A Guide To Eclipse And The R Plug In StatET Stat ET
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Page Count: 41
- Introduction
- The basics of the Eclipse Environment
- The StatET plug-in
- Appendices
- Some Eclipse variables
- Bibliography
- Index

A guide to Eclipse and the R plug-in StatET
Longhow Lam
Version 08-Jan-2010
1. Introduction 5
1.1. Acknowledgments............................... 6
1.2. Obtaining and installing the software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1. The Eclipse system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2. The StatET plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. The basics of the Eclipse Environment 9
2.1. The Workbench and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2. ProjectsinEclipse .............................. 10
2.2.1. Creating a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2. Adding new resources to a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.3. Adding existing resources to a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.4. Adding Folders to a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.5. Adding Linked Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3. Working with text files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.1. Line numbers, Quick diff and Word completion . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.2. The History of a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.3. Comparingfiles............................ 15
2.3.4. Bookmarks and task tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.5. Text/Code folding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4. Searchingfortext............................... 18
2.4.1. Asinglefile .............................. 18
2.4.2. Multiplefiles ............................. 19
2.5. Eclipsepreferences .............................. 20
3. The StatET plug-in 22
3.1. ConfiguringR................................. 22
3.2. The R Console in Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.1. RunningRcode............................ 25
3.3. The Cmd History and Queue views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4. TheObjectBrowser ............................. 28
3.5. TheOutlineview ............................... 28
3.6. The StatET preferences and their corresponding features . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6.1. Codetemplates............................ 29
3.6.2. Codegeneration............................ 30
3.6.3. Syntaxcoloring ............................ 30
3.6.4. R Code formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.6.5. R Editing Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.6.6. Some StatET shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.7. WritingRhelpfiles.............................. 34
3.8. RCMDtools ................................. 35
3.8.1. Converting Rd files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.8.2. Building an R package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Appendices 37
A. Some Eclipse variables 38
Bibliography 38
Index 39
List of Figures
1.1. The Eclipse workbench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2. The install dialog with the StatET libraries to install. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3. The eclipse installation details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1. A group of tabs that can be customized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2. The available perspectives in the Eclipse workbench. . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3. The available project types in the Eclipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4. The new project in the navigator view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5. Foldersinaproject. ............................. 12
2.6. Linked resources in a project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.7. A tab group with different text editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.8. Multiple text files visible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.9. The gutter with line numbers and ‘Quick Diff’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.10. The history view that lists all the versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.11. The Compare Editor allowing the user to browse through changes between
versions .................................... 16
2.12. Bookmarks in a text file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.13. Tasks in a text file help you to remember to finish uncompleted tasks . . 17
2.14. Code in a folding area and code that is collapsed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.15. The Find / Replace dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.16. The search dialog allows the user to search in multiple files . . . . . . . . 19
2.17. The search view that displays locations of the search string. . . . . . . . 20
2.18. The preferences dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1. Setting up an R environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2. The preferences dialog displaying the preferences for Eclipse and the plug-
ins........................................ 23
3.3. The run dialog to configure the internal R console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4. The ‘Run As’ button menu high-lighted on the toolbar. . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.5. The R console inside Eclipse, with an extra line to enter R statements. . 25
3.6. Little R button on the Eclipse toolbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.7. Run function definition. Place the cursor in a function definition and use
Ctrl+r,Ctrl+F ................................ 26
3.8. The History view with previously entered or submitted statements. . . . 27
3.9. The Queue view displaying statements that are waiting to be executed. . 27
3.10.Theobjectbrowser............................... 28

3.11.Theoutlineview. ............................... 29
3.12. The available code templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.13. Inserting a new code template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.14. The preferences dialog for setting syntax coloring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.15. The preferences dialog for setting syntax coloring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.16. A project consisting of R help files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.17. The External Tools dialog to set R command tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.18. Quick link on the toolbar to external tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.19. Building an R package from the external tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1. Introduction
The open source data analysis system R has gained a lot of attention, not only because
it is freely available. It has proven to be an effective tool for data manipulation, data
analysis, creating graphs and developing new (statistical) methods. R has welcomed
many new users (from other systems) over the last years. This guide will not explain
how to use R. See the R manuals [1] or the introduction to R document [2] that can be
downloaded from www.splusbook.com for a detailed introduction to the R system. The
purpose of this guide is to introduce the Eclipse Platform and the plug-in StatET for R
The base R system does contain an editor for writing R code. However, users will soon
find out the limited capabilities of the internal editor. In principle any text editor can
be used to write R programs (scripts). However, this document describes Eclipse for the
following reasons:
•Like R, Eclipse is open source. It is freely available from www.eclipse.org.
•Although it is free, Eclipse does contain many features that a good editor should
•It is more than a text editor, it is an environment that allows you to easily maintain
multiple R scripts in the form of projects.
In addition, the Eclipse Platform is an open environment that can be extended. It
allows users to write so called plug-ins. Such a plug-in can customize the Eclipse envi-
ronment for a certain programming language or for a certain task. The plug-in ‘StatET’
for R, created by Stephan Wahlbrink (www.walware.de/goto/statet) adds the following
•Run R code ‘in Eclipse’ by sending it to the R GUI or in a special R consile in the
Eclipse environment.
•Syntax coloring of R key words.
•Browsing for R objects in a dedicated Object Browser.
•Insert predefined blocks of R code (templates).
•Supports writing R documentation files (*.Rd files) and Sweave files.
•Run R CMD tools from Eclipse.

The remainder of this guide will first describe the basics of Eclipse and then the features
of the StatET plug in.
1.1. Acknowledgments
I want to thank Stephan Wahlbrink for giving me Eclipse tips and tricks, descriptions
of his StatET plug-in and for giving me feedback on this document.
1.2. Obtaining and installing the software
1.2.1. The Eclipse system
Eclipse is a Java program, so it needs the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run.
You need JRE version 1.4 or above, which can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com.
The Eclipse platform can be downloaded from the website www.eclipse.org, the latest
version of the StatET works with Eclipse version 3.5.1. For windows, take some time to
download the 200 MB zip file. The installation is straight forward no installation wizard
has to be run. Since Eclipse does not alter the Windows registery just unzip the zip file
to any location you want, for example to C:/Program Files/Eclipse.
Run Eclipse by starting eclipse.exe. During the start Eclipse will ask the user to choose
aworkspace folder. This folder is the default location that Eclipse will use will to store
projects, see section 2.2.1.
1.2.2. The StatET plug-in
The StatET plug-in can be installed from within Eclipse.
•Go the ‘Help’ menu, then select ‘Install New Software...’.
•In the ‘Install’ dialog type in ’http://download.walware.de/eclipse-3.5’ in the ‘Work
with’ field.
•In the lower part of the ‘Install’ dialog you will see the libararies that need to be
installed. Select them all and click Next or Finish. Eclipse will now install the
StatET plug-in.
After the plug-in is installed Eclipse must be restarted. One way to see if the plug-in
is installed is to go to the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘About Eclipse’ then click the button
‘Installation details’ and a list with all the plug-ins will appear as in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.1.: The Eclipse workbench.

Figure 1.2.: The install dialog with the StatET libraries to install.
Figure 1.3.: The eclipse installation details.

2. The basics of the Eclipse
Before explaining the specific R features provided by the StatET plug-in, a few basic
Eclipse features are explained. You will find these features very handy, not only for
developing R programs. For a complete description of all the features of Eclipse, see the
online Eclipse documentation [3].
2.1. The Workbench and Perspectives
The term workbench in Eclipse refers to the development environment on the desktop.
It contains different windows, editors and views which are categorized in tab groups, as
displayed in Figure 1.2.1. The views that are organized by tab groups are not static
they can be dragged to different locations to suit your preferred layout. Select a tab and
drag it to some other location.
Figure 2.1.: A group of tabs that can be customized.
A workbench contains one or more perspectives. A perspective is a set of views and
layout of tab groups, it is designed to facilitate the user to do a specific task. For
example, the Java perspective helps the user write Java code by displaying certain views
that are useful while editing Java code.
When the StatET plug-in is installed then the StatET perspective is available within
the Eclipse workbench. To open this perspective: Go to the ‘Window’ menu and select
‘Open perspective’. A list of perspective (as in Figure 2.1 ) will appear when ‘Other’ is
selected. Now select ‘StatET’.

Figure 2.2.: The available perspectives in the Eclipse workbench.
2.2. Projects in Eclipse
2.2.1. Creating a project
The main structure in Eclipse to organize your work is a project. To create and edit R
script files you need at least one project. To create a new project:
•Go to the File menu and select New >Project.
•A ‘New Project’ dialog as in Figure 2.3 will appear.
Figure 2.3.: The available project types in the Eclipse.
•Select ‘R-Project’ in the StatET folder, and click ‘Next’.
•Type a name for the project and choose a location for the project. Eclipse will
choose by default the ‘workspace folder’ as the location for all new projects. At

this location Eclipse will create a new folder (named after the project name), and
it will put all relevant project information in this folder.
•A new project is created and it will be visible in the ‘Project Explorer’ view or
‘Navigator’ view, as displayed in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4.: The new project in the navigator view.
Once a project has been created it acts as a sort of container, new or existing resources
can be added to the project. These resources could be any type of file, for example a
jpeg picture an mp3 music file. In the case of an R project the resources are usually R
script files, so plain text files with the extension .R. Note that you can have more than
one project in the workbench. Repeat the above steps to insert another new project.
The .Project file
The .project file provides a complete description of the project, suitable for recreating
it in the workbench if it is exported and then imported. You should not edit this file
manually, it is even better to hide files beginning with a ‘.’. Go to the pull down menu
in the ‘Navigator’ view and select ‘Filters...’ then select the checkbox ‘.*’.
2.2.2. Adding new resources to a project
To add a new resource, for example an R script file, to the project:
•Right click on the project name in the ‘Navigator’ view and select ‘New’.
•Select ‘R-script file’ and enter a name for the script file.
A new R script file is now created and is visible under the project in the ‘Navigator’ view.
The file itself is located in the project directory, which in turn is located in the workspace
folder. In case of doubt, right click on the file name in the ‘Navigator’ view and select
properties. A dialog will appear showing the location of the file. With the creation of

a new R script file the StatET plug-in has put some comments at the beginning of the
file. In Section 3.6.2 we’ll explain how to modify these comments.
2.2.3. Adding existing resources to a project
To add an existing file (an R script file for example) to a project:
•Right click on the project name in the ‘Navigator’ view and select ‘Import...’.
•In the dialog that appears, select ‘File System’ and click ‘Next’.
•Browse to the directory with the file(s), and select the file(s) you want to add.
The file(s) will now appear in the project in the ‘Navigator’ view. It is important to
realize that the files you have added are copied from their original location to the project
directory. Any change you will make to the file in the project will not change the original
file but will change the file in the project directory.
Another way to import a resource into a project is by means of drag and drop. From
a Windows explorer window, files can be dragged and dropped into a project in the
‘Navigator’ view in Eclipse.
2.2.4. Adding Folders to a project
A project can contain folders. This will be useful when there are many files in a project,
you can then use folders to organize the files.
•Right click on a project in the ‘Navigator View’ and select New >Folder.
•Enter a name for the folder.
Once a folder has been created you can insert new or existing resources into a folder, as
described in the sections above. Alternatively, you can drag and drop existing resources
from one folder to another.
Figure 2.5.: Folders in a project.

2.2.5. Adding Linked Resources
Eclipse allows you to add so called linked resources. In the project a link to an existing
file can be created as follows:
•Right click on the project name in the ‘Navigator’ view.
•Select ‘New >File’, a ‘New File’ dialog will appear.
•Click on the ‘Advanced’ button and check the ‘Link to file in file system’ check
•Browse to the file you want to link and click ‘Finish’.
In the project an icon will appear with a small arrow, indicating that this is a linked
resource, see Figure 2.6. Double click on the icon to open the file. Any change you will
make will be applied to the file that you are linked to.
Figure 2.6.: Linked resources in a project.
Note that also folders and complete projects can be created as linked resources in a
similar way.
2.3. Working with text files
To open a file in a project, double click on its name in the ‘Navigator’ view. Each type
of file in the project can be associated with a different type of editor. R script files (*.R)
are opened by default in an ‘R script editor’ in the workbench, and R documentation
files (*.Rd) are opened with the ‘R Documentation editor’. Right-click on the file name
and select ‘Open With’ to open the file with another editor. This could be an external
editor, in which case the file is opened outside the Eclipse workbench.
In the Eclipse environment you can open multiple (text) files, by default these (text)
files are organized as different tabs on one tab group like Figure 2.7. In this setting only
one text file is open and visible. You may want to view two or more (text) files at the
same time, then drag a tab outside its tab group. You could create a setting like in
Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.7.: A tab group with different text editors.
Figure 2.8.: Multiple text files visible.
2.3.1. Line numbers, Quick diff and Word completion
Two useful features to show are the line numbers and the quick diff. In an open text
editor in the workbench right-click in the small gray strip on the left side of the editor
(the gutter). In the context menu that appears select ‘Quick Diff’ and ‘Show Line
Numbers’. The ‘Quick Diff’ identifies the lines in the editor that have changed since the
last save. For example, lines that have been deleted (a small black line), or lines where
new text is entered (line numbers are shaded). Hover over these areas with your mouse
to see the old text.
Word completion is a handy feature. In a text editor you can complete some typed in
characters to a word occurring in all currently open text editors. Type in some characters
and press alt+/.
2.3.2. The History of a file
A handy feature in Eclipse is the local history of a file. Each time you save a file, Eclipse
will log the changes you have made. You can easily recall previous versions of the file.
•Right click on a file of a project in the ‘Navigator’ view.
•Select ‘Compare With >Local History’.
•The history view will appear as in figure 2.10.

Figure 2.9.: The gutter with line numbers and ‘Quick Diff’
Figure 2.10.: The history view that lists all the versions
In the history view the current and all the previous versions of the file are displayed.
To open a previous version, right click on a version and select ‘Open’. This will open
the previous version in read-only mode. To compare a previous version with the current
version right click and select ‘Compare current with Local’. A compare editor will open
where the two versions are displayed. See figure 2.11.
2.3.3. Comparing files
Instead of comparing different versions of one file, Eclipse also allows you to compare
two different files with each other. Select two files in the ‘Navigator’ view, right click
and select ‘Compare with each other’. A compare editor as in figure 2.11 will display
the two different files and their differences.
2.3.4. Bookmarks and task tags
Bookmarks are useful when you want to remember a certain location in a file. To insert
a bookmark in a file:

Figure 2.11.: The Compare Editor allowing the user to browse through changes between
•Right click in the gutter on the line where you want a bookmark.
•Select ‘Add Bookmark...’ and enter a name for the bookmark.
Light blue bookmarks symbols will appear in the gutter, as in figure 2.12. To get a view
of all bookmarks go to the ‘Window’ menu and select ‘Show View >Bookmarks’.
Figure 2.12.: Bookmarks in a text file
It is also possible to add a bookmark that refers to an entire file. Select a file in the
project in the ‘Navigator’ view, then go to the menu ‘Edit >Add Bookmark...’.
Tasks allow the user to be remembered of certain uncompleted tasks that need to be
done. Proceed as follows:
•Right click in the gutter on the line where you want to add a task.

•Select ‘Add Task...’ and enter a name for the task.
A little task icon will appear in the gutter, as in figure 2.13. To get a view of all tasks
go to the ‘Window’ menu and select ‘Show View >Tasks’.
Figure 2.13.: Tasks in a text file help you to remember to finish uncompleted tasks
2.3.5. Text/Code folding
The text editor for R files in the StatET plug-in supports code folding when writing
functions. By default code folding is automatically enabled. That means when you
write an R function, the editor will automatically put the code between the opening
bracket end the closing bracket of the function in a folding area. See Figure 2.14.
Figure 2.14.: Code in a folding area and code that is collapsed.
In the gutter of the text editor you will find small nodes on the left of the opening bracket.
Click these nodes to fold or unfold the corresponding code. Right click somewhere in
the gutter to open a context menu. In this menu you can:
•Enable / disable folding.
•Collapse all folding areas in the editor.
•Expand all folding areas in the editor.

2.4. Searching for text
2.4.1. A single file
To search for a text in an open file in the editor, press ctrl-F. A ‘Find/Replace’ dialog
as in figure 2.15 will appear.
Figure 2.15.: The Find / Replace dialog
Type a search string and click ‘Find’. Unselect ‘Whole Word’ to search for the search
string as part of a larger string. So searching for ‘tan’ will also find rectangle. Eclipse
allows you to specify search strings using regular expressions. With regular expressions
you can formulate advanced search strings. It is beyond the scope of this document to
explain regular expressions in detail. Just a few examples.
•Select the ‘Regular expressions’ checkbox. And enter a regular expression.
•gr[ae]y will find the words grey and gray but not groy.
•gr.y will find any single character, so gray, groy and gr5y.
•gr.*y will find gray, graaxsdy or gry.
•The expression [0-9]+ will find any number, so 458, tr5w and 786jhf.
An alternative to searching for strings in an editor is the Incremental Find and the
Reverse Incremental Find. With the editor in focus:
•Press ctrl-J, you will enter the incremental find mode.
•This is indicated in the status bar at the bottom of the Eclipse window.

•Type in some characters, Eclipse will try to find these characters.
If the characters are found these characters are highlighted in the text editor, otherwise
the status bar will display ‘Not found’. Press ctrl-J to move forward from the current
cursor position and try to find the characters again. Use ctrl-shift-J to search upwards
in the text.
2.4.2. Multiple files
To search for a text in multiple files go the menu ‘Search’ and select ‘File...’. A dialog as
in figure 2.16 will appear. Or alternatively press ctrl+H or click on the ‘Search’ button
on the main Eclipse tool bar.
Figure 2.16.: The search dialog allows the user to search in multiple files
Proceed as follows:
•Enter a search string in the ‘Containing text’ field. If this is a regular expression
select the ‘Regular expressions’ checkbox.
•Enter a pattern in the ‘File name patterns:’ field to specify in which type files you
want to search. For example *.R for R script files, or just * for all files.
•Select the scope to specify in which files you want to search.
–Workspace, all files in all the projects of your Eclipse workspace.
–Selected resources, only the files that are selected in the ‘Navigator’ view.
–Enclosing projects, all the files in the current project.
–Working set, a set files that you can create by clicking the ‘Choose’ button.

The results of the search are displayed in the ‘Search’ view, as in Figure 2.17.
Figure 2.17.: The search view that displays locations of the search string.
In the ‘Search view’ you can double click a certain file to open it in the text editor. The
found search strings are highlighted in the editor and in the gutter you will see small
arrows. When the ‘Search view’ is selected you can see a little up and down arrow. Click
these arrows move the cursor to the next or previous match. To refresh the ‘Search view’
press F5 and the same search will be done again.
2.5. Eclipse preferences
To set the Eclipse preferences, open the ‘Preferences’ dialog as displayed in Figure 2.18
by going to the menu ‘Window >Preferences...’. The preferences are structured in
a tree structure on the left side of the dialog, there are just too many preferences to
mention here. Only a few of them are high-lighted in this section, experiment with the
preferences dialog to find out more.
Figure 2.18.: The preferences dialog.

Unfold ‘General’ in the preferences tree and select ‘Appearance’, here you can set the
colors and fonts for the different elements of eclipse. For example the colors and fonts
used in the text file compare environment.
Shortcut keys
In Eclipse many keys are already assigned to a certain task or command. In the prefer-
ences dialog unfold ‘General’ in the tree and select ‘Keys’. Then in the dialog select a
command to change or set the key binding. For example, if you are used to F3 in SAS,
set key binding for the command ‘Run Selection/Current Line in R’ code to F3. As a
shortcut to the shortcut keys press Ctrl+Shift+L anywhere in the workbench. Eclipse
will display a pop up window with a list of all active shortcut keys.
The local history
The settings for the ‘Local History’ can be found under the General >Workspace set-
tings. You can increase the low values. For example, set ’Days to keep files’ to 365, the
‘Entries per File’ to 10,000 and ‘Maximum file size’ to 10. These new settings should be
enough to track a complete year of changes.
Auto Run
The left hand side of the preferences dialog shows the main categories, you can find
‘Auto Run’ under the ‘Run/Debug’ folder. The ‘Auto Run’ preference enables you to
start certain tools at start up. For example if you want to automatically start the R
console you should check the check box ‘Enable run at startup of:’.

3. The StatET plug-in
3.1. Configuring R
If you want to run R code in an R console inside Eclipse or you want to run the R CMD
tools, then you need to set up an R environment first. To set up an R environment go
to the menu ‘Window >Preferences...’, the ‘Preferences’ dialog will appear as in Figure
3.2. Expand the ‘StatET’ node in the tree and expand ‘Run / Debug’, you will see ‘R
Environments’ as in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1.: Setting up an R environment
Perform the following steps:
•Click Add, a dialog appears where you can enter a name for the specific R config-
uration, for example: R-2.9.2.
•Enter the location of the R system, for example ‘C:\Program Files\R\R-2.9.2’.
You can add more R configurations. This can be useful when you have installed different
versions of R, and you want to run some R code in a specific version. One configuration
must be assigned as default R configuration, select an R configuration that you have
created and click the button ’Default’.

Once you have set up the R environment you need to choose how to interact with R.
You can either send R code from the editor in Eclipse to an R console inside Eclipse or
to an external RGui application.
Go to the menu ‘Window >Preferences...’, the ‘Preferences’ dialog will appear as in
Figure 3.2. Expand the ‘StatET’ node in the tree and select ‘R Interaction’. Then
choose an interaction type.
Figure 3.2.: The preferences dialog displaying the preferences for Eclipse and the plug-
To send code using an external RGui application you will need to start that application
first. If you want to use the R console as described below, select ‘New Console inside
3.2. The R Console in Eclipse
To send code to an R console inside the Eclipse environment you must also start the
console first. However, this console must be started from within Eclipse. Proceed as
•Go to the menu ‘Run >Run Configurations...’. A dialog as in Figure 3.3 will
•In the run dialog select ‘R Console’ and click the ‘New launch configuration’ button.
•Enter a name for the configuration, for example ‘R Console A’. Note that it is
possible to create multiple R consoles.

•In the ‘main’ tab you can specify the working directory. You can leave it blank
then the R system will choose the default working directory. Or you could enter
variables like ${project path}. Then in this case the working directory for the R
session will be set to the selected project in the ‘Navigator’ view. The Appendix
lists Eclipse variables that you can use.
•In the ‘main’ tab you can also specify R start up options. For example, --silent
causes R to start up without printing start up messages.
•Go to the ‘R Config’ tab and select an R configuration.
Figure 3.3.: The run dialog to configure the internal R console.
Now click on ‘Apply’ to save the configuration and click on ‘Run’ to run the R console.
A view as in Figure 3.5 will be visible. Note that sometimes you may not run the R
console, the ‘Run’ button is grayed. This can happen for example when no project is
selected but you have set R to start with ${project path}as the working directory.
Once the R Console has been setup, the next time you start Eclipse it can be ran again
from the ‘Run As’ button menu on the main toolbar of Eclipse as high lighted in Figure
3.4. Or alternatively you can automatically run the R console at the startup of Eclipse,
as described in section 2.5.
Figure 3.4.: The ‘Run As’ button menu high-lighted on the toolbar.

The R console consists of two parts, as Figure 3.5 displays. There is an upper part
displaying R output of statements you have entered. The lower part is a input field used
to enter an R statement. When your cursor is in this input field there are a few key
combinations that you can use, given by Table 3.1
Figure 3.5.: The R console inside Eclipse, with an extra line to enter R statements.
Key combination Console effect
(arrow) Up and Down Scroll through previously entered statements
Ctrl+alt+Up/Down Scroll through previously entered statements,
but only display the statements that start with
the letter combinations in front of the cursor.
Shift+(arrow) Up Scroll output one line up
Shift+(arrow) Down Scroll output one line down
Shift+PageUp Scroll output one page up
Shift+PageDown Scroll output one page down
Shift+Ctrl+Home Scroll output to the start
Shift+Ctrl+End Scroll output to the end
F1 Displays a view with help options
Table 3.1.: Some useful key combinations in the R console
3.2.1. Running R code
Using either the RGui or the internal R console, there are several ways to run R code in
an Eclipse Editor. If the editor with the R code has the focus go to the ‘little R button’
on the Eclipse toolbar and select from one of the following options.

Figure 3.6.: Little R button on the Eclipse toolbar.
Run R Script in R submitting directly The complete contents of the text editor is
submitted to R. Depending on your preferences, the code (statement per statement) will
be sent to an external RGui application or to the R console in Eclipse.
Run R Script in R via ‘source’ The complete contents of the text editor is entered
in R through the source command in R. In contrast to the above method, only one
command is run in R: source( <selected text file>)
Run R selection/current line in R If a block of code is selected then only that block
of code is sent to R. If nothing is selected, only the current line (the line of code where
the cursor is) is sent to R.
Run R selection/current line in R and go to the next line Does the same as the
above but moves the cursor to the next line in the text editor. This might be useful to
run some block of statements line by line.
Run Function Definition in R This option is not accessible from the menu but is
accessed by the short cut key ctr+R, ctr+F. In a text editor, if the cursor is in a
function definition then use the short cut key to submit the function definition. StatET
will recognize the beginning and the ending of the function. The user does not need to
select the whole function and use ‘run R selection’ to define the function.
Figure 3.7.: Run function definition. Place the cursor in a function definition and use
Ctrl+r, Ctrl+F
For convenience, the above ways to run R code can be accessed by short cut keys as
described in Section 2.5.

3.3. The Cmd History and Queue views
The ‘Cmd History’ view records every statement that you have sent to an R console
inside Eclipse. If it is not opened, you can open it by going to the menu ‘Window >
Show View >Other...’. A dialog will appear where you can unfold ‘StatET’ and then
select ‘Cmd History’. Click OK and the History view will be part of the workbench,
as displayed in Figure 3.8. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through the list
of statements. When a statement is selected in the History view, it can be submitted
again by hitting the enter key or right click and select ‘Submit Again’. Hover the mouse
cursor over an entry in the ‘Cmd History’ view, a small time stamp will appear that
indicates when the command was submitted.
Figure 3.8.: The History view with previously entered or submitted statements.
The Queue view, as in Figure 3.9, lists all the statements that are submitted to R and
have not finished or executed yet. It can be opened in the same way as the History view.
The upper part displays the statement that is currently being executed by R. The lower
part displays the other statements that are going to be executed. The ‘Pause button’
on the Queue view can be used to pause the execution. The current statement will be
executed and finished but the other statements are paused until the ‘Pause button’ is
clicked again.
Figure 3.9.: The Queue view displaying statements that are waiting to be executed.

3.4. The Object Browser
The object browser is a tree view, as in Figure 3.10, of the objects that are available in
your R session. These are the objects that are in your current working directory and
also in other packages and directories that are attached to your R session.
Figure 3.10.: The object browser.
The object browser has a handy feature that allows the user to easily locate objects. In
the edit field of the object browser type for example the letter ’a’, the object browser
will now only show objects starting with letter a.
3.5. The Outline view
The outline view is a convenient way to show the ’structure’ of the active R script file.
The outline view displays the objects and library attachments that are defined in the
active R script file. See Figure 3.11, where you can see an example outline view. The
corresponding R script has two library statements, a function defined and some other
In the outline view you can right click on an object and select ’Run Source Code in R’.
The code that creates the object in the correpondig R script will be run.

Figure 3.11.: The outline view.
3.6. The StatET preferences and their corresponding
In the (StatET) preferences dialog as displayed in Figure 3.2 there are more preferences
you can set. The next sections will high light some these settings that may be useful in
writing R programs.
3.6.1. Code templates
The StatET plug-in allows you to predefine code templates that can be inserted when
you edit R script files. There are already some predefined code templates, to add new
code templates:
•Go to preferences dialog and select: StatET >Source Editors >R Templates.
•A dialog with the already available R templates will be displayed, as in Figure
•Click the ‘New...’ button to insert a new template. A dialog as in Figure 3.13 will
pop up.
•In the ‘New Template’ dialog fill in a name for the template.
•Fill in a description for the template, and type in the actual code that will be
•The ‘Insert Variable’ button can be used to insert useful variables inside the code.
Such as the current date or time.

Figure 3.12.: The available code templates.
To insert a code template in an editor press Ctrl+space to see a list of all predefined
code templates. Note that only the code templates will be displayed whose name start
with the same characters as the characters directly before the cursor. For example, type
‘myf = fu’ in an editor and press Ctrl+space. Only the code templates starting with
‘fu’ are displayed.
3.6.2. Code generation
In addition to inserting predefined code templates at certain locations in an R script
file, you can have Eclipse insert certain code at the beginning of an R script file when
you create a new R script file. Go to preferences dialog and select: StatET >Code
generation. Edit the code for new R script files or new R documentation files.
3.6.3. Syntax coloring
The editor for writing R programs and R documentation files supports syntax coloring.
Different colors can be assigned to different elements of the R language. Go the prefer-
ences dialog and select StatET >Source Editors >R Syntax Coloring. An ‘R Syntax
Coloring’ dialog as in figure 3.14 will appear.
Select a code element in the ‘Elements:’ field to change the color settings for those code

Figure 3.13.: Inserting a new code template
The StatET plug-in allows the user to modify the default identifiers that will be colored,
as well as adding custom identifiers that also should be colored in the editor.
•Go the ‘Preferences’ dialog, and unfold the ‘StatET’ node.
•Unfold ‘Source Editors’ and select ‘R Identifiers Groups’.
•On the right-hand side of the dialog you can now select a group.
•Now add or remove keywords / symbols. Click OK when done.
The keyword / symbols you have added will now also be highlighted / colored according
to the syntax coloring settings.
3.6.4. R Code formatting
The setting in the ‘R Code Formatting’ dialog, see Figure 3.15, allow the user to control
the indentation. I.e. the amount of whitespace (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of a
new line. You can choose to either use leading tabs or leading spaces.
Within a block of {} you can choose to indent again when starting a new {} block. For
example, the following code:
test = function(x){
if(x > 0){
z = 2*myf(x)
starts with a one level indent after the starting of the if construct. This is controlled
by the setting ‘Indent within ‘{}’ blocks:’ in the R Code Formatting dialog.
When a block of code does not have the indentation that corresponds with the current
settings, you can correct the indentation so that it matches the settings. Select the block
of code and use ‘Correct Indentation’ in the ‘Source’ menu. For example, the following

Figure 3.14.: The preferences dialog for setting syntax coloring
test = function(x){
if(x > 0){
z = 2*myf(x)
would be corrected to
test = function(x){
if(x > 0){
z = 2*myf(x)
3.6.5. R Editing Options
The settings you will find in the ‘R Editing Options’ dialog allow you to modify the
smart insert settings.
•Correct indentation when pasting. If this is selected then the indentation of code
that is pasted from the clipboard to the R editor will automatically be corrected
to match the current indentation settings.

Figure 3.15.: The preferences dialog for setting syntax coloring
•Automatically close brackets. If this is selected then the R editor will automatically
insert a closing bracket when an opening bracket is typed into the editor.
3.6.6. Some StatET shortcuts
In addition to the many shortcut keys that the Eclipse environment already provides, the
StatET plug-in provides some useful shortcuts as well. These shortcuts can be changed
to your own preferences as described in section 2.5.
Key combination meaning
Ctrl+R, S Run R code via source
Ctrl+R, ctr+D Run R code by submitting it directly
Ctrl+R, 1 If a word is selected in the editor, run help(’selected word’)
Ctrl+Shift+# Add documentation comment. These are double # in
front of each selected line
Ctrl+Shift+C Toggle comment. place or remove single comment symbols #.
(Shift)+tab Shift a selected block of text to the right or to the left.
Alt+Shift+Up Select enclosing element
Alt+Shift+Left Select previous element
Alt+Shift+Right Select next element
Alt+Shift+Down Restore last selection
Table 3.2.: Some useful StatET shortcuts

3.7. Writing R help files
The R system allows the user to write R documentation files (help files) for user written
functions. These files have extension Rd, and need to be written in a special markup
language that resembles the L
EXmarkup language. Eclipse together with the StatET
plug-in is a convenient environment to write and maintain these help files. As with R
syntax, key words in the markup language for R help files are color highlighted. There
are three ways to start the process of writing R documentation files.
Start from a new file
•Right click on a project in the ‘Navigator view’.
•Select New >Other >StatET >R Documentation file.
•Choose a name for the help file.
The new Rd file will appear in the project and is visible in the text editor.
The prompt function in R
If you have an R function, the prompt function in R can generate a template R docu-
mentation file from the function. Submit the following R commands:
myrdfile = "Myfunc.Rd"
Then R will create the Rd file ‘myfunc.Rd’. In Eclipse, right click on a project and select
‘Import...’ to import the Rd file into the project for further editing.
The package.skeleton function in R
When you create an R package (see for example [2]) with multiple functions, then the R
function package.skeleton creates a skeleton for the R package. Among other things,
this skeleton contains a directory with template Rd files for each function in the package.
You can then import these Rd files in Eclipse for further editing and maintenance. See
for example Figure 3.16.

Figure 3.16.: A project consisting of R help files.
3.8. R CMD tools
From within Eclipse you can run R command tools, the StatET plug-in has a customized
‘External Tools’ dialog to configure R command tools. Go to the menu ‘Run >External
Tools >Open External Tools Dialog...’, a dialog as in Figure 3.17 will appear. The next
sub sections give some examples on how to configure and run these tools.
3.8.1. Converting Rd files
R documentation files can be converted to L
EXor HTML by running the tool Rcmd
•Select ‘R CMD Tools’ in the External Tools dialog and click ‘New Launch Config-
uration’ button.
•Then on the right-hand side of the dialog, enter a name for this configuration. For
example, ‘Rd Convert to html’.
•Select the specific R command, in this case ‘Rd Conversion: Rd to ...’.
•In the Option/Argument field enter:
--type=HTML --output="${resource_loc}.html"
The type argument specifies the conversion to html, the output argument specifies
the location and name of the html file. In this case, we took the eclipse variable
$resource loc. But to make sure the R command tool does not overwrite the
original Rd file, an extra ‘.html’ is placed after the name. If there are spaces in
the name you must enclose the name with double quotes.

Figure 3.17.: The External Tools dialog to set R command tools.
•In the ‘R Config’ tab select the R environment and the working directory.
•In the ‘Refresh’ tab you can select ‘Refresh resources upon completion’. When
you have selected to generate the html file in the same directory as the Rd file,
Eclipse will then refresh the ‘Navigator’ view so that the newly generated html file
is visible.
•It is not necessary to set the tabs Environment and Common.
After the settings are done click ‘Apply’ and close the ‘External Tools’ dialog. To
convert an Rd file, select it in the Navigator view or put the text editor in focus. Open
the external tools dialog again and select the ‘Rd Convert to html’ and click ‘Run’. Note
that once an external tool has run, the Eclipse toolbar has a quick link to the external
tool. In our case you can run the ‘Rd Convert to html’ tool by selecting it from the
Figure 3.18.: Quick link on the toolbar to external tools.

3.8.2. Building an R package
Assuming that R and the necessary tools for building an R package are installed, the
StatET plug-in can be configured to build an R package from within Eclipse. Proceed
as follows:
•Open the External Tools dialog, and click the ‘New launch configuration’ button.
•Enter a name for this tool, say ‘Build R Package’.
•Select the command ‘Add-on Packages: Build’.
•The R CMD Build tool can be run with specific options. These options are entered
in the ‘Options/Argument:’ field. For example, to build a pre-compiled binary
package, enter the option --binary.
•Specify the package directory. This should be the directory containing the neces-
sary ingredients to build an R package, so for example the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file,
the sub directories: ‘data’, ‘man’ and ‘R’. If these ingredients are imported in an
Eclipse project you can set the package directory to ${project loc}.
•In the ‘R Config’ tab select a working directory. If you fill in for example ${project loc}
then the resulting R package will be created in the directory of the project.
Figure 3.19.: Building an R package from the external tools.

A. Some Eclipse variables
This appendix lists some of the Eclipse variables that you can use in the ‘Run’ and
‘External Tools’ dialogs. The following text is taken verbatim from the Eclipse help
From the Eclipse help
Let’s assume your Eclipse workspace directory is c:\eclipse\workspace and you have
two projects, MyProject1 and MyProject2. The first project, MyProject1, is located
inside the workspace directory, the second project, MyProject2, is located outside the
workspace directory at c:\projects\MyProject2. Lets look at how the variable ex-
amples below will be expanded when an external tool is run, if the resource /MyPro-
ject2/MyFolder/MyFile.txt is selected.
Variable Examples Expanded Results
${workspace loc}c:\eclipse\workspace
${workspace loc:/MyProject1/MyFile.txt}c:\eclipse\workspace\MyProject\MyFile.txt
${workspace loc:/MyProject2/MyFile.txt}c:\projects\MyProject2\MyFile.txt
${project loc}c:\projects\MyProject2
${project loc:/MyProject1/MyFile.txt}c:\eclipse\workspace\MyProject
${container loc}c:\projects\MyProject2\MyFolder
${resource loc}c:\projects\MyProject2\MyFile.txt
${project path}/MyProject2
${container path}/MyProject2/MyFolder
${resource path}/MyProject2/MyFolder/MyFile.txt
${project name}MyProject2
${container name}MyFolder
${resource name}MyFile.txt
${build type}none
[1] R Development Core Team, R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Com-
puting. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2006. ISBN 3-
[2] Longhow Lam, An introduction to R. www.splusbook.com, 2007.
[3] IBM Corporation and others, The Eclipse documentation.
http://www.eclipse.org/documentation, 2007.
.project file, 11
Auto Run, 21
Automatically start R console, 21
bookmarks, 15
closing bracket, 32
code folding, 17
code formatting, 31
External Tools, 35
Find, incremental, 18
Folders in a project, 12
gutter, 14
history view, 27
indentation, 31
keyword highlighting, 30
linked resources, 13
navigator, 11
perspective, 9
preferences, 20
project, 10
queue view, 27
R Command Tools, 35
resources, 11
Run function definition in R, 26
Search view, 20
search view, 20
shortcuts, 21, 33
smart insert, 32
syntax coloring, 30
tasks, 16
text folding, 17
word completion, 14
workbench, 9
workspace folder, 6