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Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Chi Chapter Pledge Manual
UCLA Spring 2012 - Alpha Eta // Terry Tiu Class
Be a Leader... Be a Friend... Be of Service
Our Purpose
The purpose of the pledge period of this Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, Chi Chapter shall be to: Promote the
three cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service; promote brotherhood through service; promote
fellowship in the principles embodied in the Boy Scout Oath and Law; and promote the development of a
personal honor code.
Our Oath
I fully accept the obligation of pledgeship in Alpha Phi Omega. I will endeavor to prove myself worthy of the
confidence imposed in me. With a sincere desire to put service to humanity ahead of selfish aims, I will strive
diligently to so live that I, in due course, will be accepted as a loyal and true Brother in Alpha Phi Omega.
Your Promise
On my honor I swear that I will do my best to complete this period of pledging, to put forth a true and honest
effort and further the principles of Alpha Phi Omega. During my pledge period I will endeavor to fulfill all my
requirements to the best of my abilities, build lasting ties of brotherhood, and give unselfishly in service to all in
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
This guide is intended to both: help pledges become familiar with our chapter, and be a source
for our history. For more information about our chapter, talk to any ExComm officer. For more
information about our history, talk to our Historian.
Table of Contents
President’s Introduction 3
Namesake’s Welcome 4
Pledge Parents’ Moment 5
Fraternity 6
Chi Chapter Information
Our History 7
A Brief Chi Chapter Timeline 8
Chapter Presidents 10
The Distinguished Service Key 11
Membership Policies 11
LFS Program 12
The Family System 12
Executive Committee Rules 13
Officer Roles 13
Appointed Positions 16
Spring 2012 Executive Committee 17
Chi Pledge Class Information
Pledge Class Requirements 26
Pledge Class Namesakes 29
How to Chair an Event 30
Parliamentary Procedure 31
Pledge Class Officers 31
Pledge Heuristics 33
Dictionary 34
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
President’s Introduction
Yuna Choi (Omega // Wilfred M. Krenek)
Dear Terry Tiu Class,
First of all, on behalf of Alpha Phi Omega Chi Chapter, I
would like to extend a warm welcome to you as you begin a
new chapter in your college experience. And I hope you are as
excited to begin your pledge term as we are to have you with
us. I am excited for you guys!
I really hope you enjoy pledging because it was one of
my fondest and most cherished memories of all time. I truly
enjoyed every single part of pledging. Even though it was
almost four years ago, I remember most of it very vividly. I
have no regrets about joining this fraternity and I hope the same
thing goes for you. Sometimes, being at UCLA made me feel
lost and small but by joining APO, I found myself through
developing leadership skill, fostering good brotherhood, and
promoting service to our fellow men.
“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have
a vision.” Clearly you have a vision enough to join this
fraternity to make a difference in your life. That was a good
first step and now all you have to do is take a leap of faith in
this fraternity and make the most out of your time to make your
vision come true.
“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”
And togetherness is what brings us together. So while pledging,
have each other backs, always look for opportunities to be good
brothers to each other. We are here for each other and maybe one day, you guys can feel comfortable
enough with each other that you feel like a real family. I hope you learn the true meaning of friendship
through APO. We want you to feel like you belong here.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Always remember
that we are living in the world with other people and that is what Alpha Phi Omega is about: helping
others. I truly hope that you learn what it means to be of service to others through pledging.
I hope by the end of your pledging term, you will learn by heart what it means to be a leader, a
friend, and of service. Once again, good luck pledging and hope this is the right choice for all of you.
In Leadership, Friendship, and Service
Yuna Choi
“Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”
Mark Twain
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Namesake’s Welcome
Terry Tiu (Upsilon // Kate Farrell Westlake)
Hello Alpha Eta Pledge Class!
My name is Terry Tiu and I am the namesake for the Spring
2012 term! It is an honor for me to be your namesake and I
hope that I will live up to not only your expectations but to
all Alpha Phi Omega brothers past and present. Anyways, I
have been a part of APO for almost 6 years and no matter
what service I’ve been to or who I’ve met in the fraternity,
I’ve always learned something from it and I consider APO as
my extended family.
With that said, I want to congratulate you all in taking your
first step with Alpha Phi Omega and now is your time to
grow and give back to the community because what they say
is true; that one person can really make a difference in other
peoples lives.
There will be times when things get tough or you’re stressed
out or you want to get away from it all, but just remember
that every single person in APO will be there for you and
will help you get through it all. The people that I’ve been
active with I still see regularly to this day and I know I can
count on them for anything.
With APO I’ve been fortunate enough to be an advisor in
two chapters, to share a cabin with people in Big Bear or a
hotel room in Las Vegas, go to the shooting range with
brothers, and even rent an apartment with brothers in NYC
for a year where we stayed out to karaoke until dawn. I even
know people that have traveled to the Caribbean and Taiwan
It is a privilege for us to be at UCLA and in Alpha Phi Omega and it has been a long lasting and
positive experience for many of us. I’m glad that you have decided to take part in something new and
exciting and I hope we can share the experience with you!
In Leadership, Friendship, and Service,
Terry Tiu
Upsilon Class, ’06
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Parent’s Welcome
Jennifer Lam (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
Victor Louie (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Dear Kids!
Welcome to Alpha Phi Omega! As part of the Terry Tiu
class, we have high expectations of you. We are happy to
have you pledge for this fraternity while we are pledge
parents. We hope you will be able to follow some of our
goals for you and show that you are able to exemplify the
cardinal principles, Leadership, Friendship and Service.
It is an honor to be able to guide you through your journey
into Alpha Phi Omega as your pledge parents. We would
also like you to know that our guidance will not just stop
there. If you ever have problems in real life, feel free to
come to us. Although it may not seem it, we both actually
have a lot of experience in life. Want to hang out? We’ll
be there. Want to swipe us? We’ll be there. Want to talk?
We’ll be there. Need some help? We’ll be there. There’s
never a time that we won’t want to help you. Just extend
your arm and we’ll extend ours. We will be there to hold
your hand through the darkness if you shall ever
encounter any.
We want you work with philanthropy this term. The feeling of helping others is very special and it makes you
happy. As indescribable as it is, seeing your efforts bring a smile to the face of another is one way you can find
your own happiness. The lovely Service Vice Presidents this term have decided our theme will be Serving the
Youth. Try to integrate that in the services you do, as the children are the future. Use your hands to help mold
the children of tomorrow into leaders themselves. Use the principles you have learned and share it with the
Don’t be afraid to grow up. We will always be there, but also feel free to take the initiative. What you gain is
very dependent on what you put in. As a 24 person class, we hope you will all bond well with each other as a
family. Show us that you will become great actives!
In Leadership, Friendship and Service,
Your PDaddy and PMommy,
Victor Louie and Jennifer Lam
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Someone once said, “Words don’t have meaning; people have meaning.” Essentially,
meaning is contained within the heart of each and every person. It is not simply a matter of
seeing or hearing something. Meaning relates to how individuals react and what they value dear
to them.
This concept applies to Alpha Phi Omega. When we sing the Toast Song at the end
of meetings and projects, it’s not just to sway back and forth and sing. We don’t wear our pins
simply to avoid participation in a pin check. These are traditions in our fraternity which link us
to the time of our founders. They remind us of why this fraternity was founded. Furthermore,
the Toast Song and our service and pledge pins symbolize membership pride in Alpha Phi
Omega. They are to be appreciated, rather than feared. In addition, “brotherhood” involves
more than mere membership. When you call someone “brother,” you are conveying to that
person dedication to the chapter, gratitude, common interests, and friendship.
Along similar lines, sign-ups are not created to fill a quota of individuals or to keep
members occupied. Those who pass these sign-ups around are reaching out to you. They are
requesting your help to help others. By participating in socials, you get to know the brothers
around you better, and you contribute to chapter unity. By working at projects, you are
providing service to the campus, the community, the chapter, and the nation. Chairs aren’t
requesting your attendance; they’re requesting you.
Thus, meaning transcends the boundaries of articles, speeches, and even actions. It
entails attitude, feelings, and spirit. It binds us together in this fraternity and gives us direction.
1 Is Alpha Phi Omega the largest national service club? For a hint, read the word to which this subscript is attached. Do not get this wrong!!!
2 A piece from the 1988 “Gamma Gamma Update”, author unknown
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Our History
The twenty-second chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, Chi Chapter, was founded in November
13, 1931, in a small ceremony, with Dr. H. Roe Bartle, the Supreme Grand Master1 of Alpha
Phi Omega, in attendance. Robert Hall Lamott, a sophomore majoring in Psychology, served as
president of a founding class composed of seventeen members. They were Edmund Carmody,
Malcolm Donohoo, Donald Dotson, Jay Dresser, Henry Hare, Palen Keith, Richard Killen,
Robert Lamott, Philip Lukei, John Luebsen, Joseph Maguire, Frank Ohly, Lloyd Pack, Jack
Requarth, Edward Saxton, Charles Skutt, and Leonard Stone. One of our advisors was the
president of the school, Ernest Moore.
During the first few turbulent years, many of the chapter records were lost. Most
pre-WWII records of Chi are unavailable. Because of WWII, many chapters of Alpha Phi
Omega became inactive. However, after the war, many members tried to re-charter lost chapters
and continue to serve the community. The following is a partial history of Chi.
In the 1970s, times were changing in the nation and in Alpha Phi Omega. In 1976,
women were officially allowed into the Fraternity when our National Bylaws were amended at
the National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Previous to this time, females had been sneaking
into Alpha Phi Omega in many chapters, including Chi, by using their first initial and last name
on applications for membership2.
In 1978, the Chapter was deactivated. Legend has it that the only members left at
UCLA in 1977-1978 were a couple uninterested in recruiting more members. When they
graduated, the Chapter went with them.
In 1993, Kappa Chapter brother Dave O’Leary began sponsoring the rechartering
of Chi Chapter. By 1996, Francis Alcantara’s efforts for UCLA students to continue their
dedication to serving others led to the official formation of a petitioning group for Chi Chapter.
As a petitioning group, Chi attended the 1996 National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.
RECHARTERING CLASS: Heather Banh, Greg Barnes, May Chan, Ken Chang, David Chen,
John Chen, Maggie Chen, Christina Chiang, Terence Hayter, Emi Hosaka, Joanne Huang,
Truong Huynh, Stacie Ishida, Gordon Kwan, Carolyn Kwok, Rose Lee, Christine Niho,
Hoang-Thi Pham, Diana Rivera, Porndej Rushatakankovit, Sirintorn Rushatakankovit, Jennifer
Ryu, Helen Wang, Stephen Wong, Jennifer Yamamoto, Clarissa Yu
1 The title of National President was actually Supreme Grand Master until 1934
2 Pretty sneaky, huh?
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Brief Chi Chapter Timeline
1931 Chi Chapter founded November 13, Robert Hall Lamott as president, 17 members in founding class
1937 C.J. Carlson pledges May 16
1941 Alden G. Barber1 pledges March 23
1946 Fall H. Roe Bartle Pledge Class; C.J. Carlson serves on National Board of Directors
1947 Fall J. Edgar Hoover Pledge Class
1948 Fall The Memorial Pledge Class
1949 Fall Dr. James E. West Pledge Class
1950 Fall Founders Pledge Class
1951 Fall Dr. Ray O. Wyland Pledge Class
1952 Fall Dean Arno Nowotny Pledge Class
1953 Fall James Stanley Leedom Pledge Class
1954 Fall Daniel Den Uyl Pledge Class
1955 Fall President Dwight D. Eisenhower Pledge Class
1956 Fall Carlos P. Romulo Pledge Class; C. J. Carlson receives National Distinguished Service Award
1957 Fall Lord Robert Baden-Powell Pledge Class
1958 Fall Dr. Albert Schweitzer Pledge Class
1959 Fall Dr. Albert Schuck Pledge Class; Earle M. Herbert2, Chi’s most famous member, pledges
1960 Fall Joseph A. Brunton, Jr. Pledge Class; Earle M. Herbert receives Chapter DSK
1961 Fall President John F. Kennedy Pledge Class
1962 Fall H. Roe Bartle Pledge Class
1963 Fall Dean Arno Nowotny Pledge Class
1964 Fall Herbert G. Horton Pledge Class
1965 Fall Dr. Lester R. Steig Pledge Class
1966 Fall Frank Reed Horton Pledge Class
1967 Fall James A. Lovell, Jr. Pledge Class; Earle M. Herbert serves as delegate for Constitutional
1968 Fall Tom T. Galt Pledge Class; Earle M. Herbert becomes first Regional Representative for Region X (1968-
1969 Fall E. Ross Forman Pledge Class
1970 Fall Sidney B. North Pledge Class
1971 Fall Dr. Glen T. Nygreen Pledge Class
1972 Fall Aubrey B. Hamilton Pledge Class
1973 Fall J. Frank McMullen Pledge Class
1974 Fall H. Roe Bartle Memorial Pledge Class; Alden G. Barber receives National Distinguished Service
Award; Earle M. Herbert becomes National Publications Chair (1974-1978)
1975 Fall Joseph Scanlon Pledge Class
1976 Fall Lucius E. Young Pledge Class; Women officially allowed into Alpha Phi Omega
1977 Fall Life Member Pledge Class
1978 Fall Dean Lewis N. Jones Pledge Class; Earle M. Herbert receive National Distinguished Service Award; Chi
Chapter is deactivated
1980 Fall M. R. Disborough Pledge Class; National Convention takes place in Los Angeles (Dec. 27-30);
Earle M. Herbert serves as National Convention Coordinator; Earle M. Herbert becomes National
Vice President (1980-1982)
1982 Earle M. Herbert serves as Special Committee of Fraternity Standards Chair; Earle M. Herbert becomes
National President (1982-1986) elected by acclamation both times; Earle M. Herbert receives
Region X DSK.
1 Alden G. Barber later became Boy Scout Chief Scout Executive
2 Earle M. Herbert was also a cubmaster and scoutmaster
Phrat Phax:
Each year the Chapparal Alumni Association holds a scholarship contest for $500 prizes in
Earle M. Herbert’s name.
There is a recognition called the Earle M. Herbert National Friendship Award, given to the
chapter with the best overall membership program.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
1986 Earle M. Herbert serves as International Concerns Committee Chair
1987 Earle M. Herbert serves as Long Range Planning Committee Chair
1988 Earle M. Herbert receives National Alumni DSK
1993 Fall Earle M. Herbert gets his own National Pledge Class, the Earle M. Herbert Pledge Class; Kappa brother
Dave O’Leary sponsors Chi rechartering (1993-1996)
1994 Earle M. Herbert passes away April 15
1996 Francis Alcantara begins Chi petitioning group Fall Thomas H. Kean Pledge Class, rechartering class; Chi
sends 13 people to Nationals in Phoenix, Arizona
1997 Chi rechartered; Activation ceremony February 1, Gamma Gamma and Alpha Delta Theta attend
rechartering ceremonies for Chi Chapter at UCLA then advised by Gamma Gamma alumni Kanta Sircar and
Christine Chan, 27 men and women of all nationalities at UCLA become part of the founding class,
rechartering picture is printed in Torch and Trefoil; Ken Chang, former Gamma Gamma active, becomes
first Pledgemaster for newly rechartered UCLA chapter for the Alpha Pledge Class Spring Alpha Pledge
Class; 26 activated; Chi hosts Spring Sectionals; 7 members form a group called the “Hootchies”, composed of
Diana Rivera, Kimberly Fitzpatrick, Emi Hosaka, Maggie Chen, Debbie Yeh, Brenda Banuelos, and “pimp”
Greg Barnes, Linnea Adler joins them when she pledges in the Fall
1997 Fall Fr. William T. Cunningham Pledge Class, beta class; 19 activated; Chi attends Regionals in Berkeley,
winning the “Man-Mile” award by bringing 50 members, after stripping the shirts off of some of the guys at
the banquet dance, briefly becomes known as Hoo Chi Chapter. One Gamma Gamma active, Harry Hwang,
thus acquires the nickname of “Hoochi” Harry by being stripped; Greg Barnes wins “Chubby Bunnycontest.
1998 Spring Gamma Pledge Class; 39 activated; Chi helps recharter Rho Gamma (CSU-LA)
1998 Fall Joseph F. Kuchta Pledge Class, delta class; 21 activated; Linnea Adler and Terence Hayter attend Nationals in
Minneapolis, Minnesota as voting delegates, this is the last Nationals that Chi chapter has attended.
1999 Spring Epsilon Pledge Class; 23 activated; Epsilonís Pledge Project, helping clean up a Boy Scout camp in Lake
Arrowhead, is mentioned with a picture and caption in the Torch and Trefoil; past Chi advisor Christine
Chan becomes a Pledge Class Namesake for Gamma Gamma
1999 Fall Stan Carpenter Pledge Class, zeta class; 19 activated; Chi hosts Fall Sectionals
2000 Spring Eta Pledge Class; 27 activated; Linnea Adler receives Earle M. Herbert Scholarship
2000 Fall Robert C. Barkhurst Pledge Class, theta class; 8 activated; Banquet at Crowne Plaza Hotel $30 a person
2001 Spring Iota Pledge Class; 16 activated; Alicia Louie receives John Mack Scholarship Award
2001 Summer Chi sends 6 Actives, Becky Gong, Tim Huang, Nam Hoang, Rich Jhong, Alicia Louie, and Jason Wong,
to Chapter Planning Workshop in San Jose
2001 Fall Robert J. Hilliard Pledge Class, Kappa Class; 43 initiate; Chi Pledge Handbook begun by Paul Choung
2002 Spring Lambda Pledge Class; 53 initiate, 46 activated; Online signups begun by Paul Choung (Mr. Amazing)
2002 Fall George Dacy Pledge Class, Mu Class; 52 initiate, 47 activated.
2003 Spring Neil Dutta Pledge Class, 48 pledges; CPPC renamed to Chapter Program Retreat (CPR); Chi sends
Pledge Parents renamed to Pledgemasters (“Mommies”); multi-Family System implemented; Pledge
Trainers implemented; Alpha Phi Omega is selected as one of the “Thousand Points of Light” by
President Bush.
2003 Fall Ray Hancock Pledge Class, 31 Activated.
2004 Spring Linnea Lieberman Pledge Class, 29 Activated.
2004 Fall Togo West Pledge Class, 17 Activated.
2005 Spring Frances Hu Pledge Class, RHO CLASS!! 18 Activated
2005 Fall Gerald A. Schroeder Pledge Class, SIGMA LOVE!!! 19 Activated
2006 Spring Paul J. Choung Pledge Class, TAU ON TOP!! 36 Activated
2006 Fall Kate Farrell Westlake Class, Upsilon Class! 20 Activated
2007 Spring Frank Lee Pledge Class, PHI CLASS!!!! 25 Activated
2007 Fall John C. Jadel Class, Chi Class 56 Activated
2008 Spring Bonnie Chen Class, PSI CLASS!!!! 56 Activated
2008 Fall Wilfred M. Krenek, OMEGA CLASS!!! 40 Activated
2009 Spring Betty Tran, ALPHA ALPHA CLASS!!! 29 Activated
2009 Fall Jack A. McKenzie Class, Alpha Beta Class, 22 Activated
2010 Spring Bryan Lam Class, Alpha Gamma, 19 Activated
2010 Fall James L. Chandler Class, Alpha Delta, 20 Activated
2011 Spring Melinda Ly Class, Alpha Epsilon, 24 Activated
2011 Fall Charles P. Zlatkovich Class, Alpha Zeta, 18 Activated
2012 Spring Terry Tiu Class, Alpha Eta!!! ?????????????? :D
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Chapter Presidents
1996 Fall Gregory Barnes1
1997 Spring John Chen
1997 Fall Terence Hayter
1998 Spring Diana Rivera
1998 Fall Christina Cheng2
1999 Spring Oliver Chin
1999 Fall Diana Pao
2000 Spring Shirley Wei
2000 Fall Sang Le
2001 Spring Alicia Louie
2001 Fall Sharon Phosaly
2002 Spring Tiffany Lin
2002 Fall Rich Jhong
2003 Spring Daniel King
2003 Fall Frances Hu
2004 Spring Joshua Krol
2004 Fall Cynthia Lee
2005 Spring Paul Lillig
2005 Fall Alfonso Duenas
2006 Spring Bonnie Chen
2006 Fall Christine Patel
2007 Spring Melinda Ly
2007 Fall Betty Tran
2008 Spring Betty Tran
2008 Fall Christopher Wong
2009 Spring Lynette Chea
2009 Fall Alexis Fischer
2010 Spring Cindy Chang
2010 Fall Kevin Lee
2011 Spring Willis Chan
2011 Fall Yuna Choi
2012 Spring Yuna Choi
According to our Chapter Constitution, the President is the head of the Executive
Committee. Chi elects a President who serves during 15 weeks of the school year.
This period covers the pledging term. The office officially begins at the Officer
Installation Ceremony, traditionally held at Banquet. The position continues until
the next President is installed. Currently, the election is held during the last Chapter
Meeting of that school quarter. Only Actives in Good Standing may vote or run for
office. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, a special election is
held to fill the vacant office. Until the office is filled, the President may appoint a
temporary officer. If the office of the President is vacant, the next highest offices
fill the vacancy until the special election. Above is a partial list of past Chi Chapter
1 Rechartering President
2 The original President-elect failed to complete Active Requirements. MVP Christina Cheng became interim president, and was officially elected later.
Phrat Phax:
If the President puts the President’s Gavel down somewhere
(that is not on or in their personal property), an Active or
Pledge can “steal” it and cause the President to satisfy one
wish (within reason - Chapter may approve) to recover it.
Another chapter item that is stealable is the Pledge Parents’
Paddle. Keep track of our own Chapter property, because if
another chapter steals our stuff, then we gotta do something
to get it back.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
The Distinguished Service Key
The award of Membership is the highest honor our Chapter can bestow upon individuals. However, the
Chapter Distinguished Service Key (DSK) is the highest honor which a Chapter can award to someone already
a Member. There are no set requirements for the DSK other than the approval of 3/4 of the Active Members.
They should be Members who have made a lasting contribution to the Chapter. Neither longevity nor being an
officer is enough, although both help. There is no requirement for the number of DSKs to be awarded per term.
Generally, the chapter president calls for nominations for DSK at the latter meetings of the term. These
nominations are written and given to the president. There is a general discussion of the candidate with the
nominee absent from the room at the next chapter meeting. The nominee is never to be made aware that they
have been nominated unless and until they receive the award. They are traditionally awarded at Banquet.
Earle M. Herbert pledged Chi Chapter in 1959. He received the Chapter Distinguished Service Award
in the fall of 1960. He went on to receive the National Distinguished Service Award in 1978, the Regional
Distinguished Service Key in 1982, and the Distinguished Alumnus Key in 1988. He served as the first Region
X Director from 1968-1980. He was elected by acclamation as the National President in 1982 and 1984. During
his terms the Fraternity saw improved communication with all chapters and a greatly enlarged leadership
development program. The international aspects of Alpha Phi Omega were highlighted during his second term.
Brother Herbert passed away April 15, 1994.
Mary Trinh pledged Chi Chapter during Eta Class. During her time as an Active, she exemplified the
fraternity’s highest ideals. She served two terms on ExComm and was one of the fraternity’s first family heads
for the multi-family system (Iron Chefs) during Spring 2003. She received the Chapter Distinguished Service
Award in the Spring of 2003.
Membership Policies
We take great pride in being a chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. In our chapter we strive to promote
brotherhood and the three cardinal principles of our fraternity. In order to do this, we have strict rules governing
membership in our chapter.
By completing all pledge requirements, a pledge becomes eligible for consideration to become active
members of our chapter. The chapter then determines if the pledge has shown themself to be worthy of active
membership by demonstrating leadership, friendship, and service in their everyday life. If the pledge is
approved, then this honor is bestowed upon them at the subsequent activation ceremony, during which our oaths
of dedication are sworn.
The first term of active membership into the chapter is considered a probationary term. During this term
the new active MUST fulfill all normal active requirements. (These requirements are voted upon by the chapter
and approved at the first chapter meeting of the term. They typically contain requirements in the areas of
leadership, friendship and service.) If a new active does not fulfill these requirements, that active is subject to
deactivation by the chapter.
If an active (after the probationary term) fails to fulfill active requirements during the term, the active is
assigned Bad Standing for the next term. Members without Active status are not eligible to run for office, vote,
or make motions. If an active (after the probationary term) feels that they will be unable to complete their
membership requirements during a given term, that active is given the option of becoming an associate member.
Associates do not have to complete any active requirements, except for paying dues (after notifying the
Membership VP). Associate members have all the privileges of Active members except for voting and holding
office. A member may be suspended or expelled from the chapter for just cause and due deliberation, by a two-
thirds majority of the Active members.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Leadership Program
Leadership is a very important part of Alpha Phi Omega. Most people erroneously
believe that the only way to be a leader in our Fraternity is to hold an elected position.
However, Leadership comes in many forms. It is possible to lead by example, simply by
attending a large number of events and conducting yourself in a proper manner. You can take
part in the various leadership building workshops that we offer. You can be a leader by joining
a committee and taking part in the decision making of the chapter. It is the leadership of all the
non-officers in the chapter that keep the chapter alive and strong.
Fellowship Program
Chi also has a diverse fellowship program. By bonding through various social activities,
we can relax from the stress of schoolwork while building a stronger chapter. In the recent
quarters, we have done at least one fellowship event every week. Most common fellowships
consist of eating together or working out together. If you want to see a particular event, offer to
chair it. We’re always up for having some more fun.
Service Program
Chi prides itself on helping the community. Most weeks, there are three or four service
projects. We endeavor to have a wide range of service projects, so that each member can find
projects which s/he wants to participate in. Some of our past projects have been: convalescent
home visits, a literacy fair, a career fair, school beautification, reading to kids, feeding
homeless, campus graffiti clean-up, marathons, tree planting, pulling weeds from parks where
they endanger the indigenous plants, and helping at benefit dances. We have worked with many
organizations, making contacts throughout the community. If there are any projects that you
would like to see, just let our Service VPs know. And you are always welcome to help
coordinate new projects.
The Family System
Pledging a fraternity the size of Alpha Phi Omega can be very intimidating, with its many
active members and large pledge classes. There will be confusing moments as well as questions
which arise during pledging. Familiar faces and confidantes can rally help during this period.
To help ease the pledging process and introduce you to many aspects of the chapter, you are
placed within a large family and given a big sib.
You are assigned to one big or two big sibs. Furthermore your pledge class will be
broken up into three “families” headed by Family Heads and you will complete missions with
these families. Your big sibs fam heads are your guides and confidantes, helping you through
the pledging experience, as well as answering your questions and sharing with you their
Remember, they are here to help you because they want to, not because they have to.
They have many commitments, just as you do. They big sib because they appreciate the time
you are taking to pledge and contribute to this Fraternity. Make sure to thank them in kind. :D
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Executive Committee Rules
Our chapter Executive Committee (ExComm) consists of all elected officers, the
President, Service VP, Membership VP, Fellowship VP, Pledge Parent, Administrative VP,
Finance VP, Historian, Sergeant-at-Arms, Interchapter Chair, and the Chairman of the Advisory
Committee (our advisors). The current President is the chair of the Executive Committee. The
ExComm generally meets at least once between chapter meetings and all active brothers and
pledges are encouraged to attend.
Nominations for the next term’s offices are currently held during the eighth and ninth
week and elections generally held the tenth week. Only Actives in Good Standing may be
nominated, and only Actives in Good Standing may vote. In the event that an officer cannot
fulfill the duties of office, the officer may be impeached by a 3/4 majority or may resign.
No member may hold 2 elected offices simultaneously or serve in the same ExComm
position for more than two complete and consecutive terms. Each ExComm officer may have
appointed officers.
Committees & Meetings
We have chapter meetings every week. Here, we take care of announcements and
business which a committee or an individual has brought before the chapter. However, since we
are so large, most things are usually discussed in a committee meeting before they come to the
floor of a chapter meeting. Committees are a good way of involving more people and keeping
the officers from becoming overburdened. Anyone is welcome to serve on any of these
committees, with the exception of the Advisory Committee, the Executive Committees, and the
Pledge Committee. All members (pledges and actives) are encouraged to attend ExComm
meetings. Actives are encouraged to attend the Pledge Committee Meetings. Other committees
can be appointed as the need arises. You should feel free to serve on any of these committees.
Don’t worry about what (if any) background and experience you have.
Officer Roles
Attend ExComm meetings
Explain duties to incoming officers
Help pledge-counterpart to their office
Keep materials in organized and understandable order
Is the official head of the Chapter and leads ExComm meetings.
Makes sure other ExComm members are doing their jobs.
Appoints offices if vacant until a time when an election can be held.
Brings gavel to meetings and large events
Promote leadership within the chapter.
Creates and heads service committee
Decides on projects, contacts organizations, and finds chairs
Creates enough service projects so as to ensure fulfillment of requirements
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Also known as the “Active Parents” of the Fraternity
Creates Head and Membership Committees
Coordinates Heads of Family System
Evaluating applications and selecting Family Heads
Organize Families (Re-sort actives every quarter)
Work closely with Family Heads to create Family Events and Competitions
Creates and maintains active & pledge roster
Creates and heads birthday committee
Designs projects and activities to increase involvement, retention, diversity, and recruitment of members
Decides upon active requirements with the approval of the fraternity
In charge of Active Forum, Quorum
In charge of providing LFS & EMH Awards, Stoles for Seniors, and Senior Speeches at Banquet
Keeps track of all active and pledge requirements
Having all chapter initiation, activation, and report form paperwork
Creates and heads fellowship committee
Decides on and creates fellowship projects, and finds chairs for these projects
In charge of all aspects of banquet, including:
Advising the pledge fellowship committee as to what their roles are:
Deciding on location and time of banquet
Picking food
Picking DJ
Making programs and flower-grams
Determining price of tickets, and advertising these prices
Organizes, heads, and leads rush week including:
Creating a rush committee.
Deciding on times and locations of events.
Being in charge of flyers, sandwich board, banners, brooms, all rush materials.
Keeping record of all prospective.
Making sure there are two people tabling at ALL times, 7 am to 2 pm
Create and run pledge program including
Making pledge requirements
Recruiting and organizing pledge trainers
Running pledge meetings
Attending plexcomm meetings
Coordination of pledge project
Making and administering pledge test
Running initiation and activation ceremonies
Determining winner of brightest bulb” award and making sure the previous winner makes an award for current
In charge of big sib program
Creates and maintains pledge roster.
Tries to increase interaction between pledges and actives
Checks mail in office at 105 Kerckhoff Hall
Checks e-mail, and forwards or replies to e-mails as necessary
Creates and copies weekly agenda
Takes minutes of ExComm and chapter meetings
Takes attendance at general meetings
Head of list-serv
Webmaster for chapter webpage at www.apo-x.org including:
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Creating and heading web committee
Posting weekly agenda
Helping membership VP post and record requirements
Making sure web page is current and informative
In charge of all financial records of the chapter
Creates and heads fundraising committee
Creates and finds chairs for fundraising projects
Takes and keeps record of all money for chapter, including:
Active, associate, and pledge dues
Banquet tickets
“Grams” of any type
Sectional, regional, or national conference fees
Prepares a budget statement at the end of the term, explains all aspects of the job to the next finance VP, and
ensures that the new VP has their name added to the bank account
Gives out reimbursements, but only if member has a receipt for the purchase and the purchase was previously
approved by the president and/or finance VP
Creates and heads historian committee
Creates Rush Slideshow
Creates Chapter Pledge Manual
In charge of “Brother of the Week” awards
Takes pictures, or designates a member to take pictures, at all events
In charge of Chapter Wikipedia
Creates scrapbook
Creates slide show for banquet
Is in charge of storing and preserving for future classes of the chapter:
All scrapbooks
All photo CDs
Keeps order at all meetings
Keeps track of active and pledge pins, informs the chapter when new pins need to be ordered, and makes sure pins
are at all Initiation and Activation ceremonies
Collects fines from actives not wearing their pins
Runs, with the help of advisors, all elections
Uses the SAA squirt gun to keep control, as necessary
Keeps and maintains list of contacts for all chapters in our section, including interest groups, as well as section
Creates and coordinates interchapter projects such as the interchapter talent show or interchapter picnic in HB
Encourages interchapter relations
Acts as chair for sectionals, regionals, and nationals
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Appointed Officers
According to our chapter by-laws (which are available upon request from the parliamentarian), an Executive
Committee officer can appoint additional officers to fulfill tasks deemed necessary by the chapter membership or officers.
Many of our chapter’s day to day activities are carried out in committees chaired by appointed officers. The following is
an abbreviated list of possible positions. If you want to be involved, just ask!
President’s Committee
Conference Chairs
Constitutional Review
Service Committee
New Projects
On-going Projects
National Service Week
Service Thermometer
Membership Committee
Membership Committee
Family Heads
Birthday Crew
Fam Comp Committee
Family Olympics
Fellowship Committee
Dance Chairs
Banquet Chairs
IM Sports
Event Coordinator
Pledge Committee
External VP of Operations
Internal VP of Operations
Big/Lil Coordinator
Pledge groups
Administrative Committee
Finance Committee
SAA Committee
Historian Committee
Photo Crew
Interchapter Committee
Alumni Advisor Committee
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Spring 2012 Executive Committee
Chapter President Yuna Choi (Omega // Wilfred M. Krenek)
Hola everyone! This is Yuna it’s like Tuna with a Y! And I have
lots of nicknames I’m sure you’ve heard of some already HAHA.
And now let me tell you little bit about myself. I am originally
from Korea, but I am currently living in Irvine. I go back at least
once a month or so. If you happen to be in Irvine, then text me ;) I
am interested in many different things such as skiing, musical
instruments, photography, gaming, skateboarding, and many more.
As of now, I am taking drum lessons but I’m still not good ‘cause I
never practice lol. I love winter sports and SNOW! I love eating
and drinking also lol. A few of my favorite things to eat are sushi,
steak, tacos, KBBQ, and eggs. Btw, I like dorm foods ;) hint hint!
For interviews! AHAHAHA I can’t cook so I eat ramen or bowl
noodle and microwavable dinner almost every day. If you are
hungry in the middle of the night or craving ramen just give me a
call ;) I also like watching television and some of my favorite
shows are: The West Wing, Monk, Lie to Me, CSI, Modern
Family, How I Met Your Mother and recently, Big Bang Theory.
My favorite character from HIMYM is Barney and I wanna be like
Moving onto APhiO facts about me, I pledged Omega term; GO
OMEGA CLASS! I was drawn to APhiO because I was looking
for an organization that offered service opportunities. I really
enjoyed my pledging term and all the awesome people that I met. I
keep coming back to APhiO term after term because of all the
services that I can do and I really believe in the leadership that it
helps build. And of course all the friends I made already and new people I can meet make APhiO even more
interesting. I served as SAA two terms and if anyone asks, I was the one that started ABEA (America’s Best
Evaluation Awards). Sometimes, I still feel like I am a SAA checking pins and telling people to be quiet. Last
year, I was the Pledge Parent for AD AWESOME DINOS!! It was definitely an unforgettable term and I am so
proud of all of my 20 kiddos :D They da best! I love them but don’t tell them that! And then, I was a
Membership VP with Joey for AE term. And just last term, I was president, and here I am again, still flying
solo, screaming “AWESOME”, and pulling one man show… Happy to be your president ;)
Well, that is enough about me; if you wanna know more about me, call me up or text me! Good luck pledging to
all of you :D
Yuna Choi
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Administrative Vice Presidents
Jessica Chen (Alpha Gamma // Bryan Lam)
Hello Alpha Eta class! I'm Jessica Chen, and am
happy to be serving as your Admin VP this term! If you
have any questions or concerns about the website or
meeting alumni, feel free to talk to me about it.
A little about myself: I was born and raised in
Sacramento, am now a third-year biochemistry major
here, and hope to be a pharmacist in the future! I
pledged with Alpha Gamma class so I've been with
APhiO for quite a while now~ I also love good food,
cute animals, and did I mention red-bean ice-cream
mochi? Occasionally, I'll be watching Korean dramas
when I'm not busy with school, volunteering, and
APhiO. Anyway, I am really excited to meet you all, so
just give me a call (or email) if you would like to chat!
I'm usually on aim as "swtgrl loves you" so you can find
me there too.
I sincerely wish you all a fun and fullfilling
pledging term, and that APhiO brings you what you are
looking for.
Jessica Chen
Victor Salazar (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hello Alpha Eta folks, this is Vic aka MC Vizzy (haha not really), and I am one of the Administrative
Vice Presidents for this term, along with my fly copilot Jessica Chen. We help manage the chapter mailing lists
and swag up the website, along with our awesome webmasters. I’ll also be preparing the presentations for
chapter meetings and taking notes of meeting proceedings. Additionally, a chapter newsletter/blog is in motion
with contributions welcome from the chapter. I’m a fourth year--darn, graduation soon--and I pledged Spring
2011 during Alpha Epsilon term. Part of the PHInest Family. When I’m not studying the intricacies of politics
and society, the profound meaning behind rap song lyrics, or diving into the abyss of Internet memes, I'm
participating in other activities apart from Alpha Phi Omega. I was a camp counselor for UCLA UniCamp for
the last two summers (possibly a third time this year), and this is my second year as a director for Projecting
Minds, a tutoring and mentoring program at a local elementary school. I'm also currently an intern for a
community program called SPACE, all the while working at Bruin Cafe and practicing to perform in a cultural
night performance in Spring Quarter. Yes, that ish is cray. Yes, my schoolwork may not have my full affections,
but I'd say I'm doing ok. If there’s any introduction advice I could give, it’s to enjoy this period of trials and
bonding as it will comprise some of your favorite experiences in APO. Also, don't let others tell you that you
can't achieve your dreams...unless your dream is to ride a unicorn or grow up to be the Tax Master. Roger that?
Over and out.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Membership Vice Presidents _
Russell Park (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
ALOHA ALPHA ETA CLASS! My name is Russell Park and I am your other (more
amazing) half Membership Vice President! I am a third year majoring in Political Science and
Asian American Studies. I pledged APhiO Alpha Delta Class, Fall 2010 and I am in the
OMEGA Family. Right now I have a craving for boba and I don't know why... Besides boba, I
LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE to eat kitkats and twix and korean bbq and japanese food like sushi,
ramen, chicken katsu... man, I'm getting hungry now thinking about food. I am really excited
and happy to meet all all of you!!!! Although pledging APhiO was such a hectic and crazy
experience, it was such an awesome and worthwhile experience because if I didn't pledge
APhiO I wouldn't have met my bomb-ass pledge class who I can say I have gotten super close
to. I truly wish all of you an amazing pledge experience and I hope that you will embody LFS
(Leadership, Friendship and Service) where ever you go! :D
Janice Wu (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
Hi Alpha Eta! My name is Janice Wu
and I am half (the slightly better half) of your
MVPs this term. =) I am a 3rd year Math/Econ
major, and I pledged Alpha Delta term in the
Fall of 2010 as a second year. I love
spontaneity. I love to eat, which explains why
I'm always on a "diet" it's because I put my
"diet" on hold for food. It's a bad habit... I love
window shopping because I can't afford to buy
everything I want, and when I actually do go
shopping, I spend more than what I should
have budgeted for myself. Throughout the
term, you may here people calling me "ghetto"
but I like to call it "thrifty." This is also my first
time on Excomm! Pledging was one of the
most memorable experiences in my college life
thus far, so I hope that pledges will get the
same out of it. I hope that you guys will have
fun and be open to all the new ideas and
experiences out there. I look forward to
meeting you all!
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Service Vice Presidents
Jennifer Chan (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hola!! Mi llama es Jennifer! I am currently taking Spanish 1
right now, and its one of the hardest classes I’ve taken so far. I hate
that class and its all the way in Public Affairs. I am a graduating
senior (woot , woot class of ’12!!) I am majoring in the most
interesting (interestingest?) class on campus- Sociology! I love
everything (well almost). I love to learn about different cultures and
the types of flowers that exist in a world. I love flowers- that and
imaginary characters are the only things I doodle in class. I am
excited to meet every one of you.
Ok, let’s get serious. Lynn and I are this term’s Service VPs
(YAY SERVICE!). We hope to meet your thirst for helping out the
community. We hope to inspire you guys to love service as much as
we do. So, if you have any suggestions or any questions or any
comments contact us and we’ll talk!
Another thing, I am so excited to meet you guys! Welcome to Alpha Phi Omega! I hope you enjoy
pledging as much as I did. Alpha Phi Omega has not only taught me leadership, friendship, and service, but has
allowed me to grow as a person and take on responsibilities I never thought possible. I have learned about how
to interact with others and it has definitely shaped my UCLA experience. Have fun pledging! Remember you
only get what you put into it!
Lynn Vo (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hello hello, my name is Lynn and I am one of your
Service VPs for the Spring 2012 term. With that being said, I am
also the better one. If you forget my name, you can always
address me as Master. I lived in San Diego most of my life and
here is what I know, Chipotle is fake and way too expensive and
clean to be considered Mexican food. The beaches in LA cannot
compare to that of San Diego. We got the sun, the soft sand, the
fresh clean air, and the good looking people that make San Diego
America's Finest City. Don't get me wrong here, I still do really
enjoy LA, especially because you can drive and see the ever-so-
glamorous area filled with fancy buildings and then immediately
following is a sketch road with torn down buildings. Our
community is big, therefore as Service VP, I really want to inspire
people to reach out and help in whatever shape and form we can. And through service, I hope we will build
long-lasting friendships because when we sweat and bleed together, our friendship is strengthening. Anyways,
this will be my first time serving on the Executive Committee and I honestly do not know how I will do, thus I
would like to ask for your support and forgiveness if there is something I may do wrong! :] Weird people make
the world go round just like the wheel of fortune. The best time to eat ice cream is when it's cold. I like watches.
Runner's high is the best feeling in the world because it feels like you're flying. I try lucid dreaming so I can fly
but so far I have not been successful. Food is love, so please share. I don't really like wearing my glasses, so if
you ever see me and I don't say hi or acknowledge you, it's because I can't see you not because I am ignoring
you. Well, here's to a wonderful term filled with building abs from laughter and jaw hurting from smiles! ^^
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Parents _
Jennifer Lam (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
Hi Kids! I’m so glad that you’ve decided to pledge and I really want to
get to know each and every one of you so don’t be afraid to talk to me (: I have
unlimited text so feel free to text me about anything and at any time of the day.
Whether it is about APhiO stuff or school stuff or love life I’m down to talk.
Victor and I both want you guys to have a memorable time like we did as
pledges and develop a special bond with your pledge bros.
I pledge Alpha Delta Term during my third year, which was Fall
2010. At first I didn’t know if I was making the right decision because I was
super busy and I felt like I should be concentrating on my school work, but I
stuck through it and I’ve never regretted. Before pledging, I was very shy and
hated public speaking, but APhiO helped me become more sociable and speak
up for what I believe in.
I hope you kids find what APhiO can offer you and cherish it as much
as I do. What I learned is that what you get out of it is what you put into it. So
go out and explore. And remember to have lots of fun! I can feel that we’re
going to have an awesome time already!!
Victor Louie (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hey kids! It’s Victor here! So check it out. At first you probably thought this was a sorority by the sheer
number of women. You probably thought it was especially since PAC and Pledge Parents combined consists of
1 guy and 6 girls. Well honestly, my testosterone counterbalances the amount of estrogen. Haha, On a more
serious note, I pledged Alpha Epsilon term into this fraternity. This was honestly one of the most memorable
experiences of my college career. Even though I entered my pledge class as this weird and awkward third
year… well actually apart from being a fourth year now, I’m still quite the weird and awkward type. Anyways, I
never felt happier as everyone became like family to me. Even outside of Alpha Phi Omega, there’s always
something to do with your new family. Whether you go to Korean
Barbeque or Boiling Crab, you will always have something to do. Study
together, play together. I promise you, you will have fun. During Alpha
Zeta term, I became an active and a PAC leader. I had a lot of fun even as
an active and created bonds with people I never thought I would have done
so outside of Alpha Phi Omega. You will love your pledge brothers. I see
so much potential in you all.
So in case you were wondering, I am a Cognitive Science major.
Some people call it north campus, some call it south campus. I call it mid
campus as it takes the worst from both campuses. Essays and calculations.
Some of my hobbies include going snowboarding, swimming and playing
video games. I would admit that I am quite the gamer and if you want, I am
willing to teach you.
Just know that I would want you all to bond with each other and
show me a unified pledge class. I know you can do it. If you ever need me,
you SHOULD have my phone number in your phone by now. I am always
open to talk. Do it. Call me. I shall advise you like you have never been
advised before. I’m pretty much a booty call. Open 24/7.
Have fun kids!
Victor Louie
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Finance Vice Presidents
Shela Ly (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hello there Alpha Eta Class,
Welcome to Alpha Phi Omega! My name is Shela Ly and I'll be one of
your brilliant Finance VPs for the Terry Tiu term. Bet you guys are going to
use this for interviews, right? ;) So anyway, let's get started! They see me
rolling, they hating, patrolling, trying to catch me riding dirrrty. If you can
figure out why this applies to me, automatic awesome points! Jusst kidding.
But I just might owe you a special prize. Ok, I love, love, sleeping. Seriously. I
do. It's the best. Also eating, eating is good too. It requires more work than
sleeping, but that's why its second place. When I'm not sleeping or eating... I'm
watching How I Met Your Mother, Friends, or or .. I just started watching The
Big Bang Theory. That's some pretty good stuff. OH. Right. I do love Disney.
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Its awesome. When I was young and super pasty, people
used to call me Snow White. That or Sailor Saturn, which is like eh, because
she was kind of evil? Well, she was possessed by an evil spirit or something
and then was reborn? Her power was the most dangerous like, the end of the
world type of dangerous. That's why she's the Sailor or Destruction, or
something along those lines. Ok. I realized I haven't exactly talked about myself... but I kind of suck at it. Oh
well, looks like you're going to have to talk to me to get to know me after all!! Good luck with this term guys,
and I can't wait to see you all cross!
- iLFS, Shela Ly
Jungwoo Suh (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Heya folks,
My name is Jungwoo Suh, but I do respond to Andrewwhatever works for
you. I am a second year studying mechanical engineering. I am from Redondo
Beach. I like playing and listening to music. I like playing football and, from
time to time, beach volleyball.
Before you comment on the matter-of-fact tone in the above description
of me, I do want to comment that rotting here in south campus has
disintegrated whatever language skills I have acquired in grade school. But aw
shucks. I think I want to keep the boring part boring. Of course, these words
will mean more than “boring” to me and those who know more about me, but
they are not written to provide any sentiments of any sort to you.
Now, I pledged Alpha Phi Omega, for Spring ‘11 term. I was initiated
with 26 other brothers (and sisters, if you want to get technical). I almost froze
to death at campout when 4 of us went for a little swim. I got my big during
revelations. And with 3 of my pledge brothers already de-pledged (all from my
PAC, heh), I crossed with 23 others.
These words, too, at best, will intrigue you, but should most likely be meaningless to you. You have not
experienced them. But for me and the 23 others, the 3 month-period of pledging process is still an irreplaceable,
unforgettable memory.
It is Spring ’12 Alpha Eta term. 24 pledges have initiated. How will this story progress? How will this
story end? And most importantly, what would this simple, “matter-of-fact” story mean to you? I wish that
during YOUR pledging process, you find your own irreplaceable, unforgettable memory. I wish that you find
words and a story that provides a special, endearing meaning only to you and your pledge brothers. And as an
active brother in this fraternity, I certainly hope that the meaningless sequence of words (letters), “Alpha Phi
Omega” find a warm place in you as it has for me. in Leadership, Friendship, and Service, Jungwoo Suh
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Fellowship Vice Presidents _
Carlos Luna (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
AD Class
Used to be Membership and is now Fellowship.
Has fun doing things he likes.
Doesn't have fun doing things he dislikes.
Loves food, running, physical activity, political thought, philosophy, star wars, lord of the rings,
and stuff.
Eric Pham (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
What’s up Alpha Eta! I’m Eric and
I’ll be one of your Fellowship VPs for this
term. My job is to make sure your class and
the actives have as much fun as possible
through the next few months. My co,
Carlos “El Niño” Luna, and I have
masterfully crafted a balanced calendar that
will allow you to eat Rendezvous up to 6
times a day while maintaining a body that
resembles Terry Crews’. Really though, we
have a lot of fun events planned out for this
term that will help you all get to know each
other better and bond. I hope you guys are
down to try some new things (and maybe
some old), and get ready to get down with
the ‘hood (the brotherhood that is …) so we
can make some awesome memories with
each other!
And now for the about me section …
I’m from Milpitas, which is near San Jose (shout out to the Yay Area!) and I’m a third year
CSE major. I love eating almost as much as I love playing basketball so if you ever need to
track me down, just follow the trail of crumbs or check Wooden Center. I pledged APhiO last
year during Alpha Epsilon term and since then, I’ve never had more fun in college. It was
definitely a challenge at times, but the most important thing to remember is to have fun! Don’t
be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there.
Super stoked that you guys all pledged and I’m looking forward to meeting each of you!
Your humbled Fellowship VP,
Eric “Washboard Stomach” Pham
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Jessica Suhardjo (Alpha Zeta // Charles P. Zlatkovich)
Hey guys! So you’ve probably seen me around creepin’ and takin’
pictures xD yeahhh get used to it haha but anyways I’m your historian for this
term and I will be in charge of keeping our chapter’s history :) I pledged Alpha
Zeta Term AZ..BRAH! and I couldn’t be happier about the decision I made to
pledge for APhiO. Despite all the work and time I had to put into pledging, it has
to have been the most fun time I’ve had in college thus far. I loved everything
about pledging and bonding with my pledge brothers. I loved making all these
lifelong friendships in addition to giving back to the community. A lot of people
would say that I’m perfect for Historian because I LOVE taking pictures haha I
honestly always have my camera with me and if I don’t, then something must be
wrong :P I just like taking lots of pictures and then going through them weeks,
months, or even years later and just enjoying all the good times that were shared.
Taking pictures isn’t all I do but I guess you’ll find out more as the term goes by.
I’m really glad that you all decided to pledge and I hope you guys stick it out
and make it till the end because I can guarantee that you won’t regret it.
Everything in life really depends on how much you put into it so I really hope
you guys make the most of your pledging term and I know you guys will have a great time :D Don’t worry, I’ll
be there to capture your great moments too xD but seriously have fun, go on adventures, and really get to know
each other because at the end when you look back, you can be proud of all the things you accomplished and
achieved together. :D
Taylor Briglio (Alpha Epsilon // Melinda Ly)
Hey everyone, this is your Sergeant- at-Arms, Taylor Briglio. I pledged
exactly one year ago Alpha Epsilon, back when I was a first year and
am now a proud member of the Phi family. I originally pledged APhiO
because I heard it was a service fraternity whose roots belonged in
scouting and that really perked my interest because I am an Eagle Scout.
I am really glad that I joined APhiO because I have made great friends
and I am sure you will too.
Some of my roles as SAA are to make sure the meeting runs
smoothly and to make sure everyone is paying attention and giving a
speaker the respect they deserve. This term you will see me bring some
scouting back into our fraternity because I feel we need to connect back
to our roots. I know I may come off kind of scary when you first meet
me, but deep down I am a really caring person and I want to get to know
all of you and help you cross this term.
Like most people from this chapter I am from the 626, Monterey
Park specifically. But unlike most people in this chapter I am not the
biggest fan of Asian food and have a strong dislike for boba (sorry if that
offends anyone). This just means that I eat at the Mexican side of Rendezvous all the time. Also I am an RA in
Hedrick Summit, so if you ever have questions about anything or want to talk, feel free to call/text/find me.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Interchapter Chair
Julianne Lee (Alpha Delta // James L. Chandler)
I was born and raised in San Jose. I am 100% 4th
generation Chinese (I am not Filipino!). I’ve been to
private school my whole life except for Kindergarten
and UCLA, which makes me hella whitewashed. I am
studying Biology and planning to become a
pharmacist. I have one older brother that is 25 and
graduated from UCI with a Computer Science
degree. My favorite TV Shows are reality shows like
Keeping Up With the Kardashians. My favorite
music is house music especially Avicii, Calvin
Harris, Kaskade, David Guetta and also top hits. My
favorite foods are chili cheese fries (especially
Wienerschnitzel ones!), clam chowder, sour candy,
chocolate, salami and cheese, and dim sum to name a
few. I pledged Alpha Delta term/Fall 2010 and was
Plexcomm Fellowship VP. The following term I was
PAC during Alpha Epsilon Term. I joined Alpha Phi Omega because throughout middle school and high school,
I always dedicated time to volunteer but when I came to college, I didn’t realize how much I loved
volunteering. And I found Alpha Phi Omega through my cousin who was in Zeta Omicron Chapter. I hope you
guys enjoy your experience pledging for Alpha Phi Omega. It's an experience that you will remember forever! :]
Chairman of the Advisory Committee
Andrew Ma (Omega // Wilfred M. Krenek)
Harro dere! My name is Androo, and I’m your CAC for the
term. I love love love trying new restaurants, I’m kind of a Yelp
food snob, and I have the strangest eccentricities once you get to
know me. I have the best littles and grandlittle ever, as well as the
quirkiest AZ tadpole babies.
I’m a proud member of the fabled, legendary OMEGA
CLASS like your dear leader Yunatuna. So many wonderful
memories and friends in my time here.
I have to say that you’re embarking on one of the most
memorable times of your college career. How often do you get to
meet so many awesome, diverse, and down-to-earth friends?
My advice: make this time an opportunity for self-discovery.
I learned a lot about my own faults and passions, and it’s all thanks
to all the people I came to meet and treasure. All the people I’ve met
in our chapter, as well as all the ICs I met while I was IC chair, have
made me the person that I’m proud to be today.
Don’t ever hesitate to talk to me, whether you have an issue
to discuss or you just want to chill; I promise I’m not scary. :)
It’s all about brotherhood. Dat shit cray.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Class Requirements _
As a Pledge, one learns about APO and about Chi in particular. Your Pledge
Requirements are voted on in a special meeting, called by the Pledgemaster(s) and attended by
any Actives who wish to. There are a number of things which Pledges are required to do, but
each of these things has a purpose. We believe that these requirements will encourage Pledges
to learn about the Fraternity, meet people, and gain a sense of belonging. We do not haze, and
all of us are capable of fulfilling these requirements. One event may possibly fulfill more than
one requirement. The Chapter as a whole and the Actives individually are committed to helping
Pledges get through this educational and growing period.
1. Demonstrate Leadership, Friendship, and Service in your daily life.
As the cardinal principles of our Fraternity, this is considered to be the
first requirement of the program.
2. Attend a Rush Event.
Get to know what we are about before you pledge. Becoming a member is
a commitment.
3. Attend Pledge Initiation Ceremony.
This is the ceremony to which potential pledges are invited and officially
inducted as pledges into our Fraternity.
4. Wear your Pledge Pin at ALL times. *4 STRIKES & YOU’RE
You wear your pin to demonstrate your commitment to our Fraternity and
its ideals.
5. Attend ALL Pledge Meetings.
Pledge Meetings are a chance for pledges to learn about our fraternity
traditions as well as bond with each other. Here pledges will get the
opportunity to participate in activities designed to foster brotherhood
among the class. Pledge Pins, manuals, and a smile are required. Pledges
must sign in and check out with the Pledgemaster(s).
6. Attend ALL Chapter Meetings.
Chapter meetings are where most general chapter business occurs, and
announcements for upcoming events are made. Every pledge should be
kept up to date by attending these meetings. Pledges must sign in and
check out with the Pledgemaster(s).
7. Take part in your Pledge Committee.
Each of your PlExComm officers has a committee that you will choose to
be on. You will develop your leadership skills by working with a group to
accomplish your goals.
8. Attend Big Sib / Lil Sib Dinner.
Your big sib is taking the time out to get to know you. Return the favor
and let’s make this a great term for the both of you.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
9. Attend the Chapter Project / Campout.
An action-packed weekend, we’ll be departing Friday night and coming
back Sunday morning. You will be spending an extended period with your
pledge brothers and actives. Pledges will be working side-by-side with all
of their pledge brothers, developing a sense of unity, as well as enjoying
camping in the Los Angeles National Forest!
10. Attend your Pledge Class Fundraiser.
This is an event organized by your Pledge Class Fundraising Committee.
11. Attend your Pledge Class Fellowship.
This is an event organized by your Pledge Class Fellowship Committee as
a thank-you to the Actives of the chapter for the work they have put in in
making this a meaningful term for you.
12. Attend your Pledge Class Service Project.
This is an event organized by your Pledge Class Service Committee.
13. Complete 20 Service hours.
Well, we are a Service Fraternity. As such, we believe that our members
should provide service to the Chapter, the Campus, the Community, the
Country, and to Scouting.
14. Complete FOUR Fellowships.
These are really fun, and a good chance to meet new friends. We feel that
by coming to fellowship events, one gets the chance to meet members and
talk to them in a casual setting.
15. Attend ONE Family Event
Build pride and camaraderie. Come out to meet the other members of your
family. Find out what it means to be an Alpha, Phi, or an Omega.
16. Attend TWO Interchapter events.
Interchapter Events: We are part of a national fraternity. We feel that by
attending interchapter events, one gets the opportunity to meet our
members at other chapters. This is another way to make friends and to
keep in touch with other chapters. Communicating with other chapters
also has the practical benefit that we can get a lot of good ideas from them.
17. Hold TWO Leadership positions.
There are many ways to be a leader. You can be a PlExComm officer,
chair an event such as a fellowship or service project, or be a committee
18. Pass ALL Pledge Quizzes.
There will be short quizzes given out at Pledge Meetings. If you fail any
quiz, you need to meet with your PAC leader to retake the quiz until you
19. Attend additional Fundraisers:
Raise at least $20 to support your Pledge Class and Fraternity activities.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
20. Complete ALL missions.
These are assigned by your pledge parents
21. Write interviews.
Interviews: These are to help you get to meet your members. While some
people have complained that interviews are artificial or constraining, we
feel that this is a very good way of encouraging you to meet more of your
brothers. This helps promote friendship and brotherhood, two very
important parts of our fraternity. At many APO events, you will find that
you have free time, especially while you are waiting at Dykstra Tree. If
you bring some paper and a pencil, then you will be able to get a lot of
your interviews while you are at APO events. It is amazing how many
members you will run into at these events. Make these as serious or as
crazy as you want!
22. Pass the Pledge Test.
This will be a comprehensive test covering all material from Pledge
Reviews, Chapter Meetings, and the National and Chapter Manuals.
Pledges who have been active, have been paying attention, and study their
butts off should not have a great deal of difficulty passing this test.
23. Attend Activation & Banquet.
The day has dawned, with the first rays peeping over the horizon. You look
over at your fellow pledge brothers and realize just how far you have
come. Yet the journey is not yet over, for it has just begun, as an Active of
Alpha Phi Omega.
Pledge Classes
Each pledge class is given a different designation. Each Fall pledge class is named after a nationally
distinguished member of Alpha Phi Omega by the National Executive Board. Therefore, all chapters nationwide
have the same Fall Pledge Class Namesake. Spring pledge classes are usually named in honor of distinguished
members of their respective chapters.
Since Spring of 2003, Chi Chapter has begun naming their Spring pledge classes.
On the next page is a partial list of Pledge Class Namesakes along with the Pledgemaster / Pledge
Parents of each class. Each class embodies the ideals of each namesake and the philosophies of its Pledgemaster
/ Pledge Parents.
During some Pledge terms, the Excomm member(s) in charge of running the Pledge Program has been
called a Pledge Parent. The Alpha pledge class had a Pledgemaster who had been a brother from Gamma
Gamma, which tends to use that term. In subsequent Pledge terms, Chi pledge classes have had Pledge Parents.
With the introduction of the multi-family system, Chi Chapter has begun using Pledgemaster.
We take pride in being a part of our pledge classes. Those who pledge with you are your pledge
brothers. Those of us that are part of Fall pledge classes enjoy being part of the National pledge class. Those of
us that pledge during the Spring experience the more intimate feeling of a chapter pledge class.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Class Namesakes
1997 Spring Alpha
PM: Ken Chang
1997 Fall Fr. William T. Cunningham, Beta
PP: Gordon Kwan
PP: Clarissa Yu
1998 Spring Gamma
PP: Thao Hoang
1998 Fall Joseph F. Kuchta, Delta
PP: Diana Pao
PP: Terence Hayter
1999 Spring Epsilon
PP: Linnea Adler
PP: Gregory Barnes
1999 Fall Stan Carpenter, Zeta
PP: Stephen Chang
PP: Erwin Ong
2000 Spring Eta
PP: Gordon Kwan1
PP: Kevin Luke
PP: Judy Yan
2000 Fall Theta
PP: Paul Lu
PP: Diana Pao
PP: Norm Tsang
2001 Spring Iota
PP: Neil Dutta
PP: Quyen Hoang
2001 Fall Robert J. Hilliard, Kappa
PP: Richard Jhong
PP: Alicia Louie
2002 Spring Lambda
PP: Jason Wong
PP: Wayne Wong
2002 Fall George Dacy, Mu
PP: Frances Hu
PP: Mick Magno
2003 Spring Neil Dutta, Nu
PM: Ray Hahn
PM: Michael Lee
2003 Fall Ray Hancock, Xi
PM: Lily Chan
PM: Jeff Ignacio
2004 Spring Linnea Lieberman, Omicron
PM: Natalie Ho
PM: Jian Wu
2004 Fall Togo West, Pi
PM: Karen Ward
PM: James An
2005 Spring Frances Hu, Rho
PM: Bonnie Chen
PM: Alvin Chu
2005 Fall Gerald A. Schroeder, Sigma
PM: Scott Lee
PM: Melinda Ly
2006 Spring Paul J. Choung, Tau
PM: Kevin Lu
PM: Deborah Shin
2006 Fall Kate Farrell Westlake, Upsilon
PM: Alfonso Duenas
PM: Betty Tran
2007 Spring Frank Lee, Phi Class
PM: Robert Chen
PM: Jamie Hernandez
2007 Fall John C. Jadel, Chi Class
PM: Derek Ong
PM: Ngin Lam
2008 Spring Bonnie Chen, Psi Class
PM: Bryan Lam
PM: Brandy Au
2008 Fall Wilfred M. Krenek, Omega Class
PM: Garvey Chan
PM: Jennifer Nguyen
2009 Spring Betty Tran, Alpha Alpha Class
PM: Stephanie Hsia
PM: Anthony Beckles
2009 Fall Jack A. McKenzie, Alpha Beta Class
PM: Alvin Ho
PM: Maggie Chan
2010 Spring Bryan Lam, Alpha Gamma Class
PM: Willis Chan
PM: Christina Chen
2010 Fall James L. Chandler, Alpha Delta Class
PM: Yuna Choi
PM: Nina Tang
2011 Spring Melinda Ly, Alpha Epsilon Class
PM: Hieu Do
PM: Christine Bautista
2011 Fall Charles P. Zlatkovich, Alpha Zeta Class
PM: Hande Tan
PM: Tristan Darvin
2012 Spring Terry Tiu, Alpha Eta Class
PM: Victor Louie
PM: Jennifer Lam
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
How to Chair an Event
The chair is responsible for making an event run smoothly.*
Make sure:
- People meet on time & get to location of event on time.
- Transportation is planned (drivers, maps, directions).
- Things are going well during the event.
- You conclude the event (clean up, toast song).
Here are guidelines to aid your job, but your responsibilities are *not* limited to the following.
Chairing is a leadership position, requiring your thinking, planning, and judgment. It is not
merely a procedure.
1. Sign up for event as chair.
2. Ask respective VPs/Excomm member for additional tasks.
3. THREE days prior to event, send an e-mail reminder to all those signed-up.
4. ONE day prior to event, call all those signed-up*. Tell them what time and where to meet, if they are
driving, and what to be prepared to do. If your event requires special clothing (layered clothing, closed-
toe shoes), make sure to mention it. Also, call the contact person again to let them know how many
people you are bringing and to let them know you are still going. Make sure you have enough rides for
everyone. If not, e-mail chapter, call Big Sibs and ask them to go/drive.
5. Print/write directions and/or maps for drivers. **
6. Arrive at the meeting place (10) minutes early. Call any people who are not present at the designated
time. Check in all people and make sure they are wearing their pins. Make note of flakes, tardies, etc.
Give directions to the drivers.
7. Attend event. Periodically check around with everyone to make sure they are doing ok and that everyone
is working. Also try to have pledges and actives interact so everyone can get to know each other.
8. Thank the people for letting you come.
9. Sing toast song at the end of event. Thank the drivers and the people who came. Go home.
10. Fill out Evaluation Form on the APO webpage (go to “SIGNUPS” click “EVALUATE” next to your
Submit the evaluation within one week of the event.
* Those who cancel must contact chair two days prior to event. Otherwise, it will be considered as a flake. To
ensure timeliness to events, those who are late may be left behind and receive a flake. In order for person not to
obtain a flake, he or she must find a replacement within the 48 hours of event.
** You should consider contacting other members who have been to the project site to:
- Obtain faster routes (*sometimes* the 405 or 10 is a *little* slow)
- Confirm online map service results (just because the internet says so doesn't mean it's true)
You are always welcome to make suggestions for events or create events. Consult with the respective VP’s and
let them know the relevant information (time, place, purpose of event, contact, etc.). For example, if you would
like to introduce an AIDS Service auction in Pasadena that our chapter has never attended, you would go talk to
the Service VP and relay the specifics of where in Pasadena is it, where the actual action will occur, if there is
an orientation needed, and who the coordinator is to figure out how many volunteers we can/should send. The
Service VP will judge the feasibility of the event, figure out any last details with you, and if appropriate, he/she
will add it to the calendar of events.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Parliamentary Procedure
1. Making a motion:
a. Obtain floor
b. State motion carefully
c. Motion must be seconded by another person
d. Chair repeats motion in full
e. Motion is open for discussion
f. After discussion, vote by either voice, standing up or raising hand, roll call, or by secret ballot.
2. Amendment to a motion may propose four things:
a. Add or insert words in motion under consideration
b. Strike out words in the motion
c. Substitute another motion for the one being considered
d. Substitute words to replace wording under consideration
Pledge Class Officers (PlexComm)
Pledge class officers are pledges elected by the pledge class to fulfill the duties of each office. These people are pledges
the class has entrusted with a very direct role in the success of the pledge semester. The positions are President,
Service VP, Fellowship VP, Admin VP, Finance VP, and Historian. As chairs of important committees within the class,
these pledges should be especially active at all chapter activities. All officers are to attend PlExComm meetings and keep
materials in organized and understandable order.
1. Is the official head of the Pledge Class, PlExComm, and the Pledge
Leadership Committee
a. Attends all PlExComm and Pledge Leadership Committee meetings
b. Makes sure the other PlExComm members are doing their job
2. Promote pledge/active interaction
3. Promote and assist in all other areas of pledge class
4. Assist the Chapter President
5. Create a phone tree for PlExComm members to call to remind people.
Pledge Leadership Committee
1. Plan a Brotherhood (an event to promote pledge class bonding)
2. Organize Chapter Project / Campout
3. Creation of the Pledge Class Gift to the Chapter
4. Create enough Leadership opportunities so as to ensure
fulfillment of Requirements
Service VP:
1. Is the official head of the Pledge Service Committee
2. Promote class service
3. Assist the Chapter Service VP
Pledge Service Committee
1. Organize the Pledge Class Service Project
2. Plan a weekly LFS presentation (service thermometer, skit)
3. Create enough Service projects so as to ensure fulfillment of
Fellowship VP:
1. Is the official head of the Pledge Fellowship Committee
2. Promote class fellowship
3. Assist the Chapter Fellowship VP
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Fellowship Committee
1. Organize Pledge Class Fellowship
2. Work with the Banquet Committee
a. Select location, time, and theme of Banquet
b. Coordinate decorations, food, presentations
c. Coordinate Rose Grams
d. Decide on ticket prices, advertise, and sell
3. Create enough Fellowship events so as to ensure fulfillment
of Requirements
Finance VP:
1. Is the official head of the Pledge Finance Committee
2. Promote financial stability
3. Assist the Chapter Finance VP
Pledge Finance Committee
1. Organize Pledge Class Fundraiser
2. Ensure that monies owed are collected accurately and promptly
a. Fundraisers
b. Special “Grams”
c. Fees & Dues
3. Oversee creation of the Pledge Class T-Shirt/sweatshirt
4. Create enough Fundraising events so as to ensure fulfillment of
1. Is the official head of the Pledge Historian Committee
2. Promote chapter history
3. Assist the Chapter Historian
Pledge Historian Committee
1. Organize a paper version of the Pledge Roster
2. Create the Pledge Photo Roster
3. Create a Common Class List for pledges
4. Coordinate picture-taking at all events
5. Coordinate Scrapbook
6. Coordinate Slideshow & Newsletter/Yearbook with ExComm
Gag Awards
Each term, at the banquet, we give out a number of fun awards. The actual
awards are decided by that term’s Gag Awards Committee (a subcommittee of the
fellowship committee). Some past awards have been: most likely to be scared
watching Snoopy’s Halloween, most likely to be mistaken for the Pillsbury
Doughboy, best smile, most likely to be kidnapped by Martians and live to tell
about it, and most likely to hit a serve over the fence at the tennis tournament.
Appreciation Awards
Each term, at the banquet, we also give out some serious awards. The
following awards are given out to two people (one active and one pledge): most
likely to be of service, most likely to be a friend, and most likely to be a leader.
Also, each officer gives awards to the people who worked for him/her.
Chapter DSK, Sectional DSK
Man-Mile Award
For this award, the number of members from each chapter is multiplied by
the distance that the brothers traveled to get to the sectional conference (from one
campus to the other campus). The chapter with the highest total is awarded the
Man Mile Award. This is the only sectional award which is given out every year.
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Pledge Heuristics
(i.e. An APhiO Novice’s Rules of Thumb)
1. Your Siblings may be lame. It is just as much your job to make sure that you (and they)
know what’s going on as it is their job. Ask them to show up to Pledge events; ask them
if they have any advice on interviews, requirements . . . communication is key. This
means call them or see them at meetings at least once a week. **Remind your big sibs
that one of their “duties” is to support you by participating in the Pledge project.
2. Start interviewing ASAP. Meaning, RIGHT NOW! People have been DPed (depledged)
for not fulfilling just one interview. Don’t repeat the mistakes of the past . . . And don’t
whine. If you fall behind, talk to your Pledgemaster and work it out, but do so as soon as
you start slipping! Telling the PM you can’t turn in your interviews the day they’re due is
too late!
3. Be active. Being active means being willing to do more than just a meeting, fellowship
event, and project a week . . . it’s socializing and getting involved with your siblings and
the chapter. For example, join a committee!
4. TLC. Say thanks to your Big Sibs. You don’t need to give gifts or return favors ... but
(even though they are “required” to take care of you) a “Thank You” is always
appreciated. An old tradition is to give a token of your feelings to your big sibs at
5. Network. Know your pledge class officers and know Ex-Comm. Make an effort to meet-
n-greet key people (the outspoken and quiet-super-service types) at meetings. This
“networkingshows fellowship and it can help you get outta tight spots (can’t make
pledge review or activation) by knowing those in power. (But hey, don’t brown-nose)
6. Take charge. If you don’t think there’s enough review or enough fellowship events or
projects . . . organize your own! Surprisingly, it’s not as difficult as it may seem and a
good big sib or officer may be able to pitch in. :)
7. Take it seriously, but not too . . . Alpha Phi Omega is a fraternity and not a social club. It
deserves your sincerity and your dedication just as you want it to fulfill your desires to
serve and have fun and lead. At the same time, remember that your pledge period is most
likely gonna be the “best” time in A Phi O, as this is when a large focus of the chapter
will be to help the “new” members (pledges) and to take care of you.
8. If you don’t understand #7, talk to your big sibs and experienced actives who can tell you
the “old”-timers stories . . . you’ll see.
9. Tricks . . . Rally together your pledge class and pull a prank (nothing too nasty and no
“practical jokes”). Standing (but infrequently executed) tradition is to “kidnap” your
pledge officers/or your Pledge Parents. This entails surprising them, taking them into a
car (like, “Hey Alicia/Rich, let’s go to dinner . . . (yah right)”), and forcing them to go
with you (like go bowling or to dinner). But keep in mind that just as there is no hazing,
you shouldn’t haze your PP . . .
10. Challenge. Just because you’re a pledge doesn’t mean you are a nobody. During debates
and other chapter decisions, don’t be afraid to speak up, and do realize that while some
issues only pertain to current actives, you will soon be joining their ranks and should pay
attention to see what lies ahead. You ou all have a voice. Who knows? You may even end
up being a better Chi member than some actives. On a less formal front, challenge (and
beat) the actives in sports . . . basketball, volleyball, football, bowling, mini-golf,
broomball, Chapter-knowledge quiz-off, bake-off, singing, performance in a fundraiser or
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
Active - n. - one who has been through the Activation ceremony, is not Associate,
and has not graduated or been suspended
Advisor - n. - member advising us, must have at least 4: 2 faculty/staff, 1
community, 1 scouting. May not be an undergrad.
Advisory Committee - Chair: Chair of Advisory Committee (standing) This
committee is made up of our advisors. They discuss how they can help
advise us (at least in theory).
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) - n. - a national service fraternity whose purpose is to
assemble college students in fellowship of the principles of the Boy Scouts
of America as embodied in its Scout Oath and Law; to develop Leadership,
to promote Friendship, and provide Service to humanity; and to further the
freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage.
Alumnus - n. (Alumni - pl.) - a member who has graduated and gone on into the
real world.
A Phi O - n. - a slang term we use to refer to Alpha Phi Omega
Appointed Officers - Any elected officer can create any offices deemed helpful
for the program.
Associate - n. - a member who doesn’t have the time to be a full active but wants
to remain a part of A Phi O. You cannot go associate the first semester that
you are an active. Also, you may not go associate two terms in a row.
Cardinal Principles - n. pl. - Leadership, Friendship, Service; what APO is based
on. Commonly abbreviated to LFS.
Chapter Planning & Review Committee - Chair: President (recurring) This
committee meets before the beginning of each semesters and discusses our
program for the upcoming semester. This committee includes the elected
officers for the upcoming semester.
Chi - n. - us, the UCLA chapter of APO. As chapters were founded, they were
named alphabetically, i.e. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, . . . , Omega, Alpha Alpha,
Alpha Beta, . . . , Alpha Omega, Beta Alpha, etc. Thus, we were the 22nd
chapter to be founded.
Constitution & Bylaws - n. - We use these to help us run the chapter, and give
everyone a voice. They are updated every year.
Constitutional Committee - Chair: President (Recurring) This committee meets
every year. It reviews the constitution and bylaws to ensure that they still
serve our needs and to recommend to the chapter any appropriate changes.
CPW - n. - Chapter Presidentís Workshop. A weekend conference where are
officers go through workshops to help them run better programs in our
Dykstra Tree - n. - where we meet for many of our events. It will become very
Alpha Eta Pledge Manual
DSK - abbr. - Distinguished Service Key, the highest award that can be bestowed
upon a member at either the chapter (blue), sectional (green), regional (red),
or national (purple) level.
ExComm - abbr. - Executive Committee, the elected officers of this chapter.
Four C’s of Service - phrase - Chapter, Campus, Community, and Country; a
rephrasing of the four points of Service that makes it easier to remember
what they are. There’s also an S for scouting.
Friendship - n. - the state of being with someone a person whom one knows well
and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance.
Leadership - n. - understood by all yet tough to define.
LDW - n. - Leadership Development Workshop. These are usually done at the
regionals and nationals.
National Convention - n. - this is the governing body of our fraternity. It meets
every other year in late December. In addition to the legislative function,
there are also a number of workshops and fellowship events.
Phone Tree - n. - method which we use to send out information when there is no
convenient meeting. Usually used a few times each term.
Pin - n. - a pin that says APO which one wears on their shirt to show that s/he is a
member in APO. Pledges have a “P” on their pin and wear it on their right.
Actives have an “S” on their pin and wear it on their left.
Pledge - n. - a member being educated toward active membership.
Pledge Committee - Chair: Pledge Parent (Standing) This committee deals with
the pledge program. They try to ensure that the pledges will have an
enjoyable pledge term and become good actives.
Procrastinate - v. - This is something which many pledges do. It makes the last
few weeks of one’s pledge period very painful and is not recommended.
Roster -n. - a list of all of the members in the chapter. Includes their phone
number, birthday, major, and address.
Seeing no Objections - phrase - Used to expedite parliamentary procedure.
Objections are checked for and Seeing none, the vote passes.
Service - n. - an act giving assistance or advantage to another.
Torch & Trefoil - n. - a quarterly publication of the national fraternity.
Toast Song - n. - The song sung at the end of all APO events. It is also sung by
pledges who get caught on campus or at APO events without their pin.

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