A 999 FS Manual 2017

User Manual: 999 FS Manual 2017

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Food Supplement Program Manual Index
ABAWD (Able Bodied Adults without Dependents)
certification periods for, 130.24130.25, 410.2
reporting requirements for, 420.21, 420.23
treatment of resources, 200.33
abuse. See domestic abuse victims
Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH)
appropriate use of, 480.8, 480.11
decisions of, 480.19
failure to appear for, 480.18
general procedures for, 480.15480.17, 480.19
penalties determined by, 480.3, 480.20
right to waiver of, 480.12
scheduling of, 480.14
administrative hearings
attendees required, 460.10
availability of, 460.2
consolidation of multiple, 460.11
continuation of benefits during, 460.19
customer rights to, 130.12, 403.9
decisions of, 460.16–460.18
denial of, 460.12
due to a mass change, 420.104
general procedures for, 460.3460.12, 460.16, 490.14
household rights during, 460.13
notice of adverse action, 430.3
officials of, 460.14460.16
for termination of benefits, 430.6
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), 480.16
adverse action
advanced notice of, 430.1430.3, 430.6
against convicted drug felons, 402.74
due to reporting issues, 420.8420.9
exemption from notice requirement, 430.4
against potentially categorically eligible households,
Agency Error (AE), 490.3, 490.4
Agent Orange Compensation Exclusion of 1989,
200.41, 211.3
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 200.41, 211.3
alien. See immigrants
allowable deductions, 212.3212.4
American Indians. See Indians
Americorps, 211.3
application process
approval, 406.31
begun at wrong office, 400.5, 406.1
delays in, 406.5406.83
denial, 406.32
for expedited services, 401.2401.8
forms for, 400.3
general procedures for, 400.1400.7
for joint applications, 115.3, 406.9
processing period for, 406.2406.4
questionable information, 408.5
residency requirements, 110.1–110.3
withdrawal during, 400.7, 430.4
authorized representative. See representatives
babies and obtaining Social Security Number, 405.3
and effect on claims against households, 490.21
by farmers, 104.82, 104.86
verifications required for, 104.891
Basis of Issuance Table, 409.4, 411.2
battered women and children shelter residents. See also
homeless shelter residents
expedited services for, 103.5
resources of, 103.4
as separate households, 103.3
benefits. See food supplement benefits boarders
paying commercial boarding houses, 100.4, 105.2
providing income to households, 105.2105.5
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS
or USCIS), 120.2, 120.3, 120.10, 120.12120.16,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 200.42, 211.3
CARES (Client Automated Resource and Eligibility
assigning certification period with, 410.2
closing cases in, 440.2
delay notices through, 406.6406.7
determining benefit level with, 409.4
using for notification of mass changes, 420.102
using to process claims, 490.11490.12
using to request information, 410.33, 420.8
for work registration, 130.3
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act of 1990,
categorically eligible households
adverse action against, 430.5
defined, 115.1115.2
food supplement benefits for, 409.4, 412.8
processes for determining, 115.3
verifications required for, 408.12
Central Collection Unit (CCU), 490.19
certification period
changes during, 410.33, 420.8
for expedited services, 401.8
general procedures for, 410.1–410.32, 410.4–410.5
for migrant/seasonal workers, 122.14122.15
for public assistance households, 410.34
for Transitional Food Supplement benefits, 420.12
changes to food supplement households. See also food
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
Supplement household
department action on, 420.4
expedited, 420.52
failure to report, 420.9
mass changes, 420.10–420.104
normal, 403.11, 420.23, 420.51
public assistance households, 420.11
through simplified reporting, 420.21
unclear information about, 420.8
verifications required for, 420.6
charitable contributions, 211.3
child care
as deduction, 212.7, 213.4, 409.3
and issues with work requirements, 130.5130.6
reimbursements for, 211.3
The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act,
The Child Nutrition Act, 211.3
children. See also students
of American Indians, 120.11
excluding income of, 211.3
exemption from work registration, 130.5
in the food supplement household, 100.3
in foster care, 100.5
as head of household, 404.2
immigrant, 120.6
of migrants, 122.9
obtaining Social Security Numbers for, 405.3
of sponsored immigrants, 121.2
of students, 102.3
of veterans, 120.10
child support
as deduction, 212.11, 213.5
as excluded income, 211.3
required reporting, 420.23
as unearned income, 210.33
verifications required, 408.3
status while waiting verification of, 120.16
verifications required, 120.14, 408.3
The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (Wartime Relocation of
Civilians), 200.41, 211.3
claims against food supplement households
bankruptcy, 490.21
calculations of, 490.6
Central Collection Unit (CCU), 490.19
collections of, 490.8, 490.10490.12, 490.15490.16
compromises, 490.17
failure to comply, 490.9, 490.13
general procedures for, 490.4490.6, 490.14
interstate, 490.22
against re-applicants, 490.18
refunds to household, 490.20
satisfying through community service, 490.10
types of, 490.2490.3
Client Automated Resource and Eligibility System
(CARES). See CARES (Client Automated Resource
and Eligibility System)
collateral contract, 408.92
commercial boarding houses. See boarders
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 104.87
about discrimination, 403.7
general procedures for, 403.8
convicted felons. See felony drug convictions
cost of living, and changes to, 420.10
court referrals, 480.8
Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of
1990, 211.3
The Crime Act of 1984, 200.41, 211.3
customer contact
on administrative hearings, 460.8
on adverse action, 430.1–430.3
during application process, 400.1–400.5
on benefit errors, 470.2
on certification periods, 410.4
for expedited services, 401.6401.7
with forms to report changes, 420.3
on pending disqualification, 480.10–480.12, 480.21
on recertification, 440.4
on simplified reporting requirements, 420.22
on unclear information, 408.5, 420.8
to verify information, 408.92
Customer Error (CE), 490.3, 490.4
customer responsibilities
to clarify questionable information, 408.10, 420.8
cooperation, 403.10
during interview, 402.5
to provide verifications, 408.2, 408.9408.11
to report changes, 403.11, 409.5, 420.21, 420.23
customer rights
to administrative hearing, 460.3, 460.13
to apply for food supplement benefits, 403.5
to confidentiality, 403.3
establishing during interview, 402.5
to non-discrimination, 403.6
to notice of adverse action, 430.1
to postpone administrative hearings, 460.9
to records, 400.6, 403.4
allowable, 212.3212.4
billed, 213.41
for child support, 212.11, 213.5
for dependent care, 212.7, 213.4, 600.3
for excess housing expenses, 212.9, 600.3
for homeless individuals, 212.10, 600.3
for medical expenses, 212.8
standard, 212.3, 212.5212.6, 409.3, 600.3
delays in process
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
determining fault, 406.4406.83
excessive, 406.81406.83
Demonstration Projects for the Integration of Vocational
and Academic Programs, 211.3
dependent care. See child care
in elderly, 109.43
permanent status under SSA, 109.32
verifications required, 408.3
and work requirement, 130.5, 130.6
disabled individuals
allowable deductions, 212.3
certification period for, 410.1, 410.2
exemption from work requirement, 130.5, 130.6
in food supplement household, 100.7
in Group Living Arrangement (GLA), 100.7, 109.23
as immigrants, 120.7
income/resources of, 200.2, 210.33, 409.2
required reporting, 420.23
disaster assistance payments, 104.87
The Disaster Relief Act of 1974, 104.87, 200.41, 211.3
as cause for voluntary quit, 130.21
customer rights, 403.6
disqualification from program, 100.62. See also
program violations
ending, 405.7
for felony drug convictions, 100.62, 402.71, 480.31
income treatment, 108.6, 210.34, 405.5
for Intentional Program Violations, 480.3, 480.20
for non-compliance with work requirements, 130.12,
for non-intentional program violations, 480.31
referrals for, 480.13
through Disqualification Consent Agreement, 480.9
for transferring resources, 200.52200.53
for voluntary quit, 130.18–130.23
documentary evidence, 408.91
domestic abuse victims. See also shelter residents
exemptions from work requirements, 130.6
immigrants, 120.13, 121.2
as individual household, 103.3
resources of, 200.32
Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973, 211.3
drug convictions. See felony drug convictions
drug treatment centers. See rehabilitation centers
earned income, 210.31
earned income deduction, 212.6, 213.3, 405.5, 409.3
earned income deductions not allowed, 490.6
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 200.41, 211.3
earned interest, 211.3
educational assistance, 211.3
Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP), 107
elderly individuals
allowable deductions, 212.3
certification period for, 410.1410.2
exemptions from work requirements, 130.5, 130.6
in food supplement household, 100.7, 109.4
as immigrants, 120.8
income/resources of, 200.2, 210.33, 409.2
required reporting, 420.23
elderly non-profit housing, 100.7
Electronic Benefit Transfer System (EBTS), 402.5,
Eligibility Determination Document (EDD), 115.2
employment conditions, 130.15–130.16
Energy Assistance Act, 200.41
excluded income, 211.2211.4
excluded resources, 200.41200.42
expedited changes to benefits, 420.52
expedited services
eligible households, 401.2
general procedures for, 401.5
interviews, 401.6401.7
for migrant/seasonal workers, 122.14
processing standards, 401.5
and prorating initial allotment, 412.7
for rehabilitation center residents, 109.54
screening process, 401.4
for shelter residents, 103.5
Social Security Numbers, 405.4
special procedures, 401.8
for SSI households, 406.9
verifications required, 408.4
anticipating, 213.43
averaging, 213.42
billed, 213.41
for disqualified individuals, 405.5
reimbursements for, 211.3
sharing costs of, 214.2
face to face interviews. See interviews
failure to comply
with FSET requirements, 130.12130.13
with means tested programs, 210.36
with providing SSN, 210.34, 405.5, 405.6
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 130.10, 130.24
Family Investment Administration, 109.59, 480.16
farmers. See also self-employed individuals
defined, 104.8
eligibility of, 104.82
filing bankruptcy, 104.82, 104.86
work requirements for, 104.3
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
farm expenses, 104.83
farm income/resources
changes in, 104.892
computations of, 104.82104.83, 104.892
earned income deductions, 104.89
losses, 104.88
payments, 104.87
from tobacco sales, 104.85
verifications required, 104.891
farm laborers, 104.82
farm shelter portion, 104.84
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), 104.87
Federal programs
as excluded resource/income, 200.41, 211.3
failure to comply, 210.36
felony drug convictions
as disqualifier, 100.62, 402.71, 480.31
eligibility for applicants with, 402.73
income treatment, 210.34
of individuals, 100.7, 402.71402.74
financial aid for education, 211.3
FIP Substance Abuse Treatment and Services, 100.7
fishermen, 104.88
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), 100.7, 109.51,
109.59, 403.6, 420.101
Food Supplement Allotment Proration Table, 411.3
food supplement applications. See application process
food supplement benefits
approval of, 406.31
certification period for, 410.1
continuation of during hearing request, 460.19
decreases in, 420.7, 430.1–430.6
denial of, 406.32
determining level of, 409.4
disputes over restoration of, 470.3
increases in, 420.6, 420.51
initial allotment, 411.2, 412.2412.8
and lost food, 470.8
with other forms of assistance, 420.11
and restoration of, 470.10–470.12
retroactive, 400.2
transitional, 420.12
Food Supplement Employment and Training Program
(FSET). See FSET (Food Supplement Employment
and Training Program)
food supplement household. See also changes to food
supplement households
authorized representatives, 404.3
categorical eligibility of, 115.2
causing delays, 406.5–406.83, 406.83
and changes to former households, 103.6
claims against, 490.2
containing boarders, 100.4
containing migrant workers, 122.5
containing sponsored immigrants, 121.2
containing strikers, 101.1101.3
containing students, 102.7
containing veterans, 109.3109.33
deductions, 212.2–212.12
head of household, 404.2
income, 409.2–409.3
ineligible members of, 108.4, 108.5, 108.7
non-household members, 100.8, 108.2, 108.5, 108.7
repayment responsibility, 490.16
required combinations, 100.3
required reporting, 403.11, 405.5, 420.2
requirements for eligibility, 100.2100.3
supplying boarding services, 105.1105.5, 210.32
unclear information about, 410.33
verifications required, 100.9, 120.3, 120.14, 408.3
foster care, 100.5
fraud, 210.36
FSET (Food SupplementEmployment and Training
Program). See also work requirements
and categorical exemption, 130.7
failure to comply, 130.12–130.14
general procedures for, 130.8
and loss of exemption status, 130.11
program requirements, 130.10
and transportation difficulties, 130.6
voluntary participants, 130.9
garnishment, 104.86
Group living arrangement (GLA)
authorized representation of, 109.24, 404.5
defined, 109.21
as food supplement household, 100.7
operator responsibilities to, 109.25109.27
requirements for benefits, 109.23
verifications required, 109.22
head of household. See also representatives
choice of, 100.10, 404.2
designating children, 404.2
hearing official, 460.14460.16
hearings. See Administrative Disqualification Hearing
(ADH); administrative hearings
Higher Education Act, 102.4, 200.41, 211.3
The Higher Education Amendments of 1992, 211.3
homeless, defined, 212.10
homeless shelter residents. See also battered women and
children shelter residents
authorized representatives for, 404.6
certification period for, 410.2
deductions, 212.10
eligibility of, 100.7
verifications required, 408.3
work requirements, 130.6
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
home visits, 402.3
household. See food supplement household
household misfortune, and restoration of lost food
(form), 470.8
The Housing and Community Development Act of
1987, 211.3
Housing and Community Development Act of 1992
(Youthbuild Program), 211.3
housing expenses
as deduction, 212.9, 409.3
verifying costs of, 408.6
HUD (Department of Housing and Urban
Development), 211.3
HUD Utility Reimbursement, 211.3
identity verifications, 408.3
illegal immigrants, 120.18
American Indian, 120.11
battered, 120.13
calculations of resources, 120.19
case situations, 120.20
categories under welfare law (chart), 120
children, 120.6
disabled, 120.7
forms for, 120.3
Hmong or Highland Laotians, 120.11
indigent, 121.2
ineligibility of, 100.61
with military connection, 120.10
qualified immigrant defined, 120.3
qualifiers for eligibility, 120.3120.20
reporting illegal, 120.18
trafficking of, 120.20
verification process, 120.14
immigrant sponsorship
Affidavit of Support, 121.1–121.2
general procedures for, 121.2121.3
required information, 121.4121.6
verifications required, 121.5
immigrant work quarters, 120.9
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 120.3, 120.5,
120.9, 120.10, 120.13, 120.16, 121.4
income. See also resources
from boarders, 100.4, 105.1105.5, 210.32
calculating, 213.2213.3, 213.6
from capital gains, 104.5
to determine eligibility, 210.2, 409.2409.3
of disqualified individuals, 108.5, 108.6, 210.34,
earned, 210.31
effect on benefit levels, 409.4
excluded, 211.2211.4
of farmers, 104.82–104.892
garnishment of, 104.86
in-kind, 211.3
of migrant workers, 122.9122.12
of non-household members, 108.5, 211.3
phantom, 210.36
pro-rated, 104.4, 210.34
and reduction of public assistance, 210.36
required reporting, 420.21, 420.23
of self employed individuals, 104.4–104.7, 210.32
of shelter for battered women and children residents,
of students, 102.7
from tax credits, 104.87
unearned, 210.33
using to verify striker eligibility, 101.3
verifications required, 210.4, 408.3
income tax refunds, 211.3
Independence Card, 404.3, 404.6, 404.7
Indian lands
as excluded income, 211.3
as excluded resource, 200.41
excluded income, 211.3
excluded resources, 200.41
immigrant eligibility, 120.11
Indian Self Determination and Educational Assistance
Act, 120.11
Indian Vocational Education Program, 211.3
ineligible individuals. See program violators
institutional residents, 100.63
Intentional Program Violations (IPV)
calculating claims, 490.6
collections of claim, 490.8
defined, 480.2
determination of, 480.4
and Disqualification Consent Agreement, 480.9
general procedures for, 480.6480.7
notice of adverse action, 430.4
overpayments because of, 490.3
penalties, 480.3, 480.20
referrals to hearing, 480.13
reporting disqualified individuals, 480.22
restoration of benefits, 470.5
and Simplified Reporting, 480.5
treatment of income, 108.6
treatment of resources, 108.6, 200.33
content of, 402.5
face to face, 402.2
home visits, 402.3
with migrant/seasonal workers, 122.4
scheduling of, 402.6
waiver for, 402.4
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 102.3, 102.4
joint custody, 100.3
law enforcement officers, and records release to, 403.3
Limited Utility Allowance (LUA), 214.1
as excluded income, 211.3
as resource, 104.82
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1986,
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
(LIHEAP), 200.41
lump sums
as counted excluded resource, 200.31, 213.3
as excluded income, 211.3, 213.3
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1990, 200.41
Maryland Automated Benefit System (MABS), 210.4,
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP), 200.41
Maryland Senior Nutrition Assistance Program
(MSNAP), 107
mass changes, 420.10
means tested programs, 120.9, 210.36
Medicaid, 403.3
medical expenses
as a deduction, 212.8, 213.4, 409.3
for disqualified individuals, 405.5
reimbursements for, 211.3
verifications required, 408.3
migrant/seasonal farm workers
certification period for, 410.2
defined, 122.2122.3
destitute, 122.10
general procedures for, 122.4
good cause for voluntary quit, 130.21
income of, 120.10–120.12
initial allotment, 412.2
resources of, 122.8
work registration, 122.7, 130.6
Model Program of Regional Training for Skilled Trades,
narration, 408.11
The National and Community Service Trust Act of
1993, 211.3
The National School Lunch Act, 200.41, 211.3
Native Hawaiian Vocational Education Program, 211.3
Nazi Persecution Crime Act, 200.41
newborns, and obtaining Social Security Number,
non-citizen. See immigrants
non-household members
defined, 100.8, 108.3
reasons for non-member status, 108.3–108.4, 108.7
resources/income of, 108.5, 200.34, 211.3
Notice of Adverse Action, 104.892, 130.12, 430.1
adequate notice of, 430.3
exemption from notice, 430.4
timely advance notice, 430.2
Notice of Expiration, 440.3
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), 460.5,
460.17, 480.13
Office of Public Affairs, 420.101
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), 120.37
Older Americans Act (Title V), 211.3
on-the-job training, 102.2
opportunity to participate for normal processing, 400.2
overpayment, 420.21, 490.2490.4
PASS (Plan for Achieving Self Support), 211.3
Payment-In-Kind (PIK), 104.82, 104.87, 211.3
payments third party, 211.3
payments to volunteers, 211.3
phantom income, 130.12, 210.36
pregnancy and work registration, 130.6
Privacy Act of 1974, 403.2
procedural requirements
for application for food supplement benefits, 406.1
for complaints, 403.7403.9
for expedited services, 401.2401.5
and income eligibility, 409.2409.3
for individual convicted of drug related felony,
for individuals disqualified for failing to provide
SSN, 405.5
program violations. See also disqualification from
Intentional Program Violations (IPV), 480.2480.3
non-intentional, 480.31
program violators
as authorized representatives, 404.6
reporting disqualified individuals, 480.22
treatment of income, 108.6, 210.34
proration tables, 411.1411.4, 412.4
Public Assistance (PA), 115.1, 115.3, 408.12, 412.8
Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
categorical eligibility through, 115.1115.3
changes to, 410.34, 420.10
effects on food stamp benefits, 200.41
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
and immigrants, 120.34
as means tested program, 210.36
reporting requirements, 420.11
as unearned income, 210.33
Public Law 103-286, 211.3
Public Law 104-193, 211.3
Public Law 104-204, 200.41, 211.3
Public Law 93-66, 212.3
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990, 200.41,
railroad retiree's
allowable deductions, 212.3
treatment of income, 210.33, 212.3
Railroad Retirement Act, 100.7, 109.23, 120.34, 212.3
calculations, 213.2
general procedures for, 440.2
interviews for, 440.4
period for, 410.5
requirements for, 410.1
timely application, 440.6–440.8
unpaid claims, 490.18
verifications required, 405.9, 408.7–408.8, 440.5
access by household members, 403.4
and release of, 403.3
reduction of benefits. See adverse action
Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, 120.5,
refugees, 120.3, 120.5, 120.14, 120.37
rehabilitation centers
representatives of, 109.53, 109.58, 404.4
responsibilities of, 109.57109.59
violations by, 109.59
rehabilitation program residents
authorized representative for, 109.53, 109.58
defined, 109.52
eligibility of, 100.7, 404.4
expedited services, 109.54
payments to rehabilitation centers, 109.56
verifications required, 109.51
work requirements, 130.5
reimbursements, 211.3
repayments, 211.3
reporting changes. See changes to food supplement
representatives. See also head of household
disqualification of, 404.7
of food supplement household, 404.3
of Group living arrangement residents, 109.24, 404.5
of homeless shelter residents, 404.6
at interviews, 402.2, 402.4
program violations by, 404.6
of rehabilitation program residents, 109.53, 109.58,
responsibilities of, 404.3
restrictions of, 404.6
residency requirements
for food stamp program, 110.1110.3
of migrant workers, 122.6
required reporting, 420.23
verification of, 408.3
resources. See also income
of categorically eligible households, 115.3, 200.2
countable, 200.3
of disqualified individuals, 108.6, 405.5
excluded, 200.4
of farmers, 104.82–104.85
farm shelter as, 104.84
of immigrants, 120.19
inaccessible, 200.41
jointly owned, 200.32
maximum limits on, 200.2
of migrant workers, 122.8
of non-household members, 108.5, 200.33
Payment-In-Kind (PIK) payments, 104.82
of residents of shelters for battered women and
children, 103.4
transfer of, 200.5200.53
vehicles, 201.2
verifications required, 200.3, 200.43, 408.3
retirement accounts, 200.31
Retirement Survivors Disability Insurance (RSDI),
reverse mortgage, 211.3
Sac Fox Indian Claims Agreement, 200.41
SAVE system, 120.3
seasonal/migrant workers. See migrant/seasonal farm
self-employed individuals. See also farmers
earned income of, 210.32
excluded resources of, 200.41
exemption from work requirement, 130.5
forms required, 104.891
income changes, 104.892
income computation, 104.4104.7, 210.32
resources of, 104.4
treatment of specific payments, 104.87
work requirements, 104.3, 104.87
shelter expenses. See housing expenses
shelter residents. See battered women and children
shelter residents; homeless shelter residents
simplified reporting groups, 410.31, 420.21
simplified reporting requirements
for food supplement households, 420.21
and impact on IPV, 480.5
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
Social Security Act
benefits from, 200.41
and immigrants, 120.7
lists of permanent disabilities, 109.32
as qualifier to program, 100.7
Social Security Administration (SSA)
and food stamp program, 109.23
immigrant earnings reported to, 120.9
and joint applications, 406.9
referrals to for SSN, 405.3405.4
role in food supplement recertification, 440.6
verification of SSN through, 405.8
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 212.3
Social Security Numbers
expedited services, 405.4
failure to comply, 210.34, 405.5405.6
multiple numbers, 405.2
for newborns, 405.3405.4
privacy of, 403.2
requirements for, 405.2
verifications required, 405.8, 408.3, 408.7
sponsors of immigrants. See immigrant sponsorship
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), 212.3
standard deductions, 212.5, 600.3
Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), 214.1, 408.6, 600.3
State Verification Exchange System (SVES), 210.4
State Vocational and Applied Technology Education
Program, 211.3
defined, 100.7, 101.2
eligibility procedure, 101.3
notice of adverse action, 430.4
unearned income of, 210.33
verifications required, 101.4
students. See also children
with children, 102.3
defined, 102.2
with educational assistance, 211.3
eligibility of, 102.3
enrollment status of, 102.6
excluded resources, 200.41
immigrant, 122.9
income of, 102.7, 211.3
work requirements, 102.5, 130.5
work-study programs, 102.4, 211.3
student-teacher training, 102.4
SUA (Standard Utility Allowance), 214.1, 408.6, 600.3
suitable employment, 130.15130.16
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
allowable deductions, 212.3
categorical eligibility through, 115.1115.3
changes to, 420.10
effects on food supplement benefits, 200.41
as excluded income, 211.3
with food supplement program, 100.7, 109.23, 406.9
households receiving, 212.3
immigrants, 120.34
means tested programs, 120.36
prorating initial allotment, 412.8
records release, 403.3
as unearned income, 210.33
verifications required, 408.12
tax credits/refunds, 104.87
telephone allowance, 214.3, 600.3
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF),
Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
categorical eligibility through, 115.1, 115.3
changes to, 420.10
expedited services, 401.3
failure to comply, 210.36
with food supplement program, 102.3, 200.41,
as income to food supplement program, 210.33
as means tested program, 120.9, 210.36
records release to, 403.3
and reporting requirements, 420.11
and transitional food supplement benefits, 420.12
as unearned income, 210.33
work requirements, 130.5, 130.12
Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
categorical eligibility through, 115.1115.3
certification period for, 410.34
changes to, 420.10
effects of resources on food supplement benefits,
expedited services, 401.3
and immigrants, 120.7
as means tested program, 210.36
and records release to, 403.3
reporting requirements, 420.11
as unearned income, 210.33
termination of benefits. See adverse action
third party payments, 210.35
Thrifty Food Plan, 409.4, 411.2, 600.4
Trade Act of 1974, 102.3
Trade Adjustment Assistance Act, 130.24
trafficking in food supplement benefits, 490.2, 490.7
trafficking in persons, 120.12
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, 120.12
Transitional Food Supplement benefits (TFS), 410.2,
410.34, 420.12
transportation issues, and work registration, 130.6
treatment centers. See rehabilitation centers
trust funds, 200.41
Food Supplement Program Manual Index
unclear information, 420.8
unearned income
changes in, 420.23
examples of, 210.31
unemployment compensation
as unearned income, 210.33
work requirements, 130.5, 130.12
The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real-Property
Acquisition Policy Act of 1970, 200.41, 211.3
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture),
104.87, 403.2
allowance policy, 214.1, 214.5
determining actual amount, 214.4
sharing costs of, 214.2
verifications required, 408.3
vehicles, 200.41, 201.2
vendor payments
and deductions, 213.4
as income, 211.3
for bankruptcy, 104.891
of categorical eligibility, 408.12
for changes in food supplement benefits, 420.6420.7
of citizenship, 120.2
customer responsibilities to provide, 408.9408.11
of drug and alcohol treatment center residents
eligibility, 109.5
of expenses, 408.3
of food supplement household, 100.9, 120.7120.8,
408.3, 408.6
Group living arrangement (GLA), 109.22
income, 210.4, 408.3
mandatory, 408.2–408.4
on questionable information, 408.5
recertification, 405.9, 408.7–408.8, 440.4, 440.5
of resources, 200.3, 200.43, 408.3
of Social Security Numbers, 405.8, 408.3, 408.7
of strike situations, 101.4
types of, 408.9–408.11
veterans, 100.7
allowable deductions, 212.3
with educational assistance, 211.3
eligibility for program, 109.31, 109.33
in Group living arrangement, 109.23
immigrant status, 120.10
of overseas military, 120.10
surviving spouses and children, 109.3
unearned income, 210.33
Veterans Administration (VA), 100.7, 109.23, 109.31,
Veterans' Benefits Improvement and Health Care
Authorization Act of 1986, 211.3
violations against food supplement program. See
program violations
voluntary quit
determination of, 130.18130.20
effects on program eligibility, 130.18
ending disqualification for, 130.23
good cause, 130.21
verifications required, 130.22
waiting period
for immigrants, 120.5
for verifications, 212.12
Wartime Relocation of Civilians, 211.3
WIC (Women, Infants and Children), 200.41
Workforce Investment Act, 130.24, 200.41, 210.31,
Work Opportunities, 102.3, 102.4
work place conditions, 130.21
work requirements. See also FSET (Food Stamp
Employment and Training Program)
categorical exemptions, 130.7
exemptions from, 104.3, 130.4–130.7
failure to comply, 130.12–130.14
general procedures for, 130.3
for migrant/seasonal workers, 122.7
non-compliance, 210.34
and reduction in work effort, 130.18130.21
for students, 102.5
and voluntary quit, 130.18130.21
work place conditions, 130.15130.16
work-study programs, 102.3, 102.4

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