AA 2515C TC RSX 11M 3.1 IO Operations Reference Manual Dec77
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IAS/RSX-11 I/O Operations Reference Manual Order No. AA-2515C-TC IAS/RSX-11 I/O Operations Reference Manual Order No. AA-2515C-TC lAS Version 2.0 RSX-11 M Version 3. 1 RSX-11 D Version 6.2 To order additional copies of this document, contact the Software Distribution Center, Digital Equipment'Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 digital equipment corporation · maynard, massachusetts First Printing, December 1975 Revised: December 1976 December 1977 The information in this document is ~ubject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL. Copyright © 1975, 1976, 1977 by Digital Equipment Corporation The postage prepaid READER'S COMMENTS form on the last page of this document requests the user's critical evaluation to assist us in p~e paring future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DIGITAL DEC PDP DECUS UNIBUS COMPUTER LABS COMTEX DDT DECCOMM DECsystem-lO DEC tape DIBOL EDUSYSTEM FLIP CHIP FOCAL INDAC LAB-8 DECSYSTEM-20 12/77-14 MASSBUS OMNIBUS OS/8 PHA RSTS RSX TYPESET-8 TYPESET-IO TYPESET-II CONTENTS Page PREFACE CHAPTER CHAPTER xi 1 FILE CONTROL SERVICES 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.7 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 FILE ACCESS METHODS FILE STORAGE REGION (FSR) DATA FORMATS FOR FILE-STRUCTURED DEVICES Data Formats for ANSI Magtape BLOCK I/O OPERATIONS RECORD I/O OPERATIONS DATA-TRANSFER MODES Move Mode Locate Mode MULTIPLE BUFFERING FOR RECORD I/O (lAS AND RSX-11D ONLY) SHARED ACCESS TO FILES FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FDB) DATASET DESCRIPTOR AND DEFAULT FILENAME BLOCK KEY TERMS USED THROUGHOUT THIS MANUAL SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS 2 PREPARING FOR I/O 2-1 2.1 .MCALL DIRECTIVE - LISTING NAMES OF REQUIRED MACRO DEFINITIONS FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FDB) Assembly-Time FDB Initialization Macros FDBDF$ - Allocate File Descriptor Block (FDB) FDAT$A - Initialize File Attribute Section of FDB FDRC$A - Initialize Record-Access Section of FDB FDBK$A - Initialize Block-Access Section of FDB FDOP$A - Initialize File-Open Section of FDB FDBF$A - Ini tia1ize B1ock-Bt~ffer Section of FDB Run-l'ime FDB Initialization Macros Run-Time FDB Macro-Call Exceptions Specifying the FDB Address in Run-Time Macro Calls GLOBAL VERSUS LOCAL DEFINITIONS FOR FDB OFFSETS Specifying Global Symbols in the Source Coding Defining FDB Offsets and Bit Values Locally CREATING FILE SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN THE USER PROGRAM Data~et Descriptor 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 iii 1-8 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-10 1-11 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-8 2-10 2-12 2-16 2-19 2-20 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-24 2-25 2-26 CONTENTS (Cont.) Page 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 Default Filename Block - NMBLK$ Macro Call Dynamic Processing of File Specifications OPTIMIZING FILE ACCESS Initializing the Filename Block As a Function of OPEN$x Manually Initializing the Filename Block INITIALIZING THE FILE STORAGE REGION FSRSZ$ - Initialize FSR at Assembly-Time FINIT$ - Initialize FSR at Run-Time INCREASING THE SIZE OF THE FILE STORAGE REGION FSR-Extension Procedures for MACRO-II Programs FSR-Extension Procedures for FORTRAN Programs COORDINATING I/O OPERATIONS Event Flags I/O Status Block AST Service Routine 2-39 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 3 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3-1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 ., ~ ~ • ."", • , ..&. 2.5.2 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 CHAPTER OPEN$x - GENERALIZED OPEN MACRO CALL Format of Generalized OPEN$x Macro Call FDB Requirements for Generalized OPEN$x Macro Call 3.2 OPNS$x - OPEN FILE FOR SHARED ACCESS 3.3 OPNT$W - CREATE AND OPEN TEMPORARY FILE 3.4 OPNT$D - CREATE AND OPEN TEMPORARY FILE AND MARK FOR DELETION 3.5 OFID$x - OPEN FILE BY FILE ID OFNB$x OPEN FILE BY FILENAME BLOCK 3.6 3.6.1 Dataset Descriptor and/or Default Filename Block 3.6.2 Default Filename Block Only 3.7 OPEN$ - GENERALIZED OPEN FOR SPECIFYING FILE ACCESS 3.8 CLOSE$ - CLOSE SPECIFIED FILE 3.8.1 Format of CLOSE$ Macro Call 3.9 GET$ - READ LOGICAL RECORD 3.9.1 Format of GET$ Macro Call 3.9.2 FDB Mechanics Relevant to GET$ Operations GET$ Operations in Move Mode GET$ Operations in Locate Mode 3.10 GET$R - READ LOGICAL RECO~D IN RANDOM MODE 3.11 GET$S - READ LOGICAL RECORD IN SEQUENTI~ MODE 3.12 PQT$ - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD 3.12.1 Format of PUT$ Macro Call 3.12.2 FDB Mechanics Relevant to PUT$ Operations PUT$ Operations in Move Mode PUT$ Operations in Locate Mode 3.13 PUT$R - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD IN RANDOM MODE 3.14 PUT$S - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD IN SEQUENTIAL MODE READ$ ... READ VIRTUAL BLOCK 3.15 3.15.1 Format of READ$ Macro Call 3.15.2 FDB Requirements for READ$ Macro Call 3.16 WRITE$ - WRITE VIRTUAL BLOCK 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 iv 2-28 2-31 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 2 ... 37 2-38 2-38 3-2 3-5 3-8 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-17 3-18 3-18 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-23 3.,..24 3-25 3-25 3-26 3-28 3-28 3-29 3-31 3-31 CONTENTS (Cont.) Page CHAPTER 3.16.1 3.16.2 3.17 3.17.1 3.18 3.18.1 Format of WRITE$ Macro Call FDB Requirements for WRITE$ Macro Call WAIT$ - WAIT FOR BLOCK I/O COMPLETION Format of WAIT$ Macro Call DELET$ - DELETE SPECIFIED FILE Format of DELET$ Macro Call 3.... 32 3-32 3-33 3-33 3-35 3-35 4 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 CALLING FILE CONTROL ROUTINES DEFAULT DIRECTORY-STRING ROUTINES .RDFDR - Read $$FSR2 Default Directory String Descriptor .WDFDR - Write New $$FSR2 Default DirectoryString Descriptor DEFAULT UIC ROUTINES .RDFUI - Read Default UIC .WDFUI - Write Default UIC DEFAULT FILE-PROTECTION WORD ROUTINES .RDFFP - Read $$FSR2 Default File Protedtion Word .WDFFP - Write New $$FSR2 Default FileProtection Word FILE OWNER WORD ROUTINES .RFOWN - Read $$FSR2 File-Owner Word .WFOWN - Write New $$FSR2 File-Owner Word ASCII/BINARY UIC CONVERSION ROUTINES .ASCPP - Convert ASCII Directory String to Equivalent Binary UIC .PPASC - Convert UIC to ASCII Directory String FILENAME BLOCK ROUTINES .PARSE - Fill in All Filename Information Device and Unit Information Directory-Identification Information Filename, File-Type or Extension, and File Version Information Other Filename Block Information .PRSDV - Fill in Device and Unit Information Only .ASLUN - Assign Logical Unit Number DIRECTORY ENTRY ROUTINES .FIND - Locate Directory Entry .ENTER - Insert qirectory Entry .REMOV - Delete Directory Entry FILENAME BLOCK ROUTINES .GTDIR - Insert Directory Information in Filename Block .GTDID - Insert Default Directory Information in Filename Block FILE POINTER ROUTINES .POINT - Position File to Specified Byte .POSRC - Position File to Specified Record .MARK - Save Positional Context of File .POSIT - Return positional Information for Specified Record QUEUE I/O FUNCTION ROUTINE (.XQIO) 4-1 4-2 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.7 4.7.1 4.7 .. 1.2 4.7 .. 1 .. 3 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.10 4.10•• 1 4.10.:2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.11 v 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4 .... 4 4 ... 4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-7 4 .... 7 4 .... 8 4-9 4 .... 10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4 .... 14 4-14 4-14 4"",15 4 .... 15 4 .... 16 4 .... 16 4 .... 17 4-17 4-18 4-18 CONTENT S (Con t. ) Page 4.12 4.13 4.14 4-19 4-19 4-20 4.15.1 4.15.2 4.16 RENAME FILE ROUTINE (.RENAM) FILE EXTENSION ROUTINE (.EXTND) FILE TRUNCATION ROUTINE (.TRNCL) FILE DELETION ROUTINES .MRKDL - Mark Temporary File for Deletion .DLFNB - Delete File by Filename Block DEVICE CONTROL ROUTINE (.CTRL) 5 FILE STRUCTURES 5-1 4.15 CHAPTER CHAPTER 4-20 4-20 4-21 4-22 DISK AND DECTAPE FILE STRUCTURE (FILES-II) 5.1 5.1.1 User File Structure 5.1.2 Directory Files Index File 5.1.3 5.1.4 File-Header Block 5.2 MAGNETIC TAPE FILE PROCESSING Access to Magnetic Tape Volumes 5.2.1 5.2.2 Rewinding Volume Sets 5.2.3 Positioning to the Next File Position 5.2.4 Single-File Operations 5.2.5 Multiple-File Operations 5.2.6 Using .CTRL Examples of Magnetic Tape Processing 5.2.7 Examples of OPEN$W to Create a New File · Examples of OPENS to Read a File Examples of CLOSES Combined Examples of OPENS and CLOSES for Magnetic Tape 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-7 6 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 6-1 6.1 6.1.1 GET COMMAND LINE (GCML) GCMLB$ - Allocate and Initialize GCML Control Block GCMLD$ - Define GCML Control Block Offsets and Bit Values GCML Run-Time Macro Calls GCML$ - Get Command Line RCML$ - Reset Indirect Command File Scan CCML$ - Close Current Command File GCML Usage Considerations COMMAND STRING INTERPRETER (CSI) CSI$ - Define CSI Control-Block Offsets and Bit Values CSI Control-Block Offset and Bit-Value Definitions CSI Run-Time Macro Calls CSI$l - Command Syntax Analyzer CSI$2 - Command Semantic Parser CSI Switch Definition Macro Calls CSI$SW - Create Switch Descriptor Table Entry CSI$SV - Create Switch-Value Descriptor Table Entry CSI$ND - Define End of Descriptor Table 6-2 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 vi 5-8 5-8 5-9 6-3 6-5 6-9 6-9 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-17 6-17 6-19 6-21 6-21 6-26 6-28 CONTENTS (Cont.) Page CHAPTER 7 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) 7-1 7.1 CODING TPARS SOURCE PROGRAMS TPARS Macros: ISTAT$, STATE $ , and TRAN$ Initializing the State Table: the ISTAT$ Macro Defining a Syntax Element: the STATE$ Macro Defining a Transition: the $TRAN Macro Types of Command Line Syntax Elements Action Routines and Built-in Variables TPARS Built-in Variables Calling Action Routines Using Action Routines to Reject a Transition TPARS SUbexpressions GENERAL CODING CONSIDERATIONS Suggested Arrangement of Syntax Types in a State Table Entering Special Charact'ers Ignoring Blanks and Tabs in a Command Line PSECTs GENERATED BY TPARS MACROS INVOKING TPARS Register Usage and Calling Conventions Using the Options Word Storage Requirements HOW TO GENERATE A PARSER PROGRAM USING TPARS PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES Parsing a UFD Command Line How to Use Subexpressions and Reject Transitions Using Subexpressions to Parse Complex Grammars 7-1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.5 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 CHAPTER 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-6 7-6 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-10 7-10 7-12 7-12 7-16 7-17 8 SPOOLING 8-1 8.1 8.2 8.3 PRINT$ MACRO CALL .PRINT SUBROUTINE ERROR HANDLING 8-1 8-2 8-2 APPENDIX A FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK A-1 APPENDIX B FILENAME BLOCK B-1 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF I/O-RELATED SYSTEM DIRECTIVES C-1 APPENDIX D SAMPLE PROGRAMS D-1 APPENDIX E INDEX FILE FORMAT E-1 BOOTSTRAP BLOCK HOME BLOCK INDEX-FILE BIT MAP PREDEFINED FILE-HEADER BLOCKS E-1 E-2 E-2 E-2 FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT F-1 HEADER AREA F-3 E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 APPENDIX F F.1 vii CONTENTS (Cent.) Page IDENTIFICATION AREA MAP AREA F-4 F .... 5 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD G-l VOLUME AND FILE LABELS Volume Label Format Contents of Owner Identification Field User Volume Labels File-Header Labels File Identifier Processing by Files-II End-of-Volume Labels File-Trailer Labels User File Labels FILE STRUCTURES Single File Single Volume Single File Multivolume Multifile Single Volume Multifile Multivolume END-OF-TAPE HANDLING ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE FILE HEADER BLOCK (FCS COMPATIBLE) G-l G-l G.... 2 G-3 G-3 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-7 G-7 G-7 G-7 G-8 G-8 G-8 APPENDIX H STATISTICS BLOCK H-l APPENDIX I ERROR CODES I-I APPENDIX J FIELD SIZE SYMBOLS J-l F.2 F.3 APPENDIX G G.l G.l.l G.l.l.l G.l.2 G.l.3 G.l.3.l G.l.4 G.l.5 G.l.6 G.2 G.2.l G.2.2 G.2.3 G.2.4 G.3 G.4 G-8 Index-l INDEX FIGURES FIGURE 1-1 1-2 1-3 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 7-1 7-2 B-1 G-l H-l File-Access Operations Record I/O Operations Single Buffering Versus Multiple Buffering Directory Structure for Single-User Volumes Directory Structure for Multiuser Volumes Data Flow During Command Line Processing Format of Switch Descriptor Table Entry Format of switch-Value Descriptor Table Entry Processing Steps Required to Generate a Parser Program Using TPARS Flow of Centro 1 When TPARS Is Called from an Executing User Program Filename-Block Format ANSI Magnetic Tape File-Header Block (FCS Compatible) Statistics Block Format viii 1--2 1-4 1-8 5-2 5-3 6-2 6-25 6-28 7-11 7-12 B-2 G-9 H-l CONTENTS (Cont.) Page TABLES TABLE 2-1 3-1 4-1 A-l B-1 B-2 C-l E-l F-l G-l G-2 G-3 Macro Calls Generating FDB Information File Access Privileges Resulting from OPEN$x Macro Call R2 Control Bits for .EXTND Routine FDB Offset Definitions Filename-Block Offset Definitions Filename-Block Status Word (N.STAT) Summary of I/O-Related System Directives Home-Block Format File Header Block Volume Label Format File-Header Label (HDR1) File Header Format (HDR2) ix 2-2 3-3 4-20 A-2 B-1 B-2 C-l E-3 F-l G-l G-4 G-5 PREFACE 0.1 MANUAL OBJECTIVES AND READER ASSUMPTIONS The purpose of this manual is to familiarize the users of an RSX-llD, RSX-llM, or lAS operating system with the file control services (FCS) facility provided with the system. Since the file control services described herein pertain to both MACRO-II and FORTRAN programs, the reader is assumed to be familiar with the manuals describing these program-development tools. Also, since the development of programs in an RSX-ll or lAS environment necessarily involves the use of the Task Builder, the reader is likewise assumed to be familiar with this system program. Unless otherwise noted, the term RSX-ll refers to both RSX-llD and RSX-llM. 0.2 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT Chapter 1 briefly describes the FCS features available for IAS/RSX-ll users and defines some of the terminology that is pertinent to discussions throughout the manual. This chapter is vital to understanding the balance of the manual. Chapter 2, perhaps the most important in the manual, describes the actions the user must take at assembly-time to prepare adequately for all intended file I/O processing through FCS. This chapter describes the data structures and working storage areas that the user must define within a particular program in order to use any of the file control services provided by the system. Unless the user is thoroughly familiar with the content of this chapter, he is advised to defer a reading of subsequent chapters, since all that follows is dependent upon a complete working understanding of the material in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes the run-time macro calls that allow manipulate files and to perform I/O operations. the user to Chapter 4 describes a set of run-time routines used to perform functions related to controlling files, such as reading and writing directory entries, renaming or extending files, etc. Chapter 5 describes the structure of files supported by the lAS and RSX-ll systems. In this context, the structure of files for disks, DECtapes, and magnetic tapes are covered. xi Chapter 6 describes two collections of object library routines called the Get Command Line (GCML) routine and the Command String Interpreter (CSI). These routines may be linked with the user task to perform operations associated with the dynamic input of command lines. Such input consists of file specifications that identify and control the files to be processed by the user program. Chapter 7 describes the queuing of files for printing. This is available at both the MACRO level and subroutine level. facility Finally, a number of appendixes are provided that supply detailed information of further interest. Appendix A and Appendix B outline in detail the file descriptor block (FDB) and the filename block, respectively, two structures forming a significant part of the descriptive material in Chapter 2. Appendix C summarizes a number of I/O-related system directives that form a part of the total resource-management capabilities of the RSX-II or the lAs Executive. Through simplified sample pr~grams, Appendix D illustrates the use of the macro calls that create and initialize the file descriptor block. These sample programs also include some of the macro calls that are used for processing files. Appendix E illustrates the structure of the index file of a Files-II volume, while Appendix F describes in detail the format and content of a file-header block. The format and content of magnetic tape labels are similarly described in Appendix G. The format and content of the statistics block are described in Appendix H. The error codes returned by the system are listed in Appendix field-size symbols are listed in Appendix J. 0.3 I, and ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Other manuals closely allied to the purposes of this document are described briefly in the lAS, RSX-IID, and RSX-IIM/RSX-IIS Documentation Directories. The Documentation Directories define the intended readership of each manual in the appropriate set and provide a brief synopsis of each manual's contents. xii CHAPTER 1 FILE CONTROL SERVICES lAS and RSX-ll file control services (FCS) enable the user to perform record-oriented and block-oriented I/O operations and to perform additional functions required for file control, such as open, close, wait, and delete operations. To invoke FCS functions, the user issues macro calls to specify desired file-control operations. The FCS macros are called at assembly-time to generate code for specified functions and operations. The macro calls provide the system-level file-control primitives with the necessary parameters to perform the file-access operations requested by the user (see Figure 1-1). FCS is basically a set of routines that are linked with the user program at task-build time from a system global area (lAS and RSX-IID) or resident system library (RSX-IIM); or a system object module library. These routines, consisting of pure, position-independent code, provide a user interface to the file system, enabling the user to read and write files on file-structured devices and to process files in terms of logical records. Logical records are regarded by the user program as data units that are structured in accordance with application requirements, rather than as physical blocks of data on a particular storage medium. FCS provides the capability to write a collection of data (consisting of distinct logical records) to a file in a way that enables the data to be retrieved at will. Data can be retrieved from the file without the user's having to know the exact format in which it was written to the file. FCS thus is virtually transparent to the user so that records can be read or written in logical units that are consistent with particular application requirements. 1-1 FILE CONTROL SERVICES USER-ISSUED MACRO CALL FILE CONTROL SERVICES FILE CONTROL PRIMITIVES PERIPHERAL DEVICE HARDWARE (e.g., disk, VT05) Figure 1-1 File-Access Operation FCS provides an extensive set of macros to simplify the user's interface to the system's I/O facilities. These macros create and maintain certain data structures that are required in performing all file-I/O operations. The required structures include the following: 1. A file descriptor block (FOB) that contains execution-time information necessary for the processing of a file. 2. A dataset descriptor that is accessed by FCS to obtain file information required in opening a specified file. 3. A default filename block that is accessed by FCS to obtain default file information required in opening a specified file. This structure is accessed when complete file information is not specified in the dataset descriptor. ASCII The FOB is described in detail in Appendix A and Appendix B. The dataset descriptor and the default filename block are treated in detail in Section 2.4. 1.1 FILE ACCESS METHODS lAS and RSX-ll support both sequential and random access to data in files. The sequential-access method is device-independent, i.e., sequential acc~ss can be used for both record-oriented and block-addressable devices (e.g., card reader and disk, respectively). The random-access method can be used only for block-addressable devices. 1-2 FILE CONTROL SERVICES 1.2 FILE STORAGE REGION (FSR) The file storage region (FSR) is an area allocated in the user program as working storage for performing record I/O operations (see Section 1.5). The FSR consists of two program sections that are always contiguous to each other. These program sections exist for the following purposes: $$FSRI - This area of the FSR contains the block buffers and the block buffer headers for record I/O processing. The user determines the size of this area at assembly-time by issuing the FSRSZ$ macro call (see Section 2.6.1). The number of block buffers and associated headers is based on the number of files that the user intends to open simultaneously for record I/O operations. $$FSR2 - This area of the FSR contains impure data that is used and maintained by Fes in performing record I/O operations. Portions of this area are initialized at task-build time, and other portions are maintained by Fes. The size of the FSR can be changed, if desired, at task-build time. Section 2.7 presents the procedures that provide this flexibility to the programmer. The data flow during record I/O operations is depicted in Figure 1-2. Note that blocks of data are transferred directly between the FSR block buffer and the device containing the desired file. The deblocking of records during input is accomplished in the FSR block buffer, and the blocking of records is likewise accomplished in the FSR block buffer during output. Note also that Fes serves as the user interface to the FSR-block-buffer pool. All record I/O operations, which are initiated through GET$ and PUT$ macro calls, are totally synchronized by Fes. Record I/O operations are described in detail in Section 1.5. 1-3 BLOCK BUFFER POOL ,- , ~ H t"i tz:I (') ....... DEVICE FCS I USER BECORD BUFFER o z ~ ~ o t"i ,j:::. til tz:I :g H (') tz:I til $$FSR2 IMPURE DATA Figure 1-2 Record I/O Operations FILE CONTROL SERVICES 1.3 DATA FORMATS FOR FILE-STRUCTURED DEVICES Data are transferred between peripheral devices and memory in blocks. data file consists of virtual blocks, each of which may contain one or more logical records created by a user program. In FCS terms, a virtual block in a file consists of 512(10) bytes. The size of the logical records in the virtual blocks is under the control of the user program that originally writes the records. ~ When creating a new file, a user program can specify that the records in the file need not all be the same size. Such records are known as variable-length records. Conversely, if the user program indicates that all records in the new file will be equal in size, the records are known as fixed-length. There are two types of variable-length records: sequenced and nonsequenced. Both must be word-aligned. Sequenced variable-length records are preceded by a two-word record header. The first word contains the length of the record and the second word contains the value of the sequence number: 16 16 Byte Count Sequence Number Nonsequenced variable-length records are preceded record header containing the length of the record: by a single-word 16 Byte Count Both fixed- and variable-length records are aligned on a word boundary. Any extra byte that results from an odd-length record is (The extra byte is not necessarily a 0 byte.) simply ignored. Virtual blocks and logical records within a file are numbered sequentially, each starting at 1. A virtual-block number is a file relative value, while a logical block number is a volume relative value. Ordinarily, records may cross block boundaries. This means that the beginning of a record can fill out the end of a block while the rest of the record occupies the beginning of the next block. 1.3.1 Data Formats for ANSI Magtape Both fixed- and variable-length records may be used on magtape; format conforms to the ANSI standard. their On magtape, a virtual block corresponds to a physical record. The default length of a block is 512 bytes. Its length can be changed to any value greater than 8 bytes (14 bytes for a write function) and up to 2048 bytes with the use of the FDBF$ macro (see Section Records are not allowed to cross block boundaries. Fixed-length records are packed into a block with no control information and no padding for alignment. The block is truncated so that it ends at the end of the last record that will fit in the block buffer. 1-5 FILE CONTROL SERVICES Variable-length records are preceded by a 4-byte count field, expressed in decimal in ASCII characters. The count includes the length of the record and the 4-byte count field. After the last record in a block (if there is any space left in the block), a caret character ("ft", ASCII code 136), which appears where the next byte count should be, signals the end of data in that block. 1.4 BLOCK I/O OPERATIONS The READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls (see Sections 3.15 and 3.16, respectively) allow the user to read and write virtual blocks of data from and to a file without regard to logical records within the file. Block I/O operations provide an efficient means of processing file data, since such operations do not involve the blocking and deblocking of records within the file. Also, in block I/O operations, the user may read or write files in an asynchronous manner, i.e., control may be returned to the user program before the requested I/O operation is completed. When block I/O is used, the number of the virtual block to be processed is specified as a parameter in the appropriate READ$/WRITE$ macro call; the virtual blocks so specified are processed directly in a reserved buffer in user memory space. READ$ and WRITE$ can be used only on block-structured devices. As implied above, the user is responsible for synchronizing all block I/O operations. Such asynchronous operations may be coordinated through an event ~lag (see Section 2.8.1) specified in the READ$/WRITE$ macro call. The event flag is used by the system to signal the completion of a specified block I/O transfer, enabling the user to coordinate those block I/O operations that are dependent on each other. 1.5 RECORD I/O OPERATIONS The GET$ and PUT$ macro calls (see Sections 3.9 and 3.12, respectively) are provided for processing individual user records in files. Using the FSR block buffers (see Section 1.2), the GET$ and PUT$ routines perform the necessary blocking and deblocking of records within the virtual blocks of the file, allowing the user program to access logical records. Sequential-access mode I/O operations can be performed for both fixedand variable-length records. Random-access mode I/O operations can be performed only for fixed-length records. The user program accesses records randomly by specifying a record number. This number represents the position of the desired record within the file -- viewing the file as an array of fixed-sized records with the number 1 representing the first record physically present in the file and n the last. Successive GET$ or PUT$ operations in random-access mode can access records anywhere within the file. To do so, the user program need only modify the record number specified as part of the random record operation. After each such random operation, FCS increments the record number used in the operation. If the user program does not again modify this number prior to issuing another record operation, the record actually accessed is the next sequential record in the file. 1-6 FILE CONTROL SERVICES In contrast to block I/O operations, all record I/O operations are synchronous, i.e., control is returned to the user program only after the requested I/O operation is completed. Because GET~/PUT$ operations process logical records within a virtual block, only a limited number of GET$ or PUTS operations result in an actual I/O transfer (e.g., when the end of a data block is encountered). Therefore, all GET$/PUT$ I/O requests do not necessarily involve an actual physical transfer of data. 1.6 DATA-TRANSFER MODES When record I/O is used, a program can gain access to a record in either of two ways after the virtual block has been transferred into the FSR from a file: 1.6.1 1. In move mode. By specifying that individual records are to be moved from the FSR block buffer to a user-defined record buffer (see Figure 1-2). 2. In locate mode. By referencing a location in the file descriptor block (see Section 1.9) that contains a pointer to the desired record within the FSR block buffer. Move Mode Move mode requires that data be moved between the FSR block buffer and a user-defined record buffer. For input, data are first read into the FSR block buffer from a peripheral device and then moved to the user record buffer for processing. For output, the user program first builds a record in the user record buffer; FCS then moves the record to the FSR block buffer, whence it is written to a peripheral device when the entire block is filled. Move mode simulates the reading of a record directly into a user record buffer, thereby making the blocking and deblocking of records transparent to the user. 1.6.2 Locate Mode Locate mode enables the user to access records directly in the FSR block buffer. Consequently, there is normally no need to transfer data from the FSR block buffer to the user record buffer. To access records directly in the FSR block buffer, the user refers to locations in the file descriptor block (see Section 1.9) that contain values defining the length and the address of the desired record within the FSR block buffer. These values are present in the file descriptor block as a result of FCS macro calls issued by the user. Program overhead is reduced in locate mode, since records can be processed directly within the FSR block buffer. Moving data to the user record buffer in locate mode is required only when the last record of a virtual block crosses block boundaries. 1-7 FILE CONTROL SERVICES 1.7 MULTIPLE BUFFERING FOR RECORD I/O (lAS AND RSX-IID ONLY) By supporting multiple buffers for record I/O, FCS provides the capability for lAS and RSX-IID users to read data into buffers in anticipation of user program requirements and to write the contents of buffers while the user program is building records for output. The user can thus overlap the internal processing of data with file I/O operations, as illustrated in Figure 1-3. When read-ahead multiple buffering is used, the file must be sequentially accessed to derive full benefit from multiple buffering. For write-behind multiple buffering, any file-access method can be used with full benefit. When multiple buffering is used, sufficient space in the FSR must be allocated for the total number of block buffers in use at any given time. The FSRSZ$ macro call (see Section 2.6.1) is used to accomplish the allocation of space for FSR block buffers. Time Single Buffer process record write record process record write record process record write record process record process record write record write record process record I i Multiple Buffer Figure 1-3 1.S Single Buffering Versus Multiple Buffering SHARED ACCESS TO FILES FCS permits shared access to files according to established conventions. Two macro calls, among several available in FCS for opening files, may be issued to invoke these conventions. The OPNS$x macro call (see Section 3.2) is used specifically to open a file for shared access. The OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1), on the other hand, invokes generalized open functions that have shared-access implications only in relation to other I/O requests then issued. Both macro calls take an alphabetic suffix that specifies the type of operation being requested for the file, as follows: R - Read existing file. w- write (create) a new file. M - Modify existing file without extending its length. U - Update existing file and extend its length, if necessary. A - Append data to end of existing file. The suffix R applies to the reading of a file, whereas the suffixes W, M, U, and A all apply to the writing of a file. These macro calls and the shared-access conditions that they invoke are summarized below. l-S FILE CONTROL SERVICES The OPNS$x and OPEN$x macro calls may be used as access to files: follows for shared 1. When the OPNS$R macro call is issued, read access to the file is granted unconditionally, regardless of the presence of one or more concurrent write-access requests to the file. (The OPNS$R macro call permits concurrent write accesses to the file while it is being read.) Subsequent write-access requests for this same file are honored. Thus, several active read-access requests and one or more write-access requests may be present for the same file. However, multiple tasks simultaneously accessing the file for write operations are subject to certain restrictions as detailed in point 2. 2. While FCS allows concurrent write-access requests through the use of the OPNS$W, OPNS$M, OPNS$U, and OPNS$A macro, the synchronization of access to the file is the responsibility of the user tasks themselves. To avoid the retrieval or storage of inconsistent data, each such task must implement and use some user-defined mechanism that assures that the file is accessed in a serial fashion. 3. When the OPEN$R macro call is issued, read access to the file is granted, provided that no write-access requests for that file are active. (The OPEN$R macro call does not permit concurrent write access to the file while it is being read.) Note from the above that readers of a shared file should be aware that the file may yield inconsistent data from request to request if that file is also being written. Shared access during reading does not necessarily imply the presence of read requests from several separate tasks. The same task, for example, may open the same file using different logical unit numbers. 1.9 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FOB) The file descriptor block (FDB) contains information used by FCS in opening and processing files. One FDB is required for each file that is to be opened simultaneously by the user program. The user initializes some portions of the FDB with assembly-time or run-time macro calls, and FCS maintains other portions. Each FDB has five sections that contain user or system-initialized information: • File-Attribute Section; • Record- or Block-Access Section; • File-Open Section; • Block-Buffer Section; and the • Filename Block Portion of the FDB. The information stored in the FDB depends upon the characteristics of the file to be processed. The FDB and the macro calls that cause values to be stored in this structure are described in detail in Section 2.2. Appendix A describes in detail the format and the content of the FDB. 1-9 FILE CONTROL SERVICES 1.10 DATASET DESCRIPTOR AND DEFAULT FILENAME BLOCK Normally, either a dataset descriptor or a default filename block is specified for each file the user intends to open. These data structures provide pes wIth the file specifications required for opening a file. Although either one or the other is usually defined, both can be specified for the same file. The dataset descriptor and the default filename block are summarized below and described in detail in Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, respectively. When a file is being opened using information already present in the filename block, neither the dataset descriptor nor the default filename block is accessed by FCS for required file information. This method of file access, which is termed "opening a file by file 10," is an efficient means of opening files. Section 2.5 describes this process in detail. 1.11 KEY TERMS USED THROUGHOUT THIS MANUAL Listed below are terms used throughout this manual that have meanings in the context of FCS operations. specific FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FOB) The tabular data structure that provides FCS with information needed to perform I/O operations on a file. The space for this data structure is allocated in the user program by issuing the FDBDF$ macro call (see Section Each file to be opened simultaneously by the user program must have an associated FOB. Portions of the FOB are user-defined and others are maintained by FCS. Assembly-time or run-time macro calls are provided for user initialization o~ the FOB. The format and content of the FOB are detailed in Appendix A. FILENAME BLOCK -- The portion of the FOB that contains the various elements of a file specification (i.e., directory, filename, file type, file version number, device, and unit) for use by the FCS file-processing routines. Initially, as a file is opened, FCS fills in the filename block with user-specified information taken from the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block (see below). The methods of creating file specifications for initializing the filename block are described in detail in Section 2.4; the format and content of the filename block itself are described in Appendix B. DEFAULT FILENAME BLOCK The default filename block, an area allocated within the user program by issuing the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2), contains the various elements of a file specification. The default filename block is a user-created structure, whereas the filename block within the FOB is maintained by FCS. The user creates the default filename block to supply file specifications to FCS that are not otherwise available through the dataset descriptor (see below). In other words, from information defined in the default filename block, FCS creates a parallel structure in the FOB that serves as the execution-time repository for information that FCS requires in opening and operating on files. Thus, the terms "default filename block" and "filename block" refer to separate and distinct data structures. These distinctions should be kept clearly in mind whenever these terms appear in the manual. Though created and used differently, these areas are structurally identical. 1-10 FILE CONTROL SERVICES DATASET DESCRIPTOR -- The dataset descriptor is a 6-word block in the user program containing the sizes and the addresses of ASCII data strings that together constitute a file specification (see below). This data structure, which is also created by the user, is described in detail in Section 2.4.1. Unless the filename block in the FDB has been saved, dataset-descriptor and/or default-filename-block information must be provided to FCS before the specified file can be opened. DATASET-DESCRIPTOR POINTER -- An address value that points to the 6-word dataset descriptor within the user program. This address value is stored in the FDB, allowing FCS to access a user-created file specification in the dataset descriptor. FILE SPECIFICATION -- Any system or user program having a requirement to refer to files does so through a file specification. Such information names a file and allows it to be explicitly referenced by any task. A file specification, whether for input or output, contains specific information that must be made available to FCS before that file can be opened. The term "file specifier" is sometimes used as a synonym for "file specification." FILE STORAGE REGION (FSR) -- The file storage region (see Section 1.2) is an area of memory reserved by the user for use in record I/O operations. This area is allocated by issuing the FSRSZ$ macro call in the user program (see Section 2.6.1). 1.12 SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Listed below are the important characteristics of FCS that borne in mind in using its I/O facilities: should be 1. READ$/WRITE$ operations are asynchronous; the user is responsible for coordinating all block I/O activity. In contrast, GET$/PUT$ operations are synchronized entirely by FCS; control is not returned to the user program until the requested GET$/PUT$ operation is completed. 2. FCS macro calls save and following exceptions: restore all registers, with the a. The file-processing macro calls (see Chapter 3) place the FDB address in RD. b. Many of the file-control routines (see Chapter 4) requested information in the general registers. 1-11 return FILE CONTROL SERVICES 3. The FDBDF$ macro call (see Section is issued to allocate space for an FOB. Once the FOB is allocated, necessary information can be placed in this data construct through any logical combination of assembly-time and/or run-time macro calls (see Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, respectively) . Certain information must be present in the FOB before FCS can open and operate on a specified file. 4. For each assembly-time FDB initalization macro call, a corresponding run-time macro call is provided that supplies identical information. Although both sets of macro calls (see Table 2-1) place the same information in the FOB, each set does so in a different way. The assembly-time calls generate .BYTE or .WORD directives that create specific data, while the run-time calls generate MOV or MOVB instructions that place desired information in the FOB during program execution. 5. If an error condition is detected during any of the file-processing operations described in Chapter 3, or during the execution of several of the file-control routines (see Section 4.1), the C-bit (carry condition code) in the Processor Status Word is set, and an error indicator is returned to FOB offset location F.ERR. If the address of a user-coded error-handling routine is specified as a parameter in any of the file-processing macro calls, a JSR PC instruction to the error-handling routine is generated. The routine is then executed if the C-bit in the Processor Status Word is set. 1-12 CHAPTER 2 PREPARING FOR I/O The MACRO-II programmer must establish the proper data base and working storage areas within the particular program in order to perform input/output operations. The following actions must be performed: • Define a file descriptor block (FDB) for each file that is to be opened simultaneously by the user program (see Section 2.2). • Define a dataset descriptor and/or a default filename block (see Section 2.4.1 or 2.4.2, respectively) if the user intends to access these structures to provide required file specifications to FCS. • Establish a file storage region (FSR) within the program if the user intends to employ record I/O in processing files (see Section 2.6). (The initialization procedures for FORTRAN programs are described in detail in the FORTRAN-IV User's Guide. ) This chapter describes the macro calls that must be invoked to provide the necessary file-processing information for the FDB. Such information is placed in the FDB in one of three ways: 1. By the assembly-time Section 2.2.1). FDB initialization macro calls 2. By the run-time FDB initialization macro calls 2.2.2) . 3. By the file-processing macro calls (see Chapter 3). (see (see Section Data supplied during the assembly of the source program establish the initial values in the FDB. Data supplied at run-time can either initialize additional portions of the FDB or change values established at assembly-time. Likewise, the data supplied through the file-processing macro calls can either initialize portions of the FDB or change previously initialized values. Table 2-1 lists the macro calls that generate FDB information. 2-1 PREPARING FOR I/O Table 2-1 Macro Calls Generating FDB Information 2.1 Assembly-Time FDB Macro Calls Run-Time FDB Macro Calls File-Processing Macro Calls FDBDF$ (Required) FDAT$A FDRC$A FDBK$A FDOP$A FDBF$A FDAT$R FDRC$R FDBK$R FDOP$R FDBF$R OPENS (All Variations) CLOSES GET$ (All Variations) PUT$ (All Variations) READ$ WRITE$ DELET$ WAIT$ .MCALL DIRECTIVE - LISTING NAMES OF REQUIRED MACRO DEFINITIONS All the assembly-time, run-time, and file-processing macro calls (see Table 2-1 above) that the user intends to issue in a program must first be listed as arguments in an .MCALL directive. So doing allows the required macro definitions to be read in from the system macro library during assembly. The .MCALL directive and associated arguments must appear in the program prior to the issuance of any macro call in the execution code of the program. If the list of macro names is lengthy, several .MCALL directives, each appearing on a separate source line, must be specified to accommodate the entire list of macro names. The number of such names that may appear in any given .MCALL statement is limited only by the availability of space within that 80-byte source line. The .MCALL directive takes the following general form: .MCALL where: argl,arg2, ... ,argn argl, etc. represents a list of symbolic names identifying the macro definitions required in the assembly of the user program. If more than one source line is required to list the names of all desired macros, each additional line so required must begin with an .MCALL directive. For clarity of functional use, the assembly-time, run-time, and file-processing macro names may be listed in each of three separate . MCALL statements. The macro names may also be listed alphabetically for readability, or they may be intermixed, irrespective of functional use. All these options are matters of preference and have no effect whatever on the retrieval of macro definitions from the system macro library. For those users planning to invoke the command line processing capabilities of the Get Command Line (GCML) routine and the Command String Interpreter (CSI), all the names of the associated macros must also be listed as arguments in an .MCALL directive. GCML and CSI, ordinarily employed in system or application programs for convenience in dynamically processing file specifications, are described in detail in Chapter 6. 2-2 PREPARING FOR I/O The .MCALL directive is described in detail in the IAS/RSX-ll MACRO-II Reference Manual. The sample programs in Appendix D also illustrate the use of the .MCALL directive. Note that these directives appear as the first statements in the preparatory coding of these programs. The object routines described in Chapter 4 should not be confused with the macro definitions available from the system macro library. The file-control routines, constituting a body of object modules, are linked into the user program at task-build time from the system object library ([l,l]SYSLIB.OLB). The reader should consult Section 4.1 for a description of these routines. The following statements are representative of the use of directive: .MCALL .MCALL 2.2 the .MCALL FDBDF$,FDAT$A,FDRC$A,FDOP$A,NMBLK$,FSRSZ$,FINIT$ OPEN$R,OPEN$W,GET$,PUT$,CLOSE$ FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FOB) THE FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FDB) is the data structure that provides the information needed by FCS for all file I/O operations. Two sets of macro calls are available for FDB initialization: one set is used for assembly-time initialization (see next section), and the other set is used for run-time initialization (see Section 2.2.2). Run-time macros are used to supplement and/or override information specified during assembly. Appendixes A and B illustrate all the sections of the FDB in detail. 2.2.1 Assembly-Time FOB Initialization Macros Assembly-time initialization requires that the FDBDF$ macro call be issued (see Section to allocate space for and to define the beginning address of the FOB. Additional macro calls can then be issued to establish other required information in this structure. The assembly-time macros that accomplish these functions are described in the following sections. These macro calls take the general form shown below: mcnam$A where: pl,p2, ... ,pn mcnam$A represents the symbolic name of the macro. pl,p2, •.. ,pn represents the string of initialization parameters associated with the specified macro. A parameter may be omitted from the string by leaving its field between delimiting commas null. Assume, for example, that a macro call may take the following parameters: FDOP$A 2,DSPT,DFNB Assume further that the second parameter field is to be coded as a null specification. In this case, the statement is coded as follows: FDOP$A 2"DFNB 2-3 PREPARING FOR I/O Also, a trailing comma need not be inserted to reflect the omission of a parameter beyond the last explicit specification. For example, the macro call FDOP$A 2,DSPT,DFNB need not be specified as FDOP$A 2,DSPT, if the last parameter (DFNB) is omitted. Rather, such a macro call is specified as follows: FDOP$A 2,DSPT If any parameter is not specified, i.e., if any field in the macro call contains a null specification, the corresponding cell in the FDB is not initialized and thus remains O. Multiple values may be specified in a parameter field of certain macro calls. Such values are indicated by placing an exclamation point (1) between the values, indicating a logical OR operation to the MACRO-II assembler. The use of multiple values in this manner is pointed out in this manual where such specifications apply. Throughout the descriptions of the assembly-time macros in the following sections and elsewhere in this manual, symbols of the form F.xxx or F.xxxx are referenced (e.g., F.RTYP). These symbols are defined as offsets from the beginning address of the FDB, allowing specific locations within the FDB to be referenced. Thus, the programmer can reference or modify information within the FDB without having to calculate word or byte offsets to specific locations. Using such symbols in system/user software has the additional advantage of permitting the relative position of cells within the FDB to be changed (in a subsequent release, for example) without affecting the user's current programs or the coding style employed in developing new programs. FDBDF$ - Allocate File Descriptor Block (FOB) The FDBDF$ macro call is specified in a MACRO-II program to allocate space within the program for a file descriptor block (FDB). This macro call must be specified in the source program once for each input or output file to be opened simultaneously by the user program in the course of execution. Any associated assembly-time macro calls (see Sections through must then be specified immediately following the FDBDF$ macro if the user desires to accomplish the initialization of certain portions of this FDB during assembly. The FDB allocation macro takes the following form: label: where: FDBDF$ label represents a user-specified symbol that names this particular FDB and defines its beginning address. This label has particular significance in all I/O operations that require access to the data structure allocated through this macro call. FCS accesses the fields within the FDB relative to the address represented by this symbol. 2-4 PREPARING FOR I/O The following examples are representative of they might appear in a source program: FDBDF$ macro calls FDBOUT: FDBDF$ iALLOCATES SPACE FOR AN FDB NAMED i"FDBOUT II AND ESTABLISHES THE iBEGINNING ADDRESS OF THE FDB. FDBIN: iALLOCATES SPACE FOR AN FDB NAMED i"FDBIN" AND ESTABLISHES THE iBEGINNING ADDRESS OF THE FDB. FDBDF$ As noted earlier, the source program logically similar to those above simultaneously by the user program. different files, as long as the file before the next file is opened. The must be defined for every file to be as must embody one FDBDF$ macro call for each file to be accessed FDB's can be reused for many currently using the FDB is closed only requirement is that an FDB opened simultaneously. FDAT$A - Initialize File Attribute Section of FDB The FDAT$A macro call is used to initialize the file attribute section of the FDB when a new output file is to be created. If the file to be processed already exists, the FDAT$A initialization macro is not required, since FCS obtains the necessary information from the first 14 bytes of the user file attribute section of the specified file's header block (see Appendix F). This macro call has the following format: FDAT$A where: rtyp rtyp,ratt,rsiz,cntg,aloc represents a symbolic value that defines the type of records to be built as the new file is created. One of three values must be specified, as follows: R.FIX - Indicates that fixed-length records are to be written in creating the file. R.VAR - Indicates that variable-length records are to be written in creating the file. R.SEQ - Indicates sequenced records written in creating the file. are to be This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.RTYP. Since the symbols R.FIX, R.VAR, and R.SEQ initialize the same location in the FDB, these values are mutually exclusive. ratt represents symbolic values that may be specified to define the attributes of the records as the new file is created. The following symbolic values may be specified, as appropriate, to define the desired record attributes: FD.FTN - Indicates that the first byte in each record will contain a FORTRAN carriage-control character. FD.CR - Indicates that the record is to be preceded by acharacter and followed by a character when the record is written to a carriage-control device, e.g., a line printer or a terminal. 2-5 PREPARING FOR I/O FO.BLK - Indicates that records are not allowed to cross block boundaries. These parameters initialize the record-attribute byte (offset location F.RATT) in the FOB. The values FO.FTN and FO.CR are mutually exclusive and must not be specified together. Apart from this restriction, the combination (logical OR) of multiple parameters specified in this field must be separated by an exclamation point (e.g., FO.CR!FO.BLK) . rsiz represents a numeric value that defines the size (in bytes) of fixed-length records to be written to the file. This value, which initializes FOB offset location F.RSIZ, need not be specified if R.VAR has been specified as the record type parameter above (for variable-length records). If R.VAR or R.SEQ is specified, FCS maintains a value in FOB offset location F.RSIZ that defines the size (in bytes) of the largest record currently written to the file. Thus, whenever an existing file containing variable-length records is opened, the value in F.RSIZ defines the size of the largest record within that file. By examining the value in this cell, a program can dynamically allocate record buffers for its open files. cntg represents a signed numeric value that defines the number of blocks that are allocated for the file as it is created. The signed values have the following significance: positive Value - Indicates that the specified number of blocks is to be allocated contiguously at file-create time, and further that the file is to be contiguous. Negative Value - Indicates that the two's complement of the specified number of blocks is to be allocated at file-create time, not necessarily contiguously, and, further, that the file is to be noncontiguous. This parameter, which has 15 bits of magnitude (plus a sign bit), initializes FOB offset location F.CNTG. If the user has a firm idea as to the desired length of the file, it is more efficient to allocate the required number of blocks at file-create time through this parameter, rather than requiring FCS to extend the file, if necessary, during the writing of the file (see aloc parameter below). If this parameter is not specified, then the file is created as an empty file, i.e., no space is allocated within the file as it is created. 2-6 PREPARING FOR I/O Issuing the CLOSE$ macro call at the completion of file processing resets the value in F.CNTG to O. Thus, the usual procedure is to initialize this location at run-time just before opening the file. This action is especially necessary if the FOB is to be re-used. aloc represents a signed numeric value that defines the number of blocks by which the file is extended if FCS determines that file extension is necessary during the writing of the file. When the end of allocated space in the file is reached during writing, the signed value provided through this parameter causes file extension to occur, as follows: Positive Value - Indicates that the specified number of blocks is to be allocated contiguously as additional space within the file, and further that the file is to be contiguous. Negative Value - Indicates that the complement of the specified number of blocks be allocated noncontiguously as additional within the file, and further that the file be noncontiguous. two's is to space is to This parameter, which also has 15 bits of magnitude (plus a sign bit), initializes FOB offset location F.ALOC. If this optional parameter is not specified, file extension occurs as follows: 1. If the number of virtual blocks yet to be written is greater than 1, the file is extended by the exact number of blocks required to complete the writing of the file. 2. If only 1 additional block is required to complete the writing of the file, the file is extended in accordance with the volume's default extend value. In lAS, RSX-llD, and RSX-llM, the volume default extend size is established through the INITIALIZE, INITVOLUME, or MOUNT command respectively. The volume default extend size cannot be established at the FCS level; this value must be established when the volume is initially mounted. The following statement is representative of an FDAT$A macro call. This statement initializes the FOB in preparation for the creation of a new file containing fixed-length, 80-byte records that will be allowed to cross block boundaries. FDAT$A R.FIX,,80. In the above example, the record attribute (ratt) parameter has been omitted, as indicated by the second comma (,) in the param€~ter string. Also, the cntg and aloc parameters have been omitted. Their omission, however, occurs following the last explicit specification, and their absence need not be indicated by trailing commas in the parameter string. Since the aloc parameter has been omitted, file extension (if it becomes necessary) is accomplished in accordance with the current default extend size in effect for the associated volume. 2-7 PREPARING FOR I/O If more than one record attribute is specified in the ratt parameter field, such specifications must be separated by an exclamation point (1), as shown below: FDAT$A R.VAR,FD.FTN1FD.BLK The above macro call enables a file of variable-length records to be created. The records will contain FORTRAN vertical~formatting information for carriage-control devices; the records will not be allowed to cross block boundaries. FDRC$A - Initialize Record-Access Section of FDB - The FDRC$A macro call is used to initialize the record access section of the FDB and to indicate whether record or block I/O operations are to be used in processing the associated file. If record I/O operations (GET$ and PUTS macro calls) are LO be used, the FDRC$A or the FDRC$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2) establishes the FDB information necessary for record-oriented I/O. If block I/O operations (READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls) are to be used, however, the FDBK$A macro call (see Section or the FDBK$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2) must also be specified in order to establish other values in the FDB required for block I/O. In this case, portions of the record-access section of the FDB are physically overlaid with parameters from the FDBK$A/FDBK$R macro call. Prior to issuing the OPEN$x macro call to initiate file operations, the FDB must be appropriately initialized to indicate whether record or block I/O operations are to be used in processing the associated file. The FDRC$A macro call takes the following format: FDRC$A where: racc,urba,urbs racc record I/O specifies which variation of block or is to be used to process the file. This parameter byte (offset initializes the record-access location F.RACC) in the FDB. The first value (READ$/WRITE$) below applies only for block I/O operations; all remaining values are specific to record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations: FD.RWM - Indicates that READ$/WRITE$ (block I/O) operations are to be used in processing the file. If this value is not specified, GET$/PUT$ (record I/O) operations are used by default. Specifying FD.RWM necessitates issuing an FDBK$A or an FDBK$R macro call in the program to initialize other offsets in the block-access section of the FDB. Note also that the READ$ or WRITE$ macro call allows the complete specification of all the parameters required for block I/O operations. FD.RAN - Indicates that random-access mode is to be used in processing the file. If this value is not specified, sequential-access mode is used by default. Refer to Section 1.5 for a description of random-access mode. 2-8 PREPARING FOR I/O FD.PLC - Indicates that locate mode is to be used in processing the file. If this value is not specified, move mode is used by default. FD.INS - This value, which applies only for sequential files (and therefore cannot be specified jointly with the FD.RAN parameter above), indicates that a PUT$ operation performed within the body of the file shall not truncate the file. Should the user wish to perform a PUT$ operation within the body of a file, the .POINT routine described in Section 4.10.1 may be called. This routine, which permits a limited degree of random access to a file, positions the file to a user-specified byte within a virtual block in preparation for the PUT$ operation. If FD.INS is not specified, a PUT$ operation within the file truncates the file at the point of insertion, i.e., the PUT$ operation moves the logical end-of-file (EOF) to a point just beyond the inserted record. However, no deallocation of blocks within the file occurs. Regardless of the setting of the FD.INS bit, a PUT$ operation that is in fact beyond the current logical end of the file resets the logical end of the file to a point just beyond the inserted record. urba represents the symbolic address of a user record buffer to be used for GET$ operations in move and locate modes, and for PUT$ operations in locate mode. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.URBD+2. This parameter is specified only for record I/O operations. urbs represents a numeric value that defines the size (in bytes) of the user record buffer to be employed for GET$ operations in move and locate modes, and for PUT$ operations in locate mode. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.URBD. This parameter is specified only for record I/O operations. The user allocates and labels a record buffer a .BLKB or .BLKW directive. The address and then passed to FCS as the urba and the urbs example, a user record buffer may be defined is logically equivalent to that shown below: RECBUF: .BLKB in a program by issuing the size of this area is parameters above. For through a statement that 82. where RECBUF is the address of the buffer and 82(10) bytes) • is its size (in Under certain conditions, the user need not allocate a record buffer or specify the buffer descriptors (urba and urbs) for GET$ or PUT$ operations. These conditions are described in detail in Sections 3.9.2 and 3.12.2, respectively. 2-9 PREPARING FOR I/O The following statement is representative of an FDRC$A macro call that is issued for a file that may be accessed in random mode: FDRC$A FD.RAN,BUFl,160. The address of the user record buffer is specified through the symbol BUFl, and the size of the user record buffer (in bytes) is defined by the numeric value 160(10). If more than one value is specified in the record-access (racc) field, multiple values must be separated by an exclamation point (1), as shown below: FDRC$A FD.RAN!FD.PLC,BUFl,160. In addition to the functions described for the first example, this example specifies that locate mode is to be used in processing the associated file. Note that the multiple parameters specified in the first field are separated by an exclamation point (!). FDBK$A - Initialize Block-Access Section of FOB - The FDBK$A macro call is used to initialize the block-access section of the FDB when block I/O operations (READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls) are to be used for file processing. Initializing the FDB with this macro call allows the user to read or write virtual blocks of data within a file. As noted in the preceding section, issuing the FDBK$A macro call implies that the FDRC$A macro call has also been specified, since it is through the FD.RWM parameter of the FDRC$A macro call that the initial declaration of block I/O operations is accomplished. Thus, for block I/O operations, the FDRC$A macro call must be specified, as well as anyone of the following macro calls, to appropriately initialize the block-access section of the FDB: FDBK$A, FDBK$R, READ$, or WRITE$. Issuing the FDBK$A macro call causes certain portions of the record-access section of the FDB to be overlaid with parameters necessary for block I/O operations. Thus, the terms "record-access section" and "block-access section" refer to a shared physical area of the FDB that is functional for either record or block I/O operations. When block I/O operations are desired, the FDB must be properly initialized through the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call prior to issuing a generalized OPEN$x macro call that references the FDB. If record I/O operations are to be employed, the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call must not be issued. The FDBK$A macro call is specified in the following format: FDBK$A where: bkda,bkds,bkvb,bkef,bkst,bkdn bkda represents the symbolic address of an area in user memory space to be employed as a buffer for block I/O operations. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.BKDS+2. bkds represents a numeric value that specifies the size (in bytes) of the block to be read or written when a block I/O request (READ$ or WRITE$ macro call) is issued. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.BKDS. The maximum block size that can be specified through this parameter is equal to 64 virtual blocks, i.e., 32767(10) bytes. 2-10 PREPARING FOR I/O bkvb represents a dummy parameter for compatibility with the FDBK$R macro call. The bkvb parameter is not specified in the FDBK$A macro call for the reasons stated in Item 4 of Section In short, assembly-time initialization of FDB offset locations F.BKVB+2 and F.BKVB with the virtual block number is meaningless, since any version of the generalized OPEN$x macro call resets the virtual-block number in these cells to 1 as the file is opened. Therefore, these cells can be initialized only at run-time through either the FDBK$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2) or the I/O-initiating READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls (see Sections 3.15 and 3.16, respectively). This dummy parameter need be reflected as a null specification (with a comma) in the parameter string only in the event that an explicit parameter follows. This null specification is required in order to maintain the proper pO$itionality of any remaining field(s) in the parameter string. bkef represents a numeric value that specifies an event flag to be used during READ$/WRITE$ operations to indicate the completion of a block I/O transfer. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.BKEF; if not specified, event flag 32(10) is used by default. The function of an event flag is further detail in Section 2.8.1. bkst described in represents the symbolic address of a 2-word I/O status block in the user program. If specified, this optional parameter initializes FDB offset location F.BKST. The I/O status block, if it is to be used, must be defined and appropriately labeled at assembly-time. Then, if the bkst parameter is specified, information is returned by the system to the I/O status block at the completion of the block I/O transfer. This information reflects the status of the requested operation. If this parameter is not specified, no information is returned to the I/O status block. If an error occurs during a READ$ or WRITE$ operation that would normally be reported as a negative value in the first byte of the I/O status block, the error is not reported unless an I/O status block address is specified. Thus, the user is advised to specify this parameter to allow the return of block I/O status information and to facilitate normal error reporting. The creation and function of the I/O status are described in detail in Section 2.8.2. 2-11 block PREPARING FOR I/O bkdn represents the symbolic address of an optional user-coded AST service routine. If present, this parameter causes the AST service routine to be initiated at the specified address upon completion of block I/O; if not specified, no AST trap occurs. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.BKON. Considerations relevqnt to the use of an AST service routine are presented in Section 2.8.3. The following example shows an FOBK$A macro call that utilizes all available parameter fields for initializing the block-access section of the FOB: FOBK$A BKBUF,240.,,20.,ISTAT,ASTAOR In this macro call, the symbol BKBUF identifies a block I/O buffer reserved in the user program that will accommodate a 240(10)-byte block. The virtual-block number is null (for the reasons stated above in the description of this parameter), and the event flag to be set upon block I/O completion is 20(10). Finally, the symbol ISTAT specifies the address of the I/O status block, and the symbol ASTAOR specifies the entry-point address of the AST service routine. FOOP$A - Initialize File-Open Section of FOB The FOOP$A macro call is used to initialize the file-open section of the FOB. In addition to a logical unit number, either a dataset-descriptor pointer and/or a default filename block address is normally specified for each file that is to be opened. The latter two parameters provide FCS with the linkage necessary to retrieve file specifications from these user-created data structures in the program. Although both a dataset-descriptor pointer (dspt) and the address of a default filename block (dfnb) may be specified for a given file, one or the other must be present in the FOB before that file can be opened. If, however, certain information is already present in the filename block as the result of prior program action, neither the dataset descriptor nor the default filename block is accessed by FCS, and the file is opened through a process called "opening a file by file 10." This process, which is an efficient method of opening a file, is described in detail in Section 2.5. The dspt and dfnb parameters represent address values which point to user-defined data structures in the program. These data structures, which are described in detail in Section 2.4, provide file specifications to the FCS file-processing routines. The FOOP$A macro call takes the following form: FOOP$A where: lun lun,dspt,dfnb,facc,actl represents a numeric value that specifies a logical unit number. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.LUN. All I/O operations performed in conjunction with this FOB are done through the specified logical unit number (LUN). Every active FOB must have a unique LUN. 2-12 PREPARING FOR I/O The logical unit number specified through this parameter may be any value from 1 through the largest value specified to the Task Builder through the UNITS option. This option specifies the number of logical units to be used by the task (see the Task Builder Reference Manual of the host operating system). dspt represents the symbolic address of a 6-word block in the user program containing the dataset descriptor. This user-defined data structure consists of a 2-word device descriptor, a 2-word directory descriptor, and a 2-word filename descriptor, as outlined in Section 2.4.1. The dspt parameter initializes FDB offset location F.DSPT. This address value, called the dataset-descriptor pointer, is the linkage address through which FCS accesses the fields in the dataset descriptor. When the Command String Interpreter (CSI) is used to process command-string input, a file specification is returned to the calling program in a format identical to that of the manually created dataset descriptor. The use of CSI as a dynamic command-line processor is described in detail in Section 6.2. dfnb represents the symbolic address of the default filename block. This structure is allocated within the user program through the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2). When specified, the dfnb parameter initializes FDB offset location F.DFNB, allowing FCS to access the fields of the default filename block in building the filename block in the FDB. Specifying the dfnb parameter in the FDOP$A (or the FDOP$R) macro call assumes that the NMBLK$ macro call has been issued in the program. Furthermore, the symbol specified as the dfnb parameter in the FDOP$A (or the FDOP$R) macro call must correspond exactly to the symbol specified in the label field of the NMBLK$ macro call. facc represents any one, or any appropriate combination, of the following symbolic values be indicating how the specified file is to accessed: FO.RD - Indicates that an existing file is opened for reading only. to be FO.WRT - Indicates that a new created and opened for writing. to be FO.APD - Indicates that an existing file is to opened for append. be FO.MFY - Indicates that an existing file is to opened for modification. be 2-13 file is PREPARING FOR I/O FO.UPD - Indicates that an existing file is to opened for update and, if necessary, extertded. be FA.NSP - Indicates, in combination with FO.WRT above, that an old file having the same file specification is not be to superseded by the new file. Rather, an error code is to be returned. FA.TMP - Indicates, in combination with FO.WRT above, that the created file is to be a temporary ~~, L~i~. FA.SHR - Indicates that the file is to for shared access. be opened The facc parameter initializes FDB offset location F.FACC. The symbolic values FO.xxx, described above, represent the logical OR of bits in FDB location F.FACC. The information specified by this parameter can be overridden by an OPENS macro call, as described in Section 3.7. It is overridden by an OPEN$x macro call. actl represents a symbolic value that is used to specify the following control information in FDB location F.ACTL: 1. Magnetic tape position. 2. Whether a disk file that is opened for write is to be locked if it is not properly closed, e.g., the task terminates abnormally. 3. Number of retrieval pointers to allocate for a disk file window. Normallly, FCS supplies default values for F.ACTL. However, if FA.ENB is specified in combination with any of the symbolic values described below, FCS uses the information in F.ACTL. FA.ENB must be specified with the desired values to override the defaults. The following are the defaults for location F.ACTL. For file creation, magnetic tapes positioned to the end of the volume set. are At file open and close, tapes are not rewound. A disk file that is opened for write is locked if it is not properly closed. The volume window. default is used for the file The values listed below can be used in conjunction with FA.ENB. FA. pas - Is meaningful only for output files and is specified to cause a magnetic tape to be positioned just after the most recently closed file for the creation of a new file. Any files 2-14 PREPARING FOR I/O that exist after that point are lost. If rewind is specified, it takes precedence over FA.POS, thus causing the tape to be positioned just after the VOLI label for file creation. See Section 5.2.3. FA.RWD - Is specified to cause a magnetic tape be rewound when the file is opened or closed. Examples of the use of FA.ENB with FA.RWD are provided in Section 5.2.8. FA.POS to and FA.DLK - Is specified to cause a disk file not be locked if it is not properly closed. to The number of retrieval pointers for a file window can be specified in the low-order byte of F.ACTL. The system normally provides 7 retrieval pointers automatically. Retrieval pointers are used to point to contiguous blocks of the file on disk. Access to fragmented files may be optimized by increasing the number of retrieval pointers, i.e., by increasing the size of the window. Likewise, additional memory can be freed by reducing the number of pointers for files with little or no fragmentation, e.g., contiguous files. As noted, if neither the dspt nor the dfnb parameter is specified, corresponding offset locations F.DSPT and F.DFNB contain O. In this case, no file is currently associated with this FDB. Any attempt to open a file with this FDB results in an open failure. Either offset location F.DSPT or F.DFNB must be initialized with an appropriate address value before a file can be opened using this FDB. Normally, these cells are initialized at assembly-time through the FDOP$A macro call; they may also be initialized at run-time through the FDOP$R or the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1). The following examples represent the FDOP$A macro appear in a source program: FDOP$A 1"DFNB FDOP$A 2,OFDSPT FDOP$A 2,OFDSPT,DFNB FDOP$A 1,CSIBLK+C.DSDS FDOP$A 1"DFNB"FA.ENB!16. call as it might Note in the first example that the dataset-descriptor pointer (dspt) is null, requiring that FCS rely on the run-time specification of the dataset-descriptor pointer for the FDB or the use of the default filename block for required file information. In the second example, a dataset-descriptor pointer (OFDSPT) has been specified, allowing FCS to access the fields in the dataset descriptor for required file information. The third example specifies both a dataset-descriptor pointer and a default filename block address, causing FDB offset locations F.DSPT and F.DFNB, respectively, to be initialized with the appropriate values. In this case, FCS can access the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block for required file information. By 2-15 PREPARING FOR I/O convention, FCS first seeks such information in the dataset descriptor; if all the required information is not present in this data structure, FCS attempts to obtain the missing information from the default filename block. The fourth example shows a macro call that takes as its second parameter a symbolic value that causes FOB offset location F.DSPT to be initialized with the address of the CSI dataset descriptor. This structure is created in the CSI control block through the invocation of the CSI$ macro call. All considerations relevant to the use of CSI as a dynamic command line processor are presented in Section 6.2. The last example illustrates the use of the parameter actl to increase the number of retrieval pointers in the file window to 16. FA.ENB is specified to cause the contents of F.ACTL, rather than the defaults, to be used. In all the examples above, the value specified as the first parameter supplies the logical unit number to be used for all I/O operations involving the associated file. FDBF$A - Initialize Block-Buffer Section of FOB - The FDBF$A macro call is used to initialize the block buffer section of the FOB when record I/O operations (GET$ and PUTS macro calls) are to be used for file processing. Initializing the FOB with this macro call allows FCS to control the necessary blocking and deblocking of individual records within a virtual block as an integral function of processing the file. The FDBF$A macro call takes the following format: FDBF$A where: efn,ovbs,mbct,mbfg efn represents a numeric value that specifies the event flag to be used by FCS in synchronizing record I/O operations. This numeric value initializes FOB offset location F.EFN. This event flag is used internally by FCS; it must not be set, cleared, or tested by the user. If this parameter is not specified, event flag 32(10) is used by default. A null specification in this field is indicated by inserting a leading comma in the parameter string. ovbs represents a numeric value that specifies an FSR block-buffer size (in bytes) which overrides the standard block size for the particular device associated with the file. This parameter is specified only when a nonstandard block size is desired. The numeric value so specified initializes FOB offset location F.OVBS. An override block size is allowed only for record-oriented devices (such as line printers) and sequential devices (such as magnetic tape units) • For block-oriented devices, the override block size is ignored. In lAS and RSX-IID, for spooled output to a record-oriented device, a buffer less than 512(10) bytes in length must not be allocated. 2-16 PREPARING FOR I/O Issuing the CLOSES macro call (see section 3.8) resets offset location F.OVBS in the associated FOB to O. Therefore, this location should typically be initialized at run-time just before opening the file, particularly if an OPEN$x/CLOSE$ sequence for the file is performed more than once. The standard block size in effect for a particular device may be obtained through an I/O-related system directive called Get Lun Information (GLUN$). This directive is described in detail in the Executive Reference Manual of the host operating system. The standard block size for a device is established at system-generation time. NOTE For RSX-IIM, FCS uses single buffering and simply ignores the multiple-buffering parameters (mbct and mbfg) in the FOBK$A/FOBK$R macro call. For lAS and RSX-IIO, resident and nonresident libraries support the multibuffered version of FCS. mbct represents a numeric value that specifies the multiple buffer count, i.e., the number of buffers to be used by FCS in processing the associated file. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.MBCT. If this value is greater than 1, mUltiple buffering is effectively declared for file processing. In this case, FCS employs either read-ahead or write-behind operations, depending on which of two symbolic values is specified as the mbfg parameter (see below) . If the mbct parameter is specified as null or 0, FCS uses the default buffer count contained in symbolic location .MBFCT in $$FSR2 (the program section in the FSR containing impure data). This cell normally contains a default buffer count of 1. If desired, this value can be modified, as noted in the discussion following the mbfg parameter below. If, in specifying the FSRSZ$ macro call (see Section 2.6.1), sufficient memory space has not been allocated to accommodate the number of buffers established by the mbct parameter, FCS allocates as many buffers as can fit in the available space. Insufficient space for at least one buffer causes FCS to return an error code to FOB offset location F.ERR. The user can initialize the buffer count in F.MBCT through either the FOBF$A or the FOBF$R macro call. The buffer count so established is not altered by FCS and, once set, need not be of further concern to the user. 2-17 PREPARING FOR I/O mbfg represents a symbolic value that specifies the type of multiple buffering to be employed in processing the file. Either of two values may be specified to initialize FDB offset location F.MBFG: FD.RAH - Indicates that read-ahead operations to be used in processing the file. FD.WBH - Indicates that write-behind are to be used in processing the file. are operations These parameters are mutually exclusive, i.e., one or the other, but not both, may be specified. Specifying this parameter assumes that the buffer count established in the mbct parameter above is greater than 1. If multiple buffering has thus been declared, the omission of the mbfg parameter causes FCS to use read-ahead operations by default for all files opened using the OPEN$R macro call; similarly, write-behind operations are used by default for all files opened using other forms of the OPEN$x macro call. If these default buffering conventions are not desired, the user can alter the value in the F.MBFG dynamically at run-time. This is done by issuing the FDBF$R macro call, which takes as the mbfg parameter the appropriate control flag (FD.RAH or FD.WBH). This action must be taken, however, before opening the file. Offset location F.MBFG in the FDB is reset each time the associated file is closed. to 0 For lAS and RSX-IlD, the default buffer count can be changed, if desired, by modifying a location in $$FSR2, the second of two program sections comprising the FSR. A location defined as .MBFeT in $$FSR2 normally contains a default buffer count of 1. This default value may be changed, as follows: 1. Apply a global patch to .MBFCT at task-build time to the desired number of buffers. specify 2. For MACRO-II programs, use the EXTSCT Task Builder directive (see Section 2.7.1) to allocate more space for the FSR block buffers; for FORTRAN programs, use the ACTFIL Task Builder directive (see Section 2.7.2) to allocate more space for the FSR block buffers. Because the above procedure alters the default buffer count for all files to be processed by the user program, it may be desirable to force single buffering for any specific file(s) that would not benefit from multiple buffering. In such a case, the buffer count in F.MBCT for a specific file may be set to 1 by issuing the following macro call for the applicable FDB: FDBF$A ,,1 2-18 PREPARING FOR I/O The value 1 specifies the buffer count (mbct) for the desired file and is entered into offset location F.MBCT in the applicable FOB. Note in the example above that the event flag (efn) and the override block buffer size (ovbs) parameters are null; these null values are used for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as conditional specifications for establishing single-buffered operations. The following examples are representative of the FDBF$A macro call it might appear in a program: FDBF$A 25.,,1 FDBF$A 25.,,2,FD.RAH FDBF$A ,,2,FD.WBH as The first example specifies that event flag 25(10) is to be used in synchronizing record I/O operations and that single buffering is to be used in processing the file. The second example also specifies event flag 25(10) for synchronizing record I/O operations, and in addition establishes 2 as the multiple buffer count. The buffers so specified are to be used for read-ahead operations, as indicated by the final parameter. The last example allows event flag 32(10) to be used by default for synchronizing record I/O operations, and the two buffers specified in this case are to be used for write-behind operations. Note in all three examples that the second parameter, i.e., the override block size parameter (ovbs), is null; thus, the standard block size in effect for the device in question will be used for all file I/O operations. 2.2.2 Run-Time FDB Initialization Macros Although the FOB is allocated and can be initialized during program assembly, the contents of specific sections of the FOB can also be initialized or changed at run time by issuing any of the following macro calls: FDAT$R - Initializes or alters the file-attribute the FOB. section of FDRC$R - Initializes or alters the the FOB. section of FDBK$R - Initializes or alters the block-access section of the FOB (see Item 4 below). FDOP$R - Initializes or alters the file-open FOB. FDBF$R - Initializes or alters the block-buffer section of the FOB. record-access section of the There are no default values for run-time FOB macros (except for the FOB address). At run-time, the values currently in the FOB are used unless they are explicitly overridden. For example, values stored in the FOB at assembly time are used at run-time unless they are overridden. 2-19 PREPARING FOR I/O Run-Time FDB Macro-Call Exceptions - The format and the parameters of the run-time FDB initialization macros are identical to the assembly-time macros described earlier, except as noted below: 1. An R rather than an A must appear as the the run-time symbolic macro name. 2. The first parameter in all run-time macro calls must be the address of the FDB associated with the file to be processed. All other parameters in the run-time macro calls are identical to tnose described in Sections through for the assembly-time macro calls, except as noted in Items 3 and 4 below. 3. The parameters in the run-time macro calls must be valid MACRO-II source-operand expressions. These parameters may be address values or literal values; they may also represent the contents of registers or memory locations. In short, any value that is a valid source operand in a MOV or MOVB instruction may be specified in a run-time macro call. In this regard, the following conventions apply: a. character #FDBADR,#l,#DSPT,#DFNB If the parameter is the address of a location containing an argument that is to be placed in the FDB, the parameter must not be preceded by the number sign (#). Such a parameter may be specified as follows: ONE: . WORD 1 FDOP$R #FDBADR,ONE,#DSPT,#DFNB where ONE represents the symbolic address of containing the desired initializing value. c. in If the parameter is an address value or a literal value that is to be placed in tqe FDB, i.e., if the parameter itself is to be taken as an argument, it must be preceded by the number sign (#). This symbol is the immediate expression indicator for MACRO-II programs, causing the associated argument to be taken literally in initializing the appropriate cell in the FDB. Such literal values may be specified as follows: FDOP$R b. last a location Also, if the parameter is a register specifier (e.g., RO), the parameter must not be preceded by the number sign (#). Register specifiers are defined MACRO-II symbols and are valid expressions in any context. Thus, in contrast, parameters specified in assembly-time macro calls are used as arguments in generating data in .WORD or .BYTE directives f while parameters specified in run-time macro calls are used as arguments in MOV and MOVB machine instructions. 4. As noted in the description of the FDBK$A macro call in Section, assembly-time initialization of the FDB with the virtual-block number is meaningless, since issuing the OPEN$x macro call to prepare a file for processing automatically resets the virtual-block number in the FDB to 1. For this reason, the virtual-block number can be specified only at run-time after the file has been opened. 2-20 PREPARING FOR I/O This may be accomplished by issuing either the FDBK$R macro call or the I/O-initiating READ$/WRITE$ macro call. In all three cases, the relevant field for defining the virtual block number is the bkvb parameter. The READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls are described in detail in Sections 3.15 and 3.16, respectively. At assembly-time, the user must reserve and label a 2-word block in the program which is to be used for temporarily storing the virtual-block number appropriate for intended block I/O operations. Since the user is free to manipulate the contents of these two locations at will, any virtual-block number consistent with intended block I/O operations may be defined. By specifying the symbolic address (i.e., the label) of this field as the bkvb parameter in the selected run-time macro call, the virtual-block number is made available to FCS. In preparing for block I/O operations, the following procedures must be performed: a. general At assembly-time, reserve a 2-word block in the user program through a statement that is logically equivalent to the following: VBNADR: .BLKW 2 The label VBNADR names this 2-word block and defines its address. This symbol is used subsequently as the bkvb parameter in the selected run-time macro call for initializing the FDB. b. At run-time, load this field with the desired virtual-block number. This operation may be accomplished through statements logically equivalent to those shown below: CLR MOV VBNADR #10400,VBNADR+2 Note that the first word of the block is cleared. The MOV instruction then loads the second (low-order) word of the block with a numeric value. This value constitutes the 16 least significant bits of the virtual block number. If the desired virtual-block number cannot be completely expressed within 16 bits, the remaining portion of the virtual-block number must be stored in the first (high-orde~) word of the block. This may be accomplished through statements logically equivalent to the following: MOV MOV #l,VBNADR #10400,VBNADR+2 As a result of these two instructions, 31 bits of value are defined in this 2-word block. The first word contains the 15 most significant bits of the virtual-block number, and the second word contains the 16 least significant bits. Thus, the virtual-block number is an unsigned value having 31 bits of magnitude. The user must ensure that the sign bit in the high-order word is not set. 2-21 PREPARING FOR I/O c. Open the desired file for processing by issuing the appropriate version of the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1). d. Issue either the FDBK$R macro call or the READ$/WRITE$ macro call, as appropriate, to initialize the relevant FDB with the desired virtual-block number. If the FDBK$R macro call is elected, the following representative example: FDBK$R is a #FDBIN",#VBNADR Regardless of the particular macro call used to supply the virtual-block number, the two words at VBNADR are loaded into F.BKVB and F.BKVB+2. The first of these words (F.BKVB) is 0 if 16 bits are sufficient to express the desired virtual-block number. The I/O-initiating READ$/WRITE$ macro call may then be issued. Should the user, however, choose to initialize the FDB directly through either the READ$ or WRITE$ macro call, the virtual-block number may be made available to FCS through a statement such as that shown below: READ$ #FDBIN,#INBUF,#BUFSIZ,#VBNADR The symbol VBNADR represents the address of the 2-word block in the user program containing the virtual-block number. Specifying the FOB Address in Run-Time Macro Calls In relation to Item 2 of the exceptions noted above, the address of the FDB associated with the file to be processed corresponds to the address value of the user-defined symbol appearing in the label field of the FDBDF$ macro call (see Section For example, the statement FDBOUT: FDBDF$ in addition to allocating space for an FDB at assembly time, binds the label FDBOUT to the beginning address of the FDB associated with this file. The address value so established can then be specified as the initial parameter in a run-time macro call in anyone of three ways, as follows: 1. The address of the appropriate FDB may be specified as an explicit parameter in a run-time macro call, as indicated in the following statement: FDAT$R #FDBOUT,#R.VAR,#FD.CR The argument FDBOUT is taken literally by FCS as the address of an FOB; furthermore, this address value, by convention, is stored in general register zero (RO). Whenever this method of specifying the FOB address is employed, the previous contents of RO are overwritten (and thus destroyed). Therefor$, the user must exercise care in issuing subsequent run-time macro calls to ensure that the present value of RO is suitable to current purposes. 2-22 PREPARING FOR I/O 2. A general register specifier may be used as the initial parameter in a run-time macro call. When a register other than RO is used, the contents of the specified register are moved to RO. The previous contents of RO are overwritten (and thus destroyed). The following statement reflects the register to specify the FOB address: FDAT$R use of a general RO,#R.VAR,#FD.CR In this case, the current contents of RO are taken by FCS as the address of the appropriate FOB. This method assumes that the address of the FOB has been previously loaded into RO through some overt action. Note, when using this method to specify the FOB address, that the immediate expression indicator (#) must not precede the register specifier (RO). 3. A null specification may also be used as the parameter in a run-time macro call, as shown below: FDAT$R initial ,#R.VAR,#FD.CR In this instance, the current contents of RO are taken by default as the address of the associated FOB. As in method 2 above, RO is assumed to contain the address of the desired FOB. Although the comma in this instance constitutes a valid specification, the user is advised to employ methods I and 2 for consistency and clarity of purpose. In relation to the foregoing, it should be understood that these three methods of specifying the FOB address also apply to all the FCS file-processing macro calls described in Chapter 3. 2.3 GLOBAL VERSUS LOCAL DEFINITIONS FOR FOB OFFSETS Although the FOB offsets can be defined either locally or globally, the design of FCS does not require that the user be concerned with the definition of FOB offsets locally. To some extent, this design consideration is based on the manner in which MACRO-II handles symbols. Whenever a symbol appears in the source program, MACRO-II automatically assumes that it is a global symbol unless it is presently defined within the current assembly. Such a symbol must be defined further on in the program; otherwise, it will be treated by MACRO-II as a default global reference, requiring that it be resolved by the Task Builder. Thus, the question of global versus local symbols may simply be a matter of the programmer's not defining the FOB offsets and bit values locally in coding the program. Such undefined symbols thus become global references, which are reduced to absolute definitions at task-build time. It should be noted that global symbols may be used as operands and/or macro-call parameters anywhere in the source program coding, as described in the following section. 2-23 PREPARING FOR I/O 2.3.1 Specifying Global Symbols in the Source Coding Throughout the descriptions of the assembly-time macros (see Sections through, global symbols are specified as parameters in the macro calls. As noted earlier, such symbols ~re treated by MACRO-II as default global references. For example, the global symbol FD.RAN may be specified as the initial parameter in the FDRC$A macro call (see Section At task-build time, this parameter is reduced to an absolute symbol definition, causing a prescribed bit to be set in the record=access byte (offset location F.RACC) of the FDB. Global symbols may also be used as operands in user program instructions to accomplish operations associated with FDB offset locations. For example, global offsets such as F.RACC, F.RSIZ, and F.RTYP may be specified as operands in the source coding. Assume, for example, that an FDBDF$ macro call (see section has been issued in the source program to allocate space for an FDB, as follows: FDBIN: FDBDF$ The coding sequence shown below may then appear in the source program, illustrating the use of the global offset F.RACC: MOV MOVB #FDBIN,RO #FD.RAN,F.RACC(RO) Note that the beginning address of the FDB is first moved into general register zero (RO). However, if the desired value already exists in RO as the result of previous action in the program, the user need issue only the second MOV instruction (which appropriately references RO). As a consequence of this instruction, the value FD.RAN initializes FDB offset location F.RACC. An equivalent instruction is the following: MOVB #FD.RAN,FDBIN+F.RACC which likewise initializes offset location F.RACC in the FDB with the value of FD.RAN. Global symbols may be used anywhere in the program in this manner to effect the dynamic storage of values within the FDB. 2.3.2 Defining FDB Offsets and Bit Values Locally The user who wishes to declare explicitly that all FDB offsets and bit values are to be defined locally may do so by invoking two macro calls in the source program. The first of these, FDOF$L, causes the offsets for FDBls to be defined within the user program. Similarly, bit values for all FDB parameters may be defined locally by invoking the FCSBT$ macro call. These macro calls may be invoked anywhere in the user program. When issued, the FDOF$L and FCSBT$ macro calls manner roughly equivalent to: define symbols in F.RTYP = xxxx F.RACC = xxxx F.RSIZ xxxx where xxxx represents the value assigned to the corresponding symbol. 2-24 a PREPARING FOR I/O In other locally absolute symbols words, the macros for defining FOB offsets and bit values do not generate any code. Their function is simply to create symbol definitions within the program at assembly-time. The so defined, however, appear in the MACRO-II symbol table, ~ather than in the source-program listing. Such local symbol definitions are thereby made available to MACRO-II during assembly, rather than forcing them to be resolved by the Task Builder. Whether or not the FDOF$L and FCSBT$ macro calls are invoked should not in any way affect the coding style or the manner in which the FOB offsets and bit values are used. Note, however, if the FDOF$L macro call is issued, the NBOF$L macro call for the local definition of the filename block need not be issued (see Section 2.4.2). The FDOF$L macro call automatically defines all FOB offsets locally, including those for the filename block. If any of the above named macro calls is to be issued in the user program, it must first be listed as an argument in an .MCALL directive (see Section 2.1). 2.4 CREATING FILE SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN THE USER PROGRAM Certain information describing the file must be present in the FOB before the file can be opened. The file is located using a file specification that contains ~he following: 1. A device name and unit number; 2. A directory string consisting of a group number and a member number that specify the user file directory (UFO) to be used for the file. The term "UFO" is synonymous with the term "file directory string" appearing throughout this manual. 3. A filename; 4. A file type (RSX-l1) or file extension (lAS); 5. A file version number. The term "file specifier" is sometimes used as specification." a synonym for A file specification describing the file to be processed communicated to Fes through two user-created data structures: "file is 1. The dataset descriptor. This tabular structure may be created and initialized manually through the use of .WORD directives. 'Section 2.4.1 describes this data structure in detail. 2. The default filename block. In contrast to the manually-created dataset descriptor; the default filename block is created by issuing the NMBLK$ macro call. This macro call allocates a block of storage in the user program at assembly-time and initializes this structure with parameters supplied in the call. This structure is described in detail in Section 2.4.2. 2-25 PREPARING FOR I/O As noted in Section, the FDOP$A or the FDOP$R macro call is issued to initialize the FDB with the addresses of these data structures. These address values are supplied to FCS through the dspt and dfnb parameters of the selected macro call~ FCS uses these addresses to access the fields of the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block for the file specification required in opening a specified file. By convention, a required file specification is first sought by FCS in the dataset descriptor. Any non-null data contained therein is translated from ASCII to Radix-50 form and stored in the appropriate offsets of the filename block. This area of the FDB then serves as the execution-time repository for the information describing the file to be opened and processed. If the dataset descriptor does not contain the required information, FCS attempts to obtain the missing information from the default filename block. If neither of these structures contains the required information, an open failure occurs. Note, however, that the device name and the unit number need not be specified in either the dataset descriptor or the default filename block, since these values are defaulted to SYO: if not explicitly specified. The FCS file-processing macro calls used in opening files are described in Chapter 3, beginning with the generalized OPEN$x macro call in Section 3.1. For a detailed description of the format and content of block, the reader should refer to Appendix B. 2.4.1 the filename Dataset Descriptor The dataset descriptor is often oriented toward the use of a fixed (built-in) filename in the user program. A given application program, for example, may require access only to a limited and nonvariable number of files throughout its execution. By defining the names of these files at assembly-time through the dataset-descriptor mechanism, such a program, once initiated, executes to completion without requiring additional file specifications. This structure, a 6-word block of storage that may be created manually within the user program through the use of .WORD directives, contains information describing a file that the user intends to open during the course of program execution. In creating this structure, anyone or all of three possible string descriptors may be defined for a particular file, as follows: 1. A 2-word descriptor for an ASCII device name string; 2. A 2-word descriptor apd/or 3. A 2-word descriptor for an ASCII filename string. for an ASCII file directory This data structure is allocated in the user program in the format: DEVICE-NAME STRING DESCRIPTOR 2-26 string~ following PREPARING FOR I/O Word 1 - Contains the length (in bytes) of the ASCII device name string. This string consists of a 2-character alphabetic device name, followed by an optional 1- or 2-digit octal unit number. These strings may be created by issuing statements such as those below: Word 2 - DEVNM: .ASCII /DKO:/ DEVNM: .ASCII /TTlO:/ Contains the address string. of the ASCII device name DIRECTORY STRING DESCRIPTOR Word 3 - Contains the length file-directory string. (in bytes) of the ASCII This string consists of a group number and a member number, separated by a comma (,). The entire string is enclosed in brackets. For example, [200,200] is a directory str ing. A directory string can be created by issuing statements such as those that follow: DIRNM: .ASCII /[200,200]/ DIRNM: .ASCII /[40,100]/ If the user wishes to specify an explicit file directory different from the UIC under which he is currently running, the dataset-descriptor mechanism permits that flexibility. Word 4 - Contains the address of the string. ASCII file-directory FILENAME STRING DESCRIPTOR Word 5 - Contains the length filename string. (in bytes) of the ASCII This string consists of a filename up to 9 characters in length, an optional 3-character file type designator, and an optional file version number. The filename and file type must be separated by a dot (.), and the file version number must be preceded by a semicolon. A filename string may be created as shown below: FILNM: .ASCII /PROGl.OBJ;7/ Only the characters A through Z and 0 through 9 may be used in composing an ASCII filename string. Word 6 - Contains the address of the ASCII filename string. A length specification of 0 in Word 1, 3, or 5 of the dataset descriptor indicates that the corresponding device-name, directory, or filename string is not present in the user program. For example, the coding below creates a dataset descriptor containing only a 2-word ASCII filename string descriptor: 2-27 PREPARING FOR I/O FDBOOT: FDBDF$ FDAT$A FDRC$A FDOP$A R.VAR,FD.CR ,RECBUF,80. OUTLUN,OFDSPT ;CREATES FOB. ;INITIALIZES FILE-ATTRIBUTE SECTION. ;INITIALIZES RECORD-ACCESS SECTION. ;INITIALIZES FILE-OPEN SECTION. OFDSPT: .WORD • WORD . WORD 0,0 0,0 ONAMSZ,ONAM ;NULL DEVICE-NAME DESCRIPTOR. ;NULL DIRECTORY DESCRIPTOR . ;FILENAME DESCRIPTOR • ONAM: .ASCII ONAMSZ=.-ONAM /OUTPUT.DAT/ ;DEFINES FILENAME STRING. ;DEFINES LENGTH OF FILENAME STRING. Note first that an FOB labelled FDBOUT is created. Observe further that the FDOP$A macro call takes as its second parameter the symbol OFDSPT. This symbol represents the address value stored in FOB offset location F.DSPT. This value enables the .PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1) to access the fields of the dataset descriptor in building the filename block. The symbol OFDSPT also appears in the label field of the first . WORD directive, defining the address of the dataset descriptor for the .PARSE routine. The .WORD directives each allocate 2 words of storage for the device-name descriptor, the file-directory descriptor, and the filename descriptor, respectively. In the example above, however, note that the first two descriptor fields are filled with zeros, indicating null specifications. The last .WORD directive allocates 2 words that contain the size and the address of the filename string, respectively. The filename string itself is explicitly defined in the .ASCII directive that follows. Note that the statements defining the filename string need not be physically contiguous with the dataset descriptor. For each such ASCII string referenced in the dataset descriptor, however, corresponding statements must appear elsewhere in the source program to define the appropriate ASCII data string(s). A dataset descriptor for each of several files to be accessed user program may be defined in this manner. 2.4.2 by the Default Filename Bloak - NMBLK$ Macro Call As noted earlier, the user may also define a default filename block in the program as a means of providing required file information to FCS. For this purpose, the NMSLK$ macro call may be issued in connection with each FOB for which a default filename block is to be defined. When this macro call is issued, space is allocated within the user program for the default filename block, and the appropriate locations within this data structure are initialized according to the parameters supplied in the call. 2-28 PREPARING FOR I/O Note in the parameter descriptions below that symbols of the form N.xxxx are used to represent the offset locations within the filename block. These symbols are differentiated from those that apply to the other sections of the FOB by the beginning character N. All versions of the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1) use these symbols to identify offsets in storing file information in the filename block. The NMBLK$ macro call is specified in the following format: label: where: NMBLK$ fnam,ftyp,fver,dvnm,unit label represents a user-defined symbol that names the default filename block and defines its address. This label is the symbolic value normally specified as the dfnb parameter when the FDOP$A or the FDOP$R macro call is issued. This causes FOB offset location F.DFNB to be initialized with the address of the default filename block. fnam represents the default filename. This parameter may consist of up to 9 ASCII characters. The character string is stored as 6 bytes in Radix-50 format, starting at offset location N.FNAM of the default filename block. ftyp represents the default file type. This parameter may consist of up to 3 ASCII characters. The character string is stored as 2 bytes in Radix-50 format in offset location N.FTYP of the default filename block. fver represents the default file-version number (binary) . When specified, this binary value identifies a particular version of a file. This value is stored in offset location N.FVER of the default filename block. dvnm represents the default name of the device upon which the volume containing the desired file is mounted. This parameter consists of 2 ASCII characters that are stored in offset location N.DVNM of the default filename block. unit represents a binary value identifying which unit (among several like units) is to be used in processing the file. If specified, this numeric value is stored in offset location N.UNIT of the default filena~e block. Only the characters A through Z and a through 9 may be used composing the filename and file type strings discussed above. in Although the file version number and the unit number discussed above are binary values, these numbers are normally represented in octal form when printed, when input via a command string, or when supplied through a dataset-descriptor string. As evident from the foregoing, all the default information supplied in the NMBLK$ macro call is stored in the default filename block at offset locations that correspond to identical fields in the filename block within the FOB. This default information is moved into the corresponding offsets of the filename block when any version of the generalized OPEN$x macro call is issued under any of the following conditions: 2-29 PREPARING FOR I/O 1. All the file information required by FCS to open the file is not present in the dataset descriptor. Missing information is then sought in the default filename block by the . PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1), which is automatically invoked as a result of issuing any version of the generalized OPEN$x macro call. 2. A dataset program. 3. A dataset descriptor is present in the user program, but the address of this structure has not been made available to FCS through any of the assembly-time or run-time macro calls that initialize FOB offset location F.DSPT. descriptor has not been created in the The following coding illustrates the general method of specifying NMBLK$ macro call: FDBOUT: FDBDF$ FDAT$A FDRC$A FDOP$A FDBIN: OFNAM: IFNAM: FDBDF$ FDRC$A FDOP$A NMBLK$ NMBLK$ user the R.VAR,FD.CR ,RECBUF,80. OUTLUN"OFNAM iALLOCATES SPACE FOR AN FOB. iINITIALIZES FILE-ATTRIBUTE SECTION. iINITIALIZES RECORD-ACCESS SECTION. iINITIALIZES FILE-OPEN SECTION. ,RECBUF,80. INLUN"IFNAM iALLOCATES SPACE FOR AN FOB. iINITIALIZES RECORD-ATTRIBUTE SECTION. iINITIALIZES FILE-OPEN SECTION. OUTPUT ,OAT iESTABLISHES FILENAME AND FILE TYPE. INPUT,DAT"DT,l iESTABLISHES FILENAME, FILE TYPE, iDEVICE NAME, AND UNIT NUMBER. The first NMBLK$ macro call in the coding sequence above creates a default filename block to establish default information for the FOB named FDBOUT. The label OFNAM in this macro defines the beginning address of the default filename block allocated within the user program. Note that this symbol is specified as the dfnb parameter in the FDOP$A macro call associated with this default filename block to initialize the file-open section of the corresponding FOB. The accompanying parameters in the first NMBLK$ macro call define the filename and the file type, respectively, of the file to be openedi all remaining parameter fields in this call are null. The second NMBLK$ macro call accomplishes essentially the same operations in connection with the FOB named FDBIN. Note in this macro call that the third parameter (the file version number) is null, as reflected by the extra comma. This null specification indicates that the latest version of the file is desired. All other parameter fields contain explicit declarations defining default information for the applicable FOB. The offsets for a filename block can be defined locally in program, if desired, by issuing the following macro call: the user NBOF$L This macro call does not generate any code. Its function is merely to define the filename-block offsets locally, presumably to conserve symbol-table space at task-build time. The NBOF$L macro call need not be issued if the FDOF$L macro call has been invoked, since the filename block offsets are defined locally as an automatic result of issuing the FDOF$L macro call. 2-30 PREPARING FOR I/O If desired, the user may initialize fields in the default filename block directly with appropriate values. This may be accomplished with in-line statements in the program. For example, a specific offset in the default filename block may be initialized through coding that is logically equivalent to the following: DFNB: NMBLK$ RSXLIB,OBJ NUTYP: .RADSO /DAT/ MOV NUTYP,DFNB+N.FTYP where the symbol NUTYP in the MOV instruction represents the address of the newly defined Radix-50 file type DAT, which is to be moved into destination offset N.FTYP of the default filename block labeled DFNB. Any of the offsets within the default filename block may be manually initialized in this manner to establish desired values or to override previously initialized values. 2.4.3 Dynamic Processing of File Specifications Users who wish to make use of routines available from the system object library ([l,l]SYSLIB.OLB) for processing command-line input dynamically should consult Chapter 6. Chapter 6 describes the Get Command Line (GCML) routine and the Command String Interpreter (CSI), both of which may be linked with the user program to provide all the logical capabilities required in processing dynamic terminal input or indirect-command-file input. 2.5 OPTIMIZING FILE ACCESS When certain information is present in the filename block of an FDB, a file can be opened in a manner referred to throughout this manual as "opening a file by file ID". This type of open requires a minimum of system overhead, resulting in a significant increase in the speed of preparing a file for access by the user program. If files are frequently opened and closed during program execution, opening files by file ID accomplishes substantial savings in overall execution time. To open a file by file ID, the mlnlmum information that must· be present in the filename block of the associated FDB consists of ' the following: 1. File-Identification Field. This 3-word field, beginning at filename block offset location N.FID, contains a file number in the first word and a file sequence number in the second word; the third word is reserved. The file-identification field is maintained by the system and ordinarily need not be of concern to the user. 2. Device-Name Field. This I-word field at filename block offset location N.DVNM contains the 2-character ASCII name of the device on which the volume containing the desired file is mounted. 2-31 PREPARING FOR I/O 3. Unit-Number Field. This I-word offset location N.UNIT contains the particular unit (among several volume containing the desired file field at filename block a binary value identifying like units) on which the is mounted. These three fields are written into the filename block two ways: in either of 1. As a function of issuing any version of the generalized OPEN$x macro call for a file associated with the FDB in question; or 2. As a result of initializing the filename block manually by using the . PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1) and the .FIND routine (see Section 4.8.1). These two methods of setting up the filename block in anticipation of opening a file by file ID are described in detail in the following sections. 2.5.1 Initializing the Filename Block As a Function of OPEN$x To understand how to effect the process of opening a file by file ID, note that the initial issuance of the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1) for a given file first invokes the . PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1). The .PARSE routine is automatically linked into the user program, along with the code for OPEN$x. This routine first zeros the filename block and then fills it in with information taken from the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block. Thus, issuing the generalized OPEN$x macro call results in the invocation of the • PARSE routine each time a file is opened. The .PARSE function, however, can be bypassed altogether in subsequent OPEN$x calls by saving and restoring the filename block before attempting to reopen that same file. This is made possible because of the logic of the OPEN$x macro call. Specifically, after the initial OPEN$x for a file has been completed, the necessary context for reopening that file exists within the filename block. Therefore, before closing that file, the entire filename block can be copied into user memory space and later restored to the FDB at the desired point in program flow for use in reopening that same file. The option to reopen files in this manner stems from the fact that FCS is sensitive to the presence of any nonzero value in the first word of the file identification field of the filename block. When the OPEN$x function is invoked, FCS first examines offset location N.FID of the filename block. If the first word of this field contains a value other than 0, FCS logically assumes that the remaining context necessary for opening that file is present in the filename block, and therefore unconditionally opens that file by file ID. To ensure that an undesired value does not remain in the first word of the N.FID field from a previous OPEN$x/CLOSE$ sequence, the first word of this field is zeroed as the file is closed. In opening files by file ID, the user need only ensure that manual saving and restoring of the filename block are accomplished with in-line MOV instructions that are consistent with the desired sequence of processing files. This proces~ should, in general, proceed as outlined below: 2-32 PREPARING FOR I/O 1. Open the file in the usual manner by issuing the OPEN$x macro call. 2. Save the filename block by copying it into user memory space with appropriate MOV instructions. The filename block begins at offset location F.FNB. The value of the symbol S.FNB is the size of the filename block in bytes, and the value of the symbol S.FNBW is the size of the filename block in words. If desired, the NBOF$L macro call (see Section 2.4.2) may be invoked in the user program to define these symbols locally. These symbolic values may be used in appropriate MOV instructions to accomplish the saving and restoring of the filename block. It is the user's responsibility to reserve sufficient space in the program for saving the filename block. 3. At the end of current file operations, close the file in usual manner by issuing the CLOSES macro call. the 4. When, in the normal flow of program logic, that same file is about to be reopened, restore the filename block to the FDB by doing the reverse of Step 2. 5. Reopen the file by issuing anyone of the macro calls available in FCS for opening an existing file. Since the first word of offset location N.FID of the filename block now contains a nonzero value, FCS unconditionally opens the file by file ID, regardless of the specific type of open macro call issued. Although it is necessary to save only the file-identification, device-name, and unit-number fields of the filename block in anticipation of reopening a file by file ID, the user is advised to save the entire filename block. The filename, file-type, file-version, and directory-ID fields, etc., may also be relevant. For example, an OPEN$x, save, CLOSES, restore, OPEN$x, and DELET$ sequence would require saving and restoring the entire filename block. Though the user may be logically finished with file processing and may want to delete the file, the delete operation will not work properly unless the entire filename block has been saved and restored. 2.5.2 Manually Initializing the Filename Block In addition to saving and restoring the filename block in anticipation of reopening a file by file ID, the filenam~ block can also be initialized manually. If the user chooses to do so, the • PARSE and .FIND routines (see Sections 4.7.1 and 4.8.1, respectively) may be invoked at appropriate points to build the required fields of the filename block. After the .PARSE and .FIND logic is completed, all the information required for opening the file exists within the filename block. When anyone of the available FCS macro calls that open existing files is then issued, FCS unconditionally opens that file by file ID. Occasionally, instances arise that make such manual operations desirable, especially if the user program is operating in an overlaid environment. In this case, it is highly desirable that the code for opening a file be broken into small segments in the interest of 2-33 PREPARING FOR I/O conserving memory space. Since the body of code for the OPEN$x and . PARSE functions is sizable, two other types of macro calls for opening files are provided for use with overlaid programs. The OFID$ and OFNB$ macro calls (see Sections 3.5 and 3.6, respectively) are specifically designed for this purpose. The structure recommended for an overlaid environment is to have either the OFID$ or the OFNB$ code on one branch of the overlay and the .PARSE and .FIND code on another branch. Then, if the user wishes to open a file by file ID, the .PARSE and .FIND routines can be invoked at will to insert required information in the filename block before opening the file. The OFID$ macro call can be issued only in connection with an existing file. The OFNB$ macro call, on the other hand, may be used for opening either an existing file or for creating and opening a new file. In addition, the OFNB$ macro call requires only the manual invocation of the .PARSE routine to build the filename block before opening the file. If conservation of memory is an objective, and if the user program will be opening both new and existing files, it is recommended that only the OFNB$ routine be included in one branch of the overlay; including the OFID$ routine would needlessly consume memory space. In all cases, however, it is important to note that all the macro calls for opening existing files are sensitive to the presence of any nonzero value in the first word (N.FID) of the filename block. If this field contains any value other than 0, the file is unconditionally opened by file ID. This does not imply, however, that only the file-identification field (N.FID) is required to open the file in this manner. The device-name field (N.DVNM) and the unit-number field (N.UNIT) must also be appropriately initialized. The logic of the FCS macro calls for opening existing files assumes that these other required fields are present in the filename block if the file-identification field contains a nonzero value. Because many programs continually reuse FDBs, the CLOSE$ function (see Section 3.8) zeros the file-identification field (N.FID) of the filename block. This action prevents the field (which pertains to a previous operation) from being used mistakenly to open a file for a current operation. Thus, if a user later intends to open a file by file ID using information presently in the filename block, the entire filename block (not just N.FID) must be saved before closing the file. Then, at the appropriate point in program flow, the filename block may be restored to open the desired file by file ID. 2.6 INITIALIZING THE FILE STORAGE REGION The file storage region (FSR) is an area allocated in the user program as a buffer pool to accommodate the program's block-buffer requirements in performing record I/O (GET$ and PUT$) operations. Although the FSR is not applicable to block I/O (READ$ and WRITE$) operations, the FSRSZ$ macro must be issued once in every program that uses FCS, regardless of the type of I/O to be performed. The macro calls associated with the described below. 2-34 initialization of the FSR are PREPARING FOR I/O 2.6.1 FSRSZ$ - Initialize FSR at Assembly-Time The MACRO-II programmer establishes the size of the FSR at assembly-time by lssulng an FSRSZ$ macro call. This macro call does not generate any executable code. It merely allocates space for a block-buffer pool in a program section named $$FSRI. The amount of space allocated depends on information provided by the user, or defaulted, during the macro call. NOTE The FSRSZ$ macro allocates the FCS impure area that is pointed to by a fixed location in user virtual memory. This pointer is not altered when overlays are loaded: therefore, the FSRSZ$ macro must be invoked in the root segment of a task. Unpredictable results may occur if the FSRSZ$ macro is invoked in more than one parallel overlay. The format of the FSRSZ$ macro is: FSRSZ$ where: fbufs,bufsiz,psect fbufs represents a numeric value that is established the user as follows: 1. by If no record I/O processing is to be done, fbufs equals O. A value of 0 indicates that an unspecified number of files may be open simultaneously for block I/O process{ng. For example, if the user intends to access three files for block I/O operations and no files for record I/O operations, the FSRSZ$ macro call takes 0 as an argument, as shown below: FSRSZ$ 0 No other parameters need be specified unless the function of the psect parameter (described below) is required. 2. If record I/O, using a single buffer for each file, is to be done, fbufs represents the maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously for record I/O processing. For example, an RSX-llM user might want to access simultaneously three files for block I/O and two files for record I/O. Since RSX-llM provides single buffering only for record I/O, and since block I/O does not require pool space in the FSR, this user would specify the following FSRSZ$ macro call: FSRSZ$ Additional (described required. 2 parameters, bufsiz and psect below), could also be specified as 2-35 PREPARING FOR I/O 3. If record I/O with multiple buffering is to be done, fbufs represents the maximum number of buffers ever in use simultaneously among all files open concurrently for record I/O. Assume, for example, that an RSX-IID or lAS user's program will simultaneously access four disk files for record I/O operations. Assume further that the user wants double-buffering for three of the disk files and has, therefore, specified a multiple buffer count of 2 in the FDBF$A macro calls (refer to Section for the associated files. This user would then issue the following FSRSZ$ macro call: FSRSZ$ 7 This macro call indicates that a maximum of seven buffers will be in use simultaneously. This total is calculated as follows: one buffer for the single-buffered file and two buffers for each of the three double-buffered files. Additional parameters, bufsiz and psect (described below), could also be specified as required. bufsiz represents a numeric value defining the total block-buffer-pool space (in bytes) needed to support the maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously for record I/O. If this parameter is omitted, Fes obtains a total block-buffer-pool requirement by multiplying the value specified in the fbufs parameter with a default buffer size of 512 bytes. If, for example, a maximum of 2 single-buffered disk files will be open simultaneously for record I/O, either of the following FSRSZ$ macro calls could be issued: FSRSZ$ 2 FSRSZ$ 2,1024. If the user wishes to explicitly specify block-buffer-pool requirements, the following formula must be applied: bufsiz=(bsizel*mbcl) [+(bsize2*mbc2) •.• +(bsizen*mbcn)] where: bsizel, bsize2, etc. are the sizes, in bytes, of the buffers to support each file. The size of a buffer for a particular file depends on the device supporting the file. Standard block sizes for devices are established at system-generation time. mbcl, rnbc2, etc. are the multiple buffer counts (refer to Section specified for the respective files. For the purposes of this formula, RSX-IIM users must use multiple buffer counts equal to 1. 2-36 PREPARING FOR I/O The total value expressed by the bufsiz parameters must always represent the worst case buffer pool requirements among all combinations of simultaneously open record I/O files. The number of files (or buffers) representing the worst case is expressed as the first parameter of the macro call. NOTE An lAS or RSX-llD user must not allocate an FSR block buffer less than 512(10) bytes in length for spooled output to a record-oriented device (such as a line pr inter) . psect 2.6.2 specifies the name of the program section (PSECT) to which control returns after FSRSZ$ completes processing. If no name is specified, control returns to the blank PSECT. FINIT$ - Initialize FSR at Run-Time In addition to the FSRSZ$ macro call described in the preceding section, the FINIT$ macro call must also be issued in a MACRO-II program to call initialization coding to set up the FSR. This macro call takes the following format: label: where: FINIT$ label represents an optional user-specified symbol that allows control to be transferred to this location during program execution. Other instructions in the program may reference this label, as in the case of a program that has been written so that it can be restarted. Considerations relative to the FINIT$ macro call in such a restartable program are presented below. The FINIT$ macro call should be issued in the program's initialization code. The first FCS call issued for opening a file performs the FSR initialization implicitly (if it has not already been accomplished through an explicit invocation of the FINIT$ macro call). However, it is necessary; in the case of a program that is written so that it can be restarted, to issue the FINIT$ macro call in the program's initialization code, as shown in the second example below. This requirement derives from the fact that such a program performs all its initialization at run-time, rather than at assembly-time. For example, a program that is not written so that it can be restarted might accomplish the initialization of the FSR implicitly through the following macro call: START: OPEN$R ;IMPLICITLY INITIALIZES THE FSR iAND OPENS THE FILE. #FDBIN In this case, although transparent to the user, the OPEN$R macro call automatically invokes the FINIT$ operation. The label START is the transfer address of the program. 2-37 PREPARING FOR I/O In contrast, a program that embodies the capability to be restarted must issue the FINIT$ macro call explicitly at program initialization in the manner shown below: START: FINIT$ OPEN$R #FDBIN iEXPLICITLY INITIALIZES THE FSR AND iOPENS THE FILE. In this case, the FINIT$ macro call cannot be invoked arbitrarily elsewhere in the programi it must be issued at program initialization. Doing so forces the appropriate reinitialization of the FSR, whether or not it has been done in a previous execution of the program through an OPEN$x macro call. Also important in the above context is the fact that calling any of the file-control routines described in Chapter 4, such as • PARSE , first requires the initialization of the FSR. However, the FINIT$ operation must be performed only once per program execution. Note also that FORTRAN programs issue a FINIT$ macro call at the beginning of the program execution; therefore, MACRO-II routines used with the FORTRAN object time system must not issue a FINIT$ macro call. 2.7 INCREASING THE SIZE OF THE FILE STORAGE REGION Procedures for increasing the size of the FSR for either MACRO-II FORTRAN programs are presented in the following sections. 2.7.1 or FSR-Extension Procedures for MACRO-II Programs To increase the size of the FSR for a MACRO-II program, the two options: user has 1. Modify the parameters in the FSRSZ$ macro call to redefine the buffer-pool requirement of files open simultaneously for record I/O processing. Reassemble the program. 2. Use the EXTSCT (extend program section) command at task-build time to define the new size of the FSR. To invoke this option, the command is specified in the following form: EXTSCT = $$FSRl:length where $$FSRI is the symbolic name of the program section within the FSR that is reserved for use as the block-buffer pool, and "length" represents a numeric value defining the total required size of the buffer pool in bytes. The size of the FSR cannot be reduced at task-build time. In calculating the total length of the FSR, below may be used: 1. length (S.BFHD*fbufs)+bufsiz 2. length fbufs*(S.BFHD+SI2.) where: S.BFHD either of the formulas is a symbol that defines the number of bytes required for each block-buffer header. If desired, this symbol may be defined locally in the user program by issuing the following macro call: BDOFF$ DEF$L 2-38 PREPARING FOR I/O fbufs is a numeric value representing either the maximum number of files open simultaneously for record I/O (when single buffering only is used) or the maximum number of buffers ever in use simultaneously among all files open concurrently for record I/O (when multiple-buffering is used). Refer also to the description of this parameter in the FSRSZ$ macro call in Section 2.6.1. bufsiz represents a numeric value defining the total block-buffer-pool space (in bytes) needed to support the maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously for record I/O. Refer to the description of this parameter in the FSRSZ$ macro call in Section 2.6.1. 512. is the standard default buffer size. The EXTSCT command is described in detail Reference Manual of the host operating system. 2.7.2 in the Task Builder FSR-Extension Procedures for FORTRAN Programs For a FORTRAN program, if an explicit ACTFIL statement is not issued in the optional keyword input to the Task Builder, an ACTFIL statement with a default value of 4 is generated automatically during task-build. To extend the size of the FSR at task-build time, the user may issue the following command: ACTFIL = files where: files represents a decimal value defining the maximum number of files that may be open simultaneously for record I/O processing. This command, similar to the EXTSCT command above, causes program section $$FSRI to be extended by an amount sufficient to accommodate the number of active files anticipated for simultaneous use by the program. The size of the FSR for a FORTRAN program can also be decreased at task-build time. As noted above, for either lAS or RSX-ll, the default value for the ACTFIL command is 4. Thus, if 0, 1, 2, or 3 is specified as the "files" parameter, the size of $$FSRI (the FSR-block-buffer pool) is reduced accordingly. The ACTFIL command is described in detail Reference Manual of the host operating system. 2.8 in the Task Builder COORDINATING I/O OPERATIONS In the IAS/RSX-ll environment, user programs perform all I/O operations by issuing GET$/PUT$ and READ$/WRITE$ macro calls (see Chapter 3). These calls do not access the physical devices in the system directly. Rather, when anyone of these calls is issued, an I/O-related system directive called QUEUE I/O is invoked as the interface between the FCS file-processing routines at the user level and the system I/O drivers at the device level. Device drivers are included for all the standard I/O devices supported by lAS and RSX-ll systems. Although transparent to the user, the QUEUE I/O directive is used for all FCSfile-access operations. 2-39 PREPARING FOR I/O When invoked, the QUEUE I/O directive instructs the system to place an I/O request for the associated physical device-unit into a queue of priority-ordered requests for that unit. This request is placed according to the priority of the issuing task. As required system resources become available, the requested I/O transfer takes place. As implied above, two separate and distinct processes are involved accomplishing a specified I/O transfer: 1. The successful queuing of the GET$/PUT$ or request; and 2. The successful operation. completion of the READ$/WRITE$ requested in I/O data-transfer These processes, both of which yield success/failure indications that may be tested by the user program, must be performed successfully in order for the specified I/O operation to have been completed. It is important to note that Fes totally synchronizes record I/O operations for the user, even in the case of multiple-buffered operations. In the case of block I/O operations, the flexibility of Fes allows the user to synchronize all block I/O activities, thus enabling the user to satisfy logical processing dependencies within the program. 2.8.1 Event Flags I/O operations proceed concurrently with other system activity. After an I/O request has been queued, the system does not force an implied wait for the issuing task until the requested operation is completed. Rather, the operation proceeds in parallel with the execution of the issuing task, and it is the task's responsibility to synchronize the execution of I/O requests. Tasks use event flags in synchronizing these activities. with respect to event flags, the system merely executes primitive operations that manipulate, test, and/or wait for these indicators of internal task activity. The completion of an I/O transfer, for example, is recognized by the system as a significant event. If the user has specified a particular event flag to be used by the task in coordinating I/O-completion processing, that event flag is set, causing the system to evaluate the eligibility of other tasks to run. Any event flag from 1 through 32(10) may be defined for local use by the task. If the user has not specified an event flag; Fes uses event flag 32(10) by default to signal the completion of I/O transfers. Specific FOB-initialization and I/O-initiating macro calls in Fes enable the user to specify event flags, if desired, that are unique to a particular task and that are set and reset only as a result of that task's operation. For record I/O operations, such an event flag may be defined through the efn parameter of the FDBF$A or the FDBF$R macro call (see Section or 2.2.2, respectively). For block I/O operations, an event flag may be declared through the bkef parameter of the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call (see Section or 2.2.2, respectively): alternatively, a block event flag may be declared through the corresponding parameter of the I/O-initiating READ$ or WRITE$ macro call (see Section 3.15 or 3.16, respectively) • 2-40 PREPARING FOR I/O In both record and block I/O operations, the event flag is cleared when the I/O request is queued and set when the I/O operation is completed. In the case of record I/O operations, only FCS manipulates the event flag. Additionally, the user is unaware of the event flag's state and has no need to know. Furthermore, the user must not issue a WAITFOR system directive predicated on the event flag used for coordinating record I/O operations. A record I/O operation, for example, may not even involve an I/O transfer; rather, it may only involve the blocking or deblocking of a record within the FSR block buffer. On the other hand, the event flag defined for synchronizing block I/O operations is totally under the user's control. Through event-associated system directives, the user can clear event flags, set event flags, test whether a specified event flag is set, or cause a task to be suspended until a specified event flag is set. These event-associated directives are described in detail in the Executive Reference Manual of the host operating system. The setting and checking of event flags allow tasks in a real-time system to communicate with each other and thereby synchronize their execution. Event flags and related device~dependencies are described in detail in the IAS/RSX-llD Device Handlers Reference Manual and the RSX-llM I/O. Drivers Reference Manual. Also, a code indicating the success or failure of the QUEUE request resulting from the READ$/WRITE$ macro call is returned to Directive Status Word ($DSW). If desired, symbolic location $DSW be tested to determine the status of the I/O request. success/failure codes for the QUEUE I/O directive are listed in manuals referenced above. . 2.8.2 I/O the may The the I/O Status Block Because of the comparative complexity of block I/O operations, an optional parameter is provided in the FDBK$A and the FDBK$R macro calls, as well as in the READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls, that enables the system to return status information to the user task for block I/O operations. The I/O status block is not applicable to record I/O (GET$ or PUT$) operations. This optional parameter, called the I/O status block address, is made available to FCS through any of the macro calls identified above. When this parameter is supplied, the system returns status information to a 2-word block reserved in the user program. Although the I/O status block is used principally as a QUEUE I/O housekeeping mechanism for containing certain device-dependent information, this area also contains information of particular interest to the user. Specifically, the second ~ord of the I/O status block is filled in with the number of bytes transferred during a READ$ or WRITE$ operation. When performing READ$ operations, it is good practice always to use the value returned to the second word of the I/O status block as the number of bytes actu~lly read, rather than to assume that the requested number of bytes was transferred. Employing this technique allows the program to properly read virtual blocks of varying length from a device such as a magnetic tape unit, provided that the requested byte count is at least as large as the largest virtual block. (For magnetic tape units, almost all virtual blocks are 512(10) bytes or less in length.) For WRITE$ operations, the specified number of bytes are always transferred; otherwise an error condition exists. 2-41 PREPARING FOR I/O Also, the low-order byte of the first word of the I/O status block contains a code that reflects the final status of the READ$/WRITE$ operation. The codes returned to this byte may be tested to d~termine the status of any given block I/O transfer. The binary values of these status codes always have the following significance: Code Value Meaning + I/O transfer completed. o I/O transfer still pending. I/O error condition exists. The format of the I/O status block and the error codes returned to the low-order byte of its first word are described in detail in the IAS/RSX-IID Device Handlers Reference Manual or the RSX-IIM I/O Drivers Reference Manual. If the address of the I/O status block is not made available to FCS (and hence to the QUEUE I/O directive) through any of the macro calls noted above, no status information is returned to the I/O status block. In this case, the fact that an error condition may have occurred during a READ$ or WRITE$ operation is simply lost. Thus, supplying the address of the I/O status block to the associated FDB is highly desirable in order to facilitate normal error reporting. An I/O status block assembly-time through the following: IOSTAT: .BLKW may any be defined in the user program at storage directive logically equivalent to 2 where the label IOSTAT is a user-defined symbol naming the I/O status block and defining its address. This symbolic value is specified as the bkst parameter in the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call to initialize FDB offset location F.BKST; it may also be specified as the corresponding parameter in the READ$ or the WRITE$ macro call, initializing this cell in the FDB as an integral function of issuing the desired I/O request. 2.8.3 AST Service Routine An asynchronous system trap (AST) is a software-generated interrupt that causes the sequence of instructions currently being executed to be interrupted and control to be transferred to another instruction sequence elsewhere in the program. If desired, the user may specify the address of an AST service routine that is to be entered upon completion of a block I/O transfer. Since an AST is a trap action, it constitutes an automatic indication of block I/O completion. The address of an AST service routine may be specified as an optional parameter (bkdn) in the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call (see Section or 2.2.2, respectively); this parameter may also be specified in the READ$ or the WRITE$ macro call, initializing the FDB at the time the I/O request is issued (see Section 3.15 or 3.16, respectively) . Usually, an AST address is specified to enable a running task to be interrupted In order to execute special code upon completion of a block I/O request. If the address of an AST service routine is not specified, the transfer of control does not occur, and normal task execution continues. 2-42 PREPARING FOR I/O The main purpose of an AST service routine is to inform the user program that a block I/O operation has been completed, thus enabling the program to continue immediately with some other desired (and perhaps logically dependent) operation (e.g., another I/O transfer). If an AST service routine is not provided by the user, some other mechanism, such as event flags or the I/O status block, must be used as a means of determining block I/O completion. In the absence of such a routine, for example, the user may test the low-order byte of the first word in the I/O status block to determine if the block I/O transfer has been completed. A WAIT$ macro call (see Section 3.17) may also be issued in connection with a READ$ or WRITE$ operation to suspend task execution until a specified event flag is set to indicate the completion of block I/O. The implementation of an AST service routine in the user program is application-dependent and must be coded specifically to meet particular user I/O-processing requirements. A detailed discussion of asynchronous system traps is beyond the scope of this document. The reader is therefore referred to the Executive Reference Manual of the host operating system for discussions of various trap-associated system directives. 2-43 CHAPTER 3 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The user manipulates files through a set of file-processing macro calls. These macro calls are invoked and expanded at assembly-time. The resulting code is then executed at run-time to perform the operations listed below: OPENS - To open and prepare a file for processing; OPNS$ - To open and prepare a file for processing and to allow shared access to that file (depending on the mode of access) ; OPNT$ - To create and open a temporary file for processing; OFID$ - To open an existing file using information in the filename block; OFNB$ - To open a file filename block; CLOSES - To terminate file processing in an orderly manner; GET$ - To read logical data records from a file; GET$R - To read fixed-length records mode; GET$S - To read records from a file in sequential mode; PUTS - To write logical data records to a file; PUT$R - To write fixed-length records to a file in random mode; PUT$S - To write records to a file in sequential mode; READ$ - To read virtual data blocks from a file; WRITE$ - To write virtual data blocks to a file; DELET$ - To remove a named file from the associated volume directory and to deallocate the space occupied by the file; and WAIT$ - To suspend program execution until I/O operation is completed. using filename from file-identification information a a file in requested in the random block Most of the parameters associated with the file-processing macro calls supply information to the FOB. Such parameters cause MOV or MOVB instructions to be generated in the object code, resulting in the initialization of specific locations within the FOB. 3-1 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The final parameter in all file-processing macro calls is the symbolic address of a user-coded error-handling routine. This routine is entered upon detection of an error condition during the file-processing operation. When this optional parameter is specified, the following code is generated: Code for macro BCC JSR nn$ PC,ERRLOC nn$: ~TESTS C-BIT IN PROCESSOR STATUS WORD. ;INITIATES ERROR-HANDLING ROUTINE ;.AT "ERRLOC" ADDRESS. ;CONTINUES NORMAL PROGRAM EXECUTION. where nn$ represents an automatically generated local symbol. If the operation is completed successfully, the C-bit (carry condition code) in the Processor Status Word is not set, and FDB offset location F.ERR contains a positive value. The BCC instruction then results in a branch to the local symbol nn$ and the continuation of normal program execution. However, if an error condition is detected during the execution of the file-processing routine, the C-bit in the Processor Status Word is set, FDB offset location F.ERR contains a negative value (indicating an error condition), and the branch to the local symbol nn$ does not occur. Instead, the JSR instruction is executed, loading the PC with the symbolic address (ERRLOC) of the error-handling routine and initiating its execution. If this optional parameter is not specified, the error processing routine is not called, and the user must explicitly test the C-bit in the Processor Status Word to ascertain the status of the requested operation. Note that the execution of the FCS file-processing routines causes all user-program general registers to be saved except RO, which, by convention, is used by FCS to contain the address of the FDB associated with the file being processed. 3.1 OPEN$x - GENERALIZED OPEN MACRO CALL Before any file can be processed by the user (or system) program, it must first be opened. The type of action that the user intends to perform on a file is indicated to FCS by an alphabetic suffix accompanying the macro name. For example, in issuing the generalized macro call, OPEN$x x represents anyone of the following alphabetic suffixes, each of which denotes a specific type of processing anticipated for the file: R - Read an existing file; W - Write (create) a new file; M - Modify an existing file without changing its length; U - Update an existing file and extend its length, if necessary; or A - Append (add) data to the end of an existing file. 3-2 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS NOTE The generalized OPEN$x macro call can be issued without an alphabetic suffix. In this case, the type of action to be performed on the file is indicated to FCS through an additional parameter in the macro call. This value, called the file-access (facc) parameter, causes offset location F.FACC in the associated FDB to be initialized. Section 3.7 describes this macro call in detail. Depending on the alphabetic suffix supplied in the OPEN$x macro call, certain other types of operations mayor may not be allowed, as noted below: 1. If R is specified (for reading an existing file), that file cannot also be written, i.e., a PUT$ or WRITE$ operation cannot be performed on that file. 2. If M or U is specified (for modifying or updating an existing file), that file can be both read and written, i.e., concurrent GET$/PUT$ or READ$/WRITE$ operations may be performed on that file. 3. If M is specified (for modifying an existing file), that file cannot be extended. 4. If W or A is specified (for creating a new file or appending data to an existing file), that file may be read, written, and/or extended. The program that is issuing the OPEN$x macro call must have appropriate access privileges for the specified action. Table 3-1 summarizes the access privileges for the various forms of the OPEN$x macro call. This table also shows where the next record or block will be read or written in the file after it is opened. Table 3-1 File Access Privileges Resulting from OPEN$x Macro Call MACRO ACCESS PRIVILEGES POSITION OF FILE AFTER OPEN$x OPEN$R Read First record of existing file. OPEN$W Read, write, extend First record of new file. OPEN$M Read, write First record of existing file. OPEN$U Read, write, extend First record of existing file. OPEN$A Read, write, extend End of existing file. (For special PUT$R considerations, see Section 3.13.) 3-3 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS When any form of the OPEN$x macro call is issued, FCS first fills in the filename block with filename information retrieved from the dataset descriptor (see Section 2.4.1). FCS gains access to this data structure through the address value stored in FOB offset location F.OSPT. If any required data has been omitted from the dataset descriptor, FCS attempts to obtain the missing information from the default filename block. This data structure, which may also contain user-specified filename information, is created in the program by issuing the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2). FCS gains access to this structure through the address value stored in FOB offset location F.OFNB. The address values in offset locations F.OSPT and F.OFNB may be supplied to FCS through the FOOP$A macro call, the FOOP$R macro call, or the OPEN$x macro call. FCS requires access to the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block in retrieving filename information used in opening files. If a new file is to be created, the OPEN$W macro call is issued. then performs the following operations: FCS 1. Creates a new file and obtains file-identification information for the file. File-identification information is maintained by FCS in offset location N.FIO of the filename block. The filename block in the FOB begins at offset location F.FNB. 2. Initializes the file attribute section of the file-header block. The file-header block is a file system structure maintained on the volume containing the file. Each file on a volume has an associated file-header block that describes the attributes of that file. FCS obtains attribute information for a new file from the FOB associated with the file. The format and content of a file-header block are presented in detail in Appendix F. 3. Places an entry for the file in the user file directory (UFO). If, however, an entry for a file having the same name, type, and version number already exists in the UFO, the old file is deleted. If a particular type of macro call is issued explicitly specifying that the file not be superseded, the old file is not deleted. This type of OPEN$ operation is described in Section 3.7. 4. Associates the assigned logical unit number file to be created. 5. Allocates a buffer for the file from the FSR-block-buffer pool if record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations are to be used in processing the file. (LUN) with the If an existing file is to be opened, anyone of the following macro calls may be issued: OPEN$R, OPEN$M, OPEN$U, or OPEN$A. FCS then performs the following operations: 1. If file-identification information is not present in the filename block, FCS constructs the filename block from information taken from the dataset descriptor and/or the default filename block. FCS then searches the user file directory (UFO) by filename to obtain the required file-identification information. When found, this information is stored in the filename block, beginning at offset location N.FIO. 3-4 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 2. Associates the assigned logical unit number file. (LUN) with the 3. Reads the file-header block and initializes the file-attribute section of the FOB associated with the file being opened. 4. Allocates a buffer for the file from the FSR-block-buffer pool if record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations are to be used in processing the file. NOTE As described in Section 2.6, the user allocates buffers through the FSRSZ$ macro call. The number of buffers allocated is dependent upon the number of files that the user intends to open simultaneously for record I/O operations. If block I/O operations are to be used, FOB offset location F.RACC must be initialized with the FO.RWM parameter via the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call. This parameter inhibits the allocation of a buffer when the file is opened. 3.1.1 Format of Generalized OPEN$x Macro Call The generalized macro call for opening files takes the following form: OPEN$x where: fdb,lun,dspt,racc,urba,urbs,err x represents the alphabetic suffix specified as part of the macro name, indicating the desired type of operation to be performed on the file. The possible values for this parameter are: R, W, M, U, or A (see Section 3.1). fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. lun represents the logical unit number (LUN) associated with the desired file. This parameter identifies the device on which the volume containing the desired file is mounted. Normally, the logical unit number associated with the file is specified through the corresponding parameter of the FDOP$A or the FDOP$R macro call. If so specified, the lun parameter need not be present in the OPEN$x macro call. Each FDB must have a unique LUN. dspt represents the symbolic address of the dataset descriptor. Normally, this address value is specified through the corresponding parameter of the FDOP$A or the FDOP$R macro call. If so specified, this parameter need not be present in the OPEN$x macro call. 3-5 the FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS This parameter specifies the address of the manually created dataset descriptor (see Section 2.4.1). If the Command String Interpreter (CSI) is being used to interpret command lines dynamically, this parameter is used to specify the address of the dataset descriptor within the CSI control block (see offset location C.DSDS in Section 6.2.2). racc represents the record-access byte. One or more symbolic values may be specified in this field to initialize the record-access byte (F.RACC) in the associated FDB. Any combination of the following parameters may be specified: FD.RWM - Indicates that block I/O (READ$/WRITE$) operations are to be used in processing the file. If this parameter is not specified, FCS assumes by default that record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations are to be used in processing the file. FD.RAN - Indicates that random access to the file is to be used for record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations. If this parameter is not specified, FCS uses sequential access by default. Refer to Section 1.5 for a description of random-access mode. FD.PLC - Indicates that locate mode (see Section 1.6.2) is to -~e used for record I/O (GET$/PUT$) operations. If this parameter is not specified, FCS uses move mode (see Section 1.6.1) by default. FD.INS - Indicates that a PUTS operation in sequential mode in the body of a file shall not truncate the file. Effectively, this parameter prevents the logical end of the file from being reset to a point just beyond the inserted record. If this parameter is not specified, a PUTS operation in sequential mode truncates the file to a point just beyond the inserted record, but no deallocation of file blocks occurs. The specification of this parameter allows a data record in the body of the file to be overwritten. Care must be exercised, however, to ensure that the record being written is the same length as the record being replaced. If the FD.RAN parameter above is specified, the file is accessed in random mode. In this case, a PUTS operation in the file, without exception, does not truncate the file. If the record-access byte in the FDB has already been initialized through the corresponding parameters of the FDRC$A or the FDRC$R macro call, the racc parameters need not be present in the OPEN$x macro call. urba represents the symbolic address of the user record buffer. This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.URBD+2. 3-6 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS If the user-record-buffer address has already been supplied to the FDB through the corresponding parameter of the FDRC$A or the FDRC$R macro call, this parameter need not be present in the OPEN$x macro call. urbs represents a numeric value defining the size of the user record buffer (in bytes). This parameter initializes FDB offset location F.URBD. If the size of the user record buffer has already been supplied to the FDB through the corresponding parameter of the FDRC$A or the FDRC$R macro call, this parameter need not be present in the OPEN$x macro call. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. an Specific FDB requirements for record I/O operations (GET$ macro calls) are detailed in Sections 3.9.2 and 3.12.2. optional and PUT$ The following examples depict representative uses of the OPEN$x call. macro A macro call to open and modify an existing file, for take the following form: might OPEN$M example, RO,#INLUN,,#FD.RAN!FD.PLC Note in this macro call that the FDB address is assumed to be present in RO. The third parameter, i.e., the dataset-descriptor pointer, is not specified; this null specification (indicated by the extra comma) assumes that FbB offset location F.DSPT (if required) has already been initialized. The last parameter, consisting of two values separated by an exclamation point, establishes random access and locate modes for GET$/PUT$ operations. The following macro call might be issued to update an existing file: OPEN$U RO,#INLUN",#RECBUF,#80. This macro call also assumes that the FDB address is in RO. Note also that the dspt and racc parameter fields are null, based on the premise that the dataset-descriptor pointer (F.DSPT) has been provided previously to the FDB and that the record-access byte (F.RACC) has also been previously initialized. Finally, the last two parameters establish the address and the size of the user record buffer, respectively. This last example shows a macro call that might data to be appended to the end of a file: OPEN$A be issued to allow #OUTFDB This macro call specifies the address of an FDB as the only parameter. In this case, it is assumed that all other parameters required by FCS in opening and operating on the file have been previously supplied to the FDB through the appropriate assembly-time or run-time macro calls. Note in all three examples above that the error parameter is not specified, requir~ng that the user explicitly test the C-bit in the Processor Status Word to ascertain the success of the specified operation. 3-7 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.1.2 FDB Requirements for Generalized OPEN$x Macro Call The information required for opening a file may be supplied to the FOB through the following macro calls: 1. The assembly-time macro calls described in Section 2.2.1. 2. The NMBLK$ macro call described in Section 2.4.2. 3. The run-time macro calls described in Section 2.2.2. 4. The various macro calls described in this chapter for opening files. The particular combination of macro calls used to define and initialize the FOB is a matter of choice, as indicated above. Of far greater significance is the fact that certain information must be present in the FOB before the associated file can be opened. In this regard, the following rules apply for creating and opening new files, for opening existing files, and for specifying desired file options: 1. To Create a New File. If a new file is to be created through the OPEN$W macro call, the following information must first be supplied to the FOB. This information may be specified through the FOAT$A macro call (see Section or the FOAT$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2): a. The record type must be established for record I/O operations. To accomplish this, byte offset location F.RTYP must be initialized with the following symbolic values: R.FIX - Indicates that fixed-length written into the file. to be R.VAR - Indicates that variable-length records are to written into the file. be R.SEQ - Indicates that written into the file. b. sequenced records records are are to be The desired record attributes must be specified for record I/O operations. The record attributes are defined by initializing byte offset location F.RATT with the appropriate value(s), as follows: FO.FTN - Indicates that the first byte of each record to contain a FORTRAN carriage-control character. is FO.CR - Indicates that a line-feed «LF» character is to precede each record and that a carriage-return «CR» character is to follow the record when that record is output to a device requiring carriage-control information (e.g., to a terminal). The and characters are not actually embedded within the record. Their presence is merely implied through the file attribute FO.CR. FO.BLK - Indicates that records are not allowed to block boundaries. c. cross If fixed-length records are to be written to the file, the record size (in bytes) must be specified for record I/O operations to appropriately initialize FOB offset location F.RSIZ. 3-8 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS Items a. through c. above cannot be supplied to the FDB through any of the various macros used to create and/or open files (e.g., OPEN$W, OPEN$R, etc.). Furthermore, none of the above information is required when opening an existing file, since FCS obtains such information from the first 14 bytes of the user-file-attribute section of the file-header block (see Appendix F). 2. To Open Either a New File or an Existing File. Regardless of whether the file being opened is yet to be created or already exists, the following information must be present in the FDB before that file can be opened: a. The record-access byte must be initialized for record/block I/O operations. The symbolic values below may be specified in the FDRC$A macro call (see Section, the FDRC$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2), or the generalized OPEN$x macro call to initialize FDB offset location F.RACC: FD.RWM - Indicates that READ$/WRITE$ (block I/O) operations are to be used in processing the file. If this parameter is not specified, GET$/PUT$ (record I/O) operations result by default. FD.RAN - Indicates that random-access mode (GET$/PUT$ record I/O) is to be used in processing the file. If this parameter is not specified, sequential-access mode results by default. Refer to Section 1.5 for a description of random-access mode. FD.PLC - Indicates that locate mode (GET$/PUT$ record I/O) is to be used in processing the file. If this parameter is not specified, move mode results by default. FD.INS - Indicates that a PUT$ operation in sequential mode in the body of a file shall not truncate the file. If this parameter is not specified, such an operation truncates the file. In this case, the logical end of the file is reset to a point just beyond the inserted record, but no deal location of file blocks occurs. b. The user-record-buffer descriptors, i.e., the urba and urbs parameters, must be specified for record I/O operations. To accomplish this, the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call may be used. The selected macro call defines the address and the size of the area reserved in the program for use as a buffer during record I/O operations. The urba and urbs parameters j~itialize FDB offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD, respectively. FDB requirements specific to GET$ and PUT$ operations in move and locate mode are presented in detail in Sections 3.9.2 and 3.12.2, respectively. c. The logical unit number must be specified to initialize FDB offset location F.LUN. The initialization of this cell can be accomplished through the lun parameter of the FDOP$A, the FDOP$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call. Each FDB must have a unique logical unit number. 3-9 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3. d. If file identification information is not already present in the FDB, either the dataset-descriptor pointer (F.DSPT) or the default filename-block address (F.DFNB) must be specified to enable FCS to obtain required filename information for use in opening the file. These address values may be specified in either the FDOP$A macro call (see Section or the FDOP$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2). The generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1) may also be used to specify the dataset-descriptor pointer. e. If desired, an event flag number for synchronizing record I/O operations must be specified to initialize FDB offset location F.EFN. This optional parameter may be specified in either the FDBF$A macro call (see Section or the FDBF$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2). If not specified, FCS uses event flag number 32(10) by default in synchronizing all record I/O activity. Specifying Desired File Options. If certain options are desired for a given file, they must be specified before that file is opened. Since this information is needed only in opening the file, it is zeroed when the file is closed, thus ensuring that the FDB is properly reinitialized for subsequent use. The options that may be specified for a given file are described below: a. The override block size (ovbs parameter) must be specified in either the FDBF$A or the FDBF$R macro call to initialize FDB offset location F.OVBS. This parameter need be specified only if the standard default block size in effect for the associated device is to be overridden. The override block size is specified only in connection with record-oriented devices (such as line printers) and sequential devices (such as magnetic tape units). b. The multiple-buffer count (mbct parameter) must be specified in either the FDBF$A or the FDBF$R macro call to initialize FDB offset location F.MBCT. (The mbct parameter is not applicable to RSX-IIM.) If multiple-buffered record I/O operations are to be used, this parameter must be greater than 1, and it must agree with the desired number of buffers to be used. This parameter is not overlaid, nor is it zeroed when the file is closed. If the multiple-buffer count is not established as described above, multiple-buffered operations can still be invoked by changing the default buffer count in the FSR. A default buffer count of 1 is stored in symbolic location .MBFCT of $$FSR2. This default value can be altered to reflect the number of buffers intended for use during record I/O operations. The procedure for modifying this cell in $$FSR2 is described at the end of Section In addition, if multiple buffering is to be employed, the appropriate control flag must be specified as the mbfg parameter in either the FDBF$A or the FDBF$R macro call to appropriately initialize FDB offset location F.MBFG. Either of two symbolic values may be specified for this purpose, as follows: FD.RAH - Indicates that read-ahead operations are used in processing the file. 3-10 to be FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS FD.WBH - Indicates that write-behind operations are to be used in processing the file. Offset location F.MBFG need be initialized only if the standard default buffering assumptions are inappropriate. When a file is opened for reading (OPEN$R), read-ahead operations are assumed by default; for all other forms of OPEN$x, write-behind operations are assumed. It may be useful, for example, to override the write-behind default assumption for a file opened through the OPEN$M or the OPEN$U macro call when that file is being used basically for sequential read operations, but scattered updating is also being performed. c. To allocate required file space at the time a file is created, the cntg parameter must be specified in either the FDAT$A or the FDAT$R macro call. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.CNTG. A positive value so specified results in the allocation of a contiguous file having the specified number of blocks; a negative value, on the other hand, results in the allocation of a noncontiguous file having the specified number of blocks. d. The address of the 5-word statistics block in the user program must be moved manually into FOB offset location F.STBK. This address value specifies an area in the user program to which FCS returns certain statistical information about a file when it is opened. If this parameter is not specified, no return of such information occurs. The format and content of the statistics block are presented in Appendix H. The user who elects to define such an area in a program may do so with coding logically equivalent to that shown below: STBLK: .BLKW 5 Offset location F.STBK may then be manually as follows: MOV initialized, #STBLK,FDBADR+F.STBK where STBLK is the user-defined symbolic address of the statistics block, and the destination operand of this instruction defines the appropriate offset location within the desired FOB. 3.2 OPNS$x - OPEN FILE FOR SHARED ACCESS The OPNS$x macro call is issued to open a file for shared access. This macro call has the same format, i.e., takes the same alphabetic suffixes and run-time parameters, as the generalized OPEN$x macro call. The shared access conditions that result from the use of this macro call are summarized in section 1.8. 3-11 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.3 OPNT$W - CREATE AND OPEN TEMPORARY FILE The OPNT$W macro call is issued to create and open a temporary file for some special purpose of limited duration. If a temporary file is to be used only once, it is best created through the OPNT$D macro call described in the following section. The OPNT$W macro call creates a file but does not enter a filename for that file into any associated user directory file. This macro call . simply enters appropriate file-identification information into the volume's index file and, in addition, maintains the file-identification field (offset location N.FID) in the associated filename block. The index file consists of file-header blocks for user files (see Appendix E). In using the OPNT$W macro call, the user bears the responsibility for marking the temporary file for deletion, as described in the procedure below. Then, after all operations associated with that file are completed, closing the file results in its deallocation. All space formerly occupied by the file is then returned for reallocation to the pool of available storage on the volume. Although the OPNT$W macro call takes the same parameters as the generalized OPEN$x macro call, the former executes faster because no directory entries are made for a temporary file. Creating a temporary file is usually done when a program requires a file only for the duration of its execution (e.g., for use as a work file). The general sequence of operations in such instances proceeds as follows: 1. Open a temporary file by issuing the OPNT$W macro call. Perform any desired operations on that file. If the file is to be used only for a s~AngE(OPNT$W/CLOSE$ sequence, go to Step 6; otherwise, continue with Step 2. 2. Before closing the file for processing, save the filename block in the associated FDB. The general procedure for saving (and restoring) the filename block is discussed in Section 2.5.1. 3. Close the file by issuing the CLOSES macro call (see Section 3.8). Continue other processing in the program, as desired. 4. In anticipation of reopening the temporary file, restore the filename block to the FDB by accomplishing the reverse of Step 2 above. 5. Reopen the file by issuing any of the FCS macro calls that open existing files. Resume operations on the file: repeat the save, CLOSE$, restore, open sequence any desired number of times. 6. Before closing the file the last time, call the .MRKDL routine, as shown below, to mark the file for deletion: CALL .MRKDL The .MRKDL routine is described in Section 4.13.1. 7. Close the file by issuing the CLOSES macro call. 3-12 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS If the filename block is not saved, the file identification field therein is destroyed since this field is reset to 0 when the file is closed. Thus, not saving the filename block before closing a temporary file results in a "lost" file, since no directory entry is made for a temporary file. The usual procedure of listing the volume's directory is therefore inapplicable. The only way such a file can be recovered is to use the file-structure verification utility program (VFY) to search the volume's index file. The VFY program has the capability to compare the files listed in all the directories on the volume with those listed in the index file. If a file appears in the index file, but not in a directory, VFY identifies that file for the user. This program is described in detail in the lAS System Management Guide, RSX-llD Utility Programs Procedures Manual, and RSX-ll Utilities Procedures Manual. 3.4 OPNT$D - CREATE AND OPEN TEMPORARY FILE AND MARK FOR DELETION The OPNT$D macro call is issued to create and open a temporary file and in addition to mark the file for deletion. File identification information for such a file is entered into the volume's index file and the filename block in the associated FDB (but not in any associated volume directory). A file marked for deletion cannot be opened by another program. Furthermore, when the file is closed, it is automatically deleted from the volume, returning its space to the pool of available storage on the volume for reallocation. thus created is to be used only once. This is a particularly desirable way to open a temporary file, since the file will be deleted even if the program terminates abnormally without closing the file. The OPNT$D macro call takes the same generalized OPEN$x macro call. 3.5 format and parameters as the OFID$x - OPEN FILE BY FILE ID The OFID$x macro call is issued to open an existing file using information stored in the file-identification field (offset location N.FID) of the filename block. Thus, issuing this macro call invokes an Fes routine that opens a file only by file ID (see Section 2.5). The OFID$x call, which has the same format and takes the same parameters as the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1), is designed for use with overlaid programs. In describing the functions of the OFID$x macro call, two assumptions may apply, as follows: either one of 1. That the necessary context for opening the file has been saved from a previous OPEN$x operation and restored to the filename block in anticipation of opening that file by file ID. The saving and restoring of the filename block are discussed in detail in Section 2.5.1. 2. That the desired file is to be opened for the first time. In that case, the necessary context for opening the file must first be stored in the filename block before the OFID$ macro call can be issued. 3-13 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS In most cases, the latter assumption following procedures be performed: applies, requiring that the 1. Call the .PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1). This routine takes information from a specified dataset descriptor and/or default filename block and initializes and fills in the specified filename block. 2. Call the .FIND routine (see Section 4.8.1). This routine locates an appropriate directory entry for the file (by filename) and stores the file-identification information therefrom in the 6-byte file-identification field of the filename block, starting at offset location N.FID. As a result of Steps 1 and 2, the necessary context then exists in the associated filename block for opening the file by file ID. 3. Issue the OFID$x macro call. The advantage in using the .PARSE and .FIND routines in conjunction with the OFID$x macro call is that the user can overlay the program, placing .PARSE and .FIND on one branch, and the code for OFID$x on another branch. This overlay structure reduces the program's overall memory requirements. Unlike the other FCS macro calls for opening files, the OFID$x macro call requires a nonzero value in the first word of the file identification field (N.FID) in order to work properly. When this field contains a nonzero value, FCS assumes that the remaining context necessary for opening that file is present and, accordingly, opens the file by file ID. 3.6 OFNB$x OPEN FILE BY FILENAME BLOCK The OFNB$x macro call is issued to open either an existing file or to create and open a new file using filename information in the filename block. Similar to the OFID$x macro call above, the OFNB$x call is designed for use with overlaid programs. However, the OFNB$x macro call differs in two important respects: it can be issued to create a new file, and it can be issued to open a file by filename block. The OFNB$x call has the same format and takes the same parameters as the generalized OPEN$x macro call as described in Section 3.1.1; i.e., OFNB$x fdb,lun,dspt,racc,urba,urbs,err The OFNB$x macro also uses the same suffixes that are available to the OPEN$x macro; i.e., OFNB$R, OFNB$W, OFNB$M, OFNB$U, OFNB$A. The suffixes have the same meaning as they do for OPEN$x (see Table 3-1). In describing the functions of the OFNB$x macro call, the same assumptions outlined above for OFID$x apply, viz., that the filename block has been saved and restored in anticipation of issuing the OFNB$x macro call, or that the file is being opened for the first time. Since the procedures for saving and restoring the filename block are detailed in Section 2.5.1, the following discussion assumes that the desired file is being opened for the first time. In this case, the filename block in the FDB must be initialized, as described below. 3-14 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS To open a file by filename block, the following information present in the filename block of the associated FOB: 1. The filename 2'. The file type or extension (offset location N.FTYP) ; 3. The file version number 4. The directory 10 (offset location N.OIO); 5. The device name (offset location N. DVNM) ; 6. The unit number must be (offset location N.FNAM); (offset location N. FVER) ; and (offset location N.UNIT) . In providing the information above to the filename block, either of two general procedures may be used, as described in the following sections. 3.6.1 Dataset Descriptor and/or Oefault Filename Block If the dataset descriptor contains all the required information listed above, perform the following procedures: 1. Call the .PARSE routine (see Section 4.7.1). This routine takes information from a speci£ied dataset descriptor and/or default filename block and fills in the appropriate offsets of a specified filename block. 2. Issue the OFNB$x macro call. 3.6.2 Default Filename Block Only If a default filename block is to be used in providing information to FCS, perform the following procedures: the required 1. Issue the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2) to create and initialize a default filename block. With the exception of the directory 10, this structure provides all the requisite information to FCS. 2. To provide the directory 10, call routines: either of the following a. Call the .GTOIR routine (see Section 4.9.1) to retrieve the directory ID from the specified dataset descriptor and to store the directory 10 in the default filename block; or b. Call the .GTOIO routine (see Section 4.9.2) to retrieve the default UIC from $$FSR2 and to store the directory ID in the default filename block. 3. Move the entire default filename block manually into filename block associated with the file being opened. 4. Issue the OFNB$x macro call. the Note that the coding for OFNB$x operations normally resides in an overlay apart from that containing the other FCS routines identified above. FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The issuance of the OFNB$x macro call is usually done under the premise that the filename block contains the requisite information, as described above. However, if the file-identification field (offset location N.FIO) in the filename block contains a nonzero value when the call to OFNB$x is issued, the file is unconditionally opened by file 10. If the user expects to open both new and existing files, and memory conservation is an objective, the OFNB$x macro call is most suitable for opening such files. The OFIO$x coding should not be included in the same overlay with OFNB$x, since OFIO$x overlaps the function of OFNB$x and, therefore, needlessly consumes memory space. 3.7 OPENS - GENERALIZED OPEN FOR SPECIFYING FILE ACCESS Usually, when the user wishes to create a file, the filename and the file type are specified, and FCS is allowed to assign the next higher file version number. However, if the OPEN$W macro call is issued for a file having an explicit filename, file type, and file version number, and a file of that description already exists in the specified user file directory (UFO), the old file is superseded. By issuing the OPEN$ macro call without an alphabetic suffix, and by specifying two additional parameters, the user can inhibit the automatic superseding of a file when a duplicate file specification is encountered in the UFO. Rather than deleting the old version of the file, an error indication (IE.OUP) is returned to offset location F.ERR of the applicable FOB. All parameters of this macro call are identical to those specified for the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1), with the exception of the facc parameter and the dfnb parameter. These additional parameters are described below. To open a file without superseding an existing file having an identical file specification, a macro call ~f the following form is used: OPENS where: facc fdb,facc,lun,dspt,dfnb,racc,urba,urbs,err represents anyone or an appropriate combination of the following symbolic values indicating how the specified file is to be accessed: FO.RO - Indicates that an existing file is opened for reading only. to be FO.WRT - Indicates that a new created and opened for writing. to be FO.APD - Indicates that an existing file is to opened and appended. be FO.MFY - Indicates that an existing file is to opened and modif~ed. be FO.UPD - Indicates that an existing file is to opened, updated, and, if necessary, extended. be file is FA.NSP - Indicates, in combination with FO.WRT above, that the old file having the same file specification is not to be superseded by the new file. 3-16 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS FA.TMP - Indicates, in combination with FO.WRT above, that the file is to be a temporary file. FA.SHR - Indicates that the file is to for shared access. dfnb be opened represents the symbolic address of the default filename block. This parameter is the same as that described in connection with the FDOP$A/FDOP$R macro call. The above parameters initialize FDB offset locations F.FACC and F.DFNB with appropriate values. Any logically consistent combination of the above file-access symbols is permissible. The particular combination required to create and write a new file without superseding an existing file is shown below: OPEN$ #OUTFDB,#FO.WRT!FA.NSP The following macro call creates a temporary file for shared access: OPEN$ 3.8 #OUTFDB,#FO.WRT!FA.TMP!FA.SHR CLOSES - CLOSE SPECIFIED FILE When the processing of a file is completed, it must be closed by issuing the CLOSE$ macro call. The CLOSE$ operation performs the following housekeeping functions: 1. Waits for all I/O operations in progress for the file completed (multiple-buffered record I/O only). 2. Ensures that the FSR block buffer, which contains data for an output file, is completely written if it is partially filled (record I/O only) . 3. Deaccesses the file. 4. Releases the FSR block (record I/O only) . 5. Prepares the FDB for subsequent use by FDB offset locations. 6. Calls an optional user-coded error-handling routine if error condition is detected during the CLOSE$ operation. 3.8.1 buffer{s) allocated for clearing to the be file appropriate an Format of CLOSES Macro Call The CLOSE$ macro call takes the following format: CLOSE$ where: fdb,err fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. 3-17 an the optional FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The following examples illustrate the use of the CLOSE$ macro call: CLOSE$ #FDBIN,CLSERR CLOSE$ ,CLSERR CLOSE$ RO The first example shows an explicit declaration for the relevant FDB and the symbolic address of an error-handling routine to be entered if the CLOSE$ operation is not completed successfully. The last two examples assume that RO currently contains the address of the appropriate FDB. 3.9 GET$ - READ LOGICAL RECORD The GET$ macro call is used to read logical records from a file. After a GET$ operation, the next record-buffer descriptors in the FDB always identify the record just read, i.e., offset location F.NRBD+2 contains the address of the record just read, and offset location F.NRBD contains the size of that record (in bytes). This is true of GET$ operations in both move and locate mode. In move mode, a GET$ operation moves a record to the user record buffer (as defined by the current contents of F.URBD+2 and F.URBD), and the address and size of that record are then returned to the next record-buffer descriptors in the FDB (F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD). In locate mode, if the entire record resides within the FSR block buffer, then the address and the size of the record just read are returned to the next record-buffer descriptors (F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD). If, on the other hand, the entire record does not reside within the FSR block buffer, then that record is moved piecemeal into the user record buffer, and the address of the user record buffer and the size of the record are returned to offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD, respectively. After returning from a GET$ operation in locate mode, whether or not moving the record was necessary, F.NRBD+2 always contains the address of the record just read, and F.NRBD always contains the size of that record. If the record read was a sequenced record, the sequence number is stored in F.SEQN regardless of whether the GET$ was in move mode or locate mode. GET$ operations are fully synchronous, i.e., record I/O operations are completed before control is returned to the user program. Specific FDB requirements for GET$ operations are presented in Section 3.9.2 below. 3.9.1 Format of GET$ Macro Call To read a logical record, the GET$ macro following format: GET$ fdb,urba,urbs,err 3-18 call is specified in the FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS where: fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. urba represents the symbolic address of a user record buffer to be used for record I/O operations in move or locate mode. When specified, this parameter initializes FDB offset location F.URBD+2. urbs represents a numeric value defining the size (in bytes) of the user record buffer. This parameter determines the largest record that can be placed in the user record buffer in move or locate mode. When specified, this parameter initializes offset location F.URBD in the associated FDB. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. an the optional If neither the urba nor the urbs parameter is specified in the GET$ macro call, FCS assumes that these requisite values have been supplied previously through the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call. Any nonzero values in offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD resulting therefrom are used as the address and the length, respectively, of the user record buffer. If either of the following conditions occurs during record I/O operations, FCS returns an error indication (IE.RBG) to offset location F.ERR of the FDB, indicating an illegal record size: 1. In move mode, the record size exceeds the limit specified offset location F.URBDi or in 2. In locate mode, the record size exceeds the limit specified in offset location F.URBD, and the record must be moved because it crosses block boundaries. In both move and locate mode, only data up to the amount specified in F.URBD is placed in the user's buffer. The next GET$ begins reading at the beginning of the next record. The following statements are representative of the GET$ macro call: GET$ RO",ERROR GET$ ,#RECBUF,#25.,ERROR GET$ #INFDB In the first example, the address of the desired FDB is assumed to be present in, RO. Note that the next two parameters, i.e., the user record-buffer address (urba) and the user-record-buffer size (urbs), are null. In this case, FCS assumes that the appropriate values for FDB offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD, respectively, have been specified previously in the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call. The final parameter in the string is the symbolic address of a user-coded error-handling routipe. The second exampl~ also assumes that RO contains the address of the desired FDB. Explicit parameters then define the address and the size, respectively, of the user record buffer. The last example shows a GET$ macro call in which only the address the FDB is specified. 3-19 of FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.9.2 FOB Mechanics Relevant to GET$ Operations The following sections summarize the essential aspects of GET$ operations in move and locate mode with respect to the associated FOB. The discussions below focus mainly on whether or not a user record buffer is required under certain conditions. In this regard, the reader should recall that the user-record-buffer descriptors, l.e., the urba and the urbs parameters, may be specified in the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call, as well as the I/O initiating GET$ macro call. These parameters need be present in the GET$ macro call (to appropriately initialize the FOB) only if not previously supplied through some other available means. If operating in random-access mode, the number of the record to be read is maintained by FCS in offset locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2 of the associated FOB. FCS increments this value after each GET$ or GET$R operation to point to the next record in the FSR block buffer. Thus, unless the user program alters the values in locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2 before each issuance of the GET$ or GET$R macro call, the next record in sequence is read. The specified user-record-buffer size (i.e., the urbs parameter) always determines the largest record that can be read during a GET$ operation. GET$ Operations in Move Mode - With respect to GET$ operations in move mode, the following generalization applies. If records are always moved to the same user record buffer, the urba and urbs parameters need be specified only in the initial GET$ macro call. Alternatively, these values may be specified beforehand through any available means identified above for initializing the user-record-buffer descriptor cells in the FOB. In any case, offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD remain appropriately initialized for all subsequent GET$ operations in move mode that involve the same user record buffer. GET$ Operations in Operations in locate mode, following: Locate Mode - In performing GET$ the user should take into account the 1. If fixed-length records are to be processed, and if they fit evenly within the FSR block buffer, the user record buffer descriptors need not be present in the associated FOB. 2. If fixed-length records that do not fit evenly within the FSR block buffer are to be processed, or if variable-length records are to be processed, the user-record-buffer descriptors need not be present in the FOB, provided that the file being processed exhibits the attribute of records not being allowed to cross block boundaries (FD.BLK). The property of records not crossing block boundaries is established as the file is created. Specifically, if offset location F.RATT in the FOB is initialized with FD.BLK prior to file create-time, then the records in the reSUlting file are not allowed to cross block boundaries. 3-20 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS For an existing file, the user-file-attribute section of the file-header block is read when the file is opened; thus, all attributes of that file are made known to FCS, including whether or not records within that file are allowed to cross block boundaries. The design of FCS requires the utilization of a user record buffer only in the event that records (either fixed or variable in length) cross block boundaries. 3. If a GET$ operation is performed in locate mode, and the record is contained entirely within the FSR block buffer, the address of the record within the FSR block buffer and the size of that record are returned to offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD, respectively, in the associated FDB. However, if that record crosses block boundaries, it is moved to the user record buffer. In this case, the address of the user record buffer and the size of the record are returned to offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD, respectively. In summary, if the potential exists for crossing block boundaries during GET$ operations In locate mode, then the user-record-buffer descriptors must be supplied through any available means to appropriately initialize offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD in the associated FDB. 3.10 GET$R - READ LOGICAL RECORD IN RANDOM MODE The GET$R macro call is used to read fixed-length records from a file in random mode. Thus, by definition, issuing this macro call requires that the user be intimately familiar with the structure of the file to be read and, furthermore, that the user be able to specify precisely the number of the record to be read. The GET$ and GET$R macro calls are identical, except that the parameter list of GET$R includes the specification of the desired record number. If the desired record number is already present in the FDB (at offset locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2), then GET$ may be used. If, however, the record-access byte in the FDB (offset location F.RACC) has not been initialized for random-access operations with FD.RAN in the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call, then neither GET$ nor GET$R will read the desired record. The GET$R macro call takes two more parameters in specified in the GET$ macro call, as shown below: GET$R where: lrcnm addition to those fdb,urba,urbs,lrcnm,hrcnm,err represents a numeric value specifying the low-order 16 bits of the number of the record to be read. This value, which must be specified, is stored in offset location F.RCNM+2 in the FDB. The GET$R macro call seldom requires more than 16 bits to express the record number. A logical record number up to 65,536(10} may be specified through this parameter. If this parameter is not sufficient to completely express the magnitude of the record number, the following parameter must also be specified. 3-21 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS hrcnm represents a numeric value specifying the high-order 15 bits of the number of the record to be read. This value is stored in FDB offset location F.RCNM. If specified, the combination of this parameter and the lrcnm parameter above determines the number of the desired record. Thus, an unsigned value having a total of 31 bits of magnitude may be used in defining the record number. If this parameter is not specified, offset location F.RCNM retains its initialized value of zero (0). If F.RCNM is used to express a desired record number for any given GET$R operation, this cell must be cleared before issuing a subsequent GET$R macro call that requires 16 bits or less to express the desired record number; otherwise, any residual value in F.RCNM yields an incorrect record number. If the lrcnm and hrcnm parameters are not specified in a subsequent GET$R macro call, the next sequential record is read since the record number in offset locations F.RCNM+2 and F.RCNM is automatically incremented with each GET$ operation. In the case of the first GET$R after opening the file, record number 1 is read, because the record number has been initialized to 0 by the OPEN. If other than the next sequential record is to be read, the user must explicitly specify the number of the desired record. The following statements are representative of the use macro call: GET$R #INFDB,#RECBUF,#160.,#1040."ERROR GET$R #FDBADR,#RECBUF,#160.,R3 of the GET$R Note in the first example that the number of the desired record to be read, i.e., 1040(10), is expressed through the first of two available fields for this purpose; the second field is not required and is therefore reflected as a null specification. The second example reflects the use of general register 3 in specifying the logical record number. This register, or any other location so used, must be preset with the desired record number before issuing the GET$R macro call. 3.11 GET$S - READ LOGICAL RECORD IN SEQUENTIAL MODE The GET$S macro call is used to read logical records from a file in sequential mode. Although the routine invoked by the GET$S macro call requires less memory than that invoked by GET$ (see Section 3.9), GET$S has the same format and takes the same parameters. The GET$S macro call is de~igned specifically for use in an overlaid environment in which the amount of memory available to the program is limited and files are to be read in strictly sequential mode. If both GET$S and PUT$S are to be used by the program, note that the savings in memory utilization over GET$ and PUTS can be realized only if GET$S and PUT$S are placed on different branches of the overlay structure. 3-22 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.12 PUTS - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD The PUTS macro call is used to write logical records to a file. If operating in random-access mode, the number of the record to be written is maintained by FCS in offset locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2 of the associated FOB. FCS increments this value after each PUTS or PUT$R operation to point to the next sequential record position. Thus, unless the user program alters this value before issuing another PUTS or PUT$R operation, the next record in sequence is written. For PUTS operations, offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD in the associated FOB must contain the address and the size, respectively, of the record to be written. The distinction between move mode and locate mode for PUTS operations relates to the building or the assembling of the data into a record. Specifically, in move mode the record is built in a buffer of the user's choice. This buffer is not necessarily the user record buffer previously described in the context of record I/O operations. In other words, the user may build records in an area of a program apart from that normally defined by the user record-buffer descriptors in the FOB (F.URBD+2 and F.URBD). In this case, the address of the record buffer so used and the size of the record are specified in the PUTS macro call, and the record thus built is then moved into the FSR block buffer. In locate mode, however, the record is built at the address specified by the contents of offset location F.NRBD+2, and only the record size need be specified in the PUTS macro call. Then, if the record so built is not already in the FSR block buffer, it is moved there as the PUTS operation is performed. If the records in the file are sequenced records, the field F.SEQN in the FOB contains the sequence value, which can be modified by the user. PUTS operations are fully synchronous, i.e., record I/O operations are completed before control is returned to the user program. A random PUTS operation in locate mode requires the use of the .POSRC routine. This operation is described in detail in Section 4.9.2. Specific FOB requirements for PUTS operations are presented in Section 3.l2~2 below. 3.12.1 Format of PUTS Macro Call The PUTS macro call takes the following format: PUTS where: fdb,nrba,nrbs,err fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FOB. nrba represents the symbolic address of the next record buffer, i.e., the address of the record to be PUTS. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.NRBD+2. nrbs represents a numeric value specifying the size of the next record buffer, i.e., the length of the record to be PUTS. This parameter initializes FOB offset location F.NRBD. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. 3-23 an the optional FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The following examples represent the uses of the PUTS macro call: PUTS #FDBADR",ERRRT PUTS ,,#160.,ERRRT PUTS RO In the first example, note that the next record-buffer address (nrba parameter) and the next record-buffer size (nrbs parameter) are nUll. These null specifications imply that the current values in offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBO of the associated FDB are suitable to the current operation. Note also that fixed-length records could also be written in locate mode by issuing this macro call. The second example contains null specifications in the first two parameter fields, assuming that RO currently contains the address of the associated FOB and that variable-length records are to be written to the file. The last example specifies only the address of parameter fields are nUll. 3.12.2 the FDB; all other FDB Mechanics Relevant to PUT$ Operations The discussions below highlight aspects of PUTS operations in move and locate mode that have a bearing on the associated FDB. The conditions under which a user record buffer is or is not used are summarized. As is the case for GET$ operations, if a user record buffer is required for PUTS operations, the buffer descriptors (i.e., the urba and urbs parameters) may be supplied to the associated FDB through the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call. In any case, offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD must be appropriately initialized if PUTS operations require the utilization of a user record buffer. Note, however, that PUTS operations in move mode never require a user record buffer. If the user record buffer is required, the specified size of that buffer (i.e., the urbs parameter) always determines the size of the largest record that can be written to the specified file. Whether in move or locate mode, a PUTS operation uses the information in offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD, i.e., the next record-buffer descriptors, to determine whether the record must be moved into -the FSR block buffer. In the event that the record does have to be moved, and the size of that record is such that it cannot fit in the space remaining in the FSR block buffer, one of two possible operations is performed: 1. If records are allowed to cross block boundaries, then the first part of the record is moved into the FSR block buffer, thereby completing a virtual block. That block buffer is then written out to the volume, and the remaining portion of the record is moved into the beginning of the next FSR block buffer. 2. If records are not allowed to cross block boundaries (because of the file attribute FD.BLK specified in the associated FDB) , then the FSR block buffer is written out to the volume as is, and the entire record is moved into the beginning of the next FSR block buffer. 3-24 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS PUT$ Operations in Move Mode - A is basically driven by specifying in each and the size of the record to be written. is performed, FCS moves the record into FSR block buffer. PUT$ operation in move mode PUT$ macro call the address Then, as the PUT$ operation the appropriate area of the In summary, the following generalizations apply for PUT$ operations in move mode: 1. The user-record-buffer descriptors need not be present in the FDB because the programmer is dynamically specifying the address and the length of the record to be written at each issuance of a PUT$ macro call. The values so specified dynamically update offset locations F.NRBD+2 and F.NRBD in the associated FDB. 2. If the file consists of the fixed-length records, then the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1) initializes offset location F.NRBD with the appropriate record size, 'as defined by the contents of offset location F.RSIZ. Thus, the size of the record need not be specified as the urbs parameter in any PUT$ macro call involving this file. 3. If variable-length records are being PUT$, the size of each record must be specified as the urbs parameter in each PUT$ macro call involving this file, thus setting offset location F.NRBD to the appropriate record size. PUT$ Operations in Locate Mode - Basically, a user record buffer is required for PUT$ operations in locate mode only when the potential exists for records to cross block boundaries. In other words, if there is insufficient space in the FSR block buffer to accommodate the building of the next record, the user must provide a buffer in user memory space in order to build that record. When a file is initially opened for PUT$ operations in locate mode, FCS sets up offset location F.NRBD+2 to point to the area in the FSR block buffer where the next record is to be built. Then, each PUT$ operation thereafter in locate mode updates the address value in this cell to point to the area in the FSR block buffer where the next record is to be built. Thus, after each PUT$ operation in locate mode, F.NRBD+2 points to the area where the next record is to be built. This logic dictates whether the user record buffer is required in locate mode. In this regard, the following generalizations apply: 1. If fixed-length records are being PUT$ and they fit evenly within the FSR block buffer, a user record buffer is not required. 2. If a fixed-length record crosses block boundaries, the user record buffer descriptors must be present in offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD of the associated FDB. In this case, after determining that the record cannot fit in the FSR block buffer, FCS sets offset location F.NRBD+2 to point to the user record buffer. Then, when the record is PUT$, it is moved from the user record buffer to the FSR block buffer. 3-25 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3. If a variable-length record is being PUT$, the potential exists for crossing block boundaries. In this case, the user record-buffer descriptors must be present in offset locations F.URBD+2 and F.URBD of the associated FDB. Moreover, the size of each variable-length record must be specified as the nrbs parameter in each PUT$ macro call. The determination as to whether FCS points offset location F.NRBD+2 to the FSR block buffer for the PUT$ operation or to the user record buffer is based on whether there is potentially enough room in the FSR block buffer to accommodate the record. Because the records are variable in length, it must be assumed that the largest possible record is PUT$, as defined by the size of the user record buffer (F.URBD). Thus, if a record of this defined size cannot fit in the space remaining in the FSR block buffer, FCS sets offset location F.NRBD+2 to point to the user record buffer. Each PUT$ operation in locate mode sets up the FDB for the next PUT$. In other words, the specified record size is used by FCS as the worst-case condition in determining whether sufficient space exists in the FSR to build the next record. If variable-length records are being processed that are shorter than the largest defined record size, FCS may move records unnecessarily from the user record buffer to the FSR block buffer. For example, assume that the user has allocated a 132-byte record buffer. Assume further that the available remaining space in the FSR block buffer is less than 132 bytes. In this case, FCS continues to point to the userls record buffer for PUT$ operations, even if the user continues to PUT$ short (10- or 20-byte) records. Thus, some unavoidable movement of records takes place in locate mode. If the largest record that the user intends to PUT$ is 80 bytes, for example, then the largest defined record size should not be specified as 132 bytes (or any length larger than that intended to be PUT$). Aside from having to allocate a smaller user record buffer, PUT$ operations in locate mode are more efficient if this precaution is observed. Exercising care in this regard reduces the tendency to move records from the user record buffer to the FSR block buffer when they might otherwise be built directly in the FSR block buffer. 3.13 PUT$R - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD IN RANDOM MODE The PUT$R macro call is used to write fixed-length records to a file in random mode. As noted in Section 3.10 in connection with the GET$R macro call, operations in random-access mode require the user to be intimately familiar with the contents of such files. The PUT$R macro call likewise relies en~irely on the user for the specification of the number of the record before a specified PUT$ operation can be performed. Since the usual purpose of a PUT$R operation is to update known records in a file, it is assumed that the user also knows the number of such records within the file. The PUT$ and PUT$R m~cro calls are identical, except that PUT$R allows the specification of the desired record number. If the desired record number is already present in the FDB (at offset locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2), then PUT$ and PUT$R may be used interchangeably. However, if the record-access byte in the FDB (offset location F.RACC) has not been initialized for random-access operations with FD.RAN in the FDRC$A, the FDRC$R, or the generalized OPEN$x macro call, then neither PUT$ nor PUT$R will write the desired record. 3-26 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS The PUT$R macro call takes two more parameters in specified in the PUTS macro call, as shown below: PUT$R where: addition to those fdb,nrba,nrbs,lrcnm,hrcnm,err lrcnm represents a numeric value specifying the low-order 16 bits of the number of the record to be processed. This parameter serves the same purpose as the corresponding parameter in the GET$R macro call (see Section 3.10), except that it identifies the record to be written. hrcnm represents a numeric value specifying the high-order 15 bits of the number of the record to be processed. This parameter serves the same purpose as the corresponding parameter in the GET$R macro call, except that it identifies the record to be written. If this parameter is not specified, offset location F.RCNM retains its initialized value of zero (0). If F.RCNM is used in expressing a desired record number for any given PUT$R operation, the user must clear this cell before issuing a subsequent PUT$R macro call that requires 16 bits or less in expressing the desired record number; otherwise, any residual value in F.RCNM results in an incorrect record number. The lrcnm and hrcnm parameters initialize offset locations F.RCNM+2 and F.RCNM, respectively, in the associated FDB. If these values are not specified in a subsequent PUT$R macro call, the next sequential record is written, since FCS automatically increments the record number in these cells after each PUTS operation. In the case of the first PUT$R after opening the file, record number 1 is written. Note that this is true even if the file has been opened for an append (OPEN$A) . If a record other than the next sequential record is to be written, the user must explicitly specify the number of the desired record. NOTE A random mode PUTS operation executed in locate mode must be preceded by a call to .POSRC. Since locate mode allows the user to store data directly into the block buffer, the file must be positioned so that the desired record position is in fact in the block buffer. See Section 4.10.2 for further details. Examples of the use of the PUT$R macro call follow: PUT$R #OUTFDB,#RECBUF"#12040.,,ERRLOC PUT$R #FDBADR,#RECBUF"R4 PUT$R #FDBADR,#RECBUF"LRN 3-27 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS In the first example, the presence of RECBUF as the next record buffer address (nrba) parameter merely indicates that the user is specifying the address of the record. Although specifying this address repeatedly is unnecessary, it is not invalid. Normally, a buffer address is specified dynamically, since other PUT$ macro calls may be referencing different areas in memory; thus, the address of the record must be explicitly specified in each PUT$ macro call. Note also that the next record buffer size (nrbs) parameter is null, since this parameter is required only in the case of writing variable-length records. Also, the second of the two available parameters for defining the record number is nUll. Note in the second and third examples that R4 and a memory location Such a (LRN) are used to specify the logical record number. specification assumes that the user has preset the desired record number in the referenced location. 3.14 PUT$S - WRITE LOGICAL RECORD IN SEQUENTIAL MODE The PUT$S macro call is used to write logical records to a file in sequential mode. Although the routine invoked by the PUT$S macro call requires less memory than that invoked by PUT$ (see Section 3.12), PUT$S has the same format and takes the same parameters. The PUT$S macro call is designed specifically for use in an overlaid environment in which the amount of memory available to the program is limited and files are to be written in strictly sequential mode. If both GET$S and PUT$S are to be used by the program, the savings in memory utilization over GET$ and PUT$ are realized only if GET$S and PUT$S are placed on different branches of the overlay structure. 3.15 READ$ - READ VIRTUAL BLOCK The READ$ macro call is issued to read a virtual block of data from a block-oriented device (e.g., a disk or DECtape). In addition, if certain optional parameters are specified in the READ$ macro call, status information is returned to the I/O status block (see Section 2.8.2), and/or the program traps to a user-coded AST service routine at the completion of block I/O operations (see Section 2.8.3). In issuing the READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call, the user is responsible for synchronizing all block I/O operations. For this reason, the WAIT$ macro call is provided (see Section 3.17), allowing the user to suspend program execution until a specified READ$/WRITE$ operation has been completed. It is important, however, that the user test tor error codes immediately after issuing the READ$/WRITE$ call as well as on return from the WAIT$ call. The READ$/WRITE operations can return error codes distinct from those that can be present on completion of a WAIT$ operation. When the WAIT$ macro call is issued in conjunction with a READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call, the user must ensure that the event flag number and the I/O status block address specified in both macro calls are the same. 3-28 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.15.1 Format of READ$ Macro Call From the format below, note that the parameters of the READ$ macro call are identical to those of the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call, with the exception of the fdb and err parameters. Certain FDB parameters may be set at assembly-time (FDBK$A), initialized at run-time (FDBK$R), or set dynamically by the READ$ macro call. In any case, certain information must be present in the FDB before the specified READ$ (or WRITE$) operation can be performed. These requirements are noted in Section 3.15.2 below. The READ$ macro call takes the following format: READ$ where: fdb,bkda,bkds,bkvb,bkef,bkst,bkdn,err fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. bkda represents the symbolic address of the block I/O buffer in the user program. This parameter need not be specified if offset location F.BKDS+2 has been previously initialized through either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. bkds represents a numeric value specifying the size (in bytes) of the virtual block to be read. This parameter need not be specified if offset location F.BKDS has been previously initialized through either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. In any case, the maximum block size that may be specified for file-structured devices is 32766(10) bytes. bkvb represents the symbolic address of a 2-word block in the user program containing the number of the virtual block to be read. This parameter causes offset locations F.BKVB and F.BKVB+2 to be initialized with the virtual-block number; F.BKVB+2 contains the low-order 16 bits of the virtual-block number, and F.BKVB contains the high-order 15 bits. the As noted in connection with the FDBK$A macro call described in Section, assembly-time initialization of the virtual-block number in the FDB is ineffective, since the generalized OPEN$x macro call sets the virtual-block number in the FDB to 1. The virtual-block number can be made available to FCS only through the FDBK$R macro call or the I/O-initiating READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call after the file has been opened. The virtual-block number is created as described in Item 4 of Section The READ$ function checks the specified virtual block number to ensure that it does not reference a nonexistent block, i.e., a block beyond the end of the file. If the virtual-block number references nonexistent data, an end-of-file (IE.EOF) error indication is returned to the I/O status block (see bkst parameter below) and to offset location F.ERR of the associated FDB; otherwise, the READ$ operation proceeds normally. If the total number of bytes goes beyond the end 3-29 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS of the file, then as many blocks as exist are read and the byte count of the shortened transfer is returned in I/O STATUS+2. No error condition occurs, so the user must check the count on each READ. An end-of-file indication is returned only if no blocks can be read. If the virtual-block number is not specified through any of the available means identified above, automatic sequential operation results by default, beginning with virtual-block number 1. The virtual-block number is incremented by 1 automatically after each READ$ operation is performed. bkef represents a numeric value specifying the event flag number to be used for synchronizing block I/O operations. This event flag number is used by FCS to signal the completion of the specified block I/O operation. The event flag number, which may also be specified in either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call, initializes FDB offset location F.BKEFi if so specified, this parameter need not be included in the READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call. If this optional parameter is not specified through any available means, event flag 32(10) is used by default. The function of an event flag is discussed in further detail in Section 2.8.1. bkst represents the symbolic address of the I/O status block in the user program (see Section 2.8.2). This parameter, which initializes offset location F.BKST, is optional. The I/O status block is filled in by the system when the requested block I/O transfer is completed, indicating the success/failure of the requested operation. The address of the I/O status block may also be specified in either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. If the address of this 2-word structure is not supplied to FCS through any of the available means, status information is not returned to the I/O status block. However, the event flag specified through the bkef parameter above is set to indicate block I/O completion, but the user program must assume that the operation was successful. An error indication cannot be returned to the user program without an I/O status block address. bkdn represents the symbolic entry-point address of an AST service routine (see Section 2.8.3). If this parameter is specified, a trap occurs upon completion of the specified READ$ (or WRITE$) operation. This parameter, which is optional, initializes offset location F.BKDN. This address value may also be made available to FCS through either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call, and, if so specified, need not be present in the READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call. If the address of an AST service routine is not specified through any available means, no AST trap occurs at the completion of block I/O operations. 3-30 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. an optional The foliowing examples represent READ$ macro calls that may be to accomplish a variety of operations: READ$ RO READ$ #INFDB""",ERRLOC READ$ RO,#INBUF,#BUFSIZ,,#22.,#IOSADR,#ASTADR,ERRLOC READ$ #INFDB,#INBUF,#BUFSIZ,#VBNADR issued The first example assumes that RO contains the address of the associated FDB. Also, all other required FDB initialization has been accomplished through either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. The second example shows an explicit declaration of the associated FDB and includes the symbolic address of a user-coded error-handling routine. In the third example, RO again contains the address of the associated FDB. The block-buffer address and the size of the block are specified next in symbolic form. The address of the 2-word block in the user program containing the virtual-block number is not specified, as indicated by the additional comma in the parameter string. The event flag number, the address of the I/O status block, and the address of the AST service routine then follow in order. Finally, the symbolic address of an optional error routine is specified. The fourth example reflects, as the last parameter in the string, the symbolic address of the 2-word block in the user program containing the virtual block number. 3.15.2 FOB Requirements for READ$ Macro Call The READ$ macro call requires that the associated FDB be initialized with certain values before it can be issued. These values may be specified through either the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call, or they may be made available to the FDB through the various parameters of the READ$ macro call. In any case, the following values must be present in the FDB to enable READ$ operations to be performed: 3.16 1. The block-buffer address (in offset location F.BKDS+2); 2. The block byte count (in offset location F.BKDS); 3. The virtual-block number F. B,KVB) . (in offset locations and F.BKVB+2 and WRITE$ - WRITE VIRTUAL BLOCK The WRITE$ macro call is issued to write a virtual block of data to a block-oriented device (e.g., a disk or DECtape). Like the READ$ macro call, if certain optional parameters are specified in the WRITE$ macro call, status information is returned to the I/O status block (see Section 2.8.2), and, at the completion of the I/O transfer, the program traps to an AST service routine that is supplied to coordinate asynchronous block I/O operations (see Section 2.8.3). 3-31 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS Whether or not the address of an AST service routine and/or an event flag number is supplied, the user is responsible for synchronizing all block I/O processing. The WAIT$ macro call can be issued in conjunction with the WRITE$ macro call to suspend program execution until a program-dependent I/O transfer has been completed. When the WAIT$ macro call is used for this purpose, the event flag number and the I/O status block address in both macro calls must be the same. Again, as with READ$ operations, the user should check for an error code immediately following the WRITE$ macro call as well as on return from the WAIT$ macro call. 3.16.1 Format of WRITE$ Macro Call The WRITE$ macro call takes the same parameters as the READ$ macro call, as shown below. However,· the bkvb parameter in this case represents the number of the virtual block to be written. The virtual-block number is incremented automatically after each WRITE$ operation is performed. The WRITE$ macro call has the following format: WRITE$ fdb,bkda,bkds,bkvb,bkef,bkst,bkdn,err When this macro call is issued, the virtual-block number (i.e., the bkvb parameter) is checked to ensure that it references a block within the file's allocated space; if it does, the block is written. If the specified block is not within the file's allocated space, FCS attempts to extend the file. If this attempt is successful, the block is written; if not, an error code indicating the reason for the failure of the extend operation is returned to the I/O status block and to offset location F.ERR of the associated FDB. If FCS determines that the file must be extended, the actual extend operation is performed synchronously. After the extend operation has been successfully completed, the WRITE$ operation is queued, and only then is control returned to the instruction immediately following the WRITE$ macro call. The following examples illustrate WRITE$ macro calls: WRITE$ RO WRITE$ #OUTFDB,#OUTBUF,#BUFSIZ,#VBNADR,#22. WRITE$ RO",,#22.,#IOSADR,#ASTADR,ERRLOC The first example specifies only the FDB address and assumes that .all other required values are present in the FDB. The second example reflects explicit declarations for the FDB, the block-buffer address, the block-buffer size, the virtual block number address, and the event flag number for signalling block I/O completion. The third example shows null specifications for three parameter fields, then continues with the event flag number, the address of the I/O status block, and the address of the AST service routine. Finally, the address of a user-coded error-handling routine is specified. 3.16.2 FDB Requirements for WRITE$ Macro Call WRITE$ operations require the presence of the same information in FDB as READ$ operations (see Section 3.15.2). 3-32 the FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS 3.17 WAIT$ - WAIT FOR BLOCK I/O COMPLETION The WAIT$ macro call, which is issued only in connection with READ$ and WRITE$ operations, causes program execution to be suspended until the requested block I/O transfer is completed. This macro call may be used to synchronize a block I/O operation that depends on the successful completion of a previous block I/O transfer. As noted in Section 3.15 in connection with the READ$ macro call, the user may specify an event flag number through the bkef parameter. This event flag number is used during READ$ operations to indicate the completion of the requested transfer. If desired, the user may issue a WAIT$ macro call (specifying the same event flag number and I/O status block address) following the READ$ (or WRITE$) macro call. In this case, the READ$ operation is initiated in the usual manner, but the Executive of the host operating system suspends program execution until the specified event flag is set, indicating that the I/O transfer has been completed. The system then returns information to the I/O status block, indicating the success/failure of the operation. FCS then moves the I/O status block success/failure indicator into offset location F.ERR of the associated FDB, and returns with the C-bit in the Processor Status Word cleared if the operation is successful, or set if the operation is not successful. Task execution then continues with the instruction immediately following the WAIT$ macro call. The system returns the final status of the I/O operation to the I/O status block (see Section 2.8.2) upon completion of the requested operation. A positive value (+) indicates successful completion, and a negative value (-) indicates unsuccessful completion. Event flags are discussed in further detail in Section 2.8.1. 3.17.1 Format of WAIT$ Macro Call The WAIT$ macro call is specified in the following format: WAIT$ where: fdb,bkef,bkst,err fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. the bkef represents a numeric value specifying the event flag number to be used for synchronizing block I/O operations. The WAIT$ macro causes task execution to be suspended by invoking the WAITFOR system directive. This parameter must agree with the corresponding (bkef) parameter in the associated READ$/WRITE$ macro call. If this parameter is not specified, either in the WAIT$ macro call or the associated READ$/WRITE macro call, FDB offset location F.BKEF is assumed to contain the desired event flag number, as previously initialized through the bkef parameter of the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. 3-33 FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS represents the symbolic address of the I/O status block in the user program (see Section 2.8.2). Although this parameter is optional, if it is specified, it must agree with the corresponding (bkst) parameter in the associated READ$/WRITE$ macro call. bkst If this parameter is not specified, either in the WAIT$ macro call or the associated READ$/WRITE$ macro call, FDB offset location F.BKST is assumed to contain the address of the I/O status block, as previously initialized through the bkst parameter of the FDBK$A or the FDBK$R macro call. If F.BKST has not been initialized, no return of information to the I/O status block occurs. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. an optional The following statements represent WAIT$ macro calls: WAIT$ RO WAIT$ #INFDB,#25. WAIT$ RO,#25.,#IOSTAT WAIT$ RO,,#IOSTAT,ERRLOC The first example assumes that RO contains the address of the associated FDBi furthermore, since the event flag number (bkef parameter) is not specified, offset location F.BKEF is assumed to contain the desired event flag number. If this cell in the FDB contains 0, event flag number 32(10) is used by default. The second example shows an explicit specification of the FDB address and also specifies 25(10) as the event flag number. Again, in this example, the FDB is assumed to contain the address of the I/O status block. In contrast, the third example shows an explicit specification for the address of the I/O status block. the event flag The fourth example contains a null specification for number, and, in addition, specifies the address of a user-coded error-handling routine. It should be noted that the WAIT$ macro call associated with a given READ$ or WRITE$ operation need not be issued immediately following the macro call to which it applies. For example, the following sequence is typical: 1. Issue the desired READ$ or WRITE$ macro call. 2. Perform other processing that is not dependent completion of the requested block I/O transfer. 3. Issue the WAIT$ macro call. 4. Perform the processing that is dependent on the completion of the requested block I/O transfer. 3-34 on the FILE-PROCESSING MACRO CALLS When performing several asynchronous transfers in the same general sequence as above, a separate buffer, I/O status block, and event flag must be maintained for each operation. If the user intends t6 wait for the completion of a given transfer, the appropriate event flag number and I/O status block address must be specified in the associated WAIT$ macro call. 3.18 DELET$ - DELETE SPECIFIED FILE The DELET$ macro call causes the directory information for the file associated with the specified FDB to be deleted from the appropriate user file directory (UFD). The space occupied by the file is then deallocated and returned for reallocation to the pool of available storage on the volume. This macro call can be issued for a file that is either open or closed. If issued for an open file, that file is then closed and deleted; if issued for a closed file, that file is deleted only if the filename string specified in the associated dataset descriptor or default filename block contains an explicit file version number. Thus, if the file is not open, and the file version number is 0 (indicating the latest version), or if the file version number is -1 (indicating the oldest version), then the DELET$ operation fails. 3.18.1 Format of DELET$ Macro Call The DELET$ macro call takes the following format: DELET$ where: fdb,err fdb represents a symbolic value of the address of associated FDB. err represents the symbolic address of user-coded error-handling routine. The following statements illustrate DELET$ macro calls: DELET$ RO DELET$ #OUTFDB,ERRLOC DELET$ RO,ERRLOC 3-35 an the optional CHAPTER 4 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES File control routines can be invoked in MACRO-II programs the following functions: to perform • Read or write default directory-string descriptors in $$FSR2. • Read or write the default UIC word in $$FSR2. • Read or write the default file-protection word in $$FSR2. • Read or write the file-owner word in $$FSR2. • Convert a directory string from ASCII to binary, or vice versa. • Find, insert, or delete a directory entry. • Set a pointer to a byte within a virtual block or to within a file. a record • Mark a place in a file for a subsequent OPEN$x operation. • Issue an I/O command and wait for its completion. • Rename a file. • Extend a file. • Truncate a file. • Mark a temporary file for deletion. • Delete a file by filename block. • Place directory information in a default filename filename block. block or a • Perform device-specific control functions. 4.1 CALLING FILE CONTROL ROUTINES The CALL op-code/macro is used to invoke file control routines (JSR PC, dst). These routines are included from the system object library ([l,l]SYSLIB.OLB) at task-build time and incorporated into the user task. The file control routines are called as shown below: CALL .RDFDR CALL . EXTND 4-1 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES Before CALL is issued, certain specific registers be preset requirements are identified in routines. Upon return, all explicitly specified as changed. file control routines require that with requisite information. These the respective descriptions of the registers are preserved, except those As a general rule, if an error is detected by a file control routine, the C-bit (carry condition code) in the Processor Status Word is set, and an error indication is returned to FDB offset location F.ERR. However, certain file control routines do not return error indications because of the specific nature of their functions. The following file control routines are listed according to whether or not they return error indications. Normal Error Return (C-bit and F.ERR) No Error Return .ASCPP . PARSE .PRSDV .ASLUN .FIND .ENTER .REMOV .GTDIR .GTDID .POINT .POSRC .POSIT .XQIO .RENAM • EXTND .TRNCL .MRKDL .DLFNB .CTRL .RDFDR .WDFDR .RDFUI .WDFUI .RDFFP .WDFFP .RFOWN .WFOWN .PPASC . MARK Appendix I lists the error indicators that are placed location F.ERR by the routines identified above. 4.2 FDB offset and write DEFAULT DIRECTORY-STRING ROUTINES The .RDFDR and .WDFDR routines directory-string descriptors. 4.2.1 in are used to read .RDFDR - Read $$FSR2 Default Directory String Descriptor The user calls the .RDFDR routine to read default directory-string descriptdr words previously written by the .WDFDR routine into program section $$FSR2 of the FSR. These descriptor words define the address and the length of an ASCII string that contains the default directory string. This directory string constitutes the default directory that is to be used by FCS when one is not explicitly specified in a dataset descriptor. If the user has not established default directory string descriptor words in $$FSR2 through the .WDFDR routine described below, the descriptor words in $$FSR2 are null and FCS uses a default directory 4-2 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES (when one is not specified in a dataset descriptor) corresponding to the UIC under which the task is running. When called, the registers: .RDFDR routine returns values in the following RI Contains the size (in bytes) of the default directory in $$FSR2. R2 Contains the address of the default directory string in $$FSR2. If no default directory string descriptor words have been written by .WDFDR, R2 equals O. 4.2.2 string .WDFDR - write New $$FSR2 Default Directory-String Descriptor The .WDFDR routine is called to create default directory-string descriptor words in $$FSR2. For example, if a user program is to operate on files in the directory [220,220], regardless of the UIC the program runs under, then the user can establish default directory-string descriptor cells in $$FSR2 to point to the alternate directory string [220,220] created elsewhere in the program. To do this, the desired directory string is first created through an .ASCII directive. Then, by calling the .WDFDR routine, the default directory-string descriptor cells in $$FSR2 are initialized to point to the new directory string. Assume that the task is currently running under default UIC [200,200]. By issuing a MACRO-II directive similar to the following: NEWDDS: .ASCII /[220,220]/ a new directory string is defined. Then, by calling the .WDFDR routine, the user can initialize string descriptor cells in $$FSR2 to point to the new directory string. The following registers must routine: be preset before calling the .WDFDR RI Must contain the size (in bytes) of the new directory string. R2 Must contain the address of the new directory string. NOTE Establishing default directory-string descriptor words in $$FSR2 does not change the default UIC in $$FSR2 or the task's privileges. 4.3 DEFAULT UIC ROUTINES The .RDFUI and .WDFUI routines are used to read and write the default UIC maintained in program section $$FSR2 of the file storage region (FSR). Unlike the default directory string descriptor which describes an ASCII string, the default UIC is maintained as a binary value with the following format: Bit 8 15 a 7 MEMBER GROUP 4-3 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES The default UIC in $$FSR2 provides directory identification information for a file being accessed. FCS uses it only when all other sources of such information have failed to specify a directory (refer to Section It is never used to establish file ownership or file access privileges. Unless the user explicitly changes the default UIC through the .WOFUI routine described below, the default UIC in $$FSR2 always corresponds to the UIC under which the task is running. 4.3.1 .RDFUI - Read Default UIC When called, the .ROFUI routine returns the default UIC as follows: Rl 4.3.2 Contains the binary encoded default program section $$FSR2. UIC as maintained in .WDFUI - write Default UIC The .WOFUI routine is called to create a new default UIC in $$FSR2. The following register routine: Rl 4.4 must be preset before calling the .WOFUI Must contain the binary representation (as shown above) of a UIC. DEFAULT FILE-PROTECTION WORD ROUTINES The .RDFFP and .WOFFP routines described below are used to read and write the default file protection word in a location in program section $$FSR2 of the file storage region (FSR). This word is used only at file-creation time (e.g., by the OPEN$W macro call) to establish the default file protection values for the new file. Unless altered, this value constitutes the default file-protection word for that file. If the value is -1, it indicates that the volume default file-protection value is to be used for the new file. The default file-protection word has the following format: Bit 12 15 8 11 GROUP WORLD 7 4 SYSTEM OWNER Each of the four categories above has four bits; following meaning with respect to file access: Bit o 3 each bit has the o 3 2 DELETE EXTEND WR ITE READ A bit value of 0 indicates that the respective type of access to the file is to be allowed; a bit value of I indicates that the respective type of access to the file is to be denied. 4-4 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4.4.1 .RDFFP - Read $$FSR2 Default File Protection Word The user calls the .RDFFP routine to read the default file-protection word in program section $$FSR2 of the FSR. No registers need be set before calling this routine. When called, the .RDFFP routine returns the following information: Rl 4.4.2 Contains the default file-protection word from $$FSR2. .WDFFP - Write New $$FSR2 Default File-Protection Word The .WDFFP routine is used to write a new default file-protection word into $$FSR2. The following register must be preset before calling this routine: Rl 4.5 Must contain the new default file-protection word to be written into $$FSR2. If this register is set to -I, the default file-protection values established through the appropriate operating system command will be used in creating all subsequent new files. FILE OWNER WORD ROUTINES The file owner word, like the default file-protection word above, is a location in program section $$FSR2 of the FSR. Its contents are specified by the current program through the .WFOWN routine. If not so specified, the file owner word contains O. Normally, the owner of a new file corresponds to the default UIC under which the task creating the file is running. However, through the .WFOWN routine (see section 4.5.2 below), a UIC value can be stored in the file owner word so that any new files then created and closed by the user program can have the desired UIC. The format of the file-owner word is shown below: Bit 8 15 o 7 MEMBER GROUP The routines for reading and writing the file-owner word are described below. NOTE The UIC and the file-protection word for the file (see Section 4.4) must not be set such that the Ule under which the task is running does not have access to the file. If this condition prevails, a privilege violation results. 4-5 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES .RFOWN - Read $$FSR2 File-Owner Word 4.5.1 The .RFOWN routine is used to read the contents of the file-owner word in $$FSR2. No registers need be preset before calling this routine. When called, the .RFOWN routine returns the following information: Rl 4.5.2 Contains the file-owner word (UIC). If the current program has not previously established the contents of the file-owner word through the .WFOWN routine, Rl contains o. .WFOWN - Write New $$FSR2 File-Owner Word The .WFOWN routine is $$FSR2. used to initialize the file-owner word in The following register must be preset before calling this routine: Rl 4.6 Must contain a file-owner word to be written into $$FSR2. ASCII/BINARY UIC CONVERSION ROUTINES The .ASCPP and .PPASC routines are called string from ASCII to binary, or vice versa. to convert .ASCPP - Convert ASCII Directory String 4.6.1 UIC to a directory Equivalent The .ASCPP routine is called to convert an ASCII directory its corresponding binary UIC. Binary string to The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: R2 Must contain the address of the directory-string descriptor in the user program (see Section 2.4.1) for the string to be converted. R3 Must contain the address of a word location in the user program to which the binary UIC is to be returned. The member number is stored in the low-order byte of the word, and the group number is stored in the high-order byte. 4.6.2 .PPASC - Convert UIC to ASCII Directory String The .PPASC routine is called to convert corresponding ASCII directory string. a binary UIC to its The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: R2 Must contain the address of a storage area within the user program into which the ASCII string is to be placed. The resultant string can be up to 9 bytes in length, e.g., [200,200] • 4-6 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES R3 Must contain the binary UIC value to be converted. The low-order byte of the register contains the member number, and the high-order byte of the register contains the group number. R4 Must contain a control code. indicate the following: Bits 0 and 1 of this register Bit 0 is set to 0 to suppress leading zeros (e.g., 001 is returned as 1). Bit 0 is set to 1 to indicate that leading zeros are not to be suppressed. Bit 1 is set to 0 to place separators in the directory string (e.g., [10,20]. Bit 1 is set to 1 to suppress separators (e.g., 1020). The .PPASC routine increments the contents of R2 to point to the byte immediately following the last byte in the converted directory string. 4.7 FILENAME BLOCK ROUTINES The .PARSE, .PRSDV, and .ASLUN routines are available for performing functions related to a specified filename block. These routines are described in the following sections. 4.7.1 .PARSE - Fill in All Filename Information When called, the .PARSE routine first zeros the filename block pointed to by Rl and then stores the following information in the filename block: 1. The ASCII device name (N. DVNM) ; 2. The binary unit number 3. The directory ID (N.DID) ; 4. The Radix-50 filename 5. The Radix-50 file type or extension (N.FTYP) ; 6. The binary file version number (N. UNIT) ; (N.FNAM) ; and (N.FVER) • The format of a filename block is shown in detail in Appendix B. Before the .PARSE routine can be called, the FINIT$ macro call (see Section 2.6) must be invoked explicitly in the user program, or it must be invoked implicitly through a prior OPEN$x macro call. Note, however, that the FINIT$ call must be issued only once in the initialization section of the program, i.e., the FINIT$ operation must be performed only once per task execution. Furthermore, FORTRAN programs issue a FINIT$ call at the beginning of task execution; therefore, MACRO~ll routines used with the FORTRAN object time system must not issue a FINIT$ macro call. The following registers must routine: RO be preset before calling Must contain the address of the desired FDB. 4-7 the . PARSE FILE CONTROL ROUTINES Rl Must contain the address of the filename block to be filled in. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FDB specified in RO ~(i.e., RO + F. FNB) . R2 Must contain the address of the desired dataset descriptor if . PARSE is to access a dataset descriptor in building the specified filename block. This structure is usually, but not necessarily, the same as that associated with the FDB specified in RO, i.e., the dataset descriptor pointed to by the address value in F.DSPT. If R2 contains 0, this value implies that a dataset descriptor has not been defined; therefore, the dataset descriptor logic of .PARSE is bypassed. R3 Must contain the address of the desired default filename block if . PARSE is to access a default filename block in building the specified filename block. This structure is usually, but not necessarily, the same as that associated with the FOB specified in RO, i.e., the default filename block pointed to by the address value in F.OFNB. As above, if R3 contains zero (0), this value implies that a default filename block has not been defined; therefore, the default filename block logic of .PARSE is bypassed. Thus, RO and Rl each must contain the address of the appropriate data structure, while either R2 or R3 must contain the address of the desired filename information. Both R2 and R3, however, may contain address values if the referenced structures both contain information required in building the specified filename bloc~. The .PARSE routine fills in the specified filename block in the described in the following sections. order Device and Unit Information - The . PARSE routine first attempts to fill in the filename block with device (N.DVNM) and unit (N.UNIT) information. The following operations are performed in sequence until the required information is obtained from the specified data structures: 1. If the address of a dataset descriptor is specified in R2 and this structure contains a device string, the device and unit information therein is moved into the specified filename block. 2. If Step 1 fails, and if the address of a default filename block is specified in R3, and this structure contains a nonzero value in the device-name field, the device and unit information therein is moved into the specified filename block. 3. If Step 2 fails, .PARSE uses the device and unit currently assigned to the logical unit number in offset location F.LUN of the specified FOB in building the filename block. 4-8 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES This feature allows a program to use preassigned logical units that are assigned through either the device assignment (ASG) option of the Task Builder or one of the following commands: the ASSIGN (under lAS) or the REASSIGN (under RSX). In this case, the user simply avoids specifying the device string in the dataset descriptor and the device name in the default filename block. 4. If the logical unit number in F.LUN is currently unassigned, .PARSE assigns this number to the system device (SYO:). Once the device and unit are determined and the logical unit number is assigned, .PARSt invokes the GLUN$ directive to obtain necessary device information. Requisite information is returned to the following offsets in the filename block pointed to by Rl: N.DVNM - Device Name name. N.UNIT - unit Number number. Field. Contains Field. In addition, requisite information offsets in the FDB pointed to by RO: Contains is the the returned redirected redirected to the device unit following F.RCTL - Device Characteristics Byte. This cell contains device-dependent information from the first byte of the third word returned by the GLUN$ directive. The bit definitions pertaining to the device characteristics byte are described in detail in Table A-I. If desired, the user can examine this cell in the FDB to determine the characteristics of the deyice associated with the assigned LUN. F.VBSZ - Device Buffer-Size Word. This location contains the information from the sixth word returned by the GLUN$ directive. The value in this cell defines the device buffer size (in bytes) pertaining to the device associated with the assigned LUN. The GLUN$ directive is described in detail in the Executive Manual of the host operating system. Reference Directory-Identification Information - Following the operations described in the preceding section, .PARSE attempts to fill in the filename block with directory-identification information (N.DID). The precedence rules for establishing this information are as follows: 1. If the address of a dataset descriptor is specified in R2 and this structure contains a directory string, that directory string is used to find the associated UFD in the MFD, and the resulting file ID is then moved into the directory-ID field of the specified filename block. 2. If Step 1 fails, and if the address of a default filename block is specified in R3, and this structure contains a nonzero directory ID, it is moved into the specified filename block. Since none of the parameters of the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2) initialize the 3 words starting at offset location N.DID in the default filename block, these cells 4-9 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES must be initialized manually, or they must be initialized by issuing a call to either the .GTDIR routine (see Section 4.9.1) or the .GTDID routine (see Section 4.9.2). Note that these routines can also be used to initialize a specified filename block directly with required directory information. 3. If neither Step 1 nor Step 2 yields the required directory string, .PARSE examines the default directory string words in $$FSR2. If the user program has previously initialized these words through use of the .WDFDR routine, FCS uses the string described as the default directory. 4. If Steps 1 through 3 fail to produce directory information, FCS uses the binary value stored in the default UIC word in $$FSR2 as the directory identifier. Unless changed by the user through the .WDFUI routine, this word contains the UIC under which the task is running. Filename, File-Type or Extension, and File Version Information - Following the operations described in the preceding section, .PARSE attempts to obtain filename information (N.FNAM, N.FTYP, and N.FVER), as follows: 1. If the address of a dataset descriptor is specified in R2 and this structure contains a filename string, the filename information therein is moved into the specified filename block. 2. If the address of a default filename block is specified in R3, and one or more of the filename, file-type or extension, and file version number fields of the dataset descriptor specified in R2 are null, then the corresponding fields of the default filename block are used to fill in the specified filename block. 3. If neither Step 1 nor Step 2 yields the requisite filename information, any specific field(s) not available from either source remain(s) null. NOTE If a dot (.) appears in the filename string without an accompanying file type designation (e.g., TEST. or TEST.i3), the file type is interpreted as being explicitly null. In this case, the default file type is not used. Similarly, if a semicolon (i) appears in the filename string without an accompanying file version number (e.g., TEST.DATi), the file version number is likewise interpreted as being explicitly nulli again, the default file version number is not used in this case. 4-10 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES Other Filename Block Information - Finally, after performing all the operations above, the . PARSE routine also fills in the filename block status word (offset location N.STAT) of the filename block specified in Rl. The bit definitions for this word are presented in Table B-2. Note in this table that an "explicit" directory, device, filename, file-type, or file version number specification pertains to ASCII data supplied through the dataset descriptor pointed to by R2. In addition, .PARSE explicitly zeros offset location N.NEXT in the filename block pointed to by Rl. This action has implications for wildcard operations, as described in Section 4.8.1 below. 4.7.2 .PRSDV - Fill in Device and Unit Information Only The .PRSDV routine is identical to the .PARSE routine above, except that it performs only those operations associated with requisite device and unit information (see Section This routine zeros the filename block pointed to by Rl, performs a .PARSE operation on the device and unit fields in the specified dataset descriptor and/or default filename block, and assigns the logical unit number contained in offset location F.LUN of the specified FOB. 4.7.3 .ASLUN - Assign Logical Unit Number The .ASLUN routine is called to assign a logical unit number to a specified device and unit and to return the device information to a specified FOB and filename block. The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FOB. Rl Must contain the address of the filename block containing the desired device and unit. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FOB specified in RO. If the device-name field (offset location N.DVNM) of the filename block pointed to by Rl contains a nonzero value, the specified device and unit are assigned to the logical unit number contained in offset location F.LUN in the FOB pointed to by RO. If N.DVNM in the filename block contains 0, then the device and unit currently assigned to the specified logical unit number are returned to the appropriate fields of the filename block. Finally, if the specified logical unit number is not assigned to a device, the .ASLUN routine assigns it to the system device (SYO:) by default. The information ~eturned to the specified filename block and to the specified FOB 1S identical to that returned by the device and unit logic of the .PARSE routine (see Section 4-11 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4.8 DIRECTORY ENTRY ROUTINES The .FIND, .ENTER, and .REMOV routines are used,to find, ,insert, and delete directory entries. The term "directory entry" encompasses entries in both the master file directory (MFD) and the user file directory (UFD). 4.8.1 .FIND - Locate Directory Entry The .FIND routine is called to locate a directory entry by filename and to fill in the file-identification field (N.FID) of a specified filename block. The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FDB. Rl Must contain the address of a filename block. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FDB specified in RO. When invoked, the .FIND routine searches the directory file specified by the directory-ID field of the filename block. This file is searched for an entry that matches the specified filename, file type, and file version number. In this regard, two special file versions are defined: Version 0 is matched by the latest encountered in the directory file. Version -1 is matched by the oldest encountered in the directory file. (largest) version number (smallest) version number If either of these special versions is specified in the filename block, the matching version number is returned to the filename block. In this way, the actual version number is made available to the program. To delete a file whose file-descriptor entry in the FOB contains wildcards, the user must save the values in the fields N.STAT and N.NEXT in the FDB, then zero those fields in the FOB. A DELETE call then uses the information returned from the last .FIND to delete the file. Once the file is deleted, the saved values of N.STAT and N.NEXT must be restored in the FOB. Certain wildcard operations require the use of the .FIND routine. Three bits in the filename-block status word (see N.STAT in Table B-2) indicate whether a wildcard (*) was specified for a filename, a file type, or a file version number field. If the wildcard bit in N.STAT is set for a given field, any directory entry matches in that corresponding field. Thus, if the filename and file version number fields contain wildcard specifications (*), and the file-type field is specified as .OBJ (i.e., *.OBJj*), the first directory entry encountered that contains .OBJ in the file-type field matches, irrespective of the values present in the other two fields. When a wildcard match is found, the complete filename, file type, and file version number fields of the matching entry are returned to the filename block, along with the file-ID field (N.DID). Thus, the program can determine the actual name of the file just found. Offset location N.NEXT in the filename block is also set to indicate where that directory entry was found in the directory file. This information is used in subsequent .FIND operations to locate the next matching entry in the directory file. 4-12 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES For example, the .FIND routine is often used to open a series of files when wildcard specifications are used. The following operations are typical: 1. Call the .PARSE routine. This routine zeros offset location N.NEXT in the filename block in preparation for the iterative .FIND operations described in Step 3 below. 2. Check for wildcard bits set by the . PARSE routine in the filename block status word (see N.STAT in Table B-2). An instruction sequence such as that shown below may be used to test for the setting of wildcard bits in N.STAT: 3. BIT #NB.SVR!NB.STP!NB.SNM,N.STAT(Rl) BEQ NOWILD iBRANCH IF NOT SET. If wildcard specifications are present in the filename block status word, repeat the following sequence until all the desired wildcard files have been processed: CALL .FIND BCS DONE iERROR CODE IE.NSF INDICATES iNORMAL TERMINATION. OPEN$ Wildcard .FIND operations update offset location N.NEXT in the filename block. In essence, the contents of this cell provide the necessary information for continuing the search of the directory file for a matching entry. 4. Perform the desired operations on the file. NOTE The above procedure applies only for the following types of wildcard file specifications: TEST.DATi* TEST.*i* *.DATi* The procedure does not work for the following types of wildcard file specifications: *.DAT TEST.* In summary, if a wildcard file specification is present in either the filename field or the file-type field, the file version number field must also contain either an explicit wildcard specification (*) or a specific file version number (e.g., 2, 3, etc.). In the latter case, however, the version number cannot be 0, for the latest version of the file, or -1, for the oldest version of the file. 4-13 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4.8.2 .ENTER - Insert Directory Entry The .ENTER routine is used to insert directory. an entry by filename into a The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FOB. Rl Must contain the address of a filename block. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FOB specified in RO. If the file version number field of the filename block contains 0, indicating a default version number, the .ENTER routine scans the entire directory file to determine the current highest version number for the file. If a version number for the file is found, this entry is incremented to the next higher version number; otherwise, it is set to 1. The resulting version number is returned to the filename block, making this number known to the program. NOTE Wildcard specifications cannot be used in connection with .ENTER operations. 4.8.3 .REMOV - Delete Directory Entry The .REMOV routine is called to delete an entry from a directory filename. This routine only deletes a specified directory entry; does not delete the associated file. by it The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FOB. Rl Must contain the address of a filename block. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FOB specified in RO. Wildcard specifications operate in the same manner as for the .FIND routine described in section 4.8.1 above, except that the special file version numbers 0 and -1 are illegal. The file version number for .REMOV operations must be explicit or wildcard. Each .REMOV operation deletes the next directory entry having the specified filename, file type, and file version number. 4.9 FILENAME BLOCK ROUTINES The .GTDIR and .GTDID routines are used information in a specified filename block. 4-14 to insert directory FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4.9.1 .GTDIR - Insert Directory Information in Filename Block The .GTDIR routine is called to insert directory information taken from a directory-string descriptor into a specified filename block. Before calling this routine, the following registers must be preset: RO Must contain the address of the desired FDB. Rl Must contain the address of a filename block in which the directory information is to be placed. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FDB specified in RO. R2 Must contain the address of the 2-word directory-string descriptor in the user program. This string descriptor defines the size and the address of the desired directory string. This routine performs a .FIND operation for the specified user file directory (UFD) in the master file directory (MFD) and returns the resulting directory ID to the 3 words of the specified filename block, starting at offset location N.DID. The .GTDIR routine preserves the information in offset locations N.FNAM, N.FYTP, N.FVER, N.DVNM, and N.UNIT of the filename block, but zeros (clears) the rest of the filename block. The .GTDIR routine can also be used in conjunction with the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2) to insert directory information into a specified default filename block. 4.9.2 .GTDID - Insert Default Directory Information in Filename Block The .GTDID routine provides an alternative means for inserting directory information into a specified filename block. Instead of allowing the specification of the directory string, as does the .GTDIR routine above, this routine uses the binary value found in the default Ule word maintained in $$FSR2 as the desired user file directory (UFD) . Before calling this routine, the following registers must be preset: RO Must contain the address of the desired FDB. Rl Must contain the address of a filename block in which the directory information is to be placed. This filename block is usually, but not necessarily, the filename block within the FDB specified in RO. When called, the .GTDID routine takes the default Ule from its one-word location in $$FSR2 and performs a .FIND operation for the associated user file directory (UFD) in the master file directory (MFD). The resulting directory ID is returned to the 3 words of the specified filename block, starting at offset location N.DID. As does the .GTDIR routine, .GTDID preserves offset locations N.FNAM, N.FTYP, N.FVER, N.DVNM, and N.UNIT in the filename block, but zeros the rest of the filename block. The .GTDID routine embodies considerably less code than routine. Its input is the binary representation of a Ule an ASCII string descriptor. Therefore, it does not invoke logic; furthermore, .GTDID is intended specifically 4-15 the .GTDIR rather than the . PARSE for use in FILE CONTROL ROUTINES programs that open files via the OFNB$ macro call (see Section 3.6). Such a program does not invoke the .PARSE logic because all required filename information is provided to the program in filename block format. As is true of the .GTDIR routine described in Section 4.9.1 above, .GTDID can be used in conjunction with the NMBLK$ macro call (see Section 2.4.2) to insert directory information (N.DID) into a specified default filename block. The user also has the option to initialize offset location N.DID manually with required directory information. 4.10 FILE POINTER ROUTINES The .POINT, .POSRC, .MARK, and .POSIT routines are used to point to byte or a record within a specified file. 4.10.1 a .POINT - position File to Specified Byte The .POINT routine is called to position a file to a specified byte in a specified virtual block. If locate mode is in effect for record I/O operations, the .POINT routine also updates the value in offset location F.NRBD+2 in the associated FDB in preparation for a PUTS operation in locate mode. The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FDB. Rl Must contain the high-order bits of the virtual-block number. R2 Must contain the low-order bits of the virtual-block number. R3 Must contain the desired byte virtual block. number within the specified For a description of virtual-block numbers and how these 2-word values are formed, refer to Item 4 in Section The .POINT routine is often used in conjunction with the .MARK routine to achieve a limited degree of random access with variable-length records. The .MARK routine saves the positional context of a file in anticipation of temporarily closing that file and then reopening it later at the same position. For such purposes, the following procedure applies: 1. Call the .MARK routine (see Section 4.10.3 below) cqrrent positional context of the file. 2. Close the file. 3. When desired, reopen the file. 4. Load the information returned by the .MARK routine into Rl, R2, and R3, as required above, before calling the .POINT routine. 4-16 to save the FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 5. Call the .POINT routine. The .POINT routine may be called to rewind a file on ANSI magtape to its start. For this case, RO and R3 must be 0, and R2 must be 1. 6. 4.10.2 Resume processing of the file. .POSRC - Position File to Specified Record The .POSRC routine is called to position a file to a specified fixed-length record within a file. If locate mode is in effect for record I/O operations, the .POSRC routine also updates the value in offset location F.NRBD+2 in the associated FOB in preparation for a PUT$ operation in locate mode. Before calling this routine, the user must set offset locations F.RCNM+2 and F.RCNM in the FOB to the desired record number and ensure that the correct record size is reflected in offset location F.RSIZ of the FOB. Also, the register below must be routine: RO preset before calling the .POSRC Must contain the address of the associated FOB. The .POSRC routine is used when performing random-access PUT$ operations in locate mode. Normally, PUT$ operations in locate mode are sequential; however, when random-access mode is used, the following procedure must be performed to ensure that the record is built at the desired location: 1. Set offset locations F.RCNM+2 and F.RCNM FOB to the desired record number. 2. Call the .POSRC routine. 3. Build the new record at the address returned (by the .POSRC call) in offset location F.NRBD+2 of the associated FOB. 4. Perform the PUT$ operation. 4.10.3 in the associated .MARK - Save Positional Context of File The .MARK routine allows the user to record the current positional context of a file for later use. For example, the user may mark the current position of the file, close that file, and later reopen the file and return to the same position within the file. The .MARK routine is also useful in altering records within a file. After determining the record to be altered, the user may .MARK the file and retrieve information elsewhere in the file for use in updating the desired record. Then, by returning to the saved position of the file, the desired record may be altered. This iterative sequence may be repeated any number of times to update desired records in the file. RO must contain the address of the associated FOB before calling routine. 4-17 this FILE CONTROL ROUTINES When called, the .MARK routine returns information registers: to the following Rl Contains the high-order bits of the virtual-block number. R2 Contains the low-order bits of the virtual-block number. R3 Contains the number of block. the next byte within the virtual R3 points to the next byte in the block. For example, if four GET$ operations are performed, followed by a call to the .MARK routine, R3 points to the first byte in the fifth record in the file. 4.10.4 .POSIT - Return Positional Information for Specified Record The .POSIT routine calculates the virtual-block number and number pertaining to the beginning of a specified record. the byte The following register must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the associated FOB. In addition, offset locations F.RCNM and F.RCNM+2 FOB must contain the desired record number. in the associated Unlike the .POSRC routine above, which positions the file to the specified record, .POSIT simply calculates the positional information for a specified record so that a .POINT operation can be later performed to position to the desired record. The register values returned by the .POSIT routine those described above for the .MARK routine. 4.11 are identical to QUEUE I/O FUNCTION ROUTINE (.XQIO) The .XQIO routine is called to execute a specified QUEUE I/O and to wait for its completion. function The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the desired FOB. Rl Must contain the desired QUEUE I/O function code. Refer to the IAS/RSX-llD Device Handlers Reference Manual or the RSX-llM I/O Drivers Reference Manual for the desired QUEUE I/O directive function codes. R2 Must contain the number of optional parameters to be included in the QUEUE I/O directive, if any. R3 Must contain the beginning address of the list of optional QUEUE I/O directive parameters, if R2 contains a nonzero value. 4-18 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES 4.12 RENAME FILE ROUTINE (.RENAM) The .RENAM routine is called to change the name of a file in its associated directory. To rename a file, the user must specify the address of an FOB containing filename information, a LUN, and an event flag number to be used in connection with renaming the file. If the file to be renamed is open when the call to .RENAM is issued, that file is closed under its new name, provided that the renaming operation is successful. The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address originally named file. of the FOB associated with the Rl Must contain the address of the FOB containing the desired filename information, LUN assignment, and event flag to be associated with renaming the file. If the renaming operation is successful, a new directory entry is created, and the original entry is deleted. If the operation is not successful, the file is closed under its original name, and the associated directory is not affected. The .RENAM routine uses the absence of a value in location F.FNB+N.FID .as an indication that . PARSE must be called to parse a file specification. If neither a dataset descriptor nor a default filename block is present, . PARSE returns a null filename. The rename operation then results in a new filename of ".;1 11 • NOTE The renaming process is merely a directory operation that replaces an old entry with a new entry. The filename stored in the file-header block is not altered. 4.13 FILE EXTENSION ROUTINE (.EXTND) The .EXTND routine noncontiguous files. closed. is called to extend either contiguous or The file to be extended can be either open or The following registers must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the associated FOB. Rl Must contain a numeric value specifying the number of to be added to the file. R2 Must contain the extension control bits, as appropriate. The possible bit configurations for controlling file extend operations are detailed in Table 4-1. This table defines the bits in the low-order byte of R2. The high-order 8 bits of R2 (Bits 8 through 15) are used in conjunction with the 16 bits of Rl to define the number of blocks to be added to the file (see Note below). 4-19 blocks FILE CONTROL ROUTINES NOTE The contents of Rl and the high-order byte of R2 (Bits 8 through 15) are used by FCS in accomplishing the specified .EXTND operation. Thus, 24 bits of magnitude are available for specifying the number of blocks by which the file is to be extended. 4.14 FILE TRUNCATION ROUTINE (.TRNCL) The .TRNCL routine truncates a file to its logical end-of-file deal locates any space beyond this point, and closes the file. point, The following register must be preset before calling this routine: RO Must contain the address of the associated FDB. The file must have been opened with both write privileges. Otherwise, the truncation will fail. and extend access The close operation will be attempted even if the truncation operation fails. If errors occur in both operations, the error code from the close operation will be returned. 4.15 FILE DELETION ROUTINES The .MRKDL and .DLFNB routines are provided for deleting files. 4.15.1 .MRKDL - Mark Temporary File for Deletion The .MRKDL routine is used in conjunction with a temporary file, i . e • , a file created through the OPNT$W macro call (see Section 3.3). Such a file has no associated directory entry. A call to the .MRKDL routine is issued prior to closing a temporary file. The file so marked is then deleted automatically when the file is closed. Table 4-1 R2 Control Bits for .EXTND Routine BIT SETTINGS Low-Order Byte of R2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BIT DEFINITIONS AND MEANING 0 EX.ENA - Bit 7 = 0 that 0 x x x x x x 0 EX.ACI - BIT 0 = 0; indicates extend is to be noncontiguous. 0 x x x x x x 1 EX.ACI - BIT 0 = 1 ; indicates that extend is to be contiguous and that file is to be contiguous. (continued on next page) 4-20 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES Table 4-1 (Cont.) R2 Control Bits for .EXTND Routine BIT SETTINGS Low-Order Byte of R2 BIT DEFINITIONS AND MEANING EX.ENA - Bit 7 = 1 1 x x x x x x 0 EX.ACI - Bit 0 = 0; indicates that noncontiguous area is to be added to the file. 1 x x x x x x 1 EX.ACI - Bit 0 = 1; indicates that contiguous area is to be added to the file. 1 x x x x x 1 x EX.AC2 - Bit 1 = 1 ; indicates that the largest available contiguous area is to be added to the file if desired extend space is not available. This bit is set only if bit 0 in EX.ACI is set to 1. 1 x x x x 0 x x EX.FCO - Bit 2 = 0; indicates the file is to be noncontiguous. that 1 x x x x 1 x x EX.FCO - Bit 2 = 1 ; indicates the file is to be contiguous. that 1 x x x 0 x x x EX.ADF - Bit 3 = 0; indicates that user intends to allocate the the number of blocks specified by Rl and the high-order bits of R2 (see Note , above) . 1 x x x 1 x x x EX.ADF - Bit 3 = 1; indicates that file extension is to occur according to the volume default extend value, as established by the INITIALIZE, INITVOLUME, or MOUNT command. Before calling the .MRKDL routine, preset: RO the following register must be Must contain the address of the associated FDB. This FDB is assumed to contain the file identification, device name, and unit information pertaining to the file to be deleted. If the .MRKDL routine is invoked while the temporary file is open, as is normally done, then the file is deleted unconditionally when it is closed, even if the calling task terminates abnormally without closing the file. 4.15.2 .DLFNB - Delete File by Filename Block This routine is used to delete a file by filename block. The .DLFNB routine assumes that the filename block is completely filled in; when called, it closes the file, if necessary, and then deletes the file. Before calling this routine, the following register must be preset: RO Must contain the address of the associated FDB. 4-21 FILE CONTROL ROUTINES The .OLFNB routine operates in the same manner as the routine invoked by the DELET$ macro call (see Section 3.18), but .DLFNB does not require any of the .PARSE logic and is thus considerably smaller (in terms of memory requirements) than the normal DELET$ function. Like the DELET$ operation, however, if the file to be deleted is not currently open, and if an explicit file version number is not present in offset location N.FVER of the associated filename block, then the .DLFNB operation fails. 4.16 DEVICE CONTROL ROUTINE (.CTRL) The .CTRL functions. functions: routine is called to perform device-specific control The following are examples of .CTRL device-specific 1. Rewind a magnetic tape volume set. 2. Position to the logical end of a magnetic tape volume set. 3. Close the current magnetic tape operations on the next volume. 4. Space forward or backward n records. 5. Rewind a file. volume and continue file The following registers must be preset before calling this routine for items 1 to 3 above: RO Must contain the address of the associated FOB. Rl Must contain one of the following function codes: FF.RWO to rewind a magnetic tape volume set; FF.POE to position to the logical volume set; FF.NV to close the operations on volume set. R2 and R3 must each contain end of a current volume and the next volume of magnetic tape continue file a magnetic tape o. When using .CTRL to space forward or backward, registers RO, and R3 must contain the following values: Rl, R2, RO Must contain the address of the associated FDB. Rl Must contain the value FF.SPC. R2 Must contain the number of records to space forward or a negative backward. A positive number means space forward; number means space backward. R3 Must contain o. When using .CTRL to rewind a file, register Rl must contain the FF.RWF and registers R2 and R3 must contain o. See Chapter 5 for an explanation of the use magnetic tape device-specific functions. 4-22 of .CTRL to value accomplish CHAPTER 5 FILE STRUCTURES lAS, RSX-llD, and RSX-llM support an identical file structure on disk and DECtape. They also support ANSI file structure on magnetic tape. The disk and DECtape file structure is called FILES-II; tape file structure is ANSI standard. 5.1 the magnetic DISK AND DECTAPE FILE STRUCTURE (FILES-II) Volumes contain both user files and system files. Disks and DEC tapes initialized through the INITIALIZE (lAS) or INITVOLUME (RSX) command have the standard FILES-II structure built for them automatically. The standard system files created through these commands include the following: 1. Index file 2. Storage-allocation file 3. Bad-block file 4. Master file directory (MFD) 5 Checkpoint file Each FILES-II volume has a file of each type. A volume may have more than one directory file; such files, created by the CREATE/DIRECTORY command in lAS, and the UFD command in RSX-ll systems, are used by the system to locate user files on the volume. 5.1.1 User File Structure User data files on disk and DECtape consist of ordered sets of virtual blocks that constitute the virtual structure of the files as they appear to the user. Virtual blocks can be read and written directly by issuing READ$ and WRITE$ macro calls (see Sections 3.15 and 3.16, respectively). Virtual blocks are numbered in ascending sequence relative to the first block in the file (which is virtual block 1). The virtual blocks of a file are stored on the volume as logical blocks. The logical-block size of all volumes is 256 words; thus, each virtual block is also 256 words. When access to a virtual block is requested, the virtual-block number is mapped into a logical-block number. The logical-block number is then mapped to the physical address on the associated volume. 5-1 FILE STRUCTURES 5.1.2 Directory Files A directory file contains directory entries. Each entry consists of a filename and its associated file number and file-sequence number. The number of required directory files depends on the number of users of the volume. For single-user volumes, only a master file directory (MFD) is needed; for multiuser volumes, a master file directory (MFD) is required, and one user file directory (UFD) is required for each user of the volume. The MFD contains a list of all the UFDs on the volume, and each UFD contains a list of all that user's files, UFDs are identified by user identification codes (UICs). A user file directory is created by the UFD command in RSX-ll systems, and by the CREATE/DIRECTORY command in lAS. These commands are described in detail in the RSX-IID User's Guide, the RSX-IIM Operator's Procedures Manual, and the lAS System Management GUlde. Figures 5-1 and 5-2 illustrate the directory structure for single-user and multiuser volumes, respectively. 5.1.3 Index File The index file contains volume information and user file-header blocks, which are used by the file control primitives (FCP). Because the file-header blocks (see below) are stored in the index file, they can be located quickly. Furthermore, since a file-header block is 256 words in length, it can be read into memory with a single access. The index file is created when a volume is initialized for host operating system. During initialization, the required by the system is placed in the index file. contains a detailed description of the format and content file. use by the information Appendix E of an index MFD I 1 I FILE A Figure 5-1 FILE 8 1 FILE C Directory Structure for Single-User Volumes 5-2 FILE STRUCTURES MFO I I I UFO 100,100 UFO 200,200 J FILEA Figure 5-2 5.1.4 I FILE B FILE A I I I FILE B FILE C Directory Structure for Multiuser Volumes File-Header Block Associated with each file is a file-header block that contains information describing the file. File-header blocks are stored in the index file. Each file-header block is 256 words in length and contains three areas: the header area, the identification area, and the map area. The header area identifies the block as a file-header block. Each file is uniquely identified by a file ID consisting of 2 words. The first word of the file ID, i.e., the file number, is used to calculate the virtual-block number (VBN) of that file's header block in the index file. (This calculation is done as follows: VBN = the file number + 3 + the number of index-file bit-map blocks.) The second word, i.e., the file sequence number, is used to verify that the header block is in fact the header for the desired file. When a request to access a file is issued, both the file number and the file sequence number are specified. The access request is denied if the file sequence number does not match the corresponding field in the file-header block associated with the specified file number. When a file is deleted, its file-header block is made available for the subsequent creation of a new file, and when the new file is created, a different file sequence number is stored in the file-header block. If a user attmpts to access a file that has been deleted (e.g., by referencing an obsolete directory entry), this updated file sequence number ensures the failure of the access request, even if the same file-header block is reused for a different file. The identification area specifies the creation name of the file and identifies the file owner's DIC. This area also specifies the creation date and time, the revision number, the date and time of the last revision (i.e., the time and date on which the last modification to the file occurred), and the expiration date. However, lAS uses magtapes with standard ANSI labels. There is no place for the creation time or the length of the file in the ANSI file-header labels. Consequently, the creation time is listed as O. If a 5-3 FILE STRUCTURES contiguous file is copied to magtape then transferred back to disk, the resulting disk file is not marked contiguous even if the /CO switch is used because the system cannot know how much space to allocate for the output file when it reads from magtape. The map area provides the information needed by virtual-block numbers to logical-block numbers. the system to map A checksum value is computed each time the file-header block is read from or written to the volume, thus ensuring that the file-header block is transferred correctly. Appendix F contains a detailed description of the format and content of the file-header block. 5.2 MAGNETIC TAPE FILE PROCESSING lAS and RSX support the standard ANSI magnetic tape structure as described in the June 19, 1974 proposed revision to "Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange," ANSI X3.27-1969. Any of the following file/volume combinations can be used: 1. Single file on a single volume, 2. Single file on more than one volume, 3. Multiple files on a single volume, 4. Multiple files on more than one volume. Items 2 and 4 above constitute a volume set. The record format on magtape is different from that on disk. When a file that contains variable-length records or fixed-length records that cross block boundaries is copied to magtape, it occupies more blocks on the magtape than it did on the disk. This is so because on magtape the record counts are larger than on disk, and there is unused space at the end of the blocks. In addition, the cannot-crossblock-boundaries bit is set in the file's FOB. The sequence in which volume and file labels are used and of each label type is defined in Appendix G. 5.2.1 the format Access to Magnetic Tape Volumes Magnetic tape is a sequential-access, single-directory storage medium. Only one user can have access to a given volume set at a time. No more than one file in a volume set can be open at a time. Access protection is performed on a volume-set basis. On volumes produced by DIGITAL systems, user access rights are determined by the contents of the owner identification field as described in Section G.I.I.I. Volumes produced by nonDIGITAL systems are restricted to read-only access unless explicitly overridden at MOUNT time. 5-4 FILE STRUCTURES 5.2.2 Rewinding Volume Sets A magnetic tape volume set can be rewound either by using the FOOP$R macro call before an OPEN$ or CLOSE$ or by using the .CTRL file control subroutine. Regardless of the method used to rewind the volume set, the following procedures are performed by the file control system. 1. All mounted volumes are rewound to BOT; 2. If the first volume in the set is not mounted, the unit to be used is placed offline; 3. If the volume is not already mounted and if the rewind was requested by an OPEN$ macro call or by a .CTRL call, a request to mount the first volume is printed on the operator's console; 4. If the rewind was requested on a CLOSE$ macro call, no message is issued until the next volume is needed. 5.2.3 mount Positioning to the Next File Position The normal procedure for writing a new file onto a magnetic tape is to begin writing the file following the end of the last file currently in the volume set. However, the FOOP$R macro call can be used to indicate that the new file is to be written immediately after the end-of-file labels of the most recently closed file. This next file-position option causes the loss of any files physically following this most recently closed file in the volume set. If, in addition to the next file-position option, the rewind option also is specified, the file is created after the VOLI label on the first volume of the set. All files previously contained in the entire volume set are lost. To create a file in the next file position, FA.POS must be set in FOB location F.ACTL. The default value for this FOB position is 0 (not FA.POS). The default indicates that the file system is to position at the logical end of the volume set to create the file. When the default is used, no check is made for the existence of a file with the same name in the volume set. Therefore, a program written to use magnetic tape normally should specify FA.POS. The next file-position option is ignored by directory-device file processors. However, programs written mainly for directory devices cannot specify the next file-position option in open commands for output and, therefore, cause the position to end process to be used automatically. 5.2.4 Single-File Operations Single-file operations are performed by specifying the rewind option before the open and before the close. Using this approach, scratch tape operations can be performed as follows: 1. Open the first file with rewind specified. 2. Write the data records and close the file with rewind. 3. Open the first file again for input (rewind is optional). 5-5 FILE STRUCTURES 4. Read and process the data. 5. Close the file with rewind. 6. Open the second file with rewind specified. 7. Write the data records. 8. Close the file processing. 5.2.5 with rewind and perform any additional Multiple-File Operations A multiple-file volume is created by opening, writing, and then closing a series of files without specifying a rewind. The sequential processing of files on the volume can be accomplished by closing without rewind and then opening the next file without rewind. Opening a file for extend (OPEN$) the volume set. is legal only for the last The following tape operations are performed to create a tape volume: 1. Open a file for output with rewind. 2. write data records and close the file. 3. Open the next file with no rewind. 4. Write the data records and close the file. 5. Repeat for as many files as desired. file on multiple-file Files on tape can be opened in a nonsequential order, but increased processing and tape-positioning time is required. Nonsequential access of files in a multivolume set is not recommended. 5.2.6 Using .CTRL The .CTRL file control routine can be called to override defaults for magnetic tape. Examples of its uses are: normal FCS 1. Continue processing a file on the next volume of a volume set before the end of the current volume is reached. 2. Position to the logical end-of-volume set. 3. Rewind a volume at other than file open or close. 4. Space forward or backward n records. 5. Rewind a file. When .CTRL is used to continue processing a file on the next volume, the first file section on the next volume is opened. File sections occur when a file is written on more than one volume. The portion of the file on each of the volumes constitutes a file section. For input files, the following .CTRL processing occurs. 5-6 FILE STRUCTURES 1. If the current volume is the last volume in the set, i.e., there is no next volume, end-of-file is reported to the user. 2. If another file section exists, the current volume is rewound and the next volume is mounted. A request to the operator is printed if necessary. 3. The header label checked. 4. If all required fields check, the operation continues. 5. If any check fails, the operator is requested correct volume. (HDRl) of the first file section is read and to mount the For output files, the following processing occurs. 1. The current file section is closed with EOVI and EOV2 and the volume is rewound. labels 2. The next volume is mounted. 3. A file with the same name and the next higher section number is opened for write. The file-set identifier is identical with the volume identifier of the first volume in the volume set. NOTE I/O buffers that are currently in memory are on the next file section. written When .CTRL is used to position to the logical end-of-volume set, the file system positions between the two tape marks at the logical end of the last volume in the set. When .CTRL is used to space forward or backward across blocks magnetic tape, spacing crosses volumes for multivolume files. 5.2.7 on Examples of Magnetic Tape Processing The following pages contain examples of FCS statements used to process magnetic tape. Macro parameters not related to magnetic tape handling have been omitted from the statements so that the user need consider only those matters directly related to magnetic tape. Examples of OPEN$W to Create a New File - All routines expect RO to contain the FDB address. OPRWDO: OPEN WITH REWIND FDOP$R BR RO",,#FA.ENB!FA.RWD OPNOUT 5-7 iSET REWIND AND ENABLE USE iOF F.ACTL FILE STRUCTURES OPNXTO: OPEN FOR NEXT FILE POSITION FDOP$R BR RO",,#FA.ENB!FA.POS OPNOUT iSET POSITION TO NEXT iAND ENABLE USE OF F.ACTL OPROYK: OPEN FILE AT END OF VOLUME KEEPING CURRENT USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS BIC BR iDISABLE USE OF F.ACTL #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) OPNOUT OPROVO: OPEN FILE AT END OF VOLUME - SELECT SYSTEM DEFAULT FOR USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS iDISABLE USE OF AND RESET FDOP$R RO",,#O BR OPNOUT iF.ACTL TO ZERO , OPEN FILE WITH CURRENT USER ACCESS CONTROL OPOURO: BIS OPNOUT: OPEN$W RETURN #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) RO iENABLE USE OF F.ACTL iOPEN FILE Examples of OPEN$ to Read a File - All routines expect RO to contain the FDB address. OPRWDI: OPEN WITH REWIND FDOP$R BR RO",,#FA.ENB!FA.RWD OPNIN OPCURI: OPEN STARTING SEARCH AT CURRENT TAPE POSITION KEEPING USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS BIC BR #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) OPNIN iDISABLE USE OF F.ACTL OPEN USING USER ACCESS CONTROL i OPDFLI: BIS OPNIN: OPEN$R RETURN #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) RO iENABLE USE OF F.ACTL Examples of CLOSE$ - All routines expect RO FDB address. to contain the CLSCUR: CLOSE LEAVING TAPE AT CURRENT POSITION AND KEEPING USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS BIC BR #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) CLOSE iDISABLE USE OF F.ACTL iDEFAULT IS LEAVING AT CURRENT iPOSITION 5-8 FILE STRUCTURES CLSRWD: CLOSE REWINDING THE VOLUME FDOP$R BR RO",,#FA.ENB!FA.RWD CLOSE iSET REWIND AND ENABLE USE OF iF.ACTL CLOSE WITH USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS CLSDFL: BIS CLOSE: CLOSE$ RETURN #FA.ENB,F.ACTL(RO) RO iENABLE USE OF F.ACTL Combined Examples of OPEN$ and CLOSE$ for Magnetic Tape - The following examples call routines in previous examples. By combining various magnetic tape operations, the user can process tape volumes in the following ways. i i SCRATCH TAPE OPERATIONS--SINGLE FILE VOLUME-- i SCROUT: MOV CALL RETURN SCRIN: MOV CALL RETURN CLSCRO: MOV BR CLSCRI: MOV CLSVOL: CALL RETURN # FDBOU'I' ,RO OPRWDO iSELECT FDB AND OPEN iOUTPUT FILE WITH REWIND #FDBIN,RO OPRWDI iSELECT FDB AND OPEN FOR iINPUT WITH REWIND #FDBOUT,RO CLSVOL FDBIN,RO CLSRWD iCLOSE SCRATCH FILE iREWINDING VOLUME MULTI-FILE VOLUME OPERATIONS i OPNXTI: OPEN FILE FOR READING WHEN FILE IS NEXT OR FURTHER UP THE VOLUME MOV CALL RETURN #FDBIN,RO OPCURI iSELECT FDB iOPEN FILE OPENIN: OPEN FILE FOR READING WHEN POSITIONED PAST IT MOV CALL RETURN iSELECT FDB #FDBIN,RO OPRWDI MULTI-FILE OUTPUT OPERATIONS i OPNINT: START NEW VOLUME DESTROYING ALL PAST FILES ON IT MOV CALL RETURN iSELECT OUTPUT FDB iOPEN WITH REWIND #FDBOUT,RO OPRWDO 5-9 FILE STRUCTURES OPNEXT: OPEN OUTPUT FILE AT NEXT FILE POSITION DESTROYING ANY FILE THAT MAY BE AT OR PAST THAT POSITION MOV CALL RETURN #FDBOUT,RO OPNXTO iSELECT OUTPUT FDB OPENDT: OPEN OUTPUT FILE AT CURRENT END OF VOLUME SET KEEPING USER ACCESS CONTROL BITS MOV CALL RETURN #FDBOUT,RO OPROVK iSELECT OUTPUT FDB OPNEOV: OPEN OUTPUT FILE AT CURRENT END OF VOLUME AND MAKE THAT THE USER ACCESS CONTROL MOV CALL RETURN #FDBOUT,RO OPROVO iSELECT OUTPUT FDB NOT LAST FILE IN FILE SET CLOSE ROUTINE i CLSFLO: MOV BR CLSFLI: MOV CLSXX: CALL RETURN #FDBOUT,RO CLSXX #FDBIN,RO CLSCUR iSELECT OUTPUT FDB iSELECT INPUT FDB TO APPEND TO LAST FILE OPEN$A #FDBOUT 5-10 CHAPTER 6 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING As noted in Section 2.4.3, a collection of routines available from the system object library ([l,l]SYSLIB.OLB) may be linked with the user program to provide all the logical capabilites required to process command lines dynamically. These system facilities include the following routines: 1. Get Command Line (GCML). This routine accomplishes all the logical functions associated with the entry of command lines from a terminal, an indirect command file, or an on-line storage medium. Using GCML relieves the user of the burden of manually coding command-line-input operations. 2. Command String Interpreter (CSI). Normally, this routine takes command lines from the GCML command-line-input buffer and parses them into the appropriate dataset descriptors required by FCS for opening files. This body of routines is linked with the'user program at task-build time. GCML and CSI are often jointly incorporated in system or application programs as a standardized interface for obtaining and interpreting dynamic command-line input. The flow of data during command-line processing is shown in Figure 6-1. Although these routines are presented in the context of being used together for processing command-line input, each may be used independently of the other. Doing so, however, means that the user must manually code the functions otherwise performed by the missing component. The joint use of these routines is assumed throughout this chapter to be the "normal" situation. The invocation of GCML and CSI functions requires that certain initialization operations be accomplished at assembly time. This initialization sets up the GCML command-line-input buffer, defines and initializes control blocks for both GCML and CSI, and establishes the necessary working storage and communication areas for these routines. Also, the appropriate macro calls that invoke GCML and CSI execution-time functions must be included in the source coding at desired logical points to effect the dynamic processing of command lines. GCML and CSI macro calls observe the same register conventions applicable to FCS. All registers, except RO, are preserved exactly as in all FCS macro calls. RO is used to contain the address of the GCML control block or the CSI control block, as appropriate. As with all FeS macro calls, the GCML and CSI macro calls must also be listed as an argument in an .MCALL directive (see Section 2.1) before being issued in the user program. 6-1 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING ASCII DATA ~ PDS/MCR ON-LINE STORAGE ( GCML CSI ~ DEFAULT FILENAME BLOCK DATASET DESCRIPTOR -'" FCS (.PARSE) FILENAME BLOCK Figure 6-1 6.1 Data Flow During Command Line Processing GET COMMAND LINE (GCML) The Get Command Line (GCML) routine embodies all the logical capabilities required to enter command lines dynamically during program execution. GCML accepts input from a terminal or an indirect command file that contains predefined command lines. If the user program allocates sufficient buffer space, GCML accepts commands that run to more than one line. This continuation mechanism takes effect automatically when a hyphen appears as the last printing character of a command line. All GCML functions require the creation and initialization of a GCML control block. The macro call that accomplishes this function is described in detail in the following section. The GCML run-time macro calls that may be issued dynamically are described in Section 6.1.3. 6-2 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 6.1.1 GCMLB$ - Allocate and Initialize GCML Control Block Issuing the GCMLB$ macro call accomplishes the following assembly-time functions: 1. Reserves storage for, and initializes a within, the user program. GCML control block 2. Creates and initializes an FDB in the first part of the GCML control block. This FDB is used to open a command file. Such a file, which may employ a terminal or a file-structured device such as a disk, is opened and read by the user program in the same manner as any other file. The initialization and maintenance of this FDB, however, is under GCML and FCS control and need not be of concern to the user. 3. Creates and initializes a default filename block within the GCML control block. This default filename block pertains to an indirect command file. If an explicit filename string is not specified by the user for an indirect command file, the values CMI for the filename and .CMD for the file type are assumed by default. There is no default designation for the device name. 4. Defines the symbolic offset,s for the GCML control block and initializes certain offsets to required values. These offsets are described in detail in Section 6.1.2. The GCMLB$ macro call is specified in the following format: label: where: GCMLB$ maxd,prmpt,ubuf,lun,pdl,size label represents a symbol that names the GCML control block and defines its address. This label permits the GCML control block to be referenced directly by all the GCML run-time routines that require access to this structure (see Section 6.1.3). maxd represents a numeric value that specifies the maximum nesting depth permitted for indirect command files. This parameter determines the number of nested indirect command files that GCML will be allowed to access in obtaining command-line input. An indirect command file, which often resides on disk, contains well-defined, nonvarying command sequences, which may be read directly by GCML to control operations that are highly repetitive (such as Task Builder activities). Significant advantages in terms of convenience and faster execution result from the use of an indirect command file. If this parameter is not specified, a nesting level depth of 0 is defined by default, effectively eliminating an indirect command file as a source of command-line input. prmpt represents a user-specified, 3-character ASCII prompting sequence. This parameter constitutes a default prompt string that is typed out by GCML to the user terminal to solicit command line input. 6-3 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The ASCII prompting sequence the following 6-byte string: return «CR» is formulated 1. A carriage «LF»; and a 2• The 3 ASCII characters specified by the and 3• A right angle bracket ( » . into line-feed The above string initializes GCML control offset location G.DPRM (see Section 6.1.2). user; block If this parameter is not specified, the right angle bracket (», preceded by three blanks, is defined by default for use by GCML as the default prompting sequence. ubuf represents the address of a buffer to be used by GCML for temporary storage of command-line input. If this parameter is not specified, a buffer, whose length is determined by the size parameter, is reserved in the GCML control block for command-line input. If neither this parameter nor the size parameter is specified, a 41-word buffer is reserved by default in the GCML control block. lun represents a logical unit number. The device assigned to this logical unit number is used by GCML as the command-input device. If this parameter is not specified, a logical unit number of 1 is used by default. pdl represents the address of an area reserved in the user program for use as a push-down list. This area is reserved as working storage for use in connection with indirect command files. Normally, the pdl parameter is not specified; in this case, sufficient storage for the push-down list is added to the control block by default in accordance with the algorithm described below. The push-down list is created through logically equivalent to the following: label: .EVEN . BLKB statements G.LPDL The user-supplied label specifies the push-down list and defines its address; G.LPDL, which is defined by the GCMLB$ macro, is the length (in bytes) of the push-down list. The length of the push-down list is a function of the maximum number of nested indirect command files that may be accessed by GCML in obtaining command-line input. The value of G.LPDL is calculated according to the following algorithm: 1. Add 1 to the maximum nesting level depth declared with the maxd parameter (see above). 6-4 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 2. Multiply the sum of Step 1 by 16(10), the appropriate number of bytes that must be reserved for the push-down list. For example, if the maxd parameter is specified as 4, the length of the push-down list is determined as follows: = 80. (4+1)*16. bytes From the above, note that 16(10) bytes of storage are required for each indirect command file, plus a total of 16(10) bytes for use as general overhead. size represents the size, in bytes, of the buffer reserved for command-line input. The specified size must always include 2 extra bytes that are used internally by GCML. The default value for size is 82 (that is, 80 bytes for command-line input and 2 bytes GCML overhead). If the user wants GCML to accept continuation lines, the specified value for the size parameter must be greater than 82. When size is greater than 82, the bit value GE.CON is set in the status and mode control byte (offset G.MODE) of the GCML command block. This value indicates that the continuation mechanism is in effect. The following examples represent a appear in a user program: GCLBLK: GCMLB$ GCLBLK: GCMLB$ GCLBLK: GCMLB$ 6.1.2 GCMLB$ macro call as it might 4.,GCM,BUFADR,1. "BUFADR DEPTH,GCM,BUFADR,CMILUN,PDLIST,BUFSIZ GCMLD$ - Define GCML Control Block Offsets and Bit Values THE GCMLD$ macro, which is invoked automatically by the GCMLB$ macro call, locally defines the GCML control block offsets and bit values within the current module. These offsets and associated bit values are listed and described below. OFFSET NAME G.ERR FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Error Return Code Byte. This field initially contains O. If anyone of the error conditions recognized by GCML occurs during the processing of an appropriate error code is a command line, returned to offset location G.ERR in the control block. These error codes are described below: GE.IOR* - Indicates that an I/O error during the input of a command line. occurred GE.OPR* - Indicates that GCML was unable or reopen the specified command file. to open * For GE.IOR and GE.OPR, additional information concerning the error is available by examining the FCS error code at offset F.ERR from the start of the GCML block. 6-5 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING GE.BIF - Indicates that a syntax error was detected in the name of the indirect command file. GE.MOE - Indicates that an attempt was made to exceed the maximum permissible nesting-level depth for an indirect command file (see the maxd parameter in the GCMLB$ macro call above). GE.RBG Indicates that the command-line input buffer was too small for the total command. This condition can occur when multiple lines have been entered using the continuation mechanism. The input buffer contains as much of the command as possible. GE.EOF - Indicates that the end-of-file (EOF) on the first (unnested) command file was detected. This bit is set in connection with command-file input. When the first call is issued for input, GCML attempts to retrieve an MCR/POS command line. The first line obtained, whether it is an MCR/POS command or a terminal command, is accomplished at command level O. If the name of an indirect command file is then entered, the command-input level is incremented to 1. Each indirect filename entry thereafter increments the command-input level. When the end-of-file (EOF) is encountered on any given indirect file, the command input level is decremented by 1, restoring the count to the previous level and re-opening the associated command file. The next command line from that file is then read. If an MCR/POS command has already been read at level 0, entering another MCR/POS command when level a is again reached causes the error code GE.EOF to be returned to offset location F.ERR of the GCML control block. Hence, only one MCR/POS command line can be read at level O. If input thus fails at MCR/PDS level 0, then GCML continues to prompt for input until CTRL/Z is typed by the user to indicate terminal end-of-file (EOF). In summary, the first line of input is always read at level O. This initial input may be an MCR/POS command; if the MCR/POS command fails or is null, the command-input file (normally a terminal) is then opened at level O. Multiple inputs at level o are permissible only in the latter case, i.e., from the command-input file. G.MOOE Status and Mode Control Byte. This field is initialized at assembly-time with bit definitions to specify certain default actions for GCML during the retrieval of a command line. At runtime, the user can reset default status and mode control bits, if desired, by issuing a Bit Clear Byte (BICB) instruction that takes as the source operand the symbolic name of the bit to be cleared. In the case of the GE.LC value (see below), the BISB instruction can be used to override the default action. 6-6 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The symbolic names of the bits defined in status and mode control byte are as follows: the GE.IND - (Default) Indicates that a command line containing a leading at sign (@) is to be treated as an explicit indirect-command-file specifier. If, for any reason, the user resets this bit to zero (0), a command line containing a leading at sign (@) is returned to the calling program. GE.CLO - (Default) Indicates that the command file currently being read is to be closed after each issuance of the GCML$ macro call. If the user resets this bit to 0 for any reason, GCML keeps the current command file open between calls for input. In this case, the FSR (see Section 2.6.1) must include one additional 5l2(10)-byte buffer for command-line input. This requirement adds to the total FSR-block-buffer space normally reserved for the maximum number of files that may be open simultaneously for record I/O processing. Clearing the GE.CLO bit in the status and mode control byte effectively renders 512(10) bytes of FSR-block-buffer space unavailable for other purposes, since the command file remains open between calls for command-line input. GE.COM - (Default) Indicates that a command line having a leading semicolon (i) is to be treated as a comment. Such lines are not returned to the calling program. If, for any reason, the user resets this bit to 0, a command line containing a leading semicolon (i) is returned to the calling program. GE.CON Indicates that the continuation mechanism is in effect. This is the default if the value of the size parameter of the GCMLB$ macro is greater than 82. The user must not attempt to set this value in the mode byte without providing a buffer larger than 82 bytes. GE.LC Indicates that lower-case characters in the command line are to be passed to the user program without mapping. Unless the user explicitly sets this value in the GCML control block at runtime, the default action will be to map lower-upper case characters to upper-case before transmission to the user program. G.PSDS Prompt-String Descriptor. This 2-word field is initialized to 0 at assembly-time through the GCMLB$ macro call (see Section 6.1.1). When the GCML$ macro call is issued to request command-line input (see Section, the address and the length of a prompting sequence is usually not specified. In this case, the prompt-string descriptor words in the GCML control block are cleared, causing GCML to type out the default prompt string contained in offset location G.DPRM (see below) to solicit command-line input. 6-7 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The user who wishes to define an alternate prompt string elsewhere in the program may do so through the .ASCII directive. The address and length of this alternate prompt string may then be specified as the adpr and lnpr parameters in subsequent GCML$ macro calls. These parameters cause offset locations G.PSDS+2 and G.PSDS to be initialized with the address and the length, respectively, of the alternate prompt string. The alternate prompt string is then typed out by GCML to solicit command-line input, thereby overriding the default prompt string previously established through the GCMLB$ macro call (see G.DPRM below). If the adpr and lnpr parameters are not specified in a subsequent GCML$ macro call, offset location G.PSDS in the control block is automatically reset to 0, causing GCML to revert to the use of the default prompt string contained in offset location G.DPRM. G.CMLD Command-Line Descriptor. This 2-word field is initialized by GCML after retrieving a command line. The address of the line just obtained is returned to offset location G.CMLD+2, and the length (in bytes) of the command line is returned to offset location G.CMLD. The contents of these word locations in the GCML control block may be passed to CSI as the "buff" and "len" parameters in the CSI$l macro call (see Section The combination of these parameters constitutes the command-line descriptors that enable CSI to retrieve file specifiers from the GCML command-line input buffer. G.ISIZ Impure Area Size Indicator. This symbol is defined at assembly-time, indicating the size of an impure area within the GCML control block to be used as working storage for pointers, flags, counters, etc., in connection with input from an indirect command file. In usage terms, this symbol need not be of concern to the user. The space between the FDB and the default prompt string (see G.DPRM below) constitutes the impure area of the GCML control block. The size of the FDB is defined by the value of the symbol S.FDB. Thus, the size of the impure area is equal to G.DPRM-S.FDB. G.DPRM Default Prompt String. This 6-byte field is initialized at assembly-time with the default prompt string created through the prmpt parameter of the GCMLB$ macro call (see Section 6.1.1). In the absence of the adpr and lnpr parameters in the GCML$ macro call (see Section, this default prompt string is typed out by GCML to solicit terminal input. 6-8 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The user who wants to reference the GCML control-block offsets and bit vaues in another module may establish the appropriate symbolic definitions within that module through one of the following statements, as desired: GCMLD$ 6.1.3 iDEFAULT LOCAL DEFINITION. GCMLD$ DEF$L iLOCAL DEFINITION. GCMLD$ DEF$G iGLOBAL DEFINITION. GCML Run-Time Macro Calls Three run-time macro calls are provided in GCML functions, as described below: to perform GCML$ - To retrieve a command line. RCML$ - To reset the indirect-command-file scan to (unnested) level. CCML$ - To close the current command file. specific the first These routines are described separately in the following sections. GCML$ - Get Command Line - The GCML$ macro call serves as the user program interface for retrieving command lines from a terminal or an indirect command file. This macro call can be issued at any logical point in the program to solicit command-line input. This macro call takes the following format: GCML$ where: gclblk,adpr,inpr gclblk represents the address of the GCML control block. This symbol must be the same as that specified at assembly-time in the label field of the GCMLB$ macro call (see Section 6.1.1). If this parameter is not specified, RO is assumed to contain the address of the GCML control block. adpr represents the address of the user program location containing an alternate prompt string. When this optional parameter and the inpr parameter below are present in the GCML$ macro call, the alternate prompt string is typed out on the user terminal to solicit command-line input. The normal default prompt string, as contained in offset location G.DPRM of the GCML control block (see Section 6.1.2), is thereby overridden. Inpr represents the length (in bytes) of the alternate prompt string. This parameter is also optional; if not specified, offset location G.PSDS in the GCML control block (see Section 6.1.2) is cleared. 6-9 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING If this parameter is specified, but the adpr parameter above is not, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message PROMPT STRING MISSING to be printed in the assembly listing. This message is a diagnostic announcement of an incomplete prompt-string descriptor in the GCML$ macro call. If the adpr and Inpr parameters are not GCML$ macro call, offset location G.PSDS automatically reset to 0, causing GCML to default prompt string contained in offset 6.1.2 above). specified in a subsequent in the GCML control block is revert to the use of the location G.DPRM (see Section When the GCML$ macro call is issued, the following actions occur: 1. RO is loaded with the address of the GCML control block. If the gclblk parameter is not specified, as described above, RO is assumed to contain the address of the GCML control block. If it does not, RO must first be initialized manually with the address of the control block before the GCML$ macro call is issued. 2. The address and the length of the alternate prompt string, if specified, are stored in control-block offset locations G.PSDS+2 and G.PSDS, respectively. These 2 words constitute the alternate prompt string descriptor. 3. Code is generated that calls GCML ~o transfer a command line to the command-line input buffer. If the last character of an input line is a hyphen, and if the value GE.CON is present in the status and mode control byte, GCML will automatically transfer commands that run to more than one line. The continuation lines obtained are concatenated in the input buffer with the continuation hypen(s) removed. At the initial issuance of the GCML$ macro call, an attempt is made to retrieve an MCR/PDS command line. If this attempt fails, or if the MCR/PDS command line is null, the FDB within the GCML control block is used to open a file for command-line input. If the command-input device is a terminal, a prompt string is typed out to solicit input. Any desired command input may then be entered. If the continuation mechanism is being used, the prompt string is similarly typed to solicit subsequent portions of a continued command line. If appropriate, the user may enter an at sign (@) as the first character in the command line, followed by the name of an indirect command file. This filename identifies an explicit indirect command file from which input is to be read. GCML then opens this file and retrieves the first command line therein. This file is read until one of the following occurs: 1. The end-of-file (EOF) is detected on the current indirect file. In this case, the current indirect file is closed, the command-input-level count is decremented by 1, and the previous command file is re-opened. If the command input level count is already 0 when EOF is detected, the error code GE.EOF is returned to offset location G.ERR of the GCML control block (see Section 6.1.2). 2. An indirect~file specifier is encountered in a command line. In this case, the current indirect command file is closed (if not already closed), and the new indirect file is opened. The first command line therein is then read. 6-10 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 3. An RCML$ macro call is issued in the program (see Section below). In this case, the current indirect command file is closed, and the command-input count reverts to level 0, i.e., the top level command file is again used for input. The user may also enter a semicolon (i) as the first character in the command line. Such a line is treated as a comment and is not returned to the calling program. Whether a command line is entered manually or retrieved from an indirect command file, the address and the length of the command line thus obtained are returned to GCML control-block offset locations G.CMLD+2 andG.CMLD, respectively. Together, these 2 words constitute the command-line descriptors. These descriptors may be specified as the "buff" and "len" parameters in the CSI$l macro call (see Section . Successful retrieval of a command line causes the C-bit in the Processor Status Word to be cleared. Any error condition that occurs during the retrieval of a command line, however, causes the C-bit to be set. In addition, a negative error code is returned to offset location G.ERR of the GCML control block. These error codes are described in detail in Section 6.1.2 above. Examples of the GCML$ macro call follow: GCML$ #GCLBLK GCML$ GCML$ #GCLBLK,#ADPR,#LNPR The first example specifies the symbolic address of the GCML control block. The second example assumes that RO contains the address of the GCML control block. Both these forms of the GCML$ macro call employ the default prompt string contained in offset location G.DPRM of the control block to solicit command-line input. The last example specifies the address and the length of an alternate prompt string that the user has defined within the program. This alternate prompt string is used by GCML to prompt for terminal input, rather than the default prompt string contained in the GCML control block. RCML$ - Reset Indirect Command File Scan - If the user must close the current indirect command file and return to the top-level file, i.e., to the first (unnested) file, he or she may do so by issuing the RCML$ macro call. The RCML$ macro call is specified in the following format: RCML$ where: gclblk gclblk represents the address of the GCML control block. If this parameter is not specified, RO is assumed to contain the address of the GCML control block. When this macro call is issued, the current indirect command file is closed, returning control to the top-level (unnested) file. A subsequent GCML$ macro call then retrieves the next command line from the O-level command file. Note, however, that a second MCR/PDS command at level 0 cannot be read (see GE.EOF error code in offset location G.ERR of GCML control block, Section 6.1.2). 6--11 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING Examples of the RCML$ macro call follow: RCML$ #GCLBLK RCML$ RO This macro call requires only the address of the GCML control block. CCML$ - Close Current Command File - It is often desirable to close the current command file between calls for input in order to free FSR-block-buffer space for some other use. The command file is closed automatically after the retrieval of a command line, provided that the GE.CLO bit in the status and mode control byte remains appropriately initialized (see Section 6.1.2). This bit is set to 1 at assembly-time. If the user resets this bit to 0, the current command file remains open between calls for input. For a program that frequently reads command files, this may be a desirable operational mode, since keeping the file open between calls for input reduces total file-access time. However, should it be desirable to close such a file to free FSR-block-buffer space, the user may do so by issuing the CCML$ macro call. The CCML$ macro call takes the following format: CCML$ where: gclblk gclblk represents the address of the GCML control block. If this parameter is not specified, RO is assumed to contain the address of the GCML control block. Issuing this statement closes the current command file, effectively releasing 512(10) bytes of FSR-block-buffer space for some other ~se between calls for input. If the command file is already closed when the CCML$ macro call is issued, control is merely returned to the calling program. A subsequent GCML$ macro call then causes the command file to be reopened and the next command line in the file to be returned to the calling program. Examples of this macro call are shown below: CCML$ #GCLBLK CCML$ RO As in the RCML$ macro call above, this macro call takes parameter, viz., the address of the GCML control block. 6.1.4 a single GCML Usage Considerations As noted in Section 6.1.1, the GCMLB$ macro call creates an FOB in the first part of the GCML control block. Although this FOB ordinarily need not be manipulated by the user (since it is under GCML and FCS control), the following operations may be performed on this FOB: 1. In an irrecoverable error situation, the user may issue a CLOSES macro call (see Section 3.8) in connection with this FOB before issuing the system EXIT$ macro call. 6-12 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 2. The user may test the FD.TTY bit in the device-characteristics byte (offset location F.RCTL) of the FDB to determine if the command line just obtained was retrieved from a terminal. 3. In the event that error code GE.IOR is returned to controlblock offset location G.ERR (indicating that an I/O error has occurred during the retrieval of a command line), the user may test offset location F.ERR of the associated FDB for more complete error analysis. This cell in the FDB also contains an error code that may be helpful in determining the nature of the error condition. At task-build time, the Task Builder device-assignment (ASG) directive should be issued to assign the appropriate physical device-unit to the desired logical unit number. For example, to assign the logical unit number (lun parameter) in the GCMLB$ macro call (see Section 6.l.l) to a terminal, the following Task Builder directive should be issued: ASG = TI:l The designation TI: is a pseudo-device name that is redirected to the command-input device. Note that the numeric value following the colon (:) must agree with the numeric value specified as the lun parameter in the GCMLB$ macro call. The ASG directive is described in further detail in the Reference Manual of the host operating system. Task Builder As discussed in Section 2.6.1 on FSRSZ$, at any given time there must be an FSR block buffer available for each file currently open for record I/O operations. The block-buffer requirements of the command file must be considered when issuing the FSRSZ$ macro. 6.2 COMMAND STRING INTERPRETER (CSI) The Command String Interpreter (CSI) analyzes command lines and parses them into their component device name, directory, and filename strings. The user should be aware that CSI processes command lines in the following formats only: 1. dev: [g,m]outputfilename.type;version/switch More than one such file specification separating them with commas. 2. can be specified by dev: [g,m]outputfilename.type;version/switch, ... = dev: [g,m] input filename.type;version/switch, ... In addition, block (see The run-time calling user CSI maintains a dataset descriptor within the CSI control next section) which may be used by FCS in opening files. routines that analyze and parse command lines for a program are described in Section 6.2.3. The use of CSI requires that the CSI control-block offsets and bit values be defined and that a control block be allocated within the program. The macro described in the following section accomplishes these requisite actions. 6-13 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 6.2.1 CSI$ - Define CSI Control-Block Offsets and Bit Values The only initialization coding required for CSI that shown below: CSI$ CSIBLK: . EVEN .BLKB C.SIZE at assembly-time is iDEFINES CSI CONTROL BLOCK OFFSETS iAND BIT VALUES LOCALLY. iWORD ALIGNS CSI CONTROL BLOCK • iNAMES CSI CONTROL BLOCK AND iALLOCATES REQUIRED STORAGE. The CSI$ macro is strictly definitional in nature and does not generate any executable code. The CSI control block resulting from the .BLKB directive serves as a means of communication between CSI and the calling program. The length of the control block is specified by the symbol C.SIZE, which is defined during the expansion of the CSI$ macro. The expansion of this macro also results in the local definition of the symbolic offsets and bit values within the CSI control block. If desired, the user may cause the control-block offsets to be defined globally within the current module. This is done by specifying DEF$G as an argument in the CSI$ initialization macro call, as shown below: CSI$ 6.2.2 DEF$G CSI Control-Block Offset and Bit-Value Definitions The CSI$ macro call causes the following symbolic offsets values within the CSI control block to be defined locally: OFFSET NAME C.TYPR and bit FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE This byte field Command String Request Type. indicates the type of file specifier being requested. Depending on whether an input or output file specifier is being requested (see the io parameter in the CSI$2 macro call, Section, the corresponding bit in this byte is set. The bit definitions for this byte are as follows: CS.INP - Indicates that an input file specifier is being requested. CS.OUT - Indicates that an output is being requested. C.STAT file specifier Command-String Request Status. This byte field reflects the status of the current command-line request. The bits in this field are initialized in accordance with the bit definitions listed below. CS.EQU - Indicates that an equal sign (=) has been detected in the current command line, signifying that the command line contains both output and input file specifiers. Once set, the value of CS.EQU is preserved during processing by both CSII and CSI2. 6-14 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING CS.NMF - Indicates that the current file specifier contains a filename string. Accordingly, control-block offset locations C.FILD+2 and C.FILD (see below) are initialized with the address and the length (in bytes), respectively, of the command-line segment containing the filename string. If no filename string is present, this bit is not set, and the filename string descriptors in the control block are cleared. CS.DIF - Indicates that the current file specifier contains a directory string. Thus, control-block offset locations C.DIRD+2 and C.DIRD (see below) are initialized with the address and the length (in bytes), respectively, of the command-line segment containing the directory string. If no directory string is present, this bit is not set. In this case, any residual nonzero values in the directory- string descriptor cells that pertain to a previous command-string request of like type (see C.TYPR above) are used by default. Thus, the last directory string encountered in a file specifier is used. CS.DVF - Indicates that the current file specifier contains a device-name string. Similarly, control-block offset locations C.DEVD+2 and C.DEVD (see below) are initialized with the address and the length (in bytes), respectively, of the device-name string. If no device name string is present, this bit is not set. Again, similar to CS.DIF above, any residual nonzero values in the device-name descriptor cells that pertain to a previous command-string request of like type are used by default. Thus, the last device-name string encountered in a file specifier is used. CS.WLD - Indicates that the current file specifier contains an asterisk (*), signalling the presence of a wildcard specification. CS.MOR - Indicates that the current file specifier is terminated by a comma (,). The comma indicates that more file specifiers are to follow. If this bit is not set, it signifies that the end of the input or output file specifiers has been reached. C.CMLD Command-Line Descriptor. This 2-word field is initialized with the address and the length (in bytes), respectively, of the compressed command line. In other words, the values returned to these cells constitute the output of CSI after scanning a file specifier and removing all nonsignificant characters from the string (i.e., nulls, blanks, tabs, and RUBOUT's). The values contained in these cells are used by CSI as the descriptors of the compressed command line to be parsed (see CSI$2 macro call in Section 6-15 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING C.DSDS Dataset Descriptor Pointer. This offset defines the address of the 6-wo~d dataset descriptor in the CSI control block. This structure is functionally identical to the manually created dataset descriptor detailed in Section 2.4.1. This symbol may be used to initialize offset location F.DSPT in the FDB associated with the file to be processed. Thus, FCS is able to retrieve requisite ASCII information from this structure for use in opening files. Assembly-time initialization of F.DSPT in the associated FDB may be accomplished as follows: FDOP$A 1,CSIBLK+C.DSDS where CSIBLK is the address of the CSI control block, and C.DSDS represents the beginning address of the descriptor strings in the CSI control block (see C.DEVD, C.DIRD, and C.FILD below) identifying the requisite ASCII filename information. Run-time initialization of F.DSPT in the associated FDB may also be accomplished through the dspt parameter of the FDOP$R macro call (see Section 2.2.2) or the generalized OPEN$x macro call (see Section 3.1). C.DEVD Device-Name String Descriptor. This 2-word field contains the address (C.DEVD+2) and the length in bytes (C.DEVD) of the most recent device-name string (of like request type) encountered in a file specifier. C.DIRD Directory String Descriptor. This 2-word field contains the address (C.DIRD+2) and the length in bytes (C.DIRD) of the most recent directory string (of like request type) encountered in a file specifier. C.FILD Filename String Descriptor. This 2-word field contains the address (C.FILD+2) and the length in bytes (C.FILD) of the filename string in the current file specifier. If an error condition is detected by the command-syntax analyzer during the syntactical analysis of a command line (see Section below), a segment descriptor is returned to this field, defining the address and the length of the command-line segment in error. C.SWAD Current Switch-Table Address. This word location contains the address of the switch descriptor table specified in the current CSI$2 macro call (see Section C.MKWI CSI Mask Word 1. This word indicates the particular switch(es) present in the current file specifier after each invocation of the CSI$2 macro call. The switch mask for each of the defined switches encountered in a file specifier between delimiting commas is ORled into this location. 6-16 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The mask for a switch is specified in the CSI$SW macro call (see Section When a switch is encountered in a file specifier for which a defined mask exists, the corresponding bits in C.MKWI are set. By testing C.MKWl, the user can determine the particular combination of defined switches present in the current file specifier. C.MKW2 CSI Mask Word 2. This word provides the indication of switch polarity. user an When a switch is present in a file specifer and that switch is not negated, the defined mask for that switch is ORled into C.MKW2 in the same manner as described above for C.MKWI. Conversely, when a switch is present in a file specifer and that switch is negated, the corresponding bits in C.MKW2 are cleared. Thus, for each switch indicated as being present by C.MKWl, the user can check the polarity of that switch by examining the corresponding bits in C.MKW2. C.SIZE 6.2.3 Control-Block Size Indicator. This symbol, which is defined during the expansion of the CSI$ macro, represents the size in bytes of the CSI control block. CSI Run-Time Macro Calls Two run-time macro calls are provided in CSI to invoke perform the following functions: routines that CSI$l - Initializes the CSI control block, analyzes the command line (normally contained in the GCML command-line input buffer), removes nonsignificant characters from the line, and checks it for syntactic validity. This macro call also results in the initialization of certain cells in the CSI control block with the address and the length, respectively, of the validated and compressed command line. CSI$2 - Parses a file specifier in the validated and compressed command line into its component device name, directory, and filename strings, and processes any associated switches and accompanying switch values. Also, certain cells in the CSI control block are initialized with the appropriate string descriptors for subsequent use by FCS in opening the specified file. CSI$1 - Command Syntax Analyzer - The CSI$l macro call results in the invocation of a routine called the command syntax analyzer. This routine analyzes a command line (which is normally read into the GCML command-line input buffer) and checks it for syntactic validity. In addition, it compresses the file specifiers in the command line by removing all nonsignificant characters (i.e., nulls, tabs, blanks, and RUBOUTs). Finally, the command syntax analyzer initializes offset locations C.CMLD+2 and C.CMLD in the CSI control block (see Section 6.2.2) with the address and the length (in bytes), respectively, of the validated and compressed command line. Each file specifier in the command line is then parsed into its component device name, directory, and filename strings during successive issuances of the CSI$2 macro call (see next section). 6-17 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The CSI$1 macro call is issued in the following format: CSI$1 where: csiblk,buff,len csiblk represents the address of the CSI control block. If this parameter is not specified, RO is assumed to contain the address of the CSI control block. buff represents the address of a command-line input buffer. This parameter initializes CSI control-block offset location C.CMLD+2, enabling CSI to retrieve the current command line from a command-line input buffer. If this parameter is not specified, the user must manually initialize CSI control-block offset location C.CMLD+2 with the address of a command-line input buffer before issuing the CSI$1 macro call. This may be accomplished through a statement similar to the following: MOV len GCLBLK+G.CMLD+2,CSIBLK+C.CMLD+2 represents the length of the command-line input buffer. Similarly, this parameter initializes CSI control-block offset location C.CMLD, thus completing the 2-word descriptor that enables CSI to retrieve the current command line from the input buffer. As with the "buff" parameter above, if this parameter is not specified, the user must manually initialize CSI control-block offset location C.CMLD with the length of the command-line input buffer before issuing the CSI$1 macro call. This may be accomplished as follows: MOV GCLBLK+G.CMLD,CSIBLK+C.CMLD The combination of the buff and len parameters above enables CSI to analyze the current command line. Following the analysis of the command line, CSI updates offset location C.CMLD with the length of the validated and compressed command line. If a syntactic error is detected during the validation of the command line, the C-bit in the Processor Status Word is set, and offset locations C.FILD+2 and C.FILD in the CSI control block (see Section 6.2.2) are set to values that define the address and the length, respectively, of the command-line segment in error. Examples of the CSI$1 macro call follow: CSI$1 #CSIBLK,#BUFF,#LEN CSI$1 RO,GCLBLK+G.CMLD+2,GCLBLK+G.CMLD CSI$1 #CSIBLK The first example shows symbols that represent the address and the length of a command line to be analyzed (not necessarily the line contained in the GCML command-line input buffer). 6-18 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The second example assumes that RO has been preset with the address of the CSI control block; the next two parameters are direct references to the command-line descriptor words in the GCML control block. The third example assumes that the required descriptor values are already present in offset locations C.CMLD+2 and C.CMLD of the control block (CSIBLK) as the result of prior action. CSI$2 - Command Semantic Parser - The CSI$2 macro call results in the invocation of the command semantic parser. This routine uses the values in CSI control-block offset locations C.CMLD+2 and C.CMLD as the address and the length, respectively, of the command line to be parsed. The referenced line is then parsed into its component device name, directory, and filename strings. The equal sign (=) in the command line indicates that the following string is an input file specification. In addition, 2-word descriptors for these strings are stored in a 6-word dataset descriptor in the CSI control block, beginning at offset location C.DSDS (see Section 6.2.2). This field is functionally equivalent to t~e dataset descriptor created manually in the user program (see Section 2.4.1). The command semantic parser also decodes any switches and associated switch values present in a file specifier. If the user expects to encounter switches in the current file specifier, the command semantic parser decodes them, provided that the address of the appropriate switch descriptor table has been specified in the CSI$2 macro call (see below). The CSI switch definition macro calls are described in detail in Section 6.2.4. The CSI$2 macro call is specified in the following format: CSI$2 where: csiblk,io,swtab csiblk represents the address of the CSI control block. If this parameter is not specified, RO is assumed to contain the address of the CSI control block. io represents a symbol that explicitly identifies the type of file specifier to be parsed. Either of two symbolic arguments may be specified in this parameter field, as follows: INPUT - Indicates that the file next input specifier in the command line is to be parsed. file OUTPUT - Indicates that the next output specifier in the command line is to be parsed. Offset location C.TYPR in the CSI control block (see Section 6.2.2) must be initialized, either manually or through the CSI$2 macro call, with the type of file specifier being requested. If other than the symbolic arguments defined above are specified in the CSI$2 macro call, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message INCORRECT REQUEST TO .CSI2 to be printed in the assembly listing. This diagnostic message alerts the user to the presence of an invalid io parameter in the CSI$2 macro call. 6-19 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING swtab represents the address of the associated switch descriptor table for this particular issuance of the CSI$2 macro call. This optional parameter need oe specified only when the user anticipates the presence of a switch in the file specifier that is to be decoded. Specifying this parameter presumes that the user previously created a corresponding switch descriptor table in the program through the CSI$SW macro call (see Section In addition, if the switch to be decoded has any associated switch values, the user must also have created an associated switch value descriptor table in the program through the CSI$SV macro call (see Section This parameter initializes offset location C.SWAD in the CSI control block (see Section 6.2.2); if not specified, any residual nonzero value in this cell is used by default as the address of the switch descriptor table. Offset location C.SWAD may also be initialized manually prior to issuing the CSI$2 macro call, as shown in the following statement: MOV #SWTAB,CSIBLK+C.SWAD where SWTAB is the symbolic address associated switch descriptor table. of the If an error condition occurs during the parsing of the file specifier, the C-bit in the Processor Status Word is set, and control is returned to the calling program. The possible error conditions that may occur during command-line parsing include the following: 1. The request type was invalid, i.e., offset location C.TYPR in the CSI control block (see Section 6.2.2) was incorrectly initialized. 2. A switch was present in a file specifier, but the address of the switch descriptor table was not specified in the CSI$2 macro call, or the switch descriptor table did not contain a corresponding entry for the switch. 3. An invalid switch value was present in the file specifier. 4. More values accompanied a given switch in the file specifier than there were corresponding entries in the switch value descriptor table for decoding those values. 5. A negative switch was present in the file specifier, but the corresponding entry in the switch descriptor table did not allow the switch to be negated (see the nflag parameter of the CSI$SW macro call in the next section). Examples of the CSI$2 macro call are shown below: CSI$2 #CSIBLK,INPUT,#SWTBL CSI$2 RO,OUTPUT,#SWTBL CSI$2 #CSIBLK,INPUT 6-20 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING The first example shows a request to parse an input file specifier, which may include an associated switch. The second example, which assumes that RO presently contains the address of the CSI control block, parses an output file specifier that likewise may include a switch. The last example is a request to parse an input file specifier and to disallow any accompanying switch(es). 6.2.4 CSI Switch Definition Macro Calls The following macro calls must be issued at assembly-time to create the requisite switch descriptor tables in the program for processing switches that appear in a file specifier: CSI$SW - Creates an entry in the switch descriptor table for a particular switch that the user expects to encounter in a file specifier. CSI$SV - Creates a matching entry in the switch-value descriptor table for the switch defined through the CSI$SW macro call above. CSI$ND - Terminates a switch descriptor table or a switch-value descriptor table created through the CSI$SW or the CSI$SV macro call, respectively. These macro calls are described separately in the following sections. CSI$SW - Create Switch Descriptor Table Entry - To process each switch that the user expects to encounter in a file specifier, a matching entry in the switch descriptor table must be defined. When the address of a switch descriptor table is specified in any particular issuance of the CSI$2 macro call (see Section, the following processing occurs: 1. For each switch encountered in a file specifier, CSI searches the switch descriptor table for a matching entry. If the switch descriptor table address is not specified, or a matching entry is not found in the table for the switch, that switch is considered to be invalid. As a result, the C-bit in the Processor Status Word is set, any remaining switches in the file specifier are bypassed, and control is returned to the calling program. 2. If a matching entry is found in the switch descriptor table, mask word 1 in the CSI control block is set according to the defined mask for that switch (see C.MKWl, Section 6.2.2). 3. The negation status of the switch is determined. If the switch is not negated, the corresponding bits in mask word 2 (C.MKW2) in the CSI control block are set according to the defined mask for that switch. If the switch is negated, and negation is not allowed, then the switch is considered to be invalid. In this case, the error sequence described in Step 1 above applies. However, if the switch is negated, and negation is allowed, then the corresponding bits in C.MKW2 are cleared. The negation flag for a switch is established through nflag parameter of the CSI$SW macro call (see below). 6-21 the COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING 4. If the address of the optional user mask word is not present in the corresponding switch descriptor table entry, i.e., if the mkw parameter has not been specified in the associated CSI$SW macro call (see below), switch processing continues with Step 7. If, however, the address of the optional mask word is specified, switch processing continues with Step 5. 5. If SET has been specified as the clear/set flag in the corresponding switch descriptor table entry, and the switch is not negated, then the corresponding bits in the optional mask word are set according to the defined mask for that switch. If, however, the switch is negated, the corresponding bits in the optional mask word are cleared. The clear/set flag is specified as the csflg parameter in the CSI$SW macro call (see below). 6. If CLEAR has been specified as the clear/set flag in the corresponding switch descriptor table entry, and the switch is not negated, the corresponding bits in the optional mask word are cleared. Conversely, if the switch is negated, the corresponding bits in the optional mask word are set. 7. If a switch value accompanies a switch in a file specifier, the associated switch-value descriptor table created through the CSI$SV macro call (see next section) is used to decode the value. There must be at least as many entries in the switch-value descriptor table as there are such values accompanying the switch in the file specifier. If the switch-value descriptor table is incomplete, if an invalid switch value is encountered, or if the address of the switch-value descriptor table is not present in the associated switch descriptor table, then the switch is considered to be invalid, and the error sequence described in Step I again applies. The address of the switch-value descriptor table is specified as the vtab parameter in the CSI$SW macro call (see below). The CSI$SW macro call is specified in the following format: label: where: CSI$SW sw,mk,mkw,csflg,nflg,vtab,compflg label represents an optional symbol that names the resulting switch descriptor table entry and defines its address. In order to establish the address of a switch descriptor table, the first CSI$SW macro call issued in the program must include a label. This label allows the table to be referenced by other instructions in the program. sw represents the alphabetic switch name to be stored in the switch descriptor table. This name may comprise any number of characters. (For RSX-IID, this name may comprise only two characters.) CSI compares the name entered on the command line with this switch name, as entered in the switch descriptor table. The method CSI uses to compare their names is described below. This parameter is required. If omitted, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message MISSING SWITCH NAME to be printed in the assembly listing. 6-22 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING mk represents a user-defined mask for the switch specified through the sw parameter above. To enable CSI to indicate the presence of a given switch in a file specifier, a mask value for the switch must be defined, as shown below: ASMSK NUMSK 1 VWMSK XYMSK 40000 100000 2 where the (octal) value assigned by the user to each symbol defines a unique bit configuration that is to be set in CSI mask word 1 (C.MKWl) of the control block when a defined switch is encountered in a file specifier. By specifying the appropriate symbol as the mk parameter in the CSI$SW macro call, the corresponding mask value is stored in the resulting switch descriptor table entry. Thus, a mechanism is established through which the user can determine the particular combination of switches present in a file specifier. For every matching entry found in the switch descriptor table, the corresponding bits are set in C.MKWI. mkw represents the address in user program storage of a mask word that CSI changes each time it changes C.MKWI. CSI stores the same value into this mask word that it stores into C.MKWI. This mask word can be manipulated (that is, changed or tested) by the SET and CLEAR functions or by instructions in the user's program. The SET and CLEAR functions are set using the csflg parameter described below. Such an optional word may be reserved through a statement logically equivalent to that shown below: MASKX: csflg .WORD 0 represents a symbolic argument that specifies the clear/set flag for a given switch. This parameter is optional; if not specified, SET is assumed (see below). Either one of two symbolic arguments may be specified for this parameter, as follows: CLEAR - Indicates that the bits in the optional user mask word corresponding to the switch mask, are to be cleared provided that the switch is not negated. (If the switch is negated, the bits are set.) SET - Indicates, conversely, that the bits in the optional user mask word corresponding to the switch mask are to be set provided that the switch is not negated. (If the switch is negated, the bits are cleared.) 6-23 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING If other than one of the above arguments is specified, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly which causes the error message INVALID SET/CLEAR SPEC to be printed in the assembly listing. nflg represents a symbolic argument that specifies an optional negation flag for the switch. If this parameter is specified, it indicates that the switch is allowed to be negated, e.g., /-LI or /NOLI. If this parameter is specified as other than NEG, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message INVALID NEGATE SPEC to be printed in the assembly listing. If this parameter is not specified, the default assumption is that switch negation is not allowed. vtab represents the address of the switch descriptor table associated with this switch. This optional parameter, if specified, allows CSI to decode any switch values accompanying the switch, provided that an associated switch descriptor table entry has been defined for that switch. The switch-value descriptor table is defined through the CSI$SV macro call, as described in the next section. compflg specifies the method CSI uses to compare the switch name entered on the command line with the value entered in the switch descriptor table via the sw parameter. (This parameter is not supported for RSX-IID.) Either LONG or EXACT may be specified. The default value is entered if a value is not coded. Default - If the parameter is not coded, only the first 2 characters of the switch name (specified via sw) are entered into the switch descriptor table and only these 2 characters are compared when the command line is parsed. Additional characters in the command-line switch name are ignored. LONG - All characters specified by the sw parameter are entered in the switch descriptor table. During compare processing, the first characters of the switch name on the command line must exactly match the value for the switch in the switch descriptor table. Additional characters in the command-line switch name are ignored. EXACT - All characters specified by the sw parameter are entered in the switch descriptor table. During compare processing, all the characters of the switch name on the command line must exactly match the value in the switch descriptor table. Extra characters are treated as an error. The format of the switch descriptor table entry that results from a call to the CSI$SW macro is shown in Figure 6-2 below. One such switch entry must be defined for each switch appearing in the file 6-24 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING specifier that the user intends to recognize. Entries in the switch descriptor table consist of control information and switch-name characters stored 2 characters per word. The switch-name characters precede the control information in the table. The sign bit of each word indicates whether the following word contains more switch-name characters. A sign bit set to 1 indicates that the next word contains more switch name characters. A sign bit set to 0 indicates the last word containing switch-name characters. If the number of characters in the switch name is odd, the high-order byte of the last word contains zeros and is ignored by CSI. The sign bit of the first bite of the last word of the switch name is the EXACT match bit. If this bit is set to 1, additional characters in the switch name on the command line are treated as an error by CSI. Otherwise, they are ignored. The switch-name characters are followed by entry control information consisting of the CSI mask word, the address in user program storage of a mask word corresponding to the CSI mask word, and the address of the switch value table. A bit setting of 1 in the low-order bit of the user mask word a bit setting of 0 indicates the SET indicates the CLEAR function: function. The last word of the switch descriptor table entry contains the address of the switch value table. A bit setting of 1 in the low-order bit of this word indicates that the switch may be negated. 15 0 char2 char1 char4 char3 EX lastchar nextlast Mask Word for this Switch Address of Optional User Mask Word Address of Switch Descriptor Table Figure 6-2 Format· of Switch Descriptor Table Entry The following example shows a 2-entry switch descriptor table through successive CSI$SW macro calls: ASSWT: CSI$SW AS,ASMSK,MASKX,SET"ASVTBL CSI$SW NU,NUMSK,MASKX,CLEAR,NEG,NUVTBL CSI$ND created iEND OF SWITCH DESCRIPTOR TABLE. The first statement results in the creation of an entry in the switch descriptor table for the switch JAS. The second parameter is an equated symbol that defines the switch mask, and the third parameter 6-25 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING (MASKX) is the ~ddress of an optional user mask word (see the mkw parameter above). The fourth parameter indicates that the bits in MASKX that correspond to the switch mask are to be set. The fifth parameter (the negation flag) is null. The last parameter is the address of the associated switch-value descriptor table. The second statement results in the creation of a switch descriptor table entry for the switch /NU. In contrast to the first statement, the fourth parameter (CLEAR) indicates that the bits in the optional user mask word (MASKX) that correspond to the switch mask are to be cleared. The fifth parameter (NEG) allows the switch to be negated, and the last parameter is the address of the value table associated with this switch. Note that the switch descriptor macros are terminated with the macro call (see Section CSI$ND CSI$SV - Create Switch-Value Descriptor Table Entry - For every switch value that the user expects to encounter in connection with a given switch in a file specifier, a corresponding switch-value descriptor table entry must be defined in the user program in order to allow the switch value(s) to be decoded. The CSI$SV macro call is provided for this purpose. When issued, this macro call results in the creation of a 2-word entry in the switch-value descriptor table. The format of this table is shown in Figure 6-3 below. The CSI$SV macro call is specified in the following format: CSI$SV where: type type,adr,len,vtab represents a symbolic argument that specifies the conversion type for the switch value. Anyone of four symbolic values may be specified in this parameter field to indicate the conversion type for the accompanying switch value. The possible conversion-type arguments include the following: ASCII - Indicates that the switch value is treated as an ASCII string. to be NUMERIC - Indicates that a numeric switch value is to be converted to binary using octal as a default conversion radix. OCTAL - Indicates that a numeric switch value is to be converted to binary using octal as a default conversion radix. DECIMAL - Indicates that a numeric switch value is to be converted to binary using decimal as a default conversion radix. If any value other than those defined above is specified, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message INVALID CONVERSION TYPE to be printed in the assembly listing. If none of the above parameters is specified, ASCII is assumed by default. 6-26 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING adr represents the address of the user program location that is to receive the resultant switch value at the conclusion of switch processing. This parameter is required; if not specified, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message VALUE ADDRESS MISSING to be printed in the assembly listing. len represents a numeric value that defines the length (in bytes) of the area that is to receive the switch value resulting from switch processing. This parameter is also required; if not specified, an .ERROR directive is generated during assembly that causes the error message LENGTH MISSING to be printed in the assembly listing. vtab represents a symbol that names the switch-value descriptor table and defines its address. This parameter is optional. The vtab parameter may also be specified in the CSI$SW macro call (see Section when the user anticipates the presence of a switch value in a file specifier that is to be decoded. The format of a switch-value descriptor table entry that results the CSI$SV macro call is shown in Figure 6-3 below. from The low-order byte of the first word in the switch-value descriptor table indicates whether the conversion type is ASCII or numeric. The low-order byte of this word is set to 1 if ASCII is specified; it is set to 2 if NUMERIC or OCTAL is specified; it is set to 3 if DECIMAL is specified. The high-order byte of this word indicates the maximum allowable length (in bytes) of the switch value. If the conversion type is ASCII, the len parameter reflects the maximum number of ASCII characters that can be deposited in the area defined through the adr parameter. The high-order byte of the first word in the switch-value table then reflects the maximum length of the ASCII string. If the number of characters in the switch value exceeds the specified length, the extra characters are simply ignored. If, however, the actual number of ASCII characters present in the switch value falls short of the specified length, the remaining portion of the area receiving the resultant value is null-padded. If the conversion type is NUMERIC, the resultant binary value is assumed to be 2 bytes in length, and the area receiving the value is assumed to be word-aligned. A numeric switch value is always evaluated as a signed number; an overflow into the high-order bit (Bit 16) results in an error condition. On numeric conversions, the default conversion type specified for a switch value can be overridden by means of a pound sign (#) or a dot (.). A numeric value preceded by a pound sign (e.g., #10) forces the conversion type to octal; a numeric value followed by a dot (e.g., 10.) forces the conversion type to decimal. Note also that a numeric switch value may be preceded by a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-). The plus sign is the default assumption. If an explicit octal switch value is specified using the pound sign (#), as described above, the arithmetic sign indicator (+ or -), if included, must precede the pound sign (e.g., -#10). 6-27 COMMAND-LINE PROCESSING o 16 I Switch Value Length Conversion Type Address of Location Receiving Switch Result Figure 6-3 Format of Switch-Value Descriptor Table Entry Representative CSI$SV macro calls are shown below: ASVTBL: CSI$SV CSI$SV ASCII,ASVAL,3 ASCII,ASVAL+4,3 CSI$ND NUVTBL: CSI$SV CSI$SV ;END OF SWITCH VALUE TABLE. OCTAL,NUVAL,2 DECIMAL,NUVAL+2,2 iEND OF SWITCH VALUE TABLE. CSI$ND In all cases above, the first parameter in the CSI$SV macro call defines the conversion type. The next two parameters, in all cases, define the address and the length of the user program location to receive the resultant switch value. The required storage for the first switch value reserved as follows: ASVAL .BLKW 4 table .BLKW 2 may be table may be iASCII VALUE STORAGE. The required storage for the second switch-value similarly reserved through the following statement: NUVAL: above iNUMERIC VALUE STORAGE. Note again that switch value tables are macro call. terminated with the CSI$ND CSI$ND - Define End of Descriptor Table - Switch descriptor tables and switch-value descriptor tables must be terminated with a I-word end-of-table entry. This word, which contains 0, may be created through the CSI$ND macro call. This macro call takes no arguments, as shown below: CSI$ND The examples near the end of the preceding section illustrate the of this macro call. 6-28 use CHAPTER 7 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) TPARS is a table-driven parser designed to parse command lines. TPARS provides the means to define a unique syntax and, using TPARS-supplied macros, built-in variables, and the user's own code, recognize a command line written in that syntax. For TPARS, parsing is breaking down a command line into syntax elements and resolving the form, function, and interrelationship of these elements. TPARS parses command lines at two levels, a syntactical level and a semantic level. At the syntactical level, TPARS evaluates each syntax element on the command line based on a predefined arrangement of command line elements. This arrangement of command line elements is defined by TPARS macros in a state table that consists of states and transitions. Also at the syntactic level, TPARS provides for resolving complex syntax types by means of subexpressions. On the semantic level, TPARS resolves the meaning of each element based on definitions supplied in action routines. Action routines make use of TPARS built-in variables and user-supplied code to fit the needs of user parsing routine. TPARS parses command lines using a user-defined table consisting of states and transitions. This table is referred to as a state table and is built using the TPARS STATE$ and TRAN$ macros. A state delimits and represents a single syntax element on a command line. A transition is a statement that defines the processing required for parsing a given syntax element and provides direction for further parsing at another state. The user-written parser routine is included in user programs that parse command lines. TPARS is invoked from within an executing program by means of a CALL instruction. The CALL invokes the user-defined parser routine as well as the TPARS processor itself. For further information on the interrelationships between the calling program, the user-defined parser routine, and the TPARS processor, refer to Section 7.5. 7.1 CODING TPARS SOURCE PROGRAMS This section describes the three TPARS macros required to initialize and define the state table. Also included in this section is information describing action routines, TPARS built-in variables, and TPARS subexpressions. 7-1 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) 7.1.1 TPARS Macros: ISTAT$, STATE$, and TRAN$ TPARS provides macros that allow you to write a state table for parsing a unique command line syntax. The ISTAT$ macro initializes a state table, the STATE$ macro defines a state in the user's state table, and the TRAN$ macro defines the conditions for transition to another. Initializing the State Table: the ISTAT$ Macro - The ISTAT$ macro initializes the state table. The state table is built using two macros, STATE$ and TRAN$, which are described below. This state table is built into a program section. User-defined keyword strings, for use in parsing command lines, are also accumulated in a pro ram s a so provl e or a keyword pointer table to index into the list of keyword strings. The ISTAT$ macro initializes these program sections. The format for coding the ISTAT$ macro is: ISTAT$ statetable,keytable where: statetable is the label the user assigns to the state equates this label to the start of the state table. table. TPARS key table is the label the user assigns to the keyword equates this label to the start of the keyword table. table. TPARS The state table is built in a program section named $STATE; keyword strings are accumulated in a program section named $KSTR; keyword pointer table is built in a program section named $KTAB. the the If the user defines the symbol $RONLY, each of these program sections is generated as read-only. A read-only state table is generated by specifying the symbol $RONLY preceding the ISTAT$ macro in the form: $RONLY = 1 ISTAT$ statetable,keytable Defining a Syntax Element: the STATE$ Macro - The STATE$ macro declares the beginning of a state. Syntactically, this macro delimits one command line element from another. The STATE$ macro is coded in the following form: STATE$ [label] where label is an alphameric symbol that is equated to the address the state. of Each state is comprised of any number of transitions, which define the conditions under which control can be passed to another state. 7-2 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) Defining a Transition: provides: the $TRAN Macro - The TRAN$ • The means for matching a given type of syntax element. • Direction to the next state to be processed. • The address of the action syntax element. • A maskword and maskword address. routine to process the macro current The TRAN$ macro is coded in the following form: TRAN$ type[,label] [,action] [,mask] [,maskaddr] [,$EXIT] where: type specifies the syntactical type of the command line element being parsed. The type parameter is coded using one of the types of command line elements described in the section "Types of Command Line Syntax Elements," below. [label] [$EXIT] specifies the label associated with the state to which control is directed after the code for this transition is executed. If label is omitted, control drops through to the next sequential STATE$ macro. A null label parameter is allowed only for the last transition in a state; the statement following a TRAN$ macro with a null label field must be a STATE$ macro. $EXIT specified in the label field terminates TPARS execution and returns control to the calling program. $EXIT is also used to terminate a TPARS subexpression. action specifies the label of an action routine the user includes in the parser routine. This routine can include TPARS built-in variables, described in Section 7.1.3, below. mask specifies a maskword to be stored into a maskword address whenever the transition is executed. If mask is specified, maskaddr, below, must be specified. This maskword is ORed into maskaddr (described below) when the transition is taken (after the action routine is called) . maskaddr specifies the label for an address into which TPARS stores the value specified by the mask parameter. The maskaddr parameter must be specified if mask is specified. The mask and maskaddr parameters provide means for flagging the execution of transition. 7-3 a a convenient particular THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) 7.1.2 Types of Command Line Syntax Elements The type. parameter of the TRAN$ macro requires the entry of one of the following types of syntax elements: $ANY Matches any single character. $ALPHA Matches any single alphabetic character (A-Z). $DIGIT Matches any single digit (0-9). $LAMDA Matches an empty string. This transition is always successful. LAMDA transitions are useful for getting action routines called without passing any of the input string. $NUMBR Matches a number. A number consists of a string of digits, followed optionally by a period. If number is not followed by a period, it is interpreted as octal. Numbers followed by a period are interpreted as decimal and the decimal point is included in the matching string. A number is terminated by any nonnumeric character. Values through 2**32-1 are converted to 32-bit unsigned integers. $DNUMB Matches a decimal number. The string of digits is interpreted as decimal. With the exception that the matched string does not include the trailing decimal point, TPARS treats $DNUMB the same way it treats $NUMBR. $STRNG Matches any alphameric character string (0-9,A-Z). string will not be null. $RAD50 Matches any legal RADIX-50 string, that is, any string containing alphameric characters and/or the period (.) and dollar sign ($) characters. Conversion to RADIX-50 format is the responsibility of the action routine. $BLANK Matches a string of blank and/or tab characters. $EOS Matches the end of the input string. Once TPARS has reached the end of the input string, $EOS matches as many times as it is encountered in the state table. char Matches a single character whose ASCII code corresponds to the value of the expression char. The value of the expression must be a 7-bit ASCII code, that is, the value must be in the range 0-177 (octal). Constructions such as IX are valid and, in fact, recommended. keyword Matches a specified keyword. Keywords may be any length, may contain only alphameric characters, and are terminated by the first nonalphameric character encountered. The maximum number of keywords allowed in a state table is 64. !label Matches the string processed by executing the state table section that starts with the state specified as label. This syntax type is used to pass ~ontrol to a subexpression. For information on TPARS subexpressions, refer to Section 7.1.4. 7-4 The THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) 7.1.3 Action Routines and Built-in Variables Action routines provide the means for processing command line elements at the semantic level. That is, a given syntax element can have more than one meaning. Action routines provide a mechanism for determining and validating the meaning of the syntax elements. write action routines to perform functions requirements of the userls parsing program. related TPARS Built-in Variables - TPARS provides built-in variables for use in action routines: to the the unique following .PSTCN returns the character count of the portion of the input string matched by this transition. This character count is valid for all syntax types recognized by TPARS, including subexpressions. .PSTPT returns the address of the portion of the input string matched by this transition. This address is valid for all syntactical types recognized by TPARS, including subexpressions. .PNUMH returns the high-order binary returned by a $NUMBR or specification. value of the number $DNUMB syntax type .PNUMB returns the low-order binary returned by a $NUMBR or specification. value of the number syntax type $DNUMB .PCHAR returns the character found by the $ANY, $DIGIT, or char syntax type specifications. .PFLAG returns the value of the flag word passed to TPARS via register 1 (Rl). Action routines can modify this word to change options dynamically. R3 returns the byte count of the remainder of the input string. When the action routine is called, the string does not include the characters matched by the current transition. R4 returns the address of the remainder of the input string. When the action routine is called, the striQg does not include the characters matched by the current transition. $ALPHA, Calling Action Routines - Action routines are called via a JSR PC instruction. Action routines may modify registers RO, Rl, and R2; all other registers must be preserved. Using Action Routines to Reject a Transition - Action routines can reject a transition by returning to CALL+4 rather than to CALL+2. That is, the action routine performs the same function as an ADD #2, (SP) before returning to the caller. This technique allows additional processing of syntax types and allows extension of the syntax types beyond the set provided by TPARS. 7-5 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) When an action routine rejects a transition, that transition has no effect. TPARS continues to attempt to match the remaining transitions in the state. 7.1.4 TPARS Subexpressions A TPARS subexpression is a series of states and transitions analogous to a subroutine. In general, such a series of states and transitions is used more than once during the parsing process. Subexpressions begin with a STATE$ macro specifying the label of the subexpression. This macro is followed by the states and transitions that comprise the body of the subexpression. To terminate the subexpression, specify a 'fRAN$ macro with the $EXIT keyword specified in the label field. The general form of a sUbexpression is shown in the example below. In this example, control is directed to the subexpression via a TRAN$ macro that specifies a !label syntax element as the type parameter: TRAN$ !UIC,NEXT TPARS then directs control to the STATE$ macro with the label UIC: STATE$ TRAN$ '[ DIC STATE$ TRAN$ $NUMBR"SETGN STATE$ TRAN$ <' ,> STATE$ TRAN$ $NUMBR"SETPN STATE$ TRAN$ '] ,$EXIT When the UIC subexpression completes processing, control passes to the state labeled NEXT. 7.2 GENERAL CODING CONSIDERATIONS This section contains information describing how to arrange syntax types in a state table, rules for entering special characters (commas and angle brackets), and how to direct TPARS to ignore blanks and tab characters in a command line. 7.2.1 Suggested Arrangement of Syntax Types in a State Table The transitions in a state may represent several syntax types; a portion of a string being scanned often matches more than one syntax type. Therefore, the order in which the types are entered in the state table is critical. Transitions are always scanned in the order in which they are entered and the first transition matching a string being scanned is the transition taken. Therefore, the following order is recommended for states containing more than one syntax type: 7-6 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) char keyword $EOS $ALPHA $DIGIT $BLANK $NUMBR $DNUMB $STRNG $RAD50 $ANY $LAMDA Placement of !label transitions in a state depends on the types and positions of other syntax types in the state as well as on the syntax types in the starting state of the subexpression. 7.2.2 Entering Special Characters In "char" syntax elements, MACRO-II interprets commas (,), semicolons (;), and angle brackets « >) as special characters. The comma is interpreted as an argument separator and angle brackets are used to parenthesize special characters. To include a comma or a semicolon in a "char" syntax use angle brackets: element string, TRAN$ <',> Angle brackets cannot be passed as string elements in macro arguments. If required in a "char" expression, they must be expressed symbolically, for example: LA = '< TRAN$ LA 7.2.3 Ignoring Blanks and Tabs in a Command Line Bit zero of the low byte of Register I (RI) controls processing of blanks and tab characters. If this bit is one when TPARS is invoked, blanks and tab characters are processed in the same way any other ASCII character is processed; they are treated as syntax elements that require validation by TPARS. If this bit is set to zero, blanks and tab characters are interpreted as terminator characters; they are ignored as syntax elements. In neither case does TPARS modify the command line. When blanks are being ignored, the $BLANK syntax type never matches an element on the command line. Also when this option is in effect, values returned to the !label syntax type by .PSTCN or .PSTPT may contain blanks or tabs, even though none were requested. The examples below show how TPARS parses the string ABC DEF with and without the blank-suppress option. 7-7 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) In the first example, an extra state is required to parse the blank: STATE$ TRAN$ $STRNG STATE$ TRAN$ $BLANK STATE$ TRAN$ $STRNG When TPARS is directed to ignore blanks and tab characters, string can be parsed using only two states: the same STATE$ 7.3 'l'RAN$ $STRNG STATE$ TRAN$ $STRNG PSECTs GENERATED BY TPARS MACROS TPARS macros generate three PSECT's. Data associated with the STATE$ macro is stored in the PSECT $STATE. Data associated with the TRAN$ macro is stored in PSECTs $KSTR and $KTAB. $KTAB contains addresses for each of the entries of the keyword syntax type. $KSTR contains the keyword entries separated by character code 377 (octal). Each state consists of its transition entries concatenated in the order in which they are specified. The state label, if specified, is equated to the address of the first transition in the state. Each transition consists of from one to six words, as follows: Flags I Type Type Extension Action Return Address Maskword Maskword Address Target State Label The type byte of the first word may contain the following values: $LAMDA $NUMBR $STRNG $BLANK $SUBXP $EOS $DNUMB $RADSO $ANY $ALPHA $DIGIT char keyword 300 302 304 306 310 Used in the !label type. 312 314 316 320 322 324 ASCII code for the specified character 200+n (see explanation below) 7-8 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) The value of keyword is 200+n, where n is an index into the keyword table. The keyword table is an array of pointers to keyword strings. The keyword strings are stored in the PSECT $KSTR. Keyword strings in $KSTR are separated from each other by 377 (octal). Bits in the flags byte indicate whether parameters for the TRAN$ macro are specified: Bit Meaning o Type extension is specified. Action routine label is specified. Target state label is specified. Maskword is specified. Maskword address is specified. Indicates last transition in the current state. 1 2 3 4 7 7.4 INVOKING TPARS The user controls execution of TPARS using the calling conventions and options described in this section. TPARS is invoked from within an executing program by means of the instruction: CALL .TPARS 7.4.1 Register Usage and Calling Conventions When TPARS is invoked, registers in the calling program the following information: Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 contain Options word Pointer to the keyword table Length of the string to be parsed Address of the string to be parsed Label of the starting state in the state table On return from information: R3 R4 must = = TPARS processing, registers contain the following Length of the unscanned portion of the string Address of the un scanned portion of the string The values of all other registers are preserved. The carry bit in the Processor Status Word returns zero for a successful parse; the carry bit is set when TPARS finds a syntax error. For an example of a calling 7.6.1. 7.4.2 sequence for TPARS, refer to Section Using the Options Word The low byte of the options word contains flag bits. The only flag bit defined is bit zero, which controls processing of blanks. If bit zero is set to 1, blanks are interpreted as syntax elements. If bit zero is set to 0, blanks are ignored as syntax elements. 7-9 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) The high byte of the options word controls abbreviation of keywords. If the high byte is set to zero, keywords being parsed must exactly match their corresponding entries in the state table. If the high byte is set to a number, keywords being parsed may be abbreviated to that number of characters. Keywords in the string that are longer than the number specified must be spelled correctly up to the length specified by the number. TPARS clears the carry bit in the Processor Status Word when it completes processing successfully. This occurs when a transition is made to $EXIT that is not within a subexpression. If a syntax error occurs, TPARS sets the carry bit Status Word and terminates. in the Processor A syntax error occurs when there ale no syntax elements in the current state that match the portion of the string being scanned. Illegal type codes and errors in the state table can also cause a syntax error. TPARS processing requires that the addresses in the state table and the keyword tables be reliable; bad addresses may cause program termination. The only syntax types that can match the end of the and $LAMDA. 7.4.3 string are $EOS Storage Requirements The routine .TPARS is 253 words long. In addition, . TPARS calls routines .OD2CT and .DD2CT, which use an additional 68 words of storage. 7.5 HOW TO GENERATE A PARSER PROGRAM USING TPARS There are three processes involved in using TPARS, as shown in Figure 7-1. generating a parser program As shown in Figure 7-1, the source program must contain MCALL statements for three macros, ISTAT$, STATE$, and TRAN$. These three MCALL statements must precede the statements that comprise the state table and action routines. Assembly of the source module produces an object module comprised of three PSECT's, $STATE, $KTAB, and $KSTR. When the Task Builder executes, the task image produced is placed on an appropriate volume for future use. The assembly listing produced by the state table macros is not straightforward. The source language macros are designed for clarity and convenience in writing state tables; the object code is designed for compactness and processing convenience. As a result, the mechanism used to translate the source code to object code is not a simple one. The binary output of the macros is delayed by one statement. Thus, if the listing of macro-generated binary code is enabled, the binary code appearing after a macro call is, in fact, the result of the preceding macro call. Error messages generated by macro calls are similarly delayed. This is the reason an additional STATE$ macro is required to terminate the state table. 7-10 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) PARSER.SRC EOI .. 1. -----~ Write a source program that includes the required MCALL statements. -:> MCALL ISTAT$ MCALL STATE$ MCALL TRAN$ STATE$ . STATE$ PARSER.OBJ MACRO-11 2. PARSER.SRC Assemble the source program to produce an object module. -> TKB PARSER.OBJ MYFILE.TSK 3. MYFILE.OBJ Execute the Task Builder to produce a task image including the parser. -> UPOATE.OBJ Figure 7-1 Processing Steps Required to Generate a Parser Program Using TPARS 7-11 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) When the parser program is linked and is in task image form, it can be invoked from within an executing user program, as shown in Figure 7-2. Executing User Program TPARS Processor User-defined Parser Program -- r---. STATE$ * * * r--, I I I I I I I I I I I .J I STATE$ ---------CALL .TPARS Figure 7-2 Action Routines -- r-~ I I I .J - Flow of Control When TPARS Is Called from an Executing User Program Figure 2 shows the CALL . TPARS statement that invokes the parser program and the TPARS processor. As the parser executes the state table, it calls action routines. These action routines access code in the TPARS processor to perform such functions as returning the values of the built-in variables. When the state table completes execution, TPARS receives control and passes control back to the calling program. 7.6 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES This section includes three programmed examples of how to use TPARS. The first example shows the code required to parse a UFD command line for RSX-IIM. The second example shows the use of subexpressions and how to reject transitions. The third example shows how to use subexpressions to parse indeterminate grammars. 7.6.1 Parsing a UFD Command Line This example shows the code required to parse a UFD command line. It includes a state table and action routines. The general form of the UFD command line is as follows: UFD DKO:LABEL[201,202]/ALLOC=lOO./PRO=[RWED,RWED,RWE,R] The action routines values: $UDEV $UUNIT $UVNML $UVNAM $UUIC $UALL $UPRO $FLAGS UF.ALL UF.PRO in this parser program return the Device name (2 ASCII characters) Unit number (binary) Byte count of the volume label string Address of the volume label string Binary UIC for which to create a directory Number of directory entries to preallocate Binary protection word for UFD Flags word containing the following bits: Set if allocation was specified. Set if protection was specified. 7-12 following THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) The label and the IALLOC and IPRO switches are optional. sequence for this routine is as follows: CLR MOV MOV MOV MOV CALL BCS Rl #UFDUTB,R2 COUNT,R3 ADDR,R4 #START,R5 . TPARS ERROR The following is the user-written parser routine: .TITLE STATE TABLE FOR UFD COMMAND LINE . MCALL ISTAT$,STATE$,TRAN$ TO BE USED WITH BLANK SUPPRESS OPTION ISTAT$ UFDSTB,UFDKTB READ OVER COMMAND NAME .GLOBL START STATE$ TRAN$ START "UFD" READ DEVICE AND UNIT NUMBER STATE$ TRAN$ $ALPHA, , SETDVl STATE$ TRAN$ $ALPHA"SETDV2 STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ $NUMBR,DEV1,SETUNT $LAMDA STATE$ TRAN$ DEVl ,: READ VOLUME LABEL STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ $STRNG,RUIC,SETLAB $LAMDA STATE$ TRAN$ RUIC IUIC READ Ule SCAN FOR OPTIONS AND END OF LINE STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ OPTS $EOS,$EXIT 'I II "ALLOC ,ALC"UF.ALL,$FLAGS "PRO",PRO"UF.PRO,$FLAGS 7-13 The calling THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) SET ALLOCATION STATE$ TRAN$ STATE$ TRAN$ ALC '= $NUMBR,OPTS,SETALC PROTECTION STATE$ TRAN$ PRO '= STATE$ TRAN$ , [ , ,IGROUP STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ TRAN$ TRAN$ TRAN$ TRAN$ SPRO '] ,OPTS,ENDGRP <' ,>,SPRO,NXGRP 'R,SPRO,SETRP 'W,SPRO,SETWP 'E,SPRO,SETEP 'D,SPRO,SETDP SUBEXPRESSION TO READ AND STORE UIC STATE$ TRAN$ UIC ,[ STATE$ TRAN$ $NUMBR"SETGN STATE$ TRAN$ < > STATE$ TRAN$ $NUMBR"SETPN STATE$ TRAN$ '],$EXIT I , STATE$ STATE TABLE SIZE: 60 WORDS KEYWORD TABLE SIZE: 8 WORDS KEYWORD POINTER SPACE: 3 WORDS .SBTTL ACTION ROUTINES FOR THE COMMAND LINE PARSER ; DEVICE NAME CHAR 1 SETDV1::MOVB .PCHAR,$UDEV RETURN ; DEVICE NAME CHAR 2 SETDV2: : MOVB .PCHAR,$UDEV+1 RETURN ; UNIT NUMBER SETUNT: : MOV .PNUMB,$UUNIT RETURN 7 ... 14 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) ; VOLUME LABEL SETLAB: : MOV • PSTCN, $UVNML MOV .PSTPT,$UVNAM RETURN ; PPN - GROUP NUMBER SETGN: : MOVB BR .PNUMB,$UUIC+1 TSTPPN ; PPN - PROGRAMMER NUMBER SETPN: : TSTPPN: 10$: 20$: MOVB TST BNE TSTB BEQ ADD RETURN .PNUMB,$UUIC .PNUMH 10$ .PNUMB+1 20$ #2, (SP) CHECK FOR ZERO HIGH ORDER CHECK FOR BYTE VALUE BAD VALUE - REJECT TRANSITION ; NUMBER OF ENTRIES TO ALLOCATE SETALC: : MOV .PNUMB,$UALL RETURN SET PERMISSIONS INITIALIZE #4,GRCNT IGROUP::MOV ; MOVE TO NEXT PERMISSIONS CATEGORY NXGRP: : BADGRP: 30$: SEC ROR ASR ASR ASR DEC BGE ADD RETURN FORCE ONES $UPRO $UPRO $UPRO $UPRO GRCNT 30$ #2, (SP) SHIFT TO NEXT GROUP COUNT GROUPS TOO MANY IS AN ERROR IF SO, REJECT TRANSITION ; SET READ PERMIT SETRP: : BIC RETURN #FP.RDV*10000,$UPRO BIC RETURN #FP.WRV*10000,$UPRO ; SET WRITE PERMIT SETWP: : ; SET EXTEND PERMIT SETEP:: BIC RETURN #FP.EXT*10000,$UPRO ; SET DELETE PERMIT SETDP: : BIC RETURN #FP.DEL*10000,$UPRO 7-15 THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) ; END OF PROTECTION SPEC ENDGRP::TST 7.6.2 GRCNT BNE RETURN ; CHECK THE GROUP COUNT BADGRP ; MUST HAVE 4 .END UFD Bow to Use Subexpressions and Reject Transitions This example is an excerpt of a state table that parses a string quoted by an arbitrary character. That is, the first character is interpreted as a quote character. This typical construction occurs in many editors and programmlng languages. The action routines associated with the state table return the byte count and address of the string in the locations QSTC and QSTP. The quoting character is returned in location QCHAR. MAIN LEVEL STATE TABLE PICK UP THE QUOTE CHARACTER STATE$ TRAN$ STRING $ANY, , SETQ ACCEPT THE QUOTED STRING STATE$ TRAN$ !QSTRG"SETST GOBBLE UP THE TRAILING QUOTE CHARACTER STATE$ TRAN$ $ANY,NEXT,RESET SUBEXPRESSION TO SCAN THE QUOTED STRING THE FIRST TRANSITION WILL MATCH UNTIL IT IS REJECTED BY THE ACTION ROUTINE STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ QSTRG $ANY,QSTRG,TESTQ $LAMDA,$EXIT ACTION ROUTINES STORE THE QUOTING CHARACTER SETQ: MOVB INCB RETURN .PCHAR,QCHAR .PFLAG TURN OFF SPACE FLUSH ; TEST FOR QUOTING CHARACTER IN THE STRING TESTQ: 10$: CMPB BNE ADD RETURN .PCHAR,QCHAR 10$ #2, (SP) 7-16 REJECT TRANSITION ON MATCH THE TABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) ; STORE THE STRING DESCRIPTOR SETST: MOV MOV RETURN .PSTPT,QSTP .PSTCN,QSTC ; RESET THE SPACE FLUSH FLAG DECB RETURN RESET: 7.6.3 .PFLAG Using Subexpressions to Parse Complex Grammars This example is an excerpt from a state table subexpressions are used to parse complex grammars. that shows how The state table accepts a number followed by a keyword qualifier. Depending on the keyword, the number is interpreted as either octal or decimal. The binary value of the number is returned in the tagged NUMBER. following types of strings are accepted: lO/OCTAL 359/DECIMAL 77777/0CTAL MAIN STATE TABLE ENTRY - ACCEPT THE EXPRESSION AND STORE ITS VALUE STATE$ TRAN$ TRAN$ !ONUMB,NEXT,SETNUM !DNUMB,NEXT,SETNUM SUBEXPRESSION TO ACCEPT OCTAL NUMBER STATE$ TRAN$ ONUMB $NUMBR STATE$ TRAN$ 1/ STATE$ TRAN$ "OCTAL",$EXIT SUBEXPRESSION TO ACCEPT DECIMAL NUMBER ; STATE$ TRAN$ DNUMB $DNUMB STATE$ TRAN$ 1/ STATE$ TRAN$ "DECIMAL",$EXIT ACTION ROUTINE TO STORE THE NUMBER SETNUM: MOV MOV RETURN .PNUMB,NUMBER .PNUMH,NUMBER+2 7-17 The TBETABLE-DRIVEN PARSER (TPARS) The contents of .PNUMB and .PNUMH remain undisturbed transitions except the $NUMBR and $DNUMB types. by all state Because of the way in which subexpressions are processed, calls to action routines from within subexpressions must be handled with care. When a subexpression is encountered in a transition, TPARS saves its current context and calls itself, using the label of the subexpression as the starting state. If the subexpression parses successfully and returns via $EXIT, the transition is taken and control passes to the next state. If the subexpression encounters a syntax error, TPARS restores saved context and tries to take the next transition in the state. the However, TPARS provides no means for resetting orlglnal values changed by action routines called by subexpressions. Therefore, action routines called from subexpressions should store results in an intermediate area. Data in this intermediate area can then be accessed by an action routine called from the primary level of the state table. 7-18 CHAPTER 8 SPOOLING FCS provides facilities at both the macro queue files for subsequent printing. 8.1 and subroutine level to PRINT$ MACRO CALL A task issues the PRINT$ macro call to queue a file for printing on a specified device. The specified device must be a unit-record, carriage-controlled device such as a line printer or terminal. If the device is not specified, LP: is used. The file to be spooled must be open when the PRINT$ macro PRINT$ closes the file. Error returns differ from conventions and are described in Section 8.3. is issued. normal FeS The PRINT$ macro call has the following format: PRINT$ fdb,err"dev,unit,pri,forms,copies,presrv fdb represents the address of the associated FDB. err represents the address of an optional user-coded handling routine. See Section 8.3. error The following parameters are not applicable to RSX-I1M. dev represents the 2-character device mnemonic of the device on which the file is to be printed. If dey is not specified, LP: is used by default. unit represents the unit number of the device on which the file is to be printed. If unit is not specified, unit o is used by default. The following parameters are used only by the lAS and RSX-llD multiple device despoolers. See the discussion below. pri represents a number in the range 1 through 250 to indicate the priority of the request. The priority is used to determine the order in which spooled files are dequeued for printing. If pri is omitted, the task's priority is used by default. forms represents the specific form-type on which the file is to be printed as indicated by a number in the range 0 through 6. This parameter must be specified as a single integer without a preceding number sign (#). The numbers 0 through 6 are associated with the various forms for an installation by the system manager. If forms is omitted, form-type 0 is used by default. 8-1 SPOOLING copies represents a number in the range 1 through 32 to indicate the number of copies of the file to be produced. The number of copies must be specified as a 1- or 2-digit integer without a preceding number sign (#). If copies is omitted, one copy is printed. presrv should be specified if the file is not to be deleted after it is printed. Any parameter value results in the file's being preserved after printing. The following points do not apply to RSX-IIM. 1. A blank parameter is present between err and dev, thus requiring an additional comma. This parameter exists to provide compatibility between RSX-IID Version 4 and RSX-IID Versjon 6. 2. The number of parameters that are meaningful for RSX-IID is determined by whether the single-device despooler or the multiple-device despooler is available in the system. The difference between the two despoolers is described in the RSX-IID User's Guide and the RSX-IID System Manager's Guide. In lAS, only the multiple-device despooler is supported. This is described in the lAS System Management Guide. The following parameters are used by the multiple-device despooler and ignored by the single-device despooler. pri forms copies presrv 8.2 .PRINT SUBROUTINE The .PRINT subroutine is called to queue a file for printing. The file must be open when .PRINT is called. The .PRINT routine closes the file. RO must contain the address of the associated FDB. The file is printed on LP:. Section 8.3 describes error routine. 8.3 handling for the .PRINT file control ERROR HANDLING The error returns provided in conjunction with PRINT$ and . PRINT differ from the standard FCS error returns in that error codes are placed in F.ERR or in the directive status word depending on when the failure occurred. If the failure is FCS related, e.g., the PRINT$ macro cannot close the file, the C-bit 1S set and F.ERR contains the error code. If the failure is related to the SEND/REQUEST directive that queues the file, the C-bit is set and the directive status word contains an error code. Directive status word error codes are provided in the Executive Reference Manual of the host operating system. Normally, user-coded error routines, upon determining that the C-bit is set, should test F.ERR first and then test the directive status word. 8-2 APPENDIX A FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK A file descriptor block (FDB) contains file information that is used by FCS and the file control primitives. The layout of an FDB is illustrated on the following page; Table A-I defines the offset locations within the FDB. The offset names in the file descriptor block may locally or globally, as shown below: FDOF$L be defined either ;DEFINE OFFSETS LOCALLY. FDOFF$ DEF$L ;DEFINE OFFSETS LOCALLY. FDOFF$ DEF$G ;DEFINE OFFSETS GLOBALLY. NOTE When referring to FDB locations, it is essential to use the symbolic offset names, rather than the actual address of such locations. The position of information within the FDB may be subject to change from release to release, whereas the offset names remain constant. File-Attribute Section F.RATT F.RTYP F.RSIZ F.HIBK F.EFBR F.FFBY Record- or Block-Access Section F.RCTL F.RACC F.BRDS or F.URBD F.NRBD or . F.BRST and F.BRDN F.OVBS or F.NREC F.EOBB F.RCNM or F.CNTG and F.STBR A-I FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK File-Open Section F.ALOC F.LUN F.FACC F.DSPT F.DFNB Block-Buffer Section F.EFN or F.BKEF F.BKPI FERR+I F.ERR F.MBCI F.MBCT F.BGBC F.MBFG F.VBSZ F.BBFS F.BKVB or F.VBN F.BDB F.SPDV F.SPUN F.CHR F.ACTL F.SEQN F.FNB Table A-I FDB Offset Definitions OFFSET F.RTYP SIZE (in bytes) I CONTENTS Record-type byte. This byte is set, as follows, to indicate the type of records for the file: F.RTYP = I to indicate fixed-length records (R.FIX) • F.RTYP = 2 to indicate variable-length records (R.VAR). F.RTYP = 3 to indicate sequenced records (R.SEQ) • F.RATT 1 Record-attribute byte. Bits 0 through 3 are set to indicate record attributes, as follows: Bit 0 = I to indicate that the first byte of a record is to contain a FORTRAN carriage-control character (FD.FTN)i otherwise, it is O. (continued on next page) A-2 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FDB Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) CONTENTS Bit I = I to indicate for a carriage-control device that a line feed is to be performed before the line is printed and a carriage return is to be performed after the line is printed (FD.CR); otherwise, it is O. Bit 2 is not used. Bit 3 = I to indicate that records cannot cross block boundaries (FD.BLK); otherwise, it is O. F.RSIZ 2 Record-size word. This location contains the size of fixed-length records or indicates the size of the largest record that currently exists in a file of variable-length records. F.HIBK 4 Indicates the highest allocated. F.EFBK 4 Contains the end-of-file block number. F.FFBY 2 Indicates the first free byte in the last block, or the maximum block size for magnetic tape. F.RACC I Record access byte. Bits 0 through 3 of this byte define the record-access modes, as follows: virtual-block number Bit 0 = I to indicate READ$/WRITE$ mode (FD.RWM); otherwise, it is 0 to indicate GET$/PUT$ mode. Bit I = I to indicate random-access mode (FD.RAN) for GET$/PUT$ record I/O: otherwise, it is 0 to indicate sequential access mode. Bit 2 = I to indicate locate mode (FD.PLC) for GET$/PUT$ record I/O; otherwise, it is o to indicate move mode. Bit 3 = I to indicate that PUT$ operation in sequential mode does not truncate the file (FD.INS); otherwise, it is 0 to indicate that PUT$ operation in sequential mode truncates the file. (continued on next page) A-3 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FDB Offset Definitions OFFSET F.RCTL SIZE (in bytes) I CONTENTS Device-characteristics byte. Bits 0 through 5 define the characteristics of the device associated with the file, as follows: Bit 0 = I to indicate device (FD.REC), e.g., printer; a value of o~ocK-orlented device, DECtape. a record-oriented a Teletype or line o ; nd i ~;:d-AC:: e.g., a disk ::. or Bit I = I to indicate a carriage-control device (FD.CCL); otherwise, it is O. Bit 2 = I to indicate a teleprinter (FD.TTY); otherwise, it is o. device Bit 3 = I to indicate a directory (FD.DIR); otherwise, it is o. device Bit 4 = I to indicate a single-directory device (FD.SDI). An MFD is used, but no UFD's are present. Bit 5 = I to indicate a block-oriented device that is inherently sequential in nature (FD.SQD). A record-oriented device is assumed to be sequential in nature; therefore, this bit is not set for such devices. F.BKDS or F.URBD 4 F.NRBD or F.BKST and 4 Contains the next record-buffer descriptor. 2 Contains the address of the I/O status block for block I/O. F.BKDN 2 Contains the address of routine for block I/O. F.OVBS or 2 Override block-buffer size. This field has meaning only before the file is opened. F.NREC 2 Contains the address of the next the block. F.EOBB 2 Contains a value defining buffer. Contains the block-I/O-buffer descriptor. Contains the user-record-buffer descriptor. the the AST service record in end-af-block (continued on next page) A-4 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FOB Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) F.RCNM or 4 Contains the number of the record for random access operations. F.CNTG 2 Contains a numeric value defining the number of blocks to be allocated in creating a new file. This cell has meaning only before the file is opened. A value of 0 means leave the file empty; a positive value means allocate the specified number of blocks as a contiguous area and make the file contiguous; a negative value means allocate the specified number of blocks as a noncontiguous area and make the file noncontiguous. F.STBK 2 Contains the address of the statistics block in the user program. F.ALOC 2 Contains the number of blocks allocated when the file must be This cell has meaning only before is opened. A positive (+) value contiguous extend, and a negative indicates noncontiguous extend. to be extended. the file indicates (-) value F.LUN I Contains the logical unit number with the FOB. associated F.FACC I File-access byte. This byte indicates the access privileges for a file, as summarized below: CONTENTS Bit 0 = I if the file is accessed only (FA.RD). for read Bit I = I if the writing (FA.WRT). file is accessed for Bit 2 = I if the extending (FA. EXT) . file is accessed for Bit 3 = I if a new file is being created (FA.CRE); otherwise, it is 0 to indicate an existing file. Bit 4 = I if the file is (FA.TMP) . a temporary Bit 5 = I if the file is opened access (FA.SHR). for file shared If Bit 3 above is 0: (continued on next page) A-5 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FOB Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) CONTENTS Bit 6 = I if an existing appended (FA.APD). file is being If Bit 3 ,above is one (I): Bit 6 = I if not superseding an file at file-create time (FA.NSP). existing F.DSPT 2 Contains the dataset-descriptor pointer. F.DFNB 2 Contains the default filename block pointer. F.BKEF or F.EFN I Contains the block I/O event flag. F.BKPI I Contains bookkeeping bits for control. F.ERR I Error return code byte. A negative indicates an error condition. F.ERR+I I Used in conjunction with F.ERR above. If F.ERR is negative, the following applies: Contains the record I/O event flag. FCS internal value F.ERR+I = 0 to indicate that error code is an I/O error code (see IOERR$ error codes in Appendix I). F.ERR+I = negative value to indicate that error code is a Directive Status Word error code (see DRERR$ error codes in Appendix I). F.MBCT I Indicates the number of buffers to for multiple buffering. F.MBCI I Indicates the actual currently in use. F.MBFG 1 Multiple-buffering flag word. Contains either one of the multiple buffering flags, as follows: number of be used buffers Bit 0 = I to indicate read-ahead (FD.RAH). Bit I = I to indicate write-behind (FD.WBH). (continued on next page) A-6 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FDB Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) CONTENTS F.BGBC 1 Big-buffer-block count in number of blocks (not implemented). F.VBSZ 2 Device-buffer-size word. Contains virtual-block size (in bytes). F.BBFS 2 Indicates the block-buffer size. F.BKVB or 4 Contains the address of the virtual-block number in the user program for block I/O. F.VBN the Contains the virtual-block number. F.BDB 2 Contains the address of the block-buffer descriptor block. This location always contains a nonzero value if the file is open and 0 if the file is closed. F.SPDV 2 Spooler output device designation RSX-IID only) . (lAS and F.SPUN 1 Spooler output RSX-IID only) . (lAS and F.CHR 1 Reserved for system use. F.ACTL 2 The low-order byte of this word indicates the number of retrieval pointers to be used for the file. unit designation The control bits are in the high-order and are defined as follows. Bit 15 = 1 information (FA. ENB) . byte to specify that control is to be taken from F.ACTL Bit 12 = 0 to cause positioning to the end of a magnetic tape volume set upon open or close. Bit 12 = 1 to cause positioning of a magnetic tape volume set to just past the most recently closed file when the next file is opened (FA.POS). (continued on next page) A-7 FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK Table A-I (Cont.) FDB Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) CONTENTS Bit 11 = 1 to cause a magnetic tape volume set to be rewound upon open or close (FA.RWD) . Bit 9 = 1 to cause a file not to be locked if it is not properly closed when accessed for write (FA. DLK) . F.SEQN 2 Contains the sequence number records. F.FNB - Defines the beginning address filename-block portion of the FDB. A-8 for sequenced of the APPENDIX B FILENAME BLOCK The format of a filename block is illustrated in Figure B-1. offsets within the filename block are described in Table B-1. The offset names in a filename block may be defined either locally globally, as shown below: NBOF$L The or :DEFINE OFFSETS LOCALLY. NBOFF$ DEF$L :DEFINE OFFSETS LOCALLY. NBOFF$ DEF$G :DEFINE OFFSETS GLOBALLY. NOTE When referring to filename-block locations, it is essential to use the symbolic offset names, rather than the actual addresses of such locations. The position of information within the filename block may be subject to change from release to release, whereas the offset names remain constant. Table B-1 Filename-Block Offset Definitions OFFSET SIZE (in bytes) CONTENTS N.FID 6 File-identification field. N.FNAM 6 Filename field: specified as 9 characters that are stored in Radix-50 format. N.FTYP 2 File-type field: specified as 3 characters that are stored in Radix-50 format. N.FVER 2 File version number field N.STAT 2 Filename-block status word definitions in Table B-2). N.NEXT 2 Context for next .FIND operation. N.DID 6 Directory-identification field. N.DVNM 2 ASCII device-name field. N.UNIT 2 Unit-number field (binary). B-1 (binary). (see bit FILENAME BLOCK The bit definitions of the filename-block status word (N.STAT) in FDB and their significance are described in Table B-2. the Symbols marked with an asterisk (*) in Table B-2 indicate bits that are set if the associated information is supplied through an ASCII dataset descriptor. 0 N.FID 2 4 6 N.FNAM 10 12 N.FTYP N.FVER 14 16 N.STAT CUMULATIVE LENGTH IN BYTES (OCTAL) 20 N.NEXT N.DID 22 24 26 30· N.DVNM N.UNIT 32 34 Figure B-1 Filename-Block Format Table B-2 Filename-Block Status Word (N.STAT) SYMBOL VALUE (in octal) MEANING number is NB.VER* 1 Set if explicit file version specified. NB.TYP* 2 Set if explicit file type is specified. NB.NAM* 4 Set if explicit filename is specified. NB.SVR 10 Set if wildcard file version specified. number is (continued on next page) B-2 FILENAME BLOCK Table B-2 (Cont.) Filename-Block Status Word (N.STAT) SYMBOL VALUE (in octal) MEANING NB.STP 20 Set if wildcard file type is specified. NB.SNM 40 Set if wildcard filename is specified. NB.DIR* 100 Set if explicit directory is specified. NB.DEV* 200 Set if explicit specified. NB.SDl 400 Set if group portion of wildcard specification. UIC contains NB.SD2 1000 Set if owner portion of wildcard specification. UIC contains B-3 string device-name (UIC) string is APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF I/O-RELATED SYSTEM DIRECTIVES Table C-l contains a summary of the I/O-related system directives in alphabetical order for ready reference. The parameters that may be specified with a directive are also described in the order of their appearance in the directive. These directives are described in detail in the Executive Reference Manual of the host operating system. Table C-l Summary of I/O-Related System Directives DIRECTIVE ALUN$ FUNCTION AND PARAMETERS Assigns a logical unit number to a physical device: lun = Logical unit number. dev = Physical device name (2 ASCII characters). unt GLUN$ = Physical device-unit number. Fills a 6-word buffer with information about a physical unit: lun = Logical unit number. buf = Address of a 6-word buffer information is to be stored. in which GMCR$ Transfers an aO-byte MCR/PDS issuing task. No parameters directive. QIO$ Places an I/O request in the device queue with the specified logical unit number: fnc = I/O function code. lun = Logical unit number. efn = Event flag number. the command line are required LUN to the in this associated pri = Priority of the request (lAS and RSX-llD only). (continued on next page) C-l SUMMARY OF I/O-RELATED SYSTEM DIRECTIVES Table C-l (Cont.) Summary of I/O-Related System Directives DIRECTIVE FUNCTION AND PARAMETERS ast = Address of the I/O status block. = Entry-point address of the AST service prl = Parameter list in the form . isb RCVD$ Receives a 13-word data ~~7 (PTP()' a ::;c. •• d -dQ'-Cl routine. block that has been aueupn d.ireCl:IVe -(see SDAT$ and SDRQ$ below) . tsk = Name of the sending task. This field is ignored by RSX-IIM. The tsk parameter is specified as a null value (,) i~ RSX-IIM for compatibility with lAS and RSX-llD (see the description of the RCVD$ directive in the RSX-IlM Executive Reference Manual) . buf RCVS$ = Address of the IS-word data buffer (2-word sending task name and 13-word data block). Receives a 13-word data block, if queued by a send-data directive (see SDAT$ AND SDRQ$ below), or suspends task if no data is queued: tsk = Name of the sending task. buf = Address of the IS-word data buffer (2-word sending task name and 13-word data block). This directive is not supported in RSX-IIM. RCVX$ Receives a 13-word data block, if queued by a send data directive (see SDAT$ and SDRQ$ below), or exits if data is not queued for the task: tsk = Name buf = Address of the sending task. This field is ignored by RSX-IIM. The tsk parameter is specified as a null value (,) in RSX-IIM for compatibility with lAS and RSX-IID (see the description of the RCVX$ directive in the RSX-IIM Executive Reference Manual) . of the IS-word data buffer (2-word sending task name and 13-word data block). SDAT$ Queues (FIFO) a 13-word block of data for a task to receive: tsk = Name of the receiving task. buf = Address of the 13-word data buffer. efn = Event flag number. (continued on next page) C-2 SUMMARY OF I/O-RELATED SYSTEM DIRECTIVES Table C-I (Cont.) Summary of I/O-Related System Directives DIRECTIVE SDRQ$ FUNCTION AND PARAMETERS Queues (FIFO) a 13-word block of data for a task to receive; also requests or resumes the execution of the receiving task: pri = Name of the receiving task. = Partition name of the receiving = Priority of the request. ugc = tsk par task. UIC group code. upc = UIC owner code. buf = Address of the 13-word data buffer. efn = Event flag number. This directive is not supported in RSX-IIM. C-3 APPENDIX D SAMPLE PROGRAMS The sample programs that follow read records from an input device, strip off any blanks to the right of the data portion of the record, and write the data record on an output device. While the programs are intended primarily for card reader input and printer output, device independence is maintained. The main program is CRCOPYi CRCOPA and CRCOPB are variations. CRCOPA uses a dataset descriptor instead of the default filename block used in CRCOPY. CRCOPB uses run-time initialization of the FDB. iCARD READER COpy ROUTINE .TITLE CRCOPY .MCALL FDBDF$,FDAT$A,FDRC$A,FDOP$A,NMBLK$,FSRSZ$ . MCALL OPEN$R,OPEN$W,GET$,PUT$,CLOSE$,EXIT$S . MCALL FINIT$ INLUN=3 iASSIGN CR OR FILE DEVICE OUTLUN=4 iASSIGN TO OUTPUT DEVICE FSRSZ$ 2 FDBOUT: FDBDF$ iALLOCATE SPACE FOR OUTPUT FDB FDAT$A R.VAR,FD.CR iINIT FILE ATTRIBUTES FDRC$A ,RECBUF,80. iINIT RECORD ATTRIBUTES iINIT FILE OPEN SECTION FDOP$A OUTLUN"OFNAM iALLOCATE SPACE FOR INPUT FDB FDBIN: FDBDF$ iINIT RECORD ATTRIBUTES FDRC$A ,RECBUF,80. FDOP$A INLUN, ,IFNAM iINIT FILE OPEN SECTION iRECORD BUFFER 80 • RECBUF: . BLKB iOUTPUT FILENAME OFNAM: NMBLK$ OUTPUT,DAT iINPUT FILENAME IFNAM: NMBLK$ INPUT,DAT START: FINIT$ iINIT FILE STORAGE REGION OPEN$R #FDBIN iOPEN THE INPUT FILE BCS ERROR iBRANCH IF ERROR OPEN$W #FDBOUT iOPEN THE OUTPUT FILE BCS ERROR iBRANCH IF ERROR GTREC: GET$ #FDBIN iNOTE - URBD IS ALL SET UP iERROR SHOULD BE EOF INDICATION BCS CKEOF MOV F.NRBD{RO) ,Rl iRl=SIZE OF RECORD READ MOV #RECBUF,R2 ADD Rl,R2 iR2=ADDRESS OF LAST BYTE+l CMPB #40,-{R2) iSTRIP TRAILING BLANKS 10$: BNE PTREC SOB Rl,lO$ iAT THIS POINT, Rl CONTAINS THE STRIPPED SIZE OF THE iRECORD TO BE WRITTEN. IF THE CARD IS BLANK, iA ZERO-LENGTH RECORD IS WRITTEN. PUT$ #FDBOUT"Rl iRl IS NEEDED TO SPECIFY PTREC: BCC GTREC iTHE RECORD SIZE. ERROR: NOP iERROR CODE GOES HERE CKEOF: CMPB #IE.EOF,F.ERR{RO) iEND OF FILE? BNE ERROR iBRANCH IF OTHER ERROR CLOSE$ RO iCLOSE THE INPUT FILE D-1 SAMPLE PROGRAMS BCS CLOSES BCS EXIT$S .END ERROR #FDBOUT ERROR iCLOSE THE OUTPUT FILE iISSUE EXIT DIRECTIVE START .TITLE CRCOPA iCARD READER COpy ROUTINE • MCALL FDBDF$,FDAT$A,FDRC$A,FDOP$A,NMBLK$,FSRSZ$ .MCALL OPEN$R,OPEN$W,GET$,PUT$,CLOSE$,EXIT$S • MCALL FINIT$ INLUN=3 iASSIGN CR OR FILE DEVICE OUTLUN=4 iASSIGN TO OUTPUT DEVICE FSRSZ$ 2 FDBOUT: FDBDF'$ FDAT$A R.VAR,FD.CR FDRC$A ,RECBUF,80. FDOP$A OUTLUN,OFDSPT FDBIN: FDBDF$ FDRC$A ,RECBUF,80. FDOP$A INLUN,IFDSPT RECBUF: .BLKB 80. CFDSPT: .WORD 0,0 iDEVICE DESCRIPTOR . WORD 0,0 iDIRECTORY DESCRIPTOR . WORD ONAM$Z,ONAM iFILENAME DESCRIPTOR IFDSPT: .WORD 0,0 iDRVICE DESCRIPTOR . WORD 0,0 iDIRECTORY DESCRIPTOR . WORD INAMSZ,INAM iFILENAME DESCRIPTOR ONAM: .ASCII /OUTPUT.DAT/ ONAMSZ=.-ONAM .EVEN INAM: .ASCII /INPUT.DAT/ INAMSZ=.-INAM .EVEN START: FINIT$ iINIT FILE STORAGE REGION OPEN$R #FDBIN iOPEN THE INPUT FILE BCS ERROR ;BRANCH IF ERROR OPEN$W #FDBOUT iOPEN THE OUTPUT FILE BCS ERROR ;BRANCH IF ERROR GTREC: GET$ #FDBIN iNOTE - URBD IS ALL SET UP BCS CKEOF ;ERROR SHOULD BE EOF INDICATIO~ MOV F.NRBD(RO} ,Rl iRl=SIZE OF RECORD READ MOV #RECBUF,R2 ADD Rl,R2 ;R2=ADDRESS OF LAST BYTE+l 10$: CMPB #40,-(R2} iSTRIP TRAILING BLANKS BNE PTREC SOB Rl,lO$ iAT THIS POINT, Rl CONTAINS THE STRIPPED SIZE OF THE iRECORD TO BE WRITTEN. IF THE CARD IS BLANK, iA ZERO-LENGTH RECORD IS WRITTEN. PTREC: PUTS #FDBOUT"Rl iRl IS NEEDED TO SPECIFY BCC GTREC iTHE RECORD SIZE. ERROR: NOP iERROR CODE GOES HERE CKEOF: CMPB #IE.EOF,F.ERR(RO} iEND OF FILE? BNE ERROR iBRANCH IF OTHER ERROR CLOSES RO iCLOSE THE INPUT FILE BCS ERROR ;CLOSE THE OUTPUT FILE CLOSES #FDBOUT BCS ERROR iISSUE EXIT DIRECTIVE EXIT$S START .END D-2 SAMPLE PROGRAMS iCARD READER COPY ROUTINE .TITLE CRCOPB • MCALL FDBDF$,FDAT$A,FDRC$A,FDOP$A,NMBLK$,FSRSZ$ .MCALL OPEN$R,OPEN$W,GET$,PUT$,CLOSE$,EXIT$S . MCALL FINIT$,FDAT$R iASSIGN CR OR FILE DEVICE INLUN=3 iASSIGN TO OUTPUT DEVICE OUTLUN=4 FSRSZ$ 2 FDBOUT: FDBDF$ FDBIN: FDBDF$ 80. RECBUF: .BLKB iDEVICE DESCRIPTOR 0,0 CFDSPT: • WORD iDIRECTORY DESCRIPTOR . WORD 0,0 iFILENAME DESCRIPTOR . WORD ONAM$Z,ONAM iDEVICE DESCRIPTOR 0,0 IFDSPT: • WORD iDIRECTORY DESCRIPTOR . WORD 0,0 . WORD INAMSZ,INAM iFILENAME DESCRIPTOR .ASCII /OUTPUT.DAT/ ONAM: ONAMSZ=.-ONAM .EVEN .ASCII /INPUT.DAT/ INAM: INAMSZ=.-INAM . EVEN iINIT FILE STORAGE REGION START: FINIT$ OPEN$R #FDBIN,#INLUN,#IFDSPT,,#RECBUF,#80. iRUNTIME INITIALIZATION BCS ERROR iBRANCH IF ERROR FDAT$R #FDBOUT,#R.VAR,#FD.CR iRUNTIME INITIALIZATION OPEN$W RO,#OUTLUN,#OFDSPT,,#RECBUF,#80. BCS ERROR iBRANCH IF ERROR GTREC: GET$ #FDBIN iNOTE - URBD IS ALL SET UP BCS CKEOF iERROR SHOULD BE EOF INDICATION MOV F.NRBD(RO) ,Rl iRl=SIZE OF RECORD READ MOV #RECBUF,R2 ADD Rl,R2 iR2=ADDRESS OF LAST BYTE+l iSTRIP TRAILING BLANKS CMPB #40,-(R2) 10$: BNE PTREC SOB Rl,lO$ iAT THIS POINT, Rl CONTAINS THE STRIPPED SIZE OF THE iRECORD TO BE WRITTEN. IF THE CARD IS BLANK, iA ZERO-LENGTH RECORD IS WRITTEN. PTREC: PUTS #FDBOUT"Rl iRl IS NEEDED TO SPECIFY BCC GTREC iTHE RECORD SIZE. ERROR: NOP iERROR CODE GOES HERE CKEOF: CMPB #IE.EOF,F.ERR(RO) iEND OF FILE? BNE ERROR iBRANCH IF OTHER ERROR CLOSES RO iCLOSE THE INPUT FILE BCS ERROR CLOSES #FDBOUT iCLOSE THE OUTPUT FILE BCS ERROR iISSUE EXIT DIRECTIVE EXIT$S .END START D-3 APPENDIX E INDEX FILE FORMAT The index file ([O,O]INDEXF.SYS) of a FILES-II volume consists of virtual blocks, starting with Virtual Block 1, the bootstrap block. Virtual Block 2 is the home block. The structure of an index file is shown below. VIRTUAL BLOCK NUMBER INDEX FILE ELEMENT 1 Bootstrap block. 2 Home Block. 3 Index-file bit map (n blocks); the value of n is in the home block. 3+n Index-file header. 3+n+l Storage-map header. 3+n+2 Bad-block file header. 3+n+3 Master file directory header. 3+n+4 Checkpoint file header (not used by RSX-IIM). 3+n+5 User file header 1. 3+n+6 User file header 2. User file header n. E.l BOOTSTRAP BLOCK A disk that is structured for FILES-II has a 256-word block, starting at physical block 0. This block contains either a bootstrap routine or a message to the operator stating that the volume does not contain a bootstrappable system. The bootstrap routine brings a core image into memory from a predefined location on the disk. In lAS and RSX-IID, the core image is pointed to by a file header block in the index file. E-l INDEX FILE FORMAT E.2 HOME BLOCK The home block contains volume identification information that is formatted as shown in Table E-I. This block is located either in Logical Block I or at any even multiple of 256 blocks. The offset names in the home block may be defined globally, as shown below: E.3 either HMBOF$ DEF$L ~DEFINES OFFSETS LOCALLY. HMBOF$ DEF$G ~DEFINES OFFSETS GLOBALLY. locally or INDEX-FILE BIT MAP The index-file bit map controls the use of file-header blocks in the index file. The bit map contains a bit for each file-header block contained in the index file. The bit for a file-header block is located by means of the file number of the file with which it is associated. The values of the bit map are as follows: o- Indicates that the file-header block is available. The file-control primitives can use this block to create a file. I - Indicates that the file-header block is in has already been used to create a file. E.4 use. This block PREDEFINED FILE-HEADER BLOCKS The first five file-header blocks are described below. FILE-HEADER BLOCK SIGNIFICANCE Index-File Header This is the standard with the index file. Storage-Map-File Header The storage map is a file that is used to control the assignment of disk blocks to files. Bad-Block-File Header The bad-block file is a file that consists of unusable blocks (bad sectors) on the disk. Master-File-Directory Header This header block is associated with the master file directory for the disk. This directory contains entries for the index file, the storage-map file, the bad-block file, the master file directory (MFD), th~ checkpoint file, and all user file directories (UFD's). Checkpoint-File Header This block identifies the file that is used for the checkpoint areas for all checkpointable tasks. In RSX-IIM, a task can also have checkpoint space in the task image itself. E-2 header associated INDEX FILE FORMAT The remainder of the index file consists of file-header blocks for user files, as shown in the illustration at the beginning of this section. Table E-l Home-Block Format CONTENT OFFSET 2 Index-bit-map size. H.IBSZ 4 Location of index bit map. H.IBLB 2 Maximum files allowed. H.FMAX 2 Storage-bit-map cluster factor. H.SBCL 2 Disk-device type. H.DVTY 2 Structure level. H.VLEV Volume name (12 ASCII characters) . H.VNAM SIZE (in bytes) 12. 4 Reserved. 2 Volume owner's UIC. H.VOWN 2 Volume-protection code. H.VPRO 2 Volume characteristics. H.VCHA 2 Default-file protection word. H.DFPR 6 Reserved -- 1 Default number of retrieval pointers in a window. H.WISZ 1 Default number of blocks to extend files. H.FIEX 1 Number of entries in directory LRU. H.LRUC 11. Available space. 2 Checksum of words 0-28. H.CHKl 14. Creation date and time. H.VDAT 100. Volume-header label (not used) . (continued on next page) E-3 INDEX FILE FORMAT Table E-I (Cont.) Home-Block Format SIZE (in bytes) 82. 254. 2 CONTENT OFFSET System-specific information (not used). -- Relative volume table (not used). -- Checksum of home block lworas u tnrough 255). E-4 H.CHK2 APPENDIX F FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT Table F-I shows the format of the file-header block. The various areas within the file-header block are described in detail in the following sections. The offset names in the file-header block may be defined either locally or globally, as shown in the following statements: FHDOF$ DEF$L iDEFINE OFFSETS LOCALLY. FHDOF$ DEF$G iDEFINE OFFSETS GLOBALLY. Table F-I File Header Block AREA HEADER AREA CONTENT OFFSET I Identification-area offset in words. H.IDOF 1 Map-area offset in words. H.MPOF 2 File number. H.FNUM 2 File sequence number. H.FSEQ 2 Structure level and system number. H.FLEV Offset to file owner information, consisting of member number and group number. H.FOWN 1 Member number. H.PROG I Group number. H.PROJ 2 File-protection code. H.FPRO I User-controlled file characteristics. H.UCHA SIZE (in bytes) (continued on next page) F-l FILE~HEADER BLOCK FORMAT Table F-l (Cont.) File Header Block AREA SIZE (in bytes) H.SCHA User file attributes. H.UFAT Size in bytes of header area of file-header block. S.HDHD 6 Filename (Radix-50). I.FNAM 2 File type (Radix-50). I.FTYP 2 File version number (binary) . I.FVER 2 Revision number. I.RVNO 7 Revision date. I.RVDT 6 Revision time. I.RVTI 7 Creation date. I.CRDT 6 Creation time. I.CRTI 7 Expiration date. I.EXDT 1 To round up to word boundary. 32. MAP AREA OFFSET System-controlled file characteristics. 1 IDENTIFICATION AREA CONTENT Size (in bytes) of identification area of file-header block. S. IDHD 1 Extension segment number. M.ESQN 1 Extension relative volume number (not implemented). M.ERVN 2 Extension file number. M.EFNU 2 Extension file sequence number. M.EFSQ 1 Size (in bytes) of the block-count field of a retrieval pointer (lor 2); only 1 is used. M.CTSZ 1 Size (in bytes) of the logical-block-numper field of a retr ieval pointer (2, 3, or 4); only 3 is used. M.LBSZ (continued on next page) F-2 FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT Table F-l (Cant.) File Header Block AREA SIZE (in bytes) CHECKSUM WORD CONTENT OFFSET 1 Words of retrieval pointers in use in the map area. M.USE 1 Maximum number of words of retrieval pointers available in the map area. M.MAX - Start of retrieval pointers. M.RTRV - Size in bytes of map area of file-header block. S.MPHD 2 Checksum of words 0 through H.CKSM 255. NOTE The checksum word is the last word of the file-header block. Retrieval pointers occupy the space from the end of the map area to the checksum word. F•1 HEADER AREA The information in the header area of the file-header of the following: block consists IDENTIFICATION AREA OFFSET - Word 0, Bits 0-7. This byte locates the start of the identification area relative to the start of the file-header block. This offset contains the number of words from the start of the header to the identification area. MAP AREA OFFSET - Word 0, Bits 8-15. This byte locates the start of the map area relative to the start of the file-header block. This offset contains the number of words from the start of the header area to the map area. FILE NUMBER - The file number defines the position this file-header block occupies in the index file, e.g., the index file is number 1, the storage bit map is file number 2, etc. FILE SEQUENCE NUMBER - The file number and the file sequence number constitute the file identification number used by the system. This number is different each time a header is reused. STRUCTURE LEVEL - This word identifies the system that created the file and indicates the file structure. A value of [1,1] is associated with all current FILES-II volumes. F-3 FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT FILE OWNER INFORMATION - This word contains the group number and owner number constituting the user identification code (UIC) for the file. Legal UIC's are within the range [1,1] to [377,377]. UIC [1,1] is reserved for the system. FILE PROTECTION CODE - This word specifies the manner in which the file can be used and who can use it. When creating the file, the user specifies the extent of protection desired for the file. FILE CHARACTERISTICS - This word, consisting of 2 bytes, status of the file. defines the Byte 0 defines the user-controlled characteristics, as follows: UC.CON = 200 - Logically contiguous file. When the file is extended (for example, by a WRITE or PUT), bit UC.CON is cleared whether or not the extension requests contiguous blocks. UC.DLK = 100 - File improperly closed. Byte 1 defines system-controlled tics, as follows: SC.MDL characteris- 200 - File marked for delete. SC.BAD = 100 - Bad data block in file. USER FILE ATTRIBUTES F.2 - This area consists of 16 words. The first 7 words of this area are a direct image of the first 7 words of the FOB when the file is opened. The other 9 words of the record I/O control area are not used. IDENTIFICATION AREA The information in the identification area of the consists of the following: FILENAME FILE TYPE FILE VERSION NUMBER REVISION NUMBER file header block - The file's creator specifies a filename of up to 9 Radix-50 characters in length. This name is placed in the name field. The unused portion of the field (if any) is O-filled. This word contains the file format. type in Radix-50 - This word contains the file version number, in binary, as specified by the creator of the file. This word is initialized to 0 when the file is created; it is incremented each time a file is closed after being updated or modified. F-4 FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT REVISION DATE - Seven bytes are used to maintain the date on which the file was last revised. The revision date is kept in ASCII form in the format day, month, year (2 bytes, 3 bytes, and 2 bytes, respectively). This date is meaningful only if the revision number is a nonzero value. REVISION TIME - Six bytes are used to record the time at which the file was last revised. This information is recorded in ASCII form in the format hour, minute, and second (2 bytes each). CREATION DATE - The date on which the file was created is kept in a 7-byte field having the same format as the revision date (see above). CREATION TIME The time of the file's creation is maintained in a 6-byte field having the same format as the revision time (see above). EXPIRATION DATE F.3 - The date on which the file becomes eligible to be deleted is kept in a 7-byte field having the same format as the revision date (see above). Use of expiration is not implemented. MAP AREA The map area contains the information necessary to map virtual-block numbers to logical-block numbers. This is done by means of pointers, each of which points to an area of contiguous blocks. A pointer consists of a count field and a number field. The count field defines the number of blocks contained in the contiguous area pointed to, and the logical block number (LBN) field defines the block number of the first logical block in the area. A value of n in the count field (see below) means that n+l blocks allocated, starting at the specified block number. The retrieval pointer format used in the FILES-II shown below: file o 15 COUNT-1 HIGH LBN LOW LBN 31 16 NOTE The remaining paragraphs in this appendix apply to lAS, RSX-IID, and RSX-IIM systems that support the multiheader version of FIIACP. F-5 structure are is FILE-HEADER BLOCK FORMAT The map area normally has space for 102 retrieval pointers. It can map up to 102 discontiguous segments or up to 26112 blocks if the file is contiguous. If more retrieval pointers are required because the file is too large or consists of too many discontiguous segments, extension headers are allocated to hold additional retrieval pointers. Extension headers are allocated within the index file. They are identified by a file number and a file sequence as are other file headers; however, extension file headers do not appear in any directory. A nonzero value in the extension file number field of the map area indicates that an extension header exists. The extension header is identified by the extension file number and the extension file sequence number. The extension segment number is used to number the headers of the file sequentially, starting with a 0 for the first. Extension headers of a file contain a header area and identification area that are a copy of the first header as it appeared when the first extension was created. Extension headers are not updated when the first header of the file is modified. Extension headers are created and handled by the file-control primitives as needed; their use is transparent to the user. F-6 APPENDIX G SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD This appendix defines the ANSI magnetic tape labeling standard, which is a level three implementation of the Jun~ 19, 1974 Proposed Revision to the ANSI standard Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange (X3.27-l969). The only exception is that ANSI does not support spanned records. G.l VOLUME AND FILE LABELS Tables G-l, G-2, and G-3 present file-header labels. G.l.l the format of volume labels and Volume Label Format Table G-l Volume Label Format CHARACTER POSITION FIELD NAME LENGTH IN BYTES CONTENTS 1-3 Label identifier 3 VOL 4 Label number 1 1 5-10 Volume identifier 6 Volume label. Any special alphanumeric or character in the center four of the ASCII code columns table. 11 Accessibility 1 Any alphanumeric or special character in the center four columns of the ASCII code table. A space indicates no restriction. All volumes produced by lAS or RSX-ll have a space in this position. 12-37 Reserved 26 Spaces (continued on next page) G-l SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD Table G-l (Cont.) Volume Label Format CHARACTER POSITION FIELD NAME LENGTH IN BYTES CONTENTS 38-51 Owner identification 14 The contents of this field are system-dependent and are used for volume protection purposes. See Section G.l.l.l below. 52-79 Reserved 28 Spaces. 80 Label standard version 1 1 G.l.l.l Contents of Owner Identification Field - The owner identification field is divided into the following three subfields and a single pad character: 1. System identification (positions 38 through 40), 2. Volume protection code (positions 41 through 44), 3. UIC (positions 45 through 50), 4. Pad character of one space (position 51). The system sequence. identification consists of the following character D%x x is the machine code and can be one of the following. 8 A B F - PDP-8 DECsystem-lO PDP-II PDP-IS The D%x characters provide an identification method so that the remaining data in the owner identification field can be interpreted. In the case of tapes produced on PDP-II systems, the system identification is D%B and the volume protection code and UIC are interpreted as described below. The volume protection code in positions 41 through 44 defines access protection for the volume for four classes of users. Each class of user has access privileges specified in one of the four columns, as follows. Position 41 42 43 44 Class System (UIC no greater than [7,255]) Owner (group and member numbers match) Group (group number matches) World (any user not in one of the above) G-2 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD One of the following access codes can be specified for each position. Code o 1 2 3 4 character Privilege No access Read only Extend (append) access Read/extend access Total access The UIC is specified in character positions 45 through 50. The first 3 characters are the group code in decimal. The next 3 are the user code in decimal. The last character in the owner identification field is a space. The following is an example of the owner identification field. indicates space) Owner identifier - D%B1410051102 1. The file was created on a PDP-II. 2. System and group have read access. Owner has total access. All others are denied access. 3. The UIC is [051,102]. G.l.2 User Volume Labels User volume labels are never written or passed back to the present, they are skipped. G.l.3 user. If File-Header Labels The following information file-header labels. should be kept in mind when creating • The Files-II naming convention uses a subset (Radix-50) the available ANSI character set for file identifiers. of • One character in the file fixed by Files-II. is • A maximum of 13 of the 17 bytes in the processed by Files-II. • It is strongly recommended that all file identifiers be limited to the Radix-50 PDP-II character set and that no character other than the period (.) be used in the file type delimiter position for data interchange between PDP-II and DECsystem-lO systems. • For data interchange between DIGITAL and nonDIGITAL systems, the conventions listed above should be followed. If they are not, refer to Section G.l.3.1. identifier, G-3 the file period (.), identifier are SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD Tables G-2 and G-3 describe the HDRI and HDR2 labels respectively. Table G-2 File-Header Label (HDR1) CHARACTER POSITION FIELD NAME LENGTH IN BYTES CONTENT 1-3 Label identifier 3 HDR 4 Label number 1 1 5-21 File idpntifiAr 1 i £'l.u.1 22-27 File set identifier 6 Volume identifier of the first volume in the set of volumes. 28-31 File section number 4 Numeric characters. This field starts at 0001 and is increased by 1 for each additional volume used by the file. 32-35 File sequence number 4 File number within the volume set for this file. This number starts at 0001. 36-39 Generation number 4 Numeric characters. 40-41 Generation version 2 Numeric characters. 42-47 Creation date 6 _yyddd (_ indicates space) or 00000 if no date. 48-53 Expiration date 6 Same format as creation date. 54 Accessibility 1 Space. 55-60 Block count 6 000000 61-73 System code 13 The three letters DEC followed by name of the system that produced the volume. See Section G.l.l.l. a.LJ: IR l~L IC or speCIa 1 character in the center four columns of the ASCII code table. 7\ ., • Examples: DECFILEllA DECSYSTEMIO Pad name with spaces. 74 Reserved Spaces. 7 G-4 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD Table G-3 File Header Format (HDR2) CHARACTER POSITION FIELD NAME LENGTH IN BYTES CONTENT 1-3 Label identifier 3 HDR 4 Label number 1 2 5 Record format 1 F - fixed length D - variable length S - spanned U - undefined 6-10 Block length 5 Numeric characters. 11-15 Record length 5 Numeric characters. 16~50 System-dependent information 35 positions 16 through 36 are spaces. Position 37 defines carriage control and can contain one of the following: A - first byte of record contains FORTRAN control characters, space - line feed/carriage return is to be inserted between records, M - the record contains all form-control information. If DEC appears in positions 61 through 63 of HDRl, position 37 must be as specified above. positions 38 contain spaces. through 50 51-52 Buffer offset 2 Numeric characters. 00 on tapes produced by Files-II. Not supported on input to Files-II. 53-80 Reserved 28 Spaces. G.l.3.1 File Identifier Processing by Files-II - The following describe the processing of a file identifier by Files-II. 1. steps The first 9 characters at a maximum are processed by an ASCII to Radix-50 converter. The conversion continues until one of the following occurs: A conversion failure, 9 characters are converted, A period (.) is encountered. G-5 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD 2. If the period is encountered, the next 3 characters after the period are converted and treated as the file type. If a failure occurs or all 9 characters are converted, the next character is examined for a period. If it is a period, it is skipped and the next 3 characters are converted and treated as the file type. 3. The version number is derived from the generation number the generation version number as follows. and (generation number - 1)*100 + generation version + 1 At file output, the file identifier is handled as follows. 1. The filename is placed in the first positions in the file identifier field It can occupy up to 9 positions. It IS followed by a period. 2. The file type of up to 3 characters is placed after period. The remaining spaces are padded with spaces. the 3. The version number is generation version following formulas. and the then placed in the generation number fields as described in version # - 1 + 1 100 a. generation number b. generation version # = version # - 1 Modulo 100 NOTE In both calculations, remainders are ignored. The following are examples. FILES-II VERSION # GENERATION # 1 50 100 101 1010 G.l.4 GENERATION VER # o 1 1 1 49 99 2 11 9 o End-ot-Volume Labels End-of-volume labels are identical to the file-header labels with following exceptions: the 1. Character positions 1 through 4 contain EOVI and EOV2 instead of HDRI and HDR2, respectively. 2. The block-count field contains the number of records last file section on the volume. G-6 in the SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD G.l.5 File-Trailer Labels End-of-file labels (file-trailer labels) are file-header labels, with the following exceptions: with 1. Columns 1 through 4 contain EOFI and EOF2 instead of HDRI and HDR2, respectively. 2. The block count contains the number of file. G.l.6 data blocks in the user. If User File Labels User file labels are never written or passed back present, they are skipped. G.2 identical to the FILE STRUCTURES The file structures illustrated below are the types of file and volume combinations that the file processor produces. Additional sequences can be read and processed by the file processor. The minimum block size and fixed length record size is 18 bytes. maximum block size is 8192 bytes. The If HDR2 is not present, the data type is assumed to be fixed (F) and the block size and record size are assumed to be the default value for the file processor. 512 decimal bytes is the default for both block and record size. The meaning of graphics used in the file structure illustrations is as follows. G.2.1 1. * indicates a tape mark, 2. BOT indicates beginning of tape, 3. EOT indicates end of tape, 4. , indicates the physical record delimiter. Single' File Single Volume BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*---DATA---*EOFl,EOF2** G.2.2 Single File Multivolume BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*---DATA---*EOVl,EOV2** BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*---DATA---*EOFl,EOF2** G-7 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD G.2.3 Multifile Single Volume BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*---DATA---*EOFl,EOF2*HDRl,HDR2*---DATA--*EOFl,EOF2** G.2.4 Multifile Multivolume BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*--DATA--*EOFl,EOF2*HDRl,HDR2*--DATA--*EOVl,EOV2** BOT,VOLl,HDRl,HDR2*--DATA--*EOFl,EOF2*HDRl,HDR2*--DATA--*EOFl,EOF2** G.3 END-OF-TAPE HANDLING End-of-tape is handled automatically by the magnetic tape file processor. Files are continued on the next volume provided that the volume is already mounted or mounted upon request. A request for the next volume is printed on co (console output pseudo-device). G.4 ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE FILE HEADER BLOCK (FCS COMPATIBLE) Figure G-l illustrates the format of a file-header block that is returned by the file header READ ATTRIBUTE command for ANSI magnetic tape. The header block is constructed by the magnetic tape primitive from data within the tape labels. G-8 SUPPORT OF ANSI MAGNETIC TAPE STANDARD H.MPOF ,.. I MAP OFFSET IDENT OFFSET FILE SEQUENCE NUMBER H.FNUM FI LE SECTION NUMBER H.FSEQ STRUCTURE LEVEL = 401(8) H.FLEV UIC (FOR VOLUME) HEADER AREA H.IDOF PROTECTION CODE (FOR VOLUME) RECORD ATTRIBUTES 1 RECORD TYPE CODE H.FOWN=H.PROG H.FPRO H.UFAT RECORD SIZE IN BYTES N WORDS OF ZERO'S \", IDENTI FICA· CATION AREA MAP AREA Figure G-I ( FILE NAME RAD50 X+I.FNAM (IDENT OFFSET *2)=X FI LE TYPE RAD50 I.FTYP FILE VERSION NUMBER X+I.FVER ZERO'S (REVISION DATE & TIME) X+I.RVNO CREATION DATE & TIME (000000) X+I.CRDT EXPIRATION DATE X+I,EXDT PAD BYTE OF 0 X+47. COpy OF THE HDR1 LABEL X+50. COpy OF THE HDR2 LABEL (if byte 1 of label = 0, label is not present) X+130. NULL MAP, I.E., ZERO'S (10 BYTES LONG) X+210.= (MAP OF OFFSET 2) ANSI Magnetic Tape File-Header Block (FCS Compatible) G-9 APPENDIX 8 STATISTICS BLOCK The format of the statistics block is shown in Figure 8-1 below. The statistics block is allocated manually in the user program as described in Item 3.d of Section 3.1.2. Word 0 HIGH LOGICAL BLOCK NUMBER (0 if file is noncontiguous) Word 1 LOW LOGICAL BLOCK NUMBER (0 if file is noncontiguous) Word 2 Word 3 SIZE (high) SIZE (low) Word 4 LOCK COUNT Figure 8-1 ACCESS COUNT Statistics Block Format H-l APPENDIX I ERROR CODES This appendix lists the Directive Status Word error codes and the error codes returned by the system. I-I I/O QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO Mll1217 1212-NOV-77 1,.37 .TITL! 1 2 3 4 5 C••• D'ELIA ***** 8 9 11 12 13 14 H I N 15 16 17 18 19 2121 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 QIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITION DATE OF LAST MODIFICATION, 6 7 10 PAGE 1 01210327 , 1212-NOV-77 ALWAYS UPDATE THE FOLLOWING TWO LINES .IDENT 11213211 QI.VERae321 TO~ETH!R , COPYRIGHT (C) 1'73,1'77 , DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS. ,, THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER • LICENSE FOR S! ONLY ON A ,, SINGLE COMPUTER SYSTEM AND MAY BE COPIED ON V WITH TH! INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS OFTWARE, OR ,, MADE ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF, MAY NOT BE PROVIDED R OTHERWISE AVAIlABLE TO ANV OTHER PERSON EXCEPT FOR USE ON SUCH ,, SYSTEM AND TO ONE WHO AGREES TO THESE LICENSE TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP 0' THE SOFTWARE SHALL AT ALL IM!S REMAIN ,, IN DEC. ,, THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED 4S A COMMITM¢NT BY DIGITAL , E~MS. ~HANGE , EQUIP~ENT CORPOR~TION. , DEC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RE4IABILITY OF , ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT WHICH IS NOT SUPPLIEDIBY DEC. ,,, PETER H. , LIPMAN 1-0CT-13 '+, MACRO TO DEFINE STANDARD QUEUE 1/0 DIRECTIVE FUNCTION VALUES , AND IOSB RETURN VALUES. TO INVOKE AT ASSEMBLY ~IME (WITH LOCAL , DEFINITION) USE, ,, QIOSYS ,DEFINE SYMBOLS ,, TO OBTAIN GLOBAL DEFINITION OF THESE SYMBOLS ,, QIOSVS DEFSG ,SYMBOLS DEFINED GLOBALLY , US~I t:zl !:tI ~ !:tI () o ~ tzl til 4tl 47 A8 49 50 51 52 53 , THE MACRO CAN BE CALLED ONCE ONLY AND THEN , REDEFINES ITSELF AS NULL. ,- .MACRO QIOSYS SSSGBL,SSSMSG .11' IDN,cSSSGBL.,cDEFSG., .IF IDN,cSSSMSG.,cDE'SS. SSSMAX.0 SSMSG-l .IFF SSMSG-e .ENDC 54 55 5tl 57 QIOMAC - QIOSVM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 .MCALL IOERRS .MCALL DRERRS • IF .MCALL FILIOI .MCALL. SPCIOS .MACRO ,ENDM .ENDC .ENDM 58 H I LV 59 be bl b2 b3 b4 b5 bb b7 be &9 70 QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO Mlle? 72 73 74 '75 1& 17 78 79 80 81 82 02-NOV-11 19137 .GLOBL QI.VER PAGE 1-1 IOERRS ,1/0 ERROR CODES FROM HANDLERS, FCP, FCS SSIGBL DRERRS ,DIRECTIVE STATUS WORD ERROR CODES SSSGeL DIF,cSSSMSG>,cDEFSS • FILIOI ,DEFINE GENERAL 1/0 FUNCTION CODES SSSGeL SPCIOS ,DEVICE DEPENDENT 1/0 FUNCTION CODES SSIGBL ,RECLAI~'MACRO STORAGE QIOSVS .ARG, ARG1, ARG2 QIOSYS QIOSVS 02-NOV.77 19.37 PAGE 2 DEFINE THE ERROR CODES RETURNED BY DEVICE HANDLER AND FIL.E PRIMITIVES IN THE FIRST wORD OF THE 110 STATUS BLOCK THESE CODES ARE ALSO RETURNED BY FIL.E CONTROL SERVICES (FCS) IN THE BYTE F.ERR IN THE 'ILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FOB) THE BYTE F,ERR+1 IS 0 IF F,ERR CONTAINS A HANDLER OR FCP ERROR CODE. .MACRO .HCALL .IF IOERRS SSIGBL .IOER.,DEFINS IDN,cSSSGBL>,cDEFIG> til ~ o !:II:' n o c til til 83 84 85 86 87 ee e9 9'" 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9a 99 10et H I ~ 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 U!!9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 ••• GeLal .IFF ••• GBLa'" .ENOC NDF,SSMSG,SSMSGa0 .IIF SYSTEM STANDARD CODES, USED BY EXECUTIVE AND OR_V£RS .IOER. IE.BAD,-01.,~BAO .IOE~. IE.IFC,-02., IE.D~R,-03.,coEVICE NOT READY> IE.VE~,-04., IE.ONP~-05.,cHARDWARE OPTlnN NOT RESENT> IE.SPC,-06., IE.ONA,-07.,cOEVICE NOT ATTACHED> IE.DAA,-~a., IE.oUN,-"9.,cDEVICE NorATTACHABL > IE,EOF,-10., IE,wL~,-12"cWRITE ATTEMPTED TO L CKED UNIT> IE.OlO,-13.,cOATA OVERRUN> IE.SRE,-14.,cSEND/REtEIVE FAILURE IE.ABO,-15., IE.P~I,-16.~ IE.RSU,-17.,cSHARABLE RESOURCE IN USE> IE.OVR,-18., IE.6YT,-19., IE.MOD,-21., IE.8BE,-56.,<8Ao BLOCt< ON OEVICE> • I OER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER • • IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER, .IOER. .IDER. .IDER. .IOER. .IOER. .ICER. .ICER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. PARAMET~RS> IE,sn,-58"cNOT E~OUGH SUCK SPAJE (FCS OR FCPl' IE.FHE,-59.,cFATAL HARDWARE ERROR ON DEVICE> IE.EOT,-62., IE.OFL,-65.,cDEVICE OFF LINE> IE.BCC,-6~.,cBLOCI( CHECK, CRC, OR ~RAMING ERROR> , FILE PRIMITIVE COOES .IOER • • IOER. .ICER. .IOER. IE.NOO,-23., IE.DFU,-24"cDEVICE FULL> IE.IFU,-25"cINOEX FILE FULL> IE.NSF,-26"cNO SUCH FILE> tzl ~ l:t1 0 l:t1 n 0 0 tzl til QIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 12q 130 111 132 133 13". 135 13& 137 138 13q 1".0 141 14£2 14£3 1"'" 1"5 1£&& 1".7 148 H I U1 1£&q 150 151 152 1153 15". 155 15& 157 158 159 1~0 1&1 1&2 1&3 164 1&5 1&& 1&7 1&8 l&q 170 171 172 02-NOV-71 19137 .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER, .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. PAGE 2-1 FROM READ/WRITE IE.~CK,.27.,cLOCKED IE.~FU,-2e.,cFI~E ~EADER ACCESS~ FULL~ IE.WAC,-29.,CACCESSEO FOR WRITEIE.CKS,-30.,cFILE HEADER CHECKSUM FAI~URE~ IE.WAT,-31.,CATTRIBUTE CONT~OL LIST FORMAT ERROR~ IE.RER,-32.,cFI~E PROCESSOR DEVICE READ ERROR~ IE.WER,-33.,CFILE PROCESSOR DEVICE WqITE ERR~R~ IE.A~N,·3~'JcFI~E ALR£ADY ACCESSED ON LUN~ IE.SNC,-35.,cFILE 10, FILE NUMBER C"ECK~ IE,SQC,-3&"cFILE 10, SEQUENCE NUMBER CHECK~ IE.NLN,-]1.,cNO FILE ACCESSED ON LUN~ IE.CLO,-3e.,cFILE WAS NOT PROPERLY CLOSED~ IE.DUP,-S7.,cENlER - DUPLICATE ENTRY IN DIRECTORY~ IE.BVR,-&3.,cBAD VERSION NUMBER~ IE.BHD,-&"..,cBAD FILE HEADERIE.EXP,-75.,cFILE EXPIRATION DATE NOT REACHED~ IE.BTF,-7&"cB~D TAPE FORMAf~ IE.ALC,-e"..,cALLOCATION FAILURE~ IE,ULK,-e5.,cUNLOCK ERROR> IE.wCK,-S&.,cWRITE CHECK FAILURE- tzl ~ 0 ~ n 0 FILE CONTROL SERVICES CODES ~ tzl til .IOER, .IOER. .IOER. .IOER, .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER, .IOER, .IOER. .IOER. IE.N8F,-19"cO~EN • ~O BUFFER SPACE AVAILABLE FOR FILE> IE,RBG,-40"cILLEGAL RECORD SIZE~ IE,NBK,-41"cFILE EXCEEDS SPACE ALLOCATED, NO BLOCKS> IE,ILL,-42.,clLLEGAL OPERATION ON FILE DESCRIPTOR B~OCK~ IE.8TP,-43.,CSAO ~ECORD TYPE~ lE.RAC,.44.,cI~LEGAL RECORD ACCESS 8ITS SET~ lE.RAT,-4S.,cI~~EGAL RECORD ATTRIBUTES BITS SET~ IE.RCN,-46.,cILLEGAL RECORD NUMBER • TOO LARGE~ IE.20V,-48.,cRENAME - 2 DIFFERENT DEVICES~ IE.FEX,-49"cRENAME - NEW FILE ~AME ALREADY IN USEIE,8D~,-50"cBAD DIRECTORY FILE~ IE.RNM,-51.,cCAN'T RENAME O~D FILE SYSTE~~ IE.BOI,-52.,c8AO DIRECTORY SYNTAX~ IE.FOP,-51.,cFILE ALREADY OPEN~ IE.8~M,-54"c8AO FI~E NAME~ IE,BDV,-55.,cBAO DEVICE NAME_ IE,NFI,-&0.,cFILE 10 WAS NOT SPECIFIEO~ IE.lSQ,-61.,cILLEGA~ SEQUENTIA~ OPERATION~ COUNT~ If.NNC,-77.,CNOT ANSI '0' FORMAT BYTE 113 114 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 QIOMAC - H I 0"1 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 NETWORK ACP CODES .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER. .IOER, ,IOER, ,IOER, .IOER, .IOER. QIOSY~ MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 IE.AST,-80.,C~0 AST SPECIFIED IN CONNECT> IE,NNN,-68"CNO SUCH NODE> IE.NFW,-69.,CPATH ~OST TO PARTNER> ,THIS CODE MUST BE ODD IE,8l8,-70.,c8AD LOGICA~ BUFFER> IE.TMM,-71.,cTOO ~ANY OUTSTANDING MESSAGES> IE,NDR,-12"CNO DVNA~IC SPACE AVAILABLE> IE,CNR,·73"cCO~NECTION REJECTED> IE,TMO,-74"cTIMEOUT ON REQUEST> IE,NNl,-78"CNOT A NETWORK lUN> 02-NOV-77 19137 PAGE 2-2 ICS/ICR ERROR CODES ,IOER, ,IOER, ,IOER. tzl IE,NlK,-79.,cTASK NOT lINKED TO S ECIFIED ICS/ICR INTERRUPTS> IE,NST,-80.,cSPECIFIED TASK NOT I STAt.~ED> IE,FlN,-81"cDEVICE OFFLINE WHEN FFlI~E REQUEST WAS ISSUED> ~ ~ 0 ~ n 0 ~ tzl til TTY ERROR CODES ,IOER, ,IOER, IE,IES,-82"CINVA~ID ESCAPE SEQUE~CE> IE,PES,-83"cPARTIAl ESCAPE SEQUE CE> , SUCCESSFUL RETURN CODES--· DEFINS DEFINS OEFINS IS,PND,+00, IS,SUC,+01, IS,ROO,+02, OEFINS IS,8V,+05. ,OPERATION PENDIN ,OPERATION COMP~EiE' SUCCESS ,(RX11) FLOPPY 01 K SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION ,OF A READ PHYSIC L, ANO OELETED ,DATA MARK WAS SE N IN SECTOR ~EADER , LAST SECTOR, ,(AID READ) AT ~E~ST ONE BAD VA~UE ,WAS READ (REMAIN ER MAV BE GOOO), ,BAD CHANNE~ IS r OrCATED BY A ,NEGATIVE VALUE I THE BUFFER, 21& 217 218 21q 220 221 222 223 224 225 22& 227 228 TTY SUCCESS CODES OEFINS DEFINS DEFINS DEFINS OEFINS OEFINS DEFINS DEFINS 22q H I -' 230 231 232 233 234 235 23& 231 238 23q 240 I5.TMO,+2, tzl ~ ~ ~ ***** .IF .MACRO .ENDM QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1le? EQ,SSMSG IOERR! A 10ERRS a2-NOV-?7 lql3? .ENDC .ENDM 243 244 24q ,ESCAPE SEQUENCE WAS TERMINATOR ,PARTIAL ESCAPE SEQUENCE TERMINATOR ,EOT WAS TERMINATOR (BLOCK MODE INPUT) ,TAB WAS TERMINATOR (FORMS MODE INPUT) ,REQUEST TIMED OUT IS.ESQ,C233*400+1~ IS.PES,C200*400+1~ I5.EOT,c4*400+1~ IS,TAB,Cl1*400+1~ TME NEXT AVAILABLE ERROR NUMBER lSI -87, A~L (BUT TWO) ~OWER NUMBERS ARE IN USE" NOTE. ERROR CODES -41. AND -&1, MAV! BEEN RETIRED AND CAN BE ASSIGNED AT A LATER DATE, QIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO OEFINITIO MACRO M110? 250 251 252 253 TER~INATOR IS.ESC,c33*400+1~ ,ESCAPE (A~TMODE) WAS TERMINATOR IS.CC,C3*40~+1~ ,CONTRO~-C WAS TERMINATOR .**.** 241 242 24& 241 248 ,CARRIAGE AETURN WAS IS.CR,C15*400+1~ PAGE 2-3 IOERRS 02-NOV-?7 lql37 PAGE 3 DEFINE THE DIRECTIVE ERROR CODES RETURNED IN THE DIRECTIVE STATUS WORD FILE CONTROL SERVICES C'CS) RETURNS THESE CODES IN THE BYTE F,ERR OF THE FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK (FOB), TO DISTINGUISH TMEM FROM TME OVERLAPPING CODES FROM HANDLER AND FILE PRIMITIVES, THE BYTE F,ERR+1 IN THE FOB WI~L BE NEGATIVE FOR A DIRECTIVE ERROR CODE. n o o tzl til H I (Xl 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 27q 280 281 ,"4ACRO ORERRS SSSGBL ,MCALL ,QIOE"OEFINS .IF IDN, , ",GBL-l ,IFF , •• GBL-" .ENDC ,IIF NDF,SSMSG,SSMSG.0 STANDARD ERROR CODES RETURNED 8Y DIRECTIVES IN fHE DIRECTIVE STATUS WORD ,QIOE, .QIOE, ,QIOE, ,GlIOE, ,GlIOE. ,GlIOE. ,QIOE. ,GlIOE. .QIOE, ,GlIOE. .tHOE. .GlIOE. ,GlIOE, .QIOE. ,GlIOE, ,GlIOE, IE.UPN,-01., IE.HwR,-06., IE.ITS,-08"cDIRECTIVE INCONSISTE IE.FIX,-"9., IE.RSU,-17.,cRESOURCE IN USE> IE,NSW,-18"cNO SWAP SPACE AVAILA IE.ILV,-19"cILLEGAL VECTOR SPECI ,GlIDE, ,GlIOE, ,GlIOE. .GlIOE. ,GlIDE, ,GlIDE. ,GlIDE, .GlIOE, .GlIOE, ,GlIDE, .GlIOE, ,QIOE. • GlIOE, • GlIOE. ,GlIOE, .GlIOE, .GlIOE. .(IlIOE. ,GlIDE, IE.AST.-S0 •• cDIRECTIVE ISSUEO/NOTiISSUED ~ROM AST. IE,MAP,-el.,cILLEGAL MAPPING SPEC FlED> IE.IOP,·83.,CWI~DOW HAS 1/0 IN PR GRESS> IE,ALG,-84.,CALIGNMENT ERROR> IE.WOV,-85., IE.NVR,-86"CINVALID REGION 10> IE.NVW,-87., IE.IUI,-91.,CINVALID UIC> IE.IDU,-92., IE,I!F,-Q1.,cINVALIO EVENT FLAG ( .GT. 64,» IE,ADP,-9a,, IE,SOP,-QQ.,cDIC OR 01'8 SIZE !NVA 10> STORAGE> STALLED> OR TASK> STORAGE FOR SEND> T WITH TASK STATE> FIXED> KPOINTABLE> E> SMALL> 2q3 294 295 296 297 2q8 299 300 301 302 0 ~ (') LE> lEO> 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 2e9 290 291 292 trl ~ ~ 0 c::;, trl rn QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 31& 317 M~CRO M1107 I \.D 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 32b 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 PAGE 3-1 SUCCESS CODES FROM DIRECTIVES - PLACED IN THE DIRECTIVE STATUS WORD QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO OEFINITIO MACRO Mll01 H 02-NOV-77 19137 DEFINS IS.CLR,e DEFINS IS.SET,2 DEFINS IS.SPD,2 .IF • MACRO ,ENOM ,ENDC ,ENOM EQ,SSMSG DRERRS A DRERRS ,EVENT FLAG WAS CLEAR ,FROM CLEAR EVENT FLAG DIRECTIVE ,EVENT FLAG WAS SfT ,FRO~ SET EVENT FLAG DIRECTIVE ,TASK WAS SUSPENDED DRERRS 02-NOV-11 19131 tEl PAGE 4 ~ DEFINE THE GENERAL 1/0 FUNCTION CODES • DEVICE INDEPENDENT .MACRO FILIOS SSIGBL .MCALL .WORD.,DEFINS .IF IDN,CSSSGBL>,cDEFSG> ••• GBL-l .IFF .,.GBL-0 ,ENDC GENERAL 1/0 QUALIFIER ByTE DEFINITIONS .WORD. ,WORD. .wORD. .WORD. IQ.X,QHH,000 IQ.Q,002,000 IQ.S,004,000 IQ.UMD,004,000 ,NO ERROR RECOVERy ,QUEUE REQUEST IN EXPRESS QUEUE ,SYNONYM FOR IQ.UMD ,USER MODE DIAGNOSTIC STATUS REQUIRED 33b 337 338 339 340 341 342 EXPRESS QUEUE COMMANDS .WORD. .WORD. .WORD. IO.KIL,012,000 10.RDN,022,000 IO.UNL,042,000 ,KILL CURRENT REQUEST ,1/0 RUNDOWN ,UNLOAD 110 HANDLER TASK "n 9 tI:I en .WORD. .WORD. .WORD. 31J3 344 345 IO.LTI(,05e,000 IO.RTI(,060,000 IO.SET,030,000 ,L040 A TASK IMA~E FILE ,RECORD A TASK I~AGE FILE .SET CHARACTER IS ICS FU~CTION 31J~ 347 3IJS GENERAL DEVICE HANDLER CODES .WORD. .WORD. ,wORD. ,IIIORD. ,WORD. 3IJq 350 351 352 353 354 355 IO,WLB,000,001 IO.RLB, QlI2II2I, 12102 IO.LOV,12I1121,002 IO.4TT,eI2l0,01213 IO.DET,000,001J ,wRITE LOGICAL BtOCK ,READ LOGICAL BL ,LOAD OVERLAY (0 ,ATTACH A DEVICE ,DETACH A DEVICE CK SK DRIVER) TO A TASK FROM A TASK , DIRECTORy PRIMITIVE CODES 35~ .wORD. .WORD. 357 358 35fi .~ORD. IO.FNA,000,011 IO.RNA,000,013 IO.ENA,000,12I14 ,FIND FILE NAME ~N DIRECTORY ,REMOVE FILE NAM FROM DIRECTORY rENTER FILE NAME IN DIRECTORY 3~0 361 362 H I ...... 0 r FILE PRlMITIVE CODES 3~3 3~4 1~5 lb6 367 168 lbq 37121 371 372 373 374 375 QIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M111217 376 377 378 37fi 38121 381 382 .wORD. .WORD, .wORD. .WORD, .WORD. .wORD. .WORD, • WORD. .wORD. ,WORD, .WORD. .wORD. .WORD. IO,CLN,000,12I07 IO,ULK,12I0e,012 IO.ACR,e00,eI5 IO.ACW,000,eI6 IO.ACE,0I21e,017 IO.DAC,000,020 IO.RVB,000,021 IO.WVB,12I00,022 IO,EXT,000,023 IO,CRE,000,12I24 IO,DEL,00121,025 IO.IUT,00121,02b IO,WAT,000,027 e2-NOV-77 lql37 ,CLOSE OUT LUN ,UNLOCI( BLOCK ,ACCESS FOR READ ,ACCESS FOR WRITE ,ACCESS FOR EXTEND ,DE-ACCESS FILE ,READ VIRITUAL BL CK ,WRITE VIRITUAL 8 OCI( ,EXTEND FILE ,CREATE FILE ,DELETE FILE ,READ FILE ATTRIB~TES ,WRITE FILE ATTRI UTES PAGE 4-1 .WORD. .wORD. IO.APV,010,030 IO.4PC,000,030 .MACRO .ENOM .ENDM FILIOS FILIOS FILIO! A ,PRIVILEGED ACP CQNTROL ,ACP CONTROL til ~ ~ 0 ~ n 0 ~ til til QIOMAC • QIOSVM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO Mlle7 38U 385 38& 387 388 3eq 3q0 lql 3q2 3ql 3q4 3q5 lq6 3q7 3q8 3qq 400 401 402 H 403 I U0U 405 406 U07 408 I-' I-' 40q 410 411 412 413 "lU 415 "1& U17 U18 41q 4221 421 422 ~i3 ~2U 425 42& 427 428 02-NOV.11 1•• 31 PAGE 5 DEFINE TME 1/0 FUNCTION CODES TMAT ARE SPECIFIC TO .MACRO .MCA~~ INDIVIDUA~ DEVICES SPCIOS SSSGB~ .WORD.,DEFINS IDN,cSSSGB~>,cDEFSG> .IF ••• GB~.l .IFF ••• GB~.0 .ENDC 1/0 FUNCTION CODES FOR SPECIFIC DEVICE DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS .WORD. .WO~D. .wORD. .WORD. .WORO. • WORD. .WORD. .WORO. .WORD. .WORD, .WORD. .WORD. .WORD. .WORO, ,WORD. .WORD, .WORD • • WORD. .WORD. .WORD. .WORD, .wORD, .WORD, .WORD. .wORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD. .WORD. • wORD, .WORD, IO.IfIII.V,100,001 10.WI.S,e10,e01 IO.W~S,02e,001 10.WAI.,010,e01 IO.WMS,02e,001 IO.CCO,0U0,0el Io.weT,HJe,001 IO.i11I.T,ele,001 IO,WI.C,e20,001 IO.wPB,0U0,0el IO,wDo,eUU,eel IO.RI.V,100,ee2 IO.RST,001,002 IO.RA~,010,00l IO,RNE,02e,0e2 IO,RNc,eU0,0e2 IO.RTM,200,0el IO,RDB,200,0e2 IO,RIoID,010,0e2 10,RIIIS,e20,0e2 IO.CRC,e40,0e2 IO,RPB,04e,0e2 IO.ATA,e10,ee3 IO,GTS,eee,e05 IO.Rlc,ee0,0e5 IO.INI.,e00,005 10.TRM,010,0e5 IO.RWD,000,005 IO,SP8,e20,005 IO,SPF,040,e05 IO,STC,100,!lI05 IO,SEC,120,005 ,(DECTAPE) wRITE 1.0GICAI. REVERSE ,(COMM.) WRITE PRECEDED BY SYNC TRAIN ,(COMM.) WRITE, NO SY~C TRAIN ,(TTY) WRITE PASSING AI.~ CHARACTERS ,(TTY) WRITE SUPPRESSIB~E MESSAGE ,(TTY) WRITE WITM CANCEl. CONTROI.-O ,(TTY) WRITE WITM BREAKTMROUGH ,(DISK) WRITE I.AST TRACK ON RK06 ,(DISK) WRITE ~OGICA~ WI wRITECMECK ,(RXll DISK) WRITE PHYSICA~ BLOCK ,(RX11 DISK) WRITE PHYSICA~ W/ DEI.ETED DATA ,(MAGTAPE,DECTAPE) READ REVERSE ,(TTY) READ WITH SPECIA~ TERMINATOR ,(TTY) READ PASSING .~L CMARACTERS ,(TTY) READ WITHOUT ECHO ,(TTY) READ - NO 1.0WER CASE CONVERT ,(TTY) READ WITH TIM! OUT ,(CARD READER) READ BINARY MODE ,(COMM.) READ, STRIP SYNC ,(COMM.) READ, DON'T STRIP SYNC ,(CO~M,) READ, DON'T C~EAR CRC ,(RXll DISK) READ PHYSICA~ BI.OCK ,(TTV) ATTACH WITH AST'S ,(TTV) GET TERMINAl. SUPPORT CHARACTERISTICS ,(AFC,AD01,UDC) READ SINGLE CHANNEl. ,(COMM.) INITIA~IZATION FUNCTION ,(CO~~.) TERMINATION FUNCTION ,(MAGTAPE,DECTAPE) REWIND ,(MAGTAPE) SPACE "N" BLOCKS '(~AGTAPE) SPACE "N" EOF MARKS ,(MAGTAPE) SET CHARACTERISTIC ,(MAGTAPE) SENSE CHARACTERISTIC trl ~ ~ 0 l:II:I n 0 ~ til til U29 430 431 u32 433 U34 435 U36 U37 u38 u39 U40 QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 4Ul 442 4u3 H I I-' N 44U UIl5 446 447 448 449 450 U5! 452 4S3 454 455 u56 457 458 459 460 U61 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 u69 470 ,wORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, .wORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, .WORD, ,WORD, , WORD, .wORD, IO,RWU,140,00S IO.SMO,160,005 IO,HNG,000,006 10,ReC,000,006 IO,MOD,000,006 IO,HDX,0UI,006 IO,FDX,020,006 IO,5YN,040,006 IO,EOF,000,006 IO,RTC,000,007 IO,5AO,000,010 rO,ssO,""",011 02-NOY-77 19137 ,WORD, , WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, , WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, .WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD. ,WORD, .WORD, ,WORD. ,WORD. ,WORD. .wORD. ) REWIND AND UNLOAD & SET CHARACTERISTICS L-UP LINE L5 (BUFFER DEFINES CHANNELS) FUNCTION FAMILY HALF DUPLEX FULL DUPLEX SYNC CHARACTER EOF IME BASED NNEL ANALOG OUTPUT T, SINGLE POINT PAGE 5-1 IO,RPR,000,011 10. MSO, rlH~0,012 IO,SlO,00e,01] IO.MlO,000,014 lO.LED,000,el24 10,500,000,025 10.501,000,026 10.SCS,000,026 IO,REl,000,0Z7 10.~CS,000,027 ,WORD, ,WORD, .WORD. .WORD, ,WORD. IO.ADS,000,030 10. CCI, 00i., 030 IO.LOD,e00,030 10."101,000,031 IO,DCI,000,031 IO.XMT,000,031 IO,XNA,010,031 IO.INI,000,031 10. "HS, 000, 'HZ IO.RCI,000,032 IO.RCV,000,032 IO,Cll<,000,032 IO.MOO,000,033 IO.CTI,000,033 IO.CON,000,033 • WORD, .WORD. .WORD. .WORD. IO,CPR,010,033 10.CAS,020,033 10.CRJ,040,033 IO,ceO,110,033 ,~ORD, ,(MAGTAPE,DECTAP ,(MAGTAPE) MOUNT ,(TTY) HANGUP 01 ,READ MULTICMANN .(COMM.) SETMODE ,(COMM,) SET UNI ,(COM~.) SET UNI ,CCO~M,) SPECIFY ,(MAGTAPE) WRITE ,READ CHANNEL ,Cuec) SINGLE CH ,(UDC) SINGLE 8M ,(TTY) READ WITH ROMPT ,CUDC) SINGLE SHO , MULTI-POINT ,CUDC) LATCHING, INGLE POINT ,(UDC) LATCHING, ULTI-POINT ,CLPS11) WRITE LE DISPLAY LIGHTS ,CLPS11) WRITE 01 ITAL OUTPUT REGISTER ,ClPS11) READ DIG TAL INPUT REGISTER ,CUDC) CONTACT Sf SE, SINGLE POINT ,(LPS11) WRITE RE AY ,(UDC) CONTACT SE SE, MULTI-POINT ,(LPSll) SYNCHRON US AID SAMPLING ,(UDC) CONTACT IN - CONNECT ,(LPA11) LOAD MIC OCODE ,ClPS11) SYNCHRON US DIGITAL INPUT ,tUDe) CONTACT IN - DISCONNECT ,(COMMa) TRANSMIT SPECIFIED BLOCK WITH ACI< ,(COM~.) TRANSMIT WITHOUT ACK ,(LPAll) INITIALI E ,(lPSll) 5YNCHRON US HISTOGRAM SAMPLING ,(UDC) CONTACT IN - READ ,CCOMM') RECEIYE ATA IN BUFFER SPECIFIED ,(lPAll) START CL CK ,(LPS11) SVNCHRON US DIGITAL OUTPUT ,tUDC) TIMER - CO NECT ,(CO~M.) CONNECT FUNCTION ,CYTll) • CONNECT TASK TO DISPLAY PROCESSOR ,(COM.M,) CONNECT NO TIMEOUTS ,(COMMa) CONNECT WITH AST ,CCOMM.) CONNECT R JEeT ,(COM~.) BOOT CONN CT tZJ ~ ~ n g tZJ CIl .wO~D, "'71 1J12 1J73 ,WORD. .WORO. .WORO. .IIIORD. , WORD, .WOAD, ,WORD, ,WORD, , WORD, • wORD. ,WORD. .WORD. 474 l.I75 Ll76 l.I77 Ll78 47q LlS0 4S1 482 4S3 484 Ll85 a86 1J87 aS8 LlSq H I I-' w ",q0 l.Iql aq2 IJq3 IJq4 IJq5 10.CTR,21B,033 to, GNI, 0 Uh 035 10,GI.I,Q120,Q135 IO,GI.C,030,035 IO.GRI,040,035 IO,G~C,050,035 IO,GRN,060,035 IO,C8M,07Q1,035 IO.CIN,1O'0,035 IO,SPW,11f1"035 IO,CPW,12Q1,~35 IO.~I.B,130,035 IO.DI.B,14'''035 .wORD, .WORD, .WOAD, 10.8TO,000,033 IO.OTl,000,034 IO,DIS,000,034 ,WORD, , WORD, .WOAD, ,WORD. IO.MDA,000,034 IO,RTI,000,035 IO.CTI.,000,035 IO.STP,000,035 .WORD. .WORD, IO.CNT,000,016 IO.ITI,000,03& ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) ,(COMM.) TRANSPARENT CONNECT GET NODE INFORMATION GET I.INK IN'ORMATION GET I.INK INFO CI.EAR COUNTER8 GET REMOTE NODE IN'ORMATION GET REMOTE NODE ERROR COUNTS GET REMOTE NODE NAME CHANGE 801.0 MODE CHANGE CONNECTION INHIBIT SPECIFY NETWORK PASSWORD CHECK NETWORK PASSWORD • N8P I.OOPBACK DOCMP I.OOPBACK ,(I.PA11) START DATA TRANSFER ,(UDC) TIMER • DISCONNECT ,(COMM.) DISCONNECT FUNCTION ,(VT11) • DISCONNECT TASK 'ROM DISPI.AY PROCESSOR ,(I.PSll) SYNCHRONOUS DIA OUTPUT ,(UDC) TIMER • READ ,(COMM,) NETWORK CONTROl. FUNCTION ,(I.PS11,I.PAll) STOP IN PROGRESS FUNCTION ,CVT11) • STOP DISPI.AY PROCESSOR ,(VTll) • CONTINUE DISPI.AY PROCESSOR ,(UDC) TIMER -INITIAI.IZE til !XI !XI 0 !XI n 0 ~ til til GIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 02-NOV-77 lql31 PAGE 6 4q1 l.aQ8 ICSIICR 1/0 FUNCTIONS LI~q 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 5eq 510 511 512 513 .WORD. ,WORD. ,WORD. ,WOAD. ,wORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, .WORD. ,WORD. ,WORD, ,WOAD, .WORD. ,W'ORD. , WORD, IO.CTY,000,001 IO.DTY,00121,015 10.1.01,OOO,01& IO.UDI,010,023 IO,I.TI,12I00,011 IO.UTI,02Q1,023 IO,I.TY,000,020 IO.UTY,030,Q123 IO.I.KE,000,024 IO,UER,040,023 IO.NI.K,0Q10,023 IO,ONI.,000,037 IO.FI.N,000,02S IO,RAD,000,021 ,CONNECT TO TERMINAl. INTERRUPTS ,DISCONNECT FROM TERMINAl. INTERRUPTS ,I.INK TO DIGITAl. INTERRUPTS ,UNI.INK 'ROM DIGITAl. INTERRUPTS ,I.INK TO COUNTER MODUI.E INTERRUPTS ,UNLINK FROM COUNTER MODUI.E INTERRUPTS ,I.INK TO REMOTE TERMINAl. INTERRUPTS ,UNI.INK FROM REMOTE TERMINAl. INTERRUPTS ,I.INK TO ERROR INTERRUPTS ,UNI.INK FROM ERROR INTERRUPTS ,UNI.INK FROM AI.l. INTERRUPTS ,UNIT ONI.INE ,UNIT OFFI.INE ,~EAD ACTIVATING DATA 514 515 516 517 518 51q 520 521 522 523 524 IPll 1/0 FUNCTIONS 525 526 527 528 52q 530 531 ,WORD, ,WORD, ,WORD, , wORD, ,wORD, ,wORD, .WORD, ,wORD, .wORD, 10,"140,010,007 IO.lEI,e10,017 10,ROO,010,020 .MACRO ,!NDM .ENDM SPCIOS SPCIOS SPCIO! IO,R~T,02QJ,020 IO,lSI,000,022 IO,UEI,050,023 IO.USI,060,023 IO.CSI,000,026 IO.OSI,000,027 ,MULTIPLE ANALOG ,LINK EVENT FLAG ,READ DIGITAL DA ,READ MAPPING TA ,LINK TO OSI INT ,UNLINK EVENT Fl ,UNLINK FROM DSI ,CONNECT TO DSI ,DISCONNECT FROM OUTPUTS TO INTERRUPT A LE RRUPTS GS INTERRUPTS NTERRUPTS DSI INTERRUPTS • til QIOMAC • QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO Ml107 02-NOV-77 19.37 ~ ~ PAGE 7 o H I I-' ~ ~ 533 534 535 DEFINE THE 1/0 CODES FOR USER-MODE OIAGNOSITCS,I All DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION ARE IMPLEMENTED AS A SUBFUNCTION OF 1/0 CODE 10 (OCTAL), 536 537 ,MACRO UMDIOS SSSGBL .MCALL ,WORO"DfFINS ,IF ION CSSSGBl>,cDEFSG> 538 53q 540 541 542 .. , GBL-1 543 ",GBL-" 544 .IFF .ENDC 545 546 547 DEFINE THE GENERAL USER-MODE 1/0 QUALIFIER BIT. 548 54q 550 551 552 553 554 555 .WORD. IQ,UMD,004,000 ,USER MODE DIAGNO$TIC REQUEST DEFINE USER-MODE DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS, n o ~ til en 55& 557 558 559 .IlIORD. • \II OR D. ,IlIORD. .~ORD. .WORO. .WORD. .wORD. • WOR D. .1lI0RD. .wORD. 5b0 5&1 5&2 5b3 5&" 5&5 IO.HMS,000,010 10.81.5,010,010 IO.OFF,020,010 IO.ROH,030"H0 IO.wOH,040,01~ IO.IIlCK,051l1,010 IO.RNF,0&0,01e IO.RNR,071l1,010 IO.I.PC,100,010 IO,ERS,110,01e ,(DISK) HOME SEEK OR R!CALIBRATE ,(DISK) BI.OCK SEEK ,(DISK) OFFSET POSITION ,(DISK) REAO DISK HEADER ,(DISK) WRITE DISK HEADER ,(DISK) wRITECHECK C~ON.TRANSFER) ,(DECTAPE) READ BLOCK NUMBER FORWARD ,(DECTAPE) READ BLOCK NUMBER REVERSE ,(MAGTAPE) READ LO~GITUDIN.L PARITY CHAR ,(MAGTAPE) ERASE TAPE 5b& 5b7 5&8 , MACRO REDEFINITION TO NULL 5b9 570 571 572 573 574 575 .MACRO .ENDM UMDIOS .ENDM UMDIOS • tzl ~ H I QIOMAC - QIOSYM MACRO DEFINITIO MACRO M1107 02-NOV-77 19137 PAGE 8 I--' U1 577 578 579 580 58"1 582 583 584 585 58& 587 588 589 590 591 592 ~ n o o HANDLER ERROR CODES RETURNED IN 1/0 STATUS "BLOCK ~RE DEFINED THROUGH THIS MACRO WHICH THEN CONDITIONALLY INVOKES THE MESSAGE GENERATING MACRO FOR THE QIOSVM.MSG FII.E .MACRO DEFINS .IF • MCAI.I. .IOMG, .ENDC .ENOM .IOER. SYM,I.O,MSG SYM,I.O GT,SSMSG .IOMG. SVM,I.O,cMSG> .IOER. 1/0 ERROR CODES ARE DEFINED THOUGH THIS MACRO WHICH THEN INVOKES THE ERROR MESSAGE GENERATING MACRO, ERROR CODES -129 THROUGH -25& ARE USED IN THE QIOSYM.MSG FILE Sen 59" 59'5 59& 597 ~ .MACRO DEFINS .IF ,MCAI.L .QIOE. SYM,LO,MSG SVM,I.O GT,SSMSG .IOMG. til til .10MG. .ENDC .ENDM 598 599 600 601 602 603 607 .MACRO • WORD .'SCIZ .EVEN 60e .11' 6~" 606 609 610 611 612 .ENDM .MACRO DEFINS .ENDM b13 blS ...... m MACRO M1107 1 2 3 "6 MESSA~E 'IL£ .IOMG. SYM,LO,MSG ·-O -MSGIT,·O >,SSSMAX.··O .IOMG. DEFINE THE SyMBOL SYM WHERE LO IS IS THE LOW ORQER ByTE, HI IS THE HIGH BYTE 61" H I .QIOE. CONDITIONAllY GENERATE DATA 'OR WRITING A 605 QIOSYM SYM, 02-NOV-77 19137 .WORD. SYM,LO,HI SYM,<·oc~I*400+LO» ,WORD, t%J PAGE 9 ~ .TITLE ~ QIOSYM () o ~ ALTERED FRIDAY 3-SEP.76 12110 ALTERED SUNDAY 12-SEP·76 17120 H. LEV til 5 7 e 9 COPYRIGHT ec) 1976 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS, THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE FOR U SINGLE COMPUTER SYSTEM AND MAY BE COPIED ONL INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS S ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF, MAY NOT BE PROVIDED 0 MADE AV~IL.eLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON EXCEPT FOR SYSTEM AND TO ONE wHO AGREES TO THESE LICENSE T TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE SHALL AT ALL T IN DEC. E ONLY ON A it4ITH THE FTJ/ARE, OR OTHERWISE USE ON SUCH RfI4S. TITLE MES REMAIN ,ANGE WITHOUT T BY DIGITAL 21 THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, 22 23 24 DEC NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELlABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT WHICH IS NOT SUPPLIED &V DEC. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .SSU~ES 25 2& , PETER H. 27 28 2q 30 00~000 LIP~AN .MCALL GIOSY$ QIOSYS DEFSG ,DEFINE GIO SYMBOLS GLOBALLY U~DIO$ .MCALL UMDIOS DEFSG ,DEFINE USER-MODE DIAGNOSTIC SYMBOLS ,MCALL TTSYM$ TTSY"'! DEFtG ,DEFINE TERMINAL FUNCTION SYMBOLS 31 32 33 000000 34 35 3f, 000000 37 38 QIOSYM MACRO SYMBOL TASLE H I I-' ....,J .END 000001 ~1101 Fl.ACR. 000001 G Fl.BTW. 000002 G. Fl,BUF._~00004 G Fl,CCO. 000020 G Fl,ESQ. 01'40040 G F1.+4LO. 000100. G F1,LwC. 00S200 G Fl.RNE- 0001.400 G Fl.RPR. 001000 G F1.RST. 002000 G Fl,Rue- 004000 G Ft.SYN. 010010 G Ft.TRW. 020080 G F1.UIA. 000010 G Fl,UTB. 040000 G Fl.VBFa 100000 G F2.ALTa 000020 G F2.0CH- 000004 G F2.01(La 000010 G F2.GCH. 000002 G F2,SCHa 000001 G F2.SFF. 000040 G IE._BO. 177761 G IE.ACTa 177771 G IE.AOPa 17763& G IE.ALC- 177&54 G IE.ALG. 177&54 G IE,ALNa 117736 G t-OCT-13 02-NOV-11 19137 IE.EOV. IE.EXP. IE,FEX. IE.FHE. IE.FIX. IE.FLN. IE. FOP. IE.HFU. IE.HWR. IE,IesIE.IOU. IE.IEF. IE.IES. IE,IFC. IE,IFUa IE.ILLa IE.ILUa IE.ILV. IE.INS. IE.IOPa IE.IPRa IE.ISQa IE,ITIa IE.ITP. IE.ITSa IE.IUIa IE,LCl(a IE.LNLa PAGE 9-1 171765 G 171~65 G 177717 G 177105 G 1777&7 G 117&51 G 171711 G 17771.44 G 177772 G 177&47 G 177~44 G 171&17 G 171&5& G 11771& G 177147 G 11772& G 177&40 G 171155 G 177776 G 177&55 G 177&41 G 177703 G 117643 G 177&50 G 177170 G 177645 G 177745 G 117646 G IE.RCN. IE.RER. IE.RNM. IE.RSU. IE.SOP. IE.SNC. IE.SPC. IE.SGC. IE.SRE. IE.STl
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