A22 6741 1_Operators_Guide_for_IBM_7040 7044_Systems 1 Operators Guide For IBM 7040 7044 Systems
A22-6741-1_Operators_Guide_for_IBM_7040-7044_Systems A22-6741-1_Operators_Guide_for_IBM_7040-7044_Systems
User Manual: A22-6741-1_Operators_Guide_for_IBM_7040-7044_Systems
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File Number 7040-01 Form A22-6741-1 Systems Reference Library Operator's Guide for IBM 7040 -7044 Systems This publication is intended for personnel operating 7040 and 7044 systems. It describes lights, switches, indicators, and keys of the systems, and of units within the systems. Instructions and operation code lists are included. The reader should be familiar with IBM 7040-7044 Principles of Operation, Form IBM A22-6649. This edition, Form A22-6741-1, obsoletes the preceding edition, Form A22-6741. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to: IBM ClJrporation, Customer Manuals, Dept. B98, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N. y~ 12602 Contents Introduction Instructions and Data . Machine Cycles Operator's Console Processing Unit Data Flow Input-Output Devices 5 5 7 8 12 12 Magnetic Tape Units 7330 Magnetic Tape Unit Keys and Lights . IBM 13 16 Card Devices. . . . . 1402 Card Read Punch, Model 2 IBM 1402 Card Read Punch, Model 2 18 19 19 IBM Printer 1403 Printer, Models 1 and 2 22 Telecommunication Devices . 1009 Data Transmission Unit . IBM 1011 Paper Tape Reader . IBM 1014 Remote Inquiry Unit 37 37 41 49 Operations .... Loading Card Data - 1402 . Loading Magnetic Tape Data Loading Entry Key Data . Off-Line Operation 51 51 52 Appendix A. Instructions 56 Appendix B. Instruction List 59 Appendix C. Powers of Two Table 64 IBM 22 IBM 53 54 Appendix D. Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 65 Appendix E. Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table. . Figure 1. Operator's Console Introduction The operator's console contains a program controlled console typewriter, keys, switches, and lights for communication between operator and computer (Figure 1). Two banks of entry keys and an enter keys computer instruction make possible the entry of a full data word or instruction into the computer. This entry may be either manual or program controlled. Information is set into the keys in octal format. The contents of main processing unit registers and counters are displayed in lights on the console. Certain control and error indications also are displayed on the console for viewing and action. The processing unit controls and supervises the entire computer system and performs the actual arithmetic and logical operations on data. From a functional viewpoint, the processing unit consists of two sections: control and arithmetic-logical. The control section can start or stop an input-output device, tum a signal indicator on or off, rewind a tape reel, or direct some process of calculation. The arithmetic-logical section contains the circuitry to perform arithmetic and logical operations. The arithmetic portion calculates, shifts numbers, sets the algebraic sign of results, compares, and so on. The logical portion carries out the decision-making operations to change the sequence of instruction execution. Instructions and Data Instructions are distinguished from data by the time at jhich they are brought into the processing unit from core storage. Information that is brought into the processing unit during an instruction (I) cycle is interpreted as an instruction. Information that is brought into the processing unit during any other computer cycle is treated as data. Consequently, the computer can readily operate on' its own instructions, by bringing information into the processing unit during any cycle other than an I cycle. Also, the computer can be instructed to alter its own instructions according to conditions encountered during the handling of a procedure. It is this ability to process instructions that provides the almost unlimited flexibility and the so-called logical ability of the stored program computer system. Register The register is an electronic device capable of receiving and holding information, and transferring it as directed by control circuits. Functioning may depend upon magnetic cores, transistors, or similar components. Registers are .named according to function: an accumulator register accumulates results; a multiplierquotient register holds either multiplier or quotient; a storage register contains information received from storage or to be sent to storage; an address register holds the address of a storage location or device; and an instruction register contains the instruction code (operation part) of an instruction being executed (Figure 2). Registers differ in size, capacity, and use. Some registers contain extra positions to indicate overflow conditions during an arithmetic operation. The accumulator register has 39 positions; 36 for data, two (P and Q) to remember overflow conditions, and one (C) which holds a check bit for that word. If two 36-bitbinary numbers are added, the result can be a 37-bit answer. In Figure 3, the accumulator register holds one number; the other number - from storage - is in the storage register. When the two numbers are added, and the result is placed back into the accumulator register, the overflew is indicated by the presence of a I-bit in the first (P) overflow position. The ac- Accumulator Contents Storage Register Contents Accumulator Result Figure 2. Register Nomenclature and Function 1000,100110111010001101010011100010101011 SQP.l 35 lo~ 10110001010001101101100010100100101 ~1 u 1001~)l1101000100011010111111110111001111 SQP. 1 35 Figure 3. Overflow Condition Resulting from Addition Introduction 5 cumulator might then be shifted right one place and a record kept of the lost low-order hit. With other registers, contents can be shifted right or left within the register and, in some cases, even between registers. When contents are shifted from one register to another, the two registers act as one large register. Figure 4 shows three types of shifting. With shifting involving a single register, data shifted out of the register mayor may not be lost, depending on the instruction used. With double register shifting, data shifted out of the registers are lost, and vacated positions of the registers are filled with zeros. In other uses, a register may hold data while associated circuits analyze the data. When an instruction is placed in a register, circuits can determine the operation to be performed and locate the data to he used. Data within specific registers can also be checked for validity. The main registers of a system, particularly those involved in normal data How and core storage addressing, display their contents by small lights located on Single Register Shifting: (Shift right seven places) Note: Left-hand positions are filled with zeros; data shifted out of position 35 are lost. the operator's console. A light ON indicates a I-bit for that position: a light OFF indicates a O.:hit. Counter Counters are closely related to registers and usually perform the same functions. In addition, contents of a counter can be increased or decreased by some amount. The contents of a counter, as of a register, may be displayed in lights on the operator's console. Adder The adder receives data from two or more sources, performs addition, and sends the sum to a register. Figure 5 shows two positions of an adder circuit with inputs from an accumulator register and a storage register. The sum is developed in the adder. A carry from any position is sent to the next higher-order position. The final sum goes to corresponding positions of the receiving register. Before Single Register Shifting: (Shift right seven places) Note: Data are not lost when shifted out of position 35; the data are re-entered in position S. Before Double Register Shifting: (Shift right seven places) Note: Data are shifted from position 35 of the first register into position S of the second register. DatQ shifted out of position 35 of the second register are lost. Vacated positions are filled with zeros. Figure 4. Types of Register Shifting 6 Figure 5. Adders in a Computer System Machine Cycles All computer operations take place in fixed intervals of time, determined by regular pulses emitted from an electronic clock at frequencies as high as millions per second. A fixed quantity of pulses determines the time of each basic machine cycle. Within a machine cycle, the computer performs a specific machine operation. The quantity and kind of operations required to execute a single instruction depend on the instruction. Various machine operations are combined to execute each instruction. An instruction consists of at least two parts, an operation and an operand. The operation tells the machine which fmiction ·to perform: read, write, add, subtract, and so on. The operand can be the address of data or of an instruction, or of an input-output unit or other device. The operand can also specify a control function such as shifting a quantity in a register, or backspacing and rewinding a reel of tape. To receive, interpret, and execute instructions, the central processing unit must operate in a prescribed sequence. The sequence is determined by the specific instruction and is carried out during a fixed interval of timed pulses. All instructions have one instruction (I) cycle. Some instructions require only an I cycle for complete execution; other instructions require both an I and an execute (E) cycle. Instruction Cycle The first cycle required to execute an instruction is called the instruction (I) cycle. The time of this cycle is instruction or I-time. During I-time: 1. The instruction is taken from a main storage location and brought to the processing unit. 2. The operation part is decoded in an instruction register. This tells the machine what is to be done. 3. The operand is placed in an address register. This tells the machine what it is to work with. 4. The location of the next instruction to be executed is determined. At the beginning of a program, the instruction counter is set to the address of the first program instruction. This instruction is brought from storage and, while it is being executed, the instruction counter automatically advances (steps) to the address of the location occupied by the next stored instruction. By the time one instruction is executed, the counter has located the next instruction in the program sequence. The stepping action of the counter is automatic: when the computer is directed to a series of instructions, it will execute these instructions one after another until instructed to do otherwise. Assume that an instruction is given to add the contents of storage location 00002 to the contents of the accumulator register. Figure 6 shows the main registers involved and the information flow lines. At the start of I-time, the instruction counter transfers the address of the instruction to the address register. The addressed instruction is selected from storage and placed in a storage register. From the storage register, the operation part is routed to the instruction register, and the operand to the address register. Operation decoders then condition circuit paths to perform the instruction, while the address register locates the operand. Execution of instructions need not necessarily proceed sequentially. Certain instructions can alter the normal stepping of the instruction counter: the instruction brought from storage can cause the next execution to be not the next sequential instruction, but, instead, one located in another position. For instance, the instruction counter can be reset back to the beginning to repeat the entire program for another incoming group of data. This transfer ( branch) to alternative instructions also may be conditional. The computer can be directed first to examine some indicating device, and then transfer if the indicator is on, or off. An instruction can say, "Look at the sign of the quantity in the accumulator; if this sign is minus, take the next instruction from location 5000; if plus, proceed to the next instruction in sequence." The instruction counter is set according to the contents of one of two possible storage locations: 5000, or the location of the next instruction in sequence. The logical path - that is, the precise Figure 6. Computer I Cycle Flow Lines Introduction 7 sequence of instructions executed - may be controlled either by unconditional transfers, or by a series of conditional tests applied at various points in the pro:gram. Normally the storage arrangement of the stored instructions is not altered. Execute Cycle I-time is usually followed by one or more computer cycles which complete the operation being perfonned. Execution of an E cycle brings a word into the processing unit from core storage, or takes a word from the processing unit and places it in core storage. Any word brought into the processing unit during an E cycle is treated as data for the operation decoded by the previous I cycle. Figure 7 shows the data flow following the I-time illustrated by Figure 6. The E-cycle (Figure 7) starts by removing from storage the infonnation located at the address (00002) indicated by the address register. The infonnation goes to the storage register, from which it is then moved to the adders together with the number from the accumulator. The contents of the storage register and accumulator are combined in the adders, and the sum is returned to the accumulator. The address register may contain information other than the storage location of data. It can indicate the address of an input-output device, or a control function to be perfonned. The operation part of the instruction tells the computer how to interpret this information. Buffer Cycle Buffer cycles are used to transfer information between an overlap data channel (channels B through E) and an input-output device. Use Cycle Use cycles are used to transfer infonnation between channel A and attached input-output devices. Operator's Console The operator's console has five panels (Figure 8) containing keys, lights, and switches that provide flexible, efficient communication between the computer and the operator. The following descriptions of console features start· at the top left-hand comer of panel 1 and continue through panel 5. Panel 1 Channel Bit Density: Five density switches are used, one for each possible data channel, to select the magnetic tape densities used for recording. Each switch has three positions: 556/200, 800/200, and 800/556. Thus, a magnetic tape unit whose channel bit density switch is in the 800/556 position would record at800 bits per inch if operating at high density, at 556 bits per inch if operating at low density. Storage Clock: With this switch in the ON position, core storage location 00005 is incremented (added to) 60 times a second. Incrementing is stopped by placing the switch in the OFF position or by removing power from the system. Step Mode Selector: This three position rotary switch controls the operation mode when the single or multiple step keys are depressed. The three positions of the selector switch are: INSTRUCTION, CYCLE, PULSE. INSTRUCTION is the normal operation position and provides for execution of a single instruction at a time when the single step key is used. The CYCLE and PULSE positions are customer engineering aids and allow execution to be slowed to observe details of a single instruction. Address Stop:. This five-position switch is used in conjunction with the entry (location) switches and has these positions: OFF, I-Cycle, E-Store, Channel Store, and Any. The address at which the operator wishes to stop is first placed in the entry (location) switches. The operator then selects the type of cycle on which to stop. When a coincidence of the selected address and the cycle occurs, the computer stops. t the number located at 00002 number at location 00002 Panel 2 Address Register Instruction Counter Figure 7. Computer E Cycle Following an I Cycle 8 C B Thermal: This light is turned ON whenever a circuit breaker, fuse, thermal, or airflow switch in the basic system or auxiliary equipment opens. Power is removed from the system if the opening switch is in the central processing unit (cPu). In auxiliary equipment, power is removed only from the unit. Master Power Connect: When this switch is on (lit), power is supplied to the sequencing controls and the power-on and power-off switches are active. Channel Bit Density ll.QQ. ~ .!!QQ ~ 200 200 200 200 200 556 ••• I.!QQ ~ ••• !!QQ 556 ••• !!QQ ~ ••• §Q,Q 556 ••• 800 200 @ 556 200 556 200 556 200 556 200 556 Storaie Clock .r"'-- S M d I _ ~ . Off 0 ® On tep 0-. ® © Inst·OPulse e Cyc e 0 : ® Index A 121 22 I 24 25 26 1 27 171 121 22 23 1 24 25 26 3213334351 121 22 23 1 24 25 26 1 27 I 24 25 26 23 28 29 I 30 31 3213334 351 29 I 30 31 32 I 33 34 35 1 29 1 30 31 32 1 33 34 35 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D DDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDODDODDDDDDDDDDO 0 DDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD J CB Thermal Light I Channel in Use A B 121 22 o E 23 1 24 25 C IMas~er IMaster powerj Connect powerj DlSconn I Channel Chk JA 8 0 C I Norm~nPowe1 14 15 Index B I Position Reg ElF I Normal powerj Off 16 I 27 Index C Instruction Counter 26 1 27 28 29 1 30 31 1 2 3 [U 11 2 I3 I I Sh ift Counter Instruction IT] 4 5 6 I7 4 5 I6 7 8 28 9 110 11 112 13 14 115 16 17 11 112 14 115 16 I 18 I Tag 28 Address 19 20 I 21 22 23 19 20121 22 23124.25 I 27 28 29 I 30 31 321333435 26127 28 291 30 31 32 133 Storage 81 9 10 13 17118 34 35 1 Accumulator ~ 0 DDODO'ODO'ODo'oodODO'O 00100010001000100010001000 MQ IT] 2 11 I3 4 I6 5 7 8 I9 10 11 112 13 14 115 16 I E 17118 19 20 121 22 23 124 25 I 33 34 Ch FP Trp Mem Q X 9 9 Ctl Prot Car Car Car Oflo 1 FP 261 27 28 29130 31 32 351 [J D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D 8 B ~~::Ie ~:~~~:~ BJ DDDO[ ODD OJ DDODO 0DC I'~~:;::k 1 B I I \I ~~' 10 DDDO[ nOD DOD DDOD 00rn I I Cycl~ Time I II L B a Tally Counter Par Accu Div 10 Par Trp Inh Inh 2 Enter Storage Multiple Step Clear Mas Prog Stop Stop Ready j Clock Pulses I f3 Contn;tnter I Sense Emergency Power Off m Q @ @ @ @ (!9) 0 CD <0 0 G) CVtt -- . ., lower Ribbon Shield Figure 25. Print Line Indicator and Ribbon Shield Printer 25 forms b'actors are mounted on these bars. The forms tractors are movable, and to facilitate this movement there are notches in the tractor slide bar. The following procedure, for proper adjustment of these notches according to th e form being used, applies to the upper tractor slide bar. Procedure for the lower slide bar is similar. Th e left tractor is locked in place by a spring-loaded latch in one of the nine notches located one inch apart on the b'actor slide bar. Th e third notch from the left end is the normal location for most applications. The first notch is used for forms from 51/ 2 to 18% inches wide. When this notch is used , the print unit's lateral movement is limited to .4 inch. The second notch is used for forms from 4V2 to 17% inches in width. When this notch is used, the print unit's lateral movement is limited to 1.4 inch. The third notch is used for forms from 3V2 to 16% inches wide. When this notch or notches 4 through 9 are used , full lateral print unit movement (2.4 inches) is possible. The ninth (last) notch can be used for forms from 31/ 2 to 10% inches wide. When this notch is used, the first usable print position is 38. The right-hand tractor is locked in place by springloaded pins snapped into anyone of 27 holes, located one-half inch apart on the tractor slide bar. The movement of the tractor slide bar, in which the holes are located , is conh'olled by the right-hand tractor vernier. Movement up to one-half inch can be made by the vernier knob. Figure 26. Printer Indicator Panel HIGH SPEED START This light turns on when a high speed skip has been initiated. LOW SPEED START This light turns on when a low speed skip or line spacing has been initiated. HIGH SPEED STOP This light turns on to indicate that high speed skipping is to be stopped. LOW SPEED STOP Indicator Panel Lights This light turns on to indicate that a low speed skip stop has been initiated. It is ON when the carriage is not in motion. GATE INTERLOCK This light turns on when the print unit is not locked in position (Figure 26). BRUSH INTERLOCK This light is on if the carriage tape brushes are not latched in position for operation. SHIFT INTERLOCK This light turns on to indicate that the manual feed clutch is not properly positioned. THERMAL INTERLOCK This light indicates that a temperature above the operating limit has been sensed in the hammer unit or chain drive unit; the light remains on until the temp erature drops to an acceptable level. The 1403 is interlocked during this time. 26 Tape-Controlled Ca rriage The tape-controlled carriage (Figure 27) controls high speed feeding and spacing of continuous forms. The carriage is controlled by punched holes in a paper tape that corresponds in length to the length of one or more forms . Holes punched in the tape stop the form when it reaches any predetermined position. Carriage skip channels 1-12 are standard. The tape circuits initiate special signals that are sent to the CPU when channels 9-12 are sensed. Program testing of carriage channels 9 and 12 is standard. Vertical spacing and skipping are initiated by the stored program. Horizontal spacing is 10 characters to the inch. Vertical spacing of either six or eight lines to the inch is manually selected by the operator. Figure 27. T ape Controlled Carriage Forms skip at the rate of 35 inch es p er second if vertical spacing is set for six lines to the inch. With the dual-speed carriage, distances of less than eight lines are skipped at 35 inches p er second, and those of more than eight lines at 75 inches per second; the last eight spaces skipped in a high speed skip are skipped at 35 in ch es per second. The carriage accommoda tes continuous forms of a maxin)um length of 22 inches (at 6 lines p er inch ) or 16Vz inches (at 8 lines p er inch ) . The minimum length is 1 inch. For effi cient stacking of forms, the recommended maximum length is 17 inch es. The width of the form can vary from a recommended minimum of 3Vz inch es to a maximum of 18% inches, including punch ed margins. Forms can b e d esigned to permit printing in practically any desired arran gement. Skipping to different sections of the form can b e controlled by the program and by holes punched in the carriage tape. Punching the Tap e: A small, compact punch (Figure 28 ) is provided for punching the tape. The tape is first marked in the channels in which the holes are to b e punched. This can b e done easily by laying the tap e b eside the left edge of the form it is to control, with the top line ( immediately under the glue portion ) even with the top ed ge of th e form . A mark is then made in the first channel, on the line tha t corresponds to the first printing line of the form . Additional marks are made in the appropriate ch annels for each of the other skip stops, and for the overRow signal required for the form. The marking for one form should b e repea ted as many times as the usable length of the tape ( 22 inch es) allows. With the tape thus controlling several forms in one revolution through the sensin g mecha nism, the life of the tap e is in creased . Finally, the line corresp ondin g to the bottom ed ge of the las t form should b e marked for cutting after the tape is pun ch ed . The tape is inserted in the punch by placing the line to b e punch ed over a guide line on th e b ase of the punch and placing th e center feed h oles of the tap e over the pins projec tin g from the b ase. The dial is then turned until the arrow p oints a t the number of th e channel to b e punch ed . Pressin g on th e top of the punch, toward the b ack, cuts a rectangular hole at the intersection of a vertical and horizontal lin e in the required ch annel of the tap e. The tape sh ould never b e punch ed in more than one channel on th e same line. H oles in the same ch annel should not b e CONTROL TAPE The conh'ol tape ( Figure 27) has 12 columnar positions indicated by vertical lines. These positions are called ch annels. Holes can b e punched in each chann el throu ghout the length of the tape. A maximum of 132 lines can b e used to control a form , although for convenience, the tape blanks are slightly longer . Horizontal lines are sp aced six to the inch for the entire length of the tape. Round holes in the center of the tap e are pre-punch ed for the pin-feed drive that advances the tap e in syn chronism with the movement of a printed form through the carriage. The effect is exactly the same as though the conb'ol holes were punched along the edge of each form . Figure 28. Tape Punch Printer 27 spaced closer than 8 lines apart. After the tape is punched, it is cut and looped into a belt. The bottom end is glued to the top section, marked glue, with the bottom line coinciding with the first line. Before the tape is glued, the glaze on the tape should b e removed by an ink eraser; if this is not done, the tape ends may come apart. The center feed holes should coincide when the two ends of the tape are glued together. The last hole punched in the tape should b e at leas t four lines from the cut edge, because approximately th e last half inch of the tape overlaps the glue section when the two ends are spliced. If it is necessary to punch a hole lower than four lines from the bottom of the form , the tape should be placed with the top line (immediately under the glue portion ) four lines lower than th e top edge of the form , b efore marking the channels. To compensate for the loss, the tape should then b e cut four lines lower than th e bottom ed ge of the form. 8- LINES-PER-I NCH SPACING Th e control tape for 8-lines-per-inch spacing is punched as it would b e for normal 6-lines-p er-inch spacing. Each line on the tape always equals one line on the form , regardless of whether the latter b e 6 or 8 lines-per-inch . In measuring a control tape for a d ocument printed 8 lines to the in ch , every l/S inch on the form represents one line on the tape. CARRIAGE TAPE BRUSHES Two sets of reading brushes (Figure 29), mounted on the same frame, are us ed to sense holes in the carriage control tape. A small contact roll is us ed for each set of brushes. One set is called the slow brushes. Th e other set is called the stop brushes. Seven spaces, as measured by the control tape, separate the brush sets . The slow brushes are positioned ahead of the stop brush es. Th e slow brushes are used to control high speed skipping. They regulate the sp eed of the last eight spaces of a high sp eed skip. All carriage tape brushes can function to stop a carriage skip under control of th e stored program. INSEHTlNG CONTROL TAPE I N CARHlA GE 1. Baise th e counterbalanced cover of the printer to gain access to the tape reading mechanism. 2. Turn the feed clutch to a disengaged ( neutral ) position ( Figure 22). 3. Baise the brush es by moving to the left the latch loca ted on the side of th e brush holder. 4. Place one end of the tape loop, held so tha t the printed captions can b e read, over the pin-feed drive wheel so that the pins engage the center drive holes. 28 Figure 29. Carriage Tape Brushes 5. Place the opposite end of the loop around the adjustable carriage con trol tape idler. 6. Bemove excess slack from the tape by loosening the locking knob on the idler and moving the idler in its track. Tighten the knob when the desired tension is reached. The tape should b.~ just tight enough so that it gives slightly when the top and bottom portions of the loop are pressed together (see Figure 27). If it fits too tightly, damage occurs to the pin-feed holes. 7. Press the brushes down until they latch, and close the printer cover when the tape is in position. 8. Press the carriage res tore key to bring the tape to its home position, and turn the feed clutch knob back to the engaged position. The carriage is ready to op era te. RIBBON CHANGING To change the ribbon ( Figure 30 ) on the 1403: 1. Turn off power in the printer. 2. Lift up the printer cover. 3. Pull b ack and unlock the print unit release lever. Swing the print unit out. 4. Open the top ribbon cover. 5. Unlatch the print line indicator ribbon shield and swing it against the form. 6. Push the top ribbon roll to the right (hinged side of print unit) , lift out the left end of the ribbon roll, and remove roll from the drive end of mechanism. FORMS INSERTION 1. Raise the counterbalanced cover of the printer to gain access to the print and forms area. 2. Turn the feed clutch knob to a neutral position. 3. Unlock and swing back the print unit by using the print unit release lever. 4. Unlock the paper guide bars by pulling out on the raised handles (upper and lower). 5. Open the upper and lower forms tractors (Figure 32) . 6. Set the left forms tractors slightly to the left of the first unit position by pulling up or down in the tractor lock (upper and lower tractor). See Figure 7. Slip the ribbon out from under the ribbon correction roll. 8. To remove the bottom roll, press the ribbon roll to the right, and lower the left end of the ribbon roll and remove it from the drive end of the mechanism. When replacing the ribbon in the machine, handtighten the ribbon to remove slack from in front of the printing mechanism. Ribbons are available in widths of 5, 8, and 11 inches in addition to the standard 14 inches. The ribbon width lever (Figure 31) can adjust the ribbon feed mechanism to accommodate the various ribbon widths. 25. 7. Insert form on pins and close tractor cover. 8. Pull out on right tractor pin and move tractor to desired location to line up the right side of form. The pin should latch in one of the recesses in the tractor slide bars. See Figure 25. 9. Insert form on pins and close tractor covers. 10. Use the h·actor vernier knob to tighten the tension on the form. This knob is used for adjustments up to one-half inch. 11. Check the position and line where printing will occur, by swinging the ribbon shield against the form ( it is marked with each print position). If the horizontal alignment is not correct, it can be adjusted by using the horizontal adjustment knob and/ or the lateral print vernier knob for slight adjustments. The vertical adjustment can be made by using the paper advance knob and / or vertical print adjustment knob. Figure 31. Front Cover, Open Figure 32. Forms Tractor Figure 30. Ribbon Mechanism Printer 29 12. Return the upper and lower paper guide bars to the - closed positions (Figure 33). Some 1403 printers have the tractor-mounted jam d etection device which, together with elimination of front "clip on" paper guides, eliminates the need for the upper and lower paper guide bars. The forms insertion procedure for a 1403 with the tractor mounted jam detection device instead of the upper and lower tape guides is the same except that steps 4 and 12 are skipped. 13. Return the print unit to its normal position and lock it in place. 14. Restore the carriage tape to the first printing position by pressing the carriage restore button. 15. Rehlrn the feed clutch knob to a drive position at either six or eight lines-per-inch, d epending on the form to be printed. 16. Close the outside cover of the printer. Bon Figure 33. Paper Guide Bars 30 PAPER STACKER The paper stacker provides a manual control for optimum stacking of paper at the rear of the printer. Two controls (Figure 34) p ermit the operator to set up the paper stacker for each individual nm . The upper lever controls the position of the paper guide at the stacker. This lever is indexed (0-6) so that the set position can be recorded for reference in the operator's procedures. Form Design Some of the customary rules for designing forms should be reconsidered in the light of the many new features introduced by the IBM 1403 Printer. 1. The print unit contains 100 print positions in a 10.0-inch width or a maximum of 132 print positions (special feature) in a 13.2-inch width. Each print position can print any character. 2. Editing, high speed skipping, and other features are included in the system. ment of the carriage, and instructions to forms manufacturers . The IBM 1403 Printer carriage is designed to feed marginally punched continuous forms satisfactorily under the conditions and specifications outlined in Figure 36. These specifications, if followed, give maximum operating efficiency when the 1403 carriage is used. They are not intended to be restrictive, rather they are intended to permit customers to purchase th eir continuous forms from the manufacturer of their choice. FORM DESIGN AS AFFECTED BY THE PRINT UNIT Figure 34. Paper Stacker Controls One of the basic tools used in designing forms is the spacing chart (Figure 35). The numbers across the top from 0 to 13 represent the tens and hundreds positions of the print-position number, and the numbers directly beneath represent the units position of the print position number. Print position 42 can be located by referring first to the 4 column and then to the digit 2 within the 4 column. Print-position 9 can be located by referring to the 0 column and then to the digit 9 within that column. A facsimile of the carriage-control tape for marking the control punching for a specific form is shown in Figure 35. Notations have been included relative to standard form width and form depths, lateral move- In view of the 100 or 132 print positions and the 13.2-inch print unit, these factors should b e considered when d esigning forms to b e used on the 1403 printer: 1. The maximum form width is 18% inches, and the minimum is 3 1/ 2 inches (Figure 36). 2. The maximum form length is 22 inches at sixlines-per-inch spacing, or 16V2 inch es at 8 lin es p er inch. For efficient stacking of forms , the recommended maximum forms length is 17 inches . 3. Because all print positions can print all characters, form depth can be reduced, and carbon paper eliminated, by the use of side-by-side printing. For example, sold to and ship to names can b e printed on the same line, one on the left side of the form and the other on the right. 4. Forms can b e d esigned for printing six or eight lines to the inch. Single-space, eight-lines-per-inch printing is not recommended when the registration between lines is critical. 5. Forms can b e designed for variable line spacing within a form by use of single-, double-, or selectivespace control. 6. It is possible to dispense with many vertical lines, because the system can be programmed to print commas, decimals, oblique lines, dashes, and other symbols. 7. A vertical line should not b e printed between two adjacent printing positions because there is an overall maximum tolerance of only .013 inch b etween adjacent characters. 8. The number of legible copies that can be produced dep ends on th e weight of the paper used for each form , and on the carbon coating. Because the sh'iking force of the print hammers is not adjustable, paper and carbon should b e tested in conjunction witl1 the print-density control lever and the print timing dial. 9. The CR (credit symbol) prints from two print positions and the minus sign prints from one. For tllis reason the minus sign is recommended as a credit symbol instead of the CR symbol. Printer 31 IBlt1 IBM 1403 SPACING CHART e - ~. e e, WN - FORMX24·6436- PRINTED IN U.S.A. F.;!-1f-t+t-I++t++-t-f-ttt++tH+-1++t+++-1r++++++-f-ttt+++l++t-+H-f+H++++l+I++++++-f+H+++-f+H+++-l--I-I--I+++++++--l--W--I-I-+--I-l-l-+- Figure 35. Forms Spacing Chart 10. The dollar symbol does not have to be preprinted on a check form, because this symbol can be programmed to print immediately to the lett of significant digits. ,FORMS SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS Paper Characteristics: The paper used for continuous forms must be of sufficient weight and strength to prevent the holes from tearing out during feeding or ejecting of the form. This is particularly important when single-part forms are being used. The paper must not be so stiff as to cause improper feeding or excessive bulging, particularly at the outfold. Paper must be as free from paper dust or lint as possible. Weight: The number of legible copies required is a factor in determining the weight of the paper to be used in a multiple-part set. Best results on multiple-copy forms require a lightweight paper of 13 pounds or less, except for the last copy. Again, the number of copies, as well as the dis32 tance of the form away from the hammers (variable by the print density control lever), affects the determination of paper weight. Feeding and legibility performance can best be determined by making test ;funs of sample sets of forms. Friction: During the feeding operation, fricton on marginally punched continuous forms should be eliminated by the following means: 1. Place the pack of forms directly beneath the front of the printer on the forms stand, in a position that eliminates any abnormal drag on the forms. 2. Allow sufficient clearance between the hammers and the print chain, to permit the forms to be fed by the pins freely, and without interference. This can be accomplished by properly setting the print density control lever. Perforated Lines: The perforations between forms should be sufficiently deep to permit easy separation, but not so deep as. to tear in ordinary handling or feeding through the machine. -T ~i---- ~~9r-------,------------- ____ ~'::E~~'~'A~~_t-±~ + I' ...L] , I+ );iT, ~ + l + + II ~ 1+ l-:L I '1' , 1/10" Sheet perforation and horizontal lines should be at 90° to center line of pin feed holes. Vert-ical printed lines should be spaced in multiples of ,1/10"(plusorminus.005inch) I \ 90° "-... £-! ~ ~-g I , + + + + II + ~~~:::>r:1:::3:::2~PR::-:I::-N:::T:-:-PO::-:-S.--:-M:-A:-C:-:H-::I-:-N:-:E.,.."""'"..,..----1C'Ar-c--c~'7I + I Centerline of First Print Position I' I Min. :Va" + +: + 'I + + + ll++ I mum 18% inches. I, 2·1 inch~s is full pnnt unIt movement. Regardless of forms tractor position or print unit movement, a minimum of % inch must be maintained from center of pin hole to center of first and last printed character on forms 3Yz to 16% inches over-all. This minimum increases on forms over 16% inches over-all until the minimum shown below for 18% inch over-all forms are reached. III E~-r~.~ . + + 132 PRINT POS. MACHINE NOTE: :~ a)'':'= .~ g ::c -0 ~ ~ 1l 6 (; ~ -:; :.: ~ -= -0 III 'iii C Q) .... - ~ 0 :::> 0" (; !2l ... Q; 0 vi ~.- ¢ " ~ _ ..... ~ ..... ~ ~ E ~ () .~ 't: ~~.-~.§~ ~ ~ t~ + 1l- (; . . . ~ ~ ~E + ~;; c, ~ 'v ·x ~.~ 1 ~ II') u.. ~ ~ .0 ..i E Print unit moved full right (exeluding vernier) with forms 10% to 16% inches over-all. ' + + + II + + ±I + ± --r---~-~-~~~~==~~~~~~==~~~~~--+, I+ +~Min. ' I+ I ' Q....lI! .;, ;.§ .E ~ ~ -:;; + ] ] -= : .~ ~ I Print unit moved full left (exeluding vernier) with forms 3Yz to 16% inches over-all. ~~~o~ ._-0 Any hole to hole form width from minimum 3 inches to Any over-all form width from maximum 18)i inches. T ~~+-__--I~~_ _ _ _ _ _ minimum 3Yz inches to maxi- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.l...-~ ..c...c. Total print unit movement for form 18% inch over-all. (; ..c. 1 -0 Approx. 'Y,6" 1-+---'++-....1 132 PRINT POS. MACHINE + 2%" +I + I' +,I +I + I, Print unit moved full left (exeluding vernier) for form 18% . h II inC over-a. , C I f enter ine 0 'Print Position 132 132 PRINT POS. MACHINE Print unit moved full right (exeluding vernier) for form 18% inch over-all. I + 1 + I+-I : I I NOTE: I + ,+ I+ I 2Y" M' 8 In· ____ To determine forms relationship for a Model 1 Machine. P~nt Position 100, add or subtract' 3:2 inches from given dimensions. Print Position 1 is identical on both models. -++1/1,I + +I + I 1 1 ~~:+ It is recommended that no staples or other metal fastener be used any place on form which must pass between type and hammers. I I, + + ~+ , Figure 36. Form Specifications The perforated lines at the end of the form should always be located at 90 degrees to a vertical center line through the marginal holes. Cut and uncut 'portions should be uniformly ac-, curate in length and spacing to insure proper and efficient tearing. Vertical' perforations at the margin for removal of the marginally punched strip can vary depending upon requirements. The distance from the edge of the form to the marginal perforations is usually V2 inch. Marginal Holes: Continuous forms should have holes in both right and left margins, %2 inch in diameter, spaced vertically Vz inch apart from center to center, the full length of the form. The holes should be located this way on all copies of all sets throughout each pack of forms. Printer 33 It is possible, however, to use holes of any size, shape, and spacing that accomplish the equivalent feeding conditions. ' Vertical lines passing through the two vertical rows of pin holes must be parallel. It is recommended that the' edges of the form be lA inch from the vertical center lines through the holes. A horizontal line passing through the center of any two marginal holes on the same line should be at a 90-degree angle to either vertical center line through the marginal holes. Spacing between holes, center-to-center, must be such that the pins in the forms tractor, Vs inch in diameter and spaced Vz inch apart, enter and leave the holes in the paper, freely without tearing the paper. Width of Forms: Although forms of any width within the extremes of those shown in Figure 36 can be used, it is recommended that form widths be confined to the standard sizes shown in Figure 37. Length of Forms Between Perforated Lines: The 1403 accommodates marginally punched continuous forms up to a maximum length of 22 inches, at 6 lines per inch. It is recommended, however, that form lengths be confined to regular lengths, such as 3, 31h, 3Vz, 3%, 4, 41A, 5, 5Vz, 6, 7, 8, 8Yz, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, and 17 inches. Line Spacing: The forms tractor of the 1403 can be set by the operator for single-space printing,. 6 or 8 OVER-ALL WIDTH (INCHES) 4% 4~ 5% 5~ 6!1 6 8 7!1 8X 8 9!1 9 10% 10Ys 11 lOX 11% 11~ 12 11!1 122~2 121~2 13% lSYs 14Ya 14% 15!1 15 16 15X 16% 16~ 172%2 1~-1'2 Figure 37. Standard Size Forms 34 HOLE-TO-HOLE (INCHES) lines per inch. For 6 lines to the inch, the length of the form must be evenly divisible by ¥i inch for single spacing, by V3 inch for double spacing, and by Vz inch for triple spacing. Similarly, spacing of 8 lines to the inch requires that the length of the form be evenly divisible by Vs inch for single spacing, by lA, inch for double spacing, and by % inch for triple spacing. Single-space printing at 8 lines to the inch on the 1403 is not recommended when the registration between lines is critical. Multiple Copies: Multiple-copy forms consisting of more than four parts, and forms with the first part made of paper of more than 13-pound weight, should be tested under operating conditions to determine the suitability of feeding and legibility. If multiple-copy forms are not fastened together, the carbon paper must be kept in line with the form by an acceptable method. One such method is center carbon without pin holes, glued to the set, or fullwidth carbon paper punched with substantially larger marginal holes that are approximately centered with the corresponding holes in the form. Marginal holes in the carbon that are substantially larger than the corresponding holes in the forms make allowance for carbon shrinkage and provide the processing tolerance necessary for some of the commonly used form structures. One-time carbon paper or carbon-backed paper can be used. The carbon paper or coating should produce the required number of legible copies without excessive smudging. This can be determined best by making test runs with sample sets of forms containing different qualities of carbon papers. Fastening of Multiple-Copy Forms: The width, length, and number of copies of the form determine the fastening requirements for satisfactory feeding through the forms tractor. For most efficient stacking, however, it is recommended that a suitable fastening method always be used with multiple copy forms. If the construction of the form is such that the' parts are of different widths, the necessity for, and the method of, fastening the form should be determined by the width of the parts, the depth of the form (shown in Figure 38), and weight of paper. Forms of fanfold construction can be used on the 1403 printer. When card-tag or rag-content paper stock is used, a test of sample sets of forms should be made to determine the exact fastening requirements. The fastening may consist of any satisfactory method, such as stitching or gluing, that prevents the copies from shifting. It is essential, however, that whatever fastening medium is used should not impair the feeding or printing alignment of the form. FORM DEPTH {Inches) 1 to 5 MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN FASTENINGS (Inches) 5 5-1/5 to 11 11 11 to 14 7 14 to 17 8Y2 Figure 38. Fastening Requirements for Multiple-Copy Forms Registration of Forms: The assembly of multiplecopy forms should insure that the punching and printing of all copies of the form are in absolute registration with the material printed by the 1403. The following tolerances should be maintained. 1. Vertical Lines: Vertical columns of print positions are spaced 1/10 inch apart. There are 50 printing spaces in 5 inches. Vertical rules printed on a form should be spaced in multiples of 1/10 inch. The center line of anyone character, with reference to any other character on the same line, may have a plus or minus tolerance of .0065 inch, or a maximum over-all tolerance of .013 inch. From a forms viewpoint, it is practically impossible to guarantee that the cumulative tolerance of printing plate shrinkage, paper shrinkage, and marginal hole perforations does not exceed .0065 inch. This precludes the possibility of retaining satisfactory registration if vertical rules are spaced to split between print positions. Where vertical lines are required, such rules should split the respective print position, thereby assigning that particular position for separation of the columnar field (dollars and cents, for example). However, in view of the fact that the 1403 can print special characters such as period and comma in every print position, the use of these symbols as decimal points, etc., avoids the need for vertical lines for such separations. Vertical printed lines should parallel a vertical center line passing through the marginal holes. 2. Horizontal Lines: Horizontal printed lines on the form should be at a 90-degree angle to the vertical center line passing through the paper-feed pin holes. The spacing should conform to the setting of the 1403 forms tractor - 6 or 8 lines to the inch. 3. Margins: It is recommended that no staples or other metal fasteners be used with multiple-copy forms. If unavoidable, it is important that either the left or right margin (whichever has the staples) be set outside the print hammer area, so that staples or other metal fasteners do not pass between the chain and hammer unit. 1403 Timing Considerations The transfer of data from the print area of core storage to the print synchronizer requires 1,l00 microseconds for 100 print positions, and 1,452 microseconds for 132 print positions. The printer is not busy at this time; BUSY comes on at the successful completion of the transfer. It remains ON for a minimum of 82,420 microseconds if there is not an automatic space, or a minimum of 103,820 microseconds if there is an automatic space. In case of an unsuccessful transfer, the printer may be readdressed immediately by the CPU; however, the second data transfer will not actually start until 1,463 microseconds after the initiation of the first transfer. Special Features NUMERICAL PRINT FEATURE The numerical print feature for the 1403 printer has been designed for those businesses having certain 1410 applications that require no alphabetic printing. For example, banks, insurance companies, and utilities prepare many reports with only numeric printing. With this feature, the time required to produce these reports can be reduced by as much as 50 per cent. The manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing levels of other industries also can use this feature for the many applications in which reports are or can be numerically coded. With this feature, the systems user can switch from the alphameric to the numeric mode, simply by changing the chain cartridge in the 1403. The numeric chain is composed of 15 character sets, with 16 characters (digits 0 through 9 $ . , ~ - 0) in each set. In the numeric mode, the 1403 can print 1,285 lines per minute - more than twice as fast as in the alphameric mode. To change from one mode to another, an operator, with no special tools, removes one chain and replaces it with the other. Before locking the new cartridge in place, it is only necessary to move the chain enough to permit the chain drive to engage. When a chain cartridge is placed in the 1403, the corresponding mode is selected automatically. If the printer is in the numeric mode, characters other than the 16 specified for numeric printing cause a print check error. INTERCHANGEABLE CHAIN CARTRIDGE ADAPTER Many scientific and commercial applications require distinctive type styles for particular printing jobs. This special feature for the 1403 allows chain cartridges to be interchanged. Printer 35 With this feature, an operator can insert an interchangeable chain cartridge with a different type font, type style, or special character arrangement. The procedure for changing a cartridge is: 1. Turn off system power. 2. Lift up the printer cover. 3. Pull back and unlock the print unit release lever. 4. Unlatch the ribbon shield and swing it against the paper. 5. Open the ribbon cover and remove the lower ribbon spool. Slide ribbon from under the skew roll and store the lower ribbon spool on the ribbon cover. 6. Grasp the cartridge handles and raise them to a vertical position. (This unlocks the cartridge from the T -casting. ) 7. Lift straight up on the handles and raise the cartridge until it clears its locating pins. At this point it is .free from the machine. Place the cartridge on a surface that will tolerate oil and ink. (A container is provided for storing the cartridge that is not in use.) 8. Grasp the handles of the second interchangeable cartridge and, raising them to a vertical position, lift the cartridge into position over the locating pin. 86 (Check for foreign matter clinging to underside of cartridge. ) 9. Lower the cartridge gently into position over its guide pins and release the handles. Do not force either handle down at this point. The 132-hammer end of the cartridge should settle fully down to the base. The I-hammer end will not be down in position at this time. 10. Rotate the chain in the normal printing direction (counterclockwise, as viewed from the top). The chain can be rotated by pressing your finger against a character on the chain. At the same time, apply pressure to the button (located between the print timing dial and the cartridge) on the top cover. Rotate the chain slowly until the drive key drops into the drive slot. The chain will stop and the cartridge will settle correctly into position on the I-hammer end. 11. Lower the cartridge handles to their horizontal position. Do not force. If force is required, the cartridge is not fully seated; repeat steps 8 to 10. 12. Replace the ribbons; latch the ribbon shield into place; close the T -casting and the top cover; apply power to the system and resume printing. Telecommunication Devices IBM 1009 Data Transmission Unit Indicator lights and functional keys and switches are located on the console panel (Figure 39) on the top portion of the 1009 Data Transmission Unit. They are used by the terminal attendant in operating the 1009 during either a transmitting or receiving operation. Indicator Lights POWER This light indicates that the power was turned on by pressing the power ON key. It goes off when the power is turned off. READY This light is on when there is a line for data transmission established between two mM 1009 Data Trans- mission Units, and the two units are in synchronism. The test-normal switch on both 1009's must be set at NORMAL. Also, the data key on both telephones must be operated, and both connected data processing systems must have power ON. RU N When the 1009 is in an operative status (after the 1009 start key is pressed, and before the attached system starts data transmission), the run light is on. It stays on while the 1009 is in operation. The run light goes out under any of these conditions: 1. The stop key is pressed. 2. The power OFF key is pressed. 3. The end-of-file light comes on. 4. The telephone light comes on. 5. An error condition causes the alarm to sound (see "Audible Alarm"). 11111 Figure 39. 1009 Operating Keys and Lights Telecommunication Devices 37 END-OF-FILE REPEAT RECORD When either attendant presses the 1009 end-of-file key, the end-of-file light on the other 1009 is turned on, and the alarm sounds. The signal is returned immediately to the originating 1009, causing the EOF light to come on, and the alarm to sound. Pressing the stop key on each 1009 turns these sigpals off. This light indicates that an incorrect message transmission acknowledgement was transmitted from the receiving 1009. TELEPHONE If a line for data transmission is established, and either terminal attendant presses the telephone key of the 1009, the TEL light turns on, and an alarm sounds on the other 1009 console. The signal is returned immediately to the originating 1009, causing the TEL light to come on, and the alarm to sound. Pressing the stop key on each 1009 turns these signals off. Other Console Lights These are the lights in the upper section of the 1009 console. They are used primarily by the IBM Customer Engineer for diagnostic purposes. CLEAR TO SEND This' light is under control of the communicationscompany data set. It indicates that transmission can take place. DATA COND (TRANSMIT) This light indicates that the message is being transmitted. SENDING REPLY This light indicates that the end of the message was detected and the receiving 1009 is ready to send a message transmission acknowledgement to the transmitting 1009. DATA COND (RECEIVE) This light indicates that the message is being received. LINE (RECEIVE) This light indicates that the 1009 is receiving information from the data set. READY FOR DATA This light indicates that the receiving 1009 is ready to receive data. TEST PATTERN This light indicates that the test-normal switch on the other 1009 is set to TEST and is sending test· signals. ODD (RECEIVE) This light is on during the reception of every other message. REc'v EOTR This light indicates the end of each message. LINE (TRANSMIT) This. light indicates that the data set is receiving information from the 1009. DATA AVAIL This light indicates that a message is ready for transmission. AWAITING REPLY This light indicates that the transmitting 1009 is waiting for an accepted record, or a repeat-record indication from the receiving 1009. . FULL DUPLEX This light indicates that the 1009 is conditioned for full duplex (four-wire) communications facilities. OUTPUT VALIDITY This light indicates 1. that the data processing system has received an invalid character (even parity), or 2. that the data processing system has failed to receive a character from the 1009, or 3. the loss of a message between 1009's. ODD (TRANSMIT) CHARACTER This light is on during the transmission of every other message. ACCEPTED RECORD This light indicates that a correct message transmission acknowledgment was transmitted from the receiving 1009. SEND EOTR This light indicates the end of each message. 38 This light indicates. that the receIvmg 1009 has received an invalid character or an invalid parity check character. TIMING This light indicates that the two 1009's are out of synchronism.' This condition is also indicated by the audible alarm if the 1009 is operative or in the RUN status. INPUT VALIDITY This light indicates that two or three consecutive error messages have been detected. If the third message is correct, the light is turned off; if the following message is also incorrect, the light is turned off by pressing the 1009 start key, and transmission continues. RECORD This light indicates that a message was lost in the transmission between 1009's. INTERLOCK This light indicates 1. that the 1009 is in a receive-run condition, and the attached system is operating under transmit program control, or 2. that the 1009 is in a transmit-run condition and the attached system is operating under receive program control, or 3. that the stored program has addressed the 1009 for some reason, but the 1009 is not in RUN condition and is unable to respond. ' PROCESSOR This light indicates 1. that the transmitting 1009 has not received the next character from the attached system within the three-second interval that follows the transmission of the preceding character, or 2. that the system has not started the transmission of the next message within the three-second interval that follows the previous message acknowledgement, or 3. that the system was not ready to accept the characteravailable from the 1009, or 4. that the system did not generate a message transmission acknowledgement within the three-second interval that follows the end-of-message indication. DATA SET READY This light indicates that the data key on the telephone has been operated. Keys POWER-ON Pressing this key turns on the power in the 1009. Because the power goes on immediately, it is not necessary to hold the key down. POWER-OFF Pressing this key turns off the power in the 1009. START If the IBM data processing system and the 1009 Data Transmission Unit have been conditioned to transmit or receive, the terminal attendant presses the start key on the 1009. This causes the run light to come on. END-OF-FILE When all messages of a group have been transmitted, the attendant at the sending station presses the stop key and then the end-of-file key. This signals the attendant at the receiving station by turning on the end-of-file light and the audible alarm on the receiving 1009. Pressing the stop key on the receiving unit turns off both signals. The transmitting station end-of-file light also turns on and the audible alarm sounds. Pressing the stop key at each terminal turns off both signals. TELEPHONE If a line for data transmission has been established and either terminal attendant wants to talk to the other, he presses the telephone key. This allows the message being transmitted to be completed. The telephone key signals the other station by turning or the telephone light and causing the alarm to sound. Pressing the stop key on the 1009 being signaled, turns off both signals. RESET If both the reset key and the stop key are pressed simultaneously, or if the reset key is pressed following the operation of the stop key, an immediate stop in transmission is effected. STOP This key is pressed to stop either the transmit or the receive function. If it is pressed while a message is being transmitted or received, the function will ,stop when the message is complete. If both the stop key and the reset key are pressed simultaneously, an immediate stop is effected. If both keys are pressed simultaneously during the transmission of a message, that message will be sent again. Also, a stop key operation turns off 1. the end-of-file light and the associated audible alarm, 2. the telephone light and the associated audible alarm, 3. the audible alarm caused by the three successive errors in the transmission of the same record and 4. the audible alarm caused by one 1009 getti~g out of synchronism with the other. Switches BCD/BINARY This switch specifies the coding of blank characters for data transmission. Both 1009 switch settings must be the same. When set to BCD the character set is 55 Telecommunication Devices 39 characters. When set to characters. BINARY, the character set is 64 TEST-NORMAL When this switch is set at TEST, test signals are sent to the remote terminal. The 1009 that receives the test signals acknowledges it by turning on the test pattern light located in the upper portion of the console panel. When the test-normal switch is set at NORMAL, the 1009 can execute its normal transmit and receive functions. TRANSMIT-RECEIVE This switch sets the mode of operation. If the 1009 is to work in conjunction with an IBM data processing system as a transmitting station, this switch is set at TRANSMIT. If the 1009 is to work with an IDM data processing system as a receiving station, the switch is set at RECEIVE. SPEED-SELECTOR The setting of this switch, and the type of data set determine the transmission speed of the terminal. This switch must be at one of three settings to be compatible with the data set: 600 - 600 bits (75 characters) per second. 1200 - 1200 bits (150 characters) per second. Ext - up to 2400 bits (300 characters) per second. At this setting, transmission speed is determined strictly by the frequency of the data set. NOTE: The setting of the speed-selector switches on both the transmitting and the receiving 1009's must be the same. Audible Alarm The audible alarm is a loudspeaker designed to signal the terminal attendant under these conditions: 1. When the transmitting-station attendant presses the end-of-file key, the audible alarm and the end-offile light of the receiving 1009 turn on. Pressing the stop key on' the receiving 1009 turns both signals off. 2. When one terminal attendant presses the telephone key, the audible alarm and the telephone light turn on in the 1009 being called. Pressing the stop key of the 1009 being ·called turns both signals off. 3. Errors in three successive transmissions of the same message cause the alarm to sound in the transmitting and/or receiving 1009. Pressing the 1009 stop key turns the associated alarm off. 4. If one 1009 gets out of synchronization with the other, the alarm sounds at both terminals. Pressing the stop key on each 1009 turns the alarm off. 5. If the 1009 is in a RECEIVE-RUN condition and the attached system is operating under a transmit pro40 gram, the alarm sounds. The alarm turns off when the transmit-receive switch is set to the correct setting and the i009 start key is operated. 6. If the 1009 is in a TRANSMIT-RUN condition and the attached system is .operating under a receive program, the alarm sounds. The alarm turns off when the transmit-receive switch is set to the correct setting, and the 1009 start key is operated. 7. If the program addresses the 1009 for any reason and the 1009 is not in a RUN condition, the alarm sounds. The alarm turns' off when the RUN condition is established in the 1009. 8. If the receiving data processing system, operating under the control of a receive program, fails to take a character from the receiving 1009; the alarm sounds. Pressing the stop key on the 1009 turns the alarm off. 9. If the transmitting 1009 has not received the next character within the three-second interval that follows the transmission of the preceding character, the alarm sounds. 10. If the transmitting system has not started the transmission of the next message within the threesecond interval that follows the previous message acknowledgement, the alarm sounds. 11. If the receiving system did not generate a message transmission acknowledgement within the threesecond interval that follows the end-of-message indication, the alarm sounds. Operating Principles A person trained to operate the data processing system should be able to operate the. IDM 1009 Data Transmission Unit with a minimum of formal training. Instructions, including error and other conditional procedures, should be made available to all operators for ready reference. Before data is sent, the terminal attendants should complete certain housekeeping operations, such as loading the transmit and receive programs, loading the data to be sent, and readying the data processing system and the 1009. The completion of operations such as these before the scheduled time of transmission or reception of data minimizes any delays after making the connection for data transmission. MAKING THE CONNECTION Any terminal attendant can establish a line for data transmission by dialing the telephone number of another terminal. If the call is routed through operators, advise them that the call is to be a data transmission call, and that the transmission should not be monitored. Monitoring will degrade the transmission. The transmitting equipment is ready to .transmit if: 1. The transmit program has been loaded in the data processing unit. 2. The input (card or magnetic tape) equipment is ready. 3. The 1009 is in a ready condition (power on, BINARY /BCD switch set to .desired mode, test-normal switch set to NORMAL, transmit-receive switch set to TRANSMIT). When the telephone rings at the terminal being called, the attendant answers the telephone and tells the caller whether or not the equipment is ready to accept data. The receiving equipment is ready to receive if: 1. The receive program has been loaded in the data processing system. 2. The output (card or magnetic tape) facilities are ready. 3. The 1009 is in a ready condition (power on, BINARY/BCD switch set to the desired mode, test-normal switch set to NORMAL, transmit-receive switch set to RECEIVE). If the equipment is ready, each terminal attendant presses the data key on his telephone and cradles the telephone handset. When the ready light on the 1009 glows, each terminal attendant presses the start button on the 1009 console. When the run light glows, he presses the start button on the 1401 to begin the transmission of data. ENDING THE OPERATION When the last record has been sent and received correctly, 1. The attendant at the transmitting terminal: a. presses the end-of-file key on the 1009 to turn on the EOF light and the audible alarm on the receiving 1009. b. presses the stop key to turn off the EOF light and the audible alarm on the transmitting 1009. c. presses the TALK key on the telephone to disconnect the line for data transmission. 2. The attendant at the receiving terminal: a. presses the stop key on the 1009 to turn off the . EOF light and audible alarm. b. presses the TALK key on the telephone to disconnect the line for data transmission. 3. After pressing the TALK key, both terminal attendants should listen for a dial tone to be sure the line is disconnected. OPERATOR CALLS If the attendant at either terminal wants to talk to the attendant at the other terminal, he presses the telephone key on the 1009. The TEL light and audible alarm signal the attendant at the remote terminal. If a message is being transmitted when the telephone key is pressed, that message will be completed before the 1009 stops. When the 1009 stops, 1. The attendant being called a. presses the stop key on the 1009 to turn off the TEL light and the audible alarm, b. presses the TALK key on the telephone, and c. picks up the telephone receiver, and answers the call. 2. The calling attendant a. presses the TALK key on the telephone, and b. picks up the telephone receiver, and begins the conversation. When the conversation is ended, 1. The attendant called a. presses the data key on the telephone, and b. cradles the telephone receiver so that the transmission of data can continue. 2. The calling attendant a. presses the data key on the telephone, b. cradles the telephone receiver so that the transmission of data can continue, and c. presses the start key on the 1009 to resume data transmission. IBM 10] 1 Paper Tape Reader The signal lights and control switches for the IBM 1011 Paper Tape Reader are shown in Figure 40. The indicator lights, located above the operating switches, keys, and lights are primarily for IBM Customer Engineers' use in diagnostic testing and preventive maintenance routines. The reel power switch is located on the tape reader below the reading head (Figure 42). SWITCHES Start: Pressing this switch turns ON the ready light, puts the 1011 in a read condition (if the interlocks are properly conditioned), and signals the using systern. that paper-tape reading can begin. Stop: Pressing this switch stops paper-tape reading and turns OFF the ready light. Pressing the start switch resumes the paper-tape reading operation. Reset: Pressing this switch resets the necessary circuits to the beginning of an operation. This switch is not effective when the ready light is ON. The 1011 is reset to a letters-shift mode, and remains in the letters-shift mode until a figures-shift tape character is read from the tape. Reel/Strip Selector: This switch has two positions. For reel and center-roll feeding, the switch must be in the right position; for strip feeding, in the left position. Power: This switch has two positions. In the upper ( ON) position, this switch supplies power to the 1011 Telecommunication Devices 41 and turns on the power-on light. In the lower (OFF) position this switch removes power from the 1011 and turns off th e power light. R eel Power: Pressing this switch supplies power to the take-up (left-hand ) and supply (right-hand) reels when the buffer anTIS are in normal operating position. LIGHTS R eady: When ON, this light indicates that the 1011 is either waiting for a signal from the using system to read paper tape, or is reading paper tape. This light turns on at the beginning of an operation after the start switch is pressed, and turns off when the stop switch or power switch is presssed, or when one of the following conditions causes the reader to stop: 1. paper-tape break 2. pap er-tape tightness 3. run-out of paper tape 4. 1011 not ready 5. power failure 6. photocell failure 7. parity error detected (control panel not wired to continue reading) 8. unwired character read (control panel not wired to continue reading) Power-On: When ON, this light indicates that ac power is being supplied to the 1011. The light turns on when th e power switch is ON and turns off when the power switch is turned off. Paper Tape CHAD AND CHADLESS PAPER TAPE The small paper particles either completely punched out of paper tape, or partially punched out (90 p er cent of circumference punched) are called chads. Paper tape with completely punched-out holes, is called chad tape. Paper tape with partially-punched holes is called chadless tape because it does not produce loose chads. STRIP OF PAPER TAPE Figure 40. 1011 Operating Keys and Lights A free length of punched pap er tape, measuring not less than 20 inches nor more than 20 feet, is called a strip. Included in th ese dim ensions, the strip must have leader and trailer portions that are each at least ten inches long. F eed holes must b e punched in the leader and trailer. Codes may also be punched in the leader and trailer ; however, since codes may be read, usually no codes other than letter shift or tape feed are punched in the leader and trailer. ROLL OF PAPER TAPE Punched paper tape that is wound clockwise (viewed from top with three-hole side up) around itself, be42 ginning with the leading end, is called a roll. A roll of chadless tape is wound so that the chads protrude toward the outside of the roll. A roll feeds from the leading end at the center toward the trailing end on the outside. Both the leader and trailer portions must be at least ten inches long. A leader of 48 inches is necessary, however, for complete loading; that is, for attaching the leading end to the take-up reel before starting to read. A roll with an inside diameter of 4Y2 inches, maximum, should have an outside diameter of not more than 10Y2 inches . A roll with an inside diameter of 2% inches, minimum (IBM 961 or 962 Tape Punch rewind) , should not exceed 300 feet in length or six inches outside diameter. REEL OF PAPER TAPE Punched paper tape that is wound clockwise (viewed from top with three-hole side up) around itself, beginning with the trailing end, is called a reel. A reel of chadless tape is wound so that the chads protrude toward the center of the reel. 'When mounted on the paper tape reader, a reel feeds from the leading end on the outside, toward the trailing end on the inside. Both the leader and trailer portions must be at least ten inches long. A leader of 48 inches ' is necessary, however, for complete loading; that is, for attaching the leading end to the take-up reel before starting to read. The length of a reel of tape should not exceed the capacity of the take-up reel. No chad may be folded back more than 90 degrees from the paper. Fanfolded or creased chadless tape is not acceptable for use with the paper tape reader. 8. Feed holes must be in line with the code holes. Chad paper tape must have punched-out feed holes. 9. Splicing: A splice should be made only in nondata portions of paper tape because correct reading of tape cannot be assured at the point of splice. Splices must not block, or in any way restrict, the feed holes because the reader feeds and guides the tape by means of the feed holes. Specifications for a splice are: a. Total thickness of the splice must not exceed .010 inch. b. Tape overlap at the splice should be no more than one tape code in length (.1 inch). c. The leading edge of the splice should be on the topside of the tape as it passes over the reading head. d. The splice must be at least as strong as the tape itself. e. The splice must be no wider than the tape itself. f. The splice must be flexible. g. The splice must be free- of staples and gummy substances which could build up on the reading mechanism . PREPARING PAPER TAPE READER FOR STRIP FEEDING 1. Turn the reel/strip toggle switch to the STRIP position. 2. Open the reading-head tape guides and place a loop of the tape leader over the reading head so that the sprocket drive engages the feed holes. The tape at the bottom of the loop mliSt pass between the two reading-head rollers (Figure 41) . PAPER-TAPE SPECIFICATIONS The IBM 1011 Paper Tape Reader is designed to operate with either IBM 190216 (lVt6-inch width, 5-track) or IBM 304469 (I-inch width, 8-track) paper tape. Other paper tape of equivalent paper stock may be used. Specifications for acceptable tape: 1. Widths of tape: 1~i6 -+- .003 1'8 -+- .003 1 -+- .003 2. Distance from 3-hole edge of tape to center line of feed holes: .392 + .003 - .009 inch. 3. Vertical distance (across width of tape) between centers of holes: .100 -+- .002 inch. 4. Horizontal distance (parallel with edges of tape) between centers of holes: .100 -+- .001 inch for feed holes .100 ± .003 inch for code holes 5. Vertical distances (across width of tape) across holes: ..072 + .001 - .002 inch for code holes .046 + .002 - .001 inch for feed holes 6. Thickness of tape: .004 -+- .003 inch. 7. Chadless tape : All chads in chadless tape must be on the same side of the paper (as normally punched). Figure 41. Strip Feeding Telecommunication. Devices 43 3. Remove the slack from the reading-head tape guides. 4. Check to be sure that the curled, or wound in a figure eight. 5. For maximum tape-reading guides and reading head should soft brush, once each 8-hour shift. loop and close the strip is not rolled, efficiency, the tape be cleaned with a PREPARING PAPER TAPE READER FOR REEL FEEDING 1. Turn the reel/strip toggle switch to the REEL position (Figure 42). 2. Move the two buffer arms upward until they latch in position. 3. Move the center-roll idler clockwise until it latches in the vertical position. 4. Mount the take-up reel on the left capstan. 5. Mount the supply reel on the right capstan, making sure that the three-hole side of the tape is away from the machine. 6. Grasp the leading end of the tape at the right side of the supply reel, pull downward, and draw the end from right to left so that the tape passes below the buffer-arm rollers and reading-head rollers but above the stationary rollers. Figure 42. Reel Feeding 44 7. Secure the leading end of tape to the take-up reel so that by turning the take-up reel counterclockwise, tape will be pulled from the supply reel. 8. Move the two buffer arms downward to their operating positions. 9. Press the reel-power push-button switch. 10. Open the reading-head tape guides and place a loop of tape over the reading head so that the sprocket drive engages the feed holes. The tape at the bottom of the loop must pass between the two reading-head rollers. 11. For maximum tape-reading efficiency, the tape guides and reading head should be cleaned with a soft brush, once each 8-hour shift. PREPARING PAPER TAPE READER FOR CENTER-ROLL FEEDING 1. Turn the reel/strip toggle switch to the REEL position. 2. Move the two buffer arms upward until they latch in position (Figure 43). 3. Move the center-roll idler clockwise until it latches in the vertical position. 4. Mount the take-up reel on the left capstan. Figure 43. Center-Roll Feeding 5. Mount the center-roll drive sleeve on the right capstan. 6. Mount the center-roll turntable on the shelf and move aside the control arms. 7. Place the roll of tape on the turntable concentric with the rollers. 8. Grasp the leading end of tape and draw it inside the ring of fixed rollers, by passing it to the left of the trip roller. 9. From the trip roller, draw the end around the tapered roller, and then to the right and upward so that the end passes above the roll of tape on the turntable. 10. Pass the end of tape through the center-roll guide and over the drive sleeve. 11. Move the center-roll idler counterclockwise until it rests upon the tape and drive sleeve. 12. Pull the leading end at the left of the drive sleeve downward, and then draw the end from right to left so that the tape passes below the buffer-arm rollers but above the stationary rollers. 13. Secure the leading end of tape to the take-up reel so that by turning the take-up reel counterclockwise, tape will be pulled from the roll of tape on the turntable. 14. Move the two buffer arms downward to their operating positions. 15. Press the reel-power push-button switch. 16. Open the reading-head tape guides and place a loop of tape over the reading head so that the spocket Telecommunication Devices 45 drive engages the feed holes. The tape at the bottom of the loop must pass between the two reading-head rollers. 17. For maximum tape-reading efficiency, the tape guides and reading head should be cleaned with a soft brush, once each 8-hour shift. Control-Panel Summary A door, located in the top section of the mM 1011 rear panel, provides access to the panel. The hubs of the control panels (Figures 44 and 45) are arranged in 22 columns numbered from 1 to 22, and 34 rows lettered A to AK. The location of a hub can be identified by use of these co-ordinates. For example, the parity-error huh is located at A, 12. The co-ordinates for each set of hubs are listed below, after the names of the hubs. Two types of removable, single, self-contacting control panels are available, the 5-track and the 8-track type. All hubs on the 5-track control panel are identical with those on the 8-track panel except the decode exit, tape-level exit, and tape-level decode entry hubs. The control and special-purpose hubs are as follows: TAPE LEVEL EXIT--A, 5-8, AND DECODE ENTRy-B, 5-8 Wiring the tape-level exit hubs to the decode-entry input hubs sets the reader for the type of tape being used. These hubs provide for redirecting the upper (away from the 3-hole edge) four of the eight tracks of data received from the reading unit. Wiring: In the 8-track mode, the wiring of tapelevel exits 5, 6, 7, and 8 to decode entries CK, 5, 6, and EOL, respectively, provides for decoding the IBM 8-track code. In the 5-track mode, the wiring of tapelevel exit 5 to decode entry 5, and tape-level exit 6 to decode entry 6 hubs, provides for decoding telegraphic 5-track code. SP LTRS (SPACE LETTERS )-A-B, 9 The two hubs labeled SP LTRS are a switch. When 5track telegraphic tape is used and the switch is wired ON, the space tape character causes a change to letter shift. The letter shift remains in effect until a figureshift tape character is read from the tape. Wiring: These hubs are a normally-off switch. Connecting these two hubs turns the switch ON. PT PAR (PAPER TAPE PARITY)-A-B, 10 The two hubs labeled PT PAR are a switch. When 8track mM tape is read and the switch is ON, punchings are checked for odd parity. The switch is wired OFF when 5-track tape is used; otherwise, erroneous indications of parity errors occur. Wiring: These hubs are a normally-on switch. Connecting these two hubs turns the switch OFF. 46 5 TR (FIVE TRACK)-A-B, 11 These two hubs labeled 5 TR are a switch. The wiring of these hubs determines the 1011 operation mode (5-track or 8-track). This switch must be wired OFF when 8-track mM tape is being used. If not wired OFF, erroneous indications of errors occur. Wiring: Switch ON .- no wiring. Switch OFF wire from upper to lower hub. PE (PARITY ERROR ) -A, 12 This hub emits an impulse when a parity error occurs ( even number of holes is sensed in a paper-tape character). When a parity error occurs and the hub is wired to any encode entry or data-omit entry, the parity error is signaled to the central processing unit, and paper-tape reading continues. If the parity-error hub is wired to an encode-entry hub, the corresponding character is transmitted to core storage in place of the error character. If PARITY ERROR is wired to a data-omit entry hub, the error character is deleted. When a parity error occurs and the parity-error hub is not wired to either an encode entry or a data-omit entry hub, reading stops and the ready light is turned off. The central processing unit is also made aware of the error condition. Wiring: Wire PE hub to any encode entry or data- . omit entry hub. uc (UNWIRED CHARACTER)-A, 13 Unwired characters (punched in tape but not wired from their decode-exit hubs) cause uc (unwired character) hub to emit an impulse. Wiring: uc wired to an encode-entry hub provides an identifying character for entry into core storage. When uc is wired to a data-omit entry hub, the character is deleted and does not use up a position in core storage. If the uc hub is not wired to either an encode entry, data-omit entry, or end-of-record hub, the 1011 stops reading and the ready light is turned off. Wiring uc to both data-omit and encode-entry hubs is not valid control-panel wiring. EaR IN AND OUT (END OF RECORD IN AND oUT)-C-D, 22 Any paper-tape code can be assigned as an EaR character by control-panel wiring. Sensing an EaR character terminates the paper-tape read operation. Wiring: The wiring of the EaR hubs varies with the type of data processing system connected to the 1011. Wiring of these hubs is explained in both the 1401 and 1410 sections of this manual. "REDUCERS-E-J, 5-10 Two sets of reducers are standard equipment. Each set consists of four IN hubs and one OUT hub. Any impulses directed to the IN hubs are available at the OUT hub. For example, any combination of tape character 5 4 2 6 7 8 50 0 0 DECODE ENTRY [ B 60 50 60 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ON~OFFIOFFrpETUCl 1 TAPE LEVEL EXIT A 9 ~ PT~ 5~ SP LTRS 0 PAR 0 0 TR 0 ~OR1 uo C T ~O D E F rCR- F-A- s - A I OUT o 0 000 0 LF F-B T B I IN 2 R G o 0 o o SP F-C U C D o o o o ~ NC F-D V D E o o ORO F-F w E S o H 000 M ~ N o 0 000 5 6 ~ o 0 o 0 o T 0 C U o 0 D o V 0 o E W [J II o 0 o 0 o o IN 0 0 o 0 o 0 IN 0 o 0 o 0 IN o o o 0 o 0 F F X o o F-H 0 0 D P o Q E X I 0 T S 0 R o 4 o C E 0 3 X o L 0 o 000 F-G K o E 0 r-A-S-*-:% o $ o 0 -\- G G Y o o o o o o F-J Z H H Z # /:, 2 o 0 o C 0 o o o o I I/) I 0 o o F-K 0 I o 0 o ~ o ~ o ( 3 o 0 < D 4 F-L I J J I o 0 o o o F-M 2 K 2 o 0 o E 0 N T K R 0 @ ,--T 5 A 0 o F-N 3 L YL 3 o 0 o o o o M 0 F-S o o t 4 M o 5 N 4 M ? 000 N 5 I o 000 o U 000 F-X 6 000 6 RIM 000 F-Z 7 000 LTR 8 000 P F-V o o Q P 7 G/M 000 Q 8 SP o o A o i ~ 0 6 7 8 T 0 R 9 Y 0 10 o II o 000 o 9 R \2 000 o R 9 Y 000 FIG x 0 Y 0 000 W 0 = a S V 0 > o Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK ~igure 44. Five-Track Control Panel Telecommunication Devices 47 6 5 234 ~ A TAPE 7 8 lEVEL EXIT10N - 50 60 70 8 0 DECODE ENTRY B 50 C 9 60 ~O ~O 10 II L~~S ~~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 D l OFF_OFF~ ~ ~ 12 T~ PE - UC 0 0 l o Y;-D- H o E F o o G 0 0 8 % > o T 0 0 0 U $ o = o C 0 0 0 o o V e o 0 0 0 o E W P II 0 0 o IN 0 0 o O~O o o o 0 oSO o 0 EOl Ii G F o F X 000 o 0 o 5 E $ 000 PI3 A N 000 G 0 V 0 2 EO o o o o 0 E 8 o p I~ ~Q o o 0 000 o SP o o 0 000 * o v r~61 0 Z Ii t, 2 o o o 01 o 91 o o o o 4 o < o 2 @ go 9 EJ PI4 SPI NO ~ ~K SP2 I 0 0 0 X V l 000 / o ; ~ N 5 ! 000 oe o +o9 0 @ PI5 0 o 0 000 :3 PI2 0 o 0 R 9 000 AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK Figure 45. Eight-Track Conuol Panel Do M 4 ? 000 PI6 AS o 5 6 o 0 AA o o l 0,4 z 3 3 000 YO 6 'YM 000 P 7 G/M 000 Q 8 SP I 0 , NH 000 SP6 x 0 Eo CORR 0 EC2 0 IN U PII P 000 M o ogo ~ 000 000 6 0 R 0 0 0 54 • 0 IN PI 7 000 7 {.O B 0 a K SK Eo 48 000 IN -: 0 N w c 0 o w o go V 0 o TF M u o ECI C 0 CR A-S-~· 0 0 o T J 3-4-5-6 000 ERR l s T 0 S K R J 000 o H Q lOUT 2 o -.r 7 Ao MO flO ~O R II P decode-exit hubs wired to IN hubs 1, 2, 3, and 4 emits an impulse from the OUT hub. Reducers must be used instead of split wiring. Wiring: Wire anyone, two, three, or four decodeexit hubs to anyone, two, three, or four IN hubs. Wire the OUT hub to any encode-entry hub, any data-omit entry hub, or the end-of-record hub. nated for that particular hub. The binary-coded decimal character is then read into core storage. Wiring: Wiring to the encode-entry hubs is: 1. From decode-exit hubs for most data characters, or 2. from reducer OUT hubs, from unwired character (uc) and parity-error (PE) hubs. DATA OMIT ENTRIES-L-X, 22 The twelve data-omit entry hubs are used to prevent unwanted tape characters from entering core storage and to by-pass unwired tape characters. Wiring: Unwanted character - wire from the decode-exit hub that represents the unwanted tape character to anyone of the data-omit entry hubs. Unwired character - wire from the uc hub to any dataomit entry hub. DECODE EXITS-E-Y, 1; E-X, 2-4 As each tape character is read, its impulse is available at the corresponding decode-exit hub. The 5-track control panel has exit hubs for all 58 telegraphic 5-track codes (including blank). The 8-track control panel has exit hubs for all 65 IBM 8-track codes (including EOL). The decode·exit, tape-level exit, and decode-entry hubs are the only hubs on the 5-track control panel that differ from those on the 8-track control panel. All other hubs are identical. Wiring: Wire decode-exit hubs to anyone of these hubs, depending on the operation involved: 1. Encode-entry hubs 2. Data-omit entry hubs 3. End-of-record IN hub 4. Reducer IN hubs ENCODE ENTRIES-E-X, 18-20; E-P, 21 Impulsing an encode-entry hub develops the 1401-1410 binary-coded decimal character that has been desig- IBM 1014 Remote Inquiry Unit The inquiry unit is comprised of an input-output (1-0) printer, a control section located on the 1-0 printer keyboard, and an indicator light panel. The 1-0 printer is equipped with a 44-character keyboard (26 alphabetic, 10 numeric, and 8 special characters: & . - $ ~ , # / [Figure 46] ). All other special characters are printed as a number sign ( # ). The control section contains the switch and keys needed to operate the unit: ON-OFF switch furnishes power to the inquiry unit. Inquiry Request key signals the inquiry unit adapter that an inquiry unit wants to have an inquiry request message processed. This inquiry request is examined by the adapter. Inquiry Release key: 1. Signals the inquiry unit adapter that the sending of the inquiry request message is completed. The adapter acknowledges the message completion by turning OFF the inquiry unit proceed light and initiating an 1-0 printer carriage-return operation. 2. Generates a group mark that is placed in the input synchronizer position adjacent to the last character of the inquiry request message. 3. Turns on the inquiry status latch in the 1410. 1100 0 G 0 0 [2J 0 0 000 CLR SET ~G0000000~0[J o 0 0 0 G 0 G 0 ~ ~ IT] 0000000000 I SPACE nmn h'tUIASE ~ INQUIRY ON L..-RE......,.-QU_ES----IT OFF I Figure 46. 1014 Keyboard Telecommunication Devices 49 Inquiry Cancel (Inq Can) key (during an inquiry request operation) releases the inquiry unit, turns off the request light, and ends the inquiry request routine in the inquiry unit adapter. The adapter acknowledges the inquiry routine cancellation by turning off the inquiry unit proceed light and initiating an 1-0 printer carriage return operation. The key is used also during inquiry operations to turn off the inquiry unit check light or the exceed speed light or both. The indicator light panel (located to the right of the 1-0 printer) contains additional lights needed by the operator: Request: Operating the inquiry request key turns on the white request light. Pressing the inquiry release key turns it off. Operating the inquiry cancel key can also turn off the request light. 50 Proceed: This green light turns on when the input synchronizer is free and can accept the inquiry request message. The light turns off when either the release or the cancel key is operated. Check: This red light indicates the detection of a parity error in the inquiry unit, during an inquiry request or inquiry reply operation. Operating the cancel key on the inquiry unit turns off this light. Exceed Speed: This red light turns on when the maximum. inquiry request keying rate (about 12Vz characters per second) is exceeded. Operating the cancel key on the inquiry unit turns off this light. Forms: This red light, when lit, indicates that the inquiry unit is out of forms; however, several more lines can be printed before the forms clear the platen. Inserting more forms turns the light off. Operations This section is concerned with the actual physical steps necessary to perform individual operations such as reading data from a card reader, punching cards, reading tape, and so forth. In figures, depressed entry keys are shown shaded. For all descriptions, power is assumed to be at an operating level, and all registers, counters, indicators, etc., to be in an initial or starting condition. Depression of a key in a column resets any other key previously depressed in that column. Loading Card Data - J402 Cards to be read into the system are placed in the card read hopper 9-edge first, face down, and the card hopper weight is placed on top of the cards. The sequence of operations then is: 1. Depress the end-of-file key on the reader. This key insures that the last card in the hopper will be read after preceding cards have been processed. If this key is not depressed, the start key will have to be de': pressed when the hopper becomes empty in order to read the last cards. Another way to accomplish reading of the last card is to place three blank cards at the end of the card deck being read. 2. The card reader start key is depressed. When depressed, the data recorded in the first card is read into the 1414 buffer. 3. A read select instruction, addressing the proper data channel and ~ard reader, is set up in the entry keys (Figure 47) and the console load key is depressed. The select instruction (assume 1402 on Channel A and reading column binary cards) for the PRD is -176203001230; the RDS format is + 076203001230. The octal representation of the information is used. 4. With the console automatic key on, depression of the console load key automatically generates an lORD Location 88,888 88888 88888 08888 88008 88888 88080 88888 8 Ci)Ci) 888 888 Figure 47. Read Select Card Reader Format Operations 51 command with a maximum word count and a starting address of 00100. This command is loaded into the channel control registers. 5. The first data word from the first card is therefore placed in core location 00100, the second word into location 00101, and so on until all data from that card have been placed in core storage. Since each card is treated as a record, the channel-in-use indicator (turned on when the read select instruction was executed) is now turned off. Computer program control is automatically transferred to the instruction in core location 00101 (read from the first card) and this instruction is executed. To provide for continued reading of cards, the data of the first card must be appropriate instructions to re-select the card reader, reset and load a channel command with proper word count and starting address,. and all other necessary instructions needed to put all data of the cards into core storage and check the cards. The same general procedure is used to load card data from the 1622 reader; however, the 1622 card reader start key is depressed because no end-of-file key is available on the 1622. Loading Magnetic Tape Data If data are to be loaded from magnetic tape instead of cards, the procedure is basically the same. The tape unit is first put in a ready state, with tape reel mounted, tape unit load and ready keys depressed, and the tape unit ready light on. The read select instruction octal format (assume tape unit 1 attached to data channel A, and data in BCD format) is +076200001201 (Figure 48). Operations are: 1. The read select instruction is set up in the entry keys and the console load key is pressed. 2. As before, an lORD command with a maximum word count and a starting address of 00100 is auto- Location ~ 00000 88888 88888 88008 8 0000 0000 88 888 88888 880000 00000 888888888888 888888 88800 808 80888 88 88888 88 88 888 80 S r-=----=--- Instruction - - - - - - - , Figure 48. Read Select Tape Unit 1 Format 52 ,--_ _ _ _ Address matically generated and loaded into the channel control registers. 3. The first data word from tape is read into core location 00100, the second word into location 00101, and so on until the end-of-record gap is sensed on the tape unit. The end-of-record signal turns the channelin-use indicator off and transfers program control to the instruction in location 00101, which is then executed. 00 Sense Loading Entry Key Data The enter storage key may be used to put 36 bits of information into a particular storage location. Assume the bit configuration +010101010101 is to be inserted into core location 01753. Entry keys would be depressed as shown in Figure 49. With the CPU in manual status (automatic switch in manual position), depression of the enter storage key places the contents of the entry key word bank into the location specified by the location bank entry keys. 00 88888 8 8 ()()8 C0 88888 8888 88888 o 888 8888 8 o 0) () 8 Ouc0J (0 -0 ~ ~O--"'--0 05 (0 0 888888 18 88888 (0 1 888000800000 8888(08888888 888088800000 888888888888 (08888 8 8.8 Figure 49. Enter Storage Format Operations 53 The enter instruction key may be used to execute an instruction set up in the entry keys when the CPU is in manual status. For example, assume that a halt instruction has been executed, and a transfer to a subroutine located at 05000 is to be executed. The transfer instruction octal format is +002000005000 (Figure 50). This configuration is set up in the entry keys and, upon depression of the enter instruction key, the transfer instruction is executed. To execute the subroutine, the automatic switch must be returned to automatic and the console start key must be depressed. Off-Line Operation Both the mM 1402 Card Read Plinch and the mM 1403 Printer may be used off-line when not being used by the computer. Thus, it is possible to perform a card-to-card or a card-to-printer operation without removing either unit from the system. With a card-tocard operation in off-line mode, the 1403 printer may be used by the computer in anon-line 9peration. The panel (Figure 51) of the 1414 r/o Synchronizer, to which the 1402 and 1403 are attached, contains the necessary switches and keys to perform the operations. Location 00000 8 08888 8 08888 8 88880 8 88880 0) 88808 8 88888 08888 800"C800 00000 888888 88888 880080 8 888 808008808008 888888 08800 00 808088800 88888 8 8888 Sense 0) Figure 50. Instruction Entry Format 54 0) ~--------~----------~ Synch roni zer Keys and Switches Off-Line Mode: This switch selects the type of offline operation to be performed. It allows one or two units to be logically removed from the computer line without tying up the entire synchronizer. The switch is set to the normal position when all units are operating on-line. To perform a card-to-card operation the switch is set to the RD-PCH position. For a card-toprinter operation, the switch is set to the RD-PRT position. Off-Line: This key removes the area selected by the off-line mode switch from computer control. Pressing this key also activates the 1414 power control on and off keys. When in the off-line mode, the key is lighted. When lighted, depression of this key returns the selected area to on-line operation (the off-line mode switch should also be returned to the normal position ) . Check Stop: With on-line operation this switch is norrnally in the off position. When in the on position, the synchronizer is stopped after an operation during which an error was detected. Space: This switch causes either single or double carriage spacing in the printer when it operates offline. Cards must be run-in to both read and PUIJ(;!. feeds . This run-in causes the first card (read feed ) to load into the read buffer. After run-in (both read and pllneh units ready), the 1414 switches and keys an' set as follows: SWITCH Off-Line Off-Line Mode Check Stop SETTING On Rd-Pch On Off Removes the reader an d punch from computer control. Stops th e opera tion aftcr th e card in whi ch an error occurs. Allows errors to be ignof(·d. Card-To-Printer Off-Line The card deck to be printed is placed in the read feed of the 1402. The data from the first card read goes to the read buffer. The contents of the read buffer are transferred to the print buffer and the line prints. Cards are run-in to the 1402 read feed to load the firs t card into the read buffer. After the run-in is complete (and the printer is ready) , th e operation is set up as follows: SWITCH Off-Line Off Line Mode SETTING On Rd-Prt Card-to-Card Off-Line The card deck to be reproduced is placed in the read feed, and blank cards are placed in the punch feed of the 1402. The data from the first card fed through the read feed goes to the read buffer. From there, the record (data) is sent to the punch buffer, finally to be recorded in the first card through the punch feed. NOTES Check Stop Space On Off Single Double NOTES Removes both th e reader and the printer from computer control. Stops the operation after the card in which an error occurs. Ignores errors. Causes a si ngle space before each print line. Causes a double space before each print line. Figure 51. 1414 Panel Operations 55 Appendix A. Instructions Instructions for the 7040 and 7044 systems are oHered in several options to satisfy diHerent performance requirements. The basic set has been carefully selected to satisfactorily operate a low-compute requirement system application. The extended performance option enhances the computing and compiling ability by providing automatic indexing and logic, and characterhandling operations. The single-precision floating-point option significantly improves performance on large number calculations and the double-precision floatingpoint option provides higher accuracy. Indirect addressing ability is provided for all appropriate instructions, using the same method as with IBM 7090 and 7094' systems. When the execution time of an instruction is variable, an instruction type number is included in the following instruction lists. To obtain the execution times in microseconds, multiply the number of cycles by the appropriate cycle time (2,.0 or 8.0 microseconds). Both an alphabetic instruction list by opt,ion and a complete alphabetic list are included. The complete alphabetic list also indicates which central processing unit, data channel, and device indicators are set by execution of the instruction. For a detailed description of how the indicators are set, refer to the individual instruction description. Instruction Types 7040 7044 Type 1 - ALS, ARS, LGL, LGR, LLS, LRS, and RQL These instructions are executed in 1 cycle if the extent of the shift is six places or less. Each additional six-place shift or portion thereof requires % cycle. These instructions are executed in 2 cycles if the extent of the shift is six places or less. Each additional six-place shift or portion thereof requires 1 cycle. Type2-DVP This instruction is executed in 7 % cycles unless a divide check occurs, in which case it . requires 2 cycles. This instruction is executed in 20 cycles unless a divide check occurs, in which case it requires 3 cycles. Type3-MPY This instruction is executed in . 4 cycles if the MQ contains two or fewer ones. Each additional 6 ones or portion thereof in the MQ requires % cycle. If the content of Y is zero, the instruction is completed in 2 cycles. 56 This instruction is executed in 9 cycles if the MQ contains two or fewer ones. Each additional 6 ones or portion thereof ih the MQ requires 1 cycle. If the content of Y is zero, the instruction is completed in 3 cycles. 7040 7044 Type 4- VDP This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero or one. Each additional two quotient positions or portion thereof requires % cycle. This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero. It requires 3 cycles if the count is one. Each additional two quotient positions or portion thereof requires 1 cycle. Type5- VLM This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero or one or if the content of y. is zero. Each additional six steps or portion thereof requires % cycle. To determine the number of additional steps: add the number of zeros to twice the number of ones in the loworder C bits of the MQ; then subtract one. This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero. It requires 3 cycles if the count is one or if the content of Y is zero. Each additional six steps or portion thereof requires 1 cycle. To determine the nUmber of additional steps: add the number of zeros to twice the number of ones in the loworder C bits of the MQ; then subtract one. Type 6 - FAD and FSB These instructions are executed in a minimum of 2% cycles and a maximum of 8% cycles. In determining average speed, a number of representative programs were traced. The times shown are based on an analysis of several million operands. Execution times greater than 2% cycles are a result of shifting to equalize exponents before adding and to normalize the result after adding. Shifting requires % cycle for each six places or portion thereof. These instructions are executed in a minimum of 4 cycles and a maximum of 23 cycles. In determining average speed., a number of representative programs were traced. The times shown are based on an analysis of several million operands. Execution times greater than 4 cycles are a result of shifting to equalize exponents before adding and to normalize the result after adding. Shifting requires one cycle for each six places or portion thereof. Type 7 -FDP This instruction is -executed in 7 cycles unless a divide check occurs, in which case it requires 2 cycles. This instruction is executed in 18 cycles unless a divide check occurs, in which case it requires only 3 cycles. Type 8 - FMP and UFM These instructions are executed in a minimum of 3 2h cycles and a maximum of 5 cycles. If c (MQ) fraction is zero, it requires only 2 cycles. These instructions are executed in a minimum of 8 cycles and a maximum of 12 cycles. If c( MQ) fraction is zero, it requires only 2 cycles. Type 9 - UF A and UFS Execution time is the same as for type 6, except maximum is 6% cycles due to un-:normalized operation. Execution time is the same as for type 6, except maximum is 16 cycles due to un-normalized operation. 7044 7040 Type 10-DFAD,DFSB These instructions are executed in a minimum of 4 cycles and a maximum of 11 cycles. The longer times are a result of shifting, as explained in Type 6. These instructions are executed in a minimum of 7 cycles and a maximum of 28 cycles. The longer times are a result of shifting, as explained in Type 6. Type 11 - DFMP This instruction is executed in a maximum of 13% cycles. If c( AC) and c( MQ) are zero, the instruction requires 3 cycles. This instruction is executed in a maximum of 36 cycles. If c( AC) and c( MQ) are zero, the instruction requires 3 cycles. Type 12 - DFDP This instruction. is executed in a maximum of 18% cycles, and a minimum of 17 cycles. If a divide check occurs, this instruction may require as few as 3 cycles. This instruction is executed in a maximum of 50 cycles, and a minimum of 46 cycles. If a divide check occurs, this instruction may require as few as 4 cycles. Type 13 - BSR, ETT-, PRD, PWR, RDS, REW, RUN, SEN, WBT, WEF, and WRS These instructions are executed in the times given if the channel is not busy and the device selected is ready and not busy. Otherwise, execution is delayed until these conditions do exist. If the channel is not busy and the on-line 1401 is selected, a programmed response is required from the 1401 before these instructions can complete execution. These instructions are executed in the times given if the channel is not busy and the device selected is ready and not busy. Otherwise, execution is delayed until these conditions do exist. If the channel is not busy and the on-line 1401 is selected, a programmed response is required from the 1401 before these instructions can complete execution. Type 14 - BSR, REW, RUN, and WEF These instructions complete execution in the times given, but the channel remains busy for the duration of the backspace or write end of file. The channel is busy on rewind instructions only long enough to pick relays in the tape unit. Type 15- VMA This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero or one. Each additional 6 steps or portion thereof requires 1/3 cycle. To determine the number of additional steps add the number of "zeros" to twice the number of "ones" in the low order C bits of the MQ, then subtract one. These instructions complete execution in the times given, but the channel remains busy for the duration of the backspace or write end of file. The channel is busy on rewind instructions only long enough to pick relays in the tape unit. This instruction is executed in 2 cycles if the count is zero. Three cycles are required if the count is one. Each additional 6 steps or portion thereof requires 1 cycle. To determine the number of additional steps add the number of "zeros" to' twice the number of "ones" in the low order C bits of the MQ, then subtract one. Alphabetic Instruction 'List - By Option AVERAGE CYCLES' INST OP CODE 7040 7044 TYPE Basic Instruction Set ACL ADD ALS ANA ARS +0361 +0400 +0767 -0320 +0771 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 AVERAGE CYCLES INST OP CODE 7040 7044 CAL CAS CHS CLA CLS COM DCT DVP ENK HPR LAS LBT LDQ LGL LGR LLS LRS MPY ORA PBT RQI SLW SSP STA STD STL STO STQ STR STZ SUB SWT TMI TNZ TOV TPL TRA TRP TRT TSL TZE VDP VLM VMA XEC -0500 +0340 +0760 .. 002 +0500 +0502 +0760 .. 006 +0760 .. 012 +0221 +0760 .. 004 +0420 -0340 +0760 .. 001 +0560 -0763 -0765 +0763 +0765 +0200 -0501 -0760 .. 001 -0773 2 2 2 3 +0602 +0760 .. 003 +0621 +0622 -0625 +0601 -0600 -1000 +0600 +0402 +0760 .. 16x -0120 -0100 +0140 +0120 +0020 -1165 -1164 -1627 +0100 +0225 +0204 -1204 +0522 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 4 10 9 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 7% 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 TYPl 2 2 20 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 12 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 5 15 Extended Performance Set AXT CCS LAC LDC LXA LXD MIT MSM MSP PAC PAX PCS PDC PDX +0774 -1341 +0535 -0535 +0534 -0534 -1341 -1623 -1623 +0737 +0734 -1505 -0737 -0734 l' 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 Appendix 57 AVERAGE CYCLES INST PLT PXA PXD SAC SXA SXD TIX TMT TNX TSX TXH TXI TXL OP CODE 7040 -1341 +0754 -0754 -1623 +0634 -0634 +2000 -1704 -2000 +0074 +3000 +1000 -3000 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1+2N 1 1 1 1 1 7044 A VERAGE CYCLES TYPE SSLB SSLC SSLD SSLE 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2+2N 2 2 2 2 2 +0300 +0241 +0260 +0302 -0300 -0260 -0302 3 7 4% 3 2% 4% 2% 5% 18 10 5lh 5 10 5 6 7 8 6 9 8 9 Double-Precision Floating-Point Set DFAD DFDP DFMP DFSB +0301 -0241 +0261 +0303 4% 17% 12 4% 8% 48 31 8% M emory Protect Set RPM SPM -1004 -1160 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 OP CODE -0660 +0661 -0661 +0662 7040 7044 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 12 11 10 BSR +0764 CTR -1766 1 2 ENB ETT +0564 -0760.x2xx 2 1 2 2 ICT lOT -1760 +0760 1 1 2 2 PRD PWR -1762 -1766 2 2 4 4 13 13 RCHA ReT RDC RDS REW RUN +0540 +0760 014 +0760 x352 +0762 +0772 -0772 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 13 13,14 13,14 SCHA SEN +0640 -1762 2 1 2 2 13 TCOA TDOA TEF TRC +0060 -1060 +0030 +0022 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 WBT WEF WRS +0766 +0770 +0766 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 014 005 4 Direct Data Set PSLB PSLC PSLD PSLE 58 -0664 +0665 -0665 +0666 TYPE I nputl Output Instructions Single-Precision Floating-Point Set FAD FDP FMP FSB UFA UFM UFS INST 1401 Option Instructions SLFA SLNA -1760 -1760 1 1 2 2 13, 14 13 13 13,14 13 Appendix B. Instruction List - Alphabetic Order with Formats MNEMONIC AND NAME Symbols used with the instruction formats are: F C I S B M T Y CAS-Compare Accumulator with Storage Indirect Addressing Flag Field Count Field Channel A I/O Device Adapter Field Card Punch Stacker Select Character I/O Device Busy Status Character I/O Device Input/Output Buffer Select Character Index Register Tag Field Operand Designation Field I +0340 5, 1 IF _ T 11 121314 1718 I I y 2021 35 CCS-Compare Character with Storage* I -1341 S.1 Instructions are listed in alphabetic order without regard to optional features. An asterisk (*) following the instruction name designates an optional instruction. Operation codes are shown in octal notation. IF ra ITI c 1112131415 1718 I y 2021 35 CHS-Change Sign 1+0760 5, 1 ~T~ 11 12 1718 2021 I 2 2324 35 CLA-Clear and Add I +0500 5,1 IF_ TI 11121314 1718 I y 2021 35 CLS-Clear and Subtract I MNEMONIC AND NAME IF _ +0361 5,1 I T 11121314 y 17182021 I I 35 +0400 11121314 1718 2021 35 y 1112 _T 1718 2021 IF -0320 S.1 11 +on 1 5,1 13.14 17 II ~ 1112 I 1112 BSR~ackspace +0764 I. I I y 2021 35 1718 S.1 -0500 I 35 14 15 2021 I y 2021 l5 ~ T~ 1112 1718 12 2021 22 I 35 y +0301 11121314 1711 2021 I 35 y -0241 11121314 1718 2021 I 35 35 +0261 1.1 IF _ 11121314 TI 1711 y 2021 I 35 DFSB-Double Precision Floating Subtract* I I y T 17 II 1718 2021 y +0303 11121314 S.1 20 21 IF_ TI 11121314 1711 DFMP-Double Precision Floating Multiply* Record ~ 11 12 +0760 5,1 I CAL-Clear and Add Logical Word I 6 2324 I TI ~11 1112131415 5.1 y I 2021 DFDP-Double Precision Divide or Proceed* I T 1718 -1766 5,1 I y 20 21 AXT-Address to Index True * S.1 1718 DFAD-Double Precision Floating Add* ARS-Accumulator Right Shift I ~ T~ 11 12 I. 1 I I 35 ANA-And to Accumulator I 35 DCT-Divide Check Test +0767 5,1 +0760 5,1 I I y ALS-Accumulator Left Shift I I y 17182021 CTR-Control Select ADD-Add ~,I IF~TI 11121314 COM-Complement Magnitude ACL-Add and Carry Logical Word I +0502 S,I 17 II 2021 I 35 DVP-Divide or Proceed y 35 I S,I y +0221 111213.14 1718 2021 35 Appendix 59 MNEMONIC AND NAME MNEMONIC AND NAME LDC-Load Complement of Decrement in Index* ENB-Enable from Y I T I IF~ 11 121314 1718 2021 +0564 S,1 I I y 35 ~ +0760 S,1 ~ T 1718 11 12 2021 41 35 2324 ~ -0760 1112 5,1 ETTB ETTC ETTD ETTE - ~ T 35 2000 3000 4000 5000 0760 0760 0760 0760 +0300 S,1 IF~ 11121314 +0241 IF I T +0260 5, 1 I I 35 +0302 1718 I I I y 35 2021 T I IF~ 2021 1718 +0420 35 s. IF~ T I 1718 2021 -1760 35 - 35 +0760 S,1 I T 1718 ~ 1112 141 2021 35 +0535 S,l T 1718 ~ 11 12 I 5 -0340 T 1718 1 y S, 60 +0760 T I IF~ 2021 1718 35 ~ +0765 11 12 T Y 1718 2021 I 35 I T ~ 1718 2021 +0534 11 12 y I 35 ~ -0534 I T 1718 11 12 I y 35 2021 IF ra1 -1341 S, 1 6 1112131415 IT 1718 y 2021 I 35 I +0200 S, 1 IF~ 11 121314 1718 I y T 2021 35 y -1623 IF ~ 6 I T I 11 12 13 14 15 S,1 1718 y 2021 I 35 -1623 5, 1 IF ~ 11 1213 14 15 71 T 1718 I I y 2021 35 ORA-Or to Accumulator I I 35 -0501 T IF~ 1718 2021 y 11 121314 5,1 I 35 PAC-Place Complement of Index in Address* ~ 1112 I I I LBT-Low Bit Test I I y 11 12 MSP-Make Storage Sign Plus* 35 2021 11 121314 S,l T ~ 2021 1718 +0763 S. 1 I I 35 2021 LAS-Logical Compare Accumulator with Storage I I 35 MSM-Make Storage Sign Minus* LAC-Load.Complement of Address in Index* I Y 2021 MPY-Multiply lOT-Input/Output Check Test I 35 MIT-Storage Minus Test* ~ 11 12 I y T 1718 11 12 S,l I I y 11 12 1 I 2021 LXD-Load Index from Decrement* ICT -Inhibit Channel Traps I ~ -0765 S,1 I I y 11 121314 S,1 T 1718 LXA-Load Index from Address* HPR-Halt and Proceed I I 35 LRS-Long Right Shift 11 121314 S,1 1112 S,l FSB-Floating Point Subtract* I ~ -0763 S,1 FMP-Floating Point Multiply* I y 11 121314 S,1 I y 2021 ~ T 11 121314 T I IF~ 1718 2021 +0560 S,1 US-Long Left Shift 1718 S,1 35 LGR-Logical Right Shift FDP-Floating Divide or Proceed* I I I I 1000 2021 2223 1718 FAD-Floating Point Add* I I y LGL-Logical Left Shift ETTA-End of Tape Test, Channel A· I 11 12 LDQ-Load Mu Iti pi ier-Quotient ENK-Enter Keys I I T ~ 2021 1718 -0535 S, 1 1718 T ~ 20212223 d I 35 S,1 +0737 ~ 11 12 1718 T ~ 2021 35 MNEMONIC AND NAME MNEMON IC AND NAME RCT -Restore Channel Traps PAX-Place Address in Index* I I -K>734 S,I 11 12 1718 2021 I -07601112 S, 1 1718 2021 2324 IF ~ -1505 S, 1 c 1112131415 S,I 35 RDCB RDCC RDCD RDCE IT I 1718 y 2021 POC-Place Complement of Decrement in Index* 1718 2021 35 POX-Place Decrement in Index* 1112 1718 2021 35 1112131415 1718 2021 35 PRO-Prepare to Read S,I ~ol I 35 2352 3352 4352 5352 IT ~ol 1112131415 1718 ~I -K>772 S,I 1112 I y 2021 35 1415 IT 1718 y 2021 35 -1004 S,I -1762 1352 2021 RPM-Release Protect Mode* y -1341 I 35 REW-Rewind PLT-Storage Plus Test* S,I 1718 + 0760 + 0760 + 0760 + 0760 S,I -0734 I 11 12 -K>762 1112 S, 1 2021 ROS-Read Select -0737 S, 1 1718 ~TI -K>760 35 PCS-Place Character from Storage* I ~TI 1112 ROCA-Reset Data Channel A PBT-P Bit Test I -K>760 S,I 35 1112 35 RQL-Rotate Quotient Left IT y 111213141517182021 35 I ~TI -0773 S, 1 1112 1718 y 2021 35 PSLB-Present Sense Lines, Channel B* RUN-Rewind and Unload y S,I 11121314 1718 2021 35 - 0665 + 0666 -1766 S, 1 I ~ sl ~ I 11 12131415 IT 1718 y 2021 1112 1718 2021 IF ~ -1623 1718 J y 2021 IT I c 1112131415 I 35 IF +0640 S,I PXO-Place Index in Oecrement* I 14 15 1718 y 2021 35 SCHA-Store Channel A 35 -K>754 5,1 1112 S,I PXA-Place Index in Address* I ~IITI -0772 SAC-Store Accumulator Character* PWR-Prepare to Write I I S,I + 0665 PSLC PSLD PSLE ~ol 11 121314 SCHB SCHC SCHD SCHE y T 161718 2021 35 - 0640 + 0641 - 0641"+ 0642 -0754 S,I 1112 1718 2021 35 SEN-Sense Select RCHA-Reset and Load Channel A I -K>540 S,I RCHB RCHC RCHD RCHE IF ~Ol T I 11121314 - 0540 + 0541 - 0541 + 0542 161718 2021 y 1 35 I -1762 5.1 ~~11 1112131415 IT 1718 y 2021 I 35 SLFA-Status Line Off, Channel A * 115 I 15011 S,I -1760 ~ T 11 12 1718 I 2021 35 Appendix 61 MNEMONIC AND NAME MNEMONIC AND NAME 115 SLNA-Status Line On, Channel A * SWT-Sense Switch Test 35 11 1213 14 1718 2021 -1160 S, 1 1F _ 11 121314 T 1718 2021 3132 11121314 SSLC SSLD SSLE 35 1718 - 0661 + 0662 SSP-Set Sign Plus ~T~ 1112 1718 2021 11121314 3 2324 1718 1718 I 35 2021 11 121314 I 1718 .. 2021 35 y +0601 5,1 11 1213 14 1718 2021 IF_ TI -0600 11121314 S,I 35 1718 35 35 1.718 35 1718 y 2021 35 -'- 0030 + 0031 - 0031 + 0032 I TI 0 S, 1 23 -0120 S,I 1718 1 F_ 11 1213 14 -1704 S,I y 35 2021 T 1718 Y 2021 ~T 1718 35 I y ITI y 1112 5,123 I 35 20 21 2021 35 1718 35 2021 y -0100 5,1 11121314 1718 35 2021 TOV-Transfer on Overflow SUB-Subtract y +0402 11121314 y 2021 TNZ-Transfer on No Zero y 62 11 121314 o 11 121314 1718 TNX-Transfer on No Index* 11 12 S,I I TI B 1F_ T I +0030 1+21 I I y 2021 STZ-Store Zero 5,1 IF ~ 11 12131415 -1000 S,I 35 TMT- Transmit* STR-Store Location and Trap I y 2021 0061 0062 0063 0064 -1060 TEFB TEFC TEFD TEFE I I STQ-Store Multiplier.Quotient I + + + + 1718 TMI-Transfer on Minus STO-Store Accumulator I 35 TIX-Transfer on Index* y -0625 S,I 11 121314 S,I STL-Store Instruction Counter 1 y 2021 IF_'T I +0060 S,I S,I 35 2021 Y 11 121314 1718 11 12 I I y +0622 S,I ~ T1 -0634 I I 35 STD-Store Decrement I 35 TEFA-Transfer on End of File, Channel A IFaT +0621 S,I y TDOA--:-Transfer on Device in Operation, Channel A STA-Store Add ress I 1S,I I I 35 2021 + 0661 S.1 35 1112 TCOB TCOC TCOD TCOE 1+0760 0161 to 0166 2324 TCOA-Transfer on Channel A in Operation 113 y -0660 S,I 2021 SXD-Store Index in Decrement* m y SSLB-Store Sense Lines, Channel B* I ~ T 1718 ~TI 1718 2021 +0634 S.1 35 SPM-Set Protect Mode* I 11 12 I y +0602 S.1 ~ +0760 S. 1 SXA-Store Index in Address* SLW-Store Logical Word I I 1718 2021 TI +0140 . 35 5,1 11121314 1718 2021 y 35 MNEMON IC AND NAME MNEMONIC AND NAME TPL-Transfer on Plus TZE-Transfer on Zero +0120 +0100 Y 11121314 S.l 1718 2021 3.5 TRA-Transfer I I Y 11 121314 1718 2021 3.5 TRCA-Transfer on Redundancy Check, Channel A I 11121314 TRCS TRCC TRCD TRCE 1718 2021 - 0022 + 0024 - 0024 + 0026 I 'Y 1718 2021 3.5 11121314 1718 2021 35 11121314 1718 2021 Y 11121314 -0302 1718 2021 +0074 I 1718 3.5 o 2021 ITI 1718 o 3.5 y 2021 35 bQ c I 1112 T 1718 I Y 2021 35 -1204 JLJ ITI c 1112 1718 y 2021 35 5,1 ~111 111213141.5 I T 1718 y 2021 35 +0770 5,1 ~I 1112 141.5 T 1718 I y 2021 3.5 WRS-Write Select +0766 Y 2021 3.5 5,1 ~slol IT I 11 121314 1.5 ll18 2021 11 121314 1718 2021 Y 3.5 XEC-Execute IT I 1718 +0204 5,1 I Y TXL-Transfer on Index Low* o 1718 WEF-Write End of File 2021 ITI 1718 3.5 ITI c 1112 -+0766 3.5 TXI-Transfer with Index Incremented* S. 1 23 Y 2021 waT -Write Blank Tape TXH-Transfer on 'Index High* 5, 1 23 1718 +0225 5,1 Y 1112 IF_ TI 11121314 5,1 I 3.5 TSX-Transfer and Set Index* S,I 23 3.5 VMA-Variable Length Multiply/Accumulate Y -1627 S,l Y 2021 VLM-Variable Length Multiply Y -1164 S, 1 3.5 VDP-Variable Divide or Proceed TSL-Transfer and Store Instruction Counter I 1718 -0260 S,I TRT -Transfer and Restore Traps S,l IF_T I 11121314 5,1 I 11121314 I Y UFS-Unnormalized Floating Subtract* -1165 S, 1 -0300 S,I I 35 TRP-Transfer and Restore Parity and Traps I I 2021 UFM-Unnormalized Floating Multiply* Y +0022 S,I 1718 UFA-Unnormalized Floating Add* +0020 S,I T 11121314 5,1 2021 I Y 3.5 S,I y +0522 3.5 Appendix 63 Appendix C. Powers of Two Table 64 2" 11- 2- n 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25, 0.125 16 32 64 128 4 5 6 7 0.062 0.031 0.015 0.007 5 25 625 812 5 256 512 1 024 2 048 8 9 10 11 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 906 953 976 488 25 125 562 5 281 25 4 096 12 8192 13 16 384 . 14 32 768 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 244 122 061 030 140 070 035 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 524 536 072 144 288 16 17 18 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 015 007 003 001 258 629 814 907 789 394 697 348 062 531 265 632 5 25 625 812 5 1 2 4 8 048 097 194 388 576 152 304 608 20 21 22 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 953 476 238 119 674 837 418 209 316 158 579 289 406 203 101 550 25 125 562 5 781 25 16 33 67 134 777 554 108 217 216 432 864 728 24 25 26 27 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 059 029 014 007 604 802 901 450 644 322 161 580 775 387 193 596 390 695 847 923 625 312 5 656 25 828 125 268 536 1 073 2 147 435 870 741 483 456 912 824 648 28 29 30 31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 003 001 000 000 725 862 931 465 290 645 322 661 298 149 574 287 461 230 615 307 914 957 478 739 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 4 8 17 34 294 589 179 359 967 934 869 738 296 592 184 368 32 33 34 35 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 232 116 058 029 830 415 207 103 643 321 660 830 653 826 913 456 869 934 467 733 628 814 407 703 906 453 226 613 25 125 562 5 281 25 . 68 137 274 549 719 438 877 755 476 953 906 813 736 472 944 888 36 37 38 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 014 007 003 001 551 275 637 818 915 957 978 989 228 614 807 403 366 183 091 545 851 425 712 856 806 903 951 475 640 320 660 830 625 312 5 156 25 078 125 Appendix D. Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 0000 0000 to 0777 0511 (Octal) (Decimal) to Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1000 0512 to 1777 1023 (Octal> (Decimal) to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0000 0008 0016 0024 0032 0040 0048 005t) 0001 0009 0017 0025 0033 0041 0049 0057 0002 0010 0018 0026 0034 0042 0050 0058 0003 0011 0019 0027 0035 0043 0051 0059 0004 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0060 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 0045 0053 0061 0006 0014 0022 0030 0038 0046 0054 0062 0007 0015 0023 0031 0039 0047 0055 0063 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0064 0072 0080 0088 0096 0104 0112 0120 0065 0073 0081 0089 0097 0105 0113 0121 0066 0074 0082 0090 0098 0106 0114 0122 0067 0075 0083 0091 0099 0107 0115 0123 0068 0076 0084 0092 0100 0108 0116 0124 0069 0077 0085 0093 0101 0109 0117 0125 0070 0078 0086 0094 0102 0110 0118 0126 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0128 0136 0144 0152 0160 0168 0176 0184 0129 0137 0145 0153 0161 0169 0177 0185 0130 0138 0146 0154 0162 0170 0178 0186 0131 0139 0147 0155 0163 0171 0179 0187 0132 0140 0148 0156 0164 0172 0180 0188 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0181 0189 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0192 0200 0208 0216 0224 0232 0240 0248 0193 0201 0209 0217 0225 0233 0241 0249 0194 0202 0210 0218 0226 0234 0242 0250 0195 0203 0211 0219 0227 0235 0243 0251 0196 0204 0212 0220 0228 0236 0244 0252 0 1 2 3 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 0512 0520 0528 0536 0544 0552 0560 0568 0513 0521 0529 0537 0545 0553 0561 0569 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 0576 0584 0592 0600 0608 0616 0624 0632 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 l270 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0256 0264 0272 0280 0288 0296 0304 0312 0257 0265 0273 0281 0289 0297 0305 0313 0258 0266 0274 0282 0290 0298 0306 0314 0259 0267 0275 0283 0291 0299 0307 0315 0260 0268 0276 0284 0292 0300 0308 0316 0261 0269 0277 0285 0293 0301 0309 0317 0262 0270 0278 0286 0294 0302 0310 0318 0263 0271 0279 0287 0295 0303 0311 0319 0071 0079 0087 0095 0103 0111 0119 0127 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0560 0570 0320 0328 0336 0344 0352 0360 0368 0376 0321 0329 0337 0345 0353 0361 0369 0377 0322 0330 0338 0346 0354 0362 0370 0378 0323 0331 0339 0347 0355 0363 0371 0379 0324 0332 0340 0348 0356 0364 0372 0380 0325 0333 0341 0349 0357 0365 0373 0381 0326 0334 0342 0350 0358 0366 0374 0382 0327 0335 0343 0351 0359 0367 0375 0383 0134 0142 0150 0158 0166 0174 0182 0190 0135 0143 0151 0159 0167 0175 0183 0191 0600 0610 0620 0630 0640 0650 0660 0670 0384 0392 0400 0408 0416 0424 0432 0440 0385 0393 0401 0409 0417 0425 0433 0441 0386 0394 0402 0410 0418 0387 0395 0403 0411 0419 042~ 0427 0434 0435 0442 0443 0388 0396 0404 0412 0420 0428 0436 0444 0389 0397 0405 0413 0421 0429 0437 0445 0390 0398 0406 0414 0422 0430 0438 0446 0391 0399 0407 0415 0423 0431 0439 0447 0197 0205 0213 0221 0229 0237 0245 0253 0198 0206 0214 0222 0230 0238 0246 0254 0199 0207 0215 0223 0231 0239 0247 0255 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750 0760 0770 0448 0456 0464 0472 0480 0488 0496 0504 0449 0457 0465 0473 048i 0489 0497 0505 0450 0458 0466 0474 0482 0490 0498 0506 0451 0459 0467 0475 0483 0491 0499 0507 0452 M60 0468 0476 0484 0492 0500 0508 0453 0461 0469 0477 0485 0493 0501 0509 0454 0462 0470 0478 0486 0494 0502 0510 0455 0463 0471 0479 0487 0495 0503 0511 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0514 0522 0530 0538 0546 0554 0562 0570 0515 0523 0531 0539 0547 0555 0563 0571 0516 0524 0532 0540 0548 0556 0564 0572 0517 0525 0533 0541 0549 0557 0565 0573 0518 0526 0534 0542 0550 0558 0566 0574 0519 0527 0535 0543 0551 0559 0567 0575 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 0768 0776 0784 0792 0800 0808 0816 0824 0769 0777 0785 0793 0801 0809 0817 0825 0770 0778 0786 0794 0802 0810 0818 0826 0771 0779 0787 0795 0803 0811 0819 0827 0772 0780 0788 0796 0804 0812 0820 0828 0773 0781 0789 0797 0805 0813 0821 0829 0774 0782 0790 0798 0806 0814 0822 0830 0775 0783 0791 0799 0807 0815 0823 0831 0577 0585 0593 0601 0609 0617 0625 0633 0578 0586 0594 0602 0610 0618 0626 0634 0579 0587 0595 0603 0611 0619 0627 0635 0580 0588 0596 0604 0612 0620 0628 0636 0581 0589 0597 0605 0613 0621 0629 0637 0582 0590 0598 0606 0614 0622 0630 0638 0583 0591 059.9 0607 0615 0623 0631 0639 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 0832 0840 0848 0856 0864 0872 0880 0888 0833 0841 0849 0857 0865 0873 0881 0889 0834 0842 0850 0858 0866 0874 0882 0890 0835 0843 0851 0859 0867 0875 0883 0891 0836 0844 0852 0860 0868 0876 0884 0892 0837 0845 0853 0861 0869 0877 0885 0893 0838 0846 0854 0862 0870 0878 0886 0894 0839 0847 0855 0863 0871 0879 0887 0895 0640 0648 0656 0664 0672 0680 0688 0696 0641 0649 0657 0665 0673 0681 0689 0697 0642 0650 0658 0666 0674 0682 0690 0698 0643 0651 0659 0667 0675 0683 0691 0699 0644 0652 0660 0668 0676 0684 0692 0700 0645 0653 0661 0669 0677 0685 0693 0701 0646 0654 0662 0670 0678 0686 0694 0702 0647 0655 0663 0671 0679 0687 0695 0703 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 0896 0904 0912 0920 0928 0936 0944 0952 0897 0905 0913 0921 0929 0937 0945 0953 0898 0906 0914 0922 0930 0938 0946 0954 0899 0907 0915 0923 0931 0939 0947 0955 0900 0908 0916 0924 0932 09:t0 0948 0956 0901 0909 0917 0925 0933 0941 0949 0957 0902 0910 0918 0926 0934 0942 0950 0958 0903 0911 0919 0927 0935 0943 0951 0959 0704 0712 0720 0728 0736 0744 0752 0760 0705 0713 0721 0729 0737 0745 0753 0761 0706 0714 0722 0730 0738 0746 0754 0762 0707 0715 0723 0731 0739 0747 0755 0763 0708 0716 0724 0732 0740 0748 0756 0764 0709 0717 0725 0733 0741 0749 0757 0765 0710 0718 0726 0734 0742 0750 0758 0766 0711 0719 0727 0735 0743 0751 0759 0767 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 0960 0968 0976 0984 0992 lOGO 1008 1016 0961 0969 0977 0985 0993 1001 1009 1017 0962 0970 0978 0986 0994 1002 1010 1018 0963 0971 0979 0987 099.5 1003 1011 1019 0964 0972 0980 0988 0996 1004 1012 1020 0965 0973 0981 0989 0997 1005 1013 1021 0966 0974 0982 0990 0998 1006 1014 1022 0967 0975 0983 0991 0999 1007 1015 1023 Appendix 65 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1024 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1025 1033 1041 1049 1057 1065 1073 1081 1026 1034 1042 1050 1058 1066 1074 1082 1027 1035 1043 1051 1059 1067 1075 1083 1028 1036 1044 1052 1060 1068 1076 1084 1029 1037 1045 1053 1061 1069 1077 1085 1030 1038 1046 1054 1062 1070 1078 1086 1031 1039 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1087 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1089 1097 1105 1113 1121 1129 1137 1145 1090 1098 1106 1114 1122 1130 1138 1146 1091 1099 1107 1115 1123 1131 1139 1147 1092 1100 1108 1116 1124 1132 1140 1148 1093 1101 1109 1117 1125 1133 1141 1149 1094 1102 1110 1118 1126 1134 1142 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 1200 1208 1153 1161 1169 1177 1185 1193 1201 1209 1154 1162 1170 1178 1186 1194 1202 1210 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1156 1164 1172 1180 1188 1196 1204 1212 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 1216 1224 1232 1240 1248 1256 1264 1272 1217 1225 1233 1241 1249 1257 1265 1273 1218 1226 1234 1242 1250 1258 1266 1274 1219 1227 1235 1243 1251 1259 1267 1275 0 1 2 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 1537 1545 1553 1561 1569 1577 1585 1593 3100 3'110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 1600 1608 1616 1624 1632 1640 1648 1656 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 3260 3270 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 "3350 3360 3370 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 66 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460 2470 1280 1288 1296 1304 1312 1320 1328 1336 1281 1289 1297 1305 1313 1321 1329 1337 1282 1290 1298 1306 1314 1322 1330 1338 1283 1291 1299 1307 1315 1323 1331 1339 1284 1292 1300 1308 1316 1324 1332 1340 1285 1293 1301 1309 1317 1325 1333 1341 1286 1294 1302 1310 1318 1326 1334 1342 1287 1295 1303 1311 1319 1327 1335 1343 1095 1103 . 1111 1119 1127 1135 1143 1150 1151 2500 2510 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 1344 1352 1360 1368 1376 1384 1392 1400 1345 1353 1361 1369 1377 1385 1393 1401 1346 1354 1362 1370 1378 1386 1394 1402 1347 1355 1363 1371 1379 1387 1395 1403 1348 1356 1364 1372 1380 1388 1396 1404 1349 1357 1365 1373 1381 1389 1397 1405 1350 1358 1366 1374 1382 1390 1398 1406 1351 1359 1367 1375 1383 1391 1399 1407 1157 1165 1173 1181 1189 1197 1205 1213 1158 1166 1174 1182 1190 1198 1206 1214 1159 1167 1175 1183 1191 1199 1207 1215 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 1408 1416 1424 1432 1440 1448 1456 1464 1409 1417 1425 1433 1441 1449 1457 1465 1410 1418 1426 1434 1442 1450 1458 1466 1411 1419 1427 1435 1443 1451 1459 1467 1412 1420 1428 1436 1444 1452 1460 1468 1413 1421 1429 1437 1445 1453 1461 1469 1414 1422 1430 1438 1446 1454 1462 1470 1415 1423 1431 1439 1447 1455 1463 1471 1220 1228 1236 1244 1252 1260 1268 1276 1221 1229 1237 1245 1253 1261 1269 1277 1222 1230 1238 1246 1254 1262 1270 1278 1223 1231 1239 1247 1255 1263 1271 1279 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 '2770 1472 1480 1488 1496 1504 1512 1520 1528 1473 1481 1489 1497 1505 1513 1521 1529 1474 1482 1490 1498 1506 1514 1522 1530 1475 1483 1491 1499 1507 1515 1523 1531 1476 1484 1492 1500 1508 1516 1524 1532 1477 1485 1493 1501 1509 1517 1525 1533 1478 1486 1494 1502 1510 1518 1526 1534 1479 1487 1495 1503 1511 1519 1527 .1535 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1538 1546 1554 1562 1570 1578 1586 1594 1539 1547 1555 1563 1571 1579 1587 1595 1540 1548 1556 1564 1572 1580 1588 1596 1541 1549 1557 1565 1573 1581 1589 1597 1542 1550 1558 1566 1574 1582 1590 1598 1543 1551 1559 1567 1575 1583 1591 1599 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3450 3460 3470 1792 1800 1808 1816 1824 1832 1840 1848 1793 1801 1809 1817 1825 1833 1841 1849 1794 1802 1810 1818 1826 1834 1842 1850 1795 1803 1811 1819 1827 1835 1843 1851 1796 1804 1812 1820 1828 1836 1844 1852 1797 1805 1813 1821 1829 1837 1845 1853 1798 1806 1814 1822 1830 1838 1846 1854 1799 1807 1815 1823 1831 1839 1847 1855 1601 1609 1617 1625 1633 1641 1649 1657 1602 1610 1618 1626 1634 1642 1650 1658 1603 1611 1619 1627 1635 1643 1651 1659 1604 1612 1620 1628 1636 1644 1652 1660 1605 1613 1621 1629 1637 1645 1653 1661 1606 1614 1622 1630 1638 1646 1654 1662 1607 1615 1623 1631 1639 1647 1655 1663 3500 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 1856 1864 1872 1880 1888 1896 1904 1912 1857 1865 1873 1881 1889 1897 1905 1913 1858 1866 1874 1882 1890 1898 1906 1914 1859 1867 1875 1883 1891 1899 1907 1915 1860 1868 1876 1884 1892 1900 1908 1916 1861 1869 1877 1885 1893 1901 1909 1917 H~62 1870 1878 1886 1894 1902 1910 1918 1863 1871 1879 1887 1895 1903 1911 1919 1664 1672 1680 1688 1696 i704 1712 1720 1665 1673 1681 1689 1697 1705 1713 1721 1666 1674 1682 1690 1698 1706 1714 1722 1667 1675 1683 1691 1699 17Q7 1715 1723 1668 1676 1684 1692 1700 1708 1716 1724 1669 1677 1685 1693 1701 1709 1717 1725 1670 1678 1686 1694 1702 1710 1718 1726 1671 1679 1687 1695 1703 1711 1719 1727 3600 3610 3620 3630 3640 3650 3660 3670 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1921 1929 1937 1945 1953 1961 1969 1977 1922 1930 1938 1946 1954 1962 1970 1978 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1963 1971 1979 1924 1932 1940 1948 1956 1964 1972 1980 1925 1933 1941 1.949 1957 1965 1973 1981 1926 1934 1942 1950 1958 1966 J974 1982 1927 1935 1943 1951 1959 1967 1975 1983 1728 1736 1744 1752 1760 1768 1776 1784 1729 1737 1745 1753 1761 1769 1777 1785 1730 1738 1746 1754 1762 1770 1778 1786 1731 1739 1747 1755 1763 1771 1779 1787 1732 1740 1748 1756 1764 1772 1780 1788 1733 1741 1749 1757 1765 1773 1781 1789 1734 1742 1750 1758 1766 1774 1782 1790 1735 1743 1751 1759 1767 1775 1783 1791 3700 3710 3720 3730 3740 3750 3760 3770 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 2024 2032 2040 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 20lJ 2041 1986 1994 2002 2010 2018 2026 2034 2042 1987 1995 2003 2011 2019 2027 2035 2043 1988 1996 2004 2012 2020 2028 2036 2044 1989 1997 2005 2013 2021 2029 2037 2045 .1990 1998 2006 2014 2022 2030 2038 2046 1991 1999 2007 2015 2023 2031 2039 2047 2000 1024 to 2777 (Octal) to 1535 (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 3000 to 1536 to 3777 (Octal) (Decimal) 2047 Octal·Decimal Integer Conversion Table 4000 2048 to to 4777 2559 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000· 4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 40000 • 16384 50000 • 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 5000 2560 to to 5777 3071 (Octal) (Decimal) a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4470 2304 2312 2320 2328 2336 2344 2352 2360 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2361 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2346 2354 2362 2307 2315 2323 2331 2339 2347 2355 2363 2308 2316 2324 2332 2340 2348 2356 2364 2309 2317 2325 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2310 2318 2326 2334 2342 2350 2358 2366 2311 2319 2327 2335 2343 2351 2359 2367 2119 2127 2135 2143 2151 2159 2167 2175 4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 2368 2376 2384 2392 2400 2408 2416 2424 2369 2377 2385 2393 2401 2409 2417 2425 2370 2378 2386 2394 2402 2410 2418 2426 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2427 2372 2380 2388 2396 2404 2412 2420 2428 2373 2381 2389 2397 2405 2413 2421 2429 2374 2382 2390 2398 2406 2414 2422 2430 2375 2383 2391 2399 2407 2415 2423 2431 2182 2190 2198 2206 2214 2222 2230 2238 2183 2191 2199 2207 2215 2223 2231 2239 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 2432 2440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480 2488 2433 2441 2449 2457 2465 2473 2481 2489 2434 2442 2450 2458 2466 2474 2482 2490 2435 2443 2451 2459 2467 2475 2483 2491 2436 2444 2452 2460 2468 2476 2484 2492 2437 2445 2453 2461 2469 2477 2485 2493 2438 2446 2454 2462 2470 2478 2486 2494 2439 2447 2455 2463 2471 2479 2487 2495 2246 2254 2262 2270 2278 2286 2294 2302 2247 2255 2263 2271 2279 2287 2295 2303 4700 4710 4720 4730 4740 4750 4760 4770 2496 2504 2512 2520 2528 2536 2544 2552 2497 2505 2513 2521 2529 2537 2545 2553 2498 2506 2514 2522 2530 2538 2546 2554 2499 2507 2515 2523 2531 2539 2547 2555 2500 2508 2516 2524 2532 2540 2548 2556 2501 2509 2517 2525 2533 2541 2549 2557 2502 2510 2518 2526 2534 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2228 2236 2181 2189 2197 2205 2213 2221 2229 2237 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 2240 2248 2256 2264 2272 2280 2288 2296 2241 2249 2257 2265 2273 2281 2289 2297 2242 2250 2258 2266 2274 2282 2290 2298 2243 2251 2259 2267 2275 2283 2291 2299 2244 2252 2260 2268 2276 2284 2292 2300 2245 2253 2261 2269 2277 2285 2293 2301 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 2560 2568 2576 2584 2592 2600 2608 2616 2561 2569 2577 2585 2593 2601 2609 2617 2562 2570 2578 2586 2594 2602 2610 2618 2563 2571 2579 2587 2595 2603 2611 2619 2564 2572 2580 2588 2596 2604 2612 2620 2565 2573 2581 2589 2597 2605 2613 2621 2566 2574 2582 2590 2598 2606 2614 2622 2567 2575 2583 2591 2599 2607 2615 2623 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 2816 2824 2832 2840 2848 2856 2864 2872 2817 2825 2833 2841 2849 2857 2865 2873 2818 2826 2834 2842 2850 2858 2866 2874 2819 2827 2835 2843 2851 2859 2867 2875 2820 2828 2836 2844 2852 2860 2868 2876 2821 2829 2837 2845 2853 2861 2869 2877 2822 2830 2838 2846 2854 2862 2870 2878 2823 2831 2839 2847 2855 2863 2871 2879 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 2624 2632 2640 2648 2656 2664 2672 2680 2625 2633 2641 2649 2657 2665 2673 2681 2626 2634 2642 2650 2658 2666 2674 2682 2627 2635 2643 2651 2659 2667 2675 2683 2628 2636 2644 2652 2660 2668 2676 2684 2629 2637 2645 2653 2661 2669 2677 2685 2630 2638 2646 2654 2662 2670 2678 2686 2631 2639 2647 2655 2663 2671 2679 2687 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 2880 2888 2896 2904 2912 2920 2928 2936 2881 2889 2897 2905 2913 2921 2929 2937 2882 2890 2898 2906 2914 2922 2930 2938 2883 2891 2899 2907 2915 2923 2931 2939 2884 2892 2900 2908 2916 2924 2932 2940 2885 2893 2901 2909 2917 2925 2933 2941 2886 2894 2902 2910 2918 2926 2934 2942 2887 2895 2903 2911 2919 2927 2935 2943 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 5250 5260 5270 2688 2696 2704 2712 2720 2728 2736 2744 2689 2697 2705 2713 2721 2729 2737 2745 2690 2698 2706 2714 2722 2730 2738 2746 2691 2699 2707 2715 2723 2731 2739 2747 2692 2700 2708 2716 2724 2732 2740 2748 2693 2701 2709 2717 2725 27.33 2741 2749 2694 2702 2710 2718 2726 2734 2742 2750 2695 2703 2711 2719 2727 2735 2743 ·2751 5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670 2944 2952 2960 2968 2976 2984 2992 3000 2945 2953 2961 2969 2977 2985 2993 3001 2946 2954 2962 2970 2978 2986 2994 3002 2947 2955 2963 2971 2979 2987 2995 3003 2948 2956 2964 2972 2980 2988 2996 3004 2949 2957 2965 2973 2981 2989 2997 3005 2950 2958 2966 2974 2982 2990 2998 3006 2951 2959 2967 2975 2983 2991 2999 3007 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5360 5370 2'152 2760 2768 2778 2784 2792 2800 2808 2753 2'161 2769 2777 2785 2793 2801 2809 2'154 2'162 2770 2778 2786 2794 2802 2810 2'155 2763 2'171 27'19 2787 2795 2803 2811 2756 2764 2772 2780 2788 2796 2804 2812 2757 2765 2773 2781 2789 2797 2805 2813 2758 2766 2774 2782 2790 2798 2806 2814 2759 2767 2775 2783 2791 2799 2807 2815 5700 5710 5720 5730 5740 5750 5'160 5'170 3008 3016 3024 3032 3040 3048 3056 3064 3009 3017 3025 3033 3041 3049 3057 3065 3010 3018 3026 3034 3042 3050 3058 3066 3011 3019 3027 3035 3043 3051 3059 3067 3012 3020 3028 3036 3044 3052 3060 3068 3013 3021 3029 3037 3045 3053 3061 3069 3014 3022 3030 3038 3046 3054 3062 3070 3015 3023 . 3031 3039 304'1 3055 3063 3071 AplJcndix 67 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3328 3336 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3329 3337 3345 3353 3361 3369 3377 3385 3330 3338 3346 3354 3362 3370 3378 3386 3331 3339 3347 3355 3363 3371 3379 3387 3332 3340 3348 3356 3364 3372 3380 3388 3333 3341 3349 3357 3365 3373 3381 3389 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 3392 3400 3408 3416 3424 3432 3440 3448 3393 3401 3409 3417 3425 3433 3441 344~ 3394 3402 3410 3418 3426 3434 3442 3450 3395 3403 3411 3419 3427 3435 3443 3451 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3444 3452 3397 3405 3413 3421 3429 3437 3445 3453 3398 3406 3414 3422 3430 3438 3446 3454 3399 3407 3415 3423 3431 3439 3447 3455 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3457· 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3461 3469 3477 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 3319 3327 6700 6710 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 3520 3528 3536 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 3570 3578 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3526 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3588 3596 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3644 3589 3597 3605 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3590 3598 3606 3614 3622 3630 3638 3646 3591 3599 3607 3615 3623 3631 3639 3647 7400 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 7470 3840 3848 3856 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3841 3849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3844 3852 3860 3868 3876 3884 3892 3900 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3846 3854 3862 3870 3878 3886 3894 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3651 3659 3667 3675 3683 3691 3699 3707 3652 3660 3668 3676 3684 3692 3700 3708 3653 3661 3669 3677 3685 3693 3701 3709 3654 3662 3670 3678 3686 3694 3702 3710 3655 3663 3671 3679 3687 3695 3703 3711 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7560 7570 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3961 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3908 3916 3924 3932 3940 3948 3956 3964 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 3949 3957 3965 3910 3918 3926 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 3714 3722 3730 3738 3746 3754 3762 3770 3715 3723 3731 3739 3747 3755 3763 3771 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3756 3764 3772 3717 3725 3733 3741 3749 3757 3765 3773 3718 3726 3734 3742 3750 3758 3766 3774 3719 3727 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 7600 7610 7620 7630 7640 7650 7660 7670 3968 3976 3984 3992 4000 4008 4016 4024 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 3971 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 3973 398r 3989 3997 4005 4013 4021 4029 3974 3982 3990 3998 4006 4014 4022 4030 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 3778 3786 3794 3802 3810 3818 3826 3834 3779 3787 3795 3803 3811 3819 3827 3835 3780 3788 3796 3804 3812 3820 3828 3836 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 3782 3790 3798 3806 3814 3822 3830 3838 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 7700 7710 7720 7730 7740 7750 7760 7770 4032 4040 4048 4056 4064 4072 4080 4088 4033 4041 4049 4057 4065 4073 4081 4089 4034 4042 4050 4058 4066 4074 4082 40?0 4035 4043 4051 4059 4067 4075 4083 4091 4036 4044 4052 4060 4068 4076 4084 4092 4037 4045 4053 4061 4069 4077 4085 4093 4038 4046 4054 4062 4070 4078 4086 4094 4039 4047 4055 4063 4071 4079 4087 4095 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 3072 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 3120 3128 3073 ·3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 3136 3144 3152 3160 3168 3176 3184 3192 3137 3145 3153 3161 3169 3177 3185 3193 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3142 3150 3158 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 3143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6270 3200 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3201 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3202 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 3261 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 3264 3272 3280 3288 3296 3304 3312 3320 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3266 3274 3282 3290 3298 3306 3314 3322 3267 3275 3283 3291 3299 3307 3315 3323 3268 3276 3284 3292 3300 3308 3316 3324 3269 3277 3285 3293 3301 3309 3317 3325 0 1 2 3 4 7000 7010 7020 7030 7041> 7050 7060 7070 3584 3592 3600 3608 3616 3624 3632 3640 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3586 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3587 3595 3603 3611 3619 3627 3635 3643 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 7170 3648 3656 3664 3672 3680 3688 3696 3704 3649 3657 3665 3673 3681 3689 3697 3705 3650 3658 3666 3674 3682 3690 3698 3706 7200 7210 7220 7230 7240 7250 7260 7270 3712 3720 3728 3736 3744 3752 3760 3768 3713 3721 3729 3737 3745 3753 3761 3769 7300 7310 732.0 7330 7340 735\) 7360 7370 3776 3784 3792 3800 3808 3816 3824 3832 3777 37-85 3793 3801 3809 3817 3825 3833 68 6000 3072 to to 6777 3583 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24516 10000 - 2ff612 7000 358" to to 7777 4095 (Octal) (Decimal) Appendix E. Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .000 .001 .000000 .001953 .003906 .005859 .007812 .009765 .011718 .013671 .015625 .017578 .019531 .021484 .023437 .025390 .027343 .029296 .031250 .033203 .035156 .037109 .039062 .041015 .042968 .044921 .046875 .048828 .050781 .052734 .054687 .056640 .058593 .060546 .062500 .064453 .066406 .068359 .070312 .072265 .074218 .076171 .078125 .080078 .082031 .083984 .085937 .087890 .089843 .091796 .093750 .095703 .097656 .099609 .101562 .103515 .105468 .107421 .109375 .111328 .113281 .115234 .117187 .119140 .121093 .123046 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .140 .141 .142 .143 .144 .145 .146 .147 .150 .125000 .126953 .128906 .130859 .132812 .134765 .136718 .138671 .140625 .142578 .144531 .146484 .148437 .150390 .152343 .154296 .156250 .158203 .160156 .162109 .164062 .166015 .167968 .169921 .171875 .173828 .175781 .177734 .179687 .181640 .183593 .185546 .187500 .189453 .191406 .193359 .195312 .197265 .199218 .201171 .203125 .205078 .207031 .208984 .210937 .212890 .214843 .216796 .218750 .220703 .222656 .224609 .226562 .228515 .230468 .232421 .234375 .236328 .238281 .240234 .2421.87 .244140 .246093 .248046 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245 .246 .247 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .260 .261 .262 .263 .264 .265 .266 .267 .270 .271 .272 .273 .274 .275 .276 .277 .250000 .251953 .253906 .255859 .257812 .259765 .261718 .263671 .265625 .267578 .269531 .271484 .273437 .275390 .277343 .279296 .281250 .283203 .285156 .287109 .289062 .291015 •. 292968 .294921 .296875 .298828 .300781 .302734 .304687 .306640 .308593 .310546 .312500 .314453 .316406 .318359 .320312 .322265 .324218 .326171 .328125 .330078 .332031 .333984 .335937 .337890 .339843 .3.41796 .343750 .345703 .347656 .349609 .351562 .353515 .355468 .357421 .359375 .361328 .363281 .365234 .367187 .369140 .371093 .373046 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 .305 .306 .307 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 ,326 .327 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 .350 .351 .375000 .376953 .378906 .380859 .382812 .384765 .386718 .388671 .390625 .392578 .394531 .396484 .398437 .400390 .402343 .404296 .406250 .408203 .410156 .412109 .414062 .416015 .417968 .419921 .421875 .423828 .• 426781 .427734 .429687 .431640 .433593 .435546 .437500 .439453 .441406 .443359 .445312 .447265 .449218 .451171 .453125 .455078 .457031 .458984 .460937 .462890 .464843 .466796 .468750 .470703 .472656 .474609 .476562 .478515 .480468 .482421 .484375 .486328 .488281 .490234 .492187 .494140 .496093 .498046 .OCf2 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .030 .031 .032 .033 .034 .035 .036 .037 .040 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .046 .047 .050 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .060 .061 .062 .063 .064 .065 .066 .067 .070 .071 .072 .073 .074 .075 .076 .077 ,lSI .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .160 .161 .162 .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .170 .171 .172 .173 .174 .175 .176 .177 .3~2 .353 .354 .355 .35.6 .357 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 .370 .371 .372 .373 .374 .375 .376 .377 Appendix 69 Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTA!,. DEC. .000000 .000001 ,000002 ,000003 ,000004 .000005 ,000006 ,000007 .000010 ,000011 .000012 .000013 .000014 ,000015 ,000016 .000017 .000020 ,000021 .000022 .000023 .000024 .000025 .000026 .000027 .000030 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000034 ,000035 .000036 .000037 .000040 .000041 .000042 ,000043 .000044 ,000045 ,000046 .000047 .000050 .000051 .000052 .000053 .000054 .000055 .000056 .000057 .000060 .000061 .000062 .000063 .000064 .000065 .000066 .000067 .000070 .000071 .000072 .000073 .000074 .000075 .000076 .000077 .000000 .000003 ,000007 ,000011 ,000015 .000019 ,000022 .000026 ,000030 ,000034 ,000038 ,000041 ,000045 .000049 ,000053 .000057 ,000061 .000064 ,000068 ,000072 .000076 ,000080 .000083 ,000087 .000091 .000095 .000099 .000102 .000106 .000110 .000114 .000118 .000122 .000125 .000129 ,000133 .000137 .000141 .000144 .000148 .000152 .000156 .000160 .000.164 .000167 .000171 .000175 .000179 .000183 .000186 .000190 .000194 .000198 .000100 ,000101 ,000102 .000103 ,000104 ,000105 .000106 .000107 .000110 .000111 .000112 .000113 .000114 .000244 ,000247 ,000251 ,000255 ,000259 ,000263 .000267 .000270 .000274 .000278 ,000282 ,000286 .000289 .000293 .000297 .000301 .000305 .000308 .000312 .000316 .000320 .000324 .000328 .000331 .000335 .000339 .000343 .000347 .000350 .000354 .000358 .000362 .000366 ,000370 ,000373 .000377 .000381 .000385 .000389 .000392 .000396 .000400 .000404 .000408 .000411 .000415 .000419 .000423 .000427 .000431 .000434 .000438 .000442 .000446 .000450 .000453 .000457 .000461 .000465 .000469 .000473 .000476 .000480 .000484 .000200 .000201 .000202 ,000203 ,000204 ,000205 .000206 .000207 .000210 ,000211 .000212 .00021.3 .000214 .000215 .000216 .000217 .000220 .000221 .000222 .000223 .000224 .000225 .000226 .000227 .000230 .000231 .000232 .000233 .000234 .000235 .000236 .000237 .000240 .000241 .000242 .000243 .000244 .000245 .000246 .000247 .000250 .000251 .000252 .000253 .000254 .000255 .000256 .000257 .000260 .000261 .000262 .000263 .000264 .000265 .000266 .000267 .000270 .000271 .000272 .000273 .000274 .000275 .000276 .000277 .000488 ,000492 .000495 .000499 ,000503 ,000507 .000511 ,000514 .000518 ,000522 ,000526 .000530 ,000534 .000537 .000541 ,000545 .000549 .000553 .000556 .000560 .000564 .000568 .000572 .000576 .000579 .000583 ,000587 .000591 ,000595 .000598 .000602 .000606 .000610 .000614 .000617 ,000621 .000625 .000629 .000633 .000637 .000640 .000644 .000648 .000652 .000656 .000659 .000663 .000667 ·.000671 .000675 .000679 .000682 .000686 .000690 .000694 .000698 .000701 .000705 .000709 .000713 .000717 .000720 .000724 ,000728 .000300 ,000301 .000302 ,000303 .000304 .000305 .000306 ,000307 .000310 .000311 .000312 .000313 .000314 .000315 .000316 .000317 .000320 .000321 .000322 .000323 .000324 .000325 .000326 .000327 .000330 .000331 ,000332 .000333 ,000334 .000335 ,000336 .000337 .000340 .000341 .000342 .000343 .000344 .000345 .000346 .000347 .000350 ,000351 .000352 .000353 .000354 .000355 ,000356 .000357 .000360 ,000361 .000362 .000363 ,000364 ,000365 .000366 .000367 .000370 .000371 .000372 .000373 .0003'U .000375 .000376 .000377 .000732 .000730 .000740 ,000743 ,000747 .000751 .000755 .000759 .000762 .000766 ,000770 .000774 .000778 .000782 .000785 .000789 .000793 .000797 .000801 .000805 .000808 .000812 .000816 .000820 .000823 .000827 .000831 .000835 .000839 .000843 ,000846 .000850 .000854 ,000858 .000862 ,000865 ,000869 .000873 .000877 ,000881 .000885 .000888 .000892 ,000896 .000900 .000904 ,000907 ,000911 .000915 ,000919 .000923 .000926 .000930 .000934 .000938 ,000942 .000946 .000949 .000953 .000957 .000961 .000965 .000968 .000972 70 .~00202 .000205 .000209 .000213 .000217 .000221 .000225 .000228 .000232 .000236 .000240 ~000115 .000116 .000117 .000120 .000121 .000122 .000123 .000124 .000125 .000126 .00012.7 .000130 .000131 .000132 .000133 .000134 .000135 .000136 .000137 .000140 .000141 .000142 .000143 .000144 .000145 .000146 .000147 .000150 .000151 .000152 .000153 .000154 .000155 .000156 .000157 .000160 .000161 .000162 .000163 .000164 .000165 .000166 .000167 .000170 .000171 .000172 .000173 .000174 .000175 .000176 .000177 Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC • • 000400 .000401 .000402 .000403 .000404 .000405 .000406 .000407 .000410 .000411 .000412 .000413 .000414 .000415 .000416 .000417 .000420 .000421 .000422 .000423 .000424 .000425 .000426 .000427 .000430 ,000431 .000432 .000433 .000434 .000435 .000436 .000437 .000440 .000441 .000442 .000443 .000444 .000445 .000446 .000447 .000450 .000451 .000452 .000453 .000454 .000455 .000456 .000457 .000460 .000461 .000462 .000463 .000464 .000465 ,000466 ,00046'1 .0004'10 ,0004'71 ,000472 .000473 ,0004'14 .0004'15 .0004'16 .0004'1'1 .000976 .000980 .000984 .000988 .000991 .000995 .000999 .001003 .00.1007 .001010 .001014 .001018 .001022 .001026 .001029 .001033 .001037 .001041 .001045 .001049 .001052 .001056 .001060 .001064 .001068 .001071 .001075 .001079 .001083 .001087 .001091 .001094 .001098 ,001102 .001106 .001110 .001113 .001117 .001121 .001125 .001129 . ,001132 .001136 .001140 .001144 .001148 .001152 .001155 .001159 .001163 .00116'1 .0011'11 . ,0011'14 .0011'18 .001182 .001186 .001190 ,001194 .00119'1 .001201 .001205 ,001209 ,001213 ,001216 .000500 .000501 .000502 .000503 .000504 .000505 .00M06 .000507 .000510 .000511 .000512 .000513 .000514 .000515 .000516 .000517 .000520 .000521 .000522 .000523 .000524 .000525 .000526 .000527 .000530 .000531 .000532 .000533 .000534 .000535 .000536 .000537 .000540 .000541 .000542 .000543 .000544 .000545 .000546 .000547 .000550 .000551 .000552 .000553 .000554 .000555 .000556 ,000557 ,000560 .000561 .000562 .000563 .000564 .000565 ,000566 .000567 .000570 ,000571 ,000572 .0005'13 ,0005'14 ,0005'15 .0005'16 .0005'1'1 .001220 .001224 .001228 .001232. .001235 .001239 .001243 .001247 .001251 .001255 .001258 .001262 .001266 .001270 .001274 .001277 .001281 .001285 .001289 .001293 .001296 .001300 .001304 .001308 .001312 .001316 .001319 .001323 .001327 .001331 .001335 .001338 .001342 .001346 .001350 .001354 .001358 .001361 .001365 .001369 .001373 .001377 .001380 .001384 .001388 .001392 .001396 .001399 .001403 .001407 ,001411 ,001415 .001419 ,001422 .001426 ,001430 .001434 ,001438 .001441 .001445 .001449 .001453 .001457 .001461 .000600 .000601 .000602 .000603 .000604 .000605 .000606 .000607 .000610 .000611 .000612 .000613 .000614 .000615 .000616 .000617 .000620 .000621 .000622 .000623 .000624 .000625 .000626 .000627 .000630 .000631 .000632 .000633 .000634 .000635 .000636 .000637 .000640 .000641 .000642 .000643 .000644 .000645 .000646 .000647 .000650 .800651 .000652 • QOO653 .000654 .000655 .000656 .000657 .000660 .000661 .000662 .000663 .000664 .000665 .000666 .000667 .000670 .000671 .000672 .000673 .000674 .000675 ,000676 .000677 .001464 .001468 .001472 .001476 .001480 .001483 .001487 .001491 .001495 .001499 .001502 .001506 ,001510 .001514 .001518 .001522 .001525 .001529 .001533 .001537 .001541 .001544 .001548 .001552 .001556 .001560 .001564 .001567 .001571 .001575 .001579 .001583 .001586 .001590 .001594 .001598 .001602 .001605 .001609 .001613 .001617 .001621 .001625 .001628 .001632 .001636 .001640 .001644 .001647 .001651 .001655 .001659 .001663 .001667 .001670 .001674 .0016'18 .001682 .001686 .001689 ,001693 .00169'1 .001-7J)1 .001'105 .000700 .000701 .000702 .000703 .000704 .000705 .000706 .000707 .000710 .000711 .000712 .000713 .000714 .000715 .000716 .000717 .000720 .000721 .000722 .000723 .000724 .000725 .000726 .000727 .000730 .000731 .000732 .000733 .000734 .000735 .000736 .000737 .000740 .000741 .000742 .000743 .000744 .000745 .000746 .000747 .000750 .000751 .000752 .000753 .000754 .000755 .000756 .000757 .01)0760 .000761 .000762 ,000763 .000764 .000'165 .000766 .000767 .000770 .000771 .000772 .000773 .000'174 .0007'15 ,0007'16 ,000777 .001708 .001712 .001716 .001720 .001724 .001728 .001731 .001735 .001739 .001743 .001747 .001750 .001754 .001758 .001762 .001766 .001770 .001773 .001777 .001781 .001785 .001789 .001792 .001796 .001800 .001804 .001808 .001811 .001815 .001819 .001823 .001827 .001831 .001834 .001838 .001842 .001846 .001850 .001853 .001857 .001861 .001865 .001869 .001873 .001876 .001880 .001884 .001888 .001892 .001895 .001899 .001903 .001907 ,001911 • 00 191'{.0·01918 .001922 .001926 .001930 .001934 .00193'1 .001941 .001945 .001949 Appendix 71 A22-6741-1 International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601
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