AN 7511 Insulated Gate Transistors Simplify AC Motor Speed Control
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Insulated-Gate Transistors Simplify AC-Motor Speed Control Application Note /Title AN75 1) Subect In ulated Gate ran istors imlify Cotor peed onrol) Autho () Keyords Interil orpoation, emionuctor, vaanche nergy ated, witch ng ower uplie , ower An IGT’s few input requirements and low On-state resistance simplify drive circuitry and increase power efficiency in motorcontrol applications. The voltage-controlled, MOSFET-like input and transfer characteristics of the insulated-gate transistor (IGT) (see EDN, September 29, 1983, pg 153 for IGT details) simplify power-control circuitry when compared with bipolar devices. Moreover, the IGT has an input capacitance mirroring that of a MOSFET that has only one-third the powerhandling capability. These attributes allow you to design simple, low-power gate-drive circuits using isolated or level-shifting techniques. What’s more, the drive circuit can control the IGT’s switching times to suppress EMI, reduce oscillation and noise, and eliminate the need for snubber networks. September 1993 AN-7511 VCC R1 LOAD R3 ON OFF V R CC 2 15 ≤ -------------------- ≤ 25V R +R 1 2 R2 R3 CONTROLS t OFF FIGURE 1A. SIMPLE DRIVING AND TRANSITION-TIME CONTROL Use Optoisolation To Avoid Ground Loops The gate-drive techniques described in the following sections illustrate the economy and flexibility the IGT brings to power control: economy, because you can drive the device’s gate directly from a preceding collector, via a resistor network, for example; flexibility, because you can choose the drive circuit’s impedance to yield a desired turn-off time, or you can use a switchable impedance that causes the IGT to act as a chargecontrolled device requiring less than 10 nanocoulombs of drive charge for full turn-on. R1 CONTROLS GATE SUPPLY POWER LOSS Take Some Driving Lessons R2 CONTROLS tOFF Note the IGT’s straightforward drive compatibility with CMOS, NMOS and open-collector TTL/HTL logic circuits in the common-emitter configuration Figure 1A. R3 controls the turnoff time, and the sum of R3 and the parallel combination of R1 and R2 sets the turn-on time. Drive-circuit requirements, however, are more complex in the common-collector configuration Figure 1B. In this floating-gate-supply floating-control drive scheme, R1 controls the gate supply’s power loss, R2 governs the turn-off time, and the sum of R1 and R2 sets the turn-on time. Figure 1C shows another common-collector configuration employing a bootstrapped gate supply. In this configuration, R3 defines the turn-off time, while the sum of R2 and R3 controls the turnon time. Note that the gate’s very low leakage allows the use of low-consumption bootstrap supplies using very low-value capacitors. Figure 1 shows two of an IGT’s strong points. In the common-emitter Figure 1A, TTL or MOS-logic circuits can drive the device directly. In the common-collector mode, you’ll need level shifting, using either a second power supply Figure 1B or a bootstrapping scheme Figure 1C. VCC CONTROL INPUT ON OFF R1 R2 15V LOAD R1 + R2 CONTROLS t ON FIGURE 1B. A SECOND POWER SUPPLY V CC R 2 15 ≤ -------------------- ≤ 25V R1 + R 2 R3 CONTROLS t OFF R2 + R3 CONTROLS tON 5C τ « ------------------------------------------------ R1 R2 I CEO + I GES + 2I R R3 OFF ON LOAD FIGURE 1C. BOOTSTRAPPING SCHEME In the common-collector circuits, power-switch current flowing through the logic circuit’s ground can create problems. Optoisolation can solve this problem (Figure 2A.) Because of the high common-mode dV/dt possible in this configuration, you should use an optoisolator with very low isolation capacitance; the H11AV specs 0.5pF maximum. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 For optically isolated “relay-action” switching, it makes sense to replace the phototransistor optocoupler with an H11L1 Schmitt-trigger optocoupler (Figure 2B).) For applications requiring extremely high isolation, you can use an optical fiber to provide the signal to the gate-control photodetector. These circuit examples use a gate-discharge resistor to control the IGT’s turn-off time. To exploit fully the IGT’s safe operating area (SOA), this resistor allows time for the device’s minority carriers to recombine. Furthermore, the recombination occurs without any current crowding that could cause hot-spot formation or latch-up pnpn action. For very fast turn-off, you can use a minimal snubber network, which allows the safe use of lower value gate resistors and higher collector currents. VCC R1 R2 R3 C CONTROL INPUT OFF H11AV2 LOAD ON directly from TTL levels, thanks to its 1.2V, 20mA input parameters. Available photovoltaic couplers have an output-current capability of approximately 100µA. Combined with approximately 100kΩ equivalent shunt impedance and the IGT’s input capacitance, this current level yields very long switching times. These transition times (typically ranging to 1 msec) vary with the photovoltaic coupler’s drive current and the IGT’s Miller-effect equivalent capacitance. Figure 3 illustrates a typical photovoltaic-coupler drive along with its transient response. In some applications, the photovoltaic element can charge a storage capacitor that’s subsequently switched with a phototransistor isolator. This isolator technique - similar to that used in bootstrap circuits provides rapid turn-on and turn-off while maintaining small size, good isolation and low cost. In common-collector applications involving high-voltage, reactive-load switching, capacitive currents in the low-level logic circuits can flow through the isolation capacitance of the control element (eg, a pulse transformer, optoisolator, piezoelectric coupler or level-shift transistor). These currents can cause undesirable effects in the logic circuitry, especially in highimpedance, low-signal-level CMOS circuits. + I DIG22 FIGURE 2A. AVOID GROUND-LOOP PROBLEMS BY USING AN OPTOISOLATOR. THE ISOLATOR IGNORES SYSTEM GROUND CURRENTS AND ALSO PROVIDES HIGH COMMON-MODE RANGE. IGT ON OFF - CONTROL INPUT VCC = 300V 43k 1N5061 5.6k 5.6k 5.6k CONTROL INPUT OFF OUTPUT CURRENT 10µF 35V ON INPUT CURRENT H11L1 FIGURE 2B. A SCHMITT-TRIGGER OPTOISOLATOR YIELDS “SNAP-ACTION” TRIGGERING SIMILAR TO THAT OF A RELAY. Pulse-Transformer Drive Is Cheap And Efficient Photovoltaic couplers provide yet another means of driving the IGT. Typically, these devices contain an array of small silicon photovoltaic cells, illuminated by an infrared diode through a transparent dielectric. The photovoltaic coupler provides an isolated, controlled, remote dc supply without the need for oscillators, rectifiers or filters. What’s more, you can drive it ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 0 1 2ms LOAD FIGURE 3. AS ANOTHER OPTICAL-DRIVE OPTION, A PHOTOVOLTAIC COUPLER PROVIDES AN ISOLATED, REMOTE DC SUPPIY TO THE IGT’S INPUT. ITS LOW 100µA OUTPUT, HOWEVER, YIELDS LONG IGT TURN-ON AND TURN-OFF TIMES. The solution? Use fiber-optic components Figure 4 to eliminate the problems completely. As an added feature, this lowcost technique provides physical separation between the power and logic circuitry, thereby eliminating the effects of radiated EMI and high-flux magnetic fields typically found near power-switching circuits. You could use this method with a bootstrap-supply circuit, although the fiber-optic system’s reduced transmission efficiency could require a gain/speed trade-off. The added bipolar signal transistor minimizes the potential for compromise. Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 R1 + CONTROL 1N914 INPUT R2 R3 IGT 2N5354 ON GFOD1A1 Q1 OFF C GFOE1A1 - 10M (30FT) QSF2000C (W/CONNECTORS) EMITTER (DISCONNECTED) DETECTOR (CONNECTED) FIGURE 4. ELIMINATE EMI IN HIGH-FLUX OR NOISE ENVIRONMENTS BY USING FIBER-OPTIC COMPONENTS. THESE PARTS ALSO ALLEVIATE PROBLEMS ARISING FROM CAPACITIVE COUPLING IN ISOLATION ELEMENTS. Piezos Pare Prices ACOUSTIC WAVE OUTPUT VOLTAGE OSCILLATOR FIGURE 5A. YIELDING 4-kV ISOLATION, A PIEZOELECTRIC COUPLER PROVIDES TRANSFORMER-LIKE PERFORMANCE AND AN ISOLATED POWER SUPPLY. 2.5k 18V 1N914 IGT 3.3k 4.7k PZ61343 2.7k 0.001 µF NE555 1k 0.001 µF 1N914 D33D21 FIGURE 5B. THIS CIRCUIT PROVIDES THE DRIVE FOR THIS ARTICLE’S MOTOR-CONTROL CIRCUIT. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 A piezoelectric coupler operationally similar to a pulse-train drive transformer, but potentially less costly in high volume is a small, efficient device with isolation capability ranging to 4kV. What’s more, unlike optocouplers, they require no auxiliary power supply. The piezo element is a ceramic component in which electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy, transmitted as an acoustic wave, and then reconverted to electrical energy at the output terminals Figure 5A. + 1N914 ON CONTROL INPUT OFF 1N914 2N5232 PULSE TRANSFORMER 1k The piezo element’s maximum coupling efficiency occurs at its resonant frequency, so the control oscillator must operate at that frequency. For example, the PZT61343 piezo coupler in Figure 5B’s driver circuit requires a 108kHz, ±1%-accurate astable multivibrator to maximize mechanical oscillations in the ceramic material. This piezo element has a 1W max power handling capability and a 30mA p-p max secondary current rating. The 555 timer shown provides compatible waveforms while the RC network sets the frequency. FIGURE 6A. PROVIDING HIGH ISOLATION AT LOW COST, PULSE TRANSFORMERS ARE IDEAL FOR DRIVING THE IGT. AT SUFFICIENTLY HIGH FREQUENCIES, C1 CAN BE THE IGT’S GATE-EMITTER CAPACITANCE ALONE. + ON OFF 1N914 IGT Isolate With Galvanic Impunity CONTROL INPUT Do you require tried and true isolation? Then use transformers; the IGT’s low gate requirements simplify the design of independent, transformer-coupled gate-drive supplies. The supplies can directly drive the gate and its discharge resistor Figure 6, or they can simply replace the level-shifting supplies of Figure 2. It’s good practice to use pulse transformers in drive circuitry, both for IGT’s and MOSFETs, because these components are economical, rugged and highly reliable. 220V AC 3φ 60Hz IGT C1 C R 1N914 RC = 3µSEC FIGURE 6B. A HIGH-FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR IN THE TRANSFORMER’S PRIMARY YIELDS UNLIMITED ONTIME CAPABILITY. In the pulse-on, pulse-off method Figure 6A, C1 stores a positive pulse, holding the IGT on. At moderate frequencies (several hundred Hertz and above), the gate-emitter capacitance alone can store enough energy to keep the IGT on; lower frequencies require an additional external capacitor. Use of the common-base n-p-n bipolar transistor to discharge the capacitance minimizes circuit loading on the capacitor. This action extends continuous on-time capability without capacitor refreshing; it also controls the gate-discharge time via the 1kΩ emitter resistor. VARIABLE DC VOLTAGE THREE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER SWITCHING REGULATOR TIMING VOLTAGE ENABLE THREE-PHASE IGT INVERTER 3φ INDUCTION MOTOR AND DRIVE ADJUST VOLTAGE I I I ENABLE LOWER LEGS CURRENT SENSE SIGNAL 5V LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY TRANSFORMER FOR CONTROL RECTIFIER CIRCUITS 24V DC FILTER VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILATOR 24V I MOTOR CONTROL LOGIC I SHUT DOWN DRIVE OSCILLATOR OVERLOAD PROTECTION TACHOMETER FEEDBACK SIGNAL PATH ISOLATOR EG: OPTOCOUPLIER PIEZO COUPLER FIGURE 8. THIS 6-STEP 3-PHASE-MOTOR DRIVE USES THE IGT-DRIVE TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THE TEXT. THE REGULATOR ADJUSTS THE OUTPUT DEVICES’ INPUT LEVELS; THE VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR VARIES THE SWITCHING FREQUENCY AND ALSO PROVIDES THE CLOCK FOR THE 3-PHASE TIMING LOGIC. THE V/F RATIO STAYS CONSTANT TO MAINTAIN CONSTANT TORQUE REGARDLESS OF SPEED. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 Piezoelectric Couplers Provide 4-kV Isolation age-doubler circuitry improves the turn-on time and also provides long on-time capability. Although this design uses only a 5V supply on the primary side of a standard trigger transformer, it provides 15V gate-to-emitter voltage. Using a high-frequency oscillator for pulse-train drive Figure 6B yields unlimited on-time capability. However, the scheme requires an oscillator that can be turned on and off by the control logic. A diode or zener clamp across the transformer’s primary will limit leakage-inductance flyback effects. To optimize transformer efficiency, make the pulses’ voltage x time products equal for both the On and the Off pulses. In situations where the line voltage generates the drive power, a simple relaxation oscillator using a programmable unijunction transistor can derive its power directly from the line to provide a pulse train to the IGT gate. 1N914 1:2 0.001 µF OSCILLATOR IGT 4.7k 1N914 0.001µF The circuit shown in Figure 7 accommodates applications involving lower frequencies (a few hundred Hertz and below). The high oscillator frequency (greater than 20kHz) helps keep the pulse transformer reasonably small. The volt- FIGURE 7. THIS DRIVING METHOD FOR LOW-FREQUENCY SWITCHING PROVIDES 15V TO THE IGT’S GATE D7 L1 D1 C1 R Q1 D3 R Q3 D5 R Q5 325V 10A INDUCTION MOTOR D2 R Q2 D4 R Q4 Q6 R D6 NOTES: Q1 - Q6 = D94FR4 D1 - D7 = 1N3913 D8 - D13 = 1N914 220V R = 4.7k, 1/2W C1 = 100µF, 400V L1 = 40µH FIGURE 9A. THE POWER INVERTER’S DRIVE CIRCUIT USES SIX IGTS TO DRIVE A 2-HP MOTOR. 180o φA 0 Q1 ON VAB 0 15o DELAY t Q2ON φB Q3ON 0 Q4ON t VBC 0 t VCA t t φC 0 0 Q5ON Q6ON t ILA 0 t ILA 0 t ILB 0 ILB 0 t t ILC ILC 0 0 FIGURE 9B. THE TIMING DIAGRAM SHOWS THAT EACH IGT CONDUCTS FOR 165o× OF EVERY 360o CYCLE; THE DELAY IS NECESSARY TO AVOID CROSS CONDUCTION. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation t t FIGURE 9C. THE THREE WINDINGS’ VOLTAGES AND CURRENTS ARE SHOWN. NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH COSTLY SNUBBER NETWORKS ARE ELIMINATED, FREEWHEELING DIODES ARE NEEDED; THE IGTS HAVE NO INTRINSIC OUTPUT DIODE. Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 Polyphase motors, controlled by solid-state, adjustable-frequency ac drives, are used extensively in pumps, conveyors, mills, machine tools and robotics applications. The specific control method could be either 6-step or pulse-width modulation. This section describes a 6-step drive that uses some of the previously discussed drive techniques (see page 11, “Latch-Up: Hints, Kinks and Caveats”). (simultaneous conduction) conditions. If a fault continues to exist for an appreciable period, inhibiting the switching regulator causes the inverter to shut off. The inverter’s power-output circuit is shown in Figure 9A; the corresponding timing diagrams show resistive-load current waveforms that indicate the 3-phase power Figure 9B and waveforms of the output line voltage and current Figure 9C. Figure 8 defines the drive’s block diagram. A 3-phase rectifier converts the 220V ac to dc; the switching regulator varies the output voltage to the IGT inverter. At the regulator’s output, a large filter capacitor provides a stiff voltage supply to the inverter. In Figure 9’s circuit, it appears that IGTs Q1 through Q6 will conduct for 180o. However, in a practical situation, it’s necessary to provide some time delay (typically 10o to 15o×) during the positive-to-negative transition periods in the phase current. This delay allows the complementary IGTs to turn off before their opposite members turn on, thus preventing cross conduction and eventual destruction of the IGTs. The motor used in this example has a low slip characteristic and is therefore very efficient. You can change the motor’s speed by varying the inverter’s frequency. As the frequency increases, however, the motor’s air-gap flux diminishes, reducing developed-torque capability. You can maintain the flux at a constant level (as in a dc shunt motor) if you also vary the voltage so the V/F ratio remains constant. Because of the time delay, the maximum conduction time is 165o of every 360o period. Because the IGTs don’t have an integral diode, it’s necessary to connect an antiparallel diode externally to allow the freewheeling current to flow. Inductor L1 limits the di/dt during fault conditions; freewheeling diode D7 clamps the IGT’s collector supply to the dc bus. Fiber-Optic Drive Eliminates Interference The peak full-load line current specified by the motor manufacturer determines the maximum steady-state current that each transistor must switch. You must convert this RMSspecified current to peak values to specify the proper IGT. If the input voltage regulator had a fixed output voltage and a constant frequency, each IGT would be required to supply the starting locked-rotor current to the motor. This current could be as much as 15 times the full-load running current. In the example given, the switching regulator varies the IGT inverter’s output by controlling its dc input; the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) adjusts the inverter’s switching frequency, thereby varying the output frequency. The VCO also drives the 3-phase logic that provides properly timed pulsed outputs to the piezo couplers that directly drive the IGT. Sensing the dc current in the negative rail and inhibiting the gate signal protect the IGT from overload and shoot-through D7 L1 D11 C1 + Q1 D12 D1 R D13 Q3 Q5 D3 D5 R R TO LOAD 0 TO 325V 10A D8 Q2 R D2 D9 Q4 D10 D4 R R Q6 D6 SWITCHES ON” (1, 4, 5), (1, 3, 6), (2, 3, 6), (2, 3, 5), (2, 4, 5) FIGURE 10A. COMPONENT SELECTION IS IMPORTANT. THE IGT SELECTED CIRCUIT HANDLES 10A, 500V AT 150oC. THE ANTIPARALLEL DIODES HAVE A SIMILAR CURRENT RATING. 10 tD(OFF) tF1 0.1IC 0 0.9IC 1 tF2 0.1 100 tF1 IC tD(OFF) 1k tF2 10k RGE FIGURE 10B. SELECT R TO YIELD THE DESIRED TURN-OFF TIME. FINALLY, L1’S VALUE DETERMINES THE FAULT-CONDITION ACTION TIME. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 It’s impractical, however, to rate an inverter based on lockedrotor current. You can avoid this necessity by adjusting the switching regulator’s output voltage and by providing a fixed output-current limit slightly higher than the maximum fullload current. This way, the current requirements during startup will never exceed the current capability of an efficiently sized inverter. RMS. For the peak current of 8.766A, you can select IGT type D94FR4. This device has a reverse-breakdown SOA (RBSOA) of 10A, 500V for a clamped inductive load at a junction temperature of 150oC. A 400V IGT could also do the job, but the 500V choice gives an additional derating safety margin. You must set the current limit at 9A to limit the inrush current during start-up. Note that thanks to the IGT’s adequate RBSOA, you don’t need turn-off snubbers. For example, consider a 2-hp, 3-phase induction motor specifying VL at 230V RMS and full-load current (ILFL) at 6.2A 24V 5V 2.5k DC BUS PIEZOCOUPLER 470 Q1 1N914 E D D94FR4 3.3k 1N914 74 1k 1k C 8 3 NE555 2.7k 6 2 1 24V 5 PZT61343 Q8 0.001µF 1N914 4.7k Q8 2N3903 1000pF 4.7k 1N914 2N3903 φA 470 5V D33030 3 Q3 470 B VCO & TIMING LOGIC A 4.7k Q7 22µF 470 2N3903 1N914 D94FR4 10 2N3903 D29E10 C1 10 Q4 Q2 F 4.7k Q5 1N914 FIGURE 11A. PROVIDING PROPERLY TIMED DRIVE TO THE IGTS, THE CIRCUIT USES PIEZO COUPLING TO THE UPPER POWER DEVICE. THE 3-TRANSISTOR DELAY CIRCUIT PROVIDES THE NEEDED 15o LAG TO THE LOWER IGT TO AVOID CROSS CONDUCTION. VOLTS 24V F 24V E TIME 24V TIME D 5V TIME C 100kHz 5V B TIME 5V A TIME FIGURE 11B. THE TIMING DIAGRAM SHOWS THE 555’S 108-KHz DRIVE TO THE PIEZO DEVICE AND THE LATTER’S SLOW RESPONSE. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 Use 6-Step Drive For Speed-Invariant Torque Figure 10A shows the inverter circuit configured for this example. Diodes D1 through D6 carry the same peak current as the IGTs; consequently, they’re rated to handle peak currents of at least 8.766A. However, they only conduct for a short time (15o to 20o of 180o), so their average-current requirement is relatively small. External circuitry can control the IGT’s current fall time. Resistor R controls tF1 Figure 10B; there's no way to control tF2, an inherent characteristic of the selected IGT. In this example, a 4.7-kΩ gate-to-emitter resistor provides the appropriate fall time. The choice of current-limiting inductor L1 is based on the IGT’s overload-current rating and the action time (the sum of the sensor’s sensing and response time and the IGT’s turn-off time) in fault conditions. You could use a set of flip flops and a multivibrator to generate the necessary drive pulses and the corresponding 120o× delay between the three phases in Figure 10’s circuit. A voltage-controlled oscillator serves to change the inverter’s output frequency. In this circuit, IGTs Q1, Q3 and Q5 require isolated gate drive; the drive for Q2, Q4 and Q6 can be referred to common. If you use optocouplers for isolation, you’ll need three isolated or bootstrap power supplies (in addition to the 5V and 24V power supplies) to drive the IGTs. Another alternative is to use transformer coupling. FIGURE 12A. THE PIEZO COUPLER’S SLOW RESPONSE IS NOT A DISADVANTAGE IN THIS ARTICLE’S CIRCUIT. IN FACT, IT CONTRIBUTES 2o TO THE REQUIRED 15o TURN-ON/TURN-OFF DELAY. TRACE VERTICAL HORIZONTAL A 5V/DIV 200µSEC/DIV B 5V/DIV 200µSEC/DIV 165o Conduction Prevents Shoot-Through Consider, however, using Figure 11A’s novel, low-cost circuit. It uses a piezo coupler to drive the isolated IGT. As noted, the coupler needs a high-frequency square wave to induce mechanical oscillations in its primary side. The 555 oscillator provides the necessary 108-kHz waveform; its output is gated according to the required timing logic and then applied to the piezo coupler’s primary. The coupler’s rectified output drives the IGT’s gate; the 4.7kW gate-to-emitter resistor provides a discharge path for CGE during the IGT’s turnoff. The circuit’s logic-timing diagram is shown in Figure 11B. The piezo coupler’s slow response time Figure 12A contributes approximately 2o to the 15o to 20o turn-on/turn-off delay needed to avoid shoot-through in the complementary pairs. The corresponding collector current is shown in Figure 12B. C1 and its associated circuitry provide the remaining delay as follows: FIGURE 12B. THE DRIVEN IGT'S COLLECTOR CURRENT IS SHOWN TRACE VERTICAL HORIZONTAL A 3A/DIV 200µSEC/DIV B 5V/DIV 200µSEC/DIV When Q3’s base swings negative, C1 - at this time discharged turns on Q5. Once C1 is charged, Q5 turns off, allowing a drive pulse to turn the IGT on. When Q7’s base goes to ground, Q4 turns on and discharges C1, initiating the IGT’s turn-off. Figure 13 shows the motor current and corresponding line voltage under light-load Figure 12A and full-load Figure 12B conditions. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 . FIGURE 13A. MOTOR CURRENT AND VOLTAGE ARE SHOWN HERE, FOR LIGHT LOADS TRACE VERTICAL HORIZONTAL A 1A/DIV 1mSEC/DIV B 50V/DIV FIGURE 13B. MOTOR CURRENT AND VOLTAGE ARE SHOWN HERE, FOR HEAVY LOADS. TRACE 1mSEC/DIV VERTICAL HORIZONTAL A 3A/DIV 2mSEC/DIV B 100V/DIV 2mSEC/DIV To complete the design of the 6-step motor drive, it’s necessary to consider protection circuitry for the output IGTs. The drive receives its power from a switching supply already containing provisions for protection from line over-voltage and under-voltage and transient effects. However, you still have to guard the power switches against unwanted effects on the output lines and the possibility of noise or other extraneous signals causing gate-drive timing errors. The best protection circuit must match the characteristics of the power switch and the circuit’s bias conditions. The IGT is very rugged during turn-on and conduction, but it requires time to dissipate minority carriers when turning off high currents and voltages. An analysis of the possible malfunction condition 50 TO 320V DC AC LINE INPUT RECTIFIER AND FILTER SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY 24V DC CONTROL AND TIMING 5V DC dI/dt LIMIT UPPER 3 ISOLATION LOWER 3 IGT SWITCHES HV ADJUST ISOLATION HV DISABLE RECYCLE TIME ISOLATION GATE DRIVE COMPARATOR AND LATCH TURNOFF I LIMIT MOTOR ISOLATION CHOPPER AC AV = 100 10A 20A FIGURE 14. THE LOWEST COST SENSOR IMAGINABLE, A PIECE OF COPPER WIRE SERVES AS THE CURRENT MONITOR IN THIS SYSTEM. THE CHOPPED AND AMPLIFIED VOLTAGE DROP ACROSS THE WIRE TRIGGERS A GATE-DRIVE SHUT-OFF CIRCUIT UNDER FAULT CONDITIONS. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 A139M 50 TO 320V DC 50µH 24V 3.9k 3.3k 750k TO DRIVE 2N5355 47k 180k 2.7k 470pF 39k 0.001 µF 0.01µF 2N5232 5µF 25V 10A 2k 150 5µF 20V 15V TO MOTOR 2N5306 20A 2k 390 C203B 470 pF 220k 22 1k 0.02 µF 10k 2.2k DT230F 22k 2 0.2µF 39 1 0.001 µF H11F3 TO CONTROL CIRCUIT H11AV2 TO PZO SHUTDOWN H11AV2 TO HI-V SHUTDOWN H11F3 2mΩ (1” #24 AWG COPPER) POWER SUPPLY CURRENT SENSE AND CHOPPER AC AMPLIFIER LATCHING FAST COMPARATOR 10ms RESET IGT POWER SWITCHES FIGURE 15A. THIS ALL-ENCOMPASSING PROTECTION SYSTEM PROVIDES THREE INDEPENDENT SHUTDOWN FUNCTONS ONE EACH FOR THE UPPER AND LOWER IGTS AND THE HIGH-VOLTAGE SUPPLY. CHOPPER DRIVE 5V TO PIEZO DRIVERS 47k 150 150 DT230F (3) TIMER 555 1 3 HIGH-VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN 0.002 µF 5.1k 5.1k 2N5232 H11F3 2.2k 16 15 H11F3 0.005 µF 0.005µF TO CONTROL 5V 2N5232 150 H11AV2 24V 180 180 10µF 10V 0.002 µF 100 SG3524 10 1M 8 ALL OPTOCOUPLERS GO TO PROTECTION CIRCUIT FIGURE 15B. THIS CIRCUIT PROVIDES CHOPPER DRIVE FOR THE COPPER-WIRE SENSOR IN FIGURE 15A. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FIGURE 15C. SHOWS THE HIGH-VOLTAGE SHUTDOWN CIRCUIT. Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 Latch-Up: Hints, Kinks and Caveats Forward-Bias Latch-Up The IGT is a rugged device, requiring no snubber network when operating within its published safe-operating-area (SOA) ratings. Within the SOA, the gate emitter voltage controls the collector current. In fact, the IGT can conduct three to four times the published maximum current if it’s in the ON state and the junction temperature is +150oC maximum. Within the IGT’s current and junction-temperature ratings, current does not flow through Q2 under forward-biased conditions. When the current far exceeds its rated value, the current flow through R1 increases and Q3’s VCE also increases because of MOSFET channel saturation. Once Q3’s ICR1 drop exceeds Q2’s VBE(ON), Q2 turns on and more current flow bypasses the FET. However, if the current exceeds the rated maximum, the IGT could lose gate control and latch up during turn-off attempts. The culprit is the parasitic SCR formed by the pnpn structure shown in Figure 16. In the equivalent circuit, Q1 is a power MOSFET with a normal parasitic transistor (Q2) whose baseemitter junction is shunted by the low-value resistance R1. EMITTER METAL N+ N+ N EPITAXIAL LAYER MAIN CURRENT PATH P POLYSILICON GATE P MINORITY CARRIER INJECTION P+ SUBSTRATE METAL COLLECTOR COLLECTOR Q3 GATE Q1 Q2 R1 EMITTER FIGURE 16. THE IGT’S PARASITIC SCR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEVICE’S LATCH-UP CHARACTERISTICS. For large current overloads, the current flowing through R1 can provoke SCR triggering. In the simplest terms, R1 represents the equivalent of a distributed resistor network, whose magnitude is a function of Q2’s VCE. During normal IGT operation, a positive gate voltage (greater than the threshold) applied between Q1’s gate and source turns the FET on. The FET then turns on Q3 (a pnp transistor with very low gain), causing a small portion of the total collector current to flow through the R1 network. To turn the IGT off, you must reduce the gate-to-emitter voltage to zero. This turns Q1 off, thus initiating the turn-off sequence within the device. Total fall time includes currentfall-time one (tF1) and current-fall-time two (tF2) components. The turn-off is a function of the gate-emitter resistance, Q3’s storage time and the value of VGE prior to turn-off. Device characteristics fix both the delay time and the fall time. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation The positive feedback thus established causes the device to latch in the forward-biased mode. The value of IC at which the IGT latches on while in forward conduction is typically three to four times the device’s maximum rated collector current. When the collector current drops below the value that provokes Q2 turn-on, normal operation resumes if chip temperature is still within ratings. If the gate-to-emitter resistance is too low, the Q2-Q3 parasitic SCR can cause the IGT to latch up during turn-off. During this period, RGE determines the drain-source dV/dt of power MOSFET Q1. A low R1 causes a rapid rise in voltage this increases Q2’s VCE, increasing both R1’s value and Q2’s gain. Because of storage time, Q3’s collector current continues to flow at a level that’s higher than normal for the FET bias. During rapid turn-off, a portion of this current could flow in Q2’s base-emitter junction, causing Q2 to conduct. This process results in device latch-up; current distribution will probably be less uniform than in the case of forward-bias latch-up. Because the gains of Q2 and Q3 increase with temperature and VCE, latching current - high at +25oC - decreases as a function of increasing junction temperature for a given gateto-emitter resistance. How do you test an IGT’s turn-off latching characteristic? Consider the circuit in Figure 17. Q1’s base-current pulse width is set approximately 2µsec greater than the IGT’s gatevoltage pulse width. This way, the device under test (DUT) can be switched through Q1 when reverse-bias latch-up occurs. This circuit allows you to test an IGT’s latching current nondestructively. The results? Clamped-inductive-load testing with and without snubbers reveals that snubbering increases current handling dramatically: With RGE = 1kΩ, a 0.02µF snubber capacitor increases current capability from 6A to 10A; with RGE = 5kΩ, a 0.09µF snubber practically doubles capacity (25A vs 13A). Conclusions? You can double the IGT’s latching current by increasing RGE from 1kΩ to 5kΩ, and double it again with a polarized snubber using CS < 0.1µF. The IGT is therefore useful in situations where the device must conduct currents of five to six times normal levels for short periods. Finally, you can also use the latching behavior to your advantage under fault conditions. In other words, if the device latches up during turn-off under normal operation, you could arrange it so that a suitable snubber is switched electronically across the IGT. Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 Application Note 7511 L = 100µH A139P 5V 1N914 PE-63385 D66EV7 Q1 10V 2k 10µF A114A 15V A114A PULSE GENERATOR 100 TRIGGER 1000pF PULSE GENERATOR A114A Q1 = D66EV7 Q2 = DUT D94FQ4 1k D44D6 100 50 A139M DS0026x2 10 Q2 D38H1 RGE 1-10k VCC VCE 10 VCLAMP (400V MAX) 0.02µF FIGURE 17. USE THIS LATCHING-CURRENT TESTER TO TEST IGTS NONDESTRUCTIVELY. Q1’S BASE-DRIVE PULSE WIDTH IS GREATER THAN THAT OF THE IGT’S GATE DRIVE, SO THE IGT UNDER TEST IS SWITCHED THROUGH Q1 WHEN REVERSE-BIAS LATCH-UP OCCURS. ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Application Note 7511 Rev. A1 TRADEMARKS The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. 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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 15 Producer : iText® 5.3.1 ©2000-2012 1T3XT BVBA (AGPL-version) Title : AN-7511 Insulated-Gate Transistors Simplify AC-Motor Speed Control Subject : Modify Date : 2017:10:27 21:30:39-05:00 Author : On Semiconductor Create Date : 2017:10:27 21:30:39-05:00EXIF Metadata provided by