Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room APIs AAE 11 LTS CR API Guide

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Control Room APIs
The Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room provides various public APIs which allow you to customize your business auto-
mation for third party applications. It enables the thirdparty applications to consume RPA, orchestrate bots and manage the RPA data
based on events.
Control Room offers the following APIs:
1. Authentication API
2. Bot Login Credentials API
3. Bot Deployment API
4. Export Import Bot API
API for authentication
All the APIs are preceded by an Authentication API, wherein the user invoking third party application has to authenticate so as to use
the downstream APIs. Click here for details.
API to manage bot login credentials
In enterprise organizations where the password rotation policy is applied, the Client user has to remember to update the password
from Tools Options Login Settings during each password rotation. To automate this process, Control Room enables you to use
an API to create, update or delete the Login Credentials stored in the credential vault.Click here for details.
API for bot deployment
To deploy Bots onto the Automation Environment the user has to login into Control Room, select the Bot and the Bot Runners and then
Run/Schedule’ the task.However, as the Automation scenarios scale up, there is an increasing need to deploy/trigger Bots from an
external thirdparty application. To meet this business requirement, you can use the Bot Deployment API which enables you to trigger a
Bot from an External System.Click here for details.
API for export import of bots for Business Lifecycle Management
Usually, the Control Room user has to depend on means other than Control Room (for example email) to deploy TaskBots from one
environment to another. Using the Export-Import APIs, you can easily introduce a customized BLM solution thus removing all external
factors that could possibly disrupt your automation life cycle. Click here for details.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 2
Control Room API for Authentication
Control Room v.11 exposes public APIs so as to manipulate the Control Room data and to deploy bots from an external system. This
enables thirdparty applications to consume RPA, orchestrate bots and to manage the RPA data based on events - for example, create
an AAE user as soon as a user is created in SAP system; update the login credentials in AAE as soon as password is rotated in
domain controller.
All the APIs are preceded by an Authentication API, wherein the invoking third party application user has to authenticate so as to use
the downstream APIs.
Authentication API
API: v1/authentication
If the Control Room URL is, then the API will be
The API takes two parameters as input in JSON format:
1. The username of the AAE user
2. The password of the AAE user
Note: All parameters are mandatory.
For example:
1. The AAE username is mike_williams.
2. The AAE password is abc123, then the JSON will be:
If the authentication is successful, the Control Room will issue an authentication token which needs to be passed on to the Deployment
API as header information.
Note:The authentication token will ONLY be valid for 15 minutes from the time it is issued.
Authentication API Response Codes
Response Description
200 {
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.
Authentication is suc-
401 {
"message": "Invalid credentials."
oThe password is
oUser does not exist
oAD Authentication –
Credentials are
401 {
"message": "Please verify your email by clicking on the email verification link. This
is mandatory as you will be able to login post verification only."
Email notification is
enabled - user has not
verified email
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 3
402 {
"message": "License expired."
License has expired
403 {
"message": "Your account is not activated. Please contact the admin."
User is deactivated
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 4
Control Room API for Bot Deployment
To deploy Bots onto the Automation Environment, currently, the user has to login into Control Room, select the Bot and the Bot Run-
ners and then ‘Run/Schedule’ the task.
However, as the Automation scenarios scale up, there is an increasing need to deploy/trigger Bots from an external thirdparty applic-
To meet this business requirement, Automation Anywhere Enterprise has published Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) using
which a Bot can be triggered from an External System.
A Control Room user can use these APIs to deploy Bots (Tasks) to BotRunners on commencement of events specified by a third
party/external application.
Key Features and Business Benefits of Control Room APIs
lBots can be deployed from an external thirdparty systems using AAE APIs.
lThe input and output of APIs is JSON based (industry standard data-interchange format).
lBot Deployment can be orchestrated from an External Application / Workflow using a combination of scripts and AAE APIs.
Note: The Bot deployment API can ONLY be invoked once the system/user has authenticated using the
Authentication API
Also, the user will need to have the ‘Run my bots’ privileges and the privileges of the bot runners on which the bot is to be deployed.
Deployment API
The Deployment API is used to deploy Bots to BotRunners.
API: <Control Room URL>/v1/schedule/automations/deploy
For example, if the Control Room URL is ; then the bot deployment API will be https://www.ul-
The user canpass three parameters as JSON string.
1. Bot name with relative path – This is mandatory.
2. List of Bot-Runners and users in JSON format – This is mandatory.
3. Use RDP based approach This is optional and set tofalseby default.
Deployment Scenario and corresponding JSON string:
1. For example, the name of the Bot is AccountsBot.atmx and the Bot is under ‘My Tasks’
2. The Bot is to be deployed on 3 machines
lFirstmachine hostname BR-1 with user U-1
lSecond machine hostname BR-2 with user U-2
lThird machine hostname BR-3 with user U3.
3. The JSON string in the above scenario will be:
"taskRelativePath":"My Tasks\\AccountsBot.atmx", "botRunners":
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 5
Bot Deployment API Response Codes
Http(s) Status code Response - Description
200 Succesful creation of automaton.
400 Bad Request
401 Authentication Required
403 Unauthorized access
409 Conflict
500 Internal Server error
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 6
Control Room API to manage bots login credentials
When the Bot is deployed from Control Room to the Bot Runner, the Bot will auto-login into the Bot Runner (if the machine is locked /
logged off). The Bot will use the credentials stored in the Credential Vault for auto-login. These credentials are set by the user using the
Tools Options Login Settings of AAE Client.
However, there could be cases when the user's Windows password is modified; especially in Enterprises where there is a password
rotation policy. In such cases, the user has to remember to update the new password from Tools Options Login Settings.
In order to automate the above process, Control Room 11.1 provides a direct API to create, update or delete the Login Credentials
stored in the credential vault.
There are 2 steps to use this API:
1. Invoke the Authentication API
2. Invoke the Login Credentials API
Authentication API
The details for the Authentication API are provided in the article Control Room API for Authentication.
Login Credentials API
Note that only the Control Room Administrators (users having AAE_Admin Role) can use the Login Credentials API; this means that if
the user invoking the Authentication API has an AAE_Admin role, only that user can use the Login Credentials API.
Also, this API will make use of the authentication token that is obtained using the Authenication API. The authentication token has to be
passed on as one of the header inputs to the Login Credentials API.
API: v1/credentialvault/external/credentials/loginsetting
If the Control Room URL is, then the API will be: https://ul-
The API takes three parameters as input in JSON format:
1. The username of the AAE user.
2. The Login (Windows) username for the user which is to be updated in the Credential Vault against that user.
3. The Login (Windows) password for the user which is to be updated in the Credential Vault against that user.
Note: All parameters are mandatory.
For example:
If we take a 'Database Authentication' scenario (where users are stored and authenticated by the Control Room) and
1. The AAE username is mike_williams
2. The fully qualified Login username is\mike.williams
3. The Login password is abc123, then the JSON will be
{"Username": "mike_williams", "Windows_Username": "\\mike.williams", "Windows_Password": "abc123" }
Using the Login Credentials API, the Control Room Admins can:
1. Create a user's Login Credentials in the Control Room - by using the 'POST' method
2. Update a user's Login Credentials in the Control Room - by using the 'PUT' method
3. Delete a user's Login Credentials from Control Room - by using the 'DELETE' method.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 7
VB Script to Create User's Login Credentials
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
objStream.LoadFromFile("D:\Deven.Deshpande\Office\Products\API for CV\auth-input.txt")
restRequest = objStream.ReadText()
Set objStream = Nothing
contentType = "application/json"
Set oWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWinHttp.Open "POST", "", False
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", contentType
oWinHttp.Send restRequest
response = oWinHttp.StatusText
MsgBox response
Dim AuthToken
'Set oJson = new aspJSON
AuthToken = oWinHttp.ResponseText
MsgBox AuthToken
Dim sToken
Dim posUser
sToken = Right(AuthToken, Len(AuthToken) - 10)
'sToken = Left(sToken, Len(sToken) - 4)
posUser = InStr(sToken, "user")
MsgBox posUser
sToken = Left(sToken, posUser - 4)
Set objStream_dep = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream_dep.CharSet = "utf-8"
objStream_dep.LoadFromFile("D:\Deven.Deshpande\Office\Products\API for CV\cred-input.txt")
restRequest = objStream_dep.ReadText()
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 8
Set objStream = Nothing
contentType = "application/json"
Set oWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWinHttp.Open "POST", "http://productslt12.aaspl-brd.-
com:81/v1/credentialvault/external/credentials/loginsetting", False
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", contentType
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "X-Authorization", sToken
oWinHttp.Send restRequest
response = oWinHttp.StatusText
MsgBox response
Dim DeployResponse
DeployResponse = oWinHttp.ResponseText
'MsgBox DeployResponse
Contents of Input Files
Applicable to the above VB Script
The text Of auth-input.txt will have the input JSON String For authentication {"UserName":"admin","Password":"12345678"}
The text For deploy-input.txt will have the input JSON String For deployment
{"Username": "mike_williams", "Windows_Username": "\\mike.williams", "Windows_Password": "abc123" }
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 9
API - Export and Import Bots for Bot Lifecycle Management
As a Control Room user with privileges to Export bots and files as well as Import bots and files, you can export and then import
TaskBots with its dependent files in different automation environments to help manage your organization's Bot Lifecycle Management
You can use the Control Room Export Import RESTAPI to manage your automation TaskBots including dependent files in different
environments such as Development, Testing, Acceptance, and Production based on your organization's automation needs.
Usually, the Control Room user has to depend on means other than Control Room (for example email) to deploy TaskBots from one
environment to another. Using the Export-Import APIs, you can easily introduce a customized BLM solution thus removing all external
factors that could possibly disrupt your automation life cycle.
Refer Export bot files and Import bot files to use the functionality from your Control Room user interface.
Features and benefits
lFlexibility to customize the process life-cycle environment (Bot Lifecycle Management) and not restrict it to the Development, Test-
ing, Acceptance and Production environments.
lRole based access control on Bot Lifecycle Management
lAutomatic export of dependencies (files and bots)
lAudit and traceability on source and target environment for compliance
lNotification references in email on successful execution or failure of export and import.
lThe Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have "Export bots" permission
lThe Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have download permission on the Bots and depend-
encies that are being exported.
lIf Version Control is enabled in the source Control Room, the production version of all bots and dependencies which you want to
export must be set.
lUser account that is used to run the Control Room services must have access to the location where package is getting exported,
e.g. network location(shared drive) or on Control Room server machine
lThe Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have "Import bots" permission
lThe Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have upload permission on the Bots and depend-
encies that are being imported.
lThe Control Room user who will execute the utility to import multiple bots must have access to the exported package file provided
by Automation Anywhere.
API Endpoints
a. Export - <Control Room URL>/v1/alm/export
b. Import - <Control Room URL>/v1/alm/import
Using the above end points of the BLM Export API you can export a single bot and all of its dependencies.
Export Bot
Export a single bot with its dependent files using the Export API provided by Automation Anywhere:
1. Use the Post method to generate a token using the end point http(s)://<hostname:port>/v1/authentication. For this provide the
Control Room instance as Server Name /Hostname /IP and the Port number. Refer sample:
2. Use the Post method and state the parameters for credentials in Body Data. Refer sample:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 10
3. Click Play/Start
4. Once your credentials are authenticated, use the generated token for Export API.
5. Provide parameters such as filename,destination path and package name in Body Data to export a bot. Following list provides
parameter description:
lfilename - use this to specify the filepath ending with the name of the file that has to be expored.
ldestination path - use this to specify the destination path where the exported package is to be stored
lpackage name - use this to specify the package name that you must provide
Refer sample,
"filePath":"Automation Anywhere\\My Tasks\\Finance\\Account Reconciliation.atmx",
"destinationPath":"tempshare\\datashare\\Finance Department",
"packageName":"Finance package"
6. Click Play/Start
7. You can use multiple sources to view the export results in,
lReponse Data that comprise package path and checksum.
lAudit Log page (Main as well as details)
lEmail when you receive notification on success or failure
Import Bot
Once the bot is successfully exported to a network drive or Control Room machine path, another user can import that package to a dif-
ferent Control Room using the Import API:
1. Use the Post method to generate a token using the end point http(s)://<hostname:port>/v1/authentication. Provide the Control
Room instance as Server Name /Hostname /IP and the Port number. Refer sample:
2. Use the Post method and state the parameters for credentials in Body Data.
Refer sample:
3. Click Play/Start
4. Once your credentials are authenticated, provide parameters such as package path and the checksum that was generated as a
token during export in Body Data.Refer sample:
"packagePath":"tempshare\\datashare\\Finance Department\\Finance Package_20171221-154403.aapkg",
API Response Codes
Http(s) Status code Response - Description
200 Package created successfully
400 Bad request parameter
404 File not found
501 Permission error
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 11
Audit Logs
An audit entry is logged in the Control Room Audit Log page when you export or import bots. The illustration below shows the detailed
audit entries for Export Bots and Import Bots
Export bots audit details
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Import bots audit details
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