SONIC EISA Bus Master Ethernet Adapter AN 0877

User Manual: AN-0877

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The purpose of this application note is to describe the implementation of an EISA bus master Ethernet interface solution using National Semiconductor’s DP83932 System Oriented Network Interface Controller (SONICTM ) and PLX
Technology’s EISA9032 EISA Bus Master Interface chip.
This solution takes the form of a high performance 32-bit
network interface adapter card which on one side plugs into
an EISA bus slot and on the other supports two media connection options, Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) and Thin
wire Ethernet.
The board easily interfaces to the EISA bus with few external components. This application note assumes the reader
is familiar with National Semiconductor’s DP83932
SONICTM Ethernet controller, PLX Technology’s EISA9032
EISA interface chip and the EISA bus specification.
This document will first give a hardware functional description of the card, followed by an overview of EISA covering
topics such as system configuration, I/O access, multiple
bus masters and bus protocol, and ending with a description
of the master and slave interfaces of the Ethernet board.
The main function of this adapter card is to transfer Ethernet packet data to/from the CPU’s system memory as a
high speed 32-bit bus master during LAN transmissions and
receptions at the maximum EISA burst rate of 33 Mbytes/s.

National Semiconductor
Application Note 877
April 1993

A 32-bit bus master architecture, in which the SONIC Ethernet controller can gain ownership of the EISA bus and transfer data directly into system memory with no on-board CPU
or buffer RAM has been chosen for this design to maximize
data throughput while not adding any extra memory cost or
intelligence on the card. In addition the inherent packet buffer management features of SONIC are utilized by driver
software to facilitate optimum performance. The card has a
typical (calculated) bus occupancy of s10% for full Ethernet traffic (10 Mb/s).
The block diagram of this board is shown in Figure 1. The
design can be broken down into 3 sections: slave interface,
bus master interface, and physical media interface.
The slave interface enables the EISA host CPU to gain access to the following devices on the adapter card:
1. 32 x 8 PROM which contains the card’s Ethernet node
ID, and the card’s EISA ID.
2. An optional 256k x 8 boot EPROM which can contain a
program which enables a diskless CPU to boot up across
the network.
3. The SONIC Ethernet controller internal registers.
4. The EISA9032 EISA interface chip configuration registers.

DP83932EB-EISA SONIC EISA Bus Master Ethernet Adapter

EISA Bus Master
Ethernet Adapter

TL/F/11788 – 1

FIGURE 1. SONIC EISA Ethernet Adapter Card Block Diagram


TRI-STATEÉ is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
SONICTM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
PC-ATÉ is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation


RRD-B30M75/Printed in U. S. A.

The master interface enables the SONIC Ethernet controller
to read and write to the system memory on the EISA bus
using the EISA9032 interface chip. The EISA9032 interface
chip converts the Ethernet controller’s arbitration and cycle
control signals to the EISA bus timing and protocol.
The physical interface enables the SONIC Ethernet controller to transmit and receive data over a 10BASE5 thick wire
Ethernet interface or the 10BASE2 thin wire interface using
National Semiconductor DP8392 Coaxial Interface Transceiver CTI.

# Multiple bus masters using a centralized arbitration

The sequence of events for Ethernet transmissions is as
The host CPU writes the packet data into the system’s
memory Transmit Buffer Area (TBA). It then writes descriptor information (packet data pointers, packet size, etc.) into
the system memory transmit descriptor area (TDA). Next it
loads a SONIC register with a pointer to the TDA and issues
a transmit command by writing to the SONIC’s command
The SONIC responds by first reading the TDA descriptor
information from system memory. It then loads the packet
data from the system memory TBA into its internal FIFO in
bursts and transmits this data onto the network. At the end
of the transmission the SONIC will write transmit status information into the system’s memory TDA.

# Shareable interrupts; Programmable level or edge trigger
# Automatic configuration by means of an on-board prod-

scheme supporting preemption

# Synchronous protocol (8.3 MHz clock) supporting standard (2 bus clock per cycle) or burst (1 bus clock per
cycle) mode which can achieve a data transfer rate of
33 MB/s

# Cycle translation performed by the system board enables
a 32-bit or 16-bit EISA or ISA master to interface with any
one of 5 different slaves (EISA 32/16 burst/16 non burst,
ISA 16/8 bit)

uct identification ROM. Manufacturers provide a configuration file to be used at system configuration time to assign system resources.
EISA supports slot specific I/O access. Since EISA is backwards compatible with ISA addressing, how EISA partitions
address space is relatively complex. Next follows a description of how addressing is implemented and how backwards
compatibility with ISA limits each EISA slot I/O space to
1 kByte.
EISA supports 16-bit wide I/O addresses providing a total
I/O address range of 64k. This is divided into 16 slots, each
having 4k allocated to them. This is shown in Figure 2.
The top 4 bits of the address LA15:12 define the slot number and the remaining 12 bits LA11:0 provide a 4k address
range per slot.
To provide backwards compatibility with ISA, some of this
address range must be lost. This is because ISA supports
10-bit wide I/O addresses, resulting in a total I/O space
range of 1 kByte. The first 256 bytes (000H – 0FFH) of this
1k is allocated to the system board, and the remaining
768 bytes (100H – 3FFH) can be used by ISA expansion
This means ISA expansion boards only need to decode addresses 9 – 0 and therefore will recognize the address range
100H – 3FFH (256 to 1k) in every 1k block of the 64k EISA
I/O space. That is, all addresses in the top 768 bytes of
every 1k block are aliased to the ISA expansion board I/O
space (100H – 3FFH).
Therefore EISA expansion boards cannot use these addresses and are limited to the bottom 256 locations of every
1k block of I/O space (the ISA system board only uses 256
locations in the first 1k of I/O space). As each slot covers a
4k range in the 64k I/O space, each slot will be able to use
4 blocks of 256 locations (1k). These are z000H – z0FFH,
z400H – z4FFH, z800H – z8FFH and zC00H – zCFFH, as
shown in the center column of Figure 2. EISA devices must
only recognize addresses with bits 8 and 9 low (bottom
256 bytes of every 1k block).
ISA supports another slot specific signal AEN which is driven high to all slots by the system whenever a DMA cycle is
in progress, to prevent I/O devices from decoding the I/O
address on the bus.

The sequence of events for Ethernet receptions is as follows:
Data is loaded from the Ethernet cable into the SONIC’s
internal FIFO. When a programmable threshold is reached
in the FIFO, the SONIC will write the packet data into the
system memory’s Receive Buffer Area (RBA).
Once a complete packet has been loaded into memory the
SONIC will write descriptor information about the reception
into the system memory’s Receive Descriptor Area (RDA).
Note that all buffer and descriptor areas are set up by the
host CPU in system memory prior to any packet transmission and reception.
EISA was developed in 1989 by a consortium of 9 PC manufacturers in an attempt to create a higher performance
32-bit bus architecture that is backwards compatible with
the PC-ATÉ based industry Standard Architecture (ISA) created in 1984.
This section gives an overview of the Extended Industry
Standard Architecture EISA and describes the Ethernet
adapter’s implementation of its interface. First, the bus features are described, then various facets of bus operation are
described, including addressing, arbitration, configuration,
and the bus protocol.
Bus Features

# 64 kBytes of I/O space; Slot specific I/O access
# 32-bit non multiplexed address data bus supporting a
4 GByte address range


TL/F/11788 – 2



Note that raising the priority level of a master does not reduce this figure as all other masters must be serviced before the current master can use the bus again. The EISA
bus only supports fairness scheme.

In EISA systems, the EISA controller decodes the top four
bits of the I/O address LA15:12 (slot number) and only
drives AEN active low to the particular slot being accessed.
This relieves each slot from having to decode the slot address.
Therefore, EISA devices only need to decode address bits 8
and 9 both low and AEN low to prevent conflict with ISA
devices or other EISA slots. This decoding enables the
EISA device to use the bottom 256 bytes of its slot address
space. The other three 256 byte blocks in its 4k I/O slot
space will be aliased to the bottom 256 bytes. To make use
of the other three 256 byte blocks and increase its I/O
range to 1k, the EISA device must decode address bits 10
and 11.
The SONIC Ethernet adapter card supports 1k of slot specific I/O space decoding (see right column of Figure 2 ).
Addresses 0 to 05EH in the first 256 byte block access the
SONIC registers.
Addresses 80H to 83H in the last 256 byte block (C00H–
CFFH) access the 4 EISA product IDs in the adapter card’s
PROM. Addresses 90H–97H in the last 256 byte block access the 6 Ethernet ID bytes (plus 2 spare bytes) in the
adapter card’s PROM. Addresses 84H, 88H to 8BH and
8FH in the last 256 byte block access EISA9032 configuration registers.
PLX’s EISA9032 interface chip provides a configuration register bit which enables ISA I/O addressing to be used so
that software drivers which used ISA addressing can be
used with minor modifications. This board design does not
support this configuration, as jumpers would be required to
store the I/O base address into the configuration register at
power up.

The SONIC Ethernet controller will request the bus whenever enough network data has entered its internal FIFO to
cross a programmable threshold. The FIFO depth is
32 bytes and the minimum threshold that can be set in the
FIFO is 4 bytes. Network data (10 MBits/s) will arrive at
1 byte every 800 ns, therefore the SONIC must acquire the
bus before a further 28 bytes arrive into its FIFO, otherwise
the FIFO will overflow and the packet will have to be retransmitted. This provides a bus latency of 22.4 ms.
EISA provides a mechanism for automatic configuration of
expansion boards. This eliminates the jumpers required by
ISA adapters for board configuration.
The board manufacturer must provide a 4 byte product ID in
a PROM which can be read at I/O locations zC80 – zC83
and a configuration file with a file name matching the product ID.
At start up the EISA system will read the above I/O locations for every slot and compare the product IDs with what it
had stored in non-volatile memory during the last system
If the system finds a mismatch, the system will need to be
reconfigured by running a configuration utility which is provided by each EISA system manufacturer. This utility will
look for a configuration file with a name matching the product ID of the board to be installed. The configuration file
which is provided by the expansion board manufacturer,
contains a list of resources the board is able to use (like
interrupt lines for example). The configuration utility will
choose which resources to allocate to the board so that it
does not conflict with other boards and store the information in non volatile memory.
The board’s driver can then read this non volatile memory
and program the board so that it will use the resources allocated to it.
The first two bytes of the product ID (locations 0zC80 and
0zC81) contain a compressed representation of the manufacturer’s code. The next two bytes (locations 0zC82 – 3)
contain the product number and revision number. Please
refer to the EISA specification for details on how these values are derived.
If the expansion board is modified so that it requires a new
configuration file, both the product number and revision
number must be modified. If it does not require a new configuration file, just the revision number can be changed.

EISA provides centralized arbitration control to allow bus
sharing between CPU, DMA controller, refresh controller
and bus masters. Each master has a slot specific memory
request (MRQx) and memory acknowledge (MAKx) signal.
If a request is received by the arbitration controller, it will
preempt the device currently using the bus who must then
release the bus within 64 EISA Bus Clocks (BCKs) (8 ms).
Therefore a master on the bus can calculate the maximum
bus latency (bus request to bus acknowledge delay) it may
have to withstand.
EISA supports a three way rotating arbitration priority
scheme between refresh, DMA and either the CPU or bus
master. The CPU and bus masters maintain a two way rotating arbitration within the original 3 way rotation. For example, if there are two masters and all devices are requesting
the bus, this will be the bus acknowledge sequence DMA/
refresh/ CPU/ DMA/ refresh/ Master1/ DMA/ refresh/
CPU/ DMA/ refresh/ Master2. Therefore the worst case
bus latency for a bus master with n masters in the system is:
(DMA c 2n) a (refresh c 2n) a (CPU c n) a

EISA supports two types of read or write cycles, standard
cycles and burst cycles. A burst sequence always starts
with a standard cycle. Standard cycles are executed in 2
bus clocks per transfer, whereas burst cycles are executed
in 1 bus clock per transfer.
The EISA9032 supports burst read transfers at 25 MHz. At
33 MHz the EISA9032 supports burst read and write transfers. All access to descriptor and resource areas (RRA,
RDA and TDA) are executed as standard cycles.

(master c (nb1)) e
5.8 ms c 2n a 1.3 ms c 2n a 9 c n a 10.6 c (nb1) e
(33.8 c n b 10.6)ms
Therefore for 8 masters e 259.8 ms


Next follows a description of the standard cycle protocol,
how it is converted to a burst cycle sequence, and a brief
description of how the EISA9032 interface chip supports
these cycles.

before the data is ready to be latched for the previous cycle
if it wants to perform back to back transfers. This is something the SONIC Ethernet controller does not support directly.

For a standard cycle, (see Figure 3 ), once the master has
gained control of the bus with the MRQx and MAKx handshake, it initiates a cycle by driving the address and M-IO
signals on the falling edge of the clock (0 to 1 clock transition). On the next rising edge of the clock it drives START
for 1 clock period, W/R and BEk3:0l (1 to 2 transition). On
the next rising edge of the clock (3 to 4 transition) the system board asserts CMD until the end of the cycle.
The slave, after decoding the address, will drive EX32 active
if it can support 32-bit transfers. The master samples this
signal on the next rising edge of the clock (3 to 4 transition).
If EX32 is not asserted the master will TRI-STATEÉ its
BEk3:0l to enable the system board to perform data size
translation. Once the system board has completed the
translation it asserts EX32, enabling the master to complete
the cycle.
The master then samples the EXRDY line from the slave on
the next falling edge of the clock (4 to 5 transition). If it is not
asserted the master will insert wait states until EXRDY is
asserted. The master can also drive a new address for the
next cycle on that same clock edge.
On the next rising edge of the clock (5-6 for a single standard cycle, or 5-2 for back to back standard cycles, or 5-4
for burst cycles) the master or slave will latch the data depending on whether it is a read or write cycle, in this way
completing a single standard cycle.

For standard cycles this is not a problem as, at the end of a
cycle, the EISA9032 interface chip will assert ready to the
SONIC, wait for a new address strobe from the SONIC and
after driving the new SONIC address on the EISA bus for
half a clock, assert the START signal indicating the beginning of a new cycle. This introduces 2 idle bus clock cycles
between consecutive standard cycles.
For burst cycles the interface logic must provide a new address during the 4 to 5 clock transition of the previous cycle,
as there is no new START signal to indicate when the new
address is asserted. This is supported by the EISA9032 interface chip by automatically loading the first address of a
burst into an 8-bit counter during the initial standard cycle
and incrementing the counter on every 4 to 5 clock transition.
An 8-bit counter for address bits LA9:2 is sufficient, as address lines LA31:10 must remain constant throughout a
burst cycle (must not cross a 1k page). The EISA9032 interface chip has a mechanism for detecting when the SONIC
address is crossing a 1k page (it detects addresses ending
in 3FCH) and will terminate the burst and initiate a new
Note that because the EISA9032 is using a counter, this
means the interface logic only supports bursts to sequential
addresses. This is not a problem as burst cycles are only
used for the receive and transmit buffer areas which are
always addressed sequentially by the SONIC.
Note also that the EISA9032 interface chip starts a cycle in
a burst (by driving a new address on the bus and maintaining MSBURST active) before the SONIC has even asserted
Address Strobe. This means the interface logic will always
do one extra bus cycle at the end of a burst. For read cycles, the software driver must ensure that the end of the
TBA is not contiguous to an area of memory that cannot be
read. For write cycles, the software driver must ensure that
EOBC (End Of Buffer Word Count) in the RBA (Receive
Buffer Area) is set at least 2 words larger than the size of
the biggest packet that can be received. This means that
the SONIC will not use the last two words of an RBA.

Figure 4 shows an example of a typical slave access, a
SONIC register read.
A burst sequence, (see Figures 5 and 6 ), always starts with
a standard cycle which is the protocol described above. If
the master wishes to perform a burst of cycles, it will sample
the SLBURST signal from the slave during the 3 to 4 clock
transition of the initial standard cycle. If the slave has asserted this signal indicating it supports burst cycles, the
master will drive MSBURST active which the slave will sample on the last clock edge of the standard cycle (5 to 4
MSBURST asserted informs the slave that the next cycle is
a burst cycle which can be completed in 1 bus clock. The
slave will continue to sample MSBURST on every 5-4 clock
transition and respond to burst transfers until MSBURST is
deasserted. The master or slave will latch the data on the
5-4 clock transition of every transfer depending on whether
it is a read or write cycle.
The EISA specification places some restrictions on the use
of burst cycles:
1. No I/O cycles
2. No ISA devices
3. No mixed read and write cycles
4. Address lines LA31:10 must remain constant (no crossing of a 1k memory page boundary)
LA9:2 and BEk3:0l can change within a burst, that is addresses don’t need to be sequential, and cycle translation
and wait states are still supported.
Address Pipelining
Note that the EISA protocol requires pipelined addresses,
that is the master must provide a new address half a clock

The SONIC Ethernet adapter card supports an EISA slave
interface to enable the host CPU to access the following
devices on the card.
SONIC Registers
The SONIC contains 64 sixteen bit wide registers. Read and
write access to 30 of those registers enables the software
driver to control and monitor packet transmission and reception. A further 18 registers are used internally by the
SONIC. Users may monitor these registers. The last 16 registers (EISA I/O addresses z060H – z07FH) are for test use
only. Users must not access these registers. (See Figure 2
EISA I/O space.)
32-Byte PROM
The adapter card’s ‘‘EISA product ID’’ and ‘‘Ethernet address’’ are stored in a 32 x 8 PROM. PROM addresses A0:3
come directly from the EISA bus, but address A4 is generated by the EISA9032 interface chip as the ‘‘EISA ID’’ signal.
For EISA I/O addresses 80H – 8FH, EISA ID e 1 (EISA


TL/F/11788 – 3

FIGURE 3. EISA Standard Cycle

TL/F/11788 – 4

FIGURE 4. SONIC Register Read Cycle


TL/F/11788 – 5

FIGURE 5. EISA Read Burst Cycle


TL/F/11788 – 6

FIGURE 6. EISA Write Burst Cycle


Table I lists the configuration options programmable in the
EISA9032 registers (also refer to the EISA9032 data sheet).

product ID bytes) and for EISA I/O addresses 90H – 97H,
EISA ID e 0 (Ethernet ID bytes). This means the EISA9032
chip maps EISA I/O addresses 80H–84H to PROM addresses 10H–14H and EISA addresses 90H–97H to 0H –
7H. (Refer to Figure 2 for I/O map.)
This mapping requires the PROM to be programmed as per
Figure 7. The first 6 byte locations of this PROM contain the
unique physical address assigned to each Ethernet board.
These reside on EISA I/O addresses zC90–zC95. The next
2 bytes of the PROM are not used. The following
4 bytes (PROM address 10H–13H) contain the EISA product ID, that is a compressed representation of the manufacturers code, product number and revision number. These
4 bytes reside in EISA I/O space zC80–zC83. The remaining 12 PROM byte locations are not used.
EISA9032 Bus Interface Configuration Registers
These registers reside in EISA I/O space zC84H and
zC88H – zC8BH.
When configuring the card, the configuration utility program
displays a screen enabling the user to select a number of
options. The network software driver will then set up the
EISA9032 configuration registers according to the values
selected by the configuration utility and the user.

TL/F/11788 – 7


TABLE I. EISA 9032 Configuration Options
Expansion Board Enable


Selection (Default)



Interrupt Type

Edge/Level Triggered

User Selects

Interrupt Number

EISA IRQ 5, 9, 10, 11

EISA Config. Utility Selects

Preempt Time

55/23 EISA Bus Clocks

User Selects (23)

Bus Master Data Size

32/16 Bits


Slave I/O Data Size

32/16 Bits


I/O Addressing

ISA/Slot Specific

Slot Specific

ISA I/O Range

Not Used

BIOS EPROM Address Range

EISA Config. Utility Selects

SONIC Register Port Address

Not Used

Burst Transfer Enable


Local Software Reset

Resets EISA9032


800 ns Bus Release Timer


User Selects (Disable)


Accept/Reject Own Packet

User Selects (Accept)

USR1 Thin/Thick

Thin/Thick Ethernet

User Selects (Thin)


Not Used


Not Used


registers or the ROM (35 ns access time) are completed
with no wait states. Bus transfers to the EPROM (250 ns
access time) are completed with two clock cycle wait states
and bus transfers to the SONIC will be wait stated until the
SONIC asserts RDYo indicating it has completed the transfer.

A number of these options are selected by the EISA configuration Utility program. During configuration the Utility program will read the configuration file generated by the board
manufacturer which lists the options the card can support
and write its selection into non-volatile memory. The board’s
software driver will then read this memory and write the selections into the EISA9032 configuration registers. These
options include interrupt request lines and BIOS EPROM
memory address range.
Another set of options can be selected by the user but
should not be changed from their default values on this
board. These include Bus Master Data Size e 32 bits,
Slave I/O Data Size e 16 bits, I/O Addressing e Slot specific (See I/O Accesses and addressing), Expansion Board
Enable e Enable, BIOS EPROM Size e 32k and burst
transfer enable e enable. This last option can be used to
disable burst transfers so that all the card’s master cycles
are executed as standard cycles.
A last set of options are system or software dependent and
should be selected by the user. These include Interrupt
Type (Edge/Level). Level triggered interrupts enable several masters to share an interrupt line. Preempt time of 23 or
55 EISA Bus clocks. This is the number of clocks the SONIC
Ethernet card will stay on the EISA bus after the memory
acknowledge signal has been deasserted by the arbitrator.
Accept/Reject own packet. If in reject mode, the EISA9032
will drive the packet reject input of the SONIC whenever the
SONIC is transmitting a packet. Thin/Thick Ethernet will select either Thin or Thick Ethernet by turning the b9V DC-DC
converter output to the Coaxial Transceiver Interface on or

The card’s main function is to transfer Ethernet packet data
from the host’s CPU system memory to the Ethernet cable
during packet transmission, and from the Ethernet cable to
the system memory during packet reception.
The SONIC Ethernet controller’s bus master capabilities
and buffer management scheme enable it to perform this
function using the on board PLX EISA9032 interface chip
with no CPU involvement.
Whenever a packet transmission has been requested by the
software driver writing to the transmit bit in the command
register of the SONIC, or a packet reception is taking place
on the Ethernet cable, the SONIC needs to execute read
and write cycles on the EISA bus to access descriptor or
resource pointer areas in system memory (RDA, TDA, RRA)
and to transfer packet data between its internal 32 byte
FIFO and buffer areas in system memory (RBA, TBA).
The SONIC initiates a master bus cycle by driving its bus
request signal HOLD to the EISA9032 interface chip, who
will in turn assert MREQx on the EISA bus. Once the system
EISA arbitration controller grants the bus by asserting
MAKx, the EISA9032 acknowledges the SONIC by driving
HLDA so it can start executing a bus cycle. That is the arbitration phase of the bus transfer.
The SONIC then drives the address and status lines to define which area of memory it wishes to access (RRA, RBA,
RDA, TDA, TBA) and qualifies them with address strobe
ADS. The EISA9032 loads the lower 8 bits of the address
A9:2 into its internal counter and initiates a standard cycle
on the bus. If during this cycle the interface chip encounters
the following conditions, it will drive MSBURST active to
initiate a burst cycle following the standard cycle. The conditions are that the SONIC status lines indicate an access to
the RBA or TBA, the slave has asserted EX32 indicating it
supports 32-bit transfers, the slave has asserted SLBURST
indicating it supports burst transfers, the SONIC address
does not end in 3FCH (indicating a 1k page crossing) and
burst mode was enabled during the adapter card’s configuration. The EISA9032 will drive RDYi back to the SONIC at
the end of every burst cycle.
Note that EISA burst cycles are completed in one EISA
clock, whereas SONIC cycles are completed in 3 SONIC
bus clocks (asynchronous mode). Therefore for the SONIC
to support EISA burst mode it must be run at three times the
EISA bus clock speed (25 MHz).
If any of the above conditions were not met, the EISA9032
will assert RDYi to the SONIC and wait for a new address
strobe before initiating a new standard cycle on the bus.

32k x 8 BIOS EPROM
The optional 32k x 8 EPROM design can be added if the
user wishes to provide software to boot up the EISA PC
from the network. The boot ROM code is simply a special
driver that is executed when the EISA PC is initializing, and
causes the PC’s Operating System to be loaded in from a
network server rather than from the EISA PC’s hard disk.
This software is not provided by National. It can be created
by obtaining Novell’s Boot ROM developer’s kit, or Microsoft’s NDDK (Network Device Driver Kit) and following their
programming information.
The PROM resides in memory space in the range
0C0000H – 0DFFFFH. Its exact location within this range is
selected by the EISA configuration utility during board configuration. The card only decodes addresses 17–23.
The Ethernet adapter board supports 6 different types of
slave cycle EPROM read, ROM read, SONIC registers read
and write, and EISA9032 configuration registers read and
write cycles.
Slave Cycle
EISA slave cycles are initiated by the host CPU driving the
16-bit I/O address or the 24-bit EPROM memory address
on the bus and the M-IO signal on the falling edge of the
clock, and driving START active with W/R and BE k3:0l
on the next rising edge of the clock. The EISA9032 interface
chip will decode the address and drive EX16* low if the CPU
is accessing the SONIC registers or its internal registers. It
will then drive EXRDY inactive if it needs to insert wait
states until the device accessed is ready to provide or accept the data. Bus transfers to the EISA 9032 configuration

Packet throughput is an important consideration in developing an Ethernet adapter. However, bench-marking of
throughput may not tell the whole network performance story. In spite of this, Figure 8 attempts to compare the performance of this SONIC implementation to other EISA implementations.


In Figure 8 two tests are shown using NetWare 3.1, and
Novell’s Perform2 v2.3 performance utility. In both graphs
the read/write performance in two configurations using a
4096 byte record size. Both tests use a single 33 MHz 486
server. In Figure 8a a single 12 MHz 286 client was used,
and in Figure 8b 10 8 MHz 286 clients were used.
As can be seen from this Figure , the performance of the
DP83932EB-EISA card surpasses other popular implementations.

For more information regarding the EISA9032, and manufacturing information for the Evaluation board contact:
PLX Technology
625 Clyde Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043
To obtain the EISA specification contact:
BCPR Services

TL/F/11788 – 8

(a). Single Workstation Performance

TL/F/11788 – 9

(b). Ten Workstation Performance
FIGURE 8. Network Performance Comparison for Single and 10 Workstation LANs


DP83932EB-EISA SONIC EISA Bus Master Ethernet Adapter


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2. A critical component is any component of a life
support device or system whose failure to perform can
be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
support device or system, or to affect its safety or

National Semiconductor
Hong Kong Ltd.
13th Floor, Straight Block,
Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd.
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2737-1600
Fax: (852) 2736-9960

National Semiconductores
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Tel: (55-11) 212-5066
Telex: 391-1131931 NSBR BR
Fax: (55-11) 212-1181

National Semiconductor
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Building 16
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Nottinghill, Melbourne
Victoria 3168 Australia
Tel: (3) 558-9999
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National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.


Source Exif Data:
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Create Date                     : 1995:07:12 19:44:16
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 2.0 for Windows
Title                           : SONIC EISA Bus Master Ethernet Adapter
Subject                         : AN-877
Author                          : 
Keywords                        : Application, Notes
Modify Date                     : 1996:07:03 09:51:05
Page Count                      : 12
EXIF Metadata provided by

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