96769410A_MSOS_Version_5_Installation_Jan77 96769410A MSOS Version 5 Installation Jan77
96769410A_MSOS_Version_5_Installation_Jan77 96769410A_MSOS_Version_5_Installation_Jan77
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96769410 r;:J 1:\ CONT~OL DATA \::I r::J CO~OR{\TION MSOS VERSION 5 INSTALLATION HANDBOOK· CDC® COMPUTER SYSTEMS: ·CYBER18 1700 REVISION RECORD DESCRIPTION. REVISION 01 Preliminary edition (10/76) A Manua 1 released. (1/77) Publication No. 96769410 REVISION LETTERS I, 0, Q AND X ARE NOT USED Address comments concerning this manual to: © 1976, 1977 by Control Data Corporation Printed in the United States of America it Control Data Corporation Publications and Graphics Division 4455 Eastgate Mall La Jolla, California 92037 .or use Comment Sheet in the back of this manual. LIST OF' EFFECTIVE PAGES New features, as well as changes, deletions, and additions to information in this manual, are Indicated by bars in the margins or by a dot , near the page number If the entire page is affected. A bar by the page number Indicates pagination rather than content has changed. PAGE REV PAGE REV PAGE REV PAGE PAGE REV REV -- Cover Title Page A ii, iii Blank iv A v Blank vi A vii, viii A 1-1 2~1, 2-2 A 3-1 thru 3-8 A 4-1 thru 4-7 A A 5-1, 5-2 6-1 thru 6-15 A 7-1 thru 7-10 A 8-1 thru 8-7 A 9-1 thru9-4 A 10-1 thru'10-4 A 11-1 thru 11-4 A 12-1 A 13-1, 13-2 A A A-1, A-2 B":'l, B-2 A A C-1 D-1, D-2 A A E-1, E-2 A F-l A G-l, G-2 A H-l I-I thru 1-6 A A J-l thru J-29 K-l thru K-8 A A L-l A M-l A N-l A 0-1 A l.'-1 Q-l A A R-l, R-2 S-l thru S-7 A' A T-l thru T-3 A U-l thru U-6 A V-I Index 1 thru Index 3 A Comment Sheet A Envelope Back Cover -- , -- -- 96769410 A iii/iv PREFACE Thls lnstallation handbook descrlbes the procedures necessary for the user to install a CDC® CYBER 18/1700 Mass Storage Operating System (MSOS) Version 5 Computer System. It is assumed that release materials have been customized to the particular hardware configuration by the distributing center. In this manual the term 1700 Computer System refers to any of the following computers": 1704 Computer 1714 Computer 1784-1 computer} It Is assumed that the reader has a basic knowledge of the CYBER 18/1700 Mass Storage Operating System. The sections regarding additions to a system assume the basic system Is a standard system. Before reading a section on a given system addition, the user should be familiar with the material in General Procedure for System Additions, section 5. Additional information may publications: 1774 Computer 1784-2 Computer The installation procedures are given in terms of release materials being provided on punched cards or magnetic tape (depending on the user's configuration). I>e found In the following CYBER 18-17 Publlcation Publication No. Small Computer Maintenance Monitor Reference Manual 39520200 File Manager Version 1 Reference Manual 39520600 Macro Assembler Reference Manual 60361900 ME FORTRAN Version 3A/BReference" Manual 60362000 Magnetic Tape Utility Processor Reference Manual 96768400 RPG II Reference Manual 96769000 " Sort/Merge Version 1. 0 Reference Manual 96769260 Peripheral Drivers Reference Manual 96769390 MSOS Version 5 Reference Manual 96769400 MSOS Version 5 Release Bulletin 96769440 MSOS Version 5 Diagnostic Handbook 96769450 MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin 96769490 This product is intended for use only as described in this document. Control Data Corporation cannot be held responsible for the proper functioning of undescribed features or undefined parameters. 96769410 A v/vi CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 2. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 2-1 3. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 3-1 3. 1 3.2 3-1 4.5 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4. Summary Card Reader Bootstraps (1700 Series Computer) Magnetic Tape Bootstrap (1700 Series Computer) Bootstrap Execution (1700 Series Computer) Card Reader Bootstrap (CYBER 18-20 Computer) Magnetic Tape Bootstrap (CYBER 18-20 Computer) Installation with a Working MSOS System System Initializer Execution Program Library Installation 3-2 3-3 6. Installation Using Method 1 Installation Using Method 2 ADDITION OF FORTRAN 3A/B 6. 1 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 4.1 4.2 4-1 4-1 96769410 A 5. 1 5.2 3-4 4-1 4.3 4.4 SYSTEM ADDITIONS 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-7 5-1 5-1 5-1 3-4 VERIFICATION TESTS Test Operation Summary Test Description 4.2.1 Requirements 4.2.2 System Timer 4.2.3 System Communications Region 4.2.4 Standard Logical Units 4.2.5 Test Executi v:e Ordinal 4.2.6 Verification Logical Unit 4.2.7 Reserved Files 4.2.8 MSOS Element Components Test Operation Individual Test Descriptions 4.4.1 Directory Listing 4.4.2 Logical Unit Listing 4.4.3 Monitor Test 4.4.4 File Manager Test 4.4.5 Pseudo Tape Test 4.4.6 Magnetic Tape Simulator Test 4.4.7 Macro Assembler Test 4.4.8 Library Builder Test 4.4.9 FORTRAN Compiler Test 4.4.10 FORTRAN Library Test 4.4.11 Double-Precision Test 4.4.12 Re- Entrant FORTRAN Library Test 4.4.13 Re-Entrant DoublePrecision Test 5. 4.4. 14 RPG II Compiler Test 4.4.15 RPG II Runtime Test 4.4. 16 Sort/Merge Test· Error Conditions Error Mode 4.5.1 4.5.2 Error Recovery Error Messages 4.5.3 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 6.2 6.3 7. 9. 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-14 ADDITION OF FILE MANAG ER 7-1 7. 1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-6 7.2 7.3 8. SYSDA T Modifications 6.1.1 SYSDA T Modifications Necessary to Add Re-Entrant FORTRAN 6.1.2 SYSDA T Modifications Necessary When Adding FORTRAN to System with 1781-1 System Skeleton Modification Incorporating Changes into the System 6-1 SYSDAT 7.1.1 7.1. 2 7.1.3 7.1.4 Modification File Manager Data File Space Information File Space List Information . Linkage of Unselected Entry Points 7.1.5 Preset Region of SYSDA T System Skeleton Modification Incorporating Changes into System 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-9 ADDITION OF REPORT GENERATOR (RPG II) 8-1 8. 1 8.2 8.3 8-1 8-1 8-6 SYSDA T Modification System Skeleton Modification Incorporating Changes into System ADDITION OF· MACRO ASSEMBLER 9.1 9.2 9.3 Building Macro Assembler Installation File Skeleton Building Macro Assembler Installation File Entering Macro Assembler into MSOS 9-1 9-1 9-3 9-4 vii . 10. ADDITION OF SORT/MERGE 10. 1 10.2 10.3 11. Building Sort/Merge Installation File Skeleton Building Sort/Merge Installation File Entering Sort/Merge into MSOS ADDITION OF MAGNETIC TAPE UTILITY 11.1 Bullding MTUP Installation File Skeleton 11.2 11.3 10-1 10-1 12. 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-1 11-3 11-3 CYBER 18/1700 MSOS 5 SPECIFICATIONS 12-1 New Features Deficiencies and Limitations PSR Level 12-1 12-1 12-1 12.1 12.2 12.3 13. Building MTUP Installation File Entering MTUP into MSOS UPDATING A SYSTEM BY INSTALLATION OF LIBILD BINARY FILES 13-1 APPENDIXES A B C D E F G H I J K L Glossary Panel Mode Bootstrap Entries Deadstart Decks Loading and Checking a Bootstrap System Initiallzer Error Codes Autoloading Initializing Disk Packs for Storage Module Drivers End-of-File Card Sample Load Map Sample Program Library Installation Printout Sample Directories and Logical Unit List Memory Arrangement A-I B-1 C-l D-l E-l F-l G-l H-l I-I J-l K-1 L-l M N 0 P Q R S T U V Requirements for N4, Size of Allocatable Area 4 Obtaining Skeleton from Installation File *B Skeleton Record Format Skeleton Modification Verification Materials Verification Test Error Messages Macro Assembler Verify Test Program FORTRAN Compiler Verify Test Program RPG Compiler Verify Test Program Macro Assembler Code Format M-i N-l 0-1 P-l Q-l R-1 S-1 T-1 U-1 V-I INDEX FIGURES 4-1 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 Verification Test Output Example Re-entrant FORTRAN Table Replacement Code in SYSDAT File Manager Section Addition to SYSDAT for File Manager Space Information Addition to SYSDAT for File Manager Unit 1 Addition to SYSDA T Unit 2 Addition to SYSDA T Unit 3 Addition to SYSDAT Unit 4 Addition to SYSDAT Unit 5 Addition to SYSDAT 4-4 6-2 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-5 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 8-1 Unit 6 Addition to SYSDA T Unlt 7 Addition to SYSDAT' Unit 8 Addition to SYSDA T Limits for File Manager PRESET Addition for File Manager Partial SYSDAT Modification for Adding RPGn 9-1 Skeleton for Adding Macro Assembler to System 10-1 Skeleton for Adding Sort/Merge to System 11-1 Skeleton for Adding Multiple Tape Utllity Processor to System 7-5 7-5 7-6 7-6 7-8 8-1 9-2 10-2 11-2 TABLES 2-1 2-2 5-1 viii 1700 Computer System CYBER 18-20 System Hardware Requirements System Additions 2-1 5-2 2-1 5-1 5-3 Installation of a New Product Using Method 1 Installation of a New Product Using Method 2 5-2 5-2 96769410 A 1 INTRODUCTION· • -& The installation procedure for Mass Storage Operating System (MSOS) Version 5 has been designed to be as straightforward as possible. The user receives installation material that must be loaded into the system. When this material has been properly loaded and tested, the system is ready for use. equipment, he may use the Inltlalizer from the system library. • The user executes the initializer. This includes reading the initiallzer parameters and processing the installation data. At the end of this phase, the main memory resident and mass memory resident programs have been loaded and Unked, and the number and identity of programs in the system directory have been established. The autoload program is generated at the end of this phase. • The user autoloads the system and installs the program llbrary. The system is now complete and ready for execution. • The user verifies the system. After ·autoloading the system again, the user executes the verification test programs. Installation materials are provided either on punched cards, magnetic tape, or a combination of cards and tape, depending on the user's configuration. This material consists of:· • A deadstart card deck (if the system Is a CYBER 18-20 with a card reader) • • The system initiaUzer program file The installation fUe • Two RPG fUes (if RPG is In the system) • • Three verification fUes A COSY copy of SYSDAT (SYSDAT is a program that contains all the customizable data in the system; by changing SYSDAT, the user can modify the system. ) There is one file mark after the system initializer program and one fUe mark after the installation file. The user can access the desired part by advancing the proper number of fUes. The installation device is the card reader or the magnetic tape unit from which the installation material is read. . Installation proceeds as follows: • The user loads the system initiallzer program into main memory. The loading normally requires the 'loading and executing of a bootstrap, which, in turn, loads the initiallzer. However, if the user has a current version of MSOS already operating on the 96769410 A Following successful verification, the system is ready to run. The remainder of this manual amplifies the installation procedures given above and then gives special information on modifying and reinstalling the system in the event that a new product is added to an existlng system. • Section 2 describes hardware reqUirements for installation. • Sectlon 3 describes loading and executing the inltlallzer and installing the program library. • • Section 4 describes all veriflcatlon procedures. Sections 5 through 11 describe augmenting an existing system by installing a new product. • Section 12 describes new features found in the CYBER 18-20 version of MSOS. • Section 13 describes the procedure for updating MSOS with new installation materials. 1-1 2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The hardware is defined by the requirements of the system; the installation material reflects this configuration. Equipment codes and interrupt lines are standard and are defined in tables 2-1 and 2-2. TABLE 2-1. 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEM Interrupt Line and Equipment Code Device Type Users should be certain the equipment codes and inter.rupt lines correspond to this equipment configuration. Interrupt Line and Equipment Code Device Type Low-speed I/O line 1 device 1 1500 Series equipm~ntt 8 and 9 Drum mass memory 2 Card punch 10 1747 Data Set Interface 2 Card reader 11 Disk mass memory 3 1744 Digigraphics Controller 12 and 13 Line printer 4 1745-2 Display Controller 12 and 13 Communications unit 5 and 6 15 Magnetic tape 7 178 1-1 Hardware Floating Point Unit tThe 1590 also uses interrupt line 6. The 1595 also uses interrupt line 5. The 1576 also uses interrupt line 15. TABLE 2-2. CYBER 18-20 SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENfS Peripheral Equipment Codet Macro Interrupt Micro Interrupt Teletypewriter /CRT 1 1 1 Paper tape reader 2 2 2 Paper tape punch 2 2 2 Card punch 2 2 2 None 3 3 3 Line printer 4 4 4 None 5 5 5 None 6 6 6 Tape cassette 7 7 7 Clock 1 8 8 tEquipment codes 0, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are currently unassigned and reserved for future use. 96769410 A 2-1 'fA BL E 2-2. CYDEH IH-20 SYST EM IIAHDWAH E HEQUIHEMEN'fS (Contd) Eql,lipment Code t Macro Interrupt Micro Interrupt 9 9 o and 9 Eight-channel communications line adapter 10 10 10 Dual-channel communications line adapter 10 10 10 Card reader 11 11 11 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller (NRZI and phase encoded) 12 12 N/A 10M 13 13 N/A Storage module drive 14 14 N/A Cartridge disk drive 14 14 N/A Flexible disk drive 15 15 N/A Protect, parity, and power failure (internal) N/A 0 N/A Macro stop and panel (internal) N/A Peripheral 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller (NRZI only)tt N/A 12-15 tEquipment codes 0, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are currently unassigned and reserved for futUre use. ttThe 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller (NRZI only) micro interrupt is wired to both micro interrupt zero and nine. The software has the responsi bility to select the desired one. 2-2 96769410 A 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - • 3.1 SUMMARY The installatlon steps are: This section describes using the installation materials to build a systemo The installation file suppUed has a typical format as shown below. 1. Start- The initlalizer is read into main memory. If the first file of the installation file is used, the loading procedure is described in one of the following sections: • 3.2 and 3.4 if using a 1700 Series computer • 3.3· and 3.4 if using a 1700 Series computer • 3. 5 if using a CYBER .18-20 Computer and a Bootstrappable Initlallzer - F i l e Mark System InitiaUzer control statements and relocatable binary programs and input materials from a card reade~ and input materials from a magnetic tape transport card reader • 3. 6 if using a CYBER 18-20 Computer and no card reader • *T End of system 3.7 if using either a 1700 Series or a CYBER 18-20 Computer with a working MSOS system (current MSOS version only). At the end of this phase, the initiallzer is loaded, verified, and ready for execution. LIBEDT control statements and program llbrary programs 2. The initlalizer is executed. This is described in section 3.8. Input to this phase is the first part of the system Installation file. If this phase is successfully completed, outputs from the phase are: • Main memory programs loaded and linked and ready to be autoloaded into the computer • System llbrary programs loaded and linked on mass memory, together with a partially completed system library directory • Other system programs loaded in memory • The autoload program *z .. *z I -File Mark RPG Error File - F i l e Mark Verification test materials -Three file marks In this sectlon SYSDAT In COSY Form ASCII If magnetic tape; Binary If on cards End- -File Mark m~ss At the end of the phase, the operator is notified that he may autoload the system. 3. The program llbrary is installed. This Is described in section 3.9. Input to this phase is the second part of the system installation file. If this phase is successfully completed, the outputs are: . • The final system llbrary directory • The program library on mass storage, together with a program library directory .' A complete but unverified MSOS system tSupplied only with systems that have RPG. 96769410 A 3-1 At the end of this phase, the operator Is notified that he may autoload the system. At this point, the operator normally proceeds to the verification procedures described In section 4. 3.2 CARD READER BOOTSTRAPS (1700 SERIES COMPUTER) The operator selects the bootstrap below that Is associated with his card reader equipment. The bootstrap Is entered Into maln memory, starting at location zero and using the data entry method described in appendix D. 1728-430, 1729-2, OR 1729-3 8-BIT BINARY BOOTSTRAP Location Contents 0 0500 1 6823 2 6823 3 EOOO 4 05A1t 5 COOO 6 0081 7 03FE 8 OAD7 9' 68lA A ODFE B OBOO C 02FE D A815 E OFC8 F 6C16 10 OBOO 11 02FE 12 A810 13 BC12 14 6Cll 15 D810 16 0829 Locatlon Contents 17 DaOC 18 C80B 19 0121 lA 18F1 1B C806 1C 086C 1D 0841 IE 0111 IF 1C05 20 18E2 21 OFOO 22 OOFF 23 0000 24 0000 25 0000 After loading, the operator verifies that the bootstrap code was properly entered (the bootstrap verification , method is given In appendix D). Then the operator proceeds to execute the bootstrap by the method described In sectlon 3.4. 1726/405 CARD READER 8-BIT BINARY BOOfSTRAP Location Contents 0 0500 1 6821 2 6821 3 EOOO 4 058ltt 5 C81A 6 03FE 7 ODFE 8 OBOO 9 02FE A A817 B OFC8 tUse 0521 for 1728:..430. ttUse 1581 for 1706 No.1. 3-2 96769410 A Location Contents C 6C17 D OBOO E 02FE F A812 10 BCl3 11 6Cl2 12 D811 13 0829 14 OD01 15 OBOO 16 02FE 17 OFCB 18 0125 19 C807 1A 086C 1B 0841 1C 0111 1D IC05 IE 18E8 IF 0401 20 OFOO 21 DOFF 22 0000 23 0000 After loading, the operator verifies that the bootstrap was properly entered (the bootstrap verification method is given in appendix D). Then the operator proceeds to execute the bootstrap by the method described in section 3.4. 3.3 MAGNETIC TAPE BOOTSTRAP (1700 SERIES COMPUTER) The operator selects the bootstrap that is associated with his magnetic tape equipment. After mounting the installation tape on tape drive unit 0, the operator positions the tape to the load point and readies the driver. The bootstrap code is entered into main memory, starting at location zero and using the data entry method described in appendix D. SEVEN-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE BOOTSTRAP Location Contents 0 0500 1 6824 2 6824 3 EOOO 4 0382t 5 C81E 6 03FE 7 ODFE 8 C81C 9 03FE' A ODFE B OAOO C 020D D OFCA E 0821 F OAOO 10 02FE 11 OFC4 12 0869 13 OAOO 14 02FE 15 OF42 16 086C 17 6COF 18 D80E 19 18F1 1A OD01 1B OBOO 1C 02FE 1D OFCB IE 0131 IF 18EA 20 C804 21 03FE tUse 1382 for 1706 No.1. 96769410 A 3-3 Location Contents Location Contents 22 1C03 17 044C 23 0414 18 0100 24 0100 19 0000 25 0000 1A 0000 26 0000 After loading, the operator verifies that the bootstrap was properly entered (the bootstrap verification method Is given In appendix D). Then the operator proceeds to execute the bootstrap using the method described in paragraph 3.4. NINE-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE BOOTSTRAp· Location Contents After loading, the operator verifies that the bootstrap was properly entered (the bootstrap verification method is given in appendix D). Then the operator proceeds to execute the bootstrap using the method described 1n section 3.4. . 3.4 BOOTSTRAP EXECUTION (1700 SERIES COMPUTER) 1. Set all switches to neutral. 2. Press MASTER CLEAR. 3. Select the A register. 0 ~819 1 6819 2 EOOO 3 0382t 4 C813 5 03FE 6 ODFE 7 C811 8 03FE 9 ODFE A 0203 B 6COF C D80E D 18FC E OD01 F OBOO 10 02FE 3.5 CARD READER BOOTSTRAP (CYBER 18-20 COMPUTER) 11 OFCB If there is a card reader In the system, the following 12 0131 deadstart procedure is used to read the bootstrap into macro memory. 13 18F5 14 C804 15 03FE 16 1C03 4. Set the pushbutton register to a value of xxxx, where xxxx Is obtained from the following: Main Memory Size XXXX 16K 2000 24K 4000 32K 5000 65K 5000 5. Ensure that the initialization material is on the installation device and that the device is ready. 6. Initiate computer execution (GO or RUN). The system initializer is read from the installation device. 7. Execution begins automatically when the system initializer has been completely read. 1. 2. Press MASTER CLEAR. Place the deadstart program deck in the card reader. If the installation material is on cards, the system initiallzer must also be in the card reader hopper tUse 1382 for 1706 No.1. 3-4 96769410 A feeder. At the end of the system lnltiallzer, there is an end-of-file mark as shown in appendix H. If installation material is on tape, mount the tape and load and ready the tape unit. 9. 3. Push the RESET button on the card reader to ready it. 10. 4. Push the DEADSTART button. 5. The bootstrap within the deadstart deck is read into macro memory, and the bootstrap executes automatically. Then the operator proceeds to execute the system initializer by the method described in section 3.8. Enter: Jl1G This selects the P register. Enter: KOOOOG This sets P equal to O. 11. Enter: J14G This selects the A register. 12. The 1700 Series code for the deadstart deck is shown in appendix C. Enter: K5000G This sets A equal to 5000. 13. I@ 3.6 MAGNETIC TAPE BOOTSTRAP (CYBER 18-20 COMPUTER) Mount the installation tape on tape unit O. tape to the load point and ready the unit. 1. . 2. 3. Position the Then the operator proceeds to execute the system initializer by the method described in section 3.8. Press ESCAPE to enter panel mode. Enter: This causes a halt. Enter: JUG This selects the P register. 5. This starts the system initializer. Press MASTER CLEAR • HG 4. Enter: 3.7 INSTALLATION WITH A WORKING MSOS SYSTEM The system initializer in a working MSOS system may be used to build the new system. Caution must be exercised in using this method, since the system initializer may not be the most current version. Using the system initializer in the installation materials insures that the current version is used. 1. Load the. installation material into the proper device. Ready the device if it is a magnetic. tape transport. 2. Autoload the system using the method described in appendix F. If using cards, manually remove the first file (i. e., the system initializer program) from the installation material. Then proceed to step 6 below. 3. Enter ODEBUG (tape only). KOOOOG This sets P equal to O. 6. Enter: J07G This selects macro memory. 7. Enter: LhhhhG, where hhhhG is first line of the appropriate bootstrap from appendix B or C, according to the system installation device. This begins loading the bootstrap. 8. Enter: Type in the rest of the appropriate bootstrap from appendix B or C. Refer to appendix D for the method of checking the bootstrap. 96769410 A Press manual interrupt. System responds: MI Enter: DB 3-5 System responds: 2. 4. Advance one file on the installation material (tape only). 3. Enter the date in the form of month/day/year (two digits each). ADF, 6,1 4. NEXT Exit from ODEBUG (tape only). 5. Enter: 5. DEBUG OUT Execute the system initializer load program: 7. 6. If loading from tape. 'enter: *1,3 7. If using a CYBER 18-20 Computer system, the oper- ator presses ESCAPE, enters J20@, and presses carriage return. This clears program protect, signals a carriage return, and reverts to operator mode. Ready the card reader if a card reader is the installation device. The operator then proceeds to execute the initializer using the method described in section 3.8. If loading from cards. empty the output card hopper of any cards that have been read and load more cards into the input hopper. If using a 1700 Series computer system, the opera- tor sets the protect switch to the neutral position and presses carriage return. If loading from cards, enter: *1,2 The system types: THE INITIALIZER WILL BE MOVED TO LOCATION xxxx: AND EXECUTED TURN OFF PROT EC SWITC H AND TYPE CARRIAGE RETURN If the system is being installed on a new disk pack, address tags may be written on the pack by using the *G control statement. In a CYBER 18-20 computer system using an 1833-1 Storage Module Drive, the *G control statement causes data to be written on the entire disk as well as on address tags (see appendix G). Surface tests may be run on a new pack by using the *H control statement. (This requires several hours.) System responds: MI *BATCH *JOB *SILP The normal list dev~ce for the initializer is the console display or teletypewriter. If output is desired on the printer. enter: *C, 7 OFF 6. The system outputs the following message: DAT E MM/DD/YY Enter: System responds: If the system is to be built on a disk, ensure that the required disk pack is mounted on unit O. DEBUG IN 8. Enter: *V This command instructs the initializer to begin reading control statements from the load device. As the installable binaries are read. the program names are typed out on the list device in the form: name Where: name xxxx identification is the name of the program. identification is the program deck identification. xxxx is one of the following: • The first word address (FWA) of the program if the program Is main memory resident (*L or *LP) • The beginning sector number of the first program of a group of programs associated with a *YM ordinal for mass memory resident 3.8 SYSTEM INITIALIZER EXECUTION 1. ' When the system ,initializer begins execution, the following messages are output on the console: MSOS 5.0 SYSTEM INITIALIZER FWA ADDRESS OF CONTROL = xxxx The value of xxxx is the starting address of the system Initializer and may be used to restart the initiallzer if necessary. 3-6 summary level 96769410 A POWERU - Entry point of a user-suppUed program to restart after a power failqre programs (*M or *MP). These are system· library progra.-ns. • In addition the following externals appear as The relative address of a program within a *YM ordinal when that program is not the first program in the ordinal 9. A sample of the initialization printout 1s given in appendixes I and J. The printout differs for individual systems depending on the configurations and options used. 10. There are three distinct pauses during the execution of the initiaUzer: • After all *L statements have been read from the installation file o After all *LP statements have been read from the installation file • At the conclusion of the installation unpatched in 1700 Series systems: SRG721 - Entry point of a user-supplied routine t~ handle 1572-1 Sample Rate Generator interrupts 14. 12. or ERRORS OCCURRED - YOU MAY ATTEMPT TO AUTOLOAD If the latter message occurs, the significance of the error messages output should be checked. 3.9 PROGRAM LIBRARY INSTALLATION 1. Autoload the system (see appendix F). 2. Press manual interrupt. 3. The system outputs: MY 4. 13. The system Ubrary priorities are set and the program library is not bunt. See appendix I for a sample listing of the load map. 5. The following system externals appear as unpatched at the conclusion of the system build if related routines are not included in the system: PARITY 96769410 A - Entry point of a user-supplied program to process core parity errors Enter: *BATCH form: The values of x are given in appendix E. Entry point of a user-supplied routine to handle 1576-1 Stall Alarm Unit interrupts INITIALIZATION COMPLETE - YOU MAY AUTOLOAD If errors occur, error messages are output in the ERROR x. STALLD - At the conclusion of the installation, the system outputs either of the following messages: If installing from cards, it is periodically necessary to empty the output card hopper and load more cards into the input hopper. If using a Une printer as the list device, a convenient way of halting the initializer while removing and loading cards is to press the ready pushbutton on the line printer, causing the ready indicator light to go off. This halts the initializer. After removing and loading the cards, again press the ready pushbutton. The ready indicator light illuminates, and the inltializer resumes operation. The ready pushbutton on the card reader should not be pressed to halt operation, since this may cause errors. If using a CYBER 18 computer, the loading and removal of cards may be done in the pauses between card reading without halting the system. If the list device is not a line printer, the slower speed of output to the comment device allows card removal and loading without halting the system. Entry point of a user-supplied routine to handle 1572-1 Une sync tlmerinterrupts Any other unpatched externals should be considered errors, and their cause should be investigated. These pauses may be as long as 30 seconds; they occur because two internal tables are being generated at this point (CREP and CREP1). 11. LST721 - If installation is made using cards, it is periodically necessary to stop the job to empty and to load the respecti ve card reader hopper feeders. The steps that- accompUsh this operation. are: a. Press manual interrupt. b. The card reader stops reading cards, and the system outputs MI on the console display. 3-7 6. c. Empty the output hopper and load more cards Into the Input hopper. d. ,When ready to continue, press carriage return. The loading continues Immediately. The following messages are prlnted if, and only If, RPG is included in the system: RPG IT DISK FILES WILL BE INITIALIZED RPG II DISK FILES INITIALIZED RPG n ERROR MESSAGE FILE IS LOADED 3-8 7. At the conclusion of installation. the following mesage is output: ·CTO. MBOS 6.0 INSTALLATION COMPLETED - YOU MAY AUTOLOAD 8. Autoload the system. 9. At this point, the installation material is positioned at the beginning of the MSOS verification test materials, and these tests should now be executed. Section 4 describes these tests and their operation. 96769410 A VERIFICATION TESTS 4 kiM 4M+'s+S 4.1 TEST OPERATION SUMMARY Verification tests are loaded as follows: 1. Place the verification test materials in the appropriate input device. Ready the unit. The installation materials are properly positioned and ready if the system has just been installed. 2. Ready the system list device. 3. If the tests are not being run at the conclusion of a system build, advance past the proper number of files of the installation material to locate the verification tests (see section 1 and figure 3-1). 4. Press mailual interrupt. 5. The system outputs: MI 6. FORTRAN compiler, RPG compiler, and several other system elements. To avoid interference with the remainder of the system, the pseudo dri ver resides in the system communications region (locations 47 16 through B2 16)· . None of the system input/output drivers are specifically exercised as a part of the verification tests; however. the drivers for the system comment, list, installation, and library units are indirectly exercised during the test operation. Because the verification materials consist of mixed ASCII and binary information, they cannot be copied either from or to a seven-track magnetic tape transport under MSOS. 4.2.1 REQUIREMENTS Enter: The verification tests run to completion without further operator intervention. The verification tests are normally used to verify a newly installed or updated system, and the tests require certain standard MSOS features. Highly customized MSOS systems may not allow execution of the verification tests. 4.2 TEST DESCRIPTION 4.2.2 SYSTEM TIMER The MSOS verification tests are a completely automated set of tests that exercise the major elements of the installed system. Operator intervention is not required during execution; successful passage Signifies a correctly installed operating system. The system hardware timer or software pseudo timer must be operational for proper execution of the verification test executive. The tests are controlled by an executive named VERIFY that resides in the system library ordinal. Tests that allow verification of the complete set of MSOS elements are always supplied, and the executive selects and sequences the tests required by the installed configuration. In this way, elements may be added to an existing installation, and their correct operation may be easily verified. 4.2.3 SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS REGION VERIFY The test executive utilizes a pseudo driver for the system comment and listing devices during some portions of the tests. The pseudo comment driver does not perform input/ output operations, but it does trap certain system messages and allows transfer of control between the system background and foreground. The pseudo listing driver causes listing records to be written to an area of mass storage temporarily allocated in system scratch. These records are used during the verification of the macro assembler, 96769410 A The verification tests make use of the entire communications region between locations 4716 and B2 16 • This area is restored from the system core image at the normal conclusion of the tests, but no data reference or other ·program execution may occur in this region during test execution. 4.2.4 STANDARD LOGICAL UNITS The MSOS standard logical unit assignment must exist in a system that is verified. Consult the MSOS Reference Manual for a description of this standard. In particular, units must be aSSigned as follows. 4-1 • Logical unit 2 - Dummy device • • Logical unit 4 - Comment device Logical unit 9 - List device 4.2.8 MSOS ELEMENT CQMPONENTS If the system contains a FORTRAN compiler, a verifica- tion of the background FORTRAN library is addition to the compiler verification test. • Logical unit 10 - Input device • Logical unit 12 - FORTRAN list device If a pseudo tape test is required, logical unit 7 must be the unit 0 pseudo tape. Similarly, if a magnetic tape simulator test is required, logical unit 7 must be the unit 0 simulated magnetic tape. Either of these tests is omitted without error if logical unit 7 is not the specified device. perform~d in It is assumed that the library contains all components that comprise the released single-precision nonre-entrant FORTRAN library, as indicated in section 6.2. If the double-precision library is present and if the length of unprotected memory is greater than 9400 decimal words, this library is tested separately. If either of these two conditions does not occur, the test is omitted without error. If the system contains the re-entrant· FORTRAN library, 4.2.5 TEST EXECUTIVE ORDINAL The system library entr.y used for the verification tests must be assigned to ordinal 25. This entry is specified by the name VERIFY in the system initializer *YM declarations. 4.2.6 VERIFICATION LOGICAL UNIT The materials required during the execution of the verification tests are read from the logical unit ·used during system installation. At the start of. the tests, a check is made to ensure that the materials reside on this unit, and the message: TEST MATERIALS NOT LOADED appears on the system comment device if this is not the case. Appendix Q contains an illustration of the verification materials. tests are performed on all single-precision library components. These tests assume that priority levels 4 and 5 are re-entrant FORTRAN leyels. If present, the re-entrant double-precision library is tested separately. Removal of programs or components from either FORTRAN library may cause erroneous test results. RPG II, RPG II routine, and Sort/Merge are also tested if they are present in the system. 4.3 TEST OPERATION The verification tests are initiated by preSSing manual interrupt and entering the mnemonic VERIFY. If the system has just been built from the installation file, the verification materials are properly positioned on the installation device and the tests begin by printing the following message on the system comment device: MSOS 5 VERIFICATION TESTS - PSR LEVEL nnn 4.2.7 RESERVED FILES Where: nnn is the PSR summary level that is compatible with the tests •. If the system contains an MSOS file manager, files with hexadecimal numbers 7FFD, 7FFE, and 7FFF are used during the file manager verification tests. If the system contains pseudo tape job files, then the follOwing file names are used during the verification tests: . Erroneous results may occur if the value of nnn disagrees with the summary level of the system. If the tests are not run as a part of system installation, the materials may be properly positioned by: Job File Security Code RPFILI RPllll RPFIL2 RP2222 RPFIL3 RP3333 These flIes and file names should not be used by applications programs, since any data contained in them is destroyed by the tests. • Advancing the proper number of files if the medium is magnetic tape • Advancing the proper number of files or visually locating the verification file if the medium is punched cards Refer to section 1 and figure 3-1. 96769410 A Several pauses should be expected during test execution. These may result from running the tests or from loading the test programs. However, a pause of over 5 minutes without apparent system acti vity should be considered a test error. The verification tests are divided functionally into 15 sections, fi ve of which are required. The remainder of the sections are selected by the test executi ve only if the optional system element is present. Each section is initiated by a message on the system comment device specifying the tested element; each section is concluded with a message of similar format. Within each section, a message is output as a test is initiated, and if the test is successful, the following message is output: -VEHIFIED An example of the output from a successful set of tests is shown in figure 4-1. Successful completion of the by the message: verificat~on tests ·is evidenced The program schedule request verification involves execution of several priority levels in proper sequence and the execution resulting from a burst of schedule requests in proper sequence. The timer request verification establishes correct time delays for various delay units, as well as providing an external measured delay that can be calibrated to a wall clock. The memory space and release requests are verified by oversubscribing allocatable core with requests totaling 40K words. Release requests are performed in each allocated block after a time delay to allow the test to complete. The verification of the directory schedule, ~n~qle schedule. and disable-schedule involves periociic scheduling of the verification ordinaL during which a disableschedule request is made. This is followed by an enable-schedule request to complete the test. on the system comment device. At this point, the system is in a normal condition and ready for use. The partition core test is an optional part of the monitor· verification. It involves the use of the allocation and the release of partitioned memory. In addition, some checks are made to ensure that the partitions are properly ~et up. 4.4 INDIVIDUAL TEST DESCRIPTIONS 4.4.4 FILE MANAGER TEST 4.4.1 D IRECTO RY LISTING This is an optional test that verifies correct operation of the MS08 File Manager Version 1. MSOS VERIFICA TION TESTS COMPLET E. This is a required test that causes the system library and program library directories to be output on the system list device. The format of the listing is shown in appendix K. but individual addresses and entries vary depending on the system configuration. Sequential files are verified by writing and reading records sequentially in a file •. File locking and direct storage and retrieval are also tested. 4.4.2· LOGICAL UNIT LISTING Indexed-ordered flIes are verified by storing and retrieving records that are ordered by a key value and ensuring that each record contains correct data. This is a required test that causes the system logical units to be listed on the system list device in the format shown in appendix K. Individual entries vary, based on the system configuration. Simple indexed flIes are verified by writing and reading indexed records in an indexed file. File locking and locked record retrieval are alsC} tested. Indexed-linked files are verified by storing and retrieving records that are linked in a first-in, first-out basis by the same key value. Various key values are used in this test. 4.4.3 MONITOR TEST 4.4.5 PSEUDO TAPE TEST This is a required test that verifies those areas of the MSOS monitor not exercised during the installatidn of the system and program libraries. 96769410 A This is an optional test that verifies correct operation of the pseudo magnetic tape driver. The test consists of 4-3 MI VERIfY MSOS 5 VERIFICATION TESTS -- PSR LEVEL 110 THE SYSTEM AND PROGRAM LIBRARY DIRECTORIES WILL BE LISTED ON THE SYSTEM LIST DEVICE THE SYSTEM LOGICAL UNITS ~ILL BE LISTED ON THE SYSTEM LIST DEVICE BEGIN MSOS MONITOR TEST PROGRAM SCIIEDULE REQUEST TIMER DELAY REQUEST MEASURED DELAY {3D SEC.} MEMORY SPACE REQUEST SPACE RELEASE REQUEST DIRECTORY SCHEDULE REQUEST DISABLE - SCHEDULE REQUEST ENABLE - SCHEDULE REQUEST PARTITIONED CORE REQUEST MSOS MONITOR TEST COMPLETE -VERIfIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED -VERIFIED BEGIN MSOS FILE MANAGER TEST -VERIFIED SEQUENTIAL FILES -VERIFIED INDEXED FILES -VERIFIED INDEXED ORDERED FILES . -VERIFIED INDEXED LINKCD FILES. MSOS FILE MANAGER TEST COMPL[TE BEGIN PSEUDO TAPE TEST FOREGROUND R[QUEST JOB FILE REQUES T PSEUDO TAPE TEST COMPLETE -VERIfIED -VERIFIED BEGIN MACRO ASSEMBLER TEST ASSEMBLER EXECUTION -VERIrIED PROGRAM LISTING -VERIFIED PROGRAM CROSS-REFERENCE -VERIfIED PROGRAM BINARY OUTPUT -VERIFIED MACRO ASSEMBLER TEST COMPLETE BEGIN LIBRARY BUILDER TEST LIBRARY BUILDER EXECUTION -VERIFIED LIBRARY BUILDER OUTPUT -VERIFIED LIBRARY BUILDER TEST COMPLETE BEGIN fORTRAN LIBRARY TEST fORTRAN EXECUTION -VERIfIED fORMATTED INPUT-OUTPUT -VERIfIED ENCODE-DECODE" -VERIfIED ARITHMETIC LIBRARV -VERIFIED MONITOR INTERfACE -VERIfIED fORTRAN LIBRARV TEST COMPLETE BEGIN DOUBLE-PREtISION TEST fORTRAN EXECUTION -VERIfIED fORMATTED INPUT-OUTPUT -VERIfIED ENCODE-DECODE -VERIfIED ARITHMETIC LIBRARV -VERIfIED DOUBLE-PRECISION T(ST COMPLETE BEGIN RE-ENTRANT fORTRAN TEST FORTRAN EXECUTION -VERIFIED FORMATTED INPUT-OUTPUT -VERIFIED ARITHMETIC LIBRARY -VERIFIED MONITOR INTERfACE -VERIFIED RE-ENTRANT fORTRAN TEST COMPLETE BEGIN DOUBLE-PRECISION TEST fORTRAN EXECUTION -VERIFIED FORMATTED INPUT-OUTPUT -VERIFIED ARITHMETIC LIBRARY -VERIFIED DOUBLE-PRECISION TEST COMPLETE BEGIN RPG COMPILER VERIFICATION RPG COMPILER EXECUTION -VERIFIED PROGRAM LISTING -VERIFIED PROGRAM CROSS-REFERENCE -VERIFIED PRbGRAM BINARY OUT?UT -VERIFIED RPG COMPILER TEST COMPLETE BEGIN RPG RUNTIME VERIFICATION RUNTIME EXECUTION -VERIFIED RPG RUNTIME OUTPUT LISTING -VERIFIED RPG RU~TIME COMPLETE BEGIN SORT/MERGE VER:FICATIO~ SORT/MERGE EXECUTION -VERIfIED SORT/MERGE OUTPUT LISTIN5 -VERIFIED SORT/MERGE T~ST COMPLETE MSOS VERIFICATION TESTS COMPLETE BEGIN FORTRAN COMPILER TEST COMPILER EXECUTION -VERIFIED PROGRAM LISTING -~ERIFIED PROGRAM BINARY OUTPUT -VERIFIED FORTRAN COMPILER TEST COMPLETE Figure 4-1. Verification Test Output Example two optional parts that depend on the. type of pseudo tapes contained in the system. Foreground pseudo tape requests are verified by performing formatted and unformatted reads and writes to the pseudo tape unit. In addition, all tape motion commands are exercised as a part of the test. The job file requests are verified in a similar manner by the use of formatted and unformatted read and write requests, as well as all tape motion commands. In addition, the MSOS job processor statements that are required 4-4 by the job file pseudo tape (e. g., *DEFINE, *RELEASE, "'OPEN, etc.) are exercised as a part of the test. 4.4.6 MAGNETIC TAPE SIMULATOR TEST This is an optional test that verifies correct operation of the magnetic tape simulator. The magnetic tape simulator is verified by the use of formatted and unformatted read and write requests, . as well as by the use of all tape motion commands. 96769410 A 4.4.7 MACRO ASSEMBLER TEST This is a required test that verifies c~rrect operation of the MSOS Macro Assembler Version 3. The assembler execution is verified by causlng a tesi program to be assembled with the llstlng directed to the test executive pseudo listing driver and the binary object code to the MSOS load-and-go file. Following assembler execution, the llstlng and binary data generated during the test are compared with the verification data contained on the verification logical unit. This test is successful if all data agree. A listing of the program used to test the assembler may be found in appendix S. This program is not designed to be executed. 4.4.8 LIBRARY BUILDER TEST This is a required test that verifies the correct operation of the MSOS Library Builder utility (LIBILD). Library builder execution is verified by causing LIBILD to be run, using the verification logical unit as input and the pseudo listlng device as output. Following execution, the pata generated by LIBILD is compared to a set of data contalned in the verification logical unit. 4.4.9 FORTRAN COMPILER TEST Thls is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the MSOS FORTRAN Compiler Version .3.3. Compiler execution is verified in the same manner as the macro assembler, using the pseudo listing device and the MSOS load-and-go file. A set of listing and binary comparison data is contained in the verification logical unit for both the A and B compiler variants, since each produces slightly different codes from the same source statements. library, utillzing either the software or hardware floating point unit, depending on which is in the system. This t~st is divided into an execution phase and a verification phase. During execution, several programs are run that exercise various portions of the FORTRAN run-time library and write data on the pseudo listing device. Following this, the verification phase is entered in which this data is compared to data contained in the verification logical unit. The formatted input/output test involves the use of the FORTRAN input/output ~brary by reading and writing data using numerous formats. Unformatted FORTRAN file . input/output is also tested: The encode-decode test involves the use of the FORTRAN encode-decode library as well as additional FORTRAN formatting routines. The arithmetic library test exercises all of the intrinsic and external functions contained in the run-time library. The monitor interface test verifies that the nonre-entrant FORTRAN monitor interface is operating properly by exercising such modules as LINK, READ, WRITE, TIMER, etc. 4.4.11 DOUBLE-PRECISION TEST. This is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the nonre-entrant double-precision FORTRAN run-time library and is structured similarly to the single-precision library test. All double-precision options contained in the formatted input-output, encode-decode, and arithmetic libraries are verified. Depending on the system, this test is performed with either the software or hardware floating point. 4.4.12 RE-ENTRANT FORTRAN LIBRARY TEST A listing of the programs used to test the FORTRAN compiler may be found in appendix T. These programs are not designed to be executed. This is an optional test that verifies the correct position of the single-precision, re-entrant FORTRAN run-time library and is structured Similarly to the nonre-entr~t test~ Depending on the system, this test is performed with either the software or hardware floating point. 4.4.10 FORTRAN LIBRARY TEST In addition to testing the formatted input-output, arithmetic, and monitor interface libraries, multi-programming in FORTRAN at priority levels 4 and 5 is also verified. This is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the single-precision, nonre-entrant FORTRAN runtime 96769410 A 4-5 4.4.13 RE-ENTRANT DOUBLE-PRECISION TEST This is an optional test that verlfles the correct operation of the re-entrant double-precision FORTRAN llbrary and fs equivalent to the nonre-entrant test. Depending on the system, this test Is performed with either the software or hardware floating point. Verification errors are always evidenced by one of the error messages contained in appendix R and are, In general, recoverable. Errors found during the monitor tests result in termination of the verlflcation tests. Errors found during the remaining tests result in the termination of that section of the test rut the remainder of the test continues. 4.4.14 RPG II COMPILER TEST 4.5.1 ERROR MODE This Is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the RPG IT ComplIer, Version 1. o. A listing of the program used Is contained In appendix U. Compiler execution is verified in the same manner as for the macro assembler, using the pseudo llstlng device and the MSOS load-and-go file. . The'veriflcation tests may be run in error mode to aid In the isolation and correction of errors. Error mode is enabled as follows: • If USing a 1700 Series computer system, set the selectlve·sklp switch UP. • 4.4.15 RPG II RUNTIME TEST If using a CYBER 18-20 computer, press ESCAPE and type: J20@ This is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the RPG IT Version 1.0 runtime library. This section Is divided Into an execution phase and a verification phase. (This sets selective skip and reverts to operator mode.) , When error mode has been enabled, the following actions occur: 4.4.16 SORT/MERGE TEST • This Is an optional test that verifies the correct operation of the Sort/Merge package. This test verifies the sort function. ERROR MODE SELECTED appears Immediately follOwing the initial test message. • The system llst devlce.,is not disabled during the loading of individual tests. This can be helpful if test loading results In unpatched externals. • If a verification error occurs, the system halts 4.5 ERROR CONDITIONS Verification test errors may be divided into two c.ategories: operating system errors and verification errors. Operating system errors are indicated by hardware input-'output errors, protect violations from the background, etc. Refer to the MSOS Reference Manual for a summary of these errors. All operating system errors· (including Input-output errors resulting from devices in a nonready condition) are fatal to the verification tests. No attempt should be made to continue after an operating system error has occurred. 4-6 The message: rather than contlnlng with the next test. This allows the execution of a core dump or the system checkout bootstrap. Refer to the MSOS Reference Manual for an explanation of the tools. It should be pointed out that the verification tests perform successfully with error mode selected as long as no errors occur. 96769410 A • 4.5.2 ERROR RECOVERY The verification tests are designed to allow the tests to be restarted in case of an error. Although most of the verification errors resul~ in a continuation of the tests until they are completed, it is advisable to autoload the system before restarting the tests. Autoloading is required if an operating system error has occurred. The following steps shOUld be performed when restarting the tests. 1. Autoload the system. 2. Position the verification materials properly in the installation logical unit. o 96769410 A Magnetic tape - Backspace one file using ODEBUG. If the verification error occurred within RPG runtime, backspacing two files may be necessary. If the verification error occurred during Sort/Merge, backspacing three files may be required (see figure 3-1). 3. Punched cards - Visually locate the file mark that precedes the verification materials and load them in the reader. Enter MI and VERIFY to restart the tests. 4.5.3 ERROR MESSAGES All verification error messages are preceded by three asterisks. FUe manager error messages include the value of the file manager status word (REQIND). Refer to the File Manager Reference Manual for a description of the status bits. Pseudo tape error messages include the value of the V-field and the driver status. Refer to the MSOS reference manual for a description of these terms. Macro assembler, FORTRAN compiler, and RG P compiler error messages include the line number and the expected line of data for listing errors and the type of loader block (NAM, RBD, etc.) for binary data errors. Refer to the MSOS Reference Manual for a description of loader blocks. Appen~ dix R contains a complete list of these error messages. 4-7 5 SYSTEM ADDITIONS & This section describes two general procedures for adding a product to CYBER 18/1700 MSOS. Method 1 produces a new installation file and can be used in all cases. Method 2 can be used only on those products that do not require changes to the data base, SYSDAT. The output of this method is a new installation file solely for the product to be added. This new file is not merged with the old installation file. The new product is then installed in the system using the LIBEDT utility; reinstallation of the entire system is not necessary. Method 2 has the advantage of being quick and easy; the disadvantage is that if the system is reinstalled at a later date, reinstallation requires two steps: o Installing the original installation file. • Installing the new product using LIBEDT • 5.1 INSTALLATION USING METHOD 1 For method 1, three elements are involved in the addition of the new product: • The binary copy of the new product • An existing system installation file. The file is summarized in figure 3-1; it consists of binary object records of each module in a particular MSOS installation, together with system initializer pontrol .. statements and LIBEDT control statements, The' system installation file provides the information" needed to build a particular CYBER 18/1700 MSOS system. This information consists of two parts: -The first part is used by the system initializer and is shown in appendix I. -The second part is used by the library editor (LIBEDT) and is shown in appendix J. Table 5-1 shows the six products that may be added to MSOS, the methods available to install the products, and the manual section where the installation procedure is described in detail. When one of the above products is purchased as an addition to an existing MSOS, the user receives a binary copy of each module needed to install the ordered product. A compressed source (COSY) copy of the product (and any applicable COSY correGtion Gard images) are sent to the user only if these are specifically requested. In a COSY copy of a product, each module is preceded by a COSY identifier. The utilities used (COSY, SKED, LIBILD, and LIBEDT) are discussed in detail in the MSOS Reference Manual. TABLE 5-1. SYSTEM ADDITIONS Section Product • The current version of SYSDAT. This program contains the parameters defining the system. Appropriate parameters must be altered when adding the product. This is' accomplished by altering SYSDAT and replacing the object program on the existing installation file. The binary programs of the new product are merged with the existing installation file, which has been modified to reflect the new SYSDAT configuration. This merged installation tape is then installed and verified using the procedures of sections 3 and 4. Table 5-2 summarizes the addition of a product using methods 1. Installation Method 6 FORTRAN Version 3A/B 1 only 7 File Manager Version 1.0 1 only 8 Report Program Generator (RPG II) Version 1.0 1 only 9 Macro Assembler Version 3.0 1 or 2 10 Sort/Merge Version 1.0 lor 2 11 Magnetic Tape Utility Processor (MTUP) Version 2.0 1 or 2 96769410 A An installation file may exist on cards. on magnetic tape, or on a combination of both. 5.2 INSTALLATION USING METHOD 2 The only elements involved in addiging a new product by method 2 are the skeleton records and the binary copy of the product. Table 5-3 summarizes the addition of a product using method 2. 5-1 TABLE 5-2. INSTALLATION OF A NEW PRODUCT USING METHOD 1 Task Materials Used Methods Including MSOS Packages That May Be Used Result Modify SYSDA T SYSDAT source in COSY form COSY may be used to make correctlons to SYSDAT. If using cards, COSY corrections may be punched on cards with proper COSY control cards. If tape is used, SYSDA T may be modified by using COSY and making COSY corrections from the comment device. Modified SYSDA T source Produce SYSDAT binary Modified SYSDA T source expanded from COSY or modified COSY of SYSDAT Macro assembler Binary copy of modified SYSDA T Generate a new skeleton Installation file SKED - Manual revisions of skeleton if on cards Modified system skeleton Generate a new installation file a. Modified system skeleton LIBILD Modified installation b. Binaries for product to be added. c. Binary copy of modified SYSDAT Rebuild the system Modified installation file System initiallzer Modified MSOS on mass memory Verify the system Verify new system VERIFY program operating in background Modified and verified MSOS on mass storage TABLE 5-3. INSTALLATION OF A NEW PRODUCT USING METHOD 2 Methods Including MSOS Packages That May Be Used Task Mater ials Used Produce skeleton records for the installation file Installation materials for skeleton records Prepare the file using SKED. File of sequential records Create an installation file for the new product Skeleton file just produced Construct the new installation file using LIBILD. New installation file (for new product only) Install the new product on the system Installation file just produced Enter the new product on the program library using LIBEDT. Modified MSOS on mass memory Verify the new product Verification materials on old installation file VERIFY program Modified and verified MSOS on mass storage 5-2 Result 96769410 A 6 ADDITION OF FORTRAN 3A/B· '" . t'jflH5,,, A user who does not have FORTRAN in the MSOS originally ordered from Control Data may add either the FORTRAN Version 3. 3A Compiler or the FORTRAN Version 3. 3B Compiler to his system. A description of the two compilers may be found in the MS FORTRAN Version 3A/B Reference Manual: To add FORTRAN, the user must first order the installation materials for the compiler desired (refer to the MSOS 5 Ordering Bulletin)~ The FORTRAN installation materials sent to the user are FORTRAN binaries (on magnetic tape or cards) including either the FORTRAN Version 3. 3A ComplIer or the FORTRAN Version 3. 3B Compiler together with: In the miscellaneous information section of SYSDAT, delete the following code: * * SPC 4 THIS ENTRY IS PROVIDED TO LINK THE FORTRAN REENTRANCY DATA ENTRY POINTS SPC 1 ENT FMASK, FLIST, DOUT SPC 1 EQU FMASK($7FFF), FLIST($7FFF), DOUT ($7FFF) Replace this code with the code in figure 6-1. (,) Each module of the FORTRAN re-entrant library (,) Each module of the FORTRAN nonre-entrant library The user must modify SYSDAT and generate a new skeleton. A new installation file is then created using LIBILD, and a new system is built. 6.1.2 SYSDAT MODIFICATIONS NECESSARY WHEN ADDING FORTRAN TO SYSTEM WITH 1781-1 Add the following code at any convenient point in SYSDA T after the physical device tables: 6.1 SYSDAT MODIFICATIONS Modifications to the SYSDAT program are required if the system is to contain either the re-entrant FORTRAN library or a 1781-1 Hardware Floating Point Unit. After determining and making the required modifications, SYSDAT must be reassembled. This new version replaces the SYSDA T program in the system installation file. * * * MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 1781-1 HARDWARE FLOATING POINT INFORMATION * * ENT E17811 CONVERTER, EQUIPMENT, STATION E17811 NUM *0783 6.1.1 SYSDAT MODIFICATIONS NECESSARY TO ADD RE-ENTRANT FORTRAN In the storage stacks section of SYSDAT, change the definition of NFTNLV and NEDLVL as follows: NFTNLV EQU NFTNLV (n) NUMBER OF REENTRANT FORTRAN LEVELS NEDLVL EQU NEDLVL (n) NUMBER OF REENTRANT ENCODE/DEC ODE LEVELS Where: n is the number of re-entrant FORTRAN levels to be in the system. EQUIPMENT CODE::: 15. ENT F17811 INITIAL FUNCTION TO SET OPERATING MODE F17811 NUM $0000 Add the following preset to the table of presets at the end of SYSDAT: * 1781-1 EQUIPMENT CODE PRESET ALF 3, E17811 ADC E17811 The normal FORTRAN levels are 4, 5,. and 6 with n equal to 3. ·96769410 A 6-1 EJT • • • • MISC ELLANEOUS INFORMATION FORTRAN REENTRANT INFORMATION FMASK * ENT EXT EXT· SPC NUM FMASK, FLIST E4 SA VE ARGUO 1 $0070 FORTRAN REENTRANT LEVELS (BIT 0 = LEVEL 0) TABLE OF FORTRAN ENTRY POINTS SAVED TO MAINTAIN REENTRANCY SPC 1 ENTRY POINT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION * * FLIST FEND SPC ADC ADC ADC EQU 1 FEND E4SAVE ARGUO FEND(*-FLTST-l) Q8EXPR Q8GTO LOCATION $E4 STORAGE TEMPORARY STORAGE EIT * FORTRAN REENTRANT INFORMATION * * * Q8STP SPC 4 THIS ENTRY IS PROVIDED TO ALLOW COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN THE NON-REENTRANT (BACKGROUND) FORTRAN AND REENTRANT FORTRAN SPC 1 ENT Q8STP SPC 1 NCP 0 JMP- (ADISP) Figure 6-1. Re-entrant FORTRAN Table Delete the following code from the miscellaneous information section of SYSDAT: In this section of SYSDAT which includes the COBOP starting sector, iI.1sert the following code: EJT * * II E17811 E17811 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 4 SPC THESE ENTRIES ALLOW PROPER SYSTEM LINKAGE 2 SPC E17811, E17811 ENT NUM $7FFF NUM $7FFF EIT If dou ble precision is not to be included, insert the follow- ing code into the miscellaneous information section of SYSDAT: * 6-2 SPC 2 LINK THE DOUBLE PRECISION ENTRY POINT REFERENCED BY 'FORMTR' SPC 1 ENT DOUT EQU DOUT($7FFF) * * SPC 4 THIS ENTRY IS PROVIDED TO LINK THE NO-FORTRAN DISPATCHER ENTRY POINT SPC 1 ENT NDTSP SPC 1 EQU NDTSP($7FFF) 6.2 SYSTEM SKELETON MODIFICATION The current system skeleton must first be obtained (refer to appendix N). If the skeleton is obtained on cards, it may be manually modified. If it is obtained on tape, the utility system skeleton editor, SKED, may be used to perform the modifications. 96769410 A If the re-entrant FORTRAN is being added, replace the appropriate record: , *B 'NDISP' DECK-ID 059 (CYBER 18-20 Computer) , DECK-ID M24 *B 'NDISP' (1700 Series Computer) ~S *8 'RFMTOR' 'AFMTIR' 'RFMTIR' 'ASCHXR' 'HXOCRi tFLOTIR' 'FOUTR' 'EOUTR' 'EWRITR' 'INTIIR' 'FOQtJTR' *~ 'O~()FIR' MSOS 5.0' 0>8 MSOS 5.0' *R *8 '080FLRt 'OBOFXR' 'HEXAR' 'HEXOR' 'ASCIIR' 'OECHXR' • AF"OP'-1RI 'RFORMR' 'FLOTGR' 'FLOTR' 'COMFPR' MSOS 5.0' MSOS 5.0' -*S 09 oR 08 *B 0>8 o>g 0>9 OR with one of these records: , DECK-ID 058 *B 'RDISP' (CYBER 18-20 Computer) , DECK-ID M23 *B 'RDISP' (1700 Series Computer) *R *R *~ In addition, when adding re-entrant FORTRAN, insert the re-entrant FORTRAN runtime library skeleton records immediately before the record: *B 'NXTLOC' , *~ *R o>B *R *p. NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' which precedes the system mass resident programs. NOTE The deck identification field in the skeleton record is optional. A description of the skeleton record format is contained in appendix P. The re-entrant FORTRAN runtime library skeleton records are as follows: oH ~13 08 0>8 *8 *8 013 *8 OR (l-B OB OR *B *B 0>8 o~ *M (1-8 *8 *8 *8 o>R ~B 013 *8 08 OR O>B REENTRANT FORTRAN PUNTIME LIRpARY FTN 3.3 PtJ~JT T~E • DECK-ID AO} 'FORTP' tO$3PPt-1p., FTN 1.3 DIHJTP~~ • DECK-IO B01 'PARA8RI FTN 3.3 I/UNT I ME' DECK-ID 802 'QAF2IR' DECK-IO 11(11 FTN 1.3 PUNTIME' FTN 3.3 RI/NTIME' DECK-ID B(.4 'ASSR' FTN 3.3 RIJNT T~-1E' DECK-IO R05 'SQRTFR' FTN 3.3 PI/'H I oq[ • DECK-IO B06 'SIGNP' FTN 3.3 RUNT I t.';E' DECK-ID S07 'FXFLTP' FTN 3.3 RUNT J!·I~' OECK-ID BOa 'EXPR' FTN 3.3 PUNTIMF.' 'ALOGP' DECK-ID 809 'TANHR' f)ECK-IO BI0 FTN 3.3 PIJNTIME' 'S"lCSP.· DECK-ID all FTN 3.3 RUNTIME' 'ATANR' DECK-IO B12 FTN 3.3 RUNTIME' '080IOR' DECK-IO COl FTN 3.3 RUNTIME' 'SINARR' DECK-IO CO2 FTN ).3 RUNTIME' 'IOCODR' DECK-IO 001 FTN 3.3 RUNTJt<1E' , INITLR' DECK-ID 002 FTN ,.3 RUNTIME' 'RSTORR' OECK-IO DO; FTN 3.3 f''1JtJT I ME ' 'GETCHR' FTN 3.3 PU"JTI ME' DECK-IO 004 'IPACKR' FTN 3.3 RUNTIME' DECK-IO DOS 'UPOATR' DECK-ID 006 FTN 3.3 RUIHIME • 'OECPLR' DECK-ID 007 FTN 3.3 RUNTIME' 'INTGRR' I)ECK-lD 0013 FTIIJ 3.3 RUNT! ME' 'SPACER' DECK-IO DOq FTN 3.3 PUNTIME' 'HOLR' DECK-ID 010 FTN 3.3 PUNTIME' 'DCHXR' DECK-IO 011 F'TN 3.3 RUNT I '"'E' tHXASCR' DECK-ID 012 FTN 3.3 RUNTIHE' I)ECK-IO 013 FTN 3.3 QUNTIME' • AFlHOR' 96769410 A 011. DIS 016 017 018 D1q D20 021 022 Dr1 D?4 02S 026 027 D2A 02Q 0)0 OJl 1)32 01) 034 n l'+ Hp, FTN FTN FTN FTN FT'J FTN FTN FHJ FTN FTN FHJ F T!~ FT~J FTN FTN FTN FTN FTN FTN FTN FTN FT"J FTN 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.1 RIINTIME' PI/NT Jt-1[' RUNTIME' RlJtHTME' DUtJT I '·IE ' RUNTIME' PUNTII-\( , "Ur-JTIV.E' PUNT I "'IE' olj~TIME ' oU'..!T T'-1E' OIJNT 1 t-IE I PWHI'-'IE' RUNTIME' RIINT1ME' RIJNTIME' !.'lJNT I'),E I oU"JT 1 '·IE • :~II~·i r I··~E , Rljt-..)l It-1E' 3.3 1.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 PlIIHIME' ].3 PlJf'!T T!AE t 1.3 PIJ~HP~E ' The re--entrant FORTRAN runtime library skeleton records Inchlde the records if, and only if, double precision FORTRAN is to be in the system. ., .q • ~r."f'l 0 ' 'fl"02tQ' .~ '''!dr-SR' ·fl 'O'5I1RTI1' .~ 'r.~rr,"!rp ·8 'O:'JtPR' ·fl 'ntot;R' .q .~ 4JLP DECK-IO OfCK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO OE'CK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID I')EO:-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO OF.CK-lO DE'CK"ID 'DSNC<;R' 'nAT~"!R' aR 'QRqOFP.' .~ '''OiJT~ .'" .q , 'OFLOTR' 'OG.~TR'" OECIf-Ir -=-~1 I:"TN ~.~ OECIC-T!' ~f"I? I:"T~ "'.3 o£r.K-Ir , QIJNTT";: , r.\1NTT"4~ =:~ F'T~ 3.~ PUN T1'4:::: ' OEr.I(-yr C'Ot. r-Tt\ I=' T II: C'rN I='T"! 1.~ "UNT!"4:' QIJN~T·..r , r::IJNTTut; , Orr.K-Tr C''J~ '.'l IJEr,I(-Tr F~1! I1EC!(-Tr =:0 nF.rK-Tf' :-11 C'TI\ OErl(-Tt:l ':12 IJECK-yr ~lt. C'T,,! "'.'l ":'T" ~."'1' r:-fN ~.~ o::IUNTT""F. ' 3 •.~ OIJ"'T P'C' , o£rK-Tr C'1S DErK-Tr 6 1 3 flErl(-Ir e~Q 1=',,,. 0 ' N' ~.'1 ~.7 °ll'",T,.,!=' ' ~ PII"'rT"::: ' PU'HT"1t: ' 't. ~.3 .,= , PtlNT T ::>UNTTt't:' ' The appropriate FORTRAN compller (Version 3.;$A or B) skeleton records and the FORTRAN nonre-entrant .runtime llbrary records must be inserted into the skeleton. These should be inserted somewhere after the *LIBEDT skeleton record and befo;re the first of the two *z records at the end of the skeleton. Care must be taken to insert these records so that current system modules linked together on mass memory are not interrupted by the in.sertions. To avoid such interruptions, the insertion may be Illade immediately after the *S skeleton records that define request priorities or immediately before the two final *z skeleton records. The FORTRAN Version 3. 3A compiler skeleton records are llsted as follows. When inserting the skeleton records, the value of p .is the logical unit of the installation device. For example, the record *K, 16, is Inserted for *K, Ip if 6 is the logical unit number of the installation device. 6-3 ·e ·K,Ip ."LIBEI)! -K,Ip .f! ·e 'FTN33A' "'K,P8 ¥F ·e 'FTt\33A' ·e 'GOA' 'IOPReA' ·8 ·e 'Ct\VT' ·e 'cct\v' rECK-IO FO 1 'CIAGkG' 'GETC' 'GETSYH' "e 'CUTE~T' ·e 'ceFIH~S' 'F Jl C)( , ·B ·e 4e "e '~TOqE' 'SYH8Cl' 'lOClIlA' 'CUHYAA' 'FHASF:A' .lfE lie ·e ""e 'tlRAY5~' '(PLCCP' 'F.I\COO' ' Gt\ S T ' 'PEADER' "'8 "'8 ·s 'IG~TCF' 'C FTIC t~ , ·8 "IE IJE 'FLA3EL' 4e 'c{Joecs' "Ie 'ROLA'::L' ·e '~AVEIOt '5TCHIlR' '8 ·e 'E~CLCC' FORTRAN 3.3A' ·N,F'~3Ae" 'CIJlG' ¥e ·e ·s . , CECK-IO FO 1 CECK-IO F02 CECK~IO F08 CECK-IO A01 CECK-IO F03 rECK-IO FO~ DECK-IO F65 rECK-IO F13 CECK-IO F12 CECK-IO A07 CECK-IO FOS CECK-IO FiO CECK-IO F11 CECK-IO A03 CECK-IO Fi7 CECK-IO Fi8 CECK-IO A08 CECK-IO A42 CECK-tO AId CECK-IO A2g CECK-IO A06 rECK-IO Fait CECK-IO F14 rECK-IO F15 CECK-IO ADS CECK-IO Al0 CECK-IO A1i CECK-IO A04 CF:CK-IO A12 CECK-IO F16 FORT~JlN FORT~AN FORTRAN FOR·l'~AN FORT~.oN FOR1RAN FORT~AN FORT~AN FORT~IIN FORT~AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORT~AN FOR1~AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTR~N FORTRAN FORT~IlN FORTR~N FORT~AN F.OR lR HI FORIR tlt~ FO~T~AN FORTF~IlN FORT~AN FORT~AN FORl';JAN FOR lRAN FORTRAN 3.lA' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.lA' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3 A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' ·T ·K,I8 "'t\,FTt-.3AA,,,B "t-'ARK~R ¥e 'FT~33A' ·e .r. 'IOP~8A' ·8 ""E ""e ·e ·E • E ·0 "'e ·13 "'e ·8 .lJ.e "B 'n 'GC A' 'ct\ VT ' ' CONV ' ' CI AG ' 'f. I tlG ~G' '(ETC' 'GETSY'1' 'CUTENT' 'FACK' 'CeFRtlS' 'STOQE' '~'YMeCL' 'LOCLAB' '[u/,ytlfJ' ~eYEOPh!' "'e ¥t; '[FLOT' 'CUt-Wel' 48 '[ Xpg' ·E 'GETF' 'GPUT' ·8 ·e ·B 6-4 '~AVEIO' '~l(HAR' (ECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO .DECK-TO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECI<-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CEC~<-IO F01 FO 2 FO e A01 FO 3 FO /1 For:; F13 F12 AD7 FOg FlO Fi1 A03 F1g F20 Ai<3 F06 F07 CECK-IO F05 DECK-IO 1.05 CECK-IO A02 DECK-IO AO~ CECK-IO Ai2 FOR Tl.1 Ml 3.3A' FOR lR IH~ 3.3 A ' FORToM~ 3.3A' FOR lR AN 3.3A' FOR ~tJ 3.3 A' FORT?AN .) .3 C! ' FO~ p .~N :~ .3 A' FOR n liN 3.3A' FORT~~N 3.3A' FOR1~AN 3.3A' FORl'~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3 A' FOPT~/H~ 3 • .1A' FORTf(AN 3.31l' FOR T~< ~N 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT::;>~N 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~tN 3.3A' 'FO~TR~N 1.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~~N 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' 1() [ECK-IO A23 rECK-IO A13 DECK-IO F1E FOR,~.aN 3.3A' FORTRAN l.3A' FORTRAN l.3A' CECK-tO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-tO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO· CECK-IO CECK-IO F01 F02 Foe AOI F03 FOit F65 F13 F12 A07 FOg F10 Fi1 A03 F2l F22 A32 A33 A34 A3S A36 A15 FOE A1E F07 FOS A38 FORTRAN l.3A' FORTRAN l.lA' FORT~AN 3.lA' FORTRAN l.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3t,' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3 A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3 A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT:;>AN 3.3A' FORPtlN '3. 3 A' FORTRflN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORnAN 3.3A' FORn.AN ·3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' rECK-IO CECK-IO ·OECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO CECK-:IO CEG K'- IrJ CECK-IO OECK-IO F01 F02 Foe AOI FO 3 FOit ,'3 -K,Ip -K,P8 ·P",t'ARKER ·s ·e ·8 ·s ·8 ·e ·s ·s ·8 ·8 ·8 "B 'FT~33A' 'GOA' 'IOPREA' ' CNVT ' 'CCNV' 'D r AG ' 'CIAGJ:CG' 'GETC' 'GETSYH' 'OUTE t'iT' 'FACK' 'cep~H'S' ·e -e ·e 'STORE' 'Syr-:9Cl' 'LCCLAC' "8 "8 'tlSGNPR' ·8 'CFIVCC' 'ClOVC' ·e ·s ·e ·8 "'e .. s "'~ "'e ·e ·e ·e ·e 'OUMY~C' 'eCC~R' 'CK~AtJE' 'CCHNFR' 'eFlOl' 'CItJPR' 'CU,",VCl' ' r )(~g' 'ERePR' 'E)(RlF~' ·B '(ETF' '(?FUT' 'RCLA8L' ~E 'E~CLCC' "e ·K,Ip ·K,P8 .p, -,-K,Ip'ENClOC' -8 · l t F n, -e '~uepp~' '1 YPE' 'TYPEP~' , A2~ ADS A02 Ail AlB Fi6 "1 ·K,18 "N,rT"3Ac",B • K, I P "'K,PA "'r."l'At:?AN 3.3A' FOR trHN 3.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT20~~ 3 .3A' FOR n.AN 3.3A' FORJR.lIN 3.3A' FO~TR.AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3~3A' FOR1~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' FORTRAN FORT!:?AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN 3~lA' C15 F10 C17 C19 F52 F53 C13 F16 3.3A' 3.3A' FORT~AN 3&3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FO"T~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 303A' FORT~AN 3.JA' FD 1 F50 F51 COl CO2 CO 3 FORTR.AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORPAN 3.3A' FOP.T~AN 3.3A' FCRT<.AN 3.3A' FORTr~AN 3.3A' FORl~AN 3.3A' FORTR~N 3.3A' FOR 1 H!~ 3.3 A' FORT~AN l.lA' FORT~AN 3.3A' Fo'R1RAN 3 .. 3A' FOt( n /IN 3.3A' FOR lR M~ 3.3A' FOR. ntd~ 3.lA' COlt C07 coe COg C1G Cli C14 C15 FlO C17 C19 F5lt COS COE C18 CECK-ID CECK-IO DECK-tO CECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO G12 oECK-IO C1E CECK-IO F16 r-ORl~~~1 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FO~l~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FOR Tt( AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' 6-7 ·e ·e ·T ·1<,18 ·8 .N,FT"3CS" ,9 ·K,Ip ·K,F8 ·T ·K,Ie .p ·e ·8 ·8 ·8 ·e ·B ·e ·8 ·8 ·8 ·8 48 ·s 48 "'e ·8 ·e ·8 ""8 'FTN33A' 'GOOD' 'INDEX' 'ICFR90' 'NPl:NCH' '08PRMS' 'LOCLOA' 'rUHYCA' 'PtiASEG' 'EEGINO' 'CCNV' 'FINlSH' 'GETSY'1 ' 'lACON' 'IHCON' 'NWRITE' 'PACK' 'SYHSCN' 'ENOlOC' ·T ·K,18 ·N,FTNlOA",B ·K,Ip ·K,PB "'P",flARKER 'FTN33A' "8 ·e 'GOOD' ·8 'INDEX' ·8 'lOPReD' ·8 'NPUNCH' ·s 'CepQMS' ·8 'LCCLCB' • 8' 'CUHY09' ·13 ·e ·8 ·e "'8 ·8 ·8 ·8 ·0 ·8 ·B .'E '~HCUT' 'eKDWN' 'COUNT' 'GETSYH' 'LABOUT' 'hP20UT' 'R80X' 'R8PK' 'SYHSCN' 'TA80EC' 'l!NFUNC' 'ENCLOC' ·T ·K,I8 , ' , , 0' CECK-IO FOl OECK-IO F55 OECK-IO 001 CECK_~IO F5G DECK-IO 002 CECK-IO FlO DECK-IO F58 CECK-IO F59 DECK-IO 003 CECK-IO 021 GECK-IO F57 rECK-IO 022 DECK-IO 016 CECK-IO 017 DECK-tO 016 CECK-IO 019 DECK-IO FOg CECK-IO 020 DECK-IO F16 FORTRAN l.3A' FORT~AN l.lA' FORTRAN 3.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN l.lA' FORTRAN l.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.lA' FORT~AN l.3A' FORT~AN 3.lA' FORT~AN l.lA' FORTKAN l.lA' FORTRAN l.3A' FORT~AN l.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' FOR p~ AN 3.3A' FORF~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' "B 4e ·s oe ·e ·e ·8 6-8 'FTI'\33A' 'Gcno' 'INOEX' 'ICPR80' 'NPUNCH' 'C8PRHS' 'lOCl CC' 'IIDMAX' 'C:ETSYM' ·8 ·8 ·8 ·S ·e ·8 ·e "8 ·e "8 "e "8 ·8 ·8 ·s ·8 ·e DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO , OECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-tO CECK-IO DECK-IO Fa 1 F5S 001 F56 002 FlO FoO F61 DO 4 006 007 014 008 DOg 010 011 015 012 013 F16 FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3,. 3A' FORIR AN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3. l A.' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTQAN 3.3A' FORTDAN 3.3A' FORTRAN l.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORT~AN l.3A' FOR1?AN 3.3A' FOR TR AN 3.3 A" FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORT8AN 3.3A' ¥-8 ·e FOl F55 001 F56 002 F10 FG2 005 014 FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN l.lA' l.3A' l.3A' 3.lA' 3'.3 A' FOR1~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTf~AN 3.lA' FORTRAN 3.3A' F16 CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO [ECK-IO CECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO F01 F63 EO 1 F56 E02 FlO F58 F59 EO 3 F57 E20 Ellt E15 E16 E17 FOg E18 020 F1G rECK-IO CECK-oIO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-to CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO rECK-tO rECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO FOl FaJ EOl F56 E02 FlO FoO FGl E04 E06 F57 E07 E14 E15 E16 EO 6 E.O g E17 FOg El0 El1 E113 020 E12 E13 F1G ,S 'FTN33A' 'GOE' 'INCEX' 'IOPRSO' '''PUNCH' 'G8PQHS' 'lOClCA' '[UHYCA' 'FHASEG' 'EEGINO' 'CONV' 'FINISH' 'GETSYH' 'lACON' 'IHCON' 'NW~ITE' 'PACK' 'SETPRT' 'SYHSCN' 'ENOlOC' ·T "K,18 4N,FTN3EA,,,8 ·K,Ip ·K,P8 ·P",t'ARKER ·8 'FTt\33A' ·8 'GOE' ·8 'INCEX' 48 'ICFR8D' 49 'NPl:NCH' ·A '08PRHS' 4e 'LOClOfl' ·S 'CUMYDI3' ·8 'IIMCUT' 48 'EKCHN' "8 'CONV' ·e 'COUNT' ·8 'GETSYH' ·8 'lACON' ·8 'IHCON' ·8 'LABOUT' ·8 CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO rECK-IO rECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO rECK-IO OE~K-IO f'ORTRAN 3.lA' FORT~AN l.lA' FORT~AN 3.lA' .p ·e ·e ·K,Ip ·K,P8 .p, "t'ARKER .lie ·N,FT~30C" • DECK-IO 012 CECK-IO 015 *K,Ip ·K,P8 ·8 ·N,FT~309t,,8 ·8 'lA80EC' 'SYMSCN' ·ENOLOC' ·B 4e ¥-8 ·8 ·B ·e ·8 '~F20UT' 'NWRITE' 'FACK' 'RBGX' 'RePK' 'SETPRT' '5YHSCN' 'lAeOEC' 'UNFUNC' 'ENOlCC' , £19 l.3A' 3.lA' l.lA' 3.lA' 3.lA' 3.lA' 3.3A' 3.lA' 3.lA' 3.lA' 3°.3A' 3.3A' 3.lA' 3.lA' 3.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.3 A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN _3.3 A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTQAN FORTRAN FORTI'AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORT?AN F ORT~ AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORT~AN FORTRAN FORTKAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORT~AN FORTRAN FOR1RAN FO~lRAN FOR1~AN FORT~AN FOR1~AN FORT~AN FORTRAN FOR1~AN FOR T ~AN FORTRAN 3.3A' 3.3A; 3.3A' 3.lA' l.3A' 3.lA' 3.3A' l.lA' 3.3A' 3.JA' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' l.lA' 3.3A' l.3A' 3.3A' l.3A' 3.3A' 3.3A' 3.lA' l.lA' ·T ·K,16 ·t\,FT~3E8",B ·K,16 ·K,F8 96769410 A .. P , , , II A, RKE~ 'fTN33A' "e 'GOE • 'INDEX' "8 'IOPqAO' ·8 'NPL:NCH' ·0 'C8PRHS' "9 "e 'LOCLDC' ·8 "e "a "'8 "s "'S 'PO,MAX' 'GETSYM' 'SYMSCN' 'T ~80EC' 'ENOLOC' DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-to CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-ro 'CECK-ID rECK-IO CECK-Io DECK-IO FO 1 FOR1~AN F&3, FOR1~/lN EO 1 F5G E02 F10 F62 EOS FORl~A~ FORl~AN FOR1~AN FOR1~AN E14 FOR1RAN FOR1RAN FOR1RAN 020 FOR1~AN E12 F1G FORlRAN FORTRAN F01 F6G Got G02 G03 GOlf GOS GOG G07 GOB 020 Fa 3 Fog F5G F10 F67 F68 F69 F1G FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN l.lA' l.lA' 3.lA' 3.3A' 3.lA' 3.lA' l.lA' l.lA' l.lA' l.lA' l.3A' l.lA' "T "'1<,16 ·N,Fl~3(C,t,8 "K,Ip .p "'a "B "'e "'8 ·8 "'B ·s "8 .. s ·e "e "B ·e ·0 "e ·B' ·s ·e 'FTN33A' 'GOF' 'PHASEF' 'GETSYH' '~CON ' 'HCON' 'LWRITE' ''''ATCH' 'SORT" 'IREPAK' 'SYMSCN' 'CCNV' 'PACK' 'IOFRao' 'OSPRHS' 'GETSYR' 'TITLE' 'IFCVFF' 'ENDLOC' ·8 "T "'K,IB ",N,FT~lFA" CECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-Io DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO DECK-IO CECK-IO OECK-IO CECK-IO CECK~ID FORT~AN FOR1R.AN FORlPAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORT fAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FOR'~AN FORT~AN FOR1~AN FORTRAN FORTRAN 3.lA' l.lA' 3.3A' l.lA' l.lA' l.lA' 3.lA' l.lA' l.lA' l.3A' l.3A' l.lA' l.3A' 3.lA.I l.3A' 3.lA' l. lA" l.lA' 3.3A' ,a ·K,Ip .p ·B 'FTN33A' ·8 'ERRMSG' 'ICPReo' 'ENDLOC' ·e ·8 CECK-IO F01 CECK-ID F70 CECK-IO F56 DECK-IO F16 FOR,TRAN l.lA' FOR1RAN l.3A' FORT~AN 3.3A' FORTRAN l.lA' ·T "K,16 "N,FT~3ER",13 The FORTRAN Version 3. 3B compiler skeleton records are listed as follows. When inserting the skeleton records, the value of p is the logical unit of the installalation device; thus *K, 16 is substituted for *K, Ip if the installation device is logica1.unit 6. oJOB.INSTAL,fTN 3.38 COMPILER oK,ln oLIBEDT "K,Ip "l,FTN 08 'FTN338' DECK-ID OIF FORTRAN 3.38' oK,P8 *p 08 "B oB "B "B 'F'TN338' 'GOA' 'PHASEA' 'IOPR8A' '08PRMS' 96769410 A DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID OIF 02F 07A ORF' IOF FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN 3.38' 3.38' 1.38' 3.38' 3.313' 08 08 08 08 OB oB' 08 08 08 08 oB OB 08 oB oB oB 09 08 oB oB OB OB 08 08 oB 'CFIVOC' 'CKNAHE' 'CNVT' 'CONV' 'OIAG' 'DIAGQG' 'DXP9' 'OFlOT' 'DUMVOl' 'GETC' 'GETF' 'GETSYM' 'JPUT' 'IGETCF' 'PACK' 'RDLA8L' 'STORE' 'SYM80L' 'ENDDO' 'GNST' 'HEADER' 'OPTION' 'OUTENT' 'PlABEl' 'STCHAR' "8' 'TYPE' 08 'SAVEIO' 08 'lOCLAl' 08 tOUMYAl' 08 '08080S' 08 'ENOLOC' oT oK,I8 °N.FTN3AI".d oK,Ip oK,P8 oP.ttMARKER 08 'FTN33B' -GOA' "8 08 'PHASEA' OB 'IOPRBA' 08 '08PRHS' 08 'CFIVOC' 08 'CKNAME' OR -CtNT' oB 'CONV' oB 'DIAG' *8 'DIAGRG' oB toXP9' 08 'DFLOT' oB 'DUMVOL' 08 'GETC' 08 'GETf' 08 'GETSYM' *8 'GPUT' 08 'IGETCF' 08 'PACK' 08 'RDLABL' 08 'STORE' "8 'SYM80l' 08 'ENODO' OB 'GNST' 08 'HEADER' 08 'OPTION' oB 'OUTENT' "8 'PLABEL' "B 'STCHAR' OB 'TYPE' , , OECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-ID DECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-ID QECK-ID oECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID oECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO 34A 36A OIA 03F 04f 37F OSF 06F 3SF 14F 04A 01F 02A lSF 09F lOA 11F 03A 29A OSA 36F 16F 06A 08A IlA 121\ l3A 12F 13F 09A 17F FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-I 0 OECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-ID OIF 02F 07A OBF lOF 34A 36A OIA 03F 04F 31F OSF 06F 3SF' 14F 04A 01F 02A ISF 09F lOA IlF 03A 29A OSA 36F 16F 06A 08A llA 12A FORTRAN 3.38' F'OPTRM~ 3.38' F'ORn~At-.J 1.38' rORTRAN 3 .'3f3 , FORTRAN 1.3R' FORTRAN 1.3R' FORTRAN 1.3'1' FORTRAN 1.3B' FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 3.3qt FORTRAN 1.313,' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 1.3Bt FORTRAN 3.3R· FORTRAN 3.3R' FORTRAN 1.3R' FORTRAN 3.3A' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 1.3B· FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 3.3R' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 1.3A' FORTRAN 1.3S' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.38' 3.38' 1.3B· 3.3B· 1.38' 3.38' 3.38' 1.3R' ~. 3A' ' 1.313' 3.38' 3.38' 1.3B' 1.38' . 3.38' 3.3R' '3.3B' 1.38' 3.3A' '3.38' 3.38' 1.3'3' 1.3B' 1.38' 1.38' 3.38' 1.3A' 3.38' 3.3B' 3.3B' 1.38' 3.38' 6-9 08 08 OB 08 oB 08 08 oB 08 08 oB 08 oB 08 oB OT 'SAVEIO' 'LOCLA2' 'DUMYA2' 'BYEOPR' 'CHECKf.' 'COMNPR' 'CONSUB' 'OATAPR' 'OIMPR' 'EXRLPR' 'FGETC' 'FORK' 'SUBPPR' 'TYPEPR' 'ENOLOC' °K.I8 °N.FTN3A2."i3 oK,Ip oK,P8 oP, •• MARKER 08 'FTN3JB' 08 'GOA' 08 'PHASEA' 08 'IOPRBA' 08 '08PRMS' oB 'CFIVOC' oB 'CKNAME' 08 'CNVT' 08 'CONY' 08 'DIAG' oB 'DIAGRG' 08 'DXP9 f oB 'DFLOT' oB 'DUMVOL' 08 'GETC' oB 'GETF' oB 'GETSYM' 08 'GPUT' 4tB 'IGETCF' oB 'PACK' 08 'RDLABL' oB 'STORE' ~B 'SYMBOL' oB 'ENDOO' OB 'GNST~ ~B 'HEADER' oB 'OPTION' oB 'OUTENT' ~B 'PLABEL' OB 'STCHAR' OA 'TYPE' oB 'SAVEIO' 08 'LOCLA3' *B 'DUMYA3' oB 'ARAYSZ' oB 'ASEMPR' oB 'ASGNPR' 08 '8DOPR' oB 'CHECKF' oB 'CKIVC' ~13 'CONSUB' 08 'CPLOOP' oB 'fGETC' 08 'fORK' 08 'ERBPR' 08 'MODMXR' oB 'PUNT' 08 'ENOLOC' 6-10 DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID OECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-·IO OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID DE.CK-ID Of.CK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID .DECK-IO OECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO 13A laF 19F 19A 20A 15A 30A 31A 16A 24A 21A 22A 23A 18A 11F OIF 02F 01A 08F 10F 34A 36A OlA 03F 04F 37F OSf 06F 35F 14F 04A 07f 02A 15F 09F lOA I1F 03/\ 29A 05A 36F" 16f 06A 08A 11A 12A 13A 20F 21F 42&\ 40A 32A 33A 20A 35A 30A 43A 21A 22A 38A 39A 27A 17F fORTRAN fORTPAN fORTRAN fORTRAt,-I fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORP~AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN 1.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.3B' 3.38' 1.38' 1.3B' 1.33' 1.3B' 1.38' 3.38' 1.39' FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTQAN fOQTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN 1.3B' 1.38' 1.38' 3.39' 3.38' 1.33' 3.'38' FORTPA:~ 1.::FP FORiRA"J fORTRAN FORTRMJ FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN fORTPAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTqAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FbRT~AN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN 1 .. 1": ' 1.38' 3.313' 1.38' '3.38' 3.313' l.3R' 1.3R' 1.38' 1.38' 1.313 • 1.38' 3.38' 3.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.3R' 1.38' 3.38' 1.38' 3.3B' 3.38' 1.3R· 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' '3.38' 1.38' 3.38' 3.38' 3.3B' 1.39' 3.3B' 3.3B' 3.38' 3.3B' oT °K.18 °N.FTN3A3.,,6 °K.lp oK.P8 op~ •• ~1ARKER 08 'FTN33B' 08 'GOA' oB 'PHASEA' OR 'IOPRBA' oB 'Q8PRMS' 08 'CFIVOC' 08 'CKNAME' oB 'CNVT' oB 'CONY' oB 'OIAG' oB ·'DIAGRG' 08 'OXP9' OR 'DFLOT' oB 'DUHVOL' of) 'GETC' 08 'GETf' 08 'GETSYM' 08 'GPUT' 08 'IGETCF' OR 'PACK' 08 'ROlA8L' oR 'STORE' oR 'SYMBOL' oR 'ENODO' 08 , GNSl' ~B 'HEADER' ~B 'OPTION' 08 'OUTENT' 08 'PLABEL' 08 'ST-CHAR' oR '·TYPE • 08 'SAVEID' oB 'LOCLA4' 08 'DUMYA4' 08 'ARITH' oB 'SUBSCR' 08 'TREE' cB 'ENOLOC' uT ~K. 18 oN,FTN3A4.,.B oKtIp oK,P8 oP."MARKER oB 'FTN33B' oB 'GOA' oB 'PHASEA' ~B 'IOPRBA' oB 'Q8PR"1S' 08 'CFIVOC' oB 'CK~AME' 08 'CNVT' 08 'CONY' oB 'OIAG' 08 'OIAGRG' oB 'OXP9' 08 'DFLOT' 08 'DUMVOL' 08 'GETC' oB 'GETF' 08 IGETSYMI oB 'GPUT' ~B 'IGETCF' FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTQAN FORTRAN FORTQAN FORTRAN FORTQAN FORTQAN FORTPAN FORTRAN FORTPAN FORTRAN FORTRAN 3.313' 1.38' 1.3A' 1.3B' 1.38' 1.3B' 1.38' DECK-ID OECI$-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-ID DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK';" 10 OECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-IO I)ECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID OIF 02F 01A 08F 10F 34&\ 36A 01A 03F 04F 31F 05F 06F 3SF 14F 04A 01F 02A 15F 09F lOA IlF 03A 29A 05A 36F If,F 06A OE\A llA 12A 13A 22F 23f 14A l1A 41A 11F 1.38' 1.38' 1.38' 1.3B' l.3B' FORli~AN 1.38' FORTRAN '3.3Ro FORTQAN 1.3B' FORTQAN 1.3~' FORTqAN 1. 3f~' FORTRAN 3 .. 3f~' FORTRAN 3 .. JI~ I FORTRAN 3.38' FORTRAN 3.3R· FORTqAN 1.38' FORTRAN 1.38' F"ORTRAN J.3A' FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 3.313' FORTRAN 1.38' F"ORTRAN 1.38' FORT·PAN 1.38' FORTqAN 1.38' fORTRAN 1.3R' FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 1.38' fORTRAN 1.38' FORTRAN 3.3R' FORTRAN 3.38' DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID OECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-ID OECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-ID OlF 02F 07A oaF 10F 34A 36A OIA 03F 04f 31f05F 06F 35F 14F 04A 01f 02A lSF FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN fORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTqAN FORTRAN FORTQAN FORTqAN FORTRAN fORTRAN fORTRAN 3.3B' 3.3A' 3.38' 1.38' 3.3B' '3.38' 1.3B' 3.3B· 3.38' 3.3B· 1.313' 3.38' 3.38' 3.38' OECK-IO OECK-ID OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-ID OECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-IO OECt~-IO 3.3~' 1.38' 3.38' 1.38' 1.313' 3.38' 96769410 A OB ~B 08 o-a 08 oS 08 oS 08 08 *8 'PACK' 'RDLABLt 'STORE' 'syr-1S0L' 'ENDOO' 'GNSTt 'HEADER' 'OPTION' 'OUTENT' 'PLAtlEL' 'STCrlARI 'TYPE' 'SAVEID' 'LOCLAS' 'OUMYf;5' 'BDOPP' 'CKIVC' 'IOSPR' 'PEQVS' 'PRNT."JM' 'SYMSCN' 'ENDLOC' oB OR *S *B oS *R *8 og 08 oB oB oT °K.18 *N,FTN3AS",B GoK,lp GoK,P8 DECK-ID DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-!O DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO DECK-ID ()ECK-IO OECK-IO ·OE.(K-ID DECK-'IO DECK-IO DECK-ID OECK-ID DECK-ID DECK-IO DECK-ID DECK-IO DE<:K-ID DECK-ID DECK-ID 09F lOA 11 F rDA 29A OSA 36F 16F 06A OI)A FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTPAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FOPTRAN ! \ i\ FO;: f.Ot) LLJt'LO(*-LUEO) SECTO~S LONG OF THQEE SECTORS LONr; Figure 7-3. Space Information Addition to SYSDAT for File Manager " 7-2 96769410 A LOG I CAL ENT OAT A , U NIT U NIT 1 ~EGLIJ1 E'H "JU'-1FSl LOGICAL U~IT OF FILE MANAGE~ UNIT 1 BEGINNING FILE SECTOR - UNIT 1 NUM~ER OF FILE SECTORS - UNIT } EOU LUI\J I T1 (p) (m) F.flU NIj'-1FS 1 (n) fClU LIJE1 VFn AOC AOC AOC NlJM ~FGLU} LE~GTH(7/15), LOGlr,AL UNrT(O-6) OF F'IL£ SPACE POOL NUMRFR OF AVAILAALE SECTORS NUMPER OF' SEC TOWS I~ THIS FILE SPACE THR~AO OF O~~ SfCTOR LONG XQ/LlJFL1.X7/LUNITl LU FNTRY ~EI,UIl AOD~ESS 0 NUMF'SI o.} THRFAO OF TWO SECTORS LONG LlJEL 1 NUM 0.3 E au L UEL 1 (O-l UE}) TH~fAO OF THQEE SECTORS LONr, WHERE: p IS THE LOGICAL UNIT OF THE MASS STORAGE DEVICE USED AS FILE MANAGER UNIT 1. m IS THE SECTOR NUMBER CORRESPONDING TO THE START OF FILE SPACE ON FILE MANAGER UNIT 1. n IS THE NUMBER OF SECTORS OF FILE SPACE ON FILE MANAGER UNIT 1. Figure 7-4. Unit 1 Addition to SYSDA T L 0 (; CAL ENT RFGLlJ? "JIJMFS? €QIJ LUN IT? (p) , FOU -1F'f;lIJ? (m) fOIJ NIJMFS? (n) OAT A , U NIT U NIT 2 (:,jT LUE? lUEl2 LOGIC~L UNIT OF FILE MANAGER UNIT AE~IN~ING FILF. SECTOR - UNIT 2 " NUMAER OF FILE SECTORS - U~IT 2 2 VFn Af1C AI)t; AOC 0 LE~~TH(7/1S), LOGI~AL Ar)O~ESS OF FILE SPACE POOL NIJMr~fR OF AVAILARLE SECTORS NU'-1FS2 NIJM~ER "'JIJ~ 0.\ OF SErTORS IN THIS FILE SPACE THRFAO OF ONE SECTOR LONG "'lUr.4 0.2 THRFAO OF TWO SECTORS LONG NW-4 0.3 THREAf) OF THREE SECTORS LONG fUU lIJEL? (O-UJE2) X,q/Ll fr::L::>. X7 ILUNI T2 REG-ttl? LU FNTRY UNIT(O-6) ,Figure 7-5. Unlt 2 Addition to SYSDAT Flle manager unit 3: Flle manager unit 4: If file manager unit 2 is the last file space unit for the file manager, proceed to section 7. 1.3, File Space List Information. If there is file space on file manager unit 3, add the information in figure 7-6. Thedeflnltions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. If file manager unit 3 is the last file space unit for the file manager, proceed to section 7. 1. 3, File Space List Information. If there is file space on file manager unit 4, add the information in Ilgure 7-7. The definitions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. 96769410 A 7-3 LOG I r. A L o LUFl ~~JT 8FGUJl ~ "IT "J:Y.. F C; 1 F':"} l.I!"HT~(P) FIJI.J .~c:r,l.IJ1(m) F(;I) \!U')FS1(n) VFD II"'C U NIT ~')c () 1'JII'IFSl tllJo..I 0 .. 1 p ~IJ'" 0 .. "JUM n .. ) 3 U~IT OF FILE MANAGER UNIT 3 gFGINtJI"JG FILE SEr.TOR - U"'IIT 3 NIJMHE'~ OF FILE Sf.CTORS - UNIT 3 LOGIC~L l(Q/LlIFL, .. 'l..7/LUNTT3 ;"C:'-;LU3 Ar)C U NIT LU FNTRY LF.:NGTH(7/1S), LOGlr.AL UNIT(O-6) ~nn;:;'ESS OF FILE SPACE POOL NI '''''!4ER OF AVI\ILABLE SECTORS N' 'M'4F.P. OF SF='CTORS If\J THIS FILE SPACE THRI='AD OF ONF.: SECTOq LOflJG THRI='AD OF Hm SECTORS LONG 2 TH~FAD OF' THREE SECTORS LONG Figure 7-6. Unit 3 Addition to SYSDA T LOG I CAL r- •.JT 4 LOr,IChL U"'IT OF' FILE MANAGER UNIT Pfr;TN~'Iw; FILE 5ECTOK - UNIT 4 NIJMREq OF FILF SECTORS - UNIT 4 'I.. 9/LlIFLt.. .. X7/L1JN HEC,l' /4 I T4 4 M)C () ,". '1C ·)Uo..1~S4 "JIJ'.. 0 .. 1 LU I='NTRY LEW~TH(1/15) , LOGICAL UNTTCO-6) AnnuF.SS OF FILE SPACE POOL "'U""~ER OF' AV".IL48LE SECTORS '\jU"'\~F.R OF SFr.TO~S I"l THIS FTLE SPACE THR~Aj) OF Or\lF SECTOQ LONG "JIJ"1 0 .. 2 THKFAO OF Twn SECTORS LONG rJ' J'A 0 .. 1 T~~FAD F'llj LUFL4(O-LUE4) vFr) .1\r)C 1I ifL4 U NIT g~r,UJ4 F'H :·JU-.1FS4 ~(JU LW.i! T4 (p) ~O'J 04~-GLIJ4 (m) q~u 'JU"'~-~4 (n) tlJE4 U '" I T OF' TH"'EE SF.CTORS l,.ONC; Figure 7-7. Unit 4 Addition to SYSDAT File manager unit 5: File manager unit 7: If file manager unit 4 is the last file space unit for the file manager, proceed to section 7. 1.3, File Space List Information. If there is file space On file manager unit 5, add the information in figure 7-8. The definitions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. If file manager unit 6 is the last file space unit for the file manager, proceed to section 7. 1. 3, File SPace List Information. If there is file sp~ce on file manager unit 7, add the information in figure 17 .... 10. The definitions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. File manager unit 6: File manager unit 8: If file manager unit 5 is the last file space unit for the file manager, proceed to section 7.1.3, File Space List Information. If there is file space on file manager unit 6, add the information in figure 7-9. The definitions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. If file manager unit 7 is the last file space unit for the flle manager, proceed to section 7. 1.3, File Space List Information. If there is file space on file manager unit 8, add the information in figure 7-11. The definitions for p, m, and n are listed in figure 7-4. 7-4 96769410 A LOr, I CAL F.t\lT RF.GlIJt; n~T NllvFSt; ::(JU LIN I T5 (p) FOI) ~Fr;LlJt;(m) EIJU "·IU·.AFC;C; (n) Lt JES U NIT U NIT 5 LOGIC~L U~IT OF FrL~ MANAGER UNIT AE~IN~I~G FILE SECTOR - UNIT 5 5 NUMAEq OF FILF SfCT1RS - UNIT 5 VFf) XQIL\JFLC;.X7/LUNITS LU AnI. RF.GUJ~ POOL NIJ~QFkI OF4Vo. TL4RLE SECTORS NUM~fR OF SFCTORS IN THIS FILE THRFAO OF ONF SECTOR LONG ~')C i) Ar,C NUMFS5 NU·'" 0.1 ~NTRY LEN~TH(7/1S), AnD~F.SS OF rYLE SPACE T~RF4D IJU-.A n. 3 OF TWO SECTO~S LOGI~AL UNITCO-6) SP~CE LONG THRFAO OF THREE SECTORS LONG Figure 7-8. Unit 5 Addition to SYSDAT U NIT ~'JT J:" '):J 41="-;UJA NUMFSA L' H\j I TA ~r:u ~"-GL'J~ F~04T FI~lJ VFf) ADr. (p) (m) ~JU .AFSfl (n) Anc 0 !'JtJ~FS6 t~d"" 0.1 LU FNTRY LENGTH(111S). LOr,ICAL UNIT(0-6) ADIl4F.SS OF FTLE SPACE POOL NIJ"1 o ER OF AVAILABLE SECTORS NlJ~RFP OF SECTORS It\1 THIS FTLE SPACE THRFAD OF ONF SECTOR LONG THP~Af) LIJELA MJ'A 0 •. 3 F(lU lIJfL~ 6 LOGICtL LJ"IIT OF FILE MANAGER lJt\lIT 6 BEGIN~ING FILE SECTOR - UNIT 6 NlIMtiE~ OF FIL~ SECTORS - UNIT (; Xq/LlIF.U·.• X7/LUNIT6 I-IJ:GLlJA M)C U NIT OF TWO SECTORS LONG THRFAD OF THP.E[ SECTORS LONG (O-LUEF,) Figure 7-9. Unit 6 Addition to SYSDAT LOr. I CAL ErJT ~~r,LlJ1 F)-,T r~IHFC;7 ffJl1 L!JNIT1(P) F(J') 4F('1I17(m) f (JU lIIE7 ~i irAi=' S 7 (n) XlJ/LUfL7.(1ILUNIT7 Af'r. t.')C q~(,LlI7 ADC ~·JU~FS ~!lIt... 0.1 7 7 LOGICI\L U"IIT OF FILl: I~ANAC;EQ IJNIT 7 8FGII\J~IING FILE SEf':TOR - UNIT 7 NIIM'iFI.1 OF FrL~ SECTORS - UNIT 7 VFfl 0 U NIT tJ '" I T LlI FNTRY LENC;TH(7/1t;), LOGICAL UNtT(O-6) Ann~ESS OF FILE SPACE POOL NI)t.1qER OF AV I'd L4HLE SECTORS NU~~ER OF S~CTO~S I~ THIS FILE SPACE rH~FAD OF O~F SECTOR LONG rHR~AD ON TWO THPI="AD OF SECTO~S T~QEE LONG SECTORS LONr, Figure 7-10. Unit 7 Additlon to SYSDAT ~6769410 A 7-5 • l • r r. r c ~ l II -J T '" W- A T A II N 1: T • " ENT BEr.LUA ENr NU"4~ SP, EGU lUNI TlHpl - UNTT BEGJtWING rIlF: Z~CT £r.IJ NUMf ~e'n) SPC 1 NUMBER Cr fIL~ SECTORS - efGU!~ VFO X9/LUfLR.X7/lU~TTe Lt...! £'ttT'i\Y An~ BEGt.t:8 A~OR~:;CS NllrlF :' 'HASHCO' 'GETKIO' '~THSPC' 'RPENO ' .,s .S,FH~Pl1 .t1 .8 ." ·0 'RTVIOO' 'GETKID' \100 ' '~rNSPC' ~PEW)' 4.1' 4.1' 4.1' 4.1' \IoS,FH~P12,S ·H .\IoH \10 .e ·a .R HASS RESIDENT FILE 'OEFFIL' 'FILSPC' ' ~PENO' ~ANAGER O':CK-IO FIJ5 O:::r:K-IO f31J OEr:K-ID Fil7 HSOS 4.1' HSOS 4.1' MSOS 4.1' O::CK-IO FOR HSOS 4.1' ,",SOS 4.1' HSOS 4.1' ·S,FH~P01,S \IoH ·8 ·8 \108 'P-ELFIL' 'RELSPC' 'RPENO' .,.. \IoS,FH~P02,S 96769410 A n~CK-IO ~'Jg OECK-IO fl)7 \loA 'FIiDUHY' OECK-IO F04 HSOS 4.1' ·S,FM~ENOtS If the system library unit is one of the following devices: 1867 -10/20 Storage Module Drl ve 1738-853/854 Cartridge Disk 1733-1-853/854 Cartridge Disk Controller 1752-3/4 Drum 7-7 • f I l c: F)(T ~)F:f'F ALF 1.~FF'F AOC rJEFF IL EXT ALf' ~FLPIL ·h~~Lf' It AI1C ~~LF' FXT OF-:FIOx 1.11FF It», OF:FrnX ~Lf' AOC Il 1._ Il ALF LOt(FTL 3.LOKFII. AI)C LOI\FTL F'''T ALF Ijt.!LFIL £)l.T Anc 1.U!'>,LfII. U"JLF IL E" T S Tt)SF.O b.LF MlC 3.STt1SE;·) .;;TOSFO EX T AU· 3.STODItJ o MiC STOj)J~ -';TI)yOX ALF 3.STOlux. FX.T 5Toynx 3. R-TVStO AOC ~TVSFQ EX.T J.iT"iIIP OEFINF. INnEXEO fILt LOCK FILE U:>.ILOCK fILE STORE SFQIIENTIAL ~F.CORD STO~E DIRECT STOPE INDFXFD RECORD R~TRIF.VE SEQUENTIAL RECORD RF.T~If."E OtRECT RET~IF.VF. JNDEXEO RECORD W€TRIFV~ TNOEXfO-OPDEREO RECORD 3 ••·1TIJDI;.J Ane ~TVi)IR F:XT 4T\lTI1X o AL;: 1.~TVID)( ~OC QTVInX FtT ALF Ai)C ~T"rnf) 39t "fPF'LG Figure 7-13. PRESET Addition for File Manager 7-8 96769410 A add the records: *S, BEGFMS, S SPECIFY THE SYSTEM FILE SPACE *M, BEGFMS+q *M *B 'FMDUMY" Where: p is the logical unit number of the installation device. DECK-ID F24 FILE MANAGER' Where: q is the length of the file space on the library unit. If there are to be job files stored on pseudo tapes, add the following records: *S, JETLV4, S *T *K,I8 *N, EDITFL ••• B *K,Ip SPECIFY THE JOB FILE TABLE SPACE The value of BGNMON must be decreased by 1339 to allow room for the main memory resident file manager modules. If the monitor follows directly behind unprotected, ENDOV4 must also be changed by the same value; otherwise, ENDOV4 remains unaltered. The skeleton records defining BGNMON and ENDOV4 have the form: *S, BGNMON, nl *S, ENDOV4, n2 *M, JFTLV4+j Where: j is the number of sectors in the job file table in . hexadecimal. The value of j must be such that: These records appear near the beginning of the skeleton. After modification, the values of n land n2 are the new values of BGNMON and ENDOV4, respectively. It may also be necessary to modify the value of N4. If there are to be one or more pseudo tapes in the system, add the following records: *B 'FMDUMY' , DECK-ID F24 FILE :MANAGER' *S, SCSPCS, S SPECIFY THE CONFIGURA TOR DATA SPACE *M, SC SPCS+$lOOO *B 'FMDUMY' ,. DECK-ID F24 FILE MANAGER' *S, SCSPCE, S *S, LBSPCS, S SPECIFY THE LIBRARY BUILDER DATA SPACE *M, LBSFCS+$2000 *B 'FMDUMY' , DECK-ID F24 FILE MANAGER' *S, LPSPCE, S If the text editor is to be included in the system, add the following: *V TEXT EDITOR *K,Ip *L, EDITOR *B 'EDITOR' , DECK-ID F25 FILE MANAGER' *K,P8 *p *B 'EDITFL' ' DECK-ID F26 FILE MANAGER' *B 'NXTLOC' , NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' A discussion of the reqUirements for N4 is found in appendix M. The system requirements for unprotected must also be considered before modifying N4. 7.3 INCORPORATING CHANGES INTO SYSTEM A new installation file must now be created using the new binary version of SYSDA T, the new skeleton, the old installation file, and the file manager binaries. This is . accomplished by using LIBILD. Care must be taken so that the new version of SYSDAT is read by LIBILD before reading the old installation file, so that the proper version of SYSDAT is incorporated into the new installation file. Using the new installation file and the system initializer program, the new system may be loaded. Entries on the comment device are as follows: Entry Remarks MI Operator has manually interrupted the system *BATCH Operator requests batch processing J Batch processing is in control *JOB Operator'requests the job processor J Job processor is in control SILP Operator requests the system inltializer loading program tThere are 9 job files per sector. 96769410 A 7-9 The system replies: THE INITIALIZER WILL BE MOVED TO LOCATION xxxx AND EXECUTED. TURN OFF PROTEC SWITCH AND TYPE CARRIAGE RETURN If using a 1700 Series computer system, the operator sets the protect switch to the neutral position and presses carriage return. If USing a CYBER 18-20 Computer, the operator presses ESCAPE, types J20@, and presses carriage return. This clears program protect, signals a carriage return, and reverts to operator mode. 7-10 Ready the card reader If the card reader is the installation device. The operator then proceeds to Initialize the execution described in sectlon 3.8. This Is followed by Ubrary Installation described in section 3.9. If verification of the augmented system is desired. verify the system (in whole or part) using the procedures of section 4. MSOS now is ready to operate in Its augmented form. 96769410 A 8 ADDITION OF REPORT GENERATOR (RPG II) F A user who does not have RPG II in the MSOS originally ordered from Control Data may add this product to his system. To do this, the user must first order the installation materials (see the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin). It is assumed that the user has a file manager in the system and that the main memory and mass memory requirements outlined in the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin are satisfied. Binary copies of each RPG II program are sent to the user. Add the followlng presets to the table of presets at the end of SYSDAT: * R9SWCH 8.2 SYSTEM SKELETON MODIFICATION 8.1 SYSDAT MODIFICATION Add the code in figure 8-1 at any convenient point in SYSDAT after the job processor file parameters and before the presets. The skeleton records to load RPG in the program library must be added to the skeleton somewhere after the *LIBEDT record and before the two *z records at the end EJT MISC ELLANEOUS INFORMATION RPGII ENTRIES * * SPC SPC EQU 2 FILE NUMBER ASSIGNMENT FOR RPGII USAGE 2 RPGNBR(20) NO OF FILE NUMBERS RESERVED FOR RPGII EQU RPGTOP(FBASV4-1) HIGHEST RPGII FILE NO EQU RPG BAS(RPGTOP-RPGNBR+ 1) LOWEST RPGII FILE NO ENT RPGBAS, RPGTOP. RPGNBR SPC 2 FILE NO OF RPGII DIRECTORY STORED BY DFUT - INITIALIZE 2 RPGDIR 0 FILE NO OF RPGII DffiECTORY 2 STATUS OF RPGII SWITCHES (EXTERNAL INDICATORS) Ul TO U8 2 R9SWCH 0 STATUS OF RPGII SWITCHES Ul TO U8 * RPGNBR ADC SPC ALF ADC SPC The user must modify SYSDA T and generate a new system skeleton. A new installation file is then created using LIBILD. This installation file is used to build the augmented system. * * * SPC ALF 2 RPG II DIRECTORY FILE NO PRESET 2 3, RPFDIR RPFDIR 2 RPG II SWITCH STATUS PRESET 2 3, R9SWCH SPC * RPGTOP * RPGBAS * * * RPGDIR SPC ENT NUM SPC * R9SWCH SPC ENT NUM Figure 8-1. Partial SYSDAT Modification for Adding RPG II 8-1 96769410 A J of the skeleton. Care must be taken to insert these records so that current system modules linked together on mass memory are not interrupted by the insertions. The skeleton records necessary to load RPG in the program library follow. The deck identification field is optional (refer to appendix 0). When inserting the skeleton records, the value of n is the logical unit of the installation device. For example, the record *K, In would be inserted as *K, Hi if 6 is the logical unit number of the installation device. °K.In 01 18Ff)T Ol-l '~IJGIJ' oK,P8 oP.F,.R4tjASF .~I 'PPG' o~ 'PPGDMY' '~9LbY' OH 'qqSijY' I)ECK,-ID ~9 7 R63 R73 Rb2 R71 R04 CI0 C07 ROl elI RSS R97 Ro3 R73' R62 R71 ~O4 CI0 COB ROI Cl1 R5S 1-<97 Rb3 R73 RA2 R71 R04 CI0 C09 DECK-ID ROJ RPGTI RPGI I F-'PGT I RPGI I RPGt I RPGI I RPG I I RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII ~PGII RPGI I RPGI I RPGTI RPGt I 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1 .. 0' 1.0' 1.0' RPGI I 1 .0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGt I 1.0' ~PGII 1.0' RPGII 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGII 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' RPGI I 1.0' 96769410 A .. ,~ DECK-II) Rl':l ~PGI f)FCI<:-ID ~16 I- CK DfCK-IO R~O RPGII 1.0' o~ DECK-IO R~l RPGII 1.0' ol.1-l9"4IA oq 'R9l.4I~' °l.R9MIW DECK-IO R62 RPGTI 1.0' o~ DECK-In R63 ~PGII o~~ n~CK~IO 0,-.~9I()CL OU , RQ I TL P , °L,~9L~HO Orl '~9L AHO °L,~9L~Y ' OR 'R9LI:3Y' oL,R9LCAE OQ 'R9LCAf' 0,-,R9LEL oR 'R9LEL' oL,R9LKUP o~ 'R9LKUP' oL,i-<9LOAO oq '~YLOAO' 1.0' °L,~9LOCL 'RqL~CK' '~9MItI' 01_, R9MMOV OH '1.?9MMOV' 0, .R9~OVA OQ '~9~OVA' 1.0' R64 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R65 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R66 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R~7 RPGII 1.0' OECK-IO R68 RPGII 1.0' n~CK-IO ~69 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R70 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R71 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R72 RPGII 1.0' OECK-IO R73 RPGII 1.0' O~CK-IO ~74 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R75 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R76 RPGYI 1.0' DECK-IO R77 RPGII 1.0' ~18 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO R19 kPGII 1.0' OECK-IO 522 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO RJ;30 RPGII 1.0' OECK-IO RBI RPGII 1.0' O~CK-ID 01.,~9MOVE 04 'R9l.40VF' 01_, R9MOVl OH '~9MOVZ' 0L ,t-I9r-1TRN OR 'R9MTRN' oL.R9"1TWK OR '49MT tiK' °L,~9MLJLT o~ '~9MUL T' °l..R9MV8 oq 'R9MV~' °1..R9"4VTA OR 'R9MVTA' °L,R9r-1VW 04 'R9MVW' *l.R9N~MX OR 'R9NRMX' *l.,R9N5Q~ oq 'R9NSQR' *t,R9~TOA *4 'R9NTOA' oL,R9NXFL ou 'R9NXFL' °L,~9NXRC OR 'R9NXRC' °l..R90PNF oq 'R90PNF' oL,R90TMG OR 'R90TMG' *L,R90TMV OR 'R90TMV' *L,R90TPT OQ 'R90TPT' °1..,R90V50 8-4 DECK-IO '~90V5f)' DECK-IO R83 PPGII 1.0' OECK-IO RH2 RPGTI 1.0' DECK-ID R84 kPGII 1.0' DF.CK-ID HAS ~PGII DECK-IO RR~ RP61I 1.0' DECK-ID RA1 RPGII 1.0' 01 ,R90VOP oq 'R90VOP' °1.R9PACK OR • R9PACK' °L.R9 P AGE OR • R9PAGf • 01 ,R9POSS oq 'Rc)P05S' °L,R9PRCL Of.,l 'R'lPRCL • °L,R9PRFN oq 'R9PRFN' 0l.,K9PLJTS oq 'R9PUTS' 00,_ ,R9RCAO o~ 'R9RCAO' °L.R9RDEN oq • P9ROEN' 01 ,R9REAO OR 'R9REAO' °L.1-l9RPGO OR 'R9RPGO' °L.R9RPRT oq 'Q9RPRT' °L.k9R5LT oq '~9RSL T' Ool .R9R5T~ oQ 'R9~ST5' °l,R95HY OR '~95BY' Ool.,R95ETF" OR 'Q9SETF' 01 ,~95~TN o~ 'QQ5ET"I' oL,Q9SHFT o·~ 'R95HFT' °L.R95KIP OR 'R9SK I P' °L.R95PAC o;~ • R95PAC' °L,R95PTP OH 'Q9SPTP' oL,R95QRT o~ 'R9SQRT' °L.R9STHO o~ 'R95THO' .oL,R95TLL o~ 'Q95TLL' °L.R95TON 08 'R95TON' Oot,R9T80T o~ 'P9TBOT' oL,R9TIME oq 'R9TIME' oL,R9TP40 oq 'R9TP40' °t,R9TRAL o~ 'R9TRAL' oL,R9TRCE o~ 'R9TRCE' DECK-IO ~AA ~PGtI 1.0' 1.0' OFCK-ID R89 RPGII 1.0' R90 RPGTI 1.0' OECK-ID R91 RPGII 1.0' nECK-IO R92 RPGTI 1.0' DECK-IO R93 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO ~94 RPGII 1,0' DECK-IO RqS RPGII 1.0' DfCK-IO ~96 RPGII 1.0' ~ECK-IO R91 RPGl1 1.0' DECK-IO ~99 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO SOl RPGII 1.0' OECK-IO 502 R~GTI nECK-ID SOl RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 504 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 505 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 506 RPGII 1.0' ID 501 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO SOA RPGII 1.0' 509 RPGTI 1.0' nECK-IO S10 RPGII 1.0' OECK-ID 511 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 512 RPGII 1.0' 513 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 514 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO 515 RPbII 1.0' DECK-IO 516 RPGII 1.0' QECK-IO 511 RPGII 1.0' ~ECK-IO ~ECK- DfC~-IO OEC~-IO 1.0' 0L • ~9TROT OQ 'Q9TROTt °L.R9T5TB OR iR9TSHP °t,R9T5TN oq HNTSTN' OL,R'9T5Tl Oq 'P9T5TZ' 96768410 A °L,~9TTOP 01.1 n~cHTOP' 01 ,R9UNPK oq 'R9UNPk' 0\..R9XCPT o~ 'R9XCPT' *L,R9XFOT oq '~9XFOT' -I)L.R9XRSD o~ '~9XRSO' nECK-I 0 Sl~ OECK-IO 519 ~PGII nECK-In 520 RP(' I I 1.0' oF.CK-In 5?1 ~PGI nECK-ID 52) RPGII 1.0' DECK-In 524 RP(' I I 1.0' OFCK-IO S25 RPGI I 1.0' nECK-IO 526 RPGI I 1.0' nECK-IO 012 PPGI I 1.0' *l,R9YCOO o~ '~NYCOO ' *'.,R9!.Ar:>5 o~ qNlAOS' °L.K91COO 0'-1 'i)9ZCOO' *1. • nnJT o~ , OFUTt *P.F o~ 'OFUT' OH 'oUE' oq 'nFCHEXI o~ 'RINASC' , ATm·p *~ *u 'FAT~(;~' *q IMOVBYT' *g 'C"'15G' Ot.j 'I-iF::LP' 'MMI *~ on ' .... UT I O'~' *q '4I"JHEX' o~ 'nmMSC;' OH 'f)EFII\jf-~1 ~H IAUnITI 'nUMP' I I NI Tt 'LOAD' 'COPY' 'nTSCRO' 'AOI·WUT' IPURGF' 'SAVEl 'RELOAf)' IT APMGR' IAORPRG' 'A[)R5KL' 'FURTNI (t~ 'QHPR~SI o~ *q -I)R OR 01-( *u *q -I)q o~ o. ~ oq O.~ ~~ RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO nFCK-If) nfCK-IO nECK-IO fJECI(-IO OF.CK-JO OECK-ID DECK-If) OE:CK-IO DECK-IO DFCK-IfJ nECK-IO f)ECK-ID f)fCK-ID IlfCK-ID f)ECK-IO OFCK-ID OfCK-ID nECK-IO 11fCK-ID DECK-If) f)ECK-IO DfCK-ID f)E"CK-ID OECK-ID UFCK-IO DECK-In nEcK-tr:> OECK-IO I 1.0' U12 013 u 11 U03 U02 U14 U46 U37 RPGII ~PGJ I RPGI I RPGT J RPGI I RPGr I RPGII u15 RPGT I RPGTI RPGI I h'PG I I RPGI I RP(, I r I-?PGI I I. A' 01 .UPnT27 o~ "JP01?7' 01..UPf)T28 oq 'UPD1?~' 01.UPf1129 o~ 'tIPOT;::>9' °1..ADf1T30 0H 'AOOTJO' 01.,AOnT31 o~ 'AOOT31' °1.AOOT32 oR '1\00T32' oL.SE.TL33 o~ 'SETL33' oL.SLCT34 o~ 'SLCT34' °1 .• CLOS35 014 'CLOS3S' oL.CLOS3fl oq 'CLOSlh' 0l.,CLOS37 014 'CLOS37' °l.CLOS38 o~ 'CLOS3,q' -DL.CLOS39 oq 'CLO~39' 01 .• CLOS40 or~ 'CLOS40' 01 .CLOS41 oc.. 'CLOS41 ' °L.ROOT43 -Dq 'ROOT43' 0l ,ROOT44 o~ 'ROOT 44' °L,ROOT45 OR 'ROOT4S' 0,-,ERR046 OR 'FR~046' °L,NTAP4S OR 'NTAP4R' °L.NTAP49 o~ 'NT AP49' °1.,SORT50 -D~ 'SORT50' O( .CKEYSI -D~ 'CKEY51' °L.NTI\PS2 -DR • NTAPS2' °L.NTAPS3 08 'NTAPS3' -Dl.NTAPS4 -DR 'NTAPS4' -Dl,NTAPS5 oq 'NTAP55' -Dl,NTAP57 -DR 'NTAPS7' -DL. "H APS8 -D~ 'NTAP5H' -DL.MOUNT oq ''''10UNT' -Dl.IOOOWR -D8 '1000WR' -Dl.CMOOPT 8-6 ~ECK-IO M;::>l ~PGIJ DECK-IO M?S RPGTI 1.0' l)fCK-IO "'126 RPGII 1.0' nECK-IO M27 ~PGII DECK-IO M2B RPGII 1.0' DECK-ID M30 RPGIT 1.0' DECK-IO M31 RPGtt 1.0' DECK-IO M32 RPGtJ 1.0' nrCK-IO ~13 RPGtI 1.0' DECK-IO M34 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO M35 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO M36 RPGII 1.0' DECK-If) MJ7 ~PGrI DECK-IO M38 RPGTI 1.0' nECK-IO M39 RPGtI 1.0' DfCK-IO M40 RPGII 1.0' M41 RPGII 1.0' DECK-ID M41 RPGII 1.0' f)fCK-ID M44 RPGTI 1.0' OECK-IO M4S ~PGII DECK-IO M46 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO M48 RPGIJ 1.0' DFCK-IO M49 RPGTI 1.0' OECK-ID M50 RPGTI 1.0' nECK-IO ~51 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO M52 RPGTI 1.0' OECK-IO ~53 RPGII 1.0' DECK-IO M54 RPG!I 1.0' nECK-IO M5S RPGTI 1.0' OECK-IO MS7 RPGII 1.0' OECK-IO MSA RPGTI 1.0' OECK-ID U19 RPGTI 1.0' DECK-IO U16 RPGJI 1.0' D~CK-IO 1.0' O~ 'CMOOPT' oL,CM02IN OR 'CM02IN' °L,CM03GO OQ 'CM03G!)' oL.STRACE 014 'STRACf.' DECK-ID UOS 4PGII 1.0' f)ECK-ID U09 RPGJI 1.0' OECK-IO UIO RPGII 1.0' DECK-ID M59 RPGTI 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' It may be necessary to decrease the value of N4. the size of allocatable area 4, in order to increase the size of unprotected main memory to satisfy the RPG requirements for unprotected memory. RPG requires an unprotected area of at least 18,270 bytes for compilation. RPG execution requirements for unprotected are as follows: Under MSOS Load and Go Under MSOS Catalog Mode Minimum: 14, 000 bytes 12,000 bytes Typical: 36, 000 bytes 30, 000 bytes Large programs: 56,000 bytes 40, 000 bytes Size The current size of unprotected may be ascertained by dumping the contents of the locations F616 and F716 and computing the difference. v = F6 16 - F7 16 = number of words of unprotected main memory Let V' equal the new size of unprotected main memory. Then: V' equals V - 13 1.0' This is because 13 words were added to SYSDAT. If the value of V' is less than the required size of unpro- tected, it may be possible to allow more space in unprotected by decreasing the value of N4. The requirements for N4 are discussed in appendix M. To change N4, modify the skeleton record *S, N4, n so that n is the new value of N4. This record is near the beginning of the skeleton. 8.3 INCORPORATING CHANGES INTO SYSTEM A new installation flIe must now be created using the new binary version of SYSDAT, the new skeleton, the old installation file, and the RPG binaries. This is accomplished by using LIBILD. Care must be taken that the new version of SYSDAT is read by LIBILD before reading the old installation file, so that the proper version of SYSDA T will be incorporated into the new installation file. 96769410 A Using the new Installation file and the system initlallzer program, the new system may be loaded. Entries on the comment device are as follows: Remarks Operator has manually interrupted the system ' *BATCH Operator requests batch processing J Batch processing is in control *JOB Operator requests the job processor J Job processor is in control *SILP Operator requests the system initializer loading program If using a 1700 Series computer system, the operator sets the protect switch to the neutral position and presses carriage return. If using a CYBER 18-20 computer, the operator presses ESCAPE, types J20@, and presses carriage return. This clears program protect, signals a carriage return, and reverts to operator mode. Ready the card reader if the card reader is the Installation device. The operator then proceeds to the initlalizer execution described in section 3. 8. This is followed by the library installation described in section 3. 9. If verification of the augmented system Is deSired, verify the system (in whole or part) using the procedures of section 4. The system replies: MSOS is now ready to operate in its augm~nted form. THE INITIALIZER WILL BE MOVED TO LOCATION xxxx AND EXECUTED. TURN OFF PROTEC SWITCH AND TYPE CARRIAGE RETURN 96769410 A 8-7 9 ADDITION OF MACRO ASSEMBLER la, • e A user who does not have the macro assembler in the version of MSOS originally ordered from Control Data may add this product to his system. To do this, he must order the installation materials (see the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin). The macro assembler installation materials, on punched cards or magnetic tape, consist of a binary copy of each macro assembler program. After the system repUes with: Since SYSDAT is not modified by this addition, the user need not rebuild the entire system using the techniques of section 5, method 1. Instead, by using the techniques of section 5, method 2, the user may generate a separate installation file for this product alone. This file is used to update the system library, thereby adding the new product to the system. to transfer the first two records of the skeleton to an output tape mounted on logical unit 6. After the library editor is loaded, transfer of records is accomplished by: Using method 2, the installation steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use SKED utility to produce the m3.cro a~sembler skeleton file. Records that compose the file are specified in this section. Use the LIBILD utility to produce the macro assembler installation file, a complete and independent installation file containing the skeleton and binary programs for the macro assembler alone. Use the LIBEDT utility to enter the macro assembler programs from the new installation file into the program library. (Optional) The system may be verified in whole or in part using the verification procedures described in section 4. The detailed procedures for steps 1, 2, and 3 are described below. J the operator calls the library editor with: *LIBEDT *T, 4, A, 6, A, 2 Transfers two records from the comment device to logical unit 6 (ASCII mode) *K, 16, P8 First two records from figure 9-1 (macro-assembler skeleton records) *L, LIBMAC *z *z J Exit LIBEDT} Control statements; Exit job not transferred to processor tape. Next, the operator calls debug to close the file and to rewind the new tape: MI DB When the system replies that debug is loaded (DEBUG IN), the operator writes an end-of-file mark and rewind the tape: WEF, 6,1 Write end-of-file mark. NEXT REW, 6 9.1 BUILDING MACRO ASSEMBLER INSTALLATION FILE SKELETON If the system has a card reader, the skeleton records defined in figure 9-1 may be punched and used as the LIBILD skeleton input (described in section 9.2). If no card reader is available, the skeleton records can be put onto magnetic tape using the following MSOS functions. The operator enters the job processor with: Rewind tape. NEXT OFF Exit from debug. The skeleton editor can now be used to build the remainder of the installation file. After entering the job processor, SKED is called with: *SKED~ The computer replies with: SKED IN *JOB 96769410 A NEXT 9-1 OPERATOH ENTERED CODE (SKELETON) SKELETON DIRECTS PROCESSING AS SHOWN: *K, 16, PB *L, LIBMAC *B'LIBMAC' *L.ASSEM *B 'ASSEM' *K.PS *P.F *B 'PASS1' *B 'PAIPR2' *T *K.IB *N. PASS1 ••• B *K.16 *K.PS *P.F *B 'PASS2' *B 'PA2PR2' *T *K.IS *N, PASS2 ••• B *K,I6 *K,PS *P,F *B 'PASS3' *B 'PA3PR2' *B 'PA3PR3' *T *K.IS *N. PASS3 ••• B *K.16 *K.:PS ALL INPUT IS FOR LOGICAL UNIT 6. IF THE INSTALLA TION IS TO BE MADE FROM ANOTHER LOGICAL UNIT, CHANGE I VALUE AS APPROPRIATE. SET OF BINARY PROGRAMS IS ENTERED WITH MSOS PROGRAM LIBRARY AS AN ABSOLUTE FILE. ' ABSOLUTE FILE } ABSOLUTE FILE *P.F *B 'TABLST' *T *K. IS *N. TABLST ••• B *K.I6 *K.PS *P.F *B 'XREF' *K.IS *N.XREF ••• B *K.I6 *B 'MACSKL' *B 'MACROS' .} ABSOLUTE FILE } } *z *CTO, MACRO ASSEMBLER INSTALLED *z ABSOLUf E FILE THESE TWO PROGRAMS REMAIN IN BINARY FORMAT. EXIT LIBEDT } CONTROL STATEMENTS USED EXIT JOB DURING LIBEDT PROCESSING NOTE: EACH LINE ENDS WITH A CARRIAGE RETURN AND A LINE FEED. Figure 9-1. Skeleton for Adding Macro Assembler to System 9-2 96769410 A The operator loads the first two records just written on the installation tape: LOAD,6 After loading the records, the computer replies: ANY MORE INPUT, ENTER LU This SKED internal condition is cleared by pressing carriage return. The computer replies: NEXT The operator now inserts all the other records in the skeleton of figure 9-1. Each input record is followed by a carriage return and a line feed. INSERT, 2,4 *B 'LIBMAC' *L,ASSEM Remaining records from skeleton in figure 9-1 *z carriage return The final carriage return terminates the loading command sequence. The comment device displays: NEXT The operator may now list the full skeleton by: CATLOG When the computer replies: NEXT the operator is ready to dump the skeleton onto the 'installation tape, using the same magnetic tape as before: REW,6 9.2 BUILDING MACRO ASSEMBLER INSTALLATION FILE The skeleton is now used in conjunction., with the macro assembler binaries to create the macro aat3embler installation file. The utillty program LIBILD generates the file. In the following example, both the new skeleton and the macro assembler binaries are on magnetic tape and are input from logical unit 16. Assuming that the job processor is still in control of the computer, LIBILD is put in control by the operator entering: *LIBILD The Comment Device Displays: The Operator Replies: CONTROL LU = DEFS LU = INSTALL LU = NEWLIB LU == LIB 01 LU == LIB 02 LU = SKELETON LU == Carriage return Carriage return Six carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns Note that only a carriage return is entered as the response to the query CONTROL LU ==. This is because the sequence control statements are read from the comment device. A carriage return is also the response' to the query DEFS LU =, since the installation file is to be created according to the skeleton and not according to a definitions deck. The response to INSTALL LU = indicates that the installation file is to be written on logical unit 6. No new'output library is to be created. Therefore, a carriage return is entered following the query NEWLIB LU.=. Following the 16-carriage-return reply to the query SKELETON LU =, the binary programs are read from logical unit 16 and saved on mass storage. When all the binary programs have been read, the comment device displays: LOAD SKEL/INSTAL, CR WHEN READY When the tape is rewound and the computer replies (NEXT), the operator writes the skeleton with: DUMP, 6 The computer replies with: NEXT After mounting the skeleton tape prepared by SKED (section 9.1) on logical unit 16, mounting the installation tape on logical unit 6, and readying both of these units, the operator replies with a carriage return. LIBILD reads the skeleton and prepares a macro assembly installation file by reading the skeleton records and binaries and proceSSing the binaries according to the instructions of the skeleton records. and the skeleton is now saved on the output device. The operator exits from the skeleton editor with: EXIT 96769410 A 9-3 When the installation file is complete, the comment device displays: LIBRARY BUILD COMPLETE TYPE *Z TO TERMINATE OR TYPE *C TO CONTINUE WITH CURRENT SKELETON AND/OR OUTPUT LIBRARY LUIS Since the installation file is now complete and residing on logical unit 6, the operator exits from LIBILD by replying: Z Assuming that the job processor is stlll controlling the computer, the library editor is placed in control by the operator entering: *LIB EDT When the library editor Is controlling the computer, the comment device displays: LIB IN The operator loads the installation file on logical unit 6 and readies that tape unit. He then causes the file to be read by entering: *V,6 The system returns to job processor control. After LIBEDT has processed the file, the comment device displays the CTO statement entered at the end of the skeleton: 9.3 ENTERING MACRO ASSEMBLER INTO MSOS The newly prepared macro assembler installation file may now be used by LIBEDT utility to enter the macro assembler into MSOS. 9-4 MACRO ASSEMBLER INSTALLED The first *Z statement from the skeleton causes LIBEDT termination; the second *z statement causes job processor termination. MSOS is now augmented by addition of the macro assembler. 96769410 A 10 ADDITION OF SORT/MERGE fa sa .... A user who does not have Sort/Merge in the version of MSOS originally ordered from Control Data may add this product to his system. To do this, he must order the installation materials (see the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin). If no card reader is available, the skeleton records can It is assumed the user's system contains a file manager. It is further assumed that the user has in his system the After the system repUes with: main memory and mass memory requirements for Sort/ Merge Version 1. 0 as outlined in the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin. The sort/merge installation materials, on punched cards or magnetic tape, consist of a binary copy of each sort/merge program. Since SYSDAT is not modified by this addition, the user need not rebuild the entire system using the techniques of section 5, method 1. Instead, using the techniques of section 5, method 2, the user may generate a separate installation file for this product alone. That file is used to update the system library, thereby adding the new product to the syst~m. Using method 2, the installation steps are: 1. 2. Use SKED utility to produce the Sort/Merge skeleton file •. Records that compose the file are specified in . this section. Use the LIBILD utility to produce the Sort/Merge installation file, a complete and independent installation file containing the skeleton and binary programs for Sort/Merge alone. be put onto magnetic tape using the following MSOS functions. The operator enters the job processor with: *JOB J the operator calls the library editor with: *LIBEDT to transfer the first two records of the skeleton to an output tape mounted on logical unit 6. After the library editor is loaded. this is accomplished by: *T,4,A, 6,A. 2 Transfers two records from the comment device to logical unit 6 (ASCII mode) *K,I6 First two records from figure 10-1 (macro-assembler skeleton records) *L,SMC *Z *z } Exit LIBEDT} Control stateExit job ments; not transprocessor ferred as records. Next, the operator calls debug to close the file and to rewind the new tape: MI 3. 4. Use the LIBEDT utility to enter the Sort/Merge programs from the new installation file into the program library. (Optional) The system may be verified in whole or in part using the verification procedures described in section 4. The detailed procedures for steps 1, 2, and 3 are described below. DB When the system replies that debug is loaded (DEBUG IN), the operator writes an end-of-file mark and rewinds the tape: WEF, 6,1 Write end-of-file mark. NEXT REW, 6 Rewind tape. NEXT 10.1 BUILDING SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION FILE SKELETON If the system has a card reader, the skeleton records defined in figure 10-1 may be punched and used as the LIBILD skeleton input (described in section 10.2). 96769410 A OFF Exit from debug. The skeleton editor can now be used to build the remainder of the installation file. After entering the job processor, SKED is called with: *SKED 10-1 OPERATOH ENTERED CODE (SK_~,ETON) tV tlJ ALL INPUT IS FOn LOGICAL UNIT G. IF THE INSTALLATION IS TO BE MADE FHOM ANOTHEH LOGICAL UNIT, CHANGE I VALUE AS APPROPRIATE. SOHT/MEHGE 1. 0 tv *K,I6 *L, SMC , *B 'SMC' *K,P8 *p , *B 'SMCI\10N' , :tD 'FLOTN' , *'B 'PARASN' , *B 'COMNER' , tB 'NXTLOC' *'1' :tK,IH *N, SMCMON ••• B *K, In *p *B 'SMCEDT" *B 'NXTLOC" *1' *K,18 lON, SMCEDT ••• B SKELETON DIRECTS PROCESSING AS SHOWN: DECK-ID SOl SMC 1.0' DECK-ill S02 Sl'vIC DECK-ID S08 SMC DECK-ID S07 SMC DECK-ID S09 SMC NEXT AVAILABLE 1. 0' 1. 0' 1. 0' 1. 0' LOCATION' DECK-ID S03 SMC 1.0' NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' SET OF BINARY PROGRAMS IS ENTERED INTO 1\ISOS PROGRAM LIBRARY AS AN ABSOLUTE FILE. ABSOLUTE FILE lOK, In *p lOB 'SMCSRT" DECK-ID S04 SMC 1.0' *B 'NXTLOC" NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' *1' *K,18 *N, SMCSRT, ••• B ABSOLUTE FILE *K, In *p 'SMCIMG' , DECK-ID S05 SMC 1. 0' *B 'NXTLOC' , NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' *B *1' *K,18 *N, SMCIMG••• B ABSOLUTE FILE *K,ln *p *B 'SMCFMG" *B 'NXTLOC" *1' *K,I8 *N, SMCFMG ••• B ABSOLUTE FILE DECK-ID S06 SMC 1. 0' NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION' *z EXIT LIBEDT} * CTO, SORT /MERG E INSTALLED *z NOTE: EXIT JOB EACH LINE ENDS WITH A CARRIAGE RETURN AND A LINE FEED. OPTIONAL. CONTROL STATEMENTS USED DURING LIBEDT PROC ESSING DECK IDENTIFICATIONS ARE Figure 10-1. Skeleton for Adding Sort/Merge to System 10-2 96769410 A The computer replies with: SKED IN NEXT NEXT The operator loads the first two records just written on the installation tape: LOAD,6 ANY MORE INPUT, ENT ER LU This SKED internal condition 1s cleared by pressing carrlage return. The computer replies: NEXT The operator now inserts all the other records in the skeleton of figure 10-1. Each input record is followed by a carriage return and a line feed. INSERT, 2, 4 *B 'SMC' *K,P8 Remaining records from skeleton in figure 10-1 1 carriage return The final carriage return terminates the loading command sequence. The comment device displays: NEXT The operator may now list the full skeleton by: CATLOG When the computer replies: NEXT the operator is ready to dump the skeleton onto the installation tape, using the same magnetic tape as before: REW,6 When the tape is rewound and the computer replies (NEXT), the operator writes the skeleton with: DUMP, 6 96769410 A and the skeleton is now saved on the output device. The operator exits from the skeleton editor with: EXIT It may be necessary to decrease the value of N4. the size After loading the records, the computer replies: *z The computer replies with: of allocatable area 4, in order to increase the size of unprotected to satisfy the Sort/Merge requirements for unprotected memory. Sort/Merge requires an unprotected area of 12,000 bytes. Speed of execution is improved if additional unprotected memory is available. The current size of unprotected may be ascertained by dumping the contents of the locations F6 16 and F7 16 and computing the difference. v = F6 16 - F7 16 = number of words of unprotected. If the value of V is less than the required 6000 words. it may be possible to allow more space in unprotected by decreasing the value of N4. The requirements for N4 are discussed in appendix M. To change N4. modify the skeleton record *S. N4. n so that n is the new value of N4. This record is near the beginning of the skeleton. 10.2 BUILDING SORT/MERGE INSTALLATION FILE The skeleton is now used in conjunction with the Sort/ Merge binaries to create the sort/merge installation file. The utility programLIBILD generates the file. In the following example. both the new skeleton and the Sort/ Merge binaries are on magnetic tape. both mounted on logical unit 16. Assuming that the job processor is still in control of the computer, LIBILD is put in control by the operator entering: *LIBILD The Comment Device Displays: The Operator Replies: CONTROL LU = DEFS LU = INSTALL LU = NEWLIB LU = LIB 01 LU = LIB 02 LU = SKELETON LU = Carriage return Carriage return Six carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns 10-3 Note that only a carriage return is entered as the response to the query CONTROL LV =. This is because the sequence control statements are read from the comment device. A carriage return is also the response to the query DEFS LU =:, since the installation file is to be created according to the skeleton and not according to a definitions deck. The response to INSTALL LU :::: indicates that the installation file is to be written on logical unit 6. No new output library is to be created. Therefore, a carriage return is entered following the query NEWLIB LU =• Following the 16-carriage-return reply to the query SKELETON LU =, the binary programs are read from logical unit 16 and saved on mass storage. When all the binary programs have been read, the comme~t deyice displays: 10.3 ENTERING SORT/MERGE INTO MSOS The newly prepared Sort/Merge installation file may now be used by LIBEDT utility to enter Sort/Merge into MSOS. Assuming that the job processor is still controlling the computer, the library editor is placed in control by the operator entering: *LIBEDT When the library editor iscontrolUng the computer, the comment device displays: LOAD SKEL/INSTAL, CR WHEN READY LIB IN After mounting the skeleton tape prepared by SKED (section 10. 1) on logical unit 16, mounting the installation tape on logical unit 6, and readying both of these units, the operator I:eplies with a carriage return. LIBILD reads the skeleton and prepares a Sort/Merge installation file by reading the skeleton records and binaries and processing the binaries according to the instructions of the skeleton records. When the installation file is complete, the comment device displays: LIBRARY BUILD COMPLETE TYPE *Z TO TERMINATE OR TYPE *C TO CONTINUE WITH CURRENT SKELETON AND/OR OUTPUT LIBRARY LU'S Since the installation file is now complete and residing on logical unit 6, the operator exits from LIBILD by replying: The operator loads the installation file on logical unit 6 and readies that tape unit. He then causes the file to be read by entering: *V,6 After LIBEDT has entered the file, the comment device displays the CTO statement entered at the end of the skeleton: SORT/MERGE INSTALLED The first *z statement from the skeleton causes LIBEDT termination; the second *Z statement causes job processor termination. MSOS is now augmented by addition of Sort/Merge. *Z The system returns to job processor control. 10-4 96769410 A 11 ADDITION OF MAGNETIC TAPE UTILITY PROCESSOR - pmflG. A user who does not have the magnetic tape utility processor (MTUP) in the version of MSOS originally ordered from Control Data may add this product to his system. To do this, he must order the installation materials (see the MSOS Version 5 Ordering Bulletin). The magnetic tape utility processor installation material consists of a binary copy of each magnetic tape utility processor program. Since SYSDAT is not modified by this addition, the user need not rebuild the entire system using the techniques of section 5, method 1. Instead, employing the techniques of section 5, method 2, the user may generate a separate installation file for this product alone. That file is used to update the system library, thereby adding the new product to the system. Using method 2, the installation steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use SKED utility to produce the magnetic tape utility processor skeleton file. Records that compose the file are specified in this section. Use the LIBILD utility to produce the magnetic tape utility processor installation file, a complete and independent installation file containing the skeleton and binary programs for the magnetic tape utilities alone. Use the LIBEDT utility to enter the magnetic tape utility processor programs from ,the new installationfile into the program library. (Optional) The system may be verified in whole or in part using the verification' procedures described in section 4. The detailed procedures for steps I, 2, and 3 are described below. . After the system replies with: J the operator calls the library editor with: *LIBEDT to transfer the first two records of the skeleton to an output tape mounted on logical unit 6. After the library edi~or is loaded, this is accomplished by: *T,4,A,6,A.2 *K. 16. P8 *L, MTUP *z *z If the system has a card reader, the skeleton records defined in figure 11-1 may be punched and used as the LIBILD skeleton input (described in section 11.2). If no card reader is available, the skeleton records can be put onto magnetic tape using the following MSOS functions. The operator enters the job processor with: *JOB 96769410 A First two records from figure 11-1 (macro-assembler skeleton records) Exit LIBEDT} Control state' Exit job ments; not transprocessor ferred as records Next. the operator calls debug to close the file and to rewind the new tape: MI DB When the system replies that debug is loaded (DEBUq IN). the operator writes an end-of-file mark and rewinds the tape: WEF, 6.1 Write end-of-file mark. NEXT REW, 6 11.1 BUILDING MTUP INSTALLATION FILE SKELETON } Transfers two records from the comment device to logical unit 6 (ASCII mode) Rewind tape. NEXT OFF Exit from debug. The skeleton editor can now be used to build the remainder of the installation file. After entering the job processor, SKED is called with: *SKED The computer replies with: SKED IN NEXT 11-1 SKELETON DIRECTS PROCESSING AS SHOWN: OPEHATOR ENTERED CODE (SKELETON) *K, 16, P8 *L, MTUP 'MTUP' "'B "'P, F" TAPUTL 'MTUP' "'13 *'13 'TAPUTL 'FNN' "'B 'SCAN' "'B 'OPFNIO' "'B *B 'RDWTP' *B 'LIOG' *B 'COPY' *B 'EXIT' *B 'PRINT' *B 'VERIFY' 'SELECT' "'B 'PRINTT' "'B *B 'DUMP' *B 'INIT' 'STNLAB' "'B 'CVASEB' "'B 'ALCBUF' "'B *B 'NXTLOC' "'T *K,I8 *N, MTUPFL ••• B DECK-ID VOl DECK-ID UOI DECK-ID U02 DECK-ID U03 DECK-ID U04 DECK-ID U05 DECK-ill U06 DECK-ID U07 DECK-ID UOS DECK-ID - U09 DECK-ID UIO DECK-ID Ull DECK-ID Ul2 DECK-ID Ul3 DECK-ID Ul4 ALL INPUT IS FOR LOGICAL UNIT 6. IF THE INSTALLATION IS TO BE MADE FROM ANOTHER LOGICAL UNIT, CHANGE I VALUE AS APPROPRIATE. l\IAG TAPE UTILITY' l\1AG TAPE MAG TAPE l\IAG TAPE l\1AG TAPE l\1AGTAPE l'vlAG TAPE l'vIAG TAPE l\1AG TAPE MAG TAPE l\1AG TAPE l\IAG TAPE MAG TAPE l\1AG TAPE l\IAG TAPE UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' UTILITY' DECK-ID Ul5 l'vIAG TAPE UTILITY' DECK-ID Ul6 l\1AG TAPE UTILITY' DECK-ID Ul7 MAG TAPE UTILITY' DECK-ill UIS l\1AG TAPE UTILITY' NEXT A VAlLA BLE LOCATION' *z "'CTO MAGNETIC TAPE UTILITIES INSTALLED } *z NOTE: CONTROL STATE'MENTS USED DURING LIBEDT PROC ESSING EACH LINE ENDS WITH A CARRIAGE RETURN AND A LINE FEED. OPTIONAL. DECK IDENTIFICATIONS ARE Figure 11-1. Skeleton for Adding Multiple Tape Utility Processor to System The operator loads the first two records just written on the installation tape: The operator now inserts all the other records in the skeleton of figure 11-1. Each input record is followed by a carriage return and a line feed. LOAD,6 INSERT, 2, 4 After loading the records, the computer replies: ANY MOHE INPUT, ENTER LU This SKED internal condition is cleared by pressing carriage return. The computer replies: NEXT 11-2 *B 'MTUP' *P, F, , TAPUTL Remaining records from skeleton in figure 11-1 *z carriage return 96769410 A The final carriage return terminates the loading command sequence. The comment device displays: NEXT The operator may now list, the full skeleton by: CATLOG When the computer replies: NEXT the operator is ready to dump the skeleton onto the installation tape, using the same magnetic tape as before: REW,6 When the tape is rewound and the computer replies (NEX1) , the operator writes the skeleton with: The computer replies with: NEXT The EXIT After mounting the skeleton tape prepared by SKED (section 11. 1) on logical unit 16, mounting the installation tape on logical unit 6, and readying both of these units, the operator replies with a carriage return. LIBILD reads the ~keleton and prepares a magnetic tape utility processor installation file by reading the skeleton records and binaries, and processing the binaries according to the instructions of the skeleton records. When the installation file is complete, the comment device displays: 11.2 BUILDING MTUP INSTALLATION FILE The skeleton is now used in conjunction with the magnetic tape utility processor binaries to create the magnetic tape utility processor installation file. The utility program LIBILD generates the file. In the following example, both the new skeleton and the magnetic tape utility processor binaries are on magnetic tape, both mounted on logical unit 16. . Assuming that the job processor is still in control of the computer, LIBILD is put in control by the operator entering: *LIBILD LIBRARY BUILD COMPLET E TYPE *z TO TERMINATE OR TYPE *C TO CONTINUE WITH CURRENT SKELETON AND/OR OUTPUT LIBRARY LU'S Since the installation file is now complete and residing on logical unit 6, the operator exits from LIBILD by replying: *Z The system returns to job processor control. 11.3 ENTERING MTUP INTO MSOS The Comment Device Displays: The Operator Replies: CONTROL LU = DEFS LU = INSTALL LV = NEWLIB LU = LIB 01 LV = LIB 02 LV = SKELETON LV = Carriage return Carriage return Six carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns Carriage return 16 carriage returns 96769410 A Following the I6-carriage-return reply to the query SKELETON LV=, the binary programs are read from logical unit 16 and saved on mass storage. When all the binary programs have been read, the comment device displays: LOAD SKEL/INSTAL, CR WHEN READY DUMP, 6 and the skeleton is now saved on "the output device. operator exits from the skeleton editor with: Note that only a carriage return is entered as the response to the query CONTROL LU =. This is because the sequence control statements are read from the comment device. A carriage return is also the response to the query DEFS LU =, since the installation file is to be created according to the skeleton and not according to a definitions deck. The response to INSTALL LU = indicates that the installation file is to be written on logical unit 6. No new output library is to be created. Therefore, a carriage return is entered following the query NEWLIB LU = The newly prepared magnetic tape utility processor installation file may now be used by LIBEDT utility to enter magnetic tape utility processor into MSOS. Assuming that the job processor is still controlling the computer, the library editor is placed in control by the operator entering: *LIBEDT 11-3 When the library editor is controlling the computer, the comment device displays: After LIBEDT has processed the file, the comment device displays the CTO statement entered at the end of the skeleton: LIB IN MAGNETIC TAPE UTILITIES INSTALI,ED The operator loads the installation file on logical unit 6 and readies that tape unit. He then causes the file to be read by entering: *V,6 11-4 The first *z statement from the skeleton causes LIBEDT termination; the second *z statement causes job processor termination. MSOS is now augmented by addition of the magnetic tape utilities. 96769410 A 12 CYBER 18/1700 MSOS 5 SPECIFICATIONS fee' liS 12.1 NEW FEATURES MSOS 5 is a multiprogramming operating system designed to support a variety of applications requiring dedicated system utilization, batch processing, and program checkout features in a real-time environment. In addition to those features that presently exist in MSOS 4, the following features are provided for the CYBER 18-20 computer. • a_ M • Continual support of operation on 1704/1714/1774/ 1784 computers is provided. • The additional instruction repertoire supported by the CYBER 18-20 computer is included within the macro assembler. • Peripheral drivers IC under MSOS include new drivers for the following peripheral equipment: -1833-1/1833-3/1867-10/1867-20 Storage Module Drive MSOS 5 provides auto-data transfer (ADT) for pseudo direct memory transfers of data to and from a device. o The system provides access to data in memory beyond the 128K byte boundary. o All additional general purpose registers are saved and restored on interrupt. o MSOS 5 supports a real-time clock in auto-data transfer mode. -1833-5/1865-1/1865-2 Flexible Disk • The system provides the ability to advance records or files and backspace records or files from the job processor. 12.2 DEFICIENCIES AND LIMITATIONS o The system supports up to eight mass storage disk drives, each capable of storing 50 million 8-bit bytes of formatted data. There are no known deficiencies or limitations in the system. o Up to two flexible disk drives are supported. These are formatted in either IBM 3740 format (128 bytes per sector) or the CDC 1700 Series rotating mass storage format (192 bytes per sector). 12.3 PSR LEVEL o MSOS 5 provides a stand-alone background text editor for manipulation of user program and data files. 96769410 A The release level of MSOS 5 is summary level 110. (Summary levels for RPG II Version 1.0, FORTRAN Version 3~3A/B, and Magnetic Tape UtilityProcessor Version 2~ 0 may be less than 110 since they are previously released products.) 12-1 13 UPDATING A SYSTEM BY INSTALLATION OF LIBILD BINARY UPDATE FILES • • rgM!M!t·S'aw Periodically, MSOS and its associated products are updated by Control Data. At the time of an update. the user is sent a binary update file for MSOS and a binary update file for each associated product in the user's system. The user also receives a COSY release file and a COSY corrections file for each product in his system. The COSY files may be used to generate new system listings. To update the system, a skeleton corresponding to the latest installation file must be obtained. This may be done by using the program SKED as shown in appendix N. The skeleton should be modified to change the *S system initializer control statements defining SYSLVL, SYSMON, SYSDA Y. and SYSYER, which define the PSR level and system build date. If the skeleton is on cards, cards can be manually changed. Otherwise, SKED may be used to make these changes. The operator then uses LIBILD to create a new installation file containing the modules from all binary update files the user has received. This is done by presenting the binary update files as library input to LIBILD together with the modified skeleton to create a new installation file. The new installation file may be used to build an updated system as described in section 3.7, omitting steps 2 through 5. A system initial1zer error message may appear. indicating memory space has been exceeded. This may be due to an increase in size in one or more updated main memory resident modules. In this case BGNMON should be decreased. ENDOV4 must also be decreased if BGNMON = ENDOV4 (e. g •• the system has neither partitioned core nor unused area; see appendix L). The user must determine the amount, .L, of new space needed. The new values are then computed: BGNMON' BGNMON - L= n1 ENDOV4' ENDOV4 - L = n2 To modify the values of BGNMON and ENDOV4, the skeleton records defining BGNMON and ENDOV4 must be modified. The new records have the form: *S, BGNMON, n1 The current size of unprotected may be ascertained by dumping the contents of the locations F6 16 and F716 and computing the dif~erence. v = F6 Ul - F7 16 unprotected. Let V' equal new size of unprotected. Then: V' Where: = V- L - m L is the number of words added to main memory resident programs. m is the number (if any) of additional words added to SYSDAT. To generate updated listings for each product, follow the instructions for cases 1 and 2 below. CASE 1: CARD READER IN SYSTEM 1. Obtain a punched card copy of each COSY correction card image. (If the COSY correction file is already on cards. omit this step.) If there is a card punch in the system, LIBEDT may be used to transfer the COSY correction tape to cards. If there is no card punch in the system, obtain a listing of the COSY corrections as follows: Mount the COSY corrections file on logical unit p and ready the device. The follOwing dialog then takes place on the comment device: Comment device Operator requests the job processor J Job processor is ready *LIBEDT Operator requests the library editor LIB IN Library editor is ready *T, p, A, 9, A, , 1 Operator requests transfer of data: p input logical unit. A = ASCn mode, 9 output logical unit, for the one (installation) file *z Operator exits from LIBEDT Where: n and n are the new values. 2 1 96769410 A Remarks *JOB *S, ENDOV4, n2 These records are found near the beginning of the skeleton. number of words of 13-1 This generates a listing of the corrections. Using this listing. the operator punches a card for each correction card image listed. 2. Insert the corrections from step 1 into the source decks for those modules that have corrections. If source decks are not available and the system has a card punch. source decks may be generated as follows: Let p Let q COSy input device logical unit = card punch logical unit E~ter the following from the comment Remarks Comment Device *JOB Request the job processor *CSY. In. Pq Reassign COSY input to logical unit r. output to logical unit q *K.lp Reassign standard input to logical unit p *COSY Execute COSY *z Exit from the job processor Mount the COSY release file on logical unit p and ready the device. Mount the COSy corrections file into the standard input device. Enter the following from the comment device: This generates Hollerith source deck images on logical unit q with the tape on logical q rewound. The system roesponds: Comment Device Enter on the comment device: Remarks J *JOB Request for job processor *K,IlO Input on logical unit 10 *K. Iq, P2 *CSY, Ip, Pq Reassign COSY input to logical unit p, output to logical unit q Reassign the input to COSY output logical unit *ASSEM Execute the macro assembler. *COSY Execute COSy *z Exit from the job processor COSY then punches source decks in Hollerith format. If there is no card punch in the system, let q equal the tape logical unit so that Hollerith source deck images are to be written to logical unit q. Use the above procedure to write Hollerith source deck images to logical unit q. A listing of the Hollerith source may be obtained using LIBEDT. A source deck may be punched from this listing. 3. device. device: Punch any necessary control cards and use the macro assembler and/or FORTRAN to process the corrected modules, obtaining the desired listings. Comment Device Remarks Watch the listing as printed. Compare it with the COSY index received with the COSy tapes from Control Data. The index indicates which programs are FORTRAN programs. At the end of the first block of assembly programs, the system automatically reverts to the job processor and outputs: J Enter: *FTN to execute FORTRAN. At the end of this block of FORTRAN programs, the system again automatically reverts to the job processor and outputs: J CASE 2: NO CARD READER IN SYSTEM At this point enter: ASSEM Obtain updated Hollerith output on tape. This may be done as follows: 1. 13-2 Let n, p, and q be magnetic tape logical units. (Logical unit q may be a pseudo tape or simulated magnetic tape.) Mount the COSy release file on logical unit n and ready the device. Mount the COSY corrections file on logical unit p and ready the Similarly alternate between FORTRAN and macro assembler as necessary until all desired listings have been obtained. An error message may appear indicating mass storage has been exceeded. This is because the default macro assembly options include load-and-go output to mass memory. This error message may be ignored. 96769410 A GLOSSARY ff'.· A Me The glossary is intended to assist in the communication of facts and ideas related to information processing. FILE MANAGER -An MSOS product for managing records and files In all instances, a comparison has been made to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) glossary to ensure consistency with standard nomenclature wherever possible. FORTRAN -Formula translating system; a language primarily used to express scientific computer programs by arithmetic formulas ALLOCATABLE MAIN MEMORY -That portion of main memory that can be assigned to programs by the core allocator (i.e. SYSDAT and resident program areas cannot be allocated). See appendix L. AUTOLOAD -To place the resident routines of the operating system in main memory INITIALIZER -An MSOS program that initializes the system using an installation file INSTALLATION FILE -The file of installation material used to install MSOS on a computer system LIBEDT -The library editor program LIBILD -The library building program BGNMON - Beginning address· of the monitor BINARY -A program (module) in binary format MACRO ASSEMBLER -The program that compiles source language into 1700 machine language statements (ASSEM) BOOTSTRAP - A set of machine language instructions designed to read in a program from an input device and begin execution of that program MAIN MEMORY RESIDENT-A program (e.g., SYSDAT, monitor) that always resides in main memory BYTE-A sequence of adjacent binary digits operated,' upon as a unit and usually shorter than a word; within the CWER .18/1700 Series computer systems, a byte is eight bits; i. e., a byte is one~half of a I6-bit word MASS STORAGE RESIDENT-A part of the system that resides on mass storage and that is brought into core when needed by the system. Many of these I programs are either in the system library or the program library" COSY -A format for compressing information in source decks or source deck images by replacing three or more sequential blanks with two special ASCn characters METHOD I-The full system installation method for adding a product. See section 5. CREP "":"Core resident Entry Point Table. Holds entry points (linkage addresses) to protected programs executed in part 1 of core. METHOD 2 -The special installation method for adding new products that do not require changes to SYSDAT. See section 5. MTUP -The magnetic tape utility program CREP I-Core Resident Entry Point 1 Table. Holds entry points (linkage addresses) to protected programs executed in part 1 of core. ORDINAL -A number that specifies the order of programs on the system library. Loosely used to refer to the program designated by this ordinal DEADSTART-CYBER 18-20 hardware logic that allows execution of panel mode instructions input from an external input device. These instructions may load a bootstrap into macro memory and initiate its execution. PROGRAM LIBRARY -Library of background programs. These can be relocatable binary or absolute (program files) • RPG -The report generator program ENDOV4-End of blank common (see appendix L) SKED -The skeleton editor 96769410 A A-I SORT /lVrERGE - The sorting and merging program for file data manipulation SYSTEM LIBRARY for MSOS SYSDA T - The system data base that is resident at the beginning of main memory VERIFY - A-2 The library of foreground programs The verify program; part of the installation file 96769410 A PANEL MODE BOOTSTRAP ENTRIES B "31m.·ei t Bootstrap entries for 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller with seven-track magnetic tape are as follows: 0822G 6846G' 9871G 0102G 0131G 1803G 0814G D870G 6872G 686DG 6871G 09FEG 6864G 8000G 3000G 6862G 580IG OBOOG COOOG 0908G 5840G ·C8FBG 095EG EOOOG 8009G OB06G OAOIG' 8000G 0900G 5837G OAOIG 8000G 0900G 5833G CC58G 582DG 582CG D855G CC54G OFC2G OFE4G 4C52G D851G OFC2G 5824G D84DG CC4CG 5821G OFC2G 96769410 A OFE4G 4C49G D848G C846G 983BG 0122G D843G 18E9G C83FG OllBG C83BG 8837G 683CG 8835G 6839G 5808G C835G 6837G 8830G 6834G 5803G 1400G OOOOG OOOOG E82AG ODFEG CE2EG 6E2CG 0141G 18FBG lCF8G OOOOG OFC2G OFE6G lCFCG OOOOG E820G OD08G OB04G OBOOG OBOOG ODF7G OB05G OA03G 6817G COOOG OFFFG 09FFG OlOlG 18FDG E812G OB04G B-1 AOOOG 0002G OlOlG 18F3G C80BG 0102G 09FEG 18FOG OB05G lCE5G 8480G IFFFG 3FFFG OOOOG 1000G OOOOG 0480G OOOOG OOOOG OOOOG OOOOG OOOOG OOOOG Bootstrap entries for 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller with nine-track magnetic tape are as follows: 6819G 09FEG 6834G 8000G 2000G 6832G 5801G OBOOG COOOG Ol08G 5810G C8FBG 092EG EOOOG 8009G OB06G OAOIG 8000G B-2 OlOOG 5807G OAOIG 8000G OlOOG 5803G 1400G OOOOG OOOOG E81FG OD08G OB04G OBOOG OBOOG ODF7G OB05G OA03G 6816G COOOG OFFFG 09FEG 0101G 18FDG E811G OB04G AOOOG 0002G OlOlG 18F3G C80AG Ol02G 09FEG 18FOG OB05G lCE5G 8480G IFFFG 3FFFG OOOOG OOOOG 0480G Bootstrap entries for the card reader are those in appendix C, excluding the first three lines and the final five lines. 96769410 A c DEADSTART DECKS 'g lC05G 18E2G OFOQG OOFFG OOOOG OOOOG OOOOG KOOOOG J14G K5000G JI0G K31200800 The following is a listing of the deadstart deck, including a bootstrap to read from the card reader. K71008000G KOOOOG. L0500G 6823G 6823G EOOOG 0581G COOOG 0080G 03FEG OAD7G 68IAG ODFEG OBOOG 02FBG A815G OFC8G 6C16G· OBOOG 02FEG A810G BC12G 6C11G D810G 0829G D80CG C80BG 0121G 18FIG C806G 086CG 0841G 0111G 96769410 A A deadstart deck containing a bootstrap to read from a magnetic tape unit consists of the following three parts. The first symbol on each card must be in column one. There must be one blank between each pair of characters. 1. Initial cards: K71008000G KOOOOG L 2. Cards containing the symbols are listed in appendix B for the 1832-4 Magnetic Tape Controller with either the seven-track or nine-track tape, depending on the type of installation device. These symbols may be grouped; e. g., five lines per card, if desired. 3. Final cards: KOOOOG J14G K2400G JI0G K31202800 C-l LOADING AND CHECKING A BOOTSTRAP ',itiil* o * 0.1 1700 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 3. Select the P register. 4. Set the pushbutton register to the first address to be checked by first pressing the CLEAR button to the right of the pushbutton register and then pressing the pushbuttons that set the address in the register. 1784 COMPUTER Loading 1. Press the STOP button. 5. Set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP. 2. Press the master CLEAR button on the console. 6. Select the X register. 3. Set the row of switches near the bottom right hand side of the console to their neutral position. Set the MODE switch to 32K if the system size contains 32K of memory or less, or to 65K if the size is larger than 32K. The INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch should be set to INSTRUCTION. All other two-position switches should be in the off position. 7. Press the GO button. 8. The data that is stored at the core address specified in step 4 appears in the pushbutton register. To display the next sequential words of core, press the GO button. 4. Select the P register by pressing the button marked P. 5. Set the pushbutton register to the first address in core that information is to be entered into. Do this by first pressing the C LEAR button to the right of the pushbutton register to clear the register. Then press the pushbuttons in the pattern that gives the hexadecimal address desired. (The starting address of the system initializer bootstraps is 0000.) To check the address of any location during this procedure. select the B register and the core address appears in the pushbutton register. To resume checking the code, select the X register and continue pressing the GO button. When finished. set the ENTER/SWEEP switch and the INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to the neutral position. 1704,1714, 1774 COMPUTERS 6. Set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 7. Select the X register. Loading 8. Enter the code into memory as follows: 1. Put the RUN/STEP switch momentarily in the STEP position. 2. Press the master CLEAR switch. Enter the first (or next) word of code into the pushbutton register. 3. All other switches should be set in the neutral or off position. c. Press the GO button. 4. If there is a MODE switch (1714 computer). it should d. Repeat these steps for every word of code to be entered. a. b. 9. Press the CLEAR button to the right of the pushbutton register. When finished, set the ENTER/SWEEP and the INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switches to the neutral position. be set to 32K or 65K as required. 5.. Select the P register. 6. Set the pushbutton register to the first address in core that information is to be entered into. Do this by first pressing the CLEARbutton to the right of the pushbutton register and then setting the pushbuttons in the pattern that give the hexadecimal address desired (the starting address of the system initializer bootstraps is 0000). 7. Set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to ENTER. 8. Select the X register. Checking 1. Press the master C LEAR button on the console. 2. Set the row of switches to the same positions as in step 3 above. 96769410 A D-l 9. 10. Enter the code into memory as follows: a. Press the CLEAR button to the right of the pushbutton register. b. Enter the first (or next) word of code into the pushbutton register. c. Momentarily put the RUN/STEP switch in the ST EP position. d. Repeat these steps for every word of code to be entered. When finished, set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to the neutral position. select the X register and continue pressing the RUN/ STEP switch to the STEP position. When finished, set the ENTER/SWEEP switch and the INSTRUCTION/CYCLE switch to the neutral position. 0.2 CYBER 18-20 COMPUTER SYSTEM The methods of loading a bootstrap are given in section 3.5 (cards) or 3.6 (magnetic tape). To check a bootstrap proceed as follows (this procedure assumes panel mode has been entered). 1. J11G Checking 1. Press the master C LEAR switch. 2. Set the row of switches to the same positions as in steps 3 and 4 under Loading above (1704. 1714, 1774 Computers). 3. Select the P register. 4. Set the pushbutton register to the firf?t address to be checked as in step 6 under Loading above (1704, 1714, 1774 Computers). 5. Set the ENTER/SWEEP switch to SWEEP. 6. Select the X register. 7. Momentarily set the RUN/ST EP switch to the STEP position. 8. The data stored at the core address specified in step 4 appears in the pushbutton register. To display the next and subsequent sequential words of core, momentarily set the RUN/STEP switch to the STEP position. Enter: Selects the P register 2. Enter: KhhhhG Sets P to the first address to be checked (for system initiaUzer bootstrap, hhhh=OOOO) 3. Enter: J07G Selects macro memory (if not already selected) 4. Enter: LG Begins checking the bootstrap 5. Enter: G Displays the contents of the next location To check the address of any location during this procedure, select the P register and the core address appears in the pushbutton register. To resume checking the code, D-2 Repeat step 5 until the bootstrap has been completely checked. 96769410 A SYSTEM INITIALI~ER SYSTEM INITIALIZER CODES The following defines the system initializer error codes: Significance Message ERROR 1 Asterisk initiator missing ERROR 2 Number appears in the name field ERROR 3 Illegal control statement ERROR 4 Input mode illegal ERROR 5 Statement other than *y or *YM previously entered ERROR 6 Statement other than *y previously entered ERROR 7 *y not entered prior to the first *L ERROR 8 Name appears in the number field ERROR 9 Illegal hexadecimal core relocation field ERROR A Illegal mass storage sector number ERROR B Error return from the loader module ERROR C Not used ERROR D Not used ERROR E Field terminator in valid ERROR F More than 120 characters in the control statement ERROR CODES Message E Significance ERROR 22 Attempt to load part 1 core resident into nonexistent memory ERROR 23 The name used in the second field of an *M control statement was not previously defined as an entry point. ERROR 24 The entry point, SECTOR, was not defined at the start of initialization and is not available to the initializer. ERROR 25 I1leg~1 ERROR 26 An attempt was made to load an *MP program when no partitioned core table exists in SYSDAT. partition number in the first field of an *MP statement or illegal number of partitions in the second field of statement SYSTEM INITIALIZER LOADER ERRORS Error Significance LOADER ERROR 1 Unrecognizable input LOADER ERROR 2 Mass storage overflow LOADER ERROR 3 Out-of-order input block LOADER ERROR 4 Illegal data or common declaration ERROR 10 Ordinal name without ordinal number LOAD ER ERROR 5 Core overflow ERROR 11 Doubly defined entry point LOADER ERROR 6 Overflow of entry point table ERROR 12 In valid ordinal number LOADER ERROR 7 Data block overflow ERROR 13 Loader control statement out of order Correct order is L, LP, M, MP. LOADER ERROR 8 Duplicate entry point LOADER ERROR 9 I5-/16-bit arithmetic error ERROR 14 Data declared during an *M load but not by the first segment; initialization restarted. LOADER ERROR 10 Unpatched externals ERROR 15 Not used LOADER ERROR 11 Insufficient core for both SYSDA T and paging ERROR 16 Irrecoverable mass storage input/output error LOADER ERROR 12 Illegal page number used ERROR 17 Irrecoverable loader error; last program loaded was ignored. LOAD ER, ERROR 13 Undefined transfer address LOADER ERROR 14 Invalid function for loader ERROH 18 Not used LOADER ERROR 15 Link table overflow ERROR 19 Not used LOADER ERROR 16 External table overflow ERROR 20 *S, ENDOV4, hhhh not defined before first *L LOADER ERROR 17 Entry point absolutized to 7FFF 16 EHROH 21 *S, MSIZV4, hhhh not defined before first *LP or *MP 96769410 A E-I SYSTEM INITIALIZER DISK ERRORS Error Significance DISK EHROR Address tag write sequence attempted but internal/external rcject found DISK FAILURE xx Surface test operation caused error xx. Refer to the device error codes to interpret xx. E-2 Error DISK COMPARE ERROR SECT aaaa WORD bbbb IS ecce SB dddd Significance SUrface test pattern error on sector aaaa at word bbbb. Only one error is listed per sector. Data read was ecce but it should be dddd. 96769410 A F AUTOLOADING 1. Press STOP. Press MASTER CLEAR. 2. Press the mass memory AUTOLOAD button. 3. If the console has a MODE switch, set it to 32K or 7. The system then outputs the name of the system (a parameter in SYSDAT). 8. The system outputs: 65K, depending on the size of the system. 32K MODE or NOTE When using a 1733-2 Cartridge Disk Controller, press the MASTER CLEAR button before going to step 4. 4. Activate GO or RUN. . 5. The system outputs: MSOS 5.0 - - PSR LEVEL xx date Where: xx is the version number of the system. date is the date of system release. 6. 65K MOQE 9. If the system contains a fUe manager, it outputs: CHECKING FILES If the files are found to be valid, the message OK is output. If errors are found, the user is given the option to continue or to purge all system files • 10. The system outputs: ENTER DATE/TIME MMDDYYHHMM 11. If the PROGRAM PROTECT switch has not been set, Enter the date and time in the form: mmddyyhhmm the system outputs: These items are (left to right, two digits each): month, day, year, hour (out of 24), minutes. SET PROORAM PROTECT. If using a 1700 Series computer system, set the protect switch up. If using a CYBER 18-20 computer, press ESCAPE and enter: 12. The system then outputs the date and time: DATE: dd month yy TIME: hh mm:OO J28@ This sets program protect and reverts to operator mode. 96769410 A F-1 INITIALIZING DISK PACKS FOR STORAGE MODULE DRIVERS G M' The following procedures are required to initialize a disk pack for use under MSOS on an 1867-10 or 1867-20 Storage Module Drive. 1. Format the pack. This initializes the pack with the proper head gaps and sync patterns. It destroys any address tag information or data that may be on the pack. 2. Write address tags. This sets up the sector information for each sector on the pack. 3. Write data. MSOS requires that data initially be written on the entire pack. A disk error occurs if an attempt is made to read data from a sector that has never had data written in it. G.l PROCEDURES FOR FORMATTING A PACK (1867-10/20) G.1.1 FORMATTING A PACK (1867-10/20 DISK) WITH A WORKING MSOS 1. Enter the job processor. 2. Enter on the comment device: *SMDMPI 3. The output on the comment device appears as follows: BoarSTRAP INITIALIZER FIRST WORD ADDRESS WILL BE 2E90 MASTER CLEAR AND START AT THE ADDRESS ABOVE WITH A DRIVE LOGICAL NUMBER Q = EQUIPMENT CODE (OXXO) OR ZERO IF EQUIP 14 (STANDARD) 4. Master clear the computer, mount the pack to be formatted, and ready the drive. 5. Follow the instructions on the comment device. 6. Watch the controller lights to see when formatting is finished; i. e., when lights stop flashing, the procedure requires approximately two minutes. On completion of the formatting operation, both the A and Q registers are zero if there was no error. G.1.2 FORMATTING A PACK WITHOUT A WORKING MSOS A formatting deadstart deck is suppUed to the user along with the installation materials. This deck is not to be confused with the system initializer deadstart deck. This deck is used in the following procedure: 1. Mount the pack and ready the drive. 2. Press master clear. 3. Place the formatting deadstart deck in the card reader. 4. Push the RESET button on card reader to ready it. 5. Push the DEADSTART button. 6. The bootstrap within the deadstart deck is read into macro memory and begins execution automatically. 7. Proceed to step 6, section G. 1. 1 above. G.2 PROCEDURES FOR WRITING ADDRESS TAGS AND DATA ON A PACK G.2.1 WRITING ADDRESS TAGS AND DATA ON 1867-10/20 WITH A WORKING MSOS 1. Enter the job processor. 2. Enter on the comment device: *SILP carriage return 3. The message to turn off the protect switch is received. 4. Press ESCAPE and enter: J20@ carriage return The message to enter the date is received. 5. . 6. Mount the disk pack to be initialized on the drive (unit 0) and make ready. Enter the date in the form: mm/dd/yy. 96769410 A G-I The system responds with: Q 7. Enter: *0,4 carriage return 10. Press carriage return. 11. Writing of address tags and data occurs. This procedure requires about 10 minutes for a single density pack, about 20 minutes for a double density pack. At the conclusion, the system outputs a Q. The system responds with: Q 8. Enter: *G carriage return 9. The system outputs: G.2.2 WRITING ADDRESS TAGS AND DATA ON 1867-10/20 WITHOUT A WORKING MSOS Use the *G function of the system lnltlalizer during system build. ENABLE ADDRESS WRITE -- THEN CR G-2 96769410 A H END-Of-fiLE CARD The card following an end-of-file is the first card of the next file. An end-of-file card (figure H-l) contains only a 6, 7, 8, 9 punch in column 1. '-1 COII(I I I I I, la II 11\1111 I~ IiJi0fiS roll!,!! iJii'{I;1611l8ll'l 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 11 J I 1611 9 I~ II II llall16 11181910 11 2Z t) 2~ J) JI 1111111 J5J6111l1l!1colu 11 u ,,111"'1 .. 119:.0 \I-I!]i}i~ '''111)'' 10 /I n)n II ~ UOOO D.O 0 0 oU0 0 0000 0000 000000 0000000000 o0 0 0 0 0 0 ~IO 0 0 0 0000 1$ 11 :3 :1 .J '5;6 H:t .g 50 SI 5) S& \111\9(,0 61 (JUt' 65"61(.3091. 11 n 11 15161118 l'lJOJll1lJlIJ5XJIJll!IIO CI ~1 ~2 ~~ ~; ~'" J~ !l ~& ~ 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 I: II 1111 111111111! II 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111111 III II! 1111 ~ L;: 2 2 2 2 2222 2222 22 22 222t 2 2 2 2 227.2 2 2 7 2 2 7 2 212 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2222 22 2 2 22 2? 222222 2222222222 ,; ," n :;. ... s; ~J !Ia ~? CC til fJ ~~ U (':1 I: lJ' ~'J , !} II 17 11 .4 }I ;a 19 Jo} !I J~ 11! H ~s Jt 11 l! rl ~ .(1:./0.1 !] 5; 1 .. j t \ ; I ! 91011i? !lit 1$ 16 11 U" ir; ~I n 71 24 2j n 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33333333333:i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 J3 3 3 333l,3 3 3 ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ~', ~6 ~6 ~3 ~J ~~ ~ ~J ~ ;~ '1) /'j ~-: <> § 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4444 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4144 H 44 4 4 4 4 4444'44 4 4 4 ~ 4 414 4 4 4 ~ 11 1 , 5555 ; ~ ~ ; ~ I; ~ ~I~:~ I~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55555555 "I :: ~] ~. 1; 26 ]1 n ~9 ~ 31 ~? 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End-of-File Card 96769410 A H-l SAMPLE LOAD MAP OATE, 09/2411~ .\1 . ·S,SYS"'ON,~303q ·~,SYSClAY.~3233 ·S.SYSYER.!o373f, *5,SYSlIIL,$3130 ·11 1100 MASS STORAG£ OPERATING SYSTEM - VER 5.0 .\1 ·V COPYRIGHT CONTHOl DATA CORPORATION - .\1 ·11 .1/ ~~OS 1976 5.0 TEST SYSTEM 5 Oil "Y"'.Lli:iEDT,l "Y"'.LOADS['.2 oY"',J0i1Er.T.3 "YM.JG ... p~·n.4 ·Y .... f'~OTEC.5 ·Y",.JIJLOAD,h O"M,.Jf'CM(;E,7 ·Y",JPT13,8 ·Y".JCoJll\l4.<; o"".,JL!;0V4.10 .. Y·... ,J ... ST\i4.11 ·r .... '.t."It:::v ... 12 ·~·· • .;I-,.:LII4.13· vv~.t"! ... 'J4.14 .Y"'I.~·: ~TGw91~ 001,..·.'"'( JV':~t]6 °Y"', ... ,." .. r, 17 ·Y .... (JIlEhUG.ll; .'I'M. C;Yc:ClJP , 19 ·Y ..... SYSSe. rH21l ·Y","'11'~O,2i .Y~ .T~'lJl.C.22 .. y •• of ~ C; 1 L" • ? 3 °Y",FrLJSr.?4 ·Y".lIfPIFY·.2S ·Y"'.r,u"'''Yl·~b .Y ... ('u ..... Y? ,27 ·Y ... [;tJ~>4Y3.28 .Y ... f'U""'Y4.c9 ·Y .... LJL ..... Y~.:1(l ·,."'.lHJ ..... Yb.31 ·Y ... lJU·~"'Y7 .32 ·YM,VU ...... YH.33 ·Y"',Dl·""'Y~,34 .'1'..,. (,U"lr~Y Ii, 3S ·S."'4.,.0~OO ·S.ErIDO/4.$7FFF ·5.R(,N"ON.~H63F ·s,,,,~ oS IlV4. iF FFE S7fFe: .Sf.CT~~. 0L SYSTEM DATA PROGRAM CS7f7F SYSDAT 0000 MSOS 5.0 TEST SYSiEM 5 0L ~rAC~ ~~~UEST PROCESSOR SPACE l8D7 DfC~-J~ M29 MSOS 5.0 - SYSTEM CORE PESIDENT SUMMARY-110 ~ROGRAMS ~ONITOR -lP NMONI BH3F ~[)ISP HIi>i2 FI'" FlA30 BADE fiAEF BAFA BRbi:l Ti4 Til') PMoiAME COMMON NIPHOC ALVOL Of VOL ALCOk£ Bfi~F Be31 BC4E RC5tl OtO~E BOO'l PkTCDR 'NFNR RE67 C075 COEA C11A t--JC"'P~Q MAK(.I ArlEV TMINT OTIMER 96769410 A SUMMARY-I04 C14~ C2MB C340 DECK-IL> MI0 DECr(-IU 058 DE.CK-ID M(lQ DEC~-ll.J 1'120 DECK-IO M04 O£CK-ll) 1'103 DtcK-IlJ 0~5 DECK-It) 10412 LECI(-IO M16 DfCK-lD MIS D£CK-lU 1'117 OfCK-IU 057 OEC~-JU 0'j6 DECK-JU M21 DECK-ID "'20 DECK-lU 10408 DE CK- II.J H2? DtCK-lU "'06 D~C~-ID M05 MSOS MSUS 104505 104505 M50S M50S MSOS I~S05 MSOS Io4S0S MSOS MSOS MS05 MSOS MSOS 104505 MSOS 1450S MS05 5.0 !:I. 0 5.0 !).O !).O 5.0 S.O !:I.CI SUMMARY-110 SUM MJlRY-110 SUMMARY-110 ~.O. SUM~'''RY-110 SUMMA~Y-110 ~.O !:I. 0 ~.o 5.0 SUMM~RY-1I0 SUMM>4RY-II0 SUMt-IAI-IY-110 SUMMARY-110 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMARY-110 SUM,..AI-IY-110 SU"tMARY-lIO ~.O SU'MM~FlY-110 5.0 5.0 5.0 SUMMARY-lIO SUMM"I-/Y-IIO SUMMARY-110 SUMMAHY-llO. SUMMARY-IIO ~.O 5.0 I-I O~CI\-10 M2S MSOS ~.O C31:>F OECK-IO M07 MSOS ~.O C3f:!t C4CA DE.CK-I[) "'14 MSOS 5.0 OEBuGGIr-.;G I CHECtl.OuT S"'A';>(IL ~SOS !).O CSlC O~CK-lU M02 E(.MO,,"P C~[)5 01: (1<-1 D 010 PERIPH. !J~IVERS fll,,331 C77E OECK-IO CA." PEPI~H. D'-IVERS FILE MANA('[H CflOl O~ CK-IO FOI FIL"'GR FILE MANA(,ER . Ct.1'1 DECK-I!J F02 FILL I-iAf.;AGER H~"CV4 SI'HFIS CHtA O~CK-I!J F03 FILl:: MM-IAGER CORE RtSIDI:.NT UkIVF.:HS HOATA C03C NCK-Il.I M?7 MSOS !).O DUMMY CEA9 DECK-Ill 1.430 "'SOS !).O ALAQ CECC OlCK-1O M?8 "'50S 5.0 CF3f1 o~CK-ll) C96 PI:.RIPH. IWIVEF-S [l18EC'" CFtO DECK-IlJ C25 I-I::PIPH. (IF-IVE.RS DlclO OSMO ·01H7 OI:.CK-IU C71 Pt.RIPH. l,RIVEf 0353 0,.77 VECK-IV C77 PERIPt'i. OfilVERS SS'-'O LII'WUIoA 0551:> OI:CK-lU C76 PERI;>H. ORIVEf.'S lCCAlG 0607 DECK-IO C79 ;>ERIPH. ORIVEFiS ~OOIAS D7~D DECK-II.> Cf17 PERIPH. OI-iIVERS CM:; PERIPH. lJ~IVEHS 071'2 OECK-IU O"'YCP 0788 0ECK-ICi Cf!4 PERIP';. [)RIVEPS ~""DIOA S",OIOR 07.,B uECK-lO C8S PERIPH. DRIVERS DECK-ID C90 PERIPH. DRIVERS OPSUSK 07C1 ~'~'[XEC ono DECK-Ill MOl "'50S 5.0 IJEENTRANT FO~TRA~ HUNTIME LIBRA~Y OQ7F F ('~TR DI:CK-IU Ani FTN 3.3 fHJNTH'f. Of;P::l~R 011(3 OECK-lU 1'101 FTfIi 303 PU~jTIH:: f-t.k':'f.,R VH.D (;tCK-ID H()~ FTN 3.~ "'L'NTI"'!: CH'~·2 IR Ot::CK-ILJ h03 f TN j.3 hu~,T H't: uHE. iJMAA [;ECt<-1U f104 fTN 3.3 f-Ut-:TI .... F. Af.oSH SNHFR DHC3 DE CK-IU H05 FrN 3.3 r.U~'TIME SIGNR O':'Cr<-lu HOI:> FTN 3.3 kur-.TlhE. DCIE nC4A FHLTR DECK-Ill H01 FTN 3.3 PVNTI"E DPR DC/:<2 FTN 3.3 RUNT I~'E D!:C~-IU R08 AL00H u!:CK-IU fl09 f TN 3.3 Hu~'TI""E. 0022 "TANH/< OI)'t9 FT"J ].3 RUNTIME u~cK-lu IHO S~IC~~ DECK-ILl HI) FTN 3.3 RUNT 1M!: DE05 A"TANH u!:CK-IO Rl.? FTN 3.3 RlJNTIt-'E. OEcr: C.B(JIOR OFbD FTN 3.3 hUNTI"'t:: u~U-IO COl HI~AI-IR EOD2 DECK-HI CO2 FTN ;.i.3 F-VNTIME IocnDR DE CK- III 001 FTt. 3.:i F.UNTI"'!: EIID DE Ct<-IU ['02 f- TN 3.3 RuNT I ,.,·f El~l I'" I TLR I-ISTilkH Ot.CK-IlJ D03 FTN 3.3 "UNTIME ElM GETCHR DECK-Ii) 004 FTN 3.3 r.Ut-.lTIME El70 II-ACKR El!;A DI:.CK-ID DOS FTN 3.3 ~UNTI~E UPtJATR EICB D!:CK-IU OOb FrN 3.3 kuNTI""E [IDS OECPLR OECK-IU 007 FTN 3.3 RUNTI~E INTGRH ElFR DECK-lU 008 FIN 3.3 RUNTI I~E S~ACER .u~CI<-IlI DO~ FTN 3.3 kUNTI"'~ E228 ~240 ClECK-tU 010 FTN 3.3 RuNTI"'E ~OL" [)Ct1 X1-1 [21>4 uECI<-lV 011 FTt-.I 3.3 RUNT 1"'[ HXASC~ E347. DECK-lU 012 FTN 3.3 RUNTI~E MMTO~ E3~A DECK-It; D13 FTN 3.3 ~U"'TIME. FlFMTUR E.3C4 DECK-IV 014 FTN 3.3 RuNT 1,.,E HMTIR E3DO D!:CK-lU 015 fTN 3.3 RUNT I"'!:: F-'F!~TIR E40tl DECK-Ill 01b FTN 3.3 F-U~jTI"'E 1l5CHXk OI:.CK-I!J 011 FTN 3.3 I"UNTI~E E422 I1XDCI' E450 OlCK-lu 018 fTN 3.3 RUNTIME E4Eo FLOTIFI llECK-IU 019 FTN 3.3 RUNTIME F()UTP E537 C!ECK-l.u 020 F TN 3.3 RUNTII-iE I:·OUHI F TN 3.3 kU"'TI"'t OI:C"';1O 021 E5Cl H~ITR E6A9 DECK-IO 022 FTN 3.3 RU~jTI"'t: E6tl~ DECK-IU D23 F TN 3.3 RUt.TI"'E INTIIR f (,O(I'<4Tw HCl2 O~CK-IU Dt>4 FIN 3.3 HuNTI"'E (.;{iOFIR Ef1Atj iJ!:.Ct<-IU 0t'5 F TN 3.J ~UI.THlf QP,QHR. CI:.CK-l\) 0?6 FTN 3.3 RUNTI"'E E8C5 Of<(JFXR E8F4 u[CK-IO 027 FTIII 3.3 RU~'TI"'E HEXAP E030 fTN 3.3 RUNTI"'I: O~C'1)k E975 DI:.CK-lU D31 FTN 3.3 I-Il,IHII"f .lfORMP ECiY5 DI:CK-IlJ on FTN 3.3 RlI~,TI ME I" FOI4 ... R DI:CK-Iu 033 FTN 3.3 FtUt-.lTIME E9f11 ['1CO FllJTGr.I OECK-IO Cl34 FTN 3.3 ~UNTI"'E DECK-I[) b14 FTN 3.3 RU .... TI/I,E HOT ... E9F.9 CO",Ff-'R EC36 DECK-Iu B15 FTN 3.3 RUNTIMt: [049 SC,Or:lLF< DECK-IV 1::01 FTN 3.3 RU~TI"'E Qi:\U21R EOSD DECK-IO E02 FTN 3.3 RUNTIME DABSR EOEF DECK-IO E03 FTN 3.3 RUNTIME OSG~HI HOB DEC .... -Iu E04 FTN 3.3 RuNTIME OSIGNR Er::flb utCK-IV [05 FTN 3.3 HUNTIMt r.!:.xtlw EEbB OtC..:-lu toH FTN 3.3 RuI'l;TI .... 1:. F.F74· DLOGk f"lECr<-IU Eoq FTN 3.J F-UNTIME TOO "'INT T"VEC *LP *LP *LP °LP 1-2 SUMMA~Y-IIO SllMI"1ARY-l10 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMARY-110 1.IC 1.IC ~UMMARY-110 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMARY-110 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMAl-lY-IIO 1.IC 1.OC 1.1(; I.IC 1.1 C I.IC I.IC I.IC 1.lC 1.IC 1. I C 1.]C 1.1C 1.1C 1.1C 1.IC SUMMARY-II0 SUMMkRY-l10 SUMMARY-IIO Obll1bA-IIO SUWIARY-IOc SUr-IMkRY-110 SUM'~AP.Y-lIO SUM""ARY-110 SUM~,AHY-IIO SUMMARY-110 SUMMkRY-IIO SUMMARY-IIO SUMMARY-IIO SUM'~ARY-Il (j SUMMAHY-ll 0 SUMMARY-110 SUMMARY-ll 0 SUM"'ARY-IlO SUMMARY-110 SUMMIIRY-IIO SUMMoIRY-11l2 ~U"','1ARY-l 02 SUM""kHY-l02 SU~r1ARY-IU2 SUf.H·'I [)(Il)T f.I LJf 1'.HH nI FtjOO ECM2t'-B <;UM""A';Y-IO.:: ~lIMr1i 1"F;>06 SYSHY OM LIHI:.DT ,,~, LC"MJI b.-NCf-ol L I!H"'II! LCI)!.'V 1 L~'r)O'/v I LUn.. VI A[ • ...r0f I C~;l/wT I L~riJTI LI"'r~1 kf.lU. ""4h 1-147 M4" 1-1 .. <:1 ,.,so M51 "'!l? ,...0,3 r~S4 ~.() ~.o I-1~Q MSOS "'50S rA S05 MSOS MSOS !::J. rr !::J.O (1C42 .JUdE""T Til aocc DE.CK-ID 1-164 DECK-IO "'h5 . UI:CI<-IU ",,,6 027E. Dt::Ci\-ILJ Mbo O-,,?l. T.,U r.l:'2D TI"'L.!E E 023u "'SOS !>.o I-'S05 ':>.0 t~SOS !>.O ,"<;05 !>.o ..,50S !>.O ""505 ~.o /o4S05 !l.O M50S ~. 0 "'505 ~.o ~SOS !::J. U MSf)S S.o "'505 5.0 1'505 ~.O t-ISOS !::J.O ~·SOS OA1A O,HC ()I,~ !l.O "'505 f-,.GGLD ~CA:~ I C...... ul ADJOV2 Alikf'loIl JOtlPt .O MSOS ~. 0 r~SOs O~~A a 1 ().~ OUS SUM~i"RY-110 ""S:; I1SfI foI."j7 O' 1 /-:f,2 M6J MSt)S S.O ';,.0 ".0 !::J.O SUM"'~HY-ll(j ~UMM>(RY-IIO SUMr~Af.lY -110 SUMI"IARY-IIIl SUr-lM~HY-IIO 5UMI"I~RY-11 0 SUMM~HY-I10 SUMI~~NY-110 SUMM>lkY-110 SUMMJ.kY-IIO SU""M"~.Y-II0 SlJMM~~Y -11 0 SlJMM .. RY-110 SUI1:-'''~Y-1l 0 ~lJr.;,.;,.. lHY-110 SUMr~"'I - .'" "'" .'" 96769410 A 013E JPT13 O)3A ...rC~LJV" .. ~! .,.. 0~6C J~LOAO "1' ..,.. 0320 Jf'Fcl/4 ~fSTOfi foClivEP (;UTSEL H.i",f'\14 ()~.CI<:-ILJ "'7fo 7 DE CK-IIJ M77 DECK-IU M7b 03W H'r lHY-lIO SUMJoI:"kY-I10 ""505 ::;.0 SUMM"~Y-II(J /01;;0 MSO~ !>.O SUM"'~RY-IIO M81 MSOS ::>.0 SUMMARY-110 /00484 1-1505 :'.0 SUMI"",RY-I10 MHe; ,.,S05 5 •. 0 SUMI1~~Y;'l1 ('cCr<:-lll Md2 1 .. DECK-IU ~'~3 1:' lIECK-lU Mdfo tikKfJT1 ~.(j t-'S05 s.o M505 5.0 'i (j 3~1) 024'J ,",50S b lIECK-lI> M79 OE Ct<-Ill 10 DE.CK-lU II DECI<.-IO 12 (jECt\-Iu .. ~ I LV4 0357 kl:.STOR 03f11 PC OVER 0364 014" 011;'1 su",,';~kY"'110 to 033F JLG(jV" 03 .. 3 ...rP5TV4 0346 ~,A""·c:. \/4 03 .. !:! JH"V .. ""tosn ... p (1[)"IIJGl .(,E T~r Q L.. x.J~ (l !> DECt'-IO D61 DECI<-IlJ M15 0 13 MSOS ·5.u SUMM",RY-I10 ,.,SOS ::;.0 SUMMARY-IIO MSOS 5.0 SUMMIoRY-II0 SUMMARY-110 SlJM"',,,,kY-IIO M90 MSUS 5.0 MS()S ".0 "'50S ~.o MSOS ~. 0 SUMI'1ARY-II0 N01 MSOS !::J.O SUMMARY-110 ""0'1 MSOS 1-1505 ?o M50<; ~. 0 ".0 . SU~I,., .. RY-IIO 16 DI:.CI<.-II, DECI\.-IU DE.CK-Ill DEC;<.-ILJ 17 DE.CK-Ilr Ib DECI<-IU l'E.CI\- ID OE CK-lU Mk1 M>ifj "'H~ NOd NO~ SUMI'1)4~Y-1l0 SlJ~M~RY-IIO su~rr~':'j:lY-11 0 1-3 Di-CIJEQ ~CN~EQ ~ET~F.Q "I1C~EQ SCHR!:'Q 5F-F.H!:Q (P"t-"'~v L,5",~~Q ()"'S~Ea 0300. 03CO 04tO 04EO ()~AO Ot-hO O~CO 0720 01t10 07t0' 01'140 0900 0960 OAI10 OF CO 1440 l~OO 1 :;CO 16£0 .l5v" .432 N33 N34 N3~ t-.36 ~37 N3~ N3~ N40 N41 N4? i'jio3 :1044 ~j45 N46 N47 DEc,,-ID N4t< n .. o (.t. CK-IlJ fl:4~ lIi?Ht 0 23AO l.!)()>o! t Q 24CO UtCK-lu NSO D!:.C,,-IU "'~1 DM'Jk!:.Q 2h40 r·E CK-ll) ~.o;,? wi·Kk!:.Q nco lSTt-I~Q Otcr<-IlI ~'':)3 ?"EO PI-' lIn Ut CK-llJ />.4<,4 ?AbO DI:.CK-l[; ~.So;, f,E T.FLD 2H20 l'!:. c.c;-IIJ f- <-IU 2EtlO Nol "!:.T"'I" DE: (;K-tu No? i'FAO ;J~.T"'u Dt:O.-IIJ Nb3 !-A~OT 3060 utc,,-IU Nt>4 (;ONFIA 31HO uc.Co<-IL, ~:b~ 32AO H TII.T ['!:.Co<-Ill Nbb 33e-0 ~lC"SG UECK-lU Nb7 FLCVDd 34.bO 3<;AO DECK-Iii NhB tJAI~E:"'5 [;CONV 3AlO utCK-IO Nh~ 310140 DI:CK-Ill ~70 lA7Y2 UECr<-lU O[lCFLT N71 3COO DfCK-ILJ N7l OIJOFTt. 3CCO t.C(,NV DECK-I[) N73 40&0 4}40 ut:.CK-IlJ ~74 LAZy} O[)FLOT 4200 lJECK-IU N75 4440 DECK-H) N76 OUFllFL SYSCOP 19 UECK-IO N77 0432 SYSCOP SYSSEG 20 .. 0437 DECK-IU N7f1 COlST Dt:CK-IO N79 04EO C02NO DECK-lU N80 C03RO 0080 1<;00 DECK-ID N8l COLAST -M 21 "'IPRO I-'IPRO 0470 uECK-iU 062 A U N P c. )I. T T C H f D * C>lI", ... T Iror,l.CS TSliTIL *,," TOFUNC 22 DECK-IO 067 TOFUNC 0477 EFSTOQ 23 *t" 0478 DECK-IU N04 EF5TOR EFLIST 24 *1'4 0480 DE.CK-tU NOS c.FLlST VERIFY 25 ·M 0490 OECK-IO 024 VERFYl DU.-MYl 26 *M DUMMY2 27 *1'4 LIOkE (j LAM4fQ UuPLJEO -,.. - .. .. 1-4 SUMi'I~RY-lIO MSOS ~.O 5.0 M50S ~.O "'50S :>.0 MSOS ~.O M50S ~.O MS()S S.O MSOS ~.O M50S ~.O M50S ~.O MS05 ~.O ~SOS 5.0 ~tSOS 5.0 1-1 50S 5.0 I-IS05 5.0 MSOS 5.0 MSOS 5.0 I'50S 5.0 IoIS05 ~.O I~S('S 5.0 ... 505 :>.0 ... 505 5.0 ,.,,,05 ~.O 1"505 5.0 ~50~ !:l.0 M50S 5.0 I-IC;O!:. ~.O "'5fiS s.O MS05 5.0 "'S0S !:>.O MSOS ~.o ~!S05 5.0 "'505 ~.O SUMMARY-I10 SUMNI4UY-110 SUMMARY-IIO I~SOS "'SOS SUMMA~Y-1l0 SLJMM~RY-110 SU~t"I4RY-110 SUMMARY-I10 SUMMAUY-IIO SUMMMRY-I10 SUMMI4RY-IIO SUMMolRY-110 SUMM~HY-110 SUMMAHY-110 SUMM ... RY-IIO SUMMARY-l!O SUMM~RY-l! 0 SUM"1AkY-I10 SUMI"~RY-II0 5UMMAHY-IIO 5UM"".A~Y-110 SUMMI4RY-IIO SUMMARY-I10 SUM~:ARY-IIO ~UMM~HY-IIO SUM~I~RY-I10 SUI-'MARY-IIO 5lJ04MA~Y-1IO 5U~MM~Y-IIO SUMr~AkY-I1 SUMt-1AI .0 MSOS 5.0 1-1505 ~.O MS05 5.0 ~lS0S !:>.o M~05 ~.o '~SOS 5.0 5.0 t-IS05 MSt)<; ,.,505 1'50<; MSOS MS05 1-'505 '-'50S 1-151)<; MSOS 0 SUMi'''~HY -110 SUt-'MA~Y-110 SUMMARY-110 SUM"'~I .S le32-5 C,lSSE. TTE TAPE 04A2 (H.CI<-Iu C33 fJERjfJH. LJRIVERS [)ECr..-IU C34 PEwiPH. vRIV£PS 004£ DECK-Iu C35 PdHPH. l'R 1 VERS 00t::9 (lI:CI<-IU C36 PERIPH. ukIVERS 001'" (l113 OECt<-Iu 07 PE"'I>'h. DRIVERS 015c., Dt:CK-IU C3b PERlf'H. l·R I VEkS DECI\-lU C3 ... PEkli-'H. LJf.'IVEHS 0170 OlEe OtCK-lU C40 PERI;>H. O"IV£RS 022H DECK-Iu C4} PER !p'M. VRIVEkS 0258 OECK-IiJ C42 PER IPH. DRIVERS 026E "'EXT AVAILAALE LOCATIOt-4 1.1 C I.IC 1.lC I.1C 1.IC 1.1 e I.IC I.Ie l.le l.le SUMMI lRY-110 SUMr1~~Y-110 SUMIo\~RY-I10 SUM~lHf~Y-liO SUMM~RY-110 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMI O 1<11160 CKHEa ~c.,Ct(L FORMIT .. AIT xMOT xFER '.E,c,TIn ;.,~cv;"Y H.70AT Tl<7 ~XTLOC IHbO-721S2 "lAG TAPE 04111 DECP<-IU CD P!:.RI"H. {Jfd V£kS 01)7<' l"I:Cr\-Il" C14 Pe,tlll-H. L.t IfJH. [)RIVC:RS 0290 DlCr<-Iu C24 fJE~lPH. ORIVERS 03Ic 047F DECK-IO cn PE.RIPH. IjRl V~J;'S O';r 9 OE.CI\-IlJ C23 PE.RIPH. DRIVERS ~t.xT AVAILAbLE LOCATION 0t>12 1.OC 1.OC 1.0C 1.0C SUMN>4RY-10f> SUMM"kY-I0o SUMI':I lRY-lUb SU/"\M .. AY,:"IOb SUMMAkY-lOb SUMMARY-lOb l.oe l.oe 1.OC 1.0e I.OC l.oe 1.OC SUMM~RY-IOb ·S,SlSbO.S ·S,Llf.60,P ~SI:.UDO .,", OPSUDO ~XTLUC 04C2 03CF TAF-I:. [)E.eK-IO F04 FILl MANAGER NEXT AVAILAHLE LOC~TION SUMMARY-IlO ·S,$fJSuOO,S ·5,LPSUO(l,P */01 OII'l?1 ~ 1,,27 U .. udT CI'oG l,...r rDlT LU"' .. .., NXTL0C IH27-30/bO LIt.. t:. PRINTER PE~IPH. r)kI VEl'S O':'CD lit CK-Iu COl On21:: uEC/(-Iu CO2 PikIl--'rl. [)RIVE~S GlCK-IIJ C03 PERli-'M. Uf< 1 VE~'S 0111 OECK-I!J CQ4 ~t::RIPM. DklVERS 0115 DlCK-IIJ CO!> Pt::RIfJH. DRIVt:':RS 0125 1)16E L)ECK-Iu COb PERII'M. LPIV£RS I\;EXT AIJAILA~LE LO(;ATIO~J OlbC 1.Oe 1.OC l.oe SUMMARY-lOb SU,.lt-IARY-106 SUMM"~Y-IOb 1.0C 1.Oe 1.Oe SUMMI <-IU C12 "ERIP";. vkIVEHS lot:: CK- I!J C2b PERIPM. DRIVERS NUT AVAILAtlLE LOCATION SUMM~RY-lOb SUM"'~RY-IOb MASS RESIDENT FILE I"IANAGE.R .'" O~F'F'IL (,~4vA FILSI--'C 0183 0230 DECK-IU F05 OECK-ID FOb OECK-ID F07 FILE MANAGf.R FILE. MANA(;ER FILE MANAGtR SlJMMMcY-IIO 04EO 0092 0141 uECK-IU FOd DtC/(-IO F09 OECK-ID F07 FILE MANAGt::R FILE MANIl(,E.R FILE MANM;£R SUMMARY-110 SUM~lA~Y-Il 0 SUMr1ARY-11O 04E4 0098 00108 0155 DECK-Ill DECK-It) DECK-ID [)£CK-IU FILE FILE FILE FILE I<.ANAGE.,R MANAGER MANA6t:.R MANAGER SUMMI OtCK-I0 F07 F IU "ANAG~.R F lLt MANM,tR FILE MANI lHY-110 04F 0 0341 03"C 0373 0420 OE.CK-ID OECK-ILJ lJi:CK-IlJ DU:K-W OtCK-IIJ F20 F16 1'"17 FO" F07 FILE FILl: FILl:: FILE FILt MANAufR Mi E.R SUMM",RY-IIO su",,,,ARY-110 C.E:.C~-IU UECK-IU 1'1,., DE.CI\-lU F19 F07 FILl:.: F IU_ FILE MANAU~R SUMMIlHY-110 SUM MARY-llCl SUMi":ARY-110 N.CK-liJ F21 DE.CK-ILJ Fl'1 OE.CK-IU F07 FILE MANAHR FILE "'At~A('ER FILE MAIIIAI>I:R SUMMARY-110 SU/-Ir"IlRY-ilO SUMMIlRY-llCl OEC~-IU ·S.F""~""O~.S C,T(;Sc.(; FILSPC ~f'E,~(l 14 *S.FIJI-?Ob.S STOOlk Hf'tN[) ~UMM"'RY-110 ·S.F"'~f'07.S STnIflX "'~';,MCO G~T~Ir. FILSPC f'H::"'O sU""~"~Y-110 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMARY-110 ·S.F~'''''OH.S Hi '/SU) ~T"'c::PC ",-1:."'(\ Mt.~Aut:.R MA~AHR ·S.F,...PP09.S HTVil!k kT"'5PC 0501 ~F-E.r.0 018~ Oll!;) ·S.FI'j:. ... l(J.S ~TVln)( Ht-SHCD GE TK ID kTr,SPC ~PEM) 0500 02Sk 0763 0711A 032A rJI: CK- Ii.J F72 ~ILE l:EeK-iu FIb Dt:CK-lLJ F17 D~CK-ILJ FIr,. OE.CI\-ILJ F07 F Ill': M~N"(jI:.R FILl: M"I'.Au!:R FILl:: MANAGtH FILE MHI,,(,E: R SUI-IMARY-IIO SUMM"RY-IIO SUMI-'ARY-110 5UMI-I':'RY-110 LJ!:CK-iLi 1"23 Ot.Cr<-IO Fl7 01'..CK-1II F19 UI:C~-lU F07 FILE MI<~A(jI:R FILt: MAt.AliER FILl:: MANIIGI:R FILE: t-IANAGE.R SUMMI.RY-110 0('87 0327 0518 vECK-ILJ F24 fILE SUMMARY-110 SU":~iI .1'oN III N/l/NNNN ":1\1,,, II I N~'~ III MIN NNN NNN TTT AAA AAA LLL sss TTT AAA AAA LLL 555 TTT AAA AAA LLL SSS ,..,NN SSSSSSSSSSSS TTT A14AAAAAAAAAAA LLL "!\iN SSSSSSsSSS~SS TTT AAAAAI.AAAAAAA LLL (09/23/76) III NNN NNN NNN SSSSSSSSSSSS TTl AAI.AAAAAAAAAA LLL III N;~N Nr.I>.NNN SSS TTT AAA AAA LLL III 1>.1'11'1 NNNNI\ ~SS TTT AAA AAA LLL III NNN NNNN SSS TTT AAA AAA LLL IllIIllIllIIl N~~ !\iNN SSSSSSSSSSSSS TTT AAA A/U LLLLLLLLLLLLL SSS IIIIIIIIIIIIl NNN t-.NN SSSSSSSSSS~SS TTT AAA AAA LLLLLLLLLLLLL IIIIIIIIIIIII !>INN NNI>. SSSSSSSSS~S TTT AAA . AAA LLLLLLLL.LLLLL ·V IlEFIIJE. PEQUEST f-~IOHlTlt::S Irj. .. S.001.03 .... IN -S.002.00.M IN ·5.003.01011 IN ·<;.004,02.1'1 1111 ·5.005.03,104 1~. ·S.006.02.M Hi ·S.007.02.,", IN ·S,000.02.M IN 9676941U A J-l OS.010,OZ,M I~ "5,011002,104 IN oS.012,03.,.. 1'4 05.013.03,101 IN 05.015,02,,.. IN ·5,016,03,'" IN 05,017.03,'" IN ·5,018.04 .... IN ·5,019,04,,.. IN ·S,020,04,,.. IN 05.021,04.101 IN 05,025.04,., IN "5,026.04 .... 114 OS,02~.04.~ IN 05.030,04, ... IN oS.031.04,,", IN "S.032,04,,", HI oS.G33,04.1'1 I~ ·S,034,04,,.. HI oS.035.04.~ IN .V IN 00< 1700 MACRO ASSlMBLcR 3. ,I n IN °L,LId,.AC 111/ 96769410 A ·L.ASSE~ IN O~.F "A~C:;l I-All-';';? ,~~ TIoOC 2[)[l3 39A!;J 3£35 D~Cr<-ID A02 O(Cr<-IO A03 N~XT ~ACRO M~CR0 AVAIL~~Lt ASSt~HLER ASS~MbLER SUMMt.RY-110 SUMMARY-IIO LOCATION H' ON,PASSI."a IN °K • .,B IN °P.F "ASS2 PA2Pk2 NXTLOC IN 2003 32AC 37ac OECK-ID AD4 MACRO ASSEMBLER DECI(-IO ADS MACRO ASSlMHLl~ NEXT AVAILA~LE LOCATION SUMMARY-110 SUMMARY-lID OECK-ID ADb MACRO ASSE~BLt~ O~CK-IO A07 MAC~O AS5tM~Llk OECK-IO ~Ob MACRO ASStMblolR N~~T AVAILAbLE LOCATION SUMMARY-liD SUMMAkY-I10 SUMI'IARY-IIO DfCK-ID AO~ MACHO ASStMbLtR NEXT AVAILAbLE LOCATION SUMMARY-IIO OECI(-ID A10 MACRO ASS~HBLER NEXT AVAILAbLE LOCATION SUMMARY-IIO °K.I8 JN ON,PASS2 •• ,B IN .1(. IN II) • ... F PASS3 rfll PA3PP2 PA3?R3 ,.XTLUC ?003 3<::7& 3683 3tiB9 "K,Id 11-4 ON,PASS3 •• ,fj IN 01(.16 IN oK,P8 IN • .. ,F TAHLST N)IlLOC 2003 3557 I'" 01( ,18 IN ·N,TABLST",B IN -K .16 IN o",F XREF N}tTLOC 2003 33E5 I~ OK,18 IN °N,XREF ••• H IN 01(,16 IN 96769410 A J-3 ON.MACSl SU"'MA~Y-IO~ FUHTP.lN 3.38 ~ O"T~AN 3.3" FO~H'(AN 3.38 FORTkAi\j 3.3fl FOtJTkAN 3.36 FOkTkA"l 3.3F! I'OPT.'(AN 3.3t. FO~TR"IJ 3.3t1 FflkTk .. 1\j 3.3ti F(l/-i T~t.rj 3.3b FOr"TR"N 3.3!< FOP THAN :3.J~ FO~HIAN 3.38 FOPT'~AN 3.3b FORTRAN 3.30 FOPTRAI'< 3.:Jb FORTRAN 3.31i FOkTRAN 3.3b FORTRAN 3.3t:i FORTRAN 3.3fl 02 02 SU"'''1ARY-I02 5UI'1'~A~Y-l 02 suMI~AHY-I 02 S UM I~ AfH -1 (12 SU",MAh-Y-I02 SUM"'Af../Y-I02 FORT~A"l SU""~"\fH-l 5U~MAfn-1 SUM""A~Y-I07 SUI1:.oAkY-102 SUMMA~Y-I02 SUMMl.RY-I02 5UMMA~Y-10l SUMr~AHY-l SUI~""Af.1Y-l 02 Clc SUi;. 'ARY-10~ SU~"'ARY-102 SU",MARY-10'9 SUMMAkY-102 SUMMARY-I02 IN or< , I fI It. ON,FTN3AI",B IN .'<; ,It> IN 96769410 A J-5 ep".MARK!:.R FTN33~ 2(0) GOA 3545 3!:>AB 3"f6 31:.A2 31:.RC 3F lA 3r2A ~~ASEA IO~H~A Cl8P,","'S CFIV(JC CKtJ~"'E C~VT CO"lV oIAG oIAGRG DXP~ lJFLOT Du ..... OL c,I:.TC C,I:.TF GETSYM ('F'UT IGETCF I-ACI( kl,L 48L ~TOf./E SY,,",tiOL n.,)()o GNST "'~A!)£R 3f~8 3F9R 4047 4063 41AF 43C6 43F5 4420 4820 4866 4B8F 4tiA8 4hCO 496B 49Cl 4M1E 4C83 51R8 51FU 52'i1C 5200 OPTIOl"-. (luTE.NT PLA8EL 5TCMAR ~326 TYPE. 53':18 SAVEIo 55A4 LOCLA2 565A lJll"'I'.l2 5720 PYEu"P " 51.01 C"'C:CIIF 5'11R com,PR 5A2E CONSUl:! SACS OAT4PR " 5H4C rII~PR 604tl DRLPR 6lF2 F(,ETC 6250 ~Ol F 141' O.. A 071-" 02A I ~F 09F FOPTRAN FORT PAN FOHTRAN FORTRi lRY-102 SUMMA~Y-I02 SUMMARY-102 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMA~Y-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-l02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMI.RY-I02 SUMMAHY-!02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-102 SUIolMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-IOl SUMMI uT 4066 IGETCF 4fHiF PACK 48A8 F!OlAbL 48CD 5T()'/t 49bA SY'·80l 49Cl .. ,,7E EI\l'OO (,~.S T 4Cil3 hE MOt.R 51ilfl O"TIUN 51FO OLJTEr-.T 52'iC f.'LAHll ~i'OO STCHAR 5326 TY~r:: 53S~ SAVt:IO lOClA4 DlJMYA4 MdTH SURSCR TI 5A 5720 57&7 5t.20 60F4 6611 OECK-IO OlF 01:(11.-10 Ob' DEO-IO 07A [)ECK-IO ClbF D£CK-Iu lOr [)ECr<-11) 344 flfCK.-IO 3bA DECr<-IO' OlA DECr<-ID 03F DECK-Iv ()4F l·ECK-ID 3H [.r.CK-IO 051' [:fCK-lD ObF DECK-IO 35f Qt.Ct\-ID 14F DECK-IO 04A DECK-ID 07F DECr<-lO 02A DECK-IO 15F DECK-IO 09F DECK-ID lOA DECK-IO 11 f N.CK-ID Ojt. OE.CK-ID OECI<-lO r'ECK-Ill Of.CK-iO OECK-IO N.Cr<-ID \)tCK-IO DECK-ID DECK-ID LECK-l[l [If..CK-l[) Ot::CK-ID OECK-IO OECK-ID DECK-IO t:.'fA Olf 02F 071. ObF lOF 34A 36A OIA 03F O.. F 37F OSA 3M I br ObA ObA llA 12A IJA 2CF ?:iF 14A 17A 411. 17F FORTkt.N 3.311 FORTRAN 3.3!:' FO~TKAiII 3.Jt:c FOi TRAN 3.Jb FOl'TtiAN 3.3b FOkTRAN 3.311 FORTRAN 3.31:i FORTRAN 3.3~ FORTPAN 3.3A FORTRAN 3.3/j FORTRAN 3.3B FORTRAN 3.3b FOI:/T~AN 3.31:1 FOFJT~AN 3.3H FOJ.JTRAN 3.31:1 FORTRAN 3.3ti FORTRAN 3.3B FORT.RAN 3.38 su,-IrA IIRY-I02 SU"'MARY-I02 SU/AMI\HY-I02 SUMMA~Y-I02 SU;A!~ARY-l 02 SUM"'ARY-J.02 SUMI~ARY-l 02 SUM"'1I1i lY-lOc SUMMA~Y-I07 SUI-1MARY-J.02 SUMMAkY-I02 SUMMAf~Y-l 02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMAHY-I02 SUMIAJ.RY-lOl SUI-l"1AHY-102 SUMMA~Y-102 SUMMARY-I09 SUMMAf j FO~lHAN FO~TRAtI 3.313 3.38 3.3H 3.38 3.31:! 3.3b 3.31:! 3.31::1 3.3b 3d!:! 3.3H SUMMAF<'I'-102 SUMMAR'r-102 SUMMAkY-I02 SUMMAkY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMI-IAI-I'I'-102 SUMMARY-I02 sur"I-IARY-I02 SUMI·II\RY-I Cl2 SUM~ARY-I02 SUMI-IARY-I02 J-7 (/)r.P'1 uf LOT OUMVOL (,t. TC GtTF GETSY,", G~uT 1GE TeF ~t.Cr( H1LAbL STORE SYMIjOL (NUUO C,NST hEAliER OPTION OLJTEr.T "'LABEL STCHAR TYPE St.VEIO LOCLA~ LLJMYA5 ElOOPr1 CI<.IVC IOSPk ~EQVS PI4NTN,.. SYi'1SCN E"'OLOC 4063 4lAF 43C6 43F5 4420 4820 4fih6 4tlRF 4AlIA 48CO 4q6~ 4QCI 4B7E 4C83 SlAb 5lFO 52~C 5200 5326 5358 55114 56<;1. 5720 5181 58C3 S8G3 5FIIJ 0340 630C b3F& OEC~-IO O~F LJECK-IO ObF Ofr:~-IO 3:;F DECK-IO 14F fllCK-iD 04A OE.CK-IO 07F f'lfCK-1D 02A DECK-IO 1 ~~ OECt<-ID O'1F OECK-IO lOA DfCK-10 IlF OfCK-10 OJA (JECK-ID 2 'fA DECK-IO O~A OFCI<-IO 3bF UECI\-10 1M (;ECK-IO ObI. DECK-IO OBA OECK-1D IIA DECK-IO 12A DE.CI<-IO 13A UlCK-!U 24F OECi'--IO 2~" llfCK-iO J3A OECK-1O 3:;A DECK-IO 37A OECK-IO 2~A (lECK-IO 26A DECK-IO 2bA DECK-IO 17F F(lfHi 06C 5003 SOEF 55C2 5631. 56FO 5784 SH40 :,A55 5bil3 5f141 AS~EIoI fiA",ANA EsGINOO E~,iJ Er.TCOD "ELEI. Hu~ST NO~ROC REAOIP Sli8FUN SYIoISCN A(P AFlOL ASUPER C(;OTO FINt< 1110 Til"" PAwTSIj SU~J.lP3 5Cn ARITHR ~C6E E~OLOC ~E7E (;f CI<;-1 0 Olt DI::CK-I[j ?t:~ f'lECK-lD ~!i1 LEeK-iO 27;(j~CI<.-IO lOF ()~Cr(-l0 OlA 0E.CK-10 Olt! [.IFCI\-l0 02t1 IH,Ct<.-10 07F OECK-IO 038 nI::CK-ID OAr. 01:.CK-10 O~b [IEeK-IO ObI; OECK-IO 07b fJlCK-IO Cbtl (l~CK-IO O'7b OECK-IO lOt! Of.CK-IO 03F UECK-IO 34r (IECK-IO 11 t< OECII.-ID 12b OECK-1D 42A GECK-lU 13d DECK-JO 14b DfCI<-lO l!:>~ LE.(K-1O Ib~ UE.C~-lO 17t! (;ECK-IO lot! OE.Cr!.-lO 19d OECK-lU 20tl DECK-IO 228 DECK-IO 2~El DECK-ID 2tlA DECK-IO 24b OfCK-IO 2!:>d DE.CK-IO 26tl, OECK-IO 27b OECK-IO 2&1:1 O~CK-10 29t1 CJE.(;t<.-IO (;I:CI<.-lD DECK-IO orCI<.-10 OfCK-ID OECK-Ie 3013 31b 32t! 33i:l 34t1 17f FOPTPA~ 3.31; 3.3t1 3.3'J 3.3b 3.3Es 3.31:1 3.3b 3.Jf1 3.3b 3.38 3.31::1 3.3b 3.3 .. 3 • .,b 3.3i::! 3.3& 3.31j 3.31:1 3.3ci 3.38 3 • .38 FOPT~AN 3.3~ FCiRT~AN FO~T~AN FOkTRAN FDwTHAp..; FOJ.lTPAN FOHTPAN FORTPAN FOPTf'AN FOfJTPI dEl LAb1N ~499 550B 564E. 5b10 OXL~ ~6D" I C 3849 40E1 40FI:I 4c"'A 48C4 41131 cnur~T 4A'H FINISH GEb1,.. lACON IHC0N I"OEX 4A> DECK-II) r-E.C"'-IO llECK-ID OtCt<-ID 1l!:C1\-!O llt:.Ci< - I (J DECK-ID OECK-ID Or.Ct<-IO OECt\-IIJ Of CK-lU O[CK-IU Dt:.Ct<-10 Of C"-HI I1E.CK-ID DEC~-IO Df.Cr\-IO ut.Ct<-IO DECr<-IO. LJECK-I0 011' 30F 14U 31F 10F Oll) 02LJ 030 04U o~u UbU 10C 07D 000 (}YU lOU 110 12U 13U 09F l~O loU 17D IbO l'iu 33F 17F FU~Tf.!AN 3.3~ FOkTIiAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRAN FORTRt>"I FORTPAN FUkTf "(JUT t>() .. "x ~.E.GINO bKLJ"N 96769410 A 2003 3Ae5 3AAA 3t14A 40EO 40FA 4#-C9 4HI>3 4A15 DECK-IO DfCK-ID ('fCK-ID OE.(;r<-IO DEC,.;-ID OECK-IO DfCK-ID [.f (;r<-I lJ DECK-IO OlF 32F l4E :'1110F on. 021:. O.Ho 041:: 3.3", 3.38 FURl RAN J.3fl FORT~IlN 3.3H FORTRAN 3.·31:1 FORT~IlN 3.Jt1 FORTRAN 3.3t:! FOI'lT~A~ 3.3t1 FOrlTRAN J.3~ FO~TRAN FO~TRAN SUMt-1I.RY-102 SU~MARY-I02 SUMMAI 03F ;39f _OF -If C/9F 31F 17F FORTRAN FORTRAN f04T4AN FUR TRioN FORTRAN FOPTPAN 3.38 ).3H 3.3t! 3.38 SUMMARY-IOZ SU/oI~tARY-l 02 SUMMARY-lOZ ,SU/oIMARY-I02 3.J~ SU~MARY-I02 3.3E1 3.31'l FOPTRAN 3.3b FORTRAN 3.~b FOPT~>lN 3.3'" FO~TRAN 3.30 FORTRAN 3.31:i FORTRAN 3.3." FORTRAN 3.3b fORTRAN 3.31:i FORTRAN 3.:iB FORTHAN 3.3B FORTRAN J.3b FORTRAN 3.38 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-IOZ SUMMARY-IOZ FORTRA~ SUM~ARY-l02 SUMHARY-I02 SU"'MA~Y-I02 SUMMARY-IOZ SU,",Mf\RY-102 SUMMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 SUHMARY-I02 SUHMARY-I02 SUMMARY-I02 IN *1(. 18 IN eN.FTN3Fl",8 IN *K,I6 IN *p FTN33& El OE.CK-IO OECK-IO oECJC;-IO DECK-Ie OECK-IO flOl Cl1 R73 fl62 H71 R04 C10 COl RPGI I RPGlt RPC,II RPGI I RPGII RPGII RPijII RPGII HPGII RPGII RPGiI 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 , 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMMARY-lOts SUMMARY-lOS SUMMARY-loa SUMMAkY-I08 SUt-IMARY-108 SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOS SUMMARY-lOa SU,",I'IARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOa oECK-IO ROI Cll nECK-IO R~5 lIECK-IO R97 DEC"-IO kt-3 DECK-IO P73 oE.CK-IO f.lb2 DECK-:-ID R71 DECK-IO R04 OECK-IO CI0 oECK-IO CO2 RPGII RPGI I RPGI I RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGI I RPGII RPGII RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMMARY-lOa SUMM"RY-108 SUMMARY-IDA SUMMARY-lOB SUMMARY-lOd SUMMARY-lOli SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-Ioe SUMMARY-lOa DECK-IO OfCK-IO OECK-IO OECK-IO DECK·IO DECK-IO DECII.-IO DECK-IO OE.CK-IO OECK-IO Ot::CK-IO ROI Cll R55 RCj7 R63 H73 Rb2 R71 R04 CI0 C03 RPGII RPGI I RPGII RPGI I RPC:iI I RP('II RPGI I RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMMARY-lOB SUMMARY-IDS SUMMARY-lOB SUMMARY-IDe SUMMARY-lOS SUM"'AF(Y-lOa SUMMARY-lOS SUMMARY-I08 SUMMARY-lOB SUMMARY-lOa SUt1IolARY-I08 OECK-ID DECK-IO OECK-ID OE.CK-IO OECK-ID DECK-IO uE.CK-IO OECII.-I0 DECK-IO DECK-IO OECK-IO ROI RPGII RPGI I RPGI I RP~I I RPGI I RP(;I I RPGII P?GII RPGII R?GII ' R?GII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-IDe SU ... MARY-10tl SUMMl GIl RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.·0 1.0 1.0 1.0 HPGII PPGII PPGII RP"I [ PPGIl Rpr,I I RP6II RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 RPGII RPI;I I· PPGII RPGII flPGIl fWC,II RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMr4A1~Y-10e RPGII RPGII PPl>I I RPGII PPGII RPGII RPGII F1PGIl RPGII RPGI I RPGII 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUMMARy-lOa SUf04MARY-lOM SUMMARy-lOa SUMMARY-lab SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARy-loa SUMMARy-1OH SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOR SUMMARY-I08 SUMMARy-loe ~PC,II SUM",ARY-lOti SU"..··kHY-108 SlIM'· .. HY-10& SlJM~AI-IY-1(jd SUMMARY-IOEs SUMMARY-lOb SUMIoIARY-I08 SUMMARY-I08 SUMI'!AI~Y-l 08 SUMMARy-lOB OK ,18 IN o,.,.,RPGSM5 ••• B IN «>K.16 II'< oP ... OYLYPT k~G 2003 R~GOMY 20FO 20F2 k~LtiY 2uFF H9S"Y 1<9'41 w ?E12 21019 k11. P9MV" RPGROT 2DF2 20FF 2El2 2£19 2£26 2E3A 2£55 2E60 kPGIII'1 3A61 FlQ~IB f<~MV~ k9ARG UECK-IO l>f_CK-I0 DECK-ID DECK-IO DE::CI<-ID DECK-ID OI;CK-ID OE.CK-W D~CK-lo kOl Cll H55 k~7 R63 R13 R62 R71 ~04 UE.CK-ID C10 O(CK-IO C09 RPGI I PPGz'I RPGI I PP('I I RPGII RPGI I RPGII APGl I RPGI I RPGI I RPGI I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUM1-4ARY-10R SUMMARY-lOB SUI>1M"RY-IOll SUI1MARY-IOtl SUMMARY-I08 SUMMARY-loa SUMM~RY-I0B SUMMARY-lOft SUMMARY-lOa SUMMARY-lOB SUMMARY-lOti IN 0"',18 IN ON,RPGSIo49" ,B' IN OK,16 IN OL,R9ADSB IN OL,P9AFiG IN OL,R9ASQR IN . oL,I I "L,~9MULT IN °L,R9MVTA IN !'L,1ol9"1VW IN °L.k'>lNkMX I"" °L, ... 9NSOR IN OL,R9NTOA IN °L,R9NXIolC IN OL,R90TMG IN °L,R90TMV IN °L,R90TPT IN J-18 96769410 A °L.k90VOP I ~J °L.W9PACK IN °L.INPAGE IN °L.R9POSS IN °L.k9PRCL ·111,0 °L.R9PUTS 1'" °L.RI1HUEN IN °L.R9RPGO IN "L.P9RPRT I'" °L.W9RSLT IN °L.R9RSTS IN 0L.R9SI: TF IN °L.R9SETN IN °L .R9SHf:r IN °L.R9SPAC. IN °L,t(9SPTP IN ·OL.R9S{JiH IN °L.1<4SThO IN °L.R9STOl', 111,0 °L.R9TIME li-' °L,~9TP40 IN °L.R9TRAL IN 96769410 A J-19 *L.r.9TROT IN *L.R9TSTB IN ·L.R9TSTN IN -L.R9TSTZ IN *L.rt9TTOP IN *L,R9UI'oPK IN *l.W9XCPT I~ *L.R9XFOT IN *L.R9XRSO IN *L.R9YCOD IN *L.k9ZADS IN *L,R9ZCOO I'" *L,l'FuT I~ *P OFUT uliE uECHE): FlP,4SC ATO,", Ft.T~(jR "OVt4YT C"1SG 3fJ36 DECI\-IU U12 OfCt<-ID UlJ D~.Ct<-lO Ull PECK-ID U03 OF Cr<-IO lJ02 DECK-IU UI" DE.CK-If) U.. b DECK-ID U)7 DECK-IO UIS CiE.CI<-ID u17 DECK-IU lJle; ['fCK-JD UOIt llfCr<-IO U.. 2 3d':l7 3()Ql 3f07 4117 4313 4519 471.6 41'173 4'tCH .. AE9 4C38 4E41 !)OIA 510A 523A 536F OE.CK-IO Dt:CII.-IO DECK-ID nE.CK-ID OECK-ID llECK-ID N°CK- I 0 OF.tK-ID NCK-IO [JI:.Cr<:-ID O£Cr<-IO DFCK-IO DECK-IO DECK-ID tlECK-ID 3202 3219 35A7 . 35F A 3"59 3/)D3 3!l59 3~CB "'EL~ 39uB ,,~, jA46 "'OTION (, I I~"'E.)( E. ..... ..,SG [lUINE ,"lJOIT lllJ/oIP Ir.n LOAD copy DIStPD ;'Dh0lJT 1-'1 ,;., Gl SAVe: "ELOAD TAP"'G~ ADRPkG AORSKL FORTN OePR/oIS 3AC7 3AF9 Of 0,.-10 U3'i U32 U41 U44 U45 U38 U40 lJ30 U47 U~l U~IJ U22 U3I UOI U:i4 U55 RPGI I RPGII RPGII HPGII RPGI I PPGII PPGII QPbII P Pull PP(;II "PGll RP(, I I RPGII PPGl I RPGII RPGI I RP(;I I PPGI I' fH'G I I RPt;! I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1• 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. a 1.• 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11"(>1 1 1. C PP('I I RPG I I I lJ33 UJ5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 USS kP611 F;PG11 RF>('1 I PPljI I HPGII RPGII RP('lI RPGII RPGl1 DECK-ID OECI<-ID Dt.CK-1D OE.CK-IO U21 US3 US4 U55 RPGl I RPGII RPGII RPGI I 1.0 DECK-IO r,~ CK - I 0 CJECr<-ID DtCK-iO llE.Cr<-IO OE.CI\-!i> DECK-ID U24 U4b U4f:1 u .. J U:i2 u54 US5 PPGl I ': L,OPENOl rt-.l °l,OPEIII02 IN "l.OPEN03 IN "L,OPE~O" IN °L,OtlEIII05 IN °L,OPEIIIOb IN oL,OPEN07 UI °L,PEAD09 IN 96769410 A J-21 ·L.UPOT2~ I .... *L.l1PDT27 . I" *L.UPDT28 IN *L.lIPDT29 1'" *L.SETL33 It. -L ..CLOS36 IN *L.CLOS37 I" . -L.CL0538 IN -L.CLOS40 IN -L.CLOS41 IN 96769410 A -l,FtOOT43 I~ -L,kOOT44 IN -L.ERk046 IN -l,NTAP49 I'" -L,SOWTSO IN -l.NTA~S2 IN -l.~TAP53 IN -L.NTAPS4 IN -l.hTAF<58 J~ -l ... OU,..T IN °L.IOOOWR IN -l,C1400PT IN °l,C""03GO IN 0L. 5 TkACE I~ *v DE~UGGING IN AND CMECKOUT *1\.16 IN -l.TRACE I~4 -1(,16 I'" O..-,F SETi1Rl IN 2003 DEC~-ID M91 "'50S 5.0 SUMI4ARY-ll 0 -r<,I8 Ir~ .r<,Pb IN 96769410 A J-23 oP,f TE~"'I 1 2003 OECo<-IO M<;2 MSOS 5.0 SUHMARY-ll 0 OeCK-iD 1'.93 MS05 5.0 SUHM"RY-1ICI OECK-ID 1'194 ,",505 5.0 SU",:,'ARY-110 OECK-ID M9~ M505 5.0 SUHI'IARY-IIO OECK-ID M'I6 MSOS 5.0 SUMMo\RY-ll 0 OECK-IO "'91 101505 5.0 SUMMARY-110 Hl oK,IA IN o~',bPCLP" ,El IN Ol
N ... PRlST ••• B IN oK,I6 IN 01<,P8 IN o~.f SETAQl 2003 I~ 01(,18 I'" o~,,"'P~SET.,.R IN 011.,16 IN oK,P8 I" oP.f COHOMl IN 2003 01<.18 I'" 0N.epo.,Pc, •• B IN J-24 '96769410 A OK I 16 IN "r<,PA IN eP.F JUMPRl It. OK I 2003 M9~ MSOS 5.0 S~MMAIlY-110 DECK-IO M99 MSOS 5.0 SUMMARY-IIO OECK-IO N02 MSOS 5.0 SUMMAkY-IIO DECK-ID N03 M50S 5.0 SUMMARY-ll 0 oECK-IU I8 IN ON,i:PJ",P",B IN °11.,16 IN °K,PS IN ep,F LUCHGl 2003 IN *r<,I8 IN O"',ElPBPLU",B IN Or< lIb IN ~PTAPI "'I< I 2003 Ib IN .rJ,HPTAPC" ,13 Ir. ":'1.,16 It. i}f.J,r .... ~~~,'··i 2003 IN ""; I I8 IN 0N.f L.LISTI< I'" "L.OPSOI'tT It~ "L.LCCiSY IN 96769410 A J-25 -p,r IOUP IOUP". t.XTLOC 2003 20E5 3890 DECK-IO N82 HSOS 5.0 DECK-IO ~83 MSOS 5.0 NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION SUMMARV-HO SUMMARV-110 £JE.CK-IO OI:.CK-lO Of.CK-IO fjf_CK-IO LH.K-ID SUMMAI
lIO k(jwTH LIOC COPy D IT f'fJI~T VE"IFY !'fLECT f'fiI"'T1 [,UI-IP INIT 5TNLAfj CVASEb ·ALCBUF NX TLOC IN 3091 3191 33B7 344A 3~40 357C 3SA3 37)F 3&5Q 39~C 3A32 3Cll 3eAD 4030 4l4f 4l·RO UOI ,..A(; TAPI:. UTILI TY uu2 MAG TAPE UTILITY U03 MAG TAPE uTILITY U04 .MAt; TAPE UT ILITY I'A(; TAPE UTILITY UO~ O~~CK-IO UOb "'AG T~Pt-: UT ILITY OfCK-ID U07 MAt; TIlPE UTILI TY [IF.CK-IO UOt! ... AG TAPI:'. UTILITY DF.CK-IU lJO~ MAG TAPt UTILITY· [)E.CK-IO UIO MAli TAPE UlIlITY 0I:.CK-I0 Ull MAG TAPE UTILITY DI:.CK-IO lJ12 ,..AG TA~E UTILITY DE.CK-lI) U13 Io1AG TAPt:. UT IlITY DECr(-10 U14 MAG TAPE UTILITY Ot:CK-lO Ul!:l "" .. G TAPI:. uTILI TV UE.CK-ID Ulb MAG TAPE uTILITY OI:.CK-IO U17 MA(; TAPE:: UTILITY CiECI<-IO Ul~ MAG TAPE· UTILITY NEXT AVAILA~lE LOCATION SU""MA~Y-1Ob SUM"'A~Y-106 SUMMA;(Y-l06 !';UMMARY-I06 SUMMA~Y-1Ob SU""~AMY-IOb SUMMA~Y-IOb SUMMA~V-I06 SUM"1ARY-IOb 5UMI'1ARy-l06 SUMMARY-lOb ·SUMfoIARY-l06 SUMMARY 110 SUMMARY-I06 °K.18 1111 ON,I-ITUPFL" ,8· 1111 °K,I6 IN °L.OTLP IN °P.F DSKTAP DSKEQC OSKOHX OSKCOH DTLCT9 MOI./SMO N).TLOC IN 2003 30Sti 3009 317E 3224 35~2 3900 DECK-IO ~90 M50S 5.0 DECK-IO ~91 M50S 5.0 OE.CK-IO Ob8 "'505 5.0 DECK-IO Ul1 PERIPH. D~IV~~S 1.1e OECK-ID C46 PERI~H. OkJV~RS 1.lC DECK-IO C94 PERIPH. O~IVERS 1.1C NEXT AVAILA~LE LOCATIO~ SUMMARY-I10 SUMMARY-IlO SUMMARY-l1 0 SUMMA~Y-1l0 SUMMAHY-lIO SlJMMARY-Il0 -N,OSKTAP".f4 IN -K,16 IN -L,SETPY. IN O",PS IN J-26 96769410 A °P.F 51-0lY} STPV4 1f"'o'I0;' ~IC T,)", (,r T... .:.G Cor, ... r'T HDC(JIi Ce~j..;t::c Oklic.~M II-EAD ASCllUT 1-j'.; ?1 364E 365A 36£15 DFCr<-ID 007 MS05 5.0 DECK-IO OOb MSOS 5.0 OECK-IO 1'<95 MSOS 5.0 DECK-ID N97 MSOS S.C OEC ... -ID 009 M50S S~O DECK-ID 010 "'505 5.0 DECK-ID 011 "'S0S 5.0 DfC,,-ID 012 ,..SOS 5.0 DECK-ID 1-<9';' ,",505 S.O DECt<-IO 013 MSOS 5.0 DECr<-IO 014 ~150S S.O DECK-ID 01~ ~SOS 5.0 DECK-ID 003 HSOS 5.0 DI:.CK-IO 004 M505 5.0 [lECK-ID OO~ 1'4505 5.0 OeCK-IO OOb M50S 5.0 NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION SUMMARY-ll 0 O· SUM"1ARY-IIO SU""i~ .. RY-110 Sl,iMMMry-IIO SUM"1A1~Y-ll SUI~M,,~y-lIO SUI~MARY-II 0 SUMMARY-IIO SUMMAFiY-lIO SUMMARY-lID SUM"IAHY-IIO SUMI~AHY-IIO SU~'MAR Y-l1 0 SUMr4AkY-IIO SUM",ARY-IIO SUMMARY-IIO °",18 IN 0"',STP2V4",8 IN 0"IN o~, INSTALL LIB~ARY BUILDER I6 IN °L,LI8ILO IN o",PR 11,1 °P,F LIRIOO C{JI\tVkS MESSY L.JA2& .. avECh PICKUP 10SUB NXTLOC 2003 2UFO 3065 30DE 312M 317C 31~5 3189 [;ECK-IO 030 M50S 5.0 104505 5.0 D~CK-IO 030 OECI',-IU 031 MS05 5.0 037 M50S 5.0 OECK-ID DFCK-IO 032 101505 5.0 lII:.CK-iD 033 MSOS 5.0 DECK-IO OJ4 M50S 5.0 NEXT AVAILAbLE LOCATION SUMMARy-lID SUMr4ARy-ll0 SU~'MARV-IIO SUMMAIiY-l10 SUMMARY-lID SUMMARy-lID SUMMARY-lID IN oK ,18 IN ot.,L ItHDO ••• 8 IN 01(.16 IN ot<,PS Ir-. 96769410 A J-27 °P.F HELPS rOO) 3060 310E 3726 3779 37CO 381E JABS DECK-In DECK-IO ['EC,,-10 DECK-lU oECK-Io DECK-IO IiE.CK-IO DECK-Io HtLP~ 3C4~ lJ~CK-In hELI>9 t- 10 I-lLPll 30511 3t17 3E8A 3E04 4007 413'1 4144 UtCK-}() Glob I-1~LI>Hi "'OVECH I-1~LPO H~LPI HELP2 I-1ELP3 H~LP4 t-<~L~12 Ht.l 1l 13 h!:.LP14 t.XTLOC 035 032 03<,1 o.. u 041 04~ 043 044 04~ ~SOS 10'505 MSOS 104505 MSOS MSOS 101505 MSOS "'50S 5.0 5.0 5.0 SUMI4A~Y-110 5UMMA~Y-110 SUMMARY-110 S.O SLJM""A~Y-110 SU~MAHY-ll0 5UMM~I OS 5.0 DECK-It' U41:- '"505 5.0 Dt.CI\-l[l 0 .. ." MSOS 5.0 OECr\-ID 050 "'SC}S 5.0 ot"CK-Io 03b MSOS S.o NEXT AVAILA~LE LOCATION O~CK-ID sUMM~"Y-ll 0 SUIo'MAkY-ll 0 SUMMARY-110 SU,..MAiiY-110 SUMI'I.:.RY-IlO SUIo1MARY-lIO U47 IN °K0I8 Jr"J . °N • ..,ELPER., ,8 l~ °V INSTALL SKELETON EDITOR IN. oK.I6 IN °L.SKED IN Ol--.F SKFILE "'XTLOC 201)3 JE5E SUMMARY-llC). DECK-IO 052 M~OS 5.0 NEXT AVAILAdLE LOCATION l~ 01<.18 IN ON,SKFILE •• ,B IN °V IN SYSTEM INITIALIZER ·1\.1 b IN *L.5JLP I~ °K.PH IN oP.F CO'HkL ILOAD Lu>(THL II 12 01810 ("}(:27 IDRIV \i'"'LCT9 "'[·'dV (.:1(1331 (,c.no",Y (JPTO""Y NxTLOC ~OO3 3704 3l,b3 3F7F 4lb5 4lA5 426F 4~(J9 4340 4t)q9 4bAl 4C77 loCH 4e7& rJ~CI(-ID 0}7 DECK-Io 010 (IECK-I r) Ol~ MSOS 5.0 "'505 5.0 5UMMAHY-1l 0 ""~O5 5UMMMlY-llu SUMMARy-IIO SUMMt.RY-IIO SUM,"AHY-I06 SUMf-IAHY-lIO SUM",,,RY-lIO SUMMARY-110 SUM",ARY-l10 SUM"'IoIRY-lIO SUMMARY-ll 0 SUIo1MARY-llo 5Uf~~ARY-110 !>.o ,",50S !:l.0 DEC~-}D DE.CK-IO 021 M50S 5.0 DECK-IO C2b Pt:.RIPH. OR I Vt:Fi 5 DECK-IO ClOb PEHIPH. DRIVERS Dt-.CI'\-ID 023 ",50S 5.0 f"lfCK-W C4 .. pcRIPH. 11R 1 VE"S llfCK-Io 022 MS05 5.u o!:.CK-ID c~o Pt~IPt-<. OtdVfRS ()ECK-ID C4'1 Pt::RIPt-<. DKIVt:.R5 [IECK-Io005 Pt::Rlf'h. llRIVE.RS ~EXT AVAILAbLE LOCATION 0;':0 l.oc l.IC 1.IC 1.IC 1.IC l.IC I~ *K.18 IN oN.SI •• ,11 IN *K,I6 IN oL.S"'oMPI 1"" J-28 96769410 A *" ,P8 IN *p S"OINT NxTLOC 2003 2EA~ DECK-IO C93 PERIPH. OkIVERs 1.lC NEXT AV~lLA~~E LOCATION SUMMAHY-IIO OECK-IO C95 PEHIPH. DRIVERS 1.lC NEXT AVAILABLE LOCATION. SUMMARY-110 IN *", I 8 IN *N."'PS"OI",& IN *K,I6 I.N *L.SMOMPT IN *K,P8 IN ',- *p SMOTGS p.,)(TLOC IN 2003 473F . *K, IR IN *N.HPsMOT,,,8 IN· *1 *K,IIO,Pll,L9 *CTO, MSOS S.O INSTALLATION COMPLETED - YOU MAY AUTOLOAD *z 96769410 A J-29 SAMPLE DIRECTORIES AND LOGICAL UNIT LIST K -!.lHEDT Uti IN -OM 1 OOlO 2lF5 OVOO 2bA4 04A5 0000 OZkO 2 0000 0000 0000 0000 OCC~ 0000 O~tf 3 0010 281A 0000' C45D 0~it5 0000 Olll 4 0020 28£5 0000 O~OE 6233 0000 031A 5 0030 23F5 0000 2&FA O-£E 0000 Ol20 6 . 0020 28fS 0000 0000 01A3 0000 O~lO 7 ~020 2&E5 0000 0000 0193 OOPO 0335 8 0020 2&E5 0000 3202 OlaF 0000 033. 9 OOlO 28E5 ~OOO 0000 0162 0000 03~f 10 0020 28ES 0000 0003 OOF2 0000 0343 11 0020 28E5 0000 0000 006a O~OO U340 12 OOlO 23F5 O~OO OOOE 0~£2 0000 0348 13 0030 0000 0000 0000 Ol6F 0000 03~O 14 0030 0000 eooo· 0000 IS 0020 0000 '0000 I ~JbE 0000 0357 0000 0007 0000 03b1 16 0030 0000 0000 0000 0340 0000 0~6. 17 0030 0000 0000 0000 0498 OO~O 036D 18 OO~O 0000 0000 0000 4500 0000 0~7A 19 0040 0000 0000 0000 0192 0000 0432 20 0040 0000 0000 0000 1~60 0000 0437 ·21 0043 1~F3 0000 C450 0258 0000 0470 22 0044 1~F3 0000 0001 u160 0000 0477 23 0044 IbF3 0000 Ct02 0190 0000 0478 240040 0000 0000 0000 OA9E 0000 0480 25 0044 IBF3 0000 Ib07 0035 0000 l73~ 26 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 04AZ i7 004G 0000 uooo 0000 0000 ~noo U4~~ 2~ 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 04A2 ~~ 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 04A2 30 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 04A2 04AZ 31 0040 0000 0000 0000 uOOO 0000 32 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 O~A~ 33 0040 0000 OuOO 0000 0000 0000 04A2 34 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 O~Ac J5 0040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 04A2 OOL 96769410 A Llh'~AC' ~£CT. .. SSt.... SECT. 1?1& 1{''74 K-1 A~Sl~ J)ASSI f'ASS2 PAS!>3 ~I::CT. TAt4L~T XHEF S~CT. MACSKL ... ACUQS Eono'" EOITFL SMC SI1CMUN SMCE'OT SECT. SrCT. ~~CS>4T ~"'Cll"1G SMCFMG f'HI EXIfF PAGCHK ASCOPT ~ECT. 5ECT. SECT. SF.CT. SECT. St:CT. 5I::CT. ~E.CT. 5E.CT. stCT. 5ECT. SECT. P~G~AM 5~CT. PAG,..i:!R DATE TI"'E FTN3Al FT"'3t.2 FTt'3A3 " FTfo/3A4 .. T"'3t.5" SECT. SECT. StCT. 5ECT. SECT. SECT. Sf CT. SEC.T • St::CT. SE.CT. SeCT. SECT. SECT. ~ECT • SECT. SE.CT. F1~3"1 f'T '~3C 1 FTtl3Dl nfo/3E 1 FHI3fl FTN3ER HEAO wjollTt:: FI'f:.AD FllltJlTE SCr.tIlL Tl,.OI IJJ~PAT OISI-' LH.I\ ICLOCK J,.. .. INS OUTINS IcE.LESt::: ICONCT t)CO~CT ul:\l-"EP CJ~F-l'tlP Q91- ... UP CJfIGIF2I UE!CJI2F l./~"'Fi!F ~ETAU USAVE 08AB AhS SOI4T CASG SIGfoi Oh(Jf- IX r"f\f-" X ("BQ"l.T (I'!I' LOT IF I X FLOAT UFIX C."OFLT OFLT EXP • 1.:0(; TP-t.... SIN COS ATA,.. Pp.I-Af;S U8JFflM CJt 2_ 1624 111?' 1624 1624 It124 1624 1624 162E It'19E 16CI1 IHI 17lA 1730 17HF 1"31 18~1 18F6 193C FILE FIU" FILE. 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BLOCKS IJLOCK6 BLOCK7 ' 8LOCI(8 BLOCK9 BLOCKA BLOCKB 0154 0067 0068 0069 006A X71 XTl 0153 OZ46 0?46 OZ49 0249 oose OOSO 0098 0041 00A8 00A9 OOAII OOAD 0097 0000 0005 0005 0006 OZ46 01.46 0254, 0258 OOBe OOBI) --------- £ X T £ RNA L S DE'.LlNE 0191) 0191) 019"5 0196 8-6 NAME VALUE: LOGI LOG1A INPTV4 DGNTAB ooaf" 7r,., 0070 007' 0501 ' 0502 0503 05h 0505 0506 0507 05«:0) OSH 0510 0511 0512 0513 0514 0515 0516 0517 0511) 0519 0520 0521 0522 05~~24 0?20' OZ16 Oo~o OOBo!. 0484 0485 0466 0487 04S8 0489 0490 0491 0492 0493 0494 0495 0496 0497 0499 0499 05~0 oon 0074 01)75 0076 0077 00713 0079 0000 OOOA OlOA 0001) OOSO 0082 00S2 0083 008ll ooec 04tz69 0469 0470 0"71 0 .. 72 0473 0474 0475 C47!» 0477 0478 0479 0480 0481 0482 RE'ERENCED AT LINE NUM8[R 0197 0238 0198 0525 0526 C527 0526 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 05U42 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 0552 0553 055" 0555 96769410 A ••• A L P H A BET I CAL ALf"LOC BLOCI(4 COu'JT OG'l:T .!.~ PLACE XI6 X2<' XJ2 X4(j X<.<;I XS7 X"5 X7J X81 O~~~ 020'> 006<;1 01~6 0071 0107 0116 0127 0}39 0151 0159 0173 o IA 1 0189 96769410 A A"'O'l1 flLOCKS nATAl ENODAT TAGI XI7 X25 X)) X"I X5 X56 )(61) X74 X9 S 0 A T O~!>~ AS~FLI 020f, ai'S) 0?57 02<'5 010'1 0120 01<''1 01'-0 0069 0160 017<. 01'12 0096 BLOCK6 DATA2 F rVE XI XI!! X26 Xl<. X42 X50 X59 ""7 x 75 )(FER o f" 0;>f,4 0;>06 0;><;) On71 O~h I 01 ! 0 0121 01;>9 01:.1 o 15~ 01" I 0175 CI 83 0070 0556 0557 055<1 1i55'i 0500 05!>1 S Y M B o L S AS~FLG 0~64 ALOCK7 DATA) 0207 025) 0000 OO'n 0111 012;> 0131 014? 0153 00'11) (j 17" 0184 006'1 r XIO X19 X27 05 X43 ,;51 )(6 ""6 )(76 ZERO ASSEMO BLOCKa DATA4 IIIIPTV4 Xli X2 X26 X36 X44 XS~ X60 )(69 X77 100 BLOCK O~OZ 070A ~LOCK9 O~<;) DECASI LABELl XI2 X20 X2<;1 X37 X45 XS3 X61 X7 X78 0709 0229 0247 0101 0112 0124 013) 0147 0155 0169 0094 0166 0075 0195 oO'la OOA? 0121 0132 0146 0154 0166 0177 0185 0~46 BLOCKl BLOCK A DECAS2 LOG 1 XI) X21 X3 X36 X46 XS4 X6~ X70 X 7<;1 0202 0209 0731 0195 0102 0113 00A4 0137 0148 0156 0170 0176 0167 BLOCK2 ALOCKS DECAS) LOGIA XI4 X22 X30 X39 X41 XS5 X63 X71 X8 0202 0210 0~32 01<;15 0104 0114 C125 0138 0149 0157 0171 0179 0095 BLOCK) CO'4PI D!:CAS'I ODI XIS X2) )(31 X<. )( ... a X56 X64 X72 X60 020Z 0224 0:~2 C5~1 02~8 056:' 0565 0566 0567 056A 056:' 0570 0571 0572 057) 0574 0~"6 0106 0115 0126 OC~6 0150 olse 0172 0160 01~6 0575 8-7 FORTRAN COMPILER VERIFY TEST PROGRAM M Ii AI T #".S,WafbifeHS;W -JOB ·fTN OPT LXCO C C C C P~OGRAM fTNMAY M50S VERIfICATION TEST COMPILER SOURCE PROGRAM 1700 MASS STORAGE OPERATING SY5TE~ VERSION 4.1 SMALL COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. LA JOLLA. CALIfORNIA COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORPORATION 1975 C C C C THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO EXERCISE THE fORTRAN COMPILER AND IS NON-EXECUTABLE fTNTST VERIfIES LIST AND BINARY OUTPUT Of fTNMAY COMPILATION C C C EXTERNAL STATEMENT C EXTER~AL fTNSU~.fTNfCN C C RfLATIVE STATEMENT C c C R~LAT1VE TYPE RELl.REL2.REL3.BL~OAT STATE~ENT C AINTl.BINT2.CINTJ.GINT7(SI.HINTS, lIINT9.JINTlO.fINT6 I~TEGER ~fAL o AREALl,~REAt2.CREAL3(3,3),IREALl,JREAL2. lKREAL3 (9) DOUgLE PRECISIO~ MDBLl.NDBL2,ODRL3.PD8L4(J,S). lO~8LS.RD8L6.SDaL7.TDBLS(2.4).UDBL9,VDBLI0,WDBLll SINGLE DI~T4.EINTS.~INTll C C C DI~ENSION STATEMENT OtMENSION LINT12(S),QDBLS(2.3.4).AINTIlIO). lAREAL1(J.4).fINT6(5) C C BYTE AND SIGNED BYTE STATEMENT C BYTE (fINH"LINTl2(1l (13=6) I SIGNED BYTE (HINTS.GINT7 (3) (7=0) I C C C COMMON STATEMENT COMMON ILA8EL/AREAL1.EINTS.MINTIJ(l2),P4BL4 COMMON ILARF.L/HREAL8.WDBLll COM~O~ IIBREAL2(2.2.2).BINT2,ODBL, COMMON AINT1.VDALIO(lOI,EREALS C C DATA STATEMENT C o c C DATA (GINT7(J).J=1.5)/$FDB9,$DB97,$B975.S9753,S7S311 DATA «(CREAL3(I.JI.I=1.31.J=1,3)/3567.508.1.2. 15?86.J2S4. •• 1.10S6.3219.J6S00000.0 I DATA MD8Ll/34S.67D-OJ/.N08L2/.34S670+S/, l008L3/34S67.D-OSI E~UIVALENCE C STATEMENT EQUIVALENCE (OREAL4.KREAL3(S» EQUIVALENCE IAINTl (61.LINT'l2(1l I, (MDBLl.NDBL2) C C C STATE~ENT FUNCTION,INTRINSIC fUNCTION.F.XTERNAL fUNCTION.FUNCTION SUBPROGRAM CALL C c C C 10 20 MYFUNC (I.J.DREAL4.EREALS.RDBL61 = IDFLT(ARS(I)IORDBL6/(SIN(EREALSI)*02 2+ALOG(OREAL4)-SORT(J)+FTNFCN(DREAL4.EREALS,fREAL6,BINT2,CINTJ, 3AINTl(S» ASSIGN~ENT STATEMENT I = LINT12Cl)+LINT12(2)-LINT12(3)oBREAL2(1.2,11/.OOS 1 00 2 WQqLll = (TDQL8(2.21*(I/S)+36S.S68)/LINT12(3)002+HYfUNC(I. IJ.OREAL4,EREALS.R08L6) C C C C C 30 96769410 A LOGICAL If.RELATIONAL EXPRESSIONS.UNCONDITIONAL GO TO, LABLED ASSIGNMENT.SUBROUTINE CALL. fORMATTED WRITE.STOP, LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS.PAUSE IF (I.EO.LINTl2 (4)) GO TO 40 T-1 40 50 60 70 SO 90 C C C 500 600 700 800 900 C C C I~ (I.NE.LINT12(4)) J = I-I IF (LINT12(5).GT.J) ASSIGN 800 TO IFORM IF rJ.GE.I) CALL FTNSU8(25.AREALl.~DBL1) IF (J.L~.I) WRITE (4.600) IF (J.LE.AREALl) STOP 6 IF (.NOT.(I.EO.LINT12(4».AND.(LINT12C5).GT.J).OR. 1(J.LT.3)) PAUSE 7 FOR~AT STATEMENT FORMAT (1ISFIO.5.EIO.2/lSDII.7.JCIlO.S4).2Zl,2A2,Rl/) FORMAT (lHO.22HREPLACE THIS STATE~ENT.5X, I-COMMENT 'l' •• 'COMHENT *2*') FORMAT (IS) FORMAT (lHl.f6.4) FORMAT (/017.10) RELEASE STATE~ENT CALL RELESE (FTNMAY) C C C END STATEMENT E~O OPT LXARCOV SURROUTINE fTNSU8 (I.LREAL4.XOBL12) HSOS VERIfICATION TEST COMPILER SOURCE PROGRAM 2 1700 ~ASS STORAGE OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4.1 S~ALL COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORPORATIO~ 1975 C C C C C C C C C C 1 o C C C 50 55 60 65 70 C C C C C C 75 so C C C THIS NONEXECUTABLE SU8PGM. IS DESIGNED TO EXERCISE THE COMPILER ~T~TST VERIfIES LIST AND BINARY OUTPUT Of FTNSUB COMPILATION RFAL tREAL4 DOUBLE PRECISION X08L12 SINGLE I.IRUf(58).IDAT(J,.INUM.ITEMPCS) DATA (loAT(I).I =1,J)/S002J~SFfFE.SOOIA/,INUH/51 SETBfR,FORMATTED ·WRITE.IOERR,IRWERR CALL SETBfR (IBUf.5S) WRITE (I.IOO)(IDAT(I).I=I,),INUH IF (IOERR(O).EQ.-l) GO TO 50 JfRROR = IR~ERR(O) CHARACTER CONVERSION CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL ~EXASC(I.IRUf(l» HEXOECCI.IRUf(l» ASCII(IBUf(I).I) OECHEX(IRUf(l).I) AFORM(IBUf(l).IoAT) RfORH(IBUFCl).IDAT) fLOATG(LREAL4.IBUFCl» INPUT/OUTPUT CALL CALL CALL CALL OUTIHS(IDAT) INPINS(IOAT) ICONCT(IDAT) OCONCT(IDAT) FORTRAN/MONITOR INTERFACE If LAG = SOOII ASSIGN 75 TO ICOMP CALL FWRITE (SlSfB.IBUfCl).40,ICOMP,IFLAG,ITEHPCl» CALL nrSPAT CALL SCHEDL (SO.SI,I.ITEMP) CALL DISPAT CALL TIMER (1.S21.S.ITEMP) CALL DISPAT N = LINK(O) K ICLOCK(O) = EHCODE/DECODE ASSIGN 99 TO IFORM CALL ENCODE (IBUf.IfORH,3,IDAT) If LAG = DECODE CIBUF.IFORM.J.IDAT, RFTUR~ 99 100 OPT C C C C fORMAT (13) fORHAT (/JIZ,10H TERMINAL ,I2,11H TERMINATED) ENO . LX~VC R€AL fUNCTION fTNfCN (Al.A2.A3.Il.I2.I) MSOS VERIfICATION TEST COMPILER SOURCE PROGRAM J 1700 ~ASS STORAGE OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4.1 SMALL COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORPORATION 1975 C 96769410 A C C THIS NO~EXECUTAALE SUSPGM. IS DESIGNED TO EXERCISE THE COMPILER FTNTST VERIFIES LIST AND BINARY OUTPUT OF FTNFCN COMPILATION SINGLE LENGTH.BUFFER(SOI.ITEMP C C ASSEM~LY 17 ASSEM .IS.5CBFE.S6400.+Il.S6400.ITEMP ASSEM .16.554F4.*.S0901.*17.S0.S0BF9,*(LENGTH).*BUFFERC1) CONTINUE C C C C CODE.CONTINUE STATEMENT ASSIGNED GO TO.COMPUTED GO TO GO TO I3.(20.30.40.S0.60) GO TO ( C C ARITHMETIC IF C 20 IF (AliA2) 30.40.50 C C PAUSE STATEMENT C 30 C C" C 40 PAUSE 30 DO LOOP.UNFORMATTED READ. UNFORMATTED WRITE 58 59 00 45 J =1.50.1 Rf.AD (I) (BUFFERII). I =1.50) WRITE (3) (BUffER(I). I =1.50,1) CONTIWE 0059 M =12.1.-1 DO 58 N =1.20.5 A3 =FLOAT(M+NI+A3 CONTINUE CONTINUE C C OPEN MASS STORAGE FILE 45 50 C 60 C C C 70 C C C C C C OPEN 2.1.200.B.1 FORMATTED READ ANO WRITE STATEMENTS (6.2001 (BUFFER(II,I=I.501 WRITE (B.200) (8UFFER(I),I=1.S0) R~AO TAPE CONTROL.BACKSPACE.ENDFILE.REWIND BACKSPACE 6 ENDF"lLE 6 REWIND 6 FUNCTION VALUE RETURN FTNFCN RnURN A3+A1/FLOAT(BUFFER(2011 C F0RMAT (SO(IX.I211 E"JD OPT LXKVCO "SLOCK DATA C MSOS VERIFICATION TEST COMPILER SOURCE PROGRAM 4 C 1700 MASS STORAGE OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 4.1 C S~ALL COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA C COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA CORPORATION 1975 200 C C C o T~IS NONEXECUTA8LE SUBPGM. IS DESIGNED TO EXERCISE THE COMPILER FTNTST VERIFIES LIST AND HINARY OuTPUT OF BLOCK DATA COMPILATION CO~~ON IENTER/A.C.D.I.K DT~ENSION A(41 .B (41 ,C (51.0 (21. I (3) .J (31.K 121 EQUIVALENCE (A.8), (I.J) " DATA A( 1 I ,A ( 2) ,A (3) • A141/1. 1 .2.2. J. 3.4. 4/, C Cl I • C (2 I ,C (3 I • C (4) • CIS I */l.l.2.2,3.3,,Ie21.I(3).KI1I. *1«21/1.2,3.4.51 ENO MON *U 96769410 A T-3 u RPG COMPILER VERIFY TEST PROGRAM bB¥*', .. 9 ** PPG II COMPILER 01101 on02 01)03 0~~10 01'05 01106 0~07 01)08 OC09 01)10 C(lil 0'112 0:)13 F·······································.·············...................... r· rFrrrrrFF- r- onl5 01116 onl7 r- O~I~ cn~) on;>10 on25 0~26 01'.27 01173 o~n CI1)O 00) I 0')32 OC33 00310 0';)0; 0~:!6 01'37 on3~ BCHART F'IRST CO~PILEO 08/07/76. GIVEN STATISTICS LISTED BElOit, JOB PREPARES BIORHYTHH CHARTS rOR ANY NUHBER or PERSONS WITH ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION rOR rACH. PREPARE INPUT CARDS FOR EACH PERSON TO BE CHARTED AS rOlLOwS •••• CARD COLUMNS DESCRIPTION F- on:,. nll19 0020 0071 0'122 PAGE 0001 H F- 01 33 41 47 NA"IE OF PERSON TO BE CHARTED. OATA or BIRTH ",,,,OOYYYY. CHART BEGINNING ,..ONTH AND YEAR MHYYYY. NUMBFR or MONTHS TO BE CHARTED NNNN. - 32 - 40 - 46 - 50 r··························.······.·· .......· ....· ......................... fr- frDATACARDIP rREPORT 0 E E E r r 80 96 E E E E ·E E E E E IDATACARDlA I I I I 80 2 96 2 MON 12 HCNT 12 PT 20 ·ET 20 IT 20 OOC 1 LIN PHY E"IT INT Co TyPE foolrCUI "RINTER 12 4 12 2 0 23 4 28 4 33 4 79 76 62 1 4 31 4 31 4 31 8 2 0 8 3 0""5 OG46 Oil!. 7 01146 0~4q O~SO on51 00S2 0.)53 O~'i:' 0055 1 33 . 340~HONTH 340~ 33 35 360ROAY 39 400AlY 37 400'lYEAR 420CHONTH 41 '~---. CS~ oo,r,o 01)61 Ol'\,r,~ 00,r,9 0070 0071 00 7 2 007) 0074 0"75 on?,> 01\77 ~n7ll 01l7,) OI)~O CSQ CSR CSR CSR CSR CS'l CSQ CSR CSQ CSR CSR CSR CSQ CSgNB8 CSQNB8 CSQ 89 CSQ 88 CS~ 94 CSR CSR 10 CSQ 07 CSR 08 CSR 09 CS'l 10 00'11 on"2 01A) CS~ oe"" RPIj II COMPILER 96769410 A END DOCSR oocu CS~ onsq 01)62 0163 en"4 01)65 0(1"'6 OOf,7 NOI CSR 0~S9 88 PAGE 0002 41 45 43 47 CS~ CSQ csg CSR O'lc::,r, onS7 CO"O 00101 OC4;> 00 .. 3 00 .. 4 004S 0046 00 .. 7 0048 0049 32 NAME 1 I I I C C C C CSQ CSR OC33 0:134 0035 0036 OJ37 OOH 0039 01 00)9 on40 1 I 011"1 0.142 1 g;>G II COMPILER 0'143 on44 . .- zy zy zy ZY YZ yz 06 420C 460CLY 460CYEAR SOOltMONTH 89 Fl~GSR TAG ~ovElOOC. YZ ~Oc.Yz "'Ollf CC-"" I co«? 2 I:O"'P J ("0"';> 4 fXCPT A:)O I CC"'P 80 (,0,0 OOC"l sETor SFTor 30 YZ lINE ZY 20 75 10 02 03 04 05 Co~~ 0070 con YZ 06 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0073 0079 0080 0081 020304 05 p~:;s~ C~RTSR BlY BYEAR ~EGS~ l-AOOO Z-ADOO sETOr SETO' OIV 4 ,",vR nIV 400 "V~ BMONTH BYElR BMONTH fAGOI (O"'P CO'lP CO .. P GOTO GOTO GOTO GOTO TAG 2 CYEAR C.. ONTH TAGOI TAGO! TAG2) TAG08 OOS[) OOSI CCSZ 0053 0054. 0055 OOS!> 0057 0056 0059 OO!>O 0:161 C062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 O:11,a' GOTO END. EXSR OOCSR (XSR CrlRTSR TAG SETo; Z-:'OOI 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 OH7 0019 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 T"IONTH WORK 40 50 TEST LEAP TEST lEAP 40 40 070809 109294 00~2 94 oe63 0094 OC85 94 92 090710 090810 OC3~ PAGE 0003 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 U-1 CSR CSR CSI? CSI? 92 CSI? CSR CSP 81 CSI? CSR Clio CSR 08 CSI? 08 85 CSR 08 85 CSR CSR 92 CSI? CSR C51? CSR CSR CSR CSq C5R CSPN96 C5RN96 CS~ 96 CSR 96 0055 00"6 011117· OOM onR9 ooqo 0091 OOQ2 0C'l93 0(191. 0095 0096 01'197 00911 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 01010 010S 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 CS~ 0111 CSR 95 0112 CS~ 0113 CSR 94 0114 CSI-! 0115 C5R 0116 CSQ 0117 CSR 0118 C51? 0119 CSI? 94 0120 CSR 0121 CSR 82 0122 CSR 0123 CS~ 92 94 0124 CSR OPS CSR 0126 QPG II COMPILER CSR CSR CSRN92 CSQ 92 CSR CSR CSR CSRNI0 CSRNI0 CS>lNI0 23 CSRNI0 CSR 10 CSR 10 CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR 71 0127 OHII 0129 0}30 01 Jl 0132 0133 0114 0135 /1136 0137 01311 0139 0140 01101 01"2 OI"J 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 01'.)1 0152 01«;3 01'.)4 0155 0156 01<;7 015" 0159 01"0 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 CS~ 01~6 0167 0168 QPG 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 017'.) 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 U-2 It CSR CSR 24 CSR CSR CSRNI0 CSRNI0 CSRNI0 28 CSRNI0 CSR 10 CSR 10 CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR 71 CSR CSR CSR 29 CSR CSR CSRNI0 CSP.Nl0 CSRNI0 33 COMPILER CSRNIO. CSR 10 CSR 10 CS~ CSR CSR CSR CSR 71 CSR CSR CSR 34 CSR MCNT." WaR I< WORI( TAG02 M M H M WORK WORK WO~K TAG03 TAGOIo TYEAR TlY TYEAR TYEAR TYEAR 1101<1( WORI< TAG05 TAG06 H H M WORI( WORI( TAG07 ,",avE SUB ADO AOO TAG CO"lP GOTO ADO CaMP CO .. P ADO (jaTO ADO SHONTH BOA'I' 1 1 " 0095 0096 0097 0098 20 WORI< WORt< WORK 009~ 12 TAGOJ 1· 2 CMONTH 1 TAG08 MCNT .M jlt)!) 1 GOTO TAG02 TAG Z-AOOBYEAR SETOF' TAG ADO 1 "aVE TYEAR CaMP 00 OIV 4 MvR DIY 400 MYR CaMP cYEAR GO TO lAGOS AOO ADO GOTO lAGillo TAG 7-1.000 HG ADO 1 c:O"P 2 CaMP C"ONTH GOTO TAG07 AOO .. CNT .... ADO I (jOTO TAG06 TAG ,,, .. 0100 0101 0102 OIOJ 01010 010S 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 01110 011S .0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 81 M 92 85 WORI< WORK WORK TYEAR 40 9294 TYEAR flY 20 96 TEST lEAP H:ST lEAP 94 94 9S WORK WORK ~\~; H 104 92 82 WORI( WORK PAGf; 0004 IIO~I( TAG08 ADO TAG WORI( ~OVE MCNT.C '40Vf; 29 M!:TEST METEST PHY ~avE WaR I( AOAY TAG09 0 0 P P P TAGI0 "ORI( BOAY TAG 11 0 0 E E E TAG12 WORI( MOVE "aYE' I',V 23 "vR Z-A0023 1-AOOO Z-AOOI 1 TAG '1)0 1 t.40YE PT.P CO"lP HE TEST C;OTO TAG10 ADO 1 COI4P 23 SUB 23 (;OTO TAGOq TAG OIV 28 ,",VR Z-A0028 Z-4000 Z-AOOI o;UB 1 TAG ADO 1 ,",DVE [T.E CO"lP ,",ETEST GOTO TAG12 ADO 1 CO,",P 28 SUB 28 GOTO TAGH TAG OIV 33 to4VR Z-AOOJ3 sua 20 E~T INT HASH P P 0 P 0 50 20 01"~ 23 23 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 015!. 0157 0159 015:;1 0160· 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 011Z 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 20 0 PHY.O 71 P 24 P HASH E E 0 20 28 28 E 0 0 EMT.O 71 E Z9 E HASH I I 017~ 20 l3 33 PAGe: 0005 7-'000 BOAY TAG13 0 0 7-'001 SUA TAG AOr) MOY[ COI4P GOTO ADO COMP !;Uq C;OTO 0 I I 0 1 0 n.1 METEST TAGI4 1 33 33 TAG13 0126 0127 012a 0129 0130 0131 0132 0131 0134 0135 0136 0137 0139 013:;1 01 .. 0 0141 0142 014) 0144 0145 011,6 0147 INT.O 71 34 0180 0181 0182 0183 018lo 0185 0186 0187 018a 0189 0190 0.191 0192 0193 0194 0195 96769410 A CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSRN77 CSR 77 CSR 77 CSR 77 CSR CSR CSR CSRS71 CSR 11~18 CSR 71 CSR 77N71i CSR CSR CSR OIRI 0lA2 OIA) 0184 0lA5 O!M 0181 01R8 01'19 0\90 0\91 0\92 019) 0194 0\95 0196 01'17 01<,;11 01'l9 0700 o:>n 0;>02 0;>0) C704 0705 0;>06 0;>01 0;>01) 0709 0710 RPG CS~:o./11 II CSR 77N78 CSR 11 CSR 11N78 CSR 78 CSR CSRN7Z CSR COMPILER 0711 0212 0;>13 0;>14 07\5 0716 0211 0711\ OZ19 ono 0:>21 0?;>2 0723 022" 072:; 0226 on7 O?:?q 0;>29 0730 0231 OZ)2 0713 07310 02)5 0:>'6 0;>:>7 onH CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR 11 CSR 12 CSR CSRN7Z CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR CSR 11 CSR 11 99 CSR llN9q CSR 12· CSR 12 98 CS~ 12N98 CSR 0739 0(,40 OZI.1 0=?1.2 021.3 071.10 CS~N72 0;>1.5 CS~ 0;>4.6 CSR 0747 CS~ 0;>108 CSR 0749 CSR CSR 0?50 CSR 0;>51 CSR 0252 RPG II COMPILER 0753 07<;4 0;><;<:; 0;><:;6 O;>q 075'1 07!'9 0<,1,0 0;>61 0;>1,2 0;>"3 OZ64 0:>65 07"'1, 0;>1,7 071,11 0?69 0270 0;:>71 0772 077) 0774 0;:>75 0;>76 /)?77 Ond 96769410 A TAG14 TAG15 0 TL TR TL TR TAG I-ADD I Z-AOOO TAG ADD 1 MOVELPHY,O "OVE PHY,D CO'IP 17 CO~P 17 "::lVE 0 MOVE ,p SfTON MO'/ELEI4T .0 "'OvE EIH.D CO .... 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I MOVE 1NT.I COMP LN CO"P LN " E TlG19 I I R lL IR LIN,L CSR 11 CSR 11 q9 LIN,L CSR 111.j99 CSR 11NCl9NA7 CSR 111.j9Q 87 CSR 12 LIN,R CSR 12 98 CSR 12"l9B LIN,R CSR 12N98N83 CSR 12N98 83 CSR I CSRN72 CSR LN CSRNl7 CSR CSP TAG20 C5R Y C51< L!N.Y CSR 18 C5R C5RN62 CSR TAG21 CSR CS9 LN CSR LN CSR LN . LN 20 LN P E I P R L PL PR 20 20 20 20 11 12 LtN.L LtN.R 72 E R L EL ER 20 20 11 12 99 LtN.L LIN,L 98 LIN.R LIN,R 72 t R L IL IR 20 20 11 12 PAGE 0007 CO",P ",ovE ' I ' Co ... p "O'lE ... eVE COMP ",aVE ' I ' CO"';> ",'lvE "'0 'IE CO";> ",nEST (jOTO TAG19 CO"';> 17 ('OTO TAG21 7-ADDO TAG ADD COM? >lOVE Co",p 62 r,OTO TAG20 ,.' .... 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YAUG.SEP.OCT ...OV .DEC. 010;5 0'<;6 03<;1 0159 0,)0;9 0'''·0 0'''1 03"2 0:\1\3 03"4 •• 312831303IJ03IJ130313031 •• 11161514131211100908010"06010809101112131415161718192021222324252621282827262524 232221201918 •• 171615141312111 0090807060504030405060701109101 I 1213141516171111920212?232425262728 29303130292A2126252423222120 1918 0,~5 fI'f)6 .. 0298 0299 0300 03el 0302 0303 0104 0305 0306 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 031ft 0315 0316 0317 17161S14131211100908070fl050403020101 0203040S0607O'b09101112131415161 7181920212223 242526272112930313233333231302928272625210232221201918 0352 0353 0354 0355 0356 0357 0358 035~ 0360 0361 0362 0363 0'''''' 0365 0366 0367 OlU Ol69 Ol70 0371 !l372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0317 0378 Ol79 Ol80 Ol81 0382 0383 03a .. 0385 0386 0397 03aa 0389 96769410 A 0167 01~I! ~ 0'<'9 0:170 0171 OJ72 0'\73 0,7" 0175 0376 0377 0178 '"PG BIORHVTH"4IC THEORY BIOR.iYT'l'4IC THEORY HOLns TH4T fROM THE MO"4ENT OF BIRTH. OUR PHySICAL. E"IOTIO'-jAL A"a INTELLECTUAL ENERGIES CAN BE CHARTEa AS F'lXEa. REPETI TI VE CYCLES. A. P'lYSICAl CYCLE T~IS IS THE SHORTEST CYCLE. BEING 23 aAYS IN aURATION. IT IS SAID TO AFfECT THE" PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICCS OF MAN - STRf"lGTH. E"ERGY. ENDURA"ICE. RESISTA"ICE. ETC. B. E"'OTIONAL CYCLE TIiIS CYCLE IS 28 nAYS lONG ANn CONTROLS THE SUTE OF "'AN'S E~OTlONS. "10005. SENSITIVITY. MENTAL STABILITy AND CREATIVITY. II COMPILER I. INTELLECTUAL CYCl". 2 TIiIS LONGEST CYCLE. BEING 13 OAYS IN LENGTH. CONTIlOlS THE 2 CONCt:NTRAHO"l. RESPO:-lSIVENE:SS. AND OTHER FUNCTIONS OF 2 THE 1011"0. 2 EACH CYClY 15 DIIIIOEO I"ITO TIilO PARTS. THE FIRST H"Lf IS USUALLY 3 CALLED TIiE HIGH CYCLE. ALSO ACTIIIE OR POSITIVE CYCLE. DURING THIS 2 HALF OF TIiE CYCLE. THE PHASES ARE SAID TO BE DISCHARGING. If IT IS 2 THE PHYSIC&.L CYCLE. \olE ARE ACTIVE. EMOTIONAL. M()RE ENH'USlASTlC. 2 INTELLECTUAL. ABLE TO A~SOR9 NEW MA TERI AL. IN THE SECO'lD ... ALf. KNOWN 2 AS THE LO •• PASSIVE OR NEGAT IVE PHASE. THE CYCLES ARE RECHARG I"JG. 2 EACH CYCLE TAKES THE OPPOSITE CHARACTEI:1ISTIC OF THE HIGH PHASE. THIS 2 IS NOT A ClAD PERIOD IN ThE CYClfS. SI-jCE THE CYCLES AI:1E DIFFEI:1ENT 2 lENGTH". THEY .dlL £iE IN OIFFEi ;ASES ON A GIVEN DATE OR T'lE CYCLE2 WILL BE ON T'"fE L1~E flETwEE'l PHASES. THIS OCCURS T~ICE. ON THE FIRST 2 DAY A~:1 IN TtiE MI01LE OF EACH CYCLf.. THESE DAYS ARE CAllED THI'" 2 CCITICAL DAYS. IT IS 1)1/ TtiESE OAYS THAT THE CYCLE IS PASSING fROM 2 POSITIVE TO t.£GATlVE OR VICE VfRSA A"40 THE CYClf. IS IN flUlt. ON 2 TI1ESE O~YS. OU::? REACTII)/jS TO EVENTS t.PQU·.D US M~Y NOT fiE NORMAL. 2 II-IDUSTP!AL STUJIES hAVF S'"fC:oIN ;H4T 60~ <)I' INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 3 CCCl'""ED 1j~1 CRITICAL DlYS. ALTHOUG>; CilITICAl DHS R£PRESENT OIllLY 2 2ei!) OF OU" (lAYS. IF ACCICE\:TS "ERE EIIP.l.Y OISTRItluTrD THKOUGH~UT 2 OUG LIvfS. O';LY 20~ Sl-f'lI;LD OCCLlR ON CIlITICAL DAYS. IN OTHER WoKOS. IT2 IS TI1~f.E TI~ES UO~f LIY-F.lY FOR AN ACCIDENT TO OCCUR ON A CRITICAL DAY 2 AS 0111 .i NO'l-CRtTICAl DAY. 2 II. HISTORY " THOUC:·H wORt( ING I NOEPEN11F.NTL Y. OR. HI:':RMANN SIiiOROOA. A PROfESSOR OF 2 PSYC",OLOljY AT THE U'/IvC"Q51Ty Of VI"''1NA. ANI) OR. wilHELM fLIESS. A 2 NOSE A"IO TH~i)Ai SPF.CIA1.:ST IN "E~L1N. nISCOVE:~Fn Tti;!:: PHYSICAL AND 2 E"'OTIO'l'l CYCU:S. ["I THE IQ20S. ALF~EI) TELTSc,",,,,R. 'AUSTRIAN OOcTO~ 2 OF E',Gh€E-PO;{T IN IIASHIII:C;TON. n.C. CUT ACCIDE~ITS 2 AY "IILf OYE::? A O',E Y£"''' PE,' AI.Y 1'1 T'lI Ml HAS HEPORTED A 50"' REDUCTION IN ACCIDENTS.2 III. USES ' I THE F'IQST USE. OBVIOULSY. IS TO DETER!04INE THE CCUTICAL DAYS IN EACH 2 MONTH A~D TO TAKE CAllE TO BE MORE CAREfUL THEN IF' ANY DAY IS A 2 PAGE 0011 II COMPILER M~HOHY. 01~1 01 Q 2 /)JiI) 01i1" 01'15 011'1'> OV17 03 Q I! 01~9 0)90 01n 0''12 03'13 01<;,. 0395 019., 0397 0198 0399 01.00 01.01 0402 0403 0 .. 04 0405 0406 0407 0 .. 08 0"o9 0410 0411 0412 0"13 0414 0415 0'-1(, 0417 0 .. 18 0419 0420 IlPG 039~ PAGE 0010 C. 0379 01'10 03'00 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395, 03<;6 0397 0391! 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 0421 ,04?2 0423 0474 OI.~5 0426 0427 04;>0 0429 043~ 04)1 0.:.32 0433 0414 C"35 IV. C1.3~ 0":17 0 .. 39 01.)9 01.40 0441 0442 0:'4) 0444 0 .. 45 0446 OOURLE OR TRIPLE CRITICAL DAY. THAT IS. TWO OR THREE CYCLES CROSSING T~E LI"E AT THE SA .... E TI~E. ADOITIO"lAL CAI:1E SHOULD BE TAKEN. SECOND. wE CAN OBSEHIIE HO. THE THREE CYCLES FALL DURING THE HO'JTH. HlljH 01:1 LOIt. WHEN POS"IBlE. USE THE HIGH PHASE TO OUR ADVANTAr.E AND BE AIIARE OF THE LOW PHAS'CS. fOR EXAMPLE. THE LOIt PHASE OF THE IIIITELLECTUAl CYCLE .... Ay NOT AE THE BEST TIME TO START A "lEW PROJECT. IT ~AS AEEN OBSERVED THAT RAlliES CO'lCElIIED DURNWG A PHYSICAL HIGH 101 ITH T"'E EMOT I O.. AL CYCLE lOll HAVE USUAlL Y B~EN 'lOY5. WHEN THE O?"OSITE OCCUR.:lEO. f~OTIO"AL CYCLE HIGH AND PHYSICAL LOll. IT HAS 81;:£"1 A r,IRL. BOTr1 HIGH OR lOIil HAS BEEN UNPREDICTABLE. HO-EvEq. BIORHYTHM CHARTS ARE ONLY A GUIDE AS TO HOW YOUR CYCLE'S MAY BE wnHI(!NG. IT IS NOT PHEOICTHIG FACT. THEY MIGHT BE COMPAREn TO A ROAD "'AP. IT SHO.S TOU .. OW TO GET TO A GIVEN POINT BUT CANNOT PREDICT 'tHAT ilill ACTU~LLY HAPPfN IF YOU TAKE A GIVEN ROUTE ALnNG THE WAY. ANALYSIS OF THE CHART 0"1 jHE RIGHT HA"'D S I DE OF THE CHART. THERE I S A LEGEND TO DENOTE THE Tti;{rE CYClrS ON THE GRAPH, If THE CYCLES GROSS OR ARE IN COMPLETE PH:' SE WIT "1 O"lE ANDTHEH. A'.' OR • IS USED. IlELOW THAT. THE CRITICAL DAYS FO~ THE "'ONTH ARE LISTED wITH A LFTTER. P fOR PHYSIC"L. THI S TELLS YOU E FOR E~OT I ONAl. OR I FOR INTELLECTUAL. TO THE RIGHT. ~HAT CYCLE IS CRITICAL THAT DAY. IF THERE &.RE 1.0 OR THREE LETTERS T~ERE. THIS IS A OOUIllf OR TRIPLE CRITICAL DAY. REVIEW THE CHART 'TO DETERMINE YOUR HIGH AND lOw PHASES FOR THE HONTH o. 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 ~ 2 2 1 THE F'OLLOWING IIIIDICATORS APpEARED IN THIS PROGRAM 01 23 72 99 ~6769410 02 24 77 A 03 28 78 04 29 81 05 30 82 06 33 83 07 34 85 011 41 87 09 42 88 10 43 89 11 4'92 12 45 94 13 50 95 17 51 96 18 62 97 19 71 98 0400 0401 0402 0403 040'0405 0406 0407 04011 0409 0410 0:.11 0 .. 12 0413 0414 0415 01016 0417 O:'ln 0 .. 19 0.:.20 0421 0':'22 0423 042'0 0425 042!> 0427 0429 0429 0430 0431 0432 C43J 04)4 0435 04),> 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0"45 044!> 0447 04"8 0:'49 0450 0:.51 0452 0453 0454 0455 Q45!> 0457 0458 0,.59 0460 0461 0462 0463 0 .. 64 0465 04!l!> 0467 0469 0469 0470 0471 0472 0473 0474 047S 0476 0477 047a 0 .. 79 0490 0 ... 51 0 .. 82 U-5 0~S3 C,,"' .. S 0 R TED NAHE 0487 lINE qPG II COOtPllEIt C'lRTSA OOC-l OOCSA TAGOI TaG02 lAG03 TAGOlo TA~05 0 9!)AY illY B~OI\lTH 0 DOC E EL E",T EA ET HASH I IL INT IA IT l LEAP LIN LINE LN H X X"IONTH Y vz zv U-6 ~9 0497 Olo9~ 01098 0499 0500 0501 0502 GS03 0504" 050i 0506 0507 0509 ""9 156 165 H2 Ie 1 lelo OSH 0510 0511 0512 Z12 217 2Z9 245 0513 0514 2be 274 305 309 ,. I E l 0 N N N N. .... N N N A N H A H A N N H A N A N H A A N N H N HCNT HE TEST HON A NA'4E A P N PHY A N Pl PA .N PT A A H T[5T N N TL lLY N T"ONTH N TA N TYEAA N TYPE A UOAlE N U:lAY N U'40NTH N UYEAA N qPG II COMPILER WOAK 0492 0493 04910 0495 128 140 BYEAIt C CO N N ClY RPG II COMPILER C'40IllTH CYEAR 0491 lIb . lIB lZ6 TYPE N N N N N N 04as 0489 0490 54 51 50 84 100 103 h(;06 hG07 TAG08 TAG09 TAGIO lAGl1 TAGI2 1:.G13 TAG1" TAGI5 TAG16 TAGH lA,i18 TAG19 TAG20 TAG21 TAG22 TAG23 S 0 lit T [ PAGE 0012 68 E~O HANE 8:a~ N A H E: S lAB E l 0 N A M [ lENGTH DP 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,. 2 2 2 S PAGE 0013 ,.2 2 76 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 5 2 2 8 2 0 ,. 0545 0546 05107 0 0548 05:'9 0550 0551 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0559 0559 0560 0561 0'562 0563 0564 0565 It 2 4 1 75 2 2 2 2 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 2 4 2 2 0 0 I, 2 4 2 2 "2 056~ 0 0 0 0 0 0567 0568 05~9 057~ O· "3 0 6 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0571 0572 0573 057. 0575 0576 oS7i PAGE 0014 5 2 "22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519· 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 052!! 0529 0530 0531· 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0579 0519 0580 0581 0592 05!!3 05!s1o 0565 0586 96769410 A MACRO ASSEMBLER CODE FORMAT i_SSE 'Wi ¥&!he-Meilep. 4M!MI§¥** 5' Macro assembler format consiBts of four fields: the location field, the operation field, the address field, and the comments field. Location 96769410 A Operation Address v Comments The total width of all four fieldB combined iB 72 columns. Each field can be any length. A blank signals the end of a field. : The next nonblank character begins the next field. An aBterisk in column 1 indicateB a comment Btatement. PreBBing LINE FEED, RETURN on the operator'B conBole BignifieB the end of a statement entered from the console. The end of the card Signifies the end of a Btatement for card input. V-I INDEX eMf't e Additions to system 5-1; 6-1; 7~1; 8-1; 9-1; 10-1; 11-1 Allocatable area 4 M-1 Auto data transfer 12-1 Autoload 3-1, 3-5, 3-7, 3-8; F-1 *B P-1; Q-1 BGNMON· B-1; D-1 Bootstraps B-1; D-1 1700/cardreader 3-2 1700/magnetic tape 3-3 CYBER 18-20/card reader 3-4 CYBER 18-20/magnetic tape B-1 Deadstart C-1; D-1 Execution, 1700 3-4 Loaded program 1-1 Loading D-1 Panel mode B-1 Verification, 1700 D-1 Card reader bootstraps 3-4, 3-5 Clock, real-time 12-1 Communications region 4-1 COSY 5-1; 13-1, 13-2 Correction cards 13-1 CREP and CREP1 tables 3-7. CYBER 18-20 12-1 Deadstart deck 1-1; 3-5; D-1 Debug .3-5; M-1 Diagnostic messages 3-7 Directory listing 4-3; K-1 Disk 7-2; 12-1 Disk pack initialization 3-6; G-1 Driver, per:iphel,"3.1 12-1 Driver, pseudo tape 4-3; 7-9 Editor 12-1 End-of-file card H-1 ENDOV4 .6-13, 6-14; 7-9; 13-1 Equipment code 2-1 Error Codes, initializer E-l Messages 4-7; R-l, R-2 Mode 4-6 Recovery 4-7 Executing bootstraps 3-4 96769410 A jJ a Files Reserved 4-2 Space 7-2 thru 7-6 File manager 4-3; 5-1; M-1 Add to system 7-1 Check files F-1 Incorporating changes 7-9 Mass-storage resident 7-2 Priority M-1 SYSDAT modification 7-7 System skeleton modification 7-7 Verification test 4-3 Units 7-2 thru 7-5 Flexible disk drive 12-1 Floating point 6-1 FORTRAN 5-1; 13-2; P-1 Add to system 6-1 Compiler 4-2; 6-1, 6-3, 6-9 Compiler test 4-5; R-1; T-1 Double-precision 6-2, 6-14 Double-precision test 4-5, 4-6; R-2 Incorporating changes 6-14 Library 4-2 Library test 4-5; R-l Re-entrant double-precision test 4-5; R-2 Re-entrant library 6-1, 6-3 SYSDAT modification 6-1 System skeleton modification 6-2 Test 4-5; R-1 Hardware, requirements 2-1 Hollerith source deck 13-2 Initializer program 1-1; 3-1, 3-6 Error codes E-1 Execution 3-6 Initialization G-1 Disk packs (SMD) G-1 With MSOS 5 3-5 Installation 3-1 17 0o/bootstrap s 3-2 CYBER 18-20/bootstraps 3-4 Existing MSOS 5 3-5 Installation file 1-1;.3-1; 5-1, 5-2; 6-1; 7-1; 8-1; 9-1; 10-1; 11-1 Interrupt 2-1 Index-1 Job processor M-1 Job processor files 7-9 LIBEDT 5-1, 5-2; 9-i, 9-2, 9-4; 10-1, 10-2, 10-4; 11-1 thru 11-4 Printout J-1 IJBILD 5-1, 5-2; 6-14; 7-9; 8-6; 9-1, 9-3; 10-1, 10-3; 11-1, 11... 3; 1~-1 IJBMAC 9-1, 9-3 Library builder Test 4-5; R-l Library installation 3-7, J-1 Library, program 2-1; 11-1 Library, system 3-1; 4-2; 7-1, 7-2; M-l Library unit 7-1, 7-2 Load map 1-1 Logical, units Assignments 4-1 Listing 4-3; K-1 Macro assembler 5-1; 12-1; 13-2 Add to system 9-1 Code format V-I' Entry of installation file 9-4 Installation file 9-3 Installation file skeleton 9-3 Test 4-5; S-1 Magnetic tape bootstraps 3-3; R-1 Magnetic tape simulator '1'est 4-5 . Magnetic Tape Utility Processor (MTUP) 5-1 Add to system 11-1 Installation file 11-3 Installation file entry 11-3 Installation file skeleton 11-1 Main memory L-1 Messages Diagnostic 3-7 Verification 4-2, 4-4, 4-6; R-1, R-2 MIPRO M-1 Monitor test 4-3 Messages R-1 MSOS 3-1, 3-5; 5-1, 5-2; 12-1; G-1 MTUP . See Magnetic Tape Utility Processor N4 6-13; 7-9; 8-6; 10-3; M-1 ODE BUG 3-5 Priority M-1 Peripheral drivers 12-1 PRESET 6-1; 7-7; 8-1 IJJiex-2 Program library 3-1; 11-1 Installation 3-1; J-1 Protect F-1 Pseudo tape 4-3; 7-9 Driver 4-1 Test 4-3; R-1 PSR level 4-2; 12-1; 13-1 Real-time clock 12-1 RPG n 1-1; 3-8; 5-1 Add to system 8-1 Incorporating changes 8-6 SYSDAT modification 8-1 System skeleton modification Test 4-6; F-3; U-1 8-1 SC MM See Small Computer Maintenance Monitor SKED 5-1, 5-2; 9-1; 10-1; 11-1; 0-1; P-1 Skeleton N-1; 0-1; P-1 Skeleton generation Macro assembler 9-1 MTUP 11-1 Sort/Merge 10-1 Small Computer Maintenance Monitor M-1 . Sort/Merge 5-1 Add to system 10-1 Entering installation file 10-4 Installation file 10-1 Installation file skele~n 1~1 Test 4-6; R-2 Space requirements Allocatable area 4 M-1 Main memory 6-14; 8-6; 10-3; 13-1; L-1 Specification 12-1 Storage module disk 12-1; G-1 SYSCOP M-1 SYSDAT 1-1; 5-1, 5-2; 6-1; 7-1; 8-1 System additions 5-1 Method 1 5-1 Method 2 5-1 System initializer 1-1; 5-1 Execution 3-6 System library Installation 3-1 Ordinals 4-2 Request priorities M-1 Unit 7-1, 7~2 Test executive R-1 Test, monitor 4-3; R-1 Tests, verification 4-1 Text editor 12-1 Timer 4-1; 7-1 96769410 A Unpatched externals 3-7 Verification 1-1 Communications region 4-1 Description 4-1 Files 1-1 Logical units 4-2 Materials Q-l Messages 4-2, 4-4 MSOS elements 4-2 Operation 4-2 Ordinals 4-2 Requirements 4-1 Reserved files 4-2 Test errors 4-6 Test example 4-3, 4-4 96769410 A Tests Directory 4-3 File manager 4-3 FORTRAN 4-5; T-1 Library builder 4-5 lu 4-3 Macro assembler 4-5; 8-1 Magnetic tape simulator 4-5 Pseudo tape 4-3 RPG n 4-6, U-l Sort/Merge 4-6 Test messages R-1 Timer 4-1 Verify 4-1 Index-3 COMMENT SHEET CDC@ 5_ Version MANUAL TrrLE _ _ _ _ _ _MSOS ___ _ _ _.5' _Installation _ . . - - - -Handbook -,..-..,..-------------- PUBLICATION NO. _ _ _ 96_7_6_9_4_1_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ REVISION _ _A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NAME: ____________________________________________________ FROM BUSJNE~ ADDRE~: __________________________________________________________ COMMENTS: This form Is not intended to be used as an order blank. 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