5967 6039EN 11 08 A_53132A A 53132A

A_53132A A_53132A

User Manual: A_53132A

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225 MHz bandwidth
(optional 1.5, 3, 5, or 12.4 GHz)
10- or 12-digit resolution with
1 s gate time
GPIB interface and IntuiLink
connectivity software standard
Data transfer rate of up to 200 fully
formatted measurements/second
Agilent 53131A/132A/181A Counters
High-performance, low-cost counters simplify and
speed systems and bench frequency measurements
Data Sheet
Recommended replacement products:
53200 Series RF & universal frequency counter/timers
(Data sheet publication number: 5990-6283EN)
A family of universal and
RF counters to meet your needs
Agilent Technologies 53131A/132A/
181A high-performance counters give
you fast, precise frequency measure-
ments at an affordable price. These
counters feature an intuitive user
and one-button access to
used functions so you can
make accurate measurements quickly
and easily.
Real-time digital signal processing
technology is used to analyze data
while simultaneously taking new read-
ings, speeding measurement through-
put. The technology, developed for
Agilent’s high-end line of modulation
domain analyzers, allows the counters
to gather more data for each measure-
ment, so you get higher-resolution
measurements in a fraction of the time
it takes other counters.
The 53131A/132A/181A counters offer
built-in statistics and math functions
so you can scale measurements and
simultaneously measure and track
average, min/max and standard devia-
tion. Automated limit testing lets you
set upper and lower limits for any mea-
surement. An analog display mode lets
you see at a glance whether a mea-
surement is within pass/fail limits. The
counters flag out-of-limit conditions
and can generate an output signal to
trigger external devices when a limit
is exceeded. For quick access to fre-
quently used tests, a single keystroke
recalls up to 20 different stored front-
panel set-ups.
For computer-controlled systems
applications, each counter includes
a standard GPIB interface with full
SCPI-compatible programmability and
a data transfer rate of up to 200 fully
formatted measurements per second.
The standard RS-232 talk-only interface
provides printer support or data trans-
fer to a computer through a terminal-
emulation program.
Agilent 53131A universal counter
The two-channel 53131A counter offers
10 digits per second of frequency/
period resolution and a bandwidth of
225 MHz. Time interval resolution is
specified at 500 ps. An optional third
channel provides frequency measure-
ments up to 3 GHz, 5 GHz, or 12.4 GHz.
Standard measurements include fre-
quency, period, ratio, time interval,
pulse width, rise/fall time, phase
angle, duty cycle, totalize, and peak
Agilent 53132A universal counter
For applications requiring higher
resolution, the 53132A offers the same
features and functions as the 53131A,
with up to 12 digits/sec frequency/
period resolution and 150 ps time
interval resolution. In addition, the
53132A offers advanced arming modes
for time interval measurements.
Agilent 53181A RF counter
Optimized for RF applications, the
single-channel 10 digit/s 53181A
measures frequency, period and peak
voltage. A digit-blanking function lets
you easily eliminate unnecessary digits
when you want to read measurements
quickly. For higher-frequency measure-
ments, choose an optional second
channel that provides measurements
up to 1.5 GHz, 3 GHz, 5 GHz, or 12.4 GHz.
A self-guided shallow menu makes this
counter exceptionally easy to use.
Agilent IntuiLink provides easy access
to the counter’s data from your PC
The Agilent 53131A/132A/181A
counters, capture precise frequency
and time measurements. IntuiLink
software allows that data to be put
to work easily. You work in a familiar
environment at all times, using PC
applications such as Microsoft Excel®
or Word® to analyze, interpret, display,
print, and document the data you get
from the counter.
It gives you the flexibility to configure
and run tests from your PC making
data gathering more convenient.
Agilent IntuiLink lets you:
Configure tests, including measure-
ment type, number of readings,
measurement speed, and more.
Choose display modes from real-
time strip chart, histogram, readout,
and table mode.
Scale measurements data.
Copy captured data to other
Optional timebases offer
increased stability
Optional timebases are available
for 53131A/132A/181A counters to
increase measurement accuracy. Option
010 provides a high stability oven
timebase with aging of less than
5 x 10-10 per day.
1-year warranty
Each counter comes with operating,
programming and service manuals,
IntuiLink software, a power cord and
a full 1-year warranty.
Time Base
Internal time base stability (see graph 3 for timebase contribution of measurement error)
Standard Medium oven High oven Ultra high oven
(0° to 50°C) (Option 001) (Option 010) (Option 012 for 53132A only)
Temperature stability (referenced to 25°C) < 5 x 10-6 < 2 x 10-7 < 2.5 x 10-9 < 2.5 x 10-9
Aging rate Per Day: < 4 x 10-8 < 5 x 10-10 < 1 x 10-10
(after 30 days) Per Month: < 3 x 10-7 < 2 x 10-7 < 1.5 x 10-8 < 3 x 10-9
Per Year: < 2 x 10-8
Turn-on stability vs. time
(in 30 minutes) < 2 x 10-7 < 5 x 10-9 < 5 x 10-9
referenced to 2 h referenced to 24 h referenced to 24 h
Calibration Manual adjust Electronic Electronic Electronic
Note that power to the time base is maintained when the counter is placed in standby via the front panel switch. The internal fan will continue to operate
when in standby to maintain long-term measurement reliability.
Input specifications
Channel 1 & 2 (53131A, 53132A)1
Channel 1 (53181A)
Frequency range
dc coupled dc to 225 MHz
ac coupled 1 MHz to 225 MHz (50 Ω)
30 Hz to 225 MHz (1 MΩ)
FM tolerance 25%
Voltage range and sensitivity (Sinusoid)2
dc to 100 MHz 20 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
100 MHz 30 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
to 200 MHz
200 MHz 40 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
to 225 MHz (all specified at 75 mVrms
with opt. rear connectors)3
Voltage range and sensitivity
(Single-shot pulse)2
4.5 ns to 10 ns 100 mVpp to 10 Vpp
pulse width (150 mVpp with optional
rear connectors)3
>10 ns 50 mVpp to 10 Vpp
pulse width (100 mVpp with optional
rear connectors)3
Trigger level2
Range ± 5.125 V
Accuracy ± (15 mV + 1% of trigger level)
Resolution 5 mV
Damage level
50 Ω 5 Vrms
0 to 3.5 kHz, 350 Vdc + ac pk
1 MΩ
3.5 kHz to 350 Vdc + ac pk linearly
100 kHz, 1 MΩ
derated to 5 Vrms
>100 kHz, 5 Vrms
1 MΩ
Input characteristics
Channel 1 & 2 (53131A, 53132A)1
Channel 1 (53181A)
Impedance 1 MΩ or 50 Ω
1 MΩ 30 pF
Coupling ac or dc
Low-pass filter
100 kHz, switchable
-20 dB at > 1 MHz
Input Selectable between Low,
sensitivity Medium, or High (default).
Low is approximately 2x
High Sensitivity.
Trigger slope Positive or negative
Auto trigger level
Range 0 to 100% in 10% steps
Frequency > 100 Hz
Input amplitude
> 100 mVpp
(No amplitude modulation)
Voltage range x10
Trigger range x10
Input Specifications4
Channel 3 (53131A, 53132A)
Channel 2 (53181A)
Frequency range
Option 015 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz
(for 53181A (see Opt. 030 for
only) additional specs)
Option 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz
Option 050 200 MHz to 5 GHz
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
Power range and sensitivity (Sinusoid)
Option 030 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz:
-27 dBm to +19 dBm
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz:
-21 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 050 200 MHz to 5 GHz:
-23 dBm to +13 dBm
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
-23 dBm to +13 dBm
Damage level
Option 030 5 Vrms
Option 050 +25 dBm
Option 124 +25 dBm
Impedance 50 Ω
Coupling AC
VSWR < 2.5:1
External arm input specifications5
Signal input range
TTL compatible
Timing Restrictions
Pulse width > 50 ns
Transition time < 250 ns
Start-to-stop time
> 50 ns
Damage level 10 Vrms
External arm input characteristics5
Impedance 1
Input capacitance
17 pF
Start/stop slope Positive or negative
External time base input specifications
Voltage range 200 mVrms to 10 Vrms
Damage level 10 Vrms
Frequency 1 MHz, 5 MHz, and 10 MHz
(53132A 10 MHz only)
Time base output specifications
Output frequency
10 MHz
Voltage > 1 Vpp into 50 Ω
(centered around 0 V)
1. Specifications and characteristics for Channels
1 and 2 are identical for both common and
separate configurations.
2. Values shown are for X1 attenuator setting.
Multiply all values by 10 (nominal) when using
the X10 attenuator setting.
3. When the 53131A or 53132A are ordered with
the optional rear terminals (Opt. 060), the channel
1 and 2 inputs are active on both front and rear
of the counter. When the 53181A is ordered with
the optional rear terminal, the channel 1 input is
active on both front and rear of the counter. For
this condition, specifications indicated for the rear
connections also apply to the front connections.
4. When optional additional channels are ordered
with Opt. 060, refer to configuration table for
Opt. 060 under ordering info on page 8. There is
no degradation in specifications for this input,
as applicable.
5. Available for all measurements except peak volts.
External arm is referred to as external gate for
some measurements.
Instrument Inputs
Gate time
tacc ×Frequency
± Time base error ±
Gate time =Frequency
Gate time
res (2 + × Trigger error)2
Gate time
tres ×Frequency
LSD displayed:
RMS resolution:
Systematic uncertainty:
Trigger: Default setting is auto trigger at 50%
53131A tres
650 ps
see graphs for worst case resolution performance
53132A tres
200 ps
53181A tres
650 ps
53131A tacc
350 ps
1.25 ns
Worst case
53132A tacc
100 ps
500 ps
53181A tacc
350 ps
1.25 ns
For automatic arming:
where N = 1 for standard channel frequency < 1 MHz
4 for standard channel frequency > 1 MHz
128 for optional channel
4 × t 2res +
(2 ×Trigger error 2)
Gate time
tacc ×Frequency
± Time base error ±
Gate time
Gate time × Number of samples ×Frequency
LSD displayed:
RMS resolution
(see graph 2):
Systematic uncertainty:
Trigger: Default setting is auto trigger at 50%
500 ps
See graphs for worst case resolution performance
50 ps
3 ps
225 ps
100 ps
300 ps
Worst case
10 ps
100 ps
Gate time
Gate time × Number of samples
2 2 × tres ×Frequency
53131A/181A 53132A
Number of samples = Gate time × Frequency (Frequency < 200 kHz)
Gate time × 200,000
(Frequency > 200 kHz)
For time or digits arming:
For automatic or external arming:
(and signals < 100 Hz using timed arming)
Frequency (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)
Channel 1 and 2 (53131A, 53132A)
Channel 1 (53181A)
Range 0.1 Hz to 225 MHz
Channel 3 (53131A, 53132A)
Channel 2 (53181A)
Option 015 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz
(53181 A only)
Option 030 100 MHz to 3 GHz
Option 050 200 MHz to 5 GHz
Option 124 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz
(Period 2 or 3 selectable via GPIB only)
Period (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)
Channel 1 and 2 (53131A, 53132A)
Channel 1 (53181A)
Range 4.44 ns to 10 s
Channel 3 (53131A, 53132A)
Channel 2 (53181A)
Option 015 0.66 ns to 10 ns
(53181A only)
Option 030 0.33 ns to 10 ns
Option 050 0.2 ns to 5 ns
Option 124 80 ps to 5 ns
Frequency ratio (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)
Measurement is specified over the full signal
range of each input.
Results range 10-10 to 1011
“Auto” gate time
100 ms
Time interval (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the full signal
ranges6 of Channels 1 and 2.
Results range -1 ns to 105 s
LSD 500 ps (53131A)/150 ps
Phase (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the
full signal range of Channels 1 and 2.
Results range -180° to +360°
Duty cycle (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the full
signal range of Channel 1. However, both the
positive and negative pulse widths must be
greater than 4 ns.
Results range 0 to 1 (e.g. 50% duty cycle
would be displayed as .5)
Rise/fall time (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the full signal
ranges of Channel 1. The interval between the
end of one edge and start of a similar edge
must be greater than 4 ns.
Edge selection Positive or negative
Trigger Default setting is auto trigger
at 10% and 90%
Results range 5 ns to 10 5 s
LSD 500 ps (53131A)/150 ps
Pulse width (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the full signal
range of Channel 1. The width of the opposing
pulse must be greater than 4 ns.
Pulse selection
Positive or negative
Trigger Default setting is auto trigger
at 50%
Results range 5 ns to 10 5 s
LSD 500 ps (53131A)/150 ps
Totalize (53131A, 53132A)
Measurement is specified over the
full signal range of Channel 1.
Results range 0 to 1015
Resolution ± 1 count
Peak volts (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)
Measurement is specified on Channels 1 and 2
for dc signals; or for ac signals of frequencies
between 100 Hz and 30 MHz with peak-to-peak
amplitude greater than 100 mV.
Results range -5.1 V to +5.1 V
Resolution 10 mV
Peak volts systematic uncertainty
for ac signals: 25 mV + 10% of V
for dc signals: 25 mV + 2% of V
Use of the input attenuator multiplies all
voltage specifications (input range, results
range, resolution and systematic uncertainty)
by a nominal factor of 10.
Gate time
Auto mode, or 1 ms to 1000 s
Measurement throughput
GPIB ASCII 200 measurements/s (maximum)
Measurement arming
Start Free run, manual, or external
Stop Continuous, single, external,
or timed
Time interval 100 µs to 10 s (53131A)
Delayed 100 ns to 10 s (53132A)
Arming modes
(Note that not all arming modes are available
for every measurement function.)
5. Available for all measurements except peak volts.
External arm is referred to as external gate for some
6. See specifications for pulse width and rise/fall time
measurements for additional restrictions on signal
timing characteristics.
Measurement Specifications
Auto arming: Measurements are initiated
immediately and acquired as fast as possible,
using a minimum number of signal edges.
Timed arming: The duration of the measurement
is internally timed to a user-specified value
(also known as the “gate time”).
Digits arming: Measurements are performed
to the requested resolution (number of digits)
through automatic selection of the acquisition
External arming: An edge on the external arm
Input enables the start of each measurement.
Auto arming, timed arming modes or another
edge on the external arm input may be used to
complete the measurement.
Time interval delayed arming: For time interval
measurements, the stop trigger condition is
inhibited for a user-specified time following the
start trigger. The 53132A offers advanced time
interval arming capabilities including use of user
specified time or Channel 2 events to delay both
start and stop triggers.
Measurement limits
Limit checking: The measurement value is
checked against user-specified limits at the
end of each measurement.
Display modes: The measurement result may
be displayed as either the traditional numeric
value or graphically as an asterisk moving
between two vertical bars.
Out-of-limits Indications:
The limits annunciator will light on the front
panel display.
The instrument will generate an SRQ if
enabled via GPIB.
The limits hardware signal provided via the
RS-232 connector will go low for the duration
of the out-of-limit condition.
If the analog display mode is enabled, the
asterisk appears outside the vertical bars,
which define the upper and lower limits.
2 × Ch2 Freq × 1 + (Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger error) 2
(Ch1 Freq) 2 × Gate time
(tres) 2 + Start trigger error 2 + Stop trigger error 2
RMS resolution:
RMS resolution:
RMS resolution:
Time interval, pulse width, rise/fall time (53131A and 53132A only):
RMS Resolution:
Systematic uncertainty: ± 2x resolution
LSD: Ratio :
tres 53131A
750 ps
300 ps
Systematic uncertainty:
± (Time base error × Measurement) Trigger level timing error ± 1.5 ns Differential channel error (53131A)
± (Time base error × Measurement) Trigger level timing error ± 900 ps Differential channel error (53132A
where tres = 750 ps for the 53131A, 300 ps for the 53132A
Systematic uncertainty:
( ± Trigger level timing error ± 1.5 ns Differential channel error) × Frequency × 360° (53131A)
( ± Trigger level timing error ± 900 ps Differential channel error) × Frequency × 360° (53132A)
Ch2 Freq × Gate time
Ch2 Freq
(Ch1 Freq) 2 × Gate time
Frequency ratio:
Phase (53131A and 53132A)
Duty cycle (53131A and 53132A)
Ch1 ,
Ch1 ,
Ch2 ,
Ch1 ,
(53131A and 53132A) (53181A)
Ratio :
Ratio :
Ratio : 2 × 1 + (Ch1 Freq × Ch2 Trigger error) 2
Ch2 Freq × Gate time
× Frequency ×360°
((Tres)2 (2 × Trigger error 2)) × (1 + Duty cycle 2) × Frequency
((Tres)2 + (2 x Trigger error 2))
For measurements using Ch3,
substitute Ch3 for Ch2 in these
equations. To minimize relative
phase measurement error,
connect the higher frequency
signal to channel 1.
Fractional time base error (see graph 3)
Time base error is the maximum fractional frequency variation of the time base due to aging or
fluctuations in ambient temperature or line voltage:
f f f
Time base error
= (
Aging rate
Line voltage
f f f
Multiply this quantity by the measurement result to yield the absolute error for that measurement.
Averaging measurements will not reduce (fractional) time base error. The counters exhibit negligible
sensitivity to line voltage; consequently the line voltage term may be ignored.
Trigger error
External source and input amplifier noise may advance or delay the trigger points that define the
beginning and end of a measurement. The resulting timing uncertainty is a function of the slew rate
of the signal and the amplitude of spurious noise spikes (relative to the input hysteresis band).
The (rms) trigger error associated with a single trigger point is:
Trigger error =Input signal slew rate at trigger point (in seconds)
(E )
2(E )
Einput = RMS noise of the input amplifier: 1 mVrms (350 µVrms typical). Note that the internal
measurement algorithms significantly reduce the contribution of this term.
Esignal = RMS noise of the input signal over a 225 MHz bandwidth (100 kHz bandwidth when the
low-pass filter is enabled). Note that the filter may substantially degrade the signal’s slew rate at
the input of the trigger comparator.
For two-trigger-point measurements (e.g. rise time, pulse width), the trigger errors will be referred
to independently as start trigger error and stop trigger error.
Trigger level timing error (see graph 6)
Trigger level timing error results from a deviation of the actual trigger level from the specified level.
The magnitude of this error depends on resolution and accuracy of the trigger level circuit, input
amplifier fidelity, input signal slew rate, and width of the input hysteresis band.
The following equations should be summed together to obtain the overall trigger level timing error.
At the “High” sensitivity input setting, the hysteresis band can be assumed to be the sensitivity of
the counter input (see page 2). Reduction of input sensitivity or use of the attenuator will increase the size of this band.
Input hysteresis error:
Trigger level setting error: ± ±
Differential channel error
The differential channel error term stated in several systematic uncertainty equations accounts for
channel-to-channel mismatch and internal noise. This error can be substantially reduced by performing
a TI calibration (accessible via the utility menu) in the temperature environment in which future
measurements will be made.
0.5 x hysteresis band
Input signal slew rate at start trigger point
15 mV ± (1% x start trigger level setting)
Input signal slew rate at start trigger point
15 mV ± (1% x stop trigger level setting)
Input signal slew rate at stop trigger point
0.5 x hysteresis band
Input signal slew rate at stop trigger point
1E + 02
1E + 00
1E – 02
1E – 04
1E – 06
1E – 08
1E – 10
10 100 1000 10000 1E + 05 1E + 06 1E + 07 1E + 08 1E + 09 1E + 10
Input frequency (Hz)
10 100 1000 10000 1E + 05 1E + 06 1E + 07 1E + 08 1E + 09 1E + 10
Input frequency (Hz)
Graph 1:
Agilent 53131A/181A–Worst case
RMS resolution7
(Automatic or external arming)
The graphs may also be used to compute errors
for period measurements. To find the period
error (DP), calculate the frequency of the input
signal (F = 1/P) and find the frequency error
(DF) from the chart.
Then calculate the period error as:
Graph 2:
Agilent 53131A/181A–Worst case
RMS resolution7
(Time or digits arming)
Graph 3:
Timebase error
Frequency error (Hz)
Auto armed
1 ms
10 ms Gate
100 ms
1 s
10 s
Time or digit arming
Gate time Number of samples
4 × 2 × Trigger error ×Frequency
Frequency error + ×
Automatic or external arming
Gate time
2 × Trigger error ×Frequenc
requency error +
7. Graphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 do not reflect the effects of
trigger error. To place an upper bound on the added
effect of this error term, determine the frequency
error from the appropriate graph and add a trigger
error term as follows:
E + 02
1E + 00
1E – 02
1E – 04
1E – 06
1E – 08
1E – 10
Frequency error (Hz)
1 ms
10 ms
100 ms
1 s
10 s
1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 1 GHz
1 ns 10 ns 100 ns 1 µs 10 µs 100 µs 1 ms 10 ms 100 ms 1 sec
Input signal frequency or time
10 kHz
1 kHz
100 Hz
10 Hz
1 Hz
100 mHz
10 mHz
1 mHz
100 µHz
10 µHz
1 µHz
100 nHz
10 nHz
10 µs
1 µs
100 ns
10 ns
1 ns
100 ps
10 ps
1 ps
100 fs
10 fs
1 fs
100 as
10 as
Frequency error
Time error
Standard T.B.
1 year after cal
Medium T.B.
1 year after cal
High stability T.B.
10 years after cal
High stability T.B.
1 year after cal
Ultra stability T.B.
1 year after cal
High stability T.B.
1 month after cal
Standard T.B.
1 month after cal
Medium T.B.
1 month after cal
10 100 1000 10000 1E + 05 1E + 06 1E + 07 1E + 08 1E + 09 1E + 10
Input frequency (Hz)
1E + 02
1E + 00
1E – 02
1E – 04
1E – 06
1E – 08
1E – 10
E + 02
1E + 00
1E – 02
1E – 04
1E – 06
1E – 08
1E – 10
Graph 4:
Agilent 53132A–Worst case
RMS resolution7
(Automatic or external arming)
Graph 5:
Agilent 53132A–Worst case
RMS resolution7
(Time or digits arming)
Auto armed
1 ms
10 ms
100 ms
1 s
10 s
Frequency Error (Hz)
Frequency error (Hz)
1 V/ms 10 mV/µs 100 mV/µs 1 V/µs 10 mV/ns 100 mV/ns 1 V/ns 10 mV/ps
Input signal slew rate at trigger point
100 µs
10 µs
1 µs
100 ns
10 ns
1 ns
100 ps
10 ps
Graph 6:
Trigger level timing error
(Level setting error and
input hysteresis)
1 ms
10 ms
100 ms
1 s
10 s
200 to 225 MHz rep. rate
100 to 200 MHz rep. rate
dc to 100 MHz rep. rate
Pulse and T.I. at 5 V trigger point
Pulse and T.I. at 2.5 V trigger point
Pulse and T.I. at 0 V trigger point
10 100 1000 10000 1E + 05 1E + 06 1E + 07 1E + 08 1E + 09 1E + 10
Input frequency (Hz)
Time or digit arming
Gate time Number of samples
4 × 2 × Trigger error ×Frequency
Frequency error + ×
Automatic or external arming
Gate time
2 × Trigger error ×Frequenc
requency error +
7. Graphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 do not reflect the effects of
trigger error. To place an upper bound on the added
effect of this error term, determine the frequency
error from the appropriate graph and add a trigger
error term as follows:
Trigger error per trigger point
Available statistics
Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation
Number of measurements 2 to 1,000,000.
Statistics may be collected on all measurements
or on only those which are between the limit
bands. When the limits function is used in
conjunction with statistics, N (number of
measurements) refers to the number of in-limit
measurements. In general, measurement
resolution will improve in proportion to N,
up to the numerical processing limits of
the instrument.
Statistics may be collected for all measurements
except peak volts and totalize.
Save and recall
Up to 20 complete instrument setups may
be saved and recalled later. These setups
are retained when power is removed from
the counter.
Rack dimensions (HxWxD)
88.5 mm x 212.6 mm x 348.3 mm
3.5 kg maximum
1 year
Power supply
100 to 120 VAC ± 10% -50, 60 or
400 Hz ± 10% 220 to 240 VAC
± 10% -50 or 60 Hz ± 10%
ac Line selection
Power requirements
170 VA maximum (30 W typical)
0°C to 55°C operating
–40°C to 71°C storage
Remote Interface
GPIB (IEEE 488.1-1987,
IEEE 488.2-1987)
Remote programming language
SCPI-1992.0 (Standard Commands
for Programmable Instruments)
Designed in compliance with IEC-1010,
UL-3111-1 (draft), CAN/CSA 1010.1
CISPR-11, EN50082-1,
IEC 801-2, -3, -4
Radiated immunity testing
When the product is operated at maximum
sensitivity (20 mVrms) and tested at 3 V/m
according to IEC 801-3, external 100 to 200 MHz
electric fields may cause frequency miscounts.
10 digit/s, 500 ps universal counter
12 digit/s, 150 ps universal counter
10-digit/s RF counter
Accessories included
Each counter comes with IntuiLink software,
standard timebase, and power cord. CD with
the following: IntuiLink software, Operating,
Programming, Service and Getting Started
Guides, a data sheet, and application notes.
Manual options
(please specify one when ordering)
ABA US English
ABD German
ABE Spanish
ABF French
ABJ Japanese
ABZ Italian
ABO Taiwan Chinese
AB1 Korean
AB2 Chinese
Other options
Opt. 001 Medium-stability timebase
Opt. 010 High-stability timebase
Opt. 012 Ultra-high stability timebase
(53132A only)
Opt. 015 1.5 GHz RF input Ch 2
for 53181A only
Opt. 030 3 GHz RF input Ch 3
(Ch 2 on 53181A)
Opt. 050 5 GHz RF input
with type N connector
Ch 3 (Ch 2 on 53181A)
Opt. 124 12.4 GHz RF input
with type N connector
Ch 3 (Ch 2 on 53181A)
Opt. 060 Rear-panel connectors*
Opt. A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration
*Opt 060 configuration table
Ch1 & Ch2 front & rear (in parallel)
Ch3 Opt. 030 rear only, front plugged
Ch3 Opt. 050/124 front only
Ch2 Opt. 050/124 front only
Ch1 front & rear (in parallel)
Ch2 Opt. 015/030 rear only, front plugged
Ch2 Opt. 050/124 front only
34131A Hard carrying case
34161A Accessory pouch
34190A Rackmount kit: designed for use
with only one instrument, mounted
on either the left or the right side of
the rack.
34191A 2U dual flange kit: secures the
instrument to the front of the
rack. This kit can be used with the
34194A dual lock link kit to mount
two half-width, 2U height instru-
ments side-by side.
34194A Dual lock link kit: recommended
for side-by-side combinations and
includes links for instruments of dif-
ferent depths. This kit can be used
with the 34191A 2U dual flange kit
to mount two half-width, 2U height
instruments side-by-side.
254.4 mm
103.6 mm
374.0 mm
212.6 mm
348.3 mm
88.5 mm
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AdvancedTCA® Extensions for
Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is
an open standard that extends the
AdvancedTCA for general purpose
and semiconductor test. Agilent
is a founding member of the AXIe
LAN eXtensions for Instruments
puts the power of Ethernet and
the Web inside your test systems.
Agilent is a founding member of the
LXI consortium.
PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation
(PXI) modular instrumentation
delivers a rugged, PC-based high-
performance measurement and
automation system.
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For other unlisted countries:
Revised: June 8, 2011
Product specifications and descriptions
in this document subject to change
without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006, 2011
Published in USA, November 8, 2011
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