from interrupting the program. NUMBER OF INTERRUPT GROUPS The 14 internal interrupt levels are standard in every system and all external levels are optional. The addition of the external groups (12 levels per group) raises the number of interrupt levels to a maximum of 62. The addressing of an individual interrupt level within its DIO group of 12 or 14 is accomplished by an assignedselection bit within the low-order 16-bit positions of the R register designated in the RD or WD instruction (see last column in Table 2). The WD instruction can individually arm, disarm, enable, disable, or trigger (move to the active state) any interrupt level. The RD instruction can determine which interrupt levels within a selected DIO group are in the armed or waiting state, waiting or active state, or are enabled. TIME OF INTERRUPT OCCURRENCES CONTROL OF THE INTERRUPT SYSTEM The system has two points of interrupt control. One point of interrupt control is achieved by means of the interrupt inhibit bits (CI, II, and EI) in the program status words (PSWs). The basic processor is inhibited from interrupting a program if the interrupt inhibit bit for a corresponding class of interrupt levels is set to one, that is, no interrupt level in the inhibited group can advance from the waiting state to the active state, and the entire group is disabled (removed from the interrupt recognition priority chain). Consequently, a waiting, enabled, interrupt level in an inhibited group does not prevent a lower priority, waiting, enabled interrupt The basic processor permits an interrupt to occur during the following time intervals (related to the execution cycle of an instruction) provided the SCP basic processor (BP) status indicators are either in the RUN or WAIT condition: 1. Between instructions an interrupt is permitted between the completion of any instruction and the initiation of the nex t i nstructi on. 2. Between instruction initiations an interrupt is also permitted to occur during the execution of the following multiple-operand instruction: MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (MMC) Central ized Interrupts 35 The control and immediate results of this instruction reside in registers and memory; thus, the instruction can be interrupted between the completion of one iteration (operand execution cycle) and that time (during the next iteration) when a memory location or register is modified. If an interrupt occurs during this time, the current iteration is aborted and the instruction address portion of the program status words (PSWs) remains pointing to the interrupted instruction. After the interrupt-servicing routine is completed, the instruction continues, from the point at which it was interrupted and does not begin anew. TRAP SYSTEM A trap is similar to an interrupt in that when a trap condition occurs, program execution automatically branches to a predesignated location. A trap differs from an interrupt in that a trap location must contain an XPSD or PSS instruction. The time of trap occurrence can vary: The instruction in the trap location can be executed immediately (i .e., the current instruction in the program being executed is aborted), or when the current instruction has been partially executed, or upon completion of the current instruction. The trap instruction is not held in abeyance by higher priority traps, whereas interrupts possibly may not be processed before an entire sequence of instructions is executed. SINGLE-INSTRUCTION INTERRUPTS A single-instruction interrupt occurs in this situation: an interrupt level is activated, the current program is interrupted, the single instruction in the interrupt location is executed, the interrupt level is automatically cleared and armed, and the interrupted program continues without being disturbed or delayed (except for the time required to execute the single instruction). If any of the following instructions is executed in any interrupt location, then the corresponding interrupt is automatically a single-instruction interrupt: MODIFY AND TEST BYTE (MTB) MODIFY A ND TEST HALFWORD (M TH) MODIFY AND TEST WORD (MTW) A modify and test instruction modifies the effective byte, halfword, or word (as described in Chapter 3, "Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions") but the current condition code remains unchanged (even if overflow occurs). The effective address of a modify and test instruction in an interrupt location (except counter 4) is always treated as an actual address, regardless of whether the memory map is currently being used. Counter 4 uses the mapped location if mopping is currently invoked (as specified in the PSWs). The execution of a modify and test instruction in an interrupt location, including mapped and unmapped counter 4, is independent of the virtual memory access-protection code and the real memory write lock; thus, a memory protection violation trap cannot occur as the resultof overflow caused by executing MTH or MTW in an interrupt location. TRAP ENTRY SEQUENCE A trap entry sequence begins when the basic processor detects the trap condition and ends when the new program status words (PSWs) have successfully replaced the old PSWs. Detection of any condition (function) listed in Table 3, which summarizes the trap system, results in a trap to a unique location in memory. When a trap condition occurs, the basic processor sets the trap state. The operation the basic processor is currently performing mayor may not be carried to completion, depending on the type of trap and the opera tion bei ng performed. In any event, the program instruction is terminated with a trap sequence (branch to the appropriate trap location). During this sequence the program counter is not advanced; instead, the X PSD instruction in the trap location is executed. If any interrupt level is ready to move to the active state at the same time an XPSD trap instruction is in process, the interrupt acknowledgment will not occur until the XPSD trap instruction is completed. Should a trap location not contain an XPSD or PSS instruction, a second trap sequence is immediately invoked (see "Instruction Exception Trap" later in this chapter). TRAP ADDRESSING Trap addressing is described under "Interrupt and Trap Entry Addressing II • TRAP MASKS The execution of a modify and test instruction in an interrupt location automatically clears and arms the corresponding interrupt level, allowing the interrupted program to continue. When a modify and test instruction is executed in a countpulse interrupt location, all of the above conditions apply as well as the following: If the resultant value in the effective location is zero, the corresponding counter-equalszero interrupt is triggered. 36 Trap System The programmer may mask the four trap conditions described below in the program status words (PSWs) or the stack pointer doubleword, as appropriate; other traps cannot be masked. 1. The push-down stack limit trap is masked within the stack pointer doubleword for each individual stack. 2. The fixed-point overflow trap is masked in bit position 11 (AM) of the PSWs. If this bit position contains a zero, the trap is allowed to occur; if bit 11 contains Table 3. Locations Dec. Hex. Function 64 40 Nonallowed operation Summary of Trap Locations PSWs Mask Bit Time of Occurrence Trap Condition Code l. Nonexi stent instruction None At instruction decode. Set TCCl t 2. Nonexistent memory address None Prior to memory access. Set TCC2 3. Privi leged instruction in slave mode None At instruction decode. Set TCC3 4. Memory protection violation None Prior to memory access. Set TCC4 5. Write lock violation None Prior to memory access. Set TCC3, TCC4 65 41 Reserved 66 42 Push-down stack limit reached TW, TS (in stack pointer) At the time of stack limit detection. (The aborted pushdown instruction does not change memory, registers, or the condition code.) None 67 43 Fixed-point arithmetic overflow AM For all instructions except DWand DH, trap occurs after completion of instruction. For DW and DH, instruction is aborted with memory, register, CC1, CC3, and CC4 unchanged. None 68 44 Floating-point arithmetic fault At detection. l. Characteristi c overflow None 2. Divide by zero None 3. Significance check FS, FZ, FN 69 45 Reserved 70 46 Watchdog timer runout None { (The flooting-point instruction is aborted without changing any registers. The condition code is set to indicate the reason for the trap. ) At runout. set. ) (The PDFtt flag wi II be None None None Set TCC2 if basic processor using processor bus; set TCC3 if basic processor using memory bus; and set TCC4 if basic processor using DIO bus. 71 47 Programmed trap None Interruptible point reached upon completion of WD. None tSee IITrap Condition Code ll , later in this chapter. ttSee IIProcessor Detected Faults ll , later in this chapter. Trap System 37 Table 3. Locations Summary of Trap Locations (cont.) Dec. Hex. Function PSWs Mask Bit Time of Occurrence Trap Condition Code 72 48 CALLl None At instruction decode. Equal to R field of CALL instruction. 73 49 CALL2 None At instruction decode. Equal to R field of CALL instruction. 74 4A CALL3 None At instruction decode. Equal to R field of CALL instruction. 75 4B CALL4 None At instruction decode. Equal to R field of CALL instruction. 76 4C Hardware error trap None At time of basic processor detection (the PDFt flag wi II be set). TCC1, 2, 3 =0 TCC4 = 0 if parity error on general register or internal control regi ster TCC4 = 1 if other hardware errors. 77 4D Instruction exception trap None (The PDFt flag wi II be set.) Set TCC3 if MMC configuration illegal; set TCC = X'C' if trap or interrupt sequence with illegal instruction; set TCC = X'F' if trap or interrupt sequence and processor detected fau I t; I 78 4E Reserved 79 4F Reserved 80 50 Power on Interruptible point. 81 51 Power off Interruptible point. tSee "Processor Detected Faults", later in this chapter. 38 Trap System I set TCC4 if !nvalid register designation {odd register on AD, SD, FAL, FSL, FML, FDL. a zero, the trap is not allowed to occur. AM can be masked by operator intervention, or by execution of the XPSD, PSS, PLS, or LPSD privi leged instructions. 3. The floating-point significance check trap is masked by a combination of the floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode control bits in the PSWs (see IIFloating-Point Arithmetic Fault Trapll, later in this chapter). FS, FZ, and FN can be set or cleared by'the execution of any of the following instructions: LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (LCF) LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL IMMEDIATE (LCFI) EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (XPSD) to immediately execute the XPSD or PSS instruction in trap location X'40'. A nonallowed operation cannot be masked. NONEXISTENT INSTRUCTION Any instruction that is not standard is defined as nonexistent. This includes immediate operand instructions that specify indirect addressing (a one in bit 0 of the instruction). If a nonexistent instruction is detected, the basic processor traps to location X 140' when the nonexistent instruction is decoded. No general registers or memory locations are changed; the PSWs point to the instruction trapped. With respect to the condition code and instruction address fields of the program status words, the operation of the XPSD or PSS in location X ' 40 ' is as follows: 1. Store the current PSWs. The condition codes stored are those that existed at the end of the last instruction prior to the nonexistent instruction. 2. Store the 16 general registers of the current register block if instruction in trap location is a PSS. 3. Load the new PSWs. 4. Modify the new PSWs. LOAD PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (LPSD) PUSH STATUS (PSS) PULL STATUS (PLS) TRAP CONDITION CODE For the push-down stack limit trap, fixed-point overflow trap, floating-point fault trap, and decimal fault trap, the normal condition code register (CC1-CC4) is loaded with more detai led information about the trap condition just before the trap occurs. These condition codes are saved as part of the old program status words when the XPSD or PSS instruction is executed in response to the trap. For the nonallowed operation trap, watchdog timer runout trap, hardware error trap, instruction exception trap, and CALL trap, a special register (trap condition codes TCC1TCC4) is loaded just before the trap occurs. When the XPSD or PSS instruction is executed in response to the trap, this register is added to the new program address if bit 9 (MM) contains a one; TCC1-TCC4 are also logically ORed with the condition code bits (CC 1-CC4) of the new PSWs when loading CC1-CC4. See also IIInstruction Exception Trap" later in this chapter for more information on the trap condition code. o. Set CC 1 to one. The other condition code bits remain unchanged from the vaiues ioooea from memory. b. If bit position 9 (AI) of the XPSD or PSS instruction contai ns a one, the program counter is incremented by eight. If AI contains a zero, the program counter remains unchanged from the value loaded from memory. NONEXISTENT MEMORY ADDRESS Any attempt to access a nonexistent memory address causes a trap to location X'40 ' at the time of the request for memory service. A nonexistent memory address condition is detected when an actual address is presented to the memory system. If the basic processor is in the map mode, the program address wi 1/ already have been modified by the memory map to generate an actual (but nonexistent) address. (See Table 5 for possible changes to registers and memory locations later in this chapter.) The operation of the XPSD or PSS in location X'40' is as follows: NONALLOWED OPERATION TRAP The attempt to perform a nonallowed operation always causes the basi c processor to abort the instruction being executed when the nonallowed operation is detected and 1. Store the current PSWs. 2. Store general registers if PSS. Trap System 39 3. Load the new PSWs. 4. Modify the new PSWs. a. Set CC2 to one. The other condition code bits remain unchanged from the values loaded from memory. b. If bit position 9 (AI) of the XPSD or PSS instruction contains a one, the program counter is incremented by four. If AI contains a zero, the program counter remains unchanged from the value loaded from memory. 3. Load the new PSWs. 4. Modify the new PSWs. a. Set CC4 to one. The other condition code bits remain unchanged from the values loaded from memory. b. If bit position 9 (AI) of the XPSD or PSS contains a one, the program counter is incremented by one. If AI contains a zero, the program counter remains unchanged from the value loaded from memory. WRITE LOCK VIOLATION PRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION IN SLAVE MODE An attempt to execute a privi leged instruction whi Ie the basic processor is in the slave mode causes a trap to location X'40' before the privi leged operation is performed. No general registers or memory locations are changed, and the PSWs point to the instruction trapped. The operation of the XPSD or PSS in trap location X'40' is as follows: 1. Store the current PSWs. 2. Store genera I registers if PSS. 3. b. Set CC3 to one. The other condition code bits remain unchanged from the values loaded from memory. MEMORY PROTECTION VIOLATION A memory protection violation occurs because of a memory map access control bit violation (by a program executed in slave mode or master-protected mode using the memory map). When memory protection violation occurs, the basic processor aborts execution of the current instruction without changing protected memory and traps to location X'40'. Refer to Table 5 for possible changes to registers and memory locations. (The virtual page address that caused the vio!ation;$ in the fouith PSW v"oid.) The operation of the XPSD or PSS in trap location X'40' is as fol lows: 40 Store the current PSWs. 2. Store general registers if PSS. 3. Load the new PSWs. 4. Modify the new PSWs. a. Set CC3 and CC4 to ones. The other condition code bits remain unchanged from the values loaded from memory. b. If bit position 9 (AI) of the XPSD or PSS contains a one, the program counter is incremented by three. If Al contains a zero, the program counter remains unchanged from the value loaded from memory. If bit position 9 (AI) of the XPSD or PSS contains a one, the program counter is implemented by two. If AI contains a zero, the program counter remains unchanged from the values loaded from memory. 2. 1. Load the new PSWs. a. 1. A memory write lock violation occurs when an instruction (program in master, master-protected,. or slave mode) tries to alter the contents of a write-protected memory page. If a write lock violation occurs, the basic processor aborts execution of the current instruction without changing protected memory and traps to location X '40'. (Refer to Table 5 for possible changes to registers and memory locations.) (The virtual page address that caused the violation is the fourth PSW word.) The operation of the X PSD or PSS in trap location X 140 1 is as follows: PUSH-DOWN STACK LIMIT TRAP Push-down stack overflow or underflow can occur during execution of any of the following instructions: Instructi on Mnemonic Push Word PSW Pull Word PLW Store the current PSWs. Store general registers if PSS. Trap System Operation Code Instruction Mnemonic Operation Code Instruction Mnemonic Operation Code Push Multiple PSM X'OB ' Load Complement Word LCW X ' 3A ' Pull Multiple PLM X'OA' Load Comp lement Doub Ieword LCD X ' 1A' AH X ' 50 ' Modify Stack Pointer X' 13 1 Add Halfword MSP Subtract Halfword SH X '58 1 Divide Halfword DH X ' 56 1 Add Immediate AI X ' 20 ' Add Word AW X ' 30 ' Subtract Word SW Divide Word DW X ' 38 1 X ' 36 1 Add Doubleword AD X'10 ' Subtract Doub leword SD Modify and Test Halfword MTH Modify and Test Word MTW X ' 18 1 X ' 53 1 X '33 1 Add Word to Memory AWM X '66 1 During the execution of any stack-manipulating instruction (see Chapter 3, II Push-down Instructi ons II), the stack is either pushed (words added to stack) or pulled (words removed from stack). In either case, the space (S) and words 0N) fields of the stack pointer doubleword are tested prior to moving any words. If execution of the instruction would cause the space (S) field to become les·s than 0 or greater than 2 15 _1, the instruction is aborted with memory and registers unchanged. If TS (bit 32) of the stack pointer doubleword is set to 0, the basic processor traps to location X'421. If TS is set to 1, the trap is inhibited and the basic processor processes the next instruction. If execution of the instruction would cause the words 0N) field to become less than 0 or greater than 2 15 _1, the instruction is aborted with memory and registers unchanged. If TW (bit 48) of the stack pointer doubleword is set to 0, the basic processor traps to location X'421. If the TW is set to 1, the trap is inhibited and the basic processor processes the next instruction. If trapping is inhibited, CC 1 or CC3 is set to 1 to indicate the reason for aborting the instruction. The stack pointer doubleword, memory, and registers are modified only if the instruction is successfully executed. If a push-down instruction traps, the execution of XPSD or PSS in trap location X' 42 1 is as follows: 1. Store the current PSWs. The condition codes that are stored are those that existed prior to execution of the aborted push-down instruction. 2. Store general registers if PSS. 3. Load the new PSWs. The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSWs remain at the value loaded from memory. Except for the instructions DIVIDE HALFWORD (DH) and DIVIDE WORD (OW), instruction execution is allowed to proceed to completion. CC2 is set to 1 and CC3 and CC4 represent the actual result (0, -, or +) after overflow. If the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (bit 11 of PSWs) is a 1, the basic processor traps to location X 143 1 instead of executing the next instruction in sequence. For DWand DH, the instruction execution is aborted without changing any register, and CC2 is set to 1; CC 1, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged from their values at the end of the instruction immediately prior to the DW or DH. If the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask is a 1, the basic processor traps to location X ' 43 1instead of executing the next instruction in sequence. The execution of X PSD or PSS in trap location X 143 1 is as follows: 1. Store the current PSWs. (Store genera I registers if PSS.) If the instruction trapped was any instruction other than DW or DH, the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: CC 1t _tt Overflow can occur for any of the following instructions: Mnemonic Load Absolute Word LAW Load Absolute Doubleword LAD 0 0 o FIXED-POINT OVERFLOW TRAP Instruction CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning Operation Code X' 1B ' Result after overflow is zero. Result after overflow is negative. o Result after overflow is positive. tcc 1 remains unchanged for instructions LCW, LAW, LCD, and LAD. tt A hyphen indicates that the condition code bits are not affected by the condition given under the "Meaning II heading. Trap System 41 CClt CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning o If none of the above condi tions occurred but characteristic underflow occurs with floating zero mode bit (FZ) = 1, the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: No carry out of bit 0 of the adder (add and subtract instructions only). CCl Carry out of bit 0 of the adder (add and subtract instructions only). CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning o If the instruction trapped was a OW or DH, the stored o condition code is interpreted as follows: CCl Characteri sti c underflow, positive result. CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning If none of the above conditions occurred but an addition or subtraction results in either a zero result (with FS = 1 and FN = 0), or a postnormalization shift of more than two hexadecimal places (with FS = 1 and FN = 0), the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: Overflow 2. Characteristic underflow, negative result. Load the new PSWs. The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSWs remain at the value loaded from memory. CCl FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC FAULT TRAP Floating-point fault detection is performed after the operation called for by the instruction code is performed, but before any results are loaded into the general registers. Thus, a floating-point operation that causes an arithmetic fault is not carried to completion in that the original contents of the genera I reg isters are unchanged. o o o o o 1 Instead, the basic processor traps to location X ' 44 with the current condition code indicating the reason for the trap. A characteristic overflow or an attempt to divide by zero always results in a trap condition. A significance check or a characteristic underflow results in a trap condition only if the floating-point mode controls (FS, FZ, and FN) in the current program status words are set to the appropriate state. CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning 2. o Zero result of addition or subtraction. More than two postnormalizing shifts, negative result. o More than two postnormalizing shifts, positive result. Load the new PSWs. The condition code and instruction address portions of the PSWs remain at the values loaded from memory. If a floating-point instruction traps, the execution of XPSD or PSS in trap location X'44 1 is as follows: 1. Store the current PSWs. (Store general registers if r:>:>.) if division is aTtempted with a zero divisor or if characteristic overflow occurs, the stored condition code is interpreted as follows: CCl CC2 CC3 CC4 Meaning 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zero divisor. Characteristic overflow, negative result. 0 Characteristic overflow, positive result. WATCHDOG TIMER RUNOUT TRAP The watchdog timer monitors and controls the maximum amount of basic processor time each instruction can take. The timer is normally in operation at all times and is initialized at the beginning of each instruction. If the instruction is not completed by the time the watchdog timer has completed its count, the instruction is aborted, TCCl is set to 0, and a trap occurs immediately to location X ' 46 I • Additional information as to probable cause of delay is provided: TCC2 is set if the basic processor was using the processor bus, TCC3 is set if the basic processor was using the memory bus, TCC4 is set if the basic processor was using the DIO bus. The register altered flag of the PSWs is also set if any register or main memory !occt:on has beeil changed Vvheii the trap occurred. tCCl remains unchanged for instructions LCW, LAW, LCD, and LAD. ttA hyphen indicates that the condition code bits are not affected by the condition given under the "Meaning"heading. 42 Trap System A watchdog timer runout is considered a basic processor fault and the PDF is set. (See II Processor Detected Fault Flag", later in this chapter.) PROGRAMMED TRAP The programmed trap occurs at instruction interruptible point. It is set by a WRITE DIRECT 0ND). See Chapter 3. The basic processor traps to location X'47'. CALL INSTRUCTION TRAP The four CALL instructions (CAll, CAL2, CAL3, and CAL4) cause the basic processor to trap tp location X'48' (for CAll), X'49' (for CAL2), X'4A' (for CAL3), or X'4B' (for CAL4). Execution of the XPSD or PSS instruction in the trap location is as follows: 1. 2. Store the current PSWs. The stored condition code bits are those that existed prior to the CALL instruction. status register must be read with the LMS instruction. The fault status register bit settings for processors and interfaces are given in Appendix C, Table C-1. The fault status register bit settings for the memory unit are given in Appendix C, Table C-2. If the basic processor detects or receives a report of a hardware error, it attempts automatic retry of the current instruction. If retry is unsuccessful, the basic processor traps to location X'4C'. If retry is successful, the basic processor resumes execution of the next instruction in the program, the Processor Fault Interrupt (PFI) and the "successful instruction retry" bit (bit position 11) in the Basic Processor Fault Status Register are set to 1. There is automatic instruction retry only for hardware errors that would otherwise result in a basic processor trap to location X'4C'. Automatic instruction retry is inhibited if: 1. The current instruction is being executed as a trap or interrupt instruction; 2. The Register Altered bit (bit position 60) of the current PSWs is set to 1 at the time of detection of the hardware error; or 3. The Retry Inhibit bit (bit position 0) in the basic processor control register is set to 1. Store the general registers in PSS. 3. Load the new PSWs. 4. Modify the new PSWs. a. The R Field of the CALL instruction is logically ORed with the condition code register as loaded from memory. b. If bit 9 (AI) of XPSD or PSS contains a 1, the R field of the CALL instruction is added to the program counter. If AI contains a 0, the program counter remains unchanged from the value loaded from memory. Note: INSTRUCTION EXCEPTION TRAP The instruction exception trap occurs whenever the basic processor detects a set of operati ons that are ca II ed for in an instruction but cannot be executed because of either a hardware restri ction or a previous event. Return from a CALL trap will be to the trapping i nstructi on + 1. The different conditions that cause the instruction exception trap are: 1. A processor-detected fault that occurs during the execution of an interrupt or trap entry sequence. An interrupt or trap entry sequence is defined as the sequence of events that consists of: (a) initiating an interrupt or trap; (b) accessing the instruction in the interrupt or trap location; and (c) executing that instruction, including the exchange of the program status words, if required. Note that instructions executed as a result of the interrupt or trap location are not considered part of the entry sequence. 2. An illegal instruction is found in the trap (not XPSD or PSS) or interrupt (not XPSD, PSS, MTB, MTH, MTW) location when executing a trap or interrupt sequence. 3. Bit positions 12-14 of the MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (MMC) instruction are interpreted as an illegal HARDWARE ERROR TRAP A hardware error trap occurs when either'a parity or a sequence check fault error is detected by a memory unit, basic processor, or any processor communicating with the basic processor, resulting in a basic processor trap to location X'4C'. The Trap Condition Code bits (TCCs) are set to X'OOOl' for all hardware fault conditions except general register and control register parity errors, where the TCCs are set to X'OOOQ'. To determine which of the possible detectable errors is responsible for the hardware error trap, the fault status registers of the various processors in the system must be polled with either the POLP or POLR instruction; the memoris Trap System 43 configuration. This is, any configuration other than 100, 010, 101, 001, or 011. 4. The set of operations, primarily doubleword instructions, that yield an unpredictable result when an incorrect register is specified; this type of fault is called "invalid register designation" and includes the follow.. • II t Ing instructions • POWER ON TRAP Power On causes the basi c processor to reset and then trap to location X '50 ' . This wi II occur only following restoration of power after an interruption of less than 500 mi Iliseconds. POWER OFF TRAP Odd Register Specified Power Off occurs at interruptible point. As source power is going off, the basic processor traps to location X' 51 1 and allows sufficient time for storage of information before the system becomes inoperable. Add Doubleword (AD) Subtract Doubleword (SD) Floating Add Long (FAL) Floating Subtract Long (FSL) PROCESSOR DETECTED FAULT FLAG The Processor Detected Fault (PDF) flag aids in solving a multiple error problem. Most traps occur because of a dynamic programming consideration (i. e., overflow, attempted division by zero, incorrect use of an instruction or address, etc.) and recovery is easi Iy handled by another software subroutine. However, with certain classes of errors, if a second error occurs while the basi c processor is attempting to recover from the first error, unpredictable results occur. Included in this class of traps are the hardware error trap, some cases of the instruction exception trap, and the watchdog timer runout trap. Upon the first occurrence of this type of trap, the PDF flag is set. Floating Multiply Long (FML) Floating Divide Long (FDL) Move to Memory Control (MMC) TRAP CONDITION CODE The Trap Condition Code (TCC) differentiates between the different fault types. Table 4 shows the settings of the TCC for the various faults that may be detected during a trap or interrupt entry sequence. Table 4. TCC Setting for Instruction Exception Trap X'4D ' Fault Type TCC Trap or interrupt sequence and processor-detected fault. 1 1 1 1 Trap or interrupt sequence wi th invalid instruction. When the PDF flag is set, the processor fault interrupt, the memory fault interrupt, and count pulse interrupts are automatically inhibited. The other interrupts mayor may not be inhibited as specified by the program status words, which are loaded when the trap entry X PSD or PSS is executed. The PDF flag is normally reset by the last instruction of a trap routine, which is an LPSD or PLS instruction having bit 10 equal to 0 and bit 11 equal to 1. If a second PDF is detected before the PDF flag is reset, the 1 1 0 0 basic processor IIhangs up" until the PDF flag is reset either by the operator entering the command for RESET BASIC PROCESSOR or RESET SYSTEM on the operator's console. This reset wi" cause the following actions: MMC configuration invalid. 0 0 1 0 Invalid register designation 0 0 0 1 tllInvalid register designation" faults do not set the PDF flag. 44 Trap System 1. The processor fault status register is cleared. 2. The PDF flag is cleared and the processor fault interrupt generated flag is cleared. 3. The PSWs are cleared to zero except that the instruction address is set to location X'26 1 • 4. The basic processor will begin execution with the instruction contained in location X'26 1 • REGISTER ALTERED BIT Complete recoverability after a trap may require that no main memory location, no fast memory register, and no part (or flags) of the PSWs be changed when the trap occurs. If any of these registers or flags are changed, the Register Altered bit (60) of the old PSWs is set to 1 and is saved by the trap XPSD. Changes to CC1-CC4 cause the Register Altered bit to be set only if the instruction requires these condition code bits as subsequent inputs. Traps caused by conditions detected during operand fetch and store memory cycles, such as nonexistent memory, Table 5. access protection violation, and memory parity error may or may not leave registers, memory, and PSWs unchanged, depending on when they occur during instruction execution. Generally, these traps are recoverable. This is done by checking for protection violations and nonexistent memory at the beginning of execution in case of a multiple operand access instruction, restoring the original register contents if execution cannot be completed because of a trap, and not loading the first word of the PSWs unti I a possible trap condition due to access of the second word could have been detected. Table 5 contains a list of instructions and indicates for these instructions what registers, memory locations, and bits of the PSWs, if any, have been changed when a trap due to an operand access memory cycle occurs. Registers Changed at Time of a Trap Due to an Operand Access Instructions Changes AI, CI, LCFI, LI, MI Immediate type, no operand access. CALl-CAL4, SF, S, WAIT, RD, WD, RIO, POLR, POLP No operand access. LRA Has operand access but traps are suppressed; register bits and condition codes are set instead. LB, LCF, LRP, CB LH, LAH, LCH, AH, SH, MH, DH, CH LW, LAW, LCW, AW, SW, MW, DW, CW No operand store, registers and PSWs unchanged when trap due to operand fetch. CC 1-4 may be changed but are not used as input to any of these instructions. LD, LAD, LCD, AD, SD, CD, CLM, CLR EaR, OR, AND, LS, INT, CS FAS, FSS, FMS, FDS, FAL, FSL, FML, FDL Registers and memory are preserved, condition codes may be changed but are not used as input to these instructions. AWM, XW, STS, MTB, MTH, MTW STB, STCF, STH, STW, LAS Memory wi II be altered and the Register Altered bit set. EXU, BCR, BCS BAL, BDR, BIR If the branch condition is true (always for EXU and BAL) and a trap occurs due to access of the indirect address or of the next (branched to or executed) instruction, the register used is left unchanged and the program address saved in the PSWs is the address of the branch or execute instruction. LM, STM, PLM, PSM, STD Registers and memory may be changed and the Register Altered bit set. CVA, CVS If a trap occurs, the instruction wi II be aborted before altering registers. CC 1-4 may be changed but not used as input to any of these instructions. XPSD, LPSD, PSS, PLS If a trap occurs due to storing the old PSWs or fetching the new PSWs, the instruction is aborted before changing the old PSWs. SIO, no, If trap occurs, the instruction wi" be aborted without altering TDY, HIO, Ala, RIO condition codes, registers, or memory. *ANLZ I An indirect ANALYZE instruction executed in the masterprotected mode wi II trap. No registers are altered. Trap System 45 3. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE This chapter describes the instructions, grouped in the following functional classes: 1. load and Store 2. Ana Iyze and Interpret 3. Fixed-Point Arithmetic 4. Comparison 5. logical 6. Shift 7. Conversion 8. Floating-Point Arithmetic 9. Push Down 3. The instruction IS addressing type is one of the following: a. Byte index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address a byte in main memory or in the current block of general registers. b. Halfword index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address a halfword in main memory or in the currentblockofgeneral registers. c. Word-index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction (plus the displacement value) can be used to address any word in mai n memory or in the current block of general registers. d. Doubleword index alignment: the reference address field of the instruction {plus the displacement value} can be used to address any doubleword in main memory or in the current block of general registers. The addressed doubleword is automatica"y located within doubleword storage boundaries. (The low order bit of the reference address is ignored.) e. Immediate operand: the instruction word contains an operand value used as part of the instruction execution. If indirect addressing is attempted with this type of instruction (i. e., bit 0 of the instruction word is a 1), the instruction is treated as a nonexistent instruction, and the basi c processor unconditiona"yaborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X I 40', the "nonallowed operation" trap. Indexing does not apply to this type of instruction. f. Immediate displacement: the instruction word contains an address displacement used as part of the instruction execution. If indirect addressing is attempted with this type of instruction, the basic processor treats the instruction as a nonexistent instruction, and it unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40'. Indexing does not apply to this type of instruction. 10. Execute and Branch 11. Call 12. Control (privi leged) 13. Input/Output (privileged) Instructions are described in the following format: MNEMONICCD INSTRUCTION NAME@ (Addressi ng Type@, Pri v i Ieged@ , Interrupt Action@) 01234567 Descriptionddress 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19120 21 22 23 24 25 26 27128 29 30 31 Affected: (R) EVA - R Note: If LCFI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the computer unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40' with the condition code unchanged. LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (Byte index alignment) 15 31 , O-R _ O 14 Condition code is not affected by LVAW. xw EXCHANGE WORD (Word index alignment) EXCHANGE WORD exchanges the contents of register R wi th the contents of the effecti ve word location. Affected: (R), (EWL), CC3, CC4 (R)-(EWL) If bit position 10 of the instruction word contains a 1, ° LOAD CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL loads bits through 3 of the effective byte into the condition code; however, if bit 10 is 0, the condition code is not affected. Condition code settings: 2 - If bit position 11 of the instruction word contains a 1, LCF loads bits 4 through 7 of the effective byte into the floating round (FR), floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode control bits, respectively; however, if bit 11 is 0, the FR, FS, FZ, and FN control bits are not affected. The functions of the floating-point mode control bits are described in the section "FloatingPoint Arithmetic Instructions". - - 3 4 °° ° ° STB Result in R Zero Negative Positive STORE BYTE (Byte index alignment) Affected: CC, FR, FS, FZ, FN If 0)10 = 1, EB _ -CC O3 If (1) 10 = 0, CC not affected STORE BYTE stores the contents of bit positions 24-31 of register R into the effective byte location. If (1)11 = 1, EB4-7 - Affected: (EBL) If (I) 11 54 = 0, FR, FS, FZ, FN FR, FS, FZ, FN not affected Load/Store Instructions I LOAD VIRTUAL ADDRESS WORD loads bit positions 15-31 of register R with the effective virtual word address of the instruction whi Ie bit positions 0-14 of register R are cleared to zero. (1)27 (1)24 LCF 3 (EB) 1 (R)24-31 - EBL STH STORE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) Example 2, odd R field value: Before execution After execution xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X'89ABCDEF89ABCDEP (R) STORE HALFWORD stores tile contents of bit positions 16-31 of register R into the effective halfword location. If the information in register R exceeds halfword data limits, CC2 is set to 1; otherwise, CC2 is reset·to O. (EDL) = STS STORE SE LECTNE (Word index alignment) Affected: (EHL), CC2 (R)16-31- EHL Condition code settings: 2 - 3 4 0 STW Informati on in R (R)0-16 = all O's or all l's. (R)0-16 I Register Ru 1 contains a 32-bit mask. If R is an even value, STORE SE LECTIVE stores the contents of register R into the effective word location in those bit positions selected by a 1 in corresponding bit positions of register Ru1; the effective word remains unchanged in those bit positions selected by a 0 in corresponding bit positions of register Rul. all O's or all l's. If R is an odd value, STS logically inclusive ORs the contents of register R with the effective word and stores the result into the effective word location. The contents of register R are not affected. STORE WORD (Word index al.ignment) Affected: (EWL) o 1 2 If R is even, [(R)n(Rul)] u [EWn(Rul)] - - EWL STORE WORD stores the contents of register R into the effective word location. If R is odd, (R) u EW - Affected: (EWL) Example 1, even R field value: (R) -EWL STO STORE DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) EWL Before executi on After execution (R) X'12345678' X'12345678' (Ru1 ) X' FOFOFOFO' X' FOFOFOFO' EW xxxxxxxx X'lx3x5x7x' Example 2, odd R field value: STORE DOUBLEWORD stores the contents of register R into the 32 hi gh-order bi t positions of the effecti ve doubleword location and then stores the contents of register Ru 1 into the 32 low-order bit positions of the effective doubleword location. Before execution After execution (R) X'OOFFOOFF' X'OOFFOOFF ' EW X'12345678' C' 12FF56FF' Affected: (EDL) (R)·-- EDL _ ; (RuH O 31 EDL _ 32 63 STM STORE MULTIPLE (Word index alignment) Example 1, even R field value: Before execution After execution (R) X'01234567' X'01234567' (Ru1 ) X'89ABCDEF' X' 89ABCDEF' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X'O 123456789ABCDEF' (EDL) = STORE MULTIPLE stores the contents of a sequential set of registers into a sequential set of word locations. The set of locations begins with the location pointed to by the effective word address of STM, and the setof registers begins with register R. The set of registers is treated modulo 16 (i. e. f the Load/Store Instructions 55 next sequential register after register 15 is register 0). The number of registers to be stored is determined by the value of the condition code immediately before execution of STM. (The condition code can be set to the desired value before execution of STM with LCF or LCFI.) An initial value of 0000 for the condition code causes 16 general registers to be stored. Table 6. Xln l ANALYZE Table for Operation Codes XIOOI+n X' 20 ' +n X ' 40 ' +n X ' 60 ' +n AI CI - - LI =CD - 00 - 01 02 03 - MI 04 05 SF S LAS 07 CAll CAL2 CAL3 CAL4 08 09 OA OB PLW PSW PLM PSM CYS OC OD OE OF LCFICV tt tt - Affected: (EWL) to (EWL+CC-l) (R)-EWL, (R+l)- EWL+1, ... , {R+CC-l)-EWL+CC-1 ANLZ CS XW STS BDR BIR AWM EXU CYA tt LM@ STM EOR OR LS AND BCR BCS BAL INT t PLS psst LPSDt@tt t XPSD LRAt LMst WAITt LRPt SlOt not TDyt HIOt RDt WDt AIOt t MMC AD CD LD MSP SW CW LW MTW AH CH LH MTH LCF CB LB MTB 14 15 16 17 - - STCF STB - LYAW STW DW MW 18 19 1A 1B SD CLM LCD LAD SW CLR LCW LAW 06 The STM instruction may cause a trap if its operation extends into a page of memory that is protected by the access protection codes or the write locks. A trap may also occur if the operation extends into a nonexistent memory region. If the effective virtual address of the STM instruction is in the range 0 through 15, then the registers indicated by the R field of the STM instruction are stored in the general registers rather than main memory. In this case, the results will be unpredictable if any of the source registers are also used as destination registers. STCF STORE CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL (Byte index alignment) 10 11 12 13 STORE CONDITIONS AND FLOATING CONTROL stores the current condition code and the current value of the floating round (FR), floating significance (FS), floating zero (FZ), and floating normalize (FN) mode control bits of the program status words into the effective byte location as follows: Affected: (EBL) 1 2 7 I 8 I Reference address ~ A I rAt" rM~ lE IF FDL FML FDS FMS - SH - LCH LAH - - - ! 10 11 12 13 14 15116 17 18 19120 2' 22 23/24 25 26 27/28 29 30 31 ANALYZE evaluates the effective word as an instruction. The ANALYZE instruction always sets the condition codes to indicate the addressing type of the analyzed instruction (see condition code settings and Table 6). Except when 56 FSS rML MH tt Decimal value of condition code settings when analyzed instruction calls for direct addressing. If analyzed instruction calls for indirect addressing, add 2 to the va Iue shown. ANALYZE (Word index alignment) II R " X ! o FSL IV STH DHG)tt tp··1 . nVI ege d·inS t ruchons. ANALVZE/INTERPRET INSTRUCTIONS ANLZ 1C ,1"'\ (PSWs)0_7 -EBL STD - Anaiyze/lnterpret Instructions the analyzed instruction is an immediate operand instruction, an effective virtual address for the analyzed instruction is also calculated and loaded into register R. The nonexistent instruction, the privi leged instruction violation, and the unimplemented instruction trap conditions can never occur during execution of the AN LZ instruction. However, either the nonexistent memory address condition or the memory protection violation trap condition (or both) can occur as a result of any memory access initiated by the ANLZ instruction. If either of these trap conditions occurs, the instruction address stored by an XPSD in trap location X' 40 ' is always the virtual address of the AN LZ instruction. Halfword Addressing: MA=l, MM=O The detai led operation of ANALYZE is as follows: Word Addressing: MA=l, MM=O 1. The contents of the location pointed to by the effective virtual address of the AN LZ instruction is obtained. This effective word is the instruction to be analyzed. From a memory-protection viewpoint, the instruction (to be analyzed) is treated as an operand of the ANLZ instruction; that is, the analyzed instruction may be obtained from any memory area to which the program has read access. Word Addressing: MA=O Doubleword Addressing: MA=O Doubleword Addressing: MA=l, MM=O 2. If the operation code portion of the effective word specifies an immediate-addressing instruction type, the condition code is set to indicate the addressing type, and instruction execution proceeds to the next instruction in sequence after AN LZ. The original contents of register R are not changed when the analyzed instruction is of the immediate-addressing type. If the operation code portion of the effective word specifies a reference-addressing instruction type, the condition code is set to indicate the addressing type of the analyzed instruction and the effective address of the analyzed instruction is computed (using all of Tne normai address compuTaTion ruies). if biT 0 of tne effective word is a 1, the contents of the memory location specified by bits 15-31 of the effective word are obtained and then used as a direct address. The nonallowed operation trap (memory protection violation or nonexistent memory address) can occur as a result of the memory access. Indexing is always performed (with an index register in the current register block) if bits 12-14 of the analyzed instruction are nonzero. During real extended addressing, the effective virtual address of the analyzed instruction is aligned as an integer displacement value and loaded into register R, according to the instruction addressing type, as follows: When the ANALYZE instruction is executed in the masterprotected mode and a trap condition occurs, it traps only on an indirect ANALYZE. Otherwise, instead of trapping it completes its execution by storing in register R the address that would have caused the instruction to trap. Since the mode is master-protected, the access protection codes wi II apply to the interpretation of addresses. If a slave mode program is trapped because an instruction has referenced protected memory, the ANALYZE instruction in the master-protected mode can determine which address aCTuai iy caused the trap. To aid the interpreting program, when operating in the master-protected mode, the AN LZ instruction uses bits 1, 2, and 3 of register R to indicate which memory access initiated by the AN LZ would have trapped. The meaning of the possible codes in register R(1-3) is as follows: Register R Bits R1 R2 R3 Meaning o 0 0 Successful generation of the effective virtual address of the analyzed instruction. The CCs are set to the addressing type of the analyzed instruction and R(10-31) contain the effective virtual address of the analyzed instruction aligned as an integer displacement value according to the instruction addressing type. o 0 Byte Addressing: MA=O Byte Addressing: MA=l, MM=O Halfword Addressing: MA=O The indirect reference of the analyzed instruction would have trapped because it was either nonexistent, memory protected, or had a parity error. The CCs are set to the addressing type of the analyzed instruction and R(10-31) contain the virtual address of the indirect reference of the analyzed instruction aligned as a word displacement. Ana Iyze/Interpret Instructions 57 R1 R2 R3 Meaning o The effective virtual address of the AN lZ instruction would have trapped because it was either nonexistent, memory protected, or had a parity error. The CCs are indeterminate since the instruction to be analyzed may not have been fetched (nonexistent memory). R(l0-3l) contain the effective virtual address of the AN lZ i nstructi on a Ii gned as a word displacement. If no trap condition occurs, ANlZ will execute normally and return the effective address of the instruction analyzed. effective word into bit positions 20-31 of register R (and clears the remaining bits of register R). If R is an odd value, INT loads bits 0-3 of the effective word into the condition code, loads bits 16-31 of the effective word into bit positions 16-31 of register R, and loads OIS into bit positions 0-15 of register R (bits 4-15 of the effective word are ignored in this case). Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC EW _ -CC O3 EW4 _15 _R20_31iO- RO- 19 EW 16-31- Ru116_31iO - Table 6 shows the instruction set as a 4 by 32 matrix {arranged as a function of the operation code}. This table also shows how the instruction set is divided into six groups as a function of the addressing type (delineated by heavy lines). For example, if the operation code of the analyzed instruction is either X' 02 1 , X' 20', X' 21 1 , X ' 22 1 , or X' 23 1 , then CCI is set to 1, CC2 is set to 0, CC3 is set to 0 (when analyzed instruction specifies direct addressing), and CC4 is set to 1. The decimal equivalent of the condition code setting for this group of immediate, word addressing type of instructions is shown as a 9 within a circle. The decimal equivalents of the candition code settings for the other five groups are shown in the same manner. If the analyzed instruction calls for indirect addressing, CC3 is always set to a 1 and the decimal value of the condition code setting shown in Table 6 should be increased by 2. Affected: (R), CC Ru1 0 _ 15 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Example 1, even R field value: Before execution After execution EW XI 12345678 1 XI 12345678 1 (R) xxxxxxxx XI 00000234 1 (Ru 1) = xxxxxxxx XI000056 78 1 CC xxxx 0001 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Instruction addressing type 0 0 0 Byte 0 0 - 0 Halfword 0 Word 1 Immediate, word - 0 Doubleword 0 - Direct addressing (EWO - Indirect addressing (EWO = 1) 0 0 0 - - ._ I"'"' OB 2 3 14 5 I _ I I 6 7 8 I{ 9 I I X I I Reference address Mnemonic Add Immediate AI Add Halfword AH Add Word AW Add Doubleword AD Subtract Halfword SH Subtract Word SW Subtract Doubleword SD I iviuitipiy immediate Mi Multiply Halfword MH Multiply Word MW Divide Halfword DH 10 11 12 13 14 15116 17 18 19120 21 22 23124 25 26 27128 29 30 31 INTERPRET loads bits 0-3 of the effective word into the condition code, loads bits 16-31 of the effective word into bit positions 16-31 of register Ru1 (and loads OIS into bit positions 0-15 of register Ru1, loads bits 4-15 of the 58 Instruction Name = 0) INTERPRET (Word index alignment) I .I 1 The fixed-point arithmetic instructions are: Immediate, byte INT o FIXED-POINT ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions Instruction Name Mnemonic Divide Word DW Add Word to Memory AWM Modi fy and Test Byte MTS Modify and Test Halfword MTH Modify and Test Word MTW AI ADD IMMEDIATE {Immediate operand} 20 The fixed-point arithmetic instruction set performs binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integer operands that may be data, addresses, index values, or counts. One operand may be either in the instruction word itself or may be in one or two of the current general registers; the second operand may be either in main memory or in one or two of the current general registers. For most of these instructions, both operands may be in the same general register, thus permitting the doubling, squaring, or clearing the contents of a register by using a reference address value equal to the R field value. All fixed-point arithmetic instructions provide a condition code setti ng that i ndi cates the fo Ilowi ng information about the result of the operation called for by the instruction: o 1 2 The value field (bit positions 12-31 of the instruction word) is treated as a 20-bit, two's complement integer. ADD IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12 of the instruction word) 12 bit positions to the left, adds the resulting 32-bit value to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into regi ster R. Affected: (R), CC (R) + (I)12-31SE - Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in R - 0 0 Zero - 0 Negative o - 0 3 4 Result o 0 ·Zero - the result in the specified general register(s) is all zeros. Positive No fixed-point overflow Fixed-point overflow Condition code settings: 2 R Trap: Fixed-point overflow, or nonexistent instruction if bit 0 is a 1. o No carry from bit position 0 - l.nrrv frnm hit noc;itinn 0 - I - ,-- If AI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent - 0 Negative - the instruction has produced a fixed-point negative result. o Positive - the instruction has produced a positi ve resu It. instruction, in which case the BP unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40' with the contents of register R and the condition code unchanged. fj xed -po in t - 0 Fixed-point overflow has not occurred during execution of an add, subtract, or divide instruction, and the result is correct. Fixed-point overflow has occurred during execution of an add, subtract, or divide instruction. For addition and subtraction, the incorrect result is loaded into the designated register{s}. For a divide instruction, the designated register(s), and CC1, CC3, and CC4 are not affected. o No carry - for an add or subtract instruction, there was no carry of a l-bit out of the highorder (sign) bit position of the result. - Carry - for an add or subtract instruction, there was a l-bit carry out of the sign bit position of the result. (Subtracting zero wi II a Iways produce carry. ) If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. AH ADD HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) ADD HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left (to form a 32-bit word in which bit positions 0-15 contain the sign of the effective halfword), adds the 32-bit result to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. Affected: (R), CC Trap: Fixed-point overflow (R) + EHSE-R Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 59 AD Condition code settings: 2 - 3 4 Result in R 0 0 Zero 0 Negative 0 - 0 Positive No fixed-point overflow Fixed-point overflow o ADD DOUBlEWORD (Doub/eword index alignment) ADD DOUBlEWORD adds the effective doubleword to the contents of registers Rand Ru1 (treated as a single, 64-bit register); loads the 32 low-order bits of the sum into regi ster Ru 1 and then loads the 32 high -order bits of the sum into register R. R must be an even value; if R is an odd value, the BP traps with the contents in register R unchanged. No carry from bit position 0 Carry from bit position 0 Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Ru1) + ED - Trap: Fixed-pointoverf/ow, instruction exception R, Ru1 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask is 1, the BP traps to location X ' 43 1 after loading the sum into regi ster R; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. AW Condition code settings: ADD WORD 0/Vord index alignment) 2 3 - 0 0 Zero - 0 Negative 4 0 o 1 2 - 0 Positive No fixed-point overflow ADD WORD adds the effective word to the contents of register R and loads the sum into register R. Fixed-point overflow o Affected: (R), CC Result in R, Ru1 No carry from bit position 0 Trap: Fixed-point overflow Carry from bit position 0 (R) + EW-R Condition code settings: 2 3 - 0 0 Zero - 0 Negative 4 0 o Result in R Positive No fixed-point overflow If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X ' 43 1 after loading the sum into registers Rand Ru1; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. The R field of the AD instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R fie Id of AD is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X'4D', instruction exception trap. Example 1, even R field value: Fixed-point overflow o No carry from bi t posi tion 0 Before execution After execution ED X ' 33333333EEEEEEEE' X'33333333EEEEEEEE ' (R) X l ll 11 11 111 X144444445 1 (Ru 1) X'33333333 1 X' 22222221 ' CC xxxx 0010 Carry from bit position 0 If CC2 is set to T and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43 1 after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. 60 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions SH 2 SUBTRACT HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) SUBTRACT HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left (to form a 32-bit word in which bit positions 0-15 contain the sign of the effective halfword), forms the two's cQmplement of the resulting word, adds the complemented word to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. 0 3 4 Result in R o Positive - - No fixed-point overflow - - Fixed-point overflow o - - - No carry from bit position 0 Carry from bit position 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask Affected: (R), CC -EH SE Trap: Fixed-point overflow + (R)-R Condition code settings: 2 - - 3 4 Resu It in R o 0 Zero 0 0 - so Negative o Positive No fixed-point overflow Fixed-point overflow o - No carry from bit position 0 - (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. Carry from bit position 0 SUBTRACT DOUBLEWORD (Doubleword index alignment) 'SUBTRACT DOUBLEWORD forms the 64-bit two's complement of the effective doubleword, adds the complemented doubleword to the contents of registers Rand Ru1 (treated as a single, 64-bit register), loads the 32 low-order bits of the sum into register Ru 1 and loads the 32 hi gh -order bits of the sum into register R. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC -ED + (R, Ru1) - Trap: Fixed-point overflow, instruction exception R, Ru1 Condition code settings: If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after loading the sum into register R; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. 2 SW 1 4 Result in R, Ru1 o 0 Zero - 0 SUBTRACT WORD (Word index alignment) - 0 o 3 Negative o Positive - No fixed-point overflow 314567891011121314151617181912021222324252627128293031 Fixed-point overflow SUBTRACT WORD forms the two's complement of the effective word, adds that complement to the contents of register R, and loads the sum into register R. Affected: (R), CC o - - No carry from bit position 0 - Carry from bit position 0 Trap: Fixed-point overflow If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask -EW + (R)-R Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resu It in R o 0 Zero o Negative (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X' 43 1 after the result is loaded into registers Rand Ru1; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. The R field of the SD instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field of SD is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X'4D', instruction exception trap; the contents in register R remain unchanged. Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 61 MI Example 2, odd R field value: MULTIPLY IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) The value field (bit positions 12-31 of the instruction word) is treated as a 20-bit, two's complement integer. MULTIPLY IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bit position 12) of the instruction word 12 bit positions to the left and multiplies the resulting 32-bit value by the contents of register Ru1, then loads the 32 high-order bits of the product into register R, and then loads the 32 low-order bits of the product into register Ru 1. If R is an odd value, the result in register R is the 32 loworder bits of the product. Thus, in order to generate a 64-bit product, the R field of the instruction must be even and the multiplicand must be in register R+1. The condition code settings are based on the 64-bit product formed during instruction execution, rather than on the final contents of register R. Overflow cannot occur. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC2, CC3, CC4 Trap: Nonexistent instruction if bit 0 is a 1. (Rul) x (I)12-31SE - R , Ru1 Before execution After execution (1)12-31 X'01234' X'01234' (R) X'00030002' X'369C2468' CC xxxx x010 MH MULTIPLY HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) MULTIPLY HALFWORD multipl ies the contents of bit positions 16-31 of register R by the effective halfword (with both halfwords treated as signed, two's complement integers) and stores the product in register Ru 1 (overflow cannot occur). If R is an even value, the original multiplier in register R is preserved, allowing repetitive halfword r:nultiplication with a constant multiplier; however, if R is an odd value, the product is loaded into the same register. Overflow cannot occur. Affected: (Rul), CC3, CC4 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 64-bi t product - 0 0 Zero. - 0 (R)16-31 x EH -Ru1 Condition code settings: - o o 3 4 Result in Ru1 - 0 0 Zero - 0 Positive Result is correct, as represented in register Ru 1. Result is not correctly representable in register Ru 1 alone. If MI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the BP unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and traps to location X'40' with the contents of register R, register Ru 1, and the condition code unchanged; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. Example 1, even R field value: Before execution After execution X'70000' X'70000' (R) xxxxxxxx X' 00007000' (Ru 1) X'10001000' CC xxxx (I) 12-31 62 2 Negative. Negative o Positive Example 1, even R fieid value: EH X'FFFF' X'FFFF' (R) X' xxxxOOOA' X' xxxxOOOA ' (Ru 1) xxxxxxxx X'FFFFFFF6' CC xxxx xx01 Example 2, odd R field value: Before execl)tion After execution EH X'FFFF' X'FFFF' X' 70000000' (R) X' xxxxOOOA ' X'FFFFFFF6' x110 CC xxxx xxOl Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions MW MULTIPLY WORD 0/'Iord index alignment) MULTIPLY WORD multiplies the contents of register Rul by the effective word, loads the 32 high-order bits of the product into register R and then loads the 32 loworder bits of the product into register Rul {overflow cannot occur}. Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in R - 0 0 0 Zero quotient, no overflow. - 0 0 Negative quotient, no overflow. o - 0 Positi ve quoti ent, no overflow. Fixed-point overflow. If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask If R is odd value, the result in register R is the 32 loworder bits of the product. Thus, in order to generate a 64-bit product, the R field of the instruction must be even and the multiplicand must be in register R+l. The condition code settings are based on the 64-bit product formed during instruction execution, rather than on the final contents of register R. (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location XI 43 1 with the contents of register R, CC1, CC3, and CC4 unchanged. DW DIVIDE WORD (yVord index alignment) Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC DIVIDE WORD divides the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (treated as a 64-bit fixed-point integer) by the effective word, loads the integer remainder into register R and then loads the integer quotient into register Rul. If a nonzero remainder occurs, the remainder has the same sign as the dividend (original contents of register R). If R is an odd value, DW forms a 64-bit register operand by extending the sign of the contents of register R 32 bit positions to the left, then divides the 64-bit register operand by the effective word, and loads the quotient into register R. In this case, the remainder is lost and only the contents of register R are affected. (Rul) x EW-R, Rul Condi ti on code setti ngs: 2 3 4 64-bi t product - 0 0 Zero. - 0 Negative. o Positive. If the absolute value of the quotient cannot be correctly - 0 Result is correct, as represented in register Ru 1. o DH 0 Result is not correctly representable in register Rul alone. DIVIDE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) represented in 32 bits, fixed-point overflow occurs; in which case CC2 is set to 1 and the contents of register R, register Rul, CC1, CC3, and CC4 remain unchanged; otherwise, CC2 is reset to 0, CC3 and CC4 reflect the quoti ent in regi ster Ru 1, and CC 1 is unchanged. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC2 CC3,CC4 Trap: Fixed-point overflow (R, Rul) -:- EW- R (remainder), Rul (quotient) Condition code settings: DIVIDE HALFWORD divides the contents of register R (treated as a 32-bit fi xed-point integer) by the effective halfword and loads the quotient into register R. If the absolute value of the quotient cannot be correctly represented in 32 bits, fixed-point overflow occurs; in which case CC2 is set to 1 and the contents of register R, and CC1, CC3, and CC4 are unchanged. Affected: (R), CC2, CC3, CC4 (R) -:- EH-R - 2 3 4 Resu Itin Ru 1 0 0 0 Zero quotient, no overflow. - 0 0 - 0 Negative quotient, no overflow. 0 Positive quotient, no overflow. Fixed-point overflow. Trap: Fixed-pointoverflow If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location XI 43 1 with the Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 63 original contents of register R, register Rul, CC1, CC3, and CC4 unchanged; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. AWM ADD WORD TO MEMORyt 0/Vord index alignment) the R field. This byte is added to the effective byte and then (if no memory protection violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective byte location and the condition code is set according to the value of the resultant byte. This process allows modification of a byte by any number in the range -8 through +7, followed by a test. If the value of the R field is zero, the effective byte is ADD WORD TO MEMORY adds the contents of register R to the effective word and stores the sum in the effective word location. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. Affected: (EWL), CC tested for being a zero or nonzero value. The condition code is set according to the result of the test, but the effective byte is not affected. A memory write-protection vioiation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Affected: CC if (1)8-11 -I 0 (EBL) and CC if (1)8-11 10 If (1)8_11/0, EB + (1)8-11 SE - EBL and set CC Trap: Fixed-pointoverflow EW + (R)-EWL If (1)8-11 = 0, test byte and set CC Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result in EWL - 0 0 Zero o Negative o - 0 Positive No fixed-point overflow Condition code settings: - 2 3 4 Result in EBL 0 0 0 Zero o Nonzero - 0 o No carry from byte - Fixed-point overflow o No carry from bit position 0 - Carry from bit position 0 Carry from byte If MTB is executed in an interrupt or trap location, the condition code is not affected and a 20-bit reference address is used, as descri bed under "Interrupt and Trap Entry Addressing II, Chapter 2. If CC2 is set to 1 and fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after the result is stored in the effective word location; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. MTB MODIFY AND TEST BYTE t (Byte index alignment) Note: All "Modify and Test" instructions in interrupt locations other than Counter 4 use real, or real extended, addressing mode. Counter 4 uses virtual addressing mode. H If the value of the R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R field (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 4 bit positions to the left, to form a byte with bit positions 0-4 of that byte equal to the high-order bit of tThis instruction requires two memory references to the same location for its execution. To preclude other processors from accessing the effective location during this time, the memory unit containing the effective location is reserved (not accessible to other processors) unti I the instruction is completed. 64 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructi ons MODIFY AND TEST HALFWORD t (Halfword index alignment) MTH o 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ·14 15 16 17 18 19! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27128 29 30 31 If the value of the R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R field (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 12 bit positions to the left, to form a halfword with bit positions 0-11 of that halfword equal to the high-order bit of the R field. This halfword is added to the effective halfword and then (if no memory protection violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective halfword location and the condition code is sP,t according to the value of the resultant halfword. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. This process allows modification of a halfword by any number in the range -8 through +7, followed by a test. If the value of the R field is zero, the effective halfword is tested for being a zero, negative, or positive value. The condition code is set, according to the result of the test, but the effective halfword is not affected. A memory write-protection violation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Affected: CC if (1)8-11 = 0; Trap: Fixed-pointoverflow (EHL) and CC if (1)8-11/0 If (1)8-11 = 0, test ha Ifword and set CC If (1)8-11/0, EH + (I)8-11SE -EHL and set CC of the R field. This word is added to the effective word and then (if no memory protection violation occurs) the sum is stored in the effective word location and condition code is set according to the value of the resultant word. The sum is stored regardless of whether or not overflow occurs. This process allows modification of a word by any number in the range -8 through +7, followed by a test. If the value of the R field is zero, the effective word is tested for being a zero, negative, or positive value. The condition code is set according to the result of the test, but the effective word is not affected. A memory writeprotection violation cannot occur in this case; however, a memory read-protection violation can occur. Condition code settings: Trap: Fixed-pointoverflow Affected: CC if (1)8-11 = 0; 2 3 4 - 0 0 - 0 Result in EH L (EWL) and CC if (1)8-11 Zero Negative 0 10 If (1)8-11 = 0, test word and set CC If (1)8-11 10, EW + 18-11 SE - EWL and set CC Positive Condition code settings: - 0 No fixed-point overflow Fixed-point overflow o 2 3 4 - 0 - 0 0 Zero No carry from halfword - Negative Carry from halfword 0 If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after the re- - 0 sult is stored in the effective halfword location; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. If MTH is executed in an interrupt or trap location, the condition code is not affected and a 20-bit reference address is used, as described under "Interrupt and Trap Entry Addressi ng", Chapter 2. MTW Result in EWL MODIFY AND TEST WORD (Word index alignment) t If the value of the R field is nonzero, the high-order bit of the R fie Id (bit position 8 of the instruction word) is extended 28 bit positions to the left, to form a word with bit positions 0-27 of that word equal to the high-order bit Positive No fixed-point overflow Fixed-point overflow o No carry from word Carry from word If CC2 is set to 1 and the fixed-point arithmetic trap mask (AM) is a 1, the BP traps to location X'43' after the result is stored in the effective word location; otherwise, the BP executes the next instruction in sequence. If MTW is executed in an interrupt or trap location, the condition code is not affected and a 20-bit reference address is used, as described under "Interrupt and Trap Entry Addressing", Chapter 2. COMPARISON INSTRUCTIONS The comparison instructions are: tThis instruction requires two memory references to the same location for its execution. To preclude other processors from accessing the effective location during this time, the memory unit containing the effecti ve location is reserved {not accessible to other processors} unti I the instruction is completed. Instruction Name Mnemonic Compare Immedi ate CI Compare Byte CB Comparison Instructions 65 Instruction Name Mnemonic Compare Halfword CH Compare Word CW Compare Doub Ieword CD Compare Selective CS Compare With Limits in Register CLR Compare With Limits in Memory CLM COMPARE BYTE (Byte index alignment) CB COMPARE BYTE compares the contents of bit positions 24-31 of register R with the effective byte (with both bytes treated as positive integer magnitudes) and sets the condition code accordi ng to the resu Its of the compari son. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 (R)24-3I : EB All comparison instructions produce a condition code setting which is indicative of the results of the comparison, without affecting the effective operand in memory and wi thout affecti ng the contents of the desi gnated register. CI o Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result of Comparison - 0 0 Equal. o COMPARE IMMEDIATE (Immediate operand) Register byte less than effective byte. o - 0 Register byte greater than effective byte. No 1-bits compare, (R)24-3I n EB = O. I COMPARE IMMEDIATE extends the sign of the value field (bi t posi tion 12) of the instruction word 12 bi t posi ti ons to the left, compares the 32-bit result with the contents of register R (with both operands treated as signed fixed-point quantities), and then sets the condition code according to the results of the comparison. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 Trap: Nonexistent instruction if bit 0 is a 1. (R) : (I)12-31SE Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resu it of Com pari son o 0 Equal. One or more I-bits compare, (R)24-31 n EB CH 10. COMPARE HALFWORD (Halfword index alignment) H o I 2 COMPARE HALFWORD extends the sign of the effective halfword 16 bit positions to the left, then compares the resultant 32-bit word with the contents of register R (with both words treated as signed, fixed-point quantities) and sets the condition code according to the results of thp. comparison. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 - 0 Register value less than immediate value. o - 0 (R) : EHSE Register value greater than immediate value. No 1-bits compare, (R) n (I) 12-325 E = O. One or more 1-bi ts compare, (R) n (I) 12-32SE 10. If CI is indirectly addressed, it is treated as a nonexistent instruction, in which case the basic processor unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction (at the time of operation code decoding) and then traps to location X'40' with the condition code unchanged. 66 Comparison Instructions Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result of Comparison 0 0 ... '-I v t:_ .. ~1 ....... Register word less than effective halfword with sign extended. 0 0 Register word greater than effective halfword with sign extended. 2 3 4 - a Condition code settings: Result of Comparison No l-bits compare, (R) n EHSE = O. 2 a. - a CS COMPARE WORD compares the contents of register R with the effective word, with both words treated as signed fixedpoint quantiti es, and sets the condition code according to the resu Its of the compari son. Affected: CC2, CC3, CC4 (R) : EW Condition code settings: 2 3 - a a Equal. - a Register word less than effective word. a - a Result of Comparison COMPARE SELECTIVE COMPARE SE LECTIVE compares the contents of register R with the effective v;ord in on Iy those bit positions selected by a 1 in corresponding bit positions of register Rul (mask). The contents of register R and the effective word are ignored in those bit positions designated by a a in corresponding bit positions of register Rul. The selected contents of register R and the effective word are treated as positive integer magnitudes, and the condition code is set according to the result of the comparison. If the R fieldof CS is an odd value; CS compares the contents of register R with the logical product (AND) of the effective word and the contents of register R. If R is odd: (R): EW n (R) Condition code settings: a. 2 3 4 Equal. - a Register word less than effective word. a COMPARE DOUBLEWORD compares the effective doubleword with the contents of registers Rand Rv 1 (with both doublewords treated as signed, fixed-point quantities) and sets the condi ti on code accordi ng to the resu Its of the comparison. If the R field of CD is an odd value, CD forms a 64-bit register operand (by duplicating the contents of register R for both the 32 high-order bits and the 32 loworder bits) and compares the effective doubleword with the 64-bit register operand. The condition code settings are based on the 64-bit comparison. (R, Rul) : ED Resu I ts of Compari son under Mask in Ru 1 - a a COMPARE DOUBLEWORD Affected: CC3, CC4 Register doubleword greater than effective doubleword. If R is even: (R) n (Rul) : EW n (Rul) a. One or more l-bits compare, (R) n EW I CD Equal. Affected: CC3, CC4 Register word greater than effective word. No l-bits compare, (R) n EW = Result of Comparison Register doubleword less than effective doubleword. a COMPARE WORD (Word index alignment) 4 4 a a One or more l-bits compare, (R) n EHSE I CW 3 CLR Register word greater than effective word. (if R is even). COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN REGISTERS (Word index alignment) H o 1 2 COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN REGISTERS simultaneously compares the effective word with the contents of register R and with the contents of register Rul (with all three words treated as signed fixed-point quantities), and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparisons. Affected: CC (R) : EW, (Rul) : EW Comparison Instructions 67 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result of Comparison - 0 0 Contents of R equal to effective word. o Contents of R greater than effective word. o 0 - Contents of Ru 1 equa I to effecti ve word. o - Contents of Ru 1 less than effective word. - Contents of Ru1 greater than effective word. elM OR OR WORD (Word index alignment) Contents of R less than effective word. o o the other operand is the effective word. The result of the logical operation is loaded into register R. COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN MEMORY (Doubleword index alignment) o 1 2 OR WORD logically ORs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register R and the effective word are both 0, a 0 remains in register R; otherwise, a 1 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. The effective word is not affected. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 = 0, 0 u 1 = 1, 1 u 0 = 1, 1u 1= 1 R, where 0 u 0 (R) u EW - Condition code settings: COMPARE WITH LIMITS IN MEMORY simultaneously compares the contents of register R with the 32 high-order bits of the effective doubleword and with the 32 low-order bits of the effective doubleword, with all three words treated as 32-bit signed quantities, and sets the condition code according to the results of the comparisons. - 2 3 4 - 0 0 Zero. - 0 Bit 0 of register R is a 1. o Affected: CC Result in R Bit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1. (R) : ED _ ; (R) : ED -63 32 O 31 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Result of Comparison - 0 0 Contents of R equal to most signifi cant word, (R) = ED _ ' O 31 - 0 Contents of R less than most significant word, (R) < ED _ ' O 31 o 0 o o o Contents of R greater than most significant word, (R) > ED _ ' O 31 - Contents of R equal to least significant word, (R) = ED _ . 32 63 - Contents of R less than least significant word, (R) < ED _ . 32 63 - Contents of R greater than least significant word, (R) > ED _ . 32 63 LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS All logical operations are performed bit by corresponding bit between two operands; one operand is in register Rand 68 Log i co I Instru ct i ons EOR EXCLUSIVE OR WORD (Word index alignment) EXCLUSIVE OR WORD logically exclusive ORs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register R and the effective word are different! a 1 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R; if the contents of the corresponding bit positions are alike, a 0 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. The effective word is not affected. Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 (R) (Q) EW--R Condition code settings: 2 - 3 4 Resu It in R o 0 Zero. 0 Bit 0 of register R is a 1. OBit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1. AND WORD rylord index alignment) AND AND WORD logically ANDs the effective word into register R. If corresponding bits of register R and the effecti ve word are both 1, a 1 remains in register R; otherwise, a 0 is placed in the corresponding bit position of register R. . The effective word is not affected. amount of the shift are determined by bits 25-31 of the indirect word plus bits 25-31 of the specified index register. The effective address does not reference memory. Bit positions 15-20 and 24 of the effective virtual address are ignored. Bit positions 21, 22, and 23 of the effective virtual address determine the type of shift, as follows: 21 22 23 Shift Type 0 0 0 logical, single register Affected: (R), CC3, CC4 0 0 (R) n EW-R 0 Condition code settings: 2 3 4 - 0 0 Zero. - 0 Bit 0 of register R is a 1. o SHIFT INSTRUCTIONS The instruction format for logical, circular, arithmetic, nnrl ic:· - .. - "on,.,..h;nn --_. -·····v "hift _..... t"Ino,.ntit"lnc: -r-' ---._ .. - .-- S 0 SHIFT (Word index alignment) If neither indirect addressing nor indexing is called for in the instruction SHIFT, bit positions 21-23 of the reference address field determine the type, and bit positions 25-31 determine the direction and amount of the shift. If only indirect addressing is called for in the instruction, bits 15-31 of the instruction are used to access the indirect word and then bits 21-23 and 25-31 of the -indirect word determine the type, direction, and amount of the shift. 0 If both indirect addressing and indexing are called for in the instruction, bits 15-31 of the instruction are used to access the indirect word and then bits 21-23 of the indirect word determine the type of shift; the direction and 0 Arithmetic, single register Ari thmeti c, double register 0 0 Searching, single register Searching, double register Bit positions 25 through 31 of the effective virtual address are a shift count that determines the direction and amount of the shift. The shift count (C) is treated as a 7-bit signed binary integer, with the high-order bit (bit position 25) as the sign (negative integers are represented in twols complement form). A positive shift count causes a left shift of C bit positions. A negative shift count causes a right shift of Ici bit positions. The value of C is within the range: -64 ~ C S: +63. All double-register shift operations require an even value for the R field of the instruction, and treat registers Rand Rul as a 64-bit register with the high-order bit (bit position 0 of register R) as the sign for the entire register. If the R field of SHIFT is an odd value and a double-register shift operation is specified, a register doubleword is formed by duplicating the contents of register R for both the 32 high-order bits and the 32 low-order bits of the doubleword. The shift operation is then performed and the 32 high-order bits of the result are loaded into register R. Overflow occurs (on left shifts only) whenever the value of the sign bit (bit position 0 of register R) changes. At the completion of logical left, circular left, arithmetic left, and searching left shifts, the condition code is set as follows: 2 If only indexing is called for in the instruction, bits 21-23 of the instruction word determine the type of shift; the direction and amount of shift are determined by bits 25-31 of the instruction plus bits 25-31 of the specified index register. Circular, single register Circular, double register 0 Result in R Bit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1. logical, double register o 3 4 Result of Shift Even number of lis shifted off left end of register R. Odd number of lis shifted off left end of register Rt. tNot applicable for searching shift. Shift Instructions 69 2 - 3 4 0 Circular Shift, Double Register Result of Shift No overflow on left shift. Overflow on left shift. If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registers R Searching shift terminated with Ro equal to 1. At the completion of right shifts, the condition code is set as follows: 2 3 o 4 0 and Ru 1 are shifted left C places. Bits shifted past bit position 0 of register R are copied into bit position 31 of register Ru 1. (No bits are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted right Ici places. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register Ru 1 are copied into bit position 0 of register R. (No bits are lost.) Affected: (R), (Rul), CCl, CC2 Logical Shift, Single Register Arithmetic Shift, Single Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R are shifted left C places, the O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right Ici places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the left. (Bits shifted past R31 are lost.) If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right· lei places, with the contents of bit position 0 copied into vacated bit positions on the left. (Bits shifted past R31 are lost.) Affected: (R), CCl, CC2 Affected: (R), cc 1, CC2 Logical Shift, Double Register Arithmetic Shift, Double Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registers Rand Rul are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. Bits shifted past bit position 0 of register Ru 1 are copied into bit position 31 of register R. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted right Ici places with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the left. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register Rare copied into bit position 0 of register Ru1. (Bits shifted past Ru 131 are lost.) If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R and Rul are shifted left C places, with O's copied into vacated bit positions on the right. Bits shifted past bit position 0 of register Rul are copied into bit position 31 of register R. (Bits shifted past RO are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 are shifted right Ici thp._ contp.ntc; noc;ition 0- of R .'olacp.s_ with ... ... - .. -- of -" hit -.- ,---.'._" _ . rpnidpr . _.;;;J.-._' ... --~ ~- copied into vacated bit positions on the left. Bits shifted past bit position 31 of register R are copied into bit position 0 of register Ru1. (Bits shifted past Ru131 are lost.) Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC 1, CC2 Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC 1, CC2 Circular Shift, Single Register Searching Shift, Single Register If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register R aie shifted left C places. Bits shifted post bit positio(1 0 are copied into bit position 31. (No bits are lost.) If C is negative, the contents of register R are shifted right Ici places. Bits shifted past bit position 31 are copied into bit position O. (No bits are lost.) Affected: (R), CCl, CC2 70 Shift Instructions The :)eur(;hing ~hift is circuiar in either direction. if the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of register Rare shifted left C bit positions or until a 1 appears in bit position O. If C is negative, the contents are shifted right Ici positions or unti I a 1 appears in bit position O. When the shift is terminated, the remaining count is stored in register 1, which is dedicated to the searching shift instruction. Bits 0-24 of register 1 are cleared and the remaining count is loaded into bits 25-31. If the initial contents of bit 0 is equal to 1, then no bits are shifted by the instruction. In this case the original count in the instruction is stored in register 1. Searching shift causing a change in bit position 0 causes CC2 to be set to 1. If bit posi tion 0 is not changed during a searching shift, CC2 is cleared. CC4 is set to 1 if the shift is terminated with a 1 in bit position O. Affected: (R), (Rl), CC2, CC4 If direct addressing and indexing are called for in the instruction, bit 23 of the reference address (not affected by subsequent indexing) determines the type of shift. Bits 25-31 of the reference address plus bits 25-31 of the specified indexed register determine the direction and amount of the shift. If indirect addressing and indexing are called for in the instruction, bits 15-31 of the reference address are used to access the indirect word. Bit 23 of the indirect word (not affected by subsequent indexing) determines the type of shift. Bits 25-31 of the indirect address plus bits 25-31 of the specified index register determine the direction and amount of the shift. Searching Shift, Double Register The searching shift is circular in either direction. If the shift count, C, is positive, the contents of registers Rand Ru1 are shifted left C bit positions or until a 1 appears in bit posi tion 0 of register R. If C is negative, the contents are shifted right lei posi tions or unti I a 1 appears in bit posi tion O. When the shift is terminated, the remaining count is stored in register 1, which is dedicated to the searching shift instruction. Bits 0-24 of register 1 are cleared and the remaining count is loaded into bits 25-31. Searching shift causing a change in bit position 0 causes CC2 to be set to 1. If bit position 0 is not changed during a searching shift, CC2 is cleared. CC4 is set to 1 if the shift is terminated with a 1 in bit position O. Affected: (R), (Rul), (Rl), CC2, CC4 The shift count, C, in bit positions 25-31 of the effective virtual address determines the amount and direction of the shift. The shift count is treated as a 7-bit signed binary integer, with the high-order bit (bit position 25) as the sign (negative integers are represented in twols complement form). The absolute value of the shift count determines the number of hexadecimal digit positions the floating-point number is to be shifted. If the shift count is positive, the floatingpoint number is shifted left; if the count is negative, the number is shifted right. SHIFT FLOATING loads the floating-point number from the register(s) specified by the R field of the instruction into a set of internal registers. If the number is negative, it is twols complemented. A record of the original sign is retained. The floating-point number is then separated into a characteristic and a fraction, and CCl and CC2 are both reset to OIS. A positive shift count produces the following left shift operations: FLOATING-POINT SHIFT Floating-point numbers are defined in the "FloatingPoint Arithmetic Instructions" section. The format for the floating-point shift instruction is: SF SHIFT FLOATING 0/lord index alignment) If direct addressing and no indexing is called for in the instruction SHIFT FLOATING, bit position 23 of the reference address field determines the type {long or short format} of shift, and bit positions 25-31 determine the direction and amount of the shift. If indirect addressing and no indexing is called for in the instruction, bit positions 15-31 of the instruction are used to access the indirect word and then bit positions 23 and 25-31 of the indirect word determine the type, direction, and amount of the shift. 1. If the fraction is normalized (i. e., is less than 1 and is equal to or greater than 1/16), or the fraction is a" OIS, CCl is set to 1. 2. If the fraction field is all OIS, the entire floating-point number is set to all OIS ("true" zero), regardless of the sign and the characteristic of the original number. 3. If the fraction is not normalized, the fraction field is shifted 1 hexadecimal digit position (4 bit positions) to the left and the characteristic field is decremented by 1. Vacated digit positions at the right of the fraction are fi lIed with hexadecimal OIS. If the characteristi c fie Id underflows (i. e., is all lis as the result of being decremented), CC2 is set to l. However, if the characteristic field does not underflow, the sh ift process (sh ift fracti on, and decrement characteristic) continues until the fraction is normalized, unti I the characteristic field underflows, or unti I the fraction is shi fted left C hexadeci ma I digit positions, whichever occurs first. (Any two, or all three, of the terminating conditions can occur simultaneously. ) Shift Instructions 71 4. 5. 2 At the completion of the left shift operation, the floating-point result is loaded back into the general register{s}. If the number was origina"y negative, the twols complement of the resultant number is loaded into the general register {s}. 0 The condition code settings following a floating-point left shift are as follows: 0 2 3 4 Result - - 0 0 "True" zero (all OIS). - - 0 3 4 Result 0 Positive. IC/ 0 digits shifted (no characteri sti c overflow). Characteristi c overflow. Floating Shift, Single Register Negative. o o 0 Positive. C digits shifted (fraction unnormalized, no characteristic underflow). - Fraction normalized {includes "true" zero}. - Characteristic underflow. A negative shift count produces the following right shift operations (again assuming that negative numbers are twols complemented before and after the shift operation): 1. The fraction field is shifted 1 hexadecimal digit position to the right and the characteristic field is incremented by 1. Vacated digit positions at the left are fi lIed with hexadecimal OIS. 2. If the characteristic field overflows (i. e., is all OIS as the result of being incremented), CC2 is set to 1. However, if the characteristic field does not overflow, the shift process (shift fraction, and increment characteristic) continues until the characteristic field overflows or unti I the fraction is shifted right lei hexadecimal digit positions, whichever occurs first. (Both terminating conditions can occur simultaneously.) 3. 4. 5. If the resultant fraction field is all OIS, the entire floating-point number is set to all OIS C'true" zero), regardless of the sign and the characteristic of the original number. At the completion of the right shift operation, the floating-point result is loaded back into the general register{s}. If the number was originally negative, the twols complement of the resu Itant number is loaded into the general register(s}. The condition code settings following a floating-point The short-format floating-point number in register R is shifted according to the rules established above for floatingpoint shift operations. Affected: {R}, CC Floating Shift, Double Register The long-format floating-point number in registers Rand Ru 1 is shifted according to the rules established above for floating-point shift operations. (If the R field of the instruction word is an odd value, a long-format f/oatingpoint number is generated by duplicating the contents of register R, and the 32 high-order bits of the result are loaded into register R. ) Affected: {R}, (Rul), CC CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS The conversion instructions are: Instruction Name Mnemo'nic Convert by Addition CVA Convert by Subtraction CVS These two conversion instructions can be used to accomplish bidirectional translation between binary code and any other weighted binary code, such as BCD. dght sh:ft are as fe! !ews: 2 3 4 Result - 0 0 "True" zero (all zeros). - 0 72 Negative. Conversion Instructions The effective addresses of the instructions CONVERT BY ADDITION and CONVERT BY SUBTRACTION each point to the starting location of a conversion table of 32 words, containing weighted values for each bit position of register Ru 1. The 32 words of the conversion table are considered to be 32-bit positive quantities, and are referred to as conversion volues. The intermediate results of these instructions are accumulated in internal basic processor registers unti I the instruction is completed; the result is then loaded into the appropriate general register. Both instructions use a counter ~n) that is set to 0 at the beginning of the instruction execution and is incremented by 1 with each iteration, unti I a total of 32 iterations has been performed. If a memory parity or protection violation trap occurs during the execution of either instruction, the instruction sequence is aborted (without having changed the contents of register R or Rul) and may be restarted (at the beginning of the instruction sequence) after the trap routine is processed. eVA CONVERT BY ADDITION rNord index alignment) CONVERT BY ADDITION initially clears the internal A register and sets an internal counter (n) to O. If bit position n of register Rul contains a 1, CVA adds the nth conversion value (contents of the word location pointed to by the effective address plus n) to the contents of the A register, accumulates the sum in the A register, and increments n by 1. If bit position n of register Ru1 contains a 0, CVA only increments n. If n is less than 32 after being incremented, the next bit position of register Rul is examined, and the addition process continues through n equal to 31; the result is then loaded into register R. If, on any itera.•.• i • • .1 1 ,.,1?_1 ,..,..,. • Tlon, rne sum nas exceeaea rne vUlue , L - - . , \,,\,,1 I~ ~el to 1; otherwise, CCl is reset to O. Affected: (R), CC1, CC3, CC4 evs CONVERT BY SUBTRACTION loads the internal A register with the contents of register R, clears the internal B register, and sets an internal counter (n) to O. All conversion values are considered to be 32-bit positive quantities. If the nth conversion value (the contents of the word location pointed to by the effective address plus n). is equal to or less than the current contents of the A register, CVS increments n by 1, adds the two's complement of the nth conversion value to the contents of the A register, stores the sum in the A register, and stores a 1 in bit position n of the B register. If the nth conversion value is greater than the current contents of the A register, CVS only increments n by 1. If n is less than 32 after being incremented, the next conversion value is compared and the process continues through n equal to 31; the remainder in the A register is loaded into register R, and the converted quantity in the B register is loaded into register Ru1. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC3, CC4 (R)-A, O-B, O-n If (EWL + n) $ (A) then A - (EWL + n) - A , l - B ,n + 1 - n n If (EWL + n) Tt' /')1"\ 1I11 ..... uL, > (A) then n + 1 - n _ . . ___ L . _LL __ .. • __ 1~tx='UljVIIl~lyyl;)<::, IA\~D \r'./ ''', ID\ D •• 1 \U/-',\U. continue to the next instruction. Condition code settings: O-A,O-n If (Rul) =1, then (EWL + n) + (A) -A, n + 1 - n n If (Ru1) =0, then n + 1 - n - n If n < 32, repeat; otherwise, (A) next instruction. CONVERT BY SUBTRACTION rNord index alignment) R and continue to 2 3 4 Result in Rul - 0 0 Zero. - 0 Bit 0 of register Ru 1 is a 1. o BitOofregisterRu1 is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register Ru 1 contain at least one 1. Condition code settings: 2 3 4 Resu It in R - 0 0 Zero. . FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS - The floating-point arithmetic instructions are: O B i t 0 of register R is a 1. Instruction Name Mnemonic Floating Add Short FAS Sum is correct (less than ~2). Floating Add Long FAL Sum is greater than ~2_1. Floating Subtract Short FSS OBit 0 of register R is a 0 and bit positions 1-31 of register R contain at least one 1. o - - - Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions 73 Instruction Name Mnemonic Floating Subtract Long FSL Floating Multiply Short FMS Floating Multiply Long FML Floating Divide Short FDS Floating Divide Long FDL for addition and subtraction, an abnormal zero is treated the same as any nonzero operand. 3. A positive floating-point number is normalized if and only if the fraction is contained in the interval 1/16 $ F < 1 4. A negative floating-point number is the two's complement of its positive representation. 5. A negative floating-point number is normalized if and only if its two's complement is a normalized positive number. FLOATING-POINT NUMBERS By this definition, a floating-point number of the form Two number formats are accommodated for floating-point arithmetic: short and long. A short-format floating-point number consists of a sign (bit 0), a biased t , base 16 exponent, which is called a characteristic (bits 1-7), and a six-digit hexadecimal fraction (bits 8-31). A long-format floating-point number consists of a short-format floatingpoint number followed by an additional eight hexadecimal digits of fractional significance, and occupies a doubleword memory location or an even-odd pair of general registers. 1xxx xxxx 1111 0000 . .. 0000 is normalized, and a floating-point number of the form 1xxx xxxx 0000 0000 . .. 0000 is illegal and, whenever generated by floating-point instructions, is converted to the form 1yyy yyyy 1111 0000 . .. 0000 A floating-point number (N) has the following format: where yy ... y is 1 less than xx •.• x. examples of floating-point numbers. 1+1 - Character-I istic (C) 6 I 2 314 5 6 : Fraction (F) : 78 9 1 1011112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19120 2122 23 242526271282930 31 A floating-point number (N) has the following formal definition: 1. N 16 16 =F x -6 16 where F = 0 or $IFI $ 1 (short format) or - i4 $IFI $ 1 (long format) and 0 $ C 2. C-64 ~ Table 7 contains 127. A positive floating-point number with a fraction of zero and a characteristic of zero is a "true" zero. A positive floating-point number with a fraction of zero and a nonzero characteristic is an "abnormal" zero. For floating-point multiplication and division, an abnormal zero is treated as a true zero. However, Modes of Operation There are four mode control bits that are used to qualify floating-point operations. These mode control bits are identified as FR (floating round), FS (floating significance), FZ (floating zero), and FN (floating normalize); they are contained in bit positions 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively, of the program status words (PSWs4_7). The floating-point mode is established by setting the four floating-point mode control bits. This can be performed by any of the following instructions: Instruction Name Mnemonic Load Conditions and Floating Contro I LCF Load Conditions and Floating Control Immediate LCFI Load Program Status Words LPSD Exchange Program Status Words XPSD The floating-point mode control bits are stored by executing either of the:: following insrrucrions: tThe bias value of 4016 is added to the exponent for the purpose of making it possible to compare the absolute magnitude of two numbers, i. e., without reference to a sign bit. This manipulation effectively removes the sign bit, making each characteristic a 7-bit positive number. 74 Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions Instruction Name Mnemonic Store Conditions and Floating Control STCF Exchange Program Status Words XPSD Table 7. Floating-Point Number Representation Short Floating-Point Format Decimal Number ± +(16 +63)(1_2- 24 ) 0 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 7F FFFFFF +(16 +3)(5/16) 0 100 0011 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 43 500000 3 +(16- )(209/256) 0 011 1101 1101 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 3D Dl0000 +(16 -63)(2047/4096) 0 000 0001 0111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 01 7FFooo C Hexadecimal Value F / +(16- 64 )(1/16) 0 000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 100000 0 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 000000 1 111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 FF FOOooO -(16 -63)(2047/4096) 1 111 1110 1000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 FE 801000 3 -( 16- )(209/256) 1 100 0010 0010 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 C2 2 FOooO 3 -(16+ )(5/16) 1 011 1100 1011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 BC BooooO -(16+63)(1_2 24 ) 1 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 80 e 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 e +1 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 o (called -(16- 64 true zero) )(1/16) 000001 Special Case e -(16 )(1 ) 1 - is changed to 1 _(16 e + )(1/16) 1 whenever generated as the result of a floating-point instruction. FLOAllNG-POINT ADD AND SUBTRACT FR = 0 No rounding specified (truncation). The floating round (FR), floating normalize (FN), floating zero (FZ), and floating significance (FS) mode control bits determine the operation of floating-point addition and subtraction (if characteristic overflow does not occur) as follows: FR = 1 The results of additions and subtractions are to be rounded. Each value associated with the operation (i. e., augend, addend, and intermediate result of an add) is extended by the hardware to include one guard digit. (Short-format values are extended into bit positions 32-35 and long-format values are extended into bit positions 64-67.) Contents of guard digits may be affected during prealignment, computation, or postnormalization. Rounding is performed by evaluating the guard digit of the intermediate result after any required postnormalization. If the value of the guard digit is 0-7, the other digits are not modified. If the value of the guard digit is 8-F, the value contained within the other digits is incremented by one. FR Floating round: Note: The floating round faci lity is avai lable only in - - the hardware floating-point. In the absence of this feature, the floating-point subroutines offer on Iy truncation; hence, to guarantee hardware and software identical results, FR (bit 4 of PSWs) must be zero. Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions 75 and FS have no effect on the instruction operation. If the result is zero, the result is set to II true II zero and the condition code is set to 0000. If the result is positive, the condition code is set to 0010. If the result is negative, the condition code is set to 0001. The following table shows the possible cases: Pos tno rma Ii za ti on Pre-alignment (exponents Scale Answer Left Scale Answer Right Guard Digit Action o o o (Guard di git = O. ) o o I> Round on guard digit. 0 0 1 0 0 *@ 0 1 0 1 * Overflow, N 0 1 1 0 * Overflow, N >0 0 0 0 -A + A(f) @[: 0 0 1 N a/A, or -A + A(f) with FN= I ) Normal resu Its <0 * * Divide by zero <0 } > 2 Pos t norma I0 0 h0ft IZlngs I S ) ) <0 Always trapped -A +A rs= FS=O FN = 0, and no underflow N < 0) > 2 PostnormaldI' FN=O d ' . . . an no un er- a. 1 0 N>O 1 1 0 0 Underflow with FZ=O and no trap by FS= 10 * 1 1 0 1 * Underflow, 1 1 1 0 * Underflow, N >0 Notes: (j) Result set to "true" zero @ "*,, indicates impossible configurations IZlng shifts N >0 N < a} flow with FZ= 1 FZ= 1 ® Applies to add and subtract only where FN = 0 The R field of the FAL instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field of FAl is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X'4D', instruction exception trap. FSL l lC o FSS H FLOATING SUBTRACT SHORT rNord index alignment) 3ci 0123145678 R 9 I X I: Referenc~ address I 1011121314151617181912021222324252627128293031 FLOATING SUBTRACT SHORT forms the two's complement of the effective word and then operates identically to FLOATING ADD SH ORT (FAS), If no flo(lting-po!n t arithmetic fault occurs, the difference is loaded into register R as a short-format floating-point number. Trap: Floating-point arithmetic fault (R) - EW- R 78 Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions 1 2 I 718 R I X II Reference address I 10 11112 13 14 115116 17 18 1912021 22 23124 25 26 27128 29 30 31' The effective doubleword and the contents of registers R and Ru 1 are loaded into a set of internal registers. The effective word and the contents of register R are loaded into a set of internal registers. Affected: (R), CC FLOATING SUBTRACT LONG (Doubleword index alignment) FLOATING SUBTRACT LONG forms the two's complement of the effective doubleword and then operates identically to FLOATING ADD LONG (FAL). If no floatingpoint arithmetic fault occurs, the difference is loaded into registers Rand Ru 1 as a long-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Rul) - ED - R , Ru1 Trap: Floating-point arithmetic fault, instruction exception The R field of the FSL instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field of FSL is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X'4D', instruction exception trap. FMS FLOATING MULTIPLY SHORT (Word index alignment) The effective word (multiplier) and the contents of register R (multiplicand) are loaded into a set of internal registers, and both numbers are then prenormalized (if necessary). A normalized 6-digit product is produced, appended by a guard digit. If FR equals 1, and the guard digit contains 8 or greater, the fraction is incremented. If no floatingpoint arithmetic fault occurs, the product is loaded into register R as a short-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), CC (R) x EW-R Trap: Floating-point arithmetic fault FDL FLOATING DNIDE LONG (Doubleword index alignment) The effective doubleword (divisor) and the contents of registers Rand Ru 1 (dividend) are loaded into a set of internal registers. F LOA TING DIVIDE LONG then operates identically to FLOATING DIVIDE SHORT (FDS), except that the operands are each 14 hexadecimal digits long. R must be an even value for correct results. If no floating-point arithmetic fault occurs, the quotient is loaded into registers Rand Ru 1 as a long-format floatingpoint number. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC (R, Rul) + ED - FML FLOATING MULTIPLY LONG (Doubleword index alignment) The effective doubleword (multiplier) and the contents of registers Rand Ru1 (multiplicand) are loaded into a set of internal registers. {FLOATING MULTIPLY LONG then operates identically to FLOATING MULTIPLY SHORT (FMS), except that the operands are each 14 hexadecimal digits long. R must be an even value for correct results. If no floating-point a,rithmetic fault occurs, the product is loaded into registers Rand Ru 1 as a long-format floating- (R, Ru1) x ED - R , Ru1 Trap: Floating-point arithmetic fault, instruction exception The R field of the FML instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field of FML is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X ' 4D', instruction exception trap. FDS FLOATING DIVIDE SHORT (Word index alignment) The effective word (divisor) and the contents of register R (dividend) are loaded into a set of internal registers and both numbers are then prenormalized (if necessary). A normalized 6-digit quotient is produced, appended by a guard digit. If FR equals 1, and the guard digit contains 8 or greater, the fraction is incremented. If no floatingpoint arithmetic fault occurs, the quotient is loaded into register R as a short-format floating-point number. Affected: (R), CC (R) + EW-R Trap: Floating-point arithmetic fault Floating'~point arithmetic fault, instruction exception The R field of the FDL instruction must be an even value for proper operation of the instruction; if the R field ofFDL is an odd value, the instruction traps to location X 14D 1 i'nstruction exception trap. PUSH-DOWN INSTRUCTIONS (NON-PRIVILEGED) The term "push-down processing" refers to the programming technique (used extensively in recursive routines) of storing the context of a calculation in memory, proceeding with a npw c;pt (If i nfnrmnti nn ...,..:. ... . .+. ........... . _ ••• hor __ •• t"~ Affected: (R), (Ru 1), CC R, Rul Trap: I nnrl thpn ncti vnti n9 thp. prp.vi Oiled), stored information. Typically, this process involves a reserved area of memory (stack) into which operands are pushed (stored) and from which operands are pulled (loaded) on a last-in, first-out basis. The basic processor provides for simplified and efficient programming of pushdown processing by means of the following non-privi leged instructions: Instruction Name Mnemonic Push Word PSW Pull Word PLW Push Multiple PSM Pull Multiple PLM fv\odify Stack Pointer MSP STACK POINTER DOUBLEWORD (SPD) Each non-privileged push-down instruction operates with respect to a memory stack that is defined by a doubleword Push-Down Instructions (Non-Privi leged) 79 located at effective address of the instruction. This doubleword, referred to as a stack pointerdoubleword (SPD), has the following structure: Bit positions 15 through 31 of the SPD contain a 17-bit address field t that points to the location of the word currently at the top (highest-numbered address) of the operand stack. In a push operation, the top-of-stack address is incremented by 1 and then an operand in a general register is pushed (stored) into that location, thus becoming the contents of the new top of the stack; the contents of the previous top of the stack remain unchanged. In a pull operation, the contents of the current top of the stack are pulled (loaded) into a general register and then the topof-stack address is decremented by 1; the contents of the stack remain unchanged. Bit positions 33 through 47 of the SPD, referred to as the space count, contain a 15-bit count (0 to 32,767) of the number of word locations currently avai lable in the region of memory allocated to the stack. Bit positions 49 through 63 of the SPD, referred to as the word count, contain a 15-bit count (0 to 32,767) of the number of words currently in the stack. In a push operation, the space count is decremented by 1 and the worcl count is incremented by 1; in a pull operation, the space count is incremented by 1 and the word count is decremented by 1. At the beginning of all nonprivi leged push-down instructions, the space count and the word count are each f'ested to determine whether the instruction would cause either count field to be incremented above the upper limit of 2 15 _1 (32,767), or to be decremented beiow the iower iimit of O. if execution of the push-down instruction would cause either count limit to be exceeded, the basic processor unconditionally aborts execution of the instruction, with the stack, the stack pointer doubleword, and the contents of general registers unchanged. Ordinarily, the basic processor traps to location X' 42 1 after aborting a push-down instruction because of impending stack limit overflow or underflow, and with the condition code unchanged from the value it contained before execution of the instruction. Bit position 32 of the SPD, referred to as the trap-on-space (TS) inhibit bit, determines whether the basic processor will trap to location X' 42 1 as a result of impending overflow or underflow of the space count (SPD .;.47)' as follows: 33 TS Space count overflow/underflow action o If the execution of a pull instruction would cause the space count to exceed 2 15- 1, or if the executi on of a push instruction would cause the space count to be less than 0, the basic processor traps to location X' 42 1 with the condition code unchanged. Instead of trapping to location X'421, the basic processor sets CCl to 1 and then executes the next instruction in sequence. Bit position 48 of the SPD, referred to as the trap-on-word (TW) inhibit bit, determines whether the basic processor traps to location X' 42 1 as a result of impending overflow or underflow of the word count (SPD 49-63)' as fo.llows: TW Word count overflow/underflow action o If the execution of a push instruction would cause the word count to exceed 2 15 - 1, or if the execution of a pull instruction would cause the word count to be less than 0, the basic processor traps to location X' 42 1 with the condition code unchanged. Instead of trapping to location X'421, the basic processor sets CC3 to 1 and then executes the next instruction in sequence. PUSH-DOWN CONDITION CODE SEnlNGS If the execution of a push-down instruction is attempted and the basi c processor traps to locati on X'421, the condition code remains unchanged from the value it contained immediately before the instruction was executed. If the execution of a push-down instruction is attempted and the instruction is aborted because of impending stack iimit overflow or underflow (or both) but the push-down stack limit trap is inhibited by one (or both) of the inhibits (TS and TW), then, CCl or CC3 is set to 1 (or both are set to lis) to indicate the reason for aborting the push-down instruction, as follows: 2 3 4 o Impending overflow of word count on a push operation or impending underflow of word count on a pull operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibited by the TW bit (SPD 48)' However, this trap action can be selectively inhibited by setting either (or both) of the trap inhibit bits in the SPD to 1. o t For real extended mode of addressing this is a 20-bit field (12-31); for real and virtual addressing modes it is a 17-bit field (15-31), 80 Push-Down Instructions (Non-Privi leged) Reason for abort Impending overflow of space count on a pull operation or impending underflow of space count on a push operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibited by the TS bit (SPD 32)· 2 3 4 Reason for abort - Impending overflow of word count and underflow of space count on a push operati on or impending overflow of space count and underflow of word count on a pull operation. The push-down stack limit trap was inhibited by both the TW and the TS bits. 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is decremented by 1 and the word count (SPD49-63) is incremented by 1. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the space count. Affected: (SPD), (TSA+1), CC (SPD)15_31 + 1 - If a push-down instruction is successfully executed, CC1 and CC3 are reset to 0 at the completion of the instruction. Also, CC2 and CC4 are independently set to indicate the current status of the space count and the word count, respectively, as follows: (R) - {SPD 3 4 Status of space and word counts - 0 - 0 The current space count and the current word count are both greater than zero. - 0 - The current space count is greater than zero, but the current word count is zero, indicating that the stack is now empty. If the next operation on the stack is a pull instruction, the instruction wi II be aborted. 0 - The current word count is greater than zero, but the current space count is zero, indi cating that the stack is now full. If the next operation on the stack is a push instruction, the instruction wi II be aborted. If the basic processor does not trap to location X' 42 1 as a result of impending stack limit overflow/underflow, CC2 nn~ ("("4 in~ir.ntp thp c:tntlls of thf! soace and word counts at the termin~tion of the push-down instruction, regardless of whether the space and word counts were actually modified by the instruction. In the following descriptions of the push-down instructions, condition code settings given are only those that can be produced by the instruction, provided that the basi c processor does not trap to location X'421. -- • • - PSW - - - -----. - - -- - - SPD 15 _31 t _ )t 15 31 {SPD)33_47- 1 (SPD)49-63 + 1 - 2 Trap: Push-down stack limit SPD 33 _47 SPD 49-63 Condition code settings: 0 2 3 4 Result of PSW 0 0 Space count is greater than O. Space count is now O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Word count TW = 1. 0 Space count TS = 1. } = 2 15 _1 , = 0, Space count = 0, word count = 0, TS = 1. 0 Instruction completed Instruction aborted I 0 PLW Word count = 2 15 _1 , space count = 0, TW = 1, and TS = 1. PULL WORD (Doubleword index alignment) PUSH WORD (Doubleword index alignment) PUSH WORD stores the contents of register R into the pushdown stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PSW. If the push operation can be successfully performed, the instruction operates as follows: 1. The current top-of-stack address (SPD 15 _31 )t is incremented by 1 to point to the new top-of-stack location. 2. The contents of register R are stored in the location pointed to by the new top-of-stack address. t For rea I extended mode of addressi ng th i sis a 20-bi t field (12-31); for real and virtual addressing modes it is a 17-bit field (15-31). PULL WORD loads register R with the word currently at the top of the push-down stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PLW. If the pull operation can be performed successfully, the instruction operates as follows: 1. Register R is loaded with the contents of the location pointed to by the current top-of-stack address {SPD 15-31)t. 2. The current top-of-stack address is decremented by 1, to point to the new top-of-stack location. tFor real extended mode of addressing this is a 20-bit field (12-31); for real and virtual addressing modes it is a 17-bit field (15-31). Push-Down Instructions (Non-Privileged) 81 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is incremented by 1 and the word count (SPD49-63) is decremented by 1. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the status of the new word count. Affected: (SPD), (R), cc 1. The contents of registers R to R = CC - 1 are stored in ascending sequence, beginning with the location tion pointed to by the current top-of-stack address (SPD15-31)t plus 1 and ending with the current topof-stack address plus CC. 2. The current top-of-stack address is incremented by the value of CC, to point to the new top-of-stack location. 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is decremented by the value of CC and the word count is incremented by the value of CC. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the space count. Trap: Push-down stack limit (SPD)15_31- R; (SPD)15_31- 1 (SPD)33_47 + 1 - If there is sufficient space in the stack for all of the specified registers, PSM operates as follows: SPD _ t 15 31 SPD 33 _4 i (SPD)49_63- 1 -SPD 49-63 Condition code settings: 0 Affected: (SPD), (TSA+1) to (TSA+CC), CC 2 3 4 Result of PLW 0 0 0 Word count is greater than O. 0 0 0 0 Word COlKlt is now O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Instruction completed (R)-(SPD)15_31 + 1. .. (R+CC-l)-(SPD)t (SPD)15_31+CC -SPD (SPD)49-63 +C C - Space count = 0, word count = 0, TW = 1. Condition code settings: Space count = 2 TS = 1. -1, Instruction aborted 15 Space count = 2 -1, word count = 0, TS = 1, and TW = 1. 2 3 Push-Down Instructi ons (Non-Privi Ieged) Result of PSM I 000 Space count = O. o 0 Wordcount+CC>2 15 _1, TW = 1. 0 Space count 0 0 o 0 o 0 o TS = 1. Space count < CC, word count + CC > 2 15 _1 TS = 1, and TW = 1. Space count = 0, TS Instructi on aborted = 1. Space count = 0, word count = 0, TS = 1. o t < CC, Instruction completed Sp(1ce count < CC, word count = 0, TS = 1. o o 82 4 SPD 49-63 Space count> O. PUSH MULTIPLE (Doubleword index alignment) PUSH MULTIPLE stores the contents of a sequential set of general registers into the push-down stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PSM. The condition code must contain a count of the number of registers to be pushed into the stack. (An initial value of 0000 for the condition code specifies that all 16 general registers are to be pushed into the stack.) The registers are treated as a circular set (with register 0 following register 15) and the first register to be pushed into the stack is register R. The last register to be pushed in to the stack is register R + CC -1, and the contents of this register become the contents of the new top-of-stack location. _ t 15 31 o 0 0 0 o PSM _ +CC 15 31 (SPD)33_47-CC -SPD 33 _47 Word count = 0, TW = 1. 15 Trap: Push-down stack limit Space count = 0, word count + CC > 2 15 _1, TS = 1, and TW = 1. For real extended mode of addressing this is a 20-bit field (12-31); for real and virtual addressing modes it is a 17-bit field (15-31). If the instruction operation extends into a memory page protected either by the access protection codes or write locks, the memory protection trap can occur. If the operation extends into a memory region that is physically not present, the nonexistent memory address trap can occur. Condition code settings: 2 4 0 then the registers indicated by the R field of the PSM instruction are stored in the general, registers rather than in main memory. In this case the resultswill be unpredictable if any source registers are also used as destination registers. 0 0 0 PLM 0 0 0 PULL MULTIPLE loads a sequential set of general registers from the push-down stack defined by the stack pointer doubleword located at the effective doubleword address of PLM. The condition code must contain a count of the number of words to be pulled from the stack. (An initial value of 0000 for the condition code specifies that 16 words are to be pulled from the stack.) The registers are treated as a circular set (with register 0 following register lS), the first register to be loaded from the stack is register R+CC-l, and the contents of the current top-of-stack location becomes the contents of this register. The last register to be loaded is register R. 1. Registers R+CC-l to register R are loaded in descending sequence, beginning with the contents of the location pointed to by the current top-of-stack address {SPD1S-31)t and ending with the contents of the location pointed to by the current top-of-stack address minus CC-l. 2. The current top-of-stack address is decremented by the value ofCC, to point to the new top-of-stack location. 3. The space count (SPD33-47) is incremented by the value of CC and the word count is decremented by the value of CC. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the word count. 0 0 0 -Icc - 11) - < CC, Word count TW = 1 = 0, 0 0 0 0 0 Instructi on completed Space count = 0, word count < CC, TW = 1 Space count + CC > 2 TS = 1 Instruction aborted lS -1, lS Space count + CC > 2 -1, word count < CC, TS = 1, and TW = 1 lS Space count + CC > 2 -1, word count = 0, TS = 1, and TW = 1 If the instruction operation extends into a memory page protected either by the access protection codes or write locks, the memory protection trap can occur. If the operation extends into a memory region that is physically not present, the nonexistent memory address trap can occur. If the address of the elements within the stack (pointed to by the top-of-stack address) is in the range 0 through lS, then the words to be loaded are taken from the general registers rather than from main memory. In this case, the results will be unpredictable if any of the source registers are also used as destination registers. MODIFY STACK POINTER (Doubleword index alignment) Trap: Push-down stack limit {(SPD)lS-31t-R +CC -1, ... , ((SPDhs-31 Word count TW = 1 Space count = 0, word count = 0, TW = 1 0 MSP Affected: (SPD), (R+CC-l) to (R), CC 1 Word count = 0 0 If there is a sufficient number of words in the stack to load all of the specified registers, PLM operates as follows: Result of PLM 0 0 0 0 Word count> 0 If the address of the elements within the stack (pointed to by the top-of-stack address) is in the range 0 through lS, PULL MULTIPLE (Doubleword index alignment) 3 Rt MODIFY STACK POINTER modifies the stack pointer doubleword, located at the effective doubleword address of MSP by the contents of register R. Register R must have the following format: (SPD)lS-31 - CC- SPD 1S_31 t (SPD b3-47 + CC - SPD33-47 {SPD)49-63 - CC - SPD49-63 Push-Down Instructions (Non-Privi leged) 83 Bit positions 16 through 31 of register R are treated as a signed integer, with negative integers in two's complement form (i. e., a fixed-point halfword). The modifier is algebraically added to the top-of-stack address, subtracted from the space count, and added to the word count in the stack pointer doubleword. If, as a result of MSP, either the space count or the word count would be decreased below 0 or increased above 2 15 _1, the instruction is aborted. Then, the basic processor either traps to location X'42' or sets the condition code to reflect the reason for aborting, depending on the stack limit trap inhibits. If CC 1, or CC3, or both CC 1 and CC3 are l's after execution of MSP, the instruction was aborted but the pushdown stack limit trap was inhibited by the trap-on-space inhibit (SPD32), by the trap-on-word inhibit (SPD4S), or both. The condition code is set to reflect the reason for aborting as follows: 2 3 4 Status of space and word counts o Word count> O. Word count If the modification of the stack pointer doubleword can be successfully performed, MSP operates as follows: 1. The modifier in register R is algebraica"y added to the current top-of-stack address (SPD15-31)t, to point to a new top-of-stack location. (If the modifier is negative, it is extended to 17 bits by appending a highorder 1.) 2. The modifier is algebraica"y subtracted from the current space count (SPD33-47) and the result becomes the new space count. 3. The modifier is algebraically added to the current word count (SPD49-63) and the result becomes the new word count. 4. The condition code is set to reflect the new status of the new space count and new word count. - - - 0 0 Trap: Push-down stack limit (SPD)15_31 + (R)16_31SE- SPD 15_31 t SPD 33 _47 (SPD)33_47 - (R)16-31 - count + modifier ~ 2 15 _1. - 0 - Word count + modifier < 0, and TW = 1 or word count + modi fi er > 2 15 _1, and TW = 1. - - Space count> O. - - Space count = O. o - - - 0~spacecount-modifier<215_1. - Affected: (SPD), CC ~ word = O. Space count - modifier < 0, and TS = 1 or space count - modifier> 2 15 _1, and TS = 1. PUSH-DOWN INSTRUCTIONS (PRIVILEGED) The computer has two privi leged push-down instructions: PUSH STATUS (PSS) and PULL STATUS (PLS). These two instructions and a Status Stack Pointer Doubleword foci litate the storing (pushing) or loading (pulling) of a particular environment (contents of 16 general registers and Program Status Words) into or out of a memory stack. (SPD)49_63 + (R)16-31- SPD 49-63 STATUS STACK POINTER DOUBLEWORD Condition code settings: The Status Stack Pointer Doubleword (SSPD) always resides 2 3 o 0 0 4 0 :r. rce! Result of MSP rn6iiiCi}l locations 0 and 1 and is dedicated for PSS and PLS instructions. The format of parameters contained within the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword are as follows: Space count> 0, word count> O. Real Memory Location 0: 000 Space count> 0, word count = O. Instruction completed o o o o 0 Space count = 0, word count> O. Real Memory Location 1: Space count = 0, word count = 0, __ ...1:&: I.'VU" ~~ I ~I - () v. TOP OF STACK ADDRESS t For real extended mode of addressing this is a 20-bit field (12-31); for real and virtual addressing modes it is a 17-bit field (15-31). 84 Push- Down Instructions (Privi leged) The Top of Stack Address (TSA) is always a 20-bit real memory word address and is never mapped. Depending upon programming considerations, the initial TSA is a specific value either as the result of a Mode 0, WRITE DIRECT instruction or as the result of a PSS or PLS instruction, as described below. During each PSS instruction, the memory stack is accessed 28 times and the TSA is incremented by 1 before each access. The first memory stack location accessed has a relative address equal to the initial TSA plus 1, ... , and the 28th memory stack location accessed has ci relative address equal to the initial TSA plus 28. Although 28 memory stack locations are accessed in an ascending sequence, only 20 locations (as selected by the hardware) wi II contain the basic processor environment. Eight locations' (whose contents are designated as "indeterminate", in Figure 12) are reserved and must not be used. For each PLS instruction, access to the memory stack is contingent upon the Word Count as described subsequently. If access is permitted, the memory stack is accessed 28 times and the TSA is decremented by 1 after each access. The first memory stack location accessed by a PLS instruction has a relative address equal to the initial TSA, the second memory stack location accessed has a relative address equal to the initial TSA minus 1, ... , and the 28th memory stack location accessed has a relative address e'-'val to the initial TSA minus 27. Although 28 memory stack "locations are accessed in a descending sequence, the hardware selects and pulls the contents of only 20 locations containing valid information, as shown in Figure 12, and loaded into the general registers and PSWs. The contents of eight locations designated as indeterminate are ignored. If the terminal (last) TSA for a PSS or PLS instruction is not modified by a Mode 0 WRITE DIRECT instruction, it may be used as the initial TSA for a subsequent PSS or PLS instruction. Each PSS instruction causes the memory stack to be increased by 28 word locations and each PLS instruction causes the memory stack to be decreased by 28 word locations. The information is pushed and pulled on a last-in, fi rst-out basi s. Note: The PLS instruction is contingent upon the Word Count value, as described below. appropriate memory stack locations as specified by the TSA; however, subsequent values of the Space Count are indeterminate. During a PLS instruction, the Space Count is incremented by 1 for each word pulled from the memory stack. If the Space Count is incremented beyond a value of 32,767, bit position 32 is set to 1 (signifying an overflow condition); however, the PLS instruction continues (i. e., no trapping occurs). Note: Once bit position ~2 has been set to a 1, it can be reset to a 0 only by executing a Mode 0, WRITE DIRECT instruction. That is, bit position 32 can not be reset to a 0 by the decrementing process performed during a PSS instruction. WORD COUNT The Word Count field (bit positions 49-63) of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword is a 15-bit counter that may contain a value of 0 through 32,767. Depending upon programming considerations, the initial Word Count is a specific value either as the result of executing a Mode 0, WRITE DIRECT instruction or as the result of executing a PSS or PLS instruction. During a PSS instruction, the Word Count is incremented by 1 for each word pushed into the memory stack. Thus, the terminai Word Count for a PSS instruction exceeds the initial Word Count by 28. If the Word Count value exceeds 32,767, bit position 48 is set to a 1 (signifying that an overflow condition has occurred); however, the PSS instruction continues the stacking operation (i. e., no trapping occurs). If the initial Word Count for a PLS instruction is equal to or greater than 28, the Word Count is decremented by 1 for each word pulled from the memory stack and the terminal Word Count will be 28 less than the initial Word Count. Note that if bit position 48 was set to a 1 by a PSS instruction previously, it can not be reset to a 0 by the decrementing performed during a PLS instruction. SPACE COUNT The Space Count field (bit positions 33-47) of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword is a 15-bit counter that may contain a value of 0 through 32,767. Depending upon programming considerations, the initial Space Count is a specific value e. ther as the result of executing a Mode 0, WRITE DIRECT instruction or a PLS or PSS instruction. During a PSS instruction, the Space Count is decremented by 1 for each word pushed into the memory stack. If the Space Count is decremented to a value of zero before all the words have been pushed, the PSS instruction continues (i. e., no trapping occurs). The environment is stored into If the initial Word Count for a PLS instruction is equal to zero, the parameters within the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword are neither effective nor affected by the PLS il)struction. However, default PSWs are loaded from real memory locations 2 and 3. If the initial Word Count for a PLS instruction is less than 28 and not equal to zero, the other parameters of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword are not effective and none of the parameters are affected by the PLS instruction. Instead the BP traps to location X' 4D' (instruction exception trap) and TCC2 is set. Push-Down Instructions (Privileged) 85 PSS Operations PLS Operations initial TSA - - +1 (RO) -27 +2 (R1) -26 +3 (R2) -25 +4 (R3) -24 +5 (R4) -23 +6 (R5) -22 +7 (R6) -21 +8 (R7) -20 +9 (R8) -19 +10 (R9) -18 +11 (RlO) -17 +12 (Rll ) -16 +13 (R12) -15 +14 (R13) -14 +15 (R14) -13 +16 (R15) -12 +17 -11 +18 -10 +19 -9 +20 -8 +21 -7 +22 -6 +23 -5 terminal TSA = initial TSA-28 +24 +25 (PSW1) -3 +26 (PSW2) -2 +27 (PSW3) initial TSA +28 (PSW4) t -1 - initial TSA tAs a function of the hardware, the contents of these 8 locations are indeterminate after a PSS instruction and ignored by a PLS instruction. These locations are reserved for future enhancements and must not be used. Figure 12. 86 Typical 28-Word Portion of Memory Stack for PSS and PLS Push-Down Instructions (Privileged) PSS PUSH STATUS (Doubleword index alignment, privi leged) H OD PUSH STATUS loads new Program Status Words from an effective doubleword location and stores the current environment (current Program Status Words and contents of all 16 general registers) into a memory stack, as defined by the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword. Note that the reference address points to the memory location of the new PSWs. The PSS instruction is used for three types of operations: as a normal instruction in an ongoing program; as an interrupt instruction; and as a trap instruction. The effective address of a PSS instruction is generated in one of the following ways: PSS - normal instruction (see first instruction diagram) When a PSS instruction is encountered in the course of execution of normal programs, the effective address is generated according to the rules for addressing then in effect as described by the currently active PSWSi that is, the basic processor is operating in real, real extended, or virtual addressing mode. The flags in bit positions 9 and 10 have no effect and must be coded as zeros. Depending upon the type of addressing, the reference address of the PSS instruction is converted into an effective virtual doubleword address, as described under IIpSS Address Calculations", in Chapter 2. Except for the Register Block Pointer field (bit positions 56-59) and the interrupt group inhibit bits (bit positions 37, 38, and 39), the contents of the effective location are always loaded as the new PSWs. If the LP flag (bit 8 of the PSS instruction) is a 1, the Register Block Pointer of the new PSWs is also loaded. If the LP flag is a 0, the old Register Block Pointerisretained. The interrupt group inhibit bits of the new PSWs are "ORed ll with the corresponding bits of the old PSWs. The current environment (comprised of 20 words) is stored in memory stack locations having the following relative addresses: initial TSA+1 through initial TSA+16, initial TSA+25, and initial TSA+26. Memory stack locations having relative addresses of init'ial TSA+17 through initial TSA+24, initial TSA+27, and initial TSA+28 are reserved and the contents are indeterminate. The parameters of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword (as contained within working registers) are appropriately mod, ifi ed to reflect the progress of the PSS instruction and conditions of the memory stack (i. e., the TSA and Word Count are incremented and the Space Count is decremented for each memory word location accessed, as described under Status Stack Pointer Doubleword). If the Word Count exceeds 32,767 (maximum count for bits 49-63) or if the Space Count is reduced to zero before the PSS instruction is completed, the stacking operations continue until 28 words have been pushed (i. e., no trapping 'I". ,,.. ._. An-_ occurs). VVnen me vvora ~ounr exceeas ';>£, l U I , or I 'TO I~ set to a 1. Attempting to decrement the Space Count below zero causes the Space Count to become indeterminate. . . . . . . . 1 PSS - interrupt instruction (see second instruction diagram) A PSS instruction (in an interrupt location) executed as a result of an interrupt is called an interrupt instruction. In the interrupt execution sequence, the 20-bit reference address is always real, independent of the map invoking bit in the PSWs. There is no indexing possible since the designator field is preempted by the reference address. Indirect addressing is permitted with precisely the same constraints. The indirect address word contains a 20-bit real address with the same properties as the reference address described above. The flags in bit positions 9 and 10 have no effect and must be coded as zeros. ~ I I"\n~'~ Affected: (PSWs), CC, Memory Stack, Status Stack Pointer Doubleword. (PSWs) and CC: EDO_3-CCi ED4-7- FR, FS, FZ, FN; ED8-MS; ED9-MMi PSS - trap instruction (see second instruction diagram) ED10-DM; EDll-AMi A PSS instruction (in a trap location) executed as a result of a trap entry operation is called a trap instruction. In a trap execution sequence, the 20-bit reference address may be either a real address or a virtual address according to the map invoking bit in the PSWs. There is no indexing possible since the index field is used for addressing. If indirect addressing is specified, the effective address is generated according to the rules for addressing then in effect as described by the currently active PSWs. Bit positions 9 and 10 must be coded as zeros. ED15-31 -IAi ED32-35-WKi ED37-39 u CI, II, EI CI, II, EI (Note: IIU" represents inclusive OR. ) EQ56-59- RP only if (IS) = 1 ED60-RA ED61-MA Push-Down Instructions (Privi leged) 87 Memory Stack: (General Register n) (initial TSA+{n+ 1) where n has ascending values from 0 through 15. PSW1 - (initial TSA+25) PSW2 - (initial TSA+26) Status Stack Pointer Doubleword: TSA+1 TSA unti I terminal TSA=initial TSA+28; Word Count + 1 - Word Count unti I terminal Word Count = initial Word Count + 28, (if Word Count> 32,767, set bit 48 to 1); Space Count - 1 - Space Count until terminal Space Count = initial Space Count - 28 (if Space Count = 0, Space Count - 1 is indeterminate). PLS The clearing and arming or disarming the highest priority interrupt level currently active is dependent upon the coding of the CL and AD flags (bit positions 10 and 11, respectively) of the PLS instruction. Jf the CL flag is a 0, the interrupt level is not affected. If the CL flag is a 1 and the AD flag is a 0, the interrupt level is set to the disarmed state. If the CL flag is a 1 and the AD flag is a 1, the interrupt level is set to the armed state. Note that if the interrupt level is to be modified (CL flag is set to a 1), the instruction may be delayed unti I the interrupt system is available. Summary description of CL and AD flags and effect on interrupt level and PDF flag follows: Bit Positions 10 (CL) 11 (AD) o o Function PULL STATUS (nonaddressing, privi leged) PULL STATUS, in conjunction with the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword, may cause one or more of the following functions to be performed: . 1. Selectively load a new environment (PSWs and 16 general registers) from the memory stack; or, 2. Selectively load default PSWs from dedicated memory locations; and, 3. Selectively clear and arm or clear and disarm the highest priority level currently in the active state. If the initial Word Count of Status Stack Pointer Doubleword is equal to or greater than 28, a new environment is loaded from the memory stack. Twenty eight memory stack I __ 11, EI) are generated by "ORing" the old CI, II, EI bits with the contents of bits 37, 38, and 39 of the PSWs as pulled from the memory stack. ~~: __ ~ __ ~ IV,,"YIIVII;) ""'Ie;; ___ ~~~~..J :_ ~ ..J~~_~_..J:_~ ~~_ \",n... \..o'C;);)CU III U ""C;;';»""CII\..lIlI~ ;)'C'"fUCII"",,C, •• ____ o No effect upon interrupt level or PDF flag. Reset PDF flag o Clear and disarm interrupt level Clear and arm interrupt level If the initial Word Count is zero! default PSWs are loaded from real memory locations 2 and 3 and the other parameters of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword are not effective and no parameters are affected. Portions of the new PSWs (interrupt inhibit group bits and the Register Block Pointer) may be selected or generated in the following manner: ~~~_~:_~ "1\".I111I1~ If the LP flag (bit 8) of the PSL instruction is a 1, the new at a location having an address equal to the initial TSA (part of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword). The hardware selects and loads the contents of 20 memory locations into the general registers and as the PSWs (i. e., the contents of locations having relative addresses of initial TSA-2, initial TSA-3, and initial TSA-12 through initial TSA-27). The contents of 10 memory stack locations (having relative addresses equal to initial TSA, initial TSA-1, and initial TSA-4 through initial TSA-ll) are ignored. The CI, II, and EI bits of the old PSWs are "ORed" with the contents of bit positions 37, 38, and 39 of the default PSWs to generate the CI, II, and EI bits of the new PSWs. Portions of the new PSWs are dependent upon the LP flag (bit 8) of the PLS instruction as well as the interrupt group inhibit bits of the old PSWs and the PSWs as pulled from the memory stack. If the LP flag is a 1, a new Register Block Pointer (as pulled from the memory stack) is loaded as part of the new PSWs. If the LP flag is a 0, the old Register Block Pointer is retained as the Register Block Pointer for the new PSWs. The new interrupt group inhibit bits (CI, Depending upon the coding of the CL and AD flags (bit positions 10 and 11: respectively) of the PLS instruction; the highest priority interrupt level currently in the active state may be modified. If the CL flag is a 0, the interrupt level is not affected. If the CL flag is ') 1 and the AD flag is a 0, the interrupt level is cleared and placed into the disarmed state. If the CL flag is a 1 and the AD flag is a 1, the interrupt level is cleared and placed into the 88 Push-Down Instructions (Privileged) Register Block Pointer will be as obtained from the default PSWs. If the LP flag is a 0, the Register Block Pointer of the old PSWs is retained as the Register Block Pointer for the new PSWs. armed state. Note that if the interrupt level is to be modified (i. e., the CL flag is a 1), the instruction may be delayed unti I the interrupt system is avai lab Ie. Note: A summary description of the action on the interrupt level as a function of the CL and AD flag is as follows: Bit Positions 10 (CL) 11 (AD) o o o Function No effect upon interrupt level or PDF flag Reset PDF flag o Clear and disarm interrupt level Clear and arm interrupt level If the word count ~ 28, the effective doubleword (ED) is pulled from memory stack locations (relative addresses initial TSA-24 and initial TSA+l). If the word count=O, the ED is pulled from real memory locations 2 and 3. Status Stack Pointer Doubleword: (Only if initial Word Count ~ 28) TSA-1 -TSA until terminal TSA = initial TSA-28; Word Count - 1 Word Count unti I terminal Word. Count = initial Word Count - 28 (if initial Word Count > 32,767, bit 48 not affected); and, Space Count + 1 Space Count unti I terminal Space Count = initial Space Count + 28 (if Space Count > 32,767, then set bi t 32 to 1). Interrupt System: If the initial Word Count within the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword is less than 28 and not equal to 0, the basic processor traps to location XI 4D 1 (instruction exception trap) without loading any new status or affecting the parameters of the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword and the TCC2 bit is set to 1. Affected: If word count ~ 28, (PSWs), CC, Status Stack Pointer Doubleword Interrupt System if (1)10=1. If (1)10 If (1)10 level. Traps: Instruction exception, if word count is less than 28 and not 0; nonexistent instruction if bit 0=1. if word count = 0, (PSWs), CC, and inTerrupT System, if I(lOt 1. (PSWs) and CC = 1 and (1)11 = 1, = 1 and (1)11 = 0, clear and disarm interrupt clear and arm interrupt level. EXECUTE/BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions can cause the basic processor to exeCUTe inSTrucTions in an order oTher Than Thor or sequentially ascending instruction addresses: Instruction Name Mnemonic ED _ -CC; O3 Execute EXU EDS_7 - Branch on Conditions Set BCS ED -MS; Branch on Conditions Reset BCR ED -MM; 9 Branch on Incrementing Register BIR Branch on Decrementing Register BDR Branch and Li nk BAL FS, FZ, FN; 8 ED ED lO ll - DM; -AM; ED _ 1S 31 IA; ED _ -WK 32 3S ED37-39 u CI, II, EI CI, II, EI (Note: IIU represents inclusive OR.) Il ED ED ED _ S6 S9 60 61 -RA -MA RP only if (1)8 = 1 The EXECUTE instruction can be used to insert another instruction into the program sequence, and the branch instructions can be used to alter the program sequence, either unconditionally or conditionally. If a branch is unconditional (or conditional and the branch condition is satisfied), the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the branch instruction is normally the next instruction to be executed. If a branch is conditional and the condition for the branch is not satisfied, the next instruction is normally taken from the next location, in ascending sequence, after the branch instruction. Execute/Branch Instructions 89 NONALLOWED OPERATION TRAP DURING EXECUTION OF BRANCH INSTRUCTION The next instruction after a branch instruction may reside in two possible places: the location following the branch instruction or a location designated by the branch instruction. Either of these two locations may be in a protected memory region or in a region that is physically nonexistent. The execution of the branch does not cause a trap un less the instruction that is actually to follow the branch instruction is in a protected or nonexistent memory region. Traps do not occur because of any anticipation on the part of the hardware. In the real extended addressing mode, a 20-bit address may be used as a branch address via indexing or indirect addressing. If such a branch address, (A), is beyond the first 128K of real memory, the instruction at (A) will be executed, but the next instruction address will be (A+l) in the original 128K block unless (A) contains a branch instruction. Note that with this exception all instructions executed in the real extended addressing mode must lie in the first 128K of rea I memory. EXU EXECUTE (word index alignment) A nonallowed operation trap condition during execution of a branch instruction wi II occur for the following reasons: 1. 2. The branch instruction is indirectly addressed and the branch conditions are satisfied, but the address of the location containing the direct address is either nonexistent or unavai lable for read access to the program in the slave mode. The branch instruction is unconditional (or the branch is conditional and the condition for the branch is satisfied), but the effective address of the branch instruction is either nonexistent or unavai lable for instruction or read access to the program (in slave or masterprotected mode). If either of the above situations occurs, the basic processor aborts execution of the branch instruction and executes a nonallowed operation trap. Prior to the time that an instruction is accessed from memory for execution, bit positions 15-31 of the program status words contain the virtual address of the instruction, referred to as the instruction address. At this time, the basic processor traps to location X ' 40 ' if the actual address of the instruction is nonexistent or instruction-access protected, If the instruction address is existent and is not instructionaccess protected, the instruction is accessed and the instruction address portion of the program status words is incremented by 1, so that it now contains the virtual address of the next instruction in sequence (referred to as the updated instruction address). EXECUTE causes the basic processor to access the instruction in the location pointed to by the effective address of EXU and execute the subject instruction. The execution of the subject instruction, including the processing of trap and interrupt conditions, is performed exactly as if the subject instruction were initially accessed instead of the EXU instruction. If the subject instruction is another EXU, the basic processor executes the subject instruction pointed to by the effective address of the second EXU as described above. Such "chains" of EXECUTE instructions may be of any length, and are processed (without affecting the updated instruction address) until an instruction other than EXU is encountered. After the final subject instruction is executed, instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the initial EXU (unless the subject instruction is an LPSD or XPSD instruction, or is a branch instruction and the branch condition is satisfied). If an interrupt activation occurs between the beginning of an EXU instruction (or chain of EXU instructions) and the last interruptible point in the subject instruction, the BP processes the interrupt-servicing routine for the active interrupt level and then returns program control to the EXU instruction (or the initio! instruct:cn of a chain of EXU instructions), which is started anew. Note that a program is interruptible after every instruction access, including accesses made with the EXU instruction, and the interruptibi lity of the subject instruction is the same as the normal interruptibility for that instruction. If a trap condition occurs between the beg inn ing of an EXU If a trap condition occurs during the execution sequence of any instruction, the basi c processor decrements the updated instruction address by 1 and then traps to the location assigned to the trap condition. If neither a trap condition r10r a satisfied branch condition occurs during the eXecutiOI' of an instruction, the next instruction is accessed from the location Pointed to by the updated instruction address. If a satisfied branch condition occurs during the execution of a branch instruction (and no trap condition occurs), the next instruction is accessed from the location pointed to by the effective address of the branch instruction. 90 Execute/Branch Instructions instruction (or chain of EXU instructions) and the completion of the subject instruction, the basic processor traps to the appropriate trap location. The instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in the trap location is the address of the EXU instruction (or the initial instruction of a chain of EXU instructions). Affected: Determined by subject instruction Traps: Determined by subject instruction Condition code settings: Determined by subject instruction. BCS BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET (Word index alignment) BRANCH ON CONDITIONS SET forms the logical product (AND) of the R field of the instruction word and the current condition code. If the logical product is nonzero, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BCS instruction. However, if the logical product is zero, the branch condition is unsatisfi ed and instruction execution then proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. BIR BRANCH ON INCREMENTING REG ISTER (Word index alignment) BRANCH ON INCREMENTING REGISTER computes the effective virtual address and then increments the contents of general register R by 1. If the result is a negative value, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BIR instruction. However, if the result is zero or a positive va lue, the branch condition is not satisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (R), (IA) (R) + 1 - R Affected: (IA) if CC n R f 0 If CC n (1)8-11 "10, EVA 15-31 - If CC n (I)8-11 = 0, IA not affected If the R field of BCS is 0, the next instruction to be executed after BCS is always the next instruction in ascending sequence, thus effectively producing a "no operation" instruction. BCR If (R)O = 1, EVA 15 _31 -IA If {R)O = 0, IA not affected IA BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET (Word index ailgnment) If the branch condition is satisfied and if the effective address of BIR is either unavailable to the program (slave or master-protected mode) for instruction access or is nonexistent, the basic processor aborts execution. of the BIR instruction and traps to location X'40'. In this case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X'40' is the virtual address of the aborted BIR instruction. If the basic processor traps because of instruction access protection, register R will contain the value that eXisted rust before the BIK execution (I.e., updated instruction address). If a memory parity error occurs due to the accessing of the instruction to whi ch the program is branching, the basic processor aborts execution of the BIR and traps to location X' 4C' with register R unchanged. BOR BRANCH ON CONDITIONS RESET forms the logical product (AND) of the R field of the instruction word and the current condition code. If the logical product is zero, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BCR instruction. However, if the logical product is nonzero, the branch condition is unsatisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (IA) if CC n R = 0 If CC n (I)8-11 = 0, EVA 15-13 - If CC n (I)8-11 10, IA not affected IA BRANCH ON DECREMENTING REGISTER (Word index alignment) BRANCH ON DECREMENTING REGISTER computes the effective virtual address and then decrements the contents of general register R by 1. If the result is a positive value, the branch condition is satisfied and instruction execution then proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BDR instruction. However, if the result is zero or a negative value, the branch condition is unsatisfied and instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in normal sequence. Affected: (R), (IA) If the R field of BCR is 0, the next instruction to be executed after BCR is always the instruction located at the effective address of BCR, thus effectively producing a "branch unconditionally" instruction. (R) - 1 - R If {R)O = 0 and {R)1-31 If (R)O = 1 and (R) = 0, 10, EVA 15 _31 - IA IA not affected Execute/Branch Instructions 91 If the effective address of BDR is unavailable to the program (slave or master-protected mode) for instruction access and the branch condition is satisfied, or if the effective address of BDR is nonexistent, the basi c processor aborts execution of the BDR instruction and traps to location X'40'. In this case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X'40' is the virtual address of the aborted BDR instruction. If the basic processor traps because of instruction access protection, register Rwi" contain the value that existed just before the BDR instruction. If a memory parity error occurs due to the accessing of the instruction to whi ch the program is branching, the basic processor aborts execution of the BDR and traps to location X'4C' with register R unchanged. BAL BRANCH AND LINK (Word index alignment) BRANCH AND LINK determines the effective virtual address, loads the updated instruction address (the virtual address of the next instruction in normal sequence after the BAL instruction) into bit positions 15-31 of general register R, clears bit positions 0-14 of register R to O's and then replaces the updated instruction address with the effective virtual address. Instruction execution proceeds with the instruction pointed to by the effective address of the BAL instruction. CALL INSTRUCTIONS Each of the four CALL instructions causes the basic processor to trap to a specific location for the next instruction in sequence. The four CALL instructions, their mnemonics, and the locations to wh i ch the basi c processor traps are: Instruction Name Mnemonic Trap Location CALL 1 CAll X'48' CALL 2 CAL2 X'49' CALL 3 CAL3 X'4A' CALL 4 CAL4 X'4B' Each of these four trap locations must contain an EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (XPSD) instruction. Execution of XPSD in the trap location for a CA lL instruction is described under "Control Instructions, XPSD Exchange Program Status Words". If the XPSD instruction is coded with bit position 9 set to 1, the next instruction (executed after the XPSD) is taken from one of 16 possible locations, as designated by the value in the R field of the CALL instruction. Each of the 16 locations may contain an instruction that causes the basic processor to branch to a specific routine; thus, the four CALL instructions can be used to enter any of as many as 64 unique routines. The effective address of either a direct or indirect CALL instru ction is not used for a memory referen ce and I therefore, cannot cause a trap. CALI The BAL instruction in real extended addressing will store the full address of the next instruction in the specified R register. Positions 0-9 of the specified register wi" be set equal to zero. CALL 1 causes the basic processor to trap to location X'48'. Affected: (R) I (IA) IA - R15 - 31 ; 0 - RO-l~ EVA 15 _31 - IA If the effective address of BAL is unavailable to the program (slave or master-protected mode) for instruction access and the branch condition is satisfied, or if the effective address of BAL is nonexistent, the basic processor aborts execution of the BA L instruction and traps to location X'40' (nonallowed operation trap). In this case, the instruction address stored by the XPSD instruction in location X'40' is the virtual address of the aborted BAL instruction. If the basic processor traps because of instruction access protection, register Rwill contain the updated instruction address. If a memory parity error occurs due to the accessing of the instruction to which the program is branching, the basic processor aborts execution of the BA L and traps to location X'4C' with register R changed to the updated instruction address. 92 CALL 1 (Word index alignment) Call Instruct; ons CAL2 CALL 2 (Word index alignment) CALL 2 causes the basic processor to trap to location X'49'. CAL3 CA.LL 3 (Word index alignment) 6 7 8 CA LL 3 causes the basi c processor to trap to location X '4A', CAL4 CALL 4 (Word index al ignment) Bit Position Designation 8 MS Master/slave mode control 9 MM Memory map mode control 11 AM Fixed-point arithmetic overflow trap mask 15-31 IA Instruction address 32-35 WK Write key 37 CI Counter interrupt group inhibit 38 II I/O interrupt group inhibit 39 EI External interrupt inhibit CALL 4 causes the basic processor to trap to location X'4B'. CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS The following privileged instructions are used to control the basic operating conditions of the basic processor: Mnemonic Instruction Name Function Load Program Status Words LPSD 58-59 RP Regi ster pointer Exchange Program Status Words XPSD 60 RA Register altered Load Register Pointer LRP 61 MA Mode altered Move to Memory Contro I MMC Load Real Address LRA Load Memory Status LMS Wait WAIT Read Direct RD Write Direct WD The detailed functions of the various portions of the program status words are described in Chapter 2, .. Program Status Words". LPSD If execution of any control instruction is attempted while the basic processor is in the slave mode (i. e., while bit 8 of the current program status words is a 1), the basic processor unconditionally traps to iocation X i 4-0' prior to executing the instruction. PROGRAM STATUS WORDS Program status words have the following structure when stored in memory: LOAD PROGRAM STATUS WORDS (Doubleword index alignment, privileged) LOAD PROGRAM STATUS WORDS replaces bits othrough 39, 60 and 61 of the current program status words with bits 0 through 39, 60 and 61 of the effective doubleword. Control bits used in the LPSD instruction are: Bit Position Designation Control Function 8 LP Load pointer control 10 CL Clearing of interrupt level 11 AD Armed/disarmed state The following conditional operations are performed: Bit Position Designation 1. If bit position 8 (LP) of LPSD contains a 1, bits 56 through 59 (register pointer) of the current program status words are replaced by bits 56 through 59 of the effective doubleword; if bit 8 of LPSD is a 0, the current register pointer value remains unchanged. 2. If. bit position 10 (CL) of LPSD contains a 1, the highest priority interrupt level currently in the active state is cleared (i. e., reset to either the armed state or the disarmed state); the interrupt level is armed if bit 11 (AD) Function 0-3 CC Condition code 4 FR Floating round 5 FS Floating significance mask 6 FZ Floating zero mask 7 FN Floating normal ize mask Control Instructi ons 93 of lPSD is a 1, or is disarmed if bit 11 of lPSD is a O. If bit 10 of lPSD is a 0, no interrupt level is affected in any way, regardless of whether bit 11 of lPSD is 1 or O. If bit 10 of the lPSD is a 0 and bit 11 of lPSD is 1, the PDF flag is cleared. (Interrupt levels are described in detai I in Chapter 2, "Interrupt System". ) load pointer control All XPSDs Clear and arm interrupt level. 9 AI Address Increment Trap XPSD Clear PDF flag. 10 AT Addressing type All XPSDs o No control action. The effective address of an XPSD instruction is generated in one of the following ways: The PDF flag is normally reset by the last instruction of a trap routine, which is an lPSD instruction having bit 10 equal to 0 and bit 11 equal to 1. Affected: (PSWs), interrupt system if (I) 10 8 CC; ED _ 5 7 -MS· ED ' 9 EDll - AM; _ 15 31 IA; ED ED _ 37 39 CI, II, EI; if (1)8 = 1, ED WK; XPSD (interrupt instruction) _ 56 59 RP 1 and (1) 11 = 1, clear and arm interrupt If (1) 10 = If (1)10 = 1 and (I}ll = 0, clear and disarm interrupt EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS WORDS {Doubleword index alignment, privileged} EXCHANGE PROGRAM STATUS WORDS stores the currently active PSWs in the doubleword location addressed by the effective address of the XPSD instruction. The following doubleword is then accessed from memory and loaded into the active PSWs registers. 94 Control Instructi ons When an XPSD instruction is encountered in the course of execution of norma I programs, the AT· (bit 10) of the instruction determines the type of addressing to be used. If AT = 1, the reference address is 17 bits (15-31). Address calculations are according to standard addressing rules as determined by the current PSWs. Indexing and indirect addressing are allowed. MM· ' _ 32 35 XPSD (normal instruction) If AT = 0, the reference address is 20 bits (12-31). Indexing is not allowed. Indirect addressing is allowed with the same constraints as the reference address. Addressing is always real, independent of the current PSWs. =1 FS,FX,FN; ED XPSD Where used lP These portions of the effective doubleword that correspond to undefined fields in the program status words are ignored. ED Control Function 8 Clear and disarm interrupt level. o ED _ O3 Designation Function o 3. Control bits used in the XPSD instructions are: Bit Position Bit position 10 {Cl} 11 {AD} o The XPSD instruction is used for three distinct types of operations: as a norma I instruction in an ongoing program; as an interrupt instruction; and as a trap instruction. An XPSD instruction (in an interrupt location) executed as a result of an interrupt is called an interrupt instruction. The type of addressing to be used is determined by the basic processor mode and the AT (bit 1O) of the instruction. In the extended addressing mode (MA = 1 and MM = 0), the AT bit is used to determine the type of addressing to be used. If AT = 0, the referen ce address is 20 bits (12-31). Indexing is not allowed. Indirectaddressing is allowed with the same constraints as the reference address. Addressing is always real, independent of the current PSWs. If AT = 1, the reference address is 17 bits (15-31). Address calculations are according to standard addressing rules as determined by the current PSWs. Indexing and indirect addressing are allowed. When the addressing mode is not extended addressing, the reference address is 20 bits (12-31). If AT = 0, indexing is not allowed. Indirect addressing is allowed with the same constraints as the reference address. Addressing is always real, independent of the current PSWs. If AT = 1, the 20-bit reference address is subject to PSWs bit 9, as is the contents of the indirect address if indirect is specified. memory control feature, CC2 and CC4 are both set to lis; if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address of the new program status words is incremented by 5. XPSD (trap instruction) An XPSD instruction (in a trap location) executed as a result of a trap entry operation is called a trap instruction. Addressing is the same as for the interrupt XPSD (see above). 2. The following additional operations are performed on the new program status words if, and only if, the XPSD is being executed as the result of a nonallowed operation (trap to location X ' 40 ' ) or a CAll instruction (trap to location X ' 48 I , X ' 49', X' 4A', or X'4B'): 1. CALL instructions - the following additional functions are performed when XPSD is being executed as a result of a trap to location X'48 1 , X'49 1 , X' 4A', or X'4B'. a. The R field of the CALL instruction causing the trap is logically inclusively ORed into bit positions 0-3 (CC) of the new PSWs. b. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the R field of the CALL instruction causing the trap is added to the instruction address portion of the new PSWs. Nonallowed operations - the following additional functions are performed when XPSD is being executed as a result of a trap to location X' 40': a. b. c. d. Nonexistent instruction - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to execute a nonexistent instruction, bit position Oof the new program status words (CC 1) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 (AI) of XPSD is a 1, bit positions 15-31 of the new program status words (next instruction address) are incremented by 8. 3. Nonexistent memory address - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to access or write into a nonexistent memory region, bit position 1 of the new program status words (CC2) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address portion ofthe new program status words is incremented by 4. Privileged instruction violation - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to execute a privileged instruction while the basic processor is in the slave mode, bit position 2 of the new program status words (CC3) is set to 1. Then, if bit position Oof XPSD is 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status words is incremented by 2. Memory protection violation - if the reason for the trap condition is an attempt to read from or write into a memory region to which the program does not have proper access, bit position 3 of the new program status words (CC4) is set to 1. Then, if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status words is incremented by 1. Watchdog timer, parity error, or instruction exception trap - the following additional functions are performed when XPSD is being executed as a result of a trap to location X'46 I, X'4C', or X'4D', respectively. a. The contents of TCC 1-4 are logically inclusively ORed into bit positions 0-3 (CC) of the new PSWs. b. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 1, the contents of TCC 1-4 are added to the instruction address portion of the new PSWs. If bit position 9 of XPSD contains a 0, the instruction address portion of the new PSWs always remains at the vaiue established by the second effective doubleword. Bit position 9 of XPSD is effective only if the instruction is being executed as the result of a nonal lowed operation, CALL instruction watchdog timer, parity error, or instruction exception trap. Bit position 9 of XPSD must be coded with a o in all other cases; otherwise, the results of the XPSD instruction are undefined. The current program status words are stored in the doubl eword location pointed to by the effective address of XPSD in the following form: Program Status Words There are certain circumstances under which two of the above nonal lowed operations can occur simultaneously. The following operation codes (including their counterparts) are considered to be bothnonexistentandprivileged: XIOC I and X'OD'. If either of these operation codes is used as an instruction while the basic processor is in the slave or master-protected mode, CC 1 and CC3 are both set to lis; if bit 9 of XPSD is a 1, the instruction address portion of the new program status words is incremented by 10. If an attempt is made to access or write into a memory region that is both nonexistent and prohibited to the program by means of the The current program status words (as illustrated above) are replaced by new program status words as described below. 1. The effective address of XPSD is incremented by 2 so that it points to the next doubleword location. The contents of the next doubleword location are referred to as the second effective doubleword, or ED2. Control Instructions 95 2. Bits 0-35, 60, and 61 of the current program status words are unconditionally replaced by bits 0-35, 60, and 61 of the second effective doubleword. The affected portions of the program status words are: Bit Position 0-3 Designati on Function Condi ti on code FR, FS, FZ, FN Floating control 8 MS Master/slave mode control 9 MM Mapping mode control 11 AM Fixed-point arithmetic trap mask 15-31 IA Instructi on address (real or vi rtual) 32-35 WK Write key 60 RA Register altered 61 MA Mode altered 3. A logical inclusive OR is performed between bits 37 through 39 of the current program status words and bits 37 through 390f the second effective doubleword. Bit Position Designation Function 37 CI Counter interrupt inhibit 38 II I/O interrupt inhibit 39 EI External interrupt inhibit it any (or a i i) of bits 37, 38, or 39 of the second effective doubleword are O's, the corresponding bits in the current program status words remain unchanged; if any (or all) of bits 37, 38, or 39 of the second effective doubleword are l's, the corresponding bits in the current program status words are set to l's. See "Interrupt System", Chapter 2, for a detailed discussion of the interrupt inhibits. 4. If bit position 8 (LP) of XPSD contains a 1, bits 58 and 59 (register pointer) of the current program status words are replaced by bits 58 and 59 of the second effective doubleword; if bit 8 of XPSD is a 0, the current register pointer value remains unchanged. Affected: (EDL), (PSWs) If (I) 10 = 1, trap or interrupt instructions only, effective address is subject to current active addressing mode. 96 PSD - EDL ED2 _ -CC; ED24_7 0 3 CC 4-7 If (I) 10 = 0, trap or interrupt instructions only, effective address is independent of current active addressing mode. Controi Tnstructions ED28 - MS; ED29 AM; ED ED211 ED232-35 ED2 37 _ 39 FR,FS,FZ,FN MM _ 15 31 IA WK u CI,II,EI - If (1)8 = 1, ED2 CI,II,EI _ 58 59 RP If (1)8 = 0, RP not affected If nonexistent instruction, 1 IA+8-IA CC 1 then, if (1)9 = 1, If nonexistent memory address, 1 {I)9 = 1, IA + 4 IA CC2 then, if If privileged instruction violation, 1 (1)9 = 1, IA + 2 IA If memory protection violation, 1 IA + 1 IA CC3 then, if CC4 then, if {I)9 = 1, If CALL instruction, CC u CALL _ 8 11 {I)9 = 1, IA + CALL 8 _ IA 11 CC then, if If (1)9 = 0, IA not affected If watchdog timer, parity error, or instruction exception trap, ED20 _3 u TCCl-4 -CCl-4 then, if (1)9= 1, IA + TCCl-4 IA LRP LOAD REGISTER POINTER (Word index alignment, privileged) LOAD REGISTER POINTER loads bits 24-27 of the effective word into the register pointer {RP} portion of the current program status words. Bit positions through 23 and 28 through 31 of the effective word are ignored, and no other portion ofthe program status words is affected. If the LOAD REG ISTER POINTER instruction attempts to load the register pointer with a vaiue that points to a nonexistent biock of general registers, the basi c processor traps to location X'4D'. ° Affected: RP EW _ 24 27 Trap: Instruction exception RP MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions may be used to selectively move a string of control words from a control image area to specified memory control registers: Normally, bit positions 15-31 may be ignored insofar as the operation of the MMC instruction is concerned. The results of the instruction are the same whether MMC is indirectly or directly addressed. However, if MMC is indirectly addressed and the indirect reference address is nonexistent, the nonallowed operation trap (location X' 40 ' ) is activated. Instruction Name Mnemonics Move to Memory Control MMC Load Map (8-bit format) LMAP Load Map (11-bit format) LMAPRE Load Protection Code LPC Depending upon the type of addressing, the contents of register R may be as follows: Load Locks (2-bit format) LLOCKS If MA = 0, Load Locks (4-bit format) LLOCKSE If MA = 1 and MMC MOVE TO MEMORY CONTROL (Word index alignment, privileged, continue after interrupt) The MMC instruction may be used to perform any move to memory control operation. Depending upon the type and format of the control image, the move to memory control operation may be performed either by an MMC instruction with a specific value in the control field (bit position 12-14) or by a special purpose instruction (i. e., LMAP, LMAPRE, LPC, LLOCKS, or LLOCKSE), as shown below: Type and format of control image to be loaded Alternate Instruction Mnemonic Memory write protection locks (2-bit format) LLOCKS Memory write protection locks (4-bit format) LLOCKSE 0 Access protection (always 2-bit format) LPC 0 Memory map (8-bit format) LMAP Memory map (ll-bit format) LMAPRE Control Field of MMC instruction: Bit positions 12 13 0 0 0 0 contents of register Rare: MM = 0, the contents of register Rare: In either case, the Control Image Address is the virtual address of a control word within the control image area to be loaded into a block of memory control registers, as specified by the contents of register Ru 1. Depending upon the type of control image being loaded, the contents of register Ru 1 may be in one of the following three formats: For loading memory map image (either 8-bit or 11-bit format), contents of register Ru 1 are: 14 0 0 The R field, which must be coded with an even value, designates an even-odd pair of general registers (R and Ru1) that contain additional control information required by the MMC instruction. If the R field is coded with an odd value a trap to location X'4D' (instruction exception trap) occurS. Attempting to execute an MMC instruction with any code other than the five shown above causes the instruction to trap to location X' 4D' (instruction exception trap). For loading 4-bit write lock images, contents of register Ru1 are: For loading access protection or 2-bit write lock images, contents of register Ru 1 are: The Count field (bit positions 0-7) specifies the' numberof words to be loaded from the control image area. If the initial word count is zero, a word count of 256 is implied. Control Instructions 97 The Control Start field (bit positions 15-20, 21, or 22) points to the beginning of the memory region controlled by the registers to be loaded. The significance of this field is different for the 5 modes of MMC operations and is described within each mode below. Affected: (R), (Ru 1), memory control storage Traps: Instruction exception, nonallowed operation. For either memory map format and either type of addressing, the contents of register Ru 1 are: MEMORY MAP LOADING PROCESS The initial map image address (in register R) is the virtual address of the first word of the memory map control image. LOADING THE MEMORY MAP CONTROL IMAGE Each word of the memory map control image contains either four 8-bit page addresses or two 11-bit extended page addresses, as illustrated below: The initial count, as contained in register Ru 1 specifies the word length of the control image to be loaded. A word count of 64 (for 8-bit format) or 128 (for ll-bit format) is sufficient to load an entire block of 256 memory map control registers. The memory map control registers are treated as a circular set, with the first register following the last; thus, a word count greater than 64 (8-bit format) or 128 (ll-bit format) causes the first registers to be overwritten. Typi cal memory map control image word (8-bit format): Typical memory map control image word (ll-bit format): Depending upon the memory map control image format, the instruction format is one of the following: LMAP LOAD MAP LMAPRE (~-bit format) LOAD MAP REAL EXTENDED (11-bit format) The initial value of the control start field of register Ru 1 points to the first page (512 words) of virtual addresses that are to be controlled by the memory map control image being loaded. The memory map control image is loaded into the memory map control registers one word at a time. As the contents of each word are loaded into either two orfourmemory map control registers, the map image address is incremented by 1, the word count is decremented by 1, and the value in the control start field is incremented either byfour (if the memory map control image is in the 8-bit format) or by two (if the memory map control image is in the l1-bit format). The loading process continues until the word count is reduced to zero. When the load process is completed, the map image address of register R contains a value equal to the sum of the initial map image address plus the initial word count, the word count of register Ru 1 has a va lue of zero, and the control start field of register Ru 1 contains a value equal to the sum of the initial contents plus four or two times the initial word count. LOADING THE ACCESS PROTECTION CONTROLS Depending upon the type of addressing, the format of register R contents is one of the following: IfMA=O; Map lmag:e Address If ,AI-A = 1 and MM = 0; CONTROL IMAGE Each access protection control image word contains sixteen 2-bit fields; or, the access protection codes for 16 consecutive pages of virtual memory. Thus, the access protection control image for 128K word (256 page) virtual memory is contained within 16 contiguous memory locations, designated as the access protection control image area. The fermat of c typical access protection control image word is: Map 98 Control Instructions ~age Real Exte~ded Address MEMORY WRITE PROTECTION LOCKS The instruction format for loading the access protection code is: CONTROL IMAGE Depending upon the type of addressing, the format of register R contents is one of the following: Each write lock control image word may contain either eight 4-bit write lock images or sixteen 2-bit write lock images, as illustrated below: Typical write locks image word (4-bit format); IfMA=O; If MA = 1 and MM Typical write locks image word (2-bit format); = 0; For eithertype of addressing, the contents of register Ru 1 are: ACCESS PROTECTION LOADING PROCESS The initial access protection control image address in register R is the virtual address of the first word of the access protection control image. The initial count in register Ru1 specifies the word length of ~he c~!"!~:-d !m!:!ge t~ be !0!:!clecl ,A """rd ~ount of 16 ic; c;uf- fi cient to load the entire block of 256 access protection control registers. The access protection control registers are treated as a circular set, with the first register fol lowing the last; thus, a word count greater than 16 causes the first registers loaded to be overwritten. The initial value of the control start field of register Ru 1 points to the first page (512 words) of virtual addresses that are to be controlled by the access protection control image being loaded. The access protection control image is loaded into the access control registers one word at a time, thus loading the control registers for 16 consecutive pages with the contents of each image word. As each image word is loaded, the access protection control image address is incremented by 1, the word count is decremented by 1, and the value in the control start field is incremented by 4. The loading process continues until the word count is reduced to O. The number of words required to define the memory write locks control image is dependent upon the format of the write lock images and the number of write lock registers to be loaded by a single MMC instruction. (For example, if the write lock images are of the 4-bit format and the memory system is maximum size (1,024,000 words or 2048 pages) with 2048 write lock control registers, the control image may be defined by 256 words (i. e., 256 words times 8 write lock images per word is equal to 2048 write lock images or one write lock image per each write lock control register). If the write lock images are of the 2-bit format and the memory size is the same, as described above, the control image may be defined by 128 words. The instruction format for loading 2-bit write lock images is: LLOCKS LOAD LOC KS (2-bit format) The instruction format for loading 4-bit write lock images is: LLOCKSE LOAD LOC KS (4-bit format) If MA = 0, the contents of register Rare: When the loading process is completed, the parameters contained within registers Rand Ru1 have the following values! Access protection control image address =initial access protection control image address plus the initial word count. Count lock If MA = 1 and MM = 0, lmag~ Address the contents of register Rare: = O. Control Start = initial contents plus 4 times the initial word count. Control Instructions 99 When loading 2-bit write lock images, the contents of register Ru1 are: When loading 4-bit write lock images, the contents of register Ru1 are: initial value plus the initial value word count and the value of the 9- or lO-bit control start field is equal to its initial value plus 4 times the initial word count. The memory write lock registers are treated as a circular set, with the reg ister for memory addresses X IOI_X I 1FF I (first page) immediately following the register for memory addresses X'FFEOO'-X'FFFFF' (last page). Overwriting the first registers occurs when 2-bit write lock images are being processed and the word count is greater than 128. INTERRUPTION OF MMC LOADING PROCESS Depending upon the addressing mode of the basic processor, the contents of register R are interpreted as either a 17-bit or a 20-bit virtual address of an image word within the memory write locks control image area (source of write lock images). The initial lock image address points to the first image word. After the contents of the image word (either 8 or 16 write lock images) are loaded into an equivalent number of write lock registers, the lock image address is incremented by one. Thus, successive image words are accessed in an ascending sequence. Depending upon the instruction format, the hardware appends either one or two low order zeros, as necessary, to convert the 9-bit or lO-bit control start field into an 11-bit real page address. In addition to being the real page address of 512 consecutive memory word locations, the value of the 11-bit control start field is also the address of the associated write lock control register. The value of the control start field at the time the image word is accessed is the address of the first of either 8 or 16 write lock control registers that will be loaded by the write lock images contained within one image word. When all of the write lock images of a given word have been loaded into either 8 or 16 write lock control registers, the val ue of the 9-bit or lO-bit control start field is incremented by 4. (Note that this is equivalent to incrementing the value of the effective 11-bit field by a value of either 8 or 16, the number of control registers loaded.) The execution of MMC can be interrupted after each word of the control image has been moved into the specified control register. Immediately prior to the time that the instruction in the interrupt or trap location is executed, the instruction address portion of the program status words contains the virtual address of the MMC instruction, register R contains the virtual address of the next word of the control image to be loaded, and register Ru 1 contains a count of the number of control image words remaining to be moved and a value pointing to the next memory control register to be loaded. After interrupt, the MMC instruction may be resumed from the point it was interrupted. MEMORY ACCESS TRAPS BY MMC INSTRUCTION A trap during execution of the MMC instruction can occur if the pages containing the control images are nonexistent or are protected in the master-protected mode. The registers Rand Ru 1 may be a Itered for the above case. If a parity error should occur during access of a control image word, the MMC instruction wi" trap with the Register Altered indicator set indicating that a change has been made to the memory control registers. The registers Rand Ru 1 will be restored to their initial values, prior to the point at which the trap occurred. LRA The count field of register Ru1 specifies the number of image words, and indirectly the number of write lock images to be loaded. Depending upon the instruction format, each image word is interpreted as containing either eight 4-bit write lock images or sixteen 2-bit write lock images. In the case of 2-bit write lock images, the hardware appends two high order zeros to each image as it is loaded into the 4-bit control register. Thus, the number of write lock control registers loaded is always either 8 or 16 times the initial value of the count field. If the :nitia! "/c!ue of the count field is zero, it is interpreted to be 256 words. During the loading operation, the count field is decremented by one after the contents of each image word are loaded into the appropriate number of control registers. The loading operation continues until the word count is reduced to zero. At that time, the vallie of the lock image address is equol to its 100 Control Instructions LOAD REAL ADDRESS 0Nord index al ignment, privileged) LOAD REAL ADDRESS converts the address portion of the effective '.vOid into a real byte, halfword, word, or doubleword address {as specified byCC1 and CC2at the beginning of the LRA instruction} and loads that real address and status information (as listed below) into register R. Upon completion of the LRA instruction, additional information pertaining to the LRA instruction or to the real address is provided vio the conditio,., code. Prior to executing an LRA instruction, CC 1 and CC2 must be set to an appropriate value {as shown below}. 2 3 4 Results in R register o 0 CC1 CC2 Type of real address to be generated Address in R is an effective virtual address {address of a general register}. 0 0 Byte (22 bits) Note: Halfword {21 bits} 0 Word (20 bits) 0 - - 0 - - 0 o the memory loc-ation specified by the gener1 1 ated address. 1 Doubleword (19 bits) The effective virtual address for the LRA instruction itself may be generated in a normal manner (i. e., indirect addressing, indexing, and/or mapping, as applicable, may be specified and performed) with all standard trapping conditions in effect. The address loaded into the R register is dependent upon the value of the address portion of the effective word. Ifthe address portion of the effective word is equal to or greater than 16, it is converted (mapped) into a 19, 20, 21, or 22-bit real address, as specified by CC 1 and CC2. Note: Converting an effective virtual address into a real address by mapping is performed independently of the state of the map bit in the current PSWs. ~} Condition code setting 11-- and 1100 may be distinguished in the software by examining the address {bits 1O-31}. Access protect code for the page containing Note: This instruction requires two memory references to the same location for its execution. To preclude other processors from accessing the effective location during this time, the memory unit containing the effective location is reserved {not accessible to other processors} until the LRA instruction is completed. LMS LOAD MEMORY STATUS (Word index al ignment, privileged) If the address portion of the effective word is less than 16, it is not mapped into a real address. Instead, a 19, 20, 21, or 22-bit effective virtual address is generated, as specified by CC 1 and CC2. In either case a 19, 20, 21, or 22-bit real or effective virtual address is loaded into a corresponding number of low order bit positions of the R register {i. e., the least significant bit of the address is always loaded into bit position 31 of register R}. Except for bit positions reflecting status information, all high order bit positions within register Rare set to zero. Contents of the various bit positions of register R after an LRA instruction are as follows: Bits Contents 0-9 Reserved; always set to O. 10-31 Real or eff~ctive virtual address. For 21-, 20-, and 19-bit addresses, as specif,ied by initial value of CC 1 and CC2, bit positions 10, 11, and 12 will be set to zeros, as required. LOAD MEMORY STATUS is used to determine memory unit status and/or to perform diagnostic action on a memory un it. The effective address is used to determine the memory unit. The condition code setting immediately before execution determines the diagnostic action to be performed. The effective address always references memory even if it is less than 16. The condition code can be set to the desired value before execution of LMS with the LCF or LCFI in§tructions. Register R is loaded with the result of the action. The condition code is set at the conclusion of execution to reflect the status of the word loaded (if any). . Affected: (R), CC Affected: {R),CC Initial condition code settings: 2 3 4 LMS Action o 0 0 0 Read and set - causes the same action as the LOAD AND SET (LAS) instruction, except for condition code settings. Normal traps are allowed inclUding write protect. o 0 0 Condition code settings: o 2 3 4 Results in R register 0 - - No abnormal condition. - - Address in R is real but for a nonexistent memory location. Trap: See "Trap System II, Chapter 2. Read and inhibit parity - loads the effective word into R. If a memory parity error is detected, the memory does nottake a IIsnapshot" or generate a Memory Fault Interrupt (MFI). Control Instructions 101 2 3 4 LMS Action It does, however, generate the Memory Parity Error signal. The basic processor inhibits the trap that would ordinarily occur for the memory parity error. o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 1 o 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 Reserved 1 Power status 8-9 Memory type 10 Port 1 enabled Reserved. 11 Port 2 enabled Reserved. 12 Port 3 ena bl ed 13 Port 4 enabled 14 Port 5 ena bl ed 15 Port 6 enabled 16 Port 1 servi ced 17 Port 2 serviced 18 Port 3 serviced 19 Port 4 serviced 20 Port 5 serv iced 21 Port 6 serv iced 22 0 23 Uncorrectable memory unit error 24 Memory module selection error 25 Address parity error 26 Data in parity error 27 Write lock parity error 28 Port selection error 29 Undefined operation 30 Control error 31 Multiple error Ports Read write lock - loads a pair of 4-bit write locks into byte 3 of R (bits 24-31) and 0 in all other bit positions of R. The write lock stored in bits 24-27 is stored in the memory system1s Write Lock memory at the location corresponding to bits 17-21 of the effective address, bit 22=0. The write lock stored in bits 28-31 corresponds to bits 17-21 of the effective address, bit 22=1. Memory fau It types Read status word ot - loads status word 0 into R (see Table 9). Read status word 1t - loads status word 1 into R (see Table 10). Reserved. o Comments Memory un it error cod e Reserved. 0 Bits 2-7 Write write lock - stores byte 3 of the data word sent to memory as a pair of write locks in the memory system's Write Lock memory at a location corresponding to bits 17-21 of the effective address, bit 22=0 (for data bits 24-27) and bits 17-21 of the effective address, bit 22=1 (for data bits 28-31). 0 Field Clear memory - stores zero in the memory location specified by the address. Reserved. o Table 9. Status Word 0 Read status word 0 and clear. Reserved. o Write double error - stores an arbitrary word into a specified memory location, with two differences compared to a normal Write Word instruction: (1) Byte 3 in memory is forced to zero; (2) the arbitrary word is stored in memory with an intentional wrong parity; on a subsequent read of that word, the memory issues the parity error signal. For "read and inhibit parity" operations, the status of the word loaded (if any) is stored in the condition code bits at the conclusion of execution as follows: CC i: Memory Parity Error (from memory) Reserved. CC2: Data Bus Check (from CPU) Condition code settings after execution. CC3: Parity Bit (from memory) t Primarily of diagnostic concern. 102 Control Instructions CC4: 0 Table 10. Status Word 1 Field Bits 0 1-3 Comments Interleave switch ON Memory unit size: 000 001 010· 011 100 101 110 111 4-6 Starting Address WAIT 8K 16K 24K 32K 40K 48K single-instruction interrupt location, the instruction in the interrupt location is executed and then instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the WAIT instruction. When the basic processor execution mode is changed from RUN mode to IDLE mode and back to RUN while the basic processor is waiting, instruction execution proceeds with the next instruction in sequence after the WAIT instruction. Affected: PC 56K 64K Memory unit number (binary code) 7 Starting address bit 12 8 Starting address bit 13 9 Starting address bit 14 10 Starting address bit 15 11 Starting address bit 16 12 Starting address bit 17 13 Starting address bit 18 14 Reserved 15-31 Address received, bits 15-31 WAIT (Word index al ignment, privileged) WAIT causes the basic processor to cease all operations until an interrupt activation occurs, or until the operator puts the basic processor in the IDLE mode and then back to RUN (see Chapter 5). The instruction address portion of the PSWs is updated before the basic processor begins waiting; therefore, while it is waiting, the INSTRUCTION ADDRESS indicators contain the virtual address of the next location in ascending sequence after WAIT and the contents in the next location are displayed in the DISPLAY indicators on the processor control console. If any input/output operations are being performed when WAIT is executed, the operations proceed to their normal termination. If WAIT is indirectly addressed and the indirect reference address is nonexistent, the nonallowed operation trap to location X'40' will not occur. The effective virtual address of the WAIT instruction, however, is not used as a memory reference (thus does not affect the norma I operation of the instruction). RD READ DIRECT (Word index alignment, privileged) The basic processor is capable of directly communicating with other elements of the system, as well as performing internal control operations, by means of the READ DIRECT / WRITE DIRECT (RD/WD) lines. The RD/WD lines consist of 16 address lines, 32 data lines, two condition code lines, and various control lines that are connected to various basic processor circuits and to special system equipment. READ DIRECT causes bits 16 through 31 of the effective virtual address to be presented to other elements of the system on the RD/WD address lines. Bits 16-31 of the effective virtual address identify a specific elementof the system that is expected to return information (two condition code bits plus a maximum of 32 data bits) to the basic processor. The sign ifi cance and number of data bits returned depend on the selected element. If the R field of RD is nonzero, up to 32 bits of the returned data are loaded into general register R; however, if the R field of RD is 0, the returned data is ignored and general register 0 is not changed. Bits CC3 and CC4 of the condition code are set by the addressed element, regardless of the value of the R field. Bits 16-19 of the effective virtual address of RD determine the mode of the RD instruction, as follows: Bit Position When an interrupt activation occurs while the basic processor is waiting, it processes the interrupt-servicing routine. Normally, the interrupt-servicing routine begins with an XPSD instruction in the interrupt location, and ends with an LPSD instruction at the end of the routine. After the LPSD instruction is executed, the next instruction to be executed in the interrupted program is the next instruction in sequence after the WAIT instruction. If the interrupt is to a 16 17 18 19 Mode o Interna I basi c processor control. 0 0 0 000 Interrupt control. 000 Xerox testers. Control Instructions 103 16 17 18 19 o 0 :} READ INTERRUPT INHIBITS Unassigned. The following configuration of RD can be used to read the contents of the interrupt inhibit field: Special systems control (for customer use with specially designed equipment). If bits 16-19 select mode 2 through mode F, CC 1 and CC2 are set to zero and CC3 and CC4 are set according to the state of the two condition code lines from the external device. READ DIRECT, INTERNAL BASIC PROCESSOR CONTROL (MODE 0) In this mode, the basic processor is able to read the sense switches, the basic processor address, and the interrupt inhibit bits of the PSWs as follows: If the R field of RD is nonzero, the contents of the interrupt inhibit field (bits 37, 38, 39) of the program status words are transferred to the least significant 3 bits of the specified R register (bits 29, 30, 31). The remainder of the R register (bits 0-28) is cleared to zeros. Affected: (R) (PSWs)37_39 - R29 - 31 0 - RO- 28 READ SENSE SWITCHES The following configuration of RD can be used to read the four SENSE switches in the System Control Processor: Note that a copy of the interrupt inhibits is retained in the Interrupt Status Register in the Processor Interface associated with each basic processor. LOAD FROM LOW MAIN MEMORY If a parti cular SENSE switch is set, the corresponding bit of the condition code is set to 1; if a SENSE switch is zero, the corresponding bit of the condition code is set to 0 (see IIRead Sense Switches II in Chapter 5). In this case, only the condition code is affected. READ BASIC PROCESSOR The following RD configuration is used to read the basic processor's address: The instruction allows reading the contents of real memory locations 0-31 (locations 0-15 shadowed by the general purpose registers). This allows access to the Status Stack pointer Doubleword in locations 0-1 and the default Program Status Words (Interrupt Stack is empty) in locations 2-4. If the R field is nonzero, the contents of the main memory locution identifieJ by bits 27-31 Ore loaded infO R. Affected: (R) EW-R If the R field is nonzero, the cluster number in which the basic processor resides is obtained from the associated processor interface and loaded into register R bits 21-23. All other bits in the register are cleared to zero. READ INTERNAL CONTROL REGISTERS The following configuration of RD is used to read the contents of internal control (or Q) registers: t i l iiI I i Affected: (R) Cluster Address - R 21 23 0 - R - 20 and R 24 31 O 104 Control Instructions If the R field of the RD instruction is nonzero, the contents of the internal control register, as specified by the IIQ Address ll field of the instruction (bit positions 27-31), ore loaded into register R. Although the Q address field permits any of 32 addresses to be specifi ed, only the following may be used: Q Address Contents X'lD' (Bits 0-13) - Reserved { (Bits 14-31) - "Branch from" Program Counter X'lE' (Bits 0-7) - Reserved { (Bits 8-31) - Load Device Address contains the indi cator bit for the lowest priority interrupt level within the group. For assignments in Group X'O', see Table 11. Each interrupt level in the designated group is sensed according to the function code specified by bits 21 through 23 of the effective address of RD. The codes and their associated functions are as follows: Code Function 001 Read Armed or Waiting State. Set to 1 the bits in the selected register which correspond to interrupt levels in this group that are in either the armed or the waiting state. Reset all other bits to zero. 010 Read Waiting or Active State. Set to 1 the bits in the selected register which correspond to each interrupt level in this group that is in either the waiting or the active state. Reset all other bits to zero. 100 Read Enabled. Set to 1 the bits in the selected register which correspond to each interrupt level in this group which is enabled. Reset all other bits to zero. All other Q addresses from X'OO' - X'lF' are reserved. Affected: (R) EW-R READ DIRECT, INTERRUPT CONTROL (MODE 1) The following configuration of RD is used to control the sensing of the various states of the individual interrupt levels within the basic processor interrupt system: READ DIRECT (MODE 9) Bits 28 through 3·1 of the effective address specify the identification number of the group of interrupt levels to be controlled by the READ DIRECT instruction. Thp R fiplrJ of thp RD instruction specifies a general register that will contain the bits sensed from the individual interrupt levels within a specified group. For external interrupt groups, bit position 16 of register R contains the appropriate indi cator bit for the highest priority (lowest number) interrupt level within the group and bit position 31 of register R READ CONFIGURATION CONTROL PANEL The mode 9 instruction reads the state of the Configuration Control Panel for the addressed cluster or unit. Physi cal addresses are assigned at the time of system configuration. The returned status to Register Ris shown in Tables 11 and 12. Table 11. Read Direct Mode 9 Status Word RD Status Word Bit No. Basic Processor Cluster Memory Unit 1 00 System Select System Select 01 Clock Select Clock Select 02 Processor CI uster Address 22 Unit No. 22 03 Processor Cluster Address 21 Unit No. 21 04 Processor Cluster Address 20 Unit No. 20 05 BP Enable Port Enab Ie 1 06 MIOP Enable Port Enab Ie 2 07 DIO Enable Port Enable 3 Control Instructions 105 Table 11. RD Status Word Bit No. Read Direct Iv\ode 9 Status Word (cont.) Basic Processor Cluster Memory Uni t 1 08 Not Assigned Port Enable 4 09 ALTSEL Port Enable 5 10 FSELA Port Enable 6 11 FSELBO Not Assigned 12 FSELBI Not Assigned 13 Real Time Clock 1-S0 Interleave Enable 14 Real Time Clock 1-S1 Starting Address S12 15 Real Time Clock 2-S0 Starting Address S13 16 Real Time Clock 2-S1 Starti ng Address S14 17 Real Time Clock 3-S0 Starting Address S15 18 Real Time Clock 3-S1 Starting Address S16 19 Subj ective Time Clock -so Starting Address S17 20 Subjective Time Clock -S 1 Starting Address S18 21 External Interrupt Group 2 Option Absent Not Assigned 22 External Interrupt Group 3 Option Absent Not Assigned 23 External Interrupt Group 4 Option Absent Not Assigned 24 External Interrupt Group 5 Option Absent Not Assigned 25 Not Assigned Not Assigned 26 Not Assigned Not Assigned 27 tChassis Type-24 tChassis Type-24 28 Chassis Type-23 Chassis Type-2 3 29 Chassis Type-22 30 Chassis Type-2 1 Chassis Type-22 Chassis Type-2 1 31 Chassis Type-20 Chassis Type-2 0 t See Chassi s Type Tabl e . I Table 12. Chassis Type Assignments Chassis Type Processor Clusters 24 23 22 21 20 1 1 0 0 0 Reserved 1 1 0 0 1 Basi c Processor Cluster 1 1 0 1 0 Reserved 1 1 0 1 1 Reserved 1 1 0 0 I/O Expansion Cluster 1 1 0 1 Reserved 1 1 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1 106 Control Instructions I I Configuration Information Table 12. Chassis Type Assignments (cont.) Chassis Type Control Ier CI usters Memory Units Reserved WD 24 23 22 21 20 1 0 0 0 0 Reserved 1 0 0 0 1 Reserved 1 0 0 1 0 Controller Cluster Type 3 1 0 0 1 1 Reserved 1 0 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1 0 1 Reserved 1 0 1 1 0 Reserved 1 0 1 1 1 Reserved 0 1 0 0 0 Memory Uni t Type 1 0 1 0 0 1 Reserved 0 1 0 1 0 Reserved 0 1 0 1 1 Reserved 0 1 1 0 0 Reserved 0 1 1 0 1 Reserved 0 1 1 1 0 Reserved 0 1 1 1 1 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 Not available 0 0 0 0 1 Reserved 0 0 0 1 0 Reserved 0 1'\ 1'\ V , D ______ ..1 V , I I ''l.C;)CIYCU 0 0 1 0 0 Reserved 0 0 1 0 1 Reserved 0 0 1 1 0 Reserved 0 0 1 1 1 Reserved WRITE DIRECT (Word index alignment, privileged) WRITE DIRECT causes bits 16-31 of the effective virtual address to be presented to other elements of the system on the RD/vVD address Iines (see READ DIRECT). Bits 16-31 of the effective virtual address identify a specific element of the system that is to receive control information from the basic processor. If the R field of WD is nonzero, the 32-bit contents of register R are transmitted to the specified element on the RD/WD data lines. If the R field of WD is 0, 32 O's are transmitted to the specified element (instead of the contents of register 0). The specified element may return information to set the condition code. Configuration Information Bits 16-19 of the effective virtual address determine the mode of the WD instruction as follows: 16 17 18 19 Mode 0 0 0 0 Internal basi c processor control. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interrupt control. 0 0 Xerox testers. } Unassigned. Special systems control (for customer use with specially designed equipment). If bits 16-19select mode 2 through mode F, CCl andCC2 are set to zero and CC3 and CC4are set according to the state of the two condition code lines from the external device. Control Instructions 107 WRITE DIRECT. INTERNAL BASIC PROCESSOR CONTROL (MODE 0) LOAD SE NSE SWITCHES The following configuration of WDcan be used to load the sense switches in the System Control Processor: If the processor is in the RUN mode and the AUDIO switch on the maintenance section of the processor control panel is in the ON position, a 100o-Hz signal is transmitted to the basic processor speaker. The signal may be interrupted by changing from RU N mode to IDLE mode, by moving the AUDIO switch to the OFF position, or by resetting the ALARM indicator. RESET ALARM INDICATOR If the R field is nonzero, bitsOthrough30f RegisterRwill be loaded into sense switches 1 through 4 in the System Control Processor. IftheRfield is zero, sense switches will be reset to zeros. (See the section "SystemControl Panel II in Chapter 5. ) SET INTERRU PT INHIBITS The following configuration of WD can be used to set the interrupt inhibits (bit positions 37-39 of the PSWs): A logical inclusive OR is performed between bits 29-31 of the effective virtual address and bits 37-39 of the PSWs. If any (or a II) of bits 29-31 of the effecti ve vi rtua I address are l's, the corresponding inhibit bits in the PSWs are set to 1's; the currentstate of an inhibit bit is not affected if a corresponding bit position of the effective virtual address contains a O. Note that a copy of the Interrupt Inhibits is retained in the Interrupt Status Register in the Processor Interface associated with each basi c processor. RESET INTERRUPT INHIBITS The following configuration of WD can be used to reset the interrupt inhibits: The following configuration of WD is used to reset the ALARM indicator: The ALARM indicator is also reset by either the RESET BP or the RESET SYSTEM Command entered from the operator's contro I conso Ie. TOGGLE PROGRAM-CONTROLLED-FREQUENCY FLIP-FLOP The following configuration ofWD is used to set and reset the basic processor program-control led-frequency (PCF) flip-flop: The output of the PCF fli p-flop is transmitted to the basic processor speaker through the AUDIO switch on the maintenance section of the System Control Panel. If the PCF flip-flop is reset when the above configuration of WD is executed, the WD instruction sets the PCF flip-flop; if the PCF flip-flop was previously set, the WD instruction resets it. A program can thus generate a desired frequency by setting and resetting the PCF fl ip-flop at the appropriate rate. Execution of the above configuration of WD also resets the ALARM i ndi cator • LOAD INTERRU PT INHIBITS If any (or all) of bits 29-31 of the effective virtual address are 1's; the corresponding inhibit bits in the PSWs are reset to O's; the current state of an inhibit bit is not affected if a corresponding bit position of the effective virtual address contains a O. Note that a copy of the Interrupt Inhibits is retained in the Interrupt Status Register in the Processor Interface associated with each basic processor. The following configuration of WD can be used to transfer the contents of the spec ified R reg ister (R29-31) to the Interrupt Inhibit fie Id (PSWs _ ). 37 39 Affected: (PSWs (R 29 - 31 ) - _ ) 37 39 PSWs37 -39 SET ALARM INDICATOR TURN ON MODE ALTERED FLAG The following configuration ofWDis used to set theALARM indicator on the maintenance section of the processor control panel: 108 Contro I Instructions The following configuration of WD is used to set the Mode Altered Flag (PSWs 61) to 1: TURN OFF MODE ALTERED FLAG If the R field is zero, the specified register is loaded with all zeros. The following configuration of WD is used to reset the Mode Altered Flag (PSWs 61) to 0: Affected: (E L) (R) - (EL) WRITE DIRECT, INTERRUPT CONTROL (MODE 1) STORE IN LOW MAIN MEMORY The following configuration of WD is used to set and reset the various states of the individual interrupt levels within the basi c processor interrupt system: This instruction writes into main memory locations 0-31 (locations 0-15 shadowed by the general purpose registers and reserved locations). This allows storing or changing the Status Stack Pointer Doubleword in locations 0-1 and the default Program Status Words (Status Stack is empty) in locations 2 through 4. If the R fi e Id is non zero, the contents of Rare stored in the main memory location identified by bits 27-31. TRAP TO LOCATION X ' 47 1 This instruction causes the basic processors to trap to location X1471. Bits 28-31 of the effective address specify the identification number (see Table 11) of the group of interrupt levels to be controlled by the WD instruction. The Rfield of the WD instruction specifies a general register that contains the selection bits for the individual interrupt levels within the specified group. For external interrupt groups, bit 16 of register R contains the selection bit for the highest-priority (lowest-numbered) interrupt level within the group, and bit310f register Rcontains the selection bit for the lowest-priority (highest-numbered) interrupt level within the group. For assignments in GroupX101, see Table 11. Except for Power on/Power off interrupt levels, which can A 1\ __ ~_ .. 1..._ D ____ ~~ __ D.. ~ :~ __ :~_..J 1... .... I...~ :_: .. :_ .. : __ 1..._:_ IIII~ III 'I.~ I.;J 1'Yo',;)v,,", I~ IIV"",,,v..l'.;JV' U,",.;J ul II.v . . . . ,.\"AI ••• ~ """",,,",,'v processor (or the associated PI). This line, when true, causes the basi c processors to trap to X 1471 (including the one that executes the instruction). WRITE INTO INTERNAL CONTROL REGISTER _~ .. IIVI I...~ ..J:~_I...I_..J ...,"'" '-I • .;Juu.vu, ..J:~ ____ ..J UlaUllllCU, __ :_I...~I...: VI IIII"IJ'I~U, .. _..1 ___ I... 1 ____ 1 :_ .. L_ C\.I\,... II I'C;;VIIIW'I Ille '11 designated group is operated on according to the function code specified by bits 21-23 of the effective address ofWD. The codes and their associated functions are as follows: Code Function 000 Set active all selected levels currently in the armed or waiting states. The following configuration of WD is used to write into the internal control (or Q) registers: Disarm all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. Arm and enable all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. Arm and disable all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. If the R field is nonzero, the contents of register Rare loaded in the control register, as specified by the IIQ Address" field (bit positions 27-31) of the WD instruction. Except for the four Q addresses listed below, all other addresses are reserved: 100 Enable all levels selected by a 1; all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. 101 Disable all levels selected bya l;all levels selected by a 0 are not affected. Q Address Significance 110 Enable all levels selected by a 1 and disable all levels selected by a O. X ' 1D ' (Bits 00-13) - Reserved. (Bits 14-31) - Write into the "Branch { From" program counter. 111 Trigger all levels selected by a 1. All such levels that are currentlyarmed advance to waiting state. X ' 1E ' (Bits 00 through 07) - Reserved. { (Bits 08 through 31) - Write into the "Load Device Address" register. tThese codes clear the current interrupts, i. e. I remove from the active or waiting state all levels selected by a 1 (see Figure 12). Control Instructions 109 INPUTjOUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS The I/O instruction set is comprised of eight instructions, as listed below. Instruction Name Mnemonic Start Input/Output SIO Test Input/Output TIO Test Device TDY Halt Input/Output HIO Reset Input/Output RIO Poll Processor POLP Poll and Reset Processor POLR Acknowl edge Input/Output Interrupt AIO OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS All I/O instructions are privi leged and can be performed only when the basic processor (BP) is in either the master or master-protected mode. If the BP attempts to execute an I/o instruction when it is in the slave mode (bit 8 of the current PSW is a 1), the instruction is aborted at the time the operation code is decoded and the BP traps to location X ' 40 ' • Programs operating in the slave mode must request I/O services from the System Monitor. At the end of every I/O instruction, the condition code bits represent a summary description of the results of the I/O operation and conditions within the addressed I/O subsystem. Specific condition code settings and meanings (unique for each I/O instruction) are contained in the detailed description for each I/o instruction. All I/O instructions, except RIO, may request detailed I/O status information. The type and amount of I/O status information that may be requested is determined by the operation code and the R field of the I/O instruction. The R field also designates which general register{s) is to be loaded with the requested information. (Refer to I/O Status Informati on for further detai Is. ) I/O instructions are similar to other word-addressing instructions in that bits 15-31 may be modified by indirect addressing and/or indexing. However, the final value of the~e bits is r.ct used as en effect;vc \ditua! addieSS for memory reference. Instead, depending upon the I/o instructi on, these bi ts are used as an extensi on to the operation code field, as an I/O address to select a particular I/O subsystem, or they may be reserved. Further detai Is of I/O instructions are illustrated in Figure 13 and described in Table 13. 110 Input/Output Instructions 1/0 STATUS INFORMATION SIO, TIO, TDY, AND HIO INSTRUCTIONS If the R field is coded with a 0, no status information is requested nor loaded. If the R field is odd, one word of status information is requested to be loaded into register R as specified by the R field. If the R field is even (not zero), two words of status information are requested to be loaded into registers Rand Ru 1. The following I/O status information may be loaded into register R only when the R field is coded with an even (nonzero) value. The significance of each bit within register R is described in Table 14. The following I/O status information may be loaded into register R if the R field is odd, or into register Ru 1 if the R field is even and not zero. The format of information within the specified general register (R or Ru1) is shown below. Device Status Byte. These eight bits (0-7) when loaded into the specified general register provide status information pertaining to the addressed device and device controller or lOP. The significance of each bit when requested by an SIO, TIO, and HIO instruction is described in Table 15. The significance of these bits when requested by a TDY instruction is different and is described in the applicable peripheral device reference manual. Operational Status Byte. Bits 8-15 of the specified general register (R or Ru1) indicate either the presence (1) or absence (0) of various errors which may have occurred during an I/o operation. The significance of the individual bits within the operational status byte are described in Table 16. Table 17 is the summary description of the Device Status Byte and the Operational Status Byte. Byte Count. Bits 16-31 of register Ru1 indicate the number of bytes that have to be transmitted to or from memory in the operation called for by the current I/o command doub Ieword • RIO INSTRUCTION No status information is returned to the general registers for an RIO instruction (the R field is ignored). Only condition code bits (CCl - CC3) are set to reflect the I/o condi ti ons. * 1 Operation Code R I· X Reference Address I Initial I/O '-. I --L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _---L_ _ _ _---1...._ _ _..I..---:::::--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......a Instruction II * o Operation Code X R ~~ I!~~:::~:::~;- I/O Address '-·--L.·----------L--------1...---~-~~----~~--------------~·in9 o Operation Code (Hexadecimal) Mnemonic o o 15017 18 and/or indexing 23 24 20 21 o SIO 4 C R X CA UA 1 DCA TIO 4 D R X CA UA o CA UA o 000 DCA 000 DCA 000 TDY 4 E R X HIO 4 F R X 000 CA UA RIO 4 F R X 001 CA UA POLP 4 F R X 010 CA UA POLR 4 F R X 011 CA UA AlO 6 E R X 00 000 (2) o 0) 1 1 o 31 27 28 000 DCA DA DCA DA DCA DA DCA Portions of a word format that are shaded represent bits that are reserved (after the I/O address is generated) and must be coded with zeros to ensure program compatibility with possible enhancements to software and/or hardware. aCE = operation code field extension; CA DA = device address. = cluster address; UA = unit address; DCA = device controller address; To address a single-unit device controller, bit 24 must be a 0; to address a multiunit device controller, bit 24 must be a 1. Figure 13. Formats of I/O Instructions Table 13. Description of I/O Instructions Bit Position Applicable Instructions (Mnemonics) 0 All I/O instructions If this bit is a 1, bits 15-31 of the initial direct addressing. 1-7 SIO, TIO, TDV, and AlO For these four instructions, the operation code uniquely defines the I/O operation that is to be performed. HIO, RIO, POLP, and POLR Within bit positions 1-7, these four instructions all have the same operation code (X I 4F'). The instructions are differentiated by using bits 15, 16, and 17 as an extension of the operation code field. SIO, TIO, TDV, and HIO The value of the R field specifies how much status information is requested from the addressed I/O subsystem (lOP, device controller, and device) and into which general register{s) the status information is to be loaded. If the value of the R field is even and not 0, two words of status information are requested to be loaded into registers Rand Ru 1. If the value of the R field is odd, one word of status information is requested to be loaded into register R. RIO Although the R field is not used by the RIO instruction, the R field may be coded with any value as required by the program. 8-11 Function and/or Description I/o instruction are modified by in- Input/Output Instructions 111 Table 13. Description of I/O Instructions (cont.) Bit Position Applicable Instructions (Mnemonics) 8- 11 POLP and POLR This field specifies which general register (including register 0) is to receive processor (MIOP, RMP, BP, MI, PI, or System Control Processor) fault information. AIO If the R field is a, no status information is requested. If the"R field is not a, the designated general register is to be loaded with the requested status information. 12-14 All I/O instructions The X field may be used to specify indexing. 15-17 510, TIO, TDV, and AIO After the I/O address is generated, these bits are reserved and must be coded with zeros. HIO, RIO, POLP, and POLR These bits are an extension to the operation code field (bits 1-7) and permit each of these instructions to be uniquely defined. Function and/or Description (cont.) Note that these bits are subject to modifications due to indirect addressing or indexing. The final configuration of these bits must be as shown below: HIO = 000 = 001 = OlO RIO POLP POLR = 18-31 all The I/O address (after any indirect addressing and/or indexing) is contained within these bits. Depending upon the I/O instruction, the required I/O address may be compri sed of (1) a cluster address; (2) a cluster address and a unit address; (3) a cluster address, a unit address, and a device controller address; or (4) a cluster address, a unit address, a device controller address, and a devi ce address. All I/o instructions (except AIO) Subfields of the final I/o address field are described below. f----- - 18 ~------- - - -" - All I/O instructions (except AIO) 23 -f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112 - - - - - - 1. The assignment of addresses is mutually exclusive, that is, no two units may have the same address. 2. Bits 18-20 represent a cluster address. 3. Bits 21-23 represent a unique unit within that cluster. Since all processor clusters contain as a minimum a Processor Interface (PI) unit and a memory interface (MI) unit, the address (llO) 21-23 and (111) 21-23 have been preassigned to these units. --- AIO After the I/o address is generated, these bits are reserved and must be coded 510, TIO, TDV, and HIO If the I/O instruction is addressed to a single-unit device controller, this bit must be coded as a O. If the I/O instruction is addressed to a multiunit device controller, this bit must be coded as a 1. Note that bit 24 is not considered as part of the device controller address. Input/Output Instructions - These bits constitute the cluster address (CA) and the unit address (UA) field of an I/o instruction. Cluster and unit addresses may be assigned in the following manner: c---------------------- 24 - Table 13. Bit Position Applicable Instructions (Mnemonics) 24 Function and/or Description RIO, POLP, POLR, and AIO After the I/O address is generated, this bit is reserved and must be coded with a zero. (cont.) --- f------ 25 - Description of I/O Instructions (cont.) ---- - - - - - - - - - - ------- If the I/o instruction is addressed to a single-unit device controller (bit 24 is a 0), bits 25-31 represent one of 16 possible device controller addresses (X1001 - X10FI). There is no need to specify a device address. SIO, no, TDY, and HIO 31 _If the I/O instruction is addressed to a multiunit (e. g., magnetic tape) device controller (bit 24 is a 1), bits 25-27 represent one of eight possible device controller addresses (X101 - X?I) and bits 28-31 represent one of 16 possible device addresses (X101 - XIP). Device controller addresses assigned to controllers within the same I/O channel (e. g., MIOP), must be mutually exclu~;ve. Note that bit 24, which must be a 0 when addressing a single-unit device controller and a 1 when addressing a multiunit device controller, is not considered a part of the decive controller address. Thus, for example, if the device controller address X101 is assigned to a multiunit device controller within an MIOP, no other device controller (single or multiunit) within that MIOP may have an address of X101. -- - - - -- RIO, POLP, POLR, and AIO - - - Table 14. I/o Status Information (Register R) Bit Position Significance o Reserved - - - - - - - - - - - --- Table 14. I/O Status Information (Register R) (cont.) Bit Position t Bus Check Fault (BCF). - After the I/O address is generated, these bits are reserved and must be coded with zeros. 3 This bit is set to 1 tt Significance Memory Interface Error (MIE). lOP Halt condition is the same as a Bus Check Fault. 4-12 Reservel 13-31 Current Command Doubl eword Address. The 19 high-order bits of the main memory address from which the command doubleword for the I/O operation currently bei ng processed by the addressed I/O subsystem is fetched. if a discrepancy exists between the parity error status in the memory unit and the lOP when an lOP is performing a main memory read cyc Ie. If the error occurs wh i Ie accessing data then the device halt. is controlled by the Halt-on-Transmission-Error flag (bit position 36 of an I/O command doubleword). If the error occurs whi Ie fetching a command, the operation is terminated immediatey with an "unusual end". Control Check Fault (CCF). This bit is set to 1 when a parity error occurs during a subchannel read operation within the MIOP. The operation terminates immediately with I an "unusual end". I tTo ensure program compatibility with possible software and/or hardware enhancements, it is recommended that reserved bi ts be treated as i ndetermi nate and not used (i. e. I masked). ttThe lOP unconditionally sets the Processor Fault Indicator (PFI) whenever a Bus Check Fault, Control Check Fault, Control Memory Fault, or Memory Interface Error occurs. The lOP fault status register isset with status information as listed under the POLP or POLR instructions. i Input/Output Instructions 113 Table 15. Bit Position o Table 15. Device Status Byte (Register R or Ru1) (SIO, no, and HIO only) Significance Interrupt Pending. This bit is set to a 1 if the addressed device has requested an interrupt that has not been acknowledged by the BP with an AIO instruction. If this bit is a 1, the current SIO instruction is not accepted. Condition code bits are set to reflect this action and any requested status information is loaded into the designated general register(s). SIO instructions will not be accepted unti I the interrupt pending condition is cleared. Bit Position o (cont. ) Appropriate flag(s) (IZC, ICE, and/or IUE; bit positions 33, 35, and 37, respectively) within the I/O command doubleword must be set to 1. 2. The flagged event (byte count reduced to zero for the IZC flag, II channel end ll condition for the ICE flag, or lIunusual end ll condition for the IUE flag) must occur. 3. lOP may signal device controller to raise interrupt without examining interrupt flags, if: a. A connection address error is detected. b, Any error is detected when lOP is accessing an 10eD. For case a, no interrupt status wi II be set in response to an AlO. For case b, an IUE signal is sent back in response to an AIO. An I/o interrupt may also be requested by certain devices via M modifier bits within the basic order for that device (see Operational Command Doublewords). A BP wi II respond to an interrupt request from a particular I/o subsystem if (1) the I/O interrupt level (X '5C') is armed, 114 Input/Output Instructions Significance enabled, and not inhibited; and (2) that there is no higher priority interrupt level in the active or waiting state. 1,2 Device Condition. If bits 1 and 2 are 00 (device IIreadyll), all device conditions required for proper operation are satisfied. If bits 1 and 2 are 01 (device IInot operational ll ), the addressed device has developed some condition that will not allow it to proceed; in either case, operator intervention is usually required. If bits 1 and 2 are 10 (device II unavailable ll ), the device has more than one channel of communication available and it is engaged in an operation controlled by a controller other than the one specified by the I/o address. If bits 1 and 2 are 11 (device II busyll), the device has accepted a previous SIO instruction and is already engaged in an I/O operation. 3 Device Mode. If this bit is 1, the device is in the lIautomatic ll mode; if this bit is 0, the device is in the IImanual" mode and requires operator intervention. This bit can be used in conjunction with bits 1 and 2 to determine the type of action required. For example, assume that a card reader is able to ·operate, but no cards are in the hopper. The card reader would be in state 000 (device II ready II , but manual intervention required), where the state is indicated by bits 1, 2, and 3 of the I/O status response. If the operator subsequently loads the card hopper and presses the card reader START switch; the reader would advance to state 001 (device "ready" and in automatic operation). If the card reader is in state 000 when an SIO instruction is executed, the SIO would be accepted by the reader and the reader would advance to state 110 (device II busyll, but operator intervention required). Should the operator then place cards in the hopper and press the START switch, the card reader state would advance to 111 (device II busyll and in "automatic ll mode), and the input operation would proceed. Should the card reader subsequently become empty (or the ope;ator press the STOP switch) and command chaining is being used to read a number of cards, the card reader wou Id return to state 110. If the card reader is in state 001 when an SIO instruction is executed, the reader advances to state 111, and the input Normally, before a device can request an interrupt, the following conditions must prevail: 1. Device Status Byte (Register R or Ru1) (SIO, no, and HIO only) (cont.) Table 16. Operational Status Byte (Register Ru1) Table 15. Device Status Byte (Register R or Ru1) (SIO, TIO, and HIO only) (cont.) Bit Position Bit Position 8 3 (cont. ) operation continues as normal. Should the hopper subsequently become empty (or should the operator press the card reader STOP switch) and command chaining is being used to read a number of cards, the reader would go to state 110 unti I the operator corrected the situation. 4 Unusual End. If this bit is a 1, the previous I/O operation terminated in an " un usual end". Unusual end conditions occur for various reasons that are unique to each device (refer to appl icable periphera I reference manua I for further deta iI s) • 5,6 Device Controller or lOP Condition. The function of these two bits is dependent upon the type of lOP addressed by the I/o instruction. MIOP Operations: If bits 5 and 6 are 00 (device controller "ready"), all device controller conditions required for its proper operation are satisfied. If bits 5 and 6 are 01 (device controller "not operational"), some condition has developed that does not allow it to operate properl y . Operator i ntervent i on is usua II y required. If bits 5 and 6 are 10 (device controller "unavailable"), the device controller is currently engaged in an operation controlled by an lOP other than the one addressed by the I/O instruction. If bits 5 and 6 are 11 (device controller "busy"), the device controller has accepted a previous SIO instruction and is currently engaged in performing an operation for the addressed lOP. 7 Significance Significance Reserved. To ensure program compatibility with possible software and/or hardware enhancements, it is recommended that this bit be treated as indeterminate and not used (i. e., masked). Incorrect Length. This bit is set to 1 if an incorrect length condition occurred within the responding subchannel. An incorrect length condition is caused by a "channel end" (or end of record) condition occurring before the device controller has a "count done" signal from the lOP (indicating that the byte count has been reduced to zero), or is caused by the device controller receiving a count done signal before channel end (or end of record): e. g., count done before 80 columns have been read from a card. When set to a 1, the incorrect length bit, by itself, always signifies that an incorrect length condition has occurred. If the SIL flag (bit 38 of the I/O command doubleword) is coded with a 0, the detected incorrect length condi ti on is to be interpreted as an error condition. If the SIL flag is coded with a 1, the detected. incorrect length condition is to be interpreted as a nonerror condition. If an incorrect length condition is to result in a device halt, the SIL flag must be coded with a 0 and the HTE flag (bit 36 of the I/O command doubleword) must be coded with a 1. 9 Transmission Data Error. This bit is set to 1 if the device controller or lOP detected a parity error or daTa overrun in Tne Transmittal information. A device halt occurs as a result of a transmission data error only if the HTE flag of the I/o command doubleword is coded with a 1. 10 Transmission Memory Error. This bit is set to 1 if a memory parity error was detected during a data input/output operation. A device halt occurs as a result of a transmission memory error only if the HTE flag of the I/O command doubleword is coded with a 1. 11 Memory Address Error. This bit is set to 1 if a nonexistent memory address is detected during a chaining operation or a data input/ output operation. This bit is cleared during a successful SIO or HIO. 12 lOP Memory Error. This bit is set to 1 if the lOP detects a memory parity error while fetching a command. The bit is cleared during a successful SIO or HIO. 13 lOP Control Error. This bit is set to 1 if the lOP detects two successive Transfer in Channel commands. The bit is cleared during a successful SIO or HIO. Input/Output Instructions 115 Table 16. Operational Status Byte (Register Ru 1) (cont.) Bit Position 14 Significance lOP Halt. This bit is set to 1 if an error condition is detected which causes the lOP to issue a halt order to the addressed I/O device. Error conditions which may cause an lOP halt (independent of the HTE flag within the I/o command doubleword) are: 1. Table 16. Operational Status Byte (Register Ru1) (cont.) Bit Position Significance 14 (cont.) Error conditions which may cause an lOP halt only if the HTE flag is coded with a 1 are: Bus check fault that occurs while fetching a command 2. Control check fault 3. Memory address error 4. lOP memory error 5. lOP contfol error 1. Bus check fault that occurs whi Ie fetching data 2. Transmission memory error 3. Transmission data error 4. Incorrect length conditi on occurri ng while the SIL flag is coded with a O. An lOP halt condition causes the current operation to terminate immediately as an ll II unusua I end • 15 This bit is set to a 1 if a Write Lock Violation (WLV) occurs. Table 17. Status Response Bits for I/O Instructions Position and State in Register Ru 1 Operational Status Byte Device Status Byte o 2 3 - 0 0 - - 0 4 5 6 7 - 1 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 Significance for SIO, HIO, and TIO interrupt pending device ready device not operational device unavai lable device busy device manual devi ce automati c 101 1 - 8 9 0 1 - 0 0 - - 0 1 101 1 device unusual end device controller ready device controller not operational device controller unavailable device controller busy reserved Significance for TDV T unique to the device and the device controller incorrect length transmission data error tronsmission memory error memory address error lOP memory error lOP control error lOP halt write lock violation 116 Input/Output Instructions same as for SIO, HIO, and TIO I POLP and POLR INSTRUCTIONS The R field of these two instructions always specifiesa general register (including register 0) that may receive up to 16 bits of fault status information from an addressed BP or MIOP. Each bit indicates the presence (1) or absence (O) of a specific fault condition within the polled processor (as listed in Table C-1). Note that the information represented by a particular bit is also dependent upon the type of processor polled (e. g., bit 18 may indicate a memory parity error in the BP or a control check fault within an MIOP). Table 18. lOP Status Byte (cont.) Bit Position 8 (cont. ) For this instruction, if the R field has a value of 0, no status information is requested nor loaded. If the R field has a value of X l l 1 through X'F', the specified register may receive one word of I/o information pertaining to an I/O interrupt. 9 Transmission Data Error. This bit is set to 1 if, since the last accepted SIO instruction addressed to this subchannel, the device controller or lOP detected a parity error or data overrun in the transmitted information. A device halt occurs as a result of a transmission data error only if the HTE flag of the I/o command doubleword is coded with a 1. 10 Zero Byte Count Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 if the interrupt on zero byte count flag is 1 and zero byte count is detected. 11 Channel End Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 if the interrupt at channel end flag is 1 and "channel end" is reported by the device to the lOP. 12 Unusual End Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 if the interrupt at unusual end flag is 1 and unusual end is reported by the device to the lOP, or if the lOP halt is signaled to the devi ce control Ier by the lOP. 13 Write Lock Violation. This bit is set to 1 if the memory signaled a Write Lock Violation in the course of transmitting information from the device to the memory. If the HTE flag and the I UE flag are set, the operati on wi II terminate with an "unusual end". 14 Reserved. 15 Reserved. Device and Device Controller Status Byte. Bits 0-7 of the status word obtained by an AIO instruction from a responding I/O subsystem are unique to the device and device controller. These bits are described in the applicable peripheral device reference manual. Table 19 is a summary description of the Device/Device Controller Status Byte and the lOP Status Byte. Bits 16-18. These bits of the AIO response are reserved. To ensure program compatibility with any enhancements {software and/or hardware}, it is recommended that these bits be treated as indeterminate and not used (i. e., masked). the byte count has been reduced to zero), or is caused by the device controller receiving a count done signal before channel end (or end of record): e. g., count done before 80 columns have been read from a card. When set to a 1, the incorrect length bit, by itself, always signifies that an "incorrect length" condition has occurred. If the SIL flag (bit 38 of the I/O command doubleword) is coded with a 0, the detected incorrect length condition is to be interpreted as an error condition. If the SIL flag is coded with a 1, the detected incorrect length condition is to be interpreted as a nonerror condition. If an incorrect length condition is to result in a device halt, the SIL flag must be coded with a 0 and the HTE flag (bit 36 of the I/O command doubleword) must be coded with a 1. Ala INSTRUCTION lOP Status Byte. Bits 8-15 indicate the presence (1) or absence {O} of various operation errors and interrupts that may have occurred during an I/O operation. The functions of individual bits within the lOP Status Byte are described in Table 18. Significance Table 18. lOP Status Byte Bit Position 8 Significance Incorrect Lenlilth. This bit is set to 1 if an incorrect length condition occurred within the responding subchannel. An incorrect length condition is caused by a "channel end ll (or end of record) condition occurring before the device controller has a "count done" signal from the lOP (indicating that Input/Output Instructions 117 Table 19. Status Response Bits for AIO Instruction Position and State in Register R Device Status Byte Operational Status Byte o 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 Significance unique to the device and the device controller incorrect length transmission data error zero byte count interrupt channel end interrupt unusual end interrupt write lock violation reserved reserved I/O Address. Depending upon the type of device controller responding to the AIO instruction, the I/O address may be comprised either ofa processor address and a singleunit device controller address or a processor address, a multiunit device controller address, and a device address. The subfields of the I/O address are described in Table 20. Table 20. I/O Address (AlO Response) Bit Position Significance 18-20 This field contains the cluster address. 21-23 This field contains the unit address. 24-27 This field contains all ones. 28-31 This field contains the device address. START INPUT/OUTPUT performs the following: 1. Attempts to initiate an input or output operation whether an I/o operation is started or not is dependent upon conditions within the addressed I/O subsystem (see meanings of condition code settings). 2. Specifies which lOP, channel, device controller, and input/output device is to be selected (bits 18-31 of the effective virtual address of the instruction word). 3. Specifies the address of the first command doubleword for the subsequent I/O operation (bits 13-31 of genprnl rpniC:+pr m -- -- - -;::;r-- -- -,. 4. Specifies how much additional status information is to be returned from the I/O system (R field, bits 8-11 of instruction word). 5. Specifies which general registers are to be loaded with the requested status information (R fjeld, bits 8-11, of i nstructi on word). Instruction Register 6. Set MIOP in test mode by using device controller address X'3F' or X'7F'. Note that device controller addresses X'3F' and X'7F' are prohibited for normal opeiation. Genera I Reg i ster 0 General register 0 is temporarily dedicated during SIO instruction execution and must contain the doubleword memory address of the first command doubleword specifying the operation to be started. The required address information must be in general register 0 when the SIO is executed. SIO 118 START INPUT/OUTPUT (Word index alignment, privileged) Input/Output Instructi ons Status information for an SIO instruction isalways returned via condition code bits. Additional information may be requested and returned via the general registers as specified by the R field of the SIO instruction. However, the return of the additional information is dependent upon conditions encountered within the addressed I/O subsystem (see meanings of condition code settings). 2 3 4 o Meaning 0 I/O address not recognized, SIO not accepted, and status information returned to genera I reg i sters is incorrect. 1 1 1 0 Incoming parity error detected by processor and SIO aborted. No status information returned to general registers. If the R field is coded with a 0, no additional status information is requested. If the R field is coded with an odd value, one word of status information is requested to be loaded into register R. The format of this information is as follows: If the R field is coded with an even (nonzero) value, two words of status information are requested. The format of information within register Ru1 is as shown above. The format of information within register R is as follows: If CC4 = 1, the MIOP is in test mode and the meaning of. the condition code during an SIO is: 2 3 4 Meaning o 0 Set test mode is successful. o 1 Set test mode is successful, but a Bus Check Fault was detected. TID 1*1 TEST INPUT/OUTPUT (Word index alignment, privileged) 40 0123145 These responses provide the program with information necessary to determine the current status of the addressed I/O subsystem. The byte count field indicates the number of bytes that are to be transmitted to or from memory in the operation called for by the current command doubleword. The other fields are described in Tables 14 -17. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC The meaning of the condition code bits during an SIO instruction is: o 2 3 4 Meaning 0 0 0 I/o address recognized, SIO accepted, and status information in general registers is correct. o0 0 TEST INPUT/OUTPUT is used to make an inquiry on the status of data transmission. The operation of the selected lOP, device controller, and device is not affected, and no operations are initiated or terminated by this instruction. The responses to no provide the program with the information necessary to determine the current status of the device, device controller, and lOP, the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted into or from main memory in the operation, and the present point at which the lOP is operating in the command list. If the R field of the TIO instruction is 0, no general registers are affected, but the condition code is set. If the R field of TIO is an odd value, the condition code is set and the I/O status and byte count are loaded into register R as follows: Not possi;;le. o 0 Not possible. o 1 0 0 I/O address recognized, SIO not accepted because device controller or device is busy, and status information in general registers is correct. o 0 Not possible. o 0 0 Not possible. o 1 0 Pari ty error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the SIO is indeterminate. If the R field of the TIO instruction is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register Ru1 is loaded as shown above, and register R is loaded as follows: Refer to Tables 14-17 for functions of individual bits within status words. Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC Input/Output Instructions 119 If CC4 ::: 0, the MIOP is in a normal mode of operation and the meaning of the condition code during a no is: 2 3 4 Meaning o 0 0 0 I/O address recognized, acceptable SIO is currently possible, and status information in general registers is correct. o 0 Not possible. o 0 0 Not possible. o o o 0 I/O address recognized but acceptable SIO is not currently possible because device controller or device is busy. Status information in general registers is correct. 1 1 0 Not possible. o 0 0 Not possible. o 1 0 Pari ty error detected on returned status and/ or condition code. The result of the no is indeterminate. 1 1 0 0 I/O address not recognized, no not accepted, and status information returned to general registers is incorrect. 1 1 1 0 Incoming parity error detected by processor and no aborted. No status information returned to general registers. If CC4 ::: 1, the MIOP is in the test mode and the meaning of the condition code during a no is: TEST DEVICE is used to provide information about a device other than that obtained by means of the no instruction. The operation of the selected lOP, device controller, and device is not affected, and no operations are initiated or terminated. The responses to TDV provide the program with information giving details on the condition of the selected device, the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted in the current operation, and the present point at which the lOP is operating in the command list. If the R field of the TDV instruction is 0, the condition code is set, but no general registers are affected. If the R field of TDV is an odd value, the condition code is set and the device status and byte count are loaded into register R as follows: If the value of the R field of TDY is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register Rul is loaded as shown above, and register R is loaded as follows: Refer to the applicable peripheral reference manual for description of Deyice Status Byte. Refer to Tables 16 and 17 for functions of other bits within status words. Affected: (R), (Rul), CC 2 3 4 000 Meaning Unit is performing an Order Out operation. If CC4 = 0, the MIOP is in a normal mode of operation and thp mpnninn nf th", rnn,.Hti,...n rl'V'l", ...4 .. rinn n ••• ••• _ - ••••• ;;;1 - ' ••• - _ . , - •• ' - " - - - - - _ . "'>:} - o o Unit is performing an Order In operation. o0 Unit is performing a Data Out operation. o 1 Pari ty error detected by Processor Interface on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the no is indeterminate. o Unit is performing a Data In operation. BCF detected while unit performing a Data In operation. TOV 120 TEST DEVICE (Word index alignment, privileged) Input/Output Instructions Tnv • - ie: • •• ~. 2 3 4 Meaning o 0 0 0 I/O address recognized, no device-dependent condition present, and status information in general registers is correct. o 0 1 0 Not possible. o 0 1 1 Not possible. o 1 0 0 I/O address recognized and device-dependent condition is present or device controller is in test mode. o 1 1 0 Not possible. 2 3 4 If the R field is an odd value, the condition code is set and the following information is loaded into register R. Meaning o 0 0 Not possible. o 1 0 Parity error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the TDV is indeterminate. 1 1 0 0 I/O address not recognized, TDV not accepted, and status information returned to the general registers is incorrect. 1 1 1 0 Incoming parity error detected by processor and TDV aborted. No status information returned to general registers. If CC4 = 1, the MIOP is in the test mode and the meaning of the condition code during a TDV is: 2 3 4 Meaning 000 Unit is performing an Order Out operation. o 0 Unit is performing an Order In operation. o0 Unit is performing a Data Out operation. o Pari ty error detected by Processor Interface on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the TDV is indeterminate. 1 o Unit is performing a Data In operation. nrt:............ ...I~~",_~""...I , .. k.: I"" 11,..:+ norf"'rrn:,.. ........ .,""" -'-1'._- ........ - _.... r-... _· ...... v - This information shows the status of the addressed I/o subsystem at the time of the halt. The byte count field shows the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted to or from memory. Other fields are described in Table 14-17. The HIO instruction must have zeros in bit positions 15, 16, and 17 to differentiate it from the RIO, POLP, and POLR ,instructions, which also have X ' 4F' as an operation code (bits 1-7). Affected: (R), (Ru1), CC If CC4 = 0, the MIOP is in a normal mode of operation and the meaning of the condition code during an HIO instructi on is: 2 3 4 Meaning o 0 0 0 I/o address .recognized, HIO accepted, device controller not busy at time of HIO, and status information in general registers is correct. o 0 Not possible. o 0 Not possible. o 1 0 0 I/o address recognized, HIO accepted, and device controller busy at the time of the HIO, and status information is correct. o 0 Not possible. 000 Not possible. 010 Pari ty error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the HIO is i ndeterm i nate. f) .... fn --Tn -_.- operation. HID If the R field of HIO is an even value and not 0, the condition code is set, register Ru1 is loaded as shown above, and register R contains the following information. HALT INPUT/OUTPUT 0Nord index alignment, t privileged) HALT INPUT/OUTPUT causes the addressed device to immediately halt its current operation (perhaps improperly, in the case of magnetic tape units, when the device is forced to stop at other than an interrecord gap). If the device is in an interrupt-pending condition, the condition is cleared. . If the R field of the HIO instruction is 0, the condition code is set, but no general registers are affected. tWhen indexing operation code 4F instructions (HIO, RIO, POLP, POLR), the programmer must make certain that the summation of the contents of the index register and the I/o address (bits 18-31 of the instruction word) does not affect bits 15-17. When indirect addressing is used, the contents of the indirect address location (bits 15, 16, and 17) must specify the desired operation code extension. 0 1 1 0 0 I/o address not recognized, HIO not accepted, and no status information returned to general registers. 1 1 1 0 Incoming parity error detected by processor and HIO aborted. No status information returned to general registers. Input/Output Instructions 121 If CC4 = 1, the MIOP is in the test mode and the meaning of the condition code during an HIO is: 2 3 4 Condition code settings are as shown below: o 000 Unit is performing an Order Out operation. 010 Unit is performing an Order In operation. o 0 Unit is performing a Data Out operation. o 1 Processor Interface detected parity error on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the HIO is indeterminate. o 2 3 4 Meaning 0 0 - I/O address recognized. Meaning 1 0 1 - Parity error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the RIO is indeterminate. 1 1 0 - I/O address not recognized. POLP POLL PROCESSOR 0/'Iord index alignment, t privileged) Unit is performing a Data In operation. BCF detected whi Ie unit performing a Data In operation. RIO RESET INPUT/OUTPUT POLL PROCESSOR causes the addressed unit to return unit fau It status in bi ts 16-31 of reg i ster Rtt. Th is status i nformation is unit dependent (see Appendix C, Table C-l). 0/'Iord index alignment, t privileged) In addition to the operation code of X'4F', bits 15, 16, and 17 must be coded as 010, respectively. Affected: (R), CC1, CC2, CC3 RESET INPUT/OUTPUT causes the selected lOP to generate an I/O reset signal to all devices attached to it. In addition to the operation code X'4f!, bits 15, 16, and 17 must be coded as 001, respectively. An RIO instruction resets the selected unit in the same manner as ZCRIO on the operator's control console. However, unlike the control command, the RIO instruction resets only the addressed unit and may be controlled by the executing program. Since the BP may be addressed as an lOP, it wi II accept an RIO instruction that causes the BP to reset itself in the same manner as ZCRBP. (Note that this procedure is not normal practice.) Cluster addresses (CA), bit positions 18-20, may have values of X'O'-X'7'. Cluster addresses X'0'-X'6' may be assigned to any cluster containing processors (i. e., -BP and MIOP). In a monoprocessor system, cluster address X'O' is assigned to the cluster containing the basic processor (BP). Cluster address X'7' is assigned only to the cluster containing a system processor. If CA equals X'7', the UA field is reserved. Unit addresses (UA), bit positions 21-23, may have values of X'O'-X'?'. Unit addresses are required only if the cluster address is X 'O'.;.X'6' (i .e., cluster contains either a BP and/or MIOP). Unit addresses X'O'-X'5' may be assigned to processors within the cluster. Unit address X'5', in cluster X'O' is reserved for the BP. Unit address X'6' is assigned always to the Ml and ~mit address X'7' is assigned always to the PI for a II cI usters. Status information is returned only in the condition code bits. The R field is not used. Affected: CC 1, CC2, CC3 122 Input/Output Instructions Condition Code settings are as shown below: 1 2 3 4 Result of POLP o 0 0 - Processor fault interrupt not pending. o 1 0 - Processor fault interrupt pending. 1 0 1 - Pari ty error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the POLP is indeterminate. 1 1 0 - Unit address not recognized. POLR POLL AND RESET PROCESSOR (Word index alignment, t privileged) POLL AND RESET PROCESSOR causes the selected unit to return unit fault status in bits 16 to 31 of register Rtt and resets the unit's fault status register. This status information is unit dependent (see Appendix C, Table C-1). t See footnote to HIO instruction. ttThis fault status is duplicated in bits 0 to 15 of register R. The POLR instruction also resets and clears this unit's Processor Fault Interrupt signal and the error status register. In addition to the operation code of X'4F', bits 15, 16, and 17 must be coded as 011, respectively. Affected: (R), CC1, CC2, CC3 Condition code settings for the POLR instruction are: 1 2 3 4 Result of POLR o 0 0 - Processor fault interrupt not pending. o 0 - o 1 - 1 1 0 - AID For some conditions (transmission errors, incorrect length), two or more flags must be properly coded (see Chapter 4 for further detai Is on IOCDs). Some error conditions {e. g., pority error on reading command doubleword) will unconditionally cause an I/o interrupt. The various conditions which may result in an I/O interrupt, the coding of the corresponding control flags within the IOCD, and the bit position within the status word (returned to register R) that indicates the presence (1) or ab~ sence (0) of that interrupt condition are listed below: Condition Control Flags Coding Status Bit Set Zero byte count IZC = 1 10 Channel end ICE =1 11 Transmission memory error IUE = 1, HTE =1 12 Write lock violation IUE = 1, HTE =1 12 Incorrect length IUE = 1, HTE and SIL = 0 =1 8, 12 Processor fault interrupt pending. Pari ty error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the POLR is indeterminate. Unit address not recognized. ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPT (Word index alignment, privileged) ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPT is used to acknowledge an input/output interrupt and to identify the I/o subsystem (processor, device controller, device) that is causing the interrupt and why. If more than one I/O subsystem has' an interrupt pending, only the subsystem with the highest priority will respond to the AIO. Bits 1823 of the effective virtual address of the AIO instruction (normally used to specify the cluster and unit addresses of the I/o address field) must be coded 000000 to specify the standard I/O system interrupt acknowledgment {other codings of these bits are reserved for use with special I/o systems}. The remainder of the I/O selection code field {bit positions 24-31} are not used in the standard I/o interrupt acknowledgment (the address of the interrupt source is a part of the response from the standard I/o system to the AIO instruction). Standard I/O interrupts are program controlled via the control flags (IZC, ICE, IUE, HTE, and SIL) within the I/O command doublewords (lOCDs) that comprise the command list for the I/o operation. If a particular flag is coded as a 1 and if the corresponding condition occurs within the I/O operation, then an I/o interrupt is requested (e. g. , if the IZC flag is set to 1 and if the byte count for the I/O operation has been decremented to zero, then an I/O interrupt is requested by that I/O subsystem to indicate the end of that I/o operation; if the IZC flag is coded as a 0, no I/o interrupt is requested as a result of the byte count bei ng decremented to zero). If two or more flags are coded to cause an interrupt for two or more conditions, an interrupt is requested whenever any of the IIflagged ll conditions is detected. Memory address error, lOP memory error, lOP control error, or device connection address parity error ) (no flog needed) 12 Transmission data error iUE = i, HTE = i Unusual end IUE =1 12 lOP halt IUE =1 12, 14 9, i2 Interrupts may also be requested by certain I/o devices when they execute specific orders {e. g., when a magnetic tape unit executes a Rewind and Interrupt order}. Refer to the applicable peripheral reference manual for further details. When a device interrupt condition occurs, the lOP forwards the request to the interrupt system I/o interrupt level. If this interrupt level is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the BP eventually acknowledges the interrupt request and executes the XPSD instruction in main memory location X'5C', which normally leads to the execution of an AIO i nstructi on. For the purpose of acknowledging standard I/O interrupts, the lOPs, device controllers, and devices are connected in a preestablished priority sequence that is customer-assigned and is independent of the physical locations of the portions of the I/O system in a particular installation. If the R field of the AIO instruction is 0, the condition code is set but the general register is not affected. Input/Output Instructions 123 If the R field of AIO is not 0, the condition code is set and register R is loaded with the following information. 2 3 4 Result of Ala o Parity error detected on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the AlO is i ndetermi nate. 1 0 DC Status Byte The functions of bits within the DC status byte (which are unique to the device and device controller) are described in applicable peripheral reference manuals. The functions of other bits in the AIO response word are described in Tables 18, 19, and 20. The AlO instruction resets the interrupt request signal for the I/o subsystem responding to the AIO (i. e., I/o subsystem identified by bits 19-31 of register R). o 1 0 0 Unusual condition interrupt recognized and reset. Status information in general register is correct. o 1 1 0 Not possible 1 0 0 0 Interrupt recognized and reset. Status information not returned. 1 1 0 0 No I/O device requesting an interrupt and no status i nformati on returned to the genera I register. 1 1 1 0 Not possible. Affected: (R), CC If CC4 = 0, the MIOP is operating in a normal mode of operation and the condition code settings for AIO are shown below: o o o If CC4 = 1, the MIOP is in the test mode and the meaning of the condition code during an Ala is: 2 3 4 Result of AlO 0 0 0 0 Normal interrupt recognized and reset. Status information in general register is correct. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 124 Not possible. Parity error on returned status and/or condition code. The result of the Ala is i ndetermi nate. Not possible. Input/Output Instructions 2 3 0 0 Unit is performing an Order Out operation. 0 Unit is performing an Order In operation. 0 Unit is performing a Data Out operation. 0 0 4 Meaning Parity error detected by Processor Interface. 0 Unit is performing a Data In operation. BCF detected whi Ie unit is performing a Data In operation. 4. INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS To accommodate the variety and number of I/o devices which may be required for scientific and commercial applications, a Xerox 550 computer system may include the following: External Direct Input/Output (DIO) interface, and Multiplexor Input/Output Processors (MIOPs). more of the following types of device controllers may be connected to (.!n MIOP: 1. Single-unit device controller {internal or external}. 2. Mu Iti -un it dev ice con tro II er (i n terna I or externa I). 3. Unit-record controller (internal or external). EXTERNAL 010 INTERFACE An external DIO interface permits standard and specially designed I/O devices to perform I/o operations (normally in a real-time environment) that are controlled directly by the basic processor (BP). Appropriate control signals and up tC' one word (32 bits) of data may be exchanged between the BP and an addressed I/O device for each READ DIRECT or WRITE DIRECT instruction executed by the BP. During a WRITE DIRECT instruction (Mode 2 through F), the BP holds the control and data lines stable until an acknowledgment signal is received from the addressed I/O device. During a READ DIRECT instruction (Mode 2 through F), the BP holds the control lines stabl e unti I the addressed I/O device furnishes the data accompanied with an acknowledgment signal. Any delay encountered in receiving the acknowledgment signal, for either READ DIRECT or WRITE DIRECT instructions, does not have an adverse effect upon I/O operations being performed by the MIOP. Refer to Xerox publication 90 09 73 (Interface Design Manual) for further detai Is pertaining to the external DIO interface. Also, refer to appropriate peripheral reference manuals for detai Is on control and data signals. MULTIPLEXOR INPUT/OUTPUT PROCESSOR (MIOP) An MIOP permits standard and commercially available I/O devices (e. g., card readers, card punches, magnetic tape units, etc.) to be controlled primarily by individual I/O subchannels within the MIOP and associated device controllers. Depending upon the number of I/O subchannels assigned (maximum of 16, as described under II Device Controllers"), an equivalent number of I/O operations may be performed simultaneously. Generally, an internal device controller is physically connected via the internal I/O interface. An external device controller is located remotely to the MIOP and may require one or more separate chassis to accommodate it. A single-unit device controller (internal or external) is specifically designed to control only one I/O device, usually a unit-record device such as a card reader, a card punch, or a line printer. Characteristics of a single-unit device controller are dependent upon the device controlled. (Refer to an appropriate peripheral reference manual for further information. ) A multi-unit device controller (internal or external) is specially designed to control more than one I/O device, where all the I/O devices are of the same type {e. g., magnetic tape units or RADs}. However, only one I/O device at a time may be actively involved in a data transfer operation. Characteristics of a multi-unit device controller are dependent upon the I/O devices controlled. For example, a multi -unit device controller for magnetic tape units may control up to eight units. (Refer to an appropriate peripheral reference manual for further information. ) Unit-record controllers {internal or external} are designed to control up to eight unit record type of I/O devices {e. g., card readers, card punches, line printers}. All I/O devices attached to a unit-record controller need not be of the same type. All I/O devices attached to a unit-record controller may perform separate I/O operations, including data transfers, simultaneously. The number of device controllers, as well as the number of I/O devices, that may be connected to an MIOP is dependent upon the following considerations: 1. The maximum number of I/O subchannels within an MIOP is 16. 2. Each single-unit device controller (internal or external) requires one I/o subchannel. 3. Each multi -unit device controller (internal or external) requires one of the first eight subchannels within the MIOP. DEVICE CONTROLLERS All I/O devices associated with an MIOP are connected via an appropriate device controller. Depending upon the number and type of I/O devices to be connected, one or Input/Output Operations 125 4. Each unit-record controller (internal or external) requires one I/o subchannel per each unit record device attached, up to a maximum of eight. 5. The maximum number of internal device controllers within an MIOP is eight (where a unit-record device controller is equivalent to one, regardless of the number of assigned subchannels). 6. Any I/o subchannel not assigned to an internal device controller may be assigned to an external device controller. Thus, if an MIOP has no internal device controller, all 16 I/O subchannels may be assigned to external device controllers. be accomplished by including a control lOCO within the command list (see II Transfer in Channel ll under "Control 10CDsll). 4. Each lOCO is comprised of two words in contiguous memory word locations. The first word must be stored in an even memory word location and the second word must be stored in the next "consecutive (odd) memory word location. Each lOCO is either an operational lOCO or a control lOCO and contains coded parameters to define either a complete I/o operation or an integral portion of an I/O operation. (See" Operational lOCO" and "Control lOCO" for further detai Is. ) OPERATIONAL lOCO INPUTjOUTPUT PROCESSOR [lOP) FUNDAMENTALS This section contains general information, programming concepts, and definition of terms pertaining to I/o operations performed by Input/Output Processors (i. e., MIOP). The large variety of I/O devices which may be used with these lOPs precludes a detailed or exhaustive description of features which are unique to each device. likewise, a general reference" Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral reference manual" is made rather than citing specific manuals. An operational lOCO may contain up to five fields of parameters, as required, to define either an entire I/O operation or an integral portion of an I/o operation. The general format and description of parameters contained within an operational lOCO are as follows": Within this manual, the following terminology is used to differentiate the hierarchy of control during an I/o operation: The BP executes instructions, the lOPs execute commands, and the device controller/device execute orders. ORDER COMMAND LIST Each I/O operation performed by an lOP must be defined by a command list. The characteristics and requirements of a command iist are as foiiows: 1. 2. 3. 126 This 8-bit field (bit positions 0-7), if required, may be coded to spec ify ei ther an input or an output order that is executed by the device controller/device. General coding formats and functions of typical I/o orders are Iisted below: It is normally created by a BP-executed program prior to the time that the defined I/O operation is initiated. It must reside in main memory when the I/O operation is initiated and subsequently executed. o Bit Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Order Function M M M M M MOl Write Output operati on Depending upon various programming considerations, the command list may be contained within one or more areas of memory and each area may be comprised of one or more I/o command doublewords (lOCOs). MMMMMM 1 0 Read Input operati on MMMMMM1 1 Control Output control i nformat ion M M M MOl 0 0 Sense Input control information MMMM 1 1 0 0 Read Backward Input data, in reverse sequence Command list continuity between lOCOs relating to the same logical record or to the same logical file may be specified (see "Data Chain Flag ll and IICommand Chain Flag ll under 1I0perationai 10CDslI). Command list continuity between portions of a command list located in different areas of main memory may Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamenta Is Orders that are executed by a specific type of device are listed and described in the appropriate Xerox peripheral equipment reference manual. When an operational 10CD is fetched by the lOP, the content of the order field, if required, is loaded into an order register within the device controller/device. If two or more 10CDs are required to define a logical record (as described under "Data Chain Flag"), the order obtained from the first 10CD prevai Is for all subsequent 10CDs within that logi cal record and any orders contained within the subsequent 10CDs are ignored. in Channel command, as described later, before fetching the next operational 10CD.) As a result of fetching the next operational 10CD, all parameters, except the I/O order, are updated and the device controller/device continue to operate as if the I/o operation were defined by a single IOCD (i. e., the data chain operation is transparent to the device controller/device). If data chaining is not specified, the lOP wi II generate a "count done" signal when the byte count of the current 10CD is reduced to zero. The "count done" signal indicates that the lOP has completed all data transfers for the current logical record. However, as described under "Interrupt on Channel End Flag", the I/o order is not completed until the device signals a "channel end". MEMORY BYTE ADDRESS This 22-bit field (bit positions 10-31), if requi red, is coded with the initial memory byte address for .the I/o operation that wi II be performed when the current IOCD is executed. When the IOCD is fetched by the lOP, the content of the memory byte address field is loaded into a memory byte address register within the appropriate I/O subchannel of the lOP. Thereafter, the content of the memory byte address register is incremented (or decremented during Read Backward operations) by one for each byte of data or information transmitted, even though access to main memory may be inhibited (as described under "Skip Flag") or the data is rejected by a memory unit (as described under "Write Key"). Depending upon the characteristics of the I/O device, the content of bit positions 10-31 may either be ignored (e. g., II Interrupt at Zero Byte Count Flag (Bit Position 33). If an I/O interrupt is to be requested when the byte count of the current 10CD is reduced to zero, the Interrupt at Zero Byte Count (IZC) flag must be coded as a 1. If the I/O interrupt level within the interrupt system (location X' 5C) is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the request will be processed by the BP in accordance with the priority that prevai Is within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the I/O subchannels within an MIOP. The occurrence of an I/O interrupt because of a zero byte count condition is reported as status information (bit position 10 of register R) when the BP executes an AIO instruction (normally part of the I/O interrupt handling routine). The I/O interrupt request may be processed without interfering with the I/o operation. (Note: An I/O interrupt may be requested at "channel end" or on "unusual end" condition, as described later. ) Rewind II order for maanetic taoe units) or soecifv memorY byte locations that co;tain supplement~1 co~trol information (e. g., starting address for a disk seek operation). Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral equipment reference manual for further detai Is. FLAGS Each operational 10CD contains eight control flags (bit positions 32-39). As described below, each control flag is coded to specify a particular control function that may be performed by the lOP either during or at the end of the current IOC D. Data Chain Flag (Bit Position 32). Coding ofthe data chain flag is dependent upon the number of 10CDs required to define the data transfers for a logical record. If two or more 10CDs are required (e. g., to perform a "gather-write" or a "scatter-read II operation), the data chain flag of each operational IOCD, except the last IOCD, must be coded as a 1. The data chain flag of the last 10CD or the only 10CD (if the record is defined by a single 10CD) is coded as O. If data chaining is specified and no error conditions are encountered, the lOP wi II automatically fetch the next operational 10CD when the byte count (described later) of the current IOCD is reduced to zero. (Note: The lOP may also fetch and execute a control 10CD containing a Transfer Command Chain Flag (Bit Position 34). Command chaining permits an I/O device to execute a multiple number of orders relating to the same I/O operation in a consecutive manner (e. g., when reading a multi-record file, the I/O device may automatically receive a new Read order upon compl eti ng the current Read order wi thout the BP executing another SIO instruction). Command chaining, if required, is specified by coding the command chain flag as a 1 in the IOCD of each record, except the last. If command chaining is specified, the lOP wi II fetch the next operational 10CD when the device signals a "channel end" unless terminated by an "unusual end" condition. As a result, new parameters are stored in the appropriate registers within the I/o subchannel and a new I/o order is received by the device controller/device. Thus, an lOP wi II automati ca IIy access mai n memory and fetch the next operational 10CD if either data chaining or command chaining is specified. If data chaining and command chaining are both specified in the same command doubleword, a data chaining operation wi II be performed if the byte count is reduced to zero before the device signals a "channel end" and a command chaining operation will be performed if a "channel end" occurs before the byte count is reduced to zero. If neither data chaining or command chaining is specified, the I/O operation is completed when the device signals a "channel end". Note that command chaining is inhibited by "unusual end". Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamentals 127 Interrupt at Channel End (Bit Position 35). An I/O interrupt may be requested when the device signals a "channel end" (signifying that the current order has been either completed or terminated) by coding the Interrupt at Channel End (ICE) flag as a 1. If the I/O interrupt level within the interrupt system (location XISC') is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the request will be processed by the BP in accordance with the priority that prevai Is within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the I/O subchannels of the MIOP. The occurrence of an I/O interrupt because of a "channel end ll is reported as status information (bit position 11 of register R) when the BP executes an AIO instruction (normally part of the I/O interrupt-handling routine). The I/O interrupt request may be processed without affecting the I/O operation. (Note: Specific conditions under which a IIchannel end ll signal may be generated are dependent upon the characteri sti cs of the devi ce. Refer to an appropri ate Xerox peripheral reference manual for further detai Is. ) 3. Control Check Error (CCF). 4. lOP Memory Error (IOPME). 5. Bus Check Fault (BCF) whi Ie fetching an 10CD. 6. Memory interface Error (MIE) while fetching an lOCO. 1. Bus check fault (BCF) whi Ie fetching data. Interrupt on Unusual End Flag (Bit Position 37). If an I/O Interrupt is to be requested when an "unusual end" condition is detected whi Ie either fetching or executing an 10CD, the Interrupt on Unusual End (IUE) flag must be coded as a 1. If the I/O interrupt level within the interrupt system (location XI5C') is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the request wi II be processed by the BP in accordance wi th the priority that prevalis within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the I/O subchannels within an MIOP. The occurrence of an I/O interrupt because of an "unusual end" condition is reported as status information (bit position 12 of register R) when the BP executes an AIO instruction (normally part of an I/O interrupt-handling routine). The I/O interrupt request may be processed wi thout affecti ng the progress of the I/O operation. 2. Transmission Data Error (TDE); may also be detected by device controller. If the IUE flag is coded as a 0, an "unusual end" condition may be detected but no interrupt wi" be requested. 3. Transmission Memory Error (TME). 4. Write Lock Violation (WLV), during input operations only. 5. Incorrect length, conditional; see "Suppress Incorrect Length Flag". 6. Memory Interface Error (MIERR) whi Ie fetching data. Halt on Transmission Error Flag (Bit Position 36). The following errors (or "unusual end" condition) may be detected by the MIOP when an lOCO is being executed: If the HTE flag is coded as a 0, the above errors are recorded when detected and reported as status information when the BP executed an SIO, TIO, or HIO instruction, but the I/o operation is not halted. If the HTE flag is coded as a 1, and any error (as listed above) is detected, the I/o operation is terminated immediately. The error is also reported as status information when the BP executes an SIO, HIO, or TIO instruction. The HTE flag must be coded identically in every lOCO associated with the same logical record. Thus, if data chaining is specified, the HTE flag in the new lOCO must be the same as the HTE flag in the previous lOCO. This restriction applies to data chaining only, and not to command chaining. In addition to the "unusual end" conditions listed above, which may terminate the I/O operation only if the HTE flag is coded as a 1, any of the following "unusual end" conditions wi II unconditionally terminate the I/O operation: 1. Memory Address Error (MAE). 2. lOP Control Error (IOPCE). 128 Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamentals Suppress Incorrect Length Flag (Bit Position 38). An incorrect length condition may occur when the specified byte count is not equal to a fixed or prescribed byte count for a record (e. g., attempting to read more than 80 columns of data from a punched card). Specific conditions under which an incorrect length signal is generated are dependent upon the device. Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral equipment reference manua I for further detai Is. If the Suppress Incorrect Length (SIL) flag is coded as a 0 when an incorrect length condition is detected, it is reported as an incorrect length and, depending upon the device, may be reported as an "unusual end". If the HTE flag is aiso coded as a I, the I/O operation is terminated and reported as an "unusual end". If the SIL flag is coded as a 1 when an incorrect length condition is detected, it is reported as an incorrect length but suppressed as an "unusual end". Hence, the I/o operation is not terminated. The presence or absence of an incorrect length condition is reported as status information when the BP executes an SIO, HIO, AIO, or TIO instruction. Skip Flag (Bit Position 39). If the Skip (S) flag is coded as a 0, it has no effect upon the I/o operation. If the S flag is coded as a 1, the lOP is inhibited from accessing main memory and consequently no data is transferred between the main memory and the data buffers of the I/O subchanne I. All other operations or functions within the I/o subchannel (i. e., data transfers between the device and data buffers, updating the memory byte address and byte count, and functions as specified by the control flags) are performed ina norma I manner. For input operations, the Skip flag (in conjunction with data chaining) provides the capabi lity to selectively read portions of a record. For output operations, the lOP wi" generate and transmit zeros (X1OOI) unti I the byte count is reduced to zero. Thus, for example, if the lOCO contains a Punch Binary order, a byte count of 120, and the S flag is coded as a 1, a blank card may be punched without accessing main memory for data. WRITE KEY This four-bit field (bit positions 40-43), if required, may be coded with an appropriate write key. During input operations and providing the Skip control flag is coded as aD, the lOP will access main memory and furnish a memory unit with up to four bytes of data or information accompanied with a four-bit write key. If the write key matches the preassigned write lock for the memory word location accessed, or if either the key or lock has a value of 0000, the memory unit accepts and stores the information. If the write key does not match the write lock, and neither the key nor the lock has a value of 0000, the memory unit rejects the information, does not disturb the previous content, and transmits a Write Lock Violation (WLV) signal to the lOP. The write key/write lock relationship is compared every time a memory word location is accessed for storing data or information. (Note: The write key/write lock relationship may change during an input operation when the byte address is incremented (or decremented) across a memory page boundary.) As long as the write key matches the write lock for each memory word location accessed, or the value of either the lock or the key is 0000, the input operation is performed as specified by the other parameters within this lOCO; or the input operation is terminated by an "unusual end" condition which can not be inhibited (i. e., memory address error, control check fault, or lOP memory error). If the HTE control flag is coded as a 1 when a WLV signal is received, the I/O operation is terminated -immediately. If either the ICE or IUE control flag is coded as a 1, an I/o interrupt is requested. If the HTE control flag is coded as a 0 when a WLV signal is received, the I/O operation continues in a normal manner, even though the data or information may be rejected by a memory uni t. When the lOP receives a WLV signal, the WLV bit within the status information register is set to 1 and remains set until a new VO operation is initiated within this I/o subchannel by an SIO instruction. Thus, after the first WLV signal has been recorded, subsequent WLV signals have no further effect upon the WLV bit. The status of the WLV bit is reported when the BP executes an SIO, TIO, TDV, HIO, or AIO instruction. The contents of the write key fie Id is not required and may be ignored when the write key/write lock memory protection feature is not operative (i. e., during any output operation or during any input operation, if the Skip control flag of the current lOCO is coded as a 1). BYTE COUNT This 16-bit field (bit positions 48-63), if required, may be coded to specify the total number of data or information bytes that are to be transmitted by the current lOCO. The minimum number of bytes is 1 and the maximum is 65,356 bytes (16,384 words). When the lOCO is fetched, the content of the byte count field is loaded into a byte count register within the appropriate I/o subchannel. Thereafter, the content of the byte count register is decremented by one for each byte transmitted and then tested for a zero byte count condition. (Note: As a consequence of decrementi ng before testi ng for a zero byte count condition' an initial byte count value of 0 is interpreted as 65,356 bytes.) Unless the I/o operation is terminated (e. g., as the result of detecting an "unusual end ll ) , data is transmitted unti I the byte count is reduced to zero. At any time, the progress of the I/O operation may be ascertained by evaluating the current byte count which is furnished as status information when the BP executes an SIO, no, HIO, or TDV instruction. (That is, current byte count is equal to the number of bytes remaining to be transmitted and Inltlai byte count minus current byte count is equal to the number of bytes transmitted.) When the byte count is reduced to zero, the MIOP may perform the following functions: 1. Transmit a "count done" signal to the device controller/ device if data chaining is not specified. 2. Request an I/O interrupt, if the IZC flag is coded as a 1. 3. Fetch the next lOCO, if the data chain flag is coded asa1. Depending upon the characteristics of the I/O device, certain I/O orders (e. g., Rewind for magnetic tape units) may nat require a byte count field. In such case, the byte count field is ignored. Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral equipment reference manual for further detai Is. CONTROL IDeO A control lOCO may contain either a Transfer in Channel or a Stop command. Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamentals 129 Transfer in Channel. A controllOCD containing a Transfer in Channel command has the following format: The Transfer in Channel command is executed within the lOP and has no direct effect on any of the I/O elements external to the addressed lOP. The primary purpose of this command is to permit branching within the command list {i. e., fetching the next operational 10CD from a pair of memory word locations other than the next two consecutive word locations}. When the lOP executes the Transfer in Channel command, it loads the command address register of the appropriate I/O subchannel with the contents of bit positions 13-31 (the "next command doubleword address" field), fetches and loads the new operational 10CD into appropriate registers within the I/O subchannel and order register within the device controller/device (unless data chaining is specified), and then executes the new 10CD. (Bit positions 8-12 and 32-61 are ignored and should be coded as zeros. ) If data chaining or command chaining is specified in the 10CD preceding the 10CD containing a Transfer in Channel command, the chaining flags are not significant to nor altered by the Transfer in Channel command. When used in conjunction with command chaining, Transfer in Channel command facilitates the control of devices such as unbuffered card punches or unbuffered line printers. For example, assume that it is desired to present the same card image twelve times to an unbuffered card punch. The punch counts the number of times that a record is presented to it and automatically generates a "chain modifier" signal when twelve rows have been punched. The command address register within the I/o subchannel is incremented by two by the "chain modifier" signal and the next consecutive 10CD within the command list is skipped over {not fetched or executed}. A command list for punching two cards might be as shown in the following example: Locations Description of Command A, A + 1 Punch row for card 1, command chain. A + 2, A +3 Transfer in Channel to location A. A +4, A +5 Punch row for card 2, command chain. 130 Input/Output Processor (lOP) Fundamentals Locations Description of Command A +6, A + 7 Transfer in Channel to location A +4. A+8, A+9 Stop The Transfer in Channel command can be used also in conjunction with data chaining. As one example, consider a situation often encountered in data acqUisition applications, where data is transmitted in extremely long, contiguous streams. In this case, the data can be stored alternately in two or more buffer storage areas so that computer processing can be carried out on the data in one buffer whi Ie additional data is being input into the other buffer. The command list for such an application might be shown in the following example: Locations Descri pti on of Command B, B+ 1 Read data, store in buffer 1, data chain. B+2, B +3 Store into buffer 2, data chain. B+4, B+5 Transfer in Channel to location B. If the lOP encounters two successive Transfer in Channel commands, an lOP control error (IOPCE) occurs and the I/O operation is terminated immediately. An 10PCE is reported as status information (bit 13 of register Rul) when the BP executes an SIO, HIO, TIO, or TDV instruction. STOP A control IOCD with a Stop command has the following format: The Stop command causes certain devices to stop, generate a "channel end" signal, and also request an I/o interrupt if bit 0 in the IOCD is coded as a 1. If the I/O interrupt level within the interrupt system (location XISC') is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the request wi II be processed by the BP in accordance with the priority that prevails within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the I/o subchannels within an MIOP. The occurrence of .an I/O interrupt because of a Stop command is reported as status information (bit position 7 of register R) when the BP executes an AIO instruction (normally part of an I/O handling routine). Bi t positi ons 1-7 must be coded as zeros. Bi t posi ti ons 8-31 and 40-63 are ignored; but it is recommended that they also be coded as zeros. Bit positions 32-39 are ,device dependent and must be coded as specified in the appropriate peripheral reference manual. The Stop command is primari Iy used to terminate a command chain for an unbuffered device, as i "ustrated in the first example given for the Transfer in Channel command. Note that not a" devices recognize the Stop order. FETCHING PHASE AI though the services of the BP are not requ ired duri ng this phase, the BP may at any time execute either a TIO, TDY, or POL instruction without interfering with the I/O operation. However, excessive TIOs and TDVs may cause a data overrun condition. The BP may also execute either an HIO or RIO instruction and stop the I/O operation. (An HIO may leave the device in an unpredictable state; an RIO resets all controllers and devices on the addressed lOP. ) As a result of accepting an SIO instruction, a command address register within the I/O subchannel (assigned to control the addressed device controller/device) is loaded with the first command doubleword address, the content of General Register 0 when the SIO instruction is accepted. At the appropriate time, as determined by the priority, the device controller/device wi II request that the lOP access main memory and fetch the first word of the 10CD from an even memory word location and increment the command address register by one. The disposition of the first word is dependent upon the contents of the first word. If the order field contains an I/O order for a device I/O OPERATION PHASES This section describes the general sequence of events (or phases) of any I/o operation performed by an lOP, the function performed by the BP, lOP, and device controller/ device during each phase, and a description of each type of I/O operation including the applicabi lity of parameters that may be contained within a typical operational 10CD. For explanation purposes, each I/o operation has five major phases: preparation, initiation, fetching, executing, and termination phase. Each phase is furtner described below. PREPARATION PHASE Before an I/o operation may be performed by an lOP, an appropriate command list must reside in main memory. INITIATION PHASE Assuming that an appropriate command list resides in main memory, an I/O operation is initiated only if the BP executes an 510 instruction that is accepted by the addressed lOP, device controller, and device. The acceptance or rejection of an SIO instruction is contingent upon conditions within the addressed lOP, device controller, and device and is indicated by the condition codes at the completion of the SIO instruction. In either case, the BP is able to perform other instructions or tasks immediately after executing an SIO instruction. (Refer to "510" instruction, Chapter 3, for further detai Is. ) A successful SIO instruction causes the addressed device to go from the "ready" condition to the II busy II condition. controller/device, the content of the order field is either loaded into an order register within the appropriate device controller/devi ce or ignored (if the 10CD is being fetched for a data chained operation). If the order is a Read Backward order, a control flag is also set within the lOP which allows the memory byte address to be decremented rather than incremented during the data transfer. For all orders (excluding the Transfer in Channel command, described below), the contents of bit positions 10-31 of the first word is loaded into a memory byte address register of an apprapriure i/O :)ubd,unnt::L Dt::peflJifl9 vjJVfl tho:: Vo order, as described under "Execution Phase", the content of the memory byte address register may be used or ignored. If used, it specifies which memory word location is to be accessed and also the number of bytes of data (or control information) to be transferred into or out of that location. If the order field contains a Transfer in Channel command, it is recognized and executed immediately by the lOP. The content of bit positions 13-31 (designated as the "next command doubleword address" field) is loaded directly into the command address register. The Transfer in Channel command is recognized and executed by the lOP, it is fetched and executed as the result of fetching one word (rather than two), and it is transparent to the device controller/device (that is, it is executed without affecting the continuity of an order that is data chained or an I/O operation that is command chained). Note: Although bit positions 0-3 and 8-12 are currently ignored, it is recommended that they be coded as zeros. Immediately after executing a Transfer in Channel command, the lOP will automatically fetch the first word of the next 10CD as specified by the contents of the "next command doub Ieword address" fie Id. If the orderfi e Id of the nextI OC D also contains a Transfer in Channel command, the I/O operation is terminated immediately and the lOP enters a Halt state because an lOP control error (IOPCE) occurred (attempting to execute two successive Transfer in Channel commands). I/O Operation Phases 131 Depending upon the control function performed, certain Control orders may be a part of an I/O operation which may be continued after the Control order is executed. For example, an I/O operation involving a magnetic tape unit may contain a Rewind order to reposition the tape prior to reading (or writing) one or more records. Otherwise, the first word of the next 10CD is fetched and loaded as described above, and the second word is fetched and loaded as described below. Since the Transfer in Channel command permits 10CDs to be fetched from nonconsecutive locations, 10CDs containing Transfer in Channel commands may be included within a command list either to achieve command list continuity from one segment af a command list to another segment or to construct reiterative loops. For all 10CDs, except a control 10CD containing a Transfer in Channel command, the lOP will automatically access main memory at the appropriate time, as determined by the priority that prevails for accessing main memory, and fetch the second word of the 10CD from the next consecutive ascending (odd) memory word location of the command list and increment the command address register by one. Thus, in all cases, after a fetching operation is completed, the content of the command address register wi II be an even (or doubleword) address. The contents of the second word are stored in appropriate registers within the I/O subchannel. Depending upon the I/O order, as described under "Execution Phase", the contents of the various fields are either used or ignored. In addition to the lOP Control Error (IOPCE), the following types of "unusual end" conditions may be detected during the fetching phase of an I/O operation: Memory Address Error (MAE), Control Check Fault (CCF), lOP Memory Error (IOPME), Bus Check Fault (BCF), and Memory Interface Error (MIE). The detection of any of these errors causes the I/O operation to be terminated and if the IUE flag is set to a 1, an "unusual end" interrupt is requested. EXECUTION PHASE Although the services of the BP are not required during this phase, the BP may at any time execute either a TIO, TDV, or POL instruction without interfering with the I/o operation. However, excessive testing may cause a data overrun condition. The BP may also execute either an HIO or RIO instruction and stop the I/O operation. After the second word of an IOCD is fetched and providing no "unusual end" condition was detected, the 10CD is executed as prescribed by the parameters contained therein. As a function of the order and the status of the Skip flag, if applicable, an 10CD may be executed in one of five ways, as described below: 1. 132 Certain Control orders (e. g., Stop) may be executed by the device while the lOP monitors the operation in accordance with the applicable control flogs. Since no memory accesses and data (or information) transfers occur, the contents of the memory byte address register, write key register, and byte count register may be ignored. Other Control orders (e. g., Rewind for a magnetic tape unit) are listed and described in applicable Xerox peripheral equipment reference manuals. I/O Operation Phases Note: Within the context of the above explanation, the Control order is defined to be one that does not transfer any information; thus, data chaining is precluded within the 10CD containing the Control order; however, command chaining may be specified. Control orders that involve information transfers when executed are described below (see paragraphs 2 and 4). 2. If the order specifies an input operation (e. g., Read, Read Backward, or Sense) and the Skip flag is coded as a 0, all parameters of the current 10CD may be applicable. As a result of receiving an appropriate input order, the devi ce transmi ts data (Read, or Read Backward order) or information from special registers (Sense order) into data buffers of the associated I/O subchannel within the lOP. Depending upon the priority that prevai Is for accessing main memory, the lOP accesses a memory word location {as specified by the current memory byte address}, transfers up to four bytes of data or informati on from the data buffers to a memory unit, provides a write key, and increments (or decrements, if Read Backward order) the memory byte address and decrements the byte count by one for each byte transferred out of the data buffers. The write key is evaluated against the preassigned write lock for the memory word location accessed. If the write key is valid for each memory word location accessed, the input operation continues, as described above, unti I it is completed or terminated by an "unusual end" condition; other than Write Lock Violation. If the write key is not valid, the memory unit (1) generates and transmits a Write lock Violation (WlV) signal to the lOP, (2) rejects the new data, and (3) does not disturb the previous contents of the memory word location accessed. If the write key is invalid for any memory word location accessed and the HTE flag is coded as a 1, the input operation is terminated immediately upon receipt of a WlV signal (see "Termination Phase ll ) . If the HTE flag is coded as a 0, the memory unit may accept or reiect the date or infermation, based on the write key/write lock evaluation for each memory word location accessed, without affecting the operations within the lOP, device controller, or device. The input operation continues unti I either completed or terminated by an "unusual end" condition, other than a Write lock Violation. Note: Since the same write key prevai Is for the entire lOCO and all memory locations within a memory page are assigned the same write lock, the write key/write lock relationship may change when the memory byte address is incremented {or decremented} across a memory page boundary. 3. 4. 5. If the order specifies an input operation {e. g., Read, Read Backward, or Sense} and the Skip flag is coded as a 1, all parameters within. the 10CD, except the write key, may be applicable. As a result of receiving an appropriate input order, the device transmits data {Read or Read Backward order} or information from special registers (Sense order) into the,data buffers within the I/o subchannel of the lOP. - Because the Skip flag is coded as a 1, the lOP can not access main memory (the write key may be ignored and a Write Lock Violation can not occur). Although the data can not be stored in the main memory, the lOP increments the memory byte address (except during a Read Backward order, when it is decremented) and decrements the byte count by one for each byte transferred out of the data buffers. The devi ce may continue to transmit data into the data buffers and the lOP may continue to update the memory byte address and byte count unti I the current order is either completed in a normal manner or terminated because of an "unusual end" condition (other than a Write Lock Violation). If the order specifies an output operation (e. g., Write or Control) and if the Skip flag is coded as a 0, all parameters within the lOCO, except the write key, may be applicable. When transferring data (Write order) or information (Control order) out of main mem~ry, the write key/write lock checking is not performed; hence, the write key may be ignored. Likewise, a Write Lock Violation will not occur. For an output operation, the lOP wi II access main memory {in accordance with the priority that prevai Is for accessing main memory} and transfer up to four bytes of data (or information), as specified by the current memory byte address, to the data buffers of the appropriate I/O subchannel. The lOP also increments the memory byte address and decrements the byte count by one for each byte of data transferred. Data is then transferred from the data buffers to the devi ceo The lOP may continue to access main memory, transfer up to four bytes of data from main memory to the appropriate data buffers, and update the memory byte address and byte count. The device continues to output ·data unti I the order is either completed in a normal manner or terminated because of an "unusual end" condition. If the order specifies an output operation (e. g., Write or Control) and if the Skip flag is coded as a 1, all parameters within the current lOCO, except the write key, may be applicable. Because the Skip flag is coded as a 1, the lOP can not access main memory for any data (or information). Instead, the lOP generates and loads zeros (XIOOI) into the data buffers of the appropriate I/o subchannel and increments the memory byte address and decrements the byte count by one for each byte loaded. The zeros are then transferred from the data buffer to the device. The lOP may continue to generate and load zeros· into the data buffers and update the memory byte address and byte count, accordingly, and the device may continue to output zeros unti I the order is either completed in a normal manner or terminated because of an "unusual end" condition. DATA CHAINING An order may be continued from the current operational lOCO to the next operational lOCO, if data chaining is specified in the current lOCO. In this case, the lOP wi II automatically fetch the next operational lOCO, asdescribed under "Fetching Phase", when the byte count of the current lOCO is reduced to zero. In the process of fetching the next operational lOCO, the lOP may fetch and execute a control lOCO containing a Transfer in Channel command without affecting the continuity of the order. The process of fetching and loading the next operational lOCO into the control registers of the I/O subchannel is transparent to the device. That is, the device continues to operate as if the order were defined by a single lOCO. Also, any changes in the status of the Skip flag or in the write key from one lOCO to the next is transparent to the device. The device continues to receive zeros, data, or information from the data buffers during an output operation, or continues to transmit data (or information) into the data buffers regardless of whether it is subsequently rejected or stored whi Ie performing an input operation. During the execution phase, an I/o interrupt may be re.such time th~ byt~ c~~:";~ cf ~!j cpe:-~t:c~c! !OCD is reduced to zero if the Interrupt at Zero Byte Count (IZC) flag is coded as a 1. Thus, if data chaining is speCified, the lOP may request an I/O interrupt without interfering with the process of fetching the next operational lOCO. quc5~cd If the I/o interrupt level (location X' 5C') within the interrupt system is armed, enabled, and not inhibited, the I/O interrupt may be processed by the BP in accordance with the priority that prevai Is within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the device controllers connected to the lOP. The order may be completed in a normal manner when the Data Chain flag of the current lOCO (the last 10CD of a logical record) is coded as a O. COMMAND CHAINING An I/o operation may be continued from the current lOCO to the next IOCD if command chaining is specified in the current IOCD. Command chaining is commonly specified when reading (or writing) consecutive records of data from the same fi Ie. In which case, the current IOCD must be the last IOCD for the current record and the next 10CD must be the first lOCO of the next logical record. Although the device may execute the same functional order for both records, logically, it is equivalent to two separate orders. I/o Operation Phases 133 Depending upon the characteristics of the device, command chaining may also be used to perform different operations on either different but consecutive records or upon the same record (e. g., a magnetic tape unit may be programmed to alternately read or write consecutive records or to read the same record backwards after writing). Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral equipment reference manual for further detai Is. If command chaining is specified, the device controller causes the lOP to fetch the next operational lOCO, as described under "Fetching Phase ll , when the device signals "channel end" {signifying that it is ready to accept and execute another order}. In the process of fetching the next operational lOCO, the lOP may fetch and execute a control lOCO containing a Transfer in Channel command without affecting the continuity of the I/O operation {i. e. , transparent to the device controller/device}; however, the fetching of the next operational lOCO is not transparent to the device controller/device. The process of automatically fetching the next operational lOCO because data chaining and/or command chaining is specified in the current lOCO permits an I/O operation to continue normally unti I an lOCO is executed in which both chaining flags are coded as zeros (the last lOCO of the last record). If data chaining and command chaining are both specified within an lOCO, data chaining is performed if the byte count of the current lOCO is reduced to zero before the device generates "channel end"; command chaining is performed if the device generates "channel end" before the byte count is reduced to zero. During the execution phase, an I/O interrupt may also be requested each time a "channel end ll occurs if the Interrupt at Channel End (ICE) flag is coded as a 1. Thus, if command chaining is specified, the lOP may request an I/O interrupt without interfering with the process of fetching the next operational lOCO. TERMINATION P~ASE 5. Completed as specified by the command list. 6. Aborted whenever a SUPER RESET, SYSTEM RESET, or I/O RESET command is entered from the System Control Console (SCC). The progress of an 1/0 operation, including the termination, may be ascertained by evaluating the status information returned for I/O instructions, as described in Chapter 3. Depending upon programming considerations, these I/O instructions may be executed either singly or as part of an I/O handling routine and either imperatively at logical poi nts of a BP-executed program or on a,n II as needed ll basis when an I/O interrupt is requested by an lOP or device controller. Normally, an I/O interrupt is requested whenever a critical or significant event occurs within any I/o subchannel, device controller, or device. Typically, an I/O interrupt may be requested when the byte count of any lOCO is reduced to zero, whenever any device detects a "channel end" condition, or when the lOP or any device controller detects an "unusual end" condition, providing the appropriate control flag {IZC, ICE, and IUE} is coded as a 1. Note: An I/O interrupt may also be requested by certain devices, e. g., a magnetic tape unit may be able to execute a Rewi nd and Interrupt order and other devices may request an I/O interrupt when executing a Stop order in which bit 0 is coded as a 1. Refer to an appropriate Xerox peripheral reference manual for further detai Is. Once an I/O interrupt request has been made by a device, that device, device controller, and I/O subchannel remain in an interrupt pending condition unti I the interrupt request is acknowledged, reset, or cleared. Normally, an I/O interrupt request is acknowledged by the BP executing an AIO instruction, as part of an I/O interrupt-handli ng routine; reset by the BP executing either an HIO or an RIO instruction; or for certain devices cleared automatically, as a function of time. Refer to an appropriate Xerox periphera! equipment reference manuel fCi further detai Is. ) An I/O operation maybe terminated in one of the following manners: 1. Aborted at any time because the BP executed either an HIO or RIO instruction. 2. Aborted when an unconditional "unusual end ll condition was detected. 3. Aborted when a conditional "unusual end" condition was detected whi Ie the HTE control flag was coded os c 1. 4. 134 Completed as specified by the command list but with an "unusual end" condition. I/O Operation Phases Since a multiple number of I/O interrupt requests may prevail simultaneously {one per each device controller} and all requests are serviced by a common I/O interrupt level (location X' 5C'), the BP normally acknowledges an I/O interrupt request based on the priority that prevai Is within the interrupt system, the lOPs, and the I/O subchannels within an MIOP, if applicable. An interrupt pending condition prevents a new I/O operation from being initiated by an SIO instruction on a particular subchannel but does not affect the current I/O operation. (That is, if an I/O intellupt was requested as the resuit of a zero byte count or "channel end" condition, and datt" chaining or command chaining is specified, the I/O operation may continue as specified by the command list.) 5. OPERATIONAL CONTROL EXTERNAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM The External Control Subsystem (ECS)isa group of elements used in this computer system that provide operational and diagnostic interfaces to control and maintain system hardware and software. CENTRALIZED SYSTEM CONTROL In many other computer systems II software-level II operator interactions are transacted through an operator's teletypewriter console whi Ie hardware level interactions are performed through a fixed panel of lamps and switches. In contrast, this Xerox computer system consolidates these interactions and controls into a console telecommunications device, designated as the System Control Console (SCC). Through the SCC, the operator has a single control point for all normal system control activities. A Remote Diagnostic Interface (RDI) permits the local System Control Consol e to be augmented wi th a Remote Console that may have the same degree of system control. (Usage of the RDI and Remote Console as a Remote Assist feature is described below, under II Remote Console".) A System Control Panel (SCP) contains indicators and basic controls that the operator may use during system startup or to establ ish connections with the remote location. CONTROL CONSOLE DEVICES The ECS provides an interface for two local (primary and alternate) communications consoles and a data set interface for remote diagnostic connection. Each communications console must have an EIA RS232 voltage interface and format characters in even parity ASCII code with control protocols of a Model 4691 KSR 35 Keyboard/Printer. Allowed communications rates are 10 and 30 characters per second. PRIMARY CONSOLE The primary console always has the functional capability of the System Control Console to communicate with software through I/O subchannel address X'Ol'. The communications rate of the primary console is either 120 characters per second or the same as the alternate and remote consoles depending on the setting of the FSELA switch on the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6). If the REMOTE CHANNEL switch on the System Control Panel is in the SCC position (implying a remote diagnostic connection), the remote channel frequency is automatically enforced on the primary console. REMOTE CHANNEL The alternate and remote consoles share the same data paths. Both consoles receive the same output; either one of the consoles is selected for input by the ALTSEL switch on the Configuration Control Panel. The communications rates of 10 or 30 characters per second are selected for both consoles by the FSELBO and FSELB 1 switches on the Configuration Control Panel. Both consoles may function either strictly as I/O devices or as parallel System Control Consoles selected by the REMOTE CHANNEL switch on the System Control Panel. Description of communications rate selection is found in Chapter 6. ALTERNATE CONSOLE The alternate console normally functions as an output device residing at I/O subchannel address X'OB'. This console can create an edited system log, while the operator's c'onsole functions at a higher communications rate. (REMOTE CHANNEL and ALTSEL switches are both OFF.) If the primary console fails, the alternate console may function as the System Control Console. In this case, the remote console connection is only inhibited by the operator at the data set. (REMOTE CHANNEL switch in SCC position; ALTSEL switch in ON position.) Before the remote device can gain access to the Remote Diagnostic Interface (RDI), the operator must manually intervene to establish the connection at the data set and the System Control Panel. The data set (Bell 103A or equivalent) connection is inhibited while the REMOTE CHANNEL switch is in the OFF position. The remote console may run on-line diagnostics while the rest of the system performs non-maintenance work. In this case, the remote console preempts I/O subchannel X'OB' and the alternate (local) console creates a log of the online mainentance if not turned off. The remote device does not have access to the SCC hardware controls, but may enter software-level control information through the I/O system (REMOTE CHANNEL switch in I/o position, ALTSEL switch in OFF position). If the entire system is under the discretionary control of remote maintenance personnel, the operator may connect the remote console to the RDI as the System Control Console. The remote console is then connected logically in parallel, and assumes all the functional capability of the primary console, and shares I/O subchannel X'Oll. (Note that conventions must be established to ensure that the primary and remote consoles do not generate overlapping input.) The remote console communications rate is automatically imposed on the primary console and the operator may have to Operational Control 135 change the rate on the primary console to retain parallel control. The alternate {local) device creates a log of all SCC transactions. The normal (log) output on I/O subchannel X'OB' is suspended for the duration of the SCC assignment to the remote channel (REMOTE CHANNEL switch in SCC position; ALTSEL switch in OFF position). A typical command sequence is to enter "zc HLP' from the SCC. The system responds by printing" (HLT)" on the next line of the SCC printout, and forcing the system to halt instruction execution and enter the IDLE state. If a command cannot be executed due to improper syntax or context, the system provides an advisory message following the command echo indicating the probable source of error. A typical example of the display format is "(RSY) *EVENT A 1*", indicating that a reset command may not be executed prior to halting instruction execution. (Refer to Table 21 for a complete listing of event messages.) CONTROL COMMANDS A set of commands and display formats implements operator communication with hardware through the System Control Console. These hardware-control commands, called" SCC Functions", are independent, direct hardware controls as distinguished from the software-level operating controls activated from the SCC through the normal I/o system. A special micro-processor, working independently of the BP, senses and controls the execution of SCC functions. The flexibility of character-oriented communications equipment and micro-programmed control significantly enhance many system operating and diagnostic features. The various control functions that may be exercised from the SCC may be generally classified into three categories: operator control commands, diagnostic control commands, and maintenance control commands. OPERATOR CONTROL COMMANDS These commands provide controls which an operator normally uses to control the computer system. By entering the appropriate command the operator may direct the computer system to load, run, halt, reset, read/set the sense switches, or issue a "console interrupt" to the operating software. The basic command format provides a four-level interlock on critical system controls by requiring a correct fourcharacter sequence to initiate a command action. In addition, context analysis is provided to assure that commands are executed only in appropriate system states. This basic format requires that each command is preceded by the "control-Z" character (control and Z keys depressed simultaneously). Note that within this text, the control-Z character is represented with the symbol "Zc". Table 21. 136 The sense switch control and console interrupt commands may interact with the software and are always operative. All other SCC functions may be enabled or disabled by the SCC FUNCTIONS switch on the SCPo Event Messages Display Significance *EVENT 00* System Initialization; POWER ON or SUPER RESET. *EVENT AO* c Improper syntax for Z format command. *EVENT Al* Command not executed; Improper syntax or system may not be in IDLE mode. *EVENT A2* Command not executed; system not in maintenance mode. *EVENT M* Command not executed; SCC FUNCTION switch is in DISABLE position. *EVENT A8* Power ride through; recoverable power line failure detected; power on trap requested. *EVENT FO* Trap requested occurred; inhibited in P-Mode. *EVENT Fl* Basic processor error halt; watchdog timeout reset issued when watchdog timeout alarm bit set. (See" Processor Control Word".) *EVENT F4* Basic processor halt; Address Halt. *EVENT F6* Basic processor halt; Processor-Detected Fault (PDF). *EVENT F9* System fai led micro-diagnostic test (followed by Single Clock Status Register display of the element that failed). Control Commands To prevent inadvertent activation from disrupting a running system, the SCC FUNCTIONS switch is placed in the DISABLE positi on. The following operator control commands are standard features of th i s system: Input Display Name of Command Zc I (I) Operator's Console Interrupt ZC SSW (SSW=bbbb) Read Sense Switches ZC ss#t (Ss#t =bbbb) Set Sense Swi tches ZC LDN####t,tt,ttt (LDN@####t) Load Normal ZC RSytt, ttt (RSY) Reset System Ze RBp tt, ttt (RBP) Reset Basic Processor ZC RIOtt , ttt (RIO) Reset I/O System ZC HLTtt (HLT) System Halt ZC RUN tt , ttt (RUN) System Run z~ The Operator's Console (or SCC) INTERRUPT command permits the operator to interact with the executing software by setting interrupt level X ' 50 ' . If this interrupt level is Armed I .1 ....... I T r - n n l l n T 11"1 1i:l\l\vr I I. CQfTIUlUrlU _I ___I I~ t:lnt::I~, 1.1 __ - __ The sense switches may also be set by executing a WRITE DIRECT instruction (see Chapter 3). The sense switches are initialized to zero during the power on and SUPER RESET sequences. While the ZcSS# command is active, the basic processor is momentarily put in the IDLE state. This prevents any conflict between the operator command and a WRITE DIRECT instruction. LOAD NORMAL The loading operation is normally accomplished by readying the load device and entering the LOAD NORMAL command from the System Control Console. The four hexadecimal digits (represented as ####) specify the load device address. Successful completion of the command is signified by the command echo II{LDN@####)II. A failure in the load sequence is indicated by a display of an appropriate error message (see Table F- ) following the command echo. The LOAD NORMAL command is accepted only when the system is in the IDLE state. L _ _ _ . . . _L lilt:: 1I1It::IIUI-'I level is advanced to the Waiting state. If the interrupt level is already in the Active state or Disarmed, the INTERRUPT command has no effect upon the computer system. This command is always enabled. This single command initiates the following sequence: 1. A series of internal micro-diagnostic tests are conducted to verify the operati on of system paths and elements used in the loading sequence. Each test is preceded by a system reset. If a failure is detected during the micro-diagnostic tests, an error message II *EVENT F9*" is generated and followed by a Single Clock Status Register display identifying the failing element. 2. Upon completion of all micro-diagnostic tests, a system reset is issued. 3. All system memory locations are initialized to zero. 4. The basic processor loads a self-diagnostic program in memory locations X ' l00 ' through X ' 1FF ' and loads the bootstrap loader (see Figure 14) in memory locations X'20 ' through X'29 1 • If an error is detected during the process, an error message "*EVENT FO*", is generated. 5. The system is placed in the RUN mode. 6. The basic processor executes the self-diagnostic progr,am, beginning at location X'l60 ' • The processor then executes the bootstrap loader, starting at location X'26 1 • If a failure occurs during the processor selfdiagnostic program, the processor enters the WAIT state. READ SENSE SWITCHES This command causes the status of the sense switches to be displayed as part of the command echo. For example, if all four sense switches were set to a 1, the console display would be II (SSW=llll)". The status of the sense switches is also displayed by indicators on the System Control Panel. The READ SENSE SWITCHES command is always enabled. The status of the sense switches may also be read by executing a READ DIRECT instruction (see Chapter 3). tHexadecimal digits. ttscc FUNCTIONS switch of SCP must be in the ENABLE position. ttt System must be in the ID LE state. SET SENSE SWITCHES This command causes the sense switches to be set to the value specified by the hexadecimal digit in the command (#). The new sense switch value is displayed as part of the command echo. For example, if the operator enters uZcSS3" the SCC will print II (SS3=O0l1)". The new status is also displayed by indicators on the System Control Panel. The SET SENSE SWITCHES command is always operative. Zct.ON#### OPERATOR'S CONSOLE INTERRUPT wnen rne zCSsn Control Commands 137 Location (hex) (dec) Hexadecimal 20 32 020000A8 21 33 oEOOO058 22 34 22110029 L1, 1 23 35 64100023 BDR,l 24 36 68000028 BCR,O 25 37 OOOO####t 26 38 22000010 L1,O 27 39 CCOOO025 SIO,O *37 28 40 CDOOO025 no,o *37 29 41 69COO022 BCS,12 34 Symbolic form of instruction 40 RESET SYSTEM The RESET SYSTEM command performs the combined functions of the RESET BASIC PROCESSOR and RESET I/O SYSTEM commands, as well as the function described below: 1. The system control processor bus interface is initialized. 2. The processor memory bus and processor bus interfaces are initialized. 3. The system memory units are initialized. This process does not alter any memory locations. 4. All interrupt levels are reset to the Disarmed and Disabled state. 5. The system ALARM indicator is cleared. This command is accepted only when the system is in the IDLE state. zCRBP t#### represents four hexadecimal digits that specify the load device address as entered by the LOAD NORMAL command. The RESET BASIC PROCESSOR command initial izes the basic processor by performing the following: 1. All bits in the Program Status Words, except the instruction address, are reset. 2. The program counter of the BP (register 05) is set to a value of X'26'. 3. The BP remains in the IDLE state unti J allowed to begin execution at location X'26'. Figure 14. Bootstrap Loader Execution of the bootstrap program causes the following actions: 1. 2. The first record on the selected peripheral is read into memrory locations X'2A' through X'3F' (the previous contents of general register 0 are destroyed as a result of executing the bootstrap program in locations X'26' through X'29'). This command is accepted only when the system is in the IDLE state. Since all memory requests are inhibited during a reset, the RESET BASIC PROCESSOR command disrupts any simultaneous memory request from the standard I/o system. After the record has been read, the next instruction IS taken from iocation X'2A' (provided that no error condition has been detected by the device or the (lOP). 3. When the instruction in location X'2A' is executed, the unit device and device controller selected for the load operation can accept a new SIO instruction. 4. Further I/o operations from the load unit may be accomplished by coding subsequent I/O instructions to indirectly address location X'25 1 • RESET I/O SYSTEM When accepted, the RESET I/O SYSTEM command initializes the lOPs and device controllers of the standard I/O system. All peripheral devices under control of the system are reset to the "ready" condition and all status, interrupt, and control indicators in the I/O system are reset. This command is accepted only when the system is in the IDLE state. The RESET I/O SYSTEM command does not affect the External Direct Input/Output (010), the BP, or other non-input/output system elements. zcttL T Following the successful completion of the load sequence, the computer system usually continues execution of the loaded program and begins issuing messages to the operator via the I/O system to the System Control Console. 138 Control Commands RESET BASIC PROCESSOR SYSTEM HALT When the HALT command is entered, the BP ceases to execute instructions and is forced into the IDLE state; the RUN indicator on the System Control Panel is extinguished and the IDLE indicator is illuminated. In the IDLE state the load commands, the reset commands, and the RUN command are enabled. The I/O system may continue to perform I/o operations initiated prior to the ZCHLT command, even though the BP is halted. Note that the processor HALT status is not set by the ZCHLT command, but is CalJsed by internal processor conditions (see" Processor-Control Word"). represents the data in the location specified in the II All field (eight hexadecimal digits). The first hexadecimal digit of the A field is XIOI for memory addresses and X I8 1 for internal register addresses. All valid commands, except EXIT P-MODE, produce a display in this format. The allowed diagnostic command set is listed in Table 22. An example of the resulting printout is shown in the section entitled .rOperating Procedures and Information". ZCftUN SYSTEM RUN The RUN command is accepted only if the BP is in the IDLE state. When the FUN command is accepted, the BP is allowed to execute its instruction stream. 'On the SCP, the IDLE indicator is extinguished and the RUN indicator is illuminated, subject to the processor control word and system status. When not in the IDLE state, the system does not accept any of the load and reset control commands. Attempti ng to enter any load and reset control command while the system is in the RUN mode results in an error message being displayed on the control console (see Table F- ). pC ENTER P-MODE The ENTER P-MODE control command is generated by depressing the CONTROL and P keys, simultaneously (pc). The system is forced into the ID LE state and the processor wi II execute di agnostic control commands entered from the System Control Console. The ECS remains in the P-Mode until an EXIT P-MODE command (described below) is entered or the ZC format commands SYSTEM RUN or LOAD NORMAL are entered. Successful entry into the P-Mode is indicated by a P-Mode display on the SCC. (P-Mode) SELECT INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING (P-Mode) / DIAGNOSTIC CONTROL COMMANDS Diagnostic control commands facilitate isolating software and hardware problems by providing single-instruction ex.11 ___ - .. ________ eCUTlon, as well as petmlffll'9 It:\JU/ WIIIC u\.O\.Oc:):) IV "IUIlY processor internal control registers and system memory locations. To perform diagnostic commands, BP instruction execution must be interrupted and the ECS control mode altered. This is accomplished by the ENTER P-MODE command (a "CONTROL-P" character generated by depressing CONTROL and P keys simultaneously). Once in P-Mode the system is forced into the IDLE state and the BP stores and fetches data or executes single instructions only upon request from the operator through the SCC. ... II ...., _ L _ These commands specify the storage element whose contents are to be displayed and operated upon with subsequent _ ~I _ _ _ ... Note: Within this text the control-P character is repre- - sented by the following symbol, PC. The diagnostic control (P-Mode) command format differs from the basic command format. Hexadecimal digits are immediately echoed and stored to be used as data or address depending on the following command. The system truncates the data stream to eight hexadecimal digits and assumes leading zeros if less than eight characters are entered. All non-hexadecimal characters, except basic (ZC) format commands, are treated as P-Mode commands. If the character is not in the allowed command set, it is echoed followed by a question mark liN?" and no action results. Valid commands are echoed; the requested operation is then performed and a P-Mode data display of the form "P:DDDDDDDD @ AAAAAAAA" is generated on the next line of SCC printout. The II plI represents the processor address (normally 0); the II D" field (eight hexadecimal digits) SELECT MEMORY ADDRESSING ~ornnlUllU;). T'I _ lilt:: .. /11 / 1___ .. _ I. ___ \.OIIUIU\.OIt::1 r _ II _ . ,-.__ . IUIIVWII'9 _. U L ____ .J __ - ____ I IIC.II.UUCll..III1UI data stream speci fi es a memory address; the ". II character specifies an internal processor control register address. All address calculations and memory accesses are subject to the write lock keys, address mode, and mapping bits in the program status words. (P-Mode) + ADD TO- SELECTED LOCATION The "+" character, following a hexadecimal data stream, causes the value of the data to be added to the contents of the selected storage element. (P-Mode) SUBTRACT FROM SELECTED LOCATION The II_II character, followi ng a hexadecimal data stream, causes the value of the data to be subtracted from the contents of the selected storage element. (P-Mode) M STORE IN SELECTED LOCATION The" Mil character, following a hexadecimal data stream, causes the data to be stored in the selected storage element. Control Commands 139 Table 22. Diagnostic Control (P-Mode) Commands Character Function ENTER P-MODE. #### ••• ## Iihut data or address value (context determined by the succeeding operator. # ## ••• ## is any hex digit string). SELECT INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING. / SELECT MEMORY ADDRESSING. + ADD TO SELECTED LOCATION. SUBTRACT FROM SELECTED .LOCATION. M STORE IN SELECTED LOCATION. L SHIFT LEFT AND DISPLAY. R SHIFT RIGHT AND DISPLAY. INCREMENT REFERENCED ADDRESS AND DISPLAY. RUBOUT DISPLAY ADDRESSED LOCATION. S INSTRUCTION SINGLE STEP. G SPECIAL INSTRUCTION SINGLE STEP. x EXIT P-MODE. (P-Mode) L SHIFT LEFT AND DISPLAY This command causes an image of the contents of the presently selected memory location or Q register to be shifted one bit position to the left and then displayed. A zero is entered into the least significant bit of the location for each L command. Actual contents of the memory or Q-register location referenced b,' the shift iiistiuction (P-Mode) R QiS not altsred. SHIFT RIGHT AND DISPLAY This command causes an image of the contents of the presently selected memory location or Q register to be shifted one bit position to the right and then displayed. A zero is entered into the most significant bit of the memory location or Q register for each R command executed. Actual contents of the memory or Q register location referenced by the shift instruction are not altered. previously executed SELECT MEMORY ADDRESSING or SELECT INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING control command). The new address and contents are displayed on the next line. (P-Mode) RUB OUT DISPLAY ADDRESSED LOCATION This command displays the contents of the currently addressed memory location or Q register (as specified by a previously executed SELECT MEMORY ADDRESSING or SELECT INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING control command). (P-Mode) S INSTRUCTION SINGLE STEP This command causes the BP to execute a single instruction as pointed to by the current contents of the program counter. Execution is precisely the same as if the system were running continuously. Upon completion, the BP returns to the IDLE state. If a trap occurs whi Ie the instruction is being executed, the instruction in the trap location (P-Mode) I INCREMENT REFERENCED ADDRESS AND DISPLAY This command increments by +1 the address of the currently selected memory location or Q register (as specified by a 140 Control Commands is executed before the BP returns to the IDLE state. The resultant display shows the next instruction to be executed. Condition codes resulting from the instruction execution are displayed as the second hexadecimal digit of the address field. (P-Mode) G This command permits the contents of register Q5 to be interpreted as the current instruction, and execution by the BP proceeds as described for the INSTRUCTION SINGLE STEP command. The program counter is incremented by +1. This command thus allows any single instruction (contained in register Q5) to be executed in lieu of the instruction pointed to by the program counter without otherwise disturbing conditions within the system. The resultant display shows the next instruction to be executed. Condition codes resulting from the instruction execution are displayed as the second hexadecimal digit of the address field. (P-Mode) X Input Display Name of Command ZC MM2 (MIV\2) SET/CLEAR CLUSTER DISPLAY MODE ZC MM3 (MM3) SET/CLEAR P-MODE REPEAT MODE Zc MM4tt (MM echo SUPER RESET interrupted) Zc MM5 tt (MMS) SET MICRO-DIAGNOSTIC LOOP MODE Zc MM6tt (MM6) INITIATE ELEMENT MICRODIAGNOSTIC ZcMMlt (MM7) SET LOW CLOCK MARGINS Zc MM8tt (MM8) SET HIGH CLOCK MARGINS Zc MM9 tt (MM9) SET MEMORY INTERLEAVE OVERRIDE ZcMMAtt (MM echo SET DISPLAY INHIBIT MODE interrupted) ZCCLKtt (CLK) SET SINGLE CLOCK MODE Ispace l SINGLE-CLOCK STEP ZCc##t (C##) MUL TIPLE-CLOCK STEP ZC KIL (KIL) CLEAR SINGLE CLOCK MOuE Zc E## (E##) SELECT/DISPLAY SINGLE CLOCK STATUS REGISTER ZC T (T) SET/CLEAR TRANSPARENT TEXT MODE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION SINGLE STEP EXIT P-MOD E The EXIT P-MODE command terminates the P-Mode within the ECS. The BP resumes execution of instructions. If no SYSTEM RUN or LOAD NORMAL commands were in effect before entering the P-Mode, the system remains in the IDLE state. Ispace l t MAINTENANCE CONTROL COMMANDS Maintenance control commands facilitate isolation and analysis of system hardware malfunctions. The commands are accepted only if the SCC FUNCTIONS switch is in the ENABLE position. In addition, most critical maintenance controls can be activated only if the MAINT MODE switch on the SCP is in the ON position. The primary features of the maintenance control commands are the provision of system clock control and single clock status displays. Status is obtained from read-only registers located in central system elements. These Single Clock Status Registers (SCSR) monitor the state of internal hardware signals. Each SCSR display is printed on the next line of SCC printout in the format "CE:DDDDDDDD CC". The "CE" field contains two hexadecimal digits that represent a cluster and an element address, respectively. The 8-digit D field displays the contents of the register, and the 2-digit CCII field is a modulo 256 clock step counter. This information is valid only when the system clock is stopped. II The following maintenance control commands are included as standard features of this computer system: ZC LDS #### (LDS@####) LOAD SPECIAL ZC LDT (LDT) MEMORY SET SET SINGLE CLOCK MODE This command sets the computer system to the II Single Clock Mode" by simultaneously stopping all central system clocks, except those required by the External Control Subsystem and the I/O system. When the system is in the Single Clock Mode all control commands may be entered and executed. Operations performed in the Single Clock Mode may differ from those performed when the clock is running Display Name of Command ZC f.N.AO (MMO) CLEAR MM FEATURES tAil clock controls are inhibited unless the MAINT MODE switch is in the ON position. Zc MM1 t (MM1) SET/CLEAR REPEAT CLOCKING MODE ttThese commands are accepted only if the system is in the MAINT MODE. Control Commands 141 at its normal rate (e. g., fixed duration control sequences may not take effect and diagnostic control commands which operate upon BP's registers or memory locations require a large number of clock steps to complete the operation). The RESET SYSTEM, RESET I/o, and RESET BASIC PROCESSOR commands are effective in Single Clock Mode. When the SingleClock Mode is set, the contents of the currently selected Single Clock Status Register are displayed (see SELECT/DISPLAY SINGLE CLOCK STATUS REGISTER, ZCE## command). If the computer system is currently in the Single Clock Mode, ZCCLK command resets the two-digit clock step counter to X'OO'. The Single Clock Mode may be reset by either a CLEAR SINGLE CLOCK MODE, ZCKIL, command or a SUPER RESET, Z CMM4, command. Note: Entering a SET SINGLE CLOCK MODE command when the basic processor is performing normal data processing operations may have an adverse effect upon I/O operations. To prevent inadvertent entry into Single Clock Mode, the ZCCLK command is not accepted unless the MAINT MODE switch is in the ON position. Attempting to enter a ZCCLK command when the MAINT MODE switch is in the OFF position results in an error message (*EVENT A2*) being displayed and no further action. SELECT/DISPLAY SINGLE CLOCK STATUS REGISTER This command causes the requested SCSR to be displayed. The n##n portion of this command (two hexadecimal digits) is stored within the ECS and used as a reference address in any command which displays the contents of the currently selected Single Clock Status Register. The first hexadecimal digit is the cluster address and the second digit is the element address. In addition to being modified by subsequent Zc E## commands, the cluster and element addresses may also be changed by the LOAD NORMAL command and the SET CLUSTER DISPLAY MODE command. The LOAD NORMAL command sets the address to X'OO' and the SET CLUSTER DISPLAY MODE command causes the element address to be set to a zero following each cluster scan. Zct 27 2B 29 JO 31 DISPlAY SflfCT SINGLf_ ClOCK ",,@ '...... tl ti:U~@@ l1f1f1fl • I 2 1 . S 6 1 Figure 15. System Control Panel Control Commands 145 BP STATUS AND NO. This group of indicators permits the processor address (usually 0) and current internal state (RUN, WAIT, or HALT) of the BP to be displayed. While executing instructions, the BP is normally in the RUN or WAIT state. The HALT state is entered only when an address halt occurs, the processor disable is on (see II Operating Procedures and Information U ) or an irrecoverable processor fault occurs. When the system is in the IDLE state as a result of power on, a ZCHLT command, or a pC command, only the processor address is lighted and RUN, WAIT, and HALT indicators are extinguished. ALARM AUDIO This 4-position rotary switch controls the connection and volume of a loudspeaker, and also permits all indicators (except POWER ON and PRIMARY POWER) on the SCP to be tested. When this switch is in the OFF position, the loudspeaker is disconnected. Note that this switch does not inhibit the ALARM indicator. When this switch is in the LOW position, the loudspeaker is connected and the volume is set to a low level. When this switch is in the HIGH position, the loudspeaker is connected and the volume is set to a high level. When this switch is held in the LAMP TEST position, all back-lighted indicators should illuminate, simultaneously. The switch returns to the HIGH position when released. SCC FUNCTIONS This switch controls the functional capabilities of the System Control Coosole{s). When this switch is in the ENABLE position, the SCC device{s) may perform the various control functions attributed to a System Control Console. Certain control functions require the system to be in the IDLE state while others (as described under II Maintenance Control Commands") require the MAINT MODE switch to be in the ON posi ti on. When the SCC FUNCTIONS switch is in the DISABLE position, the controi functions that may be entered from the control console (to interact with operating software) are limited to the fol lowing: 1. Operator requested interrupt (Zc I), 2. Read Sense Switches (ZcSSW), 3. Set Sense Switches (ZcSS *). The operator may lock out potentially disruptive control commands when the operati ng software is runni ng by setti ng the SCC FUNCTIONS switch to DISABLE. REMOTE CHAN NEL This 3-position rotary switch controls the manner in which the alternate and remote consoles may operate. When this switch is in the SCC position, the alternate and remote i46 Controi Commands consoles may be connected in parallel with the System Control Console and may perform the same control functions as the local control device. The remote console also requires a manual connection through the RD1 data set. Note that any restri cti ons upon the control func ti ons i mposed upon the local control device by the SCC FUNCTIONS switch being in the DISABLE position also apply to both consoles. Either the alternate or remote console is selected for input by the AL TSEL switch on the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6). When the REMOTE CHANNEL switch is in the OFF position, the remote device is disconnected from the,ECS at the data set (if present). The alternate console functions in the I/o mode. When this switch is in the I/O position, the alternate and remote consoles operate strictly as I/O devices communicating with the computer system via lOP subchannel address X'OB'. Only one device is selected for input at a time by the ALTSEL switch on the Configuration Control Panel (see Chapter 6). MAINT MODE During normal operations, this switch is placed in the OFF position. During maintenance and/or diagnostic activies, this switch may be placed in the ON position or momentaril>, held in the RESET position (switch automatically returns to the ON position when released). In addition to causing the MAINTENANCE MODE indicator to become illuminated when placed in the ON position, the switch also enables certain hardware controls and al lows their associated control commands to be entered from the operator's control console (see "Maintenance Control Commands"). This i nterl ocki ng feature prevents inadvertent adverse effects upon the current program. Caution should be exercised in activating RESET, since this position (equivalent to the SCC SUPER RESET command) causes a!! components of the system to be reset and initialized. SELECT DISPLAY These nine switches, labeled CCP/SCSR and 0 through 7, are used to specify the binary address of anyone of up to 256 Single Clock Status Registers and up to 32 Configuration Status Registers or Read Direct Mode 9 Status Registers whose content is to be displayed by the 32 binary indicators, labeled 0 through 31. Wh,:" the CCP/SCSR switch is in the SCSR position, swi rches 0 through 3 specify the cluster address and sw~t( :,es 4 through 7 specify the element address of the Sin9ie Clock Status Register whose content is to be displayed. When the CCP/SCSR switch is in the CCP position and switch 0 is in the 'rOil position, switches 3 through 7 specify the binary address of the cabinet whose Read Direct Mode 9 Status Register is to be displayed by the 32 panel indicators. When the CCP/SCSR switch IS In the CCP position and switch 0 is in the 11111 position, switches 3 through 7 specify the binary address of the cabinet whose 16-bit Configuration Status Register is to be displayed by the 16 lower-order indicators. SINGLE CLOCK ENABLE This switch stops all central system clocks in the same manner as the ZCCLK command. Activating this switch when the basic processor is performing normal data processing may have an adverse effect on any active I/O operations. To prevent inadvertent activation of this control, it is disabled unless the MAINT MODE switch is in the ON position. SINGLE CLOCK STEP This switch is active only when in Single Clock Mode or when the Single Clock Enable switch is active. When active, this switch causes one system clock to be issued each time it is placed in the STEP position. The new single clock status, as selected by the MODE and SELECT switches, may .be monitored via the 32 binary indicators C~ the Sy!te!!! Cc~t!"c! P(!~e!; ~~ ~:H!:p!(!y ;!: ge~er~ted 0~ thE' System Control Console by activation of the SCP Single Clock Step switch. of the Read operation, neither data chaining nor command chaining is called for in the 10CD. The Suppress Incorrect Length (SIL) flag is set to 1 so that an incorrect length indication will not cause a Transmission Error Halt. After the SIO instruction has been executed, the basic processor executes a no instruction with the same effective addressas the SIO instruction. The no instruction is coded to accept only condition code data from the lOP. The BCS instruction (in location X'29') will cause a branch to X'22' (a LOAD IMMEDIATE instruction), if either CC1 or CC2 is set to 1. Execution of the LOAD IMMEDIATE instruction at X'22' loads a count of X'10029' into general register 1. The following BDR instruction at location X'23' uses this as a "delay" count before executing the BCR instruction in location X'24', which unconditionally branches to the no instruction in location X'28'. In normal operations, CC1 is reset to 0 and CC2 remai ns set to 1 unti I the device can accept another SIO instruction. At that time, the next instruction is taken from location X'2A'. If a Transmission Error or equipment malfunction is detected by either the device or the lOP, the lOP instructs the d,evice to halt and to initiate an II unusual end" interrupt signal (as specified by appropriate flags in the IOCD, described in Chapter 4). The II unusual end" interrupt will be ignored since all interrupt levels have been Disarmed and Disabled by the system reset during the load sequence. The device wi II not accept another SIO while the interrupt is pending and the BCS instruction in location X'29' will continue to branch to location X'22'. The correct operator action at this point is to repeat the NORMAL LOAD, ZCLDN####, command. If there is no I/O address recognition of the load unit, the SIO instruction will not cause any I/O action and CC1 will continue to be set to 1 by the $iO and no instructions causing the BCS instruction to branch. FETCHING and STORING DATA OPERATING PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION This section contains reference information which may be required by either the operator or maintenance/diagnostic personnel. LOAD OPERA nON DETAILS The first executed instruction of the bootstrap program {in location X'26'} loads general register 0 with the address of the first I/O command doubleword (IOCD). The I/o address for the SIO instruction in location X'27' is the 13 low-order bits of location X'25' {which have been set equal to the load unit address asa result of the NORMAL LOAD, ZCLDN"", command}. During execution of the SIO instruction, general register 0 points to locations X'20' and X'21' as the first IOCD for the selected device. This IOCD contains an order to the selected peripheral device to read 88 (X'58') bytes of data into consecutive memory locations beginning at word location X'2A' (byte location X'A8'). At the end The following examples illustrate how diagnostic control (P-Mode) commands may be used to display and alter the contents of specified memory locations and control registers within the system. Control commands, as entered from a keyboard device functioning as the System Control Console, are shown in the first column. The resulting printouts are shown in the second column. The third column of information is an explanation of the functions performed by the different control commands. Input Printout Function pc O:DDDDDDDD @ 80000000 Enter P-Mode of operations; contents of Q register 0 is normally displayed. 100/ 100/ O:DDDDDDDD @ 00000100 Select and display contents of memory location X'lOO'. Control Commands 147 Input Printout Function 5M 5M 0: 00000005 @ 00000100 Store X'5' into the currently selected memory location. I O:DDDDDDDD @ 00000101 Increment address of currently selected memory location and display. appropriate control i nformati on to perform mai ntenance or diagnostic functions, such as halting and resetting the basic processor, setting address hold, and activating various fault detection controls. During normal operations it should not be necessary to access this word. The contents of the Processor Control Word are not affected by either processor or system reset, but are automatically set to zero (default condition) during power-on sequencing and by the SUPER RESET command. The bit assignments of the Processor Control Word (register Q30) are listed and described in Table 23. Note that all P-Mode accesses are qualified by address mapping bits and Write Lock keys in the Program Status Words. ADDRESS COMPARE WORD PROCESSOR CONTROL WORD The Processor Control Word resides in the processor internal addressable register, Q30. This register may be loaded with The Address Compare Word is located in register Q31 and contains parameters defining the type of comparison and the desired action {alarm, halt, or none} on detecting an address compare. (See Table 24.) Table 23. Bit Assignments and Description, Processor Control Word, Register Q30 (X' 1E') Bit Position Description 0 Retry Inhibit: If this bit is a 0, the basic processor will automatically retry the instruction which caused the trap to location X ' 4C'; if this bit is a 1, the basic processor is inhibited from retrying the instruction which caused the trap to location X'4C'. 1 Parity Check Inhibit: If this bit is a 0, parity checking of R register transactions is enabled; if this bit is a 1, parity checking of R register transactions is inhibited. 2 Watchdog Timer Override: If this bit is a 0, the watchdog timer is allowed to count; if this bit is a 1, the watchdog timer is inhibited from counting and the machine will not execute the Watchdog Timer Trap. 3 Watchdog Timer Alarm: If this bit is a 0, the Watchdog Timer Trap is enabled; if this bit is a 1, the Watchdog Timer Trap is 1III1IUIIC::U. When a rirneour occurS, (J sy:)rem re:)er is generated and the system wi i i run to timeout again. This provides a dynamic loop for isolating the cause of the timeout. ~_L~L!L_.J 4-5 Reserved (must be coded as zeros). 6 Address Hold: If this bit is a 0, the address hold is disabled; if this bit is a 1, the program counter is inhibited from counting (incrementing) causing the machine to loop on the selected instruction (i. e., when the machine is returned to RUN mode, the instruction pointed to by the program counter is executed continuously). 7 Processor Ha It: If this bit is a 0, the processor is allowed to run under the control of system and P-Mode controls; if this bit is a i, the processor is forced into the HALT condition. 8-15 Reserved. 16-31 Load device address. 148 Control Commands Table 24. Bit Assignments, Address Compare Register Q31 (X11 FI) Bit Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-31 Status Significance 1 Selects mapped address· comparison. 0 Selects unmapped address comparison. 1 Selects address comparison during instruction access only. 0 Selects address comparison for all memory cycles. 1 Selects comparisons only during memory write cycle. 0 Selects all memory cycle comparisons. 1 Selects page comparisons. 0 Selects word comparisons. 1 System turns on audible alarm for 220 microseconds each time an Address Compare occurs (maximum frequency 1KHz). 0 Address match alarm is disabled. 1 The processor is forced into the HALT state when an Address Compare occurs. 0 Address Halt disabled. - Reserved. Comparison address field. Control Commands 149 6. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONTROL Pooled resources along with flexible configuration control provide a high degree of continuous availabi lity. If a problem occurs in an individual unit of a resource pool, the system may allow that unit to be isolated with a loss only in capacity but no loss of functional capability, assuming there is an additional unit of that type in the system that can absorb the added load. Specialized units can be duplicated (with all units being normally used, where possible) and configuration controls used to divert the input from one to the other in the event of a failure. configuration control is designed in a modular manner. As the system grows, previously unused rows on the panel can be used (up to the panel's maximum of six), and an additional panel may be added. Two panels represent the maximum configuration for one endbeIl assembly. Note: The Configuration Control Panel does not contain - - - operational controls as the System Control Panel does. The CCP switches are initially positioned during system configuration and are not normally repositioned during system operation. Chapter 2 describes the system organization and Chapter 5 discusses system operational control. This chapter describes the Configuration Control Panel (CCP), which serves as the principal element for controlling and modifying the configuration of the system. CONFIGURATION CONTROL STATUS WORD CONFIGURATION CONTROL PANEL (CCP) The CCP provides the capabi lity for enabling and disabling units in the system. It accomplishes this with centrally located manual selection switches used for the following functions: 1. Establish starting addresses for all memory units in the system. 2. Enable or disable memory ports. 3. Enable or disable individual units and clusters. 4~ Control the power throughout the system. The Configuration Control Panel is mounted within the endbell assembly at the end of the row of cabinets containing the chassis assemblies for the MUs, BP, and other system components. On the outer surface of the endbell assembly is the System Control Panel (described and illustrated in Chapter 5). Access is gained to the CCP by opening the hinged endbell assembly (see Figure 16). A CCP has six rows of 22 toggle switches and two lamp indicators each. A row may control a memory unit, processor cluster, or system control processor. (See Figure 17, and Tables 25 and 26.) The active logic associated with each row of switches and indicators is located within each processor cluster or memory unit itself. Above each row is a marker strip that identifies the function of each switch. The 150 System Configuration Control A program may read settings of the panel switches, type of unit, and options installed. A READ DIRECT (RD) instruction using the chassis address of the cluster or unit as an address allows the program to determine the configuration status of a particular processor cluster or memory unit, for example. (The chassis address assignment represents the chassis' physical location relative to the endbell assembly.) (See Figure 16.) The configuration control status of a panel read by the RD instruction is a 32-bit status word consisting of panel switch settings and type information. (The RD instruction is described in Chapter 3, "Control Instructions".) The logic for these program provisions resides in each unit. In addition to reading configuration status information via a READ DIRECT (RD) instruction in a program, the status information may also be obtained by manual switch selection on the System Control Panel; the 32-bit status word is displayed on a bank of lamp indicators. (See Chapter 5 for a discussion of the System Control Panel features. ) CONFIGURATION BUS The configuration bus connects to each processor cluster and provides a path for the system control processor to select and read the switch settings on the CCP for the selected unit via an RD instruction. System Control Panel (SCP) Endbell Assembly Chassis B Identity Tag Chassis A Chassis B Cabinet 2 Cabinet 1 Cabinet 0 Chassis B Chassis A Chassis A Cabinet 3 Direction of System Expansion - - - -..... Configuration Control Panel (CCP) (Viewed from Module Side) tStarting from the endbell as cabinet number 0, the most significant four bits designate physical cabinet number. The least significant bit designates the back panel location in the halves of the cabinet. Figure 16. Chassis Physical Configuration POWER POWER SYSTEM CLOCK NNORM ON SEL S El I PROCESSOR ADDRESS I , - - - - - REAL TIME CLOCK S E L - - - - , BP MIOP 010 ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE r- FSEL , ALTSEL FSELA 80 BI ,RTCI, so SI ,RTa, so SI ,RTC3, so SI ,STC-, so 51 MeGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .----PPORT ENABlE - - - - - , POWER POWER SYSTEM CLOCK NNORM ON SEL SEl MUI G ~ • o .-STARTING ADDRESS - - - - - - , INTLV S12 SI3 SI.ol SI5 SI6 SI7 SI8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0·0 0 0 Indicator Switch Figure 17. Sample Rows of CCP Switches Configuration Control Panel (CCP) 151 Table 25. Functions of Processor Cluster Configuration Control Panel Row Label Switch/Indicator Function POWER NNORM 1 indicator Lighted when unit power is shut down due to abnormal operational condition. POWER ON 1 switch When in up or middle position, enables power-on control in the unit power supply. (Middle position inhibits the unit reset signal.) When in down position, power to unit is off. SYSTEM SEL 1 switch Selects the processor bus to which the processor cluster is to be connected (up is processor bus A, down is B). CLOCK SEL 1 switch SeleGts the clock source (up, A or down, B) for the unit clock subsystem. PROCESSOR ADDRESS 3 switches Establishes the logical address of the cluster within a group of processor clusters. Note: The 5-bit chassis location number and not the proce'ssor address is used in addressing the configuration switches for a given unit by the RD instruction directed to the Configuration Control Panel. BP ENABLE 1 switch When in down position, inhibits the internal bus. MIOP ENABLE 1 switch When in down position, inhibits the MIOP from operating on the internal bus. 010 1 switch When in down position, inhibits external 010 interface. ALTSEL 1 switch Selects either the remote console (down position) or alternate operator's console (up position) to enter data on the Remote Channel Interface. FSELA 1 switch Selects communications frequency for the primary operator's console as follows: BP from operating on the ENABLE up = same frequency as remote channel down = 1200 baud Note: The 1200 baud selection is effective only if the REMOTE CHANNEL switch on the System Control Panel is not in the SCC posi ti on. FSELBO/FSELB1 152 2 switches Configuration Control Panel (CCP) Selects communications frequency for the alternate operator's console and the Remote Diagnostic Interface (Remote Channel) as follows: -BO -B1 Rate (baud) 0 0 110 0 1 1200 1 0 unspecified 1 1 300 Table 25. Functions of Processor Cluster Configuration Control Panel Row (cont.) Label Swi tch/lndi cator Function REAL-TIME CLOCK SEL 8 switches Four groups (labeled RTC1, RTC2, RTC3, and STC) of 2 switches each (labeled SO and 51), used for selecting the real-time clock frequencies; each of the three real-time clock counters and the one subjective clock counter may have their frequencies selected by the proper combination of the two switches associated with each counter: - SO -51 Frequency (Hz) 0 0 500 0 1 External real-time clock source 1 0 2000 1 1 Power line Table 26. Functions of Memory Unit Configuration Control Panel Row Label Swi tch/lndi cator Function POWER NNORM 1 indicator Lighted when unit power is shut down due to abnormal operational condition. POWER ON 1 switch When in up or middle position, enables power-on control in the unit power supply. (Middle position inhibits the unit reset signal.) When .in down position, power to unit is off. SYSTEM SEL 1 switch Determines to which central shared resources the reset signal is connected. CLOCK SEL 1 switch Selects which clock the memory shall use; up position selects system c.lock A, down position selects system clock B. UNIT ADDRESS 3 switches Establishes the logical address of the unit within a group of memory units. PORT ENABLE 6 switches Down position disables, up enables, corresponding port when setting up different configuration in the system. Switch 1 (leftmost) corresponds to port 1, etc., and switch 6 corresponds to port 6. INTLV 1 switch Up position selects interleave addressing mode in each memory unit; down position means no interleaving in any memory unit. Only two-way interleaving is allowed. The unit interleaved with this memory unit must have its interleave switch on and be in the appropriate addressing range. The interleave logic operates only for memory units with a number corresponding to a power of 2: i. e. , 16K, 32K words; if other than a power of 2, the interleave signal it receives is ignored. Interleaving is permissible only: II 1. Between two memory units of the same size. 2. Provided the·two memory units cover an addressing range that is continuous and starts at a multiple of the size of the two memory units taken together. Configuration Control Panel 153 Table 26. Functions of Memory Unit Configuration Control Panel Row (cont.) Label Switch/Indicator Function STARTING ADDRESS 7 switches Used to set the starting addresses of the memory units. From left to right the switches are labeled S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, and S 18. Using the switches as a 7-position binary field, this allows memory to address up to 1 mi Ilion words. When the memory system comprises memory units of different sizes, some precautions are necessary to prevent false address recognition as well as to prevent gaps in the memory range. 1. If all memory units have sizes that are powers of two, they can a II be di fferent; they must , however, be assi gned in order of decreasing size in the address continuum. For instance, three memory units can be used in this manner: Memory Unit No. 2. 154 Configuration Control Panel Size - Address Range 1 64K words o to 64K word~ 2 32K words 64 to 96K words 3 16K words 96 to 112K words If a memory unit has a size that is not a power of two, it must be situated in a memory system that satisfies the following rules: a. All other memory units must have sizes that are a power of two. b. The starting address of the non-power-of-two unit must be a multiple of the'next power of two above the size of that unit. c. The memory unit whose size is not a power of two must be at the upper end of the address range. APPENDIX A. REFERENCE TABLES STANDARD CHARACTER SETS This appendix contains the following reference material: Title 1. EBCDIC Standard Symbols and Codes Standard 8-Bit Computer Codes (EBCDIC) 57-character set: uppercase letters, numerais, space, and & / < > ( ) + I $ * % # @ Standard 7-Bit Communication Codes (ANSCll) 63-character set: same as above plus i ? -, Standard Symbol-Code Correspondences 89-character set: same as 63-character set plus lowercase letters Hexadecimal Arithmetic Addition Table Multiplication Table Table of Powers of SixteenlO Table of Powers of Ten16 2. ANSCII 64-character set: uppercase letters, numerals, space, II $ % & () * + , / \ < >? @ A # and! Hexadecimal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table L] Hexadecimal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table 95-character set: same as above plus lowercase letters and t } Table of l>owers of Two Mathematical Constants CONTROL CODES STANDARD SYMBOLS AND CODES The symbol and code standards described in this publication are applicable ·to all Xerox computer products, both hardware and software. They may be expanded or altered from time to time to meet changing requirements. The symbols listed here include two types: graphic symbols and control characters. Graphic symbols are displayable and printable; control characters are not. Hybrids are SP, the symbol for a blank space; and DEL, the delete code, which is not considered a control command. Three types of code are shown: (1) the 8-bit Xerox Standard Computer Code, i.e., the Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code (EqCDIC); (2) the 7-bit American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ANSCII); and (3) the Xerox standard card code. In addition to the standard character sets Iisted above, the symbol repertoire includes 37 control codes and the hybrid ,. ~~I II. L _OJ __ J_ ("0 ! _____ !..I ___ ..1 ___ I. \,;UUI:: VLL \"YU.,U '-VU'C J' I;) '-VII;)' ... "", "" ... t""'" _r _II _L ___ _ v, ... ,' ............ ... ter sets). These are listed in the table titled Standard Symbo I-Code Correspondences. SPECIAL CODE PROPERTIES The following two properties of all standard codes will be retained for future standard code extensions: 1. All control codes, and onl y the control codes, have their two high-order bits equal to 1100 11 • DEL is not considered a control code. 2. No two graphic EBCDIC codes have their seven loworder bi ts equa I. . Appendix A 155 STANDARD 8-BIT COMPUTER CODES (EBCDIC) Most c Hexadecimal Binary 0 1 2 I 0000 NUL OLE ds 1 0001 SOH DCl ss 2 0010 STX DC2 fs 3 0011 ETX DC3 si 0100 EaT DC4 5 0101 LF NL .~ 6 0110 Z HT 7 0111 BEL 0> 8 1000 E~M CAN ] 9 1001 ENQ EM A 1010 B 1011 6 - & ~~ 7 8 / t r// ~~" ~, ~ ~// "/// ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ETB ;:r//~ I '// 'l'//; 12 ~~ ~1 ! , $ ESC NOTES: A 9 B 0 C 1100 FF FS < * 0 1101 CR GS ( ) E 1110 SO RS + F I 51 1111 % ; us 2 J tI B K S 2 t ~ I C L T 3 u [ I 0 M U 4 ] I E N V 5 F a w 6 1 I (7-12) -, - (7-14) b k s c I d m e n v f 0 w g, p x G P X 7 h q y H Q Y 8 i r z I R Z 9 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ " :I. ............... ,. . ~i~:l"~,,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ DEL ? " EBCDIC ANSCII 1 \ (6-0) The EBCDIC cantrol codes in columns 0 and 1 and their binary representation are exactly the same as those in the ANSCII table, except for two interchanges: LF /NL with NAK, and HT with ENQ. ~ ~ , , \ 1 @ = I..., The characters Iappear in the 63- and 89-character EBCDIC sets but not in either of the ANSCII-based sets. However, Xerox software translates the characters into ANSCII characters as follows: A j I > t [] The characters .... \ ~ are ANSCII characters that do not appear in any of the EBCDIC-based character sets, though they are shown in the EBCDIC table. \1 a : - 2 F 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 ~"'''FFi' C E 0 ':ssi!l~;; " Digits ~ ~~ ~ ~ '% I/.'l. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :% NAK SUB VT 5 SP ACK SYN } .;; 4 0010 0011 0100 0101 , 0110 0111 0000 0001 0 4 3 .r; .. uI 4 Characters enclosed in heavy lines are included only in the standard 63- and 89-character EBCDIC sets. These characters are included only in the standard 89-character EBCDIC set. STANDARD 7-BIT COMMUNICATION CODES (ANSCII) 1 Most Significant Digits Decimal 1 0 47 2 3 5 6 rows) (col's.)1 Binary xOOO xOOl xOl0 xOIl xl00 xlOI xl10 xlll 1 Most significant bit, added for 8-bit format, is either 0 or even parity. ! 0 @ P \ P 1 A Q a q II 2 B R b r DC3 I 3 C S c s EaT DC4 $ 4 0 T d t 0 0000 NUL OLE 1 0001 SOH DCl 2 0010 STX DC2 3 0011 ETX 4 0100 SP ! 5 is is 0101 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 6 0110 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 8 7 0111 BEL ETB G W g w 'cCl 8 1000 BS CAN 8 H X h x 0 C v; a , ( 7 I 9 1001 HT EM 9 Y i Y 10 1010 LF NL SUB . I : J Z j z 11 1011 VT ESC + ; K [ k t 12 1100 FF FS , < L \ I I 13 1101 CR GS - = M ] 14 1110 SO RS > N ? a .3 15 I 1111 51 \ 156 Appendix A . US ) I/ ;\ ~ .- I .. .. m n '0 Columns 2-5 correspond to the 64-character ANSCII set. Columns 2-7 correspond to the 95-character ANSCII set. On many current teletypes, the symbol 5 .-Cl Columns 0-1 are cantral codes. is (5-i4) (5-15) ESC or ALTMODE control (7-14) and none of the symbols appearing in columns 6-7 are provided. Except for the three symbol differences noted above, therefore, such teletypes provide all the characters in the 64-character ANSCII set. (The Xerox 7015 Remote Keyboard Printer provides the 64-character ANSCII set also, but prints A as fl.) I ~ -.. DEL , STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES EBCDlCt Hex. Dec. Symbol 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NUL SOH STX ETX EOT HT ACK BEl BSorEOM ENQ NAK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OLE DCl DC2 DC3 DC4 LF or NL SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 1C 10 IE IF 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 32 33 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 60 61 62 63 VT FF CR SO SI ds ss ts si Card Code ANSCn tt Meaning Remarks 00 thro~h 23 and 2F are control codes. 12-0-9-8-1 12-9-1 12-9-2 12-9-3 12-9-4 12-9-5 12-9-6 12-9-7 12-9-8 12-9-8-1 12-9-8-2 12-9-8-3 12-9-8-4 12-9-8-5 12-9-8-6 12-9-8-7 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-9 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-5 1-5 0-11 0-12 0-13 0-14 0-15 null start of header start of text end of text end of transmission horizontal tab acknowledge (positive) bell backspace or end of message enquiry negative acknowledge vertical tab form feed carriage return shift out shift in 12-11-9-8-1 11-9-1 11-9-2 11-9-3 11-9-4 11-9-5 11-9-6 11-9-7 11-9-8 11-9-8-1 11-9-8-2 11-9-8-3 11-9-8-4 11-9-8-5 11-9-8-6 11-9-8-7 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 0-10 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 data link escape device control 1 device control 2 device control 3 device control 4 line feed or new line sync end of transmission block cancel end of medium substitute escape file separator group separator record separator unit separator 11-0-9-8-1 0-9-1 U- Remarks blank cent or accent grove period less tl)an left parenthesis plus vertical bar or broken bar - , Meaning 6-0 2-14 3-12 2-8 2-11 7-12 % .... tt 41 through 49 will not be assigned. 11 0-1 11-0-9-2 11-0-9-3 11-0-9-4 11-0-9-5 11-0-9-6 11-0-9-7 11-0-9-8 0-8-1 12-11 0-8-3 0-8-4 / 99 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 n Symbol exclamation point dollars asterisk right parenthesis semicolon tilde or logical not minus, dash, hyphen slosh 62 through 69 wi II not be assigned. 5-14 2-12 2-5 circumflex comma percent underiine greater than question mark On Model 7015 .... is " (caret) . Underiine is sometimes called "break character"; may be printed along bottom of charocter line. 70 through 79 will not be assigned. 3-10 2~3 colon number or apostrophe (right single quote) equals quotation mark STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES (cont.) EBCOIC t Hex. Dec. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 SA 88 8C 80 8E SF 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 99 9A 9B 9C 90 9E 9F A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 80 81 82 B3 B4 85 86 87 B8 89 BA BB BC BO BE 8F 176 In 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 AO Al A2 A3 A4 AS A6 Symbol a b c d e f g h i Card Code 12-0-8-1 12-0-1 12-0-2 12-0-3 12-0-4 12-0-5 12-0-6 12-0-7 12-0-8 12-0-9 12-0-8-2 12-0-8-3 ANSCn tt Meaning Remarks 80 is u,\assigned. 81-89, "91-99, A2-A9 comprise the lowercase alphabet. Available only="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " in standard 89- and 95character sets. 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 SA through 90 are unassigned. 12-O~8-4 12-0-8-5 12-0-8-6 12-0-8-7 j k I !n n 0 p q r s t u v w x Y z \ j J ~ 12-11-8-1 12-11-1 12-11-2 12-11-3 12-11-4 12-11-5 12-11-6 12-11-7 12-11-8 12-11-9 12-11-8-2 12-11-8-3 12-11-8-4 12-11-8-5 12-11-8-6 12-11-8-7 11-0-8-1 11-0-1 11-0-2 11-0-3 11-0-4 11-0-5 11-0-6 11-0-7 11-0-8 11-0-9 11-0-8-2 11-0-8-3 11-0-8-4 11-0-8-5 11-0-8-6 11-0-8-7 12-11-0-8-1 12-11-0-1 12-11-0-2 12-11-0-3 12-11-0-4 12-11-0-5 12-11-0-6 12-11-0-7 12-11-0-8 12-11-0-9 12-11-0-8-2 12-11-0-8-3 12-11-0-8-4 12-11-0-8-5 12-11-0-8-6 12-11-0-8-7 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 7-0 7-1 7-2 9A through Al are unassigned. 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 AA through BO are unassigned. 5-12 7-11 7-13 5-11 5-13 backslash left brace right brace left bracket right bracket 86 through BF are unassigned. tHexadecimal and decimal notation. tt Decimal notation (cotumn-row). Appendix A 159 STANDARD SYMBOL-CODE CORRESPONDENCES (cont.) EBCDICt Hex. Dec. CO 192 193 Cl 194 C2 195 C3 196 C4 197 C5 C6 198 199 C7 C8 200 C9 201 CA 202 CB 203 CC 204 CD 205 CE 206 CF 207 DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF SY!""'bol A B C D E F G H I 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 J K l M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z I 12-0 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-0-9-8-2 12-0-9-8-3 12-0-9-8-4 12-0-9-8-5 12-0-9-8-6 12-0-9-8-7 11-0 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 12-11-9-8-2 12-11-9-8-3 12-11-9-8-4 12-11-9-8-5 12-11-9-8-6 12-11-9-8-7 0-8-2 11-0-9-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 11-0-9-8-2 11-0-9-8-3 11-0-9-8-4 11-0-9-8-5 ~ ~ Meaning Remarks CO is unassigned. CI-C9, DI-D9, E2-E9 comprise the uppercase alphabet. 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 CA through CF will not be assigned. DO is unassigned. 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 5-0 5-1 5-2 DA through DF wi II not be assigned. EO, El are unassigned. 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 EA through EF wi II not be assigned. -0-9-8-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12-11-0-9-8-2 12-11-0-9-8-3 12-11-0-9-8-4 12-11-0-9-8-5 12-11-0-9-8-6 12-11-0-9-8-7 tHexadecimal and decimal notation. ttDecimal notation {column-row}. 160 ANscn tt 11-0-9-8-7 253 254 255 Card Code Appendix A 3-0 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 FA through FE wi II not be ass igned. delete Special - neither graphic nor control symbol. HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC ADDITION TABLE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Cfi OA OS OC 00 OE OF 10 2 03 04 05 .06 07 08 09 OA OS OC 00 OE OF 10 11 3 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OS OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 4 05 06 07 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 5 06 07 08 Cfi OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 6 07 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 08 Cfi OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A C 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 0 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C E OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E MULTIPLICATION TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 8 C 0 E F 2 04 06 08 OA OC OE 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C lE 3 06 09 OC OF 12 15 18 18 1E 21 24 27 2A 20 4 08 OC 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 5 OA OF 14 19 1E 23 28 20 32 37 3C 41 46 48 6 OC 12 18 1E 24 2A 30 36 3C 42 48 4E 54 5A 7 OE 15 1C 23 2A 31 38 3F 46 40 54 58 62 69 8 10 18 20 28 .30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 9 12 18 24 20 36 3F 48 51 5A 63 6C 75 7E 87 A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 50 5A 64 6E 78 82 8C 96 8 16 21 2C 37 42 40 58 63 6E 79 84 8F 9A A5 C 18 24 30 3C 48 54 60 6C 78 84 90 9C A8 84 0 1A 27 34 41 4E 58 68 75 82 8F 9C A9 86 C3 E 1C 2A 38 46 54 62 70 7E 8C 9A 'A8 86 C4 02 F 1E 20 3C 4B 5A 69 78 87 96 A5 84 C3 02 E1 Appendix A 161 TABLE OF POWERS OF SIXTEEN II n o 0.10000 00000 00000 00000 x 256 2 0.62500 00000 00000 00000 x 10- 1 0.39062 50000 00000 00000 x 10- 2 4 096 3 65 536 4 1 048 576 5 0.24414 06250 00000 00000 x 10- 3 4 0.15258 78906 25000 00000 x 100.95367 43164 06250 00000 x 10- 6 16 777 216 6 0.59604 64477 53906 25000 x 10- 268 435 456 7 0.37252 90298 46191 40625 x 10- 4 294 967 296 8 0.23283 06436 53869 62891 x 10- 68 719 476 736 9 0.14551 91522 83668 51807 x 10- 16 10 627 776 10 0.90949 47017 72928 23792 x 10- 186 044 416 11 0.56843 41886 08080 14870 x 10- 474 976 710 656 12 0.35527 13678 80050 09294 x 10- 4 503 599 627 370 496 13 0.22204 46049 25031 72 057 594 037 927 936 14 0.13877 78780 78144 56755 x 10- 15 0.86736 17379 88403 54721 1 099 511 17 592 281 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 30808 x 10x 10- 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 TABLE OF POWERS OF TEN 16 o A 162 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0.1999 9999 9999 999A 64 2 0.28F5 C28F 5C28 F5C3 x 3E8 3 0.4 189 3748 C6A7 EF9E x 16- 1 16- 2 2710 4 0.6808 88AC 710C 8296 x 16- 3 86AO 5 0.A7C5 AC47 1847 8423 x 16- 4 F 4240 6 0.10C6 F7 AO B5E 0 8037 x 16- 4 98 9680 7 O.iAD7 F29A BCAF 4858 x 16 - 5F5 E100 8 0.2AF3 10C4 61 18 738F x 16-6 3B9A CAOO 9 0.4488 2FAO 985A 52CC x 16- 7 2 540B E400 10 0.6 OF 3 7F67 5EF6 EAOF x 16- 8 17 4876 E800 11 O.AFE B FF08 C824 AAFF x 16- 9 E8 04A5 1000 12 0.1 197 9981 20EA 1119 x 918 4E72 AOOO 13 0.1 C25 C268 4976 81C2 x 5AF3 107A 4000 14 0.2009 3700 4257 3604 x 3 807E A4C6 8000 15 0.4 80 E BE 78 9058 5660 x 23 86F2 6FC1 0000 16 0.734A CASF 6226 FOAE x 163 4578 508A 0000 17 0.B877 AA32 36A4 B449 x 16- 13 16- 14 DE 0 B6B3 A764 0000 18 0.1272 5001 0243 ABA1 x 16- 14 8AC7 2304 89E8 0000 19 0.1 083 C9 4 F B602 AC35 x V.,-15 Appendix A -.'i 16- 9 16- 10 16 -11 16- 12 HEXADECNAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE Hexadecimal fractions may be converted to decimal fractions as follows: The table below provides for direct conversions between hexadecimal integers in the range O-FFF and decimal integers in the range 0-4095. For conversion of larger integers, the table values may be added to the following figures: Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal 01 000 02000 03000 04 000 05 000 06 000 07000 08000 09000 OA 000 OB 000 OC 000 00000 OE 000 OF 000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 lA 000 lB 000 lC 000 10000 IE 000 IF 000 4096 8 192 12288 16384 20480 24576 28672 32768 36864 40 960 45056 49152 53248 57344 61 440 65536 69632 73728 77824 81 920 86 016 90 112 94208 98304 102400 106 496 110592 114688 118784 122880 126 976 20 000 30000 40 000 50000 60000 70000 80 000 90 000 AOooo BO 000 CO 000 00000 EO 000 FO 000 100 000 200000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 AOO 000 BOO 000 COO 000 DOO 000 Eoo 000 Foo 000 1000000 2000000 131 072 196608 262 144 327680 393 216 458752 524288 589824 655 360 720896 786 432 851 968 917 504 983040 1 048576 2097 152 3 145 728 4 194304 5 242880 6 291 456 7340032 8388608 9437 184 10 485 760 11 534 336 12582912 13631 488 14680-064 15 728640 16777 216 33554432 0 1 2 1. Express the hexadecimal fraction as an integer times 16-n, where n is the number of significant hexadecimal places to the right of the hexadecimal point. O. CA9BF3 16 = CA9 BF3 16 x 16-6 2. Find the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal integer CA9 BF3 3. 16 = 13 278 195 10 Multiply the decimal equivalent by 16-n 13 278 195 x 596 046 448 x 10-16 0.791 442096 10 Decimal fractions may be converted to hexadecimal fractions by successively multiplying the decimal fraction by 16 10 . After each multiplication, the integer portion is removeO to form a hexadecimal fraction by building to the right of the hexadecimal point. However, since decimal arithmetic is used in this conversion, the integer portion of each product must be converted to hexadecimal numbers. Example: Convert 0.89510 to its hexadecimal equivalent 0.895 @.3~~ d~~~ I lL @.120 ~ 0.E51E 16 • 3 4 5 6 7 0003 0019 0035 0051 0004 0020 0036 0052 0005 0021 0037 0053 0006 0022 0038 0054 0007 0023 0039 0055 C 0 E F 0008 0009 0010 0011 0024 0025 0026 0027 0040 0041 0042 0043 0056 0057 0058 0059 0012 0028 0044 0060 0013 0029 0045 0061 0014 0030 0046 0062 0015 0031 0047 0063 8 9 A B 000 010 020 030 0000 0001 0002 0016 0017 0018 0032 0033 0034 0048 0049 0050 040 050 060 070 0064 0065 0080 0081 0096 0097 0112 0113 0066 0067 0082 0083 0098 0099 0114 0115 0068 0084 0100 0116 0069 0085 0101 0117 0070 0071 0086 0087 0102 0103 0118 0119 0072 0073 0074 0075 0088 0089 0090 0091 0104 0105 0106 0107 0120 0121 0122 0123 0076 0092 0108 0124 0077 0093 0109 0125 0078 0079 0094 0095 0110 0111 0126 0127 080 090 OAO OBO 0128 0144 0160 0176 0129 0145 0161 0177 0130 0131 0146 0147 0162 0163 0178 0179 0132 0148 0164 0180 0133 0149 0165 0181 0134 0135 0150 0151 0166 0167 0182 0183 0136 0137 0138 0139 0152 0153 0154 0155 0168 0169 0170 0171 0184 0185 0186 0187 0140 0156 0172 0188 0141 0157 0173 0189 0142 0158 0174 0190 0143 0159 0175 0191 oeo 0192 0208 0224 0240 0193 0209 0225 0241 0194 0195 0210 0211 0226 0227 0242 0243 0196 0212 0228 0244 0197 0213 0229 0245 0198 0214 0230 0246 0201 0202 0203 0217 0218 0219 0233 0234 0235 0249 0250 0251 0204 0220 0236 0252 0205 0221 0237 0253 0206 0222 0238 0254 0207 0223 0239 0255 000 OEO OFO 0199 0215 0231 0247 0200 0216 0232 0248 Appendix A 163 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) 164 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 100 110 120 130 0256 0272 0288 0304 0257 0273 0289 0305 0258 0274 0290 0306 0259 0275 0291 0307 0260 0276 0292 0308 0261 0277 0293 0309 0262 0278 0294 0310 0263 0279 0295 0311 0264 0280 0296 0312 0265 0281 0297 0313 0266 0282 0298 0314 0267 0283 0299 0315 0268 0284 0300 0316 0269 0285 0301 0317 0270 0286 0302 0318 0271 0287 0303 0319 140 150 160 170 0320 0336 0352 0368 0321 0337 0353 0369 0322 0338 0354 0370 0323 0339 0355 0371 0324 0340 0356 0372 0325 0341 0357 0373 0326 0342 0358 0374 0327 0343 0359 0375 0328 0344 0360 0376 0329 0345 0361 0377 0330 0346 0362 0378 0331 0347 0363 0379 0332 0348 0364 0380 0333 0349 0365 0381 0334 Ol50 0366 0382 0335 0351 0367 0383 180 190 lAO 180 0384 0400 0416 0432 0385 0401 0417 0433 0386 0402 0418 0434 0387 0403 0419 0435 0388 0404 0420 0436 0389 0405 0421 0437 0390 0~91 0406 0407 0422 0423 0438 0439 0392 0408 0424 0440 0393 0409 0425 0441 0394 0410 0426 0442 0395 0411 0427 0443 0396 0412 0428 0444 0397 0413 0429 0445 0398 0414 0430 0446 0399 0415 0431 0447 lCO lDO lEO lFO 0448 0464 0480 0496 0449 0465 0481 0497 0450 0466 0482 0498 0451 0467 0483 0499 0452 0468 0484 0500 0453 0469 0485 0501 0454 0470 0486 0502 0455 0471 0487 0503 0456 0472 0488 0504 0457 0473 0489 0505 0458 0474 0490 0506 0459 0475 0491 0507 0460 0476 0492 0508 0461 0477 0493 0509 0462 0478 0494 0510 0463 0479 0495 0511 200 210 220 230 0512 0528 0544 0560 0513 0529 0545 0561 0514 0530 0546 0562 0515 0531 0547 0563 0516 0532 0548 0564 0517 0533 0549 0565 0518 0534 0550 0566 0519 0535 0551 0567 0520 0536 0552 0568 0521 0537 0553 0569 0522 0538 0554 0570 0523 0539 0555 0571 0524 0540 0556 0572 0525 0541 0557 0573 0526 0542 0558 0574 0527 0543 0559 0575 240 250 260 270 0576 0592 0608 0624 0577 0593 0609 0625 0578 0594 0610 0626 0579 0595 0611 0627 0580 0596 0612 0628 0581 0597 0613 0629 0582 0598 0614 0630 0583 0599 0615 0631 0584 0600 0616 0632 0585 0601 0617 0633 0586 0602 0618 0634 0587 0603 0619 0635 0588 0604 0620 0636 0589 0605 0621 0637 0590 0606 0622 0638 0591 0607 0623 0639 280 290 2AO 2BO 0640 0656 0672 0688 0641 0657 0673 0689 0642 0658 0674 0690 0643 0659 0675 0691 0644 0660 0676 0692 0645 0661 0677 0693 0646 0662 0678 0694 0647 0663 0679 0695 0648 0664 0680 0696 0649 0665 0681 . 0697 0650 0666 0682 0698 0651 0667 0683 0699 0652 0668 0684 0700 0653 0669 0685 0701 0654 0670 0686 0702 0655 0671 0687 0703 2C0 2DO 2EO 2FO 0704 0720 0736 0752 0705 0721 0737 0753 0706 0722 0738 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4087 4040 4056 4072 4088 4045 4060 4061 4076 4077 4092 4093 4046 4062 4078 4094 4047 4063 4079 4095 ~"1~ 4033 4049 4065 4081 Appendix A ..11\11'\ 4034 4050 4066 4082 4035 4051 4067 4083 4041 4057 4073 4089 4042 4058 4074 4090 4043 4059 4075 4091 404t1 3407 3422 3423 3438 3439 3454 3455 HEXADECIMAL-DEC..AL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecima I .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .OA .OB .OC .00 .OE .OF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 000000 00 00 00 000000 000000 .00000 00000 .00390 62500 .00781 25000 .01171 87500 .0156250000 .01953 12500 .02343 75000 .02734 37500 .03125 00000 .0351562500 .03906 25000 .04296 87500 .04687 50000 .05078 12500 .05468 75000 .05859 37500 .40 .41 .42 .43 .44 ..45 .46 .47 .48 .49 .4A .4B .4C .40 .4E .4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. 25000 00000 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.5625000000 .56640 62500 .57031 25000 .57421 87500 .57812 50000 .58203 12500 .58593 75000 .58984 37500 .59375 00000 .59765 62500 .60156 25000 .60546 87500 .60937 50000 .61328 12500 .6171875000 .62109 37500 .00 00 00 00 .01 00 00 00 .02 00 00 00 .03 00 00 00 .04 00 00 00 .05 00 00 00 .06 00 00 00 .07 00 00 00 .08 00 00 00 .09 00 00 00 .OA 00 00 00 .OB 00 00 00 .DC 00 00 00 .0000 00 00 .OE 00 00 00 .OF 00 00 00 .81250 00000 .81640 62500 .82031 25000 .82421 87500 .82812 50000 .83203 12500 .83593 75000 .83984 37500 .84375 00000 .8476562500 .85156 25000 .85546 87500 .85937 50000 .86328 12500 .86718 75000 .87109 37500 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 .37500 00000 .37890 62500 .38281 25000 .38671 87500 .39062 50000 .39453 12500 .39843 75000 .40234 37500 .40625 00000 .410 15 62500 .41406 25000 .41796 87500 .42187 50000 .42578 12500 .42968 75000 .43359 37500 .AO 00 00 00 .Al 00 00 00 .A2 00 00 00 .A3 00 00 00 .A4 00 00 00 .AS 00 00 00 .A6 00 00 00 .A7 00 00 00 .A8 00 00 00 .A9 00 00 00 .AA 00 00 00 .AB 00 00 00 .AC 00 00 00 .AO 00 00 00 .AE 00 00 00 .AF 00 00 00 .62500 00000 .62890 62500 .63281 25000 .63671 87500 .64062 50000 .64453 12500 .64843 75000 .65234 37500 .65625 00000 .66015 62500 .66406 25000 .66796 87500 .6718750000 .67578 12500 .67968 75000 .68359 37500 .EO .El .E2 .E3 .E4 .E5 .E6 .E7 .E8 .E9 .EA .EB .EC .EO .EE .EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .87500 00000 .87890 62500 .88281 25000 .88671 87500 .8906250000 .89453 12500 .89843 75000 .90234 37500 .90625 00000 .9101562500 .91406 25000 .91796 87500 .92187 50000 .92578 12500 .92968 75000 .93359 37500 00 00 00 00 00 OQ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 .43750 00000 .44140 62500 .44531 25000 .44921 87500 .45312 50000 .45703 12500 .46093 75000 .46484 37500 .4687500000 .47265 62500 .47656 25000 .48046 87500 .48437 50000 .48828 12500 .49218 75000 .49609 37500 .BO .Bl .B2 .B3 .84 .B5 .86 .B7 .88 .89 .8A .BB .BC .BO .BE .SF .68750 00000 .6914062500 .69531 25000 .69921 87500 .70312 50000 .70703 12500 .71093 75000 .71484 37500 .71875 00000 .72265 62500 .72656 25000 .73046 87500 .73437 50000 .73828 12500 . .7421875000 .74609 37500 .FO .FI .F2 .F3 .F4 .F5 .F6 .F7 .F8 .F9 .FA .FB .FC .FO .FE .FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .93750 00000 .94140 62500 .94531 25000 .94921 87500 .95312 50000 .95703 12500 .96093 75000 .96484 37500 .96875 00000 .97265 62500 .97656 25000 .98046 87500 .98437 50000 .98828 12500 .9921875000 .99609 37500 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OQ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Appendix A 169 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadec ima I Decimal .0000 .00 01 .00 02 .00 03 .00 04 .00 05 .00 06 .00 07 .00 08 .00 09 .00 OA .00 OB .00 OC .00 00 .00 OE .00 OF 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 00000 .00001 52587 .0000305175 .00004 57763 .00006 10351 .00007 62939 .00009 15527 .00010 68115 .0001220703 .0001373291 .00015 25878 .0001678466 .0001831054 .0001983642 .00021 36230 .00022 88818 .00 40 .00 41 .00 42 .00 43 .00 44 .00 45 .00 46 .00 47 .00 48 .00 49 .004A .00 4B .00 4C .00 40 .00 4E .00 4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00097 65625 .00099 18212 .001 00 70800 .00 102 23388 .0010375976 .00 105 28564 .00106 81152 .00108 33740 .0010986328 .00111 38916 .0011291503 .00114 44091 .00115 96679 .00117 49267 .0011901855 .00120 54443 .00 80 00 00 .00 81 00 00 .00 82 0000 .0083 0000 .0084 00 00 .00 85 00 00 .00 86 00 00 .00 87 00 00 .00 88 00 00 .00 89 00 00 .00 8A 00 00 .008B 0000 .00 8C 00 00 .00800000 .00 8E 00 00 .008F 00 00 .0019531250 .00 196 83837 .00198 36425 .00199 89013 .00201 41601 .00202 94189 .00204 46777 .00205 99365 .00207 51953 .00209 04541 .0021057128 .0021209716 .00213 62304 .00215 14892 .0021667480 .00218 20068 .00 CO 00 00 .00 Cl 0000 .00 C2 00 00 .00 C3 00 00 .00 C4 00 00 .00 C5 00 00 .00 C6 0000 .00 C7 00 00 .00 C8 00 00 .00 C9 00 00 .00 CA 00 00 .00 CB 0000 .00 CC 00 00 .00 CD 00 00 .00 CE 0000 .00 CF 00 00 .00292 96875 .0029449462 .00296 02050 .0029754638 .00299 07226 .00300 59814 .00302 12402 .00303 64990 .00305 17578 .00306 70166 .00308 22753 .00309 75341 .00311 27929 .00312 80517 .00314 33105 .00315 85693 .00 10 00 00 .00 11 00 00 .00 12,00 00 .00 13 0000 .00 14 00 00 .00 15 0000 .00 16 0000 .00170000 .00 18 0000 .00 19 00 00 .00 lA 0000 .00 lB 00 00 .001C 00 00 .00100000 .00 IE 00 00 .00 IF 00 00 .00024 41406 .00025 93994 .00027 46582 .00028 99169 .00030 51757 .00032 04345 .0003356933 .0003509521 .0003662109 .00038 14697 .0003967285 .00041 19873 .0004272460 .00044 25048 .00045 77636 .00047 30224 .00 50 00 00 .00 51 00 00 .00 52 00 00 .0053 0000 .00 54 0000 .00 55 00 00 .00 56 0000 .00 57 00 00 .0058 0000 .00 59 00 00 .005A 00 00 .00 5B 00 00 .00 5COO 00 .00 50 00 00 .00 5E 00 00 .00 5F 00 00 .0012207031 .00123 59619 .00125 12207 .00126 64794 .00128 17382 .00 129 69970 .00131 22558 .0013275146 .00 134 27734 .00 135 80322 .00137 32910 .0013885498 .00140 38085 .00141 90673 .00143 43261 .00144 95849 .00 90 .00 91 .00 92 .00 93 .0094 .00 95 .0096 .00 97 .00 98 .00 99 .00 9A .00 9B .00 9C .00 90 .00 9E .00 9F 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 .0021972656 .00221 25244 .00222 77832 .00224 30419 .00225 83007 .00227 35595 .0022888183 .00230 40771 .00231 93359 .00233 45947 .00234 98535 .00236 51123 .0023803710 .00239 56298 .00241 08886 .00242 61474 .00 DO 00 00 .0001 0000 .00 02 00 00 .0003 0000 .00 04 0000 .00 05 0000 .00 D6 0000 .00 07 00 00 .0008 00 00 .00 09 00 00 .00 OA 00 00 .00 DB 0000 .00 DC 00 00 .00 DO 00 00 .00 DE 00 00 .00 OF 00 00 .00317 38281 .00318 90869 .00320 43457 .00321 96044 .00323 48632 .00325 01220 .00326 53808 .00328 06396 .00329 58984 .00331 11572 .00332 64160 .00334 16748 .00335 69335 .00337 21923 .00338 74511 .00340 27099 .00 20 .00 21 .0022 .0023 .00 24 .0025 .00 26 .00 27 .00 28 .00 29 .00 2A .00 2B .00 2C .00 20 .00 2E .00 2F 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 .00048 82812 .00050 35400 .00051 87988 .00053 40576 .00054 93164 .0005645751 .00057 98339 .00059 50927 .00061 03515 .0006256103 .00064 086 91 .00065 61279 .00067 13867 .00068 66455 .00070 19042 .00071 71630 .00 60 .00 61 .00 62 .00 63 .00 64 .00 65 .00 66 .0067 .00 68 .00 69 .00 6A .00 6B .006C .00 60 .00 6E .006F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00146 48437 .00148 01025 .0014953613 .00151 06201 .0015258789 .00154 11376 .0015563964 .00157 16552 .0015869140 .00160 21728 .00161 74316 .00163 26904 .0016479492 .00 166 32080 .0016784667 .0016937255 .00 AO .00 Al .00 A2 .00 A3 .00 A4 .00 A5 .00 A6 .00 A7 .00 A8 .00 A9 .00 AA .00 AB .00 AC .00 AD .00 AE .00 AF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 .00244 14062 .00245 66650 .00247 19238 .00248 71826 .00250 24414 .00251 77001 .00253 29589 .0025482177 .00256 34765 .00257 87353 .0025939941 ,00260 92529 .00262 45117 .0026397705 .00265 50292 .00267 02880 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 .00341 79687 .00343 32275 .00344 84863 .00346 37451 .00347 90039 .00349 42626 .00350 95214 .00352 47802 .0035400390 .00355 52978 .0035705566 .0030 .0031 .0032 .0033 .0034 .0035 .0036 .0037 .0038 .0039 .003A .003B .003C .0030 .003E .003F 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 .00073 .00074 .00076 .00077 .00079 .00080 .00082 .00083 .00085 .00086 .00088 .00090 .00091 .00093 .00094 .00096 .00 70 .0071 .0072 .0073 .00 74 .0075 .0076 .0077 .0078 .0079 .007A .007B .007C .0070 .007E .007F 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .0017089843 .00172 42431 .0017395019 .0017547607 .0017700195 .0017852783 .0018005371 .00181 57958 .00183 10546 .00184 63134 .00186 15722 .0018768310 .0018920898 .00190 73486 .00192 26074 .00193 78662 .00 BO 0000 .ooBl0000 .00 B2 0000 .00 B3 0000 .00 B4 0000 .00 B5 0000 .00 B6 0000 .00 B7 00 00 .00 B8 0000 .00 B9 0000 .00 BA 0000 .00 BB 0000 .00 BC 0000 .00 BO 0000 .00 BE 0000 .00 BF 0000 .00268 55468 .0027008056 .00271 60644 .00273 13232 .0027465820 .00276 18408 .00277 70996 .00279 23583 .0028076171 .00282 28759 .00283 81347 .00285 33935 .00286 86523 .00288 39111 .0028991699 .00291 44287 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .00366 21093 .0036773681 .00369 26269 .0037078857 .00372 31445 .00373 84033 .00375 36621 .00376 89208 .0037841796 .0037994384 .00381 46972 .00382 99560 .0038452148 .00386 04736 .00387 57324 .0038909912 170 Appendix A 24218 76806 29394 81982 34570 87158 39746 92333 44921 97509 50097 02685 55273 07861 60449 13037 .0035858154 .00360 .00361 .00363 .00364 10742 63330 15917 68505 I HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal .000000 .000001 .00 00 02 .00 00 03 .00 00 04 .000005 .00 00 06 .000007 .000008 .00 00 09 .00 00 OA .0000 OB .00 00 OC .00 00 00 .00 00 OE .00 00 OF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 00000 .00000 00596 .00000 01192 .00000 01788 .00000 02384 .00000 02980 .00000 03576 .00000 04172 .00000 04768 .00000 05364 .00000 05960 .00000 06556 .00000 07152 .00 00 40 .00 00 41 .00 00 42 .000043 .00 00 44 .00 00 45 .00 00 46 .00 00 47 .00 00 48 .00 00 49 .00 00 4A .00 00 4B .00 00 4C .00 00 40 .00 00 4E .00 00 4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 38146 .00000 38743 .00000 39339 .00000 39935 .00000 40531 .00000 41127 .00000 41723 .00000 42319 .00000 42915 .00000 43511 .00000 44107 .00000 44703 .00000 45 299 .00000 45895 .00000 46491 .00000 47087 .00 00 80 .00 00 81 .00 00 82 .00 00 83 .00 00 84 .00 00 85 .00 00 86 .00 00 87 .000088 .00 00 89 .0000 SA .00 00 8B .00 00 8C .00 00 80 .00 00 8E .00 00 8F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 76293 .00000 76889 .00 00 CO .00 00 Cl .00 00 C2 .00 00 C3 .00 00 C4 .00 00 C5 .00 00 C6 .00 00 C7 .00 00 C8 .00 00 C9 .00 00 CA .00 00 CB .00 00 CC .00 00 CD .00 00 CE .00 00 CF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 14440 .00001 15036 .00001 15633 .00001 16229 .00001 16825 .00001 17421 .00001 18017 .00001 18613 .00001 19209 .00001 19805 .0000 1 2040 1 .00001 20997 .00001 21593 .00001 22189 .00001 22785 .00001 23381 .000010 .00 00 11 .00 00 12 .00 00 13 .00 00 14 .00 00 15 .000016 .00 00 17 .000018 .00 00 19 .00 00 lA .00 00 lB .00 00 1C .000010 .00 00 IE .00 00 IF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00 00 50 .00 00 51 .00 00 52 .00 00 53 .00 00 54 .00 00 55 .00 00 56 .000057 .00 00 58 .00 00 59 .00 00 5A .00 00 5B .00 00 5C .000050 .00 00 5E .00 00 5F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 47683 .00000 48279 .00000 48875 .00000 49471 .00000 50067 .00000 50663 .00000 51259 .00000 51856 .00000 52452 .00000 53048 .00000 53644 .00000 54240 .00000 54836 .00000 55432 .00000 56028 .00000 56624 .00 00 90 .00 00 91 .00 00 92 .00 00 93 .00 00 94 .00 00 95 .00 00 96 .00 00 97 .00 00 98 .00 00 99 .00 00 9A .00 00 9B .00 00 9C .00 00 90 .00 00 9E .00 00 9F 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00 00 DO .00 00 01 .00 00 02 .00 00 03 .00 00 D4 .00 00 05 .00 00 D6 .00 00 07 .00 00 OS .000009 .00 00 OA .00 00 DB .0000 DC .00 00 DO .00 00 DE .00 00 OF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 24573 .00001 25169 .00001 25765 .00001 26361 .00001 26957 .00001 27553 .00001 28149 .00001 28746 .00001 29342 .0000 1 29938 .00001 30534 .00001 31130 .00001 31726 .00001 32322 .00001 32918 EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 33514 .00001 34110 .00001 34706 .00001 35302 .00001 35898 .00001 36494 .00001 37090 .00001 37686 .00001 38282 .0000 1 38878 .00001 39474 .00001 40070 .00001 40666 .00001 41263 .00001 41859 .00001 42455 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 43051 .0000 1 43647 .0000 1 44243 .00001 44839 .00001 45435 .0000 1 46031 .0000 1 46627 .0000 1 47223 .0000 1 47819 .00001 48415 .00001 49011 .00001 49607 .00001 50203 .00001 50799 .00001 51395 .00001 51991 .00000 on48 .00000 08344 .00000 08940 09536 10132 10728 11324 11920 12516 13113 13709 14305 14901 15497 16093 16689 17285 17881 .00000 184n .00000 n486 .00000 78082 .00000 78678 .00000 79274 .00000 79870 .00000 80466 .00000 81062 .00000 81658 .00000 82254 .00000 82850 .00000 83446 .00000 84042 .00000 84638 .00000 85 234 85830 86426 87022 87618 88214 88810 89406 90003 90599 91195 91791 92387 92983 93579 94175 .00000 94nl .00 00 20 .000021 .00 00 22 .00 00 23 .00 00 24 .000025 .00 00 26 .000027 .00 00 28 .00 00 29 .00 00 2A .0000 2B .00 00 2C .00 00 20 .00002E .00 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 19073 .00000 196P9 .00000 20265 .00000 20861 .00000 21457 .00000 22053 .00000 22649 .00000 23245 .0000023841 .00000 24437 .00000 25033 .00000 25629 .00000 26226 .00000 26822 .00000 27418 .00000 28014 .00 00 60 .00 00 61 .00 00 62 .00 00 63 .00 00 64 .00 00 65 .00 00 66 .00 00 67 .00 00 68 .00 00 69 .00 00 6A .00 00 6B .00 00 6C .00 00 60 .00006E .00 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 57220 ~OOOOO 57816 .00000 58412 .00000 59008 .00000 59604 .00000 60200 .00000 60796 .00000 61392 .00000 61988 .00000 62584 .00000 63180 .00000 63776 .00000 64373 .00000 64969 .00000 65565 .00000 66161 .00 00 AO .00 00 Al .00 00 A2 .00 00 A3 .00 00 A4 .00 00 AS .00 00 A6 .00 00 A7 .00 00 A8 .0000 A9 .00 00 AA .00 00 AB .00 00 AC .0000 AD .0000 AE .00 00 AF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 98347 98943 99539 00135 00731 01327 01923 02519 03116 03712 04308 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 0030 .00 00 31 .00 00 32 .00 00 33 .00 00 34 .00 00 35 .000036 .00 00 37 .000038 .000039 .0000 3A .00 00 3B .00003C .000030 .0000 3E .0000 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00 00 70 .00 00 71 .00 00 72 .00 00 73 .00 00 74 .00 00 75 .00 00 76 .00 00 77 .00 00 78 .00 00 79 .00 00 7A .00 00 7B .00 00 7C .00 00 70 .00 00 7E .00 00 7F 00 00 .00000 66757 .00000 67353 .00000 67949 .00000 68545 .00000 69141 .00000 69737 .00000 70333 .00000 70929 .00000 71525 .00000 72121 .00000 72717 .00000 73313 .00000 73909 .00000 74505 .00000 75101 .00000 75697 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00001 04904 .00001 05500 .0000 1 06096 .0000 1 06692 .00001 07288 .00001 07884 .0000 1 08480 .00001 09076 .00001 09672 .00001 10268 .00001 10864 .00001 11460 .0000 1 12056 .00001 12652 .00001 13248 .0000 1 13844 .0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .0000 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 28610 29206 29802 30398 30994 31590 32186 32782 33378 33974 34570 35166 35762 36358 36954 37550 OQ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BO Bl B2 B3 B4 as B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC SO BE BF 95367 95963 96559 97155 .00000 9n51 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001239n Appendix A 171 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (cont.) Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal .0000 00 00 .00 00 00 01 .00000002 .00 00 00 03 .00 00 00 04 .00000005 .00 00 00 06 .00 00 00 07 .00000008 .00000009 .00 00 00 OA .0000 00 OB .00 00 00 OC .00 00 00 00 .0000 00 OE .00 00 00 OF .00000 00000 .00000 00002 .00000 00004 .00000 00006 .00000 00009 .00000 000 11 .00000 000 13 .00000 00016 .00000 000 18 .00000 00020 .00000 00023 .00000 00025 .00000 00027 .00000 00030 .00000 00032 .00000 00034 .00 00 00 40 .00 00 00 41 .00 00 00 42 .00000043 .00000044 .00000045 .00 00 00 46 .00 00 00 47 .00 00 00 48 .00 00 00 49 .0000 00 4A .00 00 00 4B .00 00 00 4C .00 00 00 40 .000000 4E .00 00 00 4F .00000 00149 .00000 00151 .00000 00153 .00000 00 155 .00000 00158 .00000 00160 .00000 00162 .00000 00165 .00000 00167 .00000 00169 ~OOOOO 00 172 .00000 00174 .00000 00176 .00000 00179 .0000000181 .00000 00183 .00 00 00 80 .0000 00 81 .00 00 00 82 .00000083 .00 00 00 84 .0000 00 85 .00 00 00 86 .00 00 00 87 .00 00 00 88 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00 B5 .000000 B6 .00 0000 B7 .00 00 00 B8 .0000 00 B9 .000000 BA .000000 BB .000000 BC .000000 BO .000000 BE .000000 BF .00 00 00 .00 00 00 .000000 .00 00 00 .000000 .00 00 00 .0000 00 .00 00 00 .000000 .00 00 00 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF .00000 00558 .00000 00561 .00000 00563 .00000 00565 .00000 00568 .00000 00570 .0000000572 .00000 00575 .00000 00577 .00000 00579 .00000 00582 .00000 00584 .00000 00586 .00000 00589 .00000 00591 .00000 00593 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB lC 10 IE IF .00000039 .0000 00 3A .0000003B .00 00 00 3C .00000030 .0000 00 3E .0000003F 172 00074 00076 00079 00081 00083 .00000 00086 Appendix A 00 50 00 51 00 52 00 53 00 54 00 55 00 56 00 57 00 58 00 59 00 5A 00 5B 00 5C 00 50 00 5E 00 5F 00 186 00 188 00 190 00 193 00 195 00 197 00200 00202 00204 00207 00209 00211 00214 00216 00218 00221 AO Al A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF 00335 00337 00339 00342 00344 00346 00349 00351 00353 00356 00358 00360 00363 00365 00367 00370 .00000 00372 .0000000374 .'.00000 00377 .00000 00379 .00000 00381 .00000 00384 .00000 00386 .00000 00388 .00000 00391 .00000 00393 .00000 00395 .00000 00398 .00000 00400 .00000 00402 .00000 00405 .00000 00407 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 00409 00412 00414 00416 0041 9 00421 00423 00426 00428 00430 00433 00435 00437 00440 00442 00444 00484 00486 00488 00491 00493 00495 00498 00500 00502 00505 00507 00509 00512 00514 00516 00519 TABLE OF POWERS OF TWO MATHBIATEALCONSTANTS Hexadecimal Value Constant Decimal Value 1 2 .. 8 16 32 6.( 128 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 ..5 0.062 0.031 6 0.015 7 0.007 256 8 0.003 512 9 0.001 1 02.. 10 0.000 2048 11 0.000 4096 8 192 16 38-4. 32 768 12 13 1.. 15 11' ,..-1 oJ; 5 25 625 812 5 906 953 976 -4.88 0.000 2.... 0.000 122 0.000061 0.000 030 140 070 035 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 52.. 536 on 1.... 288 16 17 18 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 015 007 003 001 258 789 062 5 629 394 531 25 81 .. 697 265 625 907 a..s 632 812 5 1 2 .. 8 048 097 19.. 388 576 152 304 608 20 21 22 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 953 ..76 238 119 16 33 67 134 m 5504 108 217 216 -4.32 86-4. 728 2.. 25 26 27 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 059 6().4 6« n5 029 802 322 387 01 .. 901 161 193 007 ..SO 580 596 268 ..as ..56 28 536 870 912 2? I 073 741 824 30 2 1..7 483 648 31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 003 001 000 000 67.. 837 418 209 n5 862 931 -4.65 316 158 579 289 290 645 322 661 .u>6 203 101 5SO 298 1..9 574 287 3.243f 0.517C CIB7 I.n245 38509 05516 I.C58F 89IC 6AB9 In 11' 1.14412 98858 49.wo 1.2500 048F e 2.71828 18284 59045 2.B7El 5163 0.36787 9....11 71 ....2 0.5E2D 5809 .Je 1.6-4.872 12707 00128 I.MI2 98E2 loglOe 0.43429 -4.4819 03252 0.6f2D EC55 log2 e 1.....269 so.wa 88963 1.71504 7653 Y 0.5n21 566-4.9 01533 0.93C" 67E.. e 25 125 562 5 281 25 3.1"159 26535 89793 0.31830 98861 83790 -1 InY -0.504953 93129 816.(5 .J2 1...1..21 35623 73095 -0.8CAE 9BCI 1.6A09 In2 0.69314 71805 59945 O.Bln 17F8 logl02 0.30102 99956 63981 0.-4.010 -4.0..2 E668 .JfO 3.16227 76601 68379 3.298B 075C Inl0 2.30258 40929 940-4.6 2.4076 3777 25 125 562 5 781 25 390 695 W 923 625 312 5 656 25 828 125 -4.61 230 615 307 91 .. 957 478 739 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 ~ ~~ f!~: ~~ 32 ~.~ ~ ~ 232 !!~ ~3 ~53 ~~ ~~ ~ 25 8 589 934 592 33 0.000 000 000 116 415 321 826 934 814 453 125 17 179 869 Is.. 34 0.000 000 000 058 207 660 913 ·-4.67 407 226 562 5 34 359 738 368 35 0.000 000 000 029 103 830 456 733 703 613 281 25 36 37 38 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 014 007 003 001 551 275 637 818 915 957 978 989 228 614 807 403 366 183 091 545 806 903 951 475 625 312 5 156 25 078 125 n6 552 104 208 40 41 42 43 494 747 373 686 701 3SO 675 837 n2 928 237 915 039 886 46.( 118 957 519 443 232 059 478 759 721 616 029 739 379 1 2 4 8 099 199 398 796 511 023 0-4.6 093 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 909 ..504 227 113 17 35 70 140 592 184 368 737 186 044 416 44 0.000 3n 088 832 45 0.000 744 In 66-4. -4.6 0.000 -4.88 355 328 47 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 056 s..a .. 18 860 028 421 709 430 014 210 8504 715 007 105 427 357 808 404 202 601 014 007 003 001 281 562 1 125 2 251 474 9..9 899 799 976 953 906 813 710 656 48 .(21 312 49 8Q 62.. so 685 248 51 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 003 552 001 ·n6 000 888 000 444 713 356 178 089 678 839 419 209 800 400 700 8SO 500 929 2SO 46.( 125232 062 616 599 199 398 797 627 2504 509 018 370 740 481 963 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 222 III 055 027 0.... 022 511 755 604 302 lSI 575 925 -4.62 231 615 031 515 257 628 936 56 0.000 000 000 000 000 013 8n 787 807 814 456 755 295 395 851 135 253 906 25 .. 9 18 36 S03 007 01 .. 028 n 057 594 I.... 115 188 288 230 376 576460752 I 2 4 9 851 425 712 856 6.u> 320 660 830 68 719 476 736 137 ..as 953 472 274 an 906 9.... 5049 755 813 888 152 305 611 223 627 255 5 II 022 037 927 075 855 151 711 303.(23 921 504 606 8-4.6 843 009 213 693 686 018 .(27 387 3n 036 8504 n5 496 992 984 968 52 53 504 55 869 ..34 717 858 308 6504 827 913 062 531 765 882 5 25 625 812 5 689 941 84-4. 970 422 485 711 242 .u>6 703 351 675 25 125 562 5 781 25 355 677 338 169 337 668 334 667 890 945 4n 236 621 810 905 452 625 312 5 656 25 328 125 OS4 n6 333618 16.( 062 5 OQ 363 166 809 082 031 25 021 181 583 404 541 015 625 510 590 791 702 270 S07 812 5 8n 57 0.000 000 000 000 000 006 938 893 903 907 228 377 6.(7 697 925 567 626 953 125 7.... 58 0.000 000 000 000 000 003 469 446 951 953614 188 823 848 962 783 813 476 562 5 -4.88 59 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 734 n3 475 976 S07 094 411 924 481 391 906 738 281 25 976 952 904 808 60 61 62 63 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 867 433 216 lOS 361 680 840 420 737 868 434 217 988 994 497 248 403 20 I 100 5SO 547 773 886 443 205 602 SOl 400 962 981 490 745 240 120 560 280 695 347 173 086 953 976 988 994 369 684 342 171 140 570 285 142 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 Appendix A 173 APPENDIX B. GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLIC TERMS Term Meaning Term Meaning () Contents of. EHl Effective halfword location - halfword location pointed to by effective virtual address of an instruction for halfword- operation. EI External interrupt group inhibit - bit position 39 of PSWs. If set (=1), all interrupt levels within this group are inhibited. ESA Effective source address. EVA Effective virtual address - virtual address value obtained as result of indirect addressing and/or indexing. This address value is independent of the program's actual location in main memory, and is final address value before memory mapping is performed. n AND (logical product, where 0 n 0 = 0, 1 n 0 = 0, and 1 n 1 = 1). o n 1 = 0, u OR (logical inclusive OR, where 0 u 0 = 0, Ou 1 =1,1 uO=l, and 1 u 1 =1). @ EOR (logical exclusive OR, where 0 = 0, 0 @ 1 = 1, 1 @ 0 = 1, and 1 @ 1 = 0). o@ Fixed-point arithmetic trap mask-bit position 11 of PSWs. If set (=1), basic processor traps to location X '43 1 after executing an instruction causing fixed-point overflow; if not set, basic processor does not trap. CC CI Condition code - 4-bit value (bit positions labeled CC1, CC2, CC3, and CC4), established as part of the execution of most i nstructi ons. EW Effective word - 32-bit contents of effective word location (EWl). EWl Counter interrupt group inhibit - bit position 37 of PSWs. If set (=1), all interrupt levels within this group are inhibited. Effective word location - word location pointed to by effective virtual address of an instruction for a word operation. FN Floating normalize mode control - bit position 7 of PSWs. If not set, resul ts of floatingpoint additions and subtractions are to be normalized; if set (=1), results are not normalized. FR Floating round mode control - bit position 4 of PSWs. If set (=1), basic processor rounds floating-point results. If not set, results are truncated. FS Floating significance mode control - bit position 5 of PSWs. If set (=1), basic processor traps to location X '44 1 when more than two hexadecimal places of postnormalization shifting are required for a floating-point addition or subtraction; if not set, no significance checking is performed. FZ Floating zero mode control - bit position 6 of the PSWs. If set (=1), basic processor traps to location X'44' when either characteristic underflow or zero result occurs for a floating-point multiplication or division; if not set, characteristic underflow and zero result are treated as normal conditions. EB Effective byte - 8-bit contents of effective byte location (EBl). EBl Effective byte location - byte location pointed to by effective virtual address of an i nstructi on for byte operati on. ED Effective doubleword - 64-bit contents of effective doubleword location (EDl). EDl Effective doubleword location - doubleword location pointed to by effective virtual address of an instruction for a doubleword operation. If odd-numbered word location is spec ifi ed, low-order bit of effecti ve address field (bit position 31) is automatically forced to O. Hence, odd-numbered word address (referring to middle of doubleword) designates same doub!e\AJord as even-num'bered v{ord address when used for a doubleword operation. EH 174 Effective halfword - 16-bit contents of effective halfword location, or (EHl). Appendix B Term Meaning Term Meaning Instruction register - internal basic processor register that holds instructions. obtained from memory while they are being decoded. Ref. Add. (cont. ) value for any subsequent address computations, memory mapping, or both computation and mappi ng. RP Register pointer - bit positions 58 and 59 of PSWs; these bits select one of four possible register blocks. Rul Odd register address value - register Ru1 is general register pointed to by value obtained by logically ORing 0001 into address for register R. Thus, if R fip.ld of instruction contains even value, Rul = R + 1 and if R field contains odd value, Rul = R. SA Source address. SE Sign extension - some instructions operate on two operands of different lengths; they are made equal in length by extending sign of shorter operand by required number of bit positions. For positive operands, result of sign extension is highorder O·s prefixed to the operand; for negative operands, high-order ]Is are prefixed to operand. Sign extension process is performed after operand accessed from memory and before operation called for by Instruction code is performed. SPD Stack pointer doubleword - contains the context (TSA, space count, word count, and IS, TW inhibit bits) of the pushdown instruct ions. TCC Trap condition code - 4-bit value (bit positions labeled TCC1, TCC2, TCC3, and TCC4), established as part of trap operati ons. TS Trap-on-space inhibit bit - conditions pushdown stack limit trap for impending overflow or underflow of space count. TSA Top-oF-stack address - pointer that points to highest-numbered address of operand stack i n push-down instructions. TW Trap-on-wo{d inhibit bit - conditions pushdown stack limit trap For impending overflow or underFlow of word count. IA Instruction address - 17-bit value that defines virtual address of instruction immediately prior to the time that it is executed. II I/O interrupt group inhibit - bit position 38 of the PSWs. If set (=1), all interrupt levels within this group are inhibitect. L Numeric value of bits 8-11 of decimal instruction word (value of 0 is 16 bytes). MA Mode altered - bit position 61 of PSWs. This bit is set (=1) during master-protected mode of operati on and duri ng rea I extended type of addressing. MM Memory map mode control - position 9 of PSWs. When set (== 1), the memory map is in effec t. MS Master/slave mode control - bit position 8 of PSWs. When set (=1), basic processor is in slave mode; when not set, basic processor may be in master or. master-protected mode as determined by bit 40. PSWs Program status words - collection of separate registers and flip-flops treated as an internal basic processor register to store and display critical control information. R General register address value - 4-bit contents of bit positions 8-11 (R field) of instruction word, also expressed symbolically as (1)8-11. In instruction descriptions, register R is general register (of current register block) that corresponds to R field address value. RA Register altered - bit position 60 of PSWs. When trap occurs, this bit set (=1) when general register or memory location altered in executi on of i nstructi on causi ng the trap. Ref. Add. Reference address - contents of bi t positions 15-31 of instruction word, a 17-bit Field capable of directly addressing any general register in current register block (by using a value in range 0-15) or any word in ma in memory in address range 16 through 131,071. This address value is initial address Appendjx B 175 Term Meaning Term Meaning WK Write key - bit positions 32, 33, 34, and 35 of PSWs; they are evaluated by the memory write-protect feature to determine accessibility of real memory by current program. X if X f. 0, indexing is performed (after indirect addressing if indirect addressing is called for) with general register X in current register block. x 176 Index register address value - 3-bit contents of bit positions 12-14 (X field) of instruction word. In instruction word, if X = 0, no indexing is performed; Appendix B (cont .) X'n' Hexadecimal qualifier - hexadecimal value (n) is unsigned string of tiexad~cimal digits (O through 9 and A through F) surrounded by single quotation marks and preceded by the qualifier "X" (for example, 7B0 16 is written X'7BO'. APPENDIX C. FAULT STATUS REGISTERS Table C-1. Fault Status Registers Bit Position Status Registers ~ Faults Detected By: Basic Processor MIOP MI PI System Control Processor 0 16 PFI PFI PFI PFI PFI 1 17 General register parity error Bus Check Fault (BCF Map or access - protec t reg i ster pari ty error Cluster bus parity error Parity error on processor bus 2 18 Control register parity error Control Check Fault (CCF) Cl uster bus pari ty error Processor bus parity error Operation code error 3 19 Interna I basi c processor bus pari ty error Control Memory Fault (CMF) Reserved Unrecognized operati on code Reserved 4 20 Cluster bus parity error CMF Reserved Reserved Reserved 5 21 Processor-Detected Fault flag (PDF) MIE Cluster bus sequence check fault Reserved Reserved 6 22 Memory parity error Data/order indicatort Reserved Reserved 7 23 Memory Interface Error (MIE) Out/In i ndicator t Reserved Multiple error Reserved 8 24 Processor interface sequence .check fault Control Memory Fault (CMF) address bi t 0 Reserved Control Memory Fault (CMF) address bit 0 Reserved 9 25 Extended arithmetic sequence check fault CMF address bi t 1 Reserved CMF address bit 1 Reserved 10 26 Basic processor sequence check fault CMF address bi t 2 Reserved CMF address bi t 2 Reserved 11 27 Successfu I i nstructi on retry CMF address bi t 3 Reserved CMF address bi t 3 Reserved 12 28 Control memory pari ty error (BPE module) CMF address bit 4 Reserved CMF address bit 4 Reserved 13 29 Control memory parity error (BPF module) CMF address bi t 5 Reserved CMF address bi t 5 Reserved 14 30 Control memory parity error (BPG module) CMF address bi t 6 Reserved CMF address bit 6 Reserved 15 31 Control memory pari ty error (BPH module) CMF address bi t 7 Reserved CMF address bi t 7 Reserved II0 adapter " Reserved tThis is a 2-bit code indicating type of service call, as follows: Bits 7 MIOP Significance 1 0 Order In 1 1 Order Out 6 7 MIOP Significance 6 0 0 Data In 0 1 Data Out Bits - Appendix C 177 Table C-2. Memory Unit Status Register Bit Position 0-21 178 Faults Detected by Memory Unit: Fau It address snapshot 22 Reserved 23 Memory unit parity error 24 Storage module selection error 25 Address In parity error 26 Data In parity error 27 Write-lock memory storage parity error 28 Port selecti on error 29 Operation mode undefined 30 Control sequence check fault error 31 Multiple error Appendix C Yo.r"v ''\.VI V A vrnnv r"rn"r~tinn f"'-' ....... _ .. -v. I\CI'\UI\ 701 South Aviation Boulevard EI Segundo, California 90245 Reader Comment Form We would appreciate your comments and suggestions for improving this publication. Publ ication No. I Rev. Letter I Is the material presented effectively? How did you use this publication? o o 0 o o 0 What is your overall rating of this publication? o o o o o I Current Date Tit I e Learning Installing Sales Reference Maintaining Operating Very Good Fair Very Poor Good Poor o Fully Covered DWell III ustrated o Well Organized o Clear What is your occupation? 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