9800451A SDK 85 Users Manual Jul77
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SDK-85 USER'S MANUAL JULY 1977 SDK-as System Design Kit Users Manual Manual Order Number 9800451 A Copyright © 1977 I ntel Corporation Intel Corporation, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95051 The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Intel Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. I ntel Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Intel Corporation makes no commitment to update nor to keep current the information contained in this manual. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of I nte l Corporation. The following are trademarks of I ntel Corporation and may be used only to describe Intel Products. ICE-3D ICE-80 INSITE INTEL INTELLEC LIBRARY MANAGER MCS MEGACHASSIS MICROMAP MULTIBUS PROMPT UPI CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 DESCRIPTION · 1-1 CHAPTER 2 HOW TO ASSEMBLE THE KIT GENERAL. GETTING ORGANIZED SELECTING TOOLS AND MATERIALS UNPACKING AND SORTING PARTS A REVIEW OF BASIC ASSEMBLY AND SOLDERING TECHNIQUES ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE. 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-6 · 2-7 CHAPTER 3 FINAL ASSEMBLY AND CHECKOUT GENERAL. STRAPPING OPTIONS POWER SUPPLY WI RING. INSTALLING LARGE IC DEVICES STARTING THE FIRST TIME WHAT IF IT DOESN'T? . CONNECTING A TELETYPEWRITER 3-1 3-1 3-1 · 3-4 · 3-6 3-7 · 3-8 CHAPTER 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS WHAT IT DOES. THE BUTTONS AND DISPLAYS Reset Substitute Memory Examine Registers Go Single Step . Vector Interrupt . Program Debugging The Use of Breakpoints Error Conditions - Illegal Key Memory Substitution Errors TELETYPEWRITER OPERATION Console Commands. Use of the Monitor for Programming and Checkout . Command Structure Display Memory Command, D Program Execute Command, G Insert Instructions into RAM, I Move Memory Command, M Substitute Memory Command, S . Examine/Modify CPU Registers Command, X Programming Debugging Breakpoint Facility. Error Conditions - Invalid Characters. Address Value Errors 4-12 4-13 4-13 4-13 CHAPTER 5 THE HARDWARE OVERVIEW SYSTEM COMPON ENTS The 8085 CPU & The System Buses The 8155. The 8355 & 8755 The 8279. The 8205. SDK-85 MEMORY ADDRESSING. INPUT/OUTPUT PORT AND PERIPHERAL DEVICE ADDRESSING. Accessing the 8279 Keyboard/Display Controller PROCESSOR INTERRUPT ALLOCATION THE SERIAL DATA INTERFACE. CONVERTER CIRCUIT FOR RS232C SERIAL PORT. ADDITIONAL INTERFACES 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 · 4-4 · 4-6 4-8 4-9 CHAPTER 6 THE SOFTWARE 4-9 4-9 · 4-9 4-9 · 4-9 THE SDK-85 MONITOR. PROGRAMMING HINTS Stack Pointer RAM-I/O Command Status Register (CSR) Access to Monitor Routines PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-11 4-11 .4-12 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-5 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 APPENDIX A MONITOR LISTING APPENDIX B DIAGRAMS iii Figure 1-1. SDK-85 System Design Kit '-0 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIPTION The MCS-85 System Design Kit (SDK-85) contains all the parts with which you can build a complete 8085 microcomputer system on a single board, and a library of MCS-85 I iterature to help you learn to use it. The finished computer has the following built-in features: SDK-as SPECIFICATIONS Central Processor CPU: 8085 Instruction Cycle: 1.3 microsecond Tc{ 330 ns • High-performance, 3~M Hz 8085 cpu (1.3 p.s instruction cycle) • Popu lar 8080A I nstruction Set • Direct Teletypewriter Interface • Interactive LED Display • Large Wire-Wrap Area for Circuit Custom-Designed • System Monitor Software in ROM Memory ROM; 2K bytes (expandable to 4K bytes) 8355 or 8755 RAM: 256 bytes (expandable to 512 bytes) 8155 Addressing: ROM 0000-07FF (expandable to OFFF with an additional 8355 or 8755) RAM 200020FF (2800-28FF available with an additional 8155) Input/Output You can assemble the kit in as little as 3 to 5 hours, depending upon your skill and experience at building electronic kits. Only a 5 Volt power source capable of delivering 1.3 Amperes is then needed to make the computer operate, using its built-in display and keyboard. If you wish to interface a Teletypewriter to the SDK-85, you will also need a -10 Volt power supply. After you have completed the basic kit, you may expand both memory and I/O by adding more RAM-I/O or ROM-I/O devices in the spaces provided for that purpose. Other spaces are allocated for bus expansion drivers and buffers that allow you to address and use external devices located either in the wire-wrap area of the board or off the board. You can, for example, access up to 64K of external memory via the expansion bus. Parallel: 38 lines (expandable to 76 lines). Serial: Through SI D/SOD ports of 8085. Software generated baud rate. Baud Rate: 110 Interfaces Bus: All signals TTL compatible. Parallel liD: All signals TTL compatible. Serial I/O: 20 mA current loop TTY. Note: By populating the buffer area of the board, you have access to all bus signals which enable you to design custom system expansions into the kit's wire-wrap area. 1-1 Interrupts Three Levels: • Intellec® (RST 7.5) - Keyboard Interrupt (RST 6.5) - TTL Input (lNTR) - TTL Input DMA MDS Brochure • ICE-85 Data Sheet • PL/M-80 Data Sheet • 8085/8080 Assembly Language Reference Card Physical Characteristics Hold Request: Jumper selectable. TTL compatible input. Width: 12.0 in. Height: 10 in. Software Depth 0.50 in. System Monitor: Preprogrammed 8755 or 8355 ROM Weight: approx. 12 oz. Addresses: 0000-07 F F I/O: Keyboard/Display or TTY (serial I/O) Literature Vce: +5V ± 5% 1.3A VTTY : -10V ± 10% 0.3A (VTTy required only if teletypewriter is to be connected to the kit) Design Library (Provided with kit): Environ mental • SDK-85 User's Manual • MCS-85 User's Manual Operating Temperature: 0-55° C • 8080/8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual Figure 1-2. Finished Computer 1-2 CHAPTER 2 HOW TO ASSEMBLE THE KIT 2-1 GENERAL Don't unpack your parts yet. Do a little reading first, and you may save yourself time and expense. I CAUTION I The metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices in this kit are susceptible to static electricity. Do not remove them from the protective, black foam backing sheet until you have read the precautions and instructions in paragraph 2-4. way, there won't be any surprises later. Take your time. Don't rush, and don't skip over qualitychecking each step you perform. Desoldering, removing, and replacing just one DIP component because it was not oriented properly when first installed will cost you more time than doublechecking all of them. Your objective is surely to produce a working computer, not to win a race. 2-2 This manual was published only after the assembly of several kits by a number of persons of varying experience. In this chapter you will find virtually everything you need to know to put together your MCS-85 System Design Kit. There are suggestions for laying out an efficient work area. All of the tools and materials you need are described in a checklist. There is a complete and detailed parts list. Basic assembly and soldering techniques are reviewed. Following the step-bystep assembly instructions in this chapter, you can't go wrong. If you're an experienced kitbuilder, you already know that it's not a bad idea to read through this entire chapter first, before starting the job. That GETTING ORGANIZED Before starting work, it's a good idea to plan and organize your workplace. Be sure you have room to accommodate this book, lying open, and also the circuit board, along with tools and the hot soldering pencil. Unless you have the cordless, battery-powered soldering instrument, you'll want to arrange its cord out of the way to keep from accidentally pulling the soldering pencil off its holder. A muffin pan, an egg carton, or some small boxes cou Id be used to sort parts into, if you don't have the traditional plastic, compartmented parts boxes. It might be helpful, too, to write the part values and reference designators on small cards as you sort them, and put these with the parts for quick identification. Arrange everything within comfortable reach, and you'll do the job quickly with little chance of errors. 2-1 2-3 SELECTING TOOLS AND MATERIALS These tools and materials will be required to assemble the kit: o o o o o Needle-nose pliers Sma" Phillips screwdriver Small diagonal cutters Soldering pencil, not more than 30 watts, with extra-small-diameter tip. (1/16 in. isn't too sma".) You should also have a secure holder for it. Rosin-core solder, 60:40 (60% tin), sma" diameter (,05 in, or less) wire Note: o M PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER NEEDLE-NOSE PLIERS SOLDE~ Soldering paste is not needed. The solder wi" contain sufficient flux. Volt-Ohm-Mi"iammeter DIAGONAL CUTTERS fr 11 It is also useful to have the following: o Soldering aid, with a small-tipped fork at one end and a reamer at the other, to help in coaxing component leads into holes and manipulating sma" parts. If you should happen to make a soldering error and have to remove solder from joints, the job wi" be made much, much easier if you have the following: o o o Solder sucking device, either the bulb variety (shown) or the pump variety Large-area desoldering tip for your soldering pencil, to spread heat over several leads of an I C device at the same time Length of copper braid to sop up solder like a sponge Note: 2-2 It is extremely difficult to remove DIP components using just a soldering pencil. I 01I /\ U SOLDER SUCKER VOL T-OHM-MILLIAMMETER DESOLDERING ~ IP/." ~/ i SOLDERING AID 2-4 UNPACKING AND SORTING PARTS The MCS-85 System Design Kit is shipped skinpacked on a card that includes a conductive backing to protect its metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices from static charge. Don't remove the four larger-size I ntel devices from the foam backing until you have completed all of the instructions in this chapter and are ready to place them on the board. As a further protection against possible damage, these four devices are to be installed in sockets, rather than soldered on the board. With a knife or sharp-pointed scissors, slit the film around the edges of the small-parts bags in the lower left corner of the skin-pack and remove them. First, open the bag of hardware and check to be sure you have: D 9 rubber feet • D 9 Nylon spacers, 7/16 in. long D 9 screws, 3/4 in. long D 18 Nylon washers D 9 nuts I CAUTION I Don't remove the other components from the skin-pack. The black foam backing is an electrically conductive material that protects the integratedcircuit devices from static electricity as well as from physical damage to their leads and ceramic substrates. Underneath the two bags of small parts and hardware will be found: D Red plastic window (covered with protective paper) D Two strips of double-coated adhesive tape RED PLASTIC WINDOW (FILTER) ~ @)MiMmnm@II@@My@ @ ADHESIVE TAPE @ 2-3 Next, open the bag of electrical parts and sort them out by type and value. Give yourself plenty of unobstructed work space and try not to let tiny parts skitter away from you. The bag should yield the following: Resistor, 1 /2 Watt o 100 Ohm (brownblack-brown) R1 Resistors, 1/4 Watt Resistors, 1 Watt1.22 Figure 3-8 Strapping Options for Bus Expansion Control Lines Figure 3-9 Strapping Options for all External Memory Figure 3-10 Strapping Options for Internal/ External Memory 3-5 I CAUTION I Large-scale integrated circuits are fragile! Dropping, twisting, or uneven pressure may break them. The discharge of static electricity can destroy them internally. Leave them embedded in the conductivefoam backing sheet until ready to install on the board. Never press down hard upon, twist, or bend the larger devices. Touch the exposed metal traces of the board with your hand before inserting one in its socket. The soldering of large devices directly on the circuit board is not recommended. if your Kit is provided with 8755 EPROM, do not remove the opaque sticker covering the window. Ultraviolet radiation including sunlight, can erase the monitor software contained in the device. Inspect each IC to see that its leads are reasonably straight. (It's okay for the device to be a bit bowlegged.) The forked end of the soldering aid is a good tool for straightening bent leads. Carefully place an I C on its intended socket, oriented properly, with one row of its pins resting lightly in the socket holes. With your fingers or with the soldering aid, gently tease the other row of pins into their socket holes. Be sure no single pins have escaped. Once all pins have started, press down gently with fingers or with something flat to seat the device in its socket. Each device must be oriented properly in its socket or it won't work. Every DIP device made has either a notch of some kind or a dot at one end. On the SDK-85 board, each notch or mark must face to the left. The markings on the board indicate this orientation. They also show which device type goes where. (See the pictorials on pages 2-5 and 2-6.) 3-6 3-5 STARTING THE FIRST TIME Once you are certain that all parts are properly installed, the correct strapping options are soldered, and the power supplies connected, you are ready to start your MCS-85 System Design Computer. Clear the surface of your work table of any tools or wire that could come in contact with the underside of the circuit board and short it, and be sure there aren't any wire clippings on top of the board by accident. Peel the coverings from the red window and lay it on the display. (Don't stick it down yet.) Energize the +5 Volt power supply. 8 Press the button on the keyboard. The display should respond by reading out "- 80 85." If the above readout appears, go on to Chapter 4 of this book and tryout each button and function. Verify that each command produces the specified result, and that all segments of each 7-segment character display light. Once you know the displays are all working right, peel the backing from the two strips of doublesided tape and use them to stick the red window in place. 3-6 WHAT IF IT DOESN'T? If there is no response to the 8 command, D Use the multimeter to check for the presence and proper polarity of +5 Volts on the board. D Check all of the strapping connections, and be sure they are in the right places for the configuration you chose. D Check carefully the seating of each and every pin of each of the four large ICs. Be sure no pins have accidentally bent over and missed the socket. D Go back over the Chapter 2 assembly procedure and scan and check off all of the component values and all of the solder connections. o Check the orientation of all semiconductor devices. D I nspect for solder bridges or loose solder joints. If all devices are properly soldered or firmly in their sockets and still there's no result, it can be presu med that there is a bad part somewhere. The keyboard switches can be checked using the multimeter, as mentioned in Chapter 2. 1f all switches are closing positively when pressed, and opening when released, further effective troubleshooting can be accomplished if you have a dual-trace oscilloscope of at least 5 M Hz bandwidth, or a logic analyzer. The numbers are: (800) - 538-9311 when calling from outside California (800)- 672-3507 California only Note: TABLE 3-5 INTERFACE CONNECTOR J7 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN D D D D Pin 37 of cpu A 11 (8085) should show a ciock output of 3.072 MHz (326 ns period). . If it doesn't, there's something wrong with the 8085 or the crystal. Pin 30 of A 11 should have a positive-going pulse about 160 ns wide every J.1S or so. This is the ALE pulse that indicates that the cpu is executing instructions. Pin 1 of address decoder A 10 (8~05) should pulse. If not, your 8085 is probably bad. If pin 1 of A 10 pulses, check pin 15 of A 10. If A 10-15 doesn't follow A 10-1, or has bad output voltage levels, the 8205 is either bad or installed wrong. If all else fails, call the Intel Service Hotline and describe the results of the foregoing procedure. 14 - 15 - 2 3 16 4 17 ~ 18 - 19 - 6 7 - 20 - 21 - 8 - 9 22 - - 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 MARKING - 1 5 D The Service Hotline is available to provide limited support to help you get your kit running. If we can't help you over the phone, you may be directed to return your kit to us and we'll fix it for a flat fee and send it back to you. The Service Hotline is available Monday through Friday, between 8 AM and 5 PM, Pacific time. RXRX+ TXTX+ ASSIGNMENT Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Ground Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Receive Return (-) Receive (+) Transmit Return (-) Transmit (+) 3-7 3-7 CONNECTING A TELETYPEWRITER If you wish to use a teletypewriter with your SOK-85 computer, connect it at Interface Connector J7 as shown in Table 3-5. You may use either a male connector or a female connector. (See Table 3-11.) Only four pins of this connector are assigned for Teletypewriter use; the remaining pins may be wire-wrapped to serve any function you choose. TABLE 3-6 BUS EXPANSION CONNECTOR J1 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT UI'IU ,..1\1,", ..I L. GNO 3 4 GNO 5 GNO ASSIGNMENT MARKING .... - 1/0 OPEN - ClK Buffered ClK 6 S1 Buffered S1 7 8 SO Buffered SO GNO 9 10 ALE Buffered ALE a a a a GNO 11 12 HLOA Buffered H LOA 0 GNO GNO I 13 15 II 14 16 I HOLD I Buffered HO LO -- INTA/ Buffered I NTA I I a GNO 17 18 INTR INTR GNO 19 20 RST 6.5 Buffered RST 6.5 I GNO 21 22 RST Buffered RESET OUT a GNO 23 24 RSTIN/ RESET INPUT I GNO 25 26 07 Buffered 07 I/O GNO 27 28 Buffered 06 I/O GNO 29 30 Buffered 05 I/O GNO 31 32 Buffered 04 I/O GNO 33 34 Buffered 03 I/O Buffered 02 I/O Buffered D1 I/O Buffered DO I/O GNO GND GND 3-8 PIN PIN I II en :::> en 36 « ~ « a 38 I I DO I TABLE 3-7 BUS EXPANSION CONNECTOR J2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT GND PIN PIN 1 2 MARKING RDY ASSIGNMENT I/O I READY - 0 RDI Buffered WR Buffered RD 8 101M Buffered 101M 0 9 10 A15 Buffered A 15 0 GND 11 12 Buffered A 14 0 GND 13 14 Buffered A 13 0 GND 15 16 Buffered A 12 0 GND 17 18 Buffered A 11 0 GND 19 20 Buffered A 10 0 GND 3 4 WRI GND 5 6 GND 7 GND Cf) 0 GND 21 22 ::) Buffered A9 0 GND 23 24 Cf) Cf) Buffered A8 0 Buffered A7 0 Buffered A6 0 Buffered A5 0 en w a:::: 0 0 GND 25 26 GND 27 28 GND 29 30 GND 31 32 Buffered A4 0 GND 33 34 Buffered A3 0 GND 35 36 Buffered A2 0 GND 37 38 Buffered A 1 0 GND 39 40 Buffered AO 0 « AO 3-9 TABLE 3-8 I/O PORT CONNECTOR J3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN PIN Pl-6* 1 2 Pl-4 3 4 Pl-2 5 6 P1-0 7 8 PO-6 9 10 PO-4 11 12 PO-2 13 14 PO-O 15 16 P9-6 17 18 P9-4 19 20 P9-2 21 22 P9-0 23 24 P8-6 25 26 P8-4 27 ASSIGNMENT P8-2 29 P8-0 31 32 GROUND 33 34 *Note: 3-10 28 " ASSIGNMENT MARKING l Pl-7 Pl-5 PORT 1 J Pl-3 l PO-7 J PO-3 l P9-7 J l P9-3 P1-1 PO-5 PORTO PO-1 P9-5 PORT9 I 30 PORTS P9-1 P8-7 I J 1. Pn-m stands for PORT n Bit m (e.g. P9-6 means PORT 9H Bit 6). 2. Ports 0 & 1 are Ports A and B of 8355 (A 14). 3. Ports 8 & 9 are Ports A and B of 8755 (A 15). P8-5 P8-3 P8-1 GROUND I TABLE 3-9 I/O PORT CONNECTOR J4 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN PIN MARKING ASSIGNMENT P23H-4 1 2 P23H-5 P23H-2 3 4 P23H-0 5 6 l PORT 23H J P22H-6 7 8 P22H-4 9 10 P22H-2 11 12 P22H-0 13 14 P21 H-6 15 16 P21 H-4 17 18 P21 H-2 19 20 P21 H-O 21 22 OPEN 23 24 OPEN GROUND 25 26 GROUND ASSIGNMENT Note: Port 21 H is Port A Port 22H is Port B Port 23H is Port C I P23H-3 P23H-1 l P22H-7 J l P22H-3 PORT 22H PORT 21 H J P22H-5 P22H-1 P21 H-7 P21 H-5 P21 H-3 P21 H-1 of 8155 (A16). 3-11 TABLE 3-10 1/0 PORT AND TIMER CONNECTOR J5 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN PIN MARKING ASSIGNMENT P2BH-4 1 2 P2BH-5 P2BH-2 3 4 P2BH-0 5 6 1 PORT 2BH J P2AH-6 7 8 P2AH-4 9 10 P2AH-2 11 12 P2AH-0 13 14 ASSIGNMENT O')QU I a. 11:: I~ L.oJ I I-V 17 18 P29H-2 19 20 P29H-0 21 22 23 24 - 25 GROUND i I Ii 26 l P2AH-7 J P2AH-3 P2AH-5 P2AH-1 -, P29H-7 r PORT 29H P29H-5 J P29H-3 P29H-1 Timer In TIMER OUT/IN II Port 29H is Port A } Port 2AH is Port B of expansion RAM 8155 (A 17). Port 2BH is Port C Timer is on the same 8155 (A 17). 3-12 P2BH-1 PORT 2AH ...10 "" P29H-4 Timer OUT Note: I P2BH-3 i GROUND TABLE 3-11 SUGGESTED CONNECTOR TYPES REFERENCE DESIGNATION FUNCTION NO.OF PINS MFR. MFR'S. PART NO. J1 Bus Expansion 40 3M 3432-4005 J2 Bus Expansion 40 3M 3432-4005 J3 I/O Ports 34 3M 3431-4005 J4 I/O Ports 26 3M 3429-4005 J5 I/O Ports and Timer 26 3M 3429-4005 J6 Not Used J7 TTY Interface Female} . Male Optional AMP AMP 206584 206604 - Power Supply 25 6 Molex 3-13 CHAPTER 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4-1 WHAT IT DOES The things you can do with the basic SDK-85 kit are: • Examine the contents of all memory and register locations • Deposit program steps or data in RAM or register locations ~ Execute programs command or subroutines upon i.e., only the last four or the last two digits entered wi II be accepted. As noted, the number system being used in the SD K-85 is the hexadecimal, or base-16 number system. Table 4-1 Iists the hexadecimal, decimal (base 10), and binary (base two) equivalents. The table also shows how each hex digit will appear in the seven-segment LE D displays. • Reset (start) the monitor upon command TABLE 4-1 NUMBER SYSTEMS • I nterrupt and start operation at a location you specify upon command You may select either the keyboard and display on the board or a teletypewriter as the console device by operating a switch or by placing a jumper wire at the appropriate place on the board. (See Chapter 3.) Keyboard/display operation and teletypewriter operation are described separately in the following paragraphs. Two of the keyboard buttons continue to function in teletypewriter mode, as well as in keyboard/display mode. These are the and the @ill keys. 8 4-2 THE BUTTONS AND DISPLAYS Keyboard/display operation is done by pressing keys on the keypad. Responses are displayed either by echoing the key pressed or by prompting you with a message or prompt. When the button is pressed, the monitor is ready to accept commands. For numeric arguments, the valid range is from 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits for address information and 1 to 2 hex digits for register and memory data. 8 Longer numbers may be entered, but such numbers will be evaluated modulo 2 16 or 2 8 respectively, HEX DECIMAL BINARY LED DISPLAY a a 0000 L' 1 1 0001 2 2 0010 3 3 0011 4 4 0100 5 5 0101 6 6 0110 7 7 0111 8 8 1000 9 9 1001 A 10 1010 B 11 1011 C 12 1100 ,--, =,-, '-I ,':1,:,,--, , ,-, '3 ,-,-, ,-,,-, /:, ,- D 13 1101 ,:1 E 14 1110 F 15 1111 ,-, ,, '- ,-,,-,- 4-1 Whenever the monitor expects a command, the display shows a dash ("_") at the left edge of the address field (possibly along with an error message). When the monitor expects a parameter, a decimal point wili be displayed at the right edge of the field into which the argument will be placed. A parameter will be either an address or a byte of data which is used during the execution of a command. In the descriptions of the command modes, upper case letters and numbers enclosed in boxes represent keyboard keys. Words or phrases in lower case enclosed in brackets "<>" describe the nature of Substitute Memory: ~ E] «data» E]«data» ... ~ The substitute memory command allows you to read the contents of ROM memory and to examine and modify the contents of RAM memory locations. The address argument denotes the contents of the memory address to be examined, and may be from 1 to 4 hex digits. If you enter longer numbers, only the last 4 digits entered are used). As soon as the number is terminated by the key, the contents B:.J nf th::.t Inl"::.tinn ::.ra chntAln Iin +ho rI",+", fiolrl ",1" .... 1"1 ...................... " ' ' ' ' ......... .....,., """'.'" .... I I V V V I I II \"AUl.U II""IU , ~llv The () in the Format Statement indicates an optional argument. UIVII~ with a decimal point at the right edge of the field. Entering a new number will cause that number to be displayed in the data field; however, the contents of the memory location will not be changed until an ~ or E] key is pressed. Reset: The EJ key causes a hardware reset, and starts the monitor. The message iI-80 85" will be displayed across the address and data field of the display if you are in display-keyboard mode. If in teletypewriter mode, the sign on message "SDK-85 VER X.X" will be printed. The monitor is ready to accept a command after a reset, and saves no information about the state of any user program before the reset. 4-2 Pressing B:J will place the contents displayed iii the data field into the displayed memory address. Then the address and contents of the next higher memory location will automatically be shown. Pressing ~ will place the contents displayed in the data field into the memory address displayed in the address field, and will also terminate the command. Pressing B:Jwhile the address FFFF is being displayed will cause address 0000 to be displayed. Whenever the command changes the contents of a memory location, it also verifies that the change has occurred correctly. If the contents of the location do not agree with what the new value should be (i.e., if the memory location is in ROM or is nonexistent), an error message is generated. SUBSTITUTE MEMORY EXAMPLE 2 Using ~ to enter a small program: ADDR KEY DATA ~ MEM SUBSTITUTE MEMORY EXAMPLE 1 sing ~ MEM to U' locations: KEY list the first ADDR few Monitor DATA ~ MEM [I] ~ ~ ~ ~ El 0000. CD 0002. [IJ 0020. 0 0 0200. ~ 2000 ** rn 2000 03. CD 2000 3E. ~ 2001 ** G1J 2001 04. 2000. 0000 3E. GrJ 2001 47. 0001 00. ~ 2002 ** 0002 32. [I] 2002 OC. 0003 00. eD 2002 CF. ~ NOTE: ** represents unpredictable values. After loading the above program, use ~ again to go back and check locations 20002002 to see that they contain: ADDRESS DATA CORRESPONDING 8085 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONS 2000 3E MVI A, 47H 2001 47 2002 CF RST 1 This program will load the A register with the number 47 and jump back to the monitor. 4-3 Examine Registers: ~ B:J «data» B:J «data» TABLE 4-2 REGISTER DISPLAY SEQUENCE ... ~ KEY /DISPLA Y CODE The examine command allows you to display and modify the contents of the 8085 CPU registers. Pressing the·~ key blanks both the address and data fields, and displays a decimal point at the right edge of the address field. At this point, you must press a register key (register names are denoted by legends on the keyboard). Any other key will generate an error response. If a register key is pressed, the name of the register will appear in the address field, and the contents of the register will appear in the data field, along with a decimal point at the right hand edge. Entering a number will cause the number to be displayed in the data field; however, the contents of the register will not be changed until an ~ or key is pressed. A CPU register A B CPU register B C CPU register C 0 CPU register 0 E CPU register E F CPU flags byte I interrupt mask H CPU register H l CPU register l SPH most significant byte of stack poi nter SPl least significant byte of stack pointer PCH most significant byte of program counter PCl least significant byte of program counter B:J B:J Pressing will place the contents displayed in the data field into the register named in the address field, then will display the name and contents of the next register in sequence (See Table4-2). Pressing ~ will place the contents displayed in the data field in the register named in the address field, and will also terminate the command. B:J Pressing while register PCl is being displayed has the same effect as pressing ~ . REGISTER The flag byte contains the 8085 CPU's condition flags. The format for the flag byte is: The format for the I register is the lower 4 bits of the accumu lator following execution of a RIM instruction. A "1" in an interrupt mask field denotes a masked condition. A "0" must be entered to use that interrupt. 7 0 Islzlxl~lxlplxlcl t ttL I ~PARITV I CARRY ~.---------------AUXCARRy ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ZERO ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIGN The format for the I register is: 7 X = UNDEFINED 0 I I I I I ~ 17~! 6~515~51 0 0 0 0 t' i INTERRUPT MASK INTERRUPT ENABLE FLAG 4-4 For more information about the 8085's flags and interrupt mask feature, consult the MCS-85 User's Manual. EXAMINE REGISTER EXAMPLE 1 EXAMINE REGISTER EXAMPLE 2 Using ~ to initialize the 8085's stack pointer to 20C8: Using ~ to examine the contents of the 8085's Registers: KEY ADDR DATA ADDR KEY DATA ~ fExAMl ~ REG SPH ** 0 SPH 02. SPH 20. SPL ** SPL OC. SPl C8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** b ** C ** d ** E ** F ** ** EJ ~ or A H ** l ** SPH ** SPl ** PCH ** PCl ** EJ NOTE: ** represents the contents of the register whose name is in the address field of the display. 4-5 Go: o «address» ~ 0 Pressing the key causes the contents of the program counter (PCH and PCL) to be displayed in the addressed field, along with a decimal point at the right edge of the fieid. The program counter is available for change, and any number entered (a number is optional) becomes the new contents of the program counter. Pressing the ~ key transfers control of the CPU to the address in the address field (contents of the program counter). Before the transfer of control, the address and data display fields are cleared, and an 'E' is displayed at the left edge of the address field. Pressing any other key but ~ generates an error message. The monitor regains control of the CPU only after a or after execution of an RST 0, RST 1; or JMP 0 instruction in program. 8 Note that because of the way the GO and SI NG LE STEP commands are implemented in the Monitor, Gand SJ~~E will not work unless the 8085's stack pointer is pointing to an existing portion of RAM memory. If at any time these two commands don't seem to be working, set SPH to 20 and SPL to C8 using ~, then try it again. (Locations 20C8 to 20F F are reserved for the monitor program, therefore the stack pointer must be set to 20C8 or lower so as not to interfere with the monitor.) 4-6 GO COMMAND EXAMPLE Now you can execute the program you entered in Example 2 of the ~ command. First, check to make sure the 3- location program is in memory, then the program will be executed. Recall that this small program loads the A register with the nu mber 47 and restarts the monitor. To verify that the A register now holds 47 and to get more practice using ~ try the following sequence: KEY KEY ADDR DATA COMMENTS ADDR DATA COMMENT 47. A reg now I'EiAMl fSiiBsTl ~ ~ 0002. A holds 47. 0020. 00. A 0200. 2000. ~ ~ ~ ~ Now A holds 2000 3E. 2001 47. 2002 CF. o MVI A, 47 ** **** 0002. RST 1 0020. **** ** 0200. 0002. 2000. 0020. 0200. - 80 85 A 47 I'EiAMl ~ 2000. - 80 Run the small Program again 85 Now A holds 47 again NOTE: * * * * denotes "don't care" values Now try placing other values in location 2001 using ~ and use ~ to execute the program again, seeing how those values are loaded into the A register after execution. 4-7 Single Step: SJ~W «address» EJ EJ ... ~ Pressing the S~~~~E key causes the contents of the program counter (PCH and PCl) to be displayed in the address field of the display along with a decimal point at the right hand edge of the field. The data field contains the contents of the address denoted by the contents of the program counter. The program counter is made available for change, and any number entered (a number is optional) becomes the new contents of the program counter. EJ Pressing the key causes the CPU to execute the one instruction pointed to by the program counter. After execution the monitor regains control of the CPU, and the address and data fields show the new contents of the program counter (address of next instruction to execute) and contents of the byte addressed by the program counter, respectively. The decimal point is turned on at the right hand edge of the address field, indicating that the program counter is available again. If the ~ key is pressed, no instruction is executed. The address displayed in the address field is made the contents of the program counter and the single step command is terminated. You may now examine or modify registers and memory locations to verify program execution. Pressing the SJ~~~E key takes you back to the single step mode, and subsequent pressing of the key allows you to continue, instruction by instruction, through your program. EJ 4-8 Single stepping is implemented in the SOK-85 hardware by repeatedly interrupting the processor. Since interrupts cannot be recognized during the EI and 01 instructions of the 8085, single step will not stop at either of these instructions. SINGLE STEP EXAMPLE Single stepping through the SOK-85 Monitor. This is what you should see on the display: KEY ADDR SINGLE STEP **** rn DATA ** 000a. EJ EJ OOOb. E1 OOOC. 22 fNOOl L.....J OOOF. r- r- EJ 0010. E1 ro To resume full speed operation at this point, do the following: ~ G 0010. E1 ~ - 80 85 Vector Interrupt: G The @[J key is similar to the key in the respect that it takes control away from the monitor and gives it to another program. The interrupt key causes immediate recognition of RST 7.5 interrupt and control passes to location 3C in the monitor. This location contains an unconditional branch to instruction location 2004 in user RAM. You may place any instruction you wish in Locations 2004 thru 2006 (e.g., a branch to a keyboard interrupt routine). The monitor does not regain control without specific action (a command, or a RST 0, RST 1, orJMP 0 program instruction). In branching back to the monitor, unless the RST 1 instruction is executed, the monitor loses all past information about the user program. 8 Since an interrupt is recognized by the hardware, the monitor cannot clear the display; thus the display may remain unchanged after interrupt. IMPORTANT: Two conditions must be satisfied for the Vector Interrupt feature to be enabled: 1. I nterrupts must be enabled (by executing an EI instruction). 2. RST 7.5 must be unmasked (mask reset by the SI M instruction or by modifying the 1- Register). To resume execution of the user program, press The PC value of the next instruction appears in the address field of the display. Then press ~ to continue execution. G. Error Conditions - Illegal Key If a key is pressed which is illegal in its context (e.g., a command key is pressed when the monitor is expecting a number), the command is aborted and an error message is generated. Th is message takes the form "-Err", displayed in the address field. The monitor is then ready to accept a command. The error message will be cleared when a command key is pressed. Therefore, you can cancel a command before you press or ~ by pressing any illegal key instead. B:J Memory Substitution Errors If the substitute memory command determines that the contents of a memory location were not changed correctly (i.e. location is in ROM or is nonexistent), the command is aborted and an error message is generated. This message also takes the form "-Err", displayed in the address field. The monitor is then ready to accept a new command. The error message will be cleared when a command key is pressed. 4-3 TELETYPEWRITER OPERATION Console Commands Program Debugging - The Use of Breakpoints Along with the "cold start" reset caused when the button is pressed, the monitor also implements a "warm start" procedure. Execution of an RST 1 instruction will cause the monitor to enter this "warm start" routine. The monitor will display the same message as a (/-80 85'), but all registers and user memory will be preserved in the state they were in at the time of execution of the RST 1. No system reset or initialization will be performed. 8 8 By placing RST 1 instructions at key RAM locations where you want to examine the CPU status, you can break from your program and then examine and set memory locations and registers, or single-step a portion of your program. This portion of the SOK-85 monitor communicates via a teletypewriter (console). Operation consists of dialogue between the operator and the monitor in the monitor's command language. After you press the button on the SOK-85 keypad, the monitor begins the dialogue by typing a sign-on message on the console ("MCS-85 Kit") and then requests a command by typing a prompt character ("."). Commands are in the form of a single alphabetic character specifying the command, followed by a list of numeric or alphabetic parameters. Numeric parameters are entered as hexadecimal numbers. The monitor recognizes the characters 0 through 9 and A through F as legal hexadecimal digits. Longer numbers may be entered, but only the last four digits will be retained. 8 4-9 The only command requiring an alphabetic parameter is the IIX" command. The nature of such parameters will be discussed in the section explaining the command. Display Memory Command, D: o , Selected areas of addressable memory may be accessed and displayed by the 0 command. The o command produces a formatted listing of the memory contents between and , inclusive, on the console. Each line of the listing begins with the address of the first memory location displayed on that line, represented as 4 hexadecimal digits, followed by up to 16 memory locations, each one represented by 2 hexadecimal digits. Use of the Monitor for Programming and Checkout The monitor aiiows you to enter, check out, and execute small programs. It contains facilities for memory display and modification, 8085 CPU register display and modification, program loading from the console device, and program initiation with a breakpoint facility. I n addition, the 11[] key on the keyboard may be used to initiate your own keyboard interrupt routine. Command Structure I n the following paragraphs, the monitor command language is discussed. Each command is described, and examples of its use are included for clarity. Error conditions that may be encountered while operating the monitor are described on page 4-13. Program Execute Command, G: G «entry point» The monitor requires each command to be terminated by a carriage return. With the exception of the liS" and 'X" commands, the command is not acted upon until the carriage return is sensed. Therefore, you may abort any command, before entering the carriage return, by typing any illegal character (such as RUBOUT). Control of the CPU is transferred from the monitor to the user program by means of the program execute command G. The entry point should be an address in RAM which contains an instruction in the program. If no entry point is specified, the monitor uses, as an address, the value on top of the stack when the monitor was entered. Except where indicated otherwise, a single space is synonymous with the comma for use as a delimiter. Consecutive spaces or commas, or a space or comma immediately following the command letter, are illegal in all commands except the "X" command (see below). G COMMAND EXAMPLE G2000 Control is passed to location 2000. Items enclosed in parentheses "( )11 are optional. D COMMAND EXAMPLE 09,26 0009 EF 20 E1 22 F2 20 F5 0010 E1 22 ED 20 21 00 00 0020 05 C3 3F 00 C3 57 01 4-10 39 22 F4 20 21 ED 20 F9 C5 Insert Instructions into RAM, I: I Single instructions, or an entire user program, are entered into RAM with the I command. After sensing the carriage return terminating the command line, the monitor waits for the user to enter a string of hexadecimal digits (O to 9, A to F). Each digit in the string is converted into its binary value, and then loaded into memory, beginning at the starting address specified and continuing into sequential memory locations. Two hexadecimal digits are loaded into each byte of memory. Separators between digits (spaces, commas, carriage returns) are ignored; illegal characters, however, will terminate the command with an error message (see page 4-13). The character ESC or AL TMODE (which is echoed to the console as 1/$") terminates the digit string. I COMMAND EXAMPLE 1 Move Memory Command, M: M , , The M command moves the contents of memory between and inclusive, to the area of RAM beginning at . The contents of the source field remain undisturbed, unless the receiving field overlaps the source field. The move operation is performed on a byte-by-byte basis, beginning at . Care should be taken if is between and . For example, if location 2010 contains 1A, the command M2010, 201 F 2011 will result in locations 2010 to 2020 containing 1/1 A 1A 1A ... ", and the original contents of memory will be lost. The monitor will continue to move data until the source field is exhausted, or until it reaches address FFFF. If the monitor reaches FFFF without exhausting the source field, it will move data into this location, then stop. 12010 112233445566778899$ This command puts the following pattern into RAM: M COMMAND EXAMPLE 2010 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 M2010, 204F, 2050 64 bytes of memory are moved from 2010204F to 2050-208F by this command. I COMMAND EXAMPLE 2 12040 123456789$ This command puts the following pattern into RAM: 2040 12 34 56 78 90 Note that since an odd number of hexadecimal digits was entered initially, a zero was appended to the digit string. 4-11 SUDstitute Memory Command, S: X TABLE 4-3 COMMAND REGISTER IDENTIFIERS S «data» IDENTIFIER The S command allows you to examine and optionally modify memory locations individually. The command functions as follows: 1. CODE Type an S, followed by the hexadecimal address of the first memory location you wish to examine, followed by a space or comma. 2. The contents of the location are displayed, followed by a dash (-). REGISTER A Register A B Register B C Register C 0 Register 0 E Register E F Flags byte I nterrupt Mask 3. To modify the contents of the location displayed, type in the new data, followed by a space, comma, or carriage return. If you do not wish to modify the location, type only the space, comma, ~Uage;;tea.~,l. The next higher memory location will automatically be displayed as in step (2). 4. H Register H L Register L M Registers H and L combined S Stack Pointer P Program Cou nter Type a carriage return. The S command will be terminated. S COMMAND EXAMPLE S2050 AA- BB-CC 01-13 23-24 Location 2050, which contains AA, is unchanged, but location 2051 (which used to contain BB) now contains CC, 2052 (which used to contain 01) now contains 13, and 2053 (which used to contain 23) now contains 24. The command operates as follows: 1. Type an X, followed by a register identifier or a carriage return. 2. The contents of the register are displayed (two hexadecimal digits for A, B, C, 0, E, F, I, H, and L, four hexadecimal digits for M, S, & P), followed by a dash (-). 3. The register may be modified at this time by typing the new value, followed by a space, comma, or carriage return. If no modification is desired, type only the space, comma, or carriage return. 4. If a space or comma is typed in step (3), the next register in sequence will be displayed as in step 2 (unless P was just displayed which case the command is terminated). If a carriage return is entered in step 3, the X command is terminated. Examine/Modify CPU Registers Command, X: x «register identifier» Display and modification of the CPU registers is accomplished via the X command. The X command uses to select the particular register to be displayed. A register identifier is a single alphabetic character denoting a register, as defined in Table 4-3. 4·12 5. If a carriage return is typed in step (1) above, an annotated list of all registers and their contents is displayed. Note: The bits in the flag byte (F) and interrupt mask (I) are encoded as follows: Error Conditions - Invalid Characters Each character is checked as it is entered from the console. As soon as the monitor determines that the last character entered is illegal in its context, it aborts the command and issues an "*" to indicate the error. The format for the F register: 7 0 Islzlxl~lxlplxlcl 1 , L t INVALID CHARACTER EXAMPLE CARRY ~PARITY ~-------------- AUXCARRY ~---------------------ZERO L...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIGN D2000,205G* The character G was encountered in a parameter list where only hexadecimal digits and delimiters are valid. X = UNDEFINED The format for the I register: 7 I 0 0 I a I a I a I ~ 17~ 16~515~ I t' • INTERRUPT MASK INTERRUPT ENABLE FLAG Address Value Errors Note: For more information on the 8085's interrupt masks, please consult the MCS-85 User's Manual. Program Debugging - Breakpoint Facility The monitor treats the RST 1 instruction (CF) as a special sequence initiator. Upon execution of an RST 1 instruction the monitor will automatically save the complete CPU status and output the signon message "MCS-85 Kit" to the console. You may at that time display the contents of the CPU status register by initiating an "X" command. After examining the machine status and making any necessary changes you can resume execution of the program by inputting "G" and Carriage Return on the console. You can step through large portions of your program by inserting RST 1 instructions at key locations. Some commands require an address pair of the form , . If, on these commands, the value of < low address> is greater than or equal to the value of , the action indicated by the command will be performed on the data at low address only. Addresses are evaluated modulo 216. Thus, if a hexadecimal address greater than F F F F is entered, on Iy the last 4 hex digits will be used. Another type of address error may occur when you specify a part of memory in a command which does not exist in the hardware configuration you are using. I n general, if a nonexistent portion of memory is specified as the source field for an instruction, the data fetched will be unpredictable. If a nonexistent portion of memory is given as the destination field in a command, the command has no effect. 4-13 CHAPTER 5 THE HARDWARE 5-1 OVERVIEW This portion of the SDK-85 User's Manual should provide you with sufficient knowledge to write programs to exercise the basic system as well as providing capability to use the basic kit as a nucleus around which you can build larger systems. Figure 5-1 is a functional block diagram of the SDK-85. The components enclosed in dashed boxes have places in the SDK-85 printed circuit board, but these are not needed for a minimum system and are not included in the kit. I n addition, some control lines have been omitted from the block diagram for the sake of simplicity. The full SDK85 schematic diagrams have been included in an append ix for you r reference. medium-sized systems. The 8085 multiplexes its data bus with the low 8 bits of its address bus. The 8155 and 8355/8755 Memory I/O components in the kit are designed to be compatible with this bus structure, precluding the need for external bus latches. Four vectored interrupt inputs are available in addition to the standard 8080A-type interrupt. There is also a serial input and serial output data line pair that is exercised under program control to provide the SDK-85's simple teletype I/O. The basic clock frequency of the 8085 in the kit is 3.072 MHz (internally divided by 2 from the 6.144 MHz crystal input). The text to follow describes each of the elements in the system: 5-2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS The 8085 CPU & The System Buses The 8085 CPU is an evolutionary enhancement of I ntel's industry standard 8080A. It is 100% software compatible with the 8080A while offering the benefits of single power supply, higher integration, higher performance, and improved system timing. The 8085 CPU is fully described in the Intel® MCS-85™ User's Manual so a detailed description wi II not be repeated here. As the system block diagram shows, the 8085 derives its timing inputs directly from a crystal. I n addition the 8085 drives the system with control signals available on-chip. No additional status decoding circuitry is required for most small- to The 8155 The 8155 is a highly integrated chip designed for compatibility with the 8085's bus structure. !t contains 256 bytes of static RAM memory, 22 programmable I/O lines, and a 14-bit timer/counter. The function of the 8155 is described in detail in the Intel MCS-85 User's Manual. One 8155 is included with the SDK-85 kit and space for another has been provided on the circuit board. The RAM memory in the 8155 is available for storage of user programs as well as for temporary storage of information needed by system programs. The 8155's timer is used by the SqK-85 monitor's Single Step routine to interrupt the processor following the execution of each instruction. 5-1 The 8355 & 8755 The 8279 The 8355 and 8755 are two more chips specially designed for compatibility with 8085 systems. The 8355 contains 2048 bytes of mask programmed read only memory (ROM) and 16 I/O lines. The 8755 has an identical function and pinout to the 8355, but contains ultraviolet erasable and reprogrammable read only memory (EPROM) instead of the ROM. The 8279 is a keyboard/display controller chip that handles the interface between the 8085 and the keypad and LED display on the SDK-85 board. The 8279 refreshes the display from an internal memory while scanning the keyboard to detect keyboard inputs. The 8279 is described in detail in the MeS-85 User's Manual. The 8205 The SDK-85 contains either one 8355 or one 8755 that is programmed with the system monitor. Space for a second 8755 or 8355 has been allocated on the PC board. I CPU ROM/IO (8355) EPROM/IO (8755) ADDRESS DECODER The basic SDK-85 also contains an 8205 chip (oneout-of-8 decoder) that decodes the 8085's memory address bits to provide chip enables for the 8155, the 8355/8755, and the 8279. KEYBOARD DISPLAY RAM/IO/COUNTER I ADDRESS FIELD 1 1 I I I SERIAL IIOTO TTY INTERRUPT INPUTS L ;>." I I I I II flD :1 ,1)-8755-;:1 I J ;:'L I I I I :I II 8085 ~I 1 SOK·85 KEYBOARD LAYOuT RESET! 1 ~~~~I L 10 LINES I, I '[t I 8205 ~ ~ II IL I 8355 ~~ ~,,~ r,; ~I ~-8155il ~I 8155 I I I ~ L D E SINGLE GO 8 9 A B STEP H L SUBST EXAM 4 5 6 7 MEM REG SPH SPL PCH PCL NEXT EXEC 0 1 2 Y L I F I I I I :. r-----' ~ ~ DATA BUS ""7 {'r 1 8279 : :B :U~S ~IV tiJW l !'/ I~-r- -_L. . .i. .-I I_i_"./- - "I ~_'_ 'I ---+--:' --'\J'::: : :: ~----'-'r-+-I------......--+--_ _----.-.-~I_ _ _ _ _ _r-r-_ _ _+-I__,j':l:1 I I CONT 1 ; I I I 1 I ,,:. 8212 :J~ :~:tES ~ V~ _ _ _ _ ~ I -"~----'~ I >: 3 x 8216 15 CONTROL ~~~ I~----+---~r------------~--------------~vn r.. ____ ..I ' BUS '" 71 1 r- - ~ L _ _ ... I I I OPTIONAL. A PLACE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ON THE PC BOARD FOR THE DEVICE BUT THE DEVICE IS NOT INCLUDED. Figure 5-1 SDK-85 Functional Block Diagram 5-2 I 1~"LS"61 I~----~ .t. rv ~NETC:C I 10 LINES i FOR BUS EXPANSION DATA FIELD TABLE 5-1 8205 CHIP ENABLES OUTPUT ACTIVE ADDRESS RANGE SELECTED DEVICE CSO 0000-07FF 8755/8355 MONITOR ROM (A14) CS1 0800-0FFF 8755/8355 EXPANSION ROM (A 15) CS2 1000-17FF N/C CS3 1800-1 FFF 8279 KEYBOARD/DISPLAY CONTROLLER (A13) CS4 2000-27FF 8155 BASIC RAM (A16) CS5 2800-2FFF 8155 EXPANSION RAM (A 17) CS6 3000-37FF N/C CS7 3800-3FFF N/C = I C# on schematic diagram in Appendix N/C = not connected - avilable for user expansion AXX 5-3 SDK-85 MEMORY ADDRESSING Each memory/I/O chip in the basic SDK-85 System of Figure 5-1 is enabled by a signal coming from the 8205 address decoder. Table 5-1 lists each chip enable output accompanied by the address space over which it is active and the SDK-85 device that is selected. Note that the 8279 is really an input/output device that is communicated with by the 8085 as though it were a series of memory locations. The above chip enable table can be expanded to form a memory map that illustrates the active portions of the SDK memory (see Figure 5-2). Using the terminology of Figure 5-2, the basic SDK-85 with no additional memory/I/O chips provides the memory blocks marked MONITOR ROM and BASIC RAM. You must confine your programs to a subset of the space available in the BASIC RAM, the remainder of BASIC RAM being required for monitor storage locations. A list of the monitorreserved RAM locations is provided in Table 5-2. Note that RAM memory locations 20C8 through 20D6 are places for 'jump instructions pointing to the places in memory for the computer to go following the execution of an RST 5 instruction, an RST 6 instruction, an interrupt signal on the RST 6.5 input, etc. If you do not use any of these instructions or interrupt lines, then this RAM area is available for other programming. When you add an expansion 8155 in the space provided on the SDK-85 board, the RAM locations shown in Figure 5-2 as EXPANSION RAM are made available for programming. The monitor reserves no space in the EXPANSION RAM, so all 256 locations are avai!able for programming, An extra 8355 or 8755 device when plugged into the appropriate spot on the board gives you program memory space in the area denoted EXPANSION ROM in the memory map. The areas marked "FOLD BACK" in Figure 5-2 indicate address space that is unused, but unavailable for expansion, because these locations are multiple mappings of the basic locations. 5-3 TABLE 5-2 MONITOR-RESERVED RAM LOCATIONS LOC. 20C8 User may place a JMP instr. to a RST 5 routine in locs 20C8-20CA. 20CB JMP to RST 6 routine 20CE JMP to RST 6.5 routine (hardwired user interrupt) 20D1 JMP to RST 7 routine 20D4 JMP to "VECT I NTR" key routine 20D7-20E8 Loaded by user Monitor Stack (temporary storage used by monitor) 20E9 E Register 20EA D Register 20EB C Register 20EC B Register 20ED Flags 20EE A Register 20EF L Register 20FO H Register 20F1 I nterrupt Mask 20F2 Prog. Cntr. - Low byte 20F3 Prog. Cntr. - HI byte 20F4 Stack Ptr. - Low byte 20F5 Stack Ptr. - Hi byte 20F6 Current Address 20F8 Current Data 20F9-20FC 5-4 CONTENTS \ storage for user register images Output buffer & Temp Locs. 20FD Register Pointer 20FE I nput Buffer 20FF 8155 Command/Status REGISTER image (loaded by user) MEMORY ADDRESS FFFFl I MEMORY SPACE WHERE EXPANSION BUFFERS r 1 ARE ENABLED 8000 I-----~ 7FFF r~ OPEN ,. ACTIVE 8205 CHIP ENABLE 3000 2FFF is described in detail in the 8085 manual. The functional positioning of the optional latch, buffers, and drivers in the SDK-85 system structure is shown in Figure 5-1. As Figure 5-2 indicates, the optional expansion buffers leading to the SDK-85 board's prototyping area are enabled only over the address range 8000-FFFF. EXPANSION RAM (FOLD BACK) 2900 28FF 2800 27FF 2100 20FF 2000 lFFF 1800 17FF EXPANSION RAM (256 LOC.) BASIC RAM (FOLD BACK) BASIC RAM (256 LOC.) 1900 - KEYBDIDISPLY CTLR COMMAND LOC. } CS5 }~ } CS3 1800 - KEYBDIDISPLY CTLR DATA LOC. OPEN (2K) } CS2 EXPANSION ROM (2K) } CS1 1000 OFFF 0800 07FF MONITOR ROM (2K) }C~ 0000 Figure 5-2 SDK-85 Memory Map Any of the areas marked "OPEN" in Figure 5-2 are free for expansion. You may mount extra memory chips in the wire-wrap area of the SDK-85 board or on other circuit boards. The 8205 address decoder has 3 uncommitted chip select lines to allow the addition of three 2048-byte memory blocks without additional decoding circuitry. If you want to expand on the basic SDK-85 you don't have to stick to the multiplexed-bus MCS 85 memory/I/O family. Mounting pads are present on the circuit board that accommodate an 8212 latch for address/data bus demultiplexing. To provide the current drive capability to operate much larger systems, spaces are also allocated for another 8212 to buffer the unmultiplexed half of the address and five 8216 buffer/drivers to buffer the data bus, and control signals. The function of these components 5-4 INPUT/OUTPUT PORT AND PERIPHERAL DEVICE ADDRESSING As mentioned before, the 8155 and 8355/8755 that come with the SDK-85 Kit have on-board input/output ports. These ports are accessed using the I N and OUT instructions of the 8085. Each individual port being referenced has a unique 8-bit address. Table 5-3 contains all the port addresses for an expanded SDK-85 containing two 8155's and two 8355/8755's. Please consult the MCS-85 User's Manual for the use of the various special purpose registers referred to in the table (Direction Registers, Command/ Status Registers, etc.), and for complete instructions for exercising the memory-I/O chips (8155/ 8355/8755) . Hardware Note: The timer/counter of the first 8155 (RAM) is dedicated as a timer. It is hardwired to receive the 8085's system clock (3.072 MHz ClK) as its count input. This timer is used by the keyboard monitor's SI NG lE STEP function, so you should beware of timer conflicts if you desire to count and use the SI NG lE STEP function at the same time. (See paragraph 6-2.) Accessing the 8279 Keyboard/Display Controller As was mentioned in the memory addressing sections, the 8279 is a peripheral chip that is selected using memory-mapped I/O. Table 5-4 shows the two memory locations that are used to communicate with the 8279. Consult the MCS-85 User's Manual for detailed operating instructions. 5-5 TABLE 5-3 SDK-85 I/O PORT MAP IpORTi tl'b e/~/~ FUNCTION 00 Monitor ROM PORT A 01 Monitor ROM PORT B 02 Monitor ROM PORT A Data Direction Register d MSB I Aal A21 AI deb d.p. LSB IIl AO 82 1 81 1 80 8a a d .p. 9 f 03 Monitor ROM PO RT B Data Direction Register 08 Expansion ROM PO RT A 09 Expansion ROM PO RT B OA Expansion ROM PORT A Data Direction Register OB Expansion ROM PO RT B Data Direction Register 20 BASIC RAM COMMAND/STATUS Register 21 BASIC RAM PORT A 22 BASIC RAM PORT 8 23 BASIC RAM PORT C ADDRESS FIELD 24 BASIC RAM Low Order Byte of Ti mer Cou nt 11 25 BASIC RAM High Order Byte of Ti mer Cou nt 28 EXPANSION RAM COMMAND/STATUS Register 29 EXPANSION RAM PORT A 2A EXPANSION RAM PORT B 2B EXPANSION RAM PORT C 2C EXPANSION RAM Low Order Byte of Ti mer Cou nt 20 EXPANSION RAM High Order Byte of Timer Count The data format for character bytes being displayed by the 8279 is one bit corresponding to each of the seven LED segments plus one bit for the decimal point. Figure 5-3 shows the bit configuration. 5-6 a 8279 DISPLAY 1-- ~~~g~;;:gN e" SEGMENT Figure 5-3 Data Format The hardware is designed so that writing a zero into a bit position turns on the corresponding LE D segment. Example: a "4" would be represented as 1001 1001 = 99 (Hex) These are six active LED displays available for use. They are configured in a four-place address field and a two-place data field as in Figure 5-4. 1 2 1 3 1 4 DATA FIELD [E] 1 Figure 5-4 Display Configuration TABLE 5-4 ACCESSING THE 8279 KEYBOARD DISPLAY CONTROLLER LOCATION 1800 1900 I READ/ WRITE I FUNCTION Read Read Keyboard FIFO Write Write Data to Display Read Read Status Word Write Write Command Word The display digits are stored within the 8279 display RAM in the locations listed in Table 5-5. 0 1 2 PURPOSE Address digit 1 2 3 4 3 4 Data Digit 5 6 7 THE SERIAL DATA INTERFACE The SDK-85 has the capability of communicating with a teletype, using the 8085 serial input and serial output data lines (SI D and SOD respectively) to send and receive the serial bit strings that encode data characters. TABLE 5-5 8279 DISPLAY RAM LOCATION 5-6 1 2 UNUSED UNUSED To send data to the teletype, the 8085 must toggle the SOD line in a set/reset fashion controlled by software timing routines in the SD K-85 monitor. I nput data is obtained by monitoring and timing changes in the level of the SI D pin. Again, a monitor routine is called upon to do the job. These teletype communications routines are accessible to the user. 5-5 PROCESSOR INTERRUPT ALLOCATION The 8085 has four Vector I nterrupt input pins in addition to an 8080A-compatible interrupt input. The name of each interrupt and its function in the SDK-85 hardware is listed in Table 5-6. The function of the on-chip interrupts is described in detail in the 8085 Manual. TABLE 5-6 8085 ON-CHIP INTERRUPT ALLOCATION INPUT Both subroutines communicate at a data rate of 110 baud, the standard rate for teletypewriters. Since the 8085 serial input and output lines are designed for communicating with other integrated circuits, additional electronic circuitry is needed before they can be connected to a terminal. The TTY interface in the top right corner of the board allows the SDK-85 to be connected to any teletype that uses 20 mA "current-loop" input and output. FUNCTION RST 5.5 Ded icated to 8279 RST 6.5 Available User Interrupt RST 7.5 I]lli button interrupt TRAP 8155 Timer Interrupt INTR Available User Interrupt 5-7 5-7 CONVERTER CIRCUIT FOR RS232C SERIAL PORT If you are fortunate enough to have a CRT terminal that can operate at a 11 O-baud rate, and wish to use it with the SDK-85 computer, you may find that it is compatible only with RS232c" voltage-level serial ports and not with current loops. If this is the case, 1/ o Wire the MC1488 and MC1489 converter circuit (shown in Figure 5-5) into the wirewrap area of the SDK-85 board. o Remove R6, and connect the input line of the converter circuit to its lower pad. (You couid put a switch in this line if you wanted to.) o Open both the TTY and KEYBOARD jumpers, and connect the output line of the converter to the middle pad, which is strapping point 23. (If you are using a switch, one with a center off position could be used.) o Connect your CRT as shown in Figure 5-5. o Connect the 3 different voltages to the circuit. 5-8 ADDITIONAL INTERFACES Additional interface considerations are discussed in Intel Application Note AP-29; which also describes a low-cost cassette tape-recorder interface, that can be added to your SDK-85 kit. AP-29 can be ordered by sending $1.00 to: Literature Department, I ntel Corp., 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051. +5V 14 SID CRT TERMINAL 13 REMOVE R6 S? 8085 , MC1489 ) > < SOD 4 ? CONVERTER INPUT LINE +(9 TO 15)V GND 000000000000 :::J:::JCJ:::J:::JCJDDDDDD OCDOCDCCCCCC 7 -(9 TO 15)V 20 2 3 330pF MC1488 7 Figure 5-5 Modification for RS-232c Operation 5-8 CHAPTER 6 THE SOFTWARE 6-1 THE SDK-85 MONITOR The SDK-85 monitor program provides utility functions employing either a teletypewriter or the kit's on-board keyboard and display as console. The program resides in 2k (k = 1024) bytes of the ROM memory, between location 0 and location 7 F F. the routines that service each console device are independent; the two devices do not function simultaneously. You may select either the keyboard and display or the teletypewriter as the console device by actuating a switch (not furnished) or by changing strapping connections. Both can be used to perform substantially the same tasks. (See Chapter 4.) 6-2 PROGRAMMING HINTS Stack Pointer The 8085 makes use of a 16-bit internal register called the Stack Pointer to point to an area of memory called the stack. The 8085's stack is used for saving many things, such as memory addresses for returns from subroutines. It is important always to define the stack pointer at the beginning of your program to avoid storing data in the wrong place. Locations 20C8 through 20D6 in RAM are reserved by the monitor for jump instructions when all interrupts are used. Thus, you should set the stack pointer initially at 20C8 (by the use of the program instruction LXI SP, 20C8H (31 C8 20), the keyboard command ~ G1J(20) ~ (C8) ~, or the teletypewriter "XS" command) in order to keep your own stack clear of data and programs you want to protect. If less than the full complement of interrupts is utilized, some or all of the unused space above 20C8 can be allocated to stack as described above. Remember that the stack must still occupy an unbroken string of contiguous memory locations. RAM-I/O Command Status Register (CSR) The basic 8155 command status register (port 20) is used to set up the on-chip 1/0 ports and timer. It can only be written to; it cannot be read. You can write to this register in your programs, but there is a precaution you should take: at any time when you write to the CSR in the basic RAM, you should also write the same pattern to RAM location 20FF. The reason is this: The SJ~~~E command causes the monitor to change the CSR in order to set up the timer for execution of the command. If it is not told what value you previously put there (by saving the value in 20FF), that value will inevitably be overwritten and lost. Following each single step, the monitor reads location 20F F, logically 0 Rs its timer command to the content of that location, and writes the CSR with the new command, thereby retrieving your previous configuration. Access to Monitor Routines You may "borrow" several of the SDK-85 monitor routines to simplify your programming task. Table 6-1 provides descriptions and calling addresses for these routines. 6-3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES The programming examples presented at the end of this chapter demonstrate how to use the monitor routines to operate the keyboard and display. 6-1 TABLE 6-1 MONITOR ROUTINE CALLING ADDRESSES Ca iii ng Address Mnemonic 07FD CI Description Console Input This routine returns a character (in ASCII code - see 8085/8080 reference card for codes) received from the teletype to the caller in the A register. The A register and CPU condition codes are affected by th is operation 07FA co Console Output This routine transmits a character (in ASCII code), passed from the caller in the C register, to the teletypewriter. The A and C registers, and the CPU condition codes are affected. 05EB CROUT Carriage Return, Line Feed CROUT sends carriage return and line feed characters to the teletype. The contents of the A, B, and C registers are destroyed and the CPU condition codes are affected. 06C7 NMOUT Hex Number Printer N~J10UT converts the a-bit unsigned integer in the A register into 2 ASCII characters representing the 2 hex digits and prints the two digits on the teletypewriter. 036E UPDDT Update Data Update data field of the display. The contents of the A register are displayed in hex notation in the data field of the display. 02E7 RDKBD Read Keyboard This routine waits until a character is entered on the hex keypad and upon return places the value of the character in the A register. NOTE: For RDKBD to work correctly, you must first: 05F1 DELAY 1. Unmask RST 5.5 using the SIM instruction. 2. Enable interrupts using the E I instruction. Time Delay This routine takes the 16-bit contents of register pair DE and counts down to zero, then returns to the calling program. 6-2 TABLE 6-1 MONITOR ROUTINE CALLING ADDRESSES (CONT'D) Calling Address Mnemonic 02B7 OUTPT Description Output Characters to Display The routine sends characters to the display with the parameters set up by registers A, B, Hand L. Reg A = 0 = use address field = 1 = use data field Reg B = 0 = decimal point off = 1 = decimal point at right edge of field Reg H L = starting address of characters to to sent. Character Displayed Hexadecimal memory content pointed to by the H L register 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 A A b C d E F H L B C D P r Blank E F 10 11 12 13 14 15 6-3 PROGRAM EXAMPLE - RDKBD 0 After executing 2000, the program waits until a key is pressed. Then the value of the key is placed in the A register and the monitor is restarted. Use ~ to see that the key value is now in the A register. LOC CONTENTS SYMBOLIC 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 31 C8 20 3E 08 30 LXI SP, 20C8H SIM ; unmask interrupt 2006 FB r-I • ,..ro.""hln in+n ...... lln+ , CIIOUIC I I I L v l l U t J L 2007 2008 2009 200A CD E7 02 CF CALL RDKBD ; read keyboard value ; into Reg A RST 1 ; break point, go back to monitor COMMENTS ; define stack pointer MVI A, 08H CI PROGRAM EXAMPLE - UPDDT Display F F in data field of display. LOC CONTENTS 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 31 C8 20 3E FF CD 6E 03 76 SYMBOLIC LXI SP, 20C8H ; define stack pointer MVI A, FFH ; load FF into Reg A CALL UPDDT ; output Reg A to data field HLT ; HALT To change the display value use ~ to vary the content of location 2004. 6-4 COMMENTS PROGRAM EXAMPLE - RDKBD, UPDDT Putting the two preceding examples together into one program causes the display to show the key value. LOC CONTENTS 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 200A 200D 31C820 3E08 30 FB CDE702 CD6E03 C30620 SYMBOLIC LXI SP, 20C8H MVI A, 08H SIM LOOP: EI CALL RDKBD CALL UPDDT JMP LOOP COMMENTS ; define stack pointer ; unmask interrupt ; enable interrupt ; read keyboard value into Reg A ; output Reg A to data field ; keep looping 6-5 PROGRAM EXAMPLE - COUNTDOWN The following program displays a count in the data field of the display. The count may be stopped by pressing the @ill button. The count resumes when any other key (except is pressed. The "E" in the address field of the display signifies that a user program is executing. B) ADDRESS CONTENTS SYMBOLIC 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 200A 200B 200C 2000 200E 200F 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 31 80 20 3E 08 30 FB 78 3C 27 47 C5 CD 6E 03 16 18 CD F1 05 C1 C3 06 20 2004 FB EI 2005 2006 76 C9 HLT RET COMMENTS LXI SP, 2080H ; INITIALIZE STACK POINTER. MVI A, 08 ; USE THE 8085's SIM INSTR TO ; ENAB LE THE VECT I NTR BUTTON. S!M LOOP: EI MOV A, B INR A DAA MOV B, A PUSH B CALL UPDDT ; INCREMENT AND ADJUST THE.COUNT ; FOR DECIMAL COUNTING. ; DISPLAY COUNT IN DATA FIELD OF ; DISPLAY. MVI 0, 18H CALL DELAY POP B JMP LOOP ; WAIT OUT A PROGRAMMABLE DELAY ; PERIOD BEFORE CONTINUING. ; GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING. ; CONTROL BRANCHES TO LOCATION ; 2004 WHEN VECT INTR IS PRESSED. ; WAIT HERE FOR KEY DEPRESSION. ; RESUME THE COUNT. To execute the program, type in 82000~. Try to stop the count right at 00 using the @ill key. Change the speed of the count by using ~ to vary the contents of location 2010. 6·6 PROGRAM EXAMPLE - FLASH HELP Load into Locations 2000 through 2007 (use the Substitute Memory command) the following data: 10, OE, 11, 12, 15,15,15,15. Then load and execute the following program (G2010~). The display will flash JlHELP". ADDRESS DATA SYMBOLIC 2010 2013 2015 2017 31C820 3E01 0600 210420 LXI SP, 20C8H MVI A, 1 MVI B,O LXI H, 2004H 201A CDB702 CALL OUTPT COMMENTS ; define stack pointer ; use data field ; no decimal indicator ; use characters starting ; at Location 2004 ; output the two characters ; to data field DPY: 20.1D 201F 2021 3EOO 0600 210020 MVI A,O MVI B,O LXI H, 2000H ; use address field ; no decimal indicator ; use characters starting ; at Location 2000 ; output the four characters ; to address field 2024 CDB702 CALL OUTPT 2027 202A 11FFFF CDF105 LXI D,OFFFFH* CALL DELAY ; set up delay value ; time delay 202D 202F 2031 2034 3EOO 0600 210420 CDB702 MOV A, 0 MOV B, 0 LXI H, 2004H CALL OUTPT ; output B LAN KS to ; Display 2037 203A 203D 11 FFFF CDF105 C3iD20 LXI D,OFFFFH CALL DELAY JMP DPY ; time Delay ; REPEAT * Delay time proportional to value. Any number from 1 through F F F F may be chosen. 6-7 APPENDIX A MONITOR LISTING ASM80 :F1:SDK85.SRC MOD85 MACROFILE XREF PRINT(:F3:SDK85.LST) ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ SEQ SDK85 PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT 1 ;******************************************1******1**111111**11*1****** 2 PROGRAM: SDK-85 MONITOR 3 VER 1.2 4 5 6 7 8 9 COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 INTEL CORPORATION 3065 BOWERS AVENUE SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA , 95051 10 ,.*********************************************************************. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ABSTRACT THIS PROGRAM IS A SMALL MONITOR FOR THE INTEL 8085 KIT AND PROVIDES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF UTILITY FUNCTIONS FOR THE USER EMPLOYING EITHER AN INTER-ACTIVE CONSOLE (I.E. TELETYPE) OR THE KIT'S KEYBOARD/LED DISPLAY. THE KEYBOARD MONITOR ALLOWS THE USER TO PERFORM SUCH FUNCTIONS AS MEMORY AND REGISTER MANIPULATION, PROGRAM LOADING, PROGRAM EXECUTION, INTERRUPTION OF AN EXECUTING PROGRAM, AND SYSTEM RESET. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION ======= ============ THE PROGRAM IS ORGANIZED AS FOLLOWS .1) COLD START ROUTINE (RESET) 2) WARM START - REGISTER SAVE ROUTINE 3) INTERRUPT VECTORS 4) KEYBOARD MONITOR 5) TTY MONITOR 6) LAYOUT OF RAM USAGE 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 THE KEYBOARD MONITOR BEGINS WITH THE COMMAND RECOGNIZER, FOLLOWED BY THE COMMAND ROUTINE SECTION, UTILITY ROUTINE SECTION AND MONITOR TABLES. THE COMMAND AND UTILITY ROUTINES ARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE SECTIONS. THROUGHOUT THE KEYBOARD MONITOR, A COMMENT FIELD BEGINNING WITH "ARG - " INDICATES A STATEMENT WHICH LOADS A VALUE INTO A REGISTER AS AN ARGUMENT FOR A FUNCTION. WHEN THE DESIRED VALUE LIST OF KEYBOARD MONITOR ROUTINES ==== == ======== ======= ======== CMMND EXAM GOCMD SSTEP SUEST CLEAR CLDIS SDK85 ISIS-II 808018085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl0S LOC OE] PAGE 2 SOURCE STATEMENT SEQ CLDST DISPC ERH GTHEX HXDSP ININT I!,;SDG NXTRG OUTPT RDKBD RETF RETT RGLOC RSTOR SETRG UPDAD UP DDT 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 NAME SDK85 , 73 ;******.*************~*****~************************** ****************** 74 SET CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY FLAG 75 76 , 77 ;*******************~********************************* ***************** 78 79 0000 80 WAITS 81 82 83 84 85 e6 2000 0017 0012 SET o ;O=NO WAIT STPTES WAIT STATE IS GENERATED FOR EVERY M CYCLE ;THE APPROPRIATE DELAY TIME MUST BE USED FOR ;TTY DELAY OR SET UP SINGLE ;STEP TIMER FOR EACH CASE ;l=A , ,.*****************************************************1**************** 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 , ,.******************************************************1*******'******* 97 ; MONITOR EQUATES , RAMST EQU 2000H; START ADDRESS OF RAM - THIS PROGRAM ASSUMES 9l.J THAT 256 EYTES OF RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY [EGIN AT THIS ADDRESS. THE PROGRAM USES STORAGE AT THE END OF THIS SPACE FOR VARIABLES~ 95 PROGRH! STACK 96 98 RNUSE 99 100 101 SKUJ EQU 23 RAM USAGE - CURRENTLY, 23 BYTES ARE USED FOR ISAV-ING REGISTERS AND VARIABLE~ EQU 18 M.ONITOR STACK USAGE 102 - - MAX OF 9 LEVELS OOOF 103 UBRLN EQU 15 5 USER BRANCHES 0000 0090 104 105 ADFLD 106 ADISP EQU EQU 0 90H INDICATES USE OF ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY CONTROL CHARACTER TO INDICATE OUTPUT TO IADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 107 3 EYTES EACH ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC 1900 0011 0000 0020 0094 0001 1800 0001 0008 0080 OOCC 0000 20E9 0000 0010 OOFB 0040 0025 0024 0040 ooco OOOE 20C8 00C5 OBJ SEQ 108 109 110 1 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 1 31 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 SDK85 PAGE 3 SOURCE STATEMENT ADDRESS FOR SENDING CONTROL CHARACTERS TO /DISPLAY CHIP COMMA FROM KEYBOARD COMMA EQU 11 H INITIAL VALUE FOR COMMAND STATUS REGISTER CSNIT EQU o OUTPUT PORT FOR COMMAND STATUS REGISTER EQU CSR 20H CONTROL CHARACTER TO INDICATE OUTPUT TO DDISP EQU 94H /DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY INDICATOR FOR DOT IN DISPLAY DOT EQU 1 ADDRESS FOR SENDING CHARACTERS TO DISPLAY DSPLY EQU 1800H INDICATES USE OF DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY EQU DTFLD 1 MASK FOR TURNING ON DOT IN DISPLAY DTMSK 08H EQU HIGH ORDER 1 INDICATES EMPTY INPUT BUFFER EMPTY EQU 80H CONTROL CHARACTER TO SET DISPLAY OUTPUT TO KBNIT EQU OCCH /ALL ONES DURING BLANKING PERIOD CONTROL CHAR. TO SET KEYBOARD/DISPLAY MODE EQU KMODE a ; (2 KEY ROLLOVER, 8 CHARACTER LEFT ENTRY) MNSTK EQU RAMST + 256 - RMUSE ;START OF MONITOR STACK NODOT EQU a INDICATOR FOR NO DOT IN DISPLAY iNUMC - DEFINED LATER NUMBER OF COMMANDS iNUMRG - DEFINED LATER NUMBER OF REGISTER SAVE LOCATIONS PERIO EQU 10H PERIOD FROM KEYBOARD PRMPT EQU OFBH PROMPT CHARACTER FOR DISPLAY (DASH) READ EQU 40H CONTROL CHARACTER TO INDICATE INPUT FROM /KEYBOARD TIMHI EQU OUTPUT PORT FOR HIGH ORDER BYTE OF TIMER VALUE 25H EQU TIMLO 24H OUTPUT PORT FOR LOW ORDE~ BYTE OF TIMER VALUE TMODE EQU 40H TIMER MODE - SQUARE WAVE, AUTO RELOAD TSTRT EQU OCOH START TIMER EQU UNMSK OEH UNMASK INPUT INTERRUPT EQU USRBR RAMST + 256 - (RMUSE + SKLN + UBRLN) ; START OF USER ; /BRANCH LOCATIONS IF 1-WAITS ;TIMER VALUE FOR SINGLE STEP IF NO WAIT STATE TIMER EQU 197 ENDIF WAITS iTIMER VALUE FOR SINGLE STEP IF ONE WAIT STATE INSERTE IF TIMER EQU 237 ENDIF CNTRL EQU 1900H ; ,.********************************************************************** MONITOR MACROS ; ;********************************************************************** TRUE MACRO JC ENDM WHERE WHERE MACRO JNC ENDM WHERE WHERE ; BRANCH IF FUNCTION RETURNS TRUE ; FALSE , BRANCH IF FUNCTION RETURNS FALSE , .********************************************************************** ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, xl08 LOC OBJ SEQ 0038 ***** 163 164 ***** 165 166 167 168 169 CLDBK: 170 ***** 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 ***** 190 191 192 193 ***** 194 195 196 197 196 ***** 199 200 201 202 203 204 ***** 205 206 207 208 *1*** 209 210 211 212 213 214 ***** 215 216 QQ38 C3!)'!2Q ')1r'7 '-, I 0000 3EOO 0002 320019 0005 C3F'101 0008 0008 0008 OOOC OOOF 0010 0011 0014 0017 0018 001B 001E 001F 0020 0021 22EF20 El 22F220 F5 El 22ED20 210000 39 22F420 21ED20 F9 C5 D5 C33FOO 0024 0024 C35701 0028 0028 C3C820 002C 002C C38E02 0030 0030 C3CB20 0034 0034 C3CE20 SDK85 PAGE 4 SOURCE STATEMENT "RESET" KEY ENTRY POINT - COLD START RST 0 ENTRY POINT MVI STA JMP RST A,KMODE CNTRL CLDST GET CONTROL CHARACTER SET KEYBOARD/DISPLAY MODE GO FINISH COLD START THEN JUMP BACK HERE ENTRY POINT - WARM START ORG 8 SAVE REGISTERS SHLD LSAV POP H ShLD PSAV PUSH PSW POP H SHLD FSAV LXI H,O DAD SP SHLD SSAV LXI H,BSAV+l SPHL PUSH 8 PUSH D JMP RES10 SAVE H & L REGISTERS GET USER PROGRAM COUNTER FROM TOP OF STACK /AND SAVE IT SAVE FLIP/FLOPS & REGISTER A CLEAR H & L GET USER STACK POINTER /AND SAVE IT j SET STACK POINTER FOR SAVING ; /REMAINING REGISTERS SAVE B & C SAVE D & E LEAVE ROOM FOR VECTORED ~NTERRUPTS TIMER INTERRUPT (TRAP) ENTRY POINT (RST 4.5) ORG 24H JMP STP25 BACK TO SINGLE STEP ROUTINE RST 5 ENTRY POINT ORG JMP 28H RSET5 i BRANCH TO RST 5 LOCATION IN BAM INPUT INTERRUPT ENTRY POINT (RST 5.5) ORG JMP 2CH ININT BRANCH TO INPUT INTERRUPT ROUTINE RST 6 ENTRY POINT ORG JHP 3GIl RSET6 ; BRANCH TO RST 6 LOCATION IN RAM HARD WIRED USER INTERRUPT ENTRY POINT (RST 6.5) ORG JMP 34H RST65 BRANCH TO RST 6.5 LOCATION IN RAM RST 7 ENTRY POINT ORG T\A'n Ul-'.L 38H D T') ~ ~I ,., Tl 'uJ.\r1Hv.L! SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 003C 003C C3D420 003F 0040 0042 0045 0047 0048 20 E60F 32F120 3EOE 30 F3 0049 20 004A 07 004B DAFA03 004E AF 004F 0600 0051 21A603 0054 0057 0059 005B CDB702 3E01 0600 21AA03 005E CDB702 0061 3E80 006332r'E20 0066 21E920 0069 F9 006A 006D 006F 0070 0072 210019 3690 25 36FB CDE702 SEQ 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 PAGE 5 SOURCE STATEMENT , ***** "VECTORED INTERRUPT" KEY ENTRY POINT (RST 7.5) ORG 3CH JMP USINT BRANCH TO USER INTERRUPT LOCATION IN RAM RES10: ; CONTINUE SAVING RIM ANI OFH STA ISAV MVI A,UNMSK USER STATUS GET USER INTERRUPT STATUS AND INTERRUPT MASK KEEP STATUS & MASK BITS SAVE INTERRUPT STATUS & MASK UNMASK INTERRUPTS FOR MONITOR USE SHl DI RIM RLC JC GO INTERRUPTS DISABLED WHILE MONITOR IS RUNNING (EXCEPT WHEN WAITING FOR INPUT) TTY OR KEYBOARD MONITOR ? IS TTY CONNECTED ? YES - BRANCH TO TTY MONITOR NO - ENTER KEYBOARD MONITOR , ,.********************************************************************** BEGINNING OF KEYBOARD MONITOR CODE , ,.********************************************************************** OUTPUT SIGN-ON MESSAGE XRA A ARG USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY MVI B,NODOT ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD LXI H,SGNAD ARG - GET ADDRESS OF ADDRESS FIELD PORTION OF ISIGN-ON MESSAGE CALL OUTPT OUTPUT SIGN-ON MESSAGE TO ADDRESS FIELD MVI A,DTFLD ARG USE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY MVI B,NODOT ARG - NO DOT IN DATA FIELD LXI H,SGNDT ARG - GET ADDRESS OF DATA FIELD PORTION OF ISIGN-ON MESSAGE CALL OUTPT OUTPUT SIGN-ON MESSAGE TO DATA FIELD MVI A,EMPTY STP. IBUFF SET INPUT BUFFER EMPTY FLAG , ,.********************************************************************** , FUNCTION: CMMND - COMMAND RECOGNIZER INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: RDKBD,ERR,SUBST,EXAM,GOCMD,SSTEP DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S CMMND: LXI SPHL H,MNSTK LXI MVI DCR MVI CALL H,CNTRL M,ADISP H M,PRMPT RDKBD INITIALIZE MONITOR STACK POINTER OUTPUT PROMPT CHARACTER TO DISPLAY GET ADDRESS FOR CONTROL CHARACTER OUTPUT CONTROL CHARACTER TO USE ADDRESS FIELD ADDRESS FOR OUTPUT CHARACTER OUTPUT PROMPT CHARACTER READ KEYBOARD ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 0075 010400 0078 217803 007B 007C 007F 0080 0081 BE CA8700 23 OD C27BOO SEQ 273 274 275 C!'-iD10: 276 277 278 279 280 281 0084 C31502 0087 217C03 008A OD OOBB 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 09 09 7E 23 66 6F 0091 E9 0092 0601 0094 CDD701 0097 CD4403 009A D21502 009D OOAO 00A3 00A4 00A7 00A9 OOAC OOAE CD0903 CDFC02 7E 32F820 060i CD6B03 0601 CD2B02 OOB 1 D2B800 00B4 CDFC02 SDK85 PAGE 6 SOURCE STATEMENT LXI LXI B,NUMC H,CMDTB COUNTER FOR NUMBER OF COMMANDS IN C GET ADDRESS OF COMMAND TABLE CMP JZ INX DCR JNZ M RECOGNIZE THE COMMAND ? YES - GO PROCESS IT NO - NEXT COMMAND TABLE ENTRY END OF TABLE ? NO - GO CHECK NEXT ENTRY YES - COMMAND UNKNOWN DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGE AND GET ANOTHER COMMAND CMD15 H C CMD10 JMP ERR 282 283 CMD15: 284 H,CMDAD LXI GET ADDRESS OF COMMAND ADDRESS TABLE DCR 285 C ADJUST COMMAND COUNTER 286 ; COUNTER ACTS AS POINTER TO COMMAND ADDRESS TABLE DAD B ADD POINTER TO TABLE ADDRESS TWICE BECAUSE 287 288 DAD B TABLE HAS 2 EYTE ENTRIES MOV A,M GET LOW ORDER BYTE OF COMMAND ADDRESS 289 INX H 290 MOV H,M GET HIGH ORDER BYTE OF COMMAND ADDRESS IN H 291 MOV L,A PUT LOW ORDER BYTE IN L 292 ; COMMAND ROUTINE ADDRESS IS NOW IN H & L 293 PCRL BRANCH TO ADDRESS IN H & L 294 295 , 296 j********************************************************************** 297 298 COMMAND ROUTINES 299 , 3CO j********************************************************************** 301 FUNCTION: EXAM - EXAMINE AND MODIFY REGISTERS 302 INPUTS: NONE 303 OUTPUTS: NONE 304 CALLS: CLEAR,SETRG,ERR,RGNAM,RGLOC,UPDDT,GTHEX,NXTRG 305 30-6 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 307 j 308 EXAM: MVI B,DOT ARG - DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 309 CALL CLEAR 310 CLEAR DISPLAY CALL SETRG 311 GET REGISTER DESIGNATOR FROM KEYBOARD AND 312 j/SET REGISTER POINTER ACCORDINGLY WAS CHARACTER A REGISTER DESIGNATOR? 313 314 FALSE ERR j NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND JNC ERR 315+ 316 EXM05: CALL RGNAt~ OUTPUT REGISTER NAME TO ADDRESS FIELD 317 CALL RGLOC 318 GET REGISTER SAVE LOCATION IN H & L MOV A,M GET REGISTER CONTENTS 319 STA CURDT 320 STORE REGISTER CONTENTS AT CURRENT DATA MVI 321 B,DOT ARG - DOT IN DATA FIELD CALL 322 UPDDT UPDATE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY MVI B,DTFLD 323 ARG - USE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY CALL 324 GTHEX GET HEX DIGITS - WERE ANY DIGITS RECEIVED? FALSE 325 EXM10 NO - DO NOT UPDATE REGISTER CONTENTS 326+ JNC EXM10 CALL 327 YES - GET REGISTER SAVE LOCATION IN H & L RGLOC ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LDC OBJ 00B7 73 00B8 OOBA OOBD OOBF 00C2 FE10 CAE901 FE11 C21502 CDA802 00C5 DA9DOO 00C8 C3E901 OOCB OOCE 00D1 00D3 CD0002 CDE702 FE10 CAECOO 00D6 00D9 OODB OODE OOEO 00E3 00E5 00E8 00E9 32FE20 0601 CDD701 0600 CD2B02 FE10 C21502 EB 22F220 OOEC OOEE OOF 1 00F2 00F4 00F7 OOFA 0600 CDD701 AF 0600 21A203 CDB702 C31B03 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 7 SOURCE STATEMENT UPDATE REGISTER CONTENTS MOV M,E 328 329 EXM10: WAS LAST CHARACTER A PERIOD ? CPI PERIO 330 YES - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND CLDIS JZ 331 WAS LAST CHARACTER ',' ? CPI COMMA 332 NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND JNZ ERR 333 YES - ADVANCE REGISTER POINTER TO CALL NXTRG 334 ;/NEXT REGISTER 335 ANY MORE REGISTERS ? 336 YES - CONTINUE PROCESSING WITH NEXT REGISTER TRUE EXM05 337 JC EXM05 338+ NO - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND JMP CLDIS 339 340 , 341 ,.********************************************************************** 342 FUNCTION: GOCMD - EXECUTE USER PROGRAM 343 INPUTS: NONE 344 OUTPUTS: NONE 345 CALLS: DISPC,RDKBD,CLEAR,GTHEX,ERR,OUTPT 346 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 347 348 349 GOCMD: DISPLAY USER PROGRAM COUNTER CALL DISPC 350 READ FROM KEYBOARD RDKBD CALL 351 PERIO IS CHARACTER A PERIOD ? CPI 352 G10 YES - GO EXECUTE THE COMMAND JZ 353 NO - ARG - CHARACTER IS STILL IN A 354 IBUFF REPLACE CHARACTER IN INPUT BUFFER STA 355 ARG - DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD B,DOT MVI 356 CLEAR CLEAR DISPLAY CALL 357 B,ADFLD MVI ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD 358 CALL GTHEX GET HEX DIGITS 359 CPI PERIO WAS LAST CHARACTER A PERIOD ? 360 ERR JNZ NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND 361 XCHG PUT HEX VALUE FROM GTHEX TO H & L 362 HEX VALUE IS NEW USER PC SHLD PSAV 363 364 G10: B,NODOT YES ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD MVI 365 CALL CLEAR CLEAR DISPLAY 366 A XRA ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 367 MVI B,NODOT ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD 368 H,EXMSG GET ADDRESS OF EXECUTION MESSAGE IN H & L LXI 369 OUTPT CALL DISPLAY EXECUTION MESSAGE 370 JMP RSTOR ; RESTORE USER REGISTERS INCL. PROGRAM COUNTER 371 ;/I.E. BEGIN EXECUTION OF USER PROGRAM 372 373 , 374 ,.********************************************************************** 375 FUNCTION: SSTEP - SINGLE STEP (EXECUTE ONE USER INSTRUCTION) 376 INPUTS: NONE 377 OUTPUTS: NONE 378 CALLS: DISPC,RDKBD,CLEAR,GTHEX,ERR 379 380 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 381 382 SSTEP: ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OBJ OOFD 0100 0103 0105 0108 010A CD0002 CDE702 FE10 CAE901 FEll CA2601 010D 32FE20 0110 0601 0112 CDD701 01150600 0117 CD2B02 011A 011 D 011E 0121 0123 D21502 EB 22F220 FE10 CAE901 0126 3AF120 0129 E608 012B 32FD20 012E 2AF220 0131 7E 0132 FEF3 0134 C23BOl 0137 AF 0138 C34201 013B FEFB 013D C24501 0140 3E08 0142 32FD20 0145 3E40 0147 0149 014B 014D 0150 0152 0154 D325 3EC5 D324 3AFF20 F6CO D320 C31B03 0157 F5 0158 3AFF20 015B E63F 015D F640 015F D320 0161 Fl 0162 22EF20 SEQ 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396+ 397 398 399 400 401 402 STP20: 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 STP21: 413 414 415 416 STP22: 417 418 STP23: 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 STP25: 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 SDK85 PAGE 8 SOURCE STATEMENT CALL DISPC DISPLAY USER PROGRAM COUNTER CALL RDKBD READ FROM KEYBOARD CPI PERIO WAS CHARACTER A PERIOD ? JZ CLDIS YES - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND CPI COMMA WAS LAST CHARACTER ',' ? JZ STP20 YES - GO SET TIMER ; NO - CHARACTER FROM KEYBOARD WAS NEITHER PERIOD NOR COMMA STA IBUFF REPLACE THE CHARACTER IN THE INPUT BUFFER B,DOT MVI ARG - DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD CALL CLEAR CLEAR DISPLAY MVI B,ADFLD ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY CALL GTHEX GET HEX DIGITS - WERE ANY DIGITS RECEIVED ? FALSE ERR NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND JNC ERR XCHG HEX VALUE FROM GTHEX TO H & L SP.LD PSAV HEX VALUE IS NEW USER PC CPI PERIO WAS LAST CHARACTER FROM GTHEX A PERIOD ? JZ YES - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND CLDIS NO - MUST HAVE BEEN A COMMA LDA ANI STA LHLD MOV CPI JNZ XRA JMP ISAV 08H TEMP PSAV A,M (DI) STP21 A GET USER INTERRUPT MASK KEEP INTERRUPT STATUS SAVE USER INTERRUPT STATUS GET USER PC GET USER INSTRUCTION DI INSTRUCTION ? NO YES - RESET USER INTERRUPT STATUS STP22 CPI JNZ MVI STP23 A,08H EI INSTRUCTION ? NO YES - SET USER INTERRUPT STATUS STA TEMP SAVE NEW USER INTERRUPT STATUS MVI A,(TIMER SHR 8) OR TMODE ; HIGH ORDER BITS OF TIMER VALUE ; /OR'ED WITH TIMER MODE TIMHI A,TIMER AND OFFH ; LOW ORDER BITS OF TIMER VALUE TIMLO GET USER IMAGE OF WHAT'S IN CSR USCSR SET TIMER COMMAND BITS TO START TIMER TSTRT START TIMER CSR RSTOR RESTORE USER REGISTERS OUT MVI OUT LDA ORI OUT JMP PUSH LDA ANI ORI OUT POP SHLD (E I) PSW USCSR 3FH 40H CSR PSW LSAV BRANCH HERE WHEN TIMER INTERRUPTS AFTER ;/ONE USER INSTRUCTION SAVE PSW GET USER IMAGE OF WHAT'S IN CSR CLEAR 2 HIGH ORDER BITS SET TIMER STOP BIT STOP TIMER RETRIEVE PSW SAVE H & L ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X10S LOC OBJ 0165 0166 0169 016A 016B 016E 0171 0172 0175 0178 0179 017A o 17B 017C 017E 0181 0182 0185 0187 0188 E1 22F220 F5 E1 22ED20 210000 39 22F420 21ED20 F9 C5 D5 20 E607 21FD20 E6 32F120 3EOE 30 C3FDOO 018B 018D 0190 0192 0601 CDD701 0600 CD2B02 0195 D21502 0198 EB 0199 22Fq20 019C 019E 01Al 01A3 01A6 01A9 01AA 01AD OlAF 01B2 01B4 01B7 FEll C2CFOl 0600 CD5F03 2AF620 7E 32F820 0601 CD6B03 0601 CD2B02 F5 01B8 D2C401 01BB 2AF620 01BE 73 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 9 SOURCE STATEMENT H GET USER PROGRAM COUNTER FROM TOP OF STACK POP 438 PSAV SAVE USER PC SHLD 439 PUSH PSvl 440 441 POP H FSAV SAVE FLIP/FLOPS AND A REGISTER 442 SHLD H,O CLEAR H & L LXI 443 SP GET USER STACK POINTER DAD 444 SSAV SAVE USER STACK POINTER SHLD 445 H,BSAV+l j SET MONITOR STACK POINTER FOR 446 LXI j/SAVING REMAINING USER REGISTERS SPHL 447 PUSH B SAVE B & C 448 PUSH D SAVE D & E 449 RIM GET USER INTERRUPT MASK 450 ANI 01H KEEP MASK BITS 451 H,TEMP GET USER INTERRUPT STATUS LXI 452 M OR IT INTO MASK ORA 453 ISAV SAVE INTERRUPT STATUS & MASK STA 454 A,UNMSK UNMASK INTERRUPTS FOR MONITOR USE MVI 455 SIM 456 GO GET READY FOR ANOTHER INSTRUCTION JMP SSTEP 457 458 , 459 ,.********************************************************************** 460 461 FUNCTION: SUBST - SUBSTITUTE MEMORY INPUTS: NONE 462 OUTPUTS: NONE 463 464 CALLS: CLEAR,GTHEX,UPDAD,UPDDT,ERR 465 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 466 j 461 SUBST: 468 MVI B,DOT ARG - DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD CALL CLEAR CLEAR THE DISPLAY 469 MVI 470 B,ADFLD ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY CALL 471 GTHEX GET HEX DIGITS - WERE ANY DIGITS RECEIVED? FALSE ERR 472 NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND ERR JNC 473+ XCHG 474 ASSIGN HEX VALUE RETURNED BY GTHEX TO SHLD CUR AD 1 CURRENT ADDRESS 475 416 SUB05: CPI COMMA WAS ',' THE LAST CHARACTER FROM KEYBOARD? 477 JNZ SUB15 478 NO - GO TERMINATE THE COMMAND MVI B,NODOT 479 ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD 480 CALL UPDAD UPDATE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 481 LHLD CURAD GET CURRENT ADDRESS IN H & L A,M 482 MOV GET DATA BYTE POINTED TO BY CURRENT ADDRESS STA CURDT STORE DATA BYTE AT CURRENT DATA 483 484 MVI B,DOT ARG - DOT IN DATA FIELD 485 CALL UPDDT UPDATE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY 486 MVI B,DTFLD ARG - USE DATA FIELD 487 CALL GTHEX GET HEX DIGITS - WERE ANY HEX DIGITS RECEIVED? 488 PUSH (SAVE LAST CHARACTER) PSW FALSE NO - LEAVE DATA UNCHANGED AT CURRENT ADDRESS 489 SUB10 490+ JNC SUB10 491 LHLD YES - GET CURRENT ADDRESS IN H & L CURAD MOV STORE NEW DATA AT CURRENT ADDRESS 492 M,E ISIS-II BOBO/808S LOC OBJ ~ACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 SEQ 01C4 2AF620 01C7 23 OlCB 22F620 01CB F1 502 OlCC C39COl 503 504 505 506 507 50B 509 510 5 11 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 53B 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 OlCF FE10 OlDl C2l502 01D4 C3E901 01D7 AF 01D8 01DB 01DE 01EO 01E2 01E5 01EB 219A03 CDB102 3EOl 0600 219A03 CDB702 C9 PAGE 10 SOURCE STATEMENT 493 494 495 496 497 498 SUB10: 499 500 501 OlBF 7B OlCO BE 01 C1 C2l502 SDKB5 MOV CMP JNZ LHLD INX SHLD POP JMP ; MAKE SURE DATA WAS ACTUALLY STORED IN CASE ;/CURRENT ADDRESS IS IN ROM OR IS NON-EXISTANT A,E DATA TO A FOR COMPARISON M WAS DATA STORED CORRECTLY? ERR NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND CURAD INCREMENT CURRENT ADDRESS H CURAD PS\t./ RETRIEVE LAST CHARACTER SUB05 SUB15: CPI JNZ JMP PERIO ERR CLDIS WAS LAST CHARACTER'.' ? NO - DISPLAY ERROR MSG. AND TERMINATE COMMAND YES - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND , ,.*********** •• ***************** •• *.* ••••••••• * •• * •••••• * •••• ** ••••••••• UTILITY ROUTINES ; .• , * ••••• ** ••••••••••• *.* •• * ••••••••••••• * •• *.** •••• * ••• ***.* ••••• *f."* FUNCTION: CLEAR - CLEAR THE DISPLAY INPUTS: B - DOT FLAG 1 MEANS PUT DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY - 0 MEANS NO DOT OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: OUTPT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: CLEAR SENDS BLANK CHARACTERS TO BOTH THE ADDRESS FIELD AND THE DATA FIELD OF THE DISPLAY. IF THE DOT FLAG IS SET THEN A DOT WILL APPEAR AT THE RIGHT EDGE OF THE ADDRESS FIELD. CLEAR: XRA A LXI CALL MVI MVI LXI CALL RET H,BLNKS OUTPT A,DTFLD B,NODOT H,BLNKS OUTPT ARG USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY ARG FLAG FOR DOT IN ADDR. FIELD IS IN B ARG ADDRESS OF BLANKS FOR DISPLAY OUTPUT BLANKS TO ADDRESS FIELD USE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY ARG ARG - NO DOT IN DATA FIELD ARG - ADDRESS OF BLANKS FOR DISPLAY OUTPUT BLANKS TO DATA FIELD RETURN , ,.f •••••••••••• * ••••• * •••• * •• *.* •••• * ••••••••••••••••••• 1 • • • • • • • * ••••••• FUNCTION: CLDIS - CLEAR DISPLAY AND TERMINATE COMMAND INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: CLEAR DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: CLDIS IS JUMPED TO BY COMMAND ROUTINES WISHING TO TERMINATE NORMALLY. CLDIS CLEARS THE DISPLAY AND BRANCHES TO THE COMMAND RECOGNIZ&R. SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC OBJ 01E9 0600 01EB CDD701 01EE C36600 01F1 01F3 01F6 01F8 01FA 01FD 0200 0203 0206 0207 020A 020C 020F 0211 0214 3ECC 320019 3EOO D320 32FF20 C30800 2AF220 22F620 7E 32F820 0601 CD5F03 0600 CD6B03 C9 SEQ 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 PAGE 11 SOURCE STATEMENT CLDIS: MVI CALL JMP B,NODOT CLEAR CMMND ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD CLEAR THE DISPLAY GO GET ANOTHER COMMAND , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: CLDST - COLD START INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A DESCRIPTION: CLDST IS JUMPED TO BY THE MAIN COLD START PROCEDURE, COMPLETES COLD START INITIALIZATION, AND JUMPS BACK TO THE MAIN COLD START PROCEDURE. CLDST: MVI STA MVI OUT STA JMP , A,KBNIT CNTRL A,CSNIT CSR USCSR CLDBK GET CONTROL CHARACTER INITIALIZE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY BLANKING INITIAL VALUE OF COMMAND STATUS REGISTER INITIALIZE CSR INITIALIZE USER CSR VALUE BACK TO MAIN PROCEDURE ,.********************************************************************** , FUNCTION: DISPC - DISPLAY PROGRAM COUNTER INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: UPDAD,UPDDT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: DISPC DISPLAYS THE USER PROGRAM COUNTER IN THE ADDRESS FIELD OF THE DISPLAY, WITH A DOT AT THE RIGHT EDGE OF THE FIELD. THE BYTE OF DATA ADDRESSED BY THE PROGRAM COUNTER IS DISPLAYED IN THE DATA FIELD OF THE DISPLAY. DISPC: LHLD SHLD MOV STA MVI CALL MVI CALL RET PSAV CUR AD A,M CURDT B,DOT UPDAD B,NODOT UPDDT GET USER PROGRAM COUNTER MAKE IT THE CURRENT ADDRESS GET THE INSTRUCTION AT THAT ADDRESS MAKE IT THE CURRENT DATA ARG - DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD UPDATE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY ARG - NO DOT IN DATA FIELD UPDATE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY ; ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: ERR - DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGE INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: OUTPT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 0215 0216 0218 021B 021E 0220 0222 0225 0228 AF 0600 219E03 CDB702 3E01 0600 219A03 CDB702 C36600 022B 022D 022E 0231 OEOO C5 110000 D5 0232 CDE702 0235 FE10 0237 D25502 023A D1 023B f"'I"'ro.!":"",,", VJ.J ';j L' V t:: SEQ PAGE SDK85 12 SOURCE STATEMENT DESCRIPTION: ERR IS JUMPED TO BY COMMAND ROUTINES WISHING TO 603 TERMINATE BECAUSE OF AN ERROR. 604 ERR OUTPUTS AN ERROR MESSAGE TO THE DISPLAY AND 605 BRANCHES TO THE COMMAND RECOGNIZER. 606 607 608 ERR: ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD XRA A 609 ARG NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD 610 MVI B,NODOT ARG ADDRESS OF ERROR MESSP.G~ 611 LXI H,ERMSG OUTPUT ERROR MESSAGE TO ADDRESS FIELD 612 CALL OUTPT ARG USE DATA FIELD MVI A,DTFLD 613 MVI B,NODOT ARG - NO DOT IN DATA FIELD 614 H,BLNKS ARG - ADDRESS OF BLANKS FOR DISPLAY LXI 615 CALL OUTPT OUTPUT BLANKS TO DATA FIELD 616 GO GET A NEW COMMAND JMP CMMND 617 618 ; 619 ,.********************************************************************** 620 FUNCTION: GTHEX - GET HEX DIGITS 621 INPUTS: B - DISPLAY FLAG - 0 MEANS USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 622 - 1 MEANS USE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY 623 OUTPUTS: A - LAST CHARACTER READ FROM KEYBOARD 624 DE - HEX DIGITS FROM KEYBOARD EVALUATED MODULO 2**16 625 626 CARRY - SET IF AT LEAST ONE VALID HEX DIGIT WAS READ 627 - RESET OTHERWISE 628 CALLS: RDKBD,INSDG,HXDSP,OUTPT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 629 DESCRIPTION: GTHEX ACCEPTS A STRING OF HEX DIGITS FROM THE KEYBOARD, 630 DISPLAYS THEM AS THEY ARE RECEIVED, AND RETURNS THEIR 631 VALUE AS A 16 BIT INTEGER. IF MORE THAN 4 HEX DIGITS 632 ARE RECEIVED, ONLY THE LAST 4 ARE USED. IF THE DISPLAY 633 FLAG IS SET, THE LAST 2 HEX DIGITS ARE DISPLAYED IN THE 634 DATA FIELD OF THE DISPLAY. OTHERWISE, THE LAST 4 HEX 635 DIGITS ARE DISPLAYED IN THE ADDRESS FIELD OF THE 636 DISPLAY. IN EITHER CASE, A DOT WILL BE DISPLAYED AT THE 637 RIGHTMOST EDGE OF THE FIELD. A CHARACTER WHICH IS NOT 638 A HEX DIGIT TERMINATES THE STRING AND IS RETURNED AS 639 AN OUTPUT OF THE FUNCTION. IF THE TERMINATOR IS NOT 640 A PERIOD OR A COMMA THEN ANY HEX DIGITS WHICH MAY HAVE 641 642 BEEN RECEIVED ARE CONSIDERED TO BE INVALID. THE FUNCTION RETURNS A FLAG INDICATING WHETHER OR NOT ANY 643 644 VALID EEX DIGITS WERE RECEIVED. 645 ; 646 GTHEX; MVI RESET HEX DIGIT FLAG C,O 647 SAVE DISPLAY AND HEX DIGIT FLAGS 648 PUSH B SET HEX VALUE TO ZERO D,O LXI 649 PUSH SAVE HEX VALUE D 650 651 GTH05: CALL RDKBD READ KEYBOARD 652 CPI 10H IS CHARACTER A HEX DIGIT? 653 JNC GTH20 NO 654 GO CHECK FOR TERMINATOR YES - ARG - NEVI HEX DIGIT IS IN A 655 POP ARG - RETRIEVE HEX VALUE 656 D .,...", "1\" l.diLL :I (~S E Ii T "'Vl,T I)ICIT IN HEX \1 i'\~UE 6::;7 ..Lnt....>J.,Iu - l' ~,-.,r- J.1.i,..1" SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 023E C1 023F OE01 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 C5 D5 78 OF D24902 0248 53 0249 CD6C02 024C 024D 024F 0252 78 0601 CDB702 C33202 0255 0256 0257 0259 025C 025E D1 C1 FE11 CA6702 FE10 CA6702 0261110000 0264 C3F702 0267 0268 0269 026A 026B 47 79 OF 78 C9 026C 7A 026D OF 026E OF SEQ 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 PAGE 13 SOURCE STATEMENT POP MVI B C,1 PUSH PUSH MOV RRC JNC B D MOV D,E A,B GTH10 ; RETRIEVE DISPLAY FLAG , SET HEX DIGIT FLAG ;/(I.E. A HEX DIGIT HAS PEEN READ) SAVE DISPLAY AND HEX DIGIT FLAGS SAVE HEX VALUE TEST DISPLAY FLAG SHOULD ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY BE USED? YES - USE HEX VALUE AS IS NO - ONLY LOW ORDER BYTE OF HEX VALUE SHOULD IBE USED FOR DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY PUT LOW ORDER BYTE OF HEX VALUE IN D GTH10: CALL MOV MVI CALL JMP GTH20: POP POP CPI JZ CPI JZ LXI JMP ARG - HEX VALUE TO BE EXPANDED IS IN D & E EXPAND HEX VALUE FOR DISPLAY ARG - ADDRESS OF EXPANDED HEX VALUE IN H & L ARG - PUT DISPLAY FLAG IN A A,B ARG - DOT IN APPROPRIATE FIELD B,DOr OUTPUT HEX VALUE TO DISPLAY OUTPT ; GO GET NEXT CHARACTER GTH05 ; LAST CHARACTER WAS NOT A HEX DIGIT RETRIEVE HEX VALUE D RETRIEVE HEX DIGIT FLAG IN C B WAS LAST CHARACTER',' ? COMMA YES - READY TO RETURN GTH25 NO - WAS LAST CHARACTER ' , ? PERIO YES - READY TO RETURN GTH25 ; NO - INVALID TERMINATOR - IGNORE ANY HEX DIGITS READ SET HEX VALUE TO ZERO D,O RETURN FALSE RETF HXDSP GTH25: MOV MOV RRC MOV RET , B,A A,C A,B SAVE LAST CHARACTER SHIFT HEX DIGIT FLAG TO ;/CARRY BIT ; RESTORE LAST CHARACTER ; RETURN ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: HXDSP - EXPAND HEX DIGITS FOR DISPLAY INPUTS: DE - 4 HEX DIGITS OUTPUTS: HL - ADDRESS OF OUTPUT BUFFER CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,H,L,FIF'S DESCRIPTION: HXDSP EXPANDS EACH INPUT BYTE TO 2 BYTES IN A FORM SUITABLE FOR DISPLAY BY THE OUTPUT ROUTINES. EACH INPUT BYTE IS DIVIDED INTO 2 HEX DIGITS. EACH HEX DIGIT IS PLACED IN THE LOW ORDER 4 BITS OF A BYTE WHOSE HIGH ORDER 4 BITS ARE SET TO ZERO. THE RESULTING BYTE IS STORED IN THE OUTPUT BUFFER. THE FUNCTION RETURNS THE ADDRESS OF THE OUTPUT BUFFER. HXDSP: MOV RRC RRC A,D GET FIRST DATA BYTE CONVERT 4 HIGH ORDER BITS ITO A SINGLE CHARACTER ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 026F 0270 0271 0273 0276 0277 0278 027A 027B OF OF' E60F 21F920 77 7A E60F 23 77 uc."( v """'f"7r"o r"'1T") 027D 027E 027F 0280 0281 0283 0284 0285 0286 0288 0289 028A 028D OF OF OF OF E60F 23 77 7B E60F 23 77 21F920 C9 r SEQ RRC RRC ANI LXI MOV MOV ANI INX MOV ....Inn D 028E 028F 0290 0293 E5 F5 210019 3640 0295 0296 0297 0299 029C 029D 029E 25 7E E63F 32FE20 F1 E1 C9 PAGE 14 SOURCE STATEMENT 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 l"JV V 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 131 738 139 740 741 142 143 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 156 757 758 759 760 161 762 763 764 765 766 767 SDK85 RRC RRC RRC RRC ANI INX MOV MOV ANI INX MOV LXI RET OFH H,OBUFF H,A A,D OFH H M,A A 1:' n, .. GET ADDRESS OF OUTPUT BUFFER STORE CHARACTER IN OUTPUT BUFFER GET FIRST DATA BYTE AND CONVERT 4 LOW ORDER /EITS TO A SINGLE CHARACTER NEXT BUFFER POSITION STORE CHARACTER IN BUFFER GET SECOND DATA BYTE CONVERT 4 HIGH ORDER BITS /TO A SINGLE CHARACTER OFH H M,A A,E OFH H M,A H,OBUFF NEXT BUFFER POSITION STORE CHARACTER IN BUFFER GET SECOND DATA BYTE AND CONVERT LOW ORDER /4 BITS TO A SINGLE CHARACTER NEXT BUFFER POSITION STORE CHARACTER IN BUFFER RETURN ADDRESS OF OUTPUT BUFFER IN H & L , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: ININT - INPUT INTERRUPT PROCESSING INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: NOTHING DESCRIPTION: ININT IS ENTERED BY MEANS OF AN INTERRUPT VECTOR (IV2C) WHEN THE READ KEYBOARD ROUTINE IS WAITING FOR A CHARACTER AND THE USER HAS PRESSED A KEY ON THE KEYBOARD (EXCEPT "RESET" OR "VECTORED INTERRUPT"). ININT STORES THE INPUT CHARACTER IN THE INPUT BUFFER AND RETURNS CONTROL TO THE READ KEYBOARD ROUTINE. ININT: PUSH PUSH LXI MVI DeB MOV ANI STA POP POP RET H PSW H,CNTRL M,READ H A,M 3FH IBUFF PSW H SAVE H & L SAVE F/F'S & REGISTER A ADDRESS FOR CONTROL CHARACTER OUTPUT OUTPUT CONTROL CHARACTER FOR READING /FROM KEYBOARD ADnRF,~~ FOR C:HARArTER TNPTlT READ A CHARACTER ZERO 2 HIGH ORDER BITS STORE CHARACTER IN INPUT BUFFER RESTORE F/F'S & REGISTER A RESTORE H & L , .********************************************************************** , ; FUNCTION: INSDG - INSERT HEX DIGIT SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC 029F 0211.0 0211. 1 0211.2 0211.3 .0211.4 0211.5 0211.6 0211.7 0211.8 02AB 02AD 02BO 02B 1 02B4 OBJ EB 29 29 29 29 85 6F EB C9 3AFD20 FEOC D2F702 3C 32FD20 C3FA02 SEQ 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 PAGE 15 SOURCE STATEMENT INPUTS: A - HEX DIGIT TO BE INSERTED DE - HEX VALUE OUTPUTS: DE - HEX VALUE WITH DIGIT INSERTED CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: INSDG SHIFTS THE CONTENTS OF D & E LEFT 4 BITS (1 HEX DIGIT) AND INSERTS THE HEX DIGIT IN A IN THE LOW ORDER DIGIT POSITION OF THE RESULT. A IS ASSUMED TO CONTAIN A SINGLE HEX DIGIT IN THE LOW ORDER 4 BITS AND ZEROS IN THE HIGH ORDER 4 BITS. INSDG: XCHG DAD DAD DAD DAD ADD t-1OV XCHG RET , H H H H L L,A PUT D & E IN H & L SHIFT H & L LEFT 4 BITS INSERT LOW ORDER DIGIT PUT H & L BACK IN D & E ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: NXTRG - ADVANCE REGI·STER POINTER TO NEXT REGISTER INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY - 1 IF POINTER IS ADVANCED SUCCESSfULLY o OTHERWISE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: IF THE REGISTER POINTER POINTS TO THE LAST REGISTER IN THE EXAMINE REGISTER SEQUENCE, THE POINTER IS NOT CHANGED AND THE FUNCTION RETURNS FALSE. IF THE REGISTER POINTER DOES NOT POINT TO THE LAST REGISTER THEN THE POINTER IS ADVANCED TO THE NEXT REGISTER IN THE SEQUENCE AND THE FUNCTION RETURNS TRUE. ; NXTRG: , LDA CPI JNC INR STA JMP RGPTR NUMRG-1 RETF A RGPTR RETT GET REGISTER POINTER DOES POINTER POINT TO LAST REGISTER? YES - UNABLE TO ADVANCE POINTER - RETURN FALSE NO - ADVANCE REGISTER POINTER SAVE REGISTER POINTER RETURN TRUE ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: OUTPT - OUTPUT CHARACTERS TO DISPLAY INPUTS: A DISPLAY FLAG o = USE ADDRESS FIELD 1 = USE DATA FIELD OUTPUT DOT AT RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD B DOT FLAG - 1 o NO DOT HL - ADDRESS OF CHARACTERS TO BE OUTPUT CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ SEQ SDK85 OUTPT SENDS CHARACTERS TO THE DISPLAY. THE ADDRESS OF THE CHARACTERS IS RECEIVED AS AN ARGUMENT. EITHER 2 CHARACTERS ARE SENT TO THE DATA FIELD, OR 4 CHARACTERS ARE SENT TO THE ADDRESS FIELD, DEPENDING ON THE DISPLAY FLAG ARGUMENT. THE DOT FLAG ARGUMENT DETERMINES WHETHER OR NOT A DOT (DECIMAL POINT) WILL BE SENT ALONG WITH THE LAST OUTPUT CHARACTER. 02E7 OF 832 RRC 02B8 DAC202 02BB OE04 02BD 3E90 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 JC MVI MVI OUT05 C,4 A,ADISP JMP OUT10 MVI MVI C,2 A,DDISP STA CNTRL MOV XCHG LXI ADD MOV MOV MOV DCR JNZ DCR JNZ ORI A,M 02C2 OE02 02C4 3E94 02C6 320019 02C9 02CA 02CB 02CE 02CF 02DO a 2D 1 02D2 02D3 02D6 02D7 02DA 7E EB 218403 85 6F 7E 61 25 C2DC02 05 C2DC02 F608 02DC 02DD 02EO a 2E 1 02E2 02E3 02E6 2F 320018 EB 23 aD C2C902 C9 16 SOURCE STATEMENT 823 DESCRIPTION: 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 ; 831 OUTPT: 02BF C3C602 PAGE USE DATA FIELD ' YES - GO SET UP TO USE DATA FIELD NO - COUNT FOR ADDRESS FIELD CONTROL CHARACTER FOR OUTPUT TO ADDRESS /FIELD OF DISPLAY OUT05: COUNT FOR DATA FIELD CONTROL CHARACTER FOR OUTPUT TO DATA FIELD /OF DISPLAY OUT10: OUT15: H,DSPTB L L,A A,M H,C H OUT20 B OUT20 DTMSK GET OUTPUT CHARACTER SAVE OUTPUT CHARACTER ADDRESS IN D & E GET DISPLAY FORMAT TABLE ADDRESS USE OUTPUT CHARACTER AS A POINTER TO /DISPLAY FORMAT TABLE GET DISPLAY FORMAT CHARACTER FROM TABLE TEST COUNTER WITHOUT CHANGING IT IS THIS THE LAST CHARACTER ? NO - GO OUTPUT CHARACTER AS IS YES - IS DOT FLAG SET ? NO - GO OUTPUT CHARACTER AS IS YES - OR IN MASK TO DISPLAY DOT WITH /LAST CHARACTER OUT20: CMA STA XCHG INX DCR JNZ RET , j •••• DSPLY H C OUT15 COMPLEMENT OUTPUT CHARACTER SEND CHARACTER TO DISPLAY RETRIEVE OUTPUT CHARACTER ADDRESS NEXT OUTPUT CHARACTER. ANY MORE OUTPUT CHARACTERS ? YES - GO PROCESS ANOTHER CHARACTER NO - RETURN "t.*.** •••••• "", ••• ,., •••••• , ••• ,." •••••• , ••••••••••• , •••••••• FUNCTION: RDKBD - READ KEYBOARD INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: A - CHARACTER READ FROM KEYBOARD CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: RDKBD DETERMINES WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS A CHARACTER IN THE INPUT BUFFER. IF NOT, THE FUNCTION ENABLES INTERRUPTS AND LOOPS UNTIL THE INPUT INTERRUPT ROUTINE STORES A CHARACTER IN THE BUFFER. WHEN ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OBJ 02E7 21FE20 02EA 7E 02EB 02EC 02EF 02FO B7 F2F302 FE C3E702 02F3 3680 02F5 F3 02F6 cg 02F7 37 02F8 3F 02F9 C9 02FA 37 o2FB C9 SEQ 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 91 1 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 SDK85 PAGE 17 SOURCE STATEMENT THE BUFFER CONTAINS A CHARACTER, THE FUNCTION FLAGS THE BUFFER AS EMPTY AND RETURNS THE CHARACTER AS OUTPUT. ; RDKBD: LXI MOV ORA JP EI JHP H,IBUFF ; GET INPUT EUFFER ADDRESS A,M ; GET BUFFER CONTENTS ; HIGH ORDER EIT = 1 MEANS BUFFER IS EMPTY A ; IS A CHARACTER AVAILABLE? RDK10 ; YES - EXIT FROM LOOP ; NO - READY FOR CHARACTER FROM KEYEOARD RDKBD RDK10: MVI DI RET , M,EMPTY SET BUFFER EMPTY FLAG RETURN WITH INTERRUPTS DISABLED .********************************************************************** , FUNCTION: RETF RETURN FALSE INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY o (FALSE) CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: CARRY DESCRIPTION: RETF IS JUMPED TO BY FUNCTIONS WISHING TO RETURN FALSE. RETF RESETS CARRY TO 0 AND RETURNS TO THE CALLER OF THE ROUTINE INVOKING RETF. RETF: STC CMC RET SET CARRY TRUE COMPLEMENT CARRY TO MAKE IT FALSE , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: RETT RETURN TRUE INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY 1 (TRUE) CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: CARRY DESCRIPTION: RETT IS JUMPED TO BY ROUTINES WISHING TO RETURN TRUE. RETT SETS CARRY TO 1 AND RETURNS TO THE CALLER OF THE ROUTINE INVOKING RETT. RETT: STC RET SET CARRY TRUE , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: RGLOC - GET REGISTER SAVE LOCATION INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: HL - REGISTER SAVE LOCATION CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: B,C,H,L,F/F'S ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC 02FC 02FF 0301 0304 0305 0306 OBJ 2AFD20 2600 01ED03 09 6E 2620 0308 C9 0309 030C 030E 030F 0310 0313 2AFD20 2600 29 29 01B903 09 0314 0315 0317 031A AF 0600 CDB702 C9 SEQ PAGE SDK85 18 SOURCE STATEMENT DESCRIPTION: RGLOC RETURNS THE SAVE LOCATION OF THE REGISTER 933 INDICATED BY THE CURRENT REGISTER POINTER VALUE. 934 935 936 RGLOC: RGPTR GET REGISTER POINTER LHLD 937 MVI H,O lIN H & L 938 B,RGTBL GET REGISTER SAVE LOCATION TABLE ADDRESS LXI 939 DAD B POINTER INDEXES TABLE 940 MOV L,M GET LOW ORDER BYTE OF REGISTER SAVE LOC~ 941 MVI H,(RAMST SHR 8) GET HIGH ORDER BYTE OF 942 IREGISTER SAVE LOCATION 943 RET 944 945 ; 946 ;* •••••••••••••••• * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 947 FUNCTION: RGNAM - DISPLAY REGISTER NAME 948 INPUTS: NONE 949 OUTPUTS: NONE 950 CALLS: OUTPT 951 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 952 DESCRIPTION: RGNAM DISPLAYS, IN THE ADDRESS FIELD OF THE DISPLAY, 953 THE REGISTER NAME CORRESPONDING TO THE CURRENT 954 REGISTER POINTER VALUE. 955 956 957 RGNAM: LHLD RGPTR GET REGISTER POINTER 958 MVI H,O 959 DAD H MULTIPLY POINTER VALUE BY 4 960 DAD H ;/(REGISTER NAME TABLE HAS 4 BYTE ENTRIES) 961 B,NMTBL ; GET ADDRESS OF START OF REGISTER NAME TABLE LXI 962 DAD B ; ARG - ADD TABLE ADDRESS TO POINTER - RESULT IS 963 964 ;/ADDRESS OF APPROPRIATE REGISTER NAME IN H & L XRA A ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY 965 MVI B,NODOT 966 ARG - NO DOT IN ADDRESS FIELD CALL OUTPT OUTPUT REGISTER NAME TO ADDRESS FIELD 967 RET 968 969 , 970 ; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * •• 971 FUNCTION: RSTOR - RESTOR USER REGISTERS 972 INPUTS: NONE 973 OUTPUTS: NONE 974 CALLS: NOTHING 975 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 976 977 ; DESCRIPTION: RSTOR RESTORES ALL CPU REGISTERS, FLIP/FLOPS, INTERRUPT STATUS, INTERRUPT MASK, STACK POINTER 978. ; AND PROGRAM COUNTER FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE 979 980 SAVE LOCATIONS IN MEMORY. BY RESTORING THE PROGRAM COUNTER, THE ROUTINE EFFECTIVELY TRANSFERS CONTROL TO 981 982 THE ADDRESS IN THE PROGRAM COUNTER SAVE LOCftTIO~. 983 984 THE TIMING OF THIS ROUTINE IS CRITICAL TO THE CORRECT OPERATION OF THE SINGLE STEP ROUTINE. 985 986 IF ANY MODIFICATION CHANGES THE NUMBER OF CPU ~m"fT!'!7I!"'" U .1. .t1 .1. .u ..; "TT":I'''''''T"o,T""'IY''Oo J.'t l.:J t.J .LJ .c.. .LJ """""1 .1. U ~"Ir,....~"'T"'"T"'" C, A c., \,., U i l.:J rTI""rT 1. l.L .L ..... u ,..',...'·.rr,'TlIT,..... 1\ U U .1. ~ l~ .c, f'T"' 1 .. "!" ....... '- . . . . . . . . . . . . n c., Pi 1 T""O n. .c.. SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, xl08 LOC OBJ 031B 3AF120 031E F618 0320 30 0321 0324 0326 0329 032A 3AF120 E608 CA2D03 FB C33103 032D 37 032E D23103 0331 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 033B 033C 033F 0340 0343 21E920 F9 Dl Cl Fl 2AF420 F9 2AF220 E5 2AEF20 C9 0344 CDE702 0347 FE10 0349 D2F702 034C D603 SEQ 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 101 1 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 PAGE 19 SOURCE STATEMENT TIMER VALUE MUST BE ADJUSTED BY THE SAME NUMEER. ***** THIS IS ALSO THE ENTRY POINT FOR THE TTY MONITOR TO RESTORE REGISTERS. ; RSTOR: LDA ORI ISAV 18H GET USER INTERRUPT MASK ENABLE SETTING OF INTERRUPT MASK AND IRESET IV3C FLIP FLOP SIM RESTORE USER INTERRUPT MASK RESTORE USER INTERRUPT STATUS LDA ISAV GET USER INTERRUPT MASK ANI 08H SHOULD USER INTERRUPTS BE ENABLED ? JZ RSR05 NO - LEAVE INTERRUPTS DISABLED EI YES - ENABLE INTERRUPTS FOR USER PROGRAM JMP RSR1Q STC JNC RSR10 RSR05: DUMMY INSTRUCTIONS - WHEN SINGLE STEP ROUTINE lIS BEING USED, THE TIMER IS RUNNING AND IEXECUTE TIME FOR THIS ROUTINE MUST NOT IVARY. RSR10: LXI SPHL POP POP POP LHLD SPHL LHLD PUSH LHLD RET H,MNSTK D B SET MONITOR STACK POINTER TO START OF STACK IWHICH IS ALSO END OF REGISTER SAVE AREA RESTORE REGISTERS PS~I SSAV RESTORE USER STACK POINTER PSAV H LSAV PUT USER PROGRAM COUNTER ON STACK RESTORE H & L REGISTERS JUMP TO USER PROGRAM COUNTER , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: SETRG - SET REGISTER POINTER I~PUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY SET IF CHARACTER FROM KEYBOARD IS A REGISTER DESIGNATOR RESET OTHERWISE CALLS: RDKBD DESTROYS: A,B,C,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: SETRG READS A CHARACTER FROM THE KEYBOARD. IF THE CHARACTER IS A REGISTER DESIGNATOR, IT IS CONVERTED TO THE CORRESPONDING REGISTER POINTER VALUE, THE POINTER IS SAVED, AND THE FUNCTION RETURNS 'TRUE'. OTHERWISE, THE FUNCTION RETURNS 'FALSE'. ; SETRG: CALL CPI JNC RDKBD 10H RETF SUI 3 READ FROM KEYBOARD IS CHARACTER A DIGIT? NO - RETURN FALSE - CHARACTER IS NOT A IREGISTER DESIGNATOR YES - TRY TO CONVERT REGISTER DESIGNATOR TO I INDEX INTO REGISTER POINTER TABLE ISIS-II 8G80/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OEJ SEQ 034E 0351 0352 0354 0357 0358 0359 035C DAF702 4F 0600 21AC03 09 7E 32FD20 C3FA02 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 11"\[:""'" IV:';':' 035F 2AF620 0362 EB 0363 CD6C02 0366 AF 0367 CDB7C2 036A C9 0368 3AF820 036E 57 036F CD6C02 0372 3E01 0374 CDB702 0377 C9 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 10BO 1081 10B2 1083 10B4 1085 1086 1087 10B8 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 SDK85 PAGE 20 SOURCE STATEMENT JC MOV MVI LXI DAD MOV STA JMP , RETF C,A B,O H,RGPTE B A,M RGPTR RETT WAS CONVERSION SUCCESSFUL? NO - RETURN FALSE INDEX TO B & C GET ADDRESS OF REGISTER POINTER TABLE INDEX POINTS INTO TABLE GET REGISTER POINTER FROM TABLE SAVE REGISTER POINTER RETURN TRUE ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: UPDAD - UPDATE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY INPUTS: B - DOT FLAG - 1 MEANS PUT DOT AT RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD a MEANS NO DOT OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: HXDSP,OUTPT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: UPDAD UPDATES THE ADDRESS FIELD OF THE DISPLAY USING THE CURRENT ADDRESS. UPDAD: LHLD XCHG CALL CURAD XRA A CALL RET OUTPT HXDSP GET CURRENT ADDRESS ARG - PUT CURRENT ADDRESS IN D & E EXPAND CURRENT ADDRESS FOR DISPLAY ARG ADDRESS OF EXPANDED ADDRESS IS IN H & L ARG - USE ADDRESS FIELD OF DISPLAY ARG - DOT FLAG IS IN B OUTPUT CURRENT ADDRESS TO ADDRESS FIELD , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: UPDDT - UPDATE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY INPUTS: B - DOT FLAG - 1 MEANS PUT DOT AT RIGHT EDGE OF FIELD o MEANS NO DOT OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: HXDSP,OUTDT DESTROYS: A,E,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: UPDDT UPDATES THE DATA FIELD OF THE DISPLAY USING THE CURRENT DATA BYTE. UPDDT: , LDA MOV CALL CURDT j),A HXDSP MVI A,DTFLD CALL RET OUTPT GET CURRENT DATA ARG - PUT CURRENT DATA IN D EXPAND CURRENT DATA FOR DISPLAY ARG - ADDRESS OF EXPANDED DATA IS IN H & L ARG - USE DATA FIELD OF DISPLAY ARG - DOT FLAG IS IN B OUTPUT CURRENT DATA TO DATA FIELD ;********************************************************************** t-'iONITOR TABLES ISIS-II 808018085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, 1108 LOC 0378 0379 037A 037B 0004 OBJ 12 13 14 15 SEQ 1098 1099 1 100 1 101 1 102 1 103 1104 1105 1106 1 107 1 108 1109 1110 SDK85 PAGE 21 SOURCE STATEMENT , ,.***~************************************************* ***************** ; COMMAND TABLE ; COMMAND CHARACTERS AS CMDTB: DB 12H DB 13H 14H DB DB 15H EQU $-CMDTB RECEIVED FROM KEYBOARD GO COMMAND SUBSTITUTE MEMORY COMMAND EXAMINE REGISTERS COMMAND SINGLE STEP COMMAND NUMBER OF COMMANDS , ,.********************************************************************** 1 111 037C 037E 0380 0382 0000 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0005 0005 0389 038A 038B 0008 038C 038D OOOA 038E OOOB 038F OOOC 0390 OOOD 0391 OOOE 0392 OOOF FDOO 9200 8BOl CBOO F3 60 B5 F4 66 D6 D7 70 F'7 76 77 C7 93 E5 97 1 112 ; COMMAND ROUTINE ADDRESS TABLE 1 1 13 ; (MUST BE IN REVERSE ORDER OF COMMAND TABLE) 1 1 14 CMDAD: 1 115 DW ADDRESS OF SINGLE STEP ROUTINE SSTEP 1 116 ADDRESS OF EXAMINE REGISTERS ROUTINE DW EXAM DW SUBST ADDRESS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMORY ROUTINE 1 1 17 1 118 DW GOCMD ADDRESS OF GO ROUTINE 1 1 19 , 1120 ,.*************************.******************************************** 1 121 1122 DSPTB: TAELE FOR TRANSLATING CHARACTERS FOR OUTPUT 1 123 1124 DISPLAY 1125 FORMAT CHARACTER 1126 ======= ========= 1127 EQU 1128 ZERO $ - DSPTB DB 1129 OF3H o DB 1130 60H 1 1 131 DB OB5H 2 DB 1132 OF4H 3 DB 66H 4 1133 EQU 1134 FIVE $ - DSPTB EQU $ - DSPTB 1135 LETRS DB OD6H 1136 5 AND S DB OD7H 1137 6 DB 1138 70H 7 EQU 1139 EIGHT $ - DSPTB 1140 DB 8 OF7H 1 141 DB 76H 9 1142 LETRA EQU $ - DSPTB DB 1143 77H ; A 1144 LETRB EQU $ - DSPTB DB 1145 OC7H ; B (LOWER CASE) 1146 LETRC EQU $ - DSPTB 1147 DB C 93H 1148 LETRD EQU $ - DSPTB 1149 DB OE5H ; D (LOWER CASE) EQU 1150 LETRE $ - DSPTB 1 151 DB E 97H 1152 LETRF EQU $ - DSPTE ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC OBJ SEQ 0393 0010 0394 0011 0395 0012 0396 0013 0397 0014 0398 0015 0399 17 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1 16 1 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 67 83 37 60 05 00 ~ 039A 039B 039C 039D 039E 039F 03AO o3A 1 03A2 o3A 3 03A4 03A5 15 15 15 15 15 OE 14 14 OE 15 15 15 03A6 o 3A 7 03A8 03A9 03AA 03AB 15 15 08 00 08 05 SDK85 PAGE 22 SOURCE STATEMENT LETRH LETRL LETRP LETRI LETRR BLANK , DB EQU DB EQU DB EQU DB EQU DB EQU DB EQU DB 17H $ - DSPTB 67H ; $ - DSPTB 83H ; $ - DSPTB 37H ; $ - DSPTB 60H $ - DSPTB 05H $ - DSPTB OOH F H L P I R (LOWER CASE) BLANK 167 ;***************************************************** ***************** 1168 ; 1169 ; MESSAGES FOR OUTPUT TO DISPLAY 1170 1171 BLNKS: DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,BLANK FOR ADDRESS OR DATA FIELD 1172 ERMSG: DB BLANK,LETRE,LETRR,LETRR ERROR MESSAGE FOR ADDR. FIELD 1173 EXMSG: DB LETRE,BLANK,BLANK,BLANK EXECUTION MESSAGE 1174 1175 SGNAD: DB BLANK,BLANK,EIGHT,ZERO IFOR ADDRESS FIELD SIGN ON MESSAGE (ADDR. FIELD) 1176 SGNDT: DB EIGHT,FIVE SIGN ON MESSAGE (DATA FIELD) 03AC 03AD 03AE 03AF 03BO 06 09 OA OB OC 1177 j 1178 ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1179 1180 RGPTB: REGISTER POINTER TABLE 1 1 81 THE ENTRIES IN THIS TABLE ARE IN THE SAME ORDER 1182 AS THE REGISTER DESIGNATOR KEYS ON THE KEYBOARD. EACH ENTRY CONTAINS THE REGISTER POINTER VALUE WHICH 1183 1184 CORRESPONDS TO THE REGISTER DESIGNATOR. REGISTER 1185 POINTER VALUES ARE USED TO POINT INTO THE REGISTER 1186 NAME TABLE (NMTBL) AND REGISTER SAVE LOCATION 1187 TABLE (RGTBL). 1188 1189 DB 6 INTERRUPT MASK DB 1190 SPH 9 DB 1191 10 SPL 1192 DB 11 PCH DB 1193 12 PCL 03E~ 07 11('\11 I I :J" DB 7 ; H ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEt-IBLER, x108 SDK85 PAGE 23 LOC OBJ SEQ 03B2 03B3 03B4 03B5 03B6 03B7 03B8 08 00 01 02 03 04 05 03B9 03BA 03BB 03BC 03BD 03BE 03BF 03CO 03C1 03C2 03C3 03C4 03C5 03C6 03C7 03C8 03C9 03CA 03CB 03CC 03CD 03CE 03CF 03DO 03D 1 03D2 03D3 03D4 03D5 03D6 03D7 03D8 03D9 03DA 03DB 03DC 03DD 03DE 03DF 03EO 03E1 03E2 03E3 15 15 15 OA 15 15 15 OB 15 15 15 OC 15 15 15 OD 15 15 15 OE 15 15 15 OF 15 15 15 13 15 15 15 10 15 15 15 11 15 05 12 10 15 05 12 DB L 8 1195 A DB 1196 0 B DB 1197 C DB 2 1198 DB D 1199 3 DB E 41200 DB FLAGS 1201 5 1202 ; 1203 ,.********************************************************************** 1204 1205 NNTBL: ; REGISTER NAME TABLE 1206 ; NAMES OF REGISTERS IN DISPLAY FORMAT DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRA 1207 ; A REGISTER SOURCE STATEMENT 1208 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRB B REGISTER 1209 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRC C REGISTER 1210 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRD D REGISTER 1211 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRE E REGISTER 1212 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRF FLAGS 1213 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRI INTERRUPT MASK 1214 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRH H REGISTER 1215 DB BLANK,BLANK,BLANK,LETRL L REGISTER 1216 DB BLANK,LETRS,LETRP,LETRH STACK POINTER HIGH ORDER BYTE 1217 DB BLANK,LETRS,LETRP,LETRL STACK POINTER LOW ORDER EYTE SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OEJ 03E4 03E5 03E6 03E7 03E8 03E9 03EA 03EE 03EC 11 15 12 OC 10 15 03ED 03EE 03EF 03FO 03F1 03F2 03F3 o3I<'4 03F5 03F6 03F7 03F8 03F9 OOOD EE EC EB EA E9 ED F1 FO EF F5 F4 F3 F2 SEQ PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT COUNTER HIGH 1218 DB BLANK,LETRP,LETRC,LETRH PROGRA~ E~TE 1219 DB BLANK,LETRP,LETRC,LETRL PROGRAM COUNTER LOW BYTE i 2 OC 11 1220 , 1221 ,.*********************.** •• ***********************.** ••• *************** 1222 1??i REGISTER SAVE LOCATION TABLE ADDRESSES OF SAVE LOCATIONS OF REGISTERS IN THE ORDER IN WHICH 1224 THE REGISTERS ARE DISPLAYED BY THE EXAMINE COMMAND 1225 1226 1227 RGTBL: ASAV AND OFFH A REGISTER 1228 DB B REGISTER DB BSJlV AND OFFH 1229 C REGISTER CSAV AND OFFH DB 1230 D REGISTER DB DSAV AND OFFH 1231 ESAV AND OFFH E REGISTER DB 1232 FSAV AND OFFH FLAGS DB 1233 INTERRUPT MASK ISAV AND OFFH DB 1234 HSAV AND OFFH H REGISTER DB 1235 LSAV AND OFFH L REGISTER DB 1236 SPHSV AND OFFH STACK POINTER HIGH ORDER EYTE DB 1237 SPLSV AND OFFH STACK POINTER LOW ORDER BYTE DB 1238 PCHSV AND OFFH PROGRAM COUNTER HIGH ORDER BYTE DB 1239 PCLSV AND OFFH PROGRAM COUNTER LOW ORDER BYTE DB 1240 EQU ($ - RGTBL) NUMBER OF ENTRIES IN 1241 NUMRG j IREGISTER SAVE LOCATION TABLE 1242 1243 , 1244 j********'*********'*'*****'**********'****************.*************** 1245 j**************'**********************'******************************** 1246 1247 SDK-85 TTY MONITOR 1248 j 1249 j**'********************************************************** ••••••••• 1250 .;*** ••• *.* ••• * •••••• *.**** •• * •••• ******** •• * •• * •• **.* •• *****.*.*** ••• *. 1251 1?52 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 126"i 1264 1265 ABSTRACT ======== THIS PROGRAM WAS ADAPTED, WITH FEW CHANGES, FROM THE SDK-80 MONITOR. THIS PROGRAM RUNS ON THE 8085 BOARD AND IS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE THE USER WITH A MINIMAL MONITOR. BY USING THIS PROGRAM, THE USER CAN EXAMINE AND CHANGE MEMORY OR CPU REGISTERS, LOAD A PROGRAM (IN ABSOLUTE HEX) INTO RAM, AND EXECUTE INSTRUCTIONS ALREADY IN MEMORY. THE MONITOR ALSO PROVIDES THE USER WITH ROUTINES FOR PERFORMING CONSOLE 1/0. PROGRAM ORGANIZATION ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OBJ SEQ 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 SDK85 PAGE 25 SOURCE STATEMENT ======= ============ THE LISTING IS ORGANIZED IN THE FOLLOWING WAY. FIRST THE COMMAND RECOGNIZER, WHICH IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL ROUTINE IN THE PROGRAM. NEXT THE ROUTINES TO IMPLEMENT THE VARIOUS COMMANDS. FINALLY, THE UTILITY ROUTINES WHICH ACTUALLY DO THE DIRTY WORK. WITHIN EACH SECTION, THE ROUTINES ARE ORGANIZED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, BY ENTRY POINT OF THE ROUTINE. MACROS USED IN THE TTY MONITOR ARE DEFINED IN THE KEYBOARD MONITOR. LIST OF FUNCTIONS GETCM DCMD GCMD ICMD MCMD SCMD XCMD CI CNVBN CO CROUT DELAY ECHO ERROR FRET GETCH GETHX GETNM HILO NMOUT PRVAL REGDS RGADR SRET STHFO STHLF VALDG VALDL , ;***************~************************************* ************ MONITOR EQUATES ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC 001B 07FA OOOD 001B OOOF OOFF OOOA 0000 UJjJ SEQ 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 0080 0040 OOCO 001B OOFF 0480 0480 0900 0240 PAGE 26 SlAt~MhNl ,.********************************** ••• * •• *.** •• ******.****.****.** BRCHR BRTAB CR ESC HCHAR INVRT LF LOWER jLSGNON jMNSTK EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1BH 07FAH ODH lBH OFH OFFH OAH o ",,,,,-.r ;NCMDS EQU I~"':'" LI~ EQU ur 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 PRTYO jRAMST EQU EOU 07FH jRTABS SSTRT STOPB STRT TERM UPPER EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU I.).)U 007F S0UkC~ SDK85 i 11 80H 40H OCOH lBH OFFH CODE FOR BREAK CHARACTER (ESCAPE) LOCATION OF START OF BRANCH TABLE IN ROM CODE FOR CARRIAGE RETURN CODE FOR ESCAPE CHARACTER MASK TO SELECT LOWER HEX CHAR FROM BYTE MASK TO INVERT HALF EYTE FLAG CODE FOR LINE FEED DENOTES LOWER HALF OF BYTE IN ICMD LENGTH OF SIGNON MESSAGE - DEFINED LATER START OF MONITOR STACK - DEFINED IN /KEYBOARD MONITOR NUMBER OF VALID COMMANDS - DEFINED LATER MA3K FOR CHECKI~G MEMORY ADDR DI3PLAY MASK TO CLEAR PARITY BIT FROM CONSOLE CHAR START ADDRESS OF RAM - DEFINED IN KEYbOARD MONITOR SIZE OF ENTRY IN RTAE TABLE SHIFTED START BIT STOP BIT UNSHIFTED START BIT CODE FOR ICMD TERMINATING CHARACTER (ESCAPE) DENOTES UPPER HALF OF EYTE IN ICMD jDELAY VALUES IF NO WAIT STATE IBTIM OBTIM TIM2 WAIT IF EQU EQU EQU EQU ENDIF l-WAITS 1152 1152 2304 576 jINTER-BIT TIME DELAY jOUTPUT INTER-BIT TIME DELAY j2 BIT TIME DELAY jDELAY UNTIL READY TO SAMPLE BITS jDELAY VALUES IF ONE WAIT STATE IBTIM OETIM TIM2 WAIT IF EQU EOU EQU EOU ENDIF WAITS 928 928 1859 464 jINTER-BIT DELAY jOUTPUT INTER-BIT TIME DELAY j2 BIT TIME DELAY ;DELAY UNTIL READY TO SAMPLE BITS ; ,.*****************************.*********************************** RESTART ENTRY POINT ; ,.****************************************.************************ ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 03FA 218C07 03FD 0614 03FF 0400 0403 0404 0405 4E CDC405 23 05 C2FF03 0408 040B 040C 040E 0411 21E920 F9 OE2E CDF805 C31404 0414 0417 041A 041B 041E CD1F06 CDF805 79 010600 21AE07 SEQ 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390, 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1 41 1 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 SDK85 PAGE 27 SOURCE STATEMENT .************************************************************ , PRINT SIGNON MESSAGE , ,.************************************************************ GO: LXI MVI H,SGNON; GET ADDRESS OF SIGN ON MESSAGE B,LSGNON ; COUNTER FOR CHARACTERS IN MESSAGE MOV CALL INX DCR JNZ C,M CO MSGL: H B MSGL FETCH NEXT CHAR TO C REG SEND IT TO THE CONSOLE POINT TO NEXT CHARACTER DECREMENT BYTE COUNTER RETURN FOR NEXT CHARACTER , ,.***************************************************************** COMMAND RECOGNIZING ROUTINE , ,.***************************************************************** FUNCTION: GETCM INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: GETCH,ECHO,ERROR DESTROYS: A,B,C,H,L,FIF'S DESCRIPTION: GETCM RECEIVES AN INPUT CHARACTER FROM THE USER AND ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE THIS CHARACTER IN ITS COMMAND CHARACTER TABLE. IF SUCCESSFUL, THE ROUTINE CORRESPONDING TO THIS CHARACTER IS SELECTED FROM A TABLE OF COMMAND ROUTINE ADDRESSES, AND CONTROL IS TRANSFERRED TO THIS ROUTINE. IF THE CHARACTER DOES NOT MATCH ANY ENTRIES, CONTROL IS PASSED TO THE ERROR HANDLER. GETCM: H,MNSTK LXI SPHL MVI CALL JfJlP ECHO GTC03 ALWAYS WANT TO RESET STACK PTR TO MONITOR ISTARTING VALUE SO ROUtINES NEEDN'T CLEAN UP PROMPT CHARACTER TO C SEND PROMPT CHARACTER TO USER TERMINAL WANT TO LEAVE ROOM FOR RST BRANCH CALL CALL MOV LXI LXI GETeH ECHO A,C B,NCMDS H,CTAB GET COMMAND CHARACTER TO A ECHO CHARACTER TO USER PUT COMMAND CHARACTER INTO ACCUMULATOR C CONTAINS LOOP AND INDEX COUNT HL POINTS INTO COMMAND TABLE C, ' ., GTC03: GTC05: ISIS-II B080/B085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x10B SDK85 LOC OBJ SEQ 0421 0422 0425 0426 0427 042A BE CA2D04 23 OD C22104 C31106 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 GTC10: CMP JZ INX DCR JNZ JMP M 143B LXI H,CADR 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 DAD DAD MOV INX MOV B B 042D 21A007 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 ol! 3 S 0436 09 09 7E 23 66 1448 0437 0439 043C 043D OE02 CD5B06 D1 E1 043E 0441 0442 0445 0446 CDEB05 7C CDC706 7D CDC706 0449 044B 044E 044F 0452 OE20 CDFB05 7E CDC706 CDA006 GTC10 H C GTC05 ERROR A,M H H,M T 1446 1447 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 147B 1479 14BO 0455 D25E04 1481 1482 1483 1484+ O!J5e C!:'EE05 1 J~ 85 28 SOURCE STATEMENT 6~ E9 PAGE PCHL COMPARE TABLE ENTRY AND CHARACTER BRANCH IF EQUAL - COMMAND RECOGNIZED ELSE, INCREMENT TABLE POINTER DECREMENT LOOP COUNT BRANCH IF NOT AT TABLE END ELSE, COMMAND CHARACTER IS ILLEGAL IF GOOD COMMAND, LOAD ADDRESS OF TABLE /OF COMMAND ROUTINE ADDRESSES ADD WHAT IS LEFT OF LOOP COUNT ADD AGAIN - EACH ENTRY IN CADR IS 2 BYTES LONG GET LSP OF ADDRESS OF TABLE ENTRY TO A POINT TO NEXT BYTE IN TABLE GET MSP OF ADDRESS OF TABLE ENTRY TO H • . . 'n NEXT INSTRUCTION COMES FROM CCMMAND ROUTINE , ,-****************1*111****11*****************1****************1******** COMMAND IMPLEMENTING RCUTINES , ,-**111************1****1*************************1********************* FUNCTION: DCMD INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: ECHO,NMOUT,HILO,GETCM,CROUT,GETNM DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: DCMD IMPLEMENTS THE DISPLAY MEMORY (D) COMMAND DC~1D : MVI CALL POP POP C,2 GETNM GET 2 NUMBERS FROM INPUT STREAM D ENDING ADDRESS TO DE STARTING ADDRESS TO HL H DCM05: CALL MOV CALL MOV CALL CROUT A,H NMOUT A,L NMOUT MVI CALL MOV CALL CALL C,' , ECHO A,M NMOUT HILO FALSE JNC DCM15 DCM15 ECHO CARRIAGE RETURN/LINE FEED DISPLAY ADDRESS OF FIRST LOCATION IN LINE ADDRESS IS 2 BYTES LONG DCM10: r'1T"1""TTfT\ v..i.t\..' V J. USE BLANK AS SEPARATOR GET CONTENTS OF NEXT MEMORY LOCATION DISPLAY CONTENTS SEE IF ADDRESS OF DISPLAYED LOCATION IS /GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO ENDING ADDRESS IF NOT, MORE TO DISPLAY , CARRIAGE RETURN/LINE FEED Ie END LINE ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 045B C30804 045E 23 045F 7D 0460 E60F 0462 C24904 0465 C33E04 0468 CD2606 046B 046E 046F 0471 0474 0477 0478 0479 047A D27D04 7A FEOD C21106 21F220 71 23 70 C38304 047D 7A 047E FEOD 0480 C21106 0483 C31B03 0486 OE01 0488 CD5B06 048B 3EFF SEQ SDK85 PAGE 29 SOURCE STATEMENT GETCM ALL DONE JMP 1486 1487 DCM15: INX H IF MORE TO GO, POINT TO NEXT LOC TO DISPLAY 1488 A,L GET LOW ORDER BITS OF NEW ADDRESS MOV 1489 ANI NEWLN SEE IF LAST HEX DIGIT OF ADDRESS DENOTES 1490 1ST ART OF NEW LINE 1491 JNZ DCM10 NO - NOT AT END OF LINE 1492 JMP DCM05 YES - START NEW LINE WITH ADDRESS 1493 1494 1495 ; 1496 ,.***************************************************************** 1497 1498 FUNCTION: GCMD 1499 INPUTS: NONE 1500 OUTPUTS: NONE 1501 CALLS: ERROR,GETHX,RSTTF 1502 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 1503 1504 DESCRIPTION: GCMD IMPLEMENTS THE BEGIN EXECUTION (G) COMMAND. 1505 1506 GCMD: CALL GETHX GET ADDRESS (IF PRESENT) FROM INPUT STREAM 1507 FALSE 1508 GCM05 BRANCH IF NO NUMBER PRESENT JNC GCM05 1509+ MOV 1510 A,D ELSE, GET TERMINATOR 15 1 1 CPI CR SEE IF CARRIAGE RETURN 1512 JNZ ERROR ERROR IF NOT PROPERLY TERMINATED LXI H,PSAV ; WANT NUMBER TO REPLACE SAVE PGM COUNTER 1513 MOV M,C 1514 INX H 1515 MOV H,B 1516 JMP GCM10 1517 1518 GCH05: MOV A,D 1519 IF NO STARTING ADDRESS, MAKE SURE THAT CPI 1520 CR ICARRIAGE RETURN TERMINATED COMMAND JNZ ERROR 1521 ERROR IF NOT 1522 GCM10: JMP RSTOR 1523 RESTORE REGISTERS AND BEGIN EXECUTION 1524 (RSTOR IS IN KEYBOARD MONITOR) 1525 1526 , 1527 ;***************************************************************** 1528 1529 FUNCTION: ICMD 1530 INPUTS: NONE 1531 OUTPUTS: NONE 1532 CALLS: ERROR,ECHO,GETCH,VALDL,VALDG,CNVBN,STHLF,GETNM,CROUT 1533 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 1534 DESCRIPTION: ICMD IMPLEMENTS THE INSERT CODE INTO MEMORY (I) COMMAND. 1535 1536 1537 ICMD: MVI C, 1 1538 CALL GETNM GET SINGLE NUMBER FROM INPUT STREAM 1539 MVI A,UPPER 1540 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 048D 32FD20 0490 D1 0491 0494 0495 0498 0499 049B 049E CD1F06 4F CDF805 79 FE1B CAC704 CD7907 04A1 DA9104 04A4 CD5E07 04A7 04AA 04AD 04AE 04B1 04B4 04B5 04B8 D2Cl04 CDBB05 4F CD3F07 3AFD20 B7 C2B904 13 04B9 EEFF 04BB 32FD20 04BE C39104 04C1 CD3407 04C4 C31106 04C7 CD3407 04CA CDEE05 04CD C30804 SEQ OE03 CD5B06 C1 E1 D1 04D8 E5 04D9 62 04DA 6B STA POP D CALL MOV CALL MOV CPI JZ CALL TRUE JC CALL FALSE GETCH C,A ECHO A,C TERM ICM25 VALDL ICM05 ICM05 VALDG ICM20 TEMP i::>::>::>+ JNl,; ll,;M~U 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 CALL CNVBN C,A STHLF TEMP 30 TEMP WILL HOLD THE UPPER/LOWER HALF BYTE FLAG ADDRESS OF START TO DE GET A CHARACTER FROM INPUT STREAM ECHO IT PUT CHARACTER BACK INTO A SEE IF CHARACTER IS A TERMTNATING CHARACTER IF SO, ALL DONE ENTERING CHARACTERS ELSE, SEE IF VALID DELIMITER IF SO SIMPLY IGNORE THIS CHARACTER ELSE, CHECK TO SEE IF VALID HEX DIGIT IF NOT, BRANCH TO HANDLE ERROR CONDITION D CONVERT DIGIT TO BINARY MOVE RESULT TO C STORE IN APPROPRIATE HALF WORD GET HALF BYTE FLAG SET F/F'S BRANCH IF FLAG SET FOR UPPER IF LOWER, INC ADDRESS OF BYTE TO STORE IN XRI STA JMP INVRT TEMP ICM05 TOGGLE STATE OF FLAG PUT NEW VALUE OF FLAG BACK PROCESS NEXT DIGIT CALL JMP STHFO ERROR ILLEGAL CHARACTER MAKE SURE ENTIRE EYTE FILLED THEN ERROR CALL CALL JMP STHFO CROUT GETCM HERE FOR ESCAPE CHARACTER - INPUT IS DONE ADD CARRIAGE RETURN t-1OV CALL LDA ORA JNZ INX A ICM10 IeMl0: ICM20: ICM25: ; ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FUNCTION: MCMD INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: GETCM,HILO,GETNM DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S V~SCHIPTION: MeMD IMPLEMENTS THE MOVE DATA IN MEMORY (M) COMMAND. 1585 ; 1586 MCMD: 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 MCM05: 1593 1594 1~1j~ PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT 1541 1542 1543 ICHC5: 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552+ 1553 1554 1~84 04DO 04D2 04D5 04D6 04D7 SDK85 MVI CALL POP POP POP C,3 GETNM B H D GET 3 NUMBERS FROM INPVT STREAM DESTINATION ADDRESS TO BC ENDING ADDRESS TO HL STARTING ADDRESS TO DE PUSH MOV H SAVE ENDING ADDRESS MUV L,l!: H,D SOURCE ADDRESS TO HL ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, xi08 SDK85 PAGE 31 SOURCE STATEMENT LOC OBJ SEQ 04DB 04DC 04DD 04DE 04DF 04EO 04E1 04E2 04E5 04E6 04E7 7E 60 69 77 03 78 B1 CA0804 13 E1 CDA006" A,M GET SOURCE BYTE MOV 1596 H,B MOV 1597 L,C DESTINATION ADDRESS TO HL MOV 1598 MOVE BYTE TO DESTINATION M,A MOV 1599 B INCREMENT DESTINATION ADDRESS INX 1600 MOV A,B 1601 TEST FOR DESTINATION ADDRESS OVERFLOW ORA C 1602 GETCM IF SO, CAN TERMINATE COMMAND JZ 1603 INCREMENT SOURCE ADDRESS D 1604 INX ELSE, GET BACK ENDING ADDRESS H POP 1605 SEE IF ENDING ADDR>=SOURCE ADDR CALL HILO 1606 GETCM IF NOT, COMMAND IS DONE FALSE 1607 GETCM JNC 1608+ MOVE ANOTHER BYTE JMP MCM05 1609 1610 161 1 ; 1612 ,.****************************************************************** 1613 1614 FUNCTION: SCMD 1615 INPUTS: NONE 1616 OUTPUTS: NONE 1617 CALLS: GETHX,GETCM,NMOUT,ECHO 1618 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 1619 DESCRIPTION: SCMD IMPLEMENTS THE SUBSTITUTE INTO MEMORY (S) COMMAND. 1620 1621 1622 SCMD: GET A NUMBER, IF PRESENT, FROM INPUT CALL GETHX 1623 B PUSH 1624 GET NUMBER TO HL - DENOTES MEMORY LOCATION POP H 1625 1626 SCM05: MOV A,D GET TERMINATOR 1627 , , 1628 CPI SEE IF SPACE JZ SCM10 YES - CONTINUE PROCESSING 1629 ,,, ELSE, SEE IF COMMA CPI 1630 JNZ GETCM NO - TERMINATE COMMAND 1631 1632 SCM10: MOV A,M GET CONTENTS OF SPECIFIED LOCATION TO A 1633 DISPLAY CONTENTS ON CONSOLE CALL NMOUT 1634 MVI 1635 C, ' - ' CALL ECHO USE DASH FOR SEPARATOR 1636 CALL GETHX GET NEW VALUE FOR M~MORY LOCATION, IF ANY 1637 FALSE SCM15 IF NO VALUE PRESENT, BRANCH 1638 SCM15 JNC 1639+ 1640 MOV M,C ELSE, STORE LOWER 8 BITS OF NUMBER ENTERED 1641 SCM15: INX H 1642 INCREMENT ADDRESS OF MEMORY LOCATION TO VIEW JMP 1643 SCM05 1644 1645 ; 1646 ,.***************************************************************** 1647 1648 FUNCTION: XCMD 1649 INPUTS: NONE 1650 04EA D20804 04ED C3D804 04FO CD2606 04F3 C5 04F4 E1 04F5 04F6 04F8 04FB 04FD 7A FE20 CA0005 FE2C C20804 0500 0501 0504 0506 0509 7E CDC706 OE2D CDF805 CD2606 050C D21005 050F 71 0510 23 0511 C3F504 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 0514 0517 0518 05.1 B 051C 051E 0521 0524 CD1F06 4F CDF805 79 FEOD C22705 CDEA06 C30804 0527 0528 052B 052C 052D 052F 0532 0533 4F CD1E07 C5 E1 OE20 CDF805 79 32FD20 0536 0539 053E 053E 0540 3AFD20 FE20 CA4305 FE2C C20804 0543 0544 0545 0548 054B 7E B7 C24E05 CDEB05 C30804 054E 054F 0550 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 055C 055D 055E 055F 0562 0563 0564 E5 5E 1620 23 46 D5 D5 E1 C5 7E CDC706 F1 F5 B7 CA6705 2B 7E CDC706 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 32 SOURCE STATEMENT OUTPUTS: NONE 1651 CALLS: GETCH,ECBO,REGDS,GETCM,ERROR,RGADR,NMOUT,CROUT,GETHX 1652 DESTROYS: A,E,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 1653 DESCRIPTION: XCND IMPLEMENTS THE REGISTER EXAMINE AND CHANGE (X) 1654 COMMAND. 1655 1656 1657 XCMD: CALL GETCH GET REGISTER IDENTIFIER 1658 1659 MOV r.;A 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 CALL MOV CPI JNZ CALL JMP ECHO A,C CR XCH05 REGDS GETCM BRANCH IF NOT CARRIAGE RETURN ELSE, DISPLAY REGISTER CONTENTS THEN TERMINATE COMMAND MOV CALL PUSH POP MVI CALL MOV STA C,A RGADR GET REGISTER IDENTIFIER TO C CONVERT IDENTIFIER INTO RTAE TABLE ADDR lbbb XCM05: 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 XCM10: 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 XCM15: 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 XCM18: 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 LDA CPI JZ CPI JNZ MOV ORA JNZ CALL JMP PUSH MOV MVI INX MOV PUSH PUSH POP PUSH MOV CALL POP PUSH ORA JZ DCX MOV CALL ECHO IT B H C,' , PUT POINTER TO REGISTER ENTRY INTO HL ECHO A,C TEMP ECHO SPACE TO USER TEMP GET TERMINATOR SEE IF A ELANK YES - GO CHECK POINTER INTO TAPLE NO - SEE IF COMMA NO - MUST BE CARRIAGE RETURN TO END COMMAND , , XCM15 ,,, GETCM PUT SPACE INTO TEMP AS DELIMITER A,M A XCM18 CROUT GETCM SET F/F'S BRANCH IF NOT AT END OF TAELE ELSE, OUTPUT CARRIAGE RETURN LINE FEED AND EXIT PUT POINTER ON STACK E,M D,RAMST SHR 8 ; ADDRESS OF SAVE LOCATION FROM TABLE H H E,M D D H B FETCH LENGTH FLAG FROM TABLE SAVE ADDRESS OF SAVE LOCATION H MOVE ADDRESS TO HL SAVE LENGTH FLAG GET 8 BITS OF REGISTER FROM SAVE LOCATION DISPLAY IT GET BACK LENGTH FLAG SAVE IT AGAIN SET F/F'S IF 8 BIT REGISTER, NOTHING MORE TO DISPLAY ELSE, FOR 16 BIT REGISTER, GET LOWER 8 BITS A,M NMOUT DISPLAY THEM A,M NMOUT PSW PSW A XO!20 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC OBJ 0567 OE2D 0569 CDF805 056C CD2606 056F 0572 0573 0576 0577 0578 0579 057C 057D D28705 7A 32FD20 F1 E1 B7 CA7E05 70 2B 057E 71 057F 0582 0583 0584 110300 E1 19 C33605 0587 0588 058B 058c 058D 7A 32FD20 D1 D1 C37F05 0590 F3 0591 D5 0592 20 0593 17 0594 DA9205 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 33 SOURCE STATEMENT 1706 XCM20: MVI 1707 C, ' - ' USE DASH AS SEPARATOR CALL ECHO 1708 SEE IF THERE IS A VALUE TO PUT INTO REGISTER GETHX CALL 1709 NO - GO CHECK FOR NEXT REGISTER FALSE XCM30 1710 JNC XCM30 1711 + MOV A,D 1712 ELSE, SAVE THE TERMINATOR FOR NOW STA TEMP 1713 GET BACK LENGTH FLAG POP PSW 1714 PUT ADDRESS OF SAVE LOCATION INTO HL POP H 1715 SET F/F'S ORA A 1716 IF 8 BIT REGISTER, BRANCH JZ XCM25 1717 SAVE UPPER 8 BITS MOV M,B 1718 POINT TO SAVE LOCATION FOR LOWER 8 BITS DCX H 1719 1720 XCM25: STORE ALL OF 8 BIT OR LOWER 1/2 OF 16 BIT REG MOV 1721 M,C 1722 XCM27: SIZE OF ENTRY IN RTAB TABLE LXI D,RTABS 1723 POINTER INTO REGISTER TABLE RTAB POP 1724 H ADD ENTRY SIZE TO POINTER DAD 1725 D JMP DO NEXT REGISTER XCM10 1726 1727 XCM30: MOV GET TERMINATOR 1728 A,D STA SAVE IN MEMORY TEMP 1729 CLEAR STACK OF LENGTH FLAG AND ADDRESS POP D 1730 /OF SAVE LOCATION POP D 1731 GO INCREMENT REGISTER TABLE POINTER JMP XCM27 1732 1733 1734 , , 1735 .***************************************************************** 1736 1737 UTILITY ROUTINES 1738 1739 1740 , 1741 ,.***************************************************************** 1742 1743 FUNCTION: CI 1744 INPUTS: NONE 1745 OUTPUTS: A - CHARACTER FROM TTY 1746 CALLS: DELAY 1747 DESTROYS: A,F/F'S 1748 DESCRIPTION: CI WAITS UNTIL A CHARACTER HAS BEEN ENTERED AT THE 1749 TTY AND THEN RETURNS THE CHARACTER, VIA THE A 1750 REGISTER, TO THE CALLING ROUTINE. THIS ROUTINE 1751 IS CALLED BY THE USER VIA A JUMP TABLE IN RAM. 1752 1753 1754 CI: DI 1755 PUSH D SAVE DE 1756 1757 CI05: RIM GET INPUT BIT 1758 RJlL INTO CARRY WITH IT 1759 JC BRANCR IF NO START PIT CI05 1760 SDK85 ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OBJ SEQ 0597 059A 059D 059E 114002 CDF105 C5 010800 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 if77 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1800 1801 1802 1803 05Al 05A4 05A7 05A8 05A9 05AA 05AB 05AC 05AD 05BO 05B3 118004 CDF105 20 17 78 lF 47 OD C2Al05 118004 CDF105 05B7 05B8 05B9 05BA Cl D1 FB C9 t""r- ...... r v:;uu 05BB 05BC 05BE 05CO 05Cl 05C3 ~O I U 79 D630 FEOA FB D607 C9 PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT LXI CALL PUSH LXI D,WAIT DELAY B B,8 LXI CALL RIM RAL MOV RAR MOV DCR JNZ LXI CALL HCv POP POP EI RET D,IBTIM DELAY WAIT UNTIL MIDDLE OF BIT SAVE BC B<--O, C<--/I BITS TO RECEIVE CI10: A,B B,A C CllD D,IBT"IM DELAY A,B B D WAIT UNTIL MIDDLE OF NEXT BIT GET THE BIT INTO CARRY GET PARTIAL RESULT SHIFT IN NEXT DATA BIT REPLACE RESULT DEC COUNT OF BITS TO GO BRANCH IF MORE LEFT ELSE, WANT TO WAIT OUT STOP BIT GE'! RESuLT RESTORE SAVED REGISTERS THAT'S IT ; ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FUNCTION: CNVBN INPUTS: C - ASCII CHARACTER OUTPUTS: A - 0 TO F HEX CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: CNVBN CONVERTS CNVBN INTO ITS DOES NOT CHECK '0'-'9' OR 'A'-'F' THE ASCII REPRESENTATION OF A HEX CORRESPONDING BINARY VALUE. CNVBN THE VALIDITY OF ITS INPUT. ; CNVBN: MOV SUI CPI RM SUI RET A,C '0 ' 10 7 SUBTRACT CODE FOR '0' FROM ARGUMENT WANT TO TEST FOR RESULT OF a TO 9 IF SO, THEN ALL DONE ELSE, RESULT BETWEEN 17 AND 23 DECIMAL SO RETURN AFTER SUBTRACTING BIAS OF 1 1804 ; 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 181 D 1811 j •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FUNCTION: CO INPUTS: C - CHARACTER TO OUTPUT TO TTY OUTPUTS C - CHARACTER OU!PUT TO TTY CALLS: .:.J 1813 1814 1815 ELAY ..... , on, I1,...., ! DESCRIP ION: CO SENDS ITS INPUT ARGUMENT TO THE TTY. ...... !7I j co: ~"T'I~ ""-' ....J.!..t.: ,... .. ,,. \w' J.. • 'I ...... ~ ~ ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ SEQ 05C4 05C5 05C6 05C7 05C9 F3 C5 D5 3ECO 0607 05CB 05CC 05CF 05D2 05D3 05D4 05D5 05D7 05D8 05DA 05DB 05DE 05EO 05E1 05E4 05E7 05E8 05E9 05EA 30 118004 CDF105 79 1F 4F 3E80 1F EE80 05 F2CB05 3E40 30 110009 CDF105 D1 C1 FE C9 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 05EB OEOD 05ED CDF805 05FO C9 SDK85 PAGE 35 SOURCE STATEMENT DI PUSH PUSH MVI. MVI B D A,STRT B,7 SAVE BC SAVE DE START BIT MASK B WILL COUNT BITS TO SEND C005: SIM LXI CALL MOV RAR MOV MVI RAR XRI DCR JP MVI SIM LXI CALL POP POP EI RET D,OBTIM DELAY A,C C,A A,SSTRT 80H B C005 A,STOPB D,TIM2 DELAY SEND A BIT WAIT FOR TTY TO HANDLE IT PICK UP BITS LEFT TO SEND LOW ORDER BIT TO CARRY PUT REST BACK SHIFTED ENABLE BIT SHIFT IN DATA BIT COMPLEMENT DATA BIT DEC COUNT SEND IF MORE BITS NEED TO BE SENT ELSE, SEND STOP BIT WAIT OUT PARITY BIT D B RESTORE SAVED REGISTERS ALL DONE , , .***************************************************************** FUNCTION CROUT INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: ECHO DESTROYS: A,B,C,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: CROUT SENDS A CARRIAGE RETURN (AND HENCE A LINE FEED) TO THE CONSOLE. CROUT: MVI CALL RET C,CR ECHO , .******************************************************************* , FUNCTION: DELAY INPUTS: DE - 16 BIT INTEGER DENOTING NUMBER OF TIMES TO LOOP OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,D,E,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: DELAY DOES NOT RETURN TO CALLER UNTIL INPUT ARGUMENT IS COUNTED DOWN TO O. ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OBJ 05Fl 05F2 05F3 05F4 05F7 lB 7A B3 C2Fl05 C9 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 36 SOURCE STATEMENT 1871 DELAY: DECREMENT INPUT ARGUMENT DCX D 1872 MOV A,D 1873 ORA E 1874 IF ARGUMENT NOT 0, KEEP GOING JNZ DELAY 1875 RET 1876 1877 1878 ; , 1879 .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1880 1881 05F8 05F9 r-§FB 05FC 05FF 41 3E1B B8 C20106 OE24 0601 0604 0606 0607 060A 060C CDC405 3EOD B8 C20F06 OEOA CDC405 060F 48 0610 C9 06110E2A 0613 CDF805 0616 CDEB05 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 19 1 1 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 FUNCTION: ECHO INPUTS: C - CHARACTER TO ECHO TO TERMINAL OUTPUTS: C - CHARACTER ECHOED TO TERMINAL CALLS: CO DESTROYS: A,B,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: ECHO TAKRS A STNnr~ ~HAR!C!E~ 1~ !NrCT ~N~, ~I~ THE MONITOR, SENDS THAT CHARACTER TO THE USER TERMINAL. A CARRIAGE RETURN IS ECHOED AS A CARRIAGE 'RETURN LINE FEED, AND AN ESCAPE CHARACTER IS ECHOED AS $. ECHO: MOV MVI CMP JNZ MVI B,C A,ESC B ECH05 C, '$' SAVE ARGUMENT CALL MVI CMP JNZ MVI CALL CO A,CR B ECH10 C,LF CO DO OUTPUT THROUGH MONITOR SEE IF CHARACTER ECHOED WAS A CARRIAGE RETURN NO - NO NEED TO TAKE SPECIAL ACTION YES - WANT TO ECHO LINE FEED, TOO MOV RET C,B RESTORE ARGUMENT SEE IF ECHOING AN ESCAPE CHARACTER NO - BRANCH YES - ECHO AS $ ECH05: ECH10: j .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 , FUNCTION: ERROR INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: ECHO,~RnOT,GRTCM DESTROYS: A,B,C,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: ERROR PRINTS THE ERROR CHARACTER (CURRENTLY AN ASTERISK) ON THE CONSOLE, FOLLOWED BY A CARRIAGE RETURN-LINE FEED, AND THEN RETURNS CONTROL TO THE COMMAND RECOGNIZER. ; ERROR: MVI CALL CALL C, ! I' ECHO CROUT SEND • TO CONSOLE SKIP TO BEGINNING OF NEXT LINE ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC OEJ 0619 C30804 061C 37 061D 3F 061E C9 061F 0622 0624 0625 CD9005 E67F 4F C9 SEQ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 SDK85 PAGE 37 SOURCE STATEMENT JMP GETCM TRY AGAIN FOR ANOTHER COMMAND , ,.********************************************************************** FUNCTION: FRET INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY ALWAYS 0 CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: CARRY DESCRIPTION: FRET IS JUMPED TO BY ANY ROUTINE THAT WISHES TO INDICATE FAILURE ON RETURN. FRET SETS THE CARRY FALSE, DENOTING FAILURE, AND THEN RETURNS TO THE CALLER OF THE ROUTINE INVOKING FRET. FRET: STC CMC RET FIRST SET CARRY TRUE THEN COMPLEMENT IT TO MAKE IT FALSE RETURN APPROPRIATELY ; ,.********************************************************************** . FUNCTION: GETCH INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: C - NEXT CHARACTER IN INPUT STREAM CALLS: CI DESTROYS: A,C,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: GETCH RETURNS THE NEXT CHARACTER IN THE INPUT STREAM TO THE CALLING PROGRAM. GETCH: CALL ANI MOV RET CI PRTYO C,A GET CHARACTER FROM TERMINAL TURN OFF PARITY BIT IN CASE SET BY CONSOLE PUT VALUE IN C REGISTER FOR RETURN , ;********************************************************************** FUNCTION: GETHX INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: BC - 16 BIT INTEGER D - CHARACTER WHICH TERMINATED THE INTEGER CARRY - 1 IF FIRST CHARACTER NOT DELIMITER - 0 IF FIRST CHARACTER IS DELIMITER CALLS: GETCH,ECHO,VALDL,VALDG,CNVBN,ERROR DESTROYS: A,E,C,D,E,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: GETHX ACCEPTS A STRING OF HEX DIGITS FROM THE INPUT STREAM AND RETURNS THEIR VALUE AS A 16 BIT BINARY INTEGER. IF MORE THAN 4 HEX DIGITS ARE ENTERED, ONLY THE LAST 4 ARE USED. THE NUMBER TERMINATES WHEN ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LaC OBJ SEQ 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 0626 E5 0627 210000 062A 1EOO Ob2C 062F 0630 0633 CD1F06 4F CDF805 CD7907 0636 0639 063A 063B 063C 063D 063E 063F 0642 D24506 51 E5 C1 E1 7B B7 C23207 CA1C06 0645 CD5E07 0648 064B 064E 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0656 0657 0658 D21106 CDBB05 1EFF 29 29 29 29 0600 4F 09 C32C06 SDK85 PAGE 38 SOURCE STATEMENT A VALID DELIMITER IS ENCOUNTERED. THE DELIMITER IS ALSO RETURNED AS AN OUTPUT OF THE FUNCTION. ILLEGAL CHARACTERS (NOT HEX DIGITS OR DELIMITERS) CAUSE AN ERROR INDICATION. IF THE FIRST (VALID) CHARACTER ENCOUNTERED IN THE INPUT STREAM IS NOT A DELIMITER, GETHX WILL RETURN WITH THE CARRY BIT SET TO 1; OTHERWISE, THE CARRY BIT IS SET TO 0 AND THE CONTENTS OF Be ARE UNDEFINED. 1989 1990 GETHX: SAVE HL PUSH H 1991 INITIALIZE RESULT LXI H,O 1992 INITIALIZE DIGIT FLAG TO FALSE MVI E,O 1993 1994 GHX05: CALL GETCH GET A CHARACTER 1995 MOV C,A 1996 CALL ECHO ECHO THE CHARACTER 1997 CALL VALDL SEE IF DELIMITER 1998 FALSE GHX10 NO - BRANCH 1999 2000+ JNC GHX10 YES - ALL DONE, BUT WANT TO RETURN DELIMITER 2001 MOV D,C 2002 PUSH H POP B MOVE RESULT TO BC 2003 2004 RESTORE HL POP H MOV A,E GET FLAG 2005 2006 ORA A SET FIF'S JNZ SRET IF FLAG NON-O, A NUMBER HAS BEEN FOUND 2007 2008 JZ FRET ELSE, DELIMITER WAS FIRST CHARACTER 2009 GHX10: 2010 CALL VALDG IF NOT DELIMITER, SEE IF DIGIT 2011 FALSE ERROR ERROR IF NOT A VALID DIGIT, EITHER 2012+ ERROR JNC 2013 CALL CNVBN CONVERT DIGIT TO ITS BINARY VALUE 2014 MVI E,OFFH SET DIGIT FLAG NON-O 2015 DAD H *2 2016 H DAD *4 H 2017 DAD *8 H 2018 DAD *16 MVI B,O CLEAR UPPER 8 BITS OF BC PAIR 2019 2020 MOV C,A BINARY VALUE OF CHARACTER INTO C 2021 DAD B ADD THIS VALUE TO PARTIAL RESULT 2022 JMP GHX05 GET NEXT CHARACTER 2023 2024 ; , 2025 .***************************************************************** 2026 2027 2028 FUNCTION: GETNM 2029 INPUTS: C - COUNT OF NUMBERS TO FIND IN INPUT STREAM 2030 OUTPUTS: TOP OF STACK - NUMBERS FOUND IN R~VERSE ORDER (LAST ON TOP OF STACK) 2031 CALLS: GETHX,HILO,ERROR 2032 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,FIF'S 2033 2034 DESCRIPTION: GETNM FINDS A SPECIFIED COUNT OF NUMBERS. BETWEEN 1 2035 AND 3, INCLUSIVE, IN THE INPUT ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 LOC 065B 065D 065E 0660 0661 OBJ 2E03 79 E603 C8 67 0662 CD2606 0665 0668 0669 066A 066B 066E 066F' 0611 0674 D21106 C5 2D 25 CA7706 7A FEOD CA1106 C36206 0677 0678 067A 067D 0680 0681 0682 7A FEOD C21106 01FFFF 7D B7 CA8A06 0685 C5 0686 2D 0687 C28506 068A 068B 068C 068D C1 D1 E1 CDA006 0690 D29506 0693 54 0694 5D 0695 0696 0697 0698 E3 D5 C5 E5 0699 3D 069A F8 069B E1 SEQ 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 , 2043 GETNM: 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 GNM05: 2050 2051 2052+ 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 GNM10: 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 GNM15: 2070 2071 2072 2073 GNM20: 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079+ 2080 2081 2082 GNM25: 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 GNM30: 2088 2089 2090 SDK85 PAGE 39 SOURCE STATEMENT STREAM AND RETURNS THEIR VALUES ON THE STACK. IF 2 OR MORE NUMBERS ARE REQUESTED, THEN THE FIRST MUST BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE SECOND, OR THE FIRST AND SECOND NUMBERS WILL BE SET EQUAL. THE LAST NUMBER REQUESTED MUST BE TERMINATED BY A CARRIAGE RETURN OR AN ERROR INDICATION WILL RESULT. MVI MOV ANI RZ HOV L,3 A,C 3 CALL FALSE JNC PUSH DCR DCR JZ MOV CPI JZ JMP GETHX ERROR ERROR GET A NUMBER FROM INPUT STREAM ERROR IF NOT THERE - TOO FEW NUMBERS B L H ELSE, SAVE NUMBER ON STACK DECREMENT MAXIMUM ARGUMENT COUNT DECREMENT ACTUAL ARGUMENT COUNT BRANCH IF NO MORE NUMBERS WANTED ELSE, GET NUMEER TERMINATOR TO A SEE IF CARRIAGE RETURN ERROR IF SO - TOO FEW NUMBERS ELSE, PROCESS NEXT NUMBER MOV CPI JNZ LXI MOV ORA JZ A,D CR ERROR B,OFFFFH A,L PUSH DCR JNZ B L POP POP POP CALL FALSE JNC MOV MOV B D H GET THE 3 ARGUMENTS OUT HILO GNM25 GNM25 D,H E,L SEE IF FIRST >= SECOND NO - BRANCH XTHL PUSH PUSH PUSH DCR RM POP H,A GNM10 A,D CR ERROR GNM05 A GNM20 PUT MAXIMUM ARGUMENT COUNT INTO L GET THE ACTUAL ARGUMENT COUNT FORCE TO MAXIMUM OF 3 IF 0, DON'T BOTHER TO DO ANYTHIING ELSE, PUT ACTUAL COUNT INTO H WHEN COUNT 0, CHECK LAST TERMINATOR ERROR IF NOT CARRIAGE RETURN ; HL GETS LARGEST NUMBER GET WHAT'S LEFT OF MAXIMUM ARG COUNT CHECK FOR 0 IF YES, 3 NUMBERS WERE INPUT IF NOT, FILL REMAINING ARGUMENTS WITH OFFFFH GNM15 D B H A H YES - MAKE SECOND EQUAL TO THE FIRST PUT PUT PUT PUT FIRST ON STACK - GET RETURN ADDR SECOND ON STACK THIRD ON STACK RETURN ADDRESS ON STACK DECREMENT RESIDUAL COUNT IF NEGATIVE, PROPER RESULTS ON STACK ELSE, GET RETURN ADDR ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, Xl08 LOC OEJ 069C E3 069D C39906 06AO 06A 1 06A2 06A3 06A4 06A5 06A8 06A9 06AA 06AB 06AE 06AF 06BO 06B2 06B3 06B4 06B6 06B1 06B8 06B9 06BA 06BB a6BC 06BD ObBE 06BF 06CO C5 41 E5 7A B3 CAC106 23 1C B5 CAC106 El D5 3EFF AA 51 3EFF AB 5F 13 7D 83 7C 8A Dl 18 Cl C9 06C 1 06C2 06C3 06C4 E1 78 Cl C33207 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 40 SOURCE STATEMENT REPLACE TOP RESULT WITH RETURN ADDR XTHL 2091 JMP TRY AGAIN 2092 GNM30 2093 2094 ; , 2095 .*******************-********'**""""*****"'*""*"**"*'*'** 2096 2097 ?098 FUNCTION: 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 INPUTS: DE - 16 BIT INTEGER HL - 16 BIT INTEGER OUTPUTS: CARRY a IF HL =DE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: F/F'S <::lO~ V~~CHIPTIUN: 2106 2101 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2111 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144. 21l.15 HTCO HILO COMPARES THE 2 16 BIT INTEGERS IN HL AND DE. THE INTEGERS ARE TREATED AS UNSIGNED NUMBERS. THE CARRY BIT IS SET ACCORDING TO THE RESULT OF THE COMPARISON. HILO: PUSH MOV PUSH MOV ORA JZ INX MOV ORA JZ POP PUSH MVI XRA MOV MVI XRA MOV INX MOV ADD MOV ADC POP MOV POP RET B B,A H A,D SAVE BC SAVE A IN E REGISTER SAVE HL PAIR CHECK FOR DE = OOOOH E HIL05 H A,H L HIL05 H D A,OFFH WE'RE AUTOMATICALLY DONE IF IT IS INCREMENT HL BY 1 WANT TO TEST FOR 0 RESULT AFTER IINCREMENTING IF SO, HL MUST HAVE CONTAINED OFFFFH IF NOT, RESTORE ORIGINAL HL SAVE DE WANT TO TAKE 2'S COMPLEMENT OF DE CONTENTS D D,A A,OFFH E E,A D 2'S COMPLEMENT OF DE TO DE A,L E ADD HL AND DE A,H D D A,B B THIS OPERATION SETS CARRY PROPERLY RESTORE ORIGINAL DE CONTENTS RESTORE ORIGINAL CONTENTS OF A RESTORE ORIGINAL CONTENTS OF BC RETURN WITH CARRY SET AS REQUIRED HIL05: POP MOV POP JMP H A,B B SRET IF HL CONTAINS OFFFFH, THEN CARRY CAN 10NLY BE SET TO 1 RESTORE ORIGINAL CONTENTS OF REGISTERS SET CARRY AND RETURN ; ;********************************************************************** ; ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 06C7 06C8 06C9 06CA 06CB 06CC 06CD 06CF 06DO 06D3 06D6 06D7 06D9 06DA 06DD 06EO 06E1 E5 F5 OF OF OF OF E60F 4F CDE206 CDF805 F1 E60F 4F CDE206 CDF805 E1 C9 06E2 06E5 06E7 06E8 06E9 0600 09 4E C9 21b407 SEQ SDK85 PAGE 41 SOURCE STATEMENT 2146 FUNCTION: NMOUT 2147 2148 INPUTS: A - 8 BIT INTEGER OUTPUTS: NONE 2149 CALLS: ECHO,PRVAL 2150 2151 DESTROYS: A,B,C,F/F'S DESCRIPTIUN: NNMOUT CONVERTS THE 8 BIT, UNSIGNED INTEGER IN THE 2152 A REGISTER INTO 2 ASCII CHARACTERS. THE ASCII CHARACTERS 2153 2154 ARE THE ONES REPRESENTING THE 8 BITS. THESE TWO CHARACTERS ARE SENT TO THE CONSOLE AT THE CURRENT PRINT 2155 POSITION OF THE CONSOLE. 2156 2157 2158 NHOUT: PUSH B SAVE HL - DESTROYED BY PRVAL 2159 2160 PSvJ SAVE ARGU~iENT PUSH 2161 RRC RRC 2162 RRC 2163 RRC 2164 GET UPPER 4 EITS TO LOW 4 BIT POSITIONS HCHAR 2165 ANI MASK OUT UPPER 4 BITS - WANT 1 HEX CHAR 2166 MOV C,A CALL PRVJlL CONVERT LOWER 4 BITS TO ASCII 2167 CALL 2168 SEND TO TERMINAL ECHO 2169 POP PSW GET BACK A]GUMENT ANI HCHAR MASK OUT UPPER 4 BITS - WANT 1 HEX CHAR 2170 HOV 2171 C,A CALL 2172 PRVAL CALL ECHO 2173 POP 2174 H RESTORE SAVED VALUE OF HL RET 2175 2176 2177 ; 2178 ;************************************I*~*************I 1**************** 2179 2180 2181 FUNCTION; PRVAL 2182 INPUTS: C - INTEGER, RANGE 0 TO F 2183 OUTPUTS: C - ASCII CHARACTER 2184 CALLS: NOTHING 2185 DESTROYS: B,C,H,L,F/F'S 2186 DESCRIPTION: PRVAL CONVERTS A NUMBER IN THE RANGE 0 TO F HEX TO 2187 THE CORRESPONDING ASCII CHARACTER, 0-9,A-F. PRVAL 2188 DOES NOT CHECK THE VALIDITY OF ITS INPUT ARGUMENT. 2189 2190 PRVAL: LXI 2191 H,DIGTE ADDRESS OF TABLE 2192 MVI B,O CLEAR HIGH ORDER BITS OF BC DAD B 2193 ADD DIGIT VALUE TO HL ADDRESS 2194 MOV C,M FETCH CHARACTER FROM MEMORY RET 2195 2196 2197 2198 ,.*********~*************I*I***II***I*I*I************** **1********1*** 2199 2200 ISIS-II BOBO/BOB5 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X10B LOC OBJ SEQ 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 220B 2209 06EA 21C407 06ED 06EE 06EF 06FO 06F3 06F6 4E 79 B7 C2F706 CDEB05 C9 06F7 CDFB05 06FA OE3D 06FC CDFB05 06FF 23 0700 5E 07011620 0703 23 0704 1A 0705 CDC706 070B 7E 0709 B7 070A CA1207 070D 1B 070E 1A 070F CDC706 0712 0714 0717 071B OE20 CDFB05 23 C3ED06 SDKB5 PAGE 42 SOURCE STATEMENT FUNCTION: REGDS INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: ECHO,NMOUT,ERROR,CROUT DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: REGDS DISPLAYS THE CONTENTS OF THE REGISTER SAVE LOCATIONS, IN FORMATTED FORM, ON THE CONSOLE. THE DISPLAY lIS DRIVEN FROM A TABLE, RTAE, WHICH CONTAINS TH~ REGISTER'S PRINT SYMBOL, SAVE LOCATION ADDRESS, AND LENGTH (B OR 16 BITS). 2210 2211 2212 REGDS: 2213 2214 REG05: LXI H,RTAB ??1~ MOV r.;M 2216 2217 221B 2219 2220 2221 REG10: 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 HOV ORA JNZ CALL RET A,C 222B 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 REG15: CALL MVI CALL INX MOV MVI INX LDAX CALL MOV ORA JZ DCX LDAX CALL LOAD HL WITH ADDRESS OF START OF TABLE REG10 CROUT TEST FOR 0 - END OF TABLE IF NOT END, BRANCH ELSE, CARRIAGE RETURN/LINE FEED TO END /DISPLAY ECHO ECHO CHARACTER A C, '=' OUTPUT EQUALS SIGN, I.E. A= POINT TO START OF SAVE LOCATION ADDRESS ; GET LSP OF SAVE LOCATION ADDRESS TO E E,M D,RAMST SHR 8 ; PUT MSP OF SAVE LOC ADDRESS INTO D H POINT TO LENGTH FLAG GET CONTENTS OF SAVE ADDRESS D NMOUT DISPLAY ON CONSOLE A,M GET LENGTH FLAG A SET SIGN F/F IF 0, REGISTER IS 8 BITS REG15 ELSE, 16 BIT REGISTER SO MORE TO DISPLAY D GET LOWER 8 BITS D DISPLAY THEM NMOUT ECHO H C,' , MVI CALL ECHO 2239 2240 INX H POINT TO START OF NEXT TABLE ENTRY 2241 JMP REG05 DO NEXT REGISTER 2242 2243 ; 2244 ,.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *************. 2245 2246 FUNCTION: RGADR 2247 224B INPUTS: C - CHARACTER DENOTING REGISTER OUTPUTS: BC - ADDRESS OF ENTRY IN RTAB CORRESPONDING TO REGISTER 2249 CALLS: ERROR 2250 DESTROYS: A,B,C,D,E,H,L,F/F'S 2251 DESCRIPTION: RGADR TAKES A SINGLE CHARACTER AS INPUT. THIS CHARACTER 2252 DENOTES A REGISTER. RGADR SEARCHES THE TABLE RTAB 2253 FOR A MATCH ON THE INPUT ARGUMENT. IF ONE OCCURS, 2254 RGADR RF.'T'TTRNS 'T'HJo~ AnTHIF'~~ OF' 'T'HF' Anrq:Il;'~C:: (\1<' TBE' 2255 223B ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ 071B 21C407 071E 110300 0721 0722 0723 0726 0727 072A 072B 072E 072F 0730 0731 7E B7 CA 11 06 B9 CA2E07 19 C32107 23 44 4D C9 0732 37 0733 C9 0734 3AFD20 SEQ 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 SDK85 PAGE 43 SOURCE STATEMENT SAVE LOCATION CORRESPONDING TO THE REGISTER. THIS ADDRESS POINTS INTO RTAB. IF NO MATCH OCCURS, THEN THE REGISTER IDENTIFIER IS ILLEGAL AND CONTROL IS PASSED TO THE ERROR ROUTINE. ; RGADR: LXI LXI H,RTAB D,RTABS HL GETS ADDRESS OF TABLE START DE GET SIZE OF A TABLE ENTRY MOV ORA JZ CMP JZ DAD JMP A,M GET REGISTER IDENTIFIER CHECK FOR TABLE END (IDENTIFIER IS 0) IF AT END OF TABLE, ARGUMENT IS ILLEGAL ELSE, COMPARE TABLE ENTRY AND ARGUMENT IF EQUAL, WE'VE FOUND WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR ELSE, INCREMENT TABLE POINTER TO NEXT ENTRY TRY AGAIN RGA05: A ERROR C RGA10 D RGA05 RGA10: INX MOV MOV RET H B,H C,L IF A MATCH, INCREMENT TABLE POINTER TO /SAVE LOCATION ADDRESS RETURN THIS VALUE ; ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FUNCTION: SRET INPUTS: NONE OUTPUTS: CARRY CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: CARRY DESCRIPTION: SRET IS JUMPED TO BY ROUTINES WISHING TO RETURN SUCCESS. SRET SETS THE CARRY TRUE AND THEN RETURNS TO THE CALLER OF THE ROUTINE INVOKING SRET. ; SRET: STC RET SET CARRY TRUE RETURN APPROPRIATELY ; ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FUNCTION: STHFO INPUTS: DE - 16 BI~ ADDRESS OF BYTE TO BE STORED INTO OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: STHLF DESTROYS: A,B,C,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: STHFO CHECKS THE HALF BYTE FLAG IN TEMP TO SEE IF IT IS SET TO LOWER. IF SO, STHFO STORES A 0 TO PAD OUT THE LOWER HALF OF THE ADDRESSED BYTE; OTHERWISE, THE ROUTINE TAKES NO ACTION. ; STHFO: LDA TEMP GET HALF BYTE FLAG ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC OBJ SEQ 0737 0738 0739 073B 073E B7 CO OEOO CD3F07 C9 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 073F 0740 0741 0742 0744 0745 0748 0749 074C 074D 074F 0750 0751 D5 E1 79 E60F 4F 3AFD20 B7 C25207 7E E6FO B1 77 C9 0752 0753 0755 0756 0757 0758 0759 075A 075B 075C 075D 7E E60F 47 79 OF OF OF OF BO 77 C9 235 1\ SDK85 PAGE 44 SOURCE STATEMENT ORA RNZ MVI CALL RET A C,O STHLF SET F/F'S IF SET TO UPPER, DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE, WANT TO STORE THE VALUE 0 DO IT ; ,.* ••••••••••••••• * ••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••• ,., ••• , •• , ••• , •• ,' FUNCTION: STHLF INPUTS: C - 4 BIT VALUE TO BE STORED IN HALF BYTE DE - 16 BIT ADDRESS OF BYTE TO BE STORED INTO OUTPUTS: NONE CALLS: NCT~!NC DESTROYS: A,B,C,H,L,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: STHLF TAKES THE 4 BIT VALUE IN C AND STORES IT IN HALF OF THE EYTE ADDRESSED BY REGISTERS DE. THE HALF BYTE USED (EITHER UPPER OR LOWER) IS DENOTED BY THE VALUE OF THE FLAG IN TEMP. STHLF ASSUMES THAT THIS FLAG HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY SET (NOMINALLY BY ICMD). ; STHLF: PUSH POP MOV ANI MOV LDA ORA JNZ MOV ANI ORA MOV RET D H M,A MOVE ADDRESS OF BYTE INTO HL GET VALUE FORCE TO 4 BIT LENGTH PUT VALUE BACK GET HALF BYTE FLAG CHECK FOR LOWER HALF BRANCH IF NOT ELSE, GET BYTE CLEAR LOWER 4 BITS OR IN VALUE PUT BYTE BACK A,M OFH B,A A;C IF UPPER HALF, GET BYTE CLEAR UPPER 4 BITS SAVE BYTE IN B GET VALUE A,C OFH C,A TEMP A STH05 A,M OFOH C STH05: MOV ANI MOV MOV RRC RRC RRC RRC ORA MOV RET 2355 ALIGN TO UPPER 4 BITS 2356 B OR IN ORIGINAL LOWER 4 EITS 2357 M,A PUT NEW CONFIGURATION BACK 2358 2359 2360 2361 ; 2362 ; ••• * ••••••••••••• , •••••• , ••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• , •• , •••••••• 2363 2364 2365 FUNCTION: V!L~G ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC 075E 075F 0761 0764 0766 0769 076C 076E 0771 0773 0776 0779 077A 077C 077F 0781 0784 0786 0789 OBJ 79 FE30 FA1C06 FE39 FA3207 CA3207 FE41 FA1C06 FE47 F21C06 C33207 79 FE2C CA3207 FEOD CA3207 FE20 CA3207 C31C06 SEQ 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 SDK85 PAGE 45 SOURCE STATEMENT INPUTS: C - ASCII CHARACTER OUTPUTS: CARRY - 1 IF CHARACTER REPRESENTS VALID HEX DIGIT - 0 OTHERWISE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,F/F'S DESCRIPTION: VALDG RETURNS SUCCESS IF ITS INPUT ARGUMENT IS AN ASCII CHARACTER REPRESENTING A VALID HEX DIGIT (0-9,A-F), AND FAILURE OTHERWISE. VALDG: MOV CPI JM CPI JM JZ CPI JM CPI JP JMP A,C '0 ' FRET '9 ' SRET SRET 'A' FRET 'G' FRET SRET TEST CHARACTER AGAINST '0' IF ASCII CODE LESS, CANNOT BE VALID DIGIT ELSE, SEE IF IN RANGE '0'-'9' CODE BETWEEN '0' AND '9' CODE EQUAL '9' NOT A DIGIT - TRY FOR A LETTER NO - CODE BETWEEN '9' AND 'A' NO CODE GREATER THAN 'F' OKAY - CODE IS 'A' TO 'F', INCLUSIVE ; ,.****************************************************************.***** FUNCTION: VALDL INPUTS: C - CHARACTER OUTPUTS: CARRY 1 IF INPUT ARGUMENT VALID DELIMTER - 0 OTHERWISE CALLS: NOTHING DESTROYS: A,FIF'S DESCRIPTION: VALDL RETURNS SUCCESS IF ITS INPUT ARGUMENT IS A VALID DELIMITER CHARACTER (SPACE, COMMA, CARRIAGE RETURN) AND FAILURE OTHERWISE. VALDL: MOV CPI JZ CPI JZ CPI JZ JMP A,C ,,, CHECK FOR COMMA SRET CR SRET CHECK FOR CARRIAGE RETURN , , CHECK FOR SPACE SRET FRET ERROR IF NONE OF THE ABOVE , ,.*************** •• ***.***** •••• *.*****.*.*****.******************* MONITOR TABLES , ,.********* •• *.* •••• * ••• * •• ***.*.*** ••• ** ••• ** ••••••• * •••••••••••• * ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, X108 LOC 078C 078D 078E 0792 0796 079A 079E OBJ OD OA 53444B2D 38352020 20564552 20312E32 OD SDK85 PAGE 46 SOURCE STATEMENT SE~ 2421 2422 SGNON: 2423 DB ; SIGNON MESSAGE CR,LF,'SDK-85 VER 1.2',CR,LF EQU $-SGNON LENGTH OF SIGNON MESSAGE DW DW DW DW DW DW DW o TABLE OF ADDRESSES OF COMMAND ROUTINES DUMMY 079F 01'. 0014 07AO 0000 07A21405 07A4 F004 07A6 D004 07A8 8604 07AA 6804 07AC 3704 07AE 07AF 07BO 07B 1 07B2 07B3 0006 44 47 49 4D 53 58 07B4 07B5 07B6 07B7 07B8 07B9 07BA 07BB 07BC 07BD 07BE 07BF 07CO 07C 1 07C2 07C3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 07C4 07C5 07C6 0003 07C7 07C8 41 EE 00 42 EC 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 LSGNON ; CADR: XCMD SCMD MCMD ICMD GCMD DCMD CTAB: NCMDS ; DIGTB: TABLE OF VALID COMMAND CHARACTERS DB DB DB DB DB DB EQU 'I' 'M' 'S' 'X' $-CTAB NUMBER OF VALID COMMANDS TABLE OF PRINT VALUES OF HEX DIGITS DE DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB RTAB: RTABS 'D' 'G' DB DB DB EQU DB DB '0 ' , 1' '2 ' '3 ' '4 ' '5 ' '6 ' '7 ' '8 ' '9 ' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' ; TABLE OF REGISTER INFORMATION 'A' ; REGISTER IDENTIFIER ASAV AND OFFH ; ADDRESS OF REGISTER SAVE LOCATION o j LENGTH FLAG - 0=8 BITS, 1=16 BITS $-RTAB ; SIZE OF AN ENTRY IN THIS TABLE 'B' BSAV AND OFFH ASSEMBLER, X108 ~jACRO LOC OBJ SEQ 07C9 07CA 07CB 07CC 07CD 07CE 07CF 07DO 07D1 07D2 07D3 07D4 07D5 07D6 07D7 07D8 07D9 07DA 07DE 07DC 07DD 07DE 07DF 07EO 07£1 07£2 07£3 07E4 07E5 07E6 07E7 07E8 07E9 00 43 Ef 00 44 EA 00 45 £9 00 46 ED 00 49 F1 00 48 DB 2469 0 DE 2470 'C' DB CSAV AND OFFH 2471 DB a 2472 DB 'D' 2473 DB DSAV AND OFFH 2474 DB 0 2475 DB 2476 'E' DB ESAV AND OFFH 2477 DB 2478 0 'F' , DE 2479 2480 DB FSAV AND OFFH 2481 DB 0 2482 DB 'I' DB ISAV AND CFFH 2483 0 2484 DB DE 2485 'H' 2486 DE HSAV AND OFFH DE 0 2487 2488 DE 'L' LSAV AND OFFH DB 2489 DE 0 2490 DE 2491 'M' HSJI, V AND OFFH DB 2492 DB 1 2493 DE 2494 'S' DB SSAV+1 AND OFFH 2495 DE 1 2496 DE 2497 'P' DB PSAV+1 AND OFFH 2498 DE 1 2499 DE 0 2500 ; END OF TABU: NARKERS DE 0 2501 2502 BRTAB BRANCH TABL~ FOR USER ACCESSIBLE ROUTINES ORG 2503 2504 Jr-;p CO TTY CONSOLE OUTPUT 2505 JMP CI TTY CONSOLE INPUT 2506 2507 2508 ,.****************w**************w*************~******* ***************** 2509 IN THE FOLLOw ING LOCATIONS, THE USER HAY PLACE JUMP INSTRUCTIONS TO 2510 ROUTINES FOR HANDLING THE FOLLO\.JIt>iG: 2511 A) PST 5,6 & 7 INSTRUCTIONS 2512 B) HIi RD\; IRE 0 USER INTERRUPT (RST 6.5) 2513 C) KEYBOARD "VECTORED H1TERRUPT" KEY (RST 7 • 5) 2514 2515 liSPBR ORG START OF USE:R BRJI,NCt~ LOCATIONS 2516 2517 0,0,0 2518 RSET5: DE JUMP TO RST 5 ROUTINE Fa 00 4C EF 00 4D FO 01 53 F5 01 50 F3 01 00 00 07FA 07FA C3C405 07FD C39005 20C8 20C8 20C9 20CA 20CE 20CC 20CD 00 00 00 00 00 00 2519 RSET6: SDK85 PAGE ISIS-II 8080/S085 47 SOURCE STATEMENT DB 0,0, C JUMP TO RST 6 ROUTINE ISIS-II 80BO/80B5 MACRO ASSE~ELER, Xl0B SDI: PAGE B5 4P LOC OEJ SEQ 20C£ 20CF 20DO 20Dl 20D2 20D3 2'OD4 20D5 20D6 00 00 00 00 2520 RST65: CE 0,0,0 JUNP TO RST 6.5 2521 RSET7: DB 0,0, JUMP TO RST 7 ROUTINE 2522 lJSINT: DE 0,0,0 C' (HAR~WIRED USER INTERRUPT) 00 00 00 00 00 2523 2524 2525 ------r ~0E.9 20E9 20EA 20EB 20EC 20ED 20EE 20EF 20FO 20F1 SOURCE STATEMENT 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20F2 00 20F"3 00 20F4 00 20F5 00 20F6 0000 20FB 00 0004 20FD 00 20FE OC 20FF 00 PUBLIC SYMBOLS EXTERNAL SYMBOLS JUMP TO "VECTORED INTERRUPT" KEY ROUTINE , ;****~v***************************************~*******~**************** L.,)£.i.J , 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 255e 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 ; ......... 0.,) 1. '1,..,- -.,.. ....................... - - - - - . - - - ..... --- _ l'1 v.L:.: .l. ....' l\ 1:" U Co 1\ V L·U 11 C, H C: L' V l\ J. 1 .. .. - - .c.. . . . . . . . . . - _ ..... - -.----- !-, V l'I ..1. .1 U 11 oJ l. .M V l\ ;*~~************************************************** ***************** ORG I-':NSTK ; STAllT OF MONITOR STACK SAVE LOCATIONS FOR USER REGISTERS ESAV: DSAV: CSAV: BSAV: FSAV: ASAV: LSAV: HSAV: ISAV: PSAV: PCLSV: PCHSV: SSAV: SPLSV: SPHSV: DE DB DB DE DE DB Db 0 0 0 0 0 DE 0 0 0 0 DB DE 0 0 DE DE 0 r::E 0 E REGISTER REGISTER C REGISTER B REGISTER FLAGS A REGISTER L REGISTER H REGISTER INTERRUPT MASK PROGRP.M COUNTER LOW ORDER BYTE flIGH ORDER BYTE STACK POINTER LOW ORDER BYTE HIGH ORDER BYTE D ; ;******************1**********1*******11************1****************** , ; MONITOR STORAGE LOCATIONS CURAD: CURDT: OBUFF: TEMP: DW DB DS 0 0 4 RGPTR: IBUFF; USCSR: DE 0 DE G DB 0 END CURRENT ADDRESS CURRENT DATA OUTPUT BUFFER TEMPORARY LOCATION FOR TTY MONITOR TEMPORARY LOCATION FOR SINGLE STEP ROUTINE REGISTER POINTER INPUT EUH ER USER SHOULD STORE IMAGE OF CSR HERE EACH TIME /CSFi IS CHANGED. OTHERWISE, SINGLE STEP IROUTINE WILL DESTROY CSR CONTENTS. USER SYHBOLS ISIS-II 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER, x108 ADFLD BSAV CLDST CNTRL CSAV DCB 10 DOT ECH10 ESAV FIVE GETCH GNH10 GTC03 GTHEX IBUFF INSDG LETRC LETRP MCM05 NMTBL OUT05 PERIO RDKBD RETF RGPTB RSR05 SCM10 SKLN STH05 STP23 TEMP TRUE USCSR XCM05 XCM30 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0000 20EC 01F1 1900 20EB 0449 0001 060F 20E9 0005 061F 0677 0414 022B 20FE 029F OOOC 0012 04D8 03B9 02C2 0010 02E7 02F7 03AC 032D 0500 0012 0752 0145 20FD + 0000 A 20FF A 0527 A 0587 ADISP CADR CLEAR CNVBN CSNIT DCM15 DSAV ECHO ESC FRET GETCM GNH15 GTC05 HCHAR ICM05 INVRT LETRD LETRR MCHD NODOT OUT10 PRMPT READ RETT RGPTR RSR10 SCM15 SPHSV STHFO STP25 TERM TSTRT USINT XCM10 XCHD ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, A 0090 A 07AO A 01D7 P- 05BB A 0000 A 045E A 20EA A 05F8 A 001B A 061C A 0408 A 0685 A 0421 A OOOF A 0491 A OOFF A OOOD A 0014 A 04DO A 0000 A 02C6 A OOFB A 0040 A 02FA A 20FD A 0331 A 0510 A 20F5 A 0734 A 0157 A 001B A OOCO A 20D4 A 0536 A 0514 NO ERRORS ASAV CI CMD10 CO CSR DCMD DSPLY EIGHT EXA~ FSAV GETHX GNM20 GTC10 HIL05 ICM10 ISAV LETRE LETRS MNSTK NUMC OUT15 PRTYO REG05 RGA05 RGTBL RST65 SCMD SPLSV STHLF STRT TIM2 UBRLN USRBR XCM15 ZERO SDK85 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20EE 0590 007B 05C4 0020 0437 1800 0008 0092 20ED 0626 068A 042D 06C1 04B9 20F1 OOOE 0005 20E9 0004 02Cg 007F 06ED 0721 03ED 20CE 04FO 20F4 073F OOCO ogoo OOOF 20C8 0543 0000 BLANK CI05 CMD15 C005 CTAB DDISP DSPTB EMPTY EXM05 G10 GETNM GNM25 GTH05 HILO ICM20 KBNIT LETRF LF MSGL NUMRG OUT20 PRVAL REG10 RGA10 RMUSE RSTOR SETRG SRET STOPB SUB05 TIMER UNMSK VALDG XCM18 PAGE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0015 0592 0087 05CB 07AE 0094 0384 0080 009D OOEC 065B 0695 0232 06AO 04C1 OOCC OOOF OOOA 03FF OOOD 02DC 06E2 06F7 072E 0017 031B 0344 0732 0040 019C 00C5 OOOE 075E 054E 49 BLNKS CI10 CMDAD COMMA CURAD DELAY DTFLD ERMSG EXM10 GCM05 GHX05 GNM30 GTH10 HSAV ICM25 KMODE LETRH LOWER NCMDS NXTRG OUTPT PSAV REG15 RGADR RSET5 RTAB SGNAD SSAV STP20 SUB10 TIMHI UPDAD VALDL XCt120 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 039A 05A1 037C 0011 20F6 05F1 0001 039E 00B8 047D 062C 0699 0249 20FO 04C7 0000 0010 0000 0006 02A8 02B7 20F2 0712 071B 20C8 07C4 03A6 20F4 0126 01C4 0025 035F 0779 0567 BRCHR CLDBK CMDTB CR CURDT DIGTB DTMSK ERR EXMSG GCM10 GHX10 GO GTH20 HXDSP ICMD LETRA LETRI LSAV NEWLN OBTIM PCHSV RAMST REGDS RGLOC RSET6 RTABS SGNDT SSTEP STP21 SUB15 TIMLO UPDDT WAIT XCM25 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 001B 0008 0378 OOOD 20F8 07B4 0008 0215 03A2 0483 0645 03FA 0255 026C 0486 OOOA 0013 20EF OOOF 0480 20F3 2000 06EA 02FC 20CB 0003 03AA OOFD 013B 01CF 0024 036B 0240 057E BRTAB CLDIS CMMND CROUT DCM05 DISPC ECH05 ERROR FALSE GCMD GNM05 GOCHD GTH25 IBTIM ININT LETRB LETRL LSGNON NMOUT OBUFF PCLSV RDK10 RES10 RGNAM RSET7 SCM05 SGNON SSTRT STP22 SUBST TMODE UPPER WAITS XCM27 A A A A A A A A + A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 07FA 01E9 0066 05EB 043E 0200 0601 0611 0001 0468 0662 OOCB 0267 0480 028E OOOB 0011 0014 06C7 20F9 20F2 02F3 003F 0309 20D1 04F5 078C 0080 0142 018B 0040 OOFF 0000 057F PAGE ISIS-II ASSEMBLER SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE, xl08 ADFLD ADISP ASAV BLANK BLNKS BRCHR BRTAB BSAV CADR CI CI05 Cll0 CLDBK CLDIS CLDST CLEAR CMD10 CMD15 CMDAD CMDTB CMMND CNTRL CNVBN CO C005 COMMA CR CROUT CSAV CSNIT CSR CTAB CURAD CURDT DCM05 DCM10 DCM15 DCMD DDISP DELAY DIGTB DISPC DOT DSAV DSPLY DSPTB DTFLD DTMSK ECH05 ECH10 ECHO EIGHT EMPTY 10541 106/1 1228 11641/ 1208 1214 530 1324# 1325# 184 1438 1754# 175711 176511 16911 331 168 310 275# 277 284 274 26411 1081/ 1556 1390 1821# 110# 1326# 1471 1230 11111 1121/ 1429 475 320 1470# 147611 1484 1465# 1131 1762 2191 350 115# 1231 116# 847 1162 117f1 118# 1896 1902 1422 2239 1139# 11911 358 269 2464 1171 1209 1214 534 2503 446 393 835 470 253911 1171 1209 1214 615 J 171 1209 1215 1229 2468 1171 1210 1215 1172 1210 1215 1173 1210 1216 1173 1211 1217 1173 1211 1218 1175 1211 1219 1175 1212 2406 2423 2423 1207 1212 1207 1212 1207 1213 1208 1213 1208 1213 117111 253711 242611 1960 17 60 1774 571 339 565# 357 280 283# 2506 386 400 507 54911 366 392 469 52711 1108 617 268 2013 1899 567 754 843 1904 2505 387 1520 1572 2536# 477 1662 1685 680 1855 435 2442 491 589 569 499 1086 501 2555# 1776 1824 1836 321 2535# 356 391 468 484 590 674 1128 1134 1135 1139 1142 1144 1146 1148 1150 1152 1154 1156 1158 1160 323 486 532 613 1090 1426 1478 1546 1636 1660 1672 1708 1856 18921/ 1924 1997 2168 2173 2222 2224 1175 253 1176 891 11141/ 11031{ 552 167 1796# 181511 1832 332 1511 1485 2471 568 426 243511 481 483 1493 1492 1487# 2433 840 1767 2444# 383 309 2474 860 11221 1164 248 856 185411 551 1900 1925 2058 2219 2063 587 1065 2554# 187111 1875 58511 189811 190511 ISIS-II ASSEMBLER SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE, x108 ERMSG ERR ERROR ESAV ESC EXAM EXM05 EXM10 EXMSG FALSE FIVE FRET FSAV Gl0 GCM05 CCM10 GCMD GETCH GETCM GETHX GETNM GHX05 GHX10 GNM05 GNM10 GNM15 GNM20 GNM25 GNM30 GO GOCMD GTC03 GTC05 GTC10 GTH05 GTH10 GTH20 GTH25 GTHEX HCHAR HIL05 HILO HSAV HXDSP IBTIM IBUFF ICM05 ICM10 ICM20 ICM25 ICMD ININT INSDG INVRT ISAV KBNIT KMODE 611 282 1436 1232 1327/1 3081 316# 326 369 156# 1134# 19421 180 353 1509 117 2f1 315 1512 2477 1894 1116 338 314 1176 2008 442 364# 1518# 152~U 1506# 1425 1418# 1507 1467 1994# 2000 2049# 2056 2069# 2068 2079 2432 1544 1486 1623 1539 2022 2009# 2060 20611 2072 2073# 20871 2092 1385# 1118 1424# 1435 1437# 676 669# 677# 683 359 2165 2119 1606 2486 709# 1766 355 1552 1563# 13501 254 15431 156i 1555 1549 15371 202 657 13291 226 1201 12U 361 1569 396 1922# 473 2012 497 2052 506 2059 608!' 2064 2267 325 395 472 489 1483 1508 1554 1607 2378 1233 2383 2480 2385 2538# 1658 1573 1637 1588 19591 1995 1608 1990# 1665 1680 1686 1926 2483 2542# 333 1521 2 2534if 3291 11731 11::1'7 233 349# 1423 1430# 1432 651# 665 654 681 324 1328# 2115 1481 1235 671 PAGE 1603 1709 2043# 2410 1631 2050 20821 687ff 471 487 646# 760 883 2560# 994 999 1234 394 2170 2137# 2077 2492 1067 1775 390 1566 2541 ff 454 2109# 1088 1567/1 1~7::J# 2431 751# 779il 1564 403 566 166 1638 1710 1999 2011 2051 2078 ISIS-II ASSEMBLER SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE, X108 LETRA LETRB LETRC LETRD LETRE LETRF LETRH LETRI LETRL LETRP LETRR LETRS LF LOWER LSAV LSGNON MCM05 MCMD MNSTK MSGL NCMDS NEWLN NMOUT NMTBL NODOT NUMC NUMRG NXTRG OBTIM OBUFF OUT05 OUT10 OUT15 OUT20 OUTPT PCHSV PCLSV PERIO PRMPT PRTYO PRVAL PSAV RAMST RDK10 RDKBD READ REG05 REG10 REG15 REGDS RES10 RETF RETT RGA05 RGA10 RGADR RGLOC 114U 1144# 114611 11481 11501/ 115211 11541 116011 115611 1158# 11621/ 1135# 13301/ 133111 1207 1208 1209 1210 1172 1212 1214 1213 1215 1216 1172 1216 1903 1217 1217 1172 1217 2423 2423 437 1019 1236 2489 1010 1419 2530 1480 1634 1698 1705 2158// 249 365 368 479 370 531 535 352 360 2190# 398 137 406 942 384 652 175 1387 242411 15921/ 15861/ 12411 13881/ 1609 2430 265 1393 1428 244U 1336/1 1490 1475 1473 962 125/1 244 110811 8441 864 855 252 2545# 9311 887 272 1301 221411 2218 2233 1664 188 686 811 1218 1219 1173 1211 1216 1218 1219 ~218 1219 2540# 2230 2236 533 550 592 610 614 966 612 616 675 831t1 967 1071 1092 385 399 505 682 439 1690 586 2227 1017 1513 889 1037 1205// 273 807 334 1351f1 716 833 837 853 247 1239 1240 128# 129# 1337/1 2167 177 PAGE 124111 805# 1823 734 25561 8381 8421 85811 254411 330 271 1961 2172 363 124 8901 351 755 2241 88211 222111 2237# 2212# 22311 808 92U 226411 2271 2269 1668 318 227211 226111 327 90611 1051 936# 1039 1044 2498 254311 ISIS-II ASSEMBLER SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE, xl08 RGNAM RGPTB RGPTR RGTBL RMUSE RSET5 RSET6 RSET7 RSR05 RSR10 RST65 RSTOR RTAB RTABS SCM05 317 1047 806 939 98# 197 207 217 1001 1003 212 371 2213 1723 SCM1C .,t:."In SCM15 SCMD SDK85 SETRG SGNAD SGNDT SGNON SKLN SPHSV SPLSV SRET SSAV SSTEP SSTRT STH05 STHFO STHLF STOPB STP20 STP21 STP22 STP23 STP25 STRT SUB05 SUB10 SUB15 SUBST TEMP TERM TIM2 TIMER TIMHI TIMLO TMODE TRUE TSTRT UBRLN UNMSK UPDAD UPDDT 1639 162611 iva::::. :;, 162211 71 311 245 250 1386 1011 1237 1238 2007 183 382# 13411 2342 1568 1558 1342# 388 409 411 414 192 1343# 4761 490 478 467# 405 1344# 135211 1401 13211 133# 1341 152# 135# 103# 1361/ 480 322 957# 1180# 810 1227# 124 937 1241 137 PAGE 1050 2559/,. 2380 2495 2381 2546# 2386 2405 2407 2409 1541 1559 1565 1674 1676 1713 958 4 25181 25191 2521# 1004# 1006 2520# 427 2262 2263 1643 iG32* 1641f1 2429 10091/ 993# 246211 1523 2466 2466# 10361 1175# 11761 242211 2424 137 25481 2547# 2141 445 457 1828 2348# 1571 2314 1833 4<12# 2291# 1015 1115 2309# 233411 4121 416# 4181 4291 1819 503 498# 504fl 1117 417 1548 1835 419 421 423 419 337 425 137 227 591 485 452 422 1551 455 1064# 593 1085# 1729 2310 2340 2557/1 ISIS-II ASSEMBLER SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE, xl08 UPPER USCSR USINT USRBR VALDG VALDL WAI T \'lAITS XCM05 XCM10 XCM15 XCM18 XCM20 XCM25 XCM27 XCM30 XCMD ZERO 1345/1 424 221 137# 1553 1550 1353# 80# 1663 1540 43'2 570 252211 2516 2010 1998 1761 139 237511 240211 1349 166611 16751/ 1726 1678 1684 1702 1717 1722# 1711 1657# 1128# 168111 1687'# 1706# 172011 1732 1727# 2428 1175 CROSS REFERENCE COMPLETE 2561/1 PAGE 5 APPENDIX B DIAGRAMS ............................ 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Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2011:01:27 11:04:50-08:00 Modify Date : 2011:01:27 11:51:33-08:00 Metadata Date : 2011:01:27 11:51:33-08:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.4 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:c6b5ea23-9fbc-49e7-9fda-0bb5b8b17f9b Instance ID : uuid:36b014d0-d501-4329-bda7-f571d12e9531 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 123EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools